ſaeș - ******; *** , ,~vae ^.*** • , , , ¿ ~~~, , , ,|- º „ … № - .*.*.* * . . . . . . . º. f # º * *: º ·. «~· : •·&& !! !! !! %±·:ſ-ſºſ· § - - ***• •* … *-■ ■: : sº--, -, * ? ***· ·,≤)º º· · · · · · ·.º. , ....“ "| *'| ** . .• … ► -№,\!:ſºdyº, …•|-* * * * * · ·*** ******...* * · * * *s*?*** · · · · · -··!...º aer ... r. º: !-$ 25. ******* № ſºar&º.§§- --~~~ ROLL OF OFFICERS OF THE CORPS OF R() YAL EN (; IN E E R S. FROM 1660 TO 1898. COMPILED FROM THE MIS. ROLLS OF THE LATE CAPTAIN T. W. J. CONOLLY. R.E. AND BROUGHT UP TO DATE IN THE OFFICE OF THE R.E. INSTITUTE, CHATHAM. EDITED BY CAPTAIN R. F. EDWARDS, R.E. SECRETARY, R.E. INSTITUTE. A LL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHATHAM : PRINTED BY W. & J. MACRAY & CO., LIMITED, AND PUBLISHED BY THE ROYAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTE. 1898. P F. E. F. A C E . THE Roll of the Corps of Royal Engineers has been chiefly compiled from a MS. List made out by the late Captain Conolly, R.E., and kept up to date by the R.E. Institute from 1857, up to which year Captain Conolly's roll extends. One of the chief difficulties in compiling such a roll consists of determining at what date it should commence. To quote from the late General Porter's History of the Corps of Royal Engineers –“In the armies of old every man was more or less an Engineer. He constructed his own roads and bridges, he fortified his own camp, and, further, he catapults, battering rams, and the prepared and worked his offensive engines of war like. All this he did in addition to the actual fighting which in later times was looked upon as the sole legitimate function of the infantry or cavalry soldier.” Under these circumstances, the date chosen for the commencement of the Roll has been fixed on as the year 1660, in which year King Charles II., on his restoration to the throne, ordered a small fixed establishment of Engineer officers to be maintained; the number at first only amounted to three, which was found wholly inadequate to the wants of the service, and was therefore supplemented by taking additional Engineers into pay for special duties. The names in this Roll consist only of such officers as were actually placed on the Establishment, and consequently a large number of officers who served in many campaigns as Engineers has not been included. Many of these are, however, shown in Appendix I. The small establishment of three Engineer officers was gradually increased by successive warrants until the year 1716, when the Artillery were made into a separate establishment of two companies, and a regular Corps of Engineers was formed with an establishment of 28 officers; but the old establishment remained still in existence, and were gradually absorbed, the process taking many years to accomplish. Engineer officers at this time had no military rank as officers of the Corps, but most of them held commissions in other regiments. In 1757 the officers of the Corps received military rank. No Warrant can be traced giving effect to this decision, each officer receiving a commission, signed by the King, giving him army rank. These commissions were all dated 14th May, 1757. The Corps has practically remained on the same basis ever since, with occasional changes of establishment. The lists of officers of the Indian Engineers have presented more difficulty than those on the Imperial establishment. The records in the India Office have not been compiled in such a way as to enable an officer's services to be found out without much searching of old MS. volumes. As this would have entailed delaying the publication of the Roll for several months, it was thought more advisable to proceed with such information as could be obtained from other sources. A good deal of information has been extracted from such books as the East India Register, Thorne's Narrative of the War in India, 1803–6, and others; but in the case of the Bengal and Bombay Engineers, a large amount of the war services that the older officers of these Corps must have gone through is doubtless omitted. The records of the services of officers of the Madras Engineers are probably complete, thanks to the excellent History of that Corps written by Colonel H. M. Vibart, R.E.. I may here take the opportunity of expressing my thanks to Colonel Vibart, not only for the information I have been able to obtain from that work and from his book Addiscombe. Its Heroes and Men of Note, but also for much other unpublished information he has kindly given to me. The first appointment of an Indian Engineer officer appears to have been in the year 1748, when three companies of artillery were raised for service in India, the command of all the three companies being vested in an officer with the title of First Captain and Chief Engineer. Captain Alexander Delavaux (No. 1 on the Madras Iist) was probably the first to hold this appointment, followed by Benjamin Robins, who was succeeded in 1753 by Lieut.-Colonel C. F. Scott, who had previously been employed in engineering duties in Flanders during the French War. The Madras Engineers date from January, 1759, when a small permanent Corps of four officers (1 Captain, I Captain-Lieutenant, 1 Lieutenant and 1 Ensign) was established. The Bengal Corps, according to Broom's Rise of the Bengal Army, dates from 1761, when the establishment consisted of only three officers. I have not been able to fix any date as the exact commencement of the Bombay branch, but it may be taken to have started as a separate Corps in 1768, in which year it was separated from the Artillery. King William III.'s Company of Engineers was raised in 1696. Nothing is known of the duties of this body; it appears to have been under the direct control of the King, without the intervention of the Board of Ordnance, although some of the officers were on the establishment at the time. The Company was disbanded on the 25th March, 1700. A small number of Engineer officers were kept on the Irish establishment until the Union in 1801, when they were all retired on full pay, with the exception of Captain G. Armit, who was placed on the Imperial List. On the formation of the King's German Legion in 1804, the Engineers of the force were attached for duty to the Royal Engineers. They were examined as to their professional acquirements by Professors of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, and, on being reported in all respects competent, were confirmed in their several ranks. iv. IPREFACE. These officers were lentirely under the orders of the Commanding Royal Engineer at the stations to which they were sent. Pay (Regimental and extra), and also Field and other allowances, they received at the same rates as the British Engineers. After serving for a while at the Dover fortifications, etc., their first active service was at Copenhagen in 1807. Subsequently some of them served through the Peninsula War, and a few in Canada, Italy, and wherever the fortune of war took them, equally and in common with officers of the Royal Engineers. The German Legion Engineers were disbanded under the Horse Guards order of 16th December, 1815, but provision was made for each officer to continue on full pay to the 24th of the month after his arrival in Hanover, with a further gratuity of two months’ full pay, and then to be placed on half-pay. All were placed on half-pay on the 24th February, 1816, de Gangreben and Luttermann being exceptionally disposed of, the former not having left Canada till March, 1816, and the latter being on service at Genoa to the 31st July, 1816. The Corps of French Emigrant Engineers was founded on the authority of an Act of Parliament dated 9th May, 1794, and the order for its formation was conveyed in the King's Warrant of 1st April, 1795. It was to consist of 19 officers, none of whom were to receive commissions in the Corps unless they had been in the service of his late “Most Christian Majesty Louis XVI.” prior to the revolution. When organized the Corps was at once attached to the Expedition against Quiberon in 1795, and most of those who are marked * in the List were either killed on the Expedition or executed on the re-capture of the place by the French Republicans. On the 23rd August, 1797, two Captain-Lieutenants were reduced, and the whole Corps was disbanded on the 23rd July, 1802, under an order from the Board of Ordnance. A few of the officers were, however, kept on British pay, and one of them, Lieut.-Colonel Preval, served several after campaigns with the British Engineers. The next list is that of the officers of the Royal Sappers and Miners. This Corps first started as the “Soldier-Artificer Company,” which was formed at Gibraltar by Warrant dated 6th March, 1772, and was commanded by officers of the Corps of Engineers, the first commanding officer being Lieut.-Colonel W. Green. served throughout the Siege of Gibraltar, and was afterwards augmented. Its designation was changed by Royal Warrant dated 10th October, 1787, to that of “Corps of Royal Military Artificers,” the officers being still supplied from the Corps of Royal Engineers This Company until the year 1806, when the rank of Sub-Lieutenant was created by the Warrant of 1st September, the higher ranks being still filled by R.E. officers. The title was again changed on the 4th August, 1812, to “Royal Military Artificers or Sappers and Miners,” and on the 5th March, 1813, to “Royal Sappers and Miners.” On the reduction of the army, consequent on the peace after Waterloo, the establishment of the R. S. and M. was considerably decreased, and the rank of Sub-Lieutenant was abolished by the Warrant of the 4th February, 1817. After this the Corps was again entirely officered by the Royal Engineers. The list of Quartermasters of the Royal Engineers includes only those officers who obtained their commissions from the ranks. On the formation of the Corps of Royal Military Artificers, afterwards the Royal Sappers and Miners, the duties of Quarter- master were carried out by the Captain or other officer of each company till the 1st January, 1789, when Lieutenant G. W. Phipps (No. 211 in the Roll) was given the appointment, which he held until the 31st December, 1806. He was succeeded by Captain J. T. Jones, who held the appointment of “Adjutant and Quartermaster,” as did his successor, Captain G. Buchanan. He was followed by another R.E, officer, Captain Rice Jones, up to the 20th December, 1814, when his title was changed to that of Brigade Major. The first officer appointed for the duties of Quartermaster only was J. Galloway on the 1st February, 1814. The remaining officers are shown in List No. 12. The Coast Battalion, Royal Engineers, commenced its existence on the 13th June, 1885, when four officers were commissioned to it as Lieutenants. Quartermaster and Hon. Captain A. Andrews was appointed to it with the rank of Major on the 1st April, 1886. The Editor is aware that some inaccuracies and omissions are very likely to occur in the first edition of a work of this description, though he has made every endeavour to render these lists as correct and complete as possible. He hopes that officers of the Corps will kindly communicate with him in cases where they are able to point out such errors, so that, in the event of a second edition being issued at some future date it may be as good a record as can be obtained. CHATHAM, 21st December, 1898. R. F. EDWARDS, CAPTAIN, R.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. LIST NO. 1.—OFFICERS OF ENGINEERS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT FROM 1660 TO 1716 tº - - * * * * * * • * * • * * • * * e - - 1 LIST NO. 2.--OFFICERS OF ENGINEERS ON THE NEW ESTABLISHMENT FROM 1716 to 1757 to e - - a dº - - - - - - * - - s e - 3 LIST NO. 3.−OFFICERS OF ENGINEERS FROM 1757 UP TO DATE ... - - - * * * * * * * • * g. * * * - - - * - - • & 4 6 LIST No. 4.—OFFICERS OF BENGAL ENGINEERS 83 LIST NO. 5.-OFFICERS OF MADRAS ENGINEERS 95 LIST NO. 6.—-OFFICERS OF BOMBAY ENGINEERS 103 LIST No. 7.-OFFICERS OF KING WILLIAM III.'s COMPANY OF ENGINEERS ... * - - * * * - e. g. - e. e. • * * * - - • * * 110 LIST NO. S.–-OFFICERS OF IRISH ENGINEERS - 1 12 LIST No. 9.—ENGINEER OFFICERS OF THE KING's GERMAN LEGION 114 LIST No. 10.-OFFICERS OF THE CORPS OF FRENCH EMIGRANT ENGINEERS 114 LIST No. 11. —OFFICERs (SUB-LIEUTENANTs) OF THE ROYAL SAPPERS AND MINERs | | 5 LIST No. 12.-QUARTERMASTERS OF THE ROYAL ENGINEERS 116 LIST No. 13.−OFFICERS OF THE COAST BATTALION, ROYAL ENGINEERS 117 APPENDIX I.–SOME OF THE OFFICERS NOT ON THE ESTABLISHMENT EMPLOYED AS ENGINEER OFFICERS BETWEEN THE YEARS 1660 AND 1757 ... tº its - 118 APPENDIX II.-OFFICERS GRANTED COMMISSIONS AS ENSIGNS IN THE ARMY WITH A VIEW TO THEIR BEING APPOINTED TO THE INDIAN ENGINEERs, BUT WHO DIED OR LEFT THE SERVICE PRIOR TO JOINING THOSE CORPS | 20 I 21 INDEX . . . * ~ * * * * TABLE OF ABBREWIATIONS K.G.—Knight of the Order of the Garter. G.C.B.-Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. K.C.B.-Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. C.B.-Companion of the Order of the Bath. K.B.-Knight of the Order of the Bath. G.C.S.I.-Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India. K.C.S.I.-Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India. C.S.I.-Companion of the Order of the Star of India. G.C.M.G. —Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. K.C.M.G.-Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. C.M.G.-Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. G.C.I.E.-Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. K.C.I.E.-Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire. C.I.E. —Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire. D.S.O.-Companion of the Distinguished Service Order. àB. (L. —Victoria Cross. K.C.H.-Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. K.H.-Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. K.C.—Knight of the Crescent. Kt.—Knight Bachelor. ABBREWIATIONS EMPLOYEI) IN THE INDEX. B.—Officer of the Bengal Engineers. Bo.—Officer of the Bombay Engineers. C.B. Officer of the Coast Battalion, Royal Engineers. Fr.—Officer of the Corps of French Emigrant Engineers. Ger.—Engineer Officer of the King's German Legion. Ir.—Officer of the Irish Engineers. K.—Officer of King William III.'s Company of Engineers. M.—Officer of the Madras Engineers. Q.M.–Quartermasters of the Corps of Royal Engineers, R.S.M.–Officer of the Royal Sappers and Miners. Ap. I.-Appendix I. Ap. II.-Appendix II DEATH :— ALTERATIONS ANI) ADDITIONS WHILE PRINTING. (UP To 31st DECEMBER, 1898). (No. 871) Colonel H. W. H. D. Dumaresq. Died at Bideford, 19. 12, 1898. APPOINTMENT:— (No. 2341) PROMOTIONS:— (No. (No. (No. (No. (No. (No. (No. RETIREMENTS : (No. (No. (No. (No. 1304) 1310) 1316) 1349) 1568) 2248) 2249) 1093) 1144) 1160) 1241) Gent. Cadet Sidney Temple Cargill to be Second Lieutenant, 15. 12, 1898. Lieut.-Col. J. C. Barker to be Brevet Colonel, 10. 12. 1898, Lieut.-Col. J. Cameron to be Brevet Colonel, 17. 12. 1898. Lieut.-Col. W. Peacocke, C.M.G., to be Colonel, 1. 9. 1898. Colonel Sir H. C. Chermside, K.C.M.G., C.B., to be Major-General, 23. 11. 1898. Major H. M. Lawson to be Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, 17. 12. 1898. - 2nd Lieut. H. de L. Pollard-Lowsley to be Lieutenant, 21. 12, 1898. 2nd Lieut. C. E. S. Neill to be Lieutenant, 21. 12, 1898. Colonel A. de W. Brooke, dated 10. 11. 1898. Colonel W. H. Rathborne, dated 21. 12. 1898. Colonel Sir W. S. S. Bisset, K.C.I.E., dated 12. 11. 1898. Colonel J. du T. Bogle, dated 14. 12. 1898. DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER :– (No. 2104) Lieut. G. C. M. Hall to be Companion, 17. 12, 1898. List of Officers of Engineers on the Establishment from LIST NO. 1. 1660 to the Warrant of 26th May, 1716. 1660–98. Sub- g * 3rd 2nd Chief e •vri No. Name. Engineer. Engineer. Engineer. Engineer. Engineer. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. 1 | Llo yd, Charles, Kt. ......... - - - -- — 9 1660 - --- Royalist side in Civil War Died before April, 1661. 2 | Delamain, Robert ........... - — 8 1660 --~~~~ -- --- * -ms - --- No further trace. 3 | Loup, Thomas ............... --- — 10 1660 --- --- --- - --- - * Died in London, June Qr , 1685. 4 de Gomme, Bernard, Kt. ... ------- - **s-s -º-º-º-º: 1 4 1661 * - Royalist side in Civil War Died at Tower of London, 23 11 1685. 5 || Beckman, Martin, Kt. ...... - --- 19 10 1670 || 7 2 1682 23 12 1685 | Capt. (R. Reg. of Fusiliers) 11 6 1685; Colonel (Train) | Tangiers, 1661-2; Holland, 1673; Ireland, 1691; Sea Died in London, 24 6 1702. 1 5 1692. - Expeditions 1692-93-94-95-96. g 6 | de la Faboulière, Daniel F aVI'68. Ul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 6 9 1664 --- - --- -- - - **** Ceased employment, 30 9 1669. No further trace. 7 | Carr, Richard....... * * * e is sº tº tº ºp tº --- 16 11 1664 - --- --- - *----- - - No trace after August, 1667. 8 || Bray, Edmund ......... ..... -- 6 4 1669 --- --- --- --- -- - --- 9 || Long, Walter.................. - (3 4 1669 --- - ----- --- ------ - --- 10 de Storffe, Paul Auguste ... - 24 II 1671 - - --- - --- --- ----- Discharged with gratuity, 30 6 1678. 11 Archer, James ............... --- 20 12 1671 * *º-sº sº- -- - - --- Flanders, 1673 Died about 1690. 12 | Culpepper, Thomas ... ...... -- 12 9 1675 * *** --- - --- -- * Discharged, 29 7 1685. 13 Archer, Francis * * * * * * * * * * * g e º e - — 9 1676 --- --- ** Major... - ------ No trace after 1677. 14 Wharton, Richard...... tº tº º ** 18 3 1678 ----- * --- - --- - - Dismissed by an order in Council, 30 9 1693. 15 || Winde, William... ... ... ... ... --- 25 9 1679 --- --- - Lieut. (Earl of Oxford's Horse) 10 2 1685 ... - --- No trace after 1715. 16 Phillips, Thomas ............ --- 14 1 1681 || 1 10 1683 || 23 12 1685 --- Capt. (R. Reg. of Fusiliers) 10 12 1687 Sea Expedition of 1693 ... Died in Guernsey Roads, 22 11 1693. 7 | Lloyd, Charles ............ .. - 2 4 1683 * --- --- Ens. (Col. Russell's Foot Guards) 20 7 1667; Capt. - --- Died, March Qr., 1686. (1st Foot Guards) 4 11 1682. 18 Feife, Frederick...... ......... -- 5 7 1683 - --- - - --- - -- No trace after 1688. 19 | Dury, Theodore... ........... - 1 10 1684 * - - Capt. (Mackay’s Ft.) 1 3 1689 ... Sea Expedition of 1692; Italy, 1694 .. Died, 17 5 1742. 20 | Richards, Jacob ..... * * * * * * * * * * - 29 7 1685 || 6 6 1686 * -- Lt.-Col. (Train) 1 4 1692; Col. (Train) 29 6 1695 ... irº, º ão Flanders, 1692-94; Sea Expeditions of Died, June Qr., 1701. {} &ll * 21 Edwards, Talbot ............ --- 6 6 1686 - 17 2 1710 &--~~~ Ens. (Lillingston's Reg.) 30 10 1693 ... Sea Expedition of 1693; Gibraltar, 1705 Died at the Tower, 22 4 1719. 22 || Glover, Thomas............... * S 2 1692 m me - - --- --- Flanders, 1692-4 ... No trace after 1694. 23 || Phillips, Thomas - 1 5 1692 - --- - - --- Sea Expedition of 1692; Flanders, 1703; Spain, 1705-06; No trace after 1738. Portugal, 1707; Spain, 1710-12; Scotland, 1715. 24 Carles, Peter ... .............. ę --- 1 10 1693 --- - - Col. (40th Foot) 24 6 1708; Major-General, 1715 ... Sea Expeditions of 1692-93; Cadiz, 1702; Flanders, Died, 8 10 1730. 1702-03 ; Portugal, 1705-08; Spain, 1708-13. 25 Hanway, John ............... --- 20 12 1694 - --- --- Major 1704... Sea Expedition of 1695; W. Indies, 1703; , Spain, 1705; Died, 26 11 1736. Bortugal, 1707; Ostend, 1708; Canada, 1711. 26 Blood, Holcroft ... ...... * * * -- - --- 1 2 1696 - Capt. (Train) 17 10 1688; Major (Lillingston's) Ireland, 1689-91; Sea Expedition of 1693; Flanders, Died at Brussels, 207 1707. 30 10 1693 ; Lt.-Col., 25 4 1694; Col. (17th) 1695-6, and 1701-07. 26 8 1703; Brig.-Gen., 25 8 1704; Maj.-Gen., 1 1 1707. 27 Bodt, John * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g e - 9 4 1698 --- - - - *-*. Ireland, 1690-1; Flanders, 1692-5 Rººd, 8 8 1699. Died at Dresden in 1745. 2 º e & # s & 1698–1712. Sub- ori * 3rd 2nd Chief * * * * * * • C ~ * * r * * No. Name. Engineer. Engineer. Engineer. Engineer. Enginee;. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. 28 Richards, Michael ............ --- 9 4 1698 --- --- 1 10 1711 Lieut. (2nd) before 1695; Capt. (Newfoundland Co.) | Flanders, 1692-5; Sea Expedition of 1695; Flanders, Died at Charlton, Kent, 52 1722. 19 1701; Col., 31 1 1708; Brig.-Gen., 122 1711. 1704-06; Portugal, 1707; Spain, 1708. 29 || Romer, Wolfgang William --- 9 4 1698 *- --- tº- Colonel ? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..., | Sea Expedition of 1692 .. Died at Dusseldorf, 15 3 1713. 30 Lilly, Christian ............... ----- 27 5 1698 28 6 1701 ------ - Ens. (Douglas' Reg.) 3 9 1690; Capt. (Lillingston's) | Sea Expedition of 1692; West Indies, 1695... Died at Jamaica, 1738. 30 10 1693; Lt.-Col. (Train) 10 11 1703; Col., 29 1 1705; Brig.-Gen., 26 6 1728. 31 VOIl Cassell, George Conrade - 27 5 1698 --- --- -- - -*. Sea Expeditions of 1692-93-94 .. * 8 tº Died, February, 1704. 32 | Petit, Isaac Francis ... ... ... sº-º: 27 5 1698 -- - ***-*. Col., 14 7 1705 Sea Expedition of 1693; Cadiz, 1702; Portugal, 1703; Killed at Alicante, 28 6 1706. Spain, 1706. 33 | Sherrard, Daniel ... ... --- 27 5 1698 *-* ----- - Capt. (Fairfax's Reg.) 25 2.1698 Sea Expedition of 1693 ; Flanders, 1694–5; Cadiz, 1702 ... Died at Barbados, May, 1703. 34 || Mauclere, John ............... ** 27 5 1698 --- * - - * -- riº 1694–5; Cadiz, 1702; Portugal, 1704; Spain, Killed at Alcantara, April, 1706. 1706. 35 Hawkins, Francis ............ 27 5 1698 * * * *-ºs - --- Cadiz, 1702; Flanders, 1703-04 Died at Jamaica, June Qr., 1724. 36 | Boitout, Lucas ............... 27 5 1698 || 26 10 1703 *== * - ------- Flanders, 1694; Cadiz, 1702; Portugal, 1703-6 Died in Portugal, October Qr., 1706. 37 || Bell, Thomas ............... .. 27 5 1698 * *mº *mºsº mº - - Sea Expeditions of 1694-95 Died at Jamaica, 11 12 1704. 38 || Withall, Benjamin............ 27 5 1698 *º - * - - -- Sea Expedition of 1695; Portugal, 1709; Flanders, 1710 | Died, 20 4 1785. 39 | Borgard, Albert............... *-* * 27 3 1699 *-* * *s- Capt. (Train). 1 1, 1695; Major (R.A.), 10, 4 1702; Flanders, 1692-5; Cadiz, 1702: Portugal, 1705-10; To Artillery, 4 4 1702. Died at Woolwich, Lt.-Col. (Train) 18, 4, 1705; Col. of Foot, 14 4 1705 ; Vigo, 1719. 7 2 1751. Col. of Artillery, 27 11 1706; Brig.-Gen., 9 3 1727; Maj.-Gen., 28 10 1735; Lt.-Gen., 27 1739. 40 Petit, Lewis ......... & G tº - 23 4 1700 --- - - Brig.-Gen. in Spanish service, 1706 ... Sea Expeditions of 1692-93 ; Cadiz, 1702; Portugal, Died at Naples, 24 5 1720. * 1703; Spain, 1705-06; Minorca, 1708; Spain, 1709-10; Scotland, 1715. 4] | Barker, John ... ... ... . 1 1 1703 --- **** * --- Ens. (Townshend's Reg.) 226 1706 West Indies, 1703; Flanders, 1708 Died, December Qr., 1727. 42 | Selioke, John .. 3 5 1705 --- ** - - - Capt., 12 7 1711 ... Pººl, 1707; Flanders, 1710; Vigo, 1719 ; Gibraltar, Died at Jamaica, June, 1741. 1727. 43 | Lascelles, Thomas ........ - 1 2 1707. --~~~~ --- •mºs Capt., 1705 ; Lt.-Col., 22 12 1712 Cadiz, 1702; Flanders, 1704-7 ; Scotland, 1715 To List 2. 44 || King, Richard ... ... ...... ... - 17 3 1707 - -------- --- Capt.-Lt. (Row’s Reg.) 10 2 1703; Lt.-Col., 14 5 1709 ; Flanders, 1704; Canada, 1711 ... Half-pay, 238 1715. Died, 179 1767. Col., 1 3 1711. 45 Durand, Peter --- 16 1 1709 -- --- - Lt.-Col., 1706; Brig.-Gen, Spain, 1706; Portugal, 1707; Minorca, 1708 Died at Gibraltar, 13 12 1715. 46 Moore, Jonas........... -- -— 10 1709 - * - --- --- - - To List 2. - 47 O’Bryan, John ............... -- 17 2 1710 - --- --- Lieut. (Lord Mountjoy's Reg.) 127 1709 Flanders, 1705; Spain, 1707; Flanders, 1710 Died in Flanders, December Qr., 1710. 48 Romer, John ... ... ... ......... --- 1 4 1710 --- - --- Ens., 1708; Lieut. (Seymour's Reg.) 8 4 1713 -- - To List, 2. 49 || Moore, James.................. 1 1 1711 || 9 3 1713 * - -- - - Flanders, 1709; Canada, 1711... Died, 278 1729. 50 Armstrong, John - 1 10 1711 *mº - 12 12 1712 Lieut. (Earl of Donegal’s Reg.) 25 8 1704; Capt. Cadiz, 1702; Flanders, 1704-11 To List, 2. (Wynne's) 25 3 1705; Lt.-Col. (15th) before 1712; Col., 22 12 1712. 51 | Faviere, Maximilian --- 22 4 1712 *-*. -- - Capt. (Sibourg's Reg.) 24 1706 Spain, 1706; Portugal, 1707 Half-pay, 1714, Died in Ireland, March Qr., 1730. - 52 Williams, Bloom — — 1712 --- --- -- -- ---- - - ----- To List, 2. LIST NO. 2. List of Officers of Engineers on the New Establishment from 1716 to 14th May, 1757, the date on which military rank was granted to Officers of the Corps. - - - Engineer Engineer - Practitioner Sub- Sºl. e Sub- * * º Chief 7 * * Slov, c.; * No. Nalme. Engineer. Engineer. O #y * ordiºry. Director. Director. Engineer. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. 50 | Armstrong, John ... . . . . . ... - - - - - - 12 12 12 Brig.-Gen., 22 11 35 ; Maj.-Gen , 27 39 ... Vigo, 1719 Died at the Tower, 15 4 1742. 43 || Lascelles, Thomas ... ... ... ... -- --- - --- - 1 4 22 1 7 42 -- wº- - - Resigned, 1 3 1750. Died, 1 11 1751. 53 | Horneck, William , , . ........ - -- - - 22 4 18 || 28 6 42 - Lieut. (11th) 6 4.08 - - Died, 23 4 1746. 46 | Moore, Jonas.................. - -- -- --- 1 10 22 - - - - Gibraltar, 1727; Carthagena, 1741 Killed at Carthagena, 23 3 1741. 48 Romer, John ...... ........ ... - - - 12 L 22 10 3 30 5 7 42 - Capt.-Lt. (4th) 22 1238; Capt., 19 1 40 ... Vigo, 1719 ; Scotland, 1745-6 No trace after 1751. 54 Day, Joseph ..... . . . . ....... - 2 6 19 - 10 3 30 •- - - - - *- --- Died early in 1740. 55 | Petit, John Peter ... ......... 1 10 17 1 1 20 - - - - - Capt.-Lt. (Whetham's) 29 S 17 ; Capt. (18th) - - Resigned, 13 3 22. Died at } 8 6. 20. Little Aston, Staffordshire, in June, 1747. 56 | Petit, Peter John ........... 1 10 17 1 1 20 - - - - - Lieut. (Sankey's) 12 3 18; Capt. (18th) 15 2.21 . *- - Resigned, September, 1726. Died 5 in London, September, 176S. 57 Schutze, Frederick ... ... ... — — 17 1 4 20 – - - - - - - - - Died in London, June, 1721. 58 Skinner, William ............ 11 519 20 2.27 | 10 3 30 7 2 39 1 1 44 || 30 9 46 || 14 5 57 - - Gibraltar, 1727... To List, 3. 59 Laprimaudaye, Peter ... ... I 1 20 - - 8 4 40 - - - - - Gibraltar, 1727; Carthagena, 1741... Died before Carthagena, 244 1741. - | 29 2 20 10 3 30 - - - - - - -- - - Died at Nassau, Bahamas, Sep- 60 | Moore, Thomas ... ... ... . . . ... tember Qr., 1734. 3. 61 | Bousfield, Robert ...... ... ... 31 10 21 | 10 3 30 - - - - - - --- Gibraltar, 1727 ... Died in Minorca, June Qr., 1732. 62 Wybault, James ............ 22 9 22 || 10 3 30 || 28 5 36 11 8 41 8 3 44 - - - - Gibraltar, 1727... Died at St. John’s, N.F.L., about June, 1746. 63 || Mussenden, Hill ...... . . . . . 24 9 22 wº- - --- - -- - Ens. (1st Foot Gds.) 110 22 ... -- - Resigned, 30 9 1727. Died at 5 Lowestoft, 23 11 1772. as . . . . . . . . . * A w g gº © G }* - Ens. (Phillips') 12 4 31 **H* | * * *- . T 2 (Yws: H. -: *- H. • r 64 || Armstr ÖIIg, Thomas - - - 24 6 24 || 10 3 30 7 2 39 7 12 42 1 7 45 Lieut. (Phillips') 7 7 37 }. Carthagena, 1741; L'Orient, 1746 .. Rºº.” 1754. No trace 52 || Williams, Bloom ... ......... - 10 3 30 - - - --- - - -- - - Died, December Qr., 1732. 65 Campbell, Charles ..... ...... 1 4 28 10 3 30 7 2 39 1 7 41 - - - - - Carthagena, 1741 Died at Jamaica late in 1741. 66 | Bickerstaff, Leonard ......... 10 3 30 | 13 6 32 | 11 8 41 || 8 3 44 - - - Carnatic, 1747-8 º 1754. Died, March -- -- '.., L'ſ 64. 67 || Montresor, James Gabriel 210 31 || 7 2 39 || 3 7 42 || 510 48 || 17 12 54 - - Ens. (14th) 5 4 32; Lieut. (14th) 23 737 ... America, 1754-5 To List 3. 68 Watson, Justly ............... 13 6 32 I 11 34 || 11 8 41 8 3 44 2 1 48 || 17 12 54 - Ens. (11th) 3 2 40; Lieut. (11th) 10 4 41; Gibraltar, 1727; Carthagena, 1741; L'Orient, To List 3. .* Capt.-Lieut. (11th) 24 12 45. 1746. 69 | Bastide, John Henry......... - 14 2. 33 11 8 41 8 3 44 -- 2 1 48 - º #: ) Lieut. (Montagu's) 25 2.18 ; Capt. Louisbourg, 1745; Minorca, 1756 ... To List 3. nirley's) 1945. 70 | Campbell, Dougal ... ... ...... - 1 11 34 3 7 42 8 3 44 2 I 48 - - - - Scotland, 1745–6; Flanders, 1746-7; Louishourg, To List 3. 71 Laponge, John 1 11 34 3 7 42 -- ** - -e - - - - - No trace after 1743. 72 | Patoun, Archibald ........... 28 5 36 || 3 7 42 || 8 8 44 2 I 48 - - - Ens. (22nd). 25 1 41; Lieut. (22nd) 2 7 45; * 4- To List 3. Capt. (22nd) 268 56. 73 || Speed, Samuel ... ... . . . . . . . . 28 5 36 3 7 42 - 8 3 44 - - - Ens. (Wentworth's) 12 1136 Carthagena, 1741; Flanders, 1742-4 Died in 1746. 74 | Elliot, Simon 1 3 37 - - - - - - - - Carthagena, 1741 ... ... ... Died before Carthagena, 1741741. 1739–50, - - * - e. Engineer |, ... - º Practitioner Sub- £. Engineer in Sub- ; v. - Chief * r; º No. Nanue. Engineer. Engineer. cº, ordinary. Director. Director. Engineer. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. 75 T homas, John ...... 1 1 39 - - - - - --- wº- - Carthagena, 1741; Flanders, 1744-5 ; L'Orient, Died in Flanders, 1747 1746; Flanders, 1747. 76 S |t, L º ºd - Hy * Smelt, LeOnard ... 13 S 41 - 8 3 44 3 1. 48 - - - Lieut. (1st D.G.) 12 147 Flanders, 1742-5 To List, 3. 77 | Eliott, George Augustus (afterwards Lord Heath- field), K.B....... ... . . . . . . . . 13 8 41 -- 8 3 44 4 1 48 - -- - 2nd Lieut. (R.A.) 1 4 40; Lieut. (Horse Gren. | Flanders, 1742-5; St. Cas, 1758; Havana, 1762 ; Resigned Engineer's Warrant, Gds.) 29 1 41; Capt. (H.G. Gols.) 27 1 44; Gibraltar, 1779-83. 89 1756. Died at Aix, 6 7 1790. Major (H.G. Gas.) 19 4 46 ; Lt.-Col. (H.G. Gds.) 18 5 47; Col., 31; 5 56 ; Brig.-Gen., 22 7 58; Maj.-Gen., 25 6 59 ; Lieut.-Gen., 78 19 161 ; General, 2 4 78. * O’ * * * * * e * e Armstrong, John ... . . . . 13 8 41 - 8 3 44 5 1. 48 - - - Ens. (18th) 20 6 35 ; Lieut. (18th) 20 6 39 L’Orient, 1746 ... To List 3. 79 Mackellar, Patrick * 3 -i- ºvua a wax. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 42 *e 8 3 44 31 7 5] - - - Ens. (Wynyard's) 112 45 America, 1754-7 To List, 3. y e - SO Cowley 5 William 18 5 43 - 8 3 44 1 8 51 - - - - - Louisbourg, 1745 Died at Annapolis, N.S., Decem- ber Qr., 1754. 81 | Horneck, Kane William 3 12 43 8 3 44 2 1 48 2 8 51 - - - - - - - Died at Plymouth about October, S2 e Willi; * 1752. 2 | Cunningham, William ...... - - - 8 3 44 - - --- Capt. (1st) 20 4 42; Major (1st) 12 12 55 ; Carthagena, 1741; Minorca, 1756 ... To List 3. 83 Capt. & Lt.-Col. (3rd Ft. Gds.) 7 5 57. Pinkerton, John - 9 3 44 - - - - -*. - - Flanders, 1742–3 No trace after 1745. Y • 84 || Watson, David ... ... ... ..... - 10 3 44 3 1. 48 || 31 12 52 - - - Lieut. (25th) 22 6 33 ; Capt. (21st) 21 5 45 ; Flanders, 1742–5; Scotland, 1745–6 To List 3. Lt.-Col., 181 56; Col , 23 5 56. º - ºf . ," sº ** - 85 Fenner, Edward............ . . --- 11 3 44 - - - - •- - - Flanders, 1742–5; Carnatic, 1747 ... Believed to have died in India about 1750. Y ) - ‘l-, . 86 Rivers, Charles ... . *- 12 3 44 4 L 48 || 17 12 5 ! - - - - - - - To List 3. 87 | Dixon, Matthew ............ - 13 3 44 | 18 4 50 - - - - - - Flanders, 1742; Carnatic, 1747 To List 3. 88 Parkinson, Charles ......... 9 3 44 - - - - - -- Ens. (Invalids) 22 7 17: Lieut. (Invalids) - - Died at Hull, 29 7 1765. 1 11 39. - 89 | Bramham, James 10 3 44 --- 5 1 48 9 9 56 - - *-*. Lieut. (3rd) 1956 Flanders, 1745-7 * * * * * * * * * * sº To List, 3. 90 Hardesty, John • * s e º e º 0 ° 11 3 44 - 6 1 48 - - - -ms-s - - - - TO List 3. 91 Green, William ............... 12 3 44 2 1 48 1 1 49 - - - - -- - L’Orient, 1746; Flanders, 1746—7; Louisbourg, To List 3. - 757. 92 Ey re, William 12 3 44 3 1. 48 2 8 51 - - - --- Lt. Fireworker (R.A.) 10 4 44; Capt. (44th) Scotland, 1746; Flanders, 1746–7 : America, To List 3. 25 12 47; Major (44th) 71 56. 1754–5. 93 | Elphinstone, Hon. John 13 3 44 4 1 48 - - - - - - - Scotland, 1745–6 * * * Died at Kilcroigh, Scotland, 29 4 1753. 94 | Archer, John ..... tº a tº sº *- 5 1 48 || 17 12 54 - - - -- Lt. Fireworker (R.A.) 3 1 46; Lieut. (56th) | Flanders, 1747–8 To List, 3. 1 1 56. : r º 95 | Weston, George...... • * * * * * * * | 1 1 45 6 1 48 || 21 2 55 - - - --- Ens. (8th) 49 56 Louisbourg, 1757 To List 3. 96 | Gordon, Harry ... ... . . . . . 2 4 48 2 1 49 9 9 56 - - - * Lieut. (60th) 122 56 ... Flanders, 1746–7 ; America, 1754–5 To List 3. 9 { Hall, William • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2 4 48 - - - - - - - - Flanders, 1746–7 Superseded, 24 5 1749. 98 || Morrison, George ............ 2 4 48 18 4 50 1 1 53 - - - --- - - Flanders, 1746—7 ... ... ... ... ... To List 3. 99 || Brewse, John...... . . . . . . . . . ... - 1 8 49 - - - - - -- r - Nova Scotia, 1754–5 ... ... ... ... ... To List 3. 100 Debbieg, Hugh ... ............ 2 4 48 2 8 51 - - - - - Lieut. (37th) 19 56 L'Orient, 1746; Flanders, 1746—7 ... To List, 3. 101 | Baugh, John ......... ........ 2 4 48 1 1 53 -- - - - * Lieut. (52nd) 1.1 2 56 Flanders, 1746-8 To List 3. - © T - 1 1 - 102 | Bontein, William ... ...... ... 2 4 48 || 29 5 53 --- - - - - - - L'Orient, 1746; Flanders, 1746-7 ... To List 3. 103 || Paterson, Daniel ............ 2 1 49 *s - - - - - - -- Scotland, 1746; Flanders, 1746-7 ... Died December Qr., 1749. 104 || Clerk, Robert ... ... ............ 24 5 49 30 5 53 - - - - - 2nd #;"; (Cotterell's Marines) 11 6 41; Lieut. Ostend, 1745; L'Orient, 1746 ; Flanders, 1746-7 || To List 3. (25th) 210 55. r 105 || Manson, John ............... 15 12 49 || 31, 5 53 - - - - - - - Louisbourg, 1757 To List, 3. 106 || Waller, Thomas............... 18 4 50 * - - - *- - 4- - Flanders, 1744-7 Dismissed, 28 1 1754. 107 | Dudgeon, Richard ............ 18 4 50 18 3 55 - - - - - Lieut. (8th) 1956 Flanders, 1747 ... To List 3. 108 | Hylton, Edmund Scott... ... 21 4 50 9 9 56 - - - - - - - - - To List, 3. 1750–56. ----- - - - - - - - - --- ------- - - --_ _ _--- - - - - - - - No. Name. º Bºr º: º Diºr Director. Bºr Army Rank. War Services. 109 || Dawson, Richard 22 5 50 21 2 55 - - --- --- - --- --- Flanders, 1747 ... To List 3. 110 | Apperly, John .............. 30 6 51 9 9 56 --- - --- --- --- - --- Carnatic, 1747 ... Dº Anambu, w. Attice. 111 || Manningham, Henry...... ... I 7 51 --- - --- - --- ** --- *mºmº --- Resigned, Died, 14 4 1800. 112 | Herriot, Charles Hubert 1 12 51 9 9 56 - --- - --- - Ens. (Invalids). I 11 40; Lt. (Invalids) 23 1245 ; - To List, 3. . Capt. (41st, Invalids) 8 11 56. - 113 | Walker, Thomas 9 6 52 || 9 9 56 - --- * ------ --- * --- Flanders, 1744 ... To List 3. 114 || Williamson, Adam 1 1 53 - --- --- - - * Ens. (6th) 1410 55 America, 1754-5 To List 3, 115 | Sowers, Thomas ..... tº it e º e º a 2 I 53 -- - -* --- - -vº. * - America, 1754-6 To List 3. 116 || Wilkinson, Thomas ......... 29 5 53 - -- - - - *mº --- - - * To List 3. 117 | Williams, John ............... 30 5 53 - - cº-º-e - * *m-. Lieut. (60th) 1 356 America, 1756 ... To List 3. 118 || Clerk, Matthew ............ 29 1 54 - - - --- *- --- Lieut. (61st) Louisbourg, 1757 To List 3. 119 || Garth, George ............ .. 21 2 55 ------ - --- - -- — | Ens. (1st Foot Gds.) 6 10 55... --- To List 3. 120 | Phipps, John .................. 22 255 --- -- --- - - - Ens. (13th) 5 4 57 - To List 3. 121 || Spry, William ............... 17 12 55 - ------- º-º-º: - *m. – Ens. (3rd) 262 56 * * To List, 3. 122 | Dundas, William ... ... ...... 18 1255 - - - - - -- Lt. Fireworker (R.A.) 1 355 - To List, 3. 123 || Bruce, Robert George ...... 19 12 55 — -º-º: -- --- *mº - Ens. (12th) 30 10 55 ; Lieut. (12th) 14 5 57 - To List, 3. 124 Durnford, Augustus ... . . ... 2012 55 --- - --- --- ----- -- Lt. Fireworker (R.A.) 1 355 - To List, 3. 125 | Dundas, David ............... 21 12 55 -- -- ------ - - - Lt. Fireworker (R.A.) 1 3 55 -º- To List 3. 126 Bassett, Thomas 22 12 55 - - - - --- --- Lieut. (60th) 14 2.56 ... *mº To List, 3. 127 | Roy, William .................. 28 12 55 --- -- -- - --- *-*. Lieut. (53rd) 4 156 -- To List, 3. 128 Tarrant, Charles 29 12 55 - ** --- --- - -- Lieut. (24th) 59 56 --- To List 3. 129 | Eiser, John Christian ... ... 9 9 56 --- - --- - --- - - * * To List 3. LIST NO. 3. List of Officers from the granting of Military Rank (14th May, 1757) to the present date. 1757. Regimental Rank. - Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 58 Skinner, William . . . . . . . . . . . - *ºs - - - 14 5 57 --- - -- - 18 2 61 || 30 4 70 -- --- -- Died at Greenwich, 25 12 1780. 69 | Bastide, John Henry ... . . . . -- -- - — | 1.4 5 57 — --- --- --- 9 1 58 22 2 G1 || 30 4 70 | – || Louisbourg, 1758 ... ... ... Died, September, 1770. t ----- --- ----- - 14 5 57 - - - -- - --- ------- - -- - Died from poison given to him by a domestic 68 Watson, Justly • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * in coffee, at s: John’s, Newfoundland, September, 1757. 70 | Cam pbell Dougal ... ... . . . . . --- --- - 14 5 57 ----- --- - - - - -- --- - --- - Died at sea between Halifax and New York, 2 *) September, 1757. 67 | Montresor, James Gabriel... ----- -- - 14 5 57 || 14 1 58 -- - - - 25 5 72 - --- - America, 1758 ... * * * * * * ... |Died at New Gardens, near Green-street, 5 Kent, 6 I 1776. * * * * e gº hº 7 5 57 - St. Malo, 1758; Martinique, 1759; Died at Portsmouth, on landing from Guada- 82 Cunningham, William ... ... - - - --- 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 - - - - { 3rd F.Gds } --- - - { Guadeloupe, 1759. y loupe, 108 1759. 3. Sº, 72 | Patoun, Archibald............ *-*. ----- 14 5 57 4 1 58 || 4 12 70 - - ------ 3 1. 62 --- -- - ----- - ------- Died, March, 1775. P- - sº --- --- 14 5 57 - --- - ----- - --- - - - - - - Resigned, 1758. Died at Langton, in York- 76 Smelt, Leonard . . . . . . . . . . . . shire, 36 isſo. §3 78 || Armstrong, John ..... ... ... - - --- 14 5 57 - -- — — -- --- - ---- - - --- --- Died at Chelsea, 27 2 1758. * ick. ... . . . . . . --- - 14 5 57 || 4 || 1 58 || 2 2 75 - - ---- 3 I. 62 29 8 77 - - - Louisbourg, 1758; Canada, 1759-60 ; Died at Minorca, 22 10 1778, 79 - Mackellar, Patrick. * * * : ) * Martinique, 1762; Havana, 1762. y 84 Watson, David ... ......... $º º - - 14 5 57 - - - – - 1S 1 56 || 23 5 56 25 6 59 - - Germany, 1759 - - - & e e ... Died, 7 11 1761. Y ivy e tº e a s = * * * * * * * * --- sºm T4 5 57 --- - --- -- - - - -- - - - - -- Retired on full pay of 10s. a day, 1 1 1758. 86 Rivers, Charles ... .. Died late in 1758 or early in 1759. 89 | Bramham, James ... . . . . . ... - - 14 5 57 | 17 3 59 || 10 1 76 || 24 1 S1 --- --- 3 1. 62 29 8 77 | 19 8 S1 - — Belleisle, 1761 ... ... ... ... Died at Greenwich, 11 11 I?86. C 7. John ......... ..... --- 14 5 57 —r -- — - ºrm- - - - --- ----- - - - Retired on full pay of 6s. a day, 1 1 1758. 90 | Hardesty, Jo Died in December Qr., 1776. - illiam. Bart ........ - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 10 9 59 | 18 12 78 20 11 82% - --- 8 2 62 28 8 77 | 19 10 81 | 12 10 93 || 1 1 98 || America, 1758; Canada, 1759; Gib- || Retired from active duty, on pension 91 Green, William, Bart raltar, 1779-83. 3. 30 4, 1802. Died at Bifrons House, mºa. Canterbury, 10 1 1811. S Dixon. Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . --- 14 5 57 || 4 || 1 58 || 4 12 70 || 24 1 81 20 11 S2* - - 29 S 77 --- 12 10 93 --- - Louisbourg, 1758; Belleisle, 1761; Removed to Invalid Engineers, 22 11 1787. 7 XOn, - Havana, 1762, America, iii.6.7. Died at St. Sidwell's fixeter, 1111793. 17 7 58 tº sº * * ſº 92 Ey re, William . . . . . . . . . * * * * * -- 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 --- -- --- --- 7 1 56 *ś. | - --- - - America, 1757; Canada, 1759 ... Drowned on passage to Ireland 11 12 1764. 44th Foot. - 98 Morrison, George * * * * * * * * * * * * - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 2 2.75 - - - --- 22 2 61 | 12 2 72 29 8 77 20 11 82 || 3 596 || St. Malo, 1758 ... * * * 3 s º ... Died in London, 26 11 1799. 94 | Archer, John ......... * g g º º tº e s --- 14 5 57 || 4 1 5S | 10 1 76 - 20 11 82*| – 23 7 72 29 8 77 --- 12 10 93 || 1 1 98 - || Belleisle, 1761; Havana, 1762 ... Removed from active employment by com- 2 mand of the King, 10 1 1784. Placed on Kº the list of Invalid Engineers, 7 2 1796. Died, 308 1799. 95 | Weston, George .............. — 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 - - - — 23 7 72 | – --- --- - --- --- --- Died at Minorca, 29 10 1775. --- 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 | 18 12 78 - 20 II 82*| — 23 7 72 29 8 77 --- -- - - Martinique, 1762; Havana, 1762; Died at Eastbourne, 23 S 1787. 96 || Gordon, Harry ... . . . . . . . . . America, 1776. 99 || Brewse, John ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 17 3 59 || 7 5 79 - 20 11 82%| — 23 7 72 29 S 77 --- ------- - -- º 1758; Portugal, 1762; Died at Ipswich, 159 1785. - inorca, 1781. * Commissioned as Colonel-Commandant under the Royal Warrant for the Corps dated 18 11 1782, and continued to be so returned in the Annual Army Lists till 1785 inclusive. It was then discovered that both Warrant and Commissions were in error, and the rank was altered to that of Colonel only. Under the same Warrant the rank of Major ceased, the step henceforth being from Captain to Lieut.-Colonel. 1757–58. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. - 100 Debbeig, Hugh * & w w 3 º' W - e º 'º º tº a 9 - 14 5 57 || 4 || 58 || 17 3 59 || 24 1 81 - 20 11 82% - 23 7 72 29 S 77 - 12 10 93 || 1 1 98 ||25 9 1803 Louisbourg, 1758; Canada, 1759- Ceased active employment in Corps, - 60. 7 10 1784. Invalided Engineer, 9 2 1796. Died in London, 27 5 1810. 101 Baugh, John ... ... ... ......... - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 17 3 59 - - - - - - - -- - -- - - Died at Anamabu, West Africa, - June Qr., 1762. 102 | Bontein, William ..... ... ... - 14 5 57 || 4 1 5S - - - --~~ - - - — – - — | Louisbourg, 1758 ... ... ... Drowned on passage to England, while passing as a prisoner of War to a French ship, about October, 1760. 104. Clerk, Robert ..... a * * * * * * * * * * * - 14 5 57 - - - - --- - - 8 8 57 | 19 2 62 25 572 29 10 77 | 12 10 93 || Rochefort, 1757 - - - * * * ... Resigned warrant in Engineers, 11 1758. Gianted pension of 20s. a day; for good service, 5 4 1758. - Died in London, 22 5 1797. 105 || Manson, John ............... — 14 5 57 || – - - - - - - - - — — --- - - Died, December Qr., 1757. 109 Dawson, Richard ...... ... ... - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 17 3 59 - 1 1 83 - - 23 7 72 29 8 77 20 11 82 | 12 10 93 || 1 1 98 -- Portugal, 1762 • * * * * * ... Removed to Invalid Engineers, - 20 11 1784. Died at Canterbury, - - 24 2 1800. 107 Dudgeon, Richard ............ - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 17 3 59 - - - - - - - - - - Rochefort, 1757; Louisbourg, 1758 |Died, June Qr., 1766. 4) º • 112 Herriott, Charles Hubert ... - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 - - - - - - - --- - - - - - Resigned commission in Engineers, - 22 6 1762. Died in 1768. I 13 Walker, Thomas ............ - 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 - --> - --- - - - - - - - Rochefort, 1757; America, 1758; Died at Belleisle, 13 7 1762. - Senegal, 1758; Belleisle, 1761. - 108 Hylton, Edmund Scott. .... - 14 5 57 | — - --- - * - *- - - - - - - - Died at St. John’s, Newfoundland, - December Qr., 1757. 114 || Williamson, Adam, K.B. ... 14 5 57 || – 4 1 58 || 4 12 70f — - - - - - - - - — Canada, 1759; Martinique, 1762; Resigned, 1770 or 1771 (to 18th Regi- Havana, 1762. ment). Died at Avebury House, Wilts, 21 10 1798. { e - 115 | Sowers, Thomas............... 14 § 37 || 4 1 as | 17 a 59 25 2 63 --- - -- - - -* - *ms - — America, 1758 ... ... ... |Died at New York, March, 1774. 116 || Wilkinson, Thomas ......... 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 17 3 59 20 12 65 — - - – --- --> - - - — Martinique, 1759; Guadeloupe, Died, December Qr., 1773. 1759; Belleisle, 1761; Portugal, - 1762. 117 Williams, John ..... º e i e º a ... 14 5 57 || 4 - 1 98 || 17 3 59 || 14 8 66 - - ºmº - *- -º-º: - --- - -- America, 1758; Martinique, 1762; Died, 53 1775. - Havana. 1762. * - 118 Clerk, Matthew ............ ... 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 - - - - - - - -*- - --- - -- America, 1758 - - - - - - ... Mortally wounded in the assault on - .* - Ticonderaga, 8th July, and died of his wounds, at the Camp, Lake George, 18 7 1758. 119 Garth, George • e º 6 - tº º e s e e º ºs e = 14 5 57 || 4 1 58 || 17 3 59 — - - - - - - - - - - Louisbourg, 1758; America, 1777- Resigned commission in Engineers, 80. 3 12 1770. Died at Placetia. - about May, 1819. 120 | Phipps, John ......... . . . . . . . 14 5 57 || 4 1 5S 17 3 59 || 4 12 70 - I 1 83 || 15 11 86 - 17 11 80 - - 20 12 93 - — Gibraltar, 1779–83 ... ... ... Removed to Invalid Engineers, 2 11 1793. Died at Woolwich, - 5 4 1798. Spry, William ............... 14 5 57 4 1 58 || 17 3 59t| 24 I 74 - I 1 S3 | 15 12 S6 - - - -- 20 12 93 26 6 99 - Louisbourg, 1758 ... ... ... Died in London, 12 7 1802. 122 Dundas, William ... ......... 14 5.57 || 4 1 98 || 17 3 59 *- - - - - - — - - - - - - Died at Gibraltar, November, 1759. 123 || Bruce, Robert George ...... 14 5 57 || 4 1 98 || 17 3 59 || S 6 74 - - – | – - - - - - - Rochefort, 1757 ... ... ... Died in London, 8 4 1779. 124 Durnford, Augustus . . . . . . . . 14 5 57 17 3 59 22 2 60 - - - - - - - - - - - Rochefort, 1757 ; Louisbourg, Died, August, 1761, and buried 15th - - 1758 ; Havana, 1762. August, in Bramdean church. 125 Dundas, David, K.B., G.C.B. 14 5 57 || 17 3 59 - - - - - - - -- - - - - Havana, 1762 ; Toulon, 1793; Cor- | Resigned, 9 9 1759 (to 15th Light sica, 1794; Holland, 1795; Hol- Dragoons). Died in the Rºyal land, 1799. Hospital, Chelsea, 182 1820. <) & 126 Bassett, Thomas..... ... ... ... 14 § 57 I'7 3 59 || 24 11 60 || 2 2 75 - 1 I 83 21 9 87 - --- -* - - - - -- - Died at Quebec, 63 1788. D 7:1] : . 127 VOy, William.................. 14 5 57 17 3 59 - 10 9 59 - 1 1 83 | 16 9 85 - 11 11 61 23 7 62 29 8 77 19 10 81 - - Rochefort, 1757; Germany, 1759. Died in London, 17 1790. O 128 || Tarrant, Charles ............ 14 5 57 | 17 § 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Malo, 1758 ... ... ... Resigned, 27 1 1762. Died at Ids- tow, Berks, 213 1818. 129 - Eiser, John Christian... . ... 14 5 57 17 3 59 28 1 62 - - - -- - - - - - - - Rochefort, 1757; Mysore, 1760 ... Died in India about May, 1763. 130 Muller, Richard............ tº s º 8 2 58 || 17 3 59 || 23 6 62 - -- - --- - - - - - -- - Martinique, 1759; Guadeloupe, Cashiered by sentence of General 1759. Court Martial in May, 1763. * Commissioned as Colonel. Commandant under the Royal Warrant for the Corps dated 18 11, 1782, and continued to be so returned in the Annual Army Lists till 1785 inclusive. It was then discovered that both Warrant and Commissions were in error and the rank was altered to that Of Colonel only. Under the same Warrant the rank of Major ceased, the step henceforth being from Captain to Lieut.-Colonel. f Lost many places, owing to his being commissioned into the Line and doing duty with his regiment. . When made Engineer in Ordinary (Captain) in 1770 he resigned. f Captain-Lieutenants from 25 5 1772 ranked as Captains in the Army under an order from the King dated W.O. 18 8 1773. 1758–61. y Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 131 Lefanue, Theophilus • * * * * * * * is 8 2 58 || 17 3 59 24 6 62 || 6 3 75 - - - --- - - - - - - Martinique, 1759; Guadeloupe, Superannuated, 2 3 1777. 1759; Belleisle, 1761. <) - g re º - - 132 Campbell, Archibald, K.B. 8 2 58 || 17 3 59 25 2.63 - - - - --- - - sº- - - - Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1759; Resigned British Engineers, 31 3 America, 1776-8. * 1771. See Bengal Engineers. Died in London, 313 1791. 133 || Morse, Robert ...... ......... 8 2 58 || 10 9 59 6 5 63 || 30 10 75 - 1 1 83 || 6 6 88 |1 5 IS02*| – - - 20 12 93 26 6 99 ||25 4 1808 St. Malo, 1758; Martinique and | Died in London, 28 1 1818. - Guadeloupe, 1759; Belleisle, 1761; Germany, 1762-3. 134 Ross, Patrick .................. 19 5 58 || 17 3 59 S 6 63 - - - - - - - - - - - Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1759; Lt. Fireworker, R.A., 5 6' 57. To Dominica, 1761. Madras Engineers, 159 70. . , Died t in London, 24 8 1804. 135 | Montressor, John 19 5 58 17 3 59 20 12 65 10 1 76 - - *-*. - - - *- - - - America, 1758; Canada, 1760; Resigned Engineers, 25.31 779. Died America, 1775-8. on passage from Madras to Prince of Wales's Island (Pulo Penang, - Straits of Malacca) 1805. I 36 t Campbell, Peter. ºr e º e < * * * * * * * * * 14 9 58 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Died in London, 20.91 758. * 137 | Craskell, Thomas ... ... . . . . . . 14 9 58 17 3 59 * -*. - - -º-º-º- - - - *-- - - - Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1759. Resigned, 19 12 1765. Died at Jamaica. 1790. Y r 138 Watson, Henry ............ - I7 3 59 || 14 8 66 - - - - --- - -- - - - — Belleisle, 1761; Havana. 1762 Resigned, 31 3 1771 (to Bengal Engi- neers). Died at Dover, 179 1786. 13.9 Beardsley 5 Samuel * * * * * * * * * * e e — 17 3 59 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Died W. Coast of Africa, December Qr., 1769. 140 Heath, J Oseph * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 17 3 59 10 9 59 - - - - - - - - --- - - - Belleisle, 1761 Superannuated, 4 12 1770. 5 - 141 | D'Aubat, Abraham ......... 17 3 59 22 2 60 || 4 12 70 || 2 3 77 || – 16 9 85 27 11 93 |13 7 1802 19 3 83 || – — 26 2 95 |29 4 1802 – || America, 1775-9; Toulon, 1793; Died, 12 71805. Corsica, 1794. <) re º * * & A- - 142 Mulcaster, Frederick George 17 3 59 24 11 60 || 4 12.70 || 1s 12 7s - 15 11 86 || 3 3 97 - 18 4 82 - 1. 3 94 || 3 5 96 - - America, 1776-8 ; Jersey, 1781 Died at Portsmouth, 188 1797. 143 Durnford, Elias ... . * * * * * * * * * 17 3 59 2S 1 62 4 12 70 26 3 79 - 15 12 86 *s --- 19 3 83 - 15 12 93 -*. - - Belleisle, 1761; Havana, 1762 : Died at Tobago, 21 6 1794. West Mobile, 1780; Holland, 1793; Indies Martinique, 1793; St. Lucia, - only. 1794; Guadeloupe, 1794. i. º William e is e s is a 4 * - e s 17 3 59 2S 1 62 1 4 71 -*. - - - - - - - - - -- Belleisle, 1761 Superannuated, 4 3 1776. 4 r ercer, Alexander............ 17 3 59 || 23 6 62 || 1 4 71 || 21 4 79 - 21 9 87 || 3 3 97 || 1 3 1805; 19 3 83 - 1 3 94 || 3 5 96 ||25 9 1803| 4 6 1813 Belleisle, 1761; America, 1777-9 ... |Died at Exmouth, 1011 1816. { }- 146 Fraser, Andrew ......... 17 3 59 || 23 6 62 1 4 71 || 7 5 79 - 6 6 88 --- - 19 3 S3 - - -- - - Portugal, 1762 Cashiered by sentence of G.C.M., ab > 147 M J - 6 3 1792. Died at Chalons, 1792. arr, ohn.................. . . 17 3 59 || 25 2 63 || 24 1 74 || 24 1 81 - - - - 19 3 83 - *- - - - America, 1776 Removed to Invalid Engineers, 1 10 1784. Died in Scotland, 30 10 1786. 148 || Townshend, Gilbert ......... 17 3 59 || 6 5 63 8 6 74 || 1 1 S3 - - - - 19 3 83 - - - - – || Belleisle, 1761; Minorca, 1781 Died at Plymouth, April, 1787. 149 || Robertson, Archibald ... ... 17 3 59 S 6 63 || 2 2 75 L I 83 - - - - 3 8 80 1811 90 21 S 95 || 1s 6 98 |30 10 1805 – | Havana, 1762; America, 1775-80. Retired, 23.3 1786. Died in Edin- 50 burgh, 311 1820. O tº ſº º sº tº e º 'º e º 'º e º e º sº e - - 1 Slack, Daniel • - - - || 17 3 59 - - a- - - - - - - - -º-º: - - - - Died at Senegal, September Qr., 1762. i. }. alsh, Abraham ... ........ 17 3 59 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Belleisle, 1761; Havana, 1762 Died late in 1762. * *-º-º: --- --- Died at Grenada about July, 1793. 246 | Richmond, Thomas ...... . . 17 1 93 * -- - ----- -- * *º- * * -- --- *- - * -- Died at Antigua about July, 1793. 247 I'Ans, Thomas Rawleigh ... 14 6 98 || 5 12 93 28 8 99 || – || 2 7 1803 – * *s --- * *ºs - --- - Holland, 1793-4 2nd Lt. R.A., 23 1 1793. Died at Colombo, 3 10 1804. 248 Rudyerd, Charles William | 14 6 98 || 1 694 || 2 5 1800. 19 7 04*| 20 704 || 3 8 12 º - 1 1 12 || – - * - - Holland, 1793-5; Holland, 1799; 2nd Lt. R.A., 23 1 1793. Died at Walcheren, 1809. Gibraltar, 19 10 1813. 249 || Cooper, Robert ... ... 14 6 93 || 13 8 94 || – --- * * * - * * --- - * ~ | Holland, 1793-4 2nd Lt. R.A., 23 1 1793. Died at Quebec, 20 1 1799. 250 | Backwell, William . . ... ... ... 14 6 93 || 15 8 94 |11 6 1800. 19 7 04 || 20 7 04 || – * * * * * - * T | Holland, 1793-4 2nd Lt. R.A., 23 1 1793. Died at Leighterton, in Gloucestershire, 251 | L Th 2 1 1808 {) 8,0 IIlêS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g g y; OTY18 25 9 93 || 29 10 94 |11 6 1800 – * * º * * * * * tºº º Holland, 1793-4; Syria, 1800; 2nd Lt. R.A., 23 1 1793. Died at Egypt, 1801 ; Demerara and Demerara, 2 4 1804. Lefeb h Essequibo, 1803. 9 F, 9 & p-y 252 | Lefebure, Charles ... ... ... ... 25 9 93 3 6 95 11 6 1800. I9 7 04 || 1 3 05 || – *ms - 8 3 10 || – -- *sº tºmºs T | Holland, 1793-4; Trinidad, 1797; 2nd Lt. R.A., 24 4 1793. Killed Porto Rico, 1797; Sicily, 1805-7 at the assault on Matagorda, Peninsula, 1808-9 and 1810. near Cadiz, 22 4 1810. O 5 º " e 253 || Hughes, Philip ............... 25 9 23 || 1 12 95 || 1 7 1800 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 14 5 12 || – sºmºs 1 1 12 | — * tºms * ~ |Toulon, 1793-4; Corsica, 1794-7;|2nd Lt. R.A.; 24.4.1793. Invalid 254 Elphinstone, Howard, Bart., America, 1812-13. Engineers, 1 8 1817. C.B. a s e º 'º & © e º s º & 4 º' a e s a s sº e < * * F- * g-y hº * hº * 17 10 93 || 5 2 96 || 1 7 1800. 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 21 7 13 2 12 24 || 7 7 34 || 1 1 12 - * 10 1 37 *mº *-*. Cape, 1795-6 ; Fgypt, 1801; Bue- || 2nd Lt. R.A., 24 4 1793. Died at nos Ayres, 1807; Peninsula, his seat, Ore Place, near Hastings, 1808 and 1813-14. 28 4 1846. <) + * 7. º ; & & 255 | Durnford, Elias Walker ... 17 10 93 || 5 296 |11 2 1801. 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 | 29 146 || 4 6 13 || – - || 10 1 37 9 11 46 || 7 || Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guade- || 2nd Lt. R.A., 24.4 1793. Died at 256 Whitmore, G € orge 2 K t., loupe, 1794. Tunbridge Wells, 8 3 1850. * E.C.H. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 94 || 5 2 96 |28 2 1801. 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 || 1 4 46 || 4 6 13 || – — 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 | 20 6 54 --- - 2nd Lt. R.A., 18 9 1793. Died at 257 | A it, G Charlton, Kent, 2 4 1862. - mit, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- --- --- -- -- - * & e º */ r , George s & 17 4 1801 - --- - --- --- --- - --- From Irish Engineers. Died at 258 || Thackeray, Fre d e rick Antigua, 8 11 1802. Rennell, C.B. ............... 1 1 94 | 18 6 96 |18 4 1801. 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 21 7 13 21 6 25 | 29 4 46 19 5 10 --- — | 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 20 6 54 Surinam, 1799; St. Martin's and | 2nd Lt. R.A., 18 9 1793. Died at St. Bartholemew, 1801; Sicily, Windlesham, Surrey, 19 9 1860. 1806-7 ; Egypt, 1807; Sicily, 1807-12; Peninsula, 1812-14. 259 Anderson, Henry (after- wards Morshead, Henry Anderson) ........... 1 1 94 | 19 11 96 1S 4 1801| 19 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 21 7 13 29 7 25 | – 4 6 13 - -- * -- – Holland, 1794–5; St. Domingo, 2nd Lt. R.A., 189 1793. Died at 1797-8; Holland, 1799; Madeira, Valetta, Malta, 11 11 1831. 1807. <) * own as 260 | Birch, John Francis, C.B.... 1 1 94 | 2011 96 is a 1soil 19 04 || 1 & 05 21 18 20 25 | 12 10 47 || 6 s 11 || – — | 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 20 6 54 | Holland, 1793-5; Minorca, 1798; 2nd Lt. R.A., 189 1793. Died at Fgypt, 1801; Copenhagen, 1807; Folkestone, 29 5 1856. Peninsula, 1808-9; Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1810-11. 261 | Chapman, Stephen Remnant, C.B., K.C.H. * * * * * * * * * * * p= & tº 1 1 94 | 20 11 96 |18 4 1801| 19 7 04 || 2 3 05 || 21 7 13 || 29 7 25 || 9 3 50 || 30 9 10 | 26 4 12 - 10 1 37 9 11 46 --- W. Indies, 1796-7; Holland, 1799; 2nd Lt. R.A., 189 1793. Died at Cape, 1800; Copenhagen, 1807; Fainfield House, near Taunton, 262 H * Peninsula, 1809-10. 6 3 1851. A-1 \J A-l artcup, Monins William. |80 5 94 | 2011 96 |26 6 1soil 19 0 |18 || 65|| – *m. *s - - *m. -- *m. - - - 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 1 1794. Tied at Newcastle, 20 9 1805. * Rank of Captain-Lieutenant abolished, and that of 2nd Captain substituted, 19 7 1804. 13 1795–98. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. • ſº * 263 Handfield, John ............... 4 1, 95 || 3 3 97 |11 10 1810; 19 7 04 || 21 9 05 21 7 13 --- --- 4 6 13 - --- - - --- Holland, 1799; Egypt, 1801 2nd Lt. R.A., 9 10 1794. Died in London, 8 1 1821. *) * t y- - 264 Nicolls, Gustavus ............ 4 1 95 || 3 3 97.|30 3 1802 19 7 04 || 1 7 06 || 1 9 13 29 7 25 | 28 1 51 || 4 6 13 — – | 10 1 37 9 11 46 20 6 54 || America, 1812-14 2nd Lt. R.A., 6 11 1794, Died at 265 | Carmichael-Smyth, James, Southampton, 1 8 1860. Bart., C.B., K.C. H. 13 3 95 || 3 3 97 || 1 7 1802 19 7 04 || 1 7 06 20 10 13 29 7 25 || – 4 6 13 | 20 10 13 29 6 15 27 5 25 — – | Cape, 1805-6 ; , Peninsula, 1808-9 ; 2nd Lt. R. A., 2011, 1794. Died at Holland. 1813-15; (Waterloo), George Town, Guiana, 4 3 1838. Netherlands and France, 1815-18. - • 3) . c. e 266 Landmann, George 1 5 95 || 3 6 97 |13 7 1802 19 7 04 || 1 7 06 | 16 5 14 *ms: -- 4 6 13 -- *s * - – Peninsula, 1808-9, and 1810-12 ... Retired from Corps by sale of commis- sion, 29 12 1824. Died at Shackle- well, near Hackney, 27 8 1854. <) tº º 267 Glasgow, William Allen 1 10 95 | 18 S 97 || – --- * * -- --- - 4-º-º-º: -- *-*-* --- - --- --- Died at Martinique, 3. 1 1798. 268 || Hayes, Charles 5 2 96 || 1 2 98 21 9 1802 — - --- -- --- -- *º-º: -- --- - – St. Domingo, 1796-7 ; Holland, 2nd Lt. R.A., 6 3 1795. Died at 1799 ; Egypt, 1801. Rosetta, Egypt, 26 7 1803. 269 Brownrigg, Henry Fox... ... 5 296 24 6 9s - * * --- -- -- - - * -- - - Ostend, 1798; Egypt, 1801; Buenos | 2nd Lt. R.A., 6 3 1795. To Staff Ayres, 1807 Corps, 7 1801. Died at Monte Video, of wounds received at the storming of that place, 5 2 1807. 270 | Hobson, Frederick S. ... ... 5 2 96 --- --- --- - * * - - --- - - --- --- St. Domingo, 1796-7 2nd Lt. R.A., 22 4 1795. Died at Jersey, 15 3 1798. 271 || Mann, Cornelius 5 296 29 S 98 || 1 12 1802 19 7 04 || 1 706 || 30 9 14 29 725 - 4 6 13 *-*. *-*. 10 1 37 -- - --- - 2nd Lt. R.A., 22 4 1795. Died at Shooter’s Hill, Woolwich, 5 101840 272 | Gordon, Augustus Henry ... 1s 6 96 || 29 s 98 || – -------- --- ----- - - * * -- - - ** -- --- 2nd Lt. R. A., 18 3 1796. Died at Bristol Hot Wells, 8 9 1802. Q r. º 273 | Squire, John ............ . . ... 1 1 07 || 29 s 98 || 2 12 1802 19 7 04 || 1 706 * --- --- 5 12 II | 27 4 12 *º-º: - -- --- Holland, 1799; Egypt, 1801; 2nd Lt. R.A., 27 4, 1793. Died from Buenos Ayres, 1806-8; Sweden, fatigue at Truxillo, 19 5 1812. 1808; Peninsula, 1808-9 ; Wal- - cheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1810- 12. 4) : ll: « 274 || Holberton, William ...... • * * | 1 1 97 || 29 8 98 || – --- --- * * --- --- - * --- --- --- --- - Died at Demerara, 13 9 1800. 275 || Graham, Charles ... ......... 1 1 97 || 29 8 98 || 2 7 1803|| 19 7 04 || 1 7 06 - --- --- - -- *-*. --> - * St. Marcou, 1798-9; Egypt, 1801. Died at Mayen, near Banff, 2 12 - 1809. O * * * * * 276 Lawrence, William 1 1 97 - --- * --- --- -- --- - --- - --- - --- St. Domingo, 1797 ... Died at St. Domingo, 19 10 1797. O g 277 Davy, Richard T. ... ... ..... 3 3 97 || 29 8 98 |27 7 1803| 19 7 04 --- sº-sº --- - --- - - * * * --- --- 2nd Lt. R.A., 24 6 1796. Died in London, 23 7 1806. *) e 278 Wright, George & s e º 'º e º º # 4 & 3 3 97 || 29 8 98 || 3 4 1804. 19 7 04 || 1 7 07 || 20 12 14 || 29 7 25 || 7 3 51 || 4 6 14 ------ --- 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 20 6 54 St. Lucia, 1803; Tobago, 1803; 2nd Lt. R.A., 15 8 1798. Died at America, 1813-14; Ceylon, 1818. Cheltenham, 5 3 1856. •) º 279 | Collins, John .................. 3 3 97 || 29 8 98 --> * --- --> -- - --- - --- - --- --- --- --- 2nd Lt. R.A., 28 10 1796. Died at Berbice, 2 10 1801. 6) 280 Hassard, John, C.M.G....... 27 9 97 || 11 9 98 — 20 7 1804; 18 11 07 || 20 12 14 || 29 7 25 - 4 6 14 - - 10 i 37 tº-3 sº-º-º: * --- 2nd Lt. R. A., 28 10 1796. Died at - Corfu, 20 7 1838. 281 Kennett, George 27 9 97 21 1 99 — 20 7 1804 — --- - --- - --- - -- * *-*. Egypt, 1801; Cape, 1805-6; Buenos 2nd Lt. R. A., 23 11 1796. 'Killed Ayres, 1806. at the re-capture of Buenos Ayres, 12 8 1806. 9 Q ) 282 Rogers, Edward.......... * - - - - || 1 1 98 || 1 7 99 * - --- * --- - - —, - --- - * St Martin’s and St. Bartholemew, 2nd #ia R. A., 10 2 1797. 'I)ied at tº tº * : * * 1801 Trinidad, 23 S 1803. 283 || Pasley, Charles William, K.C.B. ..................... 1 498 2s soo *m-. I 3 1805 18 11 07 | 20 12 14 | 12 11 31 28 11 53 || 5 2 12 || 27 5 13 22 7 30 || 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 20 9 60 | Sicily, 1806; Copenhagen, 1807; 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 12 1797. Died in * - - Peninsula, 1808-9 ; Walcheren, London, 19 4 1861. 284 | Dundas, Hon. Robert Law- 1809. { rence, K.C.B................ 1 4 98 || 2 5 1800ſ — - *-* - - --- --- --- - --- -- *-ºs- Holland, 1799; Egypt, 1801; Ger- || 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 12 1797. To R. many, 1805; Peninsula, 1809- Staff Corps, 5 8 1802. Died at 13. Loftus, Yorkshire, 23 11 1844. ~ 285 | Goldfinch, Henry, K.C.B..., |24 6 9s 11 6 1800 – 1 3 05 | 18 11 07 || 20 12 14 10 1 37 17 2 54 17 12 12 21 9 13 22 7 30 || 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 | – | Copenhagen, 1807; Peninsula, 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 3 1798. Died in : 1809-14. London, 21 11 1854. 286 | Le Breton, Edward ......... 29 8 98 |11 6 1800ſ — •mº --- - - --- --- --- -- -- - ** Holland, 1799 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 3, 1798. Died at 287 | Arnold, James Robertson, Jamaica, 8 10 1802. K.H., K.C. ... ... ... . 29 8 98 11 6 1800 — 1. 3 05 || 3 || 08 || 20 12 14 || 10 1 37 -- --- - 22 7 30 || 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 — Malta, 1800; Egypt, 1801; Deme- || 2nd Lt. R.A., 1 3 1798. Died in rara, Essequibo, 1803; Suri- London, 27 12 1854. nam, 1804. 14 1798—18O2. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 288 Burgoyne, John Fox, Bart., * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 29 898 || 1 7 1800) 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 20 12 14 || 10 1 37 22 11 54 6 2 12 || 27 4 12 22 7 80 28 6 38 || 11 11, 51 5 9 55 |Malta, 1800; Sicily, 1806-7; Egypt, Died in London, 7 10 1871. *. Field | Marshal || 1 1 68 1807 ; Sweden, 1808 ; Peninsula, 1808-9 and 1809-14; New Orleans, 1814-15 ; France, 1815-18; Por- tugal, 1827-8; Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-5. 289 Marlow, Benjamin... $ tº e º 'º - e º e 30 8 98 || 1 7 1800 i 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 1 12 15 - - - - -e - - - Copenhagen, 1807; America, 2nd Lt. R.A., 14 7 1798. Died at Spike 290 Jones, John Thomas, Bart., º 1812-14. Island, Cork, 11 10 1818. K.C.B. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 8 98 ||14 9 1800 - 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 11 11 16 - - 6 2 12 || 27 4 12 27 5 25 || 10 1 37 - - Sicily, 1805-6 ; Peninsula, 1808-9; Died at Pittville, Cheltenham, 26 2 1843. Walcheren, 1809 ; Peninsula, 1810– 13 ; Netherlands and France, 1815-16. tg *{ 291 Dyson, George 27 1098 |11 2 1801| 1 3 05 - - --> - --- - -- ** - - Holland, 1799 . Died at Jamaica, 25 6 1806. 292 || Cardew, George............... 2012 98 |28 2 1801| 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 26 11 16 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 55 - -* -º-º-º: 9 11 46 20 6 54 - -*. -*. Died at Southsea, 9 5 1859. 293 | Gosset, William, Kt., K.C.H. 2012 98 1s 4 1801. 1 3 05 24 6 co || 7 2 17 | 10 1 37 --- 2 2 14 || 3 10 16 --> 9 11 46 - *s Holland, 1799; Algiers, 1816 |Died at Charlton Grove, Kent, 27 3 1848. . VXT : ] I : 294 || Bennett, William ... ... ... ... 20 12 98 |18 4 1801] I 3 05 || 24 6 09 - - -4 12 8 19 - --- - *-*. - Sicily, 1810 and 1812-15 Died at Gosport, 18 6 1821. 295 Patton, Peter...... • b , s s 1 4 99 |18 4 1801| 1 3 O5 | 24 6 09 - - - - - - -e -s - Peninsula, 1808-11 Died at Lisbon 'of wounds received at the Siege of Badajoz, 17 7 1811. 296 || Radford, Samuel ............ 1 4 99 |18 4 1801| – - - - - --- - - - -** *-*. -* -- Died at Jamaica, 7 10 1802. 297 || Ross, George Charles ...... 1 7 99 |18 4 1801| 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 - - - - - -s - - * Peninsula, 1809-12 Killed at the Siege of Cuidad Rodrigo, 9 1 1812. 298 | By, John ...................., |2012 99 is 4 1801 2 3 05 |24 6 09 || 2 12 24 - - 23 6 14 - -** * *-* - Peninsula, 1811 2nd Lt. R.A., 18 1799. Died at his seat, Shernfold Park, Sussex, 1 2 1836. re * rº fºr º g 299 Hender SOn, Geol 80 . . . . . . . . . 2012 99 |18 4 1801| 13 7 05 || 2 12 09 || 30 12 24 - - 21 9 13 - -s •- - * Peninsula, 1812-14 2nd Lt. R.A., 18 1799. Retired, 4 1825. - Died at Southampton, 21 4 1855. 300 | Fyers, Thomas ... ... ......... 2 5 1800 1s 4 01 | 21 9 05 || 23 a 10 |28 & 25 | 10 1 27 | – | 12 s 19 || – - 9 11 46 || – — | Peninsula, 1808-9 Died at Woolwich, 11 5 1847. 301 Boys, Richard ... ............ 1 7 1800 18 4 01 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Resigned commission to take Holy Orders, II 3, 1802. Died at Loose Vicarage, near 302 || Vigoureux, Henry Mordaunt Maidstone, 13 2 1866. Gage ............... . . . . . . . . 1 7 1800 18 401 || 1 7 06 28 5 10 || 23 3 25 - - 12 8 19 - - -- --- - - - Died in Newfoundland, 8 6 1830. 303 Rhodes, Charles Steech * - - - - - - 1 7 1801| 1 7 06 || 1 5 11. - -- - - - - - - - Copenhagen, 1807; Peninsula, 1812- || Killed at the Storming of San Sebastian, 13. 31 8 1813. 304 || Kilvington, Henry Medl - 1 7 1801| 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 - - - 12 8 19 - -- --- - --- - - Placed on permanent half-pay, 30 9 1824. 8 5 y ey Died at Westminster, 16 2. 1837. 305 | Buchanan, Gilbert... ... ... ... - 1 7 1801| L 7 06 || 1 5 11 || 23 3 25 - — | 12 8 19 || – - - - - - - Died at Chatham, 1 12 1830. 306 | Ellicombe, Charles Grene, - K.C.B. * * * * * * * * * * * * * - I 7 1801| 1 706 || 1 5 11 || 23 3 25 | 10 1 37 || 30 5 56 27 4 12 21 9 13 22 7 30 || 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 | 20 461 Peninsula, 1811-14 Died at Worthing, 7 6 1871. - T. t - - - 307 || Fanshawe, Edward, C.B. ... - 1 7 1801. 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 || 23 5 25 | 10 I. 37 | 12 8 58 | 12 8 19 - - 9 11 46 || 20 6 54 || – || Cape, 1805-6; Buenos Ayres, 1807; Died in London, 22 11 1858. e Peninsula, 1808-9 ; Walcheren, 308 || Macleod, George Francis, 1809. C.B. ........................ - 1 7 1801| 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 || 23 3 25 - - 6 2 12 21 6 17 - - - -- Sicily, 1806-9; Walcheren, 1809; Sold out, but to retain rank without pay or Peninsula, 1811-12: Holland, promotion, 24 2 1829. Died at Penrith, 1815. 26 7 1851. 309 || Wade, Peter ... ... ... ........ 1 7 1801 11 8 01 || 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 — -- - - - - -- -- - - - Died at Trincomalee, 17 9 1811. 310 | Douglas, William ............ 1 7 1801| 12 10 01 || 1 7 C6 1 5 11 || 23 3 25 - - 12 8 I9 - 28 6 38 || 11 11 51 || 23 11 58 3 4 62 | Sicily, 1809-12 ... Half-pay, 28 1 1829. Died at Hastings, 10 2 1864. Cunningham. T 31 I Ingnam, homas ... ... 2 7 1801| 3) 3 02 || 24 7 06 | 18 7 11 || 9 4 25 | 10 1 37 - 12 8 19 - - 9 11 46 - - - - Died in London, 17 2 1847. 312 || Nicholas, William ......... ... 21 12 1801| 1 7 02 || 25 8 06 || 10 1 12 - - - 27 4 12 *-*. - - - — Sicily, 1805-7 ; , Egypt, 1807; Sicily, Died at Badajoz, 14 4 1812, of wounds (posthu- 1807-9; Peninsula, 1810-12. received on April 6. º e - mous) 3.13 Figg, Edward... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |21 12 1801| 13 7 02 26 8 06 3 3 12 2 6 25 - -- 12 8 19 - - - - --- - - Died at Montreal, 25 12 1829. 314 || Colby, Thomas Frederick... ei is isol a sos | 1 7 07 || 5 3 12 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 — 19 7 21 || – - 9 11 46 — - - - Died at New Brighton, Cheshire, 2 10 1852. 315 Smith, Robert ........ ...... 21 12 1801| 9 9 02 | 18 II 07 - - - - - -- - --- - - Martinique, 1809 Died at sea on passage from the West Indies, 9 7 1810. 316 || Lloyd, Richard ... ............ 1 2 1802. 21 9 02 - - - - - - - - - - - St. Lucia, 1803 ... Died at St. Lucia, 1 1 1804. 15 Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. w War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 317 | Gould, Edward ...... ........ 1 10 02 || 8 10 02 || – - - *- - - -- - - - - - - Died in London, 8 1 1807. 318 Smith, Charles Felix, K.C.B. . . .................. 1 10 02 || 9 10 02 | 18 11 07 15 4 12 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 || 6 3 56 31 12 11 || 21 9 13 22 7 30 || 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 - Danish West Indies, 1807; Martini- | Died at Worthing, 11 8 1858. e que, 1809; Peninsula, 1810-14; - Netherlands and France, 1815-18; 319 || Harding, George Judd, Syria, 1840-41. K.C.B. ............... ... ... 1 10 02 || 1 12 02 18 11 07 || 20 5 12 29 7 25 23 11 41 10 5 59 19 7 21 -- 28 6 38 || 11 11 51 || 23 11 5S -- Sicily, 1807 and 1811-12; Peninsula, Died at Belmont LCdge, Guernsey, 5 7 1860. 1812-14; Genoa, 1814; France, 320 | Hoste, George Charles, Kt., 1815-18. - C.B. ...............…..... 20 12 02 || 21 12 02 | 18 11 07 2.1 5 12 29 7 25 23 11 41 -- 17 3 14 - 28 6 38 - - - Sicily, 1805-7; Egypt, 1807; Sicily, Died at Mill Hill, Woolwich, 21 4 1845. 1807-11; Holland, 1813-15; (Water- loo) France, 1815-16. 321 | Wright, John Ross ......... 1. 3 08 || 1 4 08 18 11 07 || 21 7 18 29 725 || 23 11 41 - 19 7 21 *-*. 28 6 38 - - - - sº-º-º: Died at Teddington, 20 9 1850. 322 | Lewis, Griffith George, C.B. 15 8 08 || 2 7 08 || 1s 11 07 21 7 18 29 725 || 23 11 41 || 23 11 5s 21 0 18 - 28 6 38 11 11 51 | 12 8 58 •- sº ; Peninsula, 1813 ; Died at Brighton, 24 10 1859. 3 -i-º-º-º-n - 323 | Dickens, Thomas Mark... ... 15 3 03 || 27 7 03 || 3 1 08 21 7 13 29 7 25 — — 27 5 25 | — - - - — | Sicily, 1807-9 and 1809-10; Peninsula, Retired by sale of commission, 22 5 1829. - 1813–14. 324 Smart, Henry.................. 15 3 03 || 24 8 03 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 29 7 25 - - - - - - -- - Cape, 1806 Retired by sale of commission, 16 3 1830. Died at Dover, 29 12 1857. 325 | Hamilton, George A.......... 7 503 || 2 1 04 || 24 6 09 || – - - - - - - - - — Madeira, 1807; Peninsula, 1809-10... Died at Lisbon, 20 5 1810, of wounds received at Oporto on the 12th May. 326 McLauchlan, James ......... 1 11 03 || 3 4 04 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 - --- - 4 6 14 - -º-º- - - - - * Retiréd by sale of commission, 12 5 1824. Died at Portsmouth, 15 5 1824. 327 | Hobbs, Henry ............ ... 1 1 04 || 20 7 04 || 24 6 09 21 7 13 - - - - - - - - — | The Saints, W. Indies, 1809 ... Died at Charlemont, 16 i 1819. 328 Hobbs, John ... ... ........... 1 1 04 || 20 7 04 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 8 4 26 - - - - - - - —t- - - Died at Stranraer, N.B., 28 10 1828. 329 || Spencer, John 1 1 04 || 1 3 05 || – - - -º-º-º: - - --- *- - - - - *- l)ied at Trinidad, 2011 1805. 330 | Williams, John Archer ... . . 1 1 04 || 1 3 05 24 6 00 || – - - - - - - - - — Peninsula, 1808-12 Killed at the Siege of Burgos, 24 9 1812. 331 Boothby, Charles , ........... 1 1 04 || 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 21 : 13 - - - - - - - - - Sicily, 1805–7; Sweden, 1808; Penin- Placed on permanent half-pay, 15 6 1815, sula, 1808-9 and 1809-10. and took Holy Orders. Died at Sutterton, Lincoln, 19 8 1846. 332 | Parker, Edward...... ... ...... 1 1 04 || 1 3 05 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 - - - -- - -- - - — Egypt, 1807; Sicily, 1807–11; Penin- || Killed at Orthes, 27 2 1814. sula, 1812-14. 333 | Elphinst one-Holloway, j William Cuthbert, C.B.... 1 1 04 || 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 26 2.28 || 23 11 41 - 21 6 17 - - - - - Madeira, 1807; Peninsula, 1810-12. Died in Plymouth Citadel, 49 1830. 334 Boteler, Richard . . . . . ...... 1 1 04 || 1 3 ſ.5 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 29 10 28 - - - - - - - - Buenos Ayres, 1807; Peninsula, Perished in the Wreck of the Calypso, 1808-9 ; Walcheren, 1809; Penin- February, 1833. Sula, 1811-14. y { º 335 | D’Arcy, Constantine ......... 1 2 04 || 1 3 05 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Chatham, 6 5 1805. 7 * T | * 336 || Vavasour, Henry William... 1 2 04 || 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 2s 1 29 22 4 45 - - - - - - — | Cape, 1805-6; Peninsula, 1813-14 ... Died at Montreal, Canada, 4 7 1851. 337 || Mulcaster, Edmund R. ... ... 1 3 04 || 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || – - *- - - * - - - — Sicily, 1807-8; Peninsula, 1808-9, Killed at the 3rd Siege of Badajoz, 25 3 and 1809-12. 1812. 338 Stewart, Matthew ........... 1. 3 04 || 1 3 05 - - - - - - - *- - - * - •- Resigned commission in Corps, 3 à 1809. Removed from York Rangers to 103rd Foot, 31 7 1817. Half-pay from 10th - Foot, 8 1 1824. 339 Romilly, Samuel ............ 1 4 04 || 1 3 05 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 || 24 2 29 - - - -- --- - - <-mº- Sicily, 1809-13 ; America, 1813-14 ... Retired by sale of commission, 27 10 1829. Died at Dulwich, 2 11 1834. 340 | Payne, William Robert...... 1 4 04 || 1 3 05 24 6 09 || 1 9 13 - *- -- - - - - - - Buenos Ayres, 1807 Retired by sale of commission, 19 11 1824. 341 Graydon, George, K.H. 1 6 04 || 1 3 05 || 2 12 09 || 1 9 13 22 5 29 || 1 4 46 - - - - - - sºmeº- Martinique, 1809; Guadeloupe, 1810. |Died at Montreal, Canada, 27 1 1852. 342 . Mercer, Cavalier Shorthose | 1 704 || 1 3 05 || 23 4 10 |2010 13 || – - - - - --- - - — Peninsula, 1808, .. Died at Bermuda, 25 8 1819. 343 | F raser, Alexander ........... . 2 7 04 || 1 3 05 || 28 5 10 28 2 14 27 10 29 -- - - - - - - - Mariegalante, 1808 Retired by sale of commission, 8 6 1830. Died in 1851. 344 | Dickenson, Sebastian......... 1 10 04 || 1 3 05 || 29 5 10 - - - - - * - - tº- — Buenos Ayres, 1807; Walcheren, Killed at the 1st Siege of Badajoz, 11 5 1809; Peninsula, 1810-11. 1811. 345 | Thomson, Robert ..... ...... 1 11 04 || 1 3 05 || 10 7 10 | 16 5 14 || 26 12 29 || 1 4 46 - - * -* - - - Holland, 1813-15 Died at Dover, 18 7 1851. 16 1804–O7. - - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. - s t r ºt 346 || Roberts, Thomas ......... ... 2 11 04 || 2 3 05 || 1 5 11 || 30 9 14 - - - - - - - - * Peninsula, 1810-14 Died at Barbados, 17 11 1820. 347 | Pilkington, George ... ..... 1 4 05 || 1 11 05 || 1 5 11. - - - - - - - - - - Danish W. Indies, 1807; Martinique, |Services dispensed with, 11 2 1814. Died 1809; Guadeloupe, 1810. at Green Point, Cape of Good Hope, 37 1858. 348 Halberton, Richard Rosdew 11 5 05 || 1 11 05 || 1 5 11 - - - - - - - - - * - *- Drowned in the Jacques Cartier River, Canada, 20 7 1811. 349 || MacCulloch, William......... 1 S 05 || 1 12 05 || 1 5 11. - - - - - - - - - — Peninsula, 1811-12 Died at Athlone, 10 2 1814. 350 | Yorke, Frederick Augustus 1 9 05 || 1 1 06 || 1 5 11 || 2012 14 - - - - -- - - - – Peninsula, 1808-9 ; Guadeloupe, Died at Trinidad, 26 4 1817. 1815. 351 Wittman, William Pope ... 1 9 05 || 1 1 06 - - - - - - - - - - - - *- Died at Barbados, 13 7 1807. 352 Towne, David William... ... 1 12 05 || 1 3 06 - - - - - - - - - - - - t- Superseded for absence without leave, 30 4 1807. 353 Smith, John Mark Frederick, Kt., K.H. ... ... * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 12 05 || 1 3 06 || 1 5 11 20 12 14 | 16 3 30 9 11 46 || 6 7 60 *-* - - 20 6 54 || 25 10 59 || 3 8 63 || Sicily, 1807-11 ... . | Died in London, 20 11 1874. 354 || Jones, Rice, K.H. ............ 1 2 00 || 1 7 C6 || 1 5 11 20 12 14 || 8 6 30 || 9 11 46 *- - - - - *- — | Buenos Ayres, 1807; Peninsula, Died at Gibraltar, 20 3 1854. 1809-12. 355 || Hustler, Robert Samuel 1. 3 06 || 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 20 12 14 || 9 6 30 *- *-*. - - - - - — | Sicily, 1810-12; Peninsula, 1812-14; Died at Armagh, Ireland, 23 1 1835. Genoa, 1814. 356 Moody, Thomas... e - e s e s e a e º ºr a 1 4 06 || 1 7 06 1 5 11 20 12 14 || 2 12 30 9 11 46 - 23 5 16 - - - - - Martinique, 1809; Guadeloupe, Died at Berrywood House, near Southamp- 1810 and 1815. ton, 5 9 1849. 357 | Henryson, John............... 2 4 06 || 1 706 || 1 5 II | 2012 14 - - - - - - 4- - – | Sicily, 1810-12 and 1812-15 Invalid Engineers, 24 1 1825. Retired full pay, 23 12 1830. Died at Exeter, 21.6 1841. 358 Oldfield, John, K.H. ...... 2 4 06 || 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 26 1 15 12 11 31 || 9 11 46 || 25 10 59 22 7 30 - 23 11 41 || 20 6 54 || 10 5 59 || 3 4 62 Netherlands and France, 1814-18 Died at Oldfield Lawn, Sussex, 2 8 1863. (Waterloo) ... * * * - - - is tº e 359 | Dixon, Matthew Charles 2 4 06 || 1 7 06 || 1 5 11 | 16 6 15 25 6 35 | 9 11 46 - 22 7 30 - - 20 ($ 54 - tº- America, 1812-15 Died at Southampton, 30 1 1860. 360 Cheyne Alexander ......... 1 5 06 || 1 7 06 || 1 5 II | T 12 15 - a- - - - - - - - Peninsula, 1808-9 and 1812-14; Permanent half-pay, 8 3 1825. Sold com- 5 Genoa, 1814. mission, S 2 1833. Died at Hobart Town. 361 | Calder, Patrick Doull ...... 1 8 06 || 1 12 06 || 13 5 11 || 11 11 16 || 25 6 35 | 6 9 49 || – || 22 7 30 — 9 11 46 || 26 6 54 || – — Walcheren, 1809 Died at Guernsey, 1 9 1857. 362 | Lawson, Hugh ........ 1 8 06 || 1 12 (6 || 18 7 11 - - - - - - - - - - Sicily, 1807-12 ... Died at Messina, 4 1 1812. 363 | Dixon, Charles ... ........ .. 1 9 06 || 1 12 06 || 22 7 11 26 11 16 || 10 1 37 - — 22 7 30 | – || 11 11 51 13 12 54 20 9 60 — - - Retired on full pay, 31 3 1838. Died at Clapham, 3 11 1864. 364 Watson, George © tº º ſº º ºs tº º ºs 7 10 06 || 1 2 07 - - - - - - - - - * -- - *- Died at Limerick, 17 8 1809. 365 | Harris hn Br h 7 10 06 || 1 2 07 || 10 1 12 || 7 2 17 - - *- 22 7 30 — - - *s- - Sicily, 1811-12; Netherlands and | Retired on full pay, 5 11 1834. Died in S, John €IlC ley France, 1814-16. London, 26 10 1835. 366 || Berington, Charles ......... 7 10 06 || 1 2 07 || 3 3 12 || – - *- - - - - - - - - *- Died at Zante, 8 8 1814. 367 Slade, William Henry * & e º 'º - 1 11 06 || 1 5 07 || 4 3 12 || 23 3 25 10 1 37 || 5 9 50 * 22 7 30 - - 13 12 54 - - Peninsula, 1812-14 Retired on full pay, 13 12 1854. Died in London, 23 10 1874. 368 Colly er, George • * * * * * a s = m º º 1 11 06 || 1 5 07 || 5 3 12 - - - - - - - - *- - Copenhagen, 1807; Peninsula, 1813 || Killed at the assault of San Sebastian, 31 8 1813. 369 || Harper, John ............... 10 11 06 || 1 5 07 || 26 3 12 || 23 3 25 10 1 37 || – — 22 7 30 || – - - º- — | Mariegalante, 1808 Died at Guernsey, 8 12 1837. 370 | Tylden, William Burton, K.C.B. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | 19 11 06 || 1 5 07 || 15 4 12 || 23 3 25 || 10 1 37 21 9 50 * 23 1 14 - - - sº-º-º: * Sicily, 1810-14; Genoa, 1814; Nether- Died at the Alma, Crimea, 22 9 1854. lands and France, 1815-18; Tur- key, 1854; Crimea, 1854. }* tº 37 Shipley , Robert John ...... 9 12 06 || 1 5 07 || 15 4 12 - - -- -- -* - - - - *- - *- Died at St. Christopher's, 25 4 1812. 372 | Wells, John Neave, C.B. ... 20 12 08 || 1 507 | 15 4 12 || 23 & 25 | 10 1 37 t- - 21 1 19 - 11 11 51 - - — | Peninsula, 1808-9 ; Walcheren, 1809; Retired full pay, 28.2 1843. Died at Wood- Peninsula, 1810-14; Netherlands stock, 25 2 1854. and France, 1815-18. 373 Grant, John e e º 'º º * * * * * * * * * e = • * 20 12 06 || 1 7 07 || 21 5 12 - - – - - - - - s- - - *- Died on his passage home from Sierra Leone, * 19 12 1822. 374 | Dubour dieu, Francis ... .. e 9 2 07 - - - - - *- - - - - *- -- - *s- suppºſed for absence without leave, 109 1807. 17 1807–O8. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. War Services Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Lt. Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 375 - º º - j'ſ Dawson, William Francis... 1 4 07 || 14 7 07 || 25 912 || 23 3 25 - - - - - - - -- - Netherlands and France, 1815-18 ... Died at Colombo, 28 3 1829. 376 || Mudge, Richard Zacharv ... 4 5 07 || 14 7 07 21 7 13 || 23 & 25 | 10 1 37 - - - - 11 II 51 ------- - - Peninsula, 1809-10 Retired full pay, 7 9 1840. Died at Teign- 5 y &n mouth, 24 9 1854. 377 | Lascelles, Thomas ......... 5 5 07 | 18 11 07 -sº - - - - - - - - - — | Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1811-12 || Killed at the 3rd Siege of Badajoz, 6 4 1812. 378 Stanway, Frank... ........... I 6 07 | 18 11 07 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 - - - - - - - -* - Sweden, 1808; Peninsula, 1808-14 ; ; Died at Limerick, 9 12 1832. - Netherlands, 1815 (Waterloo); France, 1815-18. 379 Wetch, James.............. e tº a 1 7 07 | I 3 08 || 21 7 13 - - - - - - - - - -- Peninsula, 1810-14 Placed on permanent half-pay, 12 3 1824. Died at Fulham, 7 12 1869. 380 | Walker, Archibald ......... 21 7 07 | I 3 08 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 | 10 1 37 - - - *- - -- - - - - Retired on full pay, 15 8 1840, Died at Perth, N.B., 30 6 1846. 381 Forster, William Frederick 21 7 07 || 1 3 08 - - - - - - - - - - - Sweden, 1808; Peninsula, 1808-9 and Killed at the 2nd Siege of Badajoz, storming 3 Q 9 e " " sº 1809-11. of Fort Christoval, 6 6 1811. 382 | Williams, Sherburne Hodg- kinson ..................... 21 7 07 || 1 3 08 || 21 7 13 23 3 25 | 10 1 37 - - - - 11 11 51 | 16 12 54 20 9 60 || 1 1 68 Guadeloupe, 1815 Retired full pay, 21 7 1837. Died at Rams- º gate, 9 2 1874. 383 Smith, William Davies...... 10 8 07 || 1 4 08 || 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 || – - - - *- - - - – |Sweden, 1808; Peninsula, 1808-9 and ||Died at Fort Clarence, Chatham, 25 10 1884. 1810-14; Netherlands and France, 1814-16. *Y &Y º sº - 384 English, Frederick.........." | S 9 07 || 1 4 08 || 21 7 18 |28 & 25 | 10 1 37 || – - - --- * -sº- -º-º: — Peninsula, 1808-9 and 1814 ; Nether- | Died at Mill Hill, Woolwich, 30 6 1849, lands and France, 1815-17. from wounds received at Artillery experi- ments at Woolwich Arsenal. Y º 385 || Pitts, Thomas J. H. ......... 21 9 of 1 1 0s 2, 713 - --- - - -- a- * * *- — Peninsula, 1810-14 Killed in action at the Oléron Gave, 23 2 1814. * Y (? 386 | Blanshard, Thomas, C.B. ... 2s 9 07 || 1 4 08 || 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 | 10 1 37 || 5 7 51 - 29 9 14 *w- * 16 12 5 4 *-*. — Peninsula, 1814; America, 1814; Died at Hampton, 19 6 1859. New Orleans, 1814-15; France, 1815-17. 387 Davy, Henry e is tº * * * * * * * * * * * * * * H. 11 07 || 2 5 08 -*. --- - - - - *- * — --º. -*. Peninsula, 1808-9 Killed at Betanzos, while blowing up a 388 H hins aft • d hridge over the Mers on the retreat to utchinson (afterwards Corunna, 10 1 1809. Hutchinson-Stavely), Thomas Kitchingman 15 1 08 || 1 7 08 || 21 7 13 - - - - - *- --- * •-se --> Peninsula, 1808-9; Walcheren, 1809; Resigned commission, 20.7 1815. Died at Sicily, 1810-14. Old Steningford Hall, Ripon, 20 2 1860. wº) (T) 389 Brown, Alexander...... ..... 1 2 08 || 1 8 08 || 21 7 13 || 23 3 25 || 10 1 37 || 11 7 51 - - - - * --- - Walcheren, 1809 Died at Devonport, 12 7 1853. 390 | Peake, Loyalty ............... 16 20s | 11 1 09 || 21 7 18 28 & 25 || – - - - - •- - - — Netherlands and France, 1815-18 ... |Died at Devonport, 7 2 1836. 391 | Emmett, Anthony............ 16 2 08 24 6 00 21 7 18 |28 & 25 | 10 1 37 || 11 11 51 || – 5 7 21 | — 11 11 51 | 21 5 55 || – — | Peninsula, 1809-12 and 1813-14 ; l{etired full pay, 21 5 1855. Died at New Orleans, 1814-15. Brighton, 27 3 1872. 392 Robertson, Charles ......... 21 3 08 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Guadeloupe, 11 11 1813. 393 || Rawlinson, Lawrence Rawstone ... ............... 22 3 OS 24 6 09 - - - - - - - - - *-*. - Walcheren, 1809 Died at Guadeloupe, 5 1 1812. 394 J Ones, William Herbert 6 4 08 || 24 6 09 || 21 7 13 -*. - - - - - *- - - - - - Drowned at Port Louis, Mauritius, 31 5 1813. (posthu- *Y O X mous) 398 || Thomson, Alexander......... 12 os 2, 600 21”; 9 a 25 || – - — 21 1 19 — - - - — | Peninsula, 1809-12 ; Holland, 1815 | Died at Edinburgh, 20 6 1830. (Waterloo); France, 1815-17. 3.96 Fyers, Edward ......... ..... 23 4 08 || 24 6 (19 || 21 7 13 - - - - 28 11 54 - - m* - - Peninsula, 1809 Invalid Engineers, 19 12 1819. Retired, 23 12 1831. Died at Inverness, 12 12 1854. 397 Ward, William Cuthbert ... 10 50s 24 6 09 21 7 13 || 2 6 25 || 9 12 37 | 11 11 51 20 9 60 | 10 1 37 - 11 11 51 | 12 S 58 20 9 60 - Sicily, 1809 and 1811-12; Peninsula, Died at Guernsey, 6 9 1867. 1812-13 ; Holland, 1814. 398 Trench, Samuel .............. I () 6 08 24 6 09 - -*. - - - - - *- - -*. - Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1810-11 || Killed at Almeida, 10 6 1811. 399 || Haigh, Willi Prest e º algn, W1111am Preston 11 7 08 || 24 6 09 || 1 9 13 29 7 25 -> - - - - - - - - Sicily, 1809 and 1811-15 Retired full pay, 13 5 1836. Died at Tyne- mouth, 11 3 1840. 400 Longley, Joseph 11 7 08 || 24 6 09 - — , - - - - - -- - - — Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1810-12. Killed at the Siege of Tarifa, 5 1 1812. 401 || G ordon, James ..... tº a to e º 'º o II 7 08 24 6 09 || 1 9 13 29 7 25 || 31 3 38 28 I 52 - 10 I. 37 - II 11 51 | 27 10 55 - - Sicily, 1809-15 ... Retired full pay, 27 10 1855. Died at Edin- burgh, 5 4 1867. 402. Barney 3. George 6 º' - a s 11 7 08 24 6 09 | 1 9 13 29 7 25 | 15 8 40 - - 10 1 37 - - - - - Peninsula, 1811-12; Guadeloupe, Retired half-pay, 204 1845. Sold commission, 15. 19 5 1846. Died at St. Leonard’s, N.S. Wales. 18 1808–09. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 403 || Colby, Henry Augustus 12 7 08 24 6 09 || 2 9 13 || – *mº - — 28 11 54 — - - - — Walcheren, 1809 Supernumerary Invalid Engineers, 31 8 1322. Retired full pay, 23 12 1831. Died at • Weymouth, 10 6 1861. 404 || McDonald, Donald ...... . . . . 12 9 08 24 6 09 20 10 13 &ms. - --- - - - - --- --- — Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, Permanent half-pay, 289 1824. Died at Upper - 1813-14; Netherlands and Norwood, 17 10 1872. - France, 1815-18. 405 Ross, John C. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 9 C8 24 6 09 * --- --- --- - - --- - — - --- Walcheren, 1809 Resigned commission, 20 12 1809. 406 || Jones, Harry David, G.C.B. 17 9 08 || 24 6 09 | 12 11 13 29 7 25 || 7 9 40 || 7 7 53 || 2 8 60 | 10 1 37 | – || 11 11 51 | 12 12 54 || 6 7 60 | – | Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, Died at Governor's House, R.M.C., Sand- 1810-14; New Orleans, 1815 ; hurst, 2 8 1866. Prance, 1815-18 ; Baltic, 1854; Crimea, 1855. 407 | Bonnycastle, Richard Henry, Kt. ............... ........... 2S 9 08 24 6 09 || 11 2 14 || 29 7 25 7 9 40 *m. - 10 1 37 --- - -- - - Walcheren, 1809 America, 1812-15 ; Permanent half-pay, 16 4 1847. Sold com- France, 1816-17 ; Canada, 1838. mission, 25 6 1847. Died at Kingston, Canada, 1848. 408 || Cardew, Henry ............... 1 10 08 || 1 S 09 || 24 2 14 29 7 25 ºm: - - —" --- - --- -- * Walcheren, 1809 Invalid Engineers, 29 9 1828. Retired full 5 y pay, 23 12 1831. Died at Exeter, 2 5 1841. 409 || Marshall, Anthony ......... I 10 08 || 1 S 09 28 2 14 || 29 7 25 | 19 2 41 - --- 10 I. 37 -- 11 11 51 30 5 56 20 4 61 * Peninsula, 1811-13; France, 1815-18 Retired full pay, 12 745. Died at Plymouth, 25 5 1865. 410 | Watson, George O. . . ...... 1 10 0S 1 S 09 * -- --- * - - - --- - --- * *-xx-x *-** Died at Gibraltar, 24 8 Isil 411 || Hunt, Richard ............ ... I, I,() 0S 1 S 09 - * *º-sº - *mº º - --- * * — Peninsula, 1811... Killed at the Storming of Fort Christoval, - Badajoz, 9 6 1811. 412 Skelton, Thomas ............ 1 10 08 || 1 s 09 *º-sº * -ºº: *s- - - - *s- - * — | Peninsula, 1811-12 Rilled at Cuidad Rodrigo, 14 1 1812. 413 Thompson, George Forbes..., | 1 1008 || 1 809 || 1 3 14 29 7 25 || 23 11 41 - - 10 l 37 - - - * - * -ºs- Permanent hºlf pay, 18 3 1845. Sold com- mission, 2 5 1845. Died at Pinnlico, - 19 2 1858. 414 || Piper, Robert Sloper...... . . . 10 1 09 || 1 12 09 | 16 5 14 15 1 26 || 23 11 41 * - 10 1 37 * 20 6 54 || 30 5 56 20 4 61 1 1 68 || Peninsula, 1810-14; Netherlands | Retired full pay, 22 1848. Dicci at Brighton, and France, 1815-16 ; Ceylon, 26 12 1873, 1817-18. 4.15 Power, Robert G. ............ 10 1 09 || 2 12 09 * -- - *-*. - * -- -- mº --- - Walcheren, 1809; Peninsula, 1813... Killed at the Battle of Nivelle, 10 11 1813. 416 Gipps, George, Kt. ........ 11 1 09 || 21 12 09 30 9 14 8 4 26 || 23 11 40 || – — | 10 1 37 || – * - sº-º: — Peninsula, 1811-14 ; Holland and | Died at Canterbury, 23 2 1847. France, 1814-17. 4. 1 7 Barry, Philip ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 09 || 1 3 10 || 1 10 14 || 26 2 28 23 11 41 || 17 2 54 *mº 10 1 37 - *** 13 1. 55 --- --- Peninsula, 1812-13 Retired * pay, 13 1 1855. Died at Guern- sey, 17 4 1869. 4.18 Tapp, Hammond Astley 10 2 09 || 1 3 10 | 20 12 14 || 29 10 28 - - -- - - - - --- --- Peninsula, 1810-14 ; New Orleans, Died at Jamaica, 13 9 1831. - 1814-15. - 419 | Reid, William, K.C.B. ... ... 10 2 09 || 23 4 10 |2012 14 28 129 || 23 11 41 || 17 2 54 *mº 20 3 17 | 10 1 37 || 11 11 51 30 5 56 -- -- Peninsula, 1810-14; New Orleans, Died in London, 31 10 858. - 1. : Netherlands and France, - 1815-16; Algiers, 1816; Spain, 1835–6. 420 | Melhuish, Samuel Camplin 25 4 09 || 28 5 10 | 20 12 14 || 24 2 29 - sºm - 28 11 54 - --- - *m. -- Peninsula, 1811-14; Netherlands and | Retired, 7 1836. Died at Taunton, 30 3 1856. France, 1815-16. 421 | Ord, William Redman ..... 25 4 09 29 5 10 | 2012 14 22 5 29 18 3 45 17 2 54 20 4 G1 | 10 i 37 --- - 1 11 58 20 4 61 || 1 || 68 Peninsula, 1810 and 1811-14 .. Died at Devonport, 11 4 1872. 422 || Hulme, John Lyon ......... 24 6 09 || 10 7 10 20 i2 I4 || 23 5 29 *-s: -- --- 28 11 54 - - - - --- Peninsula, 1810-14; Holland and | Retired full pay, 512 1835. Died at Exeter, France, 1815-16 and 1817. 26 2 1870. 423 Wright, Peter ..... 24 6 09 || 25 3 11 *mº * cºmrº. - -- - --- * amº *sº * Peninsula, 1810-14; New Orleans, Killed when reconnoitring before New 1814. Orleans, 30 12 1814. 424 Birch, James .................. 12 09 || 1 5 11 | 2012 14 *mº - * --- * - * * --- - Peninsula, 1810-14; Genoa, 1814 Permanent half-pay, 24 9 1825. Died at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 20 6 1866. tº E- º 425 | Macauley, John Simcoe...... 12 7 09 || 1 5 II 26 L 15 27 10 29 - --- *mº amº - - --- - — Peninsula, 1810-13 Permanent half-pay, 10 9 1836. Died at k Strood, near Bochesuer, 20 12 1855. 426 Kelsall, Roger ............... 12 7 09 || 1 5 11 | 16 6 15 26 12 29 22 4 45 *m. - 10 1 37 * sºme - sºsºs * --- --- Permanent half-pay, 22 5 1845. Sold com- mission, 8 8 1845. Died at Geelong, Victoria, 26 3 1861. * Hy t * 427 Melville, David ............... 12 7 09 || 1 5 II --- - *mº * * - - - * - *-*. Peninsula, 1811 Killed at the 1st Siege of Badajoz, 10 5 1811. 428 Pringle, John Watson ... ... 23 S 09 || 1 5 11 21 7 15 16 3 30 ** - *== 28 11 54 * -- * - — Peninsula, 1811-14 ; Holland, 1815 Retired full pay, 14 3 1832. Died at Bath, - (Waterloo); France, 1815-17. 12 10 1861. 19 Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 429 | Savage, Henry John ......... 30 909 || 1 5 11 || 1 12 15 || 8 6 30 22 5 45 21 3 54 || 3 4 62 | 10 1 37 || – — 23 11 5S 3 4 62 | – | Peninsula, 1813-14 ...|Died at St. Heliers, Jersey, 7 2 1866. 430 Waters Marc y ius ... . - e 52 '7 Alſº | W) fº - * - - 2.1 5 55 - - Peninsula, 1812-14; Holland, 1815 | Retired full pays, 21 5 1855. Died in 5 us Antonius 30 909 || 1 , 5 11 || 11 11 16 || 21 630 | 12 7 45 20 6 54 10 1 37 J O') (Waterloo); France, 1815-17. London, 14 1 1868. a; g X7 * - - I & * * - - - - - Retired full pay, 23 9 1836, Died at 431 | Pr Ince, Charles Edward 7 10 09 || 1 5 11 26 11 16 22 6 30 -- - -s - - -- - Neufchatel, Switzerland, 4 1 1837. 4.32 Abbe harl S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e * - - t QT ** – Died before Bergen-on-Zoom, 11 3 1814, of A-l y; C € * * * - 1 2 10 || 1 5 11 - - - - - - - - --> Holland, 1813-14 wounds received at the storming of that fortress on the 8th. © P & - Mºe * 21 A 1 & Q A £1..? 5, T – ired full pay, 11 8 1856. Died at 433 Cole, Pennel ............... ... 1 2 10 1 5 11 || 7 2 17 || 2 12 30 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 - 10 1 37 - - 11 8 56 - - Holland, 1814-15 ; S. Africa, 1851-3 Rºº,gºer, ; : gº 434 du Vernet, William Henry | 1 , 10 || 1 5 11 || – - - - --- sº- - - - - — | Sicily, 1812-14 . Died at Messina, 26 2 1814. 435 | Kitson, John Sykes I 2 10 | I 5 II | 17 I I9 || 14 9 31 - -- - - - -- - - - - - Died at Nassau, Bahamas, 14 9 1835. 43 { . . . " *J WJ. J. J. * * * * * * .* ------- - - Sicily 11-13; Peninsula, 1813-14; Permanent half-pay, 23 3 1825. Died in 36 Smith, Henry Nelson 1. 3 10 || 1 5 11 || 26 8 19 — - wº- -- *- - - sºlº Peninsula. Ilondon, 21 2 1853. • T]] } Y d - TY ~~~ : - J) - - - - Per t half-pav, 19 10 1826. Died i 437 | Elliott, Theodore Henry 7 5 10 || 1 5 11 | 18 11 20 || – - - - - - - - - — | Peninsula, 1811-13 º U l 438 Matson, Edward - • 2-1 …) T A • NT - Retired, 10 9 856. Died in London k 3 * * * * * * v- w - - - - - - - - - - ** * ( * 42 ; ; 20 6 5 - 1 37 - - 10 9 56 - - Peninsula, 1812-14 ; New Orleans, 5. b-. - y 7 5 10 || 1 5 11 || 9 1 21 | 12 11 31 1 4 46 20 6 54 T0 1 37 U 1815; Netherlands and France, 3 9 1873. 1815–18. - A tº C º g ! {^n in wra M- º Y - 4 ired full pay, 13 12 1854. Died at 439 || Victor, James Conway ... ... 1 6 10 || 1 5 11 | 19 6 21 | 26 10 34 || 1 4 46 | 20 6 54 | – || 10 I. 37 || – — | 13 12 54 || – — | Peninsula, 1813-14 *ś, *'Isà. 24. Li 440 || Grierson, Crighton ... ... ... 1 6 10 || 1 5 11 || 1 7 21 || 6 11 34 || 1 4 46 — — 10 1 37 — 20 6 54 10 5 59 || 3 S 63 | S 6 71 ||Peninsula, 1812-14 ; Genoa, 1814 Reft, fºllow, 101st Died in London, 44.1 Barou, Richard John ... 1 6 10 || 1 5 11 | 20 12 22 || 25 6 35 — - — 10 1 37 28 11 54 — - - — Peninsula, 1813-14 Reſºlvay, 139 is 1. died in London. 442 | de Salaberry, Edward A. . . . . . . * - - º -12 Killed at the assault, 3rd Siege of Badajoz, ~ & y; 21 7 10 || 1 5 11 -- - - - - - - - - Peninsula, 1811-1 6 4 1812. x-y * & * * * * * * * * * * & : - * * * * * * y’ s - o S **** * * f a Sebastia y 443 Machell, Lancelot 21 7 10 || 1 5 II --- - - -*. - - - - - - - Peninsula, 1812-13 kilº, fºe Storming of San Sebastian 444 | Fenwick, Thomas Howard a in 1 5 II | 2 12 24 25 6 35 | 1 4 46 || – — 28 6 38 || – - *- - - - - Died at Kingston, Canada, 5 8 1849 445 Hall, Lewis Alexander e e º - - - 21 7 10 1 5 11 | 12 + 25 19 S 38 1 4 46 || 23 9 54 3 S 63 28 6 3S - 20 6 54 10 5 59 3 S 63 - Netherlands and France, 1815-18 ... Died at Southampton, 16 3 1868. 446 Scott, Richard Evans ...... 22 2 11 || 1 5 11 || – - - - - *- - - - - – | Sicily, 1811-12; Peninsula, 1812-14 ; Died at Corfu, 169 1815. Genoa, 1814. 447 Yule, Patrick - * * * * tº s & 4 - a tº a e º e - e. 1. 5 11 L1 5 11. 23 3 25 15 9 35 1 4 46 13 12 54 - 28 6 38 - 20 6 54 9 10 55 - - Canada, 1812-14 Rºº, §: 1() 1S55. Pied at Edin- 8 **; º 448 | Head, Right Hon. Sir - Francis Bond, Bart., K.C.H. ..................... 1 5 11 || 13 5 11 || 23 3 25 - - - - - - - - - - Holland, 1815 (Waterloo); France, Transferred to the Line, 84 1825. 1815-18. 449 || Philpotts, George ............ 1 5 11 || 7 6 11 || 23 3 25 || 5 12 35 | 20 4 46 || – — 28 6 38 29 3 39 || 11 11 51 || – - – | Canada, 1814; Canada, 1837-9; Died at Bermuda, 189 1853. - China, 1847. - 450 Gilbert, Francis Yarde ... ... & 4) ºx is - - Peninsula, 1812-14 : Holland, 1815 | Permanent half-pay, 7 6 1825. Died at 5 C 1 5 11 | 10 (; 11 || 23 3 25 || – - - -- - - - º- §.o.º.e.';. Killaloe, co. Clare, 30 11 1871. 451 | Thompson, Arthur ......... 1 5 11 11 6 11 || – *- - - -wº - - - - - - - - Died in Dublin, 12 12 1813. 452 Selwyn, Charles Jasper 1 5 11 | 18 7 11 || 23 3, 25 | 8 2 36 || 9 11 46 - - 28 6 3S - - - - - Guadeloupe, 1815; S. Africa, 1834-5 | Died at Montreal, Canada, 12 12 1847. 453 | Elton, Isaac Marmaduke 9 r; + . -- - - - - - - - - Peninsula, 1813-14; New Orleans, Died in Switzerland, 24 5 1823. 2 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 - -*. y º - 1815; Netherlands and France, 1815-18. ' 'i 454 ||Gosset, William Matthew ... || 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 9 4 25 | 13 5 36 || 9 11 46 || – — 2S 6 38 || – | 20 6 54 || – - — | Canada, 1813-14 Rºw, * 1 1847. Died in London, 455 Skene Philip Orknev ... ... * - t ; and France, 1815-18 ... | Permanent half-pay, 2 3 1824. Died at 5 | y 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 - - - - - - - - - - Netherlands and France, Southsea, Lewes, 244 1837. 456 | Lancey, Thomas Furbor ... - - , rºle?” and France, 1815-18 ... Retired full pay, 28 3 1837. Died at Har- « y; S 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 10 4 25 | 11 6 36 - - - - - -- -- Netherlands and Franc wich, 23 5 43. 20 1811–1813. - - - - -- - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Nanne. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. ~ * •lino, lil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 12 -- - - - - *- - - - - - Holland, 1813-15 Waterloo); Permanent half-pay, 24 1 1824. Died in 457 | Sperling, John ........ 14 12 11 || 1 7 France, 1815-18. ( || London, 14.2 1877. 458 Young, Richard Sparkman | 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 2 & 25 || 23 9 86 - - *- - - - - - - - - Died at Ireland Island, Bermuda, 24.12 1837. 459 | Bolton, Daniel ............ ... 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 7 6 25 | 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 || 13 12 54 - 28 6 38 - 20 6 54 20 Ü 59 - – Peninsula, 1813-14; Holland, 1814-15; Died at Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, º * - - France, 1815-18. 16 5 1860. 460 | Whiny a tes, Frederick - William ........ & a s a e g º e º 'º e º s 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 | 16 12 5 | - 28 6 38 - 20 6 54 13 1. 55 *- - Algiers, 1816; France, 1817-18; Retired full pay, 131 1855. Died at Chelten- - New Brunswick, 1839. ham, 9 1 1881. 461 Robe, Alexander Watt ... ... 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 || 9 11 46 - - 28 6 38 - - - - - Peninsula, 1813-14; New Orleans, Died at St. John’s, Newfoundland, 24 1849. - 1815 ; France, 1815-18. 462 Hayter, Thomas Baskerville 14 12 13 || 1 7 12 || – - - - -- •- - - - *- — Holland, 1813-14; France, 1815-18... Died at Colombo, 213 1824. 463 || Alderson, Ralph Carr ...... 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 || 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 26 1 47 - - 28 6 38 || 10 11 40 — - - — | Spain, 1838-40 ; Syria, 1840-1 * Diº, * the Rºyal Hospital, chaºs, a 10 464 | Stocker, Ives ... .. £) H. T. 9 || < Ø : - - - - *) - --sº *- *- - - - Retired full pay, 13 5 1856. Died at Titch- 5 14 12 11 || 1 7 12 29 7 25 28 11 54 field, Hants, 24 3 1872. 465 | West, George tº ºr tº e 4 º' º e º 'º - e º e º e 1 5 12 || 1 3 13 29 7 25 - - -- - - -*. - - - - Peninsula, 1812-14; New Orleans, Perished in the wreck of the Firefly schooner º 1814-15; France, 1815-18. off Belize, on passage from Honduras to Jamaica, 27 2 1835. 466 Wright, Charles ........... e 1 7 12 || 1 3 13 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 || 4 2 47 || 3 || 55 - 28 6 38 - 28 11 54 || 17 5 60 - - - - Died in London, 94 1866. 467 Rivers, Charles ..... e tº e º sº e < e < ū 1 7 12 || 1 3 13 || 29 7 25 | 10 1 37 - - - 28 6 38 28 11 54 -- - - - Peninsula, 1813-14 Retired full pay, 28 7 1840. Died at Hurst, 2 Berks, 19 5 1855. 468 Hunt, Robert ............... 1 7 12 || 1 3 13 - - - - *- - - - - a- - France, 1815-18 *is; sea, on passage to Ceylon, 6 9 l819. 469 | Thomson, Francis Ringler 1 7 12 21 7 13 29 7 25 || 10 1 37 || 1 3 47 || 13 1. 55 m- 28 6 38 - 28 11 54 || 14 6 56 - — France, 1815-17... Fº 3. pay, 14 6 1856. Died at Epsom, 70 Wortham, Hale Young * * * * * * 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 24 9 25 | 10 I. 37 | 16 4 47 | 13 1 55 - 28 6 38 -- - 1 4 58 - - Peninsula, 1813-14; New Orleans, Fº ; pay, 14 1858. Died in London, - 1814-15. 1 12 1882. 471 Catty, James Patrick ...... 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 | 15 1. 26 - - -- - - - - - - - Canada, 1814 Resigned, 1534. Died at Frome, 24 1 1839. 472 || Worsley (afterwards Penny- man), James White ...... 1 7 12 21 7 13 8 4 26 - - - - - - --> - - - - - Rºlepsy, 8 4 1826. Died at York, - we (U. 473 Tinling, George Vaughan... 12 2 (. º * * * - -- - 28 11 54 - -* --- - – | Peninsula, 1813-14; Netherlands | Retired full pay, 287 1840. Died at Chelten- 8, Sº, 5 1 7 21 7 13 19 10 26 || 10 1 37 and France, 1815-18. ham, 236 iséï. 474 White, Andrew Douglas 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 6 12 26 - - - - - - - - ſººn- - Holland, 1813-15 (Waterloo); France, Permanent half-pay, 6 10 1831. Died at 1815-18. Paramatta, N.S.W., 24 11 1837. 475 | Eyre, James William ... ... 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 - *- - - - - - -* - *- - Holland, 1813-15; France, 1815-18... I ied at Tobago, 218 1825. 476 Jebb, Joshua, K.C.B. ...... 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 || 26 2 28 10 1 37 | 16 4 47 || – — | 23 11 41 || – | 28 11 54 || 6 7 60 | – — Canada, 1813-14 Rºº, a sº. Died in London, so 477 Smyth, John ............ * @ tº e º a 1 7 12 || 21 7 13 29 10 28 || 10 1 37 || – - - - - - - - — | Canada, 1814 Fºllow, 14 isºl. Died at Exeter 42. 478 || Willson, Henry Hill ......... 20 g is 21 18 as 129 |io 1 sº | – -- +- - - - a- - — | Canada; 1814 Died at Belfast, 12 6 1838. 479 | Henderson, Alexander ...... 20 3 13 || 21 7 13 | 94 2 29 28 3 37 || – - ºm- *- - - *- - — Holland, 1814-15; France, 1815-18... Died at the Cape of Good Hope, 25 12 1844. 480 | Battersbee, Thomas ......... 20 3 13 | 21 7 13 22 5 29 || 9 12 37 || – - - - - --- ºs- - - - - Retired full pay, 306 1843. Died at Malaga, - Spain, 8 12 1851. 481 Cooper, Robert Henry Spencer * º - - Netherlands and France, 1813-18; Half- 15 2 1830 Died in Lond • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a e < * * * 2 3 1 t. m- -- - *- - - --- *- &V S à,1] rance, - 5 .8, pay * 28 11 54 --- *r-e - - - Netherlands and France, 1814-16; Retired full pay, 28 6 1842. Died at Bath, Canada, 1838-9. . 24 l? 1870. 502 | Sanders, Christopher Knight | 1 || 14 || 1 s 14 - --- - -------- --- - - - - — Holland, 1814-15 (Waterloo); France, Died at Cheltenham, 12 3 1824. 1815-16. N - 503 Luxmoore, Thomas Coryndon | 1 || 14 || 1 s 14 || 6 11 34 1, 9 41 || 1 , 49 - * 9 11 46 - 28 II 54 || 2 S 60 || 7 9 67 | S 6 71 | Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... | Retired full pay, 1, 4, 1852. Died at Tun- bridge Wells, 26 11 1878. 504 Buckeridge, Henry Mark ... | 1 || 14 1 8 14 - --- --- --- --- --- - - - - -*. Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Died at Gibraltar, 12 4 1821. 505 Minchin, Charles Humphrey 1 1 14 || 1 S 14 - - - --- --- - -- --- --- - * Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Permanent half-pay, 24.6.1819. Died at Parsonstown (Birr), 6 8 1874. To ri 7 : ] || * * * * 506 || Faris, William 1 1 14 || 1 8 14 || 1 3 35 | 23 11 41 || 6 8 49 - --- 9 11 46 --- 28 11 54 || 2 8 60 || 7 9 67 || 8 6 71 || Holland, 1815 (Waterloo); France, Retired full pay, 24 11 1851. Died in 1815-16. London, 4 12 1874. T: * } . $ 507 | Salkeld, William James ..... 1 1 14 || 1 S 14 — ------ --- -- * --- - --- --- * — | Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Died at St. Lucia, 22 1 1818. - + 508 || Patten, Edward Bullock 1 1 14 || 1 8 14 || 25 6 35 || 23 11 41 --- --- --- - - v- *mºmº **-*. — | Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Died at Hythe, Kent, 30 4 1843. 509 | Baddeley, Frederick Henry | 1 114 || 1 s 14 || 2: 6 35 | 93 in 41 | g o 0 |21 B 55 --- 9 11 46 — 28 11 54 || 10 6 56 | — --- Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Retired full pay, 10 6 1856. Died at Jersey, 4 5 1879. 510 Rogers, William............... 1 1 14 || 1 S 14 - --- - *mº --- - cº-º-º: --- --- - * Netherlands and France, 1815-16 ... Died on board The Thames, off Madeira, 27 12 1817. 511 Dalton, George 1 1 14 || 1 8 14 | 19 S 35 -- --- - *-*. - - * - ** — | Netherlands and France, 1815 Retired full pay, 30 9 1841. Died at: Uxbridge, 10 6 1854. 512 Bul t, George * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * g º e 1 8 14 1 7 15 15 9 35 || 23 11 41 --- --- --- --- - --- --- - * - *s-sº Retired full pay, 1 10 1843. Died at - Blandford. Dorset, 2 12 1843. 513 | Lewis, George C h a r le s Retired full pay, 6 3 1844. TXied in London, Degen --- --- 19 10 1871. 5* . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 S 14 || 1 7 15 5 12 35 | 23 11 41 - -- *º sº. 28 11 54 -- *-*. - - --- & - - --- Retired full pay, 4 1833 Died at Shorn- B14 | Blackiston, Thomas Henry | 1 s 14 || 1 ; 15 - - mºm, - - - * - --- -- .."gººd. --- --- Died at Malta, 12 5 1827. 515 Beague, Charles Heard ...... 1 8 14 || 1 7 15 --- --- - -- - •mº --- *º- - - - y 22 Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. - War Services. Benlarks. 2nd Lieut Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 516 | Duplaf, Gustavus Charles, * * * * * * * * * e g º e s a tº e º e º 'º º e º e < * * 1 8 14 1 7 15 S 2 36 || 23 2 42 21 9 53 --- * 29 3 39 || 1 0 11 40 | 11 11 51 mºmº --- Spain, 1839-40 ... Died at Vienna, 21 12 1854. 517 Bolders, Henry George * * * * * * 1 S 14 || 1 7 15 --- --- - - -- - --- - --- - gººm --- Jnattached half-pay, 17 12 1830. Died in - • London, 9 4 1873. 518 Budgen, Thomas ............ T S 14 1 7 15 || 13 5 36 23 2 42 21 9 50 9 10 fiń - 9 11 46 - 28 11 54 || 1 S 56 - -- --- Refired full pay, 1 8 1856. Died at St. * Heliers, Jersey, 10 10 1867. 519 | Heath, Macclesfield William | 1 s 14 || 1 7 15 || 13 536 * --- gº-ºº: --- -- - - --- ºme --> - Permanent half-pay, 25 5 1838. Died at Charlcombe, near Bath, 31 3 1863. 520 | Biscoe, Vincent Joseph ... ... 1 S 14 || 1 7 15 11 6 36 28 6 42 --- - * 9 11 46 --- - --- --- --- arms Died at Victoria, Hong Kong, 5 7 1850. 521 | Clavering, Rawdon Forbes | 1 s 14 1 7 15 - --- -- - cº-º-º- *-*. - -- --> --- *s - Died at Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire, 4 2 - 1831. 522 Wulff, Henry Powell ... ..... 1 s 14 || 1 7 15 23 9 86 24 10 42 5 7 51 27 10 55 --- 9 11 46 || – || 28 11 54 || 31 1 60 — --- - Retired full pay, 31 1 1860. Died at Charlton, . Kent, 8 Z 1871. 523 | Elliot, Francis Edward ... . . . 1 s 14 7 15 * - --- - - --- - --- --- --------- --- - Retired (joined the Line), 8 2 1826. 524 || Tweed, James Thomas . . . . . . 1 s 14 25 7 15 --- ----- m-- --- ºm-º. - --- - ºmº --- -- --- Hººpº, sistſ. Died at Capel, Suffolk, 525 | Williams, Montgomery...... 24 & 15 1 5 16 10 1 37 1 5 43 14 T 51 10 6 56 || 7 9 67 * --- 2S 11 54 || 2 S 60 7 9 67 is 72 S. Africa, 1834-5 ; Spain, 1837-8 Died at Finden, near Worthing, 18 6 1872. 526 Hawkshaw, John 24 3 15 || 1 5 16 || 10 1 37 || 3 ) (; 43 | 1.4 7 31 -- --- - - 2s 11 54 13 155 – - - Retired full pay, 13 l 1855. Died at Portar- r lington, 10 9 1862. 527 | Hotham, George ............ 24 3 15 || 1 5 16 10 1 37 - --- - gºmºs - - - - --- Algiers, 1816 Permanent half-pay, 17 8 1839. Died at York, 14 4 1860. 528 Stronach, William ... . . . . . . . . . . 24 3 15 || 11 11 16 --- - - - --- -- rººmsº *-g --- ºmº --- - Permanent half-pay, 31 12 1824. Died at Ardmeallie House, Banffshire, 4 4 1893. 529 Lemon, George William 24 3 15 26 11 16 --- --- -- - --- --- --- --- -- - --- Died at Kingston, Upper Canada, 17 3 1832. 530 Hore, Thomas ............... 24 & 15 7 2 17 | 10 1 37 || 1 10 48 31 s 51 --> -- 11 11 51 - 28 11 54 20 9 60 || 1 1 (jS * --- Retired full pay. 6 12 1851. Died at Fare- - ham, 30 5 1870. 53] Attwood, Frederick Thomas 24 3 15 || 17 119 - - --- - - - - *-ºr --- --- t - --- Half-pay, 17 1 1819. Assassinated at Moran, Spain, 26 7 1821. 532 | Lempriere, Thomas ......... 1 9 15 29 S 19 — --- -- - * - --- gººm-º: -- – Algiers, 1816 Half-pay, 29 8°1819. Died at Alicante, 26 12 . 1S20. 533 || Foster, Thomas ............... 1 9 15 || 7 9 19 10 1 37 6 344 11 11 51 14 6 56 s 2 66 29 & 39 11 11 51 20 6 54 25 10 59 s 2 66 s 6 71 | Canada, 1887-9. Died in London, 26 S 1872. 534 | * Lagden, Henry Nash ... ... 24 3 15 1S 11 20 - - --- - --- - - - --- * -- - Dismissed the Service, 10 4 1827. 535 | Bordes, George F ran c is William ...... 1 9 15 || 9 || 21 | 10 1 37 * ----- - --- -- - - --- wº- -- * Retired full pay, 4 4 1843. Died 24 11 1845 536 || Randolph, Francis............ 1 9 15 || 13 4 21 | 10 1 37 sºme --- - --- - ----- --- --- --- *-* ----- Permanent half-pay, 15 10 1839, Died at Sevenoaks, 3 12 1869. 537 | Kennedy, John Pitt ......... 1 9 15 19 6 21 || – * --- *mº --- - sº-º: - * *-*. wº-ºº: * Transferred to the Line, 28 4 1826. 538 Hope, John Isaac 1 9 15 1 7 21 | 10 1 37 | 20 6 44 || 11 11 51 | 1 S 56 | – | 11 11 51 — 28 11 54 — *-ºs * *ºm Died at Exeter, 17 4 1860. 539 Townsend, Joseph ... tº º ſº 1 9 15 20 12 22 --- -- -- *- --- --- - - --- *m. ----- *m. Half-pay, 1 5 1823. Permanent half-pay, 1. 3 1825. Died at Warwick, 29 4 1870. 540 || Forbes, William Cameron... 1 9 15 || 25 523 10 1 37 | 20 6 44 | 11 11 51 - - - --- - --- --- --- * Died in London, 28 3 1853. 541 | Stotherd, Richard John...... 1 9 15 | 12 3 24 10 1 37 || 30 10 44 24 11 51 || LI S 56 || 17 3 6S | 11 11 51 - 28 11 54 20 9 60 | 1 1 68 19 6 72 --- wº-º-º-º: Died at Southsea, 24 7 1879. 542 Bruyeres, Henry Pringle 1 9 15 --- - *=sº - - --- -- - -- *mº - --- *m. Permanent half-pay, 21 2 1823. Died in ºf London, 9 1 1885. 543 | Gordon, Alexander ........ , 1 9 15 2 12 24 || 10 1 37 | 18 12 44 || 6 12 51 10 9 56 -- 11, 11 51 -- 28 11 54. 20 4 61 * Demerara, 1823-4 Died in London, 16 3 1863. 544 | Fitzgerald, Charles Fielding | 1 9 15 --- - *-*. - --- *-* - --- -- *- --- --- - Drowned at Witham, Essex, 8 10 1818. 545 || Rose, Cowper.................. 1 9 15 12 1 25 | 10 1 37 26 12 44 || 28 1 52 || 2 9 57 -- 11 11 51 -- 2S 11 54 *-*. *-*. --- * Drowned by the upsetting of a boat in Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, 27 11 1859. 546 M a r low, W i l l i a m Biddlecomb ............... 1 9 15 || 23 3 25 28 3 37 | 18 3 45 || 1 4 52 25 11 57 - 7 7 46 -º-º: 2S 11 54 26 3 62 || – New Zealand, 1845-6 ... Retired full pay, 23 3 1862. Died at Gosport, Hants, 4 1 1864. * This officer lost three places for his Lieutenancy ; his original seniority being next after Thomas Hore. 1816–24. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Nanue. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 547 | Drummond, Thomas ... ...... 1 3 16 || 23 3 25 | 18 S 37 — – --- - *-*. *-º-º: -- -- - --- --- Died in Dublin, 15 4 1840. 548 Dawson, Robert Kearsley, w - C.B. F & © . . . * tº º ºs º is º ºs & 8 e º 3 m e º is & 1. 3 16 23 3 25 18 8 37 22 4 45 29 3 53 --- --- 11 II 51 - --- 28 11 54 - ---- - - Retired full pay, I 12 1853. Died at Lee - Grove, Blackheath, 28 3 1861. - 549 || Michel, John Johnson ...... 1 3 16 || – --- --- ------ --- --- -- s-º --- --- - — France, 1818 ... ... ... ... Died at Kandy, Ceylon, 24 4 1824. 550 Ranken, George Elliot ... ... I 3 6 - - --- - - - --- --, - --- -- --- --- --- Resigned commission, 26 4 1823. 551 Pooley, Henry a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. 3 16 || 23 3 25 | 18 8 37 - --- -- --- ** - --- - --- --- - ------ºr, Retired full pay, 19 3 1840. Died at Bath, . - 6 II 1843. 552 Murphy, Hastings Fitz - - Edward * * * * s is © º º $ i t t e º sº. 4 tº w e º e 1. 3 16 || 23 3 25 - --- - - ---- ---- *-*. - --- -—- - ------> - Died at Bussorah, 9 8 1836. 553 Hay, Charles .................. 1. 3 16 *** --- - - --- - --- - --- --- --- - --- – Died at Trincomalee, 26 8 1823. 554 | Pettingal, Francis William | 1 & 16 || 23 3 25 | 2011 37 --- --- *-*. - 2S 11 54 *-*. *-*. •----- º- -- - - Retired full pay, 10 1 1844. Died at Ply- - - mouth, I 4 1872. - 555 | Wentworth, Samuel Henry | 1 3 16 || 23 3 25 || 9 12 37 * - --- --- --- --- --- --- - ----º. --- --- | Died at Bermuda, 21 9 1843. 356 | Tucker, Henry ............ .. 1. 3 16 || 9 4 25 25 I 2 37 22 4 45 29 3 53 ** -wº- 11 11 51 * 29 3 56 - - - - -- Died at Port Royal, Jamaica, 10 1 1858. 557 Browne, George s & g g tº 4 & 8 º' tº e a w ł & 1 3' 16 || 10 4 25 * -º-º: *-*. . --- * * * ---º-º: --rº - --- --- --- Died at Portsmouth, 19 7 1835. 558 Stehelin, Benjamin Spicer 8 16 || 2 6 25 31 3 38 22 5 45 19 4 53 | 12 S 58 || 7 11 5S 11 11 51 * 28 11. 54 || 3 4 62 || 17 3 68 - ***** --- Died in London, 194 1870. - 559 Lancey, William ............ I 8 16 || 7 (; 25 || 25 5 3S * --- --- **** 28 11 54 wº-º-º: F-º-º: *s- --- --- -- --- Retired full pay, 14 1841. Died at Newton- : Limavady, Londonderry, 7 12 1866. 560 Alexander, Richard ......... 1 S 16 || 29 7 25 - * * *wº - * * --- *-* *** --- --- -º-º-º: Permanent half-pay, 49 1833. Died at Pen- - Zance, 26 4 1835. 561 | Oldershaw, Charles ... ... ... 1 8 16 29 7 25 | 13 6 38 12 7 45 --- - - 28 11. 54 --- --- *-ºº-ºº. ** - -º-º-ºw. -º-º-º: Retired full pay, 29 12 1849. Died 23 3 1885. 562 | Whitmore, G e org e St. - Vincent ..... tº e º is e º e < * * 1 8 16 || 29 7 25 24 1 39 || 1 4 46 — --- — | 11 11 51 || – --- --- - --- ----- —- Died at Charlton, near Woolwich, 12 11 1851, jº * - r sº * |Servanté, Henry … . . . s 16 |29 25 2, 5 so | 1 , |g| iſ 2 s, 1 iſ is 20 a yol in in 51 | – |gs iſ 5, 3 s 65 || 7 in as ºf s is -- --w Died at Southsea, 26.2 1876. 564 | Crawley, Henry Owen ...... 1 8 16 29 7 25 | 17 8 39 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 23 11 58 || – || 11 11 51 | – || 2S 11 54 || 11 10 63 || – - --- --- Retired full pay, 11 10 1863. Died at Bournemouth, 29 8 1870. rº § o: sº * O Edridge, Henry Thomas ... 1 8 16 || 29 7 25 || – - * --- --- * s-ºra --- --- --- - --- — Died at Worcester, 6 11 1828. Twiss, John .................. 1 8 16 || 29 7 25 20 9 39 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 10 5 59 || – || 11 11 51 | – | 28 11 54 || 5 || 64 5 1 64 || – --- --- Rºy, sº sº. Died in London, 567 Smith, Leicester W in ey (afterwards Vernon) & tº e º 'º º 1 S 16 29 7 25 10 39 --- --- - --- - *-*. --- - - - ------- -- Permanent half-pay, 4 3 1840. Died in London, 14 4 1860. - 568 Fraser, Patrick ............... 1 8 16 - - --- --- -- - --> - --- --- -- — - --- Permanent half-pay, 27 3 1823. Sold com- mission, 26 1834. 369 Walpole, John ........... ... 1 8 16 || 24 9 25 28 11 39 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 20 6 59 --- 15 9 48 --- 28 11 54 || 17 3 62 -- - S. Africa, 1846-7 ... ... ... Died in London, 4 1 1864. 570 Trevelyan, Walter ... ........ 18 11 17 | 25 9 25 - - - ------ --- --- a--- --- --- --- --- - --- Transferred to the Line, 8 6 1826. Died at - Varna, 21 S 1854. e To ov.o. tº * * * 57.1 Dixon, George William ' ' ' | 18 11 17 | 15 1 26 --- - * - -- -------- * - *m; --- *-* --- - Resigned commission, 22 7 1831. Died at - * Clifton, near Bristol, 1852. 572 | Larcom, Thomas Aiskew, Bart, K.C.B. ........ ...... 1 & 20 | 9 2 26 19 & 40 | 1 , |g| 17 2 54 - — | 11 11 51 * 17 2 57 || 1 4 58 ------- --- --- - Rºº. pay, 14 1858. Died at Fareham, - - - - {) g Y * - - 573 Radcliff, John º w w £ tº * * : * * * * * * * * 28 3 22 --- -- - -- sms - - *- --- -- *- - - -- Resigned commission, 149 1824. 574 Vicars, Edward .............. 28 3 22 || 8 4 26 || 28 7 40 || 1 4 46 17 2 54 bºº — | 10 11 40 | 19 10 49 28 11 54 || 13 1 55 — | –- || Spain, 1836-40 ... ... ... . ... Retired full pay, 13 1.1855. Died at St. ſ_eonards-on-Sea, 89 1864. 575 D urnford, Elias * * * * * * * * • . . . . . 22 7 22 20 4 26 --- --- - - --- - --- --- - --- --- --- – Died on passage to Ceylon, between Muscat and Bombay, 6 2 1835. 576 | Boscowen, George ............ 26 s 21 | p q 26 || – -- - – – -- — -- --- - --- --- -- Died at Caledon, Lurgan, 199 1832, 577 || Molesworth, St. Aubyn...... 28 8 24 | 19 10 26 28 7 4U | 1 4 46 17 2 54 - - T1 T1 51 *-*. 17 2 57 --- - --- - --- Rºº § º 21 3 1854. Died at Devon- pOrū, . {}^5. 1825–26. 3 t Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 578 Boteler, Robert ............... 11 5 25 20 10 26 15 8 40 --- --- --- — | 11 11 51 26 10 58 — - mºmº * * - Permanent half-pay, 9 & 1841. Sold com- mission, 10 5 1861. Died at Llandough Castle, Glamorgan, 24 1 1866. 579 || F rome, Edward ... ............ 21 525 | 6 12 26 || 7 9 40 | 1 4 46 17 2 54 || 25 10 59 || 8 6 71 | 11 11 51 **** 28 11 54 || 5 1 64 20 4 70 21 11 74 - - Retired, 110 1877. Died at Ewell, Surrey, * - 12 2 1890. 580 Howorth, Richard ....... .... 6 8 25 | 11 4 27 || 7 940 || 1 4 46 cºmes - — | 11 11 51 28 11 54 * amº - — | Portugal, 1827-8; Canada, 1887-9; Retired full pay, 2012 1851. Died at Bou- S. Africa, 1846. Iogne-sur-Mer, 9 12 1872. 581 | Heatly, John David ... ..... 2 9 25 | 13 5 27 || – --- -------- *ºm *-*. - --> - --- - - * --- Died at Lisbon, 1 2 1833. K Q & : * cº º 582 | Dashwood, Robert............ 12 9 25 31 12 2. - - - --- --- --- sºme •mºmºm *-* -- --- -- --- Died at Woolwich, 219 1839. 583 Wilkinson, Charles Edmund | 12 9 25 26 2.28 19 2 41 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 28 II 59 - - --> 28 11 54 || 8 2 66 amºma. * -------- g-º Died in London, 3 6 1870. 584 Greatorex, James . . . . . . . 12 9 25 29 10 28 *º-º: - * -- - -- --- ----- *-ºs — --- --- - Died at Birmingham, 31 7 1838. 585 | Renwick, William Turnbull 12 9 25 || 7 11 28 || 9 3 41 || 1 4 46 21 3 54 || 31 160 | 8 10 71 || – --> 28 II 54 || 10 4 66 || 8 6 71 || 27 2 76 *-* — Died at London, Ontario, Canada, 5 4 1890. - - Retired, 1 10 1877. 586 Rimington, Thomas Hosmer | 12 9 25 28 129 1 4 41 || 1 4 46 31 3 54 - --- — * 13 1. 55 sºme --- -- &mºms --- Retired full pay, 13 1 1855. Died at Ply- ** * * * * mouth, 14 4 1887. 587 | Broughton, William Edward Delves........................ 12 9 25 24 2.29 || 1 4 41 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 is a 60 | 19 672 --- --- 20 6 57 || 1 | 68 || 19 6 72 * --- --- Died at Surbiton, 5 4 1880. 588 Nelson, Richard John ...... 7 1 26 22 5 29 1 9 41 || 1 4 46 || 20 6 54 17 5 60 -- * * 20 6 57 || 5 2 64 wº-rºº **** tºº-º-º-º: ** Retired full pay, 52 1864. Died at Devon- port, 18 7 1877. 589 | Fenwick, Robert J. ......... 7 1 26 23 5 29 || 14 9 41 * - --- * --~~~ - ------ *-* * * ºs * Died at Ireland Island, Bermuda, 22.9 1843. 590 | Burgmann, George Hilde- brand ........................ 15 & 26 27 10 29 80 941 1 4 46 20 G 54 6 7 60 * * * 20 6 57 || 6 4 67 * * wº-ºº: * | Retired full pay, 6 4 1867. Died in Paris, - 3 10 1867. - & e T - 591 || Aldrich, Edward ... ... ... ... 15 3 26 || 15 2 30 || 30 9 41 || 1 4 46 || 30 6 54 - * 31 12 41 || 11 11 51 | 28 11 54 * *-* – | Spain, 1839; Syria, 1840-2; China, Retired full pay, 13 12 1854. Died in London, -- 1843–7. 24 11 1857. 592 || Chaytor, John ............... 15 3 26 | 16 2 30 || 23 11 41 || 20 4 46 20 10 54 || 2 8 60 — 20 6 54 || – | 20 10 fiſ/ | – --- *mºs * - Died at Durham, 8 2 1862. 593 Bull, Robert N. ............ ... 15 3 26 — Kºmsºm * -- * -- - -- --- --- t— --- - - |Died at Gibraltar, 179 1828. 594 || Knocker, Sidney Herbert... 25 426 16 3 80 || – - * - --- -º-º: - --- - * --- --- - Died at Tobago, 2 11 1831. 395 | Coddington, Joshua ........ 25 426 8 630 || 23 11 41 || 0 946 || – * --- *mº - *mme - --- - — - Retired full pay, 128 1847. Died at Chester, 1 12 1853. : 596 Bailey, Charles ........... . . . . . 25 4 26 || 21 6 30 || 23 11 41 - - --- - 20 6 54 9 11 56 - --- --- --- tºm, --- Retired half-pay, 15 11 1843. Sold com- mission, 309 1861. Died at Cole Green, Hertford, 193 1865. 597 | Ensor, Charles . . . . . . . 25 4 26 --- - * - --- --- --- - - --- * --- --- * Died, 14 1828. 598 || Denison, William Thomas, Kt., K.C.B................... 25 426 22 6 30 || 23 11 41 || 9 9 46 | 13 12 54 20 9 60 --- 20 6 54 - 13 12 57 || 7 11 68 23 11 70 - - * Retired full pay, 23 11 1870. Tied at East Sheen, near London, 19 1 1871. 599 |* Buckby, Thomas Maynard || – - I " " — * - * --- --- -- - --- --- - -- -- Died, 26 3 1826. 600 | Cromie, John..... tº º º ſº * @ 9 º' 22 9 26 - --- --- - - --- *m; --- - --- --> *m. * - Bied at Kingston, Upper Canada, 13 1 1830. 601 Williams, John . ... ... ... 22 9 26 || 2 12 30 || 23 11 41 || 9 11 46 || 13 12 54 *sºmº - 20 6 54 --- --- - --- --- - * Died at Blackheath, 28 10 1856. 602 | Durnford, Edward William 22 926 5 2 31 28 II 41 || 9 || 46 13 12 54 20 960 | 1 4 74 20 6 54 --- 13 12 57 || 6 3 68 || 1 4 74 1 10 77 | China, 1847 Retired, 1 10 1877. Died at Southsea, 30 1 1889. - 603 || Lloyd, Edward Thomas...... 22 9 26 24 6 31 || 23 2 42 9 11 46 || 13 12 54 20 4 61 *mº 20 6 54 --- 13 12 57 | 15 2 64 --- --- Crimea, 1855-6 ... Retired full pay, 5 2 1864. Died at St. Clements, Jersey, 12 6 1892. 604 || James, Henry, K.C.B. ...... 22 9 26 22 7 31 2s 6 42 11 46 | 16 12 54 9 2 62 21 11 74 ; 20 6 54 --- I6 12 57 || 6 3 68 || 21 11 74 — *-sº * Died at Southampton, 14 6 1877. 605 || Robinson, William............ 22 9 26 || 6 10 31 24 10 42 9 11 46 22 12 54 || 9 2 62 - 19 2 47 --- 22 12 57 - - -- * --- Died at St. Heliers, Jersey, 4 12 1863. 606 || Mould, Thomas Rawlings, C.B. ......... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 9 26 || 7 10 31 | 16 3 43 || 9 II 46 3 I 55 || 9 2 62 --- 20 6 54 --> 3 1 58 || 6 7 67 - — | New Zealand, 1860-1 .. Retired full pay, 6 7 1867. Died at Bays- - water, 13 6 1886. }ºr 607 Wynne, George ............... 22 9 26 | 12 11 31 || 4 448 || 9 11 46 || 13 155 26 3 62 27 2 76 20 354 --- 13 L 58 || 6 3 68 27 2 76 I 10 77 | China, 1857-9 Retired, 1 10 1877. Died at Cologne, 27 6 1890. * Was "..., '...; sººn for the Corps by his Grace the Duke of Wellington, on 8 8 25. He was employed for a time as a probationer on some instructional Surveys in Wales, but died before he could be Commissioned. His Commission would 25 1826–33, - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - ——-- War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. - ºw Y - - - - - - ------ 608 || Lynn, James ............... 22 9 26 || 13 11 31 || 1 5 43 || 26 1 47 — - - 28 7 43 28 11 54 — *- - - Spain, 1837-43 ..., Retired full pay, 11 11 1850. Died at Wickham Market, 12 11 1878. 609 || Stace, William Crawley • 9 º' " sº º 4 5 27 | 18 3 32 || 27 5 43 4 2 47 || 13 1 55 | I 4 62 - 20 6 54 - 13 1. 58 * - - - Died at Bath, 13 12 1868. 610 | Harness, Henry Drury, { - - K.C.B. ... ... & e e e a s a v e s s s ... 24 5 27 | 20 9 32 30 6 43 || 20 2 47 || 13 1 55 3 4 62 1 6 77 | 20 6 54 - 13 1 58 || 6 3 68 - - Mutiny, 1857-9 ... Died at Headington, Oxon, 10 2 1883. 611 || Bennett, George Augustus 18 7 27 | 10 12 32 || 23 943 || – - - - - - - -. - - — Died at Auckland, New Zealand, 30 4 1845. 61.2 Ford, William Henry & e g º & ſº 30 8 27 | 5 1 33 || 1 10 43 - --- -s w- - - - * -- - - Died at Trincomalee, 30 4 1846. 613 || Ford, Edmund Twiss... ... ... 30 8 27 || 5 2 33 | 15 11 43 || 20 2 47 || 13 1. 55 || 3 8 63 --- 20 6 54 — 13 1 58 || 6 7 67 || – - - - Retired full pay, 6 7 1867. Died at Florence, 9 11 1891. 614 Yolland, William, C.B. ... ... 12 4 28 || 4 9 33 || 19 12 43 || 1 3 4.7 || 13 1. 55 - - 20 6 54 - 13 1 58 -º-, - - -- - Retired half-pay and sold commission, 2 10 - - - 1863. Died at Atherstone, Warwickshire, 4 9 1885. 615 Ford, Charles Erskine ... ... 29 4 29 || 1 5 34 || 10 1 44 | 16 4 47 | 13 1. 55 | 11 10 63 I 10 77 28 11 54 — | 13 1 58 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 || 1 10 77 --- - Died at Hampton Court Palace, 27 7 1884. 616 || Allen, Henry Edmund ... ... 29 4 29 26 10 34 || – *- --- - - - - - - - - - - Died at Smyrna, 22 2 1837. 617 Ryder, Arthur Dudley tº e º $ tº º 1 6 29 - - - - -* - - - - -*. - - - - Resigned commission, 22 10 1831. 618 Jenkin, James ............... 23 9 29 || 6 11 34 - - ---- - - - - -- - - - -- - Died at Bermuda, 11 9 1843. 619 || Wright, Peter Robert ...... 23 9 29 || 1 3 35 — - - - - - - - -*. - - - - Died at Woolwich, 7 5 1837. g - - N 620 Moody, Richard Clement ... 5 11 80 25 6 35 | 6 3 44 19 s 47 | 13 155 5 12 63 - - - 28 4 58 25 1 66 - - * - Retired full pay, 25 1, 1866. Died at Bournemouth, 31 3 1887. 621 | Durnford, Viney . . . . . . 5 11 30 25 6 35 | – - --- - - - - - - - - - - Died at Portsmouth, 5 11 1836. 622 | Campbell, A 1 ex a n d e r Francis ..................... 5 10 31 | 20 7 35 - - - - - - -- - - - - -* -- Resigned commission, 11 8 1835. 23 Yorke, Frederick Augustus || 510 31 | 12 s 35 | 20 6 44 || 1 947 || 1 4 55 || 5 1 64 - - - 1 4 58 || 2 2 66 - - - - Retired full pay, 2 2 1866. 624 || Orlebar, Alexander Charles | 510 31 - - - - - - - - - * - - --- - Drowned at Bermuda, 10 2 1834. / 625 Skyring, Charles Francis 5 10 31 19 S 35 | 16 8 44 28 10 47 || 1 4 55 5 L 64 - - - 1 4 58 || 4 3 68 - - Syria, 1841-2 Retired full pay, 4 3 1868. Died at Ronde- bosch, near Cape Town, 10 4 1868. 626 Hutchinson, George Rowan | 29 532 15 9 35 | 30 1044 13 12 47 - - - - ºw- - *-*. - --- - - Killed by an explosion in blasting rock at Holyhead, 25 2 1851. 627 | Hamilton, Robert Gorges ... 29 5 32 || 5 12 35 | is 1244 || 2 2 4s | 1 4 35 | 5 || 64 25 779 || – - 1 4 58 || 6 3 68 27 2 76 || 1 7 81 - - Retired full pay, 1 7 1881. 628 Lugard, Henry Williamson 29 5 32 || 6 12 35 | 2012 44 || 14 4 4s 21 5 55 || – - - - - * - – - -s Died at Hong Kong, 30 11 1857. 629 | Lyster, St. George Lumley | 80 s 27 || 7 12 35* – - * - - - - sº-wº - -*- - - wº-ºº: Died at Demerara, 7 10 1841. 630 || Hadden, William Charles 29 5 32 || 8 236 26 1244 9 848 21 555 || 5 2.64 || 6 480 || – — 21 5 58 || 6 3 68 10 77 || 1 7 81 Canada, 1837–9... Retired, 1 7 1881. 631 || Beatson, Roger Stewart 29 532 | 13 5 36 | 18 3 45 || 6 8 49 27 10 55 | 15 264 - — - 27 10 60 | 20 10 69 - - - -* Retired full pay, 20 10 1869. Died at Bed- W ford, 2 9 96. N - 632 | Freeth, Sampson ............ 26 9 32 || 13 5 36 | 18 3 45 29 12 49 23 2 56 || 25 - 1 66 - - - 23 2 61 26 6 72 - - ºmºmº --- Retired full pay, 26 6 1872. Died at Notting Hill, 17 2 1891. - 633 Payne, John Hookham ...... 26 9 32 || 11 6 36 - - - - - - - - *s - - -- - Died at Spanish Town, Jamaica, 18 8 1836. 634 McKerlie, John Graham, - K.C.B. .................. ... 27 2 33 23 9 36 || 1 4 45 21 9 50 | 10 6 56 - - - - 10 6 61 * - — - - Sold commission, 26 5 1865. 635 | Symonds, John Frederick Anthony * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e º 'º e 1 8 33 24 9 36 22 4 45 11 11 50 - - - 22 5 46 - - - - - Syria, 1840-2 Died at Argostali, Cephalonia, S 8 1852. 636 | Hamley, William George ... 5 s 33 25 936 || 1 545 || 5 751 | 10 6 56 s 2 66 - — — 10 6 61 27 1 72 — – — - Retired full pay, 27 1 72. Died at Worthing, - 6 4 1893. - 637 Beatty, Andrew .............. 5 8 33 || 6 11 36 22 5 45 14 7 51 14 6 56 10 4 66 - - - 14 6 61 || 6 7 67 - - *s - Died at Kingstown, near Dublin, 2 6 1871. 638 Gordon, John William, # K.C.B. ..................... 1 12 33' | 10 1 37 12 7 45 || 31 8 51 | 1 S 56 - - 12 12 54 24 4 55 29 6 55 3 S 66 - - Crimea, 1854-6 ... Died at Westward Ho, near Bideford, N. - Devon, 8 2 1870. 639 || Dill, Marcus ......... 1 12 33 10 1 37 | 1 446 | 11 11 51 | 11 s 56 - - - - - - - - - - Temporary half-pay, 27 3, 1861 to 3. 6 1861, - - Sold commission, 4 6 1861. Died at Brighton, 8 1 1865. •k His commission as 1st Lieutenant was dated originally 4 2 1833. This was altered by Master-General’s Order of 26 2 1840 to 7 12 1835, by which he lost 16 places. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colone I. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 640 Fellowes, James............ ... 1 12 33 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 - --- * —- - *m. --- - * — S. Africa, 1835 ... Died at Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope, 26 7 1846. 641 | Downes, George Brydges ... 1 12 33 10 1 37 || 1 446 || – - *-*. *-*. - *mº ºmº --- -* -- *mº - Drowned near Gravesend, 15 4 1847. 642 | Bainbrigge, Philip John 1 12 33 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 11 11 51 10 9 56 *- - - - 10 9 61 || 6 2 63 *-*. --- ------ - Retired full pay, 6 2 1863. Died at Black- heath, 23 10 1881. 643 || Ross, Archibald Patrick George ................ . . . . . 1 12 33 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 || 13 11 51 29 10 56 || 6 7 67 * --- --- 29 10 61 -- - -- - -- Died at Dover, 29 2 1868. 644 Burmester, John Claridge... 9 6 34 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 24 11 51 - * --- 2 10 46 20 6 54 e- - - -- Spain, 1836-40 . Diº 4 ºnly on passage to Corfu, 645 || Ogle, Edmund, Bart.......... 9 6 34 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 || 6 12 51 2 9 57 || 6 7 67 || 11 2 83 || – -- 2 9 62 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 || 1 7 81 - - Died at Schwalbach, 14 6 1887. 646 | McCausland, Conolly ...... 9 6 34 10 1 37 1 4 46 20 12 51 25 11 57 || 6 || 67 || – - — 25 11 62 || 6 3 68 — -- - - tº pay, a ses. Died at Bath, 647 | Cameron, John, C.B.......... 12 1234 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 28 1 52 212 57 || 1 | 68 - — ------ 2 12 62 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 *-ºs --- -------- Died at Southampton, 30 6 1878. 648 || Hawkins, John Summerfield, K.C.M.G. .................. 12 12 34 || 10 I. 37 || 1 4 46 1 4 52 12 8 58 || 1 3 68 28 7 84 14 6 58 -- 12 S 63 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 | 1 7 81 amº *m. Retired full pay, 1 7 1881. Died at Malvern, 10 1 1895. 649 | Freeth, James Holt ......... 12 12 34 || 10 1 37 || 1 4 46 || 9 8 52 23 11 58 || 4 3 68 * 20 7 58 - 23 11 63 || 14 12 71 - - --- - Retired full pay, 14 12 1871. 650 Mould, William Henry & e º 'º tº e | 12 12 34 10 1 37 --- - - *mº. t- --- - - amº - - --- - Died at Dominica, 7 6 1838. 651 || Robertson, Charles Duesbury | 19 12 34 || 31 1 37 || 1 4 46 29 3 53 || 1 4 59 || 7 11 6s --- 28 5 53 26 10 58 29 5 63 | 10 11 68 ------ --- S. Africa, 1850-53 Retired full pay, 10 11 1868. Died at Pau, Lower Pyrenees, 23 2 1872. 652 | Fanshawe, Charles ........ • . . . 19 12 34 || 23 2 37 || 1 4 46 || 17 12 53 || 1 4 59 || 4 3 68 || 13 2 90 || 2 S 58 - 1 4 64 28 6 68 || 1 7 7S | 1 7 81 -- -- Retired, 1 7 1881. 653 | Chapman, Frederick Edward, K.C.B. ............ 9 * tº e º e º e e 18 6 35 | 28 3 37 || 1 4 46 || 7 2 54 || 1 4 59 a-ºº: 12 4 72 | 12 12 54 24 4 55 || 2 11 55 || 7 9 67 || 12 4 72 || 1 10 77 | Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-5 Re tºº, sº 7 1881. Died in London, 654 Fenwick, Thomas • * * * * * * * * * * * 18 6 35 S 5 37 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 10 5 59 *- * 9 8 58 7 12 58 --- - -- -- --- - Died at Aux Pailles, Mauritius, 12 10 1859. 655 | Webb, Theodosius............ 1S 6 35 | 18 S 37 || 1 4 46 | — *mº --- — 22 9 58 — - * * --- ------ *- Retired half-pay, 14 3, 1851. Sold com- mission, 16 8 1861. Died at St. Peter’s, Isle of Thanet, 17 12 1889. 656 Pipon, John Hodges . . . . . . . . . 18 12 35 | 20 11 37 | 1 4 46 mº -: *ms * *g --- - - --- - - --- Drowned in the Restigouche, near Campbell- town, New Brunswick, 28 10 1846. 657 Lyster, Thomas Rice......... 18 12 35 | 20 11 37 - - -- --- *-º - --- ** -- - --- *-*. * Died at Barbados, 21 2 1842. 658 Fuller, William Walter ..... 18 12 35 | 9 12 37 aw- - --- - - - --- - * *- - -- --- Resigned commission, 22 2 1845. 659 Roberts, William Henry 18 12 35 25 12 37 || 1 4 46 <- amº --- emº -- - *mº * *-* - - - Retired half-pay, 9 11 1846. Died at Holloway Court, near Rochester, 25 7 1848. 660 | Mann, Gother Frederick, - C.B. ..................... ... 18 6. 36 31, 3 38 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 20 6 59 || 10 11 68 --- 13 4 58 --- 20 6 64 13 8.74 *m, - China, 1857-8 and 1860 Retired full pay, 13 8 1874. Died at Upper : Norwood, 2 3 1881. 661 | Fulton, William Cornelius - - Bowyer ... ..... • . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6 36 --- — | – || – -- s-sº - - - &-3 - -- --- *- Died at Ostend, 24 5 1838. 662 | Westmacott, Spencer ...... 18 6 36 25 538 || 1 446 || 17 2 54 13 10 59 24 12 68 * 12 8 58 mºmº 13 10 64 24 12 68 || 1 7 81 | 13 8 81 | Canada, 1838-9... Rºhº 1881. Died at Bournemouth, 663 || Broke, Charles Acton .. 18 6. 36 || 13 6 38 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 — -> - --- ------- - --- *- * - * Died at Ayr, Scotland, 79 1855. 664 Stanley, Charles Edward ... 13 12 36 || 14 6 38 || 1 446 || – --- * --- --- ~-4 --- --- - --- wº-ºº: *mºmº. Died at Hobart Town, 13 8 1849. 665 || Menzies, William Collyer ..., | 5 5 37 || 1 s 38 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 25 10 59 2010 69 || – || 26 s 58 || – || 25 10 64 6 2.70 || 1 7 81 19 11 81 - *mº Rºi, ië, Died at St Hellers, ersey, ge 666 | Reynolds, Edward ............ 5 5 37 || 24 1 39 || 20 4 46 *g * --- *mº sº-º-º: *=s - - *- - *me sºmºmº: hº * 4 1847. Died at Dresden, 667 || Laffan, Robert Michael, K.C.M.G. .................. 5 5 37 || 1 4 39 || 1 5 46 || 17 2 54 || 28 11 59 || 9 2 70 - 26 10 58 *- 28 11 64 || 1 10 77 1 7 81 - - * Diº *ssgovernment House, Bermuda, 668 14 12 37 - - ** *m. * * *s *mº * *m-. *ºmº - -- - Died at Chatham, 1 4 1838. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col -Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 669 | Freeling, Arthur Henry, Bart. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 37 27 5 39 27 7 46 || 17 2 54 || 28 11 59 || 4 6 70 - 26 10 58 - 28 II 64 || 7 4 77 * - - - Retired full pay, 7 4 1877. Died in London, * 26 3 1885. 670 Ord, Harry St. George, Kt., C.B - - • V. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 37 || 27 5 39 29 10 46 || 17 2 54 28 11 59 - - 8 9 54 - 28 11 6 1 | 16 4 69 - - Baltic, 1854 ... ... ... ... Retired full pay, 16 4 1869. Died at Hamburg, 20 8 1885. 671 Lemesurier, Frederick ... ... 14 12 37 17 s 39 - - - - mº - ---- - - -- - - - Died at Falmouth, Jamaica, 15 9. 1841. * * * • e 7 : • 672 Tyler , David William ... ... 14 12 37 20 9 89 || 9 in 46 || 17 2 54 - - - - - - - -- - - - Half-pay, 22 7 1854. Died in London, }- - 16 3 1855. 673 || Moody, Hampdon Clement Blamire ..................... 14 12 37 22 9 39 || 9 11 46 || 17 2 54 28 11 59 - - 26 10 58 - 28 11 64 - - - S. Africa, 1851-3 ... ... ... Died at Belfast, 27 2 1869. 674 || Simmons, John Lin torn Arabin, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. 14 12 37 | 15 1039 || 0 1146|| 17 2 54 31 1 00 - 27 S 72 || 14 7 54 || 12 12 54 | 12 12 57 | (; 3 GS 27 S 72 || 1 10 77 | Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1855-6 |- e Field Marshal 21 5 90 - 675 | Leach, George Archibald, le K.C.B - 676 T id ". . . . … ... ... 14 12 37 28 1180 || 0 1146|| 17 2 5 81 1 00 - - 26 10 5S - --> - - - - -- Retired, 6 6 1861. ylden, Richard, C.B. ...... 14 12 37 | 19 3 40 || 9 11 46 || 17 2 54 - - - 28 5 53 12 12 54 29 6 55 - - — s. Africa, 1851-2; Crimea, 1854-5 ... |Died at Malta, 2 8 1855, of Wounds rººeived 3. at the first storming of the Redan, Sebastopol, on 18 6 1855. 677 | Barry, Philip John Stapleton | 14 12 37 || 3 4 40 || 17 in 16 || 17 2 54 - - - 26 10 58 - -º-º: ...- . . *-- - - -- Died suddenly at Cape Coast Castle, 17 12 1859. - y e 678 White, Henry Arthur ...... 14 12 37 28 7 40 26 1 47 || 17 2 54 18 4 60 23 11 70 * 26 10 58 - 18 4 65 13 9 71 - - --- - Retired full pay, 13 9 1871. Died at South- sea, 22 2 1888. 679 | Whittingham, Paul Bernard | 14 12 37 2s 7 40 || 4 247 | 17 2 54 || 17 5 60 s 671 * 26 10 58 — 17 5 65 | 12 7 71 * - - - Retired full pay, 12 7 1871. Died in France, - - 28 10 1894. 680 | Hornby, Phipps John ...... 14 12 37 | 15 8 40 | 20 2 47 — *- - - - *- *-*. - --- - - - Died at Montreal, 8 4 1848. 681 | Gosset, James William ...... 14 12 37 || 7 9 40 || 1 3 47 21 3 54 || 6 7 60 – - 26 10 58 a- 6 7 65 6 7 67 *- - - - Retired full pay, 6 7 1867. Died in New - Zealand, 5 3 1888. 682 Baillie, George Clement ... 16 6 38 || 19 2 41 || 22 3 47 || 31 3 54 || 2 8 60 - - 26 10 58 *- 2 8 65 - *m. - - *s- Half-pay, 8 5 1867. Sold commission, 12 6 1867. e ~ 683 || Collinson, Thomas Bernard | 16 6 as 9 & 41 | 16 A 47 | 20 6 54 20 9 60 | 12 771 a- 26 10 58 - 20 9 65 || 2 S 73 - - New Zealand, 1847 ... ... ... Retired full pay, 2 8 1873. * º * IX -* * - 684 || Bent, George, C.B. ......... 16 6 38 || 1 4 41 || 16 4 4.7 | 20 6 54 || 6 6 61 || 13 9 71 - 1 9 54 || 2 11 55 25 10 59 || 6 3 GS 23 5 73 - Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1855-6 ... Retired full pay; .33 & 1873. Pied in , -º - London, 27 12 1897. 685 | He n d e r s on , Edmund 4. ; VAT Yeamens W alcott, R.C.B. 16 6 38 || 1 4 41 22 4 47 || 20 6 F4 26 3 62 - - 26 10 58 - - - - - - - Half-pay, and sold commission, 11 10 1864. Died in London, 8 12 1896. 686. Randolph, Archibald - - - - - - - • * | 16 6 38 - - - -- - --- - - - - --- - - - Died at Port Royal, Jamaica, 14 5 1841. Ty T{ * - 687 | Sorell, George ............... 16 6 38 || 1 9 41 || 19 8 47 || – - - - - *- - - - - - Died in London, 10 7 1849. 688 Dacosta, Augustus Frederick Hippolite e is a e s e º 'º - e º e º ºs e a e = 19 3 39 || 14 9 4} || 1 9 47 - - - - - - -- - - - - - Killed by the Chinese at Wong-ma-Kok, - near Stanley, Hong Kong, 25 2 1849, a. - { 689 | Bayly, John, C.B. ............ 10 & 89 | 16 9 41 || 3 947 | 20 6 54 26 3 62 || 14 12 71 || 14 6 98 || 1 11 5s — 26 3 67 || 1 10 77 || 23 3 S2 26 4 82 -- - Retired, 26 4 1882. 690 | Owen, Henry Charles Cun- liffe, C.B. ... ... ............ 19 3 39 || 30 9 41 || 2S 10 47 22 7 54 || 1 4 62 | . — - 17 7 55 || 6 6 56 22 11 61 - -- - S. Africa, 1845-7 ; Crimea, 1855 ... Died at Devonport, 7 3 1867. 691 || Jervois, William Francis re ~3 t - Drummond, C.B.,C#,C.M.G. 19 & 39 s 10 41 || 13 12 47 | 2010 54 || 1 , 62 2, 172 2s 6 98 29 9 54 || 13 2 91 1 4 37 || 1 107 || 7 4 sº — S. Africa, 1846-7 ... ... ... Retired, 7 4 1882. Died at Bittern Court, - Hants, from a carriage accident, 17 S G92 || Gallwey, Thomas Lionel 1897. - John, K.C.M.G............. 19 3 39 || 23 11 41 || 2 2 48 || 13 12 54 || 1 4 62 | 12 4 72 11 1 95 || 14 5 59 - 1 4 67 || 1 7 78 26 4 S2 - - - Retired, 23 8 1888. 693 Miller, Charles Stuart ...... 19 3 39 || 23 11 41 || 12 2 48 - - - - 28 11 54 - - - * - - - Retired full pay, 16 4 1850. Died at Monks- town, near Dublin, 29 3 1878. O’ 694 | Craigie, Anthony David ..., |19 & 39 || 23 11 41 || 0 , is is 19 sq | – - -— - *- - - - — | Crimea, 1854-5 ... Killed before Sebastopol, 13 3 1855. 695 || Burnaby (afterwards Dyott), D. Richard... ........ © º tº ſº a tº s º is 4 19 3 39 || 7 12 41 || 14 4 4S 13 12 54 || 1 4 62 | 19 6 72 | 18 8 97 || 9 9 59 - T 4 67 || 13 9 79 27 8 81 - - - Retired, 27 8 1881 1839–42. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 696 || Grattan, Albert O'Donnell 19 3 39 || 23 2 42 26 2.49 | 16 12 54 3, 4 62 - - 12 11 60 - 11 12 65 *- - - -*. - Retired full pay, 11 12 1865. Died at York, 17 l 1898. 697 || Vavasour, Mervin ............ 19 3 39 || 23 2 42 11 7 49 - - - a- - - - - - - - - Half-pay, 22 4 1853. T)ied at Henley-on- Thames, 27 3 1866. 698 || Baker, James Swayne ...... 19 3 89 28 242 6 s 49 22 12 54 || – - rº- +-- - - e- - - - - Hººs, 27 1 1855. Died in London, 14 7 1871. 699 || Keane, Hon. Hussey Fane, C.B. ......... .............. 19 3 39 28 6 42 14 8 49 || 3 1 55 26 7 62 | 26 6 72 - 2 11 §5 - 3 8 66 || 1 11 77 || 13 9 79 — | Crimea, 1855-6 ... Retired full pay, 13 9 1879. Died at Sun- ningdale, 26 10 1895. 700 Napier, Hon. William • . . . . . . 19 3 39 4 4 33 - - - - - - - - •- - - - - Resigned commission, 5 10 1846. 701 Cowper, William ............ 20 12 39 || 24 10 42 29 12 49 || 13 I 55 --- - -- - - - - --- - - - Rilled accidentally at Canton, 3 12 1856. 702 Gibb, Charles John ......... 20 12 39 || 16 3 43 | 16 4 50 | 13 1. 55 29 7 63 - - 2 11 55 - 9 9 64 - - - Natal, 1842; Crimea, 1854-5 Retired full pay, 9 9 1864. Died at Cannes, 1 12 1865. 703 || Gray, Charles Gordon ...... 20 12 39 || 1 5 43 21 9 50 | 13 1 55 29 7 63 || – — | 13 8 62 — - - - - -*. - Died at Cork, 6 1 1865. 704 || Gosset, William Driscoll ... 20 640 | 27 548 || 11 11 50 | 13 155 || 3 s 63 || 3 8 72 || – 9 11 62 || – 3 8 68 24 9 73 — - - - Retired full pay, 24 9 1873. 705 || Luyken, John Bernard ...... 20 6 40 30 6 43 - - - - sº- - - - - *-* - - - Died at Morne Bruce, Dominica, 14 10 1846. 706 || Sim, Charles .................. 20 6 40 | 11 9 43 5 7 51 13 1 55 || 3 8 63 - - 5 2 63 - - --- - - - - Diº ºpºsage home from Ceylon. 707 || Hassard, Fairfax Charles, - C.B.............. tº e º e º 'º e s a tº º º 20 6 40 || 23 9 43 14 7 51 27 1 55 || 3 8 63 || 3 8 72 — 2 11 55 | — 3 8 68 15 3 82 — — Crimea, 1854 5 ; S. Africa, 1877-9 ... Retired, 15 3 1882. 708 || Galton, Douglas, K.C.B. 18 12 40 || 1 10 43 || 31 8 51 || 14 3 55 || – -- * - - - - - -- -- - Permanent half-pay, 27 1862. Sold com- mission, 2 9 1862. 709 | Barlow, Henry William 18 12 40 | 15 11 43 || 31 8 51 || 14 3 55 || – - *- - - - * - - - - Resigned commission, 25 5 1857. Died at Fºr Eastbourne, 10 2 1890. 710 | Scott, Henry Young Darra- COtt, C.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12 40 | 19 12 43 || 11 11 51 || 1 4 55 18 12 63 - - 19 5 63 - 11 6 71 || 19 S 71 - - - - Retired full pay, 19 S 1871. Died at Syden- ham, 16 4 1883. 711 Burtchael, George Dames... 18 12 40 - - - - - - - - - e- - - - - Perished in the wreck of the Solway steamer, - Off Corunna, on passage to Bermuda, 7 4 1843. 712 || Ross, George .................. 18 1240 | 10 144 || 11 11 51 || 1 4 55 - - - 1 7 81 - - - - - - - Permanent half-pay, 10 6 1867. Died 1898. 713 Inglis, William Mason ...... 18 12 40 || 6 3 44 || 13 11 51 - - - — - - - - - - Crimea, 1854 Perished in the wreck of the Prince, off 85 Balaklava, in the storm of 14 11 1854. 714 || Mann, James Robert, C.M.G. is 12 40 20 6 44 24 in 51 || 1 , 55 || 5 | 6 || 3 s 72 || – 3 8 63 || – || 27 11 69 18 10 73 || – - - - Retired full pay, 18 10 1873. 7 15 Lovell, John Williamson, C.B. ..................... ... 19 6 41 | 16 8 44 || 6 12 51 || 1 4 55 || 5 || 64 || 3 8 72 *- 12 12 54 15 12 61 || 5 || 69 - - — | Crimea, 1854-5 ... Died at Halifax, N.S., 24 4 1880. 71.6 Synge, Millington Henry • 19 6 41 30 10 44 20 12 £1 || 1 4 55 || 5 2 64 27 8 72 - 23 10 63 - 5 2 69 || 8 3 73 - - - - Retired full pay, 8 3 1873. 717 Ward, Edward Wolsten- - holme, K.C.M.G. ......... 19 6 41 18 12 44 28 1 52 1 4 55 | 15 2 64 | S 3 73 — 5 1 64 — 15 2 69 || 1 S 77 —- - - - Reºry, is is". Died at came {) Z. & 718 Blake, Egbert Henry e - - - - - e º 'º .| 19 6 41 - - - - - - - - - sº- - - - - Perished in the wreck of the Solway steamer, off Corunna, on passage to Bermuda, - 7 4 1843. 719 Nugent, Nathaniel Peter ... 19 6 41 - *- - - - - - - *- - — - — - Died at St. Kitts’, 20 7 1844. 720 Jesse, William Howard...... 19 6 41 || 20 1 2 44 || 1 4 52 || 1 4 55 - - - -º - - - - - Crimea, 1855 Killed at the 1st storming of the Redan, Sebastopol, 18 6 1855. 721 | Bourchier, Eustace Fane, - C.B. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 42 26 12 44 9 8 52 14 5 55 | 15 2 64 || 8 3 73 - 24 4 55 || 2 II 55 || 6 8 62 || 6 3 68 I 6 73 — | S. Africa, 1846; Crimea, 1854-6 Retired full pay, 1 6 1873. <) <) •o 3 - 22 2 2 53 || 21 5 55 || 1 10 64 - --- - - 17 3 69 tº- - *- - - Retired full pay, 17 3 1869. Died at Mon- 722 Gr alll, Henry a º e º sº a s = e º 'º e º 'º e º sº 1. 1. 42 2 45 2 4 53 ...) Ö treux, Switzerland, 27 4 1887. 723 Grant, John Marshall ...... 1 1 42 | 18 3 45 || 17 12 53 21 5 55 || 7 1 65 || 23 5 73 - - - 7 1 70 - - - - - Half-pay, 31 12 1881. Retired, 22 4 1882. 724 Browne, James Frankfort - Manners, K.C.B. ......... 1 1 42 | 1 4 45 || 7 2 54 || 1 6 55 || 2 5 65 || 1 6 73 || 6 4 90 || 17 7 55 26 12 56 26 12 64 22 2 70 || 13 8 81 | 12 2 88 || Crimea, 1855 Retired, 5 5 1888. 725 | Somerset, Fitzroy Molyneux Henry...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 42 22 4 45 || 17 2 54 19 6 55 25 1 66 || 1 6 73 - - - 5 1 71 - - - - - Half-pay, 31 12 1881. Retired, 29 12 1883. 1842—45. Regimental Rank. - Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Ilieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 726 || Montagu, Horace William, . C.B. ........................ 1 1 42 || 1 5 45 17 2 54 S 9 55 | S 2 66 || 2 8 73 15 6 87 24 4 55 2 11 55 2 11 63 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 1 7 81 Crimea, 1854-56 ... ... ... Retired, 1 7 1881. 727 | Mairis, Valentine Thomas... 1 1 42 22 5 45 || 17 2 54 27 10 55 || 3 s 66 || 1s 10 73 || – m-º. --- 3 S 71 || 1 4 75 | — — | New Zealand, 1860 ... ... ... Rºº, 1 4 1875. Died at Clifton, 19 4 728 Hope, Charles William . ... 18 6 42 - -- ------ --- --- *º- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - - Died at Edinburgh, 24 3 1844. 729 King, Frederick William . . . 18 6 42 | 12 7 45 17 2 54 - - *ºm *-* - - - -- --- --- Baltic, 1854 ; Crimea, 1854-5 ...|Died before Sebastopol, 22 4 1855 (of wounds received 17th April). 730 Fowke, Francis ............... 18 6 42 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 23 2 56 || – - - --- - - - -- * - --- Died at S. Kensington, 4 12 1865. 731 || Binney, Charles Richard ... 1s 6 42 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 23 2 56 is 3 67 ------ - 23 8 66 - - --- - * — --- Retired half-pay, 21 8 1867. 732 | Rich, Frederick Henry ...... 11 1 43 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 23 2 56 || 8 5 67 --- - 24 8 66 -- 1 2 73 --- -- - --- — Retired full pay, 1 2 1873. 733 | Chesney, Francis Rawdon... 11 148 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 23 2 56 s 567 || 10 1273 - 2S 10 66 - 8 5 72 || 1 4 76 ** -- New Zealand, 1864 ... ... ... Retired, 1 4 1876. 734 || Murray, Thomas Andrew Lumsden .............. • . . . 11 1 43 || 1 4 46 17 2 54 23 2 56 || 6 7 67 || 10 12 73 - 10 11 66 - 6 7 72 || 1 3 85 - - -- ºme Retired, 1 3 1885. Died at Canisbay, Caithness-shire, N.B., 3 10 1893. * †) - *: * - 735 | Penrice, Herbert Newton ... 17 g is a 46 17 2 5, so a to * - -- ** -- -- — --- - -- Resigned commission, 19 3 1857. Died at - Norwich, 8 3 1890. Pºw o: Yi I || e 736 || Morrison, William Lawtie... 17 648 || 1 , 46 17 g 54 10 & #6 || 6 | 6 || 1 , 74 | – | 10 in 66 | – | 11 6 78 10 5 sı – ~ --- - Retired, 10 5 1884. Died at Haslingden, 737 Cooke, Anthony Charles, Lancashire, 5 5 1885. * TY C.B. ... ... .................. 17 6 43 || 1 4 46 17 2 54 || 14 6 56 || 6 7 67 || 13 8 74 - 2 11 55 || 11 3 65 || 6 7 72 || 7 |4 S2 || 6 5 85 --- Crimea, 1855-6 ... - - - * * * ... Retired, 6 5 1885. P- o º g 738 Inglis, Thomas, C.B. ......... 17 6 43 || 1 4 46 17 2 54 1 S 56 || 6 7 67 || 21 11 74 --> 10 11 66 ----- 6 7 72 | 1.4 9 84 --- --- S. Africa, 1850-2 ... ... ... Retired, 14 9 1884. Died at Blackheath, - S.E., 2 9 1888. * s Martind: - 139 8. I’ ldale, Ben Hay, C.B. 17 6 43 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 11 S 56 || 6 7 67 --- *gº, 6 1 67 * 17 6 73 --> *-* --- - --- Retired, 17 6 1873. 740 || Hutchinson, Charles Scrope, Y C.B. .............…. ... ... 2012 43 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 10 9 56 || 6 7 67 || 27 2 76 * 20 1 67 * -- 30 12 76 - ------ - --- Retired, 30 12 1876. * ‘t - 741 Wray, Henry, C.M.G. ...... 20 12 43 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 29 10 56 || 6 7 67 || 27 2 76 | – | 15 I 64 — 6 7 72 26 4 82 5 11 87 | – || Japan, 1863-4 ... ... ... ... Retired, 5 11 1887. * . .) § - 742 Pasley, Charles, C.B. ...... 20 12 43 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 4 12 56 || 6 7 67 || 1 4 76 | – || 28 1 62 || – 6 7 72 27 8 S1 — — New Zealand, 1860 ... ... ... Retired, 27 8 1881. Died at Chiswick, 11 11 1890. . tokes, J. & ſº 743 S oke , John, K.C.B. . . . . . . . ." | 20 12 43 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 4 12 56 || 6 7 67 || 1 4 76 — 6 6 56 | — 4 6 73 || 6 5 85 || 29 1 S7 — S. Africa, 1846-7 ; S. Africa, 1850-1; Retired, 29 1 1887. 744 || Hickey, Walter Raleigh Crimea, 1855-6. t Gilbert ſº • * * * * - - - - - - - - || 20 12 43 || 1 4 46 - --- ** --- -- --- --- - -- - --- --- - Resigned commission, 14 7 1847. Died at 745 Clarke, Andrew, C.B., Calcuuta, 15 1 1872. G.C.M.G., C.I.E. ......... 19 6 44 || 1 4 46 17 2 54 || 19 3 57 || 6 7 67 || 7 4 77 — 2 2 67 — 6 7 72 25 1 S4 27 7 86 — | New Zealand, 1848 ... ... ... Retired, 27 7 1886. F- •o v as 746 | Du Cane, Francis ............ 19 6 44 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 || 19 3 57 - --- wºme (; 6 56 --- --- * --- - Crimea, 1855 ... ... ... ... Resigned commission, 1 9 1860. ſ 47 Kerr, Robert Dundas * * * * * c s e e 19 6 44 1 4 46 17 2 54 20 5 57 22 1 68 -- - 4 2 67 --- 22 1 73 - - -- sº-sº ------ Died in London, 20 10 1877. 748 Moggridge, John Yerbury ... 19 6 44 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 54 26 5 57 || 6 7 67 || 15 6 77 | – || 13 2 67 || – 6 7 72 | 19 3 84 — - - --- Retired, 19 3 1884. Died at Ealing Dean, 23 7 1886. }=y g 749 || Koe, Francis .................. 19 6 44 || 1 4 46 || 17 2 5 4 || 2 9 57 - --- --- --- esºme --- -- -- -- --- --- Died at sea off Messina, on passage to - Naples, 25 4 1859. 750 Jervois, John Gordon ...... 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 21 3 54 25 11 57 | 10 7 67 || 1 10 77 || – tºmº - 10 7 72 || 1 7 S2 — --- -- m Retired, 1 7 1882. 75] Tyler, Henry Whatley, Kt. 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 || 31 3 54 || 2 12 57 - amº-g - --- --- --- --- -- ------ smººn - Removed for civil employment, 30 10 1866. 752 | De Butts, John Cromie - Blackwood ....... * $ $ 4, & e º sº e º e 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 2 12 57 21 S 67 || 1 10 77 --- -- -- 21 S 72 || 6 8 S1 --- *sº * = - Retired, 6 8 1881. Died at Ewell, Surrey, - 15 5 1886. -- *y 753 | Stace, Walter Samuel ....., 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 | 16 4 58 || 7 9 67 || – *m. - — 22 1 68 — --- - - -- Retired full pay, 22 1 1868. Died at Bath, i 25 9 1869. 754 | Tilley, Gwavas Speedwell... 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 | 12 s Es | 1 | 68 || – * --- -- 1 1 78 || 1 7 s. — --- #mº tºmº Retired, 1 7 1881. Died, 1 2 1888. 755 | Stanton, Edward, C.B., K.C.M.G. .................. 19 12 44 || 1 4 46 20 6 54 20 S 58 22 1 6S - — 12 12 54 2 11 55 21 5 62 || 6 3 68 || 1 10 77 || 1 7 81 | S. Africa, 1851-2; Turkey, 1854; Retired, 1 7 1881. - Crimea, 1854-5. 756 | Chesney, Charles Cornwallis | 1s 6 45 || 1 4 46 22 7 54 22 9 5s 1 3 6s || – - - --- 1 3 73 || – --- * - --- — Died in London, 19 3 1876. 757 || De Moleyns, Edward Charles | 18 6 45 || 1 4 46 | 2010 54 || – ** - - 2 II 55 — * --- --- — | Crimea, 1854-6... ... ... ... Died at Dublin, 17 8 1856. 30 1845–46. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No Nanze. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Ge.1. General. 7.58 Armit, Louis John Amadée 18 6 45 || || 4 46 | 15 11 54 28 10 58 - - -- 2 11 55 || 27 2 66 *- - - -* Crimea, 1855 Half-pay, 14 8 1867. Died at St. Saviour's, Jersey, 16 6 1868. 759 | Ewart, Charles Brisbane, C.B. is 645 || 1 , |g| is is sº | as in as , 3 68 21 10 77 — 2 11 55 || 3 3 66 || 4 3 73 || 27 1 S5 20 7 88 || – | Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-6 ; Retired, 15 2 1894. 760 Nugent, Charles Butler Peter Soudan, 1885. Nugent Hodges, K.C.B. is 12 as || 1 , |g| is is 5, 11, as a ses | 1 , is 2 11 55 || 4 3 66 || 4 3 73 — - — | Baltic, 1854-5; Egypt, 1882 . Retired, 25 9 1884. 761 Belfield, Edward ...... tº g º e º º 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 || 13 12 54 || 1 4 59 || 17 3 68 13 9 79 || – - – 17 3 73 || 1 7 81 — — S. Africa, 1850-3 Retired, 30 7 1881. 762 Wrottesley, Hon. George ... 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 | 16 12 54 || 1 4 59 || 7 11 es 25 4 so | – - - 7 11 73 || 1 7 S1 || — — | Turkey, 1854 Re’ired, 1 7 1881. 763 | St. John, St. Andrew ...... 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 - *- - - - -* - - - - -*. - - Died at Plymouth, 21 9 1854. 764 Gordon, Edward Charles **on … … is is 45 || 1 , alsº is sº | 1 , so lion es|| 1 , s: | – 2 11 55 31 3 66 10 11 73 1 11 85 — — | Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-6 Retired, 1 11 1885. 765 | Porter, Whitworth ......... 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 || 3 1 55 | 1 4 59 || 14 12 68 || 1 7 S1 || – 2 11 55 23 S 66 || 14 12 73 || 1 10 81 - — | Crimea, 1855 Rºgºº,” is. Died at guilator, 766 | Wilson, John Joshua ...... 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 | 13 1 55 || 1 4 59 || 17 3 69 || – - * — 28 1 71 || – - --- - - Retired full pay, 28 1 1871. 767 Dawson, George Frederick | 18 12 45 || 1 4 46 || 13 1 55 - - - - -*. *- - - - — Crimea, 1855 Killed at the Siege of Sebastopol, 6 6 1855. 768 Crofton, Gustavus St. John | 1s 12 45 || 1 46 || 13 1 55 - - - - - - - - - — Crimea, 1854-5 ... Died before Sebastopol, 15 4 1855, of wounds received on April 12. 769 || Phillpotts, Henry ............ 18 12 45 20 4 16 * - - - - - *- - - - - -- - Died at Hong Kong, 25 7 1850. 770 Smith, Joshua Henry tº tº e º 'º - 1 5 46 1 5 46 || 13 1 55 1 4 59 || 17 3 69 || 30 7 81 - -- *s- 17 3 74 - - *-*s - - Retired, 27 1885. Died at Wallington, Surrey, 771 || Crease, Anthony Reynolds 4 9 1894. Vyvyan • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' || 1 5 46 27 7 46 13 1 55 1 4 59 20 10 69 || 6 S S1 -- - - 20 10 74 2 7 85 - * Crimea, 1855-3 ; Mutiny, 1858 Rºº, º *: Died at St. Leonard’s-on- 772 | Belson, Frederic Charles 1 5 46 || 5 10 46 27 1 55 || – - - - -es- - - - - — | Crimea, 1855 Died at sea, on passage from Balaklava to Scutari, 14 8 1855. 773 || Hutchinson, Charles Thomas 1 546 | 15 1046 || – - - - - - - *- - --- * - - brºa at Auckland, New Zealand, is 774 || Grain, Edward Metcalf ...... 1 5 46 || 29 10 46 || 14 3 55 || 1 4 59 || 28 1 71 - - 12 2 70 *- 2S 1 76 - - — | Crimea, 1854-5... Died at Gillingham, Kent, 13 6 1884. 775 Smith, Arthur Payne ...... 1 5 46 || 9 11 46 || 1 4 55 || – - -- - •- *- *- - - * - - Died at Kempsey, Worcester, 24 9 1855. 776 | Lochner, Augustus Meyer... 1 546 || 9 1146|| 1 4 55 || 1 4 59 - - - - - - - - — Crimea, 1856 Half-pay, 4 11 1864. Died at Plumstead Common, near Woolwich, 20 2 1865, 777 || Ravenhill, Philip, C.B. ...... 1 546 || 9 11 46 || 1 4 55 || 1 4 59 s 6 71 | 19 10 si - 2 11 55 || 10 11 66 || S 6 76 || 9 2 86 - — Crimea, 1854-5 ... Retired, 9 2 1886. Died in London, 25 2 1891. 778 || Siborne, Herbert Taylor 6 8 46 | 9 11 46 || 1 4 55 || 1 4 59 | 12 7 71 || 31 12 S1 || – 1 4 70 — 1 10 77 18 1 S2 — — S. Africa, 1851-3 Retired, 18 1 1882. 779 Akers, Charles Style ......... 6 8 46 || 9 11.46 || 1 4 55 26 4 59 || 13 9 71 || 31 12 S1 || – 1 4 70 | – || 13 9 76 || 9 3 81 | — - - - hº g; sº died at Malling Abbey, 780 || Wilkinson, Berdoe Amherst 6 846 || 17 11 46 || 1 4 55 | 10 5 59 || 14 12 71 || – - 1 4 70 | – || 27 9 76 | — - -º- -- - Rºº." 1876. Died at Farnham, Surrey, 781 | Nicholson, Lothian, K.C.B. 6 s 46 || 26 1 47 || 1 4 55 20 6 59 27 172 - 2s 6 on 2 in 55 20 7 as 20 66 || 1 107 | 19 10 si 5 B 88 Crimea, 1s55.6; Mutiny, 1857-8 ... |Died at Gibraltar, 27 & 1898. 782 Walker, George Edmund Lushington ... .............. 6 8 46 || 4 2 47 || 1 4 55 13 10 59 | 12 4 72 31 12 S1 | – | 20 4 70 | – | 12 4 77 — - ** - - Rºº. 10 is pied atola chanton, 783 | Burke, James Thomas ...... 6 s 46 | 20 2.47 -- - - - --- - - - - - — Turkey, 1854 Killed at the Battle of Giurgevo, 7 7 1854. 784 || Cox, Francis Edward ... ... 6 8 46 20 2 47 || 1 4 53 28 11 59 || 19 6 72 18 1 S2 — 26 4 59 4 6 70 | 19 6 77 || 7 9 85 — — Mutiny, 1857-8... Retired, 7 9 1885. 785 | Farrell, Sidney Baynton ... 6 8 46 || 1 547 || 1 4 55 28 11 59 26 672 || – — 24 5 70 — - - - -* -- - Died at Barbados, 7 9 1879. 786 || Liddell, James ............... 17 12 46 22 3 47 || – - - - - •- - - - - - --- - *ś 787 Barry, Charles William...... 17 12 46 | 16 4 47 || 1 4 55 28 11 59 27 6 72 - - 4 6 70 - 27 6 77 || 17 12 S1 - — Crimea, 1855-6 ... : Retired, 17 12 1881. 788 | Sedley, Charles Herbert ... 17 12 46 | 16 4 47 16 is is is to - - - 2 11 55 - - - - — Crimea, 1855 . Died at Jamaica, 19 12 1866. 789 Tambert, William Francis... 17 1246 22 4 47 23 4 55 - - - - - - - - -*. -*. Crimea, 1856; China, 1858 ... kille, * º Storming of Naintow, China, 31 Regimental Rank. - Army Rank. - No. Naume. - –- –––. ------- --------- - - - War Services. Renmarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt | Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. | Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 790 Warren, Richard ............ 17 12 46 14 7 47 | 14 555 31 1 00 || 5 772"| 3 s 72 || 7 4 s? - 19 11 70 s- 3 4 77 || 31 5 S6 *mº --- -*. --- Retired, 31 5 ISS6. 791 Williams, Hugh ........... . . . 17 12 46 19 S 47 | 21 5 55 — - --- - --- ºm --- * --- --- — | Crimea, 1855 ... ... ... ... | Sold commission, 2 7 1861. Died at Deptford, 26 11 1862. * Y ** & * --- & s - 79.2 Bury, Hon. John James ... 17 12 46 || 1 9 47 || 2.1 5 55 | 18 4 60 - sºmº, *mº *-* sº- --~~ - - - -º-º: - - Sold commission, 8 7 1862. Died at Exeter, 20 1 1864. 793 || Mackenzie, Alexander ... ... 17 12 46 || 3 9 47 | — --- - - -º --- •-ºº: - •- --- - - — --- Died at Honduras, 13 12 1851. 794 | Stotherd, Richard Hugh, N I. C.B. ... ..................... 2 5 47 28 10 47 21 555 17 5 60 | 5 772 | 3 s 72 26 4 82 -- 22 11 70 --- 3 S 77 || 25 11 S6 *mº - --- --- Retired, 25 11 1886. Died at . Heathcote, Surrey, 1 5 1895. 795 | Noble, William Hatt . . . . . . . . 2 5 47 | 13 1247 || 1 6 55 || 6 7 60 || 5 772 || 3 s 72 | 1 7 S2 || – 23 11 70 — 3 8 77 31 5 S6 || – --- *-*. -- Retired, 31 5 1886. 796 || Schaw, Henry, C.B. . . . . . . ... 2 5 47 || 2 2 48 || 1 6 55 2 S 60 || 5 7 72 || 3 8 72 21 10 S2 || – 2 1 71 || – 3 S 77 || 8 || 87 || – — | Crimea, 1855-6 ... ... ... Retired, S 1 1887. 797 Heygate, Edward Nicholas || 2 5 47 | 12 248 || 7 6 55 | 20 9 60 - - --- ------ 18 12 61 - - -- --- --- - - Half-pay, 17 1881. Died at Buck- land, Leominster, 30 5 1896. 798 || Gordon, George Hamilton ... 2 5 47 9 448 19 6 55 || 1 4 61 || 5 772 || 3 s 72 || 1 7 83 || – || 2s 2 71 || – 3 S 77 || 5 11 S6 | — --- -º-, - Retired, 5 II 1836. Died at Weston-super-Mare, 15 7 1896. Hy Clerke, A ; Jonath * f = - e * * * * * * g 799 erke, ugustus Onathan 2 5 47 14 4 4s 1 s 55 - --- -- - --- * - --- - - - Mutiny, 1858 * * * * * * ... Killed in the action at Lucknow, - 17 3 1858. 800 | Rice, Charles Augustus...... 2 5 47 26 2 49 || 1 8 55 || – --- - --- - 1 7 S1 || – --- - - *-*. - - - Retired, 1 7 1881. S01 || Fowler, Charles John ...... 2 5 47 19 6 49 || 15 8 55 || 1 10 61 || 5 7 72 || 4 S 72 — — 27 5 71 | — 4 S 77 || 31 12 81 || – — S. Africa, 1851-3 ... ... ... | Retired, 31 12 1881. Died in London, 3 12 1896. 802 | Clarke, Alexander Ross, + ^{ - C.B. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 47 11 7 49 S 9 55 18 12 61 || 5 7 72 27 S 72 - - 28 S 71 - 27 S 77 - - - -- --- Retired, 1 10 1881. 803 Bainbrigge, Ed ward º, º is tº e º e º e 1 10 47 6 8 49 - * -: --- e- --- - - - --- - - Crimea, 1855 ... & a tº tº & e ... Killed before Sebastopol, 4 4 1855. 804 || Murray, James ............... 1 10 47 | 1.4 S 49 - *mº --- - - - - - -- - --- — Crimea, 1854-5 ... ... ... Killed before Sebastopol, 18 6 1855. 805 Ranken, George... tº a tº e º ſº & © tº £ tº tº 1 10 47 i29 12 49 25 9 55 * --- - -- m-smº 2 11 55 --- - --- --- - Crimea, 1855-6 & a º tº $ tº ... Killed by an explosion at Sebasto- pol, 28 2 1856. S06 || De Vere, Francis Horatio... 110 47 | 16 4 50 27 10 55 20 6 62 -- --- - - 2 11 55 — - -- - – Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-6 ... Died at Brompton Barracks, Chat- ham, 22 8 1865, fr. m. a gunshot wound inflicted by a sapper, who fired at him on the parade from the barracks on the 11th of that month. (The sapper was execu- ted for murder). * . 807 | Pelly, Henry Raymond ... 110 47 26 7 50 || 23 2 56 || 26 3 62 --- --- - --- * - *mºmº - — Crimea, 1856 ... ... ... ... Died at Aldershot, 29 7 1869. 808 || Parsons, Robert Mann ... ... 110 47 21 9 50 || 23 2 56 || 1 4 62 5 752 s 378 --- --- --- --- 8 3 78 29 10 79 - * - sºmº Retired, 29 10 1879. Died at Greenwich, 20 5 1897. 809 Brine, Frederick............... 1 10 47 11 11 50 || 23 2 56 || 1 4 62 || 5 7 72 || 2 4 73 - tra-º-º: 9 11 63 --- 2 4 78 || 3 5 84 -- *s Crimea, 1855-6 ; Japan, 1863 ... Rºº, sº 1884. Died in London, 810 | Fisher, Arthur A'Court, C.B. 110 47 5 751 || 23 2 56 || 1 4 62 5 7 72 || 2 4 73 || – — 22 9 58 15 2 61 | 15 2 69 — * – | Crimea, 1855-6 ; China, 1s57-60 ... |Died at Inverness, 2 11 1879. 8|| Stopford George Montagu | 1 10 47 || 14 7 51 || 23 2 56 -- - -- -- - 22 9 58 --- - - - --- Crimea, 1854-5 and 1856 ... ... Died at Brompton Barracks, Chat- 5 S Sc ham, 7 8 1860. 812 | Bridge, Edward ... ........... 110 47 || 31 s 51 || 23 2 56 || 1 4 62 - --- - - -- - --- - - --- – - --- Died on board the mail St anner - Calabar on passage from W. Coast of Africa to England - 3 4 1866. 813 |f|Luard, Henry Reynolds ... 110 47 24 11 51 || 14 6 56 || 1 || 62 || – - — . --- - -- - - - * - --- Died at Athlone, 26 2 1870. 814 | Whitmore, M on tag u - Stopford * * * * * * * * * * * * , & w e s ∈ e s s 1 10 47 11 11 51 29 2 56 || 1 4 62 -- - - - --- - --- --- sºm-º. --- Crimea, 1855-6 tº $ tº tº º e ... Resigned commission, S 1, 1868. Accidentally killed near Hornsey Station, G.N. R., 16 10 1880. 815 J.G. Elphinstone, Howard Craufurd, K.C.B., C.M.G. 18 1247 | 11 11 51 20 4 56 || 1 4 62 || 5 772 || 23 573 || 3 5 sı - 26 12 56 || 9 4 68 || 1 10 77 || 29 1 87 -- — Crimea, 1854-5 ... ... ... Drowned off Ushant, being thrown into the sea by the lurching. of the Tongan'iro while proceeding to Teneriffe, 8 3 1890. * Under Queen’s Warrant, 5 7 72, the rank of Major was established and that of 2nd Captain abolished ; all 2nd Captains from that date were styled Captains and 1st Captains, Majors. Though fresh Commissions were not issued, the dates of their existing Commissions held good for the next rank. + Lost three places in promotion to 1st Lieutenant. - 32 1847–50. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. I lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Con. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. | Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 816 | Cumberland, Charles - - Edward, C.B................ 1s 1247 || 13 11 51 | 10 6 56 || 1 4 62 || 5 772 || 1 6 78 10 584 - 15 6 60 | 11 4 71 || 1 10 77 | 17 12 87 - - Crimea, 1855-6 ; Mutiny, 1857-9 ... Retired, 17 12 1887. 817 |*Creyke, Alexander Stephen | 1s 12 47 2s 1 52 10 9 56 || 10 6 62 - - *- - - - * - - - Crimea, 1854-5 and 1856 Permanent half-pay, 25 3 1871. Died at Harpenden, 14 9 1880. 818 || Phillpotts, William Coles ... 18 12 47 || 6 12 51 | 11 s 56 || 1 4 62 5 772 2 8 73 21 5 84 || – - - 2 8 78 || – - - --- - Retired, 21 1 1888. 819 | Sandeman, Henry ............ 1S 12 47 || 14 12 51 | — - - - - - - - *s-s - - - * - Died at St. Lucia, 2 10 1852. $20 | Fyers, Amelius Beauclerk... 1s 1247 | 2012 51 || 1s 8 56 || 3 4 62 5 772 is 10 78 || – - - — 18 10 78 — - - sº-º: - Died at Bath, 5 4 1883. 821 | Hoare, Joseph Wallis O'Bryen, Bart. ............ 18 12 47 -* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Resigned commission, 13 9 1849. 822 | *Barber, Lionel Charles 18 12 47 || 3 10 52 || 20 5 57 | 18 12 63 - - - - - - - - - - -- - Died at Charraborough Rectory, - Devon, 18 1 1866. 823 || Grantham, James ............ 1s 1247 | 1 4 52 || 4 12 56 2 7.62 || 5 7 72 - - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 15 1 1873. 824 | Neville, Glastonbury • 6 r * ~ * 18 12 47 || 9 S 52 19 3 57 - - - - -* - - - - - *-* Crimea, 1854-6 ; Mutiny, 1858 Killed in the action at Barodia, Central India, 31 1 1858. 825 | Cox, James P Onsonby ...... 18 12 47 || 14 5 53 || 2 9 57 || 21 9 62 5 7 72 18 10 73 - - - - 19 10 78 - - - sº- - Died at Poona, India, 23 9 1880. 5) º S. O’ - - S26 T Savage, Henry George ' ' ' | 18 12 47 17 12 53 || 1 10 57 <-- -* - - - - - - - - - - - Resigned commission, 6 2 1863. 4) e { a "Yº º - $2. Lempriere, George Reid. ... is 1247 22 4 58 26 5 57 |26 7 82 || – - - - - - - - - — Crimea, 1854-5 Retired, 6 6 1866. 828 39. (T. Lennox, Wilbraham & N - - - 4- - - s Oates, K.C.B................ 27 6 4S 7 2 54 || 25 11 57 || 1 4 63 || 5 7 72 10 12 73 - - 24 3 58 26 4 59 26 4 67 || 31 8 81 | 12 2 88 28 6 93 | Crimea, 1854-6 ; Mutiny, 1857-9... Died in London, 7 2 1897. 829 | Leahy, Arthur ............... 27 6 48 || 17 2 54 || 2 12 57 29 7 63 5 7 72 | 10 12 73 - - 3 12 57 || 29 11 68 - - - - Crimea, 1854-6 Died at Netley, 13 7 1878. S30 Bland, Edward Loftus ... ... 27 6 as 17 2 54 || 1 2 5s 3 s 63 5 772 | 11 12 78 14 9 84 - - - 11 12 78 || 10 12 87 - - - - Retired, 10 12 1887. 831 Baynes, Charles Edward Stuart is e º e º e s - a • * * * * = e s s s e º a • * 27 6 48 17 2 54 - - - - - - — - - - - - Crimea, 1854-5 Died before Sebastopo', 7 5 1855, of wounds received on the 19th of - the preceding month, in captur- *_2 , - º ing the Rifle Pits. 832 Le Gallais, Charles . . . . . . . . 27 6 48 || 17 2 54 - -- - - - – - - - - 4- - * - Died at Spanish Town, Jamaica, 11 12 1856. 833 | Durnford, Anthony William 27 6 as 17 2 54 is 3 5s 5 1 64 || 5 772 || 1: 1273 — - - - * - - - S. Africa, 1879 Killed at Isandhlwana, Zulularid, 22 1 1879. 834 || Fraser, Donald Alexander | 27 6 48 || 17 2 54 || 1 4 58 || 5 || 64 || 5 772 | 11 12 73 - - - *- - - - - - -- Died at Barbados, 5 8 1881. 835 | Teesdale, Harry George ... 27 6 as 17 2 54 — - - - - - - - - - - — Crimea, 1854 - - - © sº Died at Scutari, 22 10 1854, of wounds received at Alma. 836 Graves, Thomas Molyneux 27 6 48 || 17 2 54 - - - - e- - - º- - - - - Crimea, 1854-5 Killed at the 1st Storming of the Redan, Sebastopol, 18 6 1855. } S) ºr - º - St tº º $3. Anderson, William Christian 27 6 48 || 17 2 54 - --- - — *-*. - - - - - - - Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-6 Died at Plymouth, 7 8 1857. 838 Du Cane, Edmund Frederick, - K.C.B. ..................... 19 12 48 || 17 2 54 | 16 4 58 || 5 2 64 || 5 7 72 | 11 12 73 || 1 3 85 - - - 11 12 78 31 12 87 - - - - Retired, 31 12 1887. 839 || Cross m a n, William, K.C.M.G. ... ... ............ 19 12 48 || 17 2 54 | 12 8 58 || 5 2.64 || 5 7 72 11 12 73 || 6 5 85 - - - 11 12 78 6 1 86 *- - - - Retired, 6 1 1886. 840 || Greatorex, James William | 20 649 || – - *- -º-º-º: - - - - -- - - — - - - Died at Bermuda, 25 9. 1853. 841 Koe, George Alfred ......... 20 6 49 || – - - - - *-*- - - - -* - - - - - Died at St. Vincents, 4 3 1853. 842 | Marsh, Willoughby Digby | 19 12 49 || 17 2 54 18 s 5s 15 2.e4 || 5 772 19 1274 || 2 7 sº | – - — | 19 12 79 || – - - - - Retired, 16 9 1889. 843 Stuart, William James ...... 19 12 49 || 17 2 54 20 S 58 20 6 64 || 5 7 72 | 20 12 74 || 2 7 85 -- 4 168 19 11 71 || 1 10 77 | 12 2 88 - - China, 1856-8 Retired, 9 5 1891. 844 |Cowell, John Clayton, K.C.B. 19 6 50 | 17 2 54 22 9 5s 20 6 64 || 5 772 || 23 376 *- --- 23 9 58 5' 9 69 - 1 9 79 - - Baltic, 1854 ; Crimea, 1855 | Retired, 1 9 1879. Died at East - Cowes, 29 8 1894. $45 Hawthorn, Robert... . . . . . . . . . io 6 50 | 17 2 54 22 9 58 20 6 64 || 5 772 | 1 476 || 2 785 - - - 1 4 S1 - *- - Transvaal, 1880-1 Retired, 28 10 1890. 846 39.00. Graham, Gerald, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. ......... 19 6 50 | 17 2 54 2s 10 fis || 4 s 64 || 5 772 27 976 •- - 22 11 59 15 2 61 15 2 69 || 19 10 81 21 5 S4 -- Crimea, 1854-5 ; China, 1860; Retired, 14 6 1890. Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884; & Soudan, 1885. 847 Harvey , Charles Edwin...... 19 12 50 | 17 2 54 || 23 11 5s | 1 9 64 || 5 772 | 6 6 77 - *-*. - - 1 7 81 - --- - -- - Died at Chatham, 6 4 1885. 848 | Duff, Robert William ... ... ... 19 12 50 || 17 2 54 || 1 12 58 || 1 10 64 5 7 72 || 6 6 77 - - - - 1 7 81 || 31 12 81 - - * - Retired, 31 12 1881. Y - - - - 849 || P hilips, George • r-, - - - - - - - - - , | 19 12 50 | 17 2 54 | 15 12 58 || 4 11 64 || 5 7 72 15 6 77 || 7 9 S5 - - - 1 7 S1 - - - Crimea, 1854-5 Retired, 21 7 1891. * Lost three places in promotion to 1st Lieutenant. f Lost one place in promotion to 1st Lieutenant. 1851–54. - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Major. Lt. Col. Col.-Com. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. S50 Martin, Charles Nassau...... 18 6 51 | 17 2 54 || 4 1 59 || 4 11 64 || 5 7 72 | 15 6 77 ---- * s-ºr- 1 7 81 | 1 10 81 --- - Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-5 Retired, 1 10 1881. 851 | Pratt, Francis Edward ... ... 18 6 51 || 17 2 54 1 4 59 || 7 || 65 5 7 72 17 8 77 *g - - - * --- — Turkey, 1854 ; Crimea, 1854-5 Died at Edinburgh, 7 2 ISS0. 852 | Goodall, Alfred George...... 17 12 51 || 17 2 54 1 4 59 +-º. - -- - --- *-** - --- - — | Crimea, 1856 Died at Gibraltar, 23 5 1859. 853 | Drake, John Mervin Cutliffe, C.B. ..................... ... 17 12 51 | 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 || 5 6 65 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 * - --- 1 10 S1 || 6 12 82 *-*. --- Crimea, 1854-5 ; Egypt, 1882 Rºº, 6 12 1882. Died in London, 24 5 1891. 854 || James, Edward Renouard ... 17 12 51 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 || 23 8 65 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - - - 1 10 S1 || 1 10 S2 --- --- Crimea, 1854-6 ... Retired, 1 10 1882. 855 || Townsend, Charles William | 17 12 51 || 17 2 54 || – --- --- - -- *- --- ------- --- - - - --- Died at St. Helier's, Jersey, 9 4 1858. 856 Bailey, William ... . . . . . . $ 23 6 52 | 17 2 54 1 4 59 || 1 9 65 - - - --- - -- --- - --- --- - Resigned commission, 22 2 1868. S57 | Beaumont, Frederick Edward Blackett * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 23 6 52 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 || S 1 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 --- - - 27 10 77 --- - - Crimea, 1855-6 ; Mutiny, 1858 Retired, 27 10 1877. 858 Gordon, Charles George, * = {-º e º e º 'º tº a s e - © & e * * * * * * * * * * * * 23 6 52 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 25 1 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - 30 12 62 | 16 2 64 16 2 72 || 23 3 S2 - - Crimea, 1855-6 ; China, 1860-2; Slain at Khartoum, 26 1 1885. China, 1863-4. 859 | Stokes, Oliver Haldane ... . . . 28 6 52 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 18 2 66 || – *m. - --- - *-** - - — Crimea, 1854-5 ... Resigned commission, 6 11 1867. 860 | Carter, John Henry Stock- Iſlah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 12 52 | 17 2 54 - -- -- - - --- - - - - - Crimea, 1855 Killed at the Siege of Sebastopol, 2 5 1855. 861 Gilley, William Frederick... 22 12 52 | 17 2 54 || – - - - --- - -- ºrm. --- - --- – --- Died at Gibraltar, 18 6 1856. 862 | Edwards, James Bevan, C.B., K.C.M.G. .................. 22 12 52 | 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 8 2 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - 15 6 60 | 11 4 71 || 1 10 77 || 5 11 S7 | 27 7 91 — | Crimea, 1855–6; Mutiny, 1858-9 ; Retired, 1 4 1893. & Soudan, 1885. 863 Donnelly, John Fretcheville Dykes, K.C.B. 22 6 53 || 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 13 2 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 --- -- - 1 10 81 || 31 12 87 — – | Crimea, 1854-6 ... Retired, 31 12 1887. 864 || Cornes, John Edwin ......... 22 6 53 || 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 || 4 3 66 || – --- -- --- -- -- sº- - - - --- Died in London, 20 1 1871. 865 | Lowry, Thomas Graves...... 22 6 53 || 17 2 54 || – - --- --- *-*. - - •----- *-*. - -- Crimea, 1854-5 ... Killed before Sebastopol, 7 6 1855. 866 | Somerville, William Mere- dyth * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 22 6 53 || 17 2 54 - - --- - - - --- --- ----- - --- Crimea, 1855 Died at Scutari, 3 9 1855. 867 || Scott, Alexander De Courcey | 22 G 53 || 17 2 54 || 1 4 59 || 4 3 66 || 5 772 || 1 1077 --- - --- 1 10 S1 || 1 10 82 - -- Crimea, 1855 Retired, 1 10 1882. 868 O'Grady, C are w Louis Augustus * s e a s ºf 3 º' ºn s e s t e º sº e 22 6 53 || 17 2 54 26 4 59 - --- --- - - - - - +- - - - Died in Edinburgh, 8 10 1863. 869 || Wrottesley, Hon. Cameron 21 12 53 || 17 2 54 || – --- - - - - --- -- -- sº-º-º: — | Baltic, 1854 Killed in the attack on Bomarsund, 15 8 S54. 870 | Hale, Lonsdale Augustus ... 21 12 53 |21 & 54 || 10 559 || 6 6 66 || 5 772 || 1 1077 - --- - 1 10 81 - *-*-*. --- S. Africa, 1878-9 Half-pay, 16 3 1878. Retired 1 8 1883. 871 | Dumaresq, Henry William Hart Davies .............. . 21 12 53 || 31 3 54 24 5 59 || 6 6 66 || 5 7 72 | 1 10 77 --- - - 1 10 S1 -- - - Crimea, 1855-6 ... Retired, 1 10 1882. 872 | Lempriere, Arthur Reid 21 12 53 20 6 54 20 6 59 || 3 8 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - --- - 1 10 S1 || 1 10 82 - - - - Retired, 1 10 1882. 873 || Longley, George ............ 21 12 53 20 6 54 19 9 59 || – *-*. *me - 9 4 61 || 5 || 72 - --- - -- Crimea, 1855-6 ... Half-pay, 6 7 1866. Retired, 30 6 1881. Died at Southsea, 10 1 1892. 874 Scratchley, Peter Henry, K.C.M.G. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 54 20 6 54 1 10 59 20 12 66 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - 15 3 64 20 2 74 20 2 79 || 1 10 S2 - — | Crimea, 1855-6 ; Mutiny, 1857-8 Died off New Guinea, 1 12 1885. 875 | Kelsall, Gustavus Nicolls ... 11 4 54 20 6 54 || 13 10 59 20 2 67 --- - - 1 7 81 *-*. --- --- * - Crimea, 1855-6 ; Bhootan, 1864-5 ... Retired, 1 7 1881. 876 Darrah, Charles John ...... 14 S 54 | 1.4 S 54 2S 11 59 12 3 67 - - - 15 8 68 *m, *-* ** - - Crimea, 1855; Abyssinia, 1868 Died at Kirkee, Bombay, 21 6 1871. S77 Maquay, John Popham * * * * * * 14 8 54 || 14 8 54 28 11 59 || 3 5 67 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - - * 10 7 S2 10 7 83 - - Crimea, 1855-6; Mutiny, 1857-9 Retired, 10 7 1883. Died at Ashfield, . Monasterevan, Queen’s Co., 19 12 1894. 878 |Dawson-Scott, Robert Nicholl||14 s 54 | 16 s 54 || 13 12 59 s 5 67 || 5 || 72 || 1 1077 --- --- 1 10 81 || 9 3 90 || 15 2 94 || 1 10 97 ------- --- Retired, 1 4 1898. 879 | Henniker, John Major ...... 14 8 54 22 9 54 - - - - - - *mº -- mºm --- - - --- - Died at Trinidad, 28 10 1858. 34 1854–55. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. --- - - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 880 | Hewett, Edward Osborne, C.M.G. ... ... ... ... ........ 14 8 54. 20 10 64 || 1 2 60 || 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 21 10 77 - - -- 21 10 81 || 14 6 90 || 8 5 95 - - - Died at R.M. Academy, Woolwich, 3 6 1897. 881 || Mould, Frederick ... ... ..... 14 8 54 23 10 54 18 4 60 || 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 21 10 77 -- 2S 1 62 10 7 72 - 5 12 77 - — | New Zealand, 1860-4 ... Retired, 5 º 1877. Died at Eastbourne, 31 10 1897. 882 | Carey, Constantine Phipps | 14 s 54 15 11 54 || 17 5 60 || 6 7 67 || 5 772 || 5 1277 -- - - 5 12 81 || 5 12 82 — - - - Retired, 5 12 1882. SS3 Gosset, William Butler ...... 14 8 54 13 12 54 || 2 S 60 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 22 5 7S - 14 1 62 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - - — | Mutiny, 1853 Retired, 24 5 1883. 884 || Grant, Robert, K.C.B. . . . . . . 23 10 54 13 12 54 || 8 8 60 | 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 || 1 7 78 - - - 1 7 82 9 5 91 || 4 6 97 — | Soudan, 1885. 885 | Steward, Edward Harding, C.M.G. ... ............... . . . 23 10 54 || 13 12 54 20 9 60 | 14 867 5 772 14 778 -- - - 14 7 82 | 1.4 7 83 — — S. Africa, 1879 ... Retired, 14 7 1883. 886 Malcolm, Edward Donald, C. B. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 10 54 16 12 54 || 1 4 61 21 8 67 || 5 7 72 | 11 6 79 - - - 11 6 83 - - — | Mutiny, 1857-8 ... Retired, 13 11 1894. 887 MacDonnell, Arthur Robert | 23 10 54 22 12 54 || 1 4 61 || 6 11 67 || 5 772 s 9 79 - 15 S 68 - 11 7 81 8 9 84 - - Abyssinia, 1868... Retired, 8 9 1884. 888 |* Wilson, James Hamilton... 23 10 54 3 155 2 761 | 10 11 68 || 5 7 72 - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 30 6 1881. Died in London, 8 8 1890. 889 de Montmorency, Charles Anne Law .................. 23 10 54 || 13 1 55 1 10 61 || 1 1 68 || 5 7 72 | 13 9 79 - - - - - - - - - Died at Biarritz, 26 8 1882. 890 Trench, Hon. William Le - Poer ..................... ... 23 10 54 13 1 55 || 3 10 61 | 8 || 68 5 7 72 29 10 79 - - - 8 11 79 - - — | China, 1857-8 Retired, 8 11 1879. 891 Marindin, Francis Arthur, . - K.C.M.G. ............ .... 20 12 54 13 155 | 18 10 61 22 168 5 7 72 — - - - - - - — | Crimea, 1855-6 ... Retired, 29 10 1879. 892 | Wheatley, Moreton John ... 2012 54 13 155 18 12 61 22 2 68 5 772 | 12 10 79 - - - 3 2 86 - - - - - Retired, 3 2 1886. 893 Sim, Edward Coysgarne 20 12 54 13 1 55 || 31 12 61 4 3 68 5 7 72 || 3 11 79 - - - 3 11 83 || 3 11 84 — - - - Retired, 3 11 1884." 894 | f Frankland, William Adolphus, Bart. ........... . . 28 2 55 || 1 3 55 20 1 62 4 3 68 || 5 7 72 || 6 8 81 || – - — | 13 8 81 — - - *- -- Retired, 13 8 1881. Died, 29 11 1883. 895 | Boileau, William Simeon ... 28 2 55 14 & 55 18 3 62 -- - - — . . 20 4 66 - - - - - - - Retired, 20 4 1866. 896 Dirom, Alexander ......... ... 28 2 55 || 1 4 55f 26 3 62 17 3.68 - - - - - - - - -- China, 1857-8 ... Died at Madeira, 9 11 1868. 897 | Campbell, Walter Moncrieff - Thriepland .................. 28 2 55 || 1 4 55 || 1 4 62 || 17 3 69 || 5 7 72 || 8 11 79 - - - 20 12 79 || – - - - - Retired, 29 12 1879. Died at Castellamare, 4 4 1895. 898 || Moncrieff, Douglas Gossett Waldegrave.................. 28 2 55 || 1 4 55 || 1 4 62 — - - - - - -- - - - - - Resigned commission, 9 12 1864. 899 || Molesworth, Morgan Crofton 2s 2 55 1 4 55 || 1 4 62 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Rugby, 10 7 1867. 900 Rimington, Richard Belton 28 2 55 || 1 4 55 || 1 4 62 80 7 69 5 7 72 || 9 11 79 || – - — 24 1 80 — - - - a- Retired, 24 1 1880. 901 Smith, Percy Guillemard Llewellyn .................. 28 2 55 || 1 4 55 1 4 62 20 10 69 5 7 72 20 12 79 - - - 20 12 83 || 31 12 87 - - - - Rejº, ...” 1887. Died at Bournemouth, 5 4 1893. 902 Daniel, Edward * * * * ~ * - - - - - - - tº a 2S 2 55 1 4 55 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Killed by being thrown from a dog-cart at Guildford, 11 11 1856. 903 || Maitland, James Makgill Heriot, K.C.B. ............ - 20 4 55 1 4 62 22 6 71 || 5 7 72 20 12 79 - - — 20 12 83 || 8 5 95 - - China, 1857-9; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, - 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1885-6. 904 || Webber, Charles Edmund C.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 20 4 55 || 1 4 62 | 12 7 71 || 5 7 72 24 1 SO - - - 24 J 84 22 7 85 - — Mutiny, 1857-9; S. Africa, 1879 ; Retired, 22 7 1885. Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 905 | Festing, Edward Robert - 20 4 55 || 1 4 62 13 9 71 || 5 7 72 22 9 80 - - - 22 9 S4 22 9 85 - — Mutiny, 1857-9... Retired, 229 1885. 906 || Lockhart, Allan Eliott ..... - 20 4 55 || 1 4 62 - - -9 - - - - - - - - - Died at Bermuda, 23 8 1864. * Lost seven places in promotion to Captain, following next after Alexander Dirom. + In promotion to Major, follows next after E. R. º # Rank of 2nd Lieutenant discontinued from 1 4 1855, under H. Festing. In promotion to Major, follows next after E. C. Sim. M. Authority conveyed in a letter from the Lieut.-General of the Ordnance dated 20 3 1855. 35 1855–56. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. I,t.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. | Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 907 | Prescott-Decie, Richard 20 4 55 || 1 4 62 -- - - - - --- - --- --- --- --- - Resigned commission, 21 12 1865. 908 || Stockley, George Watts 20 4 55 || 1 4 62 | 13 9 71 || 5 7 72 22 9 80 || – --- – 22 9 84 || — - --- - - Retired, 1 3 1891. 909 | Papillon, John Ashton ... ... 20 4 55 || 3 4 62 14 12 71 || 5 772 24 9 80 - --- ----- 24 9 84 -- -- - China, 1858-60 ... Rºº, 17 2 1891. Died at Sandgate, 24 12 910 | Pritchard, Gordon Douglas, C.B....... .................... 31 7 55 | 16 5 62 27 1 72 5 7 72 || 1 7 81 --- 11 10 64 | 15 S 68 15 8 76 27 7 86 14 6 90 || – Mººg 1857-8; China, 1860; Abyssinia, Retired, 27 7 1891. 911 | Tyler, Edward Saumarez ... 31 7 55 | 10 6 62 19 672 5 7 72 - - - * - --- --- --- --- -- Died at Lee, 11 8 1875. 912 | Brooke, Edward Thomas ... 31 7 55 || 2 7.62 27 6 72 5 772 30 7 81 smºmº 1 3 64 || 7 2 74 || 7 2 79 30 7 86 - **ms Crimea, 1856; New Zealand, 1863-5 Retired, 30 7 1886. 913 || Wynne, Charles Edward ... 31 7 55 — - — --- -- --- -*. -- - --- — Mutiny, 1858 Died at Lucknow, 9 7 1858. 914 || Harrison, Richard, K.C.B., : C.M.G. .................. ... 31 7 55 26 7 62 5 772 || 3 8 72 | 6 8 81 --- 11 10 64 || 17 5 74 || 17 579 20 7 SS | 1 4 93 || 8 5 95 || Mutiny, 1857-9; China, 1860; S. Africa, 1879; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. 915 Courtney, Edward Henry... 31 755 21 9 62 || 5 7 12 || 3 s 72 18 s S1 || – --- 1 7 81 1 7 S5 31 12 87 --- – China, 1858-60 .. Retired, 31 12 1887. 916 | Sandford, Richard Man- waring Forman ............ 31 755 6 2.63 5 772 || 3 8 72 | 13 8 81 •ºmº *-mºs H 7 81 || 1 7 85 --- -- — China, 1858-62 ; Afghanistan, 1878-9 Retired, 29 12 1889. 917 | Bullen, Richard ............ 31 7 55 || 1 4 63 || 5 7 72 || 3 8 72 || 1 10 81 * --- 1 7 81 - --- - - --- - Died at Barbados, 30 6 1883. 918 || Jones (afterwards Helsham- Jones), Henry Helsham... 1 4 35 | 29 7 63 || 5 772 || 4 9 72 || 1 10 81 *** * 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 * - --- Egypt, 1882 Retired, 26 6 1889. 919 || Storer, Arthur Tillard ...... 1 8 55 || 3 S 63 || 5 7 72 27 8 72 || 1 10 81 **** --º-º: 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 * * ------- - * Betired, 4 5 1892. 920 | Twigge, John Thomas ... .. 1 8 55 || 9 10 63 5 7 72 | 15 1 73 || 19 10 S1 * * -* 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 19 10 86 *-* * Perak, 1875-6 Retired, 19 10 1886. 921 | Thorold, Reginald Gother | 1 8 55 || 5 1263 || 5 | 72 s 373 | 19 10 81 *sº * 1 7 S1 || 1 7 S5 19 10 86 -- ºsmºs -- - Retired, 19 10 1886. 922 | Berkeley, George Sackville | 1 8 55 || 5 | 64 || 5 772 || – * - 1 7 81 ** * - *ss --- --- * Peº; half-pay, 1 7 1881. Died in London, 923 || Brooke, Gustavus Holmes... 1 s 55 || 5 1 64 || – *ºms - ºvº nºvº. * --- - mº --- - ------ Died at Barbados, 23 8 1866. 924 || Mitchell, Edward ............ 1 8 55 5 2 64 || 5 7 72 2 4 73 17 12 S1 * * 1 7 81 1 7 85 smº - - - - Retired, 19 1 1887. 925 | Garnier, John.................. 1 8 55 | 15 2 64 || 5 7 72 || 2 4 73 5 12 S2 * --- - 5 12 86 - -- -- - - Retired, 5 12 1887. 926 Smith, Robert Murdoch, K.C.M.G. .................. 24 9 55 | 20 6 64 || 5 7 72 || 23 5. 73 31 12 81 * --- 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 31 12 87 - - ------ - Retired, 31 12 1887. 927 | Wilson, Charles William, |." K.C.B., K.C.M.G. ... ... ... 24 9 55 | 20 6 64 5 7 72 || 23 5. 73 || 31 12 S1 || – - 19 4 79 || 19 4 83 15 2 94 — — Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5 ... Retired, 14 3 1898. 928 Newsome, William 15 10 55 || 4 8 64 || 5 7 72 I 6 73 - - -- 1 7 81 smº --- --- -- Crimea, 1854-5 ... Retired, 1 7 1881. 929 Tisdall, John Knox ..... ... 19 12 55 24 8 64 5 7 72 -- - --- - * $ºmºs -- --- --- -- - - Half-pay, 27.7 1875. Retired, 17 1881. Died at Malvern, 16 7 1885. 930 | Stace, William Gustavus Temple 19 12 55 -- - -- - -------- --- * --- - --- --- --- - Services dispensed with, 30 6 1863. Died at Ealing, 4 11 1894. 931 Lennard, John Barrett . ... 19 12 55 - - -- -- --- - - - - - --- --- - Resigned commission, 27 7 1860. 932 | Thaine, Robert ... ... . . . . 7 4 56 || – - - - -- - * -- -- --- - --- - Died at Hong Kong, 1 3 1859. 933 Swetenham, George ......... 7 4 56 || 1 10 64 || 5 7 72 || 2 S 73 - - --- ---- * - - - Mutiny, 1857-8 ... Died at Bolarum, 10 7 1878. 934 || Walker, Daniel Corrie ... ... 7 4 56 || 4 11 64 || 5 7 72 25 8 73 || 31 12 S1 - - 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 - -- - Mutiny, 1858-9. Retired, 23 4 1892. 935 | Home, Robert, C.B. ......... 7 4 56 || 9 12 64 || 5 7 72 || 25 S 73 --- - -- 1 4 74 || 12 5 77 * --- — | Ashanti, 1873-4... Died in London, 29 1 1879. 936 | Paterson, John Brand ... , || 7 4 56 - - - - - - - * - — Mutiny, 1858 Died at Fort George, Mauritius, 2011 1861. 937 | Locock, Herbert, C.B. ...... 7 4 56 || 7 1 65 || 5 7 72 || 25 8 73 || 31 12 81 - - 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 - -- --- -- - Retired, 30 4 1896. 938 | Hime, Frederick ............ 7 4 56 24 1 65 || 5 772 25 s 78 31 12 s1 --- - 1 7 81 1 7 85 || 3 8 87 - — | China, 1860 Retired, 3 8 1887. 939 || Keith, William ............... 7 4 56 || 5 6 65 || 5 7 72 25 8 73 18 1 82 - *mº 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 * - – Mutiny, 1857-9 ... Retired, 17 12 1887. Died in London, 5 5 1891. 36 1856–57. º Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 940 | Mainguy, Frederick Beck- with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 6 56 || 1 9 65; 5 7 72 | 26 8 73 || 23 3 82 - ------ 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 || 7 12 87 --- - ------ *m-. Retired, 23 3 1887. 941 | Yule, George William Vansittart .................. 21 6 56 *-** * ----- --- --- - -- * - * --- -- --- Cashiered, 6 12 1857. 942 | Lewin, Henry Frederick Chapman * * * * * * * * * * g; * * * * e & 21 6 56 22 12 65 5 7 72 26 8 73 *-*. ------ -- 22 5 80 --- *g --- --- --- --- Retired, 22 5 1880. 943 Durnford, Arthur George. . . . 21 6 56 || 8 || 66 5 7 72 26 8 73 || 7 4 82 *-*. --- 1 7 81 1 7 85 * - --- Bechuanaland, 1884-5 Retired, 1 9 1894. 944 Lambert, Montague . . . . . . . . 21 6 56 25 1. 66 5 7 72 26 8 73 || – * -- --- --- --- --- --- ----- - Died at South Shoebury, 6 2 1880. 945 | Sanford, George Edward Langham Somerset, C.B., C.S.I. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 10 56 || 8 2 66 || 5 7 72 10 12 73 26 4 82 * •-ºrrºr- 22 11 79 22 11 83 || 1 || 95 || 1 4 98 -— China, 1858; Jowaki, 1878; Afghanistan, - 1878-9; Burma, 1885-6. 94.6 |Bird, Shearman Godfrey 18 10 56 * --- - --- *mºs •º-º-º: *-ºs- --- mº-º- - -- China, 1858-60 Resigned commission, 4 7 1862. 947 | Lloyd, Edward Fraser Spearman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 18 10 56 18 2 66 || 5 7 72 10 1273 || 1 782 ** --- 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 || 1 7 87 * --- --- -- Retired, 1 7 1887. 948 || Crozier, Henry Darley ...... 20 12 56 27 2 66 || 5 7 72 II 12 73 27 S 82 || – •ºrsºs 1 7 81 || 1 7 S5 17 12 S7 | – * ------ --- Retired, 17 12 1887. 949 Palmer, Henry Spencer tº $ tº $ tº º 20 12 56 || 4 3 66 || 5 7 72. 11 12 73 || 1 10 82 *—r- =ºs 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 || 1 10 87 **-* -º-º: * --- Rºº 1 10 1887. Died at Tokio, Japan, 10 3 1893. 950 | Barton, Robert ............... 20 12 56 20 4 66 5 7 72 11 12 73 1 10 S2 *-ºs ** 1 7 81 1 7 85 || 1 10 87 **** “r-vº-'ra a--sº ------ Retired, I 10 1887. 951 | Jones, Robert Owen, C.B. 20 12 56 6 6 66 || 5 7 72 | 11 12 73 1 10 82 *ºr- * 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 1 10 87 * — | Ashanti, 1873-4 Retired, 1 10 1887. 952 | Clayton, Valentine Gardner | 2012 56 || 6 7 66 5 772 11 12 78 || 1 10 s2 || – *** 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 || – *s *-* *-º-º: --- Retired, 16 6 1894. 953 Seddon, Henry Cooper 20 12 56 3 8 66 5 7 72 1 4 74 1 10 82 -- *r- 1 7 81 1 7 85 ------ --- - *----- *-º-º: Retired, 1 10 1887. 954 May, Allan .................. 21 2 57 24 8 66 || 5 7 72 *** * *-*. *=s* * - - - --- - ------- *-*-* *-* Half-pay, 24 8 1866. Died at Reading, 3 5 1876, 955 Clements, Frederick William Richard ....... & # * * * * * * * * * * * * 15 5 57 20 12 66 || 5 7 72 || 2 12 74 || 1 10 82 - --- 2 12 81 || 2 12 85 --- --> - China, 1860 ... Retired, 1 10 1887. 956 | Micklem, Edward ... ......... 15 5 57 20 2 67 || 5 772 | 12 s 75 110 s? | – — | 12 8 82 || 12 S 86 31 12 S7 — - - - Retired, 31 12 1887. * r * - 957 Warburton, Frederick Tynte | 15 5 57 | 12 3 67 || 5 || 72 | 16 9 tº --- --- - 22 5 80 --- --- - --- New Zealand, 1860-1 ... Retired, 22 5 1880. 958 || Goodall, George............... I5 5 57 -- ------ --- -- - ------ --- *- - - - --- - Resigned commission, 25 7 1860. 959 | Parnell, Hon. Arthur ...... 15 5 57 || 8 5 67 || 5 7 72 1 4 76 || 1 10 S2 — --- — 30 6 83 || – --- — - - Retired, 30 6 1883. 960 | Blunt, Grant ............... 15 5 57 || 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 27 976 21 10 S2 || – 4- - 21 10 86 21 10 87 -- - --- --- Retired, 21 10 1887. 961 | St. George, Henry Peaseley 2 ** L’Estr 81199. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5 57 - --- --- - *…* -- -- - - - -- --- - Resigned commission, 1 8 1859. 962 | Burnes, Dalhousie Holmes | 15 5 57 -- cº-º: --- - --- - ----- --- --- * - - - Resigned commission, 10 & 1859. 964 || Brine, Bruce ... ......... 15 5 57 || 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 || 6 6 77 22 5 83 - - --- 22 5 87 --- - - --- - Retired, 15 8 1896. 965 Hamilton, Alexander Charles, In ord Belhaven and Stenton ................... • . 23 6 57 || 6 7 67 || 5 7 72 | 15 6 77 30 6 83 a- --- -- 80 6 S7 *-*. --- — S. Africa, 1879 ... Retired, 25 8 1888. 966 | Cole, Harry Parnell ......... 23 6 57 || – - --- --> --- - --- --- - - --- --- - Died at Simon's Town, Cape of Good Hope, : 14 4 1862. 967 | Cochrane, Bayard Clarke... 28 6 57 || – --- --- -º-º: --- --- --- -- - — *-*. *-w - Died at Bermuda, 26 8 1864. 968 Crawford, Charles ............ 1 10 57 | 10 7 67 || 5 7 72 | 17 8 77 - --- --- 27 4 81 -- --- *mºn — | Perak, 1876 Retired, 27 4 1881. Died at Kilburn, N.W., - 23 7 1894. 969 Le Mesurier, Frederick - Augustus, C.B. ............ 1 10 57 | 11 7 67 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 1 7 83 --- - 18 2 82 18 2 S6 — " - - Retired, 17 3 1896. Transvaal, 1880-1; Soudan, 1885 37 1857–58. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen | Tit.-Gen. General. 970 | Davidson, Charles Richard Tiernay ..................... 1 10 57 14 8 67 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 1 7 S3 || – - - 1 7 87 || – - - - - Retired, 25 8 1888. 971 || Melville, Bruce Hall ......... 1 10 57 || 21 S 67 || 5 7 72 1 10 77 || 1 7 S3 - - - 1 7 S7 - - - - - Retired, 1 7 1888. 972 || Moysey, Charles John, C.M.G. ..................... 1 10 57 || 2 9 67 || 5 772 || 1 10 77 | 10 7 83 - - 29 11 79 29 11 83 || 4 6 97 -- - S. Africa, 1878-9. 973 | Price, Richard Charles ...... 1 10 57 | 12 10 67 || 5 7 72 — - - - - - - - - - - Resigned commission, 11 3 1874. 974 Lyster, Thomas ............... 1 10 57 - - - - - - - - --- - - - - Died at sea on board H.M.S. Tamar, on passage - from China, 17 S 1865. 975 Millar, Joseph Allan......... I 10 57 || 6 11 67 || 5 7 72 — - - - - - - •- - - - Died at Gibraltar, 26 10 1876. 976 || Hardinge, Edward Pelham 1 10 57 || 1 1 6S - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Mussoorie, 11 S 1871. 977 | Hogg, John Robert 1 10 57 S 1 68 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 || 14 7 S3 - - - 14 7 S7 - - - - - Retired, 16 11 1895. 978 || Sturt, Napier George ...... 1 10 57 22 1 68 || 5 7 72 1 10 77 | 19 3 S4 || – - — | 19 3 88 — - | Abyssinia, 1867-8 Retired, 19 3 1889. 979 White, Thomas Pilkington 1 10 57 22 2 68 5 7 72 1 10 77 3 5 84 - - - 3 5 88 - - - - - Retired, 2 2 1894. 980 | Ferguson, Charles John O'Neill ..................... 1 10 57 || 4 3 68 || 5 7 72 | 1 10 77 | 10 584 - - - I0 5 SS - -* _ New Zealand, 1861-6 Retired, 2 3 1896. 981 | Bolland, George Herbert ... 110 57 || 4 & 68 || 5 772 || 1 1077 |21 584 || – - — 21 5 88 — -* - - - Retired, 19 10 1889. Y & 982 Walsh, Edward ............... 1 10 57 - - - - -- - - - *- -* - - - Rilled by a fall from his horse, at Woolwich, 6 3 1859. - 983 Stewart, Richard Warren... 1 10 57 | 17 3.68 || 5 772 || 1 10 77 11 6 84 -** -* - 11 6 8S * -*** - ----- - Retired, 6 11 1894. 984 | Salmond, William, C.B. 1 10 57 10 LL 68 || 5 7 72 21 10 77 | 8 9 84 --- - 18 11. 82 1S 11 86 27 5 98 - --- Egypt, 1882. () Q 2. - - - . 386 Vetch, Robert Hamilton, C.B. 28 12 57 30 7 69 || 5 | 72 | 16 2 7s 14 9 84 --- - - 14 9 88 - -* -- r"-- --> Retired, 6 1 1898. 987 Warren, Charles, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 23 12 57 2010 69 || 5 7 72 | 10 4 78 12 10 84 - - 11 11 78 || 11 11 82 || 1 4 93 || 1 10 97 - S. º: Egypt, 1882; Bechuana- àn C1, -:). 988 | Peters, Edward Nicolls..... , 23 12 57 20 10 69 || 5 7 72 17 4 78 || 3 11 84 - - - 3 11 88 - ---. _ Afghanistan, 1878-9 Retired, 21 11 1895. 989 Crowdy, J ohn Henry tº e º 'º tº 23 12 57 || 14 1 '71 5 7 72 22 5 78 20 12 S4 -- - - 20 12 88 - *----e. - Japan, 1864 Retired, 4 3 1890. 990 Sitwell, Honorius Sisson ... 23 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 22 5 7s 2012 sq. - - - 20 12 SS *-* -º- - - - Died at Chester, 14 11 1891. 991 | Lyon-Campbell, Charles Albert..................... ... 23 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 23 5 78 || 24 1 85 - - - 24 1 89 * - - -- - Retired, 24 1 1890. <) ** "Fr e º - e. º 99% Engledue, William John... 28 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 | 72 |22 5 so |28 in 86 || – - — 23 11 90 || – - - - - Retired, 4 3 1892. 993 Maud, William Sherer ... ... 23 12 57 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 || 1 7 7S - - - 12 12 S3 - - - - - - Retired, 12 12 1883. Died at Bath, 6 5 1894. 994 || Sivewright, George Vivian || 23 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 772 11 776 || – - - -- - - - - - - Died at Kingstown, Jamaica, 20 12 1884. 995 || Clive, Henry Somerset ...... 23 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 || 14 1 78 || 1 3 85 || – - - 1. 3 89 || – - - - - Retired, 7 5 1890. 996 || Jones, Dallas Gordon ...... 23 12 57 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 || – - - - - - - -- - - - Half-pay, 13 1 1875. Resigned commission, 13 T 1876. 997 || Coddington, Arthur Blayney | 28 12 57 | 12 71 || 5 | 72 24 s is 4 sº --- - - - - - - -- - Died at Dublin, 15 12 1888. 998 |Turner, Henry Fyers, C.B. 28 12 57 | 12 s 71 || 5 772 || 3112 7s 6 5 sº | – - - 6 5 89 || – - _ | Soudan, 1885 Retired, 8 11 1897. 999 || Innes, William ............... 22 6 58 13 9 71 || 5 7 72 — - - - - - - - _ | Perak, 1875 Billed in Perak, 9 11 1875. 1000 Campbell, |Robert Mitchell 22 6 58 - - - - - - - - --- *-* - - - Resigned commission, 15 1 1867. 1001 || Tovey, Hamilton ............ 22 6 5s 20 9 71 || 5 || 72 || 3112 is 2 7 sº | – - - 2 7 89 || – - - - - Died in London, 5 S 1889. 1002 Buckle, Richard Nicholls ... 22 6 5s 14 12 71 || 5 772 - - - — $ - - - - - Ashanti, 1874 Killed at the Battle of Amoaful, near Coomassie, 31 1 1874. 1003 Athorpe, Robert 22 6 58 27 1 72 || 5 7 72 | 11 6 79 || 2 || S5 - - - 2 7 S9 *-*. —º - - - Retired, 19 5 1896. 1004 | Fellowes, James... * * * * * * * * * * g tº 22 6 58 17 2 72 || 5 7 72 S 9 79 || 2 7 85 - - - 2 7 S9 - --- - e º 1005 || Beaumont, Richard Henry - - Retired, 25 S 1898. Beaumont .................. 22 6 58 19 6 72 || 5 7 72 | 20 12 79 - - - - - - - - - - Died at Brighton, 31 1 1884. | 0 º “ - - 06 Simmons, George Le Breton 22 6 58 - - - - - - - - *** - - Died at sea, on board P. & O. s.s. Salsette, on passage from Bengal, 20 6 1869. + - Would, had he survived the expedition to Ashanti, have received on l 1 74 the Brevet of Major for his bravery at the Battle of Amoaful. 38 1858–59. I OO7 1008 1009 } 010 1011 1012 | 0 || 3 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 101.9 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 102.7 1028 1029 1030 103.1 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 Name. Williams, Richard Harry ... Davies, Jasper Gustavus Sylvester O’Brien, Edmund Donough Collins ... ... ... ... ... ... Carroll, William Joseph ... Anderson, Samuel, C.M.G. Woodward, Charles Robert Young, s: s = e s s º º gº tº e º e s tº a gº º tº e º ºs º ºs e º 'º Armstrong, C.B. ... • * * * Bond, Robert John Haslett, Arthur Kyle Grover, George Edward...... Craigie-Halkett, Charles Harland .................... Pole, George Henry Law ... * * * * * • * * * * * * * * Bowen, Charles Johnson, George William... Mulloy, William Hutchinson Slacke, William Randall Wynne, Edward Toler Oldham, Francis George ... Gun, Henry Allen Bigsby, George Chamberlin tº s : é e º $ s tº e e s tº gº tº tº sº a t < * Gordon * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Playfair, James Octavus ... Ardagh, John Charles, C.B., K.C.I.E. ... .................. Robertson, James Jameson Peck, William Emerson...... Stephens, Edmund |Russell, Christopher Josiah Morgan, John Mabbott...... Haig, Arthur Balfour, Cautley, Henry ......... • * tº £ tº Featherstonhaugh, Albany... Satterthwaite, Joseph Henry Lloyd, Ernest Marsh........ .. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. |2nd Capt. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1 10 58 27 6 72 5 7 72 | 13 9 79 - - * 28 5 84 - - --- --- - - Retired, 28 5 1884. 1 10 58 --- 3 8 72 13 9 79 || 7 9 85 --- --- - *m-º: --- -- --- --- -- Retired, 4 4 1888. 1 10 58 --- 3 S 72 | 13 9 79 22 9 85 - e- --- 22 9 89 --- - -- - --- Retired, 7 4 1898. | 21 12 58 --- - - -- - --- *mº armºs - * - - - Died at Hyères, War, France, 24 1 1869. 21 12 58 - 3 8 72 13 9 79 - --- --- &m's --- - --- - --- - Died at Bonnyrigg, co. Edinburgh, 11 9 1881. 21 12 58 --- 3 S 72 | 13 9 79 24 9 85 — - --- 24 9 S9 --- --- ---- - - Retired, 24 9 1890. Died at Chiswick, 4 1 1896. 21 12 58 - 3 8 72 9 10 79 1 7 S6 - -- --- I 7 90 --- --- - - - Retired, 7 12 1892. Died at Omeath, 1 11 1894. 21 12 58 --- 3 8 72 | 12 10 79 || 30 7 86 -- *-*. 18 11 82 | 18 11 86 - - - Egypt, 1882 Retired, 30 7 1891. 21 12 58 -- 3 S 72 9 11 79 - *m. *m. -* - - -- - - --- Died at Gibraltar, 19 11 1880. 21 12 58 - 3 8 72 3 11 79 || 6 8 86 sºmº -- 15 6 85 | 15 6 89 * tº-º: --- Soudan, 1885 Died at Chicago, U.S.A., 29 1 1893. 21 12 58 -- 3 8 72 3 11 79 13 8 S6 - --- - 13 8 90 -- - - - -- Retired, 13 8 1891. 21 12 58 *-sº 3 8 72 -º-º-º: - - *s --- --- - - amº - -- Died at the Cape, 22 2 1876. 21 12 58 gº-ºº: 3 8 72 3 11 79 || 13 8 86 **** * *º- 13 S 90 -- --- --- * — ----- Retired, 28 2 1894. 21 12 58 --- * * * --- -->r-e * - ** *-* - --- --- --- Drowned while out sailing, near Flacq, Mauritius, 23 8 1865. 21 12 58 --- 3 8 72 8 11 79 || 1 10 S6 **** *-*. *ms 1 10 90 * — --- New Zealand, 1864; Soudan, 1884-5 Retired, 6 1 1896. 21 12 58 * 3 8 72 9 11 79 || 1 10 86 * --- - 1 10 90 * *º-ºº: * --- - Retired, 9 10 1896. 21 12 58 * 3 8 72 1 1 80 | 19 10 86 --- * *- * - ** * -- -- l)ied 8 3 1889. 21 12 58 - 3 8 72 24 1 80 19 10 86 -- - - 19 10 90 --- -- --- --- - Retired, 18 1 1892. 21 12 58 sºme 3 8 72 ---, - - *mºnº - --> &m, *m. * -- - Half-pay, 6 2 1878. Died at Rattoo, co. Kerry, 22 3 1878. 21 12 58 --- --- - --- --- mº --- --- - - --- --- — Half-pay, 26 3 1873. Died at sea on board the Scandinavian, on passage to Canada, 27 2 1874. 21 12 58 -- --- - - *m-. - sºmsºmº --- - ºms - -- - Resigned commission, 11 6 1861. Died at Buenos Ayres, 19 8 1864. 1 4 59 gº-º-º-º: 3 8 72 22 9 80 || 17 12 86 * 30 11 78 18 11 S2 | 15 6 85 || 14 3 98 *m-. -*. º sº Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1 4 59 - --- amº -- - -- - - ------ -- * --- --- Drowned by the upsetting of a boat in the - Medway, near Chatham, 69 1867. 1 4 59 -- 3 8 72 22 9 S0 || 31 12 86 *mº - - 31 12 90 — - - Soudan, 1885 Retired, 31 12 1891. Died at Clifton, 25 8 1897. 1 4 59 - 3 8 72 | 20 11 80 || 31 12 86 --- - --- 31 12 90 * - - --- - Retired, 27 1 1892. 1 4 59 - 3 8 72 22 1 81 31 12 S6 *-*. --- - 31 12 90 --- - -- --- *mº Retired, 31 12 1891. 1 4 59 --- 3 8 72 27 4 81 || 7 8 86 --- - - - - smº -- --- - Retired, 15 1 1887. Died at Farnham, 15 1 1888. 22 6 59 - 3 8 72 | 16 5 81 --- * --- 30 7 81 * --- *m-º. - - -- Retired, 30 7 1881. 22 6 59 - 3 8 72 1 7 81 31 12 86 --- --- -- 31 12 90 - * -- --- -- Retired, 21 10 1893. 22 6 59 --- 3 8 '72 || 1 7 81 || 31 12 S6 *º-º. - ---------- 31 12 90 --- * - - -- Retired, 8 2 1893. 22 6 59 - 3 8 72 1 7 S1 8, 187 -- --- --- 23 11 S7 -- --- - Perak, 1875 Retired, 23 11 1887. 22 6 59 - 3 8 72 1 7 81 | 18 I 87 - - - - - -- - - --- Retired, 18 1 1892. 39 1859–60. - - - ------- Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - . - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. | Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Ge . Lt.-Gen. General. —5– 1039| Macpherson, John Cosmo (afterwards Farquharson, J.), C.B. ........... & e º e º e s e º º 22 6 59 || 3 8 72 || 1 7 81 || 23 3 S7 || – — 17 3 87 29 9 93 — --- - - — Retired, 18 3 1896. 1040] Howard, Thomas ............ 22 6 59 || 3 S 72 || || 7 81 || 26 4 S7 --- - --- - --- - - - --- Retired, 1 5 1890. 1041 || Bailey, Frederick ............ 22 6 59 || 3 8 72 || 1 7 81 || 1 787 || – - - -- - --- – Bhootan, 1865 ... ... ... ... ... Retired, 4 4 1892. 1042| Geh le, Henry John Wolsteyn .................. 22 6 59 || 3 S 72 1 7 S1 || 27 8 87 || – - — 29 9 93 — --- ----- --- --- Retired, 3 9 1897. 1043 Whinfield, Charles William | 21 12 59 || 3 8.72 || 1 7 81 *- - --- 5 9 83 --- - - -- - - Retired, 5 9 1883. Died at Wyeville, Ross, - Herefordshire, 31 8 1893 1044|Smith, Studley Vidal ... . . . 21 12 59 || 3 s 72 || – - - - --- - --- --- - - --- Died at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, 22 5 #874. 1045 Buckle, Archibald Lewis ... 21 12 59 || 4 8 72 - - - --- -- ----- - -- - -- --- Died at Gloucester, 24 2 1874. 1046|| Tarbet, Peter Godfrey ... ... 21 12 59 || 27 8 72 || – --- -- - *- - --- - - --- - Died at Liverpool, 7 7 1873. 104.7 Patten, William Henry...... 21 12 59 28 S 72 1 7 S1 || 1 10 S7 -- - --- 29 9 93 ** - ----- -- - Retired, 8 10 1897. 1048 Collins, William Henry...... 21 12 59 || 28 S. 72 - - — 29 S 72 || – - *-*. - — Bhootan, 1864-5 ... ... ... ... ... Died in London, 28 7 1880. 1049 Smith, J ohn Herbert ... ... ... 22 12 59 -- ------- --- -- --- - - -- -- - - ----- - - Died at sea on passage from Calcutta to England, 27 6 1866. 1050 Hepper, Albert James, D.S.O. ......... . . . . . . . . . . 22 12 59 21 9 72 || 1 7 81 | 1 10 S7 --- --- - 20 12 92 ------- -- - Soudan, 1885; Soudan, 1885-6 ... ... ... Retired, 24 10 1896. 1051 Masterson, William ......... 22 12 59 - --- - - - - -- *--- - -- - --- Drowned in attempting to cross on horseback the Wheanakora River, New Zealand, 29 9 1865. 1052 Morris, Reginald Frank ... 22 12 59 || 2 11 72 || 1 7 si || 1 10 st - - 31 8 87 - - - – | Abyssinia, 1868 ... ... ... ... ... Retired, 1 10 1892. 1053 Harris, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 12 59 || 15 1 73 || 1 7 81 || 1 10 87 - - - - *- - - S. Africa, 1879-80 ; Transvaal, 1881; Egypt, Died at Plymouth, 31 3 1889. 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1054 F errier, Louis John George 22 12 59 s 373 - --- - --- --- --- --- -- --- — --- Drowned off the Isle of Wight in the wreck of H.M.S. Ewrydice, 24 3 1878. 1055|J enner, Stephen Weston ... 22 12 59 | 12 373 || 1 7 81 wº- -- --- 27 9 S2 - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80 ... ... ... ... Retired, 27 9 1882. Died at Chelsea, 26 4 1895. 1056 Wallinger, Arnold Charles 22 12 59 — — - - --- - --- *-*. - - - - Resigned commission, 7 12 1865. 1057 Robinson, Henry & e º º º s 4 - . . . . 22 12 59 2 4 73 1 7 81 1 10 87 - --- -- - - --- - --- — . Retired, 1 10 1892. Died at Hyères, 6 4 1897. 1998. Mackenzie, Augustus Charles Colin ............... . . . . . . . . 22 12 59 || 2 4 73 || 1 7 81 || – —— - --- --- --- --- --- - --- Died at Malta, 26 11 1885. 1059 Harvey, Edward ... ... ..... 22 12 59 || 23 573 || 1 7 81 21 10 87 --- 2 3 81 || 11 10 87 --- -- --- — | Looshai, 1871-2; Jowaki, 1877-8 ; Afghanistan, Retired, 30 10 1892. • * * , ... . . * * * - - | 1879-80. - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . ~~~~... . . . . . . . . . . " y ? p •. (N • - . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' 1060| O'Connor, William Charles | 19 6 60 || – --- - - * --- -- -- --- - --- --- Services dispensed with, 18 3 1862. 1061 | Fowler, Henry ............., | 19 6 60 || – -- *-* --- - – — - - - - ºm. Half-pay, 29 6, 1872. Retired, 1 7 1881. 1062 Urquhart, John Henry * g e º 'º º 19 6 60 - --- --- --- * --> - --- - --- Bhootan, 1865 tº gº tº tº dº e * * * & e & ... Killed in the defence of the Fort of Dewangiri, Bhootan, - 29 1 1865. 1063| *Baker, Henry Horace ...... 19 6 60 | — — sºmº, - - --- --- --- - -- -- - *Lost in the s.s. City of Boston, February, 1870. 1064. Bowly, James Devereux ... 19 6 60 || 1 6 78 || – - --- *- --- - -- — — -- - Died at Malta, 31 3 1878. 1065. Cunningham, Charles......... 19 6 60 || 8 7 73 1 7 81 13 11 S7 — --- --- — — *m. – Abyssinia, 1868 ... ... ... ... ... Retired, 17 1 1893. 1066 | *Orange, William Alexander - Wildman .................. 19 6 60 *-*. =s * - --- amº - --- - --- --- -- *Lost in s.s. City of Boston, February, 1870. 1067 | Barber, Percy Rix ............ 1 11 60 --- --- * -- --- - - -*. - * -mº - - Resigned commission, 17 3 1863. 1068| Glancy, Thomas......... ... .. 1 11 60 || 2 8 73 || 1 7 81 || 23 11 S7 || – - --- --- --- --- -- - --- Retired, 23 11 1892. 1069| Ward, Arthur Clitherow 1 11 60 24 8 73 1 7 81 || 5 12 S7 || – - * m- *º-º. --- ---, *m; — Retired, 5 12 1892. 1070. Smith, Albert Charles ..... . 1 11 60 24 8 73 || 1 7 81 S 1 SS --- - - --- --- - - --- - Retired, 7 1 1894. 1071 || Toller, John Edward ...... 1 11 60 25 8 73 sm- — — smººm, - - --- - — * -- Died in London, 23 1 1879. 1072 *Kildahl, Archibald Henry 1 11 60 --- - -- - - -- - s-º-º: - --- - - *Lost in the s s. City of Boston, February, 1870. .* These officers embarked at Halifax, N.S., in the City of Boston, 28 1 1870; from the date of sailing the vessel was never seen or heard of Lieut. Kildahl left Bermuda in H.M.S. Orontes, on 14 1 1870, to sail for England from Haliº, Nº in the City of Bostom, On which he embarked about January 28th. - 40 1860–61. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. - No. Name. * War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1073| Hill, Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12 60 25 8 73 || 1 7 81 || 4 4 88 --- mº. *-* 29 9 93 - mº- --- Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1074. Nixon, Francis William ..... 18 12 60 25 S 73 || 1 7 S1 || 22 5 SS - 11 11 78 - 29 9 93 --- --- – S. Africa, 1877-9 ... ... ... ... ... Retired, 23 8 1898. 1075 Castle, Edward James ... ... 18 12 60 *m- • cº- -- - - -- - - --- - --- --- Resigned commission, 11 7 1867. 1076 || Pye, Kellow Charles......... 19 12 60 25 s 73 - - ---- --- --- -- — - – Bhootan, 1865 ... ... ... ... ... |Died at Calcutta, 8 4 1877. 1077 | Drake-Brockman, Ralph Rhenins Evans ... ... ...... 19 12 (30 25 S 73 || 1 7 S1 || || 7 S8 — --- — 22 4 93 — 4- - – --- Retired, 1 10 1896. 1078| Jopp, Andrew Abercrombie | 19 12 60 25 s 73 || – - -- --- -- - --- --- - -º-, - Retired, 1 2 1879. Died, 26 1 1893. 1079 McClure, Robert John ...... 19 12 60 - --- - - --- - - * * -- --- ---- --- Resigned commission, 18 12 1863. 1080 Wallace, William Arthur James, C.I.E................ j9 12 60 || 25 S 73 || 1 7 81 || 1 7 S8 --- - 18 11 S2 18 11 86 -* --- - Afghanistan, 1879; Egypt, 1882 - - - ... Retired, 19 12 1892. 1081 | Blood, Bindon, K.C.B. ...... 19 12 60 25 s 73 || 1 7 si || 1 7 ss - 29 11 79 18 11 S2 | 18 11 86 20 5 98 --- — Jowaki, 1877-8; S. Africa, 1879; Afghanistan, 1879-80; Egypt, 1882; Chitral, 1895; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1082| Gore-Booth, James ... ... ... 1 4 61 26 s 73 || 1 7 81 || 14 7 ss - --- -- 29 9 93 - - ---, – --- Retired, 11 11 1893. 1083|Pilleau, Henry George ..... • 1 4 61 || 26 8 73 || 1 7 81 || 1 8 S8 --- * * — 29 9 93 --- - - – ----- . It etired, 25 7 1894. 1084 || Foot, Alfred George ........ 1 4 61 *-* ------ - - -- - - --- - - --- - Resigned commission, 22 4 1871. 1085| Begbie, Alfred Glynn ... ... 1 ſ 61 26 s is 1 7 si | 16 12 ss --- ---- --- --- - - *-rºr -- --- Retired, 10 7 1893. 1086 | Sale, Matthew Townsend, . C.M.G. ..................... 7 61 26 8 73 || 1 7 81 | 11 1 so - --- 1 7 88 30 9 91 --- - — Bhootan, 1864-5 ... ... ... ... ... | Retired, 29 7 1898. - 1087 | Willans, Thomas Joseph ... 1 7 61 || 1 973 || 1 7 s.1 --- - ----- - -- - — — | Abyssinia, 1867-8 ... ... ... ... ... pºulong Assam ; the result of an accident, 1088. A b ne y, William de Wiveleslie, C.B. . . . . . . . . . 1 7 61 | 10 12 73 || – ---- - --- – — --- ---º-º: - - - --- Retired, 9 3 1881. 1089 || Livesay, Robert Algernon... 1 7 61 | 10 1273 || 1 7 81 | 12 1 39 || – --- - — - -- - - --- Retired, 6 2 1895. 1090 Mackworth, Arthur William, Bart., C B. ... ... 1 7 61 11 12 73 || 1 7 81 s 3 89 - --- 18 11 82 18 11 86 — -º- — | Egypt, 1882. 1091 | Firebrace, Frederick ......... 18 12 61 | 11 12 73 || 1s 12 s1 | 2012 sg - --- 18 12 88 29 9 93 - --- --- - - Retired, 1 10 1894. 1092 Morgan, Jeffrey Llewelly Il 18 12 61 - - --- --- - *-** cº-º- --- --- --- Abyssinia, 1867-8 ... - tº º * * * * * * ... Died near the Takazze River, Abyssinia, from fever - - contracted during the operations before Magdala, 26 4 1868. 1093 Brooke, Alured de Vere ... 18 12 61 | 11 12 73 18 12 S1 | 19 3 89 || – *-*. --- 6 1 94 — --- — | Soudan, 1885. 1094 | McCullagh, James Robert | 18 12 61 | 11 12 78 18 12 S1 || 1 5 90 ----- --- 18 12 88 29 9 93 * --- *- - - Retired, 1 1 1895. 1095| Rogers, Malcolm William... 18 12 61 | 11 12 73 || 1s 12 S1 || 5 12 90 -- 2 : si is 12 ss 29 9 98 -- --- — Afghanistan, 1878-9. . 1096] Sargeaunt, Richard Arthur | 1812 61 | 11 12 73 | 1812 81 || 9 || 91 — . - 18 12 88 29 9 93 --> -- – | Abyssinia, 1868 ... ... ... ... ... Retired, 6 8 1895. 1097 | Whitmore, George Ainslie . Lechmere Aston ....... 18 12 61 | – || – — - --- - - mºmº ----- -- - - --- Resigned commission, 27 11 1872. 1098 || Knowles, John Yalden ... ... 18 12 61 - – - -- --- -- --- * e-e - *m. — — Resigned commission, 31 1 1865. I 099 Dümmler, Albert Eugene. . . 18 12 61 - * - *mº. -- * - *mº wº- --- -- -- Resigned commission, 2012 1873. 1100 Marsh, Jeremy Taylor ...... 18 12 61 | 11 12 73 18 12 S1 || 28 3 S9 || – ------ — | 16 1. 94 || – --- - --- - Retired, 12 12 1894. 1101 | Parker, Robert John Henry | 1812 G1 | 11 12 78 || 1s 12 S1 || 1 4 89 - --- - 16 T 94 — — — - -- - Retired, 24 10 1894. 1102 | Lewis, Henry Loftus ........ 1812 G1 | 1 2 74 - - - - - --- - - --- - - Retired, 6 2 1878. Died at Violetstown, co, West- meath, 5 9 1898. 1103 || Champernowne, Henry ...... 18 12 61 | 10 2 74 18 12 S1 || 1 4 89 || – * - 16 1 94 | — --- -- - - Retired, 8 7 1895. 1104 || Be a u c h a m p, Clay to n Scudamore ... ... . . . . . . . . . . 18 12 61 || 25 2 74 18 12 81 - *m: -º-º-e 3 7 S6 - --- --- *- - - Retired, 3 7 1886. Died at Hastings, March, 1889. 41 1861–62. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Con..] Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. I 105 || Osborn, William ........ ... 18 12 61 | 11 3 74 18 12 S1 || 12 2 91 - -- 1S 12 SS - - - — | Abyssinia, 1868 Retired, 18 5 1894. 1106 |Gifford, George William 18 12 61 - --- --- - -- --- – --- - - - *m. Killed at Corfu by falling from his horse, 5 4 1864. II.07 | Boileau, Lestock Francis 18 12 61 | 1 4 74 | 18 12 81 || 4 3 91 -- - is 12 ss 29 698 || – - --- - --- Retired, 1 10 1895. 1108 Pridden, Charles Edward ... 18 12 61 ------- sºmº - --- --- - --- * - --- *mº * Drowned at Roree by the upsetting of a boat in the River Indus, 10 7 1872. 1109 | Savi, Thomas Brown Blake | 18 12 61 || 1 4 74 | 18 1281 || 7 391 || – - 18 12 88 || — --- * — | Bhootan, 1865-6 Retired, 1 1 1894. 1110 | Sedgwick, William ...,..... 1s 12 61 || 1 4 74 | 18 12 S1 || s 3 91 - -*. 18 12 88 *-ºs- - --- - --- - Retired, 5 4 1894. 1111 || Baird, Andrew Wilson, C.S.I. 18 12 61 || 4 4.74 || 1s 12 81 || 9 4 91 || – — 18 12 88 29 9 93 || – - — | Abyssinia, 1867. 1112 || Hime, Albert Henry, C.M.G. 18 13 61 28 5 74 || 1s 12 S1 - ------ - 29 12 S3 - *- - --- S. Africa, 1879 Retired, 29 12 1883. 1113 | Fraser, Thomas, C.B., C.M.G. 25 6 62 | 19 8 74 || 25 6 S2 || 3 5 so --- 30 11 78 18 11 S2 15 6 85 || 1 4 98 - — | Transvaal, 1880-1; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 1114 | ag.gº. Bell, Mark Sever, e - (-ºº º tº e s tº e º 'º & © e º 'º . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6 62 | 19 8 74 || 25 6 S2 | 10 5 S9 - --- 29 10 S4 | 16 3 87 || – -- — Bhootan, 1865-6 ; Hazara, 1868 ; Ashanti, 1873-4; Burma, 1886-7. 1115|| Heneage, Frederick William 25 6 62 || 2 1274 || – --- --- - *-*. --- * --- — S. Africa, 1879 Died at New York, 31 10 1881. 1116 || Wynne, Warren Richard Colvin............... . . . . . . . . 25 6 62 || 3 2 75 *- *mº --- * *sºme --- *- --> * S. Africa, 1879 Died at the Tugela River, Zululand, 9 4 1879. 1117 | Burke, Walter St. George... 25 6 62 || 3 2 75 25 6 82 || – *-* *-* 7 10 82 | — * a-smºs sº-ºp * * Retired, 7 10 1882. 1118 || Boughey, George Fletcher Ottley, C.S.I................ 25 6 62 || 17 2 75 25 6 82 || 9 4 91. *gºrs **** 25 6 89 || 9 4 95 || – * — Bhootan, 1865-6; Afghanistan, 1878-80,.. Retired, 12 10 1897. 1119 Watkins, Frederick William 25 6 62 * * -- * *-* wº-ºº: ~ ----- ----- * * *sº Died at Godstone, Surrey, 17 9 1874. 1120 | Ramsay, John ......... . . . . . . 25 6 62 | 17 2 75 || – * --- ** * --- * *º - *m-. -- Retired, 22 1 1881. 1121 | Richardson, Willingham Franklin ... ................. 25 6 62 3 575 *mº *mº * * - --- * * º - *-*. I)ied at Chuckrata, India, 7 6 1875. 1122 || Archer, George William 25 6 62 S 6 75 25 6 S2 *- *rºm: * 22 7 85 -- * * * amºm, tº-sº Retired, 22 7 i885. 1123 | Scott, Robinson Garner ... 25 6 62 | 16 6.75 --> --- -- --- *m. -- *- --- ** -ms- * Died at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, 16 3 1878. 1124 | Frere, Richard Tudor ...... 25 6 62 27 7 75 25 6 82 21 5 S9 *mº --- - --- --- - - --- - Retired, 2.1 5 1894. 1125 Anstey, Thomas Henry 25 6 62 | 12 8 75 25 6 82 | 11 6 89 || – - --- 6 1 94 | — - — S. Africa, 1879 Retired, 7 10 1896. | 126 Hill, John ... ........ * e s a e º e s = 25 6 62 16 9 75 25 6 82 || 1 S 91 - - 25 6 89 || 1 S 95 - -- - amºm, *mºs Retired, 11 3 1896. 1127 | Plunkett, George Tindall ... 25 6 62 | 2011 75 25 6 82 21 6 so | – a- - - - --- — | Soudan, 1885... ... ... ... — Retired, 21 6 1894. 1128 || Larminie, Edward Merry . . . 25 6 62 || 23 2 76 || 25 6 82 || 6 8 89 - 2 3 81 - 6 8 93 - - - Afghanistan, 1879-80 Retired, 6 8 1894. 1129 || Lowsley, Barzillai ............ 25 6 62 || 8 12 76 || 25 6 82 || 3 11 89 --- -- *** --- - --- --- - *m. Retired, 3 11 1894. 1130 | Taylor, Herbert Arnand 25 6 62 - --- * - - -- - -- - - - - Resigned commission, 12 6 1867. 1131 || Murphy, Cecil William Esmonde..................... 25 6 62 *m. --- --- --- - --- - -- - - - * Removed to R.A., 12 1 1864. 1132 || Scott, Lothian Kerr 25 6 62 10 3 76 || 25 6 82 || 8 9 89 --- - 25 6 S7 - -- - - - -- Retired, 27 7 1892. 1133 English, Thomas ............ 17 12 62 || 30 376 || 17 12 s2 | 17 12 so - --- - $mº --- --- - --- -- Retired, 18 12 1889. 1134 || Rowe, Valentine Francis 17 12 62 || 1 4 76 || 17 12 82 || – - — 23 8 84 || — - - - --- - Retired, 23 8 1884. 1135 | Ross, William Gordon ... ... 17 12 62 4 6 76 || 17 12 S2 || – - — | 17 12 87 | — - -- - - - Retired, 8 1 1890. 1136|| Holdich, Thomas Hunger- ford, C.B., K.C.I.E. ...... 17 12 62 || 4 6 76 | 17 12 82 | 12 s 91 || – 2 3 81 | 16 2 87 || 1 9 91 || – -- — | Bhootan, 1865-6; Abyssinia, 1868; Afghanistan, 1879-80; Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1881; Zhob Valley, 1890. 1137 | Shepherd, Frederick Savile | 17 12 62 17 10 76 - - - 1 7 S1 - --- -- - - -- - Permanent half-pay, 17 1881. Died on 13 12 1896. 1138|McHardy, Alexander Burness || 17 12 62 18 976 || 17 12 S2 — - — 31 12 87 | — -- - -- - - Retired, 31 12 1887. 1862–64. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - - War Services. Remarks. Ilieut. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. T.t.-Gen. General. 1139 Fawkes, Frederick Hamley 17 12 62 27 9 76 - - - - -- * * - - - - - Retired, 16 1 1878. Died at Slough, 15 12 1892. 1140|| Gracey, Thomas, C.S.I....... 17 12 62 || 1 1076 || 17 12 S2 | 12 s 91 - - 17 12 S9 | 12 S 95 - 1141 Alleyne, Edmund Joseph ... 17 12 62 *- - - - - - -º-º-º: *-* *- - - *-*. Died at Kaira, Bombay, 1 1 1866. 1142|| O’Brien, Donatus ... ... © º 17 12 (32 || 7 10 76 || 17 12 S2 | 17 12 S9 - - - - - *- — I - - Retired, 16 4 1890. Died at Eltham, 28 5 1898. 1143 Carey, Clement, De Beauvoir 17 12 62 27 10 76 || 17 12 82 20 12 89 - IS 11 82 - 20 12 93 - - - Egypt, 1882 ... Retired, is 3 1896. 1144|| Rathborne, William Hans... 17 12 62 || 23 1 77 | 17 12 82 24 1 90 - - 17 12 S9 || 25 5 94 - 4-sº- — | Soudan, 1885 ; Zululand, 1888. 1145|| Galwey, William James 17 12 62 || 1 4 77 || 17 12 S2 1 3 90 — - - 1 3 94 | — - - - - Retired, 27 3 1895. 1146|| Haydon, William Henry ... 17 12 62 || 1 4 77 || 17 12 S2 12 s 91 || – — | 17 12 89 — - - *-- - - Retired, 17 12 1894. 1147| Mackenzie, Cecil Cholmely Muir .............. ... ... ... 17 12 62 - - - - - - -*. -- - - - - Died in London, 2 11 1863. 1148 || Hall, John Grewe ............ 17 12 62 9 4 77 || 17 12 S2 - - - - - - - - - - Died at Cawnpore, India, 12 1 1884. 1149| Beamish, Alten Augustus William ..... e e º e º 'º e º 'º º is tº º e º sº. 17 12 62 9 4 77 || 6 7 S3 1 7 91 - - 6 7 90 --- wº- - - - •--- Retired, 24 9 1896. 1150 Cole, Henry Hardy ......... 17 12 62 || 6 6 77 | 17 12 S2 | 12 S 91 - - 17 12 89 - *-* - - - - Retired, 24 7 1895. 1151 | Reynolds, Henry Charles ... 17 12 62 6 6 77 | 17 12 S2 || – - — | 11 7 83 || – *mºs - - - - Retired, 11 7 1883. 1152 Macdiarmid, Henry Camp- bell ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 12 62 •- - - - -s -*. *s-s * * *- - - Died at Karachi, Scinde, 7 4 1873. 1153| Knocker, Henry Paget...... 24 6 63 || 6 6 77 | 24 6 S3 6 5 90 - - 6 5 94 || – * *- ** - - Retired, 6 5 1895, 1154 | Lee, Henry Pincke ......... 24 6 63 || 6 6 76 || 24 6 83 || 2 7 90 — - -est - ** * - - *- Retired, 2 7 1895. 1155 Manwaring, John Noble 24 6 63 - — - - - - -*. * * *- - - Resigned commission, 3 9 1870. Died at Hyères, South | of France, 21 7, 1872. - 1156|Todd, Killingworth Richard 24 6 63 || 6 6 77 24 6 88 || 2 7 90 || – — 21 5 84 || 21 5 88 — *- — | Soudan, 1884; Soudan, 1884-5 Retired, 7 7 1897. 1157 | Edmondes, Francis Quintin 24 6 63 || 6 6 77 24 6 83 22 9 90 - - - -**** * - - - - Retired, 22 10 1890. 1158. Spaight, William FitzHenry | 24 6 63 || 6 6 77 24 6 S3 24 9 90 || – — | 15 6 85 | 15 6 89 — - — | Soudan, 1884-5 Retired, 24 9 1895. 1159 Birkbeck, Charles ..... * * * * * * * 24 6 63 --- *-- - - -- - -* - - - - --- Died at Cape Town, 14 7 1874. 1160 | Bisset, William Sin clair Smith, K.C.I.E............. 29 6 63 15 6 77 29 6 83 | 12 8 91 - 2 3 81 29 6 90 | 12 S 95 || – -- — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1161 | Coaker, William Henry...... 30 6 63 || 4 7 77 30 6 83 || 12 8 91 - - 30 6 90 - -- - - Abyssinia, 1868 Died at Plymouth, 6 10 1892. 1162| Edwards, Fleetwood Isham, K.C.B. ................. • . . . 30 6 63 5 7 77 || 30 6 83 22 10.90 — - - — *- - - * - - Retired, 22 10 1895. 1163| Whatley, Herbert Hughes... 29 7 63 || 17 S 77 - - - 24 9 84 - - - - - - * - Retired, 24 9 1884. Died at Eastbourne, 21 9 1886. 1164| Fox, Harry Croker..........., | 3 s 68 22 s 77 || 3 s sº | 12 s 91 || – - 3 8 90 | 12 8 95 || – - - - --- Retired, 29 7 1897. 1165|Mascall, Francis............... is 1 & | 1 9 7 | 15 sº 30 1 01 || – — 15 1 91 || 30 7 95 1166|| Bucknill, John Townsend... 15 1 64 20 977 | 15 I S4 - - - 12 2 S7 - - - - - -- Retired, 12 2 1887. i 167 || Wood, Elliott, C.B. ........, |15 64 80 977 | 15 1st - - 18 11 S2 21 5 84 || 2.1 5 88 - - - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884; Soudan, 1885. 1168 | Elsdale, Henry ......... ... . . . . 15 1 64 || 1 10 77 | 15 I 84 || 5 8 91 - - 15 I 91 || 5 8 95 * --- — Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1169| Savage, Johnson William... 15 164 || 1 10 77 | 15 1 84 || 6 s 91 - - - 6 8 95 1170 Kirkwood, Hendley Paul ... 15 1.64 || 1 10 77 | 15 1 84 || 13 8 91 - - - 13 8 95 1171 | Corbett, Frank Vincent....., | 15 1 64 || 1 10 77 | 15 184 || 12 s 91 - - 15 # 91 || 12 8 95 1172| Clayton, Arthur Granvill ... 15 1 64 || 1 10 77 | 15 1 84 30 991 || – - -- - - - - - - Died at Sandgate, 2 6 1892. 1173| Ottley, John Walter, C.I.E. 15 1 64 || 1 10 77 | 15 1 84 || 12 s 91 || – - — | 12 8 95 — - — N.W. Frontier, 1898 Retired, 22 7 1898. 1174 Lambert, Sydenham John 15 164 || 1 10 77 | 15 1 84 || 1 10 91 || – -- - 1 10 95 1175 | Harrison, Charles Thomas... 15 1 64 - *- - - - - --- - - — - - Died at Barrackpore, near Calcutta, 4 8 1869. 43 • ‘ ‘. . . 1864–65. - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. -------- - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1176 O mm an ney, Montagu Frederick, K.C.M.G. 19 1 64 10 4 78 || – - - - - - - - - -- - Retired, 1 10 1878. 1177 | North, William ............... 9 2 64 || 1 10 77 | 9 2 84 - - 22 11 79 2 3 81 || 2 3 S5 - •- — | Perak, 1875-6 ; Afghanistan, 1878-9 Retired, 25 1 1890. 5 - 8- - 1178, McArthur, Alexander Donald 16 2.64 || 1 10 77 | 16 2 sq | 12 s 91 - - 16 2 91 12 8 95 ,1179| Denny, Francis McGilli- cuddy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 64 - - - - - - - *- +- - r - - Resigned commission, 30 9 1868. 1180. Macpherson, John Lawrence || 1 3 64 || 1 1077 || 1 384 || 1 10 91 - - - - - --- - Afghanistan, 1878-80 Retired, 9 1 1897. 1181 | Dillon, Henry Philip Constantine ... . . . . • . . . . . . . . 8 3 64 || 1 10 77 | 8 3 84 - - - 17 12 S7 - --- - - ºw- -- Retired, 17 12 1887. 1182 | Jones, Walter Parke ......... 22 3 64 || 1 10 77 || – - — | 29 11 79 - - -- - — S. Africa, 1879 Died at Paris, 21 2 1883. 1 183| Calrow, Richard............... 3 5 64 || 1 10 77 || 3 5 84 || – - -- - - wº- - - --- - Died at Mussoorie, India, 6 10 1884. 1184 Dorward, James Ford ... ... 19 7 64 || 1 10 77 | 19 7 84 || 3112 91 - - 15 6 85 | 15 6 89 -- - - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884; Soudan, 1884-5 ... Retired, 29 9 1897. 1 185 Simpson, James............... 19 7 64 || 1 10 77 - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Bahamas, 19 7 1880. l 186 Westaway, Nathaniel. * * * * * * * * 19 7 64 - - - - - - - - - - -- -*. Died at Benlotte, near Colombo, Ceylon, em, 7'0"tte to England, 14 9 1871. 1187 | McDonald, George...... ...... 19 7 64 21 10 77 | 19 7 84 || 31 12 91 || – - — 31 12 95 | | 88 Menzies, John Coldstream 26 7 64 - - - - - - - - - *- - - Died at Ecclefechan, Dunn fries, 2 S 1866. 1189| James, Conway ... ............ 9 8 64 || 1 10 77 || – - -- - - - - *- - - - Died at Chatham, 1 10 1883. 1190| Georges, Henry Rhodes Gilbert . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 8 64 || 1 10 77 30 S 84 || 31 12 91 - - - 31 12 95 *- •- - •-4 - Retired, 31 12 1896. 1191 || Greenstreet, William Lees | 1s 10 64 || 1 10 77 || 1s 10 S4 | 12 8 91 - - — | 12 S 95 || – - — Hazara, 1891. 1192| Coates, Robert .......... . . . . . 18 10 64 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Yokohama, Japan, 22 1 1870. 1193 Hildebrand, Godfrey......... 18 10 64 || 5 12 77 | IS 10 84 3I 12 91 — — 18 10 91 31 12 95 1194 | Chadwick, Osbert ... ......... 28 10 64 — - - - - - - - - *- - - Resigned commission, 2012 1873. | 195 Gill, William J ohn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 64 21 12 77 - - - - - - - - - Afghanistan, 1879-80 ; Egypt, 1882 Murdered in Syria, August, 1882. 1196 Tisdall, George William 22 11 64 - - - - - - - - - --- - - Died at Mussoorie, N.W. Provinces of India, 7 6 1872 | 197 Wright, John Thomas ...... 9 12 64 || 13 1 78 || 9 12 s. - - - - - - - - Jowaki, 1877-8 ; Afghanistan, 1878-9 ... Retired, 20 7 1889. 1198 || Awdry, Ambrose ............ 9 12 64 || 6 2 78 || 9 12 84 || – - - -- - - - - - - Rºº all rom his home a Ootacamund, {) £). 1 199 Hurst, William Brunel ...... 9 12 64 || 6 2 78 || 9 12 S4 - - , – - - - *- - - -- Retired, 17 4 1889. 1200| Waller, Stanier ............... 9 12 64 || 6 27s 9 12 sq 31 12 91 — 18 11 82 — 31 12 95 || — - — Egypt, 1882. 1201 || Murphy, Henry Harding ... 23 19 64 || – - - - - - - •- *- -w - - Died at Malta, 23 1 1872. 1202 || Alexander, Arthur Clifford 23 12 64 || 6 2 78 || 23 12 84 18 1.92 || – - — 18 1 96 || – - - - - nº sm. Pied at Runº, º cº, 1203| Puzey, Arthur Robert ...... 23 12 64 | 16 2 78 || 23 12 S4 || – — | 18 11 82 || – - •- - – Abyssinia, 1868 ; Egypt, 1882 Died, 6 5 1889. 1204 || Matheson, John............... 23 12 64 | 16 2 78 || 23 12 84 || 23 3 92 - - 6 I 92 - - - - - - Died in London, 13 4 1895. 1205 Lindsell, John Barber ...... 23 12 64 15 3 78 || 23 12 S4 - - - 12 7 92 - *- •- - - - Retired, 12 4 1893. Died from an accident while cycling, - near Eastbourne, 6 5 1898. 1206 ||Nicholson, William Gustavus, K.C.B. e e s tº s - - - - e s e e < * * * * * * * 21 3 65 16 3 78 21 3 S5 - - 2 3 81 1 7 S7 1 : 1 91 - - -- Aº Wºº. 3. º 1882; Burma, º 5-7 ; N.W. Frontier, - 1207 | Pulford, Russell Richard, 5 T C.I.E. ........................ 24 3 65 | 17 3 78 24 3 85 | 13 S 91 - - - 13 8 95 -- - - Afghanistan, 1880. 1208 Curling, J Oseph James ...... 24 3 65 - - - - - - - - - - - - Resigned commission, 23 8 1873. 1209 Reid, Philip Savile Grey . . . 18 4 65 18 3 78 - - - *- - - - - - - - Retired, 3 5 1884. 44 1865–66. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. •O tº tº g - e *e 1210| Lindoe, Philip James Dardier | g g g; -- - --- - - - --- - - - Half-pay, 27 9 1876. Retired, 1 7 1881. 1211 Broun, James ................ 26 5 65 - s-ºs- - * - --- --- - --- -- - Died on board H.M. troopship Jumna, on passage - home from India on sick leave, 31 1 1872. 1212| Greer, MacGregor ... . • | 13 6 65 25 3 78 --- - --- --- - --- --- --- *mº - Retired, 7 12 1881. 1313|Hart, Edward Chichester ... 22 6 65 | 10 is 23 g sº | g g gº - 3 6 96 || — - - - - Retired, 3 6 1897. 1214|Fanshawe, Edward Cardwell 22 6 65 | 10 4 is 22 a sº | --- --- —. --- mº --- --- - Retired, 18 7 1888. 1215| Brackenbury, Mau le N * ** Campbell, C.S.I. ......... 22 6 65 | 17 4 78 22 6 85 S 9 91 - --- 8 9 95 || – -- — | Terak, 1875-6 ; Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1216| Jelf, Richard Henry, C.M.G. 22 6 65 | 17 4 is 22 6 s; 27 92 --- 9 12 S5 || 9 12 89 || – - — | Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 217 | Haynes, Henry Sidney Freeman .................. 22 6 65 22 5 is - - *-*. - -- - - - --- - Rilled by the landslip at Naini Tal, 18 9 1880. 1218| Woodthorpe, Robert Gosset, C.B. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6 65 22 5 78 22 6 S5 - - 22 11 79 || 2 81 || 2 3 S5 || 9 11 97 --- - Looshai, 1871-2; , Garo Hills, 1872-3; Naga | Died at Calcutta, 26 5 1898. Hills, 1874-5 ; Afghanistan, 1878-80; Akha, 1883-4; Burn a, 1886-7. 1319| Washington, Francis Palmer 22 6 65 22 5 is 22 6 s; , 27 s 92 -- 27 8 96 || – --> --- - - Retired, 7 9 1898. 1220. Jacob, Sydney Long ......... 22 12 65 || 23 5 78 22 12 S5 16 9 91 - 16 9 95 || – - — Afghanistan, 1878-9. 1221 Beresford, Charles Frederick Cobbe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 12 65 || 1 6 78 22 12 S5 || 1 10 92 -- - 1 10 96 - - --- Transvaal, 1881 ; Soudan, 1885. 1222| Nicholson, John Simpson ... 22 12 65 || 1 , is - - - ºms - - - --- - Retired, 13 6 1885. Died at Bournemouth, 10 9 1886. 1223| Arnott, Napoleon ............ 22 12 65 11 7 78 22 12 S5 | 19 10 91 --- 19 10 95 1 224 Walker, George Robert * * * * * * 22 12 65 14 7 78 22 12 S5 --- - -- - - - - - - Died at Upper Norwood, 5 7 1889. 1225 | Hildyard, Robert Charles - Thoroton ....... * * * * * v- s ∈ e º e 22 12 65 14 7 78 — - --- *------ - - tº-º-º: - - --- Died, 25 1 1885. 1226 Taubman-Goldie, George Dashwood, K.C.M.G. 22 12 65 * - - -- - --- - - -- - --- Resigned commission, 24 7 1867. 1227 | Campbell, Duncan MacNeil 22 12 65 14 77s 22 12 s; 6 11 on - 6 11 95 — - - - - Retired, 16 4 1898. 1228| Barlow, Charles Claud Clifton ........... . . . . . . . . . . . 22 12 65 24 8 78 - -- - --- - - --- --- - -- Retired, 4 4 1883. Died at Mentone, 23 4 1885. 229| Purchas, William Robert ... 22 12 65 || 4 9 7s 22 12 sº | 110 92 - 1 10 96 1230|| Watson, Charles Moore, C.M.G. .................. ... | 17 4 66 25 12 78 || 17 4 86 || 1 10 92 - 18 11 82 1 10 96 * - — Egypt, 1882. 1231 Jekyll, Herbert, C.M.G. 17 4 66 || 30 12 78 || 17 4 86 || 1 10 92 - - 1 10 96 - - — | Ashanti, 1873-4. 1232| Christie, Charles Howard Peregrine .................. 17 4 66 || 31 12 78 || 17 4 86 || 23 11 91 --- --- 23 11 95 1233| Moore, Edward Crozier - Sibbald ..................... 17 4 66 31 12 78 || 17 4 86 || 23 11 92 - --- 23 11 96 1234|| 39.05. Le a ch, Edward Pemberton, C.B. ......... 17 466 || 31 12 78 || 17 486 || 5 12 92 | – || 22 11 79 || 2 3 81 || 2 3 85 | 1 10 97 || – — | LOOshai, 1871-2; Afghanistan, 1879-80; Soudan, 1885. 1935 Turner, Samuel Crompton | 17 a 66 ||al 12 is 17 so | 6 12 91 || – --- 6 12 95 — --- — | Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1881. - 1236|*Gould, George Ingelheim | 17 a 66 || 3112 is — - --- - --- - * - * - Retired, 7 12 1881. 1287| Courtney, David Charles ..., | 17 a 66 || 3119 is 1, a sº | — 15 6 S5 - --- --- — S. Africa, 1879; Soudan, 1884-5 ... Retired, 23 11 1887. 1238| Purcell, Mathew Henry 17 4 66 || 31 12 78 || 17 4 S6 | 19 12 92 --- 19 12 96 * Gould assumed in place of Jackson, London Gazette, 12 5 1871. 45 rº, 1866–68. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Renmarks. Lieut. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Col.- Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1239 Garwood, John Frederick ..., | 17 466 || 31 12 78 || 17 4 86 || 4 4.92 mºmº --- - 4 4 96 - - - Zhob Valley, 1890. 1240 |Broadbent, John Edward, C.B. 17 7 66 || 3112 78 || 17 7 86 || 7 10 92 || – - - 7 10 96 || – - — | N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1241 Bogle, John du Terreau ..., |17 66 |2, 179|17 sº | 1 , 98 || – --- --- 1 4 97 1242 | Seton, Charles Compton 17 7 66 ** - * - --- - ------ --- --- *- -- - Resigned commission, 24 4 1872. 1243 | Buckle, Samuel ... ............ 17 7 66 || 10 479 -- - -- * --- - * - --- - --- Retired, 19 7 1884. Died at Southampton, 7 7 1894, 1244 || Morgan, William Edwin Llewellyn .................. 17 7 66 || 11 6 79 || 17 7 86 || – - — || 23 11 87 || – --- - --- - - Retired, 23 11 1887. 1245 Call, Charles Frederick ... ... 17 7 66 || 11 6 79 || – - - 2 3 81 | 16 3 87 | — - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Retired, 23 3 1887. 1246 || Logan-Home, William James Home ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1. 67 - - -- - --- - --- - --- - - --- Died at Simla, 29 9 1875. 1247 | Hare, William Aldworth Horne ... ..................... 15 I 67 || 13 9 79 || 23 11 86 || 4 4 93 - - --- 4 4 97 1248 Pottinger, John Curwen 15 I 67 - - - - ------ - - - - - — --- Resigned commission, 3 6 1868. 1249 || Green, Arthur Octavius 15 1 67 || 13 9 79 || 6 12 86 || 19 4 93 - 2.1 5 S4 - 19 4 97 - - - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 1250 | Chambers, Harry Moles- Worth ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1. 67 - - - •ºm-º. - --- - --> - --- -- - Died at Mussoorie, 30 5 1872. . 1251 | Lewis, James Frederick 15 1. 67 || 13 9 79 || 11 12 86 22 5 93 - --- * 22 5 97 252 | de Wolski, Felician Rola. ... 10 767 | 13 9 79 || 17 12 86 26 5 93 - - -- 26 5 97 53 | Barklie, Robert Martin...... 10 767 || 13 9 79 31 12 86 || 1 793 - - -- 1 7 97 - - — | Soudan, 1884-5. 1254 | Kensington, Charles Henry Maurice ................. . . . . 10 7 67 || 1 10 79 31 12 86 - --- --- --- --- - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Died 2 3 18S9. 1255 Morris, William George, C.M.G. ..................... 10 7 67 || 9 10 79 || 31 12 86 || 14 7 93 || – - — | 14 7 97 1256 Denison, Henry a e s ∈ tº e º is tº ſº tº s e º º 10 7 67 || 12 10 79 || 31 12 S6 --- --- - 11 7 87 - ** --- --- --- * Retired, 11 7 1887. 1257 || James, Walter Haweis ... ... 10 767 29 10 79 || – - - - --- - --- - — S. Africa, 1879 Retired, 22 9 1890. 1258 || Thurburn, John Henry...... 10 767 *m. - - - --- - * - --- --- --- - Died at Sydney, N.S.W., 9 12 J874. 1259 || Johnstone, William Henry | 10 7 67 || 3 11 79 - - - --- - --- - - - --- - Died in London, 20 6 1881. 1260 || Gregson, Matthew Henry | 10 767 s 11 79 || – * - --- --- - - - ------ --- - Retired, 2 5 1883. 1261 | Settle, Henry Hamilton, C.B., D.S.O. ... ... ......... 10 767 || 9 11 79 || 31 12 86 || 1 8 93 *-** 15 6 85 28 12 88 || 29 9 93 -- - - Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1888-91. 1262 | Dunlop, William James Skeffin gton ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 68 *ms - *mº - - * --- - - - - * Killed at Balbriggan, co. Dublin, in a railway accident, 28 9 IS71. 1263 Day, Francis Jeremy......... S 1 6S | 13 12 79 || 8 1. 87 | 12 1 94 || – - — | 12 1 98 1264 || Brown, Louis Faulkner...... 8 L 68 || 20 12 79 || 9 1 87 | S 3 94 || – 2 3 81 - 8 3 98 --- --- — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1265 | Johnston, Duncan Alexander | 8 168 24 12 79 18 1 87 | 19 3 94 || – *s- — | 19 3 98 1266 || Gardiner, Richard ............ 8 16s 24 1279 || 27 187 | 21 10 92 || – --- --- - - ºmº- --- - --- Retired, 19 4 1893. 1267 | Hewson, John Francis ... ... [ s 1 6s | – *m. * * * --- --- ---> - --- --- armº Murdered at Quetta, 267 isſ". 1268 || Hare, John..... tº e s tº # * * tº g g tº 8 1 68 || 1 1 80 - *. - --- - --- * -- — | Perak, 1876; S. Africa, 1879 Retired, 8 9 1886. 1269 Moore, Ross Franklin ...... 8 1 68 || 24 1 80 || 1 2 S7 * --- --- --- --- --- --- — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Retired, 19 7 1892. 1270 || Nugent, Walter Andrew 8 1 68 — -- - --- - --- --- &amº -- --- --> - Drowned in Cork Harbour, 11 10 1870. 1271 Darby, William Wilson ... ... 8 168 --- - * - - - - --- -- --- -- * Died at Chakrata, N.W.P., India, 7 7 1873. 1272 | Henry, George 8 1 68 29 7 80 || 12 2 87 || 13 11 92 || – — 28 7 90 28 7 94 | — - — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Burma, 1886; Chin- Lushai, 1889-90. 46 1868–69. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. -. -- - - - - ----- ------ - - - ---------- - - -------------------------------- War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Col -Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1273| Bagot, Charles Harvey ... ... 8 168 || 17 8 80 27 2 87 28 3 94 || – ------> — 2S 3 98 || – --- — Afghanistan, 1878-9; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1274 | H.R. H. The Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, K.G. ................... . . . . . . 19 6 68 --- --- --- --- - --- - -- - - ---- -- Removed to the R.A. as Lieutenant, 2 11 1868. 1275] Clarke, George Sydenham, i K.C.M.G. .................. 15 7 68 22 s so | 17 8 S7 | 1 4 94 -- -- --- 1 4 98 - – – Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. 1276, Bartram, George William... 15 7 68 22 s so 28 3 87 -- - --- --- --- – – | – ||Jowaki, 1877-s: Afghanistan, 1878-9 Rºº,... 10 1887. Died at Tunbridge Wells, 1277 MacGregor, John Collings.. • 15 7 68 || 1 9 SO --- --- - --- * *-* - --- - - S. Africa, 1879; Transvaal, 1881... Killed in action in the Transvaal, 8 2 1881. 1278 Cockburn, George Alexander | 15 768 19 9 so | 16 6 s; 4 4 94 || – - *-** 4 4 98 — — | – | Soudan, 1884-5, 1279| Whitef or d, William Whiteford Bell ............ 15 7 68 22 9 S() 25 6 87 || – - --- *-*. ------ --- * — Afghanistan, 1879-80 ...] Died at Nagpur, India, 11 6 1891. 1280 Kirke, St. George Mervyn... 15 7 68 22 9 so | 1 7 s? | 3 5 94 || – --- --- 3 5 9S 1281 | Nicholls, Henry Pigot Nicholls ..................... 15 7 6S - --- --- - - --- - --- -- - --- - Died at Southsea, 26 11 1877. 1282 Goldie, Mark Henry George 15 7 6s 2 10 so | 11 7 s. 10 5 94 || – - | 10 5 98 1283. Smart, Alexander William... 15 7 68 2011 so 23 7 s? | 10 7 93 --- ------ - | 10 7 97 1284 Bogle, Adam .................. 15 7 68 || 25 11 S0 || 23 7 87 - --- --- ------ - - --- --- -- - Retired, 25 5 1892. 1285 | Preston, Arthur Thomas 15 7 68 22 I 81 || 23 7 S7 | 21 5 94 --- --- --- 1S 5 98 1286|Brookes, Charles Henry ... 15 7 68 22 1 si || 31 s sº | 11 694 || – - -- - --- --- --- - - Died at Lucknow, 6 7 1894. 1287| Rawson, Courtney Clarke... 15 7 68 9 2 S1 || 1 10 87 | 10 793 --- --- --- 10 7 97 *-*. --- – Afghanistan, 1878-9; Rumpa, 1879-80. 1288 || Dorward, Arthur Robert Ford, D.S.O. e & s is e º 'º e º e s s e e 15 7 68 1 5 S1 1 10 87 || 21 6 94 --- I 7 S7 --- 21 6 98 --- -- - Afghanistan, 1879-80 ; Burma, 1885-8. 1289 Turner, George Hastings ... 15 7 68 || – - --- --- - --- -- - --- --- ------- -- Killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, near Sakree, in Candeish, Bombay, 19 1 1872. 1290 | Hassard, Fairfax Norman... 15 7 6s - -- - *-º-º: - --- --- - --- --- --- - Died at Mhow, 7 5 1875. 1291 Fuller, Charles Fearon ... ... 15 7 68 || 10 5 sı --- -- --- --- --- -- - ------- -- --- -- Retired, 20 10 1882. 1292 || 39.6%. Chard, John Rouse Merriott .............. tº tº º ſº e º º 15 7 68 23 1 79 || 17 7 86 S T 93 --- 23 1. 79 ºn- S 1 97 - ----- – S. Africa, 1878-9 Died at Hatch Beauchamp, Taunton, 1 11 1897. 93 | Hyslop, Robert Maxwell ... 15 7 68 || 11 5 91 || 1 10 sº | 7 7 94 || – ------ ---- 7 7 9S — ----- — | Looshai, 1871-2; Egypt, 1882. 1294 || C un y n g h a me, Henry - Hardinge Samuel ......... 13 1. 69 - - - - --- ------ --- - - --- - -- Resigned commission, 13 4 1870. 1295 Yorke, Horatio Arthur...... 13 1 69 || 3 6 si || 1 10 si || 6 s 94 --- 15 6 S5 - - - --- — Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Soudan, 1884-5. H. 296 Barker, George * e s is e is a e s ∈ e º ºs e ºs 13 1 69 || 21 6 81 | 11 10 87 || 1 10 94 ----- 18 11 82 --- 1 10 98 - - ------- Egypt, 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1297 | Gordon, Charles Hadfield... 13 1 69 || 30 6 sl 11 10 s? --- ----- ** --- - -- --- — | Egypt, 1882 ... ..|Died at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, 3 5 1891. 1298 Dove, Horatio ............... | 13 1 69 || 1 7 81 | 19 10 S7 || 3 11 94 --- - - 3 11 98 --- - --- Jowaki, 1877-8 ; Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1299| Smith, Sydney ............... 13 1 69 || 1 7 S1 || 13 11 S7 - --- 1S 11 S2 --- - --- *** — | Egypt, 1882 Died at Winchester, 13 3 1896. 1300|| Pilkington, Henry, C.B. 13 l 69 || 1 7 81 23 11 S7 || – - - --- --- - --- -- - - --- Retired, 12 12 1894. 1301 || 39.0ſ. Hart, Reginald Clare, C.B. ........................ 18 109 1 7 81 || 23 11 S7 *-*. --- 1S 1 S2 | 18 11 S2 | 18 11 S6 - --- --- Aºstan, 1879; Egypt, 1882; N.W. Frontier, 1302 || Watkins, Frederick Wilmer | 13 1.69 || 1 7 s. 23 11 s? ---- -- --------> *---- wº-º-º: -- ---- — S. Africa, 1879; Transvaal, 1881... Retired, 22 12 1894. 1303 || Clarke, Henry ............... 13 1. 69 || 1 7 81 5 12 S7 || 1 || 94 -- -- --- I. T. 98 1304 Barker, James Campbell ... 18 169 || 1 7 S1 || 17 12 s; 10 12 94 || – - - --- --- - — | Soudan, 1885. 1869-70. 47 * Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. | - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. lit.-Col. Col.-Com. | Major. It.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1305 || Cotton, Alfred Edgar Octavius........ . ' ' ' ... . . . . . . | 13 1 69 - - - - - - -- - - - - - Died at Ahmedabad, 8 5 1876. 1306 | Selby, Henry Oliphant ...... 18 169 || 1 7 81 17 12 S7 || 5 4 94 || – - - 5 4 98 || – - — Afghanistan, 1879-80. - 1307 || Laugharne, Montague ...... 13 1.69 || 1 7 81 | 8 || 88 || – -- - - - - --- ----- - - Died at Jullundur, India, 5 5 1891. 1308|| Spratt, Frederick Thomas N elson * * * * * g #3 g º e º 'o a s & 4 & 9 ºr sº e 13 1 69 || 1 7 81 || 1 4 88 18 5 94 - I 7 87 ---- 18 5 98 - - --- Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Burma, 1886-7. 1309|| Willis, John Wilbraham Lindsay d’Anyers ......... 13 1 69 || – - - -- - - --- - - - - --- Died at Barnet, 30 4 1872. 1310| Cameron, James............ ... 18 169 || 1 7 81 | 1 4 ss 17 12 94 || – - - - -- - — S. Africa, 1877-8. 131I Wilson, William Thomas ... 13 1.69 - - - - - - - - - --- - --- Resigned commission, 19 10 1872. 1312| Whitmore, Mortimer Durant | 13 1 69 || 1 7 81 || 1 4 SS | – -- - - - - - — Egypt, 1882 . Died at Deal, Kent, 29 8 1892. 1313| Crompton, Charles Arthur | 13 1.69 || – - - - - --- - - - --- - - Died at Cherut, Punjaub, 5 7 1875. 1314|| Harman, Henry John......... 7 7 69 || 7 7 S1 - - - - - - - - -- -- - Died at Florence, Italy, 14 4 1883. 1315|| Robinson, William Walton | 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 - - --- - - --- •- - --- - - Died at Aden, 7 6 1887. 1316 | Peacocke, William, C.M.G. 7 7 69 || 7 7 S1 || 1 4 ss 2012 94 --- j (; 2 S7 --- - --- - - Afghanistan, 1878-9 ; N.W. Frontier, 1898, 1317| Dabson, Alfred Edmund ... 7 7 69 || – -- -* --- - - •º-º-º- •-ºr- -or- — Afghanistan, 1879-80 Died at Sufed Sung, Afghanistan, 20 7 1880. 1318|| Orpen, Richard Theodore... 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 || 1 4 88 || 1 1 95 - -- - -ºr- - --re – Afghanistan, 1878-80. - * 1319| Savage, George Robert Rolls | 7 769 || 7 781 || 1 4 88 24 195 •-º-º-º-º: --- --- *-ºr-rº -tº- - ex- Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1320|| Haslett, Pechell ............... 7 7 69 || 7 781 || 1 4 88 || 1 395 || – - -- •º-º-º- --- -- — Jowaki, 1877-8 ; Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1321| Henn, Thomas Rice . . ...... 7 7 69 — - - -**** - - --- •- -- — Afghanistan, 1879-80 Killed in action in Afghanistan, 27 7 1880. 1322|Addison, George William... 7 7 69 7 7 81 || 1 4 ss 29 8 95 - 1323 | Porcelli, Alfred ... ............ 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 1 4 88 29 3 95 1324| Thurburn, James White 7 69 || 7 si | 1 , ss 29 8 95 - --- -- 20 5 98 - - -- Afghanistan, 1878-9 ; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1325||Gosset, Frederic ..... … 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 || 1 4 SS 9 4 95 1326||Chapman, Gordon Graham | 7 7 69 || – - - - - - -- - - - - - Died at Brompton Barracks, 15 2 1872. 1327 | Ord, William St. George ... 7 7 69 || 7 7 SI | – - - - -- --- - - --- - - Retired, 17 5 1882. 1328 Turner, Charles Edward 7 7 69 - - - - - - - - - - - - Drowned at Wouldham, near Chatham, 1 8 1870. 1329| Hoskyns, Chandos............ 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 4 4 88 || 14 4 95 -- - - - - -- — Afghanistan, 1878-80. - 1330] Maxwell, Fre derick Thomson .................... 7 7 69 --- - - — - - - - - - - - Died from a polo accident at Secunderabad, 15 1 1881. 1331 Beauclerk, Ferdinand ...... 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 24 9 1884. 1332|Martin, Martin ............... 7 7 69 | 11 5 sº | 16 12ss 16 12 96 || – - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878–80; Zhob Valley, 1884. 1333| Hussey, Edward Robert 7 7 69 || 7 7 81 22 5 SS 6 5 95 1334 de Villamil, Richard ......... [ s 1 70 s I 82 10 7 8s 14 3 96 - - - - -- -- - - - Retired, 22 7 1896. 1335| Gore, St. George Corbet 8 1 70 || 8 || 82 |z26 5 88 || 2 7 95 - 16 2 87 - -- - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1336|| Johnston, Currell Halliday s 1 70 tº- - -- - - - - - - - - - Died at San Remo, Italy, 30 3 1879. 1337 | Brown, Robert Hanbury, C.M.G. ............... * * * * * . 8 1 70 || 8 1 82 || 1 7 88 - - - -- - - - – Afghanistan, 1878-80 Retired, 3 5 1893. 1338|| Lloyd, Robert Oliver ...... [ s 1 70 s 1s2 || 1 , ss || 2 7 95 - - - - - - *- Burma, 1885-8. 1339| Cameron, Ewen Hay...... • . . . S I 70 || 8 || 82 — - --- - - --- - - - - - Died at Durwaza, Beluchistan, 28 1885. 1340 Conder, Claude Reignier ... s 1 70 s 1s2 || 1 , ss | 12 s 95 - - -- - - - - Egypt, 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1341| Mitchell, Hugh ............... [ s 1 70 || 8 || 82 || – — - *- - - - - - - - Retired, 11 3 1882. 1342| Rich, Henry Bayard ......... 8 1 70 | S 1 S2 - - - - - - - -- — | Perak, 1875-6 ; S. Africa, 1879 Died at Rawal Pindi, 17 11 1884. * 48 1870–71. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1343| Du Boulay, Woodforde George ..................... 8 1 70 || 8 1 82 || 14 7 88 || 12 8 95 1344 Scott, Douglas Alexander, C.B., D.S.O. ............... 8 170 s 182 || 1 7 8s | – — | 18 11 82 | 15 6 85 15 6 89 || – ºrms - Aºun, 1878-80; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1345| Hudson, Edwin Harland ... s 1 70 --- --- - - - *ms sºmº - * -- - - Died at Roundhay, Leeds, 12 8 1870. 1346. Sykes, Walter Harry ........ 8 1 70 || 8 || 82 18 7 8s | – --- * - - --- --- - - --- Retired, 9 5 1891. 1347 | Creswell, Edmund William | 8 1 70 || 8 182 || 1 8 88 || 12 s 95 1348 Hart-Davis, Henry Vaughan s 1 70 || 8 || 82 || – --- ------ ** - --- --- * - * - Retired, 8 8 1883. 1349| Chermside, Herbert Charles, C.B., K.C.M.G. ........ . . . . . 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 18 12 S8 - - 27 9 82 | 15 6 85 || 3 8 S7 - --- — Egypt, 1882-4; Soudan, 1885; Soudan, 1887. 1350 Tresidder, Tolmie John, C.M.G. ............ ... . . . . . . . 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 — -- ----- - - --- - - --- --- - Retired, 5 11 1887. 1351 Gibbs, James Edward ...... 23 7 70 || – - - --- -- -- --- - --- - - - Died at Ahmedabad, 21 11 1877. 1352| Main, Thomas Ryder......... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 | 18 12 ss | 12 s 95 || – * --- - - --- – S. Africa, 1877-9. 1353| Brady, Maziere Kyle......... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 || – ------ •=r-re *-* -º- *- * --- --- - --- Died at the Curragh, 18 7 1885. 1354. Sherrard, Charles William | 23 770 || 23 7 82 | 1s 12 88 | 12 8 95 *-re *—-ºr-sº *-re * --sº- *-rrºr- – S. Africa, 1879. 1355 Renny-Taily our, Henry Waugh ....... & © e s ſº a ſº tº º . . . . . . 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 18 12 88 12 S 95 1356 Pitt, William * * * e º tº # e. e. f * * 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 | 18 12 88 24 9 95 1357 || Wilkinson, Charles ......... 23 7 70 23 7 82 | 18 12 88 1 10 95 1358| Hart, Horatio Holt ... ... . . . . 28 770 28 7 s2 | 10 1 so 22 10 95 || -- * *.x: *ºs * *** — | N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1359 | Boddy, Owen Vidal ...... ... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 | 12 1 89 || 5 12 95 1360 De la Poer Beresford, John Claudius Montgomery ... 28 770 28 7 sº | 3 g so -- *mº --- * *- * wº-mºm. - --- - Accidentally killed at Halifax, N.S., 19 9 1894. 1361| Henderson, Charles Burton | 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 s 3 so | - - - --- --- --- — Afghanistan, 1879 .|Died at Coonoor, Madras, 2 5 1892. I 362 Langley 5 Lionel ..... ... • . . . . . 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 | 19 3 89 -- - -- --- - --- -- --- Afghanistan, 1879-80 Dºg * younds caused by a tiger at Kulloor, Madras, 1363| Wilkieson, Charles Boyd ... 28 770 || 23 7 S2 2s 3 so | 11 396 || | | 15 6 s; --- - - – | Soudan, 1885; Burma, 1885-6. 1364| Mann, Gother Fyers ..... ... 28 770 || 23 7 s? | 30 3 so | 3 6 97 - tº-sº - - -- --- — | Ashanti, 1873-4; Perak, 1875-6 ... Retired, 22 10 1898. 1365 Romilly, Francis John ...... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 — isºmº *mº --- --- - - - – | Soudan, 1885 Killed near Suakim, 22 3 1885. 1366 Johnston, James Taylor 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 || 1 4 89 || 9 4 96 || – wº- --- --- - - --- - - Retired, 7 10 1896, 1367| Carter, Charles Carré ...... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 || – --- *- wº-ºº: --- - -- - - - - Died at Bombay, 19 8 1888. 1368| Dickinson, Edward ... ...... 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 || 1 4 89 | 20 4 96 *m-r -- --- - -- - — Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. 1369| Noel, William Frederick Noel 23 770 || 23 7 S2 | 1 4 39 22 7 96 1370 Rochfort-Boyd, Charles Augustus ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' || 23 7 70 || 23 7 82 || 1 4 89 || 5 S 96 - 18 11 82 - --- tº- - --- Egypt, 1882. 1371 || Jessep, Henry Lethbridge... 28 7.70 || 23 so | 1 , so ||25 | 97 1372| D’Aguilar, Francis Burton Grant ........................ 1 12 70 || 1 12 82 || 1 4 89 *-* — *m's wº- --- --- --- ------- Afghanistan, 1878-80 Died at Bath, July, 1896. 1373| Cardew, Philip .............., | 4 || 71 || 4 1 sº | 1 4 so *-* cº- - --- - --- - - --- sº- Retired, 24 10 1894. 1374| Darwin, Leonard ............ 4 1 71 || 4 || 83 || 4 4 so --- --- --- --- *mº --- - -- gºmº. - Retired, 18 1 1890. 1375 | P Orter, Reginald da Costa 4. 1 71 $º *- --- --- --- --- --- - -- * S. Africa, 1878-9 Pig gººd the Oaxenholme en route for Egypt, 49 1885; Burma, 1887-8. 1871. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. e-– - - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1376 Skinner, Monier Williams... 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 17 489 || 6 896 ** --- - - --- — | Ashanti, 1873-4. 1377 | Shone, William Terence, C.B., D.S.O. ............... 4. 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 17 4 S9 || 12 8 96 --- 1 9 91 || 1 9 95 || – - — Afghanistan, 1878-80: Mahsood Wuzeeree, tº 1881; , Burma, 1885-7; Miranzai, 1891; Chitral, 1895. 1378 White, Walter Hanbury ... 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 3 5 89 | 12 8 96 --- --- --- --- --- --- Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1379| Badgley, James Montague Taylor...... s & e º e º ºs e º e s is e º e s 3 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 7 5 89 || 13 S 96 - •mº - --- ----- - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Burma, 1885-6. 1380 Duperier, Henry William... 4 1 71 || 4 188 || 10 5 S9 18 896 ------- --- - ------- ------ ------- Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1381 Bennet, Ferdinando Wallis 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 21 5 S9 || 8 9 96 15 6 S5 - - --- --- — Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 1382 | Heathcote, Alfred ............ 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 11 6 89 16 996 1383| Hildebrand, Algernon ... .. 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 4 5 91 --- * --- -- - - - - ------ Retired, 17 4 1895. 1384| Thompson, Richard ... ...... 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 21 6 89 || 1 10 96 1385| Ross of Bladensburg, Edmond James Thomas 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 25 6 89 || 1 10 96 1386|Maycock, Stewart McMurdo 4 1 71 || 4 || 83 || 25 6 89 || 1 10 96 1387 || Dewing, Edward John ...... 4 1 71 || 4 1 83 || 6 7 S9 || 7 10 96 1388 || Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Baron Kitch ener of Khartoum and of Aspall, tº *** * *-* g. . U. VI. G. . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 71 || 14 1 83 20 7 89 --- S 10 S4 15 6 S5 11 - 4 88 25 9 96 *s --- Soudan, 1884-5 ; Suakin, 18SS ; Soudan. G. C B 5 K C M G J Ø } 1888-9 ; Soudan, 1896-8. 1389 || Cooke, Charles Francis ...... 4 1 71 || – -- * * * *s tº-wºrs * ------ -** rººm Died at Bogra, Bengal, 10 4 1875, 1390 Kunhardt, Henry Geffcken 2 8 71 || 2 883 || 1 1189 || – <ºmºs --> --- * *sº — | Soudan, 1855... Died at Marseilles, 4 11 1892. 1391 || Cockburn, Alexander William .......... * - - - - - - - - - - 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 || 20 7 89 *-ºm * * * * * — | Burma, 1886-7 Retired, 7 8 1895. 1392 || Lake, Noel Montagu......... 2 s 71 || 2 s 83 20 7 so | 1910 96 1393 || Wells, Henry Lake, C.I.E. 2 s 71 || 2 8 83 || 31 7 89 || 6 11 96 *s *mºs * -- --> — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Died at Karachi, 31 8 1898. 1394 | Raban, Edward ...... ........ 2 S 71 || 2 8 83 6 8 89 || 23 11 96 ------- - --- ----- -- — Naga Hills, 1879-80. 1395 || Scott, Buchanan, C.I.E. 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 4 9 89 31 12 96 - - - --- --- — Afghanistan, 1878-9. 1396 || Wilson, George Frederick || 2 s 71 || 2 8 83 || 1 10 so | 1s 1 97 - --- --- --- --- — Soudan, 1884-5. 1397 || Grant, Suene ...... ........... 2 8 71 || 2 8 88 || 3 11 so | 31 12 96 7 12 88 --- - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Hazara, 1888; Soudan, - 1896. 1398 Ruck, Richard Matthews ... 2 s 71 || 2 8 83 || 17 12 so | 31 12 96 1399| Exham, Simeon Hardy...... 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 || 17 12 S9 || 31 12 96 --- - - --- --- — Afghanistan, 1878-9. 1400| Glennie, Edward ...... tº e º $ ſº tº 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 || 17 12 89 || 31 12 96 - --- – -- - — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1401 || Muirhead, Herbert Hugh ... 2 s 71 || 2 s sº | 1, 12 so | a 4 97 1402|Leach, Harold Pemberton, C.B., D.S.O. ............... 2 s 71 || 2 s sº | 17 12 so 27 s 97 15 6 85 28 7 90 | 28 7 94 || – -- -— Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1884-5; Lushai, i889 ; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90 ; Chitral, 1895. 1403 Goodwyn, Alfred George ... 2 8 71 - --- - --- *m-º: --- --- --- ** - --> Killed by a fall from his horse at Roorkee, Bengal, e 14 3 1874. 1404|Chippindall, William Harold 2 s 71 || 2 8 83 || 17 12 S9 || 1 10 97 --- - - - --- — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1405 || Bruce, Alfred Crawford 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 || 20 12 89 || 1 10 97 - -- - --- - — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Retired, 27 8 1898. 1406 || Cotter, Edmond William ... 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 || 1s 1 90 || 1 10 97 -- --- -- - ------- — Ashanti, 1873-4; Zhob Valley, 1884; Soudan, 5() 1871–72. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Lt. Col. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1407 MacDowel, Francis Hartwell 2 8 71 - --- - - - - - - - — | S. Africa. 1879 Killed at Isandhlwana, Zulu land, 22 1 1879. 1408 || Nugent, Charles............... 2 8 71 - -- - - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1879 ... Killed º," explosion, at Kabul, Afghanistan, 23 12 1879. 1409 | Bor, Edward John... ... . . . . . . . 2 8 71 || 2 8 83 25 1 90 || 1 10 97 1410| McCallum, Henry Edward, K.C.M.G. ......... * * * e e º e e - 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 || 1 2 90 || 7 10 97 - - * * - - — | Perak, 1875-6. 1411 || Harrison, John Henry - Chenevix ... ..............., | 15 12 71 | 15 12 83 || 1 390 || 7 1097 - - ** - - wº- — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1412| Kellie, James.................. 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 || 19 4 90 || 2 11 97 - - * * - - — Afghanistan, 1878-9. 1413 Baxter, John Cordy ......... 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 - - - - - -* - - — S. Africa, 1879 Retired, 19 S 1885. 1414 | Cather, Thomas Plunkett, D.S.O. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 -- - - 1 7 S7 -- --- - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1885; Burma, Died at Mandalay, 22 7 1889. 1885-6 and 1888-9. 1415 | Rice, James Thomas......... 15 12 71 - -- - - - - - - - - - - Died at Kohat, 23 12 1879. 1416 || Won Donop, Pelham George 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 6 5 90 || 23 11 97 - -- --- -* - - - Soudan, 1884-5. 1417 | Baddeley, William Lewis Clinton ............ ........ 15 12 71 | 15 12 88 10 5 90 19 12 97 1418. Olivier, Henry Dacres ...... 15 12 71 || 15 12 S3 29 6 90 || 1 4 98 || – - -- - - - – Afghanistan, 1880 ; Soudan, 1885. 1419. Hill, Edmund Stephen ...... 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 30 6 90 - - - - - - - - Jowaki, 1877-8; Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Burma, Retired, 16 3 1892. } 1889; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1420 Smith, Henry Whistler (afterwards Smith-Rewse) 15 12 71 | 15 12 83 || 2 7 90 || 4 4 9s | – || 29 12 83 || – ~~~~ - - – Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Soudan, 1885. 1421 | Blackburn, John Edward ... 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 || 2 7 90 | 16 4 98 - - *-* *s - - — Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1885-6. 1422| Breton, Harry D'Arch ...... 15 12 71 | 15 12.88 || 6 7 90 19 498 1423| Fox, John Henry ............ 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 - - - - *- -*s - - - - - Retired, 6 9 1885. 1424 | Poulter, Brownlow ......... 15 12 71 - - - - - - - - - – Afghanistan, 1879 ... Died at Peshawur, 22 6 1879. 1425 Knight, Henry Palmer ...... 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 || 3 S 90 22 5 98 1426|| Goldney, William Henry ... 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 || 3 890 26 5 98 1427 | Leslie, Francis Seymour 15 12 71 || 15 12 83 22 9 90 || 1 7 98 1428 Bo w y er, Wentworth Grenville ............ ... ... 15 12 71 | 15 12 83 24 990 - - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80 ... Retired, 1 3 1896. 1429| Young, Carmichael Light ... 15 12 71 || 15 12 88 22 10 90 || 1 7 98 1430| Addison, John Capley ...... 6 I '72 6 1 84 || – - - - - --- - - - - – Died in India, 23 6 1887. 1431 | Leverson, Julian John, - - C.M.G. ........... ......... 6 1 72 || 6 1 84 || 1 1 91 || 10 7 98 - - -- - - - — Egypt, 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1432| Hippisley, Richard Lionel 6 1 72 || 6 1 84 || 15 1 91 || 14 7 98 || – - - --- - - — Egypt, 1882. 1433| Hellard, Robert Charles...... 6 1 72 || 6 || 84 || 15 1 91 || 1 8 98 || – - - - - - – Egypt, 1882. 1434 Campbell, John Colin Livington ...... * * * * * * * * * * * * 6 1. 72 || 6 1 84 || 15 I 91 27 8 98 || – - - - - *—- — Jowaki, 1877-8; Afghanistan, 1878-80; Egypt, ! 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1435 | Davidson, George ............ 6 1 72 || 6 || 84 || 15 1 91 || – - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1436 | Lister, Wastel Jameson ... 6 1 72 || 6 184 || 16 2 91 - - - - *-* - - - - - Retired, 8 3 1897, 1437 || Wood, Charles Knight ...... 6 1 72 || 6 1 84 || 6 5 91 || 1 998 || – - - - - - — | Soudan, 1884-5. 1438|| O'Sullivan, Gerald Hope Wildig ..................... 6 1 72 || 6 184 || 9 5 91 22 10 98 || – — 20 5 98 || – - - — Afghanistan, 1879-80; Chitral, 1895; N.W. - Frontier, 1898. 51 1872–73. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. . War Services. Renmarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Lt.-Col. Major. Lt. -Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1439 Blunt, Ernest * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * e e 6 1 72 6 1 84 || 12 6 91 -- --- 20 5 98 *mº - --- --- Afghanistan, isis so; Mansood Wuzeeree, 1881; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1440| Hobday, Maitland Nott 6 1 72 - - - --- - --- -- - - smº - Died at Rajunpore, 31 5 1877. 1441 Nicholls, George Thomas ... 6 1 72 || 6 1 84 --- *—g -------- - - sms ----- - ----- - Rºº. 1887. Died at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 1442| Godsal, William Charles 2 5 72 || 2 5 84 || – - - - - - - — Egypt, 1882 ... Retired, 17 4 1889. 1443| Carden, William Berkeley... 2 572 -- --- -- * - --- * --- - * --- Died at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, 16 3 1873. 1444|| Hamilton, Robert Ewen 2 5 72 2 5 84 — - - -- --- - - -- -- --- Died at Madras, 3 1 1885. 1445 Burn-Murdoch, John......... 2 5 72 || 2 5 84 || 6 8 91 - - - - * * - — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Egypt, 1882. 1446, Ellis, Charles Conyngham... 2 5 72 || 2 5 84 12 8 91 --- •-sº - - -- -- — Chitral, 1895. 1447 | Sharpe, James Birch ......... 2 5 72 || 2 5 84 || 13 8 91 - - - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1448||Digby, Thomas ............... 2 5 72 || 2 5 S4 || 13 8 91 — - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1879-80; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1449 | Barton, Maurice Charles 2 5 72 2 5 S4 8 9 91 --- — --- ----- --- --- — Afghanistan, 1878-9 ; Akha, 1883-4; Burma, 1885-7; Isazai, 1895; Chitral, 1895 ; N.W. - Frontier, 1898. 1450. Maxwell, Ronald Charles ... 2 5 72 || 2 5 sq | 16 9 91 || – --- -- - -------- - — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1451 || Foley, Algernon Campbell 2 5 72 2 5 84 23 11 91 - - - - --- -- - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1888. 1452|Litton, Daniel Leland ...... 2 5 72 - --- - - - - - - - --- - Died at Ranipett, 16 8 1877. 1453 | Neville, John ... ... ............ 2 5 72 || 2 5 S4 - - ---- - - - --- — Afghanistan. 1879-80 Retired, 16 7 1884. 1454 || Love, Henry Davison...... ... 12 9 72 | 12 9 S4 || 30 9 91 1455 Sill, John Warre 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 || 1 10 91 1456|Mackean, Kenneth ......... 12 9 72 12 9 S4 1 10 91 - - — - *** - --- S. Africa, 1879. 1457 | Bagnold, Arthur Henry 12 9 72 12 9 S4 18 10 91 --- 15 6 85 - - --- - — | Transvaal, 1881; Soudan, 1884-5. 1458| Willock, Harry Borlase...... 12 9 72 | 12 9 S4 - - - --- - -- -- — S. Africa, 1879; Egypt, 1882 Died at Tenby, 7 2 1889. 1459| Constable, Willough by Werner ......... tº e º ſº º e s º ºr a 12 9 72 | 12 9 S4 || 19 10 91 --- - - --- --- - — | Soudan, 1885. 1460, Jennings, Robert Henry ... 12 9 72 | 12 9 sq | 6 11 91 || – - --- - -- --- — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1461| Darling, Charles Henry ... ... 12 9 72 | 12 9 sq | 6 12 at - - - - - - --- Aºstan. 1879-80; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1462| Jervois, John .................. 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 31 12 91 || – -- - --- -- - - - --- Died at Farnboro’, 1 5 1895. 1463| Rawson, Herbert Edward... 12 9 72 | 12 9 sq 31 12 91 1464| Rhodes, Ernest Frederic 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 — - - --- - --- --- --- ** - Retired, 2 1 1892. 1465. Mackenzie, William Jacob... 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 || 31 12 91 1466 Andrews-Speed, Henry Speed ........................ 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 || 31 12 91 - --- --- --- - --- — | Egypt, 1882; Burma, 1885-6. 1467 | Buston, Philip Thomas...... 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 || 6 || 92 || – 7 12 88 — --- * -- – Afghanistan, 1878-80; Hazara, 1888; Hazara, 1468| Tyler, John Charles ...... 12 9 72 | 12 9 84 18 1. 92 --- tº-e - - - --- — Egypt, 1882. 1469|Sim, George Hamilton 12 9 72 | 12 9 S4 | 16 3 92 || – ----- --- - --- - – Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1885. 1470 Campbell, John Charles 9 1 73 || 8 || 85 || 1 4 92 - -- --- --- - --- – Jowaki, 1878 ; Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1471 | Finnis, Henry .................. 9 178 || 8 185 || 4 4.92 - ------ - --- -- - -— Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1472. Ferrier, James Archibald, D.S.O. * * * * * * # * @ e g tº $ tº * * * * 9 1 73 || 8 1 85 3 5 92 --- - --- - -- - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1885-6; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1473| Fullerton, John Davidson... 9 173 || 8 1 S5 25 5 92 || – * - - --- - – Afghanistan, 1879-80; Burma, 1885-7. 1474| Hoskyn, Charles Reginald... 9 178 || 8 185 || 3 6 92 52 1873. -- - - - i. . . . º. ººº- - - - - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. | Major. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1475|| Spilsbury, Edgar Charles ... 9 173 || 8 || 35 | 12 7 92 || – •- - --- - - - – Afghanistan, 1879-80; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1476 | Baldwin, Philip Bell ... . ... 9 173 || 8 || 85 19 7 92 - - - - — — - — Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885 Died at Calcutta, 30 8 1897. 1477 || Jones, George Turner ... ... 9 1 73 || S 1 85 27 7 92 - --- --- - - --- - — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1478 Conner, William Daniel 9 1 73 || 8 || 85 || 6 S 92 - - - - – || – - - Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1479 Phillpotts, Roberts Williers 9 1 73 S 1 85 - - - - -- - -- - -- Afghanistan, 1878-80; Mahsood Wuzeeree, Died at Cairo, 22 12 1890. . 1881. 1480| Lindley, Waldemar Delmar || 9 1 73 || 8 185 27 8 92 - - — -- - - - - Aºstan, 1878-80; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. | 1481| Bethell, Edward Hugh ...... 9 1 73 || 8 || 85 | 1. 10 92 - - --- - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1482| Attree, Frederick William | Town ........................ 9 178 8 1 S5 1 10 92 - - -- - – – - — Afghanistan, 1878 9. 1483| Sankey, Matthew Henry Phineas Riall ............... 29 4 73 || 8 1 S5 - - - -- - * - - - - - Retired, 10 8 1889. 1484 || Talbot, Hon. Mils George... 29 473 s 1 S5 || 1 10 92 - - 16 2 87 15 11 98 — — - – Jowaki, 1877-8 ; Afghanistan, 1879-80; Mah- Sood Wuzeeree, 18:1; Soudan, 1898. 1485 | Mein, Alexander Lechmere | 29 4 73 || 8 185 || 1 10 92 ------ - -- -- - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1486 || Maude, Frederic Natusch... 29 4 73 s 1 S5 - - - - - — — - - - - Retired, 20 6 1891. 1487 || Mulholland, Hon. Henry | Lyle ........................ 29 478 *---> - - -- -- - - --- - - - - Resigned commission, 14 11 1877. 1488. Hickson, Samuel Arthur Einem, D.S.O. ............ 29 4 73 8 1 85 || 7 10 92 || – - - -- - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1885; Burma, 1885–7. 1489 || Onslow, Gerald Charles Penrice ... .................. 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 21 10 92 - - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1490 Stafford, William Francis Howard ......... tº º e º 'º - as º g e º e 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 5 11 92 - - -- - — — - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1881. 1491 Waller, Edmond Augustus 29 473 || 8 185 13 11 92 - - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1492 | Kenney, Arthur Herbert, - C.M.G. ..................... 29 478 || 8 185 23 11 92 - --- - -- - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Soudan, 1884-5. 1493| Wahab, Robert Alexander 29 4 73 S 1 85 || 5 12 92 - --- --- 28 8 95 - - --- - Afghanistan, 1878-9; Rumpa, 1879; Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1881; Zhob Valley, 1884; Hazara, 1888; Miranzai, 1891; Hazara, 1891; Isazai, 1892; Waziristan, 1894–5; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1494 | St. Clair, William Augustus Edmund ..................... 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 19 12 92 - - —- - - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1885. 1495 || Tower, George Alfred ... ... 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 | S 1 93 --- •- - -- -- - - — | Soudan, 1884-5. 1496 || Childers, Edmund Spencer Eardley ..... ......... . . . . 29 4 73 || 8 185 | 1 4 93 - - 9 1 85 2 4 93 - - - - Aſſº, 1878-S0; Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 1497 || Wingfield-Stratford, Cecil Vernon * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . . . 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 1 4 93 St o: 1498|Maxwell, Cedric............... 29 a 78 s 1 sº | 1 , 93 - *-*. - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Zhob Valley, 1884. Half-pay, 4 10 1896 to 13 9 1897.* 7- 1499| Coles, Walter.................. 29 4 73 || 8 1 85 | 19 4 93 - *-*. - - -º- *- -- — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Bikanir, 1883; Soudan, Retired, 23 10 1897. 1885. 1500 Friend, Lovick Bransby 11 9 73 || 8 || 85 || 3 5 93 - - - - - - - — | Soudan, 1898. 1501 | Shute, Gerald Edward ...... 11 9 73 s 1 sº 22 5 93 * - - - - - --- -- — Afghanistan, 1879-80. * Brought back with precedence next below J. G. Lutyens (No . 1517). 53 1873–75. =.—rr-ir, r_1_1–E3a***** AL Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. Major. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 1502|Rainsford-Hannay, Frederick | 11 9 73 || 8 185 26 5.93 1503 Haig, Herbert de Haga... ... 11 9 73 || 8 || S5 1 7 93 - - - - - - - — | Canada, 1885. 1504 Penrose, Cooper............ ... 11 973 || 8 185 | 10 773 || – - - *- *- - - — | S. Africa, 1879. 1505 Day, John George e tº e º 'º e - - - tº s tº 11 9 73 S 1 85 | 10 7 93 - - - - - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1507 || Jerome, Henry Joseph Walker ..................... 11 9 93 || 8 || 85 1 8 93 - - - - - - - – Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1508| Scott-Moncrieff, George Kenneth ......... ... ......... 11 9 73 || 8 || 85 | 11 9 93 - - - - - - - - Afghanistan, 1879-80. 1509| Sinclair, Hugh Montgomerie | 12 2.74 12 2 85 11 12 93 || – - — 25 3 96 — - -- – | Ashanti, 1895-6. 1510 Kenyon, Edward Ranulph 12 2.74 | 12 2 85 | 12 194 1511 || Grant, Samuel Charles Norton .................. ... 12 2 74 | 12 2 85 | 12 2 24 1512| Bate, Charles McGuire ... ... 12 2 74 || 12 2 S5 12 2 94 | — - - - -4 - --- – Transvaal, 1881; Soudan, 1885. 1513|Elrington-Bisset, Maurice... 12 2 74 | 12 285 - - - - - - - - – Egypt, 1882 ... Retired, 2 10 1889. 1514 | Middlemas, John Crawford | 12 2 74 12 2 85 | 12 2.94 1515 Clarke, John ... … ............ 12 2.74 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at Pietermaritzburg, 11 6 1879. 1516 | Peel, Frederick ..., , ......... . 12 2 74 12 2 85 12 2 94 || – - - - - - -- – Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1517 | Lutyens, John Gallwey...... 12 2 74 12 2 S5 | 12 2 94 || – - - - - - - – Burma, 1886-7. 1518 Cameron, Maurice Alexander | 17 874 || 17 8 85 || 5 4 94 - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 24 3 1897. 1519. Wrottesley, Alfred Edward | 17 874 || 17 8 85 || 3 5.94 1520 Cleeve, Stewart Dalrymple | 17 874 || 17 8 85 | 10 594 || – - - - - - -- - Egypt, 1882. 1521 MacDonnell, Alfred Creagh 17 874 || 17 8 85 18 594 || – - - - - - - - |Aºsis”; Rumpº, isºso. Oudan, 1885. 1522 Boyce, Ernest Joseph George 17 874 || 17 s 85 21 5 94 1523| Mason, Alexander Herbert, C.B., D.S.O. ............... 17 8 74 || 17 8 85 8 6 94 - - - 4 7 94 -- - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Soudan, 1885; Soudan, Died at Simla, 8 5 1896. } 1885-6; Hazara, 1888; Zhob Valley, 1890 : Miranzai, 1891; Hazara, 1891 ; Isazai, 1892. 1524. Appleton, Henry ......... ... 17 874 || 17 8 85 11 694 - - - - - - - — Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1881; Burma, 1886-7. 1525 | Dickie, John Elford ... ..... 17 874 || 17 8 85 || 31 694 - - - - - - -- - Afghanistan, 1879-80 ; Egypt, 1882 ; Burma, 1885-6. 1526|| Ancrum, Arthur Rutherford | 17 874 || – - - -- - - *- - wº- -- || Afghanistan, 1879 ... Died at Peshawur, 7 7 1879. 1527| Tyler, Henry Edward ...... 17 8 74 || 17 8 85 || 7 7 94 || – - - - -- - - - 1528| Abbott, Herbert Edward - Stacey, D.S.O. ............ 17 8 74 || 17 8 85 || 6 8 94 - - -- - - - -- - Afghanistan, 1880-1 : Hazara, 1888; Hazara, 1891; Chitral, 1895. 1529| Foster, Hubert John ......... 28 1 75 28 1 86 20 9 94 | -- - - - - - - – | Egypt, 1882. 1530| Haynes, Charles Edward ... 28 175 28 1 86 || 1 10 94 || – - - - - - - - S. Africa, 1879; Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1531 || Wiseley, George Alexander Keith ........................ 28 1 75 28 1 86 || – - - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 24 9 1890. 1532| Barnet, Horace Hutton ... ... 2s 1 75 28 1 s6 24 10 94 || – - - - - - - — Afghanistan, 1878-80; Burma, 1885-7. 1533| Ruck, Oliver Edwal ......... 28 1 75 | 2S 1 86 || 3 11 94 - - - - - - – | Transvaal, 1881. 1534 Mayne, Charles Blair......... 28 1 75 || 28 1 86 || 10 12 94 - - - - - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80. 54 1875–77. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. º No. Nanne. - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. 1535 | Goodwyn, Henry Edward, D.S O • * * * * * * * > 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1 75 28 1 86 | 12 12 94 - - --- --> - Afghanistan, 1878-80; Egypt, 1882; Burma, 1885-7. 1536 || Gale, Walter Andrew ..... 28 1 75 28 1 86 17 12 94 - - - --- - Rumpa, 1879-80. 1537 | Caillard, Vincent Henry Penalver, K.C.B. ......... 19 8 75 - - - º- - *- - - - Retired, 26 12 1883. 1538 Hawkins, Walter Francis ... 19 s 75 | 19 S 86 20 12 94 - - - - -* Soudan, 1884-5. 1539| Slater, Mortimer John ...... 19 8 75 | 19 8 86 22 12 94 - - - - -- Afghanistan, 1878-80. Died at Up Park Camp, Jamaica, 31 12 1897. 1540 || Randolph, Albert Herbert | 19 8 75 19 s 86 || 1 1 95 - - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80. 1541 || Jackson, Louis Charles...... 19 8 75 | 19 8 S6 24 1 95 -- --- - - - Afghanistan, 1878-9. 1542| Littledale, Ralph Pudsay ... 19 8 75 19 s sº | 1 8 95 - - - -- - S. Africa, 1879; Transvaal, 1881; Soudan, 1884-5. 1543| Commeline, Charles Ernest | 19 8 75 19 8 86 29 8 95 - - - - - S. Africa, 1879; Transvaal, 1881. 1544 Cowan, James Henry ... ... 2 2 76 || 2 2 87 29 3 95 1545 Lindsay, Henry Edzell Morgan * - - - w tº e º ºs e a s e - 2 2 76 || 2 2 87 - - -- - - -- Transvaal, 1880-1; Soudan, 1885 Retired, 2 12 1891. 1546 Bond, Francis George ...... 2 2 76 2 2 87 29 3 95 - - - - - S. Africa, 1879; Egypt, 1882. 1547 Hedley, Robert Shafto ...... 2 2 76 - -- - - --- - -- - - Accidentally drowned at Trincomalee, Ceylon, 29 1 1884 1548. Leverson, George Francis... 2 2.76 || 2 2 87 || 9 4 95 1549 | Bowles, Frederick Gilbert 2 2.76 2 2 87 14 4 95 || – - - * - Soudan, 1885. 1550 | Longe, Francis Bacon ... ... 2 2 76 || 2 2 87 | 17 4 95 — - - -- - Afghanistan, 1879-80 ; Soudan, 1885. 1551 Turton, William Harry...... 14 876 14 s 87 || 2 5 95 || – - - – - 1552| Gordon, George Huntly Blair ............... ........ 14 8 76 14 8 87 | 6 5 95 || – - - --- -** Afghanistan, 1878-80 Died at Harwich, 18 11 1897. 1553| Brotherton, Thomas de la Haye ............... . . . . . . . . . 14 8 76 || 14 8 87 || 2 7 95 - - - - - S. Africa, 1879; Transvaal, 1881. 1554|| Carr, George Anderson..... . 14 8 76 14 8 87 2 7 95 1555 | Henderson, John Arthur ... 14 876 - -- - - --- sºmºmº --- -* - Died at Melbourne, 2.1 5 1878. 1556 Kelly, Arthur James ...... 14 8 76 || 14 8 87 || 7 8 95 1557 | Stanton, Edward Charles ... 14 s 76 || 14 s sº | 12 s 95 - - - - - Afghanistan, 1878-80 ; Sikkim, 1888. 1558|Codd, Alfred Percy ......... 25 1 77 || 25 1 88 — - - - - -- - – Retired, 14 3 1888. 1559| Heath, Frederick Crofton... 25 177 25 1 ss | 12 s 95 - - 26 1 88 -- - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. 1560. Glubb, Frederic Manley 25 1 77 25 1 88 12 8 95 1561 | Thomson, Andrew Graham 25 177 25 1 ss | 12 8 95 || – — 26 1 88 — - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1885. 1562 Johnstone, Henry Melvill... 25 1 77 25 1 SS - - - - ** - - *- Half-pay, 13 7 1891. Retired, 13 7 1896. 1563| Pemberton, Ernest St. Clair 25 177 || 25 1 38 | 12 s 95 - - - - - Transvaal, 1881; Egypt, 1882. 1564| Shaw, Thomas Barton ...... 25 177 || 25 1 ss - - - - - ---> --- •- Retired, 17 1 1894. 1565|Layard, Arthur Austen -- Macgregor ............ ... ... 25 1 77 25 1 88 — - - - - -*. - - Retired, 3 7 1895. 1566| Laffan, Henry David......... 19 8 77 || 1 4 ss | 12 s 95 1567|Hawker, Edward Christopher | Tyrell......... ......... . . . . . . 19 6 77 - - - - - - - - - Died in London, 21 2 1887. 1568| Lawson, Henry Merrick ... 19 677 || 1 4 ss 24 9 95 || – - 2 4 88 — - Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1898. 5 5 1877–78. No. 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 I 579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 I 587 1588 1589 1590 159] 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 Name. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. Tanner, John Arthur, D.S.O. Sankey, Alfred Rober Mandeville.................. Reynolds, Frank Romilly... MacCarthy, Felix Denis Francis ..................... Paterson, Hugh Augustus Lawrence Irvine, James Laird ......... Hussey, William Clive ...... Jackson, Hugh Milbourne Agar, Edward ... ............ Rice, Spring Robert ......... Meeres, Arthur Douglas Dumbleton, Horatio Norris Prendergast, Theodore John Warrender .................. Askwith, William Bayne ... Anstruther, Ralph William, Bart. ........................ Massy, Hampden Hugh Adair, Naylor ..................... St. John, Charles William Robert Yolland, William ..... * - e. e. e. e. Mantell, Alfred Montgomery Burn-Murdoch, Paul Robert Williams, Godfrey........... Huskisson, William ... ...... Cregan, Thomas Andrew ... Druitt, Edward ... . . . ... ... Chesney, Harold Frank...... Brownrigg, Henry John Watt ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . Stafford, Henry Lawrence Caulfield Howard ...... ... Anderson, Francis James ... Arkwright, Leonard Arthur Gubbins, Phillip Charles ... Cairnes, William Alan ...... Henry Benjamin Major. War Services. Lieut. | Captain. | Major. 19 6 77 || 1 4 88 1 10 95 19 6 77 || 1 4 88 22 10 95 19 6 77 || 1 4 S8 5 12 95 19 6 77 || 1 4 88 || 1 3 96 19 6 77 || 1 4 SS | 8 3 97 19 6 77 || 1 4 SS 11 3 96 19 6 77 || 1 4 S8 || 14 3 96 19 6 77 || 1 4 88 9 4 96 9 10 77 || 1 4 88 20 4 96 9 10 77 || 1 4 88 9 5 96 9 10 77 || 1 4 88 22 7 96 9 10 77 || 1 4 88 25 7 96 9 10 77 || 4 4 SS 5 8 96 9 10 77 - - 9 10 77 22 5 S8 - 9 10 77 26 5 88 || 6 8 96 9 10 77 || 1 7 88 || 12 8 96 9 10 77 || 1 7 88 || 12 8 96 9 10 77 1 7 S8 || 13 S 96 31 1 78 || 1 7 88 13 8 96 31 1 78 || 1 , 88 8 9 96 31 1 78 || 10 7 88 | 16 9 96 31. 1 78 || 14 7 88 || 25 9 96 31 1 78 18 7 88 || 1 10 96 31 1 8 || 1 8 88 1 10 96 31 I 78 | 19 8 88 1 10 96 31 1 78 | 16 12 88 4 10 96 31 1 78 16 12 88 7 10 96 31 1 78 18 12 88 19 10 96 31. 1 78 18 12 S8 6 11 96 31 1 78 18 12 88 28 11 96 31 1 78 18 12 88 || 6 12 96 Mahsood Wuzeeree, 188! ; Soudan, 1885; Burma, 1885–8; Chitral, 1895. * Soudan, 1885. Egypt, 1882. Bechuanaland, 1884-5 Burma, 1887-8. Soudan, 1884-5. Soudan, 1885... Soudan, 1885. Egypt, 1882. Soudan, 1885; Chitral, 1895. Hazara, 1888. Burma, 1885-6, Soudan, 1898. Burma, 1885-6; Isazai, 1892. Remarks. Retired, 21 7 1807. Killed by the accidental explosion of a mine at Suakim, 27 2 1885. Retired, 7 6 1890. ã6 1878–80. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - ------ - - - - - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. | Major, Major. Lt.-Col. 1601|| Stockdale, Godfrey Henry Wolley .............. ...... 31 1 78 || 1s 12 ss || 31 12 96 1602 || Davidson, Stuart ....... . . . . . 18 12 78 10 1 89 || 31 12 96 1603 | Leigh, Richard ............... 18 12 78 | 12 1 so | 31 12 96 1604 || Horniblow, Frank Herbert | 18 1278 || 3 2 99 || 31 12 96 1605 || Baker, Walter Way ......... 1s 1278 || 3 3 so 31 12 06 W 1606 || Russell, Bruce Bremner ... 1s 12 78 s 3 so | 1s 1 97 - ---- - -- ----- --- Zaila, 1890; Chitral, 1895. 1607|Learoyd, Charles Douglas... is 12 is 19 s so 24 a 97 - ------- * --- --- Soudan, 1885; Burma, 1885-6. 1608 || Norris, Stephen Leslie ...... 18 12 78 28 3 89 || 4 4 97 --- --- --- --- --- Egypt, 1882. 1609 Roper, Percy Lyon Ormsby 18 12 78 --- - --- -- mº-º-º: *** --- - - ------- Murdered in his quarters, No. 9 House, Brompton & Barracks, 11 2 1881, by person or persons unknown. 1610| Mullaly, Herbert ............ is 12 is 30 3 so | 3 6 97 - - *** ----- --- - Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1611 | Hinde, William Henry ...... is 12 is | 1 , so 21 97 1612| Mills, Dudley Acland ...... 18 12 78 1 4 39 27 7 97 1613|| Drummond, Arthur George | 1s 127s | 1 , so --- - - - --- - - •-sº *º-st Retired, 21 10 1896. 1614 Winn, John .................. 6 4 79 || 1 4 89 27 8 97 - - - --- - - Egypt, 1882. 1615| Burrard, Sidney Gerald ... 6 4.70 || 1 , so | 31 s 97 1616|Pollen, Walter Hungerford | 6 479 || – - --- ------ *mº *sº *gºrºr * Egypt, 1882; Looshai, 1889 Died at Chittagong, 26 3 1889. 1617 | Kelly, Francis Henry ...... 6 4 79 || 1 4 89 || 1 10 97 ----- ** sº 2() # 98 || -- *** **s —rrºr--e. Burma, 1885-6; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1618| King, Henry Somerset ...... 6 4 79 || 1 4 89 || 1 10 97 -. **** *s *ºrºrºrº * --- Miranzai, 1891. 1619 Browne, Clement Alfred Righy ....................... 6 4 79 || 1 4 S9 1 10 97 1620 Russell, Walter.............., | g a no | 1 , so 10 of 1621 || Jeffreys, Frederick Vaughan || 6 || 70 || 1 , so 28 to 9, 1622| Roberts, Henry Bradley 6 4 79 || 1 4 89 || 2 11 97 1623| Townshend, Ernest ...... • - - || 6 4 79 || 1 4 S9 | 19 11 97 1624|Sandbach, Arthur Edmund | g a 79 || 1 , so 28 in 97 || – — 15 11 98 || — ----- **** *ś º 1625 || Allen, Robert Franklin...... 6 4 9 || 1 4 89 | 19 12 97 || – --- - — " —- - Manipur, 1891. 1626 Dallas, James....... * * * * * * * * * * * 30 7 79 || 4 4 89 || 1 1 98 1627 | Stuart, Andrew Mitchell ... so 79 || 1 , so | 1 , as - - --- --- - Soudan, 1884-5 ; Soudan, 1885-6. 1628| Vidal, William Sealy......... 30 7 79 17 4 89 || – - - - - --- - Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5; Soudan, 1885-6 |Died at Teneriffe, 14 1 1896, 1629 Norton, Charles Edward 30 7 79 || 17 4 89 || 1 4 98 1630 | Bi £38, Henry W ero, D.S.O. 30 779 3 5 89 || 1 4 98 - - - - - - Zhob Valley, 1884; Burma, 1885-7; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1631 | Burton, Edmund Merceron so 7 ſo | r s so | 1 , as --- --- - mºv - Egypt, 1882-4; Soudan, 1884-5. 1632| Quill, Lawrence............... so 79 | --- - - - - - - --- - Died at Malta, 16 2 1888. 1633| Tuke, Martin Litchfiel 30 7 79 || 10 5 S9 16 4 98 || --- --- --- - --- Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5. 1634| Oldfield, Frederick Hume... 30 7 79 2.1 5 89 19 4 98 - * *m-. --- - --- Burma, 1888-9; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1635|Dopping-Hepenstal, Lambert John ...... * - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . 30 7 79 || 11 6 89 22 5 98 - - --- *m. --- - Egypt, 1882. 1636| Grant, Alexander ............ 30 7 79 || 21 6 89 26 5 98 1637 | Hemming, Edward Hughes is 2 so 25 6 so | 1 , os - --- * --- - --- Zhob Walley, 1884. 1638| Hodder, William Morgan... is 2 so as a so | 1 , as 5 7 1880–82. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Major. Tut.-Col. 1639| Huleatt, Hugh ............... 18 2 80 || 6 789 || 10 7 98 - *-*. --- --- Egypt, 1882; Soudan, 1884-5; Soudan, 1885-6. 1640. Maclagan, Robert Smeiton | 18 2 SO | 20 7 89 || 14 7 9s - - - --- Hazara, 1888; Miranzai, 1891; Waziristan, 1894-5 ; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1641 Boyd, Mossom Archibald ... 18 2 SO 20 789 || 1 s 98 1642| Hilliard, William Robert ... is 2 so | 20 7 so | 27 s 9s 1643| Swayne, Harald George Carlos........................ 18 2 80 23 789 || 1 998 - - - - Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1644||Nathan, Matthew ............ 19 5 80 || 31 7 so 22 10 9s --- --- - - Soudan, 1885. 1645| Cowie, Alexander Hugh 19 5 80 || 6 S 89 1646) Stothert, Henry Kendall ... 19 580 || – - 3-3 *mº --- - -- - Died at Rarachi, India, 5 12 1884. 1647 | Thackwell, Osbert Montague Roche ............ ............ 19 580 10 8 89 - --- --- --- --- N.W. Frontier, 189S. 1648| Stewart, James ... ............ 19 5 80 || 4 9 S9 --- - * --- --- Burma, 1885-6. 1649 || Kincaid, William Francis Henry Style ... ........... 27 7 80 || 1 10 S9 --- 10 11 96 | 15 11 QS - --- Soudan, 1884-5; Soudan, 1896; Soudan, 1898. 1650 ag.0t. Aylmer, Fenton John 27 7 80 || 2 10 so --- 18 10 93 22 1 96 --- -- Burma, 1886-8 ; Hazara, 1891 ; Hunza-Nagar, 1891-2; Isazai, 1892; Chitral, 1895. 1651 | Capper, John Edward ...... 27 7 S0 || 1 11 89 -- *-ºs -- - - N.W. Frontier, 1893. 1652| Haynes, Alfred Ernest ...... 27 7 80 || 3 11 89 || – --- - --- - Egypt, 1882; Bechuanaland, 1884-5; Rhodesia, Killed in action at the Storming of Makoni’s Kraal, 1896. Rhodesia, 8 8 1896. 1653| Baddeley, Charles Edward | 27 7 80 | 17 12 89 || – --- - --- --- Burma, 1885-7; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1654 Perry, Aylesworth Bowen 25 8 80 || – - * - --- - - - Retired, 30 7 1881. 1655. Dixon, Peter Eden............ 23 2 81 | 17 12 89 *-m-º. --- - *-ºs. - N. W. Frontier, 1898. 1656 Hill, Cecil ............ ... ... ... 23 2 81 | 17 12 89 || – - -- --- --- Soudan, 1884-5. 1657 | Meredith, Edward Spencer || 23 2 91 || 17 12 89 1658| Petrie, Ricardo Dartnell 23 2 81 17 12 S9 --- --- - •- - Burma, 1886-8 ; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1659 Cowie, Charles Henry ... ... 23 2 81 | T 7 12 S9 || – --- - - --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1660. McKay, Huntly Brodie, D.S.O. s = e tº e º e g º $ tº º e º e º e º 'º º e 25 6 81 20 12 S9 - --- ----- --- --- Bechuanaland, 1884-5 ; Yonnie Expedition Died at Mombasa, 16 4 1891. (West Coasu), 1887-8; West Coast, Africa, 1889. 1661 | Edmonds, James Edward ... 26 781 18 1.90 1662| Morton, William Ross ... ... 26 7 S1 || 25 1 90 || – cº-w - --- --- Burma, 1885. 1663| Shelley, Archibald Douglas Graham ..................... 26 7 81 || 1 2 90 1664. Paske, Gordon Henry ... ... 26 7 81 || 1 390 1665||Newman, Edwin Montague Browne ............... . . . . . . 26 7 81 || – - * --- <-sº - Soudan, 1884-5 Killed near Suakim, 22 3 1885. 1666| Glanville, Francis, D.S.O.... 26 7 81 | 19 490 --- * --- --- - Burma, 1885-8. . 1667 Chapman, Henry Montagu 26 7 81 - - --- - --- --- - - T)ied at Murree, Punjab, 2 G 1884. 1668| Ellis, William Montague 26 7 S1 || 6 5 90 1669| Wan Straubenzee, Arthur Hope .............. . . . . . . . . . . ] 30 7 81 | 10 5 90 1670 Macdonald, James Ronald Leslie ..................... ,, . 22 2 82 || 7 6 90 - 5 1 95 -- --- - Hazara, 1888; Unyoro, 1893-4. 1671 Walton, Ellys William ...... 22 2s2 29 6 90 || – * *- * --- Waziristan, 1894-5. 58 # Precedence as Captain next below H. Bonham-Carter (No. 1713). 1882–83. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Rennarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. 1672 | Dundee, William John Daniell .............. © º & a tº e ºs 22 2 82 || 30 6 90 - - - — ` - - - - — | N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1673 || Roper, Alexander William 22 2 82 2 7 9) || – - - - •- * - - — | Soudan, 1884-5. 1674 || Beevor, Cecil Nicholas ..... 22 2 82 - - - - - - - **- - - Burma, 1888 ... IKilled at Tigyaing, Upper Burmah, 15 9 1888. 1675 | Jones, Lewis .................. 22 2 82 2 7 90 - - 1676 | Hamilton, James Edwin O'Hora .............. © e º a s s a 22 2 82 || 6 7 90 1677 | Craster, Shafto Longfield ... 22 2 82 || 3 s 90 - - --- --- *-*-* * *= - -- N.W. Frontier, 1898. º * * * 1678 | Heath, Gerard Moore ...... 22 2 82 || 3 8 90 - -- --- - sº- -- -- - -- || Bechuanaland, 1884-5 ; Chitral, 1895. 1679 Shella bear, William, - Girdlestone......... • * * * * * g is tº 22 2 S2 - - - - - - * - -- - •- -- Retired, 16 4 1890. 1680 Robinson, William Hen ry... 27 6 82 22 9 90 - - - -- - - - -- - - West Coast of Africa, 1892 Killed in action at Tembé, W. Africa, while taking part in a Frontier Expedition, 14 3 1892. : 1681 Mackenzie, Ronald Joseph Henry Louis............... 25 7 82 24 9 90 - - - - - - -- - — | Soudan, 1885; Zhob Valley, 1899; Miranzai, 1891. Half-pay, 1 1 1897 to 1 7 1898.* 1682 Leahy, Charles Albert ...... 25 7 82 24 9 90 - - - - - - - - - Soudan, 1885-6 Died at Territet, Montreux, 14 11 1896. 1683| Molony, Francis Arthur 25 7 82 22 10 90 - - - - - - - - - Soudan, 1885. 1684 || Luard, William Du Cane ..., |25 7 82 || 23 12 90 - - - - * * - - - Soudan, 1885.6; Yonnie Expedition (west Coast), 1887-8. 1685| Cordue, William George Ranger ..................... 25 7 S2 || 1 1 91 || – - - - - * - - — | Hazara, 1888; Chitral, 1895. 1686 Wade, James Molesworth... 25 7 82 | 15 191 - - - - - - - - — | Burma, 1885 6. 1687 | Bythell, William John ...... 25 7 82 | 15 191 || – - — 22 1 96 | — * - - - — Bechuanaland, 1884-5 ; Chin-Lushai, 1889–90 : Chitral, 1895. 1688 Ward, Bernard Rowland ... 25 7 82 | 15 I 91 1689| Stewart, William Robert ... 1 10 82 | 15 191 1690 | Elliot, Gilbert Sutherland - McDowell .................. 1 10 82 | 16 2.91 1691 || Harvey, Henry George ... ... 1 10 82 - - - - - -- - - - - - - Died at Khajok Pass, Quetta, 10 8 1888. 1692 | Salveson, Charles Emil ...... T 10 S2 || 17 4 91 - - - - - - - - — Bechuanaland, 1884-5. 1693 || Godby, Charles ............... 1 10 S2 || 4 5 91 || – - - - - - - - — | Soudan, 1885 ; Soudan, 1889. 1694 | Stone, George Alexander Swinton .................... 14 2 S3 - - - - - --- * - - - - - Died at Rawal Pindi, Punjab, 28 10 1890. 1695 | Pringle, John Wallace ..... 14 2 83 || 6 5 91 || – - - - * - - - — Burma, 1885-6. 1696 || Serjeant, James Robert Bezoe 14 2.83 || 9 5 91 - - - - -- - - - — Burma, 1885-7; Chitral, 1895 ; N.W. Frontier, Died at Lundi Kotal, 1 8 1898 - 1898. 1697 | Kent, Herbert Waughan 14 2 83 || 12 6 91 1698 || Houston, Eyre ............... 14 2 88 20 691 1699 || Morony, Burdett Edward ... 14 2 88 18 7 91 1700 | Brown, William Baker ...... 14 2 83 || 6 8 91 1701 || Mould, Charles Frederick... 14 2 83 | 12 s 91 1702| Renny-Tailyour, Thomas Francis Bruce............... 14 2 83 || 13 8 91 - - - - - -** - - — Burma, 1885-8; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1703 || Rose, Charles Stuart ........ 14 2 83 || 13 8 91 || – - e- e- * * - - — | Hazara, 1891. - 1704 || O’Meara, Walter Alfred John 14 2.83 || 8 9 91 - - *- * *m- - - - — | Burma, 1885-6. 1705 || Haggitt, Edward Dashwood | 14 2 83 16 9 91 || – - - *- - - - - — | Miranzai, 1891. 59 1883–84. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. 1706 || Gordon, William Staveley 15 2 83 || 30 9 91 -- 10 11, 96 || 15 11 9S - - Soudan, 1888-9; Soudan, 1896; Soudan, 1898 || Lieut. R. Mar. Art., 19 1881. 1707 || Lang, John Irvine, C.M.G. 26 6 88 || 1 10 91 - 1708|Iawrie, Walter Gray......... 28 7 83 || 1 10 91 1709| Painter, Arnaud Clarke...... 28 7 83 18 1091 1710 Swainson, Arthur Lake...... 2S 7 83 || 19 10 91 - - - --- - - - Died at Cheltenham, 7 11 1898. 1711 || Broke, Harry .................. 28 7 83 || 6 11 91 1712| Purvis, John Spottiswood... 28 7 88 || 23 11 91 1713 Bonham-Carter, Herman 28 7 83 || 2 12 91. - - - --- --- Soudan, 1885; Burma, 1886-8. 1714| Taylor, Ernest Frederick ... 28 7 83 || 6 12 91 1715|Buckland, Reginald Ulick Henry........................ 28 7 83 || 31 12 91 || – -- - --- - Soudan, 1885; Soudan, 1888. 1716|Curtis, Reginald Salmond... 28 7 83 || 31 12 91 --- 25 3 96 --- --- * Soudan, 1891; Ashanti, 1895-6. 1717 | Brett, Walter Percival ...... 28 7 83 || 31 12 91 1718|Johnston, Bruce Campbell 28 7 83 || 31 12 91 1719. Johnstone, James Henry L’Estrange .................. 15 2.84 || 2 1 92 1720 Gibbon, James Aubrey ...... 15 2 84 || 6 1 92 || – *mºs mºmºmº --- - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1721 | Ashworth, Percival ......... 15 2 84 18 1 92 1722 | Bullen, Edward Darley...... 15 2 84 || 15 3 92 — --- -- - --- Burma, 1886-7 Died at Roorkee, S 3 1898. 1723| Harrison, Thomas, D.S.O. (afterwards Harrison- Topham)................. , . . 15 2 84 | 16 3 92 — - --- -- - Burma, 1890-92. 1724 Palmer, Guy * * * * * * * * g e s = e º e & 4 . . . 15 2 84 -- - - - - - Burma, 1888 ... Died of wounds received in Burma, S 12 1888. 25|Hunter-Weston, Aylmer Gould ........................ 15 284 || 1 492 || – 28 8 95 || – 3- - Miranzai, 1891; Waziristan, 1894-5; Soudan, 1726. Reynolds, Arthur Reynold | 15 2 sq | 1 4 02 1896. 1727 | Gaynor, Henry Francis... ... 15 2.84 || 1 492 1728 Laurence, Richard Thomas Raynes ... .................. 15 2 84 || 4 4 92 - - - - --- Burma, 1886-8. 1729| Bird wood, Herbert Christopher Impey ..... 15 2 84 || 3 5 92 || – --- - -- --- Hazara, 1888; Hazara, 1891 Died at Umballa, 15 10 1894. 1730|Dealy, John Anderson ...... 15 2 84 25 5 92 || – - - --- --- Burma, 1888. 1731 | Pery, Cecil Charles James | 15 2 84 || 3 6 92 1732| Wright, Henry Brooke Hagströmer ............... 15 2 S4 | 12 7 92 --- --- - - --- Burma, 1886–9; Chin-Lushai, 1889–90; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1733|Fowke, George Henry ...... 15 2 S4 || 19 7 92 1734| Rimington, Joseph Cameron | 15 2.84 27 7 92 || – ------ --- --- - Burma, 1886. 1735 | Lyons, Henry George ...... 15 2 84 || 6 S 92 1736|| Hunter, William Spiller 15 2 84 || — --- - - --- --- Burma, 1886-7 Died at Ferozpur, Punjab, 17 6 1892. 1737 || Roe, Cyril Harcourt ... ..... 15 2 84 27 8 92 - - - --- --- Burma, 1886-7 ; Burma, 1893. 1738|| Carey, Herbert Clement 26 6 S4 || 1 10 92 1739|Close, Charles Frederick ... 5 7 84 || 1 10 92 60 1884. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Name. War Services. Remarks. [lieut. Captain. 1740 Laffan, Joseph de Courcy ... 5 7 84 || 1 10 92 1741 || Harper, George Montague || 5 7 84 || 1 10 92 1742|| Jones, Ernest Augustus Tudor (afterwards Tudor) || 5 7 84 || 7 10 92 1743| Macdonogh, George Mark - Watson ..................... 5 7 84 21 10 92 1744 | Quill, Richard Morgan . . ... 5 7 84 - -- - - --- -- Died at Davos Platz, 7 2 1890. 1745 || Brewin, John Palffy ... ... ... 5 7 84 || 5 11 92 1746|Skey, Frederic Edward Guthrie ..................... 5 7 84 || 13 11 92 || — --- --- Chitral, 1895. 1747 | Brooker, Robert Lee Cecil 5 7 84 || 23 11 92 - --- * Zululand, 1888 Retired, 3 2 1897. 1748| Young, Julius Ralph ... . ... 5 7 84 || 5 12 92 1749| Phillips, George Edward ... 5 7 84 || 19 12 92 || – --- --> Ashanti, 1895-6. 1750 | Le Breton-Simmons, George - Francis Henry ......... 5 7 84 || 8 1 93 - --> -- Hazara, 1891. 1751 | Hills, Edmond Herbert... .. 5 7 84 || 1 4 93 1752 | Baylay, Frederick ............ 5 7 84 || 1 4 93 1753| MacAdam, Walter......... ... 5 7 84 || 1 4 93 1754|| Speranza, Walter Stephen John Joseph Lawrence ... 5 7 84 || 4 4 93 1755 | Edgell, Edward Arnold...... | 9 12 84 19 4 93 || – --- --- Burma, 1888. 1756|Powell, Sidney Henry ...... 9 12 84 || 3 5 93 --- ºrm --- Miranzai, 1891; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1757 | Stoehr, Oscar Henry......... 9 12 84 || – --> --- ºm. --- ------- Kill, d at Kilndanda, India, by the accidental discharge of his gun, 29 5 1889. 1758 || Harrison, Gilbert Harwood | 9 12 84 22 5 93 1759| Ewbank, William 9 12 84 || 26 5 93 || – --- - Burma, 1887-8. 1760 | Livingstone, Hubert Armine Anson ... . . . . . . ... ... ... ... ... 9 12 84 1 7 93 1761 | Stevens, Charles Richard ... 9 12 sq | 10 7 93 1762 Chapman, Leonard Palmer 9 12 84 || 10 7 93 - - --- Bº 1888; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90 ; Burma, 1763| Crofton, Henry Joseph ... ... 9 12 84 || – --- --- *m. *mº --- Died at Bangalore, 26 6 1887. 1764| Liddell, William Andrew ... 9 12 84 || 14 7 93 - --- -- Zhob Valley, 1890. 1765 Schreiber, Acton Lemuel ... | g 12 sq | 1 s 98 --- * - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1766 Medley, Alfred William 9 12 84 -4– --- - - - - Died at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, 1 6 1885. 1767 | Tulloch, John Arthur Stan- ford .............. 3 * * * * * * * * * a s e 9 12 84 || 11 12 93 - * --- Burma, 1887-8. 1768|| Fvans, Usher Williamson ... 9 12 S4 || 1 1 94 --- mº - Chin-Lushai, 1889-30; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1769| Bland, Edward Humphry ... 9 12 sq | 12 1 04 ------ --- - Miranzai, 1891 ; Isazai, 1892. 1770|Blackall, Henry Ofspring ... 9 12 84 - - - ** --- --- Drowned at Hong Kong, 15 1 1888. 1771 Hedley, Walter Coote ...... 9 12 84 || 17 1 94 - 1772 | Stokes-Roberts, Edward Rowland Bennett ......... 9 12 84 s 3 94 * * -- | Burma, 1887; Hazara, 1888. 61 1885. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. 1773| Williams, Hugh Bruce ...... 29 4 S5 | 19 3 94 1774 Fanshawe, Gerard Lewis... 29 485 28 394 1775 | Enthoven, Charles Henfrey | 29 4 85 || 1 4 94 1776|| Medlicott, Frederick Maun- sell .............. ............ 29 485 || – - - amº. - - Died at Quetta, 16 3 1889. 1777 Huleatt, Alfred John ... .. 29 4 85 - cº- - -º-º: Burma, 1887; Hazara, 1888 Died at Roorkee from a fall while hunting, 28 4 1892. 1778| Gale, Henry Richmond...... 29 4 85 || 4 4 94 1779 Close, Geoffrey Dominic 29 4 85 || 5 4 94 -- - - Burma, 1887 ; Hazara, 1891. 1780. Sorsbie, Robert Fox ......... 29 485 || 3 5.94 --- - ** Burma, 1887. 1781| Harris, Arthur Matthew Alexander ............ . . . . . 29 485 *m-. --- - - - - Shot near Quetta. Frontier by a Pathan robber, whom 1782| Lloyd, Frederick Lindsay... 29 4 85 | 10 5 94 he was pursuing, 11 10 1889. 1783| Jones, Harry Balfour......... 29 4 85 | 18 5 94 1784 Sherwood, Harold Joseph... 29 '4 85 21 5 94 - *s --- Chin-Lushai, 1889–90; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1785 Lambert, Douglas Reynolds 29 4 85 - - * gºmº. * - --- Died at Trincomali, Ceylon, 13 4 1892. 1786| Dixon, Richard Travers ... 29 485 || 8 6 94 -- - - &ºm. - Retired, 19 5 1897. 1787| Lee, Richard Philipps ...... 29 4 85 | 11 6 94 1788 Perceval, Charles Cecil ...... 29 4 85 21 6 94 - - -- Burma, 1887-8; Hazara; 1888; Isazai, 1892. - .” 1789 Moore, Thomas Brown ...... 29 4 85 --- ---- --- - - *- tºº. 1 1894. Died at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 1790| Edwards, Richard Fielding 20 485 || 7 7 94 1791 | Stairs, William Grant ... ... |80 6 85 || – - *-ºs I ºmºmº, --- - Tºyºº,” 1792 Nanton, Herbert Colborne | 30 6 85 | 6 s 94 --- --- -- Canada, 1885; Lushai, 1888-9 ; Chitral, 1895 1793. Casgrain, Philippe Henri du Perron ..................... 80 6 85 20 9 94 - *m. *m. Canada, 1885 ; Manipur, 1891. 1794 Ridout, Dudley Howard ... 80 6 s; 110 94 1795| Won Hugel, Norman Guy ... 80 6 s; 16 10 94 1796|Skinner, Thomas Carlyle ... 80 6 so 24 10 94 1797 | Bremner, Allan Pollok ... ... 30 6 85 || – -- - --- * --- Resigned commission, 24 5 1893. 1798|Tilley, William Fairbairn ... 80 6 sº | 29 8 95 - - --- Burma, 1887. 1799| Sloggett, Harry ............... 30 6 85 || 3 11 94 --- --- * West Coast, Africa, 1893-4. 1800 Cartwright, George Strachan 80 6 85 | 10 12 94 *mº - * Isazai, 1892. 1801 || Kirkpatrick, George Macaulay ......... .. . . . . . . 30 6 85 | 12 12 94 1802 Lenox-Conyngham, Gerald Ponsonby .................. 16 9 85 | 17 12 94 1803|| Tomlin, Robert Ernest (after- wards Money-Shewan) ... 16 9 85 2012 94 1804|Clauson, John Eugene ...... I6 9 85 22 12 94 1805. Travers, George Alfred...... 16 9 85 || 1 || 95 --- -- - Miranzai, 1891 ; Waziristan, 1894-5 1806| Dunsterville, Edward Leslie | 16 9 85 24 195 1807 | Bigge, Thomas Arthur Hastings ...... & sº º e º ºr e º 'º e s : 16 9 85 || 1 3 95 1885–86, - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Captain. 1808 || Atkinson, Edward Henry de Vere .................. e 16 9 85 29 3 95 - --- Lushai, 1889; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90 ; Zhob Valley, 1890. 1809| Colnaghi, Dominic Henry... 16 9 s5 29 8 95 1810| Gubbins, Francis Joseph Beresford .................. I6 9 85 - - *m. - --- Retired, 29 11 1890. 181 || Twiss, John Henry ......... 16 9 85 || 1 4 95 1812| Moore, Arthur Trevelyan... 16 9 85 9 495 = [ ] =e Isazai, 1892. 1813 | Prentice, Herbert ............ 16 9 85 14 4.95 --- --- Burma, 1891. I 1814|Johnson, Eliot Philips ...... 16 9 85 || 17 4 95 --- --- Chin-Lushai, 1889-90; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1815 Sclater, Bertram Lutley...... 16 9 85 || 2 5 95 --- - - - Died at Zanzibar, 24 7 1897. 1816 || James, Bertram Alfred ... ... 16 9 85 || – - --- Burma, 1891 ... Killed at Thetta, Chin Hills, Burma, 2 1 1891. 1817 | Scudamore, Walter Victor | 16 9 85 || 6 595 1818 Swiney, Alexander John Henry .................... . . . 16 9 S5 || 2 7 95 - - Miranzai, 1891; Chitral, 1895. 1819. McElhinny, William John 6 1 86 || 2 7 95 - - Burma, 1887-8. 1820 | Duff, George Mowat ......... 6 1 86 || 8 7 95 --- --- Burma, 1887-8; Chitral, 1895. 1821 | Twining, Philip Geoffrey ... 6 1 86 || 7 8 95 1822 || Joly, Alain Chartier de Lotbinière (afterwards Joly-de-Lotbinière) ....., | 6 1 86 | 12 s 95 1823| Wilson, Frederick Alfred ... 6 1 86 | 12 s 95 1824 Pict on-Jones, Reginald Ernest... ... .................. 6 1 86 12 8 95 --- - Zaila, 1890. 1825 || Kirby, Norborne ............ 6 1 86 12 8 95 --- - Burma, 1893. 1826|| Robinson, Richard Percy ... 6 1 s6 | 12 s 95 1827 | Paul, Ernest Moncrieff ...... 6 1 s6 | 12 s 95 1828. Fowler, John Sharman, t D.S.O...... ....... gº tº a º ºs s e < e < * 6 1 S6 24, 9 95 --- -- Isazai, 1892; Chitral, 1895. 1829 Radcliffe, Philip John Joseph 3 2 86 || 1 10 95 1830 Hutton, Gilbert Mont- gomerie ..................... 3 2 86 22 10 95 * - Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1831 Wade, Hender Molesworth St. Aubyn . ................ 17 2 86 || 23 10 95 1832| Heycock, Charles Hensman | 17 2 so | 5 12 95 -- --- Burma, 1887-9; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1833| Seaman, Edwin Charles 17 2 86 || 14 1 96 1834 || Murray, Valentine............ 17 2 S6 || 7 2 96 1835 | Babington, Stafford Charles | 17 2 so | 1 3 96 1836|| Blair, Everard McLeod ...... 17 2 86 || 11 3 96 1837 | Weedon, Franklin Francis 17 2 so | 14 8 96 - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1838 Burn, James Montague...... 17 2 86 || 9 496 63 1886. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Naume. --- --———, -———---------—- ---------------—-— -------——------ ~~~------- ~~~----- --~~~~ ------------------ ----------- War Services. Remarks. Lieut. Capt. 1839| Murray, James Harry Stewart ............... ..... 17 2 S6 20 4 96 1840| Blakeway, John Prestwich... 17 2 86 || 9 5 96 | 1841 Parry, Owen Clinton... . . ... 17 2 86 || – --- -- -- --- - *-*. --- --- Died at Malta, 29 10 1888. 1842|Partridge, Henry Miles... ... 17 2 86 || – ------ --- --- --- --- --- - – Died at Quetta, Beluchistan, 22 10 1890. 1843 Molesworth, Percy Bray- brooke ..................... 17 286 22 7.96 1844. Coffin, Campbell ............ 17 2 S6 || 25 7 96 1845. Digby, William Trench...... 17 2 S6 || 4 S 96 1846 Burn, Ernest Melville John- ston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2 86 || 5 S 96 1847 || Kingscote, Randolph Albert i Fitzhardinge ............... 17 2 86 || 6 S 96 - --- — — --- — Lushai, 1889; Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1848|| Franklyn, Claude de Mont- In Oren Cy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17 2 86 12 S 96 1849| Rouch, Arthur Bretherton | 18 2 86 ------ -- - -- --- - - - - Died at Lahore, Punjab, 8 5 1889. 1850. Morice, Cuthbert Charles Duguid ... .................. 1S 2 S6 | 12 S 96 1851 | Slaughter, Osmond Mourant | 18 2 S6 wº-s --- - - - -- -- - *** * Died at Shelabagh, N.W. Frontier, 14 8 1889. 1852. Stafford, Edmund Hyde Whalley Howard ......... 18 2 86 18 896 1853| Fraser, Theodore ............ 18 286 13 896 ----- - -- - - — | Chin-Lushai, 1889-90; Hazara, 1891; N.W. . Frontier, 1898. | 1854 Loring, Edward Martin...... 18 2 86 --- * * --- --- - - - --- Died at Hong Kong, 26 7 1892. 1855 Pilcher, Arthur John......... 18 2 86 || 8 9 96 1856 Brooker, Edward Part ...... 18 2 86 16 996 1857| Walpole, Alfred............... 18 2 86 25 9 26 --- --- ---- - - — Chitra], 1895. 1858| Wanrenen, James Ernest 1S 2 86 | I 10 96 1859| Williams, Sydney Frederick | 18 2 86 || 1 10 96 1860 | Bullock, Frank ......... . . . . . . 18 2 83 — --- ------- - - - ---- - - Died at New Brompton, Kent, 23 9 1895. 1861 | Fair, Frederick Kendall ..., | 18 2 86 || 1 10 96 1862. Fraser, Howard Alan Den- p holm e s e º 'º e º 'º º ſº * - ſº tº e º ſº tº ſº º º ºs e e 18 2 86 4 10 96 - * - - - - Burma, 1891. 1863| Collins, Charles Bury ... ... 18 2 86 || 7 10 96 1864| Acworth, George Pelham Aufrère .................. ... 18 286 19 10 96 1865 Campbell, George Polding | 12 5 86 || 3 11 96 *-ºs. --- --- --- - — N.W. Frontier, 1898 1866 Kenne dy, John Nassau Chambers ... ............... 2 786 || 6 11 96 1867| Versturme, Charles Hamil- ton* ........................ 24 7 86 10 7 98 1868| Nathan, Walter Simeon 24 786 || 23 11 96 * - *m. - --- — | Miranzai, 1891; N.W. Frontier, 1898. * Captain next 1n succession to C. F. B. Pike. 64 1886 –-87, Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Captain. Major. 1869| Ainslie, Clement - 24 7 86 || 6 12 96 - - - -- Chºsha, 1889-90; Burma, 1891; Chitral, 1870. Ryder, Charles Henry Dudley ..................... — 24 7 86 || 31 12 96 1871 Boys, Reginald Harvey Henderson .................. - 24 7 86 31 12 96 1872 Macaulay, Percy John Frederick .................. - 24 7 S6 -- - - - *- Waziristan, 1894 Killed in action at Dera Ismail Khan, 3 11 1894. 1873 || Wilson, Charles Stuart...... --- 24 7 S6 || 31 12 96 1874 Robertson, Charles Lonsdale - 24 7 86 || 31 12 96 - -s - --- Waziristan, 1894–5; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1875|| Clayton, Henry Edward - Gilbert ........ 4 s s e º a a tº e s - e. — 24 7 86 || 31 12 96 1876 | Burnaby, Charles Granet ... — 24 7 86 || 1 1 97 1877 || Hunt, Edward Leslie......... - 24 7 86 || 31 S 97 1878| Kemp, Geoffrey Chicheley | – || 24 7 86 18 1.97 - - - - Chitral, 1895. 1879| Young, Edward Gordon — | 24 7 86 || 3 2 97 1880 | Barton, Hugh John ......... — 24 7 86 || 8 3 97 1881 | Naish, Theodore Edward ... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 24 3 97 1882|Ogilvie, Edward Collingwood | 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 || 4 4 97 - - - --- Miranzai, 1891; Chitral, 1895. 1883 Elkington, Charles Jarvie... 16 2 87 | 16 290 - --> - - - - - Pºlº, º, ºver. following a severe accident, at 1884 Mallaby, Digby Ilighton 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 19 5 97 - - - mºms Isazai, 1892. 1885| Marshall, Hugh John Miles | 16 2.87 | 16 2.90 || 3 6 97 - - - - Chin-Lushai. 1889-90. 1886 || O'Shee, Richard Alfred Poer | 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 | 21 7 97 22 7 97 *-*. - *-*. Benin, 1897. 1887 | Rotheram, Walter Henry ... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 25 7 97 1888 | Fife, James Gordon ......... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 --- - - - - - - Retired, 6 2 1897. 1889 | Boileau, Frank Ridley Farrer | 16 2 s? | 16 2 90 27 7 97 - - - -- Lushai, 1892; Chitral, 1895. 1890 Waghorn, William Danvers | 16 2 sº | 16 2 90 27 s 97 - - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1891 || Mair, Robert John Byford... 16 2 s; 16 2 90 || 1 10 97 * 1892| Watkins, Charles Mostyn Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 | 1 10 97 - - - -- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1893 || Austin, Herbert Henry... ... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 || 1 10 97 - - - - Waziristan, 1894-5. 1894 | Lathbury, Henry Oscar...... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 || 7 10 97 - - - * N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1895 Dobbs, Conway Richard 16 2.87 | 16 2.90 || 23 10 97 1896 || Watherston, Alan Edward Garrard , .................. 16 2.87 | 16 2 90 2 11 97 1897| Haig, Ernest Herman ...... 16 2 87 | 16 2 90 || 19 11 97 1898 || Home, George Joseph Lombard .................. I6 3 S7 | 16 3 90 — - -* - - - - Killed at Fort Sandeman, India, 6 6 1895. 1899| Leslie, George Arthur James ........................ 16 3 87 | 16 3 90 || 23 11 97 20 5 98 - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1900 | Harrison, William Albert... 16 3 87 | 16 8 90 19 12 97 - - - -*. Chin-Lushai, 1889-90. 1901 |Davis, Arthur Lowry Patrick | 6 787 || – - - - - * - - Superseded, 17 4 1889. 65 1887–88. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Captain. Major. . 1902 | Bond, Reginald Francis George .................. ... 23 7 87 || 23 7 90 || 1 1 98 || – -º-º-º: - - --- --> - — Chitral, 1895. 1903 Rivett-Carnac, Seymour Gordon ............. & º e s e º e e 23 7 S7 || 23 7 90 || 9 3 98 1904 || Bourne, Percy Trevor ...... 23 7 87 23 7 90 || – - * -º-º: -- - * --- - --- - Drowned off Malta, 18 6 1893. 1905 || Scholfield, George Peabody | 28 7 87 28 790 || 1 498 1906 || Kincaid, Willie Alexander Scotland ............ 23 7 87 23 7 90 || 1 4 98 || – - - - - --- - - - - - – N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1907 | Liddell, John Stewart ...... 28 7 87 28 790 | 1 4 0s 1908 || Bigge, George Orde ......... 23 7 S7 || 23 7 90 1 4 98 1909 | Hingston, George Bennett ... 23 7 87 28 790 || 1 498 || – – – ----- - — --- —- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1910| Crookshank, Chichester de Windt ... ... tº gº tº º e º $ tº * e a tº e º & 23 7 87 23 7 90 || 1 4 98 - --- - - - --- --- — | Miranzai, 1891. 1911 | Thuillier, Henry Fleetwood 28 7 87 28 790 4 498 || – º-sº - --- ** --- * — Chitral, 1895. 1912| Davy, Cecil William ......... 23 7 87 28 790 16 4 98 1913|| Des Voeux, Henry Bertram || 23 787 28 790 19 498 1914 Rushton, Henry William ... 23 787 || 23 7 90 22 5 98 1915 | Whitlock, Gordon Frederick Ashford ................. . . . . . 23 7 87 || 23 7 90 || 26 5 98 1916| Wickers, Henry Montague || 23 7 87 28 790 || – -* *-ºss * = *ºss * -- -- -- --- -** Retired, 21 11 1891. 1917 | Pike, Cecil Francis Browne | 23 787 || 23 7 90 || 1 7 98 - 1918| Palmer, William Legh ...... 23 7 87 || 23 7 90 14 7 98 1919 | Carmichael, James Forrest Halkett ... ... ... ............ 28 7 87 28 790 28 798 || – * * --- * - --- —. Burma, 1893, N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1920 Stockley, Hugh Roderick || 23 7 87 28 790 || 23 7 98 || – *-ºs- ------ -- --- --- - — Hazara, 1891 ; Isazai, 1892; Waziristan, 1894–5; N. W. Frontier, 1898. 1921 Caulfield, St. George Robert Sanderson .................. 23 7 87 || 23 7 90 || 23 7 98 1922 | Godfrey-Faussett, Edmund Godfrey ............... .... 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 || 1 998 1923 || Harvey, Edward Henry...... 17 2 88 17 2 91 || 22 10 98 Cochrane, Thomas Henry... 17 2 ss || 17 2 91 22 11 98 1925 | Winsloe, Alfred Raymond, D.S.O. ................... • | 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 22 11 9S | – - --- - -- -- - Chitral, 1895; N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1926 ag.gº. Watson, Thom a s Colclough • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 --- --- *mº -- --- --- -- - -- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1927 | Greer, Richard Edward...... 17 2 88 j7 2 91 — - - --- -- * *m. — — Zhob Valley, 1890. 1928 Smyth, William Carew...... 17 2 S8 || 17 2 91 1929| Harvey, Robert Napier...... 17 2 ss || 17 2 91 1930| Hare, Humphrey John ..... 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 --- -- --- - --- - --- --> -- Waziristan, 1895. 1931 || Brady, Daniel ............ . . . . 17 2 S8 || 17 2 91 1932 | Rees, Frederick Francis Nigel ........ tº sº e º f * * * * * * * . ... 17 288 || 17 2 91 -- - --- --- - --- --- * -m. Hazara, 1891; Chitral, 1895 ... ... ... |Died at Chakrata, India, 6 & 1898. 66 1888. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 1933| Bowen, Charles Otway Cole | 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 1934 Hume, Arthur Henry Bliss || 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 1935 | Gorringe, George Frederick, D.S.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 288 17 2 91 - - - --- Dongola, 1896; Soudan, 1898. I936 Dick, George .................. 17 2 88 17 2 91 1937 Matheson, John Colin ...... I'7 2 88 || 17 2 91 1938|| Grant, Philip Gordon ...... 17 2 SS | 17 2 91 --- --- - * Chitral, 1895. 1939| Swinton, Ernest Dunlop 17 2 ss 17 2 91 1940 | Lawrence, Gerald Cotton Raynes tº $ tº # * * * * * * * * * * * * g e º 'º 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 1941 | Fuller, Francis George ...... 17 2 SS | 17 2 91 1942| Coffin, Clifford ............ . . . 17 2 88 || 17 2 91 1943| Smith, George Edward....., | 17 2 ss || 17 2 91 1944 Shelley, Bertram Arthur Graham ..................... 17 2 S8 || 17 2 91 1945 Watling, Francis Wyatt 17 2 SS | 17 2 91 — --- *º-sº ** N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 1946 | He m m i ng, N or m an Mackenzie ............ ..... 14 3 SS 14 3 91 1947 | Riach, Arthur Hamilton Dundas e tº e s tº e g º a 4 tº 1 4 8S 1 4 91 *sºrs - º --- Isazai, 1892. 1948|Close, Lewis Henry ... ... ... 1 4 88 || 1 4 91 º * --- --> Miranzai, 1891; Waziristan, 1894-5. 1949| Galloway, John Joseph 1 4 88 || 1 4 91 1950 Nugent, Charles Hugh Hodges ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 88 || 1 4 91 1951 | Joly de Lotbinière, Henri Gustave ....., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6 88 28 6 91 -- - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1952 || C old stre a m, William Menzies ..................... 27 7 SS 27 7 91 --- - - - Miranzai, 1891; Isazai, 1892. 1953 | Fried rich s, D un can Alexander ......... ........ 27 7 SS 27 7 91 - --- --- - Soudan, 1898. 1954 Barkworth, John Raymond 27 7 ss 27 7 91 --- * &ºm - - - Died at S. Kensington, 2 1 1898. 1955 Weekes, Henry Wilson ..... 27 7 88 27 7 91 || – - *mº - Chitral, 1895. 1956 | Saunders, Frederick William | 27 7 ss 27 7 91 1957 Scott, George Theobalds 27 7 8S 27 7 91 || – - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1958. Griffith, George Herbert 27 7 88 27 7 91 1959| Wilkinson, Charles William 27 7 ss 27 7 91 - - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1960| Gubbins, Frederic William Beresford .................. 27 7 S8 27 7 91 tºmº, - - - - ----- Retired, 25 1 1896. 1961 | Babington, Walter............ 27 7 S8 27 7 91 || – *-sº *m. --- Burma, 1893 ... Died at Aden, 30 7 1898. 1962 | McCormick, Andrew Louis Charles ......... • . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7 88 || 27 7 91 - gºmº, - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. £) 1963 Walker, George ... ........... 27 7 88 27 7 91 ***** → * *- 1888–89. --- ł, Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 1964 Sanders, Gerard Arthur Fletcher ..................... 27 7 S8 27 7 91 — * --- - sms Burma, 1892-3 ; Dongola, 1896. 1965 Kelsall, Hope Waddell ... ... 27 7 S8 27 7 91 1966|| Roberts, George Bradley ... 27 788 27 7.91 1967 || Girouard, Edouard Percy Cranwill, D.S.O. ... ...... 28 7 SS 28 7 91 — - - - -- Dongola, 1896; Soudan, 1898. 1968| Adams, Alexander... . . . . . . . . 28 7 SS 28 7 91 1969| Lesslie, William Breck ... ... 28 7 88 28 7 91 1970| Farwell, Charles Bowers 28 7 88 || 28 7 91 || – -- --- --- -- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1971 | Panet, Alphonse Eugène... 28 7 88 28 791 || – - - - -- Waziristan, 1894-5. 1972 | Bremner, Arthur Grant 28 7 88 28 7 91 1973 || Rooke, Bertram Ham- mersley ... ... . . ......... ... 15 2 89 || 15 2 92 | — -- --- - --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1974. Henniker, Alan Major ... ... 15 2 S9 | 15 2 92 1975|| Pyne, William Menzies...... 15 2 89 15 2 92 1976 || Muter, Robert Stanley ... ... 15 2 89 15 2 92 — --- -- - --- Waziristan, 1895. 1977 | Falcon, Charles Gordon ... ... 15 2 S9 || 15 2 92 1978|W estropp, Fre d e rick Malcolm .................. . . 15 2 89 | 15 2 92 || – --- --- -- -- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1979| Bell, Arthur .................. 15 2 S9 15 2 92 - - - - -- --- - Accidentally drowned by boat capsizing on the River * 5 Mohunudee, September, 1892. 1980 Cameron, Hugh Alan ...... 15 2 89 15 2 92 || – -- - --- --- Dongola, 1896. 1981| Gwynn, Charles William, D.S.O.... ..... .............. 15 289 15 292 - - --- - * West Coast, Africa, 1893-4. 1982| Guggisberg, Fre derick Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2 89 | 15 2 92 - 1983 || Hibbert, William George ... 15 2.89 | 15 2 92 -- - --- - --- Chitral, 1895. 5 tº) 1984| Petavel, James William 15 2 89 15 2 92 1985| Dumaresq, Algernon Henry | 15 2 89 || 15 2 92 1986| Thompson, William Maxwell 3 & 89 || 3 3 92 1987 Macauley, George Bohun ... 8 3 89 || 8 392 || – --- - --- 4-mºmº Soudan, 1898. 1988, Rogers, Henry Schofield ... 27 6 89 27 6 92 || – --- --- •ºmº --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1989 30.00. Colvin, James Morris Colquhoun ... ... ... ......... 27 7 89 27 7 92 -- - - - - Chitral, 1895; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1990 | Dickson, William Edmund Ritchie .............. ...... 27 7 89 27 7 92 - - --- - - Waziristan, 1894-5. 1991 || Denis de Vitrè, Percy Theodosius ... ............... 27 7 so 27 7 92 1992 || Griffith, David Maitland ... 27 7 89 27 7 92 || – - * - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1993 | Cunningham, Allan Hannay | 27 7 89 27 7 92 || – - -- mºmºmº ------ N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1994| Burne, Francis Henry Caven- dish e & # 8 º ºs e º 'º e º a s e º e g º ºs e º e s tº 27 7 89 27 7 92 - -- --- - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 1995 || Watts-Jones, William Alan 27 7 89 27 7 92 1996 || Lubbock, Guy ......... . . . . . . . 27 7 89 || 27 7 92 || – * -- -- --- Burma, 1891-2; Chitral, 1895. Retired, 1889–90. T. T. . . . . . . . . . ... A * * ~ *-* → ~ * ~ *- ! . . . . . --, ..., , , , ---, -, - ... -, - - --~: - - - - - , , ... - . . . . . . . . . Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 1997 || Tod-Mercer, Bernard Mey- rick Mercer ... . . ...... ... 27 7 89 27 7 92 mº-3 * ------ * -- s- -- --- -- *- cº- Died at Chatham, 26 7 1897. 1998 || Maud, Philip .................. 27 7 89 27 7 92 1999 || Webber, Oswald Thomas O'Kelly ..................... 27 7 89 27 7 92 2000 | Wait, Hugh Godfrey Killi- grew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.89 27 7.92 2001 | Lees, William Edwin......... 27 7 89 27 7 92 2002 || Close, Francis Morton ...... 27 7 S9 27 7 92 2003 | Oldham, Leslie William Searles ..................... 27 7 S9 27 7 92 || –– --- * - - - *m-- -- — Chitral, 1895. 2004 || Crooks hank, Sydney D’Aguilar .................. 27 7 89 27 7 92 --- * - --- *m. - - - — Chitral, 1895. 2005 || Beach, William Henry...... 27 7 S9 27 7 92 2006 || Pike, Francis Joseph......... 27 7 S9 25 5 93 — ------ -- --- -- *-* - - * -- -- Re-commissioned 2nd Lieut., 14 10 1892. 10 10 1894. 2007 || Farquharson, Ernest Gordon | 27 7 89 27 792 || – --- --- ----- *m-º: --- -- - — Chitral, 1895. 2008 | Cumberlege, Archibald Far- rington ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7 S9 || 27 7 92 2009 || Meyer, James Leopold...... 23 11 89 || 23 Il 92 — - ------ --- --- *- – - — Burma, 1892-3. 2010 | Cumming, Ernest Alfred ... 23 11 89 || 23 11 92 2011 || Knox, Robert Ferguson 23 11 S9 || 23 11 92 2012 | West, Rooblie Hassan 23 11 89 || 23 11 92 2013| Outram, Francis Davidson | 23 11 89 || 23 11 92 - - --- --- - - - - - 4-. --- Resigned, 10 11 1897. 2014 | Turner, Horace Harrison ... 23 11 89 || 23 11 92 2015 Yeates, Robert Henry Michaelson ............... 28 1189 || 23 11 92 - *-* --- --- *º- --- --- *-*. -- --- -- Died, November, 1896. 2016 || Halliday, Charles Ogilvie ... 23 11 so 23 11 92 || – --- - - - * - * --- — Chitral, 1895. 2017 | Craven, Arthur Juliusº 23 11 89 || 23 11 92 2018 Macdonald, Ranald Hume | 11 12 89 || 11 1292 - - *-*. - *m's - -- - - Isazai, 1892; Chitral, 1895. 2019| Christie, Henry Robert Stark | 13 2 90 || 13 2 93 2020. Johnson, Joseph Fielding Walter ..................... 14 2 90 14 2 93 2021 || Beazeley, George Adam 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2022|Hepper, Harry Albert Law- ler ......... & © tº tº e º ºs e is tº º e g º e º 'º º 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 || – --> - *º-s amºs tº- * *=m, — Chitral, 1895. 2023| Hildebrand, Arthur Blois Ross ..................... ... 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2024|Sheppard, Seymour Hulbert | 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 - *mº --- - --- --- * *º- — Waziristan, 1894–5; N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2025|Sargeaunt, Arthur Frederick || 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2026|| Singer, Charles William ... 14 2.90 || 14 2 93 2027 | Boileau, Guy Hamilton...... 14 2 90 14 2 93 --- - --- --- 4- --- * - — Tambi, W. Africa, 1892; Gambia, 1892; tº . . . . ; & * : * e Chitral, 1895. 2028|Gordon, Henry William 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 * To take seniority next below R. F. Knox (No. 2,011)—London Gazette, 9 May, 1890. 69 1890–91. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2029| Hingston, Edward ............ 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2030| Elkington, George Edward | 14 2.90 || 14 2 93 || – - * * Dongola, 1896. 2031| Walker, Herbert John ..... . 14 2.90 14 2 93 2032| Lewis, Richard Hull ......... 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2033| Hopkins, Norman John...... 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 2034|| Rundle, Frank Peveril ...... 14 2 90 || 14 2 93 || -- -- -- *mº N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2035 | Rolland, Alexander ......... 14 2.90 || 14 2 93 2036 Traill, William Stewart . . . . . . 29 3 90 29 3 93 - - --- - Waziristan, 1894-5; N.W. Frontier, 1898 2037 || Fallon, John Christopher º a 6 °º- º * Joseph ..................... 29 3 90 29 3 93 || – || -- -- I ºmºmº - - Pºº" 2038|| Crosthwait, Herbert Leland 29 8 90 29 3 98 - 2039| Campbell, Harold Benjamin Donald ..................... 4 7 90 || 4 7 93 2040 Leggett, Edward Humphrey Manisty ... ................. 25 7 90 25 7 93 2041 || Carpenter, Charles Murray 25 7 90 || 25 7 93 2042| Elliott, Charles Allen......... 25 7 90 25 7 93 2043| Chancellor, John Robert, D.S.O. * tº e º & © a sº e º 'º e s m e º e s is sº t e º º 25 7 90 25 7 93 ** * --- - Dongola, 1896. 2044|| Green, Eric Henry Ernest || 25 7 90 25 7 98 || – * --- - N.W. Frontie 1898. 2045, Hunter, Charles George | Woodburn .................. 25 7 90 25 7 93 2046|| Brunner, Francis Wilfred... 25 7 90 25 7 93 2047|Barrington, William D'Olier 25 7 90 25 7 93 2048 MacGeorge, John Buxton 25 7 90 25 7 98 || – *º- - --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2049| Elphinstone, Douglas Bonar 25 7 90 amº - ---> - - * - Died at Bombay, 28 12 1892. 2050| Manser, William Edward ... 25 7 90 25 93 2051 | Stokes, William Allen ...... 25 7 90 || 25 7 93 — s- --- * N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2052 Jelley, Reginald Frank ..... 25 7 90 25 7 93 2053|Walker, Reginald Selby 25 7 90 25 7 93 2054|| Hawksley, Randal Plunkett Taylor ............ ... ... ... 25 700 ||25 || 98 *m. * - 4-4. N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2055 | Hearn, Gordon Risley ...... 25 7 90 || 25 7 93 || – - --> - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2056 Tyler, Alfred Herbert ...... 25 7 90 || 25 7 93 2057 | O’Donel, Manus Basil Hugh 25 7 90 ||25 | 93 2058|| Faber, Sydney George ...... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 || – * - - Ashanti, 1895-6. 2059 | Stevenson, Alexander - Gavin, D.S.O................ 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 || – * *m. - Dongola, 1893; Soudan, 1898. 2060|| Woodroffe, Arthur James | 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - 2061 | Manifold, Michael Graham Egerton .................. ... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - * - --- Dongola, 1896; Soudan, 1898. 2062| Rundall, Charles Frank ... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 1891. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2063| Greenstreet, Charles Basil - Lees ..................... ... 13 2 91 | 13 2 94 - - - - - - - - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2064 Bonham, Charles Barnard... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 2065 Tandy, Edward Aldborough 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - - - -- — - - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2066|| Hudleston, William ......... 13 2 91 || – - - - - - - - --- - - - Died at Chatham, 24 10 1892. 2067| Turner, Arthur Edward ... 13 2 91 || 13 2 91 || – - - — - - - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. \ 206.8 Vesey, Charles Edward Gore | 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - - - - - - -- — - Ashanti, 1895-6. 2069| Bunbury, William Henry ..., |13 2 91 13 2 94 2070 Gillam, Reynold Alexander | 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - - - - - --- - - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2071 Barnardiston, Ernald ...... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - - - - - - - --- — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2072| Freeland, Henry Francis Edward .................. ... 13 2 91 | 13 2 94 - — , — - - - - -- – Chitral, 1895. 2073| Owen, Sydney Lloyd ...... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 2074 Scott, Albert Charles ...... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 -- * - - - --- - - — | N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2075|Cusins, Albert George Teeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2 91 | 13 2 94 2076 | Pritchard, Harry Lionel, D.S.O......................... 13 2 91 || 13 2 94 - - - - - * - sº- — | Ashanti, 1895-6 ; Dongola, 1896; Soudan, 1898. 2077 | Sweet, John Percy Mack- murdo ............... • . . . . . . 13 2 91 - -- - - cº-º-º-º- - --- - - - - - Resigned commission, 1 7 1891. 2078. McInnes, Duncan Sayre ... 16 7 91 | 16 7 94 - - - *r- - - - - — | Ashanti, 1895-6. 2079| Mackesy, John Pierce ...... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 2080|Polwhele, Reginald ......... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 || – - - - - - - - – Do gola, 1896 ... ... ... ... ... Died at Wady Halfa, 29 7 1896. 2081| Birney, John Ramsay ...... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 2082| Gardiner, Alec. ............... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 2083| Sewell, Jonathan William Shirley ............ . ...... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 2084 Tonge, Cecil Richard ...... | 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 - - - - - - - * - N.W. Frontier, 1897 ... ... ... ... Killed at Kuramana, N.W. Frontier of India, 28 12 1897, by a premature discharge of gun cotton. 2085| Blakeney, Robert Byron Drury, D.S.O. ............ 24 7 91 24 7 94 || – - - * - - - -- — Dongola, 1896; Soudan, 1898. 2086|Cator, Edmund Humphrey Style ............... • & e º e º e s e 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 — - – - - - - - - || Dongola, 1896 ... ... ... ... ... |Died at Wady Halfa, 21 2 1897. 2087 |Close, Arthur John ......... 24 7 91 24 : 94 | – - - -*. - - - --- — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2088 King, Robert George ...... 24 7 91 || 24 7 94 2089| Chamier, Arthur Tyrrell ... 24 7 91 24 7 24 - - - - - - - - - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. - 2090 Robinson, Percy Starkey ... 24 7 91 24 7 94 || – - - --- - - - - – - - Retired, 26 12 1896. 209|| Stockley, Ernest Norman... 2, 7 91 24 7 94 || – - - - - - - - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. - - 2092. Pym, Ernest Harding ...... 24 7 91 26 10 94 | — - - *- - *-*. -- * - — . - Half-pay, 15 5 1894 to 17 8 1894. 2093|Johnston, William James... 2, 7 91 24 7 24 2094. Barstow, John Baillie . . ... 2, 7 91 24 7 24 2095| Knox, George Stuart......... 24 7 91 24 7 94 1891–92. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2096 || Carey, Arthur Basil ......... 24 7 91 24 7 94 2097 Micklem, Henry Andrew, D.S.O........................, | 1 8 91 || 1 8 94 tºmº - --- — | Soudan, 1898. 2098. Mildred, Spencer ............ 6 8 91 || 6 8 94 2099 | Bannerman, Alexander...... 13 8 91 || 13 8 94 2100 Grubb, Alexander Henry Watkins ..................... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2101| Moir, James Philip ..... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 - &m - — | Soudan, 1898. 2102|Ley, Cuthbert Hillyar ...... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2103| Howard, Frederic George... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 - - - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2104 || Hall, George Clifford Miller | 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 - sº --- - Soudan, 1898. 2105| Tylden-Pattenson, Edwin Cooke * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > * * * * * * 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 * * *-* --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2106| Sandys, Edward Seton ...... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2107 || Jones, William Henry ...... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2108 || Garwood, Frederick Scott..., | 12 2 92 || 12 2 95 2109| Wood, Henry....,............ , 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2110|Tighe, Clarence Digby Cecil | 12 2 92 || 7 8 95 *º- * *º *** * Died in London, 31 8 1898. 2111 || Osborn, Oliver Edward...... 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 * * * *º * * * -- Died at Malta, 3 11 1898. 2112 | Pridham, Geoffrey Robert | 12 2 92 | 12 2 95 2113| Gillespie, Rollo St. John 12 2 92 12 2 95 2114|Jelf, Richard John ......... 12 2 92 12 2 95 2115| Anderson, Rainy ............ 12 2 92 | 2011 95 2116| Dumble, Wilfred Chatterton | 4 7 92 || 4 ; 95 2117 | Wickers, Charles Ernest... .. 22 7 92 22 7 95 2118|Biddulph, Harry ............ 22 7 92 22 7 95 2119 || Harvey, Charles Blundell... 22 7 92 || 22 7 95 2120 | Winsloe, Herbert Edward... 22 7.92 22 95 ----- -- - — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2121 | Bowdler, Basil Wilfred Bowdler ..................... 22 7 92 22 7 95 2122| Elliott, Gilbert Charles Edward ..................... 22 7.92 22 7 95 2123| Pearson, Hugh Drummond 22 7 92 22 7 95 - --- --- — | N W. Frontier, 1898. 2124| Broughton, Theodore Delves | 22 7 92 22 7 95 2125. Midwinter, Edward Colpys, D.S.O.................. ...... 22 7 92 || 22 7 95 --- - --- - Soudan, 1898. 2126. Hopkins, Lewis Egerton 22 7 92 22 7 95 - --- --- — N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2127 | Robertson, William ......... 22 7 92 22 7 95 - - - – N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2128- Turner, Ernest Were......... 22 7 92 22 7 95 2129| Anderson, Cecil Ford ...... 22 7 92 22 7 95 - --- - — Dongola, 1896, 2130 Harward, Francis Edward |22 92 |wº of 2131 || Browne, Frederick Macdonell 22 7 92 22 7 95 7 2 1892–93. - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2132 | Brown, Claude Russel ...... 22 7 92 22 7 95 2133| Crozier, Arthur Harry ...... 22 7 92 22 7 95 2134 Sladen, Charles St. Barbe... 22 7 92 22 7 95 - -m- Mashonaland, 1896. 2135 | Hardcastle, Alexander ...... 22 7 92 22 7 95 2136|| Le Mesurier, Herbert Grenville ... . . . . . . . . . . 22 7 92 22 7.95 2137 || Meares, Aubrey............... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2138|| Wolff, Arnold Johnston 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2139|| Garwood, John Reginald ... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2140|| Loch, Stewart Gordon ...... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2141 Wilson, Samuel Herbert ... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2142 Kelsall, Thomas Edward ... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2143| Ogilvie, Duncan............... 10 2 93 || 10 2.96 2144| Henderson, Edward George | 10 2.98 || 10 2 96 2145| Cowie, Herbert McCally ... 10 2 93 || 10 2.96 2146|| Thompson, Richard Lovell Brereton ..................... 10 2 93 | 10 2.96 2147 Gervers, Francis Richard Soutter ......... w tº e º e º is e º 'º º & 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 -se * N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2148 Russell, William Kelson 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 2149 || Gunter, Clarence Preston ... 10 2 93 || 10 2 96 -* -ºr ºf N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2150 | North, Charles Napier ... 10 2 93 10 2 96 2151 | Cowie, Henry Edward Colvin ..................... 10 2 93 10 2 96 2152. Armstrong, Bertie Harold Olivier • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . 27 6 93 || 27 6 96 2153| Rich, Edmund Tillotson ... 25 7 98 || 25 7 96 21.54|| Hodgson, Philip Egerton ... 25 7 98 || 25 7 96 2155|Longfield, William Elrington 25 7 98 || 25 7 96 2156|Kennedy, Macdougall Ralston ..................... 25 7 93 25 7 96 2157 | McClintock, Robert Lyle ... 25 7 98 || 25 7 96 21.58|Crookshank, Arthur Alexander .................. 25 7 93 25 7 96 2159| Jack, Evan Maclean ......... 25 7 93 25 7 96 2160|| Craster, John Evelyn Edmund ..................... 25 7 93 25 7 96 2161 | Savage, Arthur Johnson ... 25 7 98 || 25 7 96 2162 | Bovet, William ...... ........ 25 7 93 25 7 96 2163| Newcombe, Edward Osborn Armstrong .................. 25 7 93 || 25 7 96 - - Soudan, 1898. 2164| Bell, Reginald William ...... 25 7 93 25 7 96 73 1893–94. : Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. i 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2165|White, Frank Augustin i i Kinder ............ . ... ... 25 7.98 || 25 7 96 2166 Borradaile, Basil ... ........ 25 793 25 7 96 f t 2167 McHarg, Alfred Alexis... . 25 7.98 ||25 | 96 t 2168|Fuller, Cuthbert Graham ... 25 798 ||25 7 98 - f 2169| Manley, Edgar Norman 25 798 25 7 96 || – - mº tºss --- --- * N.W. Frontier, 1897-8. 2170 Chaldecott, William Henry ||25 798 ||25 | 90 - 217 || Tandy, Maurice O'Connor 25 798 || 25 796 2172|Bagnall-Wild, Ralph Kirkby 25 7'98 ||25 | 96 ; 2173. Iles, Frederic Arthur ... ... 25 7'93 25 7 96 2174 Macfie, William Colvin...... 27 2.94 27 2 97 2175|| Corry, John Beaumont...... 27 2, 94 27 2 97 - --- --- – — --- N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2176 | Tillard, Francis Bonham 27 2 94 27 2 97 ! 2177 Mainprise, Bertie Wilmot... 27 2.94 || 2: 2 07 2178| Kensington, Guy Belfield... 27 2.94 | 27 2 97 2179 Clarke, Charles James ...... 27 2'94 27 2 97 2180 Smyth, Gerald James Watt 27 2.94 27 2 97 | 218] Meyrick, Harold Lothian. 27 2.94 27 2 97 2182 Mahon, Edward Willoughby Sandys ............... ... ... 27 2 04 || 27 2 9. 21S3| Done, Reginald John..... . . . . . 27 2, 94 27 2 97 2184 Hoysted, Desmond Murree ! FitzGerald .................. 27 2 94 27 2 97 2185 | Foulkes, Charles Howard... 27 2, 94 27 2 97 2186 || Bell, Henry Lewin Gillison 27 2 94 27 2 97 2187| Montgomerie, Duncan t Hector . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2 94 --- ---- - - --- --- - Resigned commission, 26 12 1896. 2188. Goldingham, Robert Elphin- stone Dalrymple ......... 8 3 94 || 8 3 97 2189 Meyricke, Edward Gelly ... 19 3 94 | 19 3 97 2190| Thomson, Christopher ! Birdwood .................. 28 3 94 28 3 97 || – - --- *mº - * Mashonaland, 1896. 2191 Macrory, Roland Martin 1 4 94 | 1 4 97 2192| Osborne, George Frederick ! Folger..................... ... 27 6 94 27 6 97 ** 2193 || Garrett, Arthur folliott ... 17 s 94 || 17 § 97 2194 | Monro, John Duncan ... ... 17 8 94 || 17 8 97 2195 | Elles, Malcolm Rothney 17 8 94 || 17 8 97 || – -- ** -- - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2196. Charles, James Ronald ------— —- Edmonston......... ... ... ... 17 s 91 17 s 97 2197 | Turner, Frank Gordon ...... 17 8 94 | 17 8 97 2198 || Sowerby, Maurice Eden 17 8 94 || 17 8 97 .74 1894–95. | Regimental Rank. Army Rank. ...” No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2199 || Wollen, William Hussell Grant ….................... 17 8 94 | 17 s 97 || – - * Soudsn, 1898. 2200 Danford, Bertram William Young tº s tº * * * * * * * * ºn e s e g º e º is tº º ve 17 8 94 || 17 8 97 2201 || Holme, Alfred Siegfried 17 8 94 17 8 97 2202 || Hogg, Conrad Charles Henry........................ 17 8 94 || 17 8 97 2203| Moore, Herbert Tregosse Gwennap .................. 17 8 94 | 17 s 97 2204 || Mozley, Edward Newman... 20 9 94 | 20 9 97 2205 || King, William Albert de Courcy ..................... 1 10 94 1 10 97 2206 || Connor, Isaac Joscelyn...... 10 10 94 || 10 10 97 2207 | Symons, Charles Bertie Owen .......... --............ 16 to 94 | 16 10 97 2208|Earle, Robert Gilmour ...... 24 10 94 24 10 97 2209| Rooke, Everard Home ... ... 3 11 94 || 3 11 97 2210| Waller, Richard Lancelot... 4 11 94 | a 11 or 2211 || Magniac, Charles Lane ...... 17 1194 || 17 11 97 2212| Meyricke, Robert Evelyn... 11 11 94 || 17 11 97 2213| Heath, Charles Joseph ....., 1 12 94 || 1 12 97 2214 | Carden, Alan Douglas ...... 12 12 94 | 12 12 97 2215 Stevens, Arthur Cornish Jeremie ..................... 17 12 94 | 17 12 97 2216 || Mance, Harry Osborne...... 15 3 95 | 15 3 98 2217 | Fraser, Robert John Graham | 15 8 95 || 15 3 98 || – - - - Died at Jubbulpore, India, 69 isos. 2218 Irvine, Francis Duncan...... 15 3 95 15 3 98 2219 Brough, Alan... ... ......... 15 3 95 | 15 3 98 2220 | Rose, Launcelot St. Vincent | 15 395 | 15 3 98 2221 | White, James Ross............ 15 3 95 15 3 98 2222 || Moore, Henry O’Hara ... ... 15 3 95 | 15 3 98 2223 Robinson, Alick Christopher | 15 8 95 | 15 3 98 2224| Blandy, Lyster Fettiplace... 26 8 95 || 26 8 9s 2225 | Haslam, Bernard John ...... 1 4 95 || 1 4 98 -- - - N.W. Frontier, 1898. 2226| Phillpotts, Brian Surtees ... 1 4 95 || 1 4 9s 2227 | Painter, George Evelyn...... 1 4 95 || 1 4 98 2228 Nation, John James Henry | 1 4 95 || 1 4 9s 2229| Buckle, Henry William...... 1 4 95 || 1 4 98 2230|| Frith, Gilbert Robertson... 26 6 95 || 26 6 9s 2231 Millington, Lionel Bertie ... 3 8 95 || 3 s 9s 2232| Willis, George Henry ... . 3 s 95 || 3 s as 2233 Jackson, Lambert Cameron | 3 s 95 || 3 s 98 1895–96. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2235 | Barron, William Ernest...... 3 8 95 || 3 S 98 2236| Wilkinson, Geoffrey . ...... 3 8 95 || 3 898 2256. Greig, Ronald Henry......... 14 3 96 2257| Charteris, John ............... 21 396 2260. Taylor, Lyttelton Richard 2266 Johnson, Charles Reginald 29 7 96 2267| Greig, Philip Sellon ......... 4 8 96 34| McClintock, Robert Single- ton ...... ... .. 3 8 95 || 3 S 98 2237 || Wilson, Eric Edward Boke- 238| Durnford, Guy Edward Jer- voise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 3 8 95 || 3 898 39| Robertson, Frederick William | 3 8 95 || 3 898 240| Simon, Maximilian St. Leger | 3 8 95 || 3 898 241 | Butterworth, Reginald Fran- cis Amhurst ............... 6 8 95 6 8 98 242|Place, Charles Otley ......... 7 8 95 || 7 S 98 243 Eustace, Frederick Robert Harrington........... ...... 8 8 95 || 8 898 2244|Skipwith, James Wemyss... 24 9 95 24 9 98 2246 Betty, Paget Kemmis ...... 24 9 95 || 24 9 98 2246|| Addison, George Henry ... 110 95 || 1 10 98 2247| Douglas, William Sholto ... 22 10 95 22 10 98 2248| Pollard-Lowsley, Herbert de Lisle ........................ 21 12 95 2249| Neill, Colin Eric Smith ... 21 12 95 2250 Wace, Edward Gurth ...... 11 1 96 251 |Ommanney, Rupert ......... 14 1 96 2252| Walker, Reginald ............ 25 196 2253| McKechnie, Dugald ......... 7 2 96 2254|| Musgrave, Herbert ......... I 3 96 255| Mathews, Walter Follett ... 11 396 258|Barrow, Stephen Douglas... 21 396 259| Mellor, Clive .................. 21, 3 96 John Waters ............... 21 3 96 2261 | Oakes, Richard ............... 21 396 2262| Brandon, Oscar Gilbert ... 21 396 2263| Thomas, Robert IIenry...... 21 6 96 264 Gracey, Thomas............... 22 7 96 265 Cunnington, Robert Henry | 25 7 96 né 1896–97. i - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. NO. Nalue. | - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. 2268 || Jones, Robert James Thomas Digby............ 5 8 96 2269| Home, Richard Duncan Elton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- 8 96 2270| Walker, Alexander Ramsay | 13 s 96 2271 || Jones, Douglas Champion 21 9 96 2272|Akerman, Charles Savidge Annand ..................... 21 9 96 2273| Goodwin, George Joseph Power......... ............ a one 2274 Puller, Francis Charles ..... 21 9 96 2275|| Langman, John Andrew 21 9 96 2276| Evans, William Harry ...... 21 9 96 2277 Moore, John O’Hara ......... 21 9 96 2278| Evans, Arthur Stuart ...... 25 9 96 2279| Henrici, Ernest Olaf ......... 23 12 96 2280|| Forster, David ... ............ 23 12 96 2281| Sankey, Crofton Edward Pym 26 12 c6 2282 Izat, William Rennie........ . 31 12 96 2283| Malan, Leslie Noel............ 31 12 96 2284| Hamm on d, Reginal d Chalmers .................. 31 12 96 2285| Evans, George Farrington | 81 12 90 2286, McEnery, John Aloysius ... 81 12 96 2287| Campbell, Percy Henry...... 1 1 97 22.SS| Sanders, Arthur Richard Careless ..................... 18 1 97 2289| Oldham, George Muir ... .. 3 2 97 2290 Giles, Valentine ........ ...... 22 2 97 2291 Skinner, Robert Bruce ...... 8 3 97 2292 Hill, Arthur Fitzgerald Sandys ... .................. 28 3 97 2.293 Bocquet, Hugh Roland...... 23 3 97 - -* -- - Resigned commission, 15 3 1898. 2294 Biggs, Charles William ... . . 28 6 97 2295|Wagstaff, Cyril Mosley...... 23 6 97 2296 || Behrens, Tankred Tunstall 23 6 97 º 2297 Cowan, Samuel Hunter...... 21 7 97 2298 || Walton, Cusack ............... 25 7 97 2299|| Kealy, Percival Hope ...... 27 7 97 2300 | Sherrard, Laurence Arthur 27 7 97 2301 || Watkins, Philip Seymour... 29 7 97 3302| Hogg, Philip Granville Hardinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 8 97 1897–98. x- - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. * *. No. Name. __------------- - - -—--— - --—----------—-- -------- - - - -- - - - -- -- - War Services. Re:marks. 2nd Lieut. 2303| Hepper, Alaric William ... 31 897 2304 || Garstin, John Aylmer ...... 23 9 97 2305 || Cotton, Francis Gerald Stapleton ...... ..... 23 9 97 2306 || Neville, Lionel John Neville | 23 9 97 2307| Dawes, Nicholas Bernard Edwin ..................... 23 9 97 2308|| Maxwell, William Frederick || 23 9 97 2309| Doucet, Louis Claude Alex- ander de Brigny............ 24 9 97 2310|| Browne, Charles Michael ... 23 12 97 2311| Lewis, Henry Lester ...... 23 12 97 2312| Bushell, Frederick Harley | 28 12 97 2313| Winterbotham, Harold St. John Lloyd ............ .. 23 12 97 2314|| O'Connor, Percy Bernard... 29 12 97 2315| Charles, Eric Montague Seton ......... .............. 1 1 98 23.16|| Hobbs, Reginald Francis Arthur ......... . ......... 3 1 9S 2317 | Ponsonby, Reginald Gordon | 9 898 2316 | Cunningham, Aylmer Basil | 16 398 2319|| Denniss, George Barlow Bartley ..................... 23 3 98 2320|| Jackson, Louis Macdonald || 23 3 98 2321 Molesworth, Ernest Kerr ... 23 3 98 2322 Mackworth, Harry Llewellyn 28 & 98 2323| Cooke, George Stanley Cooke......... ... ......... 23 3 93 / 2324 Bell, Arthur Hugh ......... 23 3 98 2325|Usborne, Philip Osbert Gordon ..................... 28 6 9s 2326|| Evans, Llewelyn ............ 23 6 98 2327 Smith, Hubert Clementi 28 6 98 2328||Newcombe, Stewart Francis 23 6 9s 2329| Goldney, George Francis Bennett ... ................. 23 6 98 2330|Birney, Charles Folliott ... 23 6 9s 2331 | Noble, Walter Jeffrey Wheelock ... ........., , , 2332| Russell, Reginald Edmund Maghlin ..................... 23 6 98 23 6 98 78 1898. No. * Name. Fegimental Rank. Army Rank. 2nd Lieut. 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340ſ Rathbone, Harold Eugene Ford ........................ Stack, George Hall ......... Grove, Thomas Thackeray Brown, Geoffrey Ambrose Phillipps.................. Phillimore, Reginald Henry Barker, John Stafford ...... Loch, Geoffrey Charles Bell Denison, Garnet Wolseley 23 6 98 23 6 98 23 6 98 23 6 98 23 6 98 23 6 98 23 6 98 1 998 War Services. Remarks. : Name. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. : 8() War Services. tå ·ſ4 !, $} ș, ©s ſr$ ** - - ~- -** • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Army Rank. Regimental Rank. Name. * 8] Name. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. War Services: Remarks. 82 Name. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. LIST NO. 4. Officers of Bengal Engineers. 1756–75. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. tº Captain. 1 Brohier, John ........... ſº s-ºr- --- -- --- -- --- --- 7 56 ----- - --- ** - — --- From Madras as Chief Engineer, June, 1757. 2 | Polier, Anthony............... 1 5 59 18 9 61 | 16 10 63 * * --- -- *-ºs- — 4 66 | 12 4 82 --- - --- — Chunar, 1764 Killed, 1794. 3 || Adams, John .................. 6 10 61 || – 30 12 65 — * -º-º-º- *-sº - * --~~~~ *-ºs- ------- --- - - * Died before 1770. 4 | Dugloss, Lewis Felix......... -** --- - 13 2 64 *-ºse *-* --- 27 1 73 •-ºr- * * --- --- Buxar, 1764 ; Chunar, 1765 ... Resigned, 4 2 1773. 5 Martin, Flemming............ - - – 26 7 64 || – * — 13 3 67 || – - --- * -º-º- --- --- To Bengal Artillery, 13 3 1767. 6 || Fortman, John ....... .... ... 6 9 63 || 14 4 G4 || – — 26 12 72 | 20 1 75 | — * *m; *** *- * -º- ** * - Died, 25 1 1779. 7 | Rennell, James ... ... tº tº 9 4 64 || 14 1 65 * 1 1 67 || 20 1 75 * *-*. *ress *-ºs- * —— * * St. Malo, 1758 (as midshipman); Resigned, 9 4 1777. Died in London, Cooch Behar, 1766. 29 3 1830. 8 Cameron, John ........... 10 4 64 25 365 * * **** *s - ** * *-ºs- *** * *mºs * *-** Died at Calcutta, 10 6 1766. 9 | Butler, James......... * * * * * * 19 9 64 || – * --- * * * * * *-mºrºss - **** * - --- Dismissed, 8 2 1767. 10 || Mostayer, Lewis........... 23 11 64 || 25 10 65 — — 25 1 79 — — 85 — **** --- --- * * * * ----- Resigned, 15 2 1785. Died, 29 10 1791. 11 | Richards, William ... ... . . . . . . 27 12 64 || 6 8 68 — 1 4 69 — * * * - *m. - * — Cooch Behar, 1766 Resigned, 2 12 1776. 12 | Collins, Charles ... ...... ... ... 12 11 65 || 23 1 69 || – - --- - --- * - --- * * ººm- --- --- Died, -— 11 1769. 13 | Credland, James ............ 15 9 67 || 1 4 69 — * * --- --- --- -- --- - * amº- *s ** Died, - 12 1769. 14 | Penman, David ............ .. 15 9 67 || 2 4 69 || – || 26 12 72 — ------ - -- --- - - --- --- - *-sº- Died at Luckapur, 17 10 1777. 15 Gardner, Thomas .......... • | 16 9 67 || 3 4 69 --- 6 (; 74 || 25 7 81 - - - - -- - --- - --- - Resigned, 22 1 1784. 16 Campbell, Archibald, K.B. --- - - * - - 1 9 6S --- - --- - 20 11 S2 - --- Guadeloupe, 1759 ; Martinique, 1759; From British Engine ers (No. 132). Resigned Dominica, 1760 ; America, 1776 I9 9 1772. Appointed Lt.-Col. 2nd Bn. and 1778-9. 71st Foot, afterwards Commander-in- Chief in India. Died in London, 31 31791. 17 | Lillyman, James............... - - --- -- 2 9 68 19 12 72 — - --- --- - - - - - Died at Calcutta, 28 12 1774. 18 Parrott, Richard ....... .... 5 1 63 | S 11 69 -- - - - - --- - --- m- - --- -- - Died at Monghyr, 4 9 1772. *k, ov, }** 19 | Pemble, Charles............... — — 70 29 3 71 || – - &ºmº - --- --- --- - --> - - --- --- Resigned, 23 11 1774. 20 || Kingly, Charles 2 7 70 || 13 9 73 || – -- --- - - - - - - --- - -- - Resigned, 19 9, 1775. 2I Douglas, Patrick ........... 9 12 70 || 17 11 73 * --- * - -- 1 3 94 || 6 12 97 - - - -- - --- Removed to Bengal Infantry, 4 6 1776. (Bengal | Infantry). Retired from Bengal Infantry, 30 7 1800. Died in London, 16 3 1821. 22 | Call, Thomas ................ 15 9 71 | 16 11 73 || – || 22 10 77 | – || 13 2 S6 || -- - - - - - - - - Resigned, 15 11 1788. 23 || Wood, Mark, Bart........... . . 7 7 72 | 20 12 74 — 24 L 79 || 13 2 86 || 15 II SS — -- — 26 2 95 — mº- &- -- - Resigned, 14 2 1798. 24 Edmonston, Archibald . . . . . . 17 1 73 -- - -- - --- --- - --- -- - - *mº sº- - Joined the Corps from Bengal Infantry. 25 Robinson, Edward e e º e s is s º ºs 23 10 73 || 14 12 75 --- 29 1 81 *mº - - - *-*. --- -- - - -- -- Died, - 12 1781. 26 Johnstone, Richard William | 23 2.74 || 13 6 76 | – || 11 2 S1 || – --- -- - -- --- -- --- --- *-*. - Died at Calcutta, 2. 3 1781. 27 Ellis, William & Q tº £ tº ſº º ſº tº e e g ſº tº $ tº $ & 24 2 74 --- - -- --- - --- --- - --- --- - - --- --- Died at Chittagong, 18 8 1788. 2S Watson, Henry & ſº º e tº tº e º & © tº º is ſº *-*. * - - - 19 1 75 - - -- * - --- --- Belleisle, 1761; Havanna, 1762 From British Engineers (No. 138). Resigned, t S 1 1786. Died at Dover, 17 9 1786. 1775–85. Regimental Rank, Army Rank. - No. Name. - - - ----- - - • - - War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. L.C.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gén. 29 | Cameron, William Nevil ... [ s 575 21 g is | – | 12 a si is u ss as a 9s 25 of - --- 3 5 96 || 1 1 01 || 25 4 08 || Rohilla War, 1774; Mahratta, 1776-7 | Retired, 4 4 1808. Died at Bath, 13 5 1837. t r and 1779-80 ; Malwa, 1780-1”; - - Mahratta War, 1784. 30 Henderson, William & e o 'º e e º e a 15 S 75 — — 78 - § 4 81 - - - -*. - •– - - - - * Died at Cawnpore, 7 6 1782. 31 || Kyd, Alexander............... 11 12 75 9 10 78 *- 13 2 81 || 23 2 93 || 25 4 97 || 4 10 08 -> - 3 5 96 1 1 05 25 7 10 | 12 8 19 Mysore, 1791 2 ... Died in London, 25 11 1s26. 32 Henry, J ames Thomas ...... — — 76 **** - -- - - - *- - sº-º-º: - --- - - - Died at Calcutta, August, 1776. 33 Browne, Thomas Crockat... 8 4 77 || – - 3 8 82 — - - --e. - - - - - - -- Died at sea, 18 10 1793. 34 Baillie, William ... ... ........ 9 8 78 || 7 5 81 - - - - - -: - - - - - - - Joined the Corps from Bengal Infantry, - 9 3 1778. Retired for 3 years without - pay, 25 4 1785. Resigned, 8 4 1788. 35 | Garstin, John.............. . . . . . 12 4 78 || 5 5 81 - 20 12 81 25 4 97 || 1 1 06 **** --> 1. 3 94 | 1 || 98. 25 4 08 || 4 6 11 - - - Died at Calcutta, 16 2 1820. 36 Pearson, Francis Hamilton - - - 16 6 84 - ºt- ~. -: -- --- •º-º -º-º: -- •- - Brought into the Corps from Bencoolen Establishment. Died at Bencoolen, - 9 12 1800. . 37 | Baugh, Thomas ............... 5 8 78 || 9 5 81 || – 1 6 S3 ~- - —- - - - -- --> - - * Died at Calcutta, 18 8 1789. 38 || Humphries, Richard ......... 2 10 78 || 8 5 S1 - 30 586 || – ---. --- ---. 6 5 95 || 1 i 00 -- ~ - - Died at Allahabad, 14 4 1806. 39 Fleming, George ........ 25 12 78 || 10 5 S1 *- 19 8 93 - 4 10 08 -- - 29 4 02 - 4 6 14 —- --> - - Died at Calcutta, 3 7 1818. 40 | Caldwell, Arthur ..... ... ... - - - 25 1 79 || – --- - -* - - - - ' -- *- --- Died at Benares, 26 1 1786. 41 | Golding, William ............ 6 10 80 27 5 81 - -aºs —- - - --> - - - - - --> - Died at Calcutta, 13 12 1796. 42 | Mouat, Charles ............... – – so | 8 9 s s 106 || 25 4 37 15 a 06 a 7 is 5 & 29 || 1 s 24 25 os 4 & 18 || – - - - - Died at Calcutta, 25 6 1830. sº St - 43 Wy att, Charles ........... ... - 3 9 81 || 8 1 96 10 12 00 - —. - *- - *- - - - - - Retired, 8 10 1806. Died, 13 3 1819. 44 Parlby, James - | – - 81 || 3 981 | 8 196 || 15 4 06 || 4 10 08 | 1.10 19 || – || 30 5 24 25 4 08 || 4 6 14 || – *-re - - --- Died at Berhampur, 1 12 1826. º g" * 45 | Duncan, Alexander ......... - 3 9 81 - * - - - - w * - - - - --- Died at Calcutta, 8 7 1789. 46 Dandridge, Edward • * * * * * * * * wº- 3 9 81 - - - - - - - --- - -- -- - --- No further trace. * - - 47 Caldwell, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 281 || 4 9 81 - - - * - -e - * - - - - *s Resigned, 27 3 1793 (sent home insane). 48 Stew art, Patrick * * * 30 9 81 || 1 11 82 - -- - - - -e - - - — ” - Mysore, 1791-2; Seringapatam, Joined the Corps from the Bengal Infantry. - 1792. Killed at the Siege of Seringapatam, º - - 6 2 1792. 7, - 49 W agstaff, Thomas... • * * * * * * * - 2 11 82 - - - * - * - - - -- - - - Resigned, 12 10 1784. Died at Barrackpur, 14 12 1798. - 50 | Wilford, Francis ......... ... 5 10 81 || 4 11 82 | 15 12 98 || 1 1 06%| - - --- || 25 4 08 || 4 6 14 || – -- - - -- Transferred to the Invalid Establishment, 30 6 1812. Died at Benares, 4 9 1822. 51 | Agg, James - 20 12 81 || 3 11 82 25 4 97 || – - * - * - * - - - - - Retired, 11 12 1799. Died 1829. : º º * †- Lt & • 52 fRobertson, Thomas ......... 17 7 82 | 1 393 || 31 700 || 1 1 06 || 4 7 18 || 1 5 24 || 5 6 29 || 1 12 26 || 25 4 08 || 4 6 14 -- - — Mahratta, War, 1804-6... Died at Calcutta, 18.6 1831. * | *, *mes, Bart. …, |19 sº | 19 s 98 || 10 12 00 || 1 || 0 || 1 , is so so, – |ss og |ss to is slo – - - - - Died on board the Prince I'egent on passage - - t to England, 9 5 1829. 54 Williams, William............ 21 7 82 - - - - -º-º-º: - *-*. - - - - - - --- Resigned, 22 1 1784. 55 Darley, Hugh * * * * * * • 22 7 82 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - To Bengal Infantry, 25 4 1783. Resigned, - 26 1 1784. - 56 Stokoe, Joseph H. ... * * * * * e º e 24 4 83 | 12 10 94 - *- - - - - - - - - - Mysore, 1791-2 ... Joined the Corps from Bengal Infantry. - Died at Prince of Wales Island, Straits of Malacca, 12 1 1801. 57 - Macdonald, John ............ 25 4 83 | 16 12 94 - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- From Bombay Engineers, see No. 17. Re- - - tired, half-pay, 30 7 1800. Died at - - Exeter, 16 8 1831. 58 Broughton, Thomas ......... 13 5 83 - - - - - - - - * - *m. - - - Died at Berhampur, 26 7 1792. 59 Anbury, Thomas, K.C.B. ... 14 5 83 || 8 1 96 - 1 1 06 || 1 9 18 || - 1 12 26 || 5 6 29 || 9 5 29 25 7 10 | 12 S 19 - 10 1 37 - Bhurtpore, 1825-6 Died at Sangor, 31 3 1840. 60 | Preston, Thomas... 3 2 85 || 14 12 96 - 1 1 06 - - * - wº- - -- - - - - - Died on board the Lady Jane Dundas, on - - * - passage home, 9 5 1807. - 61 | Blunt, James Tillyer......... 15 2 85 25 4 97 - 1 1 06 - - - * - --- - --- — Mysore, 1791-2; Seringapatam, 1792; Retired, 9 2 1810. Died, 2010 1834. - Cuttack, 1803-5. - 62 Boydell, Thomas ... ......... 22 2 S5 -- - - - m-- - - - - - - - - - Retired, 17 2 1792. + By order of 1809 the Captain-Lieutenants were made Captains from 1st January, 1806. f Originally recorded as “Robinson,” altered to “Robertson" in MS. list of 15 12 1788, again to “Robinson” in 1797, and finally, later, to “Robertson” till his death. 8 5 1785–18O3. Regimental Rank. - Army Rank. No. Name. . - =-sº War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. L.C.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 63 Ricketts, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 85 --- - - - --- - -- --- -*. -- - * * * - - IDied in the Carnatic, 11 4 1792. 64 | Shee, John..................... 1 4 85 --> - --- - - •- 1 12 94 || 1 1 00 *-*. — - --- --- - Joined the Corps from Bengal Infantry. (33rd Foot) H.M. Army. - Commissioned in 13th Light Dragoons, - 31 5 1789. 33rd Foot, 1791. Struck out of Bengal Engineers, 1792. Sold commission - - - in H.M. 33rd Foot, 20 3 1802. ſº r 65 W Ood, Thomas • * * * * * * * * * * * ... 18 585 | 15 1298 || 15 4 06 || 1 10 19 28 9 27 25 6 30 - 25 7 10 | 12 8 T9 -- - * - Mahratta War, 1803-5 tº sº º ... Died at Calcutta, 22 1 1834. 66 | Perry, George ............... 30 5 85 --> * * -- – --- *-ºs --- a- -- - ** * --- Died at Hooghly, 12 3 1786. 67 | Bellassis, Joseph Harney ... 1 6 85 || – - - --- - -- --- *s --- - — — --- - Resigned, 10 3 1794. 68 || Robertson, James ......... ... 19 8 93 || 31 7 00 || 9 10 06 -º-º: --- - – | – --- * ------ -º-º-º: * -- - Died on board his budgerow, at Ghazipur, - 4 11 1810. - 69 | Gordon, John, Bart. ......... [ s 11 93 10 12 ſo | – --- --- .*-* --- *- --- --- - - -- I ** - Died at Prince of Wales Island, Straits of Malacca, 12 11 1804. 70 Macgowan, Suetonius ...... 1.1 2 94 || – --- --- - | * – --- - - * --- -- – --- - Tied at Chunar, 27 5 1798. 71 Carmichael-Smyth, Henry - William.............. & º e º e º ºs 15 9 94 | 13 1 01 || 10 5 07 || 3– --- - — | 19 7 21 || – * - --- — Mahratta War, 1803-5; Gohud, 1806; Retired, 5 7 1822. Java, 1810-11 ; Callinger, 1812; Nepaul, 1814-15 ; , Hattrass, 1817 ; Pindaree War, 1817-18 72 | Clephane, George ... ......., | 17 10 94 – - - *º-ºº: -** — — * * * --- --- ----- sº-sº -- Died at Burragong, 141 1799. 73 || Wilson, Hill ..... ............ 18 10 94 | 21 201 * ------ * - --- =r-ºre , -ºs- *-*. --- --- * - --- *-* | | Retired, 5 10 1803. Died, 29 10 1846. 74 || Courteney, John Lees ...... 1910 94 || – * * * * – * *-* ** -- --- --- * --- --- Died at Dum Dum, 13 12 1794. 75 | Byres, Patrick ............ ... 9 12 95 || – — —- * - --- •ºrº- ----- * | -- * º -- ** --- Transferred to Bengal Infantry, 14 12 1796. 76 |Steele, George ............... 25 4 37 || 6 10 08 || 4 100s — * * == . I - * — - * * --- --- Iłesigned, 6 5 1817. 77 | Macleod, Duncan ...... tº e º ºs s a 25 4 97 || 13 11 03 || 9 2 10 || 1 12 26 2S 9 27 | 18 6 31 - * — 23 11 41 || 11 11 51 - - -- - Died in London, 8 6 1856. 78 || Douglas, David ............... 15 12 os | – -- -— - * * * * * --- *-ºs- — | – - — DiCd at Chunar, 5 7 1802. 79 Macdougal, William ... ... ... 15 1 99 || 15 4 06 * ** --- --- --- - *º-sº *-ºs 4-mº --> - – - Died at Calcutta, 16 9. 1807. 80 || Wood, Henry ............... 31 7 00 || – --- * - --- — --- --- * * -- - sº-º-º-º- - Transferred to Indian Civil Service, 1581804. - - Retired from it on the Annuity Fund, - - 1 5 1832. 81 || J Ones, John Hemming . . . . . . . 10 12 00 || 4 4 07 --- - --- --- -- - - -- - --- *== --- * . Killed in the Assault of Fort Komona, in * - * & - - the Doab, 18 11 1807. 82 Wilson, Thomas ... e e º e º e º e g º º 13 1 01 || 10 5 07 --- — - -- — - . - - -- - - - •+— --- - º *...sºs. Died at St. Petersburg, 83 F Ordyce, Arthur Dingwall . . . . 24 3 01 || 15 4 06 || 5 11 10 - - - — •mº, Died on board the Fort William, on passage home, 22 12 1812. 84 | Hyde, James ... ............... 1 9 03 | S 10 06 || 1 7 12 || – - - - --- - - - -- --- – , * Died at Allyghur, 29 7 1821. : ) ; r. e * 85 Tickell, Richar d, C.B. ...... 21 9 04 || 10 5 07 || 23 12 12 20 9 27 || 9 5 29 || 22 1 34 --- - - * 13 3 44 || 11 11 51 -- - Mahratta War, 1804-6 ; Pindaree Died at Cheltenham, 3 8 1855. - War, 1818. 86 Smith, Robert, C.B. ......... 29 4 05 || 17 9 07 || 6 5 17 | 20 9 27 || 25 6 30 - --- - - 28 11 54 - --- --- Mahratta, War, 1804 ... ... ... Rºsº 7 1832. Died at Torquay, - ſ: tº - 87 Mackenzie, Kenneth ......... 10 9 05 || 15 11 07 - --- -- :— -- — --- •- -- -- – - --- Died at the Isle of Wight, 28 9 1816. 88 Saverland, Christopher £ º 'º & e & º-res, --- - - - - *-*-*. - — * --- - --- -- - Cadet Candidate for the Corps, on the way . . to India, 1805. Killed in an affray with natives, at San Salvador, 24 11 1805. 89 || Morton, William . . . . . 15 4 06 || 22 1 08 || 4 7 18 || – | – - – - - - - --- --- - - Resigned, 1.3 1821. Y * 90 | Taylor, Joseph .............. 6 10 07 || 4 10 08 || 1 9 18 20 9 27 | 18 6 31 - -- 19 1 26 || – -- - - --- --- — Died at Agra, 20 4 1835. 9 | Morrieson, William Elliot 17 3 08 || 9 2 10 - -- --- - --- -- - — - -- - Nepaul, 1814 ... tº * * e & 3 ... |Died of wounds received in action in Nepaul, 9 12 1814. 92 Blane, George Rodney * † tº a e. 1S 3 08 || 5 11 10 || 1 9 18 --- - - --- --- --- --- * -- - --- *mºn * Died at Loodia, a, 18 5 1821. - 86 Regimental Rank. Army Rank. - No. Name. War Services. Renmarks. . . Ensign. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. L.C.-Com. Major. lit.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 93 | Peckett, James ............... 18 11 08 || 1 7 12 || 1 9 18 9 5 29 | 10 7 32 31 340 31 340°l – - --- - --- - --- - Died at Calcutta, 5 12 1848. 94. Lawtie, Peter......... ..... . , , | 15 12 08 || 23 12 12 — - --- - - * --- --- «mºme - --- Nepaul, 1814-15. Died at Buttoh, in camp at Ruthnagarh, 4 5 1815. 95 || Stephen, William George ... 25 3 09 || 10 12 14 || 1 9 18 || – - - - * emº --- --- --- --- - - Died at Puri, 10 5 1823. 96 Lindesay, George e 2S 10 09 || 6 5 15 || 1 10 19 - - -- * - *m. --- — * - sºme * Drowned near Kedgeree, 10 10 1821. 97 || Lockwood, Joseph ... ... ... ... 30 10 09 || – * - - --- --- * --- -- ºmº --- *-* — * Died at Minto, near Java, 14 5 1813. 98 || Hall, William Joseph - Osborne ..................... 4 11 09 - --- - - - sºme ** -- - - mºr - Pindaree War, 1817 Died at Hussingabad, Nagpur, - 14 12 1817. 99 || Cheape, John, G.C.B. ... ... 8 11 09 2s 9 16 || 1 & 21 25 6 80 22 1 34 19 2 44 19 2 44°l – --- --- 20 6 54 24 5 59 || 6 12 66 || Pindaree War, 1817-19; Burma, Died at Ventnor, 30 3 1875. 1824-6 ; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Burma, 1852–3. 100 | Colvin, John, C.B. ... .. 15 9 10 || 15 12 17 | 18 5 21 | 18 6 31 || 20 4 35 - - -* *m; 28 11 54 - --- --- Piº War, 1818; Bhurtpore, Retired, 49 1839. 825-6. 101 || Bellew, Patrick Edward...... 15 11 10 | — ---> *mº — - - * *mº - --- --- --- --- - Died near Nugifghur, 7 12 1812. * (supy.) º 102 || Wilton, George .............. º;', * * -- *mºs - - * * --- * * --- ºs-tº- --- Died at Rungpur, 24 4 1817. 103 || Hutchinson, George ......... 23 12 12 || 4 7 18 29 7 21 || 10 7 32 || 4 9 39 * *s * * *-*. *mºv- * - * -- Retired, 28 8 1841, Died, 28 8 1852. * **** º - *-mºs, * * * *-ºººº- * * * * * •= *º-sº * Transferred to Bengal Civil Establishment, 104 || Nisbett, Harry .............., i isiſ. Resigned in India. Íñigº. 105 | Davidson, Charles James . Cottie . . . . . ... ......... ... ... 6 8 14 || 1 , 9 18 10 10 21 22 1 34 || 31 3 40 ** * mºsº *sº * * **=s* * **** * Retired, 22 10 1841. Died, 31 3 1852. g T - Col.-Com. - e - 106 || Garstin, Edward ............... 7 1 15 1 9 18 5 7 22 20 4 35 | 28 8 41 || 5 12 48 || 5 12 48} * * 17 3 51 28 11 54 21 12 65 1 3 67 || Nepaul. 1815-16; Pindaree War, Died at Bangalore, 13 7 1871. 1817-18; Madarajpore, 1822. 107 Paton, John Forbes . . . . . . . . . 6 5 15 || 1 9 18 10 5 23 º * ** - * *º-s *º- º *mº. * *- * Died at sea in the Palmyra, 7 2 1827. 108 || Forbes, William Nairne 29 9 16 || 1 9 18 || 7 2 27 | 20 5 39 22 10 41 || 1 8 54 *mº - — | 15 9 51 | 28 11 54 || – -- -º * Died on board the Oriental, 1 5 1855. 109 Buxton, Bentley 25 4 17 | 1 9 18 *-*. - --- - -- - - -- * --- - * - --- Died at Singapore, 28 2 1S25. 110 | Irvine, Archibald, C.B. ... ... 6 5 17 | 1 9 13 || 23 9 27 | 20 5 39 19 244 || – — | 28 6 31 tº-mºm. --- --- - ** Hatrass, 1817-18; Pindaree War, Retired, 5 5 1846. 1819 ; Bhurtpore, 1825-6; Raj- - putana, 1834; Sutlej, 1845-6. 111 || Warlow, Thomas ... . . ...... 4 7 18 || 1 10 19 28 927 mº *ms --- - - --- --- --- -- * Pindaree War, 1819 Died at Delhi, 3 2 1839. 112 || Jones, William Cabell ... ... 4 7 18 -- - sºme - --- - --- - - — - T- - -º-º: Died at Calcutta, 18 12 1818 11 * . L.A.! It.... . . . . .4%-AA. ...l...!, W.A. i., . " A. & e º e s s a 1 9 18 || 1 3 21 || 28 9 27 | 20 5 39 &-ms - -- --- --- - --- * --- - *-*. Removed to Invalid Establishment in India, 3 | Swetenham, Edmund ... ... . . . 30 9 1840. Died at Dehra, 6 3 1863. 114 | Smith, Edward James, C.B. 1 9 18 || 1s 5 21 28 9, 27 || 4 9 89 | 19 244 *mº - -- - - --- - - Bhurtpore, 1825-6; Sumpter, 1828; Died at Sabàtu, 11 11 1846. Rajputana, 1834; Scinde, 1843-4; * Sutlej, 1845-6. 115 De Budé, Henry ............ 1 9 18 29 7 21 || 23 9 27 31 3 40 cº-e - - - - - --- --- - * - Died at Calcutta, 8.11 1848. 116 || Walter, George ............... 1 9 18 10 10 21 | — - --> - - *—- ** - — *m. --- --- -- Died at Calcutta, 5 9 1823. 117 | Fitzgerald, William Robert | 1 0 1s 5 7 22 28 927 | 80 940 --- --- - ---> --- *m. - - -- - - -- Died at Calcutta, 30 11 1844. 118 || Thomson, George, C.B.,..., | 1 9 is 10 5 28 2s 9 27 - --- - --- 23 7 39 28 11 54 - - --- -- Burma, 1824.6 ; Afghanistan, 1838-9 Rººs. 1 1841. Died at Dublin, 10 : * * - 119 || Mudge, J ohn …......... 1. 3 21 * *ms - --- - - -* --- --- --- ----- --- --- * Struck off the Corps in England, 20 8 1822. 120 | Prinsep, Thomas ...... tº 3 — — 21 || 5 9 23 28 9 27 - *mº - - - - - - *-*. *m- *-*. --- Died at Calcutta, 24 1 1830. 121 | Thomson, John ... . . . . . . . —- – 21 | 1 5 24 || 9 5 29 - * -- - --- wºmmº- - -- * *— - * Died at Ghazipur, 12 8 1840. 122 | Sanders, Edward, C.B. ... ... 1 5 21 || 1 5 24 || 23 1 30 2s 8 41 sºms --- sºme --- 12 9 43 --- - - - Rajputana, 1834; , Afghanistan, Killed at the Battle of Maharajpur, - 1838-42 ; Gwalior, 1843. 29 12 1843. 123 | Crommelin, James Arden... — – 21 || 1 5 24 || 25 6 30 22 10 41 wº- -- -- --- 2S 11 54 m--> --- * - — * * Retired, 1 1 1843. 124 Tindal, Joseph ............... – – 22 || 1 5 24 - * * - --- – – --- * *ms — Bhurtpore, 1825-6 Killed at the Siege of Bhurtpore, 1 1 1826. 125 | Blundell, Edmund Augustus — — 22 ** * - ºmsºmºs **** - --- * - - --> - ºrmº *mº Struck out of Gorps, having been appointed - to Civil Service at Penang, 18 4 1823. * Afterwards converted into Colonelcies from dates of appointment as Lieut.-Colonels-Commandant, and in 1862 to Colonels-Commandant, f In 1862 the date of his promotion to Colonel was ordered to be regarded as that of his commission as Colonel-Commandant, 1822–27. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - --> -- - -- ~~~~ : * * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. IRemarks. Ensign. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 126 || Boilean, John Theophilus... – – 22 --- 1 5 24 | 18 6 31 || 1 1. 43 || 5 5 46 | [ 5 55 - - - 20 6 5 4 || 29 5 57 --- —- * --- Retired, 10 3 1857, Died in London, 7 II 1887. 127 Wheatley, George Hampden --- -- - - * - - -- *-* --- -- - - - --- --- Acting Engineer. Died at Calcutta, 15 10 1822. 128 Dickson, William ...... ... ... — — 23 * 1 5 24 --- --- --- - *- — - --- --- -- — | Burma, 1825-6 Died at Chittagong, 31 8 1827. 129 Abbott, Frederick, K.C.B. — — 23 - 1 5 24 | 10 7 32 | S 11 43 || 11 11 46 -- -- 23 12 42 19 6 46 20 6 5 4 || 10 9 58 - --- Burma, 1824-6; Afghan- Retired, 1 12 1847. Died at Bournemouth, j i istan, 1841-2; Sutlej, || 4 11 1892. 1846. 130 Burt, Thomas Seymour...... — 6 23 - - 1 5 24 22 1 34 29 12 43 - — - - --- - *m- - - - *-ºs- Dismissed in India, 19 8 1847. Di, d at ‘w . - Dorking, 8 3 1890. 131 | Reilly, Bradshaw York...... — 6 23 - 1 5 24 | 20 4 35 | 30 11 44 || 1 12 47 - --- 30 4 44 | 19 6 46 - - --- - Sutlej, 1845-6 ... . To Invalid Establishment in India, 4 11 1848. - * Died at Landaur, 5 11 1853. 132 Greene, Godfrey Thomas, .B. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 12 23 -- 1 5 24 || 3 2 39 || 5 5 46 || 4 11. 48 - - --- - 28 II 54 - - --- -- *mº, Retired, 1 5 1849. Died at Eastbourne, - 27 12 1886. 133 Mallock, Samuel............... | 18 12 23 - 28 2 25 --- -** - - - - - - - --- - - - Died at sea, 20 10 1833. 134 Goodwyn, Henry * * * * * * e s. - as a s 18 12 23 -- 1 1 26 | 20 5 39 11 11 46 || 5 12 48 || 3 8 55 3 8 55 - --- 28 11 54 || 26 6 60 || 1 3 67 || 1 || 7 71 Phº 1826; Pun- | Died at Bournemouth, 8 11 1886. : • jaub, 1848-9. - 135 | Boileau, Alexander Henry - - . Edmonstone ............... --- 17 6 24 || 7 2 27 | 20 5 39 || 19 S 47 || 1 5 49 || 8 6 56*| – --- - 28 11 54 18 10 60 --- - Bhurtpore, 1825 6; Raj- | Died at Cawnpore, 30 6 1862. putana, 1834. 136 || Willis, Paul Wynch ......... — | 16 10 24 31 8 27 | 20 5 39 || 1 12 47 || 1 S 54 — - - — 16 3 55 — - - - === Retired, 21 8 1854. 137 Tremenheere, George Borlase - 16 12 25 | 28 9 27 | 20 5 39 || 4 11. 48 || 1 8 5ſ --- -------- - 7 6 49 -- 17 10 56 - --- º- * Rºº. 4 1856. Died at Torquay, - 19 12 1896. - 138 Graham, William Henry --- 16 12 25 28 9 27 | 20 5 39 || 5 12 48 - --- --- - 28 11 54 -- - - - -º-º: - Retired, 15 1 1851. Died at Bath, 13 3 1888. 139 Smyth, William Matthew ... - 16 12 25 28 9 27 | 20 5 39 1, 5 49 -- --- - - - - - - - Gº 1843-4; Sutlej, | Died at Danson, Kent, 7 10 1851. - 140 || Hare, Stewart Bayley ..... - 16 6 26 || 28 9 27 - - --- - - sºms - - --- - - - --- Resigned, 21 1 1831. 141 || Alcock, Chambre Brabazon - Ponsonby .................. * 16 6 26 || 2S 9 27 || 4 9 39 - --- - - --- -- - --- - - - --- Died at Bath, 5 4 1844. 142 Clement, Francis William ... --- 16 6 26 2S 9 27 - - - * - - - - - - --- - - Died at Allighur, 24 6 1830. 143 | Baker, William Erskine, - - K.C.B. * * * * * g º º tº & e ge --- 15 12 26 || 28 9 27 | 31 3 40 | 15 1 51 21 8 54 || 10 3 57%| 14 7 71 | 19 6 46 20 6 54 -- 2 8 65 || 1 4 74 - Sutlej, 1846 Died at Banwell, Somersetshire, 16 12 1881. 144 | Fraser, Hugh, C.B. ......... — | 15 12 26 28 9 27 | 12 8 40 || 7 10 51 || 1 5 55 || – --- --- 9 12 53 | 15 4 57 || – - — | Burma, 1852–3 Died at Landaur, 12 8 1858. 145 || Guthrie, Charles Seton ...... - 15 12 26 || 28 9 27 || 30 9 40 || 1 8 54 || 3 8 55 - --- 11 11 51 - 4 12 57 ----- - - - --- Retired, 1 10 1857. Died, May, 1875. 146 Napier, Robert Cornelius, g Lord Napier of Magdala and Caryington, G.C.B., G.C.S.I. ..................... --- 15 12 26 || 28 9 27 25 1 41 || 1 8 54 || 15 4 56 | 18 2 61 || 1 4 74 || 3 4 46 || 7 6 49 28 11 54 || 15 2 61+ 1 3 67 || 1 4 74 | Sutlej, 1845–6; Punjaub, Field Marshal, 1 1 1883. Died in London, s 1848-9 ; Hazara, iS52; 14 1 1890. N.W. Frontier, 1853; Mutiny, 1857-9; China, 1860; Abyssinia, 1867-8. 147 | Glasfurd, John .. - -- 28 9 27 | 28 S 41 || 1 8 54 || 8 6 56 - - 7 6.49 28 11 54 28 11 57 27 4 60 --- --- wº-mº *m. Rºº, sº I 1860. Died at Edinburgh, 148 Fraser, John Wedderburn - - 28 9 27 - - - - --- - --- - - -- mºm-º: --- - Died in London, 2 4 1842. 149 || Robertson, James Wells -- - 28 9 27 || 3 4 42 - - *mº - - -- - --- --- — Afghanistan, 1842 Died at Simla, 23 5 1847. 150 | Oldfield, John Rawson ...... - - 28 9 27 || 1 || 43 21 8 54 10 3 57 - --- 20 6 54 - 23 10 57 --- -- - ------- -- Rºº, 1:..." 1857. Died at Dorchester, 151 | Anderson, John ............ ... - - 28 9 27 | 8 11 43 || 1 5 55 20 9 57; – --- 20 6 54 - - - - --- Afgh a n is t a n, 1838; Died at Lucknow, 11 9 1857. Mutiny, 1857. 152 Gilmore, John ............... -- - 28 9 27 | 29 12 43 || – - --- --- - -- cºms - --- *sºme --- * Died at Mhow, 24 8 1847. 153 | Master, Robert Samuel...... - — | 28 9 27 | – -- - - 3- -- - - --- - *m- - *-*. Died, 7 6 1836. * With rank as Colonel-Commandant. t Promoted supernumerary to fixed establishment of Major-Generals for distinguished services in the field. † A posthumous commission, his decease at Lucknow not being then known. 88 1827–32. - - Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Nanne. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. It.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 154 Waugh, Andrew Scott, Kt., K.C.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 12 27 | 13 12 27 | 19 2 44 || 3 S 55 20 9 57 - -- 20 6 54 - - 6 8 61 - * *-*. *m. Retired, 12 3 1861. Died, 21 2 1877. 155 | Martin, Robert ... ...... 13 12 27 || 9 5 29 - *mº - - -- - - * -- - --- --- --- Died at Akyab, Aracan, 1 7 1842. 156 Goldie, Barre William ... ... 13 12 27 | 20 10 33 | 19 2 44 - -- --- -- 7 6 (9 - *- --- - -- - --- Died at Landaur, 13 11 1849. 157 | Bennett, Francis Edward |Burlton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 12 27 ---- *º- - - - --- * --- - --- --- --- -- - Died at Alighur, 17 S 1830. 158 Ommaney, Edward Lacon... I3 12 27 | 22 l 34 || 5 4 44 | 15 4 56 || 1 10 57 | IS 3 61 - 20 6 54 ---- - 1 9 63 - --- --- --- Retired, 19 1863. Died in London, 311 1896. 159 |Durand, Henry Marion, C.B., K.C.S.I. ..................... 12 6 28 || 20 4 35 | 30 11 44 || 8 6 56 || 13 8 58 18 2 6] - 7 6 49 28 11 54 20 7 5S | 1 3 67 -*- - Afghanistan, 1838-40; Punjaub, Killed by a fall from his elephant on frontier 1848-9; Mutiny, 1857-8. of Tong, 1 1 1871. 160 | Duncan, Henry Howard 12 6 2S 7 6 36 || 5 5 46 - *- --- - --- *- * - s- --- --- --- Died at Barrackpur, 3.6 6 1847. 161 | Laughton, John............... 12 6 28 || 3 2 39 || 11 11 46 || 10 3 57 | 27 S 58 1S 2 61 | – | 20 G 54 || 2S 11 54 — --- -- — Afghanistan, 1838 Died at Simla, 18 12 1861. 162 Money, Rowland 12 6 2S *-* - -- ſºmem --- - - --- <---- --- -- --- --- - Resigned on receiving Civil Appointment in Bengal, 1829. Die d at St. Seroom, France, 2 5 1869. 163 || Abercrombie, William ...... 12 6 28 20 5 39 || 23 5 47 - --- - - 7 6 49 2S 11 54 || 29 5 57 - - - Scinde, 1843-4; Sutlej, 1845-6 ; Retired, 10 5 1857. Died in London, 22 4 1858. Punjab, 1848-9. - 164 Mouat, James Anburey, Bart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 28 --- - - +mºmº --- - --- rººm, - - --- ---- --- --- Died at Sangor, 159 1837. 165 | Casement, George ............ 21 7 28 || – -- - --- -- - - --- -- - --- - --- - Died in London, 4 6 1830. 166 | Weller, Joseph Alexander... 12 12 2s 20 589 | 16 6 17 | 11 s #7 27 s 5s - - 20 6 54 - 18 3 59 -- - --- — - Retired, 31 12 1858. Died at Bedford, f 6 17 6 1881 167 | Sharp, John Nixon ......... 12 12 28 20 5 39 || 19 8 47 || – -- - — 20 6 54 || – --- --- -- - - - Died at Lahore, 17 8 1856. 168 || Western, James Rogers...... 12 12 28 20 5 39 24 8 47 -- - - --- 7 6 49 -- 5 12 56 - - — | Punjaub, 1848-9 Bºº 1 1855. Died in London, e * ( i. 169 Righy, Henry... ... . . . . . . . . . ... 12 6 29 20 5 39 1 1247 | 20 9 57 27 8 5s 12 3 61 31 3 75 28 11 54 - - 6 3 68 - 15 S 78 --- --- Died in London, 14 9 1881. tº 2 1 71% g - 170 | Renny-Tailyour, Thomas ... 4 11 29 || 20 5 39 || 4 11 as --- - --- , — 28 11 54 --- - --- --- — Gwalior, 1843-4... Rºº. 1 iss, died at Montrose 17 1 Fagan, George Hickson * * * g e e 4 11 29 20 5 39 5 12 48 - -- •-º-º: --- * 5 12 56 --- -- --- --- --- -- Retired, 16 2 1856. Died at Clevedon, 23 11 1876. 172 Hill, Lawrence ........ ... ... 4 11 29 20 5 39 * - -- - - ºmº *-*. - - - --- --> - Died near Barrisant, 24 9 1844. 173 || Siddons, Henry ........... 11 6 30 | 20 5 39 || 1 5 49 || – -- - --- 7 6 49 — - - - — | Punjaub, 1848-9 Died at Edinburgh, 26 2 1850. 174 | Brown, Edmund John ... ... 11 2 * --- --- --- -- - - - - --- - Scinde, 1842-4 ... Died at Bombay, 9 11 1848. y 6 30 20 5 39 2 175 Trail, John ... .................. 11 6 80 20 589 - - *m. --- -- --- - -- - --- ------- - - Retired, 5 6 1846. 176 | Cunningham, Joseph Daney | 1019 20 5 3 - - ------- - -- --- --- - - — Afghanistan, 1839; Sutlej, 1845 6... Died near Umballa, 28 2 1851. 30 39 || 13 11 49 g 5 177 | Sale, Thomas Henry ...... ... 10 12 30 20 5 39 || 26 2 50 || 1 10 57 27 8 58 — * - —- | 18 10 59 - * *m's ºmº --- Retired, 23 8 1859. 178 Cunningham, Alexander C., - * & sº * º K.C.S.I., C.I.E. ........ 9 6 31 || 20 5 39 || 18 1 51 -- 27 8 58 || 19 12 61 sºmeº 7 6 49 || 28 11 54 | 16 1 60 || 30 6 62 * --- Gwalior, 1842-4; Sutlej, 1846; Retired, 30, 6 1862. Died in London, Punjaub, 1848-9. 28 11 1893. - 179 Sturt, John Leigh Doyle 9 6 31 20 5 39 - - * ºme --- =$ --- &m amº - - Afghanistan, 1838-42 ... Kºº º the Tizęen Pass, near Kabul, I842. J --> 's- e * e & 180 Macleod, Norman Chester... [ s 12 a 20 s so | as a si ºrmº 1 1 59 || – — 29 4 56 | 19 1 58 6 11 (50 || – --- — Afghanistan, 1838 Rºº. 1 sº Died at Brighton, 181 || Spens, James ... ... ... * * * * * * * * * 8 12 31 | 20 5 39 || 7 10 51 | — - --- -- *s --- *mº * - -- * - Died at Umballa, 23 11 1856. 182 | Jones, William 14 6 32 | 20 5 39 || 1 1 54 || – --- - — 25 1 56 — --- - - *-*. -- --- Retired, 19 11 1855. Died in London, 1.1 2 1871. 183 || Bunce, William Thomas 14 6 32 || – - --- - --- - g- --- --- - - --- - *- Died at Delhi, 16 10 1835. 184 || Spitta, Charles Lewis ...... 14 12 32 || 4 9 39. — - - - - -- - -- - ----- - * * - Died at Berhampur, 18 10 1846. * Actually succeeded on this date, his commission 3,S Major-General being antedated to 6 3 1868. 1832–41. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. Captain. Lt.-Col. Major. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. 185 | Pott, Stephen.................. 14 i2 32 || 31 3 40 2 54 24 § 59 - - 31 12 62 - Gwalior, 1843-4... Rººs: 12 1862. Died at Melrose, 9 10 1885. 186 || Allardyce, James ............ 11 6 33 4- - --- m --- - --- - Died at Sylhet, 11 7 1838. 187 |*Montagu-Pollock, Frederick, Bart. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 33 12 S 40 -- *--- - --- * --- --- From Madras Engineers, 14 12, 1833 (see Madras List). Tetired, 5 9 1844. Died at Clapham, 17 6 1874. 188 || Pigou, Robert ............... 12 12 34 --- - -- --- - - Afghanistan, 1838-41 ..] Killed in action at Kabul, 24 2 1841. 189 || Rees, William Edward ...... 12 6 35 | — - - - --- --- - ---- Died at Delhi, 17 1 1838. 190 Broadfoot, James Sutherland | 12 6 35 --- - - - --- - Afghanistan, 1838-40 Kiº, º mºtion at Purwan, Afghanistan, - 2 1. & 191 | Young, Charles Beecher 11 12 35 || 25 1 41 2 54 || 2 1 60 - - 1 9 - Jhansi, 1839; Gwalior, 1843-4; Pun-| Retired, 1, 9 1863. Died in London, 8-23. jaub, 1848-9 ; Burma, 1852-3. 27 L 1892. *192 | Strachey, Richard, G.C.S.I. 10 6 86 24 241 54 2 7 60 16 2 54 - 6 3 2 Sutlej, 1845-6 Retired, 23 2 1875. 24 3 -- 193 Macleod, George ..... ....., 10 6 36 — --- - - tº- --- - --- Died at Tatta, 5 10 1839. 194 | Smith, Richard Baird, C.B. ... ..................... 9 12 36 28 8 41 54 || 15 2 61 16 2 54 4 59 -- - Sutlej, 1845-6; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Died at sea on board the Camdia, 13 12 1861. - - Mutiny, 1857-8 195 | Turnbull, Alexander David 12 6 37 22 10 41 54 | 18 2 61 --- --- - - Sutlej, 1845–6 ; Mutiny, 1858 Died at Landaur, 30 8 1864. 196 || Goodwyn, Alfred George ... 12 6 37 s 1 42 54 || 18 2 61 2 8 54 - 13 10 ---> Afghanistan, 1842; Sutlej, 1845-6 ; Retired, 13 10 1863. Died at Bath, Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, 1857. 11 4 1873. 197 || Becher, John Reid, C.B. 11 12 37 || 3 4 42 54 18 2 61 2 8 54 ---- 26 6 10 Afghanistan, 1842; Sutlej, 1846; Died at Southampton, 9 7 1884. 6 3 N.W. Frontier, 1857-8. - 4 198 || Alexander, John Staples 11 12 37 || 1 7 42 - - -- --- - - - Died at Delhi, 1 7 1843. 3199 || Yule, Henry, C.B., K.C.S.I. 11 12 38 || 1 148 54 | 18 2 61 - 6 62 | — - Sutlej, 1845-6; Punjaub, 1848-9; Retired, 19 3 1862. Died, 30 12 1889. Burma, 1853. 200 Irwin, Thomas Somerville... 11 6 39 || 1 7 43 - ---------- - --- - -- --- Died at Hazaribagh, 14 6 1850. 201 || Morton, William Elliot ...... 11 6 39 || 8 11 43 54 18 2 61 - - 1 1 68 — Punjaub, 1848-9 Retired, 1 1 1868. - 202 Maclagan, Robert ............ 10 12 39 20 12 43 54 18 2 61 - 2 66 || 6 3 68% 10 - - IRetired, 31 12 1878. Died in London, T 4 74 22 4 1894. 203 || Haines, Edward............... 10 12 39 || 19 2 44 --- --- --- ------ - - - Died at Moulmein, 6 11 1849. 204 Whiting, Francis 11 6 40 | 19 2 44 8 54 **m. --- - --- ------- -- - Killed at Cawnpore, 28 6 1857. 205 || Maxwell, John Harley ...... 11 6 40 | 19 2 44 8 54 || 18 2 61 22 8 54 2 66 31 12 - Bundlecund, 1842; Gwalior, 1843-4; Retired, 31 12 1868, Died at Dumfries, Sutlej, 1845; Punjaub, 1848-9. 5 9. 1892. 206 | Campbell, John Douglas 11 6 40 | 19 2 44 54 || 18 2 61 --- 2 66 6 3 7 77 Gwalior, 1843-4; Burma, 1852-8 ; Retired, 1 7 1877. Died at Southgate, - 23 7 Mutiny, 1857. 25 5 1885. 207 Lake, Edward John, C.S.I. 11 6 40 | 19 2 44 54 18 2 61 22 S 54 - 1 1 --- Sutlej, 1845-6 ; Punjaub, 1848-9 Retired, 1 1 1870. Died at Clifton, 7 6 1877. 208 || Garforth, Peter ..... 11 6 40 | 19 2 44 55 --- --- --- - - Punjaub, 1848-9 Resigned, 3 12 1855. Died at Craven, Yorks, 2 10 1858. 209 || Beadle, James Pattle......... 11 12 40 || 5 4 44 55 | 12 3 61 --- 3 66 || 30 6 6 - Sutlej, 1845-6 . Retired, 30 6 1866. 210 Walker, Reginald John...... 11 12 40 || 5 9 44 ------- - --- gas- --- * - Died at Bamanjora, on his way to Darjiling, - - 24 4 1847. 211 |||Impey-Lovibond, Archibald | 11 12 40 24 9 44 55 || 14 12 61 --- 7 64 --- - Mutiny, 1857-8 ; Sikkim, 1860 Retired, 1 7 1864. Died, 1897. 212 || Atkinson, George Francklin | 11 12 40 30 11 44 || 1911 55 --- - --- --- --- * - Died near Paris, 15 12 1859. 213 Phillpotts, Thomas Charles | 11 12 40 - ** - -- --- --- --- --- Died at Delhi, 7 9 1843. 214 | Short, William Drummond Alexander Robertson 11 6 41 || 5 5 46 || 3 12 55 | 19 12 61 --- - sm” - Gwalior, 1843-4 Died at Marseilles, 12 12 1866. 215 | Fraser, Edward ............... 11 6 41 || 5 646 2 56 — *mºn - --- *mº. -- --- Died at Mirat, 16 5 1857. * Licensed by the Queen, 11. 8 1873, to take and use the surname of Montagu, in addition to and before that of Pollock.—London Gazette, 12 8 1873. No. 24,007. f Actually Succeeded on 24th March, 1871, but commission antedated to 6 3 is 6S. : Vacancy occurred on last date, but commission antedated to former dates without carrying back pay. § Vacancy occurred on later date, but commission antedated to former date without carrying back pay. | Licensed by the Queen, 21 10 1872, to take and use the surname of Lovibond, in addition to and after that of Impey.—London Gazette, 1 11 1872. No. 23,915. 90 1841–46. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. | Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 216 Crommelin, William Arden, C.B.: ........................ 10 12 41 | 18 10 46 -- 15 4 56 | 18 3 62 || 1 1 70 -- 24 3 58 - 1S 3.67 30 3 76 31 12 78 - Sutlej, 1845-6; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Retired, 31 12 1878. Died at Barnes, Mutiny, 1857-8. 30 10 1886. 217 | Nicolls, James Edward * Tannat ..... © & r * * * * * * * . . . . . . 10 12 41 || 11 11 46 - S 6 56 || 3() 6 62 || 2 1 71 - - - 30 6 67 || 7 10 76 31 12 78 - Gwalior, 1843-4; Sutlej, 1845-6 Retired, 31 12 1878. 218 Sneyd, Samuel Edward...... 10 12 41 — - -* - -- - -- *- -s - -** - - w-e Died at Calcutta, 2 11 1843. Hebbert, George Peter ... ... 10 12 41 || 24 4 47 - --- - - - - - - - - — Sutlej, 1845-6 ... Died at Dibrugah, 19 11 1847. 220 | Hodgson, Charles James 10 6 42 || 23 5 47 - 17 8 56 || 1 7 62 | 24 3 71 - --- - 1 7 67 || 3 5 75 - — | Sutlej, 1845-6 Retired, 3 5 1875. Died at Guildford, Q- a February, 1891. 3-221 | Robinson, Daniel George, r C.B....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 9 6 43 16 6 47 - 20 11 56 || 31 12 62 || 1 4 74 - - - 31 12 67 - - - Sutlej, 1845–6; Punjaub, 1848-9 Dig º lºrd P. & O. s.s. Na'avtºmeore, - - 877. 222 || Hutchinson, Charles Waterloo. 9 6 43 | 19 S 47 - 10 3 57 || 1 9 63 || 1 4 74 || 17 12 S1 || – - 1 9 68 29 11 78 || 31 12 78 28 11 85 | Sutlej, 1845–6; Mutiny, 1857 Died in London, 27 3 1890. 223 Fulton, George William Wright ..................... 9 6 43 24 8 47 - 10 5 57 - -* - - - - - - - Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, 1857 Killed at Lucknow, 14 9 1857. 224 Taylor, Alexander, G.C.B. 9 6 43 |19 11 47 - 16 5 57 || 1 9 63 || 1 4 74 - 19 1 5s 20 7 58 || 31 & 64 || 0 & 68° 110 77 31 12 78 sutlej, 1845-6; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Retired, 31 12 1878. 1 4 74 Mutiny, 1857-8 ; Umbeyla, 1863. º 225 Sim, George 9 6 43 || 1 12 47 - 28 6 57 | 13 10 63 - - - - 1 7 67 - - - Sutlej, 1845-6 Rºh, { 1867. Died at Bushey Heath, 226 Dyas, J oseph Henry ......... 8 12 43 || 4 11. 48 - 11 8 57 | 1 7 64 - - - -- - - - - Sutlej, 1845-6 ; Mutiny, 1857 Died at Delhi, 4 3 1868. 227 | Fraser, Alexander, C.B. 8 12 43 || 9 11. 48 - 14 9 57 || 31 8 64 || 1 4 74 10 7 84 - - 31 s 69 || 31 12 78 18 I 82 | 16 9 86 Sutlej, 1845-6; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Retired, 21 2, 1887. Died at Rochford, Burma, 1852–3. Essex, 11 6 1898. 228 || Paton, Charles Stewart... ... 8 12 43 || 5 12 48 — - - -- - - - - - - — | Punjaub, 1848-9 Died at Simla, 14 5 1852. - 229 || Drummond, Henry... ...... 8 12 43 || 1 5 49 - 20 9 57 24 & 65 28 774 - 20 7 58 - 24 3 70 | 1 6 78 - - Sutlej, 1845–6; Burma, 1852-3 ; Retired, 1 6 1878. Died at Bedford, Mutiny, 1857-8. 28 3 1883. 230 || Harris, John Charles......... 8 12 43 || 6 11 49 - 1 10 57 - - - 23 9 62 - e-mº - --- - - *-*. Retired, 15 7 1862. 231 Glover, Thomas George 7 6 44 || 13 11 49 - 27 4 58 |. 30 6 66 - - --- - 1 7 70 - - - Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, 1857 Retired, 1 7 1870. Died at Neuenaher, - Prussia, 12 9 1881. 232 | Hyde, Henry ... ............ 7 6 44 26 2 50 - 27 4 58 13 12 66 || 3 5 75 - - - 16 3 73 || 17 2 78 -- – | Punjaub, 1848-9; N.W. Frontier, Retired, 17 2 1878. Died at Caterham. 1857. 23 9 1887. 233 Young, Ralph 7 (; 44 | 16 6 50 - 27 4 58 I 3 67 3 5 75 - - - 1. 3 75 4 7 77 - - Punjaub, 1848-9 Retired, 4 7, 1877. Died in London, ls º ("N N i 9 11 1897. 234 || Hutchinson, George, C.B., º C.S.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 44 || 15 1 51 - 27 4 5S - - - 20 7 58 || 3 7 67 -** 14 6 76 - - Sutlej, 1846; Mutiny, 1857-8 To Punjaub Constabulary, 4 2 1861. Retired, 1 4 1876. 235 | Newmarch, Charles Douglas | 9 19 4, 9s 9 51 | | | 97 a 5s | 1 g g - - - -- - --- — | Burma, 1853 Died at Suez, 20 3 1869. 236 || Grindall, Frederick Charles | 9 19 44 - -* - - - -- - -- - - — | Punjaub, 1848-9 Drowned at Attock, 18 7 1849. ve t & 237 Crofton, James ............... 9 12 44 || 7 10 51 - 13 S 58 || 1 3 67 --- - - - I 3 '72 31 12 78 || 5 1 S2 --- — - Retired, 5 1 1882. 238 || Gre a t he d, William Wilberforce. Har r1S, C.B. 9 12 44 14 5 52 | 27 S 5S 15 2 61 || 1 7 67 || 30 3 76 - 28 s 5s 15 2.61 || 7 7 68 || 1 1077 - - Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, 1857-8; Died in London, 29 12 1878. t | China, 1860. - 239 Cadell, Alexander ............ 13 6 45 1 1 54 27 8 58 18 2 61 || 1 1 68 - - --- - 1 1 73 || 31 12 78 || 13 3 S2 - - - Retired, 13 3 1882. 240 || Innes, Charles Daubuz ...... 18 ° 45 15 2 54 || – * - - - — - - - - - — - Killed at Allahabad, 6 6 1857. 24l | Donovan, James Fertius 13 6 45 — - - - - - -- - --- - - - – - Resigned, 14 11 1852. 242 Oliphant, William Stirling 12 12 45 || 15 2 54 || 27 8 [8 18 2 (31 || 5 3 (38 || || 10 77 -- --- - 5 3 73 || 31 12 78 - - Punjaub, 1848-9 Rºº, § 12 1878. Died at Cambridge, * º 11 9 1898. * e º e + 243 |Gulliver, Henry William ... 19 19 45 | is 2 s, 27 s as is 2 cl 21 s 60 || – –– 2S 8 58 — 2, 3 74 31 12 78 16 9 S2 | – | Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, 1857-9 ... Retired, 16 9 1882. Died 7 12 1896. { # - - - }- e tº 244 |Pollard, Charles........... ... 12 1245 | 15 2.54 27 s 5s | 12 s 61 | 1011 69 |2011 is - 12 12 65 - 10 11 74 || 31 12 78 || 16 3 83 – | Punjaub, 1848-9; Mutiny, 1857; Retired, 16 3 1883. 1 l - Wuzeeree, 1859-60. - * W | 245 | Stewart, Charles Thornton | 12 6 46 | 15 2 54 27 s 5s 14 12 61 | 10 11 69 | 13 12 is - --- - 10 1174 || 10 5 S1 || 26 5 sº | – |Punjaub, 1848-9; Mutiny, 1857-8 ... Retired, 26 5 1883. * Vacancy occurred on the later date, but commission antedated to former date without carrying back pay. 91 1846–50. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. |2nd Capt. Captain. . Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 246 || Adey, Capel Fothergill ...... 12 6 46 || – --- --- - - --- --- - - -- - ---- -- - - Resigned, 14 4 1848. 247 | Maunsell, Frederick Richard, K.C.B. ............. ...... 12 6 46 | 15 2 54 27 S 58 || 19 12 61 | — | 10 11 69 || 31 12 7S 9 11 86 28 S 58 || 14 6 69 10 II 74 || 31 12 78 || 12 1 84 || 21 2 S7 | Punjab, 1848-9; Mutiny, 1857-9 ; Afghanistan, - 1878-9. - 248 || Garnett, Arthur William ... | 12 6 46 15 2 54 27 s 5s - - - --- - -- -- - --- - --- Punjaub, 1848-9 ... Died at Calcutta, 1 5 1861. 249 | 40.00. Home, Duncan Charles | 11 12 46 | 15 2 54 || – - - memº. -- * - - - --- - — | Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, Killed in blowing up the Fort of Malaghar, . 1857. I 10 1857. - 250 || Hutchinson, Benjamin Mar- tin ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 11 12 46 -*. - --> - - -- ---- - --- 4- - -- - Punjaub, 1848-9 . Died of wounds received at the Battle of Gujerat, 12 3 1849. 251 | Peile, Frederick Weston ..., | 11 12 46 || 1 s 54 27 s 58 || 1s 8 62 - 1 1 70 || 31 12 78 --- - 1 1 75 31 12 78 || 1 2 82 || 4 6 S3 - - **--- Retired, 4 6 1883. 252 | Watson, George Edward ... 11 12 46 || 1 s 54 || 27 s 5s 80 6 62 || – - -- — 28 S 58 || 4 3 68 — - - – Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 4 3 1868. Died, 1893. 253 || Johnstone, Augustus Satch- .- well ............... 11 12 46 || – --- --- -- --- - --- --- --- --- - - - --- – Died at Ferozepore, 20 12 1853. 254X. Tennant, James Francis, C.I.E............. ..... 11 6 47 || 1 8 54 27 S 5S I 7 62 --- 1 7 º'0 || 31 12 78 --- 2S S 58 || 14 6 69 || 1 7 75 26 5 S3 || 10 1 S4 --- Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 10 1 1884. 255 | Henderson, William ......... 11 6 47 || 1 8 54 || 27 8 58 || – - **** *-ry- * -º-º- --- *-* --- --- --- *-* --- Died in Scotland, 30 8 1857. 256 Medley, Julius George ...... 11 6 47 1 8 54 27 S 5S | 15 7 62 | – 2 1 71 || 10 5 S1 | – || 2S S 58 || 14 6 69 || 2 1 76 | 10 1 84 || – – || Mutiny, 1857-8 Died at Port Said on boan d P. & O. S. N - - - Co.'s S.S. R&venºva, 12 8 1884. 257 | Taylor, Frederick Sherwood | 11 6 47 || 1 s 54 27 s 5s 31 12 62 || – 2 1 71 — - --- --> 2 1 76 || – *-sº - --- --- Killed in the landslip at Naini Tal, 189 1880. 258 Davidson, Edward............ 11 6 47 8 54 27 8 5S | 1 9 63 — 2 1 71 --- *-*. --- --- 2 1 76 25 11 S0 *-* - -- - Retired, 25 11 1880, Died at Wandsworth, 1 11 1889. 259. Russell, Lindsay 10 12 47 || 1 8 54 27 S 58 || 1 9 63 - 24 3 71 * --- *º-sº **** 24 3 76 11 5 S1 * ** Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 11 5 1881. 260 || Jervis, Swynfen Charles 10 12 47 | 1 8 54 *s--- -- --- - * * --- *** - --- * wº-sº - --- Killed at Cawnpore, 27 6 1857. 261 || Williams, Edward Charles Sparshott, K.C.I.E. ... ... 9 6 48 || 1 8 54 27 8 58 || 13 10 63 || 5 7 72"| 10 12 78 || 1 2 82 | 15 1 90 --- ~ 10 12 78 || 16 9 S6 || 1 4 91 || 1 4 95 || Burma, 1852-3. 262 ag.0t. Salkeld, Philip...... ... 9 6 48 || 1 8 54 - --- -- *s- ----- --- -- --- --- --- -- - Mutiny, 1857 Died of wounds received at the storming of Delhi, 11 10 1857. 263 | Boulnis, Arthur............... 9 6 48 --- - - --- - - ------ - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Killed in action near Michnee, Peshawar, - 14 1 1852. 264 || 3:J. (it. Innes, James John McLeod, C.B................ [ s 12 4s | 1 s 54 27 s 5s 29 2 34 || 5 | 73 || 1 , 74 26 5 sº - 2S 8 58 || 14 6 69 || 1 10 77 2S 11 85 16 3 86 – Mutiny, 1857-8 . . Retired, 16 3 1886. 5 | Walker, Edmund ... ......... [ s 12 4s | 1 s 54 --- - --- - - - --- – - - - -- Mutiny, 1857 Died of wounds before Delhi, 13 7 1857. 266 | Chesney, George Tomkyns, - r ſt St & Tº e K.C.B., C.S.I., C.I.E. 8 12 48 || 1 8 54 27 S 58 || 1 7 64 || 5 7 72 | 1 4 74 || 10 1 84 || 28 3 90 28 S 58 14 6 69 || 1 10 77 | 16 3 86 10 3 S7 | 1 4 92 || Mutiny, 1857-8 Died in London, 31 3 1895. 267*|Montgomerie, Thomas George' s 649 || 1 s 54 27 s 58 || 31 s 64 || 5 772 || 1 4 74 || – - - --- --- - --- - - --- Retired, 10 3 1876. Died, 31 1 1878. 268 Warrand, William Edmund s 649 || 1 s 54 27 s as 2, 3 65 || 5 || 72 | 1 || 7 | — 2S S 5S | 1.4 6 69 || 1 10 77 22 8 83 — — Mutiny, 1857-9 Retired, 22 8 1883. 269 |Donaldson, Leverton ......... 8 6 49 | — --- --- ----- - -- --- - --- - -- ------ — | Burma, 1852 Killed in action near Rangoon, 12 4 1852. P-7 { ſº g 270 Craster, George Ayton tº º ºr e = * 11 12 49 1 8 54 27 S 58 || 24 3 65 5 7 72 1 4 74 || 10 I 84 **** 11 12 (39 --- 1 4 79 || 21 2 S7 -- - Burma, 1852–3 Retired, 31 1 1888. 271*| Brownlow, Henry Alexander | 11 12 49 || 1 s 54 27 s 5s 30 & 66 || 5 | 72 |23. 74 2s 11 sº | – || 2s s 5s 1, 6 go || 1 107 s 9 sq 25 11 s6 | – |Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 25 11 1886. 272^| Trevor, William Spot- º tiswoode..................... 11 12 49 || 1 8 54 27 S 58 || 13 12 66 || 5 7 72 | 19 S 74 | S 9 S6 --- 15 5 66 - 19 S 79 20 2 87 ----- - Buº. 1852-3; Bhootan, Retired, 20 2 1887. - 9. - 273 | Stewart, Patrick, C.B. ... ... 14 6 50 | 1 8 54 27 s 58 || – -- - - — 28 8 58 — - ------ - – Mutiny, 1857-8 Died at Constantinople, 16 1 1865. - 274 || Limond, David, C.B.......... 14 6 50 || 21 8' 54 27 8 58 || 1 3 67 || 5 7 72 || 3 5 75 || – <-------- -- -- 3 5 80 || 7 3 86 --- Mutiny, 1857-8 ; Afghanis- Retired, 7 3 1886. Died in London, tan, 1879-80. 10 7 1895. Fr R e ** 275 | De Bourbel, Raoul... ... . 14 6 50 || 23 l 55. 27 S 58 || 1 3 67 || 5 7 72 || 10 3 76 16 9 S6 --- --- - 10 3 S1 || 4 7 87 --- - Bhootan, 1864-5 ; Afghan- | Retired, 4 7 1887. . istan, 1878-9. * Under established, all officers of the rank of Captain becoming Majors on that date. the Queen's Warrant, 5 7 1872, the rank of Major was f :->. &; " Ji . § " ..., % <,” $ 2 .*.*.*.* • A- 92 1850–55. # Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. * Name. -------- War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt. -Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen., Lt.-Gen. General. 276 | Stanton, Frederick Smith... 9 12 50 || 1 555 27 8 58 || 1 7 67 || 5 7 72 10 376 13 9 86 *º- --- --- 10 3 81 28 3 87 - --- Mº 1858; Bhootan, Rºº, 㺠1887. Died at West Drayton, 277 | Hichens, William, C.B. ... ... 9 12 50 || 3 s 55 27 8 5s 1 1 6s 5 772 30 376 --- *rºm *mºre --- 30 3 81 || 1 7 81 || -- — Afghanistan, 1878-80 Rºº. lss' 1881. Died in London, 278 Geneste, Maximilian Good- f win ... ... ... . . . . . . . . 9 12 50 | 19 11 55 27 S 58 --- * --- * - -- *º-º-º: --- ºmº - 4-sº - - Died at Cowes, I. of W., 30 7 1858. (posthu- 279 || Hovenden, Julian St. John 9 12 50 || 3 12 55 º 's 4 3 68 — - -- - 28 8 58 14 6 69 º - * — Mutiny, 1857-8 Died at Bath, 16 5 1870. 280 . Goodwyn, Henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 51 | 6 2 56 --- * -- --- **** --> – --- --- --- - ------ Mutiny, 1857-9 Died from wounds received in an explosion - at Lucknow, 31 5 1859. 281 | Tucker, William Raffles 13 6 51 | iſ 4 56 || 31 8 59 || 5 3 68 || 5 7 72 7 10 76 || – --- - **-*. 1 7 S1 || – - memº. * -- Died at Lucknow, 10 12 1881. °282 | Basevi, James Palladio ...... 12 12 51 || 8 6 56 15 2 61 || 31 10 68 || – *m- am-sº *-º-º-º: * -º-º-º-º: * - --- – Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1860 Dº nº changchenmo valley, ada. 283 | Perkins, AEneas, K.C.B. ... 12 12 51 | 17 s 56 | 12 3 61 || 31 10 Gs 5 772 || 1 10 tº mº-mº 1 4 95 || 30 6 65 29 12 74 29 12 79 || 10 3 87 || 1 491 || 1 495 || Mutiny, 1857-8; Bhootan, º - 1864-5 ; Afghanistan, * - - 1878-80. °284 Brownlow, Elliot Pakenham | 12 12 51 21 11 56 --- --- --- *** - *s - * --- ------ --> - Mutiny, 1857-8 Died from the effects of a gunpowder explosion at Lucknow, 18 3 1858. 285 | Lang, Arthur Moffat ... ... ... 12 6 52 | 10 3 57 | 18 3 62 21 3 69 5 772 || 1 10 77 || – -º-º-º: *** * 1 10 S1 || – --- — | Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 1 12 188S. 286 || Humphry, Edward Wood... 12 6 52 | 10 5 57 || 30 6 62 *= --- - ~ | 18 11 68 ~ ** * ** — Mutiny, 1857-9 Retired, 18 11 1868. 287 || Monckton, John Rivaz ....., 12 G 52 16 5 57 -- ** *º- * * * --- *-ºf * * *-ºsº * - --- Killed at Cawnpore, 12 6 1857. 288 || Thomason, Charles Simeon | 12 6 52 || 6 6 57 || 1 7 62 | 10 11 69 || 5 772 || 1 1077 || – ass- *º-ººrºº * 1 10 81 || 1 4 91 – — Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, I 1 1895. 289 | Trevor, Salusbury Thomas 9 12 52 6 6 57 15 7 62 | 10 11 69 || 5 | 72 110 77 - ** ** * 1 10 81 || – * * * - Retired, 30 3 1889. 290 | Newmarch, George ........ 9 12 52 27 6 57 || 31 12 62 | 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 || 1 6 78 || – * --- * 1 6 S2 || 1 4 91 || -- — Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 1 10 1891. 291 ||Watts, John Lidstone ...... 9 12 52 27 6 57 || 1 9 63 | 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 |* — * -- _ 29 8 76 | — ºms ºm- – |Mutiny, 1857-8; Bhootan, Retired, 29 s 1876. Died at St. Leonards. 1865-6. on-Sea, 12 12 1881. 292 | *Bateman-Champain, John Underwood, K.C.M.G. ... 11 6 53 || 13 7 57 || 1 9 63 || 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 31 12 7S *mº --- --- -º-º-º- 31, 12 S2 - --- º-sº Mutiny, 1857-9 Died at San Remo, 1 2 1887. 293 | Pemberton, Robert Charles Boileau, C.S.I. ... ... ...... 11 6 53 || 11 8 57 | 13 10 63 || 10 11 69 5 7 72 31 12 78 --> ------ - - 31 12 82 || 1 4 92 - — | Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, J 11 1892. 2.94 Home, Robert, C.I.E. ... ... 11 6 53 20 S 57 || 29 2 64 10 11 69 5 7 72 || 31 12 78 *-* --- - - - 31 12 S2 - ----- * --- --- Rºº 12 1889. Died at Cheltenham, 295 || Murray, Patrick...... ... ... ... 9 12 53 || 14 9 57 || 1 7 64 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 — - --- - - - , – --- — Mutiny, 1857-8 Died at Rurki, N.W.P., 19 8 1872. 296 | McNeill, Alexander ...... .. 9 12 53 20 9 57 - *---4 --- --- --- - - - *--- --- ºmº- a------ --- --- Resigned, 30 9 1861. 297 | Tandy, Francis Latter ...... 9 12 53 || – - - --- -- - * = - ------ * - - – |Mutiny, 1s57 Killed at the siege of Delhi, 149 isºſ. 298 || Jeffreys, William 8 6 54 30 9 57 31 8 64 || 1 || 70 5 7 72 31, 12 78 wº- - --- --- 31 12 82 --- - — | Mutiny, 1858 Retired, 11 11 1887. - 299 Ward, David ................. 7 9 54 1 10 57 | 17 1 65 1 7 70 || 5 7 72 || 31 12 78 --- *-r - --> 31 12 S2 - --> --- Mutiny, 1857-9 Died at Naini Tai, 12 4 1888. 300 | Fulford, William Frederick || 7 9 54 - - ---> - --- --- --- * --- *- - -- * - - Died at Calcutta, 14 8 1858. 301 || Jones, Edward ... ..... ..... 9 12 54 - - *sºme --- - - - -- cºmmº- -- -- --- wº- Mutiny, 1857 Killed at the siege of Delhi, 24 7 1857. 302 | Carnegie, Henry Alexander Lindsay ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 12 54 27 a 5s --> - --- -- -- - --- mºm-º. --- - - - - -- Resigned, 9 10 1859. 303 ||ay.o. Thackeray, Edward * Talbot, K.C.B. ............ 9 12 54 27 4 58 24 3 65 || 14 12 70 || 5 7 72 25 II 80 || – --- - — 25 II. 84 || – wºm- — | Mutiny, 1857-9; Afghani- || Retired, 9 4 1888. stan, 1879-80. 304 Forbes, John Greenlaw..... 9 12 54 27 4 58 4 3 65 2 1 71 || 5 7 72 10 5 S1 - --- - --- 10 5 S5 --- * -- Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 8 8 1892. 305 || Luard, Charles Henry ... ... 8 6 55 27 4 58 30 6 66 || 24 3 71 || 5 7 72 || 11 5 81 || – - --- — | 11 5 85 — --- * --- -- Retired, 8 1 1890. 306 | Birney, John ..... * * * * * * * * * * * 8 6 55 27 4 58 || 13 12 66 24 8 71 || 5 7 72 II. 5 81 | – - --- --> 4 2 82 — sº- --- - --- Retired, 4 2 1882. 307 || Swinton, George ............ 8 6 55 27 4 58 || 1 3 67 | 18 7 71 || 5 7 72 || 1 7 81 ** *me -- * 6 5 83 || –– * *. * *m- --- Retired, 6 5 1883. * Bateman assumed as part of surname in April, 1871. ** * *., 93 1855–57. Jº Regimental Rank. Army Rank. - No. Name. 4 - - - - - - - - - -- - --- – ------------- *- : *-- - --> -- - ----------------—--~~~~~~ ——------ - - -- . . . . . ~~~~. ------ . . ~~- - --------> War Services. Remarks. * 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. . Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. | -- --- 308 Judge, Charles Neave ... . . . S 6 55 || 27 4 58 || 1 3 67 || 5 7 72*| 20 S 72 - -- -- --- 27 S 8.1 *-** - -- -- Mutiny, 1857-8 ; Bhootan, | Retired, 27 8 1881. - 1864-5; Afghanistan, 1878-80. 309 || Hills, George Scott ......... 8 6 55 27 4 58 1 7 67 || 5 7 72 || 23 8 73 | 11 12 81 --- ---- --- 2 3 81 2 3 S5 - - – Mutiliy, 1857-8; Bhootan, Retired, 22 3 1887. Died in London, 1864-5 ; Afghanistan, 11 5 1892. 1879-80. 310 | Eckford, John . . . . . . . 7 32 55 27 4 58 || 1 1 68 || 5 7 72 24 8 73 || – ------ - - - - --- -- -- ------ - Died at Netley, 19 8 1881. 311 || Brandreth, Ashton Milnes | 7 12 55 27 4 58 || 4 368 || 5 772 24 8 73 || 1 2 82 || – - --- 1 7 81 | 1 , 7 85 — -- --- --- -- Retired, 30 3 1892. 312 || Garnault, Henry William ... 7 12 55 27 4 58 || 5 368 || – - - - --- --- - - - --- - - - Died at Madras, 13 9 1870. 313 Gordon, Hamilton Thomas 7 12 55 27 4 58 || – - --- -- - --- --- --- --- --- *mº --- — - Died off Calpee on the Hooghly, 14 2 1861. 314 Smyth, Ralph Graham ..... 7 12 55 27 4 58 || 31 10 68 || 5 7 72 24 S 73 || 6 5 S3 --- --- - 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 - —- --- Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 7 12 18S9. 315 Steel, John Philip ............ 7 12 55 27 s 58 31 1068 || 5 | 72 24 873 26 5 88 -- ----- --- 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 - *m, - --- --- Retired, 30 3 1892. 316 || Lambert, Parry ............... 7 12 55 27 8 58 || 31 10 68 || 5 7 72 || 1 4 74 22 S S3 -------- -- - 1 7 81 1 7 85 --- - - - -- Retired, 29 3 1892. Died at Leamington, - 10 11 1892. 317 | McNeile, John Magee ...... 13 6 56 27 8 58 || 31 1068 || 5 7 72 || 1 4 74 10 1 S4 || – --- -- 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 — - --- - --- Retired, 12 12 1892. Drowned in a carriage accident near Bally castle, Ireland, 309 189S 318 Oliver, William Henzy ...... 13 6 56 27 8 5S — - - --- --- --- --- - - - -- * * --- Died at Masuri, 14 10 1859. 319 || Scott-Moncrieff, Colin Camp- * N bell, K.C.M.G., C.S.I. 13 6 56 27 8 58 || 31 10 56 || 5 7 72 || 1 4 74 --- * - * 1 7 S1 || 23 1 S3 --- -- --- Mutiny, 1858-9 . Retired, 23 1 1883. tº 320 | Holmes, William Burvill ... 13 6 56 27 8 5s | 18 11 68 5 772 || 23 774 --- * ~~~~ ----- 3 S1 * --- --- * Mutiny, 1858.9; Hazara, Died at Cawnpore, 28 10 1882. - - * 1868 : Afghanistan, 1879-80. 321 | Blair, Henry Francis......... 13 6 56 27 8 58 21 3 69 || 5 7 72 | 19 S 74 * --- * --- 22 11 79 22 9 83 - --- - Mutiny, 1858-9 ; Umbeyla, Retired, 22 9 1883. 1863 : Afghanistan, * iS78–S0. 322 | Heywood, John Magee...... 13 6 56 27 8 58 || 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 3 5 75 28 11 S5 || – -- - 3 5 82 || 3 586 || – --- -- - - Retired, 10 12 1889. ºf 323 Herschel, John ... 12 12 56 27 8 5s 10 11 69 5 772 | 10 3 76 || – -- --- --- 10 3 S3 || 10 3 86 -- - * - - Retired, 10 3 1886. 324 Daubuz, Robert Claude 12 12 56 27 8 58 || 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 — --- *mº - * - - -- - -- --- - Retired, 16 6 1875. 325 | MacSween, Hastings ......... 12 12 56 27 8 58 --- -- - --- --- -- * - --- - --- * --- - Diº, * Alexandria en, howte for England, - - 4 326 | Westmorland, Isaac Peatt | 12 12 56 27 s 58 10 11 69 || 5 | 72 || 30 376 || – --- --- — 30 3 S3 || 3 2 84 — - --- --- - Retired, 3 2 1884. 327 | Padday, Arthur Charles 12 12 56 27 S 58 || 10 11 69 5 7 72 30 3 76 — - - - — | 1.4 4 83 || – -- - - - Retired, 14 4 1883. Died in London, 29 12 1892. 328 St. John, Oliver Beauchamp - - • * Coventry, K.C.S.I. . . . . . . . . 12 12 56 || 27 8 58 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 29 S 76 || 7 3 86 ------ - - 4 2 80 || 4 2 84 - --- --- Abyssinia, 1868; Afghan- | Died at Quetta, 3 6 1891. - istan, 1878-9. 329 Bagge, Arthur Herbert. . . . . . 12 12 56 || 27 8 58 || 10 11 69 - - -- * - - - - - --- --- - --- Died in London, 19 1 1871. 330 | Thuillier, Henry Ravenshaw, K.C.I.E. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 57 27 s 58 10 11 69 || 5 | 72 7 10 76 | 12 s so | – - - 7 10 83 || 7 10 S7 || – - --- ----- --- Retired, 26 3 1895. 331 | Cumming, Alexander John William .. 12 6 57 27 8 58 --- --- -- --- -- -- --- - - -- --- - - <--> Died at Darjiling, 5 2 1865. 332 || Manderson, Thomas Claridge | 12 6 57 27 8 58 || 1 1 70 || 5 772 || 1 10 77 | 12 8 86 || – - - — | 12 8 90 — - - — - Retired, 20 4 1894. 333 || Conway-Gordon, Lewis, CI.E. ............... ... ... ... 11 12 57 27 8 58 || 1 7 70 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 | 12 8 S6 -- - - 1 10 77 1 10 S1 - --- --- - - Retired, 23 5 1892. Died, June, 1895. 334 || Browne, James, C.B., - - K.C.S.I. ..................... | 11 12 57 27 8 58 || 1 770 || 5 7 72 | 1 10 77 - - - 5 11 70 I 10 77 1 10 Sł 29 3 90 --- — Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1860; Died at Quetta, 13 6 1896. - - Umbeyla, 1863-4; Af- 335 | Carter, Thomas Tupper & ...”isis. (afterwards Carter- Egypt, 1882. - Campbell) . ... ... ......... 11 12 57 27 S 58 || 13 9 70 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 12 S S6 — * - - 9 1 87 || – — – Sikkim, 1861; Umbeyla, Retired, 9 1 1887. - 1863; Abyssinia, 1868. * Under Queen's Warrant, 5 7 1872, the rank of 2nd Captain was abolished. All officers of that rank were thenceforth to be styled Captains, mark the change. with dates of 2nd Captain's commission to count as that of Captain. The date 5 7 1872 has here been given, however, to 94. ***.*. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. - No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut, Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General, 336 || Harrison, Charles William Ingleby ........... ......... 11 6 58 || 27 8 58 || 14 12 70 5 7 72 || 1 6 78 || 12 8 86 — * - — | 12 8 90 | — --- -- --- - Retired, 17 11 1894. 337 || Home, Frederick Jervis, C.S.I. ......... ... ...... ... | 11 6 58 27 8 58 || 14 12 70 || 5 7 72 || 31 12 78 || 12 8 86 - -- * -- 12 S 90 --- - - - •mº Retired, 26 5 1895. 8 Il i 2 & . . . 11 6 58 || 27 8 58 - - - * --- - -º-º: - --- * - --- - -- Removed by sentence of General Court, 33 Jackson, Lowis D’Aguilar - Martial, 21 4 1863. . 339 Lovett, Beresford, C.B., C.S.I. .......... * *4 º º $ tº e º ſº e º g º g 11 6 58 27 S 58 2 1 71 || 5 7 72 || 31 12 78 || 12 8 86 --- --- --- — 22 11 83 || 1 11 92 || – — Jowaki, 1878; Afghan- || Retired, 17 11 1894. istan, 1878-9 ; Hazara, 340 Skipwith, Gray Townshend | 11 6 58 27 8 5s 2 1 71 || 5 7.72 31 12 78 12 s 86 - - -- - 12 8 90 - -- - --- - Retired, 6 1 1893. 341 | Crichton, Henry McVeagh 11 6 58 |27 8 5s 14 1 71 || 5 772 || 3112 78 - --- -------- - - --- - – -- sº- --- Died at Darjiling, 7 8 1884. 342 | Trevor, Edward Andrew ... 11 6 58 27 8 5s 14 1 71 || 5 772 25 11 so | – -- - -------- - - - - - --- --- Died at Umballa, 5 12 1886. 343 || Pierson, William Henry a g º - 10 12 58 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 25 11 S0 -- - - --- - --- -- - - Sikkim, 1861; Mahsood | Died at Bannu, Punjaub, 2 6 1881. 5 Wuzeeree, 1881. 344 Strahan George - 10 12 58 14 1 7 || || 5 7 72 | 10 5 81 || 8 9 86 -- --- -- - S 9 90 - - - Bhootan, 1865-6 ; Afghan-| Retired, 8 6 1895. 5 istan, 1879-80, 345 | Goldie, Barre John — | 10 12 58 14 1 71 5 7 72 11 5 81 | 16 9 86 — ---> * – | 16 9 90 | — -- -- --- --- Retired, 8 6 1892. 346 Rowcroft, Harry Crommelin - T() 6 59 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 - --- *-*. --- *-mºr * * *-º- * --- Hazara, 1868 Died in London, 3.6 1876. 347 | Riddell, Robert Vansittart — 10 6 59 || 14 1 71 || 5 || 72 || 3 6 81 || 6 12 86 -* * ---ass ==== 6 12 90 || – * --~~~ - -- Retired, 12 3 1895. 348 Heaviside, William James... - 10 6 59 || 24 3 71 || 5 7 72 || 1 7 S1 || 11 12 S6 * - ** v-sis -- * --- * º Afghan- | Retired, 17 7 1888. _| -- 1808.]], 8–9: ... -- - |... . . . . . ...— ...------------~~T 349 Spragge, Francis Prickett... --- 10 6 59 *-*. •mºm- *mºm- - * ** *** --- * *ºs ----- --- ---- --- Retired, 22 11 1866. Died, 1 3 1895. 350 | Shepherd, William............ — | 9 12 59 | 18 7 71 || 5 7 72 | 1 7 81 | 10 1 89 " — --- ** * - * * *-* - --- Retired, 12.2 1891. 351 | Tickell, Robert Proctor...... -- 9 12 59 | 18 7 71 || 5 7 72 1 7 S1 --- - --- *-*. -- --- -- - – Afghanistan, 1879-80. Died at Jhansi, 30 7 1884. 352 Clayton, Edward Gilbert ... - 9 12 59 || – 3 8 72 || – --- --- — 22 5 S0 | — -- - --- --- - --- Retired, 22 5 1880. 353 | Cunningham, Allan Joseph Champneys ............... --- 8 6 60 - 3 8 72 || 1 7 81 || 9 1 87 --- -- - -- - --- - - Bhootan, 1865-6 ... Retired, 5 8 1891. 354 Clarke, Henry Wilberforce || – 8 6 60 || – 3 8 72 || 1 7 81 || 1 2 87 — - --- - --- --- -- – Ayº isºs;soudan. Retired, is isºl. - - 1884-5. - 355 Tomkins, William Percival, - ' - C.I.E. ... ... ... ..... ... - ... -- S 6 60 --- 3 8 72 || 1 7 81 | 26 5 SS | 12 4-93 | 12 6 98 --- - — 21 5 96 || 1 4 97 || 1 4 98 || Zhob Valley, 1884. 356 +j, (ſſ. Dundas, James......... - S 6 60 - 3 S 72 - - --- -- - - - - --- Bhootan, 1865; Afghan- Killed by an explosion at Sherpur, Afghan . & istan, 1879. istan, 23 12 1879. 357 | Trotter, Henry, C.B.......... - 8 6 60 | — 3 8 72 | 1 7 S1 || 17 7 88 || – — 29 7 78 — - - --- -- --- - Refired, 5 12 1890. 358 || Alves, Malcolm Arbuthnot - 8 6 60 | – 3 8 72 | 1 7 81 | – || – - — | 16 6 87 | — - - —- Afghanistan, 1879–80 Retired, 16 6 1887. 359 | Strahan, Charles............... -- 8 6 60 --- 20 s 72 | 1 7 S1 | 10 1289 | 12 4 93 - 2 3 S1 || 1 7 88 - 27 11 96. - -- Bhootan, 1865-6; Afghan- istan, 1879-80. 360 | Western, James Hallifax, { N & - C.M.G. ..................... - 8 6 60 -- 24 S 73 || 1 7 81 - - - --- 27 1 87 - - - - - - Retired, 27 1 1887. 361 || Ross, Justin Charles, C.M.G. 8 6 60 | – || 24 8 73 || 1 7 S1 || — - -- --- 1 7 88 — --- *m. --- ºmº- -- Retired, 2.7 1888. Died at Bournemouth, 17 8 1896. 362 | Cotton, Francis Frederick --- 8 6 60 - 24 8 73 || 1 7 S1 --- -- --- * 1 7 8S --- - - — Bhootan, 1865-6 . Retired, 2 7 1888. 363 || Broadfoot, William e & s • * * * s a --- 8 6 60 --- 1 4 74 --- * -- - 30 6 S1 - --- -- - - Hazara, 1868 Retired, 30 6 1881. 364 Marshall, George Frederick Leycester, C.I.E. ......... - 8 6 60 -- 1 4 74 || 1 7 81 29 3 90 29 9 93 --- *mº - sºmº 1 4 97 --- — $ - -- |Retired, 9 11 1897. 365 Armstrong, John Arthur ... *mº 8 6 60 | – || 23 7 74 || 1 7 81 | — --- - — 28 3 87 — --- - — | Bhootan, 1864-5 ; Hazara, Retired, 28 3 1887. - 1868. - - - 95 LIST NO. 5. Officers of Madras Engineers. 1748–70. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.--Lt. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Captain. | Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. 1 | Delavaux, Alexander - - - --- - - - 13 6 48 - - --- - -- Carnatic, 1748 ... Chief Engineer, June, 1748. Retired, 20 4 1749. 2 Robins, Benjamin ... . . . . - -- --- - - --- --- --- - - --- --- ----- -- --- Chief Engineer, 8 12 1749. Died at Fort St. David, 29 7 1751. 3 Heath, Thomas ............... - --- - - -- - ------ --- - --- --- - *---- - - Engineer, 1748. Left, 1749. 4 || Brohier, John .... --- --- <------ - ------ -- - — 7 56 --- - --- - --- - -- Engineer, 8 12 1749 ; Chief Engineer, July, 1756. To Bengal, June, 1757. 5 Scott, Caroline Frederick ... - - *- --- -- - --- - 30 9 46 5 1 49 --- --- --- --- - Chief Engineer, August, 1753. Died at Calcutta, 1756. v-6 Call, John, Bart. 1 1 51 - º- 1 I j9 || 18 11 6ſ) - - - 31 7 60 | 10 , 4 65 -- -- — — . Madras, 1758-9 ; Carnatic, 1760- To England, 1769. Died in London, 61-63-64-67; Pondicherry, 1760-1. 1. 3 1801. tº 7 | Leigh, Alexander --- - 15 1 59 | 18 11 60 --- wº- - -- - - - --- — Madras, 1758-9 ; Carnatic, 1759-60; IXilled at Vellore, 16 11 1761. *. Pondicherry, 1760-1. U-T Stevenson, William ......... — — 57 | 1 12 58 18 II 60 | 16 11 61 --- --- - --- - - - - - — | Madras, 1758-9 ; Carnatic, 1759-61-63; Died 21 8 1765. Pondicherry, 1760-1; Manilla, 1762. v. 9 || Cotsford, Edward ... ........ 1 1 59 | 18 11 60 | 16 11 61 || 8 10 64 - --- - --- --- - --- - – , |Madras, 1758.9; Carnatic, 1759-61-I To Civil Service, September, 1770. 63-64; Pondicherry, 1760-1; Ma- milla, 1762. Ł -10 Barnard, Thomas 7 9 61 - ------ --- - - --- --- - -- - - – ' ' | Manilla, 1762; Carnatic, 1763-64-67 || To Civil Service, September, 1770. *11 | McLean, John ............... 1 9 62 || || 1 63 || 21 8 65 30 12 66 *** --- -- --- - --- - - — Q | Carnatic, 1764-67-68 Killed at Tingricottah, 12 2 1768. v. 12 || Adams, John ............ ... ... – – 62 | – – 64 cº- -- - - --- --- - - - - — " || Carnatic, 1764 . Died between 1765 and 1767. *13 || Hamilton, James — — 63 || – * - - -- --- -- - - - - — ” | Carnatic, 1764 . . Killed at Madura, 20 6 1764. - 14 | Delavaux, Charles ........... 1 12 63 --- ----- - --- - -- - - - ---- -- — —- | Carnatic, 1764 . Died between 1765 and 1767. ~ 15 ' | Stevens, William . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 64 21 S 65 | – || 26 1 69 || 11 3 74 || – - -- - --- - --- — v | Carnatic, 1764; Pondicherry, 1778 || Killed at Pondicherry, 14 10 1778. 1- 16 || Benfield, Paul ... ............ — 1 64 || 23 S 65 <-- - --- --- - ---- --- --- - - -º-º- - --- To Civil Service, September, 1770. *17 | Call, Thomas .................. 15 7 65 || – --- - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - --- - - -- --- Arabia, 1820 Killed in the action at Alashkara, Arabia, 11 11 1820. •48 || Frederick, Lennox John 25 6 09 28 11 12 — 19 7 21 - - - -- --- - - - --- --- * Died at Bombay, 26 7 1832. °49 | Pouget, Robert ... ........... 25 609 || 3 418 --- 1 4 22 || 4 7 32 | — --- --- -- 28 11 54 asºmº tºm — " | Kittoor, 1824 Retired, 253 1835. Died at Exeter, 182 1864. * 50 | Richards, Samuel John ...... 2 7 10 || 1 6 13 --- *m. - ------- - - - --- * --- --- - --- Died in London, 25 1 1819. tº 51 || Jervis, George Ritso ......... 8 6 11 || 1 7 17 || – 1 5 24 || 8 8 34 28 6 38 16 8 48 16 8 43 || – -- mºs-- --- - --- - Died at Boulogne, 14 10 1851. £2 52 J Opp, John.............. e & º & e º e 8 6 11 || 17 12 18 sº-º-º: 1 5 24 || 26 3 35 - - -- amº 28 11 54 - - - ------- --- Retired, 28 10 1842. Died at Brighton, 17 6 1861. v. 53 | Macleod, John ............... 25 10 11 || 26 1 19 || – --- --- --- - - - --- - — — Pindaree War, 1818 Died at Bushire, 20 9 1823. v. 54 Tate, William Ashmead 2 7 12 || 1 4 19 — 17 9 24 --- --- --- --- - - - - - --- - Retired, 5 12 1829. Died at Weston-super- - Mare, 21 11 1871. L55 | Ennis, William Michael...... 12 7 12 || – sºmº - --- *m. --- - --- - --- - — Pindaree War, 1817 Killed, 13 11 1817. vö6 Dashwood, Henry William | 28 11 12 || – - *mº. - - *m- - --- *m. --- - --- --- - Killed at sea on board the Hannah, - J.5 11 1820. v. 57 Waddington, Charles, C.B. 4 13 | 16 8 19 --- 29 7 25 28 6 38 || 10 5 43 14 10 51 -- - 4 7 43 24 11 53 28 11 54 — tº Concan, 1817-18; Scinde, 1843-4 Died in London, 22 11 1858. ... 58 Jervis, Thomas Best .......... 6 13 || 10 11 20 --- 6 11 25 - - --- ----- 28 6 38 --- — -- --- --- - Rºº. * 12 1841. Died in London, v. 59 | Slight, Stephen ............... 1 7 17 | 19 7 21 --- 5 6 29 --- - --- - - - -- - --- --- --- Died at Strathpeffer, Rosshire, 19 8 1834. 60 Athill, Samuel ............... 14 11 17 | 1 4 22 - - - - - - --- --- -- - -- Pindaree War, 1818 Died in London, 19 4 1829. v. 61 | Hemming, Samuel... ........ 26 1 19 sºsºmº - sºme - - - -- - * --- * --- --- -- Resigned, 28 11 1822. 1819–30. --- - * ~ *- Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Relmark . Ensign. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt. -Col | Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. - 62 |Outram, Francis ... ... . . . . . . . 6 4 19 21 9 23 || – - - - - - - -- -- - -- – || Kittoor, 1824 Died at Cambay, 8 9 1829. v. 63 McGillivray, Frederick . 16 6 20 | 1 5 24 - 6 12 29 - --- - - - -- - - - -- – - Died at Bombay, 25 8 1838. L-64 || Grant, Charles William... ... 19 6 20 || 1 5 24 || – 10 4 30 28 10 42 | 16 S 43 - - - - 2S 11 54 -- - - - - Retired, 2 7 1853. Died at Penn Hill, near Bath, 1 12 1889. v. 65 | Peat, Alexander Cumine, s C.B. ........... 19 12 20 | 1 5 24 — 20 2 31 10 5 43 - - - 23 7 39 - - - - — . . Cutch, 1825; Afghanistan, Died at Karachi, 15 4 1848. 1838-40 ; Punalla, 1844 ; Scinde, 1846. v-66 || Foster, Robert .............. 19 l;2 20 || 1 5 24 -- 4 7 32 - - - - --- - * *-*** - - - - Died near Stratford-on-Avon, 4 6 1842. v. 67 || Grant, John Schank ... 10 5 22 || 1 5 24 - 27 7 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at MIhow, 7 10 1840. -68 || Bordwine, Frederick Joseph 6 6 23 || 1 5 24 - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - Died at Surat, 9 8 1827. * 69 || Harris, William Cornwallis, Kt. ........................... 1812 23 1 5 24 - S 8 34 16 8 43 - - - - - - - - - - - Died near Poona, 9 10 1848. tº 70 * Goodfellow, William Barclay | 16 12 24 || 17 12 24 || – 20 8 34 || 15 4 48 14 10 51 || 1 8 54 28 11 54*| 9 11 46 - 2s 11 54 6 4 63 || 14 7 71 || 1 10 771 Kolapore, 1827 Died at Torquay, 6 2 1891. I 8 54 - \- * * * * * * * 71 || Scott, Walter .................. 16 12 24 || 17 12 24 — 26 3 35 | 9 10 48 || 2 || 53 || 23 11 58 || 23 11 58f 9 11 46 || 7 6 49 28 11 54 || 5 9 61 | 1 3 67 || 31 3 75 | Punjaub, 1848-9 .. Died near Dresden, 19 3 1876. * 72 Turner, Henry Blois, C.B. 16 625 27 6 25 | – || 25 3 38 14 10 51 || 1 s 54 15 6 60 20 376 || – – 20 6 57 | 2012 65 || 1 4 74 21 12 77 Kolapore, 1827 Died in London, 28 1 1897. *73 || Pelly, Francis.................. 16 6 25 17 12 25 — - - - - - - - - - - - - - Died in Malacca, 9 2 1830. v. 74 Turner, Thomas Metcalf Blois ........................ 16 12 25 | 17 12 25 - 28 6 38 - - - - - - - - - - - - Died at the Breach, Bombay, 9 7 1847. vº 75 Kilner, James............... . . . 16 6 26 | 17 6 26 -- 7 10 40 || 2 7 53 1 8 54 - - 11 11 51 •- - 17 9 58 - - - - Retired, 1 3 1858. Died, September, 1895. vº 76 || Walker, Alexander Scott ... 16 6 26 || – - -- - -- - - - -- **** - - -- - - Died at Poona, 4 8 1828. ~77 || Berthon, Henry....... J - s e = * * * 15 12 26 || 5 S 28 - 30 12 41 --- - - - - *- - - - - - - Retired, 309.1853. Died at Lullote, near * Geelong, Victoria, 10 3 1884. v/'78 Giberne, Henry • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 27 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Transferred to Bombay Art., 49 1827. Died * º at Hackney, 1 9 1848. * 79 | Cruickshank, James John Farquharson ............... 15 6 27 | 20 4 29 || – 4 6 42 || 1 8 54 - - - 20 6 54 *- - - - - - - Died at Bombay, 24 5 1856. * 80 | Kennedy, Thomas Sydenham | 13 12 27 || 5 6 29 || – - - - - - - *- --- - - - - - Died at Dharwar, 30 6 1833. -81 | Dickinson, George Harris... 12 6 28 19 9 29 || – - - - - - - -- - *— - - - - Died at Poona, 9 5 1832. v32 | Dick, George ............... ... 12 6 28 6 12 29 || – - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Died, 16 4 1834. v 83 || Vincent, James ............... 12 12 28 || 10 1 30 | — - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- Retired, 23 10 1839. v84 || Estridge, Joseph............... | 12 1228 || 10 4 30 - 28 10 42 || 1 S 54 - - - 20 6 54 || 10 S 55 --- - -- - - - Rºhº 5 1855. Died at Brighton, v’85 | Hebbert, William George ... 21 6 29 20 2.31 || – || 10 543 || 1 s 54 || – - — 20 G 54 30 11 55 | — - - - - - Retired, 13.9 1855. Died at Tunbridge - Wells, 13 1 1885. v86 || Bishop, James ......... . . . . . . . 21 6 29 || 10 - 5 32 || – — - - - - - - * - - - - - Died at Seroor, 2 11 1834. v'87 Graham-Crawford, James Henry • * * * c e º 'º e e s e º e º 'º - e º e º a g º 21 6 29 || 4 7 32 - 16 8 43 || 10 5 55 1 3 58 - - 20 6 54 *--- - - - - - - Died at Bombay, 22 4 1860. v'88 || Wingate, George, K.C.S.I. 21 6.29 27 7 32 || – 9 7 47 - - - - 28 11 54 •- --- -- - - - - Retired, 15 6 1854. Died, 7 2 1879. 89 J acob, William Stephen * * * * * * 21 6 29 || 1 7 33 - - - *-*. - - - - --- - - -- -- * - - Resigned, 20 1 1848. * 90 | Tremen he ere, Charles William, C.B. ... ......... . 21 6 29 || 17 4 34 - 15 4 48 || 13 9 55 27 S 58 18 2 61 - 28 11 54 - - 1 3 67 || 23 7 74 — - || Mutiny, 1857-8 Rºº, iss 7 1874. Died in London, 91 | Wemyss, Francis ............ 11 12 29 8 8 34 - tº- - -- - - - *- - - - - •- - Died in London, 27 6 1848. * O 3) 2nd Lieut. - * - - - : v. « * v'92 | Studdert, Thomas ............ ii. 6 go 20 s 34 - 9 10 48 - - - - 11 11 53 *- -- - - — ... Afghanistan, 1840-2 ; Died in Dublin, 28 10 1855. - Scinde, 1843-4; Pun- jaub, 1848-9. v'93 || Brougham, Peter ............ 11 6 30 || 3 11 34 - - *- - - - - *-- -- - - - - - Died at Paris, 21 10 1836. * This commission was subsequently taken as the date of his Colonelcy ; and in 1862 it was ordered to be the date of his rank as Colonel-Commandant, f This date (rank as Colonel) was taken in 1862 as date of rank as Colonel-Commandant. but it was finally allered to 28 11 1854. 106 Regimental Rank. Army Rank. g No. Name. - War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. ~94 | Margary, Henry Joshua. ... 10 12 30 26 3 35 --- 14 10 51 24 5 56 27 s 58 18 2 61 *mº ºmºm, - --- 1 9 63 <-- *mºms -- - Retired, 1 9 1863. Died at Weston-super- Mare, February, 1876. ~95 || Graham, William Dashwood | 10 12 30 21 10 36 sº- 2 7 53 || 1 3 58 27 8 58 *** --- 15 9 57 --- --- sºmº * -º --- --- - Rºh, * 7 1859. Died at Fareham, v’96 Skirrow, John.................. 9 6 31 wº-º-º: -- sºmeº - mº --- - * - - ºmº ** - ----- - Died near Bomcote, Bombay, 9 4 1836. v. 97 || Munbee, George Boland 9 6 31 25 3 38 *mº 30 9 53 *m. 23 11 58 18 2 61. - -- --- --- 1 9 63 - — & Scinde, 1843-5; Mutiny, Retired, 1 9 1863. Died at Weston-super- - 2 1858-9. Mare, 14 7 1882. v. 98 || Leach, Robert, C.B. ......... 8 12 31 28 6 38 - *mº --- -- --- --- 7 8 38 -- ------- --- *-* — ` Afghanistan, , , 1838-42; Died at Umballa, 2 9 1845. - Bundlecund, 1843. - tº 99 Walker, Charles........... * @ is 8 12 31 || 23 10 39 --- - -- - - *m. tºmº, -- - - * --- --- - Lost on board the Lord Castlereafh, 186 1840 Y100 | Western, William John ... 8 632 - --- - --- - --- *m. * - *s-, - ** ºm- ------- - Died at Aden, 4 6 1840. v101 || Allardyce, Henry Walker... s 6 32 - *mº - --- - -- - - -- *mº •ºmºmº * - --- Resigned, 29 6 1836. *102 | Curtis, John Adee......... ... s 6 32 | 18 6 10 -- --- --- --- --- --- - --- --- - &m- * - - Died on board the Victoria, 2 6 1846. v103° Nash, Alexander ............ 14 12 32 || 7 10 40 --- * - - -- - - --- -- - *-* --- - - Died at Farriham, 16 6 1847. v104 || Hart, Philip Lewis......... 14 12 32 || 30 12 41 - 15 2 54 - 5 7 59 * - -- - 6 11 60 *-*. * cº-º-º: --- - Retired, 15 8 1860. Died at Breinton, Hereford, May, 1897. ... 105 | North, Charles Frederick ... 11 6 33 || 4 6 42 - 15 2.54 - 23 4 60 || 1 9 63 *s-s 16 2 64 - 14 4 63 24 10 64 --- — Afghanistan, 1838-9, and | Retired, 24 10 1864. 1840-2 ; Scinde, 1843 ; Persia, 1857. • 106 || Suart, William Swainson 13 12 33 || 28 10 42 --> 15 6 54 - *mº - --- 4 12 57 --- --- - - * --- - Retired, 5 11 1857, Died at Chigwell, Essex, 23 5 1882. - *107 | Wemyss, Francis 13 12 33 || 10 5 43 - 1 8 54 - 15 6 60 -- - -- - --- - - * --- - Rºhº, 7 1860. Died in London, 2108 || Hill, John ..., ... .............. 11 6 34 || 16 8 43 --- 1 8 54 ms - --- *- 2 8 54 || 4 12 57 | 26 3 58 - - —'-" | Punjaub, 1848-9 ... ... Retired, 4 12 1857 - v109 Wood Henry s e º & 8 tº € $ tº p is is tº g g º e & 11 6 34 --- - - - - --- - - * “mº -- --- * — --- --- Resigned, 17 2 1841. Died in London, 5 1 11 1890. s *110 | Burke, James Henry ......... 12 12 34 2 9 45 --- 1 8 54 --- 28 7 60 1 9 63 - - - * 27 2 64 cº-º: *s * --- Retired, 27 2 1864. Dead. 111 || Strachey, Richard, G.C.S.I. 10 6 36 - -- --- - - - * --- --- - -- *-*. * - - To Bengal Engineers, 25 9. 1830. 112 || Macleod, George ............ 10 6 36 sºm-º. --- --- - -- --- --- *-g tº- -- - * *-* --- --- To Bengal Engineers, 25 9 1889. 113 || Marriott, William Frederick, § C.S.I. ... ... .................. 9 12 36 || 2 646 --- 1 8 54 --- 16 8 60 --- * ** --- 16 8 65 | 18 3 7C ------ - Afghanistan, 1838-9 Transferred to Bo. S.C., 29 2 1864. Died at Cairo, 17 12 1879. 114 || Bell, Henry Wainwright Bax ......... . . ............... 11 6 39 || 13 11 46 --- 1 8 54 -- 18 2 61 29 2 64 ------- - - *m-. 6 3 68%| 30 3 76 --- - --- Retired, 30 3 1876. Died in London, - 1 4 74 10 9 1888. y 1.15% Rivers, Harry.................. 11 6 39 || 13 11 46 *-9 1 8 54 — 18 2 61 || 24 10 64 — --- - — | 1.4 4 65 — º - - Rºhº; 4 1865. Died at Hanworth, 116 Kendall, William $ tº e º ſm #3, it tº & . . | 11 6 41 || 13 11 46 * 1 8 54 -- 1S 2 G1 | 1.4 4 65 - 2 8 54 - * * --- ** * Punjaub, 1848-9 ... Died at Bombay, 17 12 1869. 117 | Kennedy, Michael Kavanagh, - K.C.S.I. ............... ..... 11 6 41 || 13 11 46 || – 1 8 54 — 18 2 61 || 1 3 67 || 7 2 91 || – - 18 2 66 || 6 3 68 21 1277 | 10 581 Afghanistan, 1879-80 Died at Farnham, 1 2 1898. 118 De Lisle, Alfred . . . . 10 12 41 | 16 6 47 sºmº, I 8 54 -- 18 2 61 || 1 3 67 || – - - 18 2 66 12 5 68 || – * - * Retired, 12 5 1868. 119 hapma illi * --> - - * - * - - *-*. * cº- - - Drowned by the upsetting of a boat in the Chapman, William ... ...... 11 6 42 || 9 747 || – Indus, near Kotree, 21 12 1853. 120 | Dickinson, William Rice 11 6 42 || 2 9 47 — | 10 5 55 * 18 2 61 | 12° 5 68 * --- - 18 2 66 || 1 9 71 || – — | Persia, 1856-7 Retired, 19 1871. 2121 | Scott, Charles 9 6 43 20 1 48 —— T3 9 55 — 18 2 61 J8 12 69 — --- — 18 2 66 || 17 10 70 || – *-* *-*. - Rºhº. 10 isſo. Died at Bedford, , 122 | Fife, James George ......... 7 6 44 | 15 4 48 *- 28 10 55 --- 1 9 63 || 17 10 70 ** - --- 1 9 68 15 8 78 || 31 12 78 --- --- - - Rºº, iº 1878. Died at Goring, Oxon., 123 || Jones, Jenkin ............. 9 12 44 9 10 48 -ms 24 5 56 - 1 9 63 || 1 9 71 --- - --- 1 9 68 24 8 78 || 31 12 78 --- Mutiny, 1858-9 Retired, 31 12 1878. 124 Boddam, Castle Tudor ...... 9 12 44 14 10 51 * 5 11 57 - -- rººm-º. --- - --- *mm *m: * *-> * — Died at Jubbulpore, 2 5 1861. * Vacancy occurred on latter date, but commission antedated to former date without carrying back pay. 107 1844–52. Name. 127 | 28 129 130 132 | Walker, James Thomas, C.B. Cowper, Alexander Playfair, John William * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * e - - - - - - e º - * Chapman, George Close, John Baptist Granville Fuller, John Augustus, Trevor, John Salisbury, Wilkins, Henry St. Clair ... 133 134 135 | 36 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 I 50 151, 152 Southey, Edmund ............ Nasmyth, David Jobson Donne, John Edwards ...... Gillespie, Thomas ......... e - - Stainforth, Henry Elliott ... Goddard, James............ Archibald, Ballard, John C.B........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tº tº Davidson, Alexander......... Cotgrave, Richard Edward Forbes........................ * * * * * * Soady, Joseph Rogers Merriman, Charles James, Sellon, Robert Sellon...... .. Duncan, George Munro Malcolm, Robert Preston (afterwards Malcolm-Paton) Finch, Alexander Urquhart Hamilton Thomson, David............... Goodfellow, William West, C.B * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * g º º º ve 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hancock, Henry Francis Griffith, Julius George Thomas . . .................. Finch, Cuthbert Walter Regimental Rank. Army Rank. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. | Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 9 12 44 || 2 7 53 - 4 12 57 27 2 64 || 11 12 73 - 19 1 58 -- 27 2 69 || 31 12 78 || 10 5 S1 || 12 1 S4 13 6 45 30 9 53 - 1 3 58 29 2 64 - - - - - - - - 13 6 45 22 12 53 - 27 4 58 24 10 64 || 1 4 74 - *- - 24 10 69 || 3 2 75 - -- 12 12 45 - - - - - --- - - -se - - - T1 12 46 15 2 54 - 27 4 58 || 14 465. - - - - - - - - 11 12 46 | 15 2 54 - 27 4 58 20 6 66 || 3 2 75 --- - - 20 6 71 || 31 12 78 || 1 2 S2 || 1 6 S3 11 6 47 | 15 2 54 27 8 58 || 15 6 60 | 1 3 67 || 23 2 75 * *- -— 1. 3 72 || 31 12 78 - - 11 6 47 | 15 2 5 4 || 27 8 58 28 7 60 | I 3 67 -* - - - 15 8 68 || 21 12 77 || 31 12 78 18 1 82 10 12 47 | 15 6 54 27 8 58 16 8 60 | 12 568 -- - - - 15 5 70 ºs- - - 10 12 47 1 8 54 || 27 8 58 18 2 61 || 17 6 68 -* •- - - - sº- - - 10 12 47 - --- --- *- -** - *- - -wrº- *- - -*. 9 6 48 || 1 8 54 -- *- - -* * - - -º-º: *º- wº- --sº 9 6 48 - -** *º- - - * *- - --- •ººse- - -> 9 6 48 - -*. *- - - * *w- - - - *- -*. 8 12 48 || 1 8 54 27 8 58 || 18 2 61 10 11 69 -- - 28 8 58 || 7 12 58 7 12 66 20 8 76 || 29 11 78 31 12 78 8 12 48 1 8 54 || 27 8 58 18 2 61 || 10 11 69 - - *- - 10 11 74 || 31 12 78 - -- s 649 || 1 s 54 27 8 58 ſ 18 2 61 | 10 11 69 - -*- -- - 15 3 71 - - -- 11 12 49 1 8 54 27 8 58 18 2 61 - - * *- ! - wº-ººs - - - 14 6 50 || 1 8 54 27 8 58 3 5 61 | 18 12 69 24 8 78. - •- - 18 12 74 18 1 82 21 6 84 21 2 87 14 6 50 || 1 8 54 27 8 58 | 12 4 62 | 15 5 70 - -- - - 15 5 75 - - - 14 6 50 1 8 54 27 8 58 - - - -*. - - - - - - 13 6 51 | 1 s 54 27 8 58 || 1 9 68 || – - ** 7 12 5S — - - - - 13 6 51 1 8 54 27 8 58 1 9 63 17 10 70 - - - - 17 10 75 31 12 78 —- - 12 12 51 || 1 8 54 27 8 58 27 2.64 || 15 3 71 || – * - - 15 3 76 || 31 12 78 : — - 12 12 51 1 8 54 27 8 58 || 29 2 64 1 9 71 || 31 12 78 29 1 97 || 15 8 68 - 1 9 76 | 12 1 84 21 2 87 1 4 91 12 6 52 || 1 8 54 || 27 8 58 || 2 9 64 20 9 71 || 31 12 78 * - - 20 9 76 21 6 84 22 2 87 - 12 6 52 1 8 54 27 8 58 || 24 10 64 || 20 9 71 -- --- *- -- - - - - 9 I2 52 1 8 54 27 8 58 || 14 4 65 - - - - - --- - - - ‘War Services. Remarks. Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Mutiny, Mahsood Wuzeeree, 1860. 1857; Punjaub, 1848-9 ; Persia, 1856-7 Punjaub, 1848-9 Arabia, 1858; Abyssinia, 1867-8 Okamundel, 1859 Turkey, 1854; Crimea, 1854-5; Per- sia, 1856-7 ; Mutiny, 1858-9. Mutiny, 1857-8 ... Persia, 1856-7 Persia, 1856-7 ; Abyssinia. 1867-8 .. Persia, 1856-7 . Retired, 12 1 1884. Died in London, 16 2 1896. Died at Simla, 16 6 1868. Retired, 3 2 1875. Died at Southsea, 24 7 1887. Died at Poona, 14 7 1848. Retired, 20 6 1866. 31 5 1879. - Died at Bournemouth, Retired, 1 6 1883. Retired, 31 12 1878. Died in London, 9 6 1896. Retired, 18 1 1882. Died in London, 15 12 1896. Retired. , 15 5 1870. Died at Eastbourne, 20 2 1883. Retired, 20 9 1871. Died at Adelaide, South Australia, 30 9 1871. Died at Poona, 15 6 1851. Died at Poona, 10 4 1855. Lost at Sea in the wreck of the s.s. Swn'at, 22 11 1851. * Lost at sea in the wreck of the s.s. Swa'at, 22 11 1851. Retired, 31 12 1878. Greece, 2 4 1880. Retired, 31 12 1878. Died near Livadia; Retired, 15 3 21 9 1873. Died at Bath, 11 4 1862. 1871. Died in London, Retired, 22 2 1887. Died en route to England from Bombay, 22 L 1877. Died at Khandeish, 27 11 1859. Retired, 2 9 1864. Retired, 31 12 1878. Retired, 31 12 1878, 7 sº . . " , ; ; . . .:/.3 * § ./Jºž Died at Calcutta, 9 3 1887. Died at Bombay, 3 4 1874. Died at Bombay, 8 2 1868. 108 1852–56. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. | — — — — . —--— — — — — — — — — —---, -- War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. | Major. I,t.-Col. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. * 153 Greig, Irwin Montgomery 9 12 52 i s 54 27 s 58 20 606 || 5 77* 1112 78 is 1 sº -- - - 11 12 78 || 6 11 86 *- - Aºs 1858; Abyssinia, Rºsſ 11 1886. Died in London, - - sºvº • - 4 º § pº & º 11 6 53 || 1 S 54 28 11 59 || 1 3 (37 || 5 7 72 | 11 12 73 | 12 1 84 - - - - 11 12 78 — - - - - Retired, 23 11, 1886. Died in London 154 Maunsell, John Richardson i; i31837. y 155 | Pym, Harry .................. 11 6 53 || 1 s 54 15 600 || 1 & 67 || – --- - - - - - - - e- — | Persia, 1856-7 Resigned, 31 12 1868. 156 Holland, Edward Burnes ... 9 12 53 || 1 & 54 28 7 60 | 10 2 63 || 5 772 || 1 4 74t – — - - - - - - * - Died at Bombay, 12 3 1874. 157 | Le Mesurier, John............ 9 12 53 || 1 s 54 | 16 s 60 | 12 568 || 5 772 || 1 474 || 2: 6 84 - - - 1 4 79 22 2 87 24 3 87 — | Persia, 1856-7 Retired, 24 3 1887. 158 || Baker, William Adolphus ... 9 12 53 || 1 s 54 18 2 61 || 17 6 68 5 772 4 4.74 || – - - - 4 4 79 28 3 84 — - - - Retired, 28 3 1884. 159 | White, John Hubbard ...., | 9 12 53 || 1 s 54 18 2 61 31 12 68 || 5 772 || 3 2 75 || – - - - 3 2 80 || 24 3 87 || – - - - Retired, 29 3 1890. - 8 6 54 || 1 8 54 || 3 5 61 || 31 12 68 || 5 7 72 || 3 2 75 || 6 11 86 - - - 3 2 80 31 1 88 — *- - - Retired, 15 3 1889. Died at Clifton, 160 | Browne, Clement Metcalfe º 27 10 1892. 161° Haig, Charles Thomas , , . . . . S 6 54 24 556 | 12 4 62 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 23 1 77 || 23 11 86 - - - 1 7 81 30 11 SS - - º, 1857; Mutiny, Retired, 14 1891. º e S 6 54 || 5 11 57 || 1 9 63 | 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 || 1 10 77 - - - - I 10 81 || 31 12 87 - – | Persia, 1857; Abyssinia, Retired, 31 12 1887. 162 | Hills, John, C.B. . . . . . . . . . . . 3) • i; ; “Afghājj. “ 1879-80; Burma, 1886-7. 163 | Penny, Charles Brodie Forman ............... ...... 7 9 54 || 4 12 57 || 1 9 63 || 10 11 69 5 7 72 21 12 77 -- - - - 21 12 S1 || 31 12 82 - - *- - Retired, 31 12 1882. 164 Dick, William George - Douglas * c e a e º a º ºs e º e º e º 'º º º e & 9 12 54 - - - - --- - 4- - - - - - --- Mutiny, 1857-8 Killed at the Siege of Jhansi, April, 1858. 165 || Meiklejohn, Hugh Robert... 9 12 54 || – - - - - - - - - - - - — Mutiny, 1857-8 Killed at the Siege of Jhansi, April, 1858. - T as Y - T --> 9 12 54 || 4 - 4 58 || 27 2 64 - - ** - - - -- - - --- — Mutiny, 1857-8 Retired, 14 10 1868. Died, 31 5 1888. 166 Mytton, Frederick Colvin 167 | Bonus, Joseph ............... s 6 55 27 4 58 29 2 64 || 1011 69 5 772 24 878 *-** -º- 1. 3 64 || 7 2 74 || 7 2 79 || 25 11 86 *- — Mutiny, 1857-8; Afghan- | Retired, 30 11 1888. 9 istan, 1878-80. 168 ag.gº. Goodfellow, Charles - 8 6 55 27 4 58 || 2 9 64 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 31 12 78 - 2 2 98 || 15 8 68 || 11 7 77 | 11 781 | 15 3 89 || 1 4 92 — Mutiny, 1857-8; Abys- Augustus ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {} t t.) sinia, 1868. * 8.1' 16S . . . . . . . . . . . . S 6 55 - - - - -sº - - -- - - - e- - Mutiny, 1858 Died at Kotah (from wound received 30th 169 || Hancock, Chal les March in the assault), 15 4 1858. 170 | Mathew-Lannowe, Brownlow º Hugh ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... & © tº e º 'º S 6 55 27 4 58 24 10 64 18 12 69 || 5 7 72 31 12 78 — - - — 31 12 82 || 9 4 86 — --- - - Betired, 9 4 1886. - 7 gº tº *** **** 6 55 27 4 58 14 4 55 | 15 4 70 5 7 72 31 12 78 - - - - 31, 12 82 - 4- - Mutiny, 1858-9 Died at Glion, Montreux, Switzerland, 171 Gambier, Edward Parry Dº) - t 14 10 1886. - 172 | Manson, Walter............... 8 6 55 27 4 58 20 6 66 || 17 10 70 || 5 7 72 — - - - - - -- *- - - - T)ied in London, 3 7 1879. 173 || Moore, Henry Cecil ......... S 6 55 || 27 4 58 || – - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retired, 7 6 1866. 174 || Mander, Alfred Thomas 7 12 55 27 S 5S | 1 3 67 || 15 3 71 || 5 7 72 1S 1 S2 - - - 1 7 81 || 1 S5 - - - - - Retired, 23 9 1889. 175 | Swiney, John Downing 7 12 55 27 8 58 --- - - --- - - - - -- - •- - - - Died at Sitabaldi, 259 1864. 176 || Bedford, Joseph Herbert ... 7 12 55 27 s 58 || 1 & 67 || 1 0 71 || 5 772 31 12 sº - - - 1. 7 81 1 7 85 || 8 6 87 - — Mutiny 1858 Retired, 8 6 1887. 177 | Ducat, Walter Mardon ...... 13 6 56 27 8 58 10 2 68 20 9 71 || 5 7 72 | 12 1 84 - - - 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 - - - - - Retired, 1 4 1890. 178 || Merewether, George Lane - º - Cockburn ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 56 || 27 8 58 || 12 5 68 || 5 7 72 || 25 8 73 || 2S 3 84 - - - 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 - - – || Mutiny, 1858-9; Abys- | Retired, 24 11 1892. º - sinia, 1867-8. 179 || Phelps, Peyton a tº - - 13 6 56 27 8 58 || 17 6 68 || 5 7 72 25 - 8 73 - - - - 1 7 81 | 29 9 83 || – - - a- - Retired, 29 9 1883. 180 Smith, Frederick James 13 6 56 || 27 S 58 || 14 10 68 || 5 7 72 || 11 12 73 - - - - 1 7 81 || 31 3 84 - - - Mº 1859; Abyssinia, Retired, 31 3 1884. 181 | Dowden, Thomas Freeman | 12 12 56 || 27 s 58 31 10 68 || 5 | 72 | 11 1273 21 6 84 - -- - 1 7 81 || 1 7 85 - - - Afghanistan, 1879-80 Retired, 27 5 1893. 182 | Le Messurier, Augustus, - C.I.E. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 56 || 27 S 5S 31 10 68 || 5 7 72 || 13 3 74 || 9 4 86 - - - 2 3 81 2 3 85 - - -— Mutiny, 1858-9; Abys- | Retired, 27 5 1893. sinia, 1868 ; Afghan- istan, 1879-80. * Under the Queen's Warrant, 5 7, 1872, the rank of Major was established and that of 2nd Captain abolished. No commissions were issued, but existing 2nd Captains Cancelled in London Gazette of 12 5 1874. f A posthumous Gazette. were from that date styled Captains, with dates of their 2nd Captaincies. 109 * - 4 - e. e. e. e. e. e º 'º - - - e º e 1856–60. Regimental Rank. No. Name. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. "2nd Capt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. 183 || Merriman, William, C.I.E. 12 12 56 27 s 58 || 31 12 68 || 5 ; 72 | 13 374 || 9 4 86 184 || Jopp, Keith Alexander ...... 12 6 57 | 27 8 58 || 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 || 1 4 74 18 8 86 185 | Mant, Charles ............... 11 12 57 27 8 58 || 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 || 4 4.74 || – 186 | Lee, Henry Herbert ......... 11 12 57 27 8 58 10 11 69 || 5 7 72 | 3 2 75 — 187 | Seton, Alexander Reginald | 11 12 57 27, 8 58 || 10 11 69 5 7 72 28 177 | 12 s 86 188 Campbell, William Maxwell | 11 6 58 27 s 58 || 1s 12 69 5 772 || 1 10 77 || -- 189 | Cruickshank, James Henry Robert ..................... 11 6 58 27 8 58 || 15 5 70 || 5 7 72 21 12 77 || – 190 | Oldham, George Wingate ... 11 6 58 27 8 58' 17 10.70 || 5 772 || 3112 78 - 191 Watson, Henry Wathen...... 11 6 58 27 8 58 — - - - 192 | Doveton, Henry............... — 10 12 58 17 10 70 5 7 72 31 12 78 — 193 Marryat, Ernest Lindsay ... — | 10 6 59 14 12 70 || 5 7 72 31 12 78 — 194 | Baldwin, Charles Frederick — | 10 6 59 — - - - 195 || Macartney, Maxwell James | – || 10 6 59 || 14 12.70 || 5 772 || 3112 78 || – 196 | Seton, Bruce Outram...... .. - 9 12 59 14 12 70 5 7 72 || 31 12 78 — 197 | Twemlow, Edward D'Oyley | – 9 12 59 | 1.4 L 71 || 5 7 72 31 12 78 12 8 86 198 || Cruickshank, John - Donaldson .................. - 9 12 59 || 14 1 71 || 5 7 72 4 7 79 || 6 11 S6 199 || Skinner, Court land Alexander McGregor...... - 9 12 59 15 8 71 || 5 772 || – - 200 | Cruickshank, George Macdonald - 8 6 60 || 1 9 71 || 5 7 72 — - Army Rank. Colonel. Col.-Com. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General, - - - 1 7 S1 || 1 7 85 - *-*. - - - - 1 7 81 1 7 S5 - -- - - - - 3 2 82 3 2 86 4 2 86 - - - - - 23 1 S4 - - - - - - – 22 11 79 22 11 83 || 28 11 84 - - - - - 1 6 S5 - - - -- - --- - 30 11 S2 - - - - - - - 31 12 85 - - - - - - - 10 6 86 — - - -- - - - 5 3 S6 -- --- — e. "T" - - - 2.1 5 S6 - — - * - - - wº-- **- 12 S 90 1 4 95 *- *º- - - -- *- 6 11 90 *rºw- *- *- - — 25 12 78 - — - - *- War Services. Remarks. Transvaal, 1881 Abyssinia, 1867-8... Abyssinia, 1868 Afghanistan, 1879 Afghanistan, 1878-80 Afghanistan, 1879-80 Afghanistan, 1880 Retired, 27 5 1893. Retired, 23 12 1891. Died in London, 179 1881. Retired, 4 2 1886. Died at Bombay, 12 11 1887. Retired, 28 11 1884. Retired, i 6 1SS5. Retired, 30 11 1882. Retired, 9 12 1865. Retired, 31 12 1885. Retired, 10 (; 1886. I)ied at Ahmedabad, 19 10 1869. |Retired, 5 3 1886. Died in London, 17 10 1898. - - Retired, 21 5 1886. Retired, 2.1 5 1896. Retired, 15 6 1896. Retired, 25 12 1878. Dead. Rilled in action in Afghanistan, 16 8 1880. 110 Officers of King William III.'s Company of Engineers, formed LIST NO. 7. & on the 1st January, 1696, and disbanded 25th March, 1700. 1696. No. Name. * nt. Army Rank. War Services. Remarks. Director and Commander-in-Chief. 1 | Blood, Holdcroft ... ................ ... .. 1 10 96 --- - - - * Also on establishment (see No. 26). Engineers. 2 Paget, Edward (1st Engineer) ............ 1 4 97 - --- - - •- No further trace. 3 | Carles, Peter ..... ........................... 1 1 96 - -- - - - Also on establishment, (see No. 24). 4 | Chardeloup, John ........................ .. 1 96 - - - Sea Expeditions, 1692-3 Half-pay, 1714. Supposed to have died at Ramsey, Hants, in 1771 (aged 107;. 5 | Petit, Isaac Francis * º e º e º e º 'º - e s a t + - 1 1 96 * - - - - Also on establishment (see No. 32). 6 | D'Arcourt, Oliver ............... ..... I 1 96 || Capt. (Huntingdon's), 10 3 1702; Lt.-Col. (Wade's), 16 6 1709 sea Expedition, 1602; Gibraltar, 1704; Portugal, 1706 | No trace atter 1700. 7 Petit, Lewis ..................... * * * * * * * g e 1 1 96 - *- — - - *- Also on establishment (see No. 40). 8 Petit, James • * * * * * * * 1 1 96 * ſº Fºº, 24 4 1707; Lieut.-Col. in the Army, 1722; Major | Flanders, 1703 ; Portugal, 1703-7; Flanders, 1709 Died at Minster, Isle of Thanet, 19 1 1730, 9 Collier, Theodore * * * * * * * * * * * * * s is a • * * * * * * * * * e — — 96 Major (Train), May, 1705 ; Col. (Train), 1 3 1707 Portugal; 1705.8 No trace after 1708. 10 Wybault, James........................ & 1 4 96 Lieut. (R. Reg. of Fus ), 10 4 1701 Cadiz, 1702 To Irish Engineers (see No. 8). 11 || Bennet, Joseph ... ............. tº e 1 4 g6 Lt.-Colonel, 1705 riº º Cadiz, 1702; Portugal, 1703; Gib- || Half-pay, 1714. No trace after 1715. 12 Bissett, William * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 4 96 Capt.-Lieut. (Seymour's), 1 7 1695; Capt. (ditto), 10 8 1695; Major - - No trace after 1715. (ditto), 1 5 1711. - 13 | Cartwright, Henry * 1 4 96 || Captain (Jacob’s) Flanders, 1696. 14 de Champigné, Josias ...... ............ ... 1 4 96 15 de Lalo, Sampson ............ ........... ... 1 4 96 || Lt.-Col. (Gibson's), 1 5 1702 ; Col. (ditto), 1 2 1704; Brig.-Gen., | Flanders, 1702-9 Killed at Malplaquet, 11 9 1709. 16 3 1709; Maj.-Gen., 1709. 16 | Bacalan, David ...... ................. ..... • I 4 96 --- - - sº- - No trace after 1698. 17 | de la Brissonière, Pierre..................... 1 4 96 18 de la Ferrière, Hector ..................... 1 4 96 19 de Gually, St. Pierre ....................... 1 4 96 - - - Portugal, 1705-8 No trace after 1708. 20 | Blood, Edmund .............................. 4 96 hº º 21 | Low, George (or John)..................... 1 4 96 - - - -- *- No trace after 1698. 22 || Pajolas, Anthony ............... 1 4 96 23 La Tessonière, David e is 6 s m e º e 1 4 96 24 Burgh, Thomas l 10 96 *- - - - - w- Also on Irish Establishment (see No. 5, Irish Engineers). 25 Wallis, John 1 10 96 || Lieut. (R. Reg.) in 1692 Flanders, 1692 No trace after 1698. 1 11 1696–97. No. Name. Apºnt Army Rank. War Services. * Renmarks. 26 Schmettau, John George .................. 1 10 96 - - - - - No trace after 1698. 27 | Massé, John ................................. T 10 96 - - - Portugal, 1703; Gibraltar, 1704; Portugal, 1707-8 ... No further trace. 28 Clavis, John * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * 1 10 96 - - * - -- No trace after 1698. 29 || Modeins, Henry............... 1 10 96 --- --- --- - - No twace after 1698. 30 | Thomas, John........ (s • * * * * * * * * * e º t e 1 10 96 *- *- --- Cadiz, 1702 Died in South Carolina, 1741. 31 de la Martinerie, Alexander. e e º ºs e e s e s > d e º e 1 4 7 - --- - Sea Expeditions of 1692 and 93; Flanders, 1702–8 ... No further trace. 32 Manting, Eliezer...... ... ........... ... ... ... 1 4 97 - - - Sea Expedition of 1692 No further trace. 33 | du Bouchet, Peter ... ....................... 1 4 97 -** - - Flanders, 1702 º Rilled at Venloo, 12 5 1702. 34 | Petit, John.................................... 1 4 97 35 | Kerr, Thomas .............................. 1 4 97 36 Cavalier, John º 15 6 97 Col. in Dutch service, 4 3 1706; Maj.-Gen., 2 7 1739 - - Died at Chelsea, May, 1740. 11 LIST NO. 8. ** Engineers of Ireland. 1661–1801. (Corps disbanded 1st April, 1801). 1661–1785. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. Engineer.| 3rd Eng. 2nd Eng. Chief Eng Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. l P arrie, John ... ............... --- - --- (3 2 1661 -º-º: - -- --- Capt. - --- - - --- -- Joint Chief Engineer with Capt. Hullam. Ceased employment about 1670-1. 2 Hullam, John ... ... ........... --- --- -- 6 2 1661 --- --- --- *º-º-º-º: Capt. --- - - ------- *-sº wº-mº Ceased elmployment about 1670-1. 3 Robinson, William, Kt....... --- | --- --- 11 1 1671 - --- --- -- -- - - - - - *-º-º: Repatented jointly with W. Molineux, f 31 10 1684. Resigned, 9 4 1700. Died, | 22 10 1712. & •ve e º 4 || Molineux, William............ — — — 31 1 0 1684| – - - --- - *m. --- *mº --- --- - Died, 1687. § Burgh, Thomas ............... 27 2 169] --- — 19 4 1700 – - ------- --- — 11 4 06 - * -- - Ireland, 1689-91; Flanders, Engineer in King William’s Co., I 10 1696. 1692-5. Died, 18 12 1730. 6 Corneille, Rudolph ......... 27 2 1691 — | 1 4 1706 — ------- -- - -- --- -- * --- - --- --- Not traced after i710. 7 Romer, Wolfgang William H -- 1692 – - --- -- - -- --- - --- - -- --- - - To British List, 1698 (see No. 29). 8 Wybault, James ............ - - – 1703 — -- --- --- <--- — — — 1719 * -- --- — Cadiz, 1702... ... Engineer in King William’s Co., 1 10 1696. - - Lieut., R. Reg. of Fus., 10 4 1701. To Irish Artillery as Major, 1719. Not traced - after L722. 2 e - 9 || O’Bryan, John ... ... ...... ------- — 1 4 1705 — ----- - - * * --> *-*. - - --- -- To British List (see No. 47). 10 | Corneille, John . * * * *e wº-º-º: 4 4 1719 Capt. . 11 | Pearce, Edward Lovet, Kt. *-*. - — |1(; 1 1731 || – ------ •º-º-º-º. — | 13 12 1707 - - --- - *ms, * mº-º Died, 16 12 1733. 12 | Dobbs, Arthur ......... ... ... --- - -º-ºwn 2 5 34 ------ ---- --- º-º-º-º: - - *-e --- --- Braddock's Force, 1755 ... | Resigned, 14 6 1744. Died at Cape Fear, N. Carolina, 26 3 1765. - 13 | Nevil, Arthur Jones ... ... - --- --- 15 6 44 - --- --- - -- --- •- - - sº-º-º-º: *- * Dismissed, 30 8 1752. -Y 14 Eyre, Thomas ......... . . ... - --- *m. 31 8 52 --- -- — -- --- 26 63 --- * sºme -- --- -- From Capt. (Trelawney's). Resigned, - 12 3 17 6. Died in Irish House of Commons, 22 2 1772. 15 Mason, Henry Mark ......... --- --- - 13 3 66 --- -- * --- 13 2 62 13 3 66 --- --- - * * - From Major, 26th Foot. Resigned, 25 4 1776. 16 || Pigott, Thomas ... *-4 --- — | 26 4 76 . .- --- ** — 31 12 71 || 7 5 82 20 11 82 | 12 10 93 || – *mºre --- - From Major, 4th Horse. Died, 13 11 1793. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. | Major, Lt.-Col. Colonel. | Director. 17 | Wallancey, Charles......... — 30 6 60 * 26 1 62 25 4 76 || 1 10 89 14 11 93 14 11 93 --- 25 4 76 20 11 82 12 10 93 || 1 1 98 || 25 9 03 Carrickfergus, 1760. From Capt., I th Foot. Retired, full pay, * on disbandment, 1 4 1801. Died in Dublin, 8 8 1812. 18 || Tarrant, Charles - --- --- 27 1 62 || 1 10 S9 || 14 11 93 || 1 4 96 — 29 S 77 | 19 2 83 1 3 94 || 3 5 96 || 25 9 03 — St. Malo, 1758 From British List (see No. 128). Retired, - full pay, on disbandment, 1 4 1801. Died at Idstow, Berks, 21 3 1818. 19 || Jarratt, Thomas .. . . . . 30 6 60 | 27 1 62 --- 22 5 66 --- --- * --- 10 11 SO * º- --- --- *- - From Irish Artillery. Died, 2 12 1785. 20 | Forth, Arthur... ............... 26 1. 62 || 3 5 65 *- 3 12 85 - - * - -- * --- --- * --- - Died in Dublin, 6 10 1790. * * 21 | Shewbridge, Joseph . . . . ... 27 1 62 22 5 66 - *m-. m- --- —— --- 1 3 94 --- --- --- sº-º. --- *s-, To Irish Artillery, 1 4 1778. 22 Wallancey, George Preston | 3 5 65 - --- --- --- -- **** - - * * * -sº America, 1777-83 ... To 62nd Foot, 19 1771. 113 1766–96. Regimental Rank. Army Rank. No. Name. * - War Services. Remarks. Ensign. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. Major. Lt.-Col. Colonel. Director. | Major. It.-Col. Colonel. |Maj.-Gen. Lt.-Gen. General. 23 | Nash, Mathew ... ... ......... 22 5 66 || – --- - -- --- *-mº --- - *- - - * - --- --- To Irish Artillery, 21 4 1778. .. 24 F errier, J&IIlêS . . . . . . . . . . . . before 79 - - 1 10 89 || 14 11 93 1 4 96 - - 14 8 79 18 11 90 21 8 95 | 18 6 98 || 30 10 05 - --- - From British Engineers, No. 161. Retired, full pay, on disbandment, 1 4 1801. 25 | Brown, John .................. - * 1 10 89 || 14 11 93 || 1 4 96 --- *- - 19 5 95 || 1 1 00 || 25 7 10 || 4 6 13 - ---- - --- From 27th Foot. Retired, full pay, on dis- - bandment, 1 4 1801. To Royal Staff Corps, May, 1802, Died in London, 20 3 1816. 26 Taylor, Alexander .........., - 1 10 89 || 14 11 93 || 1 496 || – -- *-*. — 29 4 02 || – - --- *-*. — | Rebellion of 1798 ... From 81st Foot. Retired, full pay, on dis- bandment, 1 4 1801. Died, 15 4.1828. 27 Eustace, Henry tº º e º tº r * * * * * g º is - 8 5 90 | 1 4 96 * - ------- --- - 23 10 98 || 25 9 03 || 1 1 12 || 4 6 14 22 7 30 --- Rebellion of 1798 ... Retired, full pay, on disbandment, 1 4 1801. Died at Geneva, 5 10 1844. 28 Armit, George ............ .. --- 14 11 93 - *-*. --- - - *-*. – , - --- - - - - - --- To British Engineers, 14 1801 (see No. 257). 29 || Corneille, Daniel - I 4 96 — -- ºr - - --- - --- -º-º: - - -- -------- -- - From 39th Foot. Retired, full pay, on dis- bandment, 1 4 1801. Died, 18 5 1829. 114 1804–19. LIST No. 9. Engineer Officers of the King's German Legion. Formed in 1804 and disbanded by Horse Guards Order of 16th December, 1815. Regimental Rank. Regimental Rank. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. No. Name. War Services. Remarks. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. 2nd Lieut. Lieut. 2nd Capt. Captain. 1 | Hassebrock, Julius............ — | 18 4 04 || – || 11 8 04 || — — | Died, 19 i 1814. 9 Schweitzer, Augustus 6 2 05 || 7 4 07 || 15 7 12 || – — — | Died in H an over, e 19 5 1848. 2 Schaeffer, George Frederick - * --- 10 12 () , — — | Resigned, 7 4 1807. * & tº tº "... * * 10 || Müller, William............ 24 4 09 || 13 10 09 || 13 12 12 -- — — . Died in Han over, 3 Berensbach, Augustus e e & - 19 4 04 || 11 8 04 7 4 07 --- - Mºº 4 6 1814. 2 9 1846. - I - gº & & Died, 23 9 1819. - - * +. i. 11 de Gangreben, Frederick ... 14 11 09 22 2 11 || 5 314 --- — — | Died, 6 1 1822. 4 | Prott, Victor, K.C. H. ...... - 20 4 04 || 23 3 05 || 11 2 09 — — . Died, 16 2 1857. Y - & 7- & tº 12 Unger, William ............ * ----- 14 8 11 *-*. - Peninsula Removed from the Aq'my 5 | Kunze, Frederick ... ........ - ºn-º-º-º: 21 1 06 *-g - - Resigned, 25 11 1808. List, 1868, no half- - * º pay having been 6 Appuhn, Charles Ernest 21 3 04 || 11 8 04 25 11 08 || 1 4 14 | – — | Died in H a n over, issued to him for two - 16 10 1843. - years. 7 | Wedekind, Charles ......... 21 4 04 || 8 2 05 || 12 10 09 || 15 5 15 | Peninsula, Died at Harburg, Han- 13 | Luttermann, John............ - 21 11 12 -- - — — | Died, 9 7 1855. - over, 10 6 1852. - 8 || Meinecke, George Frederick | 16 6 04 || 17 8 07 22 2 11 *-*. W a 1 c he re n, Died at Frankfort aſ M, 1809.; Penin- | 16 10 1843. Sula. LIST NO. , 1 O. Officers of the Corps of French Emigrant Engineers. 1795. - No. Name. Lieut. Capt.-Lt Capta, n. Major. L.C.-Com. Remarks. No. Name. Lieut. Capt.-Lt. Captain. Major. L.C.-Com. Remarks. 1 de Moriencour, Leagle .. --- --- *m. ------ 1 4 95 | * 13 | de Fulaine, A. R. Masson ... --- 1 4 95 || 1 12 96 || – — | Retired, 23 7 1802. 2 | Du Portal, Chevr. A. J. L. --- --- - &ºm=& * e . . . . 3. J 1 4 95 ź 14 des Londes, Alexandre Pois- 3 | D'Ivory, Chevr. C. J. ...... -- — 1 4 95 -- 1 12 96 itetired, 23 7 1802. SOI] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- 1 4 95 || 1 4 1801) — — | Retired, 23 7 1802. 4 de Folmont, A. ... ... .. - --- 1 4 95 -— --- $: * 15 Lespagnol, S. P. ......... & -- 1 4 95 | — --- — Superannuated, 31 8, 1797. 5 de Beaumont, J. P. - ----- 1 4 95 — * *k 16 de St. Morel, C. L. d’Ivory | 1 4 95 || 1 12 96 || – --- — Superannuated, 31 8 1797. 6 | de Fougeray, A. M. ... ... ... --- --- 1 4 95 || – – | Died at the Cape before || 17 | de Moncrieff, M. J. B. A. | 1 495 || 1 12 96 || – - – | Superaniuated, 31 8 1797. 1 6 1796. 18 g & Fºr d Pi L F C Cazotte, J. S tº e s = * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 4 95 1 12 96 --- - * Resigned. i € E 1096]’, L. iſ . . . . . . . . . . . . --- - 1 4 95 || || 12 96 ------ - * * * * 8 | de R º 2 Le C 19 Villaizy, J. B. F. ............ 1 4 95 || – - *mº -** * e tº Obien, Le COmte . . . . . . - -- 19 10 95 * --- * - **: 20 de Wehon, J. Le Mouton ... 1 495 || – - --- --- * 9 de Kervegan, P. A. H. Suasse || – 1 4 95 || 1 || 2 96 || — — Retired, 23 7 1802. N - e 21 de la Haussaye, Chevr. C. ... 1 495 * 25 5 96 --- - Attached to La Tour's Corps, 10 de Preval, Francis P. G. - *mº 1 2 98 ||25 10 1809| 4 6 14 | Retired, 12 9 1814. * 1 5 1796. gº - (Brevet) (Brevet) 4) © * e 11 de Lenequesaing, E. F. L. . . -— 1 4 95 || 1 12 96 - * Retired, 23 7 1802. 22 | de la Chaussée, ––. - I 6 95 - --- -- Cancelled, having declined his * S- g COINT IIllSSIORT. 12 | de Missey, J. M. --- 1 4 95 || 1 12 96 || – — | Retired, 23 7 1802. * See Remarks in Preface. 115 L|ST NO. 11. List of Officers of the Corps of Royal Military Artificers, afterwards Royal Sappers and Miners. 1806–15. No. Name. Sub.-Lt. War Services. Remarks. NO. Name. Sub-Lt. War Services. Remarks. | 1 | Palmer, John .................. 1 12 06 - - Died at Chatham, 9 3 1814. 20 | Calder, Stewart ......... 1 7 11 || Peninsula, 18 11 - 1 4 ; N e w| Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Carlisle, 4) - h - Orleans, 1814-15; Algiers, 1816. 16 10 1822. 2 Smit } James... .............. 1 12 06 - -- Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Portsmouth, •) D - 10 10 1828. 21 | Turner, Richard ....... ... ... 16 3 12 Peninsula. 1812-13 ; Holland, Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Gibraltar, & " "º º 1815 (Waterloo). 16 7 1825. 3 || Browne, William ...... ..... 1 12 06 * --> Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Devonport, Q Q | Q - 21 2 1833, 22 || Sparks, John ... ............ ... 8 4 12 || Sicily, 1806-09; Holland, 1815 | Reduced, 1.3 1817. Died at Woolwich, - 12 12 1864. 4 || Haig, Anthony ............... 1 12 06 *s- - Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at St. Heliers, 3) : ) 7 - || - - Jelsey, 9 l 18; 6. 23 || Robertson, William ......... 1 7 12 Holland, 1799 Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Prestwick, ſº - near Ayr, 20 9 1860. 5 | Eaves, John .................. 2 12 06 * -- Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died in 1851. •) N F l Davi d 33 Armstrong, John ......... .. 25 3 15 Copenhagen, 1807; Walcheren, Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Cork, 15 Whelan, Patrick ............ 1 6 11 - - Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Kildare, 1809; Holland, 1815 ... 1 12 1831. 2.1 5 1825. * - 34 || Hoyland, John ............... 1 4 15 | Egypt, 1807 Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died, 25 3 1867. 16 Gibb, Robert .................. 1 6 11 |Peninsula, 1812; Genoa, 1814|Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Lochee, •) : 4 9 1828. 35 Maclean, Samuel ... . ...... 22 4 15 Peninsula, 1808; France, 1815-16 || Reduced, 1 3 1817. 17 | Charles, Deskford ......... ... 1 7 11 | Holland, 1793-4 |Rºgº, a siſ. Died at Gillingham, 36 Knowles, Michael ............ 2 10 15 Walcheren, 1809 . Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died, 15 7 1859. 12 1847. & " "º e y 37 | Stevens, William ... ... 1 11 15 Holland, 1814; France, 1816 Reduced, 1 3 1817. Died at Penzance, 18 Booth, Charles ............... 1 7 11 || Peninsula, 1812-13 Died at Freinada, 4 3 1813. 21 11 1851. 19 | Wallace, Alexander Walker | 1 7 11 | Peninsula, 1812-14 |Beduced. § 3 1817. Died, 18 1 1848. 116 LIST No. 12. Quartermasters of the Royal Engineers. 1807–93. Hon. Rank. Hon. Rank. No. Name. º s War Services. Remarks. No. Name. º: War Services. Remarks. * Captain. Major. Captain. | Major. 1 | Jones, Thomas, ........... . . . . . 1 1 07 - — Peninsula, 1808 Q.M. and Adjutant, Corps of 22 | Lewis, Arthur Thomas...... 13 6 83 || 13 6 93 — S. A frica, 1873 ; - R. Mil. Artificers. Retired, Egypt, 1882; Sou- \ gº 1 7 1809. - dan, 1885. 2 | Buchanan, Gilbert ............ 1 7 09 - * --- -- Q.M. and Adjutant, Corps º 23 Hills, Alfred .................. 3 5 84 || 3 5.94 R. Mil. Artificers. Retired, e * * tº e 1 2 1812. 24 Dadswell, William Moir 25 4 85 | — mºmºn - – | Died at Chatham, 19 1 1890. 3 || Galloway, James ............ 1 2 14 --- - * — Died at Shooter’s Hill, 911 1835. 25 | Walker, Crichton ............ 6 5 85 27 8 90 || 1 4 94 | Soudan, 1885-6 Retired, 6 4 1897. 4 || Hilton, James ... ........ 9 11 35 | 1 7 59 — Holland, 1813-15; Retired, 14 1 1848. Died at 26 Cox, William Henry ......... 6 5 85 * - * — Killed by an accident on the France, 1815-18. Faversham, 6 6 1873. works, at Aldershot, 7 3 1891. 5 | Jones, Jenkin......... 14 1 48 || 14 l 58 || – *º- – Retired, 14 1 1858. Died at || 27 | Hooper, Frederick............ 6 5 85 6 5 95 — g-º — | Retired, 8 6 18°5. Peckham, 24 3 1859. o * * g 28 Symons, Thomas Cornelius 6 5 85 27 8 90 * Soudan, 1885-6 Retired, 2 4 1898. 29 || Andrews, Francis William... 6 5 85 || 6 5 95 || – - — | Retired, 8 6 1895. 6 || Allan, George . ............... 1 4 53 || 27 3 55*| – ºm- — | Retired, 25 6 1855. Died at || 30 | Evans, James Thomas ... ... 6 5 85 6 5 95 || 23 4 97 Notting Hill, 13 2 1874. 31 | Pri Joh 13 S To Coast Battali 3 1886 †ll; c I’II] OIlll . . . . . 6 S5 * * ** * ** To Coast Battalion, 7 * Young, William......... • * * * * * || 1 4 53 — ºmº *-*. — | Die d at S out h a m p to n, 8, lly. Th 7 13 10 1863. 32 | Tucker, George ............... 1 4 86 || 1 496 Y ſº : . 8 || Conolly, omas William 33 | Whalley, John ............... 2 3 87 - - - *-ºs- To Coast Battalion, 1 2 1888. John ... ..................... 26 6 55 22 8 65 * --- — | Retired, 22 8 1865. Died in © {e tº London, 21 5 1885. 34 || Morrison, George ........... . . 2 4 87 || 2 4 97 — | Abyssinia, 1867-8... Retired, 2 8 1897. 9 | Bradford, Michael ............ 17 12 55 --- --- --- — | Retired, 12 4 1864. Died at 35 | Kenny, John Henry ......... 21 9 87 | 21 9 97 * --- — | Retired, 7 3 1898. Chippenham, Wilts, 276 1878. tº * * * * * 36 | Cromie, William Henry...... 25 1 88 21 2 96 --- -- ** Retired, 3 3 1898. 10 || Mutch, James Rainey ... ... 22 12 56 | 20 10 69 || – * — Retired, 20 10 1869. Died at Wall, Edward J - Woolwich, 25 11 1873. 37 &11, Wa,I'Cl J 3.IIlêS. . . . . . . . . 4 4 88 || 4 4 98 11 | Youle, David ............ ... . . 14 1 58 19 1 70 --- --- — | Retired, 19 1 1870. Died at 38 || Hitching, George Henry ... 7 7 8s 7 7 98 Leeds, 8 3 1887. { * rt : 2 | Steel, J 39 Gibson, George Gisborne ... 29 9 88 29 9 98 12 | Steel, James ... . . . . . . . . . . ... 14 10 63 | 29 11 73 || – --- — | Retired, 29 11 1873. Dead. v × 7 - T J - 40 | Warburton, William ......... 12 6 89 | 13 | Jones, John ...... ........... 12 4 64 || 1 7 81 23 483 || Baltic, 1854 Retired, 23 4 1883. Died at º tº e Plymouth, 16 4 1898. 41 | Godfrey, Cornelius Benjamin 22 6 89 - 42 | Michie, George ............... 22 6 89 14 || Sturrock, George ......... • , , ; 22 8 65 - - - — | Retired, 21 9 1872. 43 || Phillips, John Campbell...... 18 12 89 15 Buttle, Clement Francis...... 19 1 70 || 1 7 81 | 15 6 87 || – – Retired, 26 11 1890. 44 || Roberts, George William ... 1 2 90 || – --- - — | Retired, 8 3 1893 16 || Andrews, Alfred ............ 25 9 72 | 27 7 79 || 1 4 86 - — To Coast Battalion, 1 4 1886. 45 | Blanchflower, Edward ... ... 20 9 90 17 | Cole, Samuel .................. 23 4 73 || 23 4 83 || – || Baltic, 1854; Crimea, Retired, 23 4 1883. 46 | Stephens, Edward ..... . . . . . . . . . 20 12 90 1854-5. & 47 | Richmond, George............ 9 5 91 18 McDonald, James ............ 29 11 73 1 7 81 - --- — | Retired, 1 7 1881. 48 || P Charl ayne, Unarles ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 91 19 | McCulloch Alexan - 9 Neil 3. der 49 || Law, James .................. 9 5 91 €llSOIl . . . . . . . tº gº tº G & © e º e º & g º e 30 6 81 -- 26 11 90 - - Retired, 30 6 1891. e - e - 50 | Bailey, John Henry ......... 1 7 91 || – --- -- – || To Coast Battalion, 13 12 1893. 20 |Bull, John e is a tº e º s e º e º e s ∈ e - e a 19 10 81 --- --- - --- Retired, 14 6 1890. 5 * * e - 21 | Goulding, William 51 | Shute, William John...... . . 19 4 93 &IIl . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 83 || 13 6 93 - *m. - Retired, 12 11 1897. * * * * 5 & €tire 52 | Hollis, Matthew............... 8 5 93 || – * -- — | Died, 1 5 1895. * Local rank in Engineer Corps of Turkish Contingent. 1893--98. Hon. Rank. Hon. Rank. No. Name. º: War Services. Remarks. NO. Name. $º. War Services. Renmarks. Captain. | Major. Captain. Major. 53 Taylor, George . . . . . 3 5 93 - – Egypt, 1882. 60 | Head, Mark ........... 24 7 95 54 || Campbell, John Robert . ..., | 3 5 93 || – — S. Africa, 1879. 61 | Jones, Alfred .................. 10 4 97 55 | Frost, James .............. ... 13 12 93 62 | Marshall, William ... . . . . . . . . . 19 5 97 56 | Thompson, Bernard Henry | 5 5.94 63 | Clark, Thomas James ... ... 17 11 97 - --- A f g h a n is t a n, e 1S79-80. 57 Wright, James Henry .... 5 5 94 ^{ ...: r: 64 | Cripps, Henry ......... 9 3 9S 58 Onn, Edmund Thompson ... 1 5 95 * 59 | Tucſ Albert Napol 65 | Blackwell, Frank ...... ... ... 27 4 98 UCK6].' €I’t N 3,0016O]] 8 6 95 w 5 p o 66 | Perceval, Edmund............ 1 6 98 LIST NO. 13. Officers of the Coast Battalion, Royal Engineers. 1885–97. Rank in Coast Battalion. Rank in Coast Battalion. No. Name. $. º Remarks. No. Name. }. º Remarks. Lieut. Captain. | Major. Lieut. Captain. | Major. 1 | Attwood, Frederick ......... --- 13 6 S5 | 19 10 87 - Retired, 4 5 1892. 14 || Brown, William George 2 | Lawson, William ... ... ... ... --- 13 6 85 *- - Died, 7 3 1886. Charteris ...... * * * * g e s e e s e e - 25 S 8S 1 4 96 3 || Kilby, James Edward ...... — | 13 6 85 || – — | Retired, 20 7 1890. 15 Giddy, William Richard 4 Michie, Alexander ... ... * G - e - e. - 13 6 85 | 15 290 - Died; at Chiswick, 25 11 1893. - George....................... - 8 5 89 15 9 97 5 Andrews, Alfred ............ 25 9 72 || – - 1 4 86 Retired, 12 9 1888. 16 || Martin, John ........... ... ... — | 18 1 90 6 | Pring, John .............. . . , | 13 6 85 || 7 3 86 - - Retired, 9 9 1896. 17 | Sugg, Benjamin ........ ...... - 19 11 90 7 | Davis, Thomas ........... © e º & *-*. 2 6 86 || 1 4 93 18 || Brissenden, Albert ........... - 1 7 91 8 || Coyle, William ............... - 2 3 S7 26 11 93 — | Retired, 15 9. 1897. 19 || Robins, George . - 20 '8 92 - - Half-pay, 3 10 1895. 9 || London, James ............... - 2 4 87 || 1 4 94 20 | Ealden, Charles . . . . . ........ — 15 11 93 10 | Whalley, John ......... . • . . . ; 2 3 87 || 1 2 88 || – — | Died at Dublin, 16 2 1891. 21 | Bailey, John Henry ......... 1 7 91 || 13 12 93 11 | Organ, James............ . • e a s a | *- 8 2 88 || 1 4 94 22 Etherington, George ......... — 25 1 96 | 12 || Roberts, Moses ............... -- S 2 S8 - - Cashiered by G.C.M., 19 8 1892. 23 Ruse, James ............... - 22 4 96 13 || Montgomery, William ... ... — 7 7 88 || 1 4 96 24 || Bolton, William ........... — 29 997 - - —T- APPENDIX I. List of some of the Officers employed on Engineer duties between the years 1660 and 1757, and who are not included in Lists 1 and 2, as they were never placed on the Permanent Establishment. LLOYD, GoDFREY, KT.—Was Engineer-General to the King in 1640. Capt. (Russell’s &eg. of Foot Guards), 12 5 1666. Lt.-Gov. of Sheerness when it was attacked by the Dutch in 1667. No trace after 1692, when he was commanding his regiment in the West Indies. ARCHER, JAMES (JUNR.).-Served as Engineer with the Expedition to Virginia in 1676–7. GLOVER, JOHN —Engineer at Hull and Sheerness in 1688, and on the Expedition to the West Indies in 1690. DU CAMBON, COLONEL.-Engineer-General with the forces under King William in Ireland, 1689–91. Brigadier-General in 1693. Died, 9 8 1693. - - BORDEN, CLAUDIUS.–Served as Engineer with the train in Ireland in 1689. BROWNE, GEORGE.-Firemaster of the train to oppose the landing of the Prince of Orange, 1688. Served as Engineer in Ireland, 1689–90; with Lord Torrington's fleet, 1690; Ireland, 1690; Lieut.-Col. of trains to Flanders, 1692 ; Coast of France, 1692; Holland, 1702; and Cadiz, 1702. Died at Torbay, June, 1702. COCK, ABRAHAM (OR ADRIAN).--Engineer with the army in Ireland, 1691. Captain of Artillery train in Flanders, 1694. MADRONET, .—Engineer with the army in Ireland, 1691. Killed in the defence of a fort near Galway, July, 1691. SYMS, HUGH.—Employed as Engineer in the West Indies, 1691–1700. On active service there in 1694. CADOULE, FRANCIS.–Employed as Engineer in the Sea Expeditions of 1692 and 1693. GAUBET, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer in the Sea Expeditions of 1692 and 1693, and with the army in Flanders in 1695. Killed at the Siege of Namur, 7 7 1695. LAMERSON, HENRY.—Employed as Engineer in the Sea Expeditions of 1692 and 1694. DE LA MoTTE, PHILIPEAUNEAU.-Employed as Engineer in Ireland in 1690; in England, 1693–4; and in the Sea Expedition of 1694, Killed at Camaret Bay, 8 6 1694, . LA MoTTE, JOSEPH.-Employed with the train in Flanders in 1694; with the company of Bombardiers in Piedmont, 1696–7 ; and as Engineer in Portugal, 1704–5. Killed at Albuquerque, May, 1705. - HANWAY., JOHN.—Employed as Engineer in 1694; served in the Sea Expedition of 1695; West Indies, 1703. Suspended, 1704–5. Re-employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1705–7 ; Portugal, 1707; Ostend, 1708; Canada, 1711; and as Chief Engineer at Gibraltar, 1713–14. Major in the Army, 1704. Capt. (Tunbridge's), 12 4 1706. Died, 26 11 1736. REDKNAP, JOHN.—Served as Artificer in the Sea Expedition of 1695; employed as Engineer in New England and New York, 1704–15. Half-pay as Engineer, 23 8 1715. Capt. (Windress's), March, 1712. No trace after 1718, LANDs, HEBER.—Was Chief Engineer in the Leeward Islands in 1697. BRABANT, HENRY.—Was Engineer at New York in 1699. LATHAM, ROBERT.-Employed as Engineer in Newfoundland, 1701–7 ; and at . Minorca, 1712–13. Lieut. (Independent Co. in N.F.L.), 2 5 1705. Capt. (Independent Co. in N.F.L.), 20 8 1705. Died in Minorca early in 1713. SAVERY, THOMAS.–Employed as Engineer in Flanders and Spain, 1702–14, Died - 15 5 1715. Povey, FRANCIS.–Employed as Engineer in Flanders in 1702. PAGEZ, CAPTAIN.—Employed as Engineer in Portugal, 1703; Minorca, 1708; Gibraltar, 17 10 ; and at Limerick, 1718–19. BLOUNT, CHARLES.—Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1703–9. CHAYTOR, HENRY.—Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1703–7. Struck off the roll, 23 10 1708, having been absent during the whole campaign of that year. Capt. (Phineas Bowle's), 5 3 1708. * For BES, ALEXANDER.—Bombardier in the train attached to Admiral Rooke's squadron, 1700, and at Cadiz, 1702. Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1704–6; Catalonia, 1706 ; Portugal, 1707; and Expedition to Nova Scotia, 1710. Killed in the action at Bloody Creek, near Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, October, 1710. BROWN, PETER.—Employed as Sub-Engineer at the Siege of Gibraltar, 1704, and sub- sequently at that garrison. Died at Gibraltar, December, 1711. HEPBURNE, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer in Spain, 1705. Afterwards Chaplain to Col. William Stanhope's Regt. of Dragoons. - RIDLEY, EDWARD.—Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1705; Catalonia, 1706; and Portugal, 1707. Half-pay as Engineer, 3 5 1714. Ens. . (Molesworth's), 21 3 1705. Capt. (Breton's), 25 12 1705. Major (Molesworth's), 8, 8 1710. Capt. and Lieut.-Col. (3rd Foot Guards), 15 1 1718. Died about April, 1730. CARLETON, GEORGE.-Employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1705–6; Spain, 1707; Prisoner, 1708–12. .—Employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1706–8. Discharged, 23 W JACKSON, 2 Johnson, JAMES.—Employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1706–8. Discharged, 23 2 1708. Re-employed as Engineer in Portugal, 1708–10. - .—-Employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1706–8. Discharged, 23 2 1708. Re-employed as Engineer in Portugal, 1708. PARKER, DAVIS, ROGER.—Employed as Engineer in Portugal, 1706–10; Spain, 1711; Minorca, 1712–13. Half-pay, 24 9 1713. Capt. (Lord Portmore's), 9 8 1703; Major in the Army, 1710; Lieut.-Col. in command of train, 1711. Died, 16 2 1716. I 19 GREUL, John.-Employed as Engineer in Catalonia, 1706, and Scotland, 1715–16. Engineer, Medway Division, 1716. No further trace. |MERCHANT, NOEL-Ensign (Stanhope's), 1 4 1705. Employed as Engineer about 1706. Cashiered by G.C.M., 31 10 1712. Pardoned, 23 7 1713. Lieut. (Jamaica, Independent Co.), 7 6 1714; Capt. (Invalids), 5 6 1715. Engineer at Vigo in 1719. Half-pay, 1719. Died, September Qr., 1745. SEYS, FRANCIS.–Employed as Engineer in Spain, 1706–11. Half-pay, 1715. Engineer at Vigo, 1719. Half-pay, 1719. Capt. (Pearce's), 10 3 1716. Died, October, 1721. VANE, GEORGE.-Employed as Engineer in Newfoundland, 1707, and at Annapolis, 1712–15. DU BOIS, NICHOLAS.—Bombardier in the train in . Spain, 1706. Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1707–11. Half-pay, 1714. Capt. (Sibourg's), 2 4 1706. Died, 14 5 1735. ſº BROOKS, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Gravesend in 1715 ; Cinque Ports, 1716; and Port Mahon, 1719–20. - MASCARINE, PAUL.—Employed as Engineer in Nova Scotia, Chief 1719. 2nd Lieut. (Ia Barthe's), 2 4 1706; Lieut. (Mountjoy's), 5 3 1708; Capt. (Wanton's), 1 4 1710; Major of Foot, 13 10 1710; Major (Phillips'), 22 3 1740 ; Lieut.-Col. (Phillips'), 17 3 1744; Colonel of Foot, 1 6 1750; Major-General, 22 1 1758; Lieut.-Gen., 22 2 1765. HARGRAVE, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Vigo, 1719 ; Gibraltar, 1720–7 ; Minorca. 1727–39; Engineer in Ordinary, Minorca, 31 12 1739; Sub-Director and Chief Engineer, Minorca, 1 7 1742. Died in Minorca late in 1746. HERBERT, HUMPHRY.—Employed as Engineer at Placentia, 1721; Minorca, 1725; and Annapolis, 1736. Lieut. (Venner's), 16 2 1694. Died at Annapolis, 25 12 1736, DESMARETZ, JoHN PETER.—Extra Clerk to Chief Engineer of Great Britain, 1742; Chief Draughtsman of the Ordnance, August, 1746; Clerk of the Fortifications, 1750–9; Architect of the Ordnance, 1754–62; Chief Commissary to superintend the demolitions of Dunkirk and Mardyke, 1763. Employed as an Engineer at Eastney, Chatham, and other stations in England, and at Louisbourg. Died at Dunkirk, 16 9 1768. l LAYE, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. MACKAY, HUGH.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, Jamaica, J743–4. BLANE, WILLIAM.–Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741; Lieut. (Cochrane's), 1740. Died, June Qr., 1742. INNES, THOMAS.–Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. Died on the Expedition. 1741; Chief Engineer at CLARK, PATRICK.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. Died before Carthagena, 1741. BRUCE, PETER HENRY.—Employed as Chief Engineer at the Bahamas, 1740; Charles- town, 1745; Scotland, 1745–6; and Berwick, 1746. Capt. (Independent Co.), 30 5 1747. Died at Leith, 5 4 1754. LESTANGUET, GEORGE.-Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. Capt. (Cope's), 1 6 J733; Major (Irwin's), 12 S 1741. Died at Jamaica, June Qr., 1742. BOITOUT, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. Ens. (Dubourgay's), 18 5 1711; Lieut. (Lucas'), 26 9 1728. Died at Porto Bello, June Qr., 1742. CowLEY, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. Ens. (Whetham's), 25 12 1728; Lieut. (Independent Co.), 5 11 1736. No further trace. DE LA COUR, DAVID.—Employed as Engineer at Carthagena, 1741. (R.A.), 1 7 1756. 14 8 1756. Lieut. Fireworker Massacred by the Indians after the capture of Oswego, COOKE, WILLIAM. – Chief Engineer in Georgia and South Carolina, 1741–4, and in Newfoundland, 1746–9. Half-pay, 11 3 1759. Lieut. (Wills'), 6 8 1707 : Capt. (Bissett's), 7 9 1722; Major (Oglethorpe's), 25 8, 1737 ; Lieut.-Col. (Oglethorpe's), 30 11 1739. Died in London, 9 11 1766. PINKERTON, HENRY.—-Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1742–6. BONTEIN, ARCHIBAL.D.—Employed as Engineer at Jamaica, 1744–9. Half-pay, 1756. Lieut. (Independent Co. in Jamaica), 3 11 1735. AUGSPOURGIER, SAMUEL.—Employed as Engineer in Georgia and South Carolina, 1744–6. WILLIAMS, GRIFFITH.—Employed as Sub-Engineer in Georgia and South Carolina, 1744–9. Lieut. Fireworker (R.A.), 6 4 1745. Rose to the rank of Col., R.A., 1 12 1782 and died at Woolwich as Commandant of the Garrison, 18 3 1790. SCOTT, CAROLINE FREDERICK.—Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1745. Chief Engineer in India, 1753 (see Madras Engineers, No. 5). HEATH, JoHN.—Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1747–9. Lieut. (Invalids), 27 4 1727; Capt. (Powlett's Marines), 21 1 1741. Died, 26 2 1749. FLEMING, JOHN.—Employed as Engineer at Louisbourg and Annapolis, 1747–9. FOURNIER, ADAM GABRIEL.—Employed as Engineer at Placentia, 1747–50. N.F.L., 1756. - s BISSET, CHARLES.–Employed as Engineer in Flanders, 1748. Ens. (42nd), May, 1746 ; Lieut. (42nd), 13 7 1748. Half-pay, 1748. Died at Knayton, near Thirsk, 14. 6 1791. CORNBRUNE, WILLIAM. --Employed as Engineer at Annapolis, 1748–52. DE RUVIGNES, FRANCIS GABRIEL–Employed as Engineer in North America, 1757. (60th), 25 12 1759. Col. (in America only), 8 I 1783. 5 Appointed Died in Capt. No further trace. 120 APPENDIX ||. Officers granted commissions as Ensigns in the Army with a view to their being appointed to the Indian Engineers, but who died or left the Service prior to joining those Corps. CAMPBELL, JAMES.–Intended on arrival in Bengal to be commissioned to the Artillery MACDONELL, AENEAS ROBERT RONALDSON.—Ensign in the Army, 22nd December, 1854. or Engineers. Perished in the wreck of the ship Skelton Castle, 5th November, Joined at Chatham. Drowned by the upsetting of a boat off Otterham Quay, 1806. near Rainham, Kent, 15th December, 1855. CAREw, HENRY Holdsworth.-Intended on arrival in Bengal to be commissioned to ſº tº º - . 1–5 -- Cf EDEN, MoRTON E. – Ensign in the Army, 22nd December, 1854. Joined at Chatham the Artillery or Engineers. Perished in the wreck of the ship Skelton Castle, º Drowned by the upsetting of a boat off Otterham Quay, near Rainham, Kent, 5th November, 1806. * 15th December, 1855. - - McGILLIVRAY, ALEXANDER.—Intended for the Artillery or Engineers, Madras Presi- - e e -º- ºr a * te BATTINE, GEORGE.—Ensign in the Army, 23rd March, 1855. Joined at Chatham. dency. Lost in the ship Elizabeth off Dunkirk, 27th December, 1810. - Drowned by the upsetting of a * off Otterham Quay, near Rainham, Kent, KEIGHLEY, THOMAS.—Commissioned as Ensign in the Army, 23rd August, 1831, whilst - 15th December, 1855. - at Chatham. No further trace. - tº tº e tº º * e t - BAILLIE, ALEXANDER FRANCIS.–Ensign in the Army, June, 1857. Joined at Chatham. |UNWIN, º as Ensign in the Army, 11th April, 1834, whilst at Chatham. Absconded from his duty, February, 1859. O further trace. HYDE, JOHN THOMAS.—Commissioned as Ensign in the Army, 26th June, 1846. Joined BRANDRETH, º .*.*.* in the Army, 29th December, 1857. Joined at at Chatham. Quitted, 3rd July, 1847, on sick leave. - Chatham. Died, 19th May, 1858. * HENDY, DONATUS CAMERON.——Ensign in the Army, 24th December, 1847. Resigned, ELLIOTT, ARTHUR WILLIAM.–Ensign in the Army, 8th July, 1859. Ordered to Chatham, . 14th May, 1849. t but never joined. & & 121 | N D E X. [The figures and letters in parentheses refer to the officer's number in the Roll. For abbreviations see page vii. The other figures show the page on which the name appears..] ABBEY, C. (432), 19 Abbott, H. E. S. (1528), 53 Abbott, F. (B., 129), 87. Abercrombie, W. (B., 163), 88 Abney, W. de W. (1088), 40 Acworth, G. P. A. (1864), 63 Adair, H. B. N. (1585), 5 Adam, J. (R.S.M., 32), 1 Adams, A. (1968), 67 Adams, J. (B., 3), 83 Adams, J. (M., 12), 95 Adamson, T. (R.S.M., 28), 115 Addison, G. H. (2246), 75 Addison, G. W. (1322), 47 Addison, J. C. (1430), 50 Adey, C. F. (B., 246), 91 Agar, E. (1577), 55 Agg, J. (B, , 51), 84 Ainslie, C. (1869), 64 Akerman, C. S. A. (2272), 76 Akers, C. S. (779), 30 Alcock, C. B. P. (B., 141), 87 Alderson, R. C. (463), 20 Aldrich, E. (591), 24 Alexander, A. C. (1202), 43 Alexander, C. C. (496), 21 Alexander, J. S. (B., 198), 89 Alexander, R. (560), 23 Allan, G. (Q.M., 6), 116 Allardyce, H. W. (Bo., 101), 106 Allardyce, J. (B., 186), 89 Allen, H. E. (616), 25 Allen, R. F. (1625), 56 Alleyne, E. J. (1141), 42 Alves, M. A. (B., 358), 94 Anbury, T. (B., 59), 84 Ancrum, A. R. (1526), 53 Anderson, A. (M., 105), 98 Anderson, C. F. (2129), 71 Anderson, F. J. (1597), 55 5 15 Anderson, H. (259), 12 & Anderson, J. (B., 151), 87 Anderson, J. C. (M., 176), 100 Anderson, J. R. (M., 113), 98 Anderson, R. (2115), 71 Anderson, S. (1011), 38 Anderson, W. C. (837), 32 Andrews, A. (Q.M., 16), 116 ; (C.B., 5), 117 Andrews, F. W. (Q.M., 29), 116 Andrews-Speed, H. S. (1466), 51 e? Anstey, T. H. (1125), 41 Anstruther, R. W. (1583), 55 Apperly, J. (110), 5 Appleton, H. (1524), 53 Appuhn, C. E. (Ger., 6), 114 Archer, F. (13), 1 Archer, G. W. (1122), 41 Archer, J. (11), 1 Archer, J. (94), 4 ; (94), 6 Archer, J., Junior (Ap. I.), 118 Ardagh, J. C. (1028), 38 Arkwright, L. A. (1598), 55 Armit, G. (257), 12; (Ir., 28), 113 Armit, L. J. A. (758), 30 Armstrong, B. H. O. (2152), 72 Armstrong, H. C. (M., 155), 100 Armstrong, J. (50), 2 ; (50), 3 Armstrong, J. (78), 4 ; (78), 6 Armstrong, J. (R.S.M., 33), 115 Armstrong, J. A. (B., 365), 94 Armstrong, R. Y. (1013), 38 Armstrong, T. (64), 3 Arnold, J. R. (287), 13 Arnott, N. (1223), 44 Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught (1274), 46 Arthur, T. (M., 87), 98 Ashworth, P. (1721), 59 Askwith, W. B. (1582), 55 Athill, S. (Bo., 60), 104 Athorpe, R. (1033), 37 Atkin, S. (163), 9 Atkins, W. (Bo., 16), 103 Atkinson, E. H. de V. (1808), 62 Atkinson, G. F. (B., 212), 89 Atkinson, W. H. (M., 129), 99 Attree, F. W. T. (1482), 52 Attwood, F. (C.B., 1), 117 Attwood, F. T. (531), 22 Auchinleck, W. (Bo., 25), 104 Augspourgier, S. (Ap. I.), 119 Austin, H. H. (1893), 64 Awdry, A. (1198), 43 - Aylmer, F. J. (1650), 57 BABINGTON, S. C. (1835), 62 Babington, W. (1961), 66 Bacalan, D. (K., 16), 110 Backwell, W. (250), 12 Baddeley, C. E. (1653), 57 Daddeley, F. H. (509), 21 Baddeley, W. L. C. (1417), 50 Badgley, J. M. T. (1379), 49 Dagge, A. H. (B., 329), 93 Bagnall-Wild, R. K. (2172), 73 Bagnold, A. H. (1457), 51 Bagot, C. H. (1273), 46 Bailey, C. (596), 24 Bailey, F. (1041), 39 Bailº. H. (Q.M., 50), 116; (C.B., 21), II * Bailey, W.' (856), 33 Baillie, A. F. (Ap. II.), 120 Baillie, G. C. (682), 27 Baillie, W. (B., 34), 84 Bainbrigge, E. (803), 31 Bainbrigge, P. J. (642), 26 Baird, A. W. (1111), 41 Baker, H. H. (1063), 39 Baker, J. S. (698), 28 Baker, R. (M., 44), 96 Baker, W. A. (Bo., 158), 108 Baker, W. E. (B., 143), 87 Baker, W. W. (1605), 56 IBaldwin, C. F. (Bo., 194), 109 Baldwin, P. B. (1476), 52 Ballard, J. A. (Bo., 139), 107 Banks, G. (M., 33), 96 Bannerman, A. (2099), 71 Barber, L. C. (822), 32 I3arber, P. R. (1067), 39 Barclay, D. (M., 63), 97 Barker, G. (1296), 46 Barker, J. (41), 2 Barker, J. C. (1304), 46 Barker, J. S. (2338), 78 Barklie, R. M. (1253), 45 Barkworth, J. R. (1954), 66 Barlow, C. C. C. (1228), 44 Rarlow, H. W. (709), 28 Barnard, T. (M., 10), 95 Barnardiston, E. (2071), 70 Barnet, H. H. (1532), 53 Barney, G. (402), 17 Barou, R. J. (441), 19 Barrington, W. D'O. (2047), 69 Barron, W. E. (2235), 75 IBarrow, S. D. (2258), 75 Barry, C. W. (787), 30 Barry, P. J. S. (677), 27 Barry, P. (417), 18 Barstow, J. B. (2094), 70 Bartlett, W. (227), 11 Barton, H. J. (1880), 64 Barton, R. (950), 36 Barton, M. C. (1449), 51 IBartram, G. W. (1276), 46 Basevi, J. P. (B., 282), 92 Bassett, T. (126), 5 ; (126), 7 Bastide, J. H. (69), 3 ; (69), 6 Hate, C. McG. (1512), 53 Bateman-Champain, J. U. (B., 292), 92 Battersbee, T. (480), 20 IBattine, G. (Ap. II.), 120 Baugh, J. (101), 4; (101), 7 Baugh, T. (B., 37), 84 Baxter, J. C. (1413), 50 Baylay, F. (1752), 60 Bayly, J. (689), 27 Baynes, C. E. S. (831), 32 Beach, W. H. (2005), 68 Beadle, J. P. (B., 209), 89 Beague, C. H. (515), 21 Beamish, A. A. W. (1149), 42 Bean, J. (M., 184), 101 Beardsley. S. (139), 8 Beatson, R. (202), 10 Beatson, R. S. (631), 25 Beatty, A. (637), 25 Beatty, J. (M., 211), 101 Beauchamp, C. S. (1104), 40 Beauclerk, F. (1331), 47 Beaumont, F. E. B. (857), 33 Beaumont, R. H. B. (1005), 37 * Beazeley, G. A. (2021), 68 Becher, J. R. (B., 197), 89 Beckley, T. (M., 209), 101 Beckman, M. (5), 1 Bedford, J. H. (Bo., 176), 108 Beevor, C. N. (1674), 58 Begbie, A. G. (1085), 40 Behrens, T. T. (2296), 76 Belfield, E. (761), 30 Pelhaven & Stenton (965), 36 Bell, A. (1979), 67 Bell, A. H. (2324), 77 Bell, C. W. (M., 92), 98 Bell, H. L. G. (2186), 73 Bell, H. W. B. (Bo., 114), 106 Bell, J. H. (M., 140), 99 Dell, M. S. (1114), 41 Bell, R. W. (2164), 72 Bell, T. (37), 2 Bellasis, E. H. (Bo., 36), 104 Bellasis, T. (M., 39), 96 Bellassis, J. H. (B., 67), 85 Bellew, P. E. (B., 101), 86 JBelson, F. C. (772), 30 Bendyshe, R. (186), 9 Benfield, P. (M., 16), 95 Dennet, F. W. (1381), 49 Bennet, J. (K., ll), 110 Bennett, F. E. B. (B., 157), 88 T}ennett, G. A. (611), 25 Bennett, W. (294), 14 Bent, G. (684), 27 IBentley, R. (Bo., 30), 104 Berensbach, A. (Ger., 3), 114 IBeresford, C. F. C. (1221), 44 Berington, C. (366), 16 Berkeley, G. S. (922), 35 Berthon, H. (Bo., 77), 105 Best, S. (M., 135), 99 Bethell, E. H. (1481), 52 Betty, P. K. (224.5), 75 Bickerstaff, L. (66), 3 Biddulph, H. (21.18), 71 Bigge, G. O. (1908), 65 Digge, T. A. H. (1807), 61 Biggs, C. W. (2294), 76 Biggs, H. V. (1630), 56 Bigsby, G. G. C. (1026), 38 Binney, C. R. (731), 29 Birch, J. (424), 18 Birch, J. F. (260), 12 Birch, W. H. (208), 10 Bird, S. G. (946), 36 Birdwood, H. C. I. (1729), 59 Birdwood, M. A. (M., 146), 99 birdwood, W. I. (M., 141), 99 I3irkbeck, C. (1159), 42 ; Birney, C. F. (2330), 77 JBirney, J. (B., 306), 92 Birney, J. R. (2081), 70 Biscoe, V. J. (520), 22 IBishop, J. (Boſ, 86), 105 Bisset, C. (Ap. I.), 119 Bisset, W. S. S. (1160). 42 Bissett, W. (K., 12), 110 Blachford, W. H. (Bo., 15), 103 Blackall, H. O. (1770), 60 Plackburn. J. E. (1421), 50 Blackford, D. R. (Bo., 28), 104 Elackiston, T. H. (514), 21 Blackwell, F. (Q.M., 65). 117 |Blagrave, E. R. (M., 196), 101 Blair, E. McL. (1836), 62 Blair, H. F. (B., 321), 93 Blair, J. (M., 70), 97 Blake, E. H. (718), 28 Blakeney, R. D. B. ((2085), 70 Blakeway, J. P. (1840), 63 Blakiston, J. (M., 95), 98 Blanchflower, E. (Q.M., 45), 116 Bland, E. H. (1769), 60 Bland, E. L. (830), 32 Bland, J. (Bo., 13), 103 Blandy, L. F. (2224), 74 Blane, G. R. (B., 92), 85 Blane, W. (Ap. I.), 119 Blanshard, T. (386), 17 J3lood, B. (1081), 40 Hlood, E. (K., 20), 110 Blood, H. (26), 1 ; (K., 1), 110 Blount, C. (Ap. I.), 118 . Blundell, E. A. (B., 125), 86 Blunt, J. T. (B., 61), 84 Blunt, E. (1439), 51 Blunt, G. (960), 36 Bocquet, H. R. (2293), 76 13oddam, C. T. (Bo , 124), 106 Boddy, O. V. (1359), 48 Bodt, J. (27), 1 Bogle, A. (1284), 46 Bogle, J. du T. (1241), 45 Boileau, A. H. E. (B., 135), 87 Doileau, A. J. M. (M., 170), 100 Boileau, F. R. F. (1889), 64 Boileau, G. H. (2027), 68 Boileau, J. T. (B., 126), 87 Boileau, T. F. (1107), 41 * Boileau, W. S. (895), 34 Doitout, J. (Ap. T.), 119 Boitout, L. (36), 2 Bolders, H. G. (517), 22 Bolland, G. H. (981), 37 Bolton, D. (459), 20 Bolton, W. (C.B., 24), 117 l3ond, F. G. (1546), 54 Bond, R. J. (1014), 38 Bond, R. F. G. (1902), 65 Bong, G. (M., 48), 96 122 Bonham, C. B. (2064), 70 Bonham-Carter, H. (1713), 59 Bonnycastle, R. H. (407), 18 Bontein, A. (Ap. I.), 119 Bontein, W. (102), 4; (102), 7 Bonus, J. (Bo., 167), 108 Booth, C. (R.S.M., 18), 115 Booth, W. (185), 9 Boothby, C. (331), 15 Bor, E. J. (1409), 50 Borden, C. (Ap. I.), 118 Bordes, G. F. W. (535), 22 Bordwine, F. J. (Bo., 68), 105 Borgard, A. (39), 2 Borradaile, B. (2166), 73 Boscowen, G. (576), 23 Boteler, R. (578), 24 Boteler, R. (334), 15 Boughey, G. F. O. (1118), 41 Boulnis, A. (B., 263), 91 Bourchier, E. F. (721), 28 Bourne, P. T. (1904), 65 Dousfield, R. (61), 3 Bovet, W. (2162), 72 Bowdler, B. W. B. (2121), 71 Bowen, C. (1019), 38 Dowen, C. O. C. (1933), 66 Bowles, F. G. (1549), 54 Bowly, J. D. (1064), 39 Bowyer, W. G. (1428), 50 Royce, E. J. G. (1522), 53 Boyd, B. B. (M., 219), 102 Boyd, M. A. (1641), 57 Boydell, T. (B., 62), 84 Boys, R. (301), 14 Boys, R. H. H. (1871), 64 Brabant, H. (Ap. I.), 118 Brackenbury, M. C. (1215), 44 Bradley, G. (M., 86), 97 Bradford, M. (Q.M., 9), 116 Brady, D. (1931), 65 Brady, M. K. (1353), 48 Bramham, J. (89), 4 ; (89), 6 Drand, J. (245), 12 Brandon, O. G. (2262), 75 Brandreth, A. M. (B., 311), 93 Brandreth, H. R. (486), 20 Brandreth, J. L. (Ap. II.), 120 Bray, E. (8), I Bremner, A. P. (1797), 61 Bremner, A. G. (1972), 67 Breton, H. D’A. (1422), 50 Brett, W. P. (1717), 59 Brewse, J. (99), 4; (99), 6 Drewin, J. P. (1745), 60 Bridge, E. (812), 31 Bridges, G. (206), 10 Brine, B. (964), 36 Brine, F. (809), 31 IBriscoe, H. (494), 21 Brissenden, A. (C.B., 18), 117 Broadbent, J. E. (1240), 45 Broadfoot, J. S. (B., 190), 89 Broadfoot, W. (B., 363), 94 Brohier, J. (B., 1), 83; (M., 4), 95 Broke, C. A. (663), 26 Broke, H. (1711), 59 Brooke, A. de V. (1093), 40 Brooke, D. (M., 37), 96 JBrooke, E. T. (912), 35 rooke, G. H. (923), 35 Brooker, E. P. (1856), 63 Brooker, R. L. C. (1747), 60 Brookes, C. H. (1286), 46 Brooks, J. (Ap. I.), 119 Brooks, W. B. (Bo., 22), 103 Brotherton, T. de la H. (1553), 54 Brough, A. (2219), 74 Brougham, P. (Bo., 93), 105 Broughton, T. (B., 58), 84 Broughton, T. D. (2124), 71 Broughton, W. E. D. (587), 24 Broun, J. (1211), 44 s Brown, A. (389), 17 Brown, C. (152), 8 Brown, C. R. (2132), 72 Brown, E. J. (B., 174), 88 Brown, G. A. P. (2336), 78 Brown, J. (Ir., 25), 113 Drown, L. F. (1264), 45 Brown, P. (Ap. I.), 118 Brown, R. H. (1337), 47 Brown, W. G. C. (C.B., 14), 117 Brown, W. B. (1700), 58 Browne, C. A. R. (1619), 56 Browne, C. M. (Bo., 160), 108 Browne, C. M. (2310), 77 Browne, F. M. (2131), 7L Browne, G. (557), 23 Browne, G. (Ap. I.), 118 Browne, J. (B., 334), 93 Browne, J. F. M. (724), 28 Browne, T. C. (B. 33), 84 Browne, W. (R.S.M., 3), 115 Brownlow, E. P. (B., 284), 92 Brownlow, H. A. (B., 271), 91 Brownrigg, H. F. (269), 13 Brownrigg, H. J. W. (1595), 55 |Bruce, A. C. (1405), 49 Bruce, P. H. (Ap. I.), 119 Bruce, R. G. (123), 5; (123), 7 Brunner, F. W. (2046), 69 Bruyeres, H. P. (542), 22 Bruyeres, R. H. (223), 11 Bryce, A. (230), 11 Buchanan, G. (305), 14 Buchanan, G. (Q.M., 2), 116 Buckby, T. M. (599), 24 Buckeridge, H. M. (504), 21 Buckland, R. U. H. (1715), 59 Buckle, A. L. (1045), 39 Buckle, E. (M., 132), 99 Buckle, H. W. (2229), 74 Buckle, R. N. (1002), 37 |Buckle, S. (1243), 45 - Bucknill, J. T. (1166), 42 Bugden, T. (518), 22 IBull, J. (Q.M., 20), 116 Bull, R. N. (593), 24 Bullen, E. D. (1722), 59 Bullen, R. (917), 35 Bullock, F. (1860), 63 Bunbury, W. H. (2069), 70 Bunce, W. T. (183), 88 Burgh, T. (K., 24), 110 ; (Ir., 5), 112 Burgmann, G. H. (590), 24. Burgoyne, J. F. (288), 14 Burke, J. H. (Bo., 110), 106 Burke, J. T. (783), 30 Burke, W. St. G. (1117), 41 Burmester, J. C. (644), 26 Burn, E. M. J. (1846), 63 Burn, J. M. (1838), 62 Burnaby, C. G. (1876), 64 Cameron, J. Burnaby, R. (695), 37 Burn-Murdoch, J. (1445), 51 Durn-Murdoch, P. R. (1589), 55 Burne, F. H. C. (1994), 67 Burnes, D. H. (962), 36 Burrard, S. G. (1615), 56 |Burt, G. (512), 21 IBurt, T. S. (B., 130), 87 Burtchael, G. D. (711), 28 |Burton, E. M. (1631), 56 Burton, W. H. (M., 223), 102 Bury, J. J. (792), 31 Bushell, F. H. (2312), 77 IBuston, P. T. (1467), 51 IButler, J. (B., 9), 83 Butterworth, R. F. A. (2241). 75 Buttle, C. F. (Q.M., 15), 116 Buxton, B. (B., 109), 86 By, J. (298), 14 Byres, J. (M., 34), 96 Byres, P. (B., 75), 85 Bythell, W. J. (1687), 58 CADELL, A. (B., 239), 90 Cadoule, F. (Ap. I.), 118 Caddy, J. (184), 9 Caillard, W. H. P. (1537), 54 Cairnes, W. A. (1660), 55 Calder, P. D. (361), 16 Calder, S. (R.S.M., 20), 115 Caldwell, A. (B., 40), 84 Caldwell, J. (B., 47), 84 Caldwell, J. L. (M., 69), 97 Call, C. F. (1245), 45 Call, J. (M., 6), 95 Call, T. (M., 17), 95 Call, T. (B., 22), 83 Calrow, R. (1183), 43 Cambel, J. (162), 9 Cameron, E. H. (1339), 47 Cameron, H. A. (1980), 67 (232), ll Cameron, J. (6 Cameron, J. (1 ( ), 83 Cameron, M. A. (1518), 53 Cameron, W. N. (B., 29), 84 Campbell, A. (132), 8 ; (B., 16), 83 Campbell, A. F. (622), 25 Campbell, C. (65), 3 Campbell, D. (70), 3, (70), 6 Campbell, D. McN. (1227), 44 Campbell, G. P. (1865), 63 Campbell, H. B. D. (2039), 69 Campbell, J. (Ap. II.), 120 Campbell, J. C. (1470), 51 Campbell, J. C. L. (1434), 50 Campbell, J. D. (B., 206), 89 Campbell, J. M. (M., 208), 101 Campbell, J. R. (Q.M., 54), 117 Campbell, P. (136), 8 Campbell, P. H. (2287), 76 Campbell, W. (M., 25), 96 Campbell, R. M. (1000), 37 Campbell, W. M. (Bo., 188), 109 Campbell, W. M. T. (897), 34 Capon, R. J. (Bo., 42), 104 Capper, J. E. (1651), 57 Carden, A. D. (2214), 74 Carden, W. B. (1443), 51 Cardew, G. (292), 14 Cardew, H. (408), 18 Cardew, P. (1373), 48 Carew, H. H. (Ap. II.), 120 Carey, A. B. (2096), 71 Carey, C. de B. (1143), 42. Carey, C. P. (882), 34 Carey, H. C. (1738), 59 Carleton, G. (Ap. I.), 118 Carles, P. (24), 1 ; (K., 3), 110 Carmichael, J. F. H. (1919), 65 Carmichael-Smyth, H. W. (B., 71), 85 Carmichael-Smyth, J. (265), 13 Carnegie, H. A. L. (B., 302), 92 Carpendale, J. (M., 172), 100 Carpenter, C. M. (204.1), 69 Carr, G. A. (1554), 54 Carr, R. (7), I Carroll, W. J. (1010), 38 Carruthers, J. (M., 74), 97 Carter, J. H. S. (860), 33 Carter, C. C. (1367), 48 Carter, T. T. (B., 335), 93 Carter-Campbell, T. T. (B., 335), 93 Cartwright, G. S. (1800), 61 Cartwright, H. (K., 13), 110 Casement, G. (B., 165), 88 Casgrain, P. H. du P. (1793), 61 Castle, E. J. (1075), 40 Castle, W. (M., 76), 97 Cather, T. P. (1414), 50 Cator, E. H. S. (2086), 70 Catty, J. P. (471), 20 Caulfield, St. G. R. S. (1921), 65 Cautley, H. (1035), 38 Cavalier, J. (K., 36), lll Cazotte, J. S. (Fr., 18), 114 Chadwick, O. (1194), 43 Chaldecott, W. H. (2170), 73 Chambers, H. M. (1250), 45 Chambers, O. W. S. (M., 180), 100 Chamier, A. T. (2089), 70 Champain, J. U. (B., 292), 92 Champernowne, H. (1103), 40 Chancellor, J. R. (2043), 69 Chapman, F. E. (653), 26 Chapman, G. (Bo., 128), 107 Chapman, G. G. (1326), 47 Chapman, H. M. (1667), 57 Chapman, L. P. (1762), 60 Chapman, R. H. (M., 159), 100 Chapman, S. R. (261), 12 Chapman, W. (Bo., 119), 106 Chard, J. R. M. (1292), 46 Chardeloup, J. (K., 4), 110 Charles, D. (R.S.M., 17), 115 Charles, E. M. S. (2315), 77 Charles, J. R. E. (2196), 73 Charteris, J. (2257), 75 Chaytor, H. (Ap. I.), 118 Chaytor, J. (592), 24 Cheape, J. (B., 99). 86 Chermside, H. C. (1349), 48 Chesney, C. C. (756), 29 Chesney, F. R. (733), 29 Chesney, G. T. (B., 266), 91 Chesney, H. F. (1594), 55 Cheyne, A. (360), 16 Chilcot, J. (189), 10 Childers, E. S. E. (1496), 52 Chippindall, W. H. (1404), 49 Christie, C. H. P. (1232), 44 Christie, D. B. (Bo., 12), 103 Christie, H. R. S. (2019), 68 Chrystie, W. (M., 213), 101 Clark, P. (Ap. I.), 119 Clark, T. J. (Q.M., 63), 117 Clarke, A. (745), 29 Ciarke, A. R. (802), 31 Clarke, C. J. (2179), 73 Clarke, G. S. (1275), 46 Clarke, H. (1303), 46 Clarke, H. W. (B., 354), 94 Clarke, J. (1515), 53 Clarke, S. C. (M., 248), 102 Clauson, J. E. (1804), 61 Clavering, R. F. (521), 22 Clavis, J. (K. 28), lll Clayton, A. G. (1172), 42 Clayton, E. G. (B., 352), 94 Clayton, H. E. G. (1875), 64 Clayton, V. G. (952), 36 Cleeve, S. 1). (1520), 53 Cleghorne, J. R. (M., 82), 97 Clement, F. W. (B., 142), 87 Clements, F. W. R. (955), 36 Clephane, G. (B., 72), 85 | Clerk, M. (118), 5 ; (118), 7 Clerk, R. (104), 4 ; (104), 7 Clerke, A. J. (799), 31 Cliffe, J. (Bo., 21), 103 Clive, H. S. (995), 37 Close, A. J. (2087), 70 Close, C. F. (1739), 59 Close, F. M. (2002), 68 Close, G. D. (1779), 61 Close, J. B. G. (Bo., 129), 107 Close, L. H. (1948), 66 Coaker, W. H. (1161), 42 Coates, R. (1192), 43 Cochrane, B. C. (967), 36 Cochrane, T. H. (1924), 65 Cock, A. (Ap. I.), 118 Cockburn, A. W. (1391), 49 Cockburn, G. A. (1278), 46 Cocksedge, J. C. (Bo., 45), 104 Codd, A. P. (1558), 54 Coddington, A. B. (997), 37 Coddington, J. (595), 24 Coffin, C. (1844), 63 Coffin, C. (1942), 66 Colby, H. A. (403), 18 Colby, T. F. (314), 14 Coldstream, W. M. (1952), 66 Cole, H. H. (1150), 42 Cole, H. P. (966), 36 Cole, P. (433), 19 Cole, S. (Q.M., 17), 116 Coles, W. (1499), 52 Collier, T. (K., 9), 110 Collings, G. M. (985), 37 Collins, C. (B., 12). 83 Collins, C. B. (1863), 63 Collins, J. (279), 13 Collins, W. H. (1048), 39 Collinson, T. B. (683), 27 Collyer, G. (368), 16 Collyer, G. C. (M., 166), 100 Colnaghi. D. H. (1809), 62 Colvin, J. M. C. (1989), 67 Colvin, J. (B., 100), 86 - Commeline, C. E. (1543), 54 Conder, C. R. (1340), 47 Coningham, W. (M., 234), 102 ... Connaught, H.R.H. Duke of (1274), 46 123 Conner, W. D. (1478), 52 Connor, I. J. (2206), 74 * Conolly, T. W. J. (Q.M., 8), 116 Constable, W. W. (1459), 51 Conway-Gordon, L. (B., 333), 93 Cooke, A. C. (737), Cooke, C. F. (1389), 49 Cooke, W. (Ap. I. Cooper, R. (249), 12 Cooper, R. H. S. (481), 20 Corbett, F. V. (1171), 42 Cordue, W. G. R. (1685), 58 Cornbrune, W. (Ap. I.), 119 Corneille, D. (Ir., 29), 113 Corneille, J. (Ir.; 10), 112 Corneille, R. (Ir., 6), 112 Cornes, J. E. (864), 33 Corry, J. B. (2175), 73 Cotgrave, J. (M., 78), 97 Cotgrave, R. E. F. (Bo., 141), 107 Cotsford, E. (M., 9), 95 Cotter, E. W. (1406), 49 Cotton, A. E. O. (1305), 47 Cotton, A. T. (M., 122), 99 Cotton, F. C. (M., 137), 99 Cotton, F. F. (B., 362), 94 Cotton, F. G. S. (2305), 77 Cotton, H. C. (M., 118), 98 Courtney, D. C. (1237); 44 Courtney, E. H. (915), 35 Courteney, J. L. (B., 74), 85 Couture, P. (213), 10 Coventry, J. (M., 104), 98 Covey, E. (493), 21 Cowan, J. H. (1544), 54 Cowan, S. H. (2297), 76 Cowell, J. C. (844), 32 Cowie, A. H. (1645), 57 Cowie, C. H. (1659), 57 Cowie, H. E. C. (2151), 72 Cowie, H. McC. (2145), 72 Cowley, J. (Ap. I.), 119 | Cowley, W. (80), 4 Cowper, A. (Bo., 126), 107 Cowper, T. A. (Bo., 34), 104 Cowper, W. (701), 28 Cowper, W. (Bo., 29), 104 Cox, F. E. (784), 30 Cox, J. P. (825), 32 Cox, W. N. (483), 20 Cox, W. H. (Q.M., 26), 116 Coyle, W. (C.B., 8), 117 Craigie, A, D. (694), 27 Craigie-Halkett, C. H. (1017), 38 Craskell, T. (137), 8 Craster, G. A. (B., 270), 91 Craster, J. E. E. (2160), 72 Craster, S.L. (1677), 58 Craven, A. J. (2017), 68 Crawford, C. (968), 36 Crawley, H. O. (564), 23 Crease, A. R. V. (771), 30 Credland, J. (B., iž), 83 Cree, A. (M., 62), 97 Cregan, T. A. (1592), 55 Creswell, E. W. (1347), 48 Creyke, A. S. (817), 32 Crichton, H. McV. (B., 341), 94 Cripps, H. (Q.M., 64), 117 Crofton, G. St. J. (768), 30 Crofton, H. J. (1763), 60 Crofton, J. (B., 237), 90 Cromie, J. (600), 24 n Cromie, W. H. (Q.M., 36), 116 Crommelin, J. A. (B., 123), 86 Crommelin, W. A. (B., 216), 90 Crompton, C. A. (1313), 47 Crookshank, A. A. (2158), 72 Crookshank, C. de W. (1910), 65 Crookshank, S, D’A. (2004), 68 Crossman, W. (839), 32 Crosthwait, H. L. (2038), 69 Crowdy, J. H. (989), 37 Crozier, A. H. (2133), 72 Crozier, H. D. (948), 36 Crozier, J. (237), 11 Crozier, R. B. (Bo., 32), 104 Cruickshank, G. M. (Bo., 200), 109 Cruickshank, J. D. (Bo., 198), 109 Cruickshank, J. H. R. (Bo., 189), 109 Cruickshank, J. J. F. (Bo., 79), 105 Cudmore, E. (M., 68), 97 Culpepper, T. (12), I Cumberland, C. E. (816), 32 Cumberlege, A. F. (2008), 68 Cumming, A. J. W. (B., 331), 93 Cumming, E. A. (2010), 68 Cumming, W. G. (M., 251), 102 Cunningham, A. B. (2318), 77 Cunningham, A. C. (B., 178), 88 Cunningham, A. H. (1993), 67 Cunningham, A. J. C. (B., 353), 94 Cunningham, C. (1065), 39 Cunningham, J. D. (B., 176), 88 Cunningham, T. (311), 14 Cunningham, W. (82), 4 ; (82), 6 Cunynghame, H. H. S. (1294), 46 Cunnington, R. H. (2265), 75 Curling, J. J. (1208), 43 Curtis, J. A. (Bo., 102), 106 Curtis, R. S. (1716), 59 Cusins, A. G. T. (2075), 70 D’ARCY, C. (335), 15 D’Arcy, R. (203), 10 D’Aguilar, F. B. G. (1372), 48 D’Alton, F. W. (668), 26 D’Arcourt, O. (K., 6), 110 D’Aubat, A. (141), 8 D'Ivory, C. J. (Fr., 3), 114 T)e Bourbel, R. (B., 275), 91 De Beaumont, J. P. (Fr., 5), 114 De Bude, H. (B., 115), 86 De Butts, A. (228), 11 De Butts, A. (M., 131), 99 De Butts, J. C. B. (752), 29 de Champigné, J. (K., 14), 110 de Folmont, A. (Fr., 4), 114 de Fougeray, A. M. (Fr., 6), 114 de Fulaine, A. R. M. (Fr., 13), 114 De Funck, J. (Bo., 1), 103 de Gangreben, F. (Ger.,’ 11, 114 de Gomme, B. (4), I de Gually, St. P. (K., 19), 110 De Havilland, T. F. (M., 77), 97 de Kervegan, P. A. H. S. (Fr., 9), 114 de Lalo, S. (K., 15), 110 de Lenequesaing, E. F. L. (Fr., 11), 114 De Lisle, A. (Bo., 118), 106 de Missey, J. M. (Fr., 12), 114 De Moleyns, E. C. (757), 29 de Moncrieff, M. J. B. A. (Fr., 17), 114 de Montmorency, C. A. ſ. (889), 34 de Moriencour, L. (Fr., 1), 114 - de Palezieux Falconet, G. P. (M., 207), 101 de Pioger, L. F. (Fr., 7), 114 de Preval, F. P. G. (Fr., 10), 114 de Ruvignes, F. G. (Ap. I.), 119 de Robien, Le Comte (Fr., 8), 114 de St. Morel, C. L. d’I. (Fr., 16), 114 de Salaberry, E. A. (442), 19 de Storffe, P. (10), I de Vehon, J. Le M. (Fr., 20), 114 De Vere, F. H. (806), 31 de Villamil, R. (1334), 47 de Wolski, F. R. (1252), 45 de la Brissonière, P. (IS., 17), 110 de la Chaussée, –. (Fr., 22), 114 De la Cour, D. (Ap. I.), 119 de la Faboulière, D. F. (6), 1 de la Ferrière, H. (K., 18), 110 de la Haussaye, C. (Fr., 21), 114 de la Martinerie, A. (K., 31), 111 de La Motte, P. (Ap. I.), 118 De la Poer Beresford, J. C. M. (1360), 48 des Londes, A. P. (Fr., 14), 114 Des Voeux, H. B. (1913), 65 du Pois, N. (Ap. I.), 119 du Bouchet, P. (K., 33), I 11 Du Boulay, W. G. (1343), 48 Du Cambon, —. (Ap. T.), 118 Du Cane, E. F. (838), 32 Du Cane, F. (746), 29 Du Portal, A. J. L. (Fr., 2), 114 du Vernet, W. H. (434), 19 Dabson, A. E. (1317), 47 Dacer, P. (Bo., 11), 103 Dacosta, A. F. H. (688), 27 Dadswell, W. M. (Q.M., 24), 116 Dallas, J. (1626), 56 Dalton, G. (511), 21 Dandridge, E. (B., 46), 84 T)anford, B. W. Y. (2200), 74 Daniel, E. (902), 34 Darby, W. W. (1271), 45 Dardell, J. F. (Bo., 31), 104 Darley, H. (B., 55), 84 Darling, C. H. (1461), 51 Darrah, C. J. (876), 33 Darwin, L. (1374), 48 Dashwood, H. W. (Bo., 56), 104 Dashwood, R. (582), 24 Daubuz, .R. C. (B., 324), 93 Davidson, A. (Bo., 140), 107 Davidson, C. J. C. (B., 105), 86 Davidson, C. R. T. (970), 37 Davidson, E. (B., 258), 91 Davidson, G. (1435), 50 Davidson, S. (1602), 56 Davie, R. (R.S.M., 7), 115 Davies, J. G. S. (1008), 38 Davies, T. (M., 100), 98 Davis, A. L. P. (1901), 64 Davis, R. (Ap. I.), 118 Davis, T. (C.B., 7), 117 Davy, C. W. (1912), 65 Davy, H. (387), 17 Davy, R. T. (277), 13 Dawes, N. B. E. (2307), 77 Dawson, G. F. (767), 30 Dawson, R. (109), 5 ; (109), 7 Dawson, R. K. (548), 23 Dawson, W. F. (375), 17 Dawson-Scott, R. N. (878), 33 Day, F. J. ( Day, J. (54), 3 Day, J. G. (1505), 53 Dealy, J. A. (1730), 59 Debbieg, H. (100), 4; (100), 7 Delamain, R. (2), 1 Delavaux, A. (M., 1), 95 Delavaux, C. (M., 14), 95 Denis de Vitré, P. T. (1991), 67 Denison, G. W. (2340), 78 Denison, H. (1256), 45 Denison, W. T. (598), 24 Denniss, G. B. B. (2319), 77 T)ennison, G. (M., 191), 101 Denny, F. McG. (1179), 43 Desmaretz, J. P. (Ap. I.), 119 Dewing, E. J. (1387), 49 Dick, G. (1936), 66 - Dick, G. (Bo., 82), 105 Dick, W. G. D. (Bo., 164), 108 Dickens, S. T. (217), 11 Dickens, T. M. (323), 15 Dickenson, S. (344), 15 Dickenson, T. (Bo., 38), 104 Dickie, J. E. (1525), 53 Dickinson, E. (1368), 48 Dickinson, G. H. (Bo., 81), 105 Dickinson, W. R. (Bo., 120), 106 T)ickson, W. (B., 128), 87 Dickson, W. E. R. (1990), 67 Digby, T. (1448), 51 Digby, W. T. (1845), 63 Dill, M. (639), 25 T)illon, H. P. C. (1181), 43 Dirom, A. (896), 34 Ditmas, F. (M., 142), 99 T)ixon, C. (363), 16 Dixon, G. W. (571), 23 Dixon, M. (87), 4; (87), 6 Dixon, M. C. (359), 16 I)ixon, P. E. (1655), 58 Dixon, R. T. (1786), 61 Dobbs, A. (Ir., 12), 112 Dobbs, C. R. (1895), 64 Doidge, R. (Bo., 10), 103 Donaldson, L. (B., 269), 91; (M., 198), 101 Done, R. J. (2.183), 73 Donne, J. E. (Bo., 135), 107 Donnelly, J. F. D. (863), 33 Donovan, J. F. (B., 241), 90 Dopping-Hepenstal, L. J. (1635), 56 Dorman, T. B. (M., 65), 97 Dorward, A. R. F. (1288), 46 Dorward, J. F. (1184), 43 Doucet, L. C. A. de B. (2309), 77 Douglas, A. (M., 133), 99 Douglas, D. (B., 78), 85 Douglas, J. R. (191), 10 T}ouglas, P. (B., 21), 83 Douglas, W. (310), 14 Douglas, W. (M., 152), 100 Douglas, W. S. (2247), 75 Dove, H. (1298), 46 Doveton, H. (Bo., 192), 109 Doveton, W. (M., 80), 97 Dowden, T. F. (Bo., 181), 108 Downes, G. B. (641), 26 Dowse, R. (216), Il & T)rake, J. M. C. (853), 33 Drake-Brockman, R. R. E. (1077), 40 Druitt, E. (1593), 55 Drummond, A. G. (1613), 56 Drummond, H. (B., 229), 90 |Drummond, J. S. R. (Bo., 37), 104 Drummond, T. (547), 23 Drury, W. T. (M., 115), 98 Dubourdieu, F. (374), 16 Ducat, W. M. (Bo., 177), 108 Dudgeon, R. (107), 4 ; (107), 7 Duff, G. M. (1820), 62 Duff, R. W. (848), 32 Dugloss, L. F. (B. 4), 83 Dugood, A. (M., 29), 96 Dumaresq., A. H. (1985), 67 Dumaresq., H. W. H. D. (871), 33 Dumble, W. C. (2116), 71 Dumbleton, H. N. (1580), 55 Dümmler, A. E. (1099), 40 Dunbar, J. (R.S.M., 13), 115 Duncan, A. (B., 45), 84 Duncan, G. M. (Bo., 145), 107 Duncan, H. H. (B., 160), 88 Dundas, D. (125), 5 ; (125), 7 Dundas, J. (B., 356), 94 l)undas, R. L. (284), 13 Dundas, W. (122), 5 ; (122), 7 Dundee, W. J. D. (1672), 58 Dunlop, W. J. S. (1262), 45 Dunsterville, E. L. (1806), 61 Duperier, H. W. (1380), 49 T)uplat, G. C. (516), 22 Durand, H. M. (B., 159), 88 Durand, P. (45), 2 Durnford, A. (124), 5 T)urnford, A. (173), 9 Durnford, A. G. (943) Durnford, A. W. ( Durnford, D. (179), 9 Durnford, E. (143), 8 Durnford, E. (575), 2 Durnford, E. W. (255), 12 Durnford, E. W. (602), 24 T)urnford, G. E. J. (2238), 75 Durnford, V. (621), 25 Dury, T. (19), I Dyas, J. H. (B., 226), 90 Dyott, R. (695), 27 Dyson, G. (291), 14 EALDEN, C. (C.B., 20), 117 Earle, R. G. (2208), 74 Eaves, J. (R.S.M., 5), 115 Eckford, J. (B., 310), 93 Eden, M. E. (Ap. II.), 120 Edgcome, A. R. (M., 247), 102 Edgcome, W. H. (M., 206), 101 Edgell, E. A. (1755), 60 Edmonds, J. E. (1661), 57 Edmondes, F. Q. (1157), 42 Edmondston, A. (B., 24), 83 Edridge, H. T. (565), 23 Edwards, F. I. (1162), 42 Edwards, J. B. (862), 33 Edwards, R. F. (1790), 61. Edwards, T. (21), 1 Eiser, J. C. (129), 5 ; (129), 7 Eliott, G. A. (77), 4 Elkington, C. J. (1883), 64 Elkington, G. E. (2030), 69 Blles, M. R. (2195), 73 Ellicombe, C. G. (306), 14 Elliot, F. E. (523), 22 Elliot, G. S. McD. (1690), 58 124 Elliot, S. (74), 3 Elliott, A. W. (Ap. II.), 120 Elliott, C. A. (2042), 69 Elliott, C. M. (M., 160), 100 Elliott, G. C. E. (2122), 71 Elliott, T. H. (437), 19 Ellis, C. C. (1446), 51 Ellis, W. (B., 27), 83 Ellis, W. M. (1668), 57 Elphinstone, D. B. (2049), 69 Elphinstone, H. (254), 12 Elphinstone, H. C. (815), 31 Elphinstone, J. (93), 4 Elphinstone-Holloway, W. C. (333), 15 Elrington-Bisset, M. (1513), 53 Elsdale, H. (1168), 42 Elton, I. M. (453), 19 Emmett, A. (391), 17 Engledue, W. J. (1992), 37 English, F. (384), 17 English, T. (1133), 41 Ennis, W. M. (Bo , 55), 104 Ensor, C. (597), 24 Enthoven, C. H. (1775), 61 Estridge, J. (Bo., 84), 105 Etherington, G. (C.B., 22), 117 Eustace, F. R. H. (2243), 75 Eustace, H. (Ir., 27), 113 Evans, A. S. (2278), 76 Evans, G. F. (2285), 76 Evans, J. T. (Q.M., 30), 116 Evans, L. (2326), 77 Evans, U. W. (1768), 60 Evans, W. H. (2276), 76 Evatt, H. (235), 11 Evelegh, J. (170), 9 Ewbank, W. (1759), 60 . Ewart, C. B. (759), 30 Exham, S. H. (1399), 49 Eyre, J. W. (475), 20 Eyre, T. (Ir., 14), 112 Eyre, W. (92), 4 ; (92), 6 FABER, C. E. (M., 126), 99 Faber, H. R. (M., 224), 102 Faber, S. G. (2058), 69 Fagan, G. H. (B., 171), 88 Fair, F. K. (1861), 63 Falcon, C. G. (1977), 67 Falconer, D. (R.S.M., 6), 115 Fallon, J. C. J. (2037), 69 Eanshawe, C. (652), 26 Earlshawe, E. (307), 14 Fanshawe, E. C. (1214), 44 Fanshawe, G. L. (1774), 61 Faris, W. (506), 21 Farquhar, W. (M., 73), 97 Farquharson, J. C. (1039), 39 Farquharson, F. G. (2007), 68 Farrant, J. (Bo., 24), 103 - Farrell, S. B. (785), 30 ºf 'ast, R. F. G. (M., 165), 100 Earwell, C. B. (1970), 67 Faviere, M. (51), 2 Fawkes, F. H. (1139), 42 Featherstonhaugh, A. (1036), 38 Fellowes, J. (640), 26 Fellowes, J. (1004), 37 Feife, F. (18), I Fenner, E. (85), 4 Tenwick, R. J. (589), 24 Fenwick, T. (654), 26 JFenwick, T. H. (444), 19 Fenwick, W. (229), 11 Ferguson, C. J. O’N. (980), 37 Ferrier, J. (161), 9; (Ir., 24), Ferrier, J. A. (1472), 51 Ferrier, L. J. G. (1054), 39 Festing, E. R. (905), 34 Fiddes, J. (200), 10 Fife, J. G. (1888), 64 IFife, J. G. (Bo., 122), 106 Figg, E. (313), 14 Filgate, A. J. (M., 236), 102 |Finch, A. U. H. (Bo., 147), 107 Finch, C. W. (Bo., 152), 107 Finlay, J. (224), 11 Finnis, H. (1471), 51 Eirebrace, F. (1091), 40 Eischer, J. F. (M., 192), 101 Fisher, A. A’C. (810), 31 Bisher, B. (180), 9 Fitzgerald, C. F. (544), 22 Fitzgerald, W. R. (B., 117), 86 Fleming, J. (Ap. I.), 119 Eleming, G. (B., 39), 84 |Fletcher, R. (233), 11 Foley, A. C. (1451), 51 Foord, E. A. (M., 179), 100 Foot, A. G. (1084), 40 Forbes, A. (Ap. I.), 118 Forbes, J. G. (B., 304), 92 Forbes, W. C. (540), 22 Forbes, W. N. (B., 108), 86 Ford, C. E. (615), 25 Ford, E. T. (613), 25 113 Ford, W. H. (241), 12 Ford, W. H. (612), 25 Fordyce, A. D. (B., 83), 85 Forrest, A. (M. , 61), 97 Forster, D. (2280), 76 |Forster, W. F. (381), 17 Forth, ...A. (Ir., 20), 112 Fortman, J. (B., 6), 83 Foster, H. J. (1529), 53 Foster, R. (Bo., 66), 105 Eoster, T. (533), 22 Fotheringham, J. (M., 79), 97 Fotheringham, R. H. (M., 75), 97 Foulkes, C. H. (2.185), 73 Fournier, A. G. (Ap. I.), 119 Fowler, C. J. (801), 31 Eowler, H. (1061), 39 Fowler, J. S. (1828), 62 Fowke, F. (730), 29 , Fowke, G. H. (1733), 59 Fox, H. C. (1164), 42 Fox, J. H. (1423), 50 Francis, P. M. (M., 169), 100 Frankland, W. A. (894), 34 Franklyn, C. de M. (1848), 63 Fraser, A. (146), 8 Fraser, A. (343), 15 IFraser, A. (B., 227), 90 Fraser, A. T. (M., 242), 102 Fraser, D. A. (834), 32 Fraser, E. (B., 215), 89 Fraser, E. (M., 93), 98 Fraser, H. (B., 144), 87 Fraser, H. A. D. (1862), 63 Fraser, J. W. (B., 148), 87 Braser, P. (568), 23 Fraser, R. J. G. (2217), 74 Fraser, T. (1113), 41 Eraser, T. (1853), 63 Fraser, T. (Bo., 84), 97 Erederick, C. (166), 9 Frederick, L. J. (Bo., 48), 104) lſ'reeland, H. F. E. (2072), 70 Freeling, A. H. (669), 27 Freeth, S. (632), 25 Treeth, J. H. (649), 26 Frere, R. T. (1124), 41 Friend, L. B. (1500), 52 Friederichs, D. A. (1953), 66 Frith, G. R. (2230), 74 Frome, E. (579), 24 Erost, J. (Q.M., 55), 117 Fulford, W. F. (B., 300), 92 Fullarton, H. (M., 101), 98 Euller, C. F. (1291), 46 Fuller, C. G. (2168), 73 Fuller, F. G. (1941), 66 Fuller, J. A. (Bo., 130), 107 Fuller, W. W. (658), 26 Fullerton, J. D. (1473), 51 Fulton, G. W. W. (B., 223), 90 Fulton, W. C. B. (661), 26 Eyers, A. B. (820), 32 Fyers, E. (396), 17 Fyers, T. (300), 14 Fyers, W. (188), 9 GAHAGAN, T. E. (M., 194), 101 Gale, H. R. (1778), 61 Gale, W. A. (1536), 54 Galloway, J. (Q.M., 3), 116 Galloway, J. J. (1949), 66 Gallwey, T. L. J. (692), 27 Galton, D. (708), 28 Galwey, W. J. (1145), 42 Gambier, E. P. (Bo., 171), 108 Gardiner, A. (2082), 70 Gardiner, R. (1266), 45 Gardner, T. (B., 15), 83 Garforth, P. (B., 208), 89 Garnault, H. W. (B., 312), 93 Garnett, A. W. (B., 248), 91 Garnier, J. (925), 35 * Garrard, W. (M., 88), 98 º Garrard, W. (M., 143), 99 Garrett, A. ff. (2.193), 73 Garstin, E. (B., 106), 86 Garstin, J. (B., 35), 84 Garstin, J. A. (2304), 77 Garth, G. (119), 5 ; (119), 7 Garwood, F. S. (2108), 71 Garwood, J. F. (1239), 45 Garwood, J. R. (2139), 72 Gaubet, J. (Ap. I.), 118 żaynor, H. F. (1727), 59 Gehle, H. J. W. (1042), 39 Geils, T. (M., 31), 96 Geneste, M. G. (B., 278), 92 Gent, W. (M., 35), 96 Georges, H. R. G. (1190), 43 Gervers, F. R. S. (2147), 72 Gibb, C. J. (702), 28 Gibb, R. (R.S.M., 16), 115 }ibbon, J. A. (1720), 59 Gibbs, J. E. (1351), 48 Giberne, A. (Bo., 78), 105 Gibson, G. G. (Q.M., 39), 116 Giddy, W. R. G. (C.B., 15), 117 Gifford, G. W. (1106), 41 Gilbert, F. Y. (450), 19 Giles, V. (2290), 76 Gill, W. J. (1195), 43 Gillam, R. A. (2070), 70 Gillespie, R. St. J. (2113), 71 Gillespie, T. (Bo., 136), 107 Gilley, W. F. (861), 33 Gilmore, J. (B., 152), 87 Gipps, G. (416), 18 Girouard, E. P. C. (1967), 67 Glancy, T. (1068), 39 Glanville, F. (1666), 57 Glasfurd, J. (B., 147), 87 Glasgow, W. A. (267), 13 Glenie, J. (209), 10 Glennie, E. (1400), '49 Glover, E. (214), 10 Glover, J. (Ap. I.), 118 Glover, T. (22), 1 Glover, T. G. (B., 231), 90 Glubb, F. M. (1560), 54 Godby, C. (1693), 58 Goddard, G. (Bo., 20), 103 Goddard, J. (M., 190), 101 Goddard, Jas. (Bo., 138), 107 Godfrey, C. B. (Q.M., 41), 116 Godfrey-Faussett, E. G. (1922), 65 Godsal, W. C. (1442), 51 Goldfinch, H. (285), 13 Goldie, B. J. (B., 345), 94 Goldie, B. W. (B., 156), 88 Goldie, M. H. G. (1282), 46 Golding, W. (B., 41), 84 Goldingham, R. E. D. (2188), 73 Goldney, G. F. B. (2329), 77 Goldney, W. H. (1426), 50 Goodall, A. G. (852), 33 Goodall, G. (958), 36 Goodfellow, C. A. (Bo., 168), 108 Goodfellow, S. (Bo., 35), 104 Goodfellow, W. B. (Bo., 70), 105 Goodfellow, W. W. (Bo., 149), 107 Goodwin, G. J. P. (2273), 76 Goodwyn, A. G. (1403), 49 Goodwyn, A. G. (B., 196), 89 Goodwyn, H. (B., 134), 87 Goodwyn, H. (B., 280), 92 Goodwyn, H. E. (1535), 54 Gordon, A. (543), 22 Gordon, A. H. (272), 13 Gordon, C. G. (858), 33 Gordon, C. H. (1297), 46 Gordon, E. C. A. (764), 30 Gordon, G. H. (798), 31 Gordon, G. H. B. (1552), 54 Gordon, H. (96), 4 ; (96), 6 Gordon, H. J. G. (M., 220), 102 Gordon, H. T. (B., 313), 93 Gordon, H. W. (2028), 68 Gordon, J. (401), 17 Gordon, J. (B., 69), 85 Gordon, J. W. (638), 25 Gordon, R. (Bo., 44), 104 Gordon, W. (225), 11 Gordon, W. S. (1706), 59 . Gore, St. G. C. (1335), 47 Gore-Booth, J. (1082), 40 Gorringe, G. F. (1935), 66 Gosset, F. (1325), 47 Gosset, J. W. (681), 27 Gosset, W. (293), 14 Gosset, W. B. (883), 34 Gosset, W. D. (704), 28 Gosset, W. M. (454), 19 Gould, E. (317), 15 Gould, G. I. (1236), 44 Goulding, W. (Q.M., 21), 116 Gracey, T. (1140), 42 Gracey, T. (2264), 75 Graham, C. (275), 13 Graham, G. (846), 32 Graham, W. D. (Bo., 95), 106 Graham, W. H. (B., 138), 87 Graham-Crawford, J. H. (Bo., 87), 105 . Grain, E. M. (774), 30 Grain, H. (722), 28 Grant, A. (1636), 56 Grant, A. (M., 107), 98 Grant, C. W. (Bo., 64), 105 Grant, J. (373), 16 Grant, J. S. (Bo., 67), 105 Grant, J. M. (723), 28 Grant, P. G. (1938), 66 Grant, R. (884), 34 Grant, S. (1397), 49 Grant, S. C. N. (1511), 53 Grantham, J. (823), 32 Gratton, C. (R. S.M., 24), 115 Grattan, A. O’D. (696), 28 Gravatt, W. (244), 12 Graves, T. M. (836), 32 Gray, C. G. (703), 28 Graydon, G. (341), 15 Greathed, W. W. H. (B., 238), 90 Greatorex, J. (584), 24 Greatorex, J. W. (840), 32 Green, A. O. (1249), 45 Green, C. J. (M., 127), 99 Green, E. H. E. (2044), 69 Green, W. (91), 4 ; (91), 6 Green, W. (144), 8 Greene, G. T. (B., 132), 87 Greenstreet, C. B. L. ( Greenstreet, W. L. (1191), 43 . Greer, M. (1212), 44 Greer, R. E. (1927), 65 Gregory, W. (495), 21 Gregson, M. H. (1260), 45 Greig, I. M. (Bo., 153), 108 Greig, P. S. (2267), 75 Greig, R. H. (2256), 75 Greill, J. (Ap. J.), 119 Grubb, A. H. W. (2100), 71 Grierson, C. (440), 19 Griffith, D. M. (1992), 67 Griffith, G. H. (1958), 66 Griffith, J. G. T. (Bo., 151), 107 Grindall, F. C. (B., 236), 90 Grove, T. T. (2335), 78 Grover, G. E. (1016), 38 Gubbins, F. J. B. (1810), 62 Gubbins, F. W. B. (1960), 66 Gubbins, P. C. (1599), 55 Guggisberg, F. G. (1982), 67 Gulliver, H. W. (B., 243), 90 Gun, H. A. (1025), 38 Gunter, C. P. (2149), 72 Guthrie, C. S. (B., 145), 87 Guthrie, J. (M., 49), 96 Gwynn, C. W. (1981), 67 125 HADDEN, W. C. (630), 25 Haggitt, E. D. (1705), 58 Haig, A. (R.S.M., 4), 115 Haig, A. B. (1034), 38 Haig, E. H. (1897), 64 Haig, C. T. (Bo., 161), 108 Haig, F. T. (M., 185), 10] Haig, H. de H. (1503), 53 Haigh, W. P. (399), 17 EIaines, E. (B., 203), 89 Halberton, R. R. (348), 16 Haldane, H. (182), 9 Hale, L. A. (870), 33 Hall, G. C. M. (2104), 71 Hall, J. G. (1148), 42 Hall, L. A. (445), 19 Hall, W. (97), 4 Hall, W. J. O. (B., 98), 86 Halliday, C. O. (2016). 68 Hamilton, A. C. (965), 36 Hamilton, A. F. (M., 250), 102 Hamilton, G. A. (325), 15 Hamilton, J. (M., 13), 95 Hamilton, J. E. O'H. (1676), 58 Hamilton, R. G. (627), 25 Hamilton, R. E. (1444), 51 Hamley, W. G. (636), 25 Hammond, R. C. (2284), 76 Hamond, W. C. (M., 215), 101 Hancock, C. (Bo. 169), 108 Hancock, H. F. (Bo. 150), 107 Handfield, J. (263), 13 Hanway, J. (25), I - Hanway, J. (Ap. I.), 118 Hardcastle, A. (2135), 72 Hardesty, J. (90), 4; (90), 6 Harding, G. J. (319), 15 Hardinge, E. P. (976), 37 Hare, H. J. (1930), 65 Hare, J. (1268), 45 Hare, S. B. (B., 140), 87 Hare, W. A. H. (1247), 45 Hargrave, J. (Ap I.), 119 Harman, H. J. (1314), 47 Harness, H. D. (610), 25 Harper, G. M. (1741), 60 Harper, J. (369), 16 Harris, A. M. A. (1781), 61 Harris, G. (1053), 39 |Harris, J. B. (365), 16 Harris, J. C. (B., 230), 90 Harris, W. C. (Bo., 69), 105 Harrison, C. T. (1175), 42 Harrison, C. W. I. (B., 336), 94 Harrison, G. H. (1758), 60 Barrison, J. H. C. (1411), 50 Harrison, R. (914), 35 IHarrison, T. (1723), 59 Harrison, W. A. (1900), 64 Harrison-Topham, T. (1723), 59 Hart, E. C. (1213), 44 Bart, H. H. (1358), 48 Hart, P. J. (Bo., 104), 106 Hart, R. C. (1301), 46 Hartcup, T. (164), 9 Hartcup, M. W. (262), 12 Hart-Davis, H. W. (1348), 48 Harvey, C. B. (2119), 71 Harvey, C. E. (847), 32 Harvey, E. (1059), 39 Harvey, E. H. (1929), 65 Harvey, H. G. (1691), 58 |Harvey, R. N. (1929), 65 Harward, F. E. (2130), 71 Haslam, B. J. (2225), 74 Baslett, A. K. (1015), 38 Haslett, P. (1320), 47 Hassard, F. C. (707), 28 Hassard, F. N. (1290), 46 Hassard, J. (280), 13 - Hassebrock, J. (Ger., 1), 114 Hasted, J. O. (M., 216), 101 Hawker, E. C. T. (1567), 54 Hawkins, F. (35), 2 Hawkins, J. (Bo., 40), 104 Hawkins, J. S. (648), 26 |Hawkins, W. F. (1538), 54 Hawkshaw, J. (526), 22 Hawksley, R. P. T. (2054), 69 Hawthorn, R. (845), 32 Hay, C. (553), 23 Bay, L. (207), 10 Haydon, W. H. (1146), 42 Hayes, C. (268), 13 Haynes, A. E. (1652), 57 IHaynes, C. E. (1530), 53 Haynes, H. S. F. (1217), 44 Hayter, G. (239), 11 Hayter, T. B. (462), 20 Head, F. B. (448), 19 PHead, M. (Q.M., 60), 117 Hearn, G. R. (2055), 69 Heath, C. J. (2213), 74 Heath, F. C. (1559), 54 Heath, G. M. (1678), 58 Heath, J. (Ap. I.), 119 Heath, J. (140), 8 Heath, M. W. (519), 22 Heath, T. (M., 3), 95 Heathcote, A. (1382), 49 |Heathfield, Lord G. A. (77), 4 Beatly, J. D. (581), 24 Heaviside, W. J. (B., 348), 94 Hebbert, G. P. (B., 219), 90 Hebbert, W. G. (Bo., 85), 105 Hedley, R. S. (1547), 54 Hedley, W. C. (1771), 60 Hellard, R. C. (1433), 50 Helsham-Jones, H. H. (918), 35 IIemery, E. (M., 175), 100 Hemming, E. H. (1637), 56 Hemming, J. (M., 50), 96 IIemming, N. M. (1946), 66 IHemming, S. (Bo., 61), 104 Henage, F. W. (1115), 41 Benderson, A. (479), 20 Henderson, C. B. (1361), 48 Henderson, E. G. (2144), 72 Henderson, E. Y. W. (685), 27 |Henderson, G. (299), 14 Henderson, J. A. (1555), 54 Henderson, R. (M., 145), 99 Henderson, R. (M., 136), 99 Henderson, W. (B., 30), 84 |Henderson, W. (B., 255), 91 Hendy, D. C. (Ap. II.), 120 IHenn, T. R. (1321), 47 Henniker, A. M. (1974), 67 Henniker, J. M. (879), 33 Henrici, E. O. (2279), 76 Henry, G. (1272), 45 Henry, J. T. (B., 32), 84 Henryson, J. (357), 16 Hepburn, R. (Bo., 14), 103 Hepburne, J. (Ap. I.), 118 Hepper, A. J. (1050), 39 Hepper, A. W. (2303), 77 Hepper, H. A. L. (2022), 68 Herbert, H. (Ap. I.), 119 Herriott, C. H. (112), 5 ; (112), 7 IHerschel, J. (B., 323), 93 Hewett, E. O. (880), 34 Hewson, J. F. (1267), 45 Heycock, C. H. (1832), 62 Heygate, E. N. (797), 31 Heywood, J. M. (B., 322), 9 Hibbert, W. G. (1983), 67 Bichens, W. (B., 277), 92 Hickey, W. R. G. (744), 29 Hickson, S. A. E. (1488), 52 Hildebrand, A. (1383), 49 Hildebrand, A. B. R. (2023), 68 Hildebrand, G. (1193), 43 Hildyard, R. C. T. (1225), 44 Hill, A. (1073), 40 Hill, A. F. S. (2292), 76 Hill, C. (1656), 57 Hill, C. E. D. (M., 177), 100 Hill, E. S. (1419), 50 Hill, J. (1126), 41 |Hill, J. (Bo., 108), 106 Hill, L. (B., 172), 88 |Hilliard, W. R. (1642), 57 Hills, A. (Q.M., 23), 116 Hills, E. H. (1751), 60 Hills, G. S. (B., 309), 93 Pſills, J. (Bo., 162), 108 Hilton, J. (Q.M., 4), 116 Hime, A. H. (1112), 41 Hime, F. (938), 35 Hinde, W. H. (1611), 56 Hingston, E. (2029), 69 Hingston, G. B. (1909), 65 Hippisley, R. L. (1432), 50 Hislop, J. (187), 9 Hitchens, H. W. (M., 171), 100 Hitching, G. H. (Q.M., 38), 116 Hoare, J. W. O’B. (821), 32 Hobbs, H. (327), 15 |Hobbs, J. (328), 15 IIobbs, R. F. A. (2316), 77 Hobday, M. N. (1440), 51 Hobson, F. S. (270), 13 Hockings, R. (201), 10 Hodder, W. M. (1638), 56 Hodgson, C. J. (B., 220), 90 Hodgson, P. E. (2154), 72 Hogg, C. C. H. (2202), 74 Hogg, J. R. (977), 37 Hogg, P. G. H. (2302), 76 |Holberton, W. (274), 13 Boldich, T. H. (1136), 41 IHolland, E. B. (Bo., 156), 108 Hollis, M. (Q. M. 5 3) l 6 Holmes, W. B. (B., 320), 93 Home, D. C. (B., 249), 91 Home, F. J. (B., 337), 94 Eſome, G. J. L. (1898), 64 Home, R. (935), 35 Home, R. (B., 294), 92 Home, R. D. E. (2269), 76 Hooper, F. (Q.M., 27), 116 Hope, C. W. (728), 29 Hope, E. (242), 12 Hope, J. I. (538), 22 Hopkins, L. E. (2126), 7 Hopkins, N. J. (2033), 69 Horniblow, F. H. (1604), 56 Hore, T. (530), 22 Horsley, W. H. (M., 153), 100 Hornby, P. J. (680), 27 Horneck, K. W. (81), 4 Horneck, W. (53), 3 Hoskyn, C. R. (1474), 51 Hoskyns, C. (1329), 47 Hoste, G. C. (320), 15 |Hotham, G. (527), 22 Houston, E. (1698), 58 |Hovenden, J. St. J. (B., 279), 92 Howard, F. G. (2103), 71 Howard, T. (1040), 39 Howath, R. (580), 24 Howes, F. A. (M., 221), 102 Boyland, J. (R.S.M., 34), 115 Hoysted, D. M. F. (2184), 73 Hudleston, W. (2066), 70 Hudson, E. H. (1345), 48 Hughes, P. (253), 12 Huleatt, A. J. (1777), 61 Huleatt, H. (1639), 57 Hullam, J. (Ir., 2 Hulme, J. L. (422 IHunne, A. H. B. ( Humfrays, S. J. (M., 189), 101 Humfrey, J. (199), 10 Humphries, R. (B., 38), 84 Humphry, E. W. (B., 286), 92 FIunt, E. L. (1877), 64 Hunt, R. (411), 18 |Hunt, R. (468), 20 & Hunter, C. G. W. (2045), 69 |Hunter, J. N. (M., 210), 101 Hunter, W. S. (1736), 59 Hunter-Weston, A. G. (1725), 59 Hurst, W. B. (1199), 43 Huskisson, W. (1591), 55 Hussey, E. R. (1333), 47 Hussey, W. C. (1575), 55 Hustler, R. S. (355), 16 Butchinson, B. M. (B. 250), 91 Hutchinson, C. S. (740), 29 Hutchinson, C. T. (773), 30 Hutchinson, C. W. (B., 222), 90 Hutchinson, G. (B., 103), 86 Hutchinson, G. (B., 234), 90 |Hutchinson, G. R. (626), 25 Hutchinson, S. T. K. (388), 17 Hutchinson, T. K. (388), 17 Hutchinson-Stavely, T. K. (388), 17 Hutton, G. M. (1830), 62 Hyde, H., (B., 232), 90 Hyde, J. (B., 84), 85 Hyde, J. T. (Ap. II.), 120 Hylton, E. S. (108); 4; (108), 7 Hyslop, R. M. (1293), 46 IANS, T. R. (247), 12 Iles, F. A. (2173), 73 Impey, A. (B., 211), 89 Impey-Lovibond, A. (B., 211), 89 Inglis, T. (738), 29 Inglis, W. M. (713), 28 Innes, C. D. (B., 240), 90 Innes, J. J. McL. (B., 264), 91 Innes, T. (Ap. I.), 119 e Innes, W. (999), 37 Inverarity, J. (M., 156), 100 Irvine, A. (B., 110), 86 Irvine, F. D. (22.18), 74 Irvine, J. L. (1574), 55 Irwin, T. S. (B., 200), 89 Izat, W. R. (2282), 76 JACK, E. M. (2159), 72 Jackson, — (Ap. I.), 118 Jackson, G. I. (1236), 44 Jackson, H. M. (1576), 55 Jackson, J. M. (2320), 77 Jackson, L. C. (1541), 54 Jackson, L. C. (2233), 74 Jackson, L. D’A. (B., 338), 94 Jacob, S. L. (1220), 44 Jacob, W. S. (Bo , 89), 106 James, B. A. (1816), 62 James, C. (1189), 43 James, E. R. (854), 33 James, H. (604), 24 James, W. H. (1257), 45 Jarratt, T. (Ir., 19), 112 Jebb, J. (476), 20 Jeffreys, F. V. (1621), 56 Jeffreys, W. (B., 298), 92 Jekyll, H. (1231), 44 Jelf, R. H. (1216), 44 Jelf, R. J. (2114), 71 Jelley, R. F. (2052), 69 Jenkin, J. (618), 25 Jenkins, G. (M., 116), 98 Jennings, D. (M., 54), 96 Jennings, R. H. (1460), 51 Jenner, S. W. (1055), 39 Jerome, H. J. W. (1507), 53 Jervis, G. R. (Bo., 51), 104 Jervis, S. C. (B , 260), 91 Jervis, T. B. (Bo., 58), 104 Jervois, J. (1462), 51 Jervois, J. G. (750), 29 Jervois, W. F. D. (691), 27 Jesse, W. H. (720), 28 Jessep, H. L. (1371), 48 Johnson, C. R. (2266), 75 Johnson, E. P. (1814), 62 Johnson, G. W. (1020), 38 Johnson, J. (196), 10 Johnson, J. (Bo., 23), 103 Johnson, J. (Ap. T.), 118 Johnson, J. F. W. (2020), 68 Johnson, P. (R.S.M., 31), 115 Johnston, B. C. (1718), 59 Johnston, C. C. (M., 168), 100 Johnston, C. H. (1336), 47 Johnston, D. A. (1265), 45 Johnston, J. (M., 32), 96 Johnston, J. T. (1366), 48 Johnston, W. (194), 10. Johnston, W. J. (2093), 70 Johnstone, A. S. (B., 253), 91 Johnstone, G. (M., 66), 97 Johnstone, H. M. (1562), 54 Johnstone, J. G. (M., 164), 100 Johnstone, J. H. L’E. (1719), 59. Johnstone, R. W. (B., 26), 83 Johnstone, W. H. (1259), 45 Joly, A. C. de L. (1822), 62 Joly-de-Lotbinière, A. C. (1822), 62 Joly-de-Lotbinière, H. G. (1951), 66 126 Jopp, A. A. (1078), 40 Jopp, J. (Bo., 52), 104 Jopp, K. A. (Bo., 184), 109 Jones, A. (Q.M., 61), 117 Jones, D. C. (2271), 76 Jones, D. G. (996), 37 Jones, E. (B., 301), 92 Jones, E. A. T. (1742), 60 Jones, G. T. (1477), 52 Jones, H. B. (1783), 61 Jones, H. D. (406), 18 Jones. H. H. (918), 35 Jones, J. (Bo., 123), 103 Jones, J. (Q.M., 5), 116 Jones, J. (Q.M., 13), 116 Jones, J. H. (B., 81), 85 Jones, J. T. (290), 14 Jones, L. (1675), 58 Jones, R. (354), 16 Jones, R. J. T. D. (2268), 70 Jones, R. O. (951), 36 Jones, T. (Q.M., 1), 116 Jones, W. (B., 182), 88 Jones, W. G. (B., 112), 86 Jones, W. H. (394), 17 Jones, W. H. (2107), 71 Jones, W. P. (1182), 43 Judge, C. N. (B., 308), 93 KAY, A. (498), 21 Kealy, P. H. (2299), 76 Reane, H. F. (699), 23 Keating, T. (Bo., 3), 103 Keighley, T. (Ap. II.), 120 Keighley, T. S. (M., 162), 100 Keith, W. (939), 35 Kellie, J. (1412), 50 Kelly, A. J. (1556), 54 Relly, F. H. (1617), 56 ICelsall, G. N. (875), 33 Eelsall, H. W. (1965), 67 Kelsall, R. (426), 18 Kelsall, T. E. (2142), 72 Kemp, G. C. (1878), 64 Rendall, W. (Bo., 116), 106 Kennedy, J. N. C. (1866), 63 Kennedy, J. P. (537), 22 Kennedy, M. K. (Bo., 117), 106 Rennedy, M. R. (2156), 72 Kennedy, T. S. (Bo., 80), 105 Rennett, G. (281 Kenney, A. H. ( y Renny, J. H. (Q.M., 3 Kensington, C. H. M. Kensington, G. B. (217 Kent, H. W. (1697), 58 Kenyon, E. R. (1510), 53 Kerr, J. (492), 21 Kerr, R. D. (747), 29 FCerr, T. (K., 35), 111 Rersteman, W. (195), 10 Rilby, J. E. (C.B., 3), 117 Rildahl, A. H. (1072), 39 Rilner, J. (Bo., 75), 105 ICilvington, H. M. (304), 14 Kincaid, W. A. S. (1906), 65 Kincaid, W. F. H. S. (1649), 57 King, F. W. (729), 29 King, H. S. (1618), 56 King, R. (44), 2 King, R. G. (2088), 70 King, W. A. de C. (2205), 74 Kingly, C. (B., 20), 83 Kingscote, R. A. F. (1847), 63 ICirby, N. (1825), 62 Rirke, St. G. M. (1280), 43 Kirkpatrick, G. M. (1801), 61 Kirkwood, H. P. (1170), 42 Kisselback, J. A. (M., 45), 96 Kitchener of Khartoum, Baron H. H. (1388), 49 Kitson, J. S. (435), 19 Knapp, W. (R.S.M., 29), 115 Knight, H. P. (1425), 50 Knocker, H. P. (1153), 42 Knocker, S. H. (594), 24 Knowles, M. (R.S.M., 36), 115 Knowles, J. Y. (1098), 40 Rinox, G. S. (2095), 70 Knox, R. F. (2011), 68 Koe, F. (749), 29 Koe, G. A. (841), 32 Kunhardt, H. G. (1390), 49 Kunze, F. (Ger., 5), 114 ISyd, A. (B., 31), 84 LA MOTTE, J. (Ap. 1.), 118 La Tessonière, D. (K., 23), 110 Le Breton, E. (286), 13 Le Breton-Simmons, G. F. H. (1750), 60 Le Gallais, C. (832), 32 Le Messurier, A. (Bo., 182), 108 Le Mesurier, F. A. (964), 36 Le Mesurier, H. G. (2136), 72 Le Mesurier, J. (Bo., 157), 108 Lacy, T. (251), 12 Laffan, H. D. (1566), 54 Laffan, J. de C. (1740), 60 Laffan, R. M. (667), 26 Lagden, H. N. (534), 22 Lake, E. (M., 120), 99 Lake, E. J. (B., 207), 89 Lake, H. A. (M., 144), 99 Lake, N. M. (1392), 49 Tambert, D. R. (1785), 61 Lambert, M, (944), 36 Lambert, P. (B., 316), 93 Lambert, S. J. (1174), 42 Lambert, W. F. (789), 30 Lamerson, H. (Ap. I.), 118 Lancey, T. F. (456), 19 Lancey, W. (559), 23 Landmann, G. (236), 13 Lands, H. (Ap. I.), 118 Lang, A. M. (B., 285), 92 Lang, J. T. (1707), 59 Langley, L. (1362), 48 Langman, J. A. (2275), 76 Laponge, J. (71), 3 Laprimaudaye, P. (59), 3 Larcom, T. A. (572), 23 Larminie, E. M. (1128), 41 Lascelles, T. (43), 2 ; (43), 3 Lascelles, T. (377), 17 Latham, R. (Ap. I.), 118 Lathbury, H. O. (1894), 64 Laugharne, M. (1307), 47 Iaughton, J. (B., 161), 88 Laurence, R. T. R. (1728), 59 Law, J. (Q.M., 49), 116 Lawe, A. (M., 119), 98 Lawford, E. (M., 134), 99 Lawrence, G. C. R. (1940), 66 Lawrence, W. (276), 13 Lawrie, W. G. (1708), 59 Lawson, D. (222), 11 Lawson, H. (362), 16 Lawson, H. M. (1568), 64 Lawson, W. (C.B., 2), 117 Lawtie, P. (B., 94), 86 Layard, A. A. M. (1565), 54 Laye, J. (Ap. I.), 119 Leach, E. P. (1234), 44 Leach, G. A. (675), 27 Léach, H. P. (1402), 49 Leach, R. (Bo., 98), 106 Leahy, A. (829), 32 Leahy, C. A. (1682), 58 Learoyd, C. D. (1607), 56 Lee, H. H. (Bo., 186), 109 Lee, H. P. (1154), 42 Lee, R. P. (1787), 61 Lees, J. (205), 10 Lees, W. E. (2001), 68 Lefanue, T. (131); 8 Lefebure, C. (252), 12 Leggett, E. H. M. (2040), 69 Leigh, A. (M., 7), 95 Leigh, R. (1603), 56 Lemesurier, F. (671), 27 Lemon, G. W. (529), 22 Lempriere, A. R. (872), 33 Lempriere, G. R. (827), 32 Lempriere, T. (532), 22 Lennard, J. B. (931), 35 Lennon, W. C. (M., 59), 97 Lennox, W. O. (828), 32 Lenox-Conyngham, G. P. (1802), 61 Leslie, F. S. (1427), 50 Leslie, G. A. J. (1899), 64 Lespagnol, S. P. (Fr., 15), 114 Lesslie, W. B. (1969), 67 Lestanguet, G. (Ap. I.), 119 Leverson, G. F. (1548), 54 Leverson, J. J. (1431), 50 Lewin, H. F. C. (942), 36 Lewis, A. T. (Q.M., 22), 116 Lewis, G. (234), 11 º Lewis, G. C. D. (513), 21 Lewis, G. G. (322), 15 Lewis, H. L. (1102), 40 Lewis, H. L. (2311), 77 Lewis, J. F. (1251), 45 Lewis, R. H. (2032), 69 Lewis, T. L. (487), 21 Ley, C. H. (2102), 71 Liddell, J. (786), 30 Liddell, J. S. (1907), 65 Liddell, W. A. (1764), 60 Lilly, C. (30), 2 Lillyman, J. (155), 8; (B., 17), 83 Limond, D. (B., 274), 91 Lindesay, G. (B., 96), 86 Lindley, W. D. (1480), 52 Lindoe, P. J. D. (1210), 44 Lindsay, H. E. M. (1545), 54 Lindsay, J. G. (M., 222), 102 Lindsell, J. B. (1205), 43 Lister, W. J. (1436), 50 Littledale, R. P. (1542), 54 Litton, D. L. (1452), 51 Livesay, R. A. (1089), 40 Livingstone, H. A. A. (1760), 60 Lloyd, C. (1), 1 Ilockhart, A. E. (90 Lockwood, J. (B., 9 Locock, H. (937), 35 Logan-Home, W. J. H. Tondon, J. (C.B., 9), 1 Long, W. (9), 1 Longe, F. B. (1500), 54 Longfield, W. E. (2155), 72 Longley, G. (873), 33 Longley, J. (400), 17 - Longshaw, T. (R.S.M., 10), 115 Loring, E. M. (1854), 63 Loup, T. (3), 1 Love, H. D. (1454), 51 Ilovett, B. (B., 339), 94 Lovell, J. W. (715), 28 Low, G. or J. (K., 21), 110 Lowry, T. G. (865), 33 Lowsley, B. (1129), 42 Luard, C. E. (963), 36 Luard, C. H. (B., 305), 92 Luard, H. R. (813), 31 Luard, W. du C. (1684), 58 Lubbock, G. (1996), 67 Ludlow, S. E. O. (M., 157), 100 Lugard, H. W. (628), 25 Lukyen, J. B. (705), 28 Iluttermann, J. (Ger., 13), 114 Lutyens, J. G. (1517), 53 Luxmore, T. C. (503), 21 Lynn, J. (608), 25 Lyon-Campbell, C. A. (991), 37 Iyons, H. G. (1735), 59 Lyster, St. G. L. (629), 25 Lyster, T. (974), 37 Lyster, T. R. (657), 26 MCARTHUR, A. D. (1178), 43 McCallum, H. E. (1410), 50 McCausland, C. (646), 26 McClintock, R. L. (2157), 72 McClintock, R. S. (2234), 75 . McCormick, A. L. C. (1962), 66 McClure, R. J. (1079), 40 McCullagh, J. R. (1094), 40 McCulloch, A. N. (Q.M., 19), 116 McDonald, D. (404), 18 McDonald, G. (1187), 43 McDonald, J. (Q.M., 18), 116 McElhinny, W. J. (1819), 62 McEnery, J. A. (2286), 76 McGillivray, A. (Ap. II.), 120 McGillivray, F. (Bo., 63), 105 McHarg, A. A. (2167), 73 McHardy, A. B. (1138), 41 McInnes, D. S. (2078), 70 McKay, H. B. (1660), 57 McKechnie, D. (2253), 75 McKerlie, J. G. (634), 25 McKerras, W. (215), 11 McLauchlan, J. (326), 15 McLeod, - (M., 19), 95 McLean, J. (M., ll), 95 McNeile, J. M. (B., 317), 93 McNeill, A. (B., 296), 92 McNeill, J. (Bo., 6), 103 MacAdam, W. (1753), 60 Macartney, M. J. (Bo., 195), 109 Macaulay, P. J. F. (1872), 64 Macauley, G. B. (1987), 67 Macauley, J. S. (425), 18 MacCarthy, F. D. F. (1572), 55 MacCulloch, W. (349), 16 Macdiarmid, H. C. (1152), 42 Macdonald, J. (Bo., 17), 103 Macdonald, J. (B., Macdonald, J. R. Macdonald, R. H. (2018), 68 Macdonell, AE. R. MacDonnell, A. C. (1521), 53 MacDonnell, A. R. (887), 34 Macdonagh, G. M. W. (1743), 60 Macdougal, W. (B., 79), 85 MacDowel, F. H. (1407), 50 Macfie, W. C. (2174), 73 MacGeorge, J. B. (2048), 69 Macgowan, S. (B., 70), 85 MacGregor, J. C. (1277), 46 Mackay, H. (Ap. I.), 119 Mackean, K. (1456), 51 Mackelcan, J. (218), 11 Mackellar, P. (79), 4 ; (79), 6 Mackenzie, A. (793), 31 Mackenzie, A. C. C. (1058), 39 Mackenzie, C. (501), 21 Mackenzie, C. (M., 60), 97 Mackenzie, C. C. M. (1147), 42 Mackenzie, H. B. (R.S.M., 25), 115 Mackenzie, K. (B., 87), 85 Mackenzie, R. J. H. L. (1681), 58 Mackenzie, W. J. (1465), 51 (). Mackesy, J. P. (2079), 70. 5 7 8 4 Mackintosh, J. (M., 96), 98 Mackworth, A. W. (1090), 40 Mackworth, H. L. (2322), 77 Maclagan, R. (B., 202), 89 Maclagan, R. S. (1640), 57 Maclean, S. (R.S.M., 35), 115 Macleod, D. (B., 77), 85 Macleod, G. (B., 193), 89; (Bo., 112), 106 Macleod, G. F. (308), 14 Macleod, J. (Bo., 53), 104 Macleod, N. C. (B., 180), 88 Macpherson, J. C. (1039), 39 Macpherson, J. L. (1180), 43 Macrory, R. M. (2191), 73 MacSween, H. (B., 325), 93 Mace, J. (Bo., 2), 103 Machell, L. (443), 19 Madronet, — (Ap. I.), 118 Magniac, C. L. (2211), 74 Mahon, E. W. S. (2182), 73 Main, T. R. (1352), 48 Mainguy, F. B. (940), 36 - Mainprise, B. W. (2177), 73 Mair, R. J. B. (1891), 64 Mairis, V. T. (727), 29 Maitland, J. M. H. (903), 34 Makgill, J. (M., 226), 102 Malan, L. N. (2283), 76 Malcolm, E. D. (886), 34 - Malcolm, R. P. (Bo., 146), 107 127 Malcolm-Paton, R. P. (Bo., 146), 107 Mallaby, D. L. (1884), 64 º Mallock, S. (B., 133), 87 Malton, E. (M., 90), 98 Malton, W. (210), 10 Mance, H. O. (2216), 74 Mander, A. T. (Bo., 174), 108 Manderson, T. C. (B., 332), 93 Manifold, M. G. E. (2061), 69 Manley, E. N. (2169), 73 Mann, C. (271), 13 Mann, G. (165), 9 Mann, G. F.; (660), 26 Mann, G. F. (1364), 48 Mann, J. R. (714), 28 º Manningham, H. (111), 5 Manser, W. E. (2050), 69 Manson, J. (105), 4 ; (105), 7 Manson, W. (Bo., 172), 108 Mant, C. (Bo., 185), 109 . Mantell, A. M. (1588), 55 Manting, E. (K., 32), 111 Manwaring, J. N. (1155), 42 Maquay, J. P. (877), 33 Margary, H. J. (Bo., 94), 106 Marinden, P. S. (M., 241), 102 Marindin, F. A. (891), 34 Marlow, B. (289), 14 Marlow, W. B. (546), 22 Marr, J. (147), 8 Marriott, W. F. (Bo., 113), 106 Marryat, E. L. (Bo., 193), 109 Marsden, T. (M., 20), 95 Marsh, J. T. (1100), 40 Marsh, W. D. (842), 32 Marshall, A. (409), 18 Marshall, G. F. L. (B., 364), 94 Marshall, H. J. M. (1885), 64 Marshall, W. (Q.M., 62), 117 Martelli, F. A. (M., 43), 96 Martin, C. N. (850), 33 Martin, F. (B., 5), 83 Martin, J. (C.B., 16), 117 Martin, M. (1332), 47 Martin, R. (B., 155), 88 Martindale, B. H. (739), 29 Mascall, F. (1165), 42 Mascarine, P. (Ap. I.), 119 Mason, A. H. (1523), 53 Mason, H. M. (Ir., 15), 112 Massé, J. (K., 27), lll Massy, H. H. (1584), 55 Master, R. S. (B., 153), 87 Masterson, W. (1051), 39 Matheson, J. (1204), 43 Matheson, J. C. (1937), 66 - Mathew-Lannowe, B. H. (Bo., 170), 108 Mathews, W. F. (2255), 75 Matson, E. (438), 19 Mauclere, J. (34), 2 Maud, P. (1998), 68 Maud, W. S. (993), 37 Maude, F. N. (1486), 52 Maule, G. (M., 27), 96 Maunsell, F. R. (B., 247), 91 Maunsell, J. R. (Bo., 154), 108 Maxwell, C. (1498), 52 Maxwell, F. T. (1330), 47 Maxwell, J. H. (B., 205), 89 Maxwell, R. C. (1450), 51 Maxwell, W. F. (2308), 77 May, A. (954), 36 Maycock, S. McM. (1386), 49 Mayne, C. B. (1534), 53 Mayne, J. O. (M., 199), 101 Mead, H. R. (M., 228), 102 Meares, A. (2137), 72 Medley, A. W. (1766), 60 Medley, J. G. (B., 256), 91 Medlicott, F. M. (1776), 61 Meeres, A. D. (1579), 55 Meiklejohn, H. R. (Bo., 165), 108 Mein, A. L. (1485), 52 Meinecke, G. F. (Ger., 8), 114 Melhuish, S. C. (420), 18 Mellor, C. (2259), 75 Melville, B. H. (971), 37 Melville, D. (427), 18 Menzies, J. C. (1188), 43 Menzies, W. C. (665), 26 Mercer, A. (145), 8 Mercer, C. S. (342), 15 (342), Merchant, N. (Ap. I.), 119 Meredith, E. S. (1657), 57 Merewether, G. L. C. (Bo., 178), 108 Merriman, C. J. (Bo., 143), 107 Merriman, W. (Bo., 183), 109 Mestayer, L. (B., 10), 83 Meyer, J. L. (2009), 68 Meyrick, H. L. (2181), 73 Meyricke, E. G. 7 Meyricke, R. E Michel, J. J. Michie, A. (C.B., 4), 117 Michie, G. (Q.M., 42), 116 Micklem, E. (956), 36 ( Middlemas, J. C. (1514), 53 Midwinter, E. C. (2125), 75 Milbourne, R. E. (M., 97), 98 Mildred, S. (2098), 71 Millar, C. (R.S.M., 9), 115 Millar, J. A. (975), 37 Miller, C. S. (693), 27 - Millington, L. B. (2231), 74 |Mills, D. A. (1612), 56 Minchin, C. H. (505), 21 Minshall, N. (157), 8 Mitchell, A. (M., 23), 95 Mitchell, A. (M., 28), 96 Mitchell, E. (924), 35 Mitchell, H. (1341), 47 Mitchell, T. (M., 51), 96 Moberly, A. S. (M., 186), 101 Moberly, F. J. (M., 183), 101 Modeins, H. (K., 29), Ill Moggridge, J. Y. (748), 29 Moir, J. P. (2101), 71 Molesworth, E. K. (2321), 77 Molesworth, M. C. (899), 34 Molesworth, P. B. (1843), 63 Molesworth, St. A. (577), 23 |Molineaux, W. (Ir., 4), 112 Molony, F. A. (1683), 58 Monckton, J. R. (B., 287), 92 Moncrief, B. (Bo., 26), 104 Moncrief, J. (160), 9 Moncrieff, T). G. W. (898), 34 Money, R. (B., 162), 88 Money-Shewan, R. E. T. (1803), 61 Monro, J. D. (2194), 73 Montagu, H. W. (726), 29 Montagu-Pollock, F. (B., 187), 89; (M., 167), 100 - Monteith, W. (M., 98), 98 Montgomerie, D. H. (2187), 73 Montgomerie, P. (M., 231), 102 Montgomerie, T. G. (B., 267), 91 Montgomery, W. (C.D., 13), 117 Montresor, H. (M., 18), 95 Montresor, J. G. (67), 3; (67), 6 Montressor, J. (135), 8 Moody, R. Moore, A. Moore, E. . (1812), 62 Moore, H. C. (Bo., 173), 108 Moore, H. T. G. (2203), 74 Moore, H. O’H. (2222), 74 Moore, J. (46) Moore, J. (49), Moore, J. H. (M., 2 Moore, J. O 7 Moore, R. F. (1269), 45 Moore, T. (60), 3 Moore, T. B. (1789), 61 Morant, J. L. L. (M., 245), 102 Morgan, J. L. (1092), 40 Morgan, J. M. (1033), 38 Morgan, W. E. L. (1244), 45 Morice, C. C. D. (1850), 63 Morony, B. E. (1699), 58 Morrieson, W. E. (B., 91), 85 Morris, R. F. (1052), 39 Morris, W. G. (1255), 45 Morrison, G. (98), 4 ; (98), 6 Morrison, G. (Q.M., 34), 116 Morrison, W. L. (736), 29 Morse, R. (133), 8 Morshead, H. A. (259), 12 Morton, W. (B., 89), 85 . Morton, W. E. (B., 201), 89 Morton, W. R. (1662), 57 Mouat, C. (B., 42), 84 Mouat, J. (158), 8 Mouat, J. (B., 53), S4 Mouat, J. A. (B., 164), 88 Mould, C. F. (1701), 58 Mould, F. (881), 34 Mould, T. R. (606), 24 Mould, W. H. (650), 26 Moxon, j. (M., 333), 102 Moysey, C. J. (972), 37 Mozley, E. N. (2204), 74 Mudge, J. (236), 11 Mudge, J. (489), 21 Mudge, J. (B., 119), 86 Mudge, R. Z. (376), 17 Muirhead, H. H. (1401), 49 Mulcaster, E. R. (337), 15 Mulcaster, F. G. (142), 8 Mulcaster, F. W. (243), 12 Mulholland, H. L. (1487), 52 Mullaly, H. (1610), 56 Muller, R. (130), 7 Müller, W. (Ger., 10), 114 Mullins, J. (M., 195), 101 Mulloy, W. H. (1021), 38 Munbee, G. B. (Bo., 97), 106 Munbee, V. (Bo., 19), 103 Munro, A. (R.S.M., 11), 115 Murphy, C. W. E. (1131), 41 Murphy, H. F. (552), 23 Murphy, H. H. (1201), 43 Murray, J. (804), 31 Murray, J. H. S. (1839), 63 Murray, P. (B., 295), 92 Murray, T. A. I. (734), 29 Murray, V. (1834), 62 Musgrave, H. (2254), 75 Mussenden, H. (63), 3 Mutch, J. R. (Q.M., 10), 116 Muter, R. S. (1976), 67 Mytton, F. C. (Bo., 166), 108 NAISH, T. E. (1881), 64 Nanton, H. C. (1792), 61 Napier of Magdala, Lord R. C. (B., 146), 87 Napier, W., (700), 28 Nash, A. (Bo., 103), 106 Nash, M. (Ir., 23), 113 Nasmyth, D. J. (Bo., 134), 107 Nathan, M. (1644), 57 Nathan, W. S. (1868), 63 Nation, J. J. H. (2228), 74 Nattes, C. C. (M., 102), 98 Nattes, J. W. (M., 108), 98 Neill, C. E. S. (2249), 75 Nelson, R. J. (588), 24 Nepean, T. (183), 9 Nevil, A. J. (Ir., 13), 112 Neville, G. (824), 32 Neville, J. (1453), 51 Neville, L. J. N. (2306), 77 Newcombe, E. O. A. (2163), 72 Newcombe, S. F. (2328), 77 Newman, E. M. B. (1665), 57 Newmarch, C. D. (B., 235), 90 Newmarch, G. (B., 290), 92 Newsome, W. (928), 35 Nicholas, W. (312), 14 Nicholls, G. T. (1441), 51 Nicholls, H. P. N. (1281), 46 Nicholson, J. S. (1222), 44 Nicholson, L. (781), 30 Nicholson, R. (Bo., 8), 103 Nicholson, W. G. (1206), 43 Nicolay, W. (238), 11 Nicolls, G. (264), 13 - Nicolls, J. E. T. (B., 217), 90 Nisbett, H. (B., 104), 86 Nixon, F. W. (1074), 40 Noble, W. H. (795), 31 Noble, W. J. W. (2331), 77 Noel, W. F. N. (1369), 48 Norris, J. (M., 56), 96 Norris, S. L. (1608), 56 North, C. F. (Bo., 105), 106 North, C. N. (2150), 72 North, W. (1177), 43 Norton, C. E. (1629), 56 Nugent, C. (1408), 50 Nugent, C. B. P. N. H. (760), 30 Nugent, C. H. H. (1950), 66 Nugent, N. P. (719), 28 Nugent, W. A. (1270), 45 Nugent, W. G. (M., 125), 99 Nutt, J. (Bo., 41), 104 * O’BRIEN, D. (1142), 42 O’Brien, E. D. C. (1009), 38 O’Bryan, J. (47), 2; (Ir., 9), 112 O'Connell, P. P. L. (M., 181), 100 O'Connor, P. B. (2314), 77 O'Connor, W. C. (1060), 39 O’Donel, M. B. H. (2057), 69 O'Grady, C. L. A. (868), 33 O’Meara, W. A. J. (1704), 58 O'Shee, R. A. P. (1886), 64 O'Sullivan, G. H. W. (1438), 50 Oakes, R. (2261), 75 Oakes, R. F. (M., 202), 101 Ogg, C. P. (M., 46), 96 Ogilvie, D. (2143), 72 Ogilvie, E. C. (1882), 64 Ogle, E. (645), 26 Oldershaw, C. (561), 23 Oldfield, F. H. (1634), 56 Oldfield, J. (358), 16 Oldfield, J. R. (B., 150), 87 Oldham, F. G. (1024), 38 Oldham, G. M. (2289), 76 Oldham, G. W. (Bo., 190), 109 Oldham, L. W. S. (2003), 68 Oliphant, J. (M., 114), 98 Oliphant, W. S. (B., 242), 90 Oliver, W. H. (B., 318), 93 Olivier, H. D. (1418), 50 Ommaney, E. L. (B., 158), 88 Ommanney, M. F. (1176), 43 Ommanney, R. (2251), 75 Onn, E. T. (Q.M., 58), 117 Onslow, G. C. P. (1489), 52 Orange, W. A. W. (1066), 39 Ord, H. St. G. (670), 27 Ord, W. R. (421), Ord, W. St. G. (1327), 47 Organ, J. (C.B., 1 Orlebar, A. C. (62 Orpen, R. T. (1318), 47 Orr, C. A. (M., 158), 100 Osborn, O. E. (2111), 71 Osborn, W. (1105), 41 Osborne, G. F. F. (2192), 73 Ottley, J. W. (1173), 42 Ouchterlony, J. (M., 161), 100 Outram, F. (Bo., 62), 105 Outrarn, F. D. (2013), 68 Owen, H. C. C. (690), 27 Owen, S. L. (2073), 70 PAIDDAY, A. C. (B., 327), 93 Page, G. C. (499), 21 Page, T. H. (174), 9 Baget, E. (K., 2), 110 Pagez (Ap. T.), 118 Painter, A. C. (1709), 59 Painter, G. E. (2227), 74 Pajolas, A. (K., 22), 110 Palmer, G. (1724), 59 Balmer, H. S. (949), 36 Palmer, J. (R.S.M., 1), 115 Palmer, W. L. (1918), 65 Panet, A. E. (1971), 67 Papillon, J. A. (909), 35 Parker, — (Ap. I.), 118 Parker, E. (332), 15 Parker, R. J. H. (1101), 40 Parker, W. (172), 9 Parkinson, C. (88), 4 Barlby, J. (B., 44), 84 Parnell, A. (959), 36 Parrie, J. (Ir., 1), 112 Parrott, R. (B., 18), 83 Parry, O. C. (1841), 63 Parsons, R. M. (808), 31 + Partridge, H. M. (1842), 63. Paske, G. H. (1664), 57. Pasley, C. (742), 29 Pasley, C. W. (283), 13. Paterson, D. (103), 4 Paterson, H. A. L. (1573), 55. Paterson, J. B. (936), 35 Paton, C. S. (B., 228), 90. Paton, J. F. (B., 107), 86 Patoun, A. (72), 3 ; (72), 6 Patrickson, G. (M., 138), 99 Patten, E. B. (508), 21 Patten, W. H. (1047), 39 Patton, P. (295), 14 Paul, E. M. (1827), 62 I’ayne, C. (Q.M., 48), 116 IPayne, J. H. (633), 25 Payne, W. R. (340), 15 Peacocke, W. (1316), 47 Peake, L. (390), 17 Pearce, E. L. (Ir., 11), 112 Pears, T. T. (M., 130), 99 Pears, W. H. (M., 124), 99 Pearson, H. D. (2123), 71 Pearson, F. H. (B., 36), 84 Peat, A. C. (Bo., 65), 105 Peck, W. E. (1030), 38; Peckett, J. (B., 93), 86 Peel, F. (1516), 53 Peile, F. W. (B., 251), 91 Pelly, F. (Bo., 73), 105 Pelly, H. R. (807), 31 Pemberton, E. St. C. (1563), 54 Pemberton, R. C. B. (B., 293), 92 |Pemble, C. (B., 19), 83 - Penman, D. (B., 14), 83 Pennefather, R. P. (M., 246), 102 Penny, C. B. F. (Bo., 163), 108 Pennycuick, J. (M., 243), 102 Pennyman, J. W. (472), 20 Penrice, H. N. (735), 29 Penrose, C. (1504), 53 Perceval, C. C. (1788), 61 Perceval, E. (Q.M., 66), 117 Perkins, AE. (B., 283), 92 Perry, A. B. (1654), 57 . Perry, G. (B., 66), 85 Pery, C. C. J. (1731), 59 Petaval, J. W. (1984), 67 Peters, E. N. (988), 37 Petit, I. F. (32), 2 ; (K., 5), 110 Petit, J. (K., 8), 110 Petit, J. (K., 34), 111 Petit, J. P. (55), 3 Petit, L. (40), 2 ; (K., 7), 110 Petit, P. J. (56), 3 IPetrie, R. D. (1658), 57 Pettingal, F. W. (554), 23 Phelps, P. (Bo., 179), 108 Philips, G. (849), 32 - |Phillimore, R. H. (2337), 78 Phillips, G. E. (1749), 60 Phillips, J. C. (Q.M., 43), 116 Phillips, T. (16), 1 Phillips, T. (23), 1 Phillpotts, B. S. (2226), 74 Phillpotts, H. (769), Phillpotts, R. V. (1479), 52 Phillpotts, T. C. (B., 213), 89 Phillpots, W. C. (818), 32 Philpotts, G. (449), 19 Phipps, G. W. (211), 10 Phipps, J. (120), 5; (120), 7 Picton-Jones, R. E. (1824), 62 Bierson, W. H. (B., 343), 94 Pigott, T. (Ir., 16), 112 Pigou, R. (B., 188), 89 Pike, C. F. B. (1917), 65 Pike, F. J. (2006), 68 JPilcher, A. J. (1855), 63 Pilkington, G. (347), 16 Bilkington, H. (1300), 46 Pilkington, R. (231), 11 Pilleau, H. G. (1083), 40 Pinkerton, H. (Ap. I.), 119 Pinkerton, J. (83), 4 Piper, R. S. (414), 18 Pipon, J. H. (656), 26 Pitt, W. (1356), 48 Pittman, G. C. G. (M., 72), 97 Pittman, P. (M., 24), 95 Pitts, M. (171), 9 Pitts, T. J. H. (385), 17 Place, C. O. (2242), 75 Playfair, J. O. (1027), 38 Playfair, J. W. (Bo., 127), 107 Plunkett, G. T. (1127), 41 Pole, G. H. L. (1018), 38 Polier, A. (B., 2), 83 Pollard, C. (B., 244), 90 Pollard-Lowsley, H. de L. (2248), 75 Pollen, W. H. (1616), 56 Pollock, F. (B., 187), 89; (M., 167), 100 Polwhele, R. (2080), 70 Ponsonby, R. G. (2317), 77 Pooley, H. (551), 23 Porcelli, A. (1323), 47 Porter, G. M. (1506), 53 Porter, R. da C. (1375), 48 Porter, W. (765), 30 Portlock, J. E. (491), 21 Pott, S. (B., 185), 89 Pottinger, J. C. (1248), 45 Pouget, R. (Bo., 49), 104 IPoulter, B. (1424), 50 Povey, F. (Ap. I.), 118 Power, J. P. (M., 149), 99 Powell, S. H. (1756), 60 Power, R. G. (415), 18 Pratt, F. E. (851), 33 Prendergast, H. L. (M., 203), 101 Prendergast, H. N. D. (M., 217), 101 Prendergast, M. G. (M., 64), 97 Prendergast, T. J. W. (1581), 55 Prentice, H. (1813), 62 Prescott, J. R. (M., 57), 96 Prescott, W. (M., 36), 96 Prescott-Decie, R. (907), 35 Preston, A. T. (1285), 46 Preston, T. (B. , 60), 84 |Price, F. (Bo., 47), 104 Price, R. C. (973), 37 Pridden, C. E. (1108), 41 Pridham, G. R. (2112), 71 Trince, C. E. (431), 19 Bring, J. (Q.M., 31), 116; (C.B., 6), 117 Pringle, J. W. (428), 18 |Pringle, J. W. (1695), 58 Pringle, R. (156), 8 Prinsep, T. (B., 120), S6 Pritchard, G. D. (910), 35 Pritchard, H. L. (2076), 70 Proby, J. G. (M., 106), 98 Prott, V. (Ger., 4), 114 Pulford, R. R. (1207), 43 Purchas, W. R. (1229), 44 Purton, J. (M., 112), 98 Purvis, J. S. (1712), 59 Puzey, A. R. (1203), 43 Pye, K. C. (1076), 40 Pyefinch, J. W. (M., 71), 97 Pym, E. H. (2092), 70 Pym, H. (Bo., 155), 108 Pyne, W. M. (1975), 67 QUILL, L. (1632), 56 Quill, R. M. (1744), 60 RABAN, E. (1394), 49 Radcliff, J. (573), 23 Radcliffe, P. J. J. (1829), 62 Radford, S. (296), 14 Rainsford-Hannay, F. (1502), 53 Ramsay, J. (1120), 41 Randolph, A. (686), 27 Randolph, A. H. (1540), 54 Randolph, F. (536), 22 |Ranken, G. (805), 31 Ranken, G. E. (550), 23 Rathbone, H. E. F. (2333), 78 Rathborne, W. H. (1144), 42 Ravenhill, P. (777), 30 Ravenshaw, W. (M., 85), 97 Rawlinson, L. R. (393), 17 Rawson, C. C. (1287), 46 Rawson, H. E. (1463), 51 Rebenack, J. F. (Bo., 33), 104 Reid, P. S. G. (1209), 43 Reid, W. (419), 18 Reilly, B. Y. (B., 131), 87 Redknap, J. (Ap. J.), 118 Rees, Fs F. N. (1932), 65 Rees, W. E. (B., 189), 89 Remon, T. (Bo., 46), 104 Rennell, J. (B., 7), 83 Renny, H. L. (490), 21 Renny-Tailyour, H. W. (1355), 48 Renny-Tailyour, T. (B., 170), 88 Renny-Tailyour, T. F. B. (1702), 58 Renwick, W. T. (585), 24 Reynolds, A. R. (1726), 59 Reynolds, E. (666), 26 Reynolds, F. R. (1571), 55 Reynolds, H. C. (1151), 42 Rhodes, C. S. (303), 14 Rhodes, E. F., (1464), 51 Riach, A. H. D. (1947), 66 Rice, C. A. (800), 31 - Rice, J. T. (1415), 50 Rice, S. R. (1578), 55 Rich, E. T. (2153), 72 Rich, H. B. (1342), 47 Rich, F. H. (732), 29 Richards, J. (20), 1 Richards; M. (28), 2 Richards, S. J. (Bo., 50), 104 Richards, W. (B., 11), 83 Richardson, W. F. (1121), 51 Richmond, G. (Q.M., 47), 116 Richmond, T. (246), 12 Ricketts, J. (B., 63), 85 Riddell, R. V. (B., 347), 94 |Bidley, E. (Ap. I.), 118 Ridout, D. H. (1794), 61 Righy, H. (B., 169), 88 Rimington, J. C. (1734), 59 Rimington, T. H. (586), 24 Rimington, R. B. (900), 34 Ritso, G. F. (159), 8 Rivers, C. (86), 4 ; (86), 6 Rivers, C. (467), 20 Rivers, H. (Bo., 115), 106 Rivett-Carnac, S. G. (1903), 65 Robe, A. W. (461), 20 Roberts, G. B. (1966), 67 Roberts, G. W. (Q.M., 44), 116 Roberts, H. B. (1622), 56 Roberts, M. (C.B., 12), 117 Roberts, R. A. (M., 187), 101 Roberts, T. (346), 16 Roberts, W. H. (659), 26 Roberts, W. M. (M., 239), 102 Robertson, A. (149), 8 Robertson, C. (392), 17 Robertson, C. D. (651), 26 Robertson, C. L. (1874), 64 Robertson, F. (M., 235), 102 Robertson, F. W. (2239), 75 Robertson, J. (B., 68), 85 Robertson, J. J. (192), 10 Robertson, J. J. (1029), 38 Robertson, J. W. (B., 149), 87 Robertson, T. (B., 52), 84 Robertson, W. (2127), 71 Robertson, W. (R.S.M., 23), 115 Robins, B. (M., 2), 95 Robins, G. (C.B., 19), 117 Robins, J. (M., 110), 98 Robinson, A. C. (2223), 74 Robinson, D. G. (B., 221), 90 Robinson, E. (B., 25), 83 Robinson, G. (R.S.M., 8), 115 Robinson, H. (1057), 39 Robinson, P. S. (2090), 70 Robinson, R. P. (1826), 62 Robinson, W. (605), #24 Robinson, W. (Ir., 3), 112 Robinson, W. H. (1680), 58 Robinson, W. W. (1315), 47 Rochfort-Boyd, C. A. (1370), 48 Roe, C. H. (1737), 59 Rogers, E. (282), 13 . Rogers, H. S. (1988), 67 Rogers, H. T. (M., 200), 101 Rogers, M. W. (1095), 40 Rogers, W. (510), 21 Rolland, A. (2035), 69 Romer, J. (48), 2 ; (48), 3 Romer, W. W. (29), 2 ; (Ir., 7), 112 Romilly, F. J. (1365), 48 Romilly, S. (339), 15 Rooke, B. H. (1973), 67 Rooke, E. H. (2209), 74 Roper, A. W. (1673), 58 Roper, P. L. O. (1609), 56 Rose, C. (545), 22 ) 3 Rose, C. S. (1703), 58 Rose, L. St. V. (2220), 74 Ross, A. (M., lll), 98 M., 12), 115 Ross, G. (712), 28 Ross, G. C. (297), 14 Ross, J. C. (405), 18 Ross, J. C. (B., 361), 94 Ross, P. (134), 8; (M., 22), 95 Ross, W. G. (1135), 41 Ross of Bladensburg, E. J. T. (1385), 49 Rotheram, W. H. (1887), 64 Rouch, A. B. (1849), 63 Rowcroft, H. C. (B., 346), 94 Rowe, V. F. (1134), 41 Rowley, G. (M., 89), 98 Rowley, J. (226), 11 Roy, W. (127), 5; (127), 7 Ruck, O. E. (1533), 53 Ruck, R. M. (1398), 49 Rudyerd, C. W. (248), 12 Rudyerd, H. (175), 9 Rundall, C. F. (2062), 69 Rundall, F. H. (M., 173), 100 Rundall, J. W. (M., 154), 100 Rundle, F. P. (2034), 69 Ruse, J. (C.B., 23), 117 Rushton, H. W. (1914), 65 Russell, B. B. (1606), 56 Russell, C. J. (1032), 38 Russell, L. (B., 259), 91 Russell, M. (M., 52), 96 Russell, R. E. M. (2332), 77 Russell, S. (M., 94), 98 Russell, W. (1620), 56 Russell, W. K. (2148), 72 Rutherford, J. (221), 11 Rutherford, J. H. (497), 21 Ryder, A. D. (617), 25 Ryder, C. H. D. (1870), 64 Ryland, W. W. (M., 47), 96 Ryves, J. G. (M., 197), 101 ST. CLAIR, W. A. E. (1494), 52 St. George, H. P. L’E. (961), 36 St. John, C. W. R. (1586), 55 St. John, O. B. C. (B., 328), 93 St. John, St. A. (763), 30 Sale, M. T. (1086), 40 Sale, T. H. (B., 177), 88 Salkeld, P. (B., 262), 91 Salkeld, W. J. (507), 21 Salmon, C. (M., 40), 96 Salmond, W. (984), 37 Salvesen, C. E. (1692), 58 Sandbach, A. E. (1624), 56 Sandeman, H. (819), 32 • Sanders, A. R. C. (2288), 76 Sanders, C. K. (502), 21 Sanders, E. (B., 122), 86 Sanders, E. (R.S.M., 30), 115 Sanders, G. A. F. (1964), 67 Sandford, R. M. F. (916), 35 Sandham, H. (500), 21 Sandys, E. S. (2106), 71 Sanford, G. E. L. S. (945), 36 Sankey, A. R. M. (1570), 55 Sankey, C. E. P. (2281), 76 Sankey, M. H. P. R. (1483), 52 Sankey, R. H. (M., 188), 101 Sargeaunt, A. F. (2025), 68 Sargeaunt, R. A. (1096), 40 Sartorious, J. C. (Bo., 9), 103 Satterthwaite, J. H. (1037), 38 Saunders, F. W. (1956), 66 129 Saunders, W. W. (M., 151), 100 Saunter, S. (M., 58), 97 Savage, A. J. (2161), 72 Savage, G. R. R. (1319), 47 Savage, H. G. (826), 32 Savage, H. J. (429), 19 Savage, J. W. (1169), 42 Saverland, C. (B., 88), 85 Savery, T. (Ap. I.), 118 Savi, T. B. B. (1109), 41 Schaeffer, G. F. (Ger., 2), 11.4 Schaw, H. (796), 31 Schemettau, J. G. (K., 26), lll Scholfield, G. P. (1905), 65 Schreiber, A. L. (1765), 60 Schutze, F. (57), 3 Schweitzer, A. (Ger., 9), 114 Sclater, B. L. (1815), 62 Scott, A. C. (2074), 70 Scott, A. De C. (867), 33 Scott, B. (1395), 49 Scott, C. (M., 193), 101 Scott, C. (Bo., 121), 106 Scott, C. F. (Ap. I.), 119 Scott, C. F. (M., 5), 95 Scott, D. A. (1344), 48 Scott, G. T. (1957), 66 Scott, H. Y. T). (710), 28 Scott, L. K. (1132), 41 Scott, R. E. (446), 119 Scott, R. G. (1123), 41 Scott, W. (Bo., 7I), 105 Scott-Moncrieff, C. C. (B., 319), 93 Scott-Moncrieff, G. K. (1508), 53 Sératchley, P. H. (874), 33 Scudamore, W. V. (1817), 62 Seaman, E. C. (1833), 62 Seddon, H. C. (953), 36 Sedgwick, W. (1110), 41 Sedley, C. H. (788), 30 Selby, H. O. (1306), 47 Selioke, J. (42), 2 Sellon, R. S. (Bo., 144), 107 Selwyn, C. J. (452), 19 Serjeant, J. R. B. (1696), 58 Servanté, H. (563), 23 Seton, A. R. (Bo., 187), 109 Seton, B. O. (Bo., 196), 109 Seton, C. C. (1242), 45 Settle, H. H. (1261), 45 Sewell, J. W. S. (2083), 7 Seys, F. (Ap. I.), 119 Sharp, J. N. (B., 167), 88 Sharpe, J. B. (1447), 57 Shaw, J. C. (M., 147), 99 Shaw, T. B. (1564), 54 Shee, J. (B., 64), 85 Shellabear, W. G. (1679), 58 Shelley, A. D. G. (1663), 57 Shelley, B. A. G. (1944), 66 Shepherd, F. S. (1137), 41 Shepherd, W. (B., 350), 94 Sheppard, S. H. (2024), 68 Sherrard, C. W. (1354), 48 Sherrard, D. (33), 2 Sherrard, L. A. (2300), 76 Sherwood, H. J. (1784), 61 Shewbridge, J. (Ir., 21), 112 Shipley, C. (181), 9 Shipley, R. J. (371), 16 Shone, W. T. (1377), 49 Short, W. D. A. R. (B., 214), 89 Shrapnel, H. (220), ll Shute, G. E. (1501), 52 Shute, W. J. (Q.M., 51), 116 Siborne, H. T. (778), 30 Siddons, H. (B., 173), 88 Sill, J. W. (1455), 51 Sim, C. (706), 26 Sim, C. A. (M., 244), 102 Sim, D. (M., 103), 98 Sim, E. C. (893), 34 Sim, G. (B., 225), 90 Sim, G. H. (1469), 51 Simmons, G. Le B. (1006), 37 Simmons, J. L. A. (674), 27 Simon, M. St. L. (2240), 75 Simpson, J. (1185), 43 Sinclair, H. M. (1509), 53 Singer, C. W. (2026), 6S Sitwell, H. S. (990), 37 Sivewright, G. V. (994), 37 Skelton, T. (412), 18 Skene, P. O. (455), 19 Skey, F. E. G. (1746), 60 Skinner, C. A. M. (Bo., 199), 109 Skinner, M. W. (1376), 49 Skinner, R. B. (2291), 76 Skinner, T. (190), 10 Skinner, T. C. (1796), 61 Skinner, W. (58), 3 ; (58), 6 Skinner, W. C. (176), 9 Skipwith, G. T. (B., 340), 94 Skipwith, J. W. (2244), 75 Skirrow, J. (Bo., 96), 106 Skyring, C. F. (625), 25 Slack, B. (204), 10 Slack, D. (150), 10 Slacke, W. R. (1022), 38 Slade, W. H. (367), 16 Sladen, C. St. B. (2134), 72 Slater, M. J. (1539), 54 Slaughter, O. M. (1851), 63 Slight, S. (Bo., 59), 104 Sloggett, H. (1799), 61 Smalley, H. (M., 229), 102 Smart, A. W. (1283), 46 Smart, H. (324), 15 Smart, T. (212), 10 Smelt, L. (76), 4 ; (76), 6 Smith, A. C. (1070), 39 Smith, A. P. (775), 30 Smith, C. F. (318), 15 Smith, C. J. (M., 227), 102 Smith, E. J. (B., 114), 86 Smith, F. J. (Bo., 180), HQ8 Smith, G. E. (1943), 66 Smith, G. F. (M., 123), 99 Smith, H. C. (2327), 77. Smith, H. C. (M., 249), 102 Smith, H. N. (436), 19 Smith, H. W. (1420), 50 Smith, J. (R. Smith, J. (R. Smith, J. (M Smith, J. H. Smith, J. H. Smith, J. M Smith, J. T. (M., 128), 99 Smith, L. (M., Smith, L. V. (5 Smith, P. G. L. i ( Smith, R. (B., Smith, R. (315), 14 Smith, R. B. (B., 194), 89 Smith, R. M. (926), 35 Smith, S. (1299), 46 Smith, S. V. (1044), 39 Smith, W. D. (383), 17 Smith-Rewse, H. W. (1420), 50 Smyth, G. J. W. (2180), 73 Smyth, J. (477), 20 Smyth, R. G. (B., 314), 93 Smyth, W. C. (1928), 65 Smyth, W. M. (B., 139), 87 Smythe, T. (M., 150), 100 Sneyd, S. E. (B., 218), 90 Soady, J. R. (Bo., 142), 107 Soloman, J. C. (Bo., 39), 104 Somerset, F. M. H. (725), 28 Somerville, W. M. (866), 33 Sorrell, G. (687), 27 Sor'sbie, R. F. (1780), 61 Southey, E. (Bo., 133), 107 Sowerby, M. E. (2198), 73 Sowers, T. (115), 5 ; (115), 7 Spaeth, I). (Bo., 5), 103 Spaight, W. F. (1158), 42 Sparks, J. (R.S.M., 22), 115 Speed, S. (73), 3 Spencer, J. (329), 15 Spens, J. (B., 181), 88 * Speranza, W. S. J. J. L. (1754), 60 Sperling, J. (457), 20 Spilsbury, E. C. (1475), 52 Spitta, C. L. (B., 184), 88 Spragge, F. P. (B., 349), 94 Spratt, F. T. N. (1308), 47 Spry, W. (121), 5; (121), 7 Squire, J. (273), 13 Stace, W. C. (609), 25 Stace, W. G. T. (930), 35 Stace, W. S. (753), 29 Stack, G. H. (2334), 78 Stafford, E. H. W. H. (1852), 63 Stafford, H. L. C. H. (1596), 55 Stafford, W. F. H. (1490), 52 Stainforth, H. E. (Bo., 137), 107 Stairs, W. G. (1791), 61 Stanley, C. E. (664), 26 Stanton, E. (755), 29 Stanton, E. C. (1557), 54 Stanton, F. S. (B., 276), 92 Stanway, F. (378), 17 Steel, J. (Q.M., 12), 116 Steel, J. P. (B., 315), 93 Steele, G. (B., 76), 85 Stehelin, B. S. (558), 23 Stephen, W. G. (B., 95), 86 Stephens, E. (103]), 38 Stephens, E. (Q.M., 46), 116 Stephenson, J. A. (R.S.M., 26), 115 Stevens, A. C. J. (2215), 74 Stevens, C. R. (1761), 60 Stevens, W. (M., 15), 9: Stevens, W. (R.S.M., 3 Stevenson, A. G. (2059) Stevenson, W. (M., 8), Steward, E. H. (885), 34 Stewart, C. T. (B., 245), 90 Stewart, F. (Bo., 18), 103 Stewart, J. (1648), 57 Stewart, J. H. M. S. (M., 204), 101 Stewart, M. (338), 15 Stewart, P. (B., 273), 91 Stewart, P. (B., 48), 84 5 ), 115 69 5 Stewart, R. W. (983), 37 Stewart, W. (240), 11 Stewart, W. R. (1689), 58 Stewart, L. G. (M., 238), 102 Stockdale, G. H. W. (1601), 56 Stocker, I. (464), 20 Stockley, E. N. (2091), 70 Stockley, G. W. (908), 35 Stockley, H. R. (1920), 65 Stoehr, O. H. (1757), 60 Stokes, J. (743), 29 Stokes, O. H. (859), 33 Stokes, W. A. (2051), 69 Stokes-Roberts, E. R. B. (1772), 60 Stokoe, J. H. (B., 56), 84 Stone, G. A. S. (1694), 58 Storer, A. T. (919), 35 Stopford, G. M. (811), 31 Stotherd, R. H. (794), 31 Stotherd, R. J. (541), 22 Stothert, H. K. (1646), 57 Strachey, R. (B., 192), 89 ; (Bo., 111), 106 Strahan, C. (B., 359), 94 Strahan, G. (B., 344), 94 Straton, J. (193), 10 Stratton, W. (R.S.M., 27), 115. Streatfield, C. O. (488), 21 Stronach, W. (528), 22 Strover, W. (M., 212), 101 Stuart, A. M. (1627), 56 Stuart, S. (M., 38), 96 Stuart, W. J. (843), 32 Studdert, T. (Bo., 92), 105 Sturrock, G. (Q.M., 14), 116 Sturt, J. L. D. (B., 179), 88 Sturt, N. G. (978), 37 Suart, W. S. (Bo., 106), 106 Sugg, B. (C.B., 17), 117 Sutherland, A. (177), 9 Swainson, A. L. (1710), 59 Swayne, H. G. C. (1643), 57 Sweet, J. P. M. (2077), 70 Sweetenham, G. (933), 35 Swetenham, E. (B., 113), 86 Swiney, A. J. H. (1818), 62 Swiney, J. D. (Bo., 175), 108 Swinton, E. D. (1939), 66 Swinton, G. (B., 307), 92 Sydenham, B. (M., 81), 97 Sykes, W. H. (1346), 48 Symonds, J. F. A. (635), 25 Symons, C. B. O. (2297), 74 Symons, T. C. (Q.M., 28), 116 Syms, H. (Ap. I.), 118 Synge, M. H. (716), 28 TAIT, G. (485), 20 Talbot, M. G. (1484), 52 Tandy, E. A. 2065), 70 Tandy, F. L. (B., 297), 92 Tandy, M. O’C. (2171), 73 Tanner, J. A. (1569), 55 Tapp, H. A. (418), 18 Tarbet, P. G. (1046), 39 Tarrant, C. (128), 5 ; (128), 7 ; (Ir., 18), 112 p - Tate, W. A. (Bo., 54), 104 - Taubman-Goldie, G. D. (1226), 44 Taylor, A. (B., 224), 90 Taylor, A. (Ir., 26), 113 Taylor, E. F. (1714), 59 Taylor, F. S. (B., 257), 91 Taylor, G. (Q.M., 59), 117 Taylor, H. A. (1130), 41 Taylor, J. (B., 90), 85 Taylor, J. T. (Bo., 43), 104 Taylor, L. R. J. W. (2260), 75 Teesdale, H. G. (835), 32 Tennant, J. F. (B., 254), 91 Thackeray, E. T. (B., 303), 92 Thackeray, F. R. (258), 12 Thackwell, O. M. R. (1647), 57 Thaine, R. (932), 35 Theobald, J. (M., 30), 96 Thomas, J. (75), 4 Thomas, J. (K., 30), 111 Thomas, R. H. (2263), 75 Thomason, U. S. (B., 288), 92 Thompson, A. (451), 19 - Thompson, B. H. (Q.M., 56), 117 Thompson, G. F. (413), 18 Thompson, R. (1384), 49 Thompson, R. (M., 240), 102 Thompson, R. L. B. (2146), 72 Thompson, W. M. (1986), 67 Thomson, A. (395), 17 Thomson, A. G. (1561), 54 Thomson, C. B. (2190), 73 Thomson, D. (Bo., 148), 107 Thomson, F. R. (469), 20 Thomson, G. (B., 118), 86 Thomson, J. (B., 121), 86 Thomson, R. (345), 15 Thorold, R. G. (921), 35 Thuillier, H. F. (1911), 65 Thuillier, H. R. (B. 330), 93 Thurburn, J. H. (1258), 48 Thurburn, J. W. (1324), 47 Tickell, R. P. (B., 351), 94 Tickell, R. (B., 85), 85 Tighe, C. D. C. (2110), 71 Tillard, F. B. (2176), 73 Tilley, G. S. (754), 29 Tilley, W. F. (1798), 61 Tindal, J. (B., 124), 86 Tinling, G. V. (473), 20 Tisdall, G. W. (1196), 43 Tisdall, J. K. (929), 35 Tod-Mercer, B. M. M. (1997), 68 Todd, K. R. (1156), 42 . Toller, J. E. (1071), 39 Tolly, W. (153), 8 Tombs, J. W. (M., 163), 100 Tomkins, W. P. (B., 355), 94 Tomlin, R. E. (1803), 61 Tonge, C. R. (2084), 70 Torriano, H. H. (M., 83), 97 Tovey, H. (1001), 37 Tower, G. A. (1495), 52 Towne, D. W. (352), 16 Townsend, C. W. (855), 33 Townsend, J. (539), 22 Townshend, E. (1623), 56 Townshend, G. (148), 8 Trail, D. H. (M., 233), 102 Trail, J. (B., 175), 88 Traill, W. S. (2036), 69 Trapaud, C. E. (M., 99), 98 Trapaud, E. (M., 42), 96 Travers, G. A. (1805), 61 . Tremenheere, C. W. (Bo., 90), 105 * 130 Tremenheere, G. B. (B., 137), 87 Trench, S. (398), 117 Trench, W. Le P. (890), 34 Tresidder, T. J. (1350), 48 Trevelyan, W. (570), 23 Trevor, E. A. (B., 342), 94 Trevor, J. S. (Bo., 131), 107 Trevor, S. T. (B., 289), 92 Trevor, W. S. (B., 272), 91 Trotter, H. (B., 357), 94 Tucker, A. N. (Q.M., 59), 117 Tucker, G. (Q.M., 32), 116 Tucker, H. (556), 23 Tucker, W. R. (B., 281), 92 Tudor, E. A. T. (1742), 60 Tuke, M. L. (1633), 56 Tulloch, H. (M., 214), 10 Tulloch, J. A. S. (1767), 60 Turnbull, A. D. (B., 195), 89 Turner, A. E. (2067), 70 Turner, C. (Bo., 7), 103 Turner, C. E. (1328), 47 Turner, E. V. (2128), 71 Turner, F. G. (2197), 73 Turner, G. H. (1289), 46 Turner, H. B. (Bo., 72), 105 Turner, H. F. (998), 37 Turner, H. H. (2014), 68 Turner, R. (R.S.M., 21), 115 Turner, S. C. (1235), 44 Turner, T. M. B. (Bo., 74), 105 Turton, W. H. (1551), 54 Tweed, J. T. (524), 22 Twemlow, E. D’O. (Bo., 197), 109 Twigge, J. T. (920), 35 Twining, P. G. (1821), 62 Twiss, J. (566), 23 Twiss, J. H. (1811), 62 Twiss, W. (168), 9 Tylden, R. (676), 27 Tylden, W. B. (370), 16 Tylden-Pattenson, E. C. (2105), 71 Tyler, A. H. (2056), 69 Tyler, D. W. (672), 27 Tyler, E. S. (911), 35 Tyler, H. E. (1527), 53 Tyler, H. W. (751), 29 Tyler, J. C. (1468), 51 Tyson, W. C. (M., 53), 96 UNDERWOOH), G. A. (M., 121), 99 Underwood, J. J. (M., 117), 98 TJnger, W. (Ger., 12), 114 |Unwin, C. (Ap. II.), 120 Urquhart, J. H. (1062), 39 Usborne, P. O. G. (2325), 77 VAN STRAUBENZEE, A. H. (1669), 57 Von Cassell, G. C. (31), 2 Von Donop, P. G. (1416), 50 Von Hugel, N. G. (1795), 61 Vallencey, C. (Ir., 17), 112 Vallencey, G. P. (Ir., 22), 112 Vane, G. (Ap. I.), l 19 Vanlewen, J. (178), 9 Vanrenen, J. E. (1858), 63 Vardon, S. (M., 139), 99 Vaughan, H. (M., 201), 101 Vavasour, H. W. (336), 15 Vavasour, M. (697), 28 Vernon, L. V. (567), 23 Versturme, C. H. (1867), 63 Vertue, J. (M., 205), 101 Vesey, C. E. G. (2068), 70 Vetch, J. (379), 17 Vetch, R. H. (986), 37 Vibart, H. M. (M., 237), 102 Vicars, E. (574), 23 Vicars, R. J. (484), 20 Vickers, C. E. (2117), 71 Vickers, H. M. (1916), 65 Victor, J. C. (439), 19 Vidal, W. S. (1628), 56 Vigoureux, H. M. G. (302), 14 Villaizy, J. B. F. (Fr., 19), 114 Vincent, J. (Bo., 83), 105 WACE, E. G. (2250), 75 Waddington, C. (Bo., 57), 104 Wade, H. M. St. A. (1831), 62 Wade, J. (169), 9 Wade, J. M. (1686), 58 Wade, P. (309), 14 Waghorn, W. D. (1890), 64 Wagstaff, C. M. (2295), 76 Wagstaff, T. (B., 49), 84 Wahab, R. A. (1493), 52 Wait, H. G. K. (2000), 68 Walker, A. (380), 17 Walker, A. R. (2270), 76 Walker, A. S. (Bo., 76), 105 Walker, C. (Bo., 99), 106 Walker, C. (Q.M., 25), 116 Walker, D. C. (934), 35 Walker, E. (B., 265), 91 Walker, G. (1963), 66 Walker, G. E. L. (782), 30 Walker, G. R. (1224), 44 Walker, G. W. (M., 174), 100 Walker, H. J. (2031), 69 Walker, J. T. (Bo., 125), 107 Walker, R. (2252), 75 Walker, R. J. (B., 210), 89 Walker, R. S. (2053), 69 Walker, T. (113), 5 ; (113), 7 Wall, E. J. (Q.M., 37), 116 Wallace, A. W. (R.S.M., 19), 115 Wallace, W. A. J. (1080), 40 Waller, E. A. (1491), 52 Waller, R. L. (2210), 74 Waller, S. (1200), 43 Waller, T. (106), 4 Wallinger, A. C. (1056), 39 Wallis, J. (K., 25), 110 Walpole, A. (482), 20 Walpole, A. (1857), 63 Walpole, J. (569), 23 Walsh, A. (151), 8 Walsh, E. (982), 37 Walter, G. (B., 116), 86 Walton, C. (2298), 76 Walton, E. W. (1671), 57 Warburton, F. T. (957), 36 Warburton, W. (Q.M., 40), 116 Ward, A. C. (1069), 39 Ward, B. R. (1688), 58 Ward, D. (B., 299), 92 Ward, E. W. (717), 28 Ward, W. C. (397), 17 Warrand, W. E. (B., 268), 91 Warren, C. (987), 37 Warren, R. (790), 31 Warlow, T. (B., 111), 86 Washington, F. P. (1219), 44 Waters, M. A. (430), 19 Watherston, A. E. G. (1896), 64 Watkins, C. M. F. (1892), 64 Watkins, F. W. (1119), 41 Watkins, F. W. (1302), 46 Watkins, P. S. (2301), 76 Watling, F. W. (1945), 66 Watson, C. M. (1230), 44 Watson, T). (84), 4 ; (84), 6 Watson, G. (364), 16 Watson, G. O. (410), 18 Watson, G. E. (B., 252), 91 Watson, H. (138), 8 ; (B., 28), 83 Watson, H. W. (Bo., 191), 109 Watson, J. (68), 3; (68), 6 Watson, R. (M., 55), 96 Watson, T. C. (1926), 65 Watts, H. (M., 148), 99 Watts, J. L. (B., 291), 92 Watts-Jones, W. A. (1995), 67 Waugh, A. S. (B., 154), 88 Webb, T. (655), 26 Webber, C. E. (904), 34 Webber, O. T. O’K. (1999), 68 Wedekind, C. (Ger., 7), 114 Weedon, F. F. (1837), 62 Weekes, H. W. (1955), 66 Weller, J. A. (B., 166), 88 Wells, H. L. (1393), 49 Wells, J. N. (372), 16 Wemyss, F. (Bo., 107), 106 Wemyss, F. (Bo., 91), 105 Wentworth, S. H. (555), 23 West, G. (465), 20 West, R. H. (2012), 68 Westaway, N. (1186), 43 Western, J. H. (B., 360), 94 Western, J. R. (B., 168), 88 Western, W. J. (Bo., 100), 103 Westmacott, S. (662), 26 Westmorland, I. P. (B., 326), 93 Weston, C. (154), 8 Weston, G. (95), 4 ; (95), 6 Westropp, F. M. (1978), 67 whº, J. (Q.M., 33), 116; (C.B., 10), ll Wharton, R. (14), 1 Whatley, H. H. (1163), 42 Wheatley, G. H. (B., 127), 87 Wheatley, M. J. (892), 34 Whelan, P. (R.S.M., 15), 115 Wheldale, T. (198), 10 Whinfield, C. W. (1043), 39 Whinyates, F. W. (460), 20 Whish, W. T. (M., 230), 102 White, A. D. (474), 20 White, F. A. K. (2165), 73 White, H. A. (678), 27 White, J. H. (Bo., 159), 108 White, J. R. (2221), 74 White, T. P. (979), 37 White, W. H. (1378), 49 Whiteford, W. W. B. (1279), 46 Whiting, F. (B., 204), 89 Whitlock, G. F. A. (1915), 65 Whitmore, G. (256), 12 Whitmore, G. A. L. A. (1097), 40 Whitmore, G. St. V. (562), 23 Whitmore, M. D. (1312), 47 Whitmore, M. S. (814), 31 Whittingham, P. B. (679), 27 Wickens, J. (M., 41), 96 Wilford, F. (B., 50), 84 Wilkieson, C. B. (1363), 48 Wilkieson, C. V. (M., 178), 100 Wilkins, H. St. C. (Bo., 132), 107 Wilkinson, B. A. (780), 30 Wilkinson, C. (1357), 48 Wilkinson, C. E. (583), 24 Wilkinson, C. W. (1959), 66 Wilkinson, G. (2236), 75 Wilkinson, T. (116), 5; (116), 7 Willans, T. J. (1087), 40 Williams, B. (52), 2 ; (52), 3. Williams, E. C. S. (B., 261), 91 Williams, G. (1590), 55 . Williams, G. (Ap. I.), 119 Williams, H. (791), 31 Williams, H. B. (1773), 61 Williams, J. (117), 5 ; (117), 7 Williams, J. (601), 24 Williams, J. A. (330), 15 Williams, M. (525), 22 Williams, R. H. (1007), 38 Williams, S. F. (1859), 63 Williams, S. H. (382), 17 Williams, W. (B., 54), 84 Williamson, A. (114), 5 ; (114), 7 Willis, G. H. (2232), 74 Willis, J. W. L. d’A. (1309), 47 Willis, P. W. (B., 136), 87 Willock, H. B. (1458), 51 Willson, H. H. (478), 20 Wilson, C. S. (1873), 64 Wilson, C. W. (927), 35 Wilson, E. E. B. (2237), 75 Wilson, F. A. (1823), 62 Wilson, G. F. (1396), 49 Wilson, H. (B., 73), 85 Wilson, J. B. (219), 11 Wilson, J. H. (888), 34 Wilson, J. J. (766), 30 Wilson, W. T. (1311), 47 Wilson, L. (Bo., 4), 103 Wilson, S. H. (2141), 72 Wilson, T. (B., 82), 85 Wilton, G. (B., 102), 86 Winde, W. (15), 1 . Wingate, G. (Bo., 88), 105 Wingfield-Stafford, C. V. (1497), 52 Winn, J. (1614), 56 Winscom, G. V. (M., 182), 101 Winsloe, A. R. (1925), 65 Winsloe, H. E. (2120), 71 Winterbotham, H. St. J. L. (2313), 77 Wiseley, G. A. K. (1531), 53 Withall, B. (38), 2 Wittever, J. L. (167), 9; (M., 26), 96 Wittman, W. P. (351), 16 Wolff, A. J. (2138), 72 Wollen, W. R. G. (2199), 74 Wood, C. K. (1437), 50 Wood, E. (1167), 42 Wood, H. (2109), 71 Wood, H. (Bo., 109), 106 Wood, H. (B., 80), 85 Wood, H. W. (M., 225), 102 Wood, M. (B., 23), 83 Wood, T. (B., 65), 85 Wood, T. (M., 67), 97 Woodroffe, A. J. (2060), 69 Woodington, C. (Bo., 27), 104 Woodthorpe, A. J. (2060), 69 Woodthorpe, R. G. (1218), 44 Woodward, C. (1012), 38 Worsley, J. W. (472), 20 Wortham, H. Y. (470), 20 Wotherspoon, J. (M., 109), 98 Wray, H. (741), 29 Wright, C. (466), 20 Wright, G. (278), 13 Wright, H. B. H. (1732), 59 Wright, J. H. (Q.M., 57), 117 Wright, J. R. (321), 15 Wright, J. T. (1197), 43 Wright, P. (423), 18 Wright, P. R. (619), 25 Wrottesley, A. E. (1519), 53 Wrottesley, C. (869), 33 Wrottesley, G. (762), 30 Wulff, H. P. (522), 22 Wyatt, C. (B., 43), 84 Wybault, J. (62), 3 Wybault, J. (K., 10), 110 ; (Ir., 8), 112 Wynne, C. E. (913), 35 Wynne, E. T. (1023), 38 Wynne, G. (607), 24 Wynne, W. R. C. (1116), 41 YEATES, R. H. M. (2015), 68 Yolland, W. (614), 25 Yolland, W. (1587), 55 Yorke, F. A. (350), 16 Yorke, F. A. (623), 25 Yorke, H. A. (1295), 46 Youle, I). (Q.M., ll), 116 Young, C. B. (B., 191), 89 Young, C. L. (1429), 50 Young, E. G. (1879), 64 Young, J. R. (1748), 68 Young, R. (B., 233), 90 Young, R. S. (458), 20 Young, W. (Q.M., 7), 116 Yule, G. W. V. (941), 36 Yule, H. (B., 199), 89 Yule, P. (447), 19 - & 3 9015 00922 8381 : i r -- ºgº g # § . ºf : * * , º t. d º g R : * º,” “... º. f* º - * ~ *º- & ..º.º. } rºº tº zºº tº tº • , ſ * * ** º º Fº 3 ºeº