(),- №. |-````|×№. Rae() №.§. |(}№ |(№. §. .R § È. № №.,№. №.· |×|( |-№..№.(· :№..È. №.:§§ È. ·: №.R №. |- |(: È (R. È -- R №. |× №. . №.|-.|- º º R ( |-№.R \\§.RR ( · È.. : ()R№. dz ~ : dd | ~ • : ---- !2 = ---- ∞ → ---- (7) - … |× ~ : tº . \ ºf 4 ſº ºr a º ...sº #º º: 2-3 s Zºº” ..º. Tº - ºrgº ~ C Sºur º’ſº ºr ºf J. G. J. : J & J C ( ; 'ºs-t'.'s "...Y.". * 1: * 'e' ººº-ºº::1f.º.º. '. º Cr. Tºlſº "sº º THE GIFT OF Arthur Graham Hall =! Famil - - º •ºese tº e = sººn as a -a, -º as -> Hill IIIllutililllllllinºiſillº 6, , 7% G-, Afa 22 7 – 23 - 37 ,” #n, ſ % H Z/ | º T 7871 - Ż % mT r iſis sº ºº:: - The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893. THE TERRIS WHEEL, MIDWAY PLAISANCE. - THE FERRIS WHEEL, MIDWAY PLAISANCE, HIS noble monument to the skill of American engineers places its talented designer G. W. G. Ferris of Pittsburg, Pa., foremost among the World's great engineers. What La Tour Eiffel was to the great Paris EXposition, the WOnderful Ferris wheel is to this. This great engineering feat is a masterpiece. The mechanical difficulties overcome in the construction of this wonder of the world were far greater than any met. With in any previous instance. The main axle Was the largest ever -Z forged and weighs 70 tons. The highest point of the wheel is 264 feet, the highest line of vision 258 feet. It has a carrying capacity of 36 cars, each holding 60' º perSOnS, 2,160 perSOnS per trip. The total weight of the wheel when in motion, - in Cluding CarS, is 2,100 tons. At night the wheel is illuminated by 3,000 in Can- descent lights and presents a magnificent appearance when in motion. The min- - arets and domes shown were notable attractions of the Midway Plaisance. - - The Columbian Portfolio, TRANSPORTATION BUILDING. Copuright bu The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893, *- — . T | r TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, TRANSPORTATION Building is One Of the most impressive Of the EXpOSition. In style it is Romanesque. It is exquisitely refined and Simple in architectural treatment, although it is very rich and elaborate in detail. The main building measures 256x960 feet, with a triangular Annex, covering about 9 acres, and Con- º- sisting of one-story buildings 64 feet wide, Set Side by Side. In these annexes were - exhibited entire freight and passenger trains. The Golden Door of Transportation Building consists of an immense single arch and was the most notable entrance On the grOundS. It is enriched to an extraordinary degree With Carvings, bas-reliefs and paintings. In this series is given a View. Of the Golden Door with full description of the same. --- The Columbian Portfolio, | | VIEW LOOKING SOUTH-EAST FRO/VA ELECTRICAL PUILDING. Copuright bu The Jones Bros. º º Pub. Co., 1893, -- --- THIS Vie W is taken from the SOutheast, corner of |Electricity Building, near the head of the Grand Basin. On the left is shown Agricultural Building, in the background the Colonnade, on the right Machinery Hall, in the foreground appears MacMonnies and the Electrical Fountains. - E* - The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright bu The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893, GENERAL VIEW OF NAACAAONNIES FOUNTAIN. GENERAL VIEW OF MacMONNIES FOUNTAIN IV T the west end of the basin, in the Grand Court, is located the Columbus Memorial - Fountain, designed by the famous Sculptor MacMonnies, and representing In Odern Liberty. In shape it is that Of a triumphal barge, heralded by Fame, guided by Time, º and rowed by eight young female standing figures, representing the arts and indus tries. In the Center rises a massive pedestalſ. On this rests, a Smaller pedestal - Supported by four kneeling Children, while seated aloft is Columbia, the principal figure of the fountain. She fittingly personifies the proud young nation. She repre- Sent.S. On the north and SOuth sides rise two Columns 50 feet, high, SurnOunted by eagles; and ranged about the edge Of the basin, in which the fountain plays, are grOupS Of fantastical marine monsters, reared as though about to plunge, and Spouting heavy streams of water from their nostrils. This is the largest and most magnificent fountain ever produced. On the right stands Electrical Building. In the background Hall of Mines and Mining, and On the left is shown a small section of Administration Building. --- º The Columbian Portfo º lio HORTICULTURAL HALL. op -- H HORTICULTURAL BUILDING, - HE grandest and most complete structure ever erected for Horticultural exhibits, * containing 89,000 square feet more of floor space than the combined floor areas of the Horticultural buildings of the Centennial, New Orleans and Paris. The building is 1,000 feet, long With an extreme width Of 286 feet. - The plan is a Central pavilion with two end pavilions. The Center pavilion is roofed by a crystal dome 187 feet in diameter and has an altitude of 113 feet, thus, giving room for the largest palms, tree ferns, giant cacti, etc. Forming a circle inside the dome is a broad promenade gallery from which visitors were able to obtain a grand view of the plants and floral decorations. - Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. The Columbian Portfolio, THE GOLDEN DOOR. - GOLDEN DOOR. HIS magnificent door-way of retreating arches is acknowledged by all to be the architectural gem Of the entire exposition. It is a Stupendous Single arch, embellished with carvings, bas-reliefs and mural paintings. It is treated entirely in gold leaf and iS in WOnderful contrast with the remainder of the of the architectural effect of the Transportation Building. - - iſ ſiſ º º The Columbian "ortfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, FISHERIES PUILDING. Co., 1893. - FISHERIES BUILDING THE FISHERIES BUILDING is One of the greatest of all resorts. The extreme length of the building is 1,100 feet by 200 feet in width. It is subdivided into three parts. The main building is the general Fisheries exhibit. Two smaller poly- gonal buildings are connected With the main building On either end by arCades. In One of these smaller buildings is the Angling Exhibit; in the other the Aquaria, the largest but one in the world, that at Brighton near London. Ranged in circles in this building are immense glass tanks, the average depth of which, when filled With Water, - is 5 feet. They vary from 6 to 60 feet in length. Fresh-water fish occupy two-thirds º of the Space and the remainder is given up to denizens of the sea. These tanks are decorated with miniature submerged mountains, aquatic plants, etc. In these salt water tanks all the known fish specimens of the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic - and PaCific OCeanS may be seen. Men, women and children alike were inevitably - drawn toward the Fisheries Building. - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - mºn innºn The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893. AGRICULTURAL PUILDING. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING, º - a - - \ - - - . - º, - F the many imposing structures on the grounds Agricultural Building is conceded by many to be one of the handsomest, and it is especially rich in its outlines and ornamentations. The main building is 800 x 500 feet, and Cost $800,000. The general cornice line is 65 feet above the grade, and the height of the dome of this building is 130 feet. It is located on the main basin of the Lagoon, and as its north facade faces Administration Court, the outlook from this point is marvelously grand. There has never been, and probably will not be again for many years, such an object lesson and the products Of the - º - 4. The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. ADAAINISTRATION PUILDING. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING This imposing edifice is the gem of the exposition buildings. It is located at the West end of the Grand COurt, in the SOuthern partſ Of the grOundS. Its COSt. W 3 S $468,213. It covers an area 260 feet square, and consists of four pavilions 34 feet, Square, One at each Of the four angles of the Square, and COnnected by a great, central dome 120 feet in diameter and 220 feet in height. The great Gilded Dome of this lofty building is one of the most conspicuous architectural features on the ground. The general design Of the Administration Building is in the Style Of the French renaissance. The first story is in the Doric order, of heroic proportions, surrounded by lofty balustrades. The great tiers of the angles of each pavilion are Crowned with sculpture. The Ionic style of architecture is represented in the second story with its lofty and spacious colonnade. - -- In this building were located the Offices Of the Director-General and his staff; also the headquarters Of newspaperS from all quarters Of the globe. ~ The Columbian Portfolio, HALL OF MAINES AND MAINING. - - - º Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. HALL OF MINES AND MINING HE Hall of Mines and Mining is situated amidst the most beautiful of natural and architectural surroundings. It faces at the north the Western and middle inland lakes and WOOded Island. On the West, the GOlden DOOr Of the TranSportation Building . On the east, the turreted pavilions Of eleCtriCity, While the lofty and graceful dome of Administration appears at the south. The great floor covers a space 350x700 feet—over 5% acres. - f It'S arChiteCture is early Italian renaissance With a Slight touch. Of French. There are only two rows of iron Columns on either side and the floor space is practically clear. The roof rests upon great Cantilever trusses, the first instance of the applica. tion of this System of building. The Cost of the building was $250,000. The exhibit in this building consisted of every description of mineral from the rough state to the manufactured product. In the Montana exhibit was the renowned silver statue of Justice. This was cast in Chicago, $70,000 of silver bullion being used in its composition. It stood on a gold pedestal valued at $224.OOO. - - - * - - - - -- - - -- - - The Columbian Portfolio Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893, MACHINERY HALL. º - º MACRINERY HALL. HE Palace of Mechanics' ArtS is a magnificent structure and a model Of Symmet- ºrical lines throughout. It is situated South of Administration Building, is 850 º º feet in length and 500 feet in width, and with its annex and power house COSt. $1,200,000. It is the largest power plant in the WOrld, aggregating 24,000 horse power. The design of the building follows classical In Odels throughout, the details being followed from the renaissance Of Seville and Other Spanish towns. SideS adjoining the Grand COurt, are rich and palatial in appearance. SeCOnd largest Of the Exposition Structures. - - º The two exterior This is the The Columbian Portiolo, AAANUF/\CTURES AND LIPERAL ARTS. Copuright og The Jones Bros. Pub. Co º MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS THis magnificent building, notable for its Symmetrical proportions, is the Iſla [Y]- moth Structure Of the WOrld's Fair, and is the largest exposition building ever Constructed. It OCCupies a Space 1688 x 788 feet and COvers Over 31 acres. It is - - rectangular, and it.S Central hall iS Surrounded by a nave and two galleries. By com-º. parison with existing structures we may form Some idea of the magnitude of this building. It is three times as large as St. Peters in Rome, and twenty buildings the Size Of the big Audit Orium in Chicago COuld be placed On the floor Of the Manufac- tures Building. In its Central hall (Only One-third Of its area) Can be COmfortably Seated 50,000 people. - - The architecture is of the Corinthian style and severely classic. The roof rises to a height. Of 245% feet, at the apex. and the 380-foot Space is COvered by a Single-arched Span. With Out, a Supporting COlumn. This building OCCupieS a nOSt. COnSpicuous place on the grOundS, facing the lake, With Only lawns and promenades between. The exterior is covered with staff. It is fire-proof and presents the appearance of an immense marble palace. The total cost was $1,500,000. º The Columbian Portfolio, -- *… THE ART FDALACE. Copgright by The Jo nes Bros. Pub. Co., 1893, ART PALACE THE Palace of Fine Arts is a pure type of the most refined classic architecture - It is severely Classic in appearance, being of GreCian-IOniC Style. The main building is 320 x 500 feet, With two annexes each 120 x 200 feet. The great Central dome, which is 60 feet in diameter and 125 feet high, is capped with a Colossal Statue Of Winged ViCt.Ory. There are in the building 74 galleries ranging from 30 feet Square to 36x120 feet. The cost of this building was $735,811. Around the º entire building are galleries 40 feet wide, forming a continuous promenade around - the classic structure. The north front faces the wide lawn and the group of State Buildings. The south front faces the Lagoon. In this building was to be found the largest and most varied collection of paintings and sculpture ever before shown, in - this COuntry. The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. SECTIONAL VIEW OF MACAAONNIES FOUNTAIN. SECTIONAL VIEW OF MICMONNIES FOUNTAIN -- -- THIS Cascade View. Of a section of MacMonnies Fountain is taken Tight, froſn - the basin, ClOSe up to where the Water from the fountain itself pours OVer the base forming beautiful cascades. This also shows some of the magnificent - --- statuary that adorns the Outer edge of the fountain. In the background appears - -- . Agricultural Building. In another view of this series an elaborate description of MacMonnies Fountain is given. º º ºg T ſ - The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893. VIEW LOOKING EAST FRONA TRANSPORTATION DUILDING. f - VIEW LOOKING EAST FROM TRANSPORTATION BUILDNG This view, taken from the east side of Transportation Building, ShOWS the Hall of Mines and Mining and Electrical Building On the right, the man- moth Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building in the background, and the Wooded Island, Bridge and Lagoon on the left. The view is taken looking, eaSt.Ward. The Columbian Portfolic, THE CASINO. Copgright bu The Jones Bros, Pub, Co., 1893. - THE CASINO is located at the south end of the Peristyle. It is fitted up º With reStaurantS and resting rooms, and iS Similar to the Bureau of Public COmfort. It is 140 feet wide by 260 long. In the background is shown Music Hall, at the extreme north end of the Peristyle. Its dimensions are the same as the Casino. In the foreground appears the CrOW's NeSt. Of the and on the extreme right a small portion The Columbian Portfolio. WO/\\AN’S PUILDING. Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 18 C. 3. APPROPRIATELY 1OCaſted among luxuriant, shrubs and fragrant flowerS, the WOIman's - Building iS Situated in the north-Western part. Of the park facing the great Lagoon, - With the Wooded Island in the distance. TO Miss Sophia G. Hayden belongs the honor of executing the design of this magnificent structure, and to her was awarded the ~ - The structure is 200 feet wide by 4.00 feet in length and cost $200,000. Among the exhibits there is not a single thing made by the hand of man, it being entirely devoted to exhibits of the most distinguished work of woman. first prize of $1,000 for the best design. - -------- **. - ºlº. sº -- The Columbian Portfolio Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893. GRAND COURT OF HONOR. - GRAND COURT OF HONOR, Vº is knoWn aS COULT d'Honneur, Or the Grand Court, is perhaps the most attrac- tive portion of the World's Fair Grounds. It is a regular quadrangle, 700 x 2000 feet. In the center lies the basin, while above terraced lawns, are ranged the greatest structures of Jackson Park. Water connection is provided at the east end of this COUlrt, communicating with Lake Michigan. LOOking eastward from Administration Building the view is grand and inspiring. On the right (SOuthward) Machinery and Agricultural Buildings face the Court; on the left. Electrical Building and the Colossal Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building Complete the northern ClOSure of the Grand Court. A broad canal, COnnecting the Water System Of the park, is bOrdered by dOuble terraCeS and Crossed by arched bridges. Just before the main entrance to Administration Building, and at the head of the basin, is the Columbian and Electrical Fountains. Rising from the Lagoon, at the extreme east end of the Grand Court, is a colossal Golden Statue of Republic, 75 feet high, one of the largest in the world. Just back are seen the graceful columns of the Peristyle, in the center of which is the Columbus Memorial Arch. Each of the Corinthian arches represents One Of the States Of the Union. This view of the Grand Court is undour, edly one of the most magnificent that can be conceived by the mind of man. - - Copgright bu The Jones Bros. Pub Co., 1893, The Columbian Portfolio. U. S. GOVERNMENT PUILDING. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING, HE GOVERNMENT BUILDING bears a strong resemblance to the national museums and other government buildings at Washington. It cost $400,000 and covers an area of 350x420 feet. The center octagonal dome, 120 feet in diameter, 150 feet high, iS the leading architectural feature. In this building are some Of the most interesting and wonderful exhibits of the Fair, consisting of Post-Office Department, War Department, Department of Agriculture, State Department, Department of Justice, Treasury, Interior, Fisheries Commission, Smithsonian Institute, and many other WOnderful exhibits under Uncle Sam's Special Care. - - ºr- º - - º: - - - - - __ - a The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright bu The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. ELECTRICAL PUILDING. HE EI.ECTRICITY BUILDING carries out the Spanish renaissance idea, modified by a Corinthian treatment. It covers an area of 351 x767 feet, north and south. The exterior walls are composed of a Continuous Corinthian Order of pilasters, 3 feet C inches wide and 42 feet, high, Supporting a full entablature and resting upon a stylobate 8 feet 6 inches. At each of the four Corners of the building is a pavilion, above which rises an open tower 150 feet high. The south pavilion is a hemicycle or niche, 78 feet in diameter and 103 feet high. In the Center of this niche, upon a lofty pedestal, is a colossal statue of Franklin, whose illustrious name intimately Connects the early history of the Republic with One of the most important discoveries in the phenomena of electricity. The building, with its large window spaces and high Central and COrner to WerS, is especially déSigned for electrical illuminations by night. The interior of this magnificent building presented at night a scene of mysterious grandeur that no pen Can describe. The principal attraction was probably the famous Edison Tower of Light which stood in the very center of the building. The Temple of Electricity was one of the most popular buildings on the ground --- The Columbian Portfolio, THE GOVERNMENT CRUISER. - Copgright bu The Jones Bros. Pub, Co., 1893. º GOVERNMENT CRUISER Oº Of the In OSt. unique St.TULCtures of the great Fair is a full-sized model of a - - United StateS Man of War. This imitation battle ship is erected on piling on the lake front, surrounded entirely by water, and presents the appearance Of being moored to a wharf. The dimensions are those of an actual war ship, 348 feet in length, and width amidships, 69 feet 3 inches; from the main deck to the water line is 12 feet. It was equipped With all the appurtenances Of a full-rigged Man-Of-War. The Navy Department, during the Exposition, detailed officers, seamen mechanics and marines, - - --~~ and the discipline and mode of life On Our naval vessels was completely carried out. - - * - * * Tº - - --~~ - - - * * * THE DERISTYLE. º º º º THE impreSSive beauty of the Greek Peristyle is unsurpassed. It, is columned - Splendor indeed. The portals of the great World's Fair look Out. On the blue Waters of Lake Michigan. There are 48 columns representing the States and territories, Each Column bears the Coat of arms of the state it represents. The cost of the Peristyle with the Casino and Music Hall was $300,000. It is 600 º feet long, 60 feet wide and 60 feet high. A grand arChway is in the Center, , forming a portal from Lake Michigan to the Grand Court of Honor. This portal is dedicated to Columbus. The Columbian Portfolio. FARAER POY AND NORAAAN HORSE. ! | Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893, - º -- THIS magnificent piece of statuary is located directly south Of Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building, on the north edge of the Grand Basin, and faces Agricultural Building opposite. It is one of the many pieces of magnificent Statuary that adorn the Grand Court, The Subject is a sturdy specimen of a young man beside a noble Norman horse, representing Labor. At a short dis. tance it has the appearance of marble. In the background appears the Peristyle and on the right the Statue of Republic - i. -f - The Columbian Portfolio, Copgright by The Jones Bros. Pub. Co., 1893, THE VIKING SHID. WIKING SHIP. IN 1880, in a burial mound at GOkstad, in Norway, was discovered a Viking Ship. An exact model of this vessel was built and it was moored under the guns of the battle Ship Illinois. It was One Of the most prominent features of the Fair. In a vessel similar to this Lief Erickson, Son of Erik the Red, discovered Vinland, Mark- land and Helleland on the Coast Of Massachusetts in the year 1001 — long before Columbus Sailed. This exaCt, mOdel WaS reproduced and sailed from the coast Of Norway through the lakes and anchored at the great White City. ```` \, ( È.````- R ||×:|-: - №.|×· :R :№.-№. R|- ſae №` Rſae ( ). .: :|- |-№.R (````№..№. |-R. ſae.|№.|× №. (( ( )|- № ( . :(()|× Rae №.№.|×R.№.. №. ( () |- R,(№.№.№.R. №.|- -|× . . . . . . . .:.·. |- №№.(R. : |× - |-|×|× -R. ( )№.: ````№. ( (|(R. R.ROE.·``````````` |-R.|×|-. |× |- |- R . №.| ROER: (, (|-:|-№.: №. (|× , №.№. №. |-№.-. - (№.|×.|×№. №. №.(№.-- ·. |-|× :…: . . . .ſae:№. |×R..№. R№.:№. |-: : №.|× :|- . |×:|×|-|× ()№.R : RR №.·· |- () ( №. |- №. №. №. №.