РІК 666 .H36 University of Michigan Librúries, 1817 ART ES SCIENTIA VERITAS H36 To my friend and colleague William H. Nait J.J. Harfield Accipe et haec, manuum tibi quae monumenta mearum." " - Aen. 486. 31 Dec. 1903 THE Elements of Sanskrit Graminar MANUAL FOR BEGINNERS, PREPARED BY JAMES T. HATTIELD, A. B. LUCKNOT: AMERICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CAURCH PRESS. 1884 PK 664 . Н36 TO RAJKUMAR SARVADHIKARI ESQ., B.L., PROFESSOR OF LAW AND SANSKRIT, CANNING COLLEGE, FELLOW OF CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY, ETC., I INSCRIBE THIS RECORD OF OUR PLEASANT ASSOCIATION AS TEACHER AND PUPIL. Gift wer. wait 6-7-27 PREFACE. My only apology for intruding into the learned cirole of Sanskrit Grammarians, must be found in the circumstanc. s under which this little manual is put forth. Happening to be for some time in India I thought that while there I should have the best opportunity for mastering in as short a time as possible the essentials of Sanskrit Grammar. I had the very good fortune to make the acquaintance of Pro- fessor Rajkumar Sarvadhikari of Canning College, Lucknow, who entered heartily into my plan and soon gave me such a survey of the elements of the Grammar as was sufficient to enable me to take up with comfort some of the native litera- ture. At the suggestion of friends, and with the encourage- ment and under the direction of my instructor, I was induced to make a more permanent record of the steps by which I had been led, hoping that it might be of benefit to others who had not been similarly privileged. Professor Sarvadhikari has allowed me to insert the Table of the Rules of Sandhi prepared by himself for the use of his own students, and I hope it may be as useful to others as it has been to me for its clear and concise presentation of this somewhat complex subject. I might add that the Professor has been kind enough to read over all the proof-sheets and thereby greatly assist in culling out the errors which have continually insinuated themselves with a depravity that seems to belong especially to works of this kind. A few simple exercises are added at the close of the book principally for the purpose of giving the beginner material for practising the pronunciation of the Deva-Nagari character. Of course in 60 condensed a manual upon so extended a subject many omissions will be noticed, but with all its faults it is offered to the indulgent reader in the hope that if it shall not greatly benefit him, it will at least do him no great harm. Its do fects need not be further dwelt upon but will be readily enough discovered in the little book itself, to which the reader is now respectfully introduced. LUCKNOW, April 18th, 1884. CONTENTS. .. PAGE. 1 3 5 6 18 21 25 28 34 38 39 ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 .. . The Alphabet, Writing, The Rules of Euphony, Nouns, Adjectives and Numerals, Pronouns, The Verb-General Remarks, First Class of Roots, Second Class of Roots, Third Class of Roots, Fourth Class of Roots, Fifth Class of Roots, Sixth Class of Roots, Seventh Class of Roots, Eighth Class of Roots, Ninth Class of Roots Tenth Class of Roots, The Passive Voice, The Infinitive, Derivative Verb Forms, Participles, Verbal and Nominal Affixes, Indeclinable Words and Prefixes, The Combination of Words, Cases with Prepositions, Exercises, Sanskrit-English Vocabulary, English-Sanskrit Vocabulary, Appendix-List of Common Roots, . .. ... ... . . . GOO ... 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 64 65 81 86 89 ... .. ... ... ... ... . S THE ALPHABET. 1. The Sanskrit Alphabet should be learned in the follow- ing order Vowels 70, 91, 7 á, ziri, , Ti, J, u, 3, ú, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,e li, , Elri, T, e, i, ai, ओ I, Î au. Nasal ( Anusvára ) .m--Final aspirate (Visarga) : ” Consonants 1. Gutturals on ka C kha गga घgha En.a 2. Palatals cha chha 57 ja jha Sy na 3. Cerebrals a ta tha डda adha na 4. Dentals a ta U tha द da घdha T na 5. Labials Ира Ut pha o ba 23 Uhr Ilma 6. Semivowels I ya Fila & vara 7. Sibilants ছা s II sa osha स so 8. Aspirate Eha 2 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Note. The third, fourth, and fifth letters of the first five groups, together with 37, 1, m, a, E, constitute the soft consonants. PRONUNCIATION 2. The letters should invariably be pronounced as follows: as a in Roman. os father 66 ¿ tin ho cro 66 i maeline न ri “ merrily 66 poi 66 marine P and prefix 7 to the two preceding sounds. Das e in prey. a , somewhat like ai in aisle, but more like oei in the French word oeil. gr as o in hope. or similar to the preceding but more prolonged and forcibly enunciated. Most of the consonants are pronounced as the corresponding English letters. Anusvára and are pronounced as n in link or in the French word on. The aspirated letters 3, 4 etc, are to be pronounced as th ph in ant-hill, up-hill etc.; not as in with, physic. NOUNS. The letters of the dental group are to be distinguished from the cerebrals by placing the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth in pronouncing them. The sound of the dental ñ resembles that of t in the French word entrer. T and are both pronounced like sh in shall. The Visarga represents a slight aspiration, less pronounced than ch in the German word ich, WRITING. tu. 3. With the exception of all the vowels have two forms ; the first is initial, used only at the beginning of a word, the second is used in all other cases. Thus ea ut, but तु The short vowel q is regarded as inherent in every consonant, and needs never to be expressed except at the begining of a word, e. g. 2pac, damanakam. Any other vowel written after a consonant takes the place of inherent 77 as in mu sinu. The vowels following the letter of are thus written : क ca, का ka Fofi ki, othì ki, eti ku, ef kú, žū kri, af lest, et kiri, my kiri, ofi ke, eta bai, efir ko, ani kau. Short ſ is peculiar in being written at the left of the character which it follows in pronunciation, as in die yadi, gia iti. 3 and 3 with 7 take the forms TT, F. and combine to make ह E hrí. & 4 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Consonants coming together in pronunciation without the intervention of a vowel are combined in writing as inn i chhinna, íg ayni. Following are the most frequent com- pound consonants. en kta Zra o Titra ET kyn 6 ksha QUkshya Takshva Ta khya II gra व ghna n.gachcha Enso chchha 537 jju я jйа उचncha tia n.ka ज्य.jija एट ta tria to a trya त्व tva [ hw 5 dida दु ddha alha a dya 5 द्र dra dhva न्त्य ntyal न्न ntra प्र pta प्य pya ब्ध bdha pa thya vya a schu a stra 90 sva U shtu T shya Fri sta hna hna Abima lya immediately preceding a consonant is written above it in the shape of a crescent, e. g. rys; when it follows. it is written as a stroke, e. g. kra, T gra. The mark below a letter denotes the absenee of inherent , as in 71 mám, 7117 tiin. In writing the characters the upper horizontal stroke is made last. SANDHI. 5 SANDHI, OR THE EUPHONIC COMBINATION OF LETTERS. S. SICT 100 s auteczno 4. When certain letters are brought together euphonic changes take place, exhibited in the adjoining table, the first three columns of which must be committed to memory. Explanation of the Table. When a letter in the first column is followed by a letter in the second column, they combine to produce the letter in the third column. Thus (II), If either 7 or it be followed by or e, the resultant vowel will be 5. Where letters in the first and second columns are separated by dashes corresponding to similar dashes in the atomo third column, the letters so grouped are to be taken as separate cases, as (II) If YT or II be followed by < or şi For 37, or, then the resultant combinations will be , er and 915 respectively. When a letter in the first or second column is underlined, it is to be understood that that letter alone is affected euphonically and no combination takes place ; Thus, (XIII). When I (preceded by a short vowel) is followed by a vowel, T is doubled, while the follow- ing vowel remains unchanged. By Rule XV. if I be followed by any of the first 25 consonants it may either be changed to Anusvara or to the fifth letter of the group to which that consonant belongs (S1). 5. Dental H (not final) preceded in the same word by any vowels except 4 or #l, or by of or T, is changed to the cerebral 9, c. g., #1+3=rg. 6 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 6. Dental T (not final) preceded in the same word by , Tor , is changed to the cerebral T, even though a vowel, a letter of the first or fifth groups, ($1) 47, OT or intervene, as e. g., the nom. plur. of neuter nouns generally ends in T, Ha from Fry, but by this rule the nom. plur. of वारि becomes वारीणि. GUNA AND VRIDDHI. 7. In inflection certain substitutes for radical vowels' are often made which are called the Guna (qualification) and Vșiddhi (increase) of the original vowels. Of इ or ई the Guna substitute is ए ऊ ओ . उ 9 99 ,, PE 99 99 99 可可​町​立​扇 ​Of अ nie इ or the Vșiddhi is अर् ST ऐ औ 99 99 उ 99 cho 15 h 99 99 9 न आर् > 99 NOUNS. 8. In Sanskrit there are, as in Greek, three genders and three numbers, but eight cases, as follows:--Nominative, Accusative, Instrumental, Dative, Ablative, Genitve, Loca- tive, and Vocative. Nouns and adjectives are given in the dictionary in the crude form which may end in a vowel or NOUNS. 7 hor consonant, as व्याध, a hunter', नामन् 'a name'. There is theoretically but one declension, which consists in adding to the crude form the following endings, which should be read across the page, from left to right. SINGULAR. DUAL. PLURAL. . Nom, औ अः Acc. . अम् औ अः Inst. आ भ्याम् भिः Dat. ए भ्याम् भ्यः Abl. अः भ्याम् भ्यः Gen. अः ओः आम् Loc. . : सु Note. The Vocative is not included in this list, as it is regarded as being only a modification of the nominative. In the dual and plural the Vocative is always the same as the Nominative. 9. In adding these terminations to any base the rules of Sandhi (84) must be observed ; this is exhibited in the declension of नौ 'a ship'. A ship. Arai The two ships, नावः etc. नावः Acc. TITÆ A ship. Arat नावा By or with नौभ्याम् नौभिः a . D. नावे To a ship. नौभ्याम् नोभ्यः From a Ab. नाव: नौभ्याम् नाभ्यः ship. N. नौः I. 8 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. G. नावोः 2. Trat: Of a ship नावाम् L. नावि In or on a ship. नावोः नौषु Thus, in the N. dual नौ+7= नावौ ($4. V.) etc. Nearly all nouns, however, vary much from the regular formations of ait, certain changes being made in the base and terminations. 10. The most numerous class of masculine nouns has the base ending in 4, and is declined like otilo m. 'a crow'. I. काकेन N. काकः-A काकी काकाः Ac. काकम् काको काकान् काकाभ्याम् काकैः D. काकाय kyos काकाभ्याम् काकेभ्यः Ab. काकात् काकेभ्यः G. काकस्य काकयोः काकानाम् काकेmकाकयोः L. o, काकेषु काक काकाः So zoite काकाभ्याम् N. काको 11. Neuter nouns whose base ends in differ only from the masculine in the Nominative, Accusative and Vocative cases, e.g., फन n. fruit.' -- N. Ac. फलम् I. फलेन फले फलाभ्याम् फलाभ्याम् फलानि फलैः फलेभ्यः D. फलाय NOUNS. 69 Ab. फलात् G. फलस्य L. फले कलाभ्याम् फलयोः फलयोः फले फलेभ्यः फलानाम् फलेषु फलानि V. फल 12. Feminine bases in stare declined like HOT f 'a garland.' N. माला माले मालाः Ac. मालाम् माले मालाः I. मालया मालाभ्याम् मालाभिः D. मालायै मालाभ्याम् मालाभ्यः Ab. मालायाः मालाभ्याम् मालाभ्यः G. मालायाः मालयोः मालानाम् L. मालायाम् - मालयोः मालासु माले मालाः 10 13. Feminine bases in ई are declined like. नदी f. a river Sorticodaiftes. N. नदी नद्यौ नद्यः Ac. नदीम नद्यो नदीः I. नद्या नदीभ्याम् नंदीभिः D. नद्यै नदीभ्याम् नदीभ्यः Ab. नद्याः नदीभ्याम् नदीभ्यः G. नद्याः नद्योः नदीनाम् V. माले 10 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. L. नद्याम् नदि नद्योः नद्यो नदीषु नद्यः V. 14. Masculine bases in s are declined like अमिm. fire.' अग्नयः अमीन् N. अग्निः Ac. अमिम् I. अमिना D. अग्नये अग्नी 5 अग्नी अग्निभ्याम अमिभ्याम् अग्निभ्याम् अग्न्योः अग्न्योः अनी Ab. अमेः अग्निभिः अग्निभ्यः अग्निभ्यः अमीनाम् अनिषु G. L. अग्नः अनी अग्ने V.. अग्नयः In this the final vowel of the base is gunated (27.) in the D. Ab. G. V. sing. and N. plu., and the terminations (28.) added subject to the rules of Sandhi. Thus, in tae D. the base Lecomes TA, and the termination ( being added, makes अग्नये (24. V. ) :The final vowel is also lengthened in N. Ac. V. du., Ac. G. pl. and T is inserted in the I. sing. G. plu. 15. Masculine bases in उare declined like तरु m. 'atree.' N. तरुः तरू तरवः तरून् तहाभिः. Ac. तरुम् तरू I. तरुणा (86.) ($6.) तरुभ्याम् तरुभ्याम् तरुभ्याम् तरुभ्यः D. तरवे Ab. तरोः तरुभ्यः NOUNS. 11 G. तरोः L. तरी v. तरो तोः ताः तरूणाम् (86.) तरुषु तरवः The base varies exactly as in the last. Thus, in the D. sing. तरो+ ए-तरवे (34. V.) 16. Feminine bases in s are declined like गति, 'going, smotion.' 3 N. गती . गतिभ्याम् गतिः गतयः Ac. गतिम् गती गतीः गत्या गतिभ्याम् गतिभिः D. गतये or गत्यै गतिभ्यः Ab. or गत्याः गतिभ्याम् गतिभ्यः G. गतेः or गत्याः गत्योः ती गतीनाम् गतो or गत्याम् गत्योः गतिषु me ng V. गते गती गतयः गते L. The final vowel of the base varies as in अग्नि. Feminine bases in 3 vary the base as in tià, and bear the same relation to it as तरु to अग्नि. Thus धेनु, 'a milch cow.' ' N. धनुः, धेनू, धेनवः, A. धेनुम्, abc. 12.. ELEM ENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 17.. -Neuter bases in s are declined like वारि, 'water'. वारीणि वारिभिः वारिभ्यः N. Ac. वारि वारिणी I. वारिणा वारिभ्याम् D. वारिणे वारिभ्याम् Ab. वारिणाः वारिभ्याम् G. वारिणः वारिणोः L. वारिणि वारिणोः v. वारि or वारे वारिणी s वारिभ्यः वारीणाम वारिषु वारीणि In this noun Tis inserted before vowel-terminations and the final of the root lengthened in N. Ao. plu. Neuter bases in उ vary the base as in वारि; thus मधु 'honey.' . N. Ac. मधु, मधुनी, मधूनि: I. मधुना etc. 18. Masculine nouns in F denoting relationship are declined like raam m. 'A father.' -2007 N. पिता पितरी पितरः Ac. पितरम् पितरी पितृन् I. पित्रा पितृभ्याम् पितृभिः पितृभ्याम् पितृभ्यः Ab. पितुः पितृभ्याम पितृभ्यः D. पित्रे NOUNS. . 18 G. पितुः पितृणाम् L. पितरि V. पितः पित्रोः पित्रोः पितरौ पितृषु पितरः In this the final of the base is gunated in the first five forms, also in L. sing. and V. In the N. sing: र् and the ending are dropped and अ lengthened. In Ab. and G. sing. उ. is substituted for , and the ending dropped. In Ac. G. plural is lengthened and in the latter case I is inserted Note -In the Ab. G. and V. sing., visarga represents final र (र जात) and in certain cases becomes [ again. See 24 XIX a. (a.) In nouns of agency in F the final of the base is vrid- dhied ($7.) in the first five forms, as in दातृ, 'A giver.' N. दाता दातारौ दातारः Ac. दातारम् दातारी दातृन् etc. (6.) Feminine bases in # are declined like it but make. the Ac. plu. in :e. g. Arq, “a mother,' Ac. plu. Arq: sto 19. Masculine and feminine bases in T are regularly declined, except that the ending is omitted in the N. sing. Thus FITT, f. 'A river.' N. V. सरित् सरितौ सरितः sho A. aftan etc. ofood on: 10 14 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Neuter bases in a are declined like afi A n. 'wealthy.' N. A. V. श्रीमत् श्रीमती श्रीमन्ति I. श्रीमता etc. adding regular endings. 20. Most Masculine bases in IT are declined like लधिमानः लघिमन् m. flightness. N. लघिमा Ac. लघिमानम् I. लघिमा लघिम्नः D. लघिने लघिमानौ लघिमानी लघिमभ्याम् लघिमभ्याम् लघिमभ्याम् लघिनोः लविनोः लघिमानो Ab. लघिम्नः लघिमभिः लघिमभ्यः लघिमभ्यः लधिनाम् लघिमसु लघिमानः G. लघिम्नः v. लधिनि, लघिमनि L. लघिमन् न् and : are both rejected in the N. sing., अ of the base is lengthened in the first five forms, and q is dropped before all consonantal endings. Be- ginning with the Ac. plu. the 7 of Te is dropped before all vowel-endings and T is compounded with the preceding consonant. Note. If अन् is preceded by म् or व् at the end of a conjunct consonant, the H of 4 is not dropped before the NOUNS. 15 vowel endings, e. g., 9977 m. ‘one who sacrifices,' Ac. plu. यज्वनः, I. यज्वना, यज्ञभ्याम, यज्वभिः etc. 21. Neuter bases in 7 only differ from masculine nouns in the N. Ac. and V., e. g., नामन् n. 'a name.' N. Ac. नाम I. নান্ন नानी or नामनी नामानि नामभ्याम् etc. like लघिमन् but नाम्नी or नामनी नामानि - V. नाम n. 'an action.' कर्मणी (6.) कर्माणि Similarly कर्मन् N. Ac. कर्म कर्मणे कर्म I. etc. like यज्वन् but कर्मणी V. कर्माणि 22. Masculine bases in इन् are declined like स्वामिन् D m, 'master.' 2980 स्वामिनः स्वामिनः स्वामिभिः N. स्वामी Ac. स्वमिनम् I. स्वामिना D. स्वामिने Ab. स्वामिनः G. स्वामिनः L. स्वामिनि v. स्वामिन् स्वामिनी स्वामिनी स्वामिभ्याम् स्वामिभ्याम् स्वामिभ्याम् स्वामिनोः स्वामिनोः स्वामिनी स्वामिभ्यः स्वामिभ्यः स्वामिनाम् - स्वामिषु स्वामिनः 16 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 23. Masculine and feminine bases in are declined like चन्द्रमस् m. 'the moon. aN. चन्द्रमाः चन्द्रमसौ चन्द्रमसः Ac. चन्द्रमसम् चन्द्रमसौ चन्द्रमसः I. चन्द्रमसा मन्द्र मोभ्याम् चन्द्रमोभिः D. चन्द्रमसे चन्द्रमोभ्याम् चन्द्रमोभ्यः Ab. चन्द्रमसः चन्द्रमोभ्याम् चन्द्रमोभ्यः G. चन्द्रमसः चन्द्रमसोः चन्द्रमसाम् L. चन्द्रमसि चन्द्रमसोः चन्द्रमासु V. चन्द्रमः चन्द्रमसौः चन्द्रमसः Final is changed to visarga in the N. sing., and before the consonantal end- ings. Thus I. dual becomes चन्द्रमः + भ्याम चन्द्रमोभ्याम् (24. XIX, II). In N. sing. the termination is rejected and is lengthened. 24. Neuter bases in अस् differ from m. and f. only in the N. Ac. and V. cases, e.g., सरस a pool.' N. Ac. V. सरः सरसी सरांसि I. सरसा etc. like चन्द्रमस् m. Note. Bases is y make the N. sing. in क् or d as दिश् . 'a quarter of the sky.' N. दिक् दिशी दिशः and-विश् m. f. 'one who enters, N... विट विशौ विशः NOUNS. 17 25. The following table exhibits the singular of certain bases which are irregular in some of their forms. BASE. Nom. ACCUS. INSTR. . DAT. ABL. and) GEN. Loc. . Voc. . ft f. 'fortune.' श्रीः श्रियाः श्री: । श्रियः स्त्री f. 'woman.' स्त्री श्रियम् श्रिया (स्त्रियम् स्त्रिया । स्त्रीम् पतिम् पत्या सखायन् सख्या (श्रियै । श्रिये स्त्रियै पत्ये सख्ये स्त्रियाः पति m. 'master.' पति: सखि m. friend.' सखा पत्युः सख्युः (श्रियाम् (श्रिय स्त्रियाम् स्त्रि पत्यौ पते सख्यो सखं अक्षिण अते । अक्षण । अक्षि अति n. 'eye. अक्षि अति अक्ष्णा अक्षणे अक्षण: ( अस्थि अस्थे अस्थि n. 'bone.' अस्थि अस्थि अस्था अस्थे अस्थः अस्थि स्वसः स्वसः स्वमृ f. 'sister.' स्वसा युवन् m. 'youth.' युवा पथिन् m. 'path.' | पन्थाः स्वसारम् स्वस्त्रा युवानम् यूना पन्थानम् | पथा स्वस्त्रे यूने पथे ( अस्थान स्वसरि यूनि पथि युवन यूनः पथः 2 पन्थाः 18 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR ADJECTIVES. . or 26. The endings of Adjectives are the same as those of corresponding nouns. For instance मन्द slow' becomes in the Nom. masculine मन्द: declined like काकः ($10.) in the feminine मन्दा (like माला 12,) and in the neuter मन्दम् (like फलम् 11). Similarly शुचिः m. शुचिः ., इ. चि n. 'pure, according to the models in ss 14, 17. 27. Adjectives are regularly compared by adding TT ईयस् for the comparative and तम or इष्ट for the superlative, , e. g. पुण्य —holy', compar. पुण्यतर, super. पुण्यतम declined like मन्द 'slow.' 28. Present participles in stare regular after the first five forms, as' गच्छत्, 'going.' N. V.. गच्छन्ती गच्छन्तः Ac. गच्छन्तम् गच्छन्ती गच्छतः I. गच्छता, etc. adding regular endings. गच्छन् NUMERALS. 29. The principal cai dinal numbers are: 5. पञ्चन 1. एक 2. द्वि 6. षष् 3. त्रि 7. सप्तन 8. अष्टन् 4. चतुर् NUMERALS, . 9. नवन् 10. दशन् 21. एकविंशति 22. द्वाविंशति etc. with same prefixes as from 10 to 20. 11. एकादशन् 12. द्वादशन् 30. त्रिंशत् 13. त्रयोदशन् 40. चत्वारिंशन 14. चतुर्दशन् 50. पञ्चाशत् 15. पञ्चदशन् 16. षोडदशन् 17. सप्तदशन् 18. अष्टादशन् 19. नवदशन् 100. शत 200. वे शते द्विशत 20. विशति 1000. सहस्त्र The numbers 19, 29, 39 etc. may also be expressed by prefixing ऊन 'less, to the numbers 20, 30, 40 etc., ६. g. ऊनविंशति, ‘nineteen.' 30. एक 'one,' is thus declined. MASC. NEUT. FEM. 60. षटि 70. सप्त ते 80. अशीति 90. नवति N. एकः Ac. एकम् एकम् एकेन एकस्मै एका एकाम एकया एकस्यै I. D. 20 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Ab एकस्मात् G. एकस्य L. एकस्मिन् V. एक 31. द्वि two.' एकस्याः एकस्याः एकस्याम् एके MASC. NEUT. . FEM. . N. Ac. V. द्वी ths I. D. Ab. द्वे द्वाभ्याम् द्वयोः G, L. 32. FET «three'. AMASC. NEUT. FEM. तित्रः N. V. त्रयः-त्रीणि Ac. त्रीन्—त्रीणि I. त्रिभिः D. Ab. त्रिभ्यः तिसृभिः तिसृभ्यः G. L. त्रयाणाम् तिसृणाम् त्रिषु तिसृषु Nom. of चतुर; M. चत्वार: N. चत्वारिः Fem. चतस्रः Nom. of पञ्चन् ; M. F. N. पञ्च. Nom. of षष्; M. F. N.षट PRONOUNS. . 21 PRONOUNS. The pronouns are quite irregular and have no crude base like that of nouns. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. N. Ac. 33. अस्मद. I.' अहम् आवाम् वयम् माम् or मा आवाम् o नौ अस्मान् or नः I. मया आवाभ्याम् अस्माभिः मह्यम् o मे आवाभ्याम् or नी अस्मम्यम् or नः आवाभ्याम् अस्मत् मम or or आवयोः or नी अस्माकम् or नः मयि आवयोः अस्मासु D. Ab. मत् G. मे V. 34. युष्मद्, 'thou,' N. I. त्वम् युवाम् ययम् Ac. त्वाम् or त्वा युवाम् or वाम् युष्मान् or वः त्वया युवाभ्याम् युष्माभिः D. तुभ्यम् or ते युवाभ्याम् or वाम् युष्मभ्यम् or वः युवाभ्याम् युष्मत् तव or ते युवयोः ० वाम् युष्माकम् or वः त्वयि युवयोः युष्मासु Ab. त्वत् G. L. 22 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRI Í' ĠRAMMAR. 35. तद् —he, तद् ‘he,' 'she,' ' that.' ' Masculine. N. सः ते तो तो Ac. तम् तान् ताभ्याम् I. तेन D. तस्मै ताभ्याम् ताभ्याम Ab. तस्मात् G. तस्य L. तस्मिन् तैः तेभ्यः तेभ्यः तेषाम् तेषु तयोः तयोः Feminine. N. सा ताः ते ते Ac. 1. ताम् तया तस्यै ताभिः D. ताम्यः Ab. तस्याः ताभ्याम् ताभ्याम् ताभ्याम् तयोः तयोः ताभ्यः G. तस्याः तासाम् L. तस्याम् तासु Neuter, ते तानि N. Ac. तत् तेन I. ताभ्याम् etc. like Masc. ... PRONOUNS. 23 OTHER PRONOU'NS. 86. इदम् 'this,' Demonstrative Pronoun, Masculine, N. हमे अयम् इमम् Ac.. इमान् एभिः I. अनेन D. अस्मै इमो इमो आभ्याम् आभ्याम् आभ्याम् अनयोः अनयोः एभ्यः Ab. अस्मात् G. अस्य एभ्यः एषाम् एषु L. अस्मिन् Feminine. N. इमे इमाः Ac. इयम् इमाम् अनया अस्यै इमाः आभिः I. D. पाभ्यः इमे आभ्याम् आभ्याम् आभ्याम् अनयोः अनयोः Ab. . अस्याः आभ्यः G. अस्याः आसाम् L. अस्याम् आसु Neuter. N. Ac. इदम् इमे her इमानि 24 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. N. I. अनेन etc. like the masculine. a. Following are the N. and Ac. masc. of the demon- strative pronoun अदस्. असो अम अमी Ac. अमुम् अम अमन 37. यद्, 'who,' Relative Pronoun. N. Masc. यः यौ ये Ae. यम् यो यान् I. येन etc. like तद् in masculine feminine and neuter, substituting for the initial letter. 38. किम् 'who ?' Interrogative Pronoun. N. Masc. कः को के etc. lik.e यद throughout, substituting of for , except the Neuter N. Ac. sing. which is किम्. TERBS. THE VERB. 39. There are two Voices-- Active and Passive. The Active voice is subdivided into the Objective and Subjective Forms, which correspond to the Active and Middle voices in Greek, the first form merely representing the subject as acting, while the subjective form represents the act as direct ed towards the agent. Some verbs are only conjugated in one of these forms. 40. There are eight Tenses and Moods of more common occurrence, all of which go under the name of Tenses in Sanskrit grammars. They are:- 1. The Present. 2. The First Preterite. (Imperfect.) 3. The Second Preterite, Perfect.) 4. The Third Preterite. (Aorist.) 5. The First Future. 6. The Second Future. 7. The Imperative. 8. The Potential. The Conditional and Precative Tenses are rarely used. The Present, First Preterite, Imperative and Potential are called the Conjugational Tenses, because upon their form depends the character of the ten classes into which verbs are divided. 41. Verbs occur in the Dictionary in the form of roots, to which are added the various terminations; as the root 26 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. अस् 'to be,' with ति the termination of the Pres. 3rd Sing. (objective,) becomes TIETT he is.' Most roots undergo in the conjngational tenses certain modifications which make the peculiarities of the ten classes. CLASS. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTIC. भू I. Inserts अ bet. root and term's, as अ५ II. . Adds ending directly हस्-हसति अस्-अस्ति दा-ददाति नृत-नृत्यति आप-आमोति " सध " मी " र III. . Reduplicates root IV. Inserts य V. Inserts नु (नो) VI. Inserts भ विश्-विशति VII. Inserts न before final cons. रुधू-रुणद्धि VIII. Inserts उ (ओ) ) कृ-करोति IX. . Inserts ना ग्रह-गृह्णाति x. Inserts अय , कथ्-कथयति Other characteristics will be exhibited in the conjugation of these classes. Classes I, IV, VI, and X comprise the great body of roots in Sanskrit. Class I differs from class VI in that a vowel in the root in Class I is changed to its Guna substitute before the addition of the ending and the connecting vowel. Thus the root बुध, ' to know' Class I, becomes in the Pres. 3 Sing. बोध् +अति = बोधति, ' he knows.' 555 VERBS. 27 42. Roots are regularly augmented in the First and I hird Preterites and reduplicated in the second Preterite. The augment consists of the letter prefixed to the root. If the root begin with or 591, the augment joins with them to form IT, as in 'to eat,' 1st Pret. STIET If the root begins with 5 or F, the augment joins with them and forms their respective Vriddhies. ($ 7.) In reduplication, the first consonant and vowel are repeated as in the root fara" to exist, 2nd Pret. Calota (pass.); an un- aspirated letter is substituted for an aspirated one, as in EXT to place," 2nd Pret. Twit, and a palatal for a correspond- ing guttural, as in TETT, from ñ to do. If the root begins with a double consonant the first letter only is re- gularly repeated, as in COTT to abandon,' 2nd Pret. 217. A short vowel also takes the place of a long one in the root, as in off to lead,' 2nd Pret. Fara. Radical F is changed to 4, as in an above. a. In the second Preterite the radical vowel is regularly gunated before the P terminations (S 50 note.) unless the root ends in a vowel, in which case the vowel is vriddhied in the first and third singular. Examples: 57 to weep,' 2nd Pret 3rd Sing. FTĪT; HT to do,' 2nd Pret. 3rd Sing. 577 28 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. FIRST CLASS OF Roots. In accordance with the usage of Sanskrit grammarians the third person is given first in conjugation. The Objective Form of the root EET to laugh' is here given. The forms should be learned across the page, thus हसति, हसतः, हसन्ति. 43. Root हस् 'to laugh,' First Class. Objective Form. PRESENT TENSE. DUAL PLUR. . हसतः हसन्ति PERS. SING. 3rd. हसति, he leseghs. 2nd. हससि 1st. हसामि हसथः हसथ हसावः हसामः FIRST PRETERITE. 3, 2. अहसत्, he laaghed. अहसताम् अहसन् अहसः अहसतम् अहसत अहसम् अहसाव अहसाम 1. SECOND PRETERITE. 3. जहरु: 2. जहास, he laughed. जहसतुः जहसिथ जहसथुः जहास, जहस जहसिव जहस जहसिम 1. VERBS. 29 THIRD PRETERITE, 3 . 2 . अहासीः ( अहसीः (अहासीत्, he laughed. (अहासिष्टाम् (अहासिषुः (अहसीत् अहसिष्टाम् अहसिषुः अहासिष्टम (अहासिष्ट अहसिष्टम् । अहसिष्ट अहासिषम अहासिष्म । अहसिषम् अहसिष्व अहसिष्म अहासिष्व 1. FIRST FUTURE. 3. 2. हसिता, he will laugh. हसितारी हसितारः हसितासि हसितास्थः हसितास्थ 1. हसितास्मि हसितास्वः हसितास्मः SECOND FUTURE. 3. हसिष्यति, he shall laugh. हसिष्यतः हसिष्यन्ति 2. हसिष्यसि हसिष्यथः हसिष्यथ 1. हसिष्यामि हसिष्यावः हसिष्यामः IMPERATIVE. 3. हसतु, let him laugh. हसताम् हसन्तु 2. हस हसतम् हसत 1. हसानि हसाव हसाम POTENTIAL. . 3. हसेत्, he may laugh. हसेताम् 2. हसेः हसेतम् 1. हसेयम् हसेव हसेयुः हसेत हसेम 30 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR . 44. The terminations of the Subjective Form are exhibited in the conjugation of the Root सेव्, 'to serve,' First class. PRESENT. 3. सेवते 2. सबसे 1. सेवे सेवेते सेवेथे सेवावह सेवन्ते सेवध्वे सेवामहे FIRST PRETERITE. 3 असेवन्त अवत 2. असेवथाः 1. असेवे असेवेताम् असेवेथाम् असेवावहि असेवध्वम असेवामहि SECOND PRET ERITE, 3. सिषेवे 2. सिषेविषे 1. सिषेवे सिषेवाते सिषेवाथे सिषेविवहे सिषेविरे सिषविध्वे सिषेविमहे THIRD PRETERITE. 3. असेविष्ट 2. असेविष्टाः असेविषि असेविषाताम् असेविषाथाम असेविष्वहि असेविषत असेविध्वम् ससेविष्महि 1 FIRST FUTURE. 3. सेविता 2. सेवितासे सेवितारी सेवितासाथे सेवितारः सविताध्वे TERBS, 31 1. सेविताहे सेवितास्वहे सेवितास्महे SECOND FUTURE. 8. सेविष्यते 2. सेविष्यसे सेविष्येते सेविष्येथे सेविष्यावहे सेविष्यन्ते सेविष्यध्वे सेविष्यामहे 1. सेविष्ये IMPERATIVE. 3. सेवताम् 2. सेवस्व सेवेताम् सेवेथाम् सेवावहै सेवन्ताम् सेवध्वम् सेवामहे 1. सेवे POTENTIAL. . 3. सेवेत 2. सेवेथाः 1. सेवेय सेवेयाताम् सेवेयाथाम् सेवेवहि सेवेरन सेवेध्वम् सेवेमहि 45. The root A to become' is declined like हस् except in the 2nd. and 3rd. Pret., which are as follows : SECOND PRETERITE. 3. बभव 2. बभविथ बभवतुः बभूवथुः बभूविव बभवुः बभूव बभूविम 1. बभूव 32 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. THIRD PRETERITE. 3. अभत् अभताम् अभवन् 2. अभः अभूतम् 1. अभवम् अभव अभम 46. Roots in मा are declined in the 2nd Pret. like पा, 'to drink.' SECOND PRETERITE, 3 पपुः 2. पपो पपिथ, पपाथ पपो पपतुः पपथुः पपिव पप 1. पपिम 47. The root गम्, 'to go,' in the 2nd. Pret. drops अ of the root before all terminations, except those of the singular. SECOND PRETERITE. 3. जगाम जग्मतुः 2. जगमिथ, जगन्थ जग्मथुः 1. जगाम, जगम जग्मिव जग्मुः जग्म जग्मिम 48. Second PRETERITE of T, 'to see'. ददर्श ददर्शिथ, दद्रष्ठ ददर्श ददृशतुः ददृशथुः ददृशिव ददृशुः ददृश ददृशिम VERBS. 33 49. A Synopsis in the 3rd sing. of certain roots of the First Class. 2nd. PER. Roors. . PRES. 1st. PRE. 2nd. PRE. 3rd. PRE. 2nd. Fu. POTEN. IMPER. हसति अहसत् जहास अहासीत् हसिष्यति हस हसेत् *to laugh' ' सेव् सेवते असेवत सिषेवे असेविष्ट सेविष्यते सेवस्व सेवेत भवति अभवत् बभूव भ भविष्यति अभूत् भव भवेत् 'to become तिष्ठति प्रतिष्टत् तस्थौ तिष्ठ स्था तिष्ठेत 'to serve' अस्थात् स्थास्यति 'to stand गम् 'to go' दृश गच्छति अगच्छत् जगाम पश्यति अपश्यत् ददर्श पिवति अपिवत् पपौ पश्य अगमत् गमिष्यति गच्छ गच्छेत् अदशत् द्रक्ष्यति पश्येत् (अद्रातीत् अपात् पास्यति पिव पिवेत् to see' पा 8 'to drink अहार्षीत् हरिष्यति हरति अहरत् जहार her हरेत् hee 'to remove 31 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. SECOND CLASS OF Roors. These regularly add the terminations directly. 50. अस, "to be.' PRESENT. स्तः सन्ति 3. अस्ति 2. असि 1. अस्मि स्थः स्थ स्वः स्मः FIRST PRETERITE, आसन् 3. आसीत पासीः आसम् प्रास्ताम् भास्तम् 2. आस्त आस्म 1. आस्त्र POTENTIAL. . 3. स्यात् स्याः स्याताम् स्थातम् 2. स्यात 1. स्याम स्याव स्याम IMPERATIVE. 3. अस्तु सन्तु स्ताम् स्तम् स्त 2. एधि असानि 1. असाव असाम Other tenses supplied from भ, 2 49. अस् is irregular in rejecting अ of the root, except before the so-called "P terminations" (and in the im- perfect.) The 2nd sing. Pres. is असि for अस्सि. The 1st Pret. inserts ई in the 2nd and 3rd sing, and the 2nd sing. Imper, is also irregularly formed. TIRBS. 35 It is also characteristic of this class of verbs that thie vowel of the root is gunated before the P terminations. * This is shown in the verb Es, which is peculiar, however, in inserting इ before the consonantal endings, except 27. 51. रुद्र, ' to cry.' 3. रोदिति 2, रोदिषि 1, रोदिमि रुदितः रुदिथः रुदिवः रुदन्ति रुदिथ रुदिमः FIRST PRETERITE. 3. अरोदत । अरोदात् अरुदिताम अरुदन अरोदः 2. अरुदितम् अरुदित अरोदीः 1. अरोदम् अरुदिध अहदिम SECOND PRETERITE, रुरुदुः रोद रोदिय रुरोद रुरुदतुः हरुदथुः हरुदिव 2. 1. रुहदिम * Note The objective endirgs of the Prezent, 1st Piet. and Pcif. sing, together with those of the Imper. 3rd sing. 1st sing. dual and plur. ; and the subjective ending of the Imper. 1st sing. dual and plur. are labelled for the sake of convenience, the P terminations, 36 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. THIRD PAETERITE. . 3. अरुदत regular, like (अरोदीत् अभत् महासीत् $41. $39. " " IMPERATIVE. 8. रोदितु १. रुदिहि 1. रोदानि रुदिताम् रुदितम् रोदाव रुदन्तु रुदित रोदाम POTENTIAL. 3. रुद्यात् रुद्याताम् etc., like स्यात् 846. TERBS. 37 52. Synopsis in the 3rd. sing. of certain roots of the Second class. 2ND SING PRES. 1ST PRET. SND PRET. 3RDPRET, 2ND. FU. POTEN. IMPER. Roor. रुद्यात् रोदिति (अरोदीन रुरोद Hoer.' (ब्रवीति अरोदत् ब्रू अब्रवीत् उवाच (अरुदत् रोदिष्यति रुदिहि । अरोदीत् अवोचत् वक्ष्यति ब्रह अवधीत् हनिष्यति जहि 'to speak.' हन् sto kill.': आह हन्ति ब्रूयात् हन्यात् जघान एति tvo ऐत् इयाय अगात् एष्यति इहि इयात् 'to go' ? अस्ति आसीत् एधि स्यात् 'to be.' ' शी शेते अशेत शिश्ये अशयिष्ट शयिष्यते शेष्व शयीत to lie down.' | जवास - अत्ति अद्धि अद आद to eat.. .' शास्ति शशास शासिष्यति शाधि शिष्यात् to rule.' Note. Uncommon forms are omitted. B8 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMLAR, THIRD CLASS OF Roots. 53. This class reduplicates the root in the conjugational tenses. Conjugation of I to give' in the Objective Form. PRESENT. दत्तः ददति 3. ददाति 2. ददासि 1. ददामि इत्थः दत्थ FIRST PRETERITE. 3, अददात् 2. अददाः अददाम अदत्ताम् अदत्तम् अददुः अदत्त J. आदछ अरहा SECOND PRETERITE. ३. ददौ like पपो 8 46. 3rd Pret. अहात. 2nd Tv. 2nd Fu. दास्यति IMPERATIVE. 3, ददातु दत्ताम् ददतु दत्त 2. देहि 1. ददानि दत्तमु ददाव ददाम TERBS. 33 8. दद्यात् 2. दद्याः 1. दद्याम् POTENTIAL, दद्याताम् दद्यातम् दद्याव दद्युः दबात अद्याम FOURTH CLASS OF Roots. 50. Roots of the Fourth Class add before the termina- tions. नृत 'to dance. PRETEBITE: ३. नृत्यति नृत्यतः नृत्यन्ति 2. नृत्यसि नृत्यथः नृत्यथ 1. नृत्यामि नृत्यावः नृत्यामः SECOND PRLTERITE. 3. ननत ($38a) ननृततुः ननृतुः 2. ननर्तिय ननृतथुः ननृत ननृतिव ननृतिम IMPERATIVE. . 1. ननर्त 3. नृत्यतु 2 नृत्य नृत्यताम् नृत्यतम् नृत्याव नृत्यन्तु नृत्यत नृत्याम 1. 1. नृत्यानि POTENTIAL. 3. नृत्येत् 2. नृत्यः 1. नृत्येयम् नृत्येताम् नृत्यतम् नृत्येव नृत्येयुः नृत्येत नृत्येम 40 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR, 55. Synopsis in the 3rd. sing. of certain roots of the Fourth Class. 2ND, sing. POTEN. IMPER. Roor. PRES. 1ST. PRET. 2ND PRET. 3rd. PRET. 2ND. FU. (नतिष्यति नृत् नृत्यति अनृत्यत् ननत अन त् (नयति अिजनि जन् जायते अजायत जज्ञे जनिष्यते अजनिष्ट विद विद्यते अविद्यत विविदे अवित्त वेत्स्यते नृत्य नृत्येत् जायस्व जायेत 'to dance.' 'to be born.' ' विद्यस्व विद्यत 'to exist.' .' मन्यते अमन्यत मन मेने अमंस्त मन्यस्व मन्येत मंस्यते to think.' VERBS. . 41 FIFTH CLASS OF Roots. Roots of this class add I which is changed by guna to before the "P terminations." 56. Root ST 'to hear, PRESENT. 3. शृणोति शृणुतः शृण्वन्ति 2. शृणोषि शृणुथः शृणुथ 1. शृणोमि शृण्वः, शृणुवः शृण्मः, शृणुमः 1st Pret., अशृणोत् SECOND PRETERITE. 3. शुश्राव शुश्रुवतुः 2. शुश्रोथ বস্তুগৃঃ 1. शुश्राव, शुश्रव शुश्रुव शुश्रुवुः शुश्रुव शुश्रुम 3rd Pret. अश्रौषीत. 2nd Fut. श्रोष्यति. IMPERATIVE. 3. शृणोतु शृणु शृणावानि शृणुताम् शृणुतम् 2. शृण्वन्तु शृणुत আগাম 1. शृणवाब 12 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR, POTENTIAL. 3. 2. शृणुयात् शृणुयाः शृणुयाम् शृणुयाताम् शृणुयातम् शृणुयाव शृणुयुः शृणुयात शृणुयाम 1. 57. Synopsis of आप्, 'to obtain.' Fres. आमोति, 1st Pret. आमोत्, 2nd Pret. आप, 3rd Pret. आपत्, 2nd Fat. प्राप्स्यति, 2nd. sing. Imper. आमुहि, Poten. आमुयात. SIXTE CLASS OF Roots. These verbs insert but do not gunate the radical powe! as in Class One. 58. Root विश्, 'to enter.' PRESENT. 3. विशति 2. विशसि 1, विशामि विशतः विशथः विशावः विशन्ति विशथ विशामः VERBS. . 59. Synopsis of certain roots of the Sixth Class. Roor. PRES. 1ST. PRET. 2ND. PRET. 3RD. PRET. 2 FuT. 2.SING. IMPER POTEN पृच्छेत् to ask. ' stowish. Sto die.' प्रच्छ पृच्छति अपृच्छत् पप्रच्छ अपाक्षीत् प्रक्ष्यति पृच्छ इष् इच्छति ऐच्छत् इयेष ऐषीत् एषिष्यति इच्छ इच्छेत् मृ म्रियते अम्रियत अमृत मरिष्यति म्रियस्व म्रियेत तुद् तुदति अतुदत् अतुदत् तुतोद अतौत्सीत् तोत्स्यति तुद तुदेत् विश विशति अविशत् विवेश अविक्षत् वेक्ष्यति विश विशेत् मुच् मुञ्चति अमुञ्चत् मुमोच अमुचत् मोक्ष्यति मुञ्च मुञ्चेत् to strike.' to enter.' to loose.. TOT ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. SEVENTH CLASS OF Roots. Roots of the Seventh class insert T before the final conso- uant of the root where the P terminations (8 50 Note.) are added, and I in other cases. 60. Root रुथ्, 'to hinder.' PERFECT. 3. रुन्धः रुन्धन्ति 2. रुणद्धि रुणत्सि रुणाध्मि रुन्धः रुन्ध 1, रुन्ध्वः रुन्धमः FIRST PRETERITE, 3. अरुन्धन् 2. अरुणत् अरुन्धाम् अरुणत् or अरुणः अरुन्धम् अरुणधम् अरुन्ध्व अरुन्ध 1. अरुन्धम IMPERATIVE. 3. 2. रुणझु रुन्धि रुणधानि रुन्धाम् रुन्धम् रुणधाव रुन्धन्तु रुन्ध रुणधाम 1. POTENTIAL. 3. 2. रुन्ध्यात् रन्ध्याः रन्ध्याम् रुन्ध्याताम् रन्ध्यातम् रन्ध्याव रुन्ध्युः रन्ध्यात रन्ध्याम 1 VERBS. . 45 61. Synopsis of भुज्, 'to eat,' Seventh class. Pres. भुङ्क्ते, 1st. Pret. अभुंक्त, 2nd. Pret. बुभुजे, 3rd Pret. अभुक्त, 2nd. Fut. भोक्ष्यते, 2nd. sing Imper. भुंव, Poten. भुञ्जीत. EIGHTIL CLASS OF Roots. These roots insert before the endings, which is changed by guna to before the “P terminations.” 62. Root H, 'to do.' PRESENT. 3. करोति ". करोषि 1. . करोमि कुरुतः कुरुथः कुर्वन्ति कुरुथ कुर्मः कुर्वः FIRST PRETERITE, 2. 3. अकरोत् अकुरुताम् अकुर्वन् अकरोः अकुरुतम् अकुरुत अकरवम् अकुर्व अकुर्म 2nd. Pret... चकार, 3rd Pret, अकार्षीतू 2nd Fut. करिष्यति 1. 46 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. IMPERATIVB. . 3. करोतु 2. कुरु 1. करवाणि कुरुताम् कुरुतम् करवाव कुर्वन्तु कुरुत करवाम POTENTIAL. 3. कुर्यात् 2. कुर्य्याः 1. कुर्य्याम् कुर्य्याताम् कुर्यातम् कुर्य्याव कुर्युः कुर्यात कुर्य्याम NINTH CLASS OF Roots. These add ना before the "P terminations," and नी or न in other cases. 63. Root TI 'to know.' PRESENT. 3. जानाति 2. जानासि 1. जानामि जानीतः जानीथः जानीवः जानन्ति जानीथ जानीमः FIRST PRETERITE, 3. अजानातू अजानीताम् अजानीतम् अजानन् अजानीत 2. अजानाः VERBS. 47 1. अजानाम् श्रजानीव अजानीम 2nd. Pret. जज्ञौ, 3rd. Pret. अज्ञासीत्, 2nd. Fut. ज्ञास्यति. IMPERATIVE. 3. जानातु जानीताम् जानन्तु जानीत 2. जानीतम जानीहि সানানি 1. जानाव जानाम POTENTIAL. 3. जानीयात् जानीयाः जानीयाम् जानीयाताम् जानीयातम् 2. जानीयुः जानीयात जानीयाम 1. जानीयाव 64. Synopsis of ग्रह 'to take.' Ninth Class. Pres. गृह्णाति, 1st. Pret. अगृह्णात्, 2nd. Pret. जमाह 3rd. Pret. 377&ia, 2nd Fut. Tercetiâ, 2nd. Sing. Imper. गृहाण. Poten. गृह्णीयात्. TENTH CLASS OF ROOTS. These add y before the endings. 66. Root rara, to think.' 48 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. PRESENT. 3. 2. चिन्तयति चिन्तयसि चिन्तयामि चिन्तयतः चिन्तयथः चिन्तयावः चिन्तयन्ति चिन्तयथ चिन्तयामः 1. 1. Pret. अचिन्तयत् like अहसत् SECOND PRETERITE. 3. 2. चिन्तयामास चिन्तयामासतुः चिन्तयामासुः चिन्तयामासिथ चिन्तयामासथुः चिन्तयामास चिन्तयामास चिन्तयामासिव चिन्तयामासिम 1. 3rd. Fret. अचिचिन्तत, 2nd. Fut. चिन्तयिष्यति. IMPERATIVE. 3. 2. चिन्तयतु चिन्तय चिन्तयानि चिन्तयताम् चिन्तयतम् चिन्तयाव चिन्तयन्तु चिन्तयत चिन्तयाम 1. POTENTIAL, 3. चिन्तयेत् चिन्तयः चिन्तयेयम् चिन्तयेताम् चिन्तयेतम् चिन्तयेव चिन्तयेयुः चिन्तयेत 2. चिन्तयेम 1. VERBS. 49 66. Synopsis of भत् to eat,' Tenth Class. Pres. भक्षयति, 1st. Pret. अभक्षयत्, 2nd. Pret. भत्तया- मास, 3rd. Pret. अबिभक्षत, 2nd Fut. भक्षयिष्यति, 2nd. sing. Imper. भक्षय, Poten. भक्षयेत्. THE PASSIVE VOICE. The Passive Voice is regularly formed by inserting T be- tween the root and the endings of the Subjective Form. Thus from दृश् 'to see' is formed दृश्यते, he is seen,' from से व् सेव्यते etc. Some verbs modify the radical vowel, as दा to give', which makes the passive base दीय 67. Conjugation of दा, 'to give' in the Passive Voice. PRESENT. 3. 2. दीयते दीयते दीये दी येते दीयेथे दीयावहे दीयन्ते दीयध्वे दीयामहे 1. 1st. Pret. अदीयत, 2nd. Pret. ददे, 2nd. Fut, दास्यते or दायिष्यते, Imper. दीयताम्, Poten. दी येत, all after the model of सेव, 844. 50 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR THIRD PRETERITE. 3. { अदावत 2. अदायि । अदिषाताम् अदिषत अदायिषाताम् अदायिषत अदिथाः अदिषाथाम् अदिद्वम् अदायिष्टाः अदायिषाथाम् अदायिध्वम अदिषि अदिष्वहि अदिष्महि अदायिषि अदायिष्वहि अदायिष्महि 1. Examples of Passive Bases. Roor. PASSIVE BASED TE “to, take," कृ 'to do, १ गृह्य क्रिय स्थीय गीय 'to stand, स्था गे 'to sing,' श्रय স্থ 'to hear, बच् 'to speak, उच्य THE INFINITIVE. 68. The infinitive is formed by adding the affix तुम् to the root. The radical vowel is regularly gunated and most roots ending in a consonant insert { before the affix तुम्. . VERBS. Examples. Roor. INFINITIVE. सेव गम् रुद् दा नृत् স্থ विश रुध् कृ सेवितुम् to serve. गन्तुम् 'to go.' रोदितुम् to weep. दातुम् 'to give.' ' नतितुम् 'to dance.' श्रोतुम् 'to hear. to enter.' वेष्टुम् रोद्धम् to hinder.' कर्तुम् to do.' ज्ञातुम् चिन्तयितुम् to think.' 'to know.' ' चिन्त DERIVATIVE VERB FORMS. 69. Causative Verbs are formed by adding TeT to simple roots ; they are conjugated like roots of the tenth class. Elavample, दृश् 'to see,' दर्शय 'to cause to see,' Pres. 3rd sing. दर्शयति 'he causes to see.' 70. Desiderative Verbs are formed by reduplicating the root ($42.) and adding T (or FT) e. g., from TT, to drink,' पिपास to desire to drink.' 52 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 71. Examples of Derivative Verbs of SS 69, 70. Roor. CAUS. . DESID. रोधय रुरुत्स बन्धय ग्राहय भावय रुध् 'to hinder,' GEET - 'to bind,' ग्रह to take, भ 'to become,' पा 'to drink, लभ् 'to take,' वस् 'to dwell, ' गम् to go,' स्था 'to stand,' जिघृक्ष बुभष पिपास लिप्स पायय लम्भय वासय गमय जिगमिष स्थापय दा दापय 'to give, ' 'to hear,' दित्स शुश्रूष शु श्रावय PARTICIPLES. . Participles are adjectives, but the verb latent in any participle may be active or passive. PRESENT PARTICIPLES. 72. a. Present Participles in care of the objective form. They are formed by substituting अत् for अन्ति in the 3rd Plur. Pres, VERBS. 53 Examples. Root. PARTICIPLE. TH to go, ब्रू 'to speak,' शु 'to hear,' ग्रह 'to take, 372T 'going.' ब्रुवत् 'saying.' शृण्वत् TOT 'hearing.' गृहत 'taking.' For the declension of these participles see $28. b. Present participles of the subjective form are formed by substituting HFT or IT for the ending of the Pres. 3rd plur. Subjective. Examples. Root. PARTICIPLE. सेवमान serving: सेव् 'to serve' 'to place, धा दधान ‘placing PAST PARTICIPLES. 73. There are two declinable past participles, one ending in 7, in which the latent verb is passive, the other ending in TOTT, active. The passive participle is generally formed by adding of directly to the root, and the active one can always be made by adding TT to the past passive participle, ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR Examples. PAST PART. PASS. RooT. P. P. ACT. स्था 'to stand,' पा ''to drink,' स्थित पीत रुदित दत्त मत प्राप्त रुद् 'to weep' ‘दा 'to give,' मन् 'to think,' आप् 'to obtain,' प्रच्छ् 'to ask,' 'to wish,' ' चिन्त to think,' रुध् 'to hinder, पत् 'to fall,' स्थितवत पीतवत रुदितवत् दत्तवत मतवत् आप्तवत् पृष्टवत् इष्टवत् चिन्तितवत् रुद्धवत् पतितवत् पृष्ट चिन्तित पतित 74. Indeclinable past participles are not adjectives but incomplete active verbs, used to denote actions prior to the time of the main verb. Thus, तत् कृत्वा परि गच्छति 'having done that he goes away. There are two indeclinable past participles, one ending in coti, affixed to simple roots, and one in T affixed to verbs in composition with prefixes. Examples. I tre Root. IND ECLIN. PART. , कृ 'to do,' ' 'having done.' कृत्वा गत्वा गम् 'to go,' 'having gone.' VERBS. 55 उपगम् 'to go near,' ऊपगम्य 'having gone near.' शी 'to lie down,' शयित्वा having lain down.' रुद् 'to weep,' ' रुदित्वा having wept.' विश · 'to enter,' विष्टा 'having entered.' धा 'to place,' 'having placed.' अभिधा to speak,' अभिवाय 'having spoken.' निधा 'to take up,' निधाय निधाय having take up, दृश 'to see, दृष्ट्वा 'having seen.' हित्वा FUTURE PARTICIPLES. 75. There are three future participles in which the verb latent is in the passive. a. Participles in 7759 formed by substituting this ending for ता in the 1st. Fut. 3rd. sing., e. g. from 'to do.' •to be done." 'to see. 'to be seen.' कृ कर्तव्य दृश द्रष्टव्य सेव सेवितव्य to be served.' 8. Participles in अनीय, which is added to the root, e. g., 'to serve from दा •to give श्रु 'to hear' चिन्त to think' दानीय 'to be given.' श्रवणीय 'to be heard. चिन्तनीय to be thought. 56 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. c. Participles in as from “to give' देय 'to be given.' T to hear TOT “to be heard.' a fou 'to do' aire to be done. 76. There two future participles in which the verb latent is in the active. One ending in FIT is of the objective form, the other in FTART of the subjective form. They are formed from the 2nd. Fut. 3rd. plur, in a manner exactly analogous to that in which the present partíciples are formed from the 3rd. plur. Pres. (872 a. b.) Examples. Root. FUT. PART. OBJ. FUT. PART. SUBJ. TFT to go गमिष्यत् about to go.' 'to give' दास्यत् about to give.' दास्यमान कृ करिष्यत् about to do.' करिष्यमाण भू “to become' Hacea “about to become.' to thor T6 'to do' AFFIXES. 57 VERBAL AFFIXES. 77. Certain affixes joined to roots form abstract nouns, nouns of agency, relationship, etc. Following are examples of seme of the more common of these verbal affixes. Root. AFFIX, NOUN. TT to loose ति ETT oto speak' ra भज् 'to worship' ति मन् 'to imagine' ति f. 'liberation. Brah f. “speech. Hith f. worship.' मति f. “the mind.' GTto give' Itu Itu दातृ EFT TIT सर्प m. 'a giver.' m. ‘a slayer.' m. 'joining.' m. “a serpent.' FT to kill IT to join' IT सृप् 'to creep' अ TF “to go ENT GO 'to give' अन नी 'to lead' अन गमन n. 'going. GET n. 'a gift.' नयन n. the eye. NOMINAL AFFIXES. 78. Nominal affixes being joined to noun-bases in a manner similar to that in which verbal affixes are joined to roots, form substantives and adjectives expressing various shades of meaning, e. g. 33 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAU VAR. Bage, AFFIX. FORM. m. 'descendant of मनु 'Manu,' अ मानव M..nu. पुरुष 'a man,' ता पुरुषता f. manliness.' लघु light, ' लघुब n. 'lightness.' धन 'wealth,' वत् धनवत् 'wealthy.' अग्नि fire,' एय आग्नय 'fiery,' धर्म 'religion,' इक धार्मिक 'religious, ," धी 'wisdom,' मत् धीमत 'wise. ' गुण a quality,' इन् गुणिन् 'qualified.' माया 'a trick,' विन् मायाविन् m. 'a juggler.' महत् 'great,' इमन् महिमन् m. greatness.' मय स्वर्णमय 'made of gold.' प्रच् 'former,' तन प्राक्तन 'old. कः 'who? चित् कश्चित् 'some one." स्वर्ण 'gold, IN DECLINABLE WORDS AND PREFIXES. 79. Following are some of the most common indeclinable words:- अथ so, thus. अथव' or. अद्य to-day. कदा when? न not. किन्तु but. ननम् surely. क where? पश्चात afterwards. . च and. पुनर again. चिरम् a long time. भो: ho ! अधुना now. इति so, thus. COMBINATION OF WONDS. 59 now. इव like, as. इदानीम् चेत् if. यथा as. T Tethus. यदि if. here. तथाहि forexampleविना without. एकदा at one time. तदा then STA: : slowly एव also. तु but. सदा always. 80. Roots are very ofter compounded with the following prefixes. प्र before. qTr back. 59 away. सम् with. नि in, on. अव down. अनु after. निर् out. दुर badly. वि apart. gry over. well. 3 up. परि around. प्रति against. अभि to. ia beyond. Ta on, रुप to, near. सु near. SAMASA, OR THE COMBINATION OF WORDS. 81. The relations between words which are expressed by means of inflective terminations, are also expressed by joining the words into one compound, in which all the members except the last are in the crude form. Thus the adjective HOUT, 'black,' may be placed before a noun in full agreement as in su: a ở: “a black snake,' or it may be put in the crude form and combined with the noun, as in Hutag: black-snake.' Similarly ‘on the shore of the sea' may pressed by समुद्रस्य तीरे or समुद्रतीरे. . ca be ex- 60 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAM 11 AR. There are six forms of Compounds:-- (1. Descriptive Compounds, (TEÅ HITT) 2. Relative Compounds, (TE) | 3. Dependent Compounds, (78967) 14. Independent Compouuds, (EST) 6. Numeral Compounds, (l& Adverbial Compounds, (HOT CHIT). 6. DESCRIPTIVE COMPOUNDS. 82. Descriptive Compounds are those in which an adjec- tive and a noun unite to form a noun (as in the English a words ‘grey-hound,'Good Friday') e. g., alateqatt a blue lotus,' HETT: “a great man. a. A noun made up of two nouns in apposition (as in English bull-dog') is included under Descriptive Compounds, 6.9., Fract the river Ganges.' 6. Two or more adjectives forming an adjective (as in Eng- lish blue-black”) are also included under Descriptive Com- pounds, e. 9., Hugra: black-and-yellow.' RELATIVE COMPOUNDS. 483. Relative Compounds are those in which an adjective and a noun unite to form an adjective (as in English ‘bigha minded,' 'hollow-eyed'). These compounds are equivalent to a noun, an adjective, and a relative pronoun in a dependent COMBINATION OF WORDS. 2 case. Thus, the relative Compound ETHTH:, glad-hearted' is equivalent to twllose heart is glad," and act - मानसः = नर: ( हृष्टं मानसं यस्य) a. Adjectives formed by the combination of two nouns are included under Relative Compounds. Example 75ya, moon-faced.' (Cf. English, 'moon-faced' etc.) DEPENDENT COMPOUNDS. 81. Dependent Compounds are generally made up of two members, the first a noun and the second a noun or adjective, the first member depending upon the second in such a manner that its relation might be expressed by one of the last six cases. a. The dependent noun may represent the accusative case, as in the English word 'God-fearing' (= 'fearing God'). So FTITIA: one who has obtained - heaven' is equivalent to Fast TA: 6. The noun may represent the instrumental case, as in English 'violet-crowned' (- crowned with violets"). So $TITiza: “God-made' (ERTTU Trag:), c. The noun may represent the dative case, as in English •foot-stool (= «stool for the feet). So YATİH:, 'a desire for wealth,' might be written YAZ OTTH: ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. d. The noun may represent the ablative case, as in Eng- lish 'river-water' (= 'water from the river'). So ^427 (Aula 44h)fear arising from a serpent. e. The noun may represent the genitive case, as in English -rain-fall (= “fall of rain”). So aalai TH, river-buuk' for नद्यास्तीरम् f. The noun may represent the locative case, as in English •bill-station' (= 'station upon a hill's. So at country- born. INDEPENDENT COMPOUNDS. 85. In Independent Compounds two or more nouns in the same case are united, the relatiou between them being such as would be expressed by the conjunction 7, 'and.' (A8 in English Turko-Russian,' etc.) There are two varieties of Independent Compounds, a. In the first class (patat) the words are taken sop- arately, and the last is in the dual if the compound contain two members, in the plural if more. The gender of the com- pound word is that of the last member. Example, torent m. 'a deer and a crow.' aro 6. In the second class (AATETT) all tho members taken in a collective sense and the whole compound is in the noutor singular, e. g., armuch, quah, n, “hands and feet." COMBINATION OF WORDS. NUMERAL COMPOUNDS. 86. Numeral Compounds consist of a numeral and a noun and give an idea of unity, as in English 'fort-night,' eto. B.rample, त्रिभुवनम् three worlds, for ब्राणि भुवनानि. ADVERBIAL COMPOUNDS. 87. Alverbial Compoun is consist of a prefix and a noun, the whole forming an indeclinable adverb, as in English "to-day.' Example, 345TTET 'near the shore,' for one of समीपे. . COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. 89. It often occurs that a number of compounds as described above may be gronped into a single complex compoun ), eaeh member of which may be resolved to its original elements. For instance the complex compound noun TT TT TT TITAT (Silk. 1.) 'with the edge of a blue lotus leaf,' might be written नीलस्यं लनस्प पत्रस्य धारया. The noun नी नालन is a descriptive compound, $82. (= iſ aTE TCT TIET. This compound noin together with the noin TGT, forms a dependent compound noun of the genitive case, $84 c. (= fram atata q@TET), and this depe ident nom depends in its turn upon YTTETT, making the whole compound a dependent one of the genitive case Similarly the complex compound adjective HofETIH- TU977: 'endowed with all the qualities of a ruler,' can be analyzed. ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 'The noun स्वामिगुण (-स्वामिनो गुणाः) the qualities of a ruler is a dependent compound of the genitive case; § 84:e. The adjective all," joins with this noun and makes a descriptive com no-ind noin 25 FETIHTU: , al the qualities of a ruler.' This compound depends instrumentally upon adjective tua, ‘endowed with, making the whole word a dependent compound adjective of the ivstrumental case, 38 4.6. · CASES AFTER WORDS USED AS PREPOSITIONS. 89 The following words are followed by the Accusative when used as prepositions:-- प्रति at. धिक् fie!' SETT without.' 57 "after.' atas far as.' यावत् By the Instrumental: -- सह 'with.' ऊन less.' 54 TF enough of. किम् 'what.' ' ATA «free from.' i 'witheint.' (also followed by Ac.or Ab.) By the Genitive:- कृते Fon account of.' ETIT orer' (also Ac.) at “within." EXERCISES. Exercise I. The Alphabet, $$ 1, 3. Write in English letters. रुजा, बहु, नाम, तस्य, केनापि, शिवः, कांश्चित, राज्ञोः, सुवर्ण, स्वपिति, आत्मन, अस्माभिः, प्रवृत्त, भवत्सकाशं, भवन्ति, लभ्यते, मार्ग, प्रतिग्रहः, वित्तस्य, भुज्यतां, जानामि, व्यसनं, गात्राणि, अधिष्टाने, ब्राह्मण- पुत्राः, मिलित्वा, शरणदानम्, पदाम्भे जम्, भारतवर्ष, उज्जीवयिष्यामः, मांसाहारदानेन, पर्वतकन्दरमधिश- यानस्य. Write in Sanskrit characters the following words : Atha, asti, brúte, mriga, kim, sthale, uktva, punarna, sva- minam, átman, srinoti, abhigacchhati, naubhiḥ, iti, smayate, teshám, vismita, dakshina, pan.ka, prasuptaḥ, utsșijya, putrasya, hastát, kațaka, shasya-kshetre, dúrád, gardabhaḥ- kantha, anega, vyádháh. Vishádamupagatástamanugachchh- anti. . 66 " ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Exercise II. Combination of Letters, $4. Join the elements of each of the following groups in accordance with the rules of Sandhi. भो + अ +ति. अत्र + अस्ति. अभवन् + अत्र, नौ + ए. पशुभिः मिलित्वा. नरः+ याति. सः+गच्छति, चित+ मय. तत्+ + मात्र. मरुत् + वाति. तत् + छिनत्ति. जम्बुकः+ अहम्, गङ्गा + उदक. विद्या+एव. गङ्गा + प्रोघ. प्रति उवाच. अग्नि+अन. काकः +च. एषः ननम्. पुत्राः यान्ति. देवः +ब्रवीति. च एकदा. वनम् + गतः ततः तेन. अपि त्रागत्य. हतः छिन्न. + Exercise III. Nouns in अ and आ, $$9--12. Vocabulary. Pres. 3 sing. act. of गम्, 'to go.' 3 plur. " " " श गच्छति गच्छन्ति पश्यति दृश्यते 3 sing. १ दृश् 'to see.' " pass. " वन n., a forest. नर m., a man. व्याध m., a hunter, गृह n., a house. पुत्र m., a son. मृग m., a deer. Note. The accusative denotes the limit of motion. , EXERCISES. . Translate. नरेण ($6.) | पुत्राभ्याम् । गृहयोः । व्याधोगच्छति । पुत्रागच्छन्ति | नरो माले पश्यति | काकाः फलं पश्यन्ति । नरो मृगेण दृश्यते । वनं गच्छतेि । व्याधस्य पुत्रः । गृहे पश्यति । फलं पुत्रदृश्यते । व्याधा वनानि गच्छन्ति । काको वने व्याधैर्दश्यते । नरो गृहं गच्छति । मृगा वनाद् गच्छन्ति । फलं काकाभ्यां दृश्यते. Write in Sanskrit. With the garlands. Of the two crows. From the forest. The two sons of the hunter. The sons see the deer in the house. The hunters go to the house. The man sees the deer. The deer is seen by the sons of the man. From the houses. By garlands from the forest. The deer goes to the forest. The crow sees the fruit. The son goes from house to house. The sons of the two men. In the two houses. . The deer is seen by two crows. The fruit is seen by the son of the hunter. Excercise IV. Nouns in इ ई, and उ $$ 13-17. Vocabulary. भूमि f., the earth, ground. अहम् I मुनि m., a sage. खम् thou. . वायु m., wind. he. . 68 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. बन्धु m., a kinsman. कवि m., a poet. तीर n., a shore, bank. ददाति Pres. 3rd sing. obj. of root दा 'to give.' Note. See the Pres. sing. of STET 'to be,' $ 50. मुनिस्तरं पश्यति । वारि नद्याम् अस्ति । नरो धेनवे वाार ददाति | तरुभूमावस्ति । अग्निर्नद्यास्तीरेऽस्ति । मुनिः कवये मधु ददाति । गतिर्वा योरस्ति । त्व कविरसि । मुनिः पुत्रस्य गृहेऽस्ति । अहं व्याधोऽस्मि । धेनुर्नदी गच्छति । नरो व्याधस्य बन्धून् पश्यति । पुत्रो मुनिभ्याम् फलानि ददाति । मृगस्य गतिं पश्यति । काकस्तरावस्ति | स गृहं गच्छति । I am the son of a poet. The hunter sees the honey in the tree. The sage gives the fruits to the two kinsmen. He is seen by the poets. O man, you are (thou art) a sage. The man gives water to the milch-cows. The man goes from the bank of the river. There is fire in the house. You are on the ground. The two poets go to the bank of the river. The kinsmen of the two sages see the garland upon the ground. There is movement of the waters. The deer is on the bank fo the river. The poet goes to the forest. EXERCISES. 69 Exercise V. Nouns in ऋ, त् and न् $$ 18-22. Vocabulary. m., a brother कुत्र where? भ्रातृ STET here. दुहितृ f., a daughter. TET there. TIGT m., a king. हस्तिन् m., an elephant. यत्र where. (rel.) वसति Pres. 3rd sing. act. of वस् to dwell.' हन्यते Pres. 3 sing. pass. of हन् 'to kill.' वर्त्मन् मित्र n., a friend. मम my. तव thy, (your). n., a road. Note. See the dual and plural present of अस् 'to be, ' 850. The conjunction 'and' is expressed by a placed after the second word, as in Hint: stay the sage and the poet." Translate. कुत्र पिता दुहिता च स्तः । यत्र मृगाः सन्ति तत्र व्याधाः सन्ति । अत्र राज्ञो माता वसति । हस्ती राज्ञा हन्यते । मम भ्रातरः सरितं पश्यन्ति । नरो हस्तिनो मित्रम् अस्ति । राज्ञो मित्राणि श्रीमन्ति सन्ति । हस्ती वर्त्मन्यस्ति । राजा नराणां स्वाम्यस्ति । स मम पिता । कुत्र तव दुहितरः सन्ति । मृगो हस्ती च बने स्तः । मम दुहितरौ गृहे स्तः । काकस्तरौ वसति । 70 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAN MAR, Write in Sanskrit. Where are the king and the sage? Your friends are wealthy. The deer is killed by the danghters of the hunter, The master sees the two brothers of the king. The elephants go from the road. The king gives elephants to his friends. Where does the father of the two kings dwell ? 0 king. thou art my master. The elephants are in the forests. There are two rivers. Where there are rivers there is also water, My father and your mother are here. The two friends of the brother of the sage are in your house. Exercise VI. Nouns in and Irregular nouns, SS 23-25. l'ocabulary. तपस् n., penance. समीपे near. (with the gen.) पयस् n., water. Et Pres. inf. of Trito batho.' YH m., Brahma. Tízata 3 sing. of Traay to enter.' atría 3 sing. of K 'to perform.' HTTn., (N. V. :) a bow. गच्छसि Pres. 2 sing. of गम् to go.' Translate. स यूने धनुर्ददाति । स्त्री पथो गच्छति । राजा सरसः समीपे वसति | सखे कुत्र गच्छसि । खिया भ्रातरश्चन्द्रमसं. EXERCISES. 71 पश्पन्ति । मुनिस्तपः करोति । वेधा नराणां पतिरस्ति । काको यूनः स्वस्रा दृश्यते | युवा नरं सरसस्तीरे पश्यति । व्याधः सरः खातुं प्रविशति । कविर्मम गृहस्य समीपे वसति । Write in Sanskrit. O, friend, art thou going to the pool ? The crow is killed by the friend of the youth. He dwells near the path. Rrah- ma is the master of kings. The sister of my friend gives water to the youth. The woman dwells near the forest. The moon is seen by the friend of the king. Your son enters the pool to bathe. The sage dwells near the bank of the pool where there are trees, and performs penance. going where my friend is. I am Exercise VII. Adjectives and Pronouns, $$ 26-38. Vocabulary. निर्जन unfrequented. . दर्शन n., appearance. मधुर sweet, charming. शर m., arrow. STIFT frightened. शूकर m., boar. wounded. ततः thereupon. दृष्ट निधाय having laid मृत dead. down. ( indecl. seen. Note. The verb "to be" is often omitted, especially after passive participles, e. g. Tera: the man is or was woun- ded.' 72 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. To have' is expressed by the verb 'to be' and the genetive: case, e. g. अस्माकं भोजनम् अस्ति 'we have food.' Comparatives are followed by the ablative, e. g. राजा तस्माद् धनवत्तरः 'the king is more wealthy than he.' Translate. . अस्मिन् निर्जने वने व्याधाः सन्ति । नरो वनं गच्छति तत्र च तेन मृग एको हन्यते । ततस्तेन मृगं भूमौ निधाय शूकरः शरेण हतः । तान् मृतान् पश्यति । काको दृष्टो- ऽस्माभिः । ततोऽसौ नरःसरः प्रविशति | सखे केन त्रासितोऽसि । मधुरं तस्या दर्शनम् । वयं काकेन दृष्टाः । मम सख्युः रवसा दृष्टा । गतिर्वायोर्मन्दास्ति । युवयोः पिता मृतः । Write in Sanskrit. Thereupon the deer, wounded by an arrow, enters the forest. The sage is more holy than thou. The deer enters an unfrequented pool. The fruits of the tree are sweet. Thereupon the two boars (were) seen by us. Having laid down the arrow he goes from the river. By what men was that boar frightened ? Who are more holy than they ? They have a charming appearance. The poet to whom the youth gives garlands is here. Exercise VIII. Verbs of Classes I, II. $$ 43-52. In this and succeeding exercises the words are to be found in the vocabulary at the end of the book. Nouns will be given in the crude form and roots compounded with preposi- tions will generally be found under the simple roots. EXERCISES. 73 Note. नामन् in the nominative case, is used as a sort of appositive with the subject in such phrases as मन्थरो नाम *by name Manthara.' Translate. अहम् एकदा वने व्याघ्रम् अपश्यम् । पयः पिवानि । भासीत् सुदर्शनो नाम राजा । तत्र शूकरं व्याघ्रंच द्रक्ष्यामः। सोऽवदत् राजाहम् । अथ कूर्मो ब्रूते सखे मृग केन त्रासि- तोऽसि । अत्र व्याघ्राः सञ्चरन्ति । स समयमाह मित्र गृह गच्छामि । कविरुवाच मित्र एवमस्तु । यदि स गच्छेत् अहं च गच्छेयम् । किमर्थं रोदिषि । sve oss inn. Write in Sanskrit. So At one time a tortoise named Manthara dwelt in the river. See there the tiger! If I should go to the bank of the river, I would kill three boars. The daughters of the king roam about in the forest. Thereupon she said in fear, I will go quickly.' Why does your sister laugh ? Who will serve the king? Having laid down his bow he drank the water. Let us go to the forest and kill the tiger. The two brothers went to the river to bathe. A man wounded by a boar, and a dead deer are there. Who removed the tree from the road ? ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Exercise (X. Verbs of Classes III-V. $$ 53-57. IPTE Translate, , न वां वचनं श्रोष्यामि । व्याधः कूमं प्राप्नोति । ततो मित्राय धनुर्ददौ । मुनेर्वचनानि शृणुत । सरस्वती भारते जज्ञे । वायोर्गर्जनं सभयम् अशृणोत् । कुमार्यः सायम् आरामे नृत्यन्ति । दुहितरः कवेर्गानं शृण्वन्ति । मह्यं भोजनं देहि । यो ज्ञानम् आप्नोति स धनम् आमोति । पिता पुत्राय मधु दास्यति । वेधा चेत्स्यते सदा । Write in Sanskrit. Let us give water to those who are wounded. He who dances at night will weep in the morning. My son, get knowledge. If he would go to India he would get wealth. The youth picks up an arrow in the road. We will not listen to the words of fools. The two hunters heard a noise in the unfrequented house. Where was Sarasvati born? Listen to the song of the girl. They gave honey to those two daughters of the woman. Sarasvati gives knowledge to men Thereupon those girls danced in the garden. Lesson X. Verbs of Classes VI-X. $$ 58-66. VBO Translate. राजा कथयति अस्ति सुवर्णवती नाम नगरी । भो भोः पान्थ इदं सुवर्णकङ्कणं गृहाण । हस्तिनम् अवलोक्य EXERCISES. 75 शृगालाश्चिन्तयन्ति स्म यद्ययं केनाप्युपायेन म्रियेत तत् अस्माकं भोजनं भवेत् । ततः तेन नरेण प्रतिज्ञा कृता । स्वामिन् दृष्टेः प्रसादं कुरु । वेधसः पूजनं करिष्यन्ति । सूतो रथस्याश्वान् प्रगृह्णाति । किमर्थं कुमारी गृहं प्रविशति । शूकरो व्याधेन हतो ममार । Write in Sanskrit. The frightened deer entered the garden. O king, grant me the favor of a look! The two horses and the chariot entered the city. By what means will the hunter take the deer from the tiger ? The sage performed penance in the holy forest. We will not make a promise. If the man should go into that forest at night the tiger would eat him. The charioteer looses the horses from the chariot. I do not know where the bracelet is. What man JO does not desire wealth ? Lesson XI. Passive Voice and Participles $$ 67-76. Note. A noun in connection with an adjective or participle may be used absolutely in the locative case, e. g. area for कर्मः पलायते, 'his bonds being cut, the tortoise goes away. The passive is often used impersonally e.g. तेन गम्यते 'he goes.' 76 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. इदं सुवर्णकङ्कणं गृह्यताम् । व्याधः शूकरेण हतश्विन्नो द्रुम इव पतति । पश्चादायान्तं भयहेतुं सम्भाव्य कूर्मों जलु प्रविष्टः । इदं कत्तुं यत्नः क्रियताम् । तच्छ्रुत्वा स नरो गृहं प्रविशति । मया व्याघ्रस्य मरणं साधयितव्यम् । सा समयम् उवाच मम मृगो न हन्तव्यो न हन्तव्यः । हस्ती शृगालैक्षितः । नूनम् अनेन नरेण गन्तव्यम । गच्छता तेन शूकरो दृष्टः । मया भोजनं नराय दास्यते । गानं कुमा- गीयते | Write in Sanskrit. Let food be given to the horses which are seen in the road. A promise was made by the friend of my brother Let this fruit be taken. The boar having been wounded by the hunter, fell like a riven tree. Having surmised that there was a cause of alarm behind, the deer entered the forest. A noise was heard by him (as he was ; going. Water is given to the wounded hunter. Having gone to the city the man saw his brother. This garden is not to be seen by you. Thereupon a boar was seen by him as he was about to go home. Lesson XII. Compound Words, 88 81-88. Translate and analyze Compounds. जम्बुकः मृगव्याधशूकरान् अपश्यत् । शूकरः प्रलय- घनघोरगर्जनम् अकरोत् । ततस्ते मृगकाकमूषिका अनुग- RO EXERCISES. 77 च्छन्ति स्म । आर्तत्राणय वः शस्त्रं न प्रहर्तुमनागसि । छिन्नबन्धनः कुर्मः सत्वरं जलं प्रविष्टः । नरो लोभाकृष्टः कङ्कणं गृह्णाति । हस्ती महापङ्के पतति । स्वामिन् दृष्टिप- सादं कुरु । वृद्धशृगालो वनं गच्छति । काव्यशास्त्र- विनोदेन कालो गच्छति धीमताम् । व्याधो मांसलुब्धो वनं गतः । अहमेकदा दक्षिणारण्ये सरस्तीरे वृद्धव्याघ्रम् अपश्यम् । A Fable from the Hitopades'a, with notes, आसीत् कल्याणकटक वास्तव्यो भैरवो नाम व्याधः । स चैकदा मांसलुब्धः धनुरादाय विन्ध्याटवीमध्यं गतः । तत्र तेन मृग एको व्यापादितः । मृगमादाय गच्छता तेन घोराकृतिः शूकरो दृष्टः । ततस्तेन मृगं भूमौ निधाय शूकरः शरेण हतः । शूकरेणाप्यागत्य प्रलयघनघोरगर्जनं कुर्वा- णेन स व्याधो हतश्छिन्नद्रुम इव पपात । यतः, जलमग्निविषं शस्त्रं तुद्व्याधिः पतनं गिरेः । निमित्तं किञ्चिदासाद्य देही प्राविमुच्यते ।। अथ तयोः पादास्फालनेन सोऽपि मृतः । अत्रान्तरे दीर्घरावो नाम जम्बुकः परिभ्रमन्नाहारार्थी तान् मृतान् मृगव्याधसर्पशूकरान् अपश्यत् । आलोक्याचिन्तयदसौ, "अहो भाग्य, महद्भोज्यं समुपस्थितम् । अथवा, अचिन्तितानि दुःखानि यथैवायान्ति देहिनाम् । सुखान्यपि तथा मन्ये दैवमत्रातिरिच्यने ।। 17 78 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. भवतु, एषां मांसैर्मासत्रयं समधिकं भोजनं मे भविष्यति । मासमेकं नरो याति द्वौ मासौ मृगशूकरौ । अहिरेक दिनं याति अद्य भक्ष्यो धनुर्गुणः ।। ततः प्रथमबुभुक्षायामिदं नि:स्वादु कोदण्डाटनीलग्नं नायुबन्धनं खादामि ।" इत्युक्त्वा तथाकरोत् | ततश्छिन्ने स्नायुबन्धने द्रुतम् उत्पतित्तेन धनुषा हृदि भिन्नः स दीर्घरावः पञ्चत्वं गतः । Beta NOTES. 1. कल्याणकटकवास्तव्यो, relative compound, 883, 4.-- 2.विन्ध्याटवी, the Sindhya forest. The Vindhya range of mountains separates Hindustan from the Deccan.- 4. घोराकृतिः of frightful form, ('whose form was fright- ful'), relative compound. निधाय, past part indeclinable, referring to तेन. प्रलयघनघोर, frightful as the cloud of doomsday. Toe is properly the annihilation of the world at the end of a Kalpa or day and night of Brahma, when the clouds pour forth destruction upon all things. 6. पपात 2nd. Pret. 3rd. sing. of पत् q.v.-7. यतः introduces the two verses of poetry following. Such verses are frequent in the Hitopadesa and consist mainly of quotations from various authors. After जलम्... पतनं supply some such expression as मरणस्यनिमित्तानि सन्ति, are the causes of death. 'तुद् from EXERCISES. 79 80ING ܕ܀ TY. ITT:, ablative sing.—8 निमित्तं किञ्चित्, such cause (of death), fata added to the interrog. pron. makes it indefinite. TÊT:, by life, literally by the vital airs, of which there are conceived to be five.-12. Hrei, (nomina- tive) of exclamation. FTI, food, (literally 'to be eaten”) ve) of ex Fut. part. pass. of 7 see $ 75, c.—14. naitaya pre- vails, Pres. 3rd. sing subj. Pre demonst. pron, formed by prefixing ए to तद-15 मासत्रय accusative denoting duration of time.-17. etira will last, literally ‘goes'.-19. free at artara, locative absolute.—21.95 cai death,from 91T five, i, e, the return of the body to its five original ele- ments, LIST OF ABREVIATI ONS. ind. pait. a. pr.. u.t Bubstantive. Adjective, Pronoun. Verb transitivo. Verb in transitive. Infinitive num. 2. f. Indeclinable, Participle. Numeral. Masculine Femining Neutaz. SANSKRIT-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. TÀ, nom. maso. of we 5. 836 a. af, s. m. fire. Wię, s. m. serpent. paraat, part. not thought it, ind. oh! of, unexpected. आ. Herit , 8. f. notched extremity na, s. f. form. of a bow. ne, a. allured. ear, s. f. forest. 17, v. t. to get, obtain, 5th 7, ind, here. class. Try, v. t. to pick up. , thereupon, mean- ITA, S. m. garden. while. wra, a. distressed. Ty, ind. then. au, part. ind. having YET, ind. or, moreover. looked at. अद्य, ind. to-day. WATET, part. ind. having ob- अनागस्, , a. innocent, with- tained, met. out sin. r, ind. even, truly. (with 10TA, 8. n. movement, fare forms indef. pron.) striking, ETTE, 8, n. forest. SETT, 8. mn. food. writ, s. m. one who seeks. ş. Waria, part, having looked gra, ind. so, thus. upon (ala). ga, ind. like. y, 8. m, horse. We v. to be, 2nd. class. ail, part. ind, having said. 82 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. 4, 8. m. means, deviee. roit, 8. m. hill, mountain. 119, from a $ 52. JU, 8. m. cord, string. . IT, 8. n. house, home. So, num. a. one. 97, v. t. to take, 9th class goret, ind, one day. 97-98 to hold back. ua, pr. this. po 89, ind. also, even, truly. 97, s. m. cloud. 19, inet, thus, so. ETT, a. frightful. 01.6 8 2 FTF a. कङ्कण u, s. n. bracelet. 9, ind, and, also, Ty, v. t. to tell, 10th class. 7T, FA-21, v. t. to rove about Hirapuh, 8. m. 1. proper ferd, v. i. to think, 10th class name, , s. m. poet. igat, part. cut, felled'. CT, 8. m. crow. ATT, 8. 9. time. 577, v. 1. to be born, 4th clasak log, 8. n. poetry, litcrature. TF77, s. m. jackal,PER Pharf, ind, wherefore, why. HF, 8. n. water. Friu, part. making, ($ 726.) | FTIA, s. 1. wisdom. Fart, s. f. young girl. . , s. m. tortoise. qa, ind. then, so. F, v. t. to do, perform, make, na:, ind. thereupon. 8th class. 3, ind, there, TG, 8. m. bow. aer, ind. so, correl. with ur. Ty, s. f. hunger. art, s. 1. shore, bank. ET. 7, 8. n. an aggregation of ER, V. t. to eat, 1st class. three; (used in composition). TIU, s. n. protection. TÆ, v, i. t, to go, meet, obtain Tiha, part. frightened. 1st class. f-TÆ to approach, . Hi-TÆ to follow, fu, a, southern, 9, s. n. sound, noise. T, v. t. to give, 3rd, class, 1 8. 11, song, singing, 1-et, to take. T. HALELSE 1261 TOCABULARY. 83 TL," 177 8. m. ir. day. TWT, s. n. the act of falling, TIT 8. m. proper name. quę, s, n. water. C:E §. 1. sorrow, pain. Tyra, ind, behind, after. Jis s. f. daughter. 17, v. t. to drink, 1st class. IT v. t. to see, 1st. class. Ti, 8. m. foot. part. seen. 9T4. S. m. traveller. 8. f. glance, look. iga, s, m. father, T 8. m. an embodied spirit, q, 8. m. son. living being TATT, S. 1. Worship. az $. n. fate, destiny. Títr, s. f. promise. ind. quickly. STYTT, a. first. TT, 8. m, tree, 1977, s. m. doomsday. , ntum. Q. two. TATT, S. m. favor, kindness, 978, pres. inf. of Te, . i. T, s. 10. riches. to inflict injury. , s, n. bow. TUT, s. m. vital air. T, v. t. to place, 3rd. class. -e, to place upon. uit, s. 1, string, cord, bond, az, a. wise. DET, s. f. hunger. , v. i. to speak, to say, 2nd Tind. not. class. Tû, s. f. city. TE 3. mn. man. 5T, U, t. to eat, 10th class. TATT, $. n, name. STAT, a. eatable. ÍTA77. S. n. causo. TET, S. m. cause of alarm. ÍT:Etry, a. tasteless. TTU, 8. n. fortune, good luck. 27., ind. certainly, surely. TITA, S. n. India. IT, v. i. to dance, 4th class. 1, a. torn, pierced. 9 7, v. t. to eat, 7th class, T6, s. m. mire. I, v. i, to be, become, 1st 99, S. n. death, class. 4, v. i. to fall, 1st class. 1, s. f. the earth, ground. JI-TT, to spring up. 477, s. m, proper name. . ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. ASUINOO T:, ind. ho! riz, v. t. to suffice, 4th clase. HÌHA, s. n. food. qalizza prevails, pres. 7, v. i. to wander, 1st class. 3rd. sing; of subj. af- v. i. to wander about. FT, v. i. to weep, 2nd. class. 7. RY, 8. n. honey A, a. joined to. Hey, a. middle. TT, . m. greed, covetousness A7, v. i. to consider, think, 4th Flo7, a. desirous ofej 33737 class, subj. b9 HTU, s.n. death, destruction. 7, s. n. words, speechat) Ara, a. great, (often Aer in 97, s. n. forest. . compos.) aty, s. m. wind. obhog RITT, . nflesh, meat. area 52, 8. n. habitation. 15 HIFT, . m. month. , v. i. to exist, 4th class. 197, 8. n. friend. Fahre, 8. n. diversion, recrea- 9, v. t. to abandon, 6th tion, class ; also fa-.. FEJ, S. m. name of a moun- 19, s. m. sage. 1977, s. m. mouse. ſalt, v. t, and 7-1qt, to enter, TIT, . m. deer. 6th class. 2, v. i to die, 6th class. raq, s. n. poison. 7, part. dead, killed, Ja, a, old. aug, s. m. Brahma. ya: ind. because, since. 5317, s. m. tiger. ya, 8. m. effort. szoko4 594, s. m. hunter. Ayr, ind, just as ; correl. with 11, s. m. sickness. तथा. gepranea, part. killed. यदि, if. anv. . to go, 2nd class. 371-ETT, TT, s. m. arrow. to arrive. TET, 8. n. sword. T. TIET, 8. n. scripture, science. Ty, s. m. chariot. ent, s. m. boar. 1977, 8. m. king. TTIF, 8. m. jackal. tain range. HAHATIAX212 10 2TAVA VOCABULARY. 85 T. Fre, ind. at night, . ere, s. m. friend. ger. s. n. joy, happiness. HTT, ind. quickly. uta, s.Em. proper name. het, ind. always. ITU, S. n. gold. सभयम्, , ind. with fear, timidly. Tautat, s. f. proper name. HTT, a. abundant.' ga, s. m. charioteer. #titeta, part. arrived. ary, s. f. sinew. FFITTO, pert, baving surmis- FH, particle giving the present ed. tense a past signification, lis. n. pool. FATHT, s. m. master. afar, s. f. Sarasvati, the goddess of learning. 67, part. wounded. #1, 8. m. sérpent. F. v. t. to kill, 2nd clase. noon, fut. part. of QTY FEAT, s. m. elephant. to accomplish. TT, $. 1. heart. सरस, setso . ENGLISH-SANSKRIT VOCABULARY. E. 575 90110H 7910H A. Dead, pa, part. peerol) Alarm, cause of, tee, s. m. Deer, 7, 8. m. TESH Arrow, TT, S. m. Desire, g, 1. t. 6th class. I At night, Art, ind. Drink, q1, v. t. 1st class. At one time, एकता, ind. Dwell, 76, v. i. 1st class. B. Bank, ait, s. n. Eat, 5, 1. t. 7th class, ait, Bathe, ar, v. i. 2nd class. y, t. 10th class. aign, pres. inf. Enter, 7-GJT. v. t. 6th class. Be, , v. i. 2nd class. $50. F. vou Behind, Ty, ind. Fall, 77, v. i. Ist class. Boar, UiT, s. m. Favor, qEIT, . 9. Born, to be 77, v. i. 4th class. Fear, in, #478, ind. Bow, धनुस्. 8. n. Food, 1977, 8. n. Bracelet, ogu, s. n. Fool, gep, 8. m. Brother, IT, s. m. Forest, 27, S. No C. 001 Friend, FAT, 8. 1. Cause of alarm, TI, S. m. Frightened, triga. part. | Chariot, T4, s. m. Fruit, 1, $. n. Charioteer, Eat, 8. m. G. City, tft, s. f. Garden, 74, 8. ni. D. Get, 21. v. t. 5tli class. Dance, IT, V. i. 4th class. Girl, art, s. f. Daughter, दुहिट, s, f. Gire, r, v. t. 3rd class. * VOCABULARY. 87 He, Ħ: pr. Go, T., v. i. 1st class. N. Grant, (= do), v. t. 8th Night, at Night, at सायम्, ind. . clase. Noise, गर्जन .. H. Not, 7 ind. P. Hear, x, v. t. 5th class. Penance, 797, s. 1. Holy, पुण्य, . Perform, 5, v. t. 9th class, Home, T7, 8. n. Promise, thai, s. f. Honey, 7, 8. n. Horse, 97, s. n. Quickly, सत्वरम्, ind. R. House, T, $. . Hunter, 5711, s. m. Remove, v. t. 1st class. Riven, igo part. I. River, tai s. f. arta 8. f. If, or ind. Road, वर्मन् 8. n. India, frá, s. 1. Roam about, WT N, 3. lst. K. class. Kill, 7 v. t. 2nd class. S. King, TITI S. m. Sage, मुनि s. 78. Knowledge, 717, S, 1. Sarasvati, artrat, 6. f. L. Say, q, v. i. $ 52. Laugh, 7, v. i. 1st class. See, et v. t. 1st class. Lay down, fat-Pr, v. t. 3rd Serve, ha v. t. 1st class. $ 44. class. Son, पुत्र s. m. Listen to, x, v. t. 5th class. v. t. 5th class. Song, TFT 8. N. Look, E, s. f. Surmised, having, I-750 Loose, 57, v. t. 6th class. T. Make, , v. t. 9th class. Take, 4, v. t. 9th class. Man, TT, 8. m. That, at, pr. Means, JT, 8. m. There, , ind. . Morning, in the dra:. Thereupon, ara:, ind. Trat My, 94, gen. sing. of 57. This, 594, pr. part. ind. M. 88 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. Three, Ft, num, a. § 32. Wealth, TT 8. n. Tiger, व्याघ्र, 8. m. Weep, o v. i. 2nd class.. Tortoise, FÅ 8. m. [ s. m. Where ? T, ind. Tree, तरु, s.m. दुम, 8. m. वृत्त | Who? किम्, pr. $ 38. Why? किमर्थम्, ind. Unfrequented, निर्जन, a. Woman, it, s. f. § 25. W. Words, speech. 70, s. Now Water, FCV, 8. n. qgg, s. n. Wounded, Fa, part. TT, 8. n. U. and dinno ST TRE 6) ca 13 C EN IRLANTISIYAZ TO NAVIY APPENDIX LIST OF COMMON ROOTS. Note. The numeral after any root denotes the conjugational class to which it belongs. The letter O, or 8. after any root siguifies that the root is conjugated in the objective or sub- jective form. Inasmuch as all roots are monosyllabic, it is customary to- omit the consonant sign under final consonants, 2. o to eat. 4, o. to go. . , 1, o, to worship. 2, s. to possess power. 1, s. to go. 1, s. to aim, , 1, 10, 0.8. to worship. 7, 1, o, to go. अर्थ, 2, 10, 8. to ask. एध, , 1, s. to increase. 1, o, to keep कम, 1, 0. to desire. 5, s. to obtain. T, 1, &. to shake. O, 9, 0. to eat. 2, 3, 0. 8. to count. TE, 2. o. tobe. 2, 10, 0. 8. to tell. A, 4, o. to throw. TET, 1, 8. to shine. HT, 5, o. to get. 4, o, to be angry. e, 2, 8, to sit. T, 1, o. to cry. 2, o. to go. 8, 0. 8. to do. 2, s. to study. 10, 0. 8. to cut. 6, 0. to wisb. कृष, , 1, 0. to draw. arot, कथ, , FE 90 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. कृ १ छिद, जन, जप, क्रम, क्री, कृध, कुरा, क्लिश, कण, तम, तम, क्षिप, तुध, खन, -रखाव ख्या, गर, जप, 6, 0. to throw. चुम्ब, 1, 10, 0. S. to move. 1, 0. to weep. 10, 0. S. to steal.T 1, 0. to go, walk.चूर्ण, 10, 0. s. to close.ी 9, 0.s. to buy. चेष्ट, 1.s.to act. 4, 0. to be angry. . च्यु, 1, s. to move. 1, 0. to call. च्युत, 1, 0. to wet. 9, 0. to oppose. 7, 0. S. to cut. 1,0. to sound. 4, S. to be born. 4, 0. to bear.. 1, 0. to tell. 1, 98. to bear. 1, 0. to prate. 6, 0. S. to cast. जागृ 20. to wake, 4, 0. to be hungry. जि, 1, 0. to conquer. 1, 0. S. to dig. जीव. 1.0. to live. 1, 0. to eat. 4, 0. to grow old. 2, 0. 8. to speak. ज्ञा, 9, 0. to know. 1, 0. to speak. ज्वल, 1, 0. to shine. 1; o. to go: 8, 0. S. to expand. 1, 0. to roar. 1, 0. to burn. 1, s. to blame. तप. 1,S. 1, S. to stir. तम, 4, 0. to desire... 1, 0. to sing. 1, 10, 0. S. to blame. 9,0. S. to take. तुद, 6, 0. S. to pain. 1, S. to strive. सुष, 4,0. to be content. 10, 0. S. to declare. 4, 0. to please. 1, 0. to render good. दृष, 4,0. to thirst 6, 0.8. to whirl त्यज, 1, 0. to quit. 1, 0. to smell. त्रप, 1, s to be modest. 2,s. to tell. 4, 1, 0. to frighten. 0, to go, eat. . त्रुट 4, 6, to break.ee 10, 0. S. to chew. त्रै, 1, s. to protect. 1, o. to tremble. 1, s. to hurry. 5, 0. S. to collect. तुम, 4, 0. to tame. 2, 10, 0.8. to think. 1, 0. to divide. तन, तप, तर्ज, प, . to ta त्रस, 1, 0. XAVNA LIST OF ROOTS. 9 . " युत 9.0.. चा, 3 3,0s. to give. . पट, 10,0.6.10 surrouad. दाण, 1, 0. to give. पत, 1.0. to fall. दिशा, 6, 0. s. to exhibit. पद, 4, S. to go, more.. दिह, 2, 0.s. to increase. पा, 1, 9. to drink. दीप 4,s. to blaze. पा, 2,0. to cherish. नुःख, 2, 10, 0. s. to give pain. पार, 9, 10, 0. S. to eomplete: तुह, 2, 0.8. to milk. पाल, 10, 0. S. to guard. दृप, dio. to rej cice. पिष, 7, 0. to grind. दृश, 1, 0, to see, 4, 0. to nurture. 9,0. to rend. पुष, 1. S. to shine. j,s. to cleanse. द्र, 1, 0. to move. :: पू. 4, 0, to bear hatred. पूज, 10, 0. S. to worship. द्विष, 2, 0. S. to hate. पूर, 10, 0. S. to satisfy. धा, 3, 0. s. to place. प्याप, ], S. to swell. 5, 0. s. to shake. प्रच्छ, 6, 0. to ask. : धू, .0, 0. S, to agitate. प्रथ, 1, S. to be famous. अप, 1, 0, to heat. 9, 0. s. to please. ध, 6,s. to hold, remain. 1, 0. to bear fruit. धमा, 1, 0. to blow.. फुल, ], 0. to blossom. 1, 0. to: recollect. बन्ध, 9, 0. to bind. : ध्वन, 1, 0. to sound.in, वाध, 1, 8. te resist.! नट, 10, 0. S. to dance, act. बुध, 4, s. to know. बृ. 9, 0. to select, 1, 0. to speak बू, 2.0. S. to say. नन्द, . 1, 0. to rejoice. भक्ष, 10, 0. S. to eat. नम, 1, 0.to bow.. भज, 1.o.s. to serve. नर्द, 11, 0. to sound. भयका 1.0. to sound. नश, 4, o. to destroy. भर्क्स, 10, 0. s. to reproacli. निन्द, 1, 0. to reproach, भा, 2,0. to shine. भी 1, 0, S. to lead. भाष, 1, s. to speak. नुद, 6, 0.s. to command. भास, 1, s. to shine! नृत, -4, 0. to dance: 1, s. to beg. 1, 0.. 8. to cook.. भी, 3, o, to dread. ग्री, 1, 0. : पच, 92 ELEMENTS OF SANSKRIT GRAMMAR. रक्ष, " मथ, मन, 6,s. रुध, मरज, लधि, लप, लभ, निप, मुज, 7, 8. to eat. युध, 4, s. to fight. भू,1, 0.s. to become. Pred 1, o. to defend. भू, 3, O. to nourish. रच, 2, 10, 0. S. to make:: भृ 1, 0. S. रघ, 4, 0. to complete. भ्रम, 1,4,0. to wander. रभ, 1, s. to commence. भ्राज, 1, s. to shine. रम, 1, s. to sport. 1, 0. to ehuun. 1, 0. S. to sbine. मद, 4, o. to be glad. 1, s. to shine. 4, s. to declare, 2, 0. to weep. मन, 7, 0. S. to hinder... मन्य, 1, 0. to hurt. रुह, 1, 0.to grow.. 6, o. to immerse. 1, s. to move.. 1,0. to tevere. 1, 0. to utter- मा, 2, o. to measure. 1, s. to take. मार्ग, 10, 0. S. to prepare. 1, 0. s. to desire.. मार्ज, 10, 0. S. to cleanse. लिख, 6,0. to write. मिल, 6,0. S. to mix. 6, 0.8. to swear. मील, 1, 0. to wink. लिह, 2, 0.8. to taste. मुच, 6, o. s. to loose. ली, 4, s. to adhere to. 1, S. to rejoice. 4,0. to disturb. मुच्र्छ, 1, 0. to tie. न 9, 0.8. to cut. मुष, 9, 0, to steal. लोक, 1,s. to see. मुह, 4, 0..to be foolish. जोच, 1, . 60.s. todie. 2, 0. s. to speak. मृग, 2, 10, s. to hunt. वद, 1,0. to say. मृज, 2, 0. to cleanse. वम, 1, 0. S. to vomit. 10, 0. S. to let go. 2, 0. to wish. 1,0. to fix in the mind. | वस, 1, 0. todwell. यत, 1, s. to strive. वस, 2, 8. to clothe. यम, 1, 0. to refrain. वह, 1, 0.s. to convey. या, 2, 0. to go. वा, 2,0.togo. याच, 1, 0. S. to beg. 1,0. to wish. सुज, 4, 8. to confine the विद, 4,s. to exist. thoughts. . विद, 2,0. to know. 7, 0. S. to join. विर, 6, 0. 8. to take. NEEEENNE मोक्ष, वश, वाछ, Fto, सू, स, 1, 0. to go. सृप, व, स्ना, स्त्रिह, शक, १६. स्पर्द्ध, दाम, INAKN LIST OF ROOTS. TAINSIR 98 विश, 6, 0. to enter. 2, 4, s. to bring forth. 9, 8. to render homage सूच, 2, 10, 0. S. to inform. वृ, 5, 0. S. to select. वृत, 1, 8. to be, remain, सूज, 6, 0. to leave. 1,8. to grow. 1, 0. to creep. वृ 9, 0. S. to choose. सा, 4, 0. to destroy. वेप, 1, 8. to shake. स्खल, 1, 0. to move. 1, 8. to enclose. स्तु, 2, 0. s. to praise. व्यथ, 1, s. to fear. स्ट, 5, 0. S. to clothe. व्यध, 4, 0. to pierce. स्था, 1, 0. to stand. व्रज, 1, 0. to travel. 20. to bathe.. व्रश्च, 6, 0. to cut. 4,0. to love. 5, o. to endure. . स्पन्द, 1, s. to throb. शप, 1, 0.8. to curse. 1,s. to envy. 4,0. to be calm. स्पृश, 6,0. to touch, take: शास, 2,0. to rule. स्पृह,2,10, 0.8. to wish. शिक्ष, 1, s. to learn. स्फुर, 6, 0. to throb. 2, 8. to sleep. स्मि, 1, s. to smile. शुच, 1, 0. to grieve for. 1, o. to recollect. शुध, 4, o. to become pure. स्वजा 1. s. to embrace. . शुभ, 1, 8. to shine. . स्वप, 2, 0. to sleep. श्रुत, 1, 0. to ooze. [ 1, 0. to laugh. 4, 0. to perform pen- हा, 3, 0. to leave. श्रि, -1, 0.8 to serve. हा 3, 0. to go. 5, 0. to hear. हि, 1055. o. to go. वस, 2, 0. to breathe. हिस, 10, 0. S. to hurt. सञ्ज, 1, o. to move. सर, 6,O. to wither. ह,1,.0.8. to seize, re- सह, 18. to bear. move. सान्त्व, 2,10, 0. s. to appease. हृष, 4, 0, to sacrifice. सिच, 6,0. B. to sprinkle. गहू, 2, s. to take away. सिध, 4, p. to succeed. ही 3, o. to sorrow. सिव, 40. to sew. 1,0..S. to bend. भी स्मृ, श्रम, हू, 3, ०. GP ERRA TA. PAGE 22, POR 3 LINE 19 36 hrt षोडदशन् 41 8, 1. " TEAD pi. षोडशन् 45. 43. 50. " " 36 2. 30 " " 36 6. 46 " " " " " 2, 12. ब दत्तम 50 37 38 39 39 40 ब्रू. दत्ता. 54. " " " 2 . " 4. 5. 4, 5. . नृत विद 12 नृत्. विद. मन्. Pres. 40 " " 42 Fres. " " " THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE 1981 2901 YAPR APR 3 2000 TH APR 23 14... 21:33 MARZT 1986- APR 15 1986 ME APR 15 1986 AUG 3 1 1990 AUG 1 3 1990 DEC 26 DEC 19 12 SAN 1998 - MAR 10 1998 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00918 9005