A 617627 A MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY A. BROTHERS F.R.A.S. TR 145 1387 C.GRIFFIN CO "| } ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TUEBOR (QUÆRIS PENINSULAM AMⱭNAM. CIRCUMSPICE | PHOTOGRAPHY TR 14.5 .387 جا ا ا ن OF M CH. J. Gale, Photo. Village News. Dawsons Pb So. (By kind permission of J. Gale. Esq; Sus PHOTOGRAPHY: ITS HISTORY, PROCESSES, APPARATUS, AND MATERIALS. COMPRISING WORKING DETAILS OF ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT METHODS. bied BY A. BROTHERS, F.R.A.S. WITH PLATES BY MANY OF THE PROCESSES DESCRIBED, AND ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, LIMITED, EXETER STREET, STRAND. [All rights reserved.] 1892. ΤΟ HENRY WILDE, Esq., F.R.S., AS A SLIGHT MARK OF THE ESTEEM IN WHICH HE IS HELD BY THE AUTHOR. Re. ej भ 6044 Lowe 9-12-44 50660 PREFACE. IN the preparation of the following work, my aim has been to produce a Handbook for the use of Students of Photography, which should both give the results of practical experience, and include—as far as possible within a moderate compass- information gathered from many sources, and not readily accessible. The newer methods have been dealt with in sufficient detail, but I have also throughout given special attention to the processes in use prior to the introduction of the gelatino- bromide method. Some of these processes are in danger of being neglected through the facilities which the newer methods have introduced. But, as I have shown, the new processes do not give results equal to the old, and are totally unsuitable for some purposes-such as for making negatives for photo- lithography, and in various other ways. To these older processes, therefore, I have given such pro- minence as their practical usefulness demands. Where practicable, the plates illustrate the processes de- scribed, and these plates make the work distinctly more serviceable to students. To those who have rendered aid in this respect, the Publishers, with myself, desire to offer the fullest acknowledgment. Our thanks are particularly due to vii viii PREFACE. Messrs. Billing, Son, & Co., Mr. Brennan, Messrs. Boussod, Valadon, & Co., Mr. Chapman, Messrs. A. & C. Dawson, Mr. J. H. T. Ellerbeck, Mr. Gale, Mr. G. J. Johnson, the Meisen- bach Company, Messrs. Norbury & Sons, Mr. H. P. Robinson, Miss E. G. Thomson, Messrs. Thornton & Pickard, Messrs. Waterlow & Sons, Mr. Wolfe—and to these I would add the name of my son, Mr. H. E. Brothers, B.Sc. (Lond.), who revised Chapters II. and III. in Part I. 裝 ​MANCHESTER, April 1892. A. BROTHERS. GENERAL CONTENTS. HISTORICAL SKETCH Niépce Daguerre • PART I.-INTRODUCTORY. CHAPTER I. PAGE I Talbot 2 • CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY Physical action Chemical action. • CHAPTER II. Oxidation by light Reduction by light Theory of sensitisers Orthochromatic photography OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Light. Lenses Focus. • • PAGE · I-17 7 17–36 18 Solarisation 25 18 Developing. 27 19 Restrainers and accelerators 30 20 Intensifying 31 22 Printing 33 24 Use of iron salts. 34 CHAPTER III. 36-55 36 39 Defects in lenses Objectives. 44 49 4I CHAPTER IV. LIGHT IN PHOTOGRAPHY 55-66 Electric light 55 Compressed gas 62 Oxyhydrogen light 61 Ethoxo-limelight 63 Continuing action of light. 62 Magnesium light 63 Alabastrine process Albumen process Albumen substratum Amphitype. PART II.—PRocesses. 67 68 Aniline process Aristotype 71 • 71 69 Autotype • 72 70 Beechey's emulsion process. • 75 ix X GENERAL CONTENTS PAGE Bitumen process Black lines. 76 77 Bromide printing process 78 Calotype Canvas, printing on 80 81 Carbon printing . 83 Celerotype · 84 Ceramic photographs 86 Chloro-bromide process 87 Magic photographs Meisenbach process Micro-photography Mounting and mountants Obernetter's etching process Opal glass. Orthochromatic photography Panoramic photography Paper negatives . PAGE 128 128 • • 129 • • 129 131 131 • 132 • 138 • 139 Chromatype 87 Pedestal portraits • 139 Cleaning glass 87 Clearing and reducing solutions Coffee process Collodio-albumen process Collodio-bromide process 888888 89 90 Collodio-chloride of silver pro- cess 90 Collodion pellicle * 90 Collodion process 91 Collotype • Colouring lantern-slides 98 • 104 Contretype negative 104 Photochrome-lithography Photo-engraving-photogravure. Photo-filigrane Photochromo-typography Photogenic drawing Photographing on wood Photography and colour Photo-lithography Photo-micrography Phototint Photo-typography Pinhole photography 139 140 · • 144 144 • 144 • 145 · 146 · 152 • 159 162 • · 162 • 162 Crystal cubes 104 Platinotype process 163 Cyanotype. 105 Plumbago process 172 Daguerreotype process 106 Primuline or diazotype process • 173 Drying gelatine plates 108 Printing and toning • 175 Dry-plate making 109 Printing on ivory 183 Dry processes 109 Reproduced negatives. 183 Dusting-on process IIO Reversal of the image. · 184 Fixing Eburneum process Electro-phototypy Enamelling paper prints Enlarging and copying Ferrotype Ferrotypes. Film photography Fluorotype. IIO • III Reversed negatives Retouching. 185 187 III Ruby medium · 189 • I 12 Screen-plates 189 115 114 Stains. I 115 • 115 116 Tannin process Gelatino-bromide process 116 Heliography Gelatino-chloride paper Gold-printing process. Green photographs Gum-gallic process Indian-ink outlines Iridescent photographs Kallitype Kennett's pellicle Lantern-slide making. Leimtype • Litho-heliogravure 119 Tea process 120 121 • 121 I2I I2I 122 I22 Silvering glass Stannotype Steel-facing copper-plates Taupenot process Telescopic photography Transferotype process Typogravure Uranium printing Vignetting. Waxed-paper process Woodbury-type 189 • 190 • 191 192 • 193 193 194 194 • 197 197 198 199 200 • 200 • • ► 125 Woodbury gravure 201 • 125 Writing titles 202 · 127 Yellow negatives 202 • 127 Zinc-etching '202 GENERAL CONTENTS. xi • • PART III.-APPARATUS. PAGE Actinometers and exposure tables 205 Balance Baths and dippers Bellows Buckle's brush • Burnishers and rolling machines Cameras Lamps for dark rooms Level-indicator Optical or magic lantern PAGE 237 208 • 237 208 • 238 209 209 Oscillating tables or rockers Pantascopic camera • 242 • 242 210 Photometers 243 210 Plate-boxes • 243 Camera-stands and tripods 226 Plate-racks • 243 Condenser . 227 Pneumatic plate-holder • 243 Dark room . 227 Printing-frames • 244 • Diaphragms and stops 227 Retouching desk 245 Dishes and trays 229 Roller-slide • 245 Dropping bottles 229 Sky-shade • 245 Focussing and focimeter · 229 Solar camera 245 Focussing cloth · 230 Squeegee 246 Focussing glass 231 Stoppers • 246 Focussing screen 231 Tents. • 247 Head-rests. 232 Thermometers 247 Hydrometer 232 Instantaneous shutters 232 Trimming prints View-finder • 248 248 Iris diaphragm • 236 Washing apparatus • 248 PART IV.-MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Acetic acid. 251 Celloidin • Acids. Albumen • 251 Cellulose • 258 258 251 Chloride of lime • 258 Alcohol Albumenised paper Alpha paper 252 Chloroform. • • 253 Chlorophyll 258 258 254 Chromate of silver • 258 Aluminium Amber Ammonia Ammonium compounds Anglol Aniline 254 Chromium-potassium sulphate • 259 • 254 Citric acid. 259 254 Collodion • 259 255 Copper 260 ■ 256 Copper sulphate. 260 · · 256 Dextrin 260 • Animal charcoal. 256 Eau de Javelle 260 • Aqua regia. 256 Ebonite 261 • Aurin or corallin 257 Eikonogen 261 • • Barium compounds 257 Emery 262 · Benzene 257 Encaustic paste 262 Benzolene 257 Eosin. 262 Bitumen Borax. Bromine Cadmium compounds Calcium chloride Canada balsam · 257 Erythrosin 262 • • 257 Ether. 262 257 Ferric compounds 262 • • 257 Ferrous oxalate 262 • • 257 Fluoresceïn 263 • • 258 Formic acid 263 xii GENERAL CONTENTS. Gallic acid. Gelatine Glass. Glucose Glycerine Gold, chloride Ground glass Gum arabic Gum dammar Gutta-percha Hydrochloric acid Hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen dioxide Hydroquinone Hydroxylamine Hypo" eliminators India-rubber Iodine Iron • Isinglass • PAGE • 263 263 264 Methylated spirit Mounts Paraphenylene-diamine Potassium compounds Pyrocatechin Pyrogallol. • Nitric acid. 264 ན Oxalic acid. · 264 Ox-gall 265 Palladium 265 Paper. 266 • 266 Platinum 266 Poisons · 266 266 • 267 • 267 Pyroxylin 269 Ready sensitised paper 269 Rodinal · 270 Sandarac 270 Shellac 271 Silver and silver compounds 271 Sodium compounds • Jena glass 271 Starch Kaolin 271 Strontium chloride Lavender oil 271 Sulphuric acid ► Lead. 272 Tannic acid Lead nitrate 272 Turpentine. ► Lithium chloride • 272 Uranium Litmus Magnesium Mastic Mercuric chloride Mercury Meta-gelatine • 272 Uranium nitrate. 272 Varnish • 272 Water • 272 Wax • • 273 Zinc · 273 PAGE 273 • 274 274 274 275 • 275 275 276 • 276 R 276 277 278 279 279 281 282 * 282 282 283 284 • • 290 • 290 • 290 • 290 291 291 291 291 • 292 293 293 APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY Architectural photography. Astronomical photography. Cameo Carte de visite Clouds Composite portraits Composition Distance Interiors 糖 ​PART V. CHAPTER I. 294-321 • 294 Impressionism in photography • 302 • 294 Landscape photography 303 298 Muybridge's photographs • 305 299 Photo-meteorology • 305 299 Portraiture. • 305 300 Rembrandt portraits • • 309 • 300 Spectroscope in photography 309 • 300 Stereoscope. 310 301 GENERAL CONTENTS. xiii CHAPTER II. PRACTICAL HINTS Accelerator PAGE 321-354 PAGE 321 Frilling • 334 Alkaline development 321 Halation 334 Anhydrous. · 321 Argentometer • 321 Backing plates 322 High lights. Hygiene in photography Intensifying • · 335 • Bichromate and cyanide poisoning 322 Mealiness Broken negatives 322 Negatives · · 335 335 338 338 Combination printing. 323 Over-exposure 338 Copyright • 324 Pinholes 339 Cracks 324 Positive • 340 Density • 325 Reduction of density • 340 Detail. · 325 Reflected light . 341 Developing and developers. · 325 Residues 341 Dialysis 331 Saturated solution 343 Diffused light 331 Sizes of drops · 345 Dust • 331 Specific gravities 345 Expansion of paper • 332 Studios 346 Fog 332 Symbols • 347 Freezing mixtures ་ 333 Weights and measures 348 INDEX 355 LIST OF PLATES. I. Village News PAGE Frontispiece 2. Collotype by Waterlow & Sons 3. Chromo-collotype by Waterlow & Sons. 4. Indian-ink outlines-" Manchester Royal Exchange " 5. Meisenbach process-"Landscape " 6. Chromo-lithograph by Norbury & Sons. . facing 98 104 122 128 between 138 and 139 >> "" 139 138 • facing 140 7. Photochromo-lithograph copy, reduced by photography 8. Photogravure-"En Penitence"-by Boussod, Valadon, & Co. 9. Pretsch process-" Clewer Churchyard"-by A. & C. Dawson 10. Photochromo-typography illustration by Boussod, Valadon, & Co. II. Photo-lithograph-"Irish Lace "--by West, Newman, & Co. 12. Photo-lithograph-" Lace Curtain"-by A. Brothers & Co.. 13. Photo-lithograph, original design by Miss E. G. Thomson 14. Microscopic object-"Diatoms and Caterpillar of Moth "-repro- duced in collotype by M. Billing, Son, & Co. 15. Microscopic object-" Section of Optic Nerve "-showing healthy and diseased parts, reproduced in collotype by L. Danielsson 16. Zinc-etching-"The Oldest House in Pennsylvania," 1681 at Berwyn. Plate by Wolfe 17. Typogravure, illustration by Boussod, Valadon, & Co. . 18. Woodbury-type, from negative by F. C. Brennan 19. Photo-relief printing-block-"Hogarth's House' 20. Copying and enlarging camera 21. Instantaneous photograph-"Lord of the Isles 143 144 . >> 152 27 156 "" 158 160 • 162 Built in 189 198 201 "" 202 "" 224 233 298 305 55 324 22. Woodbury-gravure-Rutherfurd's "Photograph of the Moon 23. Landscape photography-Ellerbeck's "View in Norway" 24. Composition photograph-Robinson's picture, "A Strange Fish' } ! MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. PART I. INTRODUCTORY. CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. EARLY in the present century, the idea that light could be made to impress images produced by itself on paper and other material made sensitive by chemical means, appears first to have been thought of, and to have been put to practical test. All that was known until 1834 has comparatively little interest, if we except what was done by Niépce. The fact that the substance called horn silver turned black when exposed to daylight was known to some of the alchemists; but it was the chemist Scheele who, in 1777, first investigated the action of light on compounds of silver. Next, we have the fact that Wedgwood and Davy, in the first years of this century, made prints on paper and white leather by means of silver salts. The importance of these early experiments does not appear to have occurred to those who made them, probably from the fact that the pictures so produced could only be examined in feeble light, as they were not fixed or made permanent; and, at that time only such objects as were capable of being printed by their own shadows, or could be placed directly on the paper or leather could be photographed, the parts darkened by the sun giving a negative impression of their forms. In the experiments of M. Niépce of Chalons (1814) we have another substance introduced, bitumen of Judea; and although he did not use salts of silver, he may be said to have experimented in the direction which led to most valuable discoveries, as, in the pre- sent day bitumen is utilised in various ways. Niépce seems to have used the camera obscura, the invention of Baptista Porta, who was A 2 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. born at Naples in 1538. The bitumen, as employed by Niépce, was spread on metal plates, and exposed in the camera much in the same way as we now expose our more sensitive plates. It is the singular property of bitumen that the parts which have been acted on by daylight when exposed in the camera, or when placed under an object in contact with it, become hardened, so that the solvents employed to develop the picture will only affect those parts which have been protected from the light, and this makes it valuable in photography. The action of light on bitumen is, however, so very slow, that an exposure of many hours is required to produce any result in the camera. By a The wonderful beauty of the pictures formed by the camera lucida and camera obscura appears to have suggested both to Daguerre and Talbot the possibility, or at least the desirability, of discovering some means by which the picture could be permanently fixed on paper. Daguerre, as a painter of scenery for the diorama which he opened in Paris in 1822, used the camera for sketching, and his desire to utilise the picture as produced by light led to his introduc- tion to Niépce. A partnership was the result (in 1829). After trying the methods of Wedgwood, Davy, and Niépce, Daguerre used plates of silver made sensitive to the action of light by the vapour of iodine, but the picture was latent, or invisible to the eye. fortunate accident, one of the plates which had been exposed to light in the camera was placed in a cupboard to be cleaned off and used again, the exposure not having been sufficient for Daguerre's purpose; but he was surprised to find, some hours afterwards, that a perfect picture had developed, and on a careful investigation it was found that the result was caused by the vapour of mercury. Here, then, was a most valuable discovery, the result of an accident," and the process was at once of commercial as well as scientific importance. The difficulty of "fixing" the picture remained. Sodium chloride (common salt) was used for the purpose, but the discovery by Sir John Herschel of the action of hyposulphite of soda on the salts of silver enabled Daguerre's discovery to be made more complete. The results of Herschel's experiments are referred to under the title Sodium Thiosulphate. Daguerre attempted to form a company to carry out his discovery; but that failed. He, however, showed his pictures to M. Arago, who brought the matter before the Academy of Sciences in Paris in 1839, and with the immediate result that the French Government granted Daguerre 6000 francs as a pension for life, and to Isidore Niépce. (successor in the partnership to his father) a pension of 4000 francs, on condition that the process should be published and not patented a present to the whole civilised world. The process, however, was HISTORICAL SKETCH. 3 patented in England, and large sums were paid for the right to use it; as much as 1000 was paid for the exclusive rights in some large towns. Since the foregoing was written a manual or pamphlet by Daguerre has come into the writer's hands. It was translated by Dr. Memes, and published in 1839 by Messrs. Smith, Elder, & Co., of London. The title is, "History and Practice of Photogenic Drawing on the True Principles of the Daguerreotype, &c.," by L. J. M. Daguerre. Of this little manual, consisting of about ninety pages, and six plates of drawings of the apparatus used in the process, the translator says: "In presenting this little work to the British public, the translator may perhaps be permitted to observe of his original, that, in all the circumstances, it is one of the most interesting works ever given to the world. It is the first manual of a new science." In this manual is given, first a series of plates with details of all the apparatus necessary for producing the pictures on silver plates. Next is given the "Bill for rewarding the authors" (Daguerre and Niépce). This is followed by the speech by M. Duchâtel to the Chamber of Deputies, describing the nature of the discovery, and proposing the amount of the pensions. After this follows a most interesting address to the Chamber by M. Arago, who gives a concise history of the subject, beginning with the invention of the camera by Porta. Amongst other matters in the eloquent address by M. Arago, remarks occur on the cost of the material, which for the plates was about three or four francs; if this amount appeared much, it is observed that the same plate "is capable of receiving in succession a hundred different designs ;" and following this is a remark by the translator to the effect that a set of apparatus cost about £20-a sum which at the present day seems little, when it is remembered that a small camera alone might cost one-half the sum named. Arago's address was delivered before one of the largest meetings of the Assembly ever held, so great was the interest felt in the announcement of Daguerre's discovery. The address is too long to be given in full here, but a few extracts will convey a tolerable idea of its purport. The following passages occur :— "The daguerreotype, then, does not demand a single manipulation which is not perfectly easy to every person. It requires no know- ledge of drawing, and does not depend upon any manual dexterity. By observing a few very simple directions, any one may succeed with the same certainty and perform as well as the author of the inven- tion. The promptitude of the method is perhaps that which has most astonished the public. In reality, ten or twelve minutes in the dull weather of winter are amply sufficient for taking a view of a monument, a section of a town, or a landscape. In summer this time 4 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. may be reduced one-half. Under the skies of the South not more than two or three minutes will be necessary. "But it is of importance to remark that these ten or twelve minutes in winter, these five or six minutes in summer, these two or three minutes in southern regions, express merely the time during which the plate of metal is exposed to the lenticular image. To this space must be added the time of unpacking and adjusting the camera, the time spent in preparing the plate, and the few minutes necessary for the final operation of rendering the picture thus obtained insensible to the future action of light. Added together, all these different stages of the process may extend the whole period employed to thirty minutes or three-quarters of an hour. Those persons are deceived, then, who suppose that during a journey they may avail themselves of brief intervals while the carriage slowly mounts a hill to take views of a country." This last paragraph has peculiar interest with reference to the faci- lities now offered to the tourist, who can carry in his pockets all he requires for taking half-a-dozen pictures, each of which would not occupy more than a few moments! Of the greatest interest is the following paragraph:-"Let us not hesitate, then, to announce the fact the re-agents discovered by M. Daguerre will speed onwards the progress of those sciences which confer the highest honour on the human mind. By their aid the philosopher will be enabled henceforth to proceed on the principle of absolute intensities; he will compare lights by their effects. If he find it useful, the same tablet will present him with the impression of the dazzling beams of the sun, and with the pencillings of rays three hundred thousand times fainter than those of the moon-the rays of the stars." At the end of his important address (the object of which, it should be stated, was to recommend the Chamber of Deputies to adopt unanimously the Bill for granting the annuities) Arago says: "The importance of this latter engagement" (to make known all future improvements) "will certainly not appear doubtful to any person when we inform you, that a very slight advance beyond his present progress will enable M. Daguerre to apply his processes to executing portraits from life." So that at this date, 3rd July 1839, the process was not adapted for portraiture; and although Arago speaks of the "eagerness of foreign nations to lay hold of an erro- neous date, of a doubtful fact, of the slightest pretext, in order to stir up questions of priority for the purpose of adding to their own crown of discovery the beautiful ornaments which the photographic inven- tions will ever form" (of course alluding to Talbot's claim), it was reserved for an Englishman to complete Daguerre's discovery, and HISTORICAL SKETCH. 5 the name of John Frederick Goddard should ever be remembered in connection with the daguerreotype process. The commission of which Arago was the mouthpiece was composed of MM. Arago, Etienne, Carl, Vatout, de Beaumont, Tournouër- Delessort (François), Combarel de Leyval, and Vitet, all names dis- tinguished in science. The matter of the pensions was brought before the Chamber of Peers on the 31st July 1839 by M. Gay-Lussac, who was one of the commission, composed of the following peers:-Barons Athalin, Besson, Gay-Lussac, the Marquis de Laplace, Vicomte Siméon, Baron Thénard, and the Comte de Noé. In his address, Gay-Lussac goes over very much the same ground as that traversed by Arago, while urging Daguerre's claim for the pension, and says: "The principal advantage of Daguerre's process. consists in obtaining quickly, and yet with the utmost exactness, re- presentations of objects, whether to preserve this identical image, or to reproduce it by engraving or lithography. Hence it is conceived that, limited to the possession of a single individual, an art like this could not find sufficient exercise. "On the contrary, given to the public, this process will receive in the hands of the painter, architect, traveller, naturalist, innumerable applications, all more or less useful to mankind. Lastly, as the secret of an individual, the invention itself would long remain stationary, and perhaps might retrograde; rendered public, it will be extended and improved by a general emulation." Viewed in the light of all that has passed connected with the art of photography since the addresses by two of the most eminent scientific men who ever lived were delivered, the words of Arago and Gay-Lussac have the highest interest; and as the originals are not generally available, the writer regrets that space prevents the reproduction, entire, of the speeches from which these short extracts have been made. In the second chapter of his little pamphlet, Daguerre gives de- scriptions of the discoveries of Niépce; in the third there is a practical description of the daguerreotype; and in the concluding chapter is described the method of dioramic painting. To the enthusiast in photographic matters, this, the first of the very large number of manuals devoted to the art, is of the greatest possible interest, and it is scarcely equalled by the description which Talbot has recorded of his own experiments. The early daguerreotype pictures required very long exposures in the camera, and for that reason portraiture was scarcely practicable. Portraits, however, were taken, fifteen or twenty minutes in the strongest light being necessary to obtain a picture. After the dis- 6 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. covery of the action of iodine on the silver plate and the effect of the vapour of mercury in causing the image to develop, it only required the great improvement introduced by the late Mr. J. F. Goddard in 1840 of the exposure of the iodised plate to the vapour of bromine, to make Daguerre's discovery perfect. The effect of this discovery was to reduce the time of exposure from twenty minutes to twenty seconds, and a little later pictures could be taken in a small fraction of a second. The image on the silvered plate is of a very delicate character, and liable to injury by the tarnishing of the silver on exposure to the air. This defect was lessened by "gilding" the picture, as it was termed, by means of sel d'or. This process, how- ever, although it added to the permanence of the picture, did not entirely remove the defect, as the photographic image was easily destroyed by the slightest friction, and the silver still in the course of time became tarnished, unless carefully protected from the air. The daguerreotype possesses one advantage over all other kinds of photo- graph-the surface of the silvered plate, no matter how badly it may be discoloured, the picture remains perfect beneath the tarnished film; and on carefully removing the tarnish by chemical means, the picture is restored to all its original beauty. Fine daguerreotypes are indeed things of beauty," and since after fifty years many of those wonder- ful pictures are as perfect as the day they were finished, we may perhaps hope that some will remain "joys for ever." It is not too much to say that no photograph can exceed in beauty a good daguerreotype. (C Beautiful as is the daguerreotype, however, it has the disadvantage of showing the picture reversed when taken direct in the camera, and although this defect can be removed by the use of a reversing prism or mirror, it was not always convenient to use the camera in that way. There was yet another disadvantage, viz., the picture was a positive, and could not be multiplied on paper. Great as these draw- backs were, the process was very popular for many years, large prices, from one to five or six guineas, being commonly charged for portraits ; and when the work was of the best kind, the results were worth the money paid, as it is very unlikely that the process will ever be re- vived, and every year the old pictures become more valuable. Concurrently with what has been said about Daguerre's process, it is felt that Talbot's method should have been described; but there 1 In 1864 Mr. Talbot claimed that he first used potassium bromide in photo- graphy; but as Hunt in his "Manual," 5th edition, 1857, states that Mr. Goddard first used the vapour of bromine as early as 1839, and from other evidence, it is clear that the only practical use of bromine in photography was that referred to above, and that Mr. Goddard must at least be considered an independent discoverer, as there is no doubt whatever that the daguerreotype process owed its success to the application named. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 7 cannot be much doubt that Niépce and Daguerre are entitled to the claim of priority as discoverers. Daguerre was the inventor of an excellent process; but Talbot's method, that is, the negative process, and the consequent means of reproduction, has become of far greater use, as it is practically Talbot's paper, prepared with silver chloride, which is used so largely at the present time. It has already been noticed that Daguerre used the camera obscura -that is, a dark box in which the image is produced by the lens placed at one end. The landscape or other object is seen on the ground glass opposite the lens with all the colour of nature, and it might occur to any one-how desirable a thing it would be to be able to preserve the pictures depicted by the instrument. This was Daguerre's idea, which he realised by his method in all respects excepting the colour. Such also was Talbot's thoughts as early as 1833, but he was using the camera lucida—both instruments give similar results, but the cameras are used in different ways. In the one case, the image is viewed in the box or on the surface placed to receive it; but in the other, the image is viewed on a white or other surface placed horizontally and without a dark box, and by careful manipulation an outline of the picture viewed may be made with considerable accuracy. Such was Talbot's method of sketching from Nature. The account of Talbot's discovery, as related by himself, is impor- tant. It will be found in "The Pencil of Nature," published in 1844, and as the facts stated are valuable in the history of photo- graphy, it may be appropriately introduced here. The experiments referred to undoubtedly led to the first practicable method of photo- graphy in this country. Talbot says: "One of the first days of the month of October 1833, I was amusing myself on the lovely shores of the Lake of Como, in Italy, taking sketches with Wollaston's camera lucida, or rather I should say, attempting to take them; but with the smallest possible amount of success. For when the eye was removed from the prism— in which all looked beautiful-I found that the faithless pencil had only left traces on the paper melancholy to behold. "After various fruitless attempts, I laid aside the instrument, and came to the conclusion, that its use required a previous knowledge of drawing, which unfortunately I did not possess. "I then thought of trying again a method which I had tried many years before. This method was, to take a camera obscura, and to throw the image of the objects on a piece of transparent tracing paper laid on a pane of glass in the focus of the instrument. On this paper the objects are distinctly seen, and can be traced on it with a pencil with some degree of accuracy, though not without much time and trouble. 8 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. "I had tried this simple method during former visits to Italy in 1823 and 1824, but found it in practice somewhat difficult to manage, because the pressure of the hand and pencil upon the paper tends to shake and displace the instrument (insecurely fixed, in all probability, while taking a hasty sketch by a roadside, or out of an inn-window); and if the instrument is once deranged, it is most difficult to get it back again, so as to point truly in its former direction. "Besides which, there is another objection, namely, that it baffles the skill and patience of the amateur to trace all the minute details visible on the paper; so that, in fact, he carries away with him little beyond a mere souvenir of the scene-which, however, certainly has its value when looked back to in long after-years. "Such, then, was the method which I proposed to try again, and to endeavour, as before, to trace with my pencil the outlines of the scenery depicted on the paper. And this led me to reflect on the inimitable beauty of the pictures of Nature's painting which the glass lens of the camera throws upon the paper in its focus-fairy pictures, creations of a moment, and destined as rapidly to fade away. "It was during these thoughts that the idea occurred to me how charming it would be if it were possible to cause these natural images to imprint themselves durably, and remain fixed upon the paper ! "And why should it not be possible? I asked myself. "The picture, divested of the ideas which accompany it, and con- sidered only in its ultimate nature, is but a succession or variety of stronger lights thrown upon one part of the paper, and of deeper shadows on another. Now light, where it exists, can exert an action, and, in certain circumstances, does exert one sufficient to cause changes in material bodies. Suppose, then, such an action could be exerted on the paper; and suppose the paper could be visibly changed by it. In that case surely some effect must result having a general resem- blance to the cause which produced it so that the variegated scene of light and shade might leave its image or impression behind, stronger or weaker on different parts of the paper according to the strength or weakness of the light which had acted there. "Such was the idea that came into my mind. Whether it had ever occurred to me before amid floating philosophic visions, I know not, though I rather think it must have done, because on this occasion it struck me so forcibly. I was then a wanderer in classic Italy, and, of course, unable to commence an inquiry of so much difficulty: but, lest the thought should again escape me, between that time and my return to England, I made a careful note of it in writing, and also of such experiments as I thought would be most likely to realise it, if it were possible. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 9 'And since, according to chemical writers, the nitrate of silver is a substance peculiarly sensitive to the action of light, I resolved to make a trial of it, in the first instance, whenever occasion permitted on my return to England. But although I knew the fact from chemical books, that nitrate of silver was changed or decomposed by light, still I had never seen the experiment tried, and therefore I had no idea whether the action was a rapid or a slow one; a point, however, of the utmost importance, since, if it were a slow one, my theory might prove but a philosophic dream. Such were, as nearly as I can now remember, the reflections which led me to the invention of this theory, and which first im- pelled me to explore a path so deeply hidden among Nature's secrets. And the numerous researches which were afterwards made-what- ever success may be thought to have attended them-cannot, I think, admit of a comparison with the value of the first and original idea. "In January 1834, I returned to England from my Continental tour, and soon afterwards I determined to put my theories and specu- lations to the test of experiment, and see whether they had any real foundation. CC Accordingly I began by procuring a solution of nitrate of silver, and with a brush spread some of it upon a sheet of paper, which was afterwards dried. When this paper was exposed to the sunshine, I was disappointed to find that the effect was very slowly produced in comparison with what I had anticipated. "I then tried the chloride of silver, freshly precipitated and spread upon paper while moist. This was found no better than the other, turning slowly to a darkish violet colour when exposed to the sun. “Instead of taking the chloride already formed, and spreading it upon paper, I then proceeded in the following way. The paper was first washed with a strong solution of salt, and when this was dry, it was washed again with nitrate of silver. Of course, chloride of silver was thus formed in the paper, but the result of this experiment was almost the same as before, the chloride not being apparently rendered more sensitive by being formed in this way. "Similar experiments were repeated at various times, in hopes of a better result, frequently changing the proportions employed, and sometimes using the nitrate of silver before the salt, &c. &c. 'In the course of these experiments, which were often rapidly performed, it sometimes happened that the brush did not pass over the whole of the paper, and of course this produced irregularity in the results. On some occasions certain portions of the paper were observed to blacken in the sunshine more rapidly than the rest. ΙΟ MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. These more sensitive portions were generally situated near the edges or confines of the part that had been washed over with the brush. "After much consideration as to the cause of this appearance, I conjectured that these bordering portions might have absorbed a lesser quantity of salt, and that, for some reason or other, this had made them more sensitive to the light. This idea was easily put to the test of experiment. A sheet of paper was moistened with a much weaker solution of salt than usual, and when dry, it was washed with nitrate of silver. This paper, when exposed to the sun- shine, immediately manifested a far greater degree of sensitiveness than I had witnessed before, the whole of its surface turning black uniformly and rapidly establishing at once and beyond all question the important fact, that a lesser quantity of salt produced a greater effect. And, as this circumstance was unexpected, it afforded a simple explanation of the cause why previous inquirers had missed this important result, in their experiments on chloride of silver, namely, because they had always operated with wrong proportions of salt and silver, using plenty of salt in order to produce a perfect chloride, whereas what was required (it was now manifest) was, to have a deficiency of salt, in order to produce an imperfect chloride (or perhaps it should be called), a subchloride of silver. "So far was a free use or abundance of salt from promoting the action of light on the paper, that on the contrary it greatly weakened and almost destroyed it: so much so, that a bath of salt water was used subsequently as a fixing process to prevent the further action of light upon sensitive paper. "This process, of the formation of a subchloride by the use of a very weak solution of salt, having been discovered in the spring of 1834, no difficulty was found in obtaining distinct and very pleas- ing images of such things as leaves, lace, and other flat objects of complicated forms and outlines, by exposing them to the light of the sun. "The paper being well dried, the leaves, &c., were spread upon it, and covered with a glass pressed down tightly, and then placed in the sunshine; and when the paper grew dark, the whole was carried into the shade, and the objects being removed from off the paper, were found to have left their images very perfectly and beautifully im- pressed or delineated upon it. But when the sensitive paper was placed in the focus of a camera obscura and directed to any object, as a building, for instance, during a moderate space of time, as an hour or two, the effect produced upon the paper was not strong enough to exhibit such a satisfactory picture of the building as had been hoped for. The outline of the roof and of the chimneys, &c., against the sky was marked enough; but the HISTORICAL SKETCH. I I details of the architecture were feeble, and the parts in shade were left either blank or nearly so. The sensitiveness of the paper to light, considerable as it seemed in some respects, was therefore, as yet, evidently insufficient for the purpose of obtaining pictures with the camera obscura; and the course of experiments had to be again renewed, in hopes of attaining to some more important result. "The next interval of sufficient leisure which I found for the prosecution of this inquiry was during a residence at Geneva in the autumn of 1834. The experiments of the previous spring were then repeated and varied in many ways; and having been struck with a remark of Sir H. Davy's which I had casually met with, that the iodide of silver was more sensitive to light than the chloride, I resolved to make trial of the iodide. Great was my surprise on making the experiment to find just the contrary of the fact alleged, and to see that the iodide was not only less sensitive than the chloride, but that it was absolutely insensible to the strongest sun- shine; retaining its original tint (a pale straw colour) for any length of time unaltered in the sun. This fact showed me how little de- pendence was to be placed on the statements of chemical writers in regard to this particular subject, and how necessary it was to trust to nothing but actual experiment; for although there could be no doubt that Davy had observed what he described under certain cir- cumstances, yet it was clear also, that what he had observed was some exception to the rule, and not the rule itself. In fact, further inquiry showed me that Davy must have observed a sort of subiodide in which the iodine was deficient as compared with the silver: for, as in the case of the chloride and subchloride the former is much less sensitive, so between the iodide and the subiodide there is a similar contrast, but it is a much more marked and complete one. CC However, the fact now discovered proved of immediate utility; for the iodide of silver being found to be insensible to light, and the chloride being easily converted into the iodide by immersion in iodide of potassium, it followed that a picture made with the chloride could be fixed by dipping it into a bath of the alkaline iodide. "This process of fixation was a simple one, and it was sometimes very successful. The disadvantages to which it was liable did not manifest themselves until a later period, and arose from a new and unexpected cause, namely, that when a picture is so treated, although it is permanently secured against the darkening effect of the solar rays, yet it is exposed to a contrary or whitening effect from them; so that after the lapse of some days the dark parts of the picture begin to fade, and gradually the whole picture becomes obliterated, and is reduced to the appearance of a uniform pale yellow sheet of paper. A good many pictures, no doubt, escape this fate, but as they all seem 12 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. liable to it, the fixing process by iodine must be considered as not sufficiently certain to be retained in use as a photographic process, except when employed with several careful precautions which it would be too long to speak of in this place. "During the brilliant summer of 1835 in England, I made new attempts to obtain pictures of buildings with the camera obscura; and having devised a process which gave additional sensibility to the paper, viz., by giving it repeated alternate washes of salt and silver, and using it in a moist state, I succeeded in reducing the time neces- sary for obtaining an image with the camera obscura on a bright day to ten minutes. But these pictures, though very pretty, were very small, being quite miniatures. Some were obtained of a larger size, but they required much patience, nor did they seem so perfect as the smaller ones, for it was difficult to keep the instrument steady for a great length of time pointing at the same object, and the paper being used moist was often acted on irregularly. 'During the three following years not much was added to previous knowledge. Want of sufficient leisure for experiments was a great obstacle and hindrance, and I almost resolved to publish some account of the art in the imperfect state in which it then was. "However curious the results which I had met with, yet I felt convinced that much more important things must remain behind, and that the clue was still wanting to this labyrinth of facts. But as there seemed no immediate prospect of further success, I thought of drawing up a short account of what had been done, and presenting it to the Royal Society. (C However, at the close of the year 1838, I discovered a remarkable fact of quite a new kind. Having spread a piece of silver leaf on a pane of glass, and thrown a particle of iodine upon it, I observed that coloured rings formed themselves around the central particle, especially if the glass was slightly warmed. The coloured rings I had no diffi- culty in attributing to the formation of infinitely thin layers or strata of iodide of silver; but a most unexpected phenomenon occurred when the silver plate was brought into the light by placing it near the window. For then the coloured rings shortly began to change their colours, and assumed other and quite unusual tints, such as are never seen in the 'colours of thin plates.' For instance, the part of the silver plate which at first shone with a pale yellow colour, was changed to a dark olive-green when brought into the daylight. This change. was not very rapid: it was much less rapid than the changes of some of the sensitive papers which I had been in the habit of employing, and therefore, after having admired the beauty of this new pheno- menon, I laid the specimens by, for a time, to see whether they would preserve the same appearance, or would undergo any further alteration. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 13 "Such was the progress which I had made in this inquiry at the close of the year 1838, when an event occurred in the scientific world, which in some degree frustrated the hope with which I had pursued, during nearly five years, this long and complicated, but interesting series of experiments-the hope, namely, of being the first to announce to the world the existence of the new art-which has been since named Photography. "I allude, of course, to the publication in the month of January 1839, of the great discovery of M. Daguerre, of the photographic pro- cess which he has called the Daguerreotype. I need not speak of the sensation created in all parts of the world by the first announcement of this splendid discovery, or rather, of the fact of its having been made (for the actual method made use of was kept secret for many months longer). This great and sudden celebrity was due to two causes: first, to the beauty of the discovery itself; secondly, to the zeal and enthusiasm of Arago, whose eloquence, animated by private friendship, delighted in extolling the inventor of this new art, some- times to the assembled science of the French Academy, at other times to the less scientific judgment, but not less eager patriotism of the Chamber of Deputies. "Some time previously to the period of which I have now been speaking, I met with an account of some researches on the action of light, by Wedgwood and Sir H. Davy, which, until then, I had never heard of. Their short memoir on this subject was published in 1802 in the first volume of the Journal of the Royal Institution. It is curious and interesting, and certainly establishes their claim as the first inventors of the photographic art, though the actual progress they made in it was small. They succeeded, indeed, in obtaining impres- sions from solar light of flat objects laid upon a sheet of prepared paper, but they say that they found it impossible to fix or preserve those pictures; all their numerous attempts to do so having failed. "And with respect to the principal branch of the art, viz., the taking pictures of distant objects with a camera obscura, they attempted to do so, but obtained no result at all, however long the experiment lasted. While, therefore, due praise should be awarded to them for making the attempt, they have no claim to the actual discovery of any process by which such a picture can really be obtained. CC It is remarkable that the failure in this respect appeared so com- plete, that the subject was soon after abandoned both by themselves and others, and, as far as we can find, it was never resumed again. The thing fell into entire oblivion for more than thirty years: and therefore, though the daguerreotype was not so entirely new a con- ception as M. Daguerre and the French Institute imagined, and though my own labours had been still more directly anticipated by 14 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Wedgwood, yet the improvements were so great in all respects, that I think the year 1839 may fairly be considered as the real date of the birth of the photographic art, that is to say, its first public disclosure to the world.” In one of the parts of "The Pencil of Nature" the following "Notice to the Reader" was given:-"The plates of the present work are impressed by the agency of light alone, without any aid whatever from the artist's pencil. They are the sun-pictures them- selves, and not, as some persons have imagined, engravings in imita- tion." Many of the plates in this "Pencil of Nature" in the writer's possession are apparently in the same state as when issued, others are much faded. One of Abbotsford, with the words in Talbot's own autograph, "From Nature, 1844, H. F. T.," is pale but still distinct. Fox Talbot's wish for a process to reproduce the camera-image thus appears to have been realised as early as 1835, when views of his resi- dence, Lacock Abbey, were taken, but it was not until January 1839 that he made his discovery known, through Professor Faraday, at a meeting of the Royal Institution, London, and a few days later the full details of the process were given at a meeting of the Royal Society under the name of Photogenic Drawing. Various improvements were made, and ultimately it was found that by treating the paper in a certain way the exposure necessary could be very much reduced. The photographic image which was found to be latent and invisible could be developed by the application of gallic acid. It has been said that the discovery of the latent image and the possibility of its development in this case, as in that of the daguerreotype, was the result of “acci- dent." One of Talbot's prints on paper came in contact with a solution of nut-galls, which developed the picture, and in consequence of this gallic acid became a most valuable substance in the hands of the photographer. The fact that gallic acid could be used to develop the photographic image was independently discovered by the Rev. J. B. Reade, who claimed that in 1837 he succeeded in making negatives by using that acid, but he admits that the discovery of "the master fact, that the latent image which had been developed was the basis of photographic manipulation," was due to Talbot and to him only. That Reade missed this important discovery is very remarkable. Talbot's process was patented, but after a few years he gave up his patent rights, and his most valuable discoveries were henceforward public property. The pictures produced by Talbot were negatives, and from them positives could be made in quantities, so that his success in this respect possessed a distinct advantage over the daguerreotype, but the texture of the paper was a drawback which was difficult to over- come. Waxing the paper gave better results. Glass was, of course, I HISTORICAL SKETCH. 15 thought of and tried, but the difficulties to be overcome were great. Herschel, Le Gray, and others tried albumen and gelatine in which to form the silver compounds on the glass, but with very little success. Collodion had also been suggested, but it remained for Mr. F. Scott-Archer to introduce a process in which collodion on glass took the place of paper, and which in a very few years came into almost universal use. The process is unlike the others already named, inasmuch as it is capable of producing both positives and negatives. The process was not patented, but presented to the world-a free gift, and it is impossible to exaggerate its importance. The details were published in 1851, and the method has remained to the present time unrivalled, as in certain respects the processes which have to a large extent superseded it do not give results equal to collodion. There are disadvantages attending every process as yet introduced, especially when they are to be worked away from home, and attempts were very soon made to displace the wet process by others which dispensed with the silver bath. The most successful rival to collodion for many years was the collodio-albumen process, and there were many others, all having the same end in view, that of getting rid of the silver bath, and at the present time gelatine for all outdoor work has entirely taken the place of collodion. The camera, as now con- structed, is so reduced in weight as to leave very little to be desired, but the weight of the glass still remains, although even that difficulty appears in a fair way to be removed by the introduction of films or sheets of celluloid coated with gelatine emulsion, used from roller slides attached within the camera. A method was introduced by Talbot whereby the silver plate was etched in such a manner that it could be printed from in the copper- plate press. Within the last few years many methods have been invented, and in some cases patented, having for their object the production of blocks or plates which could be used as illustrations for books. The uncertainty of the stability of prints in silver led to the invention of two methods of much importance: first, the Autotype— a process by which pictures are made in carbon, or any other pigment, and as to the permanence of which there can be no doubt. Then, following this, Mr. Walter Woodbury invented the process called by his name. It would, however, be almost impossible to enumerate even the names of all the processes which have been introduced within the last thirty years, not to go farther back. The most important, which may be named here, are Photo-lithography, Collo- type (under various names), Zinc-etching, and Photogravure. The wonderful results already attained naturally make us hesitate 16 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. possibility of producing photo- The colours of the spectrum have in forming an opinion as to the graphs in the colours of nature. been produced and fixed, but no means have as yet been found by which the mixed colours found in natural objects can be reproduced in a permanent form. In the following pages will be fully described the most useful pro- cesses and the apparatus necessary to work them; the less important will be referred to more briefly. The progress made within the last thirty years has been chiefly in the direction of rapidity, and for general working the advantage obtained is very great. Even with the daguerreotype, a picture of a wheel in rapid motion was possible, and by one of the slowest processes, the calotype, pictures of objects in motion have been photographed, the development being very prolonged. By the collodion process, again, subjects requiring great rapidity, such as breaking waves, have been taken. There can, however, be no doubt that the introduction of the gelatino-bromide process has made the practice of photography extremely simple, and has very greatly increased the usefulness of the art. Gelatine has for many purposes superseded collodion; but the latter process has advantages which will be sufficient to prevent its going out of use, as so many others have done. Looking back upon the last fifty years, we can trace the influence which photography has exerted on the sister arts of drawing and painting, and there can be no doubt that the influence has been help- ful. In Portraiture, artists are undoubtedly indebted to photography for more natural effects, and the photograph can often be used in the absence of the sitter, thus saving time, and probably securing a more truthful rendering. The influence of photography in art can, more- over, be seen in other ways. The prejudice of artists against photo- graphy is wearing away; there should be no rivalry between the two arts, for they can be of mutual assistance, and there are probably few artists now who do not themselves use the camera and find great advantage from it. The various applications of photography in other directions are too. numerous to be referred to here in detail; to the Scholar, in the faith- ful reproduction of precious MSS. and the treasures of antiquity, it is simply invaluable; the Physiologist registers by its means the secrets of Nature, whilst the Pathologist chronicles in the same way departures from Nature's laws, and so gains a clue to the detection of disease; the Astronomer, the Meteorologist alike press it into their service, and thus obtain results which could be gained in no other way. In the Army, the Navy, photography is a faithful agent; to the Traveller bent upon scientific research it is indispensable; to the Tourist abroad for pleasure the camera is the most delightful of comrades. In CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 17 short, it would be hard to say where the line is to be drawn, what science or what art does not make some use of photography, for its applications are extending daily. The object of this brief introduc- tion is to show how, step by step, the early attempts to fix the light- pictures have been improved until they may now be said to be almost perfected. It is, at least, difficult to imagine in what direction, except in regard to the fixing of natural colours, further discoveries may be looked for. CHAPTER II. CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Of the many branches of Chemical Technology, it would be difficult to point to one which offered a wider field for new work than the chemistry of photography. It is only a few years since a commence- ment was really made in unravelling the mysteries of the processes involved in the production of a finished photograph; but already- thanks to the researches of Hunt, Abney, Carey Lea, Vogel, and others—considerable progress has been made in this branch; and their work will form a safe starting-point for further investigation into the many operations remaining unexplained. At first, the beauty of the results obtained by photography caused the workers in the art to turn their attention mainly towards the discovery of new processes with the object of facilitating the mere mechanical routine, in order to gain greater perfection, or to extend its many applications and uses; and this success was so great as, perhaps, to have delayed advance in the discovery of the principles concerned. The object of this chapter is to explain, as far as space will allow, the chemistry of those changes necessary to the building up of a photographic picture. No doubt there are numbers, probably the majority, of persons successfully practising photography who have only a technical knowledge of the subject; to such, however, any irregularities in results present almost insuperable difficulties, which might easily, or, at least, more certainly and readily, be overcome by a knowledge of what is taking place or might take place among the chemicals in use. In fact, the possession of a knowledge of chemistry, and especially of the chemistry of photography, makes all the differ ence between a mere operator, the slave of formulæ, and one who can make the processes the slaves of his wishes. As the name implies, the chief factor in photography is Light The result of its action may be physical only, or it may produce chemical changes in the substances upon which it falls. B 18 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Physical Action.-Although the purely physical action of light is of but little importance in photography, there are several well-known instances in which it produces some physical alteration, as in the case of phosphorescence, change of crystalline form, the setting up of electric currents, and the change by which water-vapour will deposit on a plate after exposure to light so as to reveal, in a film of con- densed moisture, the otherwise invisible picture. Bordering upon each mode of action—that is, action both of physical and of chemical nature-is the formation of molecular com- pounds and addition-products. As an example of this, the explanation given by Keyser of the action of light upon asphalt, which he regards as due to polymerisation, may be cited. He adduces in support of this view the fact that the formation of the insoluble substance is not accompanied by a gain in weight, and that fusion is sufficient to again render it soluble. In such cases there is no close chemical union; the change is a physical alteration in the state of molecular aggregation; but it may also be looked upon, in certain cases, as a feeble union, due to residual chemical affinity. A further illustration of the relation between physical and chemical changes is the influence of pressure on chemical change (Spring), and the production of an image capable of development by shearing stress (that is, pressure applied to the prepared film), although the amount of chemical. change was found by Abney not to be in proportion to the pressure. Chemical Action.-The cause of the chemical action may be found, in many cases, in the physical explanation of the nature of light or radiant energy, the undulations, of which it is supposed to consist, exerting their energy in bringing about chemical union, or decom- position. This undulatory theory will be here assumed, together with the chemical theory that bodies are composed of molecules which are not only themselves in a continual state of oscillatory movement, but whose constituent atoms are also subject to an intra-molecular motion of a similar kind. Now, on the principle of the superposition of small impulses, such impulses, repeated at regular and suitable. intervals, may produce a considerable effect, as in the gradual raising of the extent of motion in a swing. In a similar way, it can easily be conceived that if either the wave-length, or the amplitude of vibration of the light-rays, bore any simple relation to the molecular or atomic movements in a substance, the energy contained in the former might be imparted to the molecules or atoms, and cause chemical change. In fact, whenever light is absorbed by a body, whether wholly or partially, it must have done work of some kind; in general, perhaps, a rise in temperature results, but in special cases the effect upon the atoms or molecules may suffice to cause them to enter into fresh combinations. CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 19 It will be seen in Chapter iii. (Optics of Photography) that ordi- nary white light is made up of rays whose wave-lengths vary widely and regularly, and this difference is utilised in separating the rays from each other into a spectrum. Then, while chemical change may be produced by a ray of a certain wave-length or amplitude, one is prepared to find that a ray of another oscillation-period, or of lesser intensity, will have no such power. The former will be an actinic ray for the body under consideration, which will undergo chemical. change only, or to a greater extent, in that portion of a spectrum than in another. This difference may be well illustrated by means of a box about 4 inches square and 8 inches high, having red glass on one side, yellow on another, and blue or plain glass on a third side; this last also having a sliding opaque shutter. If a glass bulb containing a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine gases be placed in the middle of the box, and then a flash of magnesium powder be used in front of the red or yellow glass, no result will follow; but when the shutter is withdrawn and the magnesium light is burnt in front of the blue or plain glass, the bulb is at once shattered by the two gases uniting to form hydrogen chloride; thus showing that the actinic light in this case is not contained among those rays whose wave- lengths produce a red or yellow effect. But if in any way the energy of a ray of light becomes converted into another form of energy, the ray, as a ray, must cease to exist; it will have been absorbed, while those which produce no alteration (in other words, have themselves undergone no alteration) will be trans- mitted, so that on examining the spectrum after passing through any substance affected by light, certain rays will be wanting-it will give an "absorption spectrum." Draper has enunciated the statement that there is a relationship between absorption and photo-chemical effect; and the same investigator has also shown the amount of chemical change to be proportional to the light-intensity. Absorption spectra, however, are no measure of chemical action; for Bunsen and Roscoe have demonstrated that but a small portion of the absorbed light falling on a sensitive substance is employed for chemical purposes. The chemical action of light may be that of oxidation or reduction ; or it may produce mere decomposition or photo-dissociation, as in the case of the dissociation of hydrogen iodide, and of the oxides of the heavy metals (mercury, gold, &c.), under the influence of light. Oxidation by Light.-This action was one of the first employed in devising photographic processes; Niépce having in 1824 utilised the oxidation of asphalt in his invention of the bitumen process; for, as in this method air is an essential, it appears to be a case of oxidation. The actual action is as yet unexplained. Indeed, it has already been 20 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. mentioned (p. 18) that other authorities regard the change as one of polymerisation, while a recent experiment seems to show that the addition of sulphur increases the sensitiveness of asphalt. It has been discovered, however, that one of the constituents of ordinary asphalt will dissolve in alcohol, and is insensitive to light; that another dissolves in ether; and that a third is insoluble in either. The third portion is the one which undergoes change most readily; so that a more sensitive material is prepared by dissolving out the less sensitive ingredients. Reduction by Light. This may be utilised in two ways—we may either have an easily reducible substance from which a picture is formed by light, by its reduction in the presence of oxidisable matter; or it may be the oxidisable substance which builds up the picture on exposure to light in the presence of an oxidising agent. The second substance, the presence of which enables the light to exert its photo-chemical action upon the first, is called a "Sensi- tiser." Examples of the first mode of action are the processes in which salts of the heavy metals are employed. Take iron as an example ferric chloride in presence of oxidisable organic matter is reduced to ferrous chloride, or a salt of iron with an oxidisable organic acid may be employed, such as the oxalate or citrate- Fe¸Cl¿ + C₂H₂O4 = 2FeCl2 + 2HCl + 2CO2. The amount of reduction will depend, by Draper's second law, upon the intensity of the light. A picture will be formed on a piece of paper coated with the chloride (for paper alone acts as a sensitiser) after exposure to light; but as the ferrous chloride differs little in colour from the ferric salt, the picture is as yet hardly visible, and on washing the paper with a solution of K.FeCy12, the ferrous chloride will give a precipitate of Turnbull's blue of a density de pending upon the amount of reduction undergone, and, therefore, proportional to the intensity of light, that is, to the brightness of the objects depicted— 6FeCl2 + 2K¿Fе,Cy12 = 2 Fe,(Fe,Cу12) + 12KCl. Thus the picture is "developed " by converting an invisible compound into a visible one, and may be fixed by washing away all unaltered ferric chloride, since this will prevent any further chemical action when the picture is brought into the light. Uranium compounds have been used in a similar way. Of the second mode of action, the oxidation of gelatine by chromic acid is the best example. Upon this reaction depends the well-known "Autotype" process. The CrO, is reduced to Cr,O,, and the oxygen thus lost oxidises the gelatine and gives rise to the formation of various 3 CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 21 products, such as formic acid, &c. It may be interesting to note that with an exposed paper, which is not developed at once, the oxida- tion is continued, and after a time the image cannot be developed. Advantage may be taken of this peculiarity to underprint the subject, and allow the after-action to complete the process. But with silver bromide, or other emulsion plate, there appears to be no further action, and a good picture may be developed years after the exposure was made. But the haloid salts of silver are those upon which the action of light is of the most importance. It is not yet determined whether this action is one of reduction or of oxidation, or, indeed, what it is. Remembering the similar situation of silver and copper in the periodic arrangement of the elements, and their consequent similarity in chemical properties, it has been argued that the evidence is in favour of the existence of a sub-chloride. But the AgCl is itself the chloride analogous to cuprous chloride, which is the lowest chloride of this metal known; while no one has yet succeeded in isolating the AgCl generally assumed to exist in the product darkened by exposure to light. The only well-established fact so far is, that this darkened chloride is poorer in chlorine, and that there is always a largely preponderating amount of chloride remaining un- altered a fact which has suggested the existence of a physical com- bination between the silver chloride and the reduction product; but this hardly seems probable, since the ratio of the two would be about twenty to one. That it does not contain metallic silver, seems evi- dent from the fact that the darkening takes place under nitric acid. Hodgkinson has endeavoured to prove the formation of an oxygenated body, AgOCl, comparable to the oxychloride of copper; and in favour of this view is the sensitising action of the presence of water; but the necessity of oxygen or water is denied by other experi- menters, since the dry chloride darkens under dry benzene, and even in a vacuum, so that perhaps at present it is as well to adopt the suggestion of Meldola, that the constitution of the coloured pro- duct may vary in the different cases. Bearing upon this question of the composition of the chloride darkened by light, are (1) the photo- salts and coloured bodies obtained by Carey Lea, and others, and prepared in a way to lead one to expect the formation of a sub-salt could such exist; and (2) the experiments of Güntz upon the action of gaseous hydrogen chloride upon silver fluoride; but the uncertainty surrounding the whole subject shows how much remains to be done in photo-chemistry, and how difficult a matter it is for investigation. The process of Ripening and theory of sensitisers also belongs to this division of the subject. The former-ripening-refers to the molecular change undergone by the silver haloid by which it is 22 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. rendered more sensitive to light. Thus in the gelatino-bromide emul- sion, when the silver bromide is first precipitated, it is in a very finely divided state, the particles being estimated by Eder to have only a diameter of 0.0008 to 0.0015 mm. ; but after standing a few days, or by heating to 60° C. (140° F.) for a few hours, the sensitiveness is increased, and there is a gradual accretionary change in the state of molecular aggregation, the particles having the maximum sensitive- ness being 0.0034 mm. in diameter (Eder). The physical change is noticeable in the alteration of the absorption spectrum, the ripened bromide transmitting much less of the red. The chemical change is probably a molecular union between the gelatine and bromide. forming a gelatino-bromide,¹ the formation of which causes increased sensitiveness, as it is more easily reduced than the haloid salt alone. But if the heating be continued too long, further chemical action sets in, the silver bromide is reduced, and the plate will on development appear fogged. The accretionary process is probably owing to hot gelatine solution, in presence of potassium bromide, having a slight solvent action on silver bromide, and this dissolved silver salt on being redeposited attaches itself to the particles of the salt already existing. This property of gelatine and potassium bromide together is a reason for the necessity of an excess of the latter salt in the preparation of the emulsion. The action of ammonia as a ripening agent depends on precisely similar principles, its solvent action on silver bromide being well known. Theory of Sensitisers.—A sensitiser, as has been pointed out, is a body whose presence is essential, or accessory, to the photo-decompo- sition of a second body. In many cases the action is one of mass, on the principle that when any body undergoes separation into two or more substances there is a limit beyond which the action will not advance, since the products of decomposition then tend to reunite to form the original body. A state of equilibrium is reached where we have a quantity of the products of decomposition in presence of some of the undecomposed body. Probably molecules continue to be split up, but beyond a certain point the number of recombinations of the liberated bodies exactly counterbalances the number of molecules. split up; if, then, there is present a second body which combines with one or other of the decomposition products, thereby removing it from the sphere of action, equilibrium is destroyed, and a further number of molecules can be decomposed until equilibrium is again restored. The second body whose presence acts in this manner is the sensitiser. The activity depends upon the affinity the sensitiser has for the liberated body, and upon the relative affinities of the constituents of the bodies concerned. 1 Meldola, Cantor Lectures, 1891. CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 23 Taking the silver haloids, there is in the collodion process a film of collodion which is salted with an iodide or bromide, or both. When the plate coated with the salted film is immersed in the silver nitrate- bath, the silver haloid is formed— CdI₂+ 2AgNO3= 2AgI + Cd(NO3)2- and the plate being exposed wet, with a thin layer of solution of silver nitrate remaining upon it, it is this excess of the nitrate which acts as the "sensitiser" by appropriating to itself any halogen liberated, and thus preventing the inverse action by which the pro- ducts of photo-decomposition might be reconverted into the original body. In dry-plate photography an excess of AgNO, cannot be allowed to remain, as it would dry into small crystals and render the film useless; and, further, according to Vogel, it forms with the silver haloid an insoluble white crystalline body, 2AgNO3 + AgI, which is insensitive to light. The AgNO, is, therefore, all removed by wash- ing, and the sensitiveness of the plate restored by other sensitisers, or, as they are sometimes called, preservatives. Organic bodies are found to be the most suitable for this purpose, such as tannin, albumen, gelatine, morphine, and some others. Reviewing the chemical changes likely to occur in the formation of the latent image, an idea can usually be got as to what body is play- ing the part of sensitiser. In the daguerreotype, with its film of AgI on a layer of metallic silver, it is probably the latter which, by absorbing any liberated iodine, acts as sensitiser, though the AgI itself may play the same part if it is able to combine with more iodine, as is the case with some iodides. Silver nitrate is the sensitiser in the wet collodion process; the re- action is usually written thus:- 61 +5AgNO3 + 3H20=5AgI + AgIO¸ + 6HNO¸ ; and there is in fact a considerable amount of nitric acid liberated. In dry-plate photography the preservative, and in the emulsion pro- cesses the gelatine itself, or other vehicle holding the photo-sensitive salt, acts as sensitiser. In one or two cases the sensitising medium has only an indirect action; for example, in Obernetter's process the sensitised paper contains both cupric chloride and ferric chloride; the latter on exposure is reduced to ferrous chloride, the paper acting as a halogen absorber, and the cupric chloride is then at once reduced by the iron salt- 2 FeCl2 + 2 CuCl₁₂ = Cu₂Cl₂ + 2FeCl3 ; -2 and it is the cuprous chloride thus indirectly produced which yields the brown print by treatment with thio-cyanate and ferricyanide. 24 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. In the platinotype process there is a paper-reducing surface containing ferric oxalate and potassium chloro-platinite. The iron salt on exposure is reduced to ferrous oxalate, and the platinum compound is unchanged; but on dissolving the reduced oxalate in hot potassium oxalate it at once reduces the platinite to metallic platinum. As regards the silver-positive process, or silver printing, the paper again is the sensitiser; but it must be remembered that albumen is able to form salts, and that silver albuminate, which is present in albumenised paper, is itself coloured by light, and plays an important part in the formation of the printed image. Orthochromatic Photography. Besides these means of increasing the sensitiveness of a film is the use of colouring matters. Draper's law of absorption says it is only rays which are absorbed that can pro- duce any chemical effect. One can tell from its absorption-spectra to what rays a body may be photo-sensitive. Thus silver bromide mainly absorbs violet or blue rays, and it is light of this colour by which it is mostly affected, while the yellow rays which it transmits produce no effect. To this is due the defect in photography that objects are not reproduced in the relative brightness as seen by the eye; a bright yellow object is depicted but dimly, while a dark blue one may come out comparatively light. Vogel, however, has shown that it is not only the rays absorbed by the sensitive body which can produce photo-chemical effect upon it, but that the rays absorbed by a second body with which it is mixed may also decompose it; and his explana- tion, as modified by Eder, of the effect of dyes is that their action is physical-hence the name optical sensitisers. The colours are supposed to form "lakes" with the silver salt, thus causing a more intimate contact whereby the energy absorbed by the colours is to some extent transmuted into chemical energy, which effects the indirect photo- decomposition of the silver haloid. Abney's experiments, and Vogel's observation that the less stable the colour the more readily it acted as sensitiser, on the other hand, go far to prove that the dyes, like the other sensitisers, act chemically; for this requires the bodies to be unstable, since Abney maintains that it is the decomposition products of the colour set free by the action of light that exert a direct reducing action upon the silver bromide; and although it is generally considered to be an act of oxidation when a colour fades, it has already been mentioned in the case of gelatine that the products of oxidation of complicated organic bodies are frequently active re- ducing agents, e.g., formic acid. Whatever the cause, it is now possible, by using certain colouring matters, which must be of the complementary colour to that it is desired to absorb, to render the film sensitive to any particular rays, CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 25 and to obtain photographs true to the aspects of Nature as regards. relative brightness of tints. Silver bromide is much more readily influenced by the absorptive powers of colours than is silver chloride, and the latter more than the iodide. It is usually necessary, as one would suppose, to have an ordinary sensitiser present. Solarisation. To return to the influence of mass; the sensitiser itself may have absorbed so much of the liberated halogen that here also the influence of mass upon a reaction sets in, and the compound formed with the sensitiser begins to decompose as fast as it is formed. This is what takes place in solarisation or reversal of the image; but it is not so simple as here roughly indicated; for, although Abney obtained reversal on exposing a gelatino-bromide plate under benzene, his experiments otherwise tend to show that oxygen plays a part in the phenomenon. The nature of the changes cannot be fully explained as long as the composition of the photo-salts remains undetermined; but an idea of it may be gained by first looking at the case of the fading of the invisible image spontaneously in the dark. Oxidising agents, e.g., the halogens, will destroy the latent image, and probably the unstable halogenised sensitiser and reduced silver haloid when removed from the influence of light begin to react, re-forming the more stable normal salt. In the daguerreotype, if AgI is the sensitiser by formation of AgI, the image will probably fade from this AgI, part- ing with its excess of iodine to the reduced silver image. In the wet collodion process, where AgNO, is the sensitiser, the action of the liberated iodine has been supposed to be- 61 +6AgNO3 + 3H,O= 5AgI + AgIO3 + 6HNO3. There is thus free HNO3; and the image is more permanent if this is washed away, or its formation prevented; so that it is probably the oxidising action of this free nitric acid which causes the destruction of the image. In dry plates, most likely, the sensitiser again gives up the absorbed halogen owing to the action of oxygen upon it. What thus takes place in time without other aid may be more rapidly brought about by reversing agents in the light, that is, by bodies which readily part with the halogens in air and light. Potassium iodide is an example- 4KI + 2H₂O + O₂ = 4KOH + 2I2. 2 The iodine would destroy any reduced haloid with which it came in contact; and on this fact has been based a positive-printing process, in which a sheet of sensitive paper coloured by a preliminary expo- sure was afterwards coated with a solution of potassium iodide, and then used for printing engravings and other line subjects, since all 26 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. parts on which the light acted would, by reason of the photo-decom- position of the potassium iodide, bleach the coloured silver paper, and reproduce dark lines as dark lines. Solarisation is destruction of the image by over-exposure followed by reversal, the reversed image again being destroyed and brought back to the original state; this cycle is repeated so long as exposure continues. Pseudo-solarisation, or reversal by exposure to light towards the end of development, is, of course, purely optical. The light cannot readily penetrate the dark silver deposited on development, and therefore reacts upon the unaltered silver haloid in the film to a greater extent in those parts where but little silver has been formed. If, then, this second illumination be stronger than the first, the latter will, on com- pleting the development, give the less dense deposit of silver and a positive result. That solarisation is accelerated by oxidising agents, and that potas- sium iodide in presence of air loses iodine, explains the necessity of removing all excess of the iodide from a film, and why emulsion prepared with excess of the haloid instead of excess of silver nitrate is the less sensitive of the two; for, in precipitation by double decom- position the precipitate very generally tends to carry down traces of the precipitant which is in excess either mechanically or in some undetermined molecular combination; therefore, in preparing silver iodide with an excess of potassium iodide, traces of the latter will be carried down and remain in the film, tending to neutralise the action of the sensitiser and thus facilitating reversal. By using an excess of AgNO, it is traces of this salt which get carried down, and, acting as a sensitiser, render plates prepared in this way much more sensitive. The assumption that solarisation is largely caused by the saturation of the halogen absorber, e.y., gelatine, explains the fact that the more sensitive the plate-that is, the more rapidly the halogen is set free by light—the more readily does reversal set in; and it explains also why a preliminary exposure hastens solarisation, for the sensitiser by this exposure is already partly halogenised, and is to that extent nearer saturation or the first stage of equilibrium. Oxidation now probably plays an important part, for the intervals between the stages of the cycle lengthen rapidly, and the action too is retarded by the applica- tion of reducing agents to the film. The strength of developer may also affect the result obtained from an over-exposed plate, for the sensitive film on oxidation, or after absorption of halogen, is less pervious to solutions, so that a strong developer will act more readily on the unreversed portions and pro- duce a positive; while a weak developer, having more time to work in, and finding but little reduced haloid to act upon in the weak. CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 27 lights, produces a normal negative with greatest density of silver deposit in the portions most strongly illuminated. An interesting case of reversal has been recently investigated by Colonel Waterhouse, that of reversal by the addition of thiocarbamide to the eikonogen developer. His experiments have an important bearing upon the growing opinion as to the part which electro- lytical actions play in development; for the reversal was found to be accompanied by reversal of the current, in other words, the shadows became the negative pole, thus attracting the positive ele- ment, silver, and causing its deposition upon the portions of the negative which should have remained clear. This action of the thio- carbamide Colonel Waterhouse suggests to be due to the formation of silver sulphide on the unexposed parts, and this body acting as negative element towards silver, the metal is deposited upon the shadows while the halogen goes to the silver, converting it into haloid, which is then dissolved away. Photographic reversal is, as thus explained, a case of electro-chemical reversal. (See Reversal of the Image.) Developing. Only in exceptional cases does the photo-chemical effect of light produce on the sensitive film any visible alteration, the image "photographed" upon the sensitive plate is invisible or latent; the light, then, having done its work, means have to be found by which the change in the photo-sensitive salt may be made visible. The agents so used are called "developers." The action of developers is in the main chemical, and as their chemical nature, and the reaction they bring about, changes as the kind of film is changed, the rationale of development in the various processes will be dealt with separately; but in all cases the result of development, the production of a negative or of a positive, must depend upon whether the agent em- ployed exerts its action upon that portion of the sensitive substance which has or has not been affected by exposure; as in the case of the photo-reduction of ferric chloride, from which either a positive or negative may be obtained according to the manner of treatment in developing. In the Daguerreotype Process the vapour of mercury is the developer; but nothing definite can be said as to the way it acts. It is known that the mercury vapour attaches itself to the body altered by light, but whether from a physical or chemical cause is uncertain, for the vapour of water alone is sufficient to produce a visible picture, which vanishes as the condensed particles are dissipated again. At any rate, the amount of metal deposited is proportional to the quantity of sensi- tive compound which has undergone photo-decomposition, and in this respect the process is typical of the action of all developers. The Wet Collodion process depends upon the reducibility of silver 28 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. nitrate by readily oxidisable substances. Ferrous sulphate is such a body, being oxidised to ferric sulphate and nitrate- 6FeSO4 + 6AgNO3 = 2Fе, (SO4)3 + Fe₂ (NO3)6 + 6Ag. It is usually mixed with acetic acid and alcohol, the latter to ensure the even flow of the solution, and the former to prevent immediate reduction of the silver nitrate, and consequent deposition of silver over the whole plate with production of fog, instead of being formed only upon the altered sensitive salt by the setting up of an electrolytic couple; for a current of electricity is produced when silver is placed n a solution of silver nitrate, the metal in which deposits itself upon the silver, thus an image can be built up by reduced silver continuing to deposit upon that already formed; but whether the initial step of development is the deposition of silver or reduction of altered haloid to silver is undetermined. The use of acetic acid and the mode of formation of the image by deposit of silver from above upon that already existing has given this class the name of acid developers and accretional or physical developers. The necessity for having the solu- tion acid is probably because on adding ferrous sulphate to an alkaline solution of silver nitrate, metallic silver is not precipitated, but a black compound of silver and iron oxides. This, too, explains the difficulty of working with alkaline waters such as those containing. much calcium carbonate. In Dry-plate Photography, on the other hand, the developer is alka- line, and there is no silver salt upon the plate itself or in the developer from which to obtain the silver necessary to form the image. The action is most likely electrolytical here, as with wet plates; but the distinguishing feature is that the film supplies the requisite silver by reduction of the haloid salt which it holds; this class is therefore sometimes called the reductional or chemical, but usually the alkaline developers, from the necessity of using an alkaline reducing agent. A great number of readily oxidisable organic bodies have been sug- gested and employed as developers, such as glucosides, sugars, ethereal oils, &c. The oxy-derivatives of benzene and naphthalene are the most useful. Ferrous sulphate is here of no use, as it cannot reduce the silver haloids, and only acts upon silver nitrate in an acid solution ; whereas pyrogallol, as an example of the alkaline or chemical de- velopers, is an active reducing agent towards the silver haloids in the It has been mentioned that in consequence of presence of an alkali. the silver which goes to form the picture in a wet collodion plate being supplied by the silver nitrate upon it, the image grows by physical accretion above, or that it must exist in relief; and that this is so is shown by the possibility of entirely dissolving it away and CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 29 leaving the clean film beneath unaltered. But in alkaline development the image grows by continued reduction of the silver haloid down- wards, as may be seen by the image only becoming visible at the back towards the end of the development; consequently when this silver is removed by acid, a sunken cast of the image is left in gelatine. But as alkaline solutions of pyrogallol and similar bodies are able to reduce the silver haloids, the difficulty arises that, were they allowed to act alone, the whole plate would be fogged. The action must be restrained so as to allow their greater reducing action upon the photo-altered compound to set in before any action can take place upon the unal- tered haloids. The first action, then, in developing a dry plate is the reduction of the photo-salt to metallic silver, and as the light cannot have produced any effect throughout the whole thickness of the film, it has to be accounted for why reduction in development should continue downwards in the way it has been proved to do. It is here the electrolytical action commences between this first deposit of silver and the silver bromide beneath it in the film. Taking pyro- gallic acid as typical of all the organic developers, its action upon silver bromide may be thus represented :- C&HoO3 + 4AgBr + 12KOH= 4Ag + 4KBг + 6H₂O + K¸CH₂O, 8 99 the K&CHO, representing the product of oxidation of the developing agent employed; but by adding a restrainer the reducing action can only exert itself upon the more susceptible body forming the invisible image. Many organic iron salts can be used as alkaline developers, as the double oxalate of iron and potassium, K,Fe(C₂O4)2, which acts very powerfully, and has to be restrained by means of potassium bromide from acting directly upon the unaltered haloid, and the silver thus set free enables the action to be continued upon the unaltered bromide beneath, either by a chemical action between it and the nascent silver, or electrolytically as above indicated. The latter view seems the more probable, since particles of silver merely pressed into a gelatine-bromide film can be developed so as to produce an impression of themselves in metallic silver out of the haloid within the film. This is accounted for by supposing an electrolytic action to be set up between the silver particles and the silver bromide, causing the reduction of the latter, and the liberated bromine oxidises the developer or solution, which, with the two elements referred to, constitutes the electrolytic cell; and in further support of this is an experiment made by Colonel Waterhouse, who actually measured the strength of currents generated in using ferrous oxalate as developer, and found an E. M. F. of 0.09 volt. 30 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. As it is possible by means of restrainers to differentiate between the relative reducibilities of altered and unaltered silver bromide, it is not surprising to find that any portion of the bromide the reduction of which has been commenced, or the stability of which has been lessened, can be detected by applying a developer. Thus, it is not only possible to develop a photographically produced image, but one chemically or even mechanically formed. By applying a solution of some body which has a reducing action upon silver bromide, the portions so treated will be developed in silver on applying a suitable developer, and marks made on a plate by pressure can be similarly developed, due probably, as the experiments of Spring and others show, to some slight alteration or incipient decomposition in the silver salt. It is facts such as these which give greater probability to the invisible image differing chemically from the unaltered haloid, than to its being a mere physical modification of lesser stability. Restrainers and Accelerators.-Mention has been made of the addition of certain bodies to a developer to retard or hasten its reducing action. Of the former class, potassium bromide is mostly used with dry plates, while acetic acid plays the same part in acid developers by lessening the reducing power of ferrous sulphate upon silver nitrate. The use of potassium bromide as restrainer probably rests upon the formation of a double salt between it and silver bromide, this double salt being less reducible than the silver haloid alone. Accelerators produce the contrary effect, but not exactly in an analogous manner; for, whereas most restrainers act by increasing the stability of the reducible body in presence of the developer, an accelerator generally acts by increasing the activity of the reducing agent; for example, sodium thiosulphate is an accelerator towards the ferrous oxalate developer, since it reduces the ferric salt resulting from the oxidising action of the bromine, the two reactions being probably as follows:- 3Bг½ + 6FeC2O4 + зK2C2O4 = 3Fе¿(C2O4)3 + 6KBr; 2 and this in presence of the accelerator is followed by- Fe¿(C₂O4)3 + 2Na2S2O3 = 2FeC2O4 + Na2C2O4 + Na,S406 thus maintaining the strength of the developer. The salt has no accelerating action towards such developers as hydroquinone, pyro- gallol, &c. Many other reducing agents have been employed or sug- gested, such as sodium sulphide, formaldehyde, &c. Fixing.—The developed negative still contains unaltered sensitive salt, and the whole of this has to be removed to prevent any further action on bringing it into the light. This operation is termed fixing. CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 31 The negative is usually treated with a solution of some chemical which will dissolve out and so remove the remaining silver haloid. Sodium thiosulphate is most generally used. On treating a plate with a strong solution of this body, a double salt of silver and sodium is formed which dissolves readily in water, thus enabling it to be washed away— AgBr + Na,S,O= AgNaS,O, + NaBr. 3 Though it appears very simple as thus stated, there are precautions necessary, for with a weak fixing solution an insoluble double salt may be formed, Ag,Na (S,O). The solution must therefore not only be used sufficiently concentrated, but also, in fixing prints, it should not be used a second time, as the thiosulphate can only take up a certain proportion of silver before the insoluble body begins to separate out. The use of potassium cyanide for fixing purposes also depends upon the formation of a soluble double salt- AgCl + 2KCy = AgKCy₂ + KCl. There is no danger of an insoluble body being precipitated, but this reagent has the disadvantage of being a powerful poison; moreover, it cannot be used for fixing gelatino-bromide plates owing to its solvent action on the gelatine. Intensifying. A negative which, when fixed, is found to be weak, that is, wanting in density, due to insufficient deposit of silver, caused by under-exposure or under-development, has to be intensified or strengthened. With wet plates this can be done by merely repeating the development process, that is, by continuing the deposition of silver upon that already existing. For dry plates, mercuric chloride is most favoured as an intensifier. On covering the negative with a solution of mercuric chloride, the silver deposit is bleached with for mation of silver chloride, and reduction of the mercury salt to white insoluble mercurous chloride- 2Ag+ 2HgCl₂ = 2AgCl + Hg,Cl₂. According to Chapman Jones, although the above equation is true, it is more probable that the chlorides unite to form a double chloride of silver and mercury- 2Ag + 2HgCl₂ = 2AgHgCl₂. After washing off the excess of intensifier, treatment with dilute ammonia gives black mercurous ammonium chloride— Hg₂Cl₂ + 2NH¸ = Hg₂NH₂Cl + NH₁CI, adding greatly to the density of the negative. 32 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Other substances will convert the chloride into a dark compound. Ammonium sulphide will give an image in silver and mercury sulphides, or the chlorides may be reduced by ferrous oxalate to metallic silver and mercury, the addition of mercury to the original deposit of silver naturally causing an increase in strength, while the silver may again be utilised to obtain increased density by merely repeating the treatment. A mixture of lead nitrate and potassium ferricyanide finds favour as an intensifier. Either lead ferricyanide. is formed and acts directly upon the metallic silver, producing a mixture of lead and silver ferrocyanides- 4Ag + 2Pb Fе,Cy₁₂ = Ag₁FeCу6 + 3Pb₂FeCy。 ; 12 or the production of the lead and silver ferrocyanides may be indirect— 2K FeCy12+4Ag=3K,FeCy₁₂+ Ag, FeCy 6 6' 3K₁FeCу + 6Pь(NO3)2=12KNO¸ + 3Pb₂FeCy。 ; 4 subsequent treatment with ammonium sulphide converting them into the black sulphides. Among the many other ways of utilising (for intensifying) the ferrocyanide thus formed is treatment with potas- sium chromate or permanganate. Another plan of increasing the strength of the negative is to replace the silver by a metal of greater density, an operation analogous to toning prints. Gold or platinum would act as follows: 6Ag + 2AuCl3 = 2Au + 6AgCl, 4Ag + PtCl₁ = Pt + 4AgCl. On the other hand, it is sometimes advantageous to be able to lessen the density of a negative; this may be done by superficially convert- ing the silver into a salt, which can be readily removed. Eder takes a solution of ferric oxalate to which sodium thiosulphate has been added. The iron-and-silver salt is reduced to silver and ferrous oxalates- Ag¿Fe„(C2O4)3 = Ag2C2O4 + 2FeC2O4 ; the former being at once dissolved out by the thiosulphate in a manner similar to the fixing of a negative- Ag2C2O4 + 2Nа¿S₂O3 = 2AgNaS2O3 + Na2C2O4 The ferric oxalate may be replaced by potassium ferricyanide, the action of which is quite similar, being a reduction of the ferricyanide, formation of silver ferrocyanide, and solution of this in the thio- sulphate. Other methods of reducing intensity are the use of potassium cyanide, and of a mixture of cupric bromide and sodium chloride, CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 33 which dissolve the silver of the image. Duchoichois recommends that the negative be soaked in water and then immersed in very dilute aqua regia, or in a mixture of nitric and hydrobromic acids. The silver haloid is formed and the plate is then dried and exposed to diffused light. If the transformation of metallic silver has been carried too far, the negative can be redeveloped or intensified. Printing. There are numbers of ways of obtaining a print or positive image from a finished negative, but the most generally known is that of silver printing on albumenised paper, in which, instead of obtaining an invisible image to be afterwards developed, the action of the light is continued till the alteration in the sensitive compound is visible, and it only remains to fix the visible picture. thus obtained, which must, therefore, be formed of the darkened silver photo-salt, the composition of which is still undetermined. "Bromide" printing, on the contrary, resembles the making a nega- tive; a short exposure is given, and the invisible image is developed, washed, and fixed as in the case of a negative. The reddish colour of the silver print necessitates toning, the object of which is to give the print a more pleasing tint. This is usually effected by depositing finely divided gold upon it by immersion in a bath of gold trichloride. Gold being a more electro-negative element than silver, the latter replaces it from solution- AuCl₂+3Ag=3AgCl + Au ; but the bulk of the deposited gold results from the readily oxidisable products of photo-decomposition (which constitute the coloured positive image) exerting their reducing action upon the gold chloride. The change of colour varies according as the bath is acid, neutral, or alkaline. A solution of auric chloride which has been made alkaline by the addition of borax or other alkaline salt will after a time give rise to the formation of aurous chloride- AuCl₂+ 2NaOH = AuCl + NaCl + NaOCl + H₂O, 3 causing the bath to be useless; but its toning power may be restored by the addition of hydrochloric acid, as this decomposes the hypo- chlorite, and the chlorine then set free re-oxidises the aurous chloride- AuCl + NaOCl + 2HCl = AuCl₂ + H₂O + NaCl. The salt from which toning baths are prepared is the sodium salt of chloro-auric acid, NaAuCl4 + 2H2O; or it may be regarded as merely the double chloride of gold and sodium. That the toning solution must not be acid arises from the neces- sity of having the gold precipitated as rapidly as possible to ensure its C 34 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. being deposited in the blue form (that from an acid solution being reddish), so as to neutralise the objectionable red tint of the altered silver albuminate; for the colour of the gold, as has been said, varies with the reaction of the solution, that is, with the rapidity with which the gold is deposited; and as hydrochloric acid acts as a restrainer, it is removed as fast as it is formed by adding chalk, borax, &c., as already mentioned. But it is wrong to suppose that the tone of a print may be varied at will by the method adopted in toning, for it is impossible to obtain a print with good contrasts of light and dark from a nega- tive of inferior quality. In fixing the toned print by means of sodium thiosulphate, the action of course is the same as in fixing a negative; but here the for- mation of the insoluble double thiosulphate must be more carefully guarded against, as well as the washing away all the soluble salt, for either will bring about fading, due to decomposition of the thiosul- phate, if left in the print. Using a sufficiently strong solution of the fixing agent, followed by thorough washing, is the best way of ensur- ing permanency, but any traces of thiosulphate which may possibly remain can be destroyed by treatment with a weak solution of iodine in potassium iodide- 2 Na2S2O3 + 21 = Na₂SO¸ + 2NaI. 6 The chemical principles of a few of the other many printing pro- cesses will now be shortly referred to. Use of Iron Salts. The behaviour of ferrous and ferric chlorides towards potassium ferri- and ferro-cyanides has been mentioned as affording means of obtaining a positive or negative according to the developer employed. When light falls upon paper coated with ferric chloride, it reduces the salt to ferrous chloride to an extent varying with the intensity of the light; so that on immersing the paper in a bath of potassium ferricyanide a blue positive is obtained, since the ferricyanide and ferrous chloride together form Turnbull's blue- 3FeCl2 + K¿Fе¿Cу12 = Fe₂(Fe₂Cy12) + 6KCl. But if the bath be made up with potassium ferrocyanide instead, a deposit of Prussian blue results from the action of the ferric chloride upon the ferrocyanide, 2FeCl + 3K_FeCy.=Fe (FeCyo)3+I2KC1; thus the portions unaffected by light are developed as a blue image, and a negative is the result. Of the several other ways of obtaining prints by the reduction of ferric salts by light, may be mentioned Herschel's Chrysotype, where CHEMISTRY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 35 the ferrous chloride produces a brown deposit of gold on treatment with a solution of gold chloride---- 3 2AuCl¸ + 6FeCl¿½ = 2Au + 3 Fe₂C¹6· 2 A solution of potassium chromate gives a brown print by reduction of the CrO, to an insoluble lower oxide, and in Phypson's process ferrous oxalate formed by photo-reduction of ferric oxalate reduces a solution of potassium permanganate with production of a brown oxide of manganese. The Platinotype process of Willis is the most interesting of those involving the photo-reduction of iron salts, and it is also very simple. The paper contains ferric oxalate and potassium chloro-platinite. On exposure ferrous oxalate is formed-- Fe2(C₂O4)3 = 2 FeC2O4 + 2CO¸ The ferrous oxalate is dissolved by immersion in a bath of potassium oxalate, the insoluble ferrous oxalate being then converted into a soluble double oxalate of iron and potassium, which at the moment of solution reduces the chloroplatinite to metallic platinum- 6FeC₂O4 + 3K₂PtCl₁ = 2Fe2(C2O4)3 + Fe¿Cl¿ + 6KCl + 3Pt. 4 6 Obernetter's process, like the platinotype, obtains its results indirectly, for the cupric chloride is present in the exposed paper, just as the potassium chloro-platinite is, but any photo-chemical action they may undergo is either too slow or unadaptable to obtaining prints. The paper contains cupric and ferric chlorides; the latter on exposure is reduced to ferrous chloride, and this in turn reduces the copper salt-- 2 CuCl2 + 2FeCl2 = Cu₂Cl₂ + FeCl6. 2 The paper is then immersed in a solution of potassium thiocyanate, which produces thiocyanate of copper; and this is followed by treatment with potassium ferricyanide, yielding cupric ferricyanide, of which the picture is formed. The exposed paper, if left unde- veloped, is found to lose its latent image by oxidation from the atmosphere, and the same paper may then be used again upon which to take a fresh picture. There are many other printing processes, and bearing in mind the vast, and continually increasing, number of chemical bodies, so many of which are readily susceptible to change, it is not surprising that new processes continue to be devised. For example, the Feer-type, where the diazo bodies are employed; the Primuline process, and so on, in all of which the chemistry involved may be surmised with considerable certainty, as in the case of the older methods; indeed, it is not in the printing where the difficulties of the subject are met 36 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. with, but in the earlier stages of the production of a photograph, where authorities begin to differ so widely as to the exact nature of the reactions, and where the difficulties surrounding their investiga- tions have still left such a wide field for future experimenters. In this chapter the writer makes no claim to originality in the opinions expressed. All he has attempted is to give a general idea of what are supposed to be the reactions which take place in the formation of the photographic picture. The writings of the workers on this subject, Hunt, Abney, Carey Lea, Vogel, Bothamley, Meldola, and others, have been carefully considered, and, so far as space has permitted, the conclusions here recorded may be taken as representing the present state of what is known on the subject. The student is referred to the works of Meldola, who has perhaps given the subject more careful consideration than any other living authority, and whose "Chemistry of Photography" should be specially mentioned as being the most complete, as well as the recognised, work of reference on the subject. CHAPTER III. OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. CC I. Light.-Light is one of the forms of radiant energy, being transmitted from place to place by means of transverse vibrations of the medium ether, which fills the whole of space. This mode of transmission is known as wave motion," the nature of which is well illustrated by the progression in water of the disturbance due to an impulse given to it at any point-e.g., by dropping in a stone-the disturbance travels onward as an undulation, as a succession of waves, while the water particles oscillate about their point of rest, but do not undergo any motion of permanent translation. The distance from crest to crest of two succeeding waves is the wave-length, differ- ences in which do not cause any change in velocity of propagation of a wave of light through the ether. Although the length of the waves which constitute radiation is extremely small, being measured in millionths of a millimetre, the various effects produced by this radiant energy, viz., those of heating, illumination, and chemical change, are due solely to differences in wave-length; in other words, heat, light, and actinic rays are not different things, but a ray of radiant energy possesses the property of producing thermal, luminous, and actinic effects to an extent depending upon its wave-length. But, whereas all rays are thermic to some degree, provided they fall on a suitable surface, it is not all } OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 37 rays which are capable of producing a luminous or actinic effect. With sunlight, we find that a length of 600 to Soo millionths of a millimetre produces the greatest thermal effect; with lengths of 400 to 600 millionths of a millimetre, we get a luminous effect; while a powerful photographic effect is produced by those rays having wave- lengths between 200 and 400 millionths of a millimetre. In speak- ing, therefore, of light rays, it must be understood that what follows does not refer only to those rays which, by the constitution of the eye, happen to produce a luminous effect. But besides differences in wave-length, or distance from crest to LALANTE FIG. I. crest of two succeeding waves, the extent of vibration of the ether particles-their amplitude-may vary; just as we can imagine the size or height of sea-waves to vary without altering the distance from one wave to the next, the hollows and crests being only more marked. Now, since this is caused by the particles moving to a greater distance from their position of rest, they must possess greater energy or be capable of doing more work; in other words, increase in amplitude causes increase in intensity, and many photographic and other pheno- mena are dependent upon, and can be explained by, differences in the intensity of the vibrations. 38 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Rays of light travel in straight lines. To this fact is due the pro- duction of a shadow identical in form with any object placed in the path of light. The pin-hole camera is also dependent upon the prin- ciple of the rectilinear propagation of light; for, taking any small hole in a shutter, then, since each point of a luminous object causes light rays to travel in every direction from it in straight lines, each point can only send a ray to a corresponding point upon a screen placed behind the hole, all rays from other points being cut off by the shutter. This is shown in Fig. 1, where a single ray from each point of the luminous object is seen to produce an image which must necessarily correspond in colour and intensity to that of the object from which it came, and of which the whole, therefore, forms a reproduction. Only a few bodies are self-luminous, the majority being visible. because they reflect light received from other sources; part of this they absorb, part is scattered; with transparent bodies part is trans- mitted, the remaining portion being reflected and producing the im- pression of the object from which they come. The extent to which light is reflected depends on the regularity or polish of the reflecting. surface, on its colour, and on the angle of incidence. Instruments with a highly polished surface are employed as mirrors, and their use in photography is mainly to reflect the sun's rays (see Solar Camera), and for reversing an image (see Reversing). But when light has to travel through space occupied by substances. besides ether, the properties of the ether are modified within the sub- stance; in transparent bodies it has suffered but little modification, while opaque bodies are those in which its properties have been so modified that it is no longer able to transmit the undulations which form light rays. The most important effect produced by transparent substances is that of retardation, the extent of which change also depends upon the wave-length of the ray; consequently, a ray falling upon a transparent substance at an angle has its direction changed within the substance (or, in other words, is refracted) to an extent depending upon the velocity of the ray within the body and upon the substance itself, e.g., its density, as illustrated in Fig. 2, where the ray a a has its direction changed on entering the layers, b, c, d, of substances differing in density. The ratio of the velocity of light in free space to its velo- city within the substance is the index of refraction of the substance. But since velocity depends upon wave-length, we have a means of separating rays of light differing in wave-length. A pencil of rays (a beam of white light) FIG. 2. C d OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 39 falling upon one side of a prism of glass will be bent from its direct route (see Fig. 3), and we get an elongated band of coloured light, a spectrum, each point in the band corresponding to a ray of a certain wave-length, determined by the amount of deviation, that is, its re- frangibility. The amount of separation or difference in deviation between two given points in the coloured band measures the dispersion of a prism, Violet. Indigo. Blue. Green. Yellow. Orange. Red. FIG. 3. but its dispersive power is the ratio of this dispersion to the deviation of some particular ray selected for reference. As already stated, light rays may produce three distinct effects; one of which, that of heating, is, however, common to all. The following interesting experiment enables us by the use of the spectrum to show that it is only those rays having actinic properties which produce any photographic effect. If by means of a prism and a strong light, such as the electric or lime-light, or better still the light from the sun (but the experiment has succeeded perfectly with the limelight, and may be most conveniently repeated by this means), a beam of light be spread out as a spectrum of all the colours, it will be found that if a negative in contact with a gelatine plate be exposed in the blue rays a picture may be printed, but if exposed in the red rays no result will be produced. The experiment may be shown on one plate by first exposing one half in the blue and the other half in the red rays. On developing the plate, one half will be found blank, while the other will show half of the image. II. Lenses.-A lens is a piece of transparent substance, usually glass, bounded by two surfaces which are generally portions of spheres. The relative direction of curvature of the two surfaces divides lenses into two classes: (1) converging, (2) diverging lenses. In each class one of the surfaces may become plane, and we then get a plano-con- vex (No. 1) or plano-concave lens (No. 4). The six forms are repre- sented in Fig. 4. No. 2 is biconvex, No. 5 biconcave, while Nos. 3 and 4 are called a converging and a diverging meniscus respectively. The line joining the centres of curvature of the lens surfaces, or 40 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. drawn through the centre of curvature perpendicular to the plane surface, is the principal axis of the lens, and a point distant from the two surfaces in the ratio of their radii of curvature is the optical centre, all rays passing through which emerge parallel to their original direction, i.e., undergo no deviation. In a meniscus this point will 3 4 5 FIG. 4. lie outside the lens, and with plano-convex or plano-concave lenses it must be on the curved surface. The principal axis necessarily passes through the optical centre, and any other line passing through this point is a secondary axis. Neglecting for the FIG. 5. present the influence which differences in wave-length has upon refrangibility, it has already been stated that light in passing through a prism is deviated to an extent depending upon the angle of incidence. Lenses produce the same effect; indeed, a lens may be looked upon as a series of prisms; a convergent lens being two prisms united at the base (see Fig. 5), and a divergent one two prisms united at their summits. The Working Aperture of a lens used without either diaphragm or stop is, of course, its full diameter; when otherwise employed, its working aperture depends upon the aper- ture of the diaphragm or stop in use, being identical with the diameter of a stop, but by no means the same as that of a diaphragm. This distinction between working aperture of a lens and diameter of diaphragm is shown in Fig. 6; which also illustrates the way in Ja D FIG. 6. ture of the lens is measured by a' b'. which the former is deter- mined. F is the principal. focus of the lens L, D is a F diaphragm placed behind (as with the front lens of a doublet); then, while a b measures the diameter of this diaphragm, the working aper- The Angular Aperture of a lens is the relation between its focal OPTICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 4I length and working aperture; the former being a constant, it follows that angular aperture is diminished by the use of a smaller diaphragm. Angle of View is the relation between the focal length of a lens and the width of plate upon which it can produce an image, so that of two lenses that with the shorter focal length has (other things being equal) the greater angle of view. Increased width of angle of view is secured by the use of a smaller stop, but this is accompanied by loss of rapidity. It is not advisable for general work to use a lens which includes an angle greater than the angle of view of the eye, which may be taken to be within 50°. The angle of view may be ascertained in the following way : Upon a sheet of paper draw a line equal to the length of the plate; that is, ten inches for a 10 × 8 plate. Find the centre of this line from it draw a perpendicular equal to the length of focus of the lens to be tested. By joining the three points forming the extremities of these two lines an isosceles triangle is formed having the length of the plate as base. The vertical angle of this triangle is the angle of view required, and may be measured by applying a protractor. Rapidity is a term which refers to the greater or less time of exposure which the use of the lens requires in order to allow the transmitted light to produce a sufficient photographic effect upon the sensitive plate. Rapidity will, therefore, vary with the intensity of illumination, which depends upon the working aperture of the lens. The rapidity of a lens, in fact, is the relation between its working aperture and focal length; in other words, it depends upon the angular aperture, which explains the necessity for using a large angular aperture in instantaneous work. It is evident, then, that what is gained in rapidity is lost in depth of focus and fineness of definition. The rapidity of all objectives is taken to be the same when used with diaphragms the sizes of which are the same proportion of the respective focal lengths, but in reality this is only true when comparing single lenses. III. Focus.-(a.) Definitions and Formula.-Rays parallel to the principal axis of a convergent lens are deviated in such a manner as to all meet at a point on this axis on the other side of the lens; this is the principal focus. Rays which are not parallel, but diverge from a point on any axis, will, after passing through the lens, converge to a second point on that axis; the two points related in this way are conjugate foci. With a concave lens which causes light rays to increase their divergence the rays necessarily do not meet at a point, but they appear to diverge now from a new position, where they form a virtual image. The equivalent focus of a lens-combination is the focal length of the simple lens which will produce an image of a distant object of the same size as that produced by the combination 42 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the image must be small and central to ensure absence of distortion. As the point from which the focal length is measured is the optical centre, and this centre is situated somewhere between the lenses of the combination, it is customary, and near enough, to take this point at the diaphragm. A rough estimate of focal length can thus be formed by measuring the distance between the diaphragm and ground glass when some object over 200 yards away is focussed upon the glass, for the rays from the object will be practically parallel, and consequently form their image at the principal focus. The distance of the principal focus of a lens from its optical centre is its focal length. A convex lens has a negative focal length, since the image it forms is on the opposite side of the lens to the object. The focal length of a concave lens is, on the contrary, positive, since object and image (virtual) are on the same side of the lens. If we measure the distances of object and image from the lens and call them p and p', the focal length ƒ is given by the formula I 1 || I ƒ p' P; distances on the opposite side of the lens to the object being negative, the focal length of a concave lens cannot be measured directly in this way since it forms no real image from which to measure. (b.) Determination of Focal Length. Evidently from the above formula, knowing the value of ƒ for a lens or combination of lenses, and the distance, p, of the object from the lens, we can calculate the distance p' at which the image will be formed on the ground glass. Or, by measuring p and p', we can find by its means the focal length of a lens. An easier method of doing this (which requires no cal- culation) is to arrange any suitable object (such as a foot-rule) and obtain the image of a small portion centrally on the ground glass and of exactly the same size as the object; the object and image will now be distant from one another exactly four times the focal length of the lens, which is, therefore, found by measuring this distance and > The etching fluid is allowed to remain on the stone for thirty seconds, and is then washed off. The stone is then dried, oiled, and the asphaltum washed off with turpentine; after which it is rolled up with ink and used for transfer of the lines. The lines having been ruled in one direction, transfers may be made diagonally or in any other way desired. The picture has next to be transferred. It is prepared by making a diapositive on carbon tissue. The print is then wetted with cold water and squeegeed on to the lined stone; then the paper is moistened with water at about 110° F. and removed in the usual way. After careful drying, which may occupy five or six hours, the stone is ready for etching. Ferric chloride is used for etching the stone, beginning with a strength of 40° Beaumé and finishing with 30°. The stone may be printed from in one kind of ink, or ink of various colours can be applied to the parts desired, and the impression of all taken at the same time. The process is the invention of Herr C. Eckstein, and is described by Herr O. Volkmer, who states that the results are very fine. Magic Photographs (see Indian-ink Outlines).- When Sir John Herschel suggested that a photograph could be bleached by saturating it with mercury chloride, he did not anticipate that his discovery could have any artistic or commercial value. Reference to the article Indian-ink Outlines will show that the process has a great practical application. As "magic photographs" a very pretty result may be shown. After the photograph, prepared as described on p. 121, has remained in the bleaching solution a few minutes (until the picture. has entirely disappeared), it should be thoroughly washed and dried. If the print is now placed in a solution of sodium thiosulphate, the photograph will reappear. Blotting-paper may be saturated with the thiosulphate and dried. If now the dried and bleached print be placed with the blotting-paper in water, the "magic" picture will appear. Meisenbach Process.-Owing probably to the fact that the Meis- Engraved from a Photograph BY THE MEISENBACH IMPROVED PROCESS OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING. UNIC OF FICH PROCESSES. 129 enbach Company patented a method of producing half-tone blocks which could be printed with type, the name Meisenbach is often used to designate any block which shows cross lines on the picture, although such picture may be produced by means to some extent different from the process as patented by Meisenbach. The special method used by the Company is very similar to much of the same kind of work produced in this country, on the Continent, and especially in America. One of the earliest of the process blocks was produced by Pretsch, and was printed in the Photographic Journal, No. 131, 1860. Most excellent work can be produced by breaking up the half-tone by means of the line screens; but, no matter how perfect the block may be, there is risk of spoiling by careless printing, as the very fine lines soon fill up with ink. Unless the block be most carefully "made ready" and judiciously printed, the effect produced may be anything but artistic. On the other hand, a good half-tone block carefully printed on good paper leaves nothing to be desired as to artistic beauty, as the plates in this volume show very perfectly. Micro-Photography.--Photographs which require a lens to make. them visible are called Micro-Photographs. If these minute photo- graphs are to be used under the microscope and magnified many diameters, the image must be as free as possible from granulation and crapiness in the film. Photographs of objects enlarged by means of the microscope are sometimes called micro-photographs, but the proper term for such pictures is photo-micrographs, the method of producing which is described under that heading. Mosstype. This is a variety of the method of making half-tone blocks for printing with type. But prints Mounting and Mountants.-Too little attention has, from the first discovery of photography, been given to the best way to mount photographs. Talbot's method was to attach the prints by their outer margins only. The importance of this is seen in the prints made by himself which still exist, and which, in some cases, have faded only at the parts touched by the mountant. mounted partially in this way have not the same finished appearance as those which are completely attached to their mounts. Hence the importance of using a mountant which shall not have any chemical effect on the print. The mountants usually employed are starch, freshly made flour-paste, gelatine, india-rubber dissolved in benzole or chloroform, and many others. In themselves some of these sub- stances are quite harmless so long as the prints are kept quite dry; but damp may set up decomposition, producing acidity and the pro- bable destruction of the print; this applies to silver prints only, as they are most liable to be injured by chemical decomposition. Another difficulty arises in mounting prints with substances such as I 130 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. starch and gelatine; these hold a large quantity of water, and the consequent expansion of the paper when moistened by the mountants produces a contraction on drying which causes the mount to cockle or to be drawn out of shape; this result is certain to follow except the mount be of unusual thickness. It is generally believed that pro- fessional mounters use the best glue. With this material, and by means of a press, prints may be mounted on paper or thin card- board without cockling; but the amateur has not the appliances to effect this. The india-rubber solution answers very well; but, after a time, decomposition may occur, and the prints will peel off the mounts. Gum arabic is not recommended, as it will not keep, and it takes some hours to make. Starch that is not too stiff answers extremely well; it is very clean; it does not set too quickly, and is very easily made. The dry starch should be smoothly mixed with cold water, and then boiling water poured on to it until the required consistency is attained, stirring while mixing. When cool it is ready for use, after taking off the skin which forms in cooling, as this, if mixed with the starch, causes it to be lumpy. Some kinds of starch require to be boiled. There is one disadvantage with starch; it is difficult to remove a print from the mount without injury. Gelatine is a good mounting material; it must be used warm, and prints can be readily removed from their mounts when placed in hot water. The gelatine should not be too strong. If it sets in a thin jelly when cold, it has sufficient consistence for mount- ing prints. No starch nor gelatine should be used which is at all acid. Bleached shellac dissolved in spirits of wine is recommended by Professor Rood as a mountant. The shellac, which should be rather thick, is applied to the dry prints, which are then rubbed down in the usual way, care being taken that the mountant does not touch the face of the prints. This would appear to be a desirable mountant, as the prints do not cockle, and the shellac protects the prints from any injurious matter which may be in the mounts. When photographs are to be mounted in books or on thick paper, every care should be taken to keep the paper from cockling; and, if the prints are attached completely to the paper, india-rubber or the shellac mountant should be used. With care, prints may be mounted by using the best glue, touching only about a quarter of an inch of the print all round, and using a piece of paper half an inch smaller than the print to protect it while the glue is applied. The prints. should be carefully trimmed, and, if not flat, they may be placed on a soft cloth and a thin smooth-edge drawn across the back several times. This will flatten the prints and make them easy to handle. Prints should always be trimmed before they are toned, and, if left PROCESSES. 131 face down while drying or between cloths or blotting-paper, they are not so liable to curl when dry. Very little experience will enable any one to place a print correctly on its mount without any marks as guides. It is sufficient to place the print while dry on the place where it is to be fixed, and make pencil-marks at two corners where such marks are required. Photographs mounted in optical contact with glass have a very finished appearance. To mount prints in this manner is not difficult. A solution of good gelatine, not quite so strong as would be necessary for mounting on cardboard, should be used. Gelatine 60 grains, water 3 ounces, filtered through muslin while warm, should be poured into a flat dish. Into this immerse the print face downwards; place the glass, which must be perfectly clean and free from defects, under the print, and then carefully withdraw the glass with the print on it. Squeeze all superfluous gelatine from the print and set aside to dry. Prints which have been enamelled, or bromide or other prints which have been dried on a glass surface, must be attached to their mounts by their outer margins only. A convenient way of trimming prints is to use a glass of the size the print is to be, and a sheet of thick glass or zinc as a bed for cutting on. Obernetter's Etching Process.-In this process a negative is first converted into a chloride of silver positive, which is then placed in contact with a copper plate connected with an electric current. The chloride of silver is decomposed, and the copper is etched in pro- portion to the quantity of chloride of silver in contact with the plate. The picture can then be printed by the ordinary method of copper-plate printing. It is claimed that by this process a printing plate can be prepared much more expeditiously than by any other. Opal Glass.-The term opal has been applied to glass which is flashed on one side with a glass which is opaque white, or which is composed altogether of the white substance. In the latter case it is called pot-metal. Both kinds are made in two ways, one having a polished surface and the other having a ground or matt surface. The pot-metal kind is altogether to be preferred for photographic purposes, as it presents a surface on which photographs have a very beautiful appearance. There are various means by which the picture may be made on this material. When the wet collodion process is used, a negative may be copied in the camera, which on development becomes a positive. The following formula is suitable for the purpose, and gives a positive of a pearly grey colour :- Iron protosulphate Citric acid Acetic acid Water • 30 grains. 90 2 drachms. 15 ounces. 132 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Or Iron protosulphate Citric acid 2 drachms. 6 "" Acetic acid Water which will give a blacker tone. "" 3 20 ounces, The collodio-chloride process may be used for printing on opal glass, but the gelatino-bromide plates are better for the purpose. Carbon pictures have an admirable effect when transferred to the opal. The pot-metal presents an excellent surface for artistic work, either in monochrome or water-colour. When well finished, pictures on this material are almost equal in effect to those on ivory. Orthochromatic Photography.-The importance of the use of dyes in rendering colour-values in photography is now generally recognised, although there is much difference of opinion as to the best method of using the colours and coloured (yellow) screens. The term ortho- chromatic, a compound of two Greek words meaning "right colour," is considered better than isochromatic, meaning "equal colour," as in the latter case it might be supposed that the word referred to actual colour reproduced, which is not the case. The difficulty has always existed that certain colours could not be represented in the photo- graph as they appeared to the eye; yellows and reds always translate darker than they should be, and blues and violets lighter.¹ That something could be done to make the contrasts in copying oil-paint- ings less defective than was usually the case was first suggested by Mr. Crookes in 1858, who, in a leading article in the Photographic News (Mr. Crookes was then its editor), pointed out that "the collodion should not be iodised, but bromised with four grains of cadmium 1 Very soon after the discovery of the daguerreotype process, Dr. Draper of New York found that the film of iodine on the silver plate assumed various colours, and that these tints were variously acted on by light. The addition of turmeric to give a yellow colour to collodion was found by Professor J. M. Sanders in 1860 to give additional detail, intensity, and extra-sensitiveness to negatives; but it does not appear to have been noticed that the addition of colour assisted in the more correct rendering of the objects copied. It was, however, pointed out by Mr. Crookes about 1857 that collodion in which ammonium bromide had been "The used had advantages not possessed by collodion simply iodised. He says: chief advantages it seems to possess over the ordinary iodised collodion, besides its great sensitiveness, are the following:-In a landscape the required opacity of the more strongly illuminated parts (the sky, for instance) is not lost by over- exposure; vegetation is also more easily copied. Its superior sensitiveness to light colour is, however, most strikingly shown when coloured glass or sulphate of quinine (as suggested by Sir John Herschel) is employed to absorb the strongly invisible rays. rays. To prove To prove this I arranged several flowers and plants with a view to obtain great contrast of colour, light, and shade." PROCESSES. 133 years. bromide to an ounce of collodion; and the lens, which must have a sheet of yellow glass close in front of it, should be a portrait combination. working with full aperture, as the time of exposure to the feeble rays which alone can filter through the yellow glass will be enormous, even when a picture is illuminated as perfectly as possible." The difficulty as to the "enormous" length of exposure no longer exists; but the value of the suggestion is seen in the fact that the yellow screen is now used in connection with plates which have been chemically treated to make them sensitive to certain of the coloured rays of the spectrum. Dr. H. W. Vogel of Berlin was the first to suggest the use of dyes in 1873. In a communication to the writer, dated Berlin, 6th June 1890, Dr. Vogel says: "Colour-sensitive or orthochromatic photography is already an old thing, invented seventeen years ago, but only estimated by the photographic fraternity during the last seven There are, however, a great many people interested in photo- graphy who know nothing at all about orthochromatic photography, who don't even believe in it; others have heard about it, but remain sceptical. Only in Germany, where colour-sensitive photography was invented, is it duly appreciated. In the establishments of Braun (Dornach), Albert & Naunfstängl, Obernetter, Bruckmann (Munich), the Pho- tographische Gesellschaft (Berlin), are many thousands of subjects reproduced by colour-sensitive collodion, and in the British Museum such plates have been used. Colour-sensitive gelatine plates are already made in at least six manufactories in Germany, one in Eng- land, and one in America. In using these plates, a yellow screen is required to diminish the action of the blue rays; but there is one kind of plate by which the right colour effect is produced without the yellow screen in taking landscapes; this is the eoside of silver plate. Who invented orthochromatic photography? One says Ives, another says Waterhouse, another Tailfer, my name also is mentioned in the second or fourth order. Dr. Eder says in the Report of the Vienna Academy, vol. xciv., 1886, p. 380: By the discovery of the action of colouring matters or sensitisers for the less refrangible rays by Dr. H. W. Vogel, the means are obtained to make bromide of silver sensitive for green, yellow, and red by suitable colouring matters.' Further, Dr. Eder says in the Photographic Times, 1886, p. 483- 'Dr. H. W. Vogel discovered in 1873 the property of many colouring matters to increase the colour-sensitiveness of the bromide of silver of those rays of the spectrum which they absorb,' &c. I could cite here also the astronomer Dr. Nasselberg of Pulkowa, and Dr. Becquerel of Paris, who is mentioned now in French papers as the first in order of the discoverers of colour-sensitive photography, but who has mentioned myself as his predecessor in his publication (Comptes Rendus, July 1874). In fact, I published my first observations on the ( 134 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. matter of making bromide of silver sensitive for the so-called non- actinic rays in 1873. (Berichte der deutschen chemische Gesellschaft, 1873, p. 1305; Photographische Mittheilungen, 1873, vol. ix. p. 236). I made my first experiments with the sun's spectrum, but I went a step further in employing the newly discovered fact practically. I fastened a dark-blue silk ribbon on a piece of yellow silk, and took a picture from it with an ordinary wet collodion plate. The result was a white ribbon on a dark piece of silk. It was obvious that I could not suc- ceed much better with a corallin-dyed bromide of silver plate, because the action of the yellow in the spectrum on it was much stronger than that of the blue. Therefore I interposed a yellow screen between the subject and the lens, depressing the intensity of the blue rays; and now I got indeed a negative which was a true positive print, wherein the dark blue ribbon was dark and the yellow silk was light. This was published in the paper named in 1873. It is seen from this that I succeeded in taking the first so-called isochromatic picture; and therefore the claim that Mr. Ives was the first is incorrect, as his results came four years after mine. I am not astonished at mistakes of this kind, for we have an instance here in Germany where the Senate of a University has elected a gentleman as 'honorary doctor' for an invention which he had not made at all. 66 I called the dyes which absorb red or green or yellow rays of the spectrum and make bromide of silver sensitive for those rays, optical sensitisers. As such sensitisers I recognised corallin, aldehyde green, magdala red, cyanin, and fuchsine. In 1876 Waterhouse recognised eosine as a first-rate sensitiser. In 1875 Becquerel used chlorophyll. In 1878 Ives tried the same with success. Ducos du Hauron's brother continued to work with eosine in collodion. In 1883 Tailfer used the same dye in gelatine plates. In 1884 I introduced azaline, a combination of cyanin and chinolin red, as a good sensitiser for gelatine plates. All these sensitisers require a yellow screen for taking pictures in the right value (yellow bright, blue dark). In 1885 I observed with Obernetter that the chemical combination between eosine and silver (eoside of silver gives the best results for yellow and green) gave plates ten times more rapidly for the yellow of the sun's spectrum than for the blue. With such plates it is possible to take green landscapes without any yellow screen with far better effects than with ordinary plates. For bringing out the clouds and misty distance and foliage, the eoside of silver plate is really superior to the ordinary kind." In 1879 Mr. F. E. Ives suggested the use of chlorophyll of blue myrtle or periwinkle leaves for making collodio-bromide plates colour- sensitive. The chlorophyll is prepared by steeping the leaves when cut into small pieces in pure alcohol and heating for a few minutes. PROCESSES. 135 The solution of chlorophyll is in its best state when fresh, but will keep for some weeks in a cool place, if not exposed to light. To prepare the plates, flow with collodio-bromide emulsion, and when set cover for a few seconds with the chlorophyll solution, after which wash in distilled water until smooth. The plates must be used with the yellow screen, which Mr. Ives prepares by making a tank with plate-glass sides which is filled with a solution of potassium bichro- mate; the strength of the yellow solution may be increased or dimi- nished according to the subject to be copied. Excellent results have been obtained by this method. Many kinds, of colouring matter have been used for making plates colour-sensitive, amongst them eosine, erythroșine, cyanine, fuchsine, azaline, aurantia, rose Bengal, quinoline red, chlorophyll, xantho- phyll, gallocyanin (a blue dye), chrysanaline, corallin, aldehyde green. Most of these are derived from coal-tar distillation. Since Dr. Vogel first suggested the use of dyes, many names occur connected with the subject of orthochromatic photography in addition to those already mentioned, amongst them Eder, Becquerel, Ducos du Hauron, Abney, Bothamley, Drs. Mallmann and Scolic, Hyslop, Wellington, Obernetter, Waterhouse, Carey Lea, and many others. In 1883 a patent was granted to Messrs. Tailfer and Clayton for the preparation of gelatine plates with eosine and ammonia, one of the special points claimed being the use of ammonia. From all the evidence available it does not appear that any one of the substances hitherto used is, in itself, sufficient to render plates colour-sensitive to all the rays, and that no single one is altogether satisfactory for the red. Yellow is well under control, as plates may colour, so that it may have the same value be over-sensitive for that in a copy as blue or violet. As to the best method of preparing colour-sensitive plates, the fol- lowing is Mr. B. J. Edwards' opinion :-" Since the publication of Tailfer and Clayton's specification many formulæ have been published for preparing isochromatic plates by bathing ordinary gelatine plates with an ammoniacal solution of eosine or erythrosine. This method, although it is described in the specification as an alternative process, does not give the best results; also it is found that plates so prepared will not keep, but commence to deteriorate from the moment of their preparation. The only practical way of making perfect isochromatic plates is to coat them with a prepared emulsion which is made iso- chromatic or colour-sensitive in the first instance. Plates made in this way are more perfectly colour-sensitive and will work without the yellow screen; they will also keep without deterioration equally as well as ordinary plates." As to whether it is better to mix the dye with the emulsion at the 136 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. time of preparing the gelatine plate, or merely to bathe a plate (which is already dry) and then allow it to dry again in the dark, there is a very wide difference of opinion. As Mr. Ives, writing in 1888, said: "By this method" (using erythrosine or cyanin) "some of the most rapid ordinary plates in the market can be made as sensitive to the orange red, orange yellow, and green of the prismatic spectrum as they are originally to blue and violet. . . . The sensitisers are dissolved in alcohol, a quarter grain to the ounce, and the plates are prepared by simply flowing with the alcoholic solution, drying, and then waiting." Mr. Ives recommends the use of the yellow screen, and he says that plates prepared in this manner keep well, but that if they are to be used dry, they should be coated with a thin film of gelatine. If it be taken for granted, as Mr. Edwards says, that plates prepared with the original emulsion keep well, and when only dipped do not keep (although Mr. Ives finds that there is no difference), there can be no doubt that there is some advantage in being able to make an ordinary gelatine dry plate orthochromatic by merely pouring over it an alcoholic solution of the dye. On the keeping qualities of plates which have merely been steeped in the colour-sensitising solution, Lieutenant-Colonel Waterhouse says that he has developed plates which have been laid aside for two months, and were quite free from defects. In preparing orthochromatic dry plates, Dr. J. M. Eder recom- mends the following method:-"Ordinary gelatino-bromide plates are immersed in the following bath :— Erythrosine solution, I part in 500 Ammonia Water • I to 2 parts. part. 100 parts. When properly prepared orthochromatic plates are not available, the use of a yellow screen alone will be found of some advantage in copying objects or paintings in which yellow occurs; also, when there is much blue in a picture, the yellow screen may be employed. It has been found that clouds may be photographed with good effect when orthochromatic plates are used. The use of the yellow screen is generally advocated by those who have investigated the advantages of orthochromatic plates, and many different suggestions have been made as to the kind of screen re- quired. All admit that glass ground so as to be optically true is better than any other medium; but such glass is expensive and difficult to obtain. The plan used by Mr. Ives has already been described. The surfaces of ordinary patent plate-glass are not sufficiently true, but the very thin glass used for covering microscopic objects may be coated with a yellow dye and attached to the diaphragm to be used between PROCESSES. 137 the lenses. Collodion may be stained with tincture of iodine and dried on a sheet of glass which has been rubbed over with French chalk so as to strip easily. To make the film sufficiently thick to handle, the collodion may be applied as frequently as necessary. When quite dry, the film may be removed from the glass and care- fully placed over the aperture of the diaphragm. Gelatine may be obtained and used in the diaphragm slot, or the back of the lens nearest to the plate may be coated with the yellow dye; this, how- ever, is a troublesome makeshift, and cannot be recommended. When the glass screen is to be used, it may be placed either within the lens mount in front or at the back of the combination. Shades of varying density should be available, as a darker tint may be necessary in cer- tain cases. The time which has elapsed since the subject of orthochromatic photography first received recognition is too short to permit any definite theory to be formed as to whether the results are due to physical or chemical causes. Experiments by Abney have shown. that the gelatine film itself need not be dyed, but that if protected by a varnish containing the colouring matter, the same results may be obtained as when the gelatine emulsion itself is dyed. This would seem to favour the physical theory. "There are other considerations which tell in favour of the chemical hypothesis, such, for instance, as the fact that the addition of ammonia increases the special sensitising action of the dyes; but some of the experiments described by Abney appear to me to prove most conclusively that it is in this direction that we must look for the explanation of this phenomenon.” 1 Meldola says further, "Before taking leave of this part of the subject, I am tempted to offer a suggestion which may be of use in guiding future experiments. The chemical hypothesis of orthochro- matic action rests upon the fact that the best special sensitisers are the most fugitive dyes. Now there is reason for believing that the bleaching of a colouring matter by the action of light is due to photo- chemical oxidation. If this be the case, atmospheric oxygen may be essential for the production of orthochromatic effect, and the formation of a second maximum in the less refrangible part of the spectrum might be prevented by immersing the dyed plate in a reducing solu- tion, or in some inert liquid or gas which prevented access of air. Experiments of this kind might easily be made, and if the action on the green, yellow, or orange did not take place under these circum- stances, the chemical hypothesis of orthochromatic photography would be raised to the rank of a proved theory; while, on the other hand, if the second maximum still appeared, this hypothesis would not be disproved, because it is possible that the breaking down of the 1 Meldola, Chemistry of Photography, p. 317. i 138 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. complex molecule of the colouring matter by the action of light might take place in the absence of oxygen, and thus also give rise to the formation of products of a reducing character.”1 Colour-sensitive plates may be developed by any of the ordinary methods, but the following is recommended for the plates prepared under the Tailfer patent by Mr. Edwards. The plates should be carefully protected from all light, except that of a ruby colour; and the exposure necessary in the camera is less than for plates of the ordinary kind :— Pyrogallic acid No. 1 Solution. I ounce. Alcohol (methylated) Glycerine 7 ounces. ounce. Mix the glycerine and spirit and add the pyrogallic acid. The following is another formula :- Pyrogallic acid Citric acid Water I ounce. 40 grains. 7 ounces. No. 2 Solution. Potassium bromide. • Distilled water 60 grains. 7 ounces. Ammonia, 880 I ounce. If kept separate and well corked, these solutions will not deteriorate for some weeks. To use, take one part of No. 1 to fifteen parts of water, and the same proportion of No. 2. These dilute solutions should be mixed in quantity as required; and as much as will cover the plate to be developed may be poured from the bottles into a measure and poured over the plate, taking care to avoid air-bubbles. Fix with sodium thiosulphate as usual, and clear with- Alum Sulphuric acid Iron protosulphate Water I ounce. $ 3 ounces. 20 There would seem to be very little reason why commercial plates prepared for orthochromatic work should be more expensive than the ordinary kinds, as no extra labour in their preparation is incurred. When the time arrives that the distinction in price is removed, it will probably be found that orthochromatic plates will be used for all purposes, as the presence of the dye is no disadvantage; and, in very many cases, the photographic result is much superior to that of work which has been produced on an ordinary plate. Panoramic Photography.-Views embracing an angle greater than any ordinary lens can give may be taken by carefully levelling the camera, and then, after taking the first plate, revolving the camera 1 Meldola, Chemistry of Photography, p. 320. PE ONINE UNIV OF MICH CHINESE MANDARIN. (Copyright.) PRINTED BY JAMES C. NORBURY & SONS, MANCHESTER. UNIL OF MICH PROCESSES. 139 In this way The so that the next view will slightly overlap the first one. a series of pictures may be taken embracing the entire circle. disadvantage of this method is that the exposures, and also the development of the negatives, must be identical, in order that the prints when joined may be alike; the printing, also, requires equal care. A camera was invented by the late Mr. Sawyer by which the picture was taken through a narrow slit, the proper motions being given to the lens and plate by means of clockwork. A very wide angle of view may be obtained by means of a specially constructed lens, such as the panoramic lens patented by the late Mr. Sutton. A sphere of flint-glass was filled with water, and in the centre was fixed a small diaphragm. It was necessary to use a curved glass plate when the collodion process was employed, the manipulation of which was somewhat difficult. A camera was invented by Mr. Ross of New York having a lens of 3-inch focus, by which a plate of 8 inches by 3 was covered, the angle of view included being 120 degrees. The instrument was called the scioptic camera. A fuller description will be found in the Liverpool and Manchester Photographic Journal for March 1857. Paper Negatives. Now that celluloid films are available, it is scarcely probable that paper will ever again be used for negatives, unless some means can be found for entirely removing the granularity of the paper. Although glass superseded paper in the early days of the photographic art, very beautiful work was done on paper negatives, and the existence at the present time of many of the earliest nega- tives (which it will be remembered were developed with gallic acid and aceto-nitrate of silver) proves that they were permanent. Pedestal Portraits.-The effects of statuary busts may be simu- lated by photographing a portrait, with the bust suitably draped, against a black velvet or other very dark background, while powder must be freely used on the hair and face to assist the effect. By the aid of double printing the pedestal can be introduced. When care- fully arranged, the effect is excellent. Photochromes.-Many methods have been proposed for treating photographs with colour, so as to get rid of the monochrome effect, and the name of M. Leon Vidal is associated with a process called Photochrome. Under the heading Photography and Colour this subject is treated in full. Photochromo-Lithography. One of the most useful applications. of photography is in making transfers for lithographs of designs which have been printed in colours. Each colour is printed from a different stone, and as reduced or enlarged copies are often required from such work, the different sizes may be obtained by photographic means, thus saving the cost of re-drawing. Impressions from each stone are taken 140 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in black, and from these transfers can be made. The accompanying plate shows the original design printed in eleven colours; the reduced copy was made in the way indicated. Photo-Engraving-Photogravure.-Under various names processes have been invented, often patented, for the purpose of producing on a copper, steel, or zinc plate a picture or photograph having half-tone. Dating almost from the invention of photography, attempts were made to enable impressions to be taken from the daguerreotype plate. Some of this early work was almost equal in quality to the productions of the present day. The failure of commercial success was probably due to the soft character of the metal, as very few good impressions could be taken, a defect which is remedied now by the process of steel- facing, by which the engraved surface of the plate is protected by a hard metal renewable at pleasure. The discovery that an image can be produced by the effect of light in the camera on bitumen is due to Nicéphore Niépce, who, in 1829, coated plates of pewter and copper having a surface of silver with bitumen (glass was also tried) dissolved in oil of lavender (which was also used as a solvent to develop the picture); the parts acted on by light, being insoluble, remained on the plate, thereby protecting the metal from the acid used to etch the image. Specimens of Niépce's process were exhibited by Mr. Malone at a lecture delivered by him at the Royal Institution, London, in 1857; they were presented to a Mr. Bauer, who resided at Kew at the time of the visit of Niépce to England. If these pictures are still in existence, it seems desirable that they should be available for inspection in some public institution. The perfect work now practicable is done mainly by a process almost identical with that invented by Niépce. Many names are connected with the process for obtaining pictures on metal plates; amongst them Talbot, Pretsch, Claudet, Poitevin, Fizeau, Grove (who used the galvanic method), and many others. The next step was the introduction in 1852 by Talbot of a process he named Photoglyphy.¹ In this, gelatine made sensitive to light by potassium bichromate takes the place of bitumen. It has the advantage of printing quicker, and for line-work is better than the older process, but for half-tone it is inferior. In 1854 Herr Paul Pretsch of Vienna patented a process which he called Photogalvanography. A jelly formed of one part of gelatine to ten of water was mixed with a strong solution of potassium bichromate. A To this was added gelatine containing silver nitrate. third portion of gelatine containing a small quantity of potassium iodide was added. After being well mixed and strained, glass plates 1 The full specification of Talbot's patented process of Photoglyphic Engraving will be found in the Liverpool and Manchester Photographic Journal, vol. ii. p. 269. Estampe Miniature No27 En Penitence Poussed Calaton & C Editours Paint par Z. Perrault UNIL OF MICH PROCESSES. 141 were coated with the emulsion and dried; when dry, the plates were exposed under a negative. Up to this point the processes of Talbot and Pretsch are very similar; but the after treatment is quite different. The plates after exposure to light were not washed, but were placed in water to allow the gelatine to swell in those parts not acted on by light, the picture appearing in relief. At this point the gelatine could be printed from if the surface would bear pressure; but as it would crush, a mould was taken and the surface of this mould was electro- typed. This electrotype was used as a matrix, and from it blocks. for printing with type were made. By a variation in the method plates for printing in the copper-plate press were produced. In order to obtain a granular or stippled surface necessary to produce the effect of half-tone, advantage was taken of the peculiarity which gelatine combined with potassium bichromate has of drying with a grain. This grain breaks up the shadows and gives the effect of half-tone. The same effect is produced and taken advantage of in (and indeed is the foundation of) the collotype process. The plate facing page 143 is an example of Pretsch's process, and will compare favourably with work recently done. Plates exe- cuted in any process producing half-tone effects are more or less worked upon by the engraver. As an example of half-tone process engraving, it is remarkably good. The illustration is by Messrs. A. & C. Dawson. Improvements in the preparation of plates for intaglio-printing were slowly made; but there was no great advance upon Pretsch's method until the late Mr. Walter B. Woodbury took the matter in hand. In 1874 he wrote: 1 "Of all the photo-mechanical processes, perhaps photo-engraving has made the least progress during the past few years; simply owing, I imagine, to the fact that engraving, or rather the printing from engraved plates, is, and must always be, a slow and expensive process." Mr. Woodbury then says that excellent results have been produced by M. Rousselon, of the firm of Goupil & Co. of Paris, by the method suggested by Mr. Woodbury to them; and he claims that the excellent work done by Rousselon is based on the idea he suggested to Goupil & Co. As was the case with many other ideas suggested by Mr. Woodbury, great results have followed, and we see them in the extremely beautiful works executed by Goupil & Co. and their successors, Boussod, Valadon, & Co., called photogravure. The plates are made by the process of electro-deposition of copper; but whether Woodbury's method is still followed, or any modification of it, is not known to the writer. The plates, while being very perfect. reproductions of the originals, in some cases owe much of their excel- lence to the very skilful retouching by the engraver; and the printing. 1 British Journal Almanack, 1874, p. 106. 142 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. qualities of the plate are often due to the same cause. It should be stated, however, that some of the best work in photogravure is quite untouched. The preparation of the plate by this method—that is, from an intaglio-requires from one to three months. The plates are steel-faced, and the steel surface is renewed after each thousand impressions have been printed. One of the chief difficulties with plates in half-tone is that the etch- ing cannot be carried very deep, thus involving very careful printing. The term "photogravure" was first applied to this process by Goupil & Co., and is sometimes called Goupilgravure. The plate facing page 140 is an example of the excellent work done by the Company. The process known as "Klic's process" produces effects almost exactly similar to those done by what is called "Goupil's process." Messrs. Annan of Glasgow at one time worked this process, and it is now used by Messrs. Annan & Swan of London, who produce work very closely resembling the Goupil productions, and certainly not inferior. * The working details of Klic's method are printed in the Photo- graphic News for 28th January 1887. It varies from Talbot's process merely in the use of powdered asphalt. The copper-plate must be absolutely clean, the polish being effected with whitening in water. The plate must now be covered with the asphalt, which is most simply done by shaking the powder in a box. When the larger particles have settled, the plate must be introduced at the bottom, an opening being made at one side of the bottom so that the plate may be placed without disturbing the dust floating in the upper part of the box. The fineness of the grain depends on the time the plate remains in the box, as the more dust collected the finer will be the grain. When it is judged that the plate is sufficiently dusted, it is removed from the box, and, by the heat from a Bunsen burner, the asphalt is par- tially melted, until the dull surface is changed to a gloss, when the heat must be at once removed. A reversed positive being now required, a piece of carbon tissue is exposed under it, and squeegeed on to the copper. When printed, the picture is developed in the usual way. The etching is effected with iron perchloride, a strong solution being first used, as its action is less energetic than a weak solution. The plate is treated with the iron in three or four degrees of strength. A strip of copper placed in the iron solution until the colour changes causes the solution to act evenly. The etching takes place through the gelatine, and the plate is protected by the asphalt. When the etching is complete, the gelatine can be removed with caustic alkali and the asphalt with turpentine. Experience alone will show when the etching is complete, and its progress can be watched through the film. The temperature of the iron etching fluids should be 70° Fahr. Plates by this method may be prepared in a few days. UN SNIL OF MICH Claver A Dawson, Delt Clewer Churchyard by the "Pretsch Process. A&CDawson Ph.Sc PROCESSES. 143 Many other processes or modifications have been introduced; the names of Obernetter, Waterhouse, Zuccato, and Sawyer may be men- tioned. Similar processes under various names are used in America. The appearance of the finished work is very much the same, and all are probably variations of the processes described here. The Frontispiece is a very perfect illustration of the photogravure method. The perfect success in the production of process blocks depends on technical details. None of the patented methods are published with sufficient description to permit the working of any one of them satis- factorily without the knowledge which is kept secret. Half-Tone Zinc Etching.-Generally the half-tone block process may be said to be practised as under:-A copper or steel plate is ruled or engraved with lines, from 100 to 130 to the inch, running in one direction diagonally across the plate or crossing at right angles, also diagonally. The plate may be of any proportion; but, as negatives of various sizes have to be made, the plate should not be less than 16 inches square. From this plate a perfect impression must be made on the best paper, mounted and carefully preserved. Very perfect line-screens or plates may be pro- duced by ruling a glass plate through an etching-ground of wax, and acting on the glass with hydrofluoric acid. Printing-ink can then be rubbed into the lines, producing a very perfect screen with black lines on clear glass. A copy must now be made from the lined sheet of the size required for the half-tone block, and the negative must be placed in the dark slide of the camera in front of the prepared plate, separated from the film, at a suitable distance to produce the dotted effect required to break up the half-tone of the subject. As the light passing from the object to be copied must pass through the screen to the sensitive plate, the result is that the negative is covered with the lines of the screen, and the half-tones are so broken up that a block can be obtained, which, with careful printing, gives a very satisfactory copy of the original. The line- screen need not be in actual contact with the sensitive film, as the light passes through in direct lines and a sharp copy is transmitted. Much mystery has been made as to shifting the screen-negative; but, beyond the necessity for reversing the negative when a sheet ruled in one way only has been used, it is difficult to see how any other kind of shifting can be necessary. Of course, when the negative with lines in one direction only is used in front of the sensitive plate, while the copy is being made some method must be adopted so as not to disturb the plate while the line-screen is shifted. When the line-negative is varnished (and the greatest care must be taken in every step of the process, so as to produce a perfect 144 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. result, for there must be no spots or blemishes of any kind on the negative), the printing on the zinc or copper may be proceeded with. For very fine work it is preferable to use the bitumen method (see Bitumen Process). The preparation of the metal plates with albumen and the other processes required to complete the block are described under Zinc-Etching. In some cases the zinc blocks are worked up during the etching process to improve the effect by stopping out parts requiring higher light; but this has to be done with much care and skill, otherwise the work will be patchy and unsatisfactory. Photo-Filigrane.-One of the numerous applications of photography due to the inventive genius of the late Mr. Woodbury was called by him Photo-filigrane, and was made the subject of a patent. The object of the process is to impress an image on paper, so that, when viewed by transmitted light, some of the effects of light and shade are produced. This is effected by attaching to a metal roller a gela- tine relief, so that when sheets of paper are passed between the relief and another roller, the impression is taken by the paper, producing an effect similar to a water-mark, but with half-tone in place of mere lines. Photo-Galvanography.-This name was given to the process in- vented by M. Pretsch. It is referred to under the heading Photo- Engraving. Photochromo-Typography.-One of the most beautiful methods for the application of colour to the half-tone zinc process is shown in the illustration by Messrs. Boussod, Valadon, & Co., on the opposite page, in which it will be seen that, after the original block for the black is printed, by a process of printing from blocks for the colours a very effective picture is produced. The Photogenic Drawing. In this process fine writing-paper or white leather was brushed over with, or was steeped in, a solution of sodium chloride (or common table-salt). This was allowed to dry, and was then washed over with, or floated upon, a solution of silver nitrate. When dry, the object to be photographed was placed on the paper and then exposed to sunlight, perfect contact being made by pressure under glass. Talbot found that when paper was prepared so that there was an excess of silver nitrate, he obtained better results. picture was of course negative—that is, if the object to be copied was an engraving, the black lines would be white in the copy. The fixing was a difficulty which Wedgwood and Davy could not overcome; but Talbot found that by washing the prints, so as to free the paper from the silver salt as much as possible, and then steeping the prints in a solution of salt or potassium iodide, the prints were, to a certain extent, fixed, and that the action of light on them was so far lessened that the negatives could be used for producing copies having the Chromotypogravure & Imprimerie Boussod, Valadon & Co. Paris. UNIL OF Mi CH natural light and shade. PROCESSES. 145 Paper prepared in the manner described is very sensitive to direct daylight, or when used with the solar micro- scope; but, if used in the camera, a very long exposure was necessary; yet Talbot succeeded, as already stated, as early as 1835, in producing pictures in the camera by this process, which he named Photogenic Drawing. Photographing on Wood.-The blocks of boxwood used by wood- engravers have to be carefully seasoned in order to prevent the possi- bility of splitting after the surface has been engraved, hence the difficulty of utilising photography; but it has been found that a well- seasoned piece of wood, after it has been wetted, is soon in a fit state to be engraved. Any kind of brittle film on the surface of the wood FIG. 36. is liable to chip under the graving tool; therefore, when a film is used, it must be of the thinnest possible kind. A collodion positive loosened from the glass with nitric acid, floated on water, and then caught on the wood block in the reversed position, is found to answer. The surface of the wood being blackened, the image is perfectly dis- tinct and the film is too thin to cause chipping. Many other methods have been proposed. One of the earliest engraved blocks produced with the assistance of photography was the work of Mr. Robert Langton of Manchester, to whom the writer is indebted for the permission to use the block (Fig. 36). The engraving was printed in the Art Journal of August 1854, and is an excellent example of this kind of work. K 146 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography and Colour.-In these days of enlightened chemi- cal research, the pursuit of the discovery of the philosopher's stone (which, it is almost necessary to explain to the junior readers of these pages, was the desire to find some means of converting the baser metals into gold) is never heard of; but the pursuit of photography in colour has almost taken the place of the older chimera;—it is a kind of ignis fatuus-something which is visible, but which eludes the grasp. To say that the object sought is unattainable would be unwise, seeing that little more than fifty years ago the thing we have now in such wonderful perfection was something dreamed of, was sought for, and was found. But this image of the camera, the mar- vellous beauty of which set the mind of Talbot reflecting on the possibility of its being fixed on his drawing-paper, is a very different thing, as it was first fixed by Talbot and Daguerre, to the matter which they would have preferred, the picture with all its charm of colour. This is the problem which has baffled the efforts of all who have attempted to solve it. Let us inquire what has been done. towards the fulfilment of the desire, so that we may possibly be in a position to ask whether, judging from the little produced by over fifty years of experiment, how much more may be anticipated in another half century. As early as the first year of the present century, Ritter, Berard, Seebeck, Berthollet, Herschel, Sir H. Englefield, and others had inves- tigated the calorific and colorific effects of the sun's rays; and about the same time it was discovered that the chemical were different from the actinic rays of light. Wedgwood and Davy used the chemical rays to produce their images on paper and leather, but they do not appear to have observed any effect of colour on the surfaces made sensitive to light; they used coloured glasses, and noticed that when light passed through red glass very little change was produced, but through yellow and green the change increased, and when blue and violet glasses were used more active changes occurred-that is, their leather and paper darkened quicker. They speak of the changes of colour, but it is evident that they mean only the difference in tint caused by the light. One of the earliest investigators of the effects of light in producing colour on silver chloride was Dr. Seebeck of Jena, who, in 1810, found that when silver chloride was spread upon paper and exposed while wet to the solar rays, received on a prism through a narrow aperture in a shutter, changed colour; in the blue it became blue, and in the red rays it changed to rose colour, and there were other changes in the various tints. This appears to have been an experiment to show the chemical change produced in sun- light, not in the nature of a photograph; and it is chiefly interesting as showing that nearly thirty years before Talbot's discovery it was PROCESSES. 147 known that one of the properties of light was to produce a change on silver chloride corresponding with the colour of the light which had been caused to fall upon it. A few months after Talbot's discovery, Sir J. Herschel published some experiments which show that when a bright spectrum was thrown on a piece of sensitive paper the change effected was not that of darkening only, but colours were produced. Herschel's experi- ments were continued; and, although he failed to discover any means of fixing the colours, he found that when washed in water some degree of permanence was given; he also found that the colours deepened when the paper had been kept for some days in the dark (one of the effects in the continuing action of light, which is noticed in carbon printing and in prints on paper prepared with gelatine and potassium bichromate). Herschel's experiments led him to think that it might be possible to produce pictures by the aid of light in natural colours. About the same time (1840), Hunt published observations on the effects of light passing through pieces of coloured glass on to paper prepared with silver nitrate combined with salts of different kinds; but no advance was made in the direction of the production of photo- graphs in the colours of Nature. It is unnecessary to follow the researches step by step, as each experimenter seems to have advanced very little beyond what his predecessors had done. The experiments were varied by Becquerel, who, after confirming what had been done by Herschel and Hunt, showed that a silvered plate which had been coated with silver chloride, produced in various ways, was sensitive to the yellow as well as to the other colours. He found also that after prolonged exposure to the spectrum the first effects disappeared and the plate became grey. Becquerel next prepared silver plates with chlorine electrically produced. The preparation of the plates was a very tedious and troublesome matter. To obtain the best effects, a kind of annealing process had to be gone through, the ultimate result being something like what had been previously done. From the description of the appearance of these coloured impressions of the spectrum, it is difficult to imagine what they were like or what was the intensity of the colours produced. One is almost tempted to ask whether some of the effects may not have been due to iridescence. The name of Niépce de St. Victor is often mentioned in connection with photography in natural colours; but he does not appear to have made any original discoveries, nor to have done more than repeat Becquerel's experiments. Many other names occur in connection with this subject, but so far no advance has been made towards what is so eagerly desired, and what has repeatedly been announced - photo- 148 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. graphy in the colours of Nature. Coloured photographs have been produced, but the colours have not been impressed on the paper by the agency of light. Light and chemistry have produced the picture, but the colours have been put in by hand in various ways; generally by first making the picture transparent, and then, on the back, distri- buting the colour roughly to produce the desired effect. Things of this kind are of no artistic value, and cannot deceive the eye of the skilled artist or photographer. By accident curious effects are sometimes produced. In the Liver- pool and Manchester Journal of 15th April 1857 it is reported that at a meeting of the Manchester Photographic Society on the 8th April the late Mr. Joseph Sidebotham made a communication on this sub- ject. He said: "In the ordinary collodion positives on glass we occasionally meet with examples of partial natural colouring, such, for instance, as a green tinge on the foliage. I have had one where the green and red in a photograph of some scarlet geraniums were tolerably bright, and I have here on the table a landscape with trees and a red brick house, taken in bright sunshine, and you will see the green foliage and the red house are tolerably well marked in colour." The picture showing these colours was taken in 1852. The writer saw the picture at the time it was shown by Mr. Sidebotham, and again in 1887, when it was lent for the historical collection in the photo- graphic section of the Exhibition at Old Trafford, Manchester, in that year. There had been no change that could be detected in the thirty- five years since it was taken; and, although the appearance of colour in this case was the result of accident, all attempts to reproduce them having failed, the picture remains as evidence of the production of colour under certain conditions of light and chemicals. The difference between this curiosity, the result of Mr. Sidebotham's experiments in 1852, and all that has been done in producing colours by the aid of light on chemically prepared plates, appears to be that in the one case the colours which could not be reproduced remain permanent, while in the other the colours which can be obtained under certain conditions are fleeting and cannot be fixed. Many names could be mentioned of those who have repeated the early experiments for producing the colours of Nature in a photograph ; amongst them Poitevin, Ducos du Hauron, Vidal, and Carey Lea. Re- cently M. Verescz has produced some results which are claimed to surpass everything previously done, especially as regards the fixing of the colours. The writer is not aware that the method by which these results have been obtained has been made public. Professor Vogel has published his opinion to the effect that no advance has been made, the results not being superior to those obtained by Becquerel. Pro- fessor Vogel says in a communication to the Bulletin: "If I compare PROCESSES. 149 The the sample before me with the pictures I have seen in 1867 of Niépce de St. Victor, Becquerel, and Dr. Zenker, I must confess that those much older productions were richer in colour, although the tones deviated likewise considerably from the natural ones. An essential progress I can, therefore, not recognise in the present pictures." most recent contribution on this subject is from the French corre- spondent of the British Journal of Photography, who, in the number for July 18, 1890, writes to following effect :-"At the late meeting of our society, M. Vallot presented some prints in natural colour. Since the experiments of M. Verescz the attention of a great number has been drawn to this subject. M. Vallot has been repeating the experiments of M. Poitevin, and I myself cannot see that progress has been made. A few years ago (twelve years) I travelled 200 miles to pay a visit to the father of photo-mechanical printing. When receiving his hospitality, he showed me his collection of experiments. of printing in natural colours. His results were far superior to what was shown last Friday, or to what had been obtained by M. Verescz (fixing apart). In case any amateur should like to procure a few proofs in natural colours or to have a start on the road to some wonder- ful discovery, I will here give the modus operandi employed by M. Vallot, which he himself gave us last Friday evening:-Float strong photographic paper for three minutes on the following solution :-- 1. Sodium chloride. Water. 20 grammes = 5 drachms. 100 c.c.3 ounces. Dry the paper as rapidly as possible, then float for five minutes in the sensitising bath. 2. Silver nitrate Water. 20 grammes=5 drachms. 100 c.c.3 ounces. Allow to drain a few seconds, and then wash the paper for ten minutes under a stream of water. "3. Plunge the paper for five minutes into a 20 per cent. bath of sodium chloride, and wash a few minutes in running water. the following solution:- Distilled water Protochloride of tin Sulphuric acid 100 c.c.31 ounces. 3 grammes=46 grains. 10 drops. Prepare Of the above solution take 20 grammes (5 drachms) and water 500 c.c. (17 ounces). 4. Plunge the paper into this bath, and then take the tray con- taining the solution and the paper into the light, and expose the paper until it becomes of a dark violet hue; wash five minutes and 150 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. dry the paper. During the drying prepare the two following solu- tions :— A. Potassium bichromate Water. B. Saturated solution of copper sulphate. 5 grammes=77 grains. 100 C.C.3 ounces. 5. Mix equal quantities of the two solutions and plunge the dry paper into the bath, and that for two minutes. When dry the paper is ready to be exposed. "The subject before you,' said M. Vallot (a transparent poly- coloured design for a stained window), was exposed three-quarters of an hour in full sun.' "6. When the paper is taken out of the printing-frame the colours are very faint; in order to revive them, the print is plunged into the following bath :— Sulphuric acid Water • 20 c.c. = 5 drachms. 100 C.C. 32 ounces. = Care must be taken not to allow the prints to remain too long a time in this bath, or the acid, after having revived the colours, would soon destroy them. The proofs are now well washed, dried, and albumin- ised, which gives vigour to the tones. Naturally,' said M. Vallot, 'the image must be preserved from the light, as no means of fixing has yet been discovered.'" A few years since the writer was shown by Sir H. E. Roscoe a photograph of the solar spectrum in colour, faint but yet distinct, which had been produced by Captain Abney; this also had to be viewed by artificial light, as no means of fixing the colours had been attempted. It should perhaps be mentioned that the late Mr. Woodbury intro- duced an ingenious method of giving photographs the effect of natural colours. By arranging colours in a kind of matrix following the forms. in a photograph, the colour was made to set off on to the photograph, and when carefully done a very pleasing effect was produced. A similar effect may be obtained by using lithographic tints. Mr. R. E. Ives in 1888 proposed a means of producing the effect of colour. He says: “There is much yet to be done in perfecting the print-making part of the process. For the present I am satisfied to obtain perfect heliochromatic prints on glass, so that the results may be shown with the optical lantern, and have adopted the follow- ing procedure :-The blue print is made by the cyanotype process, on a film of gelatine attached to glass. The red print is made by the so-called carbon process, with eosine for the colouring matter,-a reversed print being thereby produced upon another glass. The PROCESSES. 151 yellow print is made by the collotype printing process, or a specially prepared film of collodion and gelatine. Several of the red and yellow prints are made, and such prints selected as are found to pro- duce a neutral black in the shadows when superimposed with the blue print over a white surface; the colours are then correct in every shade of the picture. After placing the yellow film picture between the blue and red picture on a glass, and therefore in contact with them, they are moved until the images are exactly superimposed; and then fastened together by binding to complete the lantern-slide heliochrome.” In a lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute in December 1890, Mr. Ives, after giving the history of the subject of producing the colours of Nature by the aid of photography, refers at length to his own experiments in this matter, and he describes the means he adopted in taking negatives and making the copies to be used in the optical lantern. The concluding paragraph of the lecture is as fol- lows:-"Composite heliochromy must always remain a comparatively costly process, when carried out in a manner calculated to yield the finest results, and can most profitably be brought before the public in the form of optical lantern-lecture illustrations, not with the triple lantern, but with the transparent colour-print heliochromes mounted as lantern-slides. If the colour-prints are made by the Woodburytype. process, such heliochromic lantern-slides, infinitely superior to hand- painted ones, can be made in quantity at a cost not exceeding one dollar each." 1 In solving the difficulty of making pictures which can be used as slides for the optical lantern showing the colours of Nature, Mr. A. W. Scott of Weston-super-Mare has succeeded in a very remarkable way. The photographs are obtained in the following manner:—A camera arranged with four lenses is used, and the negatives are taken on orthochromatic plates, the light passing through colour screens, green, blue, red, and violet. As the exposure is different for each colour, diaphragms of suitable sizes are used. Transparencies for the nega- tives are made in the usual way. Although presenting to the eye representations of the subject of the ordinary kind, each picture has different gradations of intensity according to the colours through which the negatives were made. In projecting the pictures on to the screen, the same colour plate as that through which the early picture was taken is used, and as the four pictures can, by the mechanical arrangement of the lantern, be made to overlap or superpose, the effect, when the pictures are care- fully registered, is a very near approach to a picture of the object in 1 From more recent description Mr. Ives appears now to adopt a method similar to that used by Mr. Scott. 152 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the colours of Nature. The apparatus is called by the inventor the Verak. A large range of subjects have already been produced, such as a scarlet geranium with its green leaves, which has a most natural appearance; sunrise; a wall covered with bills in many colours; and many others, which the writer has seen. It appears to him that in this direction a great advance has been made in making pictures which imitate the colours of Nature. It must be noted that to pro- duce these effects four pictures are required, and that this in no way solves the problem of the production of pictures in colours at one operation. In what has been said, the work of fifty years has been passed in review; and if we omit the Verescz experiments, about which so little appears to be known, we have arrived at about the same point as we started from the experiments with silver chloride and the changes produced in the light of the solar spectrum; in fact, we are no nearer now to a solution of the problem of photography in natural colours than we were in 1839. As already remarked, it would be unwise to say that the object sought for never can be realised owing to the diffi- cult character of the chemistry of the subject; but as so much has been done within the last fifty years to advance ordinary photography and chemistry, the next half century may witness the evolution of a pro- cess by which the objects photographed may at the same time possess their natural colours, although it must be confessed there seems to be very little probability of success attending efforts in this direction.1 Photo-Lithography. One of the earliest applications of photo- graphy was the attempt by Niépce to obtain pictures on litho graphic stone by means of bitumen, which he dissolved in oil of 1 Since the above was written, a statement has appeared in the Daily News of February 11, 1891, to the effect that at a recent meeting of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, it was announced that M. Lippmann had succeeded in obtain- ing photographs in the colours of Nature. The method was only partly described, but the chief means employed was said to be a mirror or a trough of mercury placed behind the sensitive gelatino-bromide plate. Writing a day or two later to the Photographic News, M. Leon Vidal stated that he had seen one of the plates; that the colours were very faint; and that he would not have suspected it was a reproduction of the solar spectrum if he had not been told so. It appears certain that some results have been obtained, and in a way different from all former methods; but all that was claimed for the discovery in the first announce- ment appears to be far short of what is necessary to realise the effect of natural colours on the photographic plate. Probably the specimen exhibited was not a good one, or, if seen by artificial light, the perfection of the colours may not have been apparent. The writer has seen two specimens of M. Lippmann's work, and both were good, showing very perfectly all the colours of the spectrum, not faintly, but bright and distinct (in daylight) by reflected light. M. Lippmann does not claim to have done more than to have obtained the picture of the spectrum; but this is fixed and varnished on the glass plate, and is therefore permanent. The colours are of the character called iridescent. 9999 060 IRISH LACE Photolithographed by Messrs West, Newman & Co. Hatton Garden. London. UNIV OF MICH PROCESSES. 153 The image lavender and then spread as a thin film on the stone. obtained after long exposure was developed by washing away the bitumen which had not been affected by the light with oil of lavender and petroleum. The picture or design left on the stone was etched in the usual manner, and could then be printed from. The principle involved in this process, although it led to no immediate result, has been applied in a very practical way during the last few years, and is referred to in these pages in connection with zinc-etching. Many attempts were made to utilise the method of printing direct on to the lithographic stone, but with only partial success; and it was not until the system of transferring an image originally produced by photo- graphs on paper prepared with gelatine and potassium bichromate, and causing this image to take lithographic ink, that the 'process became of commercial importance. It has for many years been exten- sively used for the reproduction of all kinds of drawings in line and stipple; and, by modifications, half-tone pictures are now practicable. Closely allied to photo-lithography is a modification, Photo-Zinco- graphy; the only difference being that in one case stone is used, and in the other zinc. Amongst lithographers there appears to be a pre- judice against zinc, but the process has been largely employed by the Ordnance Survey Department at Southampton, where the beautiful maps produced there are enlarged or reduced by means of photo- graphy, and transferred to, and printed from, zinc plates. As the success of a photo-lithograph depends on the character of the negative, the greatest attention must be given to its production. Many attempts have been made to utilise gelatine plates, but as the lines in the negatives must be clear glass, the collodion process is usually employed. The gelatine process is not yet capable of yield- ing negatives of suitable character for all purposes. Success also in this process depends very largely on the kind of drawing to be copied. When plans or drawings are specially made for reproduction, the ink should be black, not grey, as Indian-ink very often appears in drawings otherwise perfect. This greyness makes it almost impossible to obtain the requisite clearness in the negative, and the result is rottenness in the lines of the print from stone. Another defect in drawings is that the lines are too thin. When closely examined, it will be found that the pen has not made a continuous line. On some kinds of drawing-paper the ink may only have touched the top surface, thus causing broken lines in the transferred copy; hence the lithographer is often blamed for what is really the fault of the original drawing. Another defect in drawings is the gloss in the drawing where large masses of black occur; but this, although it gives trouble to the lithographer, can be corrected by him on the stone. Prout's brown is an excellent colour for line draw- 154 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ings; but the artist must not be tempted to improve the effect in his drawing by diluting his colour. The drawing should in all cases be made on white paper. Tracing-paper gives the photographer much trouble; it is often very dark coloured; the lines drawn on it are often not black, and as it is almost impossible to make a large tracing lie flat, the consequence is that the lines may be out of focus. When the tracing is separated from the white paper against which it is pinned, there is a further defect introduced, by the full effect of the black line not being seen. The collodion may be of the ordinary kind used for negatives, or collodion specially prepared for photo-lithography may be used, the only difference probably being that it may contain more pyroxyline. The silver bath should be distinctly acid, so that there may be no tendency to fog. The plate should not be removed from the bath until all streakiness has disappeared, and it should be developed with iron protosulphate (see Collodion Process); the proportion of iron may be varied at discretion to suit the work in hand or the season of the year. Less iron may be used in warm weather, but the proportions given are quite suitable for all purposes. The exposure in the camera should be as accurately timed as pos- sible, and should be slightly under- rather than over-exposed. If over- exposed, the clearness of the lines may be endangered, but when slightly under-exposed a good result may be obtained. If the subject to be copied makes it difficult to obtain density, development with the iron should be continued until it is seen that no more detail will appear, care being taken not to push the development too far; and then, after washing, the plate may be redeveloped with pyrogallic acid and silver; but here again care must be taken to avoid filling up the lines. After fixing, the negative must be intensified to blackness. This may be done with mercury bichloride in the usual way, and after thorough washing, a solution of ammonia or sodium thiosulphate will blacken the image. The following, however, is found by the writer to give negatives in every way more suitable for photo-lithographic work. Take— Potassium ferricyanide (red prussiate of potash, com- mercial) Lead nitrate (commercial) Water 4 ounces. 3 65 Place the negative in this solution and watch the result. If the nega- tive has been fully exposed and developed, the lead solution will cause sufficient intensification in a very short time, but a few minutes' im- mersion in the lead bath may be necessary; the density may be PROCESSES. 155 judged by looking through the negative. The lead changes the grey colour of the collodion film to a bright yellow, but prolonged washing under running water changes the colour to white. It is not necessary in all cases to continue the washing till the yellow colour entirely dis- appears. Take next- Ammonium sulphide Water 4 ounces. 20 Pour sufficient of this solution on to the plate, and allow it to flow to all parts, then throw it away. The film is instantly changed to a dense black (by transmitted light), but if looked at in a strong light by reflection, it is seen that the colour is a rich purple. To ascertain if it is completely blackened, look at the back of the plate, when, if any part appears white, allow the sulphide solution to remain on longer, or add more. The plate must now be carefully examined: if any part appears to be over-dense or the lines filled up, the negative must be cleared with the following solution :— Nitric acid (commercial) Water • ounce. 20 ounces. or stronger if required. The necessity for using the clearing acid solution appears to arise from imperfect washing. The negative should be thoroughly fixed, and very thoroughly washed to free it from the least trace of cyanide, when that salt is used. Careful treat- ment with the nitric acid will clear the lines, but if they still appear filled up, another negative must be taken, as the best work cannot be made from a negative which has not clear lines. The best possible negative having been obtained (and it cannot be too strongly urged that upon the quality of the negative the success of the succeeding parts of the process very much depends), the prepara- tion of the transfer-paper may next be considered. It is usual to say that the best kind of paper is that called bank- post; but any paper of good quality which is hard and well-sized will answer perfectly, provided it is not too thin. Most paper is dif- ferent on its two sides; it may be noticed, by looking obliquely at a sheet of paper with the light fully on it, that one side looks coarser than the other; it is the smooth side which should be used. Look over all the paper to be coated, and mark the right side. When many sheets are to be treated, it is necessary to have some means of keeping the solution of gelatine warm. A vessel rather larger than the paper should be made in the form of a dish, with a reservoir to contain water; or the dish and vessel for the water may be separate, the dish to contain the gelatine resting in the lower dish over the water. Beneath the dish a Bunsen burner must be arranged to keep 156 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the water warm and to prevent the gelatine becoming unusable by thickening on cooling. Now take Nelson's gelatine Water 3 ounces. 50 Soak the gelatine in as much of the water as will cover it; when soft, the remainder of the water may be boiled and the gelatine added. Filter through two or three thicknesses of fine muslin, and pour into the dish, taking care not to form air-bubbles; remove any such as may have formed, and proceed to float the paper. As soon as the sheet lies flat, raise it to see if any air-bubbles have formed; remove them, and allow the paper to remain two or three minutes. Raise carefully and slowly, and at once place the sheet on a flat table, then proceed to float another sheet. As soon as a sheet or two have been floated the first one will have set, and can be pinned or held by clips to a line to dry. Paper prepared in this manner will yield good results, but a second coating is sometimes given of the same solution of gelatine; or albu- men may be substituted, taking- Albumen Water • 4 ounces. 16 and proceeding as with gelatine; but in this case heat is not necessary. If the paper is to be used as soon as dry, it may be sensitised while coating it with gelatine; but if the gelatine paper is to be made sensitive to light at the same time as it is coated, the potassium bichromate must be added to the gelatine solution; 2 ounces of the bichromate to 10 ounces of water. It must be remembered, however, that paper so prepared will not keep, and should be used within a day or two of its preparation. Before sensitising the paper will keep indefinitely. The remarks in this paragraph apply also to paper prepared with gelatine and albumen. When the paper is made sensitive after the coating with gelatine or gelatine and albumen, take- Potassium bichromate Water 30 2 ounces. Float or immerse the paper, and hang up to dry, which is better done in a drying cupboard where the temperature can be raised to 80° F. Paper for transferring to zinc may be prepared with arrowroot. The process, as used in the India Survey Department at Calcutta, is as under: LACE CURTAIN. A. Brothers & Co. Photo-Litho. UNIL OF MICH PROCESSES. 157 Arrowroot Potassium bichromate Water 140 parts. 70 3500 Hot water is used for washing off the ink in this process. The paper when quite dry should be rolled to produce as fine a surface as possible. If not rolled, the sheets may be placed face down on a clean lithographic stone, and pulled through with con- siderable pressure. Some other methods have been used for preparing paper for photo- lithography. This paper may be purchased ready prepared, but not sensitised. The printing is the next matter to be considered. As great pres- sure is necessary to bring the paper and negative into close contact, glass at least three-eighths of an inch thick should be used in the printing-frame. The filling in-that is, placing the paper on the negative-should be done in a darkened room by yellow or artificial light. Exposure to daylight requires much care, and the time neces- sary will depend on the density of the negative and the quality of the light. With a good negative and bright sunlight two or three minutes may be sufficient, but in a dull light an hour or two is some- times necessary. When fully exposed, the image may be seen on the yellow paper in brown lines; if the thin lines are just visible, the exposure has been sufficient. If the prints are large, great care must be taken in examining them while in the printing-frame to ascertain the depth of the printing, as, if the exposure has been long and the weather damp, the paper may have expanded; so that when the pressure on one side of the frame has been released, it will be found that the image has shifted on again screwing up the frame (spring frames should not be used). With practice, it is possible to judge of the depth of the print by the exposed margin of the paper, or by cover- ing up a small portion outside the frame, when the depth to which the paper has changed colour can be seen without opening the frame. The print must now be coated with ink. As most lithographic printers have a preference for ink of a certain kind, and as the operator is not likely to be his own printer, it is better to obtain a supply of re-transfer ink from the printer who is to transfer the work to stone. The same assistance may be useful in inking the print, two or three methods of doing which are available. The ink, when thinned with turpentine, may be rubbed on to the print with a fine sponge or with a tuft of lint. Others prefer to use the litho- graphic stone, and, as a very thin layer of ink is required, this is the preferable way to proceed. The lithographer will reduce the ink and spread it over a clean stone in the usual way; the print must then be placed face down on the stone and pulled through the press 158 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. two or three times. The ink will adhere to the print, and, after about ten minutes (to allow the turpentine to evaporate), it may be placed in cold water. The effect of this is to soften the gelatine where the light has not acted, and to which the ink will not adhere. After a few minutes, a clean sponge or tuft of lint gently rubbed over the surface will remove the ink and leave the picture perfect, as the ink cannot be rubbed off from the parts which exposure to light has hardened. The prints must now be returned to the water for the bichromate to soak out, when a final rub with the sponge will remove all trace of the superfluous ink. Blot off the water and pin by the four corners to a board to dry. When dry they may be handed to the lithographer to be treated in the usual way. It is sometimes stated that the damp prints may be at once transferred to the stone; but, in doing this, there is danger that the fine lines of the transfer may be crushed and made thicker than necessary. The prints should dry in air, as fire-heat would cause the gelatine to run. When quite dry they may be placed in the damping-book, and treated as ordinary transfers. Re-transfer ink does not readily dry; con- sequently, a transfer will not spoil by keeping a few days. The state of the print may be tested by touching any part where there may be ink outside the work; if the ink will rub off, the print may be used. But a good workman, by having his stone at the proper temperature, may succeed in making a good transfer from a print which may be apparently dry. In writing of photo-lithography, as of most other processes, it is difficult to lay down rules for any difficulty which may arise; a little practice will soon show the cause of failures. But it may be said that the most likely causes of failure will arise from the negative being too thin, over-printing, or over-inking. The effect of the first will be seen in the over-printing, as the light passing through makes the gelatine insoluble, so that the ink will not leave the surface ; over-inking will be seen on transferring to stone, as the lines will thicken. The remedies are obvious. In processes where hot water is used to remove the superfluous ink, the gelatine not acted on by light leaves the paper; but when the prints are washed in cold water the surface of gelatine is not removed. The writer gives this method the preference. The accompanying illustrations show how admirably the process of photo-lithography is adapted for the reproduction of designs. The first is from a piece of Irish lace. Another is from a lace curtain reduced about thirteen diameters; and, although the reduction is so great, every thread of the design is distinct. The third plate is from designs drawn by Miss E. Gertrude Thomson for the Gentlewoman (to the proprietors of which paper the writer is indebted for the loan E.G. Thomson- Thomson ENGAGEMENTS ن کار A. Brothers & Co. Photo-Litho. FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY MISS E. C. THOMSON. 4 OF CH. PROCESSES. 159 of the original drawings). For fac-simile work, such as the copying of old books, manuscripts, maps, drawings of architectural and other subjects, no process is perhaps so economical as the one by which these illustrations are made; and it is probably the one which is most extensively used. A process called Papyrotype was patented by Captain Abney. Paper is coated twice with gelatine and made sensitive with chrome alum. The print is passed through cold water and then squeegeed on to a zinc plate. The water is blotted off, and with a gelatine roller the print is rolled up with ink-chalk-ink four parts, softened with one part of palm-oil. The gelatine surface is thus treated as a litho- graphic stone; water has been taken up by the soft gelatine, and these parts will not take ink; therefore the rolling has developed the picture in lines. As the bichromate has not been washed out, the paper is still sensitive to light; hence, when dry, the print is again exposed to light to harden the entire surface. Photo-Micrography. The possessor of a good microscope, and one who is a photographer, has in his power the means of endless interest for the practice of his two hobbies. The microscope enables us to see objects and reveals details of structure which, without its aid, would be invisible; and photography gives us the means of delineat- ing such objects in a manner very much superior to any kind of hand- drawing, although the eye may be assisted by the camera lucida. There is, however, a very large class of objects which can be photo- graphed without a microscope, and which, when reproduced as lantern- slides, become something more than diagrams. A small rectilinear or other good lens suitable for enlarging attached to an enlarging camera becomes, for the time, a low-power microscope, with which excellent work can be produced. All insects, which are usually mounted whole, and such other objects as are used with the lowest power of the microscope, are suitable for enlarging with a photo- graphic lens. The only addition to the ordinary camera required is a means of extending the body so as to give sufficient length for the negative to be made a few diameters larger than the object. The copy thus obtained can be, if necessary, still further magnified when making the transparency for the lantern, and in this optical lantern we have the power of still further enlargement. There are many ways of arranging microscopical apparatus to be used for photographic purposes. It may be extremely simple or very complex, as the temporary apparatus which will permit a fair negative to be made from an object suitable for a one-inch objective would be altogether unsuitable for use with the higher powers of the microscope. When the photographic lens is adapted for enlarging microscopic objects, there is no difficulty as to the chemical and visual foci, as the 160 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. correction is already made in the lens. When the image is sharply defined on the ground glass, all difficulty as to definition in the negative disappears. When the object-glasses of the microscope are used, it rarely happens that they are corrected for the actinic rays; therefore trial must be made to determine the correct place for the prepared plate. When the enlargement required necessitates the use of microscopic objectives, the simplest method of procedure is as follows:-Place a camera of any kind adapted to use with the size of plate required (say half-plate, 634) on a table, as shown in Fig. 37, or, preferably, on a board about 4 feet long, having ribs at the sides between which the camera may slide. At the other end place a microscope, one which can be turned horizontally, and at a suitable position place a lamp, as also, if necessary, a condenser to illuminate the object to be copied. Arrange the slide on the stage, remove the eye-piece of the microscope, SWIFT&SONJUN HEADINCTON_ FIG. 37. the stand of which must be raised so as to be central with the centre of the camera, and, after covering the space between the microscope and the camera with a black cloth, proceed to find the object on the ground glass, arrange the size and focus. Excepting when it is absolutely necessary to use the fine adjustment for focussing the object, the screw of the camera may be used for that purpose. The black cloth must now be carefully arranged so as to exclude all light, when the object may be photographed. If the negative is not so sharp as the image appeared on the ground glass, the fault will be in the object-glass, assuming that there has been no tremor in the apparatus. The lens may now be slightly drawn back from the object, using the fine adjust- ment and noticing how many turns have been made to assist in find- ing the focus at another time. If the slide carrying the sensitive plate is capable of being moved into more than one position, a second trial may be made on one plate. The writer is indebted to Mr. G. J. Johnson for a description of a very ingenious camera for microscopic work; and also for the use of the photographs reproduced in collotype by Messrs. Martin, Billing, Son, & Co. of Birmingham. DIATOMS, X 30. CATERPILLAR OF MOTH, x 3. PHOTOGRAPH BY MR. J. J. JOHNSON. COLLOTYPE BY MESSRS. MARTIN BILLING, SON, AND Co., LIVERY STREET, BIRMINGHAM. NIL OF MICH PROCESSES. 161 Mr. Johnson says: "I use a long extension camera, fitted for the purpose of taking both photo-micrographs and micro-photographs. "The bellows is divided into two removable sections by the inser- tion of a frame which supports the middle. The frame, being inter- changeable with the end containing the lens, can be used for holding negatives for enlargement, different-sized carriers being provided for the several dimensions of plates. "For photo-micrography, or the enlarged delineation of micro- scopic objects, the microscope is provided with a short tube, in place of the usual 10-inch body, to allow photographs to be taken without the use of the eye-piece, thus giving a wider field. It is also provided with a mechanical stage giving rectangular motions. In front of the dark slide a small removable cardboard shutter, about 2 inches deep and 4 inches wide, is worked perpendicularly by a square wooden rod, sliding stiffly through a hole cut in the top of the camera, about half an inch in front of the sensitised plate. By means of this shutter various periods of exposure can be given to successive bands on the same plate, the square rod being depressed at stated intervals. This method of testing the strength of the illumi- nant at the outset of a night's work is found to be a great saving in time and plates, the correct exposure varying in character with every change of lens, object, or length of camera employed. Transparent objects, such as the wing of a gnat or a thin section of the stem of the dog-rose, require much less exposure than, say, the proboscis of a blow-fly or a vegetable section stained deep crimson. "As correct focussing is of great importance in this class of work, a one-inch focussing lens is mounted in a small tube, inserted in a stout level lath about 12 inches long, in such a manner that when the lath is pressed home to the back of the camera, the focus of the lens coincides with the plane of the ground-glass screen. The screen can then be removed, and, by moving the lath laterally or perpendicu- larly, any portion of the field may be brought into view and adjusted to focus by the use of this temporary eye-piece. "The necessity of stops for some lenses may thus be proved by actual visual inspection, a 2-inch objective sometimes requiring to be stopped down to 4-inch or -inch of aperture, to ensure clear defi- nition and depth of focus. Care, however, must be exercised to avoid excess of reduction in aperture, which impairs definition. 16 "Micro-objectives are now sold as corrected for photography, but many of the ordinary microscopic lenses of good make give better results when once the difference between the visual and the actinic focus is determined and allowed for." The instrument is fitted with various mechanical adjustments, which cannot very well be indicated without elaborate diagrams. L 162 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. For illuminating the object the ordinary microscope paraffin oil-lamp may be used, or, with some objects, daylight. For very opaque objects sunlight may be preferable; but the light should be passed through a medium, such as ground glass, to take away scintillations caused by the direct light. The illustration is a collotype from a negative by Mr. L. Atkinson, from one reproduced by Mr. Danielsson. The subject at the top of the plate represents a section from a portion of a healthy eye; it shows the entrance of the optic nerve, its connection with the retina and the Lamina cribrosa. The lower figure shows the same parts of an eye affected with glaucoma. The section was made by Prof. Delépine of the Owens College, and represents the subjects enlarged 20 diameters. These illustrations are admirable, as showing the per- fection of the photographic delineation, and the value of the process. of collotype for the purpose of book illustration. Photophane.Collotype prints, varnished or unvarnished, are, by the Company producing them, called Photophane. Phototint.—This title was given by Mr. Cocking to a method of double-printing; first, from an ordinary negative, portrait or land- scape; and, secondly, from a negative prepared by hand in such manner that effects were obtained to enhance the light and shade and at the same time to tint portions of the original picture. Collotype prints transferred to and printed from stone have been called Phototints. Photo-Typography.-Any drawing in line or stipple may, by the aid of photography, be converted into a plate, which, when mounted on wood, may be printed with type. The process is now very largely used, and for many purposes is quite equal to wood engraving, and of course is very much cheaper. The drawing should be made in clear firm lines, and preferably somewhat larger than the etching is intended to be. When a line block is to be produced on zinc, and to be printed direct on the metal, a reversed negative must be used; but when the outline is transferred to the plate, an ordinary negative is necessary. The illustration is an etching on zinc made from a drawing in line and stipple on smooth paper. It is produced by the swelled gela- tine process used in America, and in England by the Typo-Etching Company. (See Zinc Etching). Another method of producing a block from a drawing and photo- graph is described in the article on Indian-Ink Outlines. Pinhole Photography.-It has long been known that photographs can be taken without a lens; that the light passing through a minute hole punctured in a card will produce an image, and that if a sensitive plate be placed to receive the image, a picture may be developed. The Section of portion of healthy Optic Nerve. Section of the same part, showing Glaucoma cup. MAGNIFIED 20 DIAMETERS. to-micrographs lent by Dr. Delepine. UNIL OF Collotype by Danielsson & Co. MICH PROCESSES. 163 1 30 experiment is an interesting one, and may be tried by any one pos- sessing a camera. The size of plate is of little consequence, but the length should not be too great, owing to the increased exposure necessary. Remove the lens, and in the diaphragm slot place a card or thin strip of metal, such as a ferrotype plate, in the centre of which an aperture has been punched of about th of an inch diameter. This may be made by breaking a needle of the proper thickness and making. the hole with the blunt end. Lay the thin plate on a piece of lead, and then use the broken needle as a punch; holes of various sizes. may be made, to be used as may be found desirable. The view having been selected and the camera arranged (using the lens and ground glass in the usual way), the plate may be inserted, the lens removed, and the pinhole diaphragm put into its place and the ex- posure made, care being taken to carefully cover the camera and lens slot so as to exclude all light excepting that passing through the pin- hole. The exposure will vary, according to the length of the camera, the light, and the size of the aperature, from five to twenty minutes or The image is visible no matter what the length of the camera may be, but its sharpness will depend on the size of the pinhole. It will be seen, of course, that an ordinary camera is not necessary. box of suitable size, with some means of holding the plate perpen- dicular at one end, and an aperture at the other (which may be covered with the thin plate or card in which the hole is pierced) may be made use of in this experiment. See page 37, where the principle of the pinhole camera is shown. more. A Platinotype Process.-The red colour of photographs on paper when silver alone is used is not pleasing to the eye. This defect led to the method of gold toning for the purpose of changing the colour. At the same time it was supposed to add to the permanence of the photograph by the chemical substitution of the more permanent gold for the silver compound forming the picture. It was soon found, how- ever, that, from some cause never quite satisfactorily explained, the gold-toned silver print was very little more permanent than the un- toned print. This led to the introduction of forms of printing about which there could be no uncertainty, the basis being carbon, as in the carbon process, collotype, and allied methods. One of the most beau- tiful, and at the same time one which gives permanent results, is the platinum process, which has been brought to great perfection by Willis in England and by Pizzighelli of Benjaluka, Bosnia. That the process will entirely supersede the old form of print on albumenised paper may be doubtful, owing partly to the extra cost of the platinum method, the necessity for purchasing the paper from one source, and the precaution that has to be observed in keeping it; but the chief reason is probably owing to the simplicity of the method of printing on albu- 164 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. menised paper, which is now in such universal use. There can be no doubt also that the beautiful effect in a good print on albumenised paper has much in its favour; but, at the same time, it must be con- ceded that the artistic effect in a perfect platinum print is superior to any other kind of photograph, although a good print on silver bromide paper approaches the platinum effect very closely. As early as 1832 the salts of platinum engaged the attention of Sir John Herschel, and he found in 1840 that light reduced the ferric salts to the ferrous state. Hunt also experimented with platinum. It was, however, reserved for Mr. Willis to bring into use the platinum salts in combination with ferrous oxalate in his process, by which the most perfect kind of print may now be produced. The Willis process is patented; the paper can only be obtained from the Platinotype Company; and, until recently, a license was necessary for its use. The paper may now be used without restric- tion, if obtained direct from the Company. Owing to the care required in the various manipulations, even if the patent restrictions did not prevent the photographer making his own paper, it is unlikely, until the process is still further simplified, that home-made paper will be used. As in the case of the ready sensitised silver papers, the operator will prefer to purchase the paper rather than have the trouble. of making it. Without going fully into detail as to the mode of preparing the paper, it may be stated generally that platinotype printing has been the subject of three patents by Mr. Willis. In the first, dated July 1878, 1 part of potassium chloro-platinite was dissolved in 48 parts of water. The paper was coated with this solution, dried, and then dipped in lead-nitrate I part, and water 48 parts. After drying, the paper was brushed over with 1 part ferric-oxalate in 8 parts of water, to which oxalic acid was added. When dry, the paper was ready for printing, and was afterwards floated on a hot solution of potassium oxalate. The print was then washed in a solu- tion of oxalic acid, again in "hypo," and finally in water. A modi- fication was made by using, instead of the lead, I part of silver nitrate in 60 parts of water; and after treating with the oxalic acid, the prints were dipped in a strong solution of ammonium chloride, and then washed. For a third modification, the film was dipped in I part of platinic bromide in 40 parts of water, dried, and then dipped in a strong solution of ferric tartrate; the after process being the same as in the first method. The foregoing contains the instruc- tions as given by Willis, but in a very condensed form. In 1878 the process was further modified, and a second patent was taken out. The formula for the preparation of the paper contains- PROCESSES. 165 Potassium chloro-platinite Ferric oxalate Lead chloride Water • • I part. 4.5 parts. 0.13 part. 30 parts. After drying and exposure under a negative, the picture was deve- loped by dipping in or floating on- Potassium chloro-platinite Potassium oxalate Water. • 0.5 part. 8 parts. 30, "" All further manipulations are the same as previously described, and the specification claims that the salts of gold, iridium, and other metals can be used, and that the lead chloride can be omitted; various other alternatives are named, as is usual in patents. Instruc- tions are usually given in general terms only; minute details necessary to the full working of a process are often not given, particularly in cases where the patentees keep the preparation of the article patented in their own hands. A third patent was taken out in 1880, the process being further im- proved and simplified, the quantity of platinum in the sensitising. solution being increased and the lead omitted; no platinum was used in the developing solution. The latter solution is given as- Potassium chloro-platinite Ferric oxalate Water · 4.2 parts. 4.2 "" 30 It will be seen in the full instructions that this formula is modified. In the Photographic News, 1882, p. 157, the following is given by the late Mr. H. B. Berkeley as the reaction which takes place in the formation of the platinum image. For the platinous chloride- Ferrous Platinous Oxalate. Chloride. Ferric Oxalate. Ferric Chloride. Platinum. 6FeCO + 3PtCl₂ = 2Fe(C2O4)3 + FeCl + 3Pt For the platinic chloride: Ferrous Oxalate. Platinic Chloride. Ferric Oxalate. 12FeС₂O + 3PtCl₁ Ferric Chloride. Platinum. 4Fe(C2O4)3 + FeCl + 3Pt. 6 The platinotype process may now be worked by two methods; in one, the prints are developed with a hot solution of potassium oxalate; and in the other, the solutions, the composition of which is not pub- 166 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. lished, are used cold. The following is a summary of the instructions issued by the Company for using the hot-bath process :— To secure the most brilliant results, the sensitised paper before, dur- ing, and after its exposure to light must be kept as dry as possible. It is necessary to place between the sensitised paper and the pads a sheet of thin vulcanised india-rubber, as it is of the first importance that the pads in contact with the paper be quite dry. The effect of damp is seen in a want of vigour, a general muddiness of tone, and, where the sensitised paper has been exposed to its influence for some days, in the impaired purity of the whites. The correct exposure (about one-third of that required with silver- printing) is ascertained by inspection of the paper in a rather weak white light in the usual manner. A little experience will enable the exposure to be determined very accurately. As a general rule, all parts of the picture except the highest lights should be visible when the exposure is complete. When examining the prints in the print- ing-frames, care should be taken not to expose them unduly to light, for the degradation of the whites of the paper due to slight action of light is not visible until after development. Remove prints to a calcium. tube as soon as exposure is complete, unless they are to be at once developed. Development should be conducted in a feeble white light, similar to that used when cutting up the paper, or by gas-light. The developer is made by dissolving one pound of the potassium oxalate in 54 ounces of water. Use hot water for making the solution, of which a large quantity may be made up; it will keep indefinitely. It is well to have at hand some unused solution, since, in the event of inferior prints being made, a new bath may at once be tried. The solution is conveniently contained in a flat-bottomed dish of enamelled iron, heated by a small Bunsen burner. L The development is effected by floating the printed surface of the paper for five or six seconds upon the developing solution. To avoid air-bubbles, lay one edge of the print upon the solution near the right-hand end of the dish; then, with a sliding motion towards the left, lower the print, with an even movement, without stoppage, until t is entirely in contact with the liquid, where it must remain until complete action has taken place. A temperature of about 140° Fahr. may be considered the standard temperature for the developer, though higher and lower temperatures may be used. A thermometer must be employed. The bottom of the developing dish should be covered with the developing solution to the depth of at least half an inch. After the prints have been developed, put the solution, without filtering, into a bottle for future use; it should not be exposed to a strong light. When next developing, PROCESSES. 167 the solution will be found to be nearly clear, but, of course, tinted by previous use. If this clear solution be not sufficient, add to it some of the fresh solution of the potassic oxalate. The following formula is very strongly recommended by the Com- pany as a new developer. It gives more brilliant prints than the oxa- late developer, with pure tones and transparent shadows. Dissolve half a pound of "developing salts" (used in the cold-bath process) in 50 ounces of hot water. The best temperature for developing is from 120° to 130° Fahr. Below 120° the development is slow, and can be watched, which is sometimes advantageous. To clear the developed prints, they must be washed in a series of baths (not less than three) of a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. This solution is made by mixing one part of hydrochloric acid with 60 parts of water. The specific gravity of the acid should not be less than 1.16; if lower, more acid should be used The acid should be colourless. Or citric acid, in the proportion of 1 ounce to 20 ounces of water, may be used. This softens the paper in less degree than does the hydrochloric acid. A white opalescence of the bath shows the necessity for more acid. As soon as the print has been removed from the developing dish, it must be immersed, face downwards, in the first bath of this acid, con- tained in a porcelain dish, in which it should remain about five minutes; meanwhile, other prints follow until all are developed. The prints must then be removed to a second acid bath for about ten minutes; afterwards to the third bath for about fifteen minutes. While the prints remain in these acid baths they should be moved so that the solution has free access to their surfaces, but care should be taken not to abrade them by undue friction. It is impossible to affect the image per se by leaving the prints for a long time in the acid baths ; but such treatment, continued for an hour or more, tends to make the paper soft and porous, and to damage the surface. The prints should not communicate to the last acid bath the slightest tinge of colour. If the bath, after the prints have been washed in it, does not remain as colourless as water when a depth of fully two inches is viewed in full daylight, the prints should be treated to yet another acid bath. For each batch of prints fresh acid solution must be used. After the prints have passed through the acid baths, they should be well washed in three changes of water during about a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to add a pinch of washing-soda to the second washing water, to neutralise any acid remaining in the print. Use a mountant which does not stain or show through the print. Gelatine alone is not suit- able, except for thick paper. Thick cold starch (or, better, starch and gelatine) is a good mountant. Paper to give sepia tones may be 168 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. used, but, with few exceptions, the method of carrying out the opera- tions is the same as for the "black" kinds of platinotype paper. The cold process for developing platinum prints must be conducted as follows, and it will be observed that every care must be taken to keep the paper dry when the hot process is used, but in the cold process a certain degree of moisture is necessary :— The following is a summary of the method of printing by the cold- bath process: The paper, sensitised with salts of iron, is exposed under the nega- tive in the usual manner; it is then suitably moistened by floating, or otherwise, upon a solution of the developing salt, to which has been added a prescribed proportion of the platinum salt. Imme- diately after this the print is washed in a weak solution of hydro- chloric acid, and finally in water. It is important to avoid the contact of metallic dust and metallic surfaces with the sensitised surface of the paper. The following pre- cautions should be taken :-The lower half of the calcium tube must be lined inside with paper. The prepared paper is then placed in the lined portion with its sensitive surface bent outwards or convex. And in putting paper into the tube, and also in removing it, care must be taken that its surface does not touch any of the unprotected metallic surfaces of the tube. Spots and streaks are also caused by the contact of platinum salt with the surface during its exposure to light. It is, therefore, impor- tant to avoid handling the paper with fingers which have just pre- viously come in contact with paper containing platinum salt, such as hot bath paper; and if the negatives have been used for printing on such paper, they must be carefully dusted to free them from any platinum salt which they may have derived during contact. General treatment of the paper.-The presence of moisture in the paper, either during its exposure to light, or afterwards and before development, is important. Sufficient moisture will be present when the paper has lost its crispness, but if allowed to become limp the moisture will be excessive. If it should be necessary to delay development for one or two days, the prints must be dried before a fire soon after they are removed from the frames, and then stored in a calcium tube until wanted for development. Exposure to light.-This is effected in a printing-frame in the usual manner. When exposed to light behind a negative, the lemon colour of the paper receives an image of a greyish tone. The exposure is somewhat less than that required with the old process-perhaps about one-third less. As a general rule, all details observable on the exposed print are developable, and the converse of this is also generally true; PROCESSES. 169 but here it should be observed that the action of light on skies is not often clearly seen unless the rebate of the negative has been pre- viously rendered opaque by painting with opaque varnish, so that the tint of the sky may be compared with the original colour of the paper which is preserved by the opacity of the "rebate." It is important to remember that if paper be exposed in a damp state, the visibility of the image is less than if exposed in a dry state. On this account beginners will find it easier to expose dry, and damp the prints afterwards. Development.-Stock solutions. Developing-salts (D.).-Half a pound to be dissolved in 50 ounces warm water, and the solution labelled D. Platinum salt (P.).—Sixty grains to be dissolved in 2 ounces of water, and labelled P. Solution D. must, for general use, be diluted in the following pro- portion :- D. solution . Water. 3 parts. Label this solution 2 parts. "Diluted D." The standard developer is made by mixing I part of solution P. with 5 parts of "Diluted D." solution. All these solutions should be accurately made up and correctly pro- portioned. The mixed developer keeps in good condition for some hours after mixing, but it afterwards slowly deteriorates; and in order to secure due economy in the use of the developer, it is important to mix no more at a time than is sufficient for the prints to be developed. In developing a very large batch, perhaps the best way is to mix the whole quantity necessary, but to put into the developing dish only sufficient to render the floating of the prints an easy matter, and then to add the remainder by degrees as may be found necessary. In order to develop, pour sufficient of the developer into a porcelain tray to well cover the bottom, and then float the print, with its printed surface downwards, upon the solution; after the lapse of two or three seconds it may be lifted from the solution and held in the hand. A few seconds after the print has thus been removed from the developer, it should be again similarly floated and raised; and these operations may require to be repeated, but this will depend on the strength of the print. The object of refloating the print is thus explained. When a print is first raised from the developer, the liquid adhering to its surface contains only a small quantity of platinum salt (the developer being weak in this ingredient), and the amount of salt so taken up is usually insufficient to supply the necessary quantity of platinum pigment to 170 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the shadows and darker parts of the print; by refloating, a fresh supply of this pigment-forming liquid is supplied, and the number of floatings required is determined by the strength of the print. After the print has been twice floated it should be held in the hand, face upwards, and the progress of development carefully watched. When the half-tones have sufficiently appeared, and have become free from the granulation usually visible in the first stages of development, and the shadows also are sufficiently strong, the print should be at once immersed in the acid-clearing bath. The clearing and washing are the same as in the methods adopted for these purposes with the earlier processes. After the prints have passed through the acid bath, they should be well washed in two or three changes of water during about a quarter of an hour. They are then finished. These prints being on plain paper, are better dried face upwards across glass tubes, or, if large, suspended by clips or pins. The prints also may be dried between clean blotting-paper. Any mountant which is clean may be used. Paper which has been kept some time, and which will not give good results in the ordinary way, may be left in the printing frame until fully printed, and then developed, or rather fixed, in a nearly cold solution of ferric oxalate. Pizzighelli's Process.-Captain Pizzighelli and Baron Hubl have published two methods for producing photographs in platinum; one is very similar to Willis's, but the other permits the full printing of the picture as in other direct printing processes. In Anthony's Interna- tional Annual for 1888, as also in the late Mr. Iselin's translation of Pizzighelli's and Hubl's description of the processes, full directions will be found for the preparation of both kinds of paper-one for develop- ment and the other for direct printing. Of the latter the following is a very condensed description. Any kind of paper with a hard surface may be used, but to prevent the sensitising solution penetrat- ing the paper too deeply, the surface is brushed over with paste (formed of arrowroot 2 parts, water 100 parts) applied cold; it is then hung up to dry and the process repeated; but in drying the sheet the second time, it must be suspended by the opposite end of the paper. To make the paper sensitive take A. Potassium platinous chloride Distilled water B. Sodium ferric oxalate Solution of sodium oxalate (3 100) Glycerine (to be added in very dry weather) I part. 6 parts. 40 parts. 100 3 "" In mixing the solution B. the soda oxalate solution is heated to (40°- PROCESSES. 171 50° C.) about 120° F. and then soda ferric oxalate is dissolved in it, followed by filtration when the solution has cooled. This solution may be mixed in large quantity and kept in stock. C. Iron solution B. Potassium chlorate D. Mercury chloride solution (5 : 100) Sodium oxalate solution (3 100). Glycerine 100 parts. 0.4 part. 20 parts. 40 "" I.S Different effects may be obtained by using the solution in varying proportions. For black pictures, and where the negatives are of ordi- nary density (it may be stated here that the results in platinum print- ing depend very much on the quality of the negative, and that no good results can be had from a weak one), take- Platinum solution A. Iron solution B. Iron chlorate solution C.. 5 cc. 85 minims. 6 102 2 34 "} When the negatives are dense, reduce the quantity of solution C., and for softer negatives increase the quantity. For brown pictures use― Platinum solution A. Iron chlorate solution C. Mercury chloride solution D. • 5 cc. 85 minims. 4 68 4 68 For tones between the black and brown the proportions of solutions C. and D. are varied. The solutions are applied, first, with a bristle brush (without tin mounting), and then spread evenly with a camel's- hair brush; the paper should then be dried quickly in a warm room. When dry, the paper must be kept in calcium-chloride tubes. Paper without the special preparation with arrowroot may be used if 30 parts of powdered gum arabic (picked white) be added to solu- tion B. The gum when heated to 120° F. is mixed with oxalate and glycerine solution by stirring in a mortar. When mixed the solution is strained through a cloth. The other solutions are used in the same proportions for both kinds of paper. "The printing is continued until the picture has the appearance it is intended to have finally. If many pictures are done, they are placed in- Muriatic acid Ordinary water • I vol. 8 vols. Change this two or three times, until no more green colour is visible, and then wash the pictures in two or three changes of water. 172 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. "If the prints are not to be finished, they can be finally developed in the following solution :— Sodium carbonate Water. 5 parts. • 100 "In damp, warm weather, it is sufficient to have them lay in the dark, where they will complete themselves, the action of light intro- duced causing decomposition even in the dark.” In this process (the Pizzighelli) the paper while in the printing- frame requires a certain amount of moisture, and this can be effected by breathing on the paper in the printing-frame. Since Captain Pizzighelli wrote the article from which the above is summarised, it has been pointed out by a writer in the International Annual for 1890–91, that when damp platinum paper was left in contact with an unvarnished gelatine negative for a week, a reduction of density had taken place to the extent of 50 per cent. ; and it is also stated that a single coat of varnish must not be relied on to prevent the mischief. Another writer in the same Annual states that one great advantage of the Pizzighelli paper is that it does not deteriorate rapidly if not kept in calcium tubes. The platinum process of printing has many advantages, as, omitting the preparation of the paper, the various manipulations can be carried through in much less time than is required for silver-printing. The exposure to light is less by about one-third, and the subsequent operations, including mounting the print, may be rapidly completed. The prints are undoubtedly permanent, as the tests to which they have been subjected show. The picture is formed of metallic plati- num, which metal is one of the most stable known. None of the chemical tests which have been applied have any effect in destroying the image, excepting aqua regia (which is a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids), to which, under ordinary conditions, no plati- num picture is ever likely to be exposed. The process has become very popular during the last three or four years; but the recent increase in the price of the metal may check the demand for platinum prints, owing to the extra cost. That platinum will supersede silver- printing may be a matter of doubt. A good print on albumenised paper has to some persons a specialty which the print on salted (silver) paper or platinum does not possess; but the artistic quality of platinum prints has advantages which the silver (albumenised) print has not. The two kinds of photographs should not be seen side by side, as their qualities are totally different. Plumbago Process (see Dusting-on Process and Ceramic Photo- graphy).—Formulæ have already been given, but the following may be added: PROCESSES. 173 1. Gum arabic Glucose Glycerine • Potassium bichromate Water 2. Ammonium bichromate Honey Albumen Water (distilled) • I drachm. 10 drops. 30 "" 2 ounces. 5 drachms. 3 3 "" 30 The process is useful in making duplicates and increasing density in negatives. The solution should be kept in the dark. Preference is given by Mr. W. K. Burton to the following formula, given in two solutions, as, when separate, they do not deteriorate. They must be filtered and used in the proportion of three parts of A. to one part of B. :- A. Gum arabic (best) Loaf-sugar Mercury bichloride Methylated alcohol Water • B. Ammonium bichromate Water • 1000 grains. 1000 5 "" 19 IO Ounces. 40 >> 2 "" 20 39 A sheet of suitable glass, preferably patent-plate, must be coated with the solution in the same way as collodion, and well drained, so that after it is dried by fire heat-about the temperature used in varnishing, not hotter-the plate appears of a pale yellow colour. While still warm, the plate is exposed to light under a negative. Experience only will show the correct exposure. Plumbago powdered very fine is used to develop the negative, and must be applied to the plate, which has been again warmed, with a camel's-hair brush, and great care is necessary to apply the powder evenly. Density may be given to any part as desired, but success depends very much on correct exposure and skill in applying the powder. When the "dusting on" is finished, the plate is coated with plain collodion, and washed till the water flows evenly; then it must be placed in a strong solution of alum, where it must remain until the yellow colour has been removed. The negative thus obtained will, of course, be reversed, which is an advantage for some purposes; but if required for ordinary printing, it may be stripped from the plate and floated on again in the reversed position. Primuline or Diazotype Process.-Processes for printing on textile fabrics have hitherto been of little commercial value, owing probably to the necessity of separate exposures to light, as in ordinary silver and other printing methods; and it may be that the newest will not possess more than scientific value. There is certainly novelty in the fact that amongst the derivatives of coal-tar one should be found 174 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. which is sensitive to light, and possesses qualities unlike those of other salts used in photographic processes; this new salt is primuline. At the last meeting of the British Association held at Leeds a paper by Messrs. Green, Cross, & Bevan was read, but at the time of writing, that paper is not published. The following information is derived from a leading article by the editor, Mr. J. T. Taylor, in the British Journal of Photography for 17th October 1890. The calico or other material to be used must be thoroughly washed in hot water, or boiled to free it from impurities. It is then cut into pieces of convenient size, placed in the solution of primuline, and kept in constant motion as when toning prints. The dye is prepared by boiling 150 grains of the commercial primuline in 10 ounces of water in a flask on a sand-bath. The solution is poured off from the sedi- ment into a porcelain dish, and the calico after ten minutes' immersion will be found to be sufficiently stained. The quantity of solution will be sufficient for sixteen pieces of cloth 8 x 6. The dyed cloth or calico must now be rinsed in water and wrung out, and then placed singly in the following solution :- Sodium nitrite (commercial) · Hydrochloric acid (commercial) Water 100 grains (dry). fluid ounce. 30 ounces. In this solution the cloth changes to a reddish brown tint, owing to the primuline being converted into a diazo derivative. It is now sensitive to light, which both destroys the azo-derivative and prevents its reaction with certain developers. The resulting print is a positive from a positive. After the pieces of cloth have been turned over several times in the nitrite bath, they must be rinsed in several changes of water to remove the free hydrochloric acid; they may then be placed between blotting-paper to dry. To obtain the best effect in the prints, the object used in printing should be somewhat denser than is necessary in other processes; natural objects, such as ferns and leaves, being very suitable. The progress of the print may be seen in the change of colour from reddish brown to a dingy yellow. The density in the object to be printed is necessary, as the printing should go through the material. When this cannot be effected, the back of the cloth should be exposed to light for about a fifth or sixth of the time required for the original printing. The printed pieces of cloth are now steeped in water and wrung out, to secure equal action of the developing solution, which for red prints is prepared as under :- Beta-naphthol Caustic soda or potash Water 40 grains. 60 IO Ounces. PROCESSES. 175 4CC Dissolve the alkali in a small quantity of water rubbed up with naphthol, and then add the remainder of the water. Orange coloured prints are obtained with Resorcin. Water 30 grains. IO Ounces. Dissolve, and then add 50 grains of caustic soda or potash. For purple prints- Naphthylamine Hydrochloric acid (commercial) Mix in a mortar and then add 10 ounces of water. 60 grains. I fluid drachm. Other developers have been indicated by Messrs. Green, Cross, & Bevan, but they do not appear to have used any of the salts now commonly employed in developing dry plates, such as eikonogen, pyrogailol, or hydroquinone, which Mr. Taylor finds will give the black tone desired by the discoverers of the process Eikonogen Water 60 grains. IO Ounces. The eikonogen (white crystals) should be ground in a mortar, the water added, and the prints on cloth put into the solution, in which they are moved till the development is complete. For brown tones— Pyrogallol Water 50 grains. IO Ounces. The prints, when which is found to The "fixing" is effected by washing in water. wrung out, may be washed in soap and water, improve the colour, and ironed between sheets of paper, but this should be done before the prints are quite dry. It may be stated that the process as introduced by Messrs. Green, Cross, & Bevan is patented, but that the patent does not appear to cover the modification adopted by Mr. Taylor. One of the peculiarities of this process is that the image is formed by the parts which have not been acted on by daylight. By modifying the manipulation the process may be used for paper, but it is not very clear to what useful purpose it may be applied; and although the dye may be capable of withstanding chemical tests, it has not yet been proved that the test of light may not be fatal to the results, as is the case with other dyes derived from coal-tar. Printing and Toning.-Until the last few years the majority of photographs were printed on albumenised paper, which is perhaps, even now, the most popular process. Bromide and platinum papers 176 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. are also largely used. Descriptions of those methods of printing will be found elsewhere in these pages. Albumen has the effect of keeping the picture which is printed on it upon the surface, and it thus retains a more effective appearance than when printed on paper without the albumen, called in that case "plain salted paper." Prints of the latter class, when looked at by transmitted light, will appear to have the picture more in the paper than on the surface; the brilliant appearance of albumen prints is thus due to the albumen, the picture being on the surface of the paper. Everything in these latter days is done for the con- venience of the photographer, so that he need not prepare the albumen nor float the paper upon it; he can, if he please, sensitise this paper by floating it on silver nitrate solution, but paper so prepared must be used at once, as it turns brown by keeping. Here the convenience of the photographer is again studied, for he can purchase his paper ready sensitised, which keeps its colour for some weeks, while the cost is very little more than that of the paper and silver. There is this dif- ference, however: much of the ready sensitised paper sold does not give satisfactory prints. To sensitise albumenised paper, it should be floated on a bath of silver containing from 50 to 60 grains of the nitrate to each ounce of water, and be left in the solution about three minutes. Whether large or small pieces of paper be used, the sheets should be held by two opposite corners, so that the middle of the sheet shall just touch the solution, and then be gradually lowered. When the paper is in contact with the fluid, it should be raised to see that no air- bubbles have formed. The sheet, after three minutes, may be slowly raised to allow the silver to run off, and, after draining, may be sus- pended from a line to dry, being held by wooden clips and a strip of blotting-paper attached to the lowest corner. Sometimes the paper is drawn over the edge of the dish or a glass rod to assist in the removal of the surplus silver solution. As already stated, paper freshly prepared should be used at once, as in a few hours it is liable to turn brown, when it becomes useless if clean whites are to be preserved. The manipulations in the subsequent processes are the same, whether the paper is newly prepared or ready sensitised. The method of printing needs very little description, as practice will quickly show what is required. Whether the printing should be deeper than the finished print is intended to be, depends very much on the kind of toning bath to be used. The progress of the printing should be carefully watched by lifting one side of the back of the printing-frame, which is hinged for the purpose. In the case of freshly-prepared paper, the toning and fixing must be done at once- that is, the same day; but with the other kind, the toning may be deferred. In either case, the prints must be placed in water to remove the excess of silver chloride, and the toning is necessary to PROCESSES. 177 alter the colour of the print, which would be of an unpleasing red colour unless altered by the gold used in toning; this changes the red to any tint of brown approaching purple and purple-black which may be desired. The prints are first put into plain water; after a few minutes' soaking, the water is poured into a jar kept for the purpose, and the dish again filled with water. Or two dishes may be used, and the prints changed from one to the other. The first washing water is kept for the purpose of saving the silver, which, in case of paper freshly prepared, soon accumulates when much paper is used. Ready sensi- tised paper is not so rich in silver, but still the first washing water should not be thrown away. (The chloride is thrown down by adding hydrochloric acid or common salt, and the water can be poured off as soon as it becomes clear.) The toning solution is made as follows:-Take a tube containing 15 grains of gold chloride; break the glass, and put it with its con- tents into a bottle containing 1 drachm of water for each grain of gold. Put as much water as will be required in toning the prints. into a dish, and add 1 drachm of the gold solution to each 8 ounces of water (each whole sheet of paper will require about 1 grain of gold to tone it). This solution must now be made alkaline by placing in it a lump of common washing-soda (sodium carbonate), as also a small piece of red litmus paper; move the soda about in the water until the paper turns blue; the solution is then ready for toning. By noticing the sensation between the thumb and fingers—a kind of soapy feeling the proper state of the solution may in future be determined without the use of test paper. Place the prints, a few at a time, in the toning bath, keeping them in motion by turning them over, and watch the effects of the gold. As soon as the colour desired is reached, place the prints at once in a dish of water, and so proceed until all are toned. There are two effects produced by toning, one the change of colour, and the other the substitution of gold for silver; or perhaps it is more correct to say that one is the effect of the other. Much has been written on this subject, and it is perhaps safe to say that what takes place in toning is not certainly known. Instead of saying that gold is "substituted" for the silver, it would be more correct to say that a kind of “ gilding" is effected. The silver is not removed from the paper by the gold, but a change has been effected. When thoroughly done, there is no doubt that the print is more permanent when toned, and is certainly more pleasing in colour. It has been stated that untoned prints are unstable; but the very earliest prints were not toned, such as those made by Mr. Talbot in 1844, some of which are apparently in the same state as when first printed, but have, however, the red colour; this shows that untoned prints do not necessarily fade. M 178 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY, Some authorities say that a toning bath should be neutral. This is correct when chalk forms part of the formula, but the alkaline method of toning is more generally practised; the results are about equal in each case. The formula with sodium carbonate, already described, gives very satisfactory results; and, although it is generally stated that it will not keep, the writer finds that, with the addition of gold as required, the solution need not be renewed until it has been used several times. The old bath should not be thrown away, but the solution should be poured into a vessel and sufficient iron proto- sulphate added to precipitate the gold which it may contain. The acetate toning bath is preferred by some printers, and is formed as under: Gold chloride Sodium acetate Water I grain. 20 grains. IO Ounces. Make up much more of the solution than will be required for toning a few prints. The soda must first be dissolved in the water and the gold then poured in. The strength of the bath must be kept up by the addition of one grain of gold—that is, one drachm of the normal gold solution for each sheet of paper to be toned. The following gives good results. The bath will keep and remain. in good condition when replenished with gold as required :- Gold chloride Calcium chloride . Chalk (powdered) Water a 2 grains. 2 "" I teaspoonful. 16 ounces. The bath should be mixed some hours before it is to be used. Platinum may be used for toning in the place of gold. Take- Platinum perchloride Water • I grain. 16 ounces. Neutralise with potassium carbonate and then add half a drachm of formic acid. This is recommended for toning plain paper prints. Prints on this kind of paper and suitably toned have very much the appearance of those made by the platinotype method. A very large number of formulæ have been published for toning, but for all ordinary purposes the selection given here will be found to be sufficient. In Toning takes place slowly when the solutions are cold; therefore, in the cold season of the year the solution should be warmed. the summer this is not necessary. Too many prints should not be placed in the toning solution at one. PROCESSES. 179 time; and, as the toning is completed, each print should be placed in a dish of water to stop the further action of the gold. It is quite immaterial what formula be used if the prints are from weak negatives. The vast majority of negatives now produced are too thin, consequently weak prints are the result, which no system of toning will make worth looking at. A good negative by the collodion process has sufficient density to enable vigorous prints to be made. When toned, more gold is taken up, so that there is altogether a brighter character about such prints which none but the very best gela- tine negatives will equal. If prints made from negatives by the collo- dion and gelatine processes are made on the same kind of paper, and are treated in every way the same, the prints from the gelatine negative may appear to the ordinary observer to be equal to those from the collodion negative; but any skilled person could detect the difference. It is generally believed that the cause of the want of stability in prints made during the last few years arises from the want of density in the modern negatives; and, as the printing cannot be carried to the same depth, the toning action of the gold is not so effective; hence the fugitive character of the prints. When the whole of the prints are toned, they may be placed at once in the fixing solution, formed of— Sodium thiosulphate ("hypo "). Water 4 ounces. 20 55 If the thiosulphate solution should be at all acid, a small quantity of liquor ammonia may be added. The prints must be kept in the solution at least ten minutes, and should be kept in constant motion, to ensure every part being acted on by the fixing agent. The prints may be examined by transmitted light. If they are not completely fixed, patches darker than the rest of the paper will be seen, and the fixing must be continued until this disappears. Some kinds of paper are liable to blister, the albumen rising some- times in patches as large as a shilling, while at other times the paper is covered all over with small blisters, which usually disappear in drying; but the larger ones seldom dry flat and therefore spoil the print. To prevent blistering, the addition of salt to the first washing water is recommended, and ammonia in the fixing bath is also sup- posed to remedy the evil. It cannot be said, however, that either is wholly effectual, as the blisters sometimes appear although the sup- posed remedies have been applied. Changing from warm to cold solutions is also said to conduce to blistering. After the prints have been passed through the salt and water they must be placed in a clean dish with water, and changed frequently during the first few minutes. They may then be left for a time, the 180 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY, water being changed at intervals, and then left all night, and changed again two or three times before they are taken out to be dried. It is sometimes recommended that the last washing water should be warm, to remove the least trace of the sodium thiosulphate. It may be noticed here that every care should be taken to have the dishes quite clean. The most effectual way to clean them is first to wash them with water, and then to rub them thoroughly with common salt, using it as if it were damp sand; when thoroughly rubbed in this way, inside and out, the dish is made quite clean. This should be done every time before use. When large numbers of prints are dealt with, it becomes worth while to preserve the fixing solution to recover the silver. When a convenient vessel can be placed in the open air, the solution, after each day's fixing, should be thrown into it, and potassium sulphide (liver of sulphur) added in solution. As the vessel becomes filled a tap placed 4 inches above the bottom can be opened to draw off all the top part, and the vessel can then be filled again. It should be stated that the fixing solution should never be used a second time. Some writers recommend that two baths (that is, two applications of the "hypo") be used to ensure perfect fixing of the prints. Blisters.-It frequently happens when prints on albumenised paper are removed from the fixing solution into the dish or trough for washing, that blisters appear, in some cases small and covering the whole surface of the paper, or the blisters may be large and few in number. Many opinions have been formed as to the cause of this troublesome defect; the true explanation probably is that the albu- men has not been perfectly coagulated. The suggested remedies are numerous. To prevent the formation of the blisters the addition of a strong solution of sodium chloride to the washing water may be tried. The change from the fixing solution to the washing water should be gradual, as the differing densities of the fluids appear to influence the formation of the blisters. Steeping in methylated spirit to coagulate the albumen before the prints are washed is one of the remedies, and also the immersion in boiling water, as suggested by Mr. A. W. Clarke in the St. Louis Photographer, to effect the same purpose. The hot water, however, would probably take out the size, thus rendering the paper very tender and difficult to handle. When the blisters are small, they generally disappear on drying; but when large, by puncturing the paper on the back of the blister the film may dry flat, but it often occurs that large blisters entirely spoil the print. Fading. One of the most serious defects in photographic printing is that, however perfect and beautiful a print may be, there is no cer- tainty that it will remain so for any length of time. There are many PROCESSES. 181 prints in existence which are in the same state as when first pro- duced. As already stated, the writer has in his possession prints made by Mr. Fox Talbot in 1844; some of these are evidently unchanged, excepting at the edges where the prints have been mounted. At the date named, toning with gold had not been brought into use, so that the prints retain the reddish-brown colour common to all untoned pho- tographs on plain salted paper. The use of albumen, because it has a trace of ammonia in its composition, is said to be one cause of fading; but prints on albumenised paper and toned with gold exist which show no sign of deterioration, although thirty or forty years may have elapsed since they were made. It would seem, therefore, that there is no reason why silver prints should not be permanent; and, although some of the causes of fading are not known, it is quite certain that no reliance can be placed on silver prints unless certain precautions are taken in their production. Chief amongst these precautions are the importance of using fresh sodium thiosulphate solution for fixing, and thorough washing. One reason why early photographs are apparently more permanent than those done recently is that the negatives in use were stronger, consequently, the printing was deeper; and for such printing a larger proportion of silver was used in preparing the paper. The very old photographs by Talbot were mounted only by the edges—that is, they were touched with the mountant (probably gum arabic, not freshly made) around the margin for about a quarter of an inch; and it is only this part which has failed. This is clear evidence that when prints are made to adhere entirely there is greater chance of fading, and it shows also that the mounting material should be of a kind which could have no chemical effect on the print. It is a fact which should be carefully noted, that paper negatives. made nearly fifty years ago have not changed. Such negatives were developed; and it is generally believed that developed prints are more permanent than any others. On the point of permanence of silver prints the following remarks of Mr. M. Carey Lea should be remembered :— "The conclusion to be drawn from all this is simple enough. Silver prints can be made to be perfectly permanent, if the use of hypo- sulphite be liberal and judicious, and by throwing away every bath that has stood even for an hour or two after the prints were first placed in it. It may be said without exaggeration that every penny saved in hyposulphite costs the loss of dozens of prints by fading. “Of course, nothing can take the place of good washing. By this is to be understood, not exaggerated soaking in water, but lying for some hours in water which is continually changing. No system of washing can be considered effectual which does not alternately fill and 182 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. empty the washing vessel, so that the fresh supplies of water are not contaminated by mixing with the previous portions." Fuming Albumenised Paper.—It is claimed that albumenised paper, if exposed to the fumes of ammonia, gives more brilliant prints, and that the toning is more easily effected. When large quantities of paper are to be manipulated, a suitable cupboard or box should be used; but on a small scale, a less elaborate method may be adopted. Take a box, such as drapers use, made of cardboard, eighteen inches square, larger or smaller according to the size of paper to be dealt with. Spread on the bottom a sheet or two of blotting-paper, and over this some tissue-paper crumpled so as to rest lightly on the blotting-paper; but, before putting in the tissue-paper, sprinkle a drachm or two of liquor ammonia, which may be diluted with one half water, on to the blotting-paper; the paper to be fumed may rest on the tissue-paper for ten or fifteen minutes. If preferred, muslin may be strained across the box, over, but not touching, the blotting-paper, and the paper to be fumed may rest on the muslin. The printing and toning are conducted in the usual way. Plain or Salted Paper, Printing on.-The change of taste during the last two or three years has brought again into notice the very earliest kind of printing-that on the plain salted and unglazed paper. There can be no doubt that the detail in a photograph is made more apparent when it is kept on the surface by albumen or other means than when the matt surface of the paper is used. This perfection of detail is made more prominent when aristotype and other kinds of paper are used, while enamelling has much the same effect. A photograph treated in this way has an exquisite beauty of its own, and it can be seen in no other way; but there can be no doubt that, from an artistic point of view, a print without the very high glaze is better; this kind of effect may be obtained by using paper of fine quality, salted and sensitised in the usual way. The best toning bath for this kind of paper is the one containing platinum. Prints of this kind are very suitable for painting in water-colours, and they should be kept light for this purpose. With care in hand- ling, Whatman's drawing-paper may be salted and treated in the same way as other papers; and, for the artist in water-colours, this is perhaps better than any other kind, at least for large work. As the paper when wet is heavy, great care must be taken in handling, as it will scarcely bear its own weight. This kind cannot be purchased. ready prepared, and must be salted and sensitised as required. Take- Ammonium chloride Water Gelatine (if the paper is not well sized) 8 grains. I ounce. 2 grains. PROCESSES. 183 Pin the paper to a board, and with a piece of lint brush over the paper in all directions until completely covered, and then allow to dry. Then take- Silver nitrate Water 60 grains I ounce. and brush over the paper as in salting. See that this is thoroughly done, or the printing will not be even. All the subsequent processes are the same as in ordinary silver printing. In 1855 Mr. Sutton introduced a process for producing prints on plain paper in which the serum of milk was used instead of a salt, and the prints were developed. The process was new, and at the time attracted considerable attention. A print in the writer's possession, prepared by this process, and issued from St. Brelade's Bay, Jersey, where Mr. Sutton at that time resided, is in fair condition, and appa- rently not much altered. It is some proof that the claim for the pro- cess that the prints were permanent is to a large extent justified. At the time referred to the toning and fixing were effected at one opera- tion, and it was to remove the possible cause of fading due to this method that Sutton's process was introduced. (See Aristotype; also Gelatine Chloride Paper, Ilford). Printing on Ivory.-As a surface for the artist to paint upon in water-colours, ivory has always had the preference; but miniature. painting was almost a lost art for many years, owing to the great popularity of photography; the daguerreotype plate took the place of the ivory miniature for brooches and lockets; then the glass posi- tive, which was superseded by the portrait on paper, treated usually in a very inartistic way, and by hands much less competent than the old miniature painters. To print a photograph on ivory was difficult; but a process was introduced by Mr. Beard, the patentee under Daguerre of the daguerreotype process in England, which gave very good results. The ivory was salted with calcium chloride, the silver nitrate was dissolved in alcohol, and the picture was fixed with potassium sulpho-cyanide. The method is somewhat uncertain, but time has proved that the prints do not fade. The true surface of the ivory in this process is used, which is not the case when a film of gelatine is made to cover it, as in the carbon process; but, as the film is thin and transparent, in the hands of a skilled artist a good carbon print on ivory has all the appearance of a real ivory miniature, with the advantage of the correct drawing which the photographic basis gives. Reproduced Negatives.-It frequently occurs that more than one negative is required of the same subject. When they cannot be ob- tained direct from the object, recourse must be had to some method by 184 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. which the original negative may be reproduced. The simplest way of course is to copy a print, but the effect in this case is far from perfect, owing to the texture of the paper showing. A transparency may be printed of the same size, and from this again a negative. In this case care only is required, and excellent reproductions of the original may be obtained. Reversal of the Image.-There are several methods by which the picture may be developed as a positive instead of a negative—that is, a positive as seen by transmitted light. An ordinary gelatine dry plate, if much over-exposed when developed, will yield a positive image. By recent experiments by Mr. A. P. Okell and others, it has been shown that when the exposure has been more than sufficient to produce a positive, a negative result may be obtained, and that the change from positive to negative recurs in successive order. These experiments were con- ducted with much care, and the exposures varied from a few seconds to many hours. For some purposes a process by which a positive picture could be produced with the same certainty as a negative would be useful, and from experiments recently conducted by Colonel Water- house, some success in this direction appears to have been attained. It is found that when a small quantity of phenyl-thio-carbamide or allyl-thio-carbamide (substances which are produced by treating mus- tard-oil or thio-carbamide with ammonia) is added to the eikonogen developer, and used for developing gelatino-bromide plates, if the exposure has been correctly timed the result will be a positive picture. So far as experiments have yet shown, the best results are obtained with eikonogen, and Colonel Waterhouse gives the following formula :- A. Eikonogen • Sodium sulphite Water • B. Sodium carbonate, crystals. Water C. Phenyl-thio-carbamide Water 5 parts. ΙΟ "" 100 4 "" ?? • 100 "" I 2000 • The developer is formed by taking one part of A., two parts of B., one part of C., to which is added half to one part of a 10 per cent. solution of potassium bromide, and, if the contrasts are too strong, a few drops of ammonia. Colonel Waterhouse states that satisfactory results may be obtained when suitable plates are used, quite equal to those made by the old method in the camera—that is, making a positive from a negative. Other forms of carbamide, such as thio-sinamine, thio-carbamide, or sulph-urea, have been used. Colonel Waterhouse also states that although there are some diffi- culties in working by this new method, it is probable that satisfactory positives will be obtained; that is, this process of making positives will PROCESSES. 185 be as certain as the making of negatives in the usual way, and will be of much value in making copies for working the photo-mechanical pro- The process is quite new, and opens a field for interesting cesses. research.1 The reversal of the photographic image is a matter which, from the first discovery of the art, has occupied the attention of many minds, and under the term Solarisation these effects are generally alluded to. The result sometimes seen when photographing an interior, where there is a window through which a landscape may be visible, the interior being a negative, and the exterior by the reversing action of the light becoming a positive, is an illustration of this effect. A reversal of the image obtained direct in the camera may be made by immersing the developed picture on collodion emulsion in nitric acid, when the reduced silver will be dissolved, leaving an image in silver bromide. This is exposed to light for a short time and the plate is redeveloped; or animonium sulphide may be used, when the result will be a positive picture. Another method by Mr. Brooks may be given. A gelatine plate is developed until the image is seen on the back. It is then placed in the following solution :- Potassium iodide Potassium bromide Water • I to 2 parts. ΙΟ 100 "" The plate is washed and then redeveloped with pyrogallic acid or ferrous oxalate, and fixed in the usual way. (See Reverse Action of Light.) Reversed Negatives.-There are several methods by which the negative picture may be reversed, and for certain of the photo- mechanical processes it is necessary that the image be in the reversed position either on glass or on a film. The methods may be treated in the following order :-(1.) By a prism of solid glass ground true and fitted to the hood of the lens, so that when the camera is placed at right angles to the object to be copied, the image is reflected on to the plate in a reversed position. (2.) As the solid prism is costly, a prism of patent plate-glass may be formed thus-A. Make a drawing of the size of the prism required, and then cut pieces of glass carefully selected and free from defects; take two pieces of thin metal with the edges turned up, and made to fit the glass as a top 1 Since this was written a letter from Colonel Waterhouse has been published in the British Journal of Photography of January 30, 1891, in which he states that "the tetra-thio-carbamide ammonium bromide compound salt, prepared as described in Professor Reynolds' paper, gives under favourable conditions exceed- ingly good reversals, much better than the thio-carbamide does itself. I found five drops of the saturated alcoholic solution to the ounce of eikonogen developer answer well for line-work, but have yet to make further trial. I find that the nitric acid treatment is beneficial with this salt also in the case of line-work." 186 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. and bottom. The glass must now be cemented with marine glue (or in any other way), so as to be water-tight. Through an opening at the top, water (or castor-oil) may be introduced. This prism, although not so perfect as the one made of solid glass, will answer the same purpose at a very trifling cost. It may be fitted in front of the lens. (3.) A piece of glass silvered at the back in the usual way may be used, but the reflection is not perfect. If silvered on the face, a mirror of silvered glass ground quite true and polished answers very well, although there is some loss of light, and great care must be taken that the surface is not injured; it must never be exposed excepting while in use, or the surface will become tarnished. For the method of silvering see Silvering Glass, page 189. (4.) The nega- tive may be reversed by placing the film so that the image is formed through the glass. If made on a wet plate, the plain side of the glass must be wiped dry; and if a dry plate be used, it must be carefully cleaned. It must be noticed that reversing the plate. makes it necessary either to reverse the ground-glass while focus- sing, or to allow for the thickness of the plate. (5.) The film may be reversed by stripping; if a wet collodion plate be used, proceed as follows:-Paste strips of paper around the edges on the back of the plate, so that when dry they may be turned up to form a kind of dish. Then take gelatine 2 ounces, loaf-sugar 1 ounces (or a small quantity of glycerine instead of the sugar, either being used to make the stripped film flexible), and water 2 ounces; dissolve in the usual way, and filter through muslin. Place the negative on a sheet of plate-glass on a levelling stand, and pour on sufficient of the gelatine solution to completely cover it. When set, the negative may be stood on edge to dry; and when quite dry, by running a knife around the edge the film may be stripped. The glass should be rubbed over with French chalk before coating and sensitising. (6.) Unvarnished gelatine negatives may be stripped as follows:-Place the negative on a levelling stand and cover it with transfer collodion. When this has set, the negative must be put into a dish of water and washed till all greasiness disappears. Into an ebonite tray pour a solution of hydrofluoric acid (one drachm of the acid to two ounces of water) and then place the negative in it. The film will soon show signs of leaving the glass; at this point remove it from the acid and wash carefully, then put it face upwards on blotting-paper, and on the film put a piece of smooth paper, wetted and larger than the glass, pressing it in contact with a squeegee. On turning the plate over, the film may now be removed with the paper. Then place in water, when the negative will float off, and may be caught in its proper position on a clean glass. It is then allowed to dry, or it may be transferred to a plate prepared with gelatine in the PROCESSES. 187 usual way. (7.) India-rubber dissolved in benzole may be poured on to the dry collodion film (the negative being taken on a plate which has been rubbed over with French chalk and then coated with trans- fer collodion). When quite dry, the film may be stripped as before described. With care, any one of the methods given above will be found quite effectual. "" Retouching. The "art" of retouching a photograph may be com- pared with what is called "flattering" a portrait painted in oil or water-colours, or it may be as monochrome—that is, endeavouring to make the portrait different from, if not better than, Nature made the subject. There was a time when a photograph was considered to be something to "swear by "-that is, a truthful representation, and not a thing which had been altered by hand to meet the idea of the "retoucher as to what Nature ought to have made the subject. This retouching, however, is now carried to such perfection (?) that it is no longer safe to "swear by " the thing which the light, in the first instance, had made almost the exact resemblance of the image it had impressed on the sensitive plate, but which the lead-pencil in the retoucher's hand has altered to such an extent that it no longer can claim to be a true image of the original. Retouching-that is, working upon the negative with lead-pencil to remove photograpic defects- may be allowed. It is no fault of the sitter if Nature has endowed him. with a skin covered with minute yellow spots or "freckles;" these appear on the sensitive plate in such a manner that the result when printed is to show them too prominently. They may be scarcely visible to an ordinary observer on the face of the sitter, but they are very noticeable in the photograph, and are very objectionable. To remove these, but at the same time not to alter the likeness, is per- fectly legitimate. The use of orthochromatic plates assists the photo- grapher here, but is not altogether sufficient. It is not possible in a page or two to say all that might be desirable on this subject. Treatises devoted to the subject have been written in which minute directions what to do in all cases are given, and to which the reader is referred. The writer admits that retouching is necessary, but the experience of many years confirms him in the opinion that, beyond what has been said above, and the general smoothing away of defects, retouching as now practised is not legitimate. Excessive retouching is practised chiefly because people "will have it." But it is in the power of the photographer to a large extent to guide the public. taste. It is the abuse of the "art," and not the use which should be condemned. That public taste may be led is manifested in the prefer- ence which is beginning to be shown for prints without the glaze of albu- menised paper, platinum and bromide printing largely taking its place. What can be said in defence of remarks of this kind, which 188 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. appear in one of the most influential of the photographic journals? "To the most casual of observers the nose will always appear a leading, if not absolutely the most prominent feature of the face; and, indeed, the success of the portrait will depend very materially upon the degree of success with which we treat it. Many times the retoucher will be called upon to give absolute form to the nose, and this, it is needless to say, will often tax his ability to the fullest." Very full instructions are given as to the treatment of this very important feature in the face, showing how the bridge may be improved and altered so as to make it what the retoucher considers it ought to be ; other parts of the nose and other features of the face are directed to be modified; the eye even does not escape attention. It is fair to say that the author of these instructions concludes one of his papers with these remarks :—“ Over-work, in the treatment of a negative, will only produce a hard, wooden effect, and in nine cases out of every ten falsify the natural expression and ruin the resemblance. Needless to say, retouching carried out on the over-work principle can have no preten- sions whatever to the artistic." This is perfectly true, and it is true also that retouching carried to the extent recommended must result in injury to the portrait. In many cases the face is covered with retouching to such an extent that the result in a print is the appear- ance of the sitter having recently recovered from small-pox. It has been admitted that a certain amount of retouching in most portraits is necessary, and, provided it is not carried so far as to detract in any way from the picture as a portrait, the work may be improved; but this is only necessary because prints on paper from untouched negatives are not so perfect as portraits by other processes were in former times. Bad negatives are allowed to pass because the retoucher is supposed to make good the defects left by the photographer. For the purpose of retouching a portrait or other negative, hard lead- pencils are used. Faber's HH, HHHH, and even six H are em- ployed. The lead must be cut to a very fine point, and the point kept by rubbing on a piece of fine emery paper. The negative must be placed so that the light may be reflected through it-a retouching desk is generally used. To obtain the best effect in the negative, the head of the retoucher should be protected from the surrounding light as much as possible. The negative is usually worked upon before it is varnished; and, to make the pencil "bite," the gelatine film is sometimes slightly roughened with fine pumice or cuttlefish powder. In other cases the plate may be coated with varnish, which leaves a "tooth." Suitable varnishes may be purchased. Success or other- wise will depend upon the skill of the retoucher, and the " can only be acquired by practice. From what has been said, it is clear that art OF NIV CH. MIC² M. WOLFE. DAYTON, O., U. S. A. ZINC ETCHING MADE WITH M. WOLFE'S FINE LINE SCREEN PLATES AND HALF-TONE PROCESS. PROCESSES. 189 the writer would advise that as little as possible should be done with the pencil. The aim of the photographer should be to make his negative as perfect in light and shade as possible. Consequently, if modelling and all other technical details have been carefully attended to, very little need should arise for the so-called retoucher's "art." The art should be in the photographer, and the less aid he requires from the lead-pencil the better his work will be. Ruby Medium.—When it is not possible to obtain ruby glass, it is convenient to have the means of preparing a transparent sheet as a substitute. Mr. W. K. Burton recommends the following :— A. Gelatine Water. Potassium bichromate B. Silver nitrate Water. · 100 grains. 4 ounces. 20 grains. 20 I ounce. The gelatine must be softened in the usual way; then add the bichromate, and apply heat until the whole is dissolved. Solution B. must then be added. Coat the glass with the emulsion, and the result will be a film of a deep ruby colour. Screen Plates.--On page 143 will be found a description of one of the methods for obtaining a lined screen to be used in making half- tone zinc blocks. Since that description was written, the writer has seen a screen made by Mr. M. Wolfe of Dayton, Ohio. The ruled surface is sealed between two glass plates, and is therefore not liable to injury from scratches, or by the silver solution coming in contact with it. The accompanying illustration is the result of Mr. Wolfe's skill in preparing the block, as also the ruled screen. Silvering Glass.—The following solutions are necessary for silver- ing glass by the Brashear method :— Loaf-sugar Distilled water (to dissolve the sugar) Nitric acid Alcohol • Distilled water to make 840 grains. 300 39 25 drachms. 26 ounces. The glass, if to be used as a reversing mirror, must have a perfectly true surface (ordinary patent plate is not sufficiently perfect), and must be chemically clean. On the back must be cemented with pitch a couple of corks, by which the glass may be held level and in contact with the silver solution— Silver nitrate . dissolved in 2 ounces of distilled water. 50 grains 50 grains Potassium oxide hydrate (caustic, pure by alcohol) dissolved in 2 ounces of distilled water. Put a tenth part of the silver solution into another bottle to be kept in reserve. Liquor 190 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Add four ammonia is added to the silver solution until the brown precipitate is redissolved. The potassium solution is now to be added. Add a few more drops of ammonia, and leave the solution to precipitate. The reserve solution of silver is now to be added carefully until the solution becomes yellow-brown. Add sufficient distilled water to cover the edge of the mirror when it is suspended in the fluid. drachms of the reducing solution and stir well together. After the mirror has been suspended in the solution about ten to thirty minutes, according to the temperature of the room, the silverising will be com- plete, and the mirror may be rested on blotting-paper to dry. When perfectly dry, the surface may be polished with rouge in the usual way. Success depends very much on the temperature of the room, which should not be under 60° F., and the glass and solutions should have been in that temperature at least twenty-four hours before the silvering process was commenced. Another method is recommended by Mr. Common. Three solutions are used :- A. Silver nitrate Water (distilled) B. Caustic potash (pure) Water (distilled) C. Glucose or grape-sugar Water (distilled) 1 ounce. IO ounces. I ounce. IO Ounces. ounce. 10 ounces. The quantities must be determined by the size of the glass to be silvered. About 4 ounces would be sufficient for a mirror 10 × 8. The silver is converted into ammonio-nitrate as previously de- scribed, and the remaining operations are the same. When not in use, the silvered mirror should be carefully wrapped in chamois leather and enclosed in a box to exclude air as much as possible, otherwise the surface will tarnish and necessitate repolish- ing with rouge; but the frequent repetition of this will injure the surface, and re-silvering will be necessary. Stains. In the various manipulations, when the skin comes in contact with silver and some other solutions, stains occur which are unsightly and cause an unpleasant roughness. This kind of stain may at once be removed by touching the parts with solution of iodine, made by adding iodine to methylated alcohol, and then rubbing with a piece of potassium cyanide; care, of course, being taken that no part of the skin is cracked or cut. If the stains have been caused merely in developing gelatine plates, a little of the "clearing solution" will remove them to a large extent; or the parts If may be rubbed with pumice-stone when the hands are washed. the stains are on linen (or the skin), the following has been recom- mended :- PROCESSES. 191 Iodine Nitric acid Hydrochloric acid 毋 ​Alcohol (methylated) I part. I I 20 parts. Touch the stain with some of this solution, and afterwards with "hypo" or potassium cyanide in solution, when the stain will dis- appear. The linen or skin must then be well washed. Potas- Stains of any kind on negatives are difficult to remove. sium cyanide solution may be rubbed on the part. Gelatine negatives should never be printed from in damp weather, unless they have been varnished, as they are otherwise very liable to be stained. The best remedy for a stained paper print is to print another. Stannotype.—Another of the clever inventions of the late Mr. Woodbury was named by him Stannotype. The necessity for using hydraulic pressure in making the printing-plates for the Woodbury type process has always made that beautiful method less available than it deserved to be. In the Stannotype process we are enabled to prepare a plate by very simple means, which can be printed from in the same manner as the Woodbury-type. Stannotype (derived from the Latin stannum and Greek typeo) is so called because tin is used in the form of tinfoil to receive the impression. A carbon transparency is prepared, and this, when dry, is used to obtain a negative intaglio image, which is then covered with tinfoil as the printing-plate. For this intaglio plate a thick film of gelatine must be used, which, when dry, is coated with tinfoil, or, when large numbers are to be printed, with foil which has been covered with a thin coat of steel. The intaglio negative, having been developed on a sheet of plate-glass and dried, is now ready to be coated with the foil, and this is done by rolling between two india- rubber rollers. The plate is first put into position between the rollers, and the pressure adjusted to the centre of the image on the plate, and the rolling motion is given by moving the handle backwards and forwards until the ends are reached. The plate between the rollers will bear sufficient pressure to embed the foil in the gelatine negative. The kind of press used for printing from the Stannotype mould or plate is the same as for the Woodbury-type. The mould is placed on the bed of the press upon a sheet of thick blotting-paper which has been wetted. The top plate of the press has attached to its under surface a sheet of glass perfectly flat, and this plate is movable when the screws are loose. When the mould is in its place, the screws are adjusted, so that when the arched bar is lifted the whole remains rigid, and will always come into perfect contact with the mould when taking the impression. All being ready, the surface of the mould is oiled slightly with a mixture of equal parts of paraffin and olive oils. 192 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The ink is composed of 4 ounces of gelatine to 24 to 30 ounces of water, determined by the temperature, as the ink must be thicker in warm weather. To the gelatine may be added Indian-ink or colour of any kind. The ink is poured into a wine-bottle, which must stand in a vessel holding water which can be maintained at a temperature of 125° to 130° F. In printing, a pool of the ink is poured from the bottle. on to the mould, the paper placed in position on it, and the arch of the press brought down and tightened by means of the handle. In a few minutes the gelatine will have set, when the pressure can be released and the paper lifted, on which will be found the picture. The sur- plus ink pressed out at the sides of the mould can be scraped off and re-melted for further use. In printing large numbers, it is usual to have three presses in use; they are fixed to a revolving table, so that as each press is used the table is turned; and when the third is filled, the first print is ready to be removed. Steel-Facing Copper-Plates.-As copper is usually employed for the best half-tone blocks obtained by the aid of photography, it becomes necessary to coat the surface with a hard metal, as the fine detail on the copper is rapidly deteriorated by the cleaning process necessary in printing. By the deposit of iron electrically the rapid wearing of the plate is prevented; and as the iron will, if a large number of prints are required, also wear, it is necessary to re-face the copper. The colour of the surface will show when this becomes necessary. "The copperplate to be re-faced first has all ink removed from its surface by chloroform or turpentine, is then washed and carefully dabbed over with a hog's-hair brush dipped in a potash lye or in a 5 per cent. solution of potassium cyanide, then washed again. The plate is then laid into a flat bath, along the bottom of which a bare copper wire is laid, which is to serve as the negative pole of the cur- rent. The appropriate steel-depositing fluid is then added, so as to avoid oxidation. A plate of pure steel serves as anode; it is placed at the positive pole above the copper-plate when the current is opened. A silvery-like film of steel is immediately deposited upon the copper- plate. Air-bubbles are easily removed with a feather. The plate should be completely steel-faced in about five minutes. The composi- tion of the fluid used is as follows:-Dissolve in warm water 35 ounces- Ammonium chloride 60 grammes - 2 ounces. Crystallised ferric sulphate Crystallised ammoniac ferrous sulphate • 30 30 "" = 1 ounce. The solution should stand two days and be twice filtered, and should be filtered again before each time of using. After the facing is completed, the plate should be cleaned as before, and greased to prevent it from rusting."1 1 British Journal Almanack, 1889, p. 606. ; PROCESSES. 193 Stenochromy.—Under this name a method of applying colour to photographs made by the Woodbury-type was introduced by Mr. Ingerstein. Tannin Process.-Amongst the variety of substances used for pre- serving the sensitiveness of dry collodion plates, tannin was one of the most popular, and was first successfully used by Colonel Russell. A plate was coated with collodion and sensitised in the usual way, and placed in a dish of distilled water for one minute, keeping the plate in motion to remove greasiness; then it was well washed under a tap for two minutes, giving it a final rinse with distilled water. A solu- tion of tannin was now poured on to the plate, which must be on a levelling stand, and the solution allowed to remain two or three minutes. The plate was then allowed to stand on one corner in the dark till dry. The plates required to be “backed" with some opaque colour to prevent blurring, to which tannin plates were very liable. A border of varnish was necessary to prevent the film loosening. To develop, the plate was first covered with spirits of wine and water in equal proportions, and then rinsed off with distilled water. The developing solution was composed of- 1. Pyrogallic acid Distilled water 2. Citric acid Silver nitrate • Distilled water 3. Citric acid • Silver nitrate Distilled water 2 grains. I ounce. IO grains. IO 3? I ounce. 40 grains. ΙΟ I ounce. To sufficient of No. 1 to cover the plate was added one drop of No. 2 to each drachm of No. I. The plate was developed with this. If the negative appeared quickly, it had been over-exposed, when the developing solution was poured off, and the development continued with distilled water in which a few drops of No. 3 were added. The fixing was done in the usual way with "hypo." It was claimed for this process that it was simpler, and that the results compared favourably with other processes. Taupenot Process (see Collodio-Albumen). One of the most extensively used processes, prior to the advent of collodion and gela- tine emulsions, was the Taupenot or Collodio-Albumen process. The negatives produced by it were of the best quality, and the plates, when carefully preserved, retained their sensitiveness for many years. The plates, after very careful cleaning, were coated with weak albumen solution. This substratum was for the purpose of keeping the col- lodion from slipping, and preventing blisters in the subsequent parts of the process. The albumenised plate, when dry, was coated with N 194 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. collodion (old was preferred), sensitised in an acid silver solution, and then thoroughly washed. The next coating consisted of iodised albumen made as under :- Albumen Potassium iodide Potassium bromide Ammonia Water 8 ounces. 50 grains. ΙΟ 2 drachms. 2 ounces. After these are well beaten together, and after the solution had settled, the plates were coated twice, a great quantity of the solution being used each time; the first may be thrown away, and the second used for the first coating of the next plate. At this stage it was dried. The plates were made sensitive by immersion in the following bath :- Silver nitrate Glacial acetic acid Distilled water. About one minute in this bath was sufficient. 30 grains. drachm. I ounce, A thorough washing under a tap was now given, and a final rinse with distilled water. The plates when dry were ready for use. The plates were usually developed with pyrogallic acid, three grains to the ounce of water, and when the details of the picture were well seen, the full printing density was obtained by redeveloping with- Pyrogallic acid Citric acid Water · 2 grains grain I ounce to which three or four drops of a thirty-grain solution of silver nitrate were added. Any deposit which might be formed in developing was removed with a tuft of cotton-wool. 'Hypo" of the usual strength was used for fixing. (C The process was modified in many different ways. The prolonged exposure necessary was the chief objection to the process. Tea Process.—In this process an infusion of black tea (10 ounces of boiling water to half an ounce of tea) was used as a preparation to preserve collodion plates in the dry state when only required to be kept a few days. Telescopic Photography.-Any telescope may be arranged horizon tally, so that the ground-glass of an ordinary camera may be made to receive the image of the distant object through an eye-piece. The writer used a Barlow's lens for this purpose about thirty years since, and obtained photographs about twice the diameter of the image as seen at the principal focus of the object-glass. An instrument called a PROCESSES. 195 Photo-heliograph has for many years been used at Kew for photo- graphing sun-spots. Practically this is a telescope to which an enlarging lens has been added; such instruments were made by the late Mr. J. H. Dallmeyer, having the chemical and visual foci coinci- dent. It appears from a recent discussion of the subject that as early as 1869 Dr. Hugo Schroeder constructed refracting telescopes with an arrangement of lenses suitable for photographing distant terrestrial objects. Mr. T. R. Dallmeyer has also constructed an instrument with which an object may be enlarged about four diameters, as will be seen by comparing Figs. 39A and 39B, the larger one having been taken with a telescope. The value of such an instrument when used for photographing the moon will at once be seen; and for some pur- poses, when distant terrestrial objects cannot be photographed in the ordinary way, the use of the new telescopic photographic lens will be valuable. In his recent work, "The Optics of Photography," Mr. J. Traill Taylor states that in 1870 he showed how a telescopic view of a distant object could be obtained, and he also says that he had long since used one of the barrels of an ordinary opera-glass with the large lens towards the object for obtaining enlarged views telescopically. The following is an abridged description of a teleo-photographic lens recently introduced by Mr. T. R. Dallmeyer. Mr. Dallmeyer says:- "Hitherto only two methods of producing large images had been employed-first, the use of very long focus positive ordinary lenses; and second, the production of a primary image by one positive lens, and placing a secondary magnifier or second positive lens behind the plane of the primary image, which enlarges it more or less, according to its focal length, and its adjustment between the positions of the planes of the primary image and that of the focussing screen, as in the photo-heliograph, &c. "The first of the older methods had been seldom employed except in astronomical photography, on account of its unwieldy dimensions; and the second method referred to is practically useless for ordinary photographic work on account of the great loss of light involved, rendering the length of time necessary for proper exposure so great as to cause it to be almost prohibitive, except in the case of inanimate objects." The diagrams in Fig. 38 sufficiently explain the construction of the new lens. The introduction of an instrument of this kind will add very much to the interest of the possessors of telescopes, who are at the same time photographers, in the prosecution of their work. Photographing celestial or terrestrial objects through small telescopes necessitated a 196 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 1 A A¹ Fig. 1. P pr Parallel ray A B F FA A¹ A Parallel ray to As Parallel ray to A Ray from new EA object nee? Ray from a Go AI object - Fig. II. Fig. II. B P divergent F N. P A B F Imaginary position of A FIG. 38. FIG. I.-The upper back ray meets the lens, A, parallel to the axis, and by a proper adjustment between A and B, comes to focus at F upon the plate PL. If PL be removed farther from the lens, B, to take the position P¹L¹, the lens A will have to be moved slightly nearer to B, and take the position A¹. FIG. II. On the upper side of the axis a parallel ray to A finds its focus as in the dark line on the plate at F. If, however, some ray from a near object falls upon the lens, A, in the direction of the dotted line, after passing through the lens, B, is found divergent, and no positive focus is obtainable. FIG. III. represents a beam of rays passing through the two component elements, A and B, coming to focus upon the plate PL. To estimate the rapidity, it is necessary to consider the full aperture placed at the principal focal plane passing through the nodal point at N. A is thus made to take up an imaginary position. The position of the nodal changes for different positions of the plate PL. PROCESSES. 197 cumbrous addition to the instrument, while with the compact arrange- ment now available the work will be both convenient and useful. Transferotype Process.-Paper prepared on one side with soluble gelatine, and then with sensitised gelatine emulsion, is supplied by the Eastman Company. The paper is printed upon in the usual way by artificial light, and is then developed with iron oxalate and fixed; .S.H. ام FIG. 39A. 1 FIG. 39B. FIG. 39A.-Shows view of a church about half a mile distant, taken with the new lens. Exact size of image on plate. FIG. 39B.-The same object taken from the same point with a 10 by 8 R. R. (13-inches equivalent focus). Exact size of image on plate. and, after washing, is placed on the support where it is to remain, and squeegeed. Water sufficiently hot to melt the gelatine next the paper is then poured on, and the paper, when loosened, can be removed. Typogravure. The illustration facing page 198 is copied from an oil-painting. The writer is not in possession of the details of the special mode of preparation; but a careful inspection will show that 198 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. it is a combination of the half-tone zinc etching process and the engraver's art. The plate is a very beautiful production, and shows the invaluable aid of photography in the arts of mechanical reproduc- tion of pictures. It is the work of Messrs. Goupil & Co. Uranium Printing, &c.-In photography uranium is chiefly used in the form of nitrate, which is obtained from pitch-blende dissolved in nitric acid, dried, and again dissolved in water. Yellow crystals are formed from the concentrated solution; these may be further purified by solution in ether and recrystallisation. The crystals are very deliquescent. Many attempts have been made to utilise uranium for printing, but the results have not been equal to platinum, and the prints will not stand the same tests as the last-named metal. Paper is first floated on a solution of— Uranium nitrate Water I ounce. 5 ounces. Expose in sunlight until a faint image is visible, and then develop by floating on a solution of— Silver nitrate Water I ounce. 20 ounces. To which add a few drops of acetic acid. Fix with sodium thio-sul- phate. The prints may also be developed with— Potassium ferricyanide. Water 50 grains. I ounce. The following process, recommended by Mr. Bedding, appears to be one of the most practical for utilising uranium for printing purposes. It will be noticed that the process is very similar to the platinotype. The paper must first be coated with ferric oxalate in the proportion of one grain to each superficial inch of paper. If preserved from light and damp, the paper in this state will keep some weeks, but the addition of one grain of mercuric chloride to each ounce of the ferric oxalate solution assists in causing the paper to keep. "When the dried iron-paper has been exposed in contact with the negative, and the characteristic ferrous image obtained, it should be floated upon a solution compounded in the following proportion :— Uranium nitrate Gold chloride Water • 15 grains. I grain. I ounce. After the desired depth of definition has been obtained, the picture should be passed through plain water, followed by immersion in dilute Ridgway Knight Paris Typogravure & Imprimerie Boussod, Valadon & Co. Paris. UNIL OF M PROCESSES. 199 : hydrochloric acid (1 100), again treated with water, and finally allowed to dry." Uranium may be employed to tone silver prints on albumenised paper. The salt of the metal was also used in the preparation of dry plates by a method advocated by the late Colonel Stuart Wortley, who described his process in 1872. It is an emulsion process in which collodion is used, and is made as follows :— Collodion (plain) Cadmium bromide (anhydrous) Uranium nitrate Silver nitrate 30 13 I ounce. 7 grains. "" The uranium and cadmium salts are dissolved in the collodion, and the silver is then added. The plates, which have been prepared with a substratum, are then coated with the emulsion in the usual way, and washed until the greasiness disappears. A preservative must then be poured over the plate. The developing solution is composed of :— I. Ammonium carbonate Water 2. Potassium bromide. Water 3. Pyrogallic acid Alcohol • 64 grains. I ounce. • 4 grains. I ounce. 96 grains. I ounce, used in the following proportions :-No. 1, 60 minims; No. 2, 60 minims; No. 3, 15 minims; water, 2 drachms; alcohol, drachm. As the plates are liable to halation, aurin is used in the plain collodion. The process was well spoken of in 1873, but has been superseded by the more popular and useful gelatine methods. Wothlytype.-Under this title a process was patented by Herr Wothly of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1864, and a Company was formed in England for working the process. The nitrates of uranium and silver were combined with the collodion with which the paper was prepared. Results were obtained which were certainly very effec- tive, but the Company was not a success. A print in the possession of the writer since about 1865 remains in the same condition as when printed. Vignetting.—A photograph is said to be vignetted when the outer parts of the negative are protected from the light, thus causing the picture to shade off into the white paper. The best way to effect this is to cut a suitable opening in stout cardboard and serrate the edges, and place tissue-paper over the opening. Thin sheet-lead may be used for the same purpose, and has the advantage that by bending the serrated edge the tissue-paper may be raised or lowered as required. If printed in the shade, the tissue-paper may be dispensed with. 200 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Waxed-Paper Process.-Now that films almost as perfect as glass are available on which negatives may be made, it is very improbable that waxed paper will ever again be brought into use, although, for large work, much may be said in its favour. The name of Gustave le Gray will be remembered in connection with the waxed-paper process, and the fact that a translation of his pamphlet on the subject passed through several editions shows that the method was popular about thirty years ago. Woodbury-type.-In 1865 the late Mr. Walter Woodbury pub- lished a process which he named Photo-Relief Printing, but which is now known universally by the name of the inventor. About the same time Mr. Swan of Newcastle invented a similar process. The Woodbury-type is altogether unlike any other process connected with photography, as will be seen from the following description in Mr. Woodbury's own words :— "The production of pictures either on white paper, on opal glass, or on transparent glass, or on porcelain, by this method of printing, is based on the principle that layers of any semi-transparent material seen against a light ground produce different degrees of light or shade according to their thickness. Therefore, by having a mould in intaglio, produced by the action of light on bichromatised gelatine, and filling. the intaglio so produced with a semi-transparent material, we obtain a mould in which the parts that are the thickest give a dark colour; and the thinner the layer of material becomes, so it gradually merges into white. By pouring a mixture of gelatine and colour on to the intaglio mould, and placing a piece of paper on to the gelatine, and squeezing the whole between two perfectly true planes, the super- fluous colour is all squeezed out, and the gelatine, having set, adheres to the paper, and on being separated from the mould leaves it perfectly clean. This picture, being in relief when leaving the mould, has sug- gested the name I have given to this process; but the contracting of the gelatine on drying leaves hardly any perceptible relief on paper, which might otherwise be considered an objection. "I will now proceed to describe my method of operating. "The Gelatine Relief.—Select several pieces of talc of the required size, being perfectly uniform in thickness, and by wetting them affix them to a large sheet of glass; squeeze out all the superfluous moisture, and polish the whole of the pieces; next prepare the bichromatised gelatine as follows:-Dissolve in water, 28 ounces, 4 ounces of Nelson's opaque gelatine; clarify with white of egg, and filter. To 4 ounces of this solution add 60 grains of bichromate of ammonia dissolved in a half ounce of warm water and a small quantity of prussian blue (this serves to give the finished relief a colour by which to judge of its printing qualities, and does not interfere with the action of the light UMIL OF CH. CRABING PAYKER CAMER CHARLES J. BRENAN, PHOTO. Woodburytype. CRAB INN, SHANKLIN, ISLE OF WIGHT. PROCESSES. 201 in penetrating the gelatine). When well mixed, filter through muslin, and pour over the talc-covered glass, place on a levelling-stand, and allow to set. When set, cut with a sharp knife round the edges of each talc, and strip from the glass; lay on a piece of blotting-paper the same size, and clean the talc side; then place in contact with the negative, and having placed a piece of glass behind, fasten all together with india-rubber bands, and place in the light of a condenser of six to nine inches diameter at a distance of about two feet; after expos- ing from an hour to two hours, according to the density of the nega- tive, to the sun's rays (a little over- or under-exposure is of no conse- quence), lay in a dish, and pour some hot water over them until no soluble gelatine is left; then allow to dry at a gentle heat. When nearly dry, let the remainder of the drying be done spontaneously, otherwise the gelatine would split from the talc. Having obtained the relief supported by the tale, they can be kept in a book ready for the next operation. "The Metal Intaglio.-In my early experiments I used the electro- type process to obtain an intaglio from the gelatine relief, but found that for any practical purposes it was impossible to obtain uniform results. The result of my experiments has been the producing of the moulds by hydraulic pressure, by placing a sheet of soft metal (a mixture of lead and type metal) in contact with the gelatine relief, and subjecting the same between two perfectly true plates of steel to 50 to 200 tons pressure, according to size, four tons to a square inch being about the pressure necessary. The result is a perfectly sharp intaglio, obtained in less than a minute's time; the same gelatine relief will serve for several moulds where a large number of prints are wanted." The method of printing is the same as described in the Stannotype Process, p. 191. By this beautiful process prints may be made so perfectly to imitate prints on albumenised paper that it is almost impossible to distin- guish one kind from the other. The accompanying plate of the Crab Inn, Shanklin, photographed by Mr. Charles F. Brennan with the "British" camera, is a very perfect illustration of the process here described. Woodbury-gravure.-Until a few months since it was necessary to mount Woodbury-type prints, but, by an improvement in the manipulation, prints can now be made on paper which do not require to be mounted. The method of obtaining this result is by printing in the usual way; when dry the prints are trimmed and then transferred on to the paper, on which they appear as if so printed originally. The process is termed Woodbury-gravure. This improve- 202 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ment removes what was a great disadvantage in the old process, and for book illustrations, both as to cost and beauty of result, this method holds its own with any of the other mechanical processes. The print of the moon in the section Astronomical Photography is an excellent example. Writing Titles.-The following method of affixing titles to nega- tives, so that the name will appear white on the print, is given by Mr. Sylvester Parry :-Write the name in block letters, or in any other way, in Indian-ink on thin strips of talc, which may be attached when dry to the varnished negative, and if carefully done the outline of the tale will not be visible. Yellow Negatives (see Intensifying).-A wet collodion negative is seldom dense enough for printing purposes when developed with iron and redeveloped or strengthened with pyro and silver. The late Mr. G. W. Simpson introduced a method by which the image is changed to a yellow colour, which is effected in the following way :—The plate, after fixing and washing, is placed in a dilute solution of potassium permanganate of about ten grains to an ounce of water. As soon as the change of colour is visible on the back of the picture, the process is complete. Zinc-Etching.-The method of producing zinc blocks in half-tone is described under the heading Photo-Engraving. The process now to be dealt with is for making blocks in line to be used in the type-printing press. The negative should be of the same quality as described for photo-lithography, having clear lines, and the whites must be repre- sented in the negative by a perfectly opaque film; and the image, if it is to be printed direct on to the zinc plate, must be reversed. By using a print prepared as for photo-lithography, a transfer may be made direct to the zinc (which must have a slight grain given to it by means of nitric acid and alum); this must be rubbed up with ink in the usual way before treatment with the etching acid. A second method is by preparing the zinc with bichromated albumen : Albumen Potassium bichromate (saturated solution) Water I I ounce. 99 7 ounces. The albumen and water are placed in a bottle containing broken glass and well shaken; the bichromate is then added. The albumen must be filtered, and the zinc plate may then be coated. To obtain an even film, the plate must be "whirled," or made to revolve quickly, so as to throw off the superfluous fluid. The film must now be dried over a spirit flame, and care must be taken to avoid dust or air-bubbles. As the rigid surfaces of the glass and zinc have to be brought in close contact in the printing-frame, the glass must be perfectly level, and Dawsons Ph. Sc. Alfred Dawson del! Abim WAY Hogarth House. Chiswick: A HOGARTH HOUSE, CHISWICK. PROCESSES. 203 all the surfaces must be perfectly free from all grit, otherwise fracture may occur. As great pressure is necessary, the glass of the printing-frame should be thicker than usual. The negative in contact with the zinc may now be exposed to light, and by using an actinometer, experience will quickly show when the right exposure has been made. The plate must now be inked with the kind of ink used for photo-lithographic purposes, but reduced with turpentine so that it can readily be distributed with a roller on to the zinc plate. The rolling is continued until the film of ink, by the evaporation of the turpentine, is so thin that the printed image may be seen through it. When the inking is complete, the plate is placed in a tray in cold water, and with a piece of lint the surface is gently rubbed to remove the superfluous ink, and the image, if proper care has been taken. will be found perfect on the metal. As soon as the plate is dry it is ready for the next stage of the process-that is, the etching. Heat is now required. A metal plate should be placed on a stand so that gas or other heat may be applied to keep the plate warm-that is, at about the temperature used when drying a varnished plate. After the plate has been warmed, it is allowed to cool. It is next covered or sponged over with a solution of gum-arabic of about the consistence of cream, and then allowed to dry without the application of heat, When dry, the plate is sponged over with water to remove the gum, after which it may be inked with a litho-ink reduced with middle varnish. The zinc is now coated on the back, and all parts which are to be protected from the acid, with bitumen varnish. The plate, slightly warmed, may now be placed in the first etching bath. The quantity of fluid must depend on the size of the zinc, and the tray to contain it should be sufficiently deep to allow rocking. At first a weak acid solution must be used, sufficient nitric acid being added to the water to make it distinctly acid to the taste; and when the zinc is in the tray it must be rocked constantly, to prevent the formation of bubbles of gas on the surface. After about a minute, the plate is removed from the acid, rinsed under a tap, and the surface sponged. The plate is now warmed, gummed, and then fanned until dry. It is then washed and sponged, and, while wet, is inked as before, and again warmed on the metal plate until the ink is caused to run down the sides of the etched lines. After cool- ing, the plate is ready for the second etching, a few drops of acid being added to the water, and the tray rocked as before. The plate is left in the acid about three times longer than at first, and the washing, sponging, and gumming are repeated. In the next part of the process, the plate is dusted over with powdered resin and the surplus removed with a soft camel's-hair brush. The ink is now covered ફ્ 204 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. with resin, and the etching process is repeated after the plate has been heated so as to melt the resin. After each etching, the strength of the acid solution is increased, and the various operations are repeated until it is seen that the plate is etched sufficiently deep. In some cases an after process, called "clean etching," is necessary, to clear away irregularities left in the earlier state of the process; as also when the parts which are to appear white when the block is printed may require to be cleared away with the graver or with a "router." The zinc may be cut to shape with a fret-saw, and then mounted type-high in the usual way. · PART III. APPARATUS. Actinometers and Exposure Tables. To the beginner in the practice of photography there is perhaps nothing so uncertain as the exposure required to produce a picture, and until he has had experience he must expect many failures. He may have read about exposure tables, and may have tried to apply them, but he will quickly find that some knowledge of the actinic value of the light is necessary; he must know whether the plates he is using are quick or slow (and for his purpose slow plates should be preferred, as being more under control); and he must know something about the lens and the value of the diaphragms he is about to use. The light has very different power as the seasons change; the time of the day must be considered, and the mere passing of a cloud will have to be allowed for. All these matters have to be considered in using exposure tables or other kinds of aid in exposing plates. When experience has been gained, the appearance of the picture on the ground-glass will be a sufficient guide; but, at the same time, exposure tables may afford the means, when used intelligently, of greater uniformity in results. Many methods have been devised for assisting the tyro in the matter of exposure. One of the most simple is called the Bijou Actinometer and Exposure Table, contrived by Mr. I. Watts of Bowdon, Cheshire. Among the many devices for ascertaining the chemical intensity of the light by exposing a strip of sensitive paper to its action, this actinometer is very convenient, owing to its portability. On the inside of the lid of the small box which contains it the maker has ingeniously inserted a set of tables of subjects and stop-ratios, by the use of which (as explained in the instructions sent out with the instrument) a very simple arithmetical operation gives the ex- posure required in seconds. The basis or zero of the tables is an open landscape subject, for stop the ratio ƒ8 (or an aperture equal to one-eighth of the focal length of the lens employed), and for the light a tenth of the time (in seconds) which the paper takes to assume the 205 206 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. depth of colour of the standard tint of the actinometer. These factors multiplied together and divided by a number representing the sensi- tiveness of the plate (which has to be found by experiment) gives the exposure required. As a guide, especially for the novice, it may be found useful; but it is necessary to remark that neither this nor any other form of actinometer or exposure tables can be expected to be more than this, and it must not be supposed to be a substitute for the exercise of judgment on the part of the operator. In the following example the number representing the rapidity of the plate, developed with the normal developer, is 40, but each operator must ascertain the plate number for himself by actual ex- periment (decreasing it if the exposure proves too short, and increas- ing it if too long), so as to adapt it to the plates used, and to the exact method of development employed:- Subject: An open landscape with strong foreground . Actinometer 20 seconds; one-tenth of which is . Stop ƒ64, equivalent stop number is Thus :- 2 2 64 or 616 seconds. 40 2×2×64_256 40 or say 6 seconds, which is the exposure required. If a large stop is used, say ƒ16, the equivalent stop number of which (or, as it is sometimes called, intensity ratio) is 4, then the formula will stand as follows:- 2X2X4_16 40 or say half a second. 40 With its aid and careful attention to the directions given, it will lead to results as satisfactory as any kind of mechanical aid will afford. Careful observation and experiment in exposing and judgment in developing will do more to assist in producing good results than any amount of study with actinometers. Mr. Watkin, of Hereford, has patented a very ingenious form of 12 Р S D E FIG. 40. FIG. 41. actinometer, shown in Figs. 40 and 41. This handy little instrument is only 2 inches long, and 13 inches in diameter, and is neatly finished APPARATUS. 207 in brass; its one defect is the weight, which, for so small a thing, seems excessive. It consists of an actinometer for testing the actinic force of the light which falls upon the subject; a set of four circular slide rules for calculating the exposure; and a time measurer in the shape of a short chain pendulum, by means of which seconds may be counted. The instrument contains a strip of paper coated with a specially prepared bromide of silver emulsion; this darkens rapidly in light, and the number of seconds which a small disc of it (the only part exposed to the light) takes to equal in depth of tint an equal-sized disc of a standard tint expresses the value of the light. The values of the other factors (plate, subject, and diaphragm) are also expressed by numbers. The calculating slide rules are manipulated in a very simple manner. Each one carries a pointer, one for each factor, and when they are adjusted in succession to the value of each factor, a fifth pointer indicates the correct exposure in seconds or fraction of a second. Another form of actinometer is the invention of Messrs. Hurter and Driffield, of Appleton, near Widnes, who have recently published an important paper on photo-chemical investigations. The laws which the authors have found indicate that, beyond a control over the general opacity of the negative, little or no control can be exercised by the photographer during development. Careful experiments made by themselves and by others fully bear this out, and show that neither under- nor over-exposure can be really corrected by modifications of the developer, but that truth in gradations depends almost entirely upon a correct exposure, combined with a development which must vary in duration according to the purpose for which the negative is required. They also found that when light acts upon sensitive plates, the action at first is proportional to the light-intensity: it then becomes. more and more nearly proportional to the logarithm of the light- intensity. A point is next reached when an increase in the exposure produces no further increase in the density, and the action is finally reversed. The law may be shortly stated thus: the amount of silver salt affected at any moment of the exposure by the light is proportional to the light-intensity, and to the amount of unaltered silver salt on the plate at that moment. Considering a correct exposure an absolute essential in the produc- tion of a satisfactory negative, Messrs. Hurter and Driffield have invented an instrument for estimating the exposure to be given under various circumstances and with plates of various rapidities. This instrument they call the "Actinograph." 208 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The accompanying engraving (Fig. 42) represents the instrument. It consists of four scales corresponding with the light, the lens, the speed of the plate, and the exposure. The light-scale is wrapped round a revolving roller, which also bears on its outside edges a calendar. When it is desired to calculate an exposure, this roller is turned till the date is level with the edge of the lens-scale. The intersection of the edge of this scale with the curves on the roller represents the intensity of the light at the various hours of that par- ticular day. The lens-scale is marked with the various lenses and diaphragms in common use. The next proceeding is to set the lens and diaphragm to be used opposite this hour curve on the roller scale. The "speed index," marked on a small slide, is now set to the speed FCB FIG. 42. of the plate, when five points on this same small slide point to five different times of exposure, and the photographer has only to select the one appropriate to the state of the atmosphere. Balance.-Used in an artistic sense, this term refers to the arrange- ment of lines and other effects in the composition of a picture. An instrument of the greatest value in the laboratory of the chemist is called a balance. For ordinary photographic purposes the delicacy attainable with this instrument is not necessary; the ordinary scales and weights answer every purpose, as it can only be in very rare cases that a difference of a grain or two can affect results; but with ordinary scales considerable accuracy can be obtained. Baths and Dippers.-The best material for a bath for silver nitrate solution is glass. When, however, large plates are used, the quantity of solution required is much greater than when a flat dish is used, and involves much more trouble and waste in filtering; but for plates of moderate size, 8 x 6 and less, the glass dipping bath is more con- APPARATUS. 209 venient than any other. Porcelain answers for a time, but the glaze cracks. Ebonite is very brittle, but is a good material for the pur- pose, and it has the advantage of being light. For large plates a well-bath is the best, and, when made of seasoned wood and well varnished with black varnish, is very serviceable. A deep porcelain dish may, with care, be used; and as very little more solution than will cover the plate is necessary, the dish may be tilted without fear of throwing the silver over the end of the dish. Dippers of glass are useful for small plates, but they are scarcely safe, as they are very liable to be broken. Well-varnished wood is a good material. The piece on which the plate rests may be fastened by rivets of silver wire. When varnished with shellac varnish, such a dipper will last many years; but, in course of time, will become saturated with silver. Dippers may be made of stout silver wire, but for all practical purposes wood should be preferred. The term bath is often applied to solutions employed for various processes. FAIR KIERKITYS FIG. 43. FIG. 44- Fig. 43 shows a form of bath with water-tight top suitable for travelling; and Fig. 44 shows the dipper and plate. Bellows. In cameras which are made to fold, the calico or leather portion uniting the front and back parts is called the "bellows." A rectangular or cone-shaped box is first made of the required dimen- sions. This is covered with calico, and upon this strips of thick paper, properly cut so as to fold correctly at the angles, are glued, and the whole is then covered by glueing on the calico or leather. When dry, the pleats are carefully drawn together, and, with care, will always keep their shape when folding. Buckle's Brush.-In cases where solutions require to be spread with a brush, and where the ordinary camel's-hair would be destroyed, a convenient substitute may be formed by drawing (by means of a 210 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. bent wire) a tuft of cotton-wool partly within a glass tube. The pro- jecting tuft of wool can be renewed as often as necessary. Burnishers and Rolling Machines. Most photographs on paper are improved by rolling. The necessity for passing the paper through water changes the surface; the rolling restores the paper to its ori- ginal condition, and gives the print a more finished appearance. Prints with a matt surface are improved by simple rolling. When a very high polish is required, heat is necessary. This is obtained with the machine called a burnisher, one form of which is shown in Fig. 45. A bright steel bar is made very hot by means of gas or a G FIG. 45. spirit-lamp. After the pressure is regulated for the thickness of the card, the print is dragged by means of the roller, which is roughened, over the steel bar, and the operation is repeated until the required polish is obtained. It is usual to lubricate the print by rubbing it over with Castile soap dissolved in methylated spirit (about five grains of the soap to an ounce of spirit), which must be allowed to dry before passing the print over the burnisher. With care, a very high polish may be given to the print by this means; but there is always the possibility of spoiling the work, and particularly is this the case with vignettes. A safer method is to use a machine having two rollers, one of which is hollow and heated by a row of small gas-jets. One of the rollers is of burnished steel, and the pressure and heat give the prints a very fine surface. If the rollers are kept bright, no injury can result to the print. Many varieties of rolling-machines and burnishers are in the market, and with care a good surface may be given to prints by any of them. Cameras.-The more correct term for this important, and, to the APPARATUS. 211 photographer, indispensable instrument is camera obscura, so named by the inventor, Baptista Porta, three hundred years ago. The term "camera" signifies merely a box or chamber; for the photographer's use it is necessarily dark, excepting to the light which enters by the lens. The camera is so well known that it may seem unnecessary to describe it, but as it has been greatly altered and improved since Daguerre's time, some detailed notice may be given. The simplest form of camera is shown in Fig. 46, which may be readily constructed out of a common cigar box, a. A spectacle lens of suitable focus is placed at b, in a sliding tube made of cardboard; and a piece of looking-glass at an angle of 45°, at c. A part of the lid M e D a a FIG. 46. A C e ¿ D C L H B ་ FIG. 47. having been removed and hinged, e, side-pieces are added for the pur- pose of partly cutting off the side-light; and a piece of ground-glass is then placed to receive the image at d. This is an interesting toy. The engraving Fig. 47 shows the camera as used by Daguerre. The improved instrument for photographic use is shown in Fig. 48. It is made to fold. The Fig. 49 shows another improvement, having a sliding front and contrivance for using lenses of different foci; this form could be used for portraits as well as landscapes. Another great improvement was in the construction of cameras for use in outdoor photography; the front and back of the instrument were connected by means of what was then termed a flexible bag, now known as the bellows. The 212 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. base-board of the camera was made to fold, as shown in Fig. 50, and the bellows to fit into the box part, forming a very handy instrument when compared with Figs. 48 and 49. FIG. 48. For studio-work a camera should be square and strongly made, and should have a bellows body. If desired, a sliding front may be added, کہ کو گرا کے FIG. 49. but this is scarcely necessary, as the camera stand is usually sufficient to give the various levels. The back of the camera may be arranged to take a single as well as a sliding-back, so as to make one or more APPARATUS. 213 exposures on the same plate. A swing-back will often be found useful. One of the earliest forms of the improved folding cameras was the "Kinnear." For many years it held its place, and little improvement was effected prior to the advent of gelatine dry plates; but when the silver bath was superseded for outdoor-work, the demand arose for an instrument of less weight and greater portability, which demand has been met in a very abundant manner. It is almost unnecessary to say that with any camera which is light-tight perfect success may be attained, and that expensive brass fittings are not at all necessary ; neither are many of the small accessories which, in some instances, have been patented; but it would almost appear, from the demand which exists for work of the most expensive kind, that the purchasers are under the belief that they will be unable to make respectable is an efficient instrument. FIG. 50. pictures unless they are provided with everything the ingenious cabinetmaker or the skilful brassfinisher can add to the dark box or case we call the "camera. camera." This is all a mistake. What is wanted Some brasswork there must be, but all that is used beyond what is required for strength is so much money thrown away. Utility is often sacrificed for lightness. The names of Hare and Meagher occur as makers of some of the first improved port- able cameras, and their work is of a very high class. M'Kellen made some improvements, which were patented, and some of these patented improvements are now used by many makers of cameras. It was the writer's intention to describe and illustrate Mr. M'Kellen's cameras, but the necessary information has not been supplied. For work of a very high class the name of Mr. Billcliff is well known. Figs. 51, 52, and show one form of his cameras. 53 It is made square; but as plates are usually oblong, and as an upright picture is often required, 214 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. a ready means of reversing the plate is necessary. Mr. Billcliff accom- plishes this by using what he calls a "revolving adaptor." Fig. 52 FIG. 52. FIG. 51. FIG. 53. shows how the plate can be used in either position without the neces- sity for reversing the camera. Another camera of excellent quality and workmanship is called the "British," and is supplied by Mr. Chapman of Manchester. THE עון MICH FIG. 54. Fig. 54 shows the camera on a tripod stand, and in the position it is required for general work-that is, perfectly level. APPARATUS. 215 Fig. 55 shows the use of the rising front. If the camera has not been disturbed, and the subject is a building, the image will be quite true to nature, or, in other words, the lines will be correct and not distorted. Supposing, however, that after raising the lens as high as A THE B FIG. 55. possible, as shown in Fig. 55, the upper part of the subject is not included, we must then tilt the camera and bring it into the position shown by Fig. 56, which indicates that the front part of the camera is pointing upwards and the back vertical or plumb; or we may say A- THE 9RITISH B FIG. 56. that the sensitive plate is made parallel with the sides of the object being photographed. And here may be stated the one rule in photo- graphy to which there is no exception, and that is, when a building or any object has parallel, upright, and horizontal lines, and the lens 216 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. used is of the rectilinear type, the sensitive plate must be perfectly plumb, or the resulting picture will not be true to nature. This is one of the first principles to be thoroughly understood by the beginner in photography. Few persons can judge correctly when an article is set square by merely looking at it, and as most modern cameras are built in such a manner, that when opened out, the back and front parts require setting square, it becomes necessary to use some mechanical means for showing when the camera is level. The simplest of all methods is no doubt the use of the spirit-level. Another plan is to use a plummet-line in the way indicated in the woodcut, Fig. 57. THE 9RITISH B น FIG. 57. This figure shows the back of the camera parallel with any upright included in the view; but, as will be noticed, the front part of the camera, upon which the lens is fixed, is not parallel with the back, but leaning towards it. It may be considered by some that such a position is not correct, and that there will be distortion. This is not so; there is, however, a necessity for working with small stops with the lens when used in such a manner, because the axis is thrown out. of the horizontal line. If the lens is one that will cover much more than the size of plate in the camera, then the lens can be brought to the horizontal position by loosening the two front screws B B, push- ing the lens board down, and bringing the top portion forward until the front is parallel with the vertical back, as shown in Fig. 58. This arrangement is useless if the lens will not cover a much larger plate than the one in use, on account of the centre being so much above the centre of the plate. This movement is, however, useful when the worker wants to take two pictures on the same plate—that APPARATUS. 217 is, one above the other-or two horizontal views. When this is required, a piece of opaque material such as thin vulcanite, or a piece of ferrotype plate, is placed in the reversing back of the camera, and arranged so that by sliding it up or down we cut off that portion of A.. ..the PRITISN B FIG. 58. the plate we do not wish the light to act upon during the exposure of its counterpart. Fig. 59 shows the camera tilted, with back and front brought ver- tical, and the lens-board, C, raised so as to include a very extreme height. Such a position is seldom required, and is really of no use. A.. TIC ||BRITISHI REW B FIG. 59. unless the lens used is one that will cover a very large area. The position, however, shows one great advantage this camera has over many others, viz., that no light is cut off by the bellows. When it is necessary to use the lens pointing downwards, as, for instance, in taking a view from a great elevation, the camera will have to be placed in the reverse position to that shown in Fig. 59, ¿.e., the 218 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. screws A and B B will require removing to the lower holes shown in the sketch; the back and front can then be made vertical. This adjustment is so seldom required, that the fact of having the camera perfectly square when opened out far outweighs any objection offered against the trouble of shifting the screws. This somewhat lengthy description is given, as the remarks apply to many other cameras. This one particular camera is selected, not for any peculiarities in itself, but because it is quite impossible to describe many forms of the instrument, and all cameras of the better kind are so made that a description of one good one may almost be taken as sufficient for dozens of others. Each maker usually con- trives to introduce some little alteration, which may or may not be an improvement; but as such slight alteration or addition may not be at all necessary for the production of good work, it need not be described. One of the great advantages of the modern portable camera is that THORNTON PICKAD H IME SHUME FIG. 60. FIG. 61. there are, in some cases, no loose parts. The instrument is complete in itself, and only requires to be set upon its tripod or other stand and opened. By adopting the turntable, the old triangular top of the stand is dispensed with. By an ingenious arrangement Messrs. Thornton and Pickard have so attached their shutter as to permit of its being used at the back of the lens, and of falling within the turntable opening when the camera is closed. Figs. 60 and 61 show this recent adaptation. In all the early forms of camera the focussing was effected by sliding the back part by means of a long screw worked by a handle in front, excepting in cases when the lens was supplied with an accessible rack- and-pinion movement; the latter is the most convenient method. The swing-back and swing-front movements are comparatively modern APPARATUS. 219 improvements in cameras, and they have certain advantages. By swing- ing the back, objects can be brought into focus which otherwise would not be properly defined. The use of this will particularly be seen in taking groups of figures and in defining the foreground of a landscape subject. The use of the swing-front will be seen by referring to Fig. 58. It is important that the camera should have a rising front —that is, the part to which the lens is attached should be movable. The advantage of having the front to move is that when objects do not appear just as required on the plate the rising movement permits the proper adjustment, and, in cases where the lens covers more than the plate, this is often very important. With lenses which will do very little more than cover the largest plate used with the camera, raising the front may cause the corners of the picture to be cut off. In some cameras the front has both vertical and horizontal motions. It is often convenient to be able to use lenses of long and short focus in the same camera. This is effected by what is called a double extension. The methods by which this is carried out are very varied; sometimes two sets of racks and pinions, and sometimes a rack and pinion which can be used when the back and front are fully extended on the base-board, are employed. However carried out, this is a very important addition to a camera to be used for landscapes. Cameras, in great variety, are made for special purposes. For taking pictures for the stereoscope, any camera which will hold a plate 63 by 31 inches (or the half-plate, if preferred) may be used, if the lens be attached to a front capable of movement, so as to bring the centre of the lens opposite to the centre of the place to be occupied by each picture. Whether one or two lenses be used, the camera must have a division, so as to separate the interior into two parts. Fig. 62 shows a camera fitted with twin lenses for stereoscopic work, as also with the Thornton-Pickard instantaneous shutter. When two lenses have to be uncovered, much care is required to prevent the camera moving. Two caps may be used, but must be so attached as to be removable together. When the twin lenses do not project beyond the camera front, a cover may be attached by the centre between the lenses, and both lenses uncovered and covered by one motion, up and down; the cover should move freely, and the camera A FIG. 62. D should be firmly fixed on the stand. A simple way to make exposures with two lenses is to use 220 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the focussing cloth or any other dark object. With care, very rapid exposures may be made in this way. >> The great popularity of photography has called into use a variety of instruments by which pictures of small size may be taken without much trouble-cameras which may be used without a stand, and called "detective or hand cameras. Some of these show much ingenuity in their construction. They are generally made to contain many plates, or are fitted with roller slides, so that films of sensitive material may be used. The plates and films must be of the most sensitive kind, and the method of making the exposure must be rapid. All these requirements are met in cameras of this class when of the best kind, and for tourists it would be difficult to suggest anything more convenient when pictures of small size only are wanted. At the same time it should be remarked that, unless great care be taken in using these instruments, much disappointment will be caused. Many cameras of this type are fitted so that a miniature of the scene to be photographed can be viewed by reflec- tion. Snap-shots" will as often fail as succeed if the camera is not fitted with the reflecting mirror. Excepting as toys, the very cheap detective and hand cameras cannot be recommended; although it must be admitted that, under favourable conditions, fairly good photo- graphs may be made with these cheap instruments. (C As an example of the better class, the "Kodak " has been selected for description; not because it is better than many others, but as a FIG. 63. type of the whole. With this camera the roller slide and flexible sensitive film is used. The illustrations ob- viate the necessity of length- ened description. Fig. 63 shows the camera, and the way it is held when in use. Fig. 64 shows the general ap- pearance of the instrument, which is made in five or six different sizes. It has a very neat appearance, being well finished. It is packed in a case, which can be carried by means of a sling, or by a strap in the usual way, as shown in Fig. 65. Of course the lens is covered with a shutter for quick exposure. The shutter is set by pulling a cord; while the exposure is made by pressing a button in the side of the camera, and may be very rapid or prolonged, as necessary, APPARATUS. 221 ————— FIG. 64. FIG. 65. FINAN FIG. 66. I 222 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. according to the light or subject. Fig. 66 shows the "roll-holder." The small as well as other sizes of the camera are made to carry sufficient length of flexible film for a hundred pictures, FIG. 67, 3 having dimensions varying from 2 to 5 inches. In some of the other sizes the film is sufficient for sixty, forty-eight, or thirty-two exposures. The illustration shows the spools within the camera, and Fig. 67 shows the spool itself. For use, the film is wound on a wooden cylinder, and, as required, is drawn off on to a second cylinder. The lengths are marked automatic- ally during use, so that the exposed part may readily be detached. An ingenious form of hand-camera has recently been introduced by FIG. 68.-Side View showing Interior. OK 25130 FIG. 68A.-Interior Cross Section. 1219 D ◎し ​ADIAL PATENT Non-Iv {PLATE { SUBJECT REMARKS FIG. 68B.-Base Fittings. Messrs. Marion & Co. (Dickenson's patent), which they call "The Radial;" it is illustrated in Figs. 68, 68a, 68b. B APPARATUS. 223 This camera takes its name from the novel method of carrying the plates in radiating grooves, which find their common axis in the centre of the exposing position. The exposing groove runs across the axis of a drum. The drum is made to revolve in such manner that this groove can with great exactness be brought to, and made to form a continuation of, any one of the radiating grooves wherein the plates are stored. When the plate is transferred from the one half of this now combined groove into the other half, the drum is again turned to a defined position, FIG. 69. FIG. 70. and the plate is then in its exposing position. It will be seen that to transfer the plate into its original groove and to obtain another, it will only be necessary to repeat the action already taken, until all the twelve plates have been exposed. The size of plates used is 41 × 31. In Figs. 69 and 70 a camera of a different class is shown. Miller's Adelphi" hand-camera is certainly one of the simplest kind. It is made to carry a dozen plates, 4× 31; each plate is protected by a sheath, and when a plate has been exposed a simple movement allows it to fall forward on to the inclined part shown in the figure, and then by tilting the camera the plate falls into the receptacle below. 224 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. When enlargements of more than ordinary dimensions are required, it becomes inconvenient to use dark slides, and for sizes beyond two feet in diameter it is preferable to have a room specially fitted for the purpose; the room then becomes the camera, the object to be copied being outside, while the lens may be fixed in a suitable aperture in a shutter, and the stand for holding the sensitive plate may be on rails, so as to be always parallel and easily moved for different sizes of work. In Figs. 71, 72, and 73 is represented a camera which may be used for all kinds of copying up to the limit of the size of the apparatus, which in this case is 24 inches by 24 inches. This form of copying camera, so far as it differs from all others, was suggested by the writer, and was made for him by Mr. Billcliff of Manchester. The woodwork is of well-seasoned mahogany throughout. The importance of the wood being properly seasoned is tested by all the parts being interchangeable with a duplicate instrument of the same size. The base, a, Fig. 72, is framed very strongly, and is 6 feet long by 1 foot 9 inches wide. Two focussing screws run from end to end, and can be worked from either end of the frame by means of the handle s', which is loose, and is used for either screw. The camera, as in the figure, is arranged for using plates 22 inches by 18 inches. The piece, marked b, slides on to the base, and can then be attached. to the focussing screw, while the bellows part, when extended, slips into the back of c, in the groove which holds the dark slide when this part is used without b. The piece c is not attached to the focussing screws when b is in use, but slides in the groove of the base. The part d is merely a frame to carry the bellows, g and h. The front piece, e, which carries the lens, is attached to the base by screws at i on either side, and is worked by the handle at s'. Screws at hold the front of the conical bellows to e. This part, e, has the front carrying the lens made to slide vertically and horizon- tally, for the purpose of centering the object to be copied. These sliding parts are seen in Fig. 73. Lenses of various sizes can be used by means of square boards to which the lens flanges are attached, and these boards are made to fit, as shown in Fig. 73, in the place of the reversing box. When the end-piece for plates 24 x 24 is to be used, it takes the place of b. Blocks are placed under the screws at i to raise the lens to the proper height, and by proper adjustment the bellows at g and h do not interfere. The parts n and o, Fig. 71, are used when transparencies, or en- largements from negatives or transparencies, are to be made. The part n is screwed on at i, and the piece o merely slides in the base. This part, it will be seen, supports the carriers for holding the nega- tive or transparency to be copied, as also a mirror when one is to be W H. UNIL OF Fig. 71 Fig.72 ๆๆ b k f d n C 9 d m h m k а 712 COPYING AND ENLARGING CAMERA. S Camera arranged to show Reversing mirror box at S Fig. 73 b APPARATUS. 225 used; but this is not always necessary, as the camera may be turned towards the sky, or a sheet of white paper will serve as a reflector. The frame, n, is fitted in front (not seen in the figure) with vertical and horizontal movements, as previously described; and the lens is also carried on this part. As n is attached to the piece at i, it is controlled by the screw at f. In Fig. 73 the position of the box holding the reversing mirror is shown. At Ρ the head of the screw clamping the front to the focus- sing screw is seen. The two screws at r are used for attaching a small copying-board to this end of the camera, and it is sometimes useful when working with lenses of short focus. The camera is carried on a strong stand on 3-inch wheels which run on rails attached to the floor. The stand is enclosed and forms a cupboard, which is utilised to hold the various parts of the camera not in use. When not in its usual place in the camera, the focussing screen stands underneath, and is held in its place by the catch at m. However fine the ground-glass may be, it is almost impossible to focus accurately upon it. This difficulty is removed by fixing small pieces of thin glass, such as are used for covering microscopic objects, on various parts of the ground-glass, as described on page 231. (See Focussing-Screens.) With this camera plates of every size up to 24 × 24 may be used, but the part c, which is 16 inches square, will be oftener required than the two larger parts. Separate backs are provided, which slide into the place of the one used for 16-inch plates, but these will only take plates up to 12 inches by 1o in one case, and sizes from 41 × 31 up to 8 x 6 in the other. The advantage of using these backs for different sizes of plates needs no description. Double Dark Slides and Changing Boxes. -When using the camera away from home, it is often necessary to have the means of carrying more than one plate. The simplest way of effecting this is to have the plate-holder made to carry two plates, so that, by reversing, each plate may be exposed in succession. This is, without doubt, the best method; but the weight and inconvenience of carrying many such double dark slides has brought into use changing boxes, changing bags, and other contrivances for lessening weight. One of the earliest of these changing boxes was contrived by the late Mr. Dancer. It consisted of a box upon which the camera was fixed. As each plate was required it was brought into position for exposure by means of a brass rod, which was screwed into the frame carrying the plate, and returned to the box in the same way. Hare's changing box is good; but all contrivances of this kind have the disadvantage that, unless the plates are of one uniform size, there is the possibility that the plate will not drop into its place when required. P 226 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. As a dozen plates can be carried in six dark slides, and as the difference in the weight of the woodwork in the slides and the box to hold twelve plates is not very great, preference should be given to the double backs. Amateurs too often think more of obtaining a number of photographs than a few of good quality. Six well-selected views will give much greater pleasure than a dozen which have been taken without sufficient care having been bestowed on the selection of subject; therefore it is better to be satisfied with three dark slides (holding six plates) than double the number (and weight) if the plates only yield subjects of no artistic value. For one good picture seen in an amateur's collection there may be fifty very indifferent ones; but this would not be the case were more care taken in the selection of FIG. 74. ענונו FIG. 75. subjects, which care would be induced if the number of plates carried were limited to a few for each day's work. What has just been said should always be remembered when using the roller-slide. To some extent this method of carrying sensitive films will supersede the dark slide and glass plates. Camera Stands and Tripods. For indoor work the stand or table for the camera should be solidly made. The form shown in Fig. 74 is one of the best of its kind, and sufficient for cameras up to 12 or 14 inches. The stand shown in Fig. 74 would be useful for copying, so far as the limit of the length of the bellows will allow; but when used for that purpose, care must be taken that the back is perfectly upright. The swing-back is quite useless in a camera em- ployed for copying purposes. For cameras of large size, used out of doors, a tripod of the old- fashioned kind shown in Fig. 75, strong and firm, will perhaps be more useful than the lighter and folding kind now generally made. APPARATUS. 227 Folding tripod stands are now made in so many patterns that it is difficult to select one for description. It should be said that the points to be desired are lightness and rigidity, and that these are to be found in all of the best kind. It is often useful to have the lower joints made to slide, so that on uneven ground the difference in level may be adjusted by means of the legs. Tripods are also made in telescope form. Condenser.—When artificial light is used for enlarging purposes, many of the rays will not pass through the object-glass employed for making the copy unless a condenser is used. The effect of the condenser is to bring together the rays which would be lost-that is, would pass outside the enlarging lens; but by interposing the con- denser (which should be of a diameter equal to the negative or posi- Two tive to be enlarged) the full effect of the light is utilised. plano-convex lenses are generally required, placed with the convex sides towards each other, and in close contiguity. Other forms may be used, but in no case is it necessary that they should be achromatic, as the enlarging lens itself achromatises the light. Dark Room. Upon the proper lighting and arrangement of the dark room much of the pleasure of working photographic processes depends. If possible, the position should be chosen so that the room has a "borrowed" light, such as one facing the north. A safe light for working the wet collodion process in such a room is yellow glass; if this be found insufficient, another sheet of glass may be added, or yellow paper, or a screen with yellow paper may be arranged so that it can be drawn when required. For the more sensitive gelatine plates the light must be tested and modified according to circum- stances. If artificial light be used, a candle protected by a “hock bottle" is useful. Numberless contrivances have been proposed, all more or less effective, but the operator will soon discover what is required in his own case. The fittings of a dark room need be very simple, viz., a sink, over which to develop plates and to get rid of water, and a supply of water by means of a tap, or in some other way. Plates can, of course, be developed over a dish with water poured from a jug, but something more is necessary if comfort is to be considered. It adds very much to the pleasure of working if everything after use be put away clean. All dishes and glass measures should be washed and put in their places. Diaphragms and Stops.-These accessories of a lens are used to limit its aperture, and are sets of metal slips with a central circular hole. When the slip is placed in contact with the lens, it is called a stop; otherwise, it is a diaphragm. The use of a diaphragm to correct 228 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. spherical aberration is referred to in the article on the " Optics of Photography." An oblique diaphragm has been suggested; when inclined, a larger pencil of light is admitted to the lens from the fore- ground than from the sky; in this way greater cloud detail can be secured. 1 30 The diameter of diaphragm that can be used will be greater the smaller the spherical aberration; if too small, the image, though flat, is wanting in relief. The minimum useful size is th of the focal length. On the other hand, by using a single lens with a diaphragm having too large an aperture, the spherical aberration is not com- pletely neutralised, so that a hazy or out-of-focus portrait can thus be obtained. The use of the diaphragm in portrait combinations is to increase the depth of focus; for, being capable of use with a large aperture, these lenses lack depth of definition-i.e., they only bring to a focus on the ground-glass objects in a single plane near the lens. Hence the nose and ears of a sitter, or the several figures of a group, cannot all be sharply focussed at one and the same time without the use of a diaphragm. The object should not be focussed with the stop intended to be used (particularly if it is to be a small one), as in that case the posi- tion of the ground-glass is not distinctly fixed; for, when focussing on a distant object, it will be noticed that a slight change in the place of the ground-glass produces no material difference in the sharpness of the image; this is most noticeable in non-aplanatic lenses. With any kind of lens it is better to focus, not the centre, but a point about one-fourth from the side of the plate, using a diaphragm about twice. the diameter of the one necessary prior to inserting the smaller one; the smaller the diameter the greater will be the sharpness of the image. A small stop has the tendency to lessen the vigour of the picture; moreover, it must be remembered that the time of exposure is increased in proportion as the diameter of the stop is diminished. By the U.S., or uniform system, adopted by the Photographic Society of Great Britain, a series of apertures is arranged, so that, starting with £ as a unit, the diameter of No. 1 is always one-fourth of the equivalent focus of the lens in use. The diaphragms are numbered 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c., and the numbers show at once what the exposure should be; thus, if, the unit stop, required one second, the second f 4 4 I stop would require two seconds, the third four seconds, and the fourth stop eight seconds, and so on. By adopting this system the exposure with different lenses can be made uniform. The diaphragms in use with most lenses are marked so as to show their focal value. That is, if a lens has a focal length of 8 inches, APPARATUS. 229 and the largest size stop be one inch aperture, it will be marked f ; and so on to the end of the series. 8 An excellent rule to be remembered is that all lenses are equally rapid if the ratio between the aperture of the stop and the focal length of the lens be the same; that is, if, in comparing the two f f lenses to be used, the aperture of the stop be or or any other 8 16 definite ratio of the aperture of the lens, the exposure will be the same in both cases. Dishes and Trays.-There appear to be difficulties in the way of making dishes of large sizes in glass, but there can be no question that glass is much to be preferred to porcelain or any other material. Dishes or trays may be made with glass bottoms, wood being used for the sides, but the tendency to breakage makes them unsafe to use. No kind of cement appears to be capable of making vessels of this description perfectly watertight for any length of time when in use. Porcelain is very satisfactory while the glaze remains perfect; but after a while, when silver has been used, the silver seems to find its way under the glaze, and cracks and other defects then appear in all directions. For water and many solutions the porcelain trays answer perfectly. Vulcanite, also, is very satisfactory for trays up to 16 inches; but the material is thin, and as brittle as glass. In the Amateur Photographer, January 16, 1891, it is stated that ebonite trays may be repaired with Proutt's elastic glue. The glue is applied like sealing-wax. A hot wire may be used to spread the glue. If the manufacturers of ebonite trays would make them of thicker material, and if the elastic glue will make a fractured tray again serviceable, vulcanite or ebonite trays would be used more extensively than at present, as they are easily cleaned, are not affected by acids, and are lighter than glass or porcelain. Dishes are also made in a material called granatine, in celluloid and in enamelled metal. Willesden paper answers for certain purposes. Dishes made of zinc may be employed when the solutions do not affect the metal. Dropping Bottles.-When solutions in small quantities are re- quired, it is convenient to have a ready means of obtaining them without the necessity of using both hands. Bottles are made with stoppers adapted so as to enable this to be done. Focussing and Focimeter.-When an object is distinctly visible on the ground-glass of a camera, it is said to be in focus. With a properly corrected lens the photographic image will be correctly represented if the plate be placed in the same position on the ground- glass. If, after careful experiments, the developed image is found not to be sharp, the defect may arise from the face of the ground glass 230 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. not registering exactly the same as the sensitive plate. This can be tested by removing the lens and then measuring accurately from the opening in the camera to the ground-glass, and afterwards to a plate placed in the dark slide; should there be any difference, it may be corrected by altering the ground-glass. In cases where the chemical and visual foci are not coincident, the instrument devised by Claudet, and called a focimeter, may be used. When it has been determined that the ground-glass is in its proper place, and that the focus is not distinct when a plate has been tried, by using the focimeter, the perfect coincidence of visual and chemical foci may be deter- mined by the simple arrangement of the numbered cards placed at 6 3 N ma 7 FIG. 76. FIG. 77. gradually increasing distances from the lens, as shown in Figs. 76 and 77. Focus accurately for the middle one, insert a sensitive plate, expose, and develop. If the focussed card comes out as sharp in the proof as its image on the ground-glass, the two foci are coincident. If another of the cards appears the sharpest, the lens must have a chemical focus longer or shorter than the visual, according as this card was farther away or nearer than the one focussed for; and after each focussing, were such an uncorrected lens being used, the camera would have to be drawn out or pushed in sufficiently to allow for the difference in focal strength. It is very rare now to find a lens in which the chemical and visual foci are not coincident. Focussing Cloth.-There is a kind of twill-cloth sold which is better for the purpose of excluding light while focussing than velvet or any other material; but any description of cloth is suitable if opaque. If to be used out of doors, some means of fastening the cloth should be adopted, as the wind is sometimes very troublesome. Attempts have been made to dispense with this useful but incon- venient part of the apparatus by adopting a focussing tube attached APPARATUS. 231 to the apex of a cone. This, when placed against the ground-glass, enables part of the picture to be viewed and the focus to be obtained; but there is the disadvantage that the whole of the subject cannot Hence the cone is of little use, owing to the view being be seen. limited. Focussing Glass or Magnifier.-A magnifier of some kind is a useful aid in obtaining a sharp focus. It is formed of two plano- convex lenses mounted with the convex surfaces inwards, and fixed in sliding tubes to allow of adjustment of focus. The focus is found by placing the end of the tube against the plain side of the focussing screen and sliding the lenses until the ground surface of the glass is seen perfectly sharp, when, by means of a screw-collar, the two tubes are clamped together; thus, while the same camera is used, the magnifier is always in focus. By Focussing Screen. -All cameras (except those in which lenses of fixed focus are used) are supplied with a screen of ground-glass upon which the image to be copied is focussed. The finer the texture of the ground-glass the better will be the definition; but, however finely the glass may be ground, the slight roughness will sometimes interfere with good definition. This glass should be of patent-plate ground to a fine surface with emery powder mixed with water. rubbing two pieces of glass together the emery will soon remove the polish, leaving a very fine ground surface; the finer this is the clearer will be the image projected on it. As a temporary substitute for the ground-glass, a piece of clear glass may be made dull by dabbing it over with putty, or a plate may be coated with collodion, sensitised, washed, and then dried. Matt varnish may also be used. When it is seen that the subject to be photographed is in the proper position on the ground-glass, a stop larger than the one to be used should be inserted to obtain the focus. If photographing a landscape, an object in the mid-distance should be selected as the focussing point; the stop to be used should then replace the one with which the focus was taken. If a flat object is to be copied, a part of the subject midway between the centre and side should be focussed (See Diaphragms.) on. If a focussing eye-piece could be held exactly in the place where the plate should be, a ground-glass screen would not be necessary, as the image in the air would be visible in the eye-piece. As, how- ever, the eye-piece cannot conveniently be held in such a position, we may attain the same result in another way. Take some pieces of glass, square or circular (such as are used for covering microscopic objects); carefully clean them, and touch each with a very small quantity of Canada balsam. Then place them in contact with the ground surface of the glass, and press gently so that the balsam shall spread just to 232 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the edges of the glass. After a few hours the edges will have become dry and the glass will be fixed. We have now a transparent patch of clear glass through which a very distinct readily focussed image is visible with the eye-piece. As it is useful to see various parts of the picture, these little patches of glass may be fixed in different parts of the screen without in any way interfering with the ground-glass. Head-Rests. The process of taking a portrait now occupies so short a time that there is very little necessity for using a head-rest; but there are some persons who cannot keep their heads perfectly still, even for five seconds; therefore, a support of some kind is required. For studio purposes the rest made by Harrison of Leeds is one of the best. There are various contrivances for attachment to the back of a chair, but they are all inconvenient. If used at all, the rest should be on a separate stand. In all cases the pose should be first arranged, the rest brought into position, and the fork made to touch the head very lightly; otherwise, the effect will be stiff and unnatural. In many cases it is sufficient to place the rest against the shoulder. Hydrometer. The form of this instrument is similar to that described as the Argentometer. The graduation and use of the hydrometer is varied by different makers; but the purpose of all is the same, viz., that of determining the specific gravities of the fluids in which they are floated. Instantaneous Shutters. For most purposes dry plates of ordinary rapidity will be found to work better than the more rapid kinds; and when slow plates are used (as those working at about ten times the rapidity of wet collodion would be called), there is no necessity for any kind of shutter, as the exposure can be made by hand. The slower plates are more reliable in every way; they are more under control in the exposure and also in the development; but when very quick plates are used, some mechanical means must be adopted for making the exposure. One of the simplest is the drop shutter, which consists of a frame attached to the front of the lens, in which there is a movable part having an aperture, and exposure occurs only while the aperture passes in front of the lens. This can be controlled by sloping the shutter, so that the drop is lessened by friction, and the fall of the shutter may be quickened by the tension of an elastic band. Another shutter of a simple kind is shown in Fig. 78. It combines the drop with the flap. The flap acts as a sky-shade, and, when turned to a certain point, can be held for time exposures, while the drop may be accelerated by means of an elastic band. FIG. 78. ADAMSON & SON, PHOTOS. A. BROTHERS RS & CO., HALF-TONE ZINCO. THE LORD OF THE ISLES. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH. TAKEN WITH A THORNTON-PICKARD SHUTTER. APPARATUS. 233 The'“Kershaw” shutter (shown in Fig. 79) is of a different class, and can be used for time as well as quick exposures, the speed being O U CITY.CO FIG. 79. This shutter is very simple in regulated by means of a spring. construction and use, and with it objects in rapid motion have been photographed. One of the most impor- tant advantages claimed for this shutter is that it causes no vibration. Fig. So shows the Thornton Pickard shutter, adapted for a stereoscopic camera. TORNTON PICKARD. FIG. So. Out of so great a variety of shutters it is impossible to say that any one is the best; all have their good qualities, and the purpose for which they are re- quired must determine which should be selected. Those described are for use outside the lens, but there are others which can be adapted so as to act in the diaphragm slot. The illustration on the opposite page is an example of instantaneous photography. In selecting a shutter, care should be taken that it shall work with- out causing motion in the camera. Any vibration in stopping the motion of the shutter can do no harm, but there are other possible causes of motion which should be looked for. If it were practicable in all cases, the best place for a shutter would be inside the camera, either at the back of the lens or in front of the 234 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. plate. For studio-work this can be done, but for landscapes a shutter is generally used in front of the lens. One of the earliest of the mechanical shutters was the invention of the late Mr. Noton of Manchester. In this shutter there are two metal slides, working in grooves and having diamond-shaped aper- tures; one of these is in a sliding piece, which, when drawn to the top, closes the fixed aperture. A spring at the top controls the motion, which may be quick or slow; and as the top slide falls the exposure is made. The shutter may be used between the lenses or outside, as required. A simple method for adapting shutters to lenses has been patented by the Thornton-Pickard Company. The illustrations, marked No. 1 LLLLLLL NT 2 3 4 5 FIG. 81. PATENT 6 7 THORNTON PICKARDI FIG. 82. to 7, Fig. 81, show sections of the india-rubber moulding, which is supplied in strips; these strips can be cut and applied to the shutter, as shown in the next illustration, Fig. 82. The perfect adjust- ment may be made by rubbing down the moulding with sand- paper, or, where the fitting is too loose, the rim may be packed with cardboard. This useful invention removes the difficulty of the shutter only fitting one lens. The next illustration (Fig. 83) shows a fan which can be adapted to the Thornton-Pickard shutter, and which causes it to work more smoothly and quietly. Another very neat contrivance is a new FIG. 83. 90 02 FIG. 84. 70 oy speed indicator (Fig. 84). It shows at what speed the shutter is set, and it prevents the possibility of over-winding the spring. APPARATUS. 235 The term "instantaneous" is perhaps convenient to use as applied to shutters, but it is not correct. Quick or quick-acting would be a better term. Perhaps the quickest motion used in a shutter is when photo- graphing the sun, for which an extremely short exposure is requisite ; the shutter is actuated by a spring which is held by a cord, and is released when this is burnt through. When exposures are made with a drop shutter, and the slide containing the aperture falls by its own weight, the duration of the exposure may be seen by the following figures :- In 1st inch the fall is '072, or 4th of a second. יי 2nd 3rd " 4th 99 "} ラン ​029, or th *023, orrd 019, or nd 62 "" These figures are approximate only, and will be slightly affected by the friction of the slide; as the height of the fall increases, the shorter will be the exposure. Measuring Rapidity of Shutters.-Without mechanical assistance it is difficult to make exposures in less than half a second, and as some watches are provided with long seconds-hand and dials marked to fourths of a second, it is possible to time exposures within such limits. When, however, shutters are used, it is often desirable to know at what rate exposures can be made. Many ideas have been suggested to effect this, and when approximate correctness is sufficient, the speed of a shutter may be found by means of a swing- ing pendulum. A clock-pendulum swinging seconds—that is, one which is thirty-nine inches long from the point of suspension to end. of weight, will serve the purpose. In the absence of a clock-pen- dulum, a weight attached to the end of a string thirty-nine inches long, suspended so that it will swing freely, and provided with a pointer at the bottom to indicate the distance travelled over the scale which is to be used in the experiment, will answer very well. The pointer may be black or white, or, better still, something which will. reflect the light as a bright point. If the pointer be black, the scale. must be white (or, perhaps, black divisions on a white ground), and in the other cases the ground must be black. The scale may be of any length, following the line of a circle having a radius of thirty- nine inches. As the pendulum will indicate seconds, whether the arc be long or short, the scale may be two feet or one foot; in either case it should be divided into a hundred parts. It is clear that if a photo- graph be taken of the pendulum while in motion, the portion travelled over while the plate is exposed will indicate the time of the expo- sure in one-hundredths of a second. This is merely a rough method of rating a shutter, but for most purposes it will be sufficient. Care 236 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. must, of course, be taken not to make the exposure until the swing of the pendulum coincides with the markings of the scale. Allow the pendulum to swing so that it passes beyond the scale and then watch till the oscillations fall to the proper distance. A more correct method is by means of a clock-dial, over which the long hand is made to travel in one second. This may be effected by removing the pendulum and increasing the rate of speed as the clock runs down until the hand just makes one revolution in a second. If, then, the circumference of the circle over which the hand travels be marked in one hundred divisions, a photograph taken of the hand while in motion will show the speed of the shutter. As in the pen- dulum method, the dial must be light or dark according to the way in which it is to be used; on a white ground the point over the end of the hand must be a dark object, or, if preferred, something to reflect a bright point of light-a small thermometer bulb will answer the purpose. The method of using an instrument of this kind can scarcely need description. The speed of some shutters is controlled by elastic bands, others by springs, while others again are affected by gravity alone; therefore each case must be treated as appears to be necessary. Iris Diaphragm.-The origin of the iris diaphragm is somewhat curious. It was originally used, not as a diaphragm, but as a cover for bottles and preserve-jars. Two rings of metal, one moving within the other, are attached to a ring of thin india-rubber in such a way that when one of the metal rings is revolved it causes the india-rubber to stretch and close the opening. The principle of this was adapted in 1863 by the writer for the purpose of diminishing the aperture of a telescope without leaving the seat at the eye-piece end of the instru- ment. A rod was attached to a pinion and half-wheel at the object- glass end of the telescope, so that when the handle was turned by the observer, he could determine when the light of the star was cut off by the diaphragm, and the size of the aperture could be read off by means of the scale. This system of diminishing apertures was used for observing variable stars. It answered perfectly while the india- rubber remained in good condition, but the varying temperature of the observatory in time caused the india-rubber to become less elastic, and it required to be renewed. The principle of the iris as a dia- phragm was next applied by Messrs. Smith & Beck to the micro- scope. In this case thin plates of metal were moved by rack-work, and formed a very neat diaphragm. This kind of iris diaphragm was next adapted to the photographic lens, and is perhaps quite as con- venient as the revolving disc of apertures, while it has the advantage. that the full aperture of the lens may be used, as also all sizes of dia- phragm down to a pin-hole. The apertures are practically circular. APPARATUS. 237 Lamps for Dark Rooms.-The necessity for using non-actinic light while developing plates, and for many other purposes in the practice of photography, has brought into use many contrivances in which gas, oil, or candles may be used. For temporary purposes a sheet of yellow paper may be arranged round the light. In changing plates, it will be quite safe to use such a light by taking care to be some distance from it—just sufficient light to see by is all that is necessary. Some- times the white light reflected from a ceiling might cause fog; this is a point to be remembered. Fig. 85 is a lamp, three-sided, in which gas may be used; Fig. 86 is useful for throwing the light direct on to the plate; and Fig. 87 makes a convenient reading-lamp during lantern exhibitions. FIG. 85. FALLOWELELD. FIG. 86. FIG. 87. Electricity may be used, if desired; but there appears to be very little advantage over oil or candles for a purpose so simple as a lamp required for occasional use only. Magnesium wire or ribbon is a convenient source of light for temporary purposes. A simple form of lamp was contrived by the writer, and used in his early experiments. It is simple in construc- tion, being made of tin, and painted white inside, or left bright. Owing to irregularities in the burning of the wire or ribbon, any kind of clockwork for regulating the supply of the metal is seldom effective. It is better to take just so much of the metal as will give the light required and use it at once. Level Indicator.---In Fig. 57 (see Cameras) is seen a simple means 238 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. of finding when a camera is upright or "plumb" by using a string. with weight. Fig. 88 shows a simple "plumb indicator," patented by Messrs. Thornton and Pickard. PATENT Optical or Magic Lantern. From being little more than a toy, the "Magic," or, as it is now generally called, the Optical Lantern, has become a very valuable scientific in- strument. When oil was the illuminant employed, the light was, of course, very feeble as compared with the incan- descence of lime produced by the oxyhydrogen flame, and hence the increased popularity of the instrument when the more powerful light became available. With the improved light came more perfect instruments, and, as now con- structed, even the cheapest form of lantern is useful. The more expensive kinds are marvels of construction, ranging from the single lantern to the "three-decker." When required merely for display- FIG. 88. FIG. 89. ing transparent photographs or simple diagrams, the single lantern answers every purpose But for "dissolving views "-that is, for the display of photographs in such a manner that, while one view is fading away another is taking its place-a pair of lanterns is necessary; or one lantern with two sets of lenses arranged side by side, one over the other, or in any other way, so that the images when projected on to the screen can be made to overlap or "register" correctly, as on APPARATUS. 239 >> this greatly depends the success of this method of showing pictures. When "effects are to be shown, three lanterns are used; not neces- sarily three distinct instruments, but three sets of the apparatus com- bined and arranged one over the other in such a way that all three lights may be used at the same time if desired. Dissolving effects were first shown with a double lantern in the early part of the present century, but it was not until photography made it possible to show something superior to hand-painted slides that the lantern became popular and valuable for educational and other purposes. The lime- light was first adapted to the lantern by Mr. J. B. Dancer of Liverpool (afterwards of Manchester), and the first popular application of the lantern and dissolving views was made by him, and carried out in a very successful manner by the Direc- tors of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution (now the Technical School). Views of the monuments of ancient Egypt, and other photographs, in- cluding statuary, formed most attrac- tive exhibitions during several seasons, and, as displayed by Mr. Dancer's ap- paratus, established the lantern, not only as a means of popular recreation, but as a scientific or philosophical instrument. Figs. 89 and 90 show the single form of lantern. In the Novelty Lantern, Fig. 92, an entirely new plan of showing slides is seen. By using a double slid- ing stage the pictures are raised or lowered quickly, and readily changed. Much of the success in using the optical lantern for the display of pho- tographs, or for various lecturing pur- poses, depends on the manipulation of the apparatus. All lecturers have seen the importance of this, and one of the most successful "lanternists," Mr. H. M. Whitefield, has superintended the construction of a "single" lantern for the Manchester Photographic Society, in which some improvements of his own have been carried out. FIG. 90. As to the jet, this is usually placed loose on a pillar, and requires 240 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. adjustment, being capable of motion in all directions. In addition to the difficulty of fixing the jet when the pillar and set-screw have become worn, there is always the liability of displacement by accidentally mov- ing the india-rubber tubing during use. In this lantern the jet is fixed on a sliding plate central with the optical system, and the only move- ment possible is to and from the condenser parallel to its axis; this is all that is necessary, whatever objective or size of disc is employed. As to the stage, this is constructed quite open at the top, so that a tank, or other piece of apparatus, can be inserted from the top as well as pushed through, and also provided with a set-screw to clamp a carrier in position. The stage is set off from the condenser to assist evaporation of the moisture which sometimes forms on cold slides; and by turning a button the whole of the stage can be removed to allow of other apparatus being used, and to permit the withdrawal of the condenser without disturbing the limelight. As to focussing, to effect this conveniently the milled head of the rack should be convenient to the hand; in this lantern this is brought close under the stage, but the ordinary rack-work is retained on the objective. With respect to the objective, a fault in lanterns when long focus lenses are necessary is that draw-tubes are used, and there is a tendency for the weight to cause the front part to drop. In this new lantern the lens-tube is carried by an independent support, and thus the defect referred to is removed. This part can be entirely removed to permit other apparatus to be used. The aperture at the back for the insertion of the jet is so arranged that the light is trapped without a curtain, and the lime-burner and stopcocks are readily accessible. A flat top may be used over the lantern, on which slides may be warmed when necessary. As to the kind of screen to be preferred, while paper mounted on a roller makes an excellent surface on which to exhibit photo- graphs, the kind known as continuous cartridge is as good as any other, and can be obtained 4 feet wide, so that when a small disc will suffice no joining is necessary. For all large screens white calico becomes necessary, and when strained will give a very satis- factory surface. The lantern is now often used for other purposes than for the display of ordinary photographs. Microscopic objects, when very minute, require a more powerful light than the incandescent lime will give, and the display of experiments with the spectroscope also re- quires a very strong light. For this purpose the electric light is now available in a form which a few years since was not thought of. The use of batteries is now seldom resorted to, and, excepting in colleges, the direct production of the light by means of the dynamo is not prac- APPARATUS. 241 ticable on account of the cost, but, as electricity can now be stored in what are termed accumulators, the electric light becomes available for lantern purposes. When the electric light is used, the lamp must be capable of adjustment so that the carbon points may be kept central with the condenser. It may be stated here that a very interesting experiment in pho- tography may be shown with the limelight and lantern by projecting the spectrum on to the screen and exposing one-half of a plate under a negative in the red end of the spectrum and the other half in the blue rays, when it will be found, on developing the plate, that there has been no effect in the red light, while the blue has printed the picture. The time of exposure must depend on the strength of the light. This experiment is generally thought to be possible only with the electric light; but the writer has tried it successfully with the limelight, and as a lecture-experiment it is very effective. Photographs on paper and other opaque objects may be exhibited OPTIMUS L FIG. 91. by the limelight when the lantern is adapted with an arrangement for reflecting the light instead of transmitting it in the usual way. When the limelight is too close to the condenser, the heat is sometimes too great, and causes fracture of the glass. This may happen, also, if the lime is allowed to pit, as the heat is then focussed on one part of the condenser, and is almost certain to cause fracture. This may, to some extent, be avoided by arranging a piece of thin patent plate glass between the light and close to the back of the con- lenser. This thin glass will break if the heat is too great, and the aoise of the fracture will give warning of what is wrong. It is quite unnecessary here to go into the question of condensers, jets, dissolvers, back-pressure valves, gas bags and bottles, and all the other details connected with the use of the optical lantern; but in Figs. 91, 92, and 93 are shown some appliances which will be found useful. Fig. 91 is an interchangeable jet. which, by a screw-collar arrangement, can be converted from a jet of high pressure to one of Q 242 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the safety or blow-through pattern. Fig. 92 shows a triple dissolving CH OPTIMUB PATENT FIG. 92. arrangement for use with the bi-unial or triple lantern, and is so arranged that whereas for- merly three taps had to be used with the triple lantern, the work is done with one, which gives the operator perfect control over the lantern. The tap is fitted with bye-passes. When the lantern is employed to display photographs in a room of ordinary dimensions, a screen from four to nine or ten feet diameter is quite sufficient. The kind of lantern to be used must be deter- mined by the purpose for which it is required; generally, the single form will be sufficient. The size of the condenser must be con- sidered and the quality of the lens, as upon these and the light depend the success of the projected pictures. When it is not intended to use the oxyhydrogen light, the form of lantern known as the Sciopticon is a very good substitute, and with it (using an oil lamp) photographs may be shown with good effect from six to ten feet in diameter. OPTIMUS FIG. 93. In using oil, inconvenience sometimes arises from the wicks not being properly trimmed. Fig. 93 shows a wick- trimmer, by which a clean edge is given to the wick. It will often be found preferable to rub off the charred wick, but when it must be cut, the edge should be perfectly regular, or the flame will be imperfect. Oscillating Tables or Rockers.-The necessity for keeping the developing solution in motion when dry plates are undergoing de- velopment is a somewhat tedious operation when the motion has to be given by hand. The oscillatory motion may be obtained by means of a pendulum to which a heavy weight is attached; the other end of the pendulum-rod must be fixed to a board in such a way that when set in motion the rocking will be conveyed to the solution in the developing tray resting on the board, so that the wave will be carried over the plate as when the tray is held in the hand. At the point of suspension there need be very little friction, and when the "bob" or weight is tolerably heavy, the rocking motion will be continued longer than is required for one plate; while a slight touch with the foot will keep up the motion as long as necessary. Clock- work has been used for the same purpose. Lewis & Co. of Birmingham have a con- trivance of this kind, which is shown in Fig. 94. FIG. 94. Pantascopic Camera.-Under this name a camera was introduced APPARATUS. 243 by its inventor, Mr. J. R. Johnson, for the purpose of taking pano- ramic views. The pictures were taken on flat plates, and could be made to embrace any angle of view. Specimens which the writer has seen were very successful, and the definition as good as in views taken in the ordinary way. Very little has been heard of this, or any other kind of camera for taking pictures of the panoramic kind during the last few years, probably because single pictures have a more pleasing effect than those with a range of view which the eye cannot embrace at once. Photometers (see Actinometers and Exposure Tables). In addi- tion to what has already been said on the subject of exposure tables and actinometers, it may be mentioned that Mr. Woodbury invented an instrument called a Photometer, differing only in name from an actinometer, the principle being very similar in all such aids to exposure. Captain Abney suggested that, in using silver bromide plates, the paper used in the photometer should be thus prepared with silver bromide :-"Take a sheet of plain photographic paper, and soak it for ten minutes in a solution of potassium bromide (40 grains to the ounce); hang it up to dry, and float it on a 50-grain bath of silver nitrate. I should then wash and I should then wash and pass the paper through a bath of potassium bromide of 5 grains to the ounce. would then wash thoroughly, and finally give a soak for five minutes in a bath of tannin (1 grain to the ounce)." To use this paper in Wood- bury's photometer the tints would have to be repainted. Plate-Boxes. For storing and preserving negatives, boxes made of pine wood with grooves are perhaps better than any others, but they occupy much space. In the days of wet collodion the convenient cardboard boxes were not available; but, with paper between each negative, there is, perhaps, no better way of pre- serving negatives than by keeping them in the boxes supplied with the plates. Plate-Rack.—A rack of some kind in which to put plates to drain or dry is necessary, or rather is to be preferred to standing the plates on blotting-paper, as there is less chance of injury from dust collect- ing through capillary attraction. Pieces of grooved wood attached to side-pieces, so as to form X-shaped legs and side supports at the same time, can readily be made; and, if necessary, the sides may be made to fold. Pneumatic Plate-Holder.-For holding plates of any size over 8 x 6 it is convenient to use the pneumatic holder. It consists of an india-rubber disc, attached to a vulcanised india-rubber ball, con- tained within a wooden case. On pressing the ball with the thumb while the plate rests on the india-rubber the plate becomes firmly attached when the thumb is removed. Care must, of course, be 244 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. taken that the glass is secure when large plates are used. Pressure on the ball at once releases the plate. Printing Frames. For small work, frames without glass may be used for printing. The negative is placed face uppermost, with the prepared paper upon it in the frame, when, the back being put into its place, the light pressure from the spring is sufficient to make per- fect contact, and there is very little danger of breaking the negative; but for larger work a stronger frame becomes necessary, with thick glass upon which to place the negative, and stronger springs must be used. For still larger work, screws must take the place of springs to bring the paper into perfect contact, and in cases where very great pressure is needed, the frames must have glass at least half an inch thick. The pressure from the screws should be released as soon as convenient, as prolonged strain on the glass may lead to fracture, par- FIG. 95. ticularly with a change of temperature. A frame should never be left all night without the screws being loosened. Frames for special purposes have been contrived. When printing on opal glass from a glass negative it is necessary to examine the pro- gress of the prints. This is effected by fixing the opal to one part of the frame and the negative on the top, so that when the top is lifted it can be replaced in exact position. Special frames are also made for vignetting, but these are scarcely necessary, as will be seen by reference to what is said under the heading Vignetting. Fig. 95 shows a simple form of printing frame. Some annoyance by the breaking of the plate- glass will be avoided by taking care that the glass has a good bed on the rim of the frame, and in large frames india-rubber between the glass and frame-bed is a good protection against unevenness. The india-rubber may be purchased of about the size of stout picture-cord and round in section, and may be glued to the frame. APPARATUS. 245 Retouching Desk.—Some kind of desk is very useful for stopping out skies and removing defects in negatives. Fig. 96 shows one of the forms in general use. When placed in a good light, a sheet of white paper is usually sufficient to reflect light. It may be necessary to throw a dark cloth over the head and top of the desk when using it. Roller-Slide. The substitution of sensitive paper and films for glass made it possible to use either in a continuous sheet or roll, so that, as required in the camera, after each exposure, another portion of the film could be brought into use; and mechanical means were devised in many ways for superseding the ordinary dark slide. The roller-slide—that is, a roll within the camera-is charged with a length of the paper or film sufficient for many exposures, and as used is wound on to another roll until the entire length has been utilised. FIG. 96. The Eastman Roll-Holder is a device by which a transparent film is used instead of glass. Sky-Shade. The hood of a lens is seldom sufficient protection from extraneous light; hence, when required out of doors, or in a room having top light, some kind of shade should be used; and the hand will often be sufficient. Care should be taken that no part of the lens is covered. Solar Camera.-In countries where the direct light of the sun is available with more certainty than in England the solar camera is a useful instrument in the hands of the photographer. As its name implies, the direct solar rays are used for the purposes of printing and enlarging. The instrument is of American origin, and was invented by Mr. Woodward. It consists of a box which can be fixed so that a reflecting mirror is outside, and the remainder of the apparatus. inside a darkened room. The reflector has a rack motion, so that it 246 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. can be kept turned towards the sun in such manner that the rays are made to pass through a condensing lens of large aperture. At a point within the camera the negative is placed, with means of adjust- ment. The sun's rays pass through the condenser and negative to the enlarging lens, and thence to an easel arranged to hold the sensitised paper or plate. This apparatus can be used for "printing out" as well as for other enlarging purposes, but unless continued sun- shine can be depended on, other methods of enlarging will have the preference. Squeegee. A strip of vulcanised india-rubber attached to strips of wood to form a handle is a convenient means of causing intimate FIG. 97. contact between prints and glass, paper, or cardboard. The india- rubber in the form of a roller may also be used. Stoppers. From various causes glass stoppers in bottles occa- sionally become fast. The best method for their removal depends on the cause of their being fast. If the contents of the bottle are adhesive, a solvent, warm water in most cases would be sufficient, and may be applied. If the thumb of the left hand be placed against a tight stopper, and then it is gently tapped with a piece of wood, the glass will be released. If the bottle be held with the stopper between a door partly open and the door jamb, a gentle turn will often loosen the stopper. In some cases a drop or two of oil may effect the same purpose, if left for a time. APPARATUS. 247 Bottles con- A reverse operation is to keep a stopper in a bottle. taining ether or ammonia should be looked at occasionally. If rubbed. with a little vaseline, there is less chance of the stopper being forced out. Tents.—In cases where it is necessary to develop plates away from home, and no convenient place may be found fit for the purpose, the portable tent supplied by Messrs. Houghton & Sons, and shown in FIG. 98. figs. 97, 98, and 99, would be found very suitable. The wood- cuts are sufficiently explanatory. There are many forms of portable tents to be obtained, but the principle is the same in all; they must be as light and strong as possible, and compact. For changing plates of small size a black bag large enough to hold the plates, dark slide, and the hands answers every purpose, as the touch enables the difference between the two surfaces of the plates to be detected. In other cases the bag is contrived so that by means of FIG. 99. sleeves and apertures covered with non-actinic glass the operator can see what he is doing. (See Dark Slides and Changing Boxes under Camera.) Thermometers.-For the purpose of ascertaining the changes of temperature the instruments called thermometers are used. Metals and gases expand on the application of heat, but the change in metal is too small, and in gases too great. The liquids mercury and alcohol 248 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. are generally used. The range with mercury is very large, hence it is usually employed; but as alcohol cannot be frozen, that fluid is used when very low temperatures are to be measured. In England and America the Fahrenheit scale, in France the Centigrade, and in some other countries Reaumur's scale is employed. Fig. 100 shows the different methods of marking :- 212_ 100_ 80__Water boils. 32_ o Freezing. F. C. R. FIG. 100. The various scales may be reduced as under Centigrade to Fahrenheit :-Multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32; as, 100° C. × 9 ÷ 5 + 32 = 212° F. Fahrenheit to Centigrade :-Subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9; as, 212° F. – 32 × 5 5÷9 100° C. Centigrade to Reaumur:-Multiply by 4 and divide by 5. Reaumur to Centigrade :-Multiply by 5 and divide by 4. Reaumur to Fahrenheit:- Multiply by 9, divide by 4, and add 32. Fahrenheit to Reaumur :-Subtract 32, multiply by 4, and divide by 9. Trimming Prints.-A sharp knife is the best instrument to use for trimming prints. A sheet of glass, cut to the size the print is required to be, serves as a convenient guide for the knife, and en- ables the proper position to be seen. A thick piece of plate-glass serves as a bed on which to cut the prints, or a sheet of zine may be used for the same purpose. Glass is preferable, as it is only after very long use that the surface be- comes scratched, whereas every cut with the knife leaves a mark on the metal plate. Prints of large size must be carefully squared and then cut, using a straight-edge to guide the knife. The little tool shown in R AMERICAN BRAND C LONDON. FIG. IOI. Fig. 101 may be used as a print- trimmer, and is very useful for cutting paper while wet. View-Finder. When photographing moving objects, it is neces- sary to have some means of knowing where the object will appear on the plate. The simplest method is to have two points, one on the APPARATUS. 249 front of the camera and the other on the back, so that the two points and the object to be photographed may be seen in line. Many contrivances are in use for keeping objects in view and for measuring the shape of the picture to be taken. Fig. 102 shows one of these little instruments. It can be carried in the pocket and attached or detached from the camera at will. It forms its image on a FIG. 102. T.T.& H FIG. 103. ground-glass screen, viewed from above, and is especially designed for hand-cameras. Fig. 103 is another form. If every landscape photographer could carry in his pocket what is called a "Claude Lorraine Mirror" he would have a view-meter of a very perfect kind; but, in the absence of this, an oblong aperture cut in a piece of cardboard and held at such a distance from the eye as would about include the same angle of view as the lens to be used, would give a good idea of the appearance of the finished picture. The view-meter is useful as showing, without the trouble of erecting the camera, what the "composition" of the picture would be. FIG. 104. Washing Apparatus.-Many contrivances have been used for saving trouble in washing prints. This part of the photographer's work may be the least interesting; but it is certainly one of the most important, as upon its being properly done depends to a very large 250 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. extent the permanence of his work. Running water is usually recommended for washing prints. This is not only wasteful, but cannot be effectual unless the prints are constantly separated, as the motion of the water is certain to cause the prints to become matted together; consequently there can be very little circulation of the water between the prints. One of the oldest and best methods of washing prints is not to leave too many in one dish, to change the water at least a dozen times in the course of ten hours, and to turn each print over at each change of water. By this means it will be seen that each print has been turned. As the toning and fixing are usually not done till late in the day, the prints should have several changes of water, and then be left in the dishes until the next morn- ing, when they may be again washed several times. Finally, each print should be laid on a sheet of glass, and sponged with warm water. The experience of many years, and the possession of unfaded prints which are at least thirty years old, the writer considers some proof that, when the greatest care has been taken in washing and mounting prints, they do not necessarily fade. Causes of fading, difficult to discover, arise in other ways, and, unless every care be taken in the proper washing of prints, there is much probability that they will change colour, it may be in a few weeks, or it may be months or years. Fig. 104 shows a simple form of washing-trough. For washing gelatine plates grooved zinc boxes are generally used ; and when the water is changed frequently, or by allowing a gentle stream to pass through by means of a syphon, so that the bottom water may be drawn off, this mode of washing answers every purpose. Large plates may be washed in flat dishes, or by allowing water to run over the surfaces of the negatives. If placed face down in a vessel, which will allow plenty of water below, the fixing agent will be washed out more effectually than by any other meaus, as the denser fluid will fall to the bottom of the vessel. PART IV. MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. Acetic Acid (C2H4O₂, also called Pyroligneous Acid, Vinegar).– This acid in a dilute form is commonly known as vinegar. It is obtained by the oxidation of alcohol and by the dry distillation of wood, in which case the crude product is called pyroligneous acid. The pure acid is obtained by heating sodium acetate with strong sulphuric acid, forming a colourless fuming liquid which boils at 118° C. (245° F.), becomes a white crystalline solid at 17° C. (62.5° F.), and in this state is called glacial acetic acid. It mixes with water in every proportion. The glacial acid is the form gene- rally used in photography, but the commercial acid is sufficiently pure for some purposes, and may be used in the developing solution for the collodion process, in which it acts as a restrainer, and also facilitates the flow of the solution over the surface of the collodion. It is also used as a solvent for gelatine, one part of which dissolves in five parts of the acid. A mixture of glacial acetic acid and alcohol is also used for dissolving pyroxylin. Acids. The acids used in photography are referred to in alpha- betical order. Of acids generally it may be said that they are nearly all soluble in water; that they have a pungent "acid" taste; they change the colour of blue litmus paper to red, and form with metallic oxides a series of compounds termed "salts;" but these properties, though characteristic, are possessed by the different acids in very varying degree. Care must always be taken in the manipulation of acids, as, although not in reality "poisons," their corrosive and inflammatory action is, in most cases, such as to cause death when introduced into the stomach. When clothes are marked by acids falling upon them, the stain may best be removed by immediately adding ammonia. When strong sulphuric acid gets spilt, it is better to add a considerable quantity of cold water before attempting to remove the mark by means of ammonia. Albumen.-Albumen is an organic substance found in the blood and muscle of animals, and also in vegetable matter. For photo- 251 252 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. graphic purposes the white of eggs, in which it is found in a very pure state combined with water, is generally used. Liebig's analysis gives :-Carbon, 53.5; hydrogen, 7.0; nitrogen, 15.5; oxygen, 22.0; sulphur, 1.6; phosphorus, 0.4 100. Phosphoric acid is an impurity, and the analysis then is :-C. 53.6, H. 7.0, N. 15.6, O. 22.2; S. 1.6 = = 100. = Albumen is soluble in water, but on heating the solution to 60°-70° C. (150° F.) the albumen becomes insoluble, and separates out in large flocks of the coagulated substance. If the albumen has been diluted, the heat necessary to coagulate it will be higher, accord- ing to the state of dilution, the action being in all cases complete on reaching the boiling temperature. Albumen may also be coagulated by the addition of nitric acid, some metallic salts, and in other ways. The action of metallic salts is usually accompanied by the forma- tion of so-called albuminates. Silver albuminate is the most impor- tant of these photographically, as it is formed when the albumen paper is floated on the silver bath. On account of its solubility in water, care must be taken in using albumenised paper that the silver bath is not too dilute, for in this case the albumen coating will be dissolved wholly or in part before it can be coagulated by formation of the silver compound. Albumen is utilised in many photographic processes, but chiefly in the preparation of paper for printing, to which it gives a high gloss, valuable for keeping the picture on the surface of the paper. Its uses in various other ways are referred to in the processes described. It quickly decomposes, but the addition of ammonia acts as a preservative. Albumenised Paper. Until the introduction of the platinotype. and other methods of printing photographs, paper prepared with a surface of albumen was almost exclusively used in photographic printing. If without preparation, or plain, as it is termed, the sur- face is dull or matt, but with albumen the picture is prevented sinking into the paper, and consequently has a bright appearance, and this brightness depends on the quantity of albumen on its surface. The paper may be used coated with albumen twice if a highly glazed surface is required. Very few photographers now sensitise their own paper, as it can be purchased of excellent quality from the dealers ready sensitised; at the same time it may be remarked that better prints can be made on freshly prepared paper. As effects can be obtained on the albumen surface which are some- what different from any other, this kind of paper will probably always be in demand. For experimental, if not for commercial, purposes it is useful to know how the paper is prepared. The albumen of fresh eggs should be used. The eggs are broken separately in a cup, and MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 253 the yolks carefully removed. To each ounce of the albumen 5 or 10 grains of ammonium chloride are added. Other salts, such as those of barium or sodium, may be substituted; but the ammonium salt is to be preferred, as the silver solution used in sensitising is not discoloured when this is employed. Add 1 drachms of alcohol, and water to make up to two ounces. The albumen must be thoroughly beaten into a thick froth. The salt should be added some hours pre- viously, and then allowed to settle. After filtering through cotton wool or lint, the albumen should now be poured into a clean dish, the paper floated upon it for two minutes, and then hung up to dry. The paper is better when dried quickly; therefore the temperature of the room should be sufficiently warm. To float the paper requires a little skill, and the tyro will find it better to use half or quarter sheets, taking the paper by opposite corners; the bent sheet is brought into contact with the albumen and gradually lowered, then gently raised, and any air bubbles removed. The surface is improved by rolling. The paper should be stored in a dry place. Paper with a very high glaze may be made by what is called "double albumenising." The first coat of albumen must be coagu- lated by steeping in, or floating on, a mixture of methylated spirit. and water, four parts of spirit to one of water. The operation of floating on the albumen may be repeated when the paper has been dried. It is said that paper with a very highly glazed surface may be obtained by using albumen which has been fermented. Alcohol (C,HO.)-This spirit is seldom used in photography in its pure or anhydrous form. The commercial, so-called absolute, alcohol, contains about 5 per cent. of water. The trade name of alcohol depends upon its strength and purity, the former being determined by the amount of water it contains. Proof spirit contains 49.2 per cent. water to 50.8 per cent. alcohol, while methylated spirit is strong alcohol, to which 10 per cent. of wood-spirit has been added. * Alcohol is obtained by the fermentation of solutions containing saccharine matter. The fermented liquid is distilled, and the dilute aqueous spirits of wine is concentrated by re-distillations which, how- ever, cannot reduce the water contents below 10 per cent., the last portions having to be removed by distillation over such bodies as quick-lime or potassium carbonate, which combine with and retain the water. A 95 per cent. strength suffices for the many purposes in which alcohol is employed in photography. In the collodion process it is one of the solvents for the pyroxylin in making collodion, and it is used to cause the developing solution to flow evenly. The ether * Since this was written, new excise regulations have come into force. See Methylated Spirit. 254 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in the silver bath causes the sensitised collodion to resist water, and the alcohol becomes necessary to counteract this. For many of the varnishes required in photography, alcohol is largely employed as a solvent for the gums and resins used in making them. A very useful property of alcohol is that it takes up water, and mixes with it in all proportions; for, as gelatine plates dry very slowly after they are developed, immersion in methylated spirit absorbs the water, and the plate becomes dry in a few minutes. Pure alcohol has a pleasant smell, and the presence of impurities, that is, fusel oil, can be recognised by the disagreeable odour when the spirit is volatilised. The purity of the alcohol for some photo- graphic purposes is very essential; and that used for collodion, or in the gelatine emulsion process, should remain clear when warmed with a few drops of ammoniacal silver nitrate solution. Methyl Alcohol (CH₂OH).-Wood spirit is prepared by the dry distillation of wood. The pure alcohol is used as a solvent for certain colours more readily soluble in it than in "ordinary" ethyl alcohol, as in the preparation of strongly coloured sensitising solutions for Alberts' colour. Alpha Paper.-Paper coated with gelatine, which contains a mixture of silver chloro-citrate and bromide, is known as Alpha paper. The prints may be obtained by exposure to artificial light, the exposure being about three times longer than is required for bromide paper. Excellent results may be obtained by following the formulæ given by the makers of this kind of paper. Aluminium.—(Al. Atomic weight = 27.)--One of the lightest of the metals. It was at one time thought that it might be used with advantage where brass is now almost exclusively employed; but its use for such purposes has hitherto been limited. Amber. The only use for this the form of varnish, which may be dissolved in benzole or chloroform. a very hard surface. fossil resin in photography is in applied cold. The resin may be It has the advantage of forming Ammonia (NH₂, Spirits of Hartshorn).—As employed for photo- graphic purposes the volatile gas, ammonia, is dissolved in water, and is usually called liquor ammonia fort., the specific gravity of which should be .880, its richness in ammonia being greater the less its specific gravity. Unless very carefully kept in stoppered bottles, the gas at ordinary temperatures escapes, as may be detected by the stopper flying out of the bottle. This may be prevented to some extent by rubbing the stopper with vaseline. If diluted to half strength, by the addition of water, the tendency to force out the stopper is lessened; but it must be remembered when required for use that the alkali has been diluted. MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 255 Ammonia is now generally prepared from the ammoniacal liquor formed in the manufacture of coal-gas. The alkali is employed as an accelerator in developing gelatine plates with pyrogallol. It may also be used as a fixing agent, as described in the article on Printing on Canvas; and other uses to which it is applied will be referred to in the descriptions of the vari- ous processes. Ammonia is also used in fuming albuminised paper. Ammonium Bichromate ((NH4) Cr₂O7).—This salt may be used in some cases instead of the potassium bichromate. It is said to be more sensitive to light when combined with gelatine. Ammonium Bromide ((NH4) Br).—This salt is largely used as a restrainer in the development of gelatine plates. It is also used in the emulsions for dry plates, both collodion and gelatine, when, acting on the silver nitrate combined in the film, silver bromide is formed. 4 2 2 2 Ammonium Carbonate (Sesquicarbonate of Ammonia, Sal Vola- tile, or Smelling Salts).-The common commercial sesquicarbonate of ammonia may be considered as a compound of acid ammonium carbonate, NH HCO3. with ammonium carbamate, NH₂CO₂NH4, and may be written (CO2) (NH3)3 H₂O. It is made by heating a mixture of ammonium chloride and chalk, when the ammonium carbonate forms a white sublimate smelling of ammonia. This evolution of ammonia permits of its use instead of ammonia for fuming albumen paper, for which purpose the bicarbonate is valueless, as it does not evolve ammonia in the air. It is sometimes used in developing solutions for dry plates, but it is not found to be so suitable as liquor ammoniæ. Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl, also called Muriate or Hydrochlo- rate of Ammonia, Sal Ammoniac).-This chloride is largely used in the preparation of albumenised paper. It has the advantage that the solution of silver does not change colour, as is the case when some other salts are used. Mercuric chloride is soluble in water; but when ammonium chloride is added, much more of the mercury salt is dissolved; and advantage is taken of this in making strong solutions of the mercuric chloride when used for bleaching collodion plates (the double chloride of mercury and ammonia is formed). Ammonium chloride is also used in the preparation of chloride emulsion. Ammonium Iodide (NHI).—The chief use of the iodide of am- monium is in the preparation of collodion, in which it usually forms the iodiser, as it is readily soluble in alcohol and ether. Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3).—When collodion is iodised with ammonium iodide, the nitrate of ammonium is gradually formed in the silver bath, but its presence is usually disregarded. Care should be observed in using the dry form of ammonium nitrate, since, when 256 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. silver is combined with it, the dangerous fulminate of silver, which is one of the most violent explosives, may be formed. When water is added to ammonium nitrate, cold is produced; and advantage may be taken of this when it is difficult to develope dry plates in hot climates. The dish containing the plate to be developed is placed in the moistened salt, which is held in another dish; and, by evaporating off the water, the ammonium salt is recovered, and can be used again. The process can be repeated as often as required. Ammonium Oxalate ((NH4)2C2O4).—Oxalic acid, when neutral- ised with ammonia, forms ammonium oxalate. This salt is used in some of the formulæ for platinotype printing. Ammonium Sulphide ((NH4)2S; also called Sulphuret of Am- monia).—The chief use of this form of ammonia is in blackening the films of collodion which have been bleached in the lead solution de- scribed under the heading Intensifying. It may also be used for the same purpose when mercuric chloride has taken the place of lead nitrate. Ammonium Sulphocyanate (NHCNS; also called Sulphocy- anide of Ammonia).-Used as a toning agent for prints on gelatine- chloride paper when mixed with sodium thiosulphate and carbonate. It may also be used as a fixing agent in place of sodium thiosulphate; but there is no advantage gained. The salt is very deliquescent. 2 Anglol (C₁0H5NH₂OH₂SO3).—This substance was discovered by Professor Meldola. Its use in photography has been superseded by eikonogen, which is the sodium salt of anglol. Aniline (CH, (NH₂), Amido-benzene, Phenylamine).—Aniline is one of the most important bodies in the formation of various colouring matters. It is a coal-tar derivative, and forms a very poisonous liquid, which is usually coloured brown. Its use in pho- tography is chiefly confined to the preparation of orthochromatic plates in which cyanin is used, and in the manufacture of this aniline is employed. (See Aniline Printing Process.) Animal Charcoal-The charcoal formed when horn, bone, or other animal matter is carbonised may be used to clear solutions of silver nitrate which have become discoloured by contact with organic impurities, as in sensitising albumenised paper. As this charcoal con- tains phosphates and other salts, and as these tend to weaken the silver solution, it is better to use kaolin, which effects the same purpose as the charcoal. Aqua Regia, or Nitro-Hydrochloric Acid.—When four parts of hydrochloric acid and one part of nitric acid are mixed together, the mixture is termed aqua regia from its power of dissolving the noble metals, such as gold and platinum; this power is increased on using the acid warm. The solvent power of the mixture depends on its MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 257 1 containing free chlorine. Aqua regia is used to dissolve gold, when it forms the trichloride of that metal. 14 Aurin, or Corallin (C9H1,O,, also called Rosolic Acid).-It is made by heating phenol and anhydrous oxalic acid with sulphuric acid. The only use for this substance to the photographer is as a dye for making fabric suitable for excluding white light. Barium Bromide (BaBr₂+ 2H,O).-The bromide and iodide of barium are used in formulæ for the manufacture of collodion, and the chloride is sometimes used instead of ammonium chloride in salting albumenised paper. Barium Chloride (BaCl2 + 2H,O).—This salt may be used in the preparation of paper for photography in place of the other chlorides more commonly employed. Barium Nitrate (Ba(NO3),).-This substance may be used in the developing solution for wet collodion combined with ferrous sulphate, but is seldom employed. It prevents pin-holes. Benzene (C.He, also called Benzol).-A colourless volatile liquid with characteristic odour. It boils at 80.5° C. (177° F.) and is very inflammable. It is used as a solvent for caoutchouc and asphalt, and a solution of amber in benzene may be used as a cold varnish. Benzolene. A mixture of benzene naphtha and benzene is known as benzolene or petroleum spirit. It may be used as a solvent for some of the gums, and for removing grease spots. Bitumen (also called Asphaltum, Jew's Pitch, or Bitumen of Judæa). -The various uses for this substance will be found under the head- ings of the processes in which it is employed. In its crude state bitumen is not suitable for photographic printing, and must be puri- fied as described under the heading Bitumen Process. I Borax (Na, B, O,+ 10H,O. Sodium Biborate).-Occasionally used in toning-formulæ for photographs on paper. Bromine (Br. Combining weight, 79.75. Sp. gr. 3.18). The various salts of bromine are used extensively in photographic pro- cesses. This element resembles chlorine in its properties and com- pounds. It is a reddish black heavy liquid, very volatile and poisonous. Cadmium Bromide (CdBr, + 4H,O).-A white crystalline efflores- cent salt. One part of the bromide dissolves in three to four parts of alcohol, and in sixteen parts of a mixture of alcohol and ether. It, like the iodide, forms double salts, and is used in some formulæ for the preparation of collodion. Cadmium Iodide (CdI..)-Cadmium readily forms double salts, and the double ammonium-cadmium iodide (CdI½ + 2NH¸I + 2H¸O) has been used for iodising collodion. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2 + 2H2O. Muriate of Lime).—The anhy- R 258 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. drous chloride is a white porous substance. It is very deliquescent, and on this account is chiefly used in photography for the purpose of absorbing moisture. In its dry state it is kept in the tubes in which platinotype paper is stored. After it has been in use for some time, it becomes wet; this moisture may be driven off by applying a strong heat. As the salt is cheap, it is better to use fresh than to attempt to dry the old stock. The salt is used in the preparation of plates for the collotype process and for other purposes. Canada Balsam.—This substance has a limited use in photography. It is a resin obtained from the Pinus balsamea, which grows in Canada and North America. It hardens on exposure to the atmosphere ; and, reduced with turpentine, is used in cementing lenses together, and occasionally in varnish. Celloidin.—This substance is pure gun cotton, and is prepared by Schering for making collodion, in place of the ordinary pyroxylin. The advantage of celloidin is that its composition is uniform, as impurities, such as dextrin, xyloidin, &c., are removed. Celluloid. (See Film Photography). Cellulose ((CH1005)).—Pure cellulose is obtained by boiling linen and cotton fibre (cotton-wool, paper, &c.) with dilute caustic potash, and then extracting with alcohol and ether. A short immersion in strong sulphuric acid converts cellulose into parchment paper, and nitric acid oxidises it to oxalic acid; but a mixture of the two acids, produces gun cotton, or pyroxylin, the latter of which forms collodion, when dissolved in ether and alcohol. 2 6 Chloride of Lime, or Bleaching Powder.-The approximate formula is CaCl2 + Ca(OCI)² + CaO + 3H¿O = Ca¸HC140. It is made by pass- ing chlorine gas over dry slaked lime in a series of chambers. A pro- duct containing at least 35 per cent. "available chlorine" should thus be obtained. Bleaching powder may be used with gold chloride as a toning bath for prints on paper prepared with silver nitrate. Chloroform (CHCl. Sp. gr. 1.525).-A colourless, very volatile liquid of sweet smell, which boils at 61° C. (142° F.). Its vapour must not be inhaled, as it produces unconsciousness. The chief use of chloroform is as a solvent for india-rubber, amber, and other gums, and also in the preparation of the bitumen solution required in print- ing on zinc. Chlorophyll.—The green colouring matter of plants, extracted by digesting for a short time in warm alcohol, is used in the preparation of orthochromatic plates, which, by that means, are made sensitive to the red of the spectrum. Chromate of Silver. The use of this salt has been suggested by Mr. W. K. Burton for the purpose of preventing halation. The colour of the chromate is deep ruby, and it may be formed by MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 259 mixing a solution of chromate of potassium with silver nitrate. An emulsion with gelatine was made in the usual way, and was used as a substratum in the preparation of gelatino-bromide plates. This experiment proved that the chromate of silver emulsion was itself sensitive to light, a fact which Hunt pointed out many years prior to Mr. Burton's investigations. Hunt also suggested that this salt of silver "has the most pleasing result of bringing within the range of probabilities the production of photographic pictures in their natural colours." 2 Chromium Potassium Sulphate, or Chrome Alum (K₂SOCг₂(SO4)3 + 24H₂O).-When this salt is mixed with gelatine, the latter becomes insoluble; and this property, as it will still absorb water, makes it useful in some of the photo-mechanical processes of photography. It is also used in the preparation of gelatino-bromide plates; a small quantity added to the emulsion hastens its hardening, and lessens its tendency to wash loose. 6 7 Citric Acid (C¿Н¸О, + H₂O) is derived from the juice of the lemon and some other fruits, and forms colourless crystals, soluble in water and alcohol. It often occurs as one of the components of developing solutions, in which it acts as a retarding agent. It is used also in some formulæ for toning prints on albumenised paper, and in the pre- paration of ready sensitised paper. Collodion.-Pyroxylin, dissolved in ether and alcohol, is called collodion, which, on evaporation on glass, leaves a transparent film; and it is this quality which has made it so valuable to the photo- grapher. It has been claimed for M. Le Gray that he first suggested its use in photography, but a letter received by the writer in 1887, from Mr. C. T. Hervé, who was a friend of Mr. F. Scott-Archer, con- tains this sentence, "Gun-cotton had just begun to be known, and Mr. Archer said, 'I think I can dissolve gun-cotton in some spirit. . . .' I was away from London a month; on my return I was shown a true negative on talc. Archer had solved the question." It appears therefore that, if the idea had occurred to M. Le Gray, it was equally original with Mr. Archer; and to him is certainly due the discovery of one of the greatest improvements ever introduced in the working of photography. Full directions for making collodion will be found in the various editions of Hardwich's "Photographic Chemistry." Particulars as to the manufacture of pyroxylin will be found under that heading. In the first instance, what is called plain collodion, so named to distinguish it from the iodised form which is ready for photographic use, is made as follows:- Pyroxylin. Alcohol .820 Ether .725. 55 grains. 4 ounces. 5 >> 260 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. This is considered more suitable for use in winter; but, by adding half an ounce each of alcohol and ether, a modification occurs, making the collodion more useful for work in warm weather. This is recom- mended by Abney; but, in the writer's experience, no change is neces- sary. The directions given by Hardwich should be strictly followed in making collodion, and attention should be paid to the quality of the pyroxylin, as upon this depends the character of the collodion. The iodising solution is composed of :- Ammonium iodide Cadmium iodide . Ammonium bromide Plain collodion + 3 grains. grain. I grains. I ounce. The iodides may be employed in various proportions, necessitating longer keeping before the solutions are fit for use; but the above answers for most purposes, and can be used three or four days after it has been mixed. If the photographer wished to study economy, he might make his own collodion, as it would certainly be cheaper to do so, provided he had no failures. Copper (Cu). The chief use of metallic copper in connection with photography is in making blocks for printing with type, when it takes the place of zinc. In the preparation of plates by the photogravure process, copper is used when the bitumen method is employed; and, in the Goupil process, copper is electrically deposited in forming the printing plate. Copper Sulphate (CuSO4 + 5H,O, also called Cupric Sulphate, Blue-Stone, Blue Vitriol, and Blue Copperas).-A solution of this salt, to which a small portion of sodium chloride has been added which will change the colour to green, due to the formation of cupric chloride, may be used to bleach untoned photographs (or bromide prints) which have been outlined in indian ink for the purpose of reproduction in line. Dextrin ((C6H1005). Also known as British Gum).-Dextrin is formed when starch is boiled with a 3 per cent. solution of sulphuric acid, or on heating it to 200° C. (390° F.). It is usually employed in making paper adhesive, such as gummed labels, strips for mounting lantern slides, and similar purposes. Eau de Javelle.-As a reducing agent for negatives which are too dense and for removing the last traces of sodium thiosulphate, the following solution, which forms eau de javelle, may be used:- Chloride of lime. Potassium carbonate Water. 4 · 40 2 ounces. وو MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 261 : The lime must be mixed with thirty ounces of the water, and the potassium carbonate in the rest; when boiled and filtered the solution is ready for use. Ebonite.-Indiarubber combined with sulphur is formed into a substance called ebonite. It is used chiefly in photography in the form of dishes and trays. It is very light, and almost as brittle as glass. (See Dishes and Trays). 5 2 Eikonogen (C10H,NH₂ONaHSO3 + 2H,O).-This acid was first described by Professor Meldola in 1881, but its first use in photo- graphy appears to have been proposed by Dr. Andresen of Berlin in 1889. It is the sodium salt of amido-ß-naphthol-ß-sulphonic acid. It occurs in large yellow crystals not readily soluble in cold water. Its use as a developer is now well established; but so short a time has elapsed since Dr. Andresen first suggested its use, that it must be premature to say that eikonogen is equal or superior to pyrogallol, to which, in its chemical relationship, it is closely allied. It cannot even be said that the best formula for its use has yet been discovered; but there can be very little doubt that the new substance will establish its claim to be useful in photographic formulæ. The following is selected from a large number of published formulæ : 1. Eikonogen Sodium Sulphite (pure) Distilled water at 140° F. 2. Sodium carbonate Potassium carbonate Distilled water S parts 5 500 25 19 25 500 Equal parts of 1 and 2 are to be mixed for use. Dr. Andresen claims for it :- 1. That while eikonogen reduces the bromide of silver so far as it has been subject to the action of light, the bromide in dry gelatine. plates which has not been exposed to the light remains unaffected by it. 2. That concentrated solutions of eikonogen (1: 20 to 1: 50) pro- duce, even with instantaneously exposed plates, minutely detailed negatives. The minuteness of detail produced by eikonogen is supposed to be due to the fine grain of the silver precipitate. 4. The tone of the negatives given by eikonogen is well adapted for printing, and in this respect it excels pyrogallol. 5. The solutions of eikonogen containing sodium sulphite are durable even after the addition of carbonate of soda, and the same solution can be used for several pictures in succession. 262 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 6. Eikonogen is not poisonous, which cannot be said of pyrogallol or hydroquinone. Emery. This useful mineral, which is one of the forms of alumina, is chiefly employed by photographers for grinding the surface of glass for camera focussing screens and the glass plates used in the collotype process. Encaustic Paste. The following preparation was used by M. Salomon of Paris to increase the brilliance of the surface of albume- nised paper prints. White wax is mixed with gum elemi in oil of lavender, in proportion to form a kind of pomade or paste. With this the surface of the print is rubbed until the required polish is obtained. White wax and Venice turpentine dissolved in spirits of turpentine may be used for the same purpose. 6 2 Eosin.—The eosin of commerce is the potassium salt (C20H K₂ Br₁05) of tetrabromfluoresceïn. It is one of the substances derived from coal-tar, is used as a dye, and also in making colour-sensitive dry plates. Mineral acids decompose the eosin with liberation of tetrabromfluoresceïn, which has a quite different absorption spectrum from eosin. 6 Erythrosin (C20H&K₂IO).-Gelatine dry plates may be made ortho- chromatic by steeping in a bath of erythrosin. (See Orthochromatic Photography). 5/2 Ether ((C₂H)2O. Sp. gr. 0.736. Also called Diethyl Ether, Ethylic Oxide).—In the manufacture of collodion, ether is used mixed with alcohol as a solvent for the pyroxylin. Ether is also used in purify- ing bitumen. As the vapour of ether is highly inflammable, and its boiling point so low as 35° C. (95° F.), the greatest care should be observed when using it where a light is burning. The fumes are heavy, and therefore a light below the ether is more dangerous than one above it. 6 5 Ferric Ammonium Citrate (Fe,(NH4)2(CH,07)3. Called also Ammonio-citrate of Iron).—It is used in the preparation of paper for the ferro-prussiate or "blue" process. Ferric Ammonium Oxalate (Fe₂(NH4)2(C2O4)4, or Ammonio-oxalate of Iron). In the platinotype process this salt is used to develop the image, when the iron is converted to the ferrous state. Ferric Oxalate (Fe2(C2O4)3, or Oxalate of Peroxide of Iron).— Chiefly used in the platinotype process. Ferrous Oxalate (FeC₂O4+2H,O, Oxalate of Iron).-Used in alkaline developing solutions by mixing, as required, solutions of ferrous sulphate and potassium oxalate. Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4 + 7H₂O, also called Sulphate of Iron, Protosulphate of Iron, Copperas, or Green Vitriol). In the develop- MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 263 ing solutions for the wet collodion process this salt of iron is very largely used. 2 Fluorescein (C20H1205 + H₂O, Resorcin-phthaleïn).-Some of the derivatives of this substance are used in the preparation of ortho- chromatic plates. Formic Acid (H₂CO₂).—A colourless liquid resembling acetic acid. The strong acid blisters the skin. At one time it was used (instead of acetic acid) in developing solutions for the collodion process. was also used as a preservative of solutions of pyrogallol. It Gallic Acid (CHO).-Formed by the fermentation of tannic acid. It dissolves in 100 parts of cold water, and gives a dark-blue colouration with ferric salts. Gallic acid reduces silver solutions much more quickly than tannin does, and in the early processes of photography it was used as a developing agent for paper negatives. It was with this acid that the discovery of the latent image was made by Talbot. Gelatine. This is one of the most valuable substances used in photography. In addition to the place it takes in the preparation of dry plates, some of its important properties are taken advantage of in mounting and enamelling prints on paper, and in stripping films from glass. When bones, hoofs, and other parts of animals are boiled, a jelly is formed on cooling, and in this state it is known as size; when dried, as glue, both of which have a brown colour; and when puri- fied, as gelatine, which should be colourless, and without taste or smell. Isinglass is a form of gelatine obtained from the air-bladder of the sturgeon. The properties of gelatine are that it will swell in cold water, but will not dissolve until heated. The melting-point of a gelatine solution is several degrees higher than its solidifying point, and both points are raised by increase in strength of solution, although they vary with the quality of gelatine employed. Acids and alkalies both lower the point of solidification. When gelatine has been heated and cooled many times, or kept in a fluid state for any length of time, it loses its power of setting. The presence of an acid assists this peculiarity. In making emulsions, the bulk of the gelatine is added after one portion has been boiled, owing to the fact referred to. When potassium bichromate and some other salts are mixed with gelatine it is rendered insoluble after exposure to light. Chrome alum and some other substances render it insoluble without ex- posure to light. It is these peculiarities which make gelatine one of the most valuable materials used in the mechanical processes of photography. Dry gelatine is one of the hardest substances, and this is taken 264 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ! advantage of in the Woodbury process, in which the gelatine trans- parency relief is subjected to a pressure of many tons without injury. In the manufacture of dry plates the kind of gelatine to be used is of the greatest importance; and this is also the case in the collotype process, it may be hard or soft, and the kind recommended should always be used, if possible. As a test of the quality of gelatine, the common kinds are very brittle, while the better sorts are tough and difficult to break. Inferior samples of gelatine may be purified by soaking in water, which must be repeatedly changed, during many hours. It must then be dissolved in about twenty times its weight of water. If not already acid, acetic acid may be used to acidify the solution; the whole is then mixed with egg-albumen in the proportions of about one egg to twenty ounces of solution, and well beaten to a froth. After boiling and then allowing to cool, the coagulated albumen will be found to have removed the impurities, which remain in the top portion of the mass. The further purification is effected by squeezing the gelatine through canvas into water and well washing; then, by steeping it in spirits of wine, the water is removed and the process is finished by drying. Glass. The varieties of glass used by photographers are patent plate, flatted crown, and polished sheet. The slight greenish tint of the latter kind is not objectionable in any way except when used for covering objects when the purity of the colour is to be preserved. In this case colourless glass may be employed; but, as salts of lead are used in its manufacture, a change occurs in the course of time by a decomposition of its surface, producing what is called sweating. Glass of this kind is quite unsuitable for taking negatives on. most purposes, flatted crown or sheet glass are suitable. For Glucose or Grape Sugar.-A sugar found in the juice of the grape. and other fruit, and also in honey. At one time it was used as a preservative for dry plates, or rather to keep plates moist. It is also employed in the process of silvering glass. 3 Glycerine (C,H,O,; sp. gr. 1.260).-The principal use of glyce- rine in photography is for preventing the too rapid drying of any substance it may be mixed with; also for rendering gelatine more flexible when stripped as a film from glass or other plates. The quality possessed by gelatine of being very hygroscopic was made use of in the Glycerine Process. A collodion plate was prepared in the ordinary way and then dipped in a bath formed of glycerine 2 oz., honey 1 oz., silver-bath solution 1 oz., water 7 oz.; these were mixed together and a quarter of an ounce of kaolin was added, the whole being well-shaken together and then exposed to daylight for two or three days. The clear solution was filtered, used as a preser- MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 265 vative, then returned to the bottle with the kaolin, and was again ready for use after filtration. Any kind of developing solution could be used, and the time of exposure was somewhat longer than for wet collodion. Gold Chloride (AuCl).—This salt of gold, used chiefly for toning photographs, is sold in glass tubes containing 15 grains. When it is used in large quantities it is cheaper to make it, and to keep it in solution, as in the crystalline form the salt is very deliquescent. To make it proceed as follows:-Take a half-sovereign, preferably a coin. but little worn; bend or break it in two and place it in a bottle. Mix drachm nitric acid, 2½ drachms hydrochloric acid, and 3 drachms of water, and pour the mixture into the bottle; place it on a stove so that the fumes will pass up the chimney. Shake the bottle occasionally, and in three or four hours add more of the acids (the two acids form aqua regia) until all the gold is dissolved. Now add a few ounces of water, and then neutralise the solution by adding sodium carbo- nate until effervescence stops. The precipitate will contain copper carbonate and some silver chloride, the presence of which may be disregarded. The solution of gold chloride will be alkaline, and if left in that state the gold will precipitate; therefore, as much hydro- chloric acid must be added as will redden blue litmus paper. As the coin weighs 61 grains, there will be 56 grains of pure gold, which is equal to 86 grains of the chloride. Add more water to bring the quantity to about 11 ounces, each drachm of which will contain 1 grain of gold chloride. There are other methods of preparing the gold chloride, but the above is sufficient for all practical purposes. Ammonia should not be used to neutralise the acids, as fulminating gold (which is dangerous to handle when dry) would be formed. The hyposulphite of gold (Sel d'or) is now seldom used in any pho- tographic process. Ground Glass.-By using diffused light in studios for portraiture much better effects can be obtained than by allowing the light to pass through clear glass. When it was necessary to admit all the light possible owing to the slowness of the processes in use, the case was different, and the direction of the light could be controlled by blinds; but now it is possible to use obscured glass, blinds being still neces- sary to control the direction of the light. The roof glass may be obscured with white paint stippled, but ground glass, although more costly, is much to be preferred. For this purpose, glass coarsely ground will answer as well as the best. Another very important use for ground glass is for the focussing screen in cameras; for this pur- pose the finest grain should be used. Patent plate-glass is flatter than crown or sheet, so that when two pieces are rubbed together with 266 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. finely-powdered emery and water the surfaces are more quickly and evenly ground; any other kind of glass will show transparent places when the remainder of the surface is finished. Care should be taken that no coarse particles are in the emery, or scratches will be produced which will be difficult to remove. To obtain the emery in the best state, the powder should be shaken in a bottle with water and allowed to stand for a very short time, when, the coarse particles having sunk to the bottom, the remainder can be poured off and allowed to settle for use. The emery can be used without washing when the surface of the glass is to be coarsely ground. Gum Arabic or Gum Acacia.-Owing to its bad keeping qualities this gum cannot be recommended for mounting photographs. It readily becomes acid. Salicylic acid may be used as a preservative, but other mountants should have preference. This gum has a limited use in the preparation of paper for the photo-lithographic process. Gum Dammar dissolved in turpentine may be used as a medium for retouching gelatine plates. The gum is also used in making varnish. Gutta-percha. The hardened juice of Isonandra gutta is largely used for photographic purposes in the form of dishes, bottles for hydrofluoric acid, and in other ways. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl, also called Muriatic Acid and Spirits of Salt). The pure substance is a colourless gas of suffocating odour, and is prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on common salt. It forms a clear solution with water, in which form it is used in the platinotype process. The yellow colour of some solutions of this acid is due to impurities, such as iron and chlorine. This impure form must be avoided for photographic work. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF = 20).—The use of this acid requires great care, owing to its corrosive properties. It should be kept in a gutta- percha bottle. In photography its chief use is in stripping gelatine. films from glass plates and for reversing gelatine negatives. Take one part of the acid and twenty parts of water, and in this place the plates to be stripped; in a short time the gelatine film will leave the glass readily. For reversing a gelatine negative, take a clean glass larger than the negative, rub it over with French chalk, and then coat it with collodion. The negative to be stripped may now be placed in the acid solution, and, when loosened, the film should be removed to a dish of water. When the acid has been washed away, the collodionised plate may be placed under the film in the dish, and removed with the film carefully adjusted as required. A sheet of india- rubber may be placed over it and the water squeegeed out. When dry, the negative may be stripped in the usual way, or left in a reversed position on the glass. MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 267 Hydrogen Dioxide (H,O,, also called Peroxide of Hydrogen).-The name of oxygenated water has been given to this substance, as in its composition there is no other difference than the presence of one atom more of oxygen, and as it readily decomposes into oxygen and water. It is sold as a solution in water, and is known as "20 vol" or "10 vol" solution, according to the amount of oxygen which it will evolve. One of its uses is as a bleaching agent, and it may be used to remove stains from paper. By passing prints which have been fixed with sodium thiosulphate through a solution of hydrogen peroxide the action is supposed to be the elimination of the sulphur salt. Hydroquinone (CH(OH),; the synonyms are Quinol and Di- hydroxybenzene).-This substance has been known to chemists for many years, but it is only recently that its use as a reducing agent in photography has become general. It is sometimes referred to under different names, but quinol is a correct term for it, and pro- bably will be generally adopted. The opinions of those who have tried quinol as a developing agent are very various; some give the preference to "pyro;" but there can be no doubt that the qualities of quinol are good, and that in some cases it gives superior results. The literature of the subject is already very voluminous. It is, per- haps, too early to pronounce an opinion on the qualities of this recently introduced substance. The following is the method for the preparation of hydroquinone. A fuller description may be found in the Berliner Berichte, ii. 1103. Aniline, the basis in the manufacture of so many colours used in dyeing, is dissolved in sulphuric acid and water with potassium bichromate, the proportions being- Aniline Sulphuric acid • Potassium bichromate in powder Water • I part. 8 parts. 231/ 30 A brown liquid is the result, to which potassium sulphite is added, and is then extracted with ether by distillation, and the residue is dissolved in hot water to which sulphurous acid and mineral charcoal are added, and the solution is then boiled and filtered. The quinol crystallises out in hexagonal rhombohedral prisms, which are soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. By sublimation quinol takes a different form on crystallisation, showing that it is dimorphous. Its solution reduces silver nitrate, which property makes it useful in photography. Solutions of hydroquinone become brown in the air, and quinone is formed, but they are more permanent in presence of sulphurous acid. "Permanent hydroquinone" occurs in commerce in yellow needle- 268 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. like crystals. On account of the mode of manufacture it contains traces of sulphurous acid, which renders the material less liable to oxidation than the ordinary quinol. The following formulæ for developing solutions for gelatino-bromide plates are selected from a large number. The first are the results of ex- periments by Mr. Green, and are said to give a fine quality of image, a good colour, and to develop in the same time as "pyro" and ammonia :- a. Quinol Citric acid Sodium sulphite (recrystallised) Water b. Caustic potash (fused) • Sodium sulphite (recrystallised) Water • c. Potassium bromide Water d. Caustic potash (fused) Water 80 grains. IO 80 "" "" 20 ounces. 160 grains. 160 20 ounces. 24 grains. I ounce. 160 grains. 20 ounces. For normal exposures use equal parts of a and b, adding 5 minims of c for every ounce of solution. For over-exposed plates use d instead used of b, with an extra quantity of c, and for under-exposed plates omit c, and in extreme cases add 6 to 8 grains more of sodium sulphite to every ounce of developer. If the plates show a tendency to frill, they must be immersed for one minute in a 5 per cent. solution of alum before fixing. Sodium thiosulphate, in the proportion of 4 ounces to 20 ounces of water, should be used for fixing. In the next formula the solutions are used in the proportion of 4 ounces of a and 30 drops of 1. a. Quinol Water b. Ammonia Water • 25 grains. 20 ounces. I drachm, 9 drachms. In the following formula potassium bromide is used:- No. 1. Quinol • Sodium sulphite Sodium carbonate Water • No. 2 a. Quinol • Potassium meta-bisulphite Potassium bromide Water • b. Potassium hydrate Water. I part. 2 parts. 10 67 4 grains. 4 I grain. I ounce. 10 grains. I ounce. MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 269 Use equal parts of 2 a and 2 b with No. 1, and with some plates the bromide may be omitted. In all cases distilled water should be used. If, as is alleged, negatives having the qualities of wet plates can be obtained with quinol, there will be much advantage in its use for some purposes, particularly in cases where clear glass in the shadows is necessary, as, for instance, for negatives for any of the mechanical processes, such as photo-lithography and zinc etching. By the ordinary method with "pyro" such negatives are scarcely to be obtained, and the wet process must be used. Amongst amateurs the collodion process has gone so completely out of use that, for them, to make comparisons is little better than useless; but those who know what a really good collodion negative is should keep such in view as a guide in working with dry plates. As an advantage in favour of quinol it is claimed that many plates may be developed in the same solution; but it should be borne in mind that the first plate will most certainly be better than the last. It is also recommended to commence the development with old solution, and finish with new. Quinol may be used as a developer for bromide paper. (See Developing and Developers.) Hydroxylamine (NH₂O).—Although this substance has been known for some years as a reducing agent, it has not come into general use. The crystals are tabular and colourless. For developing gelatino- bromide plates the following formula is recommended by Messrs. Egli and Spiller:- 1. Alcohol • Hydroxylamine 2. Water Caustic soda 15 parts. I part. 8 parts. I part, For use, five parts of each are added to sixty parts of water. The following gives good results with all kinds of dry plates :- 1. Alcohol Hydroxylamine 2. Water Caustic soda 3. Potassium bromide Water • 4 ounces. 2 drachms. 4 ounces. 4 drachms. 50 grains. 3 ounces. For use, one drachm each of 1 and 2 are mixed with half a drachm of 3 to each ounce of water. It is claimed that, although more costly than "pyro," more plates can be developed with hydroxylamine; but the same remark must apply as in the use of hydroquinone, viz., that the first plates developed will be better than the last. "Hypo" Eliminators.-The cause of the instability of silver prints 270 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. has occupied the attention of many chemists, with the result that remedies have been suggested which cannot be said to have been so successful in practice as was desirable. That "hypo" left in the paper after fixing is primarily the cause of fading is generally acknow- ledged, and to eliminate the last trace of this valuable, but here objec- tionable, substance has been the object aimed at. Eau de Javelle (potassium hypochlorite), Labarraques' solution (sodium hypochlorite), Holmes' ozone bleach, Frandreau's eliminator (zine hypochlorite), and some others have been used. These substances are all un- stable, and the oxygen which they yield combines with the "hypo,” which becomes sodium sulphate. There is more or less danger to the prints from the use of any of these substances, the products of the reactions being as detrimental as the trace of "hypo" they were in- tended to remove. Danger from these supposed "eliminators" is likely to arise from the possibility of less careful washing and relying on the "eliminator" to make up for the defective washing. One of the safest remedies was proposed by the late Dr. Angus Smith more than twenty years ago. The prints, after fixing and washing, are to be placed in water to which has been added a small quantity of per- oxide of hydrogen. The effect of this is to convert the "hypo” into sulphate, which, if left in the photograph, will do no harm; but it should be removed by washing in a few changes of water. The prints should not be left many minutes in the water containing the peroxide of hydrogen, as its action is very energetic, and would soon attack the print itself. There is another objection to this eliminator —it is itself unstable; so that, if effectual in removing the "hypo" while freshly made, it could not be relied on after it had been kept some time, The best "eliminator" is water. (See Washing.) Hyposulphite of Soda (see Sodium Thiosulphate). India-rubber or Caoutchouc.-This is a compound of hydrogen and carbon. It is the dried juice of certain tropical trees, such as the Ficus elastica; when pure it is white. If some of the white part of the substance is dissolved in one part of methylated ether and two parts of benzolene, it may be used as a mountant for photographs. It has the advantage of not cockling the mount, but it has the disadvantage that in course of time the india-rubber may decompose, so as to cause the print to leave the mount. When combined with sulphur in various proportions we have vulcanite and other forms of india-rubber, which serve many useful purposes in photography, as also in other branches of science and art. In a very dilute form india-rubber is sometimes used as a substratum. Iodine (I. At. wt. 126.53; sp. gr. 4.95).- This element is derived from kelp, which is the ash from certain kinds of seaweed in which it is found as the iodides of magnesium and sodium. Iodides MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 271 are now largely obtained from the Chili nitrate and from Stassfurt. It is a dark-coloured crystalline solid, but slightly soluble in water, and more readily in alcohol and potassium iodide. With alcohol it forms tincture of iodine. It forms salts (iodides) with the metals, many of which find an application in photography. Stains of silver nitrate may be easily removed from the skin by first touching the parts with the tincture and then with potassium cyanide. Care must be taken that the skin is whole when these remedies are applied. The vapour of iodine was one of the earliest substances used in photography. (See Daguerreotype Process.) (C Iron (Fe.; At. wt. 55.9; sp. gr. 7.8).—Although one of the most widely distributed and valuable of the metals, iron in its metallic state is very little used in photography. In what are called ferrotypes" thin plates of the metal are used to hold the collodion pictures, the iron being coated with varnish to protect it from the silver solution, or, in other words, to prevent the iron causing the solution of silver to decompose. Various salts of the metal form some of the most energetic and valuable reducing agents, as will be seen by reference to the formulæ given for developing solutions. Amongst the processes in which salts of iron are used may be named the Blue process (Ferro-prussiate), the Platinotype, and some others, which are described under their several headings. Iron, Ammonio-Citrate of (see Ferric Ammonium Citrate). Isinglass.—The best isinglass is made from the swimming bladder of the sturgeon. It is a pure form of gelatine, and takes the place of that substance in some of the photo-mechanical processes. Jena Glass.—Lenses are now being made by Zeiss and others with a new kind of glass, manufactured under the direction of Professor Abbe in Jena, Austria. A lens 9 inch focus is said to cover a plate 20 by 16, and one of 14 inch focus will cover 30 inches for landscape work. Until the introduction of this new glass opticians were limited to the use of about a dozen different kinds; the new kind is made in ninety varieties, all possessing different qualities. Kaolin (China or Porcelain Clay). The principal use of this substance, which is formed by the disintegration of the felspar of granite, is in decolorising silver solutions. When albumenised paper has been floated on the silver solution it becomes discoloured, if certain salts have been used, and the effect of shaking up the solution with a small quantity of kaolin is to cause it to become clear, the colouring matter settling with the kaolin. Animal charcoal produces the same effect. Lavender, Oil of.-This oil is prepared by distillation from the plant Lavandula vera. Under the name of oil of spike a common 272 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 1 kind is sold. Bitumen is soluble in oil of lavender, and was thus used in the earliest photographic experiments. The oil is still used as a solvent, but turpentine answers the same purpose. Lead (Pb.). For most purposes, when acids are not present, leaden vessels may be used in photographic processes. In the etching. methods, where nitric acid is used, care should be taken that the waste acids are not thrown into places where the waste pipes are of lead or other metal. Lead acetate has been used as a "hypo" eliminator. Lead Nitrate (Pb(NO3)2).-The use of this salt of lead is referred to under the heading Intensifying. Lithium Chloride (LiCl). This chloride forms a white deli- quescent mass, readily soluble in water and alcohol. It is occasionally used in emulsions. The bromide and iodide are but seldom employed. Litmus. For the purpose of testing the alkalinity or acidity of solutions, strips of paper which have been stained with litmus are used, and for all practical purposes in photography this test is sufficient. In the delicate operations conducted by the practical chemist this test is not always reliable, as the litmus is not affected by some acids; substances such as methyl-orange, turmeric, phenol- phthalein, and some others, are then used. Litmus is prepared from some kinds of lichen which grow on rocks near the sea. The colour- ing matter is extracted by a peculiar process in which potash is used, and for commercial purposes is made up into cakes with chalk. When required for making test-paper the colour is softened with hot water, and the unsized paper is soaked in the blue solution. This forms the blue test-paper required for ascertaining the presence of acids. The paper is also supplied reddened. For this purpose the blue paper is steeped in water acidified with sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. An alkaline solution turns this red paper to a blue colour. Test-paper should be kept in a bottle to exclude the air. If the paper should by exposure become red, the colour may be restored by being held over the mouth of a bottle containing ammonia. Liver of Sulphur (see Potassium Sulphile). Magnesium (Mg). For the use of this metal for photographic purposes see Magnesium Light. The bromide (MgBr, + 3H,O) and iodide (MgI) of this metal may be used in collodion, and the chloride (MgCl₂) is used in gelatino- chloride emulsion. Mastic or Gum Mastic.-This gum may be dissolved in alcohol, chloroform, and other solvents. It is used in the preparation of varnish. Mercuric Chloride (HgCl; also called Bichloride of Mercury and Corrosive Sublimate).—A highly poisonous white compound, soluble in 16 parts of water. It dissolves in 2 parts of alcohol or 3 parts of MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 273 ether. It is used for intensifying negatives. When the plate has been thoroughly washed after fixing, a solution of mercuric chloride, if left for a time on the plate (which must be in a dish covered with the solution or on a levelling stand), whitens or bleaches the film; the mercuric chloride has reacted with the silver in the film, and another substance, calomel (Hg₂Cl₂) has been formed. The white image may be changed in various ways. A solution of ammonia turns it black. Sodium thiosulphate answers the same purpose, but ammonia is generally used. Mercury or Quicksilver (Hg).—In its liquid state there is now no use for this metal in photography, but in the daguerreotype process the vapour produced by the application of heat was used to develop the latent image. Meta-Gelatine.-A solution of gelatine which has been boiled and allowed to cool several times loses its power of forming a jelly on cooling, and in this state is called meta-gelatine. It has been used in the collodion process as a preservative. The preparation of the substance was thus described by Mr. Maxwell Lyte :-Dissolve 1 ounces of white gelatine in 10 ounces of boiling water, and then add 60 minims of strong sulphuric acid, diluted with 2 ounces of water. Boil for five minutes and allow to cool. Boil again for five minutes. and again cool. The operation must be repeated if it should still gelatinise. When it remains fluid, the acid is neutralised with powdered chalk, and the sulphate of lime which is formed is removed by squeezing the fluid through a cloth. Methylated Spirit. When 10 parts of wood-naphtha are added to 90 parts of rectified spirit, what is called methylated spirit is formed. This was allowed to be sold duty free. For most purposes in photo- graphy this inferior spirit answers as well as the best. In the collodion process it may be used in the developing solutions, and when it is required to dry gelatine plates quickly; if they are immersed in this spirit for a few minutes, most of the water is absorbed, and the plates are quickly dried in a current of air. It is also the solvent in the preparation of varnishes. Another and inferior kind of methylated spirit is sold under the name of finish. This contains three ounces of shellac or sandarac to each gallon of spirit. If when water is added to methylated spirit the solution turns milky, it shows that it is the inferior kind. As some change has recently been made by the Excise Department of the Inland Revenue in the quantity of gum to be added to the spirit before it may be sold duty free, what has been said as to its use for photographic purposes may require to be modified. If, instead of the methyl spirit now used to degrade the alcohol, any kind of S 274 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. mineral spirit is substituted, such degraded spirit would no longer be suitable for photographic purposes.¹ 1 Mounts. The difference in appearance between a mounted and an unmounted photograph is so marked that some consideration should be given to the kind of mount to which the print should be attached. There can be very little doubt that plate paper (that is, the kind of paper on which large engravings are usually printed, having printed on it a tint to imitate india-paper about an inch larger in every way than the photograph) has the best appearance, especially when the mounting has been done under pressure, so as to leave a plate-mark on the mount. The professional mounters of photographs have a method for effecting this kind of mounting which leaves nothing to be desired. If cardboard mounts are used, they should be thick, at least six-sheet, otherwise, when the prints are large, the cockling of the board has a bad appearance. It is entirely a matter of taste whether photographs should have border lines of any kind when mounted on cardboard. When the india-tinted mounts are used, border lines are altogether unsuitable and unnecessary. Nitric Acid (HNO,; also called Aqua fortis).—This is generally obtained of sp. gr. 1.42, but acid of sp. gr. 1.2 is used for most photo- graphic purposes. The pure acid is employed for dissolving silver to form silver nitrate. The strong acid is mixed with sulphuric acid in the preparation of pyroxylin. For acidifying the silver bath the pure acid must be employed Nitric acid of the "commercial" quality is used as a solvent for the zinc in etching the plates for making blocks for printing purposes. A weak solution of the acid is used as a clearing solution after collodion plates have been strength- ened with lead nitrate. The acid is employed in various other ways in photographic manipulation; amongst others, the commercial kind is useful, when diluted, for cleaning glass plates. Care should be observed in handling nitric acid, as it produces stains on the skin, while the fumes given off by the acid, especially on dissolving the metals in it, are of a highly poisonous nature. Oxalic Acid (H2C2O4 + 2H2O).—A crystalline white solid, some- what easily soluble in water and alcohol. The free acid may be used in the platinotype printing process to acidify the sensitising and develop- ing solutions. Many of its salts are of importance in photography, as the potassium, sodium, and iron oxalates. It is highly poisonous. 1 The duty-free spirit is now sold mixed with mineral naphtha or oil. In order to obtain the spirit methylated so that it is fit for photographic use, application must be made to the Board of Inland Revenue, who will grant a special authority on satisfactory evidence being given that the spirit is to be used for the purpose stated. Application must be made to an officer of the Inland Revenue, and when the order is granted, the spirit may be obtained from a distiller. MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 275 Ox-Gall. The gall of the ox, when purified and evaporated, is the substance used by artists to cause water-colours to flow readily. The surface of albumenised paper is repellent to aqueous solutions; and as water-colour is often used on such paper, it will be found that a small quantity of ox-gall mixed with the colour will entirely remove the greasiness of the surface. Palladium (Pd). This metal was discovered by Wollaston in platinum ores. The salt used in photography for toning is the palladious chloride, PdCl. The following is said to give good colour to prints on plain salted paper :— Palladious chloride Sodium sulphite Water • I grain. 60 grains. IO ounces. • The result is very similar to platinum toning, but, as the metal is much more costly (about 6d. per grain) than platinum, it is not likely to take the place of the latter metal or gold. Paper.—At the time when photographers had to prepare their own paper, the proper kind to select was a matter of great importance; they had very little choice, and Whatman's writing-paper was gene- rally used, but after a time paper was manufactured specially for photographic purposes. Amongst the makers the names of Canson, Marion, Hollingworth, and Harrison occur; later, the papers known as Saxe and Rive came generally into the market, and are now almost exclusively used. The qualities of paper of different make are almost as varied as their makers, although the materials used are in all cases the same—that is, cotton and linen. The difference arises. chiefly in the kind of size used. As, however, the photographer in these latter days takes advantage of the convenience of using paper which he can purchase ready prepared, so far as the plain or albumenised papers are concerned, his choice lies between the Saxe and Rive, which may be had of different thicknesses, and generally of the size about 22 × 18 inches. When the paper is required ready sensitised, the purchaser has many varieties to select from, and no advice can be given, as one operator will succeed with a certain kind when another will fail. When a sheet of paper is examined by reflected light, it will be found that the two surfaces are not alike; one side is slightly smoother than the other. The smooth side should be selected and marked. Whatman's drawing-paper may be used when a photograph is to be finished in water-colours. When selecting the proper surface, it should be examined for minute specks of metal, which sometimes. causes serious defects in the print. Cardboard.-When two or more sheets of paper are pasted together, 276 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. we have a substance on which it is convenient to mount photographs, and care should be taken to select the best. The surface should be perfectly even, as it not unfrequently happens that the paper forming the middle of the sheet of cardboard is of inferior quality to the exterior sheets; and, should there be any irregularities, the effect of the mounted print will certainly be deteriorated. Another important matter in selecting the best is that prints mounted on inferior board frequently fade owing to impurities in the paper. Generally it may be said that cardboard of the best quality will be free from the defects referred to. Paraphenylene-diamine (CH(NH2)2).—This is another of the sub- stances allied to hydroquinone, which can be used to develop gelatino- bromide plates, but there appears to be no advantage gained by its use. Platinum (Pt).—This valuable and rare metal, owing to its not being soluble in acids, excepting in aqua regia, and to its great in- fusibility, is used for many purposes in the chemical laboratory. The salts of the metal are used in the platinotype process. There are two series of the platinum salts, the platinous and platinic compounds. The most important of these is Platinic chloride (PtCl), a brown deliquescent solid, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It is sensitive to light, and forms double salts with the chlorides of the alkali metals, e.g., PtCl4 + 2 KCl. Platinous Chloride (PtCl₂) plays, together with its double salt PtCl + 2KCl, an important part in the platinotype process. Ferrous oxalate reduces it to platinum black. Platinum salts can also take the place of gold compounds as toning agents. 2 Poisons. Many of the substances used in photography are of a most poisonous nature; but, as such substances should always be kept in bottles of a blue colour, carefully labelled, and placed out of the way of children, very little need be said excepting by way of caution. It is difficult to conceive that fluids in use in the workroom of a photographer, whether amateur or professional, would ever be swallowed by accident, while the poison in the solid state could scarcely be used for suicidal purposes. The precautions to be observed when using potassium bichromate have already been alluded to in treating of the carbon process, but should any be taken into the stomach, an emetic, powdered chalk or magnesia, should be adminis- tered. The antidote for potassium cyanide is a solution of iron proto- sulphate as used for developing. There are others, but they would take too long to prepare, and in cases of poisoning with cyanide the antidote must be given at once. Mercury bichloride, another of the most active poisons in common use, permits of no delay in administer- ing an antidote. The white of an egg or a mixture of flour and water MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 277 should be given at once. For silver nitrate a solution of common salt is the best remedy. If acids have been taken, any alkali will be the most effectual; chalk, or a lump of plaster knocked from a wall, would be a good substitute if powdered and mixed with water. Potassium Bromide (KBr).-A white crystalline solid, soluble in 10 parts of water, and but slightly soluble in alcohol or ether. It is used in the gelatine emulsion, and acts as a restrainer in the developing solutions for gelatine plates. Potassium Carbonate (K,CO).-This salt is known under various names, such as potashes, pearl-ash, salt of tartar, and subcarbonate of potash. It is used in the development of gelatine plates. The crude potashes should not be used in developing solution on account of impurities which have a deleterious influence. Potassium Chlorate (KCIO,; Chlorate of Potash).—It crystallises in shining plates, not readily soluble in water. It easily parts with oxygen, and is therefore a powerful oxidising agent. It is used in the platinotype process as an ingredient of the sensitising solution. Potassium Chloroplatinite (K,PtC1).In the platinotype process this is called red salt, and its use is, that with ferrous oxalate, it reduces the platinum to the metallic state. Potassium Cyanide (KCN; commonly called Cyanide, or Cyanide of Potassium).A most powerful poison. It is generally used in the collodion process in preference to sodium thiosulphate to dissolve the iodide of silver from the film, or, in other words, to fix the image. The solution should be used only of such strength as will be sufficient to dissolve the iodide, as the cyanide salt possesses the power of acting on metallic silver, and thus would weaken the image. Potassium cyanide cannot be used to fix gelatine plates, as it has a solvent action on the gelatine. Potassium Dichromate (K,Cr2O7; also called Bichromate of Potash and Red Chromate of Potash).-In the presence of gelatine this salt is acted on by light and the gelatine is made insoluble. It is this quality which makes it valuable in all processes such as photo- lithography and zinc-etching. The salt in the latter case is used with albumen, in which the action is similar to that with gelatine. Potassium Ferricyanide (K,FeCy; also called Ferridcyanide of Potash and Red Prussiate of Potash).—When chlorine gas is passed into a solution of potassium ferrocyanide the oxidising action of the chlorine produces the ferricyanide. This substance is employed in many of the formulæ described. The ferricyanide gives a dark blue compound with ferrous salts, ferrous ferricyanide, Fe,Fe,Cy12, or Turnbull's blue. It is used in the preparation of blue prints, and, with sodium thiosulphate, as a reducing agent for negatives that are too dense. 278 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Potassium Ferrocyanide (K,FeCy+ 3H2O; also called Yellow Prussiate of Potash).-In the cyanotype process, in which the image. on the paper is white on a blue ground, this salt is employed, to- gether with a ferric salt. The two compounds produce a blue insoluble body, ferric ferrocyanide or Prussian blue (Fe2)2(FeCy6)3. Potassium Iodide (KI).-This salt is used in the preparation of gelatine emulsion. It is made by dissolving iodine in solution of caustic potash; it is then evaporated, and the solid mass is ignited to redness. It is soluble in 70 parts of alcohol and in 120 parts of alcohol and ether. Potassium Oxalate (C₂K₂O4 + H2O; Oxalate of Potash).—A colour- less crystalline solid, readily soluble in water. Its solution must not have an alkaline reaction. The water employed should be free from calcium, otherwise it forms a white precipitate of calcium oxalate. The principal use for this salt is in the platinotype process, in which it is used as the developer; in the production of ferrous oxalate the salt is also used for developing gelatino-bromide plates. Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4; Permanganate of Potash).- This salt forms dark metallic-looking crystals. It is freely soluble in water, with which it gives a deep violet solution. It may be used to intensify plates in the wet collodion process. In the form known as Condy's fluid it is a disinfectant. Its action depends on its being a powerful oxidising agent, for which reason it can also be used for purifying the silver bath by oxidising the organic matter which has become dissolved in it. Potassium Sulphide (K,S,; commonly called Liver of Sulphur).— It consists of a mixture of sulphides of potassium made by heating sulphur and potassium carbonate in closed vessels, and is used to pre- cipitate silver from solution of sodium thiosulphate. Pyrocatechin (CH(OH)2; Ortho-dihydroxybenzene, Catechol, Oxyphenic Acid, Brenzcatechin). This substance is one of the derivatives of coal-tar, and is isomeric with hydroquinone (the paradi- hydroxybenzene), and can be used as a developing agent in photo- graphy. It was first employed by Toth and Eder in 1880, who claim for it a more energetic action than hydroquinone. The formula is: A. Pyrocatechin. Sodium sulphite Water B. Potash • • • Water I part. 4 parts. 40 4 40 Mix one part of A. to two parts of B. The high price at present prevents the general use of this sub- stance, but (as has been the case with its relatives eikonogen, MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 279 hydroquinone, and pyrogallol) if there were advantages in its use, the discovery of cheaper modes of production would quickly cause a reduction in price. Pyrogallol (CH,(OH),; Pyrogallic Acid, Pyro, Trihydroxybenzene). -Pyrogallol is a trihydroxybenzene derived from gallic acid by de- structive distillation, carbon dioxide being driven off as one of the products of decomposition, the reaction being :- C6H2(HO)3COOH=CH₂(HO)3 + CO₂ Gallic acid. Pyrogallol. Gallic acid was one of the earliest reducing agents used in photo- graphy, but, although the substance derived from it (pyrogallic acid) was known as early as 1831, it was not until 1851 that it was first suggested by Liebig and Regnault as a developing agent, and it still. maintains its position, although the allied substances hydroquinone, eikonogen, and some others, have recently become established as rivals. In the manufacture of pyrogallol, gallic acid is subjected to a temperature of about 410° F., when the latter is decomposed and the pyrogallol is condensed in lamellar shining-white crystals. The sub- stance is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and quickly decomposes on exposure to the air or in aqueous solution; so that the addition of sodium sulphite, citric acid, or some other substance is necessary to arrest the decomposition. When the collodion process was first introduced, pyrogallic acid was almost exclusively used as a developing agent; but it was superseded by iron protosulphate, and is now used in the wet collodion pro- cess, chiefly in redeveloping (or strengthening) the negative image. When, however, dry processes were introduced, pyrogallol became of the utmost value, as it was found by Colonel Russell that in presence of ammonia its action was that of a powerful developing agent for tannin plates; and it has the same properties and advantages with gelatino-bromide plates. The affinity of an alkaline solution of pyrogallol for oxygen makes it necessary to restrain its action, and for this purpose potassium bromide is used. Pyrogallol or pyrogallic acid can lay no claim to the title of an acid; it is more correctly a triatomic phenol. It is a neutral com- pound, which neither reddens litmus nor forms any well-defined salts. Pyroxylin or Gun-Cotton.-That used in photography is essen- tially a tetra-nitrate and penta-nitrate of cellulose, C₁₂H16(ONO2)406 and C₁₂H15(ONO2)505, which dissolve in alcohol and ether, forming collodion. These compounds are formed by warming cotton for some. time with 20 parts nitre and 30 parts concentrated sulphuric acid. The peculiar properties of pyroxylin depend on the character of the 280 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. fibre from which it is made, the proportions of the acids used in its manufacture, and the temperature at which the cotton is immersed. As the preparation of pyroxylin is a somewhat troublesome opera- tion, very few amateurs will make it for themselves; but, for those who wish to attempt its preparation, two of the formula with the necessary directions are given here. Hardwich is the authority usually quoted, and the following is condensed from his "Photographic Chemistry." The Nitre Process.-Only the best nitrate of potash should be used. It must be reduced to a powder, dried on a hot metal plate in an oven, and again pulverised. Take of- Oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid) Dried nitre (potassium nitrate) Water. Best cotton-wool 6 ounces. 3/1/2 I ounce. 60 grains. The acid and water must be mixed in a cup or other porcelain vessel, the sulphuric acid being poured into the water (on no account must the water be poured into the acid, as serious explosions and burns through the scattered acid may result), and the powdered potassium nitrate stirred in with a glass rod. The cotton must be pulled into balls about the size of a walnut, and when a thermometer placed in the acid remains at 60° C. (140° F.), the cotton balls must be put in singly and pressed against the sides of the cup with a glass rod. If the temperature of the acid falls below 140° F., the cup must be floated on boiling water to raise the heat. The cotton must remain in the acid ten minutes, the excess of acid must be poured off, the pyroxylin pressed against the cup with the glass rod, and the whole. then quickly placed in cold water and moved about until it is itself quite cold. - The Process with Mixed Acids. — In this process larger quantities of cotton may be treated, as the temperature has less chance of altera- tion. Take of Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.45 Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.84 Water. Cotton 6 ounces. 18 44 400 grains. Into a deep narrow porcelain vessel pour first the water, then the nitric acid, and the sulphuric acid last, and stir well with a glass rod. The temperature at first will indicate from 165° to 170° F. (70° to 80° C.), which will in about twenty minutes fall to 140° F. (60° C.), the proper temperature for immersing the cotton. This is very im- portant, and the acids must be stirred with the thermometer to ensure accuracy. The 400 grains of cotton must be separated into two MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 281 equal weights-one-half set aside to be dealt with afterwards, the other divided into about twenty portions, all to be pulled out loosely, and each portion put separately into the acids when the temperature has reached the proper point. This must be quickly done, and the cotton moved about and pressed against the side of the vessel to ensure the acids being properly taken up. The vessel must now be covered up and left for ten minutes. The cotton is then taken out quickly, if possible in one mass, and pressed against the side of a shallow vessel; then pour away the acid into the deep vessel, at once put the cotton and the vessel containing it into a large quantity of water, and immediately take hold of it with the hand, rapidly moving it about until it is cool and separates in the water. The second half of the cotton may now be treated, the acids being warmed in a hot-air bath to 144° F., and 6 drachms of sulphuric acid added; allow to cool to 140° F., and put in the 200 grains of cotton, treating it like the first half. The pyroxylin must now be washed. Pour off all the water, and then allow running water to pass through the wool for forty-eight hours. When thoroughly washed, squeeze out all the water, pull the fibre out well, and expose it in the air to dry on blotting-paper. In the summer, sun heat may be used to complete the drying; at other times a drying dish containing sulphuric acid must be used. The pyroxylin when thoroughly dry should be kept in stoppered bottles. Pyroxylin may also be made from linen, wood, calico, paper, and other substances. Quinol (see Hydroquinone). Ready Sensitised Paper.-Directions for preparing paper with silver nitrate will be found under the heading Printing and Toning. When paper is required only in small quantities, it may be purchased ready for use; and although the results after printing may not be equal to the freshly prepared paper, the saving of time and trouble is considerable. Many formulæ have been published for preserving paper in a sensitive state, (the tendency of freshly prepared paper is to turn yellow after a few days, and in some cases hours); amongst them is the following, recommended by Mr. Ashman :— White gum-arabic, picked Tartaric acid Hydrochloric acid Citric acid Water 3 parts. 2 2 • 2 . 100 "" The paper is sensitised in the usual way, and when dry it must be floated on the back on the above solution for four or five minutes, dried, and then stored under pressure. 282 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Another method for preserving paper is given by Mr. Burton as under :- "For ordinary printing, where the highest degree of sensitiveness is desired, the proportion of silver must be increased, and the paper should be fumed with ammonia before being used:- Nitrate of silver Citric acid Water 75 grains. 75 3 ounces. "Take one-fourth of this quantity (oz.), and having formed a full sheet of ordinary albumenised paper into a dish by turning up the edges say one-fourth of an inch all round-pour upon it the sensi- tising fluid, and spread it with a Buckle's or Blanchard's brush." If it is only required to keep for a short time paper which has been freshly sensitised, it may be placed between paper which has been saturated with sodium bicarbonate. When the soda paper is quite dry the sensitised sheets are placed face to face between the preserving paper. It must be borne in mind that ready-sensitised paper will not keep indefinitely, also that there is much difference in the keeping qualities of the various kinds in the market. The best results on albumenised paper can only be obtained when the paper is freshly prepared, and not subjected to any "preserving " process; but the great convenience of having paper always ready, and the trouble of preparing it avoided, has made ready-sensitised paper almost an absolute necessity, and it is now probably used by every amateur and most professional photographers. Rodinal. This fluid, recently introduced for developing gelatino- bromide plates, is a concentrated solution of Para-amidophenol. For negatives which have received a normal exposure, the rodinal should be diluted with 30 parts of water; but with 40 parts of water the development would be more under control. When a plate has been over-exposed potassium bromide should be added, or a portion of the developing solution which has already been used. If under-exposed, the negative should be developed with a weak solution of rodinal. From 100 to 200 parts of water may be added to the developing solution if used for gelatino-bromide paper. It will be noticed that this is a one-solution developer, and it is well spoken of by many of those who have tried it. This new developing solution is patented by Dr. M. Andresen. It is supplied ready for use. Sandarac or Juniper Resin.-This gum or resin is soluble in turpentine and alcohol, and is sometimes used in making varnish. Shellac or Gum Lac.-This is a brown gum, which may be bleached till nearly white. It is used in making varnish, and for some other MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 283 purposes, such as the preservation of wood from the action of fluids. It is readily soluble in alcohol. Silver (Ag. At. wt. = 108; sp. gr. 10.5).—In its metallic state silver is used in the form of wire for dippers for the wet collodion silver bath; the small quantity of nitric acid in the solution has very little effect on the wire; the wire is also used as the corner supports in the carrier frames. It was formerly used in the daguerreotype process in thin sheets attached to a thicker plate of copper, and upon the silver surface the picture was formed. When dissolved in nitric acid, silver nitrate is formed. Sulphuric acid also acts as a solvent, forming sulphate of silver. This metal is found combined with various substances as a chloride in horn silver, the term by which it was known to the alchemists; it also occurs in lead and copper ores, and it is found combined with sulphur, antimony, and bromine. The purity of the colour of the metal is preserved unless exposed in the air to sulphuretted hydrogen, which causes the surface to tarnish. The various salts of silver enter very largely into most of the photographic processes. Silver Bromide (AgBr = 188).—-The precipitate formed when an alkaline bromide is added to silver nitrate, is known as silver bromide, and when used in the preparation of gelatine plates gives the extreme sensitiveness to light which such plates possess. The reactions which light causes in the haloid salts of silver are still matters of specula- tion amongst chemists, and although the subject has caused much experimental research, it cannot be said that satisfactory results have yet been arrived at. It was with the vapour of bromine that the daguerreotype plate was made extremely sensitive to light when used with the vapour of iodine, and it is the presence of the bromide with the silver in the gelatine film which gives the value to the latest improvement in photography known as the gelatino-bromide process. Silver Chloride (AgCl = 143.5).—The earliest record we have of the chemical change produced by light was the observation that in its native state horn silver, which is the chloride of the metal, changed colour when exposed to light in the presence of organic matter of any kind, changing from all shades of grey to blackness. This quality of changing colour renders this salt of silver of the greatest value to photographers, as upon it depends the various processes of printing in which it is used. Silver Iodide (AgI = 235).—It is distinguished from the bromide and chloride by its yellow colour. In the wet collodion process the iodide contained in the collodion becomes converted into silver iodide when acted on by the silver nitrate in the silver solution or bath, and 284 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. in this state is highly sensitive to light. The image produced on the film is invisible, but on the application of suitable reducing salts the picture is revealed, and we have either a negative or positive image, according as the manipulation is modified. Silver iodide is also used = in the preparation of emulsions. Silver Nitrate (AgNO 170; called also Lunar Caustic). As generally employed for photographic purposes, this salt is either in flat crystals, or, when fused, in cakes and sticks, when it is called lunar caustic. The recrystallised salt should be used by preference. Fused nitrate was at one time recommended, but it is possible that silver nitrite may be formed in fusing the salt, and this, if em- ployed in the wet collodion process, causes fog, when the solution cannot be used for some days, during which a change occurs, and the addition of a small quantity of nitric acid puts the bath in working order again. Silver Oxide (Ag₂O = 232).—The oxide of silver has very little use in photography. It is occasionally used to neutralise solutions of silver nitrate, as it is dissolved by any free acid with the formation of the neutral nitrate. Silver Sulphide (Ag,S).-This is the compound formed when liver of sulphur is added to old sodium thiosulphate fixing solution. It is converted into metallic silver by fusion or by mixing with an alkaline carbonate, the latter being the simpler process. 2 2 Sodium Acetate (NaHC₂O₂+ 3H2O).—A crystalline solid which melts without decomposition. It is used with gold chloride in certain formulæ for toning prints. Sodium Carbonate (NaCO3 + 10H₂O. It is known under various names, such as Washing Soda, Sal Soda, Carbonate of Soda).—This salt may be obtained in various degrees of purity, but the common washing-soda is sufficiently pure for making the toning bath alkaline. Soda-ash, a calcined form of the carbonate, free from water of crystal- lisation, is used in the reduction of silver residues. Sodium Chloride (NaCl).—One of the most widely distributed salts, known as common salt, rock-salt, and by various other names. It is generally used, together with silver nitrate, to render paper sensitive to light. Amongst its other uses are its addition to silver solutions to recover the silver, and it may be employed in a moist state for cleaning porcelain or glass, the salt being well rubbed over the dish with the hand. Silver chloride is slightly soluble in a solution of sodium chloride, a difficultly soluble double salt (NaCl + AgCl) being formed. It was this property which enabled the salt to be used for fixing silver prints before the use of sodium thiosulphate was discovered. Sodium Nitrate (NaNO; also called Saltpetre).—A compound MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 285 little used in photography, but it is occasionally added to the silver bath used in the collodion process. Silver nitrate has been adulte- rated by mixture with it. Sodium Oxalate (Na2C2O4).-A crystalline solid, very readily soluble in water, and used in one of the platinotype processes. Sodium Silicate or Water Glass.-The chief use for this salt is in the preparation of the substratum on glass used in the collotype process. It generally occurs in commerce as a syrupy liquid. Sodium Sulphite (Na₂SO, +7H,O).—Sometimes used as a pre- servative of "pyro" and its congeners, as its great affinity for oxygen retards the oxidation of those substances. This ready oxidisability necessitates its being kept in well-closed bottles, otherwise it is soon converted into sodium sulphate. It may also be used for fixing prints; but sodium thiosulphate is cheaper and answers the purpose better. 3 Sodium Thiosulphate (NaS,O,+5H₂O; commonly known as "Hypo" or Hyposulphite of Soda).-In the preparation of this salt a current of sulphur dioxide is passed into a mixed solution of sodium sulphide and caustic soda, and when purified by crystallisation the sodium thiosulphate is obtained in large colourless crystals, soluble in their own weight of water. It can now also be prepared from the residue of the soda manufacture. As no substitute for the substance so long known under the name hyposulphite of soda has yet been discovered, and as its history is not generally known by those who use this valuable fixing agent, no apology is perhaps necessary for introducing here matter which the writer published in 1866. It may be stated that the early photographs on paper were partially fixed by washing with a solution of potassium iodide or bromide. Ammonia had also been tried, but common salt was found to be better for the purpose. The following is quoted from the Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society of April 12, 1866, Photographic section, "Note on the First Use of Hyposulphite of Soda in Photo- graphy":- "During an investigation into the early history of photography, I met with the statement that Daguerre used hyposulphite of soda in his process for fixing the pictures, and also that in Mr. Talbot's patent the use of that substance was included. I was under the impression that Sir John Herschel had pointed out that hyposulphite of soda would fix the photographic image, but was unable to ascertain where or when the discovery was first published. In order to determine this point, I wrote to Sir John Herschel, requesting him to inform me whether the discovery was his, and the date when it was published. To these questions I received the following reply :— 286 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. COLLINGWOOD, October 29, 1864. 'SIR,—I think I may very fairly claim the discovery of the hypo- sulphites as fixing agents, as I believe I was the first to call the attention of chemists to that class of salts and their peculiar habi- tudes, especially in relation to the insoluble salts of silver. In my paper "On the Hyposulphurous Acid and its Compounds," which bears date January 8, 1819, and which appeared in Brewster & Jamieson's Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1819, occur these words:- "One of the most singular characters of the hyposulphites is the property their solutions possess of dissolving muriate of silver and re- taining it in considerable quantities in permanent solution" (p. 11). ""Hyposulphite of Potash.-It dissolves muriate of silver, even when very dilute, with great readiness" (p. 19.) C CC Hyposulphite of Soda.-... Muriate of silver newly precipitated dissolves in this salt when in a somewhat concentrated solution in large quantity, and almost as readily as sugar in water” (p. 19). C. CC Hyposulphite of Strontia.-... Like the rest of the hyposul- phites, it readily dissolves muriate of silver, and alcohol precipitates it as a sweet syrup" (p. 21). ""Hyposulphite of Silver.-Muriate of silver newly precipitated is soluble in all liquid hyposulphites, and, as before observed, in that of soda with great ease and in large quantities. This solution is not accomplished without mutual decomposition, as its intense sweetness proves—a sweetness surpassing that of honey, and diffusing itself over the whole mouth and fauces, without any disagreeable or metallic flavour" (p. 27). 'In a second paper on the same subject, which appeared in the same journal, vol. i. p. 396 et seq., it is shown (inter alia) that the affinity of this acid for silver is such that oxide of silver readily decomposes hyposulphite of soda, and likewise the soda in a caustic state, "the only instance, I believe, yet known of the direct displace- ment of a fixed alkali við humidâ by a metallic oxide ” (p. 397). Hyposulphite of Ammonia and Silver.-Its sweetness is unmixed with any other flavour, and so intense as to cause pain in the throat. ... One grain communicates a perceptible sweetness to 30,000 grs. of water" (p. 399). 6.66 'In a third communication, dated November 1819-"The habi- tudes of this acid with the oxide of mercury are not less singular than its relation to that of silver."—"The red oxide is readily dis- solved by . . . hyposulphite of soda, while the alkali is set at liberty in a caustic state,” &c. &c. 'The very remarkable facts above described I have reason to MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 287 believe attracted a good deal of attention at the time, and thence- forward the ready solubility of silver salts, usually regarded as in- soluble, by the hyposulphites was familiar to every chemist. It would not, therefore, be surprising if Daguerre tried to fix his plates (i.e., to wash off the iodide coating); but I have been informed, though I cannot cite a printed authority for it, that at first he fixed with ammonia, or with a strong solution of common salt. 'For my own part, the use of the hyposulphites was to myself the readiest and most obvious means of procedure, and presented itself at once. My earliest experiments were made in January 1839, and in my notebook I find :- "Exp. 1012.-1839, Jan. 29.-Experiments tried within the last few days, since hearing of Daguerre's secret, and also that Fox Talbot has got something of the same kind." [Here follow some trials of the relative sensitiveness of the nitrate, carbonate, acetate, and muriate of silver. I should observe that at that time I did not even know what kind of pictures Daguerre had produced. This process was not revealed till August 1839.] 6.66 Exp. 1013.-Daguerre's process-attempt to imitate. Requisites —1st, very susceptible paper; 2nd, very perfect camera; 3rd, means of arresting further action. Tried hyposulphite of soda to arrest the action of light by washing away all the chloride of silver or other silver salt; succeeds perfectly. Papers half acted on, half guarded from the light by covering with pasteboard, were withdrawn from sunshine, sponged over with hyposulphite, then washed in pure water, dried, and again exposed. The darkened half remained dark, the white half white, after any exposure, as if they had been painted with sepia." “Jan. 30, 1839.-Formed image of telescope with the aplanatic lens . . . and placed in focus paper with carbonate of silver. An image was formed in white on a sepia-coloured ground . . . which bore washing with hyposulphite of soda, and was then no longer alterable by light. Thus Daguerre's problem is so far solved," &c., &c. Exp. 1014.-Jan. 30.-Tried transfer of print and copper-plate engraved letters," &c., &c. C. CC 'The publication of Daguerre's process (according to Dr. Monck- hoven, for I cannot refer at present to the original document) took place on the 19th August 1839. My early experiments, printed in the notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of March 14, 1839, in which occurs this passage in the abstract of a paper read to the Society :- "Confining his attention in the present notice to the employment of chloride of silver, the author inquires into the method by which the blackened traces can be preserved, which may be effected, he 288 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. observes, by the application of any liquid capable of dissolving and washing off the unchanged chloride, but leaving the reduced oxide of silver untouched. These conditions are best fulfilled by the liquid hyposulphites." "Twenty-three specimens of photographs made by Sir J. Herschel accompany his paper-one a sketch of his telescope at Slough, fixed from its image in a lens.' 'This is the image above mentioned as having been taken on January 30, 1839, and was, I believe, the first picture ever fixed from an optical image ever taken in this country-at least I have heard of none earlier. At the time of making these experiments, as already mentioned, I had no knowledge of M. Daguerre's process further than the mention. of the existence of a process (a secret one) in a note from Admiral (then Captain) Beaufort some time about January 23, 1839. Of course I used paper, not silver-and it was not a suggestion, but a regular and uniform practice to use the hyposulphite-I never used anything else.-I am, Sir, your obedient servant, 'J. F. W. HERSCHEL.' "In reference to the subject of fixing the photographic image, I find the following passage in a paper read before the Royal Society on January 31, 1839, by Mr. Talbot. After referring to the improve- ments of Wedgwood and Davy in 1802, and the difficulties they found in making the paper sufficiently sensible to receive the impression in a camera obscura, and their inability to fix the pictures, the author states that 'his experiments were begun without his being aware of this prior attempt; and that in the course of them he discovered methods of overcoming the two difficulties above related. With respect to the latter he says that he has found it possible by a subse- quent process so to fix the images or shadows formed by the solar rays that they become insensible to light . . . and states that he has exposed some of his pictures to the sunshine for the space of an hour without injury.'" From this it is quite clear that "hypo" was first used for fixing the photographic image by Sir J. Herschel early in 1839. Until 1869 it was not suspected that the "hypo" was not the substance its name implied. In July of that year M. H. Saint-Claire Deville communicated a paper, by M. P. Schützenberger, to the Academy of Sciences, Paris, entitled "Note on a New Sulphur Acid," in which he describes experiments which led to the isolation of a new acid. This new acid he calls "hyposulphurous acid." Without going into particulars, it will be sufficient to say that this discovery showed that the name borne by a substance already known was really MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 289 "; correct for the newly discovered substance. The old "hyposulphite therefore required to be re-named; and as its composition showed that it was sulphuric acid, in which one atom of oxygen was replaced by sulphur, it was called Thiosulphate of Soda. In chemical notation the hyposulphite of soda is NaHSO2, and thiosulphate of soda is Na2S2O3. It is the last-named substance which is so extensively used in photography. In works dealing with photographic matters the term sodium thiosulphate is occasionally met with, but as chemists now recognise two substances, and call the one used in photography by its true name, there seems to be no reason why photographers should not be exact. Pyrogallic acid is another instance in which a change of name has occurred, and Pyrogallol is now recognised as the more correct term; but "pyro" is still used as the diminutive, and if the name must be shortened, instead of "hypo" it would be just as con- venient to say "thio," while there may be some inconvenience in using a term which is not correct. If a photographer were to speak of sodium hyposulphite to a chemist, he would at once think it some- thing different from what was in the mind of the photographer. It seems to the writer that this necessary alteration in the nomenclature of a term now so generally used incorrectly rests very much with the editors of the journals devoted to photography. By them other changes have been introduced, and the change in question presents no greater difficulties. If the term hypo must still be used, it would be better to write it "hypo," and thus show that a quoted, and not the correct term is intended. The use of the sodium thiosulphate as a fixing agent depends upon its power of forming soluble double salts with the haloid compounds of silver, the portion unaltered by exposure being thus removed, and the plate or paper rendered indifferent to light. In using sodium thiosulphate for fixing photographs on paper, it should always be remembered that the solution must be strong. If a weak solution be used, instead of the very soluble double salt Ag,Na₁(SO), there is formed an insoluble one having the formula Ag₂Na,(S₂O3)2, which would remain in the film. Solutions of sodium thiosulphate should never be used a second time, as, after a certain quantity of silver salt has been dissolved, another insoluble double salt begins to be formed, and is precipitated upon the film. It is, therefore, better to use two solutions, each containing not less than 4 ounces of the salt to 20 ounces of water. As it is very difficult to get rid of the last trace of this salt when it has been used for fixing prints on paper, many substances have been suggested as eliminators, amongst them sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen perchloride, and iodine, but they are seldom employed. T 290 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 6 Starch (CH10O5)n.-This substance is prepared from wheat, rice, potatoes, Indian-corn, and other substances. Its principal use to the photographer is for the purpose of mounting photographs, for which it is preferable, as it can be used cold, and if the skin which forms in cooling be taken off, it works smoothly. To prepare starch-paste, sufficient of the powder may be put into a cup, and worked into a paste with cold water; boiling water may then be poured in, and the whole stirred until it is seen that sufficient water has been added. Another way to prepare the starch, after it has been mixed with cold water, is to boil it. The paste does not keep long, and should not be used when it is the least acid. It is difficult to remove prints from the card or paper when starch has been the mountant. The print must be covered with boiling water, and allowed to remain some hours, if it does not come away at once, and in some cases the cardboard may be peeled away from the back. The purest form of starch is known as arrowroot. Unlike ordinary starch, it gives an almost clear solution when boiled with water; this form is, therefore, used in the preparation of some kinds of photo- graphic paper. Starch is sometimes used in sizing paper. Strontium Chloride (SrCl₂+ 6H₂O).-Soluble in water, less readily soluble in alcohol. It can take the place of the other chlorides in photographic processes; but the salts of strontium are very little used. Sulphuric Acid or Hydrogen Sulphate (H₂SO4; commonly called Oil of Vitriol).-It is employed with nitric acid in the manufacture of pyroxylin. It has been used in some developing solutions, but, although one of the most important of the acids, its use in photo- graphy alone is very limited. It is used largely in the preparation of other acids. The acid generally obtained is a heavy, oily, nearly colourless liquid, of sp. gr. 1.83. If exposed in an open vessel in a confined space, such as the glass case containing a balance, this acid, by its strong affinity for water, has the effect of drying the air; this affinity for water necessitates great care in mixing the two substances (as when the acid has to be diluted). The acid must always be poured into the cold water with constant stirring, and never the water into the acid, as explosions would then almost certainly result. Tannic Acid or Tannin (C14H1009 + H₂O).—It occurs largely in gall-nuts. The pure acid is a colourless mass, and very soluble in water. It is precipitated from its aqueous solutions by many salts, and forms an insoluble compound with gelatine. In the manufacture of ink tannic acid is used with ferric salts. Glucose and gallic acid are formed when tannin is exposed to the air, or when treated with dilute acids. When heated to 215° F. the result is pyrogallic acid. at one time used as a preservative for collodion plates. It was MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 291 Test-Paper (see Litmus). Turpentine (C10H16; also called Terebine and Terebenthine).- From various trees of the pine and fir tribe a fluid exudes from which turpentine is prepared. From Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra, and P. abies common turpentine is obtained, and from the larch the kind called Venice turpentine. The oil of turpentine is made by distilling the crude turpentine with water; the residue is resin. Turpentine is chiefly used in photography as a solvent for resins used in the zinc- etching process. = Uranium (U. At. wt. 239).—This metal is found in the mineral pitchblende, and has recently been discovered in Cornwall. Uranium Nitrate (UO2(NO3)2 or Uranyl Nitrate).—It is used as described under Uranium Printing Process. Varnish. All photographs on glass are liable to injury in various ways if not protected by some kind of varnish. With care, albumen and gelatine films may be used without varnish; but as paper pre- pared with silver nitrate is to some extent hygroscopic, there is danger in stains being caused, and consequent injury to the picture if the negative is not protected. Many substances are used in the manufacture of varnish, but to the amateur, as well as the professional photographer, it is of little consequence of what the varnish is composed, provided it will not crack, and is sufficiently hard to protect the film; and as the manu- facture is a somewhat "sticky" operation, and the cost of the ready- made article is not excessive, it is advisable to purchase as required rather than make it. As it is not possible always to obtain a matt varnish from the dealer, it may be made, as recommended by Mr. J. Wingrave, as under :- Gum sandarac (picked) White lac • Alcohol (methylated) ounce. I 20 ounces. Dissolve and filter. To four ounces of the above add two drachms of tartaric acid, shake well, and set aside to clear, and then decant into a clear dry bottle for use. The negative to be varnished should be warmed, but not made too hot, and, after the varnish has been drained off, it should be held before a bright fire until the plate is hotter than the hand can bear, when it may be set aside till quite cold before being used. A varnish to be used cold may be made from— Powdered amber Chloroform I ounce. 16 ounces. 292 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Or, in place of the chloroform, the same quantity of benzole may be used. As a protection to the film of a wet collodion plate, when it may be required only for a temporary purpose, it is often sufficient to cover it with a solution of gum arabic, which must be applied while the plate is wet. The solution of gum may also be used before varnishing in the ordinary way when the collodion has a tendency to split from the plate. Varnish, Black.-To one ounce of asphaltum and 20 grains of india-rubber add 20 ounces of benzole. For varnishing brass-work, to produce a dead black, lamp-black should be added to thin shellac varnish, and tested until, when dry, no gloss is shown. The varnish may be applied with a camel's-hair brush. A good black for wood- work may be made with turpentine 16 ounces, lamp-black 8 ounces, and gold size 2 ounces. The lamp black is formed into a paste with turpentine, and then the rest of the turpentine and gold size is added. Water (H2O). For many purposes in photography the absolute purity of water is of very little consequence; but when chemical substances are to be used in certain cases, and distilled water is specified in the formula, it is necessary that the water should nearly approach the purity obtained by distillation; not condensed water from steam-engines, but distilled for chemical use. The question of the purity of water does not affect the photographer now as it did when the process in general use was wet collodion, and the proper mixture of the silver nitrate bath was of the utmost importance. A few years since the writer was engaged in an experiment of much scientific interest many miles from home, and he took with him silver in solution which he knew was in good working order; but, as a reserve, he also took a supply of the purest fused silver nitrate. He required to use this, but no distilled water was to be had. A supply of rain-water was obtained, and on sunning the solution, a dense black deposit was soon formed. After filtration, the bath was found to be in good order, and was successfully used. The solution was left in the hands of a local photographer, who informed the writer some months afterwards that he had used the bath in various parts of Sicily, and he had “ never had anything like it before." Filtered rain-water, then, may be used as a substitute when distilled cannot be had, and for most purposes filtration is sufficient. It should be stated, however, that if the water is collected from house-roofs, time should be allowed for impurities to be washed away. Melted snow is said to be purer than rain-water, and may be safely used. River- water is to be preferred to that taken from wells, if it is not con- taminated with sewage matter. It would be a simple matter here to give directions for testing water for lime, iron, carbonates, or chlorides, MATERIALS USED IN PHOTOGRAPHY. 293 but for the small quantity of water the amateur may require when away from home he would be very unlikely to test it himself, and he may use rain-water as suggested above. Manchester and district has a supply of water which contains very little impurity, as the following analysis shows:- Total solid matter in solution 4.7 grains per gallon. Free ammonia Albuminoid ammonia .0024 "" .0033 19 absent Nitrates and nitrites Oxygen contained in permanganate of potash to oxidise organic matter, &c., in solution:— Acting for two minutes at 80° F.. Acting for four hours at 80° F. Combined chlorine Phosphates Total hardness Permanent hardness Temporary hardness .ΟΙΙ "" .086 : .061 "" absent 1.3 ?? 1.2 O. I When heated to 100° F. in a bottle, no smell was produced, and the appearance of the water when a column two feet in depth was exa- mined was slightly turbid and was faintly yellow. For this analysis the writer is indebted to Mr. W. Thomson, F.R.S.E., F.C.S., &c., of Manchester. The Manchester water, then, may be used for most purposes in photography without distillation, and has been so used by the writer for many years in preference to any distilled water which he could purchase. Glasgow also has a supply of water of excellent quality. Wax.-The use of wax in photography is very limited. It is useful for making paper semi-transparent, and dissolved in turpentine or benzole is made into encaustic paste. Zinc (Zn. At. wt. 64.9).—The salts of this metal have very little use in photography, but the metal is largely used in the processes for obtaining printing blocks in half tone and line. The metal may also be used for reducing metallic silver from the chloride. PART V. ! CHAPTER I. APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Architectural Photography.-No special process is necessary in making photographs of architectural subjects; but there are certain precautions to be taken which may be referred to here. The camera must be kept quite horizontal, if practicable; this can be done approxi- mately by the eye, but a small weight attached to a string and used as a plumb-line, or a spirit-level, may be used to ensure perfect level- ling. A lens of the rectilinear type should be employed. Tilting the camera either up or down should be avoided. In photographing tall buildings, the sliding front to raise or lower the lens and the swing back, should be used to correct the distortion which would appear by tilting the camera, which process is only necessary when the rising front will not otherwise permit all the subject to be brought in. In photographing interiors it is often difficult to keep the tripod legs from slipping on smooth floors. This can be prevented by fixing corks on the pointed iron tips of the legs. Astronomical Photography.-Although attempts were made to pro- duce photographs of celestial objects by the daguerreotype method, very little success was attained, and it was not until De la Rue, Rutherfurd, the writer, and some others produced pictures of the moon that the value of photography in astronomical matters was fully appre- ciated. Some important scientific facts connected with astronomy have been established by the aid of photography. In all total eclipses of the sun, certain phenomena appeared which were difficult to explain. An aureola of light, the corona, was always visible, and certain coloured objects close to the edge of the moon, known as "red prominences," were the cause of much speculation until the eclipse of 1860, when an expedition was sent to Spain, where Mr. De la Rue and Father Secchi made photographs, from which it appeared that, as the moon passed over the sun, the red prominences were gradually covered and 294 APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 295 uncovered; and as the photographs taken at different and distant stations showed the same effects, it was, of course, concluded that the phenomenon was an appendage of the sun. To settle the matter experiments were made in India in 1868 by Colonel Tennant, which fully confirmed the results obtained by De la Rue and Secchi in Spain. Total eclipses of the sun, visible at places within convenient dis- tance of England, do not often occur. The cause of the corona being still unknown, it was decided to send expeditions to Spain and Sicily in December 1870, one object of which was to obtain photographs of this phenomenon. It had been contended that the beautiful corona of light, always seen during total eclipses, was an effect produced in our atmosphere; and it was also maintained that the appendage really belonged to the sun. This point was settled in a very satisfactory way by a comparison of two photographs, one taken at Cadiz, in Spain, by Mr. Willard, and the other taken at Syracuse, in Sicily, by the writer. Mr. Willard's photograph was taken about two hours before the one at Syracuse, and yet the two photographs showed features in this aureola of light which were common to both. This could not have been the case unless the corona was actually connected with the sun. Rifts or V-shaped markings were shown at the same places in the pictures, and these peculiarities which appeared at sta- tions hundreds of miles apart must have been persistent during the whole time of the eclipse, or they could not have been visible in both photographs. This seemed to be sufficient proof that our atmosphere was not the cause of the phenomenon. The collodion process was used in these experiments; but as soon as gelatino-bromide plates became available, the use of photography was extended to the spectroscope, and in subsequent total eclipses pictures of the spectrum of the corona were obtained, thus adding another proof of its solar origin. When it was found that comets, the nebulæ, and stars could be photographed, there seemed to be no limit to the possibilities which might be effected by photographic aid; and a great work has recently been commenced, that of photographing the entire heavens, including stars, to the fourteenth magnitude, which will require, it is said, 10,000 negatives, and will include 20,000,000 stars, an achievement the importance of which cannot be exaggerated. Objects which the most powerful optical aid had failed to reveal have been photographed. The explanation of this, no doubt, is that the very long exposure required to impress the light of stars of very small. magnitude and faint nebulæ had enabled the very delicate nebulous light to show itself on the sensitive plate. It may, perhaps, be permitted to the writer to point out that in taking photographs of celestial phenomena prior to 1870, the ordinary telescope had been employed, and it was used in Spain in that year; 296 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. but it occurred to him that in photographing the corona a picture was wanted, and that the size given by the greater focal length of a telescope was of very little consequence compared with the importance of showing the extent and detail of the corona, which could only be obtained by having a suitable lens and larger plates than could be advantageously used in a telescope. This idea was proved to be cor- rect, as although the only instrument available was one which gave an image only about three-tenths of an inch in diameter, the corona was displayed extending several diameters of the sun, and in a way never before seen on a photographic plate. In the second edition of his work on the "Sun," the late Mr. R. A. Proctor gives a full description of the results of this experiment, and he says that the explanation of the success is to be found in the fact that a new method was adopted in photographing the eclipsed sun. Mr. Willard's photograph was taken with a telescope in the old way; and, as it showed detail of the same character as in the photograph taken with a different instrument at Syracuse, it estab- lished the fact that the corona was a solar appendage. It also showed that a telescope was not a proper instrument to use for the purpose; and this was proved in the following year, when some very beautiful photographs were made in India for the Earl of Crawford (then Lord Lindsay) by Mr. Davis, and by other observers in different places. The instruments were of the same kind as the one used in Sicily, but were specially mounted, with the result that the pictures were superior to anything hitherto done; and in all subsequent eclipses suitable apparatus has been employed, showing that the method adopted by the writer for the first time was the proper one. It may also be pointed out that in all the important work in astronomical photography since 1870, the apparatus employed has been either silvered mirrors or lenses constructed as for ordinary photographic work, thus carrying out the idea that pictures of the objects photo- graphed are required, as also larger plates than can be used with an ordinary telescope. The cameras and lenses in ordinary use by photographers cannot with advantage be adapted for photographing such objects as the sun or moon. The size of the image of the moon (or sun), given by a lens of ten inches focus, will be only one-tenth of an inch, so that a lens of fifty inches focus would be necessary to make the photograph half an inch in diameter. Therefore, something more handy must be found. The astronomical telescope, when mounted equatorially and with clockwork, can be readily adapted. A photographic camera, with suitable lens, may be attached to the telescope so as to be driven with it to counteract the apparent motion of the stars or moon, really APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 297 that of the earth. The moon's motion in her orbit may be disregarded when quick plates are used; indeed, the moon may be photographed when full while the telescope is at rest, the exposure necessary being much less than one second. Although not so suitable as a lens corrected for the chemical rays, or as a reflecting telescope, the ordinary achromatic telescope may be le h f C b e a α. FIG. 105. C k १ h b e С FIG. 106. FIG. 107. α, draw-tube of telescope; b, dark frame; c, slide; d, brass tube sliding into place of eye-piece; e, outer metal frame screwed to d; é, inner metal plate ; ƒ, diaphragm ; h, clips to hold plate e; i, spring to hold frame in first position ; k, groove in the plate e, in which the spring-pin j slides. used for photographing the moon. The accompanying Figs., 105, 106, and 107, show the method of carrying the sensitive plate, which will be found convenient when the picture is to be taken at the principal focus. In this case the telescope itself forms the camera, and the plate- holder is very little more than the dark slide of a camera. If any 298 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. kind of enlarging lens be used with the astronomical telescope, a camera must be attached, as the image may be larger than can be taken on the small plates used in the apparatus described. The method for ascertaining the actinic focus is as follows:-With the rack motion adjust the focus for distinct vision, and then mark the tube d, and also the sliding part of the telescope, so that any change of their position may be readily seen. Although it is very unlikely to be of the slightest use, unless taken with a reflecting telescope, a picture may now be made; it will at least give some idea of the proper exposure. If the chemical and visual foci are not coincident, the image will have a blurred appearance. Before exposing the next plate turn the adjusting screw so as to draw out the tube about one-sixteenth of an inch, and so proceed until, by the greater distinctness of the image, it is seen that the chemical focus is found. At every change of position a slight mark should be made on the tube, and when the true focus is satisfactorily determined, the marks should be made distinctly visible, and in all future experiments with the same instrument the focus will be always at or very near the same place. Should it be found that the indistinctness increases, it will, of course, be necessary to try in the other direction, that is, to shorten the focus. The appearances arising from atmospheric disturbances are very much the same as when the object is out of focus; experience alone will enable the operator to determine from which cause the defect proceeds. Some of the best photographs of the moon ever taken were made by the collodion process, an example of which is seen in the plate on the opposite page, which is from a negative by Mr. L. M. Rutherfurd of New York; but the great convenience of dry plates, and the extra rapidity, give the preference to gelatine plates; indeed, some of the work now undertaken could only be accomplished on such plates. The MM. Henry, of the Paris Observatory, have exposed plates during three hours while making negatives of the stars, and Mr. Common, of Ealing, in producing the exquisite pictures of the great nebula in “Orion," gave very long exposures. Mr. Roberts also did the same while making his pictures of nebulæ and stars. The fascinating occupation of photographing celestial objects may be undertaken by all who possess the necessary apparatus; and no more than ordinary care and patience are required to ensure success. A very full account of celestial photography by the writer will be found in the Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1865, British Journal of Photography, December 22, 1865, and in Chambers' "Astronomy," second and third editions. Cameo. This term was applied to photographs which, after they Woodbury-Gravure. THE MOON-FIRST QUARTER. L. M. RUTHERFURD, Photo. Printed by THE WOODBURY COMPANY (EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE), 6, Great New Street, London, E. C. UNIV OF MICH APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 299 were mounted, were pressed so as to raise the surface to a convex form, giving the portrait somewhat the shape of the ordinary cameo. Carte de Visite.-When first introduced this name was given to a very small kind of portrait which was intended to be used on the cards called visiting cards, or cartes de visite. The original purpose was soon abandoned, but the convenience of the small-sized portrait was at once appreciated, and for many years was most popular, and is still largely used. The title was a misnomer. Album or card por- trait better described the picture. Portraits of a larger size, with the title Cabinet, have to a large extent taken the place in public favour of the smaller photograph. Clouds. It very rarely happens at the time when a landscape is photographed that the clouds are the most suitable for the subject, or such as we should like to see in our picture, though at all times it must be borne in mind that the landscape is affected by the sky. The effect in the foreground and distance will be quite different under a blue sky, or when cumulus clouds are present; and, as we cannot command the kind of effect we wish to produce in the picture, great care must be taken if clouds are introduced which have perhaps been taken under totally different conditions. It was at one time rare to see a landscape photograph with clouds; the purest white paper appeared to be the aim of the photographer; and, even at the present day, sufficient attention is not given to this very important feature in a picture. Assuming that the sky at the time a picture is taken is just what is desired, it will of course be desirable to preserve the effect on the plate exposed for the landscape, and in some cases, with care in the development, this may be done. But in the majority of cases the exposure necessary for the landscape will be too great for the sky, and this may necessitate double printing to obtain the cloud effect. The landscape photographer should always be on the qui vive to obtain good cloud negatives; the negatives need not be taken on large plates. If on plates 6 × 42, or less, they can be enlarged; and one negative may be utilised to make two effects by reversing. When the sky portion of a landscape negative is not sufficiently dense to leave the paper white when the landscape is fully printed, it must be either shielded or stopped out. If carefully done, shielding is pre- ferable to stopping out. The sky will probably be sufficiently dense to permit shielding, which is effected by placing a sheet of thick paper or cardboard shaped to follow the outline of the picture roughly. The shield should not be placed too close to the negative. If the printing-frame has thick glass, probably the thickness of the glass will be sufficient to prevent a hard line when the shield protects the sky, the object being to shade off the unshielded part into the white paper. Remove the print from the frame, and place it on a sheet of glass or 3 300 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. on a board which is quite flat; select a cloud-negative which is suitable for the picture (taking care that the light and shade in the clouds correspond with the effect in the landscape); place the negative care- fully on the print, and then protect the photograph from the light with a piece of cardboard, with the part nearest the sky turned up, thus- FIG. 108. This will permit the clouds to print and shade off the part near the landscape, so as to blend with the part already printed. If carefully done, the effect will be almost as good as if the clouds had been taken with the picture. The clouds will print very quickly, and great care should be taken not to make them too dark-the merest indication of clouds is often sufficient. Special care must be taken that the clouds do not spoil a church tower or spire, or tall trees forming prominent features in the picture. This may be readily avoided by so placing the cloud-negative that a dense part covers the projecting object. When a sky is stopped out, the result is often a hard line which no amount of care in printing-in the sky will remove. Very good indications of clouds may sometimes be made by paint- ing on the back of the negative; but this must be skilfully done, or the effect will be anything but natural. The same may be said if cotton-wool be used. In all cases preference should be given to natural clouds. Cloud effects to represent moonlight are easily produced by taking the negative when the sun is behind the clouds, and then printing darkly. If the moon is to be shown in the picture, it must be of the proper size. Suppose a lens of 10-inches focus be used, the size of the sun or moon will be one-tenth of an inch. It is always better to use a negative which has been taken direct when the moon is to be shown in a picture. To ensure the correct representation, the lens used for the landscape should be employed in making the negative of the moon. The vignette form of picture is very effective in landscape. (See Vignetting.) Composite Portraits.-By printing several portraits over each other, a composite effect is obtained; the result is supposed to give the type of the whole. Composition. The value of a photograph depends very much on what is termed composition. It is not sufficient in taking a picture to place the camera and allow chance to arrange how the lines will compose to form the effect. Two persons may make totally different effects from the same subject, taken at the same time, and APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 301 the difference will be caused merely by the different positions of the camera; a tree, a rock, or a figure, may be so arranged in composing the picture as to be effective in one case and obtrusive in the other. The possession of a camera does not make an artist of its owner; and unless some study be given to what is required in making artistic. pictures, photographs, good from an artistic point of view, will only be the result of accident. Treatises on the qualities necessary to form pictures have been written and should be studied. If the student will carry out hints he may derive from what he reads, defects too often met with in photographs will be avoided. The introduction of figures in a landscape is in many cases desirable, but if they are badly placed an otherwise good picture may be spoilt. Distance.-Much of the beauty of a landscape depends on the proper rendering of the distance. This becomes difficult owing to the effect of the atmosphere, the pale blue and grey of the distance having almost the same actinic power on the plate as the sky. When the objects in the foreground are dark, the difficulty is increased, and the greatest care must be taken that the distance does not become lost while the foreground is developed. Interiors. The photographer is sometimes required to photograph places where very little light penetrates. In the days before gelatine plates were available, the difficulties were almost insurmountable; but there are very few places which cannot now be photographed, as where daylight does not penetrate the magnesium flash-light is avail- able. Probably the first attempt to photograph below the surface of the earth was made by the writer in the "Blue John" mine in Derby- shire. This was in 1865, and the photograph was made on a collo- dion plate, while the mine was illuminated by means of burning magnesium wire and ribbon. Soon after this Professor Piazzi Smyth made photographs of the interior of the Great Pyramid. Owing to the slowness of the plates, and the quantity of magnesium which had to be burnt, the white fumes interfered very much with the results, as the want of ventilation in such places made it necessary to wait for the particles of magnesia forming the mist to settle before a second plate could be exposed. The quick plates now in use make such subjects comparatively easy, and one or two good flashes will generally be sufficient-care being taken, of course, to protect the lens from the light. When the external air is colder than the interior, the condition of the lens as to condensed moisture should be noticed. When daylight, however feeble, is available, it is only a question of time as to obtaining a picture. A basement floor in which was a quantity of machinery, and lighted only by one or two small windows, has been photographed, the exposure lasting twenty-six hours; that is, the camera was left in the place for that length of time so as to 302 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. utilise all the daylight possible (the place was too extensive for arti- ficial light to be used), and the result was an excellent negative, some halation around the window being the only defect. Difficult interiors must be dealt with according to the peculiarities of each case. In pho- tographing buildings, such as cathedrals and churches, lenses of long focus may sometimes be used; but, usually, wide angle lenses are the best for the purpose, owing to the difficulty of placing the camera sufficiently far back so as to obtain as much of the interior as possible. Where windows appear in the picture they should, if practicable, be covered during the greater part of the exposure. Impressionism in Photography.-During the past year or two there has been much discussion as to whether it was legitimate to attempt to produce by photographic means work in imitation of what is called the "Impressionist" school of art, the effect in a photograph being what is called out of focus. Much may be said on both sides of the question. In art all styles are permitted, and each artist has, as a rule, a style of his own which, in course of years, may change. The eminent artist, Sir J. E. Millais, is an instance. In the early part of his career he was one of the Pre-Raphaelite school, and a comparison of the work he did at that time with what comes from his brush now will show quite as great a difference as there is between a photograph con- taining the most minute detail and one of the very opposite kind. If we refer to some of the earliest works which have been preserved, the wall paintings of Pompeii, for instance, we have hard lines and minute detail. Coming down to a later date, a visit to the National Gallery will show us work of the earliest period in oil colours, in which the lines are still hard and the detail well defined. After that period the style changed, a more naturalistic manner being introduced, and the lines and tones becoming more blended. We have another contrast between the work of Canaletti (whose pictures of Venice and street scenes show hard lines and wonderful "photographic" detail) and that of Turner (whose later work showed a total absence of detail). His pictures are "impressions," and are supposed to give the artist's ideas of the scenes depicted; they are as far removed from Canaletti's style as the most out of focus photograph is from one giving the sharpest possible detail. We may take another example in a different style of art. Van Huysum painted flowers with the most exquisite finish; and in the present day Fantin paints pictures of flowers equally beauti- ful, but quite without detail. Some landscape painters give minute detail in their pictures, representing the colours and form, so they tell us, as they are shown in nature, while others leave out the detail and give very little more than the form, and in some cases colour very far removed from that of nature as seen by other eyes. Some artists paint the forms just as they see them, while others consider that they APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 303 improve nature by altering the forms. When so much latitude is permitted in one branch of art, why should not there be equal variety permitted in another style of art? The work of Rejlander had many admirers, but in many cases he appeared to work for effect rather than minute detail; and, in another case, we had in the work by Mrs. Cameron portraits in the widest contrast to much that is done in the present day, and yet the work of that artist had many admirers. Much of the discussion of this subject has arisen through some of the pictures shown at the Exhibition of the Photographic Society in the autumn of 1890. The pictures referred to were very much out of focus; they were printed on rough paper, and were totally unlike most of the other landscape photographs in the room; and they were pointed out to the writer with the remark that there "was a great change in photographic matters when such things could have medals. awarded to them." An examination of the things referred to showed that there was something to admire, something quite different from what had previously been done in photography, and there seemed to the writer there was no reason why the style of Corot or Milet should not be imitated in treating such subjects. In portraiture (apart from photography) no kind of art is superior to a well-executed ivory miniature; the same effect could not be obtained on rough drawing-paper. And in photography there is nothing to surpass a perfect daguerreotype portrait; a portrait on paper, however smooth or highly glazed, is not equal to it; and an album portrait may be very good when printed, as usual, on albu- menised paper, but would not be equally perfect if printed on rough paper. Landscape Photography. Judging from the number of unsatis- factory photographs of landscape subjects to be seen, there is much room for advice as to how to proceed in the way of improvements. To succeed fully, the amateur or professional should have some know- ledge of the rules of art. To obtain a picture something more is necessary than to place the camera before a scene and expose a plate just because it looks pretty and "forms a picture." The result to an artistic eye may be anything but pretty or artistic. The tyro with his camera and slides, charged with six or a dozen plates perhaps, naturally makes a stop at the first pretty bit he comes to and exposes a plate; it may be that within the next hundred yards he finds another view of the same subject which pleases his eye better, and another picture is taken; and so on during the day or few hours he gives to his subjects. The result may be that not one possesses the true quality of a picture; he may have excellent negatives, but all may be wanting in what is termed artistic quality or composition. The scene presented to the eye of the photographer, although he may 304 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. be standing in the middle of a road, may be very beautiful; but, if a photograph be taken from the same point of view, the result would not be equally pleasing the road straight in front, running away to a point and opening out to the full width of the plate in the fore- ground, would be far from artistic. A little consideration would show that the same scene, taken from a point not far removed, would have a very different effect. The greatest care, then, should be taken to consider well what will appear on the plate before making an exposure. For landscape views the lighting of the subject should be carefully considered, as when there are great extremes in the lighting of the distance and that of the foreground, the distance will be lost in developing the detail in the foreground. Landscapes should always have some object of principal interest, but this interest may often be given to a subject by the proper introduction of figures such as a group of cattle. Here again the greatest care is requisite. Figures are not always necessary in a landscape; indeed, a figure badly introduced will mar a picture which in other respects may be good. Rustic figures may occasionally be introduced with satisfactory results; but it must never appear that they have been placed for the purpose. This defect is seen in many pictures to which medals have been awarded; but the artistic eye sees at once that the figures do not belong to the surroundings. Figures are also sometimes valuable to show the relative sizes of objects. It is always desirable to study beforehand the landscape subjects to be photographed. The middle of the day will seldom be the best time. To get the best results the subject must be studied in just the same way as an artist would study it for the purpose of painting a picture, for in no other way can good photographs be expected excepting by chance. It may be that the photographer cannot give the necessary time for this process of selection. In this case his good pictures will probably be few in number. Success in photography can only be obtained by the same means as in any other art. Landscape photo- graphy is one of the most fascinating pursuits, and as such deserves all the study which can be given to it. Architecture affords scope for interesting work, and to the architect the camera is an aid which should be often used. Rustic "bits" make pictures of a most pleas- ing character, and should always be looked for. It very rarely happens that clouds can be secured on the same plate with a landscape, but when it is possible to do so the general effect will be better than when clouds are printed in. Plain paper to represent sky never looks well, and the paper toned down in printing looks very little better; therefore negatives of clouds should be secured whenever practicable. They need not be of large size, nor necessarily of the size of the plate generally used. Small negatives MIL OF CH. MICH J. H. T. ELLERBECK, PHOTO. A. BROTHERS & CO., HALF-TONE ZINCO. SÖRFJORD, FROM TYSSEDAL. APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 305 For can be made into transparencies, and from the transparency two negatives can be made, giving right- and left-handed effects. instructions as to printing in skies, see Clouds. The plate facing this page is from a negative by Mr. J. H. T. Ellerbeck of Liverpool, and is a very perfect illustration of what a good landscape photograph should be. Muybridge's Photographs.-There is no novelty in using a num- ber of cameras for the purpose of obtaining a series of views of sub- jects in different positions; but, as applied by Mr. Muybridge, some very curious and interesting effects have been obtained, showing that the real motions of animals are very different from what artists have generally depicted. The illustration on page 306 shows a sketch from photographs of horses in positions in which no artist would draw them from life. The horses only are from photographs, but the effect would perhaps have been more natural if the figures also had been from photographs instead of from the imagination of the artist. The photographs were of course taken instantaneously, by means of a machine carrying a number of lenses, the exposure being effected by electric contacts as the figures passed. Many of the curious photo- graphs taken by Mr. Muybridge, when arranged so as to revolve, show the objects (as they pass in rapid succession before the eye) as if in motion. Photo-Meteorology.-Photography has had a very important appli- cation as the means of recording automatically the readings of the various instruments used in a meteorological observatory. The varia- tions of the magnetic needle are made to record themselves by means of a small mirror attached to the magnet, the light being reflected as a point on to a sheet of sensitive paper which, on development, shows the slightest changes throughout the day and night. The barometer and thermometer also are made to record their own variations. Portraiture. The best advice on this subject which can be given to amateurs would, perhaps, be that it is better not to attempt portraiture. Satisfactory pictures can only be made when the light is entirely under control, that is, the room in which they are taken should have blinds and other conveniences, which are not often avail- able in the case of an amateur. There is no reason why a portrait by an amateur should not be as good as one taken by a professional photographer; but it is very rarely the case, owing to the want of experience as well as of the appliances which give the advantage to the professional. But although an amateur may find success in any other branch of the art, there are times when he will certainly wish to take portraits, and it then becomes a question how to obtain the best results. If taken in the open air, a shady place should be chosen so that the eyes need not be directly facing a strong light; U 306 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ་་་ W FIG. 108, APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 307 direct sunlight should always be avoided. If suitable preparation be made, fairly good portraits may be taken in the open air; but some kind of screen should be placed to prevent too much top light, and light from one side should be stronger than that from the other. A photograph taken full-face seldom has a satisfactory appearance unless the light be so managed that one side has more light than the other. Excellent effects may sometimes be obtained in a room now that prolonged sittings are not necessary. The sitter should be near a good source of light, and a white reflection should be used to modify the light. Good effects may often be arranged in a greenhouse or conservatory. One of the chief things to be avoided is the appear- ance of "sitting for a portrait." For single figures the head and bust are to be preferred to full-length studies, and in groups the mistake should not be made of allowing all the figures to look in one direction. In many portraits the eyes have an unnatural appearance. This can often be avoided by the sitter looking at a dark object, which is not too near. As to the kind of lens to be employed, of course one made for the purpose of portraiture should be preferred; but the amateur might use any kind he happened to possess. With the rectilinear type his results may be as good as if taken with a portrait combination. Avoid making the head too large, as, no matter what kind of lens be used, if a small one, there will be distortion if certain limits as to size be exceeded. In focussing for a head, the eye should always be the point selected. What has been said must be regarded more as hints than as directions what to do. The subject of portraiture is too wide to be dealt with in a few lines, and, no matter how full such directions might be, the taste and skill of the amateur will determine what success he may have. Backgrounds.-The success of a portrait as a picture depends very much on the background, and this may be said of all other kinds of pictures where backgrounds are necessary. The portrait painter, if not pleased with one effect, can repaint his work until a satisfactory result is attained. Not so, however, in the case of a photograph, for which only such backgrounds should be used as will not be obtrusive. Painted backgrounds are seldom the work of skilled artists, and when architectural effects are attempted, we have too often bad perspective, and surroundings which are inharmonious; therefore, it is better to use either plain or graduated shades, and as seldom as possible painted windows, balustrades, and other imaginary effects. For vignettes, a light shade of tone graduated is to be preferred. Canvas is generally used, but thick paper with care will be equally serviceable. The painting may be done either in distemper, with sufficient size to prevent chipping, or oil colour, flatted—that is, painted with colour mixed with turpentine and oil. 308 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Large Heads. When the difficulties of taking large heads direct are considered, it is somewhat surprising that the attempt is ever made. When the size is the same as life, the difficulties are great, and only in some degree less when half life-size is the limit. Any dimension between the half and full size of life is not considered artistic, since it has the appearance of being "neither one thing nor the other." A seven-inch head for a man looks as if intended for life-size, and so with other sizes over four or five inches. If a portrait is to hang at some height, a size rather over that of life may be adopted, as the distance diminishes the apparent size. Heads taken direct the size of life can seldom be made sufficiently perfect to remain untouched; that is, they require to be "worked up" by an artist. Mrs. Cameron's work was much praised for its artistic quality, and this quality consisted in the out-of-focus effect always present in the portraits. This evidently was the design of the artist, and her effects were probably due to two causes, viz., the long time required for the sitting, the wet collodion process being used, and the diffusion of the focus of the lens. When viewed at a proper distance, Mrs. Cameron's work had a very excellent appearance, but to most photo- graphers the want of sharpness was looked upon as a defect. Her method of working was never imitated to any extent, as it certainly would have been if the public taste could have been educated in that direction. The introduction of gelatine plates has made the production of large work more practicable. Full-length or half-length figures on plates 22 × 18, or larger, are made very satisfactorily; but in conver- sation with a photographer who had paid over one hundred pounds. for a lens for this kind of work, the writer was informed that "it did not pay." Seeing that such perfect work can be made by the methods of enlarging now available, it seems very questionable whether better results cannot be obtained by enlarging than by any other means. A head of moderate or small size can be made much more perfect than any taken direct over two inches; and as the large direct negative must require much time in retouching, perhaps more time than the artist would devote to the finishing of the enlarged print on paper, the advantage would appear to be in favour of enlarging. It may be said that the retouched negative would give perfect prints without further artistic labour. That may be true, but the work of the artist with the brush would excel that of the retoucher. When negatives are sent never be “make it life-size." are not all of the same size. about one inch longer from chin to hair than that of the adult female. Therefore it is better always to give the size in inches, and, when to be enlarged, the instruction should This term is very misleading, as heads The head of an adult male is usually APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 309 $ practicable, the measurement should be from the chin to the hair. A foot-rule should be held so that it just touches the face by the side of the nose; one end of the rule should appear even with the line of hair, and the inches read off the scale at the chin. As a check to this measure, it is well to give also the length from the corner of the mouth to the inner corner of the eye. Rembrandt Portraits.-By placing the sitter with the light partly behind and at the side, a strong effect of light and shade may be obtained. When carefully done, this produces a pleasing result, which is supposed to resemble that seen in the portraits painted by Rembrandt. The Spectroscope in Photography.-Investigations upon the band of colours given when white light is separated into its component elements, have proved of great service in building up the knowledge of the relation between the constituent rays of white light and the various sensitive salts in use, and have caused photography to be of considerable assistance to astronomy and other sciences. In its former aspect much valuable information has been obtained, both as to what rays are of most photographic value and the relative sensitiveness of the bodies employed as photo-sensitive agents, and as to the influence upon this sensitiveness exerted by colours used in orthochromatic plates. By its means it has been shown that the greater general sensitiveness of silver bromide over the other silver salts is due to its being influenced by a wider range of rays, and much other interest- ing information has been obtained as to the effects of mixtures of the haloids and the presence or absence of sensitisers; but in work on these subjects it is important to take into account the effect of the prisms and other transparent media through which the light has to pass, that is, their absorption-spectra must be known and discounted. In the second place, photo-spectroscopy has given an insight into the chemical composition, physical state, and motion of celestial objects. This application rests upon the fact that, while an incan- descent gas emits rays of a certain refrangibility, it also has the power of absorbing rays of identical wave-length; so that, when a glowing solid which emits white light, and would ordinarily give a continuous band of colour as its spectrum, is surrounded by any kind of vapour, it will exert its characteristic selective absorption, and so cause those particular rays to be replaced by thin black lines. By making the solar or stellar spectrum to fall upon one half of the spectro- scope slit and photographing it, and then, with the instrument in precisely the same position, allowing the spectrum of the vapour of a metal (heated to incandescence in an electric arc) to be photographed upon the same plate through the other half of the spectroscope slit, two spectra are obtained exactly under each other; the first is a 310 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. continuous band intersected by dark lines; the second, a series of lines only, which are characteristic of the element; and, if the dark lines are due to absorption by the same element as the bright-line spectrum produced by the incandescent vapour, these lines will coin- cide exactly. This coincidence is a proof of the presence of this element in or about the sun or star which gave the dark band spectrum. With stellar spectra, the stars being but points, they would produce a mere line of but slight breadth in which cross-lines would be hardly visible; but Huggins overcame this difficulty by slightly altering the declination of the telescope. The star travelled up or down the slit, and thus broadened its band. With nebulæ, spectra of lines only are obtained, thus showing them to be masses of glowing vapour similar to the incandescent gases around the electric arc. The coincidence of the photographs of the lines given in the two cases will, of course, prove that the nebulæ contain the elements in question. As regards the determination of motion in distant stars, this rests upon the change in wave-length caused by motion towards or from the observer; but refrangibility is determined by wave-length, so that alteration in the latter must cause change in the former, and the lines characteristic of a certain element will not occupy the same position that they would were the star fixed and the wave-lengths normal. By photographing the spectrum of a known element side by side with that of the star, and noting the extent, if any, of variation of the characteristic line from the true position, the data are obtained for calculating the extent of motion required to produce the observed lateral displacement; while the displacement to the right or to the left of the normal position. indicates the direction in which the star is moving. Stereoscope, The. It is a curious fact that comparatively few persons are aware until their attention is called to it, that their eyes see two distinct pictures of every object to which they are directed. A very simple experiment proves this. Hold up the hand at arm's length and look at one finger held before a distant object, such as a window bar. Now look at the finger and one image (opaque) will be seen, but two window bars (transparent). Now look at the window bar, and two fingers will be seen, both of which are apparently transparent. Close the eyes alternately, still looking at the finger, and its position with respect to the window bar will appear to change, shifting from side to side, as seen by the right or left eye. This experiment may be varied in many ways. Take a solid body, and, keeping the head in one position, make a sketch first with one eye and then with the other, closing the eyes alternately. On comparing the drawings it will be found that the two sketches do not agree, and that by "squint- APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 311 ing," the two images (if about 2 inches apart) may be made to coalesce and form apparently a solid, as seen by the two eyes. This squinting to obtain the uniting of two dissimilar images is difficult FIG. 109. DOTPERBARO HABE DEE IqUPAP[! FIG. 110. with some persons without the aid of an instrument. Fig. 109 shows the result of sketches made as seen by each eye separately. To show α b FIG. III. a FIG. 112. this curious optical effect many geometrical drawings in outline were made before photographs were used for the purpose. To assist in viewing these designs, Professor Wheatstone invented the reflecting stereoscope, the form of which is shown in Fig. 110. It will be noticed that two mirrors are fixed so that, when suitably dissimilar pictures are placed at each end, their images are seen as a single picture having the effect of solidity. The advantage of this form of stereoscope is that pictures of larger size can be used. Sir David Brewster intro- 312 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. duced an instrument in which half-lenses were used; that is, a lens was cut in two and the outer edges reversed, as shown in Figs. 111 and " e a ୯ A d g f B - g b II2. FIG. 113. But, as the width of the eyes varies in different persons, it was arranged that the lenses could be adjusted to different distances M FIG. 114. apart. Fig. 113 shows a section of the instrument, and Fig. 114 the appearance of this early form of the stereoscope. An improved form is shown in Fig. 115. Fig. 116 is an engraving from an early stereoscopic print, from which APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 313 it will be seen that the two pictures have been taken at far too great a distance apart, and the effect in the stereoscope is consequently unnatural. The construction of the instrument has been improved in various ways, both for single slides and for arrangement of a number of pictures to be viewed one after another; but this once popular optical instrument is not much used now. This is much to be regretted, as, when viewed in a suitable stereoscope, this form of picture gives the representation precisely as the two eyes saw it in nature, but without the colour. It is scarcely possible that the stereoscope will go entirely out of use; indeed, at present there appears to be a revival of interest in stereoscopic photography. There is always something interesting in the facts concerning the FIG. 115. early history of an invention, and the stereoscope is not an exception. In October 1856, Sir D. Brewster, under the signature "A," wrote to the Times, pointing out that M. Faye, an astronomer and a member of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, had communicated to that society, on October 6th, an account of a new and simple stereoscope, and. which the Abbé Moigno described in his Cosmos on the 12th of the same month, as follows:-"M. Faye presented a new stereoscope, of his invention, of extreme simplicity. It is indeed a simple piece of cardboard or paper, in which are pierced two holes whose centres are on the same horizontal line, and at the distance which separates the two eyes of the person who uses it. In looking through these two holes, about twelve millimètres wide (less than half an inch), at a stereoscopic slide, we see but one image, and for that reason we see it 314 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. as much in relief as in the reflecting or refracting stereoscope. This is certainly a happy idea. The paper or the cardboard of M. Faye has the effect of making the optic axes rigorously parallel, as if they were directed to a point situated at an infinite distance. It is for this reason, and not, as Mr. Grove maintains, by crossing the optic axes by a forced and voluntary squinting, that the two images are super- imposed." Sir David then shows that Mr. James Elliott, of Edinburgh, con- trived the same thing as early as 1834. Professor Wheatstone, referring to this, points out that his investigations respecting binocular vision were published in 1833. Sir D. Brewster, in reply, acknow- ledges the letter signed "A." to be his, and then cites the fact that Elliott's and Faye's instruments were alike, and that Wheatstone's was different; in fact, that they were independent inventors of an instru- ment for uniting dissimilar pictures. He then quotes from an article by Wheatstone, in which the name of the painter, Leonardo da Vinci (who lived in the fifteenth century), occurs, and from which it appears that, if his observations had taken a slightly different form, he would have discovered binocular vision. Other names are introduced into the discussion, which is altogether very interesting, but much too long to be discussed further here, except to say that there can be no doubt that Wheatstone produced an instrument for showing stereo- scopic relief. It is also a fact that Wheatstone's instrument is not suitable for stereoscopic views as now taken, and that Brewster's stereoscope in various forms has, after many years, proved a most valuable scientific instrument. About thirty-five years ago it was with some authorities a matter of doubt at what distance apart the two pictures should be taken to produce the true stereoscopic effect. It was said that, to give great effect of solidity, a distant view must be taken with the camera at stations twelve feet apart, and in such cases all foreground objects must be avoided. For nearer views the distance must be changed from feet to inches. The late Mr. Dancer, of Manchester, was the first to point out that the proper position for the station was the distance between the two eyes, two and a half inches, and he con- structed a camera with twin lenses, so that the two dissimilar views could be taken at one operation. These pictures, when viewed in the stereoscope, give perfect relief in all cases, excepting when only very distant objects are shown. In such cases very little relief can be seen; but, such as it is, the effect can be exaggerated by taking views many feet apart. That Mr. Dancer's was the true method of taking stereoscopic pictures was doubted, and an interesting discussion occurred between him, Mr. Sutton, and others, in which details of experiments were given proving that Mr. Dancer was correct. More- APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 315 over, the fact that all stereoscopic pictures are now taken with lenses about two and a half inches apart, is one proof of the scientific accuracy of Mr. Dancer's method. It may be mentioned, however, that Sir. D. Brewster admitted about the same time that, for taking FIG. 116. 316 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. portraits, twin lenses should be used, and their distance apart only that of the two eyes, two and a half inches. No doubt greater relief can be obtained when views of buildings, landscapes, &c., are taken. with cameras many feet apart, but the effect is more that of a model than the real object photographed; and, when objects occur in the foreground, it is impossible to see them in relief at the same time ast the more distant parts of the picture are looked at. In taking views it should always be carefully arranged that some object be well placed in the foreground, not necessarily near the centre, but at the sides of the picture. These parts, as they show greater parallax, assist in the stereoscopic relief, and give reality to the scene. 3 Cameras for stereoscopic work are usually constructed for taking the two views on one plate (the size of the plate being 62 × 31), twin lenses being fixed on the camera; but a camera having only one lens may be used, and the plates need not be larger than quarter- plate, 4 × 31; or, by making the back of the camera to slide, the two pictures may be taken on a half-plate, 6½ × 42. But any camera will answer, provided the small size plate can be used; or, if the pictures are for the reflecting stereoscope, plates of any other size may be used. The camera must be placed on a stand with a level top, on which a line may be drawn along the side of the camera to indicate the position from which the first picture was taken. The negative having been taken in this position, the second exposure is made, with the camera shifted so that the centre of the lens is two and a half inches from the first position. Then, after adjusting the position of the object on the ground glass, another line may be drawn on the board at the side of the camera to show the second position. The lines marked on the board will show accurately the places for the camera for future exposures. Portraits may be taken in this manner; but it is absolutely necessary that there should be no variation in the expression or in the position of the sitter. Negatives of subjects for the stereoscope, when two views are taken on the same plate, give pictures which are pseudoscopic; that is, instead of showing objects in relief as in nature, they give the opposite effect, and the prints have to be cut and reversed in mounting. The necessity for this change may be avoided by suitably arranging the lens, the sliding back and the front. When only one lens is used there must be a division in the camera to prevent the pictures overlapping, and when twin lenses are employed the camera must also have a division for the same purpose. When twin lenses are used (that is, when the camera is binocular), it is necessary that the lenses be exactly of the same focal length. Experience has shown that the advantage is on the side of the twin lens system, as it ensures the pictures being identical. There is APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 317 another advantage: each plate will hold two pictures 34 inches square, the correct size for lantern pictures; and, therefore, dis- similar views may be taken on the same plate, if the stereoscopic picture is not required. In using twin lenses it is as well occasion- ally to see that they are properly adjusted (that is, screwed home), and that the lenses in their mounts are in their proper places; a very slight change in the position of the lens will cause defects of focus. It is a very simple matter to take pictures for the stereoscope when a binocular camera is used, and there is no extra labour in the printing; but the pictures are comparatively useless until they are mounted; at this point there is some trouble, and much care is required to do the work properly. Amongst amateurs this has pro- bably had something to do with the unpopularity of stereoscopic work during the last few years; but it ought not to deter any one from producing stereoscopic pictures, for they certainly give a more pleasing representation of a place than a single view, no matter how large it may be. It must not be forgotten that, by contact-printing, positives of the exact size for lantern work may be produced. 2, 2 As already stated, prints from negatives taken with a binocular camera are not in their correct position for mounting. They must be divided in the centre, and the left hand one placed on the right hand side of the mount, and vice versû. When taken on plates 63 × 31, the prints are very near the size required, and very little more than trimming is necessary; but, whether trimmed before toning, or after, each print should be marked on the back, so that in mounting each will have its own pair. Therefore proceed to mark the prints in order, I, I , 2, , 3, 3*, and so on; the meaning of the marks being that I and I * are the prints to be mounted side by side, and that 1* is the left-hand picture. If these marks be carefully made, mistakes in mounting cannot occur. If they are carelessly done, the prints may be pseudoscopic instead of stereoscopic. The illustration (Fig. 116) will serve to show what to avoid, both in taking the negative and in trimming the print before mounting. The illustration is from nega- tives which are taken with the stations too far apart. No portion of the colonnade seen in the right hand picture is shown in the left; it also shows that the prints were mounted too close, the centres being very little more than two inches apart. The distance may be 23 inches or 2 inches, but not more nor less. Many persons cannot 3 4 use the stereoscope. They say that they can see the picture better when one eye is closed. This may arise from the eyes of the person being closer together or wider apart than the average, and the stereoscope may not admit of the necessary adjustment; or it may be that the prints have been unsuitably mounted. Avoid the mistake shown in Fig. 116, but always allow some portion of the 318 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. object at either side to be seen, not, however, exaggerated, as shown in the engraving. As it is necessary in making transparencies for the stereoscope that the two pictures should be on one piece of glass, the negative must be cut and transposed if the transparency is to be printed in contact; but, if the transparency is to be made in the camera, the lenses used in taking the negative may also be used in making the copies, and the reversal of position will take place in the camera. The lenses must be arranged so that adjustments may be made to give the proper position of the two pictures on the ground glass. The beauti- ful pictures produced many years ago by the late Mr. Breeze, were made in a copying camera of the kind referred to. With care, many of the effects introduced by Mr. Breeze can be imitated, as, for instance, in moonlight scenes the moon may be shown; but, as it would be impossible to photograph any scene by aid of the light of the moon, the effect must be obtained in another way. That is done by taking an instantaneous picture of a landscape when the sun is hidden by clouds, so quickly that, when viewed as a transparency, the effect must appear as moonlight; that is, no part must be so dis- tinctly visible as in a daylight picture. To introduce the moon, a stereoscopic negative of that luminary must be taken with the camera used in taking the landscape. This can readily be done at the time of full moon, and the size of the moon will be exactly what is re- quired for the picture. When the moon is introduced into pictures, artists almost always exaggerate the size. The moon is a small object as we see it in nature. This is shown by the fact that it can be seen through a hole one-tenth of an inch in diameter, held at 10 inches from the eye. The size, then, as taken by the twin camera is what is required for the transparency. We have now to fix the proper posi- tion for the moon, which naturally must be near where the sun was supposed to be when the clouds were photographed; therefore, a clear place must be selected for it, and the print from the original negative may be taken on the glass to be used for covering the picture, or, if preferred, a separate glass. Mr. Breeze frequently used three very thin glasses in his pictures. The glass can be obtained of such thin- ness that three will be about equal to two pieces of the ordinary kind. To obtain stereoscopic pictures of the moon, a telescope (or a camera with a lens of very long focus) is necessary. A telescope of 5 inches aperture, and 6 feet focal length, will give a picture of the moon of about seven-tenths of an inch in diameter at the principal focus. A landscape or other photographic lens of 30 inches focus will give a picture of the moon about three-tenths of an inch in diameter. There- fore it will be seen that, as the image must be enlarged very much to APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. 319 make an effective picture for the stereoscope-say at least to 1 inches diameter, there will be much loss of detail if a very small negative be used; hence the picture taken with the telescope should have the preference. Owing to the very great distance of the moon from the earth, it would produce very little stereoscopic effect if two pictures were taken on the same night with cameras placed 3000 miles apart; but advantage may be taken of what is called the libra- tion of the moon. It may be seen by close observation that the moon shows at certain times a little more of her surface on either side, that is, east and west or north and south. If photographs are taken at such times, it will be found, on viewing enlarged copies in the stereoscope, that the effect of rotundity is distinctly brought out, and a reality of effect produced which can be gained in no other way. If the views are selected from the times of extreme libra- tion, the moon will appear as a kind of cylinder with a rounded end. A good stereoscopic picture of the moon is a very desirable thing to possess, and is worth much trouble to obtain. Accord- ing to a statement made by Sir J. Herschel, libration causes an apparent change of place, as seen from the earth, equal to 52,000 miles, the stereoscopic angle being 12°; that is, the cameras may be supposed to have been placed that distance apart when the pictures were taken. As the distance of the sun is too great for any effect of libration to be seen, Sir J. Herschel suggested that advantage might be taken of the sun's rotation on his axis; and as a spot on the sun's surface is made to shift by one day's motion about 13°, photographs suitable for the stereoscope might be made. The writer has never seen a stereoscopic picture of the sun, and he is not aware that Sir J. Herschel's suggestion has ever been acted on. Photographs taken at short intervals during a partial eclipse of the sun show stereoscopic effect of the moon's passage across the sun's disc when combined in the stereoscope. By careful manipulation in taking the two pictures, either by the single or binocular camera, and care in mounting the prints, chiefly by seeing that their centres are not less than 2 inches or more than 23 inches apart, much pleasure may be derived from stereoscopic photo- graphy. Robert Hunt wrote thus more than thirty years ago:- "Even when fully accustomed to the phenomena of the stereoscope, there is so indescribable a charm in the beautiful pictures that they are gazed at again and again with increasing admiration." As these words have additional force when the picture is viewed as a transparency on glass, it will be convenient here to describe a method of printing photographs in this form. At the period when stereoscopic pictures were very popular, Messrs. Ferrier & Soulier (now Messrs. Levy & Co.), of Paris, produced pictures of this kind 320 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. which were exceptionally beautiful. Their excellence was due in a great measure to the process used in their manufacture, a process worked out and really known only to the makers themselves, but supposed to be a simplified collodio-albumen process. 3 4 To print stereoscopic transparencies, the plates should be 6 x 31. Having then negatives, &c., of this size, and a printing-frame as shown in Fig. 117, proceed as follows :— FIG. 117. First examine the negative carefully, and note if all the subject you wish to reproduce is on both portions of it. Now, in the dark room lay the negative, face upwards, in the printing-frame; then, holding up the frame by the left hand, arrange the selected portion of the negative over the aperture of frame by sliding it either to the right or left by means of the right hand fingers. Next lay the prepared transparency plate, face downwards, on to the negative, as shown in Fig. 117, where the diagonal lines represent FIG. 118. the negative with the left end over the aperture of frame, and the lines parallel with the frame represent the transparency plate with its right end over the opening in the printing-frame. Now place the back of the printing-frame, Fig. 118, in its position, and expose to a gas flame for the necessary length of time. Go back FIG. 119. to the dark room, unclamp the back of the frame carefully, and take out the sensitive plate; but, before disturbing the negative from its position, hold the frame towards the dark room light, and notice particularly some part of it which touches or rather is opposite one PRACTICAL HINTS. 321 edge of the square opening of the frame. Now arrange the opposite ends of the negative and transparency plate over the opening, so that the counterpart of the former image may be printed, as shown in Fig. 117; expose as before, and all that is now required is to take the plate from the frame and develop it in the usual manner. A little care is all that is necessary for securing perfect adjustment between the negative and transparency. The printing-frame, as described above, is made by Mr. Chapman, of Manchester. CHAPTER II. PRACTICAL HINTS. Accelerator. Any substance used to assist in the development of the photographic image, e.g., the alkali added to the pyro-developer to quicken its action, is called an accelerator. The term is generally applied in working with gelatine plates. In the wet collodion process the application of heat will accelerate the action of the developing solution. When it is found that the exposure has not been sufficient, slightly warming the plate while the developing solution is on it will increase the density of the image. Alkaline Development.--The use of an alkali to assist in the development of the latent image was first introduced by Major Russell, the author of the Tannin Process, in 1862. With the alkali it was necessary to use a soluble bromide to act as a "restrainer." Without the bromide the development was too energetic, and fog was caused. Ammonia is the alkali generally preferred, but soda and potash are recommended by some operators. The results are very much the same whichever alkali is used. The action of pyrogallic acid alone is very slow, and the addition of the alkali is to cause a quicker development; the restrainer is used to keep the action of the developing solution under control. Anhydrous.—When a substance contains water of crystallisation or has an affinity for water, as calcium chloride, acetic and sulphuric acids have, the removal of the water renders the substance anhydrous. In general, an anhydrous substance is one which does not contain any water. Argentometer.-When water contains nothing but silver nitrate, the quantity of which is not known, the instrument called an argento- meter will indicate accurately how much silver is present. When, X 322 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. however, the silver solution has been used (as in the case of a bath for collodion plates or in the preparation of paper), the solution becomes contaminated with other matter, and the correct quantity of silver can no longer be ascertained by means of the argentometer. But for very rough purposes this convenient little instrument may be used, since, although the bath may contain ether and alcohol, the indication of strength in silver may be sufficient. A more accurate method of testing the strength of a silver solution is to titrate as chloride with a standard salt solution; but this is rarely necessary in practice. Backing Plates. The object of backing plates, as it is termed, is described under the heading Halation. Any method may be adopted by which the back of the plate will be prevented from reflecting the light. Lamp-black mixed with alcohol or with water and rubbed on the back of the plate may be used, or, if preferred, the following:- a. Gum arabic Water b. Glycerine Water I ounce. 4 I 2 "" Mix the two solutions, and incorporate with it any suitable pigment, such as drop-black, which may be ground in water. With this paint the backs of the plates, and allow to dry protected from the light. Bichromate and Cyanide Poisoning. In working the carbon printing and other processes in which potassium bichromate is used, it is next to impossible to prevent contact of the bichromate solution with the hands; hence, when the skin is cracked or sensitive, ulcers or a very irritating "rash" may appear. So far as the rash is con- cerned, the writer's experience has been that the remedy is to cease putting the hands into the solution. When the rash is very trouble- some, a dilute solution of carbolic acid in alcohol has been found effectual; and carbolic soap should be used when washing the hands. When practicable, india-rubber gloves should be worn, and the hands should always be thoroughly washed after they have been in the bichromate solution. With ordinary care this irritating disease may be avoided altogether. Potassium cyanide, applied to the skin after the hands have been touched with tincture of iodine to remove silver stains, will do no harm to health if the skin is not cracked; but sores may be caused, and therefore the cyanide should be used with the greatest care. Broken Negatives.-Negatives taken by the collodion method, if not too badly broken, may be printed from if the parts are carefully held together by the edges of the plate with gummed paper, and then printed under tissue paper in the shade, or by suspending the frame PRACTICAL HINTS. 323 so that it may be kept revolving while printing. If the negative should be on a gelatine plate, the film may not be broken, in which case it may be removed and remounted as described under the head- ing Stripping Film. Combination Printing. The most simple form of combination printing has been referred to under the head of Clouds. To combine several figures taken from separate negatives in one picture, so as to give a natural effect, some skill and much patience on the part of the photographer is necessary. The desire may be to produce a picture of twenty figures in a room, which also is to be represented with its furni- ture and decoration, and with the figures occupied so as to look natural. First of all we must design the picture, and then carefully photograph the figures, singly or in groups, to fit the design; and the lighting must be the same as adopted in the sketch; also the figures must be in their true relative sizes. The room also must be photographed, and an enlarged negative made to be printed as a background for the figures. If a photograph cannot be taken, a correct drawing must be made. A print of each figure must now be arranged and mounted in the position it is to occupy in the finished picture, and this is to be used as a guide in printing the figures, which in a case of this kind will require the aid of an artist to harmonise the whole. Each negative must now be masked so that only such part as is required for the picture will be printed and the portions cut out preserved. To proceed with the printing: First draw a line at one side of the guide print, and a line also at the bottom. Lines to correspond must be drawn on the sheet of sensitised paper to be used as guides in printing in the figures. A printing frame the full size of the paper must be used. Place the prepared paper on the backboard of the frame, and upon it arrange the first negative, measuring the distance. carefully from the side and the bottom to a fixed point on the nega- tive. If there should be room, two negatives may be arranged and printed at the same time. The whole of the paper not under exposure must be carefully protected from the light. The glass of the printing- frame must now be placed in position, the frame put over, and the whole then carefully turned over so that the negatives are not dis- turbed. When the frame is a large one, this can be done with bolts and the bars wedged down (wedges are preferable to screws) when the frame is turned. The progress of the printing can be watched in the usual way, and great care must be taken to have the prints of equal depth. When all the negatives are printed, the portions of the prints. cut out must be arranged over the printed parts, and the background can then be printed in. The greatest care is necessary in every part of the printing, otherwise dark and light lines will appear around the figures. It is difficult to produce a work of this kind so perfect that 324 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. no touching-up or artistic finishing is required; but, when printed on salted paper, such photographs can be finished in water-colour or black and white, and, in the hands of a skilful artist, the result may be highly satisfactory. If the work is to be finished in oil colours, the photograph should be on albumenised paper. Figures can be introduced into landscapes in such a way as to appear as if part of the original picture, and, when skilfully done, the effect is excellent. The difficulties to be overcome are many, the chief, perhaps, being with the models, as it is not easy to make them pose or to assume the expression desired. In most photographs of the kind the figures look as if they had been posed for the occasion, and there is a photographic appearance about the work which the artist has failed to conceal. A few works of the kind have been produced which possess much artistic excellence, thus proving that in the hands of a skilled photographer a photograph may also be a work of art. The illustration on the opposite page is from a picture by Mr. H. P. Robinson, who has given much attention to the production of pictures of this kind. Two negatives are used in this picture, and the printing is so carefully effected that no retouching has been necessary. Copyright. By an Act of Parliament (25 and 26 Vict. c. 68, s. 1) it is provided that when the photograph has been made or exe- cuted for or on behalf of any other person for a good or valuable consideration, the photographer shall not retain the copyright unless it has been secured to him by a written agreement signed by the person for whom it was made; the copyright in the photograph belongs to the sitter. Therefore, if a portrait is required for publica- tion or sale for the benefit of the photographer, consent in writing must be obtained and a money payment of some kind made, the amount being stated in the agreement. Registration at Stationers' Hall is necessary to prevent infringements. This is the law of the The custom amongst photographers as to portraits is, that the negative is the property of the photographer, and can be destroyed by him after his sitter has been supplied with copies; but if the negative be retained, it is exclusively for the sitter's use. This rule applies also to all kinds of copies. case. A photograph of a landscape or of any other kind is protected by registration, so that that particular work may not be pirated; but this does not prevent any other person making photographs of the same objects. Cracks (to fill up).-Old, and perhaps valuable, negatives taken by the collodion process are sometimes found to be cracked,—that is, the film becomes reticulated more or less after they have been stored away. A little soot applied with the end of the finger will generally H. P. ROBINSON, PHOTO. SHIV OF MICH CH. A. BROTHERS & CO., HALF-TONE ZINCO. A STRANGE FISH. PRINTED FROM TWO NEGATIVES. PRACTICAL HINTS. 325 fill up such cracks, and when re-varnished the negative will be as serviceable as ever. Storage in a damp place is the probable cause of cracks of this kind. Insufficient washing after fixing also may have originated them. Density. Upon the proper density of the image depends the print- ing quality of the negative. By experience alone can this quality be determined when the plate is under development. The necessary density varies with the purpose for which the negative is required. For landscapes or portraits absolute opacity may be necessary only in certain parts, but for some purposes, such as photo-lithography, absolute opacity in every part is essential, the transparent subject excepted. Detail. A picture, when correctly exposed and developed, will be full of detail—that is, each part is correctly seen in sufficient per- fection; another picture of the same subject, through insufficient exposure, is said to be wanting in detail, because the parts in shadow are black, and contain no detail. Over-exposure may produce a similar defect, but in a different way, as the excess of light may cause the more delicate details in the picture to be lost. Developing and Developers.-The action of light on a prepared plate produces an effect which is invisible, or, as it is termed, latent. Of the composition of this photographic effect or image we have not certain knowledge; but we do know that by the application of reduc- ing agents certain reactions occur, and a picture is formed; in other words, the image is developed. The development of the image on the daguerreotype plate presents a case different from any other process-a vapour of iodine being employed, in the first place, to make the silver surface sensitive to light, and then to develop the image the vapour of mercury is used. As this vapour consists of particles of mercury, it may be assumed that they adhere to those portions of the plate on which light has acted, and the unaltered iodide of silver rejects the mercury particles. In illustration of this idea, Professor Meldola suggests that if a design be drawn on a sheet of glass in gum-water, and then if a powder or sand be dusted over the plate, the image would be developed. This illustration of the production of a picture in molecules is complete, but it affords no idea of the chemical nature of the compound formed by the mercury on the silvered plate. Since the days of Daguerre many substances have been prepared and used as developers. Talbot made use of gallic acid. Hunt and Herschel introduced iron. Pyrogallic acid (this substance is not really an acid, its proper name being pyrogallol), although known since 1831, was only first used in photography in 1851. Within the last few years other substances, such as eikonogen and hydroquinone, have been introduced. 326 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The action of pyrogallic acid as a developing agent in the wet col- lodion process is much slower than iron, at least three times, and it is now seldom employed. For gelatine plates, however, pyrogallol is largely used, and by some is preferred to eikonogen and other similar substances. One of the most energetic of the reducing agents is iron protosul- phate, used now almost exclusively in the wet collodion process. Ferrous oxalate produces excellent negatives when used to develop gelatine plates. The question as to how the various reducing agents act on the invisible image is one which has occupied the pens of some of the best authorities on photographic matters, and the literature of the subject is very extensive. The development of the image has been compared to the formation of the "silver tree," which may be produced by suspending a slip of zinc in a solution of silver nitrate. The action set up soon becomes visible on the zinc by the deposition of particles of metallic silver, and these continue to form and adhere to each other until the whole of the silver contained in the solution is exhausted. The deposit of silver from its salt solution may be shown in another way, and is an interesting experiment when seen under the microscope. A few drops of silver solution are placed in a cell on the stage of the instrument, and on the addition of some fine copper filings the silver will be seen at once to form and attach itself to the particles of copper, building up a miniature "tree" or fern-like structure. In the case of the photographic image the particles of silver are deposited in a very finely divided state, and the density of the picture is caused by the deposit being thicker on those parts of the plate which have received the most light. In the case of the collodion picture the film contains an iodide of silver formed by the combination of the iodine in the collodion and the silver nitrate in which it is immersed. On exposure in the camera a change is produced by the action of the light, and this change is made visible on the application of the developing solu- tion, which, in this case, is assumed to be iron protosulphate. If a solution of a proto-salt of iron be added to a solution of silver, the latter metal is at once thrown down; but when the iron solution is used to develop the image, the silver contained in the silver nitrate in the film is deposited in the metallic state only on those parts of the plate where the light has caused some change in the molecular condition of the film containing the silver, and it is usual to say that the picture is built up by the atoms clustering together in proportion as the light has affected the sensitive film. How the image has been formed in the first instance by the light is difficult to explain; in fact, very little is known about it, but that the picture is built up by PRACTICAL HINTS. 327 atoms or particles of metallic silver can be seen under the microscope, and the metallic silver can also be shown by gently rubbing the dry film, which will at once exhibit its character. A few facts not generally known to the present generation of photo- graphers may be stated. They are of as great interest now as when published in 1842, and are contained in a summary of a paper by M. Ludwig Moser "On the Formation and Development of Invisible Images." It will be found in Hardwich's "Manual of Photographic Chemistry," 5th edit., p. 42. A portion only of the summary is given here :— "From Moser's experiments we learn that the surfaces of various bodies are capable of being modified by contact with each other, or by contact with a ray of light, in such a way as to impart an affinity for a vapour; and further, that the salts of silver are in the list of sub- stances admitting of such modification. But the same condition of surface which causes a vapour to settle in a peculiar manner also affects the behaviour of the silver salt when treated with a mixture of nitrate of silver and a reducing agent. Thus, if a clean glass plate be touched on certain spots by the warm finger, the impression soon disappears, but is again seen on breathing upon the glass; and if this same plate be coated with a very delicate layer of iodised collodion and passed through the nitrate bath, the solution of pyrogallic acid will often produce a well-defined outline of the figure even before the plate has been exposed to the light. This experiment is an instruc- tive one, and shows the necessity of cleaning the plates used in photography with care. If there be any irregularity in the manner in which the breath settles upon the glass when it is breathed on, a condition of surface exists at that point which will probably so modify the layer of iodide of silver that the action of the developing fluid will be in some way interfered with. "Glass plates with collodion pictures on them should be cleaned very carefully before being used again, or the old impression will reappear during development. Plates packed in sheets of newspaper often show the letters in the same way when the pyrogallic acid is applied. Traces of organic matter, in all probability, are present in the superficial pores of the glass, and it is only by long soaking in chemical solutions that these invisible images can be destroyed." It will be convenient here to give a few hints as to the develop- ment of gelatine dry plates. The operation is very simple, but until experience has been gained many failures may occur. It is assumed that the worker has made himself master of the way of using the camera and focusing. The necessary exposure will depend on the kind of lens in use, the size of the diaphragm, the state of the light, and the make of plate, whether slow or quick. Experience alone is 328 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. required, but a few hints from a friend who has mastered the difficul- ties would be useful. The plate having been exposed, the carrier holding it must be opened in a darkened room. We will suppose that the plate is an "Ilford," 6 × 4, and that the formula for that kind of plate is to be used. In a glass measure pour one ounce of No. 3 solution, and add to it half an ounce of No. 2 solution. Put the plate, film-side uppermost, into a dish of suitable size, that is, somewhat larger than the plate, and then pour over it the mixed developing solution. If it is found that the image shows itself very slowly, more of No. 2 may be added. The picture should not develop too quickly. If the exposure has been correct, the film will gradually darken, and the density may be ascertained by examining it by hold- ing the plate towards the light. The proper density can only be determined by trial. The appearance of the plate at the back may be some guide, as the image shows darker than the rest of the surface. When it is known that the exposure has been correctly timed, the full quantities of the two solutions, Nos. 2 and 3, may be used at once. The object of taking only half the quantity of ammonia, or even less than half, is to retain some control over the development. In an over-exposed plate the image will start up at once, and it will be found on fixing that the image is weak and probably useless. As soon as it is seen that the exposure has been too great, the developing solution may be poured back into the glass, and more of No. 3 added, and with care a fairly good negative may result. In cases of under- exposure, prolonged development and the use of more of No. 2 solu- tion may permit a picture to be developed, but the result is too often that the shadows are dark and the contrasts too great; therefore the greatest care should be taken to make the exposures correct and to develop to the proper density. No words can properly convey the necessary instruction for this; a few plates may be spoiled, but the information gained will compensate for the loss. When the picture is fully developed the plate should be rinsed with water, and then at once placed in the fixing solution, consisting of sodium thiosulphate ("hypo") 4 ounces, and water 20 ounces. As soon as all trace of the white film has disappeared, which may be ascertained by examining the back of the plate, the fixing is complete. After thorough rinsing, the picture must be "cleared" by flowing over it sufficient of the solution named for that purpose (see Clearing Solutions). The object of this part of the process is to remove a yel- lowish veil, which, under certain conditions, appears after development. It is sometimes recommended to place the plate when developed in a saturated solution of alum; when there is any tendency for the film to "frill" this is necessary, but not otherwise. It now only remains to thoroughly wash the finished negative, and PRACTICAL HINTS. 329 this may be done by allowing water to flow over it for an hour or two, or the plate may be placed in a dish and the water changed frequently. When many plates are to be dealt with, it is convenient to use a grooved washing trough, through which the water is changed by means of a syphon. The negative should be allowed to dry in a rack, or by standing it on end on blotting paper. Any attempt to dry it by fire-heat would cause the film to melt. If, however, it is necessary to dry the plate quickly, it may be placed in methylated spirit, and after a few minutes, when all greasiness has disappeared, it may be removed (the spirit can be used again), and reared up to dry. The makers of gelatine-bromide plates always recommend that the formulæ they give should be used. This is, perhaps, excellent advice to the tyro; but good results on any kind of plate may be obtained with pyrogallol and ammonia development, and perhaps with any one of the various methods in use. Failures are more likely to arise from changing from one kind of plate to another, and experimenting with various formulæ. It is far preferable to select a plate known to work well, to persevere with it until its peculiarities are known and mastered, and to use the developing solution known to give good results with the particular plate in use. When experience has been gained, failure is unlikely to occur, no matter what kind of plate may be used. Gelatine plates are made of various degrees of rapidity, and in some cases plates of the quickest kinds may advantageously be used; but for ordinary work the slowest (say, ten times the rapidity of wet plates) will be found to give the best results. The exposure is more under control and the development more certain. With the quickest plates there is less control of the exposure and more depends on the development. It has been asserted, as the outcome of careful experi- ments, that no modification of development can correct an error in the exposure outside certain limits depending on the character of the plate. This opinion, if proved correct, will greatly emphasise the necessity for care in the exposure. In the description of the various processes will be found the necessary formulæ for development. As already stated, in working with gelatine dry plates, it is better to use the formulæ recommended by the makers, but for convenient reference the following may be useful: Developing Solution for "Edwards' XL Plates." No. 1. Pyrogallol Alcohol (methylated) Glycerine No. 2. Potassium bromide. Ammonia, .880 Water • • I ounce. 7 ounces. ounce. 120 grains. I ounce. 7 ounces. 330 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. For use, take one part of No. 1 to fifteen parts of water, and, in a separate bottle, mix one part of No. 1 with fifteen parts of water. Equal parts of these two solutions are required when a plate is to be developed. The dilute solutions will not keep, and should be mixed just before they are required. For the "Ilford" Plates. No. 1. (Stock) Solution. Pyrogallol Ammonium bromide Water Nitric acid (pure) No. 2. Liq. ammonia, 880 Water No. 3. Solution No. 1. Water 1 ounce. 600 grains. 6 ounces. 20 drops. 3 drachms. 20 ounces. I ounce. • 19 ounces. Equal parts of No. 2 and No. 3 are to be mixed for use. If the plate is found to be over-exposed, at once remove it from the dish, and pour over the plate some of the No. 3 solution, which may be allowed to mix with the solution in the dish. When the develop- ment is slow, more of the No. 2 solution may be used, and in case of doubt as to the exposure, take only half the quantity of No. 2, and add more as required to produce the proper density. For the Pall Mall plates the makers recommend the following:- No. 1. Pyrogallol Sodium sulphite Citric acid Water to make No. 2. Potassium carbonate Sodium sulphite Water to make • I ounce. 4 ounces. ounce. 20 ounces. • 3 2 "" 20 To an ounce of water add one drachm of each of the above solutions. With ammonia the following is the formula for the same plates: No. 1. Pyrogallol Sodium sulphite Citric acid Water, boiled or distilled, to make Of the above ten minims equal 91 grains of pyrogallol. No. 2. Liquor ammonia .880 Water to make Ten minims of this equal one minim of ammonia. No. 3. Potassium bromide Water to make Ten minims of this equal 91 grains of bromide. I ounce. 3 ounces. ounce. IO Ounces. I ounce. IO ounces. I ounce. • IO ounces. PRACTICAL HINTS. 331 To each ounce of water add ten minims of each of the three solutions, and to increase density add ten minims of No. 2, if neces- sary. With hydroquinone the following formula may be used:- No. 1. Hydroquinone Sodium sulphite Citric acid Potassium bromide Water to make No. 2. Sodium hydrate Water 160 grains. 2 ounces. • 60 grains. 40 grains. 20 ounces. • 160 grains. 20 ounces. Equal parts of these solutions may be used in cold weather. In hot weather the solution may be diluted. With iron the following may be used :— No. 1. Potassium oxalate (neutral) Potassium bromide Water to make No. 2. Iron protosulphate Sulphuric acid Water to make • 6 ounces. 20 grains. 20 ounces. 8 drachm. 20 ounces. To three ounces of No. 1 add one ounce of No. 2 (see Hydroquinone). Dialysis. —The process of dialysis is useful in photography when it is desired to separate certain salts from colloidal substances, as in the case of gelatine emulsion. Parchment paper is strained over a vessel so as to form a kind of dish—the dialyser—in which the emulsion is placed. When brought into contact with water, the crystallisable salts pass through the parchment paper, while the colloidal substance remains in the dialyser. Diffused Light.-For many purposes in photography direct sunlight is not desirable. When the processes used were very slow, as was the case when Daguerre's method was first used, the strongest light was necessary, but by the quicker processes now practised this is un- necessary. For portraiture blinds are employed, and, in some cases, the glass roof is stippled with colour to give the effect of ground glass. By this means the light is diffused, and the contrasts of light and shadow are given with the best effect. Dust.-Whether in the wet or dry processes, one of the most troublesome annoyances arises from dust particles. Pinholes, comets, and various other defects are caused by dust; and as for some pur- poses (such as a screen for the half-tone block process) an absolutely perfect plate must be used, every care must be taken to avoid dust. The plates must be carefully brushed, whatever the process may be, and when gelatine plates are placed in a draught-box, the entrance for 332 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. the air should be protected with cotton-wool lightly placed over the aperture. Expansion of Paper.-Most kinds of paper when wetted expand. This is very observable in paper on which portraits are printed. The expansion is greater in one direction than the other, and it is there- fore necessary to cut the sheets so that the defect will be least observed. If the prints are allowed to dry, then brushed over witlı the mountant, and again dried, they may be mounted by damping the mount, when no distortion will be observable. The following diffe- rences were found in a sheet of paper very accurately measured :- A sheet of paper, already coated with gelatine and dry, measured 231 x 17 inches. It was then sensitised in the bichromate solu- 171 6 tion and dried at 80° F., when it was found to measure 23 × 1716 inches. The sheet was then printed, inked, and cleared from the ink, and while wet measured 231 × 171 inches. When dry and finished, the transfer measured 2215 × 17 inches, showing a loss in length of one-eighth of an inch, and a loss in width of one-sixteenth of an inch. The importance of this will be at once seen by those who prepare transfers for photo-lithography, when several transfers are required to form one subject and to fit accurately. 3 6 Fog.—The extreme sensitiveness of gelatine dry plates makes them very liable to show the defect known as fog. As a consequence, every care should be taken to prevent the access of light to the plate, excepting through the lens at the time of exposure. A very minute hole in any part of the camera, dark slide, or in the diaphragm slot may admit light, or the sliding parts of the dark slide may be in fault. Therefore in a strong light the camera and slide should be kept covered as much as possible. The plate may be fogged through the light in the dark room not being of the proper quality. Light fog may be produced by any of these causes. There is another defect, which is chemical, and may arise in the process of manufacture of the plates or in developing. A tinge of greenish colour around the sides of the plates is called green fog, and often occurs when ammonia is used in developing and under prolonged development. This defect does not always interfere with the printing qualities of the negative. An appearance around the sides is often seen in some plates after development which is very like the defect referred to, but is evidently caused by tarnish, owing probably to the age of the plate. careful rubbing with the finger while the plate is wet the defect may be removed. Red fog was at one time a defect in dry plates, but is now seldom seen. Green fog may sometimes be removed by soaking the film in a solution of potassium bichromate. Hydrogen peroxide. may also be used. By Plates which have been exposed to light and thereby "fogged," so PRACTICAL HINTS. 333 as to be useless for ordinary purposes, may, as stated in the British Journal of Photography, be restored by treatment as under. Take- Chromic acid Potassium bromide Water 30 grains. 60 IO ounces. The plates are to be immersed in this solution for five minutes, thoroughly washed, and then allowed to dry. Another solution is as under, and is applied in the same manner :— Potassium bichromate. Hydrobromic acid (sp. gr. 1.4) Water . I ounce, 2 drachms. IO ounces. After treatment with either of these solutions the plates are much less sensitive than before, but if, after thorough washing, they are treated with one of the alkaline or the chromatising solutions, much of the sensitiveness will be restored. Plates which have been exposed in the camera may be restored for use again if treated with either of the solutions named, but the immersion must be more prolonged. Care must be taken while drying the plates that no white light acts upon them. In placing plates in the dark slide, care should be taken not to be too near the light, and as little light as possible should be used in the room. In developing, also, the plate should be kept away from the light, and until the image begins to appear it is not safe to expose the plate to the yellow light. Freezing Mixtures.-The following mixtures will be found useful when the temperature requires to be reduced. When snow is avail- able, the addition of common salt (sodium chloride), two parts by weight of the chloride to five of snow, will reduce the temperature from 84° F. (20° C.) to 5° F. The vessel containing the fluid to be reduced in temperature must stand in the freezing mixture. The mixtures given below will also cause intense cold :— ( Ammonium muriate Potassium nitrate Water. reduces the temperature from + 50°F. to + 10° F. Ammonium nitrate Water. 5 parts 5 16 I part I reduces the temperature from + 50° F. to + 4° F. Sodium sulphate Nitric acid (dilute) 3 parts 2 " 334 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. reduces the temperature from + 50° F. to snow still lower temperatures may be produced. Snow . Sodium chloride Ammonium nitrate will reduce the temperature to 25° F. Snow . Calcium chloride 30° F. With ice or 12 parts 5 5 "} " 4 parts 5 "" - reduces the temperature to 40° F. Other mixtures may also be used. Frilling. This defect is caused by the expansion of the gelatine film, and as some plates are more liable to frill than others, some peculiarity in the process of manufacturing the plates may be the cause. If the sample of gelatine is too soft or is partly decomposed, or if the film is too thick, frills may appear after the developing or fixing solutions are used. If the developing solution is used too warm, the film may begin to leave the edges of the plate. In a case of this kind an edging of grease or india-rubber may be a remedy. When there is a tendency to frill, the plates should be placed in a bath of alum or chrome-alum before or after development, using a 5 per cent. solution of the alum. Steeping in spirits of wine is also said to prevent frilling. A thorough washing should follow the use of alum or chrome-alum before subjecting the plate to the action of an alkaline solution. Gelatine plates rarely, if ever, frill with the ferrous-oxalate developer. Halation. This is a defect frequently seen when a dark object is strongly lighted from behind-as dark foliage against a light sky; the light encroaches on the dark edges and causes a fringe of light around the object. The effects of halation are also seen in photo- graphs of interiors where a bright light shines through a window, but are still more noticeable when the interior is dark, as in some churches, and the exposure is consequently prolonged. One of the causes is reflection from the back of the plate. Many remedies have been suggested; amongst others, backing the plates—that is, coating them on the back with an opaque colour, which can be easily removed before development. In plates thickly coated with emulsion the defect is not so noticeable. When an interior is sufficiently lighted by windows not shown in the picture, it may be practicable to cover the window facing the camera for most of the time during an ex- posure. Of course it is desirable that the picture should be taken when the sun does not shine directly on such a window. One of the best means to remove the defect is to carefully rub the over-exposed PRACTICAL HINTS. 335 part with methylated spirits of wine, using a tuft of cotton-wool or lint. In addition to backing the plate, it is said that staining the film with erythrosine, I part to 500 of water, is an effectual remedy. The following may be used as a reducing solution for halation- Potassium ferricyanide Water • 20 grains. 2 ounces. To about half an ounce of this solution add two drops of "hypo" (4 ounces of "hypo" to 20 ounces of water) when required for use. It may be applied locally with a camel's-hair brush. After soaking in water, the plate must be well washed. High Lights.—In a portrait, if well lighted, there should be parts which are brighter than the rest of the face-on the forehead and nose, for instance; they are called high lights. If they do not exist in the negative, the "retoucher" generally marks such parts with the pencil. In a landscape the high lights give brilliancy to the picture. Hygiene in Photography.—Although in the present day there is nothing in the practice of photography so prejudicial to health as was the case when the fumes of mercury were always present during the development of the daguerreotype plate, there is still the necessity for care. Probably the small quantity of ether fumes breathed during an ordinary day's work when collodion was in general use did very little, if any, harm. Care should be taken, when large plates are coated with collodion, that the room should be properly ventilated, otherwise the ether fumes cause a very unpleasant effect on the eyes. The writer has never heard of any permanent injury from breathing ether fumes, nor has he experienced any injury himself after a long use of collodion; the effect on the eyes is unpleasant, but soon passes off. The fumes of ammonia in the small quantities used in develop- ing dry plates can do very little harm; but when the strong ammonia is used, care should be exercised in every possible way. The bottle containing the fluid should never be unstopped when held near the face, and the fumes should be breathed as little as possible. As collodion is so little used by amateurs, it is scarcely necessary to advise them to be cautious, while in large establishments every care will be taken to avoid accidents by fire; the stoppers of bottles should be looked to, and care as to naked lights observed. Intensifying. For certain purposes a negative taken in the ordinary way is not sufficiently intense—that is, the image is not completely opaque. For general purposes the collodion negative, when redeveloped or intensified with pyrogallic acid, is all that can be desired, but when used in photo-lithography, or other mechanical processes, the image must be black in order to obtain the best results. A collodion nega- tive developed with iron may be intensified by steeping in a saturated 336 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. solution of mercury bichloride; but as water alone will only take up a small quantity of the mercuric salt, it will be found that equal parts of mercury and ammonium chloride (sal ammoniac) will be found more energetic in its action. When the negative has changed to white, the intensification is complete, and the plate must now be thoroughly washed. If not completely washed stains will occur in the next operation. A dilute solution of ammonia poured over the film will instantly change the colour to black, when the plate must be again thoroughly washed. Incomplete washing causes the image to fade in course of time, although the film may have been varnished. Exposure to the atmosphere for a few hours will often be sufficient to cause the image to bleach in parts, so that varnishing must be resorted to as soon as the plate is dry. An unvarnished negative must not be used on silver paper, nor on a bichromate preparation, since stains may be thus produced. Instead of ammonia chloride, hydrochloric acid may be used, one ounce of acid to six ounces of water, to which the mercury bichloride must be added: the undissolved portion may remain in the bottle. Instead of ammonia for blackening, "hypo" will answer the same purpose. Potassium cyanide, to which silver nitrate has been added, may also be used after the plate has been bleached. The following formula for collodion negatives developed with iron, and, if necessary, redeveloped with pyrogallic acid, will be found preferable to the bichloride solution : Potassium ferricyanide Lead nitrate Water 4 ounces 3 65 which can be used repeatedly, and should be occasionally filtered. This will change the colour to a light yellow, and when sufficiently intense-which can be seen by transmitted light-the plate should be well washed in running water. The washing will take out the yellow colour, leaving the film white, but it is not always necessary to reach this point. Then take- Ammonium sulphide Water 4 ounces 12 • >> and pour it over the plate until the film is completely blackened, that is, until no patches of the bleached picture are visible on the back of the plate. The ammonium solution should not be used twice. If any part of the picture appears discoloured where clear glass should be, a cleaning solution of— Nitric acid Water I drachm 12 ounces PRACTICAL HINTS. 337 may be poured over the plate. This must be used carefully, other- wise the density of the image may be injured. Other methods are in use for intensifying collodion negatives, but the above are quite efficient. Owing to the difficulty experienced in determining when a gelatine dry plate is sufficiently developed, many negatives are found to be too weak to give good prints. Unless the negative is very much under- exposed, a good result for printing may be obtained by careful intensi- fication. The negative must be very thoroughly washed to avoid the risk of stains. Intensification with silver nitrate is not always successful on gela- tine plates, but the following is recommended by Mr. E. Howard Farmer :- No. 1. Silver nitrate Distilled water • No. 2. Potassium bromide Water No. 3. Sodium thiosulphate ("hypo ") Water I ounce 12 ounces. 3 ounce. 2 ounces. 2 "" 6 Add No. 2 to No. 1, and after washing the precipitated silver bromide thoroughly by decantation, dissolve it with agitation in No. 3. The muddy liquid thus obtained is filtered or placed aside for a day and the clear solution decanted off; it is then made up to 16 ounces with water, and kept for use. To intensify a plate, wash after fixing, and flood with the following mixture: Sulpho-pyrogallol . Water The above silver solution 40 minims 2 ounces 60 minims to which is added, immediately before use, about 30 minims of 10 per cent. ammonia solution. If the silver shows no tendency to reduc- tion, add more ammonia, or, if it be thrown down immediately, use less. With a little experience, a peculiar browning of the liquid shows when sufficient ammonia has been added. Rock the plate, and apply fresh solution as the density increases. Finally, place the negative for a short time in the fixing bath and wash. Gelatine plates may be intensified with mercury bichloride. The solution as recommended for wet collodion plates, diluted, will answer, but it will be better to mix a solution specially, say- Mercury bichloride Ammonium chloride Water IO grains. IO I ounce. Y 338 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. When sufficiently intensified, wash thoroughly and blacken with Ammonia Water I ounce. 9 ounces. If found to be too energetic, the solution of mercury may be reduced with water; one-half water would in most cases be strong enough, as, if fully bleached, the negative may become too dense. The following method for intensifying a gelatine plate immediately after fixing is recommeded by Mr. W. Brooks:-Wash the negative, after fixing, for at least half an hour. Make a saturated solution of alum, and add to it one ounce of citric acid. To one part of this stock solution add three or four parts of water, in which soak the plates for a few minutes. Take two drachms of the alum and citric acid solution, and add six grains of pyrogallic acid and a few drops of a 20-grain solution of silver nitrate. Use this to intensify the plates in the ordinary way by holding the plate in the hand; watch the result, and stop just before full intensity is gained, as it will be denser when dry. Now wash the plate, replace it in the "hypo" fixing solution for five minutes; and after thoroughly washing it again, immerse it in the diluted alum and citric acid solution. If the plate has been allowed to dry, intensification by this method may be adopted, but it is better done while wet. Mealiness. -Paper that has been floated in a bath containing too little silver will appear, when printed, with an irregular surface and deficient in brightness. This is frequently the case with some kinds of ready-sensitised paper. If the paper itself is of good quality, and sensitised a short time before it is used, the remedy is to add silver to the bath. It occasionally happens that the albumen dissolves in the bath, and this will cause mealiness. Negatives. The illustrations, figs. 120 and 121, show one of the most simple experiments in photography, and they also illustrate the differ- ence between a negative and a positive. The figures show that a leaf placed on a piece of sensitive paper will produce a negative if exposed to light long enough to leave the impression on the paper, and that this negative, if fixed and made semi-transparent with wax, will produce a positive when exposed to light in the same way. The first photo- graphs were produced in this manner. A sheet of paper sensitive to light, or a plate of glass, as in the collodion, gelatine, or other processes, and exposed in the camera, yields a negative when the object copied is a landscape, portrait, or other subject; but by using the camera as described in another section, a positive may be made from the negative. The fact that in pictures taken as described the lights are the reverse of nature constitutes them negatives. Over-Exposure.-When a plate has received an excess of light PRACTICAL HINTS. 339 through the lens, it is said to be over-exposed. In some cases there is no remedy for this. In the wet collodion process an over-exposed plate can seldom be made into a good negative; but in some cases, when the exposure has not been very excessive, the picture may be saved by careful redevelopment or intensifying. In the case of gelatine plates, the effect of over-exposure may often be corrected by varying the proportions in the developing solutions. The picture will flash up too soon when the exposure has been over-long, and the resulting negative will be weak unless most carefully manipulated while under the action of the developer. It is, however, strongly FIG. 120, Positive. FIG. 121, Negative. controverted whether over-exposure can be properly corrected by this or any other means. The evil can, at best, be only somewhat miti- gated, in the opinion of some writers on this subject. Pinholes.-The small transparent spots often seen in all kinds of negatives are called pinholes. The causes of these are various. In wet collodion plates the defects are chiefly due to dust and excess of silver iodide in the bath solution. In gelatine plates the cause may arise from dust, or defects in the preparation of the plates; they can scarcely arise during develop- ment. 340 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Positive. This term is applied to all photographs which, when viewed by reflected light, appear with the lights and shadows as in nature. A transparent positive is a picture on glass or other diaphan- ous material which necessitates the view being seen by transmitted light. The term was at one time chiefly used to indicate a picture on glass specially developed to be seen by reflected light (the same when seen by transmitted light became a weak negative). All lan- tern slides are positives. Reduction of Density. Since the introduction of gelatine dry plates the possibility of getting too much density in the negatives has been much more probable than with collodion negatives, when addi- tional density is given by re-development and the requisite intensity obtained without difficulty. With gelatine, the necessity for using a weak light, and the veil which causes the film to have a greater density than the finished negative will require, make the difficulty of judging the proper depth much greater than in some other processes. From these causes it happens too often that greater density is obtained than is desirable, and this excess must be removed or the resulting prints will not be satisfactory. So many methods are in use for reducing the density of over-developed negatives that it is difficult to select the best. In the writer's own practice the following is generally found sufficient; it is also used as a clearing solution :- Alum Sulphuric acid Iron protosulphate Water I ounce. 3 ounces. 20 As a clearing solution it is merely necessary to use sufficient to cover the plate, and then return the solution to the bottle. To reduce density the solution may be poured on and off till the required reduc- tion is effected. The following solution is also recommended as a means for reducing very dense negatives:- ! Potassium ferricyanide Water • I ounce. IO Ounces. The negative should be placed in a dish with sufficient water to cover it; then take one drachm of the ferricyanide solution and an equal quantity of the "hypo" solution used for fixing; pour the water out of the dish into the glass with this mixture, and then return to the dish. More of the mixture may be added if the first quantity does not cause sufficient reduction. The plate must be thoroughly washed. PRACTICAL HINTS. 341 The following is recommended by Mr. Spiller :- a. Alum • Copper sulphate Common salt Water · b. Saturated solution of common salt. 4 ounces. 4 8 40 "" ་་ Both solutions should be filtered and the negative immersed in equal parts of a and b. Watch the effect of the reduction. When com- plete, rinse in a fresh quantity of solution b., and then thoroughly wash. Prints on bromide paper may be reduced in the same manner as negatives. By using a solution of copper sulphate, to which a little salt has been added, bromide prints and untoned prints on salted paper may be entirely bleached out, but the image will reappear if the paper is exposed to strong light. Reduction invariably interferes with the due gradation of density, and should therefore be used with caution. Reflected Light.-When a portrait is taken with the light coming in one direction (as from the window of an ordinary room) the effect of contrast is too great, and it becomes necessary to modify it by means of reflected light. This is done by placing a white sheet or white paper at a suitable distance from the sitter, care being taken that there is not too much reflection, or the effect will be unpleasing. A little reflected light, judiciously used, is generally advantageous in a portrait. Reflected light is also useful in making copies as tending to equalize the effect and, in some cases, to get rid of the roughness of paper. Reflected light is often used in making transparencies in a copying camera, a sheet of white paper being placed at a suitable distance in front of the camera. A silvered mirror may be employed for the same purpose. In the solar camera the light is reflected from a mirror, but it is seldom that a mirror can be used in an ordinary glass house, as the window bars interfere with perfect reflection. Residues.—The prevention of waste of the precious metals is very desirable. In the case of silver and gold the quantity used in the processes of photography is very large, and the loss, which is usually also very large, may be considerably lessened. In all large establish- ments every care is taken to save solutions and paper cuttings where silver or gold have been used; but the amateur, whose operations are on a small scale, too often considers it not worth the trouble to col- lect his waste. This is a mistake, as it occupies very little time to put all spoilt prints and cuttings and papers which have been used for filtering silver solutions into a bag. The "hypo" used for fixing. and old toning solutions should not be thrown away, as in course of 342 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. time sufficient will accumulate to be worth sending to the refiners. In a paper print only about 3 per cent. of the silver originally used in its preparation is left in the picture; so that 97 per cent. of the metal is lost if no care be taken to collect the waste. The waste in other directions is also very great, but much of it may be easily pre- vented. Paper prints should always be placed for some minutes in a dish with plenty of water previous to toning; the water poured into a jar; and a solution of common salt, or, preferably, hydrochloric acid, added thereto. The milky solution thus formed is allowed to become quite clear by settling. The water is then poured off, leaving the silver chloride at the bottom. The water from the next washing may then be added and treated in the same way until the chloride has collected in quantity sufficient to be removed, washed, and dried. The quantity of silver recovered from paper of the ready-sensitized kind will be very small when compared with that specially prepared. The sodium thiosulphate solution used for fixing should be poured into a receptacle of wood or earthenware having a tap at a few inches from the bottom, which will serve to draw off the upper part of the solution after the silver sulphide has subsided. Potassium sulphide (liver of sulphur) is added in solution and the silver precipitated. The solution may be tested by taking a little in a test-tube; if on the addition of a few drops of the sulphide no further precipitate is formed, the solution may be drawn off and thrown away. As the mixture of sulphide and "hypo" has an unpleasant odour, the vessel containing it should be kept in the open air. As the sodium thiosulphate solution used for fixing gelatine plates dissolves all the silver not reduced in forming the negative and can be used repeatedly, it becomes rich in silver, and should be thrown into the tub to be reduced by potassium sulphide. In establishments where the collodion process is still used and when the plates in use are large there is considerable room for waste. The sink over which the plates are developed should be large and deep, preferably of earthenware; they may be obtained fitted with a plug, which permits the washing water to be collected and, after the sediment has subsided, to be drawn off into the waste-pipe. If the plug is simply withdrawn much of the sediment will be carried down the waste-pipe with the water. This is prevented by quickly substi- tuting for this plug another which is made of lead pipe, and which has a hole about half an inch in diameter an inch or so above the level of the sink bottom. This permits the water to run off and prevents the disturbance of the sediment. The iron used in develop- ing the plates gives rise to a highly argentiferous deposit, which, after drying, may be sent to the refiner. The developing solution remaining on the plates may be thrown into a separate receptacle or into the PRACTICAL HINTS. 343 sink, but the deposit of silver being richer than when mixed with the water, it is better to keep it separate. The cyanide bath used for fixing should also be kept and treated with potassium sulphide. The films from spoilt collodion plates or old negatives should be preserved and thrown into the bag with the paper cuttings. Old toning solutions may be poured into a large bottle, and a solution of iron protosulphate added to throw down the gold. When sufficient has been collected the sediment may be filtered out. The films of unvarnished plates, which have been removed by steeping in weak nitric acid and water, should be kept and burnt with other residues. The acid solution should also be kept, and the silver recovered by adding a solution of common salt. The various kinds of waste may be treated to recover the gold and silver, but as the cost of reduction, if sent to a refiner, is so small, it is not worth the trouble entailed in doing it at home. There are other ways of treating the waste, but the above will answer every purpose, and the silver recovered will amply repay the trouble. It is estimated that at least 75 per cent. of the silver used may be recovered. It is a common practice to use sodium chloride (common salt) to precipitate silver from solutions, but as that salt has the power of dissolving silver chloride when there is a large excess of sodium chloride, it is better to use commercial hydrochloric acid, which does not dissolve the silver chloride. Saturated Solution.-For many purposes in photographic manipu- lations it is convenient to have solutions containing as much of certain substances as can be held in solution. In such cases the solution is said to be saturated. The quantity which can be retained in solution by the fluid depends on the temperature. Water when cold will usually retain less of the substance than when hot, and in some cases the solution on cooling will part with the surplus in the form of crystals, leaving the water saturated. Some salts dissolve readily, while others require to be frequently agitated in the water. When no more of the substance can be dissolved the solution will be "satu- rated;" the surplus crystals may be left in the vessel and more water added as required until all the substance is dissolved. If merely poured on to the crystals the water immediately surrounding them will be saturated, but all above will contain very little until the whole is agitated; and in some cases this must be frequently done to obtain saturation. The process is facilitated when the substance to be dissolved is suspended in the fluid; then, as solution occurs, the denser fluid will sink and the water will be self-saturated. In all cases where saturated solutions are referred to the substances and fluids require to have been treated as explained here. 344 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The following Table of Solubility will be found useful, as by its aid it may be seen at once how much of the substance will be taken up at the temperature shown :— DR. JANEWAY'S TABLE OF THE SOLUBILITY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS. ABBREVIATIONS.—s., soluble; ins., insoluble; sp., sparingly; m., moderately; v., very; dec., decomposed. CHEMICALS. WATER. COLD ALCOHOL. 59° F. 212° F. One part of- Parts. Parts. "" 27 Acid, citric gallic oxalic pyrogallic • is soluble in • 0.75 .6 V.S. IOO • 11 3 m.s. S I V.S. 19 33 3.5 V.S. V.S. tannic 6 V.S. V.S. • >> Alum 25 10.5 V.S. ins. chrome ΙΟ dec. ins. Ammonium, bromide "" 1.5 0.7 sp.s. carbonate. "" 4 dec. m.s. chloride "" 3 V.S. sp.s. iodide I 0.5 m.s. nitrate >> 0.5 V.S. V.S. Barium, nitrate Cadmium, bromide iodide. 8 3 ... • V.S. V.S. m.s. V.S. V.S. V.S. "" Copper acetate Gold chloride "1 15 5 sp.s. "" sulphate Gold and sodium chloride Iron iodide (ferrous) perchloride protosulphate and ammonia sulphate. 2.6 0.5 ins. V.S. V.S. V.S. V.S. V.S. m.s. V.S. V.S. sp.s. "" V.S. V.S. V.S. >> 1.8 0.3 ins. 3 0.8 ins. Iodine. Lead acetate chloride nitrate 7000 m.s. "" 1.8 0.5 m.s. 11 11 v.sp. 33 ins. 2 0.8 ins. 19 "" Lithium bromide. iodide Magnesium nitrate Mercury bichloride cyanide. Potassium acetate V.S. V.S. m.s. V.S. V.S. m.s. V.S. V.S. in.s. 11 16 2 V.S. 12.8 " 3 ins. 0.4 V.S. V.S. bicarbonate 3.2 dec. ins. , bichromate ΙΟ 99 1.5 ins. bromide 1.6 I sp.s. carbonate I 0.7 ins. "" "2 cyanide 2 I m.s. ;) ferricyanide ferrocyanide iodide "" 3.8 2 ins. 11 4 2 ins. O.S 0.5 m.s. 21 PRACTICAL HINTS. 345 DR. JANEWAY'S TABLE (continued). WATER. CHEMICALS. 59° F. 212° F. One part of COLD ALCOHOL. Parts. Parts. Potassium nitrate 4 0.4 ins. oxalate 11 "" "1 sulphate sulphite 3 V.S. ins. permanganate 20 • 3 ins. "1 9 4 45 ins. sp.s. "" sulphuret Silver, nitrate oxide Sodium, acetate "" bromide. bicarbonate carbonate 2 I sp.s. "" 0.8 0.4 m.s. 闻 ​"" v.sp.s. v.sp.s. ins. ** • 3 I m.s. I.2 0.5 in.s. I 2 dec. ins. 1.6 0.25 ins. citrate "" iodide "" nitrate "" phosphate 19 ↑ " sulphite . V.S. V.S. sp.s. • 0.6 "" 0.3 m.s. "" 1.3 0.6 sp.s. 6 2 ins. • >> sulphate. thiosulphate ("hypo ") tungstate Uranium, nitrate 2.8 0.4 ins. 4 0.9 sp.s. I V.S. ins. 4.0 2.0 ins. V.S. V.S m.s. "" A Zinc, bromide chloride "" iodide. "" V.S. V.S. m.s. 0.33 V.S. m.s. V.S. V.S. V.S. "" Sizes of Drops.—It frequently occurs that the quantities of fluids to be used are given in drops, and as the drops of different fluids vary very much in size errors may be caused when more than a very few drops are required. The following table, given by Dr. Eder, shows the number of drops required to make a cubic centimètre:- Water 20 Hydrochloric acid 20 • Nitric acid 27 Sulphuric acid 28 Acetic ether 38 Castor oil Olive oil. • Oil of turpentine Alcohol Ether 44 47 55 62 • 83 If 140 drops of sulphuric acid are required, divide that quantity by 28, which gives 5 as the number of cubic centimètres required, and as I cubic centimètre equals 17 minims, it is easy to convert that quantity into English measure. Specific Gravity.-By using an instrument called a hydrometer the specific gravity of a fluid may be determined with sufficient accuracy for photographic purposes. A more accurate method is by using a specific-gravity bottle, which is made to hold 1000 grains of distilled water. When used, the bottle is filled with the fluid to be tested, 346 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. placed in the balance, and weighed against a brass weight sold with the bottle. Equilibrium is restored by adding the required weight to the lighter side of the balance. If the addition is made to the pan with the brass weight, it is added to the 1000; if to that with the bottle, it is subtracted therefrom. The resulting figure is the specific gravity required. The temperature of the fluid should be about 60° Fahr. Studios or Glass-rooms.-To the professional photographer questions of the greatest importance are the aspect of his studio or glass-room and the plan of its construction. To a very large extent these points must be determined by the position in which the structure is to be built. Probably every form in which such a place could be contrived has been adopted, and good results obtained in each; as, when the operator has determined the best way to overcome the difficulties of FIG. 122. the form of his room, he will do good work, and in another place would have to unlearn his previous experience. Rooms with ridge roofs and glass all round, roofs with high pitch, roofs with low pitch and high or low side-lights, have been built. The last novelty which the writer has seen is the room at the People's Palace, London, where photographic work is done without a top-light, the glass being all on one side of the room and very high, and the shade side of the subject being illuminated by reflected light. Over another part of the room there is a top-light, to show the difference in the two effects. Of the results of the high side-light illumination the writer is unable to speak, as he has seen none of the work done there. At the time when the slow photographic processes were used it was of the utmost importance to have as much light in the room as possible, but much less light has been needed since the introduction of the quicker methods; hence the glass is now often ground or made dull by thin PRACTICAL HINTS. 347 By paint on the inside. This, of course, gives a very soft effect. means of blinds the light is entirely under control, so that the skill of the artist is shown in the manner in which it is managed. Very little can be said by way of instruction as to the construction of glass rooms, as the circumstances of each case must be considered. The amateur in attempting portraiture has many difficulties to encounter, particularly when his roof is the clear sky. Outdoor por- traits are of very little value when there is no means of controlling the light, but this difficulty is to a large extent met by Houghton's Lawn Studio, shown in Fig. 122, which seems in many ways to be all that the amateur need have. The question of backgrounds and accessories must be left to individual taste, but it may be remembered that the less ornament there is about a portrait the better. Very effective portrait studies may often be made in conservatories or greenhouses. Symbols. The following is a Table showing the symbols and atomic weights of the elements- Name. Symbol. Atomic Name. Symbol. Weight. Atomic Weight. Aluminium Antimony ZE Al 27 Nickel. Ni 58.5 Sl I 20 Niobium Nb 94 • Arsenic AS 75 Nitrogen N 14 Barium Beryllium Bismuth Ba 137 Osmium Os 199 Be 13.6 Oxygen () 16 Bi 210 Palladium Pd 106 Boron B I I Bromine Br So Phosphorus Platinum P 31 • Pt · 195 Cadmium ca I 12 Potassium K 39 Caesium Cs 133 Rhodium Rh 104 Calcium Ca 40 Rubidium Rb 85.4 • Carbon C 12 Ruthenium Ru 104 • Cerium Ce 141 Samarium Sm 150 Chlorine Cl • 35.5 Scandium Sc 44 Chromium • Cr 52.2 Selenium Se 79 Cobalt Co 59 Silicon. Si 28 Copper Cu • 63.4 Silver Ag 108 Didymium Di 146 Sodium Na 23 Erbium Er 166 Strontium Sr 87.5 Fluorine F 19 Sulphur S 32 Gallium Ga 69.8 Tantalum T'a 182 • Germanium. Ge 72.3 Tellurium Te 128 Gold. Au 197 Terbium Tr 148 Hydrogen H I Thallium TI 204 Indium Iodine. In II3.4 Thorium Th 232.5 I 127 Tin Sn 118 Iridium Ir 193 Titanium Ti 48 Iron Fe 56 Tungsten W 184 Lanthanum La 139 Uranium U 240 • Lead Pb 207 Vanadium 51.3 • Lithium Li 7 Yttrium Y 90 Magnesium. Manganese. Mercury Molybdenum Mg 24 Ytterbium Yb 173 Mn Hg 200 55 Zinc Zn 65 Zirconium Zr Mo 96 348 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. In some cases the symbols are composed of letters taken from the Latin names of the elements, as-Antimony, Stibium; Copper, Cup- rum; Gold, Aurum; Iron, Ferrum: Lead, Plumbum; Mercury, Hydrargyrum; Potassium, Kalium; Silver, Argentum; Sodium, Natrum; Tin, Stannum. Weights and Measures.-The photographer in his formulæ has seldom to consider more than grains and ounces, or, in the metric system, grammes and cubic centimetres; but as German and French formulæ (the systems used in other countries need scarcely be con- sidered in this matter) must in most cases be converted from one system into the other before they can be used by English and American photographers, it is a matter for serious consideration which of the two systems should be preferred or whether a com- promise should be adopted. A very large part of the scientific literature comes from the continent of Europe, and as the metric system is used throughout that literature, it becomes a matter of necessity that the English-speaking men of science must be familiar with the terms used. Also, a very large number of Englishmen re- ceive part of their education in some foreign university, where they are compelled to use the metric system, and, as a consequence, in the scientific literature of England and America the metric system is used to a much larger extent than was the case only a few years since. The effect of this is to make a large part of what is written very difficult to understand unless the trouble be taken to convert one kind of measure or weight into the other. The great bulk of the people of this country and America are no nearer now to the adoption of the metric system than they were at the time the English Parlia- ment made its use permissive. It has been suggested that a joint commission of Englishmen and Americans should be appointed to settle this question. If that course were taken there can be very little doubt what the decision would be. "Scientific" men would form that commission-men to whom the metric system is familiar and, of course, by them considered the best. But suppose a commission of "non-scientific" men, say business men, formed a similar commission, it may be asked, Would they arrive at a similar decision? Meanwhile an informal "commission" has sat and deliberated on this momentous question, and the decision they have arrived at appears to meet the diffi- culties so far as they concern photographers in all parts of the world. + At the meeting of the Photographic Convention held at Chester in June 1890 a report on this subject was read, and the following "Recommendations" were unanimously adopted :- "A. Weights and Measures.—1. If the metric system be used, weights will naturally be expressed in grammes, and measures in cubic centimetres. PRACTICAL HINTS. 349 (C 2. If the English units be used, the minim and the drachm should not be employed at all. All weights should be expressed either in grains or decimal parts of a grain, or in ounces or fractions of an ounce; all measures in fluid grains, or in fluid ounces and fractions of a fluid ounce. "B. Formulce.-3. Formulæ should give the number of parts of the constituents, by weight or measure, to be contained in some definite number of parts, by measure, of the solution. The mixture can then be made up with (a) grammes and cubic centimetres, or (b) grains and fluid grains, or (c) ounces and fluid ounces, according to the unit selected. (C 4. The standard temperature for making up solutions should be 15° C. or 62° Fahr. No appreciable error will be introduced by the fact that these two temperatures are not quite identical. (C 5. Formulæ should give the quantities of the constituents to be contained in a parts of the finished solution, and not the quantities to be dissolved in a parts of the solvent. When a solid dissolves in a liquid, or when two liquids are mixed, the volume of the solution or mixture is, as a rule, not equal to the sum of the volumes of its constituents. The expansion or contraction varies with the nature of the solids and liquids and the proportions in which they are brought together. In making up a solution, therefore, the constituents should first be dissolved in a quantity of the solvent smaller than the required volume of the finished mixture, and after solution is complete, the liquid, cooled if necessary to the ordinary temperature, is made up to the specified volume by addition of a further quantity of the solvent. "6. It is very important to specify in the case of liquids whether parts by weight or parts by measure are intended. The equival- ence between weight and measure only holds good in the case of water and liquids of the same specific gravity: a fluid ounce of ammonia solution or of ether weighs less than an ounce; a fluid ounce of strong sulphuric acid weighs nearly two ounces. "7. Whenever possible, formulæ should give the quantities of the constituents required to make up 10, 100, or 1000 parts of the solution. "8. When a mixture (e.g., a developer) is to be prepared just before use, from two or more separate solutions, it is desirable that the proportions in which the separate solutions have to be mixed should be as simple as possible—e.g., 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 10. I "9. When metric units are employed the original French spelling, gramme,' should be used in preference to the contracted spelling 'gram,' in order to avoid misreading and misprinting as 'grain.' 350 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. (C Weighing and Measuring. "A brief description of the correct methods of weighing and measuring may be of service to photographers who have had no laboratory training. Measuring.—The correct reading is the horizontal tangent to the meniscus; that is, the horizontal line which touches the lowest point of the curved surface of the liquid in the case of water and all liquids which wet glass, or the highest point of the curved surface in the case of mercury and similar liquids. When the liquid is so opaque that the meniscus cannot be seen, the reading must be taken at the apparent horizontal surface of the liquid. The measuring vessel should be exactly vertical, and the eye of the observer should be exactly on a level with the surface of the liquid. Weighing. To assume that the weights in the two pans are equal when there is a distinct deflection of the index of the balance towards one side is obviously incorrect. To take the weights as equal when the beam is at rest, and there is no deflection at all, also gives untrustworthy results. The balance should be made to vibrate, and the weights in the two pans are equal when the index makes equal excursions on either side of the position of rest, which is usually the centre." All who are interested in this subject will find a most valuable article in Sir John Herschel's "Familiar Lectures,” p. 419. The following tables of the English and metric systems will be found convenient for converting the one into the other. taken from the British Journal Almanack, 1890. They are THE METRIC SYSTEM. In the French decimal system, Greek prefixes are used to denote the multiples of the units, and Latin prefixes the fractional parts of the units. The Greek prefix Deka means 19 IO units. ΙΟΟ 1,000 10,000 "" "" Hecto Kilo Myria "" The Latin prefix Deci "" ro of a unit. Centi Milli 180 7000 "" "" To give an illustration of this in a measure of length (the metre)— Myriamètre Kilomètre = 10,000 metres. = 1,000 "" Hectomètre Dekamètre = 100 ΙΟ Mètre Decimètre Centimètre = Millimètre I metre. of a metre. 100 "" 1000 "" PRACTICAL HINTS. 351 And so on with other units-such as the gramme, with its various prefixes; and the litre, with those by which it is qualified. For general purposes it will be found to be sufficiently near to consider a metre as 391 inches, and a decimetre as 31% inches. In order to aid in the more ready introduction into practice of the decimal means of calculating, the relative values in inches from the millimètre to the mètre are given :— Millimètre. Mètre. Inches. Centimètre. Mètre. Inches. I 6 8 9 Centimètre. I || || || || || || 12345O N∞ a 100* .03937 .002 .07874 .003 .11811 .004 .15748 16 N∞ a .06 7 .07 8 .08 || || || || 2.3622 2.7560 9 .09 3.1497 3.5434 .005 .19685 .006 .23622 Decimètre. Mètre. Inches. .007 .27560 .008 .31497 .009 .35434 Mètre. 1 2 IO* .02 3 .03 4 .04 5 .05 1.5748 1.9685 Inches. .3937 .7874 I.I8II 1234567s a I .I 3.937I .2 7.8742 .3 11.8113 ·4 15.7484 .6 .8 5670 19.6855 23.6226 27.5597 31.4968 9 .9 35.4339 I metre 39.3685 1 But what is the mètre itself? It is the standard of length, of which the 100 ¯¯¯¯¯¯ of a quadrant of the earth's meridian is equivalent to 39'371 inches (De la Rue). The standard of the weights by which chemicals are calculated is the gramme, which is, roughly speaking, the equivalent of 15 grains. The unit of fluid measurement is the cubit centimètre, based upon the gramme, the weight of one gramme of water at maximum density being termed one cubic centimètre. The proportions of fluid measurements on this basis will be apparent by the following table :— Names. Millier or tonneau Weight of Water. I cubic mètre I hectolitre Avoirdupois Weight. 2204.6 lbs. Quintal No. of Grammes. 1,000,000 100,000 220.46 lbs. Myriagramme I0,000 IO litres 22.046 lbs. Kilogramme or kilo 1,000 I litre 2.2046 lbs. Hectogramme ΙΟΟ I decilitre 3.5274 ozs. Dekagramme IO IO C. centimètres •3527 ozs. Gramme I I c. centimètre 15.432 grs. Decigramme .I 1 10 1.5432 grs. Centigramme .ΟΙ 10 C. millimètres .1543 grs. Milligramme .001 I C. millimètre .0154 grs. FRENCH FLUID MEASURES. The cubic centimètre, usually represented by "c.c.," is the unit of the French measurement for liquids. It contains nearly seventeen minims of water; in reality, it contains 16.896 minims. The weight of this quantity of water is one gramme. Hence it will be seen that the cubic centimètre and the gramme bear to each other the same relation as our drachm for solids 352 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. and the drachm for fluids, or as the minim and the grain. The following table will prove to be sufficiently accurate for photographic purposes :— 17 minims (as near as possible). I cubic centimètre 2 cubic centimètres 34 "" 3 "" 4 6 51 68- 85 102 or I drachm 8 minims. " I "" 25 I >> "" 42 119 I >> "" 59 8 "" 136 2 drachms 16 "" 9 153 2 "" 33 >> ΙΟ 170 2 "" 50 >> 20 340 ,, OOOON OUAW 510 40 680 "" "" 5 I I ounce 40 o drachm 30 minims. 3 drachms 20 850 I 60 90 100 1020 = 1190 1360 1530 "" 2 2 2 CO C 3 = 1700 >> 3 >> ounces I T 36 H4 6 I IO O 50 وو 40 "" 30 20 "" THE CONVERSION OF FRENCH INTO ENGLISH WEIGHT. Although a gramme is equal to 15.4346 grains, the decimal is one which can never be used by photographers; hence in the following table it is assumed to be 15% grains, which is the nearest approach that can be made to practical accuracy :- I gramme 3 1 2 3 4+ 5O N∞ a 15 grains. 30층 ​461 "" 6135/55 19 or I drachm I grain. པ 77 6 922/ HH I "" 17 grains. I "" "" 32 235 7 107 I "" "" 47 "" 123 1/1/1 1389 " >> 738 ciko+ponkocko 1893 "" ,, 2 drachms 3 "" 9 IO II 12 13 14 12345678 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?> >> 154 169/ 184 2001 2159/ "" 3 231 246/ >> "" 261/ 277층 ​"" "" 2929 "" "" 308 30 462 >> 1 2 2 2 2 mm com ++++57 34 "" 49/2/2 وو 4층 ​20층 ​دو 3 51 4 4 4 4 SI6 172∞ 235 35 9/1 aho Thombo mko ,, وو 62/2 21층 ​37 1/1/0 52/ CTWO|HO|ACIJU "" "" 8 "" "" 42 40 616 ΙΟ 16 "" وو 80 90 ICO 582888 50 770 I2 "" 50 >> 60 924 ,, 15 24 "" 70 1078 "" ,, 17 58 >> وو = 1232 1386 = 1540 20 >> "" 32 ,, 23 16 ,, 25 "" 40 "" PRACTICAL HINTS. 353 ENGLISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. Solid Measure. 20 grains 3 scruples = I scruple = 1 drachm 20 grains. 60 "" 480 "" 8 drachms = I ounce = 12 ounces = 1 pound = 5760 Fluid. 60 minims = I fluid drachm 8 drachms = I ounce 20 ounces = I pint 8 pints = 1 gallon Symbol. f. 5 f. 0. 5 gall. The above weights are those usually adopted in formulæ. 27 All chemicals are usually sold by AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. grains = 1 drachm = 27 grains. 16 drachms = 1 ounce = 4373 16 ounces = 1 pound = 7000 "" "" Precious metals are usually sold by 24 grains 12 ounces TROY WEIGHT. = I pennyweight = 24 grains. 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce = I pound 480 = 5760 >> NOTE.—An ounce of metallic silver contains 480 grains, but an ounce of nitrate of silver contains only 437 grains. FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN ENGLISH. I cubic centimètre 17 minims nearly. 13 1/1/10 28.4 50 100 1000 "" 19 "" "" or I litre, to 61 cubic inches = I drachm. I ounce. I ounce 6 drachms 5 minims. = 3 ounces 4 drachms 9 minims. = 35 ounces I drachm 36 minims. The unit of French liquid measures is a cubic centimètre. A cubic centimètre of water measures nearly 17 minims (16.896); it weighs 15.4 grains, or I gramme. A cubic inch of water weighs 252.5 grains. Z 354 MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. The unit of French weights is the gramme to 15.4 grains; thus a drachm (60 grains) is nearly 4 grammes (3.88). An easy way to convert grammes into English weight is to divide the sum by 4, which gives the equivalent in drachms very nearly thus :- Grammes. Drachms. 0%. 100 = 4 25 = 3 Drachm. Grains. I + 43 INDEX. ABERRATION, chromatic, 45 of form, 46 spherical, 44 of thickness, 48 Absorption, laws of, 19 --spectra, 19 Accelerators, chemistry of, 30 definition of term, 32i Acid, acetic, as restrainer, 28, 30 manufacture and use of, 251 Acids, characteristics of, 251 Actinic rays, 19 Actinometers and exposure tables, 205 Hurter and Driffield's actino- meters, 207, 208 Watkin's actinometer, 206 Watts' exposure tables, 205, 206 formula for using, 206 Alabastrine process, 67 Albert-type, 68 Album or carte" portraits, 299 Albumen, 251 process, 68 substratum, 69 Albumenised paper, 252 Alcohol, 253 methyl, 254 Alkaline development, 321 Alpha paper, 254 Aluminium, 254 Amber, 254 Amido-benzene, 256 Ammonia, 254 as fixing agent, 255 in intensifying, 31 sulphide intensifier, 32 Ammonio-citrate of iron, 262 Ammonium bichromate, 255 bromide, 255 carbonate, 255 chloride, 255 Ammonium iodide, 255 nitrate, 255 oxalate, 256 sulphide, 256 sulphocyanate, 256 Amphitype, 70 Angle of view, 41 Anglol, 256 Anhydrous, 321 Aniline, 256 process, 71 Animal charcoal, 256 Aperture, working, 40 angular, 40 Aplanatic lens, Steinheil's, 51 Aplanatism in lenses, 51 Application of photography, 294 Aqua fortis, 274 Aqua regia or hydrochloric acid, 256 Arago, address to Chamber of Depu- ties, 3 Archer, collodion used by, in 1851, 15 Architectural photography, 294 Argentometer, 232, 321 Aristotype, 71 Artotype, 68, 72 Asphalt, solubility of, 20 Asphaltum, 257 Astigmatism, 49 Astronomical photography, 294 apparatus for, 297 eclipse photographs, 296 Rutherfurd's moon, 298 Aurin or corallin, 257 Autoglyphic process, 72 Autotype process, 15, 20, 72 BACKGROUNDS, 307 Backing plates, 322 Balance, 206 355 356 INDEX. Barium bromide, 257 chloride, 257 nitrate, 257 Baths and dippers, 208 Bellows, 209 Benzene or benzol, 257 Benzolene, 257 Bichloride of mercury, 272 Bichromate of potash, 277 poisoning, 322 Bitumen of Judea, 1, 257 action of light on, 2 process, 76 Black lines, 77 varnish, 292 Bleaching-powder or chloride of lime, 258 Blue process (ferro-prussiate), 105 Boracic acid, 57 Borax, 257 in toning bath, 33 Brenzcatechin, 278 Broken negatives, 322 Bromide printing process, 78 of potassium, 292 Bromine, 257 Buckle's brush, 209 Burnishers and rolling machines, 210 lubrication of prints for, 210 CABINET portraits, 299 Cadmium bromide, 257 iodide, 257 chloride, 257 Camera, "Thornton-Pickard," 218 Camera lucida, 2 obscura, invention of, I use of, by Daguerre, 7 use of, by Talbot, 7 Canada balsam, 258 Canvas, printing on, 81 Caoutchouc, 270 Carbon process (autotype), 15 Pouncey's, 83 Carbonate of potassium, 277 Cardboard, 275 Cartes de visite, 299 Catalysotype, 84 Catechol, 278 Celerotype, 84 Celloidin, 258 Celluloid, 258 Cellulose, 258 Ceramic photographs, 85, 110 Changing boxes, 225 Chemistry of photography, 17 China clay, 271 Chloride of lime, 258 of potash, 277 Chloro-bromide process, 87 Chloroform, 258 Chlorophyll, 258 Chromate of silver, 258 Chromatype, 87 Calotype, 80 Camera, 210 Billcliff's, 214 Chapman's "British," 214 copying and enlarging, 224 Daguerre's, 211 >> "'detective or "hand," 220 double extension, 219 Kinnear's, 213 Kodak," 220, 221 roll-holder for, 222 M'Kellan's, 213 Miller's "Adelphi," 223 "pin-hole," 38 "radial," 222 simplest form of, 211 stands and tripods, 226 stereoscopic, 219 swing-back and swing-front, 55, 218, 219 Chromium - potassium sulphate chrome alum, 259 Chromo-collotype, 87 photographs, 87 Chromotype, 87 Chrysotype, 87 chemistry of, 34 Citric acid, 259 Cleaning glass, 67, 87, 91 Clearing and reducing solutions, 88 Clouds, 259 how to print-in, 300 Coffee process, 88 Collodio-albumen process, 89 -bromide process, 90 -chloride of silver process, 90 Collodion, 259 emulsion, 90 pellicle, 90 process, 90 best kind of glass for, 91 defects in negative, 96 developing solution for, 94 fixing image, 95 or INDEX. 357 Collodion process, fog of two kinds, 96 95 97 how to coat plates for, 92 how to re-develop negatives, how to rectify silver bath, 96 how to varnish plates, 95 kind of bath for solution, 93 oyster shell marking, 96, · positives, 95 silver bath for, 93 to clean glass for, 91 water for, 93 Collographic printing, 98 Collotype, 98 104 best kind of paper for, 103 care of and cleaning ink rollers, cleaning plate, 103 damping, 103 drying oven for plates, 99 etching plate, 102 ink for printing, 102 kind of gelatine for, 100 kind of glass for, 98 marking position for paper, 103 masking plate for printing, IOI method of printing, 98 preparation of plate, 100 principle of, 98 printing from plate, 101 printing without margin, 104 rolling up or inking plate, 103 temperature in drying, 101 varnish for, 104 Colouring lantern slides, 104 Combination printing, 323 Robinson's picture, 324 Composite portraits, 300 Composition, 300 Compressed gas, 62 Condenser, 227 Contretype negative, 104 Copper, 260 salts, printing with, 35 sulphate, or blue vitriol, 260 Copyright, 324 Corallin (or aurin), 257 Corrosive sublimate, 272 Cracks, to fill up, 324 Crystal cubes, 104 Cyanide of potassium, 277 poisoning, 322 Cyanotype, 104 Cyanotype, discovered by Herschel, 105 formulæ for, 105 DAGUERREOTYPE process, 106 fixing by "hypo" of soda, 2 gilding by sel d'or, 6 how to copy a, 108 method of cleaning, 108 permanence of, 108 Daguerre's Manual or History of Pho- tography, 3 Dark room, 227 Defects in lenses, 44 Density, 31, 325 Depth of focus, 43 Detail, 325 Developers, acid and alkaline, 28 influence of strength of, 26 Developing and developers, 325 E. M. F., in, 29 formulæ for, 329, 330, 331 illustration of, 326 instruction for, 328 Meldola's experiment, 326 Moser's images, 327 theory of, 20, 27 Dextrin or British gum, 260 Dialysis, 331 Diaphragms and stops,"282 ratio between apertures and focal length, 229 "uniform system," 282 uses of, 40, 41, 45, 49 Diazotype or primuline process, 172 Diffused light, 321 Dihydroxybenzene, 267 Dippers and baths, 208 Dishes and trays, 229 Dispersion by lenses, 39 Distance, 301 Distortion, 48 Double dark slides and changing boxes, 225 Doublet lenses, 52 Dropping bottles, 229 Drying gelatine plates, 108 Dry plate making, 109 processes, 109 Dust, 321 Dusting-on process, 110 Dyes as sensitisers, 24 EAU de Javelle, 260 Ebonite, 261 358 INDEX. Eburneum process, I10 Eikonogen, 261 Electric arc lamp, 58 light, 55 inflammation due to, 57 Wilde's discovery in, 56 Electro-chemical reversal, 27 Electro-motive force of development, 29 Electro-phototypy, III Enamelling paper prints, III Emery, 262 Encaustic paste, 262 Enlarging and copying, 112 artificial light for, 112 formula for, 43 simple methods for, 112, 113 table for, 114 Eosin, 262 Erythrosin, 262 Ether, 262 Ethoxo-lime light, 63 Expansion of paper, 332 Exposure tables and actinometers, 205 FADING of invisible image, 25 Ferric ammonium citrate, 262 ammonium oxalate, 262 oxalate, 262 Ferridcyanide of potash, 277 Ferro-prussiate or blue process, 105 Ferrous oxalate, 262 sulphate, copperas, or green vit- riol, 262 Ferrotype or energiatype, 114 Ferrotypes, 115 Film photography, 115 Fixing, 115 negatives, chemistry of, 30 prints, chemistry of, 34 Flare in lenses, 50 Flatness of field, 47 Fluoresceïn, 263 Fluorotype, 116 Focal length, 42 Focus, 41 depth of, 43 equivalent, 41 visual and chemical, 45 Focussing and focimeter, 229 cloth, 230 glass or magnifier, 231 screen, 231 substitutes for ground glass, 231 Fog, 332 Fog, to restore fogged plates, 333 Formic acid, 263 Formula for enlarging, 43 for focal length, 42 Fothergill process, 116 Freezing mixtures, 333 Frilling, 334 Fuming albumenised paper, 182 GALLIC acid, 263 first used by Talbot, 14 Gay-Lussac, address to Chamber of Peers, 5 Gelatine, 263 oxidation of, 20 test for quality, 264 to purify, 264 Gelatino-bromide process, 116 Bennett's improvements, 116 drying plates, 118 Eder's method, 118 emulsion on paper, 118 formula for, 117 keeping plates, 118 kind of gelatine to be used, 118 kind of light to be used in pre- paring emulsion, 117 Paget prize awarded to Wilson, 117 use of gelatine by Maddox, 116 Gelatino-chloride paper (Ilford), 119 fixing, 119 stability of prints, 120 toning bath for, 119 Glass, 264 Glass-room and studios, 346 Globe lens, 50 Glucose or grape-sugar, 264 Glycerine, 262 Goddard, J. F., discovery of use of bromine, 6 Gold, chloride, 265 hyposulphite, 265. printing process, 120 toning with, 33 trichloride, printing with, 35 Green photographs, 121 Ground glass, 265 Gum-arabic or gum acacia, 265 dammar, 265 lac, 282 Gum-gallic process, 121 Gun-cotton, 279 Gutta-percha, 266 INDEX. 359 HALATION, 334 Head-rests, 232 Heliography, 121 High lights, 335 Historical sketch, I Honey process, 121 Horn silver, I Hydrochloric acid or spirits of salt, 266 Hydrofluoric acid, 266 Hydrogen dioxide, 267 sulphate, 290 Hydrometer, 232 Hydroquinone, 267 268 formula for developing solution, method of preparing, 267 Hydroxylamine, 269 Hygiene in photography, 335 "Hypo" eliminators, 269, 289 Hyposulphite of soda, 270, 285 286 experiments with, by Herschel, first use of, by Herschel, 285 necessity for using strong solu- tions, 289 Schützenberger's note on new acid, 288 ILFORD, gelatino-chloride paper, 119 Image, aberration of form of, 46 reversal of, 25 size of, 43 latent, 14, 325 virtual, 41 Impressionism in photography, 302 India-rubber, 270 Indian-ink outlines, 121 Instantaneous shutters, 232 adaptors for, 234 drop, 232 235 236 duration of exposure tables, fan for, 234 Kershaw's, 233 measuring rapidity of, 235, Noton's, 234 speed indicator, 234 Thornton-Pickard's, 233 Intensifying, 335 chemistry of, 31 formulæ for, 336, 337 Iodide of potassium, 278 Iodine, 270 Iodine, use of, in fixing prints, 34 Iridescent photographs, 122 Iris diaphragm, 236 Iron, 271 ammonio-citrate of, 271 salts, reduction by light, 20 use of, 34 Isinglass, 271 JENA glass, 271 Jew's pitch or asphaltum, 257 Juniper resin or sandarac, 282 KALLITYPE, 122 care in printing, 123 chemical reaction in, 125 formulæ, 123, 124 No. 2, 124 Kaolin or China clay, 271 Kennett's pellicle, 125 LAMPS for dark rooms, 237 Landscape lenses, 49 photography, 303 Lantern slides, artificial light for, 127 colouring, 127 making, 125 toning, 127 Lavender, oil of, 271 Lead, 272 nitrate, 272 salts in intensifying, 32 Leimtype, 127 Lenses, 39 aplanatic, 51 astigmation in, 49 axes of, 40 defects in, 44 focus of, 41 symmetry in, 52 Level indicator, 237 Lichtdruck, 98 Light, actinic rays of, 19 18 36 continuing action of, 21, 62 electric, 55 in photography, 55 oxidation and reduction by, 19, 20 oxy-hydrogen, 61 physical and chemical action of, physical and chemical nature of, refraction of, 38 Lithium chloride, 272 360 INDEX. Litho-heliogravure, 127 Litmus, 272 Liver of sulphur, 272, 278 Luminous spot in lenses, 50 MAGIC (or optical) lantern, 238 photographs, 121, 128 Magnesium, 272 flash-light, 65 light, 63 first use of, 65 manufacture of, 64 Mass, action of, 22, 25 Mastic or gum mastic, 272 Mealiness, 338 Meisenbach process, 128 Mercuric chloride, 272 Mercury or quicksilver, 273 salts in intensifying, 31 Meta-gelatine, 273 new excise regulations, 273, Methylated spirit, 253, 273 274 Micro-photography, 129 Mosstype, 129 Mounting and mountants, 129 in optical contact, 131 Mounts, 274 Muriate or hydrochlorate of ammonia, 255 of lime, 257 Muriatic acid, 266 Muybridge's photographs, 305 NEGATIVES, 338 illustrations of, 339 Nitric acid, 271 Nitro-hydrochloric acid, 256 OBERNETTER'S process, chemistry of, 23, 35 etching process, 131 Objectives, 49 Oil of lavender, 271 Optical or magic lantern, exhibition of opaque objects with, 241 with, 241 experiments in exposures first use of, by Dancer, 239 interchangeable jet for, 241 "Novelty" lantern, 239 Sciopticon, 242 screen for use with, 242 to avoid fracture of con- denser, 241 239, 240 triple dissolver, 242 Whitefield's improvements, wick trimmer, 242 Optics of photography, 36 Orthochromatic photography, 132 Abney's method, 137 chemistry of, 24 Ives, 134 136 135 chlorophyll, suggested by clearing solution for, 138 dyes used for, 135 Eder's method of, 136 Edward's opinion on, 135 formula for developing, 138 Ive's method of preparing, Meldola's hypothesis, 137 Tailfer & Clayton's patent, theory of, 137 use of yellow screen, 136 Vogel's experiments in, 133 Ortho-dioxybenzene, 278 Orthoscopic lens, 51 Oscillating tables or rockers, 242 Over-exposure, 338 Oxalate of iron, 262 peroxide of iron, 262 potash, 278 Oxalic acid, 274 Ox-gall, 275 Oxy-calcium light, 62 of spike, 271 of vitriol, 290 Opal glass, 131 collodio-chloride on, 132 formula for positives on, 131, 132 Optical or magic lantern, 238 dissolving views with, 238 electric light for, 241 Oxy-hydrogen light, 61 Oxyphenic acid, 278 Oyster-shell markings, 97 PALLADIUM, 275 Panoramic lens, Sutton's, 51 photography, 138 Pantascopic camera, 242 Paper, 275 as sensitiser, 23 INDEX. 361 Papyrotype, 159 Paraphenylene-diamine, 276 Pencil of Nature, 7 Periscopic lens, Goddard's, 52 Steinheil's, 50 Permanganate of potash, 278 Peroxide of hydrogen, 257 Phenylamine, 256 Photochromo-typography, 144 Photo-engraving, 140 early discovery of, 140 half-tone zinc etching, 143 Pretsch's method, 140 screen plate for, 143 Photo-filigrane, 144 Photo-galvanography, 144 Photogenic drawing, 140 Photography and colour, 146 150 Abney's spectrum, 150 Becquerel's experiments, 147 early experiments in, 146 Ives' heliochromatic prints, Lippmann's spectrum, 152 Scott's method, 151 Sidebotham's Photo-lithography, washing transfers, 158 Photo-meteorology, 305 Delépene's illustration of, 262 micrography, 159 Johnson's camera for, 161 Johnson's illustration, 160 methods of procedure, 159 Photometers, 243 Photophane, 98, 162 Photo-tint, 98, 162 Photo-typography, 162 illustration by swelled gelatine process, 162 Pin-hole camera, 38 photography, 162 Pinholes, 339 Plate-boxes, 243 rack, 243 Platinotype process, 163 acid baths for, 167 Berkeley's formulæ of reac- tion in, 165 chemistry of, 35 clearing solutions for, 167 cold process, 168 correct exposure for paper, development, 166 photograph, 148 Vallot's method and for- 166 mula, 149 Vogel's opinion on, 149 Woodbury's method, 150 its value to artists, 16 formulæ for, 165, 170, 171 Herschel's experiments with Langton's moon, 145 on wood, 145 Photogravure, 140 Goupil's method, 141 Klic's process, 142 Photo-lithography, 152 154 157 advantages of, 159 albumen coating for paper, 156 clearing solution, 155 coating prints with ink, 157 formula for blacking negatives, ink for, 157 kind of negatives for, 153 paper prepared with arrowroot, photo-zincography, 153 printing transfers, 157 sensitising solution, 156 suitable drawings for, 153 transfer paper for, 155 transferring to stone, 158 platinum, 164 165 mountants for prints, 167 paper to be kept dry, 166 permanence of prints, 172 Pizzighelli's process, 170 two methods, hot and cold, Willis's process, 164 Platinum, 276 Plumbago process, 172 formulæ for, 173 Pneumatic plate-holder, 243 Poisons, 272 Portrait lenses, 53 Portraiture, 305 backgrounds, 307 large heads, 308 Positive-printing process, 25 Positives, 340 Potassium bromide, 277 as restrainer, 30 carbonate, 277 chloride, 277 352 INDEX. Potassium chloroplatinite, 277 cyanide, 277 cyanide in fixing, 31 dichromate, 277 ferricyanide, 277 ferrocyanide, 277 iodide, 278 in solarisation, 26 oxalate, 278 permanganate, 278 salts in developing, 20 in intensifying, 32 sulphide, 278 Pouncey's carbon process, 83 Practical hints, 321 Preservatives, 23 Primuline process, 35, 173 of, 175 J. T. Taylor's modification Printing, chemistry of, 33 for opals, 244 frames, 244 on ivory, 183 and toning 175 blisters on paper, remedies for, 179, 180 182 Carey Lea's remarks on, 181 fixing solution, 179 fuming albumenised paper, method of printing, 176 necessity for using fresh "hypo," 181 182 cess, 183 printing on drawing paper, printing on plain paper, 182 quality of negative for, 179 stability of prints, 177, 180 Sutton's serum of milk pro- to clean dishes for, 180. to recover silver, 180 to sensitise paper, 176 toning solutions, 177, 178 Processes, 67 Proof spirit, 273 Proto-sulphate of iron, 262 Prussian blue in printing, 34 Pseudo-solarisation, 26 Pyrocatechin, 278 Pyrogallol or pyrogallic acid, 279 first use of, 279 manufacture of, 279 Pyroxylin or gun-cotton, 279 Pyroxylin, nitre process, 280 preparation of, 280 process with mixed acids, 280 QUICKSILVER or mercury, 273 Quinol, 267, 281 RAPIDITY of lenses, 41 of shutters, measuring, 235, 236 Reade, Rev. J. B., negatives on paper, 14 Ready sensitised paper, 281 Ashman's formula for, 281 Burton's, 282 Rectilinear lenses, 52 Red chromate of potash, 277 prussiate of potash, 277 Reducing and clearing solutions, 88 Reduction of density, 340 Reflected light, 341 Refraction, index of, 38 Rembrandt portraits, 309 Reproduced negatives, 183 Residues, 341 Restrainers, chemistry of, 29, 30 Retouching, 187 desk, 245 pencils, 188 Reversal of image, 25, 184 Brook's method, 185 experiments by Mr. A. P. Okell, 184 experiments by Colonel Waterhouse, 184 formulæ for, 184, 185 solarisation effects, 185 Reversed negatives, 185 by prism, 185 by silvered mirror, 186 by stripping, 186 through the glass, 186 Ripening of emulsion, 21 Rockers or oscillating tables, 242 Rodinal, 282 Roller slide, 245 Rolling machines, 210 Rosolic acid (or aurin), 257 Ruby medium, 189 SAL ammoniac, 255 volatile, 255 Sandarac, gum, 282 Saturated solution, 343 Sciopticon, 242 INDEX. 363 + Screen-plates (Wolfe's), 189 Sel d'or or hyposulphite of gold, 265 Sensitisers, theory of, 20, 22 Sesquicarbonate of ammonia, 255 Shellac or gum lac, 282 Silver, 283 bromide, 283 ripening of, 22 chloride, 283 haloids, action of light on, 21 iodide, 283 as sensitiser, 23 nitrate, 284 oxide, 284 plates used by Daguerre, 2 action of iodine vapour and mercury on, 2 salts, use of, by Davy and Wedg- wood, I << sulphide, 284 Silvering glass, 189 Mr. Common's method, 190 Single achromatic lens, 50 Size of drops, 345 Sky-shade, 245 Sodium acetate, 284 biborate or borax, 257 carbonate, 284 chloride, 284 nitrate, 284 oxalate, 285 silicate or water-glass, 285 sulphite, 285 thiosulphate, 285 accelerator, 30 in fixing, 31, 34 Solar camera, 245 Solarisation, 185 Stereoscope, cameras for, 316, 317 Chapman's printing - frames for transparencies, 320 Dancer's method of taking pic- tures, 314 discussion as to invention of, 314 diagrams for, 311 method of mounting prints, 317 size of plates, 316 Wheatstone's, 311 Stoppers, 246 Stops and diaphragms, 227 uses of, 41, 49 Stripping films from glass, 186 Strontium chloride, 290 Studios or glass rooms, 346 Houghton's lawn, 347 Sulphate of iron, 262 Sulphocyanide of ammonia, 256 Sulphuret of ammonia, 256 Sulphuric acid, 290 Swing-back camera, 55 Symbols, 347 Symmetrical lenses, 52 TABLE of solubility, 344 Talbot, H. Fox, account of his dis- coveries, 7 discovery of latent image, 14 etched silver plates, 15 experiments with iodine on silver leaf, 12 fixing with iodide of potassium, II pencil of Nature, 7 produces images of lace, 10 use of silver chloride, 10 silver iodide, II Talbotype, So "hypo" used by Daguerre, 2 chemistry of, 25 Specific gravity, 345 Spectroscope, the, in photography, 309 Spectrum, the, 39 Spirits of hartshorn, 254 of wine, 253 Squeegee, 246 Stains, to remove, 190 Stannotype, 191 Starch, 290 Steel-facing copper plates, 192 Stenochromy, 193 Stereoscope, the, 310 Breeze's tranparencies, 318 Brewster's, 311, 312 Tannic acid, 290 Tannin process, 193 Taupenot process, 193 formulæ for, 194 Tea process, 194 Telescopic photography, 194 195 Dallmeyer's instrument for, use of opera-glass by J. T. Taylor, 195 Tents, 247 Test-paper, 291 Thermometers, 197 Toning and printing, 175 chemistry of, 33 Transferotype, 197 364 INDEX. Trays and dishes, 229 Trihydroxybenzene, 279 Triplet lenses, 53 Tripods and camera stands, 226 Turnbull's blue in printing, 34 Turpentine, 291 Typogravure, 197 URANIUM, 291 nitrate, 291 printing, 198 toning with, 199 Wothlytype, 199 Uranyl nitrate, 291 VARNISH, 291 Waxed-paper process, 200 Weights and measures, 348 352 conversion of French into English, English, 353 French, 353 French fluid measure, 351 metric system, 350 Woodbury-gravure, 201 Woodbury-type, 15, 200 Swan's process, 200 description of, by Woodbury, 200 Wothlytype, 199 Writing titles, 202 YELLOW negatives, 200 black, 292 View, angle of, 41 finders, 248 249 Claude Lorraine mirror, lens, Ross, 50 Vignetting, 199 WASHING apparatus, 249 Water, 292 Water-glass or sodium silicate, 285 Wave-length of light rays, 36 Wax, 293 prussiate of potash, 277 ZINC, 293 "clean etching," 204 etching, 202 etching-bath for, 203 Zinc-etching, formula for sensitising plate, 202 printing-frame for, 203 to develop plate, 203 to gum the plate, 203 to protect plate with varnish, 203 transfers for, 202 THE END. BALLANTYNE PRESS PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND co. EDINBURGH AND LONDON. Griffin's Recent Introductions. THE "Garrick" Perfected Camera Has every desirable Movement. -plate size. Weighs but 42 ounces. Measures, when closed, 8 × 8 × 2 inches. Of excellent Workmanship. Altogether it is a Model Field AIRPHINALA Camera. Camera, with 3 Double Slides PRICE LIST. 6×4 74×5 8 × 61 X 10 x 8 £S S 0 £9 10 0 £10 10 0 £13 10 0 250 2 15 0 3 10 0 500 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 Rapid Rectilinear Lens, with Iris Diaphragm Tripod Stand, 3-Fold £11 18 0 £13 10 0 £15 10 0 £20 0 0 The "Griffin" Magazine Hand Camera. Improved form, with Sunk Identical View-Finder, Time and Instantaneous Shutter, and good R. R. Lens. £5, 10s. ADVANTAGES. 1. Can be recharged in broad daylight. 2. Plates of different rapidities can be used. 3. Any desired plate can be exposed. 4. No sheaths or backing. 5. Focussing adjustment. 6. Quite simple in working. 7. No complications. 8. Weight under 4 lbs. Griffin's "Rex" Complete Set. An efficient Outfit at a moderate price. Comprising -Plate Camera, Lens, Shutter, Dark Slide, and Stand. £6, 6s. Griffin's "Climax" Dry Plates are the nearest approach to the vigour and tone of the old Collodion Plate yet obtained. Write for Samples. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. JOHN J. GRIFFIN & SONS, LD. PHOTO-SUPPLY (J DEPARTMENT: 22 GARRICK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. DANIELSSON & CO. 52 BEAUMONT STREET, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. DANIELSSON & CO. have made it their Specialité to prepare all kinds of Illustrations for Scientific, par- ticularly Medical, Works. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS Made from Life, Pathological Specimens, and from the Microscope. LANTERN SLIDES Prepared from any kind of original. SPECIMENS Of MESSRS. DANIELSSON'S work will be found in the "Transactions" of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, Pathological Society, Clinical Society, Ophthal- mological Society, and in many other high-class Medical Works. ** For collotype reproduction of microscopic * sections, see page 162 of this book. DANIELSSON & CO. 52 BEAUMONT STREET, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. THE TYPOGRAPHIC ETCHING COMPANY. ALFRED & CHARLES DAWSON Beg to direct the attention of Artists, Authors, Publishers, and Printers to their various and unique Processes for the pro- duction of Surface-Printing Blocks and Intaglio Copperplates, by special methods practised only by them, and yielding results superior to any of the ordinary zinc processes. Their No. 1, or TYPOGRAPHIC ETCHING PROCESS, From the facilities it presents for employing type in an ingenious manner for lettering, is unrivalled for the production of Maps, Plans, and Diagrams; while for Landscapes, Archi- tecture, and general Illustrations, effects can be produced which vie with the most elaborate and artistic wood engraving. Their No. 2, or PHOTO-RELIEF PROCESS, Is most specially suited for the reproduction on any scale, either enlarged or reduced, of Wood, Copper, and Steel Engravings; Pen-and-Ink, and especially Pencil and Crayon, Drawings; Impressions from Type, &c., for Letterpress Printing, in all of which results can be shown which are not to be equalled by any other Photo-relief Process. As specimens, please see the Engravings in "The Graphic," "The Illustrated Catalogue of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours," English Illustrated Magazine," and all the highest class Technical and Educational Publications. Their No. 3, or PHOTO-GRAVURE PROCESS, Is adapted for the reproduction of Copper Plates from all kinds of Line and Mezzotint Engrav- ings, Drawings in Line or Washes, Oil Paintings, Nature or Objects, or, in fact, anything from which a photographic negative can be obtained. See "The Portfolio," "The Late Duke of Clarence's Indian Tour,' The Laureate's Country," &c. "} The T. E. CO. are the ONLY FIRM in this Country who work these Letter- press and Copperplate Processes, which are applicable to high-class Book Illustrations, and which are extensively used by the leading Publishers, and also by the Trustees of the British Museum, and many of the Learned Societies. Estimates and Specimens of any of the Processes will be sent on application to the Office, stating information as to Requirements. SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ELECTROTYPING UNDERTAKEN AT MODERATE CHARGES. THE Typographic Etching Company, AUTOMATIC, PHOTOGRAPHIC, AND GENERAL ENGRAVERS, 3 LUDGATE CIRCUS BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. Registered Telegraphic Address—“Engravers, London.” Engraving Departments - Hogarth Works, Chiswick, Middlesex. WEST, NEWMAN, & CO. PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS, LETTERPRESS PRINTERS, 54 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. WEST, NEWMAN, & CO. especially undertake the printing of works on Science and the Plates which illustrate them. Specimens of their work may be seen in the "Transactions" of the Royal Society, the Zoological Society, the Linnean Society, the New Sydenham Society, the Obstetrical Society, the Pathological Society, and many other Learned and Medical Societies, as well as in Scientific Books, not only in this country, but in India, South Africa, New Zealand, and various other parts of the world. WEST, NEWMAN, & CO. are at all times ready to advise with Authors and Artists as to the best or cheapest means of printing their work, and to give estimates of cost. See specimen of their Photo-Litho- graphic Illustration at page 152 of this book. WEST, NEWMAN, & CO. K 54 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON. Opticians to the Queen. HORNE, THORNTHWAITE, & WOOD, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, PLATES, AND CHEMICALS. WOOD'S BEST QUALITY CAMERA.-Double Extension, Turntable, 4-fold Stand, and Three Double Backs. 1. -plate, £8, 8s.; 1-plate, £10, 10s. WOOD'S ENGLISH LENSES for Landscapes, Portraits, or Architec- ture. Carefully Corrected, Centred, and Mounted. Rapid Rectilinear. Wide Angle. 41 by 31 6 5/5/5 Focus. 5 in. Water Diaphi. Iris Diaph. Focus. £2 15 0 £3 5 0 3 in. £3 0 0 7 in. 3 10 0 4 4 0 4 in. 4 0 * 7) 85/1 6 11 in. 5 5 0 6 6 0 5 in. 5 0 0 0 COMPLETE SETS OF APPARATUS, including Best Camera, English Rapid Rectilinear Lens, 4-fold Stand, Leather Case, and Materials, &c., all of the best quality. -plate, £14, 10s.; -plate, £18, 10s.; 1-plate, £28, 10s. WOOD'S "TRAFALGAR" PLATES.-The best Plate for Amateurs. Three Rapidities. "Landscape." -plate, 1s.; -plate, 2s. 3d. WOOD'S CELLULOID FILMS.-1-plate, 1s. 6d. ; -plate, 3s. 8d.; 1-plate, 6s. 6d.; 10 x 8, 10s. WOOD'S LANTERN PLATES (Chloride).-Per dozen, 1s. WOOD'S HYDROKINONE DEVELOPER.-The finest Developer for Celluloid Films, Bromide Papers, Ordinary Plates, and Chloride Plates. Eight ounces (concentrated) in two solutions, in Case, 2s. ACKLAND'S EXPOSURE SCALE.-For use with Stanley's Actino- meter. Indicates the correct exposure for a plate without calcula- tion, 3s. 6d. (( A PHOTOGRAPH, AND HOW TO TAKE IT," With CATALOGUE Gratis. Post Free, One Stamp. 416 STRAND, and 74 CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. 2 A JOSIAH T. CHAPMAN, Photographic Chemist, ALBERT SQUARE, MANCHESTER. Every Photographic Article of note is kept in Stock, and any new requisite of value to the Amateur or or Professional will be obtained promptly if requested. ESTABLISHED * 1874. PRICE LISTS AND USEFUL PAMPHLETS POST FREE. Telegrams-"CAMERA, MANCHESTER." Gold Medals and Highest Awards at all great Exhibitions. ROSS CELEBRATED PORTRAIT AND VIEW LENSES. (Over Fifty Thousand of these Lenses have been Sold.) MANY RECENT IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS, SEVERAL NEW SERIES. ROSS' PATENT CONCENTRIC LENSES. F 22. For Architecture, Copying, Landscapes, &c. The greatest advance ever made in Photographic Lenses. Send for Press reports. ROSS' PORTABLE SYMMETRICALS. F 16. Very popular for Landscapes, Architecture, and Copying. The first ten of the series screw into sanie flange. ROSS' WIDE ANGLE SYMMETRICALS, F 16. Embracing an angle of 90 degrees and upwards. Interiors and Confined Situations. ROSS' RAPID SYMMETRICALS (NEW). F 8, Very suitable for For Groups, Views, Copying, Enlarging, &c. The Most Useful all-round Lens for Out-door Work. ROSS' UNIVERSAL SYMMETRICALS. F 5,657. A New Extra Rapid series for Portraits, Groups, and Instantaneous Work. Highly recommended. ROSS' SINGLE LANDSCAPE LENSES. F 16, Introduced to meet the demand for a cheap series for purely Landscape Work. ROSS' PORTRAIT AND CABINET LENSES. F 4. Used by Leading Professional Photographers everywhere. Great brilliancy and exquisite defining power. ROSS' HAND CAMERA LENSES. F 5,6. and F 8, Bronzed Mounts, Iris or Waterhouse Diaphragms. Can be supplied in pairs, when so required. ROSS' DIVIDED HAND CAMERA. Has met with great success, Thoroughly reliable. Highly recommended by numerous purchasers. ZEISS PATENT ANASTIGMATIC LENSES. Manufactured by Ross & Co, in Three Series, for Portraits, Groups, Architecture, Copying, &c. ROSS STUDIO AND FIELD CAMERAS, &c. &c. ROSS & CO., Manufacturing Opticians, 112 New Bond Street, LONDON, ENGLAND. M. WOLFE'S PERFECT LINED SCREEN PLATES FOR HALF-TONE ENGRAVING, ADAPTED TO ALL WASHOUT SWELLED GELATINE AND ZINC ETCHING PROCESSES. RULED ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. In these days of low prices and sharp competition, it is neces- sary to cater for the Commercial trade, and by the turning out of good work you will receive satisfactory results. Cuts of Views, Machinery, &c., &c., for Book Illustrations, can be made by the above Screens, to be surpassed by no others. FULL INSTRUCTIONS IN HALF-TONE ETCHING, $40. INVESTIGATE THIS:- 8 × 10 Plates, each 10 × 12 "" 13 × 13 >> 14 × 14 "" وو $20 30 50 • 70 My Plates are in use by the finest Etchers in the States. For full particulars and samples of work send 6d. for postage to M. WOLFE, 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET, DAYTON, O. THE WOODBURY PERMANENT PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING COMPANY, EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, PROPRIETORS, BEG EG to call the attention of Publishers to the advantages of the Woodbury-Gravure process for the purpose of High- class Book Illustrations, it being a process which reproduces with equal facility copies of wash or line drawings, portraits from life, landscapes, photographs, paintings, engravings, and sketches of all kinds. Woodbury-Gravure approaches nearest to photo- engraving in results, but without the initial expense of preparing the plate. The WOODBURY COMPANY are also the original holders of the patent for Woodbury type printing, and which they have most successfully worked for many years, the results produced being far superior to any other mechanical process for the reproduction for either Book Illustrations, Trade Catalogues, &c., &c., where mount- ing is not an objection. Examples of both the above-mentioned processes will be found in this Publication. The WOODBURY COMPANY also undertake Collotype Printing . for Book Illustrations. Carbon Printing for Publication Purposes. Silver Printing of the Best Description. · Platinotype Printing. for all Requirements. Carbon Enlargements on the Company's own special make of Tissue Carbon Tissue from Amateur or Professional negatives. in Cut Pieces for small Consumers. PRICE LISTS and all Information on application to 6 GREAT NEW STREET, LONDON, E.C. WORKS-CASTLE BAR, EALING, W. The firm have sent us some magnificent specimens of their half-tone blocks. One we may mention in particular, which appeared in the Illustrated London News, “Grouse upon the Moors," reproduced from a drawing in black and white, which is one of the most perfect photo-engraved blocks that has ever been made in this country. Messrs. MEISENBACH have succeeded admirably in their attempt to give these blocks all that brightness and delicacy that are so much admired in the American and Continental work. It is, indeed, doubtful if any country whatever, in spite of fine climatic influences, can surpass some of the work we have seen done at the Norwood studio."—British and Colonial Printer and Stationer. "Many improvements which have recently been introduced have brought their process to the highest point of perfection."--Photographic News. MEISENBACH IMPROVED PROCESS OF PHOTO-ENGRAVING, For the illustration of Fine Art and Scientific Publications, Books of Travel, Pictorial Guides, Catalogues, Art Magazines, Newspapers, &c., the MEISEN- BACH PROCESS is unequalled, and is the most perfect Photo-Engraving method in use. These Illustrations can be reproduced from OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLOURS, PHOTOGRAPHS, SKETCHES IN WASH, CHALK, CRAYON, LEAD PENCIL. or, in fact, anything from which a negative can be made. PRICES AND VARIETIES OF TINT OR GRAIN USED. Open Grain Blocks, 1/3 per square inch; minimum, 15/- net. Medium Square Blocks, 1/4 77 Fine Grain Blocks, 1/6 "" POSTAGE ADDITIONAL. 15/- 17 T 15/- "" Terms-Cush, with Order, or London Reference and net Monthly Settlements. Special Price for a series or for a large number of subjects, depending on nature of copy, size, and number of blocks. The Open Grain is especially suitable for Newspapers and other work printed at a high speed with inferior ink and paper. The Medium Grain is, as the name implies, an intermediate tint between the Fine and Open Grain, and is generally used for the illustration of such Publications as are printed with medium quality ink and paper. The Fine Grain is recommended for high-class Art Reproductions, and best results are obtained with well-rolled soft-sized dry paper, hard packing, and good ink. N.B.-Points to Remember.-In sending instructions, special care should be taken to state clearly the grain to be used, and the required size of block in inches one way; also state whether the whole or only a portion of the picture has to be engraved. Unmounted photographs should always be sent flat between cardboards or in roller, as creases and marks are difficult to keep out of the reproduction. Abridged Particulars and Specimens post free. Art Specimens engraved from paintings and printed in tinted colour, sent free on receipt of 41d. for postage. The facilities of the MEISENBACH COMPANY for the production of engraved plates surpass any establishment in Great Britain. THE MEISENBACH COMPANY, Limited, WOLFINGTON ROAD, WEST NORWOOD, LONDON, S.E. Chief Offices and Works-WEST NORWOOD.] [City Office-188 FLEET STREET, E. C. GOLD MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION. SILVER AND BRONZE MEDals, Leeds EXHIBITION. WATERLOW & SONS, LIMITED, Photographic Art Printers and Engravers, FINSBURY WORKS, LONDON, E.C. Photo-Zincography. Photo-Lithography. Photo-Mechanical Printing. Collotype.—Hand and Machine Printing for Art Publications, Scientific and Anti- quarian Periodicals, Machinery, Landscapes, Portraits, Pottery, Furniture Designs, Trade Advertisements, &c. The superior results given by this pro- cess, and the rapidity and cheapness by which the prints are produced, together with the advantage of printing with or without margins, place it in the first rank of processes for commercial purposes. MESSRS. WATERLOW & SONS, LIMITED, have given this branch of the Photo-Printing Department special facilities for the production of good work, and have introduced the most perfect machinery and plant obtainable. Woodbury Prints.-High-class permanent copies, equal in appearance to the best Silver Prints, of Portraits, Landscapes, Furniture, Pottery, &c. Prints may be obtained in almost any colour from Customers' own Negatives, or from the original objects. These reproductions are specially suitable for Portrait work, and are valuable for every description of Artistic or Commercial Illustrations. Photo-Zinco Engraving.-Blocks for Surface Printing, from Line and Grained- paper Drawings, Steel and Copper Plates, Wood Engravings, &c., &c. Letter- press Blocks in "Half-tint" (stipple or dot) direct from Photographs from Nature, without drawing. Accurately registered Blocks for Chromographie Printing. Engraving in Line and Half-tone on Copper and Zinc. Intaglio The greatest care and skill is employed in the production of these Blocks, and the results are the finest which it is possible to obtain. The new and extensive Photographic Works, being fitted with Modern Appliances, Machinery, Electric Lighting, &c., rapid and accurate work is always obtainable, irrespective of weather or season. PRICE LISTS, ESTIMATES, and full particulars on application. WATERLOW & SONS, Limited, Finsbury Works, E.C. HINDU EST! 1848 J.C.NORBURY & SONS CHROMO LITHOGRAPHERS DESIGNERS OF TRADE MARKS 108 PORTLAND ST MANCHESTER in every description of CHROMO & EMBOSSED STYLES. ickets SPECIALITE.-Indian, Chinese & Japanese Native Stamps. Subjects. White & Grey Goods Stamps in the ordinary and by the New "Norbrotype Process. staff of Artists employed to originate subjects suitable for every description of Tickets and Stamps. CHINESES The Manchester Trade Marks Association, 108 PORTLAND STREET, MANCHESTER. TRADE MARKS Originated, Registered, Assigned, and Transferred. PROTECTION OF TRADE MARKS. On specified Terms the Association undertakes to maintain a Scrutiny on all New Marks advertised by the Comp- troller, and inform Clients as to Infringements on their deposited Marks. F. J. NORBURY, MANAGER. PURE CHEMICALS. HINTON & CO 38 BEDFORD STREET STRAND, W.C. HMERENNETT Pharmaceutical and Photographic Chemists. CHEMICALS FOR APPARATUS. SERVICEABLE THE ARTS, SCIENCES, TRADES, AND MANUFACTURES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Solutions, Papers, Plates, and Apparatus for Photography and for All Scientific Occupations or Recreations of Students and Amateurs. GOODS WELL PACKED FOR INDIA AND THE COLONIES. SEND FOR A PRICE LIST. THORNTON-DICKARD PICKARD "1 TIME" PATENT SHUTTER Gives both Time and Instantaneous Exposures. IS THEORETICALLY AND PRACTICALLY THE BEST. Simple and Serviceable. Has the Largest Sale in the World. "Its action is really admirable, the mechanism being both ingeni- ous and simple. It is well made, and the various actions are effected without any jar."-J. TRAILL TAYLOR, Esq., Editor, British Journal of Photography. "It is certainly capable of answering every possible requirement. This last improved form will make the shutter even more popular than it is."-Amateur Photographer. "A very good instrument. We have used one for the past two seasons with considerable pleasure and success."-Photography. As near perfection as possible, and for variety of speeds, com- bined with the utmost simplicity of working, it could not be excelled."-R. B. "I have several of your shutters in constant use, and find them all that can be desired. I never use a lens-cap now at all."-J. B. Y. "Still holds the palm."-Globe. THORNTO INST MESH TIME Price from 18s. 6d. Instantaneous only from 11s. 6d. Speed Indicator, 3s. 6d. extra. Illustrated Catalogue post free on application to the THORNTON-PICKARD MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ST. MARY'S STREET, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. 2 B A CATALOGUE OF STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY. PAGE I.-Religious Works, 4 II.-Works on Medicine and the Allied Sciences, 9 III.-General Scientific and Technical Works, 21 IV. Educational Works, 49 V.-Works in General Literature, 58 LONDON: 12 EXETER STREET, STRAND. INDEX TO AUTHORS. AITKEN (Sir W., M.D.), Science and Practice of Medicine, Outlines, · ANDERSON (M'Call) on Skin Diseases, ANGLIN (S.), Design of Structures, BELL (R.), Golden Leaves, BERINGER (J. J. and C.), Assaying, PAGE 9 9 • 14 21 • 58 22 10 ΙΟ • PAGH JAKSCH (v.) and CAGNEY, Clinical Diagnosis, 14 JAMES (W. P.), From Source to Sea, 53 JAMIESON (A.), Manual of the Steam Engine 32 Steam and the Steam Engine - Elementary, 32 Applied Mechanics, Magnetism and Electricity, JEVONS (F. B.), A History of Greek Literature, 54 Athenian Democracy, KEBLE'S Christian Year, 33 33 54 • 4 22 · 23 23 23 23 LANDIS (Dr.), Management of Labour,. LANDOIS and STIRLING'S Physiology, LEWIS (W. B.), Mental Diseases, LINN (Dr.), On the Teeth, 18 • • 13 • 15 • 19 • 19 50 • 13 BLYTH (A. W.), Hygiene and Public Health, Foods and Poisons, • BROTHERS (A), Photography, BROUGH (B. H.), Mine-Surveying, BROWNE (W. R.), Student's Mechanics, Foundations of Mechanics, Fuel and Water, BUNYAN'S Pilgrim's Progress (Mason), BRYCE (A. H.), Works of Virgil, BURNET (Dr.), Foods and Dietaries, 4 ΙΙ CAIRD and CATHCART, Surgical Handbook, 12 CHEEVER'S (Dr.), Religious Anecdotes, COBBETT (Wm.), Advice to Young Men, Cottage Economy, English Grammar, French do., • Legacy to Labourers, Do. Parsons,. COBBIN'S Mangnall's Questions, COLE (Prof.), Practical Geology, COLERIDGE on Method, CRAIK (G.), History of English Literature, Manual of do., CRIMP (W. S.), Sewage Disposal Works, CROOM (Halliday), Gynecology, • LONGMORE (Prof.), Sanitary Contrasts, MACALISTER (Prof.), Human Anatomy, MACKEY (A. G.), Lexicon of Freemasonry, 61 MAYHEW (H.), London Labour, M'BURNEY (Dr.), Ovid's Metamorphoses, MEYER AND FERGUS' Ophthalmology, MILLER (W. G.), Philosophy of Law, M'MILLAN (W. G.), Electro-Metallurgy, MUNRO (R. D.), Steam Boilers, JAMIESON'S Electrical NYSTROM'S Pocket-Book for Engineers, • • бл • 55 14 • 55 34 33 • 35 35 • 15 • 15 19 OBERSTEINER and HILL, Central Nervous Organs, 4 58 58 50 50 MUNRO and 59 59 Pocket-Book, 50 • 24 • 50 • 5I PAGE (H.W.), Railway Injuries, • 51 • 25 16 6 52 52 • 50 CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE, by Eadie, CRUTTWELL'S History of Roman Literature, Specimens of do., Early Christian Literature, CURRIE (J.), Works of Horace, DAVIS (J. R. A.), An Introduction to Biology, 26 The Flowering Plant, Zoological Pocket-Book, DICK (Dr.), Celestial Scenery, DOERING and GRÆME'S Hellas, D'ORSEY (A. J.), Spelling by Dictation, DUCKWORTH (Sir D., M.D.), Gout, DUPRE & HAKE, Manual of Chemistry, EADIE (Rev. Dr.), Biblical Cyclopædia, Cruden's Concordance, Classified Bible, • Ecclesiastical Cyclopedia, Dictionary of the Bible, • PARKER (Prof.). Mammalian Descent, • пи PHILLIPS and BAUERMAN, Metallurgy,. 38 POE (Edgar), Poetical Works of, 60 PORTER (Surg.-Maj.), Surgeon's Pocket-Book, 19 RAMSAY (Prof.), Roman Antiquities, Do. Latin Prosody, Do. Elementary, Elementary, 55 • 55 • 55 55 • RANKINE'S ENGINEERING WORKS, 39, 40 REED (Sir E. J.), Stability of Ships, Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples, SCHWACKHÖFER and BROWNE, Fuel • 45 36 26 • 4I 27 ROBERTS-AUSTEN (Prof.), Metallurgy • 42 4 ROBINSON (Prof.), Hydraulics, · 43 53 • 53 SANSOM (A. E.), Diseases of the Heart, SCHRADER and JEVONS, The Prehistoric 16 14 • 56 27 6 and Water, • 44 6 6 SEATON (A. E.), Marine Engineering, SEELEY (Prof.), Physical Geology, · 6 SENIOR (Prof.), Political Economy, • 57 6 SEXTON (Prof.), Quantitative Analysis, • 44 · 44 44 64 7 • 7 • 13 • • 20 20 8 8 • ELBORNE (W.), Pharmacy and Materia Medica, 12 EMERALD SERIES OF POETS, ETHERIDGE (R.), Stratigraphical Geology, EWART (Prof.), The Preservation of Fish, FIDLER (T. Claxton), Bridge-Construction, FLEMING (Prof.), Vocabulary of Philosophy, FOSTER (Chas.), Story of the Bible, FOSTER (C. Le N.), Ore and Stone Mining, GARROD (Dr. A. É.), Rheumatism, Qualitative Analysis, SHELTON-BEY (W. V.), Mechanic's Guide,. SOUTHGATE (H.), Many Thoughts of Many Minds, Suggestive Thoughts, (Mrs.), Christian Life, STIRLING (William), Human Physiology, • 60 37 • 27 28 • 53 5 • 29 Outlines of Practical Physiology, 14 Outlines of Practical Histology, GILMER (R.), Interest Tables, 59 TAIT (Rev. J.), Mind in Matter, GRÆME (Elliott), Beethoven, . 59 Novel with Two Herces, 59 GRIFFIN'S ELECTRICAL PRICE-BOOK, 29 GRIFFIN (J. J.), Chemical Recreations, 29 GURDEN (R.), Traverse Tables, 29 GUTTMANN (O.), Rock Blasting, 29 HADDON (Prof), Embryology, • 13 HORSLEY (Victor), The Nervous System, 18 · HUGHES (H. W.), Coal-Mining, • 29 HUMPHRY, Manual of Nursing, 18 • THE MASSES: How shall we reach them? THOMSON (Dr. Spencer), Domestic Medicine, 63 THOMSON'S Seasons, • 57 • 15 46 THORBURN (Wm), Surgery of the Spine, THORNTON (J. K.), Surgery of the Kidneys, 15 TRAILL (W.), Boilers, Land and Marine, WHATELY (Archbishop), Logic, and Rhetoric, 57 WORDS AND WORKS OF OUR LORD, WRIGHT (Alder), The Threshold of Science,. 47 YEAR-BOOK OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, 48 8 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGE 13 4 LITERATURE, English, -Greek, • • 56 Roman, 54 LOGIC, 55 MACHINERY, Hydraulic, 56 --and Millwork, 22 MAGNETISM, 6 MAMMALIAN Descent, • 6 MARINE Engineering, 6 MECHANICS, . 6 MEDICAL Series, 5 26 46 -Works, MEDICINE, Science and Practice of, -Domestic, 33 MENTAL, Diseases, 26 Science, PAGE • SI • 54 52 57 • 43 • 39 32, 33 19 45 23, 33, 35, 39, 40, 44 13-16 9 9 63 15 55 38, 42 23 29 20 53 41 • 15 18 • • I5 21, 28 METALLURGY. MINE-SURVEYING, MINING, Coal, MYTHOLOGY, Greek, 27 • 47 --Ore and Stone, • 44 • 44 NAVAL Construction, . • 29 14 7,8 NERVOUS ORGANS, Central, System, NURSING, Medical and Surgical, OBSTETRICS, PALEONTOLOGY PHILOSOPHY, Vocabulary of, PHOTOGRAPHY, • PHYSICS, Experiments in, PHYSIOLOGY, Human, . 6 PHARMACY, 63 53 64 7 II 49 • 29 32, 33, 35 33-4 13, 19 Practical, POCKET-BOOK, Electrical, Engineering, -Surgical, -Zoological, POETS, Emerald Series of, POISONS, Detection of, POLITICAL ECONOMY, POOR, Condition of the, RAILWAY Injuries, . RELIGIOUS Works, 39 45 35, 40 • 14 · 27 IO RHETORIC, II RHEUMATISM, 61 • • ROCK-BLASTING, 44 ROOFS, Design of, ANATOMY, Human, ANECDOTES, Cyclopædia of, ANTIQUITIES, Prehistoric, -Greek, Roman, • ARYAN PEOPLES, ASSAYING, BIBLE (The Holy), Classified, -Concordance to, -Cyclopædia of, -Dictionary of, -Story of, BIOLOGY, • BOILERS, Marine and Land, -Management of, BOTANY, BRAIN, The, • BRIDGE-CONSTRUCTION, CHEMISTRY, Inorganic, -Experiments in, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative -Recreations in, CLINICAL Diagnosis, DAILY Readings, DICTIONARY of Anecdotes, of the Holy Bible, Ecclesiastical, -of Medicine (Domestic), -of Philosophical Terms, -of Quotations, -of (Religious), DIETARIES for the Sick, EDUCATIONAL Works, ELECTRICAL, Price-Book, ELECTRICITY, ELECTRO-METALLURGY, EMBRYOLOGY, ENGINEERING, Civil, . -Marine, -Useful Rules in, EYE, Diseases of the, FISH, Preservation of, FOODS, Analysis of, FOODS and Dietaries, FREEMASONRY, FUEL and Water, GEOLOGY, Practical, Physical Stratigraphical, GOUT, GRAMMARS, GYNECOLOGY, HEART, Diseases of the, HISTOLOGY, HORACE, Works of, HYDRAULIC Power, HYGIENE and Public Health, INTEREST Tables, LABORATORY Handbooks- Histology, Pharmacy, Physiology, LATIN Prosody, LAW, Philosophy of, LITERATURE, General, Early Christian, • • 18, 63 18 24, 36, 37 24, 3 12 53 • • 22 • 47 13 20 35 • 35 12, 19 • • 27 ба ΤΟ 57 8, 61 24 36 • 37 14 SHIPS, Stability of, • 50 16 SKIN, Diseases of the, SCIENCE, Popular Introduction to, SCIENTIFIC Societies, Papers read before, SEWAGE Disposal Works, • Wave-forms, Propulsion, &c. (Rankine), 16 • SPINAL Cord, . 20 STEAM-ENGINE, 50 STRUCTURES, Design of, • 43 STUDENTS' Text-Books, IO, 19 SURGERY, Civil, • 15 4 • 57 · 14 29 • 21 47 48 25 4I 40 14 • IS 32, 40 21 · 17, 31, 32, 49 12 • 19 59 20 --of Spinal Cord, 12 20 • 55 Military, ——of Kidneys, SURVEYING,. • TEETH, Care of the, THERMODYNAMICS, (Rankine), 55 TRAVERSE Tables, • 58 VIRGIL, Works of, 4 ZOOLOGY, • 15 15 23, 29 • 19 • 40 . 29 • 50 • 19, 27 CHARLES GRIFFIN & COMPANY'S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. RELIGIOUS WORKS. ANECDOTES (CYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS AND MORAL). With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. GEORGE CHEEVER, D.D. Thirty-sixth Thousand. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 3/6. *** These Anecdotes relate to no trifling subjects; and they have been selected, n for amusement, but for instruction. By those engaged in the tuition of the young, th will be found highly useful. THE LARGE-TYPE BUNYAN. BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With Life and Notes, Experimental and Practical, by WILLIAM MASON. Printed in large type, and Illustrated with full-page Woodcuts. Twelfth Thousand. Crown 8vo. Bevelled boards, gilt, and gilt edges, 3/6. CHRISTIAN YEAR (The): With Memoir of the Rev. JOHN KEBLE, by W. TEMPLE, Portrait, and Eight Engravings on Steel, after eminent Masters. New Edition. Small 8vo, toned paper. Cloth gilt, 5/ ** The above is the only issue of the "Christian Year" with Memoir and Portrait of the Author. In ordering, Griffin's Edition should be specified. CRUTTWELL (REV. CHARLES T., M.A.) A HISTORY OF EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. In large 8vo, handsome cloth. [In preparation. *** This work is intended not only for Theological Students, but for General Readers, and will be welcomed by all acquainted with the Author's admirable “History of Roman Literature," a work which has now reached its Fourth Edition. DICK (Thos., LL.D.): CELESTIAL SCENERY; or, The Wonders of the Planetary System Displayed. This Work is intended for general readers, presenting to their view, in an attractive manner, sublime objects of contemplation. Illustrated. New Edition. Crown 8vo, toned paper. Handsomely bound, gilt edges, 5/. LONDON: EXETER STREET, STRAND. RELIGIOUS WORKS. Now Ready. FIFTH AND GREatly ImproveD EDITION. In ROYAL 8vo. Cloth Elegant, 6/. Gilt and Gilt Edges, 7/6. THE STORY OF THE BIBLE, From GENESIS to REVELATION. Including the Historical Connection between the Old and New Testaments. Told in Simple Language. BY CHARLES FOSTER. With Maps and over 250 Engravings (Many of them Full-page, after the Drawings of Professor CARL SCHÖNHERR and others), Illustrative of the Bible Narrative, and of Eastern Manners and Customs. 5 OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "A book which, once taken up, is not easily laid down. When the volume is opened, we are fairly caught. Not to speak of the well-executed wood engravings, which will each tell its story, we find a simple version of the main portions of the Bible, all that may most profitably be included in a work intended at once to instruct and charm the young -a version couched in the simplest, purest, most idiomatic English, and executed throughout with good taste, and in the most reverential spirit. The work needs only to be known to make its way into families, and it will (at any rate, it ought to) become a favourite Manual in Sunday Schools."-Scotsman. "A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE."-Western Morning News. "This attractive and handsome volume style. Freeman. written in a simple and transparent Mr. Foster's explanations and comments are MODELS OF TEACHING. "This large and handsome volume, abounding in Illustrations, is just what is wanted. The STORY is very beautifully and reverently told."-Glasgow News. "There could be few better Presentation Books than this handsome volume."-Daily Review. "WILL ACCOMPLISH A GOOD WORK."-Sunday School Chronicle. "In this beautiful volume no more of comment is indulged in than is necessary to the elucidation of the text. Everything approaching Sectarian narrowness is carefully eschewed."-Methodist Magazine. "This simple and impressive Narrative attention of children; Daily Chronicle. succeeds thoroughly in riveting the admirably adapted for reading in the Home Circle.". "The HISTORICAL SKETCH connecting the Old and New Testaments is a very good idea; it is a common fault to look on these as distinct histories, instead of as parts of one grand whole."-Christian. 'Sunday School Teachers and Heads of Families will best know how to value this handsome volume."-Northern Whig. **The above is the original English Edition. In ordering, Griffin's Edition, by Charles Foster, should be distinctly specified. LONDON: EXETER STREET, STRAND. 6 CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. STANDARD BIBLICAL WORKS BY THE REV. JOHN EADIE, D. 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This work, which is written chiefly to meet the wants of Mechanics, Engine-keepers, and Boiler-attendants, also contains information of the first importance to every user of Steam-power. It is, above all, a PRACTICAL work written for PRACTICAL men, the language and rules being throughout of the simplest nature. GENERAL CONTENTS. Explosions caused by Overheating of Plates: (a) Shortness of Water: (b) Deposit-Explosions caused by Defective and Overloaded Safety-Valves -Area of Safety-Valves-Explosions caused by Corrosion-Explosions caused by Defective Design and Construction, &c., &c. "The volume is a valuable companion for workmen and engineers engaged about Steam Boilers, and ought to be carefully studied, and ALWAYS AT HAND."— Colliery Guardian. "The subjects referred to are handled in a trustworthy, clear, and practical The book is VERY USEFUL, especially to steam users, artisans, and young engineers."-Engineer. manner. LONDON: EXETER STREET, STRAND, 2 34 CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. ELECTRO-METALLURGY (A Treatise on): Embracing the Application of Electrolysis to the Plating, Depositing, Smelting, and Refining of various Metals, and to the Repro- duction of Printing Surfaces and Art-Work, &c. BY WALTER G. M'MILLAN, F.I.C., F.C.S., Chemist and Metallurgist to the Cossipore Foundry and Shell-Factory; Late Demonstrator of Metallurgy in King's College, London. With numerous Illustrations. Large Crown 8vo. Cloth, 10s. 6d. GENERAL CONTENTS. Processes Recovery of certain Metals from their Solutions or Waste Substances Introductory and Historical-Theoreti--Electro-Deposition of Alloys-Electro- cal and General-Sources of Current Metallurgical Extraction and Refining General Conditions to be observed in Electro-Plating - Plating Adjuncts and Disposition of Plant-Cleansing and Pre- paration of Work for the Depositing-Vat, and Subsequent Polishing of Plated Goods -Electro-Deposition of Copper-Electro- typing-Electro-Deposition of Silver-of Gold-of Nickel and Cobalt-of Iron-of Platinum, Zinc, Cadmium, Tin, Lead, Antimony, and Bismuth; Electro-chromy "This excellent treatise, Determination of the Proportion of Metal in certain Depositing Solutions- Glossary of Substances commonly em- ployed in Electro-Metallurgy-Addenda : Various useful Tables-The Bronzing of Copper and Brass Surfaces-Antidotes to Poisons. one of the BEST and MOST COMPLETE manuals hitherto published on Electro-Metallurgy."-Electrical Review. 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PHYSICAL GEOLOGY AND ALÆONTOLOGY, ON THE BASIS OF PHILLIPS. BY HARRY GOVIER SEELEY, F. R. S., PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. With Frontispiece in Chromo-Litbograpby, and Fllustrations. "It is impossible to praise too highly the research which PROFESSOR SEELEY'S 'PHYSICAL GEOLOGY' evidences. IT IS FAR MORE THAN A TEXT-BOOK—it is a DIRECTORY to the Student in prosecuting his researches."-Extract from the Presidential Address to the Geological Society, 1885, by Rev. Professor Bonney, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. "PROFESSOR SEELEY maintains in his 'PHYSICAL GEOLOGY' the high reputation he already deservedly bears as a Teacher. It is difficult, • in the space at our command, to do fitting justice to so large a work. The final chapters, which are replete with interest, deal with the Biological aspect of Paleontology. Here we find discussed the origin, the extinction, succession, migration, persistence, distribution, relation, and variation of species -with other considerations, such as the Identification of Strata by Fossils, Homotaxis, Local Faunas, Natural History Provinces, and the relation of Living to Extinct forms."-Dr. Henry Woodward, F.R.S., in the “Geological Magazine.' "A deeply interesting volume, dealing with Physical Geology as a whole, and also presenting us with an animated summary of the leading doctrines and facts of Paleontology, as looked at from a modern standpoint."-Scotsman. "Professor SEELEY'S work includes one of the most satisfactory Treatises on Lithology in the English language. So much that is not accessible in other works is presented in this volume, that no Student of Geology can afford to be without it."-American Journal of Engineering. (C • Geology from the point of view of Evolution."-Westminster Review. 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Many exceedingly useful and practical hints are given with regard to the treatment of iron and steel, which are exceedingly valuable, and the outcome of a wide experience. The tables in all probability are the most exhaustive yet published. Certainly deserves a place on the shelf in the drawing office of every boiler shop."- Practical Engineer. "We give it a hearty welcome. A handy pocket-book. Our readers cannot do better than purchase a copy. Cheap at five times the price. The intelligent engineer can make a safe investment that will yield him a rich and satisfactory return."-Engineers' Gazette. "From the author's well-known character for thoroughness and exactness, there is every reason to believe that the results given in the tables may be relied on. The great experience of the author in all that relates to boiler construction constitutes him an authority that no one need be ashamed of quoting, and a guide as safe as any man in Britain."-Shipping World. 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In this work the object aimed at is to provide a kind of "Playbook," which, in addition to affording the means of amusement, shall also to some extent tend in the direction of the course of mental education advocated by the British Asso- ciation Committee, so that whilst the young philosopher finds pastime and entertainment in constructing simple apparatus and preparing elementary experiments, he may at the same time be led to observe correctly what happens, to draw inferences and make deductions therefrom. "An ADMIRABLE COLLECTION of Physical and Chemical Experiments a large proportion of these may be performed at home without any costly apparatus." Journal of Education. "Just the kind of book to add to a school library."-Manchester Guardian. Clear, terse, and attractive, the volume is to be most highly recommended." -Public Opinion. Dr. Alder Wright has accomplished a task that will win for him the hearts of all intelligent youths with scientific leanings. 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The scheme of the course and revolutions of the language which is followed here is extremely simple, and resting not upon arbitrary, but upon natural or real distinctions, gives us the only view of the subject that can claim to be regarded as of a scientific character."-Extract from the Author's Preface. • • "Professor Craik has succeeded in making a book more than usually agreeable."- The Times. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 7/6. TENTH EDITION. A MANUAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, for the use of Colleges, Schools, and Civil Selected from the larger work, by Dr. CRAIK. an Additional Section on Recent Literature, by Author of "A Life of Swift." Service Examinations. Tenth Edition. With HENRY CRAIK, M.A., " "A Manual of English Literature from so experienced and well-read a scholar as Professor Craik needs no other recommendation than the mention of its existence.' Spectator. 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Dr. SCHRADER is a genuine CRITIC, and therefore, with his colossal knowledge, a guide to whom we willingly entrust ourselves."-Am Ur-Quell, Monatschrift f. Volkskunde. We have only to look into Dr. SCHRADER's work-its fulness of material, the great caution with which inferences are drawn, its clearness in method and treatment -to be at once won over to the Author and his researches.”—Karl Friedrichs— Deutsche Revue. SENIOR (Nassau William, M.A., late Professor of Political Economy in the University of Oxford): A TREATISE ON POLITICAL ECONOMY: the Science which treats of the Nature, the Production, and the Distribution of Wealth. Sixth Edition. Crown Svo. Cloth. (Encyclopædia Metropolitana), 4/. THOMSON (James): THE SEASONS. With an Introduction and Notes by ROBERT BELL, Editor of the "Annotated Series of British Poets." Third Edition. Fcap 8vo. Cloth, 1/6. "An admirable introduction to the study of our English classics.' 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