BL 263 347 1914 A 697,967 ARTES LIBRAR UNIVER Please Read and Hand to a Friend RELIGION AND EVOLUTION One Phase of the Effects of Evolution on Modern Thought WHY THEOLOGIANS OPPOSE EVOLUTION THE COMING RELIGION By C. W. BENNETT Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member of the National Geographic Society; Member of the Michigan Academy of Science Third Edition, Enlarged L Daily Reporter Print, Coldwater, Michigan MAY, 1914 7 Religion and Evolution Charles Darwin set the world to thinking more than any other man that has ever lived. His opponents began studying to disprove his the- ories, and his friends studied to sus- tain them. As a result more progress has been made in the sciences during the last fifty years than in all pre vious time. A greater result is that Evolution is now firmly establisht among sci- entists (every scientist in the world today is an Evolutionist) and educat ors, not merely as a theory or hy pothesis, but as a law of the Uni- verse, as fully as the law of gravita- tion; because it has been found that everything in this world and the sur- rounding universe has become what it is by a process of evolution from other forms, generally of simpler and lower nature or condition. The proofs that man developed from lower ani- mals has become overwhelmingly convincing. Evolution has simply been God's method of accomplishing what we call creation. The work of creating never had a beginning-it will never have an end. God and creation have ex- isted from eternity, and a future eter- nity will not end them. This new thought has had a pro- found influence on all the natural sci- ences, and on education, politics and religion. It is to the latter that I wish to now call attention. Evolution has not only already modified religious thought, but it will eventually revolutionize religious be- lieis; in fact it will finally abolish the old orthodox ideas of Christianity. This result has been so apparent that the orthodox theologians have all along waged a bitter warfare against evolution-first by ridicule, then by argument. But their opposition has been as futile as was that against the ideas that the world was round, volved around the sun and was go- erned in its motions by the laws of gravitation. Religion is a course of conduct men adopt in trying to win favors from their gods. All religions are man-made, and all are born of feat In proportion as men lose their feat of their gods and hells they neglec their religion. Each religion has its grade of excellence depending on the intelligence of its makers, and each is improved as its devotees grow in intelligence. The Christian religion was formu lated by a union of the altruism (lov for others) and asceticism (sever self-denial of worldly pleasures) of Buddha (of India); the idea of an opt posing god, Satan, and a future life in hell or heaven, of Zoroaster (Per sia); the Genesis legends of Baby the lonia, the austere God and necessary blood sacrifice for atonement of sins of the Hebrews; the mythology of the Greeks; the worship of Saints, of th Romans; and the Trinitarianism o the Egyptians, with the priesteraf and some of the superstitions of al of them. That union was brough about by the intermingling of those peoples in trade and commerce, mi grations, and wars of conquest pre- viously carried on for centuries. It was inaugurated by Jesus, but really established by Paul, who carried to more congenial, because more cultur ed peoples-and as a consequence the most of the creeds of the church es are founded on what Paul wrote instead of what Jesus taught The Christian religion is the high est order of religion because it has been adopted and improved by the highest civilized peoples-the great er the culture the more altruism and the higher ideas of God. -3- Men improve their religion as their intelligence increases. Christianity of today is much better than that of past centuries. For example, we do not now climb stairs on our knees, repeating a prayer at each step; do not try to cure diseases by casting out devils; do not burn witches; do not tolerate slavery or polygamy; do not execute or torture heretics, who are generally leaders of Reformations (we just excommunicate, ostracise and boycott them,); and Baptists and Presbyterians now even shake hands! Orthodox Christianity is is largely based on the stories in Genesis, which represent that the whole universe was created in six days about 6,000 years ago; that man was created in the immage of God, who, the Genesis writer thought, was in the shape of a man, but that idea seeming to later thought untenable, it was said to mean that man was like God in per- fect character. But they tell us a moral character cannot be established without a temptation to do wrong, and an opportunity to exercise what they call man's "free moral agency" to choose good or evil. So, not knowing what man would do, the story says God prepared a test by setting tempting fruit before him, and preparing a snake for a tempter. I say "preparing," because none but God could enable a snake to talk. But who shall inspire this snake? Tho the universe had been created but a few days or weeks, it would seem that God's government in hea- ven had been so unsatisfactory that a “referendum and recall" was attempt- ed by one-third of the angels starting a rebellion. This "war in heaven" re- sulted in the defeat of the rebels, and they were cast out and allowed to come to earth and became our "le- gions of devils," and their leader, Satan, was delegated to inspire the serpent. Eve was selected because the ancients considered woman the weaker minded. (This story of a war in heaven and fall of Satan and the angels was borrowed by John from the Greek myth about Zeus as a childish ex- planation of the origin of Satan and devils.) The temptation succeeded, which seemed not to be in accordance with God's expectations, for he turned them out of the Garden of Eden, curs ed man with toiling for his bread, and cursed the ground to raising weeds and thistles to make labor greater, and, because of this legend, all thru the ages labor has been con- sidered onerous, disgracing, a curse. Woman was cursed with the pains of motherhood, and so firm was that belief that so recently as when chlo- roform was discovered the Scotch Presbyterians forbid its use at child- birth because it would be circumvent- ing God's plan of punishment on wo- mankind for the sin of Eve; and wo- man was made the slave of man, and for ages every woman who has been married to man by a priest or preach- er has had to promise to obey her husband. And the church ever has been, and to this day remains, the strongest opponent of woman's equal rights with man. As examples, the pope's late order to all Catholics to oppose woman suffrage, and the acts of the national assemblies of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in the Spring of 1912 refusing to al- low women to preach! Theologians have always fought the sciences, especially astronomy, geolo- gy and evolution, because they dis- prove Genesis on which their cher- isht "plan of salvation" is founded. Haeckel says this opposition keeps them from being studied in the pub- lic schools as much as they should be. If you study about the stars, the earth and the human race you will learn that they are more than 6,000 years old and were not made in a day! they say By Eve's disobedience man fell from a state of innocence and purity to a condition of "total depravity"-an inability to have piety or do anything good-every faculty od-every fac tinctured with evil. It also brought death into the world, and Satan be- came "prince of the power of the air," and "god of this world," who caused earthquakes, tornadoes, famines, pes- tilences, diseases and witches, and has ever since been ruling the hearts and acts of men more than has God. They teach that from that time God had but little to do in this world except on emergencies. One of these came in about 1650 years afterwards when the sons of God took the daugh- ters of men for wives and raised chil- dren, which, they infer, brought a climax of corruption. But think of the impossibility of angels and wo- producing children! men "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at heart." Just think of a grieving, repenting God! So he re- solved to destroy the race by a flood, which he did (including the sinless animals) except Noah and his family. And God wrought this awful destruc- tion of the human race before he had given them any laws, bibles, teachers or preachers to instruct them what he wanted them to do! The infer- ence is that God did not then under- stand the law of heredity, for the descendants of Noah inherited the racial sins, and mankind was no bet- ter for the flood. This experiment failed. Then God selected Abraham for building up a nation that would be righteous and loyal. They claimed God taught them to atone for sins by offering the blood and burned bodies of animals, from doves to oxen, the larger the sin the greater the sacri- fice, and in some cases human beings were sacrificed. But the Hebrews never reached the promised success. Another experiment failed! nation. But to redeem the whole race they thought it needed God for the offering. The ancient Aztecs of Mex- ico had the same Jewish idea and every year they selected a young man to represent their god whom they sacrificed to atone for the sins of the nation. But long before resorting to such an awful extremity you or I would have killed or banished Satan, the sole cause of the whole wickedness and suffering of the world. But there is no record where God ever was angry at Satan, or cursed or threaten- ed him; while he frequently assumed all of those attitudes against man- the victim of Satan. Satan appeared to be necessary to help carry out the great "plan of salvation." He caused the "fall" of man; in two friendly interviews with God he was given confidential missions to afflict Job with savage and horrible cruelties for an experiment; and if he had not put it into the heart of Judas to be- tray Jesus, there would have been no crucifixion, no shedding of blood, no atonement for sin! Christ became a ransom for the race. Now when a redemption or ran- som is paid, it, must be paid to some one. Who was the one in this case? None other than Satan whom God had permitted to come here and become "god of this world," and ruler ruler of mankind! And this is the great "plan of sal- vation" to explain which thousands of books have been written, tho it is still as incomprehensible as the doctrine, of a Trinity-how three can be one, and one three. Theologians have so surrounded their religion with the mysteries of the Trinity, plans of sal- vation, atonement, regeneration, sec- ond birth, articles of faith, that thou- tianity are kept from embracing Chris- hend how to have a "change of heart, become "converted," and "get relig ion." The Hebrews taught that "without sands the shedding of blood there is no re- tianity because they do not compre- mission of sins," and and while they thought that a dove might atone for a small sin, it needed a larger animal for greater sins, and a large number of them, or even a human being to sacrifice to atone for the sins of a Briefly restated:-Man was created pure and holy. In a test of his moral strength he sinned and fell to a con- -5- dition of "total depravity"-a state of helpless sinfulness-and became sub- ject to the dominion of Satan and Death. Satan so outwitted God, show- ed such superior management, that he got complete control of the human race; so, after several other experi- nents had failed, as a last resort God offered his own life as a ransom to Satan to redeem the race from his control! Just think! God died! Such a thought, that God could die, must have originated in the mind of an ig- norant savage who had many gods. But this plan of salvation did not include the whole race. Only those who should hear of this plan, and be- lieve and accept it, were to be saved. And as only about one in a thousand of the race comply with those condi- tions (two-thirds of the race have not yet heard of them), Satan gets the other nine hundred and ninety- nine thousandths of the race for his kingdom in an everlasting lake of fire and brimstone! Billions of human beings perished before this "plan" was provided, and think of the millions on millions more God is continuing to create whom He knows will not hear of nor accept this plan and will go to Satan's eternal hell! So Satan gets the best of the bargain-again outwitting God! Now think a minute. According to these teachings God is only about 6,000 years old or else was idle from all eternity; for they say, "in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." If He existed before that time he was not only idle, but he did not hear, for there was nothing to make a noise; he did not see, for there was nothing to see and no light to see by; he did not even think, for nothing existed or had happened to think about! He not foresee the danger of "testing" or tempting him, and was too weak to prevent Satan, his arch enemy whom he had created and permitted to come here, from getting control of the race. He tried several experiments to re- created man perfect, but could co gain control of mankind which failed, and finally had to die as a ransom for just a small fraction of the race from Satan, who retained the great bulk of mankind for a hell which we are told was prepared for the devil and his followers. Could any ideas of God be more humiliating, more belittling, more derogatory to his power and wisdom? Now let us contrast these ideas of God with those revealed by the facts of science. The telescope reveals infinite space occupied in every direction with in- numerable millions of systems, suns and worlds in all stages of develop- ment, (showing that the processes of creation have been going on from all eternity, and will continue thru in- finite time to come. It is childish ig- norance to think that the earth and heavens were made in six days only 6,000 years ago! a Astronomy and geológy teach us that this world developed from a nebulous mass mass of matter thru dreds of millions of years to accom- course of evolution that required hun- plish. Evolution teaches that man has evolved from the lower animals, than a hundred million years. a process requiring probably not less Hence man was never more perfect than now. If we could see the numerous animal stages thru which he has risen it would be impossible to tell where the animal ended and the man began. So there was never an Adam and Eve, never a "fall" of the human race. Mankind is not "totally depraved.' Every human being has some good quality. The race was never "lost," but has ever been rising from its lowly ani- mal origin-from Eoanthropus (the recently discovered fossil 250,000 years old) to Lincoln and Edison. If human progress had not been as fast as God desired he could have given the world a written language, Moses, Homer, Buddha. Confucius, Aristotle, Jesus, Luther, Shakespeare and Edi- son centuries sooner. Civilization is not a product of -6-- 081 Christianity, else Christian Russia gle church or written a single word should be superior to pagan Japan. for a Bible! And for 2,000 years In the recent war Christian Bulgar- God has not used his almighty power ians were more savage in slaughter- to prevent Mohammedanism from ing women and children than the Mo- driving Christianity from its native hammedan Turks. There were well home, nor to extend it to all nations, developed grades of civilization in and two-thirds of the world have not Babylonia, Egypt, Greece and Rome yet heard of this "only-saving" relig- centuries before Christianity. En- ion; and God continues to create mil- forced Christianity in Spain and Mex- lions on millions of human beings to ico has not made their civilization go down to Satan's kingdom in hell! cruelly indifferent to the great major- It cannot be possible that God is so ity of mankind. equal to England and America. It is superiority of races and not religions that makes grades of civilization. Civilization is produced by the in- termingling of tribes and peoples brought about by trade, commerce, migrations and wars of conquest. China and Japan have made rapid pro- gress in recent years thru commerce, and home use of railroads, telegraph, telephone and the press, and not thru Christianity, which both have official- ly rejected. Religion may modify civilization- sometimes improving it, more often retarding it, but does not create it. It was rank egotism in the Hebrews to claim they were God's chosen peo- ple. They had no monopoly on re- ligion. The surrounding nations were equally as religious, and most of them reacht higher stages of culture under their pagan religions than the He- brews attained. All men are religious and all are equally the creatures of God's care. Hence it is belittling to God's wisdom, power, justice, goodness and mercy that he should take pleasure in sav- ing a few and creating the great mass of mankind for eternal torment. All religions are more or less "saving." So, instead of sending missionaries to convert the "heathen" to our re- ligion, in which we have had small success, we should first educate them greater civilization. Then they will to a higher plain of living, and to a of themselves make or adopt a higher religion. Christianity was rejected by the Jews and other Semitic peoples be- cause its teachings were too high for their intelligence. It became the re ligion of the European peoples be- cause their greater intelligence com- prehended the higher morals and du- ties it teaches. Mohammed's religion has driven Christianity from its na- tive land, and in five hundred years less time has secured more followers simply because it was better adapted to the intelligence of that region. It is equally as absurd egotism to claim that Christianity is the only "saving" religion. It is contrary to present day ideas of God's impartial justice, and a reflection on his wis- dom, power and goodness to claim he did not provide a "saving religion" for the whole race in the beginning instead of delaying for thousands of years until billions of human beings had been lost, and then, instead of revealing it to the whole world, or to great centers of power and culture like Alexandria, Rome and Athens, delivered it to an obscure tribe in Palestine which had already made a failure of his former religion. And then he allowed himself to be cruci- fied before he had established a sin- Christianty has not spread to all races because they are yet too ignor- ant to practice its precepts; but it is absurd to teach that the greater part of mankind will be sent to an ever- lasting hell because they do not prac- tice a religion they have never heard of, and one they are not yet developed enough to comprehend. --7- All thru the ages God has given Christianity, and all thru these ages the race great leaders and teachers they have been stumbling blocks to high- to point to higher ideals of life and Christianity, and hindrances to conduct towards which the race has ever been approaching. Every tribe or nation has had a religion suited to its stage of intellectual development, each in its alloted place and sphere "inspired" to elevate the race. To improve their religion you need first to elevate their intelligence and mode of living. There was never a Garden of Eden. God never had to experiment with or test man to know what was his moral strength. He knew that all the time. Hence there never was a temp- tation. No human father would be so cruel as to tempt his child to do wrong when he knew it would not be able to resist it, and then punish it! and er womanhood. If all had followed the advice of Paul and not married, the world would have become depop- ulated centuries ago. Sin did not introduce or cause death. The fossils in the rocks prove that for millions of years before there was a man to sin death was here. Death is everywhere. It is just as natural as life. All things die-ani- mals and plants cannot sin. Evolution teaches that what we call sins are simply the continued in- dulgence in the appetites, lusts, pas- sions and selfish desires-sensualism -inherited from our animal ancestors ("lust of the flesh," Paul aptly says, Rom. 7:15-25), which we do not yet control as we should in accordance with our higher ideas of right and wrong. No book or prophet ever revealed sin. That the knowledge of good and evil came from eating a forbidden fruit is an absurd legend. All know- ledge of good and evil, of right and wrong, has been acquired by experi- ence, and not from eating. All laws and rules of conduct are man-made. Family life developt love for others, and ages of experience have taught men that to restrain some of our self- There was never a Satan to make a temptation. God was never so un- wise as to create a malicious being to be constantly interfering with His work, and with greater power over the world than He had. Nobody now believes that a Satan causes tem- pests, earthquakes, diseases witches. Science has discovered that Satan was just a myth borrowed by the Jews from Persian Zoroastrianism while in Babylonian captivity. No Jewish writer mentioned such a be- ing before that time. God was Al-ish desires for the benefit of others mighty, and never tolerated a rival in his universe. God never cursed the human race which he has been millions of years developing and constantly improving. He did not curse the earth with weeds-they are all natural and use- ful products. He never cursed and made labor ignoble. Labor is an in- dispensable boon to the race. God never laid a curse on mother- hood. It is woman's most natural and noblest function. He never made her a slave to man. Those ideas are relics of barbarous ages when woman was treated as an inferior, and wives were bought and sold. Paul, the bachelor. injected those ideas into 1 adds to our own happiness. So laws are adopted to define those restraints, and every day we are discovering new duties and enacting new laws. Violating those laws is sin. God never repented or grieved over the failures of his own handiwork- else he would not be God. Can you picture to your imagination a disap- pointed God? He is too wise to make mistakes; too experienced to ever re- sort to experimenting. Hence God never made any unsuc- cessful experiments. He never drown- ed the world in an experiment to get rid of sin. Geology can find no evi- dences of a universal flood, and at no time has there ever been a uni versal destruction of the human race, -8- or of the animal and vegetable king- doms. And now the archeologists have found that the stories in Genesis are legends borrowed from the Chaldeans which were engraved on tablets 1500 years before Genesis was written. So the "great plan of salvation" was founded on myths! A religion found- ed on legends will have to give way to the facts of science. We know now that the Egyptians and all other nations worshipped their gods by offering them the blood and burned flesh of animals, and in great emergencies, human beings. So God did not teach that repulsive method of worship to the Hebrews they learned it while in Egypt, and practiced what all their neighbors were doing. We know this from the fact that the later prophets declared that burnt offerings and sacrifices were repulsive to God, and the other fact that, as knowledge advanced, the Jews and all other nations aban- doned the custom. It was a relic of barbarism. So Paul was mistaken in saying that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin," and that it was necessary for Christ to die to redeem man from the power of Sa- tan; because, as there had been no "fall," there was no need for such an awful sacrifice for a redemption-no need of an atonement; and as there had been no Satan that controlled the race superior to the power of God, there was no need of a ransom- no one to pay it to, and no need of a hell, which it was said was "prepared for the devil and his angels." Jesus consecrated his cause by in- cidentally dying a martyr. But he did not save the world by his death as a blood sacrifice, but by his life and teachings. He is a Savior of those who follow his precepts of Love and Duty. Christianity imbibed the asceticism (rigid self-denial of worldly pleasures) of Buddhism, and the church has de- manded such an austere, cheerless life, with the idea that the more pain and sorrow suffered in this world the greater will be the joys of the next, and has so neglected the social and cheer- ful demands of the human heart, that it has driven the masses into lodges, clubs and societies; while the church should have been the "social center" for all desirable activities. The church has so centered its view on the next world that it has neglected the present one. The rapid spread of "Christian Science" shows that the world is hun- gry for a more joyous religion ligion that happifies this life as well as the next. re- exploiting rewards and punish- ments Christianity has been offered too much as a means for escaping fear of hell decreases the empty pews hell to secure heaven. Hence as the Nincrease. The bane of Christianity has been its creeds. A creed is a stake set to mark the end of progress. All church- es are controlled by creeds and hence they have never taken the lead in any great reforms, religious, moral, social or political, because such reforms are not mentioned in the creeds. "Tho good are always the last to adopt the better." Neither did Jesus die in our stead to satisfy an unrelenting mandate of God. It is contrary to all present day Their religion is the last thing men ideas of justice that billions of people change. The majority hold the re- should be held guilty and condemned/ligion taught them in childhood be- to eternal torment because of a sin in Adam which they knew not of and could not prevent. It would be hor- rible injustice for a human judge to hang a man because his grandfather committed murder. That would not satisfy a broken law. cause they have given it but little thought since. The many seek ease; they prefer belief to thinking. To believe you have only to nod the head; to think you have to concen- trate your attention, sharpen your wits, develope your logical powers, 9 exercise your reason-all of which thought and action. These requires effort, and effort is painful to the multitude. So they hold on to the creeds, rituals and ceremonies of childhood, and "continue to walk in the crooked paths markt out by calves of centuries ago." essays are "talks back" by a ventursome Pew-protests against superstitious, out-dated creeds that are blocking the progress of Christianity. Reformations are inaugurated by "heretics” and “cranks.” The churches join when the movement has become popular. The agitation against slav- ery was carried on by Garrison, Phil- lips, Greely and others twenty years before the churches acted. Individ- uals and societies outside of of the churches fought the saloons seventy years before the churches joined the Anti-Saloon League, and a majority of them are not in it yet. Not until the warfare against child-labor, cruelty to animals, tuberculosis, white slav- ery and city slums has become popu- lar will the churches unite in the work. For fifteen centuries the churches opposed popular education (the Cath olics still do) because ignorant peo- ple are more easily controlled. Edu- cated people sometimes think, and a thinker is dangerous to the creeds. By continuing to require belief in creeds formulated in the ignorant past which have become disproved by present day knowledge, the churches are driving untold thousands into ir- reconcilable infidelity. The church still clings to the myths of barbar- ous ages. Because earthly kings used messengers to carry their ders, the ignorant ancients who con- ceived God to be just a heavenly king thought he also needed messengers, termed angels. Devils and demons were fallen angels, and messengers for Satan, who orthodox or- Christians still think is "god of this world." What childish absurdities! Theologians cling to old doctrines because they are never disputed-all they utter is listened to with bowed heads-the pews never talk back. Thus they get the conceit that their stalest ideas are undeniable facts. For these reasons both church and pulpit are "behind the times" in The doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible is the word of God, and if the scriptures, that "Every word in you do not believe all of it you might just as well throw it all away," has driven into infidelity thousands who refuse to stultify their reason or give up their knowledge. up their knowledge. They know some of it cannot be the word of God be- cause of its many positive contradic- tions, and so they are compelled to throw it all away! It represents God as making laws for slavery, tolerating polygamy and encouraging the use of wine. It calls the cruel, murderous and licentious David "a man after God's own heart." Ruth and parts of other books are immoral and inde- cent, and Joshua and Esther were fiends incarnate. Joshua, David and many others did things which Bible says God commanded that are horrifying to our present day moral ideas. It is not possible that God was more immoral then than we are now. the The Genesis stories of creation, fall of man, the flood and tower of Babel were long ago shown by sci- ence to be impossibilities, and over thirty years ago biblical scholars dis- covered that they are legends borrow- ed from pagan Chaldea. Then why continue to teach them to the chil dren in Sunday schools as facts when they will later learn the truth in the high schools, and then become dis- gusted with your deceptions? The Bible is simply a collection of Hebrew literature, and thus viewed is most valuable. It consists of sixty- six books, more than half of which are by unknown writers. These books were selected by fallible men, who rejected twice as many others, some of which we know were equally valuable. The first book is largely legendary, and the last one is SO visionary that no man has yet been -10- able to explain its "revelations." In no place does the Bible claim to be "the word of God," and none of its numerous translators claimed to be "inspired." If they had been, why the need of dozens of "revised versions," and which "version" is "the word of God?" Previous to the Reformation the pope was sole religious authority and the Bible was not held so sacred. Luther publisht a new Bible and told his followers to take that as their only authority. From that time Pro- testants have reverenced an "infall ible" book in place of an "infallible" pope. The Bible did not create and reveal religion. Religion is a natural devel- opement and comes first; then it makes its own bibles. The Hebrew religion that made our Bible was for- mulated thousands of years ago when the ideas of God and morality were far below twentieth century concep- tions. Hence the coming religion will treat this Bible like any other good book-accepting those things which are known to be good and true, and rejecting those which present day culture tells us are false and bad. When the Bible is accepted in that attitude its power for good will be greater than ever before because its critics will be disarmed. Man is not a disappointment to God. To teach that is still more belittling and degrading to the Almighty. A disappointed God would not be God. God was not ignorant of man's an imal origin. He who had Eternity at command did not create the uni- verse and man at a word, but by a long course of developement. The goal was a higher intellect, a larger brain, the climax being reacht in man It took millions of years to develop that brain. God did not then create a malicious despoiler to steal the world and rule and ruin it. That re- flects on his wisdom and mercy. Evo- lution teaches that God's plans, works or laws cannot miscarry or be defeat- ed. They are unchangeable. No Sa- tan can frustrate them. But man inherited all the lusts, ap petites, passions, hatreds, anger, re- venge of his animal ancestors, and that large brain did not wholly con- trol them. But be patient. Our short historical period shows that God, thru the brain, has made great pro- gress in subduing the animal nature; and in the course of time they will triumph over the flesh, and reach the climax of excellence. This little world of curs is the only one in the whole universe that we know is inhabited by intelligent be- ings. There is much more in it to make us happy than there is to make us sad. Hence it is not a failure, as orthodoxy teaches. To think so be- littles God's power and wisdom. Don't lie awake nights, as the writ- er did when a boy, fearing the end of the world, when "the elements shall melt with fervent heat." This world has been millions of years de- veloping, has not yet reached its cli max of glory, and will exist for mil- lions of years to come! Are not these views more reason able and cheerful than to cling to the ancient beliefs in a disconcerted, de- feated, disappointed God? And these views are not fanciful. They are in accordance with present day scien- tific knowledge. 铲 ​We should no longer think of God as a great big man up in the sky- an imperious, unapproachable king, far away. He is everywhere present, immanent-dwelling in everything, in all of us. And we should abandon the old Hebrew idea that he is a God of war, a God of vengance, a God of wrath. Jesus revealed him as a God of mercy, a God of sympathy, a God of Love "Our Father!" God isn't mad at us. He's too big to be angry; too good to be vengeful; too merciful to take pleasure in pun- ishing; too righteous to condemn the whole race for one man's sin; too al- mighty to tolerate an opposing Satan; too wise to make mistakes, be disap- pointed or grieved; too just to "elect" a few to be saved and the many to be damned; too powerful to feel like -11- X rushing little weaklings like we are; oo sensible to be at war with his own creatures. X Evolution has so profoundly chang- ed our ideas of God, of the universe and of the human race, that the need of a new religion is very evident. It is just dawning on the world that Jesus taught the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man-the doctrine of Love-the only original and most important principle in Christianity. This doctrine, hereto- fore overshadowed by superstitions, creeds and bigotry, will form basis of the new religion, and Jesus, instead of Paul, will be its leader. the The coming religion will not teach that life in this world is only a delusion, an evil, and that we must make ourselves uncomfortable by ab- juring all worldly pleasures, and make our religion gloomy, harsh and uninviting in order to please God. It will not teach that the evils in this world are penalties inflicted by an angry God. It will not teach that God is alienated from mankind, nor that man is an alien in this world-a fallen being, hopelessly wicked, and by nature tending downward. That God created the world and then aban- doned it to the control of an arch enemy, Satan, is a barbarous concep- tion of an almighty Father. The coming religoin will not at tempt to reconcile men and women to present day ills by promise of future blessedness, because such promises have done infinite mischief by induc- ing men to be patient under suffer- ings and deprivations against which they should have incessantly strug- gled. The coming religion will not teach faith is more important than deeds or conduct-at it is more essential to believe that Jesus' blood washt away your sins than to follow his life and precepts. It will not be a re- ligion of fear of punishment and wor- ship for rewards, but a religion of Love and Service, prompted solely for the pleasure it gives to "Be Good and Do Good." be The coming religion will not be a sad, sorrowful, long-faced religion, just for a select few. It will not a religion planned only to enable us to escape an impossible hell to be saved in an unknown and indescrib- able heaven. The coming religion will not treat this world as a vale of tears, a world of sorrow and woe, a world to be de- spised, a temporary dwelling place in which to prepare for a better world. The coming religion will consider our bodies so precious that it will be- come our first and greatest duty to make them strong, healthy, vigorous, efficient and educated, so we can be most useful to ourselves and fellows. This condition will be encouraged by the new science of Eugenics. The coming religion will make it our second duty to do all we can to make our fellow men good and happy. The new science, Euthenics, will aid that work. The coming religion will teach that this is a beautiful world-the best world we know of to live in. It will make it our duty to improve it all we can by new fruits, new grains, new flowers, new and better roads, and all new inventions that will add to its comforts and beauties. The coming religion will be a joy- ful, cheerful, happifying religion. It will not be confined to a set who all believe alike. Membership will not be restricted to fixed beliefs or creeds, because creeds, mark the end of progress, and the coming religion will be progressive-changing to con- form to the advancing thoughts and needs of the people. The member- ship test will not be founded on be- liefs and faiths, but on deeds-what you do for others (Matt. 25:34-45), conduct, character. It will be founded largely on Ethics and the Golden Rule, and probably all will be ad- missible who desire to "Be Good and Do Good." The coming religion will be in ac- cord with the teachings of science. It will be a religion of service to -12- others more than a religion of wor- ship, a religion of order rather than of miracles, of brotherhood rather than of priesthood or class distinction. a democratic God rather than the vengeful, monarchical God of tradition. with The coming religion will not be confined to church work. Everything that tends to elevate the race physic- ally, socially, morally and mentally, will be considered religious work. Hence the church buildings will be open seven days of the week for oth- er than preaching and prayer meet- ings. Already the dawn of the coming religion is being manifested in the lowering of the walls that separate the different denominations; the mingling of the Brotherhoods, Sister- hoods and Young People's societies; the broadening and more diversifying activities of the churches; the in- crease of new, undenominational "peo- ples'" churches, where many useful activities besides praying and preach- ing services are carried on. If we perform faithfully all these duties to ourselves, to our fellow men and to the world we live in, we shall perform all the work we can do to serve, help and glorify God, and reach the higher life. Such, in my opinion, will be the Coming Religion, the religion of Evo- lution, the religion of Science, and hence the religion in accordance with the laws of God as revealed by sci- ence; for all scientific knowledge and facts are founded on God's laws which science has discovered. BRIEFLY RETOLD. Orthodox Christianity is founded on a Chaldean legend that originated in an age of barbarous ignorance, which claimed that everything was created in six days about 6,000 years ago; that man was created in a state of purity, but that God permitted his arch enemy, Satan, whom he had cre- ated, to come to earth and "test" man by a temptation which he was unable to resist; that by that diso- bedience of Adam and Eve death came into the world, and the who race "fell" to a condition of "tot depravity;" that this superior shrew ness on the part of Satan gave hi control of the human race, and, the God subsequently died as a ransom. the conditions are such that he gets back only about one in a thousand of the race-Satan holding all the other 999 for his kingdom in hell! Orthodoxy presents to us an out witted, experimenting, discomfited, disappointed and defeated God, hav- ing a rival who not only controls the human race, but is also "prince of the power of the air" and "god of this world," which he rules "in de fiance of the Almighty!"" Evolution teaches that the human race never "fell," but has ever been rising and is still progressing. It pictures to us an all-wise, all-power ful, everywhere-present and success- ful God, who will continue to elevate the race to sublime heights in this life and such as may follow-the strongest proofs for which are fur- nished by the the facts of Evolution. Death is not caused by sin--it is as natural as life. Science finds no Sa- tan-its Almighty has no rival! Orthodoxy preaches a condition of degradation and defeat-a doctrine of hopeless despair for the great major- ity of mankind, whom it dooms to eternal torment! Evolution teaches optimism, joyful- ness in this world, triumphant pro- gress-pointing to a future sublimity for the whole human race! Orthodoxy seeks "a peculiar people' -an "elect" few-for God's people. Evolution counts all mankind as God's children. Should not the coming religion- founded on present day day scientific knowledge, reason and common sense -be most welcome? NOTE-If any reader desires extra copies of this pamphlet to give to friends they can be had at actual cost, postpaid, one copy, 3c; 2 copies, 5c; 5 copies, 10c. C. W. Bennett, Cold- water, Michigan. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE DEC 9 1978 DCT 2n 1979 DEC 1 21973 APR 1 8 1979 UNIVERSE B SE UNIY 3 9015 00829 2776 Pending Preservation 1988 Filmed by Preservation 1988