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It iO . ... 19. .. . mi Mi. . ; . . . : . ...: . . ! . . . ..: JS 1462 A3 1905 THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, flew Ordes ences ali ianu APPROVED DECEMBER 21, 1904, WITH THE CITY CHARTER, AMENDMENTS, SPECIAL STATUTES, RULES AND ORDERS FOR THE REGULATION OF HACKNEY CARRIAGES, STREET MUSICIANS, AND PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, RULES AND ORDERS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, AND THE JOINT RULES AND ORDERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. RINGFIE NE PIHO SPRIN Na RGANIZED K1852. MAY 25.10 11 . ELATOW Sems Hiro WALIJE KN MAY 14 .. .O.S SPRINGFIELD, MASS.: SPRINGFIELD PRINTING AND BINDING CO., CITY PRINTERS. 1905. wie.cl CONTENTS. 9 · · : · · · . . . PAGE Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Table showing Disposition of Revised Ordinances of 1890. Table showing Disposition of Ordinances passed 1890-1904 Charter. 13 Amendments to Charter . . . . . . . . . Special Statutes Revised Ordinances :- CHAPTER 1. The City Seal . CHAPTER 2. Wards . CHAPTER 3. Payment of Claims against the City . CHAPTER 4. Collection of Claims Due the City . CHAPTER 5. Salaries CHAPTER 6. Contracts with the City and the Hiring of Labor . . CHAPTER 7. The Collection of Taxes . CHAPTER 8. Establishing Sinking Funds and Providing for the Elec- tion of Sinking Fund Commissioners 100 CHAPTER 9. The Method of Electing Certain Officers 101 CHAPTER 10. Duties of Certain Officers . 103 CHAPTER 11. Committees 106 CHAPTER 12. City Auditor . 108 CHAPTER 13. Assessors and Assistant Assessors CHAPTER 14. City Messenger . . . . 112 CHAPTER 15. Assistant City Clerk . . 114 CHAPTER 16. Engineering Department . 115 CHAPTER 17. City Physician . . 119 CHAPTER 18. City Forester . . CHAPTER 19. Superintendent of Streets . 122 CHAPTER 20. Schools 124 CHAPTER 21. Truant Children and Absentees from School . CHAPTER 22. Board on Claims . . . . . . .. 130 CHAPTER 23. Board of Public Works . .. . . . . 131 CHAPTER 24. Board of Supervisors of Highways and Bridges ... 134 CHAPTER 25. Board of Health . . . . . 135 CHAPTER 26. Relative to the removal of night soil, the contents of privy vaults and cesspools, house offal, coal ashes, · refuse substances, and dead animals 138 CHAPTER 27. The Keeping of Swine . . . . . . . 140 CHAPTER 28. Plumbing . . . . . . . . . 141 CHAPTER 29. Fire Department 143 CAAPTER 30. Fire District and Construction of Buildings therein .. 154 :.:. . 110 . . . · · · · · . . 121 . . · . 129 CONTENTS. 164 168 172 . 180 188 189 194 206 208 209 210 211 Chapter 31. Dilapidated or Dangerous Buildings . . . . CHAPTER 32. Water Department . . . . CHAPTER 33. Police Commission and Duties of the Police Department CHAPTER 34. Providing the inanner of laying out, altering and discon- tinuing streets; of laying out and establishing side walks; of laying sewers and drains, and for other purposes. . . . . . . . . CôAPTER 35. Establishment of Building Lines . . . . . CHAPTER 36. Sewers . . . . . . CHAPTER 37. For the Prevention of Injurious Practices in the Streets CHAPTER 38. Protection against Snow Slides . . CHAPTER 39. Transportation of Explosives . . . . . CHAPTER 40. Dogs . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 41. Pawnbrokers . . . CHAPTER 42. Dealers in Junk and Second-hand Articles . . CHAPTER 43. In Relation to Licensing Rag Pickers and Junk Col- lectors . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 44. Providing for the Licensing of Bootblacks . . . CHAPTER 45. Dealers in Coal and Coke . . . . CHAPTER 46. Relating to Telephone Lines, Conduits and Distributing Poles . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 47. In Relation to the Execution of Deeds, Leases and other Instruments . . . . . . CHAPTER 48. Warrants for City Meetings . CHAPTER 49. Directing the Manner of Passing and Publishing City Ordinances . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 50. Repeal . . . . . . Rules and Orders for the Regulation of Hackney Carriages, etc. . Joint Rules and Orders of the City Council Rules and Orders of the Board of Aldermen Rules and Orders of the Common Council . Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 215 217 219 222 223 224 225 227 236 240 242 251 277 · · PREFACE. An order was passed by both branches of the city council, and was approved by the Mayor, March 29, 1904, providing that a com- mittee, consisting of two Aldermen and three members of the Common Council, be appointed to complete the codification of the City Ordinances, under the supervision of the City Solicitor, Henry A. King, Esq. In pursuance of this order the following committee was ap- -pointed :- Alderman Sanderson, Ladd, Councilman Allen, Buck, Houlihan. The work of revision was done by William G. McKechnie, Esq., who was assisted therein by Harlan P. Small, Esq. The committee reported "An Ordinance Consolidating and Re- vising the Ordinances of the City of Springfield.” This ordinance passed both branches of the city council and was approved by the Mayor, December 21, 1904. U ABBREVIATIONS. R. O. means Revised Ordinances of 1904, as hereinafter printed; Sup. means super- seded by; Aff. means affected by ;'00, ch. 1, etc., means chapter 1 of the ordinances passed in the year 1900, etc. TABLE SHOWING THE DISPOSITION MADE OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1890. - CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. l. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '95, ch. 5. CHAPTER 3. Repealed '94, ch. 9, sec. 8. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 4. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 5, except -- Sec. 1, amended '91, ch. 1, 2, 5, 6; '92, ch. 7. Sec. 1, superseded in part ’92, ch. 6, 8, 9; '96, ch. 1; '97, ch. 3; '98, ch. 5; '00, ch. 10, 14; ’01, ch. 2, 7, 12; '02, ch. 2; '03, ch. 9. Sec. 3, amended '94, ch. 4. Sec. 4, sup. '01, ch. 1. Sec. 5, amended '91, ch. 7. Affected '91, ch. 4; ’92, ch. 5; '93, ch. 7; '94, ch. 5, sec. 3; '94, ch. 12; '94, ch. 13, sec. 13. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 6. CHAPTER 7. R. O., ch. 7. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 9. CHAPTER. 9. R. O., ch. 10, except- Secs. 2, 3, R. O., ch. 13, secs. 6, 7... Sec. 5, amended '99, ch. 2. CHAPTER 10. R. O., ch. 11, except- Sec. 6, obsolete, dropped. CHAPTER 11. R. O., ch. 12. CHAPTER 12. R. O., ch. 13, except- Sec. 1, amended '93, ch. 1; repealed '98, ch. 4. CHAPTER 13. R. O., ch. 14. CHAPTER 14. R. O., ch. 15, except, Sec. 2, amended '97, ch. 8. CHAPTER 15. R. O., ch. 16. CHAPTER 16. R. O., ch. 17, except Sec. 2, amended ’00, ch. 7. CHAPTER 17. R. O., ch. 18, except- Sec. 2, repealed '98, ch. 1. CHAPTER 18. R. O., ch. 19, except-. Sec. 2, amended ’01, ch. 8; '04, ch. 4. . CHAPTER 19. R. O., ch. 20. CHAPTER 20. R. O., ch. 21. CHAPTER 21. R. O., ch. 22. CHAPTER 22. R. O., ch. 23. CHAPTER 23. R. O., eh. 24. CHAPTER 24. Repealed '00, ch. 8, sec. 7. CHAPTER 25. Repealed '93, ch. 3, sec. 7. CHAPTER 26. R. O., ch. 27. . CHAPTER 27. Dropped, statute repealed. DISPOSITION MADE OF REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1890. CHAPTER 28. Sup. '93, ch. 6. CHAPTER 29. Amended '92, ch. 4; '93, chs. 2 and 5. Sup. '94, ch. 13. CHAPTER 30. Repealed '95, ch. 7, sec. 20. CHAPTER 31. R. O., ch. 31. CHAPTER 32. R. O., ch. 32. CHAPTER 33. Sec. l, amended ’92, ch. 1; '97, ch. 2; '01, ch. 3. Sec. 3, amended '92, ch. 2; repealed '92, ch. 2. Sec. 5, amended '95, ch. 1. Sec. 7, amended '95, ch. 4. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 34. R. O., ch. 34. CHAPTER 35. · Dropped, statute repealed. CHAPTER 36. R. O., ch. 36. CHAPTER 37. R. O., ch. 37, except- Sec. 3, amended ’01, ch. 9. Sec. 4, amended '95, ch. 3. Sec. 23, amended '99, ch. 4. Sec. 15, amended '96, ch. 5. Sec. 38, amended '90, ch. 2. CHAPTER 38. Obsolete, dropped. CHAPTER 39. R. O., ch. 38. CHAPTERS 40, 41, 42, dropped; see Acts '04, ch. 370 (see R. O., ch. 39). CHAPTER 43. Repealed '98, ch. 2, sec. 5. CHAPTER 44. Dropped, except- Sec. 1, R. O., ch. 41, sec. 1. Sec. 3 (in part), R. O., ch. 41, sec. 2. (See Acts of '95, ch. 497; also Rev. Laws, ch. 102, secs. 33, 39.) CHAPTER 45. Repealed '97, ch. 1, sec. 12. CHAPTER 46. R. O., ch. 43, except- Secs. 5 and 7, amended '01, ch. 4. CHAPTER 47. R. O., ch. 44. CHAPTER 48. Obsolete, dropped. CHAPTER 49. R. O., ch. 47. CHAPTER 50. R. O., ch. 48, except Sec. 1 and sec. 2 (in part) dropped. Sec. 3, dropped. CHAPTER 51. R. O., ch. 49. CHAPTER 52. R. O., ch. 52. TABLE SHOWING THE DISPOSITION MADE OF ORDINANCES PASSED SINCE THE REVISION OF 1890. 1890. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 46. CHAPTER 2. R. O., ch. 37, sec. 39. 1891. CHAPTER 1. Sup. '01, ch. 2. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '92, ch. 8. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 8. CHAPTER 4. Sup. '94, ch. 12. CHAPTER 5. Sup. '00, ch. 10. CHAPTER 6. Sup. '01, ch. 12. CHAPTER 7. Aff. '94, ch. 5, sec. 3; sup. '94, ch. 12. 1892. CHAPTER 1. Amended '97, ch. 2, sec. 1, and '01, ch. 3; sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 2. Repealed '97, ch. 2. CHAPTER 3. Sup. '97, ch. 3. CHAPTER 4. Aff. '93, ch. 5 and '94 ch. 2; sup. '94, ch. 13, sec. 13. CHAPTER 5. Sup. '94, ch. 12. CHAPTER 6. Sup. '96, ch. 2. CHAPTER 7. Sup. '98, ch. 5. CHAPTER Sup. '00, ch. 11. CHAPTER 9. Sup. '00, ch. 15. 1893. CHAPTER 1. Repealed '98, ch. 4. CHAPTER 2. Aff. '93, ch. 5 and '94, ch. 2; sup. '94, ch. 13, sec. 13. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 26. CHAPTER 4. Repealed by Rev. Laws, ch. 52; sec. 9. CHAPTER 5. Sec. 1, amended '94, ch. 1. Secs. 1-6, sup. '98, ch. 6. . Secs. 7-22 repealed '94, ch. 11. CHAPTER 6. Sec. 6, amended '95, ch. 9. Sec. 10, amended '94, ch. 10. Sec. 12, amended '94, ch. 10. Sup. '00, ch. 13. CHAPTER 7. Sup. '94, ch. 12. 1894. CHAPTER 1. Sup. '98, ch. 6, sec. 1. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '94, ch. 13, sec. 13. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 3. CHAPTER 5. Aff. 94, ch. 12, sec. l. Sup. '94, ch. 13. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 37, secs. 46 and 47. CHAPTER 7. Acted on CHAPTER 8. Sup. '98, ch. 6, sec. 7. CHAPTER . 9. R. O., ch. 3 (except sec.'7 dropped). CHAPTER 10. Sur. '00, ch. 13. CHAPTER 11. Acted on. CHAPTER 12. Sup. '94, ch. 11. 10 DISPOSITION MADE OF ORDINANCES PASSED SINCE 1890. Secs. 2-8, sun. '98, ch. 6, secs. 11-17. Sec. 9, sup. '98, ch. 6, secs. 15 and 18. - Secs. 10-13, sup. '98, ch. 6, secs. 19-22. CHAPTER 14. R. O., ch. 6 (except sec. 3 repealed '95, ch. 13, sec. 1). 1895. CHAPTER 1. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '98, ch. 6, secs. 8 and 9. CHAPTER 3. R. O. 37, ch. 4. CHAPTER 4. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 2, sec. 1 (except sec. 2, acted on). CHAPTER 6. Sec. 1, acted on; see '98, ch. 6, sec. 22, and '02, ch. 1. Sec. 2, sup. '97, ch. 6. CHAPTER 7. R. O., chap. 30. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 37, sec. 6. CHAPTER 9. Sup. '00, ch. 13. CHAPTER 10. Repeal and substitute 97, ch. 7. CHAPTER 11. Amended '97, ch. 4. CHAPTER 12. R. O., ch. 2, sec. 2. CHAPTER 13. R. O., ch. 6, sec. 3. 1896. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '03, ch. 2. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 33, sec. 19. CHAPTER 4. Sup. '99, ch. 3, sec. 9. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 37, sec. 16. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 35, in substance. 1897. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 42. CHAPTER 2. Sec. 3, amended '00, ch. 2. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 3. Amended '00, ch. 3, sup. '02, ch. 2. CHAPTER 4. Sup. '99, ch. 3. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch: 5, sec. 6. . CHAPTER 6. Sup. '99, ch. 3. Sec. 2 sup. '98, ch. 6, secs. 22 and 26. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 15, sec. 2. 1898. CHAPTER 1. Amended '00, ch. 4. R. O., ch. 18, sec. 2, and R. O., ch. 5. CHAPTER 2. R. O., ch. 40, sec.1-3. (Sec. 4 dropped.) CHAPTER 3. Aff. by '02, ch. 4, and '04, ch. 1. CHAPTER 4. See R. O., ch. 13, sec. l. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 29, except- Sec. 1, repealed '99, ch. 1. Sec. 10, repealed '02, ch. 1, sec. 6. Secs. 22, 24 and 25, aff. '00, ch. 12, '02, ch. 1. Secs. 15, 22 dropped in part. Secs. 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 36 dropped. 1899. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 29, sec. 1. CHAPTER 2. R. O., ch. 10, sec. 3. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 5, secs. 6 and 7, except- Sec. 1, sup. '02, ch. 3. Sec. 6, amended '00, ch. 1. . Sec. 9, amended '01, ch. ll. Affected '02, ch. 8. DISPOSITION MADE OF ORDINANCES PASSED SINCE 1890. 11 CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 37, sec. 24. CHAPTER 5. Sup. '02, ch. 6. 1900. CHAPTER 1. R: O., ch. 5, sec. 6. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 3. Sup. '02, ch. 2. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 10, sec. 8. CHAPTER 6: R. O., ch. 18, sec. 3. CHAPTER 7. R. O., ch. 17, secs. 2 and 3. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 25. CHAPTER 9. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 1. CHAPTER 10. R. O.; ch. 5, sec. 1. CHAPTER 11. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 1. CHAPTER 12. Sup. '02, ch. 1. CHAPTER 13. Sup. '02, ch. 7. CHAPTER 14. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 1. CHAPTER 15. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. 1901. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 4. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '03, ch. 7. CHAPTER 3. Sup. '02, ch. 4. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 43, secs. ), 7. CHAPTER 5. Made obsolete by Act '03, ch. 473, sec. 14. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 37, secs. 48, 49. CHAPTER 7. Sup.' '04, ch. 2. CHAPTER. 8. Aff. '04, ch. 4. R. O., ch. 19, sec. 2. CHAPTER 9. R. O., ch. 37, sec. 3. CHAPTER 10. R. O., ch. 34, sec. 13. CHAPTER 11. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 7. CHAPTER 12. Sup. '04, ch. 3. CHAPTER 13. Sec. 1, R. O., ch. 34, sec. 9. Sec. 2, as amended by '02, ch. 5, R. O., ch. 34, sec. 10. Sec. 3, R. O., ch. 34, sec. ll. . Sec. 4, R. (., ch. 36, secs, 11, 12. Sec. 5, R. O., ch.: 34, sec. 12. 1902. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 29, secs. 8, 9, 16, 18 except- Sec. 5 dropped. CHAPTER 2. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 5. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 6. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 33. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 34, secs. 10, 21. CHAPTER 0., ch. 29, secs. 28-36. CHAPTER 7. R. O., ch. 28. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 6. 1903. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 43, sec. 8. CHAPTER 2. Sup. '04, ch. 5. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 33, sec. 20. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 36, secs. 11, 12. CHAPTER 5. 0., ch. 5, sec. 5. CHAPTER 6. R. O., ch. 45. CHAPTER 7. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 8. R. O., ch. 20, sec. 6. CHAPTER 9. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. de cai 12 DISPOSITION MADE OF ORDINANCES PASSED SINCE 1890. 1904. CHAPTER 1. R. O., ch. 33, sec. 10. CHAPTER 2. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 1, and R. O., ch. 25, sec. 7. CHAPTER 3. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 4. R. O., ch. 5, sec. l. CHAPTER 5. R. O., ch. 5, sec. 1. CHARTER. ACTS OF 1852. CHAPTER 94. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Inhabitants of Springfield in 16. Fines, forfeitures, and penal- corporated. ties, how recovered. 2. Administration of government | 17. City council shall determine vested in mayor, aldermen, the number of representa- and common council. tives to General Court. 3. A board to be chosen to divide | 18. Manner of conducting general the city into wards, and elections. apportion councilmen. Re | 19. Lists of voters to be made out. vision of same to be made 20. General meeting of citizens to every five years. be called. 4. Ward officers, when and how 21. Fire department established. chosen. Powers and duties. Fire districts may be dis- 5. City officers, when and how solved. chosen. 22. Police court established, pow- 6. Time and manner of conduct- ers, duties, jurisdiction, ap- ing city elections,-in case peals, etc. of vacancy-organization. 23. Warrants, how returnable. 7. Mayor. Powers and duties, 24. Fines, forfeitures, and fees, salary. by whom received and ac- 8. Powers of selectmen vested in counted for. mayor and aldermen. City 25. Time and place of holding, and council to elect certain ofifi- rules of police court. cers. Powers and duties. 26. Salary of police justice. 9. Mayor to nominate, certain 27. Records, returns, and accounts persons ineligible. provided for. 10. City clerk. Duties, election, 28. Pending actions etc. 29. Special justices, powers, duties, 11. Overseers of the poor,-as- pay, etc. sessors, school committee, 30. Governor may appoint. school districts. 31. Duties of selectmen in organ- 12. Jurors. List to be made and izing the city government, revised. and proceedings thereafter. 13. City council to be a board of 32. Annual town meeting sus- health. pended, proviso. 14. Powers of city council relating 33. Records and town papers to to highways. be delivered to city clerk. 15. Powers of city council relating 34. Acts repealed. to sidewalks, sewers, and | 35. Legislature may amend. drains, inspection of lum 36. Acts shall be void, unless ber, wood, coal, etc. adopted within twenty days. | 37. Act takes immediate effect. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : SECTION 1. The inhabitants of the town of Spring- Inhabitants of field shall continue to be a body politic and corporate, abiag corporate under the name of the City of Springfield, and, as such, Springfield. shall have, exercise, and enjoy all the rights, immu- nities, powers, and privileges, and be subject to all the duties and obligations now incumbent upon, and apper- taining to, said town as a municipal corporation. Springfield made a body corporate as the city of 14 CHARTER. Government vested in a mayor, eight aldermen, and eighteen common councilmen. Quorum. No compensa- tion. the municipal corporation, Five men to be chosen by ballot SECT. 2. The administration of the fiscal, prudential, and municipal affairs of said city, and the government thereof, shall be vested in one principal officer, to be styled the mayor; one council of eight, to be called the board of aldermen; and one council of eighteen, to be called the common council, which boards, in their joint capacity, shall be denominated the city council; and the members thereof shall be sworn to the faithful perform- ance of the duties of their respective offices. A majority of each board shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business, and no member of either board shall receive any compensation for his services. All the Powers vested in powers now vested by law in the town of Springfield, or in the inhabitants thereof, as a municipal corporation, shall be vested in the city council, and shall be exercised by concurrent vote, each board having a negative on the other. SECT. 3. A board of five men shall be chosen by at the meeting ballot by the inhabitants of the town of Springfield, at the town meeting to be held for the purpose of voting upon the acceptance of this act, according to the provisions of the thirty-sixth section of this act, an arti- cle being inserted in the warrant for said meeting for that purpose, and said board of five men thus chosen, as soon as may be after they are thus chosen, and after the acceptance of this act by the inhabitants, as herein- after provided, shall divide said town into eight wards, in a convenient manner, so as best to accommodate the inhabitants of the several wards, to meet within the same for municipal purposes. And they shall then Shall apportion apportion the members of the common council among common council. the several wards, by first assigning to each ward one member, and dividing the residue, as near as may be convenient and equitable, according to the population of the several wards. The city council first chosen City council shall after this act shall take effect, and thereafter, once in once in five years. five.years, and not oftener, shall revise, and if it be needful, alter said wards in such manner as may be most convenient to the inhabitants, and shall re-appor- tion the members of the common council among the several wards, according to the principles herein pre- scribed for the original division and apportionment by the said board of five men.* for accepting charter, who shall divide the town into eight wards. the members of revise the wards * Revision to be made in 1895 before May 1 of that year, and every ten years thereafter, Acts of 1888, ch. 437, R. L., ch. 11. - CHARTER. 15 first Monday in side, or the clerk may be chosen. Duties of inspect- SECT. 4.* On the first Monday of December, annu- Election of ally, there shall be chosen by ballot, in each of said and inspectors on wards, a warden, clerk, and three inspectors of elections, Decembera residents of the wards in which they are chosen, who shall hold their offices for one year, and until others have been chosen in their places, and qualified to act. The warden shall preside at all meetings, with the Warden to pre- powers of moderator of town meetings. And if the in his absence, widant: until, etc. warden shall not be present, the clerk shall preside until a warden pro tempore shall be chosen by ballot. If, at Clerk pro tem. any meeting, the clerk shall not be present, a clerk pro tempore shall be chosen by ballot. The clerk shall re- Duties. cord all proceedings, and certify the votes given, and de- liver over to his successor all such records and journals, together with all other documents and papers, held by him in said capacity. The inspectors of elections shall ors. assist the warden in receiving, assorting, and counting the votes. And the warden, clerk, and inspectors shall respectively make oath faithfully and impartially to Oaths of ward discharge their several duties relative to all elections, administered. which oath may be administered by the clerk to the warden, and by the warden to the clerk and inspectors, or by any justice of the peace for the county of Hamp- den. A certificate that said oaths have been taken shall be entered upon the records of the ward, by the clerk. All warrants for the meetings of the citizens for munici- pal purposes, to be held either in wards or in general meetings, how meetings, shall be issued by the mayor and aldermen, etc. and shall be in such form, and be served, executed, and returned in such manner, and at such times, as the city council may by any by-law direct. SECT. 5. The mayor and aldermen (not more than City officers, how two aldermen being residents of any one ward), the city resident. clerk, city treasurer, and a school committee of eight persons (one of whom shall be taken from each ward) shall be elected at large, by the qualified voters of the city, voting in their respective wards. † And the common councilmen shall be elected from and by each ward, being residents in the wards in which they are elected. All of said officers shall be chosen by ballot, All chosen by Warrants for issued, served, elected; where resident. * Provisions concerning election and duties of wardens, clerks, and inspectors superseded by Ř. L., ch. 11, sects. 171-185, as amended by Acts of 1903, ch. 454, sect. 9. Date of election changed to Tuesday next follow- ing first Monday, see Acts of 1874, ch. 20, Acts of 1890, ch. 423, sect. 142, R. L., ch. 11, sect. 3. † As to residence and election of aldermen see Acts of 1885, ch. 65, also Acts of 1901, ch. 147, post pg. 39. 16 CHARTER. ballot, to hold office one year until, etc. Time of sorted and counted, etc. Duty of ward clerks in certify- and shall hold their offices for one year from the first Monday in January; and the mayor, city clerk, and city treasurer, until others shall be elected and qualified in their places.* SECT. 6. On the first Mondayť in December, annu- holding election. ally, the qualified voters, in each ward, shall give in their votes for [a ward clerk, warden, and inspectors, and for] mayor, aldermen and common councilmen, city clerk, city treasurer, and eight persons at large to Votes given, how be a school committee. | All the votes so given shall be assorted, counted, declared, and registered in open ward meeting, by causing the names of persons voted for, and the number of votes given for each, to be writ- ten in the ward records, in words at length. The ward ing, etc. clerk, within twenty-four hours after such election, shall deliver to the persons elected members of the com- mon council, certificates of their elections, signed by the warden and clerk, and by a majority of the inspect- ors of elections, and shall deliver to the city clerk a copy of the records of such election certified in a like manner. Provided, that if the choice of common councilmen, [ward clerk, warden, or inspectors,] shall not be effected on that day, the meeting may be adjourned from time to time, to complete such election. The board of alder- men examine the men shall, as soon as conveniently may be, examine the mayor-elect. the copies of the records of the several wards, certified as aforesaid, and shall cause the person who may have been elected mayor to be notified, in writing, of his election ; but if it shall appear that no person has In case of fail received a majority of the votes, or if the person elected ure to elect, non- shall refuse to accept the office, the board shall issue their warrants for a new election, and the same pro- ceedings shall be had as are hereinbefore provided for the choice of mayor, and repeated from time to time, until a mayor is chosen. If it shall appear that the whole number of aldermen have not been elected, the same proceedings shall be had as are hereinbefore pre- scribed for the choice of mayor. And each alderman Proviso, Board of alder- returns and notify acceptance, etc. In regard to aldermen also. * Aldermen and councilmen to serve for two years, etc., Acts of 1901, ch. 147. † Changed to Tuesday next following first Monday, see R. L., ch. 11, sect. 3. İSchool committees may be of any number divisible by three, R. L., ch. 11, sect. 334, term of office to commence at same time with that of members of city council, R. L., ch. 42, sect. 25. Ward or precinct officers to be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the board of aldermen; for appointment and duties, see R. L., ch. 11, sects. 171-185, as amended by Acts of 1903, ch. 454, sect. 9. CHARTER. decease, etc., of meet in conven- vacancy, etc. Oatlıs, how administered. organizations of ment. OL has been elected, shall be notified, in writing; of his election, by the mayor and aldermen for the time being. In case of the decease, resignation, or absence of the In case of mayor, or of physical inability to perform the duties of the mayor, may his office, the board of aldermen and the common coun- tion, and fill cil shall, respectively, by vote, declare that a vacancy exists, and the cause thereof; whereupon, the two boards shall meet in convention and elect a mayor for the time being, who shall serve until another is chosen, or until the occasion causing the vacancy is removed* The oaths prescribed by this act may be administered a to the mayor by the city clerk or any justice of the peace for the county of Hampden. The aldermen and common councilmen elect shall provisions for the on the first Monday in January, at ten o'clock in the the city govern- forenoon, meet in convention, when the oath required by this act shall be administered to them by the mayor, or any justice of the peace for the county of Hampden, and a certificate setting forth that such oath has been taken, shall be entered on the journal of each board by their respective clerks. When it shall appear that no In case no mayor mayor has been elected previous to the first Monday in ete January, the mayor and aldermen for the time being shall make a record of that fact, an attested copy of which the city clerk shall read at the opening of the convention to be held as aforesaid. After the oath has been administered, the two boards shall separate, and the common council shall be organized by the choice of a president and clerk, to hold their offices during the pleasure of the common council; the clerk to be sworn to the faithful performance of the duties of his office. In case of the absence of the mayor elect on the first in case of absence Monday in January, the city government shall organ- Monday of Janu- ize itself as hereinbefore provided, and may proceed ary, to business in the same manner as if the mayor were present; and, at any time thereafter, in convention of the two branches, the oath of office may be admin- istered to the mayor, and to any member of the city council who may have been absent at the organization. In the absence of the mayor at any meeting, the board or at any meeting of aldermen may choose a presiding officer, pro tem- pore, who shall also preside at joint meetings of the two boards. Each board shall keep a record of its own Each board to proceedings, and judge of the election of its own mem- be judge of its mn: keep records and of mayor on 1st : of the board. : * For general law as to vacancy in the office of mayor, sée. R. L., ch. 26, sects, 29, 30. 18 CHARTER. filled. executive officer, Power of removal, etc. meetings, etc. Shall communi. own elections, etc. bers. In case of failure of election, or in case of Vacancies, how vacancy declared by either board, the mayor and aldermen shall issue their warrants for a new election. Mayor to be chief SECT. . The mayor shall be the chief executive his duties, etc. officer of said city. He shall be vigilant and active in causing the laws, and all by-laws and ordinances of the city, to be enforced, and keep a general supervision over the conduct of all subordinate officers. And whenever, in his opinion, the public good requires it, he may, with the consent of the appointing power, remove from office any officer over whose appointment May call special he has the power of nomination. He may call special meetings of the board of aldermen and common coun- cil, or either of them when in his opinion the interests of the city require it, by causing notices to be left at the places of residence of the several members. He shall communicate, from time to time, to both boards, cate information. such information, and recommend such measures, as in his opinion, the business and interests of the city Shall preside, etc. Hay require. De sito may require. He shall preside in the board of alder- men, and in the convention of the two boards, but Salary. shall have only a casting vote.* His salary, for the first year in which this charter shall take effect, shall be four hundred dollars, and no more ; and it shall afterwards be fixed by the city council; and it shall neither be increased nor diminished during the year Proviso. for which he is chosen : Provided, that the city coun- cil may appoint the mayor. commissioner of highways, when in their opinion such an officer is necessary, and allow him a suitable compensation therefor. Powers vested in SECT. 8. The executive power of said city gener- ally, and the administration of police, with all the powers heretofore vested in the selectmen of Spring- field, shall be vested in the mayor and aldermen, as fully as if the same were herein specially enumerated. The mayor and aldermen shall have full and exclusive May appoint power to appoint a constable and assistants, or a city marshal and assistants, with the powers and duties of constables, and all other police officers, and the same to remove at pleasure. They may require any person appointed a marshal or constable of the city to give May require bonds, with such security as they may deem reason- able, before he enters upon the duties of his office; mayor and alder- men. constables, marshals, etc. bonds. * Mayor given veto power, R. L., ch. 26, sect. 9; not to vote when he acts as presiding officer in meetings of the board of aldermen or in con- ventions of the two branches of the city council, R. L., ch. 26, sect. 11. CHARTER. to grant licenses, assessors, collec- the poor, etc. officers, how ap- lic. upon which bonds the like proceedings and remedies may be had as upon constables' bonds taken by select- men of towns. The mayor and aldermen shall have Exclusive power exclusive power to grant licenses to inn-holders, vict- etc. ualers, and retailers as fully as the same powers are possessed by the mayor and aldermen of the city of Boston. The city council shall, annually, as soon after their Election of organization as may be convenient, elect by joint bal- tors, overseers of lot, in convention, three assessors, a collector of taxes, three persons to be overseers of the poor, * and a chief engineer and as many assistants, not exceeding twelve, as they may by vote determine, and fix their compensa- Compensation. tions, and the compensations of the city clerk, city treas- urer, and school committee. They shall also, in such manner as they shall determine by any by-law, appoint, or elect, all other subordinate officers not herein other- Subordinate wise directed for the ensuing year, and define their pointed, etc. duties and fix their compensations in cases where the same are not defined and fixed by the laws of the Com- monwealth. All sittings of the mayor and aldermen, All sessions pub- and of the common council, shall be public, when they are not engaged in executive business. The city council shall take care that no moneys are no moneys paid paid from the treasury, unless granted or appropriated'; etc. shall secure a just and proper accountability by requir- Under proper accountability. ing bonds, with sufficient penalties and sureties, from all persons intrusted with the receipt, custody, or dis- bursement of money ; shall have the care and superin- Superintendency tendence of the city buildings and the custody and ings. management of all the city property, with the power to let or to sell what may be legally sold, and to purchase property, real or personal, in the name and for the use of the city, whenever the interest or convenience of the inhabitants may, in their judgment, require it. And they shall, as often as once in a year, cause to be Accounts to be published, for the use of the inhabitants, a particular annually. account of the receipts and expenditures, and a schedule of city property. SECT. 9. In all cases in which appointments are Mayor nominates, directed to be made by the mayor and aldermen, the * Election of city officers to be by viva voce vote, R. L., ch. 26, sect. 7; see amendment to Charter, Acts of 1873, ch. 126, as to election and terms of office of assessors, assistant assessors, and overseers of the poor. City physician made, ex officio, member of board of overseers of the poor of the city, Acts of 1878, ch. 97. † To be fixed by concurrent vote of council, see amendment to Charter, Acts of 1853, ch. 175. unless granted, of public build- published aldermen confirm. CHARTER. Aldermen and common council- men ineligible, Addemo and treasurer, how filled. clerk of board of aldermen, mayor shall have the exclusive power of nomination, such nomination being subject to be confirmed or rejected by the board of aldermen. No person shall be eligible to any office of emolument, the salary of which is payable out of the city treasury, who, at the time of his election or appointment, shall be a member of the board of ałdermen, or of the common council; and no member of either board shall hold any other office under the city government.* Vacancy of clerk SECT. 10. Should there fail to be a choice of city clerk, or of city treasurer, as herein provided ; or should a vacancy occur in either of said offices during the year, such vacancy shall be filled by the city council in con- City clerk to be vention. The city clerk shall be clerk of the board of aldermen, and shall be sworn to the faithful perform- ance of his duties. He shall perform such duties as Šis duties, etc. shall be prescribed by the board of aldermen; and he shall perform all the duties, and exercise all the powers, by law incumbent upon, or vested in, the town clerk of the town of Springfield. He shall be chosen for one year and until another shall be chosen and qualified in his place, and he shall deliver to his successor in office, as soon as he is qualified, all records, books, papers, documents, or property held by him as city clerk. Board of SECT. 11. The persons chosen by the city council to be overseers of the poor shall, with the mayor, consti- tute the board of overseers of the poor, of which the mayor shall be chairman ; and they shall have all the powers, and be subject to all the duties, now by law appertaining to the overseers of the poor for the town of Springfield.t The persons chosen by the city council as assessors shall constitute the board of assessors, and shall exer- cise the powers and be subject to the duties and liabili- Taxes, how ties of assessors in towns. All taxes shall be assessed, assessed, etc. apportioned, and collected in the manner prescribed by law relative to town taxes : Provided, that the city council may establish further and additional provisions for the collection thereof. Should there fail to be a choice of members of the school committee, as herein provided, or should a vacancy occur during the year, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by the city Shall be closen for one year and until, etc. overseers of the poor. Powers, duties, etc. du P Powers and duties of assess- ors, Proviso. Vacancies in school commit. tee, how filled. * No member of city council to be interested in a private capacity in city contracts, or receive presents, etc., see R. L., ch. 210, sect. 9. † See amendment to Charter, 1873, ch. 126, sect. 3. - City physician made member of board, ex officio, Acts of 1878, ch. 97. CHARTER. 21 committee. School districts abolished. school commit. tricts are dis- solved, their duties, etc., cease. council in convention. The persons chosen as school committee shall have the care and superintendence of Duties of school the public schools, and shall have all the powers, and perform all the duties, of town school committees. * The limits of the several school districts in the said town of Springfield shall be abolished, and the several districts shall be united under one organization; and the school committee, which shall be chosen according to Further duties of the provisions of the fifth section of this act, shall have tee. the same rights and powers, and perform the same duties, which the several district prudential committees now have and exercise in the said town of Springfield : Provided, that the inhabitants of the several school dis- Proviso. tricts in said town, at any legal meeting of the qualified voters thereof, called for the purpose, shall within ninety days from the acceptance of this act by the inhabitants of Springfield, as hereinafter provided, vote to dissolve their several district organizations and dis- pose of their school district property. If the said several school districts shall vote as In case school dis- herein before provided, to dissolve their several organ- solved, their izations and dispose of their district property, said dis- tricts shall thereafter be dissolved, and their powers and privileges, and their duties and liabilities, shall cease : Provided, that the said districts shall continue Proviso. liable to pay all their existing debts and to perform all legal contracts. If the said districts shall by vote so elect, the city City to take the property of the shall take the property of said districts. If the said districts shall vote, as aforesaid, to dis- Mayor to certify to solve their several organizations and dispose of their pleas the dissolu- district property, the mayor of said city shall return to tricts. the Court of Common Pleas then next to be holden at said Springfield after the said votes have been passed, his certificate of the fact that the several school dis- tricts have so voted; and the said Court of Common Pleas, upon the filing of said certificate, shall appoint three disinterested commissioners, not citizens of said Three commis- city, who, after due notice to the said several districts appointed on the and said city, shall proceed to award and determine debts of the dis- upon what terms the property of said districts shall be surrendered to said city, and in what manner the debts of the several districts shall be paid ; and said commis- Commissioners to sioners shall return their said award to the Court of make returns, etc. districts. court of common tion of school dis- sioners to be property and tricts. * See as to superintendent of schools, R. L., ch. 42, sects. 40-42. 22 CHARTER. dissolved, to till altered by ci council, etc. tial committee. List of jurors made by mayor submitted to com- mon council. Common Pleas next to be holden at Springfield after their appointment, and said award, after being accepted by the said court, shall be binding on the said city and How paid. said several districts, and said commissioners shall be paid for their services by the said city. If districts are not If the several school districts shall not, within remain as they are ninety days from the acceptance of this act by the said town of Springfield, vote, as above provided, to dissolve their several organizations and dispose of their prop- erty, then the limits of the several school districts, in the said town of Springfield, shall remain as they now are, until altered by the city council; and the said school districts shall retain their present organization Duties of pruden- and all their district property; and the said districts, . and their several prudential committees, shall have the same rights and powers, and perform the same duties, which they now have and perform in the said town of Springfield. SECT. 12. The list of jurors shall be prepared by the and aldermen, and mayor and aldermen in the same manner as is required in the ninety-fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes to be done by the selectmen within and for their respect- ive towns; and the lists, when made out by the mayor and aldermen, shall be submitted to the common coun- cil for concurrent revision or amendment.* Duties of mayor, The mayor and aldermen, and the city clerk, shall aitg clerk imma severally have and exercise all the powers and duties, ring with regard to the drawing of jurors in the city and all other matters relating to jurors therein, which are in the ninety-fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes required to be performed by the selectmen and town clerks in their respective towns; and all venires for jurors to be returned from Springfield shall be served on the said mayor and aldermen.t City council made SECT. 13. All power now by law invested in the board of health of the town of Springfield shall be transferred to and vested in the city council, to be car- ried into execution by the appointment of health com- missioners, or in such manner as the city council may judge expedient. City council to lay SECT. 14. The city council shall have exclusive the city, and have authority and power to lay out, alter, or discontinue with county com- any street or way, the termini of which are entirely aldermen, and regard to drawing with mom jurors. a board of health. out streets within concurrent power missioners. * Jury lists to be prepared by board of registrars of voters, R. L., ch. 176, sects. 4-7. † See R. L., ch. 176, sects. 10, 18. CHARTER. 23 fied may appeal. repaired. and drains. within the city, and concurrent power with the county commissioners, to lay out* any other highway in the city, and to estimate the damages any person may sus- tain thereby; but all questions relating to the laying out, accepting, altering, or discontinuing any street or way, shall first be acted upon by the mayor and aldermen. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the city council, in the estimate of damages, may Persons dissatis- make complaint to the county commissioners of the county of Hampden, at any meeting holden within one year after such decision, whereupon the same proceed- ings shall be had as are now provided by law, in cases where persons are aggrieved by the assessment of dam- ages by selectmen, in the twenty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. + SECT. 15. The city council may cause suitable side- City council may walks to be made and repaired in such places as they to be made and may judge best; and they shall assess the expenses thereof upon the persons owning the lands or estates against which such sidewalks are so made or repaired, apportioning the same equitably, where there are two or more adjacent owners. They may cause drains and May make sewers common sewers to be laid down through any streets or private lands, paying the owners of lands such damages as they may sustain thereby, and may require all per- sons to pay a reasonable sum for the privilege of open- ing any drain into a public drain or common sewer; and they may also require private drains to be con- ducted into a public drain or common sewer when they shall judge the same necessary for the health or clean- liness of the city. In default of payment of any assess- Unpaid assess- ment made in pursuance of the provisions of this sec- taxes. tion, in a reasonable time after notice thereof, the amount so unpaid may be added to the taxes of the party so deficient, and collected by the collector with other city taxes, The city council may make by-laws, with suitable Survey and penalties, for the survey, inspection, admeasurement, lumber, wood, and sale, of lumber, wood, coal, and bark, brought into the city for sale ; and all such other salutary and need- ful by-laws as towns may make and establish, and may *“Alter or discontinue" inserted after words "concurrent power with the county commissioners to lay out," Amendment to Charter, Acts of 1873, ch. 126. † R. L., ch. 48. May locate anew, Acts of 1863, ch. 204. See also Acts of 1867, ch. 94, extending to Springfield provision of Acts of 1866, ch. 174, as to Boston. See as to Board of Public Works, Acts of 1872, ch. 334, post page 131. ments added to coal, etc. CHARTER By-laws to be published. Town by-laws to remain in force until, etc. ties for breach of by-laws, how prosecuted and recovered. to court of com- mon pleas. annex penalties thereto, not exceeding twenty dollars for the breach thereof; which by-laws shall be in force from and after the time therein respectively limited, without the sanction of any court or other authority. All such by-laws, and all city ordinances, shall be pub- lished in such newspaper as the city council shall direct; and all by-laws now in force, in the town of Springfield, shall remain in force until they expire by their own limitation, or are revised or repealed by the city council. Fines and penal. SECT. 16. All fines, forfeitures, and penalties accru- ing for the breach of any by-law of the city, or of any ordinance of the city council, or of any of the orders of the mayor and aldermen, shall be prosecuted for and recovered before the Police Court of the said city of Springfield, by complaint or information, in the name of the Commonwealth, in the same manner in which other criminal offenses are now prosecuted before the justices of the peace within this Commonwealth, reserv- ing, in all cases, to the party complained of and prose- Right of appeal cuted, the right of appeal to the Court of Common Pleas for the trial of criminal causes, then next to be holden in the county of Hampden, from such judgment and sentence of the Police Court. Such appeal shall be allowed on the same terms, and the proceedings be con- ducted therein in the same manner, as is provided in the one hundred and thirty-eighth chapter of the Complaint how Revised Statutes.* In all such prosecutions it shall be sufficient to set forth in the complaint, the offense, fully; plainly, substantially, and formally, and it shall not be necessary to set forth such by-law, ordinance, or order, or any part thereof. When such complaint is made by any person not an officer of the city, no warrant shall issue thereon until the complainant shall recognize, for costs, etc. with sufficient surety, to the satisfaction of the justice of said Police Court, conditioned to pay all the costs of such prosecution in case the person complained of shall not be convicted thereon. And in case of default of how prosecuted. such recognizance, the same may be enforced, and the same proceedings had thereon, as in case of a recogni- zance to prosecute an appeal from the judgment of such Fines paid to city justice. All fines, forfeitures, and penalties, and all costs, so recovered and paid, shall be paid to the treas- urer of said city, and shall inure to such uses as the city council shall direct. * Appeal to Superior Court, R. L., ch. 219, sects. 22-30. set forth. Recognizances Defaults of recognizances, treasurer. CHARTER. 25 mine the number etc. When any person, upon conviction before the Police Persons neglect- di ing to pay fines, Court for breach of any by-law of said city, or any ordi- how punished. nance of the city council, or any order of the mayor and aldermen, shall be sentenced to pay a fine, penalty, or forfeiture, and shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, or, upon claiming an appeal, shall fail to recog- nize according to law, he shall be committed to prison, there to remain until he shall pay such fine, penalty, and forfeiture and costs, or be otherwise discharged according to law. And the provisions of this section shall also apply to all prosecutions, founded upon the This section by-laws or ordinances of the town of Springfield, which town by-laws. may continue in force after this act shall go into oper- ation. SECT. 17. The city council shall, annually, in the City council deter- month of October, meet in convention and determine of representatives, the number of representatives to be elected by the city to the General Court in such year, which shall be con- clusive. And the number thus determined shall be specified in the warrants calling meetings for the elec- tion of representatives. * SECT. 18. All elections for county, state, and United Election of States officers who are voted for by the people, shall be United States held at meetings of the citizens qualified to vote in for. such elections, in their respective wards, at the times fixed by law for these elections respectively; and at such meetings all the votes given for said several offi- cers, respectively, shall be assorted, counted, declared, and registered in open ward meeting, by causing the names of all persons voted for, and the number of votes given for each, to be written in the ward record, in words, at length.† The ward clerk shall forthwith Duty of ward deliver to the city clerk a certified copy of the record clerks, of mayor of such elections ; the city clerk shall forth with record such returns ; and the mayor and aldermen shall, within two days after every such election, examine and compare all such returns, and make out a certificate of Returns the result of such elections, to be signed by the mayor made. and a majority of the aldermen, and by the city clerk, which shall be transmitted or delivered in the same manner as similar returns are by law directed to be made by selectmen of towns. And in all elections for New elections to representatives to the General Court, in case the whole fil number proposed to be elected shall not be chosen by a * See Amendment to Constitution, Article 21, Revised Laws, page 47. † For changes made by general laws, etc., see R. L., ch. 11. county, state, and United States officers provided and aldermen. fill vacancies, CHARTER. List to be delivered to ward clerks. to names omitted. majority of the votes legally returned, the mayor and aldermen shall forthwith issue their warrants for a new election, conformably to the provisions of the constitu- tion and the laws of the Commonwealth.* List of voters. SECT. 19. Prior to every election, the mayor and aldermen shall make out lists of all the citizens of each ward, qualified to vote in such elections, in the manner in which selectmen of towns are required to make out lists of voters; and, for that purpose, they shall have full access to the assessors' book and lists, and be entitled to the assistance of all assessors and other city officers. They shall deliver the lists, so prepared delivered to wa ward and corrected, to the clerks of the several wards, to be Proviso, in regard used at such elections : *Provided, that any person : whose name shall not be borne on the list of the ward in which he is entitled to vote, when it shall be placed in the hands of the clerk of said ward, shall have the right to have his name entered thereon, at any time thereafter before the closing of the polls, upon present- ing to the ward officers a certificate signed by the mayor or city clerk, by order of the board of aldermen, setting forth his right to have his name thus entered. SECT. 20. General meetings of the citizens qualified request of thirty to vote may, from time to time, be held, to consult upon the public good, to instruct their representatives, and to take all lawful means to obtain redress for any grievances, according to the right secured to the people by the Constitution of this Commonwealth. And such meetings shall be duly warned by the mayor and alder- men, upon the request in writing, setting forth the purposes thereof, of thirty qualified voters. SECT. 21.1 A fire department is hereby established in said city, with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties and liabilities, set forth and contained in an act entitled "An Act to regulate Fire Departments," passed on the ninth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and the city council shall possess all the powers, and per- form all the duties imposed and conferred by said act Present fire dis- upon the selectmen of towns. The inhabitants of any dissolve, and dis- fire district, organized according to law in the town of Springfield, at any legal meeting of the qualified voters General meeting to be called on request of thirt voters. Fire department established. tricts may pose of apparatus. * See Constitution, Article 14, Revised Laws, page 45; also R.L., ch. 11. † For changes made by general laws, see R. L., ch. 11. See part repeal of section 21 and substitute act in amendment, Acts of 1853, ch. 175, page 33. CHARTER. 27 the city shall fire apparatus, deduct excess thereof, called for the purpose, may vote to dissolve their said fire district, and to annul the organization thereof, and may dispose of the fire apparatus and other property of the district, and appropriate the pro- ceeds thereof in such manner as they judge best, and thereafter such fire district shall be dissolved, and their powers and privileges, and their duties and lia- bilities, shall cease : Provided, that the said district Proviso. shall continue liable to pay all their existing debts and to perform all legal contracts. If the said district shall if districts elect, by vote so elect, the city shall purchase the fire appara- purchase their tus and other property of such district, at a fair valua- pay debts and tion, not exceeding the amount paid by the district from city taxes. therefor, exclusive of anything paid by the town of Springfield towards the same, and shall pay the debts and liabilities of the district, so far as the amount of such valuation may be sufficient therefor. And if the amount of the valuation exceeds the amount of the debts and liabilities of the district, such excess shall be allowed upon and deducted from the city taxes then next assessed upon the inhabitants of such fire district, in the proportion severally assessed upon them in the tax lists by the assessors. SECT. 22. A Police Court is hereby established in A police court established. said city, to consist of one learned, able, and discreet person, to be appointed and commissioned by the gov- ernor, pursuant to the constitution, to take cognizance of all crimes, offenses, and misdemeanors committed within said city whereof justices of the peace now have, or may hereafter have, jurisdiction. And the Its powers, viduties, etc. court hereby established shall hear and determine all suits, complaints, and prosecutions, in like manner as is by law provided for the exercise of the powers and authority which are, or may be, vested in justices of the peace, and shall do all acts necessary to and con- sistent with such powers and authority. And the said Its jurisdiction, Police Court shall also have original jurisdiction and cognizance of all suits and actions which may now, or at any time hereafter, be heard, tried, and determined before any justice of the peace in the county of Hamp- den, and exclusive jurisdiction whenever all the par- ties reside in Springfield, and service of the writ is had on the defendant in said county; and no writ, in any etc. * Jurisdiction extended to include Wilbraham, Agawam, Longmeadow, West Springfield, Hampden and East Longmeadow, Acts of 1874, ch. 180, R. L., ch. 160, sect. 2. 28 CHARTER. counsel, etc. Warrants, how returnable, etc. such action or suit, shall be' made returnable before any justice within said city of Springfield, but to said Appeals, etc. Police Court only; and an appeal shall be allowed from all judgments of said Police Court, in like manner and to the same extent that appeals are now allowed by law from judgments of justices of the peace; and the Justices not to be justices of said Police Court shall not be of counsel or attorney to any party in any matter or thing whatever which may be pending in said court, or which shall have been previously determined before himself.* SECT. 23. All warrants issued by said court shall be made returnable and shall be returned before said court, and no warrant shall be issued by any justice of the peace within the county of Hampden, except by the standing justice or one of the special justices of said court, for any crime or offense committed within said city of Springfield. Fines, etc., howa SECT, 24. All fines and forfeitures, and all fees in received and paid. criminal cases, now allowed by law to justices of the peace, which shall be received by, or paid into the hands of, the justice of said court, shall be by him accounted for and paid over to the treasurer of said city; and all Other costs, how other costs in criminal prosecutions, which shall be paid and paid over, etc. to the justice of said court, shall be by him accounted for and paid over to the same persons, in the same man- ner, and under the same penalties for neglect, as are by law prescribed in the case of justices of the peace, and all costs in such prosecutions, not thus received, shall be made up, taxed, certified, and allowed, and shall be paid and satisfied, in like manner as is provided by law in cases of justices of the peace; and in all cases where fines, forfeitures, and costs are not paid to the justice of said court, but are by him taxed and certi- fied, and are allowed, in the manner now prescribed by law, and such fines and costs are subsequently paid to the treasurer of the county of Hampden, the justice's fees so taxed and paid shall accrue to the county afore- said ; and in all cases where said justice's fees are so Other costs, how accounted for * Office of clerk of Police Court established, Gen. Stat., ch. 116; pro- visions as to election of clerks, Acts of 1866, ch. 169; as to appointment by governor for Springfield and fixing salary at $1,000, Acts of 1872, ch. 163; clerk to be appointed and commissioned by governor, Acts of 1876, ch. 141 ; all clerks of Police Courts to be appointed by governor, Acts of 1877, ch. 210; clerk's salary increased to $1,200, Acts of 1874, ch. 180; reduced to $1,000, Acts of 1879, ch. 232; increased to $1,200, Acts of 1886, ch. 155; increased to $1,400, Acts of 1889, ch. 28; increased to $1,800, Acts of 1904, ch. 453; to have clerical assistance, Acts of 1996, ch. 331; may appoint assistant clerk with salary of $600, assistant clerk's salary increased to $1,200, Acts of 1904, ch. 453. CHARTER. 29 establish rules, taxed and certified by the justice of said court, and are allowed, but are not subsequently paid to the treasurer of said county, the said county of Hampden shall be discharged from all obligations to pay said magis- trate's fees to any person whatsoever.* SECT. 25. A court shall be held by said justice, at Time and place of holding the some suitable and convenient place to be provided at court. the expense of said city,t on two several days of each week, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, and as much oftener as may be necessary, to take cognizance Purpose. of crimes, offenses, and misdemeanors, and on one day in each fortnight, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, and may be adjourned from day to day, by the justice thereof, and at such other times as may be necessary, for the trial of civil suits and actions; and the justice Justice may of said court shall, from time to time, establish all etc. necessary rules for the orderly and uniform conduct- ing of the business thereof. Complaints may be re- ceived and warrants issued by him at all reasonable times when said court is not in session. SECT. 26. The justice of said court shall receive Salary and fees. from the treasurer of said city, an annual salary of seven hundred dollars in quarterly payments; and he shall be allowed, as a compensation for his services in the trial and determination of civil suits, cognizable by said court under this act, to tax, receive, and retain the same fees now allowed by law to justices of the peace in civil cases. I SECT. 27. The justice of said court shall keep a fair Records, returns, record of all proceedings in said court, and shall make provided for. return to the several courts of all legal processes, and of his doings therein, in the same manner as justices of the peace are now by law required to do ; and he shall also, annually, in the month of January, exhibit to the mayor and aldermen of said city, a true and faithful account of all moneys received by him. § and accounts * As to fines, costs, and expenses of prosecution, see R. L., chs. 204, 221, 160, sect. 15. † Court to be always open, R. L., ch. 160, sect. 39; expenses paid by county, R. L., ch. 160, sect. 40. Salary fixed at $1,500, General Statutes, ch. 116, sect. 33; increased to $2,000, Acts of 1868, ch. 330; increased to $2,400, Acts of 1874, ch. 180; decreased to $1,800, Acts of 1879, ch. 232, paid by Commonwealth ; in- creased to $2,000, Acts of 1887, ch. 171; salaries to be paid by and fees to be paid to county, P. S., ch. 154; salary increased to $2,200, Acts of 1897, ch. 359; increased to $3,000, Acts of 1904, ch. 453. § Duties as to records and accounts now devolve on clerk, R. L., ch. 160. 30 CHARTER. powers, etc. Governor may appoint said jus- etc. Pending actions. SECT. 28. All suits, actions, and prosecutions, which shall be instituted and pending before any justice of the peace within the town of Springfield, when this act shall take effect, shall be heard and determined as though this act had not been passed. Special justices. SECT. 29. There shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, two special justices of said court; and whenever it shall happen that the standing justice of said court shall be interested in any suit or prosecution cognizable in said court, or shall from any cause be unable to hold such Their duties, court, or discharge any of the duties required of him by this act, the said special justices shall have power to issue the processes of said court, and to hear and determine any matter or cause pending therein, the said cause being assigned on the record by the stand- How paid. ing or special justice; and such special justice shall be paid, for services so rendered, by the standing justice, out of his salary, such sums as justices of the peace are paid for like services.* SECT. 30. The governor shall have power, by and tices at any time, with the advice and consent of the council, to appoint said justice and special justices, at any time after the passing of this act. SECT. 31. For the purpose of organizing the system ganizing the city of government hereby established and putting the same into operation in the first instance, the selectmen of the town of Springfield, during the months of April or May of the present year, shall, seven days before the day of meeting, issue their warrants for calling rants, etc. meetings of the citizens in their several wards, at such place and hour as they may deem expedient, for the purpose of choosing a warden, clerk, and inspectors of each ward, and all other officers whose election is pro- vided for in the preceding sections of this act; and Appoint ward they shall appoint a clerk pro tempore of each ward, who shall call the meeting to order and preside until a warden is chosen. The transcripts of the record of each ward, specifying the votes given for the several officers, certified by the warden and clerk, and by a ma- Returns, how jority of the inspectors of such ward, at such first made, etc. meeting, shall be returned to the selectmen, who shall examine and compare the same; and in case such elec- tions should not be completed at the first meeting, they shall issue warrants for a new meeting until said elec- *For compensation of special justices, see R. L., ch. 160, sect. 69. Duties of the government. Shall issue war- clerks pro tem. CHARTER. 31 sons elected. city council. when held. elect all necessary tions shall be completed. They shall give notice of Shall notify per- such elections, in the manner herein before directed, sons to the several persons elected. At said first meeting, a list of voters in each ward, prepared and corrected by the selectmen for the time being, shall be delivered to the clerk. pro tempore of each ward, to be used as be- fore directed. The selectmen shall appoint such time First meeting of for the first meeting of the city council, as they judge proper, after the choice of said city officers, or of a ma- jority of the members of both branches of the city coun- cil, not later than the first Monday in June next, and shall appoint the place and hour of said first meeting. A written notice thereof shall be sent, by the selectmen, How notified. to the place of abode of each of the city officers so chosen ; and notice of the day, hour, and place of said meeting shall be published in one or more newspapers printed in said town. After the first organization of the city council, the Annual elections, meetings for the annual elections and for the organiza- tion of the city council, shall be as provided in the sixth section of this act. The city council, immediately after the first organ- city council shall ization, shall elect all necessary city officers, who shall officers, etc.es hold their offices respectively until others are chosen and qualified. At the meetings to be called, as prescribed in this County officers, section, for the choice of ward and city officers, the qualified voters shall also give in their votes for county officers, which votes shall be recorded, certified, and returned in the manner provided in the seventeenth section of this act. SECT. 32. The annual town meeting for the town of Annual town Springfield, which, by law, is to be holden in March or pended. April, is hereby suspended, and all town officers now in office shall hold their places until this act shall take Present officers effect and their successors are chosen and qualified. And in case this charter shall not be accepted as herein- Provision in case after provided, the selectmen shall issue their warrants, accepted. according to law, for holding the annual town meeting of the inhabitants, in which all the proceedings shall be the same as if this act had not been passed. SECT. 33. All officers of the town of Springfield hav- Town's papers and property delivered ing the care and custody of any of the records, papers, over, etc. or property belonging to the town, shall deliver the same to the city clerk within one week after his enter- ing upon the duties of his office. how chosen, etc. meetings sus- hold over. the charter is not 32 CHARTER. amend. Act void unless adopted within Acts repealed. SECT. 34. All acts and parts of acts, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Legislature may SECT 35. Nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Legislature from altering or amending the same when they shall deem it expe- dient. SECT. 36. This act shall be void unless the inhabit- twenty days, etc. ants of the town of Springfield, at a legal town meet- ing called for the purpose, shall, by vote of a majority of the voters present and voting thereon by a written ballot, determine to adopt the same within twenty days from and after its passage ; at which meeting the polls shall be kept open not less than six hours; and the pre- siding officer, in receiving said ballots, shall use the check-lists in the same manner as they are used in elections of state officers. SECT. 37. This act shall go into operation from and after its passage.* Takes effect. * This act was adopted by a vote of 969 yeas. to 454 nays at a meeting held April 21, 1852. NOTE.-An act was passed in 1877 to revise and amend the charter of the city, but was not accepted by the people. It may be found in Acts of 1877, ch. 146. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. · ACTS OF 1853. CHAPTER 175. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT TO ESTABLISH THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Section 21, relating to fire de- | 3. Engineers and other officers, partment repealed. their powers and duties. 2. City council may establish fire 4. Compensation of certain offi- department, prescribe rules, cers, how fixed. etc. cers, establish fire Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. So much of the twenty-first section of Section 21, relat- ing to fire depart- the act to which this is in addition, as relates to the ment, repealed. establishment of a fire department in said city, is hereby repealed. SECT. 2. The city council of the city of Springfield City council may may establish a fire department for said city, to consist department, pre- scribe rules, etc. of a chief engineer, and so many assistant engineers, and so many engine men, hosemen, hook and ladder men, as the city council, by ordinance, shall from time to time prescribe; and said city council shall have authority to make such provisions in regard to the time and mode of appointment, and the occasion and mode of removals of either such officers or members, to make such requisitions in respect to their qualifications and period of service, to define their office and duties, to fix and pay such compensation for their services, and in general to make such regulations in regard to their conduct and government, and to the manage- ment and conduct of fires and persons attending fires, -subject to the penalties provided for the breach of the city ordinances—as they shall deem expedient: Pro- Proviso. vided, that the appointment of engine men, hosemen, and hook and ladder men, shall be made by the mayor and aldermen, exclusively. SECT. 3. The engineers and other officers of the Engineers and fire department so appointed as aforesaid, shall have their powers and the same authority in regard to the prevention and ex- tinguishment of fires, and the performance of the other other officers, duties. DI AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. offices and duties now incumbent upon fire-wards, as are now conferred upon fire-wards by the Revised Statutes now in force. They shall also have authority, in compliance with any ordinance of said city, to make an examination of places where shavings and other combustible materials are collected or deposited, and to require the removal of such materials, or the adop- tion of suitable safeguards against fire; and said city council are hereby authorized to make suitable ordi- nances upon the latter subject, under the penalties enacted in the city charter. SECT. 4. The compensation to the fire department, ! to assessors, collector of taxes, city clerk, city treasurer, and school committee, shall be fixed by a concurrent vote of the two branches of the city council; any pro- vision contained in the eighth section of the city charter to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved by the Governor, April 23, 1853. n Compensation of certain officers, How fixed. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. 35 • ACTS OF 1873. CHAPTER 126. AN ACT AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. City charter amended, 1852, 94, tion of board of public works, sect. 14. unless notice be first given 2. Assessors and assistant assess- to all interested. Proceed- ors, how and when chosen ; ings after recommendation of to hold office for three years. board of public works. 3. Overseers of the poor, how and 7. City council may establish any when chosen; to hold office portion of city as a building for three years. district. 4. All existing sewers and drains 8. City council may require all may be taken and appropri- tenements and buildings to ated by the city. be numbered, etc. 5. Sewers and drains hereafter 9. City may appropriate and raise laid out to become the prop- by taxation sums for support erty of the city. of city hospital. 6. City council not to lay out, etc., | 10. Inconsistent acts repealed. streets, sidewalks, sewers, or | 11. Act subject to acceptance by drains, without recommenda- city council. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. Section 14 of chapter ninety-four of the City charter amended, 1852, year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two is 94, $14. amended by inserting the words “alter or discontinue" after the words “concurrent power with the County Commissioners to lay out.” SECT. 2. The city council of the city of Springfield, Assessors and as- sistant assessors, shall, within two months after the passage of this Act, how and when chosen; to hold elect by ballot in joint convention, three assessors, one office for three years. to hold office for three years, one for two years, and one for one year from the first day of April of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three; and shall there- after annually, within sixty days after the organization of the council, elect in like manner one assessor to hold office for the term of three years from the first day of April in the year of such election. Said council shall at the same times and in the same manner, elect such number of assistant assessors, not exceeding eight, as said council may from time to time by ordinance pre- scribe, who shall hold office for the term of one year from the first day of April in the year of their election, and shall assist the assessors in doing their duties, in such manner and with such compensation as shall be prescribed by ordinance of the city council. 36 AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. Overseers of the poor, how and hold office for three years. SECT. 3. Said city council shall in like manner, when chosen; to within two months after the passage of this act, elect three persons to be overseers of the poor, who shall hold office, one for one year, one for two years, one for three years from the first day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and shall afterward annually, within sixty days after its organization, elect one person as an overseer of the poor, to hold office for three years from the first day of April in the year of such election.* All existing sew- SECT. 4. All sewers and drains, and all parts of may be taken and sewers and drains now existing in any street, highway, or town way in the city of Springfield, and not now owned by said city, or of which the ownership may be uncertain, may be taken and appropriated by vote of the mayor and aldermen, and shall thereupon become the property of the city, and subject to its control ; but ers and drains appropriated by corporation of any existing right to use such sewers thereafter laid out to become the property of the any person or corporation sustaining damage by such taking or appropriation of any sewer or drain may recover compensation therefor in the manner provided in case of damage sustained by the laying out of highways. Sewers and drains SECT. 5. All sewers and drains, and parts of sewers to become the and drains, within the limit of any street or public way hereafter laid out within said city, shall, on such laying out, become the property of said city, and subject to its control ; but nothing herein contained shall deprive any person or corporation of any existing right to use any such sewer or drain for the purposes of drainage ; and any person or corporation sustaining damage by such change of ownership in such sewers and drains, or any of them, may recover compensation therefor in the manner provided for in case of damage sustained by the laying out of highways. to lay out, etc., sewers, or drains mendation of works,-unless given to all inter- ested. streets, sidewalks, of chapter three hundred and thirty-four of the acts of without recom- the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the city board of public council of said city shall not, nor shall the mayor and notice'be first alđermen, proceed to lay out, alter, widen, discontinue, or change the grade of any street, establish, lay out, change the grade of, construct, pave, alter any side- walk, or lay out, establish, construct, or alter any * City physician made, ex officio, a member of the board of overseers of the poor of the city, Acts of 1878, ch. 97. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. recommendation works. establish any por- building district. sewers or drains, in opposition to the recommendation of the board of public works, or without such recom- Proceedings after mendation, unless they shall first give to all parties of board of public interested the notice which before the passage of said chapter was required by law to be given to parties interested in the laying out of streets ; in all cases, after such hearing, the recommendations of the board of public works may be adopted and carried into effect without further notice to or hearing of parties, unless some party interested, within fourteen days after the hearing before the board of public works, files with the city clerk a request in writing to be heard further, in which case the same notice shall be given to all parties interested as is provided in case the recommendation of the board of public works is not adopted, and a hearing shall be had before the mayor and alder- men. SECT. %. The city council may, from time to time City council may by concurrent vote of the two branches, establish such tion of city as a portion of the city as they see fit, as a building district, within which no building shall be erected till the plans and specifications thereof, so far as they indicate the material, height, and thickness of the walls, and the material of the roof and cornices and other projections, shall have been approved by a commissioner appointed for the purpose by the mayor, with the consent of the aldermen; but nothing herein contained shall be con- strued as authorizing the erection of any buildings, in violation of any ordinance of said city, relating to the erection of buildings within the limits of any fire district now established, or which may hereafter be established. SECT. 8. Said city council may by ordinance, with City council may suitable penalties, require all tenements and buildings ments and build- on streets and within a district named and described in bered, etc. such ordinance, to be suitably numbered by the owner or occupant; and may .provide that, if the owner or occupant fails to number any building or tenement in accordance with such ordinance, said city may cause the same to be numbered at the expense of the owner or occupant. SECT. 9. The city of Springfield may appropriate City may appro- annually, and raise by taxation, such sum as the city by taxation sums council deems fit, for the support of a city hospital. city hospital. SECT. 10. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent Inconsistent acts herewith are repealed. require all tene- ings to be nuin- priate and raise for support of repealed. 38 AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. Actisubject to SECT. 11. This act shall take effect on the accept- acceptance by city council. "ance thereof by the concurrent vote of the city coun- cil of said city of Springfield. Approved, March 28, 1873. NOTE.-Accepted by the city council, March 31, 1873. ACTS OF 1885. CHAPTER 65. AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SPRING- FIELD CONCERNING THE ELECTION OF ALDERMEN. Section. 1. Election of aldermen. 2. Repeal. Section. 3. Subject to acceptance by voters. men, Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- Election of alder- SECTION 1. The board of aldermen of the city of Springfield shall consist of one citizen of each ward, elected at large by the qualified voters of the city voting in their respective precincts, and the candidate from each ward who has the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.* Repeal. SECT. 2. All parts of the charter of the city of Springfield or amendments thereto inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its accept- ance by a majority of the qualified voters of the city of Springfield, present and voting in their respective pre- cincts, at the next municipal election following the passage of this act. Approved, March 11, 1885. * Members of board of aldermen to serve for two years, Acts of 1901, ch. 147. NOTE.--Accepted at the municipal election held December 8, 1885. Subject to acceptance by voters. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. ACTS OF 1901. CHAPTER 147. . AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SPRING- FIELD RELATIVE TO THE ELECTION OF ALDERMEN AND COUNCILMEN. Section. Section. 1. Members of board of aldermen 3. Repeal. to be elected for terms of two | 4. Act to take effect when ac- years, alternately. cepted. 2. Common council, elected for two years; manner of election. men elected. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The board of aldermen of the city of Board of alder- Springfield shall consist of one citizen of each ward elected at large by the qualified voters of the city, voting in their respective precincts as at present pro- vided, and the candidate from each ward who receives the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The aldermen hereafter elected shall serve for terms Term of two years. of two years, except as hereinafter provided, from the first Monday in January succeeding the annual munic- ipal election at which they are chosen. At the annual municipal election held next after this act takes effect aldermen from wards one, three, five, and seven shall be elected for terms of two years, and those from wards two, four, six, and eight for terms of one year ; and thereafter four aldermen shall be chosen at each annual municipal election, according as the terms of the several aldermen expire, the aldermen from wards one, three, five, and seven and the aldermen from wards two, four, six, and eight, respectively, being elected in alternate years. SECT. 2. The common council of the city of Spring- Common council. field shall consist of eighteen members, apportioned among the several wards according to the provisions of the charter, and shall be elected from and by each ward, and shall be residents of the wards from which they are elected. The common councilmen hereafter Term of two years. elected shall serve for terms of two years, except as hereinafter provided, from the first Monday in Janu- ary succeeding the annual municipal election at which Elected in alter- nate years. AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER. they are chosen. At the annual municipal election held next after this act takes effect, in each ward which is entitled to two common councilmen the candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast for the office of common councilman shall be declared elected for the term of two years, and the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected for the term of one year. In each ward which is entitled to three common councilmen the two candi- dates receiving respectively the highest and next to the highest number of votes cast for that office shall be declared elected for terms of two years, and the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected for the term of one year. At each annual municipal election thereafter one common councilman shall be elected in each ward entitled to two common councilmen, and one or two common councilmen shall be elected in each ward entitled to three common councilmen, according as the terms of the several common councilmen expire. SECT. 3. All parts of the charter of the city of Springfield and amendments thereto inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. SECT. 4. This act shall take effect upon its accept- ance by a majority of the qualified voters of the city of Springfield present and voting in their respective precincts at the next municipal election following the passage of this act. Approved, March 13, 1901. Manner of election, Repeal. When to take effect. NOTE.--Accepted at the municipal election held Dec. 3, 1901. SPECIAL STATUTES. AN ACT REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. | Section. 1. City council to make regula- (2. Violations of ordinances, etc. tions, etc. Power of mayor and alder- men. Proviso. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Spring- City council to make regulations, such regulations, ordinances, and by-laws, as they may deem expedient concerning the erection, con- struction, and placing of wooden buildings within the limits of said city, for protection against fire, to estab- lish districts within which wooden buildings, except of a prescribed size, shall not be erected, and to prescribe such penalties as they deem proper, for the violation of any such regulations, ordinances, or by-laws. SECT. 2. Any building hereafter erected, con- Violations of ordinances, etc. and aldermen. by-laws, ordinances, or regulations, shall be deemed and taken to be a common nuisance ; and the mayor and aldermen shall have the like power and authority Power of mayor to abate and remove the same, as is given to the board of health in the eighth, ninth, and tenth sections of the twenty-sixth chapter of the General Statutes : Pro- Proviso. vided, that nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting any remedy already given in the preceding section. Approved, April 6, 1861. 42 SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1863. CHAPTER 107. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN DRAINS. Section. 1. May construct not exceeding three, from Garden brook to Connecticut river. 2. Expense, how ascertained and divided. 3. Aggrieved parties may apply for jury. Cost of hearing, how paid. 4. Expenses to be borne by estate Section. owners, to be assessed in two months after adjustment. Assessments to constitute lien upon estate. 5. Landlord and tenant. Assess- ors to determine division of assessment. 6. Drains to be held as property of city. not exceeding Garden brook to Upon completion city council to of expense with land owners. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- May construct SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Springfield three, from is hereby authorized to construct one or more, but not Connecticut river. exceeding three drains, leading from suitable points on Garden brook, in the central part of the city, to the Connecticut river, for the purpose of protecting private property and the streets of the city, from damage by water during seasons of freshet. SECT. 2. After the completion of any drain con- determine division structed under the provisions of this act, the city coun- cil shall, with the assistance of a competent engineer, ascertain and determine the extent of territory bene- fited thereby, and what portion of the expense thereof shall be borne by the city, and what portion by the Proviso. owners of real estate, but not less than one-third part of the cost shall be borne by the city. A notice of such Notice to be pub- determination shall be published for two weeks suc- cessively, in the newspaper having the largest circula- tion in the city. Aggrieved parties SECT. 3. Any person aggrieved by the determina- may apply for jury. tion of the city council, either as to the division of expense between the city and the owners of real estate, or as to the extent of territory over which it is proposed to distribute that part of the expense to be assessed upon owners of real estate benefited, may, at any time within two months after the publication of the notice Manner of appli- aforesaid, apply for a jury. Such application shall be made in like manner, and the proceedings thereon shall lished. cation and proceedings. SPECIAL STATUTES. 43 sustained, council anew. the laying out and discontinuance of highways: Pro- vided, that, upon making his application, the party shall give two weeks' notice in writing to the mayor and aldermen, of his intention so to apply, and shall therein particularly specify his objections to the proposed divis- ion of expense, and to the extent of territory over which a portion of the expense is to be assessed ; to which specification he shall be confined upon the hearing before the jury. If upon the hearing the objections to said determi- Cost of hearing, how paid. nation are not sustained, the charges arising on such application shall be paid by the applicant, or person recognizing therefor; otherwise they shall be paid by Objections being, the city, and the city council may, if necessary, deter- may determine mine anew the division of expense and the extent of territory benefited by said drainage. Any person who Failure to apply for jury to bar neglects to make application for a jury, as herein pro- right of appeal vided, shall be concluded by such determination of the city council, and shall not be entitled to recover, by an action at law or otherwise, the amount of the assess- ment collected of him. SECT. 4. After two months from the final determi- Expenses to be nation of the city council, as to the division of expense owners to be of any drain constructed under the provision of this months after adjustment. act, and the extent of territory benefited thereby, that portion of the expense of said drain which is to be borne by the owners of real estate within the district adjudged to be benefited, shall be equitably and ratably assessed upon such owners by the board of assessors of the city, and shall be collected by the city collector. The assessments so made shall constitute a lien upon Assessments to from council. borne by estate, 1 assessed in two months after constitute lien may have remedy. are a lien upon real estate, and shall be collected in the manner provided by chapter twelve of the General Statutes for the collection of taxes. But any person Aggrieved party aggrieved by the amount assessed to him shall be enti- tled to the remedies provided in sections forty-three, forty-four, and forty-five of chapter eleven of the Gen- eral Statutes.* SECT. 5. When any real estate to be assessed under Landlord and the provisions of this act is held by a tenant for life or years, the assessors shall determine how much shall be Assessors to de- assessed to the tenant, and how much to the landlord of assessment. or reversioner, and shall assess the same accordingly. tenant. termine division 44 SPECIAL STATUTES. Drains to be held as property of city. SECT. 6. Any drain constructed under the provision of this act shall be held to be the property of the city of Springfield, to be used, controlled, maintained, and repaired in the same manner as drains constructed wholly at the expense of the city. SECT. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 24, 1863. ACTS OF 1863. CHAPTER 192. AN ACT CONCERNING SIDEWALKS IN THE CITY OF SPRING- . FIELD. Section. Section. 1. City council may designate lim- | 2. Construction and alterations, its and localities. Removal council may determine. of snow and ice. City council may designate limits and localities. Removal of snow and ice. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Spring- field may by joint resolution set apart such portion of the public streets within its limits, as sidewalks, for the accommodation of foot passengers, as public con- venience requires ; and may, by ordinance or by-law, compel owners or occupants of abutting lands to re- move the snow and ice from such sidewalk in front of their land. Construction and SECT. 2. The exercise of the power given in the preceding section shall not prevent the said city coun: cil from making any alteration in such sidewalks or from compelling the owners of abutting lands to con- struct said sidewalks of such materials as the public good requires. Approved, April 27, 1863. alterations, coun- cil may determine SPECIAL STATUTES. 45 ACTS OF 1863. CHAPTER 204. AN ACT CONCERNING THE RE-LOCATION OF STREETS AND WAYS IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. | Section, 1. City council may locate anew. | 2. Damages, how estimated and paid. locate anew. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. When the city council of the city of City council may Springfield deem it necessary to locate anew a street or way in said city, either for the purpose of establish- ing the boundary lines of such street or way, erecting monuments thereon, or of making alterations in the course or width thereof, they may so locate such street or way, giving notice, and proceeding in the manner prescribed by law for laying out and establishing streets or ways in said city. SECT. 2. Any person sustaining damages in his Damage to be esti- property by the location of a street or way, as provided in the preceding section, shall have his compensation ascertained and paid in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes in respect to the laying out, altering, and discontinuing of streets and ways. Approved, April 28, 1863.* mated and paid. * See Acts of 1866, ch. 174, page 48 post; 1867, chap. 94, page 51 post; 1872, ch. 334, and Revised Ordinances, ch. 34. 46 SPECIAL STATUTES., ACTS OF 1864. CHAPTER 142. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY'LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF SPRINGFIELD. Corporators. Section. Section. 1. Corporators ; name; privileges. regulations. Grants and be- 2. Estate, real and personal. quests. 3. Transfer of property. Rules and 4. City may aid corporation while I citizens haye free access. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. John L. King, Chester W. Chapin, George Bliss, James M. Thompson, Ephraim W. Bond, and Homer Foot, and all persons who are now life members of the present City Library Association of Springfield, and their successors, are hereby made a Name. corporation by the name of “The City Library Asso- ciation of Springfield,” for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a social library, and a museum of natural history and art, and for the diffusion of knowl- edge, and the promotion of intellectual improvement in the city of Springfield ; with all the powers and Privileges. privileges, and subject to all the duties and liabilities set forth in the general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force concerning corporations, so far as applicable. Estate, real and SECT. 2. The said corporation may take and hold real and personal estate, to an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of books in its library, and collections of natural history and works of art in its museum:* Transfer of propa SECT. 3. All the property now owned by, or which may accrue to, the present City Library Association of Springfield, may be by it transferred to the corporation hereby created. And the said corporation may take and shall hold the same, and all real and personal estate, and all moneys, books, pamphlets, curiosities, objects of art, and natural history, which shall from time to time be conveyed or given to it in any form, or be pur- chased by it, in trust, for all the uses and purposes * Increased to $600,000, Acts of 1901, ch. 95. Increased to $1,500,000, Acts of 1902, ch. 155. personal. erty. SPECIAL STATUTES. lations. quests. proper and appropriate for a public and social library and museum, the same to be used and enjoyed by the inhabitants of Springfield, under such regulations, Rules and regu- and upon such terms, and for such compensation as may from time to time be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. And any grants, donations, or bequests Grants and be- made to it, shall be held and used under and in pursu- ance of any conditions or rules prescribed in such grants, donations, or bequests. And any bequests or devises to the present City Library Association, and contained in any will made before this act shall take effect, shall inure to, and be enjoyed by, said corpora- tion. SECT. 4.* So long as said corporation shall allow the City may aid cor- inhabitants of the city of Springfield free access to its citizens have free library at reasonable hours for the purpose of using the same on the premises, said city may appropriate and pay annually towards defraying the expenses of main- taining said library, a sum not exceeding fifty cents for each of its ratable polls, in the year next preceding that in which said appropriation is made. Approved, April 8, 1864. poration while citizens have free access. * Sect. 4 amended, Acts of 1902, ch. 155. 48 SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1866. CHAPTER 174. AN ACT CONCERNING THE LAYING OUT, ALTERING, WIDEN- ING, AND IMPROVING THE STREETS OF BOSTON.* Section. Section. 1. Board of aldermen to have full tate, board may decide value power. and assess portion of expense. 2. Estimate of expense to include: 6. Assessments to constitute a damages sustained by per- lien. sons, including land and 7. Party aggrieved may apply for buildings. a jury. 3. Damages how paid. 8. Abutter objecting to assess- 4. Buildings and materials to be ment may surrender estate, removed by owner; or, upon with approval. of aldermen. failure, by board of alder- City may sell surplus prop- men, who may sell. erty. 5. Benefit accruing to abutting es- | 9. Term "street" defined. | 10. Construction of act. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- Board of aldermen SECTION 1. The board of aldermen of the city of to have full power. D Boston shall continue to have full power and authority to lay out, widen, discontinue, change the grade of, or otherwise alter any street within said city, and for these purposes may take any land, and may remove the whole or part of any building, which in their judg- ment it may be necessary to take and remove, and may assess upon the estates abutting on any street which may be laid out, such portion of the expense of such laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade or other alteration, including all damages sustained by any person or persons thereby, as is hereinafter pro- vided ; and their determination so to do shall be adju- dicated in the same manner, and upon like notice to parties interested, as is provided by law in other cases of laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade, or other alteration of streets. SECT. 2. In making an estimate of the expense, for pense, what to said purposes for which an assessment as herein pro- vided is to be laid, all damages sustained by any person or persons shall be estimated, including damages for land and buildings taken, and including the value of Estimate of ex- include. * For act extending provisions of this act to Springfield, see Acts of 1867, ch. 94, page 51 post. Such portions of this act as have not been repealed are now incorporated in R. L., ch. 48, sect. 16, and ch. 50. SPECIAL STATUTES. how estimated. terial to be re- or, upon failure. men, who may the whole of the buildings on the land, any part of which shall be so taken, deducting therefrom, however, the value of the materials to be removed, and of the buildings or parts of buildings, if any, which will remain standing; and in estimating the value of the Value of land, land cut off for said purposes, the land so cut off shall be estimated at its value before the laying out, widen- ing, discontinuance, change of grade, or other altera- tion, and such estimate shall not include the increased value occasioned merely by such laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade, or other alteration. SECT. 3. The damages estimated according to the Damages, how paid. preceding section shall be paid to the persons entitled thereto, in the same manner, and upon the same con- ditions, as is provided by law in other cases of laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade, or other alteration of streets. SECT. 4. Buildings and materials remaining upon Buildings and ma- the land under the adjudication provided in section moved by owner; two, shall be taken care of by the owner thereof; and by board of alder- if such owner, after due notice by said board of alder- sell.' men, neglects or fails so to do, said board of aldermen may take such care of the same as the public safety demands, at the expense of the owner, and if they shall adjudge a removal thereof to be necessary for the pub- lic security or necessity, they may remove the same at the expense of the owner, or they may sell the same after five days' notice, at public auction, and hold the net proceeds of such sale for the benefit of the owner. SECT. 5. Whenever in the opinion of the board of Benefit accruing aldermen any estate abutting on any street which board may decide may be laid out, widened, discontinued, graded, or altered by said board under this act, including the pen estate so cut off, shall receive any benefit and advan- tage from such laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade, or other alteration, then the said board may adjudge and determine the value of such benefit and advantage to any such estate, and may assess upon the same a portion of the expense of any such laying out, widening, discontinuance, change of grade, or other alteration, including the damages men- tioned in the second section of this act, but not exceed- ing in amount one half the amount of such adjudged benefit and advantage. SECT. 6. All assessments made under this act shall Assessments to constitute a lien upon the real estate so assessed, to be to abutting estate, value and assess portion of ex- constitute a lien. SPECIAL STATUTES. Upon notice to aldermen, assess, ment may be apportioned into three parts. enforced in the same manner, with like charges for costs and interest, as is provided by law for the collec- tion of taxes. And if the owner of any estate so assessed desires to have the amount of said assessment apportioned, he shall give notice thereof in writing to the board of aldermen, at any time before a demand is made upon him for the payment thereof; and said board shall thereupon apportion the said amount into three equal parts, which apportionment shall be certi- fied to the assessors, and the said assessors shall add one of said equal parts to the annual tax of said estate each year for the three years next ensuing. Party aggrieved' SECT. 9. Any party aggrieved by the doings of the may have jury. board of aldermen, under this act, shall have the like remedy by petition, for a jury or otherwise, and with the same limitations as to the time of bringing such petition, as in other cases of laying out, widening, dis- continuance, change of grade, or other alteration of streets in the county of Suffolk. And any person Party aggrieved aggrieved by the estimate made by the board of alder- under 8th section may have jury. men, under the eighth section of this act, may have the same assessed by a jury in the same manner as dam- ages for the taking of land for streets and highways may be assessed. SECT, 8. Any person owning any estate abutting on any street which may be laid out, widened, discon- tinued, graded, or altered, and liable to assessment under this act, may, at any time before the estimate of damages is made under the second section of this act, give notice in writing to said board of aldermen that he objects to such assessment, and elects to surrender his said estate to the city of Boston, and if said board of aldermen shall then adjudge that public convenience and necessity require the taking of such estate, that such improvements may be made, they shall have full authority, and may take the whole of the abutting estate of such person so objecting, and shall thereupon estimate the value thereof with all the improvements thereon, excluding the benefit or advantage which has accrued from the said laying out, widening, discontin- uance, change of grade, or other alteration; and the said owner shall convey the same to the said city, and the said city shall pay him therefor the value so esti- City may sell sur- mated. Said city may sell all the building materials plus property and buildings, and the remaining portion of said estate not used in said widening, grading, and improvements, Abutter object- ing to assessment may surrender estate with ap- proval of alder- men. SPECIAL STATUTES. 51 defined. and apply the net proceeds thereof towards the esti- mated value paid as aforesaid. SECT. 9. The term “street” in this act shall be Term “ street" construed to include highways, town ways, courts, lanes, and alleys. SECT. 10. This act shall not be construed as repeal- Construction of ing any existing laws relating to the laying out, widen- ing, discontinuance, change of grade, or other altera- tion of streets and highways. Approved, April 23, 1866. act. ACTS OF 1867. CHAPTER 94. AN ACT CONCERNING THE LAYING OUT, ALTERING, WIDEN- ING, AND IMPROVING THE STREETS OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Act of 1866, concerning streets | 2. Shall apply when accepted by in Boston, extended to two-thirds of the city council. Springfield. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The provisions of chapter one hundred Act of 1866 con. cerning streets in and seventy-four of the acts of the year eighteen hun- Boston, extended to Springfield. dred and sixty-six, entitled, “ An act concerning the laying out, altering, widening, and improving the streets of Boston,” are hereby extended and made ap- plicable to the city of Springfield.* SECT. 2. This act shall take effect whenever the Shall apply when same is accepted by the city council of said city of thirds of city Springfield, by a two-thirds vote of each branch thereof. Approved, March 23, 1867. * Ch. 174 of Acts of 1866 referred to, will be found ante, page 48. NOTE.—The foregoing act was accepted by the city council by a two- thirds vote of each branch thereof, June 17, 1867. This act is partially superseded by ch. 334 of Acts of 1872, embodied in Revised Ordinances, chapter 34, post. accepted by two council. 52 SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1872. CHAPTER 243. AN ACT FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRES IN CITIES AND TOWNS. Section. 1. Cities may regulate the con- struction of buildings. 2. Ordinances may be operative upon the whole or part of city. Section. 3. Court may issue injunction to restrain erection, etc., of building contrary to ordi- nance. 4. Act subject to adoption. Not to apply to Boston. ces late the construc- Ordinances may be in operation upon whole or part of city. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- Cities may regu- SECTION 1. Cities and towns may, by ordinances tion of buildings. and by-laws not repugnant to the laws of the Common- wealth, prescribe rules and regulations for the inspec- tion, materials, construction, alteration, and safe use of buildings and structures within their respective limits not owned or occupied by the United States, or the Commonwealth, and excepting bridges, quays, and wharves, for the purpose of securing the prevention of fire, and the preservation of life ; and may prescribe penalties not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every violation of any provision of such ordi- nances or by-laws. SECT. 2. Such ordinances and by-laws may be made operative upon and within the whole territory of any city or town, or upon and within any prescribed and defined district or districts of such territory. Court may issue SECT. 3. The Supreme Judicial Court, or any justice restrain erection, thereof, in term time or vacation, may, by injunction etc., of building or other suitable process in equity, restrain any person or corporation from constructing, altering, maintain- ing, or using any building or structure contrary to or in violation of any lawful ordinance or by-law made under or by virtue of this act, and may order and enforce the removal or abatement as a nuisance, of any building or structure, constructed, altered, maintained, or used in violation of such ordinance or by-law. SECT, 4. This act shall not be in force in any city adoption. or town unless the city council, or the inhabitants of injunction to contrary to ordinance. Subject to SPECIAL STATUTES. Boston. the town, shall by legal vote decide to adopt the same, Not to apply to and it shall not apply to the city of Boston. SECT. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, April 23, 1872. NOTE.-This act was adopted by the city council, May 27, 1872. ACTS OF 1878. CHAPTER 97. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE BOARD OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. City physician to overseers of the Section. 1. City Physician to be one of the overseers of the poor. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The city physician of the city of Spring- be one of the field shall be, ex officio, a member of the board of poers overseers of the poor of said city, and shall be duly sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties as such member. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 29, 1878. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1880. CHAPTER 30. AN ACT RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSION- ERS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Board of water commissioners 3. Clerk of the board. of Springfield abolished. 4. Mode of collecting water rents 2. New board of water commis- may be prescribed by city sioners established; one ordinance. member to be elected an- | 5. Repeal. nually in January ; vacancy ; 16. Subject to acceptance by city proviso. council. Board of water commissioners of Springfield abolished. New board of water com- missioners established. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The board of water commissioners of the city of Springfield, established by chapter, three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and chapter seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three in amendment thereof, is hereby abolished. SECT. 2. As soon as practicable after the passage of this act, the city council of said city shall elect by ballot in joint convention two citizens thereof, 'one for the term of one year, and one for the term of two years, from February first in the year eighteen hun- dred and eighty, as water commissioners, who, with the mayor as an ex officio member, shall constitute the board of water commissioners of said city of Springfield, with all the rights, powers, and duties of the board abolished by this act, except as hereinafter One member to be provided. And hereafter said city council shall annually in the month of January elect by ballot in joint convention one citizen as a member of said board for the term of two years from the succeeding first day of February. In case any citizen so elected shall die, resign, or become disqualified during his term of office, said city council shall, as soon as may be, elect by ballot in joint convention a citizen to fill the vacancy Proviso. for the unexpired term only : provided, however, that no member of the city council shall be eligible to elec- tion as water commissioner. elected annually in January Vacancy. SPECIAL STATUTES. 55 board. SECT. 3. The city engineer of said city shall be ex Clerk of the officio clerk of said board, and as such shall keep a true and accurate record of the doings thereof, and shall be duly sworn to the faithful performance of his duties. SECT. 4. Said city may, by ordinance, prescribe the Mode of collect- ing water rents scribed by city 1 department, and of accounting for the same to the city treasurer; and of the payment of all bills contracted by said department. The city auditor shall have free access to and audit all books and accounts of said board. The annual report of said board shall be addressed to the city council, and printed in the mu- nicipal register. SECT. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent Repeal. herewith are hereby repealed. SECT. 6. This act shall take effect on being ac- Subject to accept- cepted by a two-thirds vote of each branch of the city council." council of said city. But the water commissioners then in office shall continue to hold office until commis- sioners shall be elected under this act. Approved, February 20, 1880. Note-This act was accepted March 15, 1880. For amendment, see Acts of 1888, chapter 136, post. ance by city 56 SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1882. CHAPTER 154. AN ACT AUTHORIZING TOWNS AND CITIES TO LAY OUT PUBLIC PARKS WITHIN THEIR LIMITS. * 3. Section. Section. 1. Cities and towns may lay out 7. Assessments for betterments. public parks. Commission- Proviso. ers to be appointed. 8. May raise money subject to 2. Vacancies. To serve without law limiting municipal in- compensation. debtedness. Powers and duties. No ex- 9. “Public Park Loan." pense to be incurred until an | 10. Land to be forever maintained appropriation is made by a as a public park. two-thirds vote. Taking land 11. Military encampment, etc., not not valid until accepted by permitted without consent town. of board. 4. Description of land taken to be 12. recorded in registry of deeds. Annual reports. 5. Determination of damages. 13. When to take effect. 6. Fee of land to be vested in city 14. Second meeting not to be called within twelve months or town. from the first. parks. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- Cities and towns SECTION 1. Any town in this Commonwealth which may lay out public accepts the provisions of this act in the manner herein- after prescribed may, at a legal meeting called for the purpose, elect three competent persons who shall con- stitute a board of park commissioners for such town, and may prescribe their terms of office; and the mayor of any city which in such manner accepts said provi- sions may, with the approval of the city council, as soon as may be after such acceptance, appoint five competent persons who shall constitute a board of park commissioners for such city, and who shall hold their offices until the expiration of terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively, from the first Mon- day in May next following such appointment; and the Commissioners to mayor shall, before the first Monday in May in each be appointed. year thereafter, with like approval appoint one such commissioner to continue in office for five years from the expiration of the term of the commissioner then next outgoing. . No person shall be such commissioner who is at the same time a selectman, or other officer of * The provisions of this statute are now incorporated in R. L., ch. 28. SPECIAL STATUTES. To serve without 0 such town, or a member of the city council, clerk or treasurer of such city ; and any such commissioner may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the legal voters of such town, at a legal town meeting called for the purpose, or by a concurrent vote of two-thirds of the whole of each branch of such city council. SECT. 2. Any vacancy occurring in such board Vacancies. shall be filled for the residue of the term of the com- missioner whose place is to be filled in the manner in which such commissioner was originally appointed. compensation. Such commissioners shall serve without compensa- tion. SECT. 3. Such boards of park commissioners shall Powers and have power to locate within the limits of their respec- tive towns or cities a public park or parks, and for that purpose from time to time to take in fee by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, any and all such lands as they may deem desirable therefor, or to take bonds for the conveyance thereof to their respective towns or cities; to lay out and improve any such park or parks ; to make rules for the use and government thereof, and for breaches of such rules to affix penalties not exceed- ing twenty dollars for one offense, to be imposed by any court of competent jurisdiction; to appoint all necessary engineers, surveyors, clerks, and other offi- cers, including a police force to act in such parks; to define the powers and duties of such officers and fix the amount of their compensation; and generally to do all acts needful for the proper execution of the powers and duties granted to or imposed upon such town or city or upon such boards by this act : provided, No expense to be however, that no land shall be taken, or any other appropriation is thing involving an expenditure of money be done thirds vote. under this act until an appropriation sufficient to cover the estimated expense thereof shall in a town have been made by a vote of two-thirds of the legal voters present and voting in a legal town meeting called for the purpose, or in a city by a vote of two-thirds of each branch of the city council; and such expenditures shall in no case exceed the appropriations made there- for, and all contracts made for expenditures beyond the amount of such appropriations shall be void ; pro- vided, further, that in a town no taking of land other- Taking land not wise than by purchase shall be valid unless such taking cepted by town. is reported to the town, filed, accepted, and allowed, as provided by section seventy-one of chapter forty-nine duties. incurred until an made by a two- valid until ac- SPECIAL STATUTES. Description of land taken to be try of deeds. damages. of the Public Statutes in the case of laying out town ways. SECT. 4. Such board shall, within sixty days after recorded in regis- the taking of any land under this act, file and cause to be recorded in the registry of deeds for the county or district in which any land so 'taken is situated a description thereof sufficiently accurate for identifying the same. Determination of SECT. 5. Such boards shall respectively estimate and determine all damages sustained by any person by the taking of land or by other acts of such boards in the execution of the powers vested in them respectively by this act; but a person aggrieved by any such deter- mination of the board may have his damages assessed by a jury of the superior court in the same manner as is provided by law with respect to damages sustained by reason of the laying out of ways. If upon trial, damages are increased beyond the award, the party in whose favor the award was made shall recover his costs; otherwise he shall pay costs; and costs shall be taxed as in civil cases. Fee of land to be vested in city or town. by such boards in any town or city for a park under this act shall vest in the town or city in which such park is laid out; and such town or city shall be liable to pay all damages assessed or determined, as provided in the preceding section, and all other costs and ex- penses incurred by its board of park commissioners in the execution of the powers vested in such board by this act. Any town or city shall also be authorized to take and hold in trust or otherwise, any devise, grant, gift, or bequest that may be made for the purpose of laying out, improving, or ornamenting any park or parks therein. SECT. %. The boards of park commissioners in their respective towns and cities shall have the same author- ity to determine the value of, and assess upon real estate the amount of, betterments accruing to said real estate by the locating and laying out of a park or parks under this act, that is conferred by chapter fifty- one of the Public Statutes upon boards of city or town officers authorized to lay out streets or ways; and Assessments for betterments. relating to ways, shall apply to such assessments by boards of park commissioners in respect to the location and laying out of parks as aforesaid : provided, how- Proviso. SPECIAL STATUTES. Loan." ever, that no assessment shall be laid upon any real estate except such as abuts upon the park from the lay- ing out of which the betterment accrues, or upon a street or way bounded by such park. SECT. 8. Any town or city in which a public park May raise money y subject to law is laid out under this act may raise, appropriate, and limiting munici- expend such sums of money as may be deemed best for the purchase and improvement of such park or parks, subject to the laws of this Commonwealth limiting municipal indebtedness. . SECT. 9. For the purpose of defraying the expenses “Public Park incurred under the provisions of this act, the city coun- cil of any city shall have authority to issue from time to time, and to an amount not exceeding the sum ac- tually expended for the purchase or taking of lands for a park or parks, bonds or certificates of debt, to be denominated on the face thereof the "Public Park Loan,” and to bear interest at such rates and to be pay- able at such times as said city council may determine., For the redemption of such loan, such city council shall establish a sinking fund sufficient, with the accumulat- ing interest, to provide for the payment of such loan at maturity. All amounts received for betterments shall. be paid into such sinking fund until such fund shall amount to a sum sufficient with its accumulations to pay at maturity the bonds for the security of which the fund was established. SECT. 10. All lands taken or held under this act Land to be forever shall be forever kept open and maintained as a public public park. park or parks. No building covering more than six hundred square feet shall be placed or allowed to remain on any such park; and no street or way, and no steam or horse railroad, shall be laid out over any portion of a park located under this act, except at such places and in such manner as the board of park com- missioners shall approve. SECT. 11. No military encampment, parade, drill, Military encamp- review, or other military evolution or exercise shall be permitted without held or performed on any park laid out as aforesaid except with the consent of such board, nor shall any military body without such consent enter or move . in military order within such park, except in case of riot, insurrection, rebellion, or war. SECT. 12. All such boards of park commissioners Annual reports. shall make reports of their respective doings, including: detailed statements of all receipts, expenditures, and Land to be forever maintained as a ment, etc., not consent of board. SPECIAL STATUTES. When to take effect. liabilities for the preceding year ; such reports to be made in towns at the annual town meetings, and at such other times as the town may direct, and in cities to the city council annually in the month of De- cember. SECT. 13, This act shall not take full effect in any town or city unless accepted by a majority of the legal voters of such town or city present and voting thereon by ballot and using the check list, at a meeting or meetings notice whereof has been duly given at least seven days beforehand. Such ballots shall be “yes” or “no” in answer to the question, “Shall an act passed by the legislature of the Commonwealth in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled 'An act authorizing towns and cities to lay out public parks within their limits,' be accepted ?” In a town such meetings shall be called and notified in the manner in which meetings for the election of town officers are called and notified ; and in a city meetings to act thereon shall be held at one time in the usual voting places of the city, on such days as shall be designated by the board of aldermen at any regular meeting, and shall be called and notified by the board of aldermen in the manner in which meetings for the election of mu- nicipal officers are called and notified. The ballots cast shall be assorted, counted, and public declaration made thereof in open town or ward meeting, and the number of ballots respectively cast shall be registered in the town or ward records as the case may be. The clerk of each ward in a city shall, within forty-eight hours of the close of the polls, make return to the board of aldermen of the number of ballots cast in his ward in favor of the acceptance of this act, and of the number cast against its acceptance. The selectmen and town clerk of a town and the board of aldermen of a city in which such meeting or meetings are held shall certify, as soon as may be thereafter, to the secretary of the Commonwealth, the whole number of ballots cast in favor of the acceptance of this act, and the whole num- ber cast against its acceptance; and if it shall appear that a majority of the ballots have been cast in favor of acceptance, the said secretary shall immediately issue and publish his certificate declaring this act to have been duly accepted by such town or city. SECT. 14. No second meeting for the purpose of voting upon the question of accepting this act shall be Second meeting not to be called within SPECIAL STATUTES. from the first. called within twelve months from the first, unless the twelve months first meeting shall have failed through illegality or irregularity in the proceedings. SECT. 15. This act shall take effect upon its passage, Approved, April 13, 1882. Note.-This act was accepted by the city of Springfield at a special election held May 28, 1883. ACTS OF 1883. CHAPTER 25. AN ACT PROVIDING THAT THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SHALL BE EX OFFICIO A MEMBER AND CHAIRMAN OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Section. 1. Mayor to be member and chairman of school committee. ber and chairman Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The mayor of the city of Springfield Mayor to be mem- shall be ex officio a member and chairman of the school of school com- committee of said city. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 3, 1883. mittee. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1883. CHAPTER 130. AN ACT TO RELIEVE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND THE TOWNS OF WEST SPRINGFIELD AND AGAWAM FROM CERTAIN FORFEITURES. Section. 1. Relieved from certain forfeitures. Relieved from forfeitures for not posting Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield, the towns of West Springfield and Agawam, are relieved from all notices on bridges forfeitures that may have been heretofore incurred by over Conn. river. reason of non-compliance with the provisions of section twenty-six of chapter fifty-three of the Public Statutes. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, April 18, 1883.. SPECIAL STATUTES. 63 ACTS OF 1887. CHAPTER 54. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND LICENS- ING OF PLUMBERS IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. TTT Section. 1. City of Springfield may require plumbers to be licensed. | Section. 2. Penalties. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield may by ordinance City of Spring- field may require require the registration and licensing of all persons plumbers to be doing or carrying on the business of plumbing in said licensed. rials, construction, alteration, and inspection of all pipes, tanks, faucets, valves, and other fixtures by and through which water or sewage is used and carried, and provide that no such pipes, tanks, faucets, valves, or other fixtures shall be placed in any building in said city except in accordance with plans which shall be approved by the board of health of said city, or such person or persons as said board of health shall desig- nate. SECT. 2. The said city may impose penalties not Penalties. exceeding fifty dollars for each violation of any of the provisions contained in section one of this act. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 9, 1887. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1888. CHAPTER 136. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section, 1 The board of water commissioners to elect a clerk. The board of water commis- sioners to elect a clerk. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. Section three of chapter thirty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty is hereby amended by striking out at the beginning of said sec- tion the words, “ The city engineer of said city shall be ex officio clerk of said board, and as such,” and insert- ing in lieu thereof the words : Said board of water commissioners shall elect a clerk who,— so that the section as amended shall read as follows: Said board of water commissioners shall elect a clerk who shall keep a true and accurate record of the doings thereof, and who shall be duly sworn to the faithful perform ance of his duties. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 16, 1888. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1890. CHAPTER 74. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN CITIES.* Section, 1. Location of privy vaults in cities regulated. Section. 2. To take effect. vaults in cities Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION. 1. No privy vault shall be established in a Location of privy city which accepts this act, either upon premises situ- regulated. ated on a public or private street, court, or passage way where there is a public sewer opposite thereto, or upon premises connected with a public or private sewer, without permission in writing first obtained from the board of health of such city. And whenever there is in such city a privy vault so situated which, in the opinion of the board of health of such city, is injurious to the public health, said board shall declare the same to be a nuisance, and forbid its continuance, and sec- tions twenty-one to twenty-three, inclusive, of chapter eighty of the Public Statutes shall apply to such nui- sances so declared. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect in any city of To take effect. the Commonwealth when accepted by the city council thereof. Approved, March 6, 1890. * The provisions of this statute are incorporated in R. L., ch. 75, sect. 70. NOTE.—This act was accepted by the city council, Sept. 15, 1890. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1890. CHAPTER 356. AN ACT TO ANNEX A PART OF THE TOWN OF LONGMEADOW TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. 1. Part of the town of Long- meadow annexed to the city of Springfield. 2. Payment of taxes. Section, 3. Election of state and county officers, etc. 4. Settlement of paupers. | 5. Public park. annexed to the city of Spring- field. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- Part of the town · SECTION 1. So much of the town of Longmeadow annexed to the in the county of Hampden as lies between the present boundary line between said town and the city of Springfield in said county, and the following line, to wit: Beginning on said boundary line at a granite boundary line monument located at or near the east- erly side of Warriner's Pecowsic path ; thence running southwesterly in a direct line to a granite boundary line monument on the northerly side of the Stickney road at that point on said road where it turns south after running southeasterly from the main road from said Springfield to Longmeadow street; thence running northwesterly to a granite boundary line monument on the easterly line of said road to Longmeadow street, and at or near the intersection thereof by the northerly side of said Stickney road, and thence, in the same line continued, to the Connecticut river; with all of the inhabitants and estates therein, is hereby set off from said town, and annexed to and made a part of the said city of Springfield, and shall constitute a part of the sixth ward thereof until a new division of the wards of said city is made. taxes. SECT. 2. The inhabitants and estates within the territory above described, and the owners of said estates, shall continue liable to pay to said town all taxes remaining uncollected and legally assessed upon them, and all taxes that may be assessed by said town for the current year; and all of said taxes shall be collected and paid to said town the same as if this act had not been passed. Until the next state valuation, the city of Springfield shall, annually after the current year, on Payment of taxes. 1 SPECIAL STATUTES. 67 or before the month of November, pay to said town the, proportionate part of the state and county tax assessed upon said town which the valuation of the part set off bears to the valuation of the town, according to the valuation made by the assessors of the town in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. SECT. 3. Until a new apportionment of representa- Election of state and county offi- described in the first section hereof shall, for the pur- pose of electing state and county officers, members of the executive council, senators and representatives to the general court, electors of president and vice-presi- dent of the United States and representatives to con- gress, remain and continue to be a part of said town; and the inhabitants resident therein qualified to vote shall be entitled to vote for said officers, and shall be eligible to the office of representative to the general court from the senatorial and representative districts of which said territory now forms a part, and shall vote at the place or places at which the inhabitants of said territory would have voted had this act not been SECT. 4. If any person or persons who have hereto- Settlement of fore gained a legal settlement in said town by reason par of residence in said territory set off as aforesaid, or by having been proprietors of any part thereof, or who may derive such settlement from any such residence or proprietorship, shall come to want and stand in need of relief, aid, and support as paupers, they shall be relieved and supported by said city in the same manner that they would have been by said town, had they gained a legal settlement therein. SECT. 5. The park commissioners of said city shall, Public park. within three years after said city shall have acquired for purposes of a public park, a sufficient title to any part of the Barney estate, so called, lying within said annexed territory, construct within said annexed ter- ritory, for light driving only, a park road not less than twenty feet wide and of such grades as said commis- sioners may deem proper, and running in such courses not unreasonably circuitous for a park road as said commissioners may determine, and extending from Long Hill street near the Linus Dickinson homestead to some convenient point on said Stickney road. Said park road shall not be a public way within the mean- ing of the statutes of this Commonwealth relating to SPECIAL STATUTES. public ways, but shall be governed by the public park laws thereof, and shall be maintained by said commis- sioners in such manner as they may determine to be consistent with the improvement and maintenance of said territory for park purposes. The inhabitants of said town may, under the rules of said commissioners, use said road with the same rights that the citizens of said Springfield shall have to use the same, but said road shall not at any time be closed for said light driv- ing by gates or bars, or by any rule or regulation of said park commissioners, except as shall be necessary for the ordinary repair thereof. SECT. 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, June 2, 1890. ACTS OF 1893. CHAPTER 97. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAIN- TENANCE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. 1. City council to have power to prescribe manner of conducting fire department. May delegate powers to a board. City council to prescribe mauner of conducting fire department. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The powers and duties conferred by the provisions of chapter one hundred and seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, upon the city council of the city of Springfield and the mayor and aldermen thereof, in relation to the estab- lishment and maintenance of a fire department, may be exercised and carried into effect by said city council in such manner as it may from time to time prescribe, and wholly or in part through the agency of any per- erd. sons acting as a board whom it may from time to time designate, and with such limitation of power as said city council may by ordinance direct. Such persons shall serve without compensation. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 17, 1893. May delegate powers to a board. SPECIAL STATUTES. 69 ACTS OF 1893. CHAPTER 301. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A RIVER LINE ALONG THE BANK OF THE CONNECTICUT RIVER AT SPRINGFIELD. Section. 1. River line established. Section. 2. No structure or filling to be done without license. established, Be it enacted, etc., as follows : SECTION 1. No wharf, pier, wall, filling or other River line structure or work shall ever hereafter be built or ex- tended in the Connecticut river at Springfield beyond the river line herein described, except that the city of Springfield may, upon license from the board of harbor and land commissioners, extend sewer outfalls beyond said line. Said river line is hereby established as fol- lows :-Beginning at a point marked A, in the bound- ary line between the cities of Chicopee and Springfield and one hundred and eighty feet southwesterly from the stone monument in said line on the easterly line of Plainfield street; thence running southerly on the arc of a circle with a radius of thirty-two hundred feet, following the general trend of the shore of the river, to the northerly line of a private street called Rowland avenue extended to a point marked B, twelve hundred and forty-six feet southwesterly from the intersection of the northerly line of Rowland avenue and the west- erly line of Plainfield street; thence running south- easterly by a straight line tangent at the point B, to the carved line A-B, seven hundred and eighty-four feet, to a point marked C; thence running southeast- erly on an arc of a circle, curving easterly, with a radius of fourteen hundred feet tangent at the point C, to the line BC, five hundred and eighty-seven feet, to a point marked D; thence running southeasterly by a straight line about sixteen hundred and fifty-eight feet, to the southerly line of Lowell street extended to a point marked E, fourteen hundred and eighty-two feet southwesterly from the intersection of the southerly line of Lowell street and the westerly line of Plainfield street; thence running southeasterly by a straight line SPECIAL STATUTES: about nine hundred and five feet, to the northerly line of West street extended to a point marked F, twelve hundred and fifty-six feet southwesterly from the in- tersection of the northwesterly line of West street and the westerly line of Plainfield street; thence running southeasterly on the arc of a circle, curving easterly, with a radius of fifty-two hundred and sixty-five feet tangent at F, with the line F-E, nineteen hundred and seventy-six feet, to a point marked G; thence running southeasterly by a straight line about twenty-three hundred and eighteen feet to the northwesterly side line of Cypress street extended at a point marked H, four hundred and five feet southwesterly from the in- tersection of the northeasterly line of Fulton street and the northwesterly line of Cypress street; thence running southeasterly about five hundred and seventy feet, to a point marked I, at the southerly corner of the abutment at the Springfield end of the Boston and Albany Railroad Company's bridge over the Connecti- cut river; thence continuing southeasterly, a little more southerly, parallel with the face of the river wall of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, three hundred and forty feet, to a point marked J; thence continuing southeasterly, a little more easterly, about seven hundred feet, to the south- erly line of Bridge street extended at a point marked K, two hundred and fifty-eight feet southwesterly from the intersection of the southerly line of Bridge street and the southwesterly line of Water street; thence continuing southeasterly, a little more southerly, about twelve hundred and thirty feet, to the northwesterly line of Elm street extended at a point marked L, three hundred and sixty-five feet southeasterly from the in- tersection of the northwesterly line of Elm street and the southwesterly line of Water street; thence con- tinuing southeasterly, still more southerly, about nine- teen hundred feet, to the southeasterly line of Banks avenue extended at a point marked M, six hundred and eighty feet southwesterly from the intersection of the southeasterly line of Banks avenue and the south- westerly line of Water street; thence continuing southeasterly, still more southerly, parallel with the main line tracks of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, to a point marked N, one thousand feet northerly from the southerly side line of the South End bridge over the Connecticut river at its intersec- SPECIAL STATUTES. tion with the abutment at the Springfield end of the bridge; thence continuing southeasterly about one thousand and three feet, to a point in the southerly side line of said bridge marked 0, thirty feet south- westerly from the face of said abutment and two hun- dred and thirty-eight and nine-tenths feet southwester- ly from the intersection of the prolongation of said southerly side line of said South End bridge with the easterly side line of South street; thence running southerly on the arc of a circle with a radius of twenty- four hundred feet, curving westerly, for a distance of marked P; thence running southwesterly five hundred feet, by a straight line tangent at P, with the line 0-P, to a point marked Q; thence running southwesterly eight hundred and ninety-two feet, on an arc of a circle, curving southerly, with a radius of sixteen hun- dred feet tangent at Q, to the line P-Q, to a point marked R; thence running southwesterly about three hundred and eighty feet in a straight line tangent at R, to the line Q-R, to the boundary line between the city of Springfield and the town of Longmeadow at a point marked S, fifteen feet northwesterly from the stone monument in said boundary line between the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad and the bank of the Connecticut river. SECT. 2. No structure or filling shall be done in- No structure or side of said river line and beyond the present bank of without license. the said river without authority or license therefor first duly obtained under and subject to the provisions of chapter three hundred and forty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five and chapter nineteen of the Public Statutes. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its pas- sage. Approved, May 3, 1893. : filling to be done SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1900. CHAPTER 236. AN ACT TO ABATE THE SMOKE NUISANCE IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Certain emissions of smoke de- | 3. Officer designated by mayor clared a nuisance. to enforce law. 2. Penalty. 4. Operation of certain furnaces may be enjoined. 1 5. When to take effect. of smoke declared .. a nuisance. Penalty. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- Certain emissions SECTION 1. In the city of Springfield the emission into the open air of dark smoke or dense gray smoke for more than two minutes continuously, or the emis- sion of such smoke during twelve per cent of any con- tinuous period of twelve hours, is hereby declared a nuisance. SECT. 2. Whoever commits such nuisance or suffers the same to be committed on any premises owned or occupied by him, or in any way participates in com- mitting the same, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars for each week during any part of which such nuisance exists. Officer designated SECT. 3. The mayor of the city shall designate some to enforce law. proper person among the officers of the city, who shall be charged with the enforcement of this law. Such designation shall be made in January of each year, but shall be subject to change at any time. Operation of cer- SECT. 4. The officer so designated may apply to the may be enjoined."' supreme judicial or superior court or to any justice thereof for an injunction to restrain the further opera- tion of any furnace, steam boiler or boilers which are being operated in such a manner as to create a nui- sance as herein defined ; and said court or justice may after hearing the parties enjoin the further operation of any such furnace, boiler or boilers. When to take SECT. 5. This act shall take effect on the first day of effect. September in the year nineteen hundred. Approved, April 13, 1900, Operation of cer- tain furnaces, etc., SPECIAL STATUTES. 73 i ACTS OF 1900. CHAPTER 276. AN ACT RELATIVE TO WIRES AND ELECTRICAL APPLI- ANCES IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (AS AMENDED BY ACTS OF 1901, CHAPTER 181.) Section. Section. 1. Removal of poles and wires | 4. Not to apply to long distance from the streets of the city. telephone wires, light wires, 2. Wires to be removed within a etc. Not to revoke certain certain district, or be placed rights already granted. Long underground. Manner of re- distance telephone wires de- moval. fined. 3. Not to place certain structures | 5. Board of appeal. in prescribed district, except, | 6. Enforcement of provisions. etc. from the streets. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : - SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Spring- Removal of wires field may by ordinance designate some officer or offi- cers of the city, who shall have exclusive authority to cause to be removed from the streets of the city within the district hereinafter prescribed, all telegraph, tele- phone, electric light, electric motor and power, street railway power and feed, and all other wires, cables or conductors, in or above said streets, and all poles and structures in said streets used for the support of the same, except such structures, poles, wires, cables and conductors as are hereinafter excepted, and to cause all such wires, cables, and conductors to be placed, main- tained and operated in underground conduits. SECT. 2. The provisions of this act shall apply to Wires to be that district of the city of Springfield which is bounded certain di by a circumference whose center is Court square and whose radius is two miles in length from said center. And said officer or officers, within thirty days after appointment, and in each January thereafter until the work in the said district is completed, shall prescribe, giving public notice thereof in at least two daily news- papers in said city, by advertising therein twice a week for two weeks in succession, a part of said district, consisting of not less than three nor more than five miles of streets, within which part all such wires, cables and conductors, except such as are hereinafter moval. removed within Manner of re- SPECIAL STATUTES. excepted, shall, during that calendar year, be removed or placed underground; and said officer or officers shall cause the owners or users of such wires, cables and conductors, to remove or place them underground, and also to remove any poles or structures used in the streets to support such wires, cables or conductors, except when, in the judgment of said officer or officers, it is impracticable or inexpedient to remove such wires, cables, poles, conductors or structures ; it being : the purpose and intent of this act ultimately to cause the removal from public streets, avenues and highways in said district of all wires, cables and conductors, except such as are hereinafter excepted. Not to place cer- SECT. 3. After a part of said district has been pre- prescribed dis- scribed as aforesaid no person, firm or corporation trict, except, etc. shall nigne shall place any poles or other structures for the support of any wires, cables or conductors, except those herein specially excepted, in any street thereof, except tem- porarily, with the consent of said officer or officers, in the case of an emergency; and if after the expiration of that calendar year there shall remain in any such street any poles, structures, wires, cables or conductors which said officer or officers shall have ordered to be removed or placed underground, the said officers shall cause the same to be removed ; and the city may col- lect from the owners or users, by an action at law, any expense involved in such removal. Not to apply to SECT. 4. This act shall not apply to long distance. telephone wires, telephone wires, or to posts for the support of lamps exclusively, or to poles used exclusively for local dis- tribution from underground wires, cables or conduct- ors, or to street railway trolley, guard or span wires, to poles or structures used exclusively for the support thereof, or to poles and wires used for lighting the pub- lic'streets and public buildings of the city of Springfield under existing contracts with said city, during the continuance of said contracts ; nor shall it revoke any rights already granted to any person, firm, or corpora- tion to place or maintain any conduits, pipes, wires, cables or conductors underground ; but any such con- duits, pipes, wires, cables or conductors laid hereafter in pursuance of any such grant shall be laid subject to the provisions of this act, so far as they are not incon- sistent with the terms of such grant. For the purposes. of this act no wire shall be deemed a long distance telephone wire which is not connected with some įėn- long distance etc. Not to revoke rights already granted, etc. SPECIAL STATUTES. tral telephone office in the city, and which does not extend twenty-five miles at least in a direct line from the central office. SECT. 5. The mayor and aldermen of the city shall Board of appeal. constitute a board of appeal, to which 'petitions in writing may be presented by any person, firm or cor- poration aggrieved b'y any act' or decision of said'offi'- cer or officers, done or made in pursuance of this act. Such petition shall set forth the specific grievance or grievances relied upon, and shall be filed with the mayor of the city within ten days from the act or decision complained of; and said board after notice given as prescribed in section two of this act shall give a hearing thereon, and may either approve, annul or overrule such act or decision. SECT. 6. The supreme judicial or superior court, or Enforcement of vē aid we're provisions. any justice thereof, shall, on petition of said officer or officers, have jurisdiction in equity to enforce the pro- visions of this act or any order of said officer or officers issued thereunder, and to compel compliance there- with. SECT. %. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, May 2, 1900. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1901. CHAPTER 95. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF SPRINGFIELD TO HOLD ADDITIONAL REAL AND PER- SONAL ESTATE. Section 1. May hold additional real and personal estate. personal estate not exceeding $ 600,000. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- May hold real and SECTION 1. The City Library Association of Spring- field is hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate for the purposes named in its act of incorpora- tion, chapter one hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to an amount not exceeding six hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of books in its library and collections of natural history and works of art in its museum.* SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 5, 1901. * Increased to $1,500,000, Acts of 1902, ch. 155. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1902. CHAPTER 134. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section 1. City council may control and regulate police department. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : - SECTION 1. The powers and duties conferred and cit City council to imposed by chapter ninety-four of the acts of the year control and regu... eighteen hundred and fifty-two upon the mayor and ment. establishment and maintenance of a police depart- ment, the appointment of a constable, or a city mar- shal and assistants, and all other police officers, may be exercised and performed by the city council, in such manner as it may from time to time prescribe, and wholly or in part through the agency of any persons May act by board. acting as a board whom it may from time to time des- ignate, and with such limitations of power as it may by ordinance determine. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, February 27, 1902. SPECIAL STATUTES. ACTS OF 1902. CHAPTER 155. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF SPRINGFIELD TO HOLD ADDITIONAL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Section. Section. 1. Amendment of Acts of 1901, | 2. Amendment of Acts of 1864, chapter 95, section 1. May chapter 142, section 4. City hold additional real and per- may aid association while sonal estate. citizens have free access to library, etc. ter 95, section 1, amended. May hold addi- tional real and personal estate. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- Acts of 1901, chap- SECTION 1. Section one of chapter ninety-five of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and one is hereby amended by striking out the words “six hun- dred,” in the sixth line, and inserting in place thereof the words :-one million five hundred,—so as to read as follows :-Section 1. The City Library Association of Springfield is hereby authorized to hold real and per- sonal estate for the purposes named in its act of incor- poration, chapter one hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to an amount not exceeding one million five hundred thou- sand dollars, exclusive of books in its library and col- lections of natural history and works of art in its museum. Acts of 1864, chap- SECT. 2. Section four of said chapter one hundred and forty-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as amended by subsequent acts, is hereby amended so as to read as follos :--Section 4. So long as said corporation shall allow the inhabitants of the city of Springfield free access to its library and museums at reasonable hours, and shall further allow said inhabitants the free use of its books on its premises and for home reading, under such reasonable regula- tions and restrictions as may be imposed by the directors of said corporation, said city may appropriate and pay annually toward defraying the expenses of carrying on the work of said corporation, as authorized by its charter, such sums as the city may judge proper. Approved, March 12, 1902. ter 142, section 4, amended. City may aid while citizens have free access. NOTE.—At an election held Dec. 6, 1898, the city accepted the provisions of Chap. 267 of the Acts of 1898, providing for the pensioning of disabled firemen; and at an election held Dec. 4, 1900, accepted the provisions of Chap. 246 of the Acts of 1900, providing for the pensioning of firemen in certain cases; the pro- 'visions of these statutes are now incorporated in R. L., ch. 32, sects. 81 and 82. At an election held Dec. 5, 1899, the city accepted the provisions of Chap. 344 of the Acts of 1899, making eight hours a day's work for certain employees of the city; this act is now incorporated in R. L., ch. 106, sect. 20. At an election held Dec. 3, 1901, the city accepted the pro- visions of Chap. 332 of the Acts of 1901, providing that the term of office of the city clerk shall be three years; this act is now incorpo- rated in R. L., ch. 26, sect. 15. REVISED ORDINANCES, 1904. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FOUR. AN ORDINANCE CONSOLIDATING AND REVISING THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Spring- field, as follows :- CHAPTER 1. THE CITY SEAL, Section. Section, 1. Device and inscription of city | 2. Custody of seal. seal. SECTION 1. The design hereto annexed, as executed Device and inscription of city by Richard Paine, shall be the device of the city seal, seal. the inscription being as follows, to wit: “Springfield, organized a town May 14, 163, 0. S., a city May 25, 1852.” RINGFIA All O : - V 3.1852. WANZADA MAY 25.3 LIV LT A ICITY M TATOWN + 14. 1686. OS. SECT. 2. The city clerk shall be the custodian of the Custody of seal. city seal. 82 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 2. WARDS. Division into eight wards. Section. | Section. 1. City divided into eight wards. 1 2. Members of common council Boundaries of wards defined. I apportioned among wards. SECTION 1. The city of Springfield is hereby divided into eight wards, described as follows, viz. : Ward 1 bounded. Ward No. One. Beginning at a point on the Con- necticut river on the line dividing the city of Chicopee from the city of Springfield, thence running easterly by said dividing line to the center of Newbury street, thence through the center of said Newbury street to the center of Liberty street, thence through the center of Liberty street to the center of Armory street, thence southerly through the center of said Armory street to the center line of the Boston and Albany railroad main tracks, thence westerly by the center line of said tracks to a point in the center line of Cass street extended, thence northerly to and along the center line of Cass street to Everett street, thence westerly through the center of Everett street to Chestnut street, thence northerly through the center of Chestnut street to Bond street, thence westerly through the center of Bond street to Main street, thence southerly through the center of Main street to Seventh street, thence west- erly by the center line of Seventh street and by the said center line extended to the Connecticut river, thence northerly by said river to the point of beginning. Ward No. Two. Beginning at the Connecticut river at a point in the center line of Seventh street extended and running easterly to and through the center of Sev- enth street to the center of Main street, thence north- erly through the center of Main street to Bond street, thence through the center of Bond street to Chestnut street, thence southerly through the center of Chest- nut street to Everett street, thence easterly through the center of Everett street to Cass street, thence southerly by the center line of Cass street and by said center line of Cass street extended to the center line of the main tracks of the Boston and Albany rail- no Ward 2 bounded. WARDS. 83 road, thence westerly by said center line to the Con- necticut river, thence northerly by said river to the point of beginning. Ward No. Three. Beginning at a point on the Con- Ward 3 bounded. necticut river in the southerly boundary line of Ward Two as above described, thence running easterly by the center line of the Boston and Albany. railroad main tracks to the center of Chestnut street, thence southerly by the center line of Chestnut street to and across State street to the center line of Maple street, thence south- erly by the center line of Maple street to the center line of Union street, thence westerly by the center line of Union street to the Connecticut river, thence north- erly by said river to the point of beginning. Ward No. Four. Beginning at a point in the center Ward 4 bounded. line of Chestnut street and the center line of the Bos- ton and Albany railroad main tracks, thence running easterly by the center line of said main tracks to the center of Armory street, thence southerly through the center of Armory street to the center of Summer street, thence westerly through the center of Summer street to the center of Federal street, thence southerly through the center of Federal street to and across State street to the center line of Walnut street, thence southerly through the center of Walnut street to the center of King street, thence easterly through the center of King street to the center of Hancock street, thence southerly through the center of Hancock street to the center of Ashley street, thence westerly through the center of Ashley street to the center of Cedar street, thence westerly through the center of Cedar street to the junction of the center of Cedar and Pine streets, thence southerly through the center of Pine street to the center of Maple street, thence northerly through the center of Maple street across State street to the center of Chestnut street, thence northerly by the center line of Chestnut street to the point of beginning. Ward No. Five. Beginning at a point in the center Ward 5 bounded. of the Boston and Albany railroad main tracks and the center of Armory street, thence running easterly by the center line of said main tracks to a point in the center line of Harvard street extended, thence south- erly along the line last mentioned to and through the center line of Harvard street to Yale street, thence through the center of Yale street to the center of Dart- mouth street, thence southerly by the center line of 84 REVISED ORDINANCES. U VUN- Catherine street to the center line of State street, thence easterly by the center line of State street to a point op- posite the center line of Eastern avenue, thence south- erly by the center line of Eastern avenue to the center line of King street, thence westerly by the center line of King street to the center of Walnut street, thence northerly by the center line of Walnut street to and across State street to the center line of Federal street, thence by the center line of Federal street to the center line of Summer street, thence easterly by the center line of Summer street to the center line of Armory street, thence northerly by the center line of Armory street to the place of beginning. Ward 6 bounded. Ward No. Six. Beginning at a point on the Con- necticut river in the center line of Union street ex- tended, thence running easterly by said center line through Union street to the center of Maple street, thence southerly by the center line of Maple street to the center line of Pine street, thence by the center line of Pine and Mill streets to the center of Main street, thence southerly by the center line of Main and South streets to the center line of the South End bridge ex- tended, thence westerly along the line last mentioned to the Connecticut river, thence northerly by the Con- necticut river to the point of beginning. Ward No. Seven. Beginning at the Connecticut river at said South End bridge, thence running easterly in the line of said bridge to the center of South street, thence northerly by the center line of South street and Main street to the center of Mill street, thence by the center line of Mill and Pine streets to a point at the junction of the center of Pine and Cedar streets, thence easterly by the center line of Cedar and Ashley streets to the center of Hancock street, thence northerly by the center line of Hancock street to the center of King street, thence easterly by the center line of King street to the center line of the main tracks of the Highland Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, thence southerly by the last named center line to the southerly boundary line of the city of Springfield, thence westerly along said boundary line to the Con- necticut river, thence northerly by said river to the point of beginning. Ward No. Eight. This ward is described as contain- ing all that part of the city lying easterly of the other wards. Ward 7 bounded. Ward 8 described. WARDS. 85 mon council among wards. SECT. 2. The members of the common council of Members of com- the city of Springfield are hereby apportioned among apportioned the several wards of the city as follows: To each ward, one member. To Wards One, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven, each one member in addition to the one first named. To Wards Two and Eight, each two members in addition to the one first named. 86 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 3. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. Section, Section. 1. No claim to be paid unless ap- appropriations, etc. Audi- proved by auditor. tor to notify mayor and coun- 2. No account or claim to be re- cil when appropriations are ceived or acted upon by exhausted. auditor unless certified by 4. Bills to be certified, approved, proper authority. and forwarded to auditor. 3. No money to be drawn from 5. Mayor, etc., may draw in pay- treasury without order of ment of ascertained sums, mayor. Mayor, etc., may fixed salaries, etc., not to draw in payment of accounts exceed appropriations. and claims allowed and cer- | 6. Approval required for payment tified by auditor; but within of employees of the city. No claim to be paid unless approved by auditor. No account or claim to be upon by auditor unless certified by No money to be drawn from the SECTION 1. No claim shall be paid by the treasurer unless it shall have been approved by the auditor of accounts as required by ordinance, except as herein- after provided. SECT. 2. No account or claim against the city shall received or acted be acted upon by the auditor of accounts unless such by account or claim shall be accompanied by a certificate proper authority. of the mayor, or of some officer, committee, or agent authorized on behalf of the city to make the contract or cause the expenditure, that the same is correct. SECT. 3. No money shall be drawn out of the city treasury without treasury without the written order of the mayor. The order of mayor. mayor, and in case of his absence or inability the act- Mayor, etc., may ing mayor, is hereby authorized to draw orders on the treasurer for the payment of all accounts and claims and certified by allowed and certified by the auditor of accounts, as auditor; but with- in appropriations, provided in the preceding section; but he shall not etc. draw any order for services rendered or materials fur- nished by any department beyond the sum appropri- ated by the city council for the expenses of that de- partment, together with the amount of the receipts of Auditor to notify such department then to the credit thereof. When- ančil ever any appropriation made by the city council for when appropria- any department of the city, together with the amount of receipts of such department, has been expended, it shall be the duty of the city auditor to notify the mayor and the city council of the fact in writing, and draw in payment of accounts and claims allowed mayor and council tions are exhausted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. Bills to be certi- fied, approved and auditor, draw in payment sums, fixed sala- thereafter no further expenditure shall be made in such department until the city council shall have pro- vided means therefor. SECT. 4. Heads of departments shall certify to the Bills to be certi- correctness of all bills incurred by them, and after ap- forwarded to proval thereof by the committee or board authorized“ to approve their department expenditures shall forward the same without delay to the auditor of accounts, on or before the fourth day of each month. SECT. 5. The mayor, and in case of his absence or Mayor, etc., may inability the acting mayor, is authorized to draw his of ascertained orders upon the city treasurer for the payment of any ries etc., not to certain and ascertained sums due from the city, pur- tions. suant to any ordinance or vote of the city council; and for the payment to city officers of salaries or compen- sation for services, in all cases in which the amount of such, salaries or such compensation is fixed by ordi- nance or vote of the city council; and for the payment of the stipulated compensation to the teachers of the public schools, upon a certificate authorized by the school committee, of the sums due from time to time to the teachers respectively, pursuant to the contracts under which they are severally employed; and for the payment of any sum, either as principal or interest, due on any note, bond, or other like written obligation exceed appropria the city, the amount of which has been determined by a lawful judgment of a judicial court. But no such order shall be drawn exceeding the appropriations which have been made by the city council for said several purposes. SECT. 6. The treasurer is authorized and directed, Approval required with the written approval of the mayor and city audi- employees of the city. tor, to pay weekly employees of the city as follows: under the supervision of the superintendent of streets, on the approval of the superintendent of streets. In the forestry department on the approval of the city forester. In the park department on the approval of the chairman of the park commission and the superin- tendent of parks. In the scavenger and ash departments on the ap- proval of the agent of the board of health. The permanent men of the fire department on the approval of either the chief or deputy chief engineer. 90 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 5.. SALARIES. Section. Section. 1. Compensation of certain city 7. Members of fire department; officers. penalty, vacation, salary of 2. Compensation of water com- assistart acting as chief, dis- missioners. ability, period of duty claims 3. Compensation of the overseers for pay, forfeiture. of the poor, and of the agent Appointment of extra call of the board. men. 4. Compensation of city engineer | 8. Salaries paid monthly unless and of assistant engineers. otherwise provided. 5. Compensation of members of 9. City council may fix salaries the police department. not otherwise provided for. 6. Compensation of members of the fire department. Mayor. Clerk, SECTION 1. The annual compensation of the city officers and employees is hereby established as follows :- The mayor, three thousand dollars, which sum shall not be increased or diminished during the year for which he is chosen : City clerk, twenty-four hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for the performance of all the duties of his said office, except such duties as he may perform as clerk or member of the board of registrars of voters, the compensation for which shall be the same as has already been or may hereafter be fixed by the city council for the other members of the said board : City treasurer, two thousand five hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for the performance of all duties of said office, including the duties of treasurer of the sinking funds : Auditor. City auditor, one thousand six hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for all services performed by him as such auditor : Collector of taxes, twenty-two hundred dollars: Clerk of common Clerk of the common council, three hundred dollars: City messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars payable weekly : Superintendent of Superintendent of streets and sewers, twenty-three hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for all serv- ices rendered by him as such superintendent: Treasurer. Collector. council. Messenger. e streets and sewers; and SALARIES. sors. First assistant superintendent of streets, twelve assistants. hundred dollars: Second assistant superintendent of streets, twelve hundred dollars: Board of assessors, forty-two hundred dollars per Assessors. year in full for all services, to be divided as follows : Chairman sixteen hundred dollars ; each of the other two members of the board thirteen hundred dollars. This compensation of the assessors shall include that provided for assessors by the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth or any amendments thereof. Assistant assessors, the following compensation, to Assistant asses- wit : For services rendered in their first and second years of service, three dollars per day; for services rendered in their third and fourth years of service, three dollars and fifty cents per day ; for services rendered in their fifth year of service or thereafter, four dollars per day: City forester, twelve hundred dollars, which sum City forester. shall be in full for all services rendered by him to the city: City physician, one thousand dollars in full for all City physician. services rendered by him as such physician: That member of the board of health who serves as Health physician. health physician and clerk of the board, one thousand dollars in full for all services rendered by him as a member of said board: Agent of the board of health, twelve hundred dol- Agent of the board lars: Inspector of buildings, one thousand dollars: Building in- Inspector of milk and vinegar, nine hundred dol- Milk, etc., in- spector. lars, which sum shall be in full for all services rendered by him. Said inspector shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office. Inspector of meats, provisions and animals, three Meats, etc., in- hundred dollars: Schoolhouse agent, fifteen hundred dollars, which Schoolhouse shall be in full for all his services, and for the use of a horse and wagon if such shall be necessary, to be furnished and kept by said agent: Members of the board of public works shall each Board of public receive three dollars per day for each day's services. Election officers shall receive such compensation Election officers. for their services as the city council may from time to time by order determine. The officer designated under the provisions of Inspector of wires. Agent of the board spector. spector. agent. works. REVISED ORDINANCES. Water com- missioners. Overseers of the poor. Agent of the board. neers. chapter two hundred and seventy-six of the Acts of the General Court of Massachusetts in the year nine- teen hundred shall receive compensation of one hun- dred dollars per annum. SECT. 2. The members of the board of water com- missioners shall serve without compensation, except that the chairman of said board shall receive a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. SECT. 3. The board of overseers of the poor shall serve without compensation. Said board shall be allowed a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars for the services of an agent or clerk, including the use of a horse and wagon, to be furnished and kept by said agent or clerk ; said compensation to be in full for all services which he shall perform for the city. City engineer. SECT. 4. The annual compensation of the city engineer is hereby established at twenty-three hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for all services per- formed by him for the city as such engineer. Assistant engi The compensation of one assistant engineer, who shall be known and designated as the first assistant engineer, shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, payable in monthly instalments, and said first assistant engineer shall give his entire services to the city. The compensation of other assistant engineers shall be fixed as provided by section five of chapter sixteen of the ordinances. Police depart SECT. 5. Annual compensation of the members of the police department shall be as follows : City marshal. City marshal, eighteen hundred dollars, which sum shall be in full for his services, and the use of a horse and carriage, if such shall be necessary, to be furnished and kept by said marshal : Assistant marshal. Assistant marshal, thirteen hundred dollars: Captain. Captain of the watch, eleven hundred and seventy- five dollars: Lieutenant, eleven hundred dollars: Inspectors. Inspectors, eleven hundred dollars each: Sergeants. Sergeants, ten hundred and fifty dollars each: Police matron. Police matron, five hundred dollars: Watchmen. Night and day watchmen as follows, to wit: each who is or may be serving his first year of service, or the first year of service after an interval of non-service, eight hundred dollars ; each who is or may be serving his second year of continuous service, eight hundred and fifty dollars ; each who is or may be serving his ment. Lieutenant. SALARIES. 93 policemen. policemen. engineer. engineers. third or any subsequent year of continuous service, one thousand dollars. The police commission may also in its discretion reimburse any police officer for damages to his clothing received while on duty. Members of the reserve police force, each the sum Reserve of two dollars and nineteen cents a day when actually employed: Special policemen, one dollar and seventy-five cents Special per day for day service, and two dollars per night for night service: The assistant marshal, captain of the watch, and Absence from duty with pay. night and day watchmen shall each be entitled to an absence from duty of fourteen days during each year of their service, with full pay, such absence to be with the approval of the marshal. SECT. 6. Compensation of members of the fire Fire department. department shall be as follows: Chief engineer, eighteen hundred dollars per annum, Chief engineer. payable weekly: Deputy chief engineer, fourteen hundred dollars per Deputy chief annum, payable weekly: First assistant call engineer, at the discretion of the Assistant call board of commissioners of the fire department, an amount not less than two hundred and fifty, nor ex- ceeding three hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly; other assistant call engineers each two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly: Superintendent of fire alarm and ex officio assistant Superintendent of engineer eleven hundred and fifty dollars per annum, in full payment of services as said superintendent and assistant engineer, payable weekly ; also the additional sum of three hundred dollars per annum for the care and supervision of the rooms, apparatus, machinery and fixtures of the police signal telegraph system, to be charged to the account of the police commission: Captains permanently employed, not exceeding two Captains. dollars and eighty cents per day, payable weekly, the amount allowed each captain to be determined by the board of commissioners of the fire department: Call captains, twenty-five dollars per annum in Call captains. addition to their pay as call men of the department, payable quarterly: Each lieutenant permanently employed, the sum of Lieutenants. fifteen cents per day in addition to his pay as a per- manent man: fire alarm. 94 REVISED ORDINANCES. linemen, ladder- hydrantmen. Call members. Engineers. Engineers of steam engines, two dollars and fifty cents per day for the first five years' continuous serv- ice; after five years' continuous service, two dollars and seventy-five cents per day, payable weekly: Privers, tillermen, Drivers, tillermen, linemen, laddermen, engine- men, enginemen, men of chemical engines and hydrantmen, perma- nently employed, each who is or may be serving his first year of service, two dollars per day ; each who is or may be serving his second year of service, two dollars and ten cents per day; each who is or may be serving his third or any subsequent year of service, two dollars and fifty cents per day: Call members of the fire department except those of Hose Company No. 5 Combination located at Indian Orchard, one hundred dollars per annum for the first year of service, and one hundred and seventy-five dollars per annum thereafter, payable quarterly, ex- cept that the board of commissioners of the fire department may in case of a reappointment and for previous good service establish the pay of a newly appointed member as of the second year of a call member: Running Running members, except those of Hose Company No. 5 Combination as aforesaid, sixty dollars per annum, payable quarterly: Call men of Call men of Hose Company No. 5 Combination eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents per annum, and running members thirty dollars per annum, payable quarterly. SECT. 14. Members of the fire department absent from fires, unless previously excused by the captain of the company, or upon excuse deemed sufficient by the board of engineers, shall pay a penalty sum of one dollar for each absence, the same to be deducted from their quarterly pay roll. The commissioners of the fire department may, if they deem it expedient, grant a vacation of not exceeding two weeks each year to the members of the fire department without loss of pay. Drivers, hydrantmen, tillermen, laddermen, enginemen and captains permanently employed shall be allowed a vacation of three days in each month without loss of pay, provided that men on such three days vacation shall answer all general alarms of fire during such three days. Salary of assistant In case of the absence from the city of the chief en- gineer, or deputy chief engineer, except upon leave, members. Hose 5. Penalty for absence. Vacation. 2- acting as chief. SALARIES. 95 - Pay while under or of his or their disability from any cause to perform his or their duties, the portion of salary due for the period of such absence or disability shall be paid to such assistant engineer as shall perform said duties ; provided, however, that if it shall appear, to the satis- faction of the commissioners of the fire department, that such disability arises from injuries incurred or disease contracted, in the discharge of duty as such engineer, the said commissioners of the fire depart- ment may order payment of the compensation that would otherwise be forfeited, or such part thereof as they may deem proper, for the whole or part of the period during which such disability shall continue or may have continued, without prejudice, however, to the right of the assistant in charge to the compensa- tion therefor above provided. Any member of the fire department in active serv- ice, except a chief engineer and deputy chief en- disal gineer, injured while doing fire duty, if the injury renders him unable to attend to his regular duties or business, shall receive his full pay from the city during his disability, not to exceed twelve weeks in all for each disability. Members of the department shall be considered period of duty doing fire duty when answering a call from an alarm bell or still alarm of fire, when working at a fire, when returning from answering a fire alarm, when engaged in collecting hose or other fire apparatus left at the place of a fire by any member of the department after orders to “limber up” or when attending the annual inspection of said department; and it shall be con- sidered that the period of such duty in case of fire or an alarm of fire, commences the moment an alarm from the fire alarm telegraph or) the moment a still alarm is given, at any company headquarters, when such an alarm has been reported. In case of in- spections and parade, the period of duty shall be considered to commence with the moment of such member taking his place in the company ranks and shall end at the completion of the roll call before dis- missal of his company or at the moment of dismissal of the department in any legal manner. No claim for pay shall be considered unless made to Claims for pay. the chief of the department within three days from date of injury claimed to be the cause of disability, and all such claims shall be submitted to the board of defined. 96 REVISED ORDINANCES. compensation, commissioners and the chief of the fire department for their approval. Forfeiture of Every officer or member (except those permanently employed) who shall not serve the whole period between pay days, as established by the city council, except in case of sickness or death, or removal from the city, or temporary absence on leave, or who shall be removed from the department, or deposed from his office, for cause, shall forfeit any and all compensation that would otherwise be due him at the time when his services ceased or such removal or deposing took place. The board of commissioners of the fire department may be appointed. may, if they deem it expedient, appoint extra call men for fire service, whose compensation shall not exceed thirty cents per hour for actual service rendered in ex- tinguishing fires or in drill practice. Salaries payable SECT. 8. The salaries mentioned in this chapter shall become due and payable in monthly instalments unless otherwise specified herein, or otherwise pro- vided by law. SECT. 9, All salaries not otherwise provided for in fix salaries not this chapter, shall be such as the city council may de- termine from time to time by concurrent vote. Extra call men . monthly unless otherwise provided. City council may otherwise provided for. CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY AND THE HIRING OF LABOR. CHAPTER 6. CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY AND THE HIRING OF LABOR. interest in con- Section. Section. 1. No member of city council, ing and not to be altered member of board or com- unless, etc. mission, or otficers of city 3. Certain contracts to be accom- shall have private interest in panied by suitable bonds. No contract without express au- proposal shall be accepted, thority. R. L., chapter 210, when. Custody of written 89. contracts. 2. Certain contracts to be in writ- | 4. Preference to be given to labor- ers who are residents. SECTION 1. No member of the city council, no mem- No member of city council ber of any board or commission, and no officer chosen member of 'board, commission, or'appointed by the city council, or by either branch or officers of city shall have private thereof, shall be interested in a private capacity, di- interest in con- rectly or indirectly, in any contract or agreement for express authority. labor, or for any materials, goods, wares, or merchan- R.L., Chapter 210, section 9. dise furnished to the city wherein the city is a party interested, unless the same be expressly authorized to be made and entered into with such a person by some ordinance or order of the city council. SECT. 2. In all cases where the amount of any con- Certain contracts to be in writing tract shall exceed one thousand dollars, the contract and not to be al- shall be in writing and shall be signed by the mayor and a majority of the committee or commission in charge of the work on the part of the city, and, after being signed by the parties, no such contract shall be ment for tract with con. to be accompanied mittee or commission shall signify their assent thereto in writing, under their respective signatures, indorsed on said contract, and approved by the mayor. SECT. 3. Every contract exceeding five hundred Certain contracts dollars in amount, for the erection, alteration or repair by suitable bonds. of any building owned or to be owned by the city, shall be accompanied by a suitable bond with sureties for the faithful performance of the same, or by the de- posit of money or security to the amount of such bond, the amount of the bond and the sureties to be approved by the mayor. No proposal shall be accepted from or No proposal shall be accepted, when. for any person who shall have broken a contract with the city during the three years preceding. One copy REVISED ORDINANCES. Custody of written contracts. of all written contracts shall be deposited with the city clerk and one copy with the city treasurer as soon as practicable after its execution. Preference to be SECT. 4. In the hiring of labor by any official, com- who are residents. mittee or commission of the city, the preference shall in all cases, as far as practicable be given to properly qualified bona fide residents of Springfield. 2- given laborers THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. 99 CHAPTER 17. THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. which town Section. Section. 1. Collector may use all means of | 2. Taxes to be payable October collecting taxes which town 1; interest chargeable from treasurer when collector may. October 1, on taxes unpaid Office of collector. after November 1. Collector to collect and keep account of interest, etc. SECTION 1. The collector of taxes of the city of Collector may use all means of a way Springfield may use all means of collecting taxes collecting taxes which a town treasurer when appointed collector may treasurer when collector may. use, and shall be provided with an office by the city Office to be council. provided. SECT. 2. Taxes assessed in the city of Springfield Taxes to be paya- ble October 1. shall be due and payable on the first day of October next after the assessment thereof, in each year, and all persons or corporations who shall not pay such taxes assessed upon them until after the first day of Novem- ber, next after such first day of October, shall pay Interest chargeable from interest thereon from the first day of October next Oct. 1, on taxes previous to such first day of November, at such rate Wop.nl per centum as the city council may, annually, lawfully order ; and the collector of taxes shall collect the same, Collector to collect and keep an account thereof, in addition to the account of interest, etc. of taxes collected, and pay the same into the city treasury. unpaid after and keep account 100 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 8. ESTABLISHING SINKING FUNDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS. be established. how elected. Section. Section. 1. Sinking funds to be established. how elected, term of office. 2. Commissioners of sinking fund, Vacancies, how filled. | 3. Duties, etc., of commissioners. Sinking funds to SECTION 1. Sinking funds shall be established for the payment of all indebtedness of the city for the payment of which sinking funds are or shall hereafter be required under any provisions of law. Commissioners of SECT. 2. The present commissioners of the sinking sinking fund, fund shall continue to hold office for the terms for which they have been respectively elected. Annually hereafter, on the first Monday in February, or within sixty days thereafter, there shall be elected, by con- current vote of both branches of the city council, to Term of office. serve for the term of three years from the next first day of April, a commissioner to take the place of the commissioner whose term of service shall then expire. If any vacancy shall occur in said commission, by death or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled, for the unexpired term, by an election by the city council, by concurrent vote as aforesaid. SECT, 3. Said commissioners shall serve without pay, shall have charge of all of the sinking funds of the city, shall keep records of their doings, shall per- form all duties incumbent on them by law, and shall annually, in the month of November, and whenever requested by the city council, report to the city council the condition of the sinking funds of the city. Vacancies, how filled. Duties, etc., of commissioners. THE METHOD OF ELECTING CERTAIN OFFICERS. . 101 CHAPTER 9. THE METHOD OF ELECTING CERTAIN OFFICERS. Section, Laws. 1. Time of election of officers $ 31. Vacancies in board of alder- chosen by the city council. men. 2. To hold office for one year from $ 32. If mayor is not elected, who first Monday in April, and to perform duties. until successor is qualified. $ 33. Vacancies in city or ward 3. To be elected by concurrent offices, how filled. vote; effect of failure to con- $ 34. Removal from ward not to cur. disqualify city officers. 4. Provisions as to time of elec § 35. Mayor, etc., may hold other tion directory. offices, except of - emolu.. . 5. Adoption of certain sections of ment. chapter twenty-six of the Re- vised Laws. SECTION 1. All city officers whose election or, ap- Time of election of officers chosen. pointment by the city council is required either by law by the city council. or ordinance, excepting those officers the time of whose election or appointment is otherwise prescribed by law or ordinance, shall be elected or appointed as the case may be on the first Monday of February in each year, or within sixty days thereafter. SECT. 2. Every city officer elected or appointed To hold office for one year from under the provisions of section 1 shall hold his office first Monday in April and until (if not sooner removed) for one year from the first successor is Monday of April in the year in which he shall be elected or appointed, and until a successor shall be elected and qualified, SECT. 3. All officers whose mode of election is not to be elected by prescribed by law, or by some ordinance of the city, Effect of failure to concur. shall first be elected in the board of aldermen, and thereupon by the common council in concurrence. Failure to concur shall be deemed rejection. SECT. 4. Whenever any ordinance shall provide for Provisions as to the election of any city officer at or within a time directory. specified, such provision shall be considered as direc- tory, and an election after such time shall be valid. · SECT. 5. Sections thirty-one to thirty-five inclusive Adoption of cer- of chapter twenty-six of the Revised Laws are hereby chapter 26 of the accepted and adopted as follows, viz.: “SECT. 31. If, in a city the city council of which Vacancies in votes to accept the provisions of this and the three fol- aldermen. lowing sections or has accepted the corresponding pro- qualified. concurrent vote. time of election tain sections of Revised Laws. board of 102 REVISED ORDINANCES. If mayor is not elected, who to perform duties. or ward offices, how filled. visions of earlier laws, at or after the time for the mayor and aldermen to enter upon the performance of their duties, it appears that the mayor or the full number of aldermen has not been elected, such of said officers as have been elected shall issue warrants for the election of a mayor or of aldermen as necessary. If none of said officers has been elected, the president of the com- mon council shall issue such warrants. “SECT. 32. If no mayor has been elected, the presi- dent of the board of aldermen'shall perform the duties of the office until a mayor is chosen and sworn. Vacancies in city “SECT. 33. If there is a vacancy in the board of aldermen, in the common council, or in a city or ward office which is to be filled by an election of the people, the mayor and aldermen shall issue their warrant for elections to fill such vacancy at a time and place designated by them. “ SECT. 34. City officers shall, notwithstanding their removal from one ward of the city into another, continue to perform their official duties during their term of office. Mayor, etc., may “SECT. 35. The mayor or an alderman or member hold other offices except of of the common council of a city which adopts the pro- emolument. visions of this section, or has adopted the correspond- ing provisions of earlier laws, may at the same time hold any other office under the city government to which he may be chosen, except one of emolument.” Removal from ward not to dis- qualify city officers. materiale son of in SECT.. 35. DUTIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. 103 CHAPTER 10. DUTIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. Section. | Section. 1. Duties of city treasurer. 5. Overseers of poor to make re- 2. Duties of collector as to paying over. 6. Master of almshouse to be elec- 3. Overseers of the poor and school ted annually. committee, when to meet, etc. 7. Master of almshouse to have 4. City treasurer to advance money the care, etc., of children to overseers of the poor for committed to the almshouse. necessary expenses; money | 8. Supervisor of wires designated to be refunded, when. to enforce Act of 1900, ch.276. SECTION 1. The city treasurer shall make up his Duties of city treasurer. accounts to and including the tenth day of December in each year, and the fiscal year shall end on that day. under his care, belonging to the city, to be as securely kept as the means furnished by the city shall permit. He shall render such services and furnish such infor- mation respecting the accounts, finances, and payments of the city, as either branch of the council or any com- mittee thereof may from time to time require. He shall once in six months, and oftener if required, lay before the city council a statement of the condition of the treasury, and of all moneys received and paid by him as treasurer during the preceding six months. He shall keep such a system of accounts as the auditor of accounts shall direct; and he shall at all times furnish to said auditor such information as the duties of the auditor shall require. SECT. 2. The collector of taxes shall, on Monday of Duties of collector each week, pay over to the city treasurer all moneys by him collected to said date. He shall collect and pay over to the treasurer, (including payment on the county tax,) one-half of the whole amount committed to him, within three months of the time of commitment, and one-quarter more in two months thereafter, and the residue as soon as practicable, but no later than the first day of December of the following year. SECT. 3. The overseers of the poor and the school Overseers of poor committee shall meet at least as often as once in each mittee, when to month, for the transaction of business; and, at the com- mencement of each municipal year, shall give public as to paying over. and school com meet, etc. 104 REVISED ORDINANCES. advance money to poor for necessary expenses; money to be refunded, when, notice of the times and places of their meetings during the year; and accounts and claims may be certified and approved by them at any meeting at which a quorum is present. City treasurer to SECT. 4. The city treasurer shall pay over to the overseers of the overseers of the poor, as soon after the tenth day of December in each year as said overseers may desire, the sum of two hundred dollars. The same shall be paid on the written request of said overseers, and the written order of the mayor, and be charged to the ap- propriation for the pauper department. Said money shall be kept by said overseers apart from any money of their own and as the money of the city, and shall be used only for such traveling and other necessary ex- penses as may be called for by any emergency which must be met at once and without the delay incidental to the approval and payment of bills as provided by ordinance. Whenever any expense shall have been paid out of said fund, the bill therefor shall be approved and paid by the treasurer, to said overseers to be placed to the credit of said fund and to become a part thereof, to make good the amount used by them. Said board shall, annually, prior to the tenth day of December, pay over to said treasurer said sum of two hundred dollars and the same shall be placed to the credit of said pauper department. Overseers of the SECT. 5. The overseers of the poor shall annually, on or before the twentieth day of December, report to the city council their proceedings in the discharge of the duties of their office, with a statement of their ex- penditures, the expenses and income of the city farm, the number of persons supported at the almshouse, and of those wholly or partially supported out of it, and the amount paid for the latter. Master of alms- SECT. 6. The overseers of the poor shall annually, as soon after their election as may be convenient, elect some suitable person to be master of the city almshouse, who shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor is elected, unless sooner removed by said overseers of the poor. Master of alms- SECT% The master of the city almshouse shall, etc., of children under the direction of the overseers of the poor, have almshouse. the care, custody, and discipline of all children com- mitted to said almshouse, under the provisions of the Revised Laws relating to the care and education of neglected children. poor to make report, etc. Master of alms- house to be elected annually. house to have care committed to the DUTIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. 105 SECT. 8. The supervisor of wires is hereby desig- Supervisor of wires designated nated as the officer who shall have authority to enforce to enforce Act of 1900, chapter 276. the provisions of chapter* two hundred and seventy-six of the Acts of the General Court of Massachusetts in the year nineteen hundred, as now or hereafter amended. * See page 73. 106 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 11. COMMITTEES. Section. Section. 1. What committees shall be ap- powers and duties; not to pointed. make expenditure of over 2. Committees to report annually $500 without vote of city to finance committee esti- council. mate of amounts needed in 6. Committee on printing; powers their several departments. and duties. Not to make 3. Duties of committee on finance. contract which shall exceed 4. Powers and additional duties $200 in amount without au- of committee on finance. thority from city council. 5. Committee on city property ; | What committees SECTION 1. There shall be appointed by the city shall be appointed. council annually in the month of January, the follow- ing committees :- A committee on finance to consist of the mayor, one alderman, the president of the common council and two members of the common council. A committee on city property; a committee on the fire department; a committee on the pauper depart- ment; a committee on lighting streets, and a commit- tee on streets and sidewalks. Each of these commit- tees shall consist of two aldermen and three members of the common council. Also a committee on printing, to consist of the mayor, the president of the common council, and one member of the common council. There shall be appointed annually in the month of January by the mayor and board of aldermen a com- mittee on sewers and drains to consist of three alder- men. SECT. 2. The committee on the fire department, the report annually committee on lighting streets, the committee on the pauper department, the committee on streets and side- walks, and the committee on sewers and drains shall annually, in the month of February, prepare and com- municate to the committee on finance an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised for the then current fiscal year, for the use of their respective departments. Duties of com SECT. 3. The committee on finance shall annually, mittee on finance.. uce in the month of March or April, prepare and lay be- Committees to to finance com- mittee estimate of amounts needed in their several depart- ments. COMMITTEES.". . 107 tional duties of finance. fore the city council an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised for the then current fis- cal year, under the various heads of appropriations, and the ways and means of raising the same; and shall also in the month of December annually pre- pare, to be laid before the city council, a statement of all the receipts and expenditures of the fiscal year then passed, giving in detail the amount of appropriation and expenditure for each department, and said state- ment shall be accompanied with a schedule of the property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and the value thereof, and of the amount of the city debt. SECT. 4. The committee on finance shall have ac- Powers and addi- cess to all books and papers in the official keeping or committee on possession of any officer of the city, and shall have the right, and it shall be their duty, as often as once in each year, to inspect the notes and securities in the official charge of the city treasurer, and they shall have the power to require new or additional security for any debt due the city, whenever in their opinion the interests of the city require it. SECT. 5. The committee on city property shall have committe on -- the care and custody of all the public property, except powers and as otherwise provided by law or ordinance; and shall provide all the labor and purchase all the materials necessary for repairing the same, and shall superin- tend all the repairs thereof; provided, that no ex- not to make penditure exceeding five hundred dollars shall at any over $500 without time be made, in the alteration or repair of any build- council. ing, without a vote of the city council expressly au- thorizing the same. SECT. 6. It shall be the duty of the committee on Committee on printing to contract for the city printing ; to see that and duties. the work performed and the materials furnished are in conformity with the terms of the contract, and to approve all bills for printing; provided, said commit- Not to make con- tee shall make no contract for printing which shall ex- ceed two hundred dollars in amount, without first ob- taining authority therefor from the city council. city property; duties; expenditure of vote of city printing; powers tract which shall exceed $200 in amount without authority from city council. 108 REVISED ORDINANCES CHAPTER 12. CITY AUDITOR. Section. Section 1. Appointment of city auditor ; | 3. In case of vacancy or inability, shall be sworn. auditor pro tempore sball be 2. Duties and powers. appointed. Appointment of city auditor. Shall be sworn. Duties and powers. To examine claims against city; SECTION 1. There shall, annually during the month of January, and whenever a vacancy may occur, be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen, an auditor of accounts for the city of Springfield who shall be a resident thereof, and who shall continue in office for one year from the first of the current January and until his successor is appoint- ed and qualified. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall be sworn to the faithful discharge thereof. SECT. 2. It shall be the duty of said auditor to care- ims fülly examine all claims against the city (except those of the water department, those that have been settled by the board on claims or by vote of the city council, and those that are otherwise provided for by chapter No. 3), and ascertain whether all prices charged are fair, and the claims just, reasonable, properly incurred, and correct. If he shall be thus satisfied, he shall approve the same by affixing his signature thereto in writing; and if not approved by him, he shall forth- with notify the party certifying the claim of the reasons for his disapproval thereof. He shall, in the months of March, June, September and December of each year, and at such other times as he may desire, ex- amine the accounts, vouchers, receipts and cash of the treasurer, and all securities in his possession, and the accounts of the water department, and report to the committee on finance the result of such examina- tions; and during the months of June and December of each year, and at such other times as the committee on finance request, he shall examine the accounts of the collector of taxes and of all other parties account- able to the city for money collected or received, and to examine accounts, etc., of treasurer and water depart- ment; to examine accounts of col- lector of taxes. CITY AUDITOR. 109 to books, etc. accounts; CO report the result of such examinations to said com- mittee. He shall, so far as may be necessary for the Shall have access proper performance of his duties, have access to all books, documents, and vouchers in the possession of any party whose accounts he is authorized to examine and which relate to said accounts. He shall keep Shall keep proper books of account in double entry, in which he shall charge against their respective appropriations all claims approved by him as aforesaid, and shall keep such other accounts as he may deem advisable or the committee on finance direct. He shall on or before and reportiv the third Monday in December of each year, and council. oftener if they request, lay before the city council a statement certifying that he has examined and audited said accounts and the condition thereof, and make a report of the receipts and expenditures for the financial year. SECT. 3. In case of a vacancy in said office of In case of vacancy auditor, or of his inability to perform his duties by tor pro tempore reason of sickness or absence, the duties of the office shall be performed by an auditor pro tempore, who shall be appointed by the mayor and approved by the board of aldermen, and who shall be paid out of the salary of the auditor unless otherwise ordered by the city council. shall be appointed. 110 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 13. ASSESSORS AND ASSISTANT ASSESSORS. ors, when and how elected. organize, and and secretary. Section. Section. 1. Assistant assessors, when and 5. Secretary to certify as to service how elected. of assistant assessors. 2. Assessors to meet, organize, and | 6. Assessors to complete assess- choose chairman and secre- ment, etc., by Sept. 1, an- tary. nually. 3. Duties of secretary. 7. May abate taxes; shall report 4. Duties of assistant assessors. abatements to city council. Assistant assess- SECTION 1. In the month of January, or within sixty days after the organization of the council in each year, there shall be elected by the city council, in joint convention, eight assistant assessors, who shall hold office for one year from the first day of April in the year of their election. They shall be resident citizens of Springfield, and shall severally receive for each day's service such sum as the city council shall from time to time by ordinance determine. Assessors to meet, SECT. 2. The assessors shall meet as soon as prac- choose chairman ticable after their election, and organize themselves into a board, to be called the board of assessors, by the choice of a chairman and secretary from among their own number. SECT. 3. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the board thus organized to keep the records of its doings in a book provided for the purpose, recording them in the order in which they occur. Duties of assistant SECT. 4. It shall be the duty of the assistant as- sessors to aid the assessors in taking the lists of the polls and appraising the value of the real and personal estate, and to perform such other duties connected with the assessment of taxes as the board of assessors may require. And each assistant assessor shall be em- ployed for such time as the assessors shall deem necessary. SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the board of assessors to certify the number of days that the assistant assessors have severally devoted to the service of the city; and the said assistant assessors shall severally receive pay only for such number of days' service as shall have been so certified. Duties of secre- tary. assessors. Secretary to certify as to sery- ice of assistant assessors. ASSESSORS AND ASSISTANT ASSESSORS. 111 plete assessment, annually. SECT. 6. The assessors shall annually complete the Assessors to com- assessment of taxes and commit the same with the etc., by Sept. 1, warrants to the collector by the first day of September. SECT. 7. The assessors of each year are authorized May abate taxes: in their discretion to abate any taxes assessed by a them, and they shall report a list of such abatements city council. to the city council on or before the first day of Decem- ber in each year. shall report abatements to 112 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 14. CITY MESSENGER. etc. City messenger when and how elected; term of office. ing notices etc. Section. Section. 1. City messenger, when and how 5. Shall receive no fees, except, elected; term of office. 2. Duties as to serving notices, etc. 6. Duties as to grounds, etc., 3. Duties as to care of rooms, and around city hall. attendance upon city council. | 7. Duties as to warming and light- Duties as to city hall when ing city hall building, and as rented. May procure assist- to ward rooms. ance in certain cases. SECTION 1. There shall be elected annually on the first Monday of February, or within sixty days there- after, by concurrent vote of the two branches of the city council, a messenger, who shall hold his office for one year from the first Monday in April of the year in which he is chosen, and until another is chosen and qualified in his stead, unless sooner removed by the vote of the city council. Duties as to serv- SECT. 2. The messenger shall receive, deliver and execute all notifications, summonses and precepts, the service of which is not otherwise provided for, issued by the mayor, the president of the common council, the city council or either branch thereof, or by any committee of the same, and make due return thereof. He shall notify all committees of their meetings, upon request of the city clerk, clerk of the common council, or the chairman of such committee. He shall receive and deliver all notifications to officers elected or ap- pointed by the city council, or either branch thereof, and to all officers elected at ward meetings, except as otherwise provided by law or ordinance. SECT. 3. He shall prepare and arrange the rooms in which the city council shall hold their sessions, or in which any committee of either branch shall hold its meetings, and see that the same are properly and seasonably warmed and lighted. He shall attend upon both branches of the city council while in session, and upon either branch when in session separately, and, under direction of the proper committee or officers, provide such things as may be necessary for their accommodation, or for the accommodation of com- mittees while in session. Duties as to care of rooms and attendance upon city council. CITY MESSENGER. 113 hall when rented. assistance in certain cases. r fees except, etc. SECT. 4. Whenever the hall or any rooms connected Duties as to city with the city hall building are rented, and it is required May procure that the settees be moved or the floors was when the duties named in this chapter by him to be performed are such that he is unable personally to per- form them all, he may, with the consent of the com- mittee on city property, procure such assistance as may be necessary in addition to his own labor, and the bills therefor, when properly approved, shall be paid by the city treasurer. SECT. 5. He shall in no case receive any fee for his Shall receive no own services in or about the city hall building except for services at balls, fairs, or festivals after the hour of nine o'clock, P. M. SECT. 6. It shall be his duty to keep the grounds Duties as to around the city hall building in good order, and the around city hall. walks and steps free from snow and ice. It shall also be his duty to take care of the city hall clock. SECT. %. He shall keep all the rooms in the city hall Duties as to building properly warmed and lighted whenever used lighting city hall building, and as to for city purposes, or by permission of the city authori- ward rooms. ties, both week days and Sundays, and shall see that at all times they are kept clean and in good order. He shall prepare the rooms selected for ward meetings, and have the same properly warmed and lighted, and put in good order when the meetings have adjourned. muna anadan om grounds, etc.. warming and 114 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 15. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK. Assistant city clerk, how and when appointed term of office, and removal. Section. Section. 1. Assistant city clerk, how and 2. Duties; compensation. when ' appointed; term of office, and removal. SECTION 1. There may be appointed from time to time as occasion may require, an assistant city clerk for the city of Springfield. Said assistant shall be nominated by the city clerk to the board of aldermen, confirmed by said board and sworn to the faithful dis- charge of his duties. He shall hold his office for such time as the occasion may require, to be determined by the city clerk, by whom he may be removed at any time, subject to the approval of the board of aldermen. SECT, 2. It shall be the duty of said assistant city clerk to assist the city clerk in recording, indexing and certifying mortgages of personal property, assign- ments of wages and other documents required by law to be recorded, and also, if necessary, to attest docu- ments as provided in section sixteen of chapter twenty- six of the Revised Laws, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of city clerk when thereto requested by him, or when the office of city clerk shall be vacant from any cause; and said assistant city clerk's compensation for services shall be paid from such sum as the city council has allowed or may here- after allow for clerical assistance in the city clerk's office. Duties; compensation, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 115 CHAPTER 16. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Section. | Section. 1. Engineering department to be 8. City engineer to examine in charge of city engineer, bridges and report, when. how and when chosen; com | 9. City engineer shall assign a pensation, term of office. number to tenements and 2. City engineer to have charge of buildings. How numbers plans, etc., shall index them, shall be assigned. Shall not may make rules to insure renumber a street without their safety. order of mayor and alder- 3. All plans, etc., to be property men. of city. 10. Mayor and aldermen may 4. Board of supervisors, powers order a street renumbered. of. City engineer, duties of, 11. Owner or occupant of building in general. or tenement shall place and 5. Employment and compensa- maintain thereon numbers tion of assistants; incurring assigned by city engineer. expenses within appropria 12. Penalty. tion, etc. 13. City engineer may place num- 6. City engineer, duties as to ber on building or tenement. public works, bridges, etc.; 14. Record of numbering. shall certify as to perform- ance of city contracts. 15. City engineer to report annu- ally. 7. Notice of encroachments on public streets. SECTION 1. The engineering department shall be Engineering de- partment to be in under the charge of the city engineer, who shall be a charge of city engineer, how and resident of Springfield and shall be chosen annually by when chosen; concurrent vote of the city council. He shall be removable at the pleasure of the city council, and shall receive such compensation as the city council may determine. He shall hold his office until a successor is compensation, term of office. appointed, unless sooner removed. SECT. 2. The city engineer, under the direction of City engineer to have charge of the city council, shall have charge of all the plans, plans, etc.; profiles, field notes, measurements and other data, of streets, sidewalks, drains, sewers, culverts, bridges, and structures of every kind, not specifically belong- ing to other departments, and shall keep the same properly classified and indexed, and he may make such shall index them; rules and regulations, concerning the taking of plans to insure their safety. from his office, as he may deem necessary to insure their safety. SECT, 3. All plans, delineations, estimates and re- All plans, etc., ports together with all field books, notes and other of on to be property may make rules 116 REVISED ORDINANCES. Board of super- 1 memoranda made by the city engineer or any of his assistants in connection with their official duties, shall be and remain the property of the city. SECT. 4. The board of supervisors of highways and visors, powers of. bridges shall exercise a general supervision over all City engineer, matters within said department. The city engineer duties of, in general. shall, under the direction of said board of supervisors, make the surveys, measurements, levels, and esti- mates, and perform the other ordinary duties of a civil engineer, in the laying out, establishing and construct- ing of streets, sidewalks, drains, sewers, and the constructing of other public works delegated to or undertaken by his department, and shall, either by himself or his assistants, make such surveys, plans, profiles, estimates and descriptions as may be required of him by the mayor and aldermen, the city council or any committee thereof, and the city solicitor, and he shall perform all such other services for the city which properly come under the direction of a civil engineer, as may be required of him by the mayor, board of aldermen, city council, or any committee thereof, the city solicitor, or board of water commissioners. SECT. 5. He may, from time to time, employ such assistants as he shall require in the performance of his duties, and shall determine their compensation, in accordance, however, with the ordinances of the city, and within the appropriation for said department, and subject to the approval of the board of supervisors. incurring ex He may expend such sums for materials or incidental penses within appropriation, etc. expenses as may be necessary ; provided, however, that all such expenditures for employment of assist- ants and for materials and other incidentals shall be limited to the amount actually appropriated by the city council for the engineering department, and shall be subject to the approval of said board of supervisors. City engineer, SECT. 6. Unless otherwise specially provided, he duties as to pub- lic works, bridges, shall take charge of the construction of all public works of the city which properly come under the di- rection of a civil engineer ; shall perform all engineer- ing services and make all examinations and prepare all statements, plans, specifications and contracts which any department may need in the discharge of its duties; shall supervise all repairs on the bridges used as high- ways, which affect the safety of the structure, and when required by the mayor, or by any officer or board in charge of a department, shall measure the work Employment and compensation of assistants; etc.; ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. 117 performance of croachments on U1 shall assign a ments and build- shall be assigned. done by contract for the city, and certify to the results shall certify as to of such measurements, and perform such other services city contracts. as may be required. SECT. 4. Whenever he shall ascertain that any Notice of en- building or structure has been placed within the lines public streets. of a public street, or so that it may cause injury thereto or inconvenience to travelers thereon, he shall imme- diately give notice thereof in writing to the mayor. SECT. 8. He shall annually, or oftener if required City engineer to examine bridges by the board of supervisors, carefully examine all and report, when. bridges within the city limits, and make such reports to said board respecting their condition as to safety, need of renewal or repairs, as the case may require. SECT. 9. It shall be the duty of the city engineer City engineer to assign numbers to all tenements and buildings on number to tene- streets in the city of Springfield, except the sparsely ings. settled portions thereof. Said numbers shall each How numbers cover a frontage of twenty feet, more or less, at the discretion of the city engineer, and be measured con- tinuously from end to end of the street, with the odd numbers on the southerly and easterly sides, and the even numbers on the northerly and westerly sides of all streets, so far as practicable. On any streets already wholly or partially numbered, said city engineer shall assign such numbers as he shall deem best to correspond with the majority of numbers already in use on said street; he shall also assign a new number wherever he finds that the number in use fails thus to correspond. but he shall not have authority to renumber a street Shall not renum- unless such renumbering is ordered by the mayor and out order of mayor aldermen. SECT. 10. The mayor and aldermen may order a Mayor and alder- street renumbered whenever they deem it necessary. street renum- SECT. 11. The owner and occupant of every tene- ment and building situated within the limits prescribed, pant of building, shall cause to be placed and maintained on or over the place and main- outside doors fronting the street, or on front corners of numbers assigned by city engineer. every tenement or building having their entrances on the sides thereof, such number or numbers as may be assigned thereto by the city engineer, under any of the provisions of this chapter, said numbers or figures not to be less than three inches in height, and to be so placed as to be easily observed from the street in front of the premises." SECT. 12. Whoever shall refuse or neglect to com- Penalty. ply with the provisions of this chapter within thirty ber a street with- and aldermen. men may order a bered. Owner or occu- or tenement shall tain thereon 118 REVISED ORDINANCES. place number on ment. days after a notice in writing delivered to the owner or occupant of such tenement or building of the num- ber or numbers so assigned by the city engineer, shall, for each and every offense, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. City engineer may SECT. 13. If the owner or occupant of any tene- building or tene ment or building fails to number the same in accord- ance with the provisions of this chapter, it shall be the duty of the city engineer, or his authorized agent, to place the proper number or numbers thereon, and the cost thereof may be assessed by the mayor and alder- men upon said owner or occupant. Record of number- SECT. 14. The city engineer shall keep a suitable record in his office of all numbering. City engineer to SECT. 15. The city engineer shall annually, in the month of December, present to the city council, a re- port in relation to his department, showing the num- ber of persons employed, the detailed expenses of the department, the general nature of the work, the prop- erty under his charge, the condition of all structures that come under his supervision that are in process of construction, or that have been completed during the previous year, and such other general information in relation to the same, as he may deem expedient, or as said board of supervisors may require. VI Record of number- ing. report annually. CITY PHYSICIAN. 119 CHAPTER 17. CITY PHYSICIAN. Section. Section. 1. City physician, when and how | 2. Shall be citizen and doctor of appointed ; tenure of office; medicine and ex officio mem- vacancies, how filled ; nomi- ber of board of overseers of nations in case of vacancies. the poor Duties. | 3. Salary. when and how of office; vacan- nominations in SECTION 1. The mayor, with the approval of the City physician, board of aldermen, shall, upon the expiration of the appointed; tenure term of office of the present city physician, and every cies, how filled; third year thereafter, on, or within sixty days after case of vacancies. the first Monday of February, appoint some suitable person to be city physician for the term of three years from the first Monday of April then following; and the person so appointed shall hold office for the term aforesaid and until his successor is duly appointed in his stead ; provided, however, that he may be at any time removed, for cause, by the mayor, with the ap- proval of the board of aldermen; and in case of any vacancy arising from any cause in the office of city physician, a new appointment, in the manner of the original appointment, may be made to fill the same for the remainder of the unexpired term, and a nomina- tion therefor shall be made by the mayor, within thirty days after the occurrence of such vacancy or the re- jection of any previous nomination. SECT. 2. The city physician shall be a citizen of shall be citizen Springfield and a doctor of medicine, and shall be ex medicine and ex officio, a member of the board of overseers of the poor. board of overseers It shall be his duty, in addition to the duties which de- Duties; volve upon him by statute and as a member of said board, to attend upon all patients and insane persons under the care of the overseers of the poor, at the almshouse or elsewhere ; and to report annually, in annual report; the month of January, to the city council a list of the deaths of such patients occurring in the city during the preceding calendar year, stating the age, sex and cause of death of each person, as far as ascertainable, and also to render a report to the city council of the and doctor of officio member of of the poor. 120 REVISED ORDINANCES. candidates for partments; tated employees treatment at police station; certificates of death; professional services performed by him during the year with such suggestions and recommendations as vaccination; he may deem advisable. He shall vaccinate all such paupers as the overseers of the poor may require, and all pupils of the public schools who may be sent to him for that purpose by the order of the school committee, and shall give certificates to all such pupils as he shall examination of have effectually vaccinated. He shall examine all police and fire de- candidates for appointment to the police force and the fire department; shall examine and report upon the condition of all members of the police force and the fire department and all employees of the city who and of incapaci- may claim to be incapacitated from the performance of the city; of their several duties, when requested ; shall attend and render all necessary medical and surgical treat- ment at the police station to police officers injured while on duty, and to prisoners and other persons tem- porarily in charge of the police upon the request of the officer in charge of the station; and, upon due appli- cation, shall execute the certificate of the cause of death to the best of his knowledge and belief, when no physician has been in attendance upon a person dying in the city. He shall, upon request of the mayor cases of personal or city solicitor, examine and investigate the condition of all persons who may sustain injuries by reason of accidents whereby the city may become liable, and render a written report thereon; and shall, as witness or otherwise, render such professional aid in court or elsewhere as the city solicitor may request in all suits or matters wherein the city is interested. In case of the prevalence or impending of any infectious or con- tagious disease within the city, he shall give to the mayor and to either branch of the city council, and to the board of health, and its physician, all such profes- sional advice and counsel as may be required by any of them, He shall also perform such other professional services for the city as may be required by the mayor, the city council, the board of overseers of the poor, the ordinances or by-laws. SECT. 3. The city physician shall receive such salary as the city council may from time to time by ordinance determine, which shall be in full for all services per- formed by him. to examine and report in certain injury; contagious dis- eases, etc. Salary. CITY FORESTER. 121 CHAPTER 18. CITY FORESTER. direction of Section. Section. 1. Appointment; duties, tenure of | 3. Wires, etc., not to be attached office. to trees without his consent. 2. To act under direction of super- Wires now attached to trees visors of highways and may be removed. bridges. | 4. Penalty. SECTION 1. There shall annually, during the month Appointment; of January, and whenever a vacancy may occur, be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the board of aldermen, a city forester to have the care of the duties; trees belonging to the city, and to act under the pro- visions of section ten of chapter fifty-one of the Re- vised Laws. He shall continue in office for one year and tenure of office. until his successor is appointed and qualified; provided, however, that the mayor may remove him at any time. SECT. 2. The city forester shall act under the di. To act under rection of the supervisors of highways and bridges, and supervisors. devote his entire time to the service of the city, and perform such other duties in addition to his services as city forester as the said supervisors may direct. SECT. 3. No electric wires, cables, guys, poles, cross Wires, etc., not to arms, brackets, insulators or other wires or fixtures trees without his shall be attached to or come in contact with any tree standing for use or ornament in any public street, lane, court, park, or other public place in the city, without the consent of the city forester. All wires, cables, guys, and wire fixtures now at- Wires now 'tached to or in contact with such trees shall be remov- may be removed. ed when so ordered by the city forester, and it shall be the duty of the supervisor of wires to remove such wires, cables, guys, and fixtures when requested so to do by the city forester; the cost of such removal to be charged to the company owning such wires, cables, or fixtures. SECT. 4. Whoever violates the provisions of the Penalty. preceding section shall forfeit not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each offense.. be attached to a consent. attached to trees 122 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 19. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. To be chosen an- council. Section, 1. To be chosen annually by city 4. Duties as to stables, horses, etc.; council; tenureof office How as to cleaning streets, etc. removed; vacancy,how filled. 5. Duties as to accounts; to report 2. Assistants may be appointed. annually as to expenses, work Compensation. done, and property under his 3. Duties of superintendent in charge. general; to make contracts for labor, etc. SECTION 1. There shall be chosen annually on the nually by city first Monday of February or within sixty days there- after, by concurrent vote of the two branches of the city council, a superintendent of streets, who shall, Tenure of office. unless sooner removed, hold his office for one year from the first Monday of April in the year in which he shall be chosen, and until his successor is chosen and How removed; qualified. He shall be removable at the pleasure of the vacancy, how filled. city council, and a vacancy may be filled at any time for the unexpired term; said superintendent shall re- ceive such compensation for his services as the city council shall from time to time determine. Assistants may be SECT. 2. The said superintendent is authorized to appointed; appoint, subject to the approval of the board of alder- men, two assistants to act under his control and direc- compensation. tion, who shall receive such compensation as the city council may from time to time determine. The said assistants may be removed at any time by the said superintendent, or the board of aldermen. Duties of superin- SECT. 3. It shall be the duty of the superintendent tendent in general. of streets, under the general care and direction of the the general state of the streets, roads, sidewalks, lanes, bridges, public places, and squares of the city ; to at- tend to the making, widening, or alteration of the same; to cause the same to be kept in good, sufficient, To make contracts and suitable repair; and when so ordered, to make all contracts for the supply of labor and materials therefor. Duties as to sta- SECT. 4. The said superintendent, under the control tc.; and direction of the said board of supervisors, shall have the care and superintendence of the city stables, for labor, etc. bles, horses, etc.; SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. 123 horses, carts, vehicles, tools, implements, and other property of the city, belonging to or attached to this department, and shall see that the same are kept in good order and condition, and shall make all necessary arrangements for cleaning the streets, and disposing as to cleaning of manure, refuse and street dirt. SECT. 5. The said superintendent shall keep an Duties as to accounts. exact account of the expenditures in this department, with the names of all persons who have furnished materials, and of all workmen, and the amount due to each individual, and shall lay the same before the said board of supervisors, for their examination and allow- ance, at such times as the said board may direct; and he shall, annually on or before the last Monday in De- To report annually cember, make and render to the city council a report work done, and as containing a general statement of the expenses of this his charge. department during the preceding fiscal year, and speci- fying, as near as may be, the amounts expended upon different streets for sidewalks, number of feet of curb- stones laid, number of yards of paving and cost of same, and such other information as he may consider desirable, together with a schedule, in detail, of the property under his charge belonging to the city. to property under 124 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 20. SCHOOLS. Section. 1. School committee, of whom to consist. 2. How and when to be elected. How divided among wards. Tenure of office. 3. "At large” and “ward" com- mittee, how designated on ballots. 4. Committee to present annually estimates of expenses for schools, etc., to finance com- mittee. 5. Not to fix salaries of teachers to exceed appropriations. 6. Superintendent of schools, how appointed; powers; to have money for expenses in case of emergency ; bills to be ap- proved in usual manner; money advanced to be re- turned. 7. Schoolhouse agent, how and when to be elected ; to have charge of schoolhouses, etc, subject to committee. Section, 8. Schoolhouse agent, duties of. 9. Restriction upon agent as to expenditures upon school- houses, etc. 10. Restriction upon agent as to expenditures for articles for use of schools. ll. Restrictions as to expenditures by committee on city prop- erty; what bills may be contracted and approved by committee on city property ; what by school committee. 12. Agent to keep accounts, open to inspection. 13. To report annually to city council. 14. Accounts and books of agents, by whom to be examined. 15. Terms on which children re- siding on United States grounds may be sent to pub- lic schools. of whom to con- sist. be elected. among wards. School committee, SECTION 1. The school committee of the city shall consist of nine persons, one of whom shall be chosen from the city at large, and one from each of the several wards. How and when to SECT. 2. The school committee shall be elected at large, by the qualified voters of the city. At the annual election on the Tuesday after the first Monday of December in the year one thousand nine hundred How divided and six, there shall be chosen members of the commit- tee from Wards One and Two, and the member from the city at large. At the annual election in the year one thousand nine hundred and four, there shall be chosen members of the committee from Wards Three, Four, and Five; at the annual election in the year one thousand nine hundred and five, there shall be chosen members of the committee from Wards Six, Seven, and Tenure of office. Eight, each of whom shall hold his office for three years from the first Monday of January succeeding his election; and at each subsequent election there shall SCHOOLS. 125 pated on ballots. present annually penses for schools, committee. tions. be elected three members of the school committee to hold their office for the term of three years, as succes- sors to those whose term of office expires with the then current municipal year. SECT. 3. In voting for the school committee at the “At large” and "ward" com- annual city election, the name of the candidate for mittee, how desig- member of the committee from the city at large shall be indicated on the ballot by the words “at large” and the names of those who are candidates for mem- bers of the committee from the several wards re- spectively shall be indicated by the numbers of the wards from which they are respectively to be chosen. SECT. 4. Said committee shall annually in the Committee to month of February present to the committee on finance estimates of ex- an estimate in writing of the expenses of the public etc., to finance schools for the then current fiscal year, stating the C amount required for salaries for the teachers, for inci- dental expenses, and for the alteration and repair of schoolhouses. SECT. 5. Said committee shall not fix the salaries of Not to fix salaries the teachers in the public schools at such rates that the ceed appropria- aggregate amount of all said salaries shall in any fiscal year exceed the sum named for that purpose in the annual appropriation. SECT. 6. Said committee shall, annually in the Superintendent of schools, how ap- month of January, appoint a superintendent of public pointed. schools who, under the direction and control of said Powers. committee, shall have the care and supervision of the schools. The city treasurer shall pay over to said superin- To have money for tendent, as soon after the tenth day of December in of emergency. each year as said superintendent may desire, the sum of one hundred dollars ; the same to be paid on the written request of the school committee, approved by the mayor, and to be charged to the appropriation for schools for the then current fiscal year. Said money shall be kept by said superintendent apart from any money of his own and as the money of the city, and shall be used only for such necessary expenses as may be called for by any emergency which must be met at once without the delay incidental to the approval and payment of bills as provided by ordinance. Whenever any expense shall have been paid out of All bills to be ap- said fund, the bill therefor shall be approved, and paid manner.' by the treasurer, as provided by ordinance, the same as if it had not been paid out of said funds; and the expenses in case proved in usual 126 REVISED ORDINANCES. Money advanced to be returned. Schoolhouse elected; to have houses, etc. amount thereof shall be paid to said superintendent to be placed at the credit of said fund and to become a part thereof to make good the amount used by him. Said superintendent shall, annually, prior to the tenth day of December, pay over to said treasurer said sum of one hundred dollars, and the same shall be placed to the credit of said school department. SECT. %. A schoolhouse agent shall be elected by when to be a the city council, by joint ballot in convention, annu- charge of school- ally on the first Monday in February or within sixty days thereafter, who shall on behalf of the city have charge and control of the schoolhouses in the city, and of the property contained in and connected with the same, subject however to the direction of the school committee in respect to their use and occupation. SECT. 8. It shall be the duty of the schoolhouse agent to keep the schoolhouses of the city and the grounds about the same, and the fences and out-build- ings on said grounds, in good order and repair; and, when it cannot otherwise be done, to employ addi- Schoolhouse Restriction upon agent as to ex- schoolhouses, etc for; to distribute fuel and to provide and distribute, under the direction of the superintendent of schools, all things necessary and proper for use in said schools, subject, however, to the provisions hereinafter con- tained. SECT. 9. Said agent shall not make, cause to be penditures upon made, or contract for any alterations or repairs, nor incur any expense in, upon, or for the furnishing or embellishing of said houses, or upon said grounds, fences, or out-buildings that shall involve an outlay of more than twenty-five dollars at any one time or for any one object, without first obtaining the written assent thereto of the committee on city property or a majority of said committee. Restriction upon SECT. 10. Said agent shall not purchase or contract for any article or thing for use in said schools except such as are necessary for the purposes of the daily exercises therein, and the payment for which shall not involve an outlay of more than five dollars at any one time, without first obtaining the written assent thereto of the superintendent of schools. Restrictions as to SECT. 11. The committee on city property shall not committee on city authorize, direct, or make any expenditure, or contract property. for work or labor, or the furnishing of anything, for, in, upon, or about said schools, or houses, or grounds, agent as to ex- penditures for articles for use of schools. expenditures by SCHOOLS. 127 janitors. committee. accounts open to or fences, or out-buildings, to an amount exceeding five hundred dollars, without an order first had from the city council therefor; provided, however, that said Proviso, as to committee may and shall contract with and employ v such janitors for the said schoolhouses as the said committee shall by vote decide to be necessary and shall have approved, and at such compensation as said committee may from time to time by vote direct. Said committee on city property shall contract for and what bills may be contracted and ap- approve all bills for janitors' salaries, all bills for fuel, proved by com- mittee on city all bills for light, all bills for repairs of buildings, fix- property; tures, and fences,- and only such bills. The school what by school committee shall contract for and approve all other bills for the schools and their maintenance and the occupa- tion and use of the school buildings and grounds. SECT. 12. Said schoolhouse agent shall keep an Agent to keep accurate and systematic account of all work done in, inspection, etc. upon, and about said schoolhouses, grounds, fences, and out-buildings, and of all expenditures made, au- thorized, or contracted for, by or through him, under the provisions of this chapter, which said account and books shall be at all times open to the inspection of the mayor, the committee on city property, the super- intendent of schools, and the auditor of accounts, and shall, at the expiration of the municipal year, be deliv- ered to, and shall thereafter be kept in the office of the city treasurer. SECT. 13. Said agent shall, on the second Monday to report annually of December in each year, submit to the city council a to city council. report of his doings and of all expenditures made by or through him as such agent, during such year, which report shall state, in detail, the amounts which have been expended upon or for each school, schoolhouse grounds, fences and out-buildings under his charge. SECT. 14. It shall be the duty of the chairman of Accounts and the committee on city property and the superintendent whom to be ex- of schools, either separately or together as may be convenient, as often as once in each month, to exam- ine and inspect the accounts and books of said agent and, at their discretion, to report thereupon to the city council. SECT. 15. Citizens residing on United States grounds Terms on which within the limits of the city, may send their children on United States to the public schools, on payment annually to the city sent to public collector for each child so sent, of a sum equal to the actual cost incurred by the city for each scholar the books of agent, by amined. children residing grounds may be schools. 128 REVISED ORDINANCES. previous year; and this sum shall be determined by dividing the amount of the appropriation for schools, together with interest on the valuation of school prop- erty, by the whole number of pupils attending the schools. Pupils from the United States grounds shall enjoy the same privileges and be subject to the same restrictions as other pupils. TRCANT CHILDREN AND ABSENTÉES · FROM SCHOOL. 129 CHAPTER 21. TRUANT CHILDREN AND ABSENTEES FROM SCHOOL. punished. Section. Section. 1. Truant children and absen- | 2. Truant school assigned as place tees, how punished. for instruction, etc. SECTION 1. Any minor child residing in the city of Truant children Springfield, between the ages of seven and sixteen from school, how years, who shall be guilty of being an habitual truant, or of wandering about in the streets or public places of the city, having no lawful occupation or business, not attending school, and growing up in ignorance, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or, instead thereof, may be committed to the county truant school for such having jurisdiction thereof may determine. SECT. 2. The county truant school on Armory Truant school as- signed as place for street in said city is hereby assigned as an institution instruction, etc. for instruction, house of reformation, and suitable place for the confinement, discipline, and instruction of such children. 130 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 22. BOARD ON CLAIMS. Section. 1. Of whom to consist; vacancies, how filled. 2. To investigate claims for dam- ages; may settle claims not exceeding $500 in amount. Section. May agree for settlement of claims in excess of $500, sub- ject to ratification by city council. Of whom to con- sist; vacancies, how filled. To investigate claims for dam- claims not exceed- amount. SECTION 1. A board on claims is hereby established which shall consist of the mayor, the president of the common council, and one member of the board of alder- men. The latter shall be elected by viva voce vote by the board of aldermen annually in the month of Jan- uary, to serve during the municipal year, and if he shall resign, or become disqualified, the vacancy shall be filled by election by the board of aldermen. SECT. 2. It shall be the duty of said board to inves- ages; may settle tigate forthwith all claims for damages either to per- ing $500 in sons or property that shall be made against the city, and all facts relating thereto; said board shall be au- thorized to settle all such claims where the sum paid shall not exceed five hundred dollars; and their order upon the city treasurer for the amount agreed upon in such settlement shall be sufficient authority for him to pay to the claimant the same from any city funds in his hands, and the amount so paid shall be charged to May agree for set- the contingent fund. Whenever said board shall deem in excess of $600 it for the best interest of the city to settle any such subject to ratifica- tion by city claim by the payment of a sum exceeding five hundred dollars, they may make an agreement with the claim- ant for the payment of the sum agreed upon, but sub- ject to ratification by the city council. Upon such ratification, but not before, the treasurer shall pay the amount so agreed upon, as hereinbefore provided for the payment of claims not exceeding five hundred dollars. tlement of claims council. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. 131 CHAPTER 23. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Section. Section. 1. Chapter 334, Acts of 1872, “To | Act $ 5. City engineer to be clerk establish a board of public of the board. His duties as works in the city of Spring- such. field" accepted and adopted. Act 6. City council may take or Act § 1. Board of public works purchase land, for laying established; members of, and maintaining sewers and how elected ; tenure of drains. office. Act § 7. The word “street” to in- Act & 2. Members to be sworn. clude highways, etc. Act § 3. Vacancies, how filled. Act & 8. Compensation. Act § 4. Duties of the board. | Act 9. Act to take effect, when. of 1872, “to estab- SECTION 1. The act of the General Court of Chapter 334, Acts this Commonwealth entitled, “ An act to establish a lish a board of board of public works in the city of Springfield,” ap- the city of Spring- is field," accepted proved May four, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, is anda hereby accepted and adopted as follows:- “ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre. sentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- works established; elected; tenure of field may within one month after the passage of this members of, how act, elect on joint ballot, in convention, three able and offices discreet men, being inhabitants of said city, and legal voters, who shall constitute the board of public works of said city; one of whom shall be chosen to hold office until the first Monday in April, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, one to the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and one to the first Monday in April, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead ; and during the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and annually in the month of March thereafter, the city council shall on joint ballot, in convention, elect one man, qualified as aforesaid, to be a member of said board to serve for the term of three years from the first Monday of April thereafter, 132 REVISED ORDINANCES. Members to be Sworn. filled. Duties of the board. “ SECT. 2. Before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the members of said board, elected under the provisions of this act, shall be sworn to the faith- ful discharge thereof. Vacancies, how “SECT. 3. Should a vacancy occur on said board, it may be filled for the remainder of the term in which such vacancy occurs by election of the city council by joint ballot in convention. “SECT. 4. It shall be the duty of said board to hold hearings, investigate and report on all matters referred to them by the city council or mayor and aldermen, relating to the laying out, altering, widening, discon- tinuing, change of grade, or repairing of the streets of the city ; also on all matters so referred to them relating to the laying out, establishing, change of grade, constructing, paving, altering, repairing or repaving sidewalks therein; and also on all matters so referred to them relating to the laying out, mainte- nance, constructing, altering or repairing sewers and drains therein. Said board shall also perform such further duties relating to streets, bridges, sidewalks, sewers, drains or other public works, parks, squares and public places, including the estimation of damages and betterments, as the city council shall, by city ordinance, or order, not repugnant to law, from time to time prescribe or direct. City engineer to be “SECT. 5. The city engineer shall be the clerk of His duties as such, said board. He shall make and keep a record of the doings of said board and certify the same when there is occasion therefor. He shall also make all plans and surveys required for the use of said board. In case of the absence or inability of said clerk to act, said board may appoint a temporary clerk to act in his place, who shall receive for his services such compensation as said board shall determine. “SECT. 6. Said city council may take and hold, by for laying and purchase or otherwise, such land and water.courses maintaining sew- as they may deem necessary for the purpose of laying and maintaining sewers and drains ; provided, that if any person shall sustain damages to his property by reason thereof, and shall fail to agree upon a settle- ment of the same with said city council, the same shall be assessed in the same manner as damages are assessed in the laying out of highways. The word “street” “SECT. 4. The word street in this act shall include ways, etc? ghe highways, town ways, lanes and alleys. clerk of the board. City council may ers and drains. to include high- BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. 133 “SECT. 8. The members of said board of public Compensation. works shall receive such compensation for their serv- ices as the city council may by ordinance establish. “Sect. 9. This act shall take effect upon its accept- When to take ance by the city council.” When to take effect. 134 REVISED ORDINANCES. · CHAPTER 24. . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. Section. 1. Who shall constitute the board; powers and duties. Who shall consti. tute the board. SECTION 1. The mayor, with one member of the joint standing committee on streets and sidewalks in the board of aldermen, and one member of the same committee of the common council, each to be chosen by their respective boards, by viva voce vote, shall constitute a board of supervisors of highways and Powers and duties. hoidoes who shall ha. "bridges, who shall have the general supervision of all the public highways, streets, avenues, and bridges of the city, and, when duly authorized by the city coun- cil, and not otherwise, may, at their discretion, con- tract for quarrying and crushing trap rock, and for paving, macadamizing or otherwise improving the streets of the city. BOARD OF HEALTH. 135 CHAPTER 25 BOARD OF HEALTH. sist; Section. Section, 1. Of whom to consist; powers Emergencies. Inspector of and duties. meats and provisions. 2. Election ; qualifications ; ten | 5. Annual report. ure of office; vacancies, etc. 6. Compensation of health physi- 3. Chairman; health physician to cian. be clerk; his duties. 7. Compensation and duties of in- 4. Rules.' Agent and inspectors. I spectors. SECTION 1. The board of health of the city of Of whom to con- Springfield shall consist of three suitable citizens, one si of whom shall be a doctor of medicine. They shall powers and duties. possess and exercise all the powers vested in, and per- form all the duties prescribed to, boards of health of cities and towns, or to city councils, or mayors. and aldermen of cities as boards of health, or in re- lation to matters concerning or affecting the public health, in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city and the statutes of the Commonwealth. SECT. 2. The present members of the board of Election; health shall hold their offices during the term for which they severally were appointed. Annually, hereafter in the month of January, the city council shall elect by viva voce vote one member of said board for the term of three years from the first Monday in February in the year of such election. The members so elected qualifications; shall not be members of the city council, and not more than two members of said board shall be chosen from any one political party. Each election shall be made subject to the foregoing provisions respecting a doctor of medicine, and each member chosen shall hold office tenure of office; during his term, unless sooner removed, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as herein provided for original selection. Each member vacancies, etc. of the board shall be subject to removal by the mayor for cause, with the approval of the board of aldermen. SECT. 3. The board of health shall organize on the Chairman; first Monday of February in each year, and shall 136 REVISED ORDINANCES. the best praznician health physician to be clerk ; his duties. Rules. choose one of its members as chairman. That mem- ber of the board, who is a doctor of medicine, shall serve as clerk of the board. He shall be known as the health physician, and shall perform all such medi- cal and sanitary duties as may be required by the board of health and the mayor and the city council. He shall attend the meetings of the board; shall make all necessary bacteriological examinations ; shall keep a true and complete record of all the acts and proceed- ings of the board ; and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance. In case of the prevalence or impending of any infectious or conta- gious disease within the city, he shall give to the mayor or either board of the city council such profes- sional advice and assistance as may be required by any of them. SECT. 4. The board of health may make such rules and regulations in regard to plumbing and house drainage, for the protection and preservation of the health and sanitation of the city, for the removal and abatement of filth, garbage, rubbish, ashes, nuisances, and the causes of disease, and for the government of the board and of its subordinate officers and employees, as may be considered necessary and may not be incon- sistent with the statutes of the Commonwealth and Agent and in- the charter and ordinances of the city. It may ap- point an agent and employ such inspectors or other assistants as may be authorized by the city council, all of whom shall be subject to the removal or dis- charge by the board whenever it deems advisable ; Emergencies. provided, however, that in cases of emergency de- manding the immediate action of the board it may employ such temporary assistants as may be necessary. Inspector of meats It shall designate as inspector of meats and provisions and provisions. the inspector of animals appointed by the mayor and aldermen. Annual report. SECT. 5. The board of health shall make a full re- port of its doings to the city council annually in the month of January, together with list of the deaths of all persons occurring in the city during the preceding calendar year, stating the age, sex, and cause of death of each person, as far as ascertainable, together with such suggestions and recommendations as may be deemed advisable. Compensation of SECT. 6. The health physician and the agent of the lan. board of health shall receive such compensation as spectors. health physician. BOARD OF HEALTHN- 137 . duties of in- salary as the city council may from time to time by ordinance determine, which shall be in full for all services performed. SECT. 7. The compensation of the inspector of milk compensation and and vinegar, and of the inspector of meats, provisions spectors. and animals, shall be taken from the appropriation for the board of health, and said inspectors shall respec- tively perform their duties so far as is permissible by existing laws, subject to the direction and approval of said board. 138 CHAPTER 26. RELATING TO THE REMOVAL OF NIGHT SOIL, THE CON- TENTS OF PRIVY VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS, HOUSE OFFAL, ASHES, REFUSE SUBSTANCES AND DEAD ANIMALS. Section. Section. 1. Licenses to remove night soil, cover removal of asbes. contents of privy vaults and Licenses to state under which cesspools, and dead animals, section issued, etc., under how granted. section three to be numbered. 2. Licensees may collect compen- To be recorded. Applications sation for services, as fixed for services of licensees to be by board of health. entered with board of health. 3. Licenses to remove house offal, | 5. Only licensees to remove sub- ashes, and refuse, how grant- stances named in sections ed. one and three, except, etc. 4. Licenses to job wagons, etc., to | 6. Penalty. ve SECTION 1. The mayor and aldermen shall, from Licenses to remove night soil, con- tents of privy time to time, license some person, or persons, to remove vaults and cess- night soil, the contents of privy vaults and cesspools, pools, and dead animals, how granted. and to remove dead animals, subject to the provisions of the city ordinances, and all the rules of the board of health relating thereto. Licensees may SECT. 2. Every person licensed under the provisions tion for services, of the preceding section shall be entitled to collect from as fixed by board the owner, occupant, or person having charge of the premises from which he has removed any of the sub- stances mentioned in said section, such compensation as shall be fixed by the rules of the board of health, whether such removal is made upon the application of such owner, occupant or agent, or by order of the board of health. Licenses to remove SECT. 3. The mayor and aldermen shall, from time house offal, ashes, and refuse, how es, to time, license persons to remove house offal, ashes, and all refuse substances, subject to the provisions of the city ordinances, and all the rules of the board of collect compensa of health. . granted. Licenses to job SECT, 4. All licenses granted for trucks, job wagons, wagons, etc., to cover removal of express wagons, carts, or other vehicles, for the con- • ashes. veyance of wood, coal, lumber, stone, dirt, rubbish, goods, furniture, etc., as provided by the rules and orders of the mayor and aldermen, shall include per- mission to remove ashes, subject to the provisions of REMOVAL OF REFUSE. 139 Licenses to state under which etc., under section bered. services of tered with board the rules and regulations of the board of health, as provided by section three. ` All licenses issued under Licenses to state the provisions of this chapter shall state whether they section issued, are issued under section one or section three; and, if three to be num- under section three, they shall be numbered. All licenses shall state that they are issued subject to the provisions of the city ordinances and all rules of the board of health now existing, or which shall hereafter be made, and subject to forfeiture for any violation thereof. All such licenses shall be recorded by the To be recorded. board of health in a book to be kept for the purpose. A book shall also be kept in the office of said board, Applications for wherein applications for the services of the parties licensees to be en- licensed herein shall be entered, and such applications of health. shall receive attention in the order in which they are made. SECT. 5. No person, not licensed as herein provided, Only licensees to shall remove or transport through any street, or pas named in sections sageway in the city, within the district in which swine except, etc. are not allowed to be kept, any of the substances speci- fied in sections one and three of this chapter, except that any person may use upon his own premises all substances specified in section three, created or accu- mulating thereon, provided he shall not create a nuisance thereby; and if he transports such substances through the city streets, he shall transport them in such manner, at such times, and in such vessels or vehicles as the board of health may prescribe. SECT. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions Penalty. of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars, and by a for- feiture of his license if the party so violating be licensed under the provisions hereof. Only licensees to remove substances one and three, 140 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 27. THE KEEPING OF SWINE. Section. swine shall not be Section. 1. Board of health to prescribe | 2. Penalty. limits within which swine shall not be kept without licer se. Board of health to SECTION 1. No swine shall be kept or maintained prescribe limits within which in the city of Springfield within the limits prescribed kept without by the board of health, unless said board shall have license. granted a license therefor, prescribing the manner in which the animals may be kept. SECT. 2. Any person offending against the provi. sions of this chapter shall forfeit and pay an amount not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. Penalty. PLUMBING. 141 CHAPTER 28. PLUMBING. blanks. Section. Section. 1. Sewage pipes to be installed | 3. Inspector to be notified when only on permit authorized by work is ready for examina- board of health. Application tion: blanks. Permits. | 4. Penalty. 2. Notice of alterations to be filed, Ls 5. R. L., ch. 103, accepted. and approved. SECTION 1. No pipes, tanks, faucets, valves, or Sewage pipes to be installed only fixtures by and through which waste water or sewage on permit author- ized by board of is used or carried, shall be placed in any building ex- health cept upon such terms and conditions as the board of health may prescribe, and upon a permit being first issued therefor by said board of health, or such person or persons as the board may designate. Applications Application for such permits shall be made to the board of health upon blanks provided for the purpose by said board, which shall contain a statement of the work to be performed, location of building, and names of the persons for and by whom the work is to be done. Each permit issued by the board of health shall be Permits. subject to the express conditions to be set forth in such permit, that all work done under it shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and that all direc- tions of the board of health relating to such work and all provisions of statute or ordinance relating to plumbing shall be complied with. SECT. 2. In all cases where the drainage system of Notice of altera- tions to be filed, any building is required to be or has been constructed under a permit issued by the board of health, no per- son shall proceed to construct, add to, or alter any portion of the drainage system of such building (ex- cept solely by way of repairs) until there be filed in the office of the board of health a notice or written description of the work to be performed. No person shall commence work upon such drainage or plumbing until the plans are approved by said board. and approved. After a plan has been approved under the provisions of this ordinance, no alteration of the same shall be made without permission in writing from the board of health. 142 REVISED ORDINANCES. Inspector to be notified when examination. Penalty. SECT. 3. An inspector of plumbing who shall be woſk is ready for called upon to examine any work under the statutes or ordinances relating to plumbing, shall be notified when such work is ready for inspection, and all work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until examined and approved. SECT. 4. Whoever violates any provision of this ordinance shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for each and every violation thereof, and whoever being a licensee for plumbing violates any statute, ordinance, or regulation of the board of health relating to plumbing shall be subject to have his license revoked by the board of health as said board may determine. R. L., ch. 103, ac SECT. 5. The provisions of chapter one hundred and three of the Revised Laws are hereby accepted and adopted. 103, ac- cepted. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 143 CHAPTER 29. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section. Section. 1. Board of fire commissioners, of 16. Each company to have captain, whom to consist, appoint- lieutenant, and clerk, how ments, qualifications, removal chosen, clerk's duties and from city vacates office. tenure of office. 2. Vacancies in board, how filled. 17. Commissioners may suspend, Chairman to be chosen, tenure remove, or discharge. of office. Secretary to be 18. Chief,etc., to have power to sus- chosen, duties, etc. pend in certain cases. Appeal. Board to have management of 19. Members of department must fire department and firealarm be citizens, and not employed telegraph, to be responsible otherwise by state or city. for property of departments, 20. Running members to observe may sell or purchase property same rules, etc., as call mem- worth less than $1,000. Eva- bers. sions forbidden, proceeds of | 21. Clerks of companies, duties of, sale of property to be paid to as to rolls. Rolls to be signed city treasurer. by captain and clerk, approv- 5. Annual estimates. Accounts. ed by chief, and transmitted Credit of department not to to commissioners. Penalty be exceeded. for falsifying rolls. 6. Approval of bills and pay rolls. | 22. Amounts due companies, how Treasurer to advance money paid. Receipts to be obtain- for contingencies. Emer- ed by captains and filed with gency bills to be approved, city treasurer. money to be returned to | 23. Apparatus not to be taken treasury. from city, except. 8. Fire department, of whom to 24. No person not a member of consist. Nominations and department, shall interfere appointments. at a fire. Names of persons 9. Board to prescribe compensa- offending to be reported. tion of companies and duties 25. No persons except policemen of members. and firemen to enter streets, 10. Chief, deputy chief, and assist- etc., barricaded by fire de- ant engineers, and superin- partment. tendent of fire alarm to be | 26. Pay of members fixed by city chosen annually by board of commissioners, tenure of 27. Superintendent of fire alarm office, vacancies. Rank of designated as supervisor of assistants. wires. 11. Board of engineers; meetings; 28. Board of commissioners may quorum ; regulations. grant pensions in cases of 12. Board of engineers may make disability, and after 20 years' certain rules. service, in certain cases. 13. Chief engineer to report viola 29. Pensions to be payable month- tions of building ordinances. ly, and may be changed by Other duties; in case of ab- commissioners. sence, powers devolve on City physician to examine pe- deputy chief, etc. titioners, and to examine pen- 14. Chief, etc., to detect and re- sioners annually, and report. move combustible materials. 31. Cause of disability to be stated Penalty. in writing by chief, when. 15. Chief, etc., to examine build 32. Commissioners to examine ings upon request, and may cases and decide upon pen- require alterations. Penalty. sions by majority vote. council. 30. 144 REVISED ORDINANCES. Section. Section, 33. Limitations upon pensions of | 36. Pensions to be paid out of ap- chief or deputy chief en- propriation for department. gineer. 37. No person shall, without au- 34. Pensions for disability not to thority, interfere with fire exceed $40.00 per month. alarm telegraph. 35. Pensions for 20 years' service, | 38. No person shall injure appa- etc., not to exceed $25.00 per ratus of fire alarm telegraph. month. 39. Penalty for violations of Sects. 24, 25, 37, and 38. missioners, sist, S- appointments, Board of fire com- SECTION 1. The present members of the board of fire commissioners shall hold their offices during the of whom to con- terms for which they severally are appointed. Such appointees, together with the chairman of the com- mittee on the fire department, who shall be ex officio a member of the board, shall constitute the board of commissioners of the fire department, and annually, hereafter, in the month of April, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the city council by concurrent vote, a citizen and resident of the city, to be a member of said board for the term of four years from the succeeding first Monday of May. In all qualifications, appointments of members of said board the political affiliation of the appointee shall be considered with a view to so constituting the board as that no more than two of its members so appointed shall be of the same political party; and no person shall be appointed, or, excepting said chairman of said committee, be a mem- ber of the board, who is a member of the city council, or holds any municipal office for which he receives compensation; and any member removing from the removal from city vacates office. Y city shall thereby vacate his office. SECT. 2. In case any person so appointed shall die, board, how filled. resign, or become disqualified during his term of office, the remaining members of said board, or a majority thereof, shall forthwith notify the mayor in writing of the vacancy existing, who shall, as soon as may be, appoint, subject to confirmation as aforesaid, a mem- ber of said board to fill such vacancy for the residue of the term. SECT. 3. Said board shall choose by viva voce vote one of its members to be chairman of the board, who shall hold such position for such a term as the rules of said board may prescribe, or if such rules do not pre- scribe such term of service, he shall hold the position of chairman during the official term for which he is appointed. Said board shall in the same manner vacates office. Vacancies in Chairman to be chosen, tenure of office. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 145 agement of fire for property of chase property $1000. choose one of its members to be secretary of the board Secretary to be chosen, duties, etc. and may prescribe his duties and term of service. SECT. 4. Said board shall, subject to the provisions Board to have man- hereof, have the appointment, management and con- department, trol of all officers and members of the fire department and power to make such lawful rules and regulations for their government and discipline, and for the regu- lation and care of the fire alarm telegraph, and the and fire alarm telegraph, direction and control of the parties having the charge and care thereof as they may deem proper ; they shall be responsible for, and have the charge and care of, all to be responsible property belonging to said departments, and shall see departments, that the same is maintained in an efficient condition by a wise expenditure of so much of the annual appro- priation made therefor as may be necessary. When may sell or pur- in their opinion it is desirable that any part of such worth less than property be sold, or otherwise disposed of, or that addi- tional property be obtained, they may sell, dispose of, or obtain such property, provided the aggregate value of the property so obtained or disposed of at any one time, or for any one purpose, shall not exceed one thousand dollars; otherwise authority therefor must first be obtained from the city council. Said board Evasions forbid- shall not, for the purpose of evading the provisions of this section, divide the property so proposed to be obtained or disposed of, into items and sell, dispose of, or purchase such items separately at the same or dif- ferent times. All money derived from the sale of such Proceeds of sale of property shall be forthwith paid to the city treasurer to city treasurer. and credited by him to said department. SECT. 5. Said commissioners shall annually in the Annual estimates. month of January communicate to the committee on finance an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised for the then current financial year for the use of the fire department, stating the amounts department, for regular and incidental expenses, and for the alteration and repair of the property under their control. They shall keep an accurate and de- Accounts. tailed account of all expenditures of money, and annu- ally, in the month of December in each year, render to the city council an itemized and exact report of all such expenditures, together with such information as has been included in the annual report of the chief engineer. They shall not expend any money, nor Credit of depart- incur any liabilities or obligations that shall in the exceeded. ment not to be 146 REVISED ORDINANCES. Treasurer to ad- vance money for aggregate exceed the amount standing to the credit of the department; and any obligation contracted shall be met out of said amount. Approval of bills SECT. 6. No bill contracted under the authority and pay rolls. hereof shall be paid by the city treasurer, unless the items thereof shall be approved by the written signa- tures of a majority of said commissioners, and also audited and approved as otherwise required by ordi- nance. The quarterly pay rolls of the department shall be approved in like manner before payment. SECT. 7. The city treasurer shall pay over to the contingencies. commissioners of the fire department, as soon after the tenth day of December of each year as said com- missioners may desire, the sum of two hundred dol- lars; the same to be paid on the written request of said commissioners and the written order of the mayor ; and to be charged to the appropriation for the fire department for the then current fiscal year. Said money shall be kept by said commissioners apart from any money of their own, and as the money of the city, and shall be used only for such necessary expenses as may be called for by any emergency which must be met at once and without the delay incidental to the approval and payment of bills as now provided by Emergency bills to ordinance. Whenever any expenses shall have been paid out of said fund, the bill therefor shall be approved and paid by the treasurer in conformity with existing ordinances, the same as if it had not been paid out of said funds; and the amount thereof shall be paid to said commissioners to be placed to the credit of said fund, and to become a part thereof, to make good the amount used by them. Said commissioners shall annu- turned to treasury. ally, prior to the tenth day of December, pay over to said treasurer said sum of two hundred dollars, and the same shall be placed to the credit of said fire department. Fire department, SECT. 8. The fire department for the city of Spring- of whom to con- field shall consist of one chief engineer, one deputy chief engineer, one superintendent of the fire alarm telegraph who shall perform the duties of an assistant engineer, not to exceed two call assistant engineers, seventy members permanently employed, seventy- eight call members, and twenty-five running members, all of whom shall be appointed by the board of com- missioners of the fire department; six steam fire engine companies, six hose companies, one chemical be approved. Money to be re- sist. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 147 composition of duties of members, superintendent of engine company and four hook and ladder companies, and as many more such engine, hose and hook and ladder companies and members as the fire apparatus belonging to the city, from time to time shall require, in the opinion of the city council. All appointments under this section, except the Nominations and chief engineer, deputy chief, and assistant engineers, appointments. shall be made from nominations presented to said com- missioners by the engineers of the fire department. If such nominations are rejected by the commissioners, new nominations shall be made by said engineers If at the expiration of ten days after nominations have been called for, the engineers fail to make such nomi- nations, the commissioners may appoint without such nominations being made. SECT. 9. The composition of the various companies Board to prescribe of the fire department and the duties of all the mem- companies and bers of said fire department shall be such as the board of commissioners of the fire department may from time to time determine and establish. SECT. 10. The chief engineer, deputy chief engi- Chief, deputy chief, and assist- neer, superintendent of the fire alarm telegraph, and ant engineers, and assistant engineers of the fire department shall be fire alarm to be chosen by viva voce vote annually on the first Monday of 65 January, or within thirty days thereafter by the com- missioners of the fire department and shall hold their offices for one year from the first Monday in February tenure of office, in each year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by vote of said commissioners. Vacancies in their number may be vacancies. filled at any time, in the manner provided for an original election. The respective rank of the assistant Rank of assistants. engineers shall be determined in their election. SECT. 11. The engineers chosen as provided in the Board of engi- preceding section shall, annually, as soon as practica- ble after their election, meet and organize as a board of engineers. The chief engineer shall preside at the meetings; meeting held for such organization, and at all meet- ings of the board ; and in his absence, the deputy chief. In the absence of the chief and deputy chief quorum; engineer, the assistant engineer first in rank of those present shall preside. A majority of the whole board shall constitute a quorum. They may make such regulations. regulations for their own government as they may see fit, subject to the approval of the commissioners of the fire department. chosen annually by board, neers; 148 REVISED ORDINANCES. may make certain rules. nances; in case of absence, powers devolve on deputy chief, etc. Chief, etc., to de- tect and remove combustible materials. Board of engineers SECT. 12. The board of engineers may, subject to the approval of the commissioners of the fire depart- ment, make such rules and regulations for the govern- ment, discipline, and good order of the department and for the extinguishment of fires as they may deem expedient. Chief engineer to SECT. 13. It shall be the duty of the chief engineer report violations of building ordi- to make a report in writing to the building inspector and city marshal of any violations coming to his notice of any provision of any ordinance of the city establish- ing a fire district and regulating the construction of buildings; and he shall perform such other duties as the commissioners of the fire department may from other duties; time to time prescribe. He shall devote his whole time to the interests and business of the department. In in case of his absence from the city or disability from any tc. cause to perform his duties, his powers shall vest in and his duties be devolved upon the deputy chief or, in the absence of the deputy chief, the assistant engineer first in rank of those present in the city. SECT. 14. It shall be the duty of the chief engineer, or in his absence of the deputy chief engineer, to ex- amine or cause to be examined all buildings and other places, where ashes, shavings, or other combustible materials may be collected or deposited, and at all times to be vigilant in causing the removal of the same, whenever necessary in his opinion, to avoid danger from fire. He shall direct the tenant or occu- pant of any such building or place, to remove or other- wise safely dispose of such ashes, shavings, or other combustible materials; and in case such tenant or occupant shall fail or refuse so to do, the chief engineer or deputy chief engineer shall remove or cause to be removed the same, at the expense of the said tenant or occupant. Any such tenant or occupant who shall, when thereto directed by said chief engineer, or deputy chief engineer, neglect or refuse to so remove any such ashes, shavings, or other combustible materials, shall be liable to a penalty for each such neglect or refusal of not more than twenty dollars. SECT. 15. It shall also be the duty of the chief examine buildings & engineer, or in his absence of the deputy chief engineer, when requested by two or more citizens, representing that ashes or combustible materials, are kept in an in- secure or illegal manner, or that the funnels, flues, fireboards, or heating apparatus of any building in Penalty. Chief, etc., to upon request, ! FIRE DEPARTMENT. 149 alterations. have captain, clerk, the city are in an insecure or dangerous state, to make a personal examination of such place or building, and and may require to give the owner or occupant thereof written notice of the changes, alterations or repairs which in his opinion, the public safety may require ; and any per- Penalty. son who shall neglect or refuse to make such changes, alterations, or repairs when so required, or shall pre- vent the examination aforesaid, or shall obstruct the said engineer in carrying out the provisions of this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars. SECT. 16. Every engine, hook and ladder, chemical Each company to engine and hose company shall have a captain, lieu- lieutenant, and tenant and clerk, who shall be elected by the board of commissioners of the fire department from nomina- tions presented to said commissioners by the chief engineer and deputy chief engineer. If such nomina- how chosen, tions are rejected by the commissioners, new nomina- tions shall be made by said engineers. If at the expiration of ten days after nominations have been called for, the engineers fail to make such nominations, the commissioners may elect without such nominations being made. The clerk shall be one of the permanent clerk's duties, men of the company, and shall perform the duties of clerk without any extra compensation therefor. The person elected shall have notice of his election by certificate thereof, signed by the commissioners, and shall hold the office to which he is chosen for the term and tenure of of one year from the first day of May preceding his election, and until another shall be duly chosen in his stead, unless sooner removed by the board of commis- sioners of the fire department. SECT. 17. Any officer or member of the fire depart- Commissioners ment may, at any time, be suspended, removed or dis- charged by the commissioners of the fire department. SECT. 18. Any officer or member of the fire depart- Chief, etc., to have ment, except the deputy chief engineer or an assistant in certain cases. engineer, who shall willfully neglect or refuse to per- form his duty, or shall be guilty of disorderly conduct or of disobedience of orders or disrespect to superiors in office, may be suspended from the said department by the chief engineer or deputy chief engineer when in charge ; provided, however, that whenever the per- son so suspended feels aggrieved, he may, within thirty days from such suspension, appeal to the com- Appeal. missioners of the fire department for an investigation office. may suspend, re- move, or dis- charge. power to suspend 150 REVISED ORDINANCES. Members of de- partment must be i citizens, otherwise by state to observe same Clerks of com- . panies, duties of as to rolls. of the case, and said commissioners may, if they see fit, reinstate him in the place from which he was so suspended. SECT. 19. No person shall be a member of the fire department unless he is at the time a citizen of the city of Springfield and not less than twenty-one years of age. No person fully or permanently employed by and not employed the state, or by the city in any other department, shall or city. be a member of said fire department; and any member of the fire department accepting a position requiring him to be so employed or removing from the city, shall be considered thereby to have resigned his member- ship of said fire department. Running members SECT. 20. Running members shall observe the same rules, etc., as call rules, regulations, and city ordinances as govern call members." members and be held to like responsibilities. SECT. 21. The clerks of the several companies of the said department shall, on the first Mondays in March, June, September and December in each year, upon blanks furnished by the city, make out rolls bearing the full names, occupations, ages, and resi- dences, of the members of their respective companies, specifying also the number of times the said compa- nies have been called out and the attendance of the members respectively for the then previous three Rolls to be signed months; said rolls shall be filled out properly and clerk, signed by the captain and clerk of the company to which they relate, and immediately delivered to the approved by chief, chief engineer for his approval, who shall at once commissioners." transmit them to the commissioners of the fire depart- Penalty for falsifi- ment. Captains or clerks signing falsified rolls shall be dismissed from the service. Amounts due com- SECT. 22. The amounts allowed to the several com- panies, how paid. panies as aforesaid shall be paid to the permanent cap- tains of the respective fire stations, to be by them dis- bursed immediately to the members therein stationed, Receipts to be ob- as the same may be due. Said captains shall obtain and filed with city from said members written receipts for all money paid them, which receipts they shall forth with file with the city treasurer, who shall see that such receipts, cov- ering the amount paid to the respective captains, are so filed prior to making any subsequent payment to them. SECT. 23. No engine or any part of the apparatus belonging to the said department shall be taken from the city at any time, except for the purpose of having by captain and and transmitted to cation of rolls, treasurer. Apparatus not to be taken from the city, except. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 151 member of depart- offending to be US the same repaired; provided, however, that in case of a fire in a neighboring town or city, the chairman of the commissioners of the fire department, or, in his absence from the city, the chief engineer, or, in the absence of both from the city, the deputy chief or assistant engi- neer in charge of the department may order any engine, or any of said apparatus to be taken to such town or city for the purpose of assisting in the extin- guishing of such fire. SECT. 24. No person not a member of the said fire No person, not a department, being present at a fire, shall assume with- ment, shall inter- fere at a fire. out authority to exercise control over any members of the said department in respect to their duty, or will- fully or unnecessarily make outcries or other loud noises, or be guilty of disorderly conduct in any man- ner, or promote or encourage disorderly conduct in others then present; and it shall be the duty of the Names of persons engineers to report to the commissioners of the fire reported department the name of any person so offending, and of every person who shall, contrary to law, refuse or neglect to obey any lawful order of any engineer at any fire occurring in the city. SECT. 25. No person not a member of the fire depart- No persons, except policemen and ment or of the police department, shall, without the firemen, to enter authority of some one of the officers of one of said caded by fire de- departments, willfully remain or enter upon such part of any street, lane, or alley as is by the authority of the officers of either of said departments roped off, barricaded, or plainly designated in any way for the use of the fire department in extinguishing a fire, or for the protection of persons attending any fire. SECT. 26. The pay of the members of said depart- Pay of members - fixed by city ment shall from time to time be fixed by the city councit. council. SECT. 27. The superintendent of the fire alarm is Superintendent of hereby designated as the officer required to be desig- nated as supervisor nated or appointed under the provisions of section eighteen of chapter one hundred and twenty-two of the Revised Laws. Said superintendent shall perform all of the duties incumbent upon him as such officer, by reason of the provisions of said act, and of any acts in amendment thereof, or in addition thereto. SECT. 28. Upon recommendation of the chief engi- Board of commis- neer of the fire department or upon his own petition pensions in cases of disability, therefor, any member of the fire department who by reason of permanent disability incurred while in the streets, etc., barri- partment. fire alarm desig- nated as supervisor of wires. Board of commis- sioners may grant 152 REVISED ORDINANCES. years' service in certain cases. Pensions to be and may be ers, and to report, discharge of his duty as fireman, is no longer able to perform active service as such fireman, or any member of the fire department who has performed faithful and after twenty service in that department for a period of not less than twenty consecutive years, provided that he is incapaci- tated for further useful service, or any member of the fire department who has reached the age of sixty-five years, and who has performed faithful service in that department for a period of not less than twenty con- secutive years, shall receive such a pension for such time and to such an amount as the board of commis- sioners of the fire department may determine and fix, not to exceed the amounts hereafter specified. SECT. 29. Every pension granted to a fireman shall payable monthly be payable monthly, and at any time may be increased, changed by com- missioners. diminished or revoked by the board of commissioners of the fire department after a hearing. City physician to SECT. 30. The city physician shall examine every examine petition- person recommended or petitioning for a pension be- ers annually and cause of permanent disability or incapacity for useful service, and shall annually thereafter furnish to the board of commissioners of the fire department a written statement of the pensioner's physical condition so far as it affects permanently his ability or capacity to per- form active service as a fireman. Cause of disability SECT. 31. When any member of the fire department Writing by chief, makes application for a pension because of permanent disability incurred in discharge of his duty as a fire- man, the chief engineer shall forth with furnish to the board of commissioners of the fire department a writ- ten statement of the circumstances under which the disability of the applicant for pension was incurred and the source of his information. Commissioners to SECT. 32. The board of commissioners of the fire decide upon pen- department shall examine into all the cases where sions by majority pensions are applied for, and a decision of a majority of the said board shall be final. SECT. 33. A pension granted to the chief engineer or deputy chief or the deputy chief engineer shall not exceed one half engineer. of the salary received by him at the time he may be disabled. Pensions for dis- SECT. 34. A pension granted a member because of permanent disability or incapacity for further useful service shall not exceed forty dollars a month. SECT. 35. A pension granted a member who has reached the age of sixty-five having performed faith- when. examine cases and vote. Limitation upon pension of chief ability not to exceed $40 a month. Pensions for twenty years' sery- FIRE DEPARTMENT. 153 ice, etc., not to exceed $25 a month. ment. No person shall without authority interfere with fire alarm telegraph. ful service for not less than twenty consecutive years, shall not exceed twenty-five dollars a month. SECT. 36. The pensions herein provided for shall be Pensions to be paid out of appropria- paid out of the appropriation for the fire department. tion for depart- SECT. 37. No person shall, without authority from the chairman of the board of fire commissioners, or the witbro superintendent of the fire alarm telegraph, open, or in any way interfere with, break, or injure a signal box, wire, or anything connected with the fire alarm tele- graph apparatus, except for the purpose of giving an alarm in case of fire. SECT. 38. No person shall willfully or without cause No person shall destroy, injure, or deface a signal box, wire or any of fire ala other thing connected with the fire alarm telegraph apparatus. SECT. 39. Whoever violates any of the provisions Penalty for viola- na tions of $8 24, 25, of sections twenty-four, twenty-five, thirty-seven and 57,38. thirty-eight of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding twenty dollars. injure apparatus alarm tele graph. 154 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 30. FIRE DISTRICT AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. Section. Section, 1. Fire limits bounded. 12. Elevators to be carried above 2. Restrictions and requirements roofs, enclosures to be of as to buildings within limits. metal, etc. Outside electric 3. Foundation walls, how built, switches and gas valves. piles may be required. Con 13. No wooden building within struction under sidewalks fire limits to be raised, recon- and in areas. structed, or moved, except. 4. Construction of piers in base- | 14. Wooden buildings damaged by ments; of brick walls. fire may be rebuilt if 60% of 5. Spaces between walls ; piers, value remains; board of al- buttresses, etc.; thickness of derinen to determine value walls. and may adjudge building a 6. Requirements as to walls al nuisance if less than 60% ready constructed. Walls to remains. be bonded. No wall to be | 15. Inspector of buildings, duties carried up more than two as to notice, etc.; if notice to stories in advance of any owner is disregarded, notice other. to be given to mayor. 7. Walls to be carried to roof. | 16. Stores, etc., more than 45 feet Hollow walls. high to have fireproof doors, 8. Construction of cornices, etc., blinds, or shutters. covering of roofs; projecting 17. Inspector of buildings, how show windows; columns. designated. Tenure of office. Strength of floors, of roofs. Chief and deputy chief en- Requirements as to timbers gineers of fire department to entering brick walls. Writ- be ineligible. ten statements as to certain Openings in party walls. Fire buildings to be filed and re- and smoke stops. Thickness corded. Inspector may ex- and height of walls, how amine buildings and order measured. Provisions as to change of load. walls built in part of iron or 10. Construction of chimneys; of steel. Wood lintels. Bonding fireplaces. Chimneys to ex- of walls built of both brick tend 3 feet above roof. Space and stone. Water tanks to be over furnaces and around on brick walls and approved stovepipes. by inspector. 11. Certain buildings to be pro- | 19. Penalty vided with standpipes. 18. Fire limits bounded. SECTION. 1. The fire limits of the city of Spring- field shall include all that part of the city bounded northerly by a line one hundred and fifty feet north of Bradford and Carew streets, easterly by a line one hundred and fifty feet east of Chestnut and Maple streets and extending southerly to the northerly side of Temple street, thence along the center line of Maple street to Central street, southerly by a line one hundred FIRE DISTRICT—CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. 155 requirements as to how built, and fifty feet south of Central and Fremont streets and Whitney avenue, and westerly by the Connecticut river. SECT. 2. No building or structure shall be erected Restrictions and or constructed within said fire limits unless the external buildings within fire limits. and party walls of the same are composed of brick, stone, iron or other incombustible materials, and no building already erected or hereafter to be built, shall be raised, altered or built upon, unless when com- pleted it shall be in conformity to the requirements of this ordinance. SECT. 3. Foundation walls shall be built of stone Foundation walls, or brick. If built of rubblestone, they shall be at least eight inches thicker than the wall next above them to a depth of twelve feet or less below the curb level, and for every additional ten feet or part thereof in depth, they shall be increased four inches in thick- ness. If built of brick or block stone laid in courses, they shall be at least four inches thicker than the wall next above them to a depth of twelve feet or less be- low the curb level, and for every additional ten feet or part thereof in depth, they shall be increased four inches in thickness. The footing or base course shall be of stone or concrete, or both, or of stepped-up brick work on a secure foundation, and of sufficient thick- ness and area to bear safely the weight to be imposed thereon. If the base course be of concrete, it must be made satisfactory to the inspector of buildings; if of stone, the stones shall be not less than two feet cross- wise the wall and at least eight inches in thickness for the walls, and at least twelve inches wider than the bottom width of the walls; and if under piers, columns or posts, not less than ten inches in thickness and at least twelve inches wider on all sides than the bottom width of such piers, columns or posts. Where the piles may be required. nature of the ground is such that extra footings or foundations are necessary, said inspector may require piles or other means of securing suitable foundations. Before the walls of buildings are carried up above the foundation, all pipes for sewer connections must be laid. In buildings where the space under the sidewalk Construction is utilized, a sufficient stone or brick wall shall be built and in areas. to retain the roadway of the street, and the side, end or party walls of such buildings shall extend under the sidewalk to such retaining wall, and shall be not less than twelve inches in thickness. The covering under sidewalks 1. 156 REVISED ORDINANCES. used for such areas shall be of stone, brick, iron or other incombustible materials, and of sufficient strength to insure the safety of persons walking on the same and to carry any load to which the same may be subjected. Open areas shall be properly protected with suitable railings. SECT. 4. All piers in the basements of buildings shall be built of stone, well bonded, or of good, hard, well-burned brick laid in cement mortar. Brick piers over twelve inches square, except in dwelling houses and stables, shall have built into them for their entire height bond stones or iron plates of the full size of the piers and not over forty inches apart. The bond stones to be at least four inches thick and the plates not less than one and one-half inches in thickness. In ware- houses, stores or other buildings over forty feet in height, all piers built of brick and more than six feet. in height shall be not less than twelve inches square, and have a cap proportioned to the load to be carried and of the full size of the pier under all girders, iron or other columns to be supported by such pier. The mortar shall be made of sand and cement, in the pro- portion of not more than three parts of sand to one part of cement, and shall be used immediately after being mixed. All brick walls of warehouses, stores and factories, twenty-five feet or less in width between the walls, shall not be less than twelve inches in thick- ness to the height of thirty-five feet. If over thirty- five feet in height and not over sixty feet, the walls. shall be not less than sixteen inches thick to the height of thirty-five feet, or to the nearest tier of beams to that height, and not less than twelve inches thick thence to the top. If over sixty feet in height and not. over seventy-five feet, the walls shall be not less than twenty inches thick to the height of twenty-five feet, or to the nearest tier of beams to that height, and from thence not less than sixteen inches thick to the height of fifty-five feet, and thence not less than twelve inches to the top. If over seventy-five feet and not over one hundred feet in height, the walls shall be not less than twenty-four inches thick to the height of twenty feet, or to the nearest tier of beams to that height, thence not less than twenty inches thick to the height of sixty feet, or to the nearest tier of beams to that height, and thence not less than sixteen inches to the height of eighty-five feet, and thence not less than Construction of piers in base- ments; of brick walls. FIRE DISTRICT-CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. 157 etc.; twelve inches thick to the top. Walls over one hun- dred feet high must be subject to the approval of the board of aldermen. SECT. 5. Whenever there is to be a clear space Spaces between without a vertical support of over twenty-five feet be- tween main or partition walls, the bearing walls shall be four inches more in thickness than specified in sec- tion four for every twelve and one-half feet or fraction thereof that said space shall exceed said twenty-five feet. Whenever the walls of any building are less than twenty-five feet apart and the building is less than forty feet deep, or there are cross walls not more than forty feet apart, or piers or buttresses are built into the walls, the interior walls may be reduced in thickness in just proportion to the number of cross walls, piers or but- tresses and their nearness to each other, and the in- spector is empowered to decide how much such walls may be so reduced without endangering the strength of the building, and where either interior or exterior walls are weakened by openings, they must be rein- piers, buttresses, forced by piers, pilasters or buttresses, as said inspector may direct. Churches, theaters and halls shall in no case be less than is specified for warehouses, and such buildings shall also have in addition thereto such piers or buttresses as in the judgment of said inspector may be necessary. The walls of other public buildings thickness of walls. must be of suitable thickness, subject to the approval of said inspector. One-story structures not exceeding a height of fifteen feet may be built with eight inch walls when the bearing walls are not more than nine- teen feet apart and the length of the eight-inch bear- ing walls do not exceed thirty-five feet. Curtain walls of brick, built in between iron or steel columns and supported wholly on iron and steel girders not over eighteen feet apart, shall be not less than eight inches thick. The upper story of outer wall and the partition walls of dwelling houses may be eight inches thick. SECT. 6. Exterior or party walls already erected Requirements as may be used, if in good condition, provided the height constructed. of the same be not increased. In case it is desired to increase the height of the said walls, the walls must be reinforced by additional brick work to form a com- bined thickness with the old wall of not less than four inches more than the thickness required for a new wall corresponding with the height of the wall when increased. The additional thickness shall be supported to walls already 158 REVISED ORDINANCES. bonded. 1 ried up more than to roof. on proper foundations and carried up to such height as said inspector may require, and it shall be not less than eight inches in thickness, laid in cement mortar, thoroughly anchored to the old wall and subject to the approval of said inspector. The old walls shall first be cleaned of plaster or other coating where any Walls to be lining is to be built against the same. The front, rear, side and party walls shall be properly bonded to- gether or anchored to each other every six feet in their height by wrought-iron tie anchors not less than one and one-half inches by three-eighths of an inch in size, whenever said front, rear or party walls are not built or bonded together by brickwork as the building is be- No wall to be car- ing constructed, and in no case shall any wall or walls two stories in ad- be carried up more than two stories in advance of any vance of any other than er. other wall except by permission of said inspector. you avonnt Walls to be carried SECT. %. All division or party walls shall be carried up not less than twenty-four inches above the roof and shall be capped with stone or metal securely fastened, provided that on the fronts or steep portions of French or Mansard roofs the party wall may be built up to the roof boards. On exterior walls at least eight inches of brick wall must be carried to the under side Hollow walls. of the roof covering behind the cornices. In all walls that are built hollow the same quantity of material shall be used as if they were built solid, and the parts of the same must be connected by proper ties of brick, stone or iron placed not over twelve inches apart either way. Recesses for water or other pipes made in walls shall not be more than one-third of the thickness of the walls without permission from said inspector, and recesses around such pipes must be filled with solid masonry at each story. SECT. 8. Stone or brick cornices must be so con- structed that at least two-thirds of the weight shall be inside the outer face of the wall. The cornices and jet, Mansard roofs and dormer windows of all build- ings, including such as are hereafter replaced, shall be constructed wholly of fireproof materials, and the covering of roofs; roofs of buildings shall be covered with slate, tin or other non-combustible materials. All cornices shall be well secured to the walls with iron anchors, independ- projecting show ent of any woodwork. Show windows extending be- windows; yond the front walls of any building shall be con- structed of iron and glass or other non-combustible materials. There shall be suitable columns of wood or Construction of cornices, etc.; columns. FIRE DISTRICT-CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. 159 to timbers enter- N nQ I iron placed in all warehouses, stores and factories where the space between the walls shall exceed twenty-five feet, and every such column, post or ver- tical support shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight of the portion of each and every floor depending upon it for support in addition to the weight of materials comprising the same. SECT. 9. In every building used as a dwelling Strength of floors, house, tenement house or hotel each floor shall be of sufficient strength in all its parts to bear safely upon every superficial foot of its surface seventy pounds. If to be used for office purposes not less than one hun- dred pounds to every superficial foot; if it is to be used as a place of public assembly, one hundred and twenty pounds, and if to be used for a store, factory, warehouse or for any manufacturing or commercial purpose, one hundred and fifty pounds. Roofs shall be of roofs. of sufficient strength to support fifty pounds upon every superficial foot. All joists, beams, and other Requirements as timbers entering brick walls shall be separated end- ing brick walls. wise at least four inches from each other with brick or stone laid in lime or cement mortar, and the ends of all such timbers shall have a bearing of at least four inches and shall be cut and placed so that the falling of the timber shall not destroy the wall. In all ware- Written state- houses, storehouses, factories, workshops and stores buildings to be filed and recorded. where heavy materials are kept or stored, or machinery introduced, the weight that each floor will safely sus- tain upon each superficial foot thereof shall be estimated by the owner, or by a competent person employed by such owner, who shall make a written statement of the thickness and material of walls, size, distance apart, and material of girders, beams, columns or posts to support floors, which shall be filed in the office of said inspector and recorded. If said inspector has cause to Inspector may ex- doubt the correctness of said estimate, he may revise and order change and correct the same, and for the purpose of such revision may enter any building and remove or cause to be removed so much of any floor or other portion thereof as may be required to make the necessary measurements and examination, and he may, when he deems it necessary, require the owner or occupant of any building or part thereof to redistribute the load on any floor or to lighten such load. SECT. 10. All chimneys shall be so built that the walls thereof shall be at least four inches in thickness ments as to certain amine buildings of load. Construction of 160 REVISED ORDINANCES. Chimneys to ex- tend three feet above roof. naces. on each side of the flues, and the joints of the brick work shall be well laid in cement or lime mortar struck smooth on the inside and plastered on the outside from foundation to under side of roofing. No woodwork of any kind shall be placed at a less distance than one inch from the outside of any chimney flue, hot air or of fireplaces. steam pipe. The backs and hearths of fireplaces shall be not less than eight inches thick of solid masonry, and floor joists and flooring shall be placed at least twenty inches from the front of the chimney. If chimneys are built with a cast-iron or fire-clay lining from the bottom of the flue, or from the throat of the fireplace, if the flue starts therefrom, carried up con- tinuously to the extreme height of the flue, then the thickness of the wall of such chimney need not exceed four inches. All chimneys shall extend at least three feet above the roof and be capped with terra-cotta, stone, cast-iron, or other suitable material. All fur- Space over fur- naces shall have a space of at least twenty inches between the top of the furnace and the underside of the floor timbers unless the same is protected by a metal shield extending at least four feet in front, and in no case shall the space be less than ten inches. No stovepipe in any building with wooden or combustible floors, ceilings or partitions shall enter any flue unless the said pipe shall be at least twelve inches from either the said floors, ceilings or partitions, or unless the same is protected by a metal shield in which case the distance shall be not less than six inches. In all cases where stovepipes pass through stud or wooden parti- tions of any kind, floors or roof, they shall be guarded either by a double collar of metal with at least three inches of air space and holes for ventilation, or soap- stone not less than three inches thick extending through the partition floor or roof and they shall be subject to the approval of said inspector. Certain buildings SECT. 11. All buildings over fifty feet in height with standpipes. es. shall be furnished with permanent standpipes attached to the outside of the walls, to extend above the roof, with two inlets at a convenient point from the side- walk for attaching hose from a hydrant or steamer, and a discharge gate and iron balcony at each floor and a discharge gate on the roof for the use of the fire department; the number and size of these pipes to be approved by said inspector. Said pipes may be placed on buildings in connection with the balcony Spaces around stovepipes. to be provided FIRE DISTRICT—CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. 161 carried above roof, enclosures to be of switches. ing within fire fire escape ordered by the state inspector when such balconies are built directly above each other. SECT. 12. All elevators shall be carried above the Elevators to be roof and covered with glass, which may be protected enclosures to be of metal, etc. with wire netting. All scuttles and all bulkheads used for the enclosure of elevators and the coverings for the machinery of the same shall be covered with metal on all sides, including sides and edges and doors of the same. The inner surfaces of all light and elevator shafts unless they are built of fireproof material must be lined with metal, and if constructed with wooden studs the spaces between the studs must be completely filled with some fireproof material. Electric currents Outside electric entering buildings must have cutout switches on the outside that are positive in their work and easy of access. All gas service pipes entering buildings must Outside gas valves. have a valve on the outside of the buildings located at a convenient point, easy of access and to be kept in perfect order by the gas company. SECT. 13. Except by permission of the board of No wooden build- aldermen no wooden building or part thereof within limits to be raised, the said fire limits shall be raised unless to conform to a change of grade of the street on which said building may stand; and without like permission no wooden building within said limits shall be enlarged or recon- reconstructed, structed outwardly unless the enlargement or recon- struction is made in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Nor shall any wooden building be or moved, except. moved from without said fire limits into the same, nor from one place to another within said limits, except as may be necessary to move the same across or out of the fire limits aforesaid, or to conform to any change in the width, or to any other alteration of the street on which said building may stand, except by like permis- sion of said board. SECT. 14. Any wooden building within said fire Wooden buildings limits that shall be damaged by fire or other casualty may be rebuilt if 60% of value re- may be rebuilt or repaired if it shall be determined by mains; the board of aldermen that the building damaged as aforesaid is worth sixty per cent. of what it would cost to build a new building of like character ; but if they shall determine that the building so damaged is worth less than sixty per cent. of such cost then said board may, after due notice in writing to the owner of said value, and may adjudge building building or his authorized agent having charge of the a nuisance if less than 60% remains. same, and a hearing thereon, adjudge said building to Wooden buildings damaged by fire board of aldermen to determine 162 REVISED ORDINANCES. ings, duties as to be a nuisance, or dangerous to the neighborhood, and all subsequent proceedings in relation to the same must be in conformity to the laws and ordinances relating to burnt and dilapidated buildings. Inspector of build- SECT. 15. It shall be the duty of said inspector of notice, etc.; to buildings to examine and inspect all buildings erected or in process of erection within said fire limits, and give immediate written notice to the owner of any violation of the requirements of this ordinance, and the owner if notice to owner shall at once rectify said violation. If this notice is notice to be given disregarded, said inspector must at once give written notice of such violation to the mayor, who shall take such measures as may be necessary to enforce the pro- visions herein contained and protect the interests of the city. SECT. 16. All stores, storehouses, workshops and of manufactories that are now or may hereafter be built in said fire limits, which are more than forty-five feet shutters. in height, shall have fireproof doors, blinds or shutters, which shall be hung independent of the woodwork on to mayor. Stores, etc., more than 45 feet to have fireproof doors, blinds or > ings, how desig- nated. the same do not open on a street or unoccupied space of twenty-five feet or more in width ; and every such door, blind or shutter shall be closed upon the comple- tiớn of the business of each day, by the occupant hav- ing the use or control of the same. Inspector of build- SECT. 17. The mayor and aldermen shall annually during the month of January designate an officer to be nominated by the mayor to be inspector of buildings, as provided for in section four of chapter one hundred Tenure of office and four of the Revised Laws. Said inspector shall hold his office until his successor is designated, unless sooner removed therefrom, in which case a new in- Chief and deputy spector shall at once be designated. The city engineer chief engineers of fire department to and the chief and deputy chief engineer of the fire be ineligible. department shall be ineligible to said office. Openings in party SECT. 18. Whenever it becomes desirable to cut a doorway through any party wall separating two build- ings, permission therefor shall first be obtained of said inspector. The inspector may require such fire and walls. Fire and smoke stops. Thickness and height of walls, how measured. spread of fire in the building. The thickness of every wall as herein determined shall be the minimum thick- ness as applied to solid walls. The height of every external or party wall as referred to in this ordinance shall be measured from the level of the street curb to FIRE DISTRICT-CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS THEREIN. 163 its highest point. External walls may be built in part Provisions as to walls built in part of iron or steel, and when so built may be of less thick- of iron or steel. ness than is required for brick, provided such walls meet the requirements of this ordinance as to strength, and provided that all constructional parts are wholly protected from heat by brick or terra cotta, or by plastering three-fourths of an inch thick with iron fur- ring and wire lathing. Wood lintels shall not be used Wood lintels. for the support of brick walls over openings more than four feet wide. Walls composed of stone facing with Bonding of walls built of both brick brick backing, must have bonds of stone or iron, not and stone. more than two feet apart each way, satisfactory to said inspector. Water tanks for fire purposes, which will Water tanks to be contain five hundred gallons or more, erected upon the approved by in- highest part of a building, shall be placed on brick walls and approved by the inspector of buildings before being filled with water. SECT. 19. Whoever violates any of the provisions Penalty. of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay for each offense not exceeding one hundred dollars. on brick walls and spector. 164 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 31. DILAPIDATED OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. Section. 1. Revised Laws, chapter 101, sections 1-5, accepted. Laws 1. Burnt, dilapidated or dangerous buildings, how disposed of. Laws & 2. Owner aggrieved may apply for jury. Laws $ 3. Verdict of jury, etc. Laws § 4. Costs. Laws Š 5. Nuisance may be abat- ed, etc. 2. Revised Laws, chapter 104, sections 4-12, accepted. Section. Laws $ 4. Inspection of buildings. Laws § 5. Dangerous structures to be secured or removed. Laws $ 6. Survey of premises. Laws Š 7. Unsafe structures to be taken down. Laws § 8. Appeal from order. Laws & 9. Notice to non-residents. Laws $10. Restraint of illegal construction, etc. Laws § 11. Schoolhouses in cities to have fire escapes. Laws § 12. Inspection of unsafe structures. ous buildings, how SECTION 1. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth R. L., ch. 101, sects. 1-5, accepted. SecuiouS ULL oted. Sections of Chapter 101 of the Revised Laws are hereby accepted and adopted as follows, to wit:- “SECT. 1. In a city or town in which the city Burnt, dilapi. dated, or danger- council or the inhabitants accept the provisions of this disposed of. low and the four following sections or have accepted the corresponding provisions of earlier laws, the mayor and aldermen or selectmen, after notice in writing to the owner of a burnt, dilapidated or dangerous build- ing, and a hearing, may adjudge it to be a nuisance to the neighborhood, or dangerous, and may thereupon make and record an order prescribing the disposition, alteration or regulation thereof. The city or town clerk shall deliver a copy of the order to a constable, who shall forthwith serve an attested copy thereof upon such owner, and make return of his doings there- on to said clerk. "SECT. 2. An owner who is aggrieved by such Owner aggrieved may appij foru order may, within three days after the service thereof jury. upon him, apply to the superior court for a jury. The court shall issue a warrant for a jury, which shall be impaneled by the sheriff within fourteen days after the date of the warrant in the manner provided in chapter forty-eight; or, instead thereof, if the appli- cant for a jury so elects and after such notice as the court shall order to the adverse party, it shall order a DILAPIDATED OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. 165 etc. sects. 4-12, trial to be had at the bar of the superior court, in the same manner as other civil causes are there tried by jury. “SECT. 3. The jury may affirm, annul or alter such Verdict of jury, order; and the sheriff, if the trial is before him, shall eto return the verdict to the next sitting of the court for acceptance; and the verdict, whether before the sheriff or in the superior court, being accepted, shall take effect as an original order. “SECT. 4. If the order is affirmed, the applicant Costs. shall pay the costs; if it is annulled, he shall recover damages and costs against the city or town; and if it is altered, the court may render such judgment as to costs as justice shall require. “ SECT. 5. The mayor and aldermen of a city or Nuisance may be selectmen of a town shall have the same power and a van ona abated, etc. authority to abate and remove any such nuisance as is given to the board of health of a city or town by the provisions of sections sixty-seven, sixty-eight and sixty- nine of chapter seventy-five." SECT. 2. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, R. L., ch. 104, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth sections of Chapter accepted. 104 of the Revised Laws are hereby accepted and adopted as follows, to wit :- “SECT. 4. In a city or town which accepts the pro- Inspection of buildings. visions of this and the eight following sections or has accepted the corresponding provisions of earlier laws, the superintendent of public buildings or such other officer as the mayor and aldermen of said city or the se- lectmen of said town may designate shall be inspector of buildings, and, immediately upon being informed by report or otherwise that a building or other struc- ture or anything attached to or connected there- with in said city or town is unsafe or dangerous to life or limb, shall inspect the same; and if it appears to him to be dangerous, he shall forthwith in writing notify the owner, agent or any person having an inter- est therein to remove it or make it safe and secure. If it appears that such structure would be specially un- safe in case of fire, it shall be deemed dangerous within the meaning hereof, and the inspector may affix in a conspicuous place upon its exterior walls a notice of its dangerous condition, which shall not be removed or defaced without authority from him. ' “SECT. 5. Whoever is so notified shall be allowed Dangerous until twelve o'clock noon of the day following the serv- structures to be 166 REVISED ORDINANCES. secured or re- moved. premises. ice of the notice in which to commence the securing or removal of such structure, and he shall employ suf- ficient labor speedily to secure or remove it; but if the public safety so requires and if the mayor and alder- men or selectmen so order, the inspector may imme- diately enter upon the premises with the necessary workmen and assistants and cause such unsafe struc- ture to be shored up, taken down or otherwise secured without delay, and a proper fence or boarding put up for the protection of passers-by. Survey of “SECT. 6. If such owner, agent or person interested in such unsafe structure refuses or neglects to comply with the requirements of such notice within the time limited, and such structure is not secured or taken down as therein ordered, a careful survey of the prem- ises shall be made by a board consisting in a city, of the city engineer, the chief engineer of the fire depart- ment and one disinterested person to be appointed by said inspector, and in a town, of a surveyor, the chief engineer of the fire department and one disinterested person to be appointed by said inspector. If there is no city engineer in such city or no chief engineer of the fire department in such city or town, the mayor and aldermen or selectmen, as the case may be, shall desig- nate one or more officers or other suitable persons in place of the officers so named as members of said board. A report of such survey shall be made in writ- ing and a copy thereof served on such owner, agent or any interested person. Unsafe structures “SECT. ". If such report declares such structure to to be taken be unsafe and dangerous, and if the owner, agent or person interested continues such refusal or neglect, the inspector shall cause it to be taken down or otherwise made safe ; and the costs and charges incurred shall constitute a' lien upon the land upon which the build- ing is situated, and shall be enforced within the time and in the manner provided for the collection of taxes on land; and such owner or interested person shall, for every day's continuance of such refusal or neglect after being so notified, forfeit to the city or town in which the structure is situated not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. Appeal from “SECT. 8. An owner or interested person who is aggrieved by •such order may have the remedy pre- scribed by sections two, three and four of chapter one hundred and one; but the provisions of this section down. order. DILAPIDATED OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. 167 residents. construction, etc. shall not prevent the city or town from recovering the forfeiture provided in the preceding section from the date of the service of the original notice, unless the order is annulled by the jury. “ SECT. 9. If an owner or interested person lives Notice to non- out of the Commonwealth, said notices may be served upon him by a notary public, whose certificate of serv- ice under his notarial seal shall be sufficient evidence thereof. “ SECT. 10. The supreme judicial court or the su- Restraint of illegal perior court shall have jurisdiction in equity to restrain the construction, alteration, maintenance or use of a building or structure in violation of the provisions of any ordinance or by-law of a city or town and to order its removal or abatement as a nuisance; and to re- strain the further construction, alteration or repair of a building or structure reported to be unsafe or danger- ous under a survey authorized by section six, until the determination of the matter, as provided in section eight. “SECT. 11. If a schoolhouse in a city has not been Schoolhouses in provided with a safe and proper egress or other means fire escapes. of escape from fire, as required by this chapter, within six months after the written notice provided for in section eighteen, the mayor, for the purpose of con- forming to the provisions of this chapter relative to egresses or other means of escape from fire in school- houses, may, upon petition of one hundred citizens or taxpayers in said city, authorize the expenditure upon such schoolhouse of not more than fifteen per cent. of the cost thereof, payable from any money in the treasury of said city which is not otherwise appro- priated. “SECT. 12. Any member of the inspection depart- Inspection of ment of the district police, if called upon by the mayor and aldermen of any city, except Boston, or by the se- lectmen of a town, shall inspect any building or other structure or anything attached to or connected there- with in such city or town which has been represented to be unsafe or dangerous to life or limb.” cities to have unsafe structures, 168 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 32. WATER DEPARTMENT. Section. Section, 1. Officers of water department, 7. Extensions of water service on of whom to consist. How city property not to be made and wben elected ; tenure of without application to water office. Vacancies, how filled. registrar. Salaries. 8. Work on street watering 2. Water registrar, his duties. fixtures to be done by 3. Superintendentof water works, department, on orders from his duty. supervisors, and at expense 4. Collector of taxes to receipt for of street watering depart- ment. bills committed to him; to 9. Payment for water used by collect; to account; to pay to city treasurer and to re- contractors on city contracts. port. Collector's bond. 10. Lessees, etc., of city property 5. Bills abated or changed, pro- to pay regular rates. cedure. Water department | 11. City not to pay for water used, to collect no bills. but department to be cred- 6. Rules as to use of water, etc. ited therewith. Penalties for violation of rules. Officers of water department, of elected; tenure of office. filled. SECTION 1. The officers of the water department of whom to consist. this city, under the direction of the board of water commissioners, shall consist of a water registrar and a How and when superintendent of water works, who shall both be elected by viva voce vote by said board, in the month of February annually, to hold their offices one year, from the following first Monday in April and until their successors are elected, unless sooner removed. Vacancies, how Said board shall fill by election in manner aforesaid any vacancy in either office for the unexpired term only. Either officer may be removed by said board at any time for cause. The salaries of both officers shall be fixed by said board. Water registrar, SECT. 2. The water registrar shall be the account- ant officer of the department, and shall keep such accounts, make such inspections and reports, and per- form such other services as said board may prescribe. He shall also make out and, on the first of every month, commit to the collector of taxes for collec- tion, bills for all money that shall have become due the city on account of the water department, with a list thereof arranged in convenient form for reference, Salaries. his duties. WATER DEPARTMENT. 169 of water works, - Collector of taxes to receipt for bills treasurer, and receive the collector's receipt for the amount stated therein. He shall also retain in his office an exact duplicate of each list placed in the collector's hands. SECT. 3. It shall be the duty of the superintendent Superintendent of water works, under the direction of said board, to his duty. have charge and care of all property, new construc- tion, extension, repairs and management of the works of said department, and to make such reports and perform such further services as said board may pre- scribe. SECT. 4. The collector of taxes shall receive and re- Collector of taxes ceipt for all bills and lists committed to him by the committed to him; water registrar, as herein provided, and proceed to col. to collect; lect the same as speedily as possible, giving such notices and making such demands as may be prescribed by said board ; and he shall account to the water com- to account; missioners for the amounts stated in said lists, either in money or certificates of abatements; on the first of every week he shall pay over to the city treasurer all to pay to city money collected by him on account of said department and notify the water registrar of such payment, he shall transmit monthly to said board a list of the un- and to report. paid bills in his hands, which were committed to him on the first of the month next preceding, with memo- randa thereon, stating the reasons for their non-pay- ment, so far as may be known to him. At the close of each fiscal year he shall promptly transmit to said board a complete and detailed list, or report, of all unpaid bills in his hands at that date, with a statement of the amount of the same. He shall also give such a Collector's bond. bond for the faithful performance of his duties herein prescribed as the mayor and aldermen shall approve. SECT. 5. Whenever any bill that has been com- Bills abated or mitted to the collector as herein provided is abated or cedure. changed, a memorandum of such abatement or change shall be sent to him by the water registrar, as a tem- porary youcher for the amount of the same; and at the close of each fiscal year a certificate for the total amount as shown in detail on the books of the depart- ment, of such abatements or changes made during the year on the monthly lists committed, shall be signed by the chairman of said board, or in his absence, by some other member thereof, and shall be sent to the collector and become his permanent voucher for the amounts therein stated. Said board shall not them- Water department selves, or by any officer or person connected with or in to changed, pro- to collect no bills. 170 REVISED ORDINANCES. Rules as to use of · water, etc. Penalties for violation of rules. Extensions of city property not to be made with- water registrar. the employ of their department, collect any bill or money due the city on account of said department. SECT. 6. Said board may prescribe rules and regula- tions not conflicting with any ordinance of the city, for the introduction and use of city water and payment therefor, and for the inspection, material, construc- tion, alteration, or use of all water pipes and of water fixtures of every kind through which water supplied .by the city is used by any person or corporation, printed copies of which rules and regulations shall be furnished all persons taking water of the city. Any person violating any of such rules and regulations shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered in the police court of this city. Said board may prohibit the use of water by any person or cor- poration neglecting or refusing to comply with such rules and regulations. SECT. 7. . No extension of or addition to the present city property not water pipes, fixtures or appurtenances, or the use of out application to water through the same, in any building or on any property belonging to the city or any department thereof, shall be made except upon prior application for the same to the water registrar, by the department, committee or commission of the city having charge of such property. Work on street. SECT. 8. · All the installing, changing, relocating, to be done by de- discontinuing, repairing and maintaining of stand- orders from super-pipes, or other street watering fixtures and appurte- nances, including the turning off and on of the water as ordered, shall be performed by the water depart- ment upon orders from the board of supervisors or and at expense of their authorized agents; and the expense thereof shall department. be borne by the street watering department. Payment for water SECT. 9. All city water used by private contractors under city contracts shall be charged for, and the regular schedule rates for the same, collected in the name of the city department, committee or commis- sion making such contract, and payment therefor by said contractor, shall be provided for in the specifica- tions of each such contract. Lessees, etc., of SECT. 10. Whenever any portion of the city prop- city property to pay regular rates. erty, with the exception of the city hall or school halls, is leased or sub-let to private parties, and any rental or its equivalent is charged or received for the same, then and in such case the water department shall be entitled to its just revenues for the use of the city water by watering fixtures partment, on visors, street watering used by contract- ors on city con- tracts. WATER DEPARTMENT. 171 water used, but department to be credited there- such private parties, and shall charge the regular schedule rates therefor and the same shall be collected in the name of the city department, committee or commission having charge of such city property. SECT. 11. Except as provided in the above two sec- City not to pay for tions, no charge shall be collected by or for the water department for water furnished the city in its corpo- rate capacity, or to any department thereof, which may be used for municipal purposes, but said board may in its annual report, and on the books of the department, credit annually the water department þut department to with the value of the water furnished the city for with. municipal purposes, to be estimated as follows : For fire protection, at twenty-five dollars for each and every public fire hydrant: : For street watering, at an average of one and one half cents for each and every linear foot of surface watered during the season: For flushing sewers and drains, at ten dollars for each and every flush gate or other fixture used for such purpose: For public watering tanks for animals, at fifty dol- lars for each and every such tank: For public drinking fountains for persons, at twenty dollars for each and every such fountain: For all other uses of city water for municipal pur- poses, at the regular schedule rates for private takers. 172 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 33. POLICE COMMISSION AND DUTIES OF THE POLICE DE- PARTMENT. 17. Section. Section. 1. Police commission, appoint- may suspend police officers. ment and qualifications. Ten- Proviso. “For cause” de- ure of office. Compensation fined. and removal. 14. City marshal to be provided 2. Vacancies, how filled. with money for emergency 3. Vice-chairman and clerk. Com- expenses. Emergency bills pensation of clerk. to be approved. Money to 4. Powers and duties of police be returned by marshal. commission. 15. City marshal, other duties of; 5. Police commission, meetings, es- nuisances, etc.; offenses timates and account. Not to against laws, etc. ; com- exceed credit of department. plaints ; prosecutions; com- 6. Approval of bills. mands of mayor, etc. 7. Police department, of whom to 16. City marshal, watchmen, du- consist. ties of in case of fire. 8. Police commission to elect Assistant marshal, powers and other members of depart- duties of. ment. Marshal and assist 18. City marshal and other officers ant marsbal to act as con- to account for and pay over stables. fees, etc., to treasurer. 9. Sergeants, how chosen. Va- 1 19. Police signal telegraph to be cancies, how filled. in charge of superintendent 10. Lieutenant, how chosen and of fire alarm. Expense to be removed. charged to police commis- 11. Inspectors, how chosen and sion. removed. 20. Revised Laws, chapter 108, 12. Certain officers to be sworn. sections 26-28, accepted, re- Marshal and assistant mar- serve police force established. shal to give bond. Laws & 26. Reserve police force. 13. City marshal, powers and du Laws & 27. Number of members. ties. To report breaches of Laws & 28. Powers, duties, com- discipline. Offenders may be pensation. punished, when Marshal Police commis- sion, appointment SECTION 1. The police commission shall consist of the mayor, acting ex officio, and three other persons chosen as hereinafter provided. The present members of the police commission shall hold their offices during the terms for which they have been respectively ap- pointed. Annually hereafter, in the month of April, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the board of aldermen, a citizen and resident of the city to be a member of said commission for the term of three years from the succeeding first Monday of May and until his successor is chosen. The mayor shall act as chairman of said commission, but shall have no POLICE COMMISSION, ETC. 173 power to vote. In all appointments of members of and qualifications. said commission the political affiliation of the ap- pointee shall be considered, with a view to so consti- tuting the commission that not more than two of its members so appointed shall be of the same political party. No person shall be appointed who is a member of the city council or holds any public office for which he receives an annual salary. No person shall be ap- pointed a member of said commission who has not been a resident of the city of Springfield for at least three years immediately preceding such appointment, or who is, or at any time during the same period of three years has been, directly or indirectly engaged in or directly interested in, the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor. No person shall serve as an appointed mem- Tepure of office. ber of said commission more than two consecutive terms of three years each. If any appointed member of said commission shall remove from the city, or shall accept any salaried public office, or shall become di- rectly or indirectly engaged in or directly interested in, the sale or manufacture of intoxicating liquor, he shall cease thereby to be a member of said commission. The members of said commission shall serve with- Compensation and out compensation, and may be removed by the mayor after due hearing, subject to approval by the board of aldermen. SECT. 2. In case any person so appointed shall die, Vacancies, how resign, or become disqualified during his term of office, the remaining members of said commission, or a majority thereof, shall forthwith notify the mayor, in writing, of the vacancy existing, who shall, as soon as may be, appoint, subject to confirmation as afore- said, a member of said commission to fill such vacancy for the residue of the term. SECT. 3. Said commission shall choose one of its Vice-chairman members to be the vice-chairman of the commission, who shall hold such position for such a term as the rules of said commission may prescribe; or, if such rules do not prescribe such term of service, he shall hold the position of vice-chairman during the official term for which he is appointed, and said commission may appoint a clerk, who shall not be a member of such commission, and prescribe the duties and term of service and may remove such clerk at pleasure. Such Compensation of compensation may be paid such clerk for the services performed as shall be fixed by the city council. removal. filled. and clerk. Compensation of clerk. 174 REVISED ORDINANCES. of police com- mission. Powers and duties SECT. 4. Said commission shall, subject to the pro- visions hereof, have the management and control of the officers and members of the police department, with power to make such lawful rules for their govern- ment and discipline, and for the regulation and repair of the police signal system, and the direction and con- trol of the parties having charge and care thereof as they may deem proper; it shall be responsible for and have the charge and care of all property belonging to said department, and shall see that the same is main- tained in proper manner by a wise expenditure of so much of the annual appropriation as may be necessary, and in their discretion may sell, dispose of, or obtain property used by that department; but any sale, dispo- sition or purchase of property to an amount exceeding five hundred dollars at any one time or for any one purpose shall not be made without the authority of the city council. All money derived from the sale of such property shall be forth with paid to the city treas- urer and credited by him to said department. The commission shall approve all bills of the department, including the monthly pay roll, which shall state the number of days each member of the department has been absent from duty during the month for which each pay roll is made up, and shall have the power to examine into, approve, or reject the allowance of com- pensation to members of the police department for absence from duty, other than the time allowed by the ordinances of the city. SECT. 5. Said commission shall meet at least once sion, meetings, a month, and shall annually, in the month of Febru- ary, prepare and communicate to the committee on finance of the city government an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised for the then current fiscal year for the use of the police department, itemized as shall be desired by the finance committee. Said commissioners shall keep an accurate and detailed account of all expenditures, and annually, in the month of December, shall render to the city council an item- ized and exact account of the same. They shall not expend any amount nor incur any liabilities or obliga- tions that shall in the aggregate exceed the amount standing to the credit of the department; and any obligation contracted shall be met out of said amount. Approval of bills. SECT. 6. Before any bill contracted under authority hereof shall be paid by the city treasurer, the items Police commis- estimates and account. Not to exceed credit of depart- ment. POLICE COMMISSION, ETC. 175 ment, of whom to to elect other partment. thereof shall be approved by the written signatures of a majority of said commissioners, by the written signa- tures of the city auditor and by the mayor by an order for its payment to be drawn upon the treasurer. SECT. %. The police department of the city of Spring- Police depart- field shall consist of the aforesaid police commission, consist. city marshal, an assistant marshal, such a number of night and day watchmen, as the city council shall from time to time determine, one of whom shall be the captain of the watch, and as many police officers as such com- mission may deem necessary, and a reserve police force as hereinafter provided. SECT. 8. Such commission shall annually, in the Police commission month of January, and whenever vacancies occur, members of de- elect suitable persons to fill the offices of city marshal, assistant marshal and captain of the watch, and whenever vacancies occur elect within the limits as to number specified in the foregoing section, night and day watchmen, all of whom shall be also police officers, and shall continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified, unless sooner removed. Such commission may also choose, from time to time and for terms not extending beyond the end of the then current municipal year, such police officers as they may deem necessary, and a reserve police force as hereinafter provided ; the city marshal and assistant Marshal and marshal shall have the powers and be subject to the to act as consta- duties of constables. SECT. 9. The city marshal may, with the approval Sergeants, how of such commission, detail and appoint not more than four night and day watchmen, to be known as ser- geants of police. In addition to their duties as ser- geants, said sergeants may be detailed to act as roundsmen. The night and day watchmen detailed as such sergeants shall hold said office for a probation- ary period of six months ; at the end of that period they may be appointed to act as such sergeants, sub- ject to removal by the city marshal on approval of such commission. In case of the appointment of one of said sergeants to the position of lieutenant of police as hereinafter provided, the vacancy so created shall Vacancies, how be filled in the same manner as an original appoint- ment. SECT. 10. The city marshal may also, with the ap- Lieutenant, how proval of such commission, detail and appoint one of moved. the aforesaid sergeants to the position of lieutenant, assistant marshal bles. chosen. filled. Lieutenant, how chosen and re- 176 REVISED ORDINANCES. chosen and re- moved. be sworn. assistant marshal to give bond. The person so appointed shall hold the office of lieutenant for a probationary period of six months, and at the end of that period he may be appointed lieuten- ant subject to removal by the city marshal on approval of such commission. Inspectors, how SECT. 11. The city marshal may also, with the ap- proval of such commission, detail not more than two night and day watchmen to do special duty and detective work as police inspectors. The city marshal may remove said inspectors from said office at any time, subject to the approval of such commission. Certain officers to SECT. 12, Before entering upon his duty, each of the officers named in the preceding sections shall be duly sworn to the faithful performance thereof, and Marshal and the city marshal and the assistant marshal shall also, before entering upon the duties of their respective of- fices, each give bond for the faithful performance thereof, the city marshal in the sum of two thousand dollars, and the assistant marshal in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, with sufficient sureties to be approved by the mayor and aldermen. City marshal,... SECT. 13. The city marshal shall have precedence powers and duties. over the assistant marshal, police officers, watchmen, and reserve police officers, whenever engaged in the same service, and they shall at all times, when on duty, be subject to his command and control. He shall, from time to time, make rules and regulations for the government, disposition and management of the night and day watchmen, which shall be in force, provided they are consistent with the laws of the Com- monwealth and the ordinances of the city, so long as they shall stand approved by such commission, and To report breaches not otherwise. He shall report forthwith to such commission any violation of duty on the part of any Offenders may be of his subordinates in the department. Such commis- punished, when. sion may for cause, after due hearing and except as provided in chapter nineteen of the Revised Laws, punish any night and day watchman, reserve or police officer for insubordination, breach of the rules of the department, or neglect of duty, by fine, reprimand, suspension with or without loss of pay, or discharge, City marshal may and said marshal may suspend from office for cause oficers, proviso. any night and day watchman, reserve or police officer, provided, that whenever he shall so suspend any such officer he shall forthwith report the fact and cause thereof to such commission, who shall forthwith pro- of discipline. suspend police POLICE COMMISSION, ETC. 177 defined. provided with to be approved. ceed to investigate said charge, and within two weeks shall make known the result of their investigation, and shall continue such suspension, reprimand, discharge from, or reinstate in office, with or without pay during such suspension, the person so suspended. In continuing this section, the words “for cause ” “ For cause” may be construed to mean “inefficiency” or “inca- pacity.” SECT. 14. The city treasurer shall pay over to the city marshal to be city marshal annually, as soon after his appointment money for emergency ex- and qualification as said marshal shall request, the penses. sum of two hundred dollars, the same to be paid on the written request of said marshal and the written order of the mayor, and charged to the appropriation for the police department for the then current fiscal year. Said money shall be kept by said marshal apart from his own funds, and as money belonging to the city, and shall be used by him only for the payment of such traveling and other necessary expenses as any emer- gency may call for, and which must be met at once and without the delay incidental to the approval and payment of bills as provided by ordinance. When- Emergency bills ever any bill or expense shall have been paid out of said fund, such bill or expense shall be approved and paid by the treasurer, in conformity with the existing ordinances, the same as if it had not been paid as aforesaid ; and the amount thereof paid by said treas- urer shall be paid to said marshal, and placed by him to the credit of and shall become a part of said fund to make good the deficiency caused by said use thereof. Said marshal shall, annually, before the Money to be re- expiration of his term of office, account for and pay over to said treasurer said sum of two hundred dol- lars, the same to be placed to the credit of said depart- ment. SECT. 15. It shall be the duty of the city marshal, City marshal, from time to time, to pass through all the streets, lanes, other duties of; alleys and courts in the city to observe nuisances, nuisances, etc.; obstructions and impediments, to the end that the same may be removed; to notice all offenses against the laws and ordinances of the city, taking the names offenses against laws, etc.; of offenders, to the end that they may be prosecuted; to hear all complaints for any breach of the laws of complaints ; the state or of the ordinances or orders of the city ; to cause all offenders to be prosecuted as soon as may prosecutions; be; to obey and execute all commands of the mayor turned by marshal. 178 REVISED ORDINANCES. commands of mayor, etc. of fire. powers and duties of. and aldermen or such commission in relation to any matter or thing concerning the city, and further, to perform all such other and additional duties as may at any time be prescribed to him by the mayor and alder- men or such commission. City marshal, SECT. 16. It shall be the duty of the city marshal, watchmen, etc., and such of the watchmen and police officers of the duties of in case city as may be selected for that service, on the alarm of fire, to repair immediately to the place where the fire may be, and there to use their best skill for the preservation of the public peace, the prevention of theft and of destruction of property, and for the re- moval of all suspected persons. Assistant marshal, SECT. 17. The assistant marshal, in the absence of the city marshal, shall have all the powers and per- form all the duties of the city marshal ; and he shall at all times, under the direction of the city marshal, and such commission, aid in the performance of any and all the duties prescribed in the ordinances for the city marshal. SECT. 18. The city marshal, the assistant marshal, the night and day watchmen, and all other members City marshal and of the police department receiving moneys in the dis- account for and charge of their duties shall, each, quarterly, account for and pay over to the city treasurer all fees which they shall receive for the service of any criminal process, and also all fees which they shall severally receive as witnesses in any and all criminal cases, and all moneys received by them for services in behalf of the city, other than that fixed as their compensation by the city council. Police signal tele- SECT. 19. The superintendent of the fire alarm Charge of superin-telegraph shall, in addition to his other duties as such superintendent, have supervision and general charge and care of the rooms, apparatus, machinery and fixtures of the police signal telegraph system, and shall be responsible to the city marshal for their per- fect order and efficiency. He shall keep an accurate account of all extra labor and material needed for the proper maintenance of said system, and all the expense charged to police commission. of said maintenance shall be charged to the account of such commission R. L., ch. 108, SECT. 20. Sections twenty-six, twenty-seven and sects. 26-28, accepted. twenty-eight of chapter one hundred and eight of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts, relating to establish- force established. ing a reserve police force, are hereby accepted and a other officers to pay over fees, et to treasurer. graph to be in tendent of fire alarm. Expense to be Reserve police POLICE COMMISSION, ETC. 179 bers. reserve police force is hereby established for the city of Springfield, in accordance therewith, said sections being as follows:- “SECT. 26. Any city, except Boston, in which the Reserve police force. city council, with the approval of the mayor, accepts the provisions of this and the two following sections or has accepted the corresponding provisions of earlier laws, may establish a reserve police force; and ap- pointments thereto shall be made in the same manner as appointments to the regular police force of said city, subject to such rules as the civil service commission- ers may prescribe. “SECT. 27. The number of members of such reserve Number of mem- force shall not exceed five in cities in which the num- ber of members of the regular force does not exceed fifteen. If the number of members of the regular force exceeds fifteen, one member may be added to the reserve force for every three of the regular force above fifteen and not above thirty; one for every five of the regular force above thirty and not above eighty; and one for every ten of the regular force above eighty. “SECT. 28. The mayor, chief of police or city mar- Powers, shal of a city in which such reserve force is established may assign the members thereof to duty in said city whenever and for such length of time as said mayor, chief of police or marshal may deem necessary; and duties, when on duty the members of said reserve force shall have all the powers and duties of members of the regu- lar police force of said city. The compensation of the compensation. members of said reserve force shall be fixed by the city council.” 180 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 34. PROVIDING THE MANNER OF LAYING OUT, ALTERING, AND DISCONTINUING STREETS ; OF LAYING OUT AND ESTAB- LISHING SIDEWALKS; OF LAYING SEWERS AND DRAINS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section. Section. 1. Applications for new streets or G. Material for roadway and alteration of existing streets, sidewalks, tree belts, etc.; how and to whom made ; pro H. Curbing; ceedings. Reference to board I. Gutters to be paved, when; of public works. J. Catch basins, etc.; 2. Board of public works to view K. Treatment of corners and premises, and hear parties angles. interested. Notice of hearing. 1 11. Streets constructed after Jan. Views and hearings may be 1, 1902, not to be accepted adjourned. unless approved by board of 3. Proceedings after hearing. public works. Plans and estimates to be 12.–Streets not to be accepted un- submitted to the city council. less sewer is constructed. 4. Before estimating damages, 13 --Avenues, lanes, alleys, places parties interested may be and courts, classified. heard ; notice. 14 -Sidewalks, proceedings on 5. Parties interested may have question of laying or estab- hearing before city council lishing; notice of hearing, on petition, subject of dam- how served, returned, etc. ages, etc. 15.-Board of public works to meet 6. Members of board of public and hear parties interested, works may attend such hear- and report, etc. To cause sur- ings, etc. veys, plans, etc., to be pre- pared. To fix time for con- 7. Order of action, and proceed- ings upon reports of board of struction, at least thirty days. public works by city coun- 16.-Order to construct, notice of, cil. to be given to all abutters; 8. Betterments, proceedings on or- how served, etc. 17. Supervisors to cause to be built ders and petitions concerning. sidewalks ordered, if abutters 9. No street to be less than 50 neglect. Assessment and col- feet in width, except. lection of expense. 10. Streets to conforın to following 18. Main drains and sewers; pro- specifications ; ceedings on question of lay- A. Plan and profile to be filed ; ing. If outside streets, not B. Width and cross section; to be laid without consent of C. Stumps, etc., to be removed ; interested parties. D. Removal of clay, loam, etc.; | 19. Any matter relating to streets, E. Excavation to sub-grade, etc., may be referred to board and slopes; of public works. F. Rocks, etc., to be removed; 20. "Street" includes what. material for streets and em- | 21. Public attention to be called bankments; annually to certain sections. Applications for SECTION 1. Whenever a new street, or an altera- alterations of ex- tion, widening, change of grade, discontinuance, or isting streets, location anew of an existi location anew of an existing street is wanted in the LAYING OUT STREETS. 181 bow and to whom made: Proceed. board of public works to view parties interested. city of Springfield, application therefor shall be made how and to whom by petition in writing to the city council, signed by not ings. less than six inhabitants of said city. The mayor and aldermen shall act first on said Reference to petition, and if they deem it best that a view or hear- works. ing shall be had thereon, they shall refer it imme- diately to the board of public works. SECT. 2. As soon as may be after any petition men- Board of public tioned in the preceding section has been referred to premises and hear them by the mayor and aldermen, the said board shall view the premises, and hear all the parties interested therein, having first given notice of the view and Notice of hearing. hearing by causing a notice thereof to be served by the city marshal, the assistant marshal, or any regular police officer who may be designated by the mayor and board of aldermen for such duties, seven days at least before the time fixed for said view and hearing, by delivering to each of the owners of land abutting upon such existing or proposed street, and the owners of land upon which said new street is pro- posed to be laid, an attested copy of said notice, or by leaving the same at the last and usual place of abode of each such owner as may have any such place of abode within the city, known to the officer, and if any such owner has no such last and usual place of abode within the city, known to the officer, then such notice may be left with his tenant or agent, or be posted on or near the premises. All notices mentioned in this section shall contain a copy of the petition, or the sub- stance thereof, and the order of said board thereon, and the said view and hearing may be adjourned from Views and hear- time to time, and from place to place, at the discretion journea! of said board. SECT. 3. After viewing the premises and hearing Proceedings after all parties who may desire to be heard, as provided for in the preceding section, the said board shall report to the city council whether in their opinion common con- venience and necessity require the street to be laid out, altered, widened, discontinued, located anew, or the grade thereof changed. And if said board decide in favor, in whole or in part, of such laying out, altering, widening, changing of grade, locating anew, or dis- continuing a street or way as herein before provided, they shall, as soon as may be, cause to be prepared a Plans and esti- plan and description of such proposed laying out, mitted to the city altering, widening, changing grade, locating anew or ings may be ad- hearing. mates to be sub- council. 182 REVISED ORDINANCES. damages parties discontinuance; and except in case of discontinuance, shall estimate the probable expense of fitting the same for travel, and at the same time if, in the opinion of said board, damages would be sustained by any person or corporation in their property by reason of such lay- ing out, altering, widening, change of grade, locating anew, or discontinuing of any street they shall estimate the amount thereof, and so far as practicable, the share of each separately, damage for all land and buildings to be estimated with reference to their value before the laying out, altering, widening, locating anew, or dis- continuing of the street, and such estimate shall not include any increased value occasioned merely by such laying out, altering, widening, change of grade, locat- ing anew or discontinuance, and all such estimates shall be submitted with their report to the city council. Before estimating SECT. 4. Before proceeding to estimate the damages interested may be as aforesaid, the said board shall give to all parties in: heard; notice. terested an opportunity to be heard thereon, by caus- ing notice of the time and place of hearing to be served in the manner provided in the second section of this chapter, except that said notices need not contain a copy of the petition or substance thereof as required by said second section. Parties interested SECT. 5. At any time after notice of a hearing has before city council been given by the board of public works under said second section, and before final action by the mayor and aldermen upon their report, any party interested may apply in writing to either or both branches of the city council, asking for a hearing before it upon said petition, or upon the subject of damages, or upon any- thing contained in said report, and thereupon shall be heard thereon in that branch to which the application is made at a time and place which it shall appoint, and of which said applicant shall have due notice. Any hearing appointed under this section shall be open to all interested parties who appear and desire to be heard. Members of board SECT. 6. Any member of the board of public works mapluattend such may attend any meeting of the mayor and aldermen or common council, while their reports are under dis- cussion, and may make such explanations and oral statements of facts regarding them as he thinks fit, SECT. 7. Action in the city council upon the report upon reports of" of said board shall first be had by the mayor and alder- on petition, sub- ject of damages, etc. of public works hearings, etc. Order of action and proceedings LAYING OUT STREETS. 183 less than 50 feet in men. And such order in the premises as shall be made board of public works, by city by the mayor and aldermen, together with the petition, council. remonstrances, if any, and all plans, descriptions, and estimates relating thereto, shall be transmitted to the common council; but final action thereon shall not be had in the common council until at least seven days after the passage of the order by the mayor and aldermen. SECT. 8. All orders or petitions relating to the as- Betterments, pro- ceedings on orders sessments of betterments by reason of the laying out and petitions con- cerning. of a new street, or any alteration, change of grade, location anew, or discontinuance of an existing street shall, at some time before final action is had thereon, be referred to the board of public works, who shall consider the same, either with or without a hearing; and make report thereon to the mayor and aldermen. The mayor and aldermen shall take such action upon said report, and the subject matter therein contained, as they shall deem best. . SECT. 9. No street or way shall be hereafter laid No street to be out, established or accepted as a public street of a less width, except. width than fifty feet, unless the same was actually con- structed previous to April 1, 1902. SECT. 10. No street or way constructed on private Streets to conform lands after September 16, 1902, shall be laid out, es- specitications : tablished or 'accepted as a public street or recom- mended for such acceptance as a public street, unless previously constructed and completed in accordance with the following specifications : A. A plan and profile showing the location and Plan and profile to grade of every street or way which it is proposed to lay out and establish as a public street shall be filed with the board of public works by the corporation or individual proposing to open said street, at the time of laying out as a private way and before the same is graded or improved. Such plan and profile shall be drawn to such scale as may be required by the city engineer, and to his approval, and shall show the loca- tion and grade of all connecting streets. B. Every such street or way shall be constructed width and cross not less than fifty feet in width, and shall have a road- way of not less than thirty feet in width, and shall be of such cross section as the city engineer may prescribe. C. The entire area of every such street or way stumps, etc., to be shall be cleared of stumps, rocks, roots and other unnecessary material, and of all trees not intended for preservation. to following be filed; section; removed; 184 REVISED ORDINANCES. excavation to sub- removed ; material for streets and em- bankments; material for road. walks, removal of clay, D. All clay, loam and loamy material shall be re- loam, etc.; moved from the limits of the roadway and of the side- walks, to such a depth as may be approved by the city engineer, and shall be deposited outside the limits of such streets. excavation to sub- E. All work in excavation and embankment shall grade, be brought accurately to a sub-grade, of not less than six inches for the roadway and twelve inches for the and slopes; sidewalk below the finished grade. All side slopes in excavation and on adjoining land shall be at a ratio to be furnished by the city engineer. rocks, etc., to be F. All rocks and boulders in excavation shall be removed from the street or used in the embankment. All embankments shall be made of loam, clean sand, gravel, cinders, furnace slag, rock or broken stone only. Under no circumstances shall any perishable material be used for the making of streets or street embankments. material for road. G. A good binding gravel or three grades of mac- way and side- adam, as may be approved by the board of public works, shall be laid above the sub-grade on the road- way and to the finished grade, and clean sand, or such other materials as may be designated by the said board, shall be laid on the sidewalks above the sub- grade and paved to the finished grade with such materials as may be designated by the said board. tree belts, etc.; The tree belt and side slopes adjoining or near the street line shall be covered with good loam at least eight inches in depth and so applied as to insure against slipping: curbing; H. The said board may at its discretion designate such quality, length, depth and thickness of curbing as in their opinion may be necessary to be laid on every such street. I. The side gutters on every street having a grade paved, when; of two per cent. or more shall be paved at least three feet wide with stone, concrete or other suitable material as may be approved by the city engineer, catch basins, etc.; J. Every street having a continuous grade for more than three hundred feet shall have catch basins and grates at such locations and of such quality, kind and dimensions and so connected with the permanent drainage outlet, as may be approved by the city engineer. treatment of cor- K. All corners of intersecting streets shall be rounded, and granite bounds shall be set at all angles, gutters to be ners and angles. LAYING OUT SIDEWALKS. 185 structed after Jan. accepted unless curves and corners of connecting streets by the own- ers of abutting land, and at their expense according to the approval and direction of the city engineer. SECT. 11. No street or way, constructed after Janu- Streets con- ary 1, 1902 on private lands, shall be laid out, estab- 1, 1902, not to be lished or accepted as a public street by the city of approved by board e of public works. Springfield, unless the location, direction and grade of such proposed street shall have been determined by the board of public works, previous to the construc- tion of said street. ŞECT. 12. No street or way shall hereafter be laid Streets not to be out, established or accepted as a public street in the sewer is con- city of Springfield unless the sewer or drain therein is constructed in accordance with the directions of, or is approved by the board of public works in regard to the dimensions, materials and grade thereof. SECT. 13. The name avenue shall be given only to Avenues, lanes, alleys, places and the longer and more important streets of the city. All courts, classified. narrow passageways less than twenty-five feet in width shall be called lanes or alleys according to fit- ness; the longer and more important of them shall be called lanes, and the shorter and less dignified ones shall be called alleys. All blind or dead end streets or passageways shall be known as places or courts. SECT. 14. No sidewalk shall be laid out or estab- Sidewalks, pro- ceedings on ques- lished unless the question of laying out or establishing tion of laying or establishing shall have been first referred to the board of public works by the city council. Said board shall, as soon as may be, cause a notice of the time and place of the hearing of all parties interested therein to be given to the several owners of land in front of which said side- walk is proposed to be laid out or established, by the city marshal, assistant marshal, or any regular police officer designated as provided in section two ; said Notice of hearing notice shall be served seven days at least before the turned, etc. time of said hearing, by leaving an attested copy thereof at the last and usual place of abode of each of said owners, or by delivering the same personally to each owner or the tenant or authorized agent of such owner; and if the owner or owners have no such place of abode in the city, and no tenant or authorized agent known to the officer serving said notice, or if being a resident, he shall not be known as such by said officer, then such copy shall be posted on or near the land in front of which said sidewalk is proposed to be laid out or established seven days at least before the time of how served, re- 186 REVISED ORDINANCES. Board of public works to meet and hear parties inter ested and report, etc. plans, etc., to be prepared. construction, at said hearing ; and said officer shall, before the time appointed for the hearing, make a return of his doings thereon, on the original notice, and deliver the same to said board of public works who shall transmit the same to the city council with their report. SECT. 15. At the time and place appointed as hear parties inter- aforesaid, the said board shall meet and hear all per- sons and parties interested claiming to be heard, and if deemed necessary or requested thereto, shall proceed to view the premises ; and they shall thereafter report to the city council whether common convenience and necessity require that said sidewalk be laid out or To cause surveys, established. If they report in favor thereof, in whole or in part, they shall cause all necessary surveys, plans and profiles to be made, indicating the height, width, and grade of the proposed sidewalk, and the materials of which it shall be constructed. And if the said board deem it proper that the construction, as well as the laying out of the proposed sidewalk should To fix time for be ordered, their report shall also state the time within least thirty days. which the same shall be completed, which time shall be at least thirty days. SECT. 16. When the city council have ordered a sidewalk to be constructed and completed within a certain time, notice thereof shall be given by the city clerk to the owners of land in front of which said side- walk is proposed to be constructed, which said how served, etc. notice shall be served, returned, filed and preserved in the office of the city clerk for future reference. SECT. 17. Whenever any sidewalk, or any portion sidewalks ordered, thereof, which has been laid out, established, and ordered by the city council, to be constructed, after notice to the owners of real estate, as is provided in the preceding section, shall not be completed within the time fixed in the order aforesaid, the board of supervisors of highways and bridges shall cause said sidewalk to be constructed according to the original order, and the expense thereof shall be assessed by the city council upon the persons owning the lands in front of which said sidewalk is constructed ; and the sums so assessed shall be a lien upon said lands, for the term of two years from said assessment. The city clerk shall certify such assessment to the tax collector, who shall forthwith demand payment thereof, and proceed to collect the same as provided for the collec- tion of taxes or other claims due the city. Order to con- struct, notice of to be given to all abutters; Supervisors to cause to be built if abutters neg- lect; assessment and collection of ex- pense. LAYING OUT STREETS. 187 not to be laid with- interested parties. SECT. 18. No main drain or sewer shall be laid or Main drains and sewers; proceed- made, unless the question of such laying or making shall ings on question of laying. first be referred to the board of public works, who shall report to the mayor and aldermen an estimate of its cost, the materials of which, and the manner in which the same should be laid or made and an estimate of the damages likely to be occasioned by taking land or water courses, and if the sewer or drain or any por- If outside streets, tion thereof shall be outside the limits of the streets, out consent of it shall not be laid otherwise than by the consent of all persons interested, without the same proceedings being had thereon as are hereinbefore provided in cases of laying out streets. SECT. 19. The mayor and aldermen and common Any matter relat- council may, from time to time, as they may deem best, may be referred to refer to the board of public works, any matter relating works. to streets, sidewalks, bridges, sewers and drains, parks, squares, and public places, and thereupon it shall be- come the duty of said board, without delay, to consider the matter so referred and make report thereon. SECT. 20. The word street in this chapter shall “Street” includes include highways, town ways, lanes, and alleys. SECT. 21. The board of public works shall annually Public attention in the month of March publicly call attention to the nually to certain terms of sections nine to twelve inclusive of this chapter and sections eleven and twelve of chapter. thirty-six. ing to streets, etc., board of public 6 Street” includes what. to be called an- sections. 188 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 35. ESTABLISHMENT OF BUILDING LINES. Section. 1. Section 103 of chapter 48 of Re- | Laws, $ 103. Building line may be vised Laws, accepted. established; damages. R. L., ch. 48, sect. 103, accepted. Building line may be established; SECTION 1. Section one hundred and three of chapter forty-eight of the Revised Laws is hereby accepted, which section is as follows :- "SECTION 103. If the city council of a city or if a town accepts the provisions of this section or has accepted the corresponding provisions of earlier laws, a building line parallel to, and not more than twenty- five feet distant from, the exterior line of a highway or town way may be established in the manner pro- vided for laying out ways, and thereafter no structures shall be erected or maintained between such building line and such way, except steps, windows, porticos and other usual projections appurtenant to the front wall of a building, to the extent prescribed in the vote establishing such building line. Whoever sustains damage thereby shall have the same remedies there- for as for damages sustained by the laying out of a town way." damages. establishing such to the extent urtenant to the SEWERS. 189 CHAPTER 36. SEWERS. Section. Section. 1. Superintendent of streets to be 10. Private drains in streets when superintendent of sewers. connected with public, to be 2. To have superintendence of city property; prerequisites main drains, common sewers, to such connection. and charge of building same; | 11. Sewers to be laid only in cer- to make contracts. tain streets; Exception on 3. To keep account of cost and recommendation of board of make report of work and ex- public works. penditures annually. 12. Private sewers in private 4. To build or lay common sewers. streets. City engineer to determine 13. Private drains in streets and. grade and make measure- entrances into mains, by ments. whom to be constructed, etc. 5. Opening of streets, not to inter- | 14. Land owner, etc., may be com- fere with common sewers. pelled to enter sewer, when ; Removal of pipes interfering owner, etc., to be notified. with sewers. Penalty for neglect to com- 6. No one to dig up streets, etc., ply. for sewer purposes, except | 15. Private connecting with main superintendent, etc. Penalty. drains, how built, etc. 7. City engineer to inform super 16. Private drains not to be en- intendent as to grades of tered into main without per- sewers. mit from mayor and alder- 8. Plans of common sewers to be men. made and kept by city engi 17. Steam, not to be exhausted in- neer; entries to be minuted to main drains, etc. Penalty. thereon. 18. Superintendent to inspect 9. Common sewers to be laid in buildings, cause to be prose- center of streets ; materials cuted, etc. and dimensions. streets to be super- intendent of sewers. To have superin- tendence of main drains, common of building same; SECTION 1. The superintendent of streets shall be Superintendent of superintendent of sewers. SECT. 2. The superintendent of sewers shall, under the direction of the mayor and aldermen, take the gen- eral superintendence of all main drains and common sewers and charge sewers, built or permitted to be built or owned by the city, and of all connections built under provisions of this chapter, and take charge of the building, repairs, and keeping in order of the same, and shall, when in- structed to do so by the mayor and aldermen, make all to make contracts. contracts for the supply of labor and materials there- for. SECT. 3. The superintendent of sewers shall keep To keep account of and submit to the mayor and aldermen an accurate port of work and account of the cost of constructing each main drain or annually. common sewer, and of all other expenses in relation cost and make re- expenditures 190 REVISED ORDINANCES. To build or lay common sewers. urements. with common sewers. thereto, and he shall annually, in December, submit a report of all work performed, and the amount of all expenditures for sewers and drains. SECT. 4. The superintendent of sewers shall build or lay all common sewers or drains to the grade deter- mined by the city engineer, and before connecting any private drain with any main drain or sewer he shall notify the city engineer of his intention so to do, and of the time when he will have the same in proper con- dition for the necessary measurements to be taken to City engineer to locate the connection; and it shall be the duty of the determine grade and make meas- city engineer to take said measurements so as not to hinder the work. Opening of streets SECT. 5. Whenever any street shall be opened for not to interfere the laying of pipes for water, gas, or other purposes, or for the prosecution of any works of construction or re- pairs, said laying of pipes and repairs and work con- nected therewith, or such work of construction shall be executed so as not to obstruct the course, capacity, or construction of a common sewer or drain, and when- ever pipes for any purpose or any work of construction shall hereafter be found to exist at such depth or in such location as to interfere with any existing sewer or with the building of any common sewer of the re- quired size and at the proper depth and grades, the department, corporation, company, or individual, as the case may be, maintaining the same shall, upon Removal of pipes notice thereof, at once remove, change, and alter said pipe or pipes, or other works in such manner as the superintendent of sewers may direct. If such depart- ment, corporation, company, or individual neglects to immediately remove, change, or alter such pipe or pipes in accordance with the terms of notification, then the superintendent of sewers may make such removal, change, or alteration, and the cost there- of shall be paid by such corporation, company, or in- dividual. No one to dig up SECT. 6. No person other than the superintendent streets, etc., for sewer purposes, of sewers, or his employees acting under his directions, shall be allowed to dig up any street or open any main drain or sewer for any purpose whatever, connected with any sewer, or connect the same with a private drain ; and any person who shall violate the pro- visions of this section shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. interfering with sewers. except superin- tendent; penalty. SEWERS. 191 inform superin- grades of sewers. engineer; minuted thereon. be laid in center mensions. streets when con- lic, to be city SECT. %. The city engineer shall furnish the super- City engineer to intendent of sewers with suitable information of the tendent as to proposed grade of sewers at points not over fifty feet apart on the line of the sewers. SECT. 8. The city engineer, whenever any common Plans of common sewer is built, shall make a plan of the same, showing and kept by city the form, mode of construction, depth below the sur- face, relation of the grade line to the city base, and the general direction of the sewer relatively to the street lines or neighboring property; and insert said plan in a book to be kept in his office for that purpose; and shall also minute on said plans all entries into entries to be any common sewer of which a plan exists. which shoulhe ordered.com SECT. 9. All common sewers which shall be ordered common sewers to by the mayor and aldermen in any street or highway of streets; shall be laid out as nearly as is practicable in the center of such highway, and shall be built of such materials materials and di- and of such dimensions as the mayor and aldermen shall direct. SECT. 10. All sewers and drains laid by private Private drains in parties in any street, court, or way, opened or pro- nected with pub- posed to be opened for public travel and accommoda- property; tion, shall be the property of the city when connected with a public sewer, and no such sewer or drain shall hereafter be connected with a public sewer unless it be of such size, material, construction, and depth, and in such location as the city engineer may direct so far prerequisites to as it is within the lines of such street, court, or way; nor until the owners thereof shall, in writing, convey to the city exclusive control over the same with the right to enter such court, street, or way, and dig up the same so far as necessary for repairing and controlling said sewer or drain, and making connections therewith. SECT. 11. . No sewer or drain, except a trunk sewer Sewers to be laid when required by the conformation of the land, shall Streets; be laid by the city of Springfield in any street or way, unless such street or way has been or is to be laid out and constructed in accordance with the provisions of sections nine to twelve, inclusive, of chapter 34 ; provided, however, that on recommendation of the Exception on rec- board of public works, setting forth that public neces- board of public sity requires the building of a sewer or drain in a pri- vate street or way not so laid out and constructed, the city council may, if such sewer or drain has been peti- tioned for as required by the ordinances of the city, order such sewer or drain laid in such street or way. prerequisites to such connection. only in certain ommendation of works. . 192 REVISED ORDINANCES. private streets. streets and mains, by whom etc. may be com. sewer, when; Private sewers in SECT. 12. No connection shall be made between any private drain or sewer in any private street or way and any sewer of the city of Springfield, unless such street or way has been or is to be laid out and constructed in accordance with the provisions of sec- tions nine to twelve inclusive of chapter 34; provided, however, that on recommendation of the board of public works setting forth necessity therefor the board of aldermen may order a sewer or drain, in a street or way not so laid out or constructed to be con- nected with a sewer in a public street on such terms and conditions as said board of aldermen may deem advisable. Private drains in SECT. 13. The construction of all private drains entrances into within the street limits, and all entrances into any to be constructed, main drain or common sewer shall be performed by the superintendent of sewers, and all material therefor shall be furnished by the city, and the cost thereof and of the labor of laying the same shall be included in the sum paid for the permit of entry. Land owner, etc., SECT. 14. The mayor and aldermen and the board pelled to enter of health shall each have power, in all cases where there is a public sewer in any street or highway of the city, to cause every owner of land adjoining such street or highway, his agent or tenant, to make, sub- ject to the provisions of this chapter, a sufficient drain from his house, yard, or lot, to and into such sewer, whenever, in the opinion of either of said boards, the same shall be necessary for the protection of the pub- owner, etc., to be lic health ; and shall, thereupon, give such owner, notitied. agent, or tenant notice in writing, specifying the time within which such drain shall be constructed, its size and form, and the materials of which it shall be con- structed, and either of said boards may, whenever, in their opinion, the protection of the public health requires, prohibit the maintenance of any privy or cesspool on any premises connected with a public Penalty for neg. sewer, Any person who neglects to build a drain under the provisions of this section within the time specified in said notice to do so, or maintains a privy in violation of such prohibition, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. Private connect SECT. 15. All private drains hereafter connected drains, how built, with any main drain or sewer must be built and con- structed, and all private drains connected with any lect to comply. ing with main etc. SEWERS. 193 to be entered into permit from men. exhausted into main drain or sewer must be maintained and the sewer protected, according to the rules and regulations for sewers and drains. SECT. 16. No private drain shall be entered into Private drains not any main drain or common sewer without a permit in main without" writing from the mayor and aldermen, which permit mayor and alder- and application therefor must be of the form prescribed in the rules relating to sewers and drains adopted by the mayor and aldermen, and all persons to whom such permit shall be granted shall pay therefor such sum, not less than fifteen dollars, as the mayor and aldermen shall determine. SECT. 17. It shall be unlawful for any person or Steam not to be corporation, or the employee of any person or corpo- main drains, etc. ration, to use any main drain or sewer as a place into which to exhaust steam from any boiler, engine, or heating apparatus, or to exhaust steam therein by allowing steam to pass directly or indirectly from any boiler, engine, or heating apparatus into any main sewer or drain. Any person who shall violate the penalty. provisions hereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars for each and every offense. SECT. 18. It shall be the duty of the superintend- Superintendent to ent of streets and sewers to inspect all buildings in cause to be which steam is used for power or for heating purposes, prosecuted, etc. and to cause to be prosecuted all persons who shall be found violating the provisions of this chapter. inspect buildings, 194 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 37. FOR THE PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN THE STREETS. Section, 1. Streets, etc., not to be dug upor obstructed without license; statement to be filed an- nually, showing work pro- posed to be done. 2. When streets, etc., are dug up or obstructed, railings or fences and lights to be put up and kept around the places obstructed. Streets to be afterward repaired. 3. Awnings over streets and side- walks not to be maintained unless eight feet above side- walk, etc.; nor without per- mission of mayor, etc.; per- mission revocable. 4. Signs, flags, merchandise, etc., not to be suspended over sidewalks or streets, unless, etc.; nor without permission of mayor; permission revo- cable. 5. House dirt, etc., not to be placed in streets; handbills, etc., not to be distributed in streets, except. 6. Articles liable to puncture tires or impede vehicles, not to be in streets. 7. Firewood, etc., not to remain on sidewalk over night, etc.; if necessarily left, light to be kept. 8. Certain animals not to be at large, or depastured, in the streets, etc. 9. Driving in streets, restrictions as to; exceptions. 10. Vehicles for conveyance of articles for hire, not to stand for orders in streets, etc., ex- cept in places assigned by mayor and aldermen. May- or and aldermen may license and assign stands for. Li- cense revocable. 11. Vehicles for conveyance of persons for hire, not to stand for orders in streets, etc., ex- cept in places assigned. City marshal shall assign stands for such vehicles ; license revocable. Section. 12. Vehicles used for selling goods, etc., where may not and may stand. With wood, person in charge must have certifi- cate of quantity. 13. Vehicles not to be driven on sidewalks, etc.; except chil- dren's hand carriages. 14. Teams not to obstruct by standing across streets, side- walks, or crosswalks, nor to stop on crosswalks. · 15. Cattle not to be allowed to go on sidewalks, except to cross. 16. Sidewalks, etc., not to be ob- structed. 17. Buildings not to be moved through streets without li- cense from supervisors, and filing agreement to comply 'with license and indemnify city. 18. Snow and ice not to be thrown into streets unless broken up, etc. 19. Wood sawing or piling on side- walk prohibited. 20. Gaming tables, etc., and gam- ing in streets prohibited. 21. Booths, etc., for sale of any- thing in streets prohibited. 22. Firearms not to be discharged in streets, etc., except. 23. Fireworks, bonfires, etc., set- ting fire to without license prohibited. 24. Fences, guideposts, signboards, awnings, etc., not to be defaced. 25. City lamps not to be lighted or extinguished without permis- sion. Trees not to be cut down, etc., without permission ; animals not to be fastened to. 27. Street dirt, etc., restriction as to removal of. 28. Disorderly conduct, indecent or profane language in streets forbidden. Indecent exposure in bathing, etc., prohibited. 30. Sink or impure water not to be allowed to run into streets, etc. 26. 29. PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 195 Section. Section. 31. Gates or doors not to swing | 42. Snow, collected by drifting, over streets, etc. etc.,' to be removed from 32. Auction sales, restriction as to sidewalks. holding on sidewalks, etc. | 43. Ice, encumbering sidewalks, 33. Ringing bells, uttering boister- to be removed or covered ous outcry, etc., prohibited with sand. in street without license. 44. Water from eaves or leader 34. Privy vaults and cesspools, pipes not to be discharged restrictions as to carry- upon street or sidewalk. ing contents of through Water from washing win. streets. dows or walls not to be dis- 35. Restrictions as to congregating charged on street within cer- to the obstruction of side- tain hours. walks, etc. | 45. No person to sprinkle streets 36. No person to obstruct steps or with wagon or cart without passages of churches, etc., license; mayor and aldermen by standing thereon. Per- may issue such licenses ; sons so obstructing to move revocable. on when ordered. | 46. Coverings in sidewalks to be 37. Ball playing, kite and balloon licensed. Bond to be given. flying, and missile throwing 47. Conditions under which cov. in streets prohibited. verings may be maintained ; 38. Missiles, projecting by . air revocation of license. pipes, in or into streets, etc., | 48. Children under 16 not to loiter, prohibited. etc., on streets, etc., after 39. Coursing, coasting, etc., on 9.30 P. M., except. any sidewalk forbidden.' Alarm to be sounded at 9.30 Coasting, etc., in certain P. M. streets prohibited. 49. Penalty for violation of sect. 40. Wheeled vehicles, restrictions 48, and powers of police • as to use of in streets, named thereunder. in section 39. Bicycles, tri | 50. Penalty for violations of pro- cycles and automobiles ex- visions of this chapter. cepted in certain cases. | 51. Limitation of prosecutions. 41. Snow to be removed from side- / 52. City marshal, etc., to enforce walks. provisions of this chapter. SECTION 1. No person, except the superintendent Streets, etc., not to of streets, in the performance of his duties, shall break structed without or dig up the pavement or ground in any public street, or any sidewalk or ground in any public street, or any sidewalk or common in the city, or erect any staging for building thereon, or place any materials or rubbish thereon, without first obtaining from the board of supervisors of highways and bridges a written license stating the space in the street or other public place that may be occupied, and the time allowed for such occupancy, and such other provisions as they may deem best, and filing with the city clerk a written agreement under seal, approved by said supervisors, to comply strictly with the terms of the license and indemnify the city from all loss, cost, or expense that it may suffer by reason of such occupancy. And all Statement to be persons or corporations shall, on or before May first showing work pro- of each year, file a statement with the superintendent of streets showing the work proposed to be done by them during the ensuing year. structed without license. filed annually posed to be done. 196 REVISED ORDINANCES. are dug up or ob- or fences and obstructed. Streets to be after- ward repaired. 1 When streets, etc., SECT. 2. Whenever any street, lane, alley, or side- structed, railings walk or other public place in the city, shall, under any lights must be put license granted as provided in the preceding section, up and kept around the places be dug up, obstructed, encumbered, or otherwise thereby rendered unsafe or inconvenient for travel, the person so licensed shall put, and at all times keep up, a suitable railing or fence around the section of the street, lane, alley, or other public place so ob- structed, so long as the same shall be or remain unsafe or inconvenient as aforesaid, and shall also keep one or more lighted lanterns fixed to such fence or fixed in some other proper manner, every night from twilight in the evening through the whole night, so long as such railing or fence shall be kept standing or obstruc- ertion remain. He shall also within such reasonable time as the board of supervisors of highways and bridges shall direct, amend and repair such street, lane, or alley, sidewalk, or public place, to the accept- ance of the superintendent of streets. SECT. 3. No person shall place or maintain any awning or shade over any part of any street or side- ss walk, unless the same be safely and securely fastened, and so located and constructed as in no wise to incom- mode passengers, the lowest part thereof to be at least seven feet above the sidewalk, and in no case to extend nor without per- beyond the line thereof. No such awning or shade mission of mayor shall be placed or maintained without written permis- sion from the mayor and aldermen, which permission cable. shall be revocable, and any person having such permission, so placing or maintaining the same, shall in all respects conform to any direction in relation to the location, extent, materials, construction, and maintenance thereof which shall be given by the mayor and aldermen. Signs, flags, mer- SECT. 4. No person shall suspend or display, or chot cause to be suspended or displayed, any sign, flag, streets, unless, or article of merchandise or any other thing over any sidewalk or street in the city, unless the lowest part thereof be at least eight feet above the sidewalk or street, and no such sign, flag, article of merchandise or other thing shall be so suspended or maintained, or nor without per- displayed or maintained on any street or sidewalk without written permission from the mayor and alder- mayor, etc.; permission revo- men, which permission shall be revocable, and any person having such permission and so suspending or displaying the same, shall in all respects conform to Awnings over streets and side- walks not to be maintained unless seven feet above sidewalk, etc.; and aldermen; permission revo- to be suspended etc.; mission of the cable. PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 197 not to be placed in streets, except. not to remain on any directions in relation to the location, extent, con- struction and maintenance thereof which shall be given by the mayor and aldermen. SECT. 5. No person shall put or place, or cause to House dirt, etc., be put or placed, in any street, lane, or alley, or other streets; handbills, public place in the city, any house dirt, ashes, filth, distributed in shells, or other kind of rubbish, or distribute or cause to be distributed, or throw or cause to be thrown, any handbills, circulars, pamphlets, advertisements, or other papers except newspapers to purchasers thereof. SECT. 6. No person shall put, place or throw, or Articles liable to cause to be put, placed or thrown, in any street, lane impede vehicles not to be in or alley, or other public place in the city, any nails, streets. tacks, broken glass or other articles or substances which may in any way be liable to puncture the tire of any vehicle, or which may in any way impede or obstruct the passage of any vehicle over said street, lane, alley or place. SECT. %. No person shall suffer his firewood, coal, Firewood, etc., or other fuel to remain unnecessarily on any sidewalk, sidewalk over in night, etc.; or in any street, lane, or alley in the principally in- habited parts of the city, over night or after twilight in the evening, and in case it must of necessity so re- if necessarily left, main after twilight or through the night, the said i owner shall place and keep a sufficient light over or near the same through the night, to prevent injury therefrom. SECT. 8. No person shall permit any sheep, goat, Certain animals swine, mule, ass, horse, or neat cattle belonging to him or depastured in or under his control, to go at large or depasture in any street, lane, or alley, or on any common in the city. SECT. 9. No person shall drive any horse or horses Driving in streets, in any street, lane, or highway in the city, at a rate of speed exceeding eight miles per hour, except at such exceptions. times and places as the supervisors of highways and bridges may direct, said supervisors to notify the police department of the time and place selected, nor in such manner as to endanger or unreasonably incommode any person passing therein. SECT. 10. No owner, driver, or other person hav- Vehicles for con- ing charge or control of any vehicle used for the for purpose of conveying from place to place within said in city, for hire, any wood, coal, lumber, stone, brick, sand, gravel, clay, dirt, rubbish, goods, wares, furni- and aldermen. ture, or merchandise, shall stand or wait with any such vehicle, for orders or employment, or permit any light to be kept. streets, etc. veyance of articles for hire, not to stand for orders in streets, etc., except in places assigned by mayor 198 REVISED ORDINANCES. men may license for. veyance of persons stand for orders in streets, etc., ex- cept in places assigned. such vehicle, so under his charge or control, to stand for orders in any street, square, lane, court, or public way or public place within said city, other than such stands as may be assigned by the mayor and aldermen. Mayor and alder. And the mayor and aldermen may from time to time and assign stands grant licenses to such persons and upon such terms as they may deem proper, to employ or use any such vehicle, for the purpose aforesaid, and may designate places within the city as public stands for such vehi- cles to occupy while awaiting orders or employment. License revocable. Whoever being so licensed wantonly violates the pro- visions of this section shall in addition to the penalty hereinafter, in this chapter, provided, have his license forthwith revoked by said mayor and aldermen. Vehicles for con- SECT. 11. No owner or driver or other person hav- for hire, not to ing the charge or control of any vehicle licensed for " the conveyance of persons, for hire, shall permit such vehicle to stand or wait, except when waiting for the return of a passenger temporarily absent, on any part of any street, square, lane, court, or public way or public place, within said city, other than the stand which may be assigned therefor under the provisions City marshal shall of this section. The city marshal shall from time to time assign to the owners or persons having the charge or control of such licensed vehicles stands in such streets or public places as he may select, for the occu- pation of such vehicles while awaiting hire ; and any person violating the provisions of this section, shall, in addition to the penalty hereinafter in this chapter pro- license revocable. vided, have his license forthwith revoked by the mayor and aldermen. Vehicles used for SECT. 12. No person shall stand with any wagon, where may not, - cart, or other vehicle, for the purpose of selling goods, wares, merchandise, or produce therefrom upon Main street between Central street and Carew street, or within five hundred feet of said Main street upon any street leading therefrom between said Central street and Carew street. Provided, however, that any per- son may stand with such cart, wagon, or other vehicle loaded with fruit, provisions, wood, hay, or straw, for such purpose on the southerly side of Court street, the northerly side of Elm street, and the easterly side of the street west of Court square, as said square existed prior to the extension thereof to Water street, in such order and in such manner as the city marshal or as- sistant marshal may direct; and, provided further, assign stands for such vehicles; and where may stand. PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 199 son in charge driven on side- children's hand sidewalks, or stop on cross- walk. that no person shall stand in said streets, with any With wood, per- such cart, wagon, or other vehicle loaded with wood must have certif- icate of quantity. for the sale thereof, without first having procured a certificate from a competent measurer of wood and bark, of the quantity of his load. SECT. 13. No person shall drive, wheel, draw, or Vehicles not to be push any cart, wheelbarrow, or other vehicle of bur- Walks, etc., except den or of pleasure, upon or along any sidewalk in the carriages city, except for the purpose of crossing such sidewalk to go to or out of some adjoining inclosure; provided, this section shall not apply to children's carriages drawn by hand. SECT. 14. No person shall stand with or permit any Teams not to ob- struct by standing team under his care or control to stand across any across streets, public highway or street in such a manner as to ob- cross-walks ; nor to struct the travel over the same, and no person shall stop with any team in any public street at the side of or so near to another team as to obstruct public travel, and no person shall stop with any team or carriage upon or across any crosswalk in any street or high- way in the city. SECT. 15. No person shall permit any goat, sheep, Cattle not to be swine, horse, mule, ox, or cow, under his care, to go sidewalks, except upon any sidewalk in the city, except for the purpose of crossing such sidewalk to go to or from some ad- joining inclosure. SECT. 16. No person shall place or cause to be Sidewalks, etc., placed in or on any public way or street, or on any structed. sidewalk, or footwalk, or crosswalk in the city, any article or thing whatsoever, so as to interfere with the convenient use of the same by any person travel- ing thereon. SECT. 17. No person shall move or cause to be Buildings not to moved any building through any public street in the city, without first obtaining from the supervisors of supervisors, highways and bridges a written license therefor, stat- ing the streets through which, and the time within which, the building may be moved, and any other provisions they may deem best, and filing with the and Aling agree- city clerk a written agreement under seal, approved with license and indemnify city, by said supervisors, to comply with the terms of the etc. license and indemnify the city for all loss, cost, or ex- pense it may suffer by reason of the moving of such building. SECT. 18. No person shall throw or put, or cause to Snow and ice not be thrown or put, any snow or ice into any street, lane, allowed to go on sidewalks, except to cross. not to be ob- be moved through streets without license from and filing agree- ment to comply rse LI UN to be thrown into 200 • REVISED ORDINANCES. streets unless broken up, etc. piling on side- in streets pro- hibited. discharged in streets, etc., except. streets unless or alley in the city, unless the same shall be broken up and spread evenly over the surface of such street, lane, or alley. Wood sawing or SECT. 19. No person shall saw any wood or pile the walk prohibited. same on the sidewalk of any street or way in the city. Gaming tables, SECT. 20. No person shall expose in or upon any etc., and gaming street, lane, alley, public place, or common in the city, any table or device of any kind, by or upon which any game of hazard or chance can be played ; nor shall any person play any such game at such table or de- vice, in or upon any street, lane, alley, public place, or common in the city. Booths, etc., for SECT. 21. No person shall place, or keep any table, streets prohibited. stall, booth, or other erection, in any street, lane, alley, or public place, or on any square or sidewalk, in the city, for the sale of fruit or other things. Firearms not to be SECT. 22. No person shall discharge any gun, pis- tol, or other firearm, in any of the streets, highways, public squares, or commons in the city ; provided, this section shall not apply to the use of such weapons in the lawful defense of the person, family, or property of anyone, or in the performance of any duty required by law, nor to the firing of a salute of cannon or artil- lery by permission of the mayor and aldermen. SECT. 23. No person shall set fire to any rocket, ng cracker, squib, serpent, or other fireworks, or make any bonfire in any street, lane, highway, public square, or common in the city, without a license from the mayor and aldermen. Fences, guide- SECT. 24. No person shall wantonly mar, injure, posti, signboards, deface, or destroy any fence, guidepost, signboard, to be defaced, or awning, lamp-post, lamp, or lantern in any street, placarded., square or public place in the city, or affix any sign, card, or other advertising matter, or attach any iron ring to any such lamp-post. City lamps not to SECT. 25. No person shall light or extinguish any extinguished city lamp in any street, square, or public place in the city, except by permission of the mayor and alder- men. SECT. 26. No person shall cut down, remove, injure, without permis- or destroy any fruit, shade, or other tree, growing or being in any public street, lane, alley, common, or other public ground in the city, without the permission animals not to be of the mayor and aldermen. And no person shall fasten any horse or other animal to any such tree. Fireworks, bon- fires, etc., setting fire to without license, pro- hibited. without permis- sion. Trees not to be cut down, etc., sion; fastened to. PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 201 restriction as to Disorderly con- 17 in streets for- bidden, not to be allowed streets, etc. not to swing over SECT. 27. No person shall remove any street dirt Street dirt, etc., or manure from any public street, lane, or alley in the removal of. city, without authority from the superintendent of streets. SECT. 28. No person shall loiter or behave himself Dust, indecent or in a rude and disorderly manner, or use any indecent in streets hommage, or profane language in any street, lane, alley, or other public place in the city. SECT. 29. No person shall swim or bathe in any Indecent expos- pond, stream, or river in the city, divested of clothing etc., prohibited. so as to be indecently exposed to the view of any per- son lawfully passing or being in or upon any street, lane, alley, common, square, railroad, or other public place within the city. SECT. 30. No person shall allow any sink water or Sink water, etc., other impure water, to run from any house, barn, or to run into lot occupied by him or under his control, into any street or highway in the city. SECT. 31. No person shall allow any gate or door Gates or doors belonging to premises owned or occupied by him or streets, etc. under his control, to swing on, over, or into any street or sidewalk in the city. SECT. 32. No auctioneer shall hold his sale upon Auction sales, any sidewalk or other thoroughfare in the city, so as holding on side- to obstruct or prevent the free and convenient use of the same by foot passengers traveling thereon. SECT. 33. No person shall ring or cause to be rung Ringing bells, any bell, or use or cause to be used any horn or other ous outéry, etc.; uttering boister. instrument, or utter any boisterous outcry in any street street without in said city to give notice of any business or calling, or to call attention for the purpose of making sale of any article, unless thereto duly licensed by the mayor and aldermen. SECT. 34. No person or persons shall at any time Privy vaults and whatsoever carry into or through any public street of restrictions as to the city, any part of the contents of any privy vault of through streets. or cesspool, in any cart, wagon, or other vehicle, or utensil which shall not be closely covered, water-tight and kept clean upon the outer surface. SECT. 35. Three or more persons shall not stand Persons, restric- together or near each other in any street, or on any gregating to the foot walk or sidewalk in the city, so as to obstruct the sidewalks, etc. free passage for foot passengers, and any person or persons so standing shall move on immediately after a request so to do, made by the mayor, city marshal, or any police officer, or watchman. restriction as to walks, etc. prohibited in license. carrying contents tions as to con- obstruction of 202 REVISED ORDINANCES. No person to obstruct steps or passages of churches, etc., by standing thereon. structing, to move . and balloon fly throwing in streets, prohib- ited. in or into streets, etc., pro- hibited. Coursing, coast- SECT. 36. No person shall be or remain upon the steps of, or other projection from, any church, hotel, hall, or public building, nor in any hall, space, or way leading thereto, so as to incommode or obstruct the passage to and from such church, hall, hotel, or Persons so ob- building. And every person so being or remain- on when ordered. Ⓡing, when ordered by the mayor, city marshal, po- lice officer, watchman, owner, agent, or other person having charge of said church, hotel, hall, or other pub- lic building, shall immediately depart therefrom. Ball playing, kite SECT. 37. No person shall, within the limits of any and missile"> street or highway in the city, play at any game of ball, or fly any kite or balloon, or throw any stone or other missile, or engage in any other game, amusement, or exercise interfering with free, safe, and convenient use of such street or highway by any person traveling or passing along the same. Missiles, project- SECT. 38. No person shall project by means of any ing by air pipes, air pipe, blow pipe, air gun, pop gun, spring gun, bow gun, or cross bow, any missile or substance whatsoever in or into any public street, highway, court, square, park, avenue, or place within the city. SECT. 39. No person shall course, coast, or slide sidewalk forbid- upon any sled, board, or other thing, upon any side- Coasting, etc., in walk or footwalk in the city. No person shall course, coast, or slide on any sleigh, sled, or any other vehicle, in, along, or upon the streets and portions of streets hereinafter named, to wit: State street; Maple street, from State street to Pine street; Chestnut street; High street ; Union street ; Central street, east of Maple street; Mill street; Fort Pleasant avenue; Locust street; Belmont avenue; Pearl street, from Byers street to Chestnut street; Harrison avenue; Sharon street about five hundred feet westerly from Chestnut street; and Worthington street; nor upon portions of streets at Indian Orchard, hereinafter named, to wit: Oak street, from Berkshire street to Main street; Hampden street, from Myrtle street to Oak street; Worcester street, from Myrtle street to Oak street. SECT. 40. No persons, except invalids, or lame, or otherwise disabled persons, shall put in motion, or use in motion, any wheeled vehicle, in, along, or upon any of the streets, or portions of streets designated in sec- tion thirty-nine of this chapter unless such vehicle shall be propelled by some beast attached thereto, or den. certain streets, probibited. Wheeled vehicles, restrictions as to use of in streets named in sec- tion 39. PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 203 motor cycles and be removed from by drifting, etc., to be removed from sidewalks. drawn or pushed by some person on foot. This sec- Bicycles, tricycles, tion shall not apply to the use of bicycles, tricycles, automobiles ex- cepted. motor cycles or automobiles. SECT. 41. The tenant, occupant, and in case there Snow, falling, to be no tenant the owner or person having the care of sidewalks. any estate abutting upon any street, lane, court, or square within the city, where there is a sidewalk which now is or may hereafter be established or set apart as such, shall, after the ceasing to fall of any snow thereon, within twenty-four hours cause the same to be removed therefrom. SECT. 42. Whenever any snow shall be collected Snow or deposited upon any sidewalk mentioned in the pre- ceding section, either by falling from some adjoining building or by drifting upon said sidewalk, the tenant, occupant, and in case there be no tenant the owner or person having the charge of the estate abutting upon said sidewalk, shall within twenty-four hours after its being so collected or deposited cause the same to be removed therefrom. . SECT. 43. . Whenever any sidewalk mentioned in Ice encumbering the forty-first section of this chapter shall be encum- bered with ice, it shall be the duty of the tenant, occupant and in case there be no tenant the owner or person having the care of the estate abutting thereon, to cause such sidewalk to be made safe and convenient for travel, by removing the ice therefrom, or by cover- ing the same with sand or some other suitable substance, within twenty-four hours after such side- walk shall have become so encumbered. SECT. 44. No person shall permit water from the Water from eaves eaves or leader pipes of any building owned or cared not to be disa for by him to be discharged upon any public street or Stret charged upon sidewalk in the city, and no person, between the hours walk. of eight o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the Water from wash- evening, shall wash or allow to be washed any win- walls not to be dows or wall of a building owned or cared for by him in street within cer- such a manner as to cause the discharge of water upon tain be any public sidewalk or walk devoted to the public use. SECT. 45. No person shall sprinkle any of the public No person to streets of the city by the use of street-sprinkling with wagon or wagons or carts unless he or his employer shall have license; first obtained a license as hereinafter provided. The mayor and alder- mayor and aldermen shall issue such licenses to such such licenses; parties and on such terms and conditions as they may deem proper, and a record shall be kept of all licenses sidewalks to be removed or covered withi sand. or leader pipes street or side- ing windows or tain hours. sprinkle streets cart without men may issue 204 REVISED ORDINANCES. revocable, Coverings in sidewalks to be licensed. Conditions under which coverings may be main- tained. so issued. Such licenses may be revoked at any time, and if not revoked shall expire on the first day of April following their date. SECT. 46. No person or corporation shall place or sidewalks to be maintain in the sidewalk of any public street in the city any covering made of metal or the combination of metal and any other material, without first having been authorized so to do by a written license from the supervisors of highways and bridges, which license shall not be valid until recorded by the city clerk in a Bond to be given. book to to be kept for the purpose ; and no such license shall be given except on condition that the licensee give to the city a bond, to be approved by the mayor, conditioned to protect said city from loss by reason of any injuries any party may suffer from the breaking of such covering or the slipping or falling thereon by any traveler in the street. SECT. 47. Said board shall not authorize the plac- ing or maintaining in said sidewalks of any such covering except upon the express condition to be stated in said license, that the same shall be so constructed as not to present a smooth surface on which travelers may slip, or a surface so rough as to be an obstruction to public travel. Any license granted by said board may be revoked at any time by a written revocation to be filed with said clerk, who shall note the filing thereof on the recorded copy of the license, and each license shall state that it is subject to such revocation. Children under 16 SECT. 48. No child under sixteen years of age, on streets, etc.," shall be, loiter, or remain upon any street, highway, park or other public way or place, in the city, after the hour of nine thirty o'clock in the afternoon of any day, unless accompanied by or under the control or care of a parent, guardian, or other adult person ; or unless in some employment, or in the performance of some duty directed in writing by said parent, guard- ian, or other adult person; and no such child, while in such employment or performance of such duty, shall loiter upon any such street, highway, park or other public way or place. The chief engineer of the fire department shall sounded at 9.30 cause three blows to be sounded on the fire alarm sig- nals at nine thirty o'clock each evening. SECT. 49. Any person violating any of the provi- sions of section forty-eight shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each offense. Revocation of license. after 9.30 P. M., except: Alarm to be P. M. Penalty for vio- lation of sect. 48 PREVENTION OF INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN STREETS. 205 tion of provisions In enforcing section forty-eight, a police officer and powers of police thereunder. may, in his discretion, warn and send home any child who for the first time violates the provisions of said section, and notice thereof shall be sent the parent, guardian or other person having the care of such child. SECT. 50. Except as provided in the preceding sec- Penalty for viola- tion, whoever shall offend against or fail to comply of this chapter. with any of the provisions of this chapter, shall for each and every offense forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. SECT. 51. No person shall be prosecuted for any Limitation of offense against any of the provisions of this chapter, unless complaint for the same shall be instituted and commenced within six months from the time of com- mitting such offense. SECT. 52. The city marshal, assistant marshal, and City marshal, etc., all police officers and watchmen are especially charged visions of this to see that the provisions of this chapter are enforced. prosecutions. chapter. 206 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 38. PROTECTION AGAINST SNOW-SLIDES. Protections against snow- erected. Section. Section. 1. Protections against snow-slides, 4. Snow encumbering roofs, en- board of supervisors to cause dangering travel, to be re- to be erected. moved by owners, etc.; 2. Board may prepare order for supervisors may remove such protection; if order is twenty-four hours after snow- adopted to give notice there- storm, at owner's expense. of. Notice to contain copy of | 5. Account of expenses, to be kept order; how served, upon by supervisors ; and to be owner, etc. ; owners to obey collected as provided in order. chapter 4. 3. Supervisors to execute order, if | 6. Penalty for violation of provi. owner, etc., neglects. sions of section 2. SECTION 1. The board of supervisors of highways, slides, board of in addition to the duties heretofore devolving upon supervisors to cause to be them, are hereby authorized and empowered to cause to be erected such balustrades or other protections (for security against snow-slides) upon the roofs of all buildings now standing, or that may hereafter be erected within the city of Springfield, as in their judg- ment the public safety requires. SECT. 2. Whenever in the judgment of said board the public safety requires the erection of such balus- trade or other protection upon the roof of any build- ing then standing or in process of erection in said city, they shall prepare an order calling for such an erection as they may deem sufficient and proper, and if said notice thereof. order shall be adopted by the city council, said board shall then give notice thereof to the owner of such building or buildings or authorized agent of such owner, if either reside in the city, and if not, then a copy of such notice shall be posted on the premises. Notice to contain Such notice shall contain a copy of such order, and copy of order; bow served upon shall be served, returned, filed, and preserved in the owner, etc.; same manner as is provided for the service of notices in the fourteenth section of chapter thirty-four, and the owner or owners of such buildings shall imme- diately cause such erections to be made as are called for by the order, and to the acceptance of said board. SECT. 3. If such order shall not be complied with execute order, if to the acceptance of said board within the time that Board may pre- pare order for such protectior if order is adopted to give owners to obey order. Supervisors to PROTECTION AGAINST SNOW-SLIDES. 207 lects. Snow encumber- remove twenty- snowstorm, at shall be therein limited, said supervisors shall proceed owner, etc., neg- immediately to cause such erections to be constructed or completed as are called for by the order. SECT. 4. Every occupant of a building, and every Snow encumber- owner of an unoccupied building standing upon or so gering travel, to near the line of a street that snow-slides from the roof owners, etc.; be removed, by may endanger public travel, shall, within a reasonable time after the termination or abatement of a snow- storm, cause the snow to be removed from the roof thereof, in such manner as will not endanger travelers. And whenever any building so situated, shall, for the supervisors may space of twenty-four hours after the termination or four hours after abatement of a snowstorm, be encumbered with snow owner's expense. upon the roof, which, in the judgment of said super- visors, endangers public safety, said board may cause it to be removed at the expense of such occupant or owner. SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of said board to keep Account of expenses, to be an accurate account of all the expenses incurred in kept by super- carrying into effect any of the provisions of this chap- ter and report the same without delay to the city au- ditor with the names of the persons from whom the same are due and the amount due from each person, and the same shall be collected as provided in chapter as provided in four. SECT. 6. Any person who shall offend against or Penalty for fail to comply with the provisions of section second of visions of section this chapter shall pay a penalty of not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars, which shall inure to the use of the city and be turned over to the city treasurer. visors; and to be collected visions of section second. 208 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 39. TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLOSIVES. Section. 1. Transportation of explosives through streets regulated. į Section. 2. Penalty. Transportation of explosives through streets regulated. SECTION 1. No person shall transport through any street or way within the city of Springfield, gunpow- der in quantities of twenty-five pounds or over, nitro- glycerine, dynamite, guncotton, or any other fulmi- nate or substance which is intended to be used by exploding or igniting it, unless permission shall have been obtained from the city marshal, who shall pre- scribe the manner and method of such transportation. SECT. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense. Penalty. DOGS. 209 CHAPTER 40. DOGS. Section. Section. 1. Metallic tags to be attached to and notice, dog to be re- collars of dogs. Description moved or destroyed. of tag. 3. Penalty ; proviso. 2. On complaint to city marshal SECTION 1. The owner or keeper of any dog owned or kept within the city of Springfield shall, except Metallic tags to be where such owner or keeper has a special license to attached to collars of dogs. keep dogs for breeding purposes, attach to the collar of such dog a metallic tag, to be worn on the collar and to be furnished by the city clerk without charge, when the license is issued for such dog. Such tag shall have upon it the word “ Springfield,” and the year in which Description of the license is issued, together with the number of the tag. license as registered for that year. SECT. 2. On complaint being made to the city mar- shal, that any dog owned or kept within the city, by On complaint to barking, biting, howling, or in any other way or man- city marshal and ner disturbs or has disturbed the quiet of any person removed destroyed. or persons within the city, the marshal shall give no- tice thereof to the person owning or keeping such dog, and such owner or keeper shall thereupon cause such dog to be forthwith removed and kept beyond the limits of the city or destroyed. SECT. 3. Any owner or keeper of a dog who shall fail to comply with the provisions of the preceding sections shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than ten dollars, provided that the court before which the complaints shall be tried shall be satisfied that the tag required by section one had not been attached to the collar as provided by said section, or that the dog complained of had in the manner described in section two disturbed any person or persons. notice, dog to be Penalty; proviso. 210 REVISED ORDINANCES. CHAPTER 41. PAWNBROKERS. Section. 1. Pawnbrokers to be licensed. Section. . 2. Not to receive articles from minors. 3. Penalty. licensed. Not to receive articles from minors. Pawnbrokers to be SECTION 1. No person shall carry on the business of a pawnbroker in this city unless he is duly licensed therefor by the mayor and aldermen, pursuant to the provisions of chapter one hundred and two of the Revised Laws. SECT. 2. No pawnbroker shall, directly or indi- rectly, receive any article in pawn of any minor or apprentice, knowing or having reason to believe him to be such. Penalty. SECT. 3. Whoever violates the provisions of the preceding section, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars for each offense. JUNK DEALERS. 211 CHAPTER 42. DEALERS IN JUNK AND SECOND-HAND ARTICLES. Section. 1. Licenses. 2. Record book to be kept. 3. Powers of police officers. Daily report to city marshal. 4. Not to deal with minors. Ar- ticles sold to be traced, when. 5. Sign. 6. Inspection. Section, 7. Hours for transaction of busi- ness. 8. Licenses confined to places designated. 9. Penalty. 10. Dealers in second-hand books and furniture exempt. License to contain provisions of this chapter. SECTION 1. No person shall be a dealer in or keeper Licenses. of a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals, or second-hand articles in this city, unless he is duly licensed therefor by the mayor and alder- men and shall exhibit his license when requested so to do. SECT. 2. Every person dealing in said articles or Record book to be kept. keeping such a shop, shall keep a book in which he shall record in the English language at the time of every purchase by him of either of the articles men- tioned in the preceding section a description of the articles so purchased, the name, age, and residence of the person from whom, and the day and hour when he so purchased it. No entry made in such book shall be erased, obliterated or defaced and the form of such book shall be prepared by the city marshal. Said book shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor and aldermen, or of any person by them authorized to make such examination. SECT. 3. Any police officer may, when authorized by the city marshal, enter the shop of any such dealer in junk or second-hand articles and examine the books and property in said shops, and all articles purchased or held by said dealers in junk or second-hand articles shall be exhibited to any police officer whenever a de- mand shall be made for such exhibition. Every such a h Drajky report to licensed dealer shall make out and deliver to the city city marshal every day before the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, a legible list, containing an accurate description Powers of police officers. Daily report to y marshal. 212 REVISED ORDINANCES. Not to deal with minors. traced, when. of all articles purchased during the preceding twenty- four hours, and the time when such articles were purchased. SECT, 4. No keeper of such shop shall directly, or indirectly, either purchase or receive by way of barter or exchange, any of the articles aforesaid of any minor or apprentice, knowing or having reason to believe him Articles sold to be to be such; and no article purchased by such shopkeeper shall be sold by him until a period of at least one week from its purchase or receipt by him shall have elapsed, without entering on his book the name and address of the purchaser, with other facts sufficient to enable him to keep trace thereof. Sign, SECT. 5. Every keeper of such shop shall put, in some suitable and conspicuous place on his shop, a sign having his name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon in large letters. Inspection. SECT. 6. Every such shop, and all articles of mer- chandise therein, may be examined at any time by the mayor and aldermen, or by any person by them au- thorized to make such examination. SECT. %. No keeper of such shop shall have the same open for transaction of business, except during the time between the rising of the sun and nine o'clock of the afternoon of each week day. SECT, 8. All licenses granted under this chapter fined to places shall designate the place where the person licensed may carry on his business, and he shall not engage in or carry on his business under his license in any other place than the one so designated. Penalty. SECT. 9. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit a sum not ex- ceeding twenty dollars for each offense. Dealers in second- SECT. 10. Persons who buy or sell no second-hand articles except books or furniture shall be exempt from the provisions and conditions of section four. License to contain SECT. 11. All the provisions of this chapter shall be incorporated into every license which shall be granted under it. Hours for transaction of business. Licenses con- designated. hand books and furniture exempt. provisions of this chapter. RAG PICKERS AND JUNK COLLECTORS. 213 CHAPTER 43. IN RELATION TO LICENSING RAG PICKERS AND JUNK COLLECTORS. Section. Section. 1. Rag pickers, etc., must be li- without permission, nor buy censed. from minor, etc. 2. Mayor and aldermen may grant 6. Fee. licenses and revoke same. 7. Bags, etc., may be examined by Record to be kept by city marshal. Information to be marshal. given. 3. When licenses shall expire. 8. Rags, etc., to be stored in fire 4. Licensee to display badge with district only in certain build. number. ings. 5. Restrictions as to hours. Li. | 9. Penalty. censee not to enter building must be licensed. revoke same. kept by city ce with SECTION 1. No person shall go about picking up or Rag pickers, etc., collecting by purchase or otherwise, rags, paper, junk, old metal, or other waste matter, in this city, unless he is duly licensed by the mayor and board of aldermen. SECT. 2. The mayor and aldermen may grant Mayor and alder. men may grant licenses to such persons and upon such conditions as licenses and they may deem expedient, and may revoke the same Record to be at their discretion, and a record of the licenses so marshal. granted shall be kept by the city clerk. SECT. 3. All licenses so granted shall expire on the When licenses shall expire. first day of May next after the date thereof, unless sooner revoked. SECT. 4. Every person so licensed shall display con- Licensee to display spicuously upon his person and upon his vehicle if number. using one, a badge giving the number of said license, in plain, legible figures of a size provided in said license. SECT. 5. No person licensed as above described Restrictions as to shall pursue said business between the hours of six at night and seven in the morning, nor upon the Lord's day. No person so licensed shall enter any building Licensee not to without having first obtained the consent of the owner without per- mission, or tenant, nor take anything from any premises with- out the consent of its owner; nor buy anything from nor buy from minor, etc. any minor or apprentice, knowing or believing him to be such. SECT. 6. For every license so granted there shall Fee. be paid to the city treasurer the sum of three dollars. hours. enter building 214 REVISED ORDINANCES. Bags, etc., may be examined by marshal, etc. Information to given. SECT. 19 The bags, baskets, vehicles, or other con- veyance used for carrying said matter by a person licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chap- ter may be examined at any time by the city marshal, assistant marshal, captain of the watch, or any police officer, and any person so licensed shall at all times give full information to such officers concerning any goods or articles which may be in his possession. Concerning any goods or articles on which distinguish- ing marks have been destroyed or obliterated, or con- cerning any goods or articles which may have been stolen and so changed, marred, broken, or mutilated as to prevent ready identification, such information shall include an accurate statement as to the party from whom, the time when and all other circumstances under which the same were obtained. The city mar- shal shall report to the mayor and aldermen any failure to obey the requirements of this chapter. SECT. 8. Rags and waste paper collected by junk dealers, junk collectors, or rag pickers shall not be kept or stored within the limits of the fire district, ex- cept in substantial brick or stone buildings. SECT. 9. Whoever shall offend against or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, for every offense, forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Rags, etc., to be districtſonly in certain buildings. Penalty. . PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BOOT BLACKS. 215 CHAPTER 44. PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BOOT BLACKS. Section. Section. 1. Boot blacks must be licensed. 4. Record of licenses to be kept by 2. City marshal may license. Mi- city marshal. nor to apply by parent, etc. / 5. Licensee to file consent of License revocable. owner, etc., adjoining place 3. When license to expire. Li where he intends to work. censee must wear badge; to 6. Penalty. pay cost of badge. be licensed. may license. by parent, etc. ble, SECTION 1. No person shall follow the calling of Boot blacks must boot or shoe black in any of the streets, alleys, or pub- lic places, in the city of Springfield, without first having obtained a license so to do. SECT. 2. The city marshal is authorized, at his dis- City marshal cretion, to license any person who may apply to him therefor to black boots and shoes in the streets, alleys, and other public places in the city. Such application, Minor to apply if by a minor, may be made in his behalf by parent, guardian, or next friend ; and the city marshal shall License revoca- have the right to revoke, at his pleasure, any license granted as aforesaid. SECT. 3. Every license granted under the pro- When license to visions hereof shall expire on the first day of May after expire. the date thereof; and every person licensed as afore- Licensee must wear badge; said shall wear, while exercising his vocation, con- spicuously on the left breast, a metallic badge with the words “Boot black” and the number of his license inscribed thereon, the same to be procured of the city to pay cost of marshal, who shall provide and deliver it upon pay. ment of the cost thereof when the license is granted. SECT. 4. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to Record of licenses keep a record of all licenses granted under this chap- city marshay. ter in a book provided for the purpose, giving the number and date of each license, and the name, age and residence of the person licensed; also the date of all licenses revoked. SECT. 5. No person so licensed shall adopt or use Licensee to file as a regular place for exercising his vocation any part etc., adjoining place where he of the streets, alleys, or other public places in the city, intends to work. without first having filed with the city marshal the badge. to be kept by consent of owner, 216 REVISED ORDINANCES. Penalty. consent in writing of an owner or tenant of the build- ing or premises adjoining such place where he intends to exercise his vocation. SECT. 6. Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than three dollars for each and every offense. DEALERS IN COAL AND COKE. 217 CHAPTER 45. DEALERS IN COAL AND COKE. Section. | Section. 1. License for one year. License | 4. Appointment of inspector of fee. coal, tenure of office and com- 2. Statement of weight, etc., to pensation ; qualifications. be furnished with each load, | 5. Duties of inspector. etc. Statement to be certi- | 6. Each wagon, etc., to be num- fied by official weigher. bered, and the weight thereof 3. False statements. to be displayed. 7. Penalty. SECTION 1. Licenses granted by the secretary of License for one year. the Commonwealth to dealers in coal and coke, under and pursuant to chapter four hundred and eighty-four of the Acts of nineteen hundred and three, shall be for License fee. the period of one year, and the license fee therefor Lic shall be one dollar. · SECT. 2. Each and every person, firm or corpora- Statement of weight, etc., to be tion engaged in or carrying on the business of selling furnished with each load, etc. coal or coke, at retail, in the city of Springfield, and either as principal or agent, shall deliver to the cus- tomer with each separate load, lot or delivery of coal, a slip or card of appropriate size and form to be pre- scribed by the inspector of coal hereinafter mentioned, upon which shall be printed or written in plain and legible letters and figures a statement of the weight of each and every load, lot, or separate delivery of coal sold at retail within said city, and the number or other specific description of the wagon, vehicle or other re- ceptacle in which coal shall be delivered, and the true weight thereof, and the net weight and the variety of coal actually delivered therein to said customer. And Statement to be the statement so made by the dealer shall be sub- official weigher. scribed and certified to by an official weigher of coal and coke as correct, and such statement shall there- upon be delivered to the customer or purchaser with every separate load, lot or delivery of coal, SECT. 3. If any such statement so made and fur- False nished by a dealer in coal or coke as aforesaid, or his agent, shall be false or incorrect, within the knowledge of the person making such statement, such person shall be punished as hereinafter provided." statements. 218 REVISED ORDINANCES. Appointment of inspector of coal, tenure of office and compensa- tion; qualifications. Duties of inspector. SECT. 4. There shall be appointed by the mayor, annually on the second Monday of September, or within thirty days thereafter, and subject to confirma- tion by the board of aldermen, an inspector of coal, whose duties shall be as hereinafter prescribed. He shall hold office for the period of one year and shall receive such compensation as, may be fixed by the board of aldermen, but not exceeding four hundred dollars per year for executing the duties of his office. No person shall be appointed inspector of coal who is not at the time of his appointment a sealer of weights and measures in said city. SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of said inspector of coal from time to time to test in the manner provided by section eighty-nine of chapter fifty-seven of the Revised Laws, or otherwise, as he may determine, the actual weight and variety of coal being delivered to customers in the city of Springfield, by retail dealers in coal and coke therein, and the accuracy of the state- ments thereof submitted to customers as aforesaid. And at least three times each year such examination shall be made of deliveries from each retail dealer in coal and coke. The result of such examination shall be reported monthly to the city marshal, and shall be open to the inspection of the public at all proper times. Each wagon, etc., SECT. 6. Each dealer as aforesaid shall separately number in plain and conspicuous letters and figures each separate wagon, vehicle or receptacle used by said dealer in making deliveries of coal and coke to and the weight retail customers, and shall have plainly printed thereon to be displayed. the weight thereof as actually used and equipped in making deliveries of coal or coke. Penalty, SECT. 7. Whoever shall violate any provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars. to be numbered, TELEPHONE LINES, CONDUITS, AND POLES. 219 CHAPTER 46. RELATING TO TELEPHONE LINES, CONDUITS AND DIS- TRIBUTING POLES. Section. Section. 1. Mayor and aldermen may au 5. Not to disturb street railway, thorize telephone company to or wires, pipes, etc. construct underground con 6. Necessary changes to be at ex- duits, cables, and wires, etc.; pense of company. to be subject to future regu 7. When work to be commenced ; lations and ordinances. how continued. 2. Conduits to be of suitable ma 8. Conduits not to be removed terial and subject to approval without permission. of supervisors of highways 9. Conduits to be removed when and bridges. Poles to be sub- ordered by board of alder- ject to approval of board of men. aldermen. 10. No permit to be granted or 3. Surface of street not to be dis- valid until bond has been ex- turbed without permit from ecuted. Conditions of bond. supervisors. Exception. 11. Authority granted may be re- 4. Street to be restored to condi- voked. In case location is tion satisfactory to superin- revoked, substitute to be tendent; to be kept in condi- granted. tion for one year; may be done at expense of company. SECTION 1. The board of mayor and aldermen may Mayor and alder- men may author- authorize any telephone company to construct and ize telephone company to con- maintain underground conduits, cables, and wires for struct under the conduct of its business in such of the streets of the cables. ana duits, wires, etc; city as said board may deem advisable, and to con- struct therein and maintain the necessary manholes and house connections; also to erect and maintain distributing poles at the termini of such said conduits and at suitable distributing points; all of which shall to be subject to future regula- be done in accordance with the regulations hereinafter tions and ordi- rtions and ordi- pances. provided and subject to such ordinances in addition to or amendment hereof as may hereafter be passed. SECT. 2. The said conduits shall be of suitable kind Conduits to be of suitable material and construction such as said board shall approve, and and subject to the work shall be done in a thorough manner, and to supervisors of af him word ond highways and the approval of the supervisors of highways and bridges. The said distributing and other poles shall Poles to be sub- be of such height and other dimensions, and of such a cara pemainder- form and material, and so located as to be satisfactory • to the board of aldermen, and shall be subject to their approval or the approval of any person or persons whom the board of aldermen may select. lages. men. 220 REVISED ORDINANCES. not to be dis- permit from supervisors. Street to be restored to con- tory to superin- dition for one year; may be done at expense of com- Not to disturb street railway, or Surface of street SECT. 3. The surface of a street shall not be dis- turbed without turbed for the purpose of laying, repairing, or remov- ing wires or conduits, or erecting or removing distrib- uting or other poles, without a permit from the supervisors of highways and bridges, indicating the time, manner, and place of opening such streets, and the time within which such work shall be completed. Exception. But this provision shall not be construed as requiring any permit for the opening of manholes for the purpose of drawing in, removing,or repairing wires and cables. SECT. 4. When an opening is made in a street for dition satisfac-1 any of the purposes aforesaid, the portion of the street tendent; so opened shall be restored to a condition satisfactory to be kept in con- to the superintendent of streets, and shall be kept in such condition for one year thereafter, and, if not so restored and maintained by the company performing the work, said superintendent of streets may cause the pany. same to be done at the expense of such company. SECT. 5. Any such company in laying, repairing, wires, pipes, etc. or removing its wires or conduits shall not disturb or in any way interfere with the street railway or electric light wires or any gas or water pipes, or sewers, or pipes therewith connected. SECT. 6. In case the city of Springfield finds it expense of com necessary to construct or enlarge sewers or other pub- lic works in streets where conduits are laid, which shall require the changing the location of said con- duits, said changing shall be at the expense of the company owning the conduits, which shall forthwith carry out the same. When work to be SECT. %. Such company shall commence the work contemplated by any authority granted to it within six months from the granting of the authority, unless re- strained by process of law, and shall continue the said work with reasonable diligence until suitable conduits have been laid in the location designated in its appli- cation for authority, and duly granted by the board of mayor and aldermen. SECT. 8. Any such company shall not remove its out permission. conduits unless permitted to do so by the board of aldermen. SECT. 9. Any such company shall remove its con- ordered by board duits to other suitable locations whenever ordered to do so by the board of aldermen. SECT. 10. No permit shall be granted, or if granted shall be valid, to disturb the surface of a street for any Necessary changes to be at pany. commenced ; how continued. Conduits not to be removed with- Conduits to be removed when , of aldermen. No permit to be granted or valid TELEPHONE LINES, CONDUITS, AND POLES. 221 been executed. bond. of the purposes aforesaid until such company has until bond has executed an agreement in a form satisfactory to and approved by the mayor, providing :- First: That in every underground conduit con- Conditions of the structed by such company sufficient and necessary space shall be reserved and maintained, free of charge, for the use of the fire, police, and other signal wires belonging to the city and used exclusively for muni- cipal purposes, and that the fire and police departments by their electrical superintendents shall be allowed ac- cess to said conduits at all times ; and that said departments shall be allowed facilities and privileges in putting in or taking out wires equal in all respects to those of such telephone company. Second : That such company will indemnify and save harmless the said city against all damages, costs, and expense whatsoever to which the said city may be subjected in consequence of the acts or neglect of such company, its agents or servants, or in any manner arising from the rights and privileges granted it by the city. Third: In addition to the aforesaid agreement, such company shall, before a street is disturbed for the laying of its wires or conduits, execute a bond with surety or sureties, to be approved in writing by the mayor, or in penal sum of not less than ten thousand (10,000) dollars, conditioned to fulfil all its agreements with the city and its duties under this ordinance, and a new bond of like import may at any time be required by the board of mayor and aldermen, which new bond shall be a strengthening bond unless the surety or sureties on former bonds are expressly released from further liability by vote of the city council. Fourth: That the company will, as soon as a con- duit is constructed, remove thereto such wires as it is intended to accommodate, and remove all wires from any conduit the license to use which has been revoked by the board of mayor and aldermen. Fifth : That the company will at once comply with any changes in their conduits, manholes, or poles that the board of mayor and aldermen may, after hearing duly appointed, order. SECT. 11. Any authority granted by said board Authority of mayor and aldermen may, after notice and hearing, fevoked. be revoked or altered at any time without liability on the part of the city therefor ; but in case any location granted may be 222 REVISED ORDINANCES. In case location is revoked, sub- stitute to be granted. in any street shall be revoked, a substitute location in some other street that will in the opinion of the said board accommodate the service shall be granted. CHAPTER 47. IN RELATION TO THE EXECUTION OF DEEDS, LEASES, AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Section. Section. 1. Deeds, etc., given by city, how | 2. Mortgages, how discharged ; executed. mayor may assign mortgages, etc. Mortgages, how discharged. Deeds, etc., SECTION 1. All deeds,conveyances, leases, and other given by city, how executed. instruments, which shall be given by the city, and which to be valid in law must be signed, sealed, and acknowledged, shall be signed and acknowledged by the mayor, on behalf of the city, and shall be by him sealed with the common seal of the city. SECT. 2. Whenever the amount due and payable on any mortgage belonging to the city shall be paid to Mayor may the city treasurer, he shall certify the same to the assign mortgages, mayor, who shall thereupon discharge the mortgage; or may assign the same; and for that purpose the mayor shall execute and deliver all necessary deeds and instruments. etc. WARRANTS FOR CITY MEETINGS. 223 CHAPTER 48. WARRANTS FOR CITY MEETINGS. Section. Section. 1. General meetings, form of war- | 3. Notice in two or more papers, rant for calling. officer serying warrants to 2. How issued, signed, served, and publish. returned. calling. SECTION 1. The form of warrants for calling gen- General meet- ings, form of eral meetings of the citizens qualified to vote, shall be warrant for as follows, to wit :- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. To the city marshal, or the assistant marshal of the city of Springfield-Greeting :- In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, you are hereby required forthwith to warn the citizens of Springfield, qualified to vote as the law directs, to assemble in general meeting at the signed, served, Hereof fail not, and have you there this warrant with your doings thereon. Witness, Mayor of our city of Springfield, on this day of [Seal.] in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and By order of the mayor and aldermen. City Clerk. SECT. 2. All warrants for calling general meetings How issued, of the citizens shall be issued ten days at least before and returned. the time of holding the meetings, shall be signed by the city clerk, and in case of his absence or incapacity, by the mayor; and shall be served by the marshal or assistant marshal of the city by posting a copy thereof in two public places in each ward or precinct, and said officer therein specified shall return the same to the city clerk on or before the time for such meeting. SECT. 3. The officer who shall serve said warrants Notice in two or shall also publish a notice in one or more newspapers officer serving in this city, seven days at least before the time of lish. more papers, warrants to pub- 224 REVISED ORDINANCES. holding said meetings, stating the time, place, and general objects of said meetings, said notice to be signed by order of the mayor and aldermen. CHAPTER 49. DIRECTING THE MANNER OF PASSING AND PUBLISHING CITY ORDINANCES. Section. Section. 1. By-laws to be termed ordi- | 3. To be published, how. nances; enacting style. 4. To take effect, when. 2. To be recorded by city clerk in order of passage. By-laws to be termed ordi- pances; enacting style, To be recorded by city clerk in order of passage. SECTION 1. All by-laws passed by the city council shall be termed ordinances, and the enacting style shall be, “Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Springfield as follows:” SECT. 2. All ordinances which shall be passed by the city council of said city shall be engrossed or re- corded by the city clerk, in a fair, legible hand, or by a typewriter, in the order in which they shall pass to be ordained, in a book to be kept for that purpose. SECT. 3. All the ordinances of the city council shall be published by causing the same to be inserted in such newspaper printed and published in the city of Spring- field as the board of aldermen shall by order direct. SECT. 4. Every ordinance which does not expressly prescribe the time when it shall go into operation, shall take effect from and after its passage. To be published, how. To take effect, when. REPEAL. 225 CHAPTER 50. REPEAL. Section. 1. Ordinance to take effect Dec. 31, 1904; repeal of previous ordinances. Proviso as to effect of repeal; not to re- vive ordinances repealed, etc., or affect rights accrued, etc.; or affect penalty, etc., Section, incurred; or prosecution, etc., pending; or limita- tions, begun, for acquiring or barring rights; or tenure of office, except; continua- tion of existing ordinances. Ordinance to take effect Dec. repeal of pre- Proviso, as to effect of repeal; not to revive ordi- nances repealed, SECTION 1. This ordinance shall take effect from to and after the thirty-first day of December, in the year 31, 1904 ; of our Lord nineteen hundred and four; and all ordi- vious ordinances. nances and parts of ordinances heretofore passed and ordained by the city council are hereby declared to be and are hereby repealed from and after said day. Provided, however, that such repeal shall not revive any ordinance heretofore repealed or superseded nor any office heretofore abolished ; it shall not affect the etc., or affect rights accrued, acceptance and adoption of any act of the legislature etc; heretofore lawfully accepted and adopted, and it shall not affect any act done or any right accruing, accrued, or established, or any proceedings, doings, or acts rati- fied or confirmed, or any suit or proceedings had or commenced before the repeal takes effect; but the proceedings therein shall, when necessary, conform to the provisions of this ordinance ; it shall not affect any or affect penalty, etc., incurred; penalty or forfeiture, incurred before it takes effect, under any of the ordinances repealed; it shall not of prosecution, affect any suit or prosecution, pending at the time of the repeal for an offense committed, or for the recovery of a penalty or forfeiture incurred under any of the ordinances repealed, except that the proceedings therein shall, when necessary, conform to the pro- visions of this ordinance; and when a limitation or begun, for period of time prescribed in any of the ordinances re acquiring or bar- ring rights; pealed, for acquiring a right or barring a remedy or any other purpose, has begun to run and the same or similar limitation is prescribed in this ordinance the term of limitation shall continue to run, and shall have like effect as if the whole period had begun and ended or limitations, 226 REVISED ORDINANCES. or tenure of office, except; continuation of existing ordinances. under the operation of the ordinance hereby ordained. All persons who at the time when said repeal takes effect hold any office under any of the ordinances re- pealed shall continue to hold the same according to the tenure thereof, except those offices which have been abolished, and those as to which a different pro- vision has been lawfully made. The provisions of this ordinance, so far as they are the same as those of ex- isting ordinances, shall be construed as a continuation thereof and not as new enactments. Approved, Dec. 21, 1904. Attest, E. A. NEWELL, City Clerk. RULES AND ORDERS OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, FOR THE REGULATION OF HACKNEY CARRIAGES, DRAYS, TRUCKS, ETC. able Section, Section. 1. Rules established. with passenger; addition- RULE 1. HACKNEY CARRIAGES, al, charge for fixed; appli- what shall be deemed to be. cations for conveyance not RULE 2. Not to be set up, used, to be neglected, etc., un- or driven, without license. less carriage is engaged, RULE 3. Licenses for, mayor and etc., if fee be tendered on aldermen may grant; rec- demand. ord of, to be kept by city | RULE 12. DRAYS, TRUCKS, JOB marshal. WAGONS, etc.; must be li- RULE 4. Fee for license, one dol- censed; must be numbered lar to the city treasurer for and marked, how use of the city. RULE 13. Licenses for: mayor RULE 5. Terms of license for: and aldermen may grant, to expire April 1, after its etc.; revocable at discre- date; revocable at discre- tion; record of, to be kept tion, etc.; not transfera by city marshal. without consent of mayor, RULE 11. Terms of license: to etc.; city marshal to record expire April 1 after its date, transfer of licenses. unless sooner revoked ; not Rolg 6. Carriages must be num- transferable without con- bered and marked, how; sent of mayor, etc.; city card, with name, num- marshal to record trans- ber, and rates thereon, to fers of. be placed and kept con RULE 15. Fee for license, one spicuously inside of. dollar to the city treasurer RULE 7. Number, no carriage to for use of the city. be used with any other than RULE 16. Driving of, through that designated in license. streets, ni ust be at moderate RULE 8. Obstruction of streets, pace. not to be caused by stopping RULE 17. Passing through streets, carriages abreast, etc. to take the right as near RULE 9. Badges, drivers to wear as may be; to be driven what and when. abreast of other vehicles RULE 10. Carriages waiting for only long enough to pass. : passengers ; mayor, etc., 2. Owners or drivers only, of li- may direct as to standing of. censed vehicles, to solicit RULE 11. Rates of fare, within passengers, baggage or mer- certain limits prescribed ; chandise. reasonable may be charged | 3. · Penalty, for any violation of beyond prescribed limits; these rules and orders, fine double, when may be charg- not more than twenty dol- ed. Luggage, what free lars. STREET MUSICIANS. Rule. | Rule. 1. Begging by street musicians. | 5. Licenses to be granted by mar- 2. No performances after 10 P. M. shal; expiration and fee. 3. No performances on Sunday; 6. Licenses for two or more. proviso. 7. Musicians to desist on notice, 4. Licensee to receive tag and when. copy of rules. 1 8. Penalty. 228 RULES AND ORDERS. REGULATIONS FOR PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. | Section. 1. Licenses for public exhibitions; how granted. When to ex- pire. 2. License fee. 3. Marshal to approve posters. 4. Inspection. Section. 5. Exits. 6. Fire apparatus. Detail of firemen and police- men. Hackney car- used, or driven, without license. Be it ordered by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Springfield, as follows, to wit:- Rules and orders. SECTION 1. That the following rules and orders be, and the same are, hereby established for the regula- tion in said city of omnibuses, stages, hackney car- riages, wagons, trucks, carts, drays, and other vehicles used and employed for hire in said city. HACKNEY CARRIAGES, OMNIBUSES, ETC. RULE 1. Every vehicle drawn by one or more riages; what shall be deemed to be. horses or other animal power, which shall be used for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within said city, shall be deemed a hackney carriage within the meaning of these rules and orders. Not to be set up, RULE 2. No person shall set up, use, or drive any hackney carriage, for the conveyance of persons for hire within said city of Springfield, without a license for said carriage, duly obtained as hereinafter pro- vided. Mayor and alder- RULE 3. The mayor and aldermen of said city may men may grant from time to time grant licenses to set up, use, or drive hackney carriages, for the conveyance of per- sons for hire within said city, upon such conditions as Marshal to keep they may deem expedient, and a record of all licenses so granted shall be kept by the city marshal. License fee. RULE 4. For every license so granted there shall be paid to the city treasurer, for the use of the city, the sum of one dollar. RULE 5. All licenses shall expire on the first day of April next after the date thereof, and may be re- voked by the mayor and aldermen at their discretion ; and no license shall be transferable without the con- sent of the mayor endorsed thereon; and such trans- fer shall be recorded by the city marshal. Carriages, how · RULE 6. Every hackney carriage licensed as afore- said shall be conspicuously marked and numbered on the outside on the right and left sides thereof, with the number of the license in figures not less than one and one-half inches in length, and such figures shall licenses for. record of. When license to expire; revoca- tion; transfer. marked and num- bered; HACKNEY CARRIAGES, DRAYS, AND TRUCKS. 229 with number, to be used. to obstruct street. badges. be of a light color on a dark ground or dark color on light ground, and placed either on the driver's seat or on the sills of the carriage. A card with the name of to contain card the owner and the number of the license and the rates rates, etc. of fare fixed by these rules and orders printed thereon shall be placed and at all times kept in a conspicuous place inside of all such carriages; and no owner or driver of any hackney carriage shall use or drive such carriage, or permit the same to be used or driven, un- til each and all of the foregoing regulations have been fully complied with. RULE %. No owner or driver of any hackney car- No other number riage shall use or suffer such carriage to be used with any number upon the same other than that designated in his license. RULE 8. No owner, driver, or other person having Carriage not to be stopped abreast of charge of any hackney carriage shall stop his carriage other carriage or abreast of any other carriage in any street within the city, nor stop his carriage in any street, lane, square, or alley, so as to obstruct the same or any crossing thereof. RULE 9. Every owner, driver, or other person hay. Drivers to wear ing charge of any hackney carriage, while standing at any railroad depot, shall wear a badge upon his hat or cap with the number of his carriage thereon, so placed that the same may be distinctly seen and read. RULE 10. In every place where hackney carriages Carriages waiting for orders; mayor attend for passengers, the mayor, or any person by him to direct as to authorized, may give directions respecting the stand- ing of such carriages while waiting for their passen- gers; and if any owner, driver, or other person having the care of such carriage shall neglect or refuse to obey such order or direction of the mayor, or other person by him authorized, he shall forfeit and pay the penalty hereinafter provided. RULE 11. The prices or rates of fare to be taken by Rates of fare. or paid to the owner, driver, or other person having charge of any hackney carriage, shall not exceed the following rates, viz. : For the conveyance, between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening, from any point to any point within that First limit; part of the city which is bounded southerly by Mill river from its mouth as far easterly as Walnut street; thence easterly by Walnut street as far north as its intersection with Hancock street; thence easterly and northeasterly by Hancock and Thompson streets to Worthington street; thence northeasterly by a straight standing. 230 RULES AND ORDERS. rate; cab or herdic. Second limit; - line extending from the intersection of Thompson and Worthington streets to the southwesterly corner of Chestnut and Calhoun streets ; thence northerly by a straight line extending due west from the point last named to the Connecticut river; thence westerly by the Connecticut river to the place of beginning, -of a single passenger forty cents, and when two persons belonging to the same party are carried to the same place, seventy-five cents for both, and for each addi- tional person belonging to the same party, twenty-five cents. By a cab or herdic, without trunk, each passen- ger twenty-five cents. For the conveyance, between the hours aforesaid, to or from any point beyond the above described limits, and within that portion of the city bounded southerly by the northerly and westerly boundary of Forest park to Sumner avenue; thence easterly by Sumner avenue to the junction of Belmont avenue and Dickinson street; thence northerly in a straight line to the Hickory street crossing of the New York and New England railroad; thence easterly by said railroad to where it crosses Bay street; thence northerly by a straight line from the last named point to the southwesterly corner of Fisk and Demond avenues, Brightwood; thence continued westerly through Demond avenue to the Connecticut river, westerly by the Connecticut river between the last named point and a point due west from the junction of Calhoun and Chestnut streets,-of a single passen- ger fifty cents, and when two persons belonging to the same party are carried to the same place, ninety cents for both, and for each additional person belong- ing to the same party, and carried to the same place, thirty-five cents; and the rates for herdics for the same limits shall not exceed thirty-five cents for each passenger. For the conveyance, between the hours aforesaid, to or from any point beyond those portions of the city above described, but within the two mile circuit of Court square, and south of the Boston and Albany railroad,-of one passenger, seventy-five cents, and for each additional person belonging to the same party, and carried to the same place, fifty cents; and the rates for herdics within this last circuit shall be forty cents for each passenger. For the conveyance of children between the ages of four and twelve years, if more than one, or if accompanied by an adult, half of the above named rates only is to be charged. rate. Third limit; rate. Children. HACKNEY CARRIAGES, DRAYS, AND TRUCKS. 231 hour. be carried. refuse to carry For the conveyance of persons beyond the above named limits special reasonable rates may be charged. The charge for hackney carriages, when hired by the Rates by the hour between the hours aforesaid, shall not exceed two dollars for the first hour, and one dollar and one-half per hour after the first hour, and for parts of hours after the first hour a proportional part of one dollar and one-half. For the use of hackney carriages within the above Night rates. named limits, or when hired by the hour, between the hours of ten o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning, double the above established rates may be charged. Every owner, driver, or other person having charge What baggage to of any hackney carriage shall convey if requested, with each passenger, one trunk, and the valise, carpet-bags, portmanteaus, bundles, and baskets which may be used by such person in traveling, without charge or compen- sation therefor, but for every additional trunk so con- veyed by him he shall be entitled to demand and receive the sum of ten cents; and no owner, driver, or other Driver not to person having charge of any hackney carriage shall passengers, etc. neglect or refuse the application of any person for con- veyance within his carriage, if such carriage be not occupied, engaged, or employed at the time of making such application, and if, on demand, the legal fare be tendered. TRUCKS, DRAYS, ETC. RULE 12. Every truck, wagon, dray, cart, or other Trucks, drays, vehicle whether drawn by one or more horses, or other licensed and animal power, which shall be used within said city of nu Springfield, for the conveyance within the said city for hire of wood, coal, lumber, stone, brick, sand, gravel, clay, dirt, goods, wares, furniture, merchandise, build- ing materials, or any article or thing whatsoever, shall be licensed, and shall have placed upon the outside and upon each side of the same the number of the license in plain, legible figures of not less than one and a half inches in length, and the name of the person taking out the license in plain characters, so that the same may be distinctly seen and read. RULE 13. The mayor and aldermen may grant Mayor and alder- licenses to use and to drive any such vehicle as afore- licenses and said within said city upon such conditions as they may deem expedient, and may revoke the same at their dis- cretion; and a record of the licenses so granted shall records etc., must be numbered. men may grant revoke same; marshal to 232 RULES AND ORDERS. When licenses to expire. Fee. To drive at mod. erate pace. Rule for driving and stopping. be kept by the city marshal. But no license shall be granted for any such vehicle to stand for business on any street around Court Square, and every license granted shall specify that such vehicle shall not stand for business either on Court Square avenue or on Main street, Court street, or Elm street, around Court square. RULE 14. All licenses so granted shall expire on the first day of April next after the date thereof, unless sooner revoked; and no license shall be transferable without the consent of the mayor indorsed thereon ; and such transfer shall be recorded by the city mar- shal. RULE 15. For every license so granted there shall be paid to the city treasurer, for the use of the city, the sum of one dollar. RULE 16. Every driver or other person having the care of any such vehicle shall, when passing through the streets, squares or lanes of said city, drive his horse or beast at a moderate pace. RULE 17. Every driver or other person having the care of any vehicle licensed in accordance with the pro- visions of these rules and orders shall guide and drive the same as near as may be to the right hand side of the street or highway through which the same may be passing; and no such driver or other person having the care of any such vehicle shall guide or drive the same alongside of or abreast of any other carriage or vehicle which may be passing any street or highway in the same direction longer than may be necessary to pass the same. SECT. 2. No person other than the owner or driver of a licensed hackney carriage or other licensed vehicle shall solicit passengers, baggage, or merchandise to be conveyed for hire within said city. SECT. 3. Every owner, driver, or other person who shall violate either of the provisions, or any of the rules and orders aforesaid, or neglect or refuse to obey the same in the manner provided, shall pay for each and every violation, neglect, or refusal as aforesaid, a fine of not more than twenty dollars. Owners or drivers only of licensed vehicle to solicit passen- gers, etc. Penalty. STREET MUSICIANS. Ordered, That all the powers and duties now devolv- ing upon the city clerk in relation to the licensing of musicians be and the same are hereby transferred to and made a part of the duties of the city marshal, and STREET MUSICIANS. 233 after 10 P. M. on Sunday. ny the order passed by the board of aldermen, October 23, 1899, and approved by the mayor, October 24, 1899, estab- lishing rules and orders for the regulations of musicians, is hereby amended so as to read as follows :- RULE 1. No person shall, except at a religious ser- Begging by street vice, solicit or receive compensation in the streets or public out-of-door places, or by a house to house collec- tion for singing, playing, or performing on any musical instrument in said streets or public out-of-door places of the city of Springfield, except as hereinafter pro- vided, unless licensed therefor by the city marshal as hereinafter set forth. RULE 2. No person or persons shall sing or perform No performances in the streets or public out-of-door places of the city after ten o'clock at night, except as a part of a military or civic parade or funeral procession, or at a concert authorized by the mayor. RULE 3. No person or persons shall sing or perform No performances in the streets or public out-of-door places of the city on Sunday, except as a part of a religious service, or a military or civic parade, or a funeral or religious pro- cession, or at a concert given by the city, and then not within six hundred feet of any place of worship while services are being held therein, excepting in the cases proviso. of said parades or processions, when the musicians may play while passing such place of worship. RULE 4. When the applicant receives a license, he Licensee to re- shall be furnished with a metal tag by the city marshal of rules. with the applicant's license number thereon, and also with a printed copy of these rules. The licensee shall display said tag on his person or instrument where it can be plainly seen. RULE 5. Licenses shall be granted by the city mar- Licenses to be shal to any person or persons to sing or play or perform marshal; on musical instruments in the streets or public out-of- door places and to solicit and receive compensation therefor, provided the entertainment given by the applicant is not, in the city marshal's opinion, suffi- ciently discordant and undesirable to be unpleasant to the public, or the past conduct of the applicant known to be such as to make him or them undesirable licen- sees. Every license herein provided for shall expire expiration and on the first day of October next succeeding its date; the fee for such license shall be twenty-five cents. RULE 6. When there are two or more persons per- Licenses for two forming or singing together, one person may obtain a 1 ceive tag and copy granted by fee. or more. 234 RULES AND ORDERS. sist on notice, when. lic exhibitions, license for himself and those performing or singing with him. The license shall not be transferable and shall be revocable for cause by the city marshal at his discretion, and in case of revocation, no portion of the license fee shall be refunded. Musicians to de- RULE %. No licensee shall sing, play, or perform on any musical instrument within one hundred feet of any dwelling house, any occupant of which notifies him to desist, nor within three hundred feet of any dwelling house in which any person is sick and the licensee is informed thereof. Penalty. RULE 8. Any person violating any of the foregoing rules shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding twenty dollars for each offense.* REGULATIONS FOR PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Ordered, That, until otherwise ordered, the follow- ing regulations be and are hereby established for the government of public amusements within the city of Springfield :- Licenses for pub- SECTION 1. Licenses for theatrical exhibitions, how granted, public amusements and exhibitions of any description granted by the mayor and board of aldermen shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the following sections, and to such other terms and con- ditions as said board may, from time to time, adopt; and any failure to observe the same will be deemed sufficient cause for the revocation of such license. During vacation, or between the sessions of the board, the committee on exhibition licenses may grant such licenses, and the city clerk shall make record thereof, and such licenses, when recorded, shall have the full authority of and be subject to the terms and conditions of a regular license, All licenses for a theatrical season when to expire. shall expire on the first day of March, next, after the date of the license. License fee SECT. 2. Every licensee before he receives any li- cense for a theatrical exhibition, public show, public amusement, or other performance or exhibition of any description to which admission is obtained by the pay- ment of money or the delivery of any valuable thing, or by any ticket or voucher obtained for money or any * NOTE.--The main part of this order was adopted January 14, 1867. Parts of rule 11 were amended June 6, 1887, July 6, 1887, and May 31, 1898. Rule 13 was amended January 12, 1897. The order as to Street Musicians was adopted in its present form, March 6, 1900. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. 235 prove posters. valuable thing, shall pay to the city treasurer for such license covering performances or exhibitions for one day, three dollars ($3.00); for a term exceeding one day and not exceeding six dạys, six dollars ($6.00); for a term exceeding six days and not exceeding thirty days, one dollar ($1.00) per day; for a term exceeding thirty days and not exceeding one year, one hundred dollars ($100); provided, however, that for a license for any athletic entertainment the licensee shall pay one dollar ($1.00) per day and for a license for a circus he shall pay such sum as the committee on exhibition licenses may determine. The above does not apply to exhibitions or performances in the city hall, when the license fee will be included in the rental of same. SECT. 3. Every such licensee shall prevent his Marshal to ap- place of amusement and any performance or exhibition pro therein from being advertised by means of pictorial posters or placards which have not been approved by the city marshal, or some person designated by him. And the marshal or person so designated shall exclude such placards or posters as are lewd, indecent or vul- gar, or which pictorially represent the commission or attempt to commit any crime or bodily violence. SECT. 4. The mayor and board of aldermen reserve Inspection. the right of entering and inspecting all places of amusement at all times, either individually or collec- tively. SECT. 5. All exits of every place of public amuse- Exits. ment shall be marked with the word “EXIT”in large letters over the same and be so constructed as to be easily opened by anyone from within. SECT. 6. Every such licensee shall keep in good Fire apparatus. condition and so as to be easily accessible in such place such standpipes, hose, water pails, axes, chem- ical extinguishers and other apparatus as the commis- sioners of the fire department may require. SECT. 7. Upon the request of the licensee one or Detail of firemen more firemen to be detailed by the commissioners of the fire department, and one or more policeman to be detailed by the police commissioners, may be furnished, and, if in the judgment of the board of aldermen or the committee on exhibition licenses the same is deemed necessary, shall be furnished at the licensee's place of amusement, the expense to be paid by the licensee. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, February 24, 1903, and amended December 21, 1904. and policemen. JOINT RULES AND ORDERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Section. Section. 1. Committees, joint standing, except minority, not to be re- list of; of whom composed. ceived unless agreed upon in 2. Committees, joint, number of committee actually assem- from common council to be bled. one greater than from alder 12. Committees, joint, when to men. report. 3. Chairmen of committees, who 13. Chairmen not to audit or ap- to be. prove bills or accounts for 4. In votes, commands to be ex- supplies or services not or- pressed by " Ordered”; opin- dered or authorized by their ions, principles, facts, and respective committees. purposes by “Resolved.” 14. Reports, etc., submitted, re- 5. Non-concurrence, notice and quirements as to writing of proceedings in case of. etc.; clerks of boards to 6. Disagreement, committee of make copies of papers to ac- conference to be appointed company, when requested, in case of, etc. etc. 7. Papers in matters before either | 15. In convention, restriction as board, as to transmittal of, to business to be transacted. etc.; papers on their pas 16. Resolutions, joint, method and sage to be signed by clerks stages of passage of. or presiding officers. 17. Ordinances before second Messages from one board to reading to be referred, etc. the other to be in writing. Ordinances, method and 9. Proposal to fix time of next stages of passage of. meeting, question on to have 19. Expenditures, restrictions precederce. upon authorizing after an- Reports of committees may nual appropriations; city be made to either board. debt, restrictions as to creat- 11. Committees not to act by ing. separate consultation; re- | 20. Election of salaried officers. ports of, 18. 10. Joint standing committees; list of; SECTION 1. At the commencement of the municipal year, the following joint standing committees shall be chosen or appointed by their respective boards. 1. A committee on finance, to consist of the mayor, one alderman, the president and two members of the common council. A committee on streets and sidewalks. A committee on city property. A committee on the pauper department. A committee on fire department. 6. A committee on lighting streets. . A committee on education. 8. A committee on printing, to consist of the mayor, the president and one member of the common council. i cs i 20. saio RULES AND ORDERS OF CITY COUNCIL. 237 posed. tees, how consti- committees, who " resolved." Each of said committees shall consist of two alder- of whom com- men and three members of the common council, except when it is otherwise ordered. SECT. 2. In all joint committees, the number of Joint commit- members from the common council shall be one greater tuted. than the number from the board of aldermen. SECT. 3. The mayor shall be ex officio chairman of Chairmen of any joint committee of which he is a member, and of to be. other joint committees the first named member of the board of aldermen; and in case of his resignation or absence, the next named member of the same board ; and afterwards the member of the common council first in order shall call the meetings of the committee, and act as chairman. SECT. 4. In all votes in which either or both branches In votes, when to use " ordered”; of the city council express anything by way of com- when mand, the form of expression shall be “Ordered” (except only in the case of ordinances), and whenever either branch or both branches express opinions, prin- ciples, facts or purposes, the form of expression shall be “Resolved.” SECT. 5. When either board shall not concur with Non-concur- the other in any ordinance, order or resolution, sent to be sent other from such other, notice of such non-concurrence shall forthwith be given, and the paper returned. SECT. 6. In every case of disagreement on any Committee of matter requiring the joint action of the two boards, case of disagree- if either board shall request a conference, and ap- point a committee for that purpose, the other board shall appoint a committee to confer with them, and said committees shall meet and state to each other the reasons of their respective boards for or against the proposed action, and report to their respective branches. SECT. %. Each board shall transmit to the other all What papers to papers on which any ordinance, joint order or resolu- from one board tion shall be founded, and all papers, on their passage between the two boards, shall be under the signature of their respective clerks or presiding officers. SECT. 8. Whenever messages between the two Messages boards are transmitted by the messenger, they shall be to be in writing. in writing. SECT. 9. Either board may propose to the other for Proposal for its concurrence a time for the next meeting of the city meeting. council, which subject shall have precedence over other business. to be sent other board. conference in ment. be transmitted to the other. Proposal for time of next 238 RULES AND ORDERS. Committees may report to either board. Committees not to act by sepa- rate consulta- tion, etc. Report to be made on matters referred within two weeks; who may call meeting of com- mittee. Chairman not to audit or approve bills. Reports, etc., how written; copies. In convention, restriction as to business trans- acted. SECT. 10. The reports of all committees may be made to either board. SECT. 11. No committee shall act by separate con- sultation, and no reports, except minority reports, shall be received, unless they shall have been agreed to in committee actually assembled. SECT. 12. It shall be the duty of every joint com- mittee to whom any subject shall be specially referred, unless otherwise ordered, to report thereon within two weeks, or at the next regular meeting, or ask for fur- ther time. If the chairman shall neglect to call a meet- ing of the committee within two weeks, any other member may call such meeting. SECT. 13, No chairman of any committee shall audit or approve any bill or account against the city for any supplies or services which shall not have been ordered or authorized by the committee. SECT. 14. All reports and other papers submitted to the city council shall be written in a fair hand, properly indorsed, and the clerks of the boards respectively shall make copies of any papers to be reported by commit- tees at the request of the respective chairmen thereof. SECT. 15. No business shall be transacted by the city council in convention, except such as shall have been previously agreed on, unless by unanimous consent. SECT. 16. Every joint resolution shall have as many readings in each board as the rules of that board require, after which the question shall be on passing the same, and when the same shall have been passed, it shall be sent to the other board for concurrence, and when such resolution shall have so passed in each board, the same shall be enrolled by the clerk of the common council and examined by a committee of that board ; and on being found by said committee to be correctly enrolled, without further reading or question, shall be signed by the president of the common council and sent to the other board, where a like examination shall be made by a committee of that board, and, if found correctly enrolled, the same shall be signed by the mayor. SECT. 17. All ordinances, before being read a sec- ond time, shall be referred to the committee on or- dinances, and, after being reported upon by said com- mittee, shall be again read, after which several read- ings the question shall be on passing the same to be enrolled. Resolutions, joint; method and stages of passage of. Ordinances before second reading to be referred. RULES AND ORDERS OF CITY COUNCIL. 239 method and of. SECT. 18. Every ordinance shall have as many Ordinances, readings in each board as the rules of that board stages of passage require, after which the question shall be on passing the same to be enrolled, and when the same shall have passed to be enrolled, it shall be sent to the other board for concurrence; and when such ordinance shall have so passed to be enrolled in each board, the same shall be enrolled by the clerk of the common council, and examined by a committee of that board, and on being found by said committee to be correctly enrolled, the same shall be reported to the council, when the ques- tion shall be on passing the same to be ordained ; and when said ordinance shall have so passed to be or- dained, it shall be signed by the president of the com- mon council, and sent to the other board, where a like examination shall be made by a committee of that board, and, if found correctly enrolled, the same shall be reported to the board, and the question shall be on passing the same to be ordained ; and when the same shall have passed to be ordained it shall be signed by the mayor. SECT. 19. After the annual appropriations shall Expenditures and city debt, have been made, no subsequent expenditure shall be restrictions, etc. authorized for any object, unless provision for the same shall be made by a special transfer from some of the annual appropriations, or by expressly creating therefor a city debt; but no such debt shall be created unless the order authorizing the same pass by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the whole number of each branch of the city council, voting by yeas and nays. SECT. 20. All salaried officers which the city council Election of sala- have a right to choose, shall be chosen by viva voce vote. ried officers. RULES AND ORDERS OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Rule. Rule. 1. Order of business: 1--Roll call. 4. Standing committees, what 2-Reading journal. 3 to be appointed. Petitions, remonstrances,me 5. Conduct of members during morials. 4 – Nominations, debate prescribed. appointments, elections. 5 6. Suspension of rules must be Orders of the day, i. e., unanimous. unfinished business and com 7. Committees, mayor to ap- munications from common point all, unless board other- council. 6—New business. wise determine. 2. Ordinances, stages of passage 8. Speakers, conduct of in ad- prescribed ; to have but one dressing board and in debate reading on same day. prescribed. Orders and resolutions impos- | 9. Speaking, limitation as to ing penalties or authorizing times of, by members in de- expenditures to have two bate. readings; but only one on 10. Reconsideration, motion for, same day. when to be in order for con- sideration. 3. Order of busi- ness. FIRST. The order of business shall be as follows :- 1. The mayor shall, at the hour appointed for the meeting, call the board to order, and shall forthwith cause the roll to be called, and the names of the absentees recorded. 2. The journal of the previous meeting shall be read. 3. Petitions, remonstrances, memorials and all other business requiring the concurrence of the com- mon council shall next be considered and disposed of. 4. Such nominations, appointments and elections, as may be in order, shall be considered and disposed of. 5. Unfinished business and such communications as may have been sent up from the common council shall be taken up. 6. New business may be introduced by any mem- ber of the board. SECOND. Every ordinance shall pass through the Stages in passage following stages before it shall be considered as hav- Only one reading ing received the final action of this board, viz. : First reading, second reading, passage to be enrolled, pas- sage to be ordained, and shall not have more than one reading on the same day. Imposing penal- THIRD. All orders or resolutions imposing penalties, ing expenditure, or authorizing the expenditure or payment of money, Ordinances, stages in passage of. same day. ties or authoriz. RULES AND ORDERS OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN. 241 days. mittees, list of. bers during rules must be unanimous. 'appointed and shall have two several readings before they shall be orders, etc., to finally passed by this board, and shall not have more ings on different than one reading on the same day, except orders to authorize the printing of city documents. FOURTH. Standing committees shall be appointed Standing.com on enrollment, on elections and returns, on ordinances, and on sewers and drains. FIFTH. No member shall be interrupted while Conduct of mem- speaking, but by a call to order, or for a correction of debate. a mistake, nor shall there be any conversation among the members while a paper is being read, or a question stated from the chair. SIXTH. The foregoing rules and order of business Suspension of shall be observed in all cases, unless suspended by a u unanimous vote of the members present, for a specific purpose. SEVENTH. All committees shall be appointed and committees to be announced by the mayor, unless the board shall deter- announced by mine otherwise. EIGHTH. When any member is about to speak in Speakers, con- debate, he shall rise in his place and respectfully address the presiding officer ; shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoid personality, and sit down when he has done speaking. NINTH. No member shall speak more than twice Speaking, limita- to the same question without leave of the board ; nor of. more than once till all other members choosing to speak shall have spoken. TENTH. A motion for the reconsideration of a vote Reconsideration, shall be in order for immediate consideration, if made to be in order. by a member voting with the majority; or if notice be given by any member at the meeting at which the vote passed, it shall be in order at the next meeting, and not afterward, and a vote deciding a motion to recon- sider shall not be reconsidered. mayor. duct of. tion as to times motion for, when RULES AND ORDERS OF THE COM- MON COUNCIL. Hi voi co Section. Section. 1. President to take the chair, etc.; calls to order, how call to order, cause roll to be decided, etc. called, and names of absen 16. Speaking, limitation as to tees recorded ; if quorum be number of times and dura- present, to cause minutes to tion of; priority of busi- be read and proceed to busi- ness, questions as to, not ness. debatable. 2. To preserve order; may 17. Members not to stand while speak to points of order and another is speaking, or pass decide them, subject to ap- before speaker, etc. peal by any two members ; 18. Motions, all to be reduced to to appoint all committees writing if required. not elective. 19 Motions during debate, what 3. To rise in addressing the in order; order of priority of; council, but may read sitting. restrictions as to renewal of 4. To put no question except certain. upon motion seconded. 20. Reconsideration, motion for, 5. To declare all votes; if when to be in order for con- doubted, to require a count sideration. and announce result. 21. Voting; members, unless ex- 6. May call a member to the cused from, or privately in- chair, and participate in de- terested, must vote. bate; not to resume chair 22. Amendments foreign to the while question so debated is subject under consideration pending ; to appoint chair- not to be admitted. man of committee of the | 23. Motions and reports may be whole. committed and recommitted 7. Questions, order of propound- at the pleasure of the coun- ing; on fixing sums and cil; order of taking ques- times, largest sum and long- tion on motions to refer, etc. est time to be first put. 24. Division of questions; if di- 8. Questions stated, to be dis- visible, majority may order. posed of by vote, unless | 25. Reading of papers; when withdrawn before amend- called for and objected to, ment, etc. council may determine as to. 9. Motion to adjourn always in 26. Rules, as to suspension, alter- order; what motions not ation, or amendment of. debatable. 27. No member to be obliged to 10. Previous question, form of; serve on more than three when admissible; effect of. committees, nor as chairman 11. Yeas and nays, to be taken of more than one, or to be on on request of one-fourth of any having charge of matter members present. of personal interest to him. 12. Right to the floor, president 28. Order of business at regular to determine, when two or meetings: 1-Petitions, re- more rise at once. monstrances, and memorials. 13. In absence of president, who 2--Papers from the board of to preside, etc.; conduct of mayor and aldermen.3--Un- members during debate, finished business of preced- requirements as to. ing meetings. 4-Motions, 14. Members not to be mentioned orders, or resolutions. 5- by name in debate; how may Reports of committees. 6-- be designated. Communications and reports 15. No member to interrupt an- from city officers. other while speaking, except, 29. Memorials and papers ad- o o ai sens RULES AND ORDERS. 243 38. Section. Section. dressed to the council, how 36. Seats of members to be num- presented, etc. bered and determined by lot; 30. Standing committees, what to not to be changed without be appointed. permission of president. 31. Committees, not to sit during | 37. Committees to consist of three sitting of council, without members unless otherwise special leave, except com- ordered; no report to be mittee on enrollment. received unless agreed upon in committee actually assem- 32. Committee of the whole, bled ; reports to be in writ- these rules to govern, except as to limitation of times of ing. speaking. Committees must report with- 33. Chairman, of appointive com. in two weeks after appoint- mittees, member first pamed ment of, or, etc. to be; of elective, the one 39. Meetings of committees; having highest number of other members of council votes at election; in case of may attend, but may not tie vote at election, members vote at. of committee to choose. 40. Elections of salaried officers. 34. Ordinances, stages of passage 41. To keep minutes of proceed. of; to have only one read- ings, enter thereon accepted ing on same day. resolutions, notice reports 35. Orders and resolutions im- and memorials, etc., by title posing penalties or author- only or brief description, etc. izing expenditures to have | 42. To notify, in writing, chair- two readings, but only one men, of appointment of their on same day. committees. meeting of coun- RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. SECTION 1. The president shall take the chair pre- Duties at opening cisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, call the cil. members to order, and within ten minutes, or sooner if a quorum be present, he shall cause the roll to be called, and the names of the absentees recorded. The first business after the roll call shall be the approval of the records of the last meeting, which shall be ap- proved without reading unless their reading be called for by some member. SECT. 2. He shall preserve order and decorum, may Preservation of speak to points of order in preference to other mem- bers, and shall decide all such questions subject to an appeal to the council by any motion regularly seconded appoint commit- and no other business shall be in order until the ques- tion on the appeal shall have been decided. He shall appoint all standing committees, and all other com- mittees not required to be elected by ballot, or which the council shall not vote so to elect. SECT. 3. He shall rise to address the council, to Shall rise to state facts or to put a question, but may read sit- etc., may read ting, SECT. 4. He shall put no question to vote, except Shall put no upon motion of some member, duly seconded. Pro- og vided, that in all matters coming down from the upper tipo de order, points of order, appeal from decisions; president shall tees. address council, sitting. question except on motion sec- onded; excep- 244 RULES AND ORDERS. To declare all votes, if doubted to require a count and May call mem- bers to chair and debate; shall board requiring concurrent action, the question shall be on concurring, and it may be put to a vote without motion. SECT. 5. He shall declare all votes, but if a mem- ber doubt the vote he shall require the members voting announce result. in the affirmative and in the negative without any further debate, successively to rise and stand until they are counted, and shall then announce the result; but no decision shall be declared unless a quorum of the council shall have voted. SECT. 6. He may call any member to the chair for participate in a period of time not extending beyond an adjourn- appoint chair- ment; and when out of the chair the president may tee of the whole. participate in any debate, but shall not resume the chair while the same question is pending; and on go- ing into a committee of the whole, he shall appoint the chairman. The president may state facts and give his opinion on questions of order without leaving his place. Questions, order SECT. 7. Questions shall be propounded in the of propounding;. naming sums and order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent fixing times. motion be previous in its nature ; except that in nam- ing sums and fixing times, the largest sum and the longest time shall be first put. Motion stated to SECT. 8. After a motion is stated by the president, it shall be disposed of by a vote of the council, unless withdrawn by the mover before an amendment or de- cision. SECT. 9. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order; that, and the motion to lay on the table, and questions of the order of business, shall be decided without debate, Whenever a subject is laid on the table it may be taken therefrom at any time thereafter. SECT. 10. The previous question shall be in this form : “Shall the main question be now put ?" It only shall be admitted when demanded by a majority of the members voting, if a quorum be present; and, until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment and debate of the main question; and after the adoption of the previous question, the sense of the council shall forthwith be taken upon amendments reported by a committee, upon all pending amendments in their order, and then upon the main question. Yeas and nays SECT. 11. The yeas and nays shall be taken on any question or motion upon the request of one of the members present. be disposed of unless with- drawn, etc. Motion to adjourn; what motions not debatable. Previous ques- tion. shall be taken on request of one member. RULES AND ORDERS OF COMMON COUNCIL. 245 president to SECT. 12. When two or more members rise at the Right to floor, same time, the president shall name the member who determine. is entitled to the floor. In absence of president who to bers during debate. interrupt debate; excep- RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MEMBERS. SECT. 13. In the absence of the president the senior In absence of member in point of service, present, shall call the preside; council to order, and preside until a president pro tempore shall be chosen by ballot; and if an election is not effected on the first trial, on a second ballot a plurality of votes shall elect. When any member is conduct of mem- about to speak in the council, he shall rise in his place debate. and respectfully address the presiding officer, confin- ing himself to the question under debate, avoid per- sonality, and sit down when he is finished. No member shall speak out of his place without leave of the president. SECT. 14. No member shall be mentioned in debate Members not to be mentioned by by his name, but may be described by the place he oc- name during cupies, or such other designation as may be intelligible and respectful. SECT. 15. No member speaking shall be interrupted no member to by another, but by a call to order, or to correct a mis- another during take. If any member in speaking or otherwise, tion. transgresses the rules of the council, the president shall, or any member may call him to order. The member called to order shall thereupon immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain, and the council, if appealed to, shall decide the case. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if otherwise he shall not proceed without the leave of the council. SECT. 16. No member shall speak more than twice Speaking, limita- to the same question, or more than once until other and duration of, members choosing to speak shall have spoken, or more priority of busi- than ten minutes at each time, without obtaining leave of the council. SECT. 17. While the president or any other mem- No member to ber is speaking, no one shall stand up or pass unneces- another is speak- ing, etc. sarily before the person speaking. SECT. 18. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, Motion to be if the president directs or any member requests it. ing if requested. SECT. 19. When a question is under debate, no Motions, what te on the allowable; pri- motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the a table, for the previous question, to postpone to a certain day, to commit, to amend, or to postpone indefinitely- tion as to times questions as to ness. stand while reduced to writ- ority of. 246 RULES AND ORDERS. Motion for recon- sideration, when in order. vote unless excused, etc. foreign to subject Motions to com- mit, order of pro- cedure. which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged, and no motion to postpone or commit shall be allowed twice on the same day, in the same stage of the ordinance or proposi- tion. Motion for recon- SECT. 20. A motion for the reconsideration of a vote shall be in order for immediate consideration if made by a member voting with the majority; or if notice be given by any member at the meeting at which the vote passed, it shall be in order at the next meeting, and not afterward, and a vote deciding a motion to reconsider shall not be reconsidered. Every member to SECT. 21. Every member who shall be in the coun- cil when a question is put shall give his vote, unless the council, for special reasons excuse him, or unless 1 his private interests are involved therein. Amendments · SECT. 22. No motion or proposition on a subject not admissible. different from that under consideration shall be ad- mitted under color of an amendment. SECT. 23. All motions and reports may be com- mitted or recommitted at the pleasure of the council. And when a motion is made to refer the subject, and different committees are proposed, the question shall be taken in the order following :- A standing committee of the council. A select committee of the council. A joint standing committee. A joint select committee. SECT. 24. All questions shall be divided when the sense will admit of it, if called for by any member of the council. Reading of SECT. 25. The reading of a paper, when called for and objected to, shall be determined by a vote of the council. Suspension, SECT. 26. No rule or standing order of the council amending of shall be suspended, unless all of the members present consent thereto ; nor shall any rule or order be repealed or amended unless notice of the proposed repeal or amendment was given at the next preceding meeting, nor unless a majority of the whole council concur therein. SECT. 27. No member shall be obliged to serve on more than three committees at the same time, nor be chairman of more than one, nor be on any committee having in charge matter touching his individual inter- est. Division of question, papers. repealing, or rules. 1 . No member obliged to serve on more than three commit- tees, etc. RULES AND ORDERS OF COMMON COUNCIL. 247 ness. SECT. 28. At each regular meeting of the council Order of busi- the order of business shall be as follows :- 1. Presentation of petitions, remonstrances and memorials. 2. Papers from the board of mayor and alder- men. 3. Unfinished business of preceding meetings. 4. Motions, orders or resolutions. 5. Reports of committees. 6. Communications and reports from city officers. mittees, what to to sit during ses- sion of council; observed in com- whole. COMMUNICATIONS, COMMITTEES, REPORTS, RESOLUTIONS, ETC. SECT. 29. Memorials or any other papers addressed Memorials and to the council shall be presented by the president or by Farounail. howed a member in his place who may explain the subject p thereof; they shall be read by the president, clerk, or other such person as the president may request, and shall be taken up in the order in which they were pre- sented, unless the council shall otherwise direct. SECT. 30. Standing committees shall be appointed Standing com. on ordinances, on enrollment and on elections and be appointed. returns. SECT. 31. No committee shall sit during the sitting Committees not of the council without special leave, except the com- sion of council; exception. mittees on ordinances and enrollment. SECT. 32. The rules of proceeding in the council Rules to be shall be observed in the committee of the whole, so far mittee on the as they may be applicable, except the rule limiting the times of speaking. SECT. 33. When a committee is nominated by the Chairman of president, the person first named shall be the chair- to be. man unless the president himself is a member of that committee, in which case he shall be chairman. In elections of committees by ballot when the chairman is not especially chosen, the person having the high- est number of votes shall act as chairman; and in case of an equality of votes between two or more members of a committee, the members thereof shall choose a chairman. SECT. 34. Every ordinance shall pass through the Ordinances, following stages before it shall be considered as hay- sag ing received the final action of this board, viz. : First and reading, second reading, passage to be enrolled, pas- sage to be ordained ; but no ordinance shall have more than one reading on the same day. committee, who stages of pas- nly one reading same 248 RULES AND ORDERS. ing expenditures to have two one same day; exception. Seats of mem- bers, how deter- mined. Committees to consist of three; reports of com- mittees. Committees to report in two weeks. Orders, etc., SECT. 35. All orders and resolutions imposing imposing penal- ties or authoriz- penalties or authorizing the expenditure or payment of money whether the same shall have been appro- readings; only priated or not, and all orders or resolutions authoriz- ing loans shall have two several readings before they shall be finally passed by this board ; but they shall not have more than one reading on the same day, ex- cept orders to authorize the printing of any documents relating to city business. SECT. 36. The seats of the common council shall be numbered and determined by lot, and no member shall change his seat but by permission of the presi- dent. SECT. 37. All committees of the council shall con- sist of three members, unless a different number shall be specially ordered, and no report shall be received from any committee unless agreed to in committee actually assembled ; and all reports shall be in writ- ing. SECT. 38. It shall be the duty of every committee of the council, to whom any subject may be specially referred, to report thereon within two weeks, or at the next regular meeting, or ask further time. SECT. 39. Members of the council may attend meet- attend meetings ings of any of its committees, but shall not vote thereat. ELECTIONS. SECT. 40. All salaried officers shall be chosen by viva voce vote. In all elections for salaried officers a time shall be assigned for such election at least one day previous thereto. DUTIES OF THE CLERK, ETC. Clerk, duties of. SECT. 41. The clerk shall keep brief minutes of the votes and proceedings of the council, entering thereon all accepted resolutions, shall notice reports and memorials, and other papers submitted to the board, only by their titles, or a brief description of their purport. Clerk to notify SECT. 42. The clerk shall notify in writing the chairman of com- chairman of each committee of the council of the ap- pointment of such committee. Members of council may of committees. Officers, how' chosen. mittees. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. ACTS OF 1872, CHAPTER 130. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A FREE BRIDGE ACROSS THE CONNECTICUT RIVER, BETWEEN SPRINGFIELD AND WEST SPRINGFIELD. = 0 19. Section. Section. 1. County commissioners may construct and West Springfield ; award of com- highway and bridge across Connecti- missioners to be binding upon all cut river. parties named therein ; compensation 2. May provide that portion of bridge and expenses of commission. may be used for street railway. 8. Springfield and West Springfield to 3. To give notice of time and place for a have care of bridge, and Spring- hearing, before laying out, etc. field care of highway; cost of repairs, Damages. etc., to be apportioned by commis- Expense of maintaining and keeping sioners. in repair, to be borne by Springfield Liability for defects in bridge and and West Springfield. highway. 6. County commissioners to file in the 10. County commissioners may borrow clerk's office of S. J. C. the amount $150,000 on the credit of the county; of cost of bridge. bridge not to be traveled upon, until 7. Three commissioners may be appointed expiration of right of Springfield to apportion cost between Springfield Bridge Co. to take tolls. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The county commissioners of Hampden county may, if in their opinion the public convenience and necessity require the same, lay out and construct a highway and bridge, with suitable approaches thereto, across the Connecticut river, from the easterly end of the common in West Springfield to some point in Springfield opposite thereto; and may also lay out and construct a public highway, to connect the said bridge with the Plainfield road, so called, in said Springfield. SECT. 2. Said commissioners may, if they deem it expedient, in constructing said bridge provide for the use of a portion thereof for street railway purposes, and shall at all times after the com- pletion of said bridge have authority to determine upon what terms and under what conditions street railways may be laid and used upon and across said bridge. SECT. 3. Before proceeding to locate said bridge and to lay out and establish said highway, the said commissioners shall give notice of the time when and the place at which they will meet to hear all parties interested, by causing a notice of such time and place to be published for two successive weeks in some newspaper published in said county. 1 252 APPENDIX. SECT. 4. The said commissioners shall estimate and award damages, occasioned by the location of said bridge, and the laying out of said highway, in the same manner as is now provided by law in the case of laying out highways, and any person aggrieved by the award of said commissioners shall have a like remedy by application for a jury as in the case of laying out highways under the provisions of the General Statutes. SECT. 5. All expenses incurred under this act, including all expense of maintaining and keeping in repair said bridge, its approaches and the said highway, shall be borne and paid by the city of Springfield and the town of West Springfield, in such pro- portions and in such manner as shall be determined under the following provisions. SECT. 6. When such bridge and highway are completed and the full cost thereof ascertained, including therein all land damages awarded or assessed, said county commissioners shall file a report of the fact, together with the amount of such cost, in the office of the clerk of the supreme judicial court of the county of Hampden, whereupon, and upon the application of the county commissioners or any party interested, and after such notice as the court may order, said court may appoint a board of three commissioners, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of duties hereunder, to said county and to the cities and towns interested, served in such manner as the court may direct, and a hearing of such of said parties as may desire to be heard, shall award and determine what proportional part of the cost so reported, and what proportional part of the cost of maintaining and keeping said bridge and highway in repair, and all other expenses incurred under this act, shall be borne and paid by the city of Springfield and town of West Springfield as they shall award and determine will be specially benefited thereby, and they shall also award how and by whom and to whom such proportional amounts shall be paid. SECT. 7. The determination and award of said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be by them reported in writing to the supreme judicial court for said county, and upon the acceptance thereof by said court and judgment and decree entered thereon, shall be binding upon all parties named therein, and such proceed- ings may be had upon such judgment and decree to enforce and carry the same into effect as is provided by law in civil cases in said court. The compensation and expenses of said commission shall be paid in such manner as they shall by their award determine, subject to the approval of the said court; and all matters and things provided by this act to be done in and by said court, except the final judg- ment and decree, may be done by any justice thereof as well in vacation as in term time. NORTH END BRIDGE. 253 SECT. 8. After the completion of said bridge and highway, the city of Springfield and the town of West Springfield shall have the care and superintendence of the said bridge, its abutments and piers, and the city of Springfield of the highway leading from said bridge to the Plainfield road, and shall cause them to be kept in good repair and safe and convenient for travel ; the cost of the said repairs, care and superintendence to be borne by such parties as the said board of commissioners shall determine under the authority herein before granted. SECT. 9. Liability for defects in the bridge, its piers and abut- ments, shall exist on the part of the town of West Springfield and the city of Springfield, in such proportions as by the award of said commission they severally pay towards the cost of keeping the same in repair ; liability for defects in the highway leading from said bridge to the Plainfield road shall exist only upon the part of the city of Springfield. SECT. 10. The county commissioners of said county may borrow on the credit of said county a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act. The said bridge shall not be open for travel, and no travel shall be permitted thereon, until the expiration of the right of the Springfield Bridge Company to take tolls, as provided by its charter. ACTS OF 1872, CHAPTER 131. AN ACT TO MAKE FREE THE EXISTING BRIDGE OVER THE CONNECTI- CUT RIVER, BETWEEN SPRINGFIELD AND WEST SPRINGFIELD. Section. 1. Bridge between Springfield and West 3. Appeal to jury to be made to and acted Springfield to be free, July 1, 1872. upon by Worcester county commis- 2. Commissioners to award damages to sioners ; jurors; jury to report award be paid to proprietors of the Spring- to S. J. C. for Hampden county. field Bridge, to be appointed by S. J. 4. Bridge to be kept in repair, and cost C.; commissioners to determine how thereof to be apportioned by commis- sioners. how and by whom cost of repairs, 5. Liability for defects in bridge. etc., shall be borne ; proprietors of 6. Fee simple in toll-house, land, etc., bridge may appeal to a jury. vested in Hampden county. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The bridge over the Connecticut river, between Springfield and West Springfield, including its piers and abutments, is hereby laid out and shall become a public highway on the first day of July next, and no tolls shall be demanded or received for passing thereon on or after that date. 254 APPENDIX. SECT. 2. The supreme judicial court sitting in any county, or any justice thereof, after such notice as it may order upon the applica- tion of the proprietors of the Springfield Bridge, or of ten legal voters of Springfield or of West Springfield, shall appoint a board of commissioners consisting of three disinterested and suitable per- sons, not residents of the county of Hampden, and said commis- sioners, having been duly sworn to the faithful and impartial dis- charge of their duties, shall, after due notice to all the parties interested, and a hearing, determine and award the amount to be paid to the said proprietors of the Springfield Bridge as damages for the laying out of said bridge, piers and abutments and way as a public highway, and for the land, toll-house and all appur- tenances thereof belonging to the said company. Said commis- sioners shall also determine and decree what cities and towns in the county of Hampden are or will be specially benefited by the provisions of the first section of this act, and shall determine and decree what proportions of the damages aforesaid shall be paid by the said cities and towns, and by the county of Hampden, respect- ively. Said commissioners shall also determine in what propor- tions and manner the said county of Hampden, and cities and towns benefited as aforesaid, shall defray the expenses of the main- tenance and repairs of said bridge, abutments, piers and way, and all other expenses properly incurred under the provisions of this act; and their determination and decree, or that of a major part of them, shall be made in writing, and reported to the supreme judi- cial court for the county of Hampden, and also to said proprietors of the Springfield Bridge, and to each of said cities and towns, and to the county commissioners of Hampden county; and the same shall be binding upon all the parties interested therein, except that the said proprietors of the Springfield Bridge may appeal to a jury from the award of the commissioners. And if the said corporation shall not appeal to a jury within sixty days after receiving the award and decree of said commissioners as aforesaid, then the same shall be absolutely binding upon all the parties interested therein. When the same shall have been accepted and judgment entered thereon by the supreme judicial court, the just fees and expenses of said commissioners shall be paid by such of the parties interested as the said commissioners may decree : provided, that no part thereof shall be assessed upon said bridge corporation. SECT. 3. If the said bridge corporation shall appeal to a jury from the award of the said commissioners as aforesaid, their application for a jury shall be made to and acted upon by the county commis- sioners of Worcester county, and the jurors shall be drawn from said county, but the hearing may be had before said jury in the county of Hampden. In all other respects the same proceedings shall be had, and the same liability shall exist in regard to costs OLD TOLL BRIDGE. 255 incurred as is provided by law in the case of laying out highways by the county commissioners. The said jury may, revise the award of said commissioners, so far as relates to the amount to be paid to the said bridge corporation, and shall report their award to the supreme judicial court for the county of Hampden, and when the same shall have been accepted final judgment shall be entered upon the award of the commissioners aforesaid as modified by the award of said jury. All damages awarded and costs incurred under this section, shall be paid by the same parties and in the same proportions as provided in relation to the payment of damages in section second. SECT. 4. Upon the said bridge, piers, abutments and way becoming a highway as aforesaid, the city council of Springfield and the selectmen of West Springfield shall have the care and superintendence of the same, and cause them to be kept in good repair and safe and convenient for travel; the cost of repairs, care and superintendence of said bridge, its abutments and piers, shall be borne by such parties as the board of commissioners shall deter- mine under authority hereinbefore granted. SECT. 5. Liability for defects in the bridge, its abutments and piers shall exist on the part of Springfield and West Springfield, in such proportions as the county commissioners of the county of Hampden shall determine. SECT. 6. Upon the bridge becoming a public highway, as herein provided, the fee simple in the toll-house, land and appurtenances thereof, belonging to the aforesaid bridge corporation, lying east of said bridge, shall be vested in the county of Hampden, and the income thereof, or the proceeds, in case of a sale thereof, shall be used in paying for said bridge. SECT. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 23, 1872. 256 APPENDIX. ACTS OF 1873, CHAPTER 200. AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A FREE BRIDGE ACROSS THE CONNECTICUT RIVER, BETWEEN SPRINGFIELD AND AGAWAM. Section. Section. 1. County commissioners may construct 14. Expenses to be apportioned among highway and bridge across Connecti. cities and towns by commissioners cut river, between Springfield and appointed by S. J. C. Agawam. 5. Liability of Springfield and Agawam 2. Estimation of damages. for defects in bridge. 3. Expenses of building and repairing 6. County commissioners may borrow bridge. $100,000. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The county commissioners of Hampden county, if in their opinion the public convenience and necessity so require, may lay out and construct a highway and bridge, with suitable approaches thereto, across the Connecticut river, at or near the ferry between the city of Springfield and the town of Agawam. The provisions of section twelve of chapter seventeen of the Gen- eral Statutes, shall also apply to said commissioners, and before adjudication on the necessity of constructing such bridge, they shall give notice of a hearing to all parties interested, as in the case of laying out highways under the provisions of the General Statutes. SECT. 2. The said commissioners shall estimate and award damages occasioned by the location of said bridge and the laying out of said highway, in the same manner as is now provided by law in the case of laying out highways; and any person aggrieved by the award of said commissioners shall have a like remedy, by application for a jury, as in the case of laying out highways under the provisions of the General Statutes. SECT. 3. All expenses incurred under this act, including all expense of maintaining and keeping said bridge in repair, shall be paid by such parties and in such proportions as shall be deter- mined under the following provisions.* SECT. 4. When such bridge and highway is completed, and the full cost thereof ascertained, including therein all land damages awarded or assessed, said county commissioners shall file a report of the fact, together with the amount of such cost, in the office of the clerk of the supreme judicial court of the county of Hampden, * Cost of maintaining bridge apportioned by Acts of 1898, ch. 386, sect. 1, post. SOUTH END BRIDGE. 257 whereupon, and upon the application of the county commissioners or of any party interested, and after such notice as said court may order, said court or a justice thereof in any county shall appoint a board of commissioners, consisting of three disinterested and suit- able persons, not residents of the county of Hampden; and said commissioners having been duly sworn to the faithful and impar- tial discharge of their duties, shall, after due notice to all the parties interested and a hearing, determine and decree what cities and towns in the county of Hampden are or will be specially benefited by the laying out and construction of said bridge and highway, and shall also determine and decree what proportions of the cost and expenses aforesaid shall be paid by said cities and towns respect- ively. Said commissioners shall also determine in what proportions and manner the said cities and towns, benefited as aforesaid, shall defray the expenses of maintaining and repairing said bridge and its appurtenances, not including any portion of the highway, which lies easterly of the abutment of the bridge in Springfield, or west- erly of its abutment in Agawam, and also all other expenses prop- erly incurred under the provisions of this act, including their own fees; and their determination and decree, or that of a major part of them, shall be made in writing and reported to the supreme judi- cial court for the county of Hampden; and when the same is accepted and judgment entered thereon by the court, it shall be binding upon all the parties interested therein. SECT. 5. Liability for defects in the bridge and its abutments shall exist on the part of the city of Springfield and the town of Agawam, in such proportions as by the award of said commis- sioners they severally pay toward the cost of keeping the same in repair. Such portions of the highway laid out and constructed under this act as lie easterly of the abutment of the bridge in Springfield, and westerly of its abutment in Agawam, shall be maintained and kept in repair by the city or town in which they are, and said city or town shall be liable for defects upon the same, in the same manner as upon other highways within their limits.* SECT. 6. The county commissioners of said county may borrow on the credit of said county, a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of carrying into effect the pro- visions of this act. Approved, April 15, 1873. * Provision as to liability for damages changed by Acts of 1898, ch. 386, sect. 2, post. 25 8 APPENDIX. ACTS OF 1880, CHAPTER 236. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST OF CON- STRUCTING AND MAINTAINING A BRIDGE OVER CONNECTICUT RIVER, BETWEEN AGAWAM AND SPRINGFIELD. Section. 1. Commissioners to be appointed to ap- portion cost of constructing bridge over Connecticut river. Section. 2. If special benefits do not equal the amounts paid, excess to be paid by county. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. At any time within six months from the passage hereof, the supreme judicial court or any justice thereof, upon the written application of the city of Springfield or town of Agawam, shall appoint a board of commissioners consisting of three suitable and disinterested persons, not residents of Hampden county, who having been duly sworn to the faithful and impartial discharge of their duties, shall after due notice to all parties interested and after a hearing determine and decree the amount of special benefits said city and town receive from the bridge over the Connecticut river constructed under the provisions of chapter two hundred of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three. SECT. 2. If said commissioners shall find that the special bene- fits of said bridge to said city and town do not equal the cost of the bridge including all land damages and expenses as they appear in the report of the county commissioners on file in the office of the clerk of the supreme judicial court for said county, then they shall determine and decree that said Hampden county shall pay to said city and town the amount that each has paid or become liable for on account of the construction of said bridge in excess of the benefit it receives therefrom; and their determination and decree or that of the major part of them shall be made in writing and reported to the supreme judicial court or any justice thereof; and when the same is accepted and judgment entered thereon by the said court it shall be binding upon all parties interested therein. Said commissioners shall also determine and decree who shall pay their reasonable fees and expenses. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, April 23, 1880. SOUTH END BRIDGE. 259 ACTS OF 1898, CHAPTER 386. AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST OF MAIN- TAINING A BRIDGE OVER THE CONNECTICUT RIVER BETWEEN AGAWAM AND SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Apportionment of expense of main- | 2. Liability for damages. taining bridge. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The expenses of maintaining and repairing the bridge and its appurtenances constructed under the provisions of chapter two hundred of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three shall hereafter be paid by the city of Springfield and the town of Agawam in the following proportions, namely: Eighty-five per cent. by the city of Springfield and fifteen per cent. by the town of Agawam. SECT. 2. Said city and town shall be respectively liable, under the limitations of the law, for damages resulting from defects in said bridge and its appurtenances, in the same proportions as they respectively pay towards the cost of maintaining and keeping the same in repair, SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, April 29, 1898. 260 APPENDIX. ACTS OF 1872, CHAPTER 345. AN ACT TO SUPPLY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WITH WATER. Section. Section. 1. Springfield to be supplied with water 7. Rents for use of water to be fixed by from Connecticut or Chicopee rivers. commissioners. 2. To file in registry of deeds, description 18. If water is taken from Chicopee river, of land taken. some reliable method for measuring 3. May build aqueducts, erect dams and water must be provided. reservoirs, and regulate the use of 9. Penalty for unlawfully using water, water wantonly diverting the same, or ren- 4. Liability for damages ; parties dissatis- dering it impure. fied'may have a trial by jury. 10. Occupant of tenement liable for water 5. Rights to be exercised by water com- rent. missioners ; compensation of com 11. City may take franchise held by missioners. Springfield Aqueduct Co. 6 Springfield Water Bonds" may be 12. Water may be used to generate steam. issued, not exceeding $1,000,000 at 13. Existing rights not affected. seven per cent. interest. | 14. Subject to acceptance by vote of city. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield may take, hold and convey into and through said city from the Connecticut river, at any con- venient point within the limits of said city, or from the Chicopee river, at any convenient point within the limits of said city or the town of Wilbraham, sufficient water for the use of said city and inhabitants, for the extinguishment of fires, domestic and other purposes ; and may also take and hold by purchase or otherwise any lands or real estate necessary for laying and maintaining aqueducts or pipes, constructing or maintaining reservoirs, dams and such other works as may be necessary or proper for raising, forcing, retaining, distributing, discharging or disposing of said water. SECT. 2. The city of Springfield shall, within sixty days from the time they shall take any lands for the purposes of this act, file in the registry of deeds of the county and district in which such lands lie, a description of the lands so taken as certain as is required in a common conveyance of lands, and a statement of the purposes for which they were taken, which description and statement shall be signed by a majority of the water commissioners hereinafter named. SECT. 3. The said city may make, build and lay down aque- ducts and pipes from said sources to, into, through and about said city, and secure and maintain the same by any works suitable therefor; may erect and maintain dams to raise and retain the WATER SUPPLY. 261 water taken ; may construct and maintain reservoirs within or without said city; and may make, erect and maintain, and carry on such other works as may be necessary or proper for raising the water into the same, and forcing and distributing the water through and about said city ; may make and establish such public hydrants and fountains in such places in said city as may, from time to time, be deemed proper, and may prescribe the purposes for which the same may be used, and may change or discontinue the same ; may distribute the water throughout said city, and for this purpose may lay down pipes to any house or building in said city, the owner or owners thereof having notice and not objecting there- to; may regulate the use of said water, and establish, receive and collect the prices or rents to be paid therefor; and said city may, for the purposes aforesaid, carry and conduct and maintain any aque- ducts, pipes or other works, by them to be made, laid down or con- ducted over, under, through or across any water course, canal, street, bridge, railroad, highway or other way, in such a manner as not to obstruct the travel or free use thereof; may enter upon and dig up any such road, street or way for the purpose of laying down pipes beneath the surface thereof, and for maintaining and repairing the same, and in general may do any other acts and things necessary or convenient and proper for carrying out the pur- poses of this act. SECT. 4. [S. *Said city of Springfield shall pay all damages to which any persons or corporations are entitled, by reason of the taking of any lands, water, or water-rights, or by the construction or repairing of any dams, aqueducts or other works, for the pur- poses aforesaid. If any person or corporation sustaining damages as aforesaid, cannot agree with the city upon the amount of such damages, they may have them assessed by the county commis- sioners for the county of Hampden, by making a written applica- tion therefor within one year after sustaining such damages ; and either party aggrieved by the doings of said commissioners in the estimation of said damages may have the same settled by a jury; and if the damages are increased by the jury, the city shall pay all legal costs ; but otherwise, the said costs shall be paid by the party claiming damages; and the said commissioners and jury shall have the same powers, and the proceedings shall in all other respects be conducted in the same manner as provided in case of taking land for highways.] SECT. 5. The rights, powers and authority granted to the city of Springfield by this act, shall be vested in and exercised by a board of water commissionerst, consisting of five citizens of said city, who shall be elected by the legal voters of said city at an elec- * Section 4 is superseded by Acts of 1873, ch. 75, $ 3, post page 265. † See Acts of 1873, ch. 75, $ 6, post page 266. 262 APPENDIX. tion which shall be legally ordered and held at the same time and date that the said city shall vote upon the acceptance of this act. The said commissioners shall serve until the first day of January of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Thereafter the rights, powers and authority granted to the said city by this act shall be vested in and exercised by a board of water commission- ers, consisting of three citizens of said city, who shall be chosen by the city council of said city, one for the term of one year from the first day of January in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, one for the term of two years, one for the term of three years, and annually thereafter one water commissioner shall be so chosen to serve for the term of three years. Said commissioners shall receive such compensation as the city council of said city may prescribe, and a majority of said commis- sioners shall be a quorum for the exercise of the powers and duties prescribed by this act. SECT. 6.* For the purpose of paying all necessary expenses and liabilities incurred under the provisions of this act, said city shall issue coupon bonds, signed by the treasurer of said city, to be de- nominated “Springfield Water Bonds,” to an amount not exceed- ing one million dollars, payable at periods not exceeding thirty years from the date thereof, with interest payable semi-annually at a rate not exceeding seven per centum per annum; and said city may sell said bonds at public or private sale, or pledge the same for money borrowed for the purposes of this act, upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper, and may raise money by taxation to pay said bonds and interest thereon when due ; but said city shall not raise more than twenty-five thou- sand dollars in any one year towards payment of the principal of said bonds, except the year in which the same may become lue. SECT. 17.7 The said water commissioners shall establish such prices or rents for the use of the water, as to provide annually, if practicable, from the net income and receipts therefor for the pay- ment of the interest on said water bonds, and also after three years from the introduction of the water into said city, for the further payment of not less than one per centum of the principal of said bonds. The net surplus income and receipts, after deducting all expenses, interest and charges of distribution, shall be set apart as a sinking fund, and applied solely to the payment of the principal of said bonds until the same are fully paid and discharged. [R. The said water commissioners shall be trustees of said fund, and * Powers under this section taken from commissioners and vested in city council. See Acts of 1873, ch. 75, $ 6, post. † Provisions as to sinking fund changed by Acts of 1891, ch. 152, post. WATER SUPPLY. 263 shall annually, and as often as the city council may require, render an account of all their doings in relation thereto.]* SECT. 8. If the said city shall elect to take water from the Chicopee river, it shall be the duty of the water commissioners to provide some reliable means or method of measuring and register- ing the amount of water taken, as soon as they commence taking the same, such register or record to be accessible at all times to any interested parties; and if the owners of any water-rights in the waters of said river and said city, shall fail to agree upon the mode of measurement, the method shall be fixed by one or more engineers, to be appointed upon the application of either party, by any justice of the supreme judicial court. SECT. 9. If any person shall use any water taken under this act without the consent of said city, or shall wantonly or maliciously divert the water, or any part thereof, taken or held by said city, pursuant to the provisions of this act, or corrupt the same or render it impure, or destroy or injure any dam, aqueduct, pipe, conduit, hydrant, machinery or other works or property held, owned or used by said city under the authority of and for the pur- poses of this act, he shall forfeit and pay to said city three times the amount of damage assessed therefor, to be recovered in an action of tort, and on conviction of either of the wanton or malicious acts aforesaid may be also punished by fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding one year. SECT. 10. The occupant of any tenement shall be liable for the payment of the rent for the use of water in such tenement, and the owner shall also be liable, if, on being notified of such use, he does not object thereto. SECT. 11. The said city of Springfield shall take, hold and use, the franchise and all of the reservoirs, dams, pipes, hydrants and other property now owned and held by the Springfield Aqueduct Company, upon the payment by the said city to the said Springfield Aqueduct Company of such a sum as shall be mutually agreed upon by and between them; and in case they shall not so agree upon the sum to be paid, the same proceedings may be had as is provided in the fourth section of this act, for the payment of dam- ages to any person or corporations injured by the taking of their lands, water or water-rights. [R. SECT. 12. The water taken under this act shall not be used in any way as a motive power, except for generating steam.]t * Clause inclosed in brackets repealed by Acts of 1873, ch. 75, $ 6, post. Trustees to be chosen by city council when necessary. † Sect. 12 is repealed by Acts of 1890, ch. 368, $4. Note.-The board of water commissioners as established by this act abolished and new board established by Acts of 1880, ch. 30, ante page 54. 264 APPENDIX. SECT. 13. Nothing in this act shall be construed to affect any existing right of said city of Springfield to draw water from said rivers. SECT. 14. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and shall become void unless accepted by a majority of the legal voters of the city of Springfield, present and voting thereon, at a legal meeting which shall be called in their several ward-rooms for that purpose, by the mayor and aldermen of said city, within sixty days from the passage of this act, at which meeting the check-list shall be used.* Approved, May 6, 1872. * Accepted by a vote of 1,292 yeas to 569 nays, at meetings May 28, 1872. ACTS OF 1873, CHAPTER 75. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO SUPPLY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WITH WATER. Section. Section. 1. Springfield may take water from brooks Falls if water is taken from Chicopee in Ludlow. river. 2. May make reservoirs for collecting and | 5. Vacancy in board of commissioners to storing water ; may unite with other be filled by city council. parties in making structures for joint | 6. Powers granted in 1872, 345, $ 6, to be use. exercised by city council; income, 3. Liability for damages; parties dissatis- etc., from rents to be paid' into city fied may have a trial by jury. treasury ; sinking fund to be held by 4. May supply Chicopee and Chicopee trustees. | 7. Repeal. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. In addition to the sources of water-supply named in section one of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, the city of Springfield may, in accordance with the provisions of said act, take, hold and con- vey from Higher brook and Broad brook, so called, in the town of Ludlow, through Ludlow, Wilbraham and Springfield, sufficient water for the purposes mentioned in said act and the acts in addition thereto. SECT. 2. The city of Springfield, by and through its board of water commissioners, if said board shall deem it expedient, may, for the purpose of collecting and storing water and equalizing the flow of water in the Chicopee river, make and maintain, upon or near said river or the streams flowing into the same, any reservoirs, dams or other suitable structures, and may take and hold, by pur- chase or otherwise, such real estate, water, water-rights or ease- ments as may be necessary or convenient for that purpose ; and WATER SUPPLY. 265 UL said city may unite and agree with other parties interested in the water of said river in making and maintaining suitable works and structures for their joint use and benefit. SECT. 3. Said city of Springfield shall pay all damages to which any persons or corporations are entitled by reason of the taking of any lands, water or water-rights, or by the construction or repair- ing of any dams, aqueducts or other works connected with its water-supply. In estimating such damages, allowances shall be made for any advantage which such persons or corporations may receive from the water supplied by means of compensating dams and reservoirs as herein provided. If any persons or corporations sustaining damages as aforesaid cannot agree with said city upon the amount of such damages, they may have them appraised by the county commissioners for the county of Hampden, by making a written application therefor within one year after sustaining such damages ; and either party aggrieved by the doings of said commissioners in the estimation of said damages, may have the same settled by a jury; and if the damages are increased by the jury, the city shall pay all legal costs; but otherwise, the said costs shall be paid by the party claiming damages ; and the said commissioners and jury shall have the same powers, and the proceedings shall in all respects be conducted in the manner provided in the case of taking land for highways. If any persons or corporations suffer damage by reason of the failure of said city at any time to maintain the compensating dams and reservoirs originally provided, they may, upon applica- tion to the county commissioners, have a new appraisal of damages, subject to a like appeal to a jury. SECT. 4. In case the Chicopee river, or any of its branches is selected as the source of water-supply for the city of Springfield, said city, with the written consent of the selectmen of Chicopee, duly authorized thereto, by a vote of the town, at a meeting called for that purpose, may supply the villages of Chicopee and Chicopee Falls, or either of them, with water, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by and between the water commissioners of said city and the selectmen of said town; and for that purpose may take and hold real estate necessary therefor, and extend its pipes, and with such consent, dig up and open any street or way in said town for placing and maintaining such pipes and aqueducts as may be necessary for the purposes set forth in this section. SECT. 5. In case a vacancy at any time exists in the board of water commissioners of said city of Springfield, by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, a citizen of Springfield shall be elected by a joint vote of the city council of said city to fill such vacancy. Note.-The board of water commissioners referred to in this act abolished and new board established. Acts of 1880, ch. 30, ante page 54. 266 APPENDIX. SECT. 6. The rights, power and authority granted in section six of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, shall be exercised by the city council of the city of Springfield, and not by the board of water commission- ers; and all moneys expended and liabilities incurred under authority of said chapter and of this act, shall be paid from the city treasury upon proper vouchers, approved by said board of water commissioners. The income and receipts from rents for the use of water, shall be paid by the water commissioners, from time to time, and as often as once in six months, into the city treasury, and the surplus thereof, after paying all necessary expenses of maintaining the aqueduct and conducting the business, shall be used for the same purposes as provided in section seven of said chapter. The sink- ing fund created by said section shall be held by three trustees, to be chosen by the city council at such times and for such terms as said city council may determine, and said trustees shall annually, and as often as said city council shall require, render an account of all their doings in relation to said fund.* SECT. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are repealed. SECT. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 14, 1873. NOTE.-See Acts of 1880, ch. 30, ante page 54. * Sinking fund to be held by sinking fund commissioners. See Acts of 1891, ch. 152, post. ACTS OF 1874, CHAPTER 208. AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO SUPPLY THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WITH PURE WATER. Section. 1. Springfield may convey water from Belchertown and Ludlow. Section. 2. City to pay damages for taking land or water-rights ; see 1873, ch. 75, $ 3. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. In addition to the sources of water-supply named in section one of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and chapter seventy-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the city of Spring- field may, in accordance with the provisions of said acts, take, hold and convey from Broad brook within the limits of the town of Bel- chertown, the water of said brook to any pond or reservoir of the said city in the town of Ludlow or elsewhere. WATER SUPPLY. 267 And they may in the manner aforesaid take or hold any lands within the limits of the town of Belchertown aforesaid needed for reservoir-dams and canals, to store and convey the waters from said brook to said reservoir, and in addition thereto, they may take so much land upon both sides of said brook within the limits of said town of Belchertown as the board of water commissioners of the city of Springfield may deem expedient, for the purpose of preserv- ing the purity of the waters of said brook, SECT. 2. Said city shall pay all damages to which any person or corporation is entitled by reason of the taking of any land, water, or water-rights, under the provisions of this act, the same to be estimated and determined in the same manner, and subject to the like limitations as are provided for the estimate and pay- ment of the like damages, by the provisions of said chapter seventy-five of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, April 28, 1874. ACTS OF 1874, CHAPTER 243. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO ISSUE ADDI- TIONAL WATER FUND BONDS. Section. 1. Springfield may issue additional water bonds, not exceeding $200,000. See 1873, ch. 75, $ 6. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Springfield may for the purpose mentioned in chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and chapter seventy- five of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, issue bonds to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, in addi- tion to the amount therein authorized to be issued, upon like terms and conditions and with like powers in all respects as are provided in said acts for the issue of bonds of said city. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, May 18, 1874. 268 APPENDIX. ACTS OF 1879, CHAPTER 147. AN ACT TO PRESERVE THE PURITY OF THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. Fish not to be taken from reservoir 2. Boats not to be put in reservoirs with- without consent of commissioners. out consent, etc. | 3. Penalties. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. No person shall take any fish from any reservoir or canal held or owned by the city of Springfield for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of said city with water, without the per- mission of the board of water commissioners of said city. SECT. 2. No person shall put or place any boat in or upon the waters of any of the reservoirs or canals aforesaid, without the per- mission of said board of water commissioners. SECT. 3. Whoever violates any provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than two nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered on complaint before any court of competent juris- diction. SECT. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 25, 1879. --- - ACTS OF 1889, CHAPTER 368. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO ISSUE ADDI- TIONAL WATER BONDS AND TO SUPPLY THE TOWN OF LUDLOW WITH WATER FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES. Section. Section, 1. May issue coupon water bonds; sink 15. If water main is laid in Ludlow, the ing fund. city of Springfield shall not interfere 2. Subject to a two-thirds vote of the city with use of streets, etc , further than council. necessary to perform the work. 3. To raise by taxation, etc., sufficient for Towns to take water for watering payment of interest, etc. New dis- troughs, cemeteries, hydrants, etc. tribution mains. Water facilities to be furnished along 4. Repeal of Acts of 1872, ch. 345, sect. 12. line of works. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield, acting by its city council, is hereby authorized to issue coupon water bonds, to be signed by WATER SUPPLY. 269 its treasurer and its mayor, to an amount not to exceed four hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars, payable at a period not to exceed forty years from their date, with interest payable semi-annually at a rate not to exceed four per centum per annum, for the purpose of raising money with which to pay for a new and additional water main from its source of water supply in Ludlow, in the county of Hampden, to and into said city. The sinking fund provisions of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eight- een hundred and seventy-two and of all acts in amendment thereof shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto. SECT. 2. Said main shall not be constructed, nor any contract relating thereto made, until the said city council shall by a two- not be authorized in excess of the amount which said city council shall determine to be necessary for the construction of a main of such a size as said council shall by such vote authorize the board of water commissioners of said city to lay. SECT. 3. The city council of said city shall annually include in the appropriation of money to be raised by taxation such a sum as it shall determine will be required during the then municipal year to meet the interest on the Springfield water bonds and on bonds issued under the authority hereof, that shall not be met by the esti- mated net income of the water department; and in estimating said net income, all expenses of said department, including the esti- mated cost of new distribution mains to be laid during such year, shall be taken into account; and said city council shall annually determine what sum of money shall be expended by the water com- missioners for new distribution mains. SECT. 4. Section twelve of said chapter three hundred and forty-five is hereby repealed. SECT. 5. If the water main authorized to be laid by this act shall be laid in said town of Ludlow, said city of Springfield shall not interfere with the use of the streets or public ways in said town, by taking up the same or otherwise, further than is neces- sary to the performance of said work, and said city shall leave settling of any ditches or excavations made in the course of said work, in as good condition and repair as the same were in before said work was begun; and shall be liable to the same extent that said town might be held liable for any damage caused by any defect created by said city in such streets or ways; and shall fur- nish such police protection as is necessary to the preservation of the public order and security along the line of said works during the prosecution thereof; and said city shall allow said town to take from said main sufficient water for the supply of a watering trough at Ludlow Center and at Ludlow Village, so called, and 270 APPENDIX. for the supply of the two cemeteries in said town to the extent heretofore used therein, without charge ; and shall provide at the expense of said town for connections for hydrants, not exceeding six in number, to be used for fire purposes only, and to be erected by said town at such places on the line of its works as may be des- ignated by the selectmen before the laying of said pipe, and shall furnish a supply of water for the same without charge ; and said city shall also furnish to residents of said town along the line of its works, and may furnish in any place where connection with said works now exists, the same privileges and facilities in and for the use of its water that are furnished to the residents of said city of Springfield, so long as it can do so without injury to said city. The provisions of this section may be enforced by injunction or other appropriate process by any court possessing equity jurisdic- tion. SECT. 6. This act shall take effect on the first day of January next. Approved, May 24, 1889. ACTS OF 1890, CHAPTER 303. AN ACT TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL WATER SUPPLY FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section. Section. 1. City may increase its water supply, determined by actual quantity of water from Jabish brook in Belcher- water taken. Deduction for waste town, etc. May erect dams and res- of water. ervoirs, lay down conduits, etc. 5. Water compensation for mills on Chic- 2. A description of land taken to be re- opee river. City to pay damages for corded in registry of deeds. Method taking land. of measuring water. Amount of 6. City may erect storage reservoirs water decided to be taken to be re 7. Rights of riparian owners on brook corded. above land taken not to be affected. 3. May take all water below Dorman's | 8. City may issue bonds. mill. When city changes its method 9. Taxation of lands acquired in Belcher- of taking water, new certificate to town. Collection and abatement of be recorded. taxes. 4. Value for manufacturing purposes to be Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield, acting by its board of water commissioners, may, from time to time by purchase or otherwise and for the purpose of increasing its water supply, take, hold and convey to and into its system of water supply at any point thereof the water of any or all of the ponds, with the land thereunder, and the springs, surface and underground currents tributary thereto, which are located in said Springfield northerly of the north branch of Mill river, so called ; and may, for the purpose of increasing its WATER, SUPPLY. 271 water supply during the months of June, July, August, September and October in each year, take, hold and convey as aforesaid dur- ing such.months from any convenient point on Jabish brook below Dorman's mill in the town of Belchertown, to an amount to be established in the way hereinafter provided, such a part of the water of said brook as shall be determined by said board to be nec- essary for the supply of said city with water during all of the said months for the purposes now authorized by law; and may by pur- chase or otherwise, for the purpose of increasing said water supply during all said months, take all of said water of said brook below said Dorman's mill, and may by purchase or otherwise take any and all lands, property, rights of way and easements that may be necessary for holding, storing, preserving and conveying any of said water as aforesaid and for carrying out the objects of this act; and may erect on any lands so taken proper dams, reservoirs, fix- tures, structures, machinery and apparatus, may make such exca- vations and provide such other means as may be necessary or advis- able for said purpose ; and may construct and lay down such con- duits, canals, pipes or other works, under, through or over any lands, water-courses, railroads and public and private ways, as may be necessary or advisable for said purposes ; and for all proper purposes of this act may dig up any such lands and, under the direction of the board of selectmen of said town, may enter upon and dig up any such public ways in said town, and may dig up any such ways in said Springfield, in such a manner as to cause the least hindrance to public travel ; and shall hold the town in which such ways are located harmless from all liability to parties claim- ing damages from any cause resulting from its acts. SECT. 2. Said city of Springfield shall, within sixty days after taking any rights of way, easements, land or property for any of the purposes herein authorized, or taking the water of all or any of said ponds with the land thereunder or the springs and currents tributary to such ponds, file and cause to be recorded in the regis- try of deeds for the county in which any such land, rights of way, easements, ponds or property taken are situated, a description of such land, rights of way, easements, ponds or property sufficiently accurate for identification; which description shall be signed by said board; and if said city shall elect to take by measurement as herein provided any of the water of said Jabish brook for the sup- ply of said city during said five months it shall file in the registry of deeds for the county of Hampshire, within sixty days after it shall have so elected, a statement in writing, signed by said board, setting forth that it has elected to take such water by measure- ment under the provisions of this act and in the way herein pro- vided ; and upon the filing of said statement as aforesaid said city may proceed, under the authority herein before given, to take any 272 APPENDIX. and all land, rights of way, easements and property, and to erect any and all structures, machinery and apparatus, and do any and all acts necessary or advisable for the diversion and use of the water of said Jabish brook by measurement as herein authorized ; and it shall provide a suitable method of measuring any water that it shall divert from said brook, which method shall be open to the inspection of any party interested and may be fixed by one or more civil engineers to be appointed, upon the application of any party interested, after due notice and hearing, by any justice of the superior court, Said city, if it takes said water by measure- ment, shall, by the vote of its board of water commissioners, before diverting any of the water of said brook, determine annually the daily quantity of water it elects to divert from said brook during said period of five months; and shall, before diverting the same, file in the registry of deeds for Hampshire county a certificate signed by said board stating the daily quantity of water said city has determined to take and divert as aforesaid ; and the filing of said certificate shall be deemed to be the taking and appropriating of the quantity of water therein stated for the period therein named ; but said city shall not be liable for damages by reason of the taking and appropriation as aforesaid nor shall any proceed- ings for the recovery of such damages be maintained until such period of five months shall have expired. SECT. 3. Said city, acting by said board, may, for said purpose at any time, take all of the water of said brook at any convenient point below said Dorman's mill during all of said months in each year; and may, at any time, take all of the water of said brook and its tributaries at any convenient point below said mill for the permanent and constant increase of its said water supply ; and any election which shall be made by said city, as to the quantity of water it will take and the time during which it will take the same, shall not deprive said city of the right to thereafter take said water in any way authorized by this act and differing from that under which said city may have been taking said water; but when- ever said city shall change its method of taking said water and make a new election under the authority thereof, or if it shall take all of the water of said brook, it shall file in the registry of deeds for said county of Hampshire a new certificate as aforesaid, set- ting forth what quantity of water and for what time it has decided to take the same, and the filing of said certificate shall be deemed to be the taking of the water therein determined; but no damages therefor shall be recovered until the water has actually been diverted. SECT. 4. In estimating the value for manufacturing purposes or the creation of power, of any water taken hereunder by said city, the actual quantity of water to be diverted, withdrawn and WATER SUPPLY. 273 " conveyed away from said brook only shall be considered ; and in no event shall said city be held liable for the value for manufac- turing purposes of more water than is actually diverted if the same is taken by measurement as herein provided, or for more water than the construction of the works provided for the conveying of said water will admit of being diverted and withdrawn from the natural flow of said brook, if said water is not taken by measure- ment as aforesaid. Such quantities of water as may be taken from said brook by said city in times of freshet or flood, or whenever there is a wastage or surplus of water flowing over the dams in the course of said brook below the point of intaking of said city, shall not be charged against said city in estimating and determin- ing damages caused to mill owners and manufacturing corpora- tions by the diversion of said water by the said city of Springfield under the authority of this act, unless actual damage resulting therefrom is shown. If any measurable portion or part of the water withdrawn from said brook by said city at the point of intak- ing shall at any time during its conveyance through the towns of Belchertown and Ludlow or after its reception in any storage reservoir or basin of said city, or if any measurable quantity or quantities of water from any source or sources owned and con- trolled by said city shall be wasted or discharged from the works of said city and restored to any water-course through which the water diverted and withdrawn from said Jabish brook would have naturally flowed had it not been withdrawn and diverted, such quantity or quantities of water shall be deducted from the amount withdrawn from said Jabish brook at the point of intaking in esti- mating the damages to which any persons or corporations below the point of restoration of said water may be subjected ; and the quantity of water being drawn during the different hours of the day shall be taken into consideration. SECT. 5. Said city shall, for the purpose of a water compensa- tion to any parties owning or operating mills or mill privileges on Chicopee river for any water of which they may be deprived by the taking of any of the water of Jabish brook as aforesaid, cause to be released daily, wherever the same can be done without det- riment to the supply of water required for its own uses, from Cherry valley reservoir into the old bed of Broad brook, a quan- tity of water not less than that being taken from said Jabish brook, and the value thereof shall be considered in the estimation of any damages claimed by said parties ; and said parties may by appro- priate remedy compel said city to thus release said water. Said city shall pay all damages suffered by any person in his property by the taking of any land, rights of way, easements, water rights or property as hereinbefore provided, or from any other acts done under the authority hereof, but no damages shall be recovered 274 APPENDIX. from the taking of water until the water is actually diverted. Any damages suffered shall be assessed and determined in the way and manner provided by law when land is taken for the laying out of highways, and all proceedings for the recovery of damages shall be brought within and not later than three years after the right of action accrues; and if said city shall take said water by measure- ment as hereinbefore provided, any depreciation in the value of the property of any person by reason of any uncertainty in the flow of said brook that shall result from such taking, shall be considered in the first petition brought by any person for damages. SECT. 6. Said city is authorized to erect at any point on said Jabish brook below the point from which it shall divert any of the water thereof and above the junction of said brook with Swift river, so called, storage reservoirs for the storage of water to com- pensate any owner of mills or mill privileges for any water of which such owner may be deprived by reason hereof; and the ben- efit such owner may receive thereby shall be taken into considera- tion in estimating any damages he may suffer under any acts done under the authority hereof; and for the purpose of the erection of said reservoirs said city may, in the way hereinbefore provided for the taking of other lands, take any and all lands, ways and other property necessary therefor, and erect thereon any and all dams and other structures required for the construction of such reser- voirs. SECT. %. The provisions hereinbefore contained shall not be construed to affect or restrict the right of riparian proprietors on said Jabish brook above the land taken and used for the purposes of this act to use said brook for any purpose authorized by law; nor as preventing the use of the water of the brook for the purpose of supplying the town of Belchertown with water for fire and domestic purposes. SECT. 8. Said city, acting by its city council, is hereby author- ized, for the purpose of raising money with which to meet any part of any expense or liability which may hereafter accrue by reason of any acts done under the authority of this act, to issue coupon water bonds, to be signed by the treasurer and the mayor, to an amount not to exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, payable at a period not to exceed forty years from their date, with interest payable semi-annually at a rate not to exceed four per centum per annum; to which bonds the sinking fund and water bond provisions of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two and of all the acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof shall apply. SECT. 9. All lands in Belchertown which shall be 'acquired by said city under the authority hereof shall continue liable to taxa- tion by said town at a valuation not exceeding the assessed value WATER SUPPLY. 275 thereof by the assessors of said town for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and the valuation of such lands for the purposes of taxation shall not be affected by the flowage thereof or their use for the purposes of this act. Taxes assessed on said lands shall not constitute a lien thereon, but if the same shall remain unpaid for a period of thirty days after written demand for the payment thereof the collector of taxes for said town may bring suit to recover said tax. Said city may at any time prior to the bringing of such suit apply to the county commissioners for Hampshire county in the way and manner provided by statute in other cases of application for abatement of taxes; and if such application is made such suit shall not be brought until such application is decided. Such suit shall be brought within two years after the tax is committed to the collector for collection. SECT. 10. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, May 20, 1890. ACTS OF 1891, CHAPTER 152. AN ACT RELATING TO THE SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE WATER BONDS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Section 1. Sinking fund may be held by commissioners. Be it enacted, etc., as follows :- SECTION 1. The sinking fund required by section seven of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two and by any acts in amendment thereof or in addition thereto may, at the election of the city council, be held by any commissioners of the sinking funds of said city that shall be established and elected under the provisions of chapter twenty-nine of the Public Statutes instead of being held by trustees as is provided in section six of chapter seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three; and if so held the provisions of said chapter twenty-nine relating to such commissioners and to the care, custody and management of the fund shall apply thereto. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 30, 1891. ♡ APPENDIX. 276 ACTS OF 1902, CHAPTER 242. AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO REFUND A PART OF ITS WATER DEBT. Section. 1. City of Springfield may issue bonds to refund its water debt. | Section. 2. Payment of loans, etc. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:- SECTION 1. The city of Springfield, by vote of its city council, is hereby authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for the purpose of refunding a part of its indebtedness at present existing as a water loan, and maturing on the first day of April in the year nineteen hundred and three. The bonds issued under the provisions of this act shall be made payable not more than ten years from the date of issue, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one half per cent per annum, and shall not be reckoned in determining the limit of indebtedness of the city fixed by law. They shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the mayor and auditor of the city, and may be sold or negotiated at public or private sale, and the proceeds shall be used in payment of water bonds of the city falling due on the first day of April in the year nineteen hundred and three ; but no purchaser shall be responsible for the application of said proceeds. SECT. 2. The city council of said city shall include each year in the appropriation of money to be raised by taxation such a sum as it shall determine will be required during that municipal year to meet the interest on the Springfield water bonds and on bonds issued under authority hereof, which will not be met by the esti- mated net income of the water department; and in estimating such net income all expenses of said department, including the interest upon its bonds and the estimated cost of new distributing mains to be laid that year, shall be taken into account. The sink- ing fund provisions of chapter three hundred and forty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two and of all acts in amendment thereof shall, so far as they may be applicable, apply to the indebtedness hereby authorized. SECT. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved, March 27, 1902. INDEX. A ....88 ......86 .... ABATEMENTS PAGE on bills due the city, effect of...... of taxes. See ASSESSORS. of water rents. See WATER DEPARTMENT. • ABUTTERS along water pipe line in Ludlow, may be supplied with water...........270 assessments for betterments upon ..... .....48, 49, 183 assessments upon, for sewers and drains..... ............23 assessments upon, for sidewalks..................... ...23, 186 consent of, to laying sewers through their lands......... ...........187 damages of, in case of laying out streets..................23, 45, 48, 51, 182 rights of, in cases of street changes and betterments ........ ....50 See OWNERS. ACCOUNTS against city, not to be acted upon by auditor, unless certified .. of city treasurer, when to be made up and how kept....................103 of expense of protection against snow slides, supervisors to keep.........207 of expenditures on streets, superintendent of streets to keep ......... of fire department............. ........145 of receipts and expenditures to be published annually by city council. ...19 of schoolhouse agent.... ..........127 See CITY AUDITOR. ACTING MAYOR chairman of aldermen to be, when...... ....17 note, 102 may draw orders on city treasurer..................................86, 87 to serve during vacancy .............. ................................17 ACTIONS committee on finance may order, for collection of claims due city.........89 pending when ordinances repealed, not to be affected... .225 ACTS OF LEGISLATURE acceptance of...... 1852, 94-charter ... 1853, 175-addition to charter..... 1861, 151-construction of wooden buildings....... 1863, 107_authorizing the city to construct certain drains 1863, 192—sidewalks ..... 1863, 204—relocation of streets and ways............. 1864, 142–City Library Association incorporated.. 1866, 174-streets, etc............. 1867, 94. 1866, 174—extended to Springfield...... 1872, 130—north end bridge. ....... 1872, 131-old toll bridge...... 253 1872, 243—prevention of fires in cities and towns. 1872, 334—board of public works. .......131 I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .225 ea..................... ............... 278 INDEX. PAGE .................................... 266 ......267 53 ............................. . 268 0 61 . . . . . ................................. . . . 275 . . . ACTS OF LEGISLATURE, continued. 1872, 345—Water supply............ 1873, 75-water supply... .......264 1873, 126-amending charter.... ......35 1873, 200-south end bridge......, 256 1874, 208—water supply ... 1874, 243—water fund bonds........ 1878, 97-city physician to be overseer of the poor 1879, 147—purity of water supply.. 1880, 30-board of water commissioners... 1880, 236-cost of south end bridge, 1882, 154—public parks......... ..... ........56 1883, 25—mayor, ex officio, a member of school committee.. 1883, 130—Springfield, West Springfield, and Agawam relieved from certain forfeitures, 1885, 65—election of aldermen...... 1887, 54-plumbers ... 1888, 136—water commissioners.. 1889, 368-water supply............ .268 1890, 74—public health ............. 1890, 303—additional water supply....... 270 1890, 356—part of Longmeadow annexed... .66 1891, 152-sinking funds for water bonds. 1893, 97—fire department....... 1893, 301-river line established.. 1898, 386_cost of south end bridge. 1900, 236—smoke nuisance .............. 1900, 276—wires and electrical appliances..... 1901, 95—City Library Association to hold additional estate.. 1901, 147-election of aldermen and councilmen..... 1902, 134-police department..... 1902, 155—City Library Association to hold additional estate. 1902, 242-refunding water debt............. Rev. Laws, ch. 26, sects. 31-35-city officers..... 101 Rev. Laws, ch. 48, sect. 103—building line.... ......188 Rev. Laws, ch. 101, sects. 1-5—dilapidated buildings.......... Rev. Laws, ch. 103—supervision of plumbing, accepted........ . 142 Rev. Laws, ch 104, sects. 4-12--construction of buildings.... Rev. Laws, ch. 108, sects. 26-28—reserve police force......... .......178 ADVERTISING MATTER not to be affixed to lamp posts in streets.......... ............200 not to be placed in streets, etc........ AGAWAM See BRIDGES. AGENT See HEALTH, BOARD OF. See OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. See SCHOOLHOUSE AGENT. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF charter provisions as to manner of election.... committees of, to be appointed by mayor..... .......241 committees, standing committees of.......... confirmation of nominations, etc... ...20 ............................... . . . . . . . . .....164 . 165 .....16 .......................... .241 INDEX. 279 PAGE ...................... .... ..... ........ .. ............ ... ......... ALDERMEN, BOARD OF, continued. election and qualification....... ...38 election of city officers, procedure......... ..........101 established ............... ........ .14 may call meetings to vote upon park laws.... ..60 may order connection between private and public sewers.. may permit raising, alteration or moving of wooden buildings in fire district ..................................................... may prescribe duties of city clerk........ may remove buildings on land taken for streets, at expense of owner..... may take whole of abutting estate in case of alteration, etc., of street... member of, to be member of board on claims........... ............... members to be sworn, quorum, compensation, powers... conduct of during debate......... from wards of even numbers to be elected in even years, etc.... may hold other office, when............. not more than two to reside in one ward. to serve for two years... no' election, warrants for new election........... nominations, city auditor......... appointment and compensation of inspector of coal. assistant city clerk...... assistant superintendent of streets.. city forester ..... members of police commission..... of city physician........ of whom to consist and how elected...... order of business.. powers of, as to removal of telephone conduits........... president of to perform duties of mayor, in case of no election...........102 rules and orders of.. ...240, 241 statutory powers as to laying out streets and assessing betterments....48, 49 to approve height, dimensions, location, etc., of telephone poles; may select agent ..... ..........219 to choose member of board of supervisors........ to choose presiding officer in absence of mayor ..... to declare vacancy in office of mayor ...... ...........17 to determine value of wooden buildings in fire district damaged by fire. ...161 to meet first Monday in January.... ........17 to provide for publication of ordinances. vacancies in, how filled........... ..........102 See MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, CITY CỌUNCIL. ALLEYS provisions as to streets to apply to........ ....51, 132, 187 See STREET. ALMSHOUSE master of, how elected, term of office, duties....... services of city physician at........... ........119 AMENDMENTS right of legislature to make, reserved in charter......... .........32 to charter .........33-40 See RULES AND ORDERS. SS.......... ...134 · .224 .......104 vel ...... ........................................... ......00-7 280 INDEX. ................................................... .136 197 39 .......... II............... .................... •19 ..... .......... ... .. ......... ........................................ 146 ANIMALS PAGB inspector of .. not allowed upon sidewalks.... 199 not to be fastened to trees in the streets.............. 200 not to go at large in streets. transportation of dead animals through streets regulated watering tanks for............... APPEALS from city council on question of construction of certain drains, etc....42, 43 from city council on question of damages........ .......... from order as to dilapidated building. from order of removal of unsafe building........ on question of damages occasioned by taking land for water supply...... APPOINTMENTS how made by mayor and aldermen........ of city officers, on first Monday of February........ ALLA101 of members of fire department, how made........ .....147 APPROPRIATIONS city library, authorized for........ for any department exhausted, city council to be notified.................86 for any department exhausted, no further expenditure to be made.. for board of health ...... for each department, not to be exceeded.............. for engineering department, not to be exceeded... for fire department, pensions to be paid from... .153 for fire department, to include emergency money........ for salaries of public school teachers.. made by city council, not to be exceeded.. .......87 money not otherwise appropriated may be used for fire escapes on schoolhouses ... no money to be drawn from treasury unless under... parks, authorized for............. .............. restrictions upon .. to cover certain items on account of water department... to include provision for water bonds, etc. .269 AREAS See BUILDINGS. ASHES duties of chief engineer as to...... ..........148 not to be placed in streets, etc..... removal of, licenses, etc............ rules of board of health as to..... transportation through streets, regulated..... ......139 ASS. See ANIMALS. ASSESSMENTS for betterments ... for certain drains from Garden brook to Connecticut river............... for sewers and sidewalks, how collected, charter provisions..............23 for sidewalk construction: how collected... for taxes. See ASSESSORS AND ASSISTANT ASSESSORS. See DAMAGES. ASSESSORS AND ASSISTANT ASSESSORS duties and liabilities of..... ..125 . .276 .197 .138 20 ........20 INDEX. 281 .................. ASSESSORS AND ASSISTANT ASSESSORS, continued. duties of, as to Garden brook sewers.... election and tenure of office..... salary, may be fixed by city council... to be elected annually by city council. .... assessors, board of, abatement of taxes, powers and duties....... duties of secretary ....... records of ...... report of taxes abated.. salary of ........................ to commit assessments to collector of taxes........ to complete assessments by September first. to organize by choice of chairman and secretary..... ........110 assistant assessors, election, tenure of office, duties, and compensation..35, 110 not to exceed eight... ..35, 110 salary of ................ ...........91 ASSIGNMENTS OF WAGES duties of assistant city clerk.. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK See CITY CLERK. ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL) See ENGINEER, CITY. ASSISTANT ENGINEERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT See ENGINEERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. ASSISTANT MARSHAL See MARSHAL, ASSISTANT. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS See STREETS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. AUCTIONS not to be held on sidewalks, etc...... .......201 AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS 14 ............ ........185 AVENUE defined See STREETS. AWNINGS in streets, not to be injured.......... over sidewalks, how placed and maintained..., .........200 ..........196 B .213 .......229 .215 ...........202 BADGE to be carried by rag pickers and junk collectors...... to be worn by drivers of hackney carriages.......... to be worn by licensed bootblacks..... BALL PLAYING in streets, regulated......... BALLOON FLYING in streets, regulated BARK survey, inspection and sale of............. BATHING indecent exposure of person forbidden....... ........ 202 ..........23 ........201 282 INDEX. PAGE BEGGING by street musicians.. ........233 BELCHERTOWN See WATER SUPPLY. BELLS not to be rung in streets without license....... ........201 BETTERMENTS board of public works to estimate.... ........132 growing out of street changes : proceedings.... ...183 may be apportioned......... portioned............................ ....50 may be assessed by board of aldermen (Act of 1866). ........49 may be assessed by park commissioners............. .........58 Revised Laws, provisions of......................... ........48 Note .............50 BILLS correctness of, to be certified by heads of departments, approved and forwarded to auditor. .........87 of departments, to be forwarded to auditor on or before fourth of month .... ..........87 BOARD of aldermen. See ALDERMEN, and MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. of common council. See COMMON COUNCIL. of health. See HEALTH, BOARD OF. of overseers of the poor. See OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. of park commissioners. See PARK COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF. of public works. See PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF. of supervisors of highways and bridges. See SUPERVISORS OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. of water commissioners. See WATER DEPARTMENT. on claims. See CLAIMS. BOATS not to be used on water supply reservoirs, without permission..........268 BOISTEROUS OUTCRY not to be made in streets without license..... ............ 201 BONDS city council shall require, of officers intrusted with money ................19 of city, how paid.. ...... ...........87 of collector of taxes... ...................89, 169 of indemnity to be given by persons licensed to maintain coverings in sidewalks ................... ..................204 of marshal and assistant marshal... of telephone company when opening streets.... .........59 to accompany building contracts in excess of five hundred dollars........97 water bonds, authority for..... .......... 262, 267, 268, 274 BONFIRE not to be made in streets without license.. .............200 BOOKS second-hand, dealers in.......... . . . . . . . . . . ..212 BOOT BLACKS penalty for violation of ordinance..... to wear badge with number ....... working in streets, etc., to be licensed: provisions.... .215 working in streets, to obtain consent of owner of abutting property......215 i ...176 221 216 INDEX. 283 .............................. . .......66 ............................... .............................can............... .................... ................. ...... . .... ...... .... ........................ .251 BOOTHS PAGE for sale of fruit, etc., not to be erected in streets, etc......... cued in streets, etc....................200 BOUNDARIES between Springfield and Longmeadow.... Connecticut river line established. .........69 of fire district..... ....155 of wards, defined ...... .82-84 BRIDGES North End ........ 251 North End—may be used by street railways.... Old Toll ................. .253 Old Toll-expense of repairs, how paid........ ..........255 questions may be referred to board of public works, powers and du- ties ................. ........132, 187 South End ........ ..........................................256 South End-cost of apportioned between Springfield and Agawam........ 258 South Endexpense of maintaining, apportioned. .....................259 care of and liability for defects.........................252, 253, 255, 257 duties of superintendent of streets as to.................. ........122 to be examined annually by city engineer: report........... ...........117 to be under general supervision of board of supervisors.............116, 134 BROKEN GLASS not to be thrown in streets, étc........... ..........197 BUILDING COMMISSIONER statute powers of... See BUILDINGS, INSPECTOR OF. BUILDING DISTRICT established how .. ..........37, 41 may be prescribed. See FIRE DISTRICT. BUILDING LINE how established: damages........ .........188 BUILDING MATERIALS not to encumber streets or sidewalks........ ........195, 196 BUILDINGS . CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. construction of, may be regulated by ordinance. ....... erected in violation of law, may be declared nuisances... inspection of .......................................... not allowed on public parks.............................. provisions as to, within building district.... statute as to, not to be in force till accepted by city council. statute provisions as to construction of... to be numbered.... upon land taken for streets to be removed by owner. violations of law as to, may be enjoined......... · violating ordinances to be nuisances......... CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS. appeals from orders as to dilapidated buildings...................164, 165 burnt, dilapidated or dangerous, proceedings to condemn............164, 165 chief engineer to report violations of ordinance regulating construction of 148 ............................................ ......................... .......................... ......52 284 INDEX. PAGE ........... ......... 1 CUIwweys .................................. 61 ...... ................ ............ .. .. 58 . . 00 . .162 . . . BUILDINGS, continued. construction of, within fire district, regulated...... .155-163 chimneys .... .159 columns, to be placed in certain buildings cornices ....... 158 dormer windows .. 158 elevators .... fireplaces, how constructed. furnaces, space around, in areas ........ jet ....................... .158 piers ....... .156 sewer connections to be made before walls are carried above foun- dations . 155 show windows .......................... standpipes on buildings over fifty feet high.... stovepipes, how protected.. 160 timbers, entering brick walls, requirements as to..... .... ......159 woodwork, to be at least one inch from chimney..... .160 dilapidated or dangerous, general provisions.......................164-167 drainage system of, not to be changed without permit..................141 fireproof doors, shutters, etc., to be attached to certain buildings in fire district ... .........162 factories to have, when..... storehouses to have, when..... .162 stores to have, when.......... 162 to be closed at end of each business day...... workshops to have, when fire stops may be required by inspector of buildings. floors, strength of...... assembly halls, in fire district.. dwelling houses ......... factory, in fire district. hotels, in fire district........ 59 office buildings, in fire district..... 159 stores, in fire district... warehouses, in fire district............ heating apparatus of, to be examined by chief engineer on request. ...148, 149 in fire district, not to be raised, reconstructed or moved, except..........161 in fire district, to have outside electric switches, and gas valves ...... inspection of ... .. ......165 in violation of ordinances, to be enjoined how.............. .....167 lien upon land, for costs of removing unsafe buildings..................166 may be declared nuisances, when..... .164 may be examined by chief engineer on request of two citizens......148, 149 occupant of, to make alterations required by chief engineer, penalty...... 149 powers of chief engineer, etc., as to combustible materials, penalty......148 removal of, by owner or inspector ................................165, 166 roofs of buildings to be covered with incombustible materials. ... ...158 construction of mansard........ in fire district, strength of.... sewage pipes in, subject to rules of board of health. ..........141 to be inspected by district police, upon request of mayor and aldermen....167 162 . . 62 . . 59 . 59 . . . . . . 159 ..........159 ...... . ............ INDEX. 285 155 BUILDINGS, continued. PAGD walls, construction of, regulated.. 156-158 brick and stone, how built and bonded.. 163 doorways through party walls..... 162 foundations, how built.... height of .......... may be built of iron and steel..... 163 thickness of ..... . 162 water tanks erected on buildings in fire district., when deemed dangerous, proceedings........ 165 wood lintels not to be used over openings over four feet wide......... wooden, damaged by fire in fire district, may be declared nuisances......161 in fire district, damaged by fire........ in fire district, general provisions.. ..161 See BUILDINGS, INSPECTOR OF. 163 163 . ......... . 206 13 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. belonging to city, contracts for, exceeding five hundred dollars, to have bond 97 building line may be established. ...... ...........188 declared unsafe, non-resident owners, how notified.... 167 encroaching on street, duties of city engineer..., 117 impure water from, not to be allowed to run into streets................201 in which steam is used, to be inspected by superintendent of sewers..... 193 may be numbered by city engineer at expense of owner ..., 118 near street line, roofs to be cleared of snow. not to be erected in streets without license. not to be moved through streets without license..... numbering of, penalty...... occupant of, to remove combustible materials, when; penalty...... owner of, must consent to boot black working in street...... owner of, to make alterations required by chief engineer; penalty..... protection against snow slides may be ordered........ rag pickers and junk collectors not to enter without permission....... repair of buildings belonging to city, in excess of five hundred dollars, to be authorized by city council............ taken for street purposes, value estimated...... to be numbered..... See FIRE DISTRICT, and PLUMBING. BUILDINGS, INSPECTOR OF appointment, tenure of office........ .........162 chief and deputy chief engineer ineligible... ..162 duties as to removal of dangerous structures. duties of, as to doorways and fire stops....... .162 how chosen, duties.. ..165 may regulate thickness of certain walls.. salary of ... to approve construction of water tanks. ..163 to approve foundations....... to approve standpipes......... to examine all buildings erected in fire district. to file and record statements as to strength of floors........ BY-LAWS city council may make......... ...........23 ...107 182 .117 166 .............................. 157 ..91 TANKS.............................., 125 286 INDEX. T TY PAGE BY-LAWS, continued. survey, etc., of lumber, wood, coal, and bark, etc............. ...............23 to be published. to be termed ordinances.. ..........224 See ORDINANCES. .........268 CALL MEN See FIRE DEPARTMENT. CANALS fishing or boating in, prohibited, without permission......... CANNON firing of in streets, regulated........ .............200 CAPTAIN OF THE WATCH See POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIAGES licenses and stands for... .........198 See VEHICLES. CARTS not allowed upon sidewalks........ ............199 See TRUCK. CATCH BASINS See STREETS. CATTLE See ANIMALS. CESSPOOLS contents of, how removed. 138 may be prohibited, when; penalty.... 192 transportation of contents regulated.. 201 See NIGHT SOIL. CHAIRMAN of board of aldermen. See ALDERMEN. of board of overseers of the poor, mayor to be........ of board of assessors, assessors to choose........ .................110 of school committee, mayor to be..... ...........61 of committee on city property, to examine accounts of schoolhouse agent..127 of committees of city council. See RULES AND ORDERS. of board of engineers of fire department, chief engineer to be............147 of board of health. See HEALTH, BOARD OF. of board of water commissioners, compensation of...... CHARTER ..13-32 adoption of................ ...32 may be amended by legislature. ..........32 amendments to.......... ..........33-40 revision attempted in 1877........ ............32, note CHICOPEE may be furnished with water...... ...........265 CHICOPEE RIVER use of, for water supply .................... .260 flow of, may be equalized by water commissioners. ...264 CHIEF ENGINEER OF FIRE DEPARTMENT See ENGINEERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. .......... 61 .....92 INDEX. 287 ..... ....181 .109 . CHILDREN PAGE care of, committed to almshouse....... ..............104 of residents on United States grounds, privileges in public schools........127 habitual truants, how punished.... 129 under sixteen, not to be in streets after 9:30 p. m., penalty ...204 in streets after 9:30 p. m. may be sent home... .205 CHURCHES entrance to, not to be obstructed by loiterers.... .........202 CIRCULARS not to be placed in streets, etc......... ...197 CITIZENS general meetings of, how called, etc........ ......15, 26, 223 may petition for fire escapes on schoolhouses.... ........167 petitions for changes in streets.. CITY AUDITOR appointment, duties and powers of..... ...........108 to be sworn.... ........108 salary of .90, 109 vacancy in office, how filled....... books of .................................. ..........88 reports of .....................................................108, 109 to audit accounts of water department... ..........55 to notify mayor and city council when appropriation for any department is exhausted ..................... .......86 no claim to be paid by treasurer unless approved by, except.. not to act upon accounts or claims unless certified......... to receive department bills on or before fourth of month.. to approve payment of weekly employees....... to receive bills due the city on or before tenth of month. bills due city to be forwarded to collector and reported to treasurer before twentieth of month ......... may require information from city treasurer.. to prescribe system of treasurer's accounts. ...... ...103 may inspect accounts of schoolhouse agent....... ...127 approval of bills of police department... ....175 duties as to expenses of preventing snow slides.... .............207 CITY CLERK CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. charter provisions for election of.. charter provisions as to manner of election..... failure to choose and vacancy........ duties of, and tenure of office; vacancy to be filled by city council........20 term of office to be three years...... to be sworn..... salary ...... not eligible as park commissioner... may administer oath to mayor... duties of, when no mayor has been elected to certify oaths in journal......... to be clerk of board of aldermen.. powers and duties as to jury list... to record election returns.... 103 ......... 288 INDEX. PAGE : 90 .186 195 . . . 234 . S........................... .223 . ..114 CITY CLERK, continued. ORDINANCES. custodian of city seal.... salary of .................... to have copy of all written contracts....... to nominate assistant city clerk... ....114 to determine term of office and removal of assistant city clerk...... vacancy, duties may be performed by assistant.. dilapidated buildings, duties.............. to give notice to land owners of construction of sidewalks.... to certify sidewalk assessments to the tax collector. 86 agreements to indemnify city for use of streets, to be filed with....... to have custody of agreement of indemnity in case of moving buildings. .199 to record licenses for metal coverings in sidewalks .204 to keep record of licenses of rag pickers and junk collectors... .213 to record licenses for public amusements... to sign warrants for meetings of citizens... to record ordinances.... .............224 of aldermen and council, to make copies of reports of committees when requested ............238. assistant-how chosen; tenure of office and removal. ..... ...................114 to be sworn; duties and compensation. CITY COUNCIL IN GENERAL. composed of board of aldermen and common council........ 0011 council......................14 charter powers of, as to revision of wards and apportionment of councilmen 14 compensation, powers, manner of voting........... quorum, a majority of each board to be. ...... each board to judge election of own members. may declare vacancy in office of mayor, when.... special meetings, how called ..... to make report annually.................... to have control of city property.......... powers of . sittings to be public when not in executive session may make by-laws and attach penalties....... may alter school districts... to have powers of board of health.... fire department, powers as to................. may make ordinances as to safeguards against fire..... may establish a building district... may require buildings to be numbered.... may establish fire district and regulate construction of buildings... .........41 may remove members of board of park commissioners... may delegate powers as to fire department to a board.......... may control police department through agency of a board... to provide office for collector of taxes.... may require information from city treasurer........... committees of, appointed annually in January....... meetings, to be prepared for and attended by messenger.. notices issued by, to be served by city messenger...... may require plans, etc., from city engineer......... may remove superintendent of streets.... ..........122 ........... .. ........... .. ............ .... . . . . . . 106 .112 . 112 . .116 . . INDEX. 289 ............... .147 175 ...188 126 132 . ......... .............. ... . CITY COUNCIL, continued. PAGE may authorize board of supervisors to make certain contracts.......... .134 may require services of health physician............. ......136 to regulate number of members of fire department... to determine number of night and day watchmen. may establish and regulate building lines... ordinances of, to be published........... to exercise certain powers of water commissioners... convention of, mayor to preside..... presiding officer in absence of mayor ..., oaths to be administered....... to determine representatives to general court. to elect acting mayor...................... .........17 to elect assessors, collector, overseers of poor, chief engineer and assistants, etc., and fix their compensation. .........19 to elect, etc., vacancies in offices of clerk and treasurer, and in school committee.... to elect assessors and assistant assessors to elect overseers of the poor........ to elect water commissioners by ballot.. to elect assistant assessors........ to elect schoolhouse agent........ to elect board of public works.... 131 vacancies in board of public works....... See CITY COUNCIL, ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. ELECTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC. subordinate officers not otherwise provided for.......... .......19 city officers to be elected, etc., on first Monday of February.. 101 city officers, procedure..... appointment of park commissioners......... officer to remove wires from streets. commissioners of sinking fund... messenger ............................ city engineer, annually............ superintendent of streets, annually... member of board of health, annually........... board of water commissioners under act of 1873.. 262 vacancies in board of water commissioners........... See CITY COUNCIL, CONVENTION OF FINANCES. to fix salary of mayor...... certain salaries by concurrent vote...... salary of election officers by order salaries not provided for....... etc., board of public works.......... etc., members of fire department etc., clerk of police commission.. care of treasury..................... annual account to be published... to require bonds in certain cases.... powers as to collection of taxes.... may appropriate money for parks....... ..........57 to be notified when appropriation for any department is exhausted....... 135 ....... 268 290 INDEX. es ............ ................. 269 .276 . . . . .144 .....20 CITY COUNCIL, continued. payments authorized by...... to fix interest on unpaid taxes.. may require report from commissioners of sinking fund.... to authorize repairs on city buildings in excess of $500..... to authorize printing contracts in excess of $200.. authority of, as to contracts for schools of over $500...... to ratify settlements of claims over $500............. .......... .130 to approve sale or purchase of property by police commission over $500..174 duties of as to water bonds, etc............... to annually determine amount of construction of new water mains........269 powers as to sinking funds for water bonds... 275 may vote to refund water debt, provisions for payment of bonds........ MEMBERS. members, to be sworn......... member, absent at organization...... members, failure of election... vacancies in ........... ..................... members,' ineligible to certain offices.... member, not to be eligible to election as water commissioner.... not to be park commissioner .. members, may hold other city office except of emolument member, to be member of board of health..... ....135 not to be fire commissioner, except........... not to be member of police commission..... .....173 members, not to contract with city or receive presents........ member, not to have private interest in city contract......... STREETS, SIDEWALKS, SEWERS. streets and ways, powers...... sidewalks and drains and assessments therefor....................... may require private drains to be conducted into public sewer.. highways, may alter or discontinue...... not to act upon streets, sidewalks or sewers without recommendation of board of public works. certain drains may be constructed ..... .............42 may establish sidewalks, and compel abutting owners to remove snow and ice.. .44 may relocate streets, etc........... .45 may refer matters to board of public works .... 132 may take land and water courses for sewers and drains.... 132 to give hearing to parties interested in laying out streets, etc.... proceedings after report of board of public works... ..182, 183 to refer questions as to sidewalks, to board of public works..... to assess cost of sidewalks upon land owners, when..... ......186 may order construction of sewer in private way.. action to prevent snow slides ........ ......206. RULES AND ORDERS. joint rules and orders of...... ..236-239 standing committees ........................... .236 original papers passing between boards.............. messages between two boards, to be in writing, when.. .237 proposal for time of next meeting.... non-concurrence, action upon...... 36 .......... .197 .237 .237 n ...................................... .237 INDEX. 291 PAGE .................................. .239 CITY COUNCIL, continued. commands of, to be in form of “ORDERS”. .237 “RESOLVES,” when proper...... ..........237 in convention, shall transact only business previously agreed on..........238 to choose salaried officers by viva voce vote.... See ALDERMEN, BOARD OF. See MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. See COMMON COUNCIL. CITY , ENGINEER. See ENGINEER, CITY. CITY FARM. See ALMSHOUSE." CITY FORESTER. See FORESTER. CITY GOVERNMENT how organized in first instance by charter........ .........14, 30 See CITY COUNCIL. CITY HALL care of grounds, etc..... ..........113 renting of rooms in........ ..........113 See MESSENGER and CITY PROPERTY, COMMITTEE ON. CITY HALL CLOCK care of ........ ........113 CITY HOSPITAL. See HOSPITAL. CITY LAMPS not to be lighted or extinguished without permission....... ..... CITY LIBRARY city may make appropriations for, under certain conditions.... CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Act of incorporation............ may hold real and personal estate. ........ may receive bequests, etc............. authorized to hold estate not exceeding $600,000... may hold estate not exceeding $1,500,000....... CITY MARSHAL. See MARSHAL. CITY MESSENGER. See MESSENGER. CITY OFFICERS. See OFFICERS. CITY PHYSICIAN. See PHYSICIAN. CITY PROPERTY buildings and property of city............. city council to have care and management of..... city council may sell and purchase, when.... schedule of, to be published annually................ private sewers and drains, how may become...... schedule of, to be reported annually by finance committee.... schedule of certain, to be reported annually by superintendent of streets. leased, water rates to be charged.... extensions of water service upon............ ............170 committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen.... ... 106, 236 duties of, limit as to expenditures by.... ...107, 127 may allow assistance to messenger............. .........113 to approve certain contracts of schoolhouse agent................. authority to make contracts in behalf of schools.... chairman to inspect accounts of schoolhouse agent, monthly....... .127 what bills may be approved by........ authority in employment of janitors of public schools............ .................................................4 . . . . 36 . . ........120 126 127 292 INDEX PAGE "................ ..17 . 17 ..90 .... CITY SEAL. See SEAL. CITY TREASURER. See TREASURER. CIVIL SERVICE. See POLICE DEPARTMENT. CLAIMS against city not to be paid by treasurer unless approved by auditor .......86 against city, to be examined by auditor ........ .............108 against city, not to be acted upon by auditor unless certified..............86 against city, heads of departments to certify, have approved and for- ward to auditor ............ ............87 against city, reduced to judgment, how paid............. .............87 due city, how collected..... .........88, 89 board on, of whom to consist, how chosen, powers and duties............130 claims settled by, need not be examined by auditor.. ....... 108 CLERK of board of public works, city, engineer to be, duties, vacancy............132 of board of water commissioners, how chosen and sworn..................64 CLERK OF BOARD OF HEALTH. See HEALTH, BOARD OF. CLERK OF CITY. See CITY CLERK. CLERK OF COMMON COUNCIL how chosen, and tenure of office. .... to be sworn............. to certify oaths in journal... .17 salary of ..... duties ....... .............248 CLOCK city hall, messenger to have care of......... ..........113 COAL inspection, measurement and sale of........ not to remain over night in streets, etc........... .197 and coke, dealers in, etc....... 217, 218 dealers in, to furnish statement with each load..... official weigher to certify to weight of load...... false statements as to weight. ................... ...217 dealers in, to have number and weight printed on each wagon, etc.. weight and variety to be tested by inspector of coal.. .218 inspector of .. ........................ appointment, compensation, qualifications... ..218 duties and report.... .......218 COASTING upon sidewalks and in certain streets, forbidden........ 202 COKE weight and variety to be tested by inspector of coal......... dealers in, to have number and weight printed on each wagon......... official weigher to certify to weight of load. dealers in, to furnish statement with each load..., false statements as to weight.. COLLECTION of claims due city....... ..88, 89 COLLECTOR OF TAXES to be elected annually by city council... salary of ... 19, 34, 90 powers of ..... ............ .........99 office to be provided by city council.. ..........99 23 .217 ......217 .218 ...217 218 218 21 217 217 .....19 INDEX. i 293 PAGE .103 .103 ....99 COLLECTOR OF TAXES, continued. to pay weekly to city treasurer....... collection of taxes, when to be completed......... to collect interest on overdue taxes and account for same. ... to file weekly statements with treasurer....... ..........88 accounts of, to be examined by auditor.... to collect water bills......... ........168, 169 to pay receipts from water bills, weekly... ..169 bond of, to cover collection of water bills..... .169 to transmit list of unpaid water bills to commissioners ................. official bond to cover duties in collecting bills due city.... to collect sidewalk and sewer assessments ......... duties as to collection of sidewalk assessments............. .23 186 166 ..207 .....89 collection of certain expenses in preventing snow slides... to furnish list of unpaid bills to finance committee......... COLLECTORS of junk, rags, etc., to be licensed, provisions.... COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS duties of chief engineer as to.. ..........148 COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS mayor may be appointed as such... COMMISSIONS contracts in excess of $1,000 to be signed by majority of. members of, not to have private interest in city contract............. hiring labor, to give preference to residents. ......... to apply to water registrar for extension of water service... See TITLES OF COMMISSIONS. COMMITTEES appointed by city council in January......... ........106, 236 joint standing, of city council.......................................236 joint standing, membership and chairmen......... ..........237 to be appointed by presiding officer of each branch of city council...241, 243 of common council...................... ........247 meetings of, to be notified by city messenger...... majority of, to sign certain contracts............... hiring labor, to give preference to residents. .......... of city council, may require plans of city engineer.... .........116 to apply to water registrar for extension of water service on city property 170 to make estimates................ reports of . .........238 rules and orders concerning...... .........236-248 of conference, provisions as to....... ........237 See TITLE OF COMMITTEE. COMMON See STREETS. COMMON COUNCIL established ......... ........14 organization of ......................................................17 17 to keep record of proceedings and judge of election of members.... to declare vacancy in office of mayor...... . ...98 ........106 294 . INDEX. ..... . ... COMMON COUNCIL, continued. PAGE sittings to be public. ........ of whom to consist, and how elected...... salary of clerk.......................... election of city officers, procedure.................. to choose member of board of supervisors..... may refer to board of public works any matter relating to streets, public places, etc. ......... .......187 shall hear board of public works in defense of report.. ........182 action on report of board of public works....... Wsi......183 rules and orders of......... 242-248 order of business of....... ..247 motions and votes........ orders, when suspended, repealed or amended............. 246 members to be sworn; quorum; compensation; powers..... ............................. . 244 . 14 • .... 16 . L 32. reapportionment of...................... apportioned among wards.. removal of from ward after election shall not disqualify. charter provisions as to manner of election of. manner of election... terms of two years..... vacancies in, how filled................ elect to meet first Monday in January ........17 may hold other office, when.. ..........102 ineligible to certain offices... .........20, 54, 102 conduct of, during debate.... .245 COMPENSATION of members of city council. ........ of city officers, charter provisions.. of certain officers, to be fixed by concurrent vote.. board of public works to fix, of temporary clerk.. 262 See SALARIES. CONDUITS for telephone wires.............. must be relocated when required by changes in sewers when to be laid, how and when removed. openings in streets regulated........................ of telephone company may be used by city wires.... CONFERENCE committee of.......... ......237 CONNECTICUT RIVER river line established.. ...69 no structure or filling to be done without license. use of, for water supply.. ...........260 CONSTABLE appointment and removal of . ......18 may be required to give bond................ city marshal and assistant marshal to be..... to serve orders as to dilapidated buildings.. CONSTRUCTION .........52 219 220 220 .220 .221 ..71 . . INDEX. 295 PAGD IL , · · · · .. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE duties of city physician...... .120 duties of health physician.... ........136 CONTINGENT FUND : orders of board on claims may be charged to.............. .........130 CONTRACTS . of city exceeding $1,000 to be in writing, etc., and not to be altered, except..97 building contracts in excess of $500 to have bond approved by mayor......97 not to be made with person who has broken previous contract........... with city, officers of city government not to have private interest in..... city engineer to measure work done under...... ....117 copies to be deposited with city clerk and city treasurer................ for city work, to contain provisions for water used by contractors....... city engineer to make, in certain cases..... superintendent of streets may make, when..... made by schoolhouse agent....... ..............126 in behalf of schools, authority divided between city property committee and school committee........ .........126, 127 made by board of supervisors.... .............................134 for sewers may be made by superintendent...... .........189 CONVENTION See CITY COUNCIL, CONVENTION OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS powers of, as to laying out streets, etc....... ......23 powers of, as to North End bridge.. COWS See ANIMALS. CROSSWALKS travel upon, not to be obstructed............... .199, 232 not to be obstructed by standing teams............................199, 229 CURBING . See STREETS. CURFEW ...... . 204-205 .. .............. ......... .. ..... ....251 EIS............................ . . . . . . DAMAGES claims for, to be investigated by board on claims...... to be estimated by park commissioners.. board of public works to estimate..... for laying out streets, how assessed.. for relocation of streets, etc........... for laying out streets, etc., to whom paid... land, etc., taken for streets...... for laying out streets, etc., how estimated. for taking of sewers, etc., how recovered...... for taking of land, etc., for sewers and drains... from construction of main sewers...................... ............ for land, etc., taken for water supply...... ..........265, 267, 272, 273 caused by defects in streets of Ludlow, due to laying water pipes........ 269 for diversion or malicious use of city water....... ..............263 to clothing of police officers, may be reimbursed........ for removal of dilapidated buildings.... 165 . . . 187 .................... .93 296 INDEX. PAGE .................. ......... ....... ...... ................................. .100 .239 .276 .74 DAMAGES, continued. caused by establishment of building line............ to be borne by telephone company when.............. 221 caused by defects in Old Toll bridge, how paid........ .255 caused by defects in North End bridge, how paid..... . 253 resulting from defects in South End bridge, how paid.. ....257, 259 DEATHS certificate of, executed by city physician..... .120 list of, to be reported by board of health. .136 list of, to be reported by city physician........ ..119 DEBT annual statement of... 107. of city, provisions for sinking funds........ order for, to require a two thirds vote... provisions for refunding water debt... DEEDS given by the city, how executed.. ......... .222 DEFINITIONS "avenue” ...........185 "fire duty” ....... ..........95 “for cause” ...... 177 - "lanes and alleys”..... "long distance telephone wire' "places and courts”, .......185 . “street” ..................... .......51, 132, 187 DEPARTMENTS appropriations for, not to be exceeded......... appropriations exhausted, city council to be notified... not to make expenditures beyond appropriations, unless..., bills of, to be approved by committee or board........... heads of, to certify to correctness of bills....... .......87 to file itemized bills with auditor of claims due on or before tenth of month 88 employees of ash department, how paid................. ...................87 contract work, may be measured by city engineer.. city engineer to furnish plans, specifications, and contracts for ..........116 to apply to water registrar for extension of water service... See TITLES OF DEPARTMENTS. DEPUTY CHIEF ENGINEER See ENGINEERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. DILAPIDATED BUILDINGS...... ........164 See BUILDINGS. DISORDERLY CONDUCT in streets, etc., forbidden............ at fires to be reported to fire commission.. DISTRICT POLICE may be called upon to inspect dangerous buildings........... ......... 167 DOGS keeping of regulated: penalty ......... complaints of disturbances caused by. DOORS not to swing over streets or sidewalks.... .........201 · · · · 116 ... 170 ..20 .209 INDEX. 297 PAGE ..171 DRAINS See SEWERS AND DRAINS, PLUMBING. DRAY See TRUCK. DRINKING FOUNTAINS annual credit for, to water department....... DRIVERS See FIRE DEPARTMENT. DRIVING in streets, regulated.. of, trucks, drays, etc., at moderate pace........... DYNAMITE transportation of.......... ..............232 .........208 ........... .... .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. ... . .. .. ............................ .......................... EDUCATION committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen........ .........236 ELECTIONS charter provisions............... ........15, 16 of members of city council, validity of, how determined. ..... .........17 of city officers... ..........19 of city officers by viva voce vote.......... ...19 Note for county, state, etc., officers, how held.... ........25 aldermen and councilmen...... ........39, 40 of city officers, on first Monday of February............ .........101 of city officers, after time fixed by ordinance, to be valid..... .......101 warrants for, how issued, signed, served and returned... of salaried officers by city council...... .........239 committee on.... ....... .............241 See CITY COUNCIL; TITLE OF OFFICER. ELEVATORS See BUILDINGS. EMERGENCY EXPENSES of overseers of the poor....... of superintendent of schools.... .............125 of board of health ...... of fire commissioners.. 146 of police department... EMPLOYEES of city, eight hours to be day's work.. .79 weekly, paid upon approval of certain officers... ...............87 ENGINEER, CITY to have charge of engineering department. appointment, term of office, removal...... salary of......... to have charge of plans of streets, etc....... 115 plans made by, to remain property of city. 115 duties of........... may employ assistants and procure materials .........116 duties as to numbering streets............. ....117, 118 to report annually in December.... .........118 to make plans for board of public works.. ........,132 :.......................................... 104 136 177 . ................... ...................... . 115 ......... ...116 298 INDEX. ........92 95 ........................... 162 ENGINEER, CITY, continued. PAGE to be clerk of board of public works........ .........132 to be a member of board of survey ........ .......166 powers and duties as to construction of new streets on private lands.. 183-185 to take measurements of sewer connections, when notified.... to inform superintendent of sewers as to grades.... ........191 to make and keep plans of common sewers and entries..... 191 assistant city engineers, salary of.... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT........ .......115-118 to be in charge of city engineer......... .................115 reports of city engineer.... ........117, 118 assistants in, compensation, etc......... ..........116 ENGINEERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT to have authority of fire wards.... .....33, 34 board of engineers, meetings, quorum, rules, nominations... ....147, 148 excuses, to pass upon sufficiency of.... .............94 chief engineer, how chosen, tenure of office, vacancies.... ...146, 147 charter provisions ....... .....19, 33 salary of ............. ...:.19, 93 absence or disability of, pay, how apportioned. .....94 salary of, during absence or disability... absence or inability of......... .148 injuries of, as affecting compensation... general duties of... , 149 to be member of board of survey......... 166 ineligible as inspector of buildings...... to approve payment of permanent men.... claims for pay, to approve............. report of .... to preside over board of engineers........ 147 to report violations of building ordinance.. may order changes in buildings, etc.; penalty... to make nominations, when... may suspend member for neglect of duty, etc... to approve rolls...... may order apparatus to neighboring town or city, when duties as to application for pensions......... to cause fire alarm to be sounded at 9.30 p. m... deputy chief engineer, how chosen, tenure of office, vacancies. to perform duties of chief engineer, when.... salary of .......................................... salary of during absence or disability...... absence or disability of, pay how apportioned injuries of, as affecting compensation.. to make nominations, when........ may suspend in certain cases........... to approve payment of permanent men. .87 .152 • 146, 147 94 149 ineligible as inspector of buildings...... assistant engineers, charter provisions..... salary of ....................................................19, 93 how chosen, tenure of office, vacancies and rank................146, 147 performing duties of chief or deputy chief, to have their pay.........95 to report disorderly conduct at fires......... ..........151 ''..19, 33 INDEX. 299 PAGE .247 ENGINEMEN See FIRE DEPARTMENT, MEMBERS OF. ENROLLMENT duties of clerk of common council as to... 238 committee on...... .241 committee of, in .common council... ESTIMATES See APPROPRIATIONS, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, COMMITTEES. EXHIBITION LICENSES committee on, may grant licenses, when........... .234 " may order firemen and policemen at theaters, etc...................235 EXPENDITURES city council to see that none are made unless granted. report of, to be published annually....:...... not to be made by any department beyond appropriations. treasurer to report to city council, when.... committee on finance to report annually.. auditor to make annual report of...... of superintendent of streets.... of superintendent of schools.. restrictions on schoolhouse agent.............. order authorizing, to have two readings on different days.. restrictions on committees. See TITLE OF COMMITTEES. EXPLOSIVES transportation of, regulated......... .........208 EXPRESS WAGONS licenses, what to include........... ....138 .........197-198 ..240 star FARE rates of, to be posted inside hackney carriages; rates and limits of, fixed. .229 FEES received by members of police department, to be accounted for..........178 See LICENSES. FENCES in streets, not to be injured.......... ...........200 FILTH rules of board of health as to..... .....136 not to be placed in streets, etc...... .....197 See NIGHT SOIL. FINANCE COMMITTEE of whom to consist and how chosen.... ....106, 236 general powers and duties..... .... 106, 107 unpaid claims due city, treatment of.. ..88, 89 to present estimates to city council......... ........106 other committees to furnish estimates to, of money needed..........106, 125 duties of, as to accounts and securities of treasurer, etc...................107 to report annually, receipts, expenditures, city property and city debt....107 may prescribe form of auditor's accounts. ..... estimate of police department. ... 109 .................................... 174 300 INDEX • • • • ... .. ................... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... ........ . ... ............ ... ... ............................... FINES PAGE to be recovered before police court....... 24 to be paid to city treasurer..... .24 payment of, how enforced.... to be accounted for by justice of police court........ incurred not affected by repeal of ordinance....... ...........225 See PENALTIES. FIREARMS not to be discharged in streets, etc......... ..........200 FIRE ALARM to be sounded at 9.30 p. m................... ............204 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH regulation of, by fire commission...... ..........145 not to be injured or defaced; penalty..... ...........153 wires may be placed in telephone conduits.............. ...........221 superintendent of, how chosen, tenure of office, vacancies, rank......146, 147 salary of........ ..........93 to be supervisor of wires............. .........151 to have charge of police signal telegraph..., .178 to have access to telephone conduits....... ..........221 FIRE DEPARTMENT IN GENERAL. charter provisions............... .....................26 as established under Acts of 1853. general alarms to be answered by members during three days’ vacation....94 "fire duty" defined.................... ............95 in general ...........143-153 estimates of...... .........145 to be under general control of fire commission ....145 rules of............................ ..145 report of......... 145 credit of, not to be exceeded. 145 of whom to consist.. 146 rolls ......................... apparatus not to be taken from city, except.. investigation of suspensions. suspended persons, may appeal. ....... streets barricaded by, to be kept clear.. disorderly conduct at fires.. 151 pensions of firemen, act acceptód....... in fire department.... 151-153 members incapacitated, to be examined by city physician ...120 examination of members for....... ......152 to be paid from appropriation...... .................................153 committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen..................106, 236 member of board of fire commissioners..... ..........144 FIRE COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF. authorized by statute........ chosen by city council, to serve without compensation.. of whom to consist, appointment, removal from city, vacancies.. to notify mayor of vacancy existing ............. ............144 general powers and duties. estimates, accounts, report...... ........145 ............. ... ......... ... . .150 .150 ......................... .149 151 Pal............................. ................................... ..79 ..................... ......... ................................... ................................ auUDUITZEN DY Sud uute.................................................00 ................. ...144 ....................................145 INDEX. 301 .144 145 95 93 94 93 52 49 96 ...149 157 ....... 235 FIRE DEPARTMENT, continued. PAGE to choose chairman and secretary........ . 144 chairman of fire commission, appointment, tenure of office..... secretary of fire commission...... .145 powers to sell and purchase property for less than $1,000...... to approve bills...... 146 to have emergency.fund of $200.... 146 may order compensation paid to chief or deputy chief, while disabled... discretion as to salary of first assistant call engineer. may grant vacations with pay........ to fix salaries of captains............ powers as to pay of call members. . claims for pay, to approve.................. may fix pensions...... may change pensions, after a hearing........ powers in choosing captains, lieutenants, and clerks.... may appoint and fix compensation of extra call men... may suspend, remove or discharge any officer or member of department... 149 to investigate appeals by persons suspended. .......... to approve rules of board of engineers. ..........147, 148 chairman may order apparatus to neighboring town or city.. may detail firemen at theaters, etc..... .....235 may require fire apparatus in theaters, etc. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. officers, authority of................................. ...................33 members of, how appointed... .............33 members of, how chosen, number of, to be fixed by city council. ....146, 147 members of, may be suspended, removed or discharged by fire commis- sioners .............. members of, age, residence, occupation........ candidates to be examined by city physician... .120 members of, neglect of duty, how punished........ companies to have captain, lieutenant, and clerk... ............149 nominations ... ..................149 officers of, may be suspended, removed or discharged by fire commissioners 149 suspension of officers and members...... .........149 removal of officers and members..... 49 discharge of officers and members......... 149 officers of, neglect of duty, how punished.... ...149 captains, how chosen..... 49 captains, duties of, as to rolls........... captains, to disburse pay to members. 50 captain, may excuse members.. lieutenant ................................... lieutenants, how chosen.. 149 clerks, how chosen, duties and tenure of office... 49 clerks, duties of, as to rolls....... members to answer general alarms during three days' vacation .94 members absent without excuse to pay penalty...... composition of companies, how fixed... quarterly pay rolls to be approved ........ ....146 extra call men, appointment and compensation... running members.. .............149 ...150 ...149 150 94 ..93 ........... 94 96 150 302 INDE PAGE To. 5................ ................................ ............................ .151 FIRE DEPARTMENT, continued. Salaries and Vacations engineers ... .94 captains ..... , 94 call captains.. drivers enginemen ... hydrantmen laddermen linemen ...... tillermen .... call members...... running members....... salary of members of Hose Co. No. 5. salaries in, how fixed... permanent men, how paid... salaries of members... members may have two weeks' vacation with pay.. members of, disabled, to have full pay, when.... claims for pay to be made within three days from injury...... claims for pay to be approved by commissioners and chief engineer....95 compensation of extra call men.... ..........96 compensation of members not serving between pay days, to be forfeited 96 members of, how paid........ .............150 pay to be fixed by city council. FIRE DISTRICT act authorizing cities to regulate construction of buildings.. courts may restrain unlawful construction of buildings within........52, 167 bounded ........ ..................154 storage of rags and waste paper in....... ...214 See BUILDINGS. FIRE DISTRICTS of town of Springfield ..... .............26, 27 may be established ................................................37, 41 FIRE ESCAPES upon schoolhouses... ..........167 See BUILDINGS. FIRE HYDRANTS annual charge for. ..........171 FIRES extinguishment of......... rules as to construction of buildings. ...... duties of police department as to......... 178 FIRE WOOD survey, inspection and sale of..... .........23 not to reřain over night in streets, etc.... wagons for sale of, where may stand. ... persons selling from team on street must have load measured .......... ..199 not to be sawed or piled on sidewalk or street.. FIREWORKS not to be discharged in streets, without license....... .200 •33 .....197 .....198 INDEX. 303 PAGE . 103 121 FISCAL YEAR to end December tenth........ FISH not to be taken from water supply reservoir without permission.........268 FLAGS suspended over sidewalks............. ..........196 FOOTWALKS travel upon, not to be obstructed.... “FOR CAUSE” defined ....................................................177 FORESTER appointment, tenure of office, duties.. salary of............ removal from office..... to act under board of supervisors.... to approve payment of employees in forestry department... may order electric fixtures removed from trees; penalty. FORFEITURES to be recovered before police court..... to be paid to city treasurer...... ...............24 city relieved from... See PENALTIES. FRUIT wagons for sale of, where may stand. ........ .........198 FUEL not to remain over night in streets......... See FIRE Wood. FULMINATES transportation of......... ..........208 FURNITURE second-hand ..........212 197 CU Sew ers............................................ .........220 GAMES of chance, not to be played in streets........ .........200 in streets, regulated ................ ....202 GARBAGE powers of board of health. .......... .......136 GAS PIPES not to obstruct sewers..... ..........190 not to be disturbed by telephone company.. GATES not to be allowed to swing over streets or sidewalks...................201 GOATS See ANIMALS. GRADE of sewers, streets, etc. See STREETS, SEWERS, and ENGINEER, CITY. GUIDEPOSTS in streets, not to be injured........ .........200 GUNCOTTON transportation of............................ 208 GUNPOWDER transportation of......... ........208 304 INDEX. . ........... 35 35 36 136 36 ΕΙ HACKNEY CARRIAGES PAGE rules and orders as to: to be numbered, and licensed...... .....228 to stand where ordered by mayor, etc... ......229 not to obstruct streets.. .229 drivers to wear badges........ ......229 rates of fare.. ......229-231 to convey baggage, when.. ........... ..........231 persons other than driver, etc., not to solicit passengers... HALLS entrance to, not to be obstructed by loiterers............ ...........202 HANDBILLS not to be placed in streets, etc...................... ..........197 HAY wagons for sale of, where may stand......... HEALTH, BOARD OF charter provisions............ election, qualifications, tenure of office, vacancies, and removal......... of whom to consist; powers and duties. report of........ inspectors of..... may appoint agent and inspectors.. ........136 rules of.... 136, 138, 139 to choose chairman.... ..........136 health physician to be clerk of salary of clerk....... ......91 plumbing rules. records of................... may supervise plumbing....... powers as to privy vaults.... may command city physician in case of contagious disease... applications to, for certain services... to record certain licenses..... 139 to regulate keeping of swine.............. to make rules for plumbing, issue permits... 141 may revoke plumbing licenses... powers of, as to dilapidated buildings........... may order landowner to connect with public sewer: notice: penalty...... 192 agent of......... ..........136 compensation of......... ...............91, 136 to approve payment of employees of scavenger and ash departments. .87 See HEALTH PHYSICIAN. HEALTH PHYSICIAN duties of........ ..........136 compensation of.... .............91, 136 See HEALTH, BOARD OF. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT employees of, how paid......... ........ HIGHWAYS city council may alter or discontinue............. provisions as to streets to apply to........... See STREETS. ............................................ 140 ....142 .....165 .............35 INDEX. 305 PAGE Race..............................33 .........201 ........197 HOOK AND LADDER.. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. HORNS not to be blown in streets without license................. HORSES speed in streets not to exceed eight miles per hour......... See ANIMALS. HOSEMEN See FIRE DEPARTMENT. HOSPITAL, CITY appropriations may be made for....... HOTELS entrance to, not to be obstructed by loiterers...... See BUILDINGS. HOUSE DIRT not to be placed in streets, etc............. ........ HYDRANTMEN See FIRE DEPARTMENT. .........37 .........197 Ι . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t ICE to be removed from sidewalks........ not to be put in streets unless spread evenly..... upon sidewalks to be removed or sanded ......... INDECENT EXPOSURE from streets, etc., prohibited..... ........201 INDECENT LANGUAGE . in streets, forbidden........ ..........201 INFECTIOUS DISEASES See CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. INJUNCTIONS to prevent illegal erection or use of buildings........ ..........52, 167 INN HOLDERS licenses of......... ................19 INSANE PERSONS to be attended by city physician........ INSPECTION of lumber, coal, wood, bark, ordinances may provide for....... of buildings by district police........ INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS. See ANIMALS. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS. See BUILDINGS, INSPECTOR OF. INSPECTOR OF COAL. SEE COAL, INSPECTOR OF...... INSPECTOR OF MEATS. See MEATS, INSPECTOR OF. INSPECTOR OF MILK. See MILK, INSPECTOR OF. INSPECTOR OF POLICE. See POLICE DEPARTMENT. INTEREST · upon unpaid taxes. .........99 IRON RINGS not to be affixed to lamp-posts in streets ....... .... ............ .. ......... ..... . ..............217 ......... 306. INDEX. J .238 ............238 JABISH BROOK - PAGE water supply from...... .271 JANITORS of schoolhouses, employment and compensation of....... ........ .........127 JOINT RESOLUTIONS readings and passage of.......... JOINT STANDING COMMITTEES See COMMITTEES. JUNK collectors of, to be licensed, provisions..... ..........213 to carry badge; hours; not to enter building without permission....213 bags, vehicles, etc., of may be examined; information to be given....214 to give information to police, etc.; rags, etc., how stored in fire district ................ dealers in; licenses; records; inspection; report. not to receive from minors....... to keep trace of certain articles.... sign; inspection; hours; licenses; penalty. rags, etc.; how stored in fire district....... 214 JURORS, LIST OF ....... . ... .. .. . 12 212 212 ...22 K KITE FLYING in streets, régulated....... ........202 L ... . . . . . . . . . ...187 LABOR residents to have preference........ .........98 LADDERMEN See FIRE DEPARTMENT. LAMP-POSTS in streets not to be injured or defaced by advertising matter, etc.........200 LAMPS in streets, not to be lighted or extinguished without permission.........200 LANES provisions as to streets to apply to........ See STREET. “LANES AND ALLEYS” defined ........... ........185 LANTERNS in streets, not to be injured......... ............ LAYING OUT STREETS, SIDEWALKS, SEWERS, ETC. See STREETS, SIDEWALKS, SEWERS, PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF. LEASES given by the city, how executed.... .......222 LEGISLATURE may amend charter................... ........32 See ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. . INDEX. 307 PAGE . I . . . 140 . 42 . LIBRARY See CITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. LICENSES mayor and aldermen to have exclusive power, etc., in certain cases........19 forfeiture of...... for filling, etc. in Connecticut river .......... for trucks, etc., to include removal of ashes... to remove night soil, dead animals, etc... to remove ashes, etc., form of...... for keeping of swine........... for plumbing, may be revoked by board of health to dig up and occupy streets, etc..... for express wagons, etc................. to move buildings through streets.... for fireworks and bonfires in streets.. for use of bells, horns, etc., in streets.... for sprinkling streets............ to place metal coverings in sidewalks; terms; revocation.... for dealers in junk, old metals and second-hand articles ..211 for dealers in junk, etc............................... to rag pickers, junk collectors, etc., revocation: record: expiration.. to boot blacks: general provisions..... to dealers in coal and coke; term: fee.......... . 198 . 190 . 200 . 201 . 33 ..234 ....... for trucks, drays, etc., conditions, expiration, transfer; fee... for street musicians; expiration; fee... for street musicians, may include several persons. fee for, public amusements, theatrical exhibitions, circuses, etc... ....... LIEN assessment under acts of 1866, ch. 174, for altering, etc., streets to be a 49, 50 upon land, of costs of removing unsafe structures.....................166 of sidewalk assessments.... LIEUTENANT See POLICE DEPARTMENT. LIGHTING STREETS committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen .... .........106, 236 to report estimates annually to finance committee.................106 LIGHTS to be placed around obstructions in streets ................ .........196 to be kept over fuel, etc., left in streets after twilight........ ..........197 in streets, not to be lighted or extinguished without permission..........200 LOITERING in streets, forbidden. LONGMEADOW part of, annexed ................. .........66-68 LUDLOW duties of Springfield in laying water mains in......... ...........269 water to be supplied to, free, for certain purposes.................. 269, 270 See WATER SUPPLY. LUMBER survey and sale of......... not to be deposited in streets without license.......... ..........195 308 INDEX. .134 176 ..92 . . ..... . 179 . 87 . 185 . . 198 M MACADAMIZING . PAGE board of supervisors may contract for. MANHOLES for telephone conduits............... ..219 may be opened without permit.. .220 MANURE disposal of....... ...............123 not to be removed from streets without authority MARSHAL, CITY appointment, and removal of..... 18, 175 may be required to give bond...... to give bond of $2000.......... salary of..... absence from duty with full pay...... to act as constable........ ...........175 powers and duties...............................................176, 177 to have $200 for emergency expenses.... .........177 to approve absence from duty of members of police department. .........93 may appoint and remove lieutenant. ...175 may appoint and remove sergeants.... ...175 may detail and remove inspectors......... 176 may assign duty to reserve police.. may serve notices for board of public works. may serve sidewalk notices...... to assign stands for wagons selling provisions, etc.. to assign stands for public carriages.............. 198 may order loiterers in streets to move on... .201 may order loiterers away from certain buildings...... duties of, enforcing chapter 37 (injurious practices in streets) to control transportation of explosives in streets........ to order certain dogs to be removed............... .209 dealers in junk, etc., records, inspection: report....... ........ .211 may examine bags, etc., of rag pickers, etc.; may receive information, etc. .214 reports to, of inspector of coal............ .218 service of warrants for general meetings....... to approve posters, when...... .235 may license boot blacks; application: revocation: record........ ....215 to record licenses for hackney carriages etc., transfers..... to keep record of licenses of trucks, drays, etc., and of transfers..... 232 . . .202 . . .205 208 . . . .222 ........... 228 . 233 to license street musicians, and furnish tag and copy of rules......, MARSHAL, ASSISTANT appointment and removal of...... annual election.................... powers and duties.. to have powers and duties of constables salary of................ to give bond of $1500... to act as constable........ may serve notices for board of public works ....... may serve sidewalk notices... may assign stands for wagons selling provisions, etc......... 198 duties in enforcing chapter 37 (injurious practices in streets).. ...205 INDEX. 309 ...........16 MARSHAL, ASSISTANT, continued. PAGE rag pickers, etc., inspection of bags, etc., and examination: report......214 service of warrants for general meetings.... ..........223 MASTER OF ALMSHOUSE. See ALMSHOUSE, MASTER OF. MATERIALS officers of city not to furnish in private capacity........ ...........97 MAYOR CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. to be principal executive and administrative officer... .........14, charter provisions as to manner of election........ tenure of office....... to be notified of election by aldermen.............. absence of, aldermen to choose presiding officer ...... ..........17 in case of decease, resignation, absence or physical inability of, acting mayor to be chosen ....... ..........17 vacancy in office of ......... 17, & Note when no election.. oaths administered to........... may administer oaths to members of city council... duties of..................................... salary of; not to be changed during term.... may remove officers.............................. may call special meetings of city council.... to preside in board of aldermen and in convention ... information and recommendations to city council to have casting vote....... to cause laws and ordinances to be enforced .....1 as commissioner of highways... veto power of..... nominations by......... to be chairman of overseers of the poor ......... to certify dissolution of school districts..... to be ex officio member of board of water commissioners. may appoint board of park commissioners. ............. ex officio member and chairman of school committee. .... to designate officer to enforce law against smoke nuisance. GENERAL PROVISIONS. to draw orders on the treasurer..... ..............86 absence or inability of................. ........86, 87 not to draw orders on treasury beyond appropriation for each department..86 to be notified when appropriation for any department is exhausted........86 to approve payment of weekly employees ...... ........................87 may draw orders upon city treasurer for certain payments, within ap- propriations .................................................. salary of, not to be changed during term ....................... to approve amount and sureties on certain building contracts... contracts in excess of one thousand dollars, to be signed by...... may hold other office, when.. 102 no election, warrants for new election... 102 no election of, president of aldermen to perform duties ....... 102 to be member of finance committee.... notices, etc., issued by, to be served by city messenger.. .112 may require city engineer to measure work done by contract............116 ....106 310 INDEX. 136 162 .175 179 222 .237 . 108 MAYOR, continued. PAGE may request city physician to examine persons injured, when city may be liable.................... .........120 to be member of committees on finance, and on printing............106, 236 may inspect accounts of schoolhouse agent...... ........127 to be member of board on claims....... .......130 to be member of board of supervisors.. .134 may require services of health physician.......... duties of, in respect to violations of building ordinance. may provide fire escapes for schoolhouses, when 167 to be member and chairman of police commission. 172 to approve bills of police department......... may assign duty to reserve police...... may order loiterers in streets to move on..... 201 may order loiterers away from certain buildings... .202 to approve certain bonds.... 204 to approve sureties on bond of telephone company.... to sign, seal and acknowledge deeds, etc., in behalf of city. 222 may assign or discharge mortgages.......... may sign warrants for city meetings in absence of clerk.. may order hackney carriages where to stand... 229 ex officio chairman of joint committees APPOINTMENTS, REMOVALS, ETC. to appoint city auditor ....... may appoint auditor pro tempore.... may remove city physician.. to appoint city physician.. to appoint and remove city forester ...... .....121 may remove member of board of health. to appoint fire commissioners.............. to appoint members of police commission...... to appoint inspector of coal..... .218 to appoint all committees of board of aldermen... See MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, ACTING MAYOR. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. charter provisions for election of. to issue warrants for meetings of citizens.. to notify aldermen of election....... shall record failure to elect mayor.. executive powers of city vested in.... to have powers of selectmen....... powers as to licenses.. sittings to be public. ................... ....... ................ appointments by, to be made on nominations of mayor powers and duties as to jury list... charter powers as to streets and ways........ to compare election returns......... ........ 25 duties as to list of voters. .......... to warn general meetings of citizens upon request..... may appoint enginemen, hoseinen, and hook and ladder men......... sewers and drains, may vote to appropriate.................. 135 .241 1 INDEX. 311 PAGD ....... 102 106 ..165 165 166 ....168 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, continued. not to act upon streets, sidewalks or sewers without recommendation of board of public works........ to appoint a building commissioner........ buildings, powers as to............. to be board of appeal, in cases of removal of wires........ powers of as to police department transferred to city council... not elected, warrants for new election... GENERAL PROVISIONS. to issue warrants for elections to fill vacancies in city offices. to appoint committee on sewers and drains....., may require plans, etc., from city engineer ...... may order a street renumbered... may assess expense of numbering buildings.... to designate inspector of buildings. powers as to dilapidated buildings... may designate inspector of buildings........ powers to remove certain dilapidated, etc., buildings may choose member of board of survey.. may order immediate removal of unsafe buildings... 166 may request district police to inspect buildings..... 167 may permit firing of artillery ........ to approve bond of collector of taxes....... 169 to approve bonds of marshal and assistant marshal... 176 commands of, to be obeyed by city marshal... action upon petitions for changes in streets........ may designate police officer to serve notices for board of public works....181 shall hear board of public works in defense of report........ .........182 action upon betterment cases. ....... .........183 may refer to board of public works any matter relating to streets, public places, etc..............................................187 powers of, as to sewers and drains...... sewers and drains, general authority, to receive report..............189, 190 to prescribe materials and dimensions of common sewers. ........... may order landowner to connect with public sewer; notice; penalty......192 to issue permits for sewer entrances......... ..............193 to adopt rules and regulations for sewers and drains..... awnings, powers as to..... ..............196 may permit and regulate suspension of articles over streets and sidewalks 196 may assign stands for express wagons, etc.......... .......198 permission of, to light or extinguish city lamps........ .200 authority of, as to trees in the streets... may examine shops of dealers in junk, etc........... .212 may authorize underground wires and distributing poles. may order changes in telephone conduits, poles, etc. may revoke authority given to telephone company, when..... may require new bond from telephone company, when.. 221 notice of general meetings of citizens..... rules and orders as to hackney carriages. may inspect places of public amusement......... 177 .........181 181 .200 219 .221 221 .......................... 235 LICENSES. to remove night soil, etc....... to remove ashes, etc................................................. 138 312 INDEX. ........198 . . • 198 . . . .210 136 ......137 MAYOR AND ALDERMEN, continued. PAGE for public carriages...... express wagons, etc................... fireworks and bonfires in streets...... 200 use of bells, horns, etc., in streets..... .201 for street sprinkling, record, revocation. .203 pawnbrokers dealers in junk, etc., and inspect their records .211 to rag pickers, junk collectors, etc...... .213 to drive hackney carriages, etc.... .228 for trucks, drays, etc........... ...231 for public amusements..... .234 See ALDERMEN, BOARD OF; MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL. MEATS AND PROVISIONS inspector of...... salary of .... ...91 MEATS, PROVISIONS AND ANIMALS inspector of...... compensation of......... MEETINGS to vote upon park laws, how held......... .........60 of committees, to be notified by city messenger. ...112. of citizens, how called, etc.......... ......... 223 MEETINGS OF CITIZENS charter provisions..... ......25, 26 MERCHANDISE suspended or displayed in sidewalks or streets.............. .........196 MESSENGER, CITY election, term of office, duties ....112, 113 salary of.. ..................................................90 fees ............................... ..................113 may have assistance, when... ...........113 messages transmitted between boards of city council by, to be written....237 MILK AND VINEGAR inspector of..... compensation of.... .....................................91, 137 entire time to be given.. ............91 MINOR rag pickers and junk collectors not to deal with ........... ...........213 MINORS pawnbrokers not to receive articles from.... ...210 dealers in junk, old metals and second-hand articles, not to purchase from 212 licenses to, as boot blacks.. .......215 MISSILES not to be thrown or projected in or into streets............ ...............202 . MONEY of city, bonds to be required of persons entrusted with....... ..........19 not to be taken from treasury unless granted or appropriated........19 how and when drawn from treasury, restrictions.............86, 87, 130 not to be drawn from treasury without mayor's order................86 MORTGAGES duties of assistant city clerk.. how discharged or assigned............ ........222 ...........137. ....114 INDEX. 313 PAGE MOTIONS. . See RULES AND ORDERS. MULES. See ANIMALS. MUNICIPAL REGISTER published annually by city council....... to include annual report of board of water commissioners................55 MUSICIANS. See STREET MUSICIANS. 19 .197 ........105 U 139 .201 ...........237 ........... CT ......en . . NAILS not to be thrown in streets.. NEGLECTED CHILDREN....... NIGHT SOIL licenses to remove. ........ 138 not to be transported through streets, when..... restriction as to carrying through streets....... NITRO-GLYCERINE transportation of............ ............208 NOISES certain, in streets, regulated.. NOMINATIONS mayor has exclusive power............................................20 NON-CONCURRENCE of boards in city council, proceedings upon............ NON-RESIDENTS NORTH END BRIDGE. See BRIDGES. NOTES of city, how paid............... .........87 NOTICES in case of laying out streets, sidewalks, sewers, etc........... messenger to serve.... to mayor, by city engineer, of encroachments on streets.....: of violation of building ordinances......... 162 to owner, of violation of building ordinances. of dilapidated building....... of unsafe buildings......................... to non-resident owners of unsafe buildings.............. of hearing by board of public works, how served ...... of hearing on damages caused by laying out streets, etc....... to landowners, of construction of sidewalks, how served, etc... of construction of sidewalks, how served, returned, etc..... 186 to owner of underground pipes, to remove same.. 190 to landowner, to connect with public sewer... requiring protection against snow slides ...... .206 of general meeting of citizens... NUISANCES certain buildings, to be..... may be....... privy vault may be........... smoke nuisance regulated........ powers of board of health... creation of, upon private premises... certain buildings may be. ........... . •117 . 162 . 164 . 165 . 167 . 181 . . . 192 . 224 . . . . . . . . ...164 314 INDEX. PAGD NUISANCES, continued. buildings which àre, may be enjoined. ....... in streets to be investigated by city marshal... · NUMBERING STREETS record to be kept by city engineer ........ ..............167 ........ ...263 ..101 101 .............. 101 ................ . 102 12 .97 ...........211 .213 OATHS of city officers, when and by whom administered....... .........10, 17 OCCUPANT of tenement, when liable for water rent........... OFFICERS, CITY charter provisions as to election of: tenure of office. 5, 16 election of by city council on first Monday of February.......... manner of election by city council. ...... election of, by city council, to be by viva voce vote.. 239 election of, after time fixed by ordinance, to be valid...... terms of office........ removal from one ward to another not to disqualify...... vacancies, how filled .......... not to have private interest in city contract.... hiring labor, to give preference to residents..... city officer, not to be fire commissioner. ........ 144 See TITLES OF OFFICERS. OFFICERS, ELECTION salary of, to be fixed by order of city council......... .........91 OLD METALS dealers in; licenses; records; inspection; report..... collectors of, to be licensed, provisions...... OMNIBUSES rules and Orders as to..... ........ 228-231 ORDERS for payment of money from treasury, how drawn.......................86 drawn by mayor upon city treasurer within appropriations..............87 authorizing penalties or expenditures to have two readings on differ- ent days............ .........240, 248 for printing may have two readings on same day....... ..........241, 248 as to dilapidated buildings, procedure... ....164, 165 on treasurer. See TREASURER. See RULES AND ORDERS. ORDINANCES table showing disposition of Revised Ordinances of 1890.. table showing disposition of Ordinances passed 1898-1904.... charter provisions, penalties, etc......... to be enforced by mayor.............. to be published... need not be set forth in complaint.......... may regulate construction of buildings..... may prescribe mode of collecting water rents, etc.... may regulate business of plumbing............. may regulate board of fire commissioners........... designating officer to place wires underground..... ........7 ...... 5 INDEX. 315 ...77 ... .. . ... .. .. . ....................... .................................................. .................. .............. .......... .... .225 .241 ................................ 20 ......... 19 ........................ ........................ ORDINANCES, continued. PAGE may regulate police department....... provisions of, as to time of election to be directory......... .....101 duties of board of public works may be prescribed by. compensation of board of public works...... violation of, as to buildings, may be enjoined. ...... violation of, how prosecuted.. 177 how engrossed, and published. 224 enacting style...... 224 when to take effect.... 224 certain, repealed................. .225 repealed, effect of... readings and reference to committee.. ............238 method and stages of passage of.......... ...............239, 247 passage of, not to have more than one reading on same day. 240 committee on........ committee on, in common council.. ...247 OUTCRY, BOISTEROUS not to be uttered in streets without license. ....... ...........201 OVERSEERS OF THE POOR to be elected annually by city council. ...... election and tenure of office............ compensation of, to be fixed by city council. powers and duties of....... city physician to be member of board, and to be sworn to serve without compensation.. salary of clerk or agent.................. meetings of................ accounts and claims to be approved, when. master of almshouse elected by, annually......... emergency fund, how paid, used and returned... 104 annual report.... OWNERS of buildings, to affix numbers......... of buildings, failure of to affix numbers. , of premises, to pay for removal of night soil, etc... ....138 of dilapidated building, may appeal from order.... of unsafe buildings to be notified..... of building ordered removed, etc., may appeal............ of building, declared unsafe, to secure same at once; penalty... non-resident, of unsafe buildings, how notified... to have notice of proposed changes in streets.... . . 181 of land, may be required to connect with public sewer, when; penalty....192 of certain buildings, may order loiterers away.......... ...............202 to remove snow from sidewalk in front of premises . . of buildings may be required to place guards against snow slides ........206 of premises, when liable for water rents..... See ABUTTERS. OXEN. See ANIMALS. . . .......................... . ............... ......... . 104 ...................... ..104 .117 118 .......203 ..........263 P. PAMPHLETS not to be placed in streets, etc..... ........197 316 INDEX. PAGD .......56-61 ....................... PAPER collectors of, to be licensed, provisions.. .213 PARK COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF tenure of office, qualifications.......... vacancies, how filled.................. members of, how removed ............ members to serve without compensation......... ......... to have power to locate parks, take lands, make rules, employ offices, etc... money not to be expended until appropriated by city council. ..... to file in registry, a description of land taken...... damages to be estimated by........ may assess betterments........ to report receipts, expenditures, etc., annually to city council. to construct a park road from Long Hill street to Stickney road....... chairman of, to approve payment of employees... PARKS statutory provisions..................... to be laid out by park commissioners.... ........57 shall belong to city....................... fee of land, taken for, to be in city.... land taken for, description to be recorded... how paid for ..... gifts and bequests for, may be accepted.. city may appropriate money for.......... “Public Park Loan”..... buildings not allowed upon.............. no street or railroad to cross, except with consent of commis military encampment upon, not allowed....... ...........59 statute to be accepted by voters................ statute accepted .............. ...61 Note park road through Forest Park established.. ........67, 68 - . questions may be referred to board of public works .....187 use of air pipes, pop guns, etc., prohibited.......... .202 superintendent of, to approve payment of employees. police, to be appointed by park commissioners. ...... department, employees of, how paid.......... See STREETS. PARLIAMENTARY RULES. See RULES AND ORDERS. PARTY WALLS. See BUILDINGS. PASSAGEWAYS how designated by names..... ..........185 PAUPER DEPARTMENT committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen ..................106, 236 committee to report estimates annually to finance committee............106 See OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. PAUPERS may be vaccinated........ .........120 . PAVING board of supervisors may contract for.. annual report of ....................................................123 PAWNBROKERS to be licensed; regulations; penalty..... ........210 I'S.... ..60 ..87 .....57 ..87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO T INDEX. 317 . . . . LAL225 . . . .....94 . . . 139 . . . .......................... .190 . . ewers.................................. .205 ............. .268 PAYMENT PAGE of claims against the city........ ...........86 PENALTIES for breach of by-laws................ to be recovered before police court...... to be paid to city treasurer............. may be affixed by park commissioners. ........ not affected by repeal of ordinance........ order imposing, to have two readings on different days..... for smoke nuisance................ absent members of fire department....... for attaching electric fixtures to trees... truant children ... night soil, dead animals, ashes, etc..... for neglect to remove combustible materials. ...... for neglect to make alterations in buildings, when ordered. for failure to remove unsafe building.......... 166 for opening streets or sewers, without authority.. for failure to connect with sewer after notice........ for exhausting steam into sewers.., .............193 for injurious practices in streets, prosecutions must be within six months after offense...................... for failure to make alterations to prevent snow slides for diversion or malicious injury to city water supply..... .263 for fishing or boating in water supply reservoirs.. for violation of building ordinances.. .........+1, 163 of building laws........ ...............52 of plumbing ordinance....... ......63, 142 of rules as to street numbering........ of swine ordinance................... .140 of provisions of chapter on fire department. of rules of water department........... of ordinance as to public carriages.... 198 of ordinance as to express wagons, etc........ 198 of curfew ordinance................... . 204 of chapter 37 (injurious practices in streets) of ordinance as to explosives......... .208 of ordinance as to dogs.. of ordinance as to pawnbrokers..... of ordinance as to dealers in junk and second-hand articles of ordinance as to rag pickers and junk collectors..... of boot black ordinance. of ordinance as to dealers in coal and coke........ of rules as to hackney carriages, trucks, etc..... of rules as to street musicians........ PENSIONS for firemen, act accepted..... ........79 See FIRE DEPARTMENT. PETITIONS for laying out, altering, etc., streets, action on by city council. .......181-183 for laying out, altering, etc., streets, to be signed by six inhabitants ......181 See RULES AND ORDERS. ..........117 153 ................................ 170 .205 209 La ......................................2 10 218 234 318 INDEX. n .119 ....152 PHYSICIAN, CITY PAGE appointment, term of office, qualifications, duties..... removal of, and vacancy in office... ..........119 duties of.... ..........120 salary of..... ............91, 120 to be member of board of overseers of poor, and to be sworn 53 ex officio member of board of overseers of poor.. 19, persons injured by accidents to be examined by.. ....120 to examine firemen who apply for and receive pensions..... report of............ ..........119 PHYSICIAN, HEALTH. See HEALTH PHYSICIAN. PIPES interfering with sewers, to be removed by owners...... .........190. interfering with sewers may be changed by superintendent, expense to . be paid by owner...... .........190 PISTOLS not to be discharged in streets, except.. “PLACES AND COURTS” defined ...... PLANS made by city engineer, to be property of city..........................115 city engineer to have charge of.... ...........115 for drainage systems to be approved by board of health, and not to be altered .......... ..........141 of proposed changes in streets and sidewalks to be made by board of public works.... ....181, 186 See ENGINEER. PLUMBING ....................... ............141, 142 may be regulated by ordinance... S.......63 form of applications to board of health, for plumbing permits... ..........141 form of permits issued by board of health for..... ..........141 inspector of, to be notified when work is ready .......... ...142 to be left open until inspected.............. .........142 POLICE COURT charter provisions...... to have jurisdiction of breaches of by-laws, ordinances and orders.........24 POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE COMMISSION. of whom to consist; how appointed.......... 72 tenure of office, compensation and removal; vacancies.. .173 qualifications of members...... political affiliations of members. powers and duties, in general... meetings ... 74 mayor to be chairman.......... mayor has no power to vote............. vice-chairman, tenure of office... clerk, not to be member of commission, duties, compensation. estimates and account............ ............ 74 account of, to be charged with pay of officer in charge of police signal telegraph ................ ..........93 account of, to be charged with expense of police signal telegraph.........178 approval of bills.. ...................174 30 ............................... 72 73 .173 73 INDEX. 319 .........174 14 74 174 ..93 120 POLICE DEPARTMENT, continued. TAGE to choose members of department annually....... 175 may suspend, discharge, etc., members of police department... 176 may reimburse police officers for damages to clothing...... may detail policemen at theaters, etc..... report of........... GENERAL PROVISIONS. administration of, vested in mayor and aldermen. may be governed by board.... of whom to consist... rules and regulations.... salaries of members........ to be under control of police commission..... officers of, to be sworn. bills to be approved by police commission....... credit of, not to be exceeded.... to be notified of times when, and places where, fast driving is allowed. ...197 assistance at fires...... .........178 pay rolls to state absences of members... powers of police commission as to compensation of members.. members of, to account for all fees received ... 178 members, suspension and discharge of... 176 insubordination, how punished............ 176 absence from duty with full pay...... candidates to be examined by city physician... 120 members incapacitated, to be examined by city physician officers injured, to be treated by city physician... captain of the watch, annual election.................... salary of ........... absence from duty with full pay..... ..........93 rag pickers, etc., examination of, and inspection of bags; report.. lieutenant of police, how chosen and removed... salary of......................................... .............92 sergeants of police, how appointed and removed, duties, vacancies..... 175 salary of ........... ..92 police inspectors, how chosen and removed.. salary of.............. special policemen, salary of ......................... police matron, salary of.... police signal telegraph, to be in charge of superintendent of fire alarm....178 salary of officer in charge... ...........93 expense of, charged to account of police commission. wires may be placed in telephone conduits.... 221 See MARSHAL. POLICE OFFICERS. appointment and removal of ........ how chosen. number of, fixed by commission......... reimbursed for damages to clothing..... duties of, in case of fire........ may serve notices for board of public works. may serve sidewalk notices......... may order loiterers in streets to move on... . 120 175 92 ................................ ...214 .......... .. 175 176 12 ..93 .................................. .178 ...................................... 320 INDEX. PAGE 205 .175 ............................................... 175 .175 de .... 179 . 201 POLICE DEPARTMENT, continued. may order loiterers away from certain buildings.......... .202 may send home children found in streets after 9.30 p. m......... .205 duties in enforcing chapter 37................. may examine records and property in shops of dealers in junk, etc...... 211 rag pickers, etc., examination of, and inspection of bags, etc.; report.....214 WATCHMEN. number of, fixed by city council........ vacancies among ........ .175 salary of ................. ..92 to be also police officers.... may order loiterers in streets to move on. . 201 may order loiterers away from certain buildings.... .202 duties in enforcing chapter 37..... 205 RESERVE POLICE FORCE. how chosen ................... established ............ salary of members... .93 number of members....... .179 powers; duties; compensation.... appointments to; subject to civil service rules PONDS swimming in, etc., regulated... POOR. See OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. POSTERS city marshal to approve.... .........235 PRESIDENT OF COMMON COUNCIL how chosen and tenure of office.... to issue warrants for new election, when.... ........102 to be member of committees on finance and on printing ......106, 236 to be member of finance committee....... 106, 236 to be member of board on claims... ......130 notices, etc., issued by, to be served by city messenger ..........112 rules and orders concerning........ 243-245 to appoint-standing committees ........ .243 president pro tempore............ in absence of, senior member to preside..... PREVIOUS QUESTION in common council.. .....244 · PRINTING contracts for, in excess of $200 to be authorized by city council..........107 order authorizing, may have two readings on same day..............241, 248 committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen.... ....106, 236 duty of ...................................... ..........107 to contract for and oversee city printing, etc...... ...107 PRIVY may be prohibited, when; penalty......... · vaults, regulated ....... contents of, how removed.... transportation of contents regulated.. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS wagons for sale of, where may stand. ..... ..17 ...245 .245 - ......... IT 192 ..201 INDEX. 321 .- . .235 . ...... .... ......................... ....... PROFANE LÁNGUAGE PAGE in streets, forbidden...... .201 PROPERTY of fire department........ .........145 .sale or purchase of, by police commission............ ...........174 See CITY PROPERTY. PROPOSALS not to be accepted from person who has broken previous contract.........97 PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS regulated ....... 234 provisions as to escits; and fire apparatus.... .235 places of, may be inspected by mayor and aldermen..... detail of policemen and firemen..... 235 PUBLIC BUILDINGS to be under care, etc., of city council................ .........19 superintendent of, may be inspector of buildings... ..........165 entrance not to be obstructed by loiterers......... ..........202 PUBLIC LIBRARY. See CITY LIBRARY. · PUBLIC PLACES, SQUARES, GROUNDS, ETC. See STREETS. PUBLIC PROPERTY. See CITY PROPERTY. PUBLIC WORKS, BOARD OF election, tenure of office. members of, to be sworn..... 132 vacancies, duties ..... city engineer to be clerk of. compensation of ... records and plans.. hearings .......... to give hearing on damages to parties interested report of ............. recommendations of, as to streets, sidewalks and sewers.. to act upon petitions for street changes; view; hearing; report. to prepare plans and estimates of street changes........... powers as to construction of new streets on private lands. 183-185 powers as to laying out, etc., of sidewalks..... sidewalks, hearings and report....... powers as to laying out sewers and drains................. .187 may recommend construction of sewer in private way... may recommend connection of private with public sewer.. duty of, to consider matters referred by either branch of city council... action of city council upon report of....... may be heard in city council in defense of report.... action upon betterments....... to advertise annually certain ordinances.. 131 ................................................ .132 ........................................ 132 133 ............................................... CU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..185 ..186 ..... ooooo 00 Ices............................ QUORUM of city council. ........ 4 .............. .... R RAGS to be stored in fire district only in brick or stone buildings..............214 322 INDEX. PAGE .. .... ...... .... ... .... ..... .... .... ....31 . .. . RAGS, continued. collectors of, to carry badge; hours; not to enter building without .. permission ......... ............213 to be licensed, provisions...... .....213 RAG PICKERS and junk collectors not to do business upon Lord's day.................213 bags, vehicles, etc., of, may be examined; information to be given........214 to give information to police, etc.; rags, etc., how stored in fire district. . 214 RAILROADS bathing without clothing within view of, forbidden....... .........201 not to be laid out across parks....... ........59 RECONSIDERATION in board of aldermen.. ...241 in common council.. council...................................................246 RECORDS of town of Springfield, charter provisions. of city council.... .17 city clerk to deliver to successor... of common council........................... 248 of ordinances, to be kept by city clerk. 224 in clerk's office, duties of assistant city clerk..... ...114 of board of public works...... ........ .......132 of licenses kept by board of health....... .............139 of licenses to boot blacks to be kept by marshal... ...........215 of licenses for hackney carriages and trucks to be kept by marshal 228,231, 232 REFUSE substances, removal of....... ........138 disposal of ..... .......123 REPEAL charter provisions ....... .................32 of ordinances, effect of........... .........225 REPORTS of committees. See RULES AND ORDERS. of various officers, boards and committees. See TITLES. REPRESENTATIVES TO GENERAL COURT number of, how determined ..... .........25 how elected ..... ........25 RESERVOIRS of water supply, fishing and boating prohibited; penalty........ RESIDENTS of city to have preference in hiring of labor... RESOLVES. See RULES AND ORDERS. RETAILERS licenses of ............ REVISED ORDINANCES when to take effect. RIVER swimming in, etc., regulated........ ........201 ROCKET. See FIREWORKS. RUBBISH powers of board of health. ....... not to be placed in streets, etc...... .........197 ........................................ .. .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. LI .........268 INDEX. 323 PAGE RULES AND ORDERS of city council....... .236-239 of the board of aldermen.. .240, 241 of common council....... .242-248 of mayor and aldermen; as to hackney carriages, etc..............227-235 ........ ... ... .. ... ...... ..124 103, 104 ..87 SALARIES of mayor, not to be changed during year..... how paid .... when due and payable.... not provided for, how fixed.......... SCAVENGER DEPARTMENT employees of, how paid... ..........87 SCHOOL COMMITTEE CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. charter provisions as to number and election of.... .........15 charter provisions as to manner of election......... salary ......... failure to choose, and vacancies.... powers and duties of.... of whom to consist and how chosen; tenure of office. mayor, member and chairman ex officio.... ORDINANCES. of whom to consist and how chosen; tenure of office. election of, ballots, how marked..... 125 meetings of .... 103 to give public notice of times and places of meetings to certify compensation of school teachers... accounts and claims, to be approved,, when. . 104 what bills may be contracted and approved by......... 127 not to fix salaries of teachers to exceed appropriations.. 125 to present estimate to finance committee... .........125 to appoint superintendent of schools..................................125 superintendent and schoolhouse agent to be under direction of.......125, 126 SCHOOL DISTRICTS abolished ... SCHOOL TEACHERS compensation paid upon certificate of school committee... SCHOOLHOUSE AGENT election, duties, restrictions upon...... salary of............... to keep account of expenditures, etc.. books of, to be examined. ......... to have charge of schoolhouses..... report of.. SCHOOLHOUSES janitors of, employment and compensation.......... .......... 127 fire escapes, etc...... SCHOOLS general provisions.... .........124-128 to be under supervision of superintendent of schools....................125 .. .. .......................................................... ..........91 5 324 . INDEX. 129 20 ...212 ........................ 212 ....................... SCHOOLS, continued. PAGD tuition to be charged for children living on United States grounds... provisions as to children living on United States grounds..... ...128 provisions for truants... pupils may be vaccinated......... superintendent of, appointment, powers, emergency expenses... to assent to certain contracts of schoolhouse agent...... to inspect accounts of schoolhouse agent, monthly......... 127 See SCHOOL COMMITTEE. SEAL of city, design and custody of...... of city, upon deeds, etc...... 222 SECOND-HAND ARTICLES dealers in: to keep trace of certain articles ...... not to receive from minors........ ........212 licenses: records: inspection: report......... ..211 sign: inspection: hours: licenses: penalty....... SERGEANT See POLICE DEPARTMENT. SERPENT (See FIREWORKS).. SEWERS AND DRAINS CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. Charter provisions.......... not to be established, etc., without recommendation of board of public works ............ in the streets, to belong to city........ may be appropriated by the city.............. from Garden brook to Connecticut river... Garden brook, assessments, costs, appeal, etc............. premises connected with, not to have privy vaults........ sewer outfalls may be extended beyond river line, when ORDINANCES. in general......... land and water courses may be taken for... materials and dimensions to be prescribed by mayor and aldermen..... to be built only in properly constructed streets.. account of cost, to be kept and reported by superintendent.... board of public works, powers and duties......... duties of board of public works as to laying out........ 187 dimensions, materials and grade to be approved by board of public works.. 185 sewers, duties of city engineer as to laying out..... .........116 plans of common sewers to be made and kept by city engineer ...........191 information as to grades to be furnished by city engineer, when.........191 rules and regulations........ 192-193 common sewers to be built in center of street........ land may be taken for..... .....132 land taken for...... ....187 not to be obstructed by laying of pipes, etc...... 190 not to be disturbed by telephone company.... report of superintendent of sewers............ flushing, annual credit to water department for. steam not to be exhausted into; penalty....... ........ ..132 .191 ....... . . . . . . ....191 ..... . . . INDEX. 325 .141 187 185 .....192 UNU ......148 SEWERS AND DRAINS, continued. PAGE public notice of certain provisions to be given annually....... .187 sewage pipes in buildings, subject to rules of board of health..... laid across private property, consent and proceedings................ to be laid in new streets before accepted............................ not to be opened or connected with private drain, except: penalty...... . 190 connections with private drains to be measured by city engineer.........190 connections between private drains and common sewers, when made......191 private sewers to be connected with public only under certain conditions..191 in private streets, to be city property when connected with public sewer...191 private sewers not to be connected with public, except....... ..........192 private drains, permit of entry.. owners of land may be ordered to connect with public sewers; penalty....192 private drains connected with main sewers, how constructed.............192 permits for sewer entrances... .193 committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen..................106, 241 to report estimates annually to finance committee.. .......106 superintendent of. See STREETS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SHADES. See AWNINGS. SHAVINGS duties of chief engineer as to.... SHEEP. See ANIMALS. SIDEWALKS CONSTRUCTION. charter provisions ............ may be established by city council. ........ owners of abutting lands may be compelled to construct....... .........44 not to be constructed, etc., without recommendation of board of public works ....... expenditures for, to be reported by superintendent of streets. board of public works, powers and duties....... board of public works, hearing and report.. proceedings in laying out and establishing....... plans, etc., and construction of.... notice of construction to be given by city clerk to all abutting owner .186 may be constructed by city at expense of landowners, when..... in private streets, materials to be used for....... curbing ................................................ lands, lien for sidewalk assessments..................... assessments for, to be a lien upon lands for two years..... USE. snow and ice to be cleared from, by abutting owners...... ......... not to be dug up or obstructed by building material, without license.... obstructions in, to be guarded by railings and lights...... signs suspended over............ awnings over, how placed and maintained.... articles suspended over, regulations... not to be encumbered with firewood, coal, etc., over night. 197 travel upon, not to be obstructed..... carts, wheelbarrows, etc., not allowed upon... certain animals not allowed upon......... .199 wood not to be sawed or piled upon.... ....200 booths, etc., for sale of articles not allowed upon. gates and doors not allowed to swing over......... .201 ets ......... .......... ......................... 95 196 96 ........ .199 .200 326 INDEX. .201 .201 .203 ..................................... ..2013 .203 .......... SIDEWALKS, continued. PAGD three or more persons not to obstruct travel upon.. auctions not to be held upon, when...... coasting upon, forbidden...... 202 snow to be removed from.......... ice upon, to be removed or sanded....... water from eaves and leader pipes not to be discharged .203 washing windows, regulated........ metal coverings in, regulated......... ..204 injuries caused by metal coverings in. .204 SIGNS not to be affixed to lamp-posts in streets.... .200 in streets, not to be injured.. .200 SINKING FUNDS established; duties of commissioners....... for “Public Park Loan”.... report of commissioners of........ commissioners of, how elected, tenure of office, vacancies, duties of water department................ for water bonds, may be held by sinking fund commissioners. .275 provisions as to refunding of water debt.... 276 SLIDING on certain streets and on sidewalks prohibited......... 202 SMOKE emission of, declared a nuisance......................... ......72 SNOW not to be put in streets unless spread evenly...... ..........199 removal of, from sidewalks... ........44, 203 to be removed from the roofs of certain buildings........ ...............207 slides, prevention of........ ..........206-207. SOLICITOR, CITY may require plans, etc., from city engineer......... may request city physician to examine persons injured, when city may be liable ... ..........120 SOUTH END BRIDGE. See BRIDGES. SQUARES questions may be referred to board of public works....... See STREETS. STAGES rules and orders as to..... STATUTES. See ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. STEAM not to be exhausted into a main sewer or drain; penalty................193 STONES or other missiles not to be thrown in streets. STORES AND STOREHOUSES. See BUILDINGS. STREET DIRT disposal of ...... ........123 not to be removed from streets without authority... ..........201 STREET LIGHTING committee on . ..........106 STREET MUSICIANS rules as to.... ..232-234 ..... .......116 87 ......... .......................................... ... .. ... ........ INDEX. 327 233 ...220 STREET MUSICIANS, continued. to be licensed; to have tag and copy of rules.... several may be included in one license. 233 not to perform after 10 p. m. or on Sunday...... ..233 to stop playing when ordered, in certain cases...... 234 STREET RAILWAY telephone lines or conduits not to interfere with........ use of north end bridge by...... STREET WATERING fixtures, to be in control of water department......... .........170 certain expenses of...... ..........170 annual credit for, to water department..... .........171 STREETS, etc. defined ...... .51, 132, 187 charter provisions ........ .........22 mayor may be appointed commissioner of highways.....................18 CONSTRUCTION. changes in must be recommended by board of public works........ relocation of ...... ..... CO .................................... alteration of, value of land and buildings, how estimated. laying out, etc., damages to whom paid........ land upon, altered, etc., may be surrendered to city... ...... ..... ................. person aggrieved in highway cases may have jury. not to be laid out across parks....... wires not to be hereafter erected in..... electric wires to be removed from.... laying out, etc., in general................ petitions for changes in... 181 petitions to be acted upon by mayor and aldermen ........181 board of public works, powers and duties...... land taken for street purposes, value to be estimated to be under general supervision of board of supervisors...... .........134 changes in, párties interested may have a hearing before city council.....182 plans and estimates of........... surveys of, to be made by city engineer..... .......116 specifications for construction of public. 183-185 sprinkling of, regulated.................. 203 city may dig up, to lay water pipes..... 261 common sewers to be laid in center of ............ opening of, not to interfere with sewers........ sewers not to be constructed in, when... sewers in private streets not to be connected with public sewers. construction of sewer entrances and private drains in... private drains in, to be city property when connected with sewer. . . . . n............................... . 122 statements as to work proposed, to be filed on or before May 1........ public notice of certain provisions, to be given annually....... to be made, repaired and cared for by superintendent of streets. cleaning of .... 123 numbering of .......... .......37, 117 barricaded at fires to be kept clear.......... .......2......151 328 INDEX. . ......... ......... 84 LOG .219 vrsnal................ 196 STREETS, etc., continued. PAGE buildings within lines of..... 117 building line may be established. ...........188 designations classified......... .............185 constructed on private lands, not to be accepted unless constructed according to specifications... ..........183 plan and profile to be furnished before new street is constructed.....183 width and cross section of.. ..........183 surface of new streets to be cleared.... .............183-184 corners and angles. ......... .....184 catch basins and grates... 84 tree belts; curbing; gutters......... excavation, embankment and side slopes....... material of finished grade........ ........................... ..184 not to be accepted, unless sewer is laid................ ....185 location, direction and grade of streets constructed after Jan. 1, 1902 185 constructed after Jan. 1, 1902, not to be accepted, when............185 underground conduits for telephone wires in...... INJURIOUS PRACTICES IN trees in, not to have electric fixtures attached; penalty.. transportation of offensive substances, regulated.... nuisances, etc., in, to be investigated by city marshal. not to be opened, except; penalty....................... not to be dug up or obstructed without license.... .195 staging not to be erected in, without license........ . 195 articles suspended over..... dug up, or obstructed, to be guarded by railings and lights, and repaired..196 horses not to be driven faster than eight miles per hour... ..........197 animals not to go at large in.......... ......... 197 stands for express wagons, etc............ 197 - not to be obstructed by standing teams.... 199 not to be encumbered with firewood, coal, etc., over night........ .197 wood not to be sawed or piled in... ......... ...................200 persons acting as boot blacks in, must be licensed. ....... ...........215 boot blacks working in, to obtain consent of owner of abutting property...215 shells not to be placed in, etc........... .........197 house dirt, ashes, rubbish, handbills, etc., not to be thrown in.... articles liable to puncture tires not to be in....... .197 snow and ice not to be placed in unless spread evenly... impure water from buildings, not to be allowed to run into...... water from eaves and leader pipes not to be discharged upon... . 203 gates and doors not allowed to swing over........ firearms not to be discharged in... .......200 bells, horns, outeries, etc., for advertising, not to to be used without license 201 trees in, not to be injured, etc., without permission...... animals not to be fastened to trees in.... .........200 travel upon, not to be obstructed.... 199 buildings not to be moved through. 199 games of chance not to be played in...... 200 city lamps in, not to be lighted or extinguished without permission......200 fences, guideposts, awnings, lamp-posts, etc., in, not to be injured........200 fireworks, bonfires, etc., in, without license, prohibited......... ...200 booths, for sale of fruit, etc., not allowed......... ..............200 I usvill, CuO. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• .197 ............ .199 . 201 ......... ...............201 200 INDEX. 329 .201 . 201 201 202 204 .207 STREETS, etc., continued. PAGE street dirt and manure not to be removed without authority.... bathing without clothing within view of, forbidden........ disorderly conduct and indecent, etc., language, forbidden....... 201 vehicles for carrying contents of privy vaults, etc., regulated... three or more persons not to obstruct travel upon..... ball playing, kite flying, etc., regulated... use of certain vehicles forbidden...... coasting in certain, prohibited..... use of air pipes, pop guns, etc., prohibited........ 202 children under sixteen not to be in, after 9.30 p. m.; penalty.. roofs of buildings near street line, to be cleared of snow... transportation of explosives in, regulated.. .........208 surface not to be disturbed for laying conduits, etc., without permit from supervisors .........220 disturbed by telephone company to be restored..... conduits in, may be changed to ineet changes in sewers...... ....220 surface of, disturbed by telephone company, on what terms.. 220-221 not to be obstructed by hackney carriages, etc.... .........229 trucks, drays, etc., to be driven at moderate pace......................232 trucks, drays, etc., to be driven on right hand side of streets... STREETS AND SIDEWALKS committee on, of whom to consist and how chosen .................106, 236 member of, to be member of board of supervisors. .....................134 STREETS, SUPERINTENDENT OF election, tenure of office, vacancy...... .........122 removal of.... .........122 duties of............ ....122, 123 to be superintendent of severs..... ...........189 may appoint and remove assistants.... ..........122 compensation of....., ..........90, 122 accounts to be kept and filed with board of supervisors annual report of, to city council......... 123 to approve payment of employees... duties of, as to steam exhausted into sewers.......... statements of proposed street work to be filed before May 1, with.........195 streets dug up, to be repaired to satisfaction of. .....196, 220 authority of, as to removal of street dirt and manure..................201 powers and duties when streets are disturbed by telephone company...... 220 assistant, salary of............. ...91 appointment, compensation and removal............ 122 SUPERINTENDENT OF SEWERS. superintendent of streets to be.... ..189 to have charge of sewers, connections, repairs........ .189 to make contracts for sewers and keep account of construction. may direct change of pipes, interfering with sewers... ..190 to notify, and obtain grades from city engineer....... ....190 to construct sewer entrances and private drains in streets........ ...192 to inspect buildings where steam is used..... ....193 SUPERINTENDENT OF FIRE ALARM. See FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS. See PARKS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. ..123 .87 193 .............. ............. 89 330 INDEX. PAGD . . . . ............... ..... ........ . . ............................ SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. See PUBLIC BUILDINGS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. See SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. See STREETS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS. See WATER WORKS, SUPERINTENDENT OF. SUPERVISOR OF WIRES. See WIRES, SUPERVISOR OF. SUPERVISORS OF HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. of whom to consist, powers and duties... ..134 to supervise engineering department. .........116 to approve employment of assistants and purchase of materials by city engineer . ......116 to oversee superintendent of streets.... .122 to allow accounts of superintendent of streets.. to oversee city forester ..... to order work done on street watering fixtures.. powers as to construction of sidewalks. may license use of streets... to fix time for repairing streets after digging, etc... may designate times and places for fast driving... .197 may license removal of buildings through streets...... ..199 licenses for metal coverings in sidewalks..... ........204 duties of, in ordering constructions to prevent snow slides... ....206, 207 report of expense of protection against snow slides.................... .207 may remove snow from certain roofs; expenses; report. .207 to approve construction of underground wire conduits in streets........ .219 to issue permits for opening streets for wire conduits, etc............ SURVEY of lumber, wood, coal and bark, may be regulated by ordinance...........23 of unsafe buildings......... ..........................166 report of, of unsafe buildings, to be served on owner.. SUSPENSION OF RULES. See RULES AND ORDERS. SWIMMING indécent exposure of person forbidden......... SWINE not to be kept within limits prescribed by board of health. . ...........140 See ANIMALS. . . . . 220 . 168 ....201 .........197 ........20 ........111 TACKS not to be thrown in streets, etc........ TAX COLLECTOR. See COLLECTOR OF TAXES. TAXES how assessed and collected.... assessment of, to be completed by September first..... abatement of, how made and reported. .......... when and how collected........ See COLLECTOR OF TAXES and ASSESSORS. TEAMS used for sale of articles, where may and may not stand.. not to stand in streets to obstruct them........ not to be driven on sidewalk... ............................111 ..............99 .......198 ....199 .............199 INDEX. · 331 220 ... ... 17 ................................... TELEPHONE COMPANY PAGE conduits and distributing poles for....... ..219 conduits: changes in; removal of; time for construction.............. ..220 not to disturb street railway or light wires, or pipes or sewers....... to make changes in conduits, manholes or poles when ordered by mayor and aldermen ....... ..........221 to give bond before disturbing surface of streets; provisions of bond......221 locations of, may be revoked, and substitutes granted................. .221 TENEMENTS to be numbered. ...................117 TENURE OF OFFICE charter provisions........... ............15, 16 not affected by repeal of ordinance. ...............226 THEATERS. See PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. TILLERMEN. See FIRE DEPARTMENT. TIRES of vehicles, puncturing of, by articles in streets....... ........197 TOLL BRIDGE. See BRIDGES. TOWN WAYS provisions as to streets to apply to......... TRANSPORTATION of explosives regulated....................... ............ TRAVEL upon streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, etc., not to be obstructed......... TREASURER, CITY . CHARTER AND SPECIAL STATUTES. charter provisions for election of......... charter provisions as to manner of election..... failure to choose and vacancy............. tenure of office... salary ......................................... fines, forfeitures and penalties to be paid to.... not eligible as park commissioner.................. GENERAL PROVISIONS. duties of, in general................... salary of.............. .......90 books of... report of........ duties of, as to accounts, etc., due the city.... collector to pay over to, moneys collected, when.. to receive certain fees....., to receive penalties for violation of chap. 38, sect. 2. 207 to receive fee for licenses of rag pickers and junk collectors not to pay claims unless approved by auditor.... not to pay money without written order from mayor... orders upon for certain payments, within appropriations.... approval necessary for payment of city employees.. to pay orders of board on claims, for less than $500...... not to pay bills of fire department unless approved by fire commission....146 payment of members of fire department. ..............150 bills of police department to be approved by commission, auditor and mayor ................. .............174 duties of, as to payment of mortgages belonging to city.................222 .......24 .57 ....... . . . •88 . 103 178 ............ . ct. 2.................. • V2 332 INDEX. ........... .... ........... 88 ...98 ............................. 103 ..127 ...107 .103 S...................... 145 ...262 266 ..... .............. ...125 . . ................ ... ........ ........ .. ..... TREASURER, CITY, continued. PAGE collector to file with, monthly statement...... to have copy of all written contracts..... to keep accounts as directed by auditor..... custody of account of schoolhouse agent............... notes and securities to be inspected by finance committee. accounts, etc., to be examined quarterly by city auditor... to make statements to city council of condition of treasury, etc. to credit fire department with proceeds of sales. duties of, as to water bonds.............. provisions as to expenses and income of water department. to furnish emergency fund to overseers of the poor.. 104 to superintendent of schools..... to fire commissioners.. S............................................ 46 to city marshal..... TREE BELT in streets constructed on private lands, how arranged. .....184 TREES in streets, 'not to have electric fixtures attached; penalty................121 not to be injured without permission from mayor and aldermen......200 animals not to be fastened to........ ..........200 TRUANT CHILDREN how punished .... .........129 school ............................... ....... 129 TRUCKS, DRAYS, etc. to be licensed, and carry number.... rules for driving and stopping..... to be driven at moderate pace... where may not stand........ persons other than driver, etc., not to solicit merchandise....... ....177 231 .................................. ..................................... 232 ....................................... .................. UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. See CONDUITS. UNITED STATES citizens residing on grounds of, may send children to public schools upon payment of tuition..... ........127 V VACANCIES in elective offices, how filled.... ......102 See TITLE OF OFFICER. VACCINATION by city physician..... ........120 VEHICLES for hire, to stand only in places licensed......... ...197 passage of, in streets, not to be obstructed.... used for selling goods, where may stand in streets. .198 use of in certain streets regulated............... See HACKNEY CARRIAGES, TRUCKS AND DRAYS, EXPRESS WAGONS, TEAMS. VICTUALERS licenses of ...... ..........19 ....................... 197 ........202 INDEX. 333 PAGD VINEGAR. See MILK AND VINEGAR. VOTING LIST .... ........ 26 W . 25 .85 ...................... .170 WAGON See TRUCK, VEHICLES, EXPRESS WAGONS. WARD clerk, duties of, as to elections..... officers, vacancies, how filled..... WARDS division into, by charter; to be altered once in five years.................14 boundaries defined .................................................82-84 members of common council apportioned among... each to have member of school committee.... ............124 candidates for school committee, from, how indicated on ballots... WARRANTS for meetings of citizens, charter provisions........ for new election, when and by whom issued.. for election of representatives to General Court...... for new election, in case of failure to elect mayor or aldermen.. for elections to fill vacancies in city offices.... 102 for city meetings; form; service and return.... ......... .223 WASTE collectors of, to be licensed, provisions....... 213 paper, to be stored in fire district only in brick or stone buildings........214 WATER used by contractors on city contracts; how paid for...... .170 used on leased property of city, how paid for.............. used for municipal purposes not to be paid for.. impure, not to be allowed to run into streets.. ..201 from eaves, etc., not to be discharged upon streets or sidewalks........ .203 bonds. See Bonds. courses, may be taken for sewers and drains... .........132 WATER DEPARTMENT BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. election, powers, etc., of, under act of 1872, ch. 345..... former board abolished.. members, how chosen ......... powers and duties of; to be elected by ballot... vacancies in, how filled... city engineer to be clerk, ex officio (repealed)... to elect a clerk........ member of city council not eligible... to serve without compensation............ may make rules and regulations.. chairman of, to sign list of water bills abated, annually salary of chairman..... to elect officers of water department by viva voce vote... report of to city council, to be printed in register.... may have services of city engineer.... powers and duties as to collection of water bills... may shut off water, in case of violation of rules... .171 ........ 334 INDEX. .269 ........... .270 .168 S .171 .171 ..........171 WATER DEPARTMENT, continued. PAGD duties of, as to lands taken.... 260 powers of, as to fishing and boating in reservoirs......... .268 amount annually expended for new mains, how determined......... may take additional water supply.... GENERAL PROVISIONS. general provisions ...... 168-171 officers of, appointment and duties.. not to collect water bills, etc... ....170 accounts, etc., to be kept by registrar. .168 rules, how made, published, and enforced... 170 accounts of, to be examined quarterly by city auditor accounts to be audited by city auditor... receipts of, how collected and accounted for... bills due city, not to be filed with auditor... bills of, not to be examined by auditor..... 108 how approved and paid..................... 266 to have charge of street watering fixtures..... 170 water used, on city contracts to be paid for.... ..170 to charge for water used on city property, leased to private parties.... city not to be charged for water used for municipal purposes. . to be credited with water furnished the city....... water bills, collection of, may be regulated by ordinance..... ...........55 duties of registrar and collector of taxes.. ....168, 1.69 abated or changed.... .......169 unpaid, treatment of.. 169 not to be collected by any officer of water department. ...170 how fixed ... who liable for.......................................... 263 WATER PIPES on city property.............. .170 not to obstruct sewers.... not to be disturbed by telephone company......... WATER REGISTRAR election, tenure of office, vacancy, salary, duties........ ........168 duties of, as to abated water bills........... ..........169 to receive applications for extension of service on city property.........170 WATER SUPPLY statutes as to........... ............260-276 lands taken for, description to be recorded. .260, 271 additional sources of.. ....264, 266, 270 may be furnished to Chicopee...... water fund bonds..... 267 additional bonds ....... 268 penalty, etc., for diversion of water and injuries to. purity of ...... 268 to be furnished to Ludlow..... .270 WATER TAKERS to have copy of rules of water department..., ........170 WATER WORKS, SUPERINTENDENT OF election, tenure of office, vacancy, salary...... duties of ............ .........169 WEST SPRINGFIELD. See BRIDGES. 262 .190 220 ...265 .263 168 .............168 INDEX. 335 ... WHEELBARROWS not allowed upon sidewalks............ ........199 WINDOWS washing of, on sidewalks, regulated.......... ..... WIRES removal from streets, within certain district............ not to be hereafter erected in streets in certain district..., removal of from streets, how enforced... removal of, persons aggrieved may appeal... not to be attached to trees; penalty.................. electric fixtures not to be attached to trees; penalty..... 121 cost of removal from trees, to be charged to owner.. electric, entering buildings in fire district to have outside switches.......161 electric light, not to be disturbed by telephone company...... ........220 telephone, etc., may be underground...... ........219 inspector of, salary of............................. supervisor of, designated under act 1900, ch. 276.... ...105 superintendent of fire alarm, designated as..... to remove electric fixtures from trees, when...... See TELEPHONE. 121 ....91 151 Y YEAR fiscal to end Dec. 10........ .......103 Silmed 1986 Preservation. 9115 -- :: 。 的 ​. 在 ​.. . , . 十 ​“, , : : : “中 ​シン​「IISIERC.Rはされて ​, ” 是 ​零 ​一 ​. 1 4 UNIVERSIT OF CHIGAN 車子​"。 王 ​」 | 意事件​, 3"9015 00700 2697” 平 ​以下是我的 ​及 ​: 。 的 ​ht: 到了生 ​的家族中的应对方法 ​年11月 ​是的​, 产 ​ベースになりますこえない ​其中 ​成為 ​TH中学 ​中中中中3个 ​。 了 ​的行為 ​在各种精美的 ​我的世 ​作法​: 。 “不是​。 M 其 ​。 一看​, 是再 ​这个特 ​: A 成 ​特种作 ​守和​。 其 ​成本​, 中共 ​Net t # 故 ​打 ​找 ​境 ​NEVENTRAN 。 特点 ​。。 语法​: 我的 ​我的家 ​* 有情 ​14 : - 對此​, 是重生 ​「 普 ​, 系统的 ​第一 ​新法实现 ​公共政法委 ​你的 ​。 11”的 ​这是对学校 ​( 法的 ​> 了 ​路 ​少年中中式十方 ​秒 ​在我 ​t地 ​走在 ​“ 上 ​“ : 下 ​在中国 ​”, 好 ​议 ​场主 ​: 要 ​TENT “ · HP 平常中​, 是一部 ​我是 ​是不 ​, 是 ​我的 ​Chr, . 了一下 ​法​的要求 ​g 中学学科 ​就不要 ​指 ​24 EPS , if' 1. 中 ​业 ​: 重重​, : : , 生 ​中​, . . , , , , ; .. .ry. 1 1 : 在一 ​} , : : 其中​, “. . 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