m. A TODDUW LOGO GYO LE B AT S tu Songs 報​莱森​路​密​拉​密​苏​教学 ​*** TTO R.LL.LLOYD. BX 5194 W73 1742 2 V.1 سر به هر Philippe 서 ​: SURVEY R'v OF THE C A T H E D R A LS OF YORK, DURHAM, CARLISLE, Chester, Man, Litchfield, HEREFORD, WORCESTER, Gloucest ER, BRISTOL, LINCOLN, ELY, OXFORD, PETERBOROUGH, CANTERBURY, Rochester, LONDON, WINCHESTER, CHICHESTER, Norwich, SALIS- BURY, WELLS, EXETER, St. Davids, LANDAFF, BANGOR, and St. ASAPH. Containing an Hustory of their Foundations, Builders, Antient Monuments, and Inſcriptions ; Endow- ments, Alienations, Sales of Lands, Patronages. Dates of Confecration, Admiſſion, Preferment, Deaths, Burials, and Epitaphs of the Bishops, DEANS, PRECENTORS, CHANCELLORS, TREASURERS, SUBDÉANS, ARCHDEACONS, and PREBENDARIES, in every STALL belong- ing to them. With an exa&t ACCOUNT Of all the Churches and Chapels in each Dioceſe ; diſtinguiſhed under their proper Archdeacon- ries and Deanries ; to what Saints dedicated, to what Saints dedicated, who Patrons of them, and to what Religious Houſes appropriated. The whole extracted from numerous Collections out of the Regiſters of every particular See, Old Wills, Records in the Tower, and Rolls Chapel : And illuſtrated with Thirty-two Curious Draughts of the Ichnographies, Uprights, and other Proſpects of theſe CATHEDRALS ; newly taken to rectify the erroneous Repreſentations of them in the Monafticon, and other Authors, In Three VOL U ME S. VOL. I. By Browne Willis, Eſq; L O N D ON: Printed for T. OSBORNE in Gray's-Inn, and T. BACON in Dublin, MDCCXLII. DA is Fletching 30 9-15-47 5 9634 3 ma . FORTITER LENITER AC To the HONOURABLE Alexander Denton Of Hilleſden in the County of Buckingham, Efq; One of His M A JESTY's Juſtices of the Court of Common-Pleas. T HE following Sheets being a Digeſt of many Years Collections, I beg leave to commit them to the Publick under the Patronage of Your Name : For, as they contain Extracts of Re- cords, Old Wills, and other general Collections ; to whom ܪ A 2 can : vi DEDICATIO N. can they be fo properly addreſſed as to Your Self; whoſe Knowledge in the Laws, and favourable Interpretations of my Performances in theſe Studies (how mean ſoever and undeſerving your Notice) muſt neceſſarily recommend the Author to Your Protection, in a difficult and invidious Undertaking; which, without Your Countenance, may ex- poſe him to Cenſure and Reflection. As You have, Sir, already condeſcended, to inſpect and approve of the Method of this Attempt, ſo I doubt not but Your further Indulgence will influence others to judge candidly of it; who will have leſs Occaſion to envy my Preſumption herein, when they underſtand that my Situation in the Neighbourhood of Your antient Family, hath given me frequent Opportunities of Acceſs to You, and of receiving ſignal Proofs of Your Good- nefs and Friendſhip. * : I am not inſenſible under what Diſadvantages the Stu- dy of Antiquities labours, in the general Eſteem of the World; and that this Undertaking, in particular, muſt not only encounter thoſe common Prejudices, but alſo ſtand the Teſt of ſome Men's Paſſions, as well as the Reaſon of others.; and that it will be urged againſt me, that I ought not to have brought Things and Perſons ſo long forgotten, on the Stage again : For my own Part, I hold every Man's Character and Memory facred, and would, on no Occaſion, . attack them otherwiſe than purely for the ſake of Example and Admonition, which the Subject of DEDICATION. vi of this Eſay unavoidably leads me into: Thar ſeeing how the Neglect of Reſidence and Repairs of Cathedrals, and the perverting to private and ſelfiſh Uſes the Benefactions appropriated to the Support of theſe venerable Edifices, without any Dread of Sacrilege, or Regard to thoſe Sta- tutes molt ſolemnly ſworn to : I ſay, that ſeeing how theſe Cauſes have produced the deplorable Effects of Ruin and Deſtruction of ſome of our Cathedrals ; ail preſent and future Church Dignitaries may be hereby awakened, and deterred from either doing, or omitting, what muſt neceſ- farily be attended with the like Conſequences, and what they muſt juſtly condemn in their Predeceſſors : And if I ſeem warm towards ſome of the moſt fagrant Authors of thoſe Evils, and the Alienators of the Churches Pa- trimony; It will, I hope, be conſtrued only as the Tran- ſports of an honeſt Zeal; and that all impartial Perſons will excuſe it, ſince it is impoſſible for any Author to write without Diſobliging, there being no Sort of Learning but what has its Enemics ; it being natural alſo more par- ticularly for thoſe who have no Reliſh for Antiquities, to re- flect on the Revival of every thing beyond their own Time. As to Errors here committed, I may alſo be prepared to expect Animadverſions : But if I may be allowed to ſpeak for my ſelf, I would beg leave to remind ſuch nice Obſervers, of the great Variety of Things and Perſons, and the long Series of Succeſſions here treated of, The Want of Records, their Imperfections, The Difficulty and Expence of Acceſs to Offices; The Defect of Information from the Unskil- . viii DEDICAT IO N. Unskilfulneſs, and Incuriouſneſs of ſome Correſpondents ; Which Circumſtances duly weighed, certainly no can- did Perſon needs be pre-admoniſhed to make favourable Allowances, eſpecially if they conſider that an Undertaking of this Kind would more properly have been the Province of an Ecclefiaſtick, than of a Layman, who chiefly attempts it for want of others engaging herein, without any pri- vate Ends or Intereſt, but only to repreſent Things impartially, according to the beſt of his Judgment and Information. I SHALL only add, that it will be a Satisfaction to me, if by what is here exhibited, I become inſtrumental in provoking others to oblige the World with a further and more correct Account ; and that I am proud of acknow- ledging and declaring publickly how much I am, . SI R, $ Your moſt Obliged, And Devoted Servant, : BROWNE WILLIS. . :: THE PREFACE. A M LUDOLF T having been already binted in the Dedication what Diſadvantages attend Undertakings of this Sort, and fome Excuſes made, pag. 807. and elſewhere, for Errors which will unavoidably bappen, and the Methods taken to re&tify them fet forth; nothing more remains for the Subject of a Preface than to inform the Reader, how I came to be en- gaged in drawing up theſe Colle&tions, the Motives that induced me to make them Publičk, and to acknowledge the Obligations laid on me by Gentlemen, who allifted me herein. Soon after the Publication of Mr. Le' Neve's moſt uſeful Faſti Ec- cleſiæ Anglicanæ, or Hiſtory of the principal Dignitaries in our Cathe- dral and Collegiate Churches, deduced by him down to the Year 1716. (I being then Printing in Two Volumes, Series's of the Heads or Go- vernors of our Religious Houſes) my Curioſity led me, as his Series's of the ſame Nature in Cathedrals was done to my Hand, to have his Book interleaved, that I might the better inſert what Additions and Corrections I could make to His Work; and in this Reſpect I found I had ſucceeded ſo well, that I had almoſt gleaned up enough for a Small Volume ; and as I was not wanting in Communicating my Ma- terials, so I uſed my beſt Endeavours to prevail on Him to oblige the World with what Improvements could be made in a new Edition or Supplement, little intending to draw on my ſelf any further Trouble ; but He altogether declining the Task, and alledging that he could not meet with the leaſt Encouragement, 1 became ať Length prevailed on, ſince I had in ſeparate Volumes ſet forth Hiſtories of the Four Welch A А Cathes ز ii The PREFACE. Cathedrals, or antient Province of St. DAVID, to attempt ſomewhat in like Manner for the four Northern Cathedrals, or Province of YORK; and to that End I uſed my Endeavours to procure Liſts or Series's of the Prebendaries in every Stall in the Church of York, (thoſe of Durham and Cheſter having been tranſmitted to me ſoon af- ter the Coming out of Mr. Le'Neve's Book) and as I found on E1- quiry, that thoſe of York had been luckily extracted from Records by Mr. Torr to the Year 1693, I had by the Intereſt of my Friends lit- tle to do, except paying for Tranſcripts of what he had done, and to obtain a Continuation of them to the Year 1722. at which Period I deſigned to terminate this Work, when I firſt reſolved to undertake it, being ſenſible how impracticable and vain it was to attempt deducing it lower, on Account of many Alterations that would daily happen, and that should I not thus fix the Limits, the Series of the Members of one Church, or Prebendal Stalls muſt differ from another; and therefore had I been determined otherwiſe, my ſeeking after Infor- mation would have been endleſs, and my Searches in Offices, and Trou- bling my Friends unreaſonably tirefome, both to my ſelf and them. But it to happening, that while I was, purſuing this work, I found my ſelf called upon to anſwer an unexpected Attack made on me in a moſt extraordinary Manner, as I have obſerved Pag: sop. by a Dignitary of the Church of Hereford ; and my Friends defiring,, that for my ozon Vindication, I would give ſome Account of that. Cathedral, I the ra- ther ſubmitted to their Requeſt, foraſmuch as Hereford had been re- puted antiently a Member of the Province of St. David; and the ſame Reafon determining me about Worceſter, I was on that Account obě liged to fubjoin Glouceſter and Briſtol, in regard that both thoſe Churches were till the Year 1541. ſubordinate to Worceſter ; and though the beſt Part of Briſtol Dioceſe, viz. my native County of Dorſet, was taken from Salisbury, yet I thought it proper to make no Diſtin&tion, but give the Whole together, entire'; and as great Part of the new Dioceſe of Cheſter was at the ſame Time taken out of Lichfeild, as well as York, I could not; as the preſent worthy Dean had ſupplied me ſome Years ago with a very particular Account of it; in Gratitude, omit inſerting it. Wherefore, having thus formed fo extenſive a Deſign, I was not wanting, when my Affairs called me to London, and Health and Lei- ſure permitted, in extracting what I could meet with to my Purpoſe, to all the publick Offices, particularly the Rolls Chapel, Prerogative and Firſt-Fruits Offices, Cottonian and Lambeth Libraries ; neither was Ileſs remifs, as Opportunities ferved, in making Collections from the Bodleian, Aihmolean and private Libraries, and in applying to ſeveral Eriendsz The PREFACE iii 400 Friend's, particularly Biſhop Kennet, Dr. Tanner, Mr. Baker, &c. to fend me what Informations they could for my Purpoſe. Home difficult, tedious, and expenſive it was to me to make ſuch Colle&tions I need not deſcribe, or expatiate how curforily I was ob- liged to turiz oder Patents, Wills, Compoſitions for Firſt Fruits, &c. to retrieve the Names of Dignitaries; my Deſign in mentioning it being chiefly to point out to Gentlemen that engage in Works of this Kind, what they ought to undergo, and where to ſearch for Materials which can- 110t be gathered at once, but muſt by Degrees be pick'd up, and after all, great Allowances be made for Imperfections in ſuch Eſſays at firſt, as may ſufficiently be apprehended by any one, who will by examining this Account, even in the Churches of York, Lichfield and Hereford, diſcover that I have there added no lefs than 370 Precentors, Chancellors, Treaſurers and Archdeacons which are moſtly diſtinguiſh'd by this Aſterisk Mark *, and are entirely omitted in Le Neve's Fafti ; beſides about Archdeacons and Prebendaries in the Churches of Durham, Che- Iter, Worceſter and Glouceſter, that he has made no Mention of, not to inſiſt on what I have done in other Cathedrals, or my re&tifying nu- merous Dates of Collations, &c. This I do not inſtance to derogate in the leaſt from his elaborate Performance, for I muſt acknowledge that I can my ſelf ſince their Publication, improve in a very great De- gree, my own Welch Cathedrals, eſpecially St. David's and Landaff, having, with many curious Additions, cury'd them down with our other Cathedrals in general, to the Year 1722 at the ſame Time as I was copying over this Account; which having for the moſt Part com- pleated Anno 1723. I committed it the next Year to the Preſs; and that I had Anno 1724. made fome Progreſs, and printed of fome Sheets, is ſufficiently known to ſeveral Gentlemen, zoho alſo being ap- priſed of the Reaſons why it has been ſo long delayed coming out, 1 need not make them more publick bere : For as no Subſcriptions were ever asked or received, and the Inconvenience wholly attending the All- thor and Bookſeller, it would be but impertinent to mention its falling into the Hand's of a dilatory and careleſs Printer, who engaging in publiſhing other Books to carry on his Buſineſs, may be better excuſed than his Compoſitors Ignorance in Latin, and Miſtakes in pointing, and inverting Dates; but as theſe Errors are eaſily diſtinguiſhable, it is to be boped that candid Readers will, as they are obvious, more rea- dily correct, than cenſure, or lay them to the Charge of a diſtant Au- thor, whoſe Pains and Expence in drawing up theſe Collections, and procuring the Draughts, 'tis to be hoped will attone for Errors, espea cially if 'tis conſidered that the Account of the Churches and Chapels in each Dioceſe, is the firſt of its kind attempted in this Manner, and I iv The PRE FACE. int and that here are inchided near 1000 Churches and Chapels omitted in our former Valors and Accounts of our Biſhopricks; and that there- fore Sutch Miſtakes as may happen in the Names of above 4000 Places and 7000 Perſons, may be reaſonably expected, and the Rettifying their preſumed a Work of Futurity, and ſo no Ways practicable to the thor at preſent, who can aſſure the Reader, that if he could have brought it to Perfection, he had formed a Deſign of having Maps en- graven of every particular Dioceſe, and dividing them into their pro- per Archdeaconries and Deanaries, and would have therein ſpecified the reſpective Churches and Chapels, according to the form of their Structures, with, or without, Spires, or Towers; as Pinnacled, Battle- mented, Coped, c. according to the Method of the Maps in Plott's Oxfordſhire and Staffordſhire, Dugdale's Warwickſhire, and as ſeveral are given in the 20 Mile Maps about the two Univerſities. And this would doubtleſs have been of great Satisfaction and Curioſity to Biſhops, Archdeacons, and other Ordinaries, who might in Time have rendered their Diſtritts compleat : But this I am at preſent under a Neceflity of recommending to others, as indeed I do the whole Deſign ; and it would be a Pleaſure to me to ſee what I have done rendered more de- feEtive than I have shown Le' Neve's Faſti to be, by the numerous Addi- tions I have made to them ; and I do moſt beartily aſſure ary Perfon that ſhall attempt it, that I will thank him for it, and readily contri- bute any Aliſtance in my Pomper on that Account . But this I need not repeat, so I come to acknowledge my Obligations to Gentlemen, from whom I received Information in the ſeveral Churches treated of in this Work, of which in their Order. To begin with YORK. Beſides what I colleEted, wherein I have cited my rities, I muft ozon that I had ſeveral valuable Materials tranſmitted me by Mr. Precentor Richardſon, and Dr. Brearey, both Canons of this Church, and that I lie under Obligations alſo to other Gentlemen for reviſing and correcting this Account, though it fipped their Obfer- vation, as it did alſo mine, that I had not fully accounted for the Archbiſhops Patronages, as I have for thoſe of the Biſhops of other Dioceſes ; wherefore I beg Leave to obſerve here, that the Archbiſhop collates to all the Dignities in his Cathedral, except the Deanary, as alſo to the Prebends of Southwell and Rippon ; and beſides of abort 62 Livings in his Dioceſe here given, he is Patron of Owſton and Haxey Vicaridges, Co. Lincoln, and of a Lectureſhip at Cheſter field, Co. Derby: The Chapter of York, beſides about 14 Lirings in the Dioceſe, and thoſe I have mentioned Pag. 29, preſent to Allerton- mauleverer, Hunſingore and Ouſeborne magna, Vičaridges Co. York, 52020 in Cheſter, though formerly in this Dioceſe. At DUR The P R E FAC E. V DURHAM, The Lif of the Prebendaries communicated to me by Dr. Elliſon (deceaſed Anno 1721.) has been improved, and ſeveral Additions made to it by the Reverend Mr. Rymer Maſter of the Col- lege School, to whom I am obliged for the Draught and Plan of the Cathedral, and his Peruſal of the whole Account, which ſome tbe Prebendaries bace likewiſe been pleaſed to examine and correet, as has alſo the preſent worthy Archdeacon of Northumberland, Mr. Sharp, who helped me to ſome Notices of the Burials of the Prebendaries, and to what Dedications he could of the Churches in his Diſtrict, exhibit- ed p. 813 & 814. in the Appendix. At CARLISLE. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Prebendary Dr. Todd, for the Plan of the Cathedral, and ſeveral valuable Informations ; as I was alſo honoured with the preſent worthy Biſhop's, and the late Biſhop Nicholſon's Approbation of my Work. At CHESTER. I was helped to what Biſhop Gaſtrel could favour me with, and had what could be imparted for my Purpoſe from Mr. Re- giſtrar Roberts, and Mr. Prebendary Preſcot; my Couſin Thomas Wil- lis, and Holland Egerton Eſquires; bit above all , I muſt acknowledge the Friendſhip of the Reverend Mr. Stones, one of the minor Canons, to whom I much lament my not applying at firſt. At Man. I was infinitely obliged to the truly primitive Biſhop there, but as I had not the Honour to be known to his Lordship, and on that Account neglecting the ſending in Time ; my Letters and bis Anſwers were ſo long in circulating, that I could not receive a thorough Informa- tion to ſeveral of my Queries early enough; tho'as this is the firſt De- ſcription given of this Church, I hope it may be accepted: His Lord- Thip informing me that the Draught is exäftly engraven, except that the Windows are too wide (which I was apprehenſive of at firſt, and ſo told the Engraver, tho' I could not perſuade him to alter them, after the Plate was once out of his Hands) and that the plan is right, is alſo his Lordſhips Opinion, except that the Pulpit which is oppoſite to the Biſhop's Throne, is not specified; it is very lately alſo, that I learnt from his Lordſhip, that no Part of the Body and Croſs Iſle is paved; and that all the Lords nine Impropriations mentioned p. 817. were leaſed about 1667, by the Lords of the Iſle to Biſhop Barrow, for the Benefit of the poor Clergy. At LICHFIELD. Whatever I have of this Church about the Dignita- ries, &c. I muſt confefs to have received it almost entirely from the prefent generous Dean, whoſe Pains in making Extracts from the Biſhop's and Chapter Regiſters I can never ſufficiently acknowledge, his Aliſtance being beyond what I have received from any other Gentle- man; a vi The PREFACE. At man: Some valuable Accounts hereof, were alſo ſent me by the Reve- rend Mr. Prebendary Carte, a moſt knowing Antiquary. At HEREFORD. Though I took the whole Epitaph Account from the print- ed Book, (as I did at Worceſter) yet in drawing up the Series of the Dignitaries, I ſpared for no Pains, as to examining the Biſhops Re- giſters, and making what Abſtracts I could from the Archives there; and here I met with extraordinary Favours from the moſt Reverend Biſhop Ottley, and Dr. Morgan, two of the Canons, Mr. Pyle Regi- ſtrar, Mr. Trahern Schoolmaſter, ſome of the Prebendaries, Mr. Brome, &c. zwho peruſed my Account, helped me to what Epitaphs they could, and examined ſeveral Pariſh Regiſters, I doing thoſe of Ledbury and Bromyard my ſelf; nor were other Gentlemen lefs follicitous in a lifting me, in Regard that I had met with an unexpected Adverſary here. WORCESTER. (In the Account of which, I ſhould have taken No- tice that in this and the two following Cathedrals, the Gift of the Pre- bends is in the Crown) I was greatly aliſted by Mr. Archdeacon and Prebendary Dr. Worth, and the Reverend Mr. Thomas, who with in- defatigable Labour, extracted many curious Things out of the Church Regiſters , enquired after Epitaphs, &c. for me in the Dioceſe, and inſpected my whole Account of this Church; as did the Reverend Mr. Furney Archdeacon of Surrey, what I have done of GLOUCESTER; Who being a Native of that City, and a curious Searcher into the Antiquities thereof, as well as other Antiquities in general, very readily alifted me: The ſame likewiſe did Mr. Precen- tor Gregory, one of the minor Canons, to whom I communicated what I had drawn up both before and after Printing, which I likewiſe jewed to Mr. Archdeacon Lye, one of the Prebendaries. At BRISTOL. I am bound to acknowledge that the Draughts were kindly taken for me by the ingenious Mr. Ford Prebendary of Wells, and that I am much indebted to the Reverend Mr. Precentor Rogers, in helping me to take the Epitaphs ; as alſo to Dr. Harcourt one of the Prebendaries, for Acceſs to the Chapter-Books, and his Examination of this Account, which his Lordſhip the preſent Biſhop, (from whom I have received many Favours,) condeſcended alſo to oblige me in. Having now thus briefly gone through fome Account of theſe Churches bere treated of in general, it may be expected I Mould ſay ſome-what about the Draughts: How well theſe are performed, muſt be left to others Judgments. The Plans of York, Carliſle, Durham and Cheſter, (com- mitted near five years ago to Mr. Burghers now deceaſed, who had been abosit fifty Years Engraver to the Univerſity of Oxford) being done 2 with The P R E FACE. vii with more Exa&tneſs, after the form of the Churches, than Nicety of Work, in my Opinion; when I had got clear of him, to make fome A- mends, I gave the Uprights of them to Mr. Harris of London, a more able Workman: And theſe I cannot ſay but he has well performed, ac- cording to my Judgment, as he has alſo Lichfield and Worceſter, (ex- cept the Arms in Lichfield) tho' I cannot ſo well approve of his Up- rights of Hereford, Glouceſter and Briſtol, the firſt of theſe being but meanly engraven; and the Pinnacle-zvork in Glouceſter Tower, not ſuf- ficiently expreſive of the Beauty and Tenderneſs of the Original; and the laſt being not put in good Perſpective; however as there are Plans to explain all , the Architecture will be ſufficiently underſtood, and theſe Draughts being done in a more exašt Manner than any of the common Prints, which they will be found in ſeveral reſpects to differ from, and to excel; I hope I may be allowed to have diſcharged my Part in making them ſo perfet as they appear; for had it been practi- cable for me to have attended Draughts-Men and Engravers, and to have governed them, I jould have endeavoured to adapt the Ichno- graphy and Uprights to the fame Scale, as is aimed at in Worceſter, Briſtol and Man. I ſhall conclude all, before I diſmiſs this Subject, in giving fome. Ac- count of the Method I took in collecting theſe Materials, and plead the Occaſion for my not oftner citing Authorities, by ſerving from whence. I collected for the moſt Part what I have not produced Vouchers for. Where my Correſpondents did not throughly ſatisfy me in the Infor- mations ſent from the reſpective Churches here deſcribed ; of the Extent and Diviſion of the Dioceſe, of the Members of Cathedrals, the Series of the Incumbents in each Stall, Names of Churches and Chapels, of their Dedications, Patrons of Livings, &c. I laboured to ſupply their Defe&ts elſewhere, eſpecially in the Lifts of Dignitaries, from the Firſt- Fruits Office and old Wills; and the Account of Builders of Cathedrals, Lives of Biſhops, &c. may be fo entirely traced from printed Authors, as Godwin, Speed, Wood, Wharton, Heylin, Fuller, Strype, Collier, Newcourt, óc. that on due Examination, it will be found I have ad- ded little or nothing of my own: In compiling the Series of Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Treaſurers, Archdeacons and Prebenda- ries, Recourſe has been had to the Biſhops and Chapter Regiſters, and where they have been defe&tive, as I have before hinted, I have la- boured to fill up the Succeſſions from the Patents, Compoſitions for Firſt Fruits, as I did their Deaths, &c. Burials, &c. from old Wills and Pariſh Regiſters, where ſeveral were beneficed: The Endowments of Bispricks, Anno 1534, was extracted from the Firſt-Fruits Of- fice, and the Sales of their Lands in the Rebellion Years, from a MS. in much viii The PREFACE. in the Library of the late Thomas Rawlinſon, Efq; And though it has been alledged to me that the Inſertion of Epitaphs was needleſs, and homo ſo many loft Inſcriptions as I have (one Hundred at leaſt out of about fix Hundred) bere given, prevailed on me to colle&t all I could, and occaſion- ed my being more than ordinary inquiſitive after them, and ſeveral other minute Things; in enquiring after which, I am ſenſible, I have tired my Friends, who can in theſe Dioceſes teſtify my repeated Endeavours to make this Account as compleat as poſſible in all its Branches : And this may in ſome reſpe&t be judged from the Review at the End, where what has eſcaped their Obſervations and mine, I hope will be overlook- ed, as well as Errors in ſome of the Epitaphs, and Letters of the laſt Index, which I muſt own I left to others to tranſcribe and compile; and as to Miſtakes of Patrons, if there are ſome few, I muſt defire Al- lowances, eſpecially by Reaſon of the Changes that may have been made in four Years Time ſince my Account was drawn up. However, as I do moſt earneſtly invite and entreat all Gentlemen, to tranſmit me what Improvements and Corrections they can, and hereby fignify my Willing- nefs in any future Publication, to rectify any wrong Account or Informa- tion, I doubt not but they will be as ready to overlook Errors, as I am to own them; who have no greater Ambition than to attempt Diſcove- ries of forgotten Antiquities, and retrieve the Memory of old Monuments which have decayed, and are in a good Meaſure vaniſhed away. :: . Whaddon Hall near Fenny Stratford, April 8, 1727 terbation DIOCESE ☺ . , នឹង ១ ។ ...។ " : " ប៉ុក ។ - - - ក្នុងឆ្នាំង ៦ » ធ្វើតឡើងដើម្បីទjជន - ខ្ញុំ ក្នុង កម្មង់មង - 14}{" ក្នុង១ថ្ងៃ។" " ។ ២- - - * » ។ ) ។ - - - - - - -yr" ក្នុង ** , * : - *( .នេះឬ+: sec */ ** * * . * * * . * : - ។ , , , , '' => 14,៩៤-១ និង "A"""ខ្លួន 1 { widgetit: - * - ។ នឹង ។ z ## --- ។ តំ "។ ក្នុង ៥៨។ ក្នុង ! - - - - - - - - ភ្នំ " - " - ... .. ! =$$ ។ វ៥(១៥១៦ - - - - - - - - - - - ឡុងកន្លែង 4.9. RE 2. 2014 x X G SS The Jetiniej taphy or Platform of the Cathedral Church of S. Peters in York. A The Entrance thro the Welt Doors Lea = ſide of it. The number of Stlls i 66. ding up the Nave orMiddle Me whole N The Fligh Altar & Stepps leading Height to the Canopy is 96 Foot to it & rails about it. B. The Entrance under the z Wet Toners O The ArchBps Throne. thoſe Height is 198 Foot. P The Treaſury C. The Font QThe Archer. Veftry where He putts on His Robes . D. The Lantern or middle Tower whoſe R The Prebendarus Vejtry Height to the Canopy p-strinfide is 192. Fast &to The Vicars & Vergers Veftrys & Cloſets the weather Cock withoutſide 234 T A Chapel behind the High Alter called the E The Arch Bp: Confistory Court Sanctum Sanctorum f The North East door & Paſage to the u The Lady, Chapel& Space Chapter Houſe. behind the High Altar COM G The Chapter Houſe the Height of wen to wholeHeight to the Canopy the Canopy is 6 Foot 10/nches is 202 Foot 6 Inches. H. Ewe Veſtrys belonging to the 5 Reſidentiarys W.Two Chapels of sStephen I The morning Prayer Chapel & All Saints. K. The South door&Stepps leading to it X The Entrances to the E L. The Library Tombs The Choir nith the Stalls & Seats on each 4 Foor BORE .. TOWE POD ver OP Hari MAS . W 3 w Rogerus Gale de Scruton Arm. Fil. Thomæ Gale STP Pecani ſuper Ebor in ære incidi Tabellam hanc H © H 5 H & 9 22 30 B X W 29 w Free பாகம் Prene I 26 MON . 25 A D UK M N Пт 18 U24 PIM 197 I 3 23 பத்து Sad 22 B C X W 15 ZZ 23 24 za 04 H 1 P >佛​H a R M Beſides theſe 30 Tombs there are near 20 Compartments affixt to the Pillars&walls of Perſons of no great note The Graveſtones which are nume: tous are allmost all robbed of ther Braſſes the moſt remarkable ones are of ArchBp Thoreſby KArchd Dalby Monuments or Tombs of i. ArchBr Roger ut. Lord Howard Izz Arch By Bonet. 2. Treaſurer Haxby. iz Archp Savage. 23. Arch.Br Sharp. 3 Mauley a Knight 13. Sir Will Green 24. ArchBp Matthervs Templer 19. 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In this Diſtrict are re- puted, as our Accounts tell us, 581 Pariſhes, of which 336 are Impro- priations ; though, including Chapels and Donatives, here are about 903, Theſe are all, except Hexam Peculiar, and Rippon, and Southwell Juriſdictions, which are under the Archbiſhop's immediate Juriſdiction, divided under theſe four Archdeaconries : 1. York, alias WEST-RIDING, which has theſe Deanaries, Ainfty cum York City, Doncaſter, Craven, Pontfract. 2. EAST-RIDING, which has theſe, Bucroſs, Dickering, Harthill (cum Deverley, and Howden Peculiars) and Holderneſs. 3. CLEVELAND, which has Bulmere, Cleveland (cum North-Allerton Peculiar) and Ridalt. (All the Pariſhes in theſe three Archdeaconries lie Co. York.) 4. NOTTINGHAM, which has thefe Deanaries, viz. Bingham, Not- tingham, Newark, Retford, (Southwell,) Peculiar, all Go. Nottingham. The 3 B : 2 CATHEDRAL of YORK. The Clergy's Tenths amount to 1113 I. 17 s. 9 d. in this great Dio- ceſe, which is the moſt ancient Metropolitical See in England, being, as fome Authors tell us, made fo in the Time of the Britains : And that it had greater Extent and Juriſdiction than Canterbury, till within leſs than an hundred Years before the Reformation, appears from our Hiſto ries: For though the Archbiſhop of Canterbury was ſtyled Metropolitan of all England; yet, as the Archbiſhop of York was Metropolitan of all Scotland, and allowed in his Style to be called Metropolitan of England, he had certainly the largeſt Province before 1466, at which time Scot. land was feparated from his Juriſdiction, which is now contracted to con- tain only the Suffragan Sees of Durham, Carliſle, and Cheſter ; having but three Biſhopricks left it at preſent, beſides the Biſhoprick of the Iſle of Man, of which Godwin takes no Notice, it being but of ſmall Compaſs, containing only ſeventeen Pariſhes. CATHEDRAL of YORK. HA AS a Dean, Precentor, Chancellor, Sub-dean, four Archdea- cons, (viz. of York, Eaſt-Riding, Cleveland and Nottingham) twenty-eight Prebendaries, a Sub-chantor, five Vicars Choral in Prieſts Orders (one of which is ſtyled Succentor of the Vicars) feven Lay Clerks or Singing Men, fix Choriſters, four Vergers, who take care of all the Offices of the Church, as Ringing the Bells, Sweeping of it, &c. The Number of Reſidentiaries are four, beſides the Dean ; which four are elected out of the Dignitaries and Prebendaries, who, as they have leaſed out their Prebendal Houſes, are all of them (except the Dean) obliged, when they are elected Reſidentiaries, to hire Houſes to inhabit in, to perform their reſpective Reſidences. In the Lord Hatton's Library is a moſt curious Manuſcript, contain- ing Draughts of all the Arms and Monuments in this Cathedral, remain- ing Anno 1641. A Copy of this, very neatly drawn, is in the eralds- Office, or College of Arms, in London. And alſo among Mir. Dodf- worth's Manuſcripts, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, are ſeveral Collections relating to this Cathedral, which for Magnificence of Struc- ture, juſtly challenges the Pre-eminence of all in England. It has no Cloiſters, as may be ſeen by the Ichnography here given, wherein as the Altitude of the Towers, Lantern, and other Parts of the Building being expreſſed, I need not repeat it here: Though I ſhall obferve in general, that it is 497 Foot in Length from Eaſt to Weſt, and 280 Foot from North to South; and that the Length of the Choir is 136 Foot, and Breadth of the Body and Side-Illes 102 Foot; the Height of the middle CATHEDRAL of YORK. 3 middle or Lantern-Tower is 234 Foot, and of thoſe at the Weſt-End 196 Foot; in the Southern one of which hangs a Peal of twelve Bells, the only one of that Number in England, except one very lately caſt by by Mr. Rudhall, at Glouceſter, Bell-Founder, put up in St. Bride's Church, London. In the Monaſticon Anglicanum, Vol. III. Pag. 128, are Draughts of this Church by Hollar, given us by Sir William Dugdaler who has exhibited a curious Collection of its Charters, Statutes, and an Inven- tory of all the Ornaments and Jewels belonging to it. In the Decem Scriptores, printed at London Ann. 1652, and in Anglia Sacra, are Accounts of the Lives of ſeveral of the Archbiſhops : From whence, and other printed Books, as well as the aforeſaid Manuſcripts, may be had good Materials for an Hiſtory of this Church, which, 'tis to be hoped, the World will be obliged with, by my worthy Friend Mr. Sa- muel Gale, as is noted in the ſecond Volume of Abbies, where is pub- liſhed ſome Account of this Church, and the Tombs in it. Beſides the above-mentioned Draughts in the Monaſticon, and what Daniel King has likewiſe given us, there are ſeveral other Draughts and Proſpects of it by different Hands; the moſt accurate of which is done by Mr. Francis Place : And indeed every thing of this Church ſo very magnificent, that it deſerves a particular Repreſentation; for Words cannot expreſs the Beauty and Elegance of the Architecture of each Part. In the aforeſaid quoted Manuſcripts are Draughts of 273 Coats of Arms; as there is alſo a Draught of the great Window on the South- fide, and Delineations of theſe following Monuments, (as I noted) from thence repreſented to the Life, viz. 1. Archbiſhop SAVAGE's Effigies, lying on an Altar-Tomb. 2. A Man in Armour; his Effigies in white Marble, on the South- ſide the Choir. 3. Effigies of a Canon ſeemingly, in Free-ſtone, on the South-ſide the Choir. 4. Tomb of Dr. Swinborn; the Effigies repreſented kneeling, and praying at a Desk. He died after 1620. See his Epitaph in Anth. Wood's Athena. 5. A Compartment fixed to the Wall, in Memory of Lionel Ingram. 6. A Compartment of Sir William Ingram, Kt. Obiit 1623. 7. A Tomb of Sir Henry Bellaſis, Knt. and Bar. and his Lady, both kneeling under Arches adorned with three Columns of Pillars. 8. Compartment of Annabella Wickham, fixed to the Wall, 1625 B 2 9. A 4 CAT HEDRAL of YORK. a &c. : are four Columns bem gies in Braſs at top of it. Obiit 1578. 9. A Short plain Altar-Tomb, in Memory of Archbiſhop ROTHERAM. 10. Archbiſhop MATTHEW s's Tomb; his Effigies lying thereon, his low, and two above, embelliſh'd with Hour-Glaſſes, 11. Tomb of his Wife kneeling at a Desk. Obiit 1629. 2012. Compartment of Anne Bennet, containing her Buſt or Demi- Effigies. Obiit 1601. 13. Raiſed Tomb of Archbiſhop HUTTON; his Effigies lying there- on between two Columns, his Arms at top, and three Perſons kneeling at bottom. 14. A large Marble Grave-Stone of Tho. DALBY, Archdeacon of Richmond ; his Effigies in Braſs in the middle, with the Apoſtles and Saints round the Verge. So 15. Tomb of Sir William Gee and his two Wives ; their Effigies be- tween four Columns, and Arms at top. He died 1611. 16. A plain Tomb of 7 ane Hudſon. Obiit 1636. 17. Compartment of Archbiſhop Piers; his Arms at top, an In- fcription under the Arms between two Pillars. 18, 19. Two ſhort antient Grey-Marble raiſed Tombs ; having nei- ther Arms nor Infcription, and only Croſſes flowry cut in the Stone 20. Grave-Stone of Henry Cheeke, Efq; having his Demi-Effigies of Braſs; with an Epitaph on a Braſs-Plate at the bottom of it. Obiit 1586. 21. A low Altar-Tomb of Dean WILLIAM DE LANCETONE; his Effigies in Braſs, fixed to a Grey-Marble Stone at top. 252 22. The Effigies of a Knight Templar, on his Shield three Eagles diſplayed on a Bend; in Memory of one of the Family of the Mauley's. 23. A Compartment in Memory of Dean HIGDEN, affixed to a Pil- lar. Obiit 1539. 24. Tomb of Elizabeth, Widow of Thomas Eymes, Efq; Obiit 1585. 25. A plain Altar-Tomb, for Thomas Eymes, Eſq; having his Effi- Ne 26. Grave-Stone of WILLIAM, Biſhop of DROMORE, Canon of this Church, habited in his Mitre and Crolier, in Braſs on a Plate, an. Inſeription at bottom. 27. Tomb of Robert Cotterel, Efq; Obiit 1595. 28. Grave-Stone of Dean SHEFFIELD. Obiit 1496. 29. Altar-Tomb of Canon HaxBy; at top his Skeleton, and under it his Effigies. 30. Tomb of Archbifhop WALTER GREY, lying between two Co- lumns, under an arched Canopy. The at top : 5 . , CATHEDRAL of YORK 5 The Scite of ſeveral of theſe Tombs may be ſeen in the Ichnography, as may alſo ſeveral other very fine Tombs, erected ſince the great Rebel- lion, in which, through the Care of the Lord Fairfax, this Church happened to be very well preſerved, though ſeveral of the Braſſes were pillaged, which I ſhall endeavour to recover as well as I can, by inſer- ting here all the Epitaphs (except of the Dignitaries, which ſee in their proper Places) that I have been able to meet with before 1600. DELLA SUA NON INSCRIPTIONS before 1600. In the Nave of the Church on Stones : Orate pzo anima Richardi Peake. Hic jacet Johannes Kimpton, quondam Sacriſta hujus Ecclefiae, cu: jus animé pzopitiétur Deus. XImeni. Hic jacet Magifler Henricus Liexby, quondam Doctor in Theologia, qui obiit xxi. die menfis aij, Anno MCCCC LXX, cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. zate pzo anima Domini Roberti Kympton Capellani. Ozate pz3 Wilhelmo Wylbeck, qui obiit ----- Ozate pro animabus Magiftri Johannes Huet, quondam Płocuratozris Curiae Eborum, qui oblit A, D, MCCCCLIV. & Margaretæ urozis fut. Quozum antmabus pzopitietur Deus. Hic jacet wlagifter Thomas Wylton, quondam Doctor in Mufica, qui obiit xiii. die menfis ffebruarij, A. D. MCCCCXLVII. Cujus anime pzopitietur Deus: Here Iyeth the Body of Richard Goldthorpe, Lozd inapo? of this City of York, who died the tenth Day of March, A. 1), 1557, and left nine Childzen, begotten on the Lady Jane, his Wife, viz. Thomas, Peter, Anne, Jane, Elizabeth, Mawd, Ellen, Joane, and Frances. Hic jacet Magifter Nicholaus Girlingtonus Hackfordienfis familie Ar- miger præclarus, vera pietate inſignis, & omnis ſplendoris fructifimus, qui ex hac vita emigravit x. die menſis Junij, A. D. MDLXXXIV. Ætatis anno Lxxvi. Here Ineth Chriſtopher Beilby, long time Regiſter to the Charter of this Church; of his Soul Hefu have mercy. He died the eigija teenth Day of December, MDLIT. IT Hic jacet Johannes Chanet; cujus anime, &c. Bub hoc lapide, in fpe fanda, e fide Chriſtiana catholica eterue res fuervortionis. deponitur cozpus Pagitri Johannes Underwode, olim . genere in .: me, &c. tis hocu 6 CAT HEDRAL of YORK in Legibus Baccalaurei confultiffimi, qui in Curia hac Ecclefiafti- ca plurimis annis nomen merebatur Sapientis, pii & jufti Advocatt; qui obiit xxiii. die menfis Julij, A. D. MDXV. cujus anime, &c. Hic jacet Willhelmus Clerke, # Alicia uroz ejus, gai obierunt quarto die menſis Plugufti, A. D. MDXix, quozum anime in pace requi- eſcant. Amen. Hic jacet Willhelmus Fenton, nuper Recoz de Walopa ; qui obiit vi- cefimo tertio die menfis Novembzis, A. D. Mcccclxx. cujus ant- Nic jacet Jonannes Barton, quondam Perſona Eccl. Cath. Eboz. ad altare Sanct Chriſtopheri; qui obiit quinto die menfis Odobris, A. D. cujus, &c. Bepultura parentum Willhelmi Warde Capellani : Perpetua pace Warde hic requieſce Wilhelme, Pro te dicat Ave qui legit iſta vale. Obiit primo die menfis Auguſti, A.D. 1497, On a large Braſs Plate, affixed to the Wall, the Effigies of a Man, with theſe Words iſſuing from a Scroll at his Mouth: Veni, Domine Jeſu ; fic etiam, Amen. In his Hand a Book open with this on it: Creator, non creata. At bottom this : Roberto Cottrell, Dublinio primaria Hiberniæ civitate oriundo, poftmodum cive Ebor. Armig. cujus corpus ſub ſaxo infigniis ejus notato aftantium pedibus urgetur, qui plus minus viginti annis Sereniſſima Domina Regina, ejuſque in his partibus Borealibus Senatui, quod Concilium dicimus, graviter fideliter infervivit ; viro certe pruden- ti, gravi, erudito, miſericordi, benefico, in levamen adje&tiffimo ; De- eumque imprimis timenti : Quique hic ſedentibus vivus curavit (e mul- ipfi Dominum 7e um concelebretis ; & licet adhuc in terris agatis, cæleftia tamen ſedulo cogitetis. Obiit viii. Cal. Sep. A. D. 1595. Nic jacet Hagiſter Thomas Appilby, quondam Curie Procurator Geo geralis, qui obiit feptimo die menfis Decembris, A.D. 1439. cujus anime, &c. Againſt a Pillar of the great Lantern, on a Brafs-Plate, the Effigies of a Woman; in her Hands a Book opened, with theſe Words engraven: I have choſen the Ways of Truth, and thy Fudgments I have laid be- føre me. Thy Statutes have been my Songs in the Houſe of my Pil grimage. Under- : Eliz. 37 : CATHEDRAL of YORK. 7 : Underneath this: Bo Here reſteth the Body of Elizabeth Eymes Widow, late Wife of Tho- mas Eymes, Efq; deceaſed, and one of the Gentlewomen of Queen Elizabeth's Privy Chamber ; and Daughter of Sir Edward Nevill, Knt. one of the Privy Chamber to King Henry VIII. who departed this Life to the Mercy of God the third Day of February, Ann. Dom. MDLXXXV. Here lyeth buried the Body of Thomas Eymes, Eſq; one of her Ma- jeſty's Council eſtabliſhed in theſe North Parts, and Secretary and Keeper of her Highneſs's Signet, appointed for her ſaid Council ; who married Elizabeth, one of the Daughters of Sir Edward Nevill, Knt. and departed out of this Life to the Mercy of God the 19th Day of Auguſt, A.D. 1578. Nic jacet Henricus Maynard, quondam Perfona in Ecclefia; qui obi- it xxvii, die menfis Decembzis, A. D. Mcccc XIII, Of pour Charity pzap foz the Soul of Martin Soſa, Goldſmith, pozn in Sapher in Spain, and of Elyne his wife, whoſe Soul God par- don; of this City Sheriff, who was buried in this place, and died the twenty ſeventh Day of O&tober, in the Dear of our Lozd God, MD LX. Quondam Perſona ad altare Sandi Willhelmi Orate pro anima Willhelmi Burton, qui obiit Hic jacet Dominus Johannes Halton, quondam Perfona ad altare Bandi Willhelmi in Eccl. Metropol. Ebor. ingreffus eft. Ozate pzo anima Domini Jonannis Rednes, quondam Perſona in- iſta Ecclefia, qui obiit fecundo die menſis Otob. A. D. MCCCC XXVIII. cujus anime, &c. Hic jacet Wilhelmus de Newton Capellanus, qui obiit xiii. die men- fis Julij , A. D. McCCCXLII. cujus, &c. Orate pro anima Domini Willhelmi Wath, quondam Aicarij iftius Ecclefie, qui obiit xv. die menfis Junij , A. D. Mcccc XXIV. cujus anime, &c. Orate pzo anima Domini Roberti Hepill , Nic jacet Dom. Tho. Beleby, quondam Perfona Ecclefie Cathedralis Ebor. ac Clericus Fabrice ejuſdem, qui obiit xxvii, ffebzuar. A, D. MCCCCXLIII, cujus, &c Hic jacet Dominus Richardus Godſon, quondam Derfona ar Bub- thefaurarius iftius Eccleſie, qui obiit xx, die menfis Maij, A. D. MCCCCXVI. Orate pzo anima Dom. Caroli Stanhope, quondom Perfone iftius Ec- cleſie ad altare Sancte Marie Magdalene, infuper Clericus de fa- bzira Cathedzali , qui obiit xvii, sept. A. D. MDXVI, Near 8 CATHEDRAL of YORK. . - On Near the Tomb of Thomas and Nicholas Wanton, who died Ann. 1617. is this Inſcription":"Tonya ngodesiida jo 1608 Prope bunc tumulum ſepultus eft Gulielmus Wanton, filius. ſecundus Tho. Warton prædiéti, & fratris dicti Nicholai, qui obiit xxiii. die menfis Decembris, A. D. 1577. Johannes Layer nepos ( heres Nich. Wantón, propter amoris fui confirmationem, & avunculi defuntti fam& "conſervationem, hunc ftruxit tumulum. fani typis On Stones. Ozate pro anima Domini Caroli Favor, nuper perſone in ifta Eccl. Cath. að alfare Sante Marie Magdalene, qui obiit xv. die WA. D. MCCCC XIIII. 9. o Mattheus Dethick obiit viii. die menfis Augufti, MDLXXXIII. cilit theſe Arms, Three Water-Budgets. PRIYAM Bic jacet Dom. Will . Horneby, quondam Perſona altaris Sanctorum Innocentium. Obiit vi. die menfis Povembris, A. D. M CCCC XXXVI. cuijtis, &c. Ozate po anima Johannes Petty, Olafiar. Eboraci, qui obiit die No- Gembris viij. Mcccc. - And near it this in a Window: This Window was glazed by Sir John Petty, hnt. Glazier, ſometime Lozd Mayor of the Cite of York; who dicd the eighth Day of November, An. Öom. 1508. Dom. Will. Crosby, qui obiif xiii, Huguſti, A. D. MDLVII. cujus, &c. Flere lyeth Matthew Pollard, Eſq; Son of Sir Richard Pollard, Knt. who departed this preſent Life the thirteenth of June, 1589. Here lyeth the Body of Henry Cheeke, Eſq; one of ber Majeſty's Coun cil eſtabliſhed in the North Parts, and her Majeſty's Secretary of the ſaid Council, who was firſt married unto Frances Radclift, Daughter of Sir Humphry Radcliff, of Elneſfoe in the County of Bedford, and by her be bad iſſue five Children, which did over-live birn, viz. Thomas, Henry, Hatton, Mary, and Elizabeth Cheeke : And he had to his ſecond Wife Frances Cunſtable, Daughter of Marmaduke Cunſtable, of Walland in the County of York, Eſq; and She over-lived bim, and by her he had no iſſue. He died the twenty ſecond Day of June, in the twenty , ninth Year of the Reigu of Queen Elizabeth, A. D. 1586, and in the thirty eighth Year of Here Iyeth the Body of Dame Elizabeth Beckwith, Daughter and Co- Heir of Sir Roger Cholmely, Knt. deceaſed, and late Wife of Leo- nard Beckwith, by whom he had two Sons, Roger and Rancy, both bis Age. with- CATHEDRAL of YORK, 9 without Iſue; and two Daughters, Elizabeth, married to William Vavaſour, of Weſton in this County of York, F/q; and Frances mar- ried to George Harvey, of Markes in the County of Ellex, Eſq; by whom they had ijue. She died on Sunday being the twenty fourth Day of December, 1583. Hic jacet Johannes Jenkins, arm. qui ple in Chrifto, er uroze ſua Margareta , feptem filios, Henricum, Thomam, Mattheum, Ra- dulphum, Gulielmum, Georgium & Johannem, e duas filias, Ma- riam a Margaretam in mundo reliquit ; 21. die Odobzis, A.D. 1596. Etatis lue 63. pie in Jeſu Chriſto obdormivit. Terrea terrenis mundo mundana relinquo, Keddo animam domino reddoque cozpus humo, Spiritus o 3efu meus a te ſuſcipiatur, Spes mea, tu Jeſu, gratia 110n opera. On a Graye-Stone, Pray foz the soul of maſter John Chapman. Above on a Table this : Johanni Chapman, Eborum civ. honeftiff. quem ob fingulazem fidem probitatem, ac in rebus agendis infignem induftriam, reverendiſſimi patres dominus Thomas Savage, Chriſtophorus Baynbrigge, Thomas Vulſe, hujus fedis archiepiſcopi ab artis Abi primarium effe volue- runt; heredes officii & pietatis non immemozes bene merenti lejul- chzum pofuerunt ; hic vita celebzt functus x de patria, ob gpmna- fitim (uo fumptu eredum bene meritus, 9. Martij commigravit ad fuperos ann. etatis me 63. Chriſti vero 1530. On it the Arms of Chapman, viz. Party per Chevron, a Creſcent Counter-changed. In the great Ille behind the Choir, and on ſeveral other Grave-Stones in divers Parts of the Church, are the following Inſcriptions. The 100 Orate pzo anima Will. Ewers, nuper unius perfonarum hujus alme ecclefie, # retoris eccl. omnium fantopum in mariſco civitatis Ebor. qui obiit 24. die menſis Maij, A, D, 1419. Ozrate pro anima dom. Thome de Gartun, quondam ſubthefaurarii iſti- us eccleſie, qui obiit 14. die menfis Novembzris, A. D. 1419. Ezate pro anima dom. Will. Taland, quondam vicarit iftius eccleſie, 4. die menfis Aprilis, A. D. 1407. Diam univerfe carnis Cti jus anime pzopitietur dom. noſter Jeſus Chriſtus, Amen, Amen. On another Stone a Paten engraven, and thereon theſe Words, Jeſus have mercp on me ! C And 10 CATHEDRAL of YORK. : - : ? 3 Ebor, ad altare ſancti Chriſtopheri, qui obuit 25. die menfis Decenis And under theſe Words, Oblivioni datus cum Jeſu miferere mei. Ozate pzo anima magiftri Thome Forne, quondam (ubtheſaur. hujtis eccl. Ebor. canonicique capelle brate Mariæ & fandozum angelozuin, ac perfone ad altare fandte Agathe in eadem ecclefia, qui obiit 15. die Julij, A.D. 1533. Cujus, &c. Orate pzo moztuis, quia moriamint. Mic jacet dom. Tho. Halton, quondam perfona ad altare fancti Willhel- mi in eccl. metrop. Ebor. qui viam univerſe carnis ingrelius eft, obiit 8. die Junij, A. D. 1914. Cujus, kc. Dic jacet Will, Barton, pelliparitis Ebor, qui obiit die menfis A.D. 14 - Et Margareta uro? ejus, gre obiit 30. die menis No- vembris, A. D. 1431. Quozum animabus, ac. Hic jacet dom. Rogerus Barton; quondam perfona eccl. cath. Ebor. ad altare ſandi Chriſtopheri, qui obiit 2, die menfis Octobris, A. D. 1484.. Cujus, ac. Ozate p?o anima Johannis Sharparow, quondam perfona in eccl. cath. bris, A.D. 1420. Hic jacet Robertus Spiles by, quondam magiſter hujus eccl. gui obiit A. D. 1472. Cujus, ac. Here lyeth the Corps of James Holmes, Gent. unfortunately murthered the 28th of July, 1579... Ozate pzo anıma Will , Kepwick, qui obiit in die tante Ceciliæ virginis A. D. 1413. 8 Agnetis uronis luz. Wic jacet Rich. De Thoom, quondain canen. refident. iftius eccl. qui obiit Redemptor meus vivit m noviffimo die Deum falvatorem Ecce magiller Adam De Thorp jacet hic fimulatus, Pace refovebat, Juſtus, veridicus, mandus- non ruiturus. Ozate po animabus Margareta Water vidue, que obiit 15. die menſis Sept. A.D. 1510.4 Thome Water, nuper Will . Water pzedia. Alij, notarij publici, atoqum fcribe # regiſtrarij, dom. Decani E. capit. hujus eccl. qui obiit 1. die menſis Januarij, 1539. Quozum animabus, fc. Ozate pzo anima magiftri Johannis Alyn, quondam curte confift. Ebor, CO illar. generalis, qui obiit 3. die febz. A. D. 1487.. Vic jacet Johannes Chapell, cujus anime pzopitietur Des us, men. Ozate pzo animabus magiftri Johannis Smert, grebend, in capell. Beg- te CATHEDRAL of YORK. II te Mariæ & fangozum angelozum, & Will. Smert fratris fui, qui quis dem Johannes obiit 21. Januarij, A. P. 1489. Ozate pro anima Alani Wilberfofle generofi, qui obiit 23. Augufti, Nic jacet mag. Will. Kirkham, quondam canon. capelle beate Mariæ e ſandorum angelorum, qui obiit Here lyeth John Thorne, Mufitian, moſt perfe&t in Art, In Logyks Lore, who did excel all Men who did ſet apart ; Whole Lyfe and Converſation did all Men's Love alure, And now doth reigne above the Skyes in Joys moſt firm and ſure. Who dyed 7. Decemb. A. D. 1573; Orate p?o anima magiſtri Will. Manſell, arm. qui obilt u, die Decem, bris, 1541. Cujus, uc. Sub hoc lapide jacent Will. Clark & Alicia troz ejus, qui obierunt 4. die Huguſti anii. 1520. Quozum animabus, ac. Hic jacet Will. Dent, clericus, defunctus 16. Junij , 1546. Cujus, ac. Özate pzo anima dom. Will. Dawſon, quondam perfone iftius ecclefie, qui obiit penultimo die menfis Junij, A. D. 1509. Cujus, &c. Mic jacet Georgius Sheffeild, armiger, quondam frater Will. Sheffeild decani, qui obiit 15. die Aprilis, A.D. 1497. Ozate pzo anima dom. Johannis Lumſhale, quondam vicarij chozalis in eccl. metrop. beati Petri Ebor. qui viam univerſe carnis fub fpe permiffionis Chrifti, 26. die menfis Junij ingreſſus eft, A. D. 1527. Cujus, &c. Ozate pro anima Johannis Howe vicarii, qui obiit 27. die menſis De- cemb. A. D. 1508. Cujus, &c. Orate pro anima dom. Thome Harpham, quondam canonici in capela ia beate Mariæ & fandozum angelozum, & vicar. choralis in eccl. metrop. beati Petri Ebor, qui viam univerſe carnis ingreffus eft, A. D. 1518. Cujus, &c. Ozate pzo anima Will . Laſingby, nuper clerici veſtibuli , qui obiit 19. die Alpzilis, A. D. 1485. Ozate pżo anima dom. Thome Steyle, quondam vicarij hujus eccl. qui obiit 4. die menſis Septemb. A.D. 1485. Cujus, ac. Hic jacet dom. Simon Maynard, quondam perſona in eccl. qui obiit 24. die Decemb. A. D. 1443. Pray for the soul of Tho. Nelſon, late Conmiffary of the Com. Court within this Church, 1553. Hic Kirby Strictus jacet hoc lub marmore pictus, Reddat ei munus, qui regnat frinus & unus. Ozale pzo anima dom. Johannis Burne, quondam perfona in eccl. cath. Ebor, C2 12 2 CATHEDRAL of YORK. Ebor, celebrati ad altare fancti Chriſtophozt, qui obiit 17. die menfis febr. A. D. 1479. Cujus, ac. Ozate pzo anima Alani de Newarke, curie Ebor. quondam advocati, gui 13. die menfis Junij, viam univerſe carnis eſt ingreflus, cujus anime pzopifietur immenſa bonitas Jeſu Chziſti , Amen. Ozate pzo anima Thome Elon, quondam capellani ad altare ſancti Chriſtophori, qui obiit 5. die menfis Alugufti, A. D. 1493. - O merciful Jeſu, that bolught Man Sowl from Dell, Nave merci on the dowll of Jane Belle. Dic jacet Will. Chaumbre generoſus, qui obiit 29. die menfis Dovemb. A. D. 1487. Cujus, &c. Ozate pro animabus Gilberti Pynchebeck, quondam magiſtri ſcholarum grammaticarum fanai Petri Ebor. qui obrit penultimo die menfis Ja- nuarij , A. D. 1458. # Agnetis uporis, que obiit die menſis odobzis 23. A. D. 1481. Quozum, &c. Roch jacet hic Willbm. moztis devidus in arvo, Et ſua te conjur volvitur Agnes humo Dopum cunttipotens animabus fis miferato, Et valeant placide (candere regna ſoli. Dic jacet Henricus Vavafour generofus, nuper filius Johannis Vava- four de Newton, qui obiit 21. die octobris, A. D. 1523. Cujus, &c.- Dic duo fiti fiunt incontes nferint Thome Wandesford, nomina fint hiis Will. Wandesford & Johannes frater ejus, obierunt 22..die menis lis Otobzis, A, D, 1487. Hic cubat egregius canto? Kubeus in urna hac organa, qui jufte tangeret unus erat, *: . : . Hujus erat templi glozia, ſplendoz, honos, Magna hominis fuerat pzobitas, fapientia, virtus ; Conálio enituit, mozibus, ingenią. O merciful Jeſu, foz thu blyfſpd Pptp, Have mercy on the bowll of William Byrkby. Orate pzo anima dom. Roberti Gyllow, quondam vicar. hujus eccl. qui obiit 17. die Martij, A. D. 1492.. Cujus, &c. Dic jacet magifter Rob. Eſing would, quondam curie Ebor. pzocuras toz generalis, qui obiit 25. die menfis Decemb. A.D. 1446. 11- jus, &c. Ozate pzo anima dom. Thome Robynſon, quondam vicar. iltius eccl. qui oblit 10. die mengs maij, A. D. 1542. Cujus, &c. Of pour Charitee pay for the dowll of Margaret Teſhe, late Wife unto xDr. Triſtram Teſhe, of the Cttee of York, Motarie; and principal Regiſter of the Archbiſhopric of York; which Margaret, departed CATHEDRAL of YORK. 13 3 > UNIS En departed unto the Merct of Almighty God, the 8th of December, A. D. 1534. On whoos Soul God have mercy. Ozate pzo anima.dom. Thome Sympſon, quondam perfona ad altare Candi Chriſtophori in ecc. cath. Ebor. qui obiit 16. die Apzilis, A. D. 1421. Cujus, &c. Orate p?o anima dom. Johannis Tanficld, quondam vicarij hajus eccl. qut obiit ultimo die Aprilis, A. D. 1489. Cujus, ar. Nic jacet Thomas Danby, nuper cns in communi bant- co comitatuum Ebor. civitatis Ebor. & Kyngſton Agnes uroz ejus & Johannes Danby, unus filiozum eozum, que quidem ago nes obiit in fefto undecim mill. Virginum, A. D. 1476. Quozum ani- mabus, ac. Dic jacet Milo Mercalfe, quondam recozdatoz iftius civitatis, ac etiam apud Lancaſter, qui obiit 25. die menſlig feb. A. D. 1482. Cujus, ar. Dic jacet dom. Johannes Horbery, quondam vicarius hujus eccl. qui obiit A. D. 1478. Cujus, ar. Here leth the Body of Will. Woller, late of this Cittie of York, Mer- chant, who died the 21ſt Day of December, 1997. and did give liberally Legacies to the Pore of this Cittie, to Priſoners, and to the Erecting of a Free-Schole at Byngley, where he was borne. Ozate pro anima Will. Lambron, in utroque jure bacalauret, & in ca- pella beate Mariæ et ſanctorum angelorum Ebor. canonici, rebe- rendiff . patrum dom. Georgii, Laurentii & Thome archiepiſc. Ebor. re- giftrarij, qui obiit 16. dit menfis Ottobris, A.D. 1481. Injus, ar. Ozate pro anima dom. Thome Eſton, quondam vicarij bujus eccl. cu- jus, AC Ojate pzo anima dom. Johannis Rie, vicarii iftius eccl. A. D. 1475. Nic jacet dom. Simon Browne, nuper perſona in eccl. cath. Ebor, ac prepofitus colleg. fancti Willhelmi, qut obiit 8. die menfis feb. A.D. 1475. Cujus, ac. Ozate pzo anima magiſtri Rich. Langton, quondam rettonis eccl. paro, chialis de Lithe, qui obiit 10. die menſis Martij, A. D. 1470. On- jus, AC. Orate pro anima dom. Johannis Knapton, olim fubthefaurarij iftius ecclefie, qut obitt 3. die menſis Novembris, A.D. 1471. Cujus, &c. Annæ Sandæ virtuti ſacrum Hunc tibi, fed mærens, ſupremum ponit honorem, Conjuge te felix conjux tuus ; illicet ipſa Fæmina faminea virtufque decufque corona ; Miftus amore pudor certans multa indole ; virtus Exuperans annos ; pietas, mens ardua ſexum. 14 CATHEDRAL of YORK. Hic tibi pulcher bonos juftuſque, ergo aurea mundial Regia fan&tam animam, que jam nunc debita cælo, Et matura Deo, primiſque erecta ſub annis Numen & aftra fitit, ſtellanti ſede recepit. Sic, Ofic vivis, viveſque æterna triumphis, Felici in divum templo felicior ipſa. Mic jacet Richardus Fourmby, quondam armiger domini regis, qui obiit vicefimo fecundo menfis Septembris, A.D. 1407. Cujus, ac. Nic jacet inhumatum cozpus Johannis Moor, caufidici, dođi viri, vere pij, pzobi, pzudentis, mozum non minus (uavitate, quam integritate inlig- niis, qui p opem popes pauperibus lubens femper impertiit, cantas minus juſlas nunquam nimis pertinaciter defendit, omni avaritie injurie, invidie, fufpitione invidia judice caruit, atque hoc fretus bone confcientie teftimonio, plena in folum Chriftum fiducia, quain multis qui morientem viderunt teftatiffimum fecit, anno etatis (ue 61. placide & quiete nature ſpiritum, animam Deo reddidit, Decem- bris 21. A. D. 1597. In the North Side of the Choir. s A. D. 1435. Y Hic jacet dom. Rob, Helperby, quondam vicarius iftius eccleſie, pa- rentes ejus e Agnes fozaz ejuſdem, qui obiit 24. die menfis Huguſti, Hic jacet dom. Richardus Uskelf, quondam perſona altaris ſancti Will- helmi, qui obiit 13. die Sept. A. D. 1446. Cujus, ac. Dic jacet Thomas Galtett, vicarius hujus ecclefié, qui obiit 4. No- vembris, A. D. 1403. Cujus, ac. Hic jacet Johannes Le Scroope, fecundus filius Johannis dom. Le Scroope, qui abiit octadecimo die Sept. A. D. 1452. Cujus, &c. Here Iyeth Elizabeth Wyvell, Daughter of Chriſtopher Wyvell, Elg; and Margaret his Wife, who died the 13th of April in the Near of our Logd 1565. Under the Lantern, Here ipeth George Gayle, Eſq; who was twice Mayoz of this City, and of the Rings nut he was alſo Treaſurer, with whom lyeth buried Lady Mary his Dife and Thomas bis Son, whole Souls God pardon : All thoſe that readeth this and fee, Of pour charity ſan ane Pater Noſter and au Alve: for their Souls and d briſtian Souls, A. D. 1457. On . :: CATHEDRAL OF YORK 15 I ener; On a Stone on the Ground near Archbiſhop Hutton's Monument. Hic jacet Huttoni conjux pia, fida Beatrix, Terra tegit terram, mens loca fumma tene Felix illa fuit dum vixit prole, viroque Functior, at Chriſto morte beata magis. Obdormiwit 5. die Maij, A. D. 1482. Near Archbiſhop Matthews's Monument is this Inſcription. The Body of Ranulph Hurlſton, Eſq; one of the Honourable Council of the North Parts, lyeth here in hope of joyful Refurre&tion, who, adorned with great Gifts of Learning, Gravity, Wiſdom, joined with rare Godlyneſs, was always careful of advancing the Tincere Doctrine of Chriſt, and of that Equity which every where ought to be obſerved, never ceaſing bis faithful Labours to profit the Church and Commonwealth, until it pleaſed our gratious God merci- fully in a very Short Moments without any or the leaſt Dolour of Death, to end all the Labour of bis faithful Servant, and to tranſ- late his Soul into his eternal Reſt, 13. April Anno Chrifti Incarna- tionis 1587. All the Days of bis Perigrination were 62 Years, for whoſe godly Life the anointed Saviour be bleſed for ever, Amen. Which Inſcriptions in Number above 100, beſides thoſe of Archbiſhops, Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, Treaſurers, Subdeans, Archdeacons and Prebendaries given in the following Hiſtory of them, are all I'find before 1600. And the greateſt part of theſe are as appears now periſhed, as are abundance of other Stones robbed of their Braffes, óc. even before this Account taken Anno 1641. Many of theſe defaced Stones were, ase is fiip- poſed, laid over Chantry-Prieſts and Chaplains at Altars, which were very fiumerous in this Cathedral, as may be ſeen in Capt. Stevens's Monafticon, Vol. II. Where is, from Mr. Dodſworth's MSS. a very good Account of the Chantries, &c. in this Cathedral, printed, and ſome Account of the Dioceſe, to which I beg leave to refer. s üblot b TGIE Having done with the Monumental Part, I come to give ſome Deſcri- ption of this Church and the Time of its Building. On obil os no Archbiſhop Thomas began temp. Will. Rufi a new Foundation of this Church, which being decayed with Fire, Archbiſhop Roger built a new Choir, and made the Vaults, the Archbiſhop's Palace and St. Sepul- chre's Chapel on the North-fide. Archbiſhop Fohn Romane temp. Edw.I. built 16 24.1 CATHÉDRAL 16 of YORK, built the North Croſs Tranſept. and a goodly Steeple in the middle ; which Work he had in ſome meaſure begun while he was Chanter. Archbiſhop Melton temp. Edw. II. at the Expence of 700 Marks, fi- niſhed the Weſt-part of the Body of the Church. Archbiſhop Zouch temp. Edw. III. begun a new Chapel on the South-ſide of the Church. Archbiſhop Thornesby temp. Edw. III. on July 20. 1361. began to build anew the Choir, and beſtowed much Coſt in beautifying the La- dy's Chapel with Images and Painting, in which he expended 1700 l. of his own Money, Robert De Percy gave the Stone, and Robert De Vacalour gave the Timber towards finiſhing the Cathedral, as may be ſeen in their Charters printed in the Monaſticon. The South Tranſept. was the Work of Archbiſhop Geffry Plantagenet, and his Succeſſor Archbiſhop Walter Grey. This Work was 151 Years in Building, the laſt Hand to it being put by Walter Skirlaw, Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding and Prebendary of Fenton, before his Promotion to the Sees of Lichfield, Wells and Dur- ham; who, thinking Archbiſhop Romane's Lantern, or middle Steeple, too low, pulled part of it down, and made a new one as it now conti- nues. The Roof of this Lantern is adorned with Knots, gilt and car- ved, as is the Roof of the Nave of the Church, in imitation of arched Work: The whole Canopy being adorned with large Knots, carved Between the two Weſt Towers is a ſpacious Window of painted Glaſs, adorned with the Effigies of Biſhops, and other hiſtorical Nar- rations. There are eight Arches in the Nave, and about every one are Coats of , Arms cut in Stone, as well as painted in ſeveral of the Windows. In the Nave and ſide Hes, in ſome of the Knots in the Roof, are Carvings of the Salutation, Nativity and Epiphany, repreſenting the Wiſe-Men making their Offerings, with other Sculptures of our Saviour and his Apoſtles, the Angels adoring him, the Deſcent of the Holy Ghoſt and Aſſumption of the Bleſſed Virgin. As the Peircys and Vavalours gave the Timber and Stone, ſo the Builder of this Part, Archbiſhop William De Melton, fet their Effigies in Stone on each fide the Arch over the great Weft-Door ; where Vava- Sour is repreſented holding a Stone, as Peircy is holding a Piece of Tim- ber. Their Effigies are alfo at the Eaſt-end in Armour. On each ſide the Choir are two moſt magnificent Windows, reaching almoſt the Height of the middle Ife, being divided into 108 Partitions, each Partition repreſenting a ſacred Piece of Hiſtory. spordium But and gilt. CATHEDRAL of YORK. 17 But the moſt celebrate Piece of Building is the Chapter-Houſe, which ſtands on the North-ſide of the Church. Tis octangular, containing 21 Yards Diameter, raiſed by many Pillars, and finiſhed by an Arch or Concave on the top, having no Column at all to ſupport it in the mid- dle: And indeed 'tis fo curious a Piece of Architecture, that it juſtly de- ferves the Character written on the Roof in golden Letters, Ut roſa flos florum fic eſt domus ifta domorum. The Workmanſhip of the Win- dows throughout the whole Church is admirable, and the Panes of Glaſs exquiſitely well painted, eſpecially the great Eaſt-window, where is given the Hiſtory of the Bible. This was glaz'd anno glaz'd Anno 1405. by the Dean and Chapter, who then contracted with John Thornton of Coven- try, Glazier, who was to receive for his own Work 4 s. per Week, and obliged to finiſh it in leſs than three Years. There are in divers Parts of the Church ſeveral Paintings and Carv- ings of Angels, Saints and Biſhops. In the Inſide of the Chapter-Houfe ſtood the Image of our Saviour and his Twelve Apoſtles of Silver, as 'tis faid. num. 10.00 About the Sides of the Dome are Seats for the Dignitaries and Preben- daries arched over. Theſe Seats are ſupported by ſmall Marble-Pil- lars, to every Seat is a Walk, or Gallery, that goes round the Chapter- Houſe. There is here a Tradition, which is univerſally credited, that, under pretence of this being an uſeleſs Building, a certain Perſon obtained it, in order to pull it down, in the Great Rebellion, and had provided to be- gin demoliſhing it, but was taken away ſuddenly by Death, a Week be- fore he thought to begin executing his baſe Purpoſe. And that this Church eſcaped fo well was, as is obſerved, owing to the Parliament- General, Sir Thomas Fairfax, who forbid the Soldiers to lay hands on any thing in the Church; though notwithſtanding this they defaced fe- veral Images, and ſtole the Brafles from abundance of Grave-Stones. 23 In a Book, intitled The Antiquities of York-City, printed An. 1719. at York, is fome Account of this Cathedral; as in a Book, intitled The Hiſtoriographer, printed at London An. 1720. there is an Account of Ulphus's Horn, which with other printed things I ſhall forbear to make mention of here : And ſo I come to give an Account of the En- dowment of this See in like manner as other Cathedrals. 1 De 10 brun into ENDOW- . ENDOWMENTS of YORK 18 .. ENDOWMENT of the Biſhoprick Anno 1534. nd 26. Hen. VIII. IS N the Firſt-Fruits Office, though the Survey of the Lands of this See is wanting, I am enabled from a MS, collected by the late Moſt Reverend Archbiſhop Sharp, lent me by his moſt generous and learned Son Fobn Sharp, Eſq; (a Gentleman who has conferred on me ſuch repeated and laſting Favours, as I ſhall ever be obliged to acknowledge with the utmoſt Gratitude and Thankfulneſs) to inform the World in general that theſe were, Co. YORK, Beverly, Skidby, Biſhops-Burton, York and Biſhops-Thorp Palaces, Cawood, Wiftore, Sherborn, Ottley, Rippon cum membris, Milford, Biſkops-Lathe, Kingſton on Hull, Patrington, Eloughton, Witwang, Wilton, Toppcliff, Skipton, Darleton, Carleton. Co. NOTTINGHAM, Southwell cum membris, Scroby cum membris. Co. NORTHUMBERLAND, Hexam Juriſdiction and County. Co. GLOUCESTER, Churchdown, Norton, Shurdington, Widcombe, Cer- ney, Compton, Oddington. sand $390 I God Co. MIDDLESEX, York-Palace, malo 30 leti s aina yoyo Co. SURRY, Batterſea and Wandſworth. All which were Anno 1534. aforeſaid valued for Firſt-Fruits at 2035 1. 3 s. 7 d. though by facrilegious Alienations they are now re- duced to no more than 1610 1. So the Revenues are leffened above per Annum by theſe following Alienations tempore Hen. VIIỊ. The firſt of theſe was by Cardinal Wolfey about 1520. when he grant- ed away Whitehall, the then Archiepiſcopal Palace in Weftminfter. The next was by Archbiſhop Edward Lee, who by Indenture, dated Nov. 1 2. 34. Hen. VIII. 1542. granted to the King the Manors of Be- verly and Biſhops-Burton Co. York, and Southwell Co. Nottingham, and had in exchange for them the diſſolved Priory of Marten, and Manors of Kilborne aad Sutton under Whifton-Cliff, with ſome Granges. But this was nothing in compariſon of what his Suicceffor, Archbiſhop Robert Holgate, did, who within a Month after his. Tranſlation from Landaff to this See, Feb. 6. 36. Hen. VIII. Anno 1545. granted away almoſt all the antient Eſtates of the Archbiſhoprick, namely, Sbirborne cum Leverton, Bonvill, Hadleſton, Fenton, Brotherton, Berk- fton, Burton-Lownd, Grimſton, Wolleskelf, Clayflat, Peckfeld, Gil- grine, Milford, Bishops-Lathes : Alſo the Lordſhips and Manors of Rippon, Sharrow, Stanley, Rippon-Holm, Coiſtakes-hill, Penny-croft, Cafledike, 4001. ENDOWMENTs of YORK. 19 Caftledike, Wbitcliff, Thorp, Monkton, Thornton, Netherdale, Mil- ford, Biſhop-Lathes, King ſton on Hull, Patrington, Sharet horp, Fiſmake, Hakgarth, Eloughton, Wetwang, Wilton, Biſhops-wilton, Topcliff, Aſcaby, Griftwayt, Dysford, Rempton, Newby, Skipton, Catton, Northby, Waplow, Mask, Úplet horne, Ayton, Dalton, Craik- ball, Carleton. All theſe fifty four Co. York were thus given away by Archbiſhop Holgate, who likewiſe parted with Co. NOTTINGHAM, Scroby, Ravenskeld, Laneham, Askham, Sutton, Northſoke ; and Co. NORTHUMBERLAND, Hexam, Erington, Walley, Acome, Halliden, Kepwick, Ereceridge, Kenley, Eſtallvent, Kadden, Ninbank, Weftal- lan, Newlands : And laſtly, Go. GLOUCESTER, the Barony of Churchdown, with the Manors, &c. of Churchdown, Huckylcott, Norton, Shurdington, Wydcomb, Cerney, Compton, Odington. In all ſixty ſeven Eſtates and Manors paſſed away by him, as may be ſeen in our Statute-Books, Anno 37. Hen. VIII. wherein is printed an A& to empower him to alienate Hexam and Hexamſhire. However I find King Edw. Vi. Anno Reg. 7. May 27. 1553. re- granted back Scroby Manor to the See of York,, after the Deceaſe of the ſaid Robert Holgate, Archbiſhop of York, and Barbara his Wife. In lieu of thoſe antient Demeſnes, which amount to 1200 l. per Ann. Holgate had thirty three impropriate Livings by way of Exchange from Hen. VIII. viz. Doncaſter, Ruiſton, Felkirk, Darington, Neither-po- pleton, Feliskirk, Sutton, Sherrif-hutton, Braferton Myton, Crawn, Thirkleby, Marton, Stainton, Ormesby, Lithe, Agnes-burton, Wiftow, Elingtoni, Kayingham, Nafferton, Gisburgh, Whitby, Skelton, Kirkle- vington, Garüm, Malton, Kilborne, Hutton on Derwent, Thirke, Mar- ton in Galtres, all Co. Pork, and Haxey and Ozeſton Co. Lincoln. This See being thus pillaged and garbled in Hen. VIII's Reigni, King Edw. VI. had no room to plunder, nor was here any Alienation extort- ed in Queen Elizabeth's Reign ; but what Injury was done the See in her Reign, was by fome of the Archbiſhops themſelves, to provide for their Families. For, beſides what Archbiſhop Tbomas Young did, in demoliſhing the Palaces of York, we are informed by Dr. Thoroton, in his Hiſtory of Nottinghamſhire, pag. 479, 480. that Archbiſhop Sandys, demiſing his Palace and Manor of Scroby to his Son Sir Samuel Sandys, together with the Park and Northſoke with many Towns thereabouts, he or his Family cauſed the ſaid Palace to be pulled down. D 2 In (20 ENDOWMENTS OF YORK. - 7 In Ma Torr's Collections, made about 1693. we are likewiſe inform- ed, that in this Reign Achbiſhop Hutton leaſed away ſeveral Eſtates, which are yet in his Great-Grandſon's Hands. What Archbiſhop Matthews did in King James the Firſt's Reign, which was by Act of Parliament, about parting with York-Place, we ſhall fhew hereafter. It was in this Prince's Time that Biſhops were re- ftrained from making any, Alienations, elſe our Sees might have been re- duced to as low à Value as parochial Livingston In the Reign of Queen Mary, whoſe Memory has been much tra- duced by the Purit ans and diſaffected Perfons to Biſhops, there were abundance of Manors reſtored back to this Church ; infomuch as it may be ſaid to have been endowed with all its beſt Eſtates by her : For The gave Biſhop Heath Suffolk-Place in Southwark, which came to the Crown by the Attainder of the Duke of Suffolk, which, on account of its Remoteneſs, was exchanged for Norwich-Houſe in the Strand, after- wards called York-Houſe ; which continued the Parliamentary Houſe of this Biſhoprick, till King James, to gratify the Duke of Buckingham, got it exchanged for ſome Lands in the North of England. She in conſideration, as the Patents expreſs it, that there was in the Crown I 200 l. per Annum Eſtate of this See) Anno Reg. 3. regranted Feb. 20. the Manors and Parks of Hexgrave and Norwood, Scroby Lordſhip and Manor, Laneham, Askham, Sutton, Northſoke and Southwell cum per- tinenti ; and alſo Rippon: Which Benefactions, as Mr. Torr . obferves, amount to near half the preſent Income. Beſides thefe Revenues, beſtowed by Queen Mary, there remains. very little of the antient Endowments of this See, except the ſmall . Manor of Biſhops-Thorp, and ſome Demefnes adjacent to it in York, worth about 40 l. per Annum ; and the Manors of Ottly, Cawood, Wi- ftowe, and ſome Lands in Shirborne Co. York, and in Batterſea and Wandſworth Co. Surry. All the other Eſtates have accrued by forced Exchanges, chiefly in the Reign of Henry VIII. who, on taking away the antient Demeſnes from Archbiſhop Holgate, gave him in licu thereof thirty three Impropria- tions, the diſſolved Priory of Marten, with the Demefnes of Kilbourne and Sutton, and Farms in Thorp, Wildon, Oſgodsby, Baſſez and Ma- derby, all Parcels of Biland diſſolved Abbey. The Lands given by King James L. Anno 1622. in lieu of York- Place in the Strand, London, were the Manor of Beckham, which be- longed to the Earl of Richmond, the Manor of Accomb, Parcel of the diffolved Treaſurerſhip of Tork, with the Manors of Santon and Brighton. TO 00003 ho laling 4 What ENDOWMENTS of YORK. 21 What this See is now poſſeſſed of will be beſt ſeen by the following Account of the Sale of the Lands in the Great Rebellion ; though I can- not but here obſerve that King Henry VIII. by granting theſe thirty three Impropriations, enlarged the Patronage of this See ; for it had otherwiſe, beſides the Dignities in York, Southwell, Rippon and Beverly Collegiate Churches, only theſe Rectories, viz. Bolton-peircy, Whel- drake, Berwick in Elmet, Carleton in Lindrick: This Church left out Nun-burnholm, Trinity and St. Edward's in York City; and the Vica- ridges of St. Faith's, Birſtall, Silkſton, Matterſey, Bradeſworth, Kä nalton, Whenby, skipſea, Kynalton, and St. Mary's Beverly : Where- as it has now by the Donation of King Henry VIII. about thirty other Livings in the Dioceſe; which fee in the Account of it; and the Advowſons of the Vicaridges of Ozfton and Haxby Co. Lincoln. The Reaſon why this See was ſo ſtripped of its Patronages was, that the Archbiſhops had, on founding Prebends in the Churches of York, Southwell, Rippon, Beverly, &c. appropriated the Rectories of their own Churches to ſupport the ſeveral Prebends; by which means the Archbiſhops own Churches came to the Crown at the general Diflo- lution of Monaſteries, and ſo ſome of them reverted back again to him. . :: T 0440 18 53 SALE of the Lands of the See of YORK in the Rebellion - Years, 1647 1. T! HE Manor of Otley Co. Tork, fold Sept. 24. to the Lord Fairfax for Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Rippon Co. York, fold Nov. 3. to Will. Wood for 0434.73 Parcel of the Demeſnes of the Manor of Otley, fold Nov. 26. to the Lord Fairfax for 0900 12 31 Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Marton Co. York, fold Dec. 3. to Sir William Conſtable for 0547 48 Divers Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Otley, fold Dec. 3. to John Rhodes for 0463. 9. e. A Meſſuage and other Lands, Parcel of the Manor of Marton, fold Dec. 3. to Robert Holborne for 0745. 4 Reaft-Park and other Lands Co. York, fold Dec. 6. to- John Blackiſton and Edward Cludd for 3906 9 Sealm- op of the fold No 1 2: 22 SALE of the LANDS nay for 2 0141 8 o point for O o 0556 18 1 3 1647. Continued. . galo tisd. Sealm-Park Co. York, fold Dec. 13. to Thomas Dawa 1542 14 10 Certain Lands within the Lordſhip of Sherbourne Co. York, fold Jan. 4. to Edward Cludd for 0231 5 Parcel of the Lordſhip of Marton, near Sutton Co. York, ſold 12. Jan, to Rob. Alderſon for Parcel of the Manor of Sancton, fold Feb. 4. to John Wandby, Will. Padley, Thomas Whorleton and ** Anne Woodmanſey for 0445 4 34 A Fourth-part of Weſtwood-Granges in Marris, fold Feb. II. to Maccabeus Hollis for 0383 4 The Manor of Southwell, fold Feb. 24. to Will. Piere- 1494 Tborpe-Grange, fold Feb. 24. to Thomas Richardſon and Ellis Corliffe for The Manors of Rippon, Kilbourne, Sutton and Marton, fold Feb. 28. to the Lord Fairfax for 1388 17 91 Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold Mar. 1. to George Naylor for 0027 10 Parcel of Rippon, fold Feb. 28, to Will.Wood for 0047 12 6 Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold Mar. 1. to Peter Rayne for -- 8 The Manor of Biſhops-Thorpe, fold Mar. 10. to Will. , . White for 0525 7. 6 The Manor of Wiftowe, fold 24. Mar. to Tempeſt Mil- ner for * 1873 14 6 1648. Parcel of the Manor of Otley, fold Mar. 31. to Thomas for 0331 33 Several Haggs in the Pariſhes of Wiltowe and Cawood, fold Apr. 7. to 7ohn Needham for Parcel of the Manor of Southwell Co. Nott. fold April 19. to Edw. Cludd for Q219 9 10 Norwood-Park Co. Nott, fold May 1. to Edw. Cludd for 0964 0 The Manor-Houſe and other Lands, part of the Manor of Kilbourne, fold May 19. to Tho. Richardſon for 0289 10 8 The Biſhop's Palace in Southwell-New-Park and Hex- graved OIIO 2 3134 8 Ž of the See of Y OR K. 23 0380 13 The Manor of Mount St. John, fold Nov. 8. to I bomlar 1648. Continued. 1. s. d. 2 grave-Park Co. Nott. fold 26. May to Edward Cludd for 1666 73 Parcel of the Manors of Acombe and Foſſeway, fold May 26. to Dame Margaret Melton and Tempeſt Mil- ner for 0226 13 4 The Manor of Cawood, except certain Parcels, fold May 29. to Rich. Warner and Henry Corniſh for 5080 1 Patley-Bridge-Mill, fold June 9. to John Picker/gall for 0059 9 The Manor-Houſe of Bridge-Court, alias ¥ork-Place in Batterſea Co. Surry, fold June 23. to John Wallis for Hockerwood-Park Co. Nott. fold June 26. to John Clarkſon for 0230 A Tenement and other Lands in Wandſworth, fold Sept. 25. to Thomas Andrews for 0186 17 6 IO Fawconberge, Efq; for 0607 731 A Meſſuage and ſeveral Parcels of Land, part of the Ma- nor of Kilbourne, fold 10. Nov. to Rich. Bell for 0146 9 3 A Meſſuage and Lands in Batterſea Co. Surry, fold Dec. 6. to Patrick Bamford for 02026. o The Priory of Molesby alias Mosby, fold Dec. 20. to samo Iso ist Hen. Hall and Will. Clarke for 0765 118 Angram-Grange, fold Dec. 25. to Tho. Redſhawe for 0314 13 9 The Manor or Grange of Beckhay, fold Jan. 6. to Will. White, Efq; for 0626 ir 8 Hockerwood-Meadows, &c. in the Liberties of Southwell Co. Nott. fold Jan. 1 2. to Gervas Oglethorp for 0181 15 8 Part of the Manor of Marton, fold Jan. 26. to Francis Thompſon for - 0333 38 Lands in the Townſhip of Biſhops-Thorneton, part of the TOF Manor of Rippon, fold Feb. 26. to Dan. Shatter- den and Edw. Boyſe, Efq; for 0771 19 9 The Manor of Santton, fold Mar. 2. to Will. Webb and W. Inwood for 0864 3 03 Part of the Manor of Southwell Ca. Nott. fold Mar. to Edw. Bellamy for - 0527 28 Parce) . I 7 IO 6 bert, Efq; for 24 SALE of the LANDS 1648. Continued. 1. s. d. Parcel of the Manor of Kilbourne, fold May 12. to John Pickerſgill for 0396 16 8 The Manors of Askeham-ſtone and Lambeth-Wicke Co. Nott. Kent and Surry, parcel of the Sees of York, Rocheſter and Canterbury, fold Mar. 16. to John Blackwell, Jun. for 3161 33 Parcel of the Manor of Marton, fold Mar. 19. to John Redding, Efq; for 0185 17 4 Forty one Parcels of Land in Batterſea Co. Surry, fold Mar, 21. to Nathaniel Lacy and William Ba- thurſt for 0325 6 6 The Manor of Acombe & al. fold Mar. 23. to obn In- wood and II. Webb for 1171 'The Manor of Lanbam Co. Nott. fold Mar. 23. to Ro- bert Sweete and Anthony Markebam for 0647 The Manors of Figis-courte, Polten, Stanſted & al. Co. Kent, parcel of the Sees of Canterbury, Rocheſter and York, fold Mar. 24. to Stephen Beale for 2423 1649 Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold May 2. to Thomas Wiſe for 0283 16 Sutto12-Grange & al. fold May 11. to W. Tias for 023.6 4 Parcel of the Manor of Sutton under Whiſton-Cliff, fold May 3o. to Rob. Hinſley for 0104 7 Rippon-Park, fold June 8. to Tho. Andrews, Lord- Mayor, for 1478 4 2 Lands in Rippon, fold June 29. to Peter Rayne for - 0560 3 8 Soft-Marſh-Grange, fold Aug. 24. to W. Popple for 0468 The Scite of the Manor of Whitcliffe & al. fold Aug. 31. to Tbo. Andrews for Several Lands in Rippon, fold Aug. 31. to John Lam- - 1317 12 8 Lands in Sutton under Whiſton-Cliffe, fold Sept. 19. to o tome Moyſes Jenkins and Rich. Bell for - 0160o 4 The Grange of Hoode, fold Sept. 26. to Dr.W.Parker for 0390 10 10 Several Meſſuages and Lands in Batterſea Co. Surry, fold Sept. 28. to Sir Allen Appelley and 7. Hutchinſon for 1806 3 The Manor of Scrowby Co. Nott. fold Sept. 28. to Will. Blackwell and Tho. Blackwell for 0759 Several 2 2 o 0261 17 4 . 6 9 Xxl of the SEE of YORK. N 25 O o 6 8 1649. Continued. 0901 1. Several Cottages and Lands in Sutton under Whit- fton-Clift, fold to Matthew Barker for - 0310 0 0 Three fourth Parts of Nerfteed-Grange, fold Oct. 19. to John Peirſon and Matthew Peirſon for 0708 190 Several Cottages and Lands in Sutton under Whitſton- Cliff, fold Oet. 19. to John Perſon and W. Boſom- worth for - 0083 10 The Manor of Northſoake, fold Nov. 30. to John Black- well, one of the Contractors, for ---- 0344 2 4 The Manor of Sutton cum Lound, fold Dec. 7. to Rich." Hunt for ---- -- 1860 10 11 Of godby-Grange, fold Fan. 16. to John Smith for – 0608 5 Several Lands- in Rippon, fold Jan. 23. to Thomas Redſhaw for 0095 U The Manor or Grange of Faulconbridge, fold Feb. 15. to William Markham for the 0909 II Divers Leafe-Lands, Parcel of Sutton under Wbiſton- Cliffe, fold Feb. 15. to Henry Markham for -- 0160 Several Parcels of the Manor of Otley, fold Feb. 20. to Richard Bell for Maderbie-Grange, fold Feb. 26. to I. Redhawce for 9603 16 The Manor-Houfe of Mounton, fold 1. Mar. to Thomas Boys for Several Lands, Part of the Manor of MonEton, fold Mar. 100344 1 8. to. Anthony Markham for 0139 4 A Meſſuage and Lands, Part of the Manor of Marten, fold Mar. 8. to Henry Langley for 0239 10 The Manor of Brighton, fold Mar. 8. to Tho: Hoghes for 0175 The Site of the Manor or Priory of Marten, ſold Mar. 8. to Henry Langley for 0632 Three Cloſes or Parcels of Land in Marten, called Low-Tolthorp and Tolt horp-Inge, fold Mar. 13. to Robert Thompſon for 0278 5 8 Dayhouſe - Farm, Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold Mar. 23. to Thomas Marſh for Certain Demefne - Lands near unto the City of Turk, 0330 90 fold Mar. 23. to Robert Blayney and John Pick- ergill for 0493 17 32 OI 21 O IO 5 : 4 8 4 E Par- 26 SALE of the LANDS, &c. :: S 4 for for ne zamanda 1650. 1. S. d. Parcel of Northallerton and of Sutton under Whitſton- Cliffe, fold May 31. to Moſes Jenkins for O113 Divers Lands in Otlie, fold Aug. 23. to Edmund Vava- 0242 16 5 Divers Parcels of the Manors of Sutton under Whitſton- Cliffe and Kilburne, fold Sept. 27. to Samuel Bel- ſee for 1 @22 18 4 Leaſe-Lands, Parcel of the Lordſhip of Kilburne, fold Sept. 27. to Valentine Wanley for OISI 12 Parcel of the Manor of Rippon, fold Sept. 27. to Will. Underwood for 0321 Several Parcels of Land within the Manor of Biſhops- Thorpe, fold Mar. 21. to Gab. Odingſells for 0127 5 IO The Manor of Rowborough and certain Lands in Marten, Parcel of the Sees of Briſtol and York, fold Mar. 21. to William Nye and Tho. Archer for 0722 3 oti bio 1651.com A Meſſuage or Tenement in the City of York, fold Sept. 19. to Anthony Scarlet for 0038 8 Wilden-Grange, fold Sept. 10. to W. Methwold, one of the Contractors, for 2183 OO DV2 70 O 63786 7 Endowment : 3 Endozoment of the Chapter of YORK. 2 27 SOY JOIN TO Endowment of the Chapter of York HE Value of the Lands belonging to the Canons of this Church, to ſupport their keeping Reſidence, were rated, 26. Hen. VIII. An. 1534. at 439 h. 2 s. 6 d. for which, according to Mr. Eęton, they pay for annual Tenths 43% 18 s. 3d. They are now improved to about n10l. per Annum more, beſides Fines. By a Charter of King Richard II. the Lord Mayor and Citizens of York are excluded exerciſing any Juriſdiction within the Cloſe of York Minſter, the fame being reſerved and granted to the Dean and Chapter, who have Power by their Steward to examine and try all Matters and Cauſes within that Liberty, as they have alſo all manner of Jurifdi&tion in their Demeſnes, which conſiſt of theſe following Eſtates, viz. Co. York, Aldborough Impr. and Rect. Brotherton and Hornby Impro- priations and Rectories, Bulwith Reat. Burton-Pidfey, Rectory and Impropriation, Burton-Leonard, Biſhops-Purton and Brodſworth Rectories, Meſſuages and Lands in South-Cave and Cottom, Wever- thorp Rectory, Dalton on Tees Town and Manor, Stilling fleet, Cop- manthorpe, St. Laurence-Walmgate and St. Mary-Laythorpe Recto- ries, with Tythes in Poppleton, Holgate and Biſhops-Fields near York, and Lands in Langwath and Heworth. Co. NOTTINGHAM, Drayton cum Askham, Lanham, Miſterton, Stour- ton, Stretton Rectories. CO. LANCASTER, Kirkby-Irelith, Rectory. V Co. LINCOLN, Lands in Worlaby near Lowth. Co. MIDDLESEX, Two Tenements in Fleetſtreet, let at sl 3 s. 4d. one of which is Serjeants-Inn. They have alſo fome Penſions ariſing from Churches, and fome ſmall Tythes in York City, and Rents of Houſes there. They have alſo Juriſdi&tion over ſeveral of their own Prebendal Churches, beſides theſe thirteen above-mentioned Impropriations, as may be ſeen in the Account of the Dioceſe.fo E 2 Endow- 28 Endowment of the Fabrick of YORK. Endowment of the Vicars Choral of YORK. T T HE Lands belonging to the College of Vicars Choral, founded about the Year 1252. by Archbiſhop Walter Grey, were valued, 26. Hen. VIII. Anno 1534. at 1361. 55. 3 d. for which they now pay for yearly Tenths 131. 12 s. 6 d. tho they are now augmented to 2541. 105. 8 d. Theſe Eſtates ariſe from Rents of Houſes and Lands in York City, Pen- fons from the thirty five Prebends and Impropriations of Kirkby-Irelith and Pidey-Burton Rectories, and other Stipends paid them by the Chapter : But beſides theſe, they enjoy in their own Right the impro- priated Rectories and Advowſons of Ferry-Frieſton, and Huntington cum Eerſwick in York County and Dioceſe, and Nether-Wallop in Hamp- Mire in Wincheſter Dioceſe. But out of this theſe Vicars are obliged to pay about 60l. per Annum to the Singing-Men, and to take care of read- ing Prayers in the Cathedral at ſix a-clock in the Morning, though-for this latter Service the Chapter and Prebendaries pay them about 20 l. per Annum. Before the Reformation here were beſides the Vicars Choral ſeveral Chantry-Prieſts, attending the Cathedral Service. Theſe Chantries were above forty: But an Account of them and their Endowment being already printed, in Stevens's Monafticon, and of St. Sepulchre's Chapel, founded within the Precincts of this Church, I ſhall thither refer. The Revenues of this Chapel, which adjoined and opened into the Cathedral, were rated Anno 1534. at 1391. 195. 2 d. and conſiſted of the Im- -propriations of Calverly, Hoton, Harwood, Thorp, Colingham-Thorp Co. York, Claresburgh and Eaſt-Retford, all in this Dioceſe. 9 : Endowment of the FABRICK. ... T HERE were Lands, as may be ſeen in the Valor Beneficiorum, belonging to the Fabrick of this Cathedral, rated Anno 1534. at 761. 11 s. 8 d. which then paid 71. 13 s. 2.d. for yearly Tenths. Theſe Lands, which lie at Topelt, Widdington, Miſtertón, are now, be- ſides Fines in Renewals, fet for 921. 7s. 3 d. and are faithfully appli- ed, together with St. Peter's Share or Part, as a Reſidentiary: The Cha- pter ſetting aſide an equal Dividend or Share out of their Rents, what- ever they amount to, to be laid ont on the Reparation of the Church, as they alſo do in like manner in St. Peter's Church at Exeter, where that $ ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 29 . Y Animais fail te been made an Archbifhops.com on the fire that Saint is always reputed as one of their Canons; which leads me to obſerve, that if the like laudable Cuſtom had been practiſed at Landaft; ſince the Reformation, St. Peter's Cathedral there might have been kept up in as good Repair, as this or any other Church. Beſides the Livings in the Patronage of the Chapter in this Dioceſe, they alſo preſent to Aldburgh V. Burton-Leonard V. Farubam V. Hornby V. Co. York in Cheſter Dioceſe, and Lifington in Lincoln Coun- ty and Dioceſe. ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. ſaid to have been made an Archbiſhop's See, on the firſt Admittance of the Goſpel, by King Lucius, but the Names of all the Archbiſhops, as Heylin fays, are loſt except theſe four, SAMPSON, eſtabliſhed by King Lucius Anno 180. Matthewe of Weſtminſter mentions his flouriſhing in England, and being Archbithop here about the Year 507. TAURINUS is the next mentioned, and after hiin sen PIR ANNUS, Capellamus Regis Arthuri, wås, as Matthew of Weft- minſter informs us, pag. 187. of his Hiſtory, made Archbiſhop Anno 522.. The fourth Archbiſhop in the Time of the Britains was, according to my aforeſaid Author, THADIACUS. He places his coming in Anno 586. but does not tell us any thing farther of him. On the Converſion of the Saxons, St. Gregory the Great appointed London and York to be the two Metropolitical Sees of England, each to have twelve Biſhops under it, each to have a Pall and to be equal in Dignity; the firſt ordained or conſecrated to have Precedence: The Pall for London he actually granted. That for York he promiſed, whien trofe Parts ſhould be converted, and when Auguſtine ſhould, according to his Orders, ſend a Biſhop : But Auguſtine, being fixed at Canterbury, got the Metropolical Dignity eſtabliſhed there; and nothing was done at York till the Year 623. when Ethelburga, Siſter to Eanbald King of Kent, who was a Chriſtian Lady, being married to Edwin King of Northumberland, taking Paulinus to attend her, he the ſaid PAULINUS became confecrated by Juſtus, Archbiſhop of Cantera. bury, July 21. Anno 625. But about the Year 631. thefe Parts being full of Troubles, he left this Country, and, returning back to Kent, ac- cepted of the Biſhoprick of Rocheſter, where he died Oit. 10. An. 644. and was buried there. After his Departure this See remained vacant above thirty Years, till fuch time as CEDDA 30 ARCHBISHOPs of YORK. CEDDA accepted it An. 663. and held it three Years, though all that 'Time it was the Right of Wilfrid, who had been nominated to it, which he being admoniſhed of, by Archbiſhop Theodore of Canterbury, preſently forſook it ; and became afterwards Biſhop of Lichfield, where he died March 2. An. 672. and was buried in that Cathedral, ſince de- dicated to him. WILFRID, who is placed the third Archbiſhop here in Godwin, and ſhould have come in before Cedda, became, as Godwin tells us, actually Archbiſhop here An. 666. He afterwards forſook this See on ſome Dil- fenfion, and ſettled at Selley Co. Suſſex, becoming firſt Biſhop there An. 680. and continued five Years abſent from theſe Parts. On his abſenting himſelf, Boſa was appointed by Archbiſhop Theodore An. 677. to take care of this See, who had diſobliged Wilfrid by dividing his Dioceſe in- to more Biſhopricks : Infomuch that when he, viz. Wilfrid, returned back again, he was ſcarce able to get his Biſhoprick reſtored, and was forced to content himſelf with Hagulſtad or Hexam, and live up and down in Monaſteries, particularly at Rippon, where he departed this Life O&t. 12. An. 711. aged ſeventy fix, and was buried with this Epi- taph to his Memory. Wilfridus hic magnus requieſcit corpore præſul, Hanc domino qui aulam, ductus pietatis amore Fecit, & eximio ſacravit nomine Petri, Cui claves cæli Chriſtus dedit arbiter orbis; Atque auro tirio devotus veſtiit oſtro. Quin etiam ſublime crucis radiante metallo Hic poſuit tropheum ; necnon quatuor auro Scribi Evangelii præcipit in ordine libros, Ac thecam e titulo bis condignam condidit auro: Paſchalis qui etiam ſolempnia tempora curſus Catholice ad juſtum correxit dogma canonis, Quem ſtatuêre patres, dubioque errore remoto, Certa ſua genti oftendit moderamina ritus, Inque locis iftis monachorum examina crebra Colligit, ac meritis, cavit que regula patrum, Sedulus inſtituit, multiſque, domique, foriſque, Jactatus nimium per tempora longa periclis, Quin decies ternos poftquam egit Epiſcopus annos, Tranfit, & gaudens cæleftia regna petivit, Dona, Feſti, grex ut paftoris calle fequatur. - However . :: 31 ARCHBISOPs of YORK. However his Bones reſted not at Rippon, as Godwin tells, they being 'An. 940. removed by Odo, Archbiſhop of Canterbury, to his Church, on account of Rippon being fallen down. As to Bosa, all I ſhall here obſerve of him, is, that he is faid, according to Leland, to have governed this See ten Years, and to die poſſeſſed of it An. 687. and to lie buried in his own Church at York. John, called afterwards Saint John of Beverley, ſucceeded An. 687, on the Death of Boſa. He died May 7. An. 721. and was buried in the Porch at Beverley Church, where was a ſumptuous Collegiate Church built and dedicated to his Memory, and in honour of him en- dowed with many Privileges. Growing old and infirm, after having governed this See above thirty Years, he reſigned it with the Confent of his Clergy about four Years before his Death, which happened at Bever- ley, the Place of his Nativity, to WILFRIDE, his Chaplain, who, as Iſaackſon ſays, came in An. 718. and died An. 731. Though other Accounts place his coming in An. 72 1. and Death An. 736. EGBERT, Brother to King Eadbert, fucceeded 731. or. 736. as fome Accounts fay. He died Nov. 19. An. 766. and was buried in the Porch of his own Cathedral at York, near the King his Brother. Of his procuring the Reſtitution of the Archiepiſcopal Pall to his Church, which had been diſcontinued ever ſince Paulinus's Time, ſee what is ſaid in the Decem Scriptores, and other Authors; and alſo what Wharton and Sir James Ware mention of him, and Spelman in his Book of Coun-- cils and Synodical Conſtitutions. ALBERT, alias Cæna, ſucceeded him, being conſecrated April 24. 767. He received his Pall from Pope Adrian I. and fate near fourteen Years, and died at Cheſter An. 871. EAN BÁLD I. fucceeded him, being confecrated Archbiſhop An. 780. as ſuppoſed before Cana's Death, who took him for a Coadjutor, or re- ſigned to him. He died An. 796. in a Monaſtery, called Arlete, and was buried in his own Cathedral, His Succeſſor was EAN BALD II. confecrated Nov. 19. 797. He is commended for a Man of great Learning by divers Authors; though when he died is not mentioned : However it is certain, that Wulsius ſucceeded him. Iſaackſon makes his coming in An. 81 2. and places his Death An. 831. When, WYMUNDUS fucceeded An. 831. or 83 2. and died An. 854. and had for his Succeffor WILSHERE 41.854. He held this See about forty Years, but with little Comfort, being expelled An. 873. but in a Year or two he was re- called; :: 32 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. a ! were LEODEWARD, as called; and of fo little Value was this Archbiſhoprick, by reafon of the Hayock the Danes made, that it was often in theſe Times augmented with the Commendam of Worceſter. He died An. 895. as in fome Au- thors, or rather An. 900. as in others : And was ſucceeded by ETHELBALD An. 900. or '895. whoſe Succeſſor was fucceeded by WULSTANI. He obtained to this See Beverley, Rippon, Biſhops- Wilton, Ottley, Cawood and the Barony of Shirborne. He died Dec. 26. An. 955. and was buried at Oundle Co. Northamptou. OSKITELL ſucceeded An. 955. and died 971. having procured to his See the Manor of Southwell. The next was ATHELWOLD, confecrated An. 971. who was quickly weary of it, and religned it the ſame Year to OSWALD, Biſhop of Worceſter, who held both Sees, continuing Archbiſhop here twenty one Years, viz. from 971. to the Time of his Death, which happened Feb. 27, 992, at Worceſter. where he was buried in that Church which himſelf had built, and where many Miracles reported to be done at his Tomb, in that fruitful Age of Saints. His Succeflor in both Sees was Ad Uif, Abbot of Peterborongh, confecrated 992. or 993; He died May 6. 1002, and was buried in Worceſter Cathedral ; and ſucceeded likewiſe in both Sees by WULstan II. An. 1002. He died May 28. 1023. and was buried in Ely Abbey, where is yet a painted Pi&ure of him, againſt the Wall in the North Tranſept. of the Choir, under the Lantern. ALFRICUS PUTTOC ſucceeded in the See of York only, An. 1023. He died at Southwell, and was buried in Peterborough Abbey An. 1050. And was ſucceeded by KINsius, or KINSINE, An. 1051. He was a Man of great Auſterity, and would walk barefoot to viſit his Dioceſe. He died at York, Dec. 21. 1060. and was buried at Peterborough, where he had been originally a Monk. ALDRED, Biſhop of Worceſter, was appointed to ſucceed in this See An. 1061. and obtained leave from King Edward the Confeſſor to hold Worceſter with it, as four of his Predeceſſors, viz. Wulfbere; Of- wald, Adulf, Wulftan II. had done ; but going to Rome for his Pall, the Pope not only refuſed to grant him Tork, but deprived him of Wor- ceſter : Wherefore coming homewards much diſcontented, he and his Companions were robbed upon the Alpes, which neceſſitated them to re- turn back to Rome, where, after much Importunity, he obtained Ad- million ARCHBISHOPS of YORK 33 ::: . miſſion to this See, on condition he quitted Worceſter: However, the Pope granted him this Privilege, as may be feen in the Monafticon, that the Biſhop of Worceſter ſhould be reckoned as one of his Suffragans, and re- ceive Conſecration from him, which Privilege King Edward alſo con- firmed, and he accordingly conſecrated Wolltan to that Biſhoprick; but ordered the Matter fo, that he got twelve Manors from that Church to his own Uſe, which he and his Succeſſor for fome time enjoyed. While he fate Archbiſhop he made great Alteration in the Habit and Apparel of his Clergy, which before differed nothing from Laymen: And indeed the firſt regular Settlement of our Clergy was ſince the Conqueſt, and their Inſtitution to Parochial Cures commenced chiefly then ; ſo that what ſome Authors plead of their Liberty to marry antiently is of very little Authority, if we conſider the State of the Church in its Infancy, which is excellently deſcribed in Biſhop Kennet's learned Hiſtory of Impropria- tions. As to Aldred, he died Sept. 11. 1069. and was, as our Wri- ters fay, buried in his own Church at York, though I rather conclude it at Glouceſter, where he built a ſumptuous Abbey, now converted into a Cathedral, where is yet to be ſeen a Monument erected to his Memory. THOMAS fucceeded An. 1070. Godwin ſays he was Son of a mar ried Prieſt, meaning, I ſuppoſe, that his Father, who had in a Lay-State contracted Marriage, afterwards took Orders, which was common in thoſe Times, till the Church became better regulated : At his coming to the See, he found every thing in great Diſorder, ſo that he had his Dio- ceſe entirely to new modelize, as well as Church to rebuild, which he effected. And though at his coming he found only three Canons left, yet he redreſſed every thing, ſettled a regular College, divided the Eſtate of the Church into Prebends, appointing a Dean, Precentor, Chancel- lor, Treaſurer and Archdeacons, as it continues at this Day, faving that the Treaſurerſhip is diſſolved. Concerning his Controverſy about the Primacy with the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, ſee what is ſaid in the Decem Scriptores and other Authors. Beſides ſeveral Lands pro- cured to his See, he obtained the Barony of Church-Down Co. Glouce- ſter, with ſeveral Manors in that County, which continued part of the Demeſnes of this Archbiſhoprick, till Archbiſhop Holgate's Time, temp. Hen. VIII. At length, having fate Archbiſhop with great Honour the Space of thirty Years, he died Nov. 18. 1100. at Rippon, and was bu- ried in his own Cathedral, with this Epitaph falſely aſcribed by fome Writers to Archbiſhop Thomas II. who was his Nephew. F Orba 34 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. : Orba jacet viduata bono paftore patrono, Urbs Eboraca dolet, non habitura parem. Qualia vix uni, perſona, ſcientia, vita, Contigerat Thomæ nobilis, alta, bona. Canities bilaris, facies ftatura venufta, Angelici vultus ſplendor & inftar erat. Hic numero modico doctrina ſeu probitatis, Clericus omnis erat, vel magis omnis homo. Hæc domus clerus ſub tanto Prafule felix, Pæne quod eft & habet muneris omne fui eft, Ottavis igitur Martini tranfiit ille, Qui pietate Dei fit comes in requie. On his Death GERARD, Biſhop of Hereford, was tranſlated to this See An. 1100. He died at Southwell, May 21. 1108. having been a great Benefactor to his Cathedral by giving the Churches of Laghton and Driffeild for Prebends, and Lilham, Pocklington and Pickering to the Deanary, which Churches he obtained of the King. He lies buried in his own Cathedral, behind the High-Altar, under a Grave-Stone with his Name on it, as Leland informs us. Thomas II. elect Biſhop of London, became conſecrated to this See June 27. 1109. He died Feb. 19. 1113. though ſome Authors make it Feb. 25. and was buried in his own Cathedral, in which he founded two Prebends, of which Wighton is ſuppoſed to be one. THURSTA N fucceeded, being elected at Wincheſter, Aug. 150 1114. but not confecrated till O&t. 19. 1119. which Favour he obtained from the Pope; it being deferred ſo long on account of the old Quarrel between the two Sees of Canterbury and York, which in fome meaſure was com- promiſed in his Time, as may be ſeen in a Bull in the Monafticon. Grow- ing very infirm he retired to Pontfratt, and there, profeffing himſelf a Monk, reſigned his Biſhoprick January 15. 1139. and dying there Feb. 5. following, (Mr. Torr makes it Feb. 11. 1140.) was buried there. See an Account of him in Newcourt's Repertorium of the Dioceſe of London, he having been a Canon of St. Paul's on his Reſignation. HENRY DE SODLE was elected at the Inſtance of the Biſhop of Wincheſter ; but, the Pope refuſing to confecrate him, unleſs he would reſign his Abbacy of Caen in Normandy, he loſt it : And WILLIAN, Treaſurer of this Church, afterwards known by the Name of St. William, a Kinſinan of King Stephen's, was choſen Arch- biſhop in June, 1141, and obtained the Temporalities; but, demanding . Anno ARCHBISHOPs of YORK. 3 35 "Anno 1747. the Pall of the Pope, five years after, he deprived him. After which HILLAR Y, Biſhop of Chicheſter, became elected by the greateſt Part of the Chapter, but the other Part chofe HENRY DE MURDAC, who obtained Confecration in O&tabis San- Eti Andrea, 1147. He had been Abbot of Fountains, and, being re- puted a ſevere Governour, he was at firſt refuſed Admittance into the City. He died at Shirbourne, Oxt. 14. 1953. and was buried in the Choir of his own Church. On his Death WILLIAM became reſtored An. 1953. and, dying June 8. 1154. was buried at the upper-end of the Nave in this Cathedral, under a long, narrow, Marble, ſpotted. He was, feventy two Years after his Death, canonized by Pope Honorius, being accounted a Saint by the good- natured Superſtition of the People of York, who had him in great Re- verence; a Table of his Miracles, which were thirty nine in Number, and were ſaid to be done at his Sepulchre twenty three Years after his Death, hangs up, as the ſame were regiſtered, in a Table, which is ſtill to be ſeen, or was ſo not many Years ſince, in the Veſtry. Roger of Biſkops-Bridge, Archdeacon of Canterbury, Chaplain to King Hen. II. fucceeded, being confecrated Oct. 10. 1154. He new built the Quoir, and vaulted it underneath, as mentioned pag. 15. and founded St. Sepulchre's Chapel, which joined to the Minſter at the North- Weſt End thereof, where is yet remaining a Door on the side of the North Ifle, that opened into it: He alſo rebuilt the Archiepiſcopal Pa- lace here ; and dying at Shirbone, after he had fate Archbiſhop twenty ſeven Years, Nov. 22. 1181. was buried in the Cathedral, where is ſtill to be ſeen his Tomb, referred to in the Ichnography, ſtanding under the third Window, from the Entrance through the North-Weſt front Door. After his Death the See remained vacant eight years, till it was filled with GEFFRY PLANTAGENET, Baſtard-Son of King Hen. II. who had before held the Archdeaconry of Lincoln in a Lay-Capacity, as he did that Biſhoprick ſeveral Years without Conſecration; and, having reſign- ed Lincoln (probably on being made Chancellor of England) he was, by his Brother Richard I. on his Succeſſion to the Crown, nominated to this See, though he did not receive Confecration till Aug. 18. 1191. In the third of the faid King Richard. Having great Conteſts with his Brother King John, about the Rights of the Clergy, and excommuni- cating all thoſe of his Jurifdi&tion that were of a different Opinion to him, he was forced to leave the Realm, and fly over into Normandy, where, having lived an Exile five Years, he died at Groſmunt in that F2 Coun- : ARCHBISHOPS of YORK 36 : South Ife in tone Country Dec. 18. 1212. After his Death the See continued void four Years, when SIMON DE LANGTON, Brother to Stephen de Langton, Archbi- ſhop of Canterbury, became elected to it by the Chapter of York: But King John, being lately reconciled to the Pope, found Means to ſet him aſide, and procured WALTER GREY, who had been his own Chaplain, and Chancellor of England, and firſt Biſhop of Lichfield, and afterwards of Worceſter, to be tranſlated to this See, Mar. 27. 1216. to which he became a great Benefactor, by purchaſing York-Place in London, now called White- Hall, for the Uſe of his Succeſſors; and alſo Biſhops-Thorp, which he fettled on them : He alſo founded the Subdeanary, Succentorſhip and Prebends of Wiſtow and Fenton in his Cathedral, to which he gave thirty two Copes, and augmented the Precentorſhip and Chancellorship with the Impropriations of Oufeburne and Askham, as he did the Arch- deaconry of Eaſt-Riding with that of Mapleton. He died May 1. 1 255. and was buried in the South Tranfept. in the Chapel next the in the Choir, under an antique Tomb of grey Marble, with- out any Inſcription ; however I find in the Cotton-Library in a MS. no- tat c. 4. this Gingle made in place of one, Ille fuis fumptibus villam adoptavit, Thorp & fuccefforibus ſuis alignavit, Obiit Catholicus præfuil & fidelis, Ad altare ponitur ſancti Michaelis. On Archbiſhop Grey's Deceaſe, SEWALL DE BOVILI, Dean of this Church, found Means to be elected to ſucceed him by the Chapter, on Et. 1. 1255. and though the King heſitated, as having a mind to keep the Revenues for ſome time his Hands, yet, the Pope befriending him, he became conſecrated July 23. 1256. While he continued Archbiſhop he oppoſed fome Oppref- fions of the Pope, and endowed ſeveral Vicaridges in his Dioceſe. He died May 10. 1258. and was buried in a Chapel on the Right-ſide his GODFREY DE LUDEHA M, called by Godwin, Godfrey de Kinton ; he was alſo Dean of York; his Conge d' Elire bears date May 29. 1258 as does the Royal Aſſent July 25. his Conſecration Sept. 23. and his Receipt to the Temporalities Dec. 1, following. Mr. Torr mentions his Confecration to have been at Rome, April 28. 1258. though I follow the Decem Scriptores, which place it Sept.23. He appropriated Mexbo- rough E ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 37 be godhet rough to the Archdeaconry of York. aliàs Weft-Riding; and dýing Jan. 12. 1264. was buried in the Cathedral. On his Death WILLIAM DE LANGTON, Dean of this Church, was elected by the Chapter ; but the Pope ſet him aſide, and preferred hereunto WALTER GIFFARD, Treafurer and Chancellor of England, firſt Canon, and then Biſhop of Bath and Wells, whom he tranſlated hither Oct. 15. 1 265. He was inthronized Nov. n and had the Temporalities reſtored Dec. 26. following. He died April. 25. 1279. as in ſome Ac- counts; others make it April 27. or 29. and was buried in the Eaſt Part of the Cathedral, behind the High-Altar, under a plain Stone, which, according to Leland, had this Date on it, ATJA Dox0.9 Walter Gisfart, obiit 7. kal. Haij, 1277. [i. e. April 25.] wordt sugod Jobson His Succeffor was portid WILLIAM WICKWANE, Chancellor of this Church, elected June 17. and confecrated at Rome, Sept. 19. 1279. He died at Pontiniac in France, Aug. 27. 1285. having a little before religned his Charge. He provided, with the Aſſent of the King and his Chapter, that thirty two Oxen, fifty four Plough-Horſes, and a thouſand Sheep ſhould be aſſigned of his Goods to his Succeſſors, and that they ſhould be obliged to keep the faid Stock good on the Manors of the See. His Succeſſor was and of ele&ted Ot. 29. 1285. and confecrated at Rome, Feb. 1o. following. He began the Nave of the Cathedral, as it now ſtands, laying the firſt Stone of the Foundation on Friday, April 6. 1291. And dying at his Manor of Burton near Beverley, Mar. 8. 1 295. was buried under a Grave-Stone near Archbiſhop Giffard, having this on it, according to Leland, 1 1932 s beko como bue Johannes Romanus, obiit 1295.1, spirtw moitto AM Mi botitas 20 al ND 25 TEL.3. bat HENRY DE NEW ARX, Archdeacon of Richmond, and Dean of this Church, ſucceeded, Leave of Election being granted Mari 26. became elected May 7. 1296. and confecrated in his own Cathedral June 25. 1298. by the Biſhop of Durham. He died the Year following, on Aug. 15. 1299. and was buried near his Predeceſſor : And was ſuc- ceeded by you adido ai ni 1 ads to 10. THOMAS DE COR BRIDGE, Canon of this Church, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Cuſtos or Sacriſt of St. Sepulchre's Chapel, elected Nov. 1 2. 1299. and confecrated at Rome, Feb. 28. following. He died at Lanham Co. Nottingham, Sept. 22. 1303. and was buried in the Col- legiate 38 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK : legiate Church of Southreell, under a plain Altar-Tomb in the middle of the Choir there, which had his Effigies in Braſs engraven on it, long ſince torn off and defaced. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM DE GRENEFIELD, Canon of this Church, Chancellor of England, elected Dec. 4. 1303. though, by Delay of the Pope, not conſecrated till Jan. 30. 1305. after which he had the Temporali- tics reſtored in March following, which were then ſaid to amount to 3145 h. 13. s. 5.d. He died at Cawood, Dec. 6. 1315. on St. Nicho- las's Day, and was buried in St. Nicholas's Chapel in the North Tran- fept. of his own Cathedral, where his Monument yet remains. WILLIAM DE MELTON, Canon of York, Prebendary of Lin- coln, and Provoſt of Beverley, ſucceeded, being elected Fan, 21. 1315, though not conſecrated till Sept. 25. 1.317. He finiſhed the Nave of the Cathedral, began by Archbiſhop Romane ; and having been Arch- biſhop twenty two Years, and held the Offices of being ſucceſſively Chancellor and Treaſurer of England, he died at Cawood, April 15. 1340. and was buried ncar the Font in his own Cathedral : And ſuc- ceeded by soil eros WILLIAM LE ZOUCHF, Dean of York, elected May 2. 1340. and confecrated at Avignion, after two Years Delay in the Pope's Court, July 7. 1342. King Edward III. having in his Abſence left him Warden of the North Parts, he had the good Fortune, on the Scots in- vading England, to encounter them in Battle, and give them a total Overthrow, and take David Bruce their King Priſoner. He died Fu- ly 19. and was buried Aug. 8. 1352. in his own Cathedral, before St. Edmund's Altar, where he begun a Chantry, and left sool. in his Will to finiſh it, which was effected by his Succeffor JOHN THORESBY. He had been firſt Prebendary of Lincoln, Ma- fter of the Rolls, and thence preferred to the Sees of St. David's and WVorceſter, from which laſt Place he was tranſlated hither, and enthro- nized Sept. 8. 1354. He was, as Godwin tells us, a very learned Man, and wrote an Expoſition on the Commandments in the Engliſh Tongue, with other Divinity Tracts rare in that Age, which Godwin prays God be not now too common. He was afterwards made a Cardinal by the Title of St. Peter ad Vincula, as appears by his Seal, which Mr. Torr ſays he has feen. Upon Aug. 30. 1361. he laid the firſt Stone of the Foundation of the Choir in his own Cathedral, as it now remains, con- tributing an hundred Marks then, and laying out annually 2001. as he promiſed all his Life: He alſo beſtowed great Coſts in adorning St. Ma- ry's Chapel behind the Choir, whether he removed the Bodies of divers of his Predeceſſors, and founded a Chantry to pray for their Souls and his . ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 39 his own. He died, and was buried among them in the middle, where he left a Place for his Grave-Stone, which bore this Inſcription, Johannes de Thoresby, quondam Menevenfis, poſtquam Migoznienfis, # Eboz. Archiepifcopus, qui fabricam obiit 6. die no- vembris, 2. D. 1373: ALEXANDER NEVILL, Canon of York, Archdeacon of Durbam, fucceeded, being elected May 30. 1374, and conſecrated June 4. fol+ . lowing. He built much at Cawood, where he reſided : But, being ac- counted by the Nobility an ill Inſtrument, in fomenting the Differences between them and King Richard II. he was forced to retire beyond Sea, where he died in Exile in Brabant, and was buried in the White-Friars Church in Lovaine, about the end of May, 1392. near five Years after his Deprivation. Upon which THOMAS ARUNDEL, Biſhop of Ely, was tranſlated to this See by Papal Proviſion, Bull dated April 3. 1388. He was, on Sept. 250 1396. tranſlated to Canterbury. And ROBERT WALD B Y, a Native of York, firſt Biſhop of Sodor, then Archbiſhop of Dublin, next Bifhop of Chicheſter, tranſlated hither Oat. 5: 1396. He died May 29. 1397. and was buried in St. Edmund's Chapel in Weſtminſter Abbey, under a large Marble Grave-Stone, hav- ing his Effigies thereon, and this Inſcription on a Plate of Braſs, sporting poolt mu Lolopao na gust Hic jacet erpertus in quovis jure Robertus Liv. De Waldby, didus nunc eft tub marmoze ftritus, Sacre Scripture doctor fuit, & geniture Ingenuus medicus, . plebis ſemper amicus ; Preſul Arduren, poft hec Hrchos Dublinen, Hunc Ciceftrens, tandem Primas Eboren. Quarto C. Januar, migravit, curfibus anni. Sepultus milleni fer &. novies quiogne deni, Dos precoz ozate quod fint fibi dona beate, Cum fancis. Vite requiefcat, # hic fine vite. On his Death RICHARD SCROPE, LL.D. firſt Dean of Chicheſter, and after- wards Biſhop of Lichfield, and Chancellor of England, was tranſlated to this See in February, and had the Temporalities reſtored to him Fune -23. 1398. About his taking up Arms againſt Henry IV. and being beheaded on that Account June 8. 1405. fee what is ſaid in our E-- glifos 40 ARCHBISHOP Of YORK. . gliſh Hiſtories. He was buried in his own Cathedral, in the Eaſt Part be- tween two Pillars, where is yet remaining his Tomb, which was much fre- quented by the common People, who, on account of his thus ſuffering in Behalf of his injured Patroni, King Rich. II. had a great Eſteem for him. THOMAS LANGLEY, Dean of this Church, obtained the King's Aſſent to the Election of him made by the Chapter Aug. 8. 1405. But he was ſet aſide, and next Ycar became Biſhop of Durham : And ROBERT HALLOM Was nominated by the Pope, but before Conſe- cration the Pope thought good to appoint him to the See of Salisbury : Whereupon HENRY BOWETT, LL. D. Archdeacon and Prebendary of Lincoln, firſt Canon and next Biſhop of Bath and Wells, became tranſlated to this See O&t. 7. 1497. He was, as Mr. Torr ſays, famous for his Houſe- Keeping, exerciſing fo great Hoſpitality, that he uſually expended eigh- ty Tons of Claret-Wine yearly. He died at Cawood, Oit. 20. 1423. the great Hall of which Palace he had built, and was buried in the Ca- thedral, where yet his Monument remains, which is referred to in the Ichnography. In his Will, which bears date Sept. 9. 1421. he gives ſome Veſtments to Wells Cathedral; to Tupholm Abbey Ço. Lincoln, where his Mother lay buried; and to Penrith Co. Cumberland, where his Father was interred. On his Death RICHARD FLEMING, Biſhop of Lincoln, was by the Pope ap pointed to this See, and had the Temporalities reſtored him Dec. 1. 1424. But the King and Chapter ſo ſtrongly oppoſed him, that he was content to go back to Lincoln again : And the Pope tranſlated in his room JOHN KEMPF, LL. D. Biſhop of London, to this See, to which he was elected April 8. 1426. He had been Archdeacon of Durham, Biſhop of Rocheſter and Chicheſter, before he became Biſhop of London, and was removed thence to this Archbiſhoprick, and from hence to that of Canterbury, An. 1452. where he died in little more than a Year, and was buried in that Cathedral. He had alſo been twice dignified with a Cardinalſhip, as well as with five Biſhopricks, as is expreſſed in this Verfe, Bis Primas, ter Præſul erat, bis Cardine functus. Co. Camberland, where : : .. Bis Primas, On his Removal to Canterbury, WILLIAM BOOTH, Biſhop of Lichfield, was tranſlated to this See Fuly 21. 1452. His other Preferments, before he was made a Biſhop, were, the Rectory of Preſcot Co. Lancaſter, a Prebend of Lincoln, the Archdeaconry of Middleſex, the Chancellorſhip, and a Prebend of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; he had been alſo conſtituted Chancellor of England. . ARCHBISHOPs of YORK . 41 England. He received the Pall of his Archbiſhoprick Sept. 24. 1453. and on the 4th of Sept. 1453. he was folemniy enthronized at Tork. He died at Southwell, Sept. 12. 1464. where he beſtowed much Money on his Palace, and was buried in the Collegiate Church there, where is yet to be ſeen his Tomb, being a plain, ordinary Altar-Monument. In his Will, which bears date at Southwell, Aug. 26. 1464. “ He appoint- ed to be buried in St. John Baptiſt's Chapel in Southwell Collegiate « Church, if he died at Southwell ; or in York Cathedral, if he died at “ York; and ordered his Executors to build a Manſion for the Chaplains to live in, that officiated at Eccles Co. Lancaſter, where he had founded a Chantry." He alſo gave ſeveral Ornaments to York Minſter. GEORGE NEVILL, Brother to Richard Nevill the great Earl of Warwick, ſucceeded. He had been Archdeacon of Northampton, and Prebendary of Lincoln, York and Rippon, and at length Biſhop of Exe- ter, from whence he was tranſlated hither Mar. 15. 1464. on Sept. 6. he received the Pall at Cawood, and the 2 2d of that Month, 1465. made that prodigious Feaſt, the Bill of Fare of which is given in Godwin and other printed Authors ; at which were provided three hundred Tons of Ale, and one hundred Tons of Wine, above a thouſand Sheep, and five hundred Veniſon-Paſties, with other Proviſion ; to the Dreſſing of which were appointed ſixty two chief Cooks, beſides five hundred and fifteen Servants and Turn-Spits. In his Time Pope Sixtus IV. made the Biſhop of St. Andrew's Primate of all Scotland, which till this time belonged to this See : He did what he could to hinder it, but in vain. Of his tak- ing King Edward IV. Priſoner, and the Troubles he met with, fee what is faid in Godwin and other Authors; though it was at Wolvey in Warwickſhire, and not at Olney in Northamptonſhire, [i. e. Bucking- hamſhire] as Godwin has it, that the Fact happened. He died June 8. 1476. and was buried in his own Cathedral: And ſucceeded by LAURENCE BOOTH, Biſhop of Durham, tranſlated hither Sept. 1. and enthronized Sept. 8. 1476. the other Preferments he enjoyed, not mentioned in Godwin, were, the Deanary of St. Paul's, London ; the Archdeaconries of Richmond and Stow; the Rectory of Cottenham Co. Cambridge, and Prebends in York, London and Lichfield Cathedrals. He purchaſed the Manor of Batterſea Co. Surry of one Nicholas Stan- ley, and gave it to his Succeſſors, appointing that they ſhould pay Sti- pends to two Chantry Prieſts at Southwell ; which Stipends are now, as I am informed, given to Guilford Free-School. In his Will, dated Sept. 28. 1479, he ordered to be buried at Southwell in St. John Bap- tift's Chapel, next the Wall; and gave 20 l. to York Cathedral. He di- ed at Southwell, May 19. 1480, where yet is to be ſeen his Tomb, be- G ing 3 been prebendary of Sarum and Beverly, Chaplain to King Ed. 42 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK . ing a plain Altar-Monument, which had his Effigies engraven on a Piece of Braſs, and an Inſcription under it long ſince defaced : So that his be- ing buried at Cawood, mentioned in the Account of him in Anglia Sa- cra, Vol. I. is a Miſtake. His Succeſſor was THOMAS SCOT, alias ROTHER HAM, born at Rotherbam. He 1. ad been Fellow of King's College, and Maſter of Pembroke-Hall, ward IV. Kceper of his Privy Seal, and Lord Chancellor ; afterwards Biſhop of Rocheſter, then of Lincolni. The Bull of his Tranſlation from Lincoln hither bears date July 7, 1480. which was publiſhed at York, as Mr. Torr tells us, Dec. 12. following. He built the Schools-Gate at Cambridge, and Library at the end of that Building ; finiſhed Lincoln- College in Oxon, begun by Biſhop Fleming, and added five Fellow- ſhips to it; and founded a College at Rotherbam for a Provoſt, five Prieſts, fix Choiriſters, and three School-Maſters for Grammer, Singing and Writing ; built the great Kitchen at Whitehall, ſeveral Offices at Southwell; and at Bijbops-Thorp erected the Hall , Houfe-Keeper's Room, Bake-Houſe, Kitchen, Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Study and other Chambers above, as Mr. Torr ſays. He died of the Plague at Cawood, in the ſeventy fixth Year of his Age, May 29. 1500. and was buried in his own Cathedral, under a Tomb he built for himſelf, yet re- maining. In his Will, dated Aug. 6. 1498. he bequeathed ſeveral Veſt- ments to Zuton Church Co. Bedford, where his Mother and Brother were interred; and a Chalice to Wingham Co. Kent, where he had been Pro- voſt; and to Ripple, where he had been Rector. THOMAS SAVAGE, LL. D. Biſhop of London, was elected to this See April 12. 1501. He died at Cawood. Sept. 3. 1507. (having ſpent much on his Palace there and at Scrooby) appointing his Heart to be bu- ried at Macclesfield Co. Cheſter, where he was born, and had founded a College; and his Body in York Cathedral, in the South Choir, where his Monument is yet ſtanding. His Succeſſor was CHRISTOPHER BAIN BRIGGE, LL. D. Provoſt of Queen's Col- lege, Oxon, Rector of Aller Co. Somerſet, Maſter of the Rolls, Trea- ſurer of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Prebendary of Sarum, York, Lincoln, Dean of Windſor and York, and at length Biſhop of Durham, from whence he was tranſlated hither Sept. 22. 1508. and received the Temporalities Dec. 1 2. following. He was An. 1511. made a Cardinal, as he had been, before he was made a Biſhop, Lord Chancellor of Eng- land. He died at Rome, July 14. 1514. being poiſoned there by his own Steward, and was buried in the English College there with this Epitaph, Chri- ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 43 Chriſtopher. Hrrhiep. Ebogac. 3. Prared, Presbyter Cardinalis, Ozatoz Kegis Anglie, obiit prid. 30. Julij, 1514. His Succeffor was THOMAS WOLSEY, the famous Cardinal, Founder of Chriſt's Church College in Oxford, born in March 1471. for an Account of whom I need only refer to his Life, publiſhed by the learned Dr. Fiddes, and to what is faid of him in other numerous Authors. The Bull of Pope Leo X. for his Tranſlation from Lincoln hither, bears date O&t. 1. 1514. which was publiſhed at York, Dec. 3. and the 17th of the ſaid Month he was enthronized by Proxy. In the next Year he was made a Cardinal, and had about two Years after the Abbatſhip of St. Alban's given him in Commendam, being the only Cardinal Abbat ever in Eng- land as we find. In the Year 1518. he had the Biſhoprick of Bath and Wells given him alfo in Commendam, which in four years he reſigned for that of Durham, which he likewiſe quitted An. 1529. on his Ac- ceptance of Wincheſter. About the beginning of Nov. 1530. he was arreſted at Cawood for High-Treafon, from whence as they were con- ducting him to London, he fill fick by the way, and died Nov. 29. 1530. in Leiceſter Abbey, and was buried in the middle of the Lady's Chapel of that Monaſtery, which being deſtroyed, and the Church en- tirely demoliſhed at the Diffolution about twelve Years afterwards ; and no Foundation of it being at this time poſſible to be diſcovered, prevented a late pious Deſign of removing his Aſhes to the Cathedral in his own College at Oxford, and erecting a Monument to his Memory there ; the Want of which gave occaſion to a Right Reverend Member of his Foun- dation to complain thus in the laſt Age, mer And though, from his own Store, Wolfey might have A Palace or a College for his Grave; 12 Yet here he lies neglected, as if all Of him to be remembred were his Fall. Nothing but Earth, to Earth, no pompousWeight Upon him, but a Pebble or a Quait. If thou art thus neglected, what may we Hope for after Death, who are but ſhreds of thee! EDWARD LEE, S.T. P. Archdeacon of Colcheſter, Chancellor of Salisbury, Prebendary of York and Salisbury, after the See had been va- cant near a Year, was promoted hither by King Henry VIII. by Bull of Pope G 2 44 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. : Pope Clement, dated O&t. 30. 1531. on Dec. 3. he had the Temporali- ties reſtored, and Dec. 13. received Confecration, and Dec. 1 2. follow- ing was enthronized by Proxy, though not in Perſon till April 1. 1534. He died Sept. 13. 1544. and was buried in the Cathedral, under the up- permoft Window on the North Side, with this Inſcription, Edwardus Leus, Archiepifcopus Cboz Theologus erimius, atque om ni Litterarum genere longe eruditiffimns, fapientie 8 vite langitate clarus, evangelice doctrine Preconem femper agens, pauperibus beneficus, omnibus ordinibus juxta charus, magno de fe apud omnes defiderio relicto, hic fepultus jacet. Sedit Archiepiſcopus annos mi- nius 13. obiit 30. septembris, etatis (ue 62. Anno Chariti 1544. In his Time there were in the Cathedral, as Mr. Torr obferves, no leſs than thirty Altars, and fixty four Chantries richly adorned, and ſeveral of them well endowed. About two Years before his Death, by Inden- ture dated Nov. 12. 1542. he alienated his Manors of Beverley, South- well, Skidby and Biſhops-Burton, in Exchange with the Crown, for the diffolved Priory of Marton cum membris, and other Manors belonging to Religious Houſes, as Kilbourne, Sutton under Whitſon-Cliffe, &c. but this was no ill Bargain, and the Church had little Diſadvantage hereby, eſpecially in compariſon with what it ſuffered in the Time of his Suc- ceſſor, ROBERT HOLGÅTE, S.T. P. tranſlated from Landaff hither Jan. 6. 1544. born at Holmſworth, about eight Miles from Wakefield, in the Weft-Riding of Yorkſhire, and bred up among the Gilbertine Monks at Sempringham in Lincolnſhire, and afterwards Prior of Watton in this his native Country, who ſurrendering his Priory, and being a forward Man to promote King Henry VIII. Meaſures, he foon found Means to be removed from Landaff to this See, which, within a Month after his Tranſlation, he greatly impoveriſhed, by paſſing away to the King and his Heirs, as already mentioned, thirteen Manors in Northumberland, forty in Yorkshire, fix in Nottinghamſhire, and eight in Glouceſterſhire ; in Lieu of which he obtained theſe thirty three Impropriations and Advow- fons, late Parcels of Abbey-Lands, whoſe Names I ſhall briefly repeat, viz. Doncaſter, Ruiſton, Felkirk, Darington, Neither-Popleton, Feliſ- kirk, Sutton, Shirriff-Hutton, Braferton, Myton, Crawm, Thirkleby, Marton, Stainton, Ormesby, Lithe, Agnes-Burton, Weſtow, Eſington, Kayingham, Nafferton, Gisburgh, Whitby, Kirklevington, Yarum, Malton, Kilborne, Hutton on Derwent, T birke, Marton in Galtres, all Co. York, and Haxy and Ozoſton Co. Lincoln And though, by theſe ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 45 $ thefe unworthy Meaſures, he had heaped and amaſſed a great deal of Wealth, beyond what any other Biſhop in England was Maſter of, yet it did not profper with him ; for in Edward VI. Reign he met with his Troubles, one Norman petitioning that King and his Council againſt him, claiming the Archbiſhop's wife to be his, the faid Norman's Wife. And in the next Reign, viz. Queen Mary's, he had all his Riches ſeized on, as may be ſeen in Strype's Life of Archbiſhop Cran- mer ; where fee, ſub An. 1554. an Inventory of his vaſt Poffeflions that he had hoarded up at Cawood and Batterſea; and was moreover de prived and put into the Tower; there being alſo, about the beginning of March 1554. deprived with him, as Mr. Wharton ſpeaks (who tells us, that, by his Covetouſneſs and baſe Actions, he was a Blemiſh to the Reformation) the Biſhops of St. David, Cheſter and Brifrol, who were likewiſe fet aſide for their Marriages ; on account that having, all three of them as well as our Archbishop, been brought up in Religious Houſes, and taken the Vow of Coelibacy upon them, they had broken the fame, and ſo were more feverely dealt with, than the fecular Clergy, who were not under ſuch folemn Reſtrictions, and ſo were diſmiſſed with- out farther Hardſhips and Impriſonment ; which this Archbiſhop having andergone for above a Year and half, he was, by the Intereſt of King Philip, releaſed Jan. 18. 1555-6. And ſo, as I prefume, retiring to.. Hemſworth, the Place of his Nativity, where he had founded an Hofpi- tal and Free-School, died there, and was obſcurely buried. In his Will, which I have ſeen, dated April 27. 1555. in the Tower, and proved Dec. 4. 1556. about eleven Months after his Enlargement, he orders to be buried privately in the Pariſh where he ſhould deceafe, bequeaths his Soul to Almighty God, St. Mary and all the Company of Heaven, and gives 40 s. to the Miniſter of the Pariſh where he died to pray for him. In a Grant of Arms to him, entred in the Herald's Office, he is ſtyled of Holmſworth Co. York, In the Year 1553. a little before his Deprivation, I find granted to Barbara his Wife, by King Edward VI. about fix Weeks before that King's Death, on May 27. the Manor of Scro- by Co. Nottingham for her Support. She is in the Patent ſtyled, Barba- ra, Wife of Robert Archbiſhop of York, and ſo I ſuppoſe Norman's Proſecution of him was made up. After her Death, and the Arch- biſhop's, it was provided, that this Manor ſhould revert to the See of York again : Which on his Deprivation lay fome time vacant, till the Tranſlation of NICHOLAS Heath, Biſhop of Worceſter, hither, whoſe Conge d' Elire was granted Feb. 19. 1555. and he received the Temporalities March 26, 1556. and the Pope's Confirmation of his Tranſlation June 21, and 46 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. . . Surry; where he died, and was buried in the Chancel An. 1570. 21. and O. 3. received the Pall, and Jan. 22. following he was en- thronized by his Proxy, the Suffragan Biſhop of Hull . His firſt Pre- ferments were, the Archdeaconry of Stafford, and Biſhoprick of Roche- ſter; he was alſo Almoner to King Henry VIII. as he was Lord Chancellor to Queen Mary, of whom he obtained Suffolk-Houſe in Southwark, in Recompence for Whiteball, which had been taken from this See; but that being at too great a Diſtance, he procured inſtead thereof York-Place in the Strand, which himſelf and Succeffors enjoyed till King James I. to pleaſure the Duke of Buckingham, exchanged it with Archbiſhop Matthews for Lands elſewhere. He alſo prevailed on Queen Mary, to reſtore Rippon Lordſhip with feven Manors, Mem- bers thereof, alienated by his Predeceſſor Holgate ; and alſo got back again Southwell, and five other Manors in Nottinghamſhire : Infomuch that Mr. Torr fays, in Truth the See of York owes to Queen Mary and this Archbiſhop, more than a third Part of its prefent Revenues. Upon Queen Elizabeth's Acceffion to the Crown, he was deprived ; and hav- ing been ever eſteemed a moft excellent Man, endowed with great Piety and Moderation, he was ſuffered to retire to his Eftate at Chobham in under a blue Stone, as our Writers inform us, and the Inhabitants have yet Tradition : Though when I was there an. 1723. I could ſee no Sign of any Grave-Stone that was in Memory of him, or any of his Name ; not- withſtanding his Relations flouriſhed here till very lately. Soon after his Deprivation An. 1560. WILLIAM MA y, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, was elected to this See : But dying before he received Confecration, was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, On recubat tumulo Gulielmus Meius iſto, en Out facra bis in hac ede Decanus erat, mer! Cantabriam teneris petiit ftudiofus ab annis, Ingenium ingenuis artibus ercolitit, Clarus docorum juris pzudentia fecit, Dettoje qui miti charus ubique fuit, facus Eboracus fozte Archiepifcopus idem eft, Quem fungi officio fata pzoterua vetant, httulit hec moztem gnie lur concefſit honozem, Maluit at fieri Pretul adire polum. Acpice quam rebus fit fors incerta caducis, En pete que nulla funt peritura die. Obiit An. Derbi incarnati 1560. 8. die Nuguſti. THOMAS a .. ARCHBISHOPS of YORK . 47 . THOMAS YOUNG, LL. B. Biſhop of St. David's, was tranſlated to this See, being elected Jan. 27. 1560. and confirmed Feb. 25. fol- lowing; of whom and his Succeſſors there being a particular Account given, in a Book publiſhed by Mr. Le Neve, An. 1720. entitled, the Lives of the Proteſtant Archbiſhops of this See, I need only refer thereto for the Hiſtory of him and the ſucceeding Archbiſhops : However, in carrying on the Method of this ſhort Account, I ſhall beg leave to inſert fome few Corrections and Additions to Mr. Le Neve and other Writers; and brief- ly remark, that this Archbiſhop, who was about 1508. born at Hogeſton, near Lantfey in Pembrokeſhire, had, beſides the Preferments mentioned in Le Neve, the Prebends of Trallong and Caron in the Collegiate Churches of Brecknock and Llandewybrewy. What Le Neve intimates from Fox, about his asking Farrer Forgiveneſs at his Execution, ſeems entirely a Miftake : For 'tis certain Younge was gone out of the Land An. 1554. when Farrer ſuffered. In Stephens's additional Volumes to the Monafticon, we find ſome Complaints of this Archbiſhop's making an ill uſe of his Power, by diſpoſing of his Preferments to mercenary Ends, and ſettling the Eſtates of his beſt Prebends to provide for his Family: And Sir John Harrington intimates, that he was a very worldly Man, and ſtuck at nothing to advantage his Son; and that, hav- ing made a 1000 l. by ſtripping his Palace at Pork of the Lead, and by other facrilegious Plunder, tells us a merry Story, how he was circum- vented of the Booty, and loſt it all by a Courtier's Stratagem, who, on the Archbiſhop's proteſting on his Faith about his Poverty, found Means to get into his Hands what this Booty yielded. He died at Sheffield, June 26. 1568. and was buried in the South Idle of the Cathedral, on one fide the Choir, under a Grave-Stone which had this Inſcription on it, Thomas Youngus nuper Eboracenſis Archiepiſcopus, civilis juris Doctorii peritißimus, quem propter gravitatem fummum ingenium eximiam prudentiam rerum politicarum ſcientiam, illuftrilima regina ſepten- trionalibus hujus regni partibus præfidem conſtituit, quo magiſtratio- quinque annos perfun&tus eft. Sedit Archiepiſcopus annos ſeptem como ſex menfes, obiit vicefimo fexto die menſis Funii A.D. 1568. do 0% His Wife, whom he married in his elder Years, about 1552. ſurvived him upwards of forty Years, and, dying An. 1614, was, with others of his Family, buried near him ; though all their Epitaphs are I think as well as his periſhed. Boto 2 EDMUND 48 ARCHBISTE OPS of YORK. catched a Bed? what T boroton informs us, of his alienating for the moſt part Scroby to EDMUND GRINDAL, S. T. P. firſt Fellow, then Maſter of Pem- broke-Hall , Cambridge, and afterwards Biſhop of London, was, after a Vacancy of near two Years, elected to this See April 11. 1570. and tranſlated hither May 22. and received the Temporalities Fune 6. fol- lowing, and was next Day inſtalled by Proxy. He was on Feb. 15. 1575. tranflated to Canterbury : And fucceeded by the dopo Edwin SANDYS, S.T. P. Maſter of Catharine-Hall, Cambridge, Prebendary of Peterborough, firſt Biſhop of Worceſter, and after- wards of London, who became elected to this See Jan. 25. 1576. confirmed March 8. enthronized by Proxy March 13, and had the Temporalities reſtored the 16th of the ſaid Month. To what Mr. Le Note fays of him in his Life, I fhall add, that Fuller tells us, he was born at Conisby in Lancaſhire, and not Furnesfells : And Parker, in his Skeletos Cantabr. informs us, the Scholarſhip he had in St. John's, Cambridge, was of Dr. Felton's, not Dr. Fell's Foundation, as in Le Neve. He was doubtleſs like his Predeceſſor Young, a very worldly Man ; and, by the Diſputes he had every-where, I fear of a very con- tentious Spirit. He had many Children, the youngeſt of which George Sandys, born, after he was Archbiſhop, at Thorp, was a moft excellent Poet, and a Man of univerſal Learning and Worth. Concerning the ſeems to be much wronged: The Tradition is ſtill freſh at Doncaſter. His Scruples to Queen Élizabeth, in refuſing to leafe Southwell, would ſcarce have been fo commended by Mr. Le Neve, if he had obſerved his Son, and his pulling down the Palace there down the Palace there or if he had ſeen what Mr. Torr remarks, about his giving his eldeſt Son (though not in Orders) the golden Prebend of his Church; which Prebend, with ſeveral other Eftates of the Archbiſhoprick, remained An. 1693. in Mr. Torr's Time, in his Family. In the fecond Volume of Strype's Hiſtory of the Refor- mation, we have fad Complaints againſt him by Biſhop Aylmer, his Suc- ceffor at London, who writes thus of him to the Lord Treaſurer Cecill: Coloured Covetouſneſs, an envious Heart, covered with the Cloak of Diffimulation, will when Opportunity ſerveth ſhew itſelf.” Aylmer al- ſo calleth him, “ An unthankful Man ;” and ſays, “ That as ſoon as he got himſelf a Rochet, he was transformed, and thewed himſelf in his Nature. Strype, ſpeaking of him An. 1577. after he was Arch- biſhop, tells us, that viſiting the Church of Durham, Whittingham, the Dean there, oppoſed him, which inſtigated him to write to Court, that Whittingham was no ordained Miniſter of the Church of England, but received his Orders at Geneva; and next Year he wrote again to Court ARCHBISHOPS of YORK . 49 Court againſt his own Dean, Dr. Hutton, with whom he had alfo quar- relled, and ſo on that account follicited, that Hutton might be made Bi- Thop of Lichfield ; For, ſays he, I cannot live with that-Man. Hut- ton in Return taxed him, T bat he made no account of his Clergy, and the Preachers of the Goſpel. He was An. 1579. preſented for Dilapi- dations at London, which gave handle to a great Courtier to preſs him more eagerly to part with Southwell and Scroby ; though who this Cour- tier was, we are not told : But I cannot ſuppoſe him Sir Robert Stapleton, or that Sir Robert was, as Mr. Le Neve imagines, precipitate to take the unhandſome Revenge he did, on being denied Southwell. At length, after this Archbiſhop had lived in perpetual Diſquiet, both at Worceſter, London and here, having out of the Patrimony of the Church raiſed a fair Fortune to his Family, he departed this Life at Southwell, Fuly 10. 1588. aged fixty nine, and was buried in the Church there, and not at Hawkshead, as the Author of the Antiquities of Worceſter would have it, from his Coenotaph erected there, which is verbatim the ſame as on his real Monument at Southwell; though 'tis plain, from fome Expref- ſions in it, that the Character could not relate to Hawkshead, but South- well. His Will is in Regiſtro Drury, Qu. 30. in the Prerogative-Office, but has nothing memorable in it of his Charities. What farther relates to him is given in his Epitaph on his Tomb, in the North Corner of Southwell Choir, which contains his Effigies lying at length, with a Book in his Hand, and his Children kneeling on one ſide. Round the Verge is this Inſcription, Edwinus Sandes, S.T.P. poſtquam Wigornienfem Epiſcopatum xi. an- nos, totidemque tribus demptis Londinenſem gelliſet, Eboracenſis fui Archiepiſcopatus An. XII. vitæ autem LXIX. obiit Julii x. An. Dom. 1588. At the Head of the Monument, which was erected feemingly many Years after his Death, and taken from his excellent Succeſſors Epitaph is this, Cujus hic reconditum cadaver jacet, genere non humilis, vixit dignitate locoque magnus, exemplo major duplici functus Epiſcopatu, Archie- piſcopali tandem amplitudine etiam illuſtris: honoris boſce mercatus grandi pretio, meritis virtutibuſque. Homo hominum a malitia & vin- ditta innocentiflimus, magnanimus, apertus, & tantum neſcius adulari, Summe liberalis atq; miſericors, Hoſpitaliſimus, Optimus, Facilis,& in fola vitia ſuperbus : ſcilicet,haud minora quam locutus eft, vixit ; & fuit. H In :: : ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. Eccl, Chriſti ett 50 In evangelij prædicandi laboribus, ad extremum ufque halitum, mira- biliter aliduus. A fermonibus ejus nunquam non melior difcederes. Facundus volebat efle, & videbatur. Ignavos, ſedulitatis fuæ confcius, oderat. Ponas litteras auxit, pro facultatibus. Ecclefiæ patrimo- na zeluit rem Deo facratum decuit, inta&tum defendit. Gratia qua it apud illuftrillimam mortalium Elizabetham etfecit, ne hanc in wees ecclefiam, tu jacentem cerneres, venerande Praful. Utriufque panorardum fortune exemplar, qui tanta cum geſſeris multo his ma- ard, animo ad omnia ſemper impavido, perpeffus es : carceres, exilia, ampliffimarım facultatum amiffiones, quodq; omnium difficillime inno- cous præferre animus confuevit, immanes calumnias : & hac re una Cotis iuis minor, quod Chrifto teſtimonium, etiam fanguine, non præbue- Attamen qui in profperis tantos flu&tus, & poſt agonum tot ad- Cerſa, tandem quietis ſempiterne portum feljus mundi, Deique ſitiens veperiſti. Aternum latare : vice ſanguinis funt fudores tui. At his Feet under his Arms, Abi lettor, nec iſta ſcias tantum at ſciveris, ſed ut imitere. Verbum Domini manet in æternum. JOHN PIERS, S. T.P. Rector of Queinton-Mallet Co. Bucks, Pre-- bendary of Cheſter, ſucceeded; being elected to this See from that of Salisbury, Feb. 1. 1588. tranſlated hither Feb.g. and confirmed Feb. 19. what his other Preferments were are given us in his Inſcription on his Monument, to which I ſhall refer for his Character. He was in ſhort endowed with all ſorts of Learning, and in all Places where he preſided, particularly at Cheſter, Oxford, Salisbury and here, beloved by all for his Humanity, Chriſtian Behaviour and Generoſity, which, being a ſin- gle Man, he exerciſed to that degree, that he had little left to beſtow at his Death: So that I cannot find he made any Will, otherwiſe than a nuncupative one, as is ſuppoſed. This primitive Biſhop died at Biſhops- Thorp, univerſally lamented, in the ſeventy firſt Year of his Age, hav- ing leafed nothing of the Revenues of the Church (as his Predeceſſor and Succeffor did both to their Children) and was buried in the Cathe- dral, at the Eaſt End; where is erected to his Memory the following In- fcription, on a Copartment of Marble, between two Pillars, having his Arms on a Shield at top, Johannes Piers, S. Theol. Doctor cælebs, poftquam Decanatum Ceftriæ, ..:... :: Epif ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 51 V Epiſcopat Roffenſem viginti menfes, Sarisburienſem undecim plis ini- nus annos geliſſet, Archiepiſcopatum Eboracenfem annos ſex, vita autem 71. obiit Sept. 28. A.D. 1594. Cujus hic repofitum eft cadaver. Genere non magnus fuit (nec tamen hu- milis) dignitate locoque majør, exemplo maximus. Homo (fi quiſ- quam mortalium) a malitia & vindicta plane innocens : Summe libera- lis in omnes. Pauperibus it a beneficus, ut non ſuam modo, ſed & prin- cipis ſui munificentiam, eleemofynarius regius, larga manu per multos annos erogarit . Hoſpitalis adeo, ut expenſé reditus Cape æquarint nonnunquam ſuperarint. Contemptor mundi, optimus, facilis & in fo- la vitia fuperbus. Scilicet non minus fa&tis quam ſermonibus Syncerum verbi Praconem egit. Et fuit in evangelio prædicando, tam in aula 6 academia, quam in eccleſia, ut ſemper valde nervoſus, ita ad extrem mum ufq;halitum mirabiliter alſiduus. Veram& Germanam Chriſtire- ligionem modis omnibus propagavit, falſam & adulterinam totis viribus oppugnavit. Bonas litteras pro facultatibus auxit. Ignavos, ſedulita- tis fua confcius ferre non potuit. Manus temere nemini impoſuit. Ec- clefia patrimonium veluti rem Deo ſacrat am intactum defendit. Summa ſemper apud illuſtriſſimam mortalium Elizabetham gratia floruit. Ineffabili apud Deum immortalem gloria æternum florebit. Vivit in cælo anima ejus, vivet in terris memoria : utinam & vivum exemplar in omnibus Epiſcopis ecclefiaque Paftoribus cerneretur. Johannes Bennet, Legum Dóttor, håres in Teftamento ſcriptus, me- moriæ tanti præſulis taliſque Patroni ſui (cui omnibus officii ac obſer- vantia nominibus ſe deditiſſimum profitetur) hoc pii grati animi non tante hereditatis, monumentum ſuis ſumptibus pofuit. N. B. This Epitaph ſeems to have raiſed an Emulation in Sandys's Family, to have given him the like Character. He was MATTHEW HUTTON, S. T. P. Rector of Boxworth Co. Cam-- bridge, Prebendary of Ely, Weſtminſter, St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Maſter of Pembroke-Hall, Dean and Prebendary of York, and at length Biſhop of Durham, ſucceeded; being tranſlated from Durham hither Mar. 24. 1594. and enthronized by Proxy Mar. 31. 1595. born, as Mr. Torr ſays, at Warton in Lancaſhire, which Mr. Le Neve calls Wareton ; and, as he has heard, it is the common Tradition of that Place, that he was a Foundling there, and on that account in his Will provided for the Erection of an Hoſpital and Free-School at Warton : Though other Writers, eſpecially Mr. Le Neve, mention his being born at Prieſt-Hutton in Lancaſhire. He was doubtleſs a Man of great Learn- ing, H 2 52 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. ing, and an excellent Preacher ; though he had in his younger Days en- gaged himſelf much in worldly Affairs, having married no leſs than thrce Wives before he was made Biſhop: He died at Biſhops-Thorp, Jan. 16. 1605. in which Year his eldeſt Son was High-Sheriff of York- Mire, to whom he left a fair Efate out of the Biſhoprick; feveral Leaſes being, as Mr. Torr ſays, An. 1693. in the Hands of his great Grandſon. He lies buried in the Cathedral, where is a ſumptuous Monument erected to his Memory, having his Effigies lying thereon, with two male Chil- dren and one female kneeling underneath, with this Infcription above it, Epitaphium Matthæi Hutton Celeberrimi Archiepiſcopi Ebor. Memorie Sacrum. Cujus expreſſam corporis etigiem cernis lector, la mentis quoque imaginem videre cupis, Ambrofium vel etiam Auguftinum cogita; alterius quip- pe ingenium argutum, alterias limatum judicium boc Præfule vivente viguit. Qui in academia Cantab. obim S.T.P. publicus & litera- rum columen claruit : poftea erat ad Decanatum Ébor. hinc ad Epif- copatum Dunelm. illinc ad Archiepiſcop. Ebor. providentia divina Sereniſ. Regin. Elizabethæ aufpiciis propter admiralem educationis, integritatis & prudentiæ laudem prorectus, & decurt. tandem ætatis Jua 8o. curri culo, corpus Adæ, animum Chriſti gremio commendabat. Ecquid vis amplius, Le&tor noſce teipfum. Obiit 16. die menfis Januarii, 4. D. 1605. : PE Fuller, in his Worthies in Lancaſhire, p. III. gives an Annary of his Life, as he calls it, and tells us, he was born Au. 1529. which Le Neve alſo informs us; and ſo he could be no more than ſeventy ſix, as Fuller makes him, and the calling him eighty muſt be a Miſtake in his Epitaph. TOBIAS MATTHEW, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Bath, Prebendary of Sarum, Preſident of St. John's College, Oxon, Canon, and at length Dean of Chriſt's Church, Oxon, Precentor of Sarum, Dean of Dur- ham, Rector of Biſhops-Wearmouth, and afterwards Biſhop of Durham, was tranſlated hither; having been Succeſſor to Dr. Hutton, as well in Durham as in this See, to which he was elected July 26. confirmed Aug. 18. and enthronized by Proxy Septa 11. following. While he fate here he alienated from this See, to pleaſe the Duke of Buckingham, in Exchange for other Lands, York-Houſe in the Strand, in London, An. 1622. having before, to pleaſe a Scotch Courtier, while he was Biſhop of Dur- ham, given up in like manner Norham and Norhamſhire from that See. He died March 29. 1628. and was buried in the Minſter, under a fpa- tious Monument already defcribed, bearing this Inſcription, TOBI- : ARCHBISHOPS of YORK 53 TOBIAS MAT THE US . Familia apud Cambros oriundus, Briſtolliam natalibus, Oxonium ſtu- diis ornavit, cum omni politiore doctrina Theologiam conjunxerat ftatim in concionibus dominari cæpit. In Aula, Academia, Urbe, Rure juxta celebris, neque Chryfoftomum Grecia quam Tobiam ſuum An- glia ja&tantius olim profitebitur. Innotuit fimul, ac ſumma apud Reginam Elizabetham gratia invaluit. Neminem illa libentius au- divit aut prædicantem fufius prædicabat. Anno ætatis 28. Collegio D. Johan. Baptiſtæ Oxon præficiebatur : Archidiaconus una in eccl. Wellenfi, ac in Ædibus Chriſti Canonicus. Mox iiſdem ædibus De- canus prafuit. Omnibus tandem qui Academicos beare ſolent, bono- ribus perfunctus, ad Dunelmenfem Decanatum provectus eft. Poft aliquot annos major Decanatu ſuccrevit viri fama, ac prono in eum Regine favore, Dunelmenſis Eccl. Epiſc. conftituitur. Cui cum præfue- rit ann. circiter 1 2. Sereniſſ. Regis Jacobi auſpiciis ad Archiepiſc. Ebo- racenf. tranſlatus eft. Non potuit enim tanta indoles, quocunq; per gerat, infra ſummum ſe fiftere. His e gradibus ad tantum culmen evafit: virtutes quibus illud ornavit, non capit marmor. Hiſtoricum quærunt non ſculptorem. Inter cætera, hoſpitalitatis laus pane illius propria fuit; Tobiæ ades & divitum Áula & pauperum Xenodochium indies füêre. Cathedram hanc tenuit annos 22. rara felicitate, cum Sexegenarius eandem occupaverat, vix ad extremam ſenectutem exa- ruit dives illa concionandi vena! cum erat ſeptuagenarius major, nem mo in concionibus frequentior, nemo felicior, nemo quem in æternum magis audire velis. Deficientibus ad pulpit a viribus coepit ipſe ftatim langueſcere ; quafi fola illi vitalis aura quam concionando hauſerit, nec ſtudio nec labori fupereffe voluerit. Beatiflimus ſenex impleto ætatis anno 82. placide emigravit 29. Martii, 1628. Corporis exuvie ſum- mo cum marore huc elatæ, Chriſti adventum exfpectant, & animam re- ducem. Noli illum putare, viator, ab hoc anguſto marmore quic- quam nominis mutuari ; quovis auguſtiſſimo maufoleo auguſtius eft quod hic conditur. Erit Tobiæ nomen & tibi, marmor, & huic ſa- cratiſſimo templo monumenti inftar quovis are perennioris. Mr. Torr remarks, that he was unfortunate in his Son, Sir Toby Mat- thew, to whom he left in his Will only a Piece of Plate of twenty Marks ; having in his Life-Time given him above 14000 l. And his Ex- travagance might poſſibly determine his Wife, who died the Year after him, 54 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. . him, to leave her Husband's, the Archbiſhop's, Books to the Cathedral- Library. His Succeſſor was GEORGE MONTEIG NE, S.T.P. Biſhop of Durham, alfo elected to this See June 26. 1628. and enthronized 08. 24. following; in about a Fortnight after which he died, cize about Nov. 6. and was buried at Cawood, where he was born, with this Infcription on a Tomb to his Memory, giving an Account of all his Preferments, Quatuor Antiſtes qui præfuit urbibus, Arce Hac fatus eft infans, bac fitus Årce ſenex. Nec mera procexit Geminorum gratia Regum, Sed meritum, fummis par ubicunque locis. Sic jurenis fic pene puer ſeptem imbibit artes, Granta ubi Caftaliis prædominatur æquis. Moribus haud tetricis, nec pectore turpis avaro, Non etenim nimias pone reliquit opes Hugo Hollandus Alevit. Georgio Mountaigneo honeftis poc in oppido penatibus oriundo, Cantab. per cunctos diſciplinorum gradus proxecto, o Academ Procuratori; initia D. Jacobi bofpitio quod Sabadiam vocant, & Eccl. Weftmo- nast . prefetto ; ab eodem Rege ad præfulatum Lincoln ac inde port aliqua temporum fpiramenta Londinenfem promoto: a Carolo divi F. ad Dunelmenfem honeftifſ. Jenii & valetudinis feceffum tranſato; moxyue H. E. infra spatium trimeſtre ad Archiepat. Ebor. benigni- ter ſublevato ; Viro venerabili afpečtu gravi, moribus non injucundis, ad beneficia non ingrato, injuriarum non ultori, unquam nec (quan- tum natura humana patitur) memori amborum principum Dom. (u- que eleemoſynario. Iſaacus Montaignus Teſtamenti Curator Frater, B.M. M.P. vixit an- nos $9. M. 6. D. 2. Having been a ſingle Man, he foonded two Scholarſhips in Queen's Col- lege, Cambridge, and gave a good Piece of Plate to that Society, in token of having been a Fellow thereof. On his Death SAMUEL HARSNET, S.T. P. Biſhop of Norwich, was elected to this See Nov. 26. 1628. confirmed Jan. 13. following, and inſtalled by Proxy April 23. 1629. His other Preferments that he had paſſed through were, a Prebend of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, the Rectory of Shen- field, Vicaridges of Chigwell and Hutton, Rectory of Stifted, Archdea- conry of Colcheſter, all in Elex; beſides the Maſterſhip of Pembroke- Hall, Cambridge, which he kept with the See of Chicheſter, before his Removal . ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 55 Removal to Norwich, till he was ejected out of the ſame for fome fcanda- lous Practices, which were fo flagrant againſt him, being exhibited in fifty ſeven Articles, that he was glad to quit his Maſterſhip, to prevent far- ther Enquiry. In his Will, dated Feb. 13. 1633. he appointed to be buried at Chigwell in Eſſex, near Thomafine his Wife ; and ordered his Effigies in Braſs to be engraven in old Faſhion, and faſtened to a Stone with this Inſcription on a Plate of Braſs, Hic jacet Samuel Harſnet, quondam Vicarius hujus ecclefia primo in- dignus Epiſcopus Ciceftrenſis, dein indignior Norwicens, demum in- digniſſimus Archiepiſcopus Eboracens : Which was accordingly performed with theſe additional Words, .. Qui obiit 25. die Maii, A.D. 1631. quod ipfilimum Epitaphium ex abundanti humilitate fibi poni curavit teftamento Reverendiſſimus, Præful. 1 . 2 His Succeffor was RICHARD NEIL, S.T. P. firſt Prebendary, then Treaſurer of Chi- cheſter, Vicar of Cheſhunt Co. Hertford, Dean of Weſtminſter, and ſuc- ceſſively Biſhop of Rocheſter, Lichfield, Lincoln, Durham, Wincheſter, paſſing through all theſe five Sees before his Tranſlation to this , to which he became elected Feb. 28. 1631. tranſlated Mar. 19. following, and inſtalled by Proxy April 16. 1632. He died. Oft. 31. 1640. in the Manſion-Houſe belonging to the Prebend of Stillington, in the Cloſe of the Church of York, and was buried in the Cathedral, in All Saints Chapel, without the leaſt Memorial. In his Will he ordered, if he died at Southwell, to be buried in Lincoln Cathedral ; if at London, in Weft- minſter Abbey; and if at York, in York Cathedral : And left his Son, Sir Paul Neil, Executor, whom though he left rich (as he did his Wife 300l. per Annum for her Life) yet he foon run it out, without affording his Father a Grave-Stone. On his Death JOHN WILLIAMS, S.T. P. Biſhop of Lincoln, was tranſlated hi- ther Dec.. 4. 1641. and enthronized in Perſon June 27. 1642. He was born at Conway in Carnarvonſhire, Fellow of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, Rector of Walgrate and Grafton-Underwood Co. Northampton, Precentor and Prebendary of Lincoln, Prebendary of Peterborough and Hereford, Archdeacon of Cardigan, Dean of Salisbury and Weſtminſter. The Hiſtory of this unhappy politick Prelate has been publiſhed in fo many Authors, that I need ſay no more of him here, tħan to remark, that, 56 ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. he that, dying at Glothaeth Co. Carnarvon, the Seat of Sir Roger Moſtyn, Baronet, about a Mile from Conway, he was buried in Llandegay Church, about two Miles off Bangor Cathedral, where I have ſeen his Monument; 'tis a Copartment of white Marble, affixed to the Wall, and contains his Effigies kneeling, with the Arms of the Sees of Lincoln and York, and Deanary of Weſtminſter, ſeverally impaled, with his own Arms, and has on a Tablet this Inſcription, Hofpes lege, relege. Quod in hoc ſacello paucis noto, haud expectares. Hic fitus eft Johannes Willhelmus, omnium Præfulum celeberrimus, A paternis natalibus e familia Willhelmorum de Cogwhillin ortus, A maternis e Griffithis de Pentrin. Cujus ſummum ingenium, & in omni genere litterarum præftantia Meruit, ut Regis Jacobi gratia ad Decanatum Sarum Poſt Weſtmonaſterii eveheretur, Ut fimul, atque uno munere tanto Regi eſſet a conciliis fecretis & deliciis, Magni figilli Cuftos & ſedis Lincolnienfis Epiſcopus : Quem Carolus Primus infula Epiſcopat. Eborac. decoraret, Omnes ſcientias valde edoctus, novem linguarum Theſaurus : Theologiæ puræ & illibata medulla; prudentie politica cortina: Sacra, canonica, civilis, municipalis ſapientia apex & ornamentum, Dulciloquii cymbalum, memoria tenacillima, plufquam humana Hiſtoriarum omnis generis myrothecium, Magnorum operum, uſque ad fumptum viginti mille Librarum, ftru&tor. Munificentie, liberalitatis hoſpitalitatis lautitia, Miſericordia erga pauperes inſigne exemplar, Poſtquam inter tempora lučtuofijima, Satur effet omnium, quæ videret ő audiret, Nec Regi aut patrie, per rabiem perduellium, amplius fervire potuit. Anno ætatis 68. expleto Martii 25. qui fuit ei natalis, Summa fide in Chriſtum incore cuſſa erga Regem fidelitate, Animam, angina extin&tus, piillime Deo reddidit, Nec refert quod tantillum monumentum in occulto angulo pofitum, Tanti viri memoriam ſervat, Cujus virtutes omnium ætatum tempora celebrabunt. Abi viator ſat tuis oculis debes. ke the : : After his Death, during the Times of Anarchy and Confuſion, this See continued vacant ten Years, till, on the happy Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, * ACCEPTED : ARCHBISHOPS of YORK 57 ACCEPTED FREWEN, S. T. P. Biſhop of Lichfield, was elected to this See Sept. 22. tranſlated O&t. 4. and inſtalled O&t. 11. 1660. The other Preferments he had enjoyed were, a Prebend of Canterbury, the Preſidentſhip of Magdalen College, Ox01, the Rectories of Stan- lake Co. Oxon, and Warnford Co. Southampton, and Deanary of Glouce- fter; though he had conſiderable Advantages from Lichfield and York, and was a ſingle Man, yet being the Son of a Puritanical Miniſter, (as his Father was reported to have been) I find nothing done by him to either of his Cathedrals: However, it is certain he laid out conſiderably on his Palace at Biſhops-Thorp, and was a Benefactor to Magdalen College. Dr. Chamberlain, as Mr. Le Neve fays, aſſures us in his State of Eng- land, that his Benefactions, beſides Abatement to Tenants, amounted to 15000 l. but how that was expended he does not account. I cannot in ſhort find, that he diſtinguiſhed himſelf to be a Perſon of a publick Spi- rit, and fo I ſhall ſay no more of him, than to exhibit his Epitaph from his Monument in this Cathedral, the Scite of which, with thoſe of other Archbiſhops, ſee in the Ichnography: Hic requieſcit in ſpe, noviſſimam praſtolans tubam, Acceptus Frewen, Johannes Frewen Rectoris Eccl. Nordiamenſis in Com. Suſſexiæ filius natu maximus, Sacr. Theol. Profeſſor Coll. B. Mariæ Magd. Oxon. amos plus minus undeviginti praſes, Academiæ ibidem quater Vice-Cancellarius, Decanus Glouceftriæ, poſtea fa&tus Epiſcopus Coventr. & Lichf. deinde Archiepifcopus Eborac. Qui inter vivos elle defiit Mar. 28. An. Dom. 1664. Sua Ætatis 76. pene exacto. On his Death RICHARD STERNE, S.T. P. Biſhop of Carliſle, was elected to this See April 28. 1664. and enthronized June 10. following. He made, as Mr. Torr obſerves, fome Reparations at Biſhops-Thorp; though that did not atone for his demiſing Hexgrave Co. Nottingham (which Dr. Thoroton tells us of) to his Son, Mr. Sterne, and his Son's Wife. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, near his Daughter Anne's Grave, with the following Inſcription on his Monument, which accounts for a farther Hiſtory of him and his Preferments, Hic Spe futuræ gloriæ fitus eft Richardus Sterne, Mansfeldiæ honeftis parentibus ortus. Tria apud Cantabrigienſis Collegia certatim Ipfum cum ſuperbia arripiunt &jaétant fuum, Sanctæ Ó Individuæ Trinitatis Scholaren, Corporis Chriſti Socium, Jeſu tandem Præfe&um meritiffimum : I Gulielmo 58 ARCHBISHOPs of YORK. he , , Gul, Cant. martyri a Sacris in fatali pegmate aſtitit, auſus & ipſe inter peſſimos elle bonus, Et vel cum illo Commori. Poftea honefto concilio nobili formanda juventuti operam dedit, Ne deellent qui Deo Regi cum licuerit rite ſervirent : (dedignaretur Quo tandem reduce (etiam cum apologia & prece) rogatur w Carliolenſis effe Epifc. non At non illi magis quam foli diu latere licuit ; in humili illa provincia fatis conftitit fe Summan meruile, ad Primatum igitur Eboracenfem ut plena ſplenderet, Gloria evectus eft : In utroque ita fe geſit, ut Deo prius quam fibi proſpiceret : Ecclefias (poliaras olim de ſuo vel dotavit vel ditavit amplius, Non antiquis Ecclefiæ Patribus impar fuiſſet fi coævus. Omnis in illo enituit quæ Antiftitem deceat & ornet virtus, Gravitas, ſanétitas, charitas, rerum omnium fcientia, In utraque fortuna per animi firmitas & conſtantia, Æquiſfimus ubique vitæ tenor regiminis juſtitia & moderatio, In ſexto ſupra octogeſimum anno corpus erectum Oris dignitas, oculorum vigor, auriumque animi præfentia Nec ulla in ſene&tute Fæx ſed adhuc flos prudentia Satis probarunt quid menfa poſſit de vita ſobria. Obiit Jun. 18. An. Salutis 1683. Ætatis fua 87 His Succeſſor was JOHN DOLBEN, S. T. P. Biſhop of Rocheſter, elected Fuly 26. 1683. confirmed Aug. 16, and enthronized Aug. 26. following. The other Preferments that he had enjoyed were, the Archdeaconry of Low- don, and a Prebend in that Cathedral, the Deanary of Weſtminſter, a Canonry of Chriſt - Church, Oxon, Rectory of Newington Co. Oxon, and Vicaridge of St. Giles's Cripplegate, London. He died April 11. 1686. aged 62. of the Small-Pax at Biſhops-Thorp, where he had ed ſome Money on the Palace; as he had been alſo a Benefactor to Chrift- expend- Hic fitus eft Johannes Dolben filius Gulielmi S. Th. Profeſoris, Ex antiqua familia in Cambria ſeptentrionali oriundus, Narus Stanvici in agro Northampton Mar. 20. A. D. 1624. Anno Ætatis 12. Regiam ſcholam Weftmonaſt. avſpicato ingreßus, Singulari iſtius loci genio plenus 15. exivit, la numerum Alumnorum ædis Chrifti Oxon eletus. Exardente bello civili Par: ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. 59 Partes Regias ſecutus eft in pugno Marſtonenfi vexillarius. In defenfone Eboraci graviter vulneratus, Effufo ſanguine conſecravit locum, Olim morti fuæ deſtinatum, 4. D. 1656. a Reverend. Epiſcopo Ciceſtrienſi ſacris ordinibus initiatus Inftaurata Monarchia fa&tus eft, adis Chrifti Canonicus, Deinde Decanus Weſtmonaſterienſis, Mox Carolo II. Regi optimo ab oratorio Clericus, Epiſcopus poftea Roffenfis, Et poſt novennium Regis Elymofynarius Anno denique 1683. Metropol. Eboracenſis honore cumulatus eft. Hanc provinciam ingenti animo & pari induſtria adminiſtravit Gregi e paftoribus exemplo. Infra 30, circiter menſes, ſeculi laboribus exhauſtis Coelo tandem maturus, Lethargia variolis per quatriduum lecto affixus, A. D. 1686. Ætatis 62. Potentill . Princip. Jacob. II. altero die dominica Eodem die quo præeunte anno, ſacres ſynaxes In Eal. Sua Cathedr. Seprimanatim celebrandas inſtituerat, Cælo fruebatur. Maſtiffima conjux magni Gilberti Cantuarienſis Archiep. nepotis, Ex qua tres liberos ſuſcepit, Gilbertum, Catharin, Johan. Monumentum hoc poſuit Defideratiſſimo marito. In æde Chrifti fub illius auſpiciis partim extru&ta, Bromleienſi Palatio reparato, Cænobio Weſtmonaſterienſi conſervato, In ſenatu & Ecclefiis eloquentiæ gloria, in diæcefibus fuis Epiſcopali diligentia, In omnium priorum animis juſta veneratione ſemper vi&turo. 5 After a Vacancy of two Years and an half THOMAS LAMPLUGH, S. T. P. Biſhop of Exeter, was elected to this See Nov. 28. 1688. tranſlated Dec. 7. and inſtalled Dec. 19. fol- lowing by Proxy. He was born at Thwing in the Eaſt-Riding of Yorkſhire, as Mr. Torr informs us; ſo how his Oath, of being a Na- tive of Carliſle Diocefe, on his being admitted Fellow of Queen's Col- lege, Oxon, was diſpenſed with, I cannot account. He was, as A. Wood tells us, (to the new Edition of whoſe Athene I ſhall refer for his Life and Character, as additional to what Le Neve fays of him) for ſome time Rector of Binfield Co. Berks, and afterwards of Carlton on Oft- I 2 more ARCHBISHOPS of YORK. more Co. Oxon, Principal of Alban Hall, Oxon, Archdeacon of Low- don, Prebendary of Worceſter, Vicar of St. Martin's in the Fields, Weft- milier, and Dean of Rocheſter before he was made a Biſhop. He died at Dillops-Thorp, May 5. An. 1691. and was buried in this Cathedral, (the Altar-Place of which he had paved with black and white Marble, and added new Rails and Tapeſtry-Hangings) with this Inſcription on an handſome Monument, Hic in ſpe reſurgendi depoſitum jacet quod mortale fuit Reverendiſſimi in Chrifto Patris Tho- mæ Lamplugh, Archiepiſcopi Eboracenfis, S.T. P. ex antiqua generoſa Lamplu- ghorum de Lamplugh in agro Cumbrienfi familia oriundi. Qui Oxoniæ in Col- legio Reginæ Alumnus & Socius, (ubi litteras humaniores & ſacras haufit) Aule S. Albani in ead. Academia Principalis. Ecclefia S. Martini, juxta Weſtmonafter. Vicarius, Decanus Roffenfis, & An. 1676. Epiſcopus Exonienſis confecratus. Tan- dem (licet dignitatem multum deprecatus) in Sedem hanc Metropoliticam evectus eft, anno 1688. menſe Novembri. Vir (fiquis alius) per varios vitæ honorumque gradus Spectabilis, ob vitæ innocentiam, morum probitatem, Verbi Divini prædicationem, chari- tatem in patriam, zelum erga domum Dei Ecclefiam Anglicanam, in memoria ater. na cum juftis futurus. Obdormivit in Domino 5. Maii An. Salutis 1691. Ætatis 76. Uxorem habuit Catherinam filiam Edwardi Davenant, S. T. P. nepotem Johannis Davenant Epifcopi Sarisburienſis, e qua tulit liberos quinque., Thomas liberorum Superftes koc Monumentum P.M.P. His Succeſſor was JOHN SHARP, S. T. P. confecrated 7uly 5. 1691. To the Ac- count, given of this eminent Prelate in his Epitaph drawn up by Biſhop Smallridge, whoſe Knowledge of him, and Integrity, will, as Mr. Le Neve obferves, render every Particular in it to be depended on, I ſhall only add, That he was a moſt excellent Governour, brought the Preben- daries in his Cathedral of York, and Colleges of Southwell and Rip poll , to ſtriet Reſidence; and, that they might be the better diſpoſed thereto, he made it his unalterable Practice always to elect them out of ſuch as lived in his Dioceſe, and had recommended themſelves by doing their Duties in their reſpective Parochial Cures: By which Mcans no Cathedral in England was better attended by Clergy, and the Service more regularly performed than at York, or the Miniſters of ſmall Liv- ings, in any Diocefe, more encouraged to attend their Charge ; becauſo this good Bishop would reward their Diligence by ſuch Compenſations, more eſpecially thoſe in York City, on whoſe Conduct the World had a more eſpecial Eye. Hoping his Example would influence his Succef- fors ARCHBISHOPS of YORK 65 fors to take the like Courſe: Which certainly if other Biſhops had in like manner pra&tifed, the Dignities of Cathedrals would have been kept up as in the primitive Times, and we ſhould not have ſeen ſeveral of them fo fcandalouſly neglected, nor have Reaſon to complain, as we juſt- ly may, in relation to one of them, viz. Landaft; where, as there has ſcarce been in thefe thirty Years laſt paſt one Clergyman in the Dioceſe preferred to a Prebend therein, we may leſs wonder at the laying aſide the Organ and Choir-Service, and the ſuffering the Bells, which have been broke in leſs than that Period, to remain cracked, and the Breaches, made by fome late Storms in the Towers and other Parts of the Church, to continue unrepaired: Whereas, on a like Accident to Southwell Col- legiate Church, a Place of leſs. Note than Landaft, it being only a Village, this good Archbiſhop inmediately ſet himfelf to work to re- pair that Church, and not only generouſly gave his own, but obtained fe- veral large Charities to it, and by his Example and Zeal foon made up the Breaches. But I come to his Epitaph aforementioned, erected on his Monument in this Cathedral, which as it ſums up his Preferments, and gives us fome farther Hiſtory of him, I may thence refer for the remain- ing Part of his Character: M. S. Reverendiffimi in Chriſto Patris Johannis Sharp, Archiepiſcopi Eboracenſis, Qui Honeſtis parentibus in hoc comitatu prognatus, Cantabrigiæ optimarum artium ſtudiis innutritus, Tum foli unde ortus, Tum loci ubi inſtitutus eſt, famam Sui Nominis Celebritate adauxit. Ab Academia in domum Illuſtriſſimi Dom. Heneagii Finch, Tunc temporis Attornati Generalis, Summi poſtea Angliæ Cancellarii, Virtutum omnium altricem fautricemque evocatus, Et Sacellani miniſterium diligenter obiit, Et Sacerdotis dignitatem una ſuſtinuit, Talis tantique viri Patrocinio adjutus. Et nature pariter ac doctrinæ dotibus plurimum commendatus, Peratto rite munerum Ecclefiafticorum curfu, Cum Parochi Archidiaconi, Decani officia Summa cum laude præſtitiſet, Ob eximia erga Ecclefiam Anglicanam meritay Quanza 62 ARCHBIS U Ops of YORK . Vw Nec huiuf Quam iniquiſſimis temporibus, magno fuo periculo, Contra apertam Pontificiorum rabiem, Argumentis invictiſſimis Alerverat, propugnaverat, ftabiliverat, Apoftolicæ fimul veritatis Præco, ac fortitudinis amulus; Faventibus Gulielmo Maria Regibus, Plaudentibus bonis omnibus, Ad Archiepifcopalis dignitatis faftigium tandem eve&tus eft: Sed & Annæ Principium optimæ, tum a Confiliis, tum ab Eleemoſynis fuit, Quas utcunque amplas, utounque diffluentes, Ne quem forte inopum a ſe triftem dimitteret, de fuis fapenumero facultatibus fupplevit. Erat in ſermone apertus, comis, affabilis, In concionibus profiuens, ardens, nervoſus, In explicandis Theologiæ caſuiſticæ nodis Dilucidus, argutas, promptus : - In eximendis dubitantium fcrupulis, Utcunque naturæ bonitate ad leniores partes aliquanto propenfor, Æqui tamen reétique cuſtos Semper fidillimus. Primæva morum fimplicitate, Inculpabili vitæ tenore, Propenſa in calamitofos benignitate, Diffufa in univerſos benevolentia, Studio in amicos perpetuo ac fingulari, Inter deterioris faculi tenebras emicuit, Purioris Evi lumina æquavit. Tam ari rerum cæleftium defiderio flagrabat, Ut bis ſolis inhians, harum unice avarus, Terrenas omnes neglexerit, Spreverit, conculcarit. Eo erat erga Deum pietatis ardore, Ut illum totus adamaverit, Spiraverit, Illum ubique præfentem, Illum ſemper intuentem, Animo fuo ac ipſis fere occulis obſervaverit. Publicas haſce virtutes domeſticis uberrime cumulavit, Maritus Ở Pater amantiffimus; Et a conjuge liberiſque impenſe dilectus, Qui ne deelſet etiam mortuo pietatis fuæ teftimonium. Hoc marmor ei mærentes poſuerunt. PRO- ARCHBISHOPS of YORK . 63 PRO MOTUS A D NATUS Archidiaconatum Berche- Bradfordiæ in hoc Comi- rienſem 20 Febr. 1672. tatu 16 Febr. 1644. Canonicatum Norvicen- In Academiam cooptatus ſem 26 Mart. 1675. 26 April 1660. Retoriam Sancti Bartholo GRADUS SUSCEPIT mæi 22 April. 1675. Artium Baccalaurei Santti Ægidii in Campis 3 Jan, 26 Dec. 1663. 1675. Artium Magiftri 9 Julii 1667. Decanatum Norvicenfem Santta Theologiæ Profefforis 8 Julii 1681. 8 Fulii 1679. Cantuarienſem 25 Nov. 1689. Bathoniæ mortuus Ætat. Archiepiſcopatum Eboracenfem bir fue 69. 2 Febr. 1713. 5 Julii 1691. Sepultus eodem quo natus eſt Die Febr. 16. 1713. His Succeſſor was the preſent Archbiſhop An. 1723. Sir WILLIAM DAwes, Baronet, s. T.P. He had been brought up in Merchant-Taylors School, London, from whence he was choſen Scholar of St. John's College, Oxon ; but quitted that Univerſity, on being, after his elder Brother's Death, who was a Nobleman of Cathe- rine Hall, Cambridge, elected into that Society, of which he became Maſter, and had a Prebend of Worceſter given him, and at length the Biſhoprick of Cheſter; from which he was tranſlated to this See (as 'tis generally believed) by the Recommendation of his excellent Predeceſſor, who was no leſs fedulous to profit this Church after his Death, than he was in his Life-time to take care of it: And ſo very ſoon after his Death, in the fame Month, viz. Feb. 26. 1713, Biſhop Dawes became : elected Archbiſhop, and was on March 24. following enthronized by Proxy DEANS Contact 64 D EANS of Y OR K. DEANS of YORK K. . F Deans, Carons, and other Dignitaries in Cathedrals, ſee Dugdale's Appendix to his Hiſtory of St. Paul's Cathedral, and alſo the Icarned Biſhop Stilling fleet's Eccleſiaſtical Caſes; where is given a particular Account of their Creation, Office, &c. which is like- wife very amply treated of in Biſhop Kennet's excellent Book of Paro- chial Antiquities of Ambroſden, Burcheſter, Gr. What I ſhall here obferve is, That the Dean is the Principal Canon or Prieſt in the Church, being bound to reſide altogether there, and being obliged to in- ſpeet the Government of it, and to defend its Liberties, and keep its laudable Cuftoms, and exerciſe his Authority in cauſing others to obſerve them, he is alſo bound by Oath to preſerve the Goods and Eſtates of the Church from being loft, or alienated ; and as he is Chief in the Church next the Biſhop, ſo in the Chapter he is the greateſt of all; for without his Concurrence the other Members cannot regularly mect, or act. The original Eſtabliſhment of this Office, as well here as in other Ca- thedrals, was, as all our Writers agree, ſince the Conqueft: For tho titular Deans (by, which ſeems to be underſtood only rural once) occur in the Saxon Times; yet 'tis plain all their Juriſdiction and Power was ſettled after the Norman Invaſion ; ſince which Time Precentors, Cban. cellor's, Treaſurers, Archdeacons and Prebendaries became firſt conſti- tured, and introduced into Cathedrals. The Founder of them in this Church (where doubtleſs they were eſtabliſhed as early as in any other) was Archbilhop Thomas, who An. 1090. about twenty four Years after the Conqueſt, divided the Lands of this Cathedral into Prebends, allot- ing each Member his particular Portion, as it continues to this Day; ex- cept, that the Treaſurerſhip, with two Prebends annexed to it, being too well endowed, and four others were diſſolved not long after the Re- formation, The Endowment of the Deanary, valued An. 1534. 26. Hen. VIII. at 308). 10 s. 7 d. conſiſts of the Impropriations of the Recorics of Pocklington, Pickering and Killum, of which Vicaridges the Dean is Patron and Ordinary, having all manner of Juriſdiction ; as he is alſo Patron of Tbornton, Ebberſion, Ellerbourne, Burnby-Moor, Gedej. dale and Hayton Vicaridges, moſt or all which were antiently Members of Pocklington, or ſome of the other Pariſhes where his Demeſnes lie. The firſt of theſe Deans, on Erection of the Office by Archbiſhop Tbomas aforeſaid, was HUGH, :: DEANS of YORK 65 HUGH, conſtituted An. 1090. He enjoyed it An. 1109. As did ALDRED An. 1113. After whom I meet with a ſecond Hugh poffefſed of it An. 1130. and 1132. As I do with WILLIAM de St. Barbara, An. 1138. He was An. 1142. made Biſhop of Durham: And fucceeded by ROBERT de Gaunt, An. 1142. He held it 1153. The next I find is ROBERT BOTIVELIN: On whoſe Death, which happened Anno 1168. HUBERT WALTER was made Dean An. 1168. He was 1188. pre“ ferred to the See of Salisbury. HENRY MARSHALL ſucceeded, being elected Sept. 6. 1188. He was An. 1193. made Biſhop of Exeter. SIMON de Apulia ſucceeded 1192. and was likewiſe preferred hence 1 214. to the See of Exeter. WILLIAM, Archdeacon of Nottingham, had, as Le Neve tells us, Sept. 20. 1214. a Mandamus to be elected Dean; though I don't find his Name in Mr. Torr's Catalogue : Or Mention of * MAUGERIUS's being Dean here, whom Leland in his Itinerary, Vol. VIII. pag. 127. tells us was An. 1199. from this Dignity made Bi- ſhop of Worceſter : For he is omitted both in Le Neve and Mr. Torr, who places in his Catalogue * HAME as Dean An. 1206. next after Simon de Apulia : And after him mentions ROGER de Inſula as Dean An. 1221. Le Neve tells us he was ele &ted to this Office from the Chancellorſhip of Lincoln Cathedral. He died An. 1230. as fome Accounts have it; or rather, as in others, Anno 1 235. And was fucceeded by GEFFR y de Norwich, An. 1235. He died An. 1239. And was fuc- ceeded by FULK BASSET, elected in November, 1239. He was 1241. made Biſhop of London. After him * WILLIAM is mentioned as Dean in Mr. Torr's Collections. The next is WALTER de Kirkham: On whoſe being made Biſhop of Durbam, Anglo 1 298. Sewall de Bovill ſucceeded, 1249. He was Anno 1255. made Archbiſhop: And ſucceeded by Goder E Y de Ludham, Anno 1256. He was likewiſe preferred to this Archbiſhoprick : And ſucceeded by ROBERI de Holderneſs, An. 1258. Whoſe Succeffor K WILLIAM learn more రర, DEANS of YORK. WILLIAM de Langton, alias Rutherford, was Amo 1264. elected Archbiſhop ; but fet alide by the Pope, and fo continued Dean, refuſing the Sce of Carliſle, to which he was nominated in 1278. He died Ju- ly 15. 1279. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, the oldeſt in the whole Church, Dic requiefcit Corpus Gulielmi de Langueton, qui obiit die $. Swi- thini, . 0. 1279, cujus anima fit cum Deo. * : led by his On his Death ROBERT de Scardeburg), Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding, was con- firmed in this Dignity Nov. I. 1279. He died Az. 1290. And was fucs ceeded by HENRY of Newark, inſtalled Fame 11. 1290. He was Amo-1296. elected Archbiſhop : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Hamelton, elected 9. Id. Dec. 1298. But the Arch- bilhop refuſed to confirm him, on account that the Pope had thruſt in one Francis, Cardinalis S. Marie de comedyn, who refigning his Preten= fions, William died poſſeſſed of it April 20. 1307. Upon which REYMOND de la Goth, a Roman Cardinal, fucceeded, being pro- vided by the Pope, and admitted July 31. 1307. He died about Furie, 1310. And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM PICKERING, Archdeacon of Northampton, elected Sept. II. 1310. He died April 7. 1312. And was ſucceeded Brother, ROBERT PICKERING, Archdeacon of Northumberland, elected Fune 12. 1312. He died 1332. And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Colby, admitted Nov. 4. and inſtalled Dec. 27. 1332. He died next Year : And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM le Zouch, admitted Nov. 1 2. 1333. He was 1340. made Archbiſhop. Le Neve places him coming in An. 1336. But Mr. Torr fixing it 1333. I follow his Authority. THOMAS SAMPSON was elected next Dean by the Canons, Nov. 2. 1342. But the Pope made his Ele&tion void, appointing TALYRANDOs de Petagoricis, a Roman Cardinal, to this Dignity, who became admitted Mar. 18. 1342. However, An. 1347. on April 16. the King nominated his Chaplain, Philip de Weſton, to the Deana- ry: But notwithſtanding this, the Pope and Chapter confirmed. Talz- tandas to his Death, which happened An. 1366. When John Anglicus Cardinalis was likewiſe provided by the Pope, and admitted Nov. 11. 1366. of whom is this Account given by Fox, who tells NA > DEAN S of YORK. 67 tells us, That the Lord Anglicus, a Roman Cardinal, held the Deanary of York from Nov. 11. 1366. and that it was worth 400 l. per Anmum then ; and that Fobn Stoke, Canon of York, held it for him. He was on May 1. 1381. deprived by the Pope : And ADAM, another Roman Cardinal, admitted in his Place Mar. 7 1381. He was likewife deprived by the Pope on June 5. 1385. And EDMOND de Stafford, LL.D. admitted Aug. 12. 1385. He was 1395. made Biſhop of Exeter : And ſucceeded by ROGER WALDEN, admitted 1395. He was 1397. elected Arch- bithop of Canterbury: And ſucceeded by RICARD CLIFFORD, LL.D. elected Mar. 26. and inſtalled Mar. 28. 1397. He was 1401. made Biſhop of Worceſter . And fucceed- ed by THOMAS L ANGLE Y, confirmed in this Dignity Jan. 1401. He was An. 1406. made Biſhop of Durham. JOHN PROPHETE, or Profyt, Keeper of the King's Seal, Dean of Hereford, fucceeded, being elected April 10. 1407. In his Will, dated at London, April 8. 1416. and proved May 4. following, he appointed to be buried, if he died at York, in the Cathedral there, or elſe at Pocklington ; but if he died in Canterbury Province, as 'tis plain he did at London, in his Prebendal Church of Leighton-Bofard Co. Bedford, or in his Church at Ringwood in Hampſhire. He was buried, as I judge from an old Grave-Stone fpoiled of its Braſſes, in St. Peter and St. Paul's Church at Leighton ; to which Prebendal Church he ſeems to have been a good Benefactor, that being built, as I judge from ſome Accounts, in his Time. THOMAS POLTON, LL.B. fucceeded, being elected July 23. 1416. He was 1426. made Bishop of Hereford. ILLJAM GREY, LL. D. was inſtalled April 5. 1421. and in 1426. made Biſhop of London. iv laborat boladav bre ROBERT GILBERT, S.T. P. ſucceeded, being confirmed Dean Sept. 19. 1426. He was 143 6. alſo made Bilhop of London. And fuc- WILLIAM FELTER, LL. D. Archdeacon of York, admitted Dec. 16. 1436. In his Will, dated April 6. 1451. he appointed to be bu- ried in the Cathedral, gave sol. to Keynjhane Abbey Co. Somerſet, 10ls to Merton College, Oxon, 20 1. to Ratcliff Church, Briſtol, to pray for his Father and Mother's Souls, no doubt there buried, and 4 1. to St. Werburgh's Church, Briſtol, which was then probably rebuilding. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription on his Graves Stone, ſtollen away with divers other Braſſes after 1641. ། ceeded by a S K 2 68 D EAN S of YORK . : on Orate pro anima Will. Felter, Decretozum Doctoris, quondam Deca: ni y Canonici Kefid. iftius Eccl. Cathedr. ac Prebendar. Prebend. de Driffeild in eadem, qui obiit x. die mengs April. 1451. jus, ac. RICHARD ANDREW, LL. D. Canon of Windſor, Archdeacon of Buckingham, ſucceeded, being confirmed Jan. 21. 1451. In his Will, dated Sept. 12. 1477. and proved Nov, 5. following, he appointed to be buried in York Cathedral, bequeathing a Legacy to Adderbury Cox Oxon, where he was born ; and St. Afaph Cathedral, where no doubt he had been Canon or Dean. He reſigned this Deanary a little before his Death, and was buried in the Cathedral, where he had founded a Chan- try, with an Inſcription on his Grave-Stone now periſhed: On his Re, ſignation ROPERT BOTHE, LL. D. was admitted Aug. 18. 1477. In his Will, dated Jan. 23. 1487. two Days before his Death, he deſired to be buried near his Predeceffor, Dean Andrews, and to have a Stone laid over him, which I find had this Inſcription now likewiſe periſhed, www. Ingenio, virtute, fide, vir locus ifte Dulgt voce raro noverat ante virum. Soli Deo fit honor a gloria, Robertus Bothe Decanus, 1487. * On his Death CHRISTOPER URSEWICK, IL. D. became admitted May 22: 488. of whom and his numerous Preferments fee an Account in New- court. He religned this Dignity: And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM SHEFFIELD, LL.D. admitted June 24. 1494. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription, Sepultura Will. Sheffeild Decant, obiit 8. die Decembris, 1496. Miferere mei Deus fecundum magnam mifericordiam tuam : And in divers Places of the Stone, Jefa miferere ! GEFFRY BLITH, S.T.B. fücceeded, being admitted May 24. 1496. He was An. 1503. made Biſhop of Lichfield. And ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER BAINBRIGG, LL. D. Archdeacon of Surry, ad- mitted Dec. 9. 1503. He was An. 1507. made Biſhop of Durbam : And ſucceeded by JAMES. DEAN S of Y OR K. 69 James HARRINGTON, confirmed Dean Jan. 29. 1507, and in- ftalled Jan. 31. He died in Dec. 1512. And was ſucceeded by THOMAS WULCY, or Wolſey, S.T. P. elected Feb. 19. 1512. He was An. 1514. made Biſhop of Lincoln, and afterwards Archbiſhop of this See. On his Promotion to Lincoln JOHN YOUNG, LL. D. fucceeded, being admitted May 19. 1514. He died, and was buried in the Rolls Chapel, London, under an hand- fome Monument bearing this Infeription, Dominus firmamentum meum. Joh. Young, IL. Dodozi facrozum Scriniozum, ac hujus Domus Coftodi, Decano olim Ebor. Dita defuncta Hpril. 26. 1516. Sut fideles Erecutores hoc pofuerunt. : . BRIAN HIGDEN, LL. D. Prebendary of Lincoln, fucceeded, be- ing admitted June 27. 1516. He died, and was buried with this In- ſcription on his Monument, Of pour Charitee pzar foz the Soul of Brian Higden, ſometime Dean of this metropolitan Church, and Kefidentiary, which departed to the Mercy of Almighty God, the 5th Dap of June, in the Wear of our Lozd 1939. His Succeffor was banbod Irrat RICHARD LAYTON, LL. D. admitted July 26. 1539. He died about 1544. being Archdeacon of Bucks, and Rector of Breington Co. Northampton ; having been a zealous Promoter of the Reformation, be- gun by Hen. VIII. and one of his Viſitors of Monaſteries, which induced him to pawn the Jewels of this Church, which I find were redeemed Mar. 27. 1544. on his Death, by Order of the Chapter, out of the common Stock. He was, as I judge, buried at Brington, though there is no Memorial for him. His Succeſſor was NICHOLAS WOTTON, LL. D. admitted Aug. 7. 1544. He died Jan. 26. 1566. being alfo Dean of Canterbury, and was buried in Can- terbury Cathedral, where is his Inſcription printed by Batteley, &c. On his Death po MATTHEW HUTTON, S. T. P. was inſtalled Dean April 8. 1567. He was An. 1589. made Biſhop of Durham, and at length Archbiſhop of this See. John THORNBOROUCH, S.T. P. fucceeded, being elected Oft. 28. 1589. He was 1593. made Biſhop of Limerick in Ireland, and thence . 70. D E A N S of Y OR K. thence removed to Briſtol, with Liberty to hold his Deanary in Com: mendam, which he did till his Tranſlation to Worceſter : When on his Reſignation. GEORGE MERITON, S.T. P. Recor of Hadley in Suffolk, fuc- ceeded, being admitted Mar. 25. 1617. He died Dec. 23. 1624. and was buried in the Cathedral without any Monument: And ſucceeded by - JOHN SCOT, S. T. P. admitted Feb. 3. 1624. How he got this Dignity is intimated in Hatchet's Life of Archbiſhop Williams, p. 207. which tells us he died in the Fleet-Priſon, London, An. 1644. On his Death RICHARD MARSH, S.T. P. was, as our Writers intimate, nomi- nated, but not regularly preſented to it till July 25. 1660. He was inſtalled Aug. 20. following, and dying 08. 13. 1663. aged 78. was buricd in the Cathedral without any Monument And fucceeded by WILLIAM SANCROFT, S.T. P. afterwards Archbiſhop of Can- terbiry, nominated Fan. 23. and inſtalled Feb. 26. 1663. He quitted it for St. Paul's Deanary, London : And was fucceeded by ROBERT HITCH, S. T. P. admitted Dec. 22. 1664. and inſtalled Mar. 8. following He died An. 1676, and was buried at Guifeley Co. York: And ſucceeded by TOBIAS WICKHAM, S.T. P. admitted Mar. 1. 1676. and inſtal- led Mar. 31. 1677. He died April 27. 1697. and was buried in the Cathedral, behind the High-Altar, without any Monument And fuc- ceeded by THOMAS GALE, S.T. P. admitted Sept. 16. 1697. of whom and his many moſt learned, uſeful Works, fee an Account in Collier's Dillio- nary, The Brevity and Compaſs of my Deſign not allowing me to ex- patiate on a juſt Character of this eminent Deans who, upon his Admif- lion, finding ſome Objections ſtarted, calling in queſtion the Dean's Ti tle to be ra Canon Reſidentiary, to put it out of all diſpute, generouſly procured the following Letters patent to fix it to himſelf and Succeffors, : * Gulielmus tertius Dei gratia Anglie, &c. Rex, Fidei Defenfor, om- * nibus ad quos præſentes Litteræ noftræ pervenerint Salutem. Cum nuper ut accepimus ex humili,petitione Decani & Reſidenſiar Ec- clef. noftræ S. Petri Eber. quidam di&tæ Ecclefiæ Canonici mul. tum dubitarunt, an Decanus prædi&tus inter Reſidentiarios ejuſden Foclefiæ poflit admitti, eo quod Statuto olim ea de fe condita minus nunc plane & clara exiſtunt. Nos páci & tranquilitati prædictæ Ec- cleſiæ conſulentes Declaramus, Statuimis, & ordinamus, quod De- canus : DEANS of YORK. 71 (C canus qui nunc eſt poteft effe Reſidentiarius, ratione Decanatus fui, ficut quilibet Canonicus ejufdem Ecclefiæ Reſidentiarius effe poteft, ratione Canonicatus fui. Idemque Decanus percipiet omnia proficua & emolu- menta quæ ad Reſidentiam ſpectant, ſi proteſtatus fuerit & Reſidentiam tenuerit, fecundum Statuta & laudabiles Confuetudines ejuſdem Eccleſiæ, quod etiam & ad alios Decanos prædicti ſucceſſores extendi volumus. Porro quoniam numerus Reſidentiarum in eadem Eccleſia, per Statuta “ hactenus proviſa, incertus fit & definitus. Nos refpectu habito ad Facul- tates ejufdem Ecclefiæ, quas fatis Tenues eſſe comperimus, volumus, ordi- namus, & ſtatuimus ut effe poffint in dicta Ecclelia quinque, Reſidentiarii & non plures, quorum ſinguliquantum percipiant propter Reſidentiam, tan- tundem & Theſaurus Sancti Petri percipiet, juxta Tenuram Statutorum “ di&tæ Eccleſiæ, Declarationes has Limitationes dictas ordinationes inter Statuta Eccleſiæ noftræ Sancti Petri Eborum recepi & Regiſtrari volu- mus & firmiter mandamus. In cujus rei teftimonium has Litteras noſtras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teſte meipſo apud Weſtmonaft. decimo quinto die Febr. Anno Regni noſtri decimo. De Privato Sigillo EDDO W E S. This worthy Dean, to the univerſal Lofs of Learning, died Apr. 8. 1702. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone, Æ. M. S. THOMA GALE S. T. P. Decani EBOR. Viri, fi quis alius, Ob multifariam Eruditionem Apud ſuos Exterofq; Celeberrimi.. Quale Nomen ſibi conquiſivit Apud CANTABRIGIENSES Collegium S. S. TRINITATIS, & Graca Lingua Profeſſoris Regii, Cathedra: tra Apud LONDINATES Viri Literatiffimi in Rempublicam Et patriæ commodum Ex Gymnafio PAULINO emili : Apud EBORACENCES Hujus res Ecclefia Heu vix quinquennio At dum per mortem licuit Sedulò & fideliter adminiſtrata.. Et ubicunq; agebat donata luce Veneranda lingua Grace Et Hiſtoria ANGLICANA M0111imenta Mar- :- : 72 Precentors of YORK. TH Marmore Loquaciora Perenniora, Teftantur. Ob. Apr. VIII. A.S. H. MDCCII. Ætat. ſux LXVIII. His Succeſſor was HENRY FINCH, A. M. admitted May 22. and inſtalled June 13. 1702. Living 1723. PRECENTORS of YORK. HE Precentor is commonly called the Cantor, or Chaunter of the Church: His Office is to look after the Singing-Men and Choiriſters, and take care of the Singing-Service in the Choir, where he has the next Place after the Dean, and is, by the Dean's Directions, to manage and take care of the Inſtallments, and other Regulations of the Choir ; to put out and in, the Singing-Men, and determine Diſputes between them. He has under him a Succentor or Subchantor, whoſe Duty is to ſupply his Office in his Abfence, which Perſon is ſtill continued. The Revenues of this Dignity, founded Anno 1090, as already obſerved, are the Impropriation of Usborne parva in Borough BridgeDeanary, (which lies now in Cheſter Dioceſe) and Advowſon of the Vicaridge, with fome Tythes in Tadcaſter and Hellington, valued at 30 l. 145. Which not be- ing thought fufficient, Archbiſhop Rotherham, Anno 1483. annexed to it the Prebend of Dritfeild, valued at 62 l. per Ann. to which belongs a Moi- ety of Haxby Lordſhip Co. Lincol . Beſides the Advowſons of Usbarne and Driffeild aforeſaid, the Precentor is alſo Patron of Oddington Co. Glouceſter, which Pariſh belonged to the See of work, till Archbiſhop Holgate granted away the Manor, though the Precentor itill kept his Right. The Value of this Dignity with Driffeild is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 891. 10f. iod. GILBERT was made the firſt Precentor, on founding this Dignity by Arch- biſhop Thomas, Anno rogo. He occurs poſſeſſed of it Anno 1113. As does * WILLIAM de Augo, Anno 1 144. in Pryma's Collectanee, Vol. II. HAM O, afterwards Dean of this Church, fubfcribed by this Title Anno 1155, and 1179. *HUGH MURDAK was, as Prynn tells us, made Precentor Anno 1 201. But the Archbiſhop appointed RALPH de Kyme to it at the ſame Time, viz. 1 201. though perhaps Hamo kept it till he was made Dean Anno 1 206. In which Year REGI- N. B. This Mark (*) denotes the Precentors, Chancellors, Treaſurers, Subdeans, and Archdeacons, omitted by Mr. Lé Neve in his Fafti, the Infertion of which will help to perfect his Series of Liits of principal Diga ' Ritaries in Cathedrals. PrecENTORs of YORK. 73 REGINALD ARUNDEL occurs Precentor Anno 1 206. As does Peter de Rulinol, Anno 1215. And GEFFRY de Norwich, Anno 1 225. On whoſe fucceeding to the Deanary 1235 ROBERT became Precentor Anno 1 235. As did * WALTER about 1239. He held it not long : For I meet with SIMON de Evesham poſſeſſed of it 1239, and 1240. He was about 1 250. made Archdeacon of Richmond : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Paſſamar, who occurs poſſeſſed of it about 1250. As does ROBERT de Winton about 1258. And Hugh de Cantelupe, Anno 1265. * JOHN ROMANUS held it 1269. He was 1285. made Arch- biſhop, having ſome time before reſigned it : For I find * WILLIAM de Corneys, afterwards Biſhop of Sarum, poſſeſſed of it 1283. As I do Peter de Rofs, collated to it July 17. 1289. And THOMAS de Cobham, Anno 1312. He was 1317. made Biſhop of Worceſter : And ſucceeded by * ROBERT de Valoignes, collated 1317. His Succeſſor was * THOMAS de Berton, Rector of Clive Co. Glouceſter, admitted 13 20. WILLIAM de Alburwicks fucceeded, being admitted 3. Id. Nov. 1321. on Berton's Death. He quitted it for the Chancellorſhip of this Church: And was ſucceeded by * ROBERT de Naſſington, inſtalled An. 1332. He died 1345. be ing alſo Prebendary of 'Beverley, and was buried in the Cathedral: And fucceeded by *ROBERT de Patrington, alias Thurgats, S. T. P. inſtituted April 1. 1345. on Nalington's Death. He died, and was buried at Patring- ton : And ſucceeded by Simon de Beckingham, inſtituted Aug, 26. and inſtalled Nov. 17. 1349. on Patrington's Death. His Succeſſor was * H U G'h de Wymonds-Would, LL. B. inſtalled April 13. 1352. To whom fucceeded * NICHOLAS de Cave, admitted Mar. 16. 1364. He was made Rector of Trinity Godramgate in York City, and Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel ; fo quitted this. ADAM de York ſucceeded, being adınitted July 3. 1365. and in- Stalled Dec. 24. following, on Cave's Reſignation. He died Anno 1370. And was ſucceeded by *HENRY * L way 74 PRECEN TORs of YORK. *HENRY de Barton, collated May 20. 1370. and inſtalled July 1T. following. He was Prebendary of Lincoln and Lichfield: And fuc- ceeded in this Stall by Hugh de Wymonds-Would, who had reſigned it, as I judge, about fix Years ago, admitted 1371. On whoſe Reſignation Anno 1379. . *Roger de Rzpon became admitted 1379. He held it not long : Por I find WILLIAM de Hereby, or Kexby, occurs poſſeſſed of it the fame Years In his Will, proved Mar. 8. 1409. he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral. JOHN BURRELL, Rector of Gilling, fucceeded 1410. and, dying the ſame Year, was buried in the Cathedral : And ſucceeded by BRIAN FAIR FAX, collated Anno 1410. He died Anno 1436. And was ſucceeded by * JOHN SETOW, admitted Dec. 29. 1436. on Fairfax's Death. ROBERT DOBBES, LL.B. fucceeded, being admitted O.2. 1439. On whoſe Reſignation JOHN CASTELL, S.T. P. Rector of Rudby, was admitted 07.7. 1447. on Dobbes's Reſignation. In his Will, dated 087. 30. 1456. and proved Febr. 16. following, he appointed to be buried in the Cathe- dral, near the Font, where was this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, torn off after 1641. : : Nic jacet Dom Johannes Caſtell miſer & indignus Sacerdos. Orate pro me Dom. Johanne Caſtello mifero e indigno Sacerdote. miferere mei Doinine fecundum magnam mifericordiam tuan. Banctiffima Maria Mater mifericordie oza pro me, In croſs Faſhion theſe Words, Miferere mei quoniam in fe confidit Anima mea. JOHN GISBURGH ſucceeded, being admitted Mar. 21. 1456. on Caftell's Death. He died Nov. 11. 1481. being Rector of Sposford, and was buried in the Cathedral : Having ſeveral years before quitted this Dignity to WICLIAM EURE, B. D. admitted Nov. 16. 1460. on Gisburgb's Reſignation, . His Succeſſor was WILLIAM BEVERLY, admitted 1483. In his Time Anno 1485. Archbiſhop Rotherham annexed Driffeild Prebend to this Dignity. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave- ... PRECENTORS of YORK. 75 Grave-Stone ; having in his Will ordered his Sepulture here, or elſe at Middlebam, H Guillhelmus dura jacet hac fub rupe Beverley, , Qui Precentozis fulgt honoze nimis, Canonicus reſidens fuit hic heu tempoze paruo, Poft decies ternas non magis ebdomadas: Jlle Decanus erat Myddelim venerabilis olim, Spiritus eternam nunc erit in requiem. Qut obiit Januarij 7, 1493. HUGH TROTTER fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 23. 1493. He reſigned the fame Year, being made Treaſurer: And was ſucceeded by JOHN HERT, admitted June 23. 1494. He died, and was buried in the Nave of the Cathedral, as he ordered in his Will, near St. Wil- liam, with this Epitapth, Sepultura magiftri Johannis Hert, quondam hujus Ecd. Precentozis, Prebendarius Prebende de Driffeild, ac Reſidentiarius ejuſdem, qui oblit 8. die menfis Decembris, 2. 0. 1495. rujus anime propitie- tur Deus. WILLIAM LANGTON, S. T. P. ſucceeded about Jan. 1495. In his Will, dated Nov. 10. 1496. on which Day he deceaſed, he ordered to be buried in the Cathedral, near St. Saviour's Image, and had this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, now periſhed, Orate pro anima magiſtri Will, Languetone, D.T. P. ac hujus Eccl. Precentoris, qui obiit Nov. 10. 1996. cujus, Ac. MARTIN COLL YNs fuccceded, being admitted Nov. 26. 1496. 0:1 Langton's Death. He reſigned it Anno 1503. on being made Treaſurer: And was fucceeded by JOHN PERROT, LL. B. admitted Ost. 20. 1503. He ordered in his Wili, dated Febr. 2. and proved Febr. 12. 1518. to be buried in the Cathedral ; and that a Prieſt ſhould pray for him over Biſhop Savage's Tomb. THOMAS LYNACR E ſucceeded, being admitted April 9. 1519 on Perrot's Death. He reſigned the fame Year: And was ſucceeded by RICHARD WYAT, S.T. P. admitted Nov. 15. 1519. on Lynacre's Reſignation. In his Will, proved in Oct. 1522. he appointed to be blz- ried in Southwell Collegiate Church. L 2 WILLIAM . . 76 PRECENTORS of YORK. JOHN ROKEBY, LL.D. Chancellor of the Dioceſe, or Vicar Gene. WILLIAM HALGILL ſucceeded, being admitted Nov. 6. 1522. on Dr. Wyat's Death : On whoſe Reſignation in Nov. 1534. being made Prebendary of South-Cave, as he was alſo Maſter of the Savoy Hoſpi- tal, London, and Archdeacon of Carliſle, WILLIAM CLIFFE, LL. D. became admitted Nov. 2. 1534. He quitted it for the Treaſurerſhip : And was ſucceeded by EDWARD KILLET, LL. D. admitted April 13, 1538. He died Dec. 5. 1539, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Epitaph, A good men prap for the Soul of Wafter Dodo? Kellet, Chantor of thts Place, and commiffarg and Receiver Beneral of the Cra cheguer, who deceaſed the sth Dan of September, 1539. NICHOLAS E VERAR D ſucceeded, 1539. His Succeffor was : ral, admitted 1545. He died Anno 1574. And was ſucceeded by JOHN GIBBON, or Gibſon, Kt. LL. D. admitted 1574. He died Febr. 28. 1612. And was ſucceeded by HENRY BANKS, S.T. P. admitted in April, 1613. on Gibbon's Death. He exchanged it, for the Prebend of Bugthorpe, with JOHN BROOK, Š. T. P. admitted in 1615. about April. He died next Year, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription on his Monument, Johannes Brook, S.T.P. Coll. Univerf. Oxon. Socius, Elmleienſis prin mum, tunc Silkſtoniæ, Brainſtonicæ Reat. Ecclef. Metropol. Pracentor & Canonicus Reſidentiarius. Vir prudens providus, in Concionibus frequens, & do&tus : Vixit ad annum Ætatis fua 49. obdormivit in Domino: 23. Martii, A.D. 1616. & pofitus eft juxta boc Monumentum, Exfpectans noviſſimam Sanctorum Refurre&tionem. Paftor eras plebi dile&tæ pabula vita, Sepe tua odotta Doctor in urbe dabas; Officium egregie tu Precentoris obibas, Tempora ſed vitæ ſunt magis artta tuæ. Que te delixit mcerit tua funera conjux, Accipe Suprema hæc funera jufta tuæ. JOHN FAVOUR ſucceeded, being admitted in 1617. He died Mara 10. 1623. and was buried at Halifax: And ſucceeded by HENRY : & PRECENTORs of YORK. 77 3 HENRY Hook, B. D. admitted March 19. 1623. on Favour's Death. He died next Year: And was ſucceeded by RICHARD PALMER, admitted April 23. 1624. on Hook's Death. He died Anno 1631. And was fucceeded by GEORGE STANHOPE, S. T. P. admitted in Nov. 1631. on Palmer's Death. He died Anno 1644. And was ſucceeded, at the Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, by TOBY WICKHAM, preſented by the Crown in Aug. 1660.- on the Death of Dr. George Stanhope, as the Patents expreſs. However, * THOMAS HARWOOD, who had, as I ſuppoſe, been nominated by, Archbiſhop Williams, Anno 1644. got out the Letters Patent to it Sept. 29. 1666. And, being Rector of St. George's, Eaſtcheap, London, was, I ſuppoſe, prevailed on to quit his Title, as Wickham had done: For I find ROBERT SORSBY, S.T. P. Rector of Birkin Co. York, obtained it 1661. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription, Hic jacet Robert Soresby, S.T. P. Precentor hujus Ecclef. Cath. na- tus Sheffeildiæ, educatus Cantabr. Coll. Emanuel, qui obiit 15. die Auguſt, A. D. 1683. Ætatis fuæ 74. Thomas COMBER, S.T. P. ſucceeded, being collated Jan. 19, 1683. He was An. 1691. made Dean of Durham : And fucceeded by JAMES FALL, S.T. P. collated Jan. 19. 1691. He died June 13. 1711. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription, Hic dormit quod mortale fuit, venerabilis & primeva pietatis viri, Ta- cobi Fall, S. T.P. olim Regia majeſtati apud Scotos, ab hiftoriist & Academia Glaſcuenſis Principalis plurimum colendi : quem Hier- archia Apoſtolica e Scotia ſua exulante, oſtraciſmo fimul infignitum hæc Ecclefia Metropolitica in Pracentorem, Archidiaconum Cleve- landiæ, & Canonicum Reſident. cooptaſſe fummo in honore & lucro poſuit ; ubi per 19. & quod excurrit annos Confratribus conjunctiſli- mus: Pauperibus peregrinis, bonis omnibus charus vixit, flebilis obiit. Prid. Id. Junii Anno Salutis 1711. Ætatis ſuæ 64. His Succeſſor, both in this Dignity and the Archdeaconry of Clever land, vas JOHN RICHARDSON, A. M. the preſent moſt worthy Precentor, Anno 1723, and Rector of Beford, inſtalled Aug. 6.-1711. to whoſe kind 78 CHANCELLORS of YORK. . kird Affiftance, in this Account of the Dignitaries of this Church, I have been much indebted. .... 28 CHANCELLORS of YORK. TI HE Founder of the Chancellorſhip, as already obferved, was Archbiſhop Thomas, who eſtabliſhed it, as Mr. Torr ſays, a lit- tle before 1990. when he appointed the Dean, Precentor, Prebends, &c. This is the third great Dignity in the Church. His Office was to write the Letters on the Chapter Buſineſs, and to read in the Chapter the Let- ters ſent to them ; to keep the Seals, and ſet them to the Chapter Acts; to take care of the Divinity and other Lectures in the Church, and to licence and appoint Preachers and Readers of Divinity, and to ſee that the Leſſons and Gofpels were well and diſtinąly read, and on this ac- count he was to be a Maſter in Divinity; and had the Care and Charge of the Grammar-School, and appointed a Perſon to teach it ; he was al- ſo to make up Chronologies, and regiſter remarkable Occurrences in the Church ; and fo had an Aſiſtant, who was to be skilled in Divinity, and was intitled his Subchancellor. The Revenues belonging to this Dignity are the Impropriations and Advowſons of Acclam and Waghen, the firſt valued at 131. 6 s. 8 d. and the laſt, viz. Waghen, at 20 1. But theſe not being thought fuffi- cient, Archbishop Rotherham, Anno 1483. annexed to it the Prebend of Laughton, conſiſting of the Tythes, Manor and Advowſon of that Pariſh, valued at 63 1. To all which three Vicaridges the Chancellor preſents, and pays for Firſt-Fruits for the whole 85 1. 6 s. 8 d. SIRUS held this Office 1113. about twenty five Years after the Foun- dation of it, and was probably the firſt Chancellor : Among the Perſons our Chronicles mention caſt away on Shipboard, returning from Norman- dy tempore Hen. I. is *ROBERT, Chancellor of York, Anno 1130. SIMON de Apulia was from this Dignity made Dean Anno 1193 And, as I judge, ſucceeded by JOHN; for he held it 1195. and 1199. and is the ſame perhaps with John LAURENCE, or de S. Laurence, who poſſeſſed it 1201. and is called only Laurence in fome Accounts. RICHARD de Cornubia held it 1225. As did JOHN BLUND Anno 1231. He died poſſeſſed of it 1248. After him JOHN '? I CHANCELLORS of YORK. 79 John de Exeter occurs Chancellor 1254. and 1258. WILLIAM de Wickwane held it 1263. and was from it made Arch- biſhop Anno 1279. THOMAS CORBRIDGE fucceeded 1279. and became likewife Archbiſhop afterwards. SIMON fucceeded Anno 1290: on Corbridge's Reſignation : To whom ſucceeded *THOMAS de Wakefield, collated the fame Year, viz. 1290. He died Anno 1 297. And was ſucceeded by ROBERT de Ripplingham, collated 8. Id. Julii, 1297. on Wake- field's Death. In his will, dated Ammo 133 2. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near the Body of Canon Fohn Nallington. * WILLIAM de Alburwick, Precentor of this Church, ſucceeded, being collated Oet. 1. 1332. on Ripplingham's Death. He died 1349. and was buried at Acclam, the Corps of his Chancellorſhip: And ſuc- ceeded by SIMON de Beckingham, collated Nov. 17. 1349. on Alburwick's Death. He died about Aug. 1369. And was ſucceeded by THOMAS FERNILAWE, or Farnilaw, collated in 1369. His Will bears date Dec. 13. 1379. Soon after which he was ſucceeded by John de Sherborne, collated about the end of January, or begin- ning of February, 1379. He died after the Year 1400. poſſeſſed of this Dignity, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, Nic jacet Johannes de Shirborne, Dotto, in Theologia, quondam Cans. cellarius iftius Ecclefie, cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. JOHN RICKINGAL E fucceeded Anno 1440. as Mr. Torr places it. He was Anno 1426. made Biſhop of Chicheſter : And ſucceeded by * John EsT COURT, Archdeacon of Merioneth, collated 1426.. To whom fucceeded JOHN HA XB Y, or Kexby, S. T. P. collated 1427. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet magiſter Johannes de (Hexby] quondam Cancellarius iſtius Eccleſie, Doctor in Theologia, qui obist 30. die menfis waiji 2. O. 1432. cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. Imen. * THOMAS GASCOIGNE, S. T. P. of the Univerſity of Oxford, of whom Mr. Hearne ſpeaketh, in his Book of the Hiſtory of Glaſton- bury, .: 80 CHANCELLORS of YORK. : Avas WILLIAM MELTON, bury, &c. fucceeded Anno 1432. and held it 1451. His Succeſſor WILLIAM MORETON, S.T. P. admitted July 27. 1453. In "his Will, dated Dec. 1o. 1466. and proved May 27. 1467. he ap- pointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near St. William. THOMAS CHANDLER fucceeded, being admitted Febr. 25. 1466. on the Death of Moreton ; he was alſo Prebendary of Southwell and Be- Derley, and Dean of Hereford, where dying Anno 1490. he was buried in that Cathedral: And ſucceeded by WILLIAM LANGTON, S.T. P. admitted Jan. 11. 1490. He quitted it Anno 1495. for the Precentorſhip: And was fucceeded by date at Acclam, Auguſt 20. 1528. where probably he died, and was buried. HENRY TRAFFORD fucceeded, being collated in Febr. 1528. on the Death of Melton. He died Anno 1537. And was ſucceeded by JEFFRY DOWNES, S.T. P. admitted Aug. 11. 1537. on Trafford's Death ; "he was alſo Prebendary of Southwell. His Succeſſor in this Dignity was RICHARD BARNES, admitted July 12. 1561. He was Anno 1570. made Biſhop of Carliſle : And fucceeded by WILLIAM PALMER, Anno 1571. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription, Gul. Palmer, Cantabr. Aula Pembr. quondam Socius, in terris peregri- natus eſt 66. annos : S. ſancti ecclefiaftici Paſtoris munere functus eft. 45. Cancellarius hujus Ecclefiæ 34. Obiit Anno Gratis 1605. Oftobris 23. Cujus Dottrinam, Hoſpitalitatem, Vigilantiam, Mores, Roftra pub- lica, Aides private, Ecclefia Fabrica, Civium Eulogia, reſonant. Annam Conjugem duxit Rolandi Taylour Doctoris & Martyris Filiam, & ex ea 7. Liberos ſuperſtites reliquit tribus premiſlis : Sub hoc Marmore, Chriſti adventum exfpectans obdormit. : His Succeſſor was WILLIAM GOODWYN, S. T. P. collated OFF. 25. 1605. He was afterwards made Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxford: And ſucceeded by PHINE A S HOGS O N, S. T. P. collated Sept. 26. 1611. on the Re- ſignation of Goodwyn. In his Will, dated Nov. 18. 1645. and proved Nov. 8. 1647. he makes no mention of any Place of Burial. His Suc- cellor, according to Mr. Torr, was * THOMAS : PRECENTORS OF YORK. 8 81 * THOMAS CLUTTER BUCK, Anno 1660. Though I find in that Tame Year CHRISTOPHER STONE, A. M. inſtalled into it O&t. 24. 1660. He died Nov. 26. 1686. and' was buried in the Cathedral, (being alſo Rector of Beford and Scrayingham) And ſucceeded by JOHN COVEL, S.T. P. inſtalled Nov. 9. 1687. He died about Dec. 1722. being Rector of Kegworth Co. Leiceſter, and Maſter of Chrift-College, Cambridge, and was buried in Chrift-College Chapel : And ſucceeded by DANIEL WATERLAND, S.T. P. Maſter of Buckingham, alias Magdalen College, Cambridge, collated about Jan. 1722. TREASURERS of YORK. T! HIS was the laſt of the four great Dignities, which Archbiſhop Thomas I. founded Anno 1090. and though it was the loweſt of them in Precedence, yet it was the moſt conſiderable of them in Profit. The Office of this Dignitary was to keep the Treaſury of the Church, as the Reliques, Books, Veſtments, Chalices, G. to find Lights and Candles to burn in the Choirs and High-Altar, and other Altars, on fpecial Anniverſaries, and Coals and Salt for the Uſe of the Church to repair the Copes and Cloaths, and to find new ones in caſe of Need; to provide Hangings for the Choir, Pulpit, and other Ornaments, and Bread and Wine for the Communion; to buy Bell-Ropes, and other Ne ceſſaries about the Bells, as Braſs, Iron, &c. except on new Founding them, the Cognizance of which belonged to the Chapter. He was by Oath bound, as were the other Members, to keep and ob ſerve faithfully the antient Cuſtoms of the Church, and defend its Liber- ties to the utmoſt of his Power. He had alſo a Subtreaſurer under him, whoſe Office fell with his, to whom he paid a Salary of fifty Marks; and to his Management was left the providing Sacriſts, and other Officers, to do the ſervile Offices of the Church, as opening the Doors, ringing the Bells, and cleaning it, blow- ing the Organs, &c. He had alſo the Cuſtody of the Plate, Veſtments, Charters , Evidences, &c. fo was bound continually to refide and look after things, both by himſelf and Deputy. The Revenues, appropriated for his Maintenance, were the Tythes and Manor of Accome, the Prebends of Newthorpe and Wiltou, the Im- propriations or Rectories of Wiverthorp, Lowndesborough, Clere, Stain- ton and Alne, of all or moſt which Churches he was Patron, as he was M alfe : " 1.RALPH held it 1093. and 1113. As did 82 TREASURERS of YORK. alfo of Broughton Rectory in Hampſhire, and of Wigginton and Skelton Co. York, and had a good Houſe and Lands at York, and Lands at Rippon. The Valuation in the King's Books, Anno 1534. was 233 1. 65. 8 d. WILLIAM was inſtituted firſt Treafurer by the Founder, An. 1090. After him N WILLIAM FITZ HER BERT Anno 1130. He was An. 1144. made Archbiſhop, and afterwards Sainted. Hugh PUDSEY fucceeded Anno 1144. He was Anno 1152. made Biſhop of Durham: And fucceeded by JOHN, Anno 1153. He was Anno 1563. made Biſhop of Exeter ; And ſucceeded by RALPH de Warnebill, Amo 1163. He held it 1170. * GEFFRY PLANTAGENET, natural Son to King Henry II. who had held the See of Lincoln nine Years without Confecration, till 1181. is faid to have been appointed Treafurer here that year. He was An. 1191. made Archbiſhop : but ſeems to have given up this : For BUCHARD de Pudſey, or Puteaco, occurs poſſeſſed of it 1186. As does * EUSTA CHIUS, Anno 1196. He was Anno 1198. made Archdea- con of Richmond: And, as I judge, ſucceeded by HAMO; for he held it 1 204. and 1 215. As did WILLIAM, Anno 1 218. Who perhaps is the ſame with WILLIAM de Rotherfeild, LL.D. who occurs Anno 1221. And, dying 1241. was ſucceeded by ROBERT HAGET, Anno 1 241. JOHN ROMANE enjoyed it 1249. and died in Jan. 1255. having been a diligent Man in carrying on ſeveral Buildings in the Fabrick: After him Mr. Le Neve places 14.20 JOHN MANSEL as Treaſurer, whoſe Authority I chuſe to follow, becauſe I conceive it better fupported than Mr. Torr's Account, who places Manſel before Romane, and makes one Henry Treafurer about 1 263. However, 'tis plain Manſel held it then, and that he was next Year ſucceeded by ALMARICK de Montfort, on whom King Henry III. was forced to confer it Febr. 7. I 264. being then in Simon Montfort the Earl of Lein ceſter's Cuſtody, on the Vacancy, as 'tis expreſſed, by Manſel's Death; which as ſoon as he got free from, he revoked what Montfort had com- pelled him to, and beſtowed it upon EDMOND MORTIMER, Aug: 7. 1264. Whoſe Succeſſor feems to have been * NI 83 3 ty to 월 ​: * Canon. hujus Eccles TREASURERS of YORK. NICHOLAS de Well, Prebend of Southwell, collated about 1270. He reſigned it 1274. Boco de Clare ſucceeded, 1274. Mr. Torr calls him Bogo de Fairfax. He occurs poſſeſſed of it 1278. and 1281, being alſo Chan- cellor of Landaff Cathedral. He died, as I find in Prynn's Colletta- nea, Vol. III. p. 783. in the Year 1293. having reſigned this Digni- JOHN COLUMNA, whoſe coming in Mr. Torr places Anno 1281. He held 1 293. And was ſucceeded by THEO BALD de Barr, collated about Nov. 1297. He was Anno 1303. by the Pope made Epiſcopus Leodienfis, I ſuppoſe fome foreign See ; quere if not Leige : And ſucceeded by FRANCIS de Millan, called Gaytanni in Le Nere, collated 1303, To whom fucceeded WALTER de Bedewin, Prebendary of Hoveden, Anno 1306. And after him JOHN BARBAZON had it given him by the King, Aug. 9. 1327. As had * WILLIAM de la Mare, according to Mr. Torr, An. 1328. And * WILLIAM de Tarwell, Rector of Dighton, Anno 1329. And next Year WILLIAM de la Mare obtained it again, viz. Anno 1330. He died, and was buried in this Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, . fie, qui obiit 26. die Decembris, 21. 0. 1361. cujus, &c. By this it appears, that he had, ſeveral years before his Death, quitted this Dignity, into which the Pope thruſt * FRANCIS de Filiis Urſi, Anno 1335. To whom fucceeded WILLIAM de Kildesby, Anno 1341. by the King's Gift, who al- To beſtowed it upon * BARTHOLOMEW de Bourne, July 25. 1343. as the Patents mention. A. TUSCULA NUs Cardinalis held it about 1349. by the Pope's Gift, as we find in Rimer's Fædera : In which Year the King conferred JOHN oh N de Winwick, July 29. 1349. Mr. Torr ſeems to think he came in Anno 1335. probably becauſe he then began to exerciſe luis Of- fice for the Foreigners, whom the Pope had introduced. His Succeſſor in Mr. Torr is * JOHN it upon M2 84 TREASURERS OF YORK . JOHN BARTON, or Burton, Anno 1360. To whom fucceeded the ſame Year JOH N de Branktree, Anno 1360. In his Will, dated 1374. and proved Sept. 24. 1375, he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near St. William's Tomb, and gave a Legacy to Debenham Co. Norfolk, where he was baptized. On a Grave-Stone in the Cathedral there was this imperfect Infcription to his Memory, - Nunc Benedic. Chriſte quem claudit iftius Eccl. fuit, vir preſto Sophie pes multos Johannem Brangtre, Pauperibns ino- JOHN CLIFFORD ſucceeded 1374. He died, and was buried near St. William, with this Inſcription, Hic jacet Johannes Clifford, quondam Theſaurarius iſtius Eccleſie, qui obiit 29. die menfis Maij, 1392. Finiente viam univerſe carnis ingreffus eft, cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. He was alſo, as I find, Re&or of Sedgfeeld Co. Durham. JOHN de Newton, LL.D. was inſtalled Treaſurer Mar. 30. 1393. I his Will, proved July 13. 1414. he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral, near his Predeceſſors, which I find was performed. He died Fan. 21. 1413. And was fucceeded by * RICHARD PYTTs, admitted Anno 1414. In his Will, proved Sept. 18. 1415. he appointed to be buried near Archbiſhop Henry's Tomb, and gave five Marks to Wells Cathedral, of which I ſuppoſe he had been a Prebendary. John NOTTINGHAM fucceeded, being admitted Aug. 17. 1415. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, Dic jacet Magiſter Johannes Nottingham, Thefaurar. Eccl. Cath. Ebor. dum vixit, qui obiit xx, die menfis Decembris, 7., 1418, cujus, &c. In his Will he gave 20 1. to the Fabrick, and 10 l. to the High-Altar of the Cathedral. THOMAS HAxiy ſucceeded; being collated' Anno 1418. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Hoveden and Rippon. In his Will, dated at Southwell , Febr. 29. 1424. he appointed to be buried in the Cathe- dral, contact } : . TREASURERS of YORK 85 8 * JOHN BOTH E ſucceeded Anno 1457. and was afterwards made Bi- dral, where he had founded a Chantry, at St. Thomas of Becket's Al- tar, and had this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet Tho. Haxey, quondam Thefaurarius hujus Eccl, qui obiit 25. die menſis Januarij , 21. D. 1424. cujus, &c. * ROBERT GILBERT ſucceeded, being admitted Aug. 11. 1425. on Thomas Haxey's Death. He was afterwards Biſhop of London: And, reſigning this, was ſucceeded by ROBERT WOLVEDEN, admitted 1426. on Gilbert's Reſignation. In his Will, dated Sept. 4. 143 2. and proved the 20th of the ſame Month, he appointed to be buried in this Cathedral, near St. Mary's Al- tar without the Porch, and gave 20 l. to the Fabrick, and his Theo- logy-Books to the Library. He was alſo Dean of Lichfield. JOHN BERMYNGHAM fucceeded, being collated 1432. on Wolve- den's Death. While he continued Treaſurer he rebuilt the South-Weſt Tower, where the Bells hang, as appears by his Name, yet viſible, ſubſcrib- ed on it, in Capitals on the outſide, BERMYNGHAM. In his Will, dated Mar. 29. 1457. and proved May 28. following, he gave so la to the Fabrick of the Cathedral, 3 l. 6s. 8 d. to Milden-Hall, where he was Rector, and 5l. to the Fabrick of the Nave of Wolverhampton Church. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this In- fcription, Prafe pro anima Johannis Bermyngham, quondam Thefaurarij ifting Ecclefie, ac prepofiti Ecclefie beati Johannis Beverlaci, qui obilt 23. die Maij, H.D. 1457. cujus, &c. ſhop of Exeter, having reſigned this before ta JOHN PAKENHAM, collated 1459. on Bothe's Reſignation. He di- ed O&t. 2. 1477. and was buried in the Cathedral: And ſucceeded by THOMAS PORTINGTON, A. M. admitted 1477. on Pakenham's Death. In his Will, dated June 10. 1485. and proved Jan. 30. fol. lowing, he names no Place of Burial; but I ſuppoſe he was interred near his Predeceſſors in the Cathedral. WILLIAM SHEFFEILD ſucceeded, being collated 1485. on Porting ton's Death. He was Anno 1494. made Dean: And ſucceeded by HUGH TROTTER, collated 1494. He died Anno 1503. And was fucceeded by : MARTYN 86 TREASURERS of YORK. . MARTYN COLLYNS, LL. D. collated 1503. on Trotter's Death. In his Will he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near his Prede- ceffor Haxey, which was accordingly performed, there having been put this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Sub hoc Lapide reconditum jacet corpus Martini Colyns, Decretos rum Doctozis, olim Thefaurarij Eccleſie Ebor. pt ejuſdem Eccleſie anonici Reſidentiarij , qui quoque Magiftratum geffit , primo Com miſſarij, deinde Officialis Domini Archiepiſcopi uſque ad diem ejus ertremuim, fub fide catholica, & fpe fancta future reſurrectionis in noviſimo die, obiit autem ab hoc feculo in Dominica feptuagefime, videlicet, quarto die Februarij , Hn. Dom. Iomputationis Anglicane, 1508. cujus anime femper propitius fit Deus. On ſome Veſtments he had beſtowed on the Church was this, ដែរ។ Ozate pro Dagiflro Martino Collyns, Decretozum Doctoze, qui obtit 4 febzuarij, 1509. ROBERT LANGTON, LL. D. fucceeded, being inſtalled April 24. 1509. on Dr. Collyns's Death. He reſigned it Anno 1514. And was fuc- ceeded by LANCELOT COLLYNSON, admitted in May, 1514. He died, and "Was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Ozate pro anima Magiftri Lanceloti Collynfon, quondam Thefaurarij ac Kefidentiarij hujus Eccleſie, qui obiit 8. die menfis Aprilis, rin. Domini 1538. Cujus, &c. WILLIAM CLIFF, LL. D. ſucceeded, being inſtalled April 13. 1538. on the Death of Collynfon. He reſigned May 26. 1547. this Dignity to King Edward VI. with all its Demeſnes, Manors, Rights, Members and Appurtenances, with the Advowfons of all its Churches, Vicaridges, Chapelries, &c. A Caption whereof was taken, and reco- gnized June 1. following, by the faid Dr. Cliff, before Sir Edward North, Chancellor, and ratified June 14. by Archbiſhop Holgate; and, laſtly, confirmed by Dr. Wotton, the Dean, and the Chapter of York, July 8. 1547, With the Treaſurerſhip, as already obſerved, fell the Subtreaſurer Thip, and ſo theſe two Dignities have become entirely extinct in this Cathe- dral, as it has in that of Lincoln ever ſince, where the Reaſon given is, Abrepto omni Theſauro defiit Thefaurarii munus. Of 1 SUBDE ANS of YORK. 87 Of the noble Ornaments, Plate, Jewels, &c. in both theſe Cathe- drals, of immenfe Value, taken moſt facrilegiouſly away in the Reign of Edward VI. fee an Account in the third Volume of Dugdale's Monafticon, where is an Inventory given of them. . : SUB DEANS of YORK T HIS Dignity was founded by Archbiſhop Walter Grey, 13. Hen. III. Anno 1229. who annexed to it the Impropriation of Preſton in Holderneſs, and Advowſon of the Vicaridge, rated at sol. 14 8. 3 d. His Office was to be a Coadjutor to the Dean, and to reſide continual- ly, on which account he had Houſes given at York by the Chapter. He was High Pænitentiary to the Archbiſhop, and had Jurifdi&tion over his Church of Preſton in Holderneſs, and three Chapels there. John ROMA NU's was the firſt appointed to this Dignity by the Founder, Anno 1 2 29. He was, I preſume, made Treaſurer 1241. SIMON de Sancto Egidiv, or St. Giles, occurs poſſeſſed of it 1241. Roger Pepyn held it 1254. And, dying Anno 1 266. was fuc- ceeded by WILLIAM de Champvent, collated Nov. 8. 1266. on Pepyn's. Death: In which Year Mr. Torr places the coming in of * GILBERT de Sarum. He held it 1 280. And was ſucceeded by * THOMAS de Wakefeild, collated 13. Cal. June, 1281. He was in 1290. made Chancellor : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Blith, inſtalled 10. Cal. Dec. 1290. His Suce “; ceſſor was * Peter de Inſula, admitted 5. Cal. Martii, 1310. Cal. Martii, 1310. He died next; Year: And was ſucceeded by * PAND. de Sabello, admitted June 12. 1311. on Peter de Infula's . Death: After him ROBERT de Appelby came in, Anno 1315. as Le Neve informs us :: As did * URSINUS de Urbe, Anno 13 27. To whom ſucceeded. * WILLIAM de la Mare the ſame Year : And * WALTER de Burton was inſtalled into it Aug. 7. 1328 WILLIAM de Exon had it given him by the King, March 18. 1338. URSO 88 SUBDEANS of YORK. X in ANDREW OFFAR D, made Subdean Jan. 24. 1347. by the Crown, *Urso is ſtyled Subdean, Anno 1346. He was ſucceeded by who, revoking his Gift to Offard, gave it to WILLIAM de Retford, Febr. 19. 1349. In his Will, proved April 20. 1372. he appointed to be buried in St. Swithin's Church, Eaſt-Retford. On his Death THOMAS de Brandon was inſtalled into this Dignity, March 26. 1373. by Proxy. He held it 1380. As did JOHN de Waltham, Anno 1381. He quitted it Anno 1384. for the Archdeaconry of Richmond. * WILLIAM de Monkton ſucceeded Anno 1384. In his Will, prov- ed Nov. 26. that ſame Year, he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, to which he gave rol. * ROGER de Bakton fucceeded Anno 1384. and quitted it for Pul- bum Rectory Co. Norfolk, in Exchange, as I ſuppoſe, with * WILLIAM de Holym, collated Jan. 12. 1385. He was Rector of Beford. * RALPH de Selby, LL. D. ſucceeded 1386. and exchanged it 1392. for the Archdeaconry of Buckingham, with * John EvoTTs, who became admitted in 1392. He exchanged it next Year with * ANDREW BONDEBY for ſome other Preferments; and he became admitted Anno 1393. He exchanged it, for Swaffham Rectory in Nor- folk, with * JOHN MAPURLEY; and he became collated to it 1409. He died the ſame Year, and was buried in Elling-Spittle Hoſpital, London: And ſucceeded by RICHARD ARNALL, collated to it Jan. 19. 1409. He died June 9. 1441. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, Ojate pzo anima magſtri Ricardi Arnall , quondam Subdecani e Caz 11onici iftius Ecclefie Cathedral. & Curie Ebor. Officialis, qut obiit 9. die menfis Junij, 21. D. 1441. Celi folamen fibi det Thriftus precoz. Amen. . be NICHOLAS CLERK, Rector of Spofford, and Maſter of St. Mary Magd. Hoſpital at Rippon, ſucceeded Anno 1441. and quitted it the fame Year : As did *JOHN SPENCER Anno 1441. To whom ſucceeded * JOHN SUBDE ANS of Y OR K. 89 JOHN Bate in 1441. He likewiſe reſigned it May 1. 1478. and had a Portion of 20 1. allowed annually out of it, by his Succeſſor HENRYGILLOW, admitted May 7. 1478. In his Will, prov- ed April 29. 1483. he appointed to be buried in Houghton le Spring Church-Yard Co. Durham, where he was Rector, near his Mother's Grave, and a Chapel to be built over him, and a Chantry to be founded, if Leave could be obtained. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM CONSTABLE, collated May 9. 1483. He quitted it 1484. on being made Archdeacon of Cleveland : And was ſucceed- THOMAS PERES ON, or Pearſon, admitted 1484. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, , Hic jacet Thomas Pearſon, hujus Eccl. Cath. quondam Subdecanus, qui obiit 28. die menfis Octobris, 4.0. 1490, cujus anime, Ac. EDWARD CRESSACRE fucceeded Anno 1490. and died Mar. 1504. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave- Stone, ed by 31. Ozate pro anima magiſtri Edw. Creſſacre, quondam iftius Ecclefie Subdecani, qui obiit 31. Wartij, A. e. 1504. cujus anime propi- tietur Deus. Flmen. ed by RICHARD RAWLINS fucceeded, being admitted Oc. 1. 1504. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Cleveland: And was ſucceed- wa JAMES HARRINGTON, collated in July, 1507. On whoſe being made Dean THOMAS KNOWLEs ſucceeded Anno 1507. He quitted it Anno 1529. on being made Prebendary of Abſthorpe in this Church. WILLIAM CLIFTON, LL. D. ſucceeded in May, 1529. And, dying Anno 1548. was ſucceeded by ROBERT BAPTHORPE, S.T. P. collated in Sept. 1548. He died Anno 1570. And was fucceeded by gasthi dios A Pobra EDMOND BUN NE Y, collated Anno 1570. On whofe Reſignation HENRY WRIGHT, A. M. fucceeded in 1579. He reſigned it A1- no 1606. And was ſucceeded by ANDRE W BING, A. M. obtained it by the King's Title in the Va- cancy of the See, May 12. 1606. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Norwich, Rector of Eaſt-Derbam and Winterton Co. Norfolk, as he N had . : 90 SUBDBANS of Y OR K. had been alſo of Broughton Co. Bucks ; and dying after 1642. Was bu- ried, as 'tis ſuppoſed, at Winterton. On his Death ANTHONY ELCOCK, S. T. P. obtained this Dignity, at the Re- ftauration of Church and Monarchy Anno 1660. And, dying Anno 1670, being Rector of Kirkheaton and Metbly, was ſucceeded by ROBERT FEIL D, S. T. P. collated Sept. 3• 1670. He died Sept. 9. 1680. and was buried in the Cathedral, being alſo Archdeacon of Cleveland : And ſucceeded by GEORGE TULLY, A. M. collated O&t. 9. 1680. He died April 24. Anno 1695. and was buried at Gateſide, where he was Rector And ſucceeded by bottines WILLIAM PEARSON, LL.D. collated May 1, 1695. He died Febr. 6. 1715. and was buried in the Cathedral, being alſo Archdeacon of Nottingham, with this Inſcription, M. S. Gulielmi Pearſon, LL.D. Dioceſeos Ebor. Cancellarii, Archid. Nottingham, hujus Eccl . Canonici Reſidentiarii & Subdecami, nec- non Reštoris de Bolton-Percy. Viri non tam muneribus dignita- tibus, quam meritis & dotibus ecclefiafticis cumulati : Illorum enim cum ambiviſſet nulla, egregie adminiſtravit fingula, ornavit omnia : Viri inſuper pietate, charitate & Juavitate, morum fingulari plane infignis, qui ſtudiis & laboribus Sacris aſſidue incumbendo valetudi- nem ſatis firmam, imminuit exhauſt, vitamque omnibus defideratilli- mam per brevem reddidit, obiit 6. Febr. 1715. Anno Ætatis 53. Marito dilectiſlimo Conjux maftiflima M. H. P. G. His Succeffor was CHARLES BLAKE, S. T. P. collated Febr. 18. 1715. Living 1723. Archdeacons of YORK, alias Weſt-Riding: T T . HE aforeſaid Archbiſhop Thomas alſo in the Year 1090. as al- ready mentioned, having divided the Revenues of the Church in- to Prebends, diſtributed his Dioceſe into Archdeaconries, and appointed the five following ones, viz. York, Richmond, Eaſt-Riding, Cleveland and Nottingham: And aſſigned them Stalls in the Church, where they were to take place above the Prebendaries ; though not to mix with them in the Chapter, unleſs they had Prebends to entitle them, As ge Archdeacons of York, alias Weſt-Riding or :. As to the Office of Archdeacon, though 'tis of great Antiquity, be- ing derived even from the primitive Times, yet their Power and Furif diction in this Kingdom certainly owes its Rife to the Norman Times: Infomuch that even in London, (the moſt antient Biſhoprick in the Kingdom) and other Engliſh Dioceſes, (except fome fuppofed Archdea- cons of Canterbury) we meet with no Name of any Archdeacon till fome Years after the Conqueſt : And whether thofe of Canterbury, if we credit the Account of them, had any relation to the Cathedral, does not appear. Wherefore it is to be preſumed, that theſe, inſtituted by Archbishop Thomas in this Metropolitical Church An. 1090. were ſome of the firſt Archdeacons that ever were introduced into Cathedrals. In Biſhop Kennet's Parochial Antiquities (where ſee a large Account of their Original) we are told, their firſt Inſtitution was to adminiſter in fervile Employments under the Rural Dean of Chriſtianity, to whom they were as much inferior as a Deacon was to a Prieſt : But by the Ad- vantage of a Perſonal Attendance on the Biſhop, and a Delegation to viſit Tome remote Parts of the Dioceſe, they by degrees obtained the Powers they now exerciſe ; which is, to viſit their Diſtrias annually in the Abſence of the Biſhop, and to enquire into all Crimes and Miſgo- vernment of the People, and to reform and puniſh whatever they find heinouſly committed againſt the Laws of God, or Man's Laws. And for this Vilitation they have Procurations, and at Eaſter, Synodals paid them; and in ſome Archdeaconries, over above theſe pecuniary Stipends, are endowed with Impropriations or Demeſnes, as theſe our Archdea- Cons of York, alias Weſt-Riding, are: Of whom I come now to give a Series of their Names, who have, as their Corps, the Rectories and Advowſons of Mexborough and Brayton Churches Co. York annexed to their Dignity, which is valued at god. 138. d. for Firſt-Fruits. A DURAND was the firſt that enjoyed this Office : He held it 1093, and 1113. Yssin i bottimo anivool on someone WILLIAM held it about 1118. and 1130. After him *JOHN FITZ LETOLD occurs poſſeſſed of it in Mr. Torr As does bongan * H v G H de Sotevagina in the Decem Scriptores, pag. 321. in the 10 OSBEK T de Baines held it 1150. and 1155. As did Tee FR y, Provoſt of Beverley, 1174. and 1176. Barbara WA RALPH died pofſeffed of it 1194. in his Return from Romenas Prynn tells us : On which PETER de Dinant had it given him 1195. But ADAM Year 1138. N2 T 92 Archdeacons of York, alias Weft-Riding. : cember, 1288. He was Anno 1 298. elected Dean : And no doubt fucs A D A M de Thornar got it, according to Le Neve, Anno 1195. which occafioned a Controverſy between them ; and ſo, according to Mr. Torr's Collections, Dinant ſeems to have enjoyed it 1199. After him * SAMP S O N held it 1217. As did A LEXA NDER Anno 1230. And L A U R ENCE de Lincoln, Anno 1 239. and 1241. He died about 1 247. bequeathing an hundred Marks to the Cathedral, where he ap- pointed to be buried. og do SE WALL de Bovill held it 1249. and was Anno 1251, made Dean; and afterwards Archbiſhop. * RALPH enjoyed it 1 256. As did RE Y NER de Skipton, Anno 1 259. (In his Time Archbiſhop God- frey de Ludeham-annexed to this Dignity the Impropriation of Mex- borough.) He died Anno 1265. And was ſucceeded by DEDICIU's de Camilla, collated Anno 1265. G. de Giffard (no doubt the ſame with Godfrey Giffard, made Bi- ſhop of Worceſter 1 268.) fucceeded, being admitted 4. Cal. Maii, I 267. After him ROBERT BURNEL occurs in Le Neve, and was, as he tells us, from it made Biſhop of Bath, Anno 1271. Though I find in Mr. Torr * THOM A s de Wythorn collated to it 1270. His Succeſſor was WALTER de Glouceſter, admitted 1282. On whoſe Refignation Anno 1288. WILLIAM de Hameſton was collated to it on the Nones of De- ceeded by Aymo de Savoy; for he occurs Archdeacon An. 1300. in Le Neve. The next was * REYMOND de Cot Cardinalis, provided by the Pope 1307. who appointed all theſe nine following, omitted in Le Neve, viz. * PETER Cardinalis about 1340. And * STEPHEN Cardinalis, Anno 1361. He died 1369. And was fucceeded by * Philip Cardinalis, admitted March 16. 1369. on the Death of Stephen Cardinalis. His Succeſſor was Pater Cardinalis, Anno-1 372. He held it, as we learn from Fox, Anno 1374. when it was valued at 15ıl. per Annum. He died the ſame Year : And was ſucceeded by 11 * SIMON Cardinalis, admitted 1374. on the Death of Peter, Titulo Praxed Cardinalis. He died An. 1376. And was fucceeded by * GUY Archdeacons of York, alias Weft-Riding, 93 X * Guy Cardinalis, admitted Dec. 1. 1376. on the Death of Si- mon Cardinalis. Joh N de Thoren fucceeded 1378. And, dying Anno 1389. was fucceeded by FRANCIS Cardinalis, admitted 1389. To whom ſucceeded * ROGER de Coringham, Anno 1405. And to him * WILLIAM PILTON Anno 1412. And then WILLIAM FELTER, admitted July 15. 1435. He was next Year made Dean : And fucceeded by THOMAS KEMPE, collated Dec. 14. Anno 1436. On whoſe quit- ting it, for Richmond Archdeaconry, ANDREW Holes became admitted Dec. 19. 1442. He died 1470. and willed to be buried in Salisbury Cathedral, where he was Chancellor. * THOMAS CHIPPENHAM, S.T. P. fucceeded, being admitted July 28. 1470. on Holes's Death. His Succeſſor was on his Death, which happened Anno 1477. RALPH BOTHE, LL. B. admitted Febr. 24. 1477. He died Anno 1497. And was ſucceeded by HENRY CORNBULL, admitted 1497. on Bothe's Death. He died about 1508. being Prebendary of Leighton Manor in Lincoln Cathe- dral; and was no doubt buried in this Church, where he founded a Chantry Anno 1505. the Year after his Reſignation of this Dignity: In which he was fucceeded by JOHN CARVER, LL. D. admitted June 14. 1504. on Cornbull's Relignation. He reſigned it Anno 1515. And was ſucceeded by BRIAN HIGDEN, admitted May 26. 1515. He was next Year made Dean : And fucceeded by * Hugh ASHDEN, Archdeacon of Cornwal, admitted 1516. On whoſe Death Anno 1522. * THOMAS WINTER ſucceeded Anno 1523. and kept it till 1540. though he had before parted with his other numerous Preferments Anno 1529. which were in five or fix other Cathedrals. * THOMAS WEST BIE fucceeded, being inſtalled June 26. 1540. He died Dec. 21: 1543. being Prebendary of Ecclejball in Lichfield Cathedral : And was fucceeded by GEORGE PALMES, LL. B. Rector of Collingham Co. Notting- ham, admitted 1543. He was deprived Anno 1560. And ſucceed- ed by JOHN STOCK E $, nominated Jan. I. 1560. and preſented Jan. 15. by Queen Elizabeth. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM . 94 Archdeacons of YORK, alias Weft-Riding. Haec WILLIAM CHADERTON, S.T. P. admitted May 31. 1568. He was afterwards Biſhop of Cheſter and Lincoln. . Epitaph, Robert Ramſden, Parſon of Spofford, Archdeacon of York, buried O&tober 14. 1596. Right dear in the Sight of the Lord is the Death of his Saints. CHRISTOPHER GREGOR X fucceeded Anno 1596. or 1597. And, dying 1600. was fucceeded by ROGER ACROYD, S.T. P. admitted 1600. He died 1617. and was buried at Bolton Priory, where he was Rector: And ſucceeded by HENRY HOOKE, collated June 3.1617. On whofe Reſignation, 1623. HENRY WICKHAM ſucceeded 1623. and paid Firſt-Fruits for it May 5. 1634. He died, being Prebendary of Fenton, Anno 1641. And was ſucceeded by RICHARD MARSH, S.T. P. preſented by the King Aug. 15. 1641. He died Anno 1663. being alſo Dean of this Church : And was fuc- ceeded by EDMOND DIGGLE, S. T. P. Treaſurer of Lichfiebd, inſtalled in OF. 1663. He died, and was buried at Slimbridge Co. Glouceſter, where he was Rector : And ſucceeded by KNIGHTLY CHETWODE, S.T. P. inſtalled Nov. 10. 1688. He died Anno 1720. being Dean of Glouceſter, and was buried at Temp/- ford Co. Bedford : And ſucceeded by CHARLES BLAKE, S. T. P. collated May 23. 1720. Living 1723. Subdean of this Church. . : Archdeacons of RICHMON D. F the Corps of this Dignity, and an Account of its Poffeffors, ſee the learned Roger Gale's, Eſq; moſt curious and elaborate Hiſtory, entituled, Regiftrum Honoris Richmond, printed at London in Folio, Anno 1722. A Work publiſhed with the utmoſt accurate Judg- ment and Learning, and which will ever be eſteemed an inimitable Pat- tern for others to copy after. What I fhall from thence obſerve in this Place is, that its Endowment was the Impropriations of Ealingwold, Bolton, Clopham, Thornton-Stuard in this County, and Arlecden Co. Cumberland, with ſeveral other Perquiſites, valued at upwards of 200 l. ቀ per .: Archdeacons of RICHMOND. 95 3 I 202. per Annum ; being efteemed the richeſt Archdeaconry, for Revenues and Privileges, in the Kingdom, while it belonged to this See, and continued part of this Dioceſe, to which Time Mr. Gale has carried down the Series of the Archdeacons, which were as follows, CONAMUS was the firſt : He held it 10go. and 1131. As did THURSTÅN Anno 1 146. WILLIAM de Chanvill had this Dignity given him by the King 1189. As had E USTA CE Anno 1196. He was 1198. as I prefume, made Biſhop of Ely: And ſucceeded by RÖGER de St. Edmond, Amo 1198. about Dec. 19. However, HONORIUS had it given him by the Archbiſhop in March, 1198. For he occurs Archdeacon, in Anglia Sacra, Vol. II. p. 380. about In which Year, as we learn from Madox's Hiſtory of the Ex- chequer, p. 354. and 358. both he and Roger were fined in three hun- dred Marks for this Dignity: In which I find ROGE R de St. Edmond aforeſaid got himſelf confirmed in it by the King, March 2. 1200. After him RICHARD de Mariſco occurs Anno 1213. He was 1217, made Bi- ſhop of Durham: And ſucceeded by WILLIAM Anno 1217. He was about 1221. made Treaſurer : Af- ter him I meet with WALTER de Woburn, Anno 1237. As I do ROBERT de Haget about 1240. On whoſe quitting it next Year, for the Treaſurerſhip, JOH N de Romayn ſucceeded 1241. He died 1255. being alſo Trea- furer. After him I meet with * WILLIAM poſſeſſed of it 1256. and 1259. As I do * RA L P H about 1261. And SIMON de Eveſham 1265. On whoſe Death, which happened An= no 1272. THOMAS PASSE LEW fucceeded 1272. and died the fame Year. G EF'FR Y de St. Medardo held it 1278. And, dying Anno 1281. was ſucceeded by HENRY de Newark, Anno 1 281. On whofe being made Dean, as Le Neve tells us, GEFFR y de Vyfpanys, called in Mr. Gale, Gerard de Weppens, was admitted May 22. 1290. May 22. 1290. That his Name was Gerard, and not Getry, appears from his being ſummoned to Parliament by this Title of Arch. .. ... : 96 Archdeacons of RICHMOND. ed by susan : X Archdeacon of Richmond, Anno 1295. in which Summons he is called Gerard de W3Spanys. FRANCIS GAYTANI, a Roman Cardinal, had it given him by the Pope Anno 1307. In his Time, as Mr. Gale informs us, this Digni- ty was valued at 449 l. 75. 5 d. He died 1317. And was ſucceed- R'Oger de Northburgh, preſented by the King May 29. 1317. He was Anro 13 22. made Biſhop of Lichfield : And ſucceeded by ELIAS TAILA RANDI, provided by the Pope, and admitted by Proxy Nob. 2. 132 2. He voided it on being made Biſhop of Altiſodo- renfis, as Le Neve ſtyles him. ROBERT de Wodehouſe ſucceeded Sept. 14. 1328. In his Will, proved Febr. 3. 1345. he appointed to be buried in the Convent of Au- ſtin Priors at Stamford. John de Gineswell , made afterwards a Roman Cardinal, fucceeded, being inſtalled Jan. 19. 1345. by Proxy. He died 1349. And was fucceeded by HENR y de Walton, admitted July 18. 1349. He died 1359. And was ſucceeded by HUMPH RIY de Cherlton, S.T. P. admitted by Proxy Dec. 14. 1359. He died 138 2. being alſo Prebendary of Riccall, and was bu- ried in Riccal Chancel : And fucceeded by JOHN BACON, Prebendary of Buckingham in Lincoln Cathedral, admitted by Proxy Febr. 20. 1382. He exchanged it, for ſome other Dignity, with john de Waltham, Jan. 11. 1384. On whoſe being made Biſhop of Salisbury, Anno 1388. THOMAS de Dalby fucceeded, and was inſtalled Sept. 23. 1388. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet Thomas Dalby, quondam Archidiaconus Richmondie, A Ca- non Reſident. Eccl. Cathedz. Ebor. qui obiit die menſis Mais 2. D. 1400. cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. STEPH E N de Scroope, Junior, ſucceeded, being collated by the Archbiſhop May 14. 1400. He exchanged it with NICHOLAS BUB BEWITH, inſtalled by Proxy March 16. 1401. He exchanged it again with STE P H E N de Scroop in two Days, who became re-admitted March 18. 1401. He died Anno 1418. having appointed in his Will to be bu- ried in the Cathedral. HENRY : 4 Archdeacons of RICHMOND. 97 : NI3. made with HENRY BOW et ſucceeded, being collated Sept. 6. 1418. on Scroope's Death. THOMAS KEMPE, Archdeacon of York, was removed to this Arch- deaconry. Nov. 19. 1442. In 1448. he was made Biſhop of London : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM GREY, S.T. P. admitted Mar. 3. 1449. 449. He was 1454. made Biſhop of Ely. And ſucceeded by LAURENCE BOTHE, admitted Aug. 21. 1454. He was 1457, made Biſhop of Durham : And fucceeded by JOHN ARUNDEL, M. D. admitted O&t. 31. 1457. He was 1459. made Biſhop of Chicheſter : And ſucceeded by JOHN BOTHE, admitted May 27. 1459. He was Anno 1465. made Biſhop of Exeter : And fucceeded by, to roma John SHIRWODE, admitted July 14. 1465. In 1484. he was made Biſhop of Durham : And ſucceeded by EDWARD POLE, admitted Jan. 6. 1484. He died next Year, 1485. And was ſucceeded by JOHN BLITH, admitted Oct. 8: 1485. He was Anno Biſhop of Salisbury : And fucceeded by CHRISTOPHER URSWICK, admitted March 21. 1493. He re- ſigned it 1500. And was ſucceeded by JAMES STANLEY, admitted Dec. 5. 1500. He was Anno 1506. made Biſhop of Ely: And ſucceeded by THOMAS DALBY, collated Aug. 24. 1506. He died, and was bu- - . Ozate pro anima magiftri Thomas Dalby, Decretozum Dotons, Hrchidiaconi Richmond, Prebendarij Prebende de Stevelington, ac Canonici in Eccl. beati Johannis Beverlaci, ac Thefaurarij Hofpitij Thome Savage, quondam Ebor. Archiepifcopi , Capellani & Confilia- rij illuftriffimi Regis Henrici VII. A Capellani & Tonſiliarij lerenif- ſimi Regis Henrici VIII. & Decant Capelle illuſtriſfimi principis dui- cis Richmond o Somerſett, qui obiit 26. die menſis Januarij, A. D. 1525. cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. Zmeni. Miferemini mei my frendps all. The world hath infozm'd me to fall; De Der 3 may no long endure, pran foz mp Soul, Foz this wozid is tranſitory and terrefial. O THO- 02 .. 98 Archdeacons of RICHMON D. * T ta Thomàs Winter, Archdeacon of York, fucceeded, being admitted March 24. 1524. He reſigned it Anno 1529. And was ſucceeded by laſt Archdeacon of Richmond, while it continued part of this Dioceſe of York: It being, on his Relignation May 20. 1541. by. King Henry VIII. together with that of Cheſter, (which he alſo held, being like- wiſe the laſt Archdeacon of Cheſter in the Church of Lichfield) made part of the new-erected Biſhoprick of Cheſter ; where ſee, in the Hiſtory of that Church, the ſucceeding Archdeacons deduced and continued down to this Time. pharet Archdeacons of East-RIDING. HIS Dignity, rated at 62 1. 145. 7 d. is endowed with the Im- propriation and Advowſon of Mapleton for its Corps. William Filius Durandi held it, as Le Neve fuppoſes, about HU G H de Pudſey is the next I meet with. He was from this Di- gnity made Treaſurer Anno 1 141. GEFFR y de Lucy was from it, as is ſuppoſed, made Biſhop of Win- cheſter, Anno 1189. WALT E R de Wyſebech held it' 1221. and 1225. As did WILLIAM CANON 1229. And one WALTER, Anno 1235. Simon de Eveſham enjoyed it 1249. He was about 1265. made Archdeacon of Richmond. BER T de Scardeburgh fucceeded 1 266, as in one Account, tho? in another he is ſaid to be collated 8. Cal. April, 1269. after a conſide- rable Vacancy John de Craucombe fucceeded about 1277; for he occurs poſſeſſed of it 1278. He died 1308. And was ſucceeded by BERTRA M de Fergis, Anno 1308. And he by DIONIS AVENEL 1322. After whom I find AU DOMER ROBERT poſſeſſed of it 1345. He died 1352. And was fucceeded by WILL I A M de Walcote, collated 1352. on Robert's Death. His Succeſſor was WALTER SKIRLAW, admitted 1361. He was 1385. made Biſhop of Lichfield: And fucceeded by * W IL- 1130. : Archdeacons of EAST-RIDING. 99 He ex- 8 made Bin A Y HEW, * WILLIAM de Waltham 1385. He died 1389. And was fuc- ceeded by * FRANCIS Cardinalis de St. Euftace, admitted 1389. To whom ſucceeded WILLIAM de Feriby, LL. B. inſtalled June 7. 1393, changed it, for Althorpe Rectory in Lincoln Dioceſe, with WILLIAM de Waltham, who became admitted July 23, 1409, As did HENRY BOW ETT, Anno 1416. He was 1418. made Archdeacon of Richmond: And ſucceeded by JOHN WOODHA M, Anno 1418. He died 143 2. or, as in ſome Accounts, 1434. And was ſucceeded by RICHARD TONE, LL. D. admitted 1432. He died 1463. be- ing Prebendary of Sleford in Lincoln Cathedral: And was fuc- ceeded by * ROBERT CLIFTON, admitted 1463. He died Amo 1467. And was ſucceeded by John WALKER, or Walter, LL. B. admitted July 16. 1467 died 1475. And was ſucceeded by AV 01 EDMOND AUDLEY, A. M. admitted Dec. 25. 1475. On whoſe being made Biſhop of Rocheſter. EDWARD POLE became admitted Dec. 25. 1480. He was made Archdeacon of Richmond : And ſucceeded by a WILLI A M POTEMAN, inſtalled Jan. 16. 1485. He died March 25. 1493. Having in his Will appointed to be buried in the Cathedral, near Archbiſhop George Nevill. HENRY CORNBULL fucceeded, being admitted March 30. 1493. He refigned it 1497. being made Archdeacon of York: And was flic- JOHN Hoolt, Archdeacon of Cleveland, admitted May 1, 1497. He died 1501. And was fucceeded by P. 7501. THOMAS MAGNUS, admitted in June, 1504. He died 1550. and was buried at Selay, where he was Rector, with this Epitaph, He ceeded by Here ipeth Thomas Magnus, Hrchdeacon of the Eaſt Riding of the Metropolitical Church of York, who died 28. of August, A. D. I550. His Succeffor was put bahan ribu sana bora yd JOHN 100 Archdeacons of EAST-RIDING. John DAKYNS, LL. D. inſtalled April 13. 1551. To whom ſuc- ceeded WILLIAM ROKE BY, LL. D. admitted in Decemb. 1558. After . whom MARTIN PARKINSON ſucceeded in Dec. 1568. And, dying 1569. was ſucceeded by JOHN Mey, S. T. P. inſtalled 04. 8. 1569. He reſigned it, being Biſhop of Carliſle, 1588. On his Reſignation * John Gibson, or Gibbon, LL.D. and alſo Knighted, was nomi- nated Anno 1588. But quitted his Pretenſions. After him THOMAS Cole is faid, in Le Neve, to ſucceed 1588. on Biſhop Mey's Reſignation, who makes alſo RICHARD REMMINGTON to ſucceed Cole 1588. But in the Account fent me no mention is made of Cole ; and both Gibſon and Remmington are ſaid to ſucceed Biſhop Mey in 1588. His Succeſſor was MARMADUKE BLAKESTON, A. M. collated Nov. 25. 1615. on the Reſignation of Remmington. His Succeſſor was John COSIN, S. T. P. collated in Sept. 1625. on Blakeſton's Re- ſignation. He was Anno 1660. made Biſhop of Durham : And fuc- ceeded by was anno 1060. mad CLEMENT BRETTON, S.T. P. inſtalled 1660. He reſigned on be- ing made Archdeacon of Lincoln: And was ſucceeded by ROBERT HITCH, collated Anno 1662. He died 1676. being alſo Dean of this Church ; and having reſigned this Dignity a little before his Death to WILLIAM BRE ARY, LL. D. collated OEt. 15. 1675. on Hitch's Relignation. He died Anno 1701. being alſo Rector of Guiſeley, bu- ried there : And was ſucceeded by HENEAGE DERING, LL. D. collated Mar. 7. 1901. Living 1723. Dean of Rippon. Archdeacons of CLEVELAND . HIS Dignity, rated at 36 1. oo s. 10 d. has no Corps or En- dowment, otherwiſe than the Perquiſites of the Office, viz. Pro- curations and Synodals. * JER E MI A H is the firſt I find. He held it about 1170. according to Prynn : As did GEFFR y de Muſchamp, Anno 1194. He was 1198. made Biſhop of Lichfield : And, as Le Neve tells us, fucceeded by JOHN 20 . 12 Archdeacons of Clevel A N D. IOI :.... it 1304. John de Grey, Anno 1199. Though, according to Prynn, *RALPH de Kyme, who laid fome claim to it An. 1196. ſeems to have got ſome Footing here about 1200. and to have held it till 1201. when he got the Precentorſhip. After him I find HUGH MURDA c poſſeſſed of it Anno 1 201. WILLIAM de Ely held it Anno 1 204. and 1218. as Le Nere in- timates. After him MATTHEW, a Scot, fubfcribed by his Title 1225. and 1229. As did John about the Year 123.0. And * SER LO 1231. and 1240. And then I meet with a ſecond GEFFRY MUSCHAMP about 1250. The next is RUFFINUS TONENS, Rector of Brompton. He occurs Anno 1266. As does NOTES * THOMAS GRIMSTON 1280. He died 1289. And was ſucceed- ed' by THOMA S de Eadbury 1289. He voided it the fame Year to STEPHEN de Mauley, or Malolacu, who came in 1289. and held ADRIA N de Fliſco was preſented to it 1317. After whom THOMAS SAMPSON occurs poſſeſſed of it 1330. And then I meet with WALT ER de Weſton, Canon of St. Stephen's, Weſtminſter, preſent- ed to it Aug. 25. 1343. On whoſe Reſignation * JOHN ELLERKE R became collated 1348. He died 1351. And was ſucceeded by * THOMAS de Hellwell, confirmed May 23. 1351. changed it, for Kepax Rectory, with WILLIAM FERIB Y, admitted Febr. 18. 1354. He died Sept. 21.. 1379. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Hic jacet Dom. Will. de Feriby, quondam Archid. Cleveland, tius Ecclefie Canonic. qui obiit in feſto Sancti Matthci Apoftoli, 2. 0. 1379. cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. Amen. He ex- 3 X * WILLIAM de Catton fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 1379. He was ſucceeded the fame Year by WILLIAM de Hexby, admitted Nov. 8. 1379. And he by ROGER de Rypon, admitted the ſame Year likewiſe, viz. 1379. *ROBERT de Mansfield ſucceeded 1380. and exchanged it, for Beverley Provoſtſhip, with. * ADAMI I02 Archdeacons of CLEVELAND. X . ADAM SPENCER, April 11. 1380. He quitted it for Broskall Rectory, in Exchange, totam * JOHN MARSHALL, collated April 22. 1385. In his Will, prov- ed Febr. 4. 1386. he appointed to be buried in the Cathedral. John Fitz Thomas ſucceeded 1386. And, dying Anno 1387. was ſucceeded by * ALEXANDER HERLE Anno 1387. And he by * THOMAS WALKINTON, inſtalled Nov. 7. 1397. He was Re- ctor of Houghton Co. Durham, and, dying 1410. was buried at Bever- ley : And fucceeded by * CLEMENT STAYNTON, collated 1410. on Walkinton's Death: To whom fucceeded do so RICHARD PYTTS Anno 1411. In 1414. he was made Treaſurer And ſucceeded by a WILLIAM PELESON, collated Anno 1414. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription, Orate pro anima Will. Peleſon, Archidiacon' Cleveland, qui obiit 28. Huguft. 1434 WILLIAM DUFFEILD ſucceeded, being collated 1434. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription, Ojate pro anima magiftri Will. Duffeild, Archidiac. Cleveland, qui obiit 7. Martij, 1453. >> ma STEPHEN WILTON ſucceeded 1453. In his Will, proved July 6. 1457. he appointed to be buried in Beverley Church, in the new Cha- pel by him built: He was alſo Prebendary of Empingham in Lincoln Cathedral. WILLIAM BRAND ſucceeded 1457. And, reſigning in 1470. was ſucceeded by * WILLIAM POTEMA M Anno 1470. He quitted it for the Arch- deaconry of Eaſt-Riding, Anno 1484. And was fucceeded by WILLIAM CONSTABLE, collated June 16. 1484. He died about Sept. 28. next Year; being Prebendary of Norton in Lincoln Ca- thedral: And was ſucceeded by *HENRY CORNBULL, collated Oct. 27. 1485. on Conſtable's Death. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Eaſt-Riding : And was fuc- ceeded by .: GEF- Archdeacons of CLEVEL A N D. 1oz at ... G EFFR Y BLITH, collated May 9. 1493. He was 1496. made Dean And ſucceeded by * JOHN HOLE, admitted March 8. 1496.He quitted it next Year, on being Archdeacon of Eaft-Riding : And was ſucceeded by 10 THOMAS CROSSLEY, A. M. admitted May 5. 1497. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Nottingham ; And was ſucceeded by JOHN REYNOLD, LL. D. admitted Aug. 24. 1499. He died Dec. 24. 1506. and was buried in the Cathedral, with an Infcription on his Grave-Stone long ſince periſhed. RICHARD Rawlins ſucceeded, being admitted in June 1507. He was, 1523. promoted to the See of St. David's, where he died, and was buried in that Cathedral. On his Promotion James DENTON, Rector of Heydborne fucceeded, being admitted 1523. He died 1532. being Dean of Lichfield, and was buried Ludlow : And ſucceeded by THOMAS BEDELL, admitted in June 1533. He reſigned it An- guſt following, being Archdeacon of London : And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM CLIFFE, admitted in Auguſt 1533. On whofe being made Precentor RICHARD LANGRIDGE, S. T. P. fucceeded in 1534. He died in 1547. being Rector of Wheldrake: And was ſucceeded by JOHN WARNER, M. D. collated 1547. He died 1564. being Dean of Wincheſter, at London, and was buried in Great-Stanmore Church in Middleſex · And ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER MALTON, admitted in 1564. He died in Mara 1569. and was buried in the Cathedral : And fucceeded by RALPH COULTON, admitted 1570. He died May 8. 1582. and was buried in the Cathedral: And fucceeded by RICHARD REMMINGTON, A. M. collated June 8. 1582. on the Death of Ralph Coulton. He quitted it for the Archdeaconry of Eaft-Riding : And was ſucceeded by RICHARD BIRD, collated March 21. 1588. on Remmington's Reſignation. He reſigned it Anno 1601. And was ſucceeded by JOHN PHILIPS, A. M. in April 1601. He reſigned 1619. being made Biſhop of Man: And was ſucceeded by HENRY THURCROSS, B. D. inſtalled Aug. 2. 1619. ſigned it 1635. to TIMOTHY THURCROSS, B. D. inſtalled Nov. 16. 1635. on Henry Thurcroſs's Reſignation. He reſigned it Anno 1638. And was ſucceeded by Тон х He re- : 104 Archdeacons of CLEVEL AN D. John Neile, B. D. inſtalled Oct. 27. 1638. on Timothy Thur- croſs's Relignation. He died Anno 1675. being Dean of Rippon, and was buried at Rippon : And ſucceeded by ROBERT FEIL D, collated April 27. 1675. He died, and was bu- ried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Hic jacet Robert. Feild, S. T. P. Arcbid. Cleveland, necnon bujus Eccl. Subdecanus & Prebendarius, qui obiit Sept. 9. 1680. Æta- tis 42. JOHN LAKE, S.T. P. fucceeded, being inſtalled O&t. 13. 1680. He died Auguſt 30. and was buried, Sept. 3. 1689. in St. Botolph's, Biſkopſgate, Church, London, as I found in the Pariſh-Regiſter, with- out the leaſt Memorial ; being Biſhop of Chicheſter : Having reſigned this long before. BARNABAS LONG, S. T. P. who became collated January 10. 1682. He died at Adderbury, as I find by a Note of A. Wood, as he was courting Biſhop Bezes's Daughter, (who had made him Chancellor of Landat ) and was buried at Adderbury, without any Memorial : And ſucceeded by JOHN BURTON, A. M. collated July 3. 1685. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Hic jacet Johannes Burton, S. T. P. Archid. Cleveland, & Prebend. de Dugthorp, & bujus Eccl. Canor. Refid. qui obiit 8. Cal. Decembris, Æra Chriftiand 1700. Ætatis ſua 60. His Succeffor was JAM E S FALI, S.T. P. collated Dec. 7. 1700. He died Anno 1711. and was buried in the Cathedral, with an Infcription on his Grave- Stone, given in the Account of Precentors, where ſee more of him : And was ſucceeded by John RICHARDSON, A. M. inſtalled Auguſt 6. 1711. Living 1723. Precentor of this Church, and Rector of Beford. Archdea- Archdeacons of NOTTINGHAM. 105 . Archdeacons of NOTTINGHAM. HIS Dignity has, in like manner as Cleveland, no Endowment, and fubliſts wholly on the Perquiſites of the Office, which was rated, 1534. at 61). O s. 10 d. T JOHN is the firſt I find. He occurs poffefſed of it 1174. and died 1181. When WILLIAM de Thaney ſeems to have ſucceeded him Anno 1181. Af- ter whom I meet with ROBERT Fitz Williams poſſeſſed of it 1188. WILLIAM TESTARD held it 1190. According to Prynn, Anno I 201. As did * WILLIAM de Rotheram, according to Tboroton, Anno 1219. WILLIAM de Bodeham, Rector of Paveley, was poffeffed of it 1 224. As was * THOMAS de Wynton about 1240. And * HENRY de Shipton, 1262. He died : And was ſucceeded by *THOMA s de Éadbury, coliated 4. Cal. Jan. 1286. on the Death of Shipton. The next I find is WILLIAM de Pickering, collated 4. Id. Martii Anno 1290. He was 1310. made Dean : And fucceeded by John de Grandifon, collated 4. Id. Oft. 1310. He was 1327. made Biſhop of Exeter : And ſucceeded by * GILBERT de Alberwick, collated 4. Id. Julii, 1328. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, and Rector of Langton. His Suc- * MANUEL de Fliſco, preſented Anno 1330. On whoſe Reſignation AM:B ALDUS Cardinalis became collated 9. Cal. Decemb. 1331. The next I find is *ROBERT de Kirdesby. He died 1351. being Rector of Geding- ton Co. Lincoln, and was buried there. JOHN de Biſhopſton had on Kirdesby's Death this given him by the King Anno 13:51. But he foon after recalled his Grant, and beſtow- ceffor was ed it upon Join de Brinkelow, which was confirmed by the Biſhop Dec. 13. 1351. He held it 1355. * RICHARD de Derby was inſtalled into it by Proxy Sept.30. 1365. He reſigned it 1397. And was ſucceeded by P * JOHN 106 Archdeacons of NOTTINGHAM x x . John de Nottingham, admitted 1397. He was 1415. made Pre- centor: And ſucceeded by * John de Wodeham, Anno 1415. He was 1418. made Archdea- con of Eaſt-Riding : And ſucceeded by SIMON de Gaunſtede, collated 1418. To whom fucceeded ROBERT BOWET Anno 1419. He died Anno 1430. And was fuc- ceeded by NICHOLAS WYMBY SSH, collated 1430. and on Bowet's Death. He died Anno 1460. or 1461. being Prebendary of Ketton in Lincoln Cathedral THOMAS BYROM fucceeded 1461 and died Anno 1476. being Re- Etor of St. Edward's Church in Tork. WILLIAM WORSLEY, LL. D. fucceeded, being admitted Sept. 28. 1476. on Byrom's Death. He died 1499. being Dean of St. Paul's, London, and was buried in that Cathedral : And ſucceeded by THOMAS CROSSLEY, admitted in Aug. 1499. He died Anno 1506. And was ſucceeded by John HATTON, admitted in Sept. 1506. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet Dominus Johannes Ingropontens Epifcopus, Ebor. Suf- fraganeris, Archidiaconus Nottinghamiæ, & Brebendarius Prebende de Ulleskelf, qui obiit 25. die menfis Apzitis, H.O. 1516. cujus c. WILLIAM Fell, S.T. P. fucceeded, being admitted Sept: 3. 1516. on the Death of 7ohn Hatton, Biſhop of Nigropont. In his Will, proved Anno 1528. he appointed to be buried at the Charter-Houſe, London ; and gave Legacies to his Relations living in Lancaſhire, near Furneſs, of which County and Family was the great Biſhop Fell's An- ceſtors. CUTHBERT MARSHALL, S.T. P. ſucceeded, being collated in Jan. 1528. on Dr. Fell's Death. He died, and was buried in the Ca- thedral, with this Epitaph, Here Iyeth the Body of Cuthbert Marſhall, Dođoz of Divinity, late Archdeacon of Nottingham, Prebendary of Hufthwait, Canon Re- fidentiary of this metropolitical Church of York; af whole Soul God have mercy : The Burial of whom was the 25th ap of Ja- nuary, An. Dom. 1549. an . ROBERT SILVESTER, alias Purſglove, fuccceded, being inſtalled Jan. 31, 1549. He was deprived. 1559. and ſentenced to remain at Ug- thorp Archdeacons of NOTTINGHAM. IC He was thorp Co. York, or within twelve Miles of it. He died May 2. 1579. and was buried in Tiddeswall Church Co. Derby. WILLIAM DA Y ſucceeded, being preſented Jan. 1. 1560. on Purf- glove, alias Silveſter's Deprivation. He was afterwards Biſhop of Win- cheſter : And, reſigning this Anno 1565. was fucceeded by JOHN LOWThe, collated 1565. He died 1590. And was ſuc- ceeded by JOHN KING, S.T. P. inſtalled Jan. 12. 1590. on Lowthe’s Death. He was afterwards made Biſhop of London : And, reſigning this, was fucceeded by JOSEPH HALL, admitted O&t. 30. 1611. on King's Reſignation. He was 1627. made Biſhop of Exeter · And fucceeded by RICHARD BAYLY, S.T. P. admitted Febr. 7. 1627. 1635. made Dean of Salisbury : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM ROBINSON, S.T. P. admitted May 9. 1635. He died after 1642. And was ſucceeded by VERE HAR COURT, S. T. P. admitted in Sept. 1660. He died An- no 1683. being Rector of Plumbtree Co. Nottingham, and Prebendary of Lincoln : And was ſucceeded by THOMAS WHITE, S. T. P. inſtalled Aug. 13. 1683: He was 1685. made Biſhop of Peterborough, of which he became afterwards de- prived, for not taking the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary, Anno 1690. and dying May 30. 1698. was buried June 4. in St. Gre- gory's Church within St. Paul's Cathedral, London, without the leaſt Memorial. SAMUEL CROWBROUGH, S. T. P. ſucceeded, being admitted 1685. on Dr. White's Promotion. He was Vicar of St. Mary's, Not- tingham, and Rector of Bärton in Fabis, and Prebendary of this Ca- thedral, of all which I think he was deprived Anno 1690. for not tak- ing the Oaths to King William and Queen Mary, as his Predeceffor had been of the Biſhoprick of Peterborough, as aforeſaid. WILLIAM PEARSON, A. M. ſucceeded, being collated July 26. 1690. He died Febr. 6. 1715. being Subdean, where ſee more of him, and was buried in the Cathedral : And ſucceeded by ROBERT MARSDEN, B. D. collated Febr. 18. 1715, Living 1723. • Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Rempſton. en here it is P2 PREBE N- 108 Prebendaries of YORK. : . Callie PREBEN DARIES of YORK. OLLEGIATE Churches, being by their Inſtitution, to have daily Prayers ſaid in them at affixed Hours, appointed by the Canons or Statutes of their Foundation, thence called Canonical Hours, had on that account Rents or Revenues appropriated for the Maintenance of certain Perſons, who were to attend thofe Prayers and Hours; out of which each of thoſe Perſons had a Portion alligned him, which was therefore called a Prebend. Theſe Portions, as they were ſet out in this Cathedral, were for the molt part the Rectories of divers Parochial Churches, which were impro- priated to maintain the reſpective Prebendaries, or Incumbents, who were thence denominated from the Names of the Places fo appropriated. Theſe were all of them collated to by the Biſhops of the Churches wherein they were founded, and the Incumbents were admitted into their reſpective Prebends by Tradition of a Book and Bread, and inveſted by the Dean in the Chapter-Houſe, and inſtalled by the Precentor in the Choir, on the Dean's Mandate. They were obliged to give to the Church a Cope, while they continued poſſeſſed of a Prebend ; and if they had not performed that Obligation in their Life-Time, during their Poffefſion, they were bound to bequeath at leaſt 10 l. at their Death, to the Uſe of the Church, or pay moreover twenty Marks, and their beſt Palfrey: All which was beſtowed on the Fabrick. There were anciently in this Cathedral thirty ſix of theſe Prebends, of which two, viz. Wilton and Newthorp, being about 1240. annexed to the Treaſurerſhip, were diſſolved with it Anno 1547. A third, viz. Bramham, was not long after the Foundation annexed to the Priorſhip of Noſtell; as was a fourth, viz. Salton, annexed to Hexam Priorſhip; and fo fell Anno 1540. in the general Deſtruction of Religious Houfes, with thoſe two Monaſteries. But the fifth and ſixth, viz. Maſſam and South- cave, the former valued at 136 1. and the latter at 87 1. were An. 1547. on account of their large Endowments, facrificed with the Treaſurer- Ship to the Avarice of facrilegious Courtiers. And ſo only thirty (of which two, as aforeſaid, are united to the Precentorſhip and Chancel- lorſhip) remain at this Day. Theſe thirty ſix Prebendaries, in like manner as the greater Dignita- ries, had their reſpective Subſtitutes ; each Prebendary having his Vi- car, or Deputy, to repreſent him on Occaſions, and officiate for him in the Choir. Theſe Vicars Places, the Prebendaries were under Engage- ments , Prebendaries of YORK . 109 ments to keep fully ſtated; for, on their Default in ſo doing, the Chap- ter took care to ſupply and fill up the Vacancy. Theſe Vicars were en- titled from the Stall of the Prebendary they belonged to; and had from him a Stipend of 40 s. per Annum, which is ſtill paid according to the antient Number of the Prebendal Stalls by the Chapter ; who, though they have deduced and leſſened the Vicars to no more than five, accord- ing to the Number of the Canons reſident, yet they ſtill pay them the old Revenue of 72 l. being thirty fix times 40 s. As to the Obſervation of Reſidence, purſuant to the old Statutes, each Reſidentiary was to attend the Service of the Choir twenty fix Weeks, and during that Time obliged to keep Hoſpitality, and never to be out of his Houfe after the ringing of the Corfew-Bell. By the laſt Statutes, printed in the Monafticon, Vol. III. dated Anno 1542. 33. Hen. VIII. made fince the Reformation, it was ordained, That every Canon ſhould make his folemn Proteſtation when he began his Reſidence; and, That there ſhould be always (as it had been pra- etiſed before the Reformation) one Canon's Share or Dividend reſerved for the Treaſure of St. Peter; and, if there were no Reſidentiary, the common Revenue was all of it to be returned and paid into the Treaſury ; and That, to prevent the Canons purloining or diſpoſing of the Eſtate of the Church at their will, all the Prebendaries, being at or repairing to Tork, ſhould be admitted to the Chapter, and vote therein ; and That the Seal of the Chapter ſhould be locked up under three Keys; That the Time of Reſidence ſhould be fixed by the Dean and Canons; and That there ſhould be always preſent two or three Reſidentiaries ; and if there were but one he ſhould receive the Profits of the reſt, and be obliged to continual Reſidence and Attendance; That any of the Archdeacons be- ing chofen Reſidentiaries, they ſhould be allowed, out of the twenty fix Weeks, thirty Days for their Viſitations; That, though the Reſidentia ries fhould over-ſtay their twenty fix Weeks, the Overplus of that time ſhould not be taken into a new Year, and no Canon be reputed a Re- fident, unleſs he lived in a Prebendal Houſe, and expended an 1col. by the Yçar ; That the Vicars ſhould, in lieu of their claiming a Right to eat at the Reſidentiary's Table, have an Allowance of 5 l. per Annum, and a Stipend of 61. 13 si 4 d. over and above the 40 s. due from the ſeveral thirty fix Prebendaries. The Number of Reſidentiaries is now, as already noted, limited to five, viz. the Dean and four others, which are all elective but the were de jure Canons, and there were beſides them generálly three or four- others choſen to that Honour : And though there were ſo many of them., whicha j IIO Prebendaries of Y OR K. which leſſened their Income, yet they always conſidered the Fabrick, and conſtantly ſet apart one Dividend to it, beſides the Revenues belonging to it, as they do at this Day; the Church having always a fifth or fixth Share of the Reſidence-Money annually divided and ſeparated to its Ufe. I have been the longer in deſcribing the ſeveral Offices of this Church, and enlarging on the Statutes, becauſe the ſame Ufage and Practice was in other Cathedrals; and the Statutes of Landaff, which is the only Church in the Kingdom that has been deprived of its antient Cuſtoms, expreſsly deſcribe theſe very Uſages, which I have here exhibited, and which are yet kept up in this our Cathedral of York, and to which by Oath each Prebendary of Landaff ſeems obliged, at his Admittance, to bind himſelf: And on this account as the Treaſurer of Landaff was to be held to continual Reſidence, ſo he, by not having appointed him the Dividend of a Mark a Year (the only Share or Wages the unreſident Canons of that Church ſeem to have antiently allotted them) was as I con- ceive entituled to receive the whole of the Chapter-Lands, and be ac- countable for the Diſtribution of it towards the Fabrick and Hoſpitality, and other neceſſary Duties of the Church. A BST HOR P E, : O denominated from Apefthorp, or 'Alſthorp, a Pariſh Co. Nota tingham, where the Prebendary has the Impropriation and Advow- ſon of the Donative, and all other Juriſdiction there. In Thoroton's Nottinghamſhire this place is called Habliſthorp, and was, as he tells us, reputed antiently only an Hamlet or Village, belonging to North-Le- pertoi, though it is now diſtinct. It is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 8 1. THOMAS WHYTEN held it about 1260. WALT ER de Glouceſter was collated to it Id. Febr. 1282. He re- ſigned it next Year, being made Archdeacon of York : And was ſuc- ceeded by GERARD de Grandiſon, collated 2. Id. Nov. 1283. on Glouceſter's Reſignation. FLAM B A R D de Longvill ſucceeded 15. Cal. Aug. 1318. He re- figned it : And was iucceeded by HENRY de Cliffe, collated 3. Non. July, 1319. on Longvill's Re- ſignation. He died 133 2. and was buried in the Priory of Drax : And fueceeded by ROBERT Prebendaries of YOKK III was ROBERT de Taunton, collated 1332. on the Death of Cliffe. One Robert de Taunton was 1334. made Archdeacon of Durham, quere, if the ſame. The next I find is GEFFR Y de Scroope. He was collated 3. Non. Nov. 1346. As THOMAS FERIBY on the Death of Scroope, collated Febr. 16. 1382. He was Maſter of Bautree Hoſpital : And, reſigning this, was ſucceeded by THOMAS WARDROPER, collated Aug. 4. 1403, on Feriby's Re- ſignation. JOHN SOUTHÀM ſucceeded July 23. 1409. on Wardroper's Re- fignation ; and, dying 1440. was buried in Lincoln Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet magiſter Johannes Southam, Inceptoz juris, Canonicus Reſidentiarius iftius Eccleſie, Hrchidiaconus Oxon. Canonicus Ebor. & Sarum, & Rector Eccl. de Coningsby, qui obiit 23. die men- fis Febz. H. D. 1440. cujus anime propitietur Deus. Amen. Di Cerere mei Deus fecundum miferico2diam tuam. Ecce necis fpeculum (peculare frequenter # oza, Mozs veniet, fed quando, latet, furtim venit hoza. WILLIAM FELTER fucceeded, being collated Febr. 28. 1440. He died 1451. being Dean of this Church : And was ſucceeded JOHN ARUNDEL, 1451. On whoſe Reſignation of it Anno 1457. OHN BARTON became collated Jan. 30. 1457. He quitted it for Wetwang WILLIAM DUDLE Y ſucceeded Nov. 28. 1466. and quitted it for Stillington. THOMAS PORTINGTON ſucceeded, being collated July 29. 1470. He quitted it, being made Treaſurer : And was ſucceeded by LEONARD SAY, collated March 28. 1476. He died Anno 1493. being Warden of Tickhill-Free Chapel, and Canon of Lincoln, and was buried in that Cathedral, with this Inſcription, 1. Nic jacet Magiſter Leonardus Say utriuſqne juris Baccalaureus, nec- non Canonicus hujus Ecclefie ; necnon filius Johannis Say militis, qui obiit 25. die menfis Hozilis, H. 2. Millefimo 493. cujus anime propifietur Deus. JOHN . II2 Prebendaries of YOK K. : JOHN REYNALD ſucceeded April 30. 1493. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Cleveland, and quitted this for Stillington. MARTIN COLLINS ſuceeeded Nov. 30. 1494. He was afterwards Precentor, and quitted this for Bugthorpe : As did alfo his Succeffor RICHARD WALWGH, who ſucceeded Nov. 10, 1495. On whoſe Relignation EDWARD UNDERWood fucceeded Nov. 18. 1496. He quitted it for Bilton, 1497 ANTHONY SELLENGER ſucceeded Nov. 30. 1497. He was alſo Maſter of St. Mary Magdalen's Hoſpital at Rippon ; and quitted it 1514 JOHN YOUNG ſucceeded April 6. 1514. He was the fame Year made Dean. WILLIAM BURGH ſucceeded April 6. 1514. on Dean Young's Reſignation. He was Prebendary of Hemingburgh, and Rector of Moren munkton : And, dying 1525. was fucceeded by ROBERT NOOKE May 9. 1525. He reſigned it 1529. And was ſucceeded by THOMAS KNOWLES, collated May 11. 1529. He died May 9. 1547. having been Preſident of Magdalen College, Oxon, and Vicar of Wakefield, where he was buried : Having before reſigned it to JOHN COULTMAN, collated April 1. 1546. He died 1553: And was fucceeded by THOMAS COTES FORD Fuly 10. 1553. He was the next Year deprived : And fucceeded by THOMAS CLEMENT, inſtalled May 19. 1554. on the Depriva- tion of Cotesford. His Succeſſor was MELCHRIOR SMITH, Vicar of Helle, collated June 21. 1564. On whofe Death ſucceeded HENRY COPPINGER, collated Dec. 4. 1591. on the Death of M. Smith. He was Miniſter of Lanebam : And reſigned this to AMBROS E COPPING E R, collated June 2. 1619. He died af- ter 1642. And was, at the Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, fuc- cecded by JAMES LISTER, A.M. inſtalled Oct. 13. 1660, He was alſo Vi- car of Wakefield, RICHARD HILL, A. M. ſucceeded, being collated Aug. 2. 1671. To whom fucceeded John RoE, A.M, collated Jan. 18. 1704. And to him THOMAS Scot, A.M. the preſent Incumbent, 1723. and Vicar of Wakefield, who was collated to this Stall June 9. 1707. on Roe's Death. A M- 4 : Prebendaries of Y OR K. 113 lated bestendon opad was A MP LE FOR D. T HIS Prebend is endowed with the Rectory and Advowſon of Ampleford in Ridall Deanary, and impropriate Curacy of He- Nington in Bulmer Deanary, to which he likewiſe preſents ; and has al- lo Tythes at Fulford, and ſome Lands at Dunnington, and an Houſe in Stongate in York. The Valuation of it for Firſt-Fruits Anno 1534, is 35 l. per Annum. HENRY de Lavannia held it about 1260. To whom ſucceeded on his Death to WILLIAM de Luda. He was Anno 1 290. made Biſhop of Ely: And ſucceeded by WILLIAM BURNEI, collated 3. Id. May, 1290. on the Promo- tion of William de Luda. He was Rector of Harwood. He died 1304. And was fucceeded by MAURICE de Piſhaco, collated 8. Id. Nov. 1304. on the Death of Burnel. He reſigned Anno 1321. And was ſucceeded by ſignation of M. de Pilliaco. He refigned it likewiſe : And was fuc- ceeded by MANU E L de Fliſco, collated 5. Cal. Sept. 1329. on the Reſignation of T. de Tretis : He was alſo about 1340. Prebendary of Milton Manor in Lincoln Cathedral. napot 134°: H EN NRY de Ingleby fucceeded 6. Aug. 1350. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Lincoln, and of the Collegiate Church of Derlington, and Rector of Halyghton in Durbam Dioceſe . He died after 1371. buried in this Cathedral : Having reſigned this Stall to Stall to 443?* was HENRY la Zonch, collated 12. Aug. 1351. on the Reſignation of Henry de Ingleby.to He died : And Was ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Courtney, collated 24. March, 1369. on the Death of H. la Zonch. He was afterwards made Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Roger de Fretön ſucceeded 19. Aug. 1370. on the Promotion of Courtney. He died: And was ſucceeded by THOMA s.de Stanley, collated 24. Febr. 1381. on the Death of Freton. He was afterwards Dean of St. Martin's, London, as I take it, and fo quitted this. *** to his JOHN SKIRL A w was collated 11. Sept. 1382, on the Religna- tion of Stanley : In which Year I find Q ROGER : 114 Prebendaries of Y OR K. T . ease ROGER BACON, collated 23. March, 1382. As I do THOMAS ORGRA VE, II. March, 1385. on the Reſignation of Bacon. WILLIAM WALTH A M fucceeded, being collated 4. Nov. 1386. on the Death of Orgrave. He died : And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM ATT WODE, collated 4. Dec. 1389. on the Death of Waltham. He was Rector of Carleton in Lyndrick, and, dy- ing 1410. was buried in the Cathedral : And fucc And fucceeded by H O MAS PARKER, 17. Sept. 1410. on the Death of William Attwode. He was Rector of Bolton-Peircy, Prebendary of St. Ma- gy's Chapel, and of Beverley, and held one of the Chantries in the Col- legiate Church of Sutton in Holderneſs. His Succeſſor was ROBERT BOWETT, collated 6. OE7, 1423. on the Death of Thou mas Parker. He died: And was And was ſucceeded by RALPH BE AU FOR D, collated 20. Febr. 1429. on the Death of R. Bowett. THOMA S KIRKE B Y, 7. April, 1450. on the Death of Beauforde He was Maſter of the Rolls, Treaſurer of the Church of Exeter, where he died, and was buried in Exeter Cathedral : And fucceeded by ROBERT BOTHE, 14. Jan. 1476. on the Death of Thomas Kirkeby. His Succeſſor was THOMAS AS BOTH e, collated 14. Febr. 1477, on the Reſignationi of R. Bothe. He was Prebendary of Beverly and Southwell. PETER CARMELIANO, collated 19. April, 1498, on the Death of T. Bothe. bre 17 John, Biſhop of Elphin, and Abbot of Welbeck, collated 13. Fa- muary, 1527, on the Death of P. Carmeliano. He was Prebendary of Southwell. GEORGE HENNE A GE, Aug. 20. 1536. on the Death of Fobi, Abbot of Welbeck. He was Dean of Lincoln, and was there buried in that Cathedral. WILLIAM CLAYBURGH, 22. Sept. 1549, on the Death of G. Henneage. He was Maſter of the Hoſpital of Bautree ; but depriv, ed of his Maſterſhip as well as Prebend. ALBAN LANGDALE, 26. May, 1554. on the Deprivation of William Clayburgh. He was Archdeacon of Chicheſter, and Chancel- lor of Litchfield Cathedral ; of all which he was deprived. WILLIA M D A Y ES 22. April, 1560. on the Deprivation of Alban Langdale. He was afterwards Biſhop of Wincheſter, Dean of Windſor, and Provoſt of Eaton-Guildalls College 1 LAU *** ,܀ Prebendaries of Ý OŘ K. 115 115 : Succeſſor was . . LAURENCE NOWer, 27. May, 1566. on the Reſignation of Daye. He was Dean of Litchfield. CHRISTOPH E R GREGOR Y, 15 Auguſt, 1577. on the Death of Nowel. ZACHARY STEWARD, 12. Oft. 1600. on the Death of C. Grego- gry. He died 1617. and was buried at Eafington in this County. SAMUEL WARD, 21. Febr. 1617. on the Death of Z. Steward. He died after 1644 or 1645. having been Maſter of Sidney College, Cam- brigde: And was fucceeded by HUMPHRY Y LLOYD, 20: Sept. 1660, on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent. He was afterwards Biſhop of Bangor ; but held this in Com- mendam. WILLIAM PE A'R SON, 17. Fune, 1689. on the Death of H. Lloyd, Biſhop of Bangor. He was Subdean of this Cathedral, and Archdeacon of Nottingham. THONAS NOBLE, beneficed in York City, Febr. 18. 1715. on the Death of William Pearſon, removed from Gyvendal to this Stall. His HENRY Cooke, A. M. the preſent Prebendary, and Prebend of Southwell, collated on the Death of Thomas Noble, April 10. 17224 Rector of Stokeſly. BARN E Br. S% o denominated from Barneby Village, near Pocklington in Hart- hill Deanary. The Prebend Lord of the whole Town of Barneby, valued át 14.1. 8 s. 4 d. WILLIAM de Corneys, or Corner, held it about 1 278. and was from thence made Biſhop of Sarum. PETER de Roſs, collated 8. Id. May, 1289. void by the Promo- tion of Corneys to the See of Sarum. WILLIAM CAMERARIUS, 13 Ot Reſignation of W. Camerarius. WILLIA M de Terwell, 8. Cal. Febr. 1322. on the Reſignation of W. de Soudon. NICHOLAS de Hugate, 10. Cal. Dec. 1327. on the Reſignation of W. de Verwell. He was Provoſt of Beverley. nasvien ogiki 222 HUGH . 2 Q2 116 Prebendaries of Y OR K. las Hugate. Hyg u de Wylughby, 5. Non, July, 1338. on the Death of Nicho- John THORPE S13. He was Prieſt of the Chantry of Ali Hallows in York, and was buried in the Convent of Nun-Monckton. REGINALD de Donyngton, 11 May, 1347, on the Death of Fohu Thorpe. John de Helwell, 5. Sept. 1349. on the Death of R. Donyngton. WILLIAM WODER O W E, 15. Mar. 1386. on the Death of 7. Helwell. He was Rector of Spofford, where he died and was buried. RICHARD de Conyngſton, 21. Mar. 1386. on the Reſignation of W.Woderowe. He quitted it for Bole. THOMAS de Hilton, 13. Mar. 1400. on the Reſignation of R. Ca- nyngſton. THOM A S de Haxcy, 4. Mar. 1404. on the Reſignation of T. de Hilton. He quitted it for the Treaſurerſhip, RICHARD ARNAL 34. Dec. 1418. on the Reſignation of T. de Haxcy. He quitted it it for Langtoft JOHN MARSHALL, 5. June, 1438. on the Reſignation of Rich. Arnall. , John Marſhall. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. JOHN DEL ABER, 3. Febr. 1443. on the Reſignation of W. Saun- ders. He was Prebendary of Rippon, Arehbiſhop of St. David's, 1447 & TWINS WILLIAM G R'A Y, 16. Dec. 1447. Biſhop of Ely 1454. WILLIAM RADCL Y FFE, 17. Aug. 1454. on the Promotion of W. Gray. See Treaſurers of Litchfield. *** JOHNSEN D'AL E, 12. Sept. 1455. on the Reſignation of Wil- liam Radcliffe. WILLIAM BRANDE, 10. Mar. 1461. Chaplain to the Archbi- ſhop, on the Reſignation of 7. Sendale. WILLIAM POTEMAN 1470. on the Reſignation of W. Brande. He was Archdeacon of Cleveland, and quitted this for Stromſel. John Dunmowe, 6. Febr. 1474. on the Reſignation of William Poteman, 12 WILLIAM COCKS, Mar. 1480. on the Reſignation of John Dunmowe. CHRISTOPHER WILSON, 29. Nov. 1512. on the Death of W. Cocks. He was Vicar of Birſtall. NICOLAS EVERARD, 12. NOV. 1532. on the Death of Chriſtopher Wilſon. In 1539, he was made Precentor, JOHN WILLIAM SAUNDERS, 28. Aug. 1443, on the Refignation of . nation of me . : bate Prebendaries of YORK. 117 John EYER, 22. Nov. 1539. on the Reſignation of Nicolas Everard. JOHN HALLS 1543. on the Reſignation of 7. Eyer. He was Rector of Burgwallis. Rich'A'R D DRURY, 26. July, 1558. on the Death of 7. Hall. THOMAS YOUNG, 29. Aug. 1561. on the Death of R. Drury. He was but ſixteen Years of Age when Archbiſhop Young admitted him, and ſo was ſent to Oxon about 1566. GEORGE SLATER, 25. O&t. 1574. He was Rector of Bainton up- on the Wolds, and Prebendary of Southwell. WILLIAM BARKS DALE, 19. Nov. 1590. on the Death of G. Slater. ROBERT BUNNING, 7. Nov. 1660. on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent : Í fuppofe Barksdale ; for he held it after 1644. HENRY BAGSHAW, 12. Aug. 1667. on the Death of R. Bunning. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Rector of Carlton in Lynderick, Prebendary of Durham, 1680, PETER SAM WA YES, 27. May, 1668. He held the Rectories of Wath and Bedal. He died, and was buried at Bedal: And fuc- ceeded by FRANCIS PEMBERTON, A. M. April 21. 1693. He was Re- étor of Bedal, where he died and was buried: And ſucceeded by WILLIAM HERBERT, the prefent Prebendary, collated April 8. 1722. on Pemberton's Death, B I L TON, . C. TONSISTS of the Impropriation of Bilton, which was made a Prebend by Archbiſhop John Romaine, Anno 1294. The Pre- bend or Patron of Bilton Vicaridge in Anſty Deanary. Value of this Prebend 141. 8 s. 9 d. Robert de Pykering held it April 20. 1294. As did Philip de glughby, July 27: 1298. He was Dean of Lincoli, and died Anno 1305. ADAM de Blyda ſeems to have ſucceeded. He was Rector of Harthill in this, and afterwards of Shepton in London Dioceſe, and was buried there: And fucceeded by WILLIAM de Alburwyks, collated 2. Febr. 1330. on the Death of Adam de Plyda. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM 118 Prebendaries of Y OR K. WILLIAM de Feriby, collated July 2. 1341. on the Refignation of W. de Alburwyks : As was WILLIAM de Woodhouſe, collated 8. July, 1350. on the Reſigna- tion of W. de Feriby : And Joan de Feriby, 17. Sept. 1352. on the Reſignation of Will. de Woodbouſe : And Jonn de Carpe, 20. Mar. 1373. on the Reſignation of 7. de Fe- riby: After whom I find JOHN de Ikelington, collated 18. Nov. 1396. on the Reſignation of 7. de Carpe. He was Rector of Queldrake. Thomas BURSTALL ſucceeded, being collated 16. Mar. 1400. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, and Prebendary of South- well , and Rector of Clayworth Co. Nottingham. The next was ROBERT APPYLTON, collated 12. Mar. 1408. He was Rector of Stretton Co. Nottingham. He died : And was ſucceeded by HENRY SWYNF, collated 30. April, 1418. on the Death of R. Ap- pylton. He was Prebendary of Southwell. His Succeſſor was the THOMAS BECKINGTON, collated 19. April, 1423. on the Re- ſignation of H. Szyne. He was, as I judge, afterwards Biſhop of Wells. His Succeſſors were JOHN CARLETON, collated 29. Sept. 1423. on the Reſignation of Tho. Beckington. He was Re&or of Éskrick, and Prebendary of the Collegiate Church of Oſmunderley, or Oſinotherly. He was buried in the Pariſh-Church of Ricall. John FYTTON, Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, fucceeded, being collated 12. July, 1427, on the Reſignation of 3. Carleton : As was John de Opizis, 27. Sept. 143 2. on the Death of 7. Fytton: And ELIAS HOLCOAT, 19. Oct. 1449. on the Death of 7. de Opizis. He was Prebendary of Southwell and Beverley. THOMAS Hope fucceeded, being collated 26. Aug. 1464. on the Death of Holcoat. JOHN GIGLI), 26. Febr. 1487, on the Death of Hope. He was 1497. made Biſhop of Worceſter : And fucceeded by JOHN HA MMs, collated Anno 1497. on the Promotion of John Giglis. EDWARD UNDERWoop fucceeded, being collated 4. Dec. 1497. on the Reſignation of 7. Hamms. He was Dean of the Royal Chapel at Weſtminſter, and Rector of North-Crawley Co. Bucks : As was JOHN GRICE, 18. Jan. 1504. on the Death of E. Underwood: And JOHN W Prebendaries of Y OR K. 119 1 JOHN LONDON, 23. April, 1519. on the Reſignation of 7. Grice. He was one of the Commiſſioners for viſiting the Monaſteries : And, quit, ting this, was ſucceeded by NICOLAS WILSON, collated 20. July, 1542. on the Reſignation of 7. London: And he by John DAYKINS, 19. June, 1548. on the Reſignation of N. Wil- fon. His Succeſſor was ROBERT Nevile, collated 30. Jan. 1549. on the Reſignation of 7. Daykins. He was Provoſt of Rotheram College, Rector of Ord- fall , and Vicar of Almonbury. THOMAS WILSON, 27. Mar. 1550. on the Death of R. Nevile. He was Maſter of St. John's Hoſpital at Rippon. He was Rector of Baddſworth. He got Fenton Prebend Anno 1560. fo quitted this : And was fucceeded by WILLIAM Bell, collated 19. May, 1554. He reſigned An. 1557. the Rectory of St. Mildred's in Bread-Street, London, and, as I fup- poſe, about the fame Time this Prebend: For I find NICHOLAS HOUGHTON poſſeſſed of it about 1559. and 1566. as he was alſo of Wighall Vicaridge. WILLIAM Thomas fucceeded 11. May, 1591. on the Death of N. Houghton, buried in York Minſter. RICHARD HARWOOD, 7. July, 1614. fucceeded on the Death or Cellion of W. Thomas. He was Rector of Tarforth. JOHN BUNGE Y, 26. May, 1615. on the Death of R. Harwood. John Denne, 16. Nov. 1617. on the Death of 7. Bungey. He di- ed after 1642. And was, at the Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, fucceeded by TOBIAS WICKHAM, preſented Aug. 3. inſtalled 20. Sept. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. He died 1697. being Dean of York: And was ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER JACKSON, A. M: He died about May, 1701. and was buried in Crux-Church in York City, of which he had been thirty three Years Rector ; and gave great Charities, being a ſingle Man, on which account the Lord-Mayor and Corporation put up an Inſcription to his Memory. His Succeſſor was John RICHARDSON, A. M. collated May 24. 1701. On whoſe quiting it, for Wiftow, NAJH A NIEL DRAKE, Vicar of Sheffeild, fucceeded Sept. 2. 1703. min .. & BO LE ! in : I 20 Prebendaries of Y OR K. : CO :::: . tingham. Cardinalis IOT BO L E E ONTAINS the impropriated Rectory of Bole in Retford Dea- nary Co. Nottingham, with the Advowſon of the Vicaridge, and is valued for Firſt-Fruits at 171. 17 s. I d. GILBERT de Sarum. JOHN H N de Metingham on the Reſignation of Sarum, admitted 1 280. PETER de Inſula, collated O&t. 26. 1301. on the Death of Me- He died 1311. being Archdeacon of Coventry and Carliſle. oh N de Naflington, Prebendary of Beverley, and Official and Vi- car General to the Archbiſhop, collated March 26. 1312. He died and was buried in the Cathedral. PONTIU s de Podio Barſago held this Dignity about 1324. He was alſo Archdeacon of Soudon : And, dying 1331. was fucceeded by GILBERT de Boviſville, Otober 23. 1331. on the Death of P011- tius. WILLIAM de Aiſlaghbie, May 2. 1345. He was Vicar of Sher- riff-Hutton; and died about 1350. THOMAS de Nevill, June 24. 1350. He was Archdeacon of Dur- ham, Prebendary of Hoveden and Darlington, and Rector of Thorpe- Baſſet. Nevill. riboto 10 to ALEXANDER de Nevill, May 30. 1370. on the Death of Adri- anuts. He was 1374. made Archbiſhop of York : And fucceeded by SIMON de Malton, Prebendary of Southwell, May 15. 1374. on the Promotion of A. Nevill. THOMAS de Farnilawe, Jan. 5. 1375. on the Death of Malten : Quere, if not alſo Chancellor THOMA S de Brandon, March 27. 1377. on the Death or Re-. ſignation of Farnilawe. JOH N de Danby on the Reſignation of Brandon, Dec. 3. 138663 He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Warnworth. RICHARD de Coningſton, May 13. 1400. on the Death of Danby? See Laghton. He quitted it for another Prebend. Simon GAUNSTEDE, May 4. 1403. on the Reſignation of Co- ning ſton. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Nottingham. JOHN Prebendaries of YORK. I 21 : : - JOHN IXWORTH ſeems to have come in 1405. by fome Change with Gaunſtede, and to have given it up again to him: For I find in my Account NICHOLAS MOCKING, collated to it Nov. 13. 1423. on the Death of Gaunftede. ne JOHN BROCKHOLES, July 13. 1424. on the Death of Mocking. NICHOLAS WYMBYSSH, Fune 29. 1444. on the Reſignation of Brockholes. He was Prebendary of Ketton in Lincoln, and Archdea- con of Nottingham. JOHN DANVERS, Prebendary of Southwell, Fan. 30. 1460. on the Death of Wymbysjh. JOHN BOTHE, March 28. 1464. on the Reſignation of Danders. He was next Year made Biſhop of Exeter. WILLIAM MORETON, July 5, 1465. on the Promotion of Bothe. THOMAS CHAUNDLER, 1466. on the Death of Moreton. He died 1490. being Dean of Hereford, where fee more of him, and was buried in that Cathedral. OHN ARUNDEL, Nov. 18. 1490. on the Death of Chaundler. He was, I preſume, afterwards Biſhop of Litchfield and Exeter. ROBERT FROST, March 8. 1490. on the Reſignation of Arundel. He was Prebendary of Prees in Litchfield, Archdeacon of Winton, Re- ctor of Tankerſley and Thornbill, at which laſt Place is this Inſcription in Memory of him. Ozate pro anima Roberti Froſt, quondam Redoris iſtius Ecclefie, ac etiam p2o animabus pazentum ebenefactozum ejus, qui quidem Rober- tus meri fecit tftam capellam in honozem 3. Trinitatis, beate Mariæ virginis, necnon (angozum Georgii , Catharing, f omnium fanozum. He died 1507. And was ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER, collated Auguſt 14. 1507. on the Death of Froft: He was alſo Canon of Windſor ; and deprived, as I take it, for refuſing the Oath of Supremacy to King Henry VIII. And ſucceeded by me CHRISTOPHER DRAPER, Dec. 28. 1534. To whom ſucceeded PETER VAN NES, collated Febr. 22. 1534. He died 1563. being Dean of Salisbury: And was ſucceeded by Henry More, Vicar of Rothwell, collated June 28. 11563. WILLIAM GOODWYN was collated Sept. 7. 1590. on the Death of More. He quitted it 1605. on being made Chancellor of the Cathe- dral: And was fucceeded by one R HENRY I 22 Prebendaries of Y OR K. HENRY BA Te, collated Oet. 25. 1605. He was alſo Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Rawmerſh. HENRY SMITH was collated May 25. 1613. on the Reſignation of Bate : As was JOHN HICKS, April 27. 1615. on the Death of Smith : To whom fucceeded, after the Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, ROBERT POWELL, collated Sept. 4. 1660. He reſigned it 1687. being alfo Vicar of Gainsborough Co. Lincoln : And was ſucceeded by JAMES METFORD, collated Aug. 15. 1687. He died 1719. And was fucceeded by RICHARD ĠOODWIN, collated March 23. 1719. who is the pres ſent Incumbent, Anno 17 23. and Rector of Tankerſley, BOT EV A N T. HERE this Prebend lies I am not informd, The Tradition is, that the Corps was ſwallowed up by the Sea. The Preben- dary has only a Penſion of 20 l. per Annum, paid by the Chapter ; and is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 171. 7s. id. WE : THOMAS de Wakefeild held this Prebendary. He was made Sub- dean Anno 1281. Chancellor Anno 1290. He died He died 1297. And was fuc- ceeded by Robert de Riplingham, collated July 8. 1297. WILLIAM de Alburwyk - 13. on the Death of R: Ripling- bam. He was made Precentor 1321. and Chancellor 1332. John de Ellerker fucceeded about 1332. As did John de Wodehouſe, July 31. 1339. on the Reſignation of F. de Ellerker. He was Miniſter of Rudby, and was Receiver to the Chap- ter of York. HENRY de Walton, 1. July, 1355. on the Demiſe of John de Wodehouſe. GEFFRY de Campden, 24. Dec. 1359. on the Death of Henry de Walton. WILLIAM de Laford, 2. Sept. 1370. on the Death of Geffry de Campden. JOHN TIBBAY, 24. Jan. 1407. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Archdeacon of Huntingdon. WILLIAM CAWODE, 25. Aug. 1414. on the Death of J. Tiba bay. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, 1 Hic 3 Prebendaries of YORK. 123 Nic jacet Mr. Will. Cawode, quondam Canoit. Kefib. iftius Ecct qut obiit 19. aartij, H.O. 1419. cujus, fc. JOHN SELOWE, 4. May, 1419. on the Death of W. Cawode. WILLIAM GREY, 28. Dec. 1422. on the Refignation of John Selowe. RICHARD HORE, 1. Sept. 1425. on the Reſignation of W. Grey. JOHN HODY, 20. May, 1426. on the Reſignation of Hore. JOHN MACKWORTH, 24. March, 1436. on the Reſignation of 7. Hody. He was Dean of Lincoln. John SUTTON, 1451. on the Death of 7. Mackworth. He was Prebendary of Southwell. OLIVER KYNG, 10. Mar. 1479. on the Death of F. Sutton. He was afterwards Biſhop of Exeter and Wells. JOHN HERLE, 26. Febr. 1487. on the Reſignation of O. Kyng. EDWARD CH EI'N E Y, 24. Dec. 1490. on the Reſignation of Fohn Herle. JOHN COLET, 5. Mar. 1493. He was Dean of St. Paul's, Lon- don; and, dying Anno 1519. was buried in that Cathedral. For an Account of this worthy Dean, ſee his Life, now publiſhed by the learned Dr. Knight, Prebendary of Ely. CUTHBERT TÚNSTALL fucceeded Anno 1519. He was made Bi- Shop of Durham, Anno 1522. And ſucceeded by WILLIAM TATE, collated 5. Nov. 1522. on the Promotion of Tunſtall. He was Sacriſt of Beverley, Rector of one of the Medieties of Thweng, and Official of the Court of Carliſle. His Succeſſor was JOHN BUTTRIE, collated 8. 0#. 1540. on the Death of Wil- liam Tate : As was WILLIAM TURNOR, 12. Febr. 1549, on the Death of F. But trie : And L A URENCE SAUNDERS, 27. Aug. 1552. on the Reſignation of W. Turnor : And JAMES BASSET, 19. May, 1554. on the Reſignation of L. Saun- ders. His Succeſſor was, WILLIAM MOUSE, collated ult. Febr. 1560. He was Maſter of Trinity-Hall, Cambridge : And had for his succeſſor Henry PARRY, collated 9. April, 1570. on the Reſignation of W. Mouſe. JOHN GIBSON ſucceeded 24. Aug. 1571. As did R 2 EDWARD I 24 Prebendaries of YOR K. EDWARD STANHOPE, 25. Nov. 1572. on the Reſignation of J. Gibſon: Anda THEOPHILUS A YLMER, 9. Aug. 1591. on the Reſignation of E. Stanhope. He was Archdeacon of London : And was, on his Death, fucceeded by THOMAS KAYE, collated 20. April, 1626. He held it 1642. and had for his Succeſſor THOMAS FOTHERGILL, collated 29. OF. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. JOHN BURTON, 5. July, 1677, on the Death of T. Fothergill. He quitted it for Bugthorp : And was ſucceeded by wat WILLIAM STAINFORTH, collated 16. Sept. 1680. on the Relig- nation of 7. Burton : On whoſe Removal to Langtofte Prebend ELIAS MICKLETHWAIT E became collated 28. Febr. 1680. As did BARNA BY LONG, 6. Febr. 1681. on the Death of E. Mickle- thwaite. He quitted it for another Prebend : And was ſucceeded by JONATHAN DRYDEN, collated 8. June, 1682. on the Reſigna- tion of B. Long. He was removed to Fridaythorp Prebend : And fuc- ceeded by GEORGE WYNSHIP, inſtituted 31. O&t. 1685. on the Reſignation of 7. Dryden. He was deprived for not taking the Oaths : And ſuc- ceeded by WILLIAM BREA RY, LL.D. inſtituted Aug. 1. 1690. He died Mar.6. 1701. being alſo Rector of Guiſeley and Addle, and Archdeacon of Eaſt- Riding, and was buried in St. John's Church, at Micklegate in York City: And ſucceeded by JOHN BLOWER, A. M. inſtituted May 16. 1702. He is living, 1723. Rector of Kirkby-Underdale. BRA M H A M. HIS Prebend conſiſted of the Impropriations of Bramham, Wharehamleſtreet Lythe Rectories and was An. 1534. rated at 551. It was annexed, on the firſt founding of it by Archbiſhop Thur- ftan, tempore Hen. I. to the Priorſhip of Noftell; and fo whoſoever was Prior enjoyed it. In my ſecond Volume of Abbies, I have given fome Account of thoſe Priors : But, as Mr. Torr's Catalogue helps to render the Series more perfect, I ſhall here exhibit the beſt Catalogue I can in general of thofe Priors, Incumbents of this Stall. 1 ADULPH Prebendaries of YORK 125 siis my Account, ADULPH, or Ethelwold, was, from Noftell Priorſhip, made 1133. the firſt Biſhop of Carliſle. TAVARD occurs next . He held it 1153. As did plecare ASKETELL US about 1196. And JO OHN, I 201. RALPH BEDFORD was Prior 1216. As was WILLIAM, 1219. And JOHN, 1221. and 1235. STEPHEN held this Office 1 239, and 1242. As did BENEDICT, I 245. And ROBERT, 1252. WILLIAM enjoyed it 1255. and 1 262. As did RICHARD de Wartria, 1276. and 1282. And WILLIAM BIRST ALL, 1291. His Succeſſor was HENRY de Aberford, 1312. He died 13 He died 13 28. And was fücceeded by ohn de Infula, 1328. And he by John de Wodehouſe, admitted 1 331. His Succeſſor was Thomas de Darfeild, admitted 1337. To whom fucceeded, as in RICHARD WOMBWELL, admitted 1372. And to him JOHN LEEDS, admitted 1390. As was ROBERT QUIXLEY, 1393. To whom fucceeded JOHN HUDDRESFEILD, admitted 1427. He died 1472. And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM ASHTON, admitted 1472. And he by WILLIAM MELTONBY, admitted 1489. He was ſucceeded the fame Year by THOMAS WILCOCKS, admitted 1489. And he by RICHARD HURST, admitted likewiſe Anno 1489. He died about 1504. And was ſucceeded by RICHARD MERSDEN, admitted 1505. And he by ALVERED COMYN, admitted 1524. Mr. Torr accounts nothing about his Death, or his fourteen Predeceſſors, and only gives us their bare Names ; nor does he inform us of the Admiſſion of ROBERT FERRER, the laſt Prior : who, ſurrendring this Convent Anno 1540. had a Penſion of 100 l. per Annum allowed him, which he received till his Promotion, 1547. to the See of St. David's. With the Priory this Prebend fell Anno 1540, and was ſwallowed up with the Revenues of the Convent. . BU G- 126 Prebendaries of YOR K. BUGT HORP MONSISTS of the Impropriation of Bugthorp, and Advowſon of the Vicaridge, in Bucros Deanary, with the Tythes of Stocks ton Chapelry in Bulmer, both rated for Firſt-Fruits at 341. 7 s. 3 d. JOHN le Graſſe held it 12--- He was Rector of one of the Medie- ties of Linton, and Prebendary of Beverley. HUGH de Eveſham, Nov. 11. 1279, on the Death of 7. le Graſſe. He was Rector of Spofford. HENRY Cardinalis held it 128--- Peter de Sabella, Sept. 23. 1287. on the Death of H. Cardinal. Peter de Ceftria, March 5. 1287. on the Death of P. de Sabella, He was Provoſt of Beverley. W. Portuenfis Epifcopus Cardinalis held it about 1288. BERNARD de Langufelle was collated Aug. 9. 1290. As was STEPHE N de Manley, Nov. 23. 1298. on the Death of B. de Langufelle : And SIMON de Montecute, Sept. 24. 1317. He was Bifhop of Worce- ſter, Anno 1333. His Succeffor ſeems to have been J E R R A R D de Rapiſtayno, To whom fucceeded WILLIAM de Rapiftayno, collated 7. Jan. 1358, on the Death of J. de Rapiftayno. The next was Joh N de Stoke, collated 16. April, 1372. He was Rector of Set- terington, and Prebendary of Southwell: As was THOMAS de Brandon, 12. Dec. 1375. And JOHN de Colton, Archdeacon of Dublin, 14. Aug. 1377. John de Bijhopeſton, (on the Reſignation of T. Colton) 9. March, 1379. WILLIAM de Monketon, 23. Dec. 1384. on the Death of F. de THOMAS de Wallworth, 4. Fuly, 1386. He exchanged it for Langtoft with John PROPHETE, 30. Sept. 1406. on the Reſignation of T. de Wallzworth. He died Dean 1416. John PRICKLOW F, I prefume, fucceeded 11. May, 1416. JOHN PERKINSON, 30. May, 1428. TOHN PRICKLOWE, 11. May, 14--- RICHARD CORDON, alias Brozone, 12. Dec. 1431. on the Death of y. Pricklowe. He died 1452. being Archdeacon of Ro- cheſter. WILLIAM MAL STER, 13. April, 1452. on the Death of Rich. Cor 10. He was Rector of thiſton." He died, and was ſucceeded by JOHN n " Bikopeftion, as 1 1 Prebendaries of YOK K. 127 : JOHN GISBURGH, 20. Jul. 1459. He died, being alſo Precentor, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Grave- Stone, long ſince periſh'd, Sankta Maria ora pro me, to Hic jacet Dom. Johannes Gisburgh, quondam Precentor ac Canon. Rea fident. 6 Prebend. Prebenda de Bugthorp in eadem, ac Rector Ec- clefiarum Paroch. de Spofford & Bromptom in Pickering-Lath, qui obiit undecimo die menfis Novembris, A. D. 1481. Cujus anima prom pitietur Deus. Amen. Jefu, Mercy ! Lady, help? PHILIP LEPE YAT F, 28. Jan. 1481. on the Death of F. Gifa burgh. He was Maſter of Magdelen Hoſpital, Rippon, Rector of Lax- ton Co. Nottingham. Quere, if not buried in Lincoln Cathedral ? THOMAS STOKE, 1. June, 1488. on the Death of P. Lepeyate. MARTIN COLLINS, 7. Nov. 1494. on the Death of T. Stoke. He was made Precentor 1496. RICHARD WALW Y N, 8. Nov. 1496, on the Reſignation of M. Collins. JAMES HERINGTON, 1. April, 1509. on the Death of Rich. Walwyn. He was alſo Dean. THOMAS WULCIE, the famous Cardinal, 16. Fan. 1512. on the Death of J. Herington. RICHARD PACE, 6. April, 1514. on the Promotion of Wulcie to the See of Lincoln. He was made Archdeacon of Dorſet, Anno 15 14. for which I ſuppoſe he quitted this. JOHN YOUNG, LL. D. 18. Sept. 1514. He was alſo Dean of this Church. ROBERT TONCY, 14. Fune, 1516. on the Death of Young. He was Prebendary of Beverley. LAURENCE STUB B ES, 31. July, 1526. on the Death of Rom bert Toncy. He was ſometime Preſident of Magdalen College, Oxon. EDMUND WORSLEY, 22. Auguſt, 1536. on the Death of Lau- rence Stubbes. ROBERT HORNE, 27. April, 1552. on the Death of Worſley. He was afterwards Biſhop of Wincheſter, JOHN E B D E N, 15. Oft. 155.2. on the Reſignation of R. Horne. JOHN BARDON, domeſtick Chaplain to the Archbiſhop, 1. OEF. 1600, on the Reſignation of F. Ebden. He was Rector of Weft-Hef- lerton, and dying Anno 1613. was buried in St. John's Church in Beverley. JOHN BROOKE, 26. March, 1613. on the Death of F. Bardon. Changed it for the Precentorſhip with OH HENRY 128 Prebendaries of Y OK K. ENRY BANKS, 22. April, 1615. WILLIAM BANKS, 22. sept. 1623. on the Death of H. Banks. He was Parſon of Sterrington. His Succceſſor was, as I judge, on CÆSAR WILLIAMSO N; for. I find him preſented to it by the Crown Anno 1641. Parat, 17. Carolo I. The next I find is John PÀRRY, collated 16. Feb. 166 2. JOHN GARTH WAITE, 11. Dec. 1666. on the Death of F. Par- 10. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Rothbury in Nor- t'l munberland. He was drown'd. S A MUE L'Or O WBROW, S. T. P. 9. Dec. 1678. on the Death of F. Garthwaite.', JOHN BURTON, 14. Sept. 1680. on the Reſignation of 8. Crow- brow. He died, being alfo Dean of Rippon, and Archdeacon of Cleves Jand, where ſee more of him. CHRISTOPHER WYVILL, Dec. 3. 1700. on the Death of 7. Burton. 10 WILLIAM CALVERT; Sept. 23. 1711. the preſent Prebendary, Miniſter of St. George, and St. Dennis Walingate in York City. : . DON NINGTON mm 13 ( LONTAINS the Manor of Donnington Pariſh near York; though not the Advowſon of the Rectory : And is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 19 1. 10 s. 10 d. ROBERT de Bardeley held it - 13 He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapet. Har WILLIAM de la Prucre, 8. Id. Aug. 1321. on the Reſignation of R. de Bardeley. GIL BERT de Burera, Dean of St. Paul's, London, is ſaid to be Prebendary of Dormington, Anno 1324. in Nezescourt. John de Santto Paulo, - He was Maſter of the Rolls, and Archbiſhop of Dublin. MICHAEL de Northburgh, 1350. on the Promotion of F. de Santto Paulo, removed to Strenfall Prebendary. WILLIAM de Fliſco, 15. July, 1353. on the Reſignation of M. de Northburgh.lo noise Welewyks, 13. April, 1356. on the Reſignation of W. de WILLIAM de Feriby, 20. Sept. 1356. on the Reſignation of Welewyks. Henry GOD BURNE, 21. Sept. 1379. on the Death of W. de Feriby. He was Rector of Hornſega va jarodnosu JOHN Fliſco. Prebendaries of YORK. I 29 JOHN de Neweton, 23. Febr. 1384. on the Death of H. Godburne. WILLIAM de Waltham, 5. April, 1393. on the Reſignation of John de Neweton. WILLIAM NOYON, 20. March, 1398. on the Reſignation of W. de Waltham. He was Rector of Hadenbam in the Diocete of Ely, and was buried there. John de Marnham, 12. Oft. 1405. on the Death of W. Noyon. JOHN FORREST, ---- 1419. on the Reſignation of 7. de Marn- ham. He was Prebendary of Southwell. JOHN BATE, 18. June, 1442. on the Reſignation of 7. Forreſt. JOHN DAVYSON, 16. Nov. 1479. on the Reſignation of 7. Bate. EDWARD CRESACRE, 1. 08. 1485. on the Death of 7. Da- vyfon. Subdean 1490. HUGH TROTTOR, 24. Dec. 1490. on the Reſignation of 7. Cre- ſacre. He was afterwards Treaſurer. ROBERT MIDDLETON, 3. Dec. 1491. on the Reſignation of Hugh Trotter. WILLIAM MIDDLETON, 18. May, 1496. on the Reſignation of R. Middleton. A LAN PERCY, Brother to the Earl of Northumberland, r. May, 1513. on the Death of W. Middleton. He was Vicar of Giggleſwyk. ROBERT SHORTON, 1. Nov. 1517. on the Relignation of * A. Percy. RICHARD DUKE, 7. May, 1523. on the Reſignation of Robert Sborton. EDWARD LE E, 27. Febr. 1529. on the Reſignation of R. Duke. He was afterwards Archbiſhop of York. NICHOLAS TO W NLE Y, 29. Dec. 1531. on the Promotion of E. Lee. Ġ EORGE HEN NE À GE, 22. Jan. 1532. on the Death of Nich, Townley. HENRY WHYTING, 20. Auguft, 1526. on the Reſignation of G. Henneage. He was Rector of Burgwallis . ROBERT HOLDDESWORTH, 16. July, 1541. on the Reſignation of Henry Wbuting JOHN GREEN, 1556. on the Death of R. Holddefworth. He was Rector of Torlafton Co. Nottingham. WILL I Å M G REEN, 16. Febr. 1597, on the Reſignation of John Green. BARNABY BARLOWE, B. D. 23. July, 1640. on the Death of Green. He was Prebendary of Southwell , and Reator of Barton in Fa- bis. Alive 1642. S A N- 130 Prebendaries of Y O R K. ANTHONY ELCOCKF, 17. Aug. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. JOSHUA SPOFFOR D, 27. O&tob. 1660, on the Promotion of A. Elcocke, who was made Subdean. JOHN DRAKE, 27. Oct. 1663. on the Reſignation of 7. Spofford. He was Rector of Donnington. NICHOLAS ANDERSON, 30. June, 1681. on the Death of 7. Drake. He was Vicar of Hull, where he died, and was buried : Be- ing ſucceeded by WILLIAM LAMBERT, A. M. coilated May 9. 1689. on the Death of Nicholas Anderſon. He died, and was buried at Hornſey, where he was Vicar : And fucceeded by NICHOLAS GOUCH, A. M. preſented May 18. 1722. Rector of Gylling DRIFF EILD : A K ES its Name from Dryfeild, or Driffeild Pariſh in Eaſt- Riding Archdeaconry, where the Prebendary has the Impropria- tion, and Patronage of the Vicaridge, valued at 62 l. It was Anno 1485. united to the Precentorſhip. WALTER de Wyſebech, Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding, Anno 1225. held this Prebend about the fame Time. The next I find is John de Cadamo. He enjoyed it about 1 296. WILLIAM de Melton was collated to it March 14. 1309. on the Reſignation of John de Cadamo. JOHN, a Roman Cardinal, Vice-Chancellor to the Pope, was collat- ed to it Dec. 12. 1317. As was REYMOND PELEGRINO, Canon of St. Omers, about 1329. Aud GUNCELINUS, Epiſcopus Albunenfis Cardinalis, about 1339. WILLIAM de St. Marcellus was inſtituted to it June 17. 1348. on the Death of Biſhop Guncelin. He died Anno 1363. And was ſuc- ceeded by HUGH, another Roman Cardinal, preſented June 7. 1363. on the Death of Marcellus. He was forced to quit it Anno 1378. at which Time it was valued at 100 l. per Annum. His Succeſſor was Joh n de Middleton, Prebendary of Beverley, Rippon and Hoveden, collated Febr. 26, 1378. He reſigned it next Year : And was fucceed- ed by ROGER febrer buenas Prebendaries of Y O R K. 131 A ROGER de Brom, collated March 20. 1379. on the Reſignation of Middleton. Jon de Daventry was collated to it Jane 18. 1380. He reſign- ed it the ſame Year. JOHN de Bacon ſucceeded, being collated Febr. 27. 1380. RALPH de Selby was collated Dec. 9. 1385. on the Death of Ba- con. He quitted it the next Year for the Subdeanary. Lewis, a Roman Cardinal, was inſtituted to it March 21. 1386. As was RICHARD de Reuhale, collated March 2. 1387. He died Anno 1400. being Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Clice, and was buried there : And ſucceeded by STEPHEN le Scroope, junior, collated Mar. 9. 1400. on the Death of Reuhale. He reſigned it next Year, and was ſucceeded by NICHOLAS BUBBEWITH, collated Mar. 3. 1401. He was Anno 1406. made Biſhop of London, and thence tranſlated to Salisbury, and thence to Wells. WILLIAM DYONIs fucceeded, being collated Octob. 5. 1406 "As was ! WILLIAM PYLTON, Aug. 20. 1407. On whoſe Death fuc- ceeded THOMAS KEMP, collated July 2. 1435. on the Death of Pyl- ton. He quitted it for Langtofte, as I judge : Though I find it alſo faid, that ROBERT ROWLSTON was collated Nov. 24. 1436. on the Death of Pylton. He died Anno 1450. being Provoſt of Beverley, and was buried there : And fucceeded by WILLIAM FELT E R, collated Jan. 14. 1450. He died next Year, being alfo Dean of this Church, and Prebendary of Beverley : And was ſucceeded by me WILLIAM PE IR CY, collated April 16. 1451. To whom fuc- ceeded, on his being made Biſhop of Carliſle, WILLIAM GREY, collated Aug. 20. 1452. He was Anno 1454. made Biſhop of Ely : But ſoon quitted this to THOMAS PRESTÓN, collated Dec. 13. 1452. He forfeited it, as my Account ſays, by fome Default : And was fucceeded by JAMES STANLEY, preſented Nov. 11. 1460. He was Anno 1506. made Biſhop of Ely; having reſigned this Dignity about twenty Years before : For I find WILLIAM BEVERLEY, collated to it June 28. 1485. who be- ing alſo Precentor of York, Archbiſhop Rotheram, to angment that S 2 Dignity, 3 132 Prebendaries of Y OR K. :: Dignity, did in the following Month, viz. July 28. 1485. annex it to that Office, ſince which Time it hath ever continued annexed, and been held with the Precentorſhip, as it is at this Day. :: F Ε Ν Τ Ο Ν H Η . AS the Impropriation and Patronage of Fenton and Shirburn Churches in Anſty Deanary: He had alſo the Patronage of St. Maurice Church in York, and an Houſe in the Minſter-Cloſe'; and is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 351. 155. 5 d. SEWELL de Bovilla held it 12 He was afterwards Archbiſhop of Tork. WILLIAM de Pykering, 15. Cal. April, 1287. JOHN de Berewyks, 6. Id. Jul. 1297. on the Reſignation of W. Pykering. He was Prebend of Oſmotherly. Thomas de Cobham, 8. Id. Dec. 1312. on the Death of 7.de Berezwyks. He was afterwards Biſhop of Worceſter, and Prebendary of Eald-ſtreet, London. FREDERICK de Barde, 15. Cal. Aug. 1317. ROBERT de Walkington, 16. Cal. Jan. 1343. on the Death of F. de Barde. He was Canon of Litchfeild, and was buried there. ROBERT de Braybroke, 9. Nov. 1366. on the Death of R. de Wal- kington, made Prebendary of Fridaythorp. WALTER de Skirlawe, 30. Nov. 1370. on the Reſignation of R. de Braybroke. He was afterwards Biſhop of Durham. WALTER BRUGGE, 14. March, 1387. on the Promotion of W. de Skirlawe to the See of Litchfield. Richard de Clyfford, 31. Dec. 1396, on the Death of W. Brugge. He was Prebendary of Southwell. ADAM de Mortimer, 21. Mar. 1396. on the Reſignation of Rich. de Clyfford. He exchanged this Prebend for the Chaunterſhip of Sarum. John de Welborne, 2. Nov. 1397. on the Reſignation of A. de Mortimer. HUGH HANWORTH, - 1407. on the Reſignation of 7. de Wel- borne. He was Canon of Lincoln, and dying Anno 1418. was buried in that Cathedral. John de Wodebam, 8. March, 1418. on the Death of Hugh Han- worth. THOMAS ** * : 1 :: . Prebendaries of YORK 133 Thomas de la Pole, 11. June, 1428. on the Reſignation of 7. de Wodebam. PETER YRFORD, 14. Jul. 1433. on the Death of T. de la Poleo He was Vicar of St. Mary's in Beverley. JOHN LANGTON, 20. May, 1438. on the Reſignation of Peter Yrford. ROBERT ASCOUGH, 13. April, 1441. on the Reſignation of John Langton. He was Prebendary of Southwell , and Rector of Campſalt. John BRADSTON, 15. Febr. 1448. on the Death of R. Aſcough. ROBERT STILLINGTON, 21. March, 1450. on the Reſignation of 7. Bradſton. He was afterwards made Biſhop of Wells. WILLIAM MALSTER, 1459. on the Reſignation of R. Stil bington. EDWARD HANSON, 26. Auguſt, 1480. on the Reſignation of W. Malſter. He was Chaunter of Lincoln, and was buried in that can thedral. WILLIAM BUR BANK, 1. June, 1512. on the Death of Edward Hanfon. WILLIAM SMYTHSON, 1530. on the Reſignation of W. Burbank. WILLIAM CLYFF, 17. Jan. 1531. on the Death of W. Smythſon. CHRIST O PHER WEL LYFED, 30. OE. 1534. on the Reſignation of W. Clutt. WILLIAM WELLYFE D, 14. April, 1538.. on the Death of Chrifto Wellyfed. THOMAS HOUGHTON, 3. June, 1541. on the Reſignation of W.Wellyfed. He was afterwards Prebendary of the firſt Stall in Peter- borough Cathedral. John DAKYN, 19. Jan. 1549. on the Death of T. Houghton. See 'Archdeacons of the Eaſt-Riding. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Dec. 1558. on the Death of 7. Dakyn. THOMAS WILSON, 10. Jul. 1560. Quere, if not afterwards . Dean of Durbam, or of Worceſter, 1571. WILLIAM CHADERTON, 16. Febr. 1:573 He was afterwards Biſhop of Cheſter and Lincoln. ARTHUR WILLIAMS, 28. Novemb. 1579. on the Promotion of W. Chaderton. EMANUEL BARNES, 16. Febr. 1601. on the Reſignation of Ar- thur Williams. He was Prebendary of Durbam. HENRY WICKHA M, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 10. Ošt. 1614. on the Death of Barnes. He was Archdeacon of York. THOMAS .: 134 Prebendaries of Y OR K. 3 : THOMAS TRIPLETT, 2. Sep. 1641. On the Death of H.Wickham. ROBERT FIEL D, 3. Aug. 1670. on the Death of T. Triplett. See Subdeans. GEORGE TULL Y, 13. O&t. 1680, on the Death of R. Field : He quitted it for the Subdeanry. THOMÀS COM B E R, 19. Fuly, 1681. on the Reſignation of George Tully: He was Precentor, Anno 1683. ROGER ALTH A M, Oct. 19. 1683. on the Refignation of T. Com- ber. Buried 18. Aug. 1714. in Chrift-Church College, Oxon, where he was Cannon. Quere, if not Miniſter of the new Church in Leeds. WILLAMMIL NE R, Sept. 16. 1714. on the Death of R. Altham, benefic'd in Hertfordhire, near Stevenage, where buried. THOMAS MEASE, preſent Prebendary, collated March 2 .. 1718. : FRIDAY THOR P. So ; s O named from Fridaythorp, a Pariſh in Bucros Deanary, where the Prebend hath fome Lands as he has alſo the Manor, Impropriarion, and Patronage of Fange Curacy in Pontfratt Deanery, with ſome Lands and Tythes in Gudmundbam, valued at 38 1. 16 s. ROBERT de Cottyngham held it, Anno 1312. He was alſo Rector of Ilkeley. · WILLIAM de Ayremyne, collated 3. Id. Nov. 1319. On the Death of R. Cottyngham: He was Biſhop of Norwich. RICHARD de Cornubia, 6. Id. Nov. 1325. on the Promotion of W. de Ayremyne. JOHN de Flifco, 1325. THOMAS de Hatfield, collated, 17. Dec. 1343. afterwards Biſhop of Durbam. He was buried in the Cathedral of Durham. John de Mala Villa, 12. Aug. 1345. on the Promotion of Thomas de Hatfield. | David de Wollore, 16. Oct. 1352. on the Promotion of 7. de Mala Villa. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Hoveden, and Maſter of St. Fohn's Hoſpital, Ripon, and Vicar of Hornſey ; and Prebendary of Eald- land, in St. Paul's, London. ROBERT de Braybroke, 19. Oct. 1370. afterwards Biſhop of London. THOMAS . Prebendaries of Y OR K. 135 : RICHARD PYTTS, 18. Dec. 1408. On the Death of R. de Crull. THOMAS de Orgrave, 13. May, 1377. on the Reſignation of R. de Braybroke: He was Prebendary of Southwell and Beverley, and Mini- fter of Rudby. ROBERT de Crull, 21. May, 1377. on the Reſignation of T. de Orgrave : He was Prebendary of Hoveden. JOHN RYGGINHALE, or Rickenhale, 12. Sept. 1409. on the Reſignation of R. Pytts: He was Rector of Hemmyngburgh, afterwards Biſhop of Chicheſter, 1426. JOHN ORUM, 4: Fan. 1409, on the Reſignation of 7. Ryggen- bale. RICHARD TALBOT, OE.-141 2. He was Rector of Kingſland, Co. Hereford JOHN FORSTE R, 8. April, 1428. THOMAS CHICHELY, 29. Mar. 1440. on the Death of Forſter: He was Prebendary of Southwell. See Archdeacons of Canter- bury. EDMUND WODEVIL E, 6. Feb. 1466. on the Death of T. Chichely. JOHN BURNE, 22. Dec. 1468. on the Reſignation of Edmund Wodevile. He was Inſtituted to a Chantry in the Church of St. Trinity, in Curia Regis. RANULPH BIR D, 10. Nov. 1470. On the Death of 7. Burne. HENRY GILL OWE, 11. June, 1479. On the Refignation of R. Pird. WILLIAM SHEFFELD, 16. Feb. 1482. on the Death of H. Gillowe. HENRY CARNE BULL, 13. Fuly, 1485. on the Reſignation of W. Sheffeld. OLIVER K YNG, 26. Feb. 1487. afterwards Biſhop of Bath and Wells. TOHN HERLE, 13, Dec. 1490. On the Reſignation of O. Kyng. John Nix, 30. July, 1494. on the Reſignation of 7. Herle. "He: was afterwards Biſhop of Norwich. JOHN BRA YEZZ, Fuly', 1501. on the Promotion of 7. Nix. CHRISTOPHER URSW YKF, Dean of Windſor, 3. June, 1502. WILLIAM HOLGILI, 19. May, 1522. on the Death of c. Urf- wyke. See Archdeacons of Carliſle . THOMAS WYNTER, 30. Sep. 1522. on the Reſignation of W.. Holgill. ROBERT 136 Prebendaries of YORK. ROBERT SHORTON, 7. May, 1523. on the Reſignation of T. Wynter. HENRY WILLIAMS, 5. Nov. 1535. on the Death of R. Shorton, ARTHUR Lowe, 3. May, 1554. on the Deprivation of 21. Williams. He was Prebendary of Ripon. RICHARD MASTERS, 13, Mar. 1562. WILLIAM WILKINSON, 31. Jan. 1587. on the Death of Maſters. RICHARD BURTON, 5. Dec. 1613. on the Death of W. Wilkinſon. He was Rector of Linton in Craven. . HENRY FAIRFAX, Son of Thomas Baron of Cameron, 13: April, 16--5. on the Death of R. Burton. He was Rector of Nezo- ton Kyme, and Bolton Peircy. THOMAS CANNON, 29. April, 1665. on the Death of H. Fairfax. He died, being Prebendary of Weſtminſter : And was ſucceed- ed by HENRY BAGSHAW,---1668. on the Death of T. Cannon : He reſigned, being made Prebend of Durham : And was ſucceeded by JOHN LAKE, 16. July. 1670. on the Reſignation of H. Bag- Shazo : He was made Biſhop of Chicheſter: And fucceeded by JONATHAN DRY DEN, collated 31. Okto. 1685. on the Pro- motion of 7. Lake. He was Rector of Scragingham and Lounds- burgh. And dying Anno 1702, was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph. Hic jacet Jonathan Dryden, A. M. Prebendarius de Frydaythorp, 6 hujus Ecclefie Canonicus Reſidentiarius. Obijt Aug. 25. An. Ære Chriſtiana, 1902. Ætatis fua 63. NATHANIEL WAINHOUSE, ſucceeded on the Death of 7. Dryden, Sep. 9. 1702. Rector of Silkeſton Co. York, An. 1708. HENRY DERING preſent Prebendary, removed from Grindal, and collated to this Stall, May, 1. 1708. Dean of Rippon. GEV E N D A L E 1ONTAINS the Manor of Gerendale, Hamlett or Vill, near Pocklington, with the Lands in Millington, valued at rol. 25. 6. dhe AMADEUs de Sancto Johanne, 2. Cal. May, 1292. WILLIAM de Pykering, 15. Cal. April, 1298. PETER 3 . Prebendaries of Y OR K. 137 Peter de Deane, 17. Cal. Sep. 1312. John de Sandale, 9. Cal. May, 1313. Quere, if not Biſhop of Wint- cheſter, 1316? RICHARD de Ceftria, 8. Id. May, 1314. on the Reſignation of 7. de Sandale. John de Gynewell, 13. May, 1346. on the Death of R. de Ceftria, Biſhop of Lincoln, about 1347. WILLIAM de Kirby, 18. April, 1347. ROBERT de Calldwell, 1366. on the Reſignation of W. de Kirby. MICHAEL de Ravenſdale, 22. Mar. 1368. on the Reſignation of R. de Calldwell. John de Lincoln, 5. Jan. 1389. on the Reſignation of M. de Ra- venſdale. JOHN BARNET, 19. April, 1391. on the Death of 7. de Lincoln. WALTER SHERINGTON, 29. Aug. 1407. He was Prebendary of Hoveden, and of the Cathedral Church of Chicheſter, Maſter of the Royal Chapel at Tickhill; and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaſter. He died Anno 1448. And was buried at St. Paul's, London. ROBERT Del-Haye, 7. Aug. 1420. on the Reſignation of W. She- rington. He was Rector of Brantyngham. THOMAS BAPTHORPE, 30. Dec. 1448. on the Death of Rob. Del-Hay. He was Prebendary of Hoveden; and was buried in the Church of Hoveden.com EDMUND AU DLEY, 18. Oct. 1478. on the Death of T. Bap- thorpe. He was Biſhop of Rocheſter, 1480. WILLIAM TALBOT, 6. Nov. 1480. on the Promotion of E. Audley: He was Prebendary of Southwell. HUMPHREY Fitz Williams, 5. Dec. 1498. on the Death of Wil- liam Talbot. JOHN HATTON, 24. Oet. 1503. on the Death of H. Fitz Wil- liams: He was Biſhop of Nigrapont. THOMAS HANNIBEL 1, 11. May, 1504. on the Reſignation of F. Hatton. THOMAS HAR W ODE, 1. July, 1509. THOMAS DONY NGTON, 21. Aug. 1525. on the Reſignation of Hannibell. NICHOLAS E VERAR D, 27. April, 1532. on the Death of T. Donyngton. EDMUND WORSLE Y, 29. Fune, 1592. on the Reſignation of N. Everard. T ANTHONY 138 Prebendaries of YORK. one į ANTHONY PIGGF, 29. Jan. 1536. on the Reſignation of E. Worſley. Join WILLIAM MOOR F, Biſhop Suffragan of Colcheſter, on the Relig. nation of A. Pigge, 11. March, 1537. He was Vicar of Bradford. GEORGES PALMES, 23. Sep. 1539. STEPHEN SEGAR, 8. Feb. 1543. on the Refignation of G. Palmes. PHILIP BRODE, 9. Feb. 1547. on the Reſignation of S. Segar. He was Vicar of Huddersfeild, and Rector of Aldbill. JOHN GOLDING, 17. Aug. 1551. on the Death of P. Brode : He was Restor of Birkyn and Burghwallis, and Maſter of Bowtham Hoſpital ; and Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. He was likewiſe a John GOLDING, who was alſo laſt Prior of Ellerton, 1539. and had a Penſion of 131. 65. 8 d. on the Diffolution, which was paid him 1553. WILLIAM TAYLOR, 19. Jan. 1556. on the Death of 7. Golding. PETER HEA DE 1560. John DUNCOMBE, 30. Nov. 1576. on the Death of P. Heade. ANDREW BYNGE, 30. Dec. 1600. on the Reſignation of John Duncombe. He was alſo Rector of Brughton, Subdean of this Ca- thedral; and at length, Archdeacon of Norwich ; alive 1642. TIMOTHY TU L'L Y, 30. Aug. 1660. on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent THOMAS NOBLE, 8. May, 1700. on the Death of T. Tully, re- moved to Ampleford. THOMAS BURTON, Vicar of Hallifax, collated Mar. 1. 1715, on the Relignation of T. Noble; the preſent Prebendary. 3 > GRIN DA L E 3 CO 2012. ONSISTS of the Manor and Impropriation of Grindale in Dickering Deanary; of which Donative the Prebend is Patron. He has alſo the Tythes of Grafton Chapelry, in Burrowbrigg Deanary. He has alſo a Moiety or half Part of Axminſter Impropriation, Co. Des The whole valued at 91. 178. id. WILLIAM de Waleby, held it ----- 1 2 ---- ROBERT BURNETT, collated 13 Cal. June, 1267. on the Death, or as in another Book, on the Reſignation of W. de Waleby. He was Re- &tor of Wellton. JOHN ܊ Prebendaries of Y OR K. 139 JOHN de Crawcom), about 1280. He held it 1298, 26. E. I. See an Account of his having Armagh, in Prynn, III. p. 782. WILLIAM de Blyburgh, 18. Cal. Sep. 1308. PETER DEN E He took a Monaſtical Habitation. JOHN GIFFARD, by the Entrance of Dene into the Profeſſion of Religion, 4. Nov. 1332. He was Rector of Elton. NICHOLAS de Welton, 8. O. 1349. on the Death of 7. Giffard. JOHN de Cheſterfield, 9. Mar. 1350. on the Death of N. de Welton. He was Rector of Flynt ham, Co. Nottingham. ADAM de Everyngham, 21. June, 1354. ROBERT de Schardlowe 1359. on the Reſignation of A. de Everyngham. ROGER de Cheſterfield, on the Reſignation of Robert de Schard- lowe, 20. May, 1360. He was Rector of Wylington. JOHN de Thoresby, 7. Dec. 1367. on the Death of R. de Cheſter- field. He was Provoſt of Beverley. THOMAS De la Warre, 31. Fan. 1389. on the Death of 7. de Tboresby. THOMAS de Weſton, 8. Aug. 1397, on the Reſignation of T. de la Varre. He was Archdeacon of Durham, and Prebendary of Hoveden. JOHN NOTTY N G H A M, 6. Oct. 1408. on the Death of T. de Weſton. RICHARD PYTTES, 14. Sep. 1499. on the Reſignation of 7. Nottyngham. ROBETT NE VIL L, 10. July, 1414. on the Reſignation or Cef- fion of R. Pyttes, made Treaſurer. THOMAS GREENE WOOD, 14. Oct. 1416. on the Reſignation of R. Nevill. ROBERT Fitz Hugh, 10. Sep. 1418. on the Reſignation of T. Greenewood, who quitted it for Knaresborough. He was Biſhop of Lon- don afterwards. ANDREW HOL E , 7. Aug. 1431. on the Reſignation of R. Fitz Hugh. Peter de Barbon, Cardinal, 4. OF. 1437. on the Reſignation of Andrew Holes, RICHÅRD CAUNTON, on the Reſignation of Peter de Barbon, 7. Fuly, 14.46 JOHN BURG H, 2.0ft. 1485. on the Death of R. Caunton. JOHN MARSHALL, 23. Mar. 1466, on the Relignation of 7. Burgh. GUIO ALEXANDER T 2 140 Prebendaries of Y OR K. A LEX AN DER LE GH, 14. Sept. 1471. on the Reſignation of John Marſhall. He was Prebendary of Hoveden. ROGER L A Y BURNE, 6. May, 1501. on the Reſignation of Alexander Legh. He was Bishop of Carliſle: And was buried in St. James's Church; then ſaid to be againſt Charing-Croſs, Weſtminſter. REGINALD CHOMLE Y, 1503. on the Promotion of R. Layburne. He was Prebendary of Hemmingburgh. NICHOLAS CHAU N TRE 1-1506. on the Death of R. Chomley. WILLIAM Epus. Darien. 17. Jan. 1531 on the Death of N. Chauntrel. WILLIAM BARNER DISTON, 1534 THOMAS CHEST O N, 25. Jan. 1554. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. John Bucke, 15. Feb. 1565. on the Death of Thomas Cheſton : He was Rector of Middleton on the Wolds. ROBERT CANCEFELD, 2. Oft. 1588. He was Rector of Beeford. FRANCIS NALTON, 8. Oft. 1596. He was Vicar of Hummunby. RICHARD LEAKE, A. M. 6. Dec. 1616. on the Death of F. Nalton; alive, 1642. RICHARD WARING, 20. Sept. 1660. on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent. He was Rector of Staunton. GILBERT BENNET, 4. Sept. 1667. On the Death of R. Waring: He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Vicar of Carnaby. RICHARD Hooke, S. T. P. 17. Feb. 1669. on the Death of G. Bennet. He was Prebendary of Southwell, Vicar of Hallifax ; and Maſter of St. Magdalen's Hoſpital, Ripon. CHARLES PALMER, S. T. P. Rector of Marſton, 27. Feb. 1688. on the Death of R. Hooke. He died in 1704. and was, as I preſume, buried in the Cathedral : Succeeded by HENEAGE DERING, collated Feb. 9. 1704. on the Death of Charles Palmer. He was removed to Fridaythorp: And ſucceeded by GILBERT ATKINSON, 1798. Rector of Medley, preſented by Archbiſhop Dolben. * FRANCIS ROGER S, 1709. Rector of Kirby Overbloys. Quere, of him in Mr. Thoresby of Leeds. HENRY JEFFERSON, collated Nov. 18.1712. on the Reſignation of H. Dering, being Miniſter of St. Mary's in Beverly. He died 1720. FEIL DAN DUN N, collated 04. 6. 1720. preſent Incumbent, Miniſter of the lefſer Church of York. x HOLME Prebendaries of Y OR K. 141 HOLME ARCHIEPISCOPI Sodo O denominated from the Town of Holme in Wetwang Pariſh, valued with the Impropriation of Withornwick in Holderneſs Deanery ; of which Vicaridge the Prebend, is Patron at ul. 3 s. 9 d. . MARTINU s de Santta Cruce, lield it before 1 260. Hugh de Belly, Cal. 4. Id. May, 1267, ROBERT BURNELL," I 267. Biſhop of Wells, 1274. WILLIAM de Waleby, 13. Cal. Fune, 1267. on the Reſignation of R. Burnell. THOMAS de Button, 17. Cal. Nov. 1 272. on the Reſignation of W. de Waleby. He was Archdeacon of Wells. HENRY de Newarks, 12. Cal. Jan. 1281. on the Reſignation of T. de Button. He was afterwards Archbiſhop of York. WALT E R de Puingho, 2. Id. Nov. i 283. on the Reſignation of H. de Newarks. John de Berewyks2. Oft. 1294. on the Reſignation of W. de Yvingho. WILLIAM de Pykering, 6. Id. July, 1297. on the Reſignation of 7. de Berewyks. ROBERT de Pykering, 11 Cal. Aug. 1298. on the Reſignation of W. de Pykering. Official to the Archbiſhop. THOMAS SAMPSON, 6. Id. Febr. 1332. on the Death of R. de Pykering. WALTER de Wodehouſe, 1349. on the Death of T. Sampſon. WILLIAM de Feriby, 13. July, 1350, on the Reſignation of W. de Wodehouſe John de Welezwyks, 3. Sept. 1356. on the Reſignation of W. de Feriby. RICHARD de Thorne, 22. 08. 1360. on the Reſignation of John de Welewyks. He was Prebendary of Beverley. JOHN RAVENSER, 25. Nov. 1391, on the Death of R. de Thorne. He was Rector of Alyer Kerks in the Dioceſe of Lincoln, and Prebendary of Lincoln. He is buried in his own Pariſh Church, RICHARD HOLME, 15. Nov. 1393, on the Death of 7. Rarenfer. He was Rector of Wermouth in the Dioceſe of Durbam. RICHARD CAUDRA Y, 14. Oct. 1424. on the Death of R. Helme. He was Prebendary of Southwell, RICHARD 142 Prebendaries of Y OR K. RICHARD MORES BY, 22. Oft. 1431. on the Reſignation of T. Caudray. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Holme Spaldingmoor. WILLIAM MORE, 12. Feb. 1443. on the Reſignation of R. Moresby. He died Nov. 9. 1456. and was buried in Tattejhall Col- legiate Church, Co. Lincoln ; where he was Provoſt, with this Epitaph, . Dir virtute virens Gulielmus vulgo vocatus, 2009e micuit mire, intus bene mozigeratus, Nujus Collegii de Tatterhalle Secundus, Prudens Pzaepofitus, f egenis lemper habundus, Dic Eboracenfis fuit ecclefie cathedzalis Canonicus, Kedor e de Ledeham ſpecialis, Bacre Scripture Paccalaureus, arte pzobatus, Jam ſub tellure fit virmibus efca paratiis, o O&tobris dena menfis cum luce novena, menfe prima mozifur cujus circus fepelitur, mail Domini C quatror, L ferti continuatur, Spiritus in coelis ejus fine fine locatur. NICHOLAS GOSSE, 22. O&t. 1456. on the Death of W. More. WILLIAM BRAN DP, 12. Febr. 1460, on the Reſignation of N. Golle. RICHARD LANG PORT, 24. Mar. 1461. on the Reſignation of W. Brande. THOMAS H A WREN, 17. May, 1466. on the Reſignation of R. Langport. He is buried in the Church-Yard of North-Street, York. JOHN TAPTON, 25. Nov. 1467, on the Death of T. Hawren, Quere, if not Dean of St. Aſaph. THOMAS HUTTO N, - Feb. 1485. on the Reſignation of 7.Tapton. John S MYTH, 24. May, 1506. on the Death of Ť. Húrton. He was Rector of Garforth. WILLIAM CLAYTON, 21. Suby, 1530. on the Reſignation of 7. Smyth. He was Vicar of Doncaſter GEFERY DO WNES, 12. Nov. 1532, on the Death of W. Clayton. WILLIAM STRANGWAYS, 23. Jan. 1532. on the Reſignation of G. Downes. He was Prebendary of Beverley. ROBERT DAVILI, 29. May, 154!. on the Death of W. Strang- ways. One Robert Davill, L L. D. died about 1558. Archdeacon of Northumberland, and Cannon of Exeter. RICHARD * Prebendaries of Y OR K. 143 : . RICHARD NORMA N came in about 1558. * ROBERT HARRISON, 18. Nov. 1566. on the Death of R. Norman. RALPH COULTON, 30. July, 1573, on the Death of R. Harriſon. THOMAS COLE, 22. Sep. 1582. on the Death of R. Coulton. He was Domeſtick Chaplain to the Archbiſhop, and Rector of the Sine Cure of Kirkby. WILLIAM LIST ER, 1614. on the Death of T. Cole. TIMOTH Y MA W D Е, 8. Jan. 1622. On the Reſignation of W. Liſter. He was Vicar of Wakefield as well as Lifter. THOMAS BENSON, D. D. 25. July, 1625. on the Death of T. Mawde. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Carlton in Lindrick; alive, 164.2. ROBERT HITCH, 26. Mar. 1660. on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent. He died 1676. being Dean of this Cathedral. THOMAS COM BRR, 5. July, 1677. on the Death of R. Hitch. He quitted it 1681. for Fenton : And was ſucceeded by CUTHBERT BROWN E, collated 29. July, 1681. on the Reſig- nation of T. Comber. He died 1692. being Rector of Hanſworth : And was fucceeded by EDMUND WICKINS, Feb. 8. 1692. He quitted it for Stilling- ton in 1694 JOHN KILLING BECK, B. D. Dec. 5. 1694. on the Reſignation of E. Wickins. He was Vicar of Leeds.' He died Febr. 12. 1715. and was buried at Barwick in Elmer, where he was Rector. JOHN DRAKE, Febr. 23. 1715. He is the preſent Prebendary, and Vicar of Pontefract. *** Š HUST HWAIT H Η C Bulmer ONSISTS of the Manor and Impropriation of Hufthwaith in Bulmer Deanery; of which Curacy, the Prebend is Patron. He has alſo Lands in Carleton, Northnewbald, and Northcave ; and had a Prebendal Houſe at York, valued at 38 l. 173. 11 d. ROBRE T de Scardburgh, held it 13. Cal. Jan. 1 280. JA ME S de Hyſpania, 6. Cal. Octob. 1287. on the Demiſe of R. de Scardburgh. JOHN . 144 Prebendaries of Y OR K. . . de Huftwayte, blaunton, 8. Cal. Nov. 1319. on the Reſignation of 7. JOHN de Huftwayte, 13 JOHN de Morell, 1327. on the Death of H. de Staunton. WILLIAM de Hoo, 3. Cal. Jan. 1334. on the Death of 7. de Morell. EDMUND ARUNDELL, 15. Cal. Feb. 1340. TOHNERLE, 23. Aug. 1346. STEPHE N de Maleon de Flanders, 22. Mar. 1347. on the Death of Arundell; Rector of Sandall Magna. John de Mellborne, or Wellborne, 24. March, 1347. on the Death of John BACON, 28. Jan. 1380. on the Death of Mellborne. He ex- changed it for Wighton. ROBERT de Manfeld, 10. Feb. 1389. on the Reſignation of 7. Bacon. WLLIAM CAWOODE, 2. May, 1419. on the Death of R. Man- feld. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph. Nic jacit şagifter. John de Soulby, 20. Mar. 1419. on the Death of W. Cawoode. He was Prebendary of Southrwell, which he exchanged for a Prebend and Maſterſhip of St. John's Hoſpital of Ripon. FULK BERMYNGHAM, 23. Dec. 1439. on the Death of 7. de Soulby. He was Prebendary of Ripon. JOHN ALCOCK, 16. Jan. 1478. on the Reſignation of F. Bermyng= bam. He was Rector of St. Cuthbert Peſeholm, York: And afterwards of Eaſt Bridgford. JA MES HARRINGTON, 27. Jan. 1506. on the Death of J. Al- cock. CHRISTOPHER FISHER, 7. June, 1507. on the Reſignation of F. Harrington. He was Rector of Caſtleford. THOMAS WALSH, Prior of Braddenſtoke, 16. 08. 1512. on the Death of Fyler, Biſhop of Elphine. CUTHBER T MAR SHALI, 23. Fuly, 1526. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. Gyles E YRE, 12. Feb. 1549. on the Death of Cuthbert Mar- ſhall, Dean of Chicheſter. WILLIAM PER POYNT, 24. Sep. 1551. on the Death of Eyre : He was Rector of one of the Medicties of Cotgrave. : 444 GEORGE : 145 Prebendaries of YORK. GEORCE WILLIAMSON, 30. May, 1554. on the Demiſe of w. Perpoynt. He was Rector of Hutton, at Marſton; and Miniſter of the Chantry of Linton. WILLIAM JACK, ult. Aug. 1564. on the Death of G. William- fon : He was a Boy of fifteen Years of Age, when Archbiſhop Young ad- mitted him. JOHN WELL E S, 15. Nov. 1568. on the Demiſe of W. Fack. CHRISTOPHER LYNDLE Y, 10. April, 1570. on the Death of F. Welles. He was Rector of Langton, and buried there. THOMAS MORTON, 21. July, 1610. on the Death of C. Lynd- ley. He was afterwards Biſhop of Litchfield and Durham: And was buried at Eaſton Mauduit, Co. Northampton. JOHN BRA MH ALL, 13. June, 1633. by the Promotion of Mor- ton Biſhop of Litchfield, laſt Prebendary, to the See of Durham, af- terwards Primate of Armagh. RICHARD MARSH, 6. Aug. 1634. on the Reſignation of J. Bram- F. hall, after Dean. EDMUND DIGGLE, Marſ, Archdeacon of York.";2:17. Oct. 1663, on the Death of R. JAMES FINNEY, A. M. 7: June, 1689. on the Death of E. Diggle. He quitted this for a Prebend of Durham. OHN DENTON, November, 23. 1694. on Fenney's Reſignation. JOHN CLARKSON, Feb. 22. 1708. preſent Prebendary, Rector of Silkeſton. တယ် Knaresborough, cum Bickhill. ΤΗ HIS Prebend 1230. had united to it the Rectory of Knaresborough, in Boroughbrige Deanary in Richmond Arch- deaconry; of which Vicaridge the Prebendary is Patron, is rated at 421. 175. id. for Firſt-Fruits, d. for Firſt-Fruits. This Impropriation was made by Archbiſhop Walter Grey, in lieu of its ancient Demefne called Bickhill, which lay in the City of York, and was granted by the Dean and Chapter to the faid Archbiſhop. WILLIAM de Ebor. 16. Id. Dec. 1230. He was 1 247. made Bi- bom Philip de Ega, ſeems to ſucceed about 1 248. GILBERT de Barum, 13. Cal. January. 1280. THOMAS de Button, Archdeacon of Wells, 12. Cal. Jan. 1281. U. FRANCIS ſhop . , A 146 Prebendaries of YORK, ... FRANCIS GAYTA Y N U S; Id. April, 1292. RICHARD de Clara, 6. Non. July, 1317. NICHOLAS de Ludlow, 13. Cal. Aug. 1328. on the Reſignation of R. de Clara. ROBERT de Wodehouſe, 3. Id. Feb. 1333. on the Death of N. de Ludlow. WILLIAM de Colby, 17. Cal. Mar. 1333. on the Reſignation of Wodehouſe. GARCIN GIRALDUS, reſigned it, 1341. THOMAS de Neville, 4. Cal. Feb. 1341. on the Reſignation of G. Giraldus. WILLIAM de Dalton, Prebend of Ripon, Aug. 2. 1363. THOMAS BRANDON, July 9. 1341. on the Death of W. de Dalton. RICHARD de Ravenſer, Nov. 29. 1373. Provoſt of Beverley, on the Reſignation of Brandon. Quere, if not Prebend of Lincoln. ROBERT de Scargill, Jul. 12. 1381. on the Ceſſion or Depriva- tion of Ravenſer. EDMUND STAFFORD, March 4. 1387. He was, 1395. made Biſhop of Exeter. THOMAS CRENALE, Jul. 3. 1395. Roger Walden, Dec. 13. 1397. He was alſo Dean, and made the ſame Year Archbiſhop of Canterbury. RICHARD MAUDE LEY N, March 7. 1397. STEPHE N le Scroope, Febr. 3. 1399. ROBERT de Wolveden, March 4. 1400. on the Ceſſion of Scroope. He quitted it for THOMAS POLTON, January 5. 1408. on the Reſignation of Wolveden. STEPHE N le Scroope, was again admitted, Jan. 14. 1408. THOMAS GREENWO O D, Rector of St. Michael, juxta Oufe- Bridge, York, Sept. 7. 1418. on the Death of Scroope. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription, Hic jacet magiſter Thomas Greenwood, Legum Docoz, ac Canonis cus Reſidentiarius iftius Ecclefie, qui obiit 2. die menfis Maij, 21. 0. 1421, Cujus anime pzopitietur Deus. Amen. WILLIAM ALNWICK, May 3, 1421. on the Death of Green- wood. He was 1426. made Biſhop of Norwich. PROSPER de Columna, March 6. 1426. WILLIAM -> :: Prebendaries of Y OR K. 147 WILLIAM TOLY, May 19. 1428. NICHOLAS G Osse, Jan. 30. 1460. on the Death of Toly. He was alſo Prebendary of Southwell. ROBERT MORETON, Jan. 12. 1480, on the Reſignation of Goffe. Quere, if not Biſhop of Worceſter, 1487. JOHN GOTT ON, April 2. 1487. on the Reſignation of Moreton. He died, 1912. and was buried at Litehfield, where he was Dean. JOHN WITHERS, Prebendary of Hovedent, Beverley, London and Sarum, Commiſſary to the Archbiſhop, Aug. 4. 1512. on the Death of Gotton. JEFFR Y WRENNE, Dec. 16. 1512. on the Reſignation of Wi- thers. He died April 5. 1527. and was buried at Windfor, where he was Prebendary and Canon, REGINALD POLE, April 22. 1527. He was afterwards Archbiſhop of Canterbury ; but deprived of his Preferments by Henry VIII, about 1536. or 1537. THOMAS SULEMENT, April 25. 1537. JOHN BRAN S B Y E, Maſter of Sutton in Holderneſs College, Pre- bendary of Southwell, Rector of Beeford and Setterington, Feil. 12. 1541. on the Death of Sulement. ANTHONY BELL ASIS, Dec. 16. 1549. Prebendary of Hote- den and Rippon, on the Death of Bransbye. RICHARD PETRE, LL. B. Dec. 16. 1552. on the Death of Bel- lafis. He went beyond-Sea about 1562. for his Religion. RALPH TONSTALL, March 15. 1571. on the Deprivation of Petre. He was Maſter of Magdalen Hoſpital at Rippon, and Arch- deacon of Northumberland. DANIEL LYNDE E y, Rector of Terrington, March 6. 1618. on the Death of Tönſtall. RICHARD SMELT, April 6. 1625. on the Reſignation of Lynd- ley. He was Rector of Eafington. ELE A Z A'R DUNCON, May 1. 1640. on the Death of Smelt. He was Prebendary of Durham, and died about 1642. ROBERT MOSSOM ſucceeded, Sept. 20. 1660. on Duncon's Death. BEN JAMIN PARRY, Febr. 22. 1663. on the Reſignation of Moſfom. WILLIAM A SHTON, S. T. P. Rector of Beckingham in Kent, Febr. 6. 1673. on the Reſignation of Parry. He died about 1711. THOMAS L A MPDUGH, A. M. Febr. 15. 1711. Rector of Bol- ton-Peiroy, and Canon of York, living 1723. and Son to Archbiſhop Lamplugh. L A N G- U2 148 Prebendaries of YORK I 2 - O Etober LANGTOFT ONTAINS the Impropriations of Langtoft in Dickering Dea- nary, and North-Grimſton in Bucroſs Deanary, with the Advow- ſon of the Vicaridge, valued at 43 1. 19 s. 7 d. This Prebendary, hath alſo an Houſe in the Clofe at York, now divided into three Te- nements. RICHARD de Clifford, 12 - BONIFACE HENRY SAMPSON, 1295. on the Reſignation of Boniface.1.2015 G BERTRAND de Fargis, 1308. RICHARD HA VERING, 13 He died, 1340. and was buried in the Cathedral. CHRISTOPHER WESTON ſucceeded, being collated April 21. 1340. on the Death of Havering. PHILIP WEST O N had, as Newcourt ſays, this Prebend given hiin Oct. 8. 1359. But quere, whether he was inſtalled into it ? For in A dam de Twyfleton came in about 1349. And ANDREW ST AFFORD is ſaid to fucceedMarch 137 1361. on the Reſignation of Twyſleton. WILLIAM de Wickham, March 17. 1362. He quitted it for Laughton Prebend. John de Charnells fucceeded O&t. 30. 1363. on the Reſignation of Wickham, upon Exchange ſeemingly with him for Laughton Prebend. His Succeſſor was JOHN MARSHALI, collated Jul. 9. 1373. on the Reſignation of Charnells. He died 1386. And was fucceeded by MATTHEW A SHTON, collated Febr: 18. 1386. on the Death of Marſhall . John de Carp fucceeded Nov. 18. 1396. on the Death of Aſhton. As did STEPH E N le Scroope, Jan. 2. 1399. And John E L ve T, Rector of Normanton, Jan. 4. 1400. His Suc ceſſor was John PROPH ETF, collated Nov. 22. 1404. on the Death of El- ret. He was Dean 1407. and exchanged this Prebend for Bugthorp with my Account THO- Prebendaries of YORK. 149 ed by ed by Death of Barowe : To whom fucceeded of Halewell. He was made THOMAS W A L'w Ó R TH. collated Oct. 2. 1406. on the Relig- nation of Prophete. He was Vicar-General to the Archbiſhop, and bu- ried in the Cathedral. que JOHN NOTTINGHAM ſucceeded, being collated Sept. 10. 1409. on the Death of Walworth. He was 1415. made Treaſurer : And fuc- ceeded by or CITU RICHARD FLEMING, collated Aug. 21. 1415. on the Reſignation of Nottingham. He was 1419. made Biſhop of Lincoln: And fuc- ceeded by BRIAN FAIRFAX, collated Febr. 4. 1419. on the Promotion of Fleming : He was alſo Precentor. Thomas Kemp ſucceeded, Novemb. 18. 1436. on the Death of Fairfax. He was next Year made Archdeacon of York: And ſucceed- RICHARD ARNALL, collated May 18. 1438. on the Reſigna- tion of Kemp. He died 1441. being alfo Subdean : And was ſucceed- HUGH PAKE NHA M, collated June 1. 1441. on the Death of Arnall : As was JOHN PAKENHAM, Dec. 13. 1445. on the Death of Hugh Pa- kenbam : And WILLIAM SA y, Febr. 23. 1449. on the Reſignation of Paken- ham. He was Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London : And fucceed- ed by SU DANS John CHEDWORTH, collated Jul. 20: 1464. on the Reſignation of Say. He was Archdeacon of Lincoln, and willed 1471. to be bu- ried at Stepney, near London. His Succeſſor was JOHN MARSHALI, collated Aug. 23. 1471. on the Death of Chedworth. He was made Biſhop of Landaft, Anno 1477. And fuc- ceeded by THOMAS BAROWE, March 7. 1477. on the Reſignation of Marſhall. He was Rector of Cotingham, Prebendary of Beverley, Southwell, St. Mary's Chapel, Litchfield, Wells, and Archdeacon of Colcheſter, and died 1499. And was ſucceeded by NICHOLAS HALES WELL, collated Ful. 12. 1499. on the EDWARD KELL ET, collated Sept. 2. 1524. on the Reſignation ROBERT SILVESTER, 1538. on the Reſignation of Kellet. He quitted it for Wiftow : And was ſucceeded by THOMAS 150 Prebendaries of YORK, . . Bennet.THUR SCROSS, collated Aug. 25. 1614. on the Death of THOMAS MARSAR, collated May 16. 1541. on the Reſignation of Silveſter. He was Maſter of Magdalen Hoſpital at Bentham, and lies buried in the Cathedral, where he had this Epitaph, long ſince defaced, Ozate pro anima idagiftri Thomæ Marſar, quondam Canon. Befid. hujus alme Ecclef. Metrop. Fbor. # Prebend. de Langtoft, Kez dozis de Eſcrigg, qui obiit 8. Januarij, H. o. 1546. Qui dapibus multos pavit, nunc paſcier ille Erpofcit precibus, nil petit ille magis. GEORGE PALMES, Jan. 8. 1546. on the Death of Marfar, He quitted it , being made Archdeacon of York, and Prebendary of Wet- wang : And was fucceeded by BALDWIN NORTON, collated June 28. 1559. After whom THOMAS THATCHAM is, in an Account by me, ſaid to come in 1561. As is WALTER JONES, May 29. 1564. He was Rector of Marſton, and Prebendary of Southwell. ROBERT Towers fucceeded, being collated Ottob. 16. 1577, on the Death of Fones. He was Prebendary of Wenlock-Barns, in St. Paul's, London, Cathedral: And ſucceeded by James Cock, collated Nov. 24, 1585. on the Death of Towers. He was Maſter of St. Fohn's Hoſpital, and lies buried at Etton, where he was Rector. John BENNET be- ing collated March 6. 1590, on the Death of Cock : As was WALTER BENNET, Jul. 26. 1608. on the Reſignation of John was Bennet. He was alſo Archdeacon of Cleveland. And was ſucceed- TIMOTHY THURSCROSS, collated Dec. 3. 1622. on the Reſigna- tion of Henry Thurſcroſs. He was likewiſe Archdeacon of Cleveland : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM JACKSON, B. D. collated Dec. 8. 1671. on the Death of Timothy Thurſcroſs : To whom ſucceeded WILLIAM STAINS FORTH, collated Febr. 11. 1680. on the Death of Sackſon. He was Rector of St. Mary, Biſhopkill , the elder in York, Vicar of St. Martin's, Cony-ſtreet, and Prebendary of Southwell. The next I find is DARCY है ed by Prebendaries of YOK K. 151 2 DARCY DALTON. He was collated to it Auguſt 28. 1713 . and is the preſent Incumbent, Anno 1723. vd Lobo LAUGHTON, SA . : S O named from Laughton le Morthing, a Pariſh in Doncaſter Dea- nary, in the Archdeaconry of York, where the Prebendary is Im- propriator, and Patron of the Vicaridge. The Prebend, which is now united to the Chancellorſhip, was rated, when taxed fingly, for Firſt- Fruits at 631. 98. 4 d. INGE LARD de Warle was collated to this Stall Jan. 25. 1309. He was alſo Prebendary of Southwell. i con FRANCIS de Luco ſucceeded, being collated June 21. 1318. He died 1322. and was buried in St. Mary, Aldermanbury, London: And ſucceeded by John de Gayton Cardinalis, collated Jan. 31. 1322. And he by JOHN Morell, collated Sept. 21. 1323. ? JOH N de Charnells fucceeded about 1334. And, reſigning it Anno 1363. was fucceeded by WILLIAM de Wickham, collated 07.31. 1363. He was 1367. made Biſhop of Wincheſter. John de Dockingham fucceeded March 29. 1367, on the Reſigna- tion of Wickham. He died 1387. and was buriedät Harrow Co. Mid- dlefex, where he was Rector : And was fucceeded by ROBERT de Farington, collated March 2. 1387. He died 14040 being Rector of Crofton, and Canon of this Church: And was fuc- ceeded by RICHARD de Conyng/10, collated Febr. 24. 1404. He died 1413. being Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, York, Beverley and Southwelt, and Rector of Hickling, and was buried at Southwell: And fucceed- HENRY Bowe TT, collated Fan. 4. 1413. He reſigned it, hav- ing gotton better Preferment, no doubt from his Kinſinan, Archbiſhop Bowett : And was fucceeded by one i ROBERT NEVILI, collated Ot. 10. 1416. He was afterwards Biſhop of Salisbury and Durham. And ſucceeded, on his Reſignar tion, by PROSPER de Columna, collated Nov. 20. 1427. To whom fuc- ceeded, on his Reſignation, JOHN ed by N. : 1152 Prebendaries of YOK K. . John de Lax, collated: Jul. 30. 1457. He reſigned it next Year: And was ſucceeded by Odontologijos ROBERT WYMBYSSH, collated March 28. 1458. Though I al- fo find PROSPE R de Columna Cardinalis, admitted to it a ſecond time, June 22. 1459. on the Reſignation of Lax: And that on his Death, which happened Anno 1463. John LAX was again re-admitted Nov. 8. 1463. He died 1466. And was ſucceeded by THOMAS BARRETT, collated Nov. 22. 1466. He reſigned it the ſame Year to John CRALL, collated Febr. 9. 1466. His Succeffor was OHN GUNTHORP, collated May 15. 1478. on the Reſigna- tion of Crall. On whoſe quitting it, Gunthorp being alfo Dean of Wells, where he died; 1498. and was buried ; Archbiſhop Rotheram in July, 1485. having annexed the Prebend of Driffeild to the Pre- centorſhip, united and conſolidated this to the Chancellorſhip : Since when it hath ever been held with it, and the Chancellors of this Church been de Jure the perpetual Incumbents hereof. 11 MASSA M. THIS was the richeſt and beſt endowed Prebend in the whole Church ; it was valued, Anno 1534. at 136 1. per Ann. It con- ſiſted of the Manor of the Rectory of Maſſam, cum Kirby Malzard, of which the Prebendary was alſo Patron. T T The Incumbents of this Stall, as I learn from Mr. Torr, werel ROGER de Albany, he held it about 1258. Rogo de Clare, fucceeded, as I judge; Anno 1287. John de Grandifon came in Anno 1309. He was Anno 1337: made Biſhop of Exeter, having, as I preſume, reſigned it Anno 1316. to WILLIAM de Ayremin. He was Anno 1325. made Biſhop of Norwich. JOH N de Ufford, is the next: I find he enjoyed it, 1340. and was, 1348. made Archbiſhop of Canterbury. REGINALD BRIAN, fucceeded 1348. and was, 1350. preferred to the See of St. David : and ſucceeded by ANDRE W de Otord, Anno 1350. He died, 1358. being Archdea- con of Middleſex. Hiche 1939 ADVEN 2 * . Prebendaries of YORK. I 3 As was .: 153 ADVEN CARDINALIS, was preſented hither by the Pope : WILLIAM CARDINAL I S, 1363. And ROBERT de Stratton, 1370. To whom fucceeded JOHN MOWBRAY, Anno 1381. And to him, WILLIAM de Norton, 1385. His Succeſſor was JOHN STACY, 1387. He died 1394. being Prebendary of Ban- bury, in the Church of Lincoln. jo OHN Roos, fucceeded 1395. His Succeſſor was JOHN BERE, Anno 1396. To whom fucceeded Thomas More, Anno 1402. He died 1421. being Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, and was buried there : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM KINWOLDMERSH, Anno 1421. On whoſe Death fucceeded HENRY BOWETT, Archdeacon of Richmond, 1426. And to him GEORGE NEVILL, 1447, He was afterwards Archbishop of this See. The next was ROGER RADCLIFF, collated, 1456. on Nevill's being made Biſhop of Exeter. He died Anno 1471. being Dean of St. Paul's Ca- thedral, London, and was ſucceeded by John SHIRWOOD, collated 1471. He was 1484. made Biſhop of Durham ; and ſucceeded by JOHN BLIT H e, collated 1484. He was 1493. made Biſhop of Salisbury: And ſucceeded by HENRY CAR NEBULL, collated 1493. He died 1508. and was bu- ried in the Cathedral: And ſucceeded by RICHARD DUDLEY, collated 1508. He died 1536. being Chan- cellor, or rather Precentor of Salisbury : And was ſucceeded by THOMAS BEDIL L, inſtituted 1536. He died next Year, being alſo Archdeacon of Cornwall, and Prebendary of Lincoln : And was fuc- ceeded by WILLIAM WILLYFORD, or Willifed, Prebendary alſo of Lincoln, 1537. He reſigned it the fame Year : And was ſucceeded by ROBERT PETERSON, the laſt Prebendary, inſtituted 1537. He reſigned it Anno 1546. when it became ſoon after, by means of Arch- biſhop Holgate, conveyed to Chancellor Wriotteſly and his Heirs; and has ever ſince been diſſolved, and converted into a Lay Fee. X NORTH- .. 154 Prebendaries of YORK.. NORTH-N EW BALD C. TONSISTS of the Impropriation of North-Newbald in Hert- hill Deanary, with the Advowſon of the Vicaridge, and an Houſe in Stonegate, York, valued for firſt Fruits at 40 l. PANDALPH de Sabello, 4. Cal. Jan. 1310. RICHARD de Cornubia, 11. Cal. April, 1310. John FITZALEN, Son to Richard late Earl of Arundel.1328. John de Winzicks, 9. Cal. June, 1344. RICHARD de Winwicks, Sept. 30. 1350. on the Reſignation of John de Winwicks. John de Melbourne, Aug. 3. 1351. on the Reſignation of Winwicks. Ursus de Urſinis de Urbe, 135 ---- John de Melbourne, was again admitted on the Reſignation of Urſus de Urſinis, Nov. 25. 1354. He was Rector of Knefall. ADAM de Thorpe, June 18. 1364. Rector of Wheldrake. He lies buried in York Cathedral. Robert de Mideland, June 3. 1366. on the Reſignation of Thorpe. John de Appleby, Sept. 21. 1367. He was Prebendary of South- well. ROBERT WICKFORD, Aug. 13. 1370. on the Death of Appleby. John de Fordham, Prebendary of Chicheſter, March 13. 1375. He was afterwards Biſhop of Durham and Ely. HENRY de Snaith, Sept. 27. 1376. Prebendary of Beverley and Hoveden. WILLIAM de Eyrmin, April 26. 1382. on the Death of Snaith. JEFFRY le Scrope, Nov. 22. 1401. RICHARD GABRIEL, March 18. 1401. on the Reſignation of Scrope. RICHARD COURTENE Y, Fune 8. 1403. Biſhop of Norwich, 1413 John PRENTYS, Rector of Winterborn Bradſton, Aug. 22. 1413. on the Reſignation of Courteney. Thomas MORETON, Prebendary of Hovedon, Rector of Settring- ton, and St. Peters le Willow, York, Aug. 23. 1423. on the Reſignati- on of Prentys. He died, 1449. and was buried in the Cathedral. RICHARD ANDREW, Aug. 19. 1449. died 1477. being Dean of York. Јону. : Ciwi Prebendaries of Y OR K. 155 . :. on the Death of Andrew, Now. 6. 1477. Beverley, Vicar of Carlolfion. HENRY MACKELL, Nov. 2. 1512. on the Death of Forſter. AUGUSTIN de Auguftinis, Aug. 5. 1530. on the Death of Mackell. GEORGE POLBERY, Rector of St. Peters le Willow, York, March 24. 1530. on the Reſignation of Auguſtinis. THOMAS RYNALD, Nov. 5. 1540. on the Death of Polbery. RICHARD DRURY. FRANCIS NEWTON, April 3. 1560. on the Deprivation or Re- moval of Richard Drury, laſt Prebendary. He was Dean of Win- cheſter, Adminiſtration of his Goods, granted Nov. 18. 1572. to his Brother Henry Newton, Eſq; JOHN GIBSON, LL.D. Nov. 25. 1572 Quere, if not Dean of Carliſle, and Archdeacon of York? On the Death of Newton. CHRISTOPHER ASHBORN, Oft. 15. 1575. on the Reſignation of Dr. Gibſon. MILES SANDYS, Jan. 11. 1585. on the Death of Abborn. He quitted it for Wighton. RICHARD REMMINGTON, Feb. 11. 1585. on the Reſignation of Sandys. John Hicks, Nov. 18. 1615. on the Death of Remmington. THOMAS SE A R L E, Feb. 3. 1630. on the Death of Hicks. JOHN NEILE, Jan. 28. 1633. on the Death of Searle. See Arch- deacons of Cleveland. THOMAS BRADLEY, Nov. 7. 1666. on the Reſignation of Neile. TOBY CONYER S, Rector of St. Martins Micklegate, York, and Methley, Fuly 1670. on the Reſignation of Bradley. He died 1687. and was buried in St. Hellens Church in York. HENRY J A Mes, July 4. 1687. on the Death of Conyers. He died in March, 1716. and was buried in Queen's College Chappel, bridge, of which he was Maſter. G FORCE BELL, A. M. Aug. 15. 1717. on the Death of James, Rector of Croft, Co. York. Cam OS BALDWICKA 7 I S ſo named from Osbaldwick Pariſh in Bulmer Deanary, of which and Gate-Helmſley the Prebendary is Impropriator, and Patron of the Vicaridge," which is rated for Firit-Fruits at 32 l. 14 s. 4. d. X2 RICHARD 156 Prebendaries of YO R K. RICHARD de Brun, 5. Non. March, 1270. , THOMAS de Corbridge, He quitted it for Stillington. THOM A s de- Alburbury, 7. Cal. Jul. 1279. on the Reſignation of Corbridge. THOMAS de Grimſton, 3. Cal. April, 1382. on the Reſignation of Alburbury. ROBERT de la Ford, 2. Non. Jul. 1289. on the Death of Grim- fton. He was alſo Vicar-General, and Prebendary of Southwell and Rippon. BERTRA ND de Fergis, 6. Cal. Aug. 1308. on the Death of De la Ford. GILBERT de Welton, June 7, 1347. on the Death of Fergis. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and 1353. made Biſhop of Carliſle: And . fucceeded by SIMON de Briſley, April 23. 1354. He was Dean of Lincoln. John de Birdlington, June 30. 1360. on the Death of Briſley. HENR Y de Barton, Jul. 20. 1361. John de Botlejham. He was Vicar-General, and ſucceeded Bar : ton, as I prefume, about 1380. but quere? and made Biſhop of Ro- chefter, Anno 1400. as I conceive. ROBERT de Hallum, March 16. 1399. on the Reſignation of Bo- tleham. He was Biſhop of Sarum, as I take it, 1408. JOHN CATTERICK, Jan. 20. 1407. He was 1414. preferred to the See of St. Davids. RICHARD CASS Y, Dec. 5. 1414on the Reſignation of Cat- terick. ROBERT GILBERT, Dec. 15. 1427. on the Death of Cally. He was 1435. made Biſhop of London. ANDREW Holes fucceeded, on the Promotion of Gilbert, 1436. He quitted it for Stillington. WILLIAM SAY, Nov. 2. 1443. on the Reſignation of Holes. JOHN WAINFLEET, Febr. 14. 1449. on the Reſignation of Say. He quitted it for JOHN Mewes, June 27, 1457. on the Reſignation of Wainfleet. He was Rector of Byrkyn. ROBERT BARRÁ, Prebendary of Sauthwell and St. Mary's Cha- pel, Oet. 8. 1498. on the Reſignation of Mewes. EDWARD Fox, Nov. 8. 1527, on the Death of Barra, Biſhop of Hereford 1535. HENRY WILLIAMS, Sept. 25. 1535. on the Promotion of Fox. JOHN Prebendaries of Y OR K. 157 John Greve, Nov. 9. 1535. on the Reſignation of Williams. THOMAS TESH, Jan. 4. 1538. on the Death of Greve. He was Rector of Beeford, and Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. John BRANSBY, Febr. 25. 1538. on the Death of Teſh. HENRY WHITING, Juli 15. 1541. on the Reſignation of Bransby. NICHOLAS WOTTON, March 13. 1545. on the Death of Whiting. He was alfo Dean of this Church and of Canterbury, where he was buried in that Cathedral, of which he had been twice offered the Archbiſhoprick. His Succeſſor, on his Death, was WILLIAM BLETHYN, Ful. 1. 1567. He was afterwards, 1575, made Biſhop of Landaff : But quitted this the ſame Year to MATTHEW HUTTON, collated Aug. 26. 1567. He was, Anna 1589. made Biſhop of Durham, and afterwards of York. GRIFFITH BRISKYN, Rector of Beeford, Oft. 5. 1589. on the Promotion of Hutton to Durham. HENRY THURCROSS, Mar.-31. 1608. on the Death of Briskyn. See Archdeacons of Cleveland. John Favour, Sept. 2. 1614. on the Reſignation of Tburcroſs. He was, 1616. made Precentor. WILLIAM CRAW SHAW F, Prebendary of Rippon, and Vicar of. Agnes-Burton, April 2. 1617. on the Reſignation of Favour. RICHARD PERROT, Oét. 24. 1626. on the Death of Crawhawe. He was living Anno 1642. ANTHONY ELCOCK, Nov. 7. 1660. on the Death of the laſt In- cumbent. See Subdeans. THOMAS PENNYMAN, LL. D. Sept. 8. 1670. on the Death of Elcock. He died, and was buried at Stokeſley, where he was Rector : And ſucceeded by ROBERT WARD, A. M. Jan. 8. 1688. on the Death of Dr. Pennyman. He died, being alſo Rector of Stokeſley, and was buried there : And fucceeded by THOMAS CROSS, S. T. P. Maſter of Catharine-Hall, collated in Jan. 1724. on the Death of Ward. : * : : RICCA LL X : ܀ 158 Prebendaries of YORK RICCALL MONSISTS of the Manor and Rectory of Riccall, and Pa- tronage of the Vicaridge, lying in Bulmer Deanary, valued at 331, S. 8 d. Cor . ADEN ULPH U S. THOMAS de Checano fucceeded about 1290. He reſigned it 1309. John FRANCEYS, Sept. 14. 1309. on the Reſignation of Checano. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, and Rector of Wheldrake. John de Sandale, 9. April, 1314. on the Death of Franceys, Bi- ſhop of Wincheſter, 1316. H EN R Y de Burghwaſh, 5. Cal. Dec. 1316. on the Promotion of Sandale. He was, 13 20. made Biſhop of Lincoln. JOHN GAYTA N, on the Promotion of Burghwaſh, 4. Non. Aug. 1320. HUG H de Eugoliſme, 7. Id. Jul. 1324. He was afterwards Arch- deacon of Canterbury. PETER Cardinalis, 11. Cal. Sept. 133 2. on the Reſignation of Eu- goliſme. He was, as I take it, Archdeacon of York. WILLIAM de Exon, 13 He was Rector of Caſtleford. HENRY BARTON, March 26. 1359. on the Death of Exon, HUMPHR Y de Charleton, April 5. 1361. WILLIAM de Pakington, April 3. 1383. on the Death of Charle- ton. He was Dean of Litchfield, and Archdeacon of Canterbury. HENRY de Beauford, on the Death of Pakington, Aug. 22. 1390. He was afterwards Biſhop of Lincoln and Wincheſter. HENRY de Ravenſworth, Rector of St. Cuthbert's, York, Sept. 15: 1393 RICHARD de Clifford, May 12. 1398. Thomas de Moſton, Prebendary of Southwell, Dec. 7. 1402. THOMAS de la Ware, Sept. 29. 1407. on the Reſignation of Mo- fton. Quere, If not Warden of Mancheſter ?. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and fucceeded his Brother John, Lord De la Ware, in his Honour. JOHN CARLETON, May 8. 1427. on the Death of Thomas de la Ware. WILLIAM PEIRCY, Son to the Earl of Northumberland, Nov. 18. 1436. on the Death of Carleton. THOMAS : Prebendaries of Y OR K. 159 THOMAS TANFEILD, April 29. 1451. on the Reſignation of Peircy. John BOOTH, OE. 28. 1459. on the Reſignation of Tanfeild. He was Prebendary of Southwell. He died in Jul. 1496, and was, as I ſuppoſe, buried at Sallow Co. Derby, as he directed in his Will, in the new Porch he had built there. John HOOLE, July 26. 1496. on the Death of Booth. WILLIAM BYRLEY, Prebendary of Southwell, the ſame Year, 1496. on the Reſignation of Hoole. MILES SPENSER, July 1. 1510. on the Death of Byrley. He died, 1570. aged 90. and was buried in Norwich Cathedral, where he was Chancellor of the Dioceſe. WILLIAM PALMER, June 17. 1570. on the Death of Spenſer. WILLIAM POWER, Rector of Barwick in Elmer, April 12. 1573. on the Reſignation of Palmer. HENRY BANKS, Jan. 21. 1594. on the Death of Power. He was made Precentor, 1613. JOHN YOUNG, B. D. Apr. 30. 1613. on the Reſignation of Banks, He was Prebendary of Southwell, and died after 1642. MAR MADUKE COOKE, Vicar of Leeds, ſucceeded on the Death of the laſt Incumbent, March 2. 1660. He died, and was buried in York Cathedral, 1684. with this Infcription on his Grave-Stone, In memoriam Marmaduci Cooke, s.T. P. Canonici & Prebendarii de Riccall, meſtillima conjux Elizabetha, cui triſte ſui deſiderium reli . quit, marmor hoc poni curavit, obiit 7. Cal. Januarii, Æra Chri- ſtianæ 1684. Ætatis fuæ 60. ed by LEONARD WELSTE D fuccceded, being collated Jan. 3. 1684. on the Death of Cooke. He quitted it for Stillington : And was ſucceed- WILLIAM BRIDGES, collated June 29. 1685. He died, 1696. being Rector of Caſtleford. SAMUEL TERRICK ſucceeded Nov. 23. 1696. He quitted it for Wiſtow : And was ſucceeded by PATRICK DUJON, collated Aug, 15. 1711. He is the preſent In- cumbent; Anno 17723. and alſo Vicar of Doncaſter. SALTON 160 Prebendaries of YORK . SALTO N. А S Brambam was very early annexed to the Priorſhip of Nuſtell, as already mentioned, fo was this Stall about the fame Time an- nexed to Hexham Priorſhip; and, on that account, fell with it at the ge- neral Diſſolution of Religious Houfes. The Endowment of this Pre- bend was the Impropriation and Advowſon of Salton Vicaridge, rated anciently at eighty Marks, or 53 l. 13 s. 4 d. The Names of the Incumbents, as fet down by Mr. Torr, are as follow, ... .. : . :: WILLIAM de Clay, admitted 1 280. THOMAS de Fenwick, admitted about 1301. WILLIAM de Ponteburgh, 1311, John de Bride-Kirke, 1345. John de Walworth, 1349. WILLIAM de Kendall, 1358. A L E XA N DER de Marton, 1367. JOHN de Hexham, 1398. WILLIAM de Wodhorne, 1409. John de Brawby, 1427. THOMAS FERRET, 1443. JOHN WELLES, 1457. WILLIAM BYWELI, 1475. ROLAND LECKMAN, 1479. THOMAS S MYTHSON, 1499. E DW A R D JAY E, I5 26. : : SOUTH-CAV E. T a HIS Prebend conſiſted of the Impropriations of South-Cave and Wadſworth, and Advowſon of the Vicaridges, and alſo a Moie- ty of Ottley Impropriation. It was rated, Anno 1534. at 87 l. per An- num for Firſt-Fruits. THOMAS de Paſſelewe was inſtalled into it, 1329. As was NEAPOL. Cardinalis about 1332. And ROBERT de Kildesby, 1342. His Succeffor was Henry.la Zouche, 1350. He held it not long: For HENRY .: . Prebendaries of Y OR K. 161 or 1447 HENRY de Ingleby fucceeded, 1351. As did JOHN FORDHA M, 1380. He was next Year made Biſhop of Durham. And fucceeded by NICHOLAS de Heth, 1381. And he by John de Waltham, 1383. He quitted it, being made Archdeacon of Richmond, the ſame Year. WILLIAM de Noion ſucceeded, 1383. As did WILLIAM WALTH AM, 1399. His Succeſſor was HENRY BOW ET, 1416. On whoſe Reſignation, Anno 1422. fuc ceeded JOHN SETOWE, 1422. He died, 1438. being alſo Precentor: And was ſucceeded by THOMAS KEMPE, 1438. He quitted it, 1442. being made Archdeacon of Richmond. John STOPENDEN ſucceeded, 1442. On whoſe vacating it, 1446. THOMAS KEMP became re-admitted, 1447. He was next Year made Biſhop of London. STEPHEN WILTON ſucceeded, 1448. or 1449. He died, 1457, And was ſucceeded by WILLIAM WOR SL EY, 1457. He died, 1499. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, where he was Dean : And fucceed- ed by HUGH OLDHA M, 1499. He was, 1504. made Biſhop of Exeter : And ſucceeded by GEFER Y SIMEON, 1504. He died, 1508. being Dean of Lin- coln: And was ſucceeded by G EFFR Y WRENN, inſtituted 1508. He reſigned it: And was ſucceeded by JOHN WITHERS, 1512. according to Mr. Torr: And he by WILLIAM HOLGILL, 1539. On whoſe Death, Anno 1549. JOHN WILSON, the laſt Incumbent, was, according to Mr. Torr, placed here, in order to alienate it, which he forthwith did the ſame Year, viz. 1549. by paſſing it away to Sir Michael Wharton ; ſince when it hath become entirely diſſolved and extinct. icon Y 20 te DIY SOUTH- 12 162 Prebendaries of Y OR K. la som SOUTH-N EW BAL D, : . S. O named, no doubt, from South-Nerebald, an Hamlet in North- Newbald Pariſh, of which this Prebendary is Lord, and has there- in his Manor. This Prebend is rated for Firſt-Fruits at 141.9 s. 9 d. GIL E s de Rous, Archdeacon of Northampton, held this Stall, and died Nov. 20. 1272. STEPHEN de Sutton came in about 1272. and died 1 290. Peter de Savoy, on the Death of Sutton, 8. Id. Jan. 1290. WILLIAM de Blyburgh, 13. Cal. Oct. 1308. Rector of Leek, on the Reſignation of Savoy. John de Naflington, 12. Cal. 08. 1308. on the Reſignation of Blyburgh. WILLIAM de Parco, ROBERT de Pinchebeck, on the Reſignation of Parco, 2. Cal. Sept. 131 2. He died, 13 24. and was buried in the Cathedral. ELIAS TAYLARANDUS, 3. Non. Jan. 1324. on the Death of Pinchebeck. WILLIAM de la More. NICHOLAS de Refs, 18. Cal. Sept. 1329. on the Reſignation of W. de la More. ROBERT de Bridlington, Prebendary of Southwell, on the Religna- tion of Roſs, 2. Non. Sept. 1330. Thomas de Nafſington, 12. Cal. March, 1332. on the Death of Bridlington. ANDREW OFFAR D, Sept. 15. 1346. on the Death of Nali fington. THOM A s de Offard, 1350. John de Waltham, 02. 25. 1368. on the Death of Offard. ANDRE w de St. Quintin, Nov. 30. 1384. Prebendary of Bever. Tey, and Rector of Settrington, on the Death of Waltham. John de Yardburgh, June 7. 1385. on the Reſignation of St. Quintin. JOHN ELVET, Dec. 5. 1395, on the Reſignation of Yardburgh, He quitted it for ROBERT WOLVEDEN, Jan. 4. 1400, on the Reſignation of El det. He quitted it for THOMAS . : ام مع مرام لا؛ مقرمشة Prebendaries of YORK 163 : j THOMAS LA NGLEY, Mar. 4. 1400 on the Reſignation of Elvet, Biſhop of Durham, 1406. RICHARD FLEMING, afterwards Biſhop of Lincoln, Auguſt 22. ! 1406. on the Promotion of Langley. RICHARD LYOTT, Sept. 12. 1415. RICHARD Thoom, Febr. 1. 1448. ön the Death of Lyott. See pag. 10. where is an Infeription to him. ROBERT DOBBS, March 13. 1450. on the Reſignation of Thoom. RALPH LANGLEY, Dec. 27. 1459. on the Death of Dobbs. JOHN MORETON, April 23. 1476. on the Death of Langley. THOMAS MARXE, January 20, 1476. on the Reſignation of Moreton. RICHARD GOLDWELI, April 10. 1478, on the Reſignation of Marke. THOM A S D ALB Y, Jan. 1. 1505. On the Death of Goldwell. WILLIAM DRAY COT, Rector of Byrkyº, Jan. 18. 1506. on the Reſignation of Dalby. THOMAS LYNA CR E, 08. 7, 7518. on the Death of Draycot. See Precentors of St. Paul's, London. RICHARD SAMPSON, afterwards Biſhop of Chicheſter, on the Reſignation of Lynacre, April 23. 1519. RICHARD SPARCH FOR D, April 12. 1534. on the Religna- tion of Sampſon. WILLIAM LOMBARD, June 2. 1537. on the Reſignation of Sparchford. THOMAS IRELAND, Nov. 5. 1540. on the Death of Lombardo HENRY WELSHE, Jan. 4. 1558. JOHN HERDE, April 14. 1559. RICHARD SWALE, Febr. 15. 1588. on the Death of Herde. THOMAS IRELAND, June 12. 1608. on the Death of Szale. He was Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Barton in Fabii. THOMAS BELL, Rector of Beeford, 08. 19. 1614. on the Death of Ireland. EDWARD QUAR LE S, Prebendary of Southwell , May 5. 1637. on the Death of Bell. He lived till after 1642. JOHN WILKINS, preſented Auguſt 11. 1660. on the Death of Thomas Bell He was afterwards Biſhop of Cheſter ; but kept this Prebend. CLEMENT Z ANCHE Y, S.T. P. April 17, 1669, on the Death of Biſhop Wilkins, Јону : Y 2 164 Prebendaries of YORK. heys and now Canon. : C . 1316, JOHN BRADLEY, A. M. living 1723. collated October 2. 1707, bereficed in York City, and now Canon. STILLINGTON TONSIST.$ of the Manor and Rectory of Stillington, with the Advowfon of the Vicaridge, in Bulmer Deanary, valued at 471. 16 s. 3. d. with the Houſe in York, leafed at il. 6s. 8 d. THOʻMAS de London, 1953 Tuomas de Corbridge, 1273. He was 1299. made Archbiſhop of York. FRANCIS GAYTANI, Nephew to the Pope, 4. Id. Jul. 1300. John B.O U G H s, Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, June 5: 1304! OHN HOT HA M, Rector of Cotingham, 11. Cal. Aug: 1311. Biſhop of Ely 1316. Hotham. MAS de Cha He Biſhop of Hereford John de Godelegh, 3. Cal. April. 1328. on the Promotion of Charleton. He died 133 2. "being Dean of Wells, and was buried in that Cathedral. Peter de Cradamo, 2. Id. Feb. 1332. on the Death of Godelegh. JOHN BERENGER, 13. Cal. Oct. 1340. ROGER de Holme, fuby'r. 1355.7. 1340: ADAM de Holme, on the Relignation of Roger de Holme, OEtober 18. 1366. WILLIAM de Beverley, July 6. 1369. HENRY de Wakefield, Jan. 1. 1370. Biſhop of Worceſter 1376. GUY Do Cardinalis, May 24. 1376. John de Shepey, Dec. 3. 1376. He was Dean of Lincoln. GIRALDUS Cardinalis, June 5. 1378. on the Reſignation of cz Shepey. John de Shardburgh, Rector of Foxholes and Weſton, Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, Feb. 26. 1378. Nicholas de Fereby, June 28. 1379. He died 1404. and was buried in the Cathedral. THOMAS de Walworth, July 6. 1404. on the Death of Fereby. Thomas TOVETON, June 17. 1405. on the Reſignation of Wal- worth JOHN FRANCEYS, Rector of Kirkby in Cleveland - T но : 1406. : Prebendaries of Y OR K. 165 * Tho. TOVETON, Rector of Wath, was again admitted, Nov. 1o. 1408. John WOD E H A M, May 28. 1428. on the Death of Toveton. Tho. KEMP, April 4. 1435. on the Death of Wodeham. He was afterwards Biſhop of London. He quitted, I ſuppoſe, for us Tho. BE KINGH A M, June 23. 1435. on the Reſignation of Kempo che non Bosis convento ANDREW HOLES, Nov. 3: 1443. See Subdeans. This WILLIAM DUDLEY, July 29. 1470. on the Death of Holes Biſhop of Durham, 1476. CHARLES PILKINGTON, Nov. 3. 1476. on the Promotion of Dudley. He died 1494. and was buried in Stillington Church. wodis John RAYNALD, Nov. 25. 1494. on the Death of Pilkingtoni . Tho. DAL B y, Jan. 9. 1506. on the Death of Raynald. See Archdeacons of Richmond. 12 WILLIAM FRANKLY N, Feb. 15. 1525. on the Death of Dal- by. Died, about Jan, 1555. Archdeacon of Durbam. ROBERT JOHNSON, Feb. 22. 1555. Died, 1558. Prebendary of Worceſter. ROBERT BURLAND, Aug. 6. 1558. T: 0. ATKINSON, March 11. 1559. GEORGE ROWE, Oct. 25. 1571. on the Death of Atkinſon. He was Rector of Wheldrake. JAMES WILFORD ſucceeded Dec. 11. 1578. He was Vicar of Sutton in the Foreſt. boba -1 PHILIP FORD Rector of Nunburnholm, March 27. 1605. 01 the Death of Wilford. He died after 1642. HENRY BRIDGE MA N, Sept, 20. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. He was Biſhop of Man, and Dean of Cheſter.net BAR NA BAS LONG, May 24. 1682. on the Death of Biſhop Bridgeman. See Archdeacons of Cleveland, and Chancellors of Lan- daff. LEONARD WELSTEED, July 29. 1685. on the Death of Long. * EDMUND WICKENS, collated 1694. He quitted it for Strenfall, 1695. ROBERT B A N K , Vicar of Hull, collated May 10. 1696. on the Reſignation of Wickens. suis CHARLES BLAKE, S. T. P. Rexor of Wheldrake, Subdean, collated April 30. 1716, d. SIREN 166 . Prebendaries of Y OR K. STREN SA L L. HIS is ſtyled the Golden Prebend, as having the beſt Corpſe of any now in the Church. It contains the Manor and Impropriation of Strenfall, in Bulmer . Deanary, with the Advowſon of the Vicaridge, together with the Chapelries of Osbaldwick, Hexby, and Moreton, with Lands in Erfezeick, Clifton, Towthorp, and Langtoft, and a Houſe in the Minſter-Yard, at Pork. Rated for Firſt-Fruits at 74. l. 7 s. id. T . i HENRY de Newark, 2. Id. Nov. 1285. He was, 1288. made Arch- biſhop of York. i baina GERARD WIPPEYNS Cucceeded about 1288. and was made Biſhop of Lanſanen by the Pope. adto Aymo de Sabandia, March 7. 1301. on the Promotion of Wip- peyns.nl WILLIAM de Flifca, 3. Cel. Feb. 132.522 13 25 John de Melbourne, Id. Ful. 1330. WILLIAM de Fliſco ſeems to have taken it again, 1346. He quit- ted it, 1353, and was ſucceeded by MICHAEL de Northburgh, 2. Cal. Jul. 1353, on the Reſignation of Will. de Fliſco. He wàs, 1355. made Biſhop of London, and fuc- ceeded by 2. TAYLANDUS, a Roman Cardinal, 25. Ful. 13553 To whom fuc- Jul ceeded ELIAS Cardinalis, July 16. 1365. He died 1367. and was fuc- ceeded by IMARCUS Cardinalis, Fan. 7. 1367. on the Death of Elias. FRANCISCUS Cardinalis, May 24. 1370. on the Death of Marcus. A DOS - Petrus Cardinalis, Nov. 18. 1378. on the Death of Francis. WILLIAM de Botheby, May 1. 1388. He was Maſter of St. Leo- nard's Hoſpital, York. FRANCISCUS Sancta Suſanna, Aug. 3. 1389. He was alſo Arch- deacon of York, and had for his Sticceffor in both Dignities McH Roger de Coryngham, 04. 24. 1405. Tho. CORNILA W; R¢âor of Setrington, March 28. 1413. HENRY BOWET, Sept. 24. 1413. on the Death of Cornilaw. I T#o. POLTON, Jane 10. 1413. on the Reſignation of Bowet. In 1.420. he was made Biſhop of Hereford, as he was alſo Dean of this Church, and ſucceeded by JOHN 3 12 . . rs dby? Prebendaries of YOK K. 167 John Stokes, Nov. 13. 1420. on the Promotion of Polton. STEPHEN WILTON, Nov. 10. 1441. on the Reſignation of Stokest John PAKENHAM, Feb. 20. 1449. on the Reſignation of Wilton He was afterwards Archdeacon of Cleveland. OHN BOOTH, Aug. 11. 1459. on the Reſignation of Paken- ham. He was, 1459. made Archdeacon of Richmond. THOMAS TANFEIL D, Od. 17. 1459. on the Reſignation of Booth. m WILLIAM POTEMAN, Jan. 29. 1474. on the Death of Tan- field. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding. CHRISTOPHER BAINBRIDGE, Sept. 24. 1503. on the Promo- tion of Blith. He was afterwards Archbiſhop of York, andy 1506, made Biſhop of Durham. THOMAS ROUTHALI, Decemb. 16. 1506, on the Promotion of Bainbridge. He was made Biſhop of Durbam alſo, and ſucceeded by THOMAS HO B BE S June 24. 1509. on the Promotion of Routball. JOHN CARVER, Dec. 16. 1509, on the Death of Hobbes. He was alſo Archdeacon of York, and reſigned both Dignitics Anno 1515. HUG# ASHTON, May 31. 1515. on the Reſignation of Carver. He died 1522. and was fucceeded by THOMAS WYNTER, Jan. 9. 1522. He was alſo Archdeacon of York, and fucceeded Alloton in both Dignities. WILLIAM BOLYN, Dec, 20. 1529. on the Reſignation of Winter. ROBERT WATSON, June 2. 1552. on the Death of Bolyn. He was, 1554, deprived, I ſuppoſe, for Marriage GEFFRY MORLE Y, May 5. 1554. on the Deprivation of Watſon. THOMAS BINGE, Jan. 18. 1566. on the Refignation of Mor- ley. He died Anno 1600. and was buried in the Cathedral. WALTER WHALL E Y, May 19. 1600, on the Death of Binge. WILLIAM BARLOW, Nov. 21. 1617. He was alive 1642. and alſo Prebendary of Southwell. JOHN NEYLE, Sept. 20. 1660. fucceeded on the Death of the laft Incumbent, who muſt doubtleſs be Barlow. He died being Pre- benbary of Durham, and Dean of Rippon, and was buried at Ripponi . He was ſucceeded by ROBERT S AYER, April 22. 1675. on the Death of Neyle. To whom fucceeded GEORGE * Www 168 Prebendaries of YOK K. Wa 34 Warrena, Ha? GEORGE TULL y, June 30. 1681.. He died, April 24. 1695. being alſo Subdean, and Rector of Gatefide by Newcaſtle on Tine, and was buried there. EDMUND WICKENS, Rector of Kirbythore Co. Weſtmorland, ſucceeded, being collated May 1. 1695. He died, 1722, and was bu- ried at Kirbyt hore: And ſucceeded by cl SAMUE L BREA RY, S.T. P. collated Ołt. 24. 1722. Rector of Middleton in York, Eaſt-Riding. TOCK E RINGTON, Sell O denominated from Tockerington Pariſh in Northumberland, in the peculiar Juriſdiction of Hexam, ſtill Part of York Dioceſe; which became impropriated by Richard, Biſhop of Durham, Anno I 204. to the Church of York. The Prebendary is Patron of Tocker- ington Donative, Curacy, or Vicaridge, and pays for Firſt-Fruits 2 l. 17 so i d. being the loweſt Prebend in the Cathedral. LAURENCE de St. Nicholas held it about 1190. WILLIAM PEIRC Y reſigned it, 1295. And was ſucceeded by John de Warrena, Rector of Weſtbury, Jan. 2. 1295. on the Death of Peircy. 5 st WALTER de Wodehouſe, Sept. 1. 1347. on the Death of John de . EDMUND de Morteyn, Nov. 21. 1347. on the Death of Wodehouſe. RICHARD de Retford, May 1. 1364. on the Reſignation of Mor- teyn. He was alſo Prebendary of Lincoln and Hoveden, and Rector of Strotten. John de Irford, July 20. 1369. on the Death of Retford. He was Vicar-General to the Archbiſhop, and Rector of Bolton-Peircy. . ROBERT de Dalton, Nov. 5. 1379. on the Death of Irford. He was Prebendary of Rippon, and Commiſſary to the Archdeacon of Richmond. THOMAS de Dalby, Febr. 28. 1389. on the Reſignation of Dal- ton. He was alſo Archdeacon of Richmond; and dying, 1400. was bu- ried in the Cathedral. ROBERT de Wolveden, May 22. 1400. on the Death of Dalby. He was afterwards Treaſurer : And quitted it the fame Year for More ROBERT .. tey. He was alto ។ ១៤. 20 . * Prebendaries of Y OR K. 169 .. ROBERT de Oxton, March 21. 1400. on the Reſignation of Wolve- den. He was Rector of Bonnington Co. Nottingham : And quitted it to WILLIAM de Cawood, Sept. 6. 1408. on the Reſignation of Oxton. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel in York, and alſo of Rippon, and Vicar-General to the Archbiſhop; and dying, March 29. 1429. was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph, Hic jacet Will, Cawood, quondam Canonicus & Reſidentiaritis iftius Eccl. qui obiit March 29. 1429. RICHARD COLHA ME, Oktob. 14. 1414. on the Reſignation of Cawood. THOMAS GREENWOOD, March 1. 1415. See Knares- borough. WILLIAM PELES ON, March 1. 1416. on the Reſignation of Greenwood. He died, 1434. and was buried in the Cathedral ; being alfo Treaſurer. STEPHEN WILTON, O&t. 17. 1434. on the Death of Pelefon. He died, 1457. and was buried at Beverley; having firſt quitted this for Strenſali. RICHARD TONE, collated Nov. 9. 1441. on the Reſignation of Wilton. He was Vicar-General to the Archbiſhop, and Rector of Bol- ton-Peircy, Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding, where he died, and was buri- ed about 1463. having firſt quitted this. See South-Newbald. THOMAS TANFEILD, Jan. 31. 1448. He was Maſter of Ken- wald-Graves Hoſpital near Beverley, and St. Mary Magdalen's Hoſpi- tal at Rippon, and dying, 1474. was buried in Peterborough Abbey. THOMAS GOUGE, April 22. 1451. on the Reſignation of Tanfeild. ROBERT MORETON, April 30. 1462. on the Reſignation of Gouge. He was afterwards Biſhop of Worceſter. THOMAS TOL y, June 26. 1467. on the Reſignation of Moreton. HE NR Y GILLOW, June 24 1476. on the Death of Toly. He was, 1478. made Subdean : And ſucceeded by RANULPH BYR DE, June 11. 1479. on the Reſignation of Gil- loro. He was Rector of Stangrave, Maſter of Maudlin Hoſpital, Rip- pon, and Sacriſt of St. Mary's Chapel, York. JOHN HERLE, April 1 2. 1483. on the Reſignation of Byrde. 을 ​Z CHRI- 011 . 170 Prebendaries of YORK. :: CHRISTOPHER URSKWICK, May 17. 1487, on the Reſignation of Herle. WILLIAM A PILTON, OEt. 29. 1493. on the Reſignation of Urskwick. He was Vicar of Overton Co. York. WILLIAM SHEFFEILD, June 21. 1494. on the Reſignation of Apilton. He died, 1496. being alſo Dean : And was ſucceeded by John CURWEN, Jan. 23. 1496. on the Death of Sheffeild. He was Prebendary of Hoveden, and Rector of Crux Church in York. NICHOLAS MYLES, Aug. 23. 1510. on the Death of Curwen. WILLIAM BOUR BANK, May 13. 1524. on the Reſignation of Myles. He was Re&or of Terrington, and, I think, Archdeacon of Carliſle. WILLIAM M O Oke, or Mike, Vicar of Aldborough in the Eaſt- Riding, April 12, 1531. on the Reſignation of Bourbank. He died, 1545. and was buried in Welbourne Chancel Co. Lincoln, with this Epitaph, Hic jacet Dominis Will. Mike, Canonicus Eccl. Ebor. A Kector iftis us Eccleſie, qui obiit Map 30. 1545. Cujus anime propitietur Deus. 3 WILLIAM ROBINSON, Prebendary of Landaff, Vicar of Bra- ferton, fucceeded, being collated April 20. 1545. on the Death of Mike. His Succeffor was ANTHONY B L A KE, collated 1562. 'or 1563. as I find it. He died, 1570. being Rector of Whifton, and Canon Reſidentiary, and was buried in the Cathedral: And ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER ASHBOURNE, Rector of one of the Medieties of Biſhopſbill, York, Aug. 27. 1570. on the Death of Blake. JAMES CROSTHWAIT, April 1. 1573. on the Reſignation of Afh bourne. He was Rector of Wiggington, Succentor of the Vicars, and dying, 1580. was buried in the Cathedral : And ſucceeded by HENRY WRIGHT, Jul. 5. 1580. on the Death of Crofthwait. He was afterwards Subdean, as I conceive. HENRY RIDLEY, April 11. 1583. on the Relignation of Henry Wright. THOMAS BURTON, O&t. 3. 1587. JOHN THORNBURGH, March 17. 1589. on the Reſignation of Burton : He was alſo Dean of this Cathedral, and promoted hence to the See of Worceſter : And ſucceeded by GEORGE Prebendaries of YO R K. 171 GEORGE MERITON, May 5. 1617. on the Promotion of Thurn- burgh to the See of Worceſter. He died, 1624. being alſo Dean, and was buried in the Cathedral. JOHN SCOT, Jan. 31. 1624. on the Death of Meriton. He di- ed, 1644. being alſo Dean of this Church : And was ſucceeded, at the Reſtauration of Church and Monarchy, by GILBERT IRONSIDE, Ot. 13: 1660. 1 Zi 1660. He was afterwards Biſhop of Briſtol : And, reſigning this, was fucceeded by RICHARD SYKES, Oct. 7. 1662. On the Reſignation of Ironfide. He was Rector of Spofford: And dying, 1670. was fucceeded by ELIAS MICKLETHWAIT, April 28. 1670. On the Death of Sykes. He reſigned it, 1680. to his Son, having got the Prebendary of Botes vant inſtead thereof. ELIAS MICKLE THWAIT, Febr. 28. 1680. on his Father's Reſig- nation ; living, 1716. Vicar of Gilling. WILLIAM ELSELE Y, on the Death of Micklethwait, collated Jul. 31. 1721. se te doen, U L S K E LF CIN T ONSISTS of the Lordſhip or Manor of Ulskelf, which is, as I conceive, an Hamlet in Sherborne Pariſh in Ainſtye, or York Deanary, and has alſo an Houſe in thc Clofe of York Minſter, now di- vided into two Tenements, rated in the whole at 341. ir S. 8 d. going HU G H de Menygthorpe, 4. Cal. Jan. 1298. ADAM de Ofgodsby. RICHARD de Oſgodsby, on the Death of Adam de Oſgodsly, Octo- ber, 1316. He was Prebendary of Hoveden, and Rector of one of Bubwith Medieties. RICHARD de Brgham, on the Reſignation of Richard Ofgodsby, Non. Fune, 1322. He was Prebendary of Hoveden, and Rector of Brumpton. WILLIAM de la Mare, on the Death of Ergham, Cal. Nov. 1338. WILLIAM WODEROWE, Nov. 10. 1360. on the Death of La Mare. WILLIAM de Newport, Febr. 1o. 1364. on the Reſignation of Woderowe. He died, 1366. and was buried at Wermouth Co. Durham, where he was Rector. ADAM Z 2 - . 172 Prebendaries of YORK. i . An A d am de Thorpe, Fane 9. 1366. on the Death of Newport. ROBERT FARINGTON, April 28. 1385. on the Death of Thorpe. He quitted it for John de Scarle, Mar. 3. 1387. on the Reſignation of Farington. L AURENCE de Allerthorp, Sept. 29. 1400. on the Reſignation of Scarle. He was Canon of St. Paul's, London, and lies buried there, with an Epitaph in Dugdale and Newcourt. HENRY MERSTON, Aug. 2. 1406. on the Death of Allerthorp. RICHARD COLLUM, Febr. 27. 1415. on the Reſignation of Merſton. WILLIAM GREY, Fuly 27. 1425, on the Death of Collum. He was, 1426. made Biſhop of London : And ſucceeded by ALAN KIRKT ON, 1426. on the Promotion of Grey. See New- court of him.no JOHN HALES, Aug. 23. 1443. on the Death of Kirton. RICHARD HAYMAN, Febr. 14. 1447. on the Reſignation of Hales. He was Vicar of Dowling. NICHOL A S RANDON, on the Rclignation of Hayman. He was Rector of Kirkby-Overblozes. John BA SS ET, May 16, 1479. on the Death of Randon. WILLIAM GIS BORNE, Sept. 7. 1479. on the Death of Baſet. RO ERT WELLINGTON OŠt. 20. 1492. on the Reſignation of Gisborne. He died, 1504. and was buried at Gilling, where he was Rector, as he was alſo of Bolton-Peircy, and Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, York. JoH NHATTON, Biſhop of Nigropont, 1504. on the Death of Wellington. He was Archdeacon of Nottingham, where ſee more of BRIAN HIG DEN, June 14. 1516. on the Death of Fohn, Biſhop of Nigropont. He was alſo Dean of this Cathedral. RICHARD LAYTON, June 20. 1539. on the Death of Higden. He was Archdeacon of Buckingham, and Rector of Breinton Co. Northampton, where, I prefume, he lies buried. ROBERT B A BTHOR P, on the Death of Layton, Aug. 7. 1544. He was afterwards Subdean, WILLIAM LAYTON, Jan. 23. 1544. MILE'S WILSON, Jul. 25. 1551. on the Death of Layton. He was deprived, 1554. for Marriage, I ſuppoſe. John SETON, 1554. on the Deprivation of Wilſon. GEORGE BULLE Y N, Aug. 3. 1560. He was Rector of Kemp- fton Co. Nottingham, and Dean of Litchfield, and was buried in that Cathedral. SAMUEL hiin. $ :: Prebendaries of YORK. 173 SAMUEL HUTTON, Feb. 4. 1602. on the Death of Bulleyne. THOMAS PASKE, Nov. 27. 1628. on the Death of Hutton. He was Maſter of Clare-Hall, Cambridge, and Archdeacon of London. THEOPHILUS DILLINGHAM, S. T. P. Jan. 29. 1661. On the Reſignation of Paske. He was alſo Maſter of Clare-Hall, and Archdeacon of Bedford. ARTHUR DEL GAR NOE, Dec. 6. 1678. on the Death of Dr. Dillingham. He is ſtill living, 1723. and the oldeſt Member of this Church of York. : W ARTHILL C TONTAINS the Rectory, or Impropriation, and Advowſon of Warthill Pariſh, in Bulmer Deanary, and the other Medieties of Axminſter Impropriation, Co. Devon. recovered to this and Grindal Prebend Anno 1293. The whole Value hereof is near 201. per Ann. at leaſt, of Rents reſumed ; tho it is rated for Firſt-Fruits at no more than 6 l. Roger de Seyton. He reſigned it 1279, and was ſucceeded by John ROMAN, 6. Id. Dec. 1279. on the Reſignation of Seyton. He was, 1286. made Archbiſhop of this Church. WILLIAM de Hamelton, 6. Non. O&t. 1287. See an Account of his having Axminſter, in Prynn's Coll. Vol. III. p. 782. John de Merkinfeild, on the Death of Hamelton. He died 13 23. and was buried in this Cathedral ; being alſo Prebendary of Rippon. ROBERT de Valoignes, 2. Cal. Aug. 1323. on the Death of Mer- kinfeild. ANDOMA R Cardinalis, 3. Cal. Jul. 1343. on the Death of Va- loignes. TH o Mas de Odyngton, March 8. 1352. on the Death of Anda- mar the Cardinal. He was alſo Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. Hugh de Wymondfwould, on the Reſignation of Odyngton, Aug. 14. 1378. John de Mowbray, Jan. 13. 1379. on the Death of Wymondf- would. He was Rector of St. Cuthbert's Church in York. JOHN THOREN, 1388. John de Akum, July 3. 1389. on the Death of Thoren. JOHN de Burton, Fune 20. 1393. on the Death of Akum. He was Rector of Ordfal, Co. Nottingham. NICHOLAS 174 Prebendaries of YORK. . NICHOLAS SLAKE, on the Death of Purton, Feb. 7. 1395. He was Dean of St. Stephen's Chapel, Weſtminſter. WALTER Cooke, July 18. 1397. on the Reſignation of Slake. THOMAS BEKINGTON, Aug. 23. 1423. on the Death of Cooke. He was afterwards Biſhop of Wells. NICHOLAS BID ESTON, O&t. 17, 1435. on the Reſignation of Pekington. ADAM MOLeyns, June 16. 1441. on the Death of Bidefton. He was 1445. made Biſhop of Chicheſter. RICHARD AND REW, Nov. 18. 1445. on the Promotion of Moleyns. He was afterwards Dean. JOHN ARUNDEL, Nov. 22. 1449. on the Reſignation of Andrew. PHILIP U SKE, Nov. 22. 1449. on the Reſignation of Arundel, who quitted it the ſame Day. JOHN JORDAN, May 7. 1478. on the Death of Uske: John Newman, Prebendary of Oſmunderley, June 29. 1500. on the Death of Fordan. ROBERT TRUSLOVE, April 12. 1547. on the Death of Newman. JOHN DANGARD, June 7. 1561. GEORGE CORYET, Jan. 17. 1594. on the Death of Dangard, Rector of Odcombe Co. Somerſet, where he died Mar. 4. 1606. John BRADLE Y, Nov. 26. 1601. on the Reſignation of Coryet. WILLIAM KNOWLES, July 10. 1626. on the Death of Bradley. He enjoyed it 1642. and died in the Time of the Rebellion. WILLIAM AYNES WORTH, OF. 2. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent. He was Vicar of Hutton-Pannel. THOMAS CROSS, Nov. 7. 1660. the fame Year. John CHAPPEL, June 22. 1671. FRANCIS DRAKE, Feb. 9. 1688. on the Death of Chappel. He vas Vicar of Pontefrakt. WILLIAM STEARS, the preſent Prebendary, collated July 10. 1713. Vicar of Thirske. WETWA N G TA A K ES its Name from Wetwang Pariſh, in Bucrofs Deanary, the Impropriation and Advowſon of which this Prebendary has, and alſo the Advowſons of the Vicaridges of Fridaythorpe, Eloughton, and Kirkby upon Wharf, rated all together for Firſt-Fruits, 821. 115. 3 d. Tho' it was leafed by Archbiſhop Sandys his Son to his Family, who ſtill : Prebendaries of YORK. 175 ſtill retain it, being Anno 1693. renewed, at 861. per Ann. to Sandys Efq; of Down in Kent. Henry : :: . .: Obiit 1307: LAURENCE de Lincoln. THOMAS ELDERBURY, 5. Cal. April. 1282. being Precentor of Litchfield. RAYMOND Cardinalis, 3 Id. Aug. 1307. He was alfo Archdea- con of York. BERNARD de la Bretto, 7. Cal. Sept. 1310. GALIARDUS de Duroforth THOMAS de Ludham, 13 WILLIAM de Kildeſly, 1341. on the Death of Ludham. He was Rector of Worfeild in Litchfield Diocefs, Prebendary of Southwell and Hoveden, and Warden of Tickfield Chapel. STEPHEN MALCOL N, Sept. 4. 1346. on the Death of Kil- defly. John de Melbourne, Oft. 7: 1346. WILLIAM de Vaxrato, OZ. 22. 1347. RICHARD de Winwicks, July 27. 1351. ROBERT de Wolveden, Dec. 16. 1408. He was, 1426. made Treaſurer. JOHN BERMINGHAM, O&. 25. 1426. on the Reſignation of Wolveden. NICHOLAS Dixon, Feb. 28. 1432. on the Death of Birming- ham. He was Prebendary of Hoveden, Sarum, and Lincoln ; and dy- ing 1448. was buried at Cheſhunt in Hertfordſhire. Epitaph in Fül- ler's Worthies in Hertfordſhire, and Chauncy and Weaver. John Castell, Feb. 12. 1435. on the Relignation of Dixon, He was alſo Precentor ; where fee an Account of him. LAWRENCE BOTH E, March 15. 1456. on the Death of Ca- ſtell. He was next Year made Biſhop of Durham. JOHN ARUNDEL, on the Promotion of Bothe, O&t. 17. 1457. He was, 1459. made Biſhop of Chicheſter. ROBERT STÍLLINGTON, May 28. 1459. on the Promotion of Arundel. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel, and Rippon, and at length Biſhop of Wells. THOMAS CHIPENHAM, April 25. 1466. on the Promotion of Stillington ROBERT BOTH F, Feb. 4. 1477. on the Death of Chipenham. HENRY CORNE BULT, Jan. 30. 1487. on the Death of Bothe. He was 1493. made Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding. EDWARD & . 176 Prebendaries of Y OR K. :. 17. 1581. EDWARD CHE NE Y, March 5, 1494. on the Reſignation of Carnebull. HENRY TRAFFORD, Auguſt 14. 1502. on the Death of Chey- ney. He was, 1528. made Chancellor. JOHN HIGDE N, April 15. 1529. on the Reſignation of Traf- ford. He was Dean of Cardinal Wolſey's College Oxon, and dying 1558. was buried in Magdalen College Chapel Oxon. WILLIAM SHUTE, Aug. 6. 1558. G E O'R G E PALMES, 1558. removed from Langtofte. ROGER de Askham, March 11. 1559. on the Deprivation of Palmes. ROBERT DUD Ley, Jan. 28. 1568. on the Death of Askham, on the Preſentation of Dudley Earl of Leiceſter for this Turn. EDWIN SA NDYS, on the Deprivation of Robert Dudley, March Family of this Prebend yet in being. JAMES EVERLEIGH, May 27. 1602. on the Reſignation of San- dys. He was alive 1642. and no doubt died in the Time of the Re- bellion. JOHN COLE, S. T. P. Aug. 13. inſtalled Sept. 4. 1660. on the Death of Fames Everleigh, the laſt Incumbent. JOSEPH LOVELAND, Feb. 26. 1671. on the Death of Cole. He died May 20. 1695. being alſo Prebendary of Norwich, and was buried in that Cathedral. HENRY FINCH, A. M. collated June 5. 1695. He was, 17027 made Dean. EDWARD FINCH, A. M. April 26. 1704. on the Reſignation of his Brother Henry Finch, Rector of Egam; Co. Derby. Prebendary of Canterbury. XX :: . 4 W 1 G H T O N S endowed with the Rectory or great Tithes of Wighton Pa- riſh in Herthill Deanary, and Advowſon of the Vicaridge, and ſtands rated for Firſt-Fruits at 32 h. 10 s. 5.d. This Prebend was fuppoſed to be founded about 1112. by Archbiſhop Thomas the Se- cond. 4 WILLIAM PICKERINGS, How 1298. . THOMAS Prebendaries of YORK. 177 THOMAS PYBALOTTO, Id. June 1301. on the Death of Pic- kering RALPH de Stokes, preſented by K. Edw. I. March 3. 1315. Prynn's Col. Vol. III. p. 1139. RICHARD BALDOCK, 08. 3. 13 24. TH o MAS DE LA MARE, 3. Cal. Nov. 1333. on the Reſignation of Baldock. He was Sacriſt of St. Mary's Chapel, York. ROBERT de Buckton, Oft. 8. 1358. He was Rector of Settring- ton and Rudby, and lies buried in the White-Friars, London. William de Gunthorpe, April 3. 1368. He died 1400. and was buried at Southwell, where he was Prebendary, John SCARLE, Sep. 19. 1400. on the Death of Gunthorpe. He 'died 1403. and was buried in St. Brides Church, London. RICHARD CONINGSTON, April 26. 1403. on the Death of Scarle. He quitted it for a better Prebend THOMAS HILTON, on the Reſignation of Coningſton, March 4. 1403. He was Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. WILLIAM LASCELLS, Jan. 22. 1422. on the Reſignation of Hilton. He was Rector of Aſcrigg. JOHN MARSHALL, Aug. 28. 1443. on the Reſignation of Lal- cells. He was Rector of Osbaldkirk, and dying 1461. was buried in the Cathedral. JOHN SENDALE, Vicar-General, Sacriſt of St. Mary's Chapel, Prebendary of Rippon, Hoveden, Hemingburgh, Southwell, and Rector of Bolton Peircy, on the Death of Marſhall 1461. WILLIAM POTEMAN, Feb. 22. 1466, on the Death of Senz- dale. He was Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding. WILLIAM BRAND, Sept. 26. 1470. on the Death of Poteman, and died 1475. He was Archdeacon of Cleveland. GEORGE FITZHUGH, Rector of Bingham, Prebendary of Bever- ley, May 30. 1475. on the Death of Brand. He died 1505, and was buried in Lincoln Cathedral, where he was Dean, John CARVER, Jan. 1. 1505. on the Death of Fitzhugh. LANCELOT COLLYNGSON, Feb. 10. 1509. on the Relignation of Carver. He was, 1514. made Treaſurer, on exchange for this Prebend with ROBERT LANGTON, June 2. 1514. on the Reſignation of Col- lyngfon. JOHN HIGDON, Dec. 2. 1524. on the Death of Langton. He quitted it for Wetwang. Аа RICHARD 178 Prebendaries of YORK. :/: " t RICHARD SYD NORE, April 13. 1529. on the Reſignation of Higdon. WILLIAM CONSTABLE, Sept. 26. 1532. on the Reſignation of Sydnoré. He died, 1556. being Rector of Weſtrayton, and was buried there. THOMAS ARDEN, May 25. 1556. on the Death of Conſtable. He was, as I take it, alſo Prebendary of Worceſter, and deprived, 1560. of that Prebend. NICHOLAS WILSON, Decemb. 11. 1563. He was Rector of Skrayngham. MILES SANDYS, Feb. II. 1585. on the Death of Wilfon. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Jan. 24. 1601. on the Reſignation of Sandys. See Archdeacons of Nottingham. JOHN SWYNNOCK, Auguſt 5. 1633. on the Reſignation of Ro- binſon. WILLIAM DA VYSON, OEtob. 19. 1660. on the Death of Szoynnock. SAMUEL CROBROW, S. T. P. on the Death of Davyfon, June 25. 1680. He was Vicar of St. Mary's Nottingham, and Archdeacon of Nottingham, and was deprived 1689. or 1690. THOMAS SANDYS, A. M. July 26. 1690. He was, as I conceive, Rector of one of Malpas Medieties, and died 1717. being alfo Subchan- ter, and Miniſter of Trinity Chapel in St. Martins in the fields, Lons dori. He died at London. * JOHN KING, S.T. P. Rector of Chelſey, fucceeded, being col- lated May I. inſtalled May 5. 1718. living 1723. .. W I STOW 1. W A S founded about the Year 1220. by Archbiſhop Walter Grey, and endowed with the great Tythes of Wiſtow and Cawood Pa- riſhes in Ainſty Deanary; and alſo Tythes in Monk-Fryſton, Hilton, Bretton and Farnham, and a third Part of Brayton Tythes, valued at 65 l. 16 s. The Prebendary was in Queen Elizabeth's Time Patron of Wiſtow Vicaridge, as he is ſtill of Cawood; but Wiftow is, as I learn, reſerved to the Archbiſhop to diſpoſe of. HENRY VALET, inſtituted 5. Cal. Jul. 1238. PERCIVAL de Lavannia is the next I find. He was, 7268. made Archdeacon of Bucks in the Church of Lincoln. LEWIS Prebendaries of YORK. 179 til 4. ed by as may Britisa. Lewis de Sabaudia, or Savoy, ſucceeded, 16. Cal. Sept. 1290. on the Death of P. de Lavannia. WILLIAM REYMOND COLUMBAS, on the Death of Lewis de Savoy, inſtituted 16. Cal. Nov. 1312. John de Naflington, inſtituted Non. Nov. 1314: Roger de Northburgh, 3. Non. Jan. 1315. on the Reſignation of Naflington. He was, 1322. made Biſhop of Litchfield : And fuc- ceeded by | Peter, a Roman Cardinal, collated by the Pope, 6. Jul. 1322. On whoſe Death ſucceeded STEPHE N, another Roman Cardinal, collated Dec. 10. 1361. on the Death of Peter the Cardinal. He died, 1369. And was ſucceed- SIMON, a third Roman Cardinal, collated Febr. II. 1369. All theſe three Cardinals were likewiſe Archdeacons of York, and promoted to theſe Dignities by the Pope, which was complained of, Anno 1378. be ſeen in Fox's Martyrs, Vol. I. p. 374. wherein this Prebend then ſaid to be held by the Lord Symon Cardinalis Presbyter Tit. S. Sexti, was valued at 100 l. per Annum. He quitted it, Anno 1378. And was ſucceeded by ROBERT de Manfeild, Febr. 26. 1378. He reſigned it, being made Prebendary of Hufthwait, and Provoſt of Beverley, on an Ex- change with JOHN BACON, inſtituted Febr. 10. 1380. He was afterwards Arch- deacon of Richmond, and Prebendary of Bucks in the Church of Lin- coln : And reſigned it on Exchange for Driffeild. John de Daventree, inſtituted Febr. 25. 1380. on the Reſignation of Bacon. He reſigned it the faine Year to John de la Pole, inſtituted, 1380. on the Reſignation of Daze- tree. He died, Febr. 4. 1415. and was buried at Wingfeild Co. Suf- folk, with this Epitaph on his Grave-Stone, Hic jacet magifter Johannes de la Pole, filius Dom. Michaelis de la Pole, quondam Comitis Suffolciæ, Baccalaurens utriufque Juris, Canonicus in Eccl. Cathedz. Eborac. ac in Eccl. Collegiat. Be- verley, qui obitt 4. die menfis feb?, 1415, 4. Hen. V. HENRY MERSTON fucceeded, being inſtituted Febr. 11. 1415. on the Death of Fokin de la Pole. He was Prebendary of Southwell and Hovedon, Canon of St. Stephen's College-Chapel, Weſtminſter, Recor of ZAMO 1 A a 2 180 Prebenilaries of YORK. of Great-Craſingham in Norwich Dioceſe ; and dying, 1433. was bu- ried in St. Stephen's College-Chapel : And ſucceeded by WILLIAM DUFFEIL D, inſtituted May 3. 1433. on the Death of Merſton. He died, 1452. being Archdeacon of Cleveland, where ſee more of him, and was buried in the Cathedral: And ſucceeded by LAURENCE BOTH E, inſtituted, 1452. on the Death of Duf- feild. He quitted it for Wetwang to JOHN BOTH E, collated, 1457. on Laurence Bothe's Reſignation. He was afterwards Biſhop of Exeter : And, quitting this the ſame Year he took it, viz. 1457. being made Treaſurer, was ſucceeded by John WAIN FLEE T, inſtituted 1457. He was alſo Archdeacon of Surry, and, I ſuppoſe, Brother to Biſhop Wainfleet of Wincheſter : And dying, 1479. was ſucceeded by ROBERT CLIFTON, Prebendary of Southwell, inſtituted, Nov. 2. 1479, on the Death of Wainfleet . He quitted it to his Kinſman, es GAMALIEL CLIFTON, inſtituted Aug, 3. 1500. He died, : 1541 being Dean of Hereford, where ſee more of him, and was buried in that Cathedral : And ſucceeded by ROBERT SILVESTER, collated May 2. 1541. He was Suffragan Biſhop of Hull, Archdeacon of Nottingham, where ſee more of him : And being deprived, 1559. for his Religion, was ſucceeded by EDMUND SCAMBLER, preſented by the Queen, April 6. 1560. He was afterwards Biſhop of Peterborough and Norwich. He reſigned this Prebend : And was ſucceeded by THOMAS L A KYN, April 24. 1564. Rector of Bolton-Peircy : On whoſe Death ſucceeded for it EDMUND BUNNEY, inſtalled OFF. 21: 1575. on Lakyn's Death. He died at Cawood, Febr. 26. 1617. and was buried in the Cathedral, with a long Inſcription printed in A. Wood's Athena : And ſucceeded by MARMADUK & BLAKISTON, inſtalled Mar. 5. 1657. He was alſo Archdeacon of Cleveland, and Prebendary of Durham, and quitted this to his Son THOMAS BLAKISTON, inſtalled Dec. 2. 1623. He was al- ſo, as I preſume, Vicar of Northallerton : And, dying after was ſucceeded by TOBIAS SW YNDEN, inſtituted Aug. 14. 1660. He died next Year, and was ſucceeded by GEORGE.PARICK, collated Dec. 10. 1661. on the Death of Szwynden. He was afterwards D. D. Prebendary of Southwell and Rip- ponj and dying, Anno 1689. was buried at Wheldrake, where he was Rector: And ſucceeded by THOMAS . He .: Subchanters of YORK . 181 THOMAS OMAS LAMPLUGH,, Son to Archbiſhop Lamplugh, inſtalled 1689. or 1690. on Dr. Parick's Death. He died 1703. being Arch- deacon of Richmond, and Rector of St. Andrew Underſhaft, London, in which Pariſh he was buried, dying at Chelſea or Kenſington near London. His Succeffor was JOHN RICHARDSON, A. M. collated Auguſt 13. 1703. On whoſe being made Precentor, SA MUEL TERRIC K ſucceeded, being collated Auguſt 11, 1711. He died about December, 1718. and was buried in the Cathedral : And ſucceeded by THOMAS SHARPE, A. M. collated April 29. 1719. the preſent moſt worthy Incumbent, An. 1723. Prebendary of Southwell, and Rector of Rothbury Co. Northumberland, of which County he is alſo Archdeacon. be SUCCENTORS, or SUBCHANTER S. HA AVING done with the Prebendaries, I ſhall conclude my Ac- count of the Incumbents of the Stalls in this Cathedral, with the Succentors, or Subchanters, which Office (though not fo in Reve- nues) is eſteemed the loweſt in Rank in all the Cathedral; but, being a Place of Truſt, it is often and commonly beſtowed by the Archbiſhop on a Prebendary, and ſo entitles him to two Stalls. - The Endowment of it is the Rectory of Tunſtall in Holdernefs, va- lued at 8 l of which the Succentor is Patron. jo bad His: Place in the Church, in the Precentor's Abſence, is to take care of chanting in the Choir, and to officiate for him, as his Deputy: which I the rather chuſe to mention, becauſe, beſides the Succentor Canonicorum, here is alſo a Succentor of the Vicars, which has fome- times been miſtaken the one Subchanter for the other.** bolos NICHOL A S held this Dignity about 1190. As did on ole poise WILLIAM de Langeton, about 1 240. And ALANUS SALVATOR, 125 2. And Peter de Fickledan, 1255. The next in Mr. Zorr's Catalogue is ALEXA NDER: And after him he places Thomas de Monkegate: On whoſe Death, which happened A12 90 i 258.385 91 og song 2011 ROGER le Mar ſucceeded, 1298. He died, 1336 And was, fic- ceeded by od EDMUND de Brun, Anno 1313. He died, 13 M. And was fuc- ceeded by THOMAS 182 Subchanters of YOK K. dhe ed by THOM A S de St angrare, Anno 1322. He died, 1332. and was buried at Tunſtall: And fucceeded by RICHARD WITHERBY, 1332. He reſigned it, 1338. And was ſucceeded by ROBERT de Sprotteley, 1338. He quitted it next Year : And was fucceeded by NICHOL A s de Elton, 1339. On whoſe Death ſucceeded Hu , Hugh de Walton, inſtalled, 1345. He reſigned, 1352. And was John de Gisborne, 1352. He exchanged it for Doncaſter Vicaa ridge with R QBERT de Marreys; Anno 1361. He exchanged it for Gilling Rectory with THOMA s de Bortham, 1366. He died, 1375. And was fucceed- ROGER de Pickering, inftitated, 1375. He quitted - it for Holm- Spalding Rectory, on Exchange to John de Sutton, Anno 1377.) He died, 1385. being Rector of Great-Markham Co. Nottingham And was ſucceeded by a John HARLE, Rector of St. Mary Caſtleſtreet in York, inſtituted, 1385. He died, 1420. And was ſucceeded by bonenta a con D. TH o MA S W YA T, 1420. He refigned it, 1429. being alſo Pre- bendary of Beverley, tosio bi RICHARD MORTON, 1429. He reſigned it, being alſo Pre- bendary of Rippon, to DOBO. 3 boal EDWARD BROUGHTON, inſtituted, 1436. He died about 1475. and was buried at St. John's Delpike in York City : Having reſigned it to ed est THOMAS PORSETT, inſtituted, 1472. He reſigned it, 1480. be- ing Rector of Catton. o slici so med duc moram WILLIAM ROW KESHA w fucceeded, 1480. and quitted it, 1486. being alſo Prebendary of St. Mary's Chapel. 2 biri RICHARD de Greyſtock fucceeded, 1486, and died, 1496. being alfo Rector of Brompton. WILLIAM Cook ſucceeded, 1496. and died, 15 22. -being alſo Prebendary of Rippon. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM CLIFTON, Anno 1522. To whom ſucceeded ROBERT Nook, 1529. on Clifton's Reſignation. He died the fame Year: And was ſucceeded by Dos RICHARD WADE, 1529. He died, 1546. being Rector of Barnſton : And was fucceeded by ROGER Subchanters of Y O R K. 183 MARSHALL, . He was Chantry-Prieſt of Trinity Hoſpital at Pontefradi. 4 1545. ed by OHN WELLes was inſtalled into it, 1560. and quitted it, 1568. being made Prebendary of Hultwait. His Succeſſor, no doubt, was JOHN BATEMAN; for he held it, 1569. He died, 1571. being Vicar of Trinity in Kingſgate, York : And was ſucceeded by ANTHONY FORDE, 1571. He died, 1578. And was fucceed- RICHARD PERNE, inſtituted, 1578. He died, 1599. And was ſucceeded by ZACHARY STEWARD, inſtituted, 1599. On whoſe being made Prebendary of Ampleford, JOHN COULTON ſucceeded, 1600. He religned it, 1620. being Rector of Siglefton. Thomas Keve ſucceeded, 1620. and died after 1642. ANTHONY ELCOCK, S. T. P. was next inſtalled, 1660, after Keye's Death. He was next Year made Subdean : And ſucceeded by TOBIAS SWINDEN, A. M. inſtalled, 1661. He died the famo Year : And was ſucceeded by GEORGE PARISH, collated Dec. 10. 1661. He died, 1689. keep- ing it with his Prebend of Wiſtow. And was ſucceeded by THOMAS SANDYS, A. M. collated June 17. 1689. on Dr. Pa- riſb's Death. He died, being alſo Prebendary of Wighton : And was fucceeded by SAMUEL BREARY, S.T. P. collated April 18. 1718. He is liv- ing, Anno 1723. being alſo Prebendary of Strenfall. :: M ja MO Archdeaconry : 184 Diocese of Y OR K. .: .... Archdeaconry of York, alias Weft-Riding. -3871 y botinp bus tolni wa dobon molto ima anon Deanary of AINSTY, cum York City. vd behou en bra Names of Churches and Patrons of Livings. Religious Houſes to which Chapels. antiently impropriated. eit o listu ? Pavement R. cum The Crown, St. Peter's parda V. edildi 21 Priory of Durham. All Saints, North-ſtreet The Crown. ALL Saints on the A w R. 4 St. Crux R. The Crown. St. Dennis, Walmgate, The Crown, and Mr. 120 R. cum St. George V. Palmer, by turns. Nabourne Capelia. Y ROC dingd St. Cuthbert's R. cum Batist AOWEZAIOT St. Helens on the The Crown. Abalho : 1631 Wall, and All Saints Peaſeholm Rs. DORUR с., St. Helen, Stonegate, V. The Crown. Priory of Moleſly. St. John's Cur. cum St. Chapter of York. Chapter of York. ang Laurence V. St. Martin, Mickle- Mr. Cholmley, Mr. Priory of Nunmüntton. gate, R. cum St. Gre Tomſon, and others. gory's V. St. Martin, Coney Chapter of York. Chapter of York. ſtreet, V. St. Margaret, Walm- gate, R. cum St. Pe- The Crown. Chapter of York. ter, le Willows, V. St. Mary, Biſhopſhill, The Crown, and Heirs the elder, two Me- of Earl Rivers. dieties, R. St. Mary, Biſhopſhill, Chapter of York. Chapter of York. the younger, V. St. Mary, Caſtlegate, R. The Crown. St. Michael, Belfreys, Chapter of York. cum St. Wilfrid, Rs. St. Michael . Dioceſe of YORK. 185 . St. Michaelouſebridge, The Crown. alias Spurrier-Gate, R. St. Olave's Cur. cum Abby of York. Fulford Capella. St. Saviour R The Crown. St. Sampſon's Cur. Vicars Choral of York. Chapter of York. St. Trinity Kingſtreet Earl of Exeter. Hoſpital of Wells. V. aliasChriſtchurch. St. Trinity Godramgate R. cum St. John's Archbiſhop of York. Delpike R. St. St. Maurice V. Prebendary of Fenton: Rufford Capella to Trinity Godram- ahsia gate. Deanary of A INST Y E. ABerford V. Acaſter V. இறப்புக்கும் Oriel College, Oxon. Oriel College, Oxon. Lord Viſc. Fairfax. Abby of Newborough * Accome V. Mr. Waller. Treaſurership of York. Askam Brian Cür. Mr. Clark. Abby of York. Askham Richards V. Mr. Thompſon. Priory of Munkton. Atbill al. Adle R. Mr. Arthrington. Bardſey V. All Saints. I ady Eliz. Haſtings. Abby of York. Berwick in Elmet R. Chancellor of the Du- chy of Lancaſter. Bilborough Cur. Mr. Fairfax. Abby of Newborough. Bilton V. St. Helen. Prebend of Bilton, in Preb. of Bilton. the Church of York. Birkin R. Mr. Crelly. Haddleſey Cap. (souro Bolton Piercy R. Archbiſhop of York. Biſhops-Thorp V. St. The Crown. Nunnery of St. Clem Andrew. ments, York. * Bramham V. Cbrift-Church College, Diffolv'd Prebendary of Bramham, in York Cathedral. * Brotherton V.St. Ed- Chapter of York. Chapter of York. ward. Вь Oxon. Brayton 186 Dioceſe of YORK. * .. Rawden" } Capel * Brayton V. Lady Petre. | Abby of Selby. Barley Cap. * Cawood Cur. Prebend. of Wiſtow in Prebend of Wiſtow. the Church of York. Collingham V. St. Ol- Lady Eliz. Haſtings. Chapel of St. Mary in wald. York Cathedral. Cozethorpe R. St. Mi- Lady Petre. chael. Drax V. St. Peter. The Crown, Priory of Drax. Fenton V. Prebendary of Fenton Prebendary of Fenton. in York Cathedral. Femoſton V. The Crown. Priory of St. Roberts in Knaresburgh. Garfurth R. Mr. Witham. Ciao Guiley R. Trinity College, Cam ov Horsforth . bridge, and Lord Bingley, by turns. Hampſthwaite V. The Crown and Mr. Priory of St Robert's POR T Atkinſon. in Kwaresburgh. Hartiſmead, cum Clif- Sir John Armitage Bar. Priory of Knaresburgh. ton Cur. Harwood V. AllSaints. Mr. Boulter. Priory of Boitoa. Helaugh V. Duke of Wharton. Priory of Heloughe K Cepax V. St. Mary. The Crown. Priory of Pontefratt. Kirkdeighton R. All Mr. Thornton. Saints. Kirby Overblows R. The Crown. Stainborne Capella. Kirkby Wharf V. Preb. of Wetwang ini York Cathedral. Leeds, St. Peter's (the Priory of Irinity, York. old Church) v. Leeds, St. John's (the Corporation of Leeds, new Church) Allerton Armley Beeſton 20 Bramley Farnley Cap. ' Heddingley Holbeck home te.7 poitrine Hunſlet Ledſham Si je .. NE Dioceſe of YORK . 187. : Сар. . .: . Saxton Cur. Ledbam V. Lady Eliz. Haſtings. Priory of Pontfract. Leathley R. Duke of Somerſet Moor Munkton R. All The Crown. Saints. Nezaton Kyme R. St. Mr. Fairfax. Andrew. Ottley,two Medieties V. The Crown. Prebendary of South- Bailden Cade, and St. Ma- Bramhopel ry's Chapel in York Burley Cathedral. Denton Farnley Pool Poppleton Superior V. The Crown. Abby of York. Poppleton Inferior Cur. Archbiſhop of York. See of York. Pannel V. The Crown. Prior of St. Robert's, Knaresburgh. Rither R. 21 Mr. Robinſon. Rufford v. Mr. Kighley Hoſpital of St. Leod nard's, Tork. Spoforth R. Duke of Somerſet. Wetherby Cap. Swillington R. Sir Will. Lowther Bar. Sir 7. Hungate Bar. * Selby Cur. Lady Petre. Abby of Selby. Sherborne V. Prebendary of Fenton Preb. of Fenton. Micklefeild Cap. in York Cath. Tadcaſter V. Duke of Somerſet. Abby of Salley. Tborner V. The Crown. Hoſp. of Knaresburgh. Chapel of St. Mary's in Thorp-parch V. Mr. Savill. York. * Ulleskelf Cur: Prebendary of Ulle- kelf in York Cath. Patr. and Impr. Hutton-Wanneſley, alias Heirs of Mr. Roundell. Long Marſton R. All Saints. Walton Cur. Lord Viſc. Fairfax. Abby of Newhouſe. Weſton V. Maſter of Sedbergh Free-School of Seda School. bergh. W bitkirk V. Trin, Coll. Cambridge. Knights Templars. B b 2 Wigbrik * - . : : 188 Dioceſe of YORK. : . . Kildwick V. St. An. Chrift-CburchCollege, Priory of Bolton. Wighill y. All Saints. Mr. Stapleton. Priory of Helagh. * Wiſtow V. All Prebendary of Wiſtow Saints. in York Cathedral. Deanary of CRAVE N. ADdingbam R. Sir Walt. Vavaſour Bar. Arncliff V. St. Of- Univerſity Col. Oxon. Univerſity Col. Oxon. wald. Hubberholm Cap. Barnelwick Cur. Lady Petre, or Mr. Duke. Bingley V. All Saints. The Crown. Priory of Drax. Bolton R. St. Peter. Mr. Pudſey. Bracewell V. St. Mi- Mr. Weddel. Abby of Kirkham. chael. Broughton V. Chrift-Church College, Priory of Bolton. Oxon. Burnfall two Medie- Mr. Allcock and Sir W'. ties R. St. Wilfrid. Craven Bar. Rilſtone s Carlton V. St. Mary. Chrift-Church, Oxon. Priory of Bolton. Gargrave V. St. An- Mr. Marſden. Abby of Sawley. drew. Gisburn V. Earl of Burlington. Priory of Stainfeild. Toflet D Giggleſwick v. Mr. Docwra's. Priory of Durham. Horton Cur. Mr. Wilſon. Ilkley V. All Saints. Heirs of Mr.Weeks, viz. Priory of Hexham. Mr. Maud. Kettlewel V. Mr. Fawcet. Abby of Coverham. Kighley R. St. Andrew. Earl of Burlington. Coniſtone ?Cap. . Upletham }Cap. drew. Oxon. Silden Cap. Kirkby in Malbam- Mr. Wentworth. Dale V. Linton, two Medieties, The Crowp. R. Abby of Weſt Dere- hamz.Co. Norfolk. Linton, two Mei Marton Dioceſe of YORK. 189 Marton R. St. Peter. Mr. Heber. Mitton V. Duke of Norfolk. Abby of Cokerſand. Grindleton Waddington } Cap. Priory of Bolton. : Priory of Bolton .. Preſton V. St. Mary. Chrift-Church Coll. Oxon. Skipton R. Chapter of York. Skipton V. Holy Tri- Chriſt-Church Coll. nity. Oxon. Bolton Cap. Slaidburn R. St. A1- Mr. Marſden. drew. Slaidburn Cap. Thornton R, Sir Arthur Kaye Bar. Deanary of Doncaster. :: sic: : ಮತ್ತು : ter, Peter: ARkleyV. All Saints. Sir George Cook Bar. Priory of Lenton. Armthorp R. The Crown. Adwick on Dern Cur. Priory of Hampnoll . Alſton R. All Saints. Earl of Holderneſs. Bad/ worth R. St. Earl of Derby: Mary. Barmburgh R. St. Pe- Chapter of Southwell. Barnby-Dun V. St. Mr. Gregory. Chantry of Cotberſtock: * Brodefworth V. St. Chapter of York. Chapter of York. Michael. Braithwell y The Crown. Priory of Lewes, Suflex: Bolton on Dern V. St. Mr. Jackſon. Priory of Monk-Brit- Andrew. Burghwallis R. St. Sir George Tempeſt Bar. Helen. Campfully. Mr. Tarburgh. Priory of Wallingwells. Cantley V. St. Mi Earl of Shrewsbury. Priory of Wallingwells. chuel. Cawthorne Cur. Duke of Kingſton, Conisborougi ton. | 190 Dioceſe of YORK Archbishop of York. Priory of Lewes. Conisborough V. St. Peter. Doncaſter V. St. George. Loverfall Cap. Darfeild R. Archbiſhop of York. Abby of York. Darfeild V. Worsborough Cap. Darton V. Mr. Savil, or Mr. Greenwood. Trinity College Cam- bridge. Mr. Wentworth. Preceptory of New land. Priory of Monk-Brits ton. The Crown. Il ter". Dinnington R. Edlington R. St. Pe- Lord Moleſworth. 7 Ecclesfeild v. St. John Duke of Norfolk. Priory of the Charter Baptift. Houſe, London. Bolſterſtone Bradfeild Cap. 2. Kotor Stainington Fiſhlake V. St. Cuth- Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham, . bert. Sykehouſe Felkirke v. St. Peter. Archbiſhop of York, Priory of Noſtell. Frickley cum Clayton Mr. Anne. Cur. Hatfeild v. Duke of Devon. Abby of Rocke. Hickleton Cur. Mr. Wentwortb. Priory of Monk-Brits Hooton Pannel V. Corporation of Wake- Chapel of St. Mary, D. feild. in York Cathedral, Hooton Roberts R. Mr. Wentworth. High-Hollandtwo Me- Sir W. Wentworth Bar. dieties, R. and Mr. Savil. Herthill R. All Saints. Duke of Leeds. Himmelworth R. St. Mr. Wrightſon. Helen. Handſworth R. Duke of Norfolk Kirkby, alias South Mr. Allot. Priory of Noſtel. Kirkby V. ton. . 1936 : Kirk : wi Dioceſe of YORK. 191 Sandal parva R. St. Kirk Bramith R. Chancellor of the Du- chy of Lancaſter. Kirk/meaton R. Mr. Birdfell. * Laughton V. Chancellor of YorkCa- Chancellorſhip of York. Antton 7 thedral. Firbeck Letwell St. John's Cap. five, Cur. under the Thorp-Salvin Preb. of Laughton. Wales Maltby V. The Crown. Priory of Arthington. Marr Cur. Earl of Kinnoul. Priory of Hampnoll. Melton on the Hill Earl of Kinnoul. Cur. Mexborough Cur: ord Archdeacon of Tork. Archdeaconry of Tork. Ranfeild Cap. Miſdop, Cap. to Ec- clesfeild and Penni- fton. Owſton V. All Saints. Mr. Adams. Priory of Welbeck. Peniſton V. Mr. Bofwel and Sir St. Stephen's College, Denby Cap. Will. Savile. Weſtminſter Royſton V. St. John Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Monk-Brit- Baptift. ton. Wolley Cap Rawmarih R. The Crown Rotberam V. Lord George Howard. Abby of Rufford, . Greasbrook Tinney Mr.Wentworth, Shelbrook Cur. The Crown. Oſwald. 2 Stainton V. Lord Carleton, kam Priory of Noftell. Sprotburgh R. St. Mr. Copley. Mary. Silkeſton V. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Pontfra&t. Barneley Cap. à Market-Town. Sheffeild v. St. Peter. Mr. Fellop: Priory of Wirkſoppa ] Cap Attercliff Cap. Eccleball Cap. Tburu SH 192 Dioceſe of YOK K. : . . Luca стеклоп Сар. Thurnſcough R. St Mr. Wentworth. D Helen. metallo Tankerſley R. St.Peter. Mr. Wentworth. ali Worilej Cap. Tickbill v. Mr. Foliambe. Priory of Noftell. Tbrybergh R. St. Leo- Mr. Savil. Priory of Noſtell. nard. Thorn Cur. Todwick R. Duke of Leeds. Wath V. All Saintsi" Chrift-Church College, Priory of Noſtell. Oxon. Ал Swinton Cap DE C 54 Warmſworth R. Mr. Batty. * Wadworth V.Mr. Arthur. Preb. of South-Caves Wickerſley R. St. Alban. Mr. Silveſter. Wbiſton R. Duke of Norfolk. Wentworth Cur. Mr. Wentworth. "T1090 Deanary of PONTFRACT. ALmondbury v. Maſter of Clitherozo College of Rotheram, Honley Free-ſchool. MelthamCap. Marſden) "Alding fleet y. All The Crown, and Mr. Abby of Selby. Saints. Vincent. Ackworth R. St. Cuth- Chancellor of Lanca- bert. fter Duchy. Batley V. All Saints. Earl of Cardigan. Priory of Noſtell. Burſtal V. St. Peter.! Archbiſhop of Zork. St. Stephen's College, Weſtminſter. Bradford V. St. Peter. Mr. Wolfe. College of Leiceſter Cumberworth Haworth Thornton Сар. Wibley Caſtle ? ..... $ Cap Dioceſe of YOR K. 193 Pudley } Cap. ဖြင့် A Archdeaconry of YORK. Caſtleford Wibley R. Chancellor of Lanca- All Saints. fter Duchy. Calverley V.St.Wilfrid. The Crown, or Sir Abby of Pork. Walter Calverley. Crofton R. All Saints. Chancellor of the Du- chy of Lancaſter. Darington V. St. Luke Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Pontfract. and All Saints. Dewsbury V. AllSaints The Crown. St. Stephen's College, Offet Cap. Weſtminſter. Elmſley R. St. Michael. Sir George Savile Bar. Fetherſtone V. Chrift-Church College, Priory of Noſtell. Oxon. * Ferryfriſton V. St. Vicars Choral of York. Vicars of York Cathe-"* Andrew. dral. Huddersfeild y. St. Mr. Ramſden. Priory of Noſtelle Peter. Scamaden Halifax V. St. John The Crown. Priory of Lewes Co. Baptift. Suſſex St. Anne's, al.Breers Coley Crofterne Eliand Heptonſtall Illingworth Cap. Lightwick Luddenden Raftrick Ripponden Sowerby Sowerbrigg Kirberton R, St. John Chancellor of the Dū- Baptift. chy of Lancaſter. Holmfrith Cap. Kirkheaton R. Sir W.Wentworth Bar, Cc Kellington Slackthwait? Cap. set . . . 194 Dioceſe of YORK. :: Archdeaconry of YORK. Kellington V. Trinity Col.Cambridge. Preceptoryof Newland. Merfeild v. The Crown Priory of Kirkleyes. Methley R. St. Oſwald. Chancellor of the Du-' Valo chy of Lancaſter. Normanton V. All Trinity College, Cam- Preceptory of Nunap- Saints. bridge. pleton. Nunappleton Cur. Priory of Nunappleton. . Pudſey Cur. All Saints. Mr. Pierpont. AddStA Priory of Noftell. Pontfract V. All The Crown. Priory of Pontfract. Saints. TUOI ont Tiendo Knottingley Cap: Rothwell V. Lord Viſcount Irwin. Priory of Noftell. Sandal Magna V. The Crown. St. Stephen's College, Chapelthorpe Cap. Weſtminſter. * Snaith Cur. Tot Mr. Yarborough. api Priory of Snaith, Cell Airnim to Selby Abby. Carleton Hook Rowcliff Thornehill R. Sir George Savile Bar. Flockton? . Cap. : Horbury Cap. Wakefeildv. Allsaints. The Crown. St. Stephen's College, Weſtminſter. Warmfeild v. Clare-Hall Cambridge. Priory of Noftell. Whitgift Cur. Priory of Noftell. Woodkirk Cur. College of Woodkirk. Womerſley V. St. Mar- Mr. Harvey and Sir ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ ་ tin. John Jackſon. Wragby Cur. Sir Rowland Gwinn Priory of Noftell. Bar. sobwogen FINIS Archid. of YORK, alias WESTRIDING.S02 1 Total of Churches and Chapels 303, of which all theſe marked thus (*) are of Exempt Juriſdiction under the Chapter of York, except two or three which belonged to Selby Abby. Peculiar .. Dioceſe of YOR K. 195 3 Peculiar Juriſdiction of RIPPON, under its own Chapter. Ippon Ecclef. Cola The Crown Patron of the Deanary, the legiate. Archbishop of the ſeven Prebends. Ardfeild cum Srudley Bongate Biſhops Monkton Pateley Bridge Curacies or Chapelries Sawley to Rippon. Skelton Thornton Epiſcopi Winkiſley : : சமுகம்ங்க Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING Deanary of BUCKROSE. Names of Churches and Religious Houſes to which Chapels. Patrons of Livings. impropriated. A CclamySt. John Chancellor of York Ca- Chancellorſhip of York. Baptiſt. thedral. Berwethorp, alias Bere- The Crown. thorp R. All Saints. Birdfal Cur. Lord Viſc. Irwin. Bugthorp. V. St. A1- Prebendary of Buga Prebend. of Bugtborp. thorp in York Cath. Collam, alias Cozlam Henry Bernard Efq; R. Frydaythorp V. Prebendary of Wet- Prebendary of Wet- wang in York Cath. wang Kirkby Grindale V Mr, Towry's Heirs. Priory of Kirkban. Kirkby Underdale; a- The Crown. lias Handolfdale R. A Saints. Сс 2 2 Kirkban drew. - :. 196 Dioceſe of Y OR K. of parke : ** Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING. Kirkham Cur. Holy Priory of Kirkham. Trinity. Helperthorp V. Chapter of York. Cathedral of York, Langton R. St. Andrew, The Crown. Norton Cur. Mr. Hebblethwait; Priory of Malton. * North Grimſton V. Prebendary of Lang- Prebendary of Lang- St. Nicholas. toft in York Cathedral. toff. Rillington V. St. A1- Heirs of Mr. Ethering- Abby of Byland drew. poleon Scraingham, alias Skir- The Crown. i 13; ringham R. St. Peter. Leppington Cap. SettringtonR. AllSaints Duke of Bridgwater. Skirpenbeck R. The Crown. Sledmere Cur. Priory of Kirkham. Shirborne V. St. Hilda. Sir W. Strickland Bar. Priory of Gisburgh. Thorp Baſſet R. All Earl of Carliſle. Saints. * Weaverthorp V. St. Chapter of York. Cathedral of York. Andrew. Lutton Cap. Wetwang V. Prebendary of Wetwang Prebend. of Wetwang. Finmere, alias Fe in York Cathedral, mere Cap. Winſtow, alias Weſtow Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Kirkham. V. St. Mary. Weſt Heſlarton V. All The Crown. Saints. Eaſt Heſiarton Cap. Wharram in the Sir Charles Buck Bar. Diſſolved Prebend of Street V. St. Mary. Brambam in York Cath. Wharram Peircy V. Sir Charles Buck Bar. Priory of Hautempriſe. Wintringham Cur. St. Sir W. Strickland Bar. Priory of Malton. Peter Knapton Cap. Yeadingham V. St. Mr. Wentworth. Nunnery of Yeading- John Baptift. bam. Deanary X Dioceſe of Y OR K. 197 Archdeacohry of EAST-RIDING. : ry. Deanary of DICKERI N G. DA ALlorn, alias Az- Sir Will . Strickland. burn Cur. Bempton Cur. St. Mi- Mr. Burton. i 10 mso beata chael. Priory of Bridlington. Befonby V. St. Magnus. Mr. Stavely. 2 Bonzyngton, alias Boin- Sir W. Strickland Bar. ton V. St. Andrew. i Datos Bridlington, alias Bur- Archbiſhop of York. lington Cur. St. Ma- Grindal Cap.A. Prebendary of Grindal in York Cathedral, no vada Impr. o corudios Burton Agnes V. St. Sir W. St. Quintin Bar. Abby of Pork. Martin. Harpham Cap. it? Burton Fleming v. Sir Ric.Osbaldion Knt. Abby of Bardney. Carnesby, alias Carna- SirW. Strickland Bar. Priory of Bridlington. by V. Fraiſthorpe Cap. Ergham R. The Crown. Fiveley, alias Filey Cur. Priory of Bridlington. Folkton R. a Sine-Cure Earl of Carliſleado and V. St. John E- vangelift. ovo Foton on the Would y. The Crown. Dont Charterhouſe at Hull. St. Andrew. Foxholes R. Thomas Gee Efq; Buttewick Cap. Flamburgh Cur. St.Of- Archbiſhop of York and Priory of Bridlington. wald. Walter Strickland Efq; by turns. Galmpton, alias Gan- Sir Tho. Legard Bar. Priory of Bridlington. ton V. St. Nicholas. Garton on the Would y. The Crown. . Priory of Kirkham. St. Michael. Hagenes 198 Diocefe of Y OR K. ter. Archdeaconry of EAST RIDING. Hageneſs, alias Hack- Priory of Hageneſs. -nefs, St. Peter. 129:00 Toryo Hundmanby, alias Hun- SirRic. Osbaldſton Knt. Abby of Bardney. nanby V. All Saints. 22 - militar Fordon Cap. * Kelond alias Kil- Dean of Yorkugli Deanary of York. ham V. All Saints. Lowthorp Cur. St. Sir W. St. Quintin Bar. College of Lowthorp. Martin. The Sims Til bile etros * Langtoft V. St. Pe- Preb. of Langtoft in Preb. of Langtoftast Borik: Cath idroiA - anilo siguiente Cottam Cap. Mufeden, al. Mufton V. SirRic.Osbaldſton Knt. Abby of Bardney. Nafferton V. Allsaints: Archbilhop of YorkAbby of Meaum. Righton V. Mr. Hutchinfon. ri Abby of Bardney. Rudſton V. All Saints. Archbiſhop of York. Abby of York. Ruiſton, alias Rifton cui sitio.2 V nie 12 V 2019 sorte Parva Cur. Scardeburgh, al. Scar- Will . Thompſon Efq; Priory of Bridlington. borough V. St. Mary. 1021 contacto Semer V. St. Martin Marquiſ of Carmantc Abby of Whitby. th.. Clayton Cap.St.Leo then. nard. .qeshin Eaſt Ayton Cap. St. Trpoton 51 1523 ราย Fohn Baptiſt, Scalbyv. St. Laurence. Chapter of Norwich I. Priory of Bridlington Cloughton Cap. Speeton Cur. Priory of Bridlington. Tbwing, two Medieties, The Crown.woTVO R. All Saints. Willerby V. St. Peter. The Crown. Dat Priory of Bridlington. Woldnewton V. Mr. Hutchinſon. Abby of Bardney. umano ytoint Dunedin otels Deanary of HART HILL : 20174 AGhton, al . Aughton Lord Caſtleton. Priory of Ellerton. Eaſt Cottonwith Cap. : moldearen gaining Mats . * Barnby Dioceſe of YO R K. 199 * ." . Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING. Barnby on the Moor Dean of York. Deanary of Zork. V. St. Catherine. Bainton R. St. Andrew. St. John's Coll. Oxo11. . Burnholme, alias Nun- Archbiſhop of Tork. burnholme R. St. Fames. Biſhops Burton V. Chapter of York. Cathedral of York. Bubwith, two Medie- The firſt in the Crown, V ties V. All Saints, impropriated to By- land Abby ; and the fecond in the Chap- ter of York, impro- priated to the Ca- thedral. Burby R. St. Giles. Earl of Burlington. Catton R. All Saints. The Crown. Cottingham V. St. Ma- Lefſee of the Biſhop of Priory of Hautempriſe, ry. Cheſter. now the See of Che- Skydby Cap. St. ſter. Michael. vroups Driffeild Magna V All Saints. * Driffeild Parva V. 1. Preb. of Driffeild. St. Peter Ellerton Cur. St. Mary. Mr. Bethel Priory of Ellerton. Elloughton Voodoo Preb. of Wetwang in Preb. of Wetwang. York Cath. Etton R. St. Mary. Archbiſhop of York. Everingham R. St. E- Sir Marmaduke Con- meldis. e Stable Bar. Fangfoſs Cur, Dean of York, Déanary of York. Ferriby V. The Crown. Preceptory of Ferrily. Fullfutton Rods Mr. Eyre. De * Givendale V. Dean of York. Deanary of York. Millington Cap. Goodmandbam R. AU Mr. Afh. Saints. Harjeell R. Sir Tho. Slingsby Bar. * Hayton : . 2 : 3 200 Dioceſe of YOK K. Hefil, Deanary of York: 1 Archdeaconry of EAST-RID I N G. Hayton R. St.Martin. Dean of York, Beilby Cap. alias Heflc V. All The Crown. Priory of Gisburgh. Saints. Holme in Spalding Moor St. John's Coll. Cam- R. & V. All Saints. bridge. Holme on the Wold Cur. Edw. Barnard Efq; Nunnery of Swine. Hotham R. St. Oſwald. The Crown. Hoton Cranſwick V. Sir Ch. Hotham Bar. Priory of Watton. Huggate R. The Crown. Hull v. Holy Trinity. Corporation of Hull. Charter-Houſe Cap. Carthufians at Hull. St. Michael. Hull Cur. St. Mary. Ellerker Bradſhaw Efq; * Kildwick juxta Pock- Dean of York. To less od lington V. St. Helen. Kildwick juxta Welton Tho. London Efq; Priory of Watton. Cur. All Saints. Beſwick Cap. Kirkburn V. The Crown. Priory of Gisburgh. Kirk Elveley, al. Kirk Ellerk. Bradſhaw Efq; Priorý of Hautempriſe. *Ella V. St. Andrew. Loundsburgh R. All Earl of Burlington Saints. Lokington R. St. Mary. Sidney Coll. Cambridge.org Northcave V. All Mr. Metham. Charterhouſe at Hull. . Saints. NorthDalton Cur. All Mr. Dixon. Abby of Watton. Saints. North Newbald y. Prebendary of North Prebendary of North Newbald in York Nezobald. osaan * Pocklington V. Dean of York, 21. Deanary of Pork. Marin rapham cum Mel. ſonby Cap. 2 Rowley R. Sir Rob. Hildyard Bar, luzea e El Santton . St. Nicholas. ale Cathedral. Bolton Cap." no Dioceſe of YORK. 201 . Archdeaconry of EA ST-RIDING. for Santton V. All Saints Lord Langdale. Priory of Walt01. Sculcoats V. St. Mary, The Crown. Rated Charterhouſe at Hull. Seton Roos Cur. St. Ed- Marquiſs of Caermar- Priory of Wartre. mund tben. Skern Cur. Edw. Duncombe Efg: Priory of Watton. * Southcave V. All Mr. Gibſon. Diſſolv'd Prebend of Saint s. Sout bcave in work 12 Cathedral. to Sutton on Derwent R. Sir Tho. Clargis Bar. St. Michael. * Thornton in Spald- Dean of York. Deanary of York. ing Moor, St. Min chael. Allerthorpe Cap.LVOH to stolonie Wartre Cur. St. James. Mr. Pennington Priory of Wartre. Watton Cur. St. Mary. Mr. Bethell. Priory of Watton. * Weighton V. Prebendary of Weigh- Prebend of Wighton. Shipton Cap. ton* in York Cathe- dral., Test Wilberfolie Cur. St. Mr.Wilberfoſſe. Nunnery of Wilberfolje. John Baptiſt Wrefil, 'al. Wrellel v. Priory of Drax. St. 7ohn of Bever- ley. * Wilton, alias Bi- Mr. Darley. Diffolvid Prebend of ſhop's-Wilton. Wilton in Zork. Deanaryof HARTHILL;of the peculiar Juriſdiction of Beverley, exempt from the Archdeacon, and antiently under the Provoſtry of Beverley. ish + BEverley Minſter Corporation of Bever- Cur. St. Jobu. ley. † Beverley V. St. Ma- ry, cum Holmchurch, The Crown. alias St. Nicholas R. Dd College of Beverley, Leco:- 202 Diocefe of YORK Liscalfeitloh on the Sam. Breary D. D. Priory of . Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING. + Leconfeild V. DET! Il Priory of Alnwick. † Middleton . Would R. St. Androme drew. † North-Burton, alias Tho. Gee Efq; Cherry-Burton R. St. Michael. † Southdalton R. St. Sir Ch. Hotbam Bar. Mary. OD † Scorburgh R. St. Leo. Duke of Somerſet. nard. . ".. *** Peculiar Juriſdičtion of HOVEDEN, exempt from Archidiaconal Juriſdi&tion, and fubordinate to the Chapter of Durham. + BRantingham V. Chapter of Durham. Durham-College, Ox- All Saints. ford. † Eftrington V. St. Mi- The Crown. Priory of Dur ham. chael. † Hoveden, alias How- Sir Tho. Slingsby Bar. College of Hoveden, den Cur, St. Peter. Barnby-Marſh 2 Blactoft Laxton + Skipwith V. St. He- The Crown. College of Hoveden. len. † Walkington R. Heirs of Biſhop Watſon. + Welton y. The Crown. Chantry in Lincoln Ca- thedral, . Сар. : .. . . :: Deanary Dioceſe of Y OR K. 203 Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING. Deanary of HOLDERNESS, of exempt Juriſdi&ion under the Provoſtſhip of Beverley.my + BRandsburton R. St. John's Coll. Cam- St. Mary. do bridge. † Haylſham R. All Mr. Conſtable. Saints. | Leven R. St. Faith. Sir Michael Wharton. † Ottringham Cur. St. Mr. Pointon. Priory of Bridlingtons Wilfrid. † Patrington R. St. Pa. Clare-Hall, Cam- trick. bridge. t Riſe R. The Crown. † Sigleſthorn, al. Sil- The Crown. ſtern R. St. Lau- nence. + Welwick V. St. The Crown. Provoſtſhip of Beverly. Mary. . : .: ou : 9 Deanary of HOLDERNESS ALburgh, alias Albo- The Crown. Priory of Kirkſtall. borough V. St. Bartholomewo. Attinzick; alias At- The Crown. Priory of Bridlington. wick V. St. Lau- rence. BarneſtonR. AllSaints. SirGriffith Boynton Bar. Beford R. St. Lau. Archbishop of Pork. Lillet Cap. St. James Burſtwick Cur. All Mr. Conſtable. Priory of Kirkſtall. Saintso * Burton Pidfey V. St. Chapter of York. a Cathedral of York. Peter Catrick R The Crown. D da Caldos gence: 204 Dioceſe of YORK, 26 Archdeaconry of E AS T-R 1D'IN G. Caldon Parva R. The Crown, KLH 0 Drypole Cur. Mr. Baynes. Priory of Swyne. Eſington V. Au Saints. Archbiſhop of York. I Abby of Meaux. Frodingham V. St. El- The Crown. Abby of Thornton. gin. to majutus Garton V. St. Michael. The Crown. chino Abby of Thornton. R. St. Giles. diſpute. * Headon Cur, St. Au- Subdean of York. 1, 1 Subdeanry of York. It Hilſton R. St. Mar- Mr. Carliſle. garet. note MUNT Holmpton V. The Crown, the Priory of Kirkſtall. Holym V. St. Nicholas. Corporation of Bever- Priory of Kirkſtall . ley. Hornſey V. St. Nicho- The Crown. Abby of York. rok las,cum Longa Rui- fton R. St. Margaret, Humbleton V. St. Pe- Archbiſhop of York. Abby of Thornton. inte ens de gener ter. Eaſternwick Cap. Kayingham V. St. Ni- Archbiſhop of York. Abby of Meaux. cholas. Kilnſey V. St. Helen. ( Thomas Bacon, alias Priory of Kirkſtall, Sclater, Efq; Mepleton V. All Saints. Archdeacon of Eaſt- Archdeacon of Eaſt- Riding. DUIT Riding. Marfleet Cur. Mr. Waterland. College of Sutton. Nunkealing v. Priory of Nunkealing. Nuttle, al. Nuthill R. Church demoliſh'd. 2 min Ozut horn V. The Crown. Priory of Kirkſtall. Pagula, alias Paul V. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Kirkſtall. St. Andrew and St. Mary.ba IM Preſton V. All Saints. Subdean of York. Subdeanary of York. Rooſe, alias Roffe R. Mr. Kirby, ta mind 7 bil motta All Saints. ST Rowth . 205 Dioceſe of YORK :: Swin Archdeaconry of EAST-RIDING. Rowth R. All Saints. Ellerker Bradſhaw Efq; Skeckling V. All Saints. Mr. Conſtable . Priory of Kirkſtall. Skethling V. St. Helen. Mr. Holmes. Priory of Kirkſtall. Skipſea V. All Saints. Archbiſhop of York. Abby of Meaux. Sutton Cur. Mr. Mafon. College of Sutton Mr. Moorhouſe. Priory of Swine. Bilton Marton Сар. Skirlaw St, Auſtin * Tunſtall Cur. Succentor of York Ca- Succentorſhip of the thedral. Canons of York. Ulram, al. Owram V. Mr. Rickaby: Waghen, al. Wawn Chancellor of York Ca- Chancellorſhip of York. V, St. Peter. * Withernwick V. St. Prebend of Holm in Prebend of Holm. Alban. York Cathedral. Wyneſted, alias Wyſtead Sir Rob. Hildyard Bar. R. St. German. * thedral. Non an FINI S Archid. EAST RIDING. 1 Total of Churches and Chapels 209, of which theſe mark'd thus (*) are of exempt Jurifdiction under the Chapter of York; as were thoſe mark'd thus (+), under the Colleges of Beverley and Hoveden. ma 10 Arch- , yigit 206 Dioceſe of Y OR K. anta Archdeaconry of CLEVELAND. Deanary of BULMER. *A или Names of Churches and Religious Houſes to which Chapels. Patrons of Livings. impropriated. LNE V. Lord Faulconbridge. Treaſurer of York. Bransby R. Mr. Reeve. Boſſall V. Chapter of Durham, Durham Coll. Oxon. Pulmer R. St. Martin. Mr. Wentworth. Brafferton V. Archbiſhop of York Priory of Newburgh. Crambe V. St. Michael. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Kirkham. * Crayke R. Biſhop of Durham. * Donnington R. St. Duke of Bridgwater. Nicholas. Dalby R. Mr. Lumley. Eaſingwould V. All Biſhop of Cheſter. Archdeaconry of Richa Saints mond. Raskelf Cap. Elvington R. Holy Tri. The Crown. Eſterick R. St. Helen. Mr. Tompfon. Feliskirk v. St. Fe- Archbiſhop of York. Knights-Templars. lix. ce Foſton R. All Saints. The Crown. * Gatehelmſley V. St. Prebend of Osbaldwick Mary. in York Cathedral. Hemingborough V. The Crown. College of Hemingbo- rough. Holtby R. Mr. Howlet, olim Cell of Hoveden. Huntington V. All Vicars Choral of York. Saints. Hellington Cur. St. Prebend of Ampleford Prebend of Ampleford. Paul. in York. Hufthwaite Cur. Prebend of Hufthwait York. Huttons nity, St. Mary. Dioceſe of Y OK K. 207 : Archdeaconry of CLEVELAN D. & Priory of Newburgh. Сар. . Abby of York. Priory of Marton. Hoſpital of St.Leonard, Zork. Huttons Ambe Cur. Archbiſhop of York. Kelvington R. St.Wil- Sidney Col.Cambridge. Kirkby Knowle R. Sir Tho. Frankland. Bagby Cap. Kilborne Cur. cum Archbiſhop of York. Thirklabby All Saints. Over Silton Myton V. Archbiſhop of York. Marton Cur, Archbiſhop of York. Marton on the Moor Cap. Newton on Uſe Cur. Mr. Boucher. Overhelmſley R. St. The Crown Peter. Overton V. St. Cuth- The Crown, or Mr. bert. Boucher. Osbaldwick V. St. Prebe d of Strenfall in Thomas, York. * Riccal v. St. Mary. Preb. of Riccal in York. Lord Down. Sutton Galtres V. All Archbiſhop of York. Saints. * Skelton R: Sir Hen. Frankland. Sherriff-Hutton V. St. Archbiſhop of York. Helen. Farlington Cap. South Otterington, two Mr. Talbot and Mr. Medieties R. St. An Knightley. drew. * Strenfall V. Prebend of Strenfall in York. Stillington V. St. Ni- Prebend of Stillington cholas. in York Cathedral. Stilling fleet V. St. He- Chapter of York. len. Seafy R. Priory of Marton. Olim Theſaur. Elor. Priory of Marton, Maſter of York Hoſpi- tal, now of the School at work. Stockton 2. 208 Dioceſe of YORK. Archdeaconry of CLE V E L AN D. Stockton Cur. Prebend of Bugthorp in York. * Skipwith V. St. He- The Crown. Priory of Durham. len. ** Topcliff v. St. Co- Chapter of York. Fabrick of York Cathe lumb. dral. Diſhforth Cap. Threske Cur. St. Mary. Archbiſhop of York: Priory of Newburgh. Carlton Mincot Sowerby Сар. Sandbutton Thormanby R. Lord Down. Bridforth Cap. Terrington R. All Mr. Gilbert's Heirs. Saints. * Warthill V. St. Mary. Prebend of Warthill in York Cath. Whenby V. St. Martin. Archbiſhop of York, or Nunnery of Molesby. Mr. Garforth. * Wiggington R. The Crown. Olim Theſaur. Ebor. WheldrakeR. St. Helen. Archbiſhop of York. 1 C Arlton Cur. Cap. Deanary of CLEV EL A N D. Mr. Priſlick. 1. Abby of Whitby. Faceby Seamere Crathorn R. All Saints. Mr. Cokayne. Danby Cur. Priory of Gisborne. Ellington R. All Saints. The Crown. Eskdaleſide Cur. Eyton, al. Heyton Cur. Abby of Whitby. Newton Cap. Eaſt Harſley Cap. ſive Mr. Lawſon. Abby of Whitby. Cur. olim to Whitby. Gisburgh Cur. St. Ni. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Gisburgh. cholas. Upletham Cap. Glaſedale we 2 Dioceſe of YORK. 209 . tie .) Archdeaconry of CLEVELAND. Glafedale. Hinderwell R. St. Sir Rich. Osbalditon. Boleh Hilda. Hazonby R. All Saints. Mr. Berkley. Hilton Cur. Ingleby Arncliff Cur. Mr. Maleverer. Abby of Whitby. Ingleby Greenow Cur. Priory of Gisburgh. Kirkletham V. St. Mr. Turner. don College of Staindrop, Cuthbert. Kildale R. St. Cuth. Mr. Turner. bert. Kirkby cum Broughton Archbiſhop of York. Abby of Whitby Cur. olim Cap. to Wbitby. Kirkeby R. Sinecure, Archbiſhop of York. St. Auftin. The Rector preſents to the Vicaridge. Lofthouſe R. St. Leo- The Crown. nard: Lith R. St. Oswald. Archbiſhop of Tork. Impropriated fincer 344 Eyton Cap. to the See of York. Marsk V. St. German. Sir Tho. Lowther. Priory of Gisborne. Marton V. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Gisborne. Middlesborough Cur. Sir William Huſtler. Abby of Whitby. Middleton Cur. St. Cutbbert. Nunthorp Cur. Ormsby V. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Gisborne. Eaſton Cap. Rudby V. All Saints. Lord Irwin. Cardinal-Coll . Oxon. : 4: Eaftronton }Cap: Whorlton Sneton R. The Crowni. Appleton Cap. Stainton v. St. Peter. Archbiſhop of York. . Acclam Priory of Gisborne. Thornaby Cap. no litro WAS . Ee 210 Dioceſe of Y OROK. Archdeaconry of C L E V E L A N D. Die js *** {cap . . Cap. Uggle Barneby? :: Skelton Cur. All Saints. Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Gisborne. Broughton Cap. Cap. to Gisburgh as I fuppoſe. Stokeſley R. St. Peter. Archbiſhop of York. "Ini Welbury R. St. Leo The Crown. nard. Wilton, St. Cuthbert. Whitby St. Mary. 10 Archbiſhop of York. Abby of Whitby. Fylingdale Halley Yarum Cur. Archbiſhop of Fork Antiently Cap. to Kirk- Kirklevington Cap levington, which be- St. Michael. Top 10 voilid TA long'd to Gisborne. Ty Top Cabin Vol 01 Shire of NORTHALLERTON, in Cleveland Deanary, ſubordinates, under the Archbiſhop of York, to the Church of Durham, and exempt from this Archdeacon's Viſitation. * Birkby R. Biſhop of Durham. Hutton Bon- vill Cap. CosbyR. phim Cap. Mr. Montageteary, to North-Allertone Dighton R. Mr. Montague. ! * Leek v. Biſhop of Durbam. See of Durbam. * North-Allerton V.All Chapter of Durham.. Priory of Durham. Saints. IwOAT Brompton High -Cap 1 ş Jell * North Otterington V. Chriſt-Church Coll. Hoſpital of North-Al- Oxon. lerton. Oſmo- : . is Diocefe of Y OR K. 2IT 陰 ​Archdeaconry of C LE V E L AND. Ofmotherley V. St. Biſhop of Durham. Prebend of Oſmotherly, Peter. or Rectory Siggeiton R. Mr. Turner * Thornton de Street Mr. Talbot. Hoſpital of North-Al- V. St. Leonard. lerton. bo Weſtroughton R. The Crown. Welbury R. St. Leon The Crown. nard. ch CI sto . Deanary of RIDA L L.30 A to * A Mphelard . V. St. Prebend of Ampleford Preb. of Ampléford. Appleton V. All Saints. Sir W. Strickland. Abby of St. Albans. Barton in Strata R. Lord Irwin. St. Michael.nl Brompton V. Sir Will. Caley Priory of Malton. Coldkirklıy Cur. Cap. Priory of Newburgh. to Helmſley. Coxwould Cur. Lord Fairfaixo Priory of Newburgba Edſton V. Earl of Salisbury. Priory of Hexham. * Ellerbourne V. * Ebberſton V, St. Dean of York. S Hilda. Deanary of York. Gilling R. Lord Fairfax. Goatland Cur. Hovingham Cur. Priory of Netoburgh Houghton Busſell V. Mr.Wentworth. Mr.Wentworth. Abby of Whitby. " St. Matthews Helmſley V. All Saints. Mr. Duncombe. Priory of Kirkham. Bilſdale Cap. Kirkdale Cur. Priory of Newburgh. Kirkby Moorſide V. The Crown. Priory of Newburgh. All Saints. bar Laftingham V. The Crown. Abby of York. Lewelham R. Mr. Simpſon. Middleton V. Mr. Robinſon. Abby of Kirkſtall . Еe 2 Miſpertos 212 Dioceſe of YORK . : * 3 '? 2 . : Du Archdeaconry of CL E V E L AN D. Milperton R. St. Lau- Lady Blombergh. 5 rence. New Malton Cur. St. Mary. Old Malton Cur. cum Archbiſhop of York. Priory of Malton. Cap. St. Leonard & St. Michael. Normanby R. Mr. Hill. Nunnington R. All The Crown. Saints. Old Byland Cur. Abby of Byland. Osbaldkirk R. St. Of. Heirs of Mr. Moor. wald. Pickering V. St. Pe- Dean of York. Deanary of York. ter. Roſedale Cur. Dream Priory of Roſedale. * Salton V. St. John Lord Fairfax. Prebend. of Salton in of Beverley. 19 York Cath. diffolv'd. Stonegrave R. The Crown. Slingsby R. All Saints. Duke of Buckingham. Scawton R. St. Mary. Lord Fairfax and Mr. Cholmley by turns. Thornton in Pickering, Mr. Cholmley. R. All Saints. Wickham Cur. All Abby of Wickham. Saints. , (*) are of Exempt Juriſdiction, viz. Crayke and Holtby in Bulmer Deanary, and the whole Shire of Northallerton under the Chapter of Durham ; and the reſt, except Hemingburgh, under the Dean and Chapter of York. * .. ร ***** FINIS Archid. CLEVEL A N D. * Arch- G i : Dioceſe of YORK. 213 Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. Deanary of BINGHAM Names of Churches and Religious Houſes to which Chapels. Patrons of Livings. impropriated. ADbolton R. Duke of Kingſton. Affatton Cur. Duke of Kingſton. Abby of Welbeck. St. Ann's in Sutton Lord Berkley. Bonington R. Barton in Fabis R. St. Archbiſhop of York. George Bingham R. AllSaints. Earl of Cheſterfeild. Broughton R. Sir Gervaſe Clifton. Bunny V. St. Mary. Sir Tho. Perkins. Priory of Ulvefcroft. Carlcoſton V. Duke of Newcaſtle. Priory of Wirkſop. Clifton R. St. Mary. Sir Gervaſe Clifton. Codgrave, two Medie- Duke of Kingſton. ties, R. All Saints. Colſton Balet V. The Crown. Priory of Launde. Coſtock R. St. Giles. Mr. Armſtrong Elton R. Mr. Moor. Eaft Bridgford R. Magd. Coll. Oxon, and Mr. Chaworth by Edwalton Cur. united Abby of Beauchief. to Rodington. Flintham V. St. Auſtin. Trin. Coll. Cambridge. Abby of Welbeck. Granby V. All Saints. Duke of Rutland. Priory of Thurgarton. Gotham R. St. Lau Mr, Awthorp: 7ence. Hawkworth R. Mr. Butler. Hickling R. Queen's-College, Cam- bridge Holme Pierpoint R. St. Duke of Kingſton, Edmond. Keworth turns. ? 214 Dioceſe of YORK . 200*280 Archdeaconry of NOTTINGH A M. : . Keworth R. Sir Tho. Perkins. Kingſton on Sore Cur. Priory of Burſcough united to Radcliff on Sore. Kynalion V. St. Wil- Archbiſhop of York. See of York. frid. Kevet on V. St. Peter. Sir Francis Molineux. Abby of Newbow. Newbolt Cap. Langar R. Lord How Leke R. St. Helen. Mr. Stanbope. St. Michael's in Sutton- Chapter of Briſtol. Bonnington R. Orſton V. Chapter of Lincoln. Cathedral of Lincoln. Scarrington Cap Owthorp Cur. Mr. Hutchinſon. Priory of Thurgarton. Phimptree R. Mr. Copley. Radcliff on Sore V. Duke of Kingſton. Priory of Burſcough. Trumpington Cur.. five Cap. Radcliff on Trent V. Mr. Pigot. Priory of Thurgarton. Remgſton V. AllSaints. Mr. Bellamy. Rodington V. Duke of Devon. Durham College in Oxford. Shelford Cur. · Priory of Shelford. Staunton Cur. Priory of Havorholm. Staunton on the Wold Sir Gervaſe Clifton. R. Stanford R. St. John Mr. Lewis. Baptift. Screiton R. St. Wine- Mr. Whalley, frid. Thorpe in Glebis R. Sir Tho. Perkins, Tithby R. cum Lord Chaworth, Cropwell Cap. de- molith'd. Torlafton R. St. Pe- Mr. Price. Weſt ter Dioceſe of YORK. 215 Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. han Weft Burgford R. Duke of King.ſton. Widmerpole R. St. Pe- Duke of Dorſet. ter. Tilford R. St. Wil Sir Gervaſe Clifton. frid. Whatton V. St. John Mr. Shipman. of Beverley. Willoughby V. St. Ma- Lady Hutching ſon. ry and All Saintsoi Wiſlaw V. Holy Tri- Mr. Stopford. nity. Abby of Welbeck. Priory of Wirkſop. Priory of Wirklop. A Deanary of NEWA R.K. AVerham R. St. Mi- Lord Lexington. chael. Barneby in le Wil- Chapter of Southwell. College of Southwell. lows V. Cottam alias. Coltham Duke of Newcaſtle. Priory of Thurgarton. V. Crumwell R. St.Giles. Duke of Newcaſtle. Eikering R. Duke of Kingſton and Sir George Savile by . turns. Elſton R. Mr. Laſcells. Farenden V. Prebendary of Faren- Prebendary of Fareta don in Lincoln Ca don. } thedral. Fledborough R. St. Gre- Duke of Kingſton gory. Hawton juxta Newark Sir Rich. Newdigate. Fiskerion Cap. R. Hockerton R. St. Ni- Mr. Moor. cholas. Kilaington R. Mr. Cartwright. Kreefall y. Chapter of Southwell. College of Southwell, Kellom 216 Dioceſe of YORK. Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. Kellom R, St. Wil Lord Lexington. frid. Landford Cur. Mr. Moor. Knights Templars. Markham V. St. Wil- Sir Anthony Cope. Knights Templars of St. frid. John's Zerafalem. Maplebeck Cur. Abby of Rufford. Newark V. St. Mary The Crown. Priory of St. Kathes Magdalen. rine's, Lincoln. Normanton V. Mr. Daniel. Priory of Wirkſop: North MuskhamV. St. Prebend. of N. Musk- Wilfrid, two Medie ham in Southwell, ties, one impropriate and Earl of Cheſter- to Southwell Col feild. lege, the other to Shelford Priory. North Clifton V. St. Prebend. of North Clif- Preb. of Clifton. Gcorge. ton in Lincoln Ca- thedral. North Collingham V. Chapter of Peterbo- Abby of Peterborough. rough. Ollington Cur. Mr. Cartwright. Knights Templars. Rolſton V. Chapter of Southwell . College of Southwell. Shelton R. Earl of Salisbury. South Collingham R. St. Biſhop of Peterborough. John Baptiſt. Staunton St. Mary. Mrs. Carlton: Sibthorp Cur. St. Pe- College of Sibthorp. * ter: : South Scarle V. Prebendary of South Preb. of South Scarle. Scarle in Lincoln Cathedral. Stoke juxta Newark V. Chancellor of Lincoln. Chancellorthip of Lina St. Oſwald. coln. Sireſton }. Sutton on Trent V, All Duke of Newcaſtle. Priory of Wirksop. Saints. Thorney Codington Cap Dioceſe of YORKS19901 217 . :: است را با مد : Duke Archdeaconry of NOTTING H A M. protial Thorney V. St. He- Mr. Diſney. Priory of Brodholm. Thorpe juxta Newark The Crown. olul Priory of Haverholm. V. St. Laurence. Weſton R. Sir Tho.Willoughby and and to others. Winthorpe R. Corporat. of Newark. . Winkborn Cur. Knights Templars of St. John's Jeruſalem Deanary of NOTTINGHAM. 2018 ANneſley Cur. All Priory of Felley, or Saints. Newſted. Arnall v. Duke of Devon. Newark College in borough y. st. Leiceſter. Attenborough V. St. Priory of Felley. Mary. Basford V. St. Leode- The Crown. Priory of Catwick. garius. Beeſton V. Duke of Devon. Priory of Lenton. Bilburgh R. cum Brox. Mr. Edge. ftow. Bullwell R. - Lord How. Burton on Sore V. Earl of Cheſterfeild. Priory of Sbelford. Bulcote Cap. von Colwick R. St. John Mr. Muſters and others. Baptiſt. Eperſtone R. Lord How. Greyſley V. cum Kim- Earl of Eſex. Priory of Pewall. berley. ASID Gedling R. two Me- Earl of Cheſterfeild V moj 2 dieties, All Saints. and Mr. Wood. Gonalton R. St Lau- Sir H. Moneux. bro Hoveringham Cur. Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Tburgarton 077 bridge. F Huck- ona ***** 1 02 218 Dioceſe of YOR K. 0. Toga brbr Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. Hucknall v. Mr. Byrom. Priory of Nezoſted. Kirkby in ſhfeild R. Duke of Newcaſtle. St. Wilfrid. Lamley R. Holy Tri- Heirs of Sir Francis nity. Willoughby. Lenton V. Holy Tri- The Crown. Priory of Lenton. o njiyomsT git Lowdham V. C Duke of Kingſton. Warden of Tickhill, ſince Cathedral of Weſtminſter. Lyndeby R. v. . Deanary of Lincoln.. 10 Mansfeild Wood- houſe Skegby Nottingham, St. Ma- Duke of Kingſton. Priory of Lenton. ter. Сар. Siwon ry's V. : Nottingham, St. Ni- cholas R. O VIOLI The Crown. Nottingham, St. Pe- ter's R. - On Nutthall R. St. Pa- Mr. Scaler. trick. Papplewick Cur apke bot Priory of Nezoſted. Radford v. The Crown. tot. Priory of Lenton. Snenton Cur. St. Ste. Duke of Kingſton. Priory of Lenton. pben. ETHIOPIAN Sutton in Albfcild Priory of Thurgarton. Cur. Stapleford Cur.. 10 * To la Priory of Newfted. Selton V. St. Helen. Sir William Willoughs- Priory of Beavall. by. Strelley R. Mr. Edge. Moms Trowall, two Medie- Lord Middleton, and St. Helen. Mr. Hacker. Tecerfall R. - Femei Sir Francis " Moli. nequx. Thur- Dioceſe of Y OR K. 219 Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHAM. Thurgarton Cur Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Thurgarton. . Wollaſton R. St. Leo- Lord Middleton. . nard. Deanary of RET FOR D. et Auſterfeild? Cap. Bautre tin. *A! Blthorp Cur. 9. Prebendary of Alſthorp. Prebend, of Abfthorp in Jork Cathedral. Babworth R. All Mr. Wortley. 2o axiu minula Saints. Boughton Cur. Church Impropriated to Blith. demoliſhed. Blith v. St. Mar Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Blitb. tin. bridge. be wysyiq puud Bole V. St. Mar- Prebendary of Bole in Prebendary of Bole. York Cathedral. Bottamfall Cur. uni- to e Abby of Welbeck. ted to Elkiſley. Carlton in Lindrick R. Archbiſhop of York. Clayworth Riva Dean of Lincoln. Clareborough V. St. Duke of Devon. Chapel of St. Mary John Baptiftits and All Angels in York Cathedral. Cokeney V. St. Mary. Duke of Kingſton, im Abby of Welbeck. Eaſt Drayton V. Chapter of Zork. Cathedral of York. Edwinſtow v. Chapter of Lincoln. Cathedral of Lincoln. Eaft Markham V. St. Duke of Newcaſtle. Warden of Tickhill, Jobn Baptift, cum afterwards Weſtmin- Yogestone Weft Drayton. 19 fter Abby. Egmanton V. St. Ma- Sir B. Broughton. Priory of Nerefted. Eskiſley V. Duke of Newcaſtle Eaſt Retford V. St. Duke of Devon. Chapel of St. Mary Swithin and All Angels. Ff 2 Everton Abby of Welbeck. 220 Dioceſe of Y OR K. AHVI Heydon R. Sinecuregeys: 2011 70 vinoorabbia ) Archdeaconry of NOTTIN G H A M. tulo oia Everton V. Duke of Devon. , Chapel of St. Mary Bor - and All Angels, in York Cathedral. Fenningley R. St. Of- Mr. Harvey. wald. Gameſton R. St. Pe- The Crown. to - na ter. Grove R. St Helen. Mr. Nevill. Grinley V. St. Peter Duke of Devon. and St. Paul. 32 Harworth alias Hart- Duke of Norfolk. 7M worth V. All Saints. Serleby Cap. o podarimokami on Sir Wardelph Wefte Rector of Heydon. and v. Upton Cap. Heyton V. Duke of Devon. Chapel of St. Mary and All Angels in York glu$ 10 visladdare & to rubedoen Cathedral. Kintan R. Duke of Newcaſtle. * Lanum V. St. Pe Chapter of York. Chapter of York. Littleborough Cur. SE 20 ron Abby of Welbeck. i ** Matterſey V. Archbiſhop of York. See of York. Milne, alias Mylon V. The Crown. Priory of Matterſeys Miſterton V. All Chapter of York. Cathedral of York... Saints. Ordfall R. All Saints. Mr. Wortleya lo oxing Rolington R. Corporation of Donca V novoro del fter. N. B. Tho' this is in Notting- bam Archdeaconry, in bol to pisina yet the Pariſh lies Yorkſhire. 12 V GORA Sandby R. Lord Middleton. South Leverton v. Dean of Lincoln. Deanary of Lincoln. * Stourton, al. Stret- Chapter of York. W Cathedral of York. ton on the Clay v. WC St. Peter. Sutton ter . . om :. Dioceſe of Y OR K [221] ties, R. . Archdeaconry of NOTTINGHA M. le Sutton on 'Lowond V. Lady South. Chapel of St. Mary cum Scroby. and All Saints in York Cathedral. Truffell, two Medie- Eaſt Part Chapter of York, and Weſt Part Lord Middleton. Tusford V. unicTrinity College, Cam- Priory of Necefbed. bridge. Warſop R. St. Peter Mr.'Knight. and St. Paul. Weft Markham V. All Duke of Newcaſtle. Warden of Tickhill, af- Saints, cum Bever- terwards Weſtminſter cotes Church, de- Cath. moliſh'd. Walkringham V. Trinity College, Cam- Priory of Wirkſop. bridge. Waylisby V. St. Ed. Marquifs of Halifax's Warden of Tickhill, mund. Heirs. GE. Weſt Retford R. Corporation of Eaſt- Retford. be Wheteley R. St. Pe- Lord Middleton. ter. Welloze Cur. 'Abby of Rufford. Weſt Burton Cur. Priory of Newfted. . FINIS Archid. NOTTINGHAM. Total of Churches and Chapels 183, of which Rolfton is of exempt V:- fitation under Southwell College, as are ſix others to the Chapter of York. To which Chapter alſo belong eight Pariſhes in Richmond Arch- deaconry, heretofore Part of York Dioceſe, but now of Cheſter. 222 Dioceſe of YORK Cropwell Epiſcopi V. Two Prodam Oxton Deanary and Peculiar Juriſdi&tion of SOUTH- WELL, Co. Nottingham, WH HICH is under its own Collegiate Church of Southwell, whoſe Chapter conſiſts of ſixteen Prebendaries, who are obliged to re- ſide each of them three Months, by turns, by Archbiſhop Sharp's Ap- pointment Bleasby V. St. Mary. Chap. of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. Beckingham V. Preb. of Beckingham. Preb. of Southwell. Blydworth V. The two Preb. of Ox- ton in Southwell, Pat. and Impropr. Calterton V. } Chapter of South- College of South- Caunton V. well. well. Dunham V. Preb. of Dunham in Preb. of Dunham. Darleton Southwell. . 3 Ragnall"} Cap. . . Edingley V. Chapter of Southwell . Coll. of Southwell. Eton V. Preb. of Eton in South- well, Pat. and Imp. Exton, al. Oxton, V. Two Preb. of Oxton Pat. and Imp. Farnsfeild v. Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Soutbwel Halloughton Cur. Preb. of Halloughton in YAHOS Southwell, Patr. and Impr. Kirklington V. North Leverton V. Chapter of Southwell. Coll . of Southwell. Preb. of North Lever- ton. Patr and Impr. sed tria rebum. Kosten North Muskham, one Preb. of North Musk lotus Mediety, V. ham Patr. and Impr. rotorrad 239 Holme Cap. Normanton, al. North- Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. moreton, Cur. Norwell V. uv. Preb. of Norwell in Preb. of Norwell. Norwell Overhall V. Southwell. Rampton a Dioceſe of YORK. 223 Rampton V. Prebend. of Rampton Preb. of Rampton. in Southwell. South Muskham V. Preby of South Musk- bam Patr, and Impr. Southwell V. Chapter of Southwell, Coll. of Sout bwell. Halam Cap. South Wheateley R. Chapter of Southwell. Upton V. Chapter of Southwell. Coll. of Southwell. Woodburgh V. Preb. of Woodburgh in Southwell, Patr. and Impr. Total of Churches and Chapels. Co. Nottingham --- 210. $ : . 2 . County of NORTHUMBERLAND, Peculiar Ju- riſdiétion of HEXHAM. ALendale V. Ninebanks Cap. St. 7ohn Lees Cur. Bingfeild 2 Cap. $Sir William Blacket. Priory of Hexbam. Hexbam Cur: Whitley Cap. Tockerington Cur. Preb. of Tockerington Preb. of Tockerington. in York Cathedral. i Total of Churches and Chapels in York Dioceſe Whereof in the Peculiars of Rippon, Southwell , and Hexham there are In York Archdeaconry 303 In Eaſt-Riding 209 In Cleveland 153 In Nottingham 0 183 Total * 894 46 , 894 HAVING * 360! H St. Eata, An. 678. HA AVING thus mention'd Hexham's being a Peculiar; Vit may not be improper to take notice how it became fo; and as it is the only difus'd or extinguiſh'd See in this Province, I ſhall here briefly remark, that An. 674. St. Wilfrid founded an Epifcopal See in this Church, and that after him, as our Authors inform us, fate theſe following Biſhops. . Ethelbertus, 789. Tumbertas, 680. Headredus, 797. St. John of Beverley, Almundus, 766. Eanbert or Osbert,800. 685. Tilherus, 780 Tidferthus, 810. St. Acca, 709. Frithbertus, 739. After whoſe time, An. 821. it was united to Lindisfarne, and ſo be- came with it tranſlated to Durbam, and continued ſubordinate to thoſe Biſhops till Henry the Firſt's Reign ; when being, after the Year 1100. beſtowed on the Church of York, it remained as a Fee or Member of that Archbiſhoprick, and acquired the Reputation of being a County Palatine, as Dr. Herlin tells us, till it was by Act of Parliament (as may be ſeen in our Statute Books, 37 Hen. VIII. C. 16.) An. 1546. united to the County of Northumberland, in Temporal Matters : However, it yet belongs to this Dioceſe in Eccleſiaſtical. On its being given to York, Archbiſhop Thomas placed a Convent of Canons Regular in the Church of St. Andreww at Hexham, An. 1113. which (tho valued at 122 l. 11 s. at the Diffolution, An. 1541.) not being thought fufficiently endowed, occaſioned his Succeſſor Archbiſhop Thurſton, for the better Support of the Priorſhip, to annex the Prebend of Salton in York Cathedral, to that Dignity; and fo that Stall was accordingly held by the Priors of Hex- ham, till the Surrender of it by Edward Jay, the laſt Prior, as I con- ceive, An. 1541. whom I meet with poſſeſs'd of it An. 1534. The Priors Church, as may be ſeen by the printed Draughts, is a large Building, and eſteemid the moſt magnificent in theſe Parts. It is ſtill ſtanding, tho' in no extraordinary Repair, and uſed as Parochial. .:: FINIS Dioceſ. E BOR. 18 Diary # ;; ܂ ܀ ܀ ܂ ܇ ܀܃ ܃ ܃ : ° ܀ ܀ wanneer le le . 2 R. IN . * 1945-14 SARAY HER - 2 A. I 1 The great Cellarers Kitchen 车​排毒​要 ​NEW 第三​章 ​在​等​非​華​華 ​I 臺灣​美 ​HR mias hone Tabellam in are intendi curavit . * is The Deanary. S. the Loft ES 是​要​選​, . KA 78 25 20 261 29 Page 223 The Tehnography of the Cathedral Church of Durham. Gravestones in the Church 07 1. B” Richd Bury. AThe GalileorLady Cha MThe ChoirHigh 2. BP Anth Beck. pel whoſe Heighth is altar,&Stepp's 35.foot á here Ser 3. BP Beaumont. The mons were preacht N The Be Throng leading to it 4. B.P Pilkington 5 B? Skirtan every Sunday after Office 6. Prior Rob Ebcheſter oppoſite to run 6. Prior Hemnz in gborough noon before the are theWomens 9. Prior Will Ebchester Reformation by Seats Dam:JOHANNES DOLBEN Baronettus nec non STPet hujus Ecclefice Cana: 9. Prior Waſhington, the Convent o The Great Veftry 1o. Prior Berrington. P The Singing mens Brettery u. Pridy Fojar B The high Altar& Vestri) Part of the The Fratry or Monks Called 12 Prior Auk land Pillars. QThe Morning Hall now the Library 13. Prior Castell The Sanctuary & Prayer Chappel . 14.B" Nevill. Wef Tomers whare 338 foot R The Minor ta = 15B" Langlay high The Dormi: 16 Richd de Bernardcaſtro who D The Font Xline nons Vestry G made Bede's flirine 1370, tory under of Marble beyond $ $ Cuthberts Feretory which is Jný. Chapter Houſe Gravestones of which Women were T The nine altars placed the son 27 B."Robert de Inſula. not to goe into the under so many windows Schole & 13. BP Kellar Church, U Staircaſes leading 29. B. Feffry Rufus Treaſurery" E The Nave or Middle a bouttlie Church H do BP William de S*Barbara. Н & other 22. BF RFlam berd. The whoſe height is W. B.!' Hatfeilds Tomb UH H Н The Cloyster Yard m offices. 22. B! Hugh Pudſey. 69 foot & of Alablaster 21:53 2 23. B. Philip Pietiers. F The Great door & \X. John ('Nevills Tomb 24. BP Rich de Mari fco doors into the Cloy of Alablaster 25 B” Aldiun &Walcher. Y Ralph Nevills Tomb K ITH sters "I 26. BP Turgot G The Cloyſters & of Alabla sher. 27. BP Rob' de Jn sula & Rob Stickull Z Venerable Bedes Tomb 28. BP Walt de Kirkham. Dorter Stairs & A har U. HThe Chap 29 B? Nicholas de Farnham *The Regiſters Office ter House &CBPS Stone 0 Q U 16 Chair & place O P where the chy F HEE Chapter ſit. I U и I The Prifon W for lejer а B Z crimes N M KThe room un- M M 3) 4 E B В А. der the Regiſtry West 81 135... L The Croste Jre in the iniddle of which II 5 5 091 F u u is the Lanterna whoje Height * is 162 foot & R L thence to the 1o. 10 oo 14 U A Scale' of Feet Tower61 foot being in all 223 foot. MBurghers fculp. OSI 3 28 * . G 4. E. 336 02 WE who X . 11 靠​產生​率​提 ​*** *** w re YO 2. 2 *Z kat 326 S. *** 12 T S L 1:25 . 5 MA 6 *** ** VE 长春​海藻​等到​常 ​iH [ : T 要 ​il ao 30 40 50 6o yo ham top of the & North e 24 Www iniya wer GAN w *** WWW. XHAMS ::WWwww.. vimax- wickxj.22* M. vir....ATA... Wels sy'nin PKW...Avi WWW.Wisins .............W w.v..v.wivesixir..." .. vitit ........................ ..... UltiWeb.. ...YAAA...... .......... ... 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UNWAYS S Bilik TV wielu When Demir Was Siti North Profpect of the Cathedral Church of S. Mary lS. Cuthbert ałDurham I Harris Scalp 2. т inimin .. . | . PM SO THE DIOCESE OF DU RHA M .: C BU ONTAINS the whole County of Durbam, all Nors thumberland except eight Churches and Chapels, being Hexham Peculiar, which belong to York; it has alſo one Pariſh, viz. Alfton Moor Co. Cumberland, and lays claim to Crayke, Co. York, to be under its Jurifdiction. It is divided into theſe two Archdeaconries : 1. DURHAM, which has thefe Deanaries in it, Cheſter, Darlington, Eaſington, Stockton ; all Co. Durham. II . NORTHUMBERLAND, which compriſeth Alnwick, Bamburgh, Corbridge, Morpeth, and Newcaſtle Deanaries ; all Co. Northum- berland. The moſt antient See of this Dioceſe was firſt fix'd at Lindisfarne Iſland, Co. Northumberland, where it remained near three hundred Years, and was thence remov'd to Cheſter on the Street, Co. Durham, where it continued near a hundred Years ; till it was, Anno 995. tranf- planted GS 222 Cathedral of DURHAM planted to Durham, where it now remains. Its Biſhop enjoys great Privileges, being reputed a Count Palatine, or temporal Lord, within the County of Durham, where all Cauſes were try'd in his Name; and he had the Appointment of the Sheriff, divers of which Prerogatives it yet retaineth: And the Bishop, by virtue hereof, claimeth Precedence of all the Biſhops of the Kingdom, except London, and hath accordingly Place in Parliament, without reſpect to Priority of Conſecration. Here are in this Dioceſe, as our Authors mention, a hundred and thirty five Pariſhes, whereof eighty ſeven are impropriate ; tho' in my Account the number is two hundred and one. The Clergies Tenthş amount to 3851. 55. 6 d. si CATHEDRAL of DURHAM HAS AS a Dean, twelve Prebendaries, twelve Minor Canons, a Dea- con, Subdeacon, fixteen Singing-men, a Maſter of the Choriſters, ten Choriſters, a Divinity Reader, eight Almſmen, two Maſters of the Grammar-ſchool, eighteen Scholars, two Virgers, two Porters, two Sex- tons, two Barbers; in all ninety one, by King Henry the VIIIth's Founda- tion, who Anno 1541. converting the Priory into a College of Seculars, aſſigned his new Dean and (Prebendaries their reſpective Apartments out of the old Monaſtery, within the Precincts of which, the Biſhop, Dean, Prebendaries, and other Members, have very good Houſes, the beſt of any Cathedral in England, according to the Dignity of the Prebends, which are reputed more richly endow'd than any other Church ; owing, as I hear, to the Members allotting themſelves at firſt their reſpective Dividends or Shares out of the Chapter-Lands, and not leaſing them in common, by which Practice (in this fole Church of the new Founda- tion) fome Prebends are of more Value than others, whereas in the reſt they are all equal, as they might be here poſſibly at firſt, tho' the Im- provements of Eſtates have made a Diſproportion, as it now continues. The antient Valor being given in the firſt Volume of Abbies (where fee an Account of the Priors) I ſhall thence extract it : Deanary, Va- lue 284 k. 45. 8 do twelve Prebendaries , 321. 55. 10d. each; twelve Minor Canons, 10 h. each; a Deacon, 61. 6s. 8 d. Subdeacon, 61. 6s. 4.d. fixteen Lay Singing-men, 61. 65. 8 d. each ; Schoolmaſter, ul. Uſher, 6h 6s, 8 d. Maſter of the Choriſters, 9 l. 155. Divinity-Reader, 201. eight Almſmen, 6l. 135. 4 d. eighteen Scholars, 31. 6s. 8 d. ten Chori- fters, 31. os. 8 d. two Virgers, 61. two Porters, 6l. two Cooks, 5l. two Barbers, 5l. twa Sacriftaries, 61. each. In 2 ... 223 Cathedral of DURHAM. pho, who begun it Anno 1093, and left it to his Succeſſor Bishop Flam- In a curious Hiſtory of this Place, wrote foon after the Diſſolution, entitled, The Rites of Durham Monaſtery, publiſhed by John Davies, are ſeveral particular Memorials of this Cathedral; which is a magnifi- cent Pile of Building, extending itfelf, in Length, from Eaſt to Weſt, 411 Foot ; and in Breadth, about 78 or 80 Foot. In the Middle is a fpacious croſs Inle, being from North to South 170 Foot. In the Section of this ſtands the Rood-Tower, or Steeple, in Height, to the Top of the Lantern, within-ſide, 162 Foot; over which hang the Bells, which are eight in number. To the Top of this Tower it is reputed 223 Foot, as may be ſeen in the Ichnography; from whence may be learned the whole Dimenſions, and Scite of the antient Tombs and Graveſtones before 1600. The Builders of this noble Structure were Biſhop William de Carile- bard, who for the moſt part finiſh'd it ; Biſhop Pudſey, who built the Gallilee at the Weſt End, Temp. Hen. II. Biſhop Farnham, Temp. Hen. III. who vaulted over the Roof of the Church with Stone , Bi- shop Skirlaw, Temp. Rich. II. who built the Cloiſters ; Biſhop Lang- ley, Temp. Hen. VI. who finiſh'd the Gallilee ; Priors Foſfor and Wall- worth, Temp. Edw. III. made ſeveral new Works, and added much to the Beauty, of it in ſeveral Parts, as is defcrib'd more at large in Ana glia Sacra, and the firſt Volume of Abbies. The whole Fabrick, to- gether with the Cloiſters and Chapter-houſe, is vaulted throughout. The Nave is ſupported by thick Pillars ; the Wainſcot of the Choir regular ; the Organ large and good, the Font of Marble , the Win- dows of exquiſite Workmanſhip, eſpecially the great Eaſt Window, called St. Katherine's Window, becauſe reſembling a Katherine-Wheel: near which on the South Side is a Window, called St. Cuthbert's Win- dow, on account that the Glaſs of it was painted with the Hiſtory of that Saint ; as was the oppoſite North one with the Hiſtory of St. Joſeph and ſo called by his Name. At each end of the great croſs Iſle are al- ſo two other noble Windows: The North one was called the Four Doctors, becauſe it had pourtray'd in it the Effigies of the Bleſſed Vir- gin, with four Doctors (or Monks, as the Vulgar fancied; probably the four Evangeliſts) praying to her ; as had the oppoſite South one the Myſtery of the Te Deum Hymn painted, and was thence called the Te Deum Window: As may be more particularly ſeen in the aforefaid Ac- count of this Church, publiſhed by John Davies of Kidwelly. In a curious M. S. in the Heralds-Office are beautifully drawn all the Arms in this Church, compriſing 117 Coats ; and alfo Biſhop Hatfeild's Gg 2 Monument, was the molt 224 Cathedral of DURHAM. Monument, which contains his Effigies under an Arch, with a noble Canopy over him. "T'is among Dugdale's M.S. notat. 6.41. In the new Edition of Bede, there are Repreſentations of ſome inſide Views of the Cathedral. And in Dugdale's Hiſtory of St. Paul's, London, lately publiſhed, is printed fome Account of this Church, York, and Carliſle, drawn up by him. tot As to Infcriptions before 1600. beſides fome few of Dignitaries here given, I could never meet with any, except of Priors Foſfor, Hemingbiugh, William and Robert Ebcheſter, Prior Caſtel, and Venerable Bede ; nei- ther have I diſcovered any Tomb of Lay Perſons before the Reformation, except of Ralph Lord Nevill, who died 1361. and was the firſt fecular Perfon buried here ; and John Lord Nevill his Son, who died 1389. whoſe Wills fee printed in Mr. Madox's excellent Book, entituled, Formulare Anglicanum ; and neither of theſe had any Inſcription belong- ing to them, as I could find, tho' the Priors had : However they are all long ſince demoliſhed, together with Venerable Bede's; which, as it Continet haec Theca Bede Venerabilis offa * Bentum factozi Chriftus dedit, eftque datozi ; Petrus opus fecit; Prelul dedit, hoc Hugo donum, Bic in utroque ſuum veneratus utrumque Patronum : lnno milleno CCC ter cum feptuageno Poftquam falvatoz carnem de virgine fumpfit, Tranftulit hoc feretrum Cuthberti de pzope tumba, Iftius Ecclefiae Prioz huc pofcente Richardo, De caftro dicti, Bernardi ; cujus #offa Non pzocul hinc, lapide fub mazmozeo requiefcunt. The great Eſteem the Chapter had for his Sanctity, cauſed them to erect, not long ſince, this Inſcription to his Memory. Beda, Dei Famulus & Presbyter, vir non minus ſanctitate quam ſciena tia Venerabilis, bic jacet ; qui natus in territorio monaſterii Girwi- cenfis, quod nunc Jarrow dicitur : Cum effet annorum ſéptem, datus eft Abbati Benedict, & deinde Ceolfrido ibidem educandus; cunétumque cum eo vitæ tempus in ejufdem monaſter. habitatione peragens, omnem meditandis fcripturis operam dedit, atque inter obſervantiam difci- pline regularis , & quotidianam cantandi in ecclefia cura; ſemper, aut difcere, aut docere, aut fcribere, folebat : Decimo nono autem vitæ Jux anno, Diaconatum, & triceſimo, Presbyteratum, utrumque a ſancto " Cathedral of DURHAM. 225 Aue San&to Johan. Beverlaco, Archiepiſc. Eborac. Sufcepit: Vir omni laude major, de quo doctiffimae illorum temporum homines hoc Eu- logium protulerunt : Anglum, in extremo orbis angulo, natum ; inge- nio ſuo univerſum orbem fuperaffe ; quippe qui omnium pene ſcientia- rum, & univerfa Theologia arcana, penetravit, ficut opera ejus & volumina multa orbi chriſtiano notillima abunde teftantur etiam illo adhuc vivente tanti nominis erant Ở auctoritatis, ut ex ejus homiliiis multa ſacris lectionibus fint addita, & ubique in Ecclefiaftico officio publice o ſolemniter recitata. Conſtat enim aliquando diſcipulos habuifle celebratiffimos, præclara paulo poſt Ecclefi lumina, Alcuinum, Caroli magni regis precepto- rem, Claudeum, atque Clementein , qui primi Lutetiæ docue- runt, & Galliam bonis artibus illuftrarunt. Obiit in monaſterio Gir- vicenfi , A.D.734. Ætatis fuæ 59. Die quo dfcentionis Domini me- moria celebratur, & ibidem fepultus fuit ; fed poftea buc Dunelmum, primo cum capite regis Oſwaldi, & corpore ſancti Cuthberti, deinde in ifto Galilea & Feretro per Hugonem Epifcopum conftrućta, oſſa ejus funt tranſlata. Epitaphium de codem iftud circumfertur : Hac (unt in foffa, BEDÆ venerabilis offa. The Infcriptions laid over the Priors were as follow: EPITAPHIUM Johannis Foſfor, qui obiit Nov. 12. 1347 Dic pzioz ecclefiae praefentis dur politiat Et fplendoz patriae, fuerat lur vera fophiae, &c. Hic centenoziim fuit effertoz monachozum Hc vicenorum numerus fit tantus eorum, Cozpoze tam mundus non Virit in ozbe fecundus. . EPITAPHIUM Prioris Hemmingbrough, qui obiit 1416. Ecce marmożeus lapis hic fegit offa Johannis Quem refidere Deus, roelis cunctis det in amts Hemmingbrough, natus fuit hic e honozificatus Sede pziozatus virtute pzobus monachatus Qui legis haec, pzo me pater unum fupplica po me Wn' dirigas, Hue Deus ut me liberet zive. Van EPITAPHIUM Prioris W. Ebcheſter, qui obiit 1456. En tegit haec petra venerabilis olla Wilhelmi Ebcheſter, juſtos contumit terra feguitos Ingenio 226 Cathedral of DURHAM Ingenio praegnans fuerat, coeleftia pandens Oeconomus verbi fidelis dogmata facri, Egenti largus, fitienti pocula praebens Nudatis veſtes peregrinis hofpes amoenus, Referat eccleſiam prudenter jure pziozis Hccumulanis praemiis eandem valde decozis, Maturae ceffit poft partum virginis anno Mille C.D. quingento adjunto poftea ferto Cozpoze defunto, ejus in faecula virtus Durabit, fuperis oblatio marima divis, Auſtrali ecclefiae fub marmoze parte fepultus, Cum Chriſto dozmit, vivit, regnatque beatus Pro quo metra legis haec qui oza mente fidelt Mit fif femper ovans cum fandis culmine coeli. EPITAPHIUM Prioris Roberti Ebcheſter, qui obiit 1484 #larmoze Robertus jacet hic ſub jure mifertus Ebcheſter certus fibi fit Deus ipfe mifertus Ertiterat caftus cozpus Prioz hic pzobitatis Ootus non facus ftudio fungens veritatis Largus amans hilaris tubtilia dogmata pandens Bacra fuis meritis virtutum carmina clangens Dic Pater infer Ave cum Credo poftulo pro le Chriflo, ficque vale repetens mea metrica juſte Wille C. D. quaterno L. ter deno quoque quarto. EPITAPHIUM Prioris Caſtell, qui obiit 1519. Mortuus hoc tumulo Thomas fub marmoze duro Caftellus recubat, pietatis turris ahenia In literis Doctoz, divivis munere Prioz, Mozibus ercomptis & miti pedoze charus Statura mediocris erat virtute pzocerus, Dapfilis hofpitibus, ftrucuris tum probe notis, Pauperibus laro praebebat munera finu, Nulli claufa bono ftia janua, menta , crumena, Suppliciter pro fe dicas Credo, Pater, Ave, Qui legis haec quo fit coelefti civis in aede. The Scite of theſe and all other antient Graveſtones, as I have already obferv’d, are ſhewn in the Ichnography, which will help much to explain the aforeſaid Hiſtory of the Rites; as will a Draught of the Cathedral, inſcrib'd Cathedral of DURHAM. 227 infcribed to the preſent Dean, Dr. Mountague, publiſhed by Mr. Puck, (who has given us a large Draught of the Proſpect of this City,) much correcter than what King has given us in the Monafticon ; tho' I muſt obſerve, that ſince King's Draughts, the two Weſt Spires have been taken down about fixty Years ago, and the Towers being now diveſted of them, appear not much higher than the Leads of the middle Iſle of the Church. But I come to the ENDOWMENT of the Biſhoprick of Durham. NDOWMENT of the See, as it was given in, Anno 1534. of ENI which I ſhall here exhibit an Abſtraở of the Rental. 2. s. d. Scitus Caſtri Dunelm, cum cunagio monet & 8 6 8 Redditus in Darlington, & Officium Coronatoris, ibid. Reddit. Firm. Officium Coronator. in Cheſter. 486 6 6 5 Reddit.c. in Eaſington. 396 2 Reddit. cc. in Stockton. 414 4 5 Reddit. &c. in Sadbergh. 290 12 Reddit. c, in Aukland, Whickham, &c. circiter 630 0 Spiritualia. 212 15 . I 8 87 13 4 o Summa totalis infra Epiſcopatum Dunelm. 2398 110 In Comitatu Norham, Scitus Caftri, c. de Norham Co. Northumb. circiter }112 In Co. Ebor. in Allerton, Co. Allerton, Scit. Manor. &c. 241 II 3 Spiritualia in Allerton, & Co. Allerton. 18 In Libertate de Crayke, Scitus. Caftri, 6c. 48 In Hoveden, & Co. Hoveden. 284 10 5 Manfio Epiſcopi in Londin. 4 5 Summa totalis 313898 Sed deduct. Repriſal. 307 6 2 = 1.8 3 . Sic valet clare 2821 I 5 According to which Sam, viz. of 2821 1. Is. 5 d. it was rated in the antient Payment of Firſt-Fruits; but it is now leſſen'd 1000 l. it paying at this time 1821), Iso 3.d. Which Abatement was made, with very . en . 228 Alienations of DURHAM. very good Reafon, in Queen Elizabeth's Time ; who for the beſt part of her Reign, notwithſtanding what ſhe took away, made all the Bi- ſhops of this See (who were every one of them married Men) pay and refund (as fome Authors tell us) 1000l. per Ann. out of their Revenue, towards keeping a Garriſon in thefe Parts, at Berwick, to awe the Scots. In King Edward the Vith's Time, this Biſhoprick was by Act of Parliament (which ſee in our printed Books) diffolved and annihilated in the laſt Year of his Reign ; but his Death happening foon after, Queen Mary reſtored it again, with the whole Revenues of the Church. What it fuffered in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, I ſhall give at Length, as I took it from the Patents. April 24. Ann. s. Edw. VI. 1551. the King granted to his Siſter, the Lady Elizabeth, for her Life, Durham-Place in Weſtminſter, in St. Martins Pariſh in the Strand. [N. 2. This was reſtored, Anno 4. Maria, 1557. and the Rever- fron, after her Siſter's the faid Lady Elizabeth's Life, granted to Cuth- bert Tonſtall, Biſhop of Durham, and his Succeſſors, and fo.it falling Anno 1602. to the See of Durham again, was, 1661. as I have heard, granted by Biſhop Coſin on a Building-Leafé, reſerving to him- ſelf and Succeſſors a Fee-Farm Rent of about 200 l. which is now, paid. Anno 1561. the Letters Patent recite, That Queen Elizabeth had taken from this Biſhoprick, Anno 1559, or 1560. the Manours of Nor- ham Norhamſhire, Allerton Allertonſhire, Sadbergh, Middlebam, Ea- ſington Ward and Coronator, Cotton-Monvill, Gateſide, and fo had ex- empted them all out of the Reſtitution of the Temporalities to Biſhop Pilkington. Tefte March 25. But, Anno 1566. tefte fun. 13. other Patents fpecify, that on a new Reſti- tution of the Temporalities, all were reſtored, except Norham and Nor- hamſhire. So that hitherto the See loft little, except paying its Penfioni of 1900 l. per Ann. till Biſhop Barnes, Avno 1582. leafed out Gateſide Lordſhip and Borough ; as he did, Anno 1587. the Manour and Advowſon of Crayke Co. York, to Sir Francis Walſingham; as he had done Hovedon and Hovedon hire for ninety nine Years. He alſo leaſed his Mills at Darlington for forty Years, and is Franchiſes of Norbam and Norhamſhire ; making ſome Grant almoſt every Year during the eleven Years he continued Bifhop. But I ſhall give the Words of the Patents as I took them. the Queen recites, That Barnes, Biſhop of Durham, May 31. Ann. Regni 19. granted her his Fiſheries in Tweed Water, . Anno 1577 and Alienations from DURHAM. 229 Anno 1582. None and Franchiſes of Norham and Norhamſhire. She grants the fame to Tho. Leighton Anno 15978. Elizabeth the Queen recites, That Richard Barnes, , Biſhop of Durham, Anno Regni 20. demiſed to her his Mills in Dar- lington and Blackwall for forty Years. She grants them to William Ap- pleton. Tefte June 19. Anno 1581. the Queen recites, That Richard Barnes, Biſhop of Durham, granted to her the Manour of Midridge for eighty Years. Now the Queen grants the faid Manour, and her Intereſt, to Richard Franklin. Tefte Nov. 23. Anno Regni 24. Text Biſhop of Durham, Anno Regni 23. Fune 20. granted her, for ſeventy nine Years, the Lordſhip and Borough of Gatefide, near Newcaſtle. The Queen gives her Intereſt to Henry Andreros, and William Selby, Al- dermen of Newcaſtle. Anno 15857 27. Elix the Queen recites, That Barnes, Biſhop of Durham, July 13. Ann. Regni 27. granted her his Manour, &c. of Hovedon for ninety nine years. Now ſhe grants the Premiſes to John Gate, of Houlden, Efq; Tefte May 28. SI BABY & Anno 1587. the Queen recitesji That Richard Barnes, Biſhop of Durham, Sept. 29. Anno Regni 28. deviſed to her the Manour and Advowſon of "Crayke for eighty Years. Now the grants the ſame to Sir Francis Walfingham. Tefte March 22. Anno Regni 30. In Gårdiner's Account of Newcaſtle, he mentions Bishop Barnes his Leaſe of Gateſide Collieries to Queen Elizabeth for ninety nine ye ears, which ſhe aſſigned to the Corporation of Newcaſtle, to whom it yields an immenſe Profit: As would this Biſhoprick have been worth perhaps five times as much as it is, but for the Alienations; however, it may ſtill be accounted ove of the richeſt in England by this Account of 0 Tos bol nikola Hh The 230 Sale of the Lands of DURHAM. . otok ut att The SALE of the Lands of the See of Dur- ham, in 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, and 1651. BE G . to o 1647 Ertain Farms, Parcel of Houghton le Spring Ma 1. S. d. nour, fold Oat. 18. to Adam Shepardjon, for 352 Houfes, Shops, and waſte Ground, on Tyne-Bridge, fold Feb. 2. to Fra. Alder, for denso 59 2 6 Biſhops-Ankl and Manour, fold March 8. to Sir Ar- thur Haſilrigg for 6102 8. II The Manour of Ivj-Church, Co. Wilts, and Alderbury, and 200l. per Ann. out of Durham-Houſe, Parcel of the Sees of Sarum and Durbam, fold March 22. Sidney Bere and Ferdinando Parkhurft, for for 7280 4 The Fee-Farm of 401. per Ann. iſſuing out of the New Exchange, called Britain's Burfe, fold March 24 03 to the Earl of Salisbury, for at 4800 Stockton Manour, Co. Durbam, fold March 24. to Will. Underwood, and James Nelthorpes for 6165 102 Tom Vect di sila mara Of is ille abbiy si neiw orosho Kigomo entot bereits erot madein bin Io Several Parcels of Gateſide Manoür by Tine-Bridge fold April 19. to James Baylis for 63 15 TO Lands in Northallerton, fold May 10. to John Waſtell and James Danby, for 102 IC Northallerton Manour, fold May 10. to William Cave for 1453 6 8 Two third parts of Tanfield-Moor Cole-Mines, ſold June 9. to Richard Marſhall, for The third part of Tanfeilă Colliety, fold June 9. to , 17 6 8 Several Oxgangs in Oſmotherly, Co. Cork, fold Dec. 8. to Tho. Todd, for 186 17 Divers 1648.00 > o 91 16 0 2 .. . Sale of the Lands of DURHAM. 231 1108r7 32 $ , . Parcel of Normale VILLE Divers Lands in Sowerby, Ofmotherby, Northallerton, I. 1o $. d. &c. fold Dec. 15. to Robert Medcalf, for ton and Tho. Coghill, for 1163 821 Part of Walfingham Manour, fold March 24. to Jobus Emerfon, for 406 13 4 1649 Durham Caſtle, fold May 2. to Tba Andrews, Lord- OT Mayor, &c. for 1267 a 10 Parcel of Walfingham Manour; fold Maygo.. to Rám chard Marſhall, for 158 II 18 Several Parcels of Land in Northallertou Manour, fold on Fnne 29. to Tho. L afſels, for 0553 17.01 Several Lands in Northalbortow, fold Faxe 29. to Rom bert Medcalf, for 2893 Frankland Wood and Rark, fold Sept: 21. to Thomas Redger, for 2559 2 Middleham Manour, Co: Northumberland, fold Noo... to Tho. Haſilrigge Efq; for 3306 6 69 Sunderland Borough, and the Manour of Hongiivog lepot Spring, fold No. 9. to George Ferzeecke, for mais 285196 sont oriente DOBI kita 16go. : Ealingwood Borogh, fold Aprit s. to Sir Artbar Hd VX Jilrigg, for 5833 9 9 Bedlington Manour, and Choppington Earm, fold Jan. s 21. 1649. And again, An. 1650 to Robert Pentwick wariaatto Eſq; for 12960 5 Parcel of Northallerton and Sutton under Whifton Cliff, Parcels of the Sees of Durham and Fork, fold May 31. to Moſes Jenkins, for the 113 0 4 Darley, for 1215 I Howden Manour, fold July 27. to W. Underwood and Tho. Coghill, for 192 15 5192 15 o Hh 2 Parcels . 232 Endowment of DURHAM..] Parcel of Land in Rine-Hope, fold Fune 1. to George B. Sonda Fenwick Eſq; for 2091 166 Wolfingham Manour, cold June 1. to Sir Arthur Ha- Jilrigg, for 6764 14 4 Eaſington Manoür, fold March 24, to Walter Booth- by Eſq; for 8528 2 3 Uw 1651. Two Parcels of Land near Durham, fold May 2. to Richard Marſhall, for 8 13 4 Northallerton Borough, fold May 22 to Henry Darley . and Fohn Waſtell, for 237 3 3 Durham Borough and Framwellgate, fold April 18. to the Corporation of Durham, for 2000 Several Parcels of Land on Tine-Bridge, fold March 12. ebalo to Francis Alder, for od 15258 bio i bor bo Summa-Totalis 68121159 и hla The Biſhop of Durham collates to his two Archdeaconries, Sher- born and Greatham Hoſpitals, about thirty ſix Livings in his own Dioceſe, and twelve Prebends in his Cathedral, and is alſo Patron of Newton Rectory Co. Lincoln ; Birkby, Crayke, and Weſtroughton Re- ctories, and Ofmotherly Vicaridge Co. Tork: ENDOWMENT of the See of Durham. N a MS. in Lambeth Library, entitled, Mifcel. N°639. is a Valor of the new founded Bifhopricks and Deanaries, and the Lands of their Endowment, viz. Ofeney (i. e. Oxford) Weſtminſter, Gloceſter, Briſtol, Peterborough, and Cheſter; and the Chapters of Canterbury, Ely, Winton, Worceſter, Carliſle, Durbam, Gloceſter, Briſtol, Peterborough, Cheſter. In this Account the Temporalities of Durham are valued at 12331. 45. 2 d. and the Spiritualities at 4941. 195: 3 d. and the Tot tal of both is caſt up at 1728 1. 38. 5d. But I ſhall exhibit the Patent itſelf Patent-33. Hen. VIII. p. 9. Ann. 1541. teſte May 12. The King erects the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and grants them the. Scite of the $ T . Endowment of DURHAM. 2 233 ; of , Churches ; Chantrie De Werton, Hefington, and St. the late Monaſtery of St. Cuthbert in Durbam ; the Manour and Park of Beupare ; the Manours of Wbitton-Gilbert, Elvet, Sagerſton, Ileigh, Wardley, Kimbleworth, Pittington, Haſledou, Holm, Beuly, Wollton, Bellacies, Billingham, Acclitt, Muggleſwick, Hougall, and Shinkley the Manour, College, and Church of Finchley ; the Rectories of St. Oſwald in Durham, Pittington, Haſledou, Dalton in the Vale, Bil- lingham, Accliff, Heighinton, and Merrington ; Tythes of Lamb and Hay in Shinkley Aldurham, Hougall, Brome, Aldingrange, Bornehall , Bellacies, Brokehall , Northweſts, Nezeston, Hangeboufe, Heberhonſe, Biſhop's-Meadow, Elvetgrange, Aldurham, and Durham; ſmall Tythes Pittington, Shaiford, Hepron on the Hill, Helwell-Grainge, South Sherborne, North Sherborne, Ludworth in Pitting dou Pariſh, and Ha- Neden ; Tythes of Wheat and Cod in Haſleden, Morton, Dalden, Dal- ton, Accley, Braferton, Preſton, Rickwell Magna & Parva, Keton, Gc. Tythes of Grain and Hay in Accley and Beuley ; Tythes of Lamb in Eaf Merrington and Heighinton ; Tythes of Wheat in Monks Warn- borough, and ſeveral Rents iſſuing out of Dinſdale Redory, Milham Vicaridge, Staindrop College, Heigbinton Vicaridge, Whitworth Chapel, and Gateſide Hoſpital ; the Advowſon of the Vicaridges of Dedinfall, Accliff, Heighinton, Merrington, Billington, Hazilden, Pittington, Dalton in the Vale, Edmondbyers, Kimbleſworth, St. Oſwald in Durham, St: Mary's Chantry in Dirham ; the Advowfons and Preſentations of the Curates and Chanters in the Churches of Witton-Gilbert, Muggleſwick, Croxdail, St. Ide, alias Shelly, or Shields, and of the Chantries and Chanters in the Churches of St. Margaret and St.James in Elvet-Bridge, St. Mary's and St. Nicholas in Durban, St. Mary's Chantry in North Pittingdon Church, St. Mary's Chantry in Dedinſall and Hallington Mary's Chantry in Hefington Church, St. John Baptift's Chantry in Bywell St. Peter's, all Parcel of Durham late Monaſtery, the Scite and Cell of Holy Iſland, and Lands and Tenements in Northumberland; the Rectories of Berwick on Tweed, Norham, Elingham, Bedlington, and Bywell; Tythes of Hay and Lamb in Ordefpittel, i weedmouth, Mor- ton, Edmondbill, Heton juxta Twiffel, Shorewood, Norham, Horne- cliff , Thornton, Duddo, Borrington, Corwell, Tillmoutb, Twiſſell, New Biggin, Felkinton, Grindon-Rigge, Tundal-houſe, Langrigge, Uthawke, Caftlefield, all Co. Northumberland; Tythes of Lamb, Wool, Flax, Gc. in Norham ; Tythes of Wheat in Ellingham, Dun- førd, North and South Carlton ; 'l'ythes of Lamb and Hay in Aucroft, Allerden, Bowleden, Gc. Parcel of Holy Iſland Rectory; the Advow- ſons :. 要 ​: 234 Bifhops of DURHAM. fons and Vicaridges of Berwick on Tweed, Norham, Braunſton, Eling- ham, Meldon, Bywell, St. Peter's; and the Preſentations of the Chap- lains in the Church of Wellfend, Parcel of the aforeſaid Monaſtery; and moreover grants them Durham College in Oxford, and a Tenement in Hanborough, Co. Oxon. the Rectory and Advowſon of Ruddington, Co. Nottingham, and Advowfon of Ruddington Vicaridge ; the Vica- ridges of Fiblake, Boſal, Brentingham, and Northallerton, Co. York, and the Rectory and Advowſon of Frampton Vicaridge, Co. Lincoln, all Parcel of Durham late Monaſtery. The Chapter of Durham ſeem yet to be poffefs d of theſe Demeſnes, except Durham College in Oxford, and Ruddington Co. Nottingham. They preſent to above twenty. Livings in Durham Dioceſe, which fee in the Account of it ; and theſe other Livings in other Dioceſes, viz. Northallerton V. Boſſall V. Walkington R. Brentingham R. in York- Shire, and Frampton Vicarige in Lincolnſhire. But I come treat of the to T pal See BISHOPS of DURHAM. N Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. there is a very good Account of the Biſhops of this See from 635. to 1541. I ſhall briefly extract them, noting that the ſixteen firſt were ſtyled BISHOPS of Lindisfarne or Holy Iſland. HESE were firſt, St. AIDAN, who Anno 635. fettled an epifco- in a finall Iſland Co. Northumberland, called Lindif- farne ; and dying Aug. 31. 651. was buried, as is fuppoſed by ſome Writers, in Glaſtonbury Abby; tho' Wharton gives no Credit to this Tradition, and mentions his being buried at Lindisfarne. FINANUS fucceeded 651. and died on the 13th of the Calends of March 661. COLMAN ſucceeded 661. and quitted it, 664. to TUDA, 664. He died next Year, and was ſucceeded by. EATA, Anno 1665. (tho' he may more properly be ſtyled Biſhop of Hexham.) He reſigned it Anno 684. and was ſucceeded by ST. CUTHBERT, who became confecrated on Eaſter-Day 684. He reſigned it 686. and died in about a Year afterwards, viz. March 20. 687. and was firſt buried at Lindisfarne, and afterwards removed to Durham, where he had a moſt ſumptuous Shrine erected to his Memory behind i Cathedral of DURHAM. 235 2 behind the High Altar of that Cathedral, which was on his Account held in fo great Sanctity, that till 1310. no Biſhops durſt preſume to be buried in the Cathedral, or any Prior lie there till 1374. as is told at length in a Book entitled, The Rites of Durham. EAD BERT fucceeded 687. and dying March 6.698. was buried at Lindisfarne, near his Predeceffor, and fucceeded by EGFRITH, Anno 698. IJaakſon and Wharton call him Eadfride. He died 721. and was ſucceeded by ETHELWOLD, Anno 721. as Heylin fays, or rather Anno 724. as Iſaakſon and Wharton place it. He died Anno 740. and was fuc- ceeded by KENULPH, Anno 1740. He died Anno 781. HIG BALD fucceeded 781. After him Heylin places one Ethelwine ; but he being omitted by other Authors, I Mall paſs him by. As to Higbald, he died May 25.803. and was fucceeded by EGBERT confecrated June 11. 803. He died 821, and was ſuc- ceeded by HEATHOREDUS, Anno 821. He died Anno 828. as Wharton fixes it, and was ſucceeded by EGRED, or EG FRID, as Iſaackſon calls him, who places his coming in, Anno 827. He died Anno 846. and was ſucceeded by EANBERT, or EGBERT, Anno 846. He died 854. and was fuc- ceeded by E ARDUL P H, Anno 854. who fearing the barbarous Incurſions of the Danes, fled Anno 875. from Lindisfarne for ſome time, and ſettling at length at Cheſter, Co. Durham, Anno 883. or 884. He died Anno 900. after he had been Bithop forty fix Years. His Succeſſors, the next eight, are reckoned be * BISHOPS of Cheſter on the Street. T HE firſt of theſe was CUTĦARD, who ſucceeded Eardulf, An. 900. He died Anno 915. and was ſucceeded by TILRED, or TULRED, called alfo MILRED, who came in An.915. and was ſucceeded by * WIGRED, or WITHRED, Anno 929. He died. Anno 944. and was fucceeded by UCHTRED, Anno 944, or 945. To whom ſucceeded SE XHELM, Anno 947. and to him, on his relinquiſhing it, OF ALDRED, Anno 948. He died Anno 968. and was ſucceeded by ALESIGUS 236 Biſhops of DURHAM. ... E4DMU , ALFSIG U S, called alfo ALFius, or ELFSINUS; confecrated at York, Anno 968. He died Anno 990. and was ſucceeded by ALDHUN, Anno 990. who Anno 995. removed the See to Durham, with the Body of St. Cuthbert, when he had on Sept. 4. dedicated a new Church. He died Anno 1017. and was buried in the Chapter-Houſe of his new Church at Durham, the firſt regular Biſhop of which Place, he, viz. the faid Aldhun, may properly be ſtyled; as his Succeſſors have ever ſince been named BISHOPS of DURHAM. Nd became elected Anno 1020. He died Anno 1041. at Glow ceſter, upon his Attendance of the King, and was thence convey'd to Durham, and buried in the Chapter-Houſe, and fucceeded by EADRED, Anno 1041. He died before he had been Biſhop eleven Months, and was ſucceeded by EGELRIC, Anno 1042. He quitted it Anno 1956. and afterwards died a Prifoner in Weſtminſter Abby, Oet. 15. 1072. and was buried in St. Chapel . Egelric, who had reſigned to him. He was expelled this See by Wil- liam I. ſtyled the Conqueror, King of England, Anno 1070. and dying next Year, was buried in Abington Monaſtery. On his Expulſion, Walcher, born in Lorain, became confecrated Biſhop of Durham at Wincheſter, Anno 1072. He bought of the King the Earldom of Northumberland; and engaging in temporal Buſineſs, drew on himſelf for his Covetoufneſs ſo much the Hatred of the People, that he was at length murdered May 14. 108o. and firſt buried in Farrow Monaſtery, but afterwards remov'd to Durham Chapter-Houſe, and there interrd. On his Death, WILLIAM de Kairlepho, Abbot of St. Vincents in Normandy, was nominated by the King, Nov. 9. 1080. and confecrated Jan. z. fol- lowing. This Biſhop began building the preſent Cathedral; and dying Fan. 2. 1095. was buried in the Chapter-Houſe, and ſucceeded, after a Vacancy of near four Years by RALPH FLAMBARD, nominated by the King of Whitſunday, May 29. 1099. and confecrated June 5. following, on Trinity-Sunday. He carried on the Building of the Cathedral begun by his Predeceſſor, built Norham Caſtle, Kepyre Hoſpital, and a Bridge over Durham River, founded Motisfont Priory in Hampſhire, and was a great Benefactor to Chrift-Church College in that County, of which, as Godwin fays, he had : Biſhops of DURHAM. 237 gave it to his See had been Dean. He died Sept. 4, or 5: 1128. and was buried in the Chapter-Houſe by his Predeceffor, and ſucceeded by GEOFRY RUFUS, Chancellor of England, conſecrated Aug. 6. 1129: as faith Godwin ; tho' in Anglia Sacra, Vol . I. p.709. his Conſecra- is placed Aug. 6. 1133. He died May 6. 1140. was buried in the Chap- ter-Houſe, and fucceeded by WILLIAM de St. Barbara, Dean of York, elected March 14. and confecrated June 20. 1143. He died Nov. 14. 1152. was buried by his Predeceffors, and ſucceeded by HUGH PUDSEY, Treaſurer of York, and Archdeacon of Wincheſter, confecrated Dec. 20. 1153. He built divers Houſes belonging to his See from the Ground, made a fair Church and Houſe at Darlington, founded Finchale Priory, purchaſed the rich Manour of Sedburgh, and Durbam, and made the Gallilee at'the Weſt End of the Cathedral, and tranſlated the Bones of Venerable Bede thither, founded Shirborn and Allerton Hoſpitals, and purchaſed of King Richard I. the Earldom of Northumberland, An. 1192. about two Years before his Death, which happened March 3. 1194. in the ſeventieth Year of his Age; where- upon his Body was convey'd to Durham, and buried in the Chapter- Houſe. His Succeſſor was and more PHILIP of Poittiers, elected in November, 1195, and confecrated May 12. 1197. He obtained leave to ſet up a Mint at Durham, and coined Money there, ſome of which I have feen. Taking part wirh King 7ohn againſt the Pope, he was on that account excommunicated, and fo is ſaid by ſome Authors to have been buried without the Church by the Hands of Laymen ; however, I find he was interred in the Chapter-Houſe. He died April 22. 1207, and was ſucceeded, after ten Years Vacancy, by RICHARD de Mariſco, Dean of Salisbury, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, conſecrated at Gloceſter, July 2. 1217. He died May 1. 1226. 1 2 26. having been a great Waſter of the Revenues of his Church, which he left much in Debt, and was buried in the Chapter- Houſe, and had this jingling Epitaph beſtowed on him by a Monk of this Convent. Culmina qui cupi ſlandes pompatque fiti: Eſt cedata fie fi me pentare veti ad illay Qui populog regin tis Quod mozs mini- memozes (nper omnia finale non parcit honoge potiz ibor Dobis prepon- fimilis fucram bene icte dove Quod cum vos cris) Lad me currendo velia On his Death the Convent elected 10 In the WILLIAM 238 Biſhops imhan bo of DURHAM. WILLIAM STICHILI, alias Scot, Archdeacon of Worceſter, for their Biſhop, Am. 1126. But the King oppoſing it, and the Pope ma- king the Election void, the Monks choſe RICHARD POOR, Biſhop of Salisbury, in his ſtead, who obtain'd the Royal Aſſent Fuly 22. 1228. He was a Man of rare Learning and Integrity, and a great Benefactor to every Place he had relation to. Be- ing 1215, made Biſhop of Chicheſter, he purchaſed unto that Church Amport in Hampſhire ; and being thence, An. 1217. removed to Salif bury, began An. 1219. the ſtately Cathedral there, now in Being, eſteemed, for its elegant Architecture, one of the Wonders of the King- dom, and founded a College in that City. At Durham he had much to do to clear off a vaſt Debt of fourty thouſand Marks that his Prede- ceffor Richard de Mariſco had left upon the See. He died April 15. 1237, at Tarrant Monaſtery in Dorfetfire, which he founded, and was buried there, as Godwin tells : Tho' in Anglia Sacra it is exprefly faid he was buried in Durham Chapter-Houſe, as it is alſo in the follow- ing Infcription, remaining on a Tablet in Leland's Time in Salisbury Cathedral, where is a Tomb erected to his Memory. Doris ni baad bna godinama Orate pro anima Rici Poüre, quondam Sarum Epifcopi, qui Ecclefiam hanc inchoari fecit, in quodam fundo ubi nunc fundata eft ex anti- quo nomine Maryfield, in honorem B.V. Mariæ, 3 Cal. Maii, in Feſto S. Vitalis Martyris, A. D. 1219. regnante tunc Rege Richardo i poft Conqueftum primo. Fuitque hæc Ecclefia in edificando per Spa- tium 40 Annorum, temporibus trium Regum, viz, anteditti Richardi, Johannis, & Henrici III. & confummat a 8 Cal. April. 1260. Ifte Richardus Epifcopus fundavit miſſam B. M. V. folempniter in hac Capella cotidie celebrandam, & appropriavit Ecclefiam de Laver- ſtoke ad fuftentationem ejufdem miſſa qui quidem. Richardus Epiſ- scopus poftea fuit tranſlatus ad Epifcopatum Dunelm. fundavit Mo- nafterium apud Tarrant Co. Dorfet, ubi natus, nornine Rich. Poure, ibique cor ejus corpus vero apud Dureham humatum eft, & obiit 15 die April, An. 1237. 21 Hen. III. N. B. His beginning Salisbury Cathedral, as mention'd in this In- ſcription, in the Reign of Richard I. is a Miftake ; for he was not Bi- Thop there till King Henry IIId's Time; tho' he was Dean Anno 1197. about two Years before King Richard's Death. His Succeſſor in this NICHOLAS de Farnham, elected Fan. 2. 1240. after a long Conteſt between the Monks and the King who ſhould be Biſhop, and confecrated June See was Biſhops of DURHAM. 239 $ and June 9. 1241. He was a Man of moſt exemplary San&ity, a great Be- nefactor to his Cathedral, which he cover'd with a new Roof, and arch'd with Stone. And as he was with much ado perſuaded to take a Bi- Shoprick, having before refuſed Lichfeild, fo with great Willingnefs he reſigned this, An. 1249. and retiring to Stockton, died there about was buried in Durbam Chapter-Houſe by his Predeceſſors... On his Reſignation WALTER de Kirkham became elected April 21, 1249, and conſe- crated Dec. 5. following. He died Auguft 9. 1260. was buried in the Chapter-Houſe, and ſucceeded by mi to dobe IA ROBERT STICHELL, Prior of Finchale, elected Sept. 30. 1260. He founded Greatham Hoſpital, and recover'd fome Lands to his See, and dying Auguſt 4. 1274. was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and fuc- ceeded by rigasie Robert de Inſula, elected Sept. 24. 1274. He died June 7. God- win ſays, June 13, 1283, and was buried in the Chapter-Honſe under a Stone curiouſly wrought, as Godwin tells us. ANTHONY de Bek, or Beak, Archdeacon of Durham, fucceeded, being elected July 5. 1283. and confecrated Jan. 9, following. He was a Man of vaſt Power and Wealth, and by that means obtained of the Pope the Patriarchate of Jeruſalem, and of the King the Principa- lity of Man ; and had ſo great Command, that, as Stow tells, in the Battle of Fawkirk, fought by King Edward I. againſt the Scots, there were no leſs than thirty two of his Banners in the Army. He repaired divers Caſtles, built a noble Hall and Chapel at Aukland, in which he placed Prebendaries, and founded the Priory of Alvingham Co. Lincoln, and a College of ſeven Prebendaries at Cheſter on the Street.. He died March 3. 1310. Godwin ſays March 28. 1311. and was buried in the Cathedral behind the high Altar, being the very firſt Bishop that pre- fumed to lie in the Church, on account of the Interment of the holy St. Cuthbert ; and and fo fuperſtitious were they then, that they durft not bring him in at the Doors, but broke a Hole in the Wall to bring in his Cof- fin at the End of the Church, which is yet viſible. Over his Grave was a large Marble laid, which had this Inſcription upon it. Prelul magnanimus Antonius hic jacet imus, Jeruſalem ftrenuus Patriarcha fuit, quod opimus a ao Amnis vicenis regnabat lek a 1 plenis, mille trecéntenis Chzitto mozitur qnogue denis. : و I i 2 RICHARD 240 Biſhops of DURHAM , 2 Ish in hac fede , RICHARD de Kellaw ſucceeded, being elected March 13. 1311. and confecrated May 30. following. He beſtowed much on Building at Middlebam and Stockton, and in his Will bequeathed a hundred Marks to be diſtributed to the Poor on the Day of Burial. He died O&t. 19. 1316. and was buried in the Chapter-Houfe, and ſucceeded by hi Lewi's de Beaumont, Treaſurer of Sarum. His Conge d Elire bears Date O&o 19. 1317. and Confecration March 26. following. He built a Hall, Kitchen, and Chapel at Middleham, and walled the City of Durbam about, and recovered ſome Lands to his See; and dying Sept. 22. 1333. or as fome fay, Sept. 28. was buried before the high Altar under the Steps in his own Cathedral, and had laid over him a large Marble, whereon was his Effigies engraven in Braſs in his epiſcopal Habit, and round him the Pourtraitures of the twelve Apoſtles; and in ſeveral Parts of the Stone thefe Inſcriptions, the firſt of which was his Epitaph. In Gallia viatus De Bello-Monte, jacet hic Lodovicus humatus, Mobilis er fante Regum comitumque creatus, Pretul Celt Ede Pzetertens fifte memozans quantus fuit ifte, Celo quam dignus, juſtus, pius, atque benignus, Dapfilis ac hilaris inimicus ſemper avaris. - : . 2004 Over his Head was this in a Scroll; Credo quod Redemptoz meus vivit, qui in noviſſimo die me reſuſcita- bit ad vitam eternam ; & in carne mea videbo Deum Salvaa tozem meum. : And this on his Breaſt, k urteetan Repofita eft hec ſpes in finu meo Domine miferere: And on his right and left Hands theſe two Verſes, Contops fit Candis Lodovicus in arce fonantis, Bpiritus ad Chriftum qui ſanguine liberat iplum. On his Death, ROBERT de Grayſtanes, a Monk of Durham, was confecrated Bi- fhop November 14. by the Archbiſhop of York, but was denied the Tem- 套​之 ​NO poralities m 241 Biſhops of DURHAM. poralities by the King; ſhortly after which he died, and was buried in the Chapter-Houſe, with this Inſcription : De Grayſtane natus, jacet hic Robertus humatus, Legibus armatus rogo fit fanctis fociatus. On Grayſtane's being put by, RICHARD de Bury, Archdeacon of Northampton, Prebendary of Lincoln, Sarum, and Lichfeild, and Dean of Wells, became confecrated Dec. 19. 1333. by the Biſhop of Wincheſter. He was a Man of great Learning, and an excellent Biſhop, very charitable, diſtributing much in Alms, and a good Benefactor to his Cathedral, on which he beſtowed many fumptuous Ornaments. He died greatly lamented, April 24. 1345. aged 58. and was buried under a large Marble in the South An- gle at the Eaſt End of his Cathedral. In his Will he gave his Books to Oxford, where fome report him to have founded Durham College ; but that was rather the work of his Succeflor THOMAS HATTEILD, Prebendary of Lincoln and York, elected May 8. and confecrated July 10. 1345. He founded Durham College in Oxon, as may be ſeen at large in Anglia Sacra, which is now part of Trinity College in that Univerſity; and alſo built Durham-Houſe in the Strand, where Durham-Yard is, behind the New-Exchange. In his Will, now remaining in the Archives at Lambeth, he appointed to be buried in his own Cathedral, where is a ſtately Tomb erected to his Memory, already defcribed, containing his Effigies in his pontifical Ha- bit, lying under a large arch'd Canopy, tho' without any Inſcription. On his Death, which happen'd May 7. 1381. John FORDHAM, Dean of Wells, Prebendary of Lincoln, York, and Chicheſter, was provided to this See by the Pope, Sept. 9. 1381. and confecrated Jan. 5. following. He was April 3. 1388. tranſlated to Ely, and ſucceeded by WALTER SKIRLAW, LL. D. Treaſurer of Lincoln, Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding, Canon of Tork and Lincoln, Dean of St. Martin's Lon- don, firſt Biſhop of Lichfeild, and afterwards of Wells, from whence he was tranſlated hither by the Pope's Bull, dated April 3. 1388. the Day the Pope removed his Predeceſſor to Ely, and had the Tempo- ralities reſtored Sept. 13. following. He gave and ſpent 600 l. on the Cloiſters of this Cathedral, and beſtowed 220 l. on building the Dormito- ry; built the Bridges of Shinkley, Parrow, and Aukland; the Steeples of Hulme and Hoveden ; and the Chapel of Swine, Co. York, where Godwin ſays he was born; and good Part of the Lantern in York Minſter; and gave : 242 Biſhops of DURHAM. . gave 150l. to Wells Cathédral, to buy Ornaments. In his Will, dated March 15. 1404, he bequeathed a hundred Marks to the Dormitory of Durham Monaſtery, 201. to Durham College, and the Manour of Rothing to Univerſity College, Oxon, to which he was a principal Be- nefactor. He died March 24. 1405. and was buried in the Cathedral, in the South Side on one side the Choir, under a large Graveſtone, which had this Inſcription on it. Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit, & in noviſſimo die de terra reſur- tedurus fum, in Carne mea videbo Deum Salvatozem meum. Hic jacet bone memorie Walterus Skirlaw, primum Epiſcopus Coventr. # Lichfeild, deinde Bathon. & Wellen. & poftea ad hanc Tandam sta dem Dunelmenſ, tranſlatus, qui obiit die menſis 31. O. Mcccc. Deum pro anima ejus. THOMAS LANGLEY, Prebendary and Dean of York, and Chan- cellor of England, ſucceeded, being elected May 17. 1406. and confe- crated Auguſt 8. following. He beſtowed 499 1. 6s. 7 d. in finiſhing the Gallilee in the Weſt Part of the Cathedral and Cloiſter; and found- ed, for the uſe of his Church, two Schools, one for Grammar, and a- nother for Muſick ; was a Benefactor to Rocheſter Bridge ; and being a great Favourite of his Prince, was a ſecond time made Lord Chancellor, and alſo a Cardinal. He died Nov. 28. 1437. and was buried in his Ca- thedral under a Graveſtone before the Galilee Altar, as he had directed in his Will ; which fee an Account of in Anglia Sacra. ROBERT NEVILL, Provoſt of Beverley, Prebendary of York, and at length Biſhop of Salisbury, was tranſlated to this See by the Pope, Jan. 27. 1437. and had the Temporalities reſtored April 8. 1438. He built the Exchequer at Durham, near the Caſtle-Gate ; and dying July 8. 1457. was buried in the Cathedral, near St. Bede's Shrine, as he had appointed in his Will. His Succeffor was LAURENCE BOOTH, Maſter of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge, and Chancellor of that Univerſity, conſecrated Sept. 25. 1457. He built the Gate of the College of Aukland, and Edificies adjoining; and having fate here near twenty Years, he was tranſlated to York; (where ſee more of him) and ſucceeded by WILLIAM DUDLEY, Prebendary of Wells and Wolverhampton, Archdeacon of Middleſex, and Dean of Windfor, who had the Tem- poralities reſtored OZ. 14. 1476. He died Anno 1483. and was bu- ried in St. Nicholas Chapel in Weſtminſter Abby, where yet remains his Biſhops of 243 his Tomb, having his Effigies on a Plate of Braſs let into the Stone, and this Inſcription round the Verge of it. : : Nic jacet Gulielmus de Dudley, e familia Baronum de Dudley, Du. nelm: Epifcopus, obiit 21. 0. He was a great Benefactor to his Colleges of Windſor and Wolverhamp- ton, and Dudley Church, Co. Stafford. John ShirwODE, Chancellor of Exeter, and Archdeacon of Richmond, ſucceeded, and had the Temporalities reſtored Aug. 6. 1485. He died at Rome, and was buried in the Engliſh College there, with this Inſcription : Hic jacet P. Pater Johannes Shirwode, Epifcopus Dunelm. Sereniſa fimae Regis Angliae ozatoz, qui abiit 12 Jan. 1493. Cujus Elnima in pace quieſcat. On his Death, RICHARD Fox, LL.D. Prebendary of Sarum and Hereford, firſt Biſhop of Exeter, then of Wells, was tranſlated to this See, and had the Temporalities reſtor'd him Dec. 8. 1494. He was afterwards the wor- thy Founder of Corpus Chriſti College, Oxon, and a great Benefactor to Wincheſter Cathedral, to which See he was tranſlated from hence, after he had fate here about eight Years ; during which time he made great Improvements at the Palace of Durham, and walled round his Park near this City. On his quitting this for Wincheſter, WILLIAM SEVER, or SEVEYER, Biſhop of Carliſle, was tranſla- ted hither, and had the Temporalities reſtored him 07. 15. 1502. He died An. 1505. and was buried in St. Mary's Abby in York, of which he had been Abbot, and ſucceeded by CHRISTOPHER BAIN BRIGGÉ, LL. D. Prebendary and Dean of York, and Dean of Windſor, Prebendary of Lincoln, Maſter of the Rolls, who had the Temporalities reſtored him Nov. 17. 1507. after two Years Vacancy. He was next Year tranſlated to York (where ſee more of him) and fucceeded by THOMAS ROWTHALL, or RUTHALI, Dean of Salisbury, Pre- bendary of Lincoln and York, (of whom fee an Account in Anglia Sa- cra, and Wood's Athena) who had the Temporalities reſtored to him July 3. 1509. He died Feb. 4. 1522. and was buried in Weſtminſter Abby, where yet remains his Effigies lying on his Monument of Free- ſtone " : : et": quittino Oreo 244 Biſhops of DURHAM. ſtone in St. John Baptiſt's Chapel, habited in his Pontificalibus, which has this Inſcription on it, wrong in the Date. Dic jacet Tho. Rowthall, Epiſcopus Dunelm, & Regis Hen. VII. Se- cretarius, qui obiit 1524. While he fate Biſhop he built the Dining-Chamber at Aukland, and a third Part of Newcaſtle Bridge over the Tine. On his Death, Car- dinal THOMAS Wolsey, Archbiſhop of York, Commendatory Biſhop of Wells, reſigning that Biſhoprick, took this in lieu thereof, and had the Temporalities reſtor'd April 30. 1523. and in April 1529. he quitted this in Exchange for Wincheſter, which he retained till his Death, together with the Archbiſhoprick of York, and Abbotſhip of St. Albans ; ſo that what ſome people mention of his being depriv'd of St. Albans by the Premunire, An. 1530. ſeems a Miſtake : for in a Book of Inſtitutions of St. Albans I have peruſed, I find he gave in September, about two Months before his Death, Inſtitution to St. Peter's Vicaridge in the Town of St. Albans, by his Title of Commendatory Abbot. On his Profits of it for one Year, till ſuch time as CUTHBERT TONSTALL, Biſhop of London, became tranſlated hi- ther, and had the Temporalities reſtored March 25. 1530. His firſt Preferments were the Rectory of Harrow Co. Middleſex, Maſterſhip of the Rolls, Archdeaconry of Cheſter, Deanary of Sarum, and a Pre- bend in the Cathedrals of Lincoln and Sarum. He was a Man of in- comparable good Learning, and endowed with rare Virtues, which the Brevity of my Deſign does not allow me to expatiate upon, ſo muſt re- fer to printed Authors for an Account of him; and ſhall only remark here, that while he fate Biſhop, he built a fair Chapel and Gatehouſe at his Palace at Durham, into which by leaden Pipes he brought Spring or Conduit Water. In King Edward VIth's Reign, he was depriv'd's that Prince's Courtiers, who coveted the Revenues of this See, having prevailed to diffolve the Biſhoprick by Act of Parliament, in order to get it for Dudley Duke of Northumberland, in like manner as Seymour Duke of Somerſet, had got the Eſtate of the Biſhoprick of Wells. But, as a certain Author remarks, the viſible Hand that wrote on the Wali while Belthaſar was quaffing in the holy Veſſels, would not ſuffer this Morſel to be ſwallow'd, and ſo the two Biſhopricks became reſtor'd, whilſt the two Dukes were cut ſhorter by the Head. In ſome Accounts I have ſeen, King Edward, about fix Months before his Death, is faid Limit in : 245 Biſhops of DURHAM. , in Nov. 1552. to have nominated Robert Horne, Dean of this Church, to the Biſhoprick ; but he miſliking the Conditions, Nicholas Ridley, Biſhop of London, was deſigned to be removed hither, if the King's Death had not prevented it, which made way for Queen Mary's Accef- fion to the Crown, who forthwith repealed all that had been done in Prejudice to Biſhop Tonſtal and this Church, and reſtored back again all the Poſſeſſions, except Durham-Houſe in the Strand, which was given to her Sifter the Lady Elizabeth for Life, and came, as already mention'd, again to the See, on her Death, An. 1602. ſhe holding it all the forty four years of her Reign ; at the beginning of which, An. 1558. Biſhop Tonſtall was a ſecond time depriv'd, and committed Priſoner to Lambeth-Houſe, where he ended his Days in great Peace of Mind and Conſcience, in the eighty fifth Year of his Age, Nov. 18.1559. and was buried in Lambeth Pariſh-Church, with this Epitaph on his Graves ſtone, Anglia Cuthbertum Tonſtallum moeſta requirit, godt Cujus fumma domi Laus erat atque fozis. Rhetoz Hrithmeticus Juris Confultus & aequi, Legatuſque fuit, denique Prefulerat. Annozum fâtur & magnozum plenus Honozum, Dertitur in Cineres Hureus ifte fener. In his Will, proved Jan. 30. 1559. he order'd to be buried before the Crucifix, or Rood Loft, of Durham Cathedral, if he died in his Dio- ceſe ; or, if he died at London, in St. Paul's Cathedral, where he had been Biſhop, near Thomas Linacre. JAMES PILKINGTON, S.T. B. after the Deprivation of Tonſtall, when the Church had been kept vacant ſome time, had the Royal Aſſent to his Election Feb. 20. 1560. and became confecrated March 2. and had the Temporalities reſtored March 25. 1561. But in the Patent for the Reſtitution there was left out of it the Manours of Norbam and , again on certain Terms. While he fate here, he was, as may be ſeen in a Book already cited, entitled, The Rites of Durham, too complying with Whittingham, the Puritanical Dean of his Church, in ſuffering him to deface the antient Monuments in the Cathedral. He died 7a- nuary 23. 1575. as A. Wood tells us, at Biſhops-Aukland, leaving be- hind him feveral Children, and was for a time buried there, but after- wards taken up, and reburied in Durbam Cathedral; where was on Kk his ; 246 Biſhops of DURHAM. his Graveſtone ſeveral Verſes engraven on Braſs Plates, long ſince de- faced : However, I having met with them in a MS, in the Bodleian Library, ſhall thence give them, with other Inſcriptions now loſt, which I copied out. si baten In Domini JACOBI Dunelmenfis Epiſcopi obitüm, Laurentii Hum, phridi Monumentum Hic jacet Antiſtes crudeli morte peremptus Prafulibus neſcit parcere Parca ferox.coyo o Infignem pietate virum gravitate verendum, ze w les con Doctrina clarum fuftulit atra diese grote strohen Sic caro, fic gramen, fic omnis gloria fænam, si sono Sic cadit ab! noſtri floſque decufque foli. > 1903 plus In clariffimum Virum Præfulem do&tiffimum Dominum Jacobum Epi- ſcopum Dunelmenfem Epicædium JOHANNIS Fox. Si tua quant a fuit gravitas, prudentia, virtus ; TE Si tua quanta fides, curaque quanta gregis sa Tantum te noſtre pollint celebrare camera danas Doftaque fio pollit te decorare cobors. Mortuus haudquaquam fic nunc Jacobe jacere, Nec tegerent cineres marmora dura tuos. Bruna Via Aureus at toto ſtares boc marmore & alti, bal Sydere percuteris vertice Celfa Poli: Aurea fic meruit Pietas tua menſa manufque ad Menſa manus nullo tempore clauſa boni Hujus forte viri nomen Patriamque Genufque ad Carmine quid ferimus fe modo ſcire cupis Munere Præful erat patria Lancaſter honeftis Artibus excoluit quem ſchola Cambrigia; Pilkingtonia dum dedit hunc generoſa propago Cum tenuit ſedes fan&te Dunelme tuas.) Confilio præftans verbo geftu ore ſeverus, 28 Exilio conftans clarus honore domi. Verbi præco ſacri, Boree laus inclita clari Signifer Arctoi fidus bonoſque Poli. Alter Ariſtides, alter Radamanthus, iniqui Vindex juſtitia norma ſevera ſacra, ** In Biſhops of DURHAM. 247 Ann. Theſe, as Gardiner ſays, the Queen gave to the Earl of Lej- In doetos pinos opfos erat Qixoft®XO- egenis, Utque fimul dicam, odpornox eis & erat. Talis erat cum vious erat quid mortuus, ergo eft Chriſto qui vivit morte perire nequit. + His Succeffor was 0 RICHARD BARNES, Biſhop of Carliſle, who when he took that Biſhoprick, obtained leave to hold his other Preferments with it, which were the Chancellorſhip of York Cathedral, and the Rectories Stokeſly, Stangrave, and Romaldkirk, all in Yorkſhire. He was elected to this See April 5. 1577. had the Royal Aſſent May 9. and received the Tem- poralities May 29. following. On his firſt coming hither, he had a great Conteſt with Biſhop Pilkington's Widow for Dilapidations, and began rectifying fome Abuſes, complaining much of his Predeceſſor Pilkington's Remiffneſs, and ill Government, and that the Dioceſe hated him for ba- nifhing Superſtition. But being a little ſettled, he fell to plundering his See, alienating all he could from it, granting to Queen Elizabeth ſeve- ral Manours ; among which, as Gardiner tells us in his Account of Newcaſtle, was Gatefide, which he leaſed to the Queen April 28. 1582. with all the Manours, Cole-pits, and Colemines in Gateſide and Whick- ham, with the Commons, Waftes, Parks, Go at the Rent of 90 l. per ceſter, who fold his Right to Sutton of the Charterhouſe, and he con- veyd his Intereſt to the Mayor and Burgeſſes of Newcaſtle for 12000l. This Author farther informs us, that Dr. Cradock, Archdeacon of Nor- thumberland, atteſted that this Leafe was worth 50000l. per Ann. Having fate Biſhop here about eleven Years, and got all he could for his wife and Children out of what he could fcrape up after his Payment of 1000l. per Ann. impoſed on his Predeceſſor for the Maintenance of Berwick Gariſon, he died Aug.24. 1587. aged 55. (and fo Fuller had no occaſion to call him a very aged Man) and was buried in the Choir under a Graveſtone which had this Infcription on a Plate of Brafs, now periſhed. teto Reverendo in Chrifto Patri ac Domino Domino Richardo Barnes, Du- pio, , Prachariffimo Patri P.P.P. obiit 24 Auguſti, A.D. 15876 A- * Mors mibi Lucrum. Aftra tenent animam, corpaſque boc marmore chifum, 2 Fama Polos penetrat nomen nati, atque nepotes Conſervant : Vivit femper poft funera virtus. Kk 2 Underneath tatis ſu£ 55 248 Biſhops of DURHA M. Underneath was faſtend his Arms, which he purchaſed at the Heralds- Office on his being made a Biſhop, and theſe words in two Places : Officium Pietatis & Memoria : Mors mibi Lucrum. Wood ſays he was a Favourer of Puritaniſm. MATTHEW HUTTON, S.T. P. Dean of York, ſucceeded, being elected Fune 9. 1589. confirmd Fuly 26. and conſecrated July 27. He was Anno 1594. tranflated to Pork, (where ſee more of him) and ſucceeded by Tobias MATTHEW, S.T. P. Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxon. His Conge d Elire was dated March 25. the Royal Aſſent April 7, and Tem- poralities were reſtored him March 29. 1595. He demiſed to King James the Caſtle, Go. of Norham and Norhampire, and Elandſhire, which the Dean and Chapter confirmed April 2. 1604. but had fome Re- compence made his See by the Confirmation of Durham-Houſe, London, and Abatement of the roool. per Ann. to Berwick. He was Aug. 18. 1607. having obliged the King in paſſing fome Grants, tranſlated to York, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM JAMES, S.T. P. Archdeacon of Coventry, Maſter of Univerſity-College, firſt Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxon, and afterwards of this Church; confecrated Sept. 7. 1606. He died May 12. 1617: and buried in this Cathedral, being the laſt Biſhop interred here, where, beſides himſelf, Pilkington, and Barnes, no Biſhop has been bu- ried ſince 1457. On his Graveſtone was his Effigies in Braſs, holding a Bible in his Hands, and underneath, on a Plate of Braſs this Infcrip- tion, torn off by facrilegious Hands : Memoria Sacrum. Gulielmus James, honeſtis ingenuis parentibris apud Osborn, in Com. Stafford natus, Ædis Chrifti in Acad. Oxon. Alumnus, S.T.P. Magiſter Coll. Univerſitatis, deinde adis Chriſti, ibid. Decanus conftitutus, & ter Academia Procancellarius; unde ol do&trinæ gravitatem, & fpe&tatam prudentiam a Regina Elizabetha ad Decanatum Dunelm. unde ad Epiſcopatum ibid. pro- vectus ; & demum a Chriſto dum Ecclefie, Patriæ, & Principi in- vigilaret, in cæleftem Patriam evocatus placide in Domino emigra- vit, & quod mortale fuit, certa ſpe refurgendi hic depoſuit 11 die Maii, Anno Salutis 1617. & Ætatis 75. Pofuit Franciſcus Honoris pariter ac Virtutum Patris ftudiofillimus, qui Lapidem hunc & Piet atem fuam inviolat am expetens, ſubſcripſit. Deut. xxvii . 17. Male erit ei qui non honoret Patrem fuum. Hujus monumentum ſi quis clepſerit, repſeritque ſacrilegus. efto was : In .. 249 Biſhops of DURHAM. Viri Pietate S Hoſpitalitate Celeber In his Will, proved July 4. 1617. [he directs his Burial here, gives sl. to Kingham Poor in Oxfordſhire, 20 l. to Durham, and 201. to Aukland Poor ; the reſt to his Family. Executor his Son Francis. On his Death, RICHARD NEILE, S.T.P. Biſhop of Lincoln, was tranſlated to this See, and confirm'd herein OET.9. 1617. While he fate here, he ex- pended 3000 l. on his Epiſcopal Houfes , which, as Dr. Heylin tells us, were left in ſuch Decay by his Predeceffor, that he was neceſſitated to go about it immediately. He was Feb. 27. 1627. removed hence to Wincheſter, and from thence tranſlated to York; (where ſee more of him.) On his quitting this See, GEORGE MONTEIGNE, S.T. P. Maſter of the Savoy, Dean of Weſtminſter, firſt Biſhop of Lincoln, and then of London, was, Anno 1627. nominated to this Biſhoprick ; but having no Mind to leave Lon- don, he deferred accepting it till 1628. when York falling, he gladly took it, July 1. 1628. in order to go thither; upon which JOHN HOWSON, S.T.P. firſt Vicar of Bampton Co. Oxon, and Rector of Brightwell Co. Berks, then Canon and Bifhop of Oxford, was tranſlated thence hither Sept. 28. 1628. This primitive good Biſhop died Feb. 6. 1631. aged 75. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, under a handſome Marble, without any Infcription upon it, and fucceeded by THOMAS MORETON, ST.P. Biſhop of Lichfeild, tranſlated and confirmed Biſhop here July 2. 1632. For a Character of this good Bi- ſhop, fee what is in our printed Authors, beſides his publiſhed Life. In his Will, dated Feb. 26. 1658. and proved O&t. 1. 1660. he bequeathed his Chalice to All Saints Church in York, and 10l. to the Poor of the Pariſh where he died. In the Codicil is a long Profeſſion of his Faith. He died and was buried at Eaſton-Manduit Co. Northampton, with this Inſcription on his Monument, which gives a farther Account of him and all his Preferments. In Memoria Sacra ovipo Heic vivit & ufque vivat Exiguum illud quod mortale fuit ราวๆ 2 งาน toda }{ Litteris? Elemofynis - 3 e Reverendi in Chriſto Patris ac Domini A While THOMÆ Dunelmenfis Epiſcopi, so ta opp Eoque nomine Palatini Comitis, Clara Mortonorum Familia oriundi ; Quem 1 . : * 250 Biſhops of DURHAM. 3 bandar si Quem Richardo peperit Elizabetha Leedalerke eitt af es bras Sexto de Novendecim puerperio no tant no 2. Eboraci in Lucem editum so som Quiem Collegium S. Johannis Evangeliſte *** laut In Acad. Cantabr: perquam nobile non Alumnum fovit inſtructifimum, das has 913 h Ornamentum perpetuo celebravit fingulare ; bos blog Bata Quem Ecclefia Marſtonjenſis or at stoeris't di Alesfordienfis Restorem ſedulumji sodda og 10 Fun o: stody) : & Stopfordienfis ut mot be Eboracenſis Canonicum pium, (30 pona Gloceſtrienfis? Decanum providum Wintonienſis Quem Ecclefia Ceftrienſis sod 200l autot laat Lich. 6 Coventr. Prefulem vigilantem habuere ; je e Dunelmenſis 2.0) bur Qui poft plurimos pro fancta Ecclefia Chriſti Catholica 2847 bln Exantlatos Labores, solid bors, pradedant Elucubrata volumina, Als bolond Toleratas Atliktiones, hand tats bora i nog. Diuturna heu nimium Ecclefia Procella au bia I Hinc inde jactatus, Libuspori be borchert Huc demum appulfus, ejen hon seit 27de Bonis exutus omnibus, ni (Zona præterquam Fama & Conſcientia) et out boduped or Tandem etiam & Corporea..de iute Wait Senex 6 Cælebs, Dola zist niet zid to none, Heic requieſcit in Domino, bila Felicem Preſtolans Reſurrectionem, Quam fuq demum tempore bonus dabit Deus. Amen. Nullo non dignus Elogio, Eo vero dignior quod nullo" ſe dignum exiſtimaverit : Obiit Craſtino St. Matthæi US Anno Salutis 1659. Sepultus Fefto St. Michaelis 5l Atatis Epifcopatus His Succeffor was John Cosin, S. T. P. Prebendary of this Church, Rector of Barnſpeth, Archdeacon of Eaſt-Riding, Maſter of Peterhouſe, Cam- bridge, and Dean of Peterborough, confecrated Dec. 2. 166. This good Biſhop, an Account of whom fee in his printed Life by Dr. Bafire, died at London, Jan. 15. 1671. aged 77. and was buried at Biſhops, Aukland, 95 44. Biſhops of DURHAM. 251 Aukland, April 29. 1672. where he had for the moſt part rebuilt the Palace and Chapel, with this Infcription: In non morituram memoriam Johannis Coſin, Epiſcopi Dunelmenfis, qui hoc Sacellum conftruxit, ornavit, Et Deo confecravit, A.D. 1665. in feſto Santti Petri: Obiit 15 Die Menfis Januarii , A.D. 1671. & hic ſepultus eſt, expectans, &c. hon mul on Round his Graveſtone, on the Pavement, la LT orta regiosi ditolo bro ial oct 01 Broncong = good on ** Beati Mortui qui moriuntur in Domino, requieſcant enim a Laboribus. Integer His Will, and thoſe of his Predeceſſors Ibo. Moreton and William James, are in the Prerogative-Office at London ; as are the Wills of Biſhops Richard de Kellaw, Tho. Hatfeild, Walter Skirlaw, and Tho. Langley, in the Archives at Lambeth. After his Death the Duke of Monmouth is ſaid to have receiv'd the Rents of this Biſhoprick, in the Vacancy, for near three Years; during which time the City and County of Durham were by Act of Parliament enabled to fend four Reprefen- tatives to Parliament, which they never had done, unleſs in Cromwell's Ufurpation, when Stockton Caſtle, one of the Biſhop's Palaces, was de- moliſh'd. This having been endeavoured in Biſhop Cofin's Time, and oppoſed by him, Care was taken to eſtabliſh it before the Translation of his Succeſſor took place, who was NATHANIEL CREW, LL. D. Re&or of Lincoln College Oxon, Dean and Precentor of Chicheſter, removed to this See O&t. 22. 1674: from that of Oxford, which he held with the Rectory of Whitney in that Dioceſe from 1671. This generous Biſhop became, by the Death of his elder Brother, who died without Iſſue Male, alſo a temporal Baron, by the Title of Lord Crew of Stene in Northamptonſhire, where departing this Life, aged 88. on Monday Sept. 18. 1722. he was buried in the Cha- pel there Sept. 30. following, with this Inſcription on his Monument. owing, with this infcription on his Mogunene . Near this Place lyeth the Body cult si of the Right Reverend and Right Honourable NATHANIEL LORD CREW, Lord Biſhop of DURHA M, and Baron of STENE, TESORO Fifth Son of John Lord Crewoon Si He was born Jan. 31, 1633 252 Deans of DURHAM. . Was conſecrated- Biſhop of OXFORD 1671 Tranſlated to DURHAM in 1674. Was Clerk of the Cloſet and Privy-Counſellor In the Reigns of King CHARLES II. and King JAMES II. de frente mond And died Sept. 18. 1722.0 Aged 88. Having no Children (not marrying till King William's Time, in whoſe Reign the Title fell to him, which is now by his Death extin- guithd) he became a great Benefactor to the Univerſity of Oxford, and particularly to Lincoln College, where he founded ſeveral Scholar- ſhips, and augmented the Headſhip and Fellowſhips. He held this See forty ſeven Years, as he had done that of Oxford three, continuing a Biſhop fifty Years, three Months and two Days, being a longer time than any Engliſhman ever enjoy'd that Honour, except Tho. Bourchier Archbiſhop of Caterbury, who held the Sees of Worceſter, Ely, and Canterbury, fifty one Years and twenty one Days. On his Death, WILLIAM TALBOT, S. T. P. Dean of Worceſter, firſt Biſhop of Oxford, and afterwards of Salisbury, was tranſlated hither from Saliſ- bury in O&tober 1722. do Deans of DURHAM H UGH WHITEHEAD, S.T. P. laſt Prior, was conſtituted firſt Dean by the Foundation-Charter dated May 12. 1541. The Hiſtory Durham ſays he died at London 1548. and was buried in the Mino- ries there; which Author, A. Wood, in his Athena, alſo mentions; and tells us this Epitaph was placed over his Graveſtone, tho' it is now periſhed, as I found when I ſearch'd that Church. of Here lpeth the Body of Hugh Whitehead, the laſt Prioz of Durham, and firft Oean thereof, who died at London aud was buried in the Church of the Minories, Anno ROBERT HORN, S.T.P. ſucceeded, it being expreſly ſaid in the Patent 5 Edw. VI. Part 3. That the King preſented him Nov. 18. 1551. on the Vacancy by the Death of Whitehead, by which it ſeems as if Whitehead did not die ſo ſoon as 1548. or rather that the Deanary was kept vacant three Years, which I am apt to think it might. On Queen Deans of DURHAM. 253 priv'd, and Queen Mary's Acceſſion to the Crown, Anno 1553. Horne was de- THOMAS WATSON, S.T.P. Rector of North Crawley, Co. Bucks, appointed Dean in his Place Nov. 18. 1553. He was Anno 1557. made Biſhop of Lincoln, of which he was deprived by Queen Elizabeth in 1559 and committed Priſoner to Wisbich Caſtle, Co. Cambridge, where he died Sept. 27. 1587. and was buried obfcurely in Wisbich Church. On his Promotion to Lincoln, THOMAS ROBERTSON, S.T. B. was preſented by the Queen 7u- ly 23. 1557. He was Anno 1559. depriv’d, as Biſhop Watſon had been, by Queen Elizabeth, for his Religion, and took into Cuſtody, and ROBERT HORNE became reſtored to this Dignity 1559. who being foon after made Biſhop of Wincheſter, RALPH SKINNER, A. M. became inſtalled Dean, March 5. 1560. He died Anno 1563. and was, as I judge, buried at Sedgfeild, where he was Rector. On his Death, WILLIAM WHITTINGHAM had this Dignity conferred upon him July 19. 1563. of whom fee an Account in A. Wood, and the Hiſtory of Durham, wherein he and Dean Horne are accufed of making violent havock of all the antient Tombs, &c. in the Church, converting the Stone Coffins to divers profane Uſes, for their Wives, &c. to falt Meat in them in the Deanary-Houſe. He died June 10. 1579. having been, as 'tis faid by fome Writers, never ordained a Miniſter of the Church of England, and was buried in the Cathedral, where his Monument, foon after the erecting it, met with the ſame Fate as he had treated others. On it was this Inſcription : In obitum doctiſſimi Viri Gulielmi Whittinghami Decani olim Dunel- menfis, Mariti Catherina Sororis Johannis Calvin Theologi, qui obiit Anno 1579. Qua Whittinghami cernis Monument a ſepulti, Et Vite & Mortis ſunt Monumenta pie, Anglia Teſtis erit, teſtis quoque Gallia vita, Exulis hæc vidit Præfulis illa decus. Nobilitas ſua nota domus, notiſſima doftis, Cognita Pauperibus, menſque manufque fuit. Dum vixit fummos Populi perſenfit honores, Mortuus eft Populi vivit in ore ſui. Forfitan : 254 Deans of DURHAM . ယူမည် : ftowed upon Forfitan & pofthac optavit ſerior ætas, O vivant cineres, docte Decane, tui, Crux Veritatis Comes --- THOMAS WILSON, LL.D. (of whom ſee an Account in Strype) fucceeded, being inſtalled Feb. 5. 1579. He was divers times employ'd in Embaſſies by Queen Elizabeth, and made by her Maſter of St. ča- tharine's Hoſpital, London, where no doubt he lies buried, tho'without any Inſcription; for his Funeral was celebrated there June 17. 1581. After his Death this Dignity lay vacant two Years, when it was be- TOBIAS MATTHEWS, S.T.P. Rector of Biſhops-Weremouth, inſtalled Aug, 31. 1581. He was, Anno 1594. made Biſhop, and fuc- ceeded by 320 WILLIAM JAMES, S.T. P. inſtalled June 5. 1596. He was in like manner promoted to the Biſhoprick, and ſucceeded the ſame Year of his Promotion, by ADAM NEWTON, inſtalled Sept. 27. 1606. He was An. 1620. be ing wealthy, advanced to the Dignity of a Baronet ; and dying Sept. 13. 1626. was buried at Charlton, near Greenwich, in Kent, having, after taking upon him his fecular Honour, renounced his Ecclefiafticai Prefer- ments. His Succeſſor in this Deanary was RICHARD HUNT, S.T. P. inſtalled May 29. 1620. on the Re ſignation of Adam Newton. He died Nov. 2. 1638. being alfo Preben- dary of Canterbury, and was buried in this Cathedral, with an Infcrip- tion on his Monument, printed in part in Le Neve, who having left out the following Verſes, I ſhall here inſert them, as I ſhall alſo the whole Epitaph, which is as follows: Richardi Hunt Decani Eccl. Cathed. beatam Animam e Cælo reducem, ad Tubam, olim Arch-Angeli, hic expectat Socium Corpus Richardi Hunt, Decani hujus Ecclef. per 20 Annos. Qui placide obdormivit in Dom. Jeſu Redemptore, cui animam commendavit, & ad cujus Nutum Corpus exuit, in Fefto Omnium Animarum A.D. 1638. Cha- ritas Obedientia Patientia Humilitas. Hic jacet orborumque Pater, Viduæque Maritus, Felix qui proprio fovit uterque finu. Spes Columenque inopum; Pes claudis Lumina cæcis, Hofpitium Exulibus ; præfidium miſeris. Cur tabulos rogites, legat bona nulla ſupremis, Quod ſemper ſolitus 1201 moriturus agit? In Deans of DURHAM. 255 4 In promptu ratio eft ; donaverat omnia vivens, Scilicet & tandem non habet unde daret. Ad Calum ad Chriftum præmiferat omnia vivens, Ut fieret tuta & mollis ad aſtra via. Cælorum portus referat clauditque Gehenne, Omnia qui Domino, datque dicatque Deo. Advena Dives inops, omnes uno ore precemur, Molliter offa cubant fit tibi terra levis. WALTER BELCANQUALI, S.T. P. ſucceeded, being inſtalled May 14. 1639. He died Dec. 25. 1645. and was buried in Chirke Church, Co. Denbigh, with this Infcription on his Monument : M. S. Hic fitus eft vir eximius Gualterus Balcanquallus, S. S. Theol. Profeſſor, qui ex Scotia oriundus, ob fingularem Eruditionem Aula Pembrochianæ in Acad. Cantabr. Socius fa&tus eft, & inter Theolo- gos Britannos Synodo Dordracenfi interfuit, mox Regia Majeftati a Sacris Xenodochii Subaudienfis Londini Præpofitus, & Decanus primo Roffenfis, dein Dunelmenfis, omnia hæc Officia five Dignita- tes magnis Virtutibus ornavit : Tum vero in Scotianæ Rebellionis Arcanis motibus obfervandis atque detegendis folertiflime verſatus eft, in Rebellione Anglicana Regi maxime fidus ; obfidione Eboraci Li- bertatus, & in has oras ſe contulit, ubi perbumaniter exceptus, ſed ab hoftibus cupidiffime quæfitus & exturbatus hiemali tempeftate mi. re fæviente tutelam Caftelli in proximo confugit, 6 morbo ex infefti Itineris tædio corruptus ipfo Die Nativitatis Chriſti ad Dominum mi- gravit, An. Æra Chriſtiane 1645. Hæc in Memoriam Defuncti fcripfit Johannes Ceftrienſis, rogatu Viri nobiliſſimi Thomæ Middleton Baronetti, qui ex pio animi propofito fua cura atque fumptu hoc Monumentum pofuit. His Succeffor was CHRISTOPHER POTTER, S.T. P. Dean of Worceſter, nominated by the King in Jan. 1645. But he dying March 3. following, was buried in Queen's-College, Oxon, where he was Provoſt, having been ne- ver inſtalled, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM FULLER, S. T. P. Dean of Ely, preſented March 6. 1645. He died May 12. 1659. and was buried in St. Vedaſt alias Fora ster-Lane Church, London, with this Infcription on his Monument : LI 2 William . X beic deponi voluit Thomas Comber, S.T.P. grande No- 256 Deans of DURHAM. William Fuller, D.D. Vicar of St. Giles's Cripplegate, firſt Dean of Ely, afterwards Dean of Durham, Chaplain to King James, and afterwards to King Charles I. famous for Learning, Prudence and Piety, ſpoiled of all før bis Loyalty to his Prince, lived obſcurely, and when denied Reft in his own Church, he found it here. Born at Hadley in Suffolk, died on Holy-Thurſday, May 12. 1659. Put up by his Daughter Jane, Wife of Brian Walton, Biſhop of Cheſter, His. Succeſſor was JOHN BARWICK, S.T. P. inſtalled Nov. I. 1660: He was in Oktober next Year, removed to the Deanary of St. Paul's Cathedral, of which ſee an Account in his printed Life, and ſucceeded by John SUDBURY, S.T. P. admitted Dec. 21. 1661. and inſtalled Feb. 15. following. He died An. 1684. aged eighty, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription : Quicquid mortale habuit, heic depoſuit in Spe beatæ Refurretionis, Johan- nis Sudbury, S.T. P. Pietate, Eruditione, antiquis Moribus, Gra- vitate, Integritate Vita, & Sancta Canitie, Vir vere reverendus qui in funeſtiſſimis magna Rebellionis Temporibus magno Animo, inconcuſſa in Regem. Fidelitate multa perpeſſus. Regno & Ecclefia Numinis Favore reſtauratis, Prebendarius primum Weſtmonaſte- rienfis, dein Decanus Dunelmenfis factus eo munere per Annos xxii. & quod excurrit cum laude functus deceflit, An. Ætat. 80. Salu- tis 1684. Abi Lettor, & Eternitatem cogita. His Succeſſor was DENNIS GREENVILI, S. T. P. inſtalled Dec. 14. 1684. He was đeprived Feb. 1. 1690. on King William and Queen Mary's Acceſſion to the Crown, and retiring into France on Attendance of King James, died there at Paris, April 7. 1703. and was buried in the lower End of St. Innocents Church-yard in that City. On his Deprivation, THOMAS COMBER, S. T. P. became nominated to this Dignity April 23. 1691. He died, and was buried at Stonegrave, Co. Žark, with this Inſcription : M. S. Siſte Viator, Gradum more non erit difpendium ſcire, quanti Viri venerandos premis Cineres, exuvias Mortales (perenni Felicitats men, pluribus haud Opus ; Vir Pietate, Eruditione, Ingenio, judicio. Ceteriſque Animi dotibus clarus ; majore vero fingentem non audis maturos) Pane- Archdeacons of DURHAM. 257 Panegyrin ob Sankta Matris Ecclefia Anglicanæ caufam ; quoad, Doctrinam cultum, Diſciplinam contra Novatores omnes Scriptis fe- liciter Defenfor, dignus haud fimplici Marmore, Gulielmo & Mariæ, Principibus illuftriflimis a ſacris, Ecclefiæ Dunelmenfis per decennium breve nimis Decanus ad maxima quæque capeſſenda Idoneus, adque altiora munera promovendus, nifi publicis votis obſtitiſſet Mors in- vida Plura licet meritis debita non capiet marmor : probis omnibus Luetum & ſui Deſiderium relinquens, decelit 25 Die No- vembris, 1699 An. Salutis, Ætatis 55 Provečkiore ſenio modo vifum Deo, dignus. by On his Death, John MONTAGUE, S.T. P. Maſter of Trinity College Cambridge, fucceeded, being admitted Jan. 19. 1699. living 1723. Maſter of Sher- borne Hoſpital. wy ARCHDEACONS of DURHAM. CE TI HE Value of this Dignity, with the Rectory of Fafington an- nex'd to it, lying in this County, is rated for Firſt-Fruits, Anno 1534. at 1001. Leobwyn, or LEOFWYN, who ſeems no doubt to have been the firſt Archdeacon of Durham, being murder'd May 12. 1080. this Office was, as Le Neve intimates, for near thirty one Years veſted in the Priors of Durham ; the firſt of which was * ALDWIN, who dying April 12. 1087. was fucceeded by * TURGOT, on whofe being made Biſhop of St. Andrews in Scotland, Anno 1108. til MICHAEL fucceeded Anno 1108. in Biſhop Ralph's Time, and re- fumed the Title and Office as a diſtinct Perſon from the Prior. After him ROBERT occurs Archdeacon, Anno 11 29. In which Office Waso, or Wazo, fucceeded Ann. 1147. as did * RANULPH; about 1150. and LAURENCE, An. 1153. after whom I find WILLIAM poffefs’d of it Anno 1174. as I do John, about 1180. and BUCHAR D de Pudſey about 1190. He died Dec. 6. 1196. and was, as I judge, ſucceeded by apie 1 hele AIMERICK 258 Archdeacons of DURHAM. X him I meet with AIMERICK de Talboys, Nephew to Biſhop Philip de PoiEtiers, for I find him poffefs’d of it 1198. and 1214. next Year after which he is ſaid to have been appointed High-Sheriff of Northumberland His Sucs ceflor ſeems to have been WILLIAM, who occurs An. 1219. I take him to be the ſame with WILLIAM de Lanim, whom I meet with poſſeſſed of it 1226, and 1 236. He died, as I find by a Note, An. I 249. Next Year after which I meet with the THOMAS de Aneſty, poffeffed of it 1250. as I do Richard de Agatha, in Anglia Sacra, An. 1266. who ſeems to me to be miſtaken; for ROBERT de Santta Agatha, whom I meet with An. 1271. Soon after which allo ANTHONY Bex held it, viz. An. 1 274. He was An. 1283. made Biſhop, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM de Luda, or Lowth, for he held it 1284. and being An. 1290. made Biſhop of Ely, had, as I judge, for his Succeſſor S. de Farlington, who held it 1296. As did 3 THOMAS de Goldesburgh, An. 1311. On whoſe Death, which happen'd Dec. 22. 1333. the King conferred it upon AUMERICK de Bellamount about Dec. 31. 1333. However the Bi- ſhop beſtowed it upon ROBERT de Taunton, Jan. 3. 1333: He died An. 1335. being al- ſo Prebendary of St. Paul's, London ; but whether he was permitted to * AUMERICK de Bellamount, the King's Clerk, polleſs’d of it 1336. and 1338. As I do with THOMAS de Nevill, An. 1356. He died An. 1362. being Preben- dary of Bole in the Church of York, and was, I preſume, fucceeded by * WILLIAM de Weſtle ; for he enjoy'd it Aug. 15. 1362. After him I find mention of * ALEXANDER de Nevill, being nominated from it 1374. to the See of York, when I preſume the Pope conferred it upon GEBAVE N, a Roman Cardinal, who, as Fox in his Martyrs, Vol. I. p. 563. informs us, held it 1378. when it was valued at 200 Marks per An. I preſume he was depoſed that Year, and William de Baſingſtoke, alias dictus, Munday de Baling ſtoke, nominated to it by the King or Biſhop, Anno 1279. However, * AGIPITUS de Columpna Cardinalis S. Priſca, held it 1380. as learn from Rymer's Federa, Vol. VII. p. 276. In which Author we alſo find in the fame Volume, r: 320. PILEUS 3 x we Archdeacons of DURHAM. 259 . PILEUs Cardinalis S. Praxedis, mention’d Anno 1381. The next I meet with, is, THOMAS de Weſton, Prebendary of Grendall in York Cathedral. He held it 1393. and dying Anno 1408. was ſucceeded by ALAN de Newark, Anno 1408. He enjoy'd it but a very little while, for at the End of the fame Year JOHN HONYNGAM, LL. D. was collated to it, viz. about Nov. 1408. He occurs pofſefsd of it May 4. 1416. as does JOHN KEMPE, An. 1417. On whofe Promotion to the See of Ro- cheſter, An. 1419. 1 ROBERT GILBERT fucceeded, for I find him poffefs'd of it An. 1420. He was An. 1436. made Biſhop of London ; but who ſucceeded him I cannot afcertain, unleſs I ſhould conjecture that WILLIAM LE SCROOP was 1437. promoted to it, and held it twenty fix Years, which is very probable. He died, and was buried in York Cathedral, with this Epitaph: Hic jacet Dr. Will. le Scroop Archid. Dunelme, ac Reſidentiarius in Eccl. Col. Sandi Johannis Beverlaci, # Sandt Wilfridi Rippon, qui obiit 25 Die Maii 1463. Cujus Animae pzopitietur Deus. His Succeſſor, as I judge, was RALPH BOOTH, An. 1463. and that Laurence Booth, made Biſhop here An. 1457. before his Tranſlation to York, collated him to it; as he afterwards collated him about 1480. to York Archdeaconry, and that he held both till his Death, An. 1497. when ROGER LEYBORNE ſeems to have ſucceeded; for I find him ſeſs’d of it 1499. In 1504. he was made Biſhop of Carliſle, and, as I judge, JOHN BOERNIUS, or Boerius Genenfis, a Foreigner, was intru- ded on this Dignity by the Pope. On whoſe quitting it An. 1515. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, B. D. ſucceeded An. 1515. He was An. 1536. made Dean of Windſor, and about the ſame time Rector of Chal- fonte Co. Bucks. In 1545. being Maſter of St. Giles's Hoſpital at Ke- pyer, he furrender'd that Hoſpital to the King's Hands, as he did good Part of the Revenues of Windſor Deanary; for which being complained of An. 1553. he was forced to quit his Deanary, but kept his other Preferments ; and dying about 1555. was probably buried obfcurely at St. Giles's, Chalfonte. On his Death, BERNARD GILPIN, B.D. fucceeded in this Archdeaconry 1556. but quitted it in about four Years, contenting himſelf only with the Re- ctory . por- 260 Archdeacons of Northumberland. . Etory of Houghton 16 Spring in this County, and refuſing to accept of the See of Carliſle, he died, and was buried at Houghton, March 4. 1583. On his Refignation, John Ebden, B. D. became admitted Archdeacon May 22. 1560. but being richly beneficed in Ely and Wincheſter Dioceſes, he quitted this to JOHN PILKINGTON, B.D. collated Dec: 5. 1563. He died An. 1603, and was buried in the Cathedral without any Monument, and fucceeded by Board William MORETON, B. D. collated Nov. 19. 1603. He died, and was buried in St. Nicholas Church in Newcaſtle, July 18, 1621. ánd was ſucceeded by mea con GABRIEL CLERK, or CLARK, S.T. P. collated Oft. 11. 1621. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Epitaph on his Graveſtone: 7. H. S. Hic jacet Dom. Gabriel Clark, S. S. Theol. Archid. Dunelm, Eccl. Subdecanus, qui mortuus eft, An. 1662. Maji 10. ng Pujus Eccl. Subdecan His Succeflor was DENNIS GRANVILL, S. T. P. collated Sept. 16. 1662. On whoſe Deprivation of this and the Deanary of Durham (where ſee more of him) ROBERT Booth, B.D. ſucceeded, being collated May 15. 1691. living 1723. Dean of Briſtol. og है C 76 ARCHDEACONS of Northumberland. THE HIS Dignity, with Howick Rectory, Co. Northumberland, an- nex’d, was valued 1534. at 361. 13 s. 4d. . ROBERT held this Office An. 1140. as did Ralph An. 1141. and 1153. and WILLIAM Anno 1160. DURAND enjoy'd it Anno 1174. as did RICHARD de Mariſco, An. 1212. He was 1217. made Biſhop, and ALAN de Lenne placed in his room, as I ſuppoſe ; for he held it 1219 Thomas de Aneſty was preferred to it April 5. 1548. and quitted it 1250. for Durham Archdeaconry. THOMAS Archdeacons of Northumberland. 261 and 1311. * ſame Year; and to him Thomas de Hereford died poſſeſſed of it 1253. in Auguft. The next I meet with is RICHARD de Middleton ; he held it 1270. as did NICHOLAS de Wells I310, ROBERT de Pickering was from it next Year, 1312. made Dean of York; having, I prefume, quitted it An. 13 14. to Thomas de Charleton, LL. D. In 1327. he was made Biſhop of Hereford, and ſucceeded by John de Carleton, or Charleton, promoted to it by the King, Feb. 16. 1328. The next I find is * EDMOND HOWARD, An. 1343; and then I meet with WILLIAM de Shrewsbury, about 1355. He was about 1360. made Prebendary of Prees, and Archdeacon of Salop in Lichfeild Cathedral, and fo I ſuppoſe quitted this to JOHN BAMBURGH, who occurs 1361, and 1362. in Fune. His Succeffor was * RICHARD de Bernard's-Caſtle, collated Sept. 30. 1362. He is no doubt the ſame Perſon mention'd in the Rites of Durham, that made Bede's Shrine in the Cathedral or Abby, An. 1370. and lies buried by it. He ſeems to have quitted it to THOMAS DUFFEILD, whom I find collated Aug. 19. 1369. to whom fucceeded WILLIAM de Beverlaço or Beverley, collated about Jan. 1369. the John DeR B y, preſented to it as the King's Title, Dec. 3. 1370. The next is, John REFA Me, who occurs 1386, and 1397. As does as John de Dalton, An. 1401. and JOHN RICK E N G A LE, An. 1408. He reſigned it next Year to *HENRY ETO N, for I find him poffefs'd of it 1410. However * John RICKENGAL E came into it again An. 1411, and being 1426. made Biſhop of Chicheſter, or artan betina * MAR M A DU KE LUMLE Y ſeems to have ſucceeded; for I meet with him An. 1427. He was An. 1430. made Biſhop of Carliſle ; but who ſucceeded him I am to ſeek, the next in my Catalogue being ROBERT M AS ON, LL. D. made An. 1481. Precentor of Pin- coln. When he came in I connot find, and it is hard to preſume he held it fixty three Years, tho' he died aged, and was buried in Lincoln Ca- thedral, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone: ? x * ab Mmasa Ozate AN . GAIS 262 Prebendaries of Northumberland. Ozate pzo Anima bagiſhi Roberti Mafon, Tegum Dodonis, Archidia- coni Northumbriæ, & Bzecentozis hujus Ecclefiae, qui obiit Hn. Oom. 1493. b His Succeffor was RALPH SCROO-P, inſtituted Feb. 23. 1493. He died An. 1516. . being Prebendary of Lincolit , and Rector of Hambledon Co. Bucks, and was no doubt ſucceeded by 1 I ROBERT DAVE L L or DOVELL, LL. D. Canon of Exeter and York , for I meet with him poſſeſs d of it 1518. two years after Scroope's Death. He alſo enjoy'd it 1541. and dying, as I judge Ani. 1557. was fucceeded by it brein WILLIAM CART EN, S. T.P. for I find him collated to it Nov. 3.1558. He was Ani, 1$61. fentenced, as being a Popiſh Recufant, to remain at or near Thirske in Yorkſhire, having been the preceding Year deprived of his Preferments by Queen Elizabeth, who nominated WILLIAM KING to this Dignity Jan. 1. 1560. He died An. 1990. being Prebendary of Canterbury and Windfor, and was buried at Windſor, having many Years before his Death been deprived of this, as I ſuppoſe, on foine Tenets of his Religion, which he might afterwards comply with. 0 RALPH Levek, A. M. Rector of Stanhope, ſucceeded, being collated Aug. 21. 1566. on King's Deprivation. He reſigned it An. 01573e and was ſucceeded by evento per FRANCIS BUNNY, A. M. collated O&t. 20. 1573. He reſigned it, being made Rector of Ryton Co, Durbam, and was fucceeded by JAMES BOLD, S.T. P. collated Sept. 25. 1578. He reſigned it An. 1581. and was fucceeded by a RALPH TONSTALL, A.M. collated OET. 29. 1581. He died Rector of Long-Newton in this Diocefe, and was ſucceeded by: John CRADOCK, A. M. Vicar of Gainsford, collated 1619. He quitted it the fame Year, and was fucceeded by GABRIEL CLARK, S.T. P. collated Aug: 7. 1619. He was An. 1621. made Archdeacon of Durham, and fucceeded in this by FRANCIS BURGOY-N, S. T. P. collated Sept. 13. 1621. He died 1633. being Rector of Biſhops-Wearmouth Co. Durham, and Spof- ford Co. York, and was ſucceeded by Jose PH NAYLOR, S. T. P. Recor of Sedgfeild, collated Feb. 25. 1633. On whoſe Reſignation WILLIAM FLAT HERS, B.D. became collated Nov. 24. 1636. He reſigned it An. 1638. and was fucceeded by EVER ARD Prebendaries of DURHAM. 263 : EVERARD GOWER, B.D. collated May 9. 1638. He was An. 1640. made Vicar of Norton, and An. 1641. Rector of Stanhope, and had for his Succeſſor Dig totoong tinnya ISAAC BASIRE, S. T. P. collated Aug. 24. 1644. as I find in an Account in the Firſt-Fruits Office, in which no notice is taken of John Robſon's being Archdeacon here ; and fo I ſuppoſe what is in Walker muſt be a Miſtake. As to Dr. Bafire, he was afterwards Rector of Stanhope and Eccleſcliff, and dying 1676. was buried in the Cathedral Cemitery, with this Inſcription : Depoſitum Il. Bafire, S.T. D. Archid. Northumbriæ, hujus Eccl. Ca- nonici, & Regibus Auguft. Carol. I. & II. a Sacris, qui obdormivit "12 Die O&obris, A.D. 1676. An. Atat. fua 69. 1 Theff. iv. 141 Deus eos qui dormierunt per Fefum adducet cum eo. WILLIAM TURNER, S. T. P. fucceeded, being collated O87. 30. 1676. He died, and was buried in St. Giles's Church, Oxford, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone : te balisti 1 TIIVAD 2011! Gulielmus Turner, S.T.P. Archid. Northumbr. Eccl. Parochialis de Stanhope in Agrb Dunelm. Rettor, obiit April 20. 1683.2 A VONT JOHN MORETON, S. T. B. fucceeded, being collated O&t. 5. 1685. He died about Nov. 16. 1722. being alſo Rector of Sedgfeild, and Pre- bendary of Durbam, and was fucceeded by no 309 1191 valst THOMAS SHARP, A.M. Rector of Rothbury in this County, Pre- bendary of Tork and Southwell, collated Feb. 27. 1722. od ml bi PREBENDARIES of DURHAM. - HozVT OTROY o buc od te si bor FIRST STALL. rd tobana a sdt rooit Levorst 1991 * TAM 2AM OUT DWARD HYNDMERS, Ş. T.P. per Cartam Fundationis datam May 12. 1541. He died An. 1543. and was fucceeded by John CRAYFORD, Jor CRAYFORTH, S. T. P. inſtalled An. 1543. On whoſe Death, as in the Account ſent me, ROBERT SW-Y FT, LL. D. became inſtall'd April 8. 1561. He was Rector of Sedgfeild forty Years, and held this Stall longer, and dying here about 1606. was buried in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription, long ſince entirely defaced. 10 Robertus E M m 2 264 Prebendaries of DURHAM. itt borskog Robertirs Swyfte Rotheramiæ, oriundus, Cantabrigiæ in Coll. Johannis So- cius, Lovanii impenfis Mercatorum Angliæ ordinis Adventuriones i Antwerpiæ Commorantium, Juris utriuſque Baccalaurius, Jacobi Dunelm. Fpifcopi in Ecclefiaft. Cancellarius, qui poftquam Annos 40. Sedgfeildjenfe Ovile curaverat, & una cum Anna Conjunge vixerat -- .: His Succeſſor was JAMES RAND, An. 1606. On whoſe reſigning it, Oktob. 7. 1620. ROBERT NEWELL, S.T. P. was inſtalled into it OEZ. 20. 1620. He reſigned it, having divers Other Preferments, and was ſuc- ceeded by GABRIEL CLARK, S. T. P. collated Auguſt 1. 1635. being re- moved from the Third Prebend to this. He died 1662. being alſo Arch- deacon of Durham, Maſter of Greatham Hoſpital, and was ſucceeded by DENNIS GRANVILLE, S.T. P. inſtalled Sept. 24. 1662. On whofe Removal to the Second Stall, THOMAS SMITH, S. T. P. was removed from the Fourth Prebend, and inſtalled in this, July 1. 1668. He was made Biſhop of Carliſle, An. 1684. and quitted this to WILLIAM G R A H'ME, S. T. P. inſtalled Aug. 16. 1684. He died Feb. 5. 1711. being Dean of Wells, and was buried, without any Mes morial, at Kenfington, by London. On his Death John Bowes, S. T. P. Rector of Biſhops-Weremouth, was re- mov'd from the Fifth Prebend, and inſtalled in this May 2. 1712. He died 1721. and was ſucceeded by THOMAS RUNDLE, LL. B. preſented Jan. 23. 1721. He quit- ted it at the End of the ſame Year for the Twelfth Stall, and was fuc- ceeded by THOMAS MANGEY, S.T. P. removed 1722. from the Fifth Stall, and preſented to this Dec. 22. 1722. 2 SECOND STALL. RO OGER WATSON, S.T.P. Monk of this Church, Fer Fundatio- nem, May 12. 1541. He died An. 1561. being Rector of Roth- bury in this Dioceſe, and was fucceeded by Таня Prebendaries of DURHAM. 265 . JOHN PILKINGTON, inſtalled O&. 8. 1561. He died 1603. be- ing alſo Archdeacon of Durham, and was buried in the Cathedral, with- out any Monument, and fucceeded by John BROWNE, An. 1603. On whoſe Reſignation, AUGUSTIN LINDSELI, S.T.P. was removed from the Tenth Stall to this, Aug. 5. 1620. He was, An. 1632, made Biſhop of Per terborough, and ſucceeded by JOHN WEEMSE, A. M. An. 1632. He died An. 1636. and was ſucceeded by Joseph NAYLOR, S. T. P. collated Nov. 8. 1636. He died Jan. 6.1667. and was buried at Sedgfeild, where he was Rector, with this Inſcription : Hic in Domino requieſcit Joſephus Naylor, S. T. P. Eccl . Cath. Du- nelm. Canonicus major, hujus Parochia Rector verè dignus, Theo- logus infignis, Dottrina, Pietate, Fide erga Deum, Ecclefiam, Re- gem, ad exemplum, conſtanti, fingulari Prudentia & Moribns umi- ver ſom ſuavilimis penitus ſupra fatuus. Hoc ſui quod mortale fuit, & jam in occiduo Cinere ſub spe Chriſtianiſſima reſurgendi ad Glo- riam, & eum afpiciendi cujus Nomen eſt oriens placide bic depoſuit 6 Die Januarii, Epiphanorum ſacro bon. omine, An. Chriſti 1667. Ætat. 73. Nunc, Amice Lector, attamen quiſquis fis ex hinc diſce qui es quid eris. In Memoriam optimi & chariſſimi Conjugis, Conjux maſtiflima Dulci- bella Naylor boc pofuit. DENNIS GLANVILL, S.T. P. fucceeded, being remov'd from the Firſt Prebend, and inſtalled April 16. 1668. in this. He was An. 1684. made Dean, and ſucceeded by GEORGE WHEELER, Knt. S.T. P. inſtalled Dec. 9. 1694. living An. 1723. Rector of Houghton in the Spring. - THIRD STALL. T: HOMAS SPARX, S.T. P. Monk of Durbam, per Fundationem, May 12. 1541. He died An. 1572. and was ſucceeded by John Fox, the Martyrologiſt, inſtalled O&t. 14. 1572. 14. 1572. This Au- thor, averſe to the Habits of the Church of England, which were here kept up in great Strictneſs, quitted it very ſoon, probably on that Ac- count for I find ROBERT PE 266 Prebendaries of DURHA M. ROBERT HUTTON, inſtalled Dec. 13. 1589. He died An. 1623. of 3. ROBERT BELLAMY, M. D. inſtalled into it Oct=31. 1573. He was Rector of Houghton, and Maſter of Sherborn Hoſpital ; of all which I conceive, he died poffeſſed about 1588. His Succeffor was and was ſucceeded by GABRIEL CLAR K, A. M. inſtalled Aug. 1. .1623. He quitted it for the Firſt Prebend ; as he had three Years before quitted the Sixth Stall for this. On his removal to the Firſt Prebend, JOHN NEILE, A. M. afterwards S. T. P. became collated Aug. 1. 1635. He died April 14, 1675. being alfo Dean of Rippon; and was buried at Rippon, and fucceeded by THOMAS MUSGRAVE, S. T. P. inſtalled July 12. 1675. He died March 28.1686. being alſo Dean of Carliſle, and was buried in this Cathedral, with an Inſcription (given among the Deans of Carſlile) and ſucceeded by John CAVE, A. M. inſtalled May 15. 1686. He died in Oktober 1690. and was buried at Coleorton Co. Leiceſter, where he was Rector, and ſucceeded by SAMUEL É YRE, S. T. P. inſtalled Nov. 1o. 1690. He died Anno 1694. being Recor of Whitborne Co. Darbam, and was ſucceeded by JAMES FINNEY, S. T. P. inſtalled Nov. 27. 1694. living Anno 1723. Rector of Ryton. FOURTH STALL ILLIAM BENNET, S. T.P. Monk of Durham, per Funda- tionem, May 12. 1341. He died 1579. being Vicar of Acchit, and was ſucceeded by To whom fucceeded EMANUEL BARNES, S.T.P. Rector of Houghton in the Spring, remov'd from the fifth Prebend to this Stall, An. 1607. He died Àn. 1614. being Prebendary of Fenton in York Cathedral, and Rector of Crayke, and was ſucceeded by PETER SMART, A. M. collated July 6. 1614. removed from Pre- bend the ſixth to this Stall. He was, An. 1631. deprived for Non-Con- formity, and ſucceeded by Thomas CARR, S. T. P. Vicar of Aicclif Co. Durham, and Rector of Huget Co. York, inſtalled March 30. 1631. In 1641. I meet with the Will of Dr. Thomas Carr, dated July 13. and proved Nov. 13. 1641. in which he gives his Wife his Effeats at Aiccliff, and ordered WIE Prebendaries of DURHAM. 267 ordered to be buried in the Black-Fryers, London. His Succeſſor was JOHN BARWICK, S. T. P. about 1642. removed from the eighth Stall, but never inſtalled; for in 1660. he was made Dean, and fuc- ceeded by THOMAS SMITH, S.T. P. inſtalled July 20. 1660. He quitted it 1661. for the firſt Stall, and was ſucceeded by John DURELL, $. T. P. inſtalled July 1. 1668. He died June 8. 1683. and was buried at Windſor, where he was Dean, and ſucceed- ed by JOHN MONTAGUE, S. T. P. inſtalled Nov. 10. 1683. In 1692. he was removed to the eleventh Stall, and fucceeded by THEOPHILUS PICKERING, S.T.P. Rector of Sedgfeild, inſtal- led Fune 3. 1692. He quitted it likewiſe for the eleventh Prebend, and was ſucceeded by PHILIP FALLE, A. M. Inſtalled Feb. 1. 1699. living 1723. Rector Shenly Co. Hertford. FIFTH STALL. WILLIAM TODD : ILLIAM TODD, S. T. B. May 1 2. 1541. per Fundationem. He was depriv'd An. 1567, and RALPH LEVER, A. M. inſtalled in his place, O&t. 17. 1567. He died 1585. being Rector of Whiſington and Stanhope, and Maſter of Sherborne Hoſpital, and was ſucceeded by EMANUEL BARNES, S. T.P. inſtalled July 29, 1585. Не quitted it 1607. for the fourth Stall, and was ſucceeded by JOHN CALFHILL, An. 1607. He died 1619. and was ſuc- ceeded by JOHN CRADOCK, A.M. Archdeacon of Northumberland, col- lated Aug. 7. 1619. He died An. 1627. and was ſucceeded by ELEAZAR DUNCAN, S.T. P. Rector of Houghton, inſtalled Jan. 8. 1627. He died in Exile about 1650. and had for his Succeffor THOMAS DALT O'N, S.T. P. Rector of Berwick in Elmet, Co. York, inſtalled Nov. 2. 1660. on Dr. Duncan's Death. He religned it, and was fucceeded by THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, S.T. P. inſtalled Nov. 15. 1672. He was, An. 1686. made Biſhop of Cheſter, and ſucceeded by CONSTANTINE Jess OP, ST. P. inſtalled Nov. 15, 1686. He died Mar. 10. 1695. and was buried at Brington Co. Northampton, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone: Latam 268 Prebendaries of DURHAM. . : Let am hic præftolatur refurretionem Conſtans Jeffop, . T. P. Eccl. Dunelm Prebendaris, et hujus Eccl. Rector, cætera fama dabit, ſed nec monumento perenniori carebit, vir deſideratiflimus. Quoad uſque Succeſſores gratos ades Rectoris ſuſtantare non piguerit quos ele- gantiffimas modeſtas tamen Animi ſui fimillimas propriis ſumpti- bus condidit & ecclefia dicabat. Decubuit 1o Martii A.D. 1695. Ætatis 55. His Succeſſor was John Bowes, S.T. P. inſtalled April 21. 1696. on whoſe be- ing removed to the Firſt Prebend. NATHANIEL ELLISON, S. T. P. became collated, Sept. 30. and inſtalled O&t. 1. 1712. He died in June 1720. being Archdeacon of Stafford, Rector of Whitborn, and Vicar of Newcaſtle, and fuc- ceeded by THOMAS MANGEY, LL D. Vicar of Yealing Co. Middleſex, Chaplain to Dr. Robinſon Biſhop of London, preſented May 11, 1721. He quitted it for the Firſt Stall, and was ſucceeded by JONATHAN HALL; A. M. afterwards: D. D. preſented 7an. 1. 1722. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Rector of Cock- feild Co. Suffolk. : SIXTH S T A L L. STUEN ed by TEPHEN MARLEY, S.T. P. Monk of Durham, per Fundati- onem, May 12. 1541. He was depriv'd, An. 1572. and ſucceed- PETER (called by fome, ROBERT) SHAW, A. M. inſtalled Aug. 1572. The next was WILLIAM SE L B Y, A. M. collated July 12. 1608. to whom ſuc- ceeded PETER SMART, A. M. collated Dec. 30. 1609. He was, An. 1614. removed to the Fourth Prebend, and ſucceeded by FERDINANDO MOORCROFT, A. M. collated Jan. 6. 1614. He was removed to the Eleventh Prebend, and fucceeded by DANIEL BIRKHE AD, S. T. P. July 14. 1619. on whoſe quit- ting it for the Tenth Stall, Ğ A BRIEL CLARK, A. M. was inſtalled Aug. 5. 1620. He quit- ted it for the Third Prebend, and was ſucceeded by JOHN o sebojnikietidlin Prebendaries of DURHAM. 269 JOHN ROBSON, A. M. Vicar of Hart and Hartlepool, inſtalled Aug. 1. 1623. He died about 1644. and was fucceeded by RICHARD WRENCH, S. T. B. collated about 1644. by Biſhop Moreton, though not inſtalled till March 10. 1660. He died Ot. 26. An. 1675. and was buried in the Cathedral with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone: M. S. Richardus Wrench, S.T.B. hujus Eccl. dum vixit Canonicus placide hic in domino requieſcit. Obiit 26 Oct. 1675. Anna ejus Re- litta merens poſuit. : RICHARD KNIGHTLEY, A. M. fucceeded, being inſtalled Nov. 17. 1675. He quitted it for the Seventh Prebend, in exchange with JOHN MORETON, S.T. P. inſtalled November 29. 1676. On whofe removal to the Twelfıb Prebend, FITZHER BE RT ADAM S, S. T. P. was inſtalled in his Place, Auguſt 11. 1685. He was An. 1695. removed to the Tenth Prebend, and ſucceeded by HENRY DOBSON, S. T.P. Rector of Boldovers, inſtalled June 8. 1695. He died An. 1718. and was ſucceeded by JOHN DOLBEN, S.T. P. collated April 2. 1718. On whoſe re- moval to the Eleventh Stall, GILBERT WATTS, S. T. B. became collated Aug. çí. 1719. liv- ing 1723. Fellow of Lincoln College Oxon, and S. T.P. pe SEVENTH STALL. TONTO R. OBERT DALTON, S. T. B. per Fundationem, May 12. 1541. He was An. 1560. deprived for Recuſancy, and committed to the Cuſtody of the Lord Dacres of the North, and THOMAS SAMPSON inſtalled in his room, Sept. 4. 1560. He was An. 1562. made Dean of Chrift-Church, Oxford, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM BIRCH, A. M. inſtalled July 4. 1563. He was deprived 1567. and fucceeded by LEONARDO PILKINGTON, S. T. P. Rector of Whitborne, inſtalled Sept. 6. 1567. The next I find is MARMADUKE BLAKISTON, Vicar of Woodborne : He occurs pofſeffed of it 1620. being alſo Rector of Redmerſhall. He reſigned it An. 1631. to his Son NR ROBERT 270 Prebendaries of DURHAM. ROBERT BLAKISTON, collated Nov. 27. 1631. He died 1634* being Rector of Bromfted Co. Norfolk, and was fucceeded by MATTHEW LEVETT, A. M. collated Jan. 24. 1634. He held it 1641. and the Subdeanary of Rippon. His Succeffor was ISAAC BASIRE, S. T. P. inſtalled Dec. 12. 1643. He died 1676. being Archdeacon of Northumberland (where ſee more of him) and was ſucceeded by JOHN MORTON, S.T. P. inſtalled O&t. 16. 1676. He exchang'd it for the Sixth Prebend with RICHARD KNIGHTLEY, A. M. who became inſtalled into this Nov. 29. 1676. He died and was buried at Bifeild Co. Northampton, when he was Rector, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone : Richardus Knightley, A. M. obiit Sept. 17. 1695. JOHN SMITH, S.T. P. Rector of Biſhop's-Wearmouth, fucceeded, being inſtalled Sept. 26. 1695. He died July 30. 1715. and was bu- ried in St. John's College Chapel, Cambridge, with a long Inſcription on his Monument, printed in Le Neve and elſewhere; and fucceed- ed by THOMAS EDEN, LL. D. removed from the Ninth Stall to this Prebend, and inſtalled into it Aug. 23. 1715. living 1723. Rector of Winſton. . :: EIGHTH S T A L L. JO OHN TOWTON, S.T. B. per Fundationem, May, 1 2. 1541. He was, An. 1560. deprived, and ADAM SHEPPARD, inſtalled in his room July 182 15601 He died An. 1563. and was ſucceeded by THOMAS LEVET, B.D. Maſter of Sherborne Hoſpital, inſtalled Febr. 21. 1563. He died in July 1577. and was buried in Sherborne Hoſpital, having been deprived 1567. for Nonconformity, as I judge. On his Deprivation, he was ſucceeded by RICHARD LONGWORTH, B. D. who was collated Nov. 9. 1567 He was afterwards made Dean of Cheſter, and fo reſigned this, and was ſucceeded in it by FRANCIS BUNNY, A.M. inſtalled May 13. 1572. He died April 17. 1617. and was buried at Ryton, where he was Rector, and was ſucceeded by FRANCIS ... : Prebendaries of DURHAM 271 * FRANCIS BURGOYNE, inſtalled May 6. 1617. He died 1633. and was ſucceeded by ANTHONY MAXTON, A. M. Rector of Wolfingham and Middle- 2012, in Tiſdale, collated May 23. 1633. He died about 1641. and was ſucceeded by JOHN BARWICK. He quitted it about 1643. for the Fourth Prebend, and was fucceeded by ROBERT GRAY, S. T. P. collated about 1643. by Biſhop Moreton, but not inſtalled till Nou. 2. 1660. He died An. 1704. being Rector of Biſhop's-Wearmouth, and was buried there without the leaſt Memorial, and ſucceeded by ROBERT OFFLIY, A. M. inſtalled July 28. 1704. living 1723. Rector of Abingworth Co. Surrey, .. NINTH ST ALL. NOLAS ICHOLAS MARLE Y, B. D. May 12. 1541. per Fundationéni. He was deprived 1560. for his Religion, and ſentenced not to come within eight Miles of Durbam, and fucceeded by NOU THOMAS HORTON, preſented by Queen Elizabeth, Jan. 15. 1960. On whoſe Reſignation the fame Month, TO WILLIAM STEPHENSON, B. D. became inſtalled Jan. 28. 1560. He died An. 1575. and was ſucceeded by RICHARD FAWCET, B.D. Rector of Boldovers, collated Dec. 20. 1575. The next I find is GEORGE MORECROFT, A. M. He occurs 1615. and dying An. 1648. being alſo Rector of Stanhope and Wolfingham, and was ſucceeded by THOMAS TRIPLET, S.T. P. Rector of Whitborne, collated March 20. 1648. by Bilhop Moreton, though not inſtalled till Nov. 2. 1660. He reſigned it 1661. being made Prebendary of Weſtminſter, and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM SANCROFT, S.T. P. inſtalled March 11. 1661. He was afterwards the moſt worthy Archbiſhop of Canterbury. On his Reſignation of this Prebend, THOMAS HOLDSWORTH, A. M. Re&or or Dean, as he is ſtyled, of Middleham Co.York, fucceeded, and was inſtalled June 1. 1675. He died An. 168o. and was fucceeded by HENRY BAGSHAW, S.T. P. inſtalled July 20. 1680. He died 1709. being Rector of Houghton le Spring, and was fucceeded by WILLIAM HARTWELL, S.T. P. inſtalled Febr. 7. 1709. quitted it for the Tenth Stall, and was ſucceeded by NI 2 THOMAS 272 Prebendaries of DURHAM 20 *** > RA 1559. and KHE A D, Monumenta THOMAS EDEN, LL.D. inſtalled July 24. 1711. On whoſe removal to the Seventh Stall, WILLIAM LUPTON, S.T. P. fucceeded, being inſtalled Febr. 20. 1715. He is living 1723. Leđurer of St. Dunſtans Fleetſtreet, London, Preacher of Lincolns-Inn, and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxon. TENTH S T A L L. ALPH B LA KISTON, per Fundationem, May, 12. 1541. 1550. on the Death of Blakiſton. He was deprived Anno 1553. on Queen Mary's Acceſſion to the Crown, and GEORGE BULLOCK, S.T. P. Maſter of St. John's College, Cambridge, preſented to it and inſtalled 1554. He was deprived An. JOHN RUDD, reſtored 1559. He died An. 1578. and was fuc- ceeded by HUGH BROUGHTON, A. M. collated Nov. 18. 1578. On whoſe Reſignation, RALPH TONSTAL I was inſtalled, Nov. 9. 1580. He died in March 1618. being alſo Archdeacon of Northumberland, and was fucceeded by A v G USTINE LINDSELI, S. T. P. inſtalled April 1. 1619. He quitted it for the Second Stall, and was fucceeded by died 1624. and was buried in the Cathedral, with the following Epitaph : Viator oculis curioſis afpicis Et Literarum validas not as Hic fifte Gradus et minore tædiv Perdiſce quod reſpice te intereſt tua Et vile marmor claudit Exemplum an Birkheadus bic fepultus eſt Iſto Sepulcro dives urna conditur Cæli miniſter Fidus interpres Dei Scientiarum viva dum vixit domus Honeffitudo fed Prioris ſæculi Sublime acumen fed modeſte ſentiens. * : er . Prebendaries of DURHAM. 273 * Infaſtuofum Judicium, fed perfpicax, Do&ti Lepores, innocens Prudentia, Et tot per Annos Vitæ inoffenſus tenor, Hec intus funt omnia. Hoc te Viator fcire refert fi quidem Magiſter Vite Mortuorum Memoria eft. JOHN Cosin, S.T. P. ſucceeded, being collated Dec. 4. 1624. On whoſe being made Biſhop, DANIEL BREVINT, S. T. P. fucceeded, being inſtalled March 15. 1660. He died May 5. 1695. and was buried in Lincoln Cathedral, where he was Dean, and ſucceeded by BITZHERBERT ADAMS, S, T, P, inſtalled Jan. 8. 1695. He quit- ted it for the Sixt b Prebend, and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM HARTWELL, S.T. P. inſtalled June 14. 1711. remo- ved from the Ninth Stall, living 1723. Rector of Stanhope. i en later of R EL EVENTH STALL, Ayled the Golden Prebend. OBERT BENNET, Monk of this Convent, per Fundationem, May 12. 1541. He died 1558. and was ſucceeded by ANTHONY SALW YN, S.T. B. inſtalled O&t. 12. 1558. He was next Year deprived, and order'd not to go five Miles North from Kirkby- Moreſide, the Place of his Confinement, or to York City. On his De- privation, JOHN HENSHAW was inſtalled Noo. 29. 1559. He died next Year, and was ſucceeded by ADAM HOLYDAY, inſtalled Jan. 3. 1560. He was alſo Re&tor Biſhops-Wearmouth. His Succeffor was CLEMENT COLEMORE, LL.D. Chancellor of the Dioceſe, Re- &tor of Branſpeth, inſtalled May 9. 1590. He died June 18. 1619. aged 69. and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription : so Pia Memoria clariſſimi Viri Clementis Colemore, Legum Doctoris, Æneanaſenfis olim Collegii Socii; & Alme Academia Oxonienſis Pro- curatoris, & Epifcopatus Dunelmenſis Cancallerii per 70 Annos, tiam invidia, favente, integerrimi ejuſdem Eccl. Prebendarii doctif- fimi hoc Monumentum maſtillimi Filii pofuerunt. Obiit A D. 1619. Ætatis ſua 69. Junii 18. Suorum Patria Pauperum omniumque quibus tam rara Probitas Pietafque non potuit, non innoteſcere loni- gus 274 . Prebendaries of DURHAM. Dolor. Scio quod Redemptor meus vivit. Dom. Jefu veni gus cito. FERDINANDO MOORCROFT, Rector of Stanhope, Maſter of Greatham Hoſpital, fucceeded, being collated July 14. 1619. who dy- in about 1640, or 1641. RALPH BROWNRIGG ſucceeded abolit 1641. and being next Year ma le Biſhop of Exeter, was ſucceeded at his Death, which happened An. 1659. by THOMAS Wood, B. D. preſented July 7. and inſtalled Dec. 10. 1660. on Biſhop Brownrigg's Death. He was afterwards made Biſhop of Lichfeild, but held this in Commendam till his Death, An. 1692. when John MONTAGUF, S.T. P. was removed from the Fourth Pre- bend, and inſtalled in this, June 3. 1692. He was An. 1699. made Dean, and facceeded by THEOPHILUS PICKERING, S. T. P. removed from the Fourth Prebend likewiſe, and inſtalled in this, Feb. 1. 1699. He died An. 1710. and was buried at Sedgfeild, where he was Rector, and fucceeded by FITZ HERBERT ADAMS, S T. P. Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, and of Waſhington in this Dioceſe, removed from the Tentb Prebend, and inſtalled in this, April 14. 1711. He died, and was buried July 1. 1719. in AU Saints Church, Oxon, with this Inſcrip- tion on his Graveſtone : M. S. Fitzherbert. Adams, S.T. P. Coll. Lincoln per Annos 34 Rector, Quem faris commendabant oris Geſtufque Decor G Majeſtas, Plus tamen animi Dotes & antiqua Morum Simplicitas, oks Delicata cura & eleganti mitore perpolita. Omnium placendi Artium mirifice folers magnatem gratiæ licet, Non Captator facile compos fuit Nathan, Doin. Crew, ornatiffing - Prafuli Dunelm. Dignitati auxit illumque & Colleg. cui præerat . Quotidianis Beneficiis fovit o accumulavit. Obiit 27 Junii , A.D. 1719. Ætatis fua 68. John DOLE E N, S. T. P. removed from the Sixth Prebend, and collated to it Fuly 17. 1719. living 1723. Rector of Burton-Latimers, and Vicar of Byndon, alias Thing don, Co. Northampton, and now late- ly, by the Death of his Father, a Baronet of this Kingdom. . TWELFTH 3 . 275 Prebendaries of DURHAM. W TWELFTH STAL L. ILLIAM WATSON, Monk of Durbam, per Fundationem, V May 12. 1541. He died An. 1556, and was ſucceeded by ANTHONY SALWYN, collated O&. 12. 1556. On whoſe quit- ting it for the Eleventh Stall, GEORGE CLIFF, S. T. P. became inſtalled Sept. 13. 1558. He held it 1580. and the Rectory of Branſpeth. HENRY EW BANK, A.M. ſucceeded, being inftalled Sept. 8. 1596. He was alſo Rector of Whickham and Whillington. In the South Idle of the Cathedral was an Inſcription for one anon Ewbank, who died Rector of Ryton about 1620. which, I ſuppoſe, was this Per- fon : Tho' his Succetfor, WILLIAM JAMES, A. M. is ſaid in the Account fent me, to be inſtalled Oft. 6. 1620. on Ewbank's Reſignation. He was alfo Rector of Ryton, and dying after 1650. was fucceeded by GUY CARLETON, S.T. P. preſented by the King July 19. 1660. on the Death of William James. He died Fuly 6. 1685. being alſo Biſhop of Chicheſter, and was buried in that Cathedral, and fuc- ceeded by i JOHN MORETON, S. T. P. inſtalled July 18. 1685. removed from the Sixth Stall. He died about Noveinber 16. 1722. being allo Rector of Sedgfeild, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, and was fucceeded by THOMAS ROUND E LL, or RUNDELL, LL. B. Treafurer of Salisbury, and Archdeacon of Wilts, made Rector of Sedgfeild, and re- moved from the Firſt Prebend to this Stall, on Dr. Moreton's Death, pre- (ented Nov. 22. 1722. alle te timente Pontosan no Be gasket ਲੋਕ ( - 2 ARCH- 276 Diocese of DURHAM . 28 Archdeaconry and County of DURHAM. . DEAN ARY of CHESTER. Names of Churches and is Patrons of Livings. Religious Houſes to which Chapels. impropriated. Boldovers, alias Bol- Biſhop of Durham. don R. Cheſter on the Street Mr. Hedworth. College of Cbeſter: Cur. 2011 . Diw ods Ebcheſter Cur. Maſter of Sherborne' Maſtership of Sherborne. Hoſpital. Edmondbyers R. Chapter of Durbam. Gateſide R. and Hoſp. Biſhop of Durham. St. Hilda, alias Shields, Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Cur. Hunſtanworth Cur. Mr. Ord. . Hoſpital of Kepyer.it Farrow Cur. cum Nei-}Mr. Elliſon and others. Priory of Farrow. ther Heyworth. Lameley Cur. Sir Henry Lydell . College of Cheſter. Lancheſter Cur. Biſhop of Durham. Coll. of Langchefter. Medomſley Cap. Sattley Muggleſwich Cur. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Biſhop of Durham. Taufeild Cur. Sir Henry Lydell. College of Cheſter. Witton Gilbert, cum } Chapter of Durham. }Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Kimbleworth R. Whitborn R. Whickham R. Biſhop of Durham. Waſhington R. Wearmouth Monacho- Chapter of Durham. . Ryton R. 44 : rim R. Durham, St. Marga->Chapter of Durbam. Priory of Durbam. Durban, Si.Ofwald, Chapter of Durban. V. DEANARY Dioceſe of DURHAM 277 5. D go KO Mr. Woodfeild. p.ory of Durham. Archdeacenry of DURH A M. .com Deanary of EASINGTON. DP , Cur. Durham, St. Nicholas, teritis Hoſpital of Kepyer, V. Durham, St. Mary, Archdeacon of Nors alias North-Bayly R. thumberland. Durbam, St. Mary the Leſs,alias South-Bay- The Crown. o gorilla ly R. O lo voitti neko to die Dalton V. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Eaſington R: 10 golo) Bifhop of Durbam, an- nex'd to the Arch- deaconry of Dur- Birou ham. Caſtle-Eden Cur. Mr. Bromley *S College of Aukland. Houghton le Spring R. Biſhop of Durham. Haſledon Monachorum Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. V. Kelloe V. Biſhop of Durham. Hofpital of Sherborne Pillington V. Chapter of Durham. Trimdon Cur. Priory of Gisborne. Seabam V. Earl of Gainsborough. Abby of Coverbam. Sunderland R. Biſhop of Durham. Wearmouth Epifcopi Bithop of Durham. R. when Deanary of DARLINGTON. you Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durhan . Aukland, St. An-2 drew, Cur.. Biſhop of Durham, College of Aukland. Auklandy St. Helen, * mielen, skal D Cur. Branfpeth R. Bernard's-Caſtle Cur: Mr. Bowes. Je College of Bernard'sa un Oo Cockfeild I Acclif v. : Mr. Tong. Trots! Caſtle. 278 Dioceſe of DURHAM. Сар. . 2 : Gainstormio Trinity College, Cam College of Aukland. ; Archdeaconry of DURHAM. Cockfeild R. Lord Bernard. Conniſcliff v. Biſhop of Durham. Abby of St. Albans. Darlington Cur. O Lord Bernard. College of Darlington. Eggleſton Cur, Mr. Baker. Priory of Eggleſton. Biſhop of Durbam. , York Denton Whorletons } bridge. Haughton R. Bishop of Durham. Sedberghe Cap. Hamſterley Cur. Biſhop of Durham. College of Aukland. Heighinton v. Merrington V. } Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham, Middleton in TiſdaleR. Lord Bernard. Staindrop V. Lord Bernard. College of Staindrop Stanhope in Weredale Biſhop of Durhan. R. . MO Whitworth V. . Priory of Durham. R. College of Aukland. Winſton R. Biſhop of Durham, Deanary of STOCKTON. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Biſhopſton V. Maſter of Sherborne Maſterſhip of Sherm Hofpital. borne. Dinſdale R. Chapter of Durham. Eggleſclit v. Mor Biſhop of Ducham. Priory of Finchdale. Elwick R. Bsſhop of Durbam. Elton R. Clopo Mr. Sbaftoe. Grindon V. Maſter of Sherborne Maſterſhip of Sher- 20 9 Hofp. borne. Greatbam V. Maſter of Greatham Maſter of Greatham. Hofp. Hart V. The Crown. Hartlepool Cur. volte Earl of Scarborough . } Priory of Gisborne. Hutworth R. Mr. Chambers. Middle- & ܐܶ BIllingham V. Dioceſe of DURHAM . 0279 :: Archdeaconry of DURHAM. A Middleton George R. Mr. Killingballoon Middlebam Epifcopi The Crown. Priory of Finchdale. V. Norton V. Biſhop of Durbam. College of Norton. Newton Longa R. }Biſhop of Durham. Redmarfhail R. Stainton R. The Crown Staunton V. cüm Mr. Theorsby and on Abby of York. Seton. Cap. thers. Sedgfeild R. cum cum Elmedon Cap }Biſhop of Durham. Stockton V: Biſhop of Durham. Antiently a Chapel to Norton. Sockbourne V. Maſter of Sherborne Maſter of Sherbourne. Hofp. Wolvifton Cur. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. In this Archdeaconry is alſo reputed Craik R. Co. York, in the Bi- ſhop of Durham's Gift FINIS Archid.& Com. DURH A Mi Total of Churches and Chapels - 91. wa సికింద ODOVODIO ODIO 102100 Archdeaconry and County of Northumberland. multico Deanary of ALNWICK. Names of Churches and Chappels . ALinton Cur. Halyfton Cap. Alnwick Cur. List 10 Q Religious Houses to which Patrons of Livings. impropriated, i Duke of Somerſet. Priory of Halyſton. Inhabitants of Alice wick. Priory of Almwick. Duke of Somerſet. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durham. Egling } Alneham v: Ellingham V. 002 : 280 Dioceſe of DURHAM. ( Bolton Cap. opo Chapter of am R.4: Mr. Ogle. Bewick Can, isy Biſhop of Durbam. Il 70 OmI Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. V. Priory of Tinmouth! Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durhám. or Boughton. a qatar on. Ito ay Embledon Y. Merton College, Oxon. Merton College. 13 Rock Rennington }Cap. - bein rezuod I.M Felton V. The Crown. Priory of Brinkborne. Framlington Cap am do qodia Howick R. LUCRS, vanitoBiſhop of Durham,'an= nex'd to the Arch- KA Foto volaM deaconry of Nor- 12 thumberland, OH Ilderton R. Duke of Somerſetes mo Die Ingram R. Lesbury V. filmouth Cap. The Crown Ir Priory of Alnzeicke 1 Long Haughton V. Duke of Somerſet. Priory of Alnwick. Rothbury R. Biſhop of Carliſle. Shivilbottle V. - AHAO The Crown. Priory of Tinmouth. Warkworth V. Biſhop of Carliſle. br See of Carliſle :o T Cheventon Cap. Whittingham V. Sam Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Carliſle Hebbia B Amborough v. . Berwick V. Priory of Durham. Chillingham V. . Chatton Veit eigiaz Duke of Somerſet. Dodington Cap Ford R. Mr.Francis Blake Deo i No voi laval. Holy Iſland v. Chapter of Durhami Priory of Durham, to Tweedmouth which Holy-Iſland 15 Aulcroft Cap. SU Hyloe and to a GR Po od Kirk- was a Cell. Lozeick Citoire . Dioceſe of DURHAM. 281 ChipchaſesCap. Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERL A N D. Kirknewton V. Col. Strother. Priory of Kirkban: Cerbane Cap, Mr. Forſter. Norbam V. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durban. Cornehill Cap. Woller v. Biſhop of Durham. Priory of Aluwick i Deanary of CORBRIDGE. BZwoll, St. Peter V. Chapter of Durbam. Priory of Durham Wbittenſtall Cap. Bywell, St. Andrew, V. Mr. Thornton. Abby of Albalanda, Corbridge. v. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Carliſle. Halton Cap. Challerton V. Sir William Blaket. Priory of Hexban. Birtley Shortley } Cap. Priory of Tinmóurb. Priory of Ovingbam, Cell to Hexban. Hartwizzle V. Biſhop of Durham. Knarſdale R. The Crown. Kirkhaugh R. Mr. Hilton of Hilton. Oringban V.' la Mr. Addiſon. Symondsborne Rip , The Crown, Faveſtone 3. Stamfordbiam V. The Crowni. Rial Cap. W ardou V. Sir Will. Blaket, Havdona Newborough Whitfeild R. Mr.Whitfeilda Bellingham; Cap. Priory of Hexbem. .. Priory of Hexbam. Сар. . With ... Co. CUMBERLAND. Mr. Hilton. difton Moor V10 Garragill Cap. Priory of Hexbami. Deanary 282 Dioceſe of DURHAM. Archdeaconry of NORTHUMB E R L AN D. Deanary of MORPETH. B В Olam V. The Crown. Priory of Tinmouth. Bothall R. Lord Harley, now E. Hepbourne Cap. of Oxford. Bedlington V. Chapter of Durham. Priory of Durhame Elfden R. Mr. Howard. Corſenfide Cap Kirkhearly. On Sir Will. Lorrain and Abby of Albaland. Dr. Tomlinſon. Harborne V. Biſhop of Durham. Priory of Tinmouth. Neither Witton Cap. Long Horſley V. The Crown. Priory of Brenkborne, Morpeth R. ** Earl of Carlifle. Ulgham or Ougham Cap. Mitford v. Mr. Mitford. Abby of Neominſter, Meldon R. Chapter of Durham. Shipwak R. held with Lord Harley. Bothall. Stannington V. Wbelpington V. }Biſhop of Durbam. Abby of Newminſter, Wbalton R. Mr. Baites. Woodhorne V. Biſhop of Durbam. Priory of Tinmouth. New Bigging Horton Widdrington Cap. 1 . Deanary of New CASTLE Ong Benton V. Baliol College, Oxon. Baliol College . Heddon on the The Crown. Abby of Albalanda. Wall v. Newborne V. Newcattle St. Nicho-Bishop of Carliſle. See of Carliſle. las V. St. A1- Bishop of Corlife . Dioceſe of DURHAM. 283 Archdeaconry of NORTHUMBERLAND. St. Andrews Newcaſtle All Saints Newcaſtle St. John's Newcaſtle (Cap. in the Vicar of North Goffard Newcaſtle's Diſpofal. South Goffard Cramlington St. Tboması In the Corporation of Newcaſtle's St. Anne's > Gift. St. Trinity-Houſe, In the Mariners Gift. Pont Illand V. Merton Coll. Oxon. Merton College Tinmouth V. The Crown, Duke of Priory of Tinmouth. Earſden Cap. Somerſet, and Sir John Delavall. Wallfend Cur: Chapter of Durbam. Priory of Durham. 92 Total of Churches and Chapels in Durbam Archdeaconry- In Northumberland Archdeaconry, Total 109 N.B. Beſides theſe 107 Churches and Chapels Co. Northumberland, abovementioned, there is the Peculiar of Hexham, containing eight Churches and Chapels which is in the Archbiſhop of York's Jurif- diction and Dioceſe. Theſe are, Hexham V. cum Whittley Cap. St. John Lees Cur. cum Bingfeild & St. Oſwald's Cap. Alleing dale V. cum Ninebanks Cap. all impropriate to Hexham Priory, and in Sir Will. Blaket's Gift; and laltly, Tockerington Cap, which is a Prebend in York Cathedral, and in the Prebendary's Gift. N. B. The Churches in this Dioceſe, in the Patronage of the Chap- ter of Durham, as they were of old under the Jurifdi&tion of the - Convent, ſo they remain, eſpecially thoſe Co. Northumberland, exempt from Archidiaconal Viſitation, and are Peculiars of the Dean and Chapter of Durbam. FINIS Diocef. DURHAM. : ” 2017/12/19 ) 2017/12/spaneseasy 2016 ) …….... ; 蒙 ​** : * WA 3 TS . FAS AN Red *** AR *** WA. 9 ta .. MAS . 196, Sie he Wate page 2957 2057 he Ichinography of the Cathedral Church of CARLISLE Moveable Alexandro Denton Jus Ficiar: Dome Regis de Banco, ex an: tiqua Familia Dentonorum de Denton Hall prope Carliol: oriundo Haec Tabella dicata est. A The Altar; B.The Pulpit, D. The Bishops Throne & privat feat. E. The Governors ſeat, F The Mayors ſeat, G The Chancellors ſeat HH The Deans &Pre- bende feats, I The Litany Deſk, K The Door under the Organ loft, M The Conſistory or Bps. Court, N where they ring the hells, o The doors into the Church the South one of w." opend into the Cloy sters wich are Entirely demoliſhed, P. S* Catherins Chapel QThe veftry lately built, Ř The Eaf Windo" whole Height s. The Arch décons feat. M O is, q8 Feet 3 4 I ρωγιγμαiρίλερ 8. GT afisa www 59 *** 8 5 K The Choir with the stalls & seatson Each fide B R A 2 This Part of the Pariſh Church was demolished in the Civil wars begun 1641. The Pariſh Church of St Marys. D A 4 N 7. HU Сл ***** D BE 9. www 8 'S WA ise * . * 2 * we ***** ***** * 思里​無理​。 *** 3 Sir Tho. Skeltons Tomb. ME + 21. Q + The Space where the Cloyſters (w" were Square) food before the civil wars & doors that Led out of the Church into them 3The Scite of the old Chapter Houſe &dormitory beyond which towards the Eaſt are now built ſince 166. Prebe n darys Houſes which before OThe Refectory or fratry flill ſtanding 8C uſed for the capter Houſe. * Door for Burials into the ruined part of the Chunch Monuunents of 1.Bp. Barrow. 5. Bp. Robinſon 2.Bp.Strickland 6. un known. 3. s Two Bys.unknown 7. Bp. Smiths Gravestone. 4. but Suppoſed to be of 8Bp Bells grave stone. Bps. Appleby & Welton. MBurghers ſculp . Scale of Feet 60 80 30 50 40 ago + 90 + + 7. 2 Pane 285 34 .. S. Order We wer sh RA Coord be ........ senteret Fall Wi Wed le Song ah మరువకుముందు మ my ಇದ್ದಳತೆಯಲ್ಲಾ ಹಸಿಬಟಾಟಾವು W... ..... ............ ..... , "" ................................ Reverendo admodum in Christo Patri Domino Johanni Waugh S.TP.Epicopo CarlioliHæc Tabella Dicata Est- ULJE PORT 意​要素​主要​娶妻 ​SW * WA. ugu ME Sud WA . X w kirjat ||| | TUNIS mi un PIE 1995 We D TE iki II www Powe vibes IR . Jug 6 3 *** INNY Wis we indicating al with 12 The North Praport of the Cathedral Cihmch of S." Mary al Carliste Ale le تر می ' 4 UNIE OF . MICH VAH SUO colo WI 20.lo * who are there is DIO C E SE pro 1 : OF Ah * rumorgorloin ] CA R L I S L E دا نه. be bao C ONTAINS the better half of Cumberland and Weſtmoreland, under the Government of one Archdea- con, vize of Carliſle; which has theſe Deanaries be- longing to it, Allerdale, Carliſle, Penreth Co. Cum- berland, and Weſtmoreland Deanary, Co. Weſtmore- land. Dr. Heylin conceives it antiently belonged to the Biſhop of Candida Caſa, alias Whitherne, in Scot- land; but was afterwards, An. 679. beſtowed, with the Country fif- teen Miles about it, by Egfride King of Northumberland, on St. Cuth- bert, Biſhop of Lindisfarne, and ſo became one part of it fubordinate to the See of Durham, and the other to York; from which Diocefes it was taken An. 1133. and fevered from the Archdeacons of Durham and Richmond, when it had a diſtinct Archdeacon of its own appointed ; under whom are ninety three large Pariſhes, of which eighteen are impropriate: Tho? : . , a Cathedral of CARLISL E. 285 Tho' in my Account here are reckon'd one hundred thirty one Churches and Chapels. The Clergy's Tenths amount to no more than 161 l. is, 7 d. the leaſt of any of the Engliſh Biſhopricks, CATHEDRAL of CARLISLE AS a Dean, four Prebendaries, who have all Houſes near the Cathe- dral, eight Minor-Canons, a Subdeacon, four Lay-Clerks, or Sing- ing-Men, a Maſter of the Grammar School, fix Choritters, a Maſter of the Choriſters, fix Almſimen, a Virger, two Sextons, a Porter, Barber, Cook, Under-Cook, Divinity Reader, a Court-keeper, and Clerk of the Court, in all forty four, by King Henry the VÎIIth's Foundation-Char, ter, Anno 1542. at which time he converted the old Priory, or Convent, into a College of Seculars, allotting his new Dean and Prebendaries Apartments out of the Monks Habitations. By an old Valor made on the firſt Endowment, or foon after, I find the Deanary rated at reol, and each Prebend at 22h 5 2010 The firſt Builder of this Church was Walter, Deputy of theſe Parts under King William Rufus, who dedicated it to the Bleſſed Virgin. But it being a mean Fabrick in reſpect to other Cathedrals, Bihop Gil dert de Welton, with the Affutance of ſome of the Priors, and help of Money, as I prefume, left by Robert Ecclesfeild, Founder of Queen's College, Oxon, began the Foundation of a new Choir about the Year 1354. which was perfected by his Succeffors, Bifhops Tho.de Appleby and William Strickland, and the Contributions of the Nobility and Gentry in thefe Parts, as may be judged by their Arms on the Roof, which is of Wood neatly vaulted, and has theſe Coats painted on it, viz. Peircy, Warren, Montague, Mortimer, Clifford, Greyſtock, Beuchamp, Dacre, Muſgravé, Fitzhugh, Nevill, Vance, Curwen, Lamplugh, Lowther. The other Parts of the Church, as the Croſs Ille, Tower in the Mid dle, and Weſt End, are very meanly built, with ſmall Windows, darkiſh and narrow ; and the Roof lies low, like a common Pariſh- Church; as may be feen in Mr. Kyp's Draught, which is bere alſo gi- ven, foraſmuch as it is the only triie Repreſention of it, the Draught in the Monafticon by Daniel King, which is printed alſo on a Sheet of imperial Paper, and in a leffer Size, being in no reſpect like it, and may pals as well for my other Church as this. This Church contains iu Length from Eaſt to Weſt now only 219 Foot tho' when the whole Weſtern Part was ſtanding, it was 81 Foot longer : But this, with the Square of the Cloiſters, being given in the Ichnography, as it ſtood before PP 286 Cathedral of CARLISL E. to. : -4 before it was demolith about 1646. I need only refer the Reader there- The Breadth of the Body, and Side-Ifles of the Choir Part, is 71 Foot; equal to which is the Height of the Vaulting or Roof The Length of the Croſs Ille from North to South is 124 Foot; being an- fwerable to the Height of the Tower, which is 123 Foot; in it hang five Bells, the only Peal of fo great a number in the Diocefe, except at Penreth. Here are no Inſcriptions, or one Brafs, except Biſhop Bell's and Biſhop Robinſon's, before 1660. neither can I find mention of any that remained here an hundred Years ago, except this one, painted on the Wall on the South Side, for one Skelton, who died An. 1420, and is called here Sir John Skelton 2001 Orate pzo Anima Johannis Skelron Ariñigeri, guondam Servientis illuftrillime Regine Henrici Ottenti, & pro Anima Margarete, Hrozis ejus, et pgo Hsimabus unmitin Liberozum eozimdem, qui- bus Hnimabus propitietur Deus Mex. In a MSS. notat c. 39. in the College of Arms, or Heralds-Office, London, is a Delineation of this Inſcription of Skelton, and of Biſhops Bell and Robinſon's Epitaphs, and Draughts of thirty one Coats of Arms in the Choir, Roof, and Windows, and alſo a Proſpect of the City, which makes but an indifferat Appearance, here being only one ſmall Pariſh-Church without a Steeple, beſides the Cathedral, the We- ftern Part or Nave of which is alſo Parochial, as I have already obſerved in my Account of this Church and its Priors in the firft Volume of Ab- bies; to which I beg leave to add, that Tbonas Barnaby occurs Prior An. 1433. to whom fucceeded Tho. Hathwaite, about 1445. who built the Bishop's Throne at the upper End of the Choir ; and to him, as I judge, Thomas Goudibour, who held the Priorſhip An. 1484. The clear Value of the Lands at the Diffolution, fettled on the Dean and Chapter on the new Foundation, An. 1541. was 418 l. per An. They then came into all the Priory's civil Rights, and lived, as the Con- vent did, in a regular Diſcipline, dining in the Fratry, or Refectory, and allotting the Dortry, or Dormitory, to the Choriſters and others, till the great Rebellion ; ſoon after which, about 1646. all the Buildings of the College, except the Refectory, or Fratry, and ſome few Offices, with eighty one foot of the Cathedral, together with the whole Cloiſters, were entirely pulled down, under a Pretext of employing the Materials to build Guard-Houſes to ſecure the City. How ill this Sacrilege thrived I have elſewhere told from my learned Friend Dr. Todd's Informations who farther obferves, in his Account of the Cathedral, that the Choir is a noble :. 3 Endowinent of CARLISLE. 287 noble and exact Piece of Architecture, the Pillars of the Compoſite Or- der, of curious Workmanſhip, the Tabernacle-Work of the Stalls ens tire, made feemingly foon after 1354. (as he judges by the Arms) by Robert Ecclesfeild, Founder of Queen's College, Oxon. On the South Side was painted the Legend of St. Auſtin, as was that of St. Cubbern on the North. Over the Stalls were in Niches ſeveral ſmall Images of Wood ; but theſe were taken away about 1649. as has been a finall Spire of Lead, of about thirty Foot in Height, pulled off the Top of the Tower. All the publick Buildings, as the Deanarys and four Pre bendal Houſes, and two Houſes of Minor Canons within the Precincts, were rebuilt for the moſt part fince 166o. The two Iles oir each Side of the Choir are arched with Stone; and againſt the Biſhop's Throne, on the Outſide, is a Veftry lately built. The decanal Stall is here on the left Side the Choir Entrance, that on the right Hand belonging to the Biſhop, who has two Seats here; as being antiently look'd upon as Prir- pal or Abbot of the Church, and fo late on the Right Hand of the Prior whicn he pleaſed. I am mimi vas tudi ENDOWMENT of the Bishoprick of Carliſle, 01019 Anno 1534 C 22 SPIRITUALIA. N No. Cumberland, DalftonR. Penreth R. Newton. b juxta Holmcultram R. Co, Nortbaunberland, Warkworth R. Nezoboru R. Nezera caſtle St. Nicholas dimido Reftoriæ R. Co. Lincoln, Horncaſtle R. cum Capellis, quæ valet 28 6 Co. Derby, Melbourne R. cum Chalſton, valet 450 The whole Value of the Spiritualities, with Synodals, Pro- curations, and Penſions, were rated (A1. 1534. as a- at do 308 3 4 ne sais T B.Mi POR A LI A. Dalſton Manerium ries Dalton Molendinum Perquiſit. Çuriarum de Dalfton Linſtock & Grosby Maneria, &c. Pp 3 65. It is 8 3 Igo Redditus 288 Alienations from CARLIS L E . d. 5 13 6 3 4 8 16 O 3 3 4 4 100I IO 3. 19 o Redditus, &c. in Afpatrick In Penreth In Petrelway Newbeine Maner. in Weſtmoreland Terr. & Reddit. in Colby In H autewiſle In Co. Lincoln, Horncaſtle Maner: Perquiſit. Curiar. ibid. In diverſis Terris in Middleſex, extra Temple-Bar, vocat. Carliol-Rents na de 16 4 o . In toto Temporalia 268 16 II Which Sum added to the Spiritualities, niade the whole Valuation amount to 5771, os. 3d. But deducting neceſſary Payments, the clear Value was reduced to 5311. 45. rd. at which Sum it is at this Day, without any Diminution, charged for First-Fruits and Tenths. و Alienations of LANDs of the Biſhoprick. IN N the Year 1551. in May, a Letter was wrote by King Edward VI. with an order to the Biſhop of Carliſle, to make the Lord Clinton a Leaſe of 60 Years of his Manour of Horncaſtle, after the ac- cuſtomed yearly Rent, which was no doubt complied with ; for, on Nov. 1. 1552. Biſhop Aldrich leaſed the fame to him, on a Reſervation of 28 l. per An. to the Biſhoprick. And in this Reign (viz. Edward VI.) the Rents of Carliſle Houſe in the Strand, were made to the Marqueſs of Worceſter, on a reſerved Rent of 16 l. per An. Thoſe are, as I conceive, now known by the name of Beauford-Buildings; and by it, as Dr. Todd writes me, this See fuffered a Diminution, tho' otherwife it eſcaped, Horncaſtle revert- ing again to the See An. 1558. on Queen Mary's acceſſion to the Crown. However, we are told in Carleton's Life of Bernard Gilpin, on his men- tioning Biſhop Sandes of Worceſter's tempting him to accept of Carliſle Biſhoprick, that he uſes this Argument - Intelliges interea epiſcopa- tum illum inta&tum tibi relinquendum, nihil enim abfcinditur ex ficut in aliis nonnullis fieri folet, fed & integrum epiſcopatum accipies. And Dr. Heylin, ſpeaking of the ſaid Bernard Gilpin, fays, he would not take it on the Terms Biſhop Beſt did, viz. ſtripping it of moſt of dari diese its 4 el, Endowment of CARLISLE 289 its Feathers. But what he ſays, I judge was rather his Belief, or Opku nion, than any real Grounds he had for it; becauſe I cannot diſcover any thing done in Prejudice to this See, but what is before-mentioned : For tho Biſhop Mey, to provide for his Family, would have leafed le- veral things to his Wife and Children, yet the Dean and Chapter wor- thily oppoſing him, they were all ſet aſide. In the great Rebellion theſe Sales were made of the Lands of this Biſhoprick. An. 1647. Carliſle Houſe in Lambeth-Marh Co. Surry, 1. fold Feb. ii. to Matthew Hardy, for 220 An. 1648. Horncaſtle Manour Co. Lincoln, fold Jan. 26. to John Nelthorpe Efq; for 1479 4 10 An. 1649. Bewley Caſtle Co. Northumberland, fold Sept. 21. to Will. Branthwaite Eſq; for 231 Io Biſhop's-Row Manour, fold March 20. to Will. Under- wood, for 2374 An. 1650. Aspatrick Manour, fold May 31: to Anthony Peirfon, for I19 19 Dalſton, Roſecaſtle, Linſtock Manours, fold June 1. to William Heveringbam, for 4161 11 10 $ d. 3: 2 Sum Total of theſe Sales amounted to 6449 1 The Biſhop of Carliſle is Patron of St. Nicholas Nececaftle Vicaridge, Rothburn Rectory, and Warkworth Vicaridge, Co. Northumberland Melborne Vicaridge, Chalſton Cur. Co. Derby: Horncaſtle Vicaridge, Marrum Rectory, and Morby Rectory, Co. Lincoln ; and of his four Prebends and Archdeaconry, and ſeveral Livings in his own Dioceſe. Endowment of the Dean and Chapter of CARLISLE, Pat. 33. Hen. VIII. . down HE King erects the Chapter of Carliſle to conſiſt of a Dean and four fecular Canons, Charter dated May 8. 1542. endows them with the Scite of Carliſle Priory, and Manours of New Bigging, New Lathes, Ellerton, Lorton, Seburgham, Ifakeby, New Bigging in Al lerdale, Canaby, Croſsby in Allerdale, Allerthwait, and Little Sal- 290 Biſhops of CARLISLE. . keld, Có. Cumberland ; Corbridge Manour, Co. Northumberland, all Parcel of Carliſle Priory; and Lands in Weſtmoreland, Cumberland, Parcel of the fame; the Rectories and Churches of Morland, and Churches of St. Michael's and St. Laurence in Appleby ; Tythes of Hay and Lambs in Morland and Appleby Pariſhes, and Penſion of 16 s. 8 d. from Lowther Reétory ; the Advowſon of Morland, Corbridge, Whittingham, Berecaſtle, and a Moiety of Newcaſtle Tythes; the Priory of Wetbered, the Rectories of St. Mary's and St. Cuthbert in Carliſle, and of Sowerby, Aldingham, Kirkland, Tbo- resby, Bughalkirk, Seburgham, Ireby, Cannonby, Camerton, Heyton, Cromwhitton, Comrewe, Edenball, and Rowclit Churches, and half Stany Rectory; Penſions iſſuing out of Hoton, Hokemanby, Caſtle-Car- rock, Aghton, and Thoresby, all Parcel of Carliſle Priory: the Advow- fons of Hutton, Caſtle-Carrock, and Bewcaſtle, and of the Vicaridges of Sowerby, Thoresby, Edingham, Edinghall, Kirkland, and the Advowſons of the Chantries of St. Katherine's, Holycroſs, and St. Roches, in Carliſle Cathedral, and of St. Alban in St. Cuthbert's Church in Carliſle, and of St. Mary's Chantry in Skelton Church, all Parcel of Carliſle late Monaſtery, with all the Rights and Privileges belonging to the ſaid late Priory, babend. to the Dean and Chapter, and their Suc- ceſſors, in puram & perpetuam Elymofynam. The Value of the Temporalities then amounted to 247h. 95, and of the Spiritualities to 2821. 6s..9 d. which made the whole 5291. 155.9 d. but 821. being dedu&ted for neceſſary Payments, the clear Value amount- ed 450l. per Ail. I cannot find any thing allenated from this Grant, the Chapter yet preſenting to the Livings mentioned therein, within the Dioceſe ; and alſo to Corbridge Vicaridge, and Whitringham Rectory, Go Northums berland, in Durban Dioceſe. .. BISHOPS of CARLISLE. TI HIS Sce, as we find in Anglia Sacra, Vol. I. pag. 282. was erected April 11. 1133. by King Henry I. who took it out of the Dioceſes of York and Durbam, and Archdeaconries of Richmond and Durham, making Carliſle an Archdeaconry of itſelf, as well as Bishoprick. ATHELW OLD, or AdvlPH, Prior of St. Oſwalds, alias Noſtelly was conſecrated firſt Biſhop, at Tork, May 14. 1133. He died 412. 1156. BERNARD .." Biſhops of CARLIS L E. 291 On his Death, as Nacourt in Is See e lecran BERNARD ſucceeded, and was conſecrated An. 1157. On his Dcath, which happened An 1186. King Herry II. being at Carliſle, nominated to the Chapter one Paulinus de Leeds to be elected Biſhop'; and tho the Chapter chofe him, and the King offered to augment the Biſhoprick if he would accept thereof, yet he refuſed it, as did two others to whom it was likewiſe offered, and ſo it lay vacant thirty two Years, no one caring to accept thereof, it lying fo expoſed to the Scots, whom the Canons favouring, and not much regarding the King of England, oc- cafioned him to complain to the Pope, who at length conſtituted H, Abbot of Battell, Biſhop here An. 1218. whom all our Au- thors juſtly reckon the third Biſhop, and he became accordingly conſe- crated by Gualo, the Pope's Legate, Jan. 24. 1218. He died on his forms us, the Cuſtody of this Biſhoprick was committed June 23. 1223, to Theobald de Valen, Archdeacon of Elſex. But according to Godwin, Walter de Malclerk had on that Day, viz. June 23. a Conge ' Elire iſſued out in his Favour, and 07. 27. 1223. obtained the Royal June 29. 1246. and retiring to Oxford, died there Oct. 28. 1248. ini the Houſe of Grey-Friars. By fome Accounts I have ſeen, he is re- ported to have acquired Horncaſtle, Co. Lincoln, to his Sec. On his quitting of which, SYLVESTER de Everdon, Archdeacon of Chefter, and Rector of ted Feb. 5. 1247. He died April 1. according to the Annals of Burton, An. 1254. tho other Accounts place his Death on May 13. 1254. His Succeffor was THOMAS Vipornt, or de Veteri Ponte, who obtained the Royal Affent to his Election Noo. 6. 1253. He died in the Beginning of Óc- tober 1256, and was ſucceeded by ROBERT de Chanſe, or Chanſey, called by Leland, Cheverel, the Queen's Chaplain, confecrated April 10, 1258. or rather April 14. Ho died on Michaelmas-Day 1279. and was fucceeded by RALPH de Ireton, or Irton, Prior of Gisborne, who having been before confecrated at Rome, July 10. I 280. obtained the Temporalities, and made his Profeſſion of Obedience to the Archbiſhop of York, July 22. 1280. He died Feb. 28. 1292. and was buried in the Cathedral, where no doubt his three Predeceſſors had been interred, tho' there is no Memorial of them. His Succeſſor was JOHN 292 Biſhops of CARLIS L E. An. 1363. On his Death, which happened Dec. 5. 1395. John de Halton, Monk or Canon of this Convent, who was by the King's Licence, dated March 23. 1 292. elected Biſhop, and had the Royal Aſſent to his Election May 26. and the Temporalities reſtored July 18. 1293. He died Nov. 1. 1324. at his Palace in Great Dal- Ron Pariſh, called Roſecaſle, and was buried in the Cathedral under an Arch in the North Ide on one ſide the Choir, under a plain Altar Tomb, near Biſhop Strickland. On his Death, WILLIAM AYREMIN, Canon of York, became elected by the Chapter, and had the Royal Aflent Fan. 17. 1324. which was con- firmed by the Archbiſhop of York Feb. 11. but ſet aſide by the Pope, who, to make him amends, preferred him to Norwich, and gave this See to JOHN de Rolle, Archdeacon of Salop in the Church of Hereford, and Canon of that Cathedral, Son of Robert Lord Roſs, or Roos, of Hamlake, born probably at the Family Seat at Belvoir-Caſtle, who had the Temporalities reſtored Jan. 20. 1324. and made his Profeſſion of Obedience Ang. 30. 1326. He died An. 1332. and was fucceeded by John de Kirkeby, Canon or Monk of Carliſle, who being choſen by his Convent, had the Royal Affent to his Election May 8. 133 2: the Temporalitics reſtored July 9. and was confecrated Fuly 19. follow- ing at South Burton, near Beverley. During the time he fate Biſhop, the Scots invading his Dioceſe, he valiantly engaged them in Battel, and obtained a great Victory over them, in the Year 1345. Seven Years after which, viz. about Feb. 1352, he died, and was buried in the Ça- thedral. On his Death, JOHN de Horncaſtle, Prior of this Church (not of Ely, as in God- min) was nominated by the King, and confirmed by the Archbiſhop of York, but fet aſide by the Pope, who provided to this See GILBERT de Welton, LL. D. and he became accordingly confirmed Biſhop May 24, 1353. He died Jan. 18. 1362. and was buried in the Cathedral, and fucceeded by THOMAS de Appleby, Canon or Monk of this Church, confecrated WILLIAM STRICKLAND was elected, but ſet aſide by the Pope, who tranſlated ROBERT READ, Biſhop of Waterford and Liſmore in Ireland, to this See, and he had the Temporalities reſtored him March 30. 1396. He was the ſame Year removed to Chicheſter, where he died 1415. and was buried in that Cathedral. On his Promotion to Chicheſter, THOMAS MERKS, alias de Newmarket, alias Somaſtre, Monk of Weſtminſter, was, at the Requeſt of King Richard II. thruſt into this See . 3 Biſhops of CARLISL E. 293 . Co. Dorſet, and Rectory of Todenham Co. Glocefter, the first of which Sec by the Pope, An. 1397. to which, as we are informed in the Edition of Cambden's Britannia, printed An. 1695. he became an extraordinary Benefactor, by procuring of the King the Seigniory or Soke of Ilorin caſtle Co. Lincola, conſiſting of thirteen Lordſhips, to himſelf and Suc- ceffors, for their Maintenance and Habitation, when the Scots invaded this Dioceſe, and drove them from their Palace at Roſe-Caftle. What our Writers mention of his bold Speech in behalf of his Patron and de- poſed Sovereign King Richard, for which he ſuffered Imprifonment, I ſhall not enlarge upon here, but refer to our many Hiſtories, who ſpeak much in his Praiſes for it. As to his dying Heart-broken, which they tell us) prevented his Execution, foon after his Deprivation, An. 1399. it is plainly a Miſtake ; for he ſurvived it ten Years, and had, for his Sup port, fome Preferment beſtowed on him ; as the Vicaridge of Starmier was given him by the Crown, and the other by the Convent of Weſtmin. fer, where probably he ended his Days about 1409. and was buried for I find in an old MSS. Chronicle this: Epiſcopus Carliol. ad mag- nam Inftantiam Amicorum ad Monaſterium ſuum de Weſtminſter redire permittitur. And concerning his having Todenhan Rectory given him, and dying poffefs'd thereof, I ſhall exhibit my Authority from the Re- giſters of Worceſter, as I extracted it : Tho. Merks, quondam Epiſcopus Carliol . ad Rectorian de Todenham ad Preſentationem Abbat. Convent de Weſtm. vacantem per mortem Thome Furzen ultimi Re&toris. Inftituitur Auguſt 13, 1404. Regiſt. Clifford. Ep. Wigorn. fol. 78. Robert Ely, alias Weſton, ad Rectoriam de Todenham ad dictan Preſentationem, vacantem per Morten Thome Merks. Inftituitar Jan. 13. 1409. Regiſt. Peveral. Ep. Wigorn, fol. 12. On Biſhop Merks's Deprivation, Ane 1399. as aforeſaid, WILLIAM STRICKLAND, who had been before elected to it, an 1395. but kept out of it till 1399. received the Temporalities Nov. 15. that year, and became confecrated at Cawood, Aug. 24 1400. by the Archbiſhop of York, on the King's Recommendation of him to the Pope. He was a great Benefactor to his Cathedral, as his Predeceſſor had been to the Biſhoprick, by new building the Belfry, and furniſhing it with four Bells, new roofing the Choir, and making handſom Stalls in it; as Leland informs us, in his Collectanea, in theſe Words : Fecit magnum Campanile a mediet ate ad fummum, una cum 4. magnis Campanis i eodem, Stalla perpulchra in choro, o co-operturam Cancéllé ejuf- dem. He likewiſe founded a Chantry in the Church of St. Andresor , Qq . John Glaſton ? 294 Biſhop of CARLISL E. at Penreth; and dying Auguſt 30. 1419. was buried in the Cathedral, under an Arch in the North Idlc, on one side the Choir, where is yet to be ſeen his Effigies elegantly cut in Freeſtone, habited in his Pontificali- bus. His Succeſſor was ROGER WHELPDALE, S.T. P. fometime Provoſt of Queen's- College, Oxon, confecrated at London, An. 1419. as Godwin tells us. - He had the Temporalities reſtored March 17. 1419. and made his Pro- feffion of Obedience Aug. 1. 1420. In his Will in Regiſtr. Chichely, fol. 353. in the Archives at Lambeth, dated Jan. 25. 1421. he gives feveral Books to the Univerſity of Oxford, and particularly to Baliol- College, and 201. to the Univerſity, and orders 361. 135. 4 d. to be depolited in a Cheſt at Queen's-College, for the Benefit of poor Scholars. Soon after which he departed this Life at London, in his Palace there, Feb. 4. 1422. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral in that City. Among other Charitics, he is ſaid to give 200l. for found- ing a Charity in his own Cathedral at Carliſle for one Skelton and Mr. Iſle, where is yet to be ſeen the Tomb of the firſt; and probably the unknown Monument on the oppoſite Side, referred to in the Ichnogra- phy, may be in Memory of Glafton. His Succeffor in this See was WILLIAM BARROW, LL. D. Biſhop of Bangor. He had been, before he was made a Biſhop, Canon of Lincoln, Rector of St. Laud's Church at Skirrington Co. Bucks, and of Helmdon Co. Northampton, in that Dioceſe, Chancellor of the Univerſity of Oxon, and became tranſlated from Bangor hither, An. 1423. and received the Temporalities June 16. that Year. He died at Roſecaſtle Sept. 4. 1429. and was buried in his own Cathedral, in a Chapel on the right Side the South Iſle of the Choir, where yet remains his Effigies neatly. cut, in his Epif- copal Habit. In his Will, dated Sept. 1. 1429. three Days before his Death, he gives fome Plate to his Cathedral, and 20 l. to a Prieſt to ſing for him in St. Catherine's Chantry within his own Church ; and be queaths fome Lands and Tenements at Skirrington (where he ſeems to have contributed towards the building the preſent Church) to his Kinſ- man Hugh. MAR MAD UKE LUMLEY, LL.B. Maſter of Trinity-Hall Cam- bridge, Archdeacon of Northumberland, Precentor of Lincoln, Rector of Stepney Co. Middleſex, and Charring Co. Kent, ſucceeded, and had the Temporalities reſtored April 15. 1430. He was An, 1450. tranſlated to Lincoln, and ſucceeded by : shes NICHOLAS Biſhops of CARLISLE. 295 NICHOLAS CLOSE, S.T. P. Archdeacon of Colcheſter, who had the Temporalities reſtored March 17. 1450. He was tranſlated to Lichfeild, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM PEIRcY, Prebendary of York, Lincoln, and Sarums who had the Temporalities reſtored OE. 1452. He died 1462. and was ſucceeded by JOHN KINGSCOTE, LL. D. Archdeacon of Gloceſter, provided to this See by the Pope, July 12. 1462. and had the Temporalities re- ſtored OEt. 20. following. He died in about a Year, and was ſuc- ceeded by RICHARD SCROOP, who had the Temporalities reſtored June 5. and was confecrated at York, June 24. 1464. In his Will, dated in May, 1468. on the 22d of which Month he died, he appointed to be buried in his own Cathedral, before the high Altar ; which was accord- ingly perform'd : Tho' I find no Memorial of him remaining. His Suc- ceffor was EDWARD STORY, S. T. P. Maſter of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge, Rector of Alhallows the Great, London, who had the Temporalities reſtored him Seft. 1. 1468. He was An. 1478. tranſlated to Chicheſter, and ſucceeded by RICHARD BELL, S. T. P. Prior of Durham, who had Reſtitution of the Temporalities April 24. 1478. After he had fate here eighteen Years (during which time he built a Tower at his Palace at Roſecaſtle, which yet bears his Name) he betook himſelf again to a monaſtick Life ; but whether he retired to Durham, or ended his Days in this Convent, I know not : Tho' 'tis probable, as he lies buried, fo he de- ceaſed here. In the Middle of the Choir, near the Litany-Desk, is a large Marble, having his Effigies upon it in Brafs, and this Inſcription round the Verge, being the only one whatſoever, except Skelton's, as a-, foreſaid, before 1600. Hic jacet reverendus Pater Richardus Bell, quondam Epifcopus Car- liol. qui ab hac Luce migravit, viz. vicefimo Die aluno Do- mini Et omnium fidelium Defunctorum per la ifericozdiam Dei; requiefcat in Pace. On his Breaſt a Book open, with theſe Words : Credo quod Redemptoz meus bivit. 1 Qq 2 At :: 290 Biſhops of CARLISLE m. At his Feet thefe Verſes 24 Hoc marmoz foffa Bell Prefulis en tenet olſa, Duriſme dudum Drioz hic poft Pontificatum bo Occit fed renuit, Chriſtuin fuper omnia querens, Defpiciens Mandum, porcendo Dzemia fratrum. : $ : WILLIAM SEVER, or SVEYET, Abbat of St. Mary's York, fuc- ceeded, and had the Temporalities reſtored Dec. 11. 1495. and was con- fecrated about Feb. 1495. He was An. 1502. tranſlated to Durham, and ſucceeded by ROGER LEYBURN, S.T. P. Maſter of Pembroke-Hall Cambridge, Archdeacon of Durham, and Prebendary of York, confecrated Sept. 10. 1503, and had the Temporalities reſtored Nov. 13. 1504. In his Will, dated July 17. 1507. he appointed to be buried in St. James's Hoſpi- tal, near Charing-croſs, Weſtminſter, which I find was performed, by a MSS. Note I have ſeen of his Death, which happened about the End of the ſame Year, or Beginning of 1508. On his Death, JOHN PENNY, LL. D. Abbat of Leiceſter, and Biſhop of Bangor, was tranſlated to this See, June 20. 1509. He died An. 1520. and was buried at St. Margaret's Church in Leiceſter, under a fine Alabaſter Tomb, at the End of the North Ifie, having his Effigies curiouſly carved, lying upon it in his epiſcopal Habit. I prefume his Burial here was oc- cafioned by his having been the chief Inſtrument in re-building this Church. His Succeffor was JOHN Kite, titular Archbiſhop of Thebes, and Archbiſhop alſo of Armagh in Ireland, who became confecrated to this See An. 1520. and received the Temporalities Nov. II. 1521. He died at London June 19. 1537. and was buried in the Middle of Stepney Chancel, towards the North Side, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone : Under this Stone cloſed and marmozate Lpeth John Kite Londoner Patytie Encreaſing in Dertues rofe to high Cđate In the fourth Edward's Chapell by his pong Lpffe Bith which the Seventh Henry's Servpce Primatyffe Proceding ſtill in vertrous Efficace To be in favor with this our king's Grace Dith Wit endowed choſen to be Legate Bent into Spayne tohere he right joyfully Combyned Biſhops of CARLISL E. 297 : Combyned both Princes in Peace moſt amate 3n Greece Flich Bpſhop elected toztheleji Hnd lan of Carliel rulping paſtozally lieppng nobyl Houſhold with grete Doſpitality One thowland five hundred thirty and tevin nupterate with paſtozal Carps conſumed with ige The ninetenth of Jun, reckonpd ful even Paligd to Hevpn from worldly Pilgrumage Of whore soul good Pepul of Charite Prep as pe wold he prey'd foz, for thus muſt ne lje Jefu mercp Lady helg : M In his Will, dated June 18. and proved June 21. 1537. he ordered to be buried near his Father's Grave in St. Margaret's Church Weſtmin- ſter; tho' probably he altered his Mind, and appointed to be buried here, According to Newcourt, he ſeems to have been Rector of Harlington in Middleſex. While he fate Biſhop, he built alſo a Tower at Role- caſtle, on the Weſt Side, which yet bears his Name. His Succef- ? for was ROBERT ALDRICH, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Colcheſter, Canon of Windſor, firſt Schoolmaſter, and afterwards Provoſt of Eaton Guidabiles Co. Bucks, nominated to this See by the King Jul. 18. 1537. On Aug. 7. he had the Royal Aſſent, and had the Temporalities reſtored Aug. 24. the ſame Month. He ſeems to have been a Man of the Times, a Com- plier with all the Changes of Religion, to keep his Preferments, and ſo I preſume was eaſily prevailed on, at the End of Edward the VIth's Reign, to leaſe Horncaſtle; tho' that King's Death happening foon af- ter, it was regain'd. He deceaſed there March 5. 1555. in his Palace at Horncaſtle, and was buried in that Pariſh-Church, tho, there is no Memorial of him, as I could diſcover in the Church. In his Will, in Re- giftr. Kitchen. 231. 23. he ordered, if he died in his Dioceſe, to be bu- ried in Carliſle Cathedral, and gave thereunto his Chapel Furniture. On his Death, OWEN OGLETHORPE, S.T. P. Preſident of Magdalen-College Oxon, firſt Canon then Dean of Windſor, Rector of Newington, and Hafely Co. Oxon, and St. Olave's Southwark, had the Temporalities delivered him Oft. 27. 1556. and was conſecrated Aug. 15. 1557. By his Intereſt with Q.Mary he procured the Collation to the Prebends, and in his Church the Advowfons of thefe Livings in this Dioceſe, and in Cumberland, viz. Burgh, St. John's, St. Bride's, St. Leonard's , Irton, Derham, Bing- bam, Kirkoſwald, Dacre, Whitbech, Ponfanby; Muncaſter, Bramp- 1011 298 Biſhops of CARLISLE. 7. :: 7 109, Croſsly, Millam, Ocerton, and Bet home; tho' they were after- wards took away by Queen Elizabeth, who made him an ill Return for his crowning her Queen (when all the other Biſhops had refuſed it) by depriving him foon after, which is ſuppoſed to have ſhortened his Days ; for he died Dec. 31. 1559, and was buried 7an. 4. 1559. in St. Dunftan's Church in Fleetſtreet, London, without any Memorial. In his Will, dated Nov. 10, and proved Jan. 13. 1559. he gives fome ſmall Legacies in Charity. After his Deprivation, Bernard Gilpin, as I have already mentioned, was offered this Bithoprick; but he refuſed to accept hereof, ſo it was conferred upon JOHN BEST, S.T. P. Prebendary of Wells, who became confecra- ted March 2. 1560. and had the Temporalities reſtored April 18. 1561. He died May 21. 1570, and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, leaving behind him the Character of a learned and pious Man. His Succeffor was RICHARD BARNES, S. T. B. Suffragan Biſhop of Nottingham, Chancellor and Prebendary of York, elected June 25. had the Royal Affent July 15. and received the Temporalities Fuly 26. 1570. On account, as was pretended, of the Exility of the Biſhoprick, he had Licence granted him to hold his Chancellorſhip of York, with the Recto- ries of Stokelley, Stangratt, Romaldkirk, all in Yorkſhire, in Commen- dam. But I ſuppoſe it was rather to advance his Fortune, which he was intent on, as a very worthy Member of this Church writes me, and fo try'd all he could with the Chapter to alienate ſome of the Reve- nues, being the firſt married Biſhop of this See, but was worthily op- poſed by them; tho' on his Tranſlation, An. 1577. to Durham, he ef fected it there, and granted away good Part of the Endowment of that rich See, being a Perfon that had little Regard to the Hierarchy of the Church, and a great Favourer of Puritans, as a learned Author calls him. On his Promotion to Darbam JOHN MEY, S. T. P. Maſter of Catherine-Hall, Cambridge, Pre- bendary of Ely, Archdeacon of Eaft-Riding, and Rector of Darfeild, ſucceeded, had the Royal Afſent Auguſt 9. 1577. was conſecrated Sept. 29. and had the Temporalities reſtored O&t. 8. following. By what I learn from Carliſle, he much prefs'd the Chapter to confirm fome Leaſes he had made of the Patrimony of this Biſhoprick to his Family ; but they ever oppoſing him, the Revenues of this See were preſerved entire all Queen Elizabeth's Reign; and on King James's Acceſſion to the Crown, an Aet of Parliament made by that Prince, reſtraining thoſe Practices in Bishops, hath preſerved this Church from Alienations, ſo that I find no- thing diminiſhed of its antientEndowment, but the leaſing of Carliſle- Rents Biſhops of CARLISLE 299 Rents in London. As to Biſhop Mey, he died Feb. 15. 1597. at Roſe- caſtle, and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, leav- ing behind him a Widow and ſeveral Children ; which Widow dying at her Son-in-Law's Houſe, Richard Pilkington, Rector of Hambledon Co. Bucks, was there buried, as I find by that Pariſh-Regiſter, Dec. 20. 1620. which ſtyles her Amey Mey, Widow to the Biſhop of Car- lille. On Biſhop Mey's Death, HENRY ROBINSON, S.T. P. Provoſt of Queen's-College Oxon. was elected May 27. 1598. confirmed July 22. and confecrated July 23. following. This pious and charitable good Man, of whoſe Bene- factions to Queen's-College fee an Account in A. Wood, died June 19. 1616. and was buried in the Cathedral, on the North Side the high Altar, where was put up over his Grave an Inſcription on a Brafs Plate, much the ſame with that in Queen's-College Chapel, printed in A. Wood, tho' without the Verſes on it, which are on the real Monument in Car- liſle Cathedral, which bears this Inſcription : Henrico Robinfono, Carleolenfi , S. S. Theolog. Doctori, Collegii Regi- na Oxoniæ Præpofito providiffimo, tandemque hujus Eccl. per Annos xviii Fpifcopo vigilantiflimo“; xiii Cal. Julii, An. a partu Virginis MDCXVI. Ætatis ſua LXIII. pie in Domino obdormienti, Bernardus Robinſonus, Frater ac Hares, hoc qualecunque M NHMEIO N, Amoris Teſtimonium. .. Non fibi ſed Patria preluxit Lampadis inftar, Deperdens oleum non operam ille fuam ; In minimis fido, ſervo majoribus aptu, Maximá nunc Domini gaudia adire datur. RICHARD SNOWDEN, S. T. P. (Prebendary of Southwell in his native County of Nottingham ) ſucceeded, being elected Sept. 1 2.' and confecrated Nov. 24. 1616. A. Wood ſays, he deceafed at London in Parliament-time; but by what I am inform'd from Tradition of his Re- lations in theſe Parts, he died at Roſecaſtle, and was buried in the Cathedral without any Monument ; his Son, to whom he left a good Eſtate, not affording him any. His Succeffor was RICHARD MILBOURNE, S. T. P. tranſlated from St. David's to this See ; Conge d' Lire dated June 21. 1621. He had been, be- fore he was Biſhop, Dean of Rocheſter, Rector of Cheam Co. Surrey, and Vicar of Sevenoke in Kent. He was defcended from a good Family of his Name, and born at Hellerbeck, in Gilleſland Co. Cumberland, and . 300 Biſhops of CARLISLE and not in London, nor of Welch Parentage, as A. Wood tells us. Af- ter he had ſcarce fate here three Years, he died, and was buried in the Cathedral Cemitery, leaving what he had to charitable Uſes. RICHARD SENHOUSE, S. T, P. born at Alneburgh-Hall, Co. Cumberland, Dean of Glouceſter, ſucceeded, being confecrated Sept. 16. 1624. He died about May 1626. by a Fall from an Horſe, as we are told in his Funeral-Sermon, preached in the Cathedral of Carliſle, where he lies buried without any Inſcription. On his Death, FRANCIS WHITE, S. T. P. Rector of Broughton-Aſhley, Dean of this Church, became confecrated Biſhop Dec. 3. 1626. He was 1628. tranſlated to Norwich, and thence removed to Ely; and dy- ing at London 1637. was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, without any Memorial. His Succeſſor in this Church was BARNABAS POTTER, S. T. P. Provoſt of Queen's-College, Ox011, confecrated March 15. 1628. He died in January 1641. and was bu- ried in St. Paul's Content Garden Church, Weſtminſter, without any Memorial. On his Death, the moſt learned JAMES U S'H ER, S. T. P. Archbiſhop of Armagh in Ireland, re- ceived Adminiſtration of the Temporalities Febr. 16. 1641, and held it to his Death, which happened March 21. 1655. at Ryegate in Surry. He was buried in Weſtminſter Abby, as we are inform'd in his printed Life;. Wliere is given the following Epitaph, deſigned to be put up on a Monument for him, but it was never erected. . MS. Jacobus Uflerius, Archiepiſcopus Armachanus H. S. E. ob præcla- ram proſapiam, raram eruditionem, ingenii acumen, dicendi & ſcri- bendi facundian, morum gravitatem ſuavitate conditam, vita can- dorem & integritatem ; equabilem in utraque fortuna animi con- ftantiam, orbi chriſtiano & piis omnibus charus, omniumque judi- cio præterquam fuo, Præful vere Magnus. Qui Ecclefiam veterum inftitutis, Clerum fuo Exemplo, Populum Con- cionibus afidue inſtruxit ; Chronologiam ſacram priſtino nitore re- ſtituit ; bonarum Arrium Profeſſores, inopia afflictos, munificentia fublevarit; denique qui Hærefes repullulantes calamo erudito con- tudit : His ingenii dotibus, his animi virtutibus ornatus, Praful opti- mus, piifunus, meritiflimus, cum inter Della Civilia, & Ecclefia, es Patria fue funeſta, ſibique luctuoſa, nec Ecclefiæ nec Patria, diutius prodeffe poterat, in Chriſto pacis Authore placide obdormivit, An. Æræ Chriftianæ, 1655. Ætatis ſuæ, 76. Riegat. in Com. Surry; Martis 21. obiit, ſepult. apud Weſtmonaſt in Henrici Septimi Capel- la, April. 5. 1656. 1 ate On . Bishops of CARLISLE 301 On his Death this See continued vacant five Years, when RICHARD STERNE, S.T. P. Maſter of Jeſus-College, Cambridge, Rector of Harleton Co. Cambridge, and reveſton Co. Somerſet, was nominated hereunto, Conge d' Elire dated OFF. 9. had the Royal Aſſent Nov. 28. was conſecrated Dec. 2. and received the Temporalities Dec. 19. 1660. and was enthronized Fan. 4. following. He was An. 1664. tranſlated to York, and fucceeded by EDWARD RAINBOW, Ş. T. P. Dean of Peterborough, Mafter of Buckingham, alias Magdalen-College, Cambridge, Rector of Little Cheſterford in Eſſex, and Benefeild in Northamptonſhire, confecrated July 10. 1664. He was, as the Writer of his Life tells us, a great Benefactor to his Epifcopal Palace at Roſecaſtle, the Chapel of which he rebuilt ; and deceaſing there in the 76th Year of his Age, was buried in the Churchyard of Great Dalſton, in which Pariſh Roſecaſtle ſtands, with this Inſcription on his Monument : Depoſitum Edvardi Rainbow Epifcopi Carliol. qui obiit xxvi Martii, A.D. MDCLXXXIV. His Succeffor was THOMAS SMITH, S. T. P. Dean of this Church, became confecrated Biſhop hereof, being elected May 2. and conſecrated June 29. 1684. He had been alſo Prebendary of the fame See, as well as of Durham and Lich- feild, and became hereto one of the greateſt Benefactors this Churchever had; he rebuilding not only his Prebendal and Decanal Houſe from the Ground, but beſtowing a new Organ on the Choir, and furniſhing the Commu- nion-Table with a Set of Plate doubly gilt, building the Regiſters-of- fice, and erecting a Library. Beſides what he did at his Epiſcopal Palace, and in other Parts of the Dioceſe, which daily partook of his Charities : At Appleby, near where he was born, he contributed liberally to the Free- School, and made a Piazza for the Market-People, and gave an Organ to St. Laurence Church in that Town; at Penrith he gave 500 l. to aug- ment the Vicaridge. Not to mention his Benefactions to Queen's College, Oxon, where he had been Fellow, or his building entirely his Preben- dal Houſe at Durham, or his leſſer Works of Piety, he may be faid every Day of his Life to be beſtowing ſomewhat on the Publick, having no Family to provide for. He died An. 1702. in the eighty eighth Year of his Age, and was buried in the Cathedral, within the Communion- Rails, with an Infcription on his Graveſtone, being the only Epitaph of any Biſhop whatever in this Church, except Biſhop Bell and Robinſon. His Will remains in the Prerogative-Office, London, and is the only one I can find there ſince 1559. Rr D. S. Tho. : ... : ANCELOT SALKE LD, laft Prior of Carliſle, was by King Hen- ry VIII. on the new Foundation, conſtituted firſt Dean by the 302 Deans of CARLISLE. D.S. Thomas Smith, $. T. P. hujus Ecclefiæ primum Canonicus, dein Decanus, tandemque Epifcopus, placide hic in Domino requieſcit ; vixit Annos LXXXVII. Obiit duodecimo Die Aprilis, An. Chriſti MDCCII. Moriens qui maxima meruit D. S. plura hic dici ne- gddit. On his Death, WILLIAM NICHOLSON, A. M. Fellow alfo of Queen's-College, Oxon, Archdeacon and Prebendary of this Church, and Vicar of Tor- penhoe in this Dioceſe, was by Conge d' Lire dated May 8. 1702. elect- ed Biſhop, and confecrated June 14. following, foon after which, about July, he took his Degree of Doctor of Divinity. This learned Biſhop, to whom the World is much indebted, not only for what he has publiſh'd in Antiquity, but in univerſal Sciences, was An. 1718. traniiated to Londonderry in Ireland, and ſucceeded in this Şee by SAMUEL BRADFORD, S.T. P. Prebendary of Weſtminſter, Rector of St. Mary Le Bow, London, and Maſter of Bennet, alias Corpus. Chriſti-College, Cambridge.; Conge d' Lire dated April 30. 1718. re- ceived Confecration June 1. being Whitfzınday, and was enthronized About June 1723. this preſent Year, he quitted it for Roche- ſter, and was ſucceeded by JOHN WAUGH, $. T. P. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxon; Dean of Gloceſter, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Rector of St. Peter's Corne hill, London, nominated hereunto about July 1723. who being a Na- tive of the Dioceſe, born at Appleby, render'd his Promotion very ac- ceptable to all the Clergy and Gentry in theſe Parts. DEANS of CARLISLE . Foundation-Charter dated May 8. 1542. An. 33. Hen. VIII. He was, on King Edward's Acceſſion to the Crown, deprived, and THOMAS SMITH, LL. D. afterwards knighted, ſubſtituted in his place An. 1547. but on Queen Mary's ſucceeding King Edward VI. LANCELOT SALKELD was reſtored An. 1553. He was a ſecond time deprived An. 1559. the Year after which he died, viz. Sept. 3. 1560. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial. On his Deprivation, Nov. 4. ? L : Sir Deans of CARLISLE. 303 Sir THOMAS Smith became reinſtated by Queen Elizabeth, An. 1559. of whom we may fee an Account in his Life, publiſhed An. 1698. by Mr. Strype, and in A. Wood's Athena. He died Aug. 12. 1577. and was buried at Mount-Theydon Co. Elex, on the North Side the Chan- cel, with this Inſcription on his Monument, on which lies his Effigies in Marble in a cumbent Poſture. Thomas Smithus, Eques Auratus, bujus Manerii Dominus, cum Regis Edw. VI. tum Elizebethæ Regina Confiliarius, ac primi nominis Secretarins ; eorundemque Principum ad maximos Reges Legatus“; nobilifſ. Ordinis Garterii Cancellarius ; Ardæ auſtraliſque Claneboy in Hibernia Colonellus ; Juris Civilis fupremo Titulo etiamnum ado- lefcens infignitus ; Orator, Mathematicus, Pbilofophus, excellentiffi- mus ; Linguarum Latinæ, Græcæ, Hebraicæ, Gallicæ, etiam & Italicæ, callentiffimus ; proborum & ingenioforum Hominum Fautor eximius ; plurimis commodans, nemini nocens, ab injuriis ulfcifcendis alieniffimus ; denique, Sapientia, Pietate, Integritate infignis, & in omni Vita, seu ager ſeu valens, intrepidus mori. Cum Ætatis fuæ lxv Annum compleviſſet, in Ædibus ſuis Montaulenſibus 12 Die Aug. An. Salutis MDLXX VII. pie & ſuaviter in Domino obdormivit. 3 In his Will I find no Charity given to Eaton College, of which he had been formerly Provoſt, or to this Church, but all to his Family. On his Death, JOHN WOOLEY, A. M. was conſtituted Dean O. 11. 1577. In the Preſentation he is ftyled Efq; and Secretary of the Latin Tongue. He died at Pyrford in Surry, about the Beginning of March 1995. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, under a ſtately Monu-- ment, with this Inſcription : D. O. M. Johannes Wolleius, Eques Auratus, Regina Elizabethæ a Se- cretioribus Confiliis Secret arius Lingua Latinæ, Cancellarius Or- dinis Perifcelidis, Doctrina, Pietate, Fide, Probitate, Gravitate clariſſimus. Obiit An. MDXCV. At the Bottom were twenty four ordinary Latin Verſes, mentioning his double Marriage ; which I don't find taken notice of on his Predeceffor's Monument, tho' he had alſo two Wives. CHRISTOPHER PERKINS, LL.D. (of whom fee an Account in A. Wood's Athena) afterwards knighted, as his Predeceſſor had been, ſucceeded An. 1596. He died in Auguſt 1622. and was fucceeded by FRANCIS -26 Rr 2 1 ceeded by this by He was 1686. He GEORGE SMALRIDGE, 304 Deans of CARLISL E. FRANCIS WHITE, S. T. P. preſented Sept: 14. and inſtalled OET . 15. 1622. He was An. 1626. made Biſhop of this See, and fuc- WILLIAM PETERSON, S.T. P. preſented Dec. 4. 1626. He was An. 1629. promoted to the Deanary of Exeter, and ſucceeded in THOMAS COMBER, S. T. P. preſented Aug. 28. 1630. He died Feb. 28. 1653. at Cambridge, and was buried March 3. in St. Botolph's Church Cambridge, without any Memorial but what is in the Pariſh- Regiſter. His Succeffor, at the Reſtoration of Church and Monar- chy, was GUY CARLETON, S.T. P. preſented June 29. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent, viz. Dr. Comber. He was 1671. made Biſhop of Briſtol, and ſucceeded by THOMAS SMITH, S. T. P. admitted March 4. 1671. An. 1684. made Biſhop of this Sec, and ſucceeded by THOMAS MUSCRAVE, S.T. P. admitted Off. 13. 1684. He died and was buried in Durham Cathedral, with this Inſcription on his Graveſtone. Here lies interred 'Thomas Muſgrave, D.D. Dean of Carliſle, and late Prebendary of this Cathedral. He was the fifth Son of Siri Philip Muſgrave of Hartley-Caſtle in the County of Weſtmoreland, Bar. who died the 28th of March, 1686. in the 47th Year of his Age. He firſt married Mary the Daughter of Sir Tho. Harriſon of Allerthorpe in the County of York, Knit. by woborn he had Iſue Margaret. His ſecond life was Anne the Daughter of Sir John Cradock of Richmond in the ſaid County, Knt. WILLIAM GRAHME, A. M. ſucceeded, being inſtalled June 23. London, without any Memorial ; having ſeveral Years before his Death been promoted to the Deanary of Wells, on which he reſigned this, and was ſucceeded by FRANCIS ATTERBURY, S.T. P. born March 6. 1662. at Mil- ton-Keynes, near Newport-Pagnel Co. Bucks, inſtalled Dean O&t. 2. 1704. He was An. 1711. removed to the Deanary of Chrift-Church Oxon, and ſucceeded by Proxy Nov. 29. 1711. He was likewiſe removed to Chriſt-Church Dea- nary in Oxford in July 1713, and was fuceeded by THOMAS : Archdeacons of CARLISLE 305 THOMAS GIBBON, A. M. Since S. T. P. Rector of Grayſtock, admitted O&t. 22. and inſtalled next. Day, viz. OET. 23. 1713. He died about O&t. 1716. and was buried in the Cathedral, within the Commu- nion Rails, on the North Side. Biſhop Smith, and ſucceeded by THOMAS TULLIE, A. M. inſtalled Nov. 22. 1716. living 1723. 3 ARCHDEACONS of CARLISLE HIS Dignity, with its Corpſe, viz. the Rectory of Salkeld an- nexed, was rated An. 1534. 26 Hen. VIII. at 221. 1os. 10d. * ROBERT was doubtleſs the firſt that held this Dignity ; for we meet with him ſtyled Archdeacon An. 113 3. on the erecting this See. * WILLIAM Archdeacon of Carliſle, was 1150. Witneſs to a Char, ter of Wedderal Priory. After him I find one ROBERT pofſeis'd of it 1160. as was PETER de Roſs, An. 1180. He died 1196. and was ſucceeded by AUMERIC de Tailboys, Rector of Dalfton, Nephew to Biſhop Poi- Etiers of Durham, An. 1196. and he by ALEXANDER Lucy, appointed to this Office, as 'tis ſaid, by King John, An. 1 204. ROBERT de Roffe held it 1225. as did after him GERVASE de Lowther, An. 1230. and * ROBERT de Otterington, An. 1 240. and WALTER de Ulceby about 1 245. H- I ſuppoſe Henry, was poffefs'd of it 1260. as was RICHARD de Whitby, An. 1291. and then I meet with PETER de Inſula, LL.D. 1302. He died 1311. being alſo Arch- deacon of Coventry. GILBERT de Halton fucceeded, and held it 1311. as did THOMAS de Caldbeck, An. 1318. and HENRY de Carliol, An. 1320. to whom fucceeded WILLIAM de Kendale, An. 13 23. And after him I find RICHÁRD de Arthuret preferred to it 1354. to whom fucceeded WILLIAM de Rothbury about 1356. In his Will, dated 1363. he appointed to be buried in Salkeld Churchyard. On his Death, John de Appleby occurs poſſeſs’d of it 1364. as does * HUMPHREY de Tbirland, An. 1373. as Dr. Todd informs me. However I find JOHN . 306 Archdeacons of CARLISLE * * JOHN de Appleby, Archdeacon An. 1380. I prefume he died An. 1389. Dean of St. Paul's, Landon. The next is * THOMAS STRICKLAND, he occurs An. 1406. His Will bears Date An. 1419. foon after which I fuppoſe he died, and was ſuc- ceeded by * ALEXANDER COKx, for I find him poffeffed of it 1427, and 1432. His Succeſſor was * STEPHEN CLOSE, preferred, as I judge, by Biſhop Cloſe, who died 1453. He was alſo Prebendary of Lincoln, and dying 1470. was buried at Salkeld, in the Chancel, with this Inſcription on his Grave- ſtone: Ozate pro Aninia Stephani Cloſe, Ketonis * Archidiaconi, qui moza tuus eft n. 1470. After him I meet with * HUGH DACRI, Archdeacon, and Rector of Salkeld, An.1490, and 1494. as I do * THOMAS BOURBANK about 1500. He was alſo Warden of Grayſtock College, and dying An. 1520. was buried there, as I learn from Dr. Todd, who informs me, that in Grayſtock Chancel Windows he is called, quondam Archidiaconus Carliol. WILLIAM BOURBANK, LL. D. no doubt ſucceeded, for he is ſtyled Archdeacon An. 1526. He died, as I conceive, about Dec. 1531. and was ſucceeded by * WILLIAM HOLGILL, An. 1531, or 1532. He occurs pof- ſeſs’d of it 1534. and died Archdeacon in 1549, or 1550. as I judge by the Date and Probate of his Will, tho' in it he is only called Maſter of the Savoy GEORGE NE VILL, Vicar of Morland, ſucceeded about 1550, or 1551. and died poſſeffed of it and Rothbury Rectory Co. Northum- berland An. 1567: EDWARD THELKE LD, EL.D. was collated to it March ir. 1567. on George Nevill's Death. He was An. 1571. made Rector of Grayſtock, and about the fame time Prebendary of Hereford, and Vicar f Tenbury Co. Worceſter, in that Dioceſe. On his Death, which hap- pened 1588. I find HENRY DETHICK, A.M. and LL. B. collated OEZ. 8. 1588. on Dr. Thelkeld's Death. Being made Official, and Chancellor of the Dioceſe; he quitted this, and was ſucceeded by RICHARD 1 Archdeacons of CARLISL E. 307 RICHARD PILKINTON, A. M. collated 1597, in which Year on Sept. 2. he paid Firſt-Fruits for it ; however he reſigned it about the End of next Year, when GILES ROBINSON, S.T. P. became collated 1598. and paid his Firſt-Fruits Nov. 8. 1599. He died or reſigned it about 1604. being Vicar of Croffthwaith, and was ſucceeded by GEORGE WARWICK, who paid his Firſt-Fruits for it Aug. 8. 1604. He died about 1621. being Rector of Symondsborne, and was ſucceeded by ROBERT WRIGHT, Vicar of Bromfeild, who paid his Firſt- Fruits for it May 12. 1621. He held it not long, for ISAAC SINGLETON, A. M. became collated to it Fan. 15. 1622. and paid his Firſt-Fruits for it Feb. 1. following. He died An. 1645. and was buried at Salkeld, without any Memorial, being Arch- deacon of Brecknock, and ſucceeded by PETER WENTWORTH, the expulfed Dean of Armagh in Ire- land 1645. He died July 22. 1661. and was buried at Bath Abby- Church, without any Memorial, having the Year before his Death re- ſigned this Dignity to LEWIS WEST, A. M. inſtituted Aug. 16. 1660. He died 1667. being Prebendary of this Church, and Vicar of Aldenham, and was buried at Salkeld, and ſucceeded by John PEACHEL, S.T. P. Vicar of Stanwix, and Prebendary of (this Church, collated Nov. 28. 1667. Being made Maſter of Buca kingham, alias Magdalen-College in Cambridge, he reſigned his Prefer- ments in this Dioceſe, and was ſucceeded by THOMAS MUSGRAVE, A. M. collated March 25. 1668. He was afterwards Dean of this Cathedral, and Prebendary of Durham. On his Reſignation, WILLIAM NICHOLSON, A.M. Vicar of Torpenhoe, was collated OET. 3. 1682. On whoſe being made Biſhop, JOSEPH FISHER, A. M. Vicar of Burgh under Stanmore, was pre- ſented hereunto July 9, 1702. and inſtalled July 14. He died An. 1704. and was buried at Burgh, and ſucceeded by GEORGE FLEMING, A. M. collated March 28. 1705. and in- ſtalled April 12. following. He is the preſent Incumbent, An. 1723. Rector of Ouſeby, and Prebendary of this Church. . ? PREBEN 308 Prebendaries of CARLISLE PREBENDARIES of CARLISLE. FIRST STALL. W12 ILLIAM FLORENS, Monk of Carliſle, per Fundationem, May - 12. 1542. HUGH SEWE L, S.T. P. was preſented by the King Aug. 20. 1549. on the Death of Florens. He died 1585. being Rector of Caldbeck, and Vicar of St. Laurence Appleby. EDMUND BUNNIE, B.D. ſucceeded, being collated July 2. 1585. He died An. 1617. and was buried in Pork Cathedral, with this In- fcription : Edm. Bunnæus ex nobili Bunnæorum Fam. oriundus, S. T. B. Coll. Mer- ton in Oxon. olim Socitis, Paroch. de Bolton-Peircy Paſtor, Eccl. B. Pauli Londin. B. Petri Ebor. & B. Mariæ Carleolenſis, Preben- darius digniſſimus ; Concionator frequentiſ vicatim & oppida- tim prædicando multos Annos confumpfit, cum ob Amorem Chrifti Ha- reditatem Paternam Fratri juniori reliquiſſet. Obiit Die Menfis Feb. 26. An. 1617. Hæc fenis Edmundi Bunni eft quem cernis imago, A quo Bunnæi villula nomen babet. Clarus erat tanti, tumuit neque ſanguinis æftu; Heres patris erat profnit elle nihil. Derot at ætatem gravitas reſolutio mentem Zelum ſcripta, aciem pulpita fatta fidem. Vafa ſacra libroſque dedit poſt funera templo, Et bona pauperibus, catera ſeque Deo. As he is ſtyled Prebendary of this Church, I conceive Mr. Le Neve's mention of RICHARD SYBSON, S. T. P. of Glaſgow Univerſity in Scotland, his being collated to this Stall An. 1602. is a Miſtake; for RICHARD SNODEN, who was certainly collated to it An. 1617. and, as I ſuppoſe, ſucceeded on Brunny's Death. He was alſo Vicar of St. Oſwald's Durham, and reſigning this Prebend, was ſucceeded by LANCELOT DAWES, A. M. collated 1619. on Snoden's Relig- nation. He died May 18. 1655. and was buried at Barton Co. Weſte moreland, where he was Vicar, and ſucceeded by THOMAS * . q Prebendaries of CARLISL E. 309 THOMAS SMITH, S. T. P. inſtalled Nov. 14. 1660. He reſigned it March 16. following, being afterwards Dean, and at length Biſhop of this Church, and was ſucceeded by THOMAS CANON, S. T. B. collated March 27. 1661. He died An. 1668. and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM SILl, A. M. Vicar of Addingham, collated March 27, 1668. He reſigned it 1681. being made Prebendary of Weſtminſter, and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM NICHOLSON, A. M. collated Nov. 17. 168r. On whoſe being made Biſhop, WILLIAM ATKINSON, A.M. was inſtalled into it July 14. 1702. living 1723. Vicar of Kirkby-Stephen. : SECOND STALL. * DWARD LOSH, per Fundationem, May 12: 1542. He re- ſigned it, being made Rector of Marrum Co. Lincoln. * WILLIAM PURYE, S. T. P. was preſented Jan. 22. 1546. by King Edward VI. on the Reſigna ion of Edward Loj. He died An. 1552. and was ſucceeded by JOHN EMANUEL TREMELLIUS, Profeſſor of Hebrew in Cam- bridge, who I find by the Letters Patent, had 08. 29. 1552. a Prebend of Carliſle given him, vacant by the Death of William Purye, which I preſume he did not accept of, and that Edw.VI. might on that account confer it on * EDWIN SANDYS ; for Strype ſays, An. 1552. he had a Prebend of this Church given him, which could be no other than this ; however he was deprived An. 1554. by Queen Mary, of his Dignities, who, I ſuppoſe, gave this Stall to EDWARD MITCHELL, LL.B. An. 1554. He died An. 1566. be- ing Rector of Rothbury, and was fucceeded by JOHN MAGBR AY, Vicar of Croffthwait 1566. On whoſe Re- ſignation, Thomas TOOKIE, LL. B. Vicar of Torpenhoe, was collated 1568. He reſigned it, and was ſucceeded by JOHN BARNES, collated Nov. 7. 1974. He was alſo Rector of Aiskby, and reſigning this, was ſucceeded by THOMAS FAIRFAX Sen. Rector of Caldbeck, An. 1577. On whoſe Death, JOHN MEYE, LL. B. became inſtituted to both his Dignities, An. 1595. but he quitted this the ſame Year to SE 310 Prebendaries of CARLISLE. 2 WILLIAM MEYE, A. M. his Brother, An. 1595. to whom fuc- ceeded THOMAS FAIRFAX Jun. Vicar of St. Michael's Appleby, about 1600. He died An. 1640. and was ſucceeded by FREDERIC TUNSTALL, A: M. inſtalled Oct. 4. 1640. His Suc- ceffor was ARTHUR SAVAGE, A. M. preſented An. 1660. to this Stall and Caldbeck Rectory, both void on Tunſtall's Death. He died An. 1700. and was buried at Caldbeck, and fucceeded by GEORGE FLEMMING, A.M. inſtalled March 12. 1700. living 1723. Rector of Oufely, and Archdeacon of Carliſle, ' THIRD STALL. Bailed . ARNABAS KIRK BRIDE, per. Fundationem, May 12. 1542. He died 1563. being alfo Prebendary of Lincoln, and was fuc- ceeded by GREGORY Scot, A. M. collated May 2: 1564. He was alſo, I preſume, Vicar of St. Michael's Appleby, He died An. 1576. and was ſucceeded by THOMAS BURTON, LL. B. collated Dec. 19. 1576. removed from the Fourth Stall to this. He religned it next Year, being Rector of Brougham, to ANTHONY WALKWOOD, collated April. 8. 1577. He died An. 1611. and was buried at Hutton, where he was Rector, and ſucceeded by BERNARD ROBINSON, collated 1612. He died 1637. being Vi- car of Torpenboe, and Recor of Muſgrave, and was ſucceeded by LEWIS WEST, A. M. An. 1637. He died 1667. being alſo Arch- deacon, and was ſucceeded in both Dignities by John PEACHEL, B. D. collated Nov. 28. 1667. On whoſe Re- , THOMAS MUSGRAVE Was collated to this Stall, An. 1669, which on his Reſignation was given to JOHN ĂR DREY, A. M. collated 087. 7. 1676. on the Reſignation of Mufgrace. He died, being Rector of Clibbourne, An. 1684. and was buried at Muſgrave, where I ſuppoſe he died, and ſucceeded by THOMAS TULLIE, A. M. Vicar of Crofthwait, collated An. 1684. On whoſe being made Dean, THOMAS BENSON, A. M. fince S.T. P. became collated Nov. 21. 1716. living 1723. Vicar of Stauwix and Dalton. i FOURTH Prebendaries of CAR LISTE 311 R THOMAS BURTON, LL. D. collated 1575. On whoſe a and was FOURTH S.T A L L. 18. ICHARD BRANDLING, Monk of Carliſle, per Fundationem, , May. 12. 1542. 12 ARTHUR KEY, Rector of Bownes, became collated Feb. 8. 1570. On the Death of Brandling. He reſigned it 1575. and was fucceeded by quitting it for the third Prebend, GEORGE FLOWER was collated March 24. 1976. He reſigned it, and was ſucceeded by buried at Grayſtock, where he was Rector, and ſucceeded by EDWARD MAPLET, collated March 4. 1584. He died Aug. 31. 1624. being Rector of Clifton, and was ſucceeded by JOHN FLETCHER, B. D. admitted Aug. 31. 1624. He died An. 1632. being alfo Rector of Clifton, and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM DODDING, A. M. Rector of Muſgravezi An. 163 2. He died in 1637. and was ſucceeded by RICHARD SMITH, B. D. Rector of Rothbury, An. 1637. He died 1643. and was ſucceeded by HENRY HUTTON, A. M. Rector of Longmartin, in 1643. To whom ſucceeded GEORGE BUCHANAN, A. M. preſented July 30. 1660. on the Death of Hutton. He was alſo Vicar of Stanwix, and dying An. 1666. buried in the Cathedral, without any Monument, and ſucceeded by HENRY MARSHALL, A. M. Vicar of Croſsthwaite, collated March 30. 1666. He died 1667, and was buried in the Cathedral, vithout any Memorial, and ſucceeded by comic JEREMY Nelson, A. M. Vicar of Stanwix and Corbridge, col- lated July 4. 1667. He died 1685. and was buried in the Cathedral, in the South Idle, and ſucceeded by 320 HUGH TODD, A. M. collated Oft. 4: 1685. living 1723. S.T.P. Vicar of Penreth, and Rector of Arthuret. I Abutale horrobod mo . was *** sr il brand othek 2 Arch- quam 312 Diocefe of CARLISLE Archdeaconry of CARLISLE A .. mond .. Brampton Deanary of CARLISLE, Co. Cumberland, Names of Churches and Religious Houſes to which Chapelse Patrons of Livings. impropriated. Iketon R. St. Michael. Lord Lonſdale. Arthuret R. St. Mi- Lord Preſton. chael. Beaumont R. St. Mary. Lord Lonſdale Burgh on the Sands V. The Crown. Priory of Lanercoff. Bownes R. St. Michael. }Lord Lonſdale . Bampton R. St. Peter. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Lanercoft. Bewcaſtle R. St. Mary. Carliſle St. Mary, the Ca- thed. Church, the Nave of which is Parochial, Sebram Cap. St. Mary. Carliſle St. Cuthbert Cur." Chapter of Carlifte. Priory of Carlifte Wrea Hesketh Сар. Armathwait Cwmwhitton Cur Combrew Cur. Biſhop of Carliſle Priory of Carliſle. Cammock Cur. Both Churches ruined, Carllaton Cur. Priory of Lanercoft. Caftlecarrock R. Chapter of Carliſle. Great Dalfton V. St. Mi- Biſhop of Carliſle. on See of Carliſlé. chael. luegill Cap. Denton R. Biſhop of Carlife. Eyton or Heyton Cur. Chapter of Carliſle Priory of Lanercoft. Eaſton Cur. 2Theſe Churches ruined, and Farlam Cur. S belonged to Lanercoft. Grinſdale Cur. Irthington V. Mr. Appleby. Priory of Lanercoft. Kirkandrews R. Church ruined, and united to Beaumont. Kirkleinton R. St. Cuthbert. Mr. Appleby. Kirkandrews R. St. Andrew. Lord Preſton. Lanercoſt Cur. St. Mary Mr. Appleby. Priory of Lanercoft. Magdalen. Nicholas Croſsby V. } Mr. Appleby. * * Winni. Dioceſe of CARLISLE 313 : 2 Tork Abby. A Spatrick v : ? Archdeaconry of CARLISL E. Nicholforeft. Ruined, and united to Kirkandrews. Orton R. Mr. Briſcoe. Rowcliff Cur. Chapter of Carliſle Priory of Carliſte. Scaleby R. All Saints. Biſhop of Carlife. Stapleton R. Earl of Carliſle. Stanwix V. St. Michael. Biſhop of Carliſle. See of Carlife. Thoresby V. St. Andrew. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Carliſle. Walton Cur. Mr. Appleby. Abby of Lanercoft. Wetherall Cur. Holy Trinity. Chapter of Carlife. Wetherall Priory, Cell to Warthewick Cap. St. Leonard. Deanary of ALLERDALE, Co. Cumberland. Spatrick V. Biſhop of Carliſle. Abby of York. Alhallows Cur. Antiently a Chapel to Al- Patrick. Bridekirk V. St. Bridget. Mr. Lamplugh and others. Priory of Gisborne. Bolton R. Mr. Thompſon. Bromfield V. St. Kentigern. Biſhop of Carliſle. Abby of York. Bellenthwaite Cur. St. Bega. Hawes Cap. Croſcanonby Cur. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Carliſle Camerton Cur. Flemingby Cap Coldbeck R. St. Kentigern. Biſhop of Carlife. Croſsthwait V. St. Kenti. Biſhop of Carliſle. Abby of Fountains. gern. St. John's Borowdale Wyborne Thornthwait Newland Deerham V. fault. Gilcrux V. Biſhop of Carlife. Abby of Calder. Holmcultram Cur. St. Mary. Univerſity of Oxford. Abby of Holmčultram Ireby Cur. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Carliſle. Iſel V. St. Bridget. Sir Wilfrid Lawſon. Priory of Hexham. Kirkbride R. St. Bridget. Sir Charles Dalſton. Newton Arloiſe V. Church ruined, andunited to Holmcultram, Plumland R. St. Cuthbert. Sir Wilfrid Lawfon. Tor :: Сар. : 314 Dioceſe of CARLISLE Archdeaconry of CARLISLE. Nunnery of Roſedale. Y Torperiloe V. Ulndale R. Wighton V. St. Leonard, Weſtward Cur. Biſhop of Carlifles Mr. Dalton. Bifhop of Carliſle. Chapter of Carliſle Abby of Holmcultram Priory of Carliſle. Deanary of PENRET H. $ : Priory of Carliſle. Abby of Lanercoft. College of Kirkoſwald. Priory of Carliſle. Cap 4. Priory of Carliſle. Ddingham V. St. Mi- Chapter of Carlife. chael. Aintable V, Mr. How Crogling R. Duke of Wharton. Dacre V. St. Andrew. The Crown. Edinhal V. St. Cuthbert, Chapter of Carliſle Longwathby Cap. Grayſtock R. St. Andreu Charles Howard Efq; Threlkeld Matterſdale Mungriſdale Wethermelock Hutton R. St. James. Chapter of Carliſle. Kirkland V. St. Laurence. Chapter of Carlifle. Cullgaith Cap. All Saints, Kirkoſwald V. St. Oſwald. The Crown. Lazonby V. St. Nicholas, Biſhop of Carlifile. Melmerby R. Mr. Pattifon. Ouſeby R. Biſhop of Carliſle Penreth V. St. Andrew. Biſhop of Carliſle Newton Cap. now di- ſtina. Renwick Cur. St. Benedi&t. The Inhabitants. Skelton R. St. Michael, Corpus-Chriſti Coll. Oxon. Salkeld R. St, Cuthbert. Biſhop of Carliſle, united to the Archdeaconry Sowerby V, St. Kenti Chapter of Carliſle . gern. Ratonhead Cap. College of Kirkoswald. Priory of Lanercoft. See of Carliſle Priory of Hexham. : Priory of Carliſle Deanary Dioceſe of CARLISLE. 315 Temple-Sowerby Cap. Archdeaconry of CARLISLE. Deanary of West MORELAND, Co. Weſtmoreland. Ppleby V. St. Laurence. Chapter of Carliſle. Priory of Wetherall, Cell Appleby V. St. Mi- Biſhop of Carliſle. S to York Abby. chael. Aiskby R. St. Peter Mr. Vane. Aiskham V. St. Kentigern. Mr. Sandford, . Abby of Wartre. Browham, alias Burgham R. Biſhop of Carliſle. St. Ninianus. Browham Cap. Burgh on Stanmore V. St. Queen's-College, Oxon. Queen's-College Michael. Stanmore Cap. Barton V. Mr. Lowther. Abby of Wartre. Putterdale Сар. Martindales . New Bigging R. St. Ed. Mr. Crakent horp. mond. Bampton V. St. Patrick. The Crown. Abby of Happ or Shapp: Clifton R. St. Cuthbert. Biſhop of Carliſle. Croſsby Garret R. St. John. Mr.Gate. Croſsby Ravenſthwait V. Mr. Grahme. Abby of Fountains, Clibbourne R. St. Cuthbert. Biſhop of Carliſle. Dufton R. St. Cuthbert. Mr. Blackwell. Happ, alias Shapp V. The Crown. Abby of Happ. Mordale Cap Kirkby Stephen V. St. Stem Duke of Wharton. Abby of York. them. Mallerſtrange Cap. Endowed and preſented to by the Earl of Tha- Southby Cap. Endowed and preſented to by Sir Philip Muſgrave. Kirkby Thore R, St. Mi- Earl of Thanet. chael. :: .. net. cm 7 Chapter of Carliſle. Abby of York. Milbourne Morland V. St. Laurence. Little Strickland Bolton Long Martin R. 3Сар. ... Earl of Thaner, Lowthey 316 Dioceſe of CARLISL E. Archdeaconry of CARLISLE. Abby of Coniſhed. Lowther R. St. Michael, Lord Lonſdale. Muſgrave R. St. Theobald. Biſhop of Carliſle. Orton V The Pariſhioners. Ormefide R. Biſhop of Carliſle. Ravenſtandale Cur. Mr. Gate. Warcop V. St. Columba. Mr. Braithwaite. Abby of York. Abby of Happ: . Total of Churches and Chapels 131 :: . FINIS Diocef. CARLIOL ** ... ܀ : 3 . . : DIOCESE ಜ್ಞ " ... 2. # . : : : . : ... - ಇಲ್ಲ. "ಇಲ್ಲ ..." : "," .' .., ... ... ....... ಇಳಿ ” ಟಿ" . . . ಆಗ...” :- * * : * - *** . * ::shi: ...... , *:: - : ವರ ಮದುವೆ - ..... : - - - -2: ಸಂವೊನಾw , ? ' . " ... - 4,40, 22 " ": " - ಇತಾಸು - en, - ... ' . " . " : - . .. . The Jehnography or Ground plott of the * HE Page 317. Cathedral Church of Cheſter. A The Great West Door. J.The Chapter Houſe & B.The Porch. anteroom before it. CThe Conſistory Court, K.The Veftriju program chante bene D.The old Forit. L The Choir n!"has24 E The New Font given Stalls & Penys on each by B! Morton of Kildare. Sidev niches aty. Intrance FThe South Tranſept M.The BP: Throne. Made uſe of for a NThe Pulpit Pariſh Church OThe Altars in the G The North Tranſept& Choir & Lady Chapel warj to the chapter Houſe & Steppsleading to them HThe Cloyſters x Conduit Bafon *** Dom loannes Chester Bar" hanc Jehnographiam Ecct.Cathedr'de, ceSTRIA in Ære incidendam curavit * . - SA 8 B 4.定​革​兰 ​. C Q а W R ***** 2 I U P X E M W O L. 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VW WHO CAMA "MMM.. RS WWWXXH FAN We Pic MAS 10 Will wy: SA Kics 21 . Det WAT . 0 Shawscala: The South Propect of the Cathedral of ChriftChurch of S.Mary Cheſter W ... V" : .. , ... . : . . D I O C E SE OF CHE S T S T E RU T contains the entire Counties of Cheſter and Lana caſter ; part of Weſtmoreland, Cumberland, and York- ſhire ; the Chapelries of Holt and Iſcoed, Co. Denbigh; I the Churches of Hawarden, Hanmer, Bangor, Wor- thenbury, and Chapelry of Orton-Madock, Co. Flint ; and is divided into two Archdeaconries : I. Chester, which has theſe Deanaries, viz. Chen fter, Prodejham, Malpas, Macclesfeild, Malbanc, alias Nantwich; all Co. Cheſter : Blackborn, Leiland, Mancheſter, and Warrington, Co. Lancaſter. Which nine Deanaries were in Lichfeild Dioceſe, till the Erection of this new See, An. 1541. II. RICHMOND, which contains the Deanaries of Amounderneſs and Furneſs, Co. Lancaſter ; and Kirkby-Londſdale Deanary, which extends itſelf not only into Lancaſhire, but alſo into Porkſhire and Weſtmoreland: The other Deanaries are, Kendale Co, Weſtmoreland, Catterick, Boroughbrigg, and Richmond Dearraries, Co. Tork; and Coupland Deanary, Co. Cumberland: All which were ſubject, un- der the Archdeacon of Richmond, to the See of York, till 1541. Tt The 318 Cathedral of CHESTE R. things colleas about this Cathedral, and all the Inſcriptions remaining The Number of Pariſhes in this great Extent, as Heylin, c. tell us, are reckoned 256, of which 101 are Impropriations ; tho' including Chapels and Donatives, neither of which are in the Valor Beneficiorum, they make no lefs than 506. The Clergies Tenths amount to 4351. 12 s. Touching Cheſter's being a Biſhoprick of itſelf before 1541. that will beſt be ſeen in Lichfeild, for tho' there fate but one Biſhop here, viz. Peter, who continucd Biſhop but about twenty Years, and died, and was buried in St. John's Church in this City, which was the antient Cathedral; yet ſeveral of his Succeſſors in the See denominated themſelves Bishops of Cheſter inſtead of Lichfeild, and choſe rather that Style, as is apparent from our Records : Tho' the proper Biſhops of Cheſter may be accounted only thoſe who were ſettied after 1541. in St. Werburgb's Abby, and have continued ever lince as I ſhall deſcribe them. CATHEDRAL of CHESTER . UR PON the converting of the Abby of St. Werburgh's in Cheſter into a Cathedralby King Hen. VIII. *. 1547. he aſſigned his new Biſhop, Dean, fix Prebendaries, od all of them Houſes out of the Build- ings of the Monaſtery ; in which, beſides the Dean and ſix Major-Canons or Prebendaries, he eſtabliſhed fix Minor-Canons or Prieſts-Vicars, a Deacon, fix Singing-Men or Conducts, fix Choriſters, two Maſters of the Grammar-School, twenty four Scholars, fix Almſmen, a Virger, two Sextons, two Porters, of which one to be a Barber, à Cook, and Un- der-Cook; in all feventy eight, by the Foundation-Charter, dated Aug. 4. 1541. In King's Vale Royal (á Folio Book fo entitled) are feveral curious before 1641. given us ; which are, together with the Arms in the Win- dows, &c. preſerved in Digdale's and Aſhmole's MSS. at the Heralds- Office, London, and the Malaum in Oxford, as well as the Lord Hat- ton's Library ; but theſe are very inconfiderable, it being plain, that be- fides Biſhop Downham's Inſcription on his Graveſtone, there were an hundred Years ago only theſe four following Epitaphs before 1600. And as thoſe are in the South Croſs-Ide ſeparated from the Cathedral, and appropriated to the Uſe of St. Oſwald's Pariſh, tho' I might be excuſed taking notice of them ; yet being willing to include every thing within the ſuppoſed Compaſs of my Delign, I Thall here fübjoin them, with two others , tranſmitted me out of an old MSS. relating to two Earls of Cheſter buried in the Chapter-houſe. Here 1 Cathedral of CHESTER. 319 1. Here lieth the Body of Sir William Gerrard, Kat. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, one of her Majeſty's Moſt Hon. Counſel in the Marches of Wales, Juſtice of Alize within the Counties of Glamorgan, Breck- nock, and Radnor, one of her Majeſty's Maſters of Requeſts, and late Recorder of this City, who deceaſed the firſt Day of May, An. Dom. 1581. leaving Dame Dorothy, one of the Daughters of An- drew Barton of Smythils in the County of Lancaſter, Efq; and by her two Sons and four Daughters. 2. Margaretæ Dod ob eximia vita continentiam, & morum facilitatem vicinorum amicitiis ad invidiam ufque fortunatæ , imprimis autem pietate puercitia & fingulari erga pauperes munificentia, excellenti; Johan. Morgel. Generoſ. Diocef. Ceſtren. Regiſtrar. Principalis, uxori charijíma mæftijimus pofuit. Obiit Die Decembris octavo, An. Dom. 1598. Ætat. ſuæ 43. ra granito da se do leta 3. Here lieth interred the Body of Will. Alderfey, ſometime Mayor of this City, who died O&. 1 2. An. Dom. 1577. and of Margaret bis Wife, who died An. 15879 and of John Alderſey, their ſecond Song Sometime alſo Mayor of this City, who died 17. of May, 1605. D caused t 4. For Tho. Green, late Alderman of this City. Age' is a Crown of Glo- ry, when 'tis found in the Way of Righteoufnefs ; Prov. xvi. 18. To that grave and worthy Citizen Tho. Green, fometimes Mayor of this City, taken hence by a timely Death in the Perfection of his Age and Virtues ; for his Integrity of Life, Courteſy, Sobriety, and I Facility of Manners, his conſtant Love to bis Friends, and Bounty to the poor, the Excecutors of his laft Will and Teſtament have this Monument to be erected. He bad trvo Wives, Élfen the Daughter of John Braſey Gent, and Dorothy Daughter to John Davenport of Calvely Efq; būst ſurviving them both, and having 100 Illue by either, he conveyed the Inheritance of the Houſe wherein he dwelt to the Intent that the yearly Profits thereof Should for ever be employed to good and charitable Uſes ; to zohich purpoſe alſo be in effect bis whole Subſtance, with divers Legacies to his Friends and Kinsfolks, and to his Brethren the Aldermen of this City. He was Sheriff bere in the Year 1551. ovods Tt 2 EPI- 320 Cathedral of CH ESTE R. . : EPITAPH of Hugh Lupus, firſt Earl of Cheſter, who died 1202. Although mp Cozps it lies in Grave by And that mp Fielh conſumed be My Pidure here now that you have An Earle fometyime of thts Citine Hugh Lupe bp Dame Bonn to the Duke of Brittayne Of Chivalrpe then being flower And Siders done to William Conquerour To the Honour of God I did edifie The Foundation of this Monaſterp The ninth Hear of this mp foundation God changed my Life to his heavenip manſion In the Pear of our Logd then being to # thouland one hundzed and two 3 changed this Life verily The XVII Daie of July. . . EPITAPH of Ralph Bhundevill, the ſixth Earl of Cheſter, who died An. 1223. Proh dolor! in muro jacet hic lub marmoze duro Coz comitis claufum qut cuntis preſtitit auſum Chziſte Dei fili quo cunca creantur e nihi- lo oſtia facra polt Ranulpho claudere noli. In Mr. Dodſworth's MSS. in the publick Library at Oxon, is exhibited fome Account of what Antiquities remained in St. John's Church, which was reputed the antient Cathedral, and was truly a magnificent Fabrick, and extended itſelf Eaſt, Weſt, North, and South, conſidera- bly farther than the preſent Church; as may be difcerned by any Perfon that obfèrves where it has been ſhorten'd in every Part, and contracted at the End of the Croſs every where ; as has been the Tower or Steeple removed from the Middle, on account of its falling down in Queen Eli- zabeth's time, An. 1574. and ſet at the Weſt End thereof. An. 1581. as my Author tells us, the Pariſhioners having obtained the Church of the Queen, began to build up Part of it again, and cut off all the Chapels above the Choir : Before which it ſeemeth to me to have been at firſt no ways . 23 Cathedral of Chester. 321 و Ways inferior to that of St. Werburgh's for Largeneſs, where Hen. VIII. fixed the Cathedral Church : Which I ſhall fomewhat briefly deſcribe, by informing my Reader, That the ſaid Cathedral (is a large Pile of Building, and for the moſt part very regular and uniform, tho' built at ſeveral times ; the Side-Iles, Nave, and South Tranſept being all of a piece. The only old Part of the whole Structure ſeems to be the North Tranſept and Chapter-Houſe, which appear to be very antient. Theſe new Parts of the Church (which compriſe all but the faid New Tranfept) ſeem to have been erected and re-edified tempore Edw. IV. and Hen. VII. by the Abbats Oldham, Ripley, and Birchen- fhaw; who, as I judge by the Foundation of Arches ſpringing from the Walls, intended to vault the whole Nave, or middle Ifle, which being left unfiniſhed, has remained fo ever ſince; there being no part of this Church vaulted but the Lady-Chapel and Side-Iſles of the Choir Part, the reſt being left open, with the Beams, &c. appearing under the Lead, like a Pariſh Church ; tho' the Choir Roof being newly plank'd with Mo- ney rais'd by a Brief, An. 1708. is moulded with ſome Bolection-Work. The Stalls of the Choir are very neat, being excellently well wrought with Tabernacle-Work : They are forty eight in number, viz. twenty four on each Side. At the upper End of them, on the South Side, is the Biſhop's Throne ; and oppoſite to it, on the North Side, the Pulpit, cloſe to which is the Archdeacon of Richmond's Stall, as is the Archdeacon of Cheſter's adjoining to the Bithop's Throne. Over the Rood-Loft, or Choir-En- trance, is the Organ, which is a new one, and facing the Nave of the Church and high Altar, makes a good Appearance. On the North Side is the old Organ-Loft, the Pipes of which being handſomly painted are ſtill remaining. In the Weſt Part of the Church, opening into the North Ille, was one Way into the Abbacy. It is now the Biſhop's Palace. This adjoined to the Cloiſters on the Weſt Side ; which Cloiſters were ſquare, and extended a hundred Foot every way, and opened by two Doors in- to the North Iſle of the Cathedral. Over the Weſt Part was a noble Hall, belonging to the Abby, or rather Abbat ; for the Monks had their Hall or Fratry on the North Side the Cloiſters, and adjoining thereto, part of which is now the Free-ſchool. The Abbat's Hall, ſince part of the the Biſhop's Palace, being An.1649. ſtrip'dof its Lead, has, with Part of the Cloiſters, gone to great Decay; as has alſo, for the ſame reaſon, the Chapter- houfe, which opens into the North Tranſept by a Paſſage cut thro', the old grand Entrance was into the Eaſt Cloiſter. This being a large venerable Building, (not improbably ſuppoſed to have been originally an Oratory to a Convent, before Hagh Lupas's Foundation] was deſigned by the preſent worthy, Biſhop to be repaired and fitted up again, and converted into a Li- brary : 322 Abbats of CHESTER. brary: Which good Work the Biſhop kaving begun, and liberally con- tributed to, there is no doubt but his Example will be followed. Moſt of the Offices of the Abby have had the good Fortune to be tolera- bly preſerved, tho' built with a red mouldering Stone, and ſeem to look much older than really they are. The Tower of the Church, which ſtands on four Pillars in the Middle, was deſigned, as they have a Tradition here, to ſupport a lofty Spiré : Tis only 127 Foot in Height, and has in it five large Bells, recaſt An. 1604. and 1605. in Biſhop Lloyd's time; in whole Predeceſſor's time, An. 1599. the whole Nave of the Church was flag- ged, and paved throughout. The Length of the whole Fabrick is 348 Foot from Eaſt to Weit; the Breadth of the Body and Side-Illes are agreeable to the Height of the Roof, which is 73 Foot: But theſe Di- menſions will be beft diſtinguished and underſtood by the Ichnography here annex’d, which has References not only to all the old Tombs before 1600. but even to thofe erected fince. And as to the antient Graveſtones, they being but few, and thofe moſtly of Abbats, I fhall crave leave to inſert an entire Catalogue of the Abbats, notwithſtanding the Series of them already publiſhed in my firft Vol. of Abbies ; forafmuch as I have lately received from the Rev. Mr. Stanes, Minor-Canoni of this Church, a very ry curious Account of their Succellion and Place of Burial, which I hope may not be unacceptable, fince I have hereby the Opportunity (which I am always glad of) to correct and improve what I have before printed. 10 Bio A BBATS of CHEST ER. R. 3 ICHARD was appointed firſt Abbat on the Foundation, An. 1093 He died April 26. 1117. and was buried in the Eaſt Angle or Corner of the South Cloiſter, now in Ruins, near the Entrance into the North Ide of the Cathedral, and fucceeded by us to WILLIAM, for he occurs Abbat 1118. He died O&t. 5. 1140. and was buried in the fame Cloiſter at the Head of his Predeceſſor, and fuc- ceeded by RALPH, An. 1140. He died Nov. 16. 1157, and was buried in the ſame Cloiſter, on the left Side Abbat William. ROBERT Fitznigel ſucceeded, and received the Benedi&tion Dec. 6. 1157. He died January 31. 1174. and was buried in the Eaſt Cloiſter, under a Marble, on the right Hand of the Entrance into the Chapter-houſe. He was, as is ſuppoſed, of the Family of Fitznigels, Barons of Halton. ROBERT Abbats of CHESTER. 323 ROBERT the ſecond ſucceeded, being elected Feb. 3. 1174. and ha- ving received the Benediction two Days after, viz. Feb 5. at St. Fohn's Church in the City of Cheſter. He died Aug. 27. 1184. On his Death the King feized this Abby into his Hands, and kept it two Years, after which he put in ROBERT de Haſtings, July 13. 1186. who received his Benediction at Canterbury froin Archbiſhop Baldwin. This Abbat was depoſed 1194. when there was a Portion of twenty nine Marks allotted to him for his Life. He lived not long after his Depoſition, and dying in the Convent, was buried in the South Cloiſter, at the Head of the forenam'd William ; where, in the Wall, on the right Side, are ſtill diſtinguiſhable three Niches, above the Ruins of that Cloiſter, There are three Mar- ble Stones, with Images and Croſiers cut thereon, which lie buried un- der the Rubbiſh. On his Depoſition, GEOFRY, by the Intereſt of the Patron, the Earl of Cheſter, was ſubſtituted Abbat. He died May 7. and was buried in the Chapter-Flouſe, on the left Side, next the Door. On his Death, which happened I 208. HUGH GRYLLE was made Abbat. He died April 21. 1226. and was buried in the Chapter-houfe under the ſecond Arch from the Door, on the left Side, at the Feet of Geofry. WILLIAM MARMION fucceeded, being elected on the Monday af- ter St. James 12 26. He died Aug. 27. 1228. and was buried on the left Hand his Predeceſſor, and fucceeded by WALTER PYNCHBECK who received the Benedi&tion at London, Sept. 29. 1228. He died June 22. 1 240. and was buried in the Chap- ter-Houſe, at the Head of Hugh Grylle. ROGER FRIEND ſucceeded, and received the Benediction Sept. 21. 1240. He died Sept. 23. 1249. and was buried in the Veſtibulum of the Chapter-houfe, under the ſecond Arch from the Door, on the right Side. Thomas CAPENHIRST, being then Prior, fucceeded 1249 He died March 28. 1265. and was buried at the Head of his Predeceffor Abbat Roger. SIMON de Albo Monaſterio, alias Whitchurch, fucceeded, being ele&ted April 17. and confirmed April 24. 1265. He died April 24. 1 289. and was buried in the Chapter-houſe, on the South Side, under Stone, in an Arch, fupported by fix Marble Pillars. Some Ac- counts tell us the Abby remained in the King's Hands for two Years, viz. from 1289. till 1291. when the King appointed THOMAS a Marble 324 Abbats of CHESTER. his room, : , VLDHAM, THOMAS Bircbelley, alias Lytheles, one of his Chaplains, Abbat, Fan. 30. 1291. tho' in others he is ſaid not to be made till 1294. and yet he received the Temporalities March 18. that Year. He died An. 1324. and was buried on the South Side the Choir, where is yet a Graveſtone that had his Effigies on it in Braſs. WILLIAM de Bebinton, or Barington, Prior of this Abby, fuc- ceeded, being elected Feb. 5. 1324. He procured to himſelf and Suc- ceflors the Mitre in the Year 1345. and next Year got an Exemption from the Biſhop of Lichfeild's Viſitation. He died Nov. 20. 1349. and was buried in the Ille, on the South Side the Choir, on the right Side his Predeceſſor Birchelſey, where his Graveſtone, with his Effigies on it, was lately remaining. RICHARD Seynesbury ſucceeded 1349. and was about March 1362. deprived by the Pope for Male-Adminiſtration, who conſtituted in THOMAS Thomas Newport, An. 1363. He died at Sutton June 1. 1385. and was buried in the Chapter-houſe, within the inner Door, where his Tomb was lately diſcover'd. WILLIAM de Merſhton, formerly a Monk of this Abby, ſucceeded, being elected Abbat July 30. 1385. He died Jan. 13. 1385-6. and was buried in the South Ifle, on the right of Will. de Bābington. HENRY de Sutton fucceeded 1386. He occurs Abbat 1410. and dy- ing May 10. (between 1411, and 1417.] was buried near the Choir- Entrance, on the North Side the firſt great Pillar on the South, where his Graveſtone ſtill remains, before a piece of Painting on the ſaid Pil- lar, formerly called the Piety of the Virgin Mary, of which fome Out- lines were of late remaining. His Succeflor was THOMAS YERDELEY: The exact time of his coming in I have not diſcover'd. 'Tis plain he was Abbat. An. 1418, and 1431. He dy'd . 1434. and was buried in the North Side the Choir, above St. Wer burgh's Shrine. John SALGHALL ſucceeded An. 1434. He died 145.2, and was buried behind the high Altar, between two Pillars, where is ſtill re- maining his Graveſtone, which had his Image on it in Braſs . His Suc- cellor was in is placed An. 1454. as he is in the Patent given us in Rymer, by mi- ftake, called Olderih . He died 02. 13. 1485. being alſo Biſhop of Man. SIMON RIPLEY ſucceeded, being ele ted Abbat An. 1485. He was a great Benefactor to this Church, and finiſhed the middle Ille and Tower, 2 . Abbats of CHESTER 325 Tower, and dying at Warwick Aug. 30. 1492. was buried in the Cold legiate Church there, and ſucceeded by JOHN BIRCHENSHAW, made Abbat by Papal Proviſion 087.4: He was, I prefume, a Native of Wales, and born near Conway, on the great Bell of which Church I met with this Inſcription, intima-, ting, as I gueſs, that he gave it. 1493. Ave fidelis anima Werburga fantis ipina felir i chozo virginum. Oza pzo nobis. Johannis Berchinſhaw Abbas Ceftrie. He occurs Abbat An. 1512. in fome Writings ; about twelve Years af- ter which he is ſaid to have been diſplaced, on account of ſome Fac- tion, and THOMAS HYPHILE, or Hyphild, was put in his room about 1524. He acted as Abbat 1525. but was An. 1529. ſet aſide, and THOMAS MARSHALL fubſtituted in his place for fome ſmall time, An. 1529. but he was about the End of the fame Year forced to give way to the rightful Abbat, viz. joh OHN BIRCHENSHAW, who became reinſtated about the end of 1529, or beginning of 1530. and enjoyed it to 1535. and doubtlefs to the time of his Death. His Succeſſor was THOMAS CLARX, about 1537. He occurs Abbat 1538. and at the time of the Diſſolution, An. 1540. and was next Year made the firſt Dean. But he held not his new Office long; for he died within leſs than fix Weeks, as I judge by the Date of his Will, and his Succeffor's Pof- fellion of the Deanary. n As to Lay-Perſons interred here, I find John Arnway, who had been ten times ſucceſſively Mayor of Cheſter, and died 1278. is faid to be buried before St. Leonard's Altar, in the South Part of the Church, where he founded two Chantry-Chaplains. As is Richard de Capen- hurſt, ſaid to be buried before the high Altar ; he died An. 1349. And Richard de Manlegh, who died An. 1366. They were doubtleſs Bene- factors to the Abby. The antient Earls of Cheſter were interred in the Chapter-houſe, as appears by our Hiſtories; but there remain no Tombs or Inſcriptions for them. And as to the ſuppoſed Monument of Hen- ry IV. Emperor of Germany, in this Church, it is plainly a Miſtake and vulgar Error : He deceaſed at Spires at Germany, being buried there, as our Authors tell us. U u Having ***** 326 Endowment of CHESTER. Having now done with the Account of the Abby, I come to ſpeak of this Church in its preſent State, ſince it was made a Cathedral, and ſhall begin with giving an Account of its Endowments. . Endowment of the Biſhoprick of CHESTER, Patent 33. Hen. VIII. Part 2. An. 154 1. $ HE King grants to the Biſhop of Cheſter, by him newly erected, Cheſter and Richmond Archdeaconries, with all their Appurte- nances, Rights, &c. the Manours of Abbats-Coton Co. Cheſter ; Lands in the Pariih of St. Mary's, St. Martin's, St. Michael's, St. Werburgh's, and Trinity, in Cheſter City ; Lands in Mancote, Harden, Criſleton, Nantwich, Northwich, Middlecich, Over-Wollaſton, Néſton, Hef- wall, Bidſton, Sandhough, i. c. Sandbach, Thornton, Eccleſton, and Rothorn, and Davenbam ; Parcel of St. Werbungh's late Monaſtery ; the Advowſon of Over Rectory ; Penſions iſſuing out of Handley Re- ctory, Budworth Chapel, and Bidftone Rectory ; Parcel of Birkenhead Abby ; Advowfons of Tattenhall and Waterton ; Rectories of clop- ham, Efingwold, Thornton-Stuart, Bolton, in Lonſdale, Bolton le Moor, and the Prebend of Bolton le Moor in Lichfeild Cathedral, the Manour of Weſton Co. Derby : Habende to the Bishop and his Suc- ceſſors. Tefte Aug. 5. Mr. Wharton remarks, that Cheſter Biſhoprick was firſt founded July 16. 1541. but, on fome Miſtakes, a new Charter was granted on Aug. 5. 3 Alienations of LANDS of Cheſter Biſhoprick. A N. B. S Henry VIII. conferred thefe Eſtates on John Bird, whom he made firſt Biſhop of Cheſter, fo he the faid John Bird conveyed them all back again to Hen. VIII, parting with all the De- meſnes and Royalties, and accepting, in lieu thereof, Impropriations and Rectories, which is the fole Endowment of this See at this Day; there being not one Acre belonging to it of Temporalities, except the Epiſcopal Palace of Cheſter. The Eſtates he had on his Exchange, as fpecify'd in the Patent, which bears Date Jan. 8. 1546. 38 Hen. VIII. Part 5. are as follow : ܀ The Alienations of CHESTER 327 92 The King, in Confideration of Weſton, and other Manours, grants to Fobn Biſhop of Chefter the following Rectories and Advowſons of the Vicaridges of Cotingham Co. York; Kirkby, Ravenſworth, Patrick- Brompton, Wirklington, Ribcheſter, Chipping, Mottrum, Bradley Co. Stafford ; Caſtleton Co. Derby, Wallifee, Weverham, Backford, Bow- den; yeilding and paying as a chief Rent, 151. 195. 9d. By this Ex- change, thefe Rectories being valued at as much as the Manours, there was little deducted for the Firſt-Fruits, it paying ſtill 4211. is. 8 d. The Value of the Eſtates, on founding the Biſhoprick, wasas follows: 1. S. d. Abbats-Coton Chefter Nunnery Eſtates in the 91 2 8 Weſton Manour 84 Bridſton Rectory 4 Cheſter Archdeaconry IIS Richmond Archdeaconry 172 0 I9 II 8 I 9 6 13 O o In all 487 94 : : But Repriſals, and other limited Payments out of it, reduced it to confi- derably leſs than 400l. per An, In the Archives at Lambeth is an Account of all the Eſtates of eve- ry Biſhoprick, as they were diſperſed and fold in the Time of the Anarchy and Confuſion in 1649. There are theſe recounted belonging to this See, which are, as I am informed, every Eſtate the Biſhop has : Llangas den Impropriation ; Llaneblick R. Little Budworth R. Caſtleton R. Co. Derby, Bowden R. Mottyram R. Arleton R. Co. Cumberland. Boulton le Moor R. Cartmeal R. Childwall R. Chipping R. Ribche- fter R. CottinghamR. Elingwood R. Kirkby-Ravenſworth R. Patrick- Brompton R. Thornton-Stuard R. Weverbam R. Bidſton R. Walla- fey R. Backford R. Over R. Bradley R. Co. Stafford, Bolton R. Clapham R. In all twenty five Impropriations. And that there were no Demneſnes belonging to this, appears by the Sale of Lands of other Biſhopricks, there being only fold of Cheſter Bi- Shoprick, An, 1650. the Archdeacon's Houſe near St. John's Church in Cheſter, Sept. 27. to Adam Banks, for 31). 185. 4 d. beſides the Epif- copal Palace at Cheſter, Dec, 13, 1650. to Robert Maller and William Richardſon, for 1098 1. fo that the Total of the Sale of the Lands of this Biſhoprick amounted only to 11291, 18 s. 4.de UU 2 The 328 Endowment of the Dean . The Biſhop of Cheſter is Patron of his ſix Prebends, two Archdeaconries, and about thirty Livings, all in his own Dioceſe, except theſe following: Llangaden V. Co. Carmarthen, Llaneblick V. Co. Carnarvan, Ca- Atleten V. Co. Derby, Ellingwold V. Co. York, in York Dioceſe, and Bradley le Moor Co. Stafford; but this laſt the Biſhop has neglected to preſent to for ſeveral Ycars. Divers of theſe Livings, as Cotting- ham, Mottrum, Ribcheſter, Chipping, Oc. were noble Benefices be- fore Hen. VIIIth's time, who in a more facrilegious manner than the religious Houſes had done, ſtrip'd ſeveral of the beſt Rectories of their Endowments, and reduced them to mean ſtipendiary Curacies. 4 3 . : Endowment of the Dean and Chapter of CHESTER, Patent 33. Hen. VIII. Hen. VIII. 1541. .. - T HE King grants to the Dean and Chapter of Cheſter the Manoūrs of Huntington, and Sutton, the laſt in Wireball H. Upton, Brom- borough, Treby, Ince, Salghton, Barnham, Fernell cum Pertinentiis ; Lands in Bakford, Hunting don, Cheveley, Sutton, Bromborough, Up- ton, Boughton, Newton, Wyroit, Croghton, Stamford, Criſtleton, Chor- leton, Lee, Morton, Salghalt , Shotwick; Right of Fiſhery in Dee, as cuſtomary, appertaining to ſeveral of theſe Places ; Rectories of Shot- wick, Bromborough, Upton, Westkirkby, Preſtbury, Great and Little Neſton, Willafton, and Ince, Parcel of Cheſter late Monaſtery ; Tythes in St. Oſwald's Pariſh in Cbeſter City; Rectory and Advowfon of Cambden Co.Glouceſter ; Penſion of 401. iffuing out of Rufford Ma- nour Co. Lancaſter ; Penſions out of Crifleton, and out of the Churches of St. Mary's and St. Peter's in Cheſter City, Bebington, Exham, Weſt- kirkby, Thurftanton, Doddleſtone, Codrington, Tatenhall, Waverton, Hamley, Aftbury, and Northendon , Advowfons of Crifleton, and St. Mary's, and St. Peter's in Cheſter City, Bebington, Thurſtanton, Weſt- kirbý, Doddleſton, Coddington, Handley, Ajibury, and Northendon Advowfons of the Vicaridges of Nefton, Preſtbury, St. Oſwald's in Cheſter, and Eaſtham, with all Lands, &c. belonging to thoſe Places, which were ever Parcel of Cheſter late Abby : habend. to them and their Succeſſors in puram & perpetuam Elymofynam, Aug. 5. The Value of theſe Lands, at founding, was as follows, viz. ; Improu. . and Chapter of CHESTER. 329 I II I 22 21 II 4 Impropriations of Huntington, and Cheveley Manours 49 9 9 4 Sutton Manour Upton In Boughton, Newton, Wyrvin, Croughton, Backeford, Chorleton, Stamford, Chriſtleton In Mofton, Salghall, Civ. Ceft. cum Vico Malbanci -- 67 18 1 Bromborough Manour 34 15 7 Bebington cum Eaſtham 21 18 6 Ireby Manour 27 17 7 Ince cum Membris 223 104 18 *% 2 I Summa Total. Temporal. 586 2 7 SPIRITUALIA. St. Oſwald's Cheſter, Preſtbury, Ince, Campden, Shotwick, Upton, Neſton, cum Penſionibus Eccleſiarum 358 10 2 to her wetensi . 100 o 10 I 20 26 13 4 IO Total of both amounted to 944 12 9 2 But out of theſe Perquiſites, by the Foundation, the Chapter was to pay per An. 7. s. d. To the Dean To fix Prebendaries, 201. each To fix Minor-Canons, 101. each 60o The Goſpel and Epiſtle Reader at the Altar, 61. 13 s. 4d. each 13 6 8 Four Students at Oxford, 61. 13 s. 4d. each Maſter of the Choriſter Eight Choriſters, 31. 6s. 8 d. each 4 Maſter of the Grammar School Uſher Twenty Four Scholars, 31. 6s. 8 d. cach 80 Six Almſmen, 61. 13 s. 4 d. each 40 In Alms In Reparations they were alſo to expend They were to pay for Firſt-Fruits 106 16 5 And afterward the Tenths of them annually. Contoh So that 9361. is. 9 d. being thus accounted for, there remain'd but 71.105.11 d. clear Value undiſpoſed of. 26 13 16 13 8 0 0 O O O 20 20 In . ... 330 Biſhops op CHESTER. In the Library of Sir Tho. Sebright, inter MSS. clariſſimi Edvardi Llyd, fol 111. is tranfcribed a copy of the Statutes of the Cathedral of Chriſt+Church, and the Bleſſed Virgin Mary of Chefter, as given by King Henry VII. and afterward alter'd by Queen Elisabeth, An. Reg. 27. Upon Nov. 20. 1550. William Cliff, Dean of Cheſter, ſurrender'd up the Manour of Idenſhaw; and 1553. May 14. had a Licence granted him to alienate the Manours of Huntington and Cheveley to Sir Robert Cotton. After which, 1580. An: 22. Eliz. the Queen recall’d the old Charter of this-Chapter, and by her Letters Patent took away from them Dec. 22. ſeveral of their beſt Eſtates, particularly Cambden, and endowed them with ſome few final Fee-Farm-Rents and Impropriations, no ways improveable, as their old Demeſnes were. The whole amounts to 1000 h. per Amrout of which tho old Rate for Firſt-Fruits and nual Tenths, being 1061, was ſtill reſerv.d. ſtill referv'd. In this new Charter of Donation, it is called, Eccleſia Chriſti & Sancta Mariæ Ceſtrix. The Dean and Chapter of Cheſter preſent to no Livings any where, except in Che bire. munus bod 10 Isto an ist ei ole enam met het stranice :: Bishops of CHESTER, J OHN BIRD, S.T. P. who had, on account of fome Sermons he preach'd againſt the Pope's Supremacy, recommended himſelf ſo much to King Henry the VIIIth's Favour, as to be made Bishop of Bangor, was by that Prince tranſlated hither, on his founding this Biſhoprick, Aug. 5. 1541. At which time it was made Suffragan to Canterbury; but April 13. following, An. 1542. it was ſubjected to York, and Biſhop Bird made his Profeflion of Obedience to that Archbiſhop. Having in the Hiſtory of Bangor. Cathedral given an Account of this Biſhop, I ſhall ſay the leſs of him here. I have already noted, that A1 1546, he granted away all the Manours and Demeſnes of this Biſhoprick, and ac- cepted of Impropriations in lieu thereof. But notwithſtanding this Grant, in which no doubt he got conſiderably from the Courtiers, he was, An. 1553. on Queen Mary's Acceſſion to the Crown, ſo overrun with Debt, that he owed 10871. 18 s. for Tenths and Subſidies, which was a great Sum in thoſe times, and would poſſibly have been remitted him, but thro' his Interelt with Biſhop Banners with whom her complied in every reſpect, as he had done in all Changes of Government and Religion, and fo would doubtlefs have been ſuffered to keep his. Biſhoprick, had he not broke his Vow of Celibacy, which was (as our Records mention) the Occaſion of his Deprivation, An. 1554. After which , cen ſcarcely of CHESTER. 3 331 . . Biſhops which retiring to London, and being by Biſhop Bonner (to whom he became a Sufragan) made Rector of Great Dunmow in Eſſex, died there, being very aged, viz. about 81. and was buried in the Church of Dunmor (as I learn from a MSS. Note of Pale) without any Memo- rial. So that what the Cheſter Writers intimate of his Death and Bu- rial among them in the Cathedral, An. 1556. ſeems entirely a Miſtake, and to relate rather to his Succeffor GEORGE COTES, S. T. P. Maſter of Baliol-College, Oxon, and Rector of one of the Medieties of Cotgrave Co. Nottingham, who be- came confecrated Biſhop of this See April 1. 1554. on the Vacancy, as tis exprefs’d in the Patents, by the voluntary Reſignation of John Bird, laſt Biſhop. He died at Cheſter, as I judge by ſome Notes I have ſeen, about 7an. 1955. and was obſcurely buried in the Cathedral, near the Biſhop's Throne. Fox accufes him, in his Arts and Monuments (where fee fome Account of his Predeceſſor Bird, Vol. II. p. 259, p. 259, and 260.) about the Condemnation of one Marſh, who was a Martyr of thoſe times, and villifies his Memory: Tho', by what I can diſcover, he was a good Man, and a moſt learned Divine, only poſſeſſed with an over-warm Zeal for his Religion, which was the Caſe of a no CUTHBERT SCOT, S. T. P. Maſter of Chrifi's-Collegë, Cambridge, and Prebendary of Fork, who fucceeded him in the Biſhoprick, the Temporalities of which he received April 24. 1556. Being a zealous Catholiek, he was ſoon after Queen Elizabeth's Acceſſion to the Crown deprived, and for ſome time impriſon'd in the Fleet, for his Religion ; after which retiring beyond' Seas to Lovain, he there ended his Days, and was buried. On his Deprivation.es WILLIAM DOWNHAM, A. M. Archdeacon of Brecknock, and Prebendary of Weſtminſter, was conſecrated Biſhop May 4. 1561. He died Dec. 3. 1577. and was buried Dec. 8. in the Choir of this Cathe- dral, with the following Inſcription on his Graveſtone, op a Plate of Brafs, long ſince periſhed. . fex clar Gulielmi Downham, qui ter ter claruit annos, Praeful in hoc tumulo flebile cozpus ineft. Bis triginta et bis fer bixit viriffet #ultra Multorum poffint fi valuere pzeces. Infignis pietate pater, qolamen amicis, Pauperibus frida non fuit ille manti. MDLXXVII. Decembris 31. . This ...", fin de toekoms in 34. wwwwwwwwwwwww******* ; 332 Biſhops of Chester. This Biſhop left behind him two learned Sons, both eminent Wri- ters, and graduated in Divinity, one of which was ſometime Prebendary of this Cathedral. His Succeffor, after near two Years Vacancy (which I wonder at, becauſe this Church had no Demeſnes to alienate) was WILLIAM CHADERTON, S. T. P. Archdeacon of York, Warden of Mancheſter-College, Prebendary of York, Weſtminſter, and South- well, confirmed Bishop Nov. 7, and confecrated Nov. 9. 1579. He was An. 1595. tranſlated to Lincoln, in which Dioceſe he purchaſed an Eſtate at Southoe in Hantingdonjhirt, a Mile off his Epiſcopal Palace of Buckden ; where living altogether, he let the Houſes belonging to his See go much to Ruin. He died at Southoe April 11. 1608. and was next Day, as I diſcovered in the Pariſh-Regiſter of Southoe, interred in that Chancel; tho there is not the leaſt Memorial, or Graveſtone, erect- ed for him, or any of his Family, who have been long ſince gone from Sout hoe. Sir John Harrington tells us, he had Iſſue only one Daughter, for whom he ſcraped a great Fortune, and married her to a Knight, tho' it was not a happy Match, they living afunder. aſunder. While he fate Biſhop here, he was a great Encourager of the puritanical Exerciſe of Propheſying. On Biſhop (baderton's Tranſlation to Lincoln, HUGH BELLET, Ş. T. P. Rector of Tydde Co. Cambridge, and Vicar of Gresford Co. Denbigh, and at length Biſhop of Bangor, was preferred from that See hither June 25. 1595. and had the Temporali- ties reſtored OE: 27. following. He died in leſs than a Year, at Birſe, near Wrexham, in Wales, about June 13, 1596. and was buried at Wrexham Co, Denbigh (his Funeral being ſolemnized at Cheſter, Fune 22.) with this Inſcription on his Monument, affixed to the South Wall in Wrexham Chancel: Sub certa (pe gloriofa reſurrectionis, bic in domino obdormivit reveren- dus in Chriſto pater Hugo Bellot, Sacre Theologiæ Do&or ; ex an- tiqua familia Bellotorum de Morton in Com. Ceſtriæ oriundus : Quem ob fingularem in Deum pietatem, vitæ, integritatem, prudentiam, & du&trinam, Regina Elizabetha primum ad epiſcopatum Bango- renfem in quo x annos fedit, poftea ad epiſcopatum Сeſtrenfem tran- evocavit An. Dom. 1596. Atatis fuæ 54. Cuthbertus Bellot fra- tri optimo & chariflimo mæftillimus pofuit. In ſome Accounts I have ſeen, he is reported to have had ſo ſtrict a Veneration for the Celibacy of the Pricſthood, as never to permit a Wo- :: man : Biſhops of Ches T E R. 333 man to inhabit or lie in his Houſe. His Succeſſor in both Sees, not only at Bangor, but in this, was RICHARD VAUGHAN, S.T.P. Archdeacon of Middleſex, an 1 Canon of Wells, who became tranſlated from Bangor hither May 16. 1597. and was enthronized at Cheſter Nov. 10. following. While he fate here, being a Man of a publick Spirit, he very much promoted the Reparation of his Cathedral, as he had before done at Bangor, and cauſed the Bells to be new caſt , and hung in the great Tower ; as he had all the Weſt Roof to be new leaded, and the Timber-Work to be re- paired. He was about Dec. 1604. tranſlated to London, where he died March 30. 1607. and was buried in that Cathedral, without any Me- morial. In Holland's Herologia is a Picture of him, and ſome Account of his Writings. On his Tranſlation to London, GEORGE LLOYD, S. T. P. Rector of Thornton and Bangor in this Dioceſe, and Biſhop of the Iſle of Man, was tranſlated hither Jan. 14. 1604. He died at Thornton, and was buried in the Cathedral, near Bi- ſhop Downham, with this Inſcription on a Plate of Braſs, long ſince ſtollen off his Graveſtone. : Immatura mors hoc concluſit ſepulcro cor. Georgii Lloyd, cujus memoria reveretur Ceftria ; natione fuit Cambr. educatione Cantabrig. Theologie Doctor, Theologorum Dułtor ; Sodorenſi prafuit, & profuit epifcopat. quingennio præfectus patto ; mater Angliæ repetiit prolem, & digna- tus eft finu Epiſcopatus Ceftr. ubi undecim mellibus non fine pro- cellis dolorum elapfis quinquagefimo quinto ætatis fuæ anno, & pri- mo die menſis Auguſti, An. Dom. 1615. lachrymatus lachrymandus obiit ; nec pudet vita, nec piget mortis. After his Death, GERRARD MASSIE, S. T: P. Rector of Wigan, was nominated by King James to this See, who going up to London to ſettle Matters in order to his Confecration, died there Fan. 16. 1615. and was buried in St. Mary le Savoy Church in Weſtminſter, without any Memorial. Le Neve tells us he was nominated Biſhop An. 1618. after Biſhop Moreton ; whereas it is evident he was deceaſed long before the Election of THOMAS MORETON, S. T. P. Dean of Wincheſter, Rector of Stockport in this Dioceſe, which bears Date May 22. 1616. as does his Confírmation July 5. and Confecration Fuly 7. following. He was A11. 1618. tranſlated to Lichfeild, and thence to Durham as is already mentioned in the preceding Account of him in Durham, Pag. 249. On his quitting this See Xx 2 John 7 ; : 334 Biſhops of CHESTER. any Date upon it. departing this , Interim Lumulum JOHN BRIDGMAN, S. T. P. Rector of Wigan and Bangor in this Dioceſe, Prebendary of Lichfeild and Peterborough, became elected Biſhop March 15. 1618. In Prince's Worthies of Devonſhire, is fome Account of his Life, he being born at Exeter : Tho' that Author, and other Writers, are all miſtaken as to his Death An. 1648, or 1649. and Burial at Cheſter ; whereas he did not die till 1652. as A. Wood tells us, or rather, as I have lately been informed, till 1657, or 1658. When Shropſhire, he was buried at Kinnerſley Church, near Moreton aforeſaid, with this Inſcription on a blue Stone in the Chancel, without Hic jacet ſepultus Johannes Bridgman, epiſcopus Ceftrienfis. Which being thought too obfcure, cauſed his Great-Grandſon to erect a handſome Monument againſt the Chancel North Wall, about four Years ago, with this Inſcription on it : M. S. reverendi admodum viri Johannis Bridgman, Epifcopi Ceftrienſis ; qui iniquitate temporum, quibus fallio ufurpatio valebant, ab epifcopali ſede depulfits, ad ædes filii fui, apud Moreton, fe contulit; ubi latens pietati precibufque acabat, & tandem fuaviter dormiebat in Chrifto ; cujus reliquiæ mortales ſub marmore juxta hunc parie- tem locata in refurrectionem fupremo Die futuram, & omnibus Deo per fidem inſervientibus reconduntur. In memoriam proavi fui op- time meriti hoo Monumentum poffit Johannes Bridgman, Baronettus, 21 Die Decembris, An. Dom 1719. His Succeſſor was BRIAN WALTON, S.T. P. Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, and Rector of St. Martin's Orgar, London, and Sandon in Efex, con- fecrated Dec. 2. 1660. He died Nov. 29. 1661. and was buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, with this Inſcription on his Monument affixed againſt the South Wall on one Side the Choir : Manet hic noviffimam reſuſcitatus Angeli tubam Brianus Waltonus, olim Ceſtrienſis epiſcopus. Epitaphium aliud ne quæras, viator, cui Datum eft, vel ipſum nomen epitaphium ; Onod ſi explicatius velis Hic ille eft, fi nefcire fas eft, doctor eximius 3.apzin Quà .. Biſhops of Cheste R. 335 . orio :::.. Qui ſub nupera tyrannide laboranti ecclefia Suppetias cum primis tulit: Clero a rebelli profanaque plebe conculcato Improperium abftulit, Religioni apud nos reformatæ ac profeffe Gloriam attulit, Dum freme Fremente licet Gebenna) Biblia Polyglotta ſummo præ cæteris ſtudio excoluit, Et excudi procuravit. Inde Sibi utrumque teftamentum promeruit monumentum, Et maximis impenfis pofuit, Quare feet Longo titulorum fyrmate ſuperbire non indiget, Qui nomen jam ſcriptum habet in libro vita. Ætatis LXII. Deceßit, vigiliis fanéti Andrex, confecrationis into Primo, Salutis 1661. HENRY FERNE, S.T. P. Maſter of Trinity-College, Cambridge, Dean of Ely, Archdeacon of Leiceſter, and Rector of Medbourne in that County, ſucceeded, being conſecrated in Feb. 1661. He died March 16. and was buried in St. Edmond's Chapel in Weſtminſter Abby, with this Infcription on his Graveſtone : yoldanalto al Hic jacet Henricus Ferne, S. 7. P. Johannis Ferne militis, civitat. Eborac. a ſecretis, filius natu oštarus ; collegii S. S. Trinitatis, Cantabr. præfeftus, fimul Ceftrienſis epiſcopus ; fedit s tantum ſepti- manis. Obiit Martii 16. A.D. 1662. Ætatis 59. His Succeſſor was George HALL, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Cornwall and Canterbury, Canon of Exeter and Windſor, Vicar of Minhenet in Cornwal, and of St. Buttolph's Alderſgate, London, confecrated May 11. 1662. T He died Aug. 23. 1668. and was buried at Wigan in Lancashire, of which Church he was alfo Rector, as I ſaw by an Entry of his Burial in that Pariſh-Regiſter, where is laid over him, within the Communion-Rails, a black Marble Graveſtone, bearing this Inſcription : P. M. S. Cujus repoftus pulvere in ſacro cinis expectat bic ultime ſonum tuba ; mevdace qui ne falleret titulo lapis, fonum fuum hoc fepulcro juſſit incidi ſuo. X x 2 Georgius 336 Biſhops of CH E s T E R. W .. Georgius Hall, S. T. P. ecclefia Dei ſervus inutilis fed corda- tus, D. Jofephi Hall, præfulis pientiflimi primo Exonicnfis, dein Norwicenfis, ſcriptis ſemper victuri, filius (imo umbra potius) ſex i inter ſeptemque annos ſédit non meruit Ceftriæ epifcopus, denatus ætatis fuæ anno LV. Chriſti vero 1668. Mirare le&tor præſulis mo- deſtiam aliunde quæras cætera. In the Cathedral of Cheſter is erected alſo this Infcription verbatim to his Memory ; tho 'tis plain it is but a Cænotaph there, and that his real Body lies in Wigan Chancel; where alſo his Wife was buried, who deceaſed the Year after him. She gave a Benefaction to Wigan Town and has on that account her Name put upon a Tablet, where ſhe is callid erroneouſly a Lady. His Succeſſor was JOHN WILKINS, S.T. P. (Warden of Wadham-College, Oxon, in Oliver Cromwell's time, whoſe Siſter he had married, and after the Re- ftauration, Dean of Rippon, and Prebendary of York) conſecrated Nov. 15. 1668. He died Nov. 19, and was buried Dec. 12. 1672. in the Church of St. Laurence Jewry, London, of which he had been Mini- fter, without any Memorial, leaving behind him the Character of having been an univerſal Scholar. His Succeſſor was John PEARSON, S. T. P. Maſter of Trinity-College, Cambridge, Prebendary of Sarim and Ely, and Archdeacon of Surry (which latt he held in commendam with the Rectory of Wigan in Lancaſhire, as his two Predeceſſors had done Wigan Rectory) confecrated Feb. 9. 1672. This excellent Biſhop, whoſe Memory will live by his learned Expoſition on the Creed, died July 16. 1686. and was buried with- out the leaſt Inſcription or Graveſtone, within the Communion Rails of his own Cathedral. In his Will, dated Jan. 2. 1677. which has a Codicil added to it, dated June 18. 1685. he gave twenty Pounds to the Poor of St. Oſwald's in Cheſter City, twenty Pounds to Great Sno- ring Poor, in his native County of Norfolk, and a hundred Pound to his Nephew Dr. Thane, the preſent Archdeacon of Cheſter. On his Death, THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, S.T.P. Vicar of Walthamſtore and Barking in Eſſex, Prebendary of London, Wells, and Durham, was conſecrated to this See, with Licence to hold Wigan Rectory in commen- dam, O&t. 17. 1686. This Biſhop, who had run the Lengths of King James II. and was by him nominated to the See of Sarnm, died April 15. 1689. in the City of Dublin in Ireland, being glad to quit the Realm at the Revolution, where he had render'd himſelf obnoxious, and was buried in Chrift-Church Collegiate Church in Dublin, without any Memorial, .. Bishops of C#este R. 337 Memorial, as I am informed from thence ; leaving behind him a Son, who was Prebendary of Worceſter, but forced to leave it and the Kingdom for his Extravagances. His Succeſſor in this See was NICHOLAS STRATFORD, S. T. P. confecrated Sept. 15. 1689. He was Rector of Llanfanfrayd Sinecure, Co. Montgomery, and other- wiſe beneficed ; an Account of which being given in the Inſcription put on his Monument in this Cathedral, I ſhall thither refer for the Character of this worthy Prelate ; whoſe conſtant Reſidence in his Dioceſe will render his Memory precious to Poſterity; as will his Zeal in repairing his Cathedral endear him to this City, beyond what is ſaid of him in his Epitaph, which is infcribed on a Copartient of white Marble on the North Side the high Altar, being the only remaining Monument whatſoever of any Biſhop interred in this Church, Biſhop Hall's being, as already obſerved, only a Cænotaph. The Inſcription is as follows: NICHOLA UŞ STRATFORD, S.T. P. Natus apud Hempſtead in Com. Hartf. An. 1633. vel mapa Fa&tus eft Coll, S. 8. Trinitatis, Oxon. Socius, 1656. Collegii Chrifti, apud Mancunium in Com. Lancaſter Guardianus, 1667. Sanète Margaretæ Leiceſtriæ, in eccl. Lincoln. Prebendarius, 1670. D. Ecclefia Afaphenfis Decanus, 1673. maribor In ecclefia de Aldermanbury, Londin. Concionator, 1683. and Eccl. de Wigan Rettor, & Ceftriæ Epifcopus1689. notic W xi Mortuus eft 12. Die Februarii, 1706-7. voja. On Ex vita per 18 annos bic ſanetiſſime inſtituta ibi Memoriam fibi reliquit omni marmore perenniorem. To Gorette en to Reformatam fidem blon oj Eruditis contra pontificios ſeriptis ſtrenue aſſeruit aw dit begiei Ecclefiæ defenſor prius quam pater. Vi Illorum quos adeptus eſt bonorum nullos ambiit, erots Nonnullos ſponte depoſuit. ** Divitiarum adeo, erat non cupidus, Ut poſt 40 annos inter dignitates ecclefiafticas, blod Exactos rem fibi reli&tam non folum non auxerit, lloga pod Lohosen Sed intuendis ecclefia ipfi credite juribus a sklo Eam libentiſſime imminuerit Morum fimplicitate, charitate in omnes, pietate In Deum, erat plane primava ov Epiſcopale munus ea fide adminiſtraviti 10 85 o 8 de arrone .. in Ut 338 Deans of GHEST ER. . He died or religned in leſs than orig no train Ut qui ordinem non agnofcerent, hinamo acelyn Virum faterentur effe revera apoftolicum ; del 2013 Laboribus magis quam annis fractus occubuit, D A Chriſto cui foli ferviebat asso Promiſſum diſpenſatori fido premium laturus. Gulielmus Stratford, S.T. P. Filius unicus Archidiaconus Richmondi, , edis Chriſti apud Oxon. canonicus, optimo parentii ad P. His Succeſſor was Sir WILLIAM DAwes, Baronet, S. T. P. firſt Fellow of St. Fobn's College, Oxford, and afterwards Maſter of Katherine-Hall, Cambridge, Prebendary of Worceſter, Dean of Bocking Co. Ellex, who became con- fecrated to this See Feb. 8. 1707. He was Feb. 26. 1713. tranſlated to York, and ſucceeded by the prefent worthy Biſhop, An. 1723. viz. FRANCIS GASTRELL, S.T. P. Preacher of Lincolns-Inn, and Canon of Chriſt-Church, Oxon, born at Slapton in Northamptonſhire, confecrated April 4. 1714. DEANS of CHESTER HOMAS CLERK, B. D. laſt Abbat of this Church, was made first Dean, on Converſion of the Monaſtery into a Cathedral, by the Charter dated Aug. 4. 1341. half an Year. His Will bears Date in September, about fix Weeks after his Admiſſion to his new Preferment, which I prefume he had no Enjoy- ment of in his Mind. His Succeſſor was HENRY MAN, S. T. P. whom I find poffefs'd of it March 28. 15428 He was An. 1546. made Biſhop of the Iſle of Man, with Liberty to hold this Dignity in commendam. However he very foon reſigned the fame, and was ſuccèdded by a variety WILLIAM CLIFF; LL. D. preſented to it May 30. 1547. While he continued Dean he alienated ſeveral Eſtates belonging to the Church as Edenſhaw Manour, Nov. 20. 1550. as he had in like manner ſacri- legiouſly given up the Treaſurerſhip of York into Lay Hands, to be dif- folved. He died at Lovdon, about Dec. 7. 1558. ånd was ſucceeded by RICHARD WALKER, A. M. An. 1558. who is, by Miſtake, called Roger by ſeveral Writers. This Richard Walker, as we learn from Anglia Sacra, Vol. 1. p. 456. had paſſed thro' ſeveral Preferments a Rectory in Wirral, St. Jobn's College Deanary, in Cheſter the Arch- deaconries of Stafford and Derby, and Rectories of Gotham and Leck Co. TH 3 S as : Deans of C# ester 339 Co. Nottingham. He died at or near Lichfeild, as I learn from his Will, dated Sept. 4. and proved Nov. 11. 1567. in which he appointed to be buried in Lichfeild Cathedral, where he had been Canon. On his Death, John Piers, S. T. P. was preſented to this Dignity, vacant, as 'tis expreſs’d in the Patent, by the Death of Richard Walker, 087.4. 1567. He was afterwards made Dean of Chriſt Church, Oxon, and at length Archbiſhop of York ; but kept this Deanary, with that of Chriſt-Church, till his getting Salisbury Deanary, at the End of 1571. when, on his Reſignation, RICHARD LANG WORTH, S. T. P. Prebendary of Durham, was preſented to this Dignity Feb. 28. 1572. on Dr. Peirs's Reſignation. In his laſt Will and Teſtament, which I have ſeen, ſeemingly a nuncu- pative one, dated April 19. and proved July 8. 1579. he bequeaths a hundred Marks to Ann Langworth, which he ſays was allowed him a- bout Cheſter Matter (probably in his trying to recover fome Eſtates alienated by his Predeceffors.) He alfo gives a Legacy to his Hoft at the Red-Lion Inn at Holborn, where I gueſs he died, and might be buried in St. Andrew's Church there. His Succeſſor was ROBERT DORSET, S. T. P. Canon of Chriſt-Church, Oxon, pret. fented Aug. 17. 1579. on Dr. Langworth's Death, and inſtalled by Proxy Sept. 10. following. He died May 29. 1580. and was buried at Ewelm Co. Oxon. where he was Rector, without any Monument, and fucceeded by TUOTEM VIDEO THOMÁS MODESLEY, B. D. preſented Aug. 12. 1580. on Dor- ſet's Death. He died about the beginning of June 1589. and was fuc- ceeded by John NUTTER, B. D. preſented July 4. 1589. He died March 30. 1602. and was buried at Sefton, where he was Recor, as I learn from that Pariſh-Regiſter, April 18. 1602. without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by WILLIAM BARLOW, S. T. P. inſtalled June 1 2. 1602, He was 1605. made Biſhop of Rocheſter, and ſucceeded by HENRY PARRY, S.T. P. inſtalled, Aug. 1. 1605. He was 1607. made Biſhop of Glouceſter, and ſucceeded by THOMAS MALLOR Y, B. D. Archdeacon of Richmond, Rector of Romaldkirk, Mobberley, and Davenham, inſtalled July 25. 1607. He died April 3. 1644, and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memo- rial, and ſucceeded by bio WILLIAM 4 340 Deans of CHESTER. . 2017 WALTER OFFLE Y, A. M. inſtalled about March 27. 1718. He died WILLIAM NICHOLS, S. T. P. inſtalled April 12. 1644. He died Dec. 16. and was buried Dec. 19. 1657. at Northenden, where he was Reétor, with this Inſcription painted on a Board: Hic ſubtus humatur corpus venerabilis viri Gulielmi Nicholis, ſacre theologiæ Doétoris, Ceftriæ Decani, Ġ Rectoris de Cheadle ; qui Catherinam filian Georgii Leyceſtre, Equitis Aurati, viduam & reli&tam Gulielmi Tattoni de Withinthaw, Armigeri, nupſit. Vixit annos 66. In Deum religiofus, in omnibus juſtus, quibus potuit profuit; nemini nocuit, tandem viam univerſe carnis ingreſus eſt, 16 Decembris, Stylo Anglix, A, D. 1657. His Succeffor, after above two Years Vacancy was ball HENRY BRIDGMAN, S. T. P. preſented by the Crown July 13 1660. on the Death of Dr. Nicols. His other Preferments were the Rectory of Barrow, to which he was inſtituted Dec. 16. 1639. as he was to Monks Bangor Restory 191. 9. 1640, and May 28. 1648. to Rich- mond Archdeaconry. He was Q&t. 1, 1671. confecrated Biſhop of Man, with leave to hold this Deanary in commendam; and dying May 15. 1682. at Cheſter, he was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by JAMES ARDER N, S.T.P. Miniſter of St. Botolph's Alderſgate, Lon- don, inſtalled in July 1682. He died Aug. 18. 1691, and was buried in the Cathedral without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by LAURENCE FOGG, S. T. P. Vicar of Plemonftall , inſtalled Nov. 2. 1691. He died Feb. 28. 1717. and was buried in the Cathedral likewiſe, without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by Aug. 18. 1721. being Rector of Barthomley in this Dioceſe, and of Muc- cleſton Co. Stafford, and Prebendary of Lichfield, and was buried at Succleſton, and ſucceeded by THOMAS ALLEN, LL. D. Archdeacon of Stafford inſtalled Dec. 6. 1721. .. Gr. ol vt ARCH- . Archdeacons of CHESTER. 341 ARCHDEACONS of CHESTER ſince it's Separation from Lichfield Dioceſe, and being made a diftin&t See. W ILLIAM KNIGHT, LL. D. having furrender'd this Dignity May 20. 1541. on its being diffevered from the Church of Lich- field ; that Hen. VIII, might better annex it to his new intended See at Che- ſter, would doubtleſs have been conſtituted firſt Archdeacon of this Foun- dation, as all the other old Archdeacons were in the reſt of the new erected Sees; but being made Biſhop of Bath and Wells a few Days afterwards, this Dignity remained vacant 'till John BIRD, S.T.P. firſt Biſhop became tranſlated hither from Ban- gor, Aug.5. 1541. who having got the whole Archidiaconal Power veſted in him, on Payment of a Stipend of sol. per. An. to a nominal Arch- deacon, he reſerved the Stipend to himſelf, and executed the Office by Deputies ; for in the Convocation,, An. 1545. he made Nicholas Buxie his Proxy to appear for the Archdeaconſhip. And that he held this Dignity till his Deprivation, An. 1553. I have reaſon to think, in- aſmuch as I find no regular Archdeacon eſtabliſh'd till Queen Mary's Acceſſion to the Crown, when Biſhop Cotes feems to have conſtituted ROBERT PERSEVAL, B. D. Rečtor of Ripley, his Archdeacon An. 1554. He was An. 1559. as Sanders has it in his Book de Viſi- bili Monarchia, Lib.7. Fol. 666. deprived and impriſon’d for his Religion, and thruſt out of this Archdeaconry, and his Prebend in this Church, tho whether he afterwards complied with the Times, and kept Ripley and this Dignity, I cannot learn, but I believe he did not, for I meet with John Pullen, Rector of Ripley An. 1564. after which Time ROBERT ROGERS, B. D. occurs Archdeacon of Cheſter. He died, An. 1595. and was ſucceeded by CUTHBERT BELLOT, B. D. collated Jan. 13. 1595, on the Death of Rogers. He was alſo Rector of Maghuntley, alias Mac- chenleth, a Sinecure, Co. Montgomery, and Prebendary of Weſtminſter, of which I judge he died poſſeſſed An. 1620. tho it is plain he had be- fore reſigned his Archdeaconry; for I find GEORGE SNELL, B. D. collated to it Jan. 16. 1618. on the Re- St. Mary's Church in Cheſter, with this ſhort Epitaph Hic fitus eſt Georgius Snell, S.I.P. Archidiaconus Ceftrienſis , qui per Injuriam Temporis in Communionem Laicam redactus privatus obiit Feb. 5. 1655. Не . Y Y 342 Archdeacons of CHESTER He was alſo Rector of Walliſee and Smeaton, and as I prefume of St. Mary's Chefter. His Succeffor was JOHN CARTER, S. T. P. Miniſter, as I take it, of Highgate, near London, whom I find preſented to it by the Crown, O#. 19. 1660. on the Death of the laſt Incumbent not named; to whom fucceeded WILLIAM FINMORE, A. M, inſtalled Nov. 6. 1666. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral , with this Inſcription on his Mo- nument : H. S. E. In ſpe beatæ reſurrectionis, reverendus Gulielmus Finmore, ec- clefie Certrienſis Archidiaconus Prebendarius, necnon per aliqua- multos annos ibidem Thefaurarius o Receptor, quo utroque munere ad mortem uſque ſumma cum laude ac aliorum fructu functus eft vir alioqui cum gravitate ac probitate morum, tum varia eruditione, at- qui conftanti in regem fide, undiquaque Spectabilis, Diem Obiit menfe Aprilis vii Eid. Ån. Saluris Humanæ MDCLXXXVI. Ætatis fuæ Climaterico LXIII. In memoriam dillideratiflimi mariti pientilima conjux M.P. His Succeſſor was JOHN ALLEN, A. M. collated April 12. 1686. He died April 17. 1695, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Monument : 3 Hic fitus eſt reverendus Johannes Allen, hujus eccl. Prebendarius, Ar- chidiaconus, necnon Collegii S. Trinit . apud Cantabr. Socius vir antiqua probitatis, modeftia fingulari, veræ eruditionis, immo na- tus ad chriſtianarum virtutum exemplar [here is a Word or two il- legible] propria maxima ei laus eft, quod erat in conciando excellens, in congreflibus ſuavis, erga amicos benignus, verbo dicam ita vixit ut se paravit ut fimplicitate morum, ac vitæ integritate Deo homini- bufque le probaret gravi morbo atliktus ad mortem, obiit xv Kal, Maii, An. Sal. Human. MDcxcv. Ætatis ſuc quinquagefimo. His Succeſſor was EDMUND ENTWISLE, S. T. P. Rector of Barrow, collated April 30. 1695. on the Death of Allen, He died, and was buried Sept. 17. 1707. in the Cathedral, with this Inſcription Edmundus Entwiſle, S. T.P. Archidiaconus Ceftrienfis, & cathedralis hujus Canonicus, filius tertius Johannis Entwifle de Foxholes in Com. Archdeacons of RICHMOND. 343 Com. Lancaſtrº Armigeri, & Dorotheæ filia Roberti Holt de Caftle- ton in eadem comitatu ; nupfiis primis cum Gratia, D. D. Nicholai Stratford, diocefis hujus Prafulis digniſſimi, filia ; unicum habuit filium Edmundum ; duaſque filias, Janam Katherinam : nupfiis item ſecundis cum Priſcilla, Domini Thomæ Bunbury de Stanny hujus comitatus Baronetti, filia ; duos habuit filios, Thomam Henricum. In vivis exiſtens ut verum Chriftianum, docuit fidem probavit operibus egenis quibuſcunque beneficus. Et mifericors pauperum in hac civi- tate liberis educandis charitatem piam cum aliis communicavit, & ad opera hujuſmodi peculiari zelo affectus orphanorum ſublevamen viduarumque indigentis cleri Archidiaconatus præcipue Celtrienſis, ille primus feliciter meditatus cum affe&tu promovit, aliis coadju- vantibus. At heu! laſſatus non ſenio, ſed invalitudine terrenum de- pofuit tabernaculum 15 die Septembris, Ætatis ſuæ 47. Ære autem Chriſtiana 1707. ut aliud Arutture melioris acciperat in cælis æter- num. Priſcilla' illius reſidua pars amantiflima hoc apponi fecit An. Dom. 1712. in perennem maritorum optimi memoriam. His Succeſſor was JOHN THANE, S.T. P. inſtalled about Feb. 1707. on the Death of Dr. Entwiſle, living 1723. Rector of Northendon, and Prebendary of this Church, } Archdeacons of RICHMOND, ſince its Separa- tion from York. W ILLIAM KNIGHT, LL.D. laſt Archdeacon of Richmond, while it remained a Dignity in York Cathedral, and belonged to that Dioceſe, being, as ſpoken of in Cheſter Archdeaconry, made Biſhop of Bath and Wells, occaſion'd, on its Vacancy, John BIRD, the firſt Biſhop of this new See to take it into his own Hands, and exerciſe the Office of Archdeacon, as I find he did An. 1545. by conſtituting Richard Smith to be his Proctor or Proxy for him as Archdeacon at the Convocation, An. 1545. And that he held it like- wife An. 1551. appears by this Mandate, directed to him by the King's Letters Patent, dated Jan. 11. An. 4. Edw. VI. Part 5, as I tranſcrib'd it from the Rolls-Chapel. Y y a Rex . S. 244 ecclefiam Archdeacons of RICHMOND. Rex reverendo in Chrifto Patri, Johanni permiſſione divina Ceſtrien. Epiſcopo Archidiacono Archidiaconatum Richmondiæ ; ejufve Vicege- parochialem de Bedall, vacantein per mortem Thomæ Magnus, ad preſentationem noftram ratione minoris Ætatis W. Digby, fpe&tant dileétum nobis Henricum Ilkyns vobis præfent amus. Tefte Jan. 11. In 1553. he, viz. Biſhop Bird, being deprived of this Biſhoprick, and ſo conſequently of the Archdeaconry, his Succeſſor, Biſhop Cotes, ap- pointed to this Dignity JOHN HANSON, An. 1554. of whom all I find is this, that 1559. he became ejected out of this and all his other Preferments by Queen Elizabeth ; and being either impriſoned, or thrcatied to be fo, for his Religion, he found means to retire beyond Seas with Biſhop Scot, to whom he had been Chaplain, and ſo I preſume ended his Days with him in Lovain. In the afore-cited Book he is reckoned among the Liſt of the Archidiaconi Vintti, vel Exules. On his Deprivation, CHRISTOPHER GOODMAN, Rector of Alford, became inſtituted 1559, or 1560. He died Fune 4. 1603. aged 85, and was buried in St. Bride's Church in Cheſter City, having been diſplaced from his Rectory of Alford, by Biſhop Vaughan, for Nonconformity. His Suc- THOMAS MALLORY, A. M. collated Nov. 6. 1603. on the Death of Goodman. He was An. 1607. made Dean, and ſucceeded by THOMAS DOD, A. M. collated Dec. 1. 1607. on the Reſigna- tion of Mallory. He died, and was buried at Malpas, with this In- ſcription : ceffor was Thomas Dod, Doctor of Divinity, Rector of this Church, Chaplain in ordinary to King Charles and King James, died the tenth Day of March 1647. Reſurgam. 7. His Succeffor was HENRY BRIDGMAN, A. M. Son to Biſhop Bridgman, collated May 20. 1648. He occurs poſſeſs’d of it 1660, and being made Dean, and getting other Preferments, reſigned it to his Brother CHARLES BRIDGMAN, A. M, collated June 10. 1664. He died, and was buried in Queen's-College Church, Oxon, with this Epitaph, now defaced. x Sub .. Prebendaries of CHESTER. 345 Sub Spe reditus ad vitam Caroli Bridgman, A. M. Nov. 26. 1678. Denati reliquia hic reponuntur. Henry Dove, B. D. fucceeded, being collated Dec. 3. 1678. He died about February or March 1694. and was, I preſume, buried at St. Bridget's, London, where he was Vicar, and ſucceeded by THOMAS LAMPLUGH, A, M. collated April 2. 1695. He died An. 1703. being alſo Prebendary of York, and Rector of the united Pa- riſhes of St. Andrew Underſhaft and St. Mary Ax, London, where he lies buried, without any Memorial. On his Death, WILLIAM STRAT FORD, B. D. Son to Biſhop Stratford, was col- lated Sept. 10. 1703. living 1723. S. T. P. Canon of Chrift-Church, Oxon, and Rector of Little Shelford Co. Berks. PREBENDARIES of CHESTER. Teixe a Series o give a Series of the Prebendaries in this Cathedral digeſted into Stalls, as in the preceding ones of Tork, Durham, and Carliſle, is not ſo very practicable; for, on a Vacancy, the new Prebendary is in- ſtalled into the loweſt Stall, and not into that of his Predeceſſor How ever, as my Authorities furniſh me with almoſt all the Accounts how each Vacancy was filled, I can particularly thereby conjecture, with pret- ty good Authority, except in one or two, that had the vacant Stalls been aſcertain’d from the Beginning, as in the other Churches, the Succeſſion would probably have ſtood as follows: FIRST STALL. s roispovito W ILLIAM WALL was admitted Aug, 14. 1541. per Fendationem. He is An. 1546. ſtyled Dr. Wall, and was doubtleſs the Dr. Wali fpoken of in the Cheſter Hiſtories, that An. 1537. begun Bough- ton Conduit to convey Water into the City. He was then Canon of St. John's Collegiate Church, and ſo was eaſier removed to this Digni- ty, of which he died poffeffed An. 1574. and was fucceeded by EDWARD BUCKLEY, collated 1574. He held it 1592. and I pre fune quitted it 1594. on being made Prebendary of Prees in Lichfeild Cathedral, to George DOWNHAM, A. M. Son to Biſhop Dozonbam, who muſt come into this or the third Stall, about 1994, or 1595. He died Anz. 1634 346 Prebendaries of CHESTER. ra 1634. Biſhop of Derry in Ireland, and was buried in that Cathedral ; having reſigned this in a few Years after he firſt obtained it, to Roger RAVENS CROFT, A. M. whom I find collated to it March 7. 1598. on the Relignation of George Downham. He died An. 1634. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, being alſo Re- &tor of Dodleſton, which about three Months before his Death he reſign'd it to CHARLES DuckWORTH, A. M. inſtalled alſo into this Dignity Nou. 14. 1634. on Ravenſcroft's Reſignation. He died, and was buried at Dodleſton, 07. 8. 1673, without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by LAURENCE FOGG, B. D. Vicar of St. Oſwald's Cheſter, colla- ted Oct. 7. 1673. to this Prebend, as 'tis expreſs’d, whereof Charles Duckworth was Incumbent. He was An. 1691. made Dean, and fuc- ceeded by EDMOND ENTWISLE, A.M. collated Nov. 14. 1691. on Fogg's being made Dean. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, being alſo Archdeacon, where ſee more of him. On his Death, SAMUEL SHAW, A. M. was preſented by the Crown, An. 1707. on the Vacancy of the Biſhoprick, to this Prebend, void by Entwiſle's Death. He died An. 1719. and was buried at Warrington, where he John MAPLETOFT, A. M. collated June 27. 1719. on the Death of Shaw ; living 1723. Vicar of Neſton. NO SECOND STALL ICHOLAS BUCKSIE, A. M. was admitted Aug. 4. 1541: per Fundationem. He was An. 1545. Proctor for the Chapter in Convocation, as he was alſo for the Archdeacon of Cbefter, as already mention'd. On his Death, which happened An. 1566. John Pe IRSE, S.T. P. became collated Ane 1566. He was next Year made Dean, and ſucceeded in this Prebend by John NUTTER, B. D. inſtalled 1566. He was An. 1588, made Dean, and ſucceeded by Peter SHARP, B. D. inſtalled Nov. 14. 1588. in place of Nut- ter. He died An. 1616. being alſo Rector of Heſwall, and was fuc- ceeded by THOMAS ASHALL, A. M. preſented by the Crown May 4. 1616. to a Prebend of this Church, void by the Death of Sharp. He held it 1631. being alſo Rector of Swetenham, where he died July 15. 1632. and was buried in the Church there July 18. as I learn நான் Prebendaries of CHESTER. 347 : , . 26. 1685. learn from the Pariſh-Regiſter, without any Memorial. On Aball's Death, poſſibly Biſhop Bridgman's Brother-in-law, WILLIAM HELLIAR, Archdeacon of Barnſtable, took this Pre- bend, and held it for his Nephew, the Biſhop's Son, two Years, till he was qualify'd for it; who better liking of the third Prebend, held by Bifpham, he the faid WILLIAM BISPHA M, as I judge, quitted that, and was collated to this, Oft. 4. 1634. which is expreſs’d to be void by Helliar's Reſigna-, tion. Asto Bufpham, he died 1685. being alfo Rector of Brindle, and one of the Medieties of Lym, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription on his Monument : Hic inde agit atus dum vixerit prope jacet Gulielmus Biſpham, hujus Ecclefia® , & nunc . Ætatis fuæ 88. JOHN ALLEN, A. M. fucceeded, being collated April 12. 1686. on Biſpham's Death; of whom ſee more among the Archdeacons of Cheſter. His Succeffor was THOMAS WILLIAMSON, A. M. collated Sept. 24. 1695. on the Death of Archdeacon Allen. He died 1696. and was buried at Weft- Kirkby, where he was Rector, and ſucceeded by DUDLEY GARENCIERS, A.M. Rector of Waverton, collated Nov. 3. 1696. on the Death of Williamſon. He died, and was bu- ried April 8. 1702. in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and fuc- ceeded by ARTHUR FOGG, A. M. Vicar of St. Oſwald's Cheſter, collated April 20. 1702. living 1723. S. T. P. and Rector of Dodleſton. THIRD STALL. T: ' HOMAS NEWTON, per. Fundationem, Aug. 4. 15412 PETER MANWARING was preſented Feb. 1. 1544. on the Death of Newton, by the King. He was An. 1547. at the Diſſolution of St. John's College, Cheſter, returned among the Prebendaries there, and faid to be aged 77. He died An. 1550. and was fucceeded by JOHN WHITBY, preſented Sept. 15. 1550 by the King, on the Death of Manwaring. He was alſo Prebendary of St. John's, and aged 60, at the Diffolution, An. 1547. THOMAS 348 Prebendaries of CHESTER . . . Cantab. quondam Socii, atque Eccl. Cath. Ceftr Prebendarii ; qui THOMAS WILSON, B. D. fucceeded, being inſtituted O&t. 1.1557 on the Death of Whitby. He quitted this Stall, having divers other Preferments, and was fucceeded, as I judge, by THOMAS Dun, collated 1566. He died 1575, being Vicar of Il- ford in Elles, and was ſucceeded by THOMAS HIDE, A.M. collated Jan. 4. 1575. on the Death of Dun. He was, I prefume, the fame Perſon that was 1588. made Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral. I find no mention of him here at Chefter after 1593. and ſo I preſume he was about that time fuc- ceeded by JOHN MEIR, or MEYRE, A.M. for he could ſucceed to no o- ther Stall but this, except the firſt. He was afterwards made Re- ctor of Winwick, when I preſume he might give up this Stall, which I find him poffefs'a of from 1996, to 1620. When, on his Relig- nation, GEORGE SNELI, B. D. was collated Jan. 2. 1620. Of whoin fee an Account among the Archdeacons of Cheſter. He reſigned-it An. 1632. to WILLIAM BISPH A M, A. M. who is ſaid to be collated Feb. 4. 163 2. on the Reſignation of Dr. Snell. He quitted it for the ſecond Prebend for I find Dove BRIDGMAN, A. M. Son to Biſhop Bridgman, mentioned to be collated to this 087. 3. 1634. vacant by the Relignation of Biſpham, who next Day became collated to the ſecond Prebend, and quitted this to Bridgman, who died poſſeſſed of it An. 1637, and Tattenhall Re- &tory, and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and fucceeded by EDWARD MORET O N, A. M. collated OEt. 13. 1637. on the Death of Dove Bridgman. He was alſo Rector of Tattenhali and Bar- row, and at length of Sephton ; in which laſt Chancel he lies buried, with this Inſcription : Pie Memoriæ S. Edvardi Moretoni, S: T. P. Gulielmi · Moreton de Moreton in agro Ceftr' filii tandemque heredis, Collegii Regalis apud per triginta ſex plus minus, annos; nec eis quidem exemptis quibus quafi exul boniſque omnibus fpoliatus eixit. Hanc follicite regebat ecclefiam utriuſque fortune, haud equidem æque particeps; at utri- que par qui bene novit fecundis rebus ſobrie uti, atque adverfis forti- titer ; primæva pietatis, atque etiam difciplina, perpetuus vindex, tandem ; : * w 3 349 Prebendaries of CHEST E R. y ROBERT PERCIVALL, B. D. collated Aug. 26. 1556. He was tandem non martyr fuit illuftre ac rarum exemplar. Obiit Febr. 28. 1674. Ætatis ſuæ 76. WILLIAM THOMPSON, A. M. Rector of St. Peter's, Cheſter, ſucceeded, being collated July 6. 1675. to the Prebend which Edward Moreton held. He died, and was buried Jan. 9. 1693. in the Cathe- dral, and ſucceeded by PETER LANCASTER, A. M. Rector of Nantwich, collated May 2. 1694. on the Death of Thompſon. He died, and was buried May 17. 1709. in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by RICHARD CLOTTERBOCK, A. M. Fellow of Katherine-Hall, Cambridge, collated Aug. 26. 1709. on the Death of Lancaſter. He died in about half a Year, and was ſucceeded by CHARLES BLAKE, S. T. P. collated April 21. 1710. on the Death of Clotterbock. Being made Subdean of York, he reſigned this, and was ſucceeded by bul JOHN PRESCOT, A. M. collated Jan. 27. 1715. living 1723. Rector of Waverton. FOURTH STALL. OHN Huet, admitted Aug. 4. 1541. per Fundationem. La noge John Gibbes fucceeded, being preſented i 544. on the Death of Huet. John WILSMSLEY, LL. B. fucceeded, being preſented April 2. 1554. on the Reſignation of Gibbes. He died An. 1556. being Rector of Torperley, and Archdeacon of London, and was ſucceeded by 1 T°*,он * alſo Archdeacon of Cheſter, of which he is ſaid to be deprived by Queen Elizabeth ; but I ſuppoſe he made fome Compliances, for he was in Poffeffion of this Prebend in June 1562. as was JOHN HARDYMAN, D. D. in 7 une following, An. 1563. He was alfo Prebendary of Weſtminſter ; but being a buſy Man in running in with the Puritans in deſtroying Monuments, &c. in Churches, he was juſtly deprived in 1567. About which time I find this Prebend be- ſtowed on THOMAS HERLE, An. 1567. for it is plain he muſt come into this or the third about that time. He was alſo Warden of Mancheſter-Col- lege, Prebendary of Worceſter, and Vicar of Bromſgrove in that Dio- ceſe, which became void An. 1587. by his Death. No doubt Z z ROGER 350 Prebendaries of CHESTER. An. 1634. In his Will, dated Dec. 21. 1556? ROGER PARKER, D.D. fucceeded, being collated Nov. 19. 1587. and inſtalled Sept. 5. 1588. He was afterwards, as I conceive, made Dean of Lincoln. His Succeffor was GRIFFITH VAUGHAN, A. M. collated April 5. 1604. in place of Dr. Parker. He died 1612. being alſo Treaſurer of Bangor, and Prebendary of St. Paul's, London. De PATRICK YOUNGE fucceeded 1613. and died 1652. being Chan- cellor of St. Paul's, London, having An. 1618. quitted this to WILLIAM FORSTER, S.T. P. Rector of Barrow, and at length Biſhop of Man. He died Feb. 23. and was buried Feb. 26. at Barrow, CHARLES JOne's is in the Firſt-Fruits Office Books returned as collated Feb. 24. 1634. on the Death of William Bifhop of Man ; tho® 'tis plain he was ſet aſide, for I find WILLIAM CHILLINGWORTH, A. M. the famous Writer, mentioned in the Patents to be preſented to it May 15. 1635 void, as therein exprefsd, by the Death of William Forſter Biſhop of Man. He reſigned to DAVID LLOYD, LL.D. afterwards Dean of St. Afapb, collated July 13. 1639. on the Reſignation of Chillingworth. He quitted it to ROBERT MORGAN, B. D. collated July 1. 1642. on the Refig- nation of Lloyd. He was afterwards, An. 1666. made Biſhop of Ban- but before that he quitted it An. 1663, or 1664. to SIMON LAND, Rector of Waverton and Penſans in Cornwall. He died An. 1676. and was, as I learn, buried at Penſans, and ſucceeded by RICHARD WRIGHT, B. D. collated March 8. 1678. on the Death of Land. He died 1711. and was buried at St. Mary's Cheſter, where he was Rector, without any Memorial, and ſucceeded by John OLIVER, A. M. Vicar of Audlem, collated May 17. 17112 on the Death of Wright; living 1723. Rector of Weſt Kirby and St. Peter's in Chefter. FIFTH STALL. HOMAS RADFORD, Aug. 4. 1541. per Fundationem. GEORGE COTES, S. T.P. was inſtalled March 28. 1547. in place of Radford; as was THOMAS RUNCORN, A. M. Archdeacon of Bangor, preſented by the Queen April 2. 1554. on Dr. Cotes's being made Biſhop of this See. pointed to be buried at Bebington, if he died there, where I ſuppoſe he was Rector. WILLIAM gor, TH . Prebendaries of CHEST E R. 351 " WILLIAM COLLINGWOOD, Rector of Cbrifleton, fucceeded, be- ing inſtituted Sept. 24. 1557. on the Death of Runcorn. He died 1560. and was fucceeded by EDWARD HAWFORD, B. D. Maſter of Chriſt's-College, Cambridge, collated Feb. 14. 1560. on the Death of Collingwood. He occurs pof- feſſed of it 1578, and 1579. and was ſucceeded by O DAVID YALE, LL. D. collated 1582. in the room of Hawford. He died 1625. and was buried in the Cathedral, without any Memorial, being Chancellor of the Dioceſe, having long before his Death quitted this to DAVID ELLis B. D. collated June 6. 1608. on the Reſignation of Dr. Yale. He held it 1622. and was next Year ſucceeded by JOHN LLOYD, Rector of Cheadle, collated 1623. to a Prebend, which could be no other than this. He held it but a ſhort time; I find WILLIAM HELLIER, A. M. Archdeacon of Barnſtable, Rector of Lawton, collated April 9. 1624. to a Prebend void by the Death of John Lloyd. He is ſaid to reſign it to GEORGE SNELL, D. D. collated April 4. 1627. on the Religna- tion of Hellier. However Dr. Snell feems not to have accepted of this, as being in poſſeſſion of the third Stall; but to have quitted it the ſame Day to John Ley, or Lee, A. M. for he is faid to have been collated April 4. 1627. on the Reſignation of Dr. Snell. He died May 6. 1662. and was buried at Sutton Cofeild, Co. Warwick, where he was Rector, and ſucceeded by Michael Evans, S. T. P. collated July 31. 1662. He died An. 1670. being alſo Treaſurer of Bangor, and was buried at his Re- ctory of Llanfaelog in that Dioceſe, and ſucceeded by PHINEAS Bury, A.M. Fellow of Wadham-College, Oxon, col- lated Oct. 31. 1670. on the Death of Evans. He died An. 1678. and was, as I learn, buried at Enmer Co. Somerſet, where he was Rector, , and ſucceeded by RICHARD Wroe, S. T. P. collated March 5. 1678. on the Death of Bury. He died An. 1718. being Warden of Mancheſter-College, and Rector of Weftkirby, and was buried at Mancheſter, and fucceeded by CHARLES HENCHMAN, A.M. Vicar of Great Budworth, and Rector of Adderleigh, collated Jan. 20. 1718. living 1723• Z z 2 SIXTH .. 352 Prebendaries of CHESTER band Sixth STALL. * : OBERT SMITH, Aug. 4. 1541, per Fundationem. JOHN LE PINGTON, admitted in March 1544. on the Death of Smith. EDWARD GREGOR Y, admitted April 2. 1554. on the Depri- vation of Lepington. He was An. 1559. deprived by Queen Elizabeth, of his Archdeaconry of Bangor, and ſo no doubt of this Stall, to which I find ROBERT HEBLET H WAIT, preſented Jan. 13. 1560. in place of Gregory. He died, and was ſucceeded by JOHN LANE, B. D. collated Sept. 8. 1570. on the Death of Heblethwait. He died An. 1580. and was ſucceeded by ROBERT ROGERS, B. D. collated Nov. 25. 1580. on the Death of Lane. He died A1. 1595. being alſo Archdeacon of Cheſter, and was ſucceeded by NATHANIEL DOV, A. M. collated 7an. 17. 1595. on the Death of Rogers. He reſigned it, and was ſucceeded by THOMAS DOD, A. M collated Nos. ID: 1607. on the Relig- nation of N. Dod. He reſigned it, and was ſucceeded by WILLIAM CASE, A.M. Vicar of Over, and afterwards Rector of St. Peter's, and Vicar of St. Oſwald's, Chefter, collated Auguſt 13. 1613. on the Reſignation of Archdeacon Dod of Richmond. He died, and was buried in the Cathedral, with this Infcription : Hic fitus eft Gulielmus Caſe, Subdecanus hujus Ecclefia, Prædicator, eximius, Scriptor egregius, qui placide ac pie obiit O&t. 6. 1634. ESSEX CLARK ſucceeded, being collated O&t. 6. 1634. on the Death of Cafe. He was Rector of Tilfton and Dodleſton, and was alive An. 1653. but died before 1660. for I find THOMAS MALLOR Y, S. T. P. preſented July 30. 1660. to a Prebend of Cheſter., void by the Death of Elex Clark. He held it 1662. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM FIN ME RE; A. M. Vicar of Runcorn, collated Jue ly 25. 1664. of whom fee an Account among the Archdeacons of Che- iter. His Succeſſor was JOHN THANE, A. M. collated April 17. 1686. on the Death of Finmere ; living 1723. Archdeacon of Chefter, and Rector of Nor- tbenden.. Archa 2 Diocefe of CHESTER. 353 Archdeaconry of Chester. & Deanary of CHEST E R. Names of Churches and Chapels. Patrons of Livings. Religious Houſes to which impropriated. City of CHESTER. ST: Bridget's R. }Biſhop of Cheſter. Earl of Derby. Mr.Wilbraham, Mr. Sparks. Coll. of St. John's Cheſter. Biſhop Biſhop of Cheſter. Abby of Cheſter. Chapter of Cheſter. Abby of Cheſter St. Peter's R. St. Trinity R. St. Mary's R. St. John Baptiſt's V. St. Olave's Cur.. St. Michael's Cur. St. Martin's Cur. St. Oſwald's V. Bruern Cap. St. Mary. Barrow R. Chriſtleton R. Doddleſton R. St. Mary. Eccleſton R. Farndon R. St. Chad. Ince Cur. St. James. Plemonſtall Cur. Pulford R. St. Mary. Gilden Sutton Cur. Terwyn V. Hargrave Cap. Thornton R. Torperly R. St. Helen. Heirs of Earl Rivers. Sir Roger Moſtyn. Chapter of Chefter. Baron of Kinderton. Sir Roger Groſvenor. Chapter of Cheſter. Sir John Bridgman, Sir George Warburton, Mr. Stanley. Prebendary of Terwyn in the Church of Lichfeild. Mr. Hill, In diſpute among ſeveral Perſons. Biſhop of Cheſter. Abby of Cheſter. Coll. of St. John's Cheſter, Coll. of St. John's Chefter. Waverton R. Co. FLINT Hawarden R. St. Mary. Sir Stephen Glynn. Co. DENBIG H. Holt St. Chad, Cap. to Chapter of Wincheſter, Gresford: Ifcoed Cap. Subordinate to Holt. Deanary 354 Dioceſe of CHESTER Archdeaconry of CHESTER. -1990 : A Cap: Mr. Mallary. Deanary of FRODE S H A M. Shton fuper MerſeyR. Mr. Maley. Great Budworth V. Chrift-Church Coll. Oxon. Priory of Norton. St. Mary. Little Leigh Nether Peover Northwick, alias Whitten, St. Helen. Nether Whitley Bowden V. St. Nicholas, Biſhop of Cheſter, or Chrift- Priory of Birkenhead, Cell Ringey Cap. Church, Oxon. to Cheſter Abby. Gropenhall R. St. Wilfrid. Mr. Bourdman. Frodelbam St. Laurence V. Chriſt-Church Coll. Oxon. Abby of Vale Royal. Alvandley Cap: Lymm, two Mediecies, R. Mr. Legh, and Sir George St. Mary. Warburton. Warburton Cap, Rothorne V. St. Mary. Chriſt-Church Coll. Oxon. Abby of Launde. Knutsford Over Peover Cap. High Leigh Runcorne V. St. Bartholo- Chrift-Church Coll. Oxon. Priory of Norton. mew). Afton Daresbury Halton Сар. Thelwall Weverham V. Biſhop of Chefter. Abby of Vale Royal, Deanary of MACCLESFEILD. Lderlby R: Sir Thomas Stanley Chedill R. Lord Bulkley. Goſworth R. Lord Mohun. Mobberley R. St. Wilfrid. Mortrum Langdale Cur. St. Biſhop of Cheſter. See of Cheſter. Michael. Northenden R. St. Luke. Chapter of Cheſter. Presbury V. Mr. Legh. Abby of Cheſter. Adlington : . A А R. Dioceſe of CHESTER 355 Archdeacony of CHEST ER. SrHE 1 : Сар. . Adlington Chelford Foreſt Boſley Pott Wincle Macclesfeild Poyton Marton Siddington Stockport R. All Saints. Chadkirk Diſey Cap. Marple Siddington Taxall R. Wilmſlow R. 3 Mr. Warren, Share one on Mr. Shallcroſs, Mr. Trafford. 1 ; }Cap. Deanary of MAL PA S. Allerede St. John Lady Mohun. Codington R. St. Mary. Handley R. } Chapter of Chefter. Malpas, firſt Mediety, R. Earl Cholmley. Malpas, ſecond Mediety, R. Earl Cholmley, and Mr. St. Chad's Drake, Whitwells Harthill Cur. Mr. Drake. Stokelack Cur. St. Edith. Mr. Puleſton Coll. of St. John's Cheſter. Tattenball R. St. Alban. Biſhop of Cheſter. Tilfton R. St. Mary, Mr. Cholmley, and Mr. Drake. Co. FLINT. Bangor Monachorum R. St. Mr. Lloyd. Dinoth. Overton, al. Orton Ma- doc Cap. St. Mary. Worthenbury R. St. Dinoth. Mr. Puleſton son ANA en is vvs Deanary 356 Dioceſe of CHEST ER. F Archdeaconry of CHEST E R. Deanary of MIDDLEWICH. : A Stbury R. St. Mary Mr. Egerton. CongletonCap.St.Peter Little Budworth Cur. St. Biſhop of Cheſter. Nunnery of Cheſter. Peter. Brereton R. St. Oſwald. Lord Brereton. Davenham R. St. Wilfrid. Mr. Vernon. Church Lawton R. Mr. Lawton. Middlewich V. St. Michael. Lord Brereton. Priory of Lentong Over V. St. Chad. Biſhop of Cheftor. Nunnery of Cheſter. Wettenhall Cap. Sandbach V. St. Mary, Mr. Stephens. Abby of Delacres, Goffrey Cburch-Holm Swettenham R. Mr. Swettenham Whitegate, al. New Church Mr. Cholmley. Taken out of Over, and V. made a Pariſh 33 Hen. Warmincham R. Mr. Crew Offley. VIII. Co. FLINT Hanmere V: St. Chad. Sir Tho. Hanmer, Abby of Haghman A A . V14 Deanary of NANTWICH, alias MALBANI. Cton V. Earl of Dyſert. Abby of Cumbermore, Nantwich Cap. now diftina, St. Mary. Wrenbury Cap. St. Mar- garet. Audlem V. St. James. Mr. Brecklesby. 4. Priory of St. Thomas juxta Burdeylem Cap. Stafford. Baddeley R. Sir Thomas Manwaring. Barthomley. Mr. Crew Offley. Haſlington Cap. Bunbury Cur. St. Boniface. Haberdaſhers Company. College of Bunbury. Copenhall R. Biſhop of Lichfeild. Church Minhull Cap. Wibunbury V. St. Chad. Biſhop of Lichfeild, See of Lichfeild. Wiſtaſton R. Mr. Waltball. Marbury, Cap. to Whit- church Co. Salop ; tho Marbury is in this Coun- ty and Diocefe. Deanary Diocefea of CHEST ER. 357 Archdeaconry of CHEST E R. B R Deanary of WIRRA L. Ackford V. Biſhop of Cheſter. Priory of Birkenhead. Babington R. Mr. Pool. Bidſton cum Ford Cur. Biſhop of Cheſter. Priory of Birkenhead. Birkehead S Burton Cur. St. Michael. Biſhop of Lichfeild: Hoſpital of Lichfeild. Brombrough Cur. Eaſtham V. Chapter of Cheſter. Abby of Cheſter. Heſwall R. Mr. Davenport and Mr. Spencer. Weſt Kirkby R. St. Bridget. Chapter of Cheſter. 09 Neſton V. Shotwick Cur. } Abby of Chefteri Thurſtafton R. Chapter of Cheſter. Overchurch in Upton Cur. College of St. John's, :: : Stoak Cur. Love Cheſter. Waltree R. Lord Gerrard of Bromley. College of St. John's Cheſter, Biſhop of Cheſter. OlimtwoMedieries, Tythes now between the Biſhop and Rector. Mr. Green. 2 Woodchurch R. Total of Churches and Chapels Co. CHESTER 127, and in WALES County of LAN of LANCASTER. : Deanary of BLACK BUR N. Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Abby of Whalleyendimenti Lackburn V. Balderſton Darwen Harwood Lango Lowchurch Samlesbury Tockholes Whalley V. Cap cap JA 3 11 AM to yoona A Archbiſhop of Canterbury. Abby of Whalley. * Altham Ааа .70 LA 358 Dioceſe of CHESTER Archdeaconry of CHEST I R. D Altham Acrington Burnley Holme! Caſtle Church Kirki Clithero, St. Michael. Colne Marsden Cap: Downham Goodſhaw Hafingden Neruchurch in Pendle Newchurch in Rofen- dale. Padiam Whitewell 22 . Deanary of LILAND. : *** Mr. Pilkington. V. } Сар. . Duke of Devonshire. Mr. Latham. CRA 1Roſton R. and V. Beconfallastno Chorley . Rufforth Tarlton Brindle R. Eccleſton R. Douglas Cap: Leland V. Euxton 2 Heapy } Сар. Hoole R. Standiſhe R. Copull Cap. Penwortham Cur. Longton Cap. Mr. Fleetwood. tuoed. 70 Priory of Perwortham, . : Mr. Hanby and Mr. Crook. Mr. Standiſh. 5. LOOK TO Mr. Fleetwood. Priory of Pembortham. A Deanary of MANCHESTER. Shton under Line R. Earl of Warrington. Bury R. St. Mary. Earl of Derby. Edenfeild spazo qedkonur Herwood Сар. Holcomb * Bolton Dioceſe of CHEST ER. 359 Archdeaconry of CHESTER: Biſhop of Cheſter. 20 YA } Сар. . Weſt Houghton } Cap. : Bolton in le Moor Cur. Archdeaconry of Chefter. Blackroado Bradſhaw Rivington Turton to vel Dean V. The Crown: on Priory of Penwortham, or Horwick Whalley. Eccles V. The Crown. cán bel Abby of Whalley. Ellenbrook Cap. Flixton Cur. 1ci I Prebendary of Flixton in the Church of Lichfeild. Mancheſter, St. Anne's, the Biſhop of Cheſter- new Church. Mancheſter, St. Mary's R. The Crown. the collegiate Church. Burch Blakely Stretford Cholerton Denton Сар. : Didsbury Gorton Newton Salford Middleton R. Sir Ralph Aſhton. : to Aſhworth Cockey Preſtwich R. Mr. Wentworth. Oldham turytirak Ringley Shaw Radcliffe R. Sir Ralph Aſhton. Rachdale V. Archbiſhop of Canterbury Abby of Whalley. Little Borough Milnrow Todmurton Whitchurch xati han012. Saddleworth Cap. this ſingle Cap: Co. Tork. 720 } se z (123: 1.114 sis mea A a a zbor ourdo Dea Deanary 281 Dibia 2 I ATIV 360 Dioceſe of CHESTER DIOCE : Archdeaconry of CHEST ER. A Altcar Cur 3. Cap. q: don't : Mr. Fleetwood. 900 } to ya Deanary of W ARRINGTON, di Ughton R. Mr. Hesketh. Altcar Cur. Lord Molineux. Abby of Merxival. Childwall V. 3o yote Biſhop of Cheſter.at Abby of Hollanda sa Hale Garſton } Cap. CA Igre Halſal Bany do ydda Lady Mohun, wo Maghall Melling Huyton V. Lord Molineux,p gris Priory of Burſcough. Leigh V. Mr. Milock and others. Priory of Endebury. Aftley Chowbert } Cap. Northmeales R. Ormskirk V: Earl of Derby. Priory of Burſcough. Preſcot V. King's College, Cambridge. King's-College. : Farnworth Rainsford Cap. St. Helens Sephton R. Lord Molineux. Crofsby Magna Cap. Walton R. and V. Earl of Cardigan Patron of Formby the Rectory, the Rector Kirkby of the Visaridgat. 212 Weft Derby Como Leverpool , St. Nicholas R} Corporation of Leverpool. 'Taken out of WaltonPariſh Leverpool, St. Peter's R. Warrington R. Mr. Atherton by A&t of Parliament. Burton Wood Holintare Cap Trinity Wigan R, All Saintson Sir John Bridgoman and Billing Lord Digby. Hindley Сар. Holland 3 Winwick R. St. Oſwald. Earl of Derby Newton New Church Cap. Aſhton Total of Churches and Chapels in CHESTER Archdeaconry-253, FINIS Archid. CESTRIÆ. Arch- Cap. . : ३ } Yisissa Diocefe of CHESTER. 361 Archdeaconry of Richmond, Co. Lancaſter. fok**** Deanary of AMOUNDERNES-Sv Names of Churches and Chapels. Patrons of Livings. Religious Hortles to which impropriated. See of Cheſter. Abby of Cokerfand. CHipping R Biſhop of Cheſter. Mr. Richmond. 2 Garſtang V. Garflange Cup Pilling Kirkham V. Gooſenargh ) Chrift-Church, Oxford. Abby of Vale Royal. WhiteChappel Cap. Hambledon 1 Dr. Fenton, Nunnery of Syon. w Lancaſter V. St. Mary. Admarſ Overton Stalmine . Сар. i Wyderſdale 2 College of Leiceſter. . See of Cheſter. Caton Grefſingham Cap. In Lonſdale. Preſton V. St. Wilfrid. 02 Sir Henry Houghto. Broughton St. Lawrence Cap: New Chapel Ribcheſter R. Biſhop of Cheſter Stidd Cap: Longridge Poolton V. Mr. Fleetwood. Biſpham Cur: Mr. Fleetwood. Cockeram v. 1 Colonel Chartres, Ellell Shirefhead Cap. Lytham Cur. Mr. Clifton. St. Michael upon Wyre V. Mr. Johnſon. Wood Plumpton Cap: Nunnery of Syon. Nunnery of Syon. College of Leiceſter. Priory of Durham College of Battlefeild, . Deanary of FURNESS and CARTMEL. A Ldingham R? 23:53 The Crown. Dalton in Furnes V. The Crown Abby of Furneſs. w Kirkeby 362 Dioceſe of CHESTER. Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. 23 Сар. .. Kirkeby Irelith Ramſide > Cap. Cap.01 190 VOLTA Walney Cartmell Cur. Biſhop of Cheſter. :) Priory of Cartmele. Cartmell Feller Flookborough Lindall > Staveley Coulton Cur. Inhabitants. Abby of Furneſs. Hawkſhead Cur: Chancellor of the Duchy. Abby of Furneſs Saterwaite Cap. Kirkby Irelith V. The Crown. Chapter of York. * Seathwaite Cap. Dunnerdale Pennington Cur. Chancellor of the Duchy. Abby of Conijbed. Ulverſton V. Mr. Fell, Abby of Coniſhed. Blawith Coniſton Cap. Lowick Tower Urſwick V. The Inhabitants. Abby of Furneſs. Broughton ? 泰 ​S Deanary of KIRKBY LONSDALE. Mr. Leigh of Lyme. Earl of Cardigan, Tatham R. Tatham Feb Cap. Whittington R. Melling V. Archolm Hornby S Cap. Thornton V. Mr. Cairnes. The Crown 1 Chapter of Worceſter. Impropriated ſince 1540. Burton Cap. Tonſtall V. Mr. Birret. Abby of Crowdon. Leck Cap. Co. YORK Bentham R. i Mr. Bouch. Ingleton Fen Cap. Bop See of Cheſter. Clapham V. Biſhop of Chefteri 1 Sedberge Dioceſe of CHESTER 363 Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. Sedbergh V. St. Andrew. Trinity College, Cambridge. Trinity College, Cambridge, Abby of Coverham. Garſdale Dent, St. Andrew. Cap. Howgil ... Trinity College, Cambridge: Abby of York, Co. WESTMORELAND. Kirkby Lonſdale V. Barbon Firbank Hutton Roof Cap. Killington Middleton Zaan Deanary of KENDALL. See of Cheſter. Co. LANCASTER. Bolton in the Sands V. Biſhop of Chefier. Over Kellet Cap. Co. WESTMORELAND. IN Beethom V. The Crown. Wiherflack Cap. Burton V. Mr. Berrifon: Preſton-Patrick Cap. Graſmer R. Sir William Fleming. Chantry of Eccles. Abby of Tork. Amble fide Cap a red Langdale Haverſham v. Trinity College, Cambridge. Abby of York. Croftlwait Cap Halton R. ' Oi Mr. Cairnes. Aughton Cap. Heyſam R. Mr. Wordens otra Kendall V. Holy Trinity. Trinity College, Cambridge Abby of Yorks Burdſide 1 Crook Under Barrow Grayrigg un ou brol Kentmire, 1, $Cape Long Steddale To Natland Old Hutton 70 MA Selfide Staveley Winfter Hugillo TO de Wharton 364 Dioceſe of CHESTER Archdeaconry of RICHMOND, Chapter of Worceſters Appropriated Aince 194123 Wharton R. Silverdale Cap. Windermere R. Froutbeck Cap: Dr. Fenton, A 3 Deanary of COUPLAND. Rleckon Cur. Biſhop of Cheſter. Archdeacon of Richmond. Bootle or Botill R. Mr. Pennington. St. Bridget's Cur. Mr. Robinſon Abby of Calder. Brigham V. Mr. Fletcher, College of Cokermouth, All Saints Seckmurthy Buttermire РСар. Emblelon Lorton ce Wythorp St, Bees Cur. Mr. Lowt her Abby of York, to whicha Emmerdale St. Bees was a Cell. Eskdale Lowlewater Nether War dale . i I : می اید Waſdale Head Cap. *** 40 Whitehaven, old Church Whitehaven, newChurch Cleator Cur. Corney R. Dean R. Diſtington R. Drigge Cur. Egremond R. Gostworth R. Haveringham R Hayle Cur. St. John's Cur. Irton Cur. Lamplugh R. Millom V. Thwaits Mr. Robinſon * Abby of Calder. Mr. Pennington. Duke of Wharton de Mr. Lowther. it Sir W. Pennington. Abby of Conilhed Duke of Somerſet. Mr. Senhouſe. Mr. Curwen. Lord Lonſdale. Abby of Coniſhed, light Mr. Robinſon. Abby of Calder. *** Sir W. Pennington Priory of Seton. 2 al Mr. Lamplugh. Mr. Huddleſton. Abby of Furnéfs. eli Mo valsrode Ulpham; Capi * Moresby Dioceſe of CHESTER . 365 Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. ''' Cap. Moresby R. Mr. Yates. Muncaſter Cur. Sir Will, Pennington. Abby of Coniſhed. Penſonby Cur. Mr. Stanley. Abby of Coniſhed. Wayberthwaite R. Sir Will. Pennington, Whittingham R. Sir Will, Pennington. Whitbeck Cur. Mr. Park. Abby of Coniſhed. Wirklington R. Mr. Curwen. Clifton Cap. County of YORK. Deanary of BOROUGH BRIDGE. * Α' Church of York, Ldborough V. St. Chapter of Tork. Andrew. Boroughbrigge Dunſtorth Allerton Maleverer Cur. Chapter of York. Church of York. * Burton Leonard V. St. Chapter of York. Church of York. Helen. Cupgrave R. Mr. Lewis. Condall V. St. Mary and Mr. Robinſon. Priory of Newburgh. All Saints. Farnham V. Chapter of York, Priory of Bevall. Goldsborough R. Mr. Byerley. Hunſingore V. Chapter of York. Hoſpital of Ribſton. * Knaresborough V. Sir Thomas Slingsby. Prebendary of Knaresbe- Arkendale Cap. rough in York. Kirkhamerton Cur. Mr. Stockdale, Nannery of Munkton. . Kirkby Supra Moram V. All The Crown. Priory of Newburgh. Saints. St. John's Coll. Cambridge. Priory of Malton. Martun cum Grafton V. Nidd V. Chancellor of the Duchy Church of Rippon. of Lancaſter. bi Nun-Munkton Cur. Mr. Stockdale. Priory of Munkton. Ouſeborne Magna V. Chapter of York. Abby of Egleſton. . * Ouſeborne Parva Cur. Precentor of York. Precentor of York. Ripley R. Sir John Ingoldsby. Staneley R. Sir Tho. Slingsby. Wikeſley V. Mr. Tancred. Miniſter of St. Roberts, Knaresburgh. B bb Deanary 366 Diocefe of C#ester. Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. cap Cap. Deanary of CATTERIC K. Sgarth V. St. An- Trinity College Cambridge. Abby of Jervaulk. drew. Askrig Hardrow Haues Lundes, Bedall R. St. Gregory. Mr. Peirle and Mr. Sta- pleton. Burnefton V. St. Lambert, Mr. Robinfon. Abby of York. Leeming Cap. St. John Baptift. Catterick V. St. Arine. The Crown. Abby of Turk. Bolton on Swale (in Richmond Deanary.] Cap. Hipfwell Hud/well Coverham, Holy Trinity, is The Crown. Abby of Coverham now made a Rectory. Horfehouſe Cape 9 Downholm V. St. Michael. Sir Roger Beckwith. Abby of Coverhan. Eaſt Witton V. St. Ella, Earl of Aileroury, Abby of Jervaulk. Fingall R. St. Andrew. Sir Marmaduke Wjvill. Grinton V. St. Andrew." The Crown. Priory of Bridlingtox. Hawkeywell R. St. Oſwald. Mr. Dalton, Hornby V. St. Mary. Chapter of Tork. Church of York. Kixklington R. Lord Caſtleconger. Kirkby Fletham V. St. Mary. The Crown. Knights of St. John, Jen rufalem. Marſham V. St. Mary, Trinity College, Cambridge. Prebend. of Mapam in the cum Kirkby Malzerd Cap, Church of York. * Middleham R. St. Mary The Crown. and St. Alkild. Patrick Brompton Cur. St. Biſhop of Cheſter. See of Cheſter. Patrick Pickhall V. All Saints. Trinity College, Cambridge. Hoſpital of St. Levnard's. Scruton R. St. Radegund. Roger Gale Elg; Spenithorn R. St. Michael, Sir M. Wyvill and Mr. Bellerby Cap. Scroope. *Tanfeild R. St. Nicholas. Earl of Ailesbury. Thornton Wattles R. St. Mr. Milbank. Mary. Thornton2 .: :. . Dioceſe of CA ESTER 367 Archdeaconry of RICHMON D. Thornton Steward, St.Oſwald. Biſhop of Cheſter. Olim Archdeaconry of Richmond, now the Sce of Cheſter. Wel V. St. James. Maſter of Well Hoſpital. Maſter of Will Wenſley R. Holy Trinity. Duke of Bolton. Buiton Redmire Cap. Weſt Witton Cur. Dnke of Bolton. Abby of Jervaulx. Wath R. St. Mary. Earl of Ailesbury. N. B. Thoſe mark'd thus (*) are of exempt Juriſdi&ion, and belong to the Chaprer of Tork ; as does Middlehan to its own Juriſdi&ion. Deanary of RICHMOND. А? : Nderby Steeple V, St. The Crown. Abby of Fervaulx. Michael. Barmingham R.St. Michael, The Crown. Brignal V. St. Mary, The Crown. Hoſpital of St. Leonard's Bowes V. St, Giles. Mr. Brunſtell. York. Croft R St. Peter. The Crown. Cleasby V. Dr. Robinſon. Abby of York Danly Wisk R. Sir Hugh Smithſon. Teaforth Cap. Eaſtby V. St. Agatha. The Crown. Abby of St. Agatha. Eaft Cowton V. St. Mary. Hoſpital of Kirkby Raven - Priory of Bridlington. wath. Gilling V. St. Agatha. Mr. Wharton Abby of York. Barton, St. Mary. Eriholm, St. Mary Forcett Сар. Hutton Magna South Cotton, St. Mary Muiker Cap. Kirkly Ravenſ worth R. St. Biſhop of Cheftet, See of Chefter. Peter. Kirkby on Wiske R. St. Sir Hugh Smithſon. John Baptift. Langton on Swale R. Earl of Holderneſs. Marrick Cur. St. Andrew. Lord William Pawlet. Abby of St. Agatha, Marsk R. Mr. Hutton. Mellhamby R. Univerſity of Oxford, Bbba Middleton > i C. 368 Dioceſe of CHEST E R. Archdeaconry of RICHMOND. 9 .. Middleton Tiers V. The Crown. Abby of York. Mandfeild V. All Saints. The Crown, Abby of St. Agatha. Romaldkirk R. St. Romald. Mr. Major. Learkirk Cap. Richmond R. St. Mary. The Crown. Richmond, Holy Trin. Cap. Rookby V. St. Mary. The Crown. Stratford V. Holy Trinity. Lord Lonſdale. Abby of St. Agatha. Arkingarth Dale Cap. Smeton R. Mr. Hall, 599 mit in Stanwick V. St. John Bap- Mr. Wharton, tabe Diſſolv'd Prebend of Stan- tiſt. wick in Rippon Collegiate Barton, St.Cuthbert's, Cap. Church, Wycliffe R. Mr. Tonftall.ee FINIS Diocef. CESTR I Æ, & Archid. RICHMOND. Total of Churches in Richmond Archdeaconry, 253, and in Cheſter, 253 : in all 506 Churches and Chapels in Cheſter Dioceſe. $ : *** : ***** 10 : .::.. DIOCESE : edhe : P. 360 4 . WA YMMY S. N .. ...2 SS. NR. 60-9. "S. HSR UX WWW 3 . M. G464 . ... PAG . 9 31 .. . 22. : . WEB . ARTES 2.2.xxii: Www 1 .. W222.., ........... X. ...................... V. ...........' .......... .................. VivWwA...... Sim, W. ...... niin ... Wid... www.ni.is ................ diban ... ... visosispywatnem The South East Prospectof the Cathedral Church OfS& German in Ped Castle in the Ide of man emim he www.de . Www.cz WIMMIA: + ? so 0 w WA BE *** 8 BE *** 2,9 We 4. UUUU 29 . 120 min WA W. 13. WWW up... Merlin Y.*** ws A. 9 www. . 乾​店 ​W vel * wa Why www.ws 919 is en 90 va . " 8: Wow... We will ok www. . w . ܚܙܢܝܚܙܕܝܗ ? The Schnooraphy zhe Cathedral Church of MAN А. $ F. B в. j $ : E A scale of Feet 20 A The Chancell er Choir. B the Highı tltar C the Bp Throne D The Lord Scat E picers Seat- T Bý Ruttery Gravestone G the staircase to the top of the tower E Gulielmo Stanley arm: Hæc Tabella dicata et Hamis Souto. : . : : : 豪 ​: DI O C E SE Ο Ε M A N WERS OMPRIZETH only the Iand of Man, which lies between England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; almoit C 6 at equal diſtances, and contains no more than ſeventeen Pam riſhes, and in them are four Market-towns, viz. Calte- town, Douglafs, Peel, and Ramſey, which have all of them Chapels within the reſpective Pariſhes of Kirks-1 leze, Corchan, German, Maughold; two whereof, viz. Caltletoton and Douglafs, have been lately rebuilt, as was that of Ramſey about the Y dar 1636. The Names of the feventeen Pariſhes, with their Dedications, are, Kirk Andrews, St. Andrew in * Kirk Lonion, St. Louanus St. Mary of Ballow Kirk Maugbold, St. Maclutus Kirk Bride, St. Bridget Kirk Patrick, St. Patrick Kirk Chriſt Ruben, Holy Trinity · Kirk German in Peel, St. Gen- Kirk Arbory, St. Columbus inan, the Cathedral * Kirk Maleto, St. Lupus Kirk Michael, St. Michael Kirk Santan, St. Sant anus Kirk Patrick in Jurby, St. Pa- Kirk Braddan, St. Brendimus trick Kirk Marow11, St. Runius Kirk Chriſt Lez Arre, Holy Tri- Kirk Conchan, St. Concha All : 372 Dioceſe of MAN 00 W, cept the Chancel, kept in good repair, by reaſon of its Situation within the Walls of Peel-Caſtle, to which there is no acceſs but at low Water, and even then no good coming; which being alſo the Caſe of Kirk Pa- trick Church, ſtanding near it, has occafioned that likewiſe to go to ruin; on which account the preſent good Biſhop has erected a new Church for the Pariſhioners in a more commodious Place, the Inconve- nience attending St. German's Pariſh being provided for by the Chapel at Peel Town. In King's Vale Royal, or Hiſtory of Cheſhire, printed in Folio An. 1656. may be ſeen a Draught of this Cathedral, and Kirk Patrick Church, the Abby of Rzylber, and Nunnery of Douglaſs, which, with the Houſe of Friars in Kirk Arbory, founded Am. 1373. were the only religious Houſes in this Iſland. The firſt of theſe, viz. Rufhen, reputed the uſual Burial-Place of the Kings of Man, appears by the Ruins to have been an elegant Structure. Here is alſo, among other Buildings, given a Draught or Proſpect of the Epiſcopal Palace, which ſtands in Kirk Michael Pariſh. But beſides the Draught in King, there is publiſhed in Steven's Eng- liſh Monafticon, a South-Weſt Proſpect of the Cathedral; and in the new Edition of Cambden's Britannia, by Biſhop Gibſon, we have ſome Account how the Biſhops of this Iſle came to be entitled Biſhops of Sodor. of which all I need add, is, that about 1098. when Maguus King of Norway had conquer'd Man and the Iſles, the two Sees of Sodor and Man were ſaid to be united into one, which having continued fo for 235 Years, viz. till Edward IIId's time, about 1333. has occaſioned the Bithops of this Ille, even to this Day, to retain both Titles, notwith- ſtanding Sodor itſelf which is ſaid to be an obfcure Village in St. Columb's Ile in Scotland, where Pope Gregory IV. planted a Biſhop's See An. 840. has, after its Separation from Man many Ages ago, been long ſince ſwal- lowed up in the Sees of Orkney and the Iles, while Scotland had Bi- Thops. And, laſtly, as to the Juriſdiction of the Archbiſhop of Dron- theim in Norway, ſpoken of by our Writers, and their confecrating the Biſhop of Man, I cannot find any good Authority confirming their exer- ciſing Juriſdiction here, or diſcover that any Bithop received Conſecra- tion in Norway, except Laurence, and that was by a particular Acci- dent. And this I am the better enabled to ſpeak to, foraſmuch as the preſent moſt primitive Bilhop, who has generouſly communicated to me an Account of this See, has not been able to meet with any Information about it, and on his fending to Norway, could only be informed that their Regiſters at Drontheim (if any) were burnt. But I haſten to treat of the Biſhops ; in difcourſing of whom I ſhall beg leave to include BISHOPS Biſhops of M A N. 363 TH serrieri Bishops of MAN. HIS INand became very early the Seat of a Biſhop, AMPHIBALUS being reported to have preſided as ſuch abont the Year 360. Tho' better Authorities inform us, that St. Patrick, the Iriſh Apoſtle, founded this See, and appointed GERMANUS firſt Biſhop here An. 447. and after him confecrated CONINDRIUS, and ROMULUS, Biſhops of this Ifle; and that five Years after the faid Patrick's Death, MACHUTUS, called alſo Machilla and Maughold, fate Biſhop here An. 498, and 518. He veiled St. Bridget a Nun, to whom a Church is dedicated, as well as one to himſelf, in this Iſland. The next Bishop that occurs, is CONANUS, Tutor to Eugenius King of Scotland, who died Jan. 26 An.648. He had the Tuition of histhree Sons in this Ille, which was antiéntly in ſuch Repute, that the Scotch Hiſtories mention an Ordinance to be made for the Education of the Heirs of that Crown by the Biſhops herok Who ſucceeded him we have no account, for our Hiſtories only furnilir the bare Names of * St. CONTENTUS, * St. BLA DU'S, St. MALCHU s, and TORKINU , who lived An. 889. and is ſtyled Bihop of Sodor, as are the preceding Biſhops. * ROOLWER, faid to be buried at St. Maughold's ; * WILLIAM; and BRENDINU S, to whom a Church in this Iand is dedicated. Nor do we meet with any mention of this See till the Year 1998. when Matthéra Paris tells us, that the two Sees of Sodor and Man were united into one.. WYMUNDUS, or R EYMUNDUS, (called alfo Hamundus Son of Fole in the Manks Chronicle) a Monk of Sais in Normandy, was cons. fecrated the firſt Bifhop by Thomas Archbiſhop of York, who died An. 1113, Mr. Le Neve fuppofes his calling him the firſt Billiop, was it regard that he became the firſt Biſhop of Sodor and Man after this See was appointed one of the Suffragans to the Province of Pork. This Bi- Shop was deprived An. 1151. and had, as Sacheverell tells us, his Eyes put out. His Succeffor, as we learn from Mattbew Paris, was JOHN, another Monk of Sais in Normandy, whoffays, he futbas eli Secundus Antiſtites Moinæ infulæ quæ eft inter Angliam Hiberniam, pro- pinquior tamen Angliæ, An. 1151. tho' in Sacheverell's Account ** GAMÅLIDL, an Engliſhman (buried in the Abby of Peterborough, and pot with the two foregoing Biſhops, who were both interred in St. Сс с German's meteen became Archbiſhop An. II54. and died fo An. 1181. After him, ac 364 Biſhops of MAN. German's Cathedral in Peel, is placed as next Biſhop after Wymundus. He is ſaid to have been confecrated by Roger Archbiſhop of York, who cording to Sacheverell, REGINALD, a Norwegian, was Biſhop here, who obtained a Grant of the third Part of the Tythes of this Illand. To him ſucceeded CHRISTIAN Archadienfis, (i, e. a Scot, a Native of Orkney, as I take it) who lies buried in Benchor Monaſtery in Ireland, and had to his Succeſſori MICHAEL, a Mankſman, who dying An. 1203. was buried in Fountains Abby Co. Tork, and fucceeded by NICHOLAS de Meaux, Abbat of Furneſs in Lancaſhire, An. 1203. in King John's time ; in whoſe Reign Prynn intimates this See was fub- jected to York. He is reported to go into Ireland to viſit Benchor Mo- naſtery, and that dying there An. 1 217. he was buried in that Priory; tho' I preſume he then only reſigned his Biſhoprick, for in the Monaſti- con, Vol. I. p. 506. he occurs An. 1227. by the Name of N. quondam Manniæ & infularum Epifcopus, as Witneſs to a Charter of Stainfeild Priory. His Succeſſor was REGINALD, & Perſon of royal Extraction, Nephew to King Olave conſecrated An. 1217. He was a moſt exemplary Governour, and dying about the Year 1226. was buried in Ruben Abby with his Anceſtors, and ſucceeded by JOHN, Son of Hefare, or Harfere, An. 1226. who by the Negli- gence of his Servants was unfortunately burnt. He was buried at Jere- was (I prefume Jervaulx Abby, called alfo Ferwas, Co. Pork.) After him SIMON Archadienſis, an Orkney Man, occurs Biſhop An. 1229. He was a Man of great Learning and Prudence, held a Synod An. 1239. made thirteen Canons, which ſee in the Monaſticon Anglicanum. He died in his Palace in Kirk Michael An. 1249, and was buried in St. Ger- man's Cathedral at Peel, which he had begun to build. On his Death, LAURENCE, Archdeacon of Man, was elected Biſhop An. 1249. who being at the fame time on Attendance upon Harold King of this ifle in Norway, received Confecration at the Hands of the Metropolitan of that Kingdom ; which is the only Inſtance I find of the Archbiſhop of Drontheim's confecrating any Biſhop here. He had the Misfortune to be ſhipwreck d, and drowned the ſame Year, fo he never came home to take poſſeffion of this Dignity, which was, after ſome Vacancy, next .conferred upon f RICHARD Biſhops of MAN . 365 BERNARD, another Scot 41. 1324. He died Au.1333, and was bu- RICHARD, an Engliſhman, conſecrated at Rome An. (1252. He dedicated the Church of St. Mary's of Ruhen, or Caftlerown, An. 1 260. about fix Years after which, the Scots got Poſſeſſion of this Illaad. He died Ama 1274. at Langalyner in Copland, on his Return from a general Council, and was buried at Furneſs Abbey, and ſucceeded by * MARX of Galloway, a Scor, by Miſtake written Marus, and fome- times callid Mauritius, promoted by Alexander the IIId King of Scot- land An. 1275. according to ſome Accounts, or, as in others, An. 1280. He was on ſome Difference, as Sacheverall intimates, banith'd by the Natives; but they being interdięted for it, were glad to recal him, and lay a Smoke-Penny, by Way of Commutation on every Houſe, which is I think yet paid. He held a Synod at Kirk Brad. dan in March, An. 1291, and made there thirty nine Canons. He died A. 1303. having been ſometime blind, and was buried in St. German's Cathedral in Peel. After him ALLEN, or ON ACH US, of Galloway, another Scot, became Biſhop 1305, He died Feb. 15. 1321. and was buried at Rotheſay in Scor- land, and ſucceeded by a third Countryman, viz. GILBERT of Galloway, An. 1321. He died 13 23• and was buried at Rotheſay by his Predeceffor, and ſucceeded by . ried at Kilwining in Scotland, where he had been Abbat, and fuc- ceeded by :) THOMAS, who was alſo a Scotſman, about 1334. In this Biſhop's Time this Ifand was entirely recovered and taken away from Scotland, and ſo he was the laſt Biſhop made by them. He died Sept. 20. 1348. and was buried at Scoon in Scotland, WILLIAM Russel, a Mankſman, Abbat of Reken, fucceeded, being confecrated at Avignion, by Pope Clement, An. 1348. He is faid to have reſiſted ſome Encroachments which the See of Drontbeim wou'd have impoſed, and to have entirely ſhook off that Biſhop. He held a Synod at St. Michael's, in which five additional Canons were made. He died April 21. 1374, and was buried in Furneſs Abby. His Succef- JOHN DUNKAN, a Native of Man, elected May 21, 1374. and conſecrated at Avignion Nov. 25. following. In his Return he was made Priſoner at Bolonia, and redeemed for five hundred Marks. He died 1380. ſoon after wbich time ROBERT WALDBY occurs Biſhop here. He was An. 1391. made Archbiſhop of Dublin, and An. 1395. Biſhop of Chicbefter, and next Ccc 2 Year for was viel in Barcelona 306 Biſhops of MAN. . Year Archbiſhop of York, as may be feen pag. 39. of this Hiſtory The next I find is RICHARD PULL Y, who occurs Biſhop of Sodor An. 1429. after him JOHN GRENE, called alfo Sprotton, (as I prefume, from the Place of bis Birth, not far from Dunchurch, Co. Warwick; of which he became Vicar An. 1414.) occurs poſſeſſed of Dunchurch and this See An. 1448. which he likewiſe held An. 1454. and was not long after, ſucceeded by THOMAS BURTON, who dying in March 1457. one * THOMAS is faid to be elected Biſhop here June 21. 1458. on the Death of Ibomas Burton. I take him to be the ſame with 9 THOMAS, Abbat of Vale Royal in Cheſhire, who occurs Biſhop here, in Mr. Wharton's Collections, in July 1466. and that on his Death, which no doubt happen'd at Vale Royal, and Burial there, An. 1480. RICHARD OLDHAM, Abbat of Cheſter, was promoted to this See An. 1481. He died Sept. 19. 1486. and was buried in Cheſter Abby, as I learn, without any Monument now remaining, and fucceeded by. HUAN HESKETH, called in Sacheverell, Hugh Hesketh; and in Le Neve, Huan Blackleach; confecrated An. 1487. In his time Tho. Stanley, King of Man, and Earl of Derby, by his Charter, dated March 28. 1505. confirmed to him and his Succeſſors the Tythes and Poffeffions which his Predeceſſors Kings of Man had given to former Bi- fhops ; and particularly granted the Cathedral Church in the Iſland Holm, Sodor, or Peel, with St. Patrick's Church there, and other Churches in Man, as may be ſeen in the Charter in the Monaſticon, Vol. I. pag. 718. He died An. 1510. and was buried in his Cathedral of St. German's in Peel. In a glaſs Window of the Chapel in his Houſe at Blackleach Hall, and alfo in other Parts of that Houſe, in Latham Lordſhip Co. Lança- fter, was this painted, as I find in a MS, Volume of Dodſworth's Cola lections, in the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Heredes aulam cuncti qui cernitis iftam Et pulchas redes multas fadas fimul edes.; 3mmemozes anime ne fitis, nocte ditque Paefulis almifich , Domini Sodorenſis Huani ; Quin pzece deflentes ejus obitum meminentes Qut magnas (amptus facieis vobis reparat rus; Hec alias iffet captivaque terra fuiffet, Ergo pzefatus mandat dominus reverendus ; Omnes heredes has qui terras fimul edes Bimt poffeffuurt per eum, vel eas habiturt Ut non vendantur nec mozgagio tribuantur -W His 藥 ​Biſhops of MAN. 367 Dis inemozes litis ut refpondere velitis mnes cenſuro vos cozam judice ſummo. 21.11. Domini 1509. He was, as I find in the aforeſaid MSS. born at Blackleach-Hall, and eldeſt Brother of that Houſe, and built the Chapel at Blackleach; and that on his Death, as we are inform'd in the ſame Account, THOMAS STANLEY, a Bafe Son of Stanley Lord Montegle, of Horn- by-Caſtle Co. Lancaſter, was made Biſhop, and, on account of his Ba- Stardy, obtained leave from the Pope to hold his Preferments, eſpecially the Rectory of Wigan, which I ſuppoſe he had firſt given him. He was alfo Parfon of Nerth-Meales, and at length of Berwick-in-Elmer, and Badſworth Co. York. In his time, viz. 1542. as we learn in our Sta- tute-Books, Att An. 33. Hen. VIII. Ch. 31. an Act of Parliament was made for diſſevering the new erected Sce of Cheſter, and Biſhoprick of the Idle of Man from the Juriſdiction of Canterbury, and annexing theor to York: which I ſuppoſe was done to prevent all future Diſputes ; for I do not find that Canterbury ever laid any clain to Juriſdiction here, or even that York much intereſted it felf, no more than the Crown of Eng- land, in this Iſland. As to Biſhop Stanley, he was deprived for not complying with Henry VIIIth's Meaſures, as I am informed, in the Year 1546. tho' I rather judge it was in the preceding Year, for we meet with ROBERT FERRAR fübfcribing as Biſhop of Sodor, An. 1545. He was afterwards preferred to the antient metropolitical Sce of St. David, An. 1548. having I preſume fcarce took poffeffion of this ; for it is cer- tain that HENRY MAN, Dean of Cheſter, had the Royal Aſſent to his Ele- etion to this Biſhoprick 7an. 22 1546. on the King's Nomination. He died, and was buried in St. Andrew's Underſhaft Church in London, with this Epitaph : Henry Man, Doctor in Divinity, in the otniverſity of Oxford, and fometime Bithop of Man; which Henry departed this-ILife Oct. 17. 1556. and Iyeth buried under this Stone. On his Death, THOMAS STANLEY, A.M. was reſtored by Queen Mary A12 1556 and dy'd 1568. being then alſo Rector of Winwick as well as Berwick. His Succeſſor was JOHN SALISBURY, LL. B. Suffragan Biſhop of Thetford, Dean of Norwich, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, and Archdeacon of Angle- Jedi, 368 Biſhops of M A N. 7. ſea, nominated to this See March 27. 1569. Being a Native of Wales, he had a Hand in tranſlating the Bible into Welch, which, with the lofs of his Preferments (for Marriage, as it feems to me, in Queen Ma- ry's Reign, he having been of a religious Order, and vowed Celibacy) probably recommended him on Queen Elizabeth's Acceſſion to the Crown. He died in Sept. 1573. and was buried in Norwich Cathedral, without any Memorial. On his Death, hart JAMES STANLE Y, Son to the Lord Montegle, is ſaid to have been appointed Biſhop, by fome Accounts, An. 1573. tho' in others we are informºd that after Salisbury's Deceaſe this See continued vacant about three Years, till John MERICK, A. M. Vicar of Hornchurch in Eſſex, became no- minated hereunto by Henry Earl of Derby, and was admitted by the King April 13. and confecrated at Lambeth April 15. 1576. the Year after which he was inſtalled Biſhop, viz. An. 1577. He died Nov. 1599 in Yorkſhire, where I ſuppoſe he was beneficed, and ſo was bu- ried no doubt in that County. His Succeſſor was GEORGE LLOYD, S.T. P. Rector of Heſwall Co. Lancaſter, con- fecrated An. 1599. On whoſe Tranſlation to Cheſter, where ſee more of him, pag. 333. JOHN PHILIPS, A. M. Rector of Hawarden Co. Flint, Archdeacon of Cleveland and Man, and Parſon of Slingsby and Thorp Co. York, was nominated by the King to this See Jan. 29. 1604. and confecrated Feb. 10. following. He got the Common-Prayer-Book of the Church of Eng- land tranſlated into the Language of the Natives of his Dioceſe, the Original whereof is yet extant; and was, as Sacheverell fays, famous for his Charity and Hoſpitality. He died Aug. 7. 1633. and was pro- bably buried at St. Germans in Peel. His Succeſſor was WILLIAM FORSTER, S.T.P. Prebendary of Cheſter, preſented by the Earl of Derby 26. Dec. who obtained the Royal Affent Feb. 26. and was confecrated March 9.1633. He held a Court at Douglas in Oft. 1634. and dying about four Months after, was buried at Barrow Co. Chefter Feb. 26. where he was Rector, without any Menorial, and ſucceeded by RICHARD PARR, S. T. P. Rector of Eccleſton Co. Lancaſter, con- ſecrated June 10. 1635. He was an excellent Biſhop, rebuilt Ramſey Chapel, and was eminent for his preaching, and inſtructing the Natives of his Dioceſe. He died An. 1643. and was buried in the Cathedral of St. German's in Peel, in the unhappy times of the Rebellion ; which gave an Occaſion to a Vacancy of about eighteen Years, till ſuch time as SAMUEL RUTTER, A. M. Archdeacon (who, upon Biſhop Parr's Death, as chief ſpiritual Magiſtrate, had the ecclefiaftical Government of this Ide) was confirmed Biſhop Oat. 8. 1661. He had An. 1660. been .. Biſhops of M A N. 309 : fa hac dans bech collated to the Prebend of Lougden, in the Church of Lichfeild, by the "Title of Biſhop of Sodor ; which I find became vacant by his Death th. 1663. He died, and was buried under the uncover'd Steeple of St. Germans, then in Rains, in his own Cathedral, with this Epitaplı on a Braſs Plate ; the only one that has been communicated to me from hence ; and I ſuppoſe, the only Memorial of any Biſhop in this Lland; and poflibly the only Epitaph in this Church. In hac damo quam vermiculis Butto accept confratribus meis Dub (pe Returretionis ad vitam Jaceo Samuel Permifione Divina Epifcopus hujus Jufule. Site Ledor Pide # Bide Palatum &putcogi. Obiit 30. Die mentis Maij , Hn. 1662. On his Death, the moſt Primitive ISAAC BARROW, S.T. P. became Confecrated Biſhop Juli 1663. Befides the Benefactions already hinted, he procured the Sum sa 6007 the Intereſt of which, he ſettled to maintain an Academick Ma- fter ; as he did alſo 20 l. per Ann. for the Encouragement of ſuch Per- fons as fhould be delign’d for the Sacred Miniſtry. He was in ſhort, as Sacheverel tells us, a Man of fo publick a Spirit and generous Deſigns, for the good of his Church, that to him is owing, the Learning among the Natives; as is the Bread the Clergy eat, to his Charity: He was, as the fame Author tells us, to the great loſs of the Inand, removed to St. A- Saph, An. 1669. However, he was permitted to keep this See till 1671. when HENRY BRIDGMA N, S. T. P. Dean of Cheſter, Prebendary of York, and Rector of Bangor, Co Flint, and Lanwrſt Sie Cure in St. Hapo Dioceſe, became Confecrated at Cheſter, 08. 1. 1671. He died May 18. 1682. and was buried in Cheſter Cathedral, without any moriál; and ſucceeded by John LAKE, S.T.P. Archdeacon of Cleveland, Rector of Preff- wick Co. Lancaſter, and Prebendary of York, confecrated in Dec. 1682. He was in Auguſt 1684. tranſlated to Briſtol; and ſucceeded by BAPTIST LEVINZ, S.T. P. Rector of Chriſtian Malford, Pre- bendary of Hafilbeare, in the Church of Wells, and at length Preben- dary of Winchefter, Confecrated Biſhop March 15. 1684. He died . Jan. 31. 1692. and was buried in Wincheſter Cathedral, with this E- pitaph on a raiſed Monument. Baptifta 370 Biſhops of MAN Laptiſta Levinz, S.T. P. Epiſcopus Sodorenſis & bujus Ecclefiæ Pra berdarius Patre Gulielmo Levinz de Eventia in Comit. Northampt. Armigero Ortus Oxonii in Collegio B. M. Magdalenæ Educatus Pa- rriæ (ud, Academie, Ecclefiæ, & Saculi Ornamentum ob integritatem & ſanctimoniam vita, morum gravit atem, & candorem & virtutes cere Chriſtianus olim ſpectabilis, ſemper memorandus, nature & Gratiæ Dotibus illuftris, Corporis elegantis, Vultus decori, Mentis eximie (Nufquam ſplendidius habitavit Philofophia) Literature, qua bumana qua Divina, omni genere Infiructus; Theodoxe Reli- gionis Praco atque propugnator Validiflimus, Deo probatus Opera- rius dureiqulo Epiſcopale munus modeſte Admifit, prudenter, G Benefice adminiftravit, Primeros & Apoſtolicos Paſtores imitatus, 6 Qualem pofteri imitentur. Vixit multis Idoneus; Omnibus Di- lectus ; Bene de aliis merendi Studiofus, & apprime Gnarus ; Erga Egenos liberalis, fimulq; Rei familiaris providus ; Hoſpitalis fine Luxu, & inter Lautitias abſtemius. "In Templo, juxta ac privatis in Ædibus Deum aſlidue ſincere Veneratus; In precibus & jejunis frequens, Cæli appetens, Febre Correptus, Bonus Servus & Fidelis Damivi Sui Gaudium ingrejfus eft. Die xxx1 Januarij, An. Dom. MDCXCII. Ætat. Sue 49. Viro optimo deſideratiflimoq; Maria Uxor dile&ti(mma H. M. M.P. His Succeſſor, after five Years Vacancy, was the preſent moſt worthy and primitive Biſhop, An. 1723. (whoſe pious Endeavours, and moſt ex- emplary paſtoral Care of this See, by conſtant Reſidence, will endear his Memory to all Poſterity) viz. THOMAS WILSON, LL. D. Confecrated Fan. 16. 1697. Having thus gone through the account of the Biſhops, there remains nothing further for me to treat of in the compaſs of my Deſign, Ence there are no other Members belonging to this Cathedral ; and the Series of the Archdeacons not being to be procur'd, as I learn from York and elfewhere, I can only inform my Reader, tnat except LAURENCE, made Biihop 1249. and GILBERT, who occurs 1482. as does GILBERT de Latham, 1546. beſides Biſhops Philips and RUTTER, I have only met with Archdeacons here, WILLIAM URQUART, S. T. P. An. 1678, and 1682. John LOMAX, on whoſe Death ARCHIPPUS Kippax was made Archdeacon in July 1696. to whom, as I judge, ſucceeded SAMUEL WATTLEWORTH, whoſe Succeffor, about 1716. was the preſent Arch- deacon, t'iz. ROBERT HORROBIN, A1. 1723. QÖL. .: ............ "...* FINI S Provinciæ EBOR: . . : . . . : : . 了 ​: : ; : . : : . : 密 ​'. : : : ; *: :: 0 alle ** ? 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