H610.2 M 85 A 58732 4 کالا THE TEXT BOOK FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. ikkunniaaktinf szerverás! alt, d · BALTIMORE HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 19 N Eutaw St. DREEBOERICKE. Tritovan 1837 ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VERITAS PLURIBUS UNUM: SCIENTIA TUEBOR OF THE 'SI QUAERIS PENINSULAM AMOENAME CIRCUMSPICE KARTENANT SAA), the Pap 1. = 7 HG102 185 A 11 THE TEXT BOOK, Domestic Practice; PLAIN AND CONCISE DIRECTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES, BEING PLAIN FOR IN SIMPLE AILMENTS. By SAMUEL MORGAN, M. D., Physician to the Bath Homœopathic Hospital. NEW YORK: BOERICKE & TAFEL. ¿ میں کم شمیر کا کرتے 20 پہلا . 1 ' I T 1 1 ! PREFACE. THIS Book is intended to be, as its title indi- cates, a guide for the treatment of simple ailments. To treat diseases with success, a knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathol- ogy, the Materia Medica, &c., is essential; and the opponents of Homœopathy allege that we ignore these sciences, because we place in the hands of unprofessional persons, ignorant of them, works on the treatment of diseases. But these objectors seem to forget that every family practises Physic more or less; it would be no easy matter to calculate the quantities of Ep- som salts, pills, bitters, herbs, and patent medicines yearly employed in domestic prac- tice, in the attempt to relieve complaints which are too trivial to call in medical assistance; and who does not know many instances where (3) 4 PREFACE. the hap-hazard administration of such medi- cines does infinitely more harm than good. It is to guide families in the treatment of these. simple complaints, and to spread the advan- tages of Homoeopathy, that this and similar books are published; and I would caution all laymen against attempting to treat any but simple ailments, and not even to persevere in the treatment of these, if, after a reasonable period of time, improvement does not take place. Slight indisposition is, but too fre- quently, the precursor of dangerous disease. The remedies mentioned under the heads Croup, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Small Pox, and all other serious diseases, are only intended to be used until a Homœopathic Physician can be summoned; never venture to treat such diseases; they require all the skill of an edu- cated Physician. CONTENTS. PART I. INTRODUCTION. PAGE List of Medicines...... 11 12 The Tinctures for external application. The Dilution or Strength of the medicines... 14 The Dose. 14 ……………. *** The frequency or necessary repetition of the Dose.. The Diet......... ... ... PART II, THE MEDICINES AND THEIR USES. Aconitum to Veratrum. 17-43 The Medicines with the organs, &c., of the body which they specially affect...... 44 Temperaments, Habits, and Conditions, with the medicines peculiarly adapted to each.. ... …………. ……………………… PART III. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. Fevers. 15 16 46 Acute Fevers.... -Inflammations (of internal organs)...114 Simple Fever...... Fever during Teething ..........113 88 87 (5) 6 CONTENTS. Eruptive Fevers. Chicken Pox......... Erysipelas.. Infant Rash…..... Measles... Nettlerash. Rash..... Red Gum...... Scarlet Fever-Scarlatina. ……………… ……………… ……………… Small Pox......... ........ Affections of the Mind. Bad effects of Mental Emotions. Affections of the Head. Apoplexy. Congestion to the Head.... Giddiness... Headache.. .... ……………. Bleeding from the Nose.......…………… ………………… Catarrhal Deafness... Earache Faceache.. Humming in the Ears.. Inflammation of the Ears. Eyelids Eyes..... PAGE 55 80 111 126 135 146 147 150 ..155 Affections of the Face, Eyes, Nose, and Ears. • 78 49 64 90 93 ... .136 71 76 83 77 78 82 81 CONTENTS. 7 Mumps Stye......... Swollen Face.. Swollen or Inflamed Glands. Watery Eyes...... Slow Teething. Thrush Toothache Affections of the Teeth, Gums, and Mouth. Ailments during Teething....... Bleeding of the Gums.........……… ……………… ……………………………. 93 ......... 160 Canker of the Mouth. Gumboil..... ....132 ·· Diphtheria Quinsy.. Affections of the Throat. ... Sore Throat.... Cough...... Croup .... Asthma. Asthma of Miller...... Cold in the Head...... Cold on the Chest-Bronchitis... Colds of Infants...... PAGE .133 83 84 91 82 relaxed -Clergyman's.. Affections of the Windpipe, Chest, and Respiratory Organs. •• • 92 113 114 162 75 145 .156 157 ..161 51 107 60 61 ....108 67 70 8 CONTENTS. False Pleurisy... Hoarseness...... Hooping Cough Influenza.. Loss of Voice...... Pleurisy ·· …….. Breath, Offensive...... Flatulency Heartburn. Indigestion Jaundice...... -of Infants.. ... Affections of the Stomach and Liver. Acidity of the Stomach. Biliousness-Bilious Attacks....... .. Loss of Appetite. Sea Sickness. .. Spasms of the Stomach...... Vomiting and Nausea.......…………. . Vomiting of Blood...... Voracious Appetite.... Waterbrash.... Affections of the Bowels. Colic-Gripes. Colic of Infants.... Constipation. Diarrhoea.. Dysentery..... …………… · -of Infants.. -of Infants. ... .. ·· PAGE .140 99 99 120 166 139 ... .107 52 54 89 98 101 125 ..112 50 152 ...158 .167 .168 51 ..170 .. ••• 62 108 65 109 72 110 76 CONTENTS. 9 English Cholera.... Piles.. Worms.. Abscess. Boils.. Bunions Chapped Hands and Lips.... Chilblains...... ……………… ……………… Corns....... Excoriation of the Skin. Irritation of the Skin.. Milkcrust.. Pimples. Ringworm-Scald head... . Affections of the Skin. Shingles Warts Whitlow.... .... • ... Diseases of Women. Disorders of Menstruation..... -incidental to Pregnancy. Whites-Leucorrhoea.......... Injuries. Black or Bloodshot Eye........ Bruises or Contusions...... Burns or Scalds.. PAGE 73 137 173 .... 48 53 55 .123 56 66 111 ··· ……… • 154 131 138 149 153 169 172 127 .140 171 121 121 ...122 10 CONTENTS. Cuts or Wounds.. Sprains or Strains..... Miscellaneous. Bad Effects of a Chill or Cold....... Convulsions of Infants... Cramps in the Legs....... Fainting...... Fatigue, Bodily.. Mental... Gout.. Hiccough.... Hysterics.. Lumbago... 67 .109 70 85 85 86 91 98 101 126 Nervous Excitement…………………………… ……………… ……………… ……………. . 134 .136 .. ... -of Infants.. Stiff Neck Sun Stroke......... Nightmare.... Palpitation of the Heart......……………… ……………… ……………… ……… Rheumatism. Sciatica. Sleeplessness Urinary Complaints...... Varicose Veins... Weakness...... PAGE 123 124 ..... K ▸ 97 .148 .151 154 112 .158 ...160 164 .166 ...170 PART I. LIST OF MEDICINES Prescribed in this Book, with their English Names. 1. Aconitum Napellus, 2. Arnica Montana, 3. Arsenicum Album, 4. Belladonna, 5. Bryonia Alba, 6. Calcarea Carbonica, 7. Carbo Vegetabilis, 8. Chamomilla, 9. China Officinalis, 10. Cina, 11. Cocculus, 12. Coffea Cruda, 13. Drosera Rotundifolia, 14. Dulcamara, 15. Hepar Sulphuris Cal- careum, 16. Ignatia Amara, 17. Ipecacuanha, 18. Mercurius Solubilis, 19. Nux Vomica. 20. Phosphorus, Monkshood. Leopard's-bane. Arsenic. Deadly Nightshade. White Bryony. Carbonate of Lime. Vegetable Charcoal. Chamomile. Peruvian Bark. Worm Seed. Indian Berries. Raw Coffee. Sundew. Bitter Sweet. Sulphuret of Lime. St. Ignatius' Bean. Ipecacuanha. Mercury. Nux Vomica. Phosphorus. ! (11) 12 THE TEXT BOOK 21. Pulsatilla, 22. Rhus toxicodendron, Poison Oak. 23. Sambucus Nigra, Elder. Burnt Sponge. Sulphur. White Hellebore. 24. Spongia tosta, 25. Sulphur, 26. Veratrum Album, Supplementary 1. Cantharis, 2. Petroleum, 3. Kali bichromicum, Meadow Anemone. Medicines. Spanish Fly. Rock Oil. Bichrom. of Potash. External Applications. Arnica. Mix six drops of the mother tincture with half a tumblerful of water, to make a lotion. Uses.-Bruises of all kinds. S Calendula officinalis.-The lotion may be made by mixing a teaspoonful of the mother tincture with half a tumblerful of water. Uses. Cuts or lacerated wounds. Urtica urens. Mix one part of the tinc- ture with about nine parts of water or still better whiskey. Uses.-Burns aud scalds. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 13 Tincture. Camphor, (the homoeopathic prepara- tion of.) Uses. This medicine is recommended to be given as soon as Influenza begins, and at the commencement of Cholera. The medicines may be used in the form of globules, pilules, or tinctures. From our own experience we should generally recommend the form of tinctures, except in the cases of very young children, when the globules or pilules may be used in preference, as they frequently object to take cold water in which the tinctures are generally mixed. Three globules, one pilule, or half drop of the tincture are generally regarded as equivalent doses of the medicine. In adults we should inva- riably recommend one or two drops of the tincture for a dose. The globules and pilules are prepared from pure sugar of milk, which are afterwards saturated with the medicinal substance in solution or tincture. 14 THE TEXT BOOK ܐ How to Select the Remedy for a Disease. In Part II. the reader will find, under each disease, the indication or signs of a medicine, which point it out as the best and most appropriate remedy to admin- ister, because there is a more or less accurate likeness between the symptoms of the disease and those which the medi- cine can produce in health. That medi- cine, then, is always to be chosen which bears the closest analogy in its action to the symptoms which the disease manifests. For each complaint two or more medicines are mentioned, the indications of the latter being noted down to compare with the patient's sufferings. The reader will find more copious indi- cations of each medicine given, and when in doubt as to the most suitable remedy, he can refer to this place, and determine the point by tracing the resemblance between the medicine's action and the disease's symptoms. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 15 Should the symptoms of an existing disease change their character after a medicine has been given, that medicine must no longer be continued, but another substituted more suited to the new symp- toms. In some cases the symptoms of a disease are either so numerous or So varied that one medicine is not sufficient to "cover" or complete the analogy of them all. In this case another may be chosen, which will include the more prom- inent symptoms. The two medicines are not to be mixed, for this would interfere with their respective properties and ac- tions, but dissolved separately, and given alternately or in turns; that is, a dose of one medicine and then a dose of the other, and so on. Mode of Mixing and Taking the Globules. The prescribed number of globules may be placed upon the tongue, left to dissolve, and then swallowed; but the better plan is to dissolve them in a perfectly clean 16 THE TEXT BOOK. tumbler, half full of pure filtered water, or that which has been boiled and allowed to cool; cover the tumbler, and keep it in a cool place. Use a clean spoon, which is not to be left in the medicine; those made of porcelain are the best. A few drops of spirits of wine will keep the medicine fit for use for several days. The medicine should not, if possible, be taken during the hour before or that after a meal. PART II. MEDICINES AND THEIR USES, As Recommended in this Text Book. 1.-Aconitum Napellus. Internal use. In inflammations and fevers, and in congestions of different organs; acting especially on the circulating system, lowering the frequency of the pulse, &c. The symptoms which indicate its use are: shiverings, followed by dry, burning heat of skin; flushed face; great thirst; pulse quick and full; headache; restlessness; foul tongue; loss of appetite. Aconite is so pre-eminently the “Homœo- pathic lancet," that it may be given in every case where much fever is present, as in Catarrhal, Inflammatory, Rheumatic, and Simple Fevers; Bronchitis, Chicken Pox, Fever- ish Colds, Croup, Erysipelas, Inflammation of the Ears, Inflammation of the Eyes, Gout, Mea- sles, Pleurisy, Quinsy, Rheumatism, Scarlatina, 2 (17) 18 THE TEXT BOOK Small Pox, Worms; in Asthma of Miller, Heat Spots, Milk Crust, Red Gum, and Teething of Infants; also in the feverish symptoms at- tendant on Burns, Scalds, Cuts, or Wounds. Congestions, especially to the chest, heart, and head, particularly in plethoric persons. In Suppressed Menses, in plethoric young women, leading a sedentary life. In Face- ache, with redness and heat of the face, great restlessness and irritation; also in Nightmare, attended with feverish symp- Bad effects of Fright. toms. NOTE.-The medicines recommended under the heading of each complaint and condition, are those of the greatest range and importance, and are therefore the most adapted to, and likely to meet ordinary and simple cases. It not unfrequently happens, however, that sim- ple ailments change their character, and yet are not beyond the range of domestic practice; provision has therefore been made to meet those changes, and medicines have been in every case prescribed whose operation is so specific, whose powers have been so well tested, and whose range of action is so extensive, that FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 19 they will be found quite sufficient to meet all diseases likely to come within the scope of Domestic Practice. Aconitum and Belladonna are however so peculiarly adapted to most diseases of an acute character that the use of them may with safety be left to the judgment of the reader. They are the chief medicines in inflammations and fevers in their various forms; wherever feverish symptoms run high, and are of a simple inflammatory character, Aconitum is required; but if with the fever the brain is affected, and there are what may be termed "head symptoms," Belladonna is the medicine. Belladonna may also safely be given in cases where there is much inflammation, with red, hot swelling of the affected part. A dose may be administered from every four to eight hours, or the two medicines may be given in alternation. 2. Arnica Montana. Internal use.-Ailments arising from a Shock; Fall; Contusion; Strains by lifting; Sprains; Luxations; Wounds; Bleeding from the Nose arising from an injury; paralysis of the right side with involuntary evacua- tions, as in Apoplexy; small Boils and Pim- 20 THE TEXT BOOK ples surrounded with an inflamed red bor- der. In rheumatic affections, as in False Pleurisy or stitch in the side. Effects of bodily Fatigue from walking, rowing, &c. External use. In the forms of Lotion (one part of the Tincture to about twenty of water,) Opodeldoc (for rubbing in), Cerate and Plaister. For Bunions, Chil- blains, Corns, Chapped Hands or Lips, Black Eyes, Bruises, Burns, Sprains or Strains, Cuts or Wounds, Bites or Stings of Insects, &c., or in Rheumatism. 3.-Arsenicum Album.* Internal use.-Ailments characterized by excessive debility and prostration, with oppression of chest and difficult breathing, as in Asthma;-with a thin and acrid dis- charge from nose, and nausea, as in Cold in the Head, and Influenza;-with burning pains in internal parts, great thirst, and emaciation, as in violent Diarrhoea; violent Vomiting; Vomiting of Pregnancy; and Diar- *White Arsenic. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 21 rhoea of Infants; also in ulcerated Sore Throat when attended with great weakness. In Faceache, and in paroxysms of pain with anxiety, coldness, disposition to lie down, and sudden excessive debility. In gastric derangements arising from fruits and acids, and in diarrhoeas either painless or at- tended with burning and violent colic. 4. Belladonna. Internal use. In Inflammatory, Rheuma- tic, and other Fevers, attended with a marked inflammatory action of the brain, delirium, startings, &c. Ailments charac- terized by congestion of blood to various parts;-to the head, as in Congestion to the Head, Humming in the Ears, Giddiness, and Bleeding from the Nose ;-to the head, with headache and sleeplessness, as in Chicken Pox-with sensibility to the least noise, as in Congestive Headache; with hard, dry cough and sore throat, as in Hooping Cough; -and to the head and chest, as in Apo- plexy. Inflammations;—with disposition to 22 THE TEXT BOOK suppurate, as in Abscess and Boils; with great swelling and bright redness of the part, as in Inflammation of the Eyelids, Swol- len Glands, Gumboil, Mumps, Quinsy, and Sore Throat; with inability to bear the light, pains in the head, and redness of the whites of the eyes, as in Inflammation of the Eyes. Inflammatory affections of the nerves, as in Toothache and Faceache. Ail- ments characterized by red, hot swelling, with thirst, headache, and restlessness, as in Erysipelas; or with a uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet redness, as in Scarlatina. Ailments caused by colds; as spasmodic Cough, with headache on coughing, or with sore throat; Catarrhal Headache; and in Hoarseness and Loss of Voice, attended with inflammation of the throat. Convulsive motions and spasms,—spasms of children, or Convulsions of Infants, with drowsiness and dilated pupils. Pinching and drawing pains in the abdomen, especially about the navel, as in Colic;-or with paleness of face and constant crying, as in Colic of FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 23 Infants. Also Sleeplessness when there is drowsiness with inability to sleep, and Sleeplessness of Infants. NOTE.-See note under Aconitum. 5. Bryonia Alba. Internal use.-Ailments characterized by rheumatic and gouty tension, drawing, tearing and stitching mostly in the limbs, especially when moving,-with red, shining swelling of the part, as in Rheumatism, Gout, and Lumbago; also stiffness and stitches in the joints during contact and motion, as in Stiff Neck and Rheumatism, and in Rheumatic Headaches worse during changeable weather. In inflammations, as of the Lungs, Liver, and Stomach. Ailments affecting the lungs and the muscles asso- ciated with the organs of respiration ;— dry and violent cough, with shooting pains or stitches in the side or chest, pains in the head and vomiting, as in Bronchitis and Pleurisy, or with difficult expectoration, as in Cough. Bilious and gastric complaints, 24 THE TEXT BOOK as in Headache with aching pains in the forehead, constipation, nausea or vomiting; —in Stomach Cough, when the attack arises after eating or drinking, with vomiting of food;—in Indigestion and Constipation occur- ring especially in summer time, or result- ing from sedentary habits; and in Diarrhoea arising from cold drinks. Also in Consti- pation arising from pregnancy. For the effects of a suppression of eruptions by chills; ailments from suppression of mea- sles and scarlet eruptions; and in Corns, with pressure or burning stinging, or with sore feeling when touched. 6. Calcarea Carbonica. Internal use.-Ailments connected with scrofulous and rickety constitutions, espe- cially when there is a predominant dispo- sition to fluent coryza, cold, and diarrhœa; or it is particularly adapted to frail indi- viduals being poorly fed, or also to such as have in their youth a marked disposition for growing fat and stout. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 25 Calcarea is most beneficial in affections resulting from menstrual irregularities, as muscular weakness, too frequent Menstrua- tion, Whites, excessive irritability of the nervous system, &c. Chronic eruptions, Nettlerash, freckles, Warts, and Corns. Gastric complaints,- sour vomiting heartburn after any kind of food, vomiting of the ingesta, and Water- brash. Ailments arising from dentition, as in Slow Teething. More particularly ad- apted to chronic diseases. 7.-Calendula Officinalis. External use. In the forms of Lotion, (one part of the tincture to six of water,) Cerate and Plaister. In Cuts, Wounds, and lacerations, with or without loss of substance. It is seldom used internally, although invaluable externally. 8.-Cantharis. Internal use. In affections of the uri- nary organs, as in Inflammation of the Blad- T 26 THE TEXT BOOK der and Kidneys, and in Retention of Urine, also where there is strangury and discharge of blood. 9.-Carbo Vegetabilis. Internal use.-Ailments arising from an abuse of mercury, as in Offensive Breath, Bleeding of the Gums, and Canker in the Mouth. Ailments arising from derange- ment of the digestive organs, caused by eating fat meats, pork, &c., or in Water- brash, sour eructations, raising of air or bitter eructations, also in Spasms of the Stomach, with burning, aching, contractive pains. 10.—Chamomilla. Internal use. Hypochondriac and hys- teric affections, hysterical faintings, &c., also the bad effects of anger or passion. Great irritability and sensitiveness of the whole nervous system, in Nervous Excite- ment, restlessness, with anxious moaning and tossing about. Gastric and bilious affections, with either vomiting, thirst, loss FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 27 of appetite, colic, or diarrhoea, (the evacua- tions like rotten eggs) as in Bilious Attacks, Bilious Diarrhoea, Colicky Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea of Pregnancy, Acidity and Diarrhoea of Infants. Ailments caused by a chill;-Earache, with lancinating pains and dryness of the ears; -Swollen Face and Faceache, with hard swelling, face hot and red, or with spas- modic twitchings of the facial muscles ;- or in Toothache caused by a chill, or occur- ring during pregnancy. In Rheumatic Headache and in rheumatic, drawing, tear- ing pains, with laming numb feeling in the affected part, worse at night. Pains which appear intolerable, aggravated by every motion;-in Colic, with restlessness and tossing; in Colic of Infants, when the face is red and diarrhoea is present; also in Menstrual Colic. Various ailments of chil- dren and new-born infants;-in Asthma of Millar, with shortness of breathing, agita- tion and crying, distension of stomach ;— in Colds, Excoriation of Skin, Sleeplessness, and fever during Teething in Infants, with 28 THE TEXT BOOK tossing and restlessness; also in Convul- sions of Infants, with convulsive jerking of the limbs, constant movement of the head and redness of one cheek. Affections of the bronchial tubes, with dry cough and scanty expectoration, as in Cold on the Chest. Aching pains in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, with great anguish and tossing, as in Spasms of the Stomach. II. China Officinalis. Internal use.-Ailments characterized by great debility arising from excessive loss of animal fluids, blood, and humors, as in Palpitation of the Heart, Giddiness, Indigestion, Fainting arising from loss of blood in Cuts or Wounds, and in Weakness after severe acute diseases. In Dyspepsia, bilious and gastric affections, when there is impaired Appetite, with great weakness of digestion, Flatulency, bitter taste in mouth, eructations and heartburn, flatu- lent Colic, or with yellow color of the skin, FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 29 Jaundice; also in yellow, watery mucus, or Painless Diarrhoeas, or diarrhoeas of undi- gested matter. Diseases with a periodical type, as in Faceache, &c. 12.-Cina. Internal use. In Worm Affections, with sleeplessness, dilated pupils, voracious hunger, picking of the nose, or inconti- nence of urine. 13. Cocculus. Internal use.-Gastric and bilious affec- tions;-vomiting and nausea from riding in a carriage, or in Sea Sickness. Con- strictive spasmodic pains in the abdomen, relieved by emission of wind, as in Colic and Spasms of the Stomach. l 14. Coffea Cruda. Internal use.-Ailments characterized by excessive nervous excitability, as in Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, Sleepless- ness of Infants, Mental Fatigue, and Nervous 4 30 THE TEXT BOOK Excitement. Excessive painfulness of the affected part, and great irritability of the body and mind. 15. Drosera Rotundifolia. Internal use. In Whooping Cough, with dry spasmodic cough, retching or vomit- ing of food. 16. Dulcamara. Internal use.-Ailments arising from a cold or chill, as in Loose Cough, Diarrhoea, Nettlerash, Stiff Neck, and Toothache. 17. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum. Internal use. Suppuration of inflamed parts, favoring and promoting the suppu- rative process, as in Abscess, Boils, Stye, Gumboil and Whitlow. In Inflammation of the Eyelids, with nightly agglutination. Catarrhal affections, with loose cough and rattling of mucus, as in Croup; also in Chronic Hoarseness. Ill effects of Mercury, Dyspepsia, and weakness of digestion in FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 31 ! persons who have taken much mercury. In unhealthy skin, where even slight injuries produce suppuration and ulcera- tion. Chapped skin and cracks of the hands and feet. 18.-Ignatia Amara. Internal use.-Bad effects of fright and silent grief. Hysteric debility, as in Weakness, Hysterics, and Fainting. Sad- ness, great indifference and apathy, taci- turnity, and in ailments of individuals of a highly nervous temperament, as in Nervous Headache. 19. Ipecacuanha. Internal use.-Paroxysms of suffoca- tion, as in Asthma, with feeling of constric- tion and rattling of mucus in chest; in Asthma of Millar, with bluish face, or in Whooping Cough, with bluish face and accumulation of phlegm on chest. Bilious and gastric complaints, with vomiting of food or bilious matters, and loathing of * 32 THE TEXT BOOK food, as in Bilious Headache, Indigestion, Vomiting during Pregnancy, and Vomiting or Nausea; also where there is vomiting with diarrhoea, as in Diarrhoea of Infants. Hæmorrhages from various organs, as in Profuse Menstruation and Vomiting of Blood. 20. Mercurius Solubilis. Internal use.-Ailments connected with the mucous membranes, the glands and the liver. Catarrhal and inflammatory affec- tions of the respiratory organs and the lungs, as in Cold in the Head; Bronchitis; Cough with Hoarseness; Cough with Sore Throat; Catarrhal Headache; Hoarseness and Influenza, accompanied by one or other of the following symptoms: dry and shaking cough; perspiration accompanying the cough; hoarsness or loss of voice; fluent discharge of mucus from the nose; sore- ness of the nose; fullness and stuffiness of the head; frequent sneezing; headache; sore throat. Inflammatory fevers, with disposition to perspire. Swelling and FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 33 inflammation of the glands, as in Swollen Face, Swollen Glands, and Mumps. In Inflammation of the Liver; also in gastric and bilious complaints, as in Bilious Attacks and Constipation, with sick head- ache, thickly-coated tongue, and bitter taste in the mouth, or in mucous and Bilious Diarrhoea, Colicky Diarrhoea, and Dysentery, where there is straining, with evacuations of mucus or blood; colic; or with clammy perspiration. In various kinds of ulcers and ulcerations, and in suppurations tending either to resolve the matter or to forward the suppurative pro- cess, as in Abscess, Gumboil, and Whitlow; also in affections of the mouth and throat, as in Offensive Breath, Bleeding of the Gums, Thrush and Canker of the Mouth, especially where the gums are diseased and ulcers are present; in Sore Throat, with elongation of the uvula, and in Quinsy with ulcers, flow of saliva, and shooting pains in the throat; also in cases where the teeth are loose, the gums are swollen and recede, 3 34 THE TEXT BOOK and there is much salivation, (except, of course, when arising from an abuse of mercury, in which case take Carbo Veg.) Ailments arising from a cold or chill,- Catarrhal Deafness; and in pains which appear intolerable, especially at night, as in Earache, Faceache and Toothache. Affec- tions of the liver, especially where the skin assumes a dingy yellow color, as in Jaundice, and Jaundice of Infants. Diseases of the skin; itching; nightly itching aggra- vated by the warmth of the bed,—in vesicular eruptions, as Shingles, and in pustular eruptions, as Small Pox. In worm affections, when there is diarrhoea with straining. 21.-Nux Vomica. Internal use.-Ailments of sanguine, choleric temperaments, and persons of hæmorrhoidal dispositions. Consequences of and ailments arising from sedentary habits, mental labor and fatigue, wine spirits, and coffee. Derangements of the FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 35 digestive functions, as in Bilious Attacks, Offensive Breath, Colic, Constipation, Stomach Cough, Cramp in the Legs, Flatulency, Giddi- ness, Humming in the Ears, Bilious Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Heart- burn, Waterbrash, Constipation in Infants, Sea Sickness, Relaxed Sore Throat, with elonga- tion of the uvula, Spasms of the Stomach, Toothache, and Vomiting or Nausea, accom- panied by one or other of the following symptoms: Headache, especially over the eyes; furred tongue; loss of appetite; bit- ter taste in the mouth; loathing of food; gripings; spasmodic contractive pains in the stomach; giddiness; flatulency; beart- burn; waterbrash; slight or obstinate constipation, or knotty stools with much straining; nausea or sour vomiting; or in Apoplexy and Nightmare, when caused by an overloaded stomach. In blind and bleeding Piles. Affections of a catarrhal character, as in Asthma, with oppression in the lower part of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and short cough; in Cold in the ( 36 THE TEXT BOOK Head, dry Cough, Catarrhal Headache, and Colds in Infants, with obstruction of the nostrils, loss of smell, sneezing, and feeling of the head being stuffed. In Congestion to the Head and in Congestive, rheumatic, and nervous headaches, with heaviness in the head, tensive aching pain in the forehead, particularly over the eyes. Rheumatic affections, as in Lumbago and Sciatica, accompanied with constipation and bilious symptoms. symptoms. Hysteric and hypochondriac affections. Hysteric debil- ity, as in Weakness, and in Indigestion arising from debility. Ailments incidental to pregnancy, as in Constipation, Toothache, and Vomiting; and in profuse, painful, and too frequent Menstruation. • 22.-Petroleum. Internal Use. In vomiting from giddi- ness, as in Sea Sickness, and in nausea from the motion of a carriage. 23. Phosphorus. Internal Use.-Hysteric weakness and FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 37 general sudden excessive weakness. In catarrhal affections, and ailments affecting the respiratory organs, the throat, wind- pipe and chest; stoppage and troublesome dryness of the nose; hoarseness and rough- ness of the throat, acute and chronic; Loss of Voice; Dry Cough, with stinging in the throat; pains in the chest; difficulty of breathing, and anxious respiration. In chronic diarrhoeas, or in diarrhœas of a painless character, especially in aged per- sons. In Chilblains on the hands and feet. 24. Pulsatilla. Internal Use.-Aïments principally of females, or of individuals of a mild sensi- tive temperament, with disposition to cold. in the head, and other mucus discharges. Derangement of the digestive functions, and disorders from rich food, pork, pastry and fruits, as in Bilious Attacks, Offensive Breath, Colicky Diarrhoea, Flatulency, Colic, Giddiness, Humming in the Ears, and in Bilious Headache, Indigestion, and Nausea or 38 THE TEXT BOOK Vomiting, accompanied by one or other of the following symptoms: semilateral head- ache; bitter taste in the mouth; loss of appetite, or hunger; coated tongue; eruc- tations; flatulency; nausea, or vomiting of food; slimy, whitish, or bilious diarrhoea and shiverings. In Sleeplessness from too full a meal, and in Nightmare arising from gastric derangement. Catarrhs, with pro- fuse mucus discharges, as in Cold in the Head, with loss of taste and smell; in Bronchitis and Loose Cough, with rattling of mucus-worse when lying down; also in Hoarseness, with loose cough and thick discharge from the nose; and in Hooping Cough, when the cough is loose. Gouty and rheumatic pains which suddenly shift to other parts, or which are worse at night when seated; sometimes with swelling of the affected part, as in Gout, Rheumatism, and Sciatica. In Stye on the Eyelid before the formation of matter; and in Inflamma- tion of the Eyes and Eyelids, with redness of the lids, secretion of mucus, and FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 39 nocturnal agglutination; also when there is lachrymation in the open air. In Inflammation of the Ears, and in Earache with redness of the ear, humming in the ear, swelling and heat. Nervous affec- tions, as in Nervous Headaches and Palpita- tion of the Heart in females, when produced by the slightest cause. Affections of the skin, eruptive fevers, especially Measles; Chilblains with blue-red swelling, heat and burning throbbing. In Painful or Sup- pressed Menstruation, and in Menstrual Colic; also in Diarrhoea, Toothache, and Varicose Veins during pregnancy. 25.-Rhus Toxicodendron. Internal use.-Rheumatic and gouty tension, drawing and tearing in the limbs, worse during rest, or when beginning to move, as in Rheumatism, Lumbago, and Sciatica. Lameness in all the joints, worse on rising from a seat after having been seated for some time. Stiffness of the limbs on first moving the limb after rest. 40 THE TEXT BOOK Laming stiffness in the extremities when first moving a part, as in Cramps in the Legs. Erysipelas, Nettlerash, Scaldhead, Ring- worm, Shingles, Heatspots, Milk Crust, Red Gum, and other eruptions, especially vesic- ular, forming scurfs with burning itching; small burning vesicles with redness of skin on the whole body. In Incontinence of Urine, especially during rest, when the. urine passes off involuntarily. Bad effects of a strain, dislocation, concussion, and other mechanical injuries, as in Sprains or Strains, Bruises, and Bleeding from the Nose. Affections of the tendons, membranes and ligaments. Warts, and Corns with burning and soreness. External use. In the forms of Lotion, (one part of the Tincture to about twenty of water,) and Opodeldoc (for rubbing in). In Sprains or Strains, Rheumatism, &c. 26. Sambucus Nigra. Internal use.--In Asthma of Millar. Nightly spasmodic suffocative paroxysms; 3 FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 41 suffocative cough with screaming and crying. 27. Spongia. F Internal use.-In Croup with hollow, dry, ringing cough; noisy respiration; fits of choking. 28. Sulphur. Internal use. Affections principally in persons of a lymphatic constitution, sub- ject to eruptions, enlarged glands, &c., or else of a bilious constitution, with disposi tion to hemorrhoids, to hypochondria and melancholy. Chronic diseases in general. Chronic disorders of the digestive organs, as in Indigestion, Constipation, and Heart- burn; chronic Rheumatic affections; chronic and Periodical Headaches; also in chronic Cough with copious expectoration. In Piles and hemorrhoidal affections. Scrof- ulous complaints, curvature of bones, affec- tions of the glands, eruptions and skin diseases, Scaldhead, Ringworm, Irritation of the Skin, Milk-Crust, Pimples, Red-Gum, Small 42 THE TEXT BOOK Pox, particularly during the suppurative stage, Boils, Warts, Corns, Chaps, &c.; also, Chilblains of long standing, or with red- ness, swelling, and suppuration, or with itching on warmth. Cramps in the Leg, and contraction of the limbs. In Dysentery, with straining at stool, and evacuations of mucus and blood. Blisters in the mouth, and in Thrush, also in Worm affec- tions. In Varicose Veins during pregnancy, and in Whites when the discharge is acrid. Ailments of persons with any constitu- tional taint. Sulphur exerts so great an influence over the whole system, that there are but few chronic ailments in which it is not required as well to com- mence the treatment as to predispose the system to the action of other medicines more especially indicated, and often in acute cases to remove effects which do not seem to yield to other remedies, as in the treatment of Measles, Pleurisy, &c. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 43 29.-Veratrum Album. Internal use. In Cramps in the Legs, with cramps and pains which do not bear the warmth of the bed; and in Violent Diarrhoea with severe colic, vomiting, and coldness of the body; Cholera Symptoms, cold, clammy sweats, pulse slow and almost extinct, great weakness, coldness, and shivering. NOTE. The Tincture of Camphor (homeo- pathic) will be found useful to antidote the effects of the medicines, if required; and is also most valuable at the commencement of cold in the head, influenza, bowel attacks, cholera, &c. Dose.-Two to five drops on a lump of sugar every half hour to two hours. With a view of rendering the uses and action of the various medicines more plain, the organs of the body which they specially affect, and the temperaments, habits and conditions for which they are peculiarly adapted, are here inserted. 44 THE TEXT BOOK Medicines, with the Organs, &c. of the Body which they Specifically affect. Aconitum chiefly affects the circulating sys- Arnica Arsenicum " Belladonna " Bryonia Calcarea Cantharis Carbo Veg. 66 Chamomilla China Cina 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 (6 66 66 66 tem. the skin and absorb- ent vessels. the alimentary canal, respiratory organs, and skin. the brain, nervous system generally, and the glands. the muscles, fibrous tissues of joints, lungs, respiratory organs, and liver. the mucous mem- branes, the fibrous system, the bones and skin. the urinary organs. the organs of diges- tion. the nervous system, liver, stomach, and bowels. the nervous system. the stomach, intesti- nal canal and brain. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 45 Cocculus chiefly affects the stomach, bowels, brain and spine. the whole nervous system. the bronchia. the skin, mucous membranes and glands. the glands, skin, mu- cous membranes, and windpipe. the brain and nervous system generally. Coffea 66 Drosera Dulcamara " Hepar 66 66 66 Ignatia Ipecacuanha Mercurius Rhus 66 Nux Vomica Phosphorus " Pulsatilla 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 the mucous branes. the glands, skin, liver, and mucous mem- branes. mem- the stomach, bowels, liver, and cerebral- spinal system. the bronchia and re- spiratory organs. the stomach, bowels, mucous membranes and nervous sys- tem. the tendons, liga- ments, and skin. で ​46 THE TEXT BOOK Sambucus chiefly affects the bronchia. 66 66 Spongia Sulphur "6 Veratrum (6 66 66 the windpipe and bronchia. the skin, membranes, and to mucous a great extent, the whole organism. the whole intestinal canal and brain. Temperaments, Habits, and Conditions, with the Medi- cines peculiarly adapted to each. Bilious Temperaments.-Aconitum, Bry- onia, Chamomilla, Mercurius, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. Children or Infants.-Aconitum, Bella- donna, Calcarea, Chamomilla, Ipe- cacuanha, Mercurius. Debilitated Constitutions. Arsenicum, Calcarea, China, Nux Vomica, Sul- phur. Females. Aconitum, Belladonna, Cham- omilla, Pulsatilla. J Females, Hysterical.-Ignatia, Nux Vom- ica, Pulsatilla. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 47 Hypochondriacal Dispositions.- Calca- rea, Nux Vomica, Sulphur. Temperament. Nervous Aconitum, Chamomilla, China, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. Phlegmatic Temperament.-(Quiet, easy,) Pulsatilla. Plethoric Constitutions.-Aconitum, Bel- ladonna, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla. Sanguine Temperament. Aconitum, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Nux Vomica. Scrofulous Habit.-Arsenicum, Calcarea, Hepar, Mercurius, Sulphur. PART III. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. For the Dose of the Medicines see page 14. Abscess. Symptoms.-A collection of purulent matter in a tumor, the result of local inflammation, and which terminates in suppuration. Belladonna-When there is much swel- ling, pain, and inflammation. A dose three times a day. Hepar-When matter begins to form. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-When the abscess is shining and red, or when it is situated in the vicinity of glands. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-When the abscess is coming to a head, the application of a bread and water or linseed meal poultice will be found serviceable in promoting the (48) FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 49 suppurative process; afterwards the cold water bandage may be applied as soon as the gathering has discharged freely. (See Boils, Gumboil, Whitlow, &c.) Apoplexy. Symptoms. Loss of consciousness, speech and motion; face flushed or pale; breathing slow and of a snoring character, and the patient lies in a comatose condi- tion from which he cannot be roused. Arnica-If there is paralysis of the limbs, especially of the left side, and involun- tary evacuations. A dose every hour. Belladonna-If there are signs of conges- tion of the head and chest. A dose every hour. ( Nux Vomica-For persons addicted to intemperate habits, or if resulting from an overloaded stomach. A dose every hour. General Directions.-Remove all tight garments, raise the head, place the patient in a cool and airy apartment, immerse the 4 50 THE TEXT BOOK . feet in hot water, and send immediately for medical aid. Appetite, Loss of. Generally a symptom of derar gement of the stomach, and of want of power or tone in the digestive organs. China-If there appears to be no apparent derangement of the system. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-When loss of appetite pro- ceeds from sedentary habits, laže hours, wine, &c.; worse in the morning. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla—If it arises from eating rich food, pastry, &c.; worse in the evening. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Drink freely of cold water, and abstain from stimulating articles of diet to create an artificial appe- tite. Take plenty of out-door exercise, and observe the general directions under Indigestion. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 51 Appetite, Voracious. Is frequently a symptom of worm affec- tions, dyspepsia, pregnancy, or the result of debilitating diseases. China When occurring during convales- cence after debilitating illness. A dose night and morning. Cina-When connected with worm affec- tions. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-Unnatural hunger during pregnancy, or if resulting from impaired digestion. A dose night and morning. (See Indigestion, Worms.) Asthma. Symptoms. Shortness of breathing occurring in paroxysms and attended with a sensation of suffocating constric- tion of the chest, cough, and wheezing respiration. Arsenicum-Difficult breathing; oppres- sion of the chest, and great debility; cold sweats, &c. A dose every four hours. 52 THE TEXT BOOK Ipecacuanha Paroxysms of suffocation; feeling of constriction, and rattling of mucus in chest. A dose every four hours. Nux Vomica-Oppression, especially in the lower part of the chest; short cough; indigestion. A dose every four hours. General Directions.-When the first symptoms of a fit appear, immerse the feet and hands in hot water, and inhale the steam; persons liable to asthma should be very careful in their diet. (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) Bilious Attacks-Biliousness. Symptoms.-Nausea, frequent vomiting of bile, furred tongue, bitter taste in mouth, headache, thirst, loss of appetite, bowels either constipated or relaxed, &c. Chamomilla-Vomiting; thirst; loss of appetite; colic; diarrhoea. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Nausea or vomiting of bilious FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 53 1 matter; bitter taste in mouth; head- ache and thirst. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Pain in stomach and side; headache; vomiting with constipation; furred tongue. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla Vomiting of food; slimy or bilious diarrhea; shivering; bitter taste in mouth; loss of appetite; also, when caused by errors in diet. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-The diet for a few days after a bilious attack should be light. (See Indigestion, Vomiting, Colic, Diar- rhœa.) Boils. Inflammatory, Inflammatory, circum- Symptoms. scribed and painful swellings immediately under the skin, terminating in the forma tion and discharge of matter. Arnica-Is the best remedy in most cases, where the boils are small. night and morning. A dose 54 THE TEXT BOOK ¡ Belladonna-If the boil is red and pain- ful. A dose night and morning. Hepar-Is useful to bring the boil to a head after suppuration has commenced. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Apply at first a cold water dressing (a bandage wrung out of cold water applied to the part and covered with oil silk, to be renewed fre- quently). When matter has formed, apply a hot bread or linseed mcal poultice. (See Abscess.) Breath, Offensive. May be caused by a deranged stomach, abuse of mercury, decayed teeth, diseased gums, or want of cleanliness. Carbo Veg.—If arising from abuse of mer- cury; gums bleed readily. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-If it arises from diseased gums or thrush. A dose night and morning. ITux Vomica-Should derangement of the stomach exist; Nux if worse in morning; FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 55 Pulsatilla-If worse at night. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Be careful with your diet, and rinse the mouth frequently with warm water. (See Indigestion, Can- ker in the Mouth.) Bunions. Symptoms.-Inflammation on the ball of the great toe. Treatment.-When the bunion becomes inflamed and painful from walking or pressure, bathe the foot in warm water, and afterwards apply an Arnica lotion in the proportion of one part of Tincture of Arnica to fifteen or twenty of water. All pressure on the bunion must be avoided. Chicken Pox. Symptoms. An eruption somewhat resembling small pox, but much milder in its character; it runs its course in six or seven days; the feverish symptoms are generally slight. Aconitum-Should be used at the com- Vių p 56 THE TEXT BOOK mencement, if there is much fever. A dose every four hours. Belladonna-Headache, sleeplessness, or if there are symptoms of congestion in the head. A dose every four hours. General Directions.-Keep the patient cool, the room well ventilated, and let the diet be light. Chilblains. The frequent recurrence of chilblains is an indication that the cause is constitu- tional, and until the tendency is removed, (which can only be done under the advice of a skilful physician,) the party suffering cannot expect to be free from them. Cause. Great variation in the tempera- ture. Phosphorus-Is specific in many cases. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla-If the part swells and itches violently. A dose three times a day. Sulphur-If the chilblains are of long standing. A dose night and morning. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 57 General Directions.-Rub well, until the part is quite warm, with a rag dipped in Arnica lotion, (one part of Tincture of Arnica to fifteen or twenty of water,) or Arnica Opodeldoc. A good, old-fashioned remedy is to hold the part affected to a hot fire for as long a time as possible. If broken, dress with Spermaceti Ointment. Chill or Cold, Bad Effects of a. Difficult breathing, colic, cough, cold in the head, diarrhoea, headache, hoarseness, earache, pains in the chest and limbs, sore throat and toothache, are among the most common complaints arising from a cold or chill. Reference has been made to most of these under their different headings, but a few of the principal remedies against the bad effects of a chill are here inserted. When the affections caused by a chill are acute and painful, recourse should be had to Aconitum, Chamomilla, Nux, or Pulsa- tilla, but when there is, on the contrary, 58 THE TEXT BOOK little pain, Dulcamara will be found suita- ble in the majority of cases. Aconitum - Will be found suitable in toothache, faceache, or other neuralgia, with headache, congestion, violent fever- ish heat, &c. Chamomilla-In headache, toothache, ear- ache, or other excessively painful neu- ralgia, with agitation, violent feverish heat, moist cough, &c. Dulcamara-in headache, affections of the sight or hearing, toothache, sore throat, gastric sufferings, moist cough, painless diarrhoea, pains in the limbs, fever, &c. Mercurius-In pains in the limbs, sore throat, affections of the eyes, toothache, earache, painful diarrhoea, dysentery, &c. Nux Vomica-In fever, dry cough, dry cold in the head, dysentery, &c. Pulsatilla-In fluent cold in the head, moist cough, earache, fever, diarrhoea, &c., and especially in the case of preg nant women. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 59 Bad Effects of Chill.-Medicines Especially Adapted. Asthma.-Arsenicum or Ipecacuanha. Colic. Chamomilla, China, or Nux. Diarrhoea. Bryonia, Dulcamara, or Mer- curius. Earache. Chamomilla, Mercurius, or Pul- satilla. Eyes, Inflammation of the.—Aconitum, Belladonna, or Pulsatilla. Gastric Derangement. Chamomilla or Dulcamara. - G Headache. Aconitum, Belladonna, or Nux. Hearing, Difficulty of.-Belladonna, Mer- curius, or Pulsatilla. Hoarseness.-Belladonna, Chamomilla, or Dulcamara. Neuralgia.-Aconitum or Chamomilla. Pains in the Limbs.-Aconitum, Bryonia, or Mercurius. Sta Sore Throat. Belladonna, Chamomilla, or Mercurius. Toothache. Chamomilla, Dulcamara, or Mercurius. 60 THE TEXT BOOK A dose of the appropriate medicine may be taken every four or six hours. (See Cough, Cold in the Head, Earache, &c.) Cold-Common Cold or Catarrh. Symptoms. Commences with shiver- ings, followed by slight fever, pain and heaviness in the head, sensation of the nose being stuffed, sneezing, increased secretion from the nose. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Cold in the Head (Dry). Nux Vomica-Headache; obstruction of the nostrils; feeling of the head being stuffed; aching in the limbs. A dose three times a day. Cold in the Head (Fluent). Arsenicum If the discharge is thin and acrid; nausea and prostration of strength. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Frequent sneezing; discharge of mucus from the nose; soreness of the FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 61 nose and upper lip; headache. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla Loss of taste and smell; secretion yellowish, greenish, thick or offensive. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-See under "Cold on the Chest." (See Influenza.) Cold on the Chest-Bronchitis. Symptoms.-Fever, cough at first dry, followed by scanty expectoration, which afterwards becomes more profuse; some- times attended with pain in the chest and hoarseness. Bryonia-Dry and violent cough; shoot- ing pains in the side; pains in the head; vomiting. A dose three times a day. Chamomilla-Dry cough, or with scanty expectoration, caused by a tickling in the windpipe and chest; worse at night. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Dry and shaking cough; hoarseness; stuffiness of the head; per- 62 THE TEXT BOOK spiration accompanying the cough. A dose three times a day. Phosphorus-Dry cough, from tickling in the throat; or with pains in the chest; and accompanied with hoarseness or loss of voice. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla Loose cough; rattling of mu- cus; worse on lying down. A dose three times a day. General Directions. During a cold in the head or chest, put the feet into warm water on going to bed, and live on slops. Use as a preventive the shower-bath every morning, or sponge the body daily with cold water. (See Cough, Influenza.) Colic Gripes Bellyache. Symptoms. Severe pain in the abdomen occurring in paroxysms, sometimes at- tended with nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea; little or no fever; the pain is relieved by pressure. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 63 Colic.-Medicines Especially Adapted. Bilious Colic.-Chamomilla or Nux. Chill, Colic from a. Chamomilla, Nux, bl or China. Flatulent Colic. Chamomilla, China, Nux, or Pulsatilla. Spasmodic Colic.-Belladonna, Cocculus, or Nux. Colic with Diarrhoea.-(See Diarrhea with Colic). If Colic arises from a fit of anger or passion. (See Emotions of the Mind). Belladonna-Pinching and drawing pains, especially about the navel. A dose, every three hours. Chamomilla - Tearing, drawing pains, with restlessness and tossing; flatulence. Dose as Belladonna. China-Distention of the abdomen; spas- modic and constrictive pains. Dose as Belladonna. Cocculus-Constrictive, spasmodic pains, relieved by emission of wind; constipa- tion. Dose as Belladonna. 64 THE TEXT BOOK Nux Vomica - Obstinate constipation ; gripings and flatulence; sensation of a band round the stomach. Dose as Bel- ladonna. Pulsatilla-Diarrhea; shiverings; aggra- vation on sitting or lying. Dose as Belladonna. General Directions.-Foment the abdo- men with hot water, or apply a hot bran poultice or warm flannel. Let the diet be light, and let all that is partaken of be warm. (See Indigestion.) Congestion or Determination of Blood to the Head. Symptoms.-The head feels full and heavy; headache mostly over the eyes, in- creased by stooping, coughing, &c.; the beating of the arteries of the head is felt by the patient; giddiness. Aconitum, Belladonna In most cases will prove sufficient. A dose alternately every four or six hours. Nux Vomica-Should congestion to the p *) FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 65 ► : 1 head arise from indigestion, sedentary habits, constipation, or spirituous liquors. A dose every four or six hours. General Directions. As preventives, take daily exercise, abstain from heating and stimulating drinks, and make a free use of cold water both internally and ex- ternally. (See Congestive Headache.) Constipation. Simple costiveness does not indicate a diseased condition, but may arise from eating much animal food, perspiration, or a sedentary life. Bryonia-Especially in summer; in con- stipation from disordered stomach, with headache. A dose night and morning. Mercurius- Unpleasant taste in mouth; sick headache and bilious symptoms. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-Headache; giddiness; in- effectual straining, or hard, knotty stools, with much straining. A dose night and morning. 5 66 THE TEXT BOOK Sulphur-In many cases of chronic con- stipation; especially in those subject to piles. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Drinking a glass of cold water before breakfast, and two hours after every meal, moderate exercise, abstinence from stimulating food and drinks, will be found valuable auxiliaries in the treatment. (See Indigestion.) Corns Mostly arise from unequal pressure and often from constitutional causes. They are in general a protection of nature against undue friction upon some exposed part of the foot. This friction and pres- sure must therefore at once be removed before any relief can be obtained and every means adopted to restore the skin to its natural condition. Treatment.-Bathe' the feet in warm › water, pare the corn carefully until it is even with the surrounding skin, then apply a lotion of six drops of Tincture of Arnica to a tablespoonful of water, by means of a FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 67 piece of lint or linen, or when going to bed wrap the part round with a small strip of linen soaked in the above lotion, and keep it on through the night. Repeat this for several nights in succession, rubbing in a little sweet oil, or applying a little sweet oil by means of cotton during the day. When they are constitutional, the following internal treatment will frequently be of service. Byronia, Rhus-If the corns are very troublesome during wet weather, or the pains are of a shooting character. A dose alternately every four or six hours. Calcarea Carb., Sulphur-Should be taken to eradicate a tendency to Corns. A dose occasionally. Cough Arises from an irritation of the air pas- sages themselves, or from sympathy with some other organ as the stomach, liver, &c. Cough, Dry. Belladonna-Spasmodic cough, with or # 68 THE TEXT BOOK without sore throat; headache on cough- ing; worse at night. A dose three times a day. Bryonia Shootings in side or pains in chest; expectoration difficult. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Sensation of mucus in throat which is difficult to detach; pains in stomach or side on coughing. A dose three times a day. Cough, Loose, with Expectoration. Dulcamara-Especially after a chill; loose cough and easy expectoration. A dose. three times a day. Pulsatilla Easy expectoration or rattling of mucus in chest; loss of voice. A dose three times a day. Sulphur-In obstinate cases, with copious expectoration. A dose three times a day. Cough, with Hoarseness. Mercurius-Hoarseness; sore throat; dry FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 69 and shaking cough. A dose three times a day. Phosphorus Hoarseness; cough with pain in chest; loss of voice. A dose three times a day. G Cough, with Sore Throat. Belladonna (See Cough, dry; Sore Throat, &c.) Mercurius-Dry and shaking cough. (See Sore Throat.) g Cough, Stomach. Bryonia-If the cough arises after eating or drinking, with vomiting of food. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-A bruised sensation in the stomach and side, and pains in these regions on coughing. A dose three times a day. General Directions. The frequent in- halation of steam is very serviceable in dry, spasmodic coughs; persons subject to cough should, as a preventive, sponge 70 THE TEXT BOOK the chest daily with cold water, using brisk friction with a rough towel afterwards. (See Bronchitis.) Cramp in the Legs. Symptoms. Sudden contraction of the muscles of the calf of the leg, frequently the result of indigestion. Nux Vomica-If it arises from or is con- nected with indigestion. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus-If the attacks occur by day as well as by night. A dose two or three times a day. Veratrum-Especially if with a feeling of being unable to bear the warmth of the bed. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions.-Press the foot firmly against some hard substance, as the wall, floor, or bedstead. Sometimes immediate relief is obtained by rubbing the limb downwards with Spirits of Camphor. Croup. Symptoms.-Commences as a common FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 71 cold, followed in a day or two with diffi- cult breathing, and with the peculiar characteristics of the disease, a ringing metallic cough, noisy crowing inspiration, and obstructed respiration; frequently fatal in a few hours. Aconitum-Burning heat; thirst; short, dry cough; hurried breathing. A dose every three hours. Hepar-Rattling of mucus; cough loose; without much fever; feeling of suffoca- tion from phlegm. A dose every three hours. Spongia-Hollow, dry, ringing cough; noisy respiration; fits of choking. A dose every three hours. Aconitum and Spongia may be given in alternation, and may be administered every half hour in very acute cases. General Directions.-Put the child into a warm bath immediately. Deafness, Catarrhal. Difficulty of hearing frequently arises from or is the result of a cold or chill. 72 THE TEXT BOOK Mercurius-Will generally afford relief. A dose every six hours. General Directions.-Keep the part warm and well covered with flannel. If there is great dryness and want of wax, a little glycerine on cotton wool may be carefully inserted. Diarrhoea. Symptoms. Looseness of the bowels, sometimes attended with colic and vomit- ing; often a salutary effort of nature to remove noxious matters from the system, and if slight, need not be interfered with. Diarrhoea, Bilious. Chamomilla Thirst; bilious vomiting; colic; evacuations like beaten up eggs; loss of appetite. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Foul tongue; nausea; bilious eructations; gripings; straining before or at an evacuation. A dose three times a day. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 73 Diarrhea, from a Chill. Bryonia-Especially when arising from cold drinks. A dose three times a day. Dulcamara-In most cases of diarrhoea from a chill, even if colic is present. A dose three times a day. Chamomilla, Mercurius — (See Bilious Diarrhoea.) Pulsatilla—Liquid, slimy, whitish evacu- ations, or if arising from indigestion, or errors of diet. A dose three times a day. Diarrhoea, Painless. China-Is sufficient in most cases, espe- cially when attended with great weak- ness. A dose every six hours. Diarrhoea, Violent, with Vomiting. (English Cholera.) Arsenicum-Burning pains in stomach; great thirst; vomiting; weakness; symp- toms worse after eating. A dose every three or four hours. 74 THE TEXT BOOK Veratrum-Coldness of the body; cramps; severe colic; vomiting. A dose every three or four hours. Phosphorus-Chronic diarrhoea, or diar- rhoea of a painless character, especially in old persons, or consumptive indi- viduals. A dose two or three times a day. If Diarrhoea is the result of grief, fright, or a fit of anger or passion.-(See Emo- tions of the Mind.) General Directions.-The diet must be confined to farinaceous articles, and all food must be taken cold. (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) Diarrhoea in Children. Chamomilla-Is one of the best remedies in the purging occurs during teething, or where the action of the skin has been suddenly checked by cold, or when the food disagrees in any way, and the motions are green, offensive, or slimy, and when there is severe pain in the FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 75 bowels, causing the child to scream, to be restless, and to draw its legs upwards towards the belly. This remedy may be given singly, or alternately with Ipecacuanha or Mercu- rius; if relief is not soon obtained, the Mercurius is particularly indicated, if the stools are slimy and green, or if they are pap-like, or streaked with blood. Diptheria. Soreness of the throat and an exuda- tion of plastic lymph upon the tonsils and throat in patches that coalesce and form a false membrane, which is followed by difficult breathing, nearly the same as in membranous croup. This breathing is always an alarming symptom. Aconite and Belladonna-May be given in alternation every hour in the first stage. Kali bichrom.-In the form of a small powder, may follow, and should be repeated every hour. 76 THE TEXT BOOK Bryonia, Hepar, and Spongia-At the same intervals in alternation. The diet should be free from any hard substance. Dysentery. Symptoms.-Fever; violent colic; fre- quent want to evacuate, with discharge of blood or blood and mucus; constipation. Mercurius-Straining, with evacuation of blood; violent colic; clammy perspira- tion. A dose every four hours. Sulphur-Straining with evacuation of mucus and blood. A dose every four hours. General Directions.-Let the diet be very light. Apply a warm bran poultice to the abdomen if there is much pain. Earache. Generally the result of cold, and fre- quently accompanied with toothache. Chamomilla-Lancinating pains; dryness of the ears; especially when caused by a chill. A dose every two hours. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 77 Mercurius-Shooting pains extending to teeth and cheeks; discharge of wax. A dose every two hours. Pulsatilla Pains with redness, swelling, and heat of the ear; with humming in the ear. A dose every two hours. General Directions.-Put a few drops of glycerine or sweet oil on wool, and place in the ear; keep the part warm. (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) - Ears, Humming in the, Frequently arises from congestion of blood to the head, from catching cold, &c. Belladonna-If arising from congestion to the head. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-If worse in the morning. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla If worse in the evening. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-As this trouble- some symptom is mostly connected with some general complaint, as cold, conges- tìon, or indigestion, these ailments should 78 THE TEXT BOOK be referred to. (See Congestion, to the Head, Earache, Indigestion.) Ears, Inflammation of the. Symptoms. Great pain in the ears, followed by swelling and redness both inside and out. Aconitum-If there is much fever. A dose every four or six hours. Pulsatilla Is the principal remedy in this painful ailment. A dose every four or six hours. General Directions.-Diet light, and if the pain is very severe, apply heated flan- nels or a hot bran poultice to the part affected. Persons subject to inflammation of the ears should avoid draughts of air, and should protect the internal ear from all irritation of noise or wind. Emotions of the Mind. Disorders frequently arise from violent passions and emotions of the mind, as from fright, grief, or passion. These ailments FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 79 require special remedies adapted to the cause from which they spring. Bad Effects of Fright. Aconitum If Fainting, Convulsions, or Palpitation result from fright. A dose evey hour or two, according to circum- stances. G Ignatia-If Diarrhoea is the result of a fright. A dose three times a day. Bad Effects of Grief. Ignatia-If Diarrhoea or Headache arises from grief. A dose three times a day. Bad Effects of Passion or Anger. Chamomilla-Is the most suitable remedy if Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice, or Spasms are the result of a fit of anger or passion. A dose every three or four hours, according to cir- cumstances. General Directions.-In many cases a tendency to strong mental emotions may 80 THE TEXT BOOK be very much corrected by hygienic rules, cold bathing, exercise, &c., and individuals subject to them should do all in their power to brace and strengthen the system. Erysipelas. Symptoms.-Inflammation of the skin, with fever, and shooting and burning pains; the part is hot, swollen, and of a crimson or purplish color, which disap- pears on pressure; tense and painful; numerous blisters or vesicles are sometimes present. Erysipelas of the head is a dan- gerous disease. Aconitum-Fever; hot burning skin; great thirst. A dose every four hours. Belladonna-Burning heat, redness, and swelling of the part; thirst; headache; restlessness. A dose every four hours. Rhus-Especially in vesicular erysipelas. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-Flour dusted over the part is often very soothing to the patient. Be careful with the diet. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 81 J Eyes, Inflammation of the. Symptoms.-Heat, pain and redness of the eyes, intolerance of light, headache and fever. Aconitum-At the commencement of the attack, when the feverish symptoms are severe. A dose night and morning. Belladonna-Redness of the whites of the eyes; inability to bear the light; pains round the eyes or in the head. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-In slight cases when there is not much fever, or when Belladonna does not seem to afford relief. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-Worse in the open air; secre- tion of mucus; agglutination. A dose night and morning. General Directions. Keep the eye shaded, and bathe it frequently with warm milk and water. (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) 6 82 THE TEXT BOOK Eyes, Watery, Frequently arises from a general weakness of the organ, and this form only is here treated of. Sulphur-Will often be found of benefit. A dose every night. General Directions. Bathe the eyes frequently in cold water, and attend to the diet. The general health having much to do with weak eyes, it would be advisable to follow the general directions under the article on Indigestion. M Eyelids, Inflammation of the. A Symptoms. Redness, swelling, and soreness of the lids, external and internal. Belladonna-Swelling and redness of the lids, with constant agglutination. dose night and morning. Hepar-Redness of the lids, with nightly agglutination. A dose night and morn- ing. Pulsatilla-Redness of the lids; secretion FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 83 of mucus; nocturnal agglutination. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Bathe the part affected with warm milk and water. Eyelid, Stye on the. Symptoms. A small boil situated on the eyelid. Pulsatilla-At the commencement, before the formation of matter. A dose night and morning. Hepar When suppuration has com- menced. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Bathe the eyelid with warm water, and when matter has formed, apply a hot poultice. Faceache-Tic Doloreux. (Neuralgia.) Symptoms. An affection of the nerves of the face, usually of an acute, lancinating character; often commencing at the ear, or under the eye, and frequently an obscure and complicated disease. 84 THE TEXT BOOK F Aconitum-Redness and heat of the face; great restlessness and irritation. A dose every two hours. Arsenicum-Pains, very severe, with pros- tration of strength; worse after a meal; relieved by external heat. A dose every two hours. Belladonna-When the pain is most vio- lent under the eye; darting pains in cheek bones and jaws; pains extending into the ball of the eye. A dose every two hours. China-In periodical attacks; aggravated by the slightest touch. A dose every two hours. General Directions.-Attend to diet; sponge the face well every morning with cold water as a preventive and as an auxiliary in the treatment. (See Tooth- ache, Bad Effects of a Chill.) Face, Swollen, Generally arises from a chill, toothache, or gumboil. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 85 Chamomilla Swelling hard; face hot and red. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-If the glands are swollen and painful, and there is a flow of saliva from the mouth. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Foment the face with hot water. Fainting. General Directions.-Remove all tight articles of clothing; lay the patient on the floor; dash cold water over the face, and let her smell Spirits of Camphor. The room must be well ventilated. If Fainting is the result of a fright- (See Emotions of the Mind.) Fatigue, Bodily. Great bodily fatigue mostly produces a sensation of general lassitude, and feeling as of contusion in the muscles and joints, sometimes accompanied with sleeplessness and complete prostration. 86 THE TEXT BOOK Arnica (internally)-Is the most suitable remedy against the bad effects of great bodily fatigue, walking, rowing, &c. A dose every four or six hours. * * * Aconitum-Should be taken against the bad effects of overheating from bodily exercise in summer time. A dose occa- sionally. General Directions.-Mix a tablespoon- ful of Tincture of Arnica in a small wash- hand basin full of tepid water, and bathe the hands and feet in it. Care should be taken if food is required, and, if ex- tremely exhausted, to have a light meal, and to eat sparingly. The moderate use of a stimulant may sometimes be bene- ficial. Fatigue, Mental. Symptoms. Over-study or watching frequently produces confusion of thought, headache, drowsiness or sleeplessness, with general lassitude and weariness. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 87 Nux Vomica-Is the principal remedy, and will generally afford relief. A dose three times a day. Coffea-If there is much nervous excite- ment and sleeplessness. A dose occa- sionally. General Directions.-Perfect rest should be given to the mind after too great a strain upon its powers; cold bathing should be resorted to, and every endeavor made to invigorate the system. Years of nervous debility and misery frequently result from an over taxation of the mental powers. Fever, Simple. Symptoms. Weariness, shivering, pains in the limbs, followed by burning heat, thirst, quick pulse, loss of appetite, &c. Aconitum-Will generally be found suffi- cient in simple feverish symptoms. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions.-The diet should be light, consisting merely of barley water, thin gruel, or arrowroot. 88 THE TEXT BOOK Fevers, Acute. Unler this head are inserted a few general directions for the guidance of the patient until medical advice is obtained, as in all cases of sudden and acute inflam- matory attacks, the symptoms are of too severe a character for the treatment of any but the skilful practitioner. Symptoms. The first symptoms of an acute attack of fever are the same as those recorded under Simple Fever, which are followed or accompanied by those symp toms which relate to the specific character of the fever to which they belong; as pains in the limbs in Rheumatic Fever; bilious symptoms in Gastric Fever; great prostra- tion of strength in Typhus Fever; various eruptions in Eruptive Fevers, &c. In all cases of acute fever, the treatment is the same at the commencement. Aconitum-Should be given at once when the feverish symptoms run high. A dose every hour or two. Belladonna-If the head is affected; FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 89 delirium. A dose every hour or two, or alternately with Aconitum. General Directions.-Put the patient to bed, keep the room cool and airy, give cold water to drink, barley water or thin gruel for nourishment, and send for a medical man. Flatulency. Symptoms.-Wind in the stomach or bowels. This symptom of Indigestion frequently arises from flatulent food, drink- ing coffee or tea in excess, or from rich or unwholesome articles of diet. China-When arising from flatulent food. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-Especially when the symp- toms come on after drinking. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-If caused by eating rich or greasy food. A dose night and morn- ing. General Directions.-Be cautious with diet, and avoid those articles of food 90 THE TEXT BOOK which experience teaches you tend to pro- mote the complaint. (See Indigestion.) Giddiness May arise from indigestion, debility, or congestion of the brain. Belladonna-Giddiness arising from con- gestion of blood to the head. A dose night and morning. China If giddiness arise from debility. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-Giddiness in the open air; after a meal; worse on stooping, or in the morning. A dose night and morn- ing. Pulsatilla Worse in the evening; relieved in the open air. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-A free use of cold water, both in drinking and sponging, and plenty of exercise in the open air are recommended as preventives to ordinary giddiness. S FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 91 Glands, Swollen or Inflamed. Often caused by a cold or chill, and this form only is here treated of. Chronic enlargement of the glands denotes deep- seated constitutional disease, which re- quires a lengthened course of treatment. Belladonna-When there is bright red- ness of the part, and inflammation. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-When the glands are hard, red, hot, and painful to the touch. A dose night and morning. General Directions. Keep the part warm and well covered with flannel. Gout Generally affects the joints of the great toe, which become red, hot and swollen, with burning pains. Bryonia-Red and shining swelling with shooting pains; worse on movement. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-When the pains pass rapidly A 92 THE TEXT BOOK from one joint to another. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Diet very low and foment the part with warm water, or wrap it in cotton wool. (See Rheumatism.) Gumboil May be caused from a decayed tooth, a cold, or from some derangement of the digestive organs. Belladonna-If there is much redness and inflammation. A dose night and morn- ing. Hepar― When suppuration has Com- menced. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-When the boil is hard and painful. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Place a warm fig on the boil in the mouth, keep the face tied up with a handkerchief, frequently bathe the cheek and rinse out the mouth with warm water. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 93 Gums, Bleeding of the. Sometimes a symptom of derangement of the stomach, but frequently arising from abuse of mercury. Carbo Veg.-If it arises from abuse of mercury. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-In most cases, (except when arising from abuse of this mineral,) • especially when the gums are spongy, swollen, and painful. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Avoid medicated dentifrices, and clean the teeth frequently with a soft brush. (See Canker in the Mouth.) Headache. Headache may arise from various causes, as derangement of the digestive organs, catarrh, congestion of the brain, nervous debility, &c. It is frequently only a symptom of disease, which must be cured before relief is obtained. 94 THE TEXT BOOK Headache, Bilious and Gastric. (Sick Headache.) Bryonia-Aching pains in forehead, or one-sided headache; constipation; nau- sea or vomiting. A dose three times a day. Ipecacuanha-Nausea; vomiting of food or bilious matters. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Nausea and sour vomiting; headache especially over the eyes; gid- diness; constipation. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla-Nausea or vomiting of food; semilateral headache. A dose three times a day. Headache, Catarrhal. Belladonna-Great fulness in the head, especially over the eyes; excessive sen- sibility to the least noise. A dose three times a day. Mercurius Fulness of the head; dis- mang kano FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 95 charge from nose, &c. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Headache and heaviness in forehead with obstruction of nose. A dose three times a day. Headache, Congestive. Belladonna-(See Catarrhal Headache.) Bryonia Headache with feeling of com- pression in the head; constipation. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Headache especially over the eyes; constipation; giddiness; feel- ing of sleepiness. A dose three times. a day. Headache, Nervous. Coffea-If brought on by excitement. A dose three times a day. Ignatia-If caused by grief; momentary relief on movement. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Worse in the morning; excited by mental emotions or fatigue; 96 THE TEXT BOOK and increased in the open air or after eating. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla-Worse in the evening; re- lieved in the open air; increased in doors or by lying down. A dose three times a day. Headache, Periodical. Sulphur-In most cases will prove effica- cious. A dose three times a day. Headache, Rheumatic. Chamomilla-Tearing pains on one side of the head, extending to the jaw. A dose three times a day. · - Bryonia-Shooting pains, worse on move- ment or during changeable weather. A dose three times a day. If Headache is the result of grief or passion-(See Emotions of the Mind.) General Directions.-Attend to diet, and in catarrhal headache, bathe the forehead with warm water; in nervous, lie down quietly in a dark room; use cold bathing FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 97 as a preventive. (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) Heart, Palpitation of the, Often arises from mental emotions, ner- vousness, indigestion or debility; though frequently produced by disease of the ´ heart, or some other organ of the body. China-If arising from debility. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-In robust persons; if worse after food, with symptoms of indiges- tion. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-In nervous persons, especially females, when produced by the slightest cause. A dose night and morning. If Palpitation arises from fright—(See Emotions of the Mind.) General Directions.-Avoid all excite- ment, abstain from coffee, strong tea, and all indigestible articles of food. Running and quick walking are injurious, especially up-hill, and soon after a meal. 7 98 THE TEXT BOOK Heartburn. Symptoms.-A painful burning sensa- in the stomach, extending up into the throat; arising from indigestion. Nux Vomica-Especially if the result of sedentary habits or abuse of spirituous liquors. A dose three times a day. Sulphur Will in most cases relieve violent heartburn, or may be given after Nux. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-A tumbler of cold water will often relieve the oppressive, burning pain. Those who suffer from heartburn and waterbrash should adhere closely to the general directions laid down under the article on Indigestion. Hiccough-Hiccup May be frequently relieved by holding the breath for a few seconds, or by drinking cold water or sugar and water. Should these means not succeed, take a dose of Nux. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 99 Hoarseness Generally accompanies, or is the result of a cold. Belladonna-Hoarseness, with inflamma- tion of the throat, or with cold in the head, amounting to loss of voice. A dose night and morning. Hepar-In chronic cases, with or without a dry cough. A dose night and morn- ing. Mercurius-If connected with a cold in the head, sore throat, or cough. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla With loose cough; pains in chest; thick discharge from nose. A dose night and morning. General Directions. Wash the neck and throat frequently with cold water. (See Cough, Bad Effects of a Chill, Loss of Voice.) Hooping Cough. Symptoms. Is divided into three stages; first, the symptoms of a cold; UorM 100 THE TEXT BOOK sore second, the cough is distinguished by its convulsive and suffocative character, occur- ring in paroxysms, and attended with a peculiar hooping sound; third, the cough becomes loose, and the hoop ceases. Belladonna Dry, hard cough, with marked cerebral disturbance; throat. A dose three times a day, according to circumstances. Ipecacuanha - Danger of suffocation; bluish face; accumulation of phlegm on chest. A dose three times a day. Drosera When the peculiar hooping cough is fully developed; vomiting of food; no fever. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla In the third stage, when the cough is loose. A dose two or three times a day. 2 General Directions.-The diet in the first stage should be light, and in the second, nutritious. Change of air will be found of great service in this complaint. Maou FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 101 Hysterics. General Directions.-Place the patient in a recumbent position on a large bed, or on the floor; remove all tight articles of clothing which impede the circulation; sprinkle the face with cold water; admit plenty of fresh air, and let the patient smell Camphor, or give a dose of Ignatia, Persons subject to hysterical attacks should avoid all tight articles of clothing, and should follow the instructions laid down under the article Indigestion. Indigestion May be caused by overloading the stomach, eating too quickly, unwholesome food, a sudden emotion, a chill, &c. Indigestion frequently arises from an infraction of dietetic rules, and from par- taking of food which does not agree with the stomach, in which case it may merely assume the form of a casual attack, but from continued neglect, the digestive powers may become impaired, and chronic 102 THE TEXT BOOK indigestion or dyspepsia, with its multitu dinous attendant sufferings, be the result. A casual attack of indigestion resulting from an abuse of certain foods require special remedies, according to the natur or the character of the cause which ha produced it, as in- Derangement of the Stomach by Eating or Drinking. Pulsatilla-If it arises from fat substances pork, &c. Nux-If it arises from coffee. Arsenicum or Pulsatilla-If it arises from fruits or ices. Pulsatilla-If it arises from pastry. Nux-If it arises from wine, &c. Rhus—If it arises from shell fish, mussels &c. If Nettlerash should be the result o partaking of unwholesome food-(See Nettlerash.) Derangement of the S'omach by Moral Causes. Chamomilla -If it arises froin anger o passion. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 103 Aconitum-If it arises from fright. Ignatia—If it arises from grief. * * * China or Nux-Indigestion arising from debility. Bryonia or Nux-Indigestion arising from sedentary habits. Indigestion arising from cold or chill.— (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) A dose of the appropriate medicine may be taken every four or six hours, accord- ing to circumstances. Symptoms.-Heartburn, Flatulence, Nau- sea, or Sickness, Pains in the Bowels, Palpi- tation, Headache, &c.; one, many, or all of these symptoms may be present, and for the treatment of them individually, refer to their several headings. A recapitula- tion of the most prominent symptoms resulting from Indigestion, with the medi- cines which will be found most serviceable in each, is here subjoined: Bilious Symptoms require Chamomilla, Mercurius, or Nux. 104 THE TEXT BOOK Colic.-Nux or Pulsatilla. Constipation. Bryonia or Nux. Diarrhoea.-Pulsatilla. Flatulence.-China, Nux, or Pulsatilla. Headache. Bryonia, Nux, or Pulsatilla. Heartburn.-Nux or Sulphur. Nausea or Vomiting.-Ipecacuanha, Nux, or Pulsatilla. Nightmare.-Nux or Pulsatilla. Palpitation.-Nux or Pulsatilla. Waterbrash.-Calcarea Carb., Carbo Veg., or Nux. Bryonia Indigestion in individuals hav- ing a tendency to membraneous inflam- mations, rheumatism, &c., or when it manifests itself in summer; constipation. A dose night and morning. China-Indigestion arising from debility, caused by loss of blood, purging, &c. A dose night and morning. Hepar-Is almost a specific (with occa- sionally a dose of Sulphur) in chronic or long standing dyspepsia. A dose occa- sionally. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 105 Ipecacuanha-Indigestion, with nausea or vomiting as a prominent symptom. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-One of the best medicines for indigestion, and especially adapted for individuals of a lively, energetic, sanguine temperament, with a predis- position to constipation or piles. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-Like Nux Vomica, but espe- cially suitable to females or persons of a mild disposition, with tendency to a relaxed state of the system, diarrhoea, &c. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-In most cases of chronic dys- pepsia or indigestion in individuals of a nervous and irritable temperament, with tendency to piles. A dose occasionally. General Directions.-The best rules to avoid Indigestion are: to rise early, drink a glass of cold water at once, and then sponge yourself from head to foot with cold water, rubbing the skin thoroughly dry afterwards, and taking exercise in the 106 THE TEXT BOOK open air if possible; but if not, in the house till thoroughly warm. Wear suffi- cient clothing; take four meals a day, a hearty breakfast, a substantial dinner, tea and supper light; let your diet be plain and wholesome; avoid a variety of dishes, all high seasoned articles and condiments, and anything you find to disagree with you; eat slowly, masticate thoroughly, drink sparingly, and in general take water with your dinner; for breakfast and tea, weak tea or cocoa; a glass of water two hours after a meal will assist digestion; exert neither mind nor body for some time after a meal; take a walk daily, the best time is between breakfast and dinner; refrain from stimulants and aperients; re- tire to bed early, and cultivate a cheerful, contented disposition. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." (See Bad Effects of a Chill.) FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 107 Infants, Diseases of. Acidity of the Stomach. Symptoms.-Known by looseness of the bowels, the evacuations often of a greenish color; great restlessness. Chamomilla-Will in most cases be suffi- cient. A dose night and morning. General Directions.- Give the child sufficient exercise, and diminish the quan- tity of food. Asthma of Millar, (Spasmodic.) Symptoms. Distinguished from Croup by coming on suddenly, (the child fre- quently waking up with it,) by the tran- sient character of the attack, and by the absence of fever. Chamomilla-Shortness of breathing, agi- tation and crying; distension of the stomach. A dose every four hours. Ipecacuanha-Danger of suffocation with bluish face. A dose every four hours. Sambucus-When the attack comes on 108 THE TEXT BOOK during sleep; dry cough and crying. A dose every four hours. General Directions.-Apply a sponge dipped in hot water to the throat. (See Croup.) Colds, Imprudent exposure to cold and irregu- larity of clothing are the chief causes of this ailment. Chamomilla-Obstruction of nose with running of water from nose; cough. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-Dry obstruction of nose. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-If the skin is rough use a little cold cream or simple. ointment. Colio or Crying. Symptoms.-Griping; the infant draws its legs up to its stomach. Belladonna-When the crying is constant without apparent cause; or if there is colic with paleness of face. A dose every four hours. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 109 Chamomilla-In colic, when the face is red, or if diarrhoea is present. A dose every four hours. General Directions.-Give the child a warm bath, and keep it well covered. Constipation Frequently results from errors in diet. Bryonia When constipation occurs dur- ing summer time, or when the motions are of a large size. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-When there is much strain- ing, with hard, knotty stools. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Use friction with the hand over the abdomen. Convulsions Mostly occur during dentition, from ex- citement of the nervous system, or errors in diet. Belladonna-Starting when asleep; rigid- ity of the limbs; drowsiness; pupils dilated. A dose every four hours. 110 THE TEXT BOOK Chamomilla-Convulsive jerking of the limbs; constant movement of the head; redness of one cheek. A dose every four hours. If Convulsions or Spasms arise from fright or passion-(See Emotions of the Mind.) General Directions.-Put the child into a warm bath as soon as possible. Diarrhea-Bowel Complaint. If during dentition, and not excessive, or injuring the child's health, need not be checked; it often results from errors in diet. Arsenicum-If there is much emaciation, weakness, and pallor. A dose two or three times a day. Chamomilla - Bilious diarrhoea; colic; A dose two or three restlessness. times a day. Ipecacuanha—If accompanied with vom- iting. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions.-Alter the diet and FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 111 diminish the quantity. Mix a little isin- glass with the child's food. Excoriation of the Skin. Often the result of a want of cleanliness. Chamomilla-Is generally sufficient to remove the affection. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Wash frequently in warm water, and dry the child well with a soft towel. Heat Spots-Infant Rash, Symptoms. An eruption frequently caused by too much clothing, or errors in diet, and generally very slight. Aconitum-Should the feverish symptoms run high. A dose night and morning. Rhus—If the eruptions should be exten- sive. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Sponging the skin frequently with warm water, and a proper attention to ventilation, are generally sufli- cient to remove the rash. 112 THE TEXT BOOK 确 ​Jaundice Frequently arises from cold, or is the result of an abuse of purgative medicine. Mercurius-Will generally be found suffi- cient to remove it. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Attend to diet, keep the child moderately warm. Clean- liness and warm clothing are likewise necessary. Sleeplessness-Restlessness. Often a symptom of general derange ment, teething, &c. Belladonna-If the child cries for hours without closing the eyes, or sleeps for a few minutes, waking up with starts. A dose at bedtime. Chamomilla—When colic and great rest- lessness are present. A dose at bed- time. Coffea Sleeplessness from excitement; redness of face. In most cases of sleep- FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 113 lessness this remedy will be sufficient. A dose at bedtime. General Directions.-A warm bath will frequently be found soothing. Teething, Fever during. The fever which is sometimes present during teething is generally slight and of a remittent character. Aconitum-Heat; burning of skin; thirst; sleeplessness. A dose occasionally. Chamomilla Tossing; restlessness; red- ness of cheeks; cough. A dose occa- sionally. General Directions.-The child should be kept on a light diet, and in a quiet and airy room. Teething, Tardy. Symptoms. In difficult teething the face is hot and red, and the gums at the spot where the tooth wants to pierce are hard and swollen. Calcarea Carb.-Is serviceable when the 8 114 THE TEXT BOOK teeth are slow in coming. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Attention to the infant's diet, and guarding against undue exposure, will be of essential service. Thrush-Aptha. Symptoms. Small ulcers on the tongue, sometimes extending through the whole of the intestinal canal. Mercurius-Should be given in almost all A dose night and morning. Sulphur-Should follow Mercurius if necessary. A dose night and morning. General Directions. Use the greatest cleanliness; wash out the mouth frequently with warm water; attend to ventilation, regularity of the bowels, and taking the child into the open air as often as the weather will allow. cases. Inflammation, Acute. (Of Internal Organs.) Most of the diseases which come under FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 115 this heading require prompt medical assist- ance; the remedies here mentioned under each particular inflammation are only intended to be used until a physician arrives. Bladder, Inflammation of the. Recognized by a burning pain in the region of the bladder, the external parts being swollen, hot, tense and painful to the touch, the urine is hot and red, and the emission of it is either difficult and painful or impossible; fever. Aconitum, Cantharis-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose alternately every one or two hours. Bowels, Inflammation of the. Recognized by violent stitching pains in the inflamed part, which are permanent, the abdomen is bloated, hot, and painful to the touch, quick, small, wiry pulse, obstinate constipatian, and violent thirst. Aconitum, Belladonna-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose alternately every one or two hours. 116 THE TEXT BOOK Brain, Inflammation of the. Recognized by a violent pain in the head, or by a mere pressing, dull sensation, fever, and signs of sanguineous congestion to the head, distension of the veins of the head and throat, &c.; coma or constant delirium. Aconitum, Belladonna-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose every hour or two in alternation. Bronchia or Air Tubes, Inflammation of the. Recognized by a constant and violent irritation, tickling cough and hoarse voice, attended with fever. (See Bronchitis.) Kidneys, Inflammation of the. Recognized by severe, pressing, pungent pain in the region of the kidneys, with shootings from that region to the bladder; difficulty of urinating, the urine is red and hot, there is mostly vomiting, colic, and straining, and the pains are increased by motion, or by lying on the back or side. affected. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 117 Aconitum, Cantharis-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose alternately every hour. Liver, Inflammation of the. Recognized by a burning and stitching pain in the right side, which extends to the shoulder and breast-bone, and some- times even to the right foot. The pain and short dry cough attendant upon the disease are increased by inspiration, and it is impossible to lie on the right side. This is when the inflammation affects the ouler side of the liver. Or recognized by a deep-seated, painful pressure, rather than of pain in the region of the liver, accompanied by yellow color of the eyes and face, sometimes almost complete jaundice, bitter taste, vomiting, and high-colored urine. Fever accom- panies these symptoms. The pains are increased by lying on the left side, but alleviated by lying on the right. This is when the inflammation affects the inner side or substance of the liver. 118 THE TEXT BOOK Aconitum-Whilst the fever is high. A dose every two hours. Bryonia, Mercurius-When the fever is not very high, or when it has been sub- dued by Aconitum. A dose alternately every two hours. Lungs, Inflammation of the. Recognized by stitches or pain in one part of the chest, increased by inspiration, and hindering deep breathing, oppression of the chest, and a continuous dry cough, which is excited by speaking, and by every deep breath. The cough is afterwards attended with expectoration, of a serous or mucous character, and in the highest degrees of the inflammation, pure blood may be expectorated. All the signs of inflammatory fever are generally present. Aconitum, Bryonia-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose alter- nately every one or two hours. Pleura, Inflammation of the. Recognized by painful stitches in the FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 119 side when moving or drawing breath, attended with inflammatory symptoms. (See Pleurisy.) There is also a kind of pleurisy which is not accompanied with inflammatory symptoms. (See False Pleurisy.) Stomach, Inflammation of the. Recognized by a constant burning, stitch- ing pain in the region of the stomach, increased by inspiration, pressure of food, with tension and swelling, and frequently pulsation. There is great anxiety, rest- lessness, with retching and vomiting of whatever is taken; also violent thirst, great prostration, coldness of the limbs, and sometimes fainting or convulsions. Aconitum, Bryonia-Should be taken until the physician arrives. A dose alternately every two hours. General Directions.-Until the arrival of the physician, and whilst taking the medicines recommended as suitable, the patient should observe the same rules as under Fever. Water, thin gruel, or barley 120 THE TEXT BOOK water may be given to drink, the room should be airy and cool, and not too light, and every thing that may excite the patient should be carefully removed. Influenza. Symptoms.-Commences with shiver- ings, pains in limbs, headache, followed by obstruction of the nose, frequent sneezing, discharge from the nostrils, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, loss of appetite, great debility, &c. Arsenicum Great weakness; cough; nausea; fluent and acrid discharge from nose. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Sore throat; flucnt discharge from nose; dry cough; swelled glands. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-Keeping in bed for a day or two, according to the severity of the attack, is desirable, and in other respects treat as for cold in the head (See Cold in the IIead.) FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 121 Injuries. Black or Bloodshot Eye. Treatment.-Bathe with a lotion of ten drops of Tincture, of Arnica to a large wine-glassful of water. Arnica (internally)—Will aid the cure. A dose every four hours. Bruises, Contusions, Etc. Treatment. Bathe the injured part frequently by means of a rag or piece of lint dipped in a lotion composed of one part of Tincture of Arnica to twenty of water, and take one or other of the follow- ing medicines: Arnica (internally)-In most cases is specific. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla If the muscles are chiefly affected, (either to be taken alone or in alternation with Arnica.) A dose three times a day. Rhus-When the joints or tendons have suffered. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-If the skin is 122 THE TEXT BOOK broken, the lotion should be applied of only one-half the strength recommended above; and the part affected should always be kept at perfect rest. Burns-Scalds. Treatment.-Puncture the blisters that may have arisen, and cover the whole affected part with thick raw cotton, and keep it on till the pain has left, or a Urtica Urens lotion—twenty drops of Tincture of Arnica to half a pint of water—will also be found most efficacious, covering the part afterwards with a thick layer of soft cotton wool, so as to exclude the air. Change the dressing as seldom as possible; the cure of burns depending so much upon the exclusion of air from the wounds. Aconitum-Should be taken if there is much fever. A dose every three hours. Hepar-If suppuration ensues. A dose night and morning. Arnica (internally)—In most cases, when there is little or no fever. A dose three times a day. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 123 Chapped Hands or Lips. Treatment.-Rub the part well with Arnica Cerate or Glycerine, and if the hands are affected, wear kid gloves. If there is a predisposition, and the skin cracks very readily, take Mercurius-If the lips are chiefly affected, or whenever the chaps are deep and bleeding. A dose two or three times a day. Hepar When the hands alone are chapped. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur-In obstinate or long continued cases. A dose once or twice a day. Outs-Wounds. Treatment.-Cleanse the part thoroughly with a soft sponge dipped in cold water, as soon as the bleeding ceases, which is generally the case after the application of cold water, apply a bandage of lint or linen moistened with a lotion of Tincture of Arnica (twenty drops to a quarter pint of water) may be used in the same way, 124 THE TEXT BOOK but in general Calendula is to be preferred. in the treatment of lacerated wounds. Keep the injured part at perfect rest, and enjoin a low diet. If the cut is slight, unite the edges together with strips of Arnica or Calendula plaister. Aconitum-Should be given if the patient is very feverish. A dose every four hours. Arnica (internally)-In most cases, to aid the cure, especially if using the Arnica lotion externally. A dose three times a day. China-If faintness arises from loss of blood. A dose every hour. Sprains or Strains. Treatment. Apply a bandage kept con- stantly moist with an Arnicated lotion, (one part of the Tincture of Arnica to twenty of water.) If the pain and swel- ling do not subside within a reasonable period, apply a lotion of Tincture of Rhus in the same way. The part affected must be kept perfectly at rest. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 125 Arnica (internally)- Should be taken whilst using the Arnica lotion exter- nally, or when the parts affected appear black. A dose three times a day. Rhus (internally)-Must be employed whilst using the Rhus lotion, or if the joints, membranes, or tendons are most affected. A dose three times a day. Jaundice. Symptoms.-Loss of appetite, bitter taste in mouth, furred tongue, skin of a yellow color, constipation or diarrhoea, evacuations light in color, depression of spirits. Mercurius-Is the principal remedy, and will generally afford relief. A dose night and morning. China-If the disease should not yield to Mercurius, or if that drug has been taken to excess. A dose night and morning. If Jaundice arises from a fit of anger or passion (See Emotions of the Mind.) 126 THE TEXT BOOK General Directions.-Keep quiet, ob- serve a light diet, and drink only water or toast and water. Take an occasional warm bath. Lumbago. Symptoms.-Rheumatism affecting the muscles of the back. Eryonia-When the pains are worse dur- ing motion. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-When the back feels as if bruised; aggravated by motion; consti- pation. A dose night and morning. Rhus-Worse when at rest, or just begin- ning to move. A dose night and morning. 2 General Directions. Use friction every morning, and wear a flannel bandage round the part. Take care of your diet, as Lumbago is often connected with Indi- gestion. (Sce Rheumatism.) Measles. Symptoms. At first resemble those of a cold in the head; on the fourth day FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 127 small red points appear in crescentic clus- ters, first on the face, and then on other parts of the body. The eruption disap- pears in four or five days. Aconitum-When the feverish symptoms are intense. A dose three times a day. Pulsatilla Is the specific for measles, and may be employed as soon as the feverish symptoms are diminished, or in alterna- tion with Aconite. A dose three times a day. Sulphur-To complete the cure, if after the Acon. and Puls. chronic cough, &c., should remain. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Diet light; room well ventilated, but not cold. Menstruation, Disorders of. Slight disorders of the monthly period. are here alone treated of. Long standing, complicated, or habitual irregularities, should have competent medical advice. A non-observance of the general princi- 128 THE TEXT BOOK ples of Hygiene will be found a fruitful source of much of the suffering attendant upon these functions. Colic, Menstrual, Is frequently caused by a chill from damp- ness of the feet, errors in the mode of living, and an imprudent use of drugs. Chamomilla, Pulsatilla-Are the best remedies for Colic during the monthly period. General Directions.-See under "Pain- ful Menstruation." (See Colic, Painful Menstruation.) Menstruation, too soon. Frequently produced by mental emo- tions, excesses of various kinds, great bodily exertion and over fatigue. Calcarea Carb.—When there is a tendency towards increasing shorter intervals; the flow also increasing in proportion. A dose three times a day. Nux Vomica-Especially if the flow lasts FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 129 too long, and is profuse; cramps. A dose three times a day. General Directions.—A hard bed, plenty of fresh air, salt water baths, salt water sponging, and everything that can invigo- rate and strengthen the system should be resorted to. Menstruation, Painful, Arises from cold, deficient exercise, insalu- brity of air, a sudden emotion, &c. Chamomilla-If there are colicky pains, with bearing down feelings and tender- ness of the abdomen. A dose every six hours. Nux Vomica-If the forcing pains pre- dominate. A dose every six hours. Pulsatilla-If occurring in individuals of a mild and timid temperament. A dose every six hours. General Directions.-A careful diet, frequent walking, muscular exercise, all sorts of amusements, and absence of all violent and unpleasant emotions are indis- pensable requisites to a cure. 9 130 THE TEXT BOOK Menstruation, too Profuse. The causes of this irregularity are both mental and physical, and are similar to those which are productive of painful or too frequent menstruation. China-If attended with great weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Ipecacuanha-If the discharge is very profuse, and amounts to flooding. A dose every quarter of an hour to an hour. Nux Vomica-When the discharge is ex- cessive, and lasts too long. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions.--The patient should remain perfectly quiet, and all drinks should be given cold. If flooding sets in medical aid must be procured. Menstruation, Retarded or Suppressed. This condition frequently arises from a sudden emotion, a violent disappointment, a chill or cold, (especially arising from damp fect,) bad air, fatigue, &c. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 131 Aconitum When there is headache, giddiness, or congestion, especially in robust young women. A dose every two or three hours. Pulsatilla Is the principal remedy, espe- cially when the suppression is the result of a chill. A dose every two or three hours. General Directions.-A warm hip or foot bath may be used, and when the acute symptoms are removed, active exer- cise in the open air should be resorted to, care being taken to clothe the body in a manner suitable to the season, and to avoid thin soles to the shoes and getting the feet damp. Milk Crust. Symptoms.-An eruption mostly con- fined to infants whilst nursing, consisting of small white pustules in clusters on a red ground, appearing first on the face, and sometimes spreading over the whole body. The pustules burst, and form yel- 132 THE TEXT BOOK low scabs, and are attended with consider- able irritation. Aconitum-When there is great fever and A dose two or three times restlessness. a day. Rhus-Is specific in many cases, and is particularly indicated when the itching is very troublesome. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur-Should be given to aid the cure, or if Rhus has not produced a favorable change. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-The diet of both mother and child must be most carefully attended to. Observe great cleanliness, and bathe the part affected with tepid water to allay the irritation. Mouth, Canker in the. Symptoms. Gums are hot, swollen, red and tender; become spongy and shrink from the teeth; frequently ulcers form on them, and the smell from the mouth is offensive. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 133 Carbo Veg.-If arising from abuse of Mercury, or if the gums bleed much. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-Will be found sufficient in A dose night and ordinary cases. morning. General Directions.-Attend to your diet, keep the mouth clean, and avoid medicated dentifrices. Mumps. Symptoms.-Swelling of the glands be- hind the ears and under the jaws, attended with fever, headache, &c. Belladonna-If the swelling is very red, or if there are symptoms of the brain being affected. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-Will suffice in all ordinary cases. A dose night and morning. General Directions. Keep flannel to the part; avoid all exposure to cold, and live sparingly. S 134 THE TEXT BOOK Nervous Excitement. Causes. The nerves of some persons are naturally weak and delicate, but many bring themselves into this distressing con- dition by a neglect of the general laws of health, thereby entailing upon themselves the hundred distressing symptoms this complaint often assumes. Chamomilla When there is great irrita- bility of disposition. A dose night and morning. Coffea-When there is great excitability, with sleeplessness and restlessness. dose night and morning. General Directions.-All persons who suffer from this complaint should avoid late hours, crowded assemblies, all kinds of mental excitement, novel reading, and the like; let them eschew coffee, strong tea, and stimulants, and live if possible in the country; rise early in the morning, and retire to rest before ten at night; sponge the body daily with cold water; A FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 135 take brisk exercise in the open air; and let the diet be plain, wholesome and nourishing. (For Nervous Debility, see Weakness.) Nettlerash. Symptoms. An eruption resembling that caused by the sting of nettles, and attended with itching; it seldom remains many hours in one part; frequently arises from indigestion or a cold. Dulcamara-When it arises from a cold. de A dose night and morning. Calcarea Carb.-If the rash disappears in the open air; and in chronic cases. A dose night and morning. Rhus-If it arises from unwholesome food, or from damp weather. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Avoid any article of diet which seems to produce it, and use warm water only, externally, to allay the irritation. (See Lilious Attacks, Indi- gestion.) 136 THE TEXT BOOK Nightmare. Symptoms.-A sensation of weight on the chest, felt during sleep, impeding res- piration, and producing great anxiety, or accompanied with horrid dreams or fancies. Aconitum-If attended with fever and palpitation of the heart. A dose or two before going to bed. Nux Vomica-When produced by seden- tary habits, spirituous liquors, and the like. Dose as Aconitum. Pulsatilla-When arising from late sup- pers, and rich articles of food. Dose as Aconitum. General Directions.-Late suppers, and a want of power in the digestive organs being fruitful sources of this painful affec-. tion, individuals subject to it should avoid the one and try to increase the tone of the other. (See Indigestion.) Nose, Bleeding from the. Sometimes a salutary effort of nature relieving headache, giddiness, &c. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 137 Arnica-If it arises from an injury. A dose every three or four hours. Belladonna-When there are symptoms of congestion of the rain; flushing of the face; fulness of the vessels of the head. A dose every three or four hours. Rhus If in consequence of physical exertion. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions.-Use cold water freely to the nose and face; a key or some other cold substance to the back of the neck will frequently stop the bleeding. Piles. Symptoms. Small tumors formed from a distended condition of the veins situated at the rectum, either external or internal; they may be blind (i. e. not bleeding) or bleeding; constipation is generally present; they are always constitutional. Nux Vomica-Especially when they exist in persons of sedentary habits, or who have indulged to excess in coffee or 138 THE TEXT BOOK spirituous liquors. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-After Nux, especially when the tumors burn and frequently protrude. A dose night and morning. Nux and Sulphur-May be given in alter- nation. General Directions.-Attend to diet, carefully avoiding stimulating food, and take a warm bath to allay the pain, or sit over a vessel of hot water. Pimples. Symptoms. The common name of a very frequent eruption, consisting of small pimples containing matter, occur- ring chiefly on the face, and generally the result of errors in diet. Arnica (See Boils.) Belladonna-Especially when they occur in young people. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-In most cases will prove bene- ficial, or may be given if Belladonna FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 139 does not prove sufficient. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-The cause of these disfiguring little blotches must be removed before a cure can be obtained. Those who are troubled with them should abstain from spirituous liquors, take less animal food, and see that the diet is light, whole- some, and nutritious. (See Indigestion.) Pleurisy. Symptoms. Inflammation of the mem- brane lining the chest; characterized by fever, shooting pain in chest, increased by coughing or pressure, dry cough, shortness of breathing. Aconitum-Should be given whilst the fever, pain; and cough are severe. A dose every six hours. Bryonia If, after the Aconite, sharp pains still remain in the side. A dose every six hours. Sulphur-To complete the cure; if the side should still remain sensitive to the K 140 TIIE TEXT BOOK impression of the air, or to movement. A dose night and morning. General Directions. The patient should remain in bed, and the diet must consist of farinaceous articles, gruel, barley water, &c. Pleurisy, False. (Stitch in the Side.) Symptoms. A rheumatic affection of the pleura, attended with stitching pains, increased by inspiration, as in pleurisy, unaccompanied with fever. Arnica-Is the specific in this affection. A dose three times a day. General Directions. Warm applica- tions to the side frequently afford relief. ____________________ Pregnancy, Disorders incidental to. During the state of pregnancy, women are subject to certain special ailments, but they generally enjoy an immunity from the severer forms of disease. Colic. A very frequent trouble, which often FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 141 sets in during the first months, and is fre- quently the result of cold or improper diet. Chamomilla-Is generally successful in affording relief. A dose every three or four hours. Nux Vomica-If Chamomilla is not suffi- cient, or if the bowels are very costive. A dose every three or four hours. (See Colic.) Constipation Should be attended to and remedied, as much harm may arise from too great straining at stool. Bryonia, Nux Vomica-Will generally be found successful in removing this con- dition. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions.-A change of diet, more vegetables and fruit, exercise, and a free use of cold water should be resorted to, and should the bowels prove very obstinate, an injection of warm water in which a little castile soap has been dis- solved, may be had recourse to. See 1 } 142 THE TEXT BOOK Diarrhea, This condition requires to be carefully guarded against, as having a tendency to bring on miscarriage. Chamomilla-Will frequently be found of benefit, especially if there is colic. A dose every four or six hours. Pulsatilla May follow Chamomilla if that remedy has not produced the desired effect. A dose every four or six hours. General Directions.-The diet should be light, and should be taken in small quantities at a time; keep the bowels. warm and well covered with flannel. Toothache Sometimes lasts from the commencement to the end of pregnancy, and is frequently the first symptom from the presence of which that state is suspected. Chamomilla-If the pain proceeds from a hollow tooth, or is most violent at night. A dose every three or four hours. Nux Vomica-If the pains are rendered FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 143 worse by wine, coffee, or mental work. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla-If the whole side of the jaw is affected, or the pains shift about. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions.-The teeth should not be extracted, as the pain will not be relieved by doing so. Varicose Veins Result from pressure consequent upon pregnancy. After delivery, the pressure being removed, the veins regain their natural size, and the swelling disappears. Pulsatilla-Is the specific in this affection. A dose three times a day. Sulphur-May be given after Pulsatilla. A dose night and morning. General Directions. The patient should not stand too long at a time, and all tight garters and the like should be avoided. A laced stocking giving an equal pressure all round the leg may be used, and should be drawn on in the morning before the veins are distended. M # 144 THE TEXT BOOK Vomiting or Nausea-(Morning Sickness.) A very common symptom of pregnancy, which generally begins at the commence- ment, and lasts until the third or fourth month. It sometimes, however, continues longer, or recurs periodically during the whole course of pregnancy. Arsenicum Excessive vomiting, with fainting or great weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Ipecacuanha-If the vomiting continues. very long and the patient rejects every- thing she takes; or if the bowels are relaxed at the same time. A dose every four hours. Nux Vomica-In a large number of cases, the best remedy. A dose every four hours. General Directions. The diet should be carefully regulated, and a change made in the times of eating to those hours when the stomach is less apt to be sick. Cold food will sometimes be retained when warm articles of diet are rejected. Plenty FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 145 of fresh air and exercise are indispensable. during pregnancy. Quinsy. Symptoms.-Swelling, redness, and in- flammation of the tonsils, with difficulty of swallowing and feverish symptoms. Aconitum-At the commencement, if the feverish symptoms are severe. A dose every four hours. Belladonna-Great thirst; bright redness of the throat; swelling of the glands outside the throat; difficult deglutition. A dose every four hours. Mercurius-Shooting pains in the throat, extending to the ears; flow of saliva; foul taste in mouth; ulcers in throat; shiverings. A dose every four hours. Belladonna and Mercurius-May be given in alternation. General Directions.-Relief is often afforded by the inhalation of steam. 10 146 THE TEXT BOOK Rash. Purple or Scarlet Rash is, in its general symptoms, similar to Scarlet Fever, except that the general bright efflorescence of the skin is accompanied with a fine rash, which imparts to the skin a sense of gran- ular roughness when passing the hand over it. Scarlet Fever invariably appears first on the face, next on the body, and lastly on the extremities; Purple or Scar- let Rash, on the contrary, may appear irregularly, or locally, or at once over the whole body. Rose Rash is the mildest of all eruptive fevers, and is characterized by a simple blush of a rose color appearing in oval patches upon different parts of the skin, and sometimes extending over a consider- able surface. There is no elevation on the skin, and the fever is very slight. In both kinds of Rash the treatment may be the same. Aconitum-At the commencement, when FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 147 there is fever. A dose three times a day. Belladonna-If the head is affected. A dose every four or six hours. Coffea-If there is much restlessness, irri- tability, or nervousness. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-Attention to diet, temperature and cleanliness will conduce much to a cure. Red Gum. Symptoms.—An eruption, common to infants at the breast, of small red pimples, which make their appearance about the face, neck, and arms, frequently very slight, and yielding to simple hygienic treatment, bathing, ventilation, &c. Aconitum-May be given in most cases where there is much feverish heat and restlessness. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus-When there is much irritation or 148 THE TEXT BOOK burning itching of the skin. A dose two or three times a day. } Sulphur-Is often a specific, or may be used occasionally during the use of other medicines. A dose night and morning. General Treatment.-Guard against the child's catching cold, and wash frequently with tepid milk and water. Rheumatism Affects especially the muscles and fibrous portions of the joints; the part affected is hot and painful, frequently red and swol- len; more or less fever is always present. Aconitum-In attacks of acute rheuma- tism, when feverish symptoms run high. A dose three times a day. Bryonia-Pains, especially in the muscles; worse on movement; with headache and bilious symptoms. A dose night and morning. Pulsatilla-Pains which pass rapidly from FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 149 joint to joint; worse at night. A dose night and morning. Rhus-When the pains are chiefly in the tendons; worse during repose, or when commencing to move. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-In almost all cases of chronic, and after an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, when the pains linger about. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Let the diet be low, and wrap the part in cotton wool. (Sce Lumbago, Sciatica, Bad Effects of a Chill.) Ringworm-Scald Head. Symptoms.-A pustular eruption formed in small rings containing yellow matter. It appears most frequently on the head, but Ringworm is found on various parts of the body. The pustules burst, discharge a little fluid, and form a scab. It is usually very tedious. Rhus-Especially when the skin is in- 150 THE TEXT BOOK flamed and red, and there is much itching. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-May be used after Rhus, or when the eruption dries off. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Cut the hair short; wash the head night and morning in tepid bran water, and if the scabs are thick apply a poultice. All salt meats, pickles, &c., must be avoided. Scarlatina. Symptoms. An eruptive fever attended with sore throat; the eruption comes out on the second or third day, and is of a bright scarlet redness. This disease com- mences with the usual symptoms of fever, attended with sore throat; on the second or third day a scarlet eruption appears, first on the face and neck, and from thence extending over the body; about the fifth day the eruption begins to peel off, and in a week it is generally gone. Aconitum - At the commencement, if FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 151 feverish symptoms run high. A dose three times a day. Belladonna-Is the specific in uncompli- cated scarlet fever. A dose three times a day. Belladonna-Should be used as a disin- fectant when Scarlet fever is in the neighborhood, as it generally proves a specific in preventing others from taking the infection; and even should it not do this, will greatly ameliorate the attack. A dose every morning. General Directions.-Diet light; room well ventilated, but not cold. If the throat is very sore, inhale steam. Sciatica. Symptoms. A neuralgic affection of the sciatic nerve; the pain extends from the back of the hip to the knee or foot; it is frequently connected with Indigestion. Nux Vomica-If worse in the morning; constipation and bilious symptoms. dose three times a day. A 152 THE TEXT BOOK Pulsatilla-Worse at night, and when seated. A dose three times a day. Rhus-Pains with stiffness of the muscles; worse during repose, or when commenc- ing to move. A dose three times a day. General Directions.- Sponging with cold water will often be of service, both as a preventive and auxiliary in the treat- ment. (See Rheumatism, Indigestion.) Sea-Sickness. Symptoms.-Nausea or vomiting occa- sioned by the motion of the vessel, often attended with great debility and exhaus- tion. Nux Vomica-Should be taken the day before going on board. A dose three times a day. *Petroleum-Is often a specific in this dis- * As Petroleum is only recommended in this Manual under Sea-Sickness, it has not been thought necessary to include this remedy in the case of medicines; it can easily be procured just previous to a voyage. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 153 tressing ailment. A dose every hour or two. Cocculus-Great nausea, with inability to vomit. A dose every hour or two. General Directions. Be on deck as much as possible, eat dry captain's biscuits, but if really ill, retire to bed. A wet compress bandage round the abdomen is frequently of great service in severe cases. Shingles. Symptoms. A vesicular eruption on an inflamed base, extending about half way round the waist, attended with itching and tingling of the skin. Mercurius-Is the principal remedy for this affection. A dose night and morn- ing. Rhus When the eruption is drying up. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Diminish the diet, and avoid cold or damp air. 154 THE TEXT BOOK 4. Skin, Itching or Irritation of the. An affection which sometimes exists without any apparent eruption. Mercurius-If the irritation is worse at night, and the skin is moist. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-Is sufficient in ordinary cases. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-Wash the body frequently with warm water, and abstain from all indigestible food. Sleeplessness, Apart from disease, may arise from an overloaded stomach, over-excitement, or cold feet. Belladonna-When there is drowsiness, with inability to sleep. A dose at bed- time. Coffea - When produced by over-excite- ment. A dose at bedtime. Pulsatilla-If from too full a meal, or gastric derangement. A dose at bed- time. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 155 General Directions.-Sponging the body with cold water before getting into bed will often procure sleep. Take care that the bedroom is not too hot, take plenty of out-door exercise, and do not study late. Small Pox. Symptoms. The premonitory are, pains in the back, and nausea, with fever; on the third day, small hard pimples appear, first on the face, and in two or three days extend over the body. From the fifth to the eighth day these pimples become con- verted into pustules containing yellow matter, and having a depression in the centre; about the tenth day the pustules burst and form scabs, which in a few days fall off. During the time the pustules are becoming perfected, the face swells, there is sore throat, and often difficult degluti- tion. Aconitum-During the premonitory stage, if the fever is severe. A dose three times a day. 156 THE TEXT BOOK Mercurius-Is suitable after the appear- ance of the pimples, especially if there is swelling of the face, foetid smell from mouth, and salivation. A dose three times a day. Sulphur-Towards the end of the disease, when the scabs have formed. A dose three times a day. General Directions. Keep the patient in a well-ventilated apartment, exclude all light; to relieve the itching, paint the pustules frequently with cream, using a camel's hair brush. Sore Throat. Symptoms. Redness and dryness of the throat, pain on swallowing, which sometimes extends to the ears; hoarseness, occasional loss of voice, and feverish symptoms. Belladonna-Pain, redness and dryness. of the throat; difficult deglutition. A dose three times a day. Mercurius-Shooting pains extending to FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 157 the ears; foul tongue, &c. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-The inhalation of steam will frequently relieve the dryness and pain in the throat. Apply a cold water bandage round the throat, which will generally afford relief. (See Bad Effects of a Chill, Quinsy.) Sore Throat, Ulcerated. Belladonna, Mercurius-(See Quinsy.) Arsenicum-May be given in putrid or gangrenous sore throat, especially when attended with great weakness. A dose every two or three hours. Sore Throat, Relaxed, with Elongation of the Uvula. Symptoms. Sometimes the uvula or soft palate hangs lower than usual, caused by a relaxed condition of the muscles forming it. This state is generally attended with a cough produced by a tickling in the throat, slight inflammation and sore throat. Nux Vomica-When accompanied with Uor M 158 THE TEXT BOOK derangement of the digestive organs. A dose two or three times a day. Mercurius-If it arises from a cold, with swelling of the glands. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions. Pouring cold water over the back of the neck three or four times a day is beneficial. ! S Stiff Neck Generally arises from a cold or rheumatism. Bryonia when arising from rheumatism, or when connected with rheumatism in other joints. A dose three times a day. Dulcamara-If the consequence of ex- posure to damp or wet weather. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-Rub the neck with oil or fat, wear a piece of flannel round it, and carefully avoid all draughts or ex- posure to cold. Maou Stomach, Spasms in the. Symptoms. An affection of the nerves M FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 159 of the stomach arising from various causes, mental emotions, indigestible food, &c., and attended with spasmodic and contrac- tive pains in the stomach, or a sensation of constriction in that organ; frequently accompanied with nausea or vomiting, and even faintness, and may be relieved or increased by taking food. Carbo Veg.-Pains increased by pressure ; worse after a meal, and when lying down. A dose every four hours. Cocculus-Windy spasms or spasms miti- gated by bringing up wind. A dose every four hours. Nux Vomica--Contracting, pressing, and spasmodic pains; flatulence; nausea; constipation; worse after a meal. A dose every four hours. General Directions.—Endeavor to pro- mote a healthy state of digestion, and during the attack, if severe, take two or three drops of Tincture of Camphor every quarter of an hour. (See Indigestion.) 160 THE TEXT BOOK Sun-Stroke. Arnica-Mix twenty drops of the Mother Tincture with half a tumblerful of water to make a lotion, wet a piece of linen with it, and apply it on the top of the head. Also take three globules on the tongue. Teething, Ailments during. The process of teething gives rise to a variety of diseases in children, which fre- quently cause great suffering, and are in many cases attended with danger; most of the ailments occurring during dentition are similar to those noticed under "Diseases of Infants," and generally require the same treatment. A recapitulation of the reme- dies will here suffice. Coffea-If there should be agitation or restlessness. Nux or Bryonia-If there should be con- stipation. Chamomilla or Mercurius-If there should be diarrhoea. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 161 Aconitum or Chamomilla-If there should be fever. Belladonna or Coffea-If there should be sleeplessness. Belladonna or Chamomilla - If there should be spasms. Calcarea-If the teeth are slow in coming. A dose of the appropriate medicine may be given two or three times a day, accord- ing to circumstances. General Directions.-Attention should be paid to the food of the infant during teething, which should be simple and un- irritating in its nature, and if the child has not been weaned, the mother should observe the same care with her diet. (See Diseases of Infants.) Throat "Clergymans." Symptoms. The name given to a chronic state of hoarseness and feebleness of voice, induced by too great a strain upon the vocal powers, as in the case of ministers, singers, lawyers, &c. .. 11 162 THE TEXT BOOK Hepar, Phosphorus, Spongia—One or other of these medicines will be found serviceable in this ailment. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-The frequent local application of cold water will be found beneficial. : Toothache Arises from various causes, as indigestion, rheumatism, debility, hysteria, &c. Toothache from a Cold or Chill.-Cham- omilla, Dulcamara, or Mercurius. Toothache from a Decayed Tooth.-Bel- ladonna, Mercurius, or Nux. Toothache from Indigestion.-Nux. Toothache, Nervous.-Belladonna, Cham- omilla, or Nux. Toothache, Rheumatic.--Chamomilla or Mercurius. Toothache in Children.-Chamomilla. Belladonna-Pains which are aggravated in the evening, or at night after lying down; also in the open air, and from FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 163 food; heat and redness of the face. A dose every hour or two. Chamomilla-Pains occupying the whole side of the face; swelling and redness of the face; the pain seems almost insupportable, especially at night. Dose as Belladonna. Dulcamara-When the toothache arises from a chill, especially if diarrhea is present. Dose as Belladonna. Mercurius-Pains in decayed teeth occu- pying the whole jaw, extending to the ears, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, or after taking anything cold. Dose as Belladonna. Nux Vomica-Gnawing pains in decayed teeth; worse in the open air, or if aris- ing from a derangement of the digestive organs. Dose as Belladonna. General Directions.-Cleaning the teeth and rinsing the mouth with plenty of cold water, twice and even thrice a day, is almost imperative as a preservation from 164 THE TEXT BOOK Attention to the general toothache. health is also very necessary. Urinary Complaints. The treatment of these disorders should be left to the medical practitioner, but in the event of sudden emergencies arising, a few hints on those forms of disease most likely to occur are here given. Urinating, Difficulty of, or Suppression, May result from an abuse of ardent spirits, catching cold, suppressed piles, a fright, a fall or blow, &c. Cantharis-Will generally be sufficient. A dose every hour or two. Nux Vomica-If Cantharis does not suf fice, or if the difficulty has been brought on by the abuse of spirituous liquors, or from suppressed piles. Dose as Can- tharis. General Directions.-Put the patient into a hip bath of warm water, and apply warm flannels to the region of the bladder. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 165 Give warm mucilaginous drinks, as gum or honey and water, and send for medical aid. Urine, Incontinence of, Frequently arises from worms, gastric de- rangement, too great a degree of nervous irritability, mechanical pressure during pregnancy, &c. Belladonna-Spasmodic incontinence of urine, especially when occurring in ner- vous individuals, or when it passes off at night. A dose three times a day. Cina-If it arises from worms. A dose three times a day. Rhus Utter inability to retain the urine. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-When it occurs in children the quantity of fluid which they take should be diminished, and they should be roused at regular intervals to accustom them to regular times of emission. Cold sponging of the abdomen daily will be found very efficacious. 166 THE TEXT BOOK - Veins, Varicose, (of the Legs.) Symptoms.-A swollen and knotted condition of the veins of the legs, which frequently occasions great pain, and is accompanied with a sensation of weight and fatigue. Pulsatilla-Will generally be found of benefit. A dose night and morning. General Directions.-The diet should be light and nourishing; too much stand- ing should be avoided, and the limb, when not taking exercise, should be kept in a horizontal position. An elastic stocking will also be found of great service. Voice, Loss of. Mostly the result of a cold, and gener- ally a severe state of hoarseness. Belladonna-(See Hoarseness.) Mercurius-When the throat feels rough; worse at night, and when every breath of air aggravates the case. A dose three times a day. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 167 Phosphorus-Dryness of the throat and chest; chronic loss of voice, or if con- nected with a cough. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-A cold water band- age will frequently afford relief. (See Bronchitis, Cough, Hoarseness.) Vomiting or Nausea. Nausea or Vomiting may arise from many causes, as inflammation of the brain, stomach, or bowels; from indigestion, bil- ious derangement, &c. Ipecacuanha - From overloading the stomach, or with diarrhoea. A dose every four hours. Nux Vomica-From weakness of the stomach, or bilious vomiting; constipa- tion. A dose every four hours. Pulsatilla When produced from eating rich or greasy food; sour bitter vomit- ing; constant nausea after eating; shiv- erings. A dose every four hours. 168 THE TEXT BOOK Arsenicum-Violent vomiting, with colic and diarrhoea. A dose every four hours. General Directions. Whilst the vomit- ing continues take no nourishment, except cold water, barley water, or gruel; stimu- lants to check the vomiting are very injurious. Should the vomiting arise from an overloaded stomach, it may be well to assist it by copious draughts of warm water. (See Bilious Attacks, Indiges- tion.) K Vomiting of Blood. Causes. Suppression of the menses, especially at the change of life; diseases of heart or liver; ulcers in stomach; violence sustained externally, etc. Symptoms. The warning symptoms are-giddiness; cold legs and arms; wind; sense of weight, pain, fulness or anxiety at the stomach. The actual ones are— discharge of dark, half-digested blood, blackened by the acids of the stomach, and mixed with food or bile; weakness; FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 169 slow pulse; pale or sallow countenance; yellowish hue of eyes. Treatment. This disease is of too for midable a nature to be treated, save by a homœopathic practitioner; but until his advice can be obtained, the following medicines may be administered: · Arnica When the blood is being voided, · especially if in clots, attended with fulness and cramp-like pains about stomach, and when the discharge is caused by blows or other injuries. China-Is indicated more particularly after the discharge of blood is arrested, and when the patient is suffering from its loss; this is shown by the pallor of the face, general weakness, loss of appe- tite, etc. Warts. Symptoms. Hard, corn-like excrescen- ces, generally appearing on the fingers. Calcarea Carb., Sulphur, Rhus-One or other of these medicines will generally 170 THE TEXT BOOK succeed in dispersing these unsightly formations. A dose night and morning. Waterbrash. Symptoms. The vomiting of thin, watery, tasteless, or bitter fluid; a symptom of indigestion. cases. Calcarea Carb.-When the waterbrash is of an acid character, and in chronic A dose night and morning. Carbo Veg.-Waterbrash, with sour eruc- tations. A dose night and morning. Nux Vomica-In most cases complicated with indigestion in general. A dose night and morning. (See Indigestion.) Weakness. Weakness arising from disease does not come within the scope of domestic practice; casual attacks of weakness and exhaustion are here alone treated. China-If arising from corporeal exertion with violent perspiration. A dose every second evening. FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 171 Nux Vomica-After fatigue in the open air; hysterical and nervous debility. A dose every second evening. Ignatia-In hysterical and nervous de- bility; or from the effects of grief. A dose every second evening. General Directions.-In general de- bility, but especially of nervous or hysteri- cal character, the cold bath will be found of most essential service, and should be regularly persevered in; regular exercise in the open air is also of the greatest impor- tance, as tending to brace the whole system. Whites-Leucorrhoea, Results frequently from a relaxing or ex- citing mode of living, inactivity of the body, late hours, dissipating pleasures, stimulating diet, abuse of warm baths, mental emotions, &c. Calcarea Carb.-When it occurs in females of a weakly constitution, and naturally mild disposition. A dose night and morning. 172 THE TEXT BOOK Pulsatilla-In many cases will prove of great benefit, especially if the discharge has been occasioned by fright or chill at the time of the menses. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-In simple cases, or to render milder, cases wherein the discharge is corrosive. A dose night and morning. General Directions. It is absolutely necessary that the patient should not be exposed to cold or damp, should be properly clothed and fed, should avoid warm baths, too much excitement, late` hours, and hot rooms. Whitlow. Symptoms. A very painful abscess at the end of the finger, the symptoms are pain, heat, swelling, throbbing, and red- ness; after a few days (unless its progress is stopped by medicine) matter is formed; it runs its course like an ordinary boil. Mercurius-Before the formation of mat- ter. A dose three times a day. Hepar-Should be administered if suppu- FOR DOMESTIC PRACTICE. 173 ration has commenced. A dose three times a day. General Directions.-Soak the finger in water as hot as can be borne, and kept so by being renewed from time to time, or apply cold water dressings; when matter has formed, use instead a hot poultice. (See Abscess.) Worms, Thread. Symptoms. May exist in the intestines without giving rise to any indications of their presence, so long as the system enjoys good health. The only certain evidence. of their existence is their being voided at stool. The following symptoms, however, generally indicate their presence,-emacia- tion, paleness of the face, frequent picking of the nose, grinding of the teeth when asleep, peevishness, inordinate appetite, gnawing sensation at the stomach, abdo- men hard and swollen, evacuations irregu- lar, great irritation at the anus. Aconitum If feverish symptoms are present, with great itching; colic; rest- M 174 THE TEXT BOOK lessness at night. A dose night and morning. Mercurius-May follow Aconitum, espe- cially if there is diarrhoea with swelling and hardness of the abdomen. A dose night and morning. Cina-Fever; irritability; picking at the nose; pale face with livid circles round the eyes; discharge of pin worms. A dose night and morning. Sulphur-May occasionally be given in alternation with the other remedies, or will be found suitable after the fever and nervous symptoms are subdued and mitigated. A dose night and morn- ing. General Directions.-Avoid unripe fruit, raw vegetables, and pastry. Cold bathing and exercise in the open air are essential as tending to improve the general health. If the worms are very irritating, use an injection of salt and water (a teaspoonful of salt to half a pint of water) or one of vinegar and water, (one tablespoonful of vinegar to four of water.) INDEX. Together with the Abbreviations of the Medicines most suited to each Complaint and Condition. The DOSE, page 14. PAGE 48 Abscess-Bell., Hep., Merc........ Abscess in the Gums-Bell., Hep., Merc...... 92 Acidity in Infants-Cham. Aconitum Napellus. Anger or Passion, Bad Effects of. 107 17 ... 79 Colic from-Cham..... 79 Diarrhea from-Cham.... 79 Dyspepsia from-Cham.. 79 Headache from-Cham.... 79 Jaundice from-Cham..... 79 Spasms from-Cham...... 79 114 ... Aphtha-Merc., Sulph.. Apoplexy-Arn., Bell., Nux..... ………… ………… « .... 49 Appetite, Loss of Chin., Nux, Puls……….. 50 Voracious-Chin., Cin., Nux....... 51 19 20 Arnica Montana. Arsenicum Album... 51-59 Asthma-Ars., Ipec., Nux……………. Asthma of Miller-Cham., Ipec., Samb...... 107 Bad Breath-Carb. V., Merc., Nux., Puls.. 54 Belladonna...... 21 ... 13 (175) 176 INDEX. Biliousness, Bilious Attacks-Cham., Merc., Nur. Puls. 52, 103 63 72 Bilious Colic-Cham., Nux. Diarrhoea-Cham., Merc....... Headache-Bry., Ipec., Nux., Puls., 94 Vomiting-Ipec., Nux., Puls. .167 Bitter Taste-Cham., Merc., Nux., Puls., 55, 101 Bladder, Inflammation of the Aconitum, .... - Canth.... 115 121 Black Eye-Arn.... Bleeding of the Gums-Carb. V., Merc...... 93 Nose-Arnica, Bell., Rhus.. 136 Blood, Determination of, to the Head- Acon., Bell., Nux... g ... ... Blood, Vomiting of Acon., Ipec...... Bloody Flux-Merc., Sulph. Bloodshot Eye-Arn…….. Boils-Arn., Bell., Hep. Bowels, Confined Sulph..... ……………… 65 Bowels, Inflammation of the Acon., Bell.. 115 Relaxed (see Diarrhea). 72 of Infants (see Diarrhoea PAGE ••• Puls........ Bruises-Arn., Puls., Rhus. Bryonia Alba.. Bunions-Arn. ·· ·· Bry., Merc., Nux., .. 64 ..168 76 .121 53 of Infants) .110 Brain, Inflammation of the—Acon., Bell…...116 Breath, Offensive-Carb. V., Merc., Nux., Puls. .. 54 Breath, Shortness of-Acon., Ars., Ipec…………….. 51 Breathing, Difficulty of-Ars., Ipec., Nux.. 51 Bronchitis Acon., Bry., Cham., Merc. ……………… ... .17, 61 121 23 55 INDEX. 177 Burns-Acon., Arn…..... Calcaria Carbonica... Calendula Officinalis.. • ·· Canker in the Mouth-Carb. V., Merc.......132 Carbo Vegetabilis... Catarrh (See Cold). 26 60 GO Catarrhal Fever-Acon., Merc., Nux...... 16, 60 Headache Bell., Merc., Nux………….. 94 Chafing of the Skin-Cham. .111 Chamomilla.... 26 .123 ... Chapped Hands-Arn., Hep., Sulph. Chest, Stitching or Shooting Pains in- Acon., Bry., Sulph. 139 55 Chicken Pox-Acon., Bell.. Chilblains—Arn., Phos., Puls., Sulph........ 56 Children, Ailments of.. 110, 160 Chill or Cold, Bad Effects of a China Officinalis. 57 28 73 26, 44 29 .101 29 Coffea Cruda 29 Coffee, Abuse of—Nux. 29 Cold or Chill, Effects of...... 57 Cold on the Chest-Bry., Cham., Merc., Puls. 61 Cold in the Head-Ars., Merc., Nux, Puls... 60 Colds of Infants-Cham., Nux.. 108 Colic 62 Colic from Anger or Passion-Cham 79 Bilious-Cham., Nux…. 63 from a Chill-Cham., China, Nux………….. 63 • .... ………… Cholera, English-Ars., Ver…..... Chronic Diseases.. Cina...... Coated Tongue-Merc., Nux, Puls.. Cocculus.... .... ... ·· ··· • ·· PAGE .122 .. 24 25 12 178 INDEX. PAGE Colic with Diarrhoea-Cham., Merc., Puls... 73 Flatulent-Cham., China, Nux, Puls.. 63 Menstrual-Cham., Puls.... .128 during Pregnancy-Cham., Nux…………………. 140 Spasmodic-Bell., Cocc., Nux........ 63 Windy, (see Flatulent) 63 Colic of Infants-Bell., Cham. .........108 Congestion in the Head-Acon., Bell., Nux.. 64 Congestive Headache-Bell., Bry., Nux...... 95 Constipation-Bry., Merc., Nux Sulph..... 65 of Infants-Bry., Nux….…………………..109 during Pregnancy-Bry., Nux 142 Contusions-Arn., Puls., Rhus. Convulsions from Fright-Acon.............. of Infants-Bell., Cham....79, 109 Corns-Arn., Bry., Calc., Rhus., Sulph.. 66 Coryza―Ars., Merc., Nux, Puls.... Costiveness-Bry., Merc., Nux, Sulph. Cough...... 121 78 GO 65 67 67 68 68 69 .... ... ..... ... Dry-Bell., Bry., Nux. Loose-Dulc., Puls., Sulph. with Hoarseness-Merc., Phos with Sore Throat-Bell, Merc....... Stomach-Bry., Nux........ Hooping-Bell., Dros., Ipec., Puls... 99 Cramp in the Legs-Nux, Rhus, Ver. Stomach Carb. V., Cocc., 69 70 ... 1 ... ....... • ... Nux Croup-Acon., Iep., Spong. Spasmodic-Chum., Ipec., Samb…………..107 Crying of Infants-Bell., Cham... Cuts-Arn, Calend...... Deafness, Catarrhal-Merc. ... ..158 70 108 123 ....60, .60, 71 INDEX. 179 FAGE .170 171 160 72 79 from Anger-Cham……………. ….. Bilious-Cham., Merc....…………… ……………… . 72 from a Chill-Bry., Dulc......... 59, 72 with Colic-Cham., Merc., Puls.. 73 from Fight-Ign. from Grief-Ign. Painless-Chin... 79 79 73 Debility-Chin., Ign, Nux... Nervous-Ign., Nux. Dentition, (see Teething) Diarrhoea • ** .... ………… •• ... during Pregnancy-Cham., Puls..142 Violent, with Vomiting Ars., Ver. Diarrhoea in Infants-Ars., Cham., Ipec.....110 Diet …………………… ……………. .... • ……………… 16 Difficulty of Breathing-Ars., Ipec., Nux... 51 Swallowing-Bell., Merc 156 Urinating-Canth., Nux......... 164 Discharge from the Ears-Merc., Puls....... 76 Nose-Ars., Merc., Puls., 60 • Sulph...... Diphtheria-Acon., Bell., Kali Bichr., Bry., Hep., Spong. Drosera Rotundifolia. Dulcamara. Dysentery-Merc., Sutph. Dyspepsia from Anger-Cham...... Dyspepsia, (chronic indigestion) — Hep., Nux, Sulph... 73 ... 75 30 30 76 79 .101 Earache-Cham., Merc., Puls. 76 Ears, Discharge from the-Merc., Puls. ...... 76 Humming in the-Bell., Nux, Puls.... 77 -.. 180 INDEX. PAGE Eyes, Inflammation of the-Acon., Puls..... 78 Emotions of the Mind...... Eruptions, Suppressed-Bry. Eruptive Fevers.. 78 24 88 80 134 111 121 121 ..... 121 Inflammation of-Acon., Bell., Merc., Puls..... Erysipelas-Acon., Bell., Rhus….... Excitement, Nervous-Cham., Coff. Excoriation of Infants-Cham... External Injuries………….. Eye, Black-Arn...... Bloodshot-Arn **** ……… Fevers, Acute..... Puls...... Eyelids, Stye on the-Hep., Puls... Eyes, Watery-Sulph Eyelids, Agglutination of the-Puls... Inflammation of the-Bell., Ilep., .... ·· .... • ... • .... ·· 83 84 Faceache-Acon., Ars., Bell., Chin. Face, Swollen-Cham., Merc.. Fainting, (from debilitating losses)-Chin.. 29 from fright-Acon. 79 ..140 Hysterical-Cham., Ign…………………..85, 101 False Pleurisy—Arn…. Fatigue, (Corporeal)--Arn. (Mental)-Nux, Coff.. 85 86 Fever, Catarrhal-Acon., Merc., Nux......... 60 88 Gastric-Acon., Bell... Inflammatory-Acon, Bell.. 88 Rheumatic-Acon., Bell. Scarlet-Acon., Bell... Simple-Acon. Typhus-Acon., Bell. 788 28 81 82 .... 83 40 83 88,148 150 87 co co co 88 88 INDEX. 131 PAGE 88 172 109 89 .... Fevers, Eruptive-Acon., Bell….………………….. Finger, Gathered-Lep., Merc..…………………. ……………………. Fits of Children-Bell., Cham... Flatulency-Chin., Nux, Puls... Flatulent Colic-Cham., Chin., Nux, Puls... 63 Flux, Bloody-Merc., Sulph... Food, Loathing of-Ipec., Nux, Puls.. 104 Suffering from Acids-Ars……………… ……………………. 104 Coffee-Nux..... 104 Fat Meats-Carb. V., 76 ... 104 ··· ……… Puls...... Food, Suffering from Fruits-Ars., Puls....104 Pastry-Puls ...... 104 Pork-Carb. V., Puls 104 Wines and Spirits- • 101 ………… 167 Nux Food, Vomiting of-Nux, Puls………….. Frequent Menstruation-Calc., Nux………………….. . 128 Fright, Bad Effects of-Acon., Ign...... Convulsions from-Acon.... 79 Diarrhoea from-Ign...... Fainting from-Acon Palpitation from-Acon..... ·· ……………… ... ………… ……. Gastric Fever-Acon., Bell...……………… ……………… ……………………. 88 Gathered Finger-Hep., Merc. Giddiness-Bell., Chin., Nux, Puls. Glands, Inflammation of the-Bell., Merc... 91 Swollen-Bell., Merc...... ......172 90 91 91 79 Gout-Bry., Puls. Grief, Bad Effects of-Ign. Diarrhoea from-Ign. Headache from-Ign. Gripes, (see Colic)..... 79 79 62 • 2222 8 79 79 79 79 182 INDEX. PAGE 153 92 Gum, Red-Acon., Rhus., Sulph...... Gumboil-Bell., Hep., Merc. Gums, Abscess in the-Bell., Hep., Merc.... 93 Bleeding of the-Carb. V., Merc...... 93 Inflammation of the-Bell., Merc..... 93 Scurvy of the-Carb. V..... 27 Ulceration of the-Carb. V., Merc...132 ... Hands, Chapped-Arn., Пep., Sulph.........123 Hemorrhoids-Nux, Sulph.. ...137 Head, Cold in the—Arn., Merc., Nux, Puls.. 60 Congestion in the-Acon., Bell., Nux 64 Headache. 93 .. from Anger-Cham. 79 Bilious-Bry., Ipec., Nux, Puls.... 94 Catarrhal-Bell., Merc., Nux....... 94 Congestive-Bell., Bry., Nux…..... 95 from Grief-Ign 79 Nervous-Coff., Ign., Nux, Puls... 95 Periodical-Sulph. 96 Rheumatic-Cham., Bry. 96 Sick-Ipec., Nux, Puls ......55, 94 Hearing, Loss of, (Catarrhal)-Merc......57, 71 Heart, Palpitation of the-Chin., Nux, Puls. 97 Heartburn-Nux, Sulph…….. Heat Spots-Acon., Rhus.... Hepar, Sulphuris Calcareum. Hiccough-Nux.. ... 98 ..111 30 98 Hoarseness-Bell., Hep., Merc., Puls......... 99 Hooping Cough-Bell., Dros., Ipec., Puls., 62,99 Humming in the Ears-Bell., Nux, Puls.... 77 Hysterical fainting-Cham., Ign...85, 101 Hysterics-Ign ..101 INDEX. 183 .. ...... Ignatia Amara. Incontinence of Urine-Bell., Cin., Rhus...165 Indigestion-Bry., Nux, Puls., Sulph........101 Infants, Diseases of...... 107, 160 ..107 .108 Acidity of Cham... Asthma of Cham., Ipec., Samb.....107 Colds of Cham., Nux.. Colic of Bell., Cham Constipation of-Bry, Nux..... 109, 161 Convulsions of-Bell., Cham...109, 161 Crying of Bell., Cham. .108 ....108 ..111 Diarrhoea of Ars., Cham., Ipec....110 Excoriation of-Cham..... Heat Spots of-Acon., Rhus... .111 Jaundice of-Merc., Cham……….. 82, 112 Milk Crust of Acon., Rhus, Sulph...131 Red Gum of-Acon., Rhus, Sulph...147 Restlessness of Bell., Cham., ..167, 112, 161 Infants, Sleeplessness of-Bell., Coff....112, 161 Snufles of-Nux. Teething, Fever with Acon., Coff .108 Cham. Infants, Teething, Slow-Calc... Thrush-Merc., Sulph Toothache-Cham.. ... Sy .. PAGE 31 113 113 ..114 .161 .111 ... • ... ·· Infant Rash-Acon., Rhus... ... Inflammation of the Bladder-Acon., Canth.115 Bowels-Acon., Bell....115 Brain-Acon., Bell......116 Bronchia-Acon., Bry., 116 Cham., Merc., Puls. Inflammation of the Chest-Acon., Bry...... 139 Ears-deon., Puls....... 78 .... 184 INDEX. Inflammation of the Eyes-Aconitum, Bell., Merc., Puls........ Inflammation of the Eyelids-Bell., Hep., Puls 81 82 Inflammation of the Glands-Bell., Merc.... 91 Gums-Bell., Merc....... 93 Kidneys-Acon., Canth. 116 Liver-Acon., Bryonia, Merc...... 117 Inflammation of the Lungs-Acon., Bry....118 Pleura-Acon., Bryonia, Sulph. ...... .....118, 145 Inflammation of Stomach-Acon., Bry….....119 Throat-Bell., Merc.... .161 115 120 ...19, 121 ..121 Inflammations, Acute... Influenza-Ars., Merc.. Injuries, External.... PAGE .. Jaundice-China, Merc.... Mechanical-Arn. Burns or Scalds-Acon., Arn.......122 Stings or Bites of Insects-Arn…...120 Cuts, Wounds-Arn., Calend... .123 31 • .... JJ- 1 Ipecacuanha. Irritation or Itching of the Skin-Merc., Sulph..... ....154 from Anger-Cham. 125 79 of Infants-Cham., Merc……………….79, ..79, 112 Kidneys, Inflammation of the—Aconitum, Canth...... Legs, Cramp in the-Nux, Rhus, Ver......... 70 Leucorrhoea-Calc., Puls., Sulph..... ....171 ..116 …………… INDEX. 185 Liver, Inflammation of the-Acon., Bry., Merc... 117 Loose Teeth-Merc...... 35 Loss of Appetite-China, Nux, Puls.......... 50 Hearing, (Catarrhal,)-Merc...... 57, 71 Smell, (Catarrhal,)-Nux, Puls……….. 60 Taste-Puls .52, 60, 101 .. Voice-Bell., Merc., Phos. .166 .126 ... Lumbago-Bry, Nux, Rhus... Lungs, Inflammation of the-Acon., Bry...118 Measles-Acon., Puls., Sulph…...... Menstrual Colic-Cham., Puls.. Menstruation, Disorders of......... ··· …………… ... .126 ....127 ....127 too Frequent-Calc., Nux...128 Painful-Cham., Nux, Puls.129 too Profuse-China, Ipecac., — Nux..... Menstruation, Retarded or Suppressed- Acon., Puls…....... Mercurius Solubilis..... Mercury, Abuse of-Carb. V., Hep……………..26, 30 Milk Crust-Acon., Rhus, Sulph…...... Mind, Emotions of the..... ....130 32 131 78 ..144 ………… PAGE ... Nausea-Ipec., Nux, Puls....... Neck, Stiff-Bry., Dule...........……………. .... Morning Sickness-Ars., Ipec., Nux...... Mouth, Canker of the Curb. V., Merc......132 Saliva, (accumulation of) in the- Merc...... Mouth, Sore-Merc., Sulph Ulcers in the Merc.......…………. ……………………. Mumps-Bell., Merc...... .. 35 ....114 .114 ...133 130 2490 ..167 .158 186 INDEX. PAGE Nervous Debility-Ign., Nux……….. Excitement-Cham., Coff... ..170 134 135 Headache-Coff., Ign., Nux, Puls., 95 Toothache-Bell., Cham., Nux....162 Nettlerash-Calc., Dulc., Rhus.. Neuralgia-Acon., Ars., Bell., China... Nightmare-Acon, Nux, Puls.. Nose, Bleeding from the-Arn., Bell., Rhus. 136 Discharge from the-Arsen., Mercu., 60 Puls., Sulph... 83 136 60 | Sy Nose, Soreness of the Merc., Sulph……….. Stoppage of the-Nux, Phos.... Nux Vomica..... ……………. ... Phosphorus Piles-Nux, Sulph.... Pimples-Arn., Bell., Sulph...... Pleura, Inflammation of the... Pleurisy-Acon., Bry., Sulph. False-Arn…….. Offensive Breath-Carb. Veg., Merc., Nux, Puls.... 54 Oppressed Respiration-Ars., Ipec., Nux... 51 Overheating, Bad Effects of-Acon..... 85 ... T'ainful Menstruation-Cham., Nux, Puls...130 Painless Diarrhoea-China... Palpitation from Fright-Acon.. TE 78 of the Heart-China, Nux, Puls. 97 Passion, Bad Effects of-Cham. Periodical Headache-Sulph. Petroleum...……………… 79 90 36 36 139 138 123, 137 123, 139 .140 Pox, Chicken-Acon., Bell..... • 38, 60 34 ……. 888 ··· ... 55 Small-Acon., Merc, Sulph... ... ...... ... 155 INDEX. 187 PAGE Pregnancy, Disorders of...... 140 140 141 142 Colic of Cham., Nux...... Constipation-Bry., Nux..... Diarrhea-Cham., Puls...... Toothache-Cham., Nux, Puls. 142 Varicose Veins-Puls., Sulph...143 Vomiting-Ars., Ipec., Nux. 144 Profuse Menstruation-China, Ipec., Nux..130 Pulsatilla ... 37 ……………………………..146 Purple Rash-Acon., Bell., Coff. Quinsy-Acon., Bell., Merc. …….. - .. Rash, Infant-Acon., Rhus Nettle-Calc., Dulc., Rhus………….. Purple-Acon., Bell., Coff. Rose-Acon., Bell., Coff…. Scarlet-Acon., Bell., Coff Red Gum-Acon., Rhus, Sulph. Restlessness of Infants Bell., Cham., ....145 111 135 ..146 146 146 ...147 ... •• • • Coff.... ..112, 161 Respiration, Anxious-Ars., Ipec., Phos .39, 51 Oppressed-Ars., Ipec., Nux... 51 Retarded Menstruation-Acon., Puls. .130 Retching (effort to vomit)-Ipec., Nux, Puls.167 Rheumatic Fever-Acon., Bell...... 88, 148 Headache-Cham., Bry 96 Toothache-Cham., Merc...... .162 Rheumatism-Acon., Bry., Puls., Rhus, Sulph...... • .148 Rhus toxicodendron.... Ringworm-Rhus, Sulph…………………. Rose Rash-Acon., Bell., Sulph...... 39 ..149 .146 Saliva, (accumulation of,) in Mouth-Merc. 35 188 INDEX. Scalds .146 Sambucus Nigra Scaldhead-Rhus., Sulph Acon., Arn.. Scarlatina-Acon., Bell......……………………… ……………… Scarlet Fever-Acon., Bell.... Scarlet Rash-Acon., Bell., Coff Sciatica-Nux, Puls., Khus. Sea Sickness-Cocc., Nux, Petrol..... Sedentary Habits, Effects of-Bry., Nux..24, 36 Shingles-Merc., Rhus... 153 Sick Headache-Ipec., Nux, P'uls.........94, 101 Sickness, Morning-Ars., Ipec., Nux......... 144 Skin, Excoriation of Cham...... .151 ..152 111 ………… 154 .161 155 Itching or Irritation of-Merc., Sulph.154 Sleeplessness-Bell., Coff., Puls. of Infants-Bell., Coff. Small Pox-Acon., Merc., Sulph..... Smell, Loss of, (catarrhal,)-Nux, Puls..... 60 Sneezing-Merc., Nux .34, 37 ....114 .62, 156 161 ..157 .. ···· ••• .. ... .... ... Spongia tosta Spots, Heat-Acon., Rhus. Sprains-Arn., Rhús..... Stitch in the Side-Arn....………………………… Stiff Neck-Bry., Dulc......... ··· · PAGE 40 149 122 • ... ... ... .... ... ... Sore Mouth-Merc., Sulph..... Throat-Bell., Merc..... Clergyman's Relaxed-Merc., Nux...... Soreness of the Nose-Merc., Sulph.. Spasmodic Colic-Bell., Cocc., Nux...... 63 Croup-Cham., Ipec., Samb......107 Spasms from Anger-Cham... 60 ... 79 Spasms in the Stomach-Carbo Veg., Cocc., Nux....... .... ···· .... 150 150 ...158 41 .111 124 • ... ...140 158 INDEX. 189 Stomach, Acidity in Infants-Cham..........107 Cramp in the-Carbo Veg., Cocc., Nux........ Sunstroke-Arn........ ... Stomach Cough-Bry., Nux……………………………… ……….. Nụx Inflammation of the-Acon., Bry.119 Spasms in the-Carbo Veg., Cucc., ………… • w Nux………. Stoppage of the Nose-Nux, Phos... Strains-Arn., Rhus... Stye on the Eyelid-Hep., Puls......... Suffocation, Paroxysms of-drs., Ipecacu- anha, Samb.. Sulphur..... A C ... • ·· PAGE .... .. .158 69 Suppressed Eruptions-Bry. Menstruation-Acon., Puls.......130 Suppression of the Urine-Canth., Nux.....164 Suppuration-Hep., Merc...... Swallowing, Difficulty of-Bell., Merc. Swollen Face-Cham., Merc...... Glands-Bell., Merc...... ......31, 34 ......157 84 91 85 158 38, 60 124 83 - 32, 43 41 ..100 24 Swoon (see Fainting)-Ign Taste, Bitter-Cham., Merc., Nux, Puls.55, 101 Loss of-Puls….. ………..52, 60, 101 Teeth, Loose-Merc......... 85 Teething, Ailments during...... ** ... 160 Fever during-Acon., Cham..117, 161 Slow-Calc..... ....117, 161 Throat, Clergyman's-Hep., Phos., Spong..161 Sore-Bell., Merc Relaxed-Merc., Nux...... Ulcerated-Ars., Bell., Merc. Thrush-Merc., Sulph......... 161 157 157 114 190 INDEX. PAGE Tic-Doloreux—Acon., Ars., Bell., China.... $3 Tongue, Coated-Merc., Nux, Puls.......55, 101 Toothache during pregnancy-Cham., Nux, Puts......... Toothache……………... from a Cold or Chill-Cham., Dulc., Merc..... Toothache from a decayed tooth-Bell., Merc., Nux...... Toothache from Indigestion—Nux……………. Nervous-Bell. Cham., Nux......162 Rheumatic Cham., Merc in Children-Cham….......………. Typhus Fever—Acon., Bell ... .. …………. ... • .. ••• ... .. Sulph. Veratram Album... Vertigo-Bell., China, Nux, Puls...... Voice, Loss of-Merc., Phos., Bell. Vomiting-Ipec., Nux, Puls...... Bilious-Ipec., Nux, Puls.. of Blood-Acon., Ipec.... .... •• .... Ulcerated Gums-Merc...... .132 ...157 Throat-drs., Bell., Merc …………. Ulcerations-Hep., Merc...... Ulcers in Mouth-Merc...... Urinary Complaints...... 31-34 114 …..164 Urine, Incontinence of-Bell., Cina, Rhus.165 Suppression of or Difficulty-Canth., Nux...... • .... 142 162 Uvula Relaxed-Merc., Nux. Varicose Veins-Puls during Pregnancy-Puls., 162 ..162 88 ... 162 162 162 .. 164 157 166 143 43 90 166 167 167 168 .. • • INDEX. 191 ••• Vomiting during Pregnancy- Ars., Ipec., Nux... .144 Vomiting, Violent with Colic-Ars…...........167 Voracious Appetite- China, Cina, Nux...... 51 Warts-Calc., Rhus, Sulph... Waterbrash-Calc., Carbo Veg., Nux... PAGE .169 .170 82 170 .171 ..172 Watery Eye-Sulph...... Weakness-China, Ign., Nux……. Whites-Calc., Puls., Zulph... Whitlow-Hep., Merc...... Wind-China, Nux, Puls….. Windy Colic, (see Flatulent Colic,) Wine and Spirits, abuse of-Nux……………………. Worms, Thread-Acon., Cin., Merc., Sulph.173 Wounds--Arn., Calend...... ...123 89 63 36 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FIRST CLASS ! 2 DATE DUE !", -- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00660 6597 Cyanophagrins in any (2 min dan Jaane keelde waren zu lang bahan ka att C Q Filmed by Preservation 1990 ********