OF NOR TIGA MPHREYS SPECIFIC MANUAL DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Directions with each Vial in Five Languages. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. No. CURES. •• 1. Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.......25 2. Worms, Worm Fever,or Worm Disease.25 3. Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infants.2. 4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adults.. 5. Dysentery, Gripings, Billous Colic... 6. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting.. 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis.... 8. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia. 9. Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo. 10. Dyspepsin, Indigestion, Weak Stomach... 11. Suppressed Menses, or Scanty..... 12. Leucorrhea. or Profuse Menses..... 13. Croup, Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis... 14. Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Erysipelas.. 15. Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains... 16. Fever and Ague, Malaria.... 17. Piles, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal. 18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes.... 19. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in Head... 20. Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Cough 21. Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult Breathing 22. Ear Discharge, Earache..... 23. Scrofula, Swellings and Ulcers.. 24. General Debility, Brain Fag..... 25. Dropsy, Fluid Accumulations... 26. Sea-Sickness, Nausea, Vomiting. 27. Kidney Disease, Gravel, Calculi.. 28. Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness.. 29. Sore Mouth, or Canker.. 30. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed....25 31. Painful Menses, Pruritus.... 32. Diseases of the Heart, Palpitations...1.00 33. Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance... .1.00 34. Sore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria..... 25 35. Chronic Congestions, Headaches. 77. Grippe, Hay Fever and Summer Colds………..25 25 ▼ ·· ···· • • · Price. ... ... 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 .25 25 25 1.00 1 small bottle of Pleasant Pellets, its the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Streets, New York. H610 -938 At the age of over eighty years; with over fifty years' experience in practice of medicine, and more than forty in the use and perfection of my SPECIFICS, I make this last revision of my MANUAL. In this I have included every known advance in Medical and Pharma- ceutical Science combined with the experience gained from thousands of patients who have used my SPECIFICS. My hope is that this MANUAL will extend the useful- ness of what are now so widely known and acknowledged to be the most reliable Family Medicines known to the public. Humphreys Lo 1. Yo rderick Humphreys, M.D. HUMPHREYS' Specific Manual FOR THE Administration of Medicine AND CURE OF DISEASE. BY FREDERICK HUMPHREYS, M. D., Late Professor of Institutes of Homeopathy, Pathology, and Medical Practice in the Homeo- pathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia; author of "Dysentery and its Homeopathic Treatment," "Cholera and its Homeopathic Treatment," "Diseases of the Sexual System," and Prover of Apis Mellifica, Plantago Major, etc., etc., etc. Copyrighted, 1900, by Humphreys' Hom. Med. Co. NEW YORK: HUMPHREYS' HOM. MEDICINE CO. Oor. William and John Streets. WHERE TOURISTS WILL FIND HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. PARIS, 32, rue Etienne-Marcel, LONDON, 27 Charterhouse Square, E. C. 1 & 2 Snow Hill, Holburn Viaduct, E. C. VIENNA, Stephansplatz, 8. ALEXANDRIA. Rue Cherif Pacha. LISBON, Rua do Arsenal, 148 & 152. BARCELONA, 5, Calle Sta. Ana, 5. BRUSSELS, 58, rue Montagne de la Cour. RIO DE JANEIRO, 32, Rua Goncalves Dias, 32. BUENOS AYRES, 442, Calle Florida, 446. MEXICO CITY, Calle del Coliseo, S. HAVANA, Teniente Rey 41, y Compostela, 83 & 85. CANADA, At all Drug Stores. HONOLULU, Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. " PANAMA, Plaza Santa Ana. ALL THE ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES, CEN- TRAL AMERICA, EVERY CITY, TOWN AND HAMLET IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. For List of Specifics, see pages 102, 119. For Witch Hazel Oil, see pages 127, 128. For Marvel of Healing, see pages 125, 126. For Veterinary Specifics, see pages 129, 188, For Index, see page 189. MANUAL. INTRODUCTORY. A S IT IS the duty of every physician to cure whatever of disease, relieve whatever of suffering and prolong whatever of life he may; so I hold it to be my duty to place the knowledge and the means for accomplishing these objects in the hands of the people in the manner best cal- culated to reach the greatest number and accomplish the greatest good. The first and most easily curable stage of every disease is commonly treated by the parent, the friend or the patient himself. Hence, they should be informed upon the subject and provided with such harmless, simple and effective means as will most safe- ly and readily attain this end. Almost every disease may be easily cured at its commence- 6 INTRODUCTORY. ment, as the experience of thousands who have long used HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS abundantly proves, if they make timely use of the appropriate SPECIFICS; while on the other hand, thousands of serious and even fatal cases became such by needless delay or the resort to unsafe or injurious medicines. If in treating ourselves, children or friends, we must resort to crude, injurious or darger- ous compounds or drugs, the after effects of which produce evil, we might better desist for fear of doing harm. But in using HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS no such danger ex- ists. Each and every one is prepared under the immediate supervision of an able and experienced physician, and every possible precaution is taken, not only that every Specific shall be what it represents, but that it is absolutely harmless. An experience of their use in hundreds of thousands of cases, extending over a period of more than forty years, under almost every variety of subject and circumstance, has proved them to be absolutely free from evil and only productive of good. THE GREAT FEATURE of this system is, that by a system of SPECIFICS prepared by a skillful physician who has devoted his life to the subject, the layman at once knows WHAT TO GIVE, and HOW TO GIVE IT, and thus act with certainty and positiveness-an import- ant element of success. INTRODUCTORY. 7 HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are the result of a discovery of a particular remedy or specific for EACH PARTICULAR DISEASE. This is ac- complished according to a law announced by me to the profession forty years ago, and since elaborated and extended to the whole series of my SPECIFICS. Their use has extended over the entire country, and to many foreign countries, and families the world over use no other cura- tive measures, but find my SPECIFICS by far the most SIMPLE, CONVENIENT and RE- LIABLE OF ALL DOMESTIC REMEDIES. These SPECIFICS are so prepared as to hold their virtues for YEARS. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS only cure disease. Those using them become more firm and vigorous, and less liable to the attacks of disease. They cure, not because they are strong medicines or violent poisons, but be- cause they have a specific relation to disease, and hence cure it. IT IS A FACT confirmed by the most ample experience that those who habitually resort to HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS for aid and cure in their illness, HAVE LESS SICKNESS, BETTER HEALTH, BETTER GROWTH, longer and more vigorous lives, than those treated by other methods. The fact is explained in the cir- cumstance that these SPECIFICS, because of the method of their composition, have a 1 8 INTRODUCTORY. deeper and wider range of action than other medicines, and thus constantly tend to eradi- cate constitutional weakness and disease. The list of HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICs contains preventives and cures for almost every form of ACUTE ILLNESS or DISEASE which it is safe or wise for the non-professional to treat, and with each Specific such counsel and direc tions, either in this Manual, or upon the wrapper, as will lead to the safest and hap- piest results. ACUTE DISEASES may come at any time from exposure, and each has its Specific, whose timely use is invaluable--not only saving sickness, but often life itself. The diseases of INFANCY and CHILDHOOD- which not only annoy, but either carry off their victims or lay the foundation of life- long diseases-all find their prompt cure in the list of SPECIFICS, and prove a veri- table godsend to the family. For a CHRONIC DISEASE OF INFIRMITY which has been the dark spot of one's life, and for the cure of which one has "suffered many things of many physicians" without avail, the persistent use of one or more SPECIFICS, taken without pain or inconvenience, has proved the golden key which has restored the feeble to strength and vigor. Those who suffer from some delicate in- firmity or weakness known only to them- selves, which they shrink from disclosing to a physician, have found in the proper SPE- INTRODUCTORY. 9 CIFIC a cure which has turned the winter of life into May. Families will find the use of a CASE of HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS a source of relief and refuge in these and many more in- stances which could be named. They are saved from undue haste and needless alarm; saved from the danger of drugs and in- jurious medicines, and from needless pro- fessional calls and expense. The health and vigor of the household is improved as well as a timely saving in money and expenditure. The value of a CASE of HUMPHREYS' SPE- CIFICS in a family can scarcely be overesti- mated. I The great advantage over every other system or medicine is briefly:- THEY ARE SIMPLE-So that no mistake is made in selecting or giving the remedy THEY ARE HARMLESS-So that if taken by mistake or accident, no injury results. THEY ARE CONVENIENT — curing at once numerous ills, ailments and diseases, to which all are liable. G THEY ARE EFFICIENT. By their timely use five-sixths of all diseases may be arrested without serious illness or calling a physician, thus saving a vast amount of suffering and a multitude of lives. THEY ARE RELIABLE.-In the entire list there is not one which has not the guarantee 10 DIET AND REGIMEN FOR THE CK. of the most ample experience over and over repeated, as to its great curative value and efficacy. THEY ARE ECONOMICAL.—The use of a few doses of pellets often saves a visit from the doctor, and a long course of sickness, with its heavy expenses. DIET AND REGIMEN FOR THE SICK. The diet and regimen for the sick is a matter of importance. A disease may be aggravated or prolonged by improper food or habit, and some diseases at their com- mencement may even be entirely cured by observing a proper regimen for a few days. Other diseases again owe their existence to some improper habit, mode of life, or busi- ness of the patient. A recovery is only to be expected with a change in habits, busi- ness or living. We cannot specify for every case; much must be left for the good judg- ment and discretion of the patient. Usually with the treatment of each disease or class of diseases the kind of diet or food proper to be taken is given in the directions with each Specific, and in the MANUAL and MENTOR. In general, sick people need but little to eat, and that of the plainest and yet most nourishing and easily digested kind that can be procured-not too often or too much, or too rich food. If there is no appetite, nature DIET AND REGIMEN FOR THE SICK. 11 indicates that but little or no food should be given; as that which is taken, unless easily digested, will not be assimilated, and, hence, may do more harm than good; and while some things may be digested and prove nour- ishing, others may act as mere irritants, often aggravating the disease or retarding recovery. FOOD.-When patients are confined to their room or bed, the following are among the most easily digested, nourishing and whole- some kinds of food: Indian-meal, oat-meal, or farina gruel (which should be thoroughly cooked), or milk-toast and boiled rice; for drink, toast-water, rice-water and drinks made of fruit-jellies, or any ripe or dried fruits, and apples or other fruits baked or stewed, except in diarrhea and dysentery. As persons recover the diet may be more liberal and nourishing, and yet they should avoid the danger of relapse from over-eating. Feeble persons need meat-soups, beef-tea, fish and fowl variously prepared; and sometimes wine and other stimulants, but always in moderation, as there is more danger from eating or drinking too much than too little. Lemonade may be allowed in fever and rheumatism. Coffee and green tea are ob- jectionable; cocoa and black tea are per- mitted. Coffee and green tea may be al- lowed to the sick where persons have become 12 DIET AND REGIMEN FOR THE SICK. habituated to their use and suffer from their deprivation. Those who are watching, or performing severe or long-continued physical or mental labor are wonderfully sustained by an occasional cup of cocoa, tea or coffee, and the waste of the system is thus prevented to a great degree. Tobacco should only be used in moderation, if at all; although its moderate use, to persons accustomed to it, may not be injurious to the action of medi- cines. Yet it is evident that for these mild Specifics to manifest their full benign effects the system must not be saturated with nar- cotic or medicinal influences. EXERCISE is important to the invalid and those of sedentary habits; yet, to be useful it should be attended with pleasurable ex- citement and freedom from labor or anxious thought. In walking for exercise, it is better to go on some errand or for some purpose rather than for the mere walk itself. In acute diseases exercise is rarely required until convalescence is fairly established, and it must then be taken in moderation. If exer- cise exhausts one, excites vertigo, dizziness, or occasions pain or ready fatigue, it will not prove beneficial. This is especially the case with sick and feeble persons, and may be considered a general rule, HOW TO SELECT AND TAKE THE SPECIFICS. 18 HOW TO SELECT AND TAKE THE SPECIFICS. In general there will be no difficulty in deciding what particular Specific is required for any case. Read over the account of the disease in the MANUAL and compare the same with the symptoms present in the per son. Read the directions for preparing and giving the Specific, and then follow them strictly, USING NO OTHER MEDICINES and MAKING NO APPLICATIONS except such as are directed in the book or on the wrapper. When the directions are to take the Spe. cific dry, six pellets should be placed in the mouth and slowly dissolved better not chewed or swallowed whole. The vial should not be turned against the tongue or breathed into, or the pellets turned into a moist or perspiring hand. If tobacco is used, rinse the mouth before taking the pel- lets. For children two, and infants one pellet. GAMES When the Specific is to be taken in FLUID FORM, dissolve twelve pellets in six dessert- spoonfuls of pure water, by crushing, and stirring the medicine until it entirely disap- pears. (For grown persons a table-spoonful, and for children or infants a dessert or tea- spoonful is a proper dose.) Two or more SPECIFICS may be given IN ALTERNATION, that is, first one and then the ‣ ¿ 14 HOW TO SELECT AND TAKE THE SPECIFICS. other, at the proper interval. This may be done when one SPECIFIC does not seem to meet the entire case; or where a patient appears to have the symptoms of two com- plaints at the same time, as for instance: Cough with Fever, or Catarrh with Dyspep- sia, or Headache and Dyspepsia, or some Gastric Derangement, or Dyspepsia and some form of Kidney or Urinary Disease. Usually it is better to give but one Specific for the most prominent symptom or com- plaint, in repeated doses, until that symptom or disease is subdued. Then administer the next most fitting Specific for the remaining symptoms. Frequently the less prominent complaint will disappear under the action of the Specific given for the more important one and thus the entire disease vanish. Or, after having given the second Specific a new trial, we can go back to the use of the first one again with better results, as the condi- tion of the system has been modified by the action of the last medicine. This ALTERNATION OF SPECIFICS is allow- able. If the Specific apparently called for does not relieve after a fair trial, then apply the next most indicated one, or give the two in ALTERNATION. That is, give a dose of one Specific as directed, and after waiting the proper interval, give a dose of the other, and after the proper interval give the first 1 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. YA one again, and so on in alternation at such intervals as the directions require. THE BEST TIME for taking medicine is in the morning on rising, and half an hour before each meal, and at night on retiring to rest, thus making four doses per day. The REPETITION OF DOSES depends upon circumstances. In ACUTE DISEASES and urgent cases the Specific acts best when dis- solved in pure water, and a spoonful given every fifteen minutes, half-hour, hour, two hours, according to the urgency of the case. The frequency of the doses may be dimin- ished as the patient improves. In most cases of CHRONIC DISEASE, a dose in the morning and at night will be sufficient, or at most four times a day; that is, before each meal and on going to bed. It is not the quantity or frequency of doses, but the specific action of the remedy which cures. DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. FEVERS, in childhood, are common at from one to ten years of age, and are often brought on from over-fatigue, exposure to the heat of the sun, cold drafts of air, improper food, worms, etc. They are known by the red face, swelling and throbbing of the veins of the neck, hot head, quick pulse and rapid breathing. Such fevers find their prompt cure in the Specific No. 1, which soon 16 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. quiets the fever, induces perspiration, and thus cures the disease. TREATMENT.-Dissolve twelve pellets of the Specific No. 1 in six teaspoonfuls of water, of which give one spoonful every hour. Then dis- solve twelve moné pellets of the same Specific in the same manner, and give a teaspoonful every two hours until profuse perspiration comes on and the disease is broken. Give freely of water, and often sponge off the body with tepid water. SCARLET FEVER is usually considered a very formidable disease, but under my Specific treatment it has lost much of its terror. The first symptom is, usually, vomiting, soon suc- ceeded by violent heat, very rapid pulse, and sore throat, which may be known by the pain on swallowing. Soon a rash or reddish blush spreads over the body, commencing on the arms, neck, breast and face, until the disease has reached its height, when later it becomes faint-yellowish, and the outerʼor scarf skin flakes off in patches, or in minute bran-like scales. Such is the course of mild Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina, but it may be- come complicated from an irregular develop- ment, ulcerated throat, or other symptoms. เ TREATMENT.-To prevent the disease, while Scarlet Fever is prevailing, give each child two (adults six) pellets of the Specific No. 1 morning and night. This protects the system, or in any event renders the course of the disease much milder. If the disease has commenced with vomiting, sore throat or fever, dissolve twelve pellets of the Specific No. 1 in a tum- bler half full of water, and of this fluid, prepared DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 17 snew in like manner every day, give one tea- spoonful every hour during the height of the dis- ease, extending the intervals to two hours as the disease abates. If the eruption remains obstin- ate after some days, and the sore throat or can- ker unyielding, alternate the Specific No. 14, prepared in the same manner, with the No. 1, one dose every two hours. This remedy is also efficacious at the close of the disease, to relieve the itching and assist desquamation, and thus prevent bad after-diseases. Sponging the child with tepid water is very grateful and useful through the entire course of the disease. If swelling of the glands under the ears or about the neck occurs, give four pellets of the Specific No. 22 each morning and night, and the No. 1 during the day, as above. If dropsical swelling of the limbs or body occurs toward the close or after the disease has subsided, give the Specific No. 25, six pel- lets four times per day until cured. Thousands of cases are thus safely carried through the dis- ease every year by this treatment. Remember that Scarlet Fever, Measles, Varioloid, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough are contagious, and unprotected persons coming into their presence are liable to take the disease. So if a child has the Scarlet Fever or other of these diseases, keep other children out of the sick room or house, or as far from the room as possible. To permit well children to inhale the breath, fondle or play, or even be in school with them, until entirely recovered, is most sure to communi- cate the disease. In such cases remove the well ones or fit up a separate room for the sick, and excluding the others maintain a 18 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. rigid quarantine until the entire recovery. A child may communicate the disease to another so long as there is any desquamation or peeling or scurf from the skin-some- times two or three weeks after the child is out. Hence it is well to wash the surface daily with good olive oil, or the Marvel of Healing, to prevent the dissemination of these minute branny scales by which the disease is conveyed to others. MEASLES prevail usually toward spring, and is generally a mild, easily managed disease. It commences with symptoms of a cold, sneezing, flow of tears and slight redness of the eyes, and soon a hoarse, loose cough, which is characteristic of the disease. The rash appears first on the face in minute pimples in clusters, with a reddish blush, deepening and increasing as it comes out, first day upon the face and neck, next upon the body, and third day extending to the lower extremities, by which time it grows fainter upon the face, and disappears in the same manner. There is fever, loose cough, hoarseness, etc. TREATMENT.-Give the Specific No. 1, pre- pared as directed for Scarlet Fever (page 16) every two hours, and continue this treatment through the entire course of the disease. If the measles do not come out well, do not be alarmed about that; keep the patient warm, give some warm tea or nourishing soup, or hot foot-bath. If the cough is troublesome, alternate the Spe- DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 19 cific No. 7 with the No. 1. If very hoarse, give a few doses of the No. 13. If the eyes are red, inflamed, intolerant of light, the No. 18 will act like a charm, and for any weakness of sight re- maining, in consequence of measles, the same Specific may be relied upon, six pellets three times per day. Care should be taken during the measles to prevent taking cold, as serious dis- eases of the lungs may arise as a consequence. You will have no difficulty in safely treating the disease by following these directions. CHICKEN-POX is a mild, and not dangerous disease, usually lasting but four or five days, though it is sometimes liable to be mistaken for small-pox, especially during an epidemic of the latter. It consists of the appearance of vesicles, smooth and transparent, filled with a watery fluid, mostly located on the covered parts of the body, or scalp, and which mature rapidly, frequently becoming as large as a pea within a day's time. These thin, watery vesicles often come out in clusters, burst and dry up, leaving a small puckered scab, but rarely any pit or de- pression, as in small-pox. The attack is generally attended with a slight fever. It rarely requires more than a few doses of the Specific No. 1; if new crops of pox come out, No. 14 is the Specific. MUMPS are known as the somewhat hard and sensitive swelling of the gland in front of and below the ear, on one or both sides. It is attended with fever, and pain when 20 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. chewing, especially any firm or hard food. It passes off in three or four days, and is rarely dangerous, but may sometimes fall upon the brain, producing delirium, or if the patient is chilled, may fall upon other parts, producing swelling and other mischief. TREATMENT. —Give the Specific No. 1, twelve pellets in six spoonfuls of water, one spoonful every two hours, and, two or three times per day, six pellets of Specific No. 22. Should any swelling of the glands remain, the use of the No. 22 will remove it. Should the disease fall upon the urinary organs, the No. 30 will soon relieve. CONGESTION OF THE HEAD begins in children with violent fever, red and hot face, swelling and throbbing of the blood-vessels of the neck, sleeplessness and delirium, or deep, drowsy sleep, inclination to lie down, with pain in the head, increase of the pain and distress, and even vomiting, on being held up, great intolerance of light and noise. TREATMENT. These symptoms find their remedy in the Specific No. 1, twelve pellets of which should be dissolved in six teaspoonfuls of water, of which give a spoonful every hour at first, and then every two hours as the case im- proves. Meantime, apply cloths wet in tepid water to the head, and renew them as often as they get hot. Goddard Congestions of the Head occur in children and adults also, in a slighter or less violent form; with a sense of fullness and heaviness of the head and redness of face, vertigo or DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. CHIL 21 giddiness, especially on turning or looking upward, throbbing headache, and sometimes intolerance of light, drowsy and stupid feel- ings, desire to sleep by day and sleepless at night. TREATMENT. — In mild cases six pellets of the Specific No. 1, taken four times per day, will afford relief; but if the case is more violent, dis solve twelve pellets in half a glass of water, and of this take a spoonful every two hours until relieved, and then morning and night; or, if the affection is of some standing, Specific No. 9 may be taken alternately with the No. 1. Old Cases of Head Fullness and Vertigo of the Head, are entirely cured by taking the No. 10 at night and No. 9 in the morning. SORE THROAT, TONSILLITIS OR QUINSY begins with redness, heat, swelling of the throat, tonsils, palate and soft parts, difficult swal- lowing, and it sometimes terminates in sup- puration. TREATMENT.-Dissolve twelve pellets of the Specific No. 1 in water (half a glass) and take a spoonful of this solution every hour. If not soon relieved, take the Specific No. 34, pre- pared in the same manner, alternately with the No. 1. Apply cloths kept moist with the Mar- vel of Healing to the throat, and keep indoors, on low diet, until relieved. DIPHTHERIA and ULCERATED OR MALIG- NANT SORE THROAT. It is convenient to treat these diseases together, as the amateur may not be able to distinguish the one from the other, and the treatment is the same. The disease may be mild, but is often formidable. 22 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. Diphtheria usually commences in children with dullness, inclination to sleep, swelling and soreness of the throat, indicated by difficulty in swallowing, and frequently vom- iting. Fever, heat, and redness of the face; increased difficulty of swallowing soon come on, and on examination, the appearance of patches of dirty washleather-like membrane in the throat, or ulcerations in advanced cases, with difficulty of breathing and pros- tration. TREATMENT.-To prevent the disease, give chil- dren two pellets of Specific No. 1 each morn- ing, and the same of No. 34 at night, and so alternate (while the disease is prevailing) and carefully avoid exposure to severe chills or over- fatigue. For an attack of diphtheria or of severe or ulcer- ated sore throat, give alternately the Specific No. 1 and the No. 34 in water, thus: dissolve twelve pellets of the No. 1 in a tumbler half full of water and the same amount of No. 34 in an- other glass, with a like quantity of water, stirring each well with separate spoons. Give to adults a tablespoonful, and to children a teaspoonful of the fluid, first of one, then of the other, at inter- vals of half-hour at first, and later an hour. or even, in mild cases, two hours; and this continue until cured. The diet should be easily digested and nourishing, toast-water, farina, or other gruel; good sweet milk, and beef-tea, during the disease, and apply cloths wet in the Marvel of Healing to the throat. r + THE EARLY STAGE of every acute disease attended with chills, or high fever, quick pulse, heat, restless tossing, anxiety and and pain, will be always alleviated, and often entirely subdued, by the use of Specific No. 1, given DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 23 I : every hour. In all cases when there is pain or distress, and you are uncertain what remedy to apply, or have failed to cure, resort to the No. 1, and continue its use for some time, or return again to some more perfectly indicated number. WORMS.-Worms often cause much annoy- ance in children, and it is important to know the symptoms by which their presence is manifested, as well as the cure. Children most subject to worms have light, fair skin, soft, flabby flesh, and enlarged abdomen, while the legs and arms are comparatively small. Such children are subject to catarrhs, mucus diarrheas and mucus vomiting. When this condition exists, worms will be found in the system, and a predisposition to produce them. Unless this condition is corrected, the driving off of a few, either by ordinary cathartics or vermifuges, is of no great con- sequence. The more common symptoms of worms are: frequent itching of the nose, which the child picks with its finger; itching at the anus; voracious or greedy appetite; desire for dainties, and often the breath is offensive, especially when the stomach is empty; bowels irregular, either constipation or diarrhea, in which are masses of glairy frog-spawn-like mucus. Symptoms arising from the local irritation of worms are: Colic pains in the bowels, 24 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. which are worse when the stomach is empty, and often pass off after a meal, Sometimes the local irritation affects the nervous system, and there is dilatation of the pupil of the eyes, distortion or rolling of the eyes, springing up, grating of the teeth, and talking in sleep, vertigo and sometimes spasms. Fever is one of the most frequent results of worms; it is usually quite violent, pulse quick, heat great, noticeable for its unsteady character; now more, and now less, coming and going; and there is danger of con- vulsions during such a fever, especially if there should be sudden startings or twitch- ings. If the worm predisposition is not cured, the child may become emaciated, weakly and fail to thrive. : TREATMENT.-It is not difficult to get rid of a few worms by the action of any brisk cathartic; but this is of small consequence, for you will leave many more behind, while the vermifuge will weaken the digestion, and thus tend to Induce their production anew; hence, children who take crude medicines are subject to worms. To eradicate Worms from the system, give the child plain diet, meat once a day, little or no pastry, cake, preserves or candies; but substan- tial, nourishing food, and give it three pellets of Specific No. 2, morning and night, or even four times per day. The result will be that the worms will disappear. When worms produce violent fever, full, quick pulse, and hot skin, etc., dissolve twelve pellets of Specific No. 1 in a glass one-third filled with water, and give the child a dessert-spoonful every hour for four or six hours, and then pre DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 25 pare the No. 2 in the same manner, in water, and give the No. 2 alternately with the No. 1 until entirely relieved. Then give the No. 2 morning and night, or four times per day, to effect a radical cure. No other medicines are required in order to permanently cure this affec- tion, as the experience of hundreds can testify; only do not expect miracles; exercise a little patience, for a constitutional cure requires time. CRYING OF INFANTS.-Infants do not cry if they are well, and properly cared for. When a child constantly cries without apparent cause, it affords a strong presumption that it is not well. Nurses, to quiet the crying of infants, give them anodynes, cordials, or soothing syrups, which render them costive, then a cathartic or a dose of oil is given to physic them, which, in turn, deranges the stomach, and in a little time we have a permanent condition of illness fastened upon the child, which may continue for life. This is irrational and wrong. The nurse should never suffer the infant to cry or worry, always attending to or anticipating its wants, changing and feeding it promptly, and also avoid giving it drugs or doses. COLIC.-If the child has colic, which may be known by its cries and drawing its legs up to its abdomen, while the belly is hard and distended: TREATMENT.-Give two pellets of the Specifio No. 3, and soothe it by carrying it about, or 26 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 1 other means. If no better in half an hour, give two more pellets, and so on, repeating every half hour until relieved. WAKEFULNESS.-If the child does not sleep at night, after having had proper intervals of being awake during the day, give it the following: TREATMENT.-Two pellets of Specific No. 3 before laying it down. This will usually be suffi- cient; but if necessary the pellets may be re- peated every hour. The nurse should bear in mind that if she takes strong tea or coffee, or spirits, or such flatulent food as pickles, cabbage, beans, etc., she can scarcely expect her child to sleep well, as the effect of the stimulus, or food, may act more decidedly on the child than upon her. TEETHING of healthy children is often ac- complished without seriously affecting the system; but frequently there is diarrhea, feverishness, and restlessness at night, and sometimes serious congestion to the head. The first teeth are cut at from the fourth to the eighth month, or later, and usually with but little trouble-first, the two lower, cut- ting teeth; then the two upper, middle teeth in about two or three weeks after the first; and then two more lower, followed by two upper incisors-one on each side. Some eight weeks after these, there will be four first jaw-teeth-two below and two above, and after chese the stomach and eye-teeth are cut; and finally, when about two and a half years old, the back jaw-teeth-two below DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN 27 and two above-protrude, which completes the set. Variations from this order are, however, frequent. When the teeth are about to protrude, the child "drools," and puts its fingers in the mouth, is more or less feverish, and the gum grows broader, and swellson the top. Lancing the gum is quite unnecessary, and if done prematurely, only obstructs the teeth by forming a cicatrix, which the tooth must pierce when it comes forward again; besides, it is not so much the piercing of the gum which causes the inconvenience, as a feverish condition of the system, which accompanies any important evolution of the organism. TREATMENT.-During the Period of Teething, whenever there is any feverish excitement, rest- lessness, wakefulness, or worrying, give two pel- lets of Specific No. 3, four times per day. This quiets the system, relieves the irritation and rest- lessness, and any slight diarrhea. If, however, there should be very high fever and a good deal of heat, it is better to give two pellets of Spe- cific No. 1 for Fever, dissolved in water, a tea- spoonful every two hours, and the No. 3 morning and night. If diarrhea also becomes threatening, the movements of the bowels frequent and some- what prostrating, give two pellets of the Specific No. 4 every three hours until this troublë be re- lieved. See, also, Specific No. 8. FOR SLOW GROWTH, FEEBLENESS, DIFFICULT LEARNING TO WALK and GENERAL DEBIL- ITY of infants or small children, the proper- TREATMENT.-Is Specifio No. 3, two pellets three or four times per day, which often works 28 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. wonders in increasing the muscular strength and natural growth of bone. FRETFULNESS, FEVERISHNESS AND WORRY- ING of children three or four years old often arises from deficient growth of bone. TREATMENT.-Give four times per day three pellets of the Specific No. 3. The result will soon be shown in improved vigor, health and happiness. SPRUE, OR NURSING SORE MOUTH of young infants is frequently troublesome, and some- times dangerous. TREATMENT.-The Specific No. 3 will usually be found effectual. Given at times for other com- plaints, sore mouth will rarely occur; but if it is present, one pellet four times per day will suffice to cure. Obstinate cases may require Specific No. 29, four times per day. DIARRHEA, OR LOOSE BOWELS.-In small children this disease is often formidable, and demands attention. In young and teething children it frequently assumes the form of Cholera Infantum, and is liable to be fatal. TREATMENT.-For Diarrhea or Loose Bowels in Young Children, give two pellets of Specific No. 4, three, four or more times per day, accord- ing to circumstances. Let the child have for diet only breast milk, boiled rice, farina, or milk porridge, avoiding all fruits, vegetables, and especially new potatoes. Any slight derange- ment of the stomach-pain, gripings or diarrhea -arising from errors in diet, etc., will be prompt- ly remedied by taking Specific No. 4, four times per day. Diarrhea from the use of fruit, also, will be promptly met by taking the No. 4 as above. DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Few diseases are more destructive and fatal in children than this. In some parts of the country, in the larger towns and cities, numbers of children are every summer carried off by it. Diarrhea in young children in summer is liable to cul- minate in a cholera infantum, and cholera infantum has diarrhea as a symptom. It prevails principally among children of from six months to three years of age. It often commences as a slight looseness of the bowels, which goes on increasing from day to day, until the child becomes emaci- ated, its stomach becomes exceedingly irri- table, so that it vomits up every kind of food and drink, and at length it sinks into a drowsy, stupid slumber, which, after some days, closes the scene; or, the disease may come on more suddenly, with very frequent, loose, offensive stools, sudden vomiting of everything taken into the stomach, rapid emaciation, soon followed by coldness, col- lapse, stupid slumber, and extreme pros- tration. In the first case the disease may run from three to twelve weeks, until the child is re- duced to a skeleton; and in the latter, the fatal termination may occur in three to six days. TREATMENT.-In this disease the diet is of the first importance, as it is almost impossible for a child to recover unless it has a proper diet, Out DISEASES OF INTANTS AND CHILDREN. dren who nurse do better than those who have been weaned or brought up by hand; for though the child may get but little from the breast, that little is appropriate for it, and quality in this case is of more importance than quantity. If the stomach is very irritable, vomiting up everything taken, food must only be given once in two or three hours, and only two or three spoonfuls of farina gruel, rice-water, or some similar light or nourishing substance; or, if the child yet nurses, the breast is still better; yet the child must not be nursed too often, nor suf- fered to take too much at a time. Also, every hour, give a spoonful of a solution made by dis solving six pellets of Specific No. 6 in six tea- spoonfuls of water. This continue a few hours; and then prepare six pellets of the No. 4, in fluid, in the same manner, and give every hour a spoonful alternately of these two medicines. As the disease improves, the dose may be given less frequently; but be very cautious both as to the quantity and quality of food or drink al lowed. CHRONIC DIARRHEA-several stools per day without much pain-requires three or four doses of Specific No. 4 each day. TREATMENT.-If accompanied with cutting or griping pains, or blood-stained stools, forming what is called dysenteric diarrhea, Specific No. 5, taken every two hours, will be found better than Speciüc No. 4 for this form of disease; or the two may be alternated two (six for adults) pellets every hour. INFANTILE BRONCHITIS OR CATARRH OF THE CHEST OF INFANTS OR YOUNG CHILDREN is attended with fever, quick pulse, rapid and difoult breathing with rattling of mucus, DISEATES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 81 # or fine crepitation, and frequent, painful cough. TREATMENT.—Give the Specific No. 1, dissolv- ed in water, every hour for twelve hours; then the No. 7, dissolved in water, and give the two in alternation every two hours until relieved. WETTING THE BED in some cases arises from the irritation of worms; in others, from an irritable condition of the bladder itself; and in some cases from improper habits. But it is almost invariably the result of a morbid condition or irritation of the bladder, or re- laxation of its sphincter, and is quite beyond the control of the child, and is a proper sub- ject of medical treatment. ← TREATMENT.-Children subject to wetting the bed should avoid taking fluids, fruits, or watery vegetables in the late evening, or even entirely abstain from them at such hours, and should take three pellets of Specific No. 30 night and morning. The Specific No. 22 may be given in obstinate cases alternately with No. 30, giving No. 22 each morning and No. 30 noon and night. CROUP.-Croup in children is usually a sud- den and sometimes fatal disorder, and it is important to know its symptoms, and to have a reliable remedy at hand with which to meet it. It often comes suddenly at night, after the child has been exposed, or out play- ing in a damp, rough wind during the day: The child wakes out of a sleep with a sudden, hoarse, barking cough, often like the barking $2 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. of a hoarse dog, and sometimes, even at first, some degree of oppressive or difficult breath- ing. In some cases there are frequent re- turns of this hoarse cough, with little or no fever, or difficulty of breathing for some hours, or even a day or so; and at others there is a high fever, quick pulse and red face from the first hour of the attack. As the fever increases, the cough returns in more frequent paroxysms, and the difficulty of breathing increases; often by turns be- comes wheezing, rattling, and in the worst cases, as if breathing through fine brazen pipes; and becomes, by degrees, loud, harsh, and is heard all over the room. If the child improves, the breathing be- comes easier, softer, the rattling of mucus looser: if worse, finer and tighter. Toward the last, the head is thrown back to facilitate respiration, the larynx rises and falls with every breath, and the child is bathed in sweat by the suffering and effort. These sudden cases, however, usually soon yield to proper remedies. But the worst cases are those which come insidiously, the child being scarcely ill for two or three days, little or no cough, or a mild, muffled cough, but very hoarse or whispering speech, or en- tire loss of voice, the difficult breathing only coming on gradually. Such cases are highly dangerous. DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. 33 TREATMENT.-For an attack with hoarse, croupy cough, either suddenly at night or at other times, dissolve at once twelve pellets of Specific No. 13 in six dessert-spoonfuls of pure water, of which give a spoonful every half hour at first, and until the child improves, keeping the child In-doors in a warm room, and protected from draughts of air for a day or two, to prevent a relapse. But, if with the croupy cough there is also high fever, hot skin, and some difficulty of breathing, prepare the Specific No. 1 in the same manner as the No. 13, and give a dessert- spoonful every half-hour, alternating with the No. 13, until the child is in a perspiration, and the fever is relieved, then the No. 13 may be continued alone at intervals of an hour or more, As the child improves. When a hoarse or a suspicious cough at night hreatens an, attack of Croup, three pellets of Specific No. 13, occasionally repeated, will sually ward off the danger. In the worst cases, with hoarse cough, difficult, nxious, stridulous breathing, give the Specifics No. 13 and No. 1, prepared as above, a spoonful very half-hour alternately. Give no other medi- aes-make no external applications, for these fill do no good, and often impede the cure-only hen the fever is high and difficulty of breathing reat, bathe the child's feet and legs to the knees a quite warm water, and even its hands, for ten or fteen minutes at a time, then wiping them dry nd covering them warm to perspire, For some days after an attack, do not let the child go out, or be exposed to a draught of cold air, and during he attack give it no fruit. To prevent a return of croup, and to destroy he predisposition which some children have to give three pellets of Specific No. 13 morning nd night, and after any special exposure. In lingering cases of Croup, alternate Specific Jo. 13 with Specific No. 34 hourly, 34 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN, WHOOPING-COUGH.-Whooping-cough usu- ally commences as a common cold, though from the first the cough is rather more vio- lent and spasmodic than in ordinary colds, and not until after ten or fourteen days does it assume the true distinctive form of whoop- ing cough, with severe shocks of cough in rapid succession, followed by a deep inhala- tion or whoop. This disease, if uncured, will continue from six to twelve, or even four- teen weeks. To DIRECTIONS: TO PREVENT WHOOPING- COUGH.-When children have been exposed, or begin to cough, give simply three pellets of Specific No. 20, four times per day. You thus either prevent it entirely, or de- stroy its force and violence. TREATMENT.-Give three pellets of Specific No. 20 every four hours during the day. This is sufficient in ordinary cases, but if very severe, administer three pellets, every two hours, dayt and night, if awake, placing the pellets in the child's mouth, and at longer intervals as the child improves. Should there be fever, or threatened inflammation of the air-passages, givet the Specific No. 1 in alternation with the No. 20, prepared in water, twelve pellets of each in six spoonfuls of water, separately, of which giver a spoonful every hour, first of No. 1, next of No. 20, and so on. Give the child no meat, cake rich or heavy food, but an abundance of mucila ginous drinks-rice-water, barley-water, gum water or Irish moss tea. The disease will thus be broken up or run a short, mild and safe course as thousands of cases treated with Specific No 20 amply testify. DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN, 86 1820 SPASMS.-Spasms or convulsions may occur In children from some transient irritation, such as teething, indigestible substances in the stomach, or congestion to the head, or from fever or extreme nervous excitement. There is a sudden straightening of the body, cramping of the limbs, holding the head back or on one side, drawing in of the thumbs, distortion of the eyes, arrest of breath and oss of consciousness, etc., after which the muscles become relaxed, and the patient sinks into a sound sleep, from which he awakes restored. But in cases of children, or when the irritating cause has not been re- moved, the spasm may return again, or even several times. Some families of children are subject to fits from slight occasion. TREATMENT.-During the attack of convulsions It is better to wait; but if the patient does not Scome out readily, put the feet in warm water, and apply cold, wet cloths or cold water to the head. If the spasm has been induced by indigestible food, oranges, candies or sweet-meats, especially in children, give a large injection of warm water, [repeated until free evacuations of the bowels take place. Give, also, the Specific No. 33, six pellets every hour until all excitement of the system passes off; then six pellets morning and enight. ༣་ EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS.-Slight } attacks (Petit-Mal); with fixed gaze; mo- mentary loss of consciousness; turning of the tace to one side; dropping things; slight muscular twitchings; vertigo. Severe at- B Di 36 DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. tacks (Grand-Mal); with sudden loss of consciousness, often preceded by a strange cry; falling; convulsel face and limbs; grinding of teeth and biting of tongue and foaming at the mouth; involuntary evacua- tions; strangling breathing; purplish, flushed face; followed by deep sleep and exhaustion on awaking. These fits recur at intervals, leaving the system comparatively free during the interval. While Epilepsy is more common in adults, yet it is often first shown in childhood, and hence may be treated here. Spasms, Con- vulsions, St. Vitus' Dance and even Hysteria all have their first manifestation in the years of growth, and are best cured during that period. • TREATMENT.-For an attack of convulsions, treat as for spasms. During the interval between the attacks, give six pellets morning and night of the Specifič No. 33, and avoid all exciting causes of the attack. In old chronic cases of Epilepsy or Fits, give six pellets of the No. 33, each night, and the same or the No. 35 each morning. CHOREA OR ST. VITUS' DANCE is manifested by uneasiness, twitching and jerking of the limbs, grimaces, or drawing of the muscles of the face, trembling, unsteady walk, ina- bility to hold things, or to feed one's self, or even to swallow food without difficulty, or sometimes even to talk. TREATMENT.-Give six pellets of Specific No. 33, four times per day. In severe or protracted FEVERS 37 cases, give six pellets of the No. 35 before breakfast and before supper, and the same of the No. 33 before dinner and at night. HYSTERIA is manifested by fits of sobbing, laughing, crying, usually beginning with a sense of "a ball in the throat" (Globus Hystericus), and without seeming cause, though often in connection with some strong mental emotion; irregular, convulsive move- ments of limbs; partly closed eyes; loss of self-control; irregular breathing and heart action. But there is not loss of consciousness, biting of the tongue or turning in of the thumbs, and it occurs mostly in sensitive or nervous persons. TREATMENT.-Give Specific No. 33 every three hours, and the storm will soon be over; then morning and night to prevent a return. Children who have twitching of the face or limbs, or very restless sleep, or slight convul sions, may take the Specific No. 35 night and morning, with prompt relief. FEVERS. FEVERS begin usually with a precursory stage, lasting some days, consisting of de- pression, pain in the back or limbs, head- ache, coated tongue, loss of appetite, or gen- eral lassitude. After this there is either a cold chill or chilliness for a day or two, which is followed by high fever, with head- ache, sleeplessness, sometimes delirium, full, quick, hard pulse, quick respiration, vertigo 38 FIVERS. on rising or sitting up, sometimes vomiting, costive bowels, etc. This stage continues some days, depending upon the character of the fever and treat- ment, after which the pulse by degrees abates, the skin gradually becomes moist, the tongue cleans of, appetite and strength improve, and the patient becomes conva- lescent. It is not always prudent for non-profess- ional persons to assume the management of grave cases of Fever, even with the aid of these invaluable Specifics. The responsibility is too great. There may be conditions and dangers which the amateur cannot under- stand, especially in the graver and more persistent forms of fever. So, while it is eminently proper and wise to know what to give and how to treat the milder forms of Fever and the beginnings and earlier forms of all Fevers, yet the management of the graver forms should be assumed only when competent medical aid cannot be obtained. The early treatment, as here directed, often arrests and entirely cures the milder forms, and always moderates the force and character and violence of the more serious ones. GENERAL DIRECTIONS.--In the treatment of all forms of fever, it is of importance to keep the room well aired and lighted, scru- pulously clean, with frequent change of VERS. 39 • linen and bedding, and prompt removal of discharges, and all soiled linen; plenty of pure cold water to drink; the body, hands and face should be frequently sponged off with tepid or cold water, or with vinegar and water. The diet during the first stage should be simply toast, bread or crackers soaked in weak black tea. In the second stage, rice, milk, and arrowroot may be added to the diet; and in the third, or stage of prostration, ice cream, champagne, beef-tea or wine- whey may be necessary. The patient should remain in bed, comfortably but not oppress- ively covered during the entire course of the disease. After the fever is broken, gradually return to a more substantial diet, beginning with toast, baked apples, rice, beef-tea, fish or similar articles. Varietics of Fever are not always sharply defined. But the non-professional reader may find the following sufficient for his action: INFLAMMATORY FEVERS are characterized by a strong, quick pulse, hot skin, red face, severe headache, hurried respiration, thirst, restless tossing and sleeplessness. The symp- toms are worse in the evening and are better after midnight and toward morning. TREATMENT.—In this form of fever, only the Specific No. 1 is required. Dissolve twelve 40 FEVERS. pellets in a drinking-glass half full of water, and of this give a tablespoonful to an adult, or a tea spoonful to a child, every hour for the first day or two, or until the force of the disease is broken, then at longer intervals until cured. It generally yields after a day or two. BILIOUS OR GASTRIC FEVERS.-The precur sory stage is marked by decided bilious de- rangement, with bad taste, coated tongue, headache or backache, and costive bowels. This after a day or two is succeeded by a strong chill, followed by sharp, pungent heat, violent headache in the forehead, bad taste in the mouth, heavy-coated tongue, bitter, bilious vomiting, highly-colored, scanty urine, constipation, sleeplessness, and gener- ally delirium, hurried respiration, and sharp, quick pulse, and often tenderness of the bowels. It may continue seven or fifteen days, and is sometimes marked with decided remissions of some hours, when the fever returns again as before, or it may terminate in Fever and Ague. TREATMENT.--In this disease the Specifics No. 1 and No. 10 are required. Dissolve twelve pellets of the No. 1 in six spoonfuls of water in one glass, stirring carefully with its separate spoon until dissolved, and as many of No. 10 in another, prepared in the same manner, and give every hour a large spoonful alternately of the two glasses, first from No. 1 and next hour from No. 10, and so on until the disease is subdued. After twelve or twenty-four hours, one dose every two hours will be sufficient. Improvement FEVERS. 41 will occur in a day, and the disease will be carried to a favorable termination. Even should several days of treatment be required for a per- manent cure with the Specifics, it will still be much better than merely tỏ suppress the chill with Quinine or other violent medicines, only to have the chills reappear after a few days. In the precursory stage, six pellets of Specific No. 10, once in two or three hours for a day or two, will restore the system and arrest the out- break of fever. MALARIA.-Malaria was formerly considered as a miasm, limited to the exhalations en- gendered in low-lying lands-the margin of swamps, and along the margin of rivers, or where new land and soil have widely been dug up, and exposure to the action of the sun. But modern researches have shown that while the miasm is more intense in such localities, yet it is by no means confined to them, and that as a fact but very few and narrow sections of country are entirely free from Malaria-cities, villages, towns and country all have it in greater or slighter de- gree. It was also formerly supposed that the only result of Malaria was Fever and Ague, or some of its precursors or results. But it is now known not only to produce this disease, but to produce a wide number of dis- agreeable and troublesome symptoms, which fall quite short of Fever and Ague or Malaria Fever, and so a large number of people suf- fer from Malaria when attributing their trouble to something quite different. • 1 42 FEVERS. Its most frequent mild form is known by a slightly coated tongue, bad taste, diminished appetite, constipated or irregular bowels, headache or some form of neuralgia, vague pains in the back, joints or limbs, feeling of dullness, indifference, distaste for work or effort, sleepiness or drowsiness by day, and unrefreshing sleep at night, want of energy; sometimes with pale, earthy or yellow face, and skin, and general feeling of illness. This first phase of Malaria, unless cured, will develop an Intermitting Fever, or a Re- mitting Fever, out of which will form a Fever and Ague. TREATMENT.-To cure Malaria and arrest its further development, take simply, in alternation, the Specifics No. 1 and No. 16, a dose of six pellets every three or four hours, with light, easily digested food, and avoid exposure to the hot sun by day, or damp night air, or over- fatigue. This course will in a few days rid the system of Malaria and arrest the development of Fever and Ague or Bilious Fever. Thousands of families living in malarious regions are fully protected and have an entire immunity from Malaria in all its forms, by simply taking Specifics No. 10 and No. 16, as above. AGUE CAKE (Enlarged Spleen or Liver), as well as other effects of badly treated or neglected Agues; or the victims of Quinine Cholagogue, Arsenic, etc., taken for it, are cured by Specific No. 16. FEVER AND AGUE, INTERMITTENT FEVER. TREATMENT. FOR CHILLS which return every day, take, one hour before the chill is to come on, FEVERS. 43 six pellets of Specific No. 16. Then, during thə chill and heat, take every fifteen minutes & spoonful of the No. 1, prepared as on page 13. Then, after the chill and heat and sweat have subsided, go on with the No. 16, of which take six pellets once in four hours until the next chill comes on, and then proceed as before. FOR CHILLS which return every other day.- Give, in the same manner, a dose of Specific No. 16 before each chill; also the No. 1 during the chill and heat and sweat, and then the No. 16 again, during the interval, a dose of six pel- lets every four hours until the next chill, and so on until the disease is cured. FOR CASES OF AGUE, or of mixed, undefined, irregular Agues, that do not yield to the Speci- fic No. 16, give the No. 10 in alternation with the No. 16,,a dose of six pellets every four hours. Dumb' Ague, Chill Fever and Malarial Fever require the same treatment, and will be permanently cured by the above course. The floses cbove mentioned are proper for adults. Children only require one half, and infants one- third as much. Avoid coffee or rich, heavy food, or over-fatigue while you have the disease or during convalescence, as a hearty meal, severe labor or over-fatigue often provokes a relapse. The disease is frequently better the irst chill after taking the medicine, and will be permanently cured by perseverance in its uso. This method is a thousand times better than the use of Quinine, Arsenic or the or- dinary quack medicines so often resorted to. For the results of Fever and Ague, and the bad effects of the Quinine, "Arsenic, Chola- gogue and other deleterious drugs so often 44 FEVERS. used to suppress the disease, usually mani- fested by vertigo, ringing in the ears, deaf- ness, enlarged spleen or ague-cake, swelling of the limbs, general feebleness and debility, coated tongue and liver complaint-for these symptoms, all of which may in greater or less degree follow the use of Old School drugs or nostrums, the Specifics No. 16 and No. 10, six pellets four or six times per day, in alternation, are required. In these ba complications the cure may require time, bu will be perfect and permanent. Thousand of the most obstinate cases are thus simply and happily cured every year. ENTERIC, TYPHOID AND TYPHUS FEVERS.- We do not distinguish these forms of fever as the differences to the non-professiona mind are often not clear, and the treatmen is the same. These fevers are marked by great weaknes and prostration of the system, fover usuall not so high, but early delirium, dry or dark coated tongue, sleeplessness, or deep, pro found sleep, pain in the head and back. The continue from fourteen to twenty-one day or even longer, run a slow course, and ar frequently of dangerous character, an should rarely be treated without competen medical aid. TREATMENT.—Is often successful by giving th Specific No. 1, dissolved in water, as directe FEVERS. 45 for other forms of fever, alternately with the Specific No. 14; experience having shown that this latter Specific is very efficient, not only for Eruptive Diseases, but for low fevers of every grade. Give these two medicines alternately in fluid, a dose every two hours, prepared as directed for Bilious Fever (page 40), so long as the disease continues. When Typhoid or low forms of fever are pre- vailing, the Specific No. 1, six pellets taken morning and night, or even four times per day, will serve to fortify the system and prevent an attack, as experience amply demonstrates. YELLOW FEVER.-An attack of Yellow Fever is usually abrupt. In some cases there may be precursors-a slight depression, loss of appetite, languor, pain in the head and chilly sensations for a day or two. This is followed by a chill, or rigors, generally mod- erate, soon followed by intense fever, rapid pulse, high temperature, headache, backache, pain in the limbs, and sometimes vomiting; retention of urine and costiveness are also present. The eyes are reddened, irritable and watery. Mind usually clear, but some- times delirium. FREATMENT.-As preventive while the disease is prevailing, take six pellets of Specific No. 1, morning and afternoon, and six pellets of No. 10 at noon and at bedtime. This should protect the system, or render mild any attack' which may occur. If the disease comes on, the patient should at once retire to his room and dissolve twenty pel- lets of Specific No. 1 in a glass half full of water, of which a large spoonful should be given # 46 FEVERS. every hour. This continue without interruption, except the patient sleeps, through the entire first, or stage of fever. Accessory Means.-The importance of cleanliness is apparent. Discharges and all soiled linen must be quickly removed, and the air kept as fresh as possible. During the chill give a hot foot-bath, and during the heat frequent spongings of the entire body and limbs with tepid vinegar and water. The diet during the first stage should bo simply toast bread or crackers soaked in weak black tea. In the second stage, rico, milk, and arrowroot may be added to the diet; and in the third, or stage of prostration, ice-cream, champagne, becf-tea, or wine- whey may be necessary. The patient should remain in bed, comfortably but not oppress- ively covered, during the entire course of the disease. I do not recommend, in general, the treatment of such formidable diseases as Typhus, Cholera, or Yellow Fever, by un- professional persons. But there are times and epidemics when competent medical at- tendance cannot be obtained, and where these simple directions may prove of inesti- mable value in treating and arresting disease and saving life. CHOLERA AND CHOLERA MORBUS.-These are quite different diseases, yet the medicines FEVERS. 4nd which cure Cholera will very promptly also cure Cholera Morbus. In Cholera Morbus the discharges consist of what has been taken as food, and is ejected again more or less changed; while in Cholera, the discharges, after the first two or three, consist only of a fluid like rice water, which is, in fact, the serum of the blood. The coldness, blueness, cramps, etc., are also much more violent in Cholera than in Cholera Morbus, and it is sometimes rapidly fatal. TREATMENT.-CHOLERA MORBUS is promptly cured by giving the patient six pellets of Speci- fie No. 6 every half hour at first, and later each hour until cured. CHOLERA. — PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. --During the Prevalence of Cholera, care should be taken that no decayed vegetable or animal substances be permitted about the house or yard. Keep the cellar dry, white- washed and well aired; the yard and kitchen free from slops. Use chloride of lime freely about the privy and sink. Eat a simple but nutritious diet; for meat, beef or mutton is best, and use rice, farina, ripe potatoes, crackers and stale bread. Eat no oysters, eggs, clams, fresh fish or pork; and especially avoid all fruit and green vegetables, par- ticularly salads, cucumbers, melons, cabbage, green peas, beans, rhubarb, currants, goose- berries, etc. For drink, use pure water; avoid everything like soda-water or root- 48 FEVERS. : beer. Excesses of every kind, mental as well as physical, should be carefully guarded against; make no sudden changes; the usual habits should be maintained. Eat regular meals and go to bed early. Avoid irregulari- ties-night air, late suppers, late hours. Take exercise, but avoid fatigue. Take food before going out in the morning, and main- tain a cheerful, even tone of mind. Let your clothing be adapted to the temperature of the weather, employing rather more, both at night and by day, than usual, and it is well to use flannel, especially about the abdomen, with a view of guarding against sudden changes. Do not neglect slight indisposition, especially of the stomach and bowels, but attend to them at once, as they are often the precursors of the disease itself. TREATMENT.-During the Prevalence of the Disease, six pellets of Specific No. 6 should be taken every night and morning by each member of the family, as a preventive. If this is followed up, no attack of the cholera will ensue, unless from some grave error in diet or regimen, and even then the attack will be much lighter and easier controlled than usual. Persons traveling or much exposed, should also take six pellets of Specific No. 6 night and morning. FOR CHOLERA-DIARRHEA - a peculiar diarrhea, which almost invariably precedes the cholera, consisting of frequent loose stools, and attended with rumbling of the abdomen, a sense of weakness or faintness in FEVERS. 49 the stomach, and sometimes nausea or qualm- ishness. * TREATMENT.-At once retire to the room, keep perfectly quiet, and take six pellets of the Speci- fic No. 6 every hour until the diarrhea entirely subsides. Then for some days be particularly careful in diet, exposure and fatigue. When Cholera comes on with sudden coldness, prostration of strength, vertigo, giddiness, cramps in the calves of the legs, deathly nausea, and blueness of the surface, through with not much vomiting or diarrhea, Tinct. of Camphor is the remedy. Of this give three drops in a spoonful of cold water every five minutes, until the coldness, blueness and cramps pass off; then it may be omitted, and six pellets of Specific No. 6, dissolved in a tablespoonful of ice-cold, or cold well-water, given every fifteen minutes until relieved. When the vomiting has ceased, the doses may be given every hour, and less fre- quently as the patient improves. If the attack comes on, or assumes the form of violent vomiting and diarrhea, with frequently returning cramps in the calves of the legs and bowels, discharges of the usual cholera char acter, give six pellets of Specific No. 6 in a spoonful of cold water every ten or fifteen min- utes until the symptoms somewhat abate, and then at longer intervals, until the disease is con- trolled. Persons who have had an attack of cholera, or even of cholera-diarrhea, should, for a time, be particularly cautious in reference to undue exposure, fatigue, and especially to any transgression in diet. A slight error in this respect may provoke a return of the dis- ease, which often proves more hazardous than the original attack. During an epidemic of Cholera, send 50 BEVERS. for a Special Cholera Case of Specifics, with full directions-price, $2.00 and $3.00. DIARRHEA. TREATMENT. -This condition in adults or older children requires six pellets of Specific No. 4, four times per day. In some cases the alternation of the Specific No. 6 or the No. 5 with the No. 4, is of benefit. And in any instance where the disease does not promptly yield to the No. 4 alone, the No. 6, if the stools are loose, profuse or watery, or No. 5, if there is pain or griping, should be given alter- nately with the No. 4. As the disease improves, the doses may be given less frequently, with caution as to the quantity and quality of food. M CHRONIC DIARRHEA-Several stools per day without much pain, gradual loss of strength- requires three doses of Specific No. 4 per day. If there is discharge of blood or bloody mucus, or of pus-like matter, the Specific No. 5 should be alternated with the No. 4, taking six pellets every four hours during the day. The very worst cases are thus cured. In Traveling, the change of water, irregular diet, malaria, or other causes, often occasion diarrhea, liable to be followed by dysentery, cholera morbus or other grave affection. Hence in warm weather care should be taken to avoid anything likely to produce this result. Avoid fruit, pies, pastry, oysters, or eating in haste. Eat crackers, light bread, well cooked meat and vegetables, rice, or other plain food, taken at regular periods-better too little and too seldom, than too often and too much. Any derangement will be promptly remedied by the Specific No. 4, six pellets, repeated as occasion demands. If looseness of the bowels is accompanied with griping or cutting pains, or blood-stained stools forming what is called dysenteric diarrhea, the Specific No. 5, taken every two or three hours, will be found, usually, more efficacious than_the No. 4 for this form of disease, or the two Spe- FEVERS, DI cifics, No. 4 and No. 5, may be taken in alterna- tion, a dose, six pellets, every three hours. In Diarrhea and Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and Cholera, all fruits and vegetables are pernicious, especially new potatoes, let- tuce, beans, peas, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, and even strawberries; peaches, cherries, plums or apples can rarely be in- dulged in without an immediate aggravation of the disease. Attention to these few prac- tical hints, and the use of the Specific No. has been effectual in curing the disease, and saving multitudes of lives. ? DYSENTERY.-This is a disease which is fre- quently fatal in summer and autumn. It prevails in the fall of the year, when the nights are cool and the days hot. The first symptom is usually a sensation of heaviness and weight about the auus, soon followed by a desire for stool. Or there may be loose stools for a day or two, when the evacuations become more tedious, very scanty, and at- tended with straining and a desire-to con- tinue the effort, as if the evacuation could ot be completed. In a little time this de- sire becomes constant, forming what is called tenesmus-the patient wanting to be con- stantly on the chamber. The evacuations consist only of mucus, mixed more or less with blood; or, indeed, in some cases, of pure Flood mixed with shreddy particles, which - 52 FEVERS. look like scrapings. Before and during the evacuations there are violent, cutting, press- ing pains in the bowels, often very severe. In some cases the stools consist only of white, gelatinous mucus, like the white of an egg, and in others it is only greenish mucus, streaked with blood. In some cases there is violent fever; in others, little or none. There is no natural fecal matter in the stools—and when this appears in any quantity the dis- ease is broken. TREATMENT.-The patient should keep quiet, avoid exercise or labor of any kind, He down, and confine himself strictly, during the whole courso of the disease, to a porridge made of milk and flour well cooked, or to farina gruel, or rice-water and boiled rice. No vegetables or fruit can be allowed: nor meat, nor nicat-broths; and spirits, or stimulants or any kind, are absolute poison. Use no other medicine, of any kind. Opium ouly conceals the disease, by quieting the pain and evacuations, while the disease rages more destructively. When the disease comes on without any par- ticular fever, with cutting pain in the bowels, colic, straining, and bloody stools, at once take Specific No. 5, six pellets every hour, permit- ting them to dissolve in the mouth. As the dis- ease improves, the intervals between the doses may be lengthened. This method, strictly fol lowed, will rarely fail to effect decided reliet in the worst cases, in twelve or twenty-four hours; in lighter ones, much more rapidly; and per- manently cure in four or five days, as the experi ence of thousands testify. If the evacuations are very frequent--every ten or fifteen minutes-and the teuesmus or straining very distressing, injections of thin INFLAMMATIONS. 58 starch may be given, or the patient may have a seat-bath of tepid water. If the disease com- mences with high fever, twelve pellets of the Specific No. 1 may be dissolved in six spoon- fuls of water, of which give one spoonful every hour, two or three doses, before commencing the Specific No. 5. Then give the No. 5, six pel- lets in a spoonful of water, every half-hour at first; then every hour or two hours as the dis- case improves. BILIOUS COLIC, paroxysms of violent grip- ing, cutting or rending pain in the bowels, sometimes remitting for an instant, then re- turning with greater intensity. TREATMENT.-Take six pellets of Specific No. 5, dry, dissolved in the mouth, every hour until relieved. If not relieved give Specific No. 1 alternately with No. 5. Use no other medicines. Obstinate cases may be relieved by tepid water injections. For the condition upon which Bilious Colic depends, use Specific No. 10 four times a day. INFLAMMATIONS. INFLAMMATIONS are much the same in what- ever part of the system they occur. There is usually a precursory stage, manifested by depression and followed by a chill. When located, the inflammation is known by the pain, heat, redness and swelling which al- ways attend. CONGESTION OF THE CHEST.-This is usually attended with a feeling of oppression, anx- 54 INFLAMMATIONS. iety, tightness and heaviness; sometimes a short, irritating cough, with palpitation of the heart. It is often brought on by ex- posure or the use of stimulants, and may be followed by bleeding from the lungs. TREATMENT.-Twelve pellets of Specific No. 1, dissolved in half a glass of water, of which a dessert-spoonful should be taken every one or two hours, will soon remove the difficulty. In mild cases, six pellets of the No. 1, taken dry, three times per day, will suffice. COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS AND SORE THROAT, in their various forms, are frequent in this changeable climate, and often lay the foundation of disease and early decline. Consumption often commences with what appears as a slight cold, to which cough, pain, emaciation and hectic fever are added at a later stage. A predisposition to take cold from slight exposure shows a weakness and irritability of the pulmonary orgaus which should not be neglected. Such persons should take more than usual care to avoid exposure to severe and sudden changes of the weather; see that the chest is well protected in winter, cold, or rough weather; use only water, milk, weak tea or cocoa for drink—and men should suffer the beard to grow under the chin and over the throat. TREATMENT.-Six pellets of Specific No. 7, night and morning, will allay the irritability of INFLAMMATIONS. BA the air passages, and fortify the system against pulmonary disease or consumption. A COLD comes on with sneezing, dryness of the nose and throat, followed by cough- at first dry, but afterward with expectora- tion of thin, then thicker, and yellowish sputa, as the cold breaks up. With the cough there is pain or soreness of the breast, and sometimes pain in the head, as if it would fly in pieces at every cough. Some- times a cold commences with feverish symp- toms, quick pulse, frequent, short, irritable cough, and more or less pain in the side or chest. At other times, the cold locates itself upon the throat, producing dryness, pain and difficult swallowing. TREATMENT.-Begin with Specific No. 7, and repeat the dose every two hours, until the cough becomes looser and the irritation diminishes, and the cold is subdued. If the cold comes on with fever or heat, hot skin or quick pulse, commence with Specific No. 1, taking six pellets every hour until the fever is allayed. Then take the No. 7, six pellets as a dose, in the same manner, or alternate the two medicines at intervals of two hours. You will thus arrest the disease and prevent the de- elopment of a pneumonia or bronchitis. In cases of colds, drink freely of cold water, live sparingly, avoid coffee, stimulants and over- feeding, as well as exposure. In case of chronic cough, or cold of some stand- ing, take the Specific No. 7 four times per day, or alternate with the No. 1, as above mentioned. In all cases of coughs or colds where the Specific No. 7 fails of prompt relief, always al- ternate with the No. 1, 56 INFLAMMATIONS. BRONCHITIS is an inflammation or irritation of the mucous membrane lining the air pas- sages, manifested by hoarseness, cough, sometimes fever, irritation and soreness in the chest. In its more advanced stages there is hectic fever, emaciation, loss of voice, and other symptoms of consumption. TREATMENT.-Six pellets of Specific No. 7, taken four times per day, will generally cure. But should there be considerable irritation, or the case not promptly yield, alternate the Speci- fic No. 1 with the No. 7, a dose every three hours. This is the proper treatment for all irrita- tive, obstinate coughs, and will be found success- ful. HOARSENESS AND LOSS OF VOICE not unfre- quently accompanies some forms of bron- chitis, or even common colds; and sometimes it appears in certain persons from almost every exposure. It is always an indication of pulmonary weakness, and should receive attention. TREATMENT.-Its remedy is the Specific No. 7. Take six pellets every three hours. In obstinate cases, the No. 13 may be taken in alternation with the No. 7, and will be found successful. ¦ CHRONIC HOARSENESS AND LOSS OF VOICE, especially that form occurring in clergymen, actors and others who constantly use their voice in public speaking-and generally known as "Clergymen's Sore Throat"-finds its remedy in Specific No. 34, six pellets every three hours, INFLAMMATIONS. 57 INFLUENZA is a well-known disease often prevalent over large sections or, as in later years, over the entire world. These epidem- ics vary, but in general there is a cough, some fever, decided prostration, sore throat and choryza or nasal discharge. It is often obstinate and its after effects may be serious and sometimes, fatal, from an extensive localization of the morbid process upon the pulmonary tissue. TREATMENT.-Should there be discharge from the nose and eyes, begin with No. 1, six pellets every hour; later, alternate No. 19 with No. 1, a dose every two hours. In o'd cases with tendency to lung disease. No. 19 may be alternated with No. 7. This treatment has cured thousands. LA GRIPPE, OR GRIP (an epidemic and much more serious form of influenza) is commonly known by a general sense of illness, pains or soreness over the entire system or in the Head, Back or Limbs; Sore Throat or Coughs,sometimes very obstinate, hoarseness, and often pain in the breast or side, sneezing, running from the nose, or weeping, itching, and redness of the eyelids. In some cases the sense of general soreness at some par- ticular part; in others, the cough and hoarse- ness or the sore throat, or, again, the pro- fuse catarrh or flowing from the eyes and nose are most prominent. The appetite is of course impaired, the whole nervous system involved, and much depressed and run down, 58 INFLAMMATIONS. recovery is slow, and after effects continue, in many cases, to show themselves for a con- siderable time after. It is, therefore, desir- able that the disease should be promptly taken in hand. Everything is Grippe while Grippe prevails." TREATMENT.-Specific No. 77 is the remedy and cure. It meets the epidemic condition and is the cure for all its manifestations. Taken early it cuts it short promptly; taken during its prevalence, prevents its invasion; taken while suffering from it, a relief is speedily realized, which may be continued up to entire cure. Six pellets, repeated generally every two hours, or in extreme cases every hour, is the rule. 6. PNEUMONIA or INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS is a disease of frequent occurrence, and of dangerous character. It may affect one or both sides of the chest, the double form being the more serious. It often comes on after a cold insidiously, with restlessness, a chill and some fever, and sometimes is well seated before its true character is known. There is a deep-seated dull pain or oppress- ion under the shoulder blades, or side, or breast; feeling of decided illness; frequent short cough, and expectoration of sticky, ad- hesive matter of a green, yellow or rust color, usually tinged or mixed with blood, and so adhesive that the vessel may be in- verted without detaching it. The breathing is oppressed, short and hurried; skin hot over the ribs and armpits; the nose is dry, INFLAMMATIONS. 59 yes tearless; thirst; speech interrupted, Burried in bad cases. The pulse varies, ometimes rapid and full, at others hard and viry, or quick and weak; the urine is red, canty, and sometimes scalding, and the atient lies on the affected side or on the back. There is dullness over the affected Bart on percussion, and on applying the ear repitation may be heard, a sound resem- ling that produced by rubbing a lock of air close to the ear. TREATMENT.-At once dissolve twelve pellets of pecific No. 1 in six large spoonfuls of water, f which give a spoonful every hour. Give also hot foot-bath, and apply a rubber hot-water ag, or cloths rung out of hot water to the chest, overed with dry flannel if the oppression is evere. After six or twelve hours' use of Spe- ific No.1,every hour, as above, prepare Specific No. 7 in like manner, twelve pellets in six large poonfuls of water, of which give, in alternation ith the No. 1, a spoonful every hour, until the reathing is easier, expectoration more free, and eat less, and perspiration appears, when the in- ervals between the doses may be increased to wo hours. The patient must be kept in a warm, venly-tempered room, very quiet, and have only nucilaginous drinks and farinaceous diet. These heans will gradually relieve the oppression, allay he fever, induce free perspiration, and thus reak up the disease. The patient must avoid xposure until quite recovered. PLEURISY, STITCHES IN THE SIDES.-There s a form of False Pleurisy, which is an af- ection of the muscular tissue of the chest, nd may be known by the sharp pain and 4 60 INFLAMMATIONS. 1 soreness along between the ribs, and from its coming on without a chill or fever. TREATMENT.-This is readily cured by Specifics No. 1 and No. 15, taking six pellets every two hours, in alternation, until relieved. TRUE PLEURISY.-This comes on suddenly, with a shivering chill, fever, and sharp, stab- bing pains, called stitches in the side, gener ally just below the nipple, and on one side. The pains are worse by coughing, pressure, or deep inspiration. There is also short, frequent, dry cough, parched tongue, flushed face, hard, quick pulse, scanty, red urine. The patient lies on the back or af fected side. If the lung is also involved, the sputa will be adhesive and streaked with blood. If not relieved, an effusion of fluid into the pleural sac occurs, attended with very serious consequences. TREATMENT.-At once dissolve twelve pellets of Specific No. 1 in six large spoonfuls of water, of which give a spoonful every hour. Ap- ply, also, hot wet cloths to the affected side and give a hot foot-bath. After six hours, prepare Specific No. 7 in the saine manner as No. 1, and give of the two alternately, at intervals of one hour. Later, as the patient improves, two hours between doses, until the disease is cured. Care must be taken to avoid exposure and not to go out too soon. HEMORRHAGE from the LUNGs is promptly relieved by the Specific No. 1. If there is only a slight spitting of stained sputa, with some cough, six pellets taken four times per INFLAMMATIONS. 61 . day, with quiet and freedom from effort or excitement, are sufficient. But if the bleed- ing is more profuse, dissolve twelve pellets in six spoonfuls of water, of which take one spoonful every hour, and the intervening half hour, a half teaspoonful of the Marvel of Healing. VOMITING OF BLOOD.-This may be known from bleeding from the lungs, by the blood being usually darker, and being thrown up in masses by vomiting and without much cough, and requires the same treatment. TREATMENT.-Salt water is an old remedy, and often serves to allay the bleeding, and there is no objection to its being used in moderate quantities (a teaspoonful at a time), while in the meantime the Specific No. 1 allays the internal conges- tion, which is the more immediate cause of the hemorrhage. A Specific Remedy of greater value, however, in all cases of hemorrhage or bleeding from any part of the body, is the Marvel of Healing. Half à teaspoonful of this may be taken every hour, or even half hour, until relieved, and then at longer intervals; or take the No. 1. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS.--This is al- ways a dangerous disease, commencing with chilliness and pain in the bowels, to which there is added extreme tenderness of the ab- domen to the touch, often also vomiting and constipation. In Appendicitis, this pain is felt, especially in the right side of abdomen, below the navel and down near the groin, at a point called the "Vermiform Appendix," 62 DISEASES OF THF DIGESTIVE ORGANS. -being a minute, worm-like (and usually closed) pouch, the size of a goose-quill, whose functions are unknown, but supposed to be a relic of prehistoric animal life-and which has, of late, been a favorite field of opera- tion for surgeons. TREATMENT.-Give the Specific No. 1, in alter- nation with Specific No. 5, every fifteen min- utes six pellets in a spoonful of water, and at the same time apply to the surface a plaster of WITCH HAZEL OIL, over which a hot-water bag may be placed. This treatment may relieve the whole disease in a few hours, and the bowels will later move of themselves as the disease abates, or if not, they may be assisted by an injection of warm water. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. NAUSEA AND VOMITING frequently occurs. Sometimes it is the mere result of overload- ing the stomach; at others, of irritability of this organ, arising from some near or remote cause. Usually, in simple cases of nausea and vomiting, it is not best at once to inter- fere; but when the stomach has become emptied, or the vomiting severe or annoying. TREATMENT.-Dissolve six pellets of Specific No. 6 in a glass of water, of which take a large spoonful after every turn of vomiting. It will soon cease. DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH, CONSTIPATION, BILIOUS COMPLAINTS.-Thousands of persons suffer from weak stomach, indigestion and their kindred evils. With some, it is but a " DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, 63 transient indisposition, occasioned by a chill, fatigue or some error in diet, and is mani- fested by loss of appetite, coated tongue, bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morn- ing, dullness and debility. With others, it is a more permanent affection, with con- stant weakness of the digestion, so that even the mildest food causes heaviness or uneasi- ness, costiveness, and that general depression and lowness of spirits which mark the con- firmed dyspeptic. Sometimes even the light- est food causes a sensation of fullness of the stomach, feeling of weight and heaviness, as if a stone lay in the stomach; tight clothes are insupportable, and there is tenderness of the part on pressure. Often there is acid taste in the mouth, and regurgitation of food, or of sour or bad-tasting water or gas. Usually the bowels are costive, move tardily and insufficiently, and piles or hemorrhoids and flatulency are rarely absent. This condition of things may continue for years, embittering the life of the patient, and leading to decline. The commonly used remedies are worse than useless. Cathartics are injurious; for, although they move the bowels for a time, their action weakens the digestion, and thus increases the difficulty, frequently giving rise to Catarrh of the Stomach, acute or chronic. TREATMENT.-Such persons should be careful of their diet; eat only such articles of food as agree 64 DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANE. : with them best; eat moderately; masticate the food well; take plenty of time for meals, and take but very little fluid while eating; and half an hour before each meal and on retiring at night take six pellets of Specific No. 10, and there will soon be an amendment. Perseverance in this simple course always affords relief and rarely fails to cure the most inveterate cases, as thou- sands, from experience, can testify. CONSTIPATION OR COSTIVE BOWELS is a result of indigestion or torpid action of the liver or the lower bowel, and is always in- creased and confirmed by the use of ca- thartic pills or aperients. It will be cured in a natural and permanent manner by the following TREATMENT.-Take, half an hour before each meal, and at night before going to rest, six pel- lets of Specific No. 10, the last dose in half a glass of water. If the bowels fail to move after a reasonable time, take a large injection of tepid water, which repeat if needful. A simple enema of tepid water may always be resorted to with benefit. This treatment, in connection with the use of the Specific No. 10, so soon as the system is fully brought under its influence, will not fail to permanently relieve the most obsti- nate case of constipation. INDIGESTION OR BILIOUS CONDITION arises in consequence of too heavy a meal, or from fat, rich, indigestible food; or food taken at an unsuitable time, or when the system is de- pressed with grief or care. The tongue is coated, bad taste in the mouth, head dull, heavy or aches, and bowels confined. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, EATMENT.-Take six pellets of Specific No. four times per day, before meals, and the ition will soon be relieved, R FLATULENCE OR WIND IN THE STOMACH OR ELS, use the Specific No. 10, as above. ARTBURN, & mere symptom of dyspepsia, re- es the same Specific, in like doses. LES OR HEMORRHOIDS.This disease, so mon and so well known, usually depends congestion of the abdominal venous ulation. This congestion eventually re- in the formation of tumors, and fre- nt hemorrhage or discharge of blood, or, ome cases, a discharge of mucus, or vio- itching. A rational treatment will seek relieve this congested condition, upon ch the tumors depend. EATMENT.—For an attack of Piles, with some r, heat of the parts, inflammation of the ors, which become red, hard, painful or ding, with pain extending often to the back ead-keep quiet, mostly lying down or but on the feet, and take at first every hour, six ets of Specific No. 1, dissolved in water. ra day, alternate Specific No. 17 with the 1 at longer intervals, keeping the parts ointed with the Witch Hazel Oil. This treat- t with care in diet and keeping quiet never to cure. ronic Piles, which are often attended with ve bowels, require Specific No. 17, morn- and afternoon, and "No. 10 at noon and t. They are infallible.. ASTRALGIA, or CRAMP OF THE STOMACH, is ked, extremely violent pain at the pit of GO DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. the stomach, often attended with nausea vomiting. The pain comes on in paroxy increasing and remitting, lasting hours, and the region of the stomach is bloated and tender to the touch. The oxysms often return at periods of a weeks, with a free interval between. TREATMENT.-For an an acute attack, dis twelve pellets of the No. 10 in a glass one full of water, of which take a large spo every fifteen minutes. Should the No. 10 relieve, prepare the No. 1 in the same ma and take alternately with the No. 10. Wa hot cloths laid over the stomach are often s ing; sometimes a hot foot-bath to relax th tem. To cure the condition upon which pends, take, night and morning, six pellets Specific No. 10, as a preventive. 1 BILIOUS COLIC consists of paroxysm most violent griping, cutting or rending in the bowels, often with severe suffe sometimes remitting for an instant, and returning with greater intensity. The oxysms are occasioned by exposure, pas of gallstones, and other causes, and s times return at intervals of four, si twelve weeks. TREATMENT.—For an attack take six pelle Specific No. 5 dry, dissolved in the mouth. may entirely relieve. If not, dissolve t pellets in six spoonfuls of water, of which g spoonful every ten or fifteen niinutes, unt lieved. If heat, fever or great restlessness c on, or the bowels become painful on pres threatening inflammation, dissolve the Spe No. 1 in water, as above, and give altern DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. 67 with the No. 5, a dose every half hour. Use no other medicines, internally or otherwise-only, if the case is obstinate, inject tepid water in large quantities. This not only relieves, but also fa cilitates a cure. JAUNDICE, arising from derangement of the liver, with yellow hue of skin and eyes, itch- ing of skin, frequently occurring in the new- born. Give Specific No. 10 four times a day. DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. HEADACHE is less frequently a disease itself than a symptom of some more general affection. Sometimes it is comparatively trivial, at other times of great importance, often interrupting the business of the patient, causing great suffering, and prostrating the system so frequently as to undermine the health. TREATMENT.—For an attack take six pellets of Specific No. 9 every hour until the suffering abates. If the attack commences with blindness, followed by extreme nausea and vomiting, twelve pellets of Specific No. 9 may be dissolved in a glass one-third full of water, and a dessert-spoon- ful of the fluid may be taken every half hour, until the more violent symptoms abate. Heat and throbbing in the head is cured by Specific No. 1, which may be prepared in water, or be given dry every hour. Persons subject to headaches should abandon the use of coffee, and also of strong tea, as the use of these beverages often contributes to keep up the disease, and in some cases alone causes it 68 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. They should live regularly and temperately, and take every night six pellets of Specific No. 10 on retiring, and six of the No. 9 in the morning on rising. Thousands have thus been perma- nently cured. HEADACHES FROM CONSTIPATION or derangement of the stomach are cured by the Specific No. 10, taking six pellets every hour during an at- tack, and then night and morning. The cure of old, long-standing headaches re- quires time and perseverance, but can invariably Le accomplished by taking the Specific No. 9 each morning and No. 10 at night. SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUSNESS AND REST- LESSNESS of adults finds a charming remedy in the Specific No. 3. Six pellets taken on going to rest, or if wakeful during the night, act like a charm. Sleeplessness with fullness or beating in the head, or red face, such as people of full habit are subject to, is cured by Specific No. 1, six pellets at bed-time, and that from indigestion, by the Specific No. 10, six pellets at night. TOOTHACHE is an affection too well known to require description. The pain is usually found in connection with decayed teeth, but sometimes also in sound ones. When badly decayed teeth begin to ache, it may be best to have them extracted. Yet even here, the Specific No. 8 will often allay the pain, and the teeth may do good service for years. But when pain affects sound teeth, we should rarely have them taken out until we have exhausted every means to relieve without this alternative. It is a most insane practico when we have a toothache, which may be occasioned from a cold or other transient DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS, 69 : cause, to rush to the dentist and lose a tooth. It is better to exercise a little patience and judgment, quiet the system, and allay the exciting cause, and save the tooth. TREATMENT.—Take six pellets of Specific No. 8, repeating every hour. If not relieved, dis- solve twelve pellets in a glass half full of water. Also prepare the Specific No. 1 in the same manner, and take of the two alternately every hour a dose until relieved. Sometimes the No. 15 is very efficient, and in other cases the No. 10. Toothache with swelling of the face re- quires the No. 1 and No. 8 in alternation. It is a bad practice in toothache to hold spirits, camphor, or other heating stimulants in the mouth, or to apply creosote, laudanum, oil of cloves, etc. These more frequently ir- ritate than relieve. Marvel of Healing may be applied on cotton to the face over the tooth, with advantage. Let the diet be light if the stomach is deranged; if there is a cold, cure that and you will soon find relief and save your teeth. NEURALGIA. The pain is usually limited, or extends along the course of a branch of nerves, and is very acute, cutting or piercing. in its character. Tho pain has also its pe- riods of increase or diminution, often worse in the evening and at night, and better in the morning. There is usually no tenderness on pressure, în distinction from pain of an in- flammatory character, TREATMENT.--Six pellets of Specific No. 8, taken every one or two hours, will, in most in- 70 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. stances, afford prompt relief. In case the No. 8 does not relieve, alternate it with the No. 1, as in other cases. Sometimes the No. 8 and No. 15 are alternated with great advantage. INFLAMED AND SORE EYES AND EYELIDS.- TREATMENT.-For an acute attack of Ophthalmia or Inflamed Eyes, with pain, dread of light, flow of tears and inflamed appearance of the eye-ball, dissolve twelve pellets of Specific No. 18 in a glass half full of pure water, of which take a spoonful every three hours. Also dissolve twelve pellets of the same Specific in a tea-cup of pure, soft water, and with this bathe the affected eye from time to time. A yet better lotion for sore or weak eyes is made by adding a large spoonful of the Marvel of Healing to a tea-cup half full of pure, soft water, and with this bathe the eyes every three hours. Continue this from day to day until cured. The eyes should be shaded from strong light, and not taxed by reading or sewing. In cases of chronic inflammation of the eyes or eyelids, bathe the eyes as above directed three or four times per day, and take six pellets of Specific No. 18 dry, on the tongue, at night, and the same of No. 35 each morning. Persons suffering from weak, inflamed or sore eyes should live on plain, light food, but little meat or spiced food, and no coffee or stimulants. Plenty of exercise in the open air, but nothing to overheat or fatigue the system or eyes. STYE on the eyelids is usually promptly cured by taking six pellets of Specific No. 18, four times per day. WEAK AND DEFICIENT SIGHT.-For the cure of weak eyes, failing, deficient, blurred or weak sight, simply take six pellets of Spe- DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS, 71 No. 18 night and morning. Also fre- ly bathe the eyes and around the eyes old water, or diluted Marvel of Heal- void straining or fatiguing the eyes by ork, reading fine print, or any long- ued effort of the eyes, and also the use sses which fatigue or weary the eyes. specially avoid taxing the eyes when dy is weak or feeble. This treatment frequently improves the sight, pre- Its premature failure and the early re- glasses. CHE, DISCHARGE FROM THE EAR.-As ult of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or from rial Poisoning or Scrofula, discharges ace from the ear, either of pus or puri- ucus. Often during this morbid con- of the ear, a slight cold induces an in- atory action and pain, resulting, after > in a fresh discharge from the ear. frequently recurring discharges gener- minate in noises in the head, partial ss, or even entire loss of hearing. MENT. FOR EARACHE, take six pellets our of Specific No. 22, until relieved. te with the No. 1 if there is heat or fever, the No. 3 for infants. ISCHARGE FROM THE EAR, either in adults ren, simply give six pellets of Specific morning on arising, and at night on re- Time must be allowed, in connection medicine, to perfect the cure. ARDNESS OF HEARING, NOISES OR RING- HE EARS, give six pellets of Specific No. ; ·12 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. 22 morning and night. The most grati effects in relieving the noise and improving hearing result. Injections of water and castile soap for ears are generally injurious, and should on resorted to for purposes of cleanliness, if & CHRONIC CATARRH, OR COLD IN THE HE Catarrh is, in most instances, a chroni flammation and thickening of the muco pituitary membrane lining the nasal cav and sometimes involving also the air sages. Its principal symptom is a discharg various character, color, and consist sometimes thick and offensive, at others and acrid; there is often pain and hea across the forehead and upper part o nose, sneezing and raising of the mucus the throat, and a sense of something ping in the throat. It is usually wo cold and changeable weather, and when dry and warm. TREATMENT.-If a Catarrh or Influenza o in the Head has come on from taking col ting the head or other exposure, with sne obstruction or discharges from the hea pellets of Specific No. 1 every two hour promptly relieve. If not fully cured, alt the No. 7 with the No. 19, if there is cou irritation of the lungs. For old or chronic cases, when the syn are only moderate, six pellets of Specific) taken four times per day, will be sufficien more violent, with discharge, pain in the head, dullness, or symptoms of acute catarrh or influenza, t if the symptoms, end I DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. 78 ! pellets every two hours. Patience and persever ànce in the use of the Specific will cure most cases of chronic or obstinate catarrh. AUTUMN CATARRH, HAY ASTHMA, AND ROSE CATARRH are the various names by which a peculiar yearly recurring catarrhal affection is known. In some cases it comes on in June, with the advent of roses; in others with the first mowing of hay; but in the vast majority, on or about the 20th of August. The access is sudden, often atiended with violent sneezing, repeated again and again, tearfulness, running from the eyes and nose of thin, irritating water; itching of the forehead, nose, eyes and ears; general irritability and lassitude; redness and swell- ing of the eyelids and nose, and as the disease affects the chest or bronchial tubes, of severe dyspnæa or asthma, sometimes preventing lying down, and for days and weeks keeping the patient in the greatest distress and peril. The disease usually continues until frosty weather; is better in high mountainous re- gions, at sea, or in pure air; and is aggra vated by dust, riding in cars, the pollen of hay or flowers, and in low, miasmatic regions. Sea-bathing is often beneficial, and a sea voyage affords entire relief. the TREATMENT.-Though difficult of cure. Specific No. 19 and No. 77 may be used. sis pellets in alternation, a dose every two hours, for the sneezing catarrh and running from the eyes The Speciflc No. 21 will be effectual for the 4 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. sthmatic attack, given by dissolving twelve pel- ets in half a glass of water, of which a spoonful nay be taken every half hour or hour, according o circumstances. ASTHMA is known by occasional paroxysms f difficult breathing, lasting from a few hours to several days, coming on at intervals, o be followed by remissions, during which he patient breathes with comparative ease. The attack returns again, either at regular ntervals, or is provoked by exposure to cold, damp air, severe effort, or even mental motions. During the attack, the respiration s labored, wheezing, sighing, loud, accom- panied with anxiety and frequent cough. Sometimes the lips and face become bluish, nd toward its close, or even during its entire continuance, free expectoration of nucus. ŷ The disease depends upon a variety of mor- bid conditions, usually chronic thickening, with extreme irritability of the mucous mem- brane of the air passages; but it may also arise from disease of the heart or large ves- sels, or other similar organic changes. TREATMENT.-During the paroxysm first take ix pellets of Specific No. 21 dry, and then dis- solve twelve pellets in a glass half full of water, ind of the solution take a dessert-spoonful every hour. If there is heat and feverish excitement, prepare Specific No. 1 in the same manner and take alternately with the No. 21. No. 6 often promptly helps. During the intervals, and to pre- vent a return of the paroxysm, take six vellets of Specific No. 21 morning and night. a DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. 75 e permanent cure will depend upon the cura- y of the original morbid condition, but in ases benefit may be obtained by the use of cific No. 21, and many, even old obstinate sare permanently cured by it. extreme cases of Asthma with heart palpita- Specific No. 6 is often effective. SEASE OF THE HEART is generally mani- ed by palpitation, spells of violent beat- or other irregular action of the heart; culty of going up-stairs, or ascending a suffocative turns; inability to sleep the head low, and similar symptoms of eded circulation. Some cases of organic ase of the heart are incurable; but all be benefited, and cases of functional ases of this organ are controlled by the ifics here named and proper habits. EATMENT-Avoid excitement, severe effort, ing, mounting stairs, or whatever may occa- violent or irregular action of the heart, and six pellets of Specific No. 32 night and hing, or even four times per day. Even e and long-standing cases are cured. For le palpitation of the heart, six pellets will lly suffice; if not soon relieved, alternate Specific No. 6 every hour apart, until the k passes off; then go on with the Specifio 32. 66 palpitations and heart disturbances which mpany the Change of Life" in women lso relieved by No. 32. NERAL DEBILITY, OR PHYSICAL WEAK- BRAIN-FAG, is usually the result of ess, over-strain of the mental powers, racted anxiety and care, etc., or of some 76 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. drain upon the system beyond its power o recuperation. The symptoms are varied- weakness, easy fatigue, weak or lame back sweat on going to sleep, vertigo, singing the ears, starting on going to sleep, a among the more frequent manifestation The first element of a cure is to arrest t drain, and restore the wasted substance means of proper nourishing diet and reg men, such as nutritious, easily assimilat food, appropriate in quality and quantit good wine, or even malt beer or whiskey, small quantities, for old or very feel patients; and good air and reasonable ex cise. With this also take of Specific N 24 six pellets four times per day, permitti them to dissolve in the mouth. Should there also be weak, feeble or i perfect digestion, as is often the case, Specific No. 10 may be taken alternate with the No. 24, two doses of each per da with splendid results. Compare carefully, so as not to confou It General Debility with Nervous Debili For, while the two conditions may ha similar results, the treatment is quite ferent. 2 It: - ន } P tl NERVOUS DEBILITY frequently results fra losses which take place at night, and ever si other times, resulting in weakness, nervore pess, and sometimes in loss of strength d di DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. www health. Not unfrequently premature decline and extreme nervous prostration is the re- sult. Nervous irritability, weakness and emaciation are very common effects, while a loss of mental power, tone and vigor, is an inevitable consequence. These disorders, as well as the original cause of them, can be cured by proper habits and the use of the Specific No. 23. TO CURE, remove, as far as possible, all ex- citing causes, avoid unchaste thoughts, fancies or excitement, and at night sleep on a mattress or a hard bed, with but slight covering-not too warm-and always lie and sleep upon the side, and never upon the back. Be temperate in diet-meat only once per day, and never late at night; no spirits, hot spiced drinks or exciting food, and be spar- ing of coffee, and take six pellets of Specific No. 28 morning and night. In serious or long-standing cases it is better to procure Special Prescription No. 28, a $5.00 package for Nervous Debility, con- taining two flasks of powder and three of pellets, of which the powder is to be taken in the morning, and six of the pellets at noon and at night. This course may be con- sidered infallible with proper habits and regimen. The prostration, nervousness and debility are promptly relieved, the mental dullness and gloom dispelled, and a cure 18 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS, , follows gradually and permanently. For more than forty years it has given com plete satisfaction to thousands. The package is sent by mail on receipt of the price. RHEUMATISM appears mostly in two forms -the acute or inflammatory and the chronic. ACUTE RHEUMATISM usually comes on after exposure to rough, damp, cold weather, and often from labor or exertion during expos ure. There is fever, painful tenderness, soreness, lameness, and swelling of the af fected part, and the disease is liable to shift from one part to another. It is mostly con fined to the joints and extremities, but some- times falls upon the chest or heart, especially if blisters or powerful applications are made to the affected part. ! TREATMENT.—For Acute Rheumatism, with soreness, lameness and pain in the part, take six pellets of Specific No. 15 every hour, and the patient should remain in-doors, and keep quiet until relieved. If fever, heat and swelling of the part are present, or a chill succeeded by heat, prepare Specific No. 1 by dissolving twelve pellets in half a glass of water, of which give a large spoonful every hour for a day, and then prepare the No. 15 in the same manner, and take of the two alternately at intervals of two hours. These medicines should be continued from day to day, until the disease is broken up, preparing the two Specifics fresh every morning. Applications of cloths wrung out of tepid water, and laid on the part, are very soothing. Cold water, however, applied to the part is very liable to cause its falling upon the heart, and thus often ending with serious results. The Marvei of Heal DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. 79 ing is a most valuable application for the in- flamed and swelled parts, and may be applied according to directions on each bottle. Also the Witch Hazel Oil (see pages 127 and 128). FOR CHRONIC RHEUMATIC PAINS in the shoul- ders, arms, hands, knees or feet, take six pellets of Specific No. 15 four times per day, until re- lieved. If there is stiffness, lameness, or con- traction of the tendons. rubbing the part night and morning with the Witch Hazel Oil is inval- uable. The covering of the affected part with raw cotton, over which a piece of oiled silk is snugly sewed, is a very excellent thing. FOR LUMBAGO or painful rheumatic stiffness across the loins and back, take Specific No. 15, as above, four times per day. Pains, stinging, stitches or soreness about the chest or elsewhere, soon yield to the Specific No. 15, taken as above. FOR SCIATICA, or pain extending along the course of the sciatic nerve, from the hip along down to the leg and foot, take the Specific No. 15, six pellets four times per day. The most obstinate cases have been cured by this Specific. In all cases of Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pain, or Sciatica, when the Specific No. 15 fails to afford the desired relief, it should be alternated with the No. 1, three hours apart in acute cases; in chronic ones, four times per day. The consequence of a fall, shock, contusion, or of a wrench, overstraining or excessive labor or exertion, soon yield to the same treatment. Rheumatic patients should use largely, in their diet, of fruit-oranges, apples, grapes, pears, berries, either eaten alone or with milk, and vegetables, and little or no meat. The acid of fruit is a valuable curative for 30 DISEASES OF VARIOUS ORGANS. all forms of this disease, and should be par taken of freely. SEA SICKNESS.-The peculiar sickness and utter wretchedness and prostration exper- ienced by persons on first going to sea (and even in a measure by some persons from rid- ing in a car, stage or wagon), is so well known as not to require description. TREATMENT.—It can, however, in most cases be cured by the Specific No. 26, taken as follows. Previous to sailing, as a preventive, take Specific No. 26, six pellets every four hours, permitting them to dissolve on the tongue, be ginning several hours before sailing. Hundreds have thus been saved from sea-sickness. After sailing, for the first two or three days, take six pellets every three hours; and should there, notwithstanding, be sickness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, dissolve twelve pellets in half a glass of water, and take a dessert-spoonful every hour, until the sickness abates. FOR SICKNESS, NAUSEA OR VOMITING, from riding in a carriage or cars, or similar motion, six pellets of Specific No. 26 every hour soon relieve. ITCHING AT THE ANUS often arises from the presence of Ascarides or Pin Worms. TREATMENT Give the Specific No. 2, four pel- lets morning and night. If you desire immedi ate relief, give an injection of an ounce of sweet oil. Anoint the anus also with Witch Hazel Oil at night. SCROFULA is usually considered as a con- stitutional vice of the system, manifesting itself in enlargement and induration of the glands, which may subsequently soften and ulcerate; enlargement, curvature or soften- DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 81 ing of the bones. The swelling of the glands is most frequently manifested about the neck, beneath the ears or jaws, in the form of firm, hard, painless lumps. Scrofula not unfrequently complicates other forms of dis- ease, and renders them obstinate TREATMENT—Its eradication from the system requires time and perseverance, but may be ac complished by the use of the Specific No. 23. A life-long constitutional taint requires time as well as proper medicine for its cure; and if erad- icated in one or two years, the patient has rea- son for congratulation. Old School medicine aud Quackery absolutely fail to cure it. FOR DEFICIENT GROWTH, feebleness, weakness, ear discharge, enlarged or suppurating glands, give Specific No. 22, three times per day. FOR ENLARGED GLANDS about the neck, or in the arm-pits, groins, or other parts of the sys- tem, take six pellets of Specific No. 23, morn- ing and night; and if the swellings are painful or discharge, take the medicine four times per day. FOR OLD TUMORS, wherever situated, take Spe- cific No. 23, six pellets morning and night. FOR ENLARGED TONSILS, take six pellets of Specific No. 23, morning and night; and if the tonsils or throat are sore and inflamed, take the Specific No. 1, six pellets every two hours, un- til the soreness is subdued; then return to the use of the No. 23, or use the two alternately every four hours. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. It has been common to treat eruptions by means of applications directly to the surface, which is the particular seat of the disease. F \ 883 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. ¡ But no eruption forms upon the surface without the co-existence of a morbid condi tion of the system. Hence the propriety of treating all such eruptions with internal rem- edies. It is not difficult to repel an eruption from the surface by active medicinal appli cations; but the disease is rarely thus cured, but is merely repelled, to fall upon some other organ or surface, and is generally more dangerous and difficult of cure. Hence we prescribe for the surface involved only proper care and cleanliness, and the internal use of the Specific for the cure of the disease. The cure is then natural, permanent and without injury. • The Speciac No. 14 is wonderfully effec- tive for the following forms of disease: ERYSIPELAS, (acute or chronic). The acute form often appears on the face, commenc- ing on one check or ear, and passes over the face or scalp like a fire, with redness, swell- ing, itching, heat and burning, and is fol lowed by desquamation or scaling off of the surface. Often blisters or vesicles arise, fill with serum, and burst, covering the surface with thickish crusts. TREATMENT.-In such acute cases, dissolve twelve pellets of Specific No. 14 in six dessert spoonfuls of water, of which give one spoonful every two hours, until the disease is cured. Make no application to the surface; live on vegetable soups, toast-water, but no meat or meat-broths. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 833 quietly and The disease will usually pass off safely. In the chronic form, where simple red patches appear from time to time,either on the legs, facc, or other parts of the system, with itching and burning, six pellets of Specific No. 14, four times per day, will be sufficient. SHINGLES, a form of vesicular Erysipelas, which comes out in blisters on the breast or sides, extending partly around the body like a belt. TREATMENT.-Eix pellets of Specific No. 14, four times per day-soon cured. FOR NETTLE RASH OR HIVES, with reddish spots, which resemble mosquito stings, at- tended with burning and itching. TREATMENT.-Six pellets of Specific No. 14, every four hours. If very itching and trouble- some, alternate the No. 1 with the No. 14, at intervals of two hours. PRICKLY HEAT, not dangerous, but often- times excessively annoying, consists of min- ute vesicles, filled with a watery fluid, and producing a continuous redness or inflamma- tory blush of the skin. These vesicles break, form minute thin scales, and if scratched, sometimes ulcerate. They are attended with itching, burning, and often with fever. It is the result of excessive heat, excess of clothing, confined or unwholesome air, and improper food. TREATMENT.-Take No. 14 every two hours- and bathe the parts with Marvel of Healing. Sometimes No. 1 may be advantageously alter- nated with the No. 14. ECZEMA, TETTERS, SCABBY, CRUSTY ERUP- TIONS on the face, around the mouth, on the ears, cheeks or forehead, with rough, scaly, 81 DISEASES OF THE SKIN. chapped skin, attended with itching and burning; the crusts fall off, leaving an angry, sore surface, upon which the crusts form anew-for all such eruptions, whether called Eczema, Herpes, Tetters, Milk Crusts, Salt Rheum, or Barber's Itch. TREATMENT is Specific No. 14, adults six pellets, or children three pellets, night and morning, or even four times per day. This treat- ment, persevered in, will in time radically cure the disease. SCALD HEAD.-The eruption is either dry, scurfy, cutting off the hair; or moist with eruption of pustules on a red base, and dis- charge of thick, yellowish matter, forming thick crusts and extending in patches over the head. TREATMENT.-Give six pellets of Specific No 14 three times per day. Shingle off the hair if it is difficult to keep clean, and if sore or excoriat- ed, be cautious about the application of soap or water, and moisten with the Witch Hazel Oil every other day. FOR SALT RHEUM on the hands, feet, legs, arms, or elsewhere, if chronic or of long standing, take six pellets of Specific No. 14, night and morn- ing. FOR ACNE OR PIMPLES on the face and fore- head of young people, which often appear in the form of small red pimples, sometimes slightly inflained and frequently with a black point or head, and often lasting for years. TREATMENT. —Tale six pellets of Specific No. 14, nightand morning; or, if the face or pimples are red, take the No. 35 each morning, and the No. 14 at night. The eruption can be entirely ured and the complexion wonderfully cleared by the No. 14 and No. 35, if perseveringly used, as the experience of hundreds testifles. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 85 SUPPURATING AND IRRITATING ULCERS on the body and limbs are perfectly cured by taking Specific No. 14, six pellets three times per day and applying the Witch Hazel Oil. OLD ULCERS on the legs, or other parts of the system, are cured in the same manner. Take the Specific No. 14 three times per day, and apply HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil on a clean rag over the ulcer, and bind over it a proper bandage rolling it from the toes upward over the entire sore, or yet better, apply an elastic stocking The dressing should be changed daily. In som obstinate forms of ulcers the alternate use o Specifics No. 23 and No. 14, morning and night is better, six pellets at a dose. Almost every foru of ulcer is thus cured. CHAPPED HANDS, OR LIPS require the No. 14 six pellets night and morning, and apply Witc Hazel Oil. BOILS are small, well-known tumors, some what conical in shape, at first hard and ir flamed, and which gradually suppurate an discharge, at first blood (or matter mixe with blood) and afterwards pus and a core Sometimes successive crops of boils appea for months, or even years. TREATMENT.-Specific No. 14 four times p day. CARBUNCLES are malignant boils, with i flammation of the surrounding tissue, fro an inch to six inches in diameter, hard, livi with great pain, itching and burning, n suppurating like a boil, but discharging thin, acrid fluid from several opening having a whitish mass within, which, bei discharged, leaves a deep, ugly cavity-ve painful and dangerous if large, or situat on the head or neck. 86 URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. TREATMENT.-Give six pellets of Specific No. 14 in alternation with No. 1, a dose every two or three hours if awake or in pain, either dry or in water. To prevent the reappearance of boils or carbuncles, take six pellets of the No. 14 three times a day for some weeks. SMALL-POX may be managed by keeping the patient quite cool, especially when the pox is coming out; cold room, no fire, and giving Specifics No. 1 and No. 14 dissolved in water, one dose every two or three hours, prepared as directed on page 13. The same treatment for modified Small-Pox or Vario- loid. URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. The kidneys which form the urine, and the channels which discharge it, are each parts of the same system; whatever disease affects the one involves the other. Hence the Spe- cific which cures the diseases in one also re- stores the other. Hence also while we often · cure perfectly with the one Specific No. 27 or No. 30, we more frequently use the wo in alternation-first No. 30 and then No. 27, and so on at proper intervals. The wo Specifics No. 27 and No. 30 act kindly and helpfully, and doubtless so pro- luce the most prompt and favorable results. Chronic disease of the Kidneys is usually Lanifested by pain and weakness in the URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. 87 mall of the back, and frequent discharges scanty, muddy, thick urine, variously blored-sometimes depositing a pus-like or rickdust sediment. TREATMENT.-This condition finds a prompt elief, and by persevering treatment an ultimate re, by the use of Specifics No. 27 and No. 30, king six pellets three or more times per day. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER.-Old chronic ritation and frequent inflammations of the ladder are apt to result in a chronic irrita- on and thickening of the mucous membrane the bladder, urethra and prostate gland. here is frequent desire to urinate; the aid is forcibly or spasmodically ejected in mall quantities, and the passage is attended ith aching, burning or spasmodic pain trangury). The pain may be confined to e bladder or extend to the end of the penis, round the pelvis or down the thighs. The ine may or may not be unnatural; but hen the disease has become chroric, mucus pus is passed with it, thus constituting hat is called Catarrh of the Bladder. ealthy persons urinate on an average five six times in the twenty-four hours, but hen there is inflammation or irritation, a ght distention is painful and the calls are equent. TREATMENT.-Specifics No. 27 and No. 30 are e remedies. Take the No. 30 each morning d afternoon, and the No. 27 at noon and at 88 URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. bed-time, six pellets at a time. If urgent, th medicines may be taken one dose every thre hours. This treatment has relieved thousands o the most inveterate cases. CHRONIC DISEASE, OR DEGENERATION O THE KIDNEYS may vary in form, and i manifestation, and sometimes with symp toms so obscure as to escape attention, unt incurable disorganization occurs. But mo commonly there is pain in the back or loin too frequent, thick, muddy or clear froth urine, general weakness, drowsiness and d bility, or continual headache, vertigo ar rheumatic pains in the back, loins or limb all pointing to defective action of the ki neys, and most apt to occur in middle or la life. * BRIGHT'S DISEASE of the Kidneys is know by pain, weakness and weariness of the loin but the urine is generally pale, water-lik foamy, either abundant or scanty, album nous, and, in the advanced stage, full minute shreds or casts from the diseased ki neys. It is later attended with some gra of dropsy; sometimes only very slight, as the head, face or feet, but toward the l la very great and inveterate. TREATMENT.-This is a very serious disease a often fatal; yet scores of advanced cases h been cured by taking Specifics No. 27 and N 30, six pellets at a dose, and four times per di in alternation, and hundreds of lives have be saved by their timely use. URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. · GRAVEL OR RENAL CALCULI is manifeste mostly by frequent, scanty and painful di: charge of variously-colored urine, and fro time to time, as the calculi pass from th kidneys to the bladder, by violent colic pai from the region of the kidney, inside th ilium or nip-bone, and down in front, alor the course of the ureter. The pain is usual very severe, coming on in paroxysins, and r turning from time to time until the calcu are discharged. TREATMENT.-For the radical cure of this d ease, take of Specific No. 27, six pellets befo each meal, and at night. For an attack of Renal Calculi-violent pe from the passage of the calculi-take of t Specific No. 30, six pellets dissolved in wate every half hour, until relieved. Hot foot a seat baths often afford relief. } INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS may known by pain in one or both sides abo the hip, and toward the spine, in the regi of the kidney, and thence usually extendi forward and downward, with frequent sire to urinate, and scanty, hot dischar and numbness along the inner side of i thigh on the affected side. There is fe and sometimes vomiting. TREATMENT.-The Specifio No. 30, six pel every hour in water, will afford prompt relief, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER (Cystit -The pain is low down in front, with sev burning and irritation, difficulty or inabi URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. f passing water, and almost constant desire b do so. TREATMENT.-Specific No. 30 promptly af- ords relief, and may be relied upon for a per- anent cure. Give medicine, six pellets dis- pived every hour, in fluid. INFLAMMATION OF THE URETHRA is attended ith irritation and constant desire for urina- on, and inability to retain it, and subse- uently a discharge of thick white or yellow ucus from the part. TREATMENT.-The Specific No. 30 will cure mple cases; but those arising from infection ill require some time and patience. Give six ellets every one or two hours. If the disease does not yield to Specific No, then send for the Anchor Specific for serious ses. Price, with directions, $2.00. DIABETES.-This disease is known as a con- itutional cachexy, manifested by an exces- ve discharge of pale, heavy and sugary ine, the sugar being formed in the system om the starch or saccharine matter in the d. There is a sense of sickness, debility d progressive emaciation; red, fissured ngue, and enlarged papilla; intense thirst d frequent urination; voracious appetite d sinking of the stomach; bowels usually stive, and stools hard and dry; harsh and y skin; the breath has a peculiar violet or loroform-like smell; boils or carbuncles or ellings of the legs are frequent attendants; istant thirst is one of the most character- ic symptoms. The quantity of urine is URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES. 91 usually greatly in excess, amounting to from eight to twenty or more pints in the twenty- four hours. It is usually of a pale straw color, has a faint smell of apple, hay or milk, and is specifically heavy, according to the amount of sugar it contains. Diabetic urine may be tested in various ways-will ferment with the addition of yeast, or leave a residu um like molasses on evaporation. There is another form of Diabetes, char- acterized by an excessive discharge of clear, colorless urine, but which is devoid of sugar. There is thirst, a harsh, dry skin, and mental and physical weakness present; though this form is not so fatal as the former one. ļ TREATMENT.-In Diabetes the patient must avoid all forms of starch or sugar, and the food containing them; but should live on other abun- dant nutritious food. Fat meat, fish, oysters, eggs, milk and soups thickened with finely pow- dered bran, but no bread, potatoes, grapes, pears, berries, melons, or other sweet, rich fruits. As a substitute for bread, bran ground fine and mixed with eggs, and a little butter, and hard baked, may be used. The thirst may be gratified with water, which rather benefits than otherwise. The patient should also take Humphreys' Special Homeopathic Specific for Diabetes. Price, $2.00 per bottle; to be had on application. This treat- nent has been successful in many, even old inveterate cases, and has proved a God-send to hundreds. Full directions with the Special Spe- cific. The patient should drink freely of skim milk. FOR SCANTY, DISCOLORED OR PAINFUL URINA- TION, six pellets of Specific No. 30, three times per day, is effectual 92 URINARY AND KIDNEY DISEASES, URINARY INCONTINENCE is quite common in persons of advanced age, and in childhood. It consists of frequent desire to pass water, and often an inability to retain it beyond a short period. It may arise from Catarrh of the Bladder, irritability of the organs, calculi, or an acrid secretion. TREATMENT.-Specific No. 30, six pellets four times per day; or, in some cases, the No. 27. We have known the medicine to cure obstinate cases of months' an even years' standing. DROPSY.-It should be remembered that Dropsy-an accumulation of fluid within some cavity or portion of the system-is itself less a disease than the result of some morbid process or disease which has preceded it. Hence the cure of the dropsy must de- pend upon the curability of the original morbid process from which the fluid results. In many instances, however, the increased action of the skin and kidneys, continued for some days, results in carrying off the fluid, thus relieving the system of a burden, and better enabling us to apply medicines to the cure of the original difficulty. TREATMENT.-In cases of dropsy, whether of the chest, heart, abdomen or extremities, tako six pellets of Specific No. 25, four or even six times per day, according to the urgency of the case. The pellets act best dissolved in water. Eat fresh, relaxing food, and live in a mild, dry atmosphere, using no other medicine, FEMALE DISORDERS, 93 FEMALE DISORDERS. The comfort and happiness of women de- pends upon the healthy performance of the functions incident to her peculiar system. No considerable derangement in these func- tions can exist for a time without drawing the entire life into sympathetic suffering. While these derangements are so important, and exercise so grave an influence over the health and happiness of the sex, yet their nature is such as to exclude them, to a great extent, from observation, and often the suf- ferer groans on for years, the victim of pain and weakness known only to herself. By the use of HUMPHRETS' SPECIFICS the diseases connected with the female system may all be promptly averted or controlled. Thousands of mothers and families have used them for over forty years, and have always found in them comfort and relief. MENSTRUATION.-The first menses usually appear at about the fifteenth year-in warm climates earlier, and in colder, later. It is also subject to variation, depending upon the general health, vigor and development of the person. For a year or two it may be scanty, and not unfrequently subject to some irregu- larities, which, however, need not excite ap- prehension. In healthy women it should ap- pear every twenty-eight days, and flow four 94 FEMALE DISORDERS. or five days, varying again according to the constitution of the person. About the forty- fifth year of life, it generally ceases, accom- panied often with various disturbances of the system. This cessation or period is termed the "change of life." TARDY MENSES.-When menstruation in young girls does not come on at the usual time, it is not wise to hasten to administer medicine to produce it. So long as the gen- eral health remains good, do Lothing to pro- mote this secretion, beyond attention to proper clothing, exercise and diet. The cloth- ing should be warm, and changed to suit the temperature and season, and a wholesome, generous diet should be adopted, avoiding spices, coffee and high seasoned food. This will generally be sufficient. TREATMENT.-Should, however, there be symp toms of its approach, such as flushes of heat, fre- quent giddiness of the head, heaviness in the abdomen and about the loins, six pellets of Specific No. 11, night and morning, will usual ly, in due time, produce the result. SCANTY MENSES.-If the menses become scanty, pale or unusual in color, or habitu- ally, or even occasionally delay their appear- ance beyond their proper time, forming what is properly termed scanty or delayed menses. TREATMENT.-Six pellets of Specific No. 11, taken night and morning, will soon induce the desired result. SUPPRESSED MENSES.-Sometimes in reg ularly menstruating females the discharge FEMALE DISORDERS. 95 becomes suppressed from exposure to cold, especially to damp cold, during the flow, or just as it is about to commence. The flow may either cease suddenly, or it may not come on at all at the next period, or it may come on attended with scanty, irregular dis- charge, or with severe pain and distress. TREATMENT.-In case of suppression, after it has commenced, dissolve twelve pellets of Speci- fic No. 11 in six spoonfuls of water, of which take one spoonful every two hours, and bathe the feet in warm water. If not effective, prepare and take another portion, or even several, in like manner. When the menses do not appear at the proper time, take six pellets of Specific No. 11, night and morning, and bathe the feet in warm water fifteen or twenty minutes, for two or three nights in succession. A few doses will usually be found successful. PAINFUL MENSTRUATION.—Many females suffer an untold amount of pain at every re- turn of the menstrual period; not only bear- ing down, but cuttings, gripings, colic, cramps, and in some cases even convulsions, attend every access of the period, and cause her to dread every menstruation. Often the sufferings of one period are hardly over be fore another comes on. Such cases are often found in connection with scanty, retarded or irregular periods; and again, with regular or too abundant dis- charge, the pain being excessively violent, with pressure, bearing bearing down, and even 96 FEMALE DISORDERS. cramps and convulsions, which attend every return of the monthly period. TREATMENT.-During the interval between the periods, take, every night, six pellets of Specific No. 11. If pain comes on, take six pellets of Specific No. 31, every hour, and continue their use until relieved. A few doses generally answer perfectly. Perseverance in this course, using the No. 11 between the periods, and the No. 31 at the time, for some months, will not fail to cure. For attack of Cramps, Spasms or Hysteria, take six pellets of Specific No. 31, every hour until relieved, and then one dose each night to prevent a return. For Itching and Irritation (pruritus), take six pellets of Specific No. 31, morning and night. There are instances in which this complaint is constitutional, and may demand the use of Specific No. 14. HEADACHE IN FEMALES, occurring just be- fore or during the monthly period, will be promptly relieved by the Specific No. 11, taking six pellets every hour. TOO PROFUSE MENSES.-In women subject to "the whites," and dependent also upon a similar relaxed condition of the system, the menses may be too profuse, returning again after a cessation of only ten, fourteen or six- teen days, and flowing from five to ten days. Sometimes the secretion is scanty for some days, and then comes on very profuse, caus- ing great prostration, faintness and debility, from which the patient has scarcely time to recover before a new attack, FEMALE DISORDERS. 97 Women subject to this difficulty should abstain from coffee, wine or other stimu- lants. TREATMENT.-During the interval between the periods, take six pellets of Specific No. 12, every night on retiring, and the same of the No. 10, each morning. After the menstrual discharge has continued a day or two, commence by taking six pellets of Specific No. 12, morning and night, and Speci- fic No. 10, noon and afternoon, until the flow ceases. If the discharge is very profuse from the first, the medicine may be commenced the first day, and the Specific No. 12 may be alter- nated with the No. 10, six pellets every three hours. When the discharge lingers for several days, six pellets of the No. 10 at night generally cuts it short. In case there should be at any time an exces- sive flow amounting to hemorrhage from what- ever cause, twelve pellets of Specific No. 12 should be dissolved in six spoonfuls of water, and one spoonful should be taken every hour, until the urgent symptoms are warded off, when the medicine may be administered at longer in- tervals. Of course the patient must remain quiet and abstain from hot drinks, stimulants or any excitement at such times. LEUCORRHEA, OR WHITES.-Few affections of females are more common than this. It consists of a discharge of mucus from the genital organs of the female, variously color- ed, and of different degrees of consistency. It is most commonly yellowish or white, sometimes reddish, mostly mud, yet some- times acrid and excoriating. It is usually most profuse immediately before and after 98 FEMALE DISORDENÉ, the menstrual period, and may continue dur- ing the entire menstruating life of the fe- male, and is sometimes known even in young girls. Sometimes the discharge is slight and only trifling, while at others it is copious, exhausting the system and bringing in its train other evils even more harassing than itself. TREATMENT.-Those subject to this disease should carefully guard their feet and abdomen from sudden changes or extreme cold, take mod- erate exercise in the open air, avoid coffee and exciting drinks or spices, or highly-seasoned food, and take six pellets of Specific No. 12, night and morning, and the same of No. 10 before dinner and before supper. The continued use of these Specifics, with attention to the above simple directions, will always afford relief and an ulti- mate cure. If Leucorrhea exists with too scanty menses, or if leucorrhea instead of the monthly menses occurs, Specific No. 11 should be used instead of the No. 12, six pellets four times per day. Use also The Golden Douche as a`vaginal injection. PROLAPSUS UTERI-BEARING DOWN.-This is also a very common complaint anong women, affecting, in some degree, a consider- able proportion of the sex. Sometimes it is only a trivial annoyance, coming on from severe fatigue or over-exertion, and soon passing off from rest and lying down. At others, it is a constant and chronic affection, forbidding any considerable effort, and sometimes confining the subject for weeks or FEMALE DISORDERL The prᏅ months to her room or couch. lapsus may exist in various degrees; some- times only a slight displacement from the natural position of the womb, and at others It may descend low down. It is usually attended with a feeling of weight and heaviness in the lower abdomen, lameness in the back or across the loins, and. a sensation as if everything would fall okt. when standing. There is often a sensation of emptiness or faintness at the pit of the•• stomach, and sometimes difficulty in passing the water or stool. TREATMENT.-When the prolapsus exists to a serious extent, or can be readily reached, the patient should recline with the hips elevated, and the womb should be replaced by gentle pressure. Dissolve also twelve pellets of Specific Ño.12 in six spoonfuls of water, of which take one spoon- ful every two hours. If the displacement is less considerable, nothing need be done further thau to rest and take six pellets of Specific No. 13, morning and afternoon, and of No. 10 at noon and at night. This course, persevered in for a few weeks, avoiding fatigue and overwork on the feet, will often relieve even obstinate cases. There may be cases of prolapsus which, from neg- lect, etc., require the use of supporters or me- chanical appliances, but these should only be called in as a last resort. Use, also, the GOLDEN DOUCHE, as in Leucorrhea. VOMITING AND MORNING SICKNESS in preg nant females is often relieved by taking six pel- lets of Specific No. 10, morning and night. But the better remedy for vomiting, morning sick- 100 FEMALE DISORDERS. ness, heartburn, and similar sickness in pregnant females, is Specific No. 29. Six pellets, morn- ing, noon and night, rarely fails to afford relief. P CHANGE OF LIFE.-The cessation of the menses, which usually occurs at from forty to forty-five years of age, is frequently at- tended with disturbances of the system, such flushes of heat, nervousness, paleness and debility, irregularities in the monthly flow, either too little, too profuse or colorless dis- charge. Palpitations and throbbings of the heart are very common, and, in many cases, disease of the heart, degeneration of some part, or other serious disorder, dates from this period. Few pass this crisis exempt from those or similar affections, while to many they are not only very trying, but even alarming. " TREATMENT.-For the sufferings incident to this period, the Specific No. 32 is a cure. It should be taken, six pellets night and morning, and it may be continued as occasion requires, nntil this entire period is safely passed. THE GOLDEN DOUCHE “G. D." cures LEU- CORRHEA ; BEARING-DOWN, or PROLAPSUS ; PRURITUS, Irritation; Incipient Degenera- tion of Tissue, or Cancerous Ulceration. While the SPECIFICS Nos. 11, 12, 31, are the effective cure, Golden Douche, a Medi- cated Fluid, applied directly to the parts, FEMALE DISORDERS. 101 affords prompt relief; allay's irritation; cures Leucorrhea; and checks ulcerations, incipient degeneration of tissue and morbid growths; and imparts tone and healthy vigor to the entire system. The Golden Douche (G. D.) may be had of dealers, or will be sent free on receipt.of.. $1.00; Syringe, 25 cents. MEDICINES BY MAIL OR EXPRESS.. First apply at your drug store. Dr. Humphreys' Family Specifics, Veteri- nary Specifics and Witch Hazel Oil, from a single vial to a full case or box, sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Send post office money order, express money order or register the letter for safety. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. William & John Sts., New York. 1 102 PRACTICAL HINTS. SPECIFICS are In three sizes-25 Cts., 50 Cts. and $1.00-except Nos. 28, 32 and 33, In $1.00 size only. PRACTICAL HINTS IN USING Humphreys' Specifics. EMILD POWER SUSUUES Specific No. 1 Cures Fevers, Congestions and Inflammations; Heat, Pain, Restlessness; Inflamma- tion and Congestion of the Head or Brain; Inflam- mation of the Eyes; In- TRADE MARK flammation of the Throat, or Quinsy, alone, or in alternation with No: 34; Pneumonia, or inflammation of the Chest or Lungs; Inflammation of the Pleura (Pleur- isy); Inflammation of the Liver and of the Bowels; Fevers of Children; Scarlet Fever, Scar- latina; Measles; Yellow Fever; Inflammatory Rheumatism; Inflammatory, Bilious, or Gastric Fever; Sun-Stroke; Effects of being Overheated; Violent, Throbbing Headaches; Sleeplessness from Fever or Fullness of Blood. Specific No. 1 is the true Medical Treasure. Indispensable in every family, often needed and always promptly curative. If chilled or cold, sore, tired or lame, taxe No. 1. The first stage of any inflammatory disease or Fever, Measles, A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. Mo. and £1.00 PRACTICAL HINTS. 103 Scarlet Fever, Croup, Mumps, Cough or Cold, or Sore Throat, calls for No. 1. It Dissipates Congestion, Breaks the Chill, Reduces Fever and so cures disease. It cannot be TOO HIGHLY PRAISED OR TOO URGENTLY RECOM- MENDED. IT PAYS ITS COST A THOUSANDFOLD. Specific No. 2-Cures Worm Diseases, Worki,'". Fevers, Worm Collc; Itching of the Anus, or Wetting the Bed from Worms; Irregular or Ge pricious Appetite, or Emaciation from Worms; Long Round Worms; Pin Worms. Every mor bid condition resulting from worms is radically cured by this Specific, Specific No. 3-Cures Steeplessness, Colic and Crying of Infants or Young Children, such as Colic, Crying and Restlessness; Irritation and Congestion from Teething; Slow Growth and Feebleness of Infants; Irregular Teething; Di- arrhea of Infants; Retarded or Slow Learning to Walk; Enlargement of the Joints and Bending of the Long Bones; Sleeplessness of Adults from Nervousness. No. 3 takes the place of all COR- DIALS, DROPS, Anodynes and Syrups, curing not only the Wakefulness, Colic and Crying, but by aiding the digestion, giving Strength and Vigor, and so making children healthy, instead of in- juring them with opiates or drugs. A small vial of pleasant pellets-its your vest pocket, 85c, and $1.00 104 PRACTICAL HINTS. Specific No. 4—Cures Diarrhea or Loose Bow- els, in Children or Adults; Summer Complaint or Cholera Infantum; Thin, Loose, Yellowish, Green- ish or Watery Stools, Diarrhea from Indigestible Food; Diarrhea from the use of Fruit; Diarrhea from Traveling or Change of Water; Painful Diarrhea, Chronic Diarrhea or Loose Bowels; Diarrhea of Consumptives. Always Reliable for Diarrhea or Loose Bowels; with No. 5 it cures *tire worst cases of Chronic Diarrhea. Specific No. 5-Cures Dysentery, Colic, Pain- "ful or Bloody Diarrhea; Fall Dysentery or Bloody Flux; Slimy, Scanty Mucus; Greenish and Bloody Stools, attended with violent Colic or Straining and Tenesmus; Painful Diarrhea; Colic; Bilious Colic; Hemorrhoidal Colic. For the cure of Colic, Painful Diarrhea and Dysentery it has no equal, curing mildly, promptly, safely.. Specific No. 6-Cures Cholera Morbus; Nausea and Vomiting; Asiatic Cholera; Sickness at the Stomach; Vomiting with Diarrhea; Thin, Loose, Urgent or Rice-water Stools, with Vomiting, Coldness, Paleness, Blue Lips and Cramps; Morn- ing Sickness. The promptness with which No. 6 cures Cholera Morbus is something wonderful. Specific No. 7-Cures Coughs, Colds, Brom chitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and Influenza; Cough, with Pain and Stitches in the Side or A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 250. and $1.00, PRACTICAL MINTS. 105 Breast; Cough, with Weakness or Emaciation, as from Incipient Consumption; Coughs, with Morn ing Chill and Evening Fever; Cough, with Pain or Soreness in the Throat and Bronchia; Hoarse- ness, or Loss of Voice in Clergymen; Sore Throat; Old Chronic or Consumptive Coughs; Inflamma- tion of the Lungs or Pleura, given after or in al- ternation with No. 1. Chronic Bronchitis or Laryngitis, with Cough, Hoarseness, Loss Voice, or Weak Voice, Scanty Expectoration and………. Emaciation. Almost every form of pulmonary. disease is reached by it. Thousands are yearly... saved by its use. Always reliable, always effect ive. Often used in alternation with No. 1, es‹•• pecially if there is heat or fever. Specific No. 8-Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache, Nervous Pains, Toothache in Sound Teeth, or in Old Decayed Teeth; Toothache in Children; Faceache; Tic Douloureux; Swelled Face; Darting, Sharp or Stinging Pains; Neural- gic Pains; Old Neuralgias. Specific No. 9-Cures Headaches, Vertigo, Sick Headaches, Congestion to the Head; Bilious Headaches; Nervous Headaches and Sick Head- aches, with Nausea and Vomiting; Congestive Headaches, also No. 1; Vertigo or Dizziness; Swimming of the Head; Heat, Heaviness or Full- ness of the Head, also No. 1. Often used in alternation with No. 1, for Congestive Head- aches; or with No. 10 for Bilious Headaches. A small vial of pleasant pollets-its your vest pocket, 85c. and $100, 106 PRACTICAL HINTS. Specific No. 10-Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Bilious Complaints, Malaria; Weak Stomach, Rising of Food; Water Brash, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Loathing of Food; Constipation, or Costive Bowels; Scanty, Knotty, Small, Hard, Dry or Insufficient Stools; Bilious- ness; Yellow or Earthy Complexion; Bad Taste in the Mouth; No Appetite; Drowsiness, and Costive Bowels; Acid Stomach. Everything eaten ...Becomes Sour; Old Chronic Dyspepsia, when everything disagrees; Headache from Indiges- tion; Old Chronic Liver Complaint, with indiges- tion; Enlargement of the Liver; Chronic Con- stipation and Piles; Flatulence and Bloating of the Abdomen after eating; Offensive Breath. ..No. 10 is a balm for old men or women, invigor- ating the feeble Kidneys and sluggish Liver; improving Strength, Manhood and Energy; a perfect Anti-Bilious and Anti-Malarial Protective and Cure. As a remedy for poor appetite, indi- gestion, weak stomach and constipation, it is without an equal. Specific No. 11-Cures Female irregularities ; Delaying, Scanty or Painful Menses; Delaying or too Tardy or Late-appearing Menses; Suppressed or Obstructed Menses, from cold, fright, weak- ness or morbid cause; too Scanty, too Pale, or Colorless Menses; Green Sickness or Chlorosis; Headache or Colic Pains during the Menses; Intermitting or Irregular Menses; Leucorrhea, with Scanty or Delayed Menses. For the above A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 250. and $1.00, PRACTICAL HINTS 107 conditions, Specifio No. 11 is unquestionably the safest and most effective remedy known. Is very much better, safer and more efficient than all teas, doses, pills or forcing medicines so ofter resorted to. Specific No. 12-Cures Whites, or Leucorrhea; Too Profuse Menses, and Prolapsus Uterl; yel lowish, thick, offensive or corrosive discharge; Menses too soon and too long continued; too pro fuse and debilitating Menses; Constant Bearing Down; Old Debilitating Leucorrhea. Untold numbers are made happy from the relief af forded by Specifics No. 11 and No. 12. Specific No. 13-Cures Croup; Hoarse Cough, Oppressed Breathing; Hoarse, Croupy Cough; Inflammatory Croup; Spasmodic, and even Mem- braneous Croup; Croup with Quick Pulse, Hot Skin, Difficult, Labored Breathing and Hoarse Cough; Laryngitis, with Hoarseness, Pain in the Throat, Painful Cough and Scanty Expectora- tion; Chronic Hoarseness, or Loss of Voice. As a cure and preventive of (roup, this Specific has no equal-prompt, mild, safe and effective. A thou- sand times better, more safe and effective than hive syrup, cough mixture or hot teas, so often resorted to. Specific No. 14-Cures Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Acne, Ulcers; Erysipelas, with Hot, A small vial of pleasant pellets-its your vest mooket. 258. and $1.00. 108 PRACTICAL HINTS. Smooth, Swelled Skin or Blisters; Salt Rheum, or Rough, Scaly, Chapped Eruption on the Hands or other parts; Pimples or Blotches on the Face; Prickly Heat; Nettle Rash, like Stings of Insects; Scald Head; Barber's Itch; Old Ulcers. For clearing the complexion of Elotches and Pimples, and giving a clear, healthy bloom, No. 14 and No. 35 are invaluable. Almost every form of eruptive disease is cured by Specific No. 14. Specific No. 16-Cures Rheumatism; Lamə- ness, Stiffness and Soreness; Acute Rheuma- tism, with Painful, Hot Swelling of the part; Chronic Rheumatism, with Lameness, Stiffness and Soreness of the part; Sciatic Rheumatism, with pain in the Hip, Knee or Leg of the affected side; Lurabago, or pain across the Loins or Back; Old Rheumatic Pains or Lameness. In alternation with No. 1, for the acute form, and in alternation with No. 10, for Chronic Rheuma- tism, Specific No. 15 has no equal-always re- liable, almost infallible. Specific No. 16-Cures Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Malaria, Intermitting Fever, Malarial Fevers; Effects of Malaria; Old Suppressed Agues; Ague Cake; Enlarged Liver or Spleen, or other effects of badly treated Agues, and of the Quinine, Cholagogue, Arsenic or other drugs taken to cure it. Specific No. 16 is the best remedy and cure for these old drugged and mismanaged *A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 85c, and $1.00, PRACTICAL HINTS. 109, cases. The best protective and cure for Malaria, in whatever form, alone or in alternation with No. 10. Hundreds of families living in Mala- rious regions say they are exempt from Malaria. and Ague if they habitually use Specific No. 16. Specific No. 17-Cures Plies or Hemorrhoids, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External, with Fulness, Itching and Burning; Inflamed, Hot Burning, Sore Tumors around the Rectum; Fall- ing of the Rectum; Itching of the Anus. The cure of Inveterate Chronic Piles is always effected by the use of Specifies No. 17 and No. 10 in alternation. Apply Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil externally. Specific No. 18-Cures Ophthalmia or Sore Eyes; Weak Sight; Old Chronic, Sore, Inflamed or Weak Eyes, with Heat, Redness, Scalding Tears, and Dread of Light; Painful, Red, Inflamed Eyelids, with constant Secretion of Mucus; Weak, Dim, Failing or Blurred Sight; Acute Inflamed Eyes or Eyelids. Invaluable for Premature Weakness or Falling of Sight, from over-taxing the eyes. Also for Easy Fatigue of the eyes, from reading or effort; Intolerance of Light. Specific No. 19-Cures Catarrh, Dry or Flowing, Recent or Chronic; Influenza; Mucus Discharges from the Nose; Acute Catarrh, with flow of A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. £5c. and $1.00. 110 PRACTICAL HINTS Scalding Mucus, Tears and Sneezing; Old Chronic Catarrhs, with profuse discharge of Thick, some- times Offensive Mucus, Obstructed Nose, and often Loss of Taste or Smell; Chronic Cold in the Head; Catarrh of Children; Offensive Breath with Catarrh; Cough, with Profuse Discharge from the Nose, and Copious Expectoration ; Loose Catarrhal Cough in Children; Soreness, or Dry Crusts forming in the Nose, with Dry or Moist Catarrh. The habitual use of Specific No. 19 has cured thousands of Catarrhs. Specific No. 20-Cures Whooping-Cough; Irri- tating, Spasmodic and Convulsive Coughs. Given early this Specific arrests the development of the Cough; and given at any stage, allays the irritation, moderates the Cough and winds up the disease. Specific No. 20 may be regarded as absolutely infallible for Whooping Cough. Patients never tire of telling of its magical effect in soothing, relieving and curing this often most troublesome disease. Hundreds of physicians constantly use it in their practice. Specific No. 21-Cures Asthma, Difficult Breath- Ing, Cough and Expectoration; Old Chronic Asthma, with attacks of Oppressed, Labored, Difficult Breathing, Cough and Expectoration; Dry Asthma; Humid Asthma; Stridulous or Sighing Respiration. This Specific has proved a A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 25c. and $1.00. PRACTICAL HINTS. 111 comfort and relief to hundreds of asthmatics, continually improving their condition, and often making an entire cure. Every form of Asthma is controlled by it. Specific No. 22-Cures Ear Discharges; Ear- ache; Diseases of the Ear and Hearing; Noise in the Head, Deafness; Discharges from the Ear, in consequence of Measles, Scarlatina or other dis- eases, Inflammation of the Internal Ear; Old Offensive Discharges from the Ear, with Hard- ness of Hearing; Noises, Buzzing, Ringing or Piping in the Ears; Whitlow or Panaris, or Run- Rounds on the finger; White Swelling of the Knee or Hip. Specific No. 22 is invaluable for En- larged Glands in the Neck of Children; Scrofu- lous Ulcers in the Neck; Old Intractable Ulcers or Sores; and for Wetting the Bed, in Weakly, Feeble or Scrofulous children, in connection with No. 30; Slow Growth, in consequence of De- ficient Bony Deposit, and consequent Weakness of children. Specific No. 23-Cures Scrofula; Enlarged Glands or Tonsils; Old Ulcers; Diseases of Scrof- ulous origin; Enlarged or Inflamed Glands under the Jaw, around the Neck or under the Arm-pits; Itching and Burning of the Legs; Old Inveterate Ulcers and Eruptions; Cold Swellings. It is also effective for Habitual Offensive Breath, and Offensive Perspiration of the Feet; Carbuncles A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 25c. and $1.00. 112 FRACTICAL HINTS. or Boils; Inflammation at the root of the nail, and Whitlow or Felon; Old Scaly Eruption on the Legs. Specific No. 24-Cures General Debility; Physical and Nervous Weakness; Want of Strength, Lassitude, Tired, Weary Feeling, even on Waking; Easy Fatigue; Sweat on going to Sleep; Debility, the result of severe illness cr drain upon the system; Want of Tone or Iron in the Blood. An invaluable remedy for persons under severe mental or physical strain, or over- work, or the debility resulting from it-keeping them up and preventing a general break-down. Hundreds have used it with complete success. Specific No. 26-Cures Dropsy, Fluid Accumu- lations with Scanty Secretions; Anasarca or General Dropsy; Dropsy of the Abdomen; Dropsy of the Chest, Heart or Head; Dropsy with Tumid, Doughy Swellings and Scanty Secretions; Drop- sical Swelling of the Feet or Legs. A most in- valuable Specific for all these conditions. Quite sure to increase the flow of urine, and so relieve dropsical accumulations. Specific No. 26-Cures Sea-Sickness; and Sickness from Riding in Carriage oron Railroads; Headache from Carriage or Car Riding; Nausea and Vomiting; Prevention of Sea Sickness. Has in thousands of cases rendered a Sea-Voyage A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket, 25c. and $1.00. PRACTICAL HINTS. 118 Free from Sea-Sickness, even with very sensitive subjects. Often cures Lumbago or pains in the loins and back, and also the weak oaralytic feel- ing in the loins and back and even paralysis of the lower extremities, in patients able only with difficulty to drag one leg after the other. Specific No. 27-Cures Kidney Diseases; Bright's Kidney; Gravel; Painful, Retarded, Scanty Urination; Gravel and Renal Calculi; Catarrh of the Bladder, in alternation with No. 30; Sand and Unhealthy Deposits in the Urine; Thick, Turbid, Frothy Urine, filled with mucus and brick-dust deposits; Too Frequent Discharge of Urine; Nightly Enuresis ; Pain in the region of the Kidneys and Bladder; Enlarged Prostate ; Difficult, Slow, Interrupted and Insufficient Dis- charge in old people; Bloody Urine or mixed with blood. Specific No. 27 has perfect control over the kidney secretions, and either alone, or in some cases with No. 30, has relieved and re- stored thousands. Hundreds of old people have been saved from years of suffering and been made happy by it. It cannot be too highly praised or safely trusted. Compare also No. 30. For DIABETES, a Special Prescription, in fluid, with directions. This disease is known by excessive discharge of pale, heavy and sugary urine; debility; progressive emaciation; red, fissured tongue and enlarged papilla; intense thirst and frequent urination; voracious appetite and sinking of the stomach; bowels usually cos- A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 25c, and $1.00. 114 2. PRACTICAL HINTS. tive, and stools hard and dry; harsh and dry skin. This Specific has been particularly suc- cessful, and has restored to health and comfort many old, obstinate cases. Price, $2.00. Sent Free on receipt of price. Specific No. 28-Cures Nervous Debility; Sem- Inal Weakness; Deficient Energy; Loss of Ner- vous Power and General Tone of the System; Ir- resolution and Mental Gloom, or Despondency; Weakness from Loss of Vital Fluids; Frequent Involuntary Nocturnal Emissions, often with lascivious dreams; Seminal Losses at Stool, or during Urination; Depression, Prostration, Mental Weakness or other effects of Early Evil Habits, Overwork or Mental Strain; Threatened Im- potence; Enfeebled Powers; Pollutions from re- laxed organs; Debility, resulting from excesses. It is Specific for all conditions from exhausted vital powers; Loss of vital fluids, excessive drain and mental overwork. No popular remedy, or other treatment, has been so efficient, so safe or so economical as Specific No. 28. It has cured thousands, restoring mere nervous and physical wrecks to renewed energy, vigor and activity, and never fails to render good service. Special Prescription Package for Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Want of Energy or Vital Force. Indispensable for old or inveterate cases, $5.00. W PRACTICAL HINTS. 115 Specific No. 29-Cures Sore Mouth or Canker; Ulcerated Lips; Sore Mouth or Canker in adults, children or infants; Nursing Sore Mouth; Morn- ing Sickness of Expectant Women; Indigestion; Ulceration or Canker of the Mouth; Old Syphilitic Sore Mouth; Obstinate Intermitting Fevers. Always satisfactory. Specific No. 30-Cures Diseases of the Urinary Organs; Urinary Incontinence; Frequent, Painful or Scalding Urination; Inability to Retain the Urine; Catarrh of the Bladder, in alternation with No. 27; Frequent Scalding Urination, with Mu- cus Discharge; Urine loaded with Mucus; Nightly Wetting-the-Bed in children; Nocturnal Urinary Incontinence. Speciúc No. 30 is to the bladder and passages what No. 27 is to the kidneys- hence so often used in connection. It has ren- dered hundreds of households happy by curing Nocturnal Enuresis or Nightly Wetting-the-Bed. There is scarcely a form of Urinary or Kidney Disease which is not controlled by Nos. 27 and 30. Specific No. 31-Cures Painful Menstruation; Hysteria, Spasms; Pruritus; Menstruation, with Painful Bearing Down; Menses, with Painful, Pressive, Cutting, Griping, and even Spasms; Too Profuse Menses, with Pain and Distress; Itching and Burning irritation of the Organs; Laughing, Crying, Hysterical Movements, or A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 25c. and $1.00. ! 116 PRACTICAL HINTS. Cramps at the monthly period; Too Early and Too Long-continued Menses; Leucorrhea, like white of eggs. Nos. 31 and 11 cure the worst cases of Painful Menses. Specific No. 32-Cures Heart Disease, Palpl- tations, Flushes; irregularities and Morbid Con- ditions, occurring at the Critical Age of Women, or Change of Life; Flushes of Heat; Irregular Menses, Wanting or Too Soon, Too Copious and Too Long, with great prostration, nervous and wakeful at the turn of life; Palpitation of the Heart; Irregular or Tumultuous Beating of the Heart; Violent Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart; Painful Spasm through the Chest and Heart; Chronic Disease of the Heart; Rheuma- tism of the Heart; Old Chronic Palpitations of the Heart. Reliable and Invaluable. Specific No. 33 Cures Epilepsy, Cramps, Spasms, Convulsions; Convulsions of children or adults, with Loss of Consciousness; Spasms or convulsions of children from the slightest cause; Convulsions of children, from Teething, Fright or Mental Excitement; Cramps or Spasms of single limbs; St. Vitus' Dance, with Twitching, Jerking or Strange Motions of single features, muscles or parts; Hysterical Spasms or Hysteria; Easy Numbness of single parts. The early use of Specific No. 33 has averted the development of A flask of pleasant pellets-fits your pocket. $1.00. M PRACTICAL HINTS. 117 Epilepsy in children, and has also cured many cases of Epilepsy when it appeared confirmed. For Chorea or St. Vitus' Dance, it is infallible. Specific No. 34-Cures Diphtheria; Quinsy and Ulcerated Sore Throat; Diphtheritic Sore Throat; Malignant Sore Throat; Tonsilitis; Ulcerated or Enlarged Tonsils; Painful, Difficult, Impeded De- glutition; Chronic Enlargement and Induration of the Tonsils; Old Sores, and Ulcerated Throats of Syphilitic origin. As a preventive and cure for Diphtheria and Quinsy and Ulcerated Sore Throat, it is entirely reliable. Specific No. 36-Cures Chronic Congestions; Headaches and Eruptions; Habitual Headaches; Heat and Fullness of the Head; Headaches of children; Slow Growth and Tardy Learning to Walk of children; Difficult Teething of children; Scurf and Eruption on the Head of young chil- dren; Sleeplessness, Retarded Sleep and Rest- lessness; Liability to Take Cold from Slight Ex- posure; Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri. Specific No. 77-Cures La Grippe, Influenza, Hay Fever; Flowing Eyes and Nose, Coryza ; Sneezing, Cough; Feverishness, Restlessness, Ir- ritability; Heat or Dryness of Throat, Thirst; Pain and Soreness in Head, Back and Lungs; General Prostration and Despondency. For La A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 85c. and $1.00, 118 PRACTICAL HINTS, Grippe, or Epidemic Influenza, Specific No. 77 is the most wonderful remedy yet devised-" par excellence" the remedy for the Grip, promptly curing all its manifestations. Taken early, it cuts it short; taken during the prevalence of the epidemic, it pre-occupies the system and repels the invasion; taken while suffering, quick relief is given, culminating in an entire cure. The long continued weakness and despondency caused by the Grip, finds no better remedy than No. 77. Colds which are obstinate, that "hang on" and do not yield to treatment, find relief from No. 77. For extreme fever, alternate with Speciflc No. 1; for Violent Cough or Chest Pains, alter- nate with Specific No. 7. But, in general, Specific No. 77 is sufficient. FIRST SYMPTOMS.-Coryza, or nasal irritation or discharge, cough, sore throat; headache; back- ache; and general depression. MORE SERIOUS SYMPTOMS.—Pain in head, back, chest or limbs, sometimes of sudden and prostra- ting neuralgic character; sometimes cerebral excitement, even delirium; extremo prostration, languor or debility; depression of mind, even after the first violence of the attack has passed away; bronchitis, or broncho-pneumonia may become serious complications. See page 56. *C "ROSE," " "HAY," "AUTUMN," OR PEACH CATARRH.-For this, to which some persons are remarkably susceptible (coming on annually, generally between 20th of August and 1st of October), Specifio No. 77 is an invaluable remedy. Taken early, days before the attack. "" PRACTICAL HINTS. 119 continued persistently four times a day, it re- lieves the sneezing, lacrymation and asthma; and by its continued use, from season to season, eliminates the germs of the disease from the sys- tem. Moderation in the use of coffee and tobacco; avoidance of exposure; keeping warm and using only light and easily digestible food, will greatly aid the beneficent action of Specific No. 77. A small vial of pleasant pellets-fits your vest pocket. 25c. and $1.00. MEDICINES BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. First apply at your drug store. Dr. Humphreys' Family Specifics, Veteri- nary Specifics and Witch Hazel Oil, from a single vial to a full case or box, sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Send post office money order, express money order or register the letter for safety. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. William & John Sts., New York. APPROVAL OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. Approval of Dr. Humphreys' Freparations has been bestowed by the Medical Authorities of different American Republics. Their introduc- tion into France has been allowed by the French Government. They have been analyzed and ap- proved by the National Board of Health of the Argentine Republic and by the National Board of Health of the United States of Brazil This cut represents a Dollar Flask of Humphreys' Specifics, Contains 120 doses of six pellets each. Mo. 梦想 ​**** HUMPHR No. FAMILY CHESTS. 1: Case, Polished Black Walnut, 36 Vials Specifics, accompanied by DR. HUMPHREYS' MENTOR (550 pages).... 14. 5. Case, contains 20 Vials Specifics, with the MENTOR.. 7. POCKET CASE, Morocco, 20 Vials Specifics and MENTOR. 8. POCKET CASE, contains 10 Vials Specifics and MANUAL... 13. With 36 Large Screwtop Flasks of Specifics, WALNUT CASE, with DR. HUMPHREYS' MENTOR.. 12 Large Screwtop Flasks Speci- fics, with Mentor...... *** ... 20 00 9.00 Sold by Druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. William & Joby Sts, New York. El $10 00 6 00 8.00 3 50 .. HUMPHREYS' MENTOR, Or Family Adviser. 550 Pages, This work has now been before the public near- ly forty years, and has everywhere received the highest commendation from the people and the press. It forms a book of 550 pages, handsomely bound in cloth. It contains a lengthy prologue upon LIFE, HEALTH and DISEASE, and the METHOD OF CURE, together with a full discussion, and plain, simple directions for the diagnosis and treatment of ALL DISEASE OR CONDITIONS WHICH ▲ FAMILY WILL FIND IT PROFITABLE OR NECESSARY TO TREAT. 50 Cents. The great point of superiority of this work and of treatment over all others, is the DIRECTNESS and SIMPLICITY of the TREATMENT, leading to a greater positiveness and certainty in the curative results. To the hundreds of thousands who have ong used the Author's SPECIFIC MEDICINE this work is invaluable. Published in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Price, 50 Cents. Sent by mail to any address on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Streets, New York, 19 NERVOUS DEBILITY Is known by a weak, nervous, exhausted feeling; a lack of animation or energy, often with con- fused head, depressed mind, weak memory, or with debilitating, involuntary discharges-the consequence of excesses, indiscretion or mental overwork. This condition finds a sovereign cure in Humphreys' Specific No.Twenty-Eight. It tones up the system, dispels the mental gloom and despondency, restores vitality, arrests the drain and rejuvenates the entire system. Perfectly harmless; been in use twenty years; has restored thousands, and is the always efl- cient and safe remedy. Its highest praise is that it is extensively imitated. It is especially efficient for the Young and INDISCREET, and the OVERWORKED, OVERTAXED OR CAREWORN in active or advanced life. PRICE $1.00 per single Flask; or $5.00 for a Special Package which is important in old or serious cases. — *E Sold by all Druggists, and sent, Post or Express paid, on receipt of price. Address: HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE COMPANY, Corner William and John Streets, NEW YORK. Ray 66 779 66 FOR Seventy-seven" is Dr. Humph- reys' Famous Specific for La Grippe, and the Prevention of Pneumonia. 66 99 meets the exigency of epidemic Grippe, with all its symptoms of Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat, General Prostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts it short promptly. Taken during its preval- ence, it prooccupies the system and prevents its invasion; taken while suffering from it, a relief is speedily realized, which may be continued up to an entire cure. For sale by all druggists, or sent on receipt of price, 25c. and $1.00. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cər, William & John Sta, N. Y. 134 グ ​HUMPHREYS' Trade Mark, Marvel of Healing. WITCH HAZEL. THIS PURE DISTILLATION OF THE WELL-KNOWN SHRUB, HAMA- MELIS, or WITCH HAZEL, is pre- pared with great care from receipts used by Dr. Humphreys for more than FORTY YEARS, and warranted superior to any Witch Hazel preparation sold. See that our trade-mark is None other genuine. on each bottle. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is the ready cure for all Injuriçs, Bruises, Contusions, Strains, Cuts or Lacerations. It soothes the pain, staunches the bleeding, arrests inflammation, reduces the swelling, removes discoloration and heals the wound like magic. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is a prompt relief and rapid cure for Burns, Scalds and Sun- burns-superior to every other remedy. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is priceless for all Bleedings or Hemorrhages, Nose Bleed, Bleeding Gums, Spitting of Blood, Bleeding Lungs or Stomach, or Bleeding Piles. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is the sure and unfailing cure for Piles or Hemorrhoids- always curing, never failing. 125 THE MARVEL OF HEALING is a prompt rellei for Toothache, Earache, Faceache, Swelled Face and Neuralgia. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is the ready and valuable resource for Rheumatic Pain, Lame- ness, Soreness or Stiffness of Joints or Limbs. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is a grand remedy for Quinsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed or En- larged Tonsils-always reliable, always effi- cient. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is invaluable for the cure of Gravel, Renal Calculi, Kidney Complaints, Strangury, or other similar dis- orders. • THE MARVEL OF HEALING is a prompt cure for Simple Diarrhea, and has cured the most obstinate cases of Chronic Diarrhea. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is invaluable as an injection for Catarrhs, Leucorrheas and other debilitating mucus discharges. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is invaluable as a cure for Ulcers, Old Sorcs, Boils, Felons Corns or Bunions, and Tumors. THE MARVEL OF HEALING is invaluable for Stable Use, for Sprains, Soreness, Ereast or Harness Galls, Contusion, Laceration or other injury. THE MARVEL OF HEALING relieves like magic Chilblains, Frosted Parts, Mosquito Bites and Stings of Insects. Nothing like it. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. PRICE-6 oz., 25c.: Pints, 50c.; Quarts, $1.00. 126 *** HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION (SENT FREE) GIVES RELIEF. This Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to at all equal or compare with it as a curative and healing application. The virtues of the Witch Hazel have long been known and celebrated as a healer and pain curer. But when combined and applied in the form of an oil, ITS CURATIVE EFFECTS ARE MARVELOus. It has been used OVER FORTY YEARS, and is the prescription of one of the most renowned physicians of his day. It ALWAYS AFFORDS RELIEF and ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION. For: Piles, Fissures, Blind or Bleeding, External or Internal, and Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. For these, or any of them, this Oil is infallible. The relief is immediate. It has been used in thousands of cases with absolute success. No one who has ever tried it will do without it. Ulcerations, Eruptions, Cracks or Fissures of the anus or rectum are cured at once and like magic from a few simple applications of this Oil Even old Fistulas in Ano have been cured by it. 1 127 Chafings, Dryness, irritations, itching Excoria- tion of the Skin of Children, Women, or others, are wonderfully relieved and cured by a few ap- plications. Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from burns. The relief is instant and the healing of the ulceration and softening of the contraction is wonderful. It has in repeated instances cured cases of contraction from burns pronounced in- curable by the faculty. Old Sores, Indolent Ulcers and Fistulas are promptly healed up and cured. This Oil is the mildest and best possible dressing for them. ~ Cancers, Malignant, Painful or Corroding UI- cers, Carbuncles and Boils are at once relieved of the darting, eating or corroding pains. Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips, Corns, Bunions, are promptly relieved and often cured like magic, For Corns and Bunions or Sore and Lame Feet this remedy affords instant relief, curing and ren dering serviceable fect whose use under any other treatment was a painful burden and torment. An Emollient or application for Swelled Face, Sore Throat, Quinsy, Swelled Ankle, Knee, Foot or Joints, from Rheumatism. Always curative. For further information, see Witch Hazel Oil Book. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, OR SENT, PREPAID, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. 25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1.00 per Bottle. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. William & John Sts., New York. 128 HUMPHREYS’ ... TRADE MARK Veterinary Specifics, FOR THE CURE OF Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS' worth of DOMESTIC ANI MALS and POULTRY are every year lost or sacri- ficed, because owners are not acquainted with their diseases, and do not know how to treat them. Yet sick animals under DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC SYSTEM are more readily treated and cured than people. The greatest blessing of modern times for Domestic Animals is their treatment, when sick, by this system. That they are daily so cured in thousands of instances is as true as that the people ride on railroads, sew with sewing machines, or send messages by telegraph. 129 [IMPHREYS VETERINARY SPECIFICAS, me 1.-Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics are not an experiment. They have been in use among FARMERS, BREEDERS, LIVERY STABLE and TURFMEN, HORSE RAILROAD, EXPRESS, MINING and MANUFACTURING COMPANIES, MENAGERIES and HIPPODROMES, and others handling large numbers of horses and other stock, with complete success for forty years. II.-You have a Specific Remedy for any parti- cular Disease or Complaint. For Colic, Cough, Founder, Heaves, Pneumonia, Indi- gestion, Disease of the Kidneys or Urinary Passages, Strains or Lameness, you have, in compact, portable form, the Specific to cure it. You know just what to do, and how to do it. 130 III.-Their use is free from danger to the Animal. In the usual treatment, the medicines are cither rank poisons or the most violent al- teratives. It is a common experience, that if the horse finally lives through the treat- ment, he is worthless from the effects of the medicines. Thousands of good horses are every year killed by drugs. In Rum- PAREYS' SPECIFIC System you are abso- lutely free from all such danger. IV. They are simple. Being Specifics for par- ticular diseases, you know at once what to give. You can scarcely make a mistake. Even if you do, you have only lost your time, and have not killed the horse. When using the common veterinary drugs, a mis- take is often fatal. With simple (not Specifics) Homeopathic Medicines you are never sure of giving the right medicine. M V. They are readily and easily given. You used not lose a moment. The SPECIFIC is ready just as you want it. The Medicator takes the dose from the bottle and places it upon the tongue of the horse or cow, without loss of time or danger. No bottling, ball- ing, choking or strangling-irritating the animal and endangering the owner or his help. 131 Medicine. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS act VI. They cure more quickly than any other through the medium of the nerves and the blood, rather than through the digestive organs. They begin to act before other medicines even reach the stomach. You cure diseases with HUMPHREYS' VETER- INARY SPECIFICS which you cannot cure by any other treatment, VII.-Every Ten Dollars invested In Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics will save you $100, and every HUNDRED will save A THOUSAND IN PROPERTY, besides an equal amount in time, trouble and care. VIII. The saving in loss of stock is from one-half to three-fourths. This is the testimony of hundreds of horsemen. IX.-The Treatment is humane, and if we may be humane as well as skillful, surely we should prefer it. X.-Diagnosing the disease and giving of med- icine is such as any sensible, faithful man- of ordinary intelligence can master without difficulty, 132 LIST OF HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics, Prominent Conditions which Each Cures. A.A. CURES AND PAMPHLETS SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. FEVER, CONGESTIONS, INFLAMMATIONS, Etc. Curative for all Congestions, Inflamma- tions, Fevers and febrile conditions; and hence for all conditions attended with QUICK, FULL AND STRONG PULSE, HEAT OR EXCITEMENT Cf the system; and for the coldness, shaking or pant- ing which precede inflammation. Cures Inflam- mations, as of the Lungs or Pleura (Plcuro Pneu- monia); Inflammation of the Head or Brain, Eyes, or of the Liver or Belly; Sore Throat or Quinsy; Blind or Belly Staggers, or Convulsions; Hot Skin; Quick Pulse; Chill or Fanting; Milk Fever in Cows; Spinal Meningitis in IIorses. B.B. STRAINS, LAMENESS, RHEU- MATISM, INJURIES. CURES Especially curative for all diseases or affections of the Muscles, Sinews, Tendons and Joints. Cures Founder, Curb, Spavin, Strains, Stiffness, Lameness, Rheumatism, Splint, Stifle. 133 C.C. Distemper, Gleet or Strangles, CURES Especially curative for all diseases of the Mucous Membrane and Glands. Cures Epi- zootic; Distemper in Horses or Sheep; Nasal Gleet; Farcy and Glanders; Discharges from the Nose; Farcy Buds; Swelled Glands; Scab in Sheep; Distemper in Dogs. D.D. CURES Influenza or Epizootic. WORMS, BOTS OR GRUBS. Cures all diseases arising from Bots, Grubs or Worms in animals, and the morbil cause which produces them. Cures Diseases from Long, Round, Pin or Tape Worms; Colic or Ema- ciation from Worms, E. E. } CURES Coughs, Heaves, Iufluenza, Broken Wind, Whistles. Cures diseases of the AirPassages and Lungs, especially after the more acute symptoms have been removed by the Specific A. A. Cures Thick Wind, Inflamed Lungs or Fleura (Pleuro-Pneu- monia). F. F. Colic, Belly-Ache, Wind-Blown, Diarrhea, Dysentery. CURES Especially cures the various forms of Colic or Enteralgia, and derangements arising from IMPROPER FOOD, DERANGED DIGESTION OR OVER- FEEDING. Cures Colic, Spasmodic Wind or In- flammatory Colic; Belly-Acbe, Gripes, Hoven or Wind-Blown; Diarrhea or Dysentery. 134 G.G. Miscarriage, Abortion, Hemor- CURES Cures diseases of the reproductive system. Especially useful as a PREVENTION of Miscar- riage or Abortion. Prevents Casting of Foal în Mares, Cows or Sheep; arrests Hemorrhages or Flooding; throws off the After-birth, if re- tained. rhage, Retained After-Birth. H.H. KIDNEY AND URINARY DIS- EASES, DROPSY, ETC. CURES Cures diseases of the urinary apparatus, Kid- neys, Bladder and Appendages; Inflammation of the Kidneys, Bladder or Urinary Passages; scanty, difficult, painful, suppressed or bloody urination: Kidney Colic. I.I. Eruptions, Mange, Farcy, Grease, Thrush, Abscess, Ulcers. CURES Cures diseases of the Skin and Underlying Tissues; Abscesses and Ulcerations; Cutane- ous Diseases or Eruptions, Mange, Farcy, Grease, Thrush, Erysipelas, Swellings, Abscesses, Fis tulas, Ulcers, Unhealthy Skin, Rough Coat. Formerly J. J. J. K. Indigestion, Jaundice or Yellow Water, Constipation. CURES Cures Morbid Conditions or Derangements of the Digestive System; Loss of Appetite, and "Off his Feed"; Results of Over-Feed, Jaun- dice or Yellows; Ill Condition, Staring Coat; also Paralysis, Stomach Staggers, Brittle Hoofs. For prices see page 186. 135 HUMPHREYS" VETERINARY, SPECIFICS Kapelus Prices of Cases and Single Bottles. Single Bottles, containing 50 doses - $ Single Bottles, Medium Size, containing Four times as much as small bottles - Single Bottles, Large Size, containing Eight times as much as small bottles. W .60 2.00 3.00 Small Stable Case, Black Walnut, Handle, Lock and Key, containing Manual (450 pages), Ten bottles Specifics, Jar Vet- erinary Cure Oil, and Medicator - Medium Stable Case, Black Walnut, Handle, Lock and Key, containing Manual (450 pages), Ten medium size bottles Spe- cifics, Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, and Medicator - Large Stable Case, Black Walnut, Handle, Lock and Key, containing Manual (450 pages), Ten large size bottles Specifics, Jar Veterinary Care Oil,and Medicator, 30.00 Humphreys' Veterinary Manual (450 pages, with Chart) 7.00 20.00 .50 Medicator (for administering Specifics) Jar Veterinary Cure Oil - .25 1.00 Sent prepaid (any quantity) to any address on receipt of price. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. Williani & John Sts., New York. 136 Humphreys' Veterinary Cure Oil Has now become the STANDARD REMEDY among the thousands of stable and stockmen acquainted with its use. Nothing has ever been produced so simple in application, so promptly and widely and wonderfully curative in its action, as Hum- PHREYS' VETERINARY CURE OIL. It has more than justified the highest expectation of its spon- sors, and justly stands at the head of ALL CURA- TIVE APPLICATIONS. It is the Best Possible Application and Cure for: Burns or Scalds ; Sores or Indolent Ulcers ; Sore, Scabby, Harness, Collar or Saddle Galls or Chafings; Sore Teats; Fistulas or Deep-seated Ulcers; Broken Knees or Open Joints; Old Sores; Horny Places or Warts; Hot Swellings ; Boils or Tumors; Scratches, Greased or Cracked Heels; Broken Hoof; Sand or Quarter-Crack; Corns; Tender or Bruised Soles; Dry, Shaly or III-Growing Hoofs, Castration, Docking, De- horning, etc. AS A HOOF OIL IT IS UNEQUALED. Apply the "Cure Oil” with the end of the finger along the upper edge of the hoof after cleaning at night. Large Jar, price.... .$1.00 For sale by all druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Humphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co., cor. William & John Sts., New York. 137 "APPROVAL." The Board of Cavalry Equipment of the United States Army, comprising experienced and able officers, applied to the HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. for information in regard to their Veterinary Specifics- the relative Loss of Stock, Cost of Treatment, etc." After a thorough investigation, and in- quiries made at the large Stables, Horse Rail- Roads, and others using the medicines, "The Board have Recommended their Use in the Service." This recommendation was Approved by the Quarter-Master General and General Sherman, and the Specifics are now being distributed to the different CAVALRY REGIMENTS, ARMY POSTS, ETC. 138 INDE Acid Stomach.... Acne Pimples)... Ague, Fever and. Anasarca (General Dropsy). Anus, Itching at.. Appendicitis.. Appetite, Capricious, Want of.. Asthma. Asiatic Cholera. Autumn Catarrh. 4. ·· Bad Taste Barber's Itch.. Bearing Down Pains. Bed-Wetting. Bilious Colic... Bilious Fever, Biliousness Bladder, Diseases of. .. Bloating.. Bloody Flux. Boils... Bowels, Diseases of…… • Brain-Fag..... Breath, Offensive. Bright's Kidney Disease. Bronchitis Calculi, Renal…. Canker Sore Mouth. Carbuncles.. Catarrhs.. Change of Life….. Chapped Hands, or Lips. Chest, Congestion of. Chicken Pox…… Children's Diseases. Chills..... Chlorosis • • • · • Cholera Infantum.. Cholera Morbus. Chorea (St. Vitus' Dance) • 4 ·· • • • • ... · • • • 106 84, 107 42, 108-109 17, 92, 112 .80, 103, 109 61 • 789 ………… 106 109 98, 107, 115, 117 ..31, 103, 111, 115 53, 60 .40, 64, 102, 106 .86, 89, 115 106 104 • • 109, 100 73-75, 110 47, 101 78, 118 85 .28, 61, 61, 104, 106 75 111 88,118 .80, 51, 56, 104-105 S9, 113 115 85, 111 .72-78, 109, 118 .75, 100, 116 85 53 19 .15-S7, 103, 111 103 106 29, 104 46, 104 80, 117 140 INDEX. Clergyman's Sore Throat. Coated Tongue.. Colds.. Cold Swellings. Colic... 4. Constipation of Bowels Consumption... Contagious Diseases. Convulsions Cough. Complexion, Bad……… Congestion, to Head, Chest and Brain, •••• Whooping. Coryza.. Cramps.. Croup.. Crying of Infants. Cystitis. .. .. • •• • • • · ... ... ... • • • • Diet and Regimen for the Sick.. Digestive Organs, Diseases of. Diphtheria Dizziness Dropsy. Drowsiness. Dumb Ague.. Dysentery Dyspepsia. Enteric Fever. Epilepsy Eruptions.... Erysipelas.. Eyes, Diseases of.. • * • Deafness 71, 111 Debility, General and Nervous..75-76, 112, 114, 123 Deficient Growth... 81 Diabetes. Diarrhea. · Ear, Diseases of.. Eczema. Enlarged Glands and Joints • • • 56, 105 106 .54-55, 72, 104, 110 111 • •• 25, 53, 66, 103-104 106, 108 .20, 53, 102-103, 117 62, 106 54, 105 17 35, 116 54, 101-105, 107, 110 31, 110 117 .65, 101, 107, 116 31, 107 25 89 • 888888 • 4 90, 118 .28, 30, 48, 104 10, 38 62 21-22, 117 105 .17, 92, 112 106 108 51, 104 • .62, 106, 115 71, 111 83, 107 ǝ .17, 42, 81, 103, 111, 118, 117 44 35, 116 83, 107 82, 107 70, 109 INDEX. 141 Face, Blotches on, and Swelled. Faceache... Failing Sight.. Falling of Rectum. Falling of Womb.. Feebleness of Children and Infants.. • · Feet, Sweating of. Felon, of Finger, (Whitlow).. Female Disorders.. •• Flatulence. Flux, bloody.. Food for the Sick... Fretfulness, in Children. Gastralgia... Gastric Fever General Debility Glands, Enlarged. Gravel (Renal Calculi Green Sickness, (Chlorosis). Grip or Grippe, The.... ► • • Heart Diseases. Heat and Fullness of Head. • • • Fever and Ague.. • • Fevers, Various forms of. .15-16-17, 37-53, 102-103, 108, 115 Fingers, "Run-around" of. Whitlow 111 • · • • • • [] • • · • • • · Hip-Joint Disease.. Hives. Hoarse Cough.. Hoarseness.. Hysteria.... Incontinence, Urinary (Enuresi) Indigestion... • • Hay Fever or Catarrh, Asthma. Headache.... .73, 117-118 20, 67-68, 96, 102, 105-106, 117 Head, Cold in the; Noises in the. Heart-Burn... 72, 111 65, 106 75, 116 105, 108 105 109 · 109 98 102, 117 Hemorrhage, Lungs, Nose, Stomach....60, 61, 125 Hemorrhoids (Piles), .65, 104, 109, 127 111 ..83 • 27, 111 111 111 .93, 101, 106 42, 108 111 65, 106 104 11, 39 28 65 40, 102 75, 112 17, 18, 111 89, 113 106 ..57, 117, 124 92, 115 .62, 64, 106, 115 Infantile Bronchitis. 80 Infants and Children, Diseases of……..15-87, 103, 111 Inflammations-Different Organs,53-62, 67-81-86-92 107 56, 104, 105 ...37, 115, 116 142 INDKA Influenza.. Insomnia Intermitting Fever. Itching at Anus. Jaundice Joints, Enlarged.. Kidneys, Diseases of.. Knee, White Swelling of.. · ... •• • [ • Lameness and Stiffness. Laryngitis.. Lassitude.... Leucorrhea ("The Whites"). Liver Complaints.. Loss of Appetite, Taste and Voice. Lumbago," Crick-in-Back" Lungs, Hemorrhage of... • .. Malaria, Malarial Fevers. Marvel of Healing, The... Measles.. Menses, (See Menstruation). Menstruation, Disorders of..93-101, Morning Sickness in Pregnancy Mouth, Nursing Sore. Mumps... Nausea and Vomiting. Nerve Paing……. Nervous Debility. Nervousness.. Nettle Kash. Neuralgia. Noises in the Ears. Numbness of Limbs. Nursing Sore Mouth. Offensive Breath….. Old Tumors and Ulcers. Ophthalmia.. Overheating, Effects of. • • • • + Inflammation of (Pneumonia)…. • Palpitation of Heart. Paralysis. Physical Weakness - • · ... 57, 104, 117, 118 26, 68, 103 • ..42, 108, 115 .80, 103, 109, 127 ·· • • • · • • ·· · • · 97, 106, 118 61, 106 56, 106, 110 79, 118 60, 125 58 .41, 106, 108 125-126 18 67 103 86-92, 113 111 106-107, 115–116 90, 115 }, 28, 115 19, 103 108 105, 107 112 ·· 104 105 .76, 114, 128 68 83, 108 69, 105 71, 111 • 111 .81, 111, 128 70-71, 109 103 110 28, 115 75, 116 118 112 INDEX. 143 → • • • Piles (Hemorrhoids).. Pimples (Acne) Pin Worms. Pleurisy Pneumonia. Prickly Heat. Prolapsus, Rectum (Falling (f). Prostate Gland, Enlarged.. Pruritus... ·· • • • • • • • • •• Sore Mouth. Sore Throat... Quinsy (Tonsillitis) Rectum, Falling of. Renal Calculi (Gravel). Restlessness, of Children and Adults... Rheumatism Rose-Catarrh. "Run-around ", · St. Vitus' Dance (Chorea). Salt Rheum. Scald-Head……… · • Scanty Urination..... Scarlet Fever, and Scarlatina.. Sciatica and Sciatic Rheumatism. Scrofula in Children. Scrofulous Ulcers in Neck. Sleeplessness (Insomnia) Small pox. Sneezing and Coughing. Sore Eyes.. Soreness. · • • • Sea Sickness. Shingles.. N Sickness, Sea, Carriage or Railway. Sick Headache. Sight, Failing, Weak.. Skin Diseases... • • • 65, 104, 109, 127 81, 107 103 .59, 60, 102 58 83, 108 109, 127 113 96, 115 21, 117 Spasms, Heart, Hysterical.. Spleen, Enlarged (Ague Cake). Sprue, in Children.. Stomach, Diseases of. Stye, of Eyelids (Hordeolus).. 36, 117 81, 107 81, 108 91, 113 .16, 17, 102-103 79, 108 80, 111 • · 4 109, 127 $9 68 78, 108 73, 118 111 • 111 80, 113 83 112 .67. 96, 105-106 70, 109 81, 86 20, 68, 102-103 86 117 70, 109 108 115 .21-22, 54, 104-105 35, 116 42, 108 28 62, 106 70 144 INDEX. Sweating in Sleep. 看着 ​of Feet. Tetters. Throat Diseases. Tic-Douloureux…. Tongue, Coated. Tonsillitis (Quinsy Tonsils..... ·· Toothache.. Tumors, Old……. Typhoid Fever. Typhus Fever. Swelled Face.. Swollen Glands….. Summer Complaint of Infants.. Sun Stroke………. • Syphilitic Sore Mouth......... ••• Taste in Mouth, Bad. Teething, and Diseases of Teeth. Tenesmus. • 4 ... • • • • • • • • • • D • · Wakefulness.. Want of Appetite. Water Brash. • • ... Ulcerated Sore Throat. Ulcers, Old.. Urinary Diseases Urination, Scanty Urethra, Inflammation of.. Vertigo.... Voice, Loss of. • Vomiting of various kinds. • C .. . • • A Weak Sight and Voice. Wetting the Bed….. Whitlow, of Finger.. "White," The (Leucorrhea) Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Wind on Stomach. Witch Hazel Oil.. Womb, Falling of the. Worms Yellow Fever. • • · • • • · • · 112 111 105 ..17, 81, 111 104 102 115 • 106 .26, 103, 105 51, 104 83 • • 21-22, 54 56, 104, 117 105 • 106 21, 117 .81, 111, 117 68, 105 81, 126 44 44 21-22 .85, 108, 111, 128 .86-92, 113, 115 91 90 105 56, 107 .61, 99, 104 26 106 106 .70, 105, 107 81 • 111 97, 107 34, 110 65, 106 79, 109, 127-128 ·· 98, 107 23, 108 45, 102 VETER 736 PECIFICS H P SPECIFICS: WITCH NAZEL DIL LUBLI MEDIĘINĮ Co 777 HUMPHACY 877 MAPHROSTE I 2350 HUMPHREY RARE MU HUMPHREYS' HOMEO. MEDICINE CO., N. W. Cor. William & John Sts., New York. ESTABLISHED 1854, BY FREDERICK HUMPHREYS, M. D. MEDICINES BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. It has been a feature of Dr. Humphreys' Spe- cifics from the first, to send them in any quantity, from a single vial to a full case or box, to any address, on receipt of price. Thus any one can obtain them, if not at the dealers, then by post from the nearest office. CAUTION. We caution our customers against purchasing our Specifics in bottles unwrapped and unsealed, or from having vials filled by dealers, as we can· not be responsibl, for the medicines purchased in such cases. HUMPHREYS OMEOPATING VETERINARY SPECIFIC -A.A.- HUMPHREYS SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC ME NEW YORK CEOPATH WOR OLO DYSPE IN 28 VENT HUMPHREYS WITCH-HAZEL OLTA GRATES EMWEDWO HUMPHREYS WITTER BILDEL FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Philadelphia, Pa., AND VICINITY. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO Cor. William and John Sts., N. Y. OR SENT BY MAILOR EXPRESS PREPAID ON RECEIPT OF PRICA