N . " I . "NAN : AT ... 12. . " . ? . ! . " . -i ? . 1. 2 + A 614268 . . . . . - ! . . 'r MY ENGLISIT LIBRARY . 1 -. . TOT 1 . . ::::: . . :: .. . + 13. ? . . 7 . . 3 . 9 1 : 7 . - . 11 * . . U . . .7 . . + 1 . . ' PA 4 . . " ".. . .... . Y , .. . . - . . ,'.' ", . . 1 1:1 . ... ... . .! * 21. .. N 14 : ... . ' ' . ...U : .. TE ....:': . + 1. . . ! : 1 . S DEN . F1 : ........, . . 1. . - . 2 - * - • - . . . A 1 . . ri.. . , 14 . ! . t 1 1 - - ; T . DORPIMANO XT ARTDUORUM AY MY 8. 9 .. . .. . i . . 1 . . . .. - 1 1 T.. ... . . .. . . . . ... .. • • • - I + .11.17 "10 yu. 1. NO 12 . S . . է:ԱԵՍՈՒԱԼՈՒ: IJUNIMIN Walls NODIUL an SCIENTIA ARTES WWUUNI TIONNAIREDITION i LIBRARY VORTAS OF THE NIVERSITY OF MICHIC, . Glifti:intiiniliinililinithiiiiiiiiiiiintia and NUMMOBILIONI MIUNIIlona! ......................... E PLURIBUS UNUS AVES INSTITU 11 www. UUUUUUU . 1 Humorum VISIO hmittamatovnimi HANEN WUNOnnum unutunun butun duinoIF UI. U S'SIQUA P.QUAERIS.PENINSULAMAMOEMAS V.CIRCUMSPICE " W - -- - 2 ) 1 GUWUWUJUVUT.W.ON 92,01,37,8,100'U N I . 5), Hitiniininnihihihiinnit I NNITUSEDMIOTUMWINYILINDI TERMETTRONTOLOIDMI.: wa PUIDUTINIUM i 00 0 0 00 ... .. ... .. . ... .. ...... .. .. ........... ... .... .. Nudianmoutunut t ai toisuutunmuwuinishinur .. 1 ltot CATALOGUE OF THE ENGLISH LIBRARY OF « For Friends, although your lordship be scant, yet I hope you are not altogether destitute; if you be, do but look upon good books : they are true friends, that will neither flatter por dissemble: be you but true to your'- self, applying that which they teach upto the party grieved, and you shall need no other comfort nor coun- sel. To them and to God's holy Spirit, directing you in the reading of them, I commend your lordship."--BACON to Chief Justice Coke. • : . .:. CATALOGUE OF MY ENGLISH LIBRARY COLLECTED AND DESCRIBED BY HENRY STEVENS, G.M.B. F.S.A. . LITERARY AGENT IN LONDON OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. I will buy with you, sell with you. SHAKESPEARE. LONDON : Printed by C. WHITTINGHAM, Nov. 1853. For Private Distribution. ~ Respice, circumspice, aspice, et prospice." .- 10T - 3.80 CM . .- TO THE CHRISTIAN READER. McLV XF you are troubled with a pride of ac- curacy, and would have it completely len taken out of you, print a catalogue. he y There is at present in the United States a great rage for splendid private libraries. To appease this I have had, of late, many calls upon my time, from my book-loving countrymen to assist them in making their purchases. Hence it occurred to me that I might save myself much la- bour, and at the same time, render an important service to American book collectors generally, by preparing a Catalogue to be put into their hands, comprising a few thousand volumes of the best editions of the principal standard English Authors. Accordingly I have endeavoured to make such a selection from the multitude of poets, dramatists, historians, philosophers, metaphysicians, essayists, etc. from the earliest to the present time, as may form the basis of a good miscellaneous library. How well I have succeeded you will see by casting your quick eye over the following pages. First let me tell you that it was intended not to exceed four thousand volumes, and the list was designed merely to assist in the selection of an American Gentle- Introduction. man's private library. I find however that I have considerably exceeded my limits, and have so far enlarged my plan, during the progress of the work, that the Catalogne may now possibly be servicea- ble to the numerous College, Athenæum, Lyceum, Mercantile, State, Town, Village, and other libra- ries, more or less public, that are now so rapidly springing up in every part of the United States. To render it something more than a dry Catalogue I have added the contents of the several volumes of the chief polygraphic works, and the dates of birth and death of most of the deceased authors. Hence it may perhaps be of some use as a convenient book of reference to librarians, editors, professors, stu- dents, critics and other literary persons who do not possess the books themselves. At least it would be so were it better done, but notwithstanding considerable painstaking, I am aware, Christian Reader, that my Catalogue is as full of errors, both of omission and commission, as you acknowledge your own heart to be ; I therefore have the cou- rage to print but few copies of this first impres- sion, and those only for private distribution among friends and correspondents in America, who are desirous of adorning themselves and their houses with choice English Books. By interleaving and ticking off, it will answer not only as a Catalogue of one's books, but in part as a list of one's desi- derata. Libraries are an index of a nation's, as well as an individual's wealth, taste, and character. A very large number of my countrymen have now not only the money but the ambition to possess the best that can be had. As a general rule, therefore, I have Introduction. vii given the best editions of each author, without re- gard to cost, or whether or not the edition be still procurable. It is economy in the long run, as well as a luxury in the short, for those wbo can afford it, to procure in the outset not only the best editions, but the books well and thoroughly bound : for he who buys a choice library, like him who buys plate, spends not, but invests his money. Good books pay a liberal interest to their owner, and are an in- heritance to his children. I confess that I am an advocate of fine bindings. But bookbinding is so much a matter of taste and individual fancy, that little need be said here, for every one can gratify his own taste according to his means. There are few things, however, upon which the rich can display their wealth and taste to better advantage than upon their libraries. Binding ad- mits of an infinite variety of design in ornaments, and whether cheap or dear may, in skilful hands, always be kept within the bounds of good taste. For public libraries, where chiefly the contents of the books are regarded, cheap, or what is techni- cally called half binding in calf or morocco, is usually sufficient : but in private hands of the wealthy, where books are not only a library but articles of luxury and furniture, great pains should be taken to secure not only the best editions, but those adorned with a variety of choice and artistic bindings. It was my intention in the outset, as I have said, not to exceed four thousand volumes, but little by little the list has increased to 5751 volumes. I have been considerably puzzled to know what titles to strike out in my next impression, being well үiii Introduction. aware that what is trash to one person is by no means such to another: also that many books of more merit than those admitted have been omitted. You may not think it difficult to strike out twenty authors, and to add twenty better ones in their places, but let me relate to you a parable. I re- quested twenty men whose opinions on the Literary Exchange are as good as those of the Baring's or the Rothchilds on the Royal, each to expunge twenty. authors and to insert twenty others of better stand- ing in their places, promising to exclude in my next impression any author who should receive more than five blackballs, and to add any one who should receive more than five votes. The result was, as may be supposed, not a single expulsion or addition. Now what is trash ? I have purposely avoided giving prices, as at pre- sent, particularly with regard to exportation of new books from England to America, the prices are by no means fixed; the discount varying, according to circumstances, from twenty-five to seventy-five per cent. from the published prices, as indicated in the London Catalogue, and Lowe's British Catalogue, to which the reader is referred for prices of most of the books published in England within the last forty years, First class books, not new, owing chiefly to the greatly increased demand from the United States, have risen of late much in value, while se- cond rate works were never cheaper. If, however, the American book collector import his library di- rectly from London by his own order, as he may now do in any part of the United States, owing to the admirable facilities offered by the several international express agencies; and if he pay only Introduction. a single commission of ten per cent. on the net cost of book and binding, he will find that English books are not much, if any, dearer than the same class. of copy-righted American works. It is peculiarly gratifying to an American to see the activity displayed recently by his countrymen in the book marts of the Old World. A few years ago the veriest trash was deemed good enough for exportation to Jonathan, who was then proverbially not over particular either as to the edition or con- dition of his books, provided he had enough of them. Now, however, he buys more largely, more taste- fully, and much more intelligently. You find him often the boldest bidder for bibliographical rarities, and see him mousing about and ransacking the shops and stalls of Europe. He is always ready and anxious to secure for his library those literary gems which are so wont to delight the heart and empty the pockets of the bibliophile. But liberal and extravagant as you find him abroad, if you follow him home and refer to his laws you will see that they are anything but liberal and encouraging to private libraries, and hence chiefly the reputed high prices of English Books in America. The import duty into the United States upon all classes, old or new, of “printed books, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and illustrated newspapers, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided for," is ten per cent. on the cost or “market value” in the country whence exported, a duty much higher than that of any other civilized country. This " not otherwise provided for” means that books imported for public libraries pay no duty, and that “ periodicals and other works in the course of Introduction. printing and republication in the United States ». (I quote from the existing law, passed July 30, 1846) pay a duty of twenty per cent. ad valorem, which acts in fact as a premium of ten per cent. upon literary piracy. A law so unjust and absurd as this, one would think, need only be pointed out as an oversight, or clause interpolated by disho- nourable means and overlooked, to be repealed, or at least to be liberally construed as in other cases; but one blushes to acknowledge that it is at present enforced as strictly at New York, though not at Boston, as if the American book-making resources required protection to develope them. The present tariff of ten per cent. acts most strangely and unjustly upon early English litera- ture, of which we are ever and everlastingly boast- ing as ours by inheritance. I have paid an import duty of seventy-five dollars upon a single volume of Shakespeare, the first folio edition of 1623, ori. ginally published at one pound, but now, by reason of its extreme rarity, worth £150. What is the “market value” of such a book, which almost never appears in the market? Is it the published price of one pound, or this fictitious or fancy value of £150 ? I have paid twenty dollars duty on a small volume of Spenser's tracts, which cost me £40, though originally published probably for not more than ten shillings. On the first edition of Milton's Paradise Lost I have paid almost as much duty for a single volume as Milton received of Symons, his publisher, for the entire copyright. Yet we are always bragging of Shakespeare, Spenser, Bacon, Milton, and all other English authors pub- lished prior to the year 1776, as belonging as much Introduction. to us as to England! Then, Jonathan, if they be really ours, why tax them so enormously as foreign merchandize ? Old books printed prior to the year 1802 enter England duty-free, and those printed since 1802 pay only fifteen shillings a hundred-weight, if they come from a country enjoying with Great Britain an international copyright, if not, they pay thirty shillings. Books should pay duty by weight or by volume, if at all; but in a country like ours, where intelligence and education are not only our proudest boast, but are the basis of our institutions, and where for the want of an international copyright law the best of our books (with a few exceptions) are pirated reprints without compensation of the authors of the mother-country, the least we could honourably do, one would think, with a clear con. science and a full treasury, would be to admit foreign books, especially those in our own lan- guage, free of duty. Christian Reader, to you as an American and a man who acts wisely, deals justly, and votes intel- ligently, I submit these considerations, relying on you and the “ assembled wisdom of our nation” in the coming session of Congress, to see these matters placed in a shape more honourable to the “Model Republic,” being deliberately, Yours to be commanded, HENRY STEVENS, of Vermont. Morley's Hotel, Charing Cross, London, Nov. 10, 1853. CATALOGUE Of MY ENGLISH LIBRARY. " SOME books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, sonie books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by other's ; but that would be ouly in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things: Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man; and, therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he copler little, be had peed have a present wit; and if he read little he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not. Histories make men wise ; poets witty; the mathe- matics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend; "Abeunt studia in mores;' nay, there is no stond or impediment in the wit, but way be wrought out by fit studies."-BACON. CATALOGUE OF MY ENGLISH LIBRARY. ABERCROMBIE (Dr. John, 1781—1844). On 11 the Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, 8th edition. Murray, 1848, 12mo. ABERCROMBIE (Dr. J.). Inquiries concerning the In- tellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth, 14th edition. Murray, 1853, 12mo. ADDISON (Joseph, 1672–1719). Works, with Notes by Bp. Hurd, 6 vols. . Lond. 1811, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life; Poems on several occasions; Rosamoni; Cato; Poemata; Dialogue on Medals. II. Remarks on Italy; 'Tat- ler. III. IV. Spectator. V. Spectator; Guardian ; Lover ;. Present State of the War; Trial of Count Tarifl'; Whig Examiner. VI. liree- holder ; of the Christiau Religion ; Tlie Drummer; Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. Index at the end of each volume. ADDISON (C. G.). History of the Knights Templars, third edition. Longmans, 1852, cr. 8vo. ADOLPHUS (John, 1764-1845). The History of England, from the accession to the decease of George III. 7 vols. Lond. 1840-45, 8vo. AIKIN (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. Lond. 1819, 8vo. AIKIN (L.).' Memoirs of the Court of James' I., ? vols. Lond. 1822, 8vo. AIKIN (L.). Memoirs of the Court of Charles I., 2 vols. Lond. 1833, 8vo. AIKIN (L). Life of J. Addison, 2 vols. 1843, sm. 8vo. Aldine Edition of the British Poets. Published by Pickering, 53 vols. . Lond. 1839, &c. 12mo. Akenside, with memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce, 1 vol. Beattie, with Memoir by the Rev. 8. Dyce, i vol. Burns, with Memoir and Notes by Sir H. Nicolas, 3 vols. Butler, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 2 vols, Chaucer, with Memoir by Sir: H. Nicolas, 6: vols. Churchill, with Memoir and Notes by W. Tooke, Esq. 3 vols. Collins, with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, I vol. Cowper, with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, 3 vols. Dryden, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 5 vols. Falconer, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, I vol. Goldsmith, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 1 vol. Gray, with Menoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 1 vol. Milton, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 3 vols. Parnell, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 1 vol. Pope, witli Memoir by ile Rev. A. Dyce, 3.vols. Prior, with Memoir by the Rey, J. Mitford, 2 vols. Catalogue of my Shakespeare, will Memoir by the Rev. A. Dyce, 1 vol. Spenser, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 5 vols. Surrey and Wyatt, with Memoirs by Sir H. Nicolas, 2 vols. Swift, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford, 3 vols. Thomson, with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, 2 vols. White (H. Kirke), with Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas, 1 vol. Young, with Memoir by the Rev. 3. Mitford, 2 vols. ALISON (Sir Archibald). History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815, 8th edition, 14 vols. with 4to. Atlas, by A. K. Johnston. Blackwood, 1849-50, 8vo. ALISON (Sir A.). History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the accession of Louis Napo- leon in 1852, vol. 1. Blackwood, 1853, 8vo. ALISON (Sir A.). Principles of Population, and their connection with human happiness, 2 vols. Blackwood, 1840, 8vo. ALISON (Sir A.), England in 1815 and 1845, or a suf- ficient and contracted currency. Lond. 1845, 8vo. ALISON (Sir A.). Military Life of the Duke of Marl- borough, second edition, 2 vols. Blackwood, 1852, 8vo. ALISON (Sir A.). Essays, political, historical and miscellaneous, 3 vols. vois. Blackwood. 1850.800 ANDERSON (Rev. Christopher, 1782—1852). Annals of the English Bible, from the time of Wycliffe to the present day, with List of Editions of the English Bible, 2 vols. Pickering, 1845, 8vo. ANDREWS (Bp. Lancelot, 1555—1626). Private De- votions, with his Manual for the ſick, translated froin the Original Greek by the Rev. Peter Hall. New Ed., with portrait. Pickering, 1839, fcp. 8vo. ANDREWS (Bp. L.). Preces Privatæ Quotidianæ, Gr. et Lat. A new Edition, very carefully corrected. Pickering, 1848, fcp. 8vo. ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from Manuscripts with a Translation and copious Notes, by J. O'Donovan, 7 vols. 'Houges & Smith, Dublin, 1851, 4to. ANNUAL Register, from the beginning in 1758 to 1853, with Index to 1819, 96 vols. Lond. 8vo. ARABIÁN Nights. A new Translation by E. W. Lane, with Explanatory Notes, and 600 woodcuts by W. Harvey. Murray, 1853, 8vo. ARCHEOLOGIA ; or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiqua- ries. 34 vols., with Index to vol. 30, in two vols. Lond. 1770-1852, 4to. English Library. ARCHÆOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Publisbed under the Di- rection of the Central Committee of the Archæolo- gical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, for the Encouragement and Prosecution of Researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early and Middle Ages, with numerous illustrations, I vols. London, 1844-52, 8vo. ARCHEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. Proceedings of the Ar- chæological Institute at Winchester, in 1845 ; York, in 1846; Norwich, in 1847 ; 'Lincoln, in 1848 ; Salisbury, in 1849, 5 vols. Lond. 1845-51, 8vo. ARIOSTO (Lodovico, 14741533). Orlando Furioso, with an Essay, Notes, and Illustrations in English, by Antonio Panizzi, 4 vols. Pickering, 1834, sm. 8vo. ARNOLD (Thomas, 1795–1842). History of Rome, fifth edition, 3 vols. Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). "History of the later Roman Common- wealth, second edition, 2 vols. _ Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Introductory Lectures on Modern History, fourth edition. Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Sermons on various Subjects, 3 vols. Fellowes, 1845, 8vo. Arnold (T). Sermons : Christian Life, its course, its hindrances, and its helps, fiſth edition. Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Sermons : Christian Life, its hopes, its fears, and its close, fifth edition. Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Sermons, chiefly on the Interpreta- tion of Scripture, second edition. Fellowes, 1845, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Life and Correspondence, edited by A. P. Stanley, 2 vols., fifth edition. Fellowes, 1845, 8vo. ARNOLD (T.). Miscellaneous Works, collected and republished by A. P. Stanley, 2 vols. 1845, 8vo. Fellowes, 1849, 8vo. ARNOLD (Richard, end of 15th century). The Cus- toms of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chro- nicle (edited by F. Douce). Lond. 1811, 4to. ART JOURNAL. Edited by S. C. Hall, complete from the beginning, in 1839, 14 vols. London, 1839-52, 4to. Catalogue of my ATHEN ÆUM (The). Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts, complete from commencement in 1828. 25 vols, Lond. 1828-52, 4to. Atlas. Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 vols. Knight, folio. ATLAS. See Butler, Collins, Johnston. AUSTIN (Mrs. Sarah). Fragments from German Prose Writers, translated, with biographical sketches. Lond. 1841, 8vo. AYTOUN (W. E.). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. 6th edit. Blackwood, 1853, 12mo. BABBAGE (Charles). Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, second edition. Murray, 1838, 8vo. BACON (Lord, 1561-1626). Works, with life by B. Montagu, 17 vols. Pickering, Lond. 1825-34, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Essays; Apothegms; Meditationes Sacræ; or the Colours of Good and Evil; Tracts upon Human Philosophy. 11. Advancement of Learning; New Atalantis. ii, Wisdom of the Ancients ; Henry the Seventh; Henry the Eighth ; Great Britaiu; State of Europe, Felicities of Queen Elizabeth ; Civil Characters of Julius and Augustus Cæsar; Praise of Prince Henry. IV. Sylva Sylvarum, or Natural History in Ten Centuries. V. Tracts relating to Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and England. VI. Speeches ; Charges; Papers relating to the Earl of Essex; Advice to Sir George Villiers. vil. Theological, Miscellaneous, and Judicial Tracts and Charges. VIII. De Augmentis Scientiarum, lib. 1-7. IX. De Augmentis Scientiarum, lib. 8, 9; Novium Organum. X. Historia Veitorum; Historia Vitãe et Mortis; Historia Densi et Rari; Cogitatiunes de Nalira Rerum; Filum Labyrinthi; Aphorismi et Consilia ; De in- terpretatione Naluræ; De Luce et Lumine; Cogitala et Visa, XT. Minor Latin Works. XII. Letters. XIII. Letters, Miscel- lanies, and Law 'Tracts. XIV. 'Translations of Noyum Organum, and of Thoughts on the Nature of Things. XV. Translations, XVI. Part 1. Life of Bacon. XVI. Part 2. Life and Notes. Index at the end of each volume. BACON (Lord). Essays and Wisdom of the Antients, by Basil Montagu. Pickering, 1852, fcp. 8vo. Bacon (Lord). Advancement of Learning, by Mon- tagu. Pickering, 1851, fcp. 8vo. Bacon (Lord). Novum Organum; or, True Sugges- tions for the Interpretation of Nature. Pickering, 1850, fcp. 8vo. BAILEY (P.J.). Festus, a Poem, fifth edition. Pickering, 1852, post 8vo. BAILLIE (Joanna, 1764—1851). Dramatic and Poeti- cal Works, second edition. Longmans, 1853, 8vo. Balfour (Clara Lucas). Sketches of English Lite- rature from the Fourteenth to the present Century. Longmans, 1852, fcp. 8vo. BALLADS. Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland, edited by R. J. King, B.A. Pickering, 1842, fcp. 8vo. English Library. Barn (J.). Anglican Church Architecture, with some remarks upon Ecclesiastical Furnituré. Il- lustrated by 130 examples. The third edition, re- vised and enlarged. J. H. Parker, 1847, 12mo. Barrow (Isaac, 1630-1677). Theological Works, portrait, 8 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr., 1830, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I.-V. Sermons. VI. Explication of the Articles of the Creed; Doctrine of the Sacraments; Exposition on the Creed. VII. 'Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy; Discourse on the Unity of the Church. VIII. Opuscula Theologica; Orationes; Poemata. Barrow (Sir John, 1764-1848). The Life of Lord Anson. Murray, 1839, 8vo. BARROW (Sir J.). Life of Lord Howe. Murray, 1837, 8vo. BARROW (Sir J.). Autobiographical Memoir, includ- ing Reflections, Observations, and Reminiscences at Home and Abroad, from early Life to advanced Age. Murray, 1847, 8vo. Barrow (Sir J.). Sketches of the Royal Society, and the Royal Society Club. Murray, 1849, 8vo. Barrow (John). Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Sir Francis Drake, with numerous original Letters. Murray, 1843, 8vo. BARROW (J.). Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Murray, 1845, 8vo. BEAUMONT (F., 1586 - 1615) and FLETCHER (J., 1576—1625). Works, with notes and biographical memoir by Alex hy Álex. Dyce, 11 vols. I Contents: Vol. I. Memoir; Commendatory Poems; Woman Hater; Thierry and Theodoret; Philaster; Maid's Tragedy. II. Faithful Shepherdess; Knigiit of the Burning Pestle; A King and 110 King; Cupid's Revenge; Thie Masque; Four Plays in One. III. Scornful Lady; Coxcómb; Captain; Honest Man's Fortune; Little French Lawyer. IV. Wit at several Weapons; Wil without Money; faithful friends; The Widow; Custom of the Country V. Bonduca; Knight of Malta; Valentinian ; Laws of Candy: Queen of Corinth. VI. Loyal Subject; Mad Lover; false One ; Double Marriage; Humorous Lieutenant. VII. Woman Pleased; Woman's Prize; The Chances; Monsieur Thomas ; Island Princess. Vill. Pilgrim; Wild Goose Chase; Propheless; Ser Voyage; Spanish Curate. IX. Beggar's Bush; Live's Cure; Maid in the Mill; Wife for a Month; Rule a Wife and have a Wife. X. Fair Maid of the lun; Noble Gentleman; Elder Brother ; Nice Valour ; Bloolly Brother. XI. Love's Progress; Night-walker; Love's Pil- grimage; Two Noble Kinsmen; Poems by Beaumont; Poems by Fletcher; Index to the Notes. BEAUTIES of England and Wales, or Delineations Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive of each county. By Britton, Brayley, &c. with Introduc- tion by Brewer, 19 vols. in 26. Lond. 1801-15,870, Contents : Vol. I. Introduction; Bedfordshire; Berkshire; Buck- inghamshire. 11. Cambridgeshire; Cheshire; Cornwall. II. Cum- berland; Isle of Man; Derbyshire. IV. Devonshire; Dorsetshire. V. Durham; Essex, Gloucesterslire. VI. Hampshire; Isle of 8vo. Catalogue of my tion. Wight; Herefordshire. VII. Hertfordshire; Huntingdonshire; Kent. VIII. Kent. IX. Lancashire; Leicestershire; Lincolnshire. X. (in Ove parts). Middlesex and London. XI. Monmouthshire; Norfolk; Northamptonshire. XII, Part 1. Northumberland; Not- tinghamshire. XII. Part 2. Oxfordshire; Rutlandshire. Xlll. Part 1. Shropshire; Somersetshire. XII. Part 2. Staffordshire. XIV. Suffolk; Surrey; Sussex. XV. Part 1. Warwickshire ; Westmoreland'; Worcestershire. XV. Part 2. Wiltshire. XVI. Yorkshire. XVII. North Wales. XVIIT. South Wales. BEAUTIES of Scotland. By Robert Forsyth, 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1605-8, 8vo. Contents: Vol. 1. Midlothian; East Lnthian; Berwickshire. II. Berwickshire; Roxburghshire; Selkirkshire ; Tweedale; Dum- fries-shire; Galloway; Kirkcudbright; Wigtonshire; Ayrshire. III. Renfrewshire; Lanarkshire; Glasgow; Dumbartonshire; Stir- Jingshire; Linlithgowshire; Clackmannanshire. IV. Clackman- nanshire, Kinross-shire; Fife ; Perthshire; Forfarshire; Kincar- dineshire'; Aberdeenshire; Banfishire; Elgin or Morayshire; Nairn- shire; Cromartysliire; Caitliness. V. Caithness; Orkney-Islands; Slictland Islands ; Slitherlandshire; Ross-shire; Inverness-shire and Islands ; Argyleshire ; Shire of Bule. BECKER (Prof. W.A.) Gallus; or Roman Scenes of the Age of Augustus, second edition. Parker & Son, 1849, post 8vo. Becker (Prof. W. A.) Charicles; or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, second edi- Parker & Son, 1853, post 8vo. BEDE (The Venerable, 672–735). Complete Works, in the original Latin; collated and accompanied by a new English translation of the historical works, and a Life of the Author, by the Rev.J. A. Giles. 12 vols. Whittaker, 1843–44, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Life ; Poenis ; Letters. II. Ecclesiastical History (Latin and English), books 1-3. III. Eccles. Hist. books 4-5, and Index. IV. Historical Tracts. V. Homilies. VI. Scien- tific Tracts and Appendix (Litin and English). VII.-IX. Com- mentaries on the Old Testament. X.-X1. Commentaries on the New Testament. Bell (Prof. T.). History of British Reptiles, up- wards of 40 illustrations. Van Voorst, 1839, 8vo. Bell (Prof. T.). History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. Van Voorst, 1837, 8vo. BentILM (Jeremy, 1747–1832). Works, with Me- moir, edited by Dr. Bowring, 11 vols. Edin. 1843, royal 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. General Preface; J. H. Burton's Introduction to the Study of Bentham's Works; Principles of Morals and Legis- lation ; Promulgation of Livs and Specimen of Penal Code; Indu- ence of Time and Place in Matters of Legislation ; Table of Springs of Action; Fragment on Government; Principles of Civil Code and of Penal Law. II. Principles of Judicial Procedure; Rationale or Reward; Principles of Constitutional Code for any State; On Li- berty of the Press ; Political Tactics : Book of Fallacies; Anarchi- cal Fallacies; Principles of International Law; Junctiana Pro- posal ; Protest against Law Taxes; Supply without Burden; Tax with Monopoly. 117. Defence of Usury; Manual of Political Eco- nomy; On Restrictive and Prohibitory Commercial Systems; Plan for Transfer of Stock; View of complete Core of Lil WYS; Pannomia) Fragments; Nomography, or Art of inditing Laws; Logical As- English Library. rangements; Equity Dispatch Court Proposal; Equity Dispatch Court Bill; Plan of Parliamentary Reformi; Radical Reform Bill; Radicalism not Dangerous. IV. View of Hard-Labour Bill; Panopa ticon, or the luspection House, with Postscript; Panopticon versus New South Wales; Plea for the Constitution, Draught of Code for Organization of Judicial Establislumentin France ; Emancipate your Colonies; On Houses of peers and Senates; Papers relative to Codification ; Codification Proposal. V. Scotch Reform ; Plan of Judicatory under name of Lords' Delegates ; Art of Packing (Spe- cial Juries); Swear not at all; Truth verstis Ashhurst; The King versus Edmonds, Wolseley and Harrison ; Official Aptitude maxim- ized, &c.; Commentary on Humphrey's Real Property Code; Out- line Plan of Gen. Register of Real Property; Justice und Codifica- tion Petitions; Lord Brougham displayed. VI. VII. Rationale of Judicial Evidence. VI!l. Chrestomathia ; Ontology; Logic; Lan- guage; Universal Grammar; Tracts on Poor Laws and on Spanish and Portuguese Affairs; Letters to Toreno on Spanish Code ; Reformation Projects relative to Tripoli. IX. Constitutional Code. X. XI. Memoirs of Bentham, by Dr. Bowring; General Index. BENTLEY's Miscellany, from the commencement in 1837 to end of 1852, containing the Writings of Dickens, Ainsworth, Lover, &c. numerous plates, 32 vols. Bentley, 8vo. BERENS (Edward). History of the Prayer-Book of the Church of England, 2nd edit. Rivingtons, 1841, 12mo. BERINGTON (Rev. Joseph, 1743–1827). History of the Reign of Henry II. and of Richard and John his sons, &c. . Birmingham, 1790, 4to. BeringTON (Rev. J.). The Literary History of the Middle Ages. Bogue, 1846, 8vo. BERINGTON (Rev. J.). Lives of Abeillard and Heloise; with their genuine Letters. 2nd edit. Birmingham, 1788, 4to. BERNERS (Juliana, 1460). Treatyse of Fysslynge wyth an Angle. 'Reprint of the first treatise on the Art, with fac-simile wood-cuts. Pickering, 1827, 8vo. BEVERIDGE (Bishop William, 1638–1708). Theo- logical Works, new edition, 12 vols. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1842-8, 8vo. Contents : Vol. S.-VI. Sermons. VII. On the Thirty-Nine Ar- ticles. VIIT. Church Catechism Explained; Private Thoughts on Religion ; On Public Prayer and l'requent Communion ; Defence of Sternhold and Hopkins's Singing - psalms. IX. X. 'Thesaurus Theologicus, and Index. XI. XII. Codex canonum ecclesiæ pri- mitivæ vindicatus ac illustratus ; Indices and Appendix. BLACKWOOD's EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, complete from the beginning in 1817, to the end of 1853, 74 vols. Blackwood, Edinb. 8vo. BLAINE(D.P.) Encyclopædia of Rural Sports, Hunt- ing, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements, 600 wood en- gravings, new edition. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. 10 Catalogue of my BLAIR (John, d. 1782). Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Création to the Present Time, with Additions by Sir H. Ellis. Longmans, 1851, 8vo. Bonn's STANDARD LIBRARY, 89 vols. H. G. Bohn, 1845-53, post 8vo. Bacon's Essays, Apothegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Ala- lantis and Henry VII. By Dary. Beckman (J.) History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. 2 vols. Bremer (Miss F.) Works. Translated by Mary Howiti. 4 vols. Butler (S.) Analogy of Religion, and Sermons. Cellini (Benvenuto). Memoirs, written by himself. Translated by Roscoe Coxe (W.) History of the House of Austria. 3 vols. Coxe (W.) Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, 3 vols. and 4to. Atlas. De lolme (J. L.) On the Constitution of England. With Life and Notes by J. Macgregor. Foster (John). Life and Correspondence. By Ryland. 2 vols. l'oster (J.) Lectures. Edited, with additions, by Ryland. 2 vols. Tuller (Andrew). Principal Works. Goethe's Works. 3 vols. Gregory (Dr.) Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion. Guizot's History of Representative Government. Hall (Robt.). Miscellaneous Works; with Memoir by Gregory. History of the House of Austria, from 1792 to the Present; in continuation of Coxe. Hutclinson (Lucy). Memoir of Colonel Hutchinson. James (G. P. R.) Louis XIV. 2 vols. Juius's Letters-Woodfall's Notes and Additions. 2 vols. Lamartine's History of the Girondisis. 3 vols. Lamartine's History of the French Revolution of 1848. Linzi's History of Painting. Translated by Roscoe. 3 vols. Machiavelli's History of Florence; Prince, &c. Menzel's History or Germany. 3 vols. Milton's Prose works. 5 vols. 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Translated, with Notrs, by H. T. Riley. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtæus. by the Rev. J. Banks, M.A. With the Metrical Versions of Chapman. Frontisp. The Greck Anthology, chiefly by G. Burges, A. M.: with Metri- call Versions by various Authors. Thucydirles, by the Rev. H. Dale. 2 vols. Virgil, by Davidson; new edition, revised. Boun'S ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY, 26 vols. H. G. Bohn, 1847-53, post 8vo. Bede's Ecclesiastical History, and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Brand's Popular Antiquities of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Sir Henry Ellis. 3 vols. Chronicles of the Crusaders; Richard of Devizes, Geoffrey de Vinsauf, Joinville. Early Travels in Palestine; Willibald, Sæwulf, Benjamin of Tudela, Mandeville, La Brocquiere, and Maundrell. Edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. With Map. Ellis's Early English Metrical Romances, revised by J. O. Hal- liwell, Esq. Henry of Huntingdon's History of the English, from the Roman Invasion to Henry 11.; with 'The Acts of King Stephen, &c. Translated and edited by T. Forester, Esq. M.A. Keightley's Fairy Mythology. New editioii, enlarged by the Author. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, by Bishop Percy; with an Ab- stract of the Lyrbiggia Saga, by Sir Walter Scott. New edi- tion, revised and enlarged by J. A. Blackwell. Matthew Paris's Chronicle, containing the History of England from 1235, translated by Dr. Giles. 2 vols. Catalogue of my Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, to 1307. Trans- lated by C. D. Yonge. 2 vols. Pauli (Dr. R.) Life or Alfred the Great. Translated from the German, with the Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius; a literal English translation, with Notes, by B. Thorpe. Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History (formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris); comprising the listory of England from the Descent of the Saxons, to A. d. 1235. By Dr. Giles. 2 vols. Sir Thomas Browne's Works, edited by Simon Wilkins. 3 vols. Six Old English Chronicles, viz. Aşser's Life of Alfred; and the Chronicles of Ethelwerd, Gildas, Nennius, Geoffrey of Mon- month, and Richard of Cirencester. The Annals of Roger de Hoveden. Comprising the History of England, from Ä. D. 732 to A.D. 1201. Translated and edited by H. T. Riley, 2 vols. William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England. Yule-Tide Stories. A Collection of Scandinavian Tales and Traditions, edited by B. Thorpe, Esq. BOJARDO (1434–1494). Orlando Innamorato, with an Essay, Notes, and Illustrations in English, by Antonio Panizzi, 5 vols. Pickering, 1830, sm. 8vo. BOLINGBROKE (Henry St. John, Viscount, 1672-1751). Works : by David Mallet and Gilbert Parke, 7 vols. Lond. 1754-98, 4to. Contents : Vol. 1. Letter to Sir W. Windham; Retlections upon Exile; Occasional Writer, No. 1-3; Vision of Camilick; An- swer to London Journal; answer to Defence of the Euquiry into the Reasons of the Conduct of G. Britain; Remarks on History of England. W. Dissertation uponi Parties; Letters on Study of His- tory; Sketch of the History and State of Europe; Plan for a Gene- ral History of Kurope; On the true use of Retirement and Study. Ill. Spirit of Patriotism; Idea of a Patriot King; State of Parties it Accession of George the First; Present State of the Nation ; Letters to M. de Pouilly; Un Abp. Tillotson's Sermons ; Letters or Essays addressed to Pope-Essay i. On the Nature, Extent, and Reality of Human Knowledge. IV. Essay ii. On the Folly of Philosophers; jii. Rise and Progress of Monotheism ; iv. Concerning Authority in Matters of Religion. V. Fragments or Minutes of Essays. VI. and VII. Letters and Correspondence; published by Gilbert Parke, 2 vols., or forming vols, 6 and 7 of the Works. Lond. 1798, 4to. Book or Common Prayer, noted by Merbecke, show- ing the parts of the Service chanted in the reign of Edward VI. Pickering, 1844, 4to. Borrow (George). Romantic Ballads, translated from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces. Lond. 1826, 8vo. Borrow (G.), Zincali: Account of Gipsies in Spain, 2 vols. Murray, 1843, post 8vo. BORROW (G.). Bible in Spain, or the Journies, Ad- ventures, and Imprisonment of an Englishman, &c. 3 vols. Murray, 1843, post 8vo. Borrow (G.). Lavengro: the Scholar, the Gipsy, and the Priest, 3 vols. Murray, 1851, post Zvo. Boswell (James, 1740—1795). Life of Dr. Johnson, and Tour to the Hebrides, edited by Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker, upwards of 50 engravings, 10 vols. Lond. 1851, 12mo. English Library. 13 BOURNE (Vincent, 1700—1747). Poetical Works, Latin and English, with Life of the Author, edited by the Rev. J. Mitford. Pickering, 1840, fcp. 8vo. RAND (John, c. 1743–1806). Popular Antiquities. Edited by Sir H. Ellis, 2 vols. Lond. 1813, 4to. BRAND (J.). Popular Antiquities. Revised and en- larged by Sir H. Ellis, 3 vols. Knight, 1841-2, 12mo. BRAND (J.). Popular Antiquities. Revised and abridged by J.0. Halliwell, 3v. Bohn, 1849, 12mo. BRANDE (W. T.). Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every Branch of Human Knowledge. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. BRANDE (W.T.). Manual of Chemistry, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1848, 8vo. BREMER (Frederika). The Neighbours. Translated by Mary Howitt. 3rd edit. Longmans, 1843, 8vo. BREMER (F.). The Home. 2 v. Longmaris, 1843, 8vo. BREMER (F.). The President's Daughter, and Nina. 3 vols. Longmans, 1841, 8vo. BREMER (F:). Diary, with Strife and Peace. Trans- lated by M. Howitt. 2 vols. Longmans, 1843, 8vo. BREMER (F.). The H- Family, and other Tales. Trans. by M.Howitt. 2 vols. Longmans, 1844, 8vo. BREMER (F.). Brothers and Sisters. Translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols. Colburn, 1848, 8vo. BREMER (F.). Midnight Sun. Translated by Mary Howitt. Colburn, 1819, 8vo. BREMER (F.). Easter Offering. Translated by Mary Howitt. Colburn, 1850, 12mo. BREMER (F.). Homes of the New World: Impres- sions of America. Translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols. A Hall and Virtue, 1853, post 8vo. BREMER (F.). See Bohn's Standard Library. BREWSTER (Sir David). Martyrs of Science, Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, second edit. . Murray, 1846, 12mo. BRIDGEWATER TREATISES, on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation, 12 vols. Pickering, 1834, &c. 8vo. Bell (Sir C.). The Hand, its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design, 1 vol. Buckland (Dr.). Geology and Mineralogy, 2 vols. Chalmers (Dr.). 'The Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Condition of Man, 2 vols. 1839. Kidd (Dr.). The Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, I vol. 1837. Kirby (W.). On thé History, Habits, and Instincts of Animals, 2 vols. 1835 1837. 1837. 14 Catalogue of my Prout (Dr.). Chemistry, Meteorology, and the function of Di- gestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 1834. Roget (Dr.). Animal and Vegetable Physiology, considered with reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols. 1840. Whewell (1)r.). Astronomy and General Physics cousidered with reference to Natural "Theology, 1 vol. 1839. British ESSAYISTS, with Prefaces by A. Chalmers, and a General Index, 38 vols. Lond. 1823, 12mo. Contents : Vol. 1-4, Tatler (Steele, Addison); 5--12, Spectator (ditto); 13-15, Guardian (ditto); 16–18, Rambler (Johnson); 19-21, Adventurer (Hawkesworth) : 22-24, World (Moore); 25, 26, Connoisseur ('Thornton and Coleman); 27, Idlir (Jolinson): 28, 29, Mirror (Mackenzie); 30, 31, Lounger (Ditto); 32-34, Observer (Cumberland); 35-37, Looker-on; 38, Index. BRITISH POETS ; including Translations (with lives by Dr. Johnson, S. W. Singer, R. A. Davenport, and others]. 100 vols. C. Whittingham, Chiswick, 1822, fcp. 8vo. Contents: 1-5, Chaucer ; 6-12, Spenser; 13–15, Cowley; 16- 18, Milton; 19, 20, Waller: 21, 22, Butler ; _23-25, Dryden; 26, Addison, J. Philips ; 27, Garth, Tickell; 28, E. Smith, Blackmore; 29, Pomfret, Fenton; 30, 31, Prior; 32, 33, Gay; 34, A. Philips, Parnell, West; 35, Savage; 36, Somerville; 37-39, Swift; 40, Broome; 41, 42, Pope; 43, 44, Thomson ; 15, 46, Watts; 47, Shen- stone; 18, Mallet; '49-51, Young; 52, 53, Akenside; 54, Dyer, W. Tliompson, Green ; 55, Gray, lago; 56, Lyttellou, E. Moore; 57, Hamilion ; 58, Falconer, Day, Blair, Glynn, Porteus; 59, Grain- ger, Boyse ; 00, Cawthorn, Bruce; 61, 62, Churchill; 63, Hammond, Shaw, Lovibond, Penrose; 64, Cunningham, Goldsmithi ; 65, Lang- horne ; 66, Mickle, Smollett; 67, Armstrong, Jolison; 68, T. War- ton, J. Warton ; 69, Glover; 70. J. Scott, Login; 71, Jenyní, Wilkie, Greeme; 72, Cooper, Cotton; 73, Hoyland, Moore, Hendly, Russell, Oram, Banipfylde, 'Lovell; 74, Sir 'W. Jones; 75, 76, Burns; 77, Mason; 78, Beattie; 79, 80, Cowper; Translalions : 81, 82, Pope's Homer's Iliad; 63, 64, Odyssey; 85–87, Dryden's Virgil; '88, Cooke's Hesiod, Méen's Coluthus, Wesley's lúpolis; 89, West's Pindar, Fawkes's Anacreon, Sappho, Museus ; 90, 91, Preston's Apollonius Rhodius; 92, Polwhele's Theocritus, Bion, Moschius, Tyrlæns; 93, Grainger's Tibullus, Sulpicia; 94, 95, Garth's Ovid; 96, Dryden's' Juvenal; 97, Dryden's Persius; 98, Francis's Horace; 99, Rowe's Lucan; 100, Pitt's Vida. BRITTON (John). Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, 360 Engravings of the most beautiful, curious and interesting Ancient Edifices, with His- torical and Descriptive Accounts. 5 vols. . 1809-26, 4to. BRITTON (J.) Cathedral Antiquities of England, 311 plates, 5 vols. 1814-36, 4to. BRODERIP. (W. J.). Note-Book of a Naturalist. Parker & Son, 1852, post 8vo. BRODERIP (W. J.). Zoological Recreations. Colburn, 1851, post 8vo. BROUGHAM (Lord). Inquiry into thé Colonial Policy of the European Powers, 2 vols. Lond. 1803, 8vo. BROUGHAM (Lord). Speeches upon Questions re- lating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, with Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the An- cients, 4 vols. Lond. 1838, 8vo. English Library. 15 BROUGHAM (Lord). Historical Sketches-of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III. 3. vols. Lond. 1839, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. George the Third ; Lord Chatham; Lord'North; Lord Loughborough; lord Thurlow, Lord Mansfield; Lord Chict Justice Gibbs; Sir W. Grant; Burke, Fox; Pitt; Sheridan; Wind- bam; Dundas; Erskine; Perceval; Lord Grenville;. Gratian; Wilberforce; Canning; Romilly; Effects of Party; Franklin; Fre- deric the second ; Gustavus the Third; Emperor Joseph; Empress Catherine; Appendix. II. George the Fourth (including Sir John Leach and others); Lord Eldon; Lord Slowell ; Dr. Laurence ; Sir Phil. Francis; Horne Tooke; Lord Castlereagli; Lord Liverpool; Tierney; Lord St. Vincenti; Lord Nelson; Horner; Lord King; Ricardo, and the Currency question ; Curran; Carrol; Neckar ; Mad. dé Stäel; Mirabeau family; Carnot; La l'ayelte; Prince Talleyrand; Napoleon; Washington. III. The l'rencii Revolution ; Robespierre; Danton; Desmoulins; St. Just; Sieyes; Fouché; John, 41h Duke of Bedford; Earl Camden; Wilkes; Lord Ellenbo- rough; Lord Chief Justice Bushe; Jefferson; American Democracy; Marquis Wellesley; Lord Holland; John Allen; Appendix, Wal- pole; Bolingbroke. BROUGHAM (Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Reign of George III., portraits, 2 vols. Knight, 1845, royal 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Voltaire; Rousseau; Hume; Robertson; Black; Watt; Priestley; Cavendish; Davy; Simson. II. Johnson); A. Smith; Lavoisier; Gibbou; Sir Jos. Banks ; D'Alembert; Appen- dix to Banks and Smith; Note on Lives of Cavendish, Watt, and Black, BROUGHAM (Lord). Political Philosophy, viz. Prin- ciples of Government; Monarchical Government; Aristocratic Government; Democracy, and Mixed Monarchy, 3 vols. Knight, 1846, 8vo. BROWNE (Sir Thos., 1605-1682). Works, with a Memoir and Notes, by Wilkin, 4 vols. Pickering, 1836, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Editor's Preface; Memoirs of Browne; Do- mestic and Miscellaneous Correspondence; Journals, &c. II. Re- ligio Medici; Pseudodoxia epidenicil, books 1-4. TIÍ. Pseudodox- ja, books 4-7; Garden of Cyrus.; Hydriotaphia; Brampton Urns. IV. Repertorium ; Letter to a friend ; Christian Morals; Miscellany Tracts; Unpublished papers; Journey with Dr. Plot; MS. Cola lections of Sir Thos. and Dr. E. Browne; General Index. BROWNE (Sir T.). Religio Medici; together with a Letter to a friend on the Death of his intimate Friend, and Christian Morals. Edited by Henry Gardiner, M.A. Pickering, 1845, fcp. 8vo. BROWNE (Rev. R. W.). History of Greek Classical Literature. 2 vols. Bentley, 1851, 8vo. BROWNE (Rev. R. W.). History of Roman Classical Literature. Bentley, 1853, 8vo. BRYDGES (Sir Samuel Egerton, 1762—1837). Resti- tuta ; or the Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature, and their Authors, revived, 4 vols. Lond. 1814, 8vo. BRYDGES (Sir S. E.) and J. HASLEWOOD. The British Bibliographer, 4 vols. Lond. 1810-14, 8vo. 16 Catalogue of my BRYDGES (Sir S. E.). Censura Literaria; containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with other Literary Antiquities. Second edition, with Index, 10 vols. Lond. 1815, 8vo. BUCKINGHAM (Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of). Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III. from original family documents. 2nd edition, 2 vols. Hurst and Blackett, 1853, 8vo. BULL (Bp. George, 1634—1709). Works, with Life by Nelson. By the Rev. E. Burton. New edi- tion. 8 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1846, 8vo. BULWER-LYTTON (Sir Edward Lytton). Works. With Frontispieces and Vignettes, 14 vols. Saunders and Otley, 1840—45, post 8vo. Contents: Devereux; Disowned ; Earnest Maltravers; Earnest Maltravers, part second (Alice); England and the Euglish, and Student; Eugene Aram; Godolphin; Last Days of Pompeii; Night and Morning; Paul Clifford; Peiliam; Pilgrims of the Rhine; Rienzi; Zanoni. BULWER-LYTTON (Sir E. L.). Works. Cheap edition, 17 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1848-53, cr. 8vo. Contents: Alice; Devereux; Disowned; Ernest Maltravers; Eugene Aram; Godolphin; Harold; Last Days of Pompeii; Last of the Barons; 'Leila; Lucretia ; Night and Morning; Paul Clifford; Pelham; Pilgrims of the Rhine; Rienzi; Zanoni, Bulwer-LYTTON (Sir E. 'L.). The Caxtons, A Fa- mily Picture. Blackwood, 1852, post 8vo. BULWER-LYTTON (Sir E. L.). My Novel,' by Pisis- tratus Caxton. 2 vols. Blackwood, 1853, post 8vo. Bulwer-LYTTON (Sir E. L.). Poetical and Dramatic Works. 5 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1853, post 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. New Timon; Constance; Milton; Eva; Fairy Bride; Beacon; Lay of the Minstrel's Heart; Narrative Ly- rics. 11. King Arthur, Books 1--9. 11. King Arthur, Books 10-- 12; Corn-Flowers, Books 1 and 2; Earlier Poems. IV and V. (Not yel published). Bulwer-LYTTON (Sir E. L.). Athens, its Rise and Fall, 2 vols. Saunders and Otley, 1837, 8vo. BUNSEN (C.C.J.). The Constitution of the Church of the Future. Translated from the German. Longmans, 1847, 12mo. BUNSEN (C.C.J.). Hippolytus and his Age; or Doc- trine and Practice of the Church of Rome under Commodus and Alexander Severus, 4 vols. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. BUNSEN (C. C. J.) Egypt's Place in Universal His- tory; an Historical Investigation. Translated by C. H. Cottrell, 2 vols. Longmans, 1848-53, 8vo. BUNYAN (John, 1628–1688). Pilgrim's Progress. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. English Library. 17 BURKE (Edmund, 1730—1797). Works and Corres- pondence, edited by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir R. Bourke, 8 vols. Rivingtons, 1852, 8vo. Contents: Vol. J. Correspondence, 1744-1791. ii. Correspond- ence, 1791-1797 ; Vindication of Natural Society; On the Sublime and Beautiful. III. Short Account of a late Short Administration ; Observations on the Present State of the Nation ; Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents; Speech on American Taxation ; Speeches at Bristol, 1774: Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies; Letter on American Affairs ; Two Letters on Trade of Ireland; Speech for the better securing the Independence of Parliament; Speeches at Bristol, 1780 ; Speech on Fox's East India Bill; Repre- sentation to his Majesty. IV. Speech on the Nabob of Arcot's Debts ; Speech in the Debate on the Army Estimates; Reflections on the French Revolution ; Letter to a Member of the National As- sembly; Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs; Letters ou the Penal Laws against Irisli Catholics; Hints for a Memorial to Mons. de M. M.; Thoughts on French Affairs. V. Considerations on the Present State of Affairs; 01) the Policy of the Allies; On the Con- duct of the Minority; Preface to M. Brissot's Address ; Letter to W. Elliot, Esq. ; Thoughts on Scarcity; Letter to a Noble Lord ; Four Letters on Peace; A Regicide; Letter to the Empress of Russia; Letter to Sir C. Bingham; Letter to C. J. Fox; Letter to Marq. of Rockingham; Address to the King ; Address to the Bri- tish Colonists in N. América; Letters to Pery, Burgh, and Merlott; Letters, with Reflections, on the Executions of the Rioters in 1780; Letter to Dundas, with the Sketch of a Negro Code; Letter on the Duration of Parliamients. VI. Tracts relative to the Laws against Popery in Ireland ; Letters to W. Smith, Langrishe, R. Burke; On the Affairs of Ireland ; Fragments and Notes of Specches ; Hints for an Essay on the Drama; Essay towards an Abridgment of the English History; Ninth and Eleventh Reports from the Select Con- mittee of the House of Commons on Affairs of the East India Com- pany; Articles of Charge against Warren Hastings. VII. Articles (continued); Speeches on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. VIII. Speeches on Impeachment (continued); Report from Com- mittee relating to Warren Hastings' Trial; General index. BURNET (Bp. Gilbert, 1643–1715). History of the Reformation of the Church of England, 7 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1829, 8vo. BURNET (Bp.). History of his own Time, with the suppressed Passages restored, and Notes, second edition, 6 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1833, 8vo. BURNET (Bp.). History of the Reign of King James the Second. Notes by the Earl of Dartmouth, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. Additional Observations, now enlarged. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1852, 8vo. BURNET (Bp.). Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William Dukes of Hamilton and Castle-Herald. A new edition. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1852, 8vo. BURNET (Bp.). History of the Reformation, abridged. Edited by Professor Corrie. Parker & Son, 1847, 8vo. Burns (Robert, 1759--1796). The Works of, with Life by Allan Cunningham. Second edition, 8 vols. Lond. 1835, 12mo. 18 Catalogue of my Burns (R.). Life of, by J. G. Lockhart, fifth edi- tion. Murray, 1847, 12mo. Burton (Robert, 1576–1640). Anatomy of Melan- choly, with Life, 2 vols. Lond. 1837, 8vo. BURTON (Dr. Edward). Lectures upon the Ecclesi- astical History of the First Three Centuries, from the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the year 313. Third edition. J. H. Parker, 1845, 8vo. BURTON (John Hill). The History of Scotland from the Revolution to the extinction of the last Jaco- bite Insurrection (1689–1748]. 2 vols. Longmans, 1853, 8vo. BUTLER (Bp. Joseph, 1692—1752). Works, with Preface by Bp. Halifax, 2 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1849, 8vo. BUTLER (Samuel, 1612-1680). Hudibras, with Notes by Grey, 2 vols. Cambridge, 1744, 8vo. BUTLER (S.). Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geo- graphy. New edit. corrected to the present time, and edited by the author's son. Longmans, 1853, royal 4to. or 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Byron (Lord). Works, with Life by Thomas Moore, 16 vols. Murray, 1852, 12mo. Contents : Vol.1.-VI. Liſc by Thomas Moore, with Letters and Journals. Index at the end of the sixth volume. VII. (or vol i. ot Poetical Works.) Hours of Idleness; Occasional Picces written in 1807-10; English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. VIII. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. IX. Occasionill Pieces, 1811-13; Hints from Horace; Curse of Minerva; The Waltz ; The Giaour; The Bride of Abydos; The Corsair; Appendix ; Remarks on Ronaic Language; X. Ode to Napoleon ; Lara; Hebrew Melodies; Siege of Corinth Domestic Pieces, 1810; Monody on the Death of Sheridan; Prisoner of Chillon ; The Dream ; Occasional Pieces, 1814-16. XI. Manfred ; Lament of Tasso; Beppo; Mazeppa; Ode on Venice ; Morgante Maggiore of Pulci, Canto i.; Prophecy of Dante; Occasional Pieces. XI. Francesca of Rimini; Stanzas to the Po; Stanizas; The Blues ; Marino l'aliero ; Vision of Judgment; Occasional Pieces. XIII. Heaven and Earth ; Sardanapalus; The Two l'oscari; The Deformed Transformed. XIV. Cain; Werner; Age of Bronze; The Island ; Stanzas; Lines on 'I hirty-sixth Birtli day. XV. Don Juan, Cantos 1–6. XVI. Don Juan, Cantos 7-16. Index to the 10 volumes. CALENDAR OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH ILLUSTRATED. With brief Accounts of the Saints who have Churches dedicated in their Names, or whose Images are most frequently met with in England: the early Christian and Mediaval Symbols; and an Index of Emblems. With numerous wood- cuts. : J.H. Parker, 1852, fcp. 8vo. CAMDEN SOCIETY's Publications. Nichols, 1838-53, sm. 4to. 1. Restoration of Edward IV. Edited by J. Bruce. 2. Bp. Bale's Kyng Johan. Edited by J. P. Collier. English Library. 19 3. Alliterative Poem on the Deposition of Richard II. Edited by 'T. Wright. 4. Plumpton Correspondence. Edited by T. Stapleton. 5. Anecdotes and Traditions. Edited by W.J. 'l'homs. 6. Political Songs of England from the Reign of John to that of Edw. II. Ed. by T. Wright. 7. Hayward's Annals of Qu. Elizabeth. Edited by J. Bruce. 8. Ecclesiastical Documents. Edited by Rev. J. Hunter. 9. Norden's Description of Essex, 1594. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 10. Warkworth's Chronicle of the Reign of Edw. IV. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 11. Kemp's Nine Daies Wonder. Edited by Rev. A. Dyce. 12. The Egerton Papers. Edited by J. P. Collier. 13. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda. Curante J. G. Rokewode. 14. Irish Narratives, 1641 and 1690. Edited by T. C. Croker. 15. Rishanger's Chronicle of the Barons' Wars. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 16. Latin Poems of Walter Mapes. Edited by 'r. Wright. 17. Travels of Nicander Nucius of Corcyra (Greek and Eng.) Ed. by Rev. J. A. Cramer. 18. Three early English Metrical Romances. Edited by J. Rob- son. 19. Dr. Dee's Private Diary. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 20. Wycliffe's Apology for the Lollards. Edited by J.H. Todd. 21. Rutland Papers, Illustrative of the Times of Hen. VII. aud VIII. Edited by W. Jerdan. 22. Bishop Cartwright's Diary. Edited by Rev. J. Hunter. 23. Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 24. Proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler for Sorcery in 1324. Edited by T. Wright. 25 Promplorium Parvulorum. Auctore Galfrido Grammatico. Edit. A. Way. Tom. I. 26. Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries. Edited by T. Wright. 27. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of l.eycester, during his government of the Low Countries. Ed. by J. Bruce. 28. Croniques de London. Ed. by G. J. Aungier. 20. Polydore Vergil's English History, Hen. VI., Edw. IV., and Rich. III. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 30. The Thornton Romances. Edited by J.0. Halliwell. 31. Verney Papers. Notes of the Long Parliament. Edited by J. Bruce. 32. Sir John Bramstone's Autobiography. Edited by T. W. Bram- ston. 33. Correspondence of James Earl of Perth. Edited by W. Jerdan. 34. De Antiquis Legibus Liber. Curante T. Stapleton. 3:3. The Clironicle of Calais. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 36. Polydore Vergil's English History. Vol. 1. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 37. Italian Relation of England about 1500. 'Translated by C. A. Sueyd, 38. Documents relating to the Church of Middleham, Edited by Rev. W. Atthill. 39. The Camden Miscellany. Vol. I. 40. Life of Lord Grey of Wilton. Edited by Sir P. de Malpas Grey Egerton. 41. Diary of Walter Yonge. Edited by G. Roberis. 12. Diary of Henry Machyn. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 43. Visitation of Huntingdonshire. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 4. Obituary of Richard Smyth. Edited by Sír. H. Ellis. 45. Twysden on the Government of England. Edited by J. M. Kemble. 16. Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI. of Scotland. Ed. by J. Bruce. -47. Chronicon Petroburgense. Curante T. Stapleton. 48. Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mary. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 49. Bury Wills and Inventories. Edited by S. Tymms. 20 Catalogue of my 50. Mapes de Nugis Curialium. Edited by 'T. Wright. 51. Sir R. Guylford's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 52. Secret Services of Charles II. and James II. Edited by J. Y. 53. Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 54. The Camden Miscellany. Vol. II. 55. Letters and Papers of the Verney Family. Edited by J. Bruce. CAMPBELL (Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, 7 vols. Murray, 1845-7, 8vo. CAMPBELL (Lord). Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield, 2 vols. Murray, 1849, 8vo. CAMPBELL (Thomas, 1777–1844). Poetical Works, with engravings after designs by Turner and Sto- thard. Moxon, 1837, 8vo. CAMPBELL (T.). Specimens of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Anstey, with Biographical and Critical Notices, 7 vols. Murray, 1819, cr. 8vo. CAMPBELL (Geo.). Modern India, the System of Civil Government, the Natives, and Native Insti- tutions. Murray, 1852, 8vo. CANNING (George, 1770—1827). Speeches, with Memoir by R. Therry, 6 vols. Lond. 1828, 8vo. CANNING (G.). Political Life of, by A. G. Stapleton, 3 vols. Lond. 1831, 8vo. CARLYLE (Thomas). Life of Schiller, second edition. Chapman 8 H. 1845, post 8vo. Carlyle (T.). Life of John Sterling, second edi- tion. Chapman & H. 1852, post 8vo. CARLYLE (T.). Specimens of German Romance, 4 vols. Chapman & H. 1827, post 8vo. CARLYLE (T.). Miscellanies, third edition, 4 vols. Chapman & H. 1847, post 8vo. CarlyLE (T.). History of the French Revolution, third edition, 3 vols. Chapman * H. 1847, p. 8vo. Carlyle (T.). Essay on Chartism, second edition. Chapman & H. 1839, post 8vo. CARLYLE (T.), Sartor Resartus, third edition. Chapman & H. 1849, 8vo. CARLYLE (T.). Lectures on Heroes and Hero-wor- ship, fourth edition. Chapman & H. 1852, p. 8vo. CARLYLE (T.). Past and Present, second edition. Chapman & H. 1845, post 8vo. CARLYLE (T.). Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, third edition, 4 vols. Chapman & H. 1849, p. 8vo. English Library. 21 Carte (Thomas 1686–1754). Life of James Duke of Ormond; containing an Account of the most Remarkable Affairs of his Time, and particularly of Ireland under his Government. A new edition, carefully compared with the original MSS. 6 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1851, 8vo. CARWITHEN (J. B. S.) History of the Church of Eng- land, to the Revolution of 1688. A new edition, edited by the Rev. W. R. Browell, M.A. 2 vols. J. H. Parker, 1849, sm. 8vo. CATLIN (George). Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, with 360 engravings, fifth edition, 2 vols. Boln, 1845, royal 8vo. CERVANTES (1547—1616). Don Quixote, translated by Jarvis, with Memoir of Cervantes, 820 wood en- gravings after Tony Johannot, 2 vols. Lond. 1843, royal 8vo. CHALMERS (Alexander, 1759-1834). General Bio- graphical Dictionary, 32 vols. Lond. 1812-17, 8vo. CHALMERS (A.). The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper; including the series edited with prefaces by Dr. S. Johnson, and the most approved translations. The additional lives by Alexander Chalmers. 21 vols. London, 1810, royal 8vo. .Contents: 1, Chaucer; 2, Gower, Skelton, Surrey, Wyat, Gas- coigne, Turberville; 3, Spenser, Daniel; 4, Drayton, Warner; 5, Shakespeare, Davies, Donne, Hall, Stirling, Jonsoni, Corbet, Carew, Drummond; 6, Beaumont and Fletcher, Sir J. Beaumont, Browne, Davenani, Habington, Suckling, Cartwright, Crashaw, Sherburne, Brome, C. Colton; 7, Cowley, Denham, Milton; 8, Waller, Butler, Rochester, Roscommon, Otway, Pomfret, Dorset, Stepney, J. Phi- lips, Walsh, Dryden; 9, Dryden, Smith, 'Duke, King, 'Sprát, Hali- filx, Parnell, Garth, Rowe, Addison ; 10, Huglies, Sheffield, Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, l'enton, Gay; 11, Lánsdowne, Yalden, Tickell, Hammond, Somerville, Savage, Swift; 12, Broome, Pope, Pitt, Thomson ; 13, Watts, A. Philips, West, Collins, Dyer, Shenistone, Young ; 14, Mallet, Ákenside, Gray, Lyttelton, Moore, Cawthorne, Churchill, Falconer, Cunningham, Grainger, Boyse; 15, Thompson, Blair, Lloyd, Green, Byrom, Dodsley, Chatterton, Cooper, Smollett, Hamilton; 16, Smart, Wilkie, P. Whitehead, Fawkes, Lovibond, Harte, Langliórne, Góldsmith, Armstrong, Johnson; 17, Glover, W. Whitehead, Jago, Brooke, J. Scott, Mickle, Jenyns; 18, Dr. Cotton, Logan, T. Warton, J. Warton, Blacklock, Cambridge, Mason, Jones, Beattie, Cowper. Trunslations: 19, Pope's Homer, Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal, Pitt's Virgil's Eneid, and Vida's Art of Poetry, Francis's Horace; 20, Rowe's Lucan, Grainger's Tibullus, Fawkes's Theocritus, Apol- lonius Rhodius, Coluthus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bion, Moschis, and Musæus, Garth's Ovid, Lewis's Statius, Cooke's Hesiod; 21, Hoole's Ariosto and Tasso, Mickle's Lusiad. CHAMBERS (Robert). Select Writings. 7 vols. Chambers, Edinb., 1847, post 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. II. Essays familiar and humorous. *111. Essays moral and economic. IV. Essays philosophical, sentimental, and historical sketches. V. History of the Rebellion of 1745-6. VI. Tra- ditions of Edinburgh. VII. Popular Rhymes of Scotland. 22 . Catalogue of my CHAMBERS (R.). Ancient Sea-Margins, or Memo- rials of Changes in the relative level of sea and land. Chambers, 1848, 8vo. CHAMBERS (R.). Cyclopædia of English Literature : a history critical and biographical of British Au- thors, from the earliest to the present times, 2 vols. Chambers, 1844, roy. 8vo. CHAMBERS (R.) Life and Works of Robert Burns, 4 vols. Chambers, 1851-2, 12mo. CHAMBERS's Edinburgh Journal, new series, 1844 to 1853, 20 vols. Chambers, 1844-53, imp. 8vo. CHAMBERS's Information for the People: edited by William and Robert Chambers, 2 vols. Chambérs, 1849, roy. 8vo. CHAMBERS's Miscellany of useful and interesting Tracts, 20 vols. Chambers, 1850, 12mo. CHAMBERS's Papers for the People, 12 vols. Chambers, 1850, 12mo. CHAMBERS’s Pocket Miscellany, 18 vols. Chambers, 1852-3, 18mo. CHAMBERS's Library for Young People, 20 vols. Chambers, 1848-52, square 12mo. CHATHAM (Wm. Pitt, Earl of, 1708–1778). Cor- respondence, edited by Taylor and Pringle, 4 vols. Murray, 1840, 8vo. CHATTERTON (Thomas, 1752-1770). Works, with Life, by G. Gregory : and Miscellaneous Poems. Edited by R. Southey. 3 vols. Lond. 1803, 8vo. CHATTENTON (T.). Life of, including his unpub- lished Poems and Correspondence. By J. Dix. Lond. 1837, 12mo. Chatto (W. A.). History of Wood Engraving; upwards of 300 illustrations, by John Jackson. C. Knight, 1839, thick imp. 8vo. CHATTO (W. A.). Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards; numerous engravings. J. R. Smith, 1848, 8vo. CHAUCER (Geoffrey, 1360_1400.) Romaunt of the Rose, Troilus and Creseide, &c. with Life by Sir Harris Nicolas, 3 vols. Pickering, 1846, cr. 8vo. CHAUCER (G.). Canterbury Tales; with an Essay on his Language and Versification, an Introductory Discourse, and Glossary, by Thomas Tyrwhitt, vols. Pickering, 1830, cr. 8vo. LX English Library. 23 CHESTERFIELD (P.D. Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773). Letters, new edition, including several never before published, edited by Lord Mahon, 5 vols.. Lond. 1845-53, 8vo. CHESTERFIELD (Earl of). Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols. Lond. 1774, 8vo. CHILLINGWORTHI (William 1602-1644). Works. New Edit. 3 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1838, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life; Charity maintained by Catholics, with Prefaces. II. Charity maintained (continued). III. Sermons ; Additional Discourses; Answer to Rushworth's Dialogues ; Against punishing Crimes with Death ; Index to Charity maintained. CHRONICLES. Sce Arnold-Bohn's Antiquarian Li- brary-Fabyan - Froissart ---Grafton - Hall - Harding -Holinshed - Ingram -- Monstrelet — Rastell-Stow. CHURCHES OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. With 250 en- gravings, in the best style, of some of the finest Country Churches in England. J. H. Parker, 1849, royal 8vo. CIBBER (Colley, 1671 -1757). Dramatic Works, 5 vols. Lond. 1777, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Life ; Love's last Shift; Woman's Wit; Love makes a Man; She would and slie would not. 11. Careless Hus- band; Rival tools ; Lady's last Stake; Richard the Third. III. Double Gallant; Ximeni; Comical Lovers ; Non-Juror. 1V. The Refusal ; Provoked Husband; Love in a Riddle; Perolla and 128- dora ; Rival Queans. V. Caesar in Egypt; Flora ; Sclioolboy ; Xerses; Venus and Adonis; Myrtillo ; Papal Tyranny; Danson and Phillida. CIBBER (C.). Apology for his Life. With an his- torical View of the Stage during his own time. New edit. with notes. Lond. 1822, 8vo. CLARENDON (Edw. Hyde, Earl of, 1608-1674). History of the Rebellion, with the suppressed Pas- sages restored, and Notes by Warburton, 7 vols. Oxford Un. Pr. 1849, 8vo. CLARENDON (Earl of). Life, and Continuation of the History of the Rebellion, 3 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1827, 8vo. CLARKE (Dr. E.D., 1767-1822). Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, particularly Russia, Tartary, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land, &c. engravings, 11 vols. Cadell, 1816, 8vo. CLINTON (H. F). Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Lite- rary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest Ac- counts to the Death of Augustus, 3 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1834-51, 4to. CLINTON (H.F.). Fasti Romani, The Civil and Lite- rary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, 2 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1845, 4to. 24 Catalogue of my CLINTON (H. F.). Epitome of the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1851, 8vo. COLERIDGE (S. T., 1773–1834). Poems, new edit. (chronologically arranged), by Derwent and Sara Coleridge, portrait. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Dramatic Works, new edition by D. Coleridge. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S.T.). Constitution of Church and State, ed. by H. N. Coleridge, fourth edit. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Hints towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life, edited by Watson. Churchill, 1848, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S.T.). Table Talk, fourth edition. Murray, 1851,12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Biographia Literaria, Biogra- phical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions, new ed. by Sara Coleridge, 2 vols. Moxon, 1847, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S.T.). Method. Griffin, 1849, cr. 8vo. COLERIDGE(S.T.) Notes and Lectures upon Shake- speare and other Dramatists, edited by Sara Cole- Moxon, 1849, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). The Friend, Essays to aid in the Formation of Fixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion, fourth edition, edited by H. N. Coleridge, 3 vols. Moxon, 1850, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Essays on his own Times, a Second Series of “ the Friend,” edited by Sára Coleridge, 3 vols. Moxon, 1850, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, with Miscellaneous Pieces and Notes by Sara Coleridge. Moxon, 1849, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Aids to Reflection, edited by H. N. Coleridge, sixth edition, 2 vols.' Moxon, 1848, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Lay Sermons, edited by D. Coleridge, third edition. Mocon, 1852, 12mo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Life of, by James Gillman. Moxon, 1840, 8vo. COLERIDGE (S. T.). Notes on English Divines, edited by Rev. Derwent Coleridge, 2 vols. Moron, 1853, 12mo. ridge, 2 vols. English Library. 25 COLERIDGE (Hartley, 1849). Poems, with a Memoir of his Life by his Brother, second edition, 2 vols. Moxon, 1853, 12mo. COLERIDGE (H.). Essays and Marginalia, edited by his Brother, 2 vols. Lond. 1851, 12mo. COLERIDGE (H.). Lives of Northern Worthies. A new edition, with the corrections of the Author, and the marginal observations of S. T. Coleridge. 3 vols. Moxon, 1853, 12mo. COLLIER (John Payne). Book of Roxburghe Ballads ; with woodcuts. Longmans, 1847, fcp. 4to. COLLIER (J. P.). Shakespeare's Library: a Collec- tion of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and His- tories used by Shakespeare as the foundation of his Dramas. Reprinted from the original editions, with introductory notices. 2 vols. Lond. 1843, 8vo. COLLIER (J. P.). The Poetical Decameron, or con- versations on English Poets and Poetry, particu- larly of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I., 2 vols. Lond. 1820, 8vo. COLLIER (J. P.) History of English Dramatic Poe- try to the time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration, 3 vols. Lond. 1831, 8vo. COLLIER (J. P.). See Percy Society - Shakespeare -Shakespeare Society. Collins's new Atlas of the Earth. Collins, 1852, roy. 4to. COMMON PRAYERS. First Book of Edward VI. 1549. Second Book of Edward VI. 1552. Q. Eliza- beth's, 1559. King James's, 1604. Charles I.'s (Laud's) 1637. King Charles II.'s (the present revision). Together ő vols. black letter. Pickering, 1844, sm. folio. CONGREVE (William, 1669–1729). Works, Birmingham, 3 vols. Baskerville, 1761, roy. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Life; Old Batchelor; Double Dealer. II. Love for Love; Way of the World. lll. Mourning Bride; Judgment of Paris; Semele; Poems upon several occasions. CONNECTION of Sacred and Profane History, by Shucksport, Russell, and Prideaux, 7 vols." Oxford Univ. Pr. 1848-51. CONYBEARE (W.J.) and J. S. Howson. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, comprising a complete Bio- graphy of the Apostle, and a paraphrastic Transla- tion of his Epistles, inserted in chronological or- der, 2 vols. Longmans, 1853, 4to. 26 Catalogue of my CONYBEARE (John J.). Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Edited with additional Notes, Introduc- tory Notices, &c. by W. D. Conybeare. Lond. 1826, 8vo. CORNWALL (Barry). Poetical Works, 3 vols. Lond. 1822, 12mo. CORNWALL (Barry). English Songs and other Poems. New edition. Chapman & Hall, 1851, 24mo. COOKE (G. W.). History of Party, from the Rise of the Whig and Tory Factions in the Reign of Charles II. to the Reform Bill, second edit. 3 vols. Cunnin gham, 1840, 8vo. Cory (J. P.). Ancient Fragments of the Phænician, Chaldean,' Egyptian, and other Writers, Greek, and English, with an Introductory Dissertation, second edition. Pickering, 1832, 8vo. COTTON (Henry). Typographical Gazetteer. Second edition, corrected and much enlarged. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1852, 8vo. COTTON (H.). Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof, in English, from the year MDV. to MDCCCL. With an Appendix containing Spe- cimens of Translations and Biographical Descrip- tions. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1852, 8vo. CoWLEY (Abrabam, 1618-1667). Works, 3 vols. Lond. 1710-11. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Bp. Sprat's Life of Cowley; Preface; Verses on the Author's Death; Miscellanies (in verse); Anacreon Liques; The Mistress ; Pindarique Odes; Davideis, book 1-2. II. Davideis, book 3-4; Davideidos, book i ; Verses written on several occasions; Proposition for the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy; Discourses in Verse and Prose; Cutter of Colenian Strect. III. Wood's Life of Cowley; Constantia and Philetus; Piramus and Thisbe; Sylva, or divers Copies of Verses; Love's Riddle; Naufra- gium Joculare; Six Books of Plants, made Englislı; Iudex to the Plants. Cowper (William, 1731--1800). Works, compris- ing his Poems, Correspondence and Translations, with Life by Southey, 15 vols. Lond. 1835-7,12mo. Contents : Vol. I. II. Lire. III. Lire (continued); Letters. IV.-VII. and XV. Letters. VIII. Juvenile Poems; Olney Hymns ; Anti-Thelyplethora; Minor Poems; Translations from Vincent Bourne. IX. Translations from Madame Guion; The Task ; Minor Poems, X. Minor Poems; Translations from Vincent Bourne ; Translalions from Milton ; Epigrams from wen; Translations of Greek Verses; Translations from the Fables of Gay. XI. XII. Homer's Iliad. XI. XIV. Homer's Odyssey. COWPER (W.). Poems, with Life by Sir Harris Ni- colas. Library edition, 2 vols. Pickering, 1853, 8vo. Coxe (William, 1748—1828). Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, second edition with Atlas in 4to. 6 vols. Lond. 1820, 8vo. English Library. 27 Coxe (W.). History of the House of Austria, from the Foundation of the Monarchy in 1218 to 1792, second edition, 5 vols. Lond. 1820, 8vo. COXE (W.). Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from 1700 to 1788, 5 vols. Lond. 1815, 8vo. Coxe (W.). Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpolé, 4 vols. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Coxe (W.). Memoirs of Horatio Lord Walpole, second edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1802, 8vo. COXE (W.). Correspondence of the Duke of Shrews- bury with King William, &c. Lond. 1821, 4to. Coxe (W.). Memoirs of the Pelham Administration (1743-54), 2 vols. Lond. 1829, 4to. Coxe (W.). Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, fourth edition. Lond. 1804, 8vo. Coxe (W.). Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland, 8 vols. Lond. 1801, 8vo. CRABBE (George, 1754-1832). Poetical Works, with his Letters and Journals, and Life by his Son, 8 vols. Murray, 1847, 12mo. Contents: Vol. I. Life. II. The Library; The Village; The Newspaper; Parish Register ; Birth of flattery; Reflections; Sir Eustace Gray; Hall of Fustice'; Inebriely; Fragments from Early Note Books; The Candidate. 111. The Borough, Letters 1.19. IV. The Borough, Letters 20-24 ; Occasional Pieces; Tales, 1 to 8. V. Tales, 9 to 21 ; Flirtation ; Occasional Pieces. VI. VII. Tales of the Hall. VIII. Posthumous Tales, i to 22; Index. CRANMER (Abp. Thomas, 1489—1556). Works, edited, with his Life, by Jenkyns, 4 vols. Lond. 1833, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Editor's Preface; Lists of Cranmer's Writings; Facsimiles ; Letters. II. Collection of Extracts from the Canon Law; Speech on the Authority of the Pope, &c.; Speech in Convo- cation ; Queries and Answers on Confirmation ; Injunctions for the Diocese of Hereford ; Corrections of the ſustitution of a Christian Man, by Henry the Eightli; Annotations on the King's Book ; Seventeen Questions and Answers on the Sacraments, &c.; Preface to the Bible; Speech at Edward VI.'s Coronation; Notes and Art thorities on Juistilication ; Homily or Salvation ; of faith; of Good Works ; Queries and Answers on the Mass ; Articles of Visitation for the Diocese of Cirn terbury, and for the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Injunctions to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury; Auswer to the Devonshire Rebels ; Notes for a Sermon against Re- bellion; Sermon on Rebellion ; Defence of the True and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament, &c. 1. Answer to Richi. Smythe's Preface; Answers to Gardvier's Explication ; Notes of Gardyner's Errors. IV. Declaration concerning the Mass; Disputation at Ox- ford with Cliedsey and Harpsfeld; Condemnation, by Weston; Ex- amination at Oxford before Brookes ; Appeal to a General Council ; Prayer, Exhortation, and Confession of Faith at St. Mary's Church; Confutation of unwritten Verities ; Appendix; Index. Creasy (Prof. E. S.). Fifteen decisive Battles of the World, fourth edition. Bentley, 1853, 8vo. 28 Catalogue of my Cresy (Edward). An Encyclopædia of Civil Engi- neering, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical. Longmans, 1847, 8vo. CroLY (George). Poetical Works, 2 vols. Colburn, 1830, 12mo. Croly (G.). Life of E. Burke, 2 vols. "Blackwood, 1840, 8vo. Crouy (G.). Life of George IV., second edition, 2 vols. Colburn, 1841, 8vo. CROLY (G.). Historical Sketches, Speeches, and Characters. Seeley, 1842, 8vo. Croly (G.). Marston, or the Soldier and Statesman, 3 vols. Colburn, 1846, 8vo. Croly (G.). Scenes from Scripture. Hurst and Blackett, 1851, 8vo. CroLY (G.). Salathiel, 3 vols. Colburn, 1829, 8vo. CroLY (G.). Tales of the Great St. Bernard, 3 vols. CRUDEN (Alexander, 1701–1770). Concordance to the Holy Scripturés, new edition, by Chalmers. Lond. 1842, 4to. CUNNINGHAM (Allan, 1784-1843). Life, Journals, and Correspondence of Sir David Wilkic, 3 vols. Murray, 1843, 8vo. CUNNINGHAM (A.). Lives of the British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 6 vols. 1830, 12mo. CUNNINGHAM (A.). Life of Burns. Lond. 1836, 8vo. CUNNINGHAM (Peter). Hand-book of London. New edition. Murray, 1850, sm. 8vo. Curran (J. P., 1750-1817). Speeches, with Me- moir by a Barrister. Dublin, 1844, 8vo. Curzon (Hon. Robert). Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant, with woodcuts. Murray, 1849, 8vo. Cuvier (Georges, 1769—1832). Animal Kingdom, translated, with additional Descriptions by Griffith, with Pidgeon, Gray, and other eminent Naturalists, 800 engravings, 16 vols. Lond. 1824-33, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I.-IV. Mammalia. V. Synopsis of the Species or Mammalia, VI-VII. Ares. IX. Reptilia. X. Pisces, XI. l'ossil Remains. XII. Molusca and Radiata. XIII. Annelida, Crustacer and Arachnida. XIV. XV. Insecta. XVI. Classified Index, and Synopsis of the Animal Kingdom. DANIELL (J. F.) Elements of Meteorology. Parker & Son, 1845, 8vo. D'ARELAY (Madame, 1752-1.840). Diary and Let- ters, 7 vols. Colburn, 1842-6, post 8vo. English Library. 29 D'AUBIGNÉ (Merle). History of the Great Reforma- tion of the 16th Century, in Germany, Switzer- land, &c. 5 vols. Collins, 1846-53, post 8vo. D'AUBIGNE (M.) The Protector (0. Cromwell). New Edit. Simpkin, 1848, 8vo. DAVIES (C.M.). History of Holland and the Dutch Nation, from the beginning of the 10th Century to the end of the Eighteenth, 3 vols. Parker and Son, 1841-4, 8vo. Davy (Sir Humphrey, 1778–1829). Collected Works, with his Life, edited by his Brother, Dr. J. Davy, 9 vols. Lond. 1839-40. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Lile. 11. Early Miscellaneous Papers, 1799- 1805. 111. Researches concerning Nitrous Oxide, &c. IV. Elements of Chemical Philosoplıy. V. Bakerian Lectures ; Miscellaneous Papers, 1806-1815. VI. Miscellaneous Papers and Researches, 1815- 1828. VII. VIII. Agricultural Lectures.' IX. Salmonia ; Consola- tions of Travel. De Foz ( Daniel, 1663–1731). Novels and Miscella- neous Works, with Life and Notes. 20 vols. Lond. 1840-411, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. II. Robinson Crusoe. 111. Captain Singleton. IV. Moll lilanders. V. Colonel Jick ; Apparition of Mrs. Veul. VI. Niemoirs of a Cavalier. VII. New Voyage round the World. Vill. Memoirs of Capt. Carleton alud Mrs. Davies. IX. History of the Plague, and the Consolidator. X. Political History of the Devil. XI. Roxana, or the fortunate Mistress. XII. System of Magic. XII. History of Apparitions. XIV. Religionis Courtship. XV. XVI. Family Instructor'. XVII. XVIII. English Tradesman. XIX. Life of Duncan Campbell; The Dunub Philosopher ; Everybody's business is nobody's business. XX. Life or Du toe by Chalmers ; List of De Foe's Works; Miscellaneous Tracts; . The 'l'rue borii Englishman. De LOLME (J. L. 1745-1806). Constitution of Eng- land, new edition, with Notes by W. Hughes. Lond. 1834, 8vo. DEMOSTHENES. Philippic Orations, translated by Leland, 2 vols. Lond. 1806, 8vo. DENNIS (G.). On the Cities and Cemeteries of Etru- ria, or the extant Local Monuments of Etruscan Art, plates, 2 vols. Murray, 1848, 8vo. DENNISTOUN (I.). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630, 3 vols. Longmans, 1851, 8vo. DIBDIN (Charles, 1748-1815). Sea Songs, with a Memoir and Addenda by T. Dibdin. Lond. 1841, 12mo. DICKENS (Charles). Sketches by Boz. 1st and 2nd Series, with illustrations by George Cruickshank, Chapman und Hall, 1837, cr. 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Oliver I'wist. Illustrations by Cruik- shank, 3 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1839, cr. 8vo. 30 Catalogue of my Dickens (C.). Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz. Chapman and Hall, 1837, 8vo. Dickens (C.). Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. "Illustrations by Phiz. [H. K. Browne.] Chapman und Hall, 1839, 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Master Humfrey's Clock-old Curi- osity Shop. Barnaby Rudge. Wood-cut illustra- tions by Cattermole and H. K. Browne, 3 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1840-1, imp. 8vo. DICKENS (C.). American Notes, 2 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1842, cr. 8vo. Dickens (C.). Life and Adventures of Martin Chuz- zlewit. Illust. by Phiz. Chapman & H., 1842, 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Pictures from Italy. Bradbury and Evans, 1846, fcp. 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Dombey and Son. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Bradbury and Evans, 1848, 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Personal History of David Copper- field. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Bradbury and Evans, 1850, 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Christmas Books: Christmas Carol; Chimes ; Cricket on the Hearth ; Battle of Life Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. Chapman and Hall, 1852, 12mo. DICKENS (C.). Bleak House. Bradbury and Evans, 1853, 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Household Words. Edit. by Dickens. Vol. 1-7. 1850-3, roy. 8vo. DICKENS (C.). Household Narrative. Vól. 1-4. 1850-3, roy. 8vo. DIGBY (Sir Kenelm, 1603—1665). Private Mémoirs, edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1827, 8vo. D'ISRAELI ( Benjamin). Vivian Grey, 5 vols. Colburn, 1831, sm. 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Venetia, 3 vols. Colburn, 1837, post 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Coningsby, 3 vols. Colburn, 1844, sm. 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Sybil, or the New Nation, 3 vols. Colburn, 1845, sm. 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Alarcos, a Tragedy. Colburn, 1839, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Henrietta Temple, 3 vols. Colburn, 1837, 8vo. English Library. 31 D'ISRAELI (B.). Young Duke, 3 vols. Colburn, 1831, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Contarini Fleming and Alroy, 3 vols. Colburn, 1845, sm. 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Tancred, 3 v. Colburn, 1837, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (B.). Life of Lord George Bentinck, fifth edition. Hurst und Blackett, Lond. 1852, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (Isaac, 1766—1848). Curiosities of Lite- rature, fourteenth edition, with Life of the Author by his Son, 3 vols. Moxon, 1850, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (I.). Literary Miscellanies, Quarrels of Authors, Calamities of Authors, the Literary Cha- racter, and Character of James I. Moxon, 1841, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (I.). Amenities of Literature, 3 vols. Moxon, 1841, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (I.). Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I., new edition, by his Son, 2 vols. Colburn, 1850, 8vo. D'ISRAELI (I.). Genius of Judaism. Lond. 1833, 8vo. DODINGTON (Geo. Bubb, 1691-1762). Diary, from 1749 to 1761, with Appendix, published by Wynd- ham, third edition. Lond. 1785, 8vo. DODSLEY. See Plays. DONALDSON (J. W.). New Cratylus. Second edition. Parker & Son, 1851, 8vo. DONALDSON (J. W.). Varronianus. Second edition. Parker & Son, 1852, 8vo. DONNE (John, 1573–1631). Works, with Memoirs of his Life by H. Alford, 6 vols. Lond. 1839, 8vo. consisting of Holy Sonnets, Epistles, Funeral Elegies, Sacred Pieces, Miscellaneous Pieces, and Poenis not in the edition of 1633. DOUBLEDAY (Thomas). Financial, Monetary, and Statistical History of England, from 1688 to the present time. Lond. 1847, 8vo. DOUCE (Francis, 1762—1834). Illustrations of Shake- speare, and of ancient manners; with disserta- tions on the clowns and fools of Shakespeare, &c. Lond. 1807, 8vo. Douce (F.). See Holbein. DOYLE (Richard). Manners and Customs of ye Eng- lishe in 1849.2 v. Bradbury & Evans, 1850, ob. 4to. DRAKE (Nathan, 1766–1836). Essays on the Spec- tator, Tatler, &c. 5 vols. Lond. 1805-9, 12mo. DRAKE (N.). Literary Hours, fourth edition, 3 vols. Lond. 1820, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1.-VI. Life and Sermons. VI. Letters ; Poems, 32 Catalogue of my Drake (N.). Shakespeare and his Times, 2 vols. Lond. 1817, 4to. DRAKE (N.). Memorials of Shakespeare. Lond. 1828, 8vo. DRUMMOND (Wm. of Hawthornden, 1585—1649). Poems, with Life by Peter Cunningham. Lond. 1833, 12mo. DRUMMOND (Sir William, d. 1828). Origines, or Re- marks on the Origin of Empires, States, aná Cities, 4 vols. " Lond. 1824-9, 8vo. Dryden (John, 1631--1700). Works, with 'Life, edited by Sir W. Scott, 18 vols. Lond. 1808, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life. II. Wild Gallant; Rival Ladies; Indian Queen ; Indian Emperor; Defence of an Essay of Dramatic Poesy : Secret Love. III. Sir Martin Mar-All; Tenipest; An Evening's Love; Tyrannic Love. IV. Conquest of Grenadil; Marriage-a-la- mode; The Assignatioil. V. Amboyn; State of Innocence and fall of Man; Aureng-Zebe ; All for Love. VI. Limberham ; adipus ; 'Troilus and Cressida ; Spanish Friar. VII. Duke of Guise ; Albion and Albanius; Don Sebastiai). Vill. Amphitryon; King Arthur; Cleomenes; Love Triumphant; Prologue, Song, Secular Masque, and Epilogue written for the Pilgrim. IX. Poems Historical and Political, including Stanzas on Cromwell; Artrea Redux; To Charles the Second'; 'To Lord l'Iyde; Satire on the Dutch ; To the Duchess of York; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom 2nd Achitophel ; The Medal. X. Religio Laici; Threnodia dugustalis ; The Hind and the Panther ; Britannia Rediviva; Mick-Flecknoe. XI. Epis- tles; Elegies and Epitaphs ; Odes, Songs, and Lyricill Pieces; fa- bles, Tales from Chaucer; Tables, from Boccace. XII. Chaucer Modernized; 'l'ranslations from Ovid, Theocritus, Lucretius, Horace and Homer. XIU. Translations froin Juvenal and Persius, and the Pastorals of Virgil. XIV. Translations of Virgil's Georgics, and Encis, lib. 1-7. XV. Enëis, lib. 8-12; Poems ascribed to Dryden ; Essay on Dramatic Poetry ; Answer to Rliyiner; Preface and Notes to the Emperor of MoroccO; Preface to the Husband his own Cook. XVI. Life of St. Francis Xavier. XVII. Life of Plutarch; Specimen of the Translation of the History of the League, by Maimbourg ; Controversy with Stillingfieet; Translation of Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting. XVIII. Preface to a Dialoglie concerning Woman; Character of St. Evremont; Cliaracter of Polybius; Life of Lucian; Dryden's Letters ; Appendix ; Index. DUBLIN Review (Quarterly Catholic Periodical), from 1833 to 1852, 32 vols. Dublin, 8vo. Dublin University Magazine, from commencement in 1833 to end of 1852, 40 vols. Dublin, 8vo. DUNBAR (William, circa 1465—1520). Poems, now first collected, with Memoir and Notes, by David Laing, 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1832, post 8vo. DUNLOP (John.). History of Roman Literature, from its earliest period to the Augustan Age, 3 vols. Lond. 1824-8, 8vo. Dunlop (J.). History of Fiction, from the earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the present age, 3 vols. Edin. 1816, cr. 8vo. DUNLOP (J.). Memoirs of Spain during the Reigns of Philip ÍV. and Charles II., from 1621 to 1700, 2 vols. Edin, 1834, 8vo. English Library. 33 DUNTON (John, 1659-1733). Life and Errors, by Nichols, 2 vols. Lond. 1818, 8vo. Durer (Albert, 1441—1528). Passion of Christ Pourtrayed, 37 original wood-cuts. Lond. 1845, 8vo. Dyce (Alexander). Specimens of English Sonnets, from the Earl of Surrey to "Wordsworth. Pickering, 1833, 16mo. EASTLAKE (Sir Charles L.). Materials for a History of Oil Painting: Longmuns, 1847, 8vo. EASTLAKE (Sir C. L.). Contributions to the Litera- ture of the Fine Arts. Murray, 1848, 8vo. EDGEWORTH (Maria, 1766-1849). Tales and No- vels, 18 vols. Lond. 1832, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Castle Rackrent; Essay on Irish bulls; Essay on Sell-justification. 11. forester; thie Prussian Vase ; The good Aunt. 111. Angelina ; The good firench Governess; Mademoiselle Panache; The Knapsack. IV. Lame Jervas; The Will; The Lime- rick Gloves; Out or debt out of danger; The Lottery'; Rosanna. V. Murid the unlucky; The Manufacturers ; The Contrast; The Grateful Negro; To-morrow. VI. Ennui ; The Dun). VIT. Ma- næuvring; Almeria. VIll. Viviani. IX. The Absentee. X. The Absentee (concluded); Madame de Fleury; Emilie de Coulanges; The Modern Griselda. XI. XII. Belinda. XIII. Leonora ; Letters. XIV. XV. Patronage. XVI. Comic Dramas. XVII. Harrington ; Througlits on Bores. XVIII. Ormond. EDINBURGH Cabinet Library, 38 vols. 1842, 12mo. 1. Adventures in the Polar Seas. 2. Adventures in Africa. 3. Russell's Egypt 4. Russell's Palestine. 5, Lives of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. 6, 7, 8. History of British India, 3 vols. 9. Tytler's Discoveries on N. Coasts of America. 10. Humboldt's Travels. 11. Tytler's Life of Sir W. Raleighi, . 12. Russell's Nubia and Abyssinia. 13, 14. Crichton's History of Arabia, 2 vols. 15. l'raser's History of Persia. 16. Macgillivray's Lives of Zoologists.. 17. Russell's History of the Barbary States, 18, 19, 20. Account of China, 3 vols. 21. Circumnavigation of the Globe. 22. Tytler's Life of Henry VIII. 23, 24. Scandinavia, 2 vols. 25, 26, 27. Murray's British America, 3 vols. 28. Account of Iceland. 29, 30, 31. Spalding's Italy and Italian Isles, 3 vols. 32. Fraser's Mesopotamia and Assyria. 33. Russell's Polynesia. 34. Voyages Round the World. 35, 36, 37. Murray's 0. S. of America, 3 vols. 38. Marco Polo's Travels. EDINBURGH Review, from Commencement in 1802 to end of 1852, 97 vols. (including 3 vols. of Index). Longmans, 8vo. ELLIOTT (Rev. E.). Horæ Apocalypticæ, or a Com- mentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Histori- cal, fourth edition, 4 vols. Seeley, 1851, 8vo. 34 Catalogue of my Ellis (George, 1745–1815). Specimens of Early English Poets, third edition, 3 vols. 'Lond. 1803, sm. 8vo. EL.LIS (G.). Specimens of Early English' Metrical Romances, 3 vols. Lond. 1805, sm. 8vo. Ellis (Sir Henry). Original Letters, illustrative of English History, First Series, second edition, s vols.; Second Series, 4 vols.; Third Series, 4 vols.; Together 11 vols. Lond. 1825-46, em. 8vo. ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA, seventh edition, with previous Supplements incorporated by Professor Napier, 21 vols. Edinb. 1842, 4to. ENCYCLOPEDIA METROPOLITANA, or Universal Dic- tionary of Knowledge on an improved plan, edited by Rose, Smedley, &c. 26 vols. 1842, 4to. EPHEMERA. A Hand-book of Angling; Teaching Fly- fishing, Trolling, Bottom-fishing, Salmon-fishing : with the Natural History of River Fish, and the best modes of catching them, second edition. Longmans, 1848, sm. 8vo. EPHEMERA. The Book of the Salmon. In two parts. Part I. The Theory, Principles, and Practice of Fly-fishing for Salmon. Part II. The Natural History of the Salmon, all its known Habits de- scribed, and the best way of artificially breeding it explained. Longmans, 1850, sm. 8vo. Erskine (Lord, 1748—1823). Speeches at the Bar, and in Parliament, with prefatory Memoir by Lord Brougham, collected by James Ridgeway, 4 vols. Ridgeway, 1847, 8vo. ERSKINE (Lord). Armata, a Fragment, 2 vols. Lond. 1817, 8vo. Evans (Thomas, 1742–1784). Collection of Oil Bal- lads, new edition, enlarged by R. H. Evans, 4 vols. Lond. 1810, sm. 8vo. EVELYN (John, 1620—1706). Memoirs, comprising his Diary, from 1641 to 1706, and Letters, &c., edited by Bray, new edition, much improved and enlarged (by John Forster), 4 vols. Colburn, 1850-2, post 8vo. EVELYN (J.). Life of Mrs. Godolphin, edited by Samuel Wilberforce, Lord Bishop of Oxford, por- trait, third edition. Pickering, 1848, fcp. 8vo. FABYAN (Robert, d. 1512?). Chronicles of Eng- land and France. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. Lond. 1811, 4to. English Library. 35 FAIRHOLT (F.W.). Costume in England. A History of Dress, from the Earliest Period until the Close of the Eighteenth Century; with a Glossary of Terms for all Articles of Use or Ornament worn about the Person. With upwards of 600 Engravings on Wood by the Author. Chapman & Hall, 1846, 8vo. FAIRHOLT (F. W.). The Home of Shakspere, Il- lustrated and Described. With Thirty-three En- gravings. Chapman and Hall, 1847, 12mo. FAMILY LIBRARY, 80 vols. Tegg, 1830-40, 12mo. CONTENTS: Life of Napoleon, 2 vols. Reformation in England. Court and Camp of Napoleon. Tytler's General History, o vis. Life of Alexander the Great. De l'oe's Plague Year. British Painters, &c. 6 vols. Napoleon in Russia, 2 vols. Voyages of Columbus, 2 vols. History of the Bastile. Litt of Nelson, by Southey. History of Gustavus Adolphus. Lives of British Physicians. Ruins of Ancient Cities, 2 vols. Life and Travels of Bruce. The Mutiny at the Nore. Scottish Worthies, 3 vols. Lander's Africa, 2 vols. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. filmily Tour in Holland. Life of Peter the Great. Mutiny of the Bounty. Life of Washington, 2 vols. Six Months in the W. Indies. Life of Ali Pasha. Gulstilce's Italy, 3 vols. Lives of Banditti, &c. Insects, 2 vols. Life of Duke of Marlboroughi. Letters on Natural Magic. Life of Cervantes. Demonology and Witchcraft. Life of Cicero. Miesley's Nät. Phil. 3 vols. Life of Cour de Lion. Salmagundi, by W. Irying. Life of Mahomet. Sketch Book, by ditto, 2 vols. Lives of Enterprising Men. Croker's Fairy Legends. History of the Jews, 3 vols. Knickerbocker's New York. History of India, 4 vols. Sketches of imposture. History of Venice, 2 vols. Chronicles of London Bridge. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Peril and Sufferings, 2 vols. Trial of Charles I. FELTHAM (Owen, temp. James I.). Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political Pickering, 1840, fcp. 8vo. Fielding (Henry, 1707–1754). Works, with Life by Murphy, edited by Chalmers, 10 vols. 'Lond. 1821, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Life; Love in Several Masques; Temple Beau ; The Author's Farce; Coffee House Politician; Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great. II. New way to keep a wife it home; Grub Street Opera; The Lottery; Modern Ilusband; Mock Doctor; The Covent Gardeii 'Tragedy; Debauchees; Miser. Til. Intriguing Chambermaid ; Don Quixote in England; The Old Man taught Wisilom; Universal Gallant; Pasquini; Historical Register for 1736 ; Eurydice: Eurydice Hissed; Tumble-Down Dick ; Miss Lucy in Town); Wedding Day. (V. The Fathers; Life of Jonathan Wild; Journey from this World to the Next. V. Joseph Andrews ; Preficé to David Simple; Preface to the Familiar Letters. VI. VII. Tom Jones i lioundling. VIII. Philosophical Transactions for 17-12-3; First Olynthiac or Demosthenes; of the Remedy of AMiction for the Loss of our friends ; Dialogue between Alexander the Great and Diorcnes; Interlude between Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, and Mercury ; The True Patriot; Jacobites' Journal; Amelia, books 1-6. (X. Amelia, books 7-12; Essay on Conversation : Essay on the Know- ledire of the Characters of Men. X. Covent Garden Journal; Essay on Nothing; Charge to the Grand Jury; Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon; Fragment of a Comment on Bolingbroke's Essays; Enquiry into the causes of the late increase of Robbers. 36 Catalogue of my FINLAY (John, 1782-1810). Scottish historical and romantic Ballads, chiefly ancient; with explanatory notes and a glossary. With Remarks on the early state of Romantic Composition in Scotland. 2 vols. state of Romantic Composition i s one om FLAXMAN (John, 1755—1826). Lectures on Sculp- ture, with Memoir and plates. Lond. 1829, 8v0. FONBLANQUE (A.). England under Seven Adminis- trations, 3 vols. Lond. 1837, post 8vo. Foore (Samuel, c. 1720—1777). Dramatic Works, with Life by Jon Bee, 3 vols. Lond. 1830, sm. 8vo. Contents ; Vol. 1. Life; The Knights; Taste; Englishman in Paris; Englishman returned from Paris; The Author. II. The Minor ; The Liar; The Orators; Mayor of Garratt : The Patron ; The Commissary. M. Devil upon two sticks ; Lanie Lover ; Maid of Bath ; Nabob; The Bankrupt; The Cozeners; A Trip to Calais; The Capuchin. Ford (John, 1586_-1640). Dramatic Works, with Notes by W. Gifford, 2 vols. Murray, 1821, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Introduction ; List of Plays, Commendatory Verses; The Lovers Melancholy; 'Tis pity she's a whore; The broken Heart; Love's Sacrifice. II. Perkin Warbeck ; The Fan- cies, chaste and noble; 'The Lady's Trial; The Sun's Darling; The Witch of Edmonton; lane's Memorial ; Verses to the memory of Ben Jonson ; Glossariil Index. FOREIGN Quarterly Review, 37 vols. 1827-46, 8vo. FORSYTH (William). History of Trial by Jury. Purker & Son, 1852, 8vo. FORSYTH (W.). Hortensius, or the Advocate, an Historical Essay. Murray, 1849, 8vo. Fosbroke (Rev. T. D. 1770—1842). Encyclopædia of Antiquities and Elements of Archæology, new edition, 107 plates, 2 vols. Natlali, 1843, royal 8vo. FOSBROKE (Rev. T.D.). British Monachism, or Man- ners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of Eng- land, engravings, third edition. Nattali, 1843, royal 8vo. Foss (Edward). The Judges of England; with Sketches of their Lives, and Miscellaneous No- tices connected with the Court of Westminster, from the time of the Conquest, 4 vols. Longmans, 1848-51, 8vo. Foster (John, 1770-1843). Essays on the Evils of Popular Ignorance. Bohn, 1845, sm. 8vo. Foster (J.). Essays: on Decision of Character, on a Man's writing Memoirs of Himself, on the Epi- thet Romantic, on the Aversion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Religion. Bohu, 1844, sm. 8vo. Foulkes (Rev. E. S.). A Manual of Ecclesiastical History, from the First to the Twelfth Century in- clusive. J. H. Parker, 1852, 8vo. English Library 37 Fox (Charles James, 1748–1806). Speeches in Par- liament, 6 vols. Lond. 1815, 8vo. Fox (C. J.). Memorials and Correspondence, by Lord John Russell. 2 vols. Bentley, 1853, 8vo. Foxe (John, 1517—1587). Book of Martyrs, with Preliminary Dissertation by Townsend, edited by Cattley, engravings, 8 vols. Seeley, 1841, royal 8vo. FRANCIS (John). The History of the Bank of Eng- gland; its Times and Traditions, third edition, 2 vols. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. FRASER'S MAGAZINE, from the commencement, in 1830, to July, 1853, containing the writings of Carlyle, Thackeray, Kingsley, &c. 48 vols. Lond. 8vo. FROISSART (Jeau c. 1337—14—?). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining coun- tries, Edward II. to Henry IV. Translated by T. Johnes. Second edit. 12 vols. Lond. 1805, 8vo. Plates in 4to. Fuller (Andrew, 1754–1815). Works, with Me- moir by Ryland, 8 vols. Lond. 1824, 8vo. Fuller (A.). Works and Life, edited by his Son. Lond. 1845, imp. 8vo. FULLER (Thomas, 1608-1661). Church History of Britain, edited by the Rev. J. S. Brewer, 6 vols. Oxf. Un. Pr. 1845, 8vo. FULLER (T.). Holy and Profane State. Pickering, 1840, fcp. 8vo. Fuller (T.), History of the Holy War. Pickering, 1840, fcp. 8vo. Fuller (T.). Good Thoughts in Bad Times, Good Thoughts in Worse Times, and Mixt Contempla- tions in Better Times; to which is added, The Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience. Pickering, 1841, fop. 8vo. Fuller (T.). Works, viz. Church History of Bri- tain, Worthies of England, History of Cambridge, and 'Holy and Profane State, new edition, edited by Dr. Nuttall and J. Nichols, 8 vols. '1842, 8vo. FullER (T.) Memorials of his Life and Works, by the Rev. A. T. Russell. Pickering, 1844, fcp. 8vo. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the commencement in 1731 to end of 1852, with General Index to 1818, 190 vols. Lond. 8vo. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, Selection of Curious Ar- ticles from, by Walker, 4 vols. Lond. 1814, 8vo. 38 Catalogue of my GEOGRAPIIICAL Society of London. Journal. Vols. 1–22. With Index to Vols. 1–10. Murray, 1832-52, 8vo. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF London. Transactions. First. Series, 5 vols. 4to. Second Series, 7 vols. 4to., to- gether 12 vols. 1811-45. Proceedings and Journal. Vols. 1-7, in 8vo. Longmans, 1834-52. GIBBON (Edward, 1737—1794). Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by Dean Milman and Guizot, second edition, 6 vols.. Murray, 1846, 8vo. GIBBON (E.). Life and Correspondence, edited, with Notes, by Dean Milman. Murray, 1839, 8vo. GIBBON (E.). Miscellaneous Works. Edited by Lord Sheffield, 5 vols. Lond. 1814, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Memoirs and Letters. II. Letters. III. His- torical and Critical Essays. IV. Classical and Critical Essays. V. Miscellanies. GILBART (J. W.). Practical Treatise on Banking. Fifth edition, 2 vols. Longmans, 1849, 8vo. GILBART (J. W.). Lectures on the History and principles of ancient Commerce. Longmans, 1853, 12mo. GLEIG (G. R.). Military History of Great Britain. Parker & Son, 1846, fcp. 8vo. GLOSSARY of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Ita- lian, and Gothic Architecture, fifth edition, with 1700 woodcuts, 3 v. J.H. Parker, Oxfd. 1850, 8vo. GLOSSARY of Terms used in British Heraldry, with a Chronological Table, numerous illustrations. Oxford, 1846, 8vo. Godwin (George). History in Ruins. A popular Sketch of the History of Architecture, and the Cha- racteristics of the various Styles which have pre- vailed. I. Chapman and Hall, 1853, 12mo. GODWIN (William, 1756–1836). History of the Commonwealth of England to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. Lond. 1824-28. Godwin (W.). Enquiry concerning Political Jus- tice. 2 vols. Lond. 1796, 8vo. GODWIN (W.). See STANDARD LIBRARY. GOETHE (J. W. von, 1749–1832). Opinions on the World, Mankind, Science, Literature and Art. Parker and Son, 1853, fcp. 8vo. GOETHE (J. W. von). Poems;, translated by Bow- ring. Parker and Son, 1853, fcp. 8vo. English Library. 39 GOLDSMITH (Oliver, 1728—1774). Miscellaneous Works, with Life by Prior, 6 vols. Murray, 1837, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. The Bee; Essays; Present State of Polite Learning, &c.; Prefaces and Introductions. II. Citizen of the World; Introduction to the Study of Natural History. III. Vicar of Wakefield ; Biographies of Voltaire, Nash, Parnell, and Boling- broke ; Miscellaneous Criticism. IV. Poems ; The Good-natured Man ; She stoops to conquer; The Grumbler ; Criticism relating to Poetry and the Belles lettres. V. VI. Prior's Life of Goldsmitli. GOLDSMITH (0.). Poetical Works. Illustrated by wood engravings, from designs by Members of the Etching Club. With a Biographical Memoir and Notes. Edited by Bolton Corney. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. GOLDSMITH (O.). A Biography, by Washington Ir- ving. Murray, 1849, 12mo. GOLDSMITH (0.). Life and Adventures, by John Forster. Bradbury, 1848, 8vo. GRAFTON (Richard, middle of 16th Century). Chro- nicle of Englandé. 2 vols. Lond. 1809, 4to. GRANGER (James, 1716?—1776). Biographical His- tory of England, with Continuation by Mark No- ble, 9 vols. Lond. 1824, 8vo. Grattan (Henry, 1750--1820). Life and Times, by his Son, 5 vols. Colburn, 1841-6, 8vo. GRATTAN (H.). Miscellaneous Works. 1822, 8vo. GRATTAN (H.). Speeches, 4. vols. Lond. 1822, 8vo. GRAY (Thomas, 1716-1771). Works, edited by John Mitford, 5 vols. Pickering, 1835-43, fcp. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Life by Milford; Poems. II. Essay on the Poetry of Gray; Letters. III. Letters. IV. Letters ; Journal of Tour in Italy. V. Mathias' Letter on the death of Nicholls; Remi- niscences of Gray by Nicholis; Correspondence of Gray with Nicholls : Correspondence of Brown and Nicholls relative to Gray ; Letters of Nicholls; Notes by Mitford; Gray's Notes on Walpole's Lives of the Painters ; Extracts from a poem on the letters of the alphabet ; Observations on English Metre, Pseudo-Rhythm, use of Rhyme, and on the Poems of Lydgate. GREENE (Robert, 1550?–1592). Dramatic Works and Poems, with an Account of his Life and Writ- ings by the Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vols. Pickering, 1831, crown 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Account of Greene and his writings ; Orlando Furioso; A Looking Glass for Loudoni and England; Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay; Specinien of the famous Historie of Fryer Bacon. II. Alphonsus, king of Arragon; James the fourth; George-a- Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield; History of George-a-Greene ; Ballad of the Jolly Pinder of Wakefield, with Robin Hood, Scarlet, and John ; Poems; Addenda, and Index to the notes. GRINVILLE Papers (The), being the Private Corres- pondence of George Grenville, and his brother · Richard, Earl Temple, &c. 4 vols. Murray, 1852, 8vo. 40 Catalogue of my Grote (George). History of Greece, 12 vols. Murray, 1846-53, 8vo. Guizot (François Pierre Guillaume). History of the English Revolution in 1640. Translated by Hazlitt. Bogue, 1845, 12mo. Guizot (F.P.G.) History of Civilization of Europe. 3 vols. Bogue, 1846, 12mo. Guizot (F. P. G.). Shakspeare and his times. Bentley, 1852, 8vo. Guizor (F. P.G.). The fine arts; their nature and relations. Translated by George Grove. With 17 illustrations. Bosworth, 1853, 8vo. Gwilt (Joseph). Encyclopædia of Architecture, His- torical, Theoretical, and Practical, with 1000 en- gravings, second edition, Longmans, 1851, 8vo. HAKLUYT (Richard, 1553–1616). Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Na- tion. 3 vols. Lond. 1598-1600, fol. HAKLUYT (R.). A new edition, with Additions, 5 vols. Lond. 1809-12, royal 4to. HAKLUYT SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS:- Observations of Sir R. Hawkins in the South Sea. 1593.-Edited by C. R. D. Bethune. 1 647. Select Letters of Columbus, translated by R. H. Major. 1847. Discovery of Guiana, &c. in 1595, by Sir W. Raleigh, edited by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. 1848. Sir F. Drake's Voyage, 1595, Edited by W. D. Cooley. 1649. Voyages towards the N. W. in search of a Passage to Cathay, from 1496 to 1631, edited by T. Rundall. 1849. Strachey's Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, edited from an original MS. by R. H. Major. 1849, Hakluyt.--Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, edited by J. W. Jones. 1850. Memorială of the Empire of Japan, edited by T. Rundall. Discovery and Conquest of Florida by Don F. de Soto. Edited by W. B. Rye. 1851. Remarks in many Voyages to Hudson's Bay. Ed. J. Barrow. 1852. Notes upon Russia, being a Translation of the “Rerum Mosco- viticarum Commentarii” by Baron Sigismund von Herber- stein, Ambassador to. tlie Grand Prince Vasiley Ivanovich, 1517-26; Edited by R. H. Major, 2 vols 1851, 2. Three Voyages by the North East by the Dutch in 1594-95 & 96. Written by Gerrit de Veer. Edited by C. T. Beke. 1853. Mendoza's History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China, 1588. Edited by Sir G, Staunton. vol. 1. 1853. HALL (Edward, d. 1547). Chronicle: containing the History of England, from Henry IV. to Henry VIII. Lond. 1809, 4to. HALL (Capt. Basil, 1788–1844). Fragments of Voyages and Travels, new edition. Moxon, 1846, royal 8vo. English Library. 41 HALL (Bp. Joseph, 1574-1656). Works with Life by himself. New Edition with additions, a trans- lation of all his Latin Pieces, Glossary, Indices and Notes. 12 vols. Talboys, Oxford, 1837, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Biographical Pieces; Contemplations on the Old Testament, Books 1-17. 11. Contemplations on the Old Testa- · ment, Books 18-21 ; Contemplations on the New Testament. Ill. Paraphrases on hard Texts, Genesis to Daniel. IV. Paraphrases on hard Texts, Hosea to Revelation. V. Sermons. VI. VII. Practical Works. VIII. Devotional Works; Miscellaneous Theology. IX. X. Polemical Works. XI. Latiu Theology, with Translations. XII. Mundus Alter et idem ; Quo Vadis ? A Censure of Travel; Poetical Works ; Appendix ; Indices. HALL (Rev. Robert, 1764-1831). Works, with Me- moir by Dr. Gregory, and Essay by John Foster, 6 vols. Bohn, 1846, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Sermons; Charges; Circular Letters. 11 Works on terms of Communion; Difference between Christian Baptism and the Baptism or.John; Reply to Kinghorn; Vindication of Free Communion. II. Christianity Consistent with Love of Freedom; Apology for the freedom of the Press; On 'the renewal of the Charter of the East India Company; Appeal in behalf of the Frame-work Knitters? Fund ; Slavery in the West Indies; Frag- ments ; Christian in opposition to party Communion; Miscella- neous Pieces. IV. Articles from the Eclectic Review ; Miscella- neous Pieces. V. Notes of Sermons ; Letters. VI. Memoir by Gregory; Hall's Character by Foster; Sermons; Index. HALL (Samuel Carter). Book of Gems. The Poets and Artists of Great Britain. 3 vols. Lond. 1836-8, 8vo. HALL (S. C.). The Baronial Halls and Picturesque Edifices of England. 2 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1847, imp. 4to. HALL (S.C.). Book of British Ballads. Bohn, 1853. HALL (Mr. and Mrs. S. C.). Ireland, its Scenery, Character, Legends, &c., with numerous engrav- ing's, 3 vols. Lond. 1842, imp. 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). Sketches of Irish Character, with fine engravings after Maclise, and woodcuts. A. Hall & Virtue, 1841, imp. 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). Lights and Shadows of Irish Life, 3 vols. Colburn, 1838, sm. 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). Tales of Woman's Trials, new edition, with Illustrations. A. Hall & V. 1847, 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.), Pilgrimages to English Shrines, with Notes and 'Illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols. A. Hall & Virtue, 1851, 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). The Buccaneer. Bentley, post 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). Marian, or the Maid's Fortunes, 3 vols. Simms and M. 1840, post 8vo. 42 Catalogue of my Hall (Mrs. S. C.). The Outlaw. Bentley, 1835, post 8vo. Hall (Mrs. S. C.). Midsummer Eve, a Fairy Tale of Love. A. Hall & Virtue, 1847, 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.). The White boy, a story of Ire- Chapman and Hall, 1845, 8vo. HALL (Mrs. S. C.), Uncle Horace, 3 vols. Colburn, 1837, post 8vo. HALLAM (Henry). View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 10th edition, 3 vols. Murray, 1853, 8vo. HALLAM (H.). Constitutional History of England, sixth edition, 2 vols. Murray, 1850, 8vo. HALLAM (H.). Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries, third edition, 3 vols. Murray, 1847, 8vo. HalliwELL (J.O.). Dictionary of Archaic and Pro- vincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs and Ancient Customs from the 14th Century, second edition, 2 vols. Smith, 1852, 8vo. HALLIWELL (J.O.). See CAMDEN, Percy, and SHAKE- SPEARE SOCIETIES. HAMMOND (Henry, 1605-1660). Paraphrase and Annotations on the New Testament, 4 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1845, 8vo. HAMMOND (H.). Paraphrase on the Psalms, édited by the Rev. T. Brancker, 2 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1850, 8vo. HARDING (John, d. 1466 ?). Chronicle in metre. Edited with a biographical and literary preface by Sir Henry Ellis. Lond. 1812, 4to. HAYDN (J.). Dictionary of Dates, and Universal Re- ference, relating to all Ages and Nations, sixth edition. Moxon, 1853, 8vo. HAYDN (J.). Book of Dignities, containing Rólls of the Official Personages of the British Empire, from the Earliest Periods, together with the Sovereigns of Europe, the Peerage of Great Britain, &c. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. HAYDON (B. R. 1786–1846). Life and Journals, edited by Tom Taylor, 3 vols. Longmans, 1853, post 8vo. HAZLITT (William, 1778–1830). Literary Remains; with Life by his son, and thoughts on his genius and writings by E. L. Bulwer and Serj. Talfourd. 2 vols. Lond. 1836, 8vo. English Library. 43 HAZLITT (W:). Sketches and Essays. London, 1839, 8vo. HAZLITT (W.). Lectures on Dramatic Literature. 3rd edit. London, 1841, fcp. 8vo. HAZLITT (W.). Lectures on English Comic Writers. 3rd edit. London, 1841, fcp. 8vo. HAZLITT (W.). Lectures on English Poets. 3rd edit. London, 1841, fcp. 8vo. HAZLITT (W.). Criticisms on Art; and Sketches of the Picture Galleries of England. 2 vols. London, 1843-4, 8vo. . HAZLITT (W.). Table-Talk; original Essays on Men and Manners. 3rd edit. Edited by his son. 2 vols. London, 1845-6, 8vo. HAZLITT (W.). Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 2nd edit. Revised by his son. 4 vols. Ingram, 1852, 12mo. HEEREN (A. H. L., 1760—1842). Historical Re- searches into the Politics, Intercourse and Trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity. Asiatic Na- tions. 2 vols. 1846. African Nations, 1 vol. Bohn, 1846-50, 8vo. HEEREN (A. H. L.). Manual of the History of the Political Systems of Europe and its Colonies. Bohn, 1846, 8vo. HEEREN (A. H. L.). Ancient Greece, Translated by George Bancroft ; also, Political Consequences of the Reformation; The Rise, Progress, and Practi- cal Influence of Political Theories; The Rise and Growth of the Continental Interests of Great Bri- tain. New edition. Bohn, 1847, 8vo. HEEREN (A. H. L.). A Manual of Ancient History: The Constitutions, Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. Bohn, 1847, 8vo. HELPS (Arthur). Essays, written in the Intervals of Business, new edition. Pickering, 1851, 12mo. Helps(A.). Companions ofmy Solitude, third edition. Pickering, 1852, 12mo. HELPs (A.). Friends in Council, 2 vols. Pickering, 1852, sın. 8vo. Helps (A.). The Claims of Labour, an Essay; second edition. Pickering, 1845, sm. 8vo. Hells (A.). The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen, 2 vols. Pickering, 1848-52, 8vo. ELPS (A.). King Henry II., an Historical Drama. Pickering, 1843, sm. 8vo. 44 Catalogue of my Helps (A.). Catharine Douglas, a Tragedy. Pickering, 1843, sm. 8vo. HEMANS (Mrs. Felicia, 1794-1835). Poetical Works, 6 vols. Blackwood, 1850, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Records of Woman, and other Poems. 11. The Forest Sanctuary and other Poems. 111. Dramatic Works. IV. Tales and Historic Scenes. V. Moral and Religious Poems. VI. Sonys of the Affections. HEMANS (Mrs.). Memorials of her Life, by H. F. Chorley, second ed. 2 vols. Lond. 1837, post 8vo. HERBERT (George, 1593–1632). Poetical and Prose Works, with Notes by S. T. Coleridge, and Life by Izaak Walton, 2 vols. Pickering, 1846, 8vo. Herd (David). A collection of ancient and modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, &c. 2 vols. Edinb. 1776, 12mo. HERRICK (Robert, 1591–1665?), Hesperides, or the Works both Humane and Divine, 2 vols, with portrait. Pickering, 1846, fcp. 8vo. HERSCHEL (Sir John). Outlines of Astronomy, fourth edition. Longmans, 1851, 8vo. HERVEY (Lord, 1696–1743). Memoirs of the Reign of George II., edited, with Notes, by Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker, 2 vols. Murray, 1848, 8vo. HIND (J. R.). The Comets, a Descriptive Treatise. Parker & Son, 1852, post 8vo. HIND (J. R.). Astronomical Vocabulary. Parker & Son, 1852, fcp. 8vo. Hints on Etiquette, and the Uses of Society. ^ With a Glance at Bad Habits, new edition. Longmans, 1852, fcp. 8vo. History of England and France under the House of Lancaster. Murray, 1851, 8vo. HOGARTH (William, 1697—1764). Original and Genuine Works, being the Original Plates restored by Heath, with many additional subjects not before collected,' by J. Nichols, 153 engravings. Lond. 1822, atlas folio. HOGARTH (Geo.). Memoirs of the Musical Drama, with portraits, 2 vols. Bentley, 1838, 8vo. HOGARTH (G.). Musical History, Biography, &c. 2 vols. Parker, 1833, 12mo. HOLBEIN (Hans, 14.98–1554). The Dance of Death, 55 woodcuts, with a Dissertation, &c., by Francis Douce. Pickering, 1833, 8vo. HOLBEIN (H.). Illustrations of the Old Testament, 90 woodcuts. Pickering, 1830, cr. 8vo. English Library. 45 HOLINSHED (Ralph, d. 1580 ?). Chronicles of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland. 6 vols. Lond. 1807-8, 4to. HOLLAND (Lord, 1775—1840). Life of Lope de Vega. Lond. 1806, 8vo. Homer. Translated by Chapman; with Notes by W. C. Taylor. 2 vols. Knight, 1843, post 8vo. HONE (William, 1779-1842). Every Day Book, Ta- ble Book, and Year Book, or Calendar of Popular Amusements, Ceremonies, Antiquities, Biography, Natural History, &c., with 500 woodcuts, 4 vols. Tegg, 1850, 8vo. Hood (Thomas, 1798—1845). Comic Annual, from 1830 to 1842, 13 vols. Baily & Colburn, 12mo. Hoop (T.). Whimsicalities, a Periodical gathering, 2 vols. Colburn, 1843, post 8vo. Hood (T.). Whims and Oddities, fourth ed. 1832. Hood (T.). Hood's Own, or Laughter from Year to Year, with engravings. Moxon, 1846, 8vo. Hood (T.). Poems, fourth edit. Moxon, 1851, 12mo. Hoop (T.). Poems of Wit and Humour, third edi- tion Moxon, 1852, 12mo. Hoov (T.). Odes and Addresses to Great People. Colburn, 12mo. Hood (T.). National Tales, 2 vols. 1833, póst 8vo. Hood (T.). Tylney Hall, a Novel. Bentley, 1849, 12mo. Hood (T.). Up the Rbine, in Letters, second edition, Bailey, 1840, 8vo. Hook (Theodore, 1788--1841). Sayings and Doings, 3 series, 3 vols. Lond. 1836-39, 12mo. Hook (T.). Fathers and Sons, 3 vols. 1842, post8vo. Hook (T.). Jack Brag. Bentley, 1849, 12mo. Hook (T.). Maxwell. Bentley, 1849, 12mo. Hook (T.). Parson's Daughter. Bentley, 1849, 12mo. Hook (T.). Gilbert Gurney. Bentley, 1849. 12mo. Hook T.). Gurney Married, Colburn, 1841, 12mo. Hook (T.). Widow and the Marquis. Bentley, 12mo. Hook (T.). Births, Deaths, and Marriages.' 12mo. Hook (T.). Love and Pride, 3 vols. 1833, post 8vo. Hook T.). Man of Sorrow, 3 vols. How, 1842, post 8vo. Hook (T.). Percy Mallory, 3 v. Blackwoodi, post 8vo. Hook (T.). PeregrineBunce, 3v. Bentley, 1842, p. 8vo. Hook (T.). Precept and Practice, 3 vols. Colburn, 1840, post 8vo. 46 Catalogue of my Hook (T.). Life of Gen. Sir David Baird, second edition, 2 vols. 1833, 8vo. Hook (T.). Life and Remains, by R. H. Barham, 2 vols. Bentley, 1848, post 8vo. Hook (Dr. W. F.). Church Dictionary, Sixth edi- tion. Murray, 1853, 8vo. Hooker (Richard, 1554-1600). Laws of Ecclesi- astical Polity, and other Works, with Life by Izaak Walton, edited by Keble, 3 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1850, 8vo. HOPE (Thomas, 1770—1831). Costume of the An- cients, illustrated in 320 plates, 2 vols. Bohn, 1841, imp. 8vo. Hore (T.). Historical Essay on Architecture, with 99 engravings, 2 vols. Murray, 1840, royal 8vo. HORNE (T. H.). An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, new edition, 5 vols. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. HOWITT (William). Visits to Remarkable Places, Old Halls, Battle Fields, &c. 2 vols. Longmans, 1840-1, 8vo. HowITT (W.). Homes and Haunts of the British Poets, 2 vols. Bentley, 1847, 8vo. HOWETT (W.), Rural Life of England, third edit. Longmans, 1844. 8vo. Howitt (W.). The Hall and the Hamlet, į vols. Colburn, 1847, post 8vo. Howirt (W.). Student Life of Germany." Longmans, 1841, 8vo. HOWITT (W.). Rural and Domestic Life of Ger- many. Longmans, 1842, 8vo. HowITT (W.). History of Priestcraft, seventh edit. Wilson, 1845, 12mo. HOWITT (W.). Madam Dorrington of the Dene, 3 Colburn, 1851, post 8vo. Howitt (W. and Mary). Literature and Romance of Northern Europe, 2 vols. Hurst and Blackett, 1852, post 8vo. HowITT (Mary). Ballads, and other Poems. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. HOWITT (M.), Citizen of Prague, 3 vols. 1846, 8vo. HowITT (M.). Wood Leighion, or a Year in the Country. Lond. 1847, 12mo. HowITT (M.). Our Cousins in Ohio. 1849, sq. 12mo. Hugies (Rev. T. S.). History of England, from the accession of George III. to the accession of Queen Victoria. 3rd edit. 7 vols. Bell, 1846, 8vo. vols. English Library. 47 HUMBOLDT (Baron von). Cosmos, translated by Sa- bine, seventh edit. 3 vols. Murray, 1848, post 8vo. HUMBOLDT (Baron von). Aspects of Nature, trans- lated by Sabine, 2 vols. Murray, 1849, póst 8vo. HUME (David, 1711--1776). History of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the Revolu- tion of 1688. 6 vols. Lond. 1848, 8vo. See Smollett's continuation. HUME (D.). Philosophical Works, 4 vols. Édinb. 1826, 870. HUME (D.). Life and Correspondence, by Burton, 2 vols. Edinb. 1846, 8vo. Hunt (Leigh). Essays, the Indicator and the Com- panion, a Miscellany for the Fields and the Fire- side, 2 vols. Moxon, 1848, post 8vo. Hunt (L.). Imagination and Fancy, Selections from the English Poets. Smith & Elder, 1844, post 8vo. HUNT (L.), Wit and Humour, selected from English Poets. Smith and Elder, 1847, post 8vo. HUNT (L.). Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, illus- · trated by Doyle. S'mith and Elder, 1848, post 8vo. HUNT (L.). Autobiography. 3 vols. *Smith and E. 1850, p. 8vo. HUNT (L.). Table Talk; Imaginary Conversations of Pope and Swift. Smith and. E. 1850, p. 850. HUNT (L.). The Town, with 45 illustrations. 2vols. Smith and E. 1848, p. 8vo. HUNT (L.). Poetical Works. New edition." Moxon, 1844, 24mo. HUNT (L.). Men, Women, and Books. 2 vols. Smith and E. 1847, p. 8vo. HUNT (L.). Book for a Corner; or Selections in Prose and Verse from Authors best suited to that mode of enjoyment; with Comments on each, and a general "Introduction. With 80 Illustrations, from Designs by F. W. Hulme and J. Franklin, Chapman and H. 1851, 12mo. HUNT (L.). Stories from the Italian Poets; being a Summary in Prose of the Commedia of Dante, and the most celebrated narratives of Pulci, Boiárdo. Ariosto, and Tasso, with Comments and Lives of the Authors. Chapman and H. 1846, post 8vo. Hunter (Rev. Joseph). New Illustrations of Shak- speare, 2 vols. Nichols, 1845, 8vo. Catalogue of my HUNTER (Rev. J.). Critical and Historical Tracts. I. Agincourt; II. First Colonists of New Eng- land; III. Milton; IV. Robin Hood. J. R. Smith, 1849-52, post 8vo. INGRAM (Rev. J.). Saxon Chronicle. With an English translation and Notes by the Rev. J. In- gram. Plates, &c. Lond. 1823, 4to. JAMES (G. P. R.). Collected Works, 21 vols. Lond. 1844-49, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Gipsy. II. Mary of Burgundy. 111. Huguenot. IV. One in a Thousand. V. Philip Augustus. VI. Henry of Guise.. VII. Morley Ernstein. VIII. Robber. IX. Darnley. X. Brigand. XI. King's Highway. XII. Gentleman of the Old School. XI. Henry Masterton. XIV. Forest Days. XV. Little Ball o'rire. XVI. De L'Orme. XVII. Gourie, or the King's Plot. XVIII. Thirty years Since. XIX. Arabella Stuart. XX. Agincourt. XXI. Castlenau. JAMES (W.). Naval History of Great Britain; a new edition, with Additions and an Account of the Bur- mese War and the Battle of Navarino, by Capt. Chamier, portraits, 6 vols. Bentley, 1847, 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs. Anna). Handbook to the Public Picture Galleries in and near London. Murray, 1845, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Companion to the Private Picture Galleries of London. Saunders, 1844, post 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles II., with their portraits after Sir P. Lely and others. Third erlition enlarged. Bohn, 1851, imp. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Female Biography, 2 vols." Lond. 1836, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Romance of Biography, or Me- moirs of Women loved or celebrated by Poets, 2 vols. Colburn, 1837, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Characteristics of Women, with etchings by the Author, 2 vols. Saunders & Otley, 1833, cr. Svo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns, 2 vols. 1831, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada, 3 vols. 1838, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Diary of an Ennuyée (Travels on the Continent), third edition. 1838, sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, third edition, 2v. Saunders, 1839,sm. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Memoirs and Essays illustrative of Art, Literature, &c. Bentley, 1846, 8vo. English Library. 49 JAMESON (Mrs.). Memoirs of Early Italian Painters, 2 vols. Cox, 1846, 18mo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Sacred and Legendary Art, with etchings and woodcuts, second edition. Longmans, 1850, sq. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented in the Fine Arts, (being the second series of the preceding,) with etchings and wood- cuts, second edition. Longmans, 1852, sq. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Legends of the Madonna as repre- sented in the Fine Arts, forming the Third Series of Sacred and Legendary Art, illustrated by up- . wards of 180 Drawings and Woodcuts. Longmans, 1852, sq. 8vo. JAMESON (Mrs.). Social Life in Germany, 2 vols. Saunders & Otley, 1840, post 8vo. JEFFREY (Lord,1773_1850). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, second edition, 3 vols. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. JEFFREY (Lord). Life of, with a selection from his correspondence, by Lord Cockburn, 2 vols. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. JESSE (Edward). Visits to Spots of Interest in the Vicinity of Windsor and Eton. Murray, 1847, post 8vo. JESSE (E.). Gleanings in Natural History, seventh edition. Murray, 1849, 12mo. Jesse (John Heneage). Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reigns of the Stuarts, 4. vols. Bentley, 1839-40, 8vo. JESSE (J. H.). Memoirs of the Court of England, from 1688 to the Death of George II, 3 vols. JESSE (J. H.). Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents, 2 vols. Bentley, 1845, 8vo. JESSE (J. H.). Literary and Historical Memorials of London, 2 vols. Bentley, 1847, 8vo. Jesse (J. H.). London and its Celebrities, a second series of the preceding work, 2 vols. Bentley, 1850, 8vo. JESSE (J. H.). George Selwyn and his Contempo- raries, with Memoirs and Notes, 4. vols. Bentley, 1843, 8vo. Jewel (Bishop John, 1522–1571). "Theological Works, by Jelf, 8 vols. Oxf. Univ. Pr. 1848, 8vo. Contents: Yol. 1. Editor's Preface; List of Authors and Editions ; · Sermon at Paul's Cross; Letters betweco John, Bishop of Sarun, and 50 Catalogue of my Dr. Cole; Replie unto M. Harding'o Answer, Art. 1, 2. II. Replie unto M. Marding's answer, Art.3-7. 111. Replie, &c. Art. 8 --27. IV. Apologia Ecclesive diglicanie; Defence of Apology of the Church of England, Pirts 1, 2. V. Defence, &c. Parts 2, 3, 4. VI. Defence, &c. Paris 5 and 6. VII. Exposition of Epistles to Thies. salonians; View of a Suditious Bull; Treatise of the Holy Scrip- eures; Certain Sernious. VIII. Treatise on the Sacraments; Epis- toli ad d. Scipionem ; Epistolæ ad Diversos; In Rhetoricam Vilu- perium; Concio ad Clerum ; The same in English;. De Usura ; Certain frivolous Objections against the Governnient of the Church of England; Lady Bacon's Translation of the Apology; Index. JOHNSON (Samuel, 1709–1784). Works, 11 vols. Oxf. Talboys, 1825, 8vo. Contents: Vol. 1. Life; Poems; Rasselas; Letters. fl. lll. Rambler. IV. Adventurer; Idler. V. Miscellineous Pieces. VI. Reviews ; Political Tracts; Lives of Eminent Persons. VII. Lives of the Poels-Cowley, Denham, Milton, Butler, Rochester, Rus- common, Otway, Willer, Pomfret, Dorsel, Stepney, J. Philips, Walsh, Bryden, Smith, Duke, King, Sprat, Halifax, Parnell, Garth, Rowe, Addison, Hughes, and Sheffield Vill. Lives of the Poets- Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, l'enton, Gily, Granville, Yalden, Tickell, Hammond, Somervile, Savige, Swift, Broome, Pope, Pict, Thomson, Watts, A. Philips, West, Collins, Dyer, Shenstone, Young, Mallet, Akenside, Gray, and Lyttelton. IX. Journey to the Hebrides; Vision of Theodore; The Fountains, a Fairy Tale; Prayers and Meditations ; Sermons; Index to Vols. 1-9. X. XI. Parlia- mentary Debiltes, 1740-3. Johnston (Alexander Keith). National Atlas. New edition. Blackwood, 1849, folio. JOHNSTON (A.K.). A new Dictionary of Geogra- phy, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Histo- rical, formning a complete General Gazetteer of the World. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. Jonson (Ben, 1574–1637). Works, with Notes and Life by Gifford, 9 vols. Lond. 1816, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Memoirs of Jonson; Proofs of Jonson's Malig- nity; Charactery of Jonson ; Ancient Commendatory Verses; Por- trails; Every Man in his Humour. 11. Every Man out of his Humour ; Cynthia's Revels ; The Poelaster. . Sejanus; The Fox ; The Silent Woman. IV. Alchemist; Catiline; Bartholomew Fiir. V. The Devil is an Ass; Stilpleor News; New. Inn. VI. Mag- netic Lady; Tale of a rul; 'Sad Shepherd ; 'The Case is altered; Hintertitinments, llc. VII. Masques at Court. VIIT. Masques, &c.; Epigrams; Underwoods. IX. Underwoods ; Translations froni Lilin Poets ; Discoveries ; English Grammar; Jonsonus Virbius ; Glossarial Index. JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Works. A new Translation, by the Rev. Robert Traill. Edited by Isaac Taylor. 2 vols. Houlston and Stoneman, 1847-51, 8vo. JUNIUs. Letters, with Woodfall's Notes, 3 vols. Cadell, 1814, 8vo. KANT (Immanuel, 1724—1804). Critick of Pure Reason, translated, with Notes by F. Haywood, second ed. Pickering, 1848, 8vo. KANT (I.). Critick of Pare Reason, an Analysis by the Translator of that Work. Pickering, 1838, 8vo. KAYE (Jolin W.). The Administration of the East India Company. Bentley, 1853, 8vo. English Library. : 51 Keats (John, 1796–1820). Poetical Works, new edition. Moxon, 1851, 12mo. KEMBLE (John M.). The Saxons in England; a His- tory of the English Commonwealth, till the Norman Conquest, 2 vols. Longmans, 1849, 8vo. Ken (Bp. Thomas, 1637--1711). Life. By a Lay- man. “[J. L. Anderdon.] Pickering, 1853, 8vo. Kern (Robert, d. 1814). Collection of the best Voyages and Travels, from the earliest Ages to the present Time, 18 vols. Lond. 1811-24, 8yo. Contents: Vol. 1. Discoveries in the Time of King Alfred, in the toine Spin 12.48.6; Off Malcoin 1301 Asof aubergesluipw Tort in 1 20 1955 doves, China, in osphate " D Ninth Century: Discovery of Iceland by the Norwegians; Voyages of Ohthere to the White Ser and the Baltic ; on the Situation of Sciringes-henland Hierhum, by J. R. Forster, Voyage of Wulistein in the Baltic; Voyage of Sighelm to India; Travels of John Erigena to Athens; Geography of the known World in the Ninth Century, as described by King Allred ; 'l'ravels of Andrew Leucinder in the Eleventh Century; Voyage of Swanus to Jerusalem in 1052; Voy- age of Three Anibussadors from England to Constantinople about 1056 ; Pilgrimage of Alured to Jerusalem in 1058, and of Ingulphus, in 1064; Original Discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders in the ninth century; Discovery of Winland, or America, by the ice- Iruders, about 1001; Travels of two Mahometans into India and China in the ninth century; Travels of Rabbi Benjamin (of 'Tudela) from Spain to Chinil in the twelfth cencury; of an Englishman in Tartary in 1243; Revolutions in 'Tartary; Travels of John de Plano Cir'pini, in 1246; of W.de Rubruquis, about 1253; of Haitho, Prince of Armenia, in 1254 ; of Marco Polo înto China and the Last, 1260- 1 295; of Oderic of Portenall, in 1316; of Sir Jolin Mandeville, ini 1322 Ilinerary of Pegoletti, between Asof and China, in 1355 ; Voy. ages of the Zeni, in 1380 : 'Travels of Schildberger, in 139.; of the Ambassadors of Slialı Roklı, in 1419; Voyage and Shipwreck of Qui- rini, in 1431 ; 'Travels of Josaphat Barbaro to Tanna (Azof) in 1436. 11. Pilgrimages from England to the Holy Land, 1097--1107; Dis- covery of Madeira; Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands; Discoveries of the Portuguese in Africa and India, 1412-1505 ; Dis- coveries of the World to the year 1555, by Antonio Galvano; Journey of Contarini into Persia, in 1473-6.; Voyages of Discovery by the Portuguese along the west coast of Africa, during the life of Don Henry, and continued to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1486 ; Voyages of Cada Mosto ind Pedro de Cintra to the Coisi of Africa, 1455–1456, &c.; Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portuguese, 1497-1505, by Lopez de Castaneda; Letters from Lis- bon in the beginning of the sixteenth century, respecting the then recent discovery of the rolite by sea lo indir, &c. II. Discovery of America by Columbus, written by his son' l'erdinand; Herrera's Account of Columbus's Discoveries; Voyages of Americus Vespa- cius ; Discoveries and Settlenients of the Spaniards in the West 10- dies from the Death of Columbus to the Expedition of Cortes agninst Mexico, referring particularly to Ovando, Ponce de Leon), Diego Columbus, Hojedla and Nicuessa, Balboa, Velasquez, Hernandez de Cordove, and Grijalva; Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, written in 1568, by Captain Bernal Diaz del Castillo. IV. Bernal Diaz (con- tinued); Zirnte's Discovery and Conquest of Pern by Pizarro, and of its History subsequent to the death of Pizarro. V. Zirate's History of Peru (continucil); Early History of Perui, from Garcilasso de la Vega ; Discovery and Conquest of Chili; Discovery of Florida, from Herrera. VI. English Voyages of Discovery 10 Amerion, by John and Sebastian Cabot, Robert Thorne, Sir T. Pert and Tho. Tison ; Voyages of Jacques Cartier to Newfoundland and Canada, 15311-15:37; Continuation of Discoveries and Conquests by the Portuguese in in- dia, from 1505–1639; Expedition of Solyman Picha from Sucz to India against the Portuguese at Diu; Voyage of Don Stefano de Gama fron Goa to Suez in 1540, by Juan de Castro, with a continuation of 52 Catalogue of my Kerr's Voyages (continued). the Portuguese affairs in India to 1617. VII, Portuguese Expedi- tion to Madagascar in 1613; Transactions in India, 1617-1610 ; (ccurrences in Pegu, &c.; Account of the Portuguese Possessions between the Cape of Goud Hope and China ; Voyages and Travels in Egypi, Syria, Arabia, Persia and india, by Lodovico Verthema, in 1503–3; Voyages and Travels of Caesar Frerlerick in India, &c., 1563—81 ; Early English Voyages to Guinea and other parts of the West Coast of Africa, comprising those of Windham and Pinteado in 1552, 155:3, of Lok, 1554, Towerson, 1555-—-1558, Rutter, 1562, Baker, 1963, Carlet, 156.1, leiner, 1566, Hogan, 1577, Roberts, 1585, Welslı, 1588-90, Rainolds and Lassel, 1591; Miscellaneous Early Voyages of the English, comprising Escape of the Primrose from Bilbod in 1565, Drake's Voyage to the West Indies in 1585, Captain Whiddon's Voyage to the Azores in 1586, Notable Service of Drake in 1587 ; Account of the Spanish Armada, 1588, Earl or Cumberland's Voyage to the Azores in 1589, Sea-fight in the Straits of Gibraltar, April 1590 and April 1591, Sir Walter Raleigh's Account of the light at the Azores, 31st of August, 1591 ; Note of the fleet of the Indies expected in Spain 1501, Plicke's report of a cruizing Voyage to the Azores in 1591, Linschoten's Exploits of the English from 1509 to 1592, Sir J. Burrough's Vovage to the Azores in 1502, The taking of two Spanish ships in 1592, Destruction of an East India carak in 1594. List of Royal Navy of England at the death of Queen Elizabeth; Early Voyages of the English lo the East Indies before the establish- ment of an exclusive Company, comprising Thomas Stevens's Voyage to Goa in 1579, Fitch's over-land Journey, 1563, Letters from John Newbery and others. VIII. Eldred's Voyage'in 1583; Raymond and Lancaster's Voyage in 1591; Captain B. Wool in 1596, Captain J. Davis in 1598, William Adams to Japan in 1598, Michelburny to India in 1604 ; 'Early Voyages of the English to India, after the establishment of the last ludia Company, comprising l'irst Voyage of the Euglisi East India Company in 1601, under Captain James Lancaster, with Account of Java and Bantai; Second Voyage in 1004, under Sir Henry Middleton; Third Voyage in 1607, under Captain W. Keeling; William Hawkins's Narrative ; Observations of William Finch; Captain David Middleton's Voyage in 1007 ; Fourth Voyage in 1608, by Captain Sharpey, including Covert's Re- lation ; Voyage of Captain R. Rowles; Filth Voyage in 1609, under Captain D. Middleton : Sixth Voyage in 1610, under Sir H. Middle- ton, with Downton's Journal; Seventh Voyage in 1611, under Cap- tain A. Hippon, with Floris's Notices ; Lighth Voyage in 1611, by Captain J. Saris. IX. Lighth Voyage (continued); Ninth Voyage in 1612, by E. Marlow; Tenth Voyage in 1012, by T. Best, with Notes by Copland, Boner, &c.; Eleventh Voyage in 1612; Twelfth Voyage in 1613, by Captain C. Newport; Captain N. Downton's Voyage in 1614, with Elkington and Dodsworth's Supplement; R. Steel and J. Crowther's Journey to Ispahan in 1615. 16; Captain Peyton's Voyage to India in 1615 ; Roger Hawes' Journal; Sir Thomas Roc's Journal of his Embassy; Edward Terry's Voyage in 1616; Coryat's Journey to the Court of the Great Mogul ; Dutch proceedings at Banda in 1617-18; Fifth Voyage of the Joint-Stock by the Company in 1617, under Captain Priig; Voyage of the Ann Royal in 1618; Voyage to Surat in 1620 ; Capture of Ormus in 1622; Massacre ai Aniboyna in 1623 ; Dr. James Cunningham's Residence at Chusan in 1701. X. Circumnavigations:-Magellan, 1519-22; Sir F. Drake, 1577-80 ; Sir T. Candislı, 1566-88 ; 0. Van Noort, 1598-1601 ; G. Spilbergen, 1614-17; Schouten and Lemaire, 1615–17; J. Le Hermiié, 1623 - 26; John Cooke, Cowley, and Dampier, 1683-91; Funnell, 1703–6; Rogirs and Courtney, 170811: Clipperton, 1719-22 ; Shelvocke, 1719-22. XI. Shelvocke's Voyage (continued,) with Betagli's Appendix ; Roggewein, 1721-23; Anson, 1740-4; XII. Byron, 1764–6; Wallis, 1766-8; Carteret, 1766-9; Cook, 1768–70. XII. Cook' (continued); Bougainville, 1766—79. XIV. XVI. Cook, 1772-5; 1776-80, with Captain King's Journal. XVII. Cook's Third Voyage concluded; Byron's Narrative of his Ship- wreck, with Bulkeley's Narrative of the same. XVIII. Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce; ny William Stevenson; Cataloglie nf Voyages and Travels; Geographi- cal Index to the Cittalogic; Index to the Historical Sketclı; Gene- ral Index and Tabular View of the seventeen volumes. English Library. 53 KINGSBOROUGH (Edward, Viscount, 1795 — 1837). Antiquities of Mexico. Comprising Fac-similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, the Vatican and the Borgian Museum at Rome, the Institute of Bologna, the Bodleian Library, &c. the greater part inedited. Also the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, illustrated by upwards of 1000 plates, copied from the originals by A. Aglio, 9 vols. Lond. 1831-48, imp. folio. Contents; Volumes J. to IV. consist entirely of plates ; and Vo. lumes V. to IX. of Text. Vol. 1. Copy of the Collection of Mendoza preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford; Copy of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, preserved in the Royal Library at Paris; Fac- simile of an original Mexican Hieroglyphic Painting from the Col- lection of Boturini; fac-simile of all original Mexican Painting preserved in the Collection of Sir Thomas Bodley, in the Bodleian Library; fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Selden Collection or Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; l'ac- Simile of an original Mexican Hieroglyphic Painting preserved amongst the Selden Collection in the Bodleian Library. 'll. Copy of a Mexican Manuscript preserved in the Library of the Vatican; Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting given to the University of Oxford by Archbishop Laud, and preserved in the Bodleian Li- brary; Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting preserved in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; Pac-simile of an original Mex- ican Painting preserved in the imperial Library at Vienna; l'ac- siniile of original Mexican Paintings deposited in the Royal Library at Berlin by the Baron de Humboldt, and of a Mexican Bas Relief, preserved in the Royal Cabinet of Antiques. III. Pac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Borgian Museum at the College of Propaganda in Kome; fac-simile of an original Mex- icau Painting in the possession of M. de lejérváry, at Pess, in Hun- Fary; Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Library of the Vatican. IV. Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dil- paix, from the original Drawings exi'ciiled by order of the King of Spain); Specimens of Mexican Sculpture, in the possession of M. Liltour Allard, in Paris : Specimens of Mexican Sculpturc in the British Museum; Plates copied from the Giro del Mondo of Ge- melli Careri, with an Engraving of a Mexican Cycle, from a Paint- ing formerly in the possession of Boturini; Specimens of Peruvian Quiipis, with Plates representing it carved Peruvian Box, contajn- ing a Collection of supposed Peruvian Quipus. V. Aglio's Dedica- tion to Lord Kingsborough; Introduction ; Extrait de l'()uvrage de M. de Humboldt, sur les Monumens de l'Amerique, pp. 1–32; Supplément à l'Extrait de l'ouvrage de M. de Humboldt, pp. 33 -36; Esplicacion de la Coleccion de Mendoza, pr. 37-113; 11)- dexes to the Collection of Mendoza, pp. 115-126; Explicacion del Codex Telleriano-Remensin, pp. 127-158; Codice Mexicano che si conserva nella Bibliotecil Vaticana, pp. 159—206; Viages de Gulielmo Dupais sobre las Autiqiicdades Mejicanas, pp. 207 -343; Libro Sexto de la Retorica y Filosofia, Moral y Teologia de la Gente Mexicana donde hay cosas muy curiosas locantes a los primores de su Lengua y cosas muy relicadas tocante a las Virtudes Morales, por el M. R. P. Frayle Bernardino de Sala- gun, pp. 344-493. VI. Translation of Volume V. except the Sixth Book of Sahagun, with Notes by Lord Kingsboroughi, con- taining arguments to show that the Jews in Cilrly ages colonized Anerica; and numerous Notes. VII. Historia Universal de las Cosas de Nueva Espana por Bernardino de Salagun. VIII. Sup- plementary Notes by Lord Kingsborough, continued from the Sixih Volunie, pp. 1-268; Supplement containing Extracts in Spanish, with English Notes, from the works of Torquemada, Acosta & Gar. ria showing the correspondence which exists between many of the Mexican and Hebrew Laws, pp. 1-_-89; Sermam do Auto da Fé, 54 Catalogue of my tion. KINGSBOROUGH's Antiquities (continued). pregado pelo D. Dioyo da Annunciaçam Justiniano, Arcebispo que foy de Cranganor, pp. 91-116; Respuesa al Sermon predicado por el Arcobispo de Cranganor, with English Notes, pp. 117--157; Historia del Origen de las entes que poblaron la America Septen- tional que llaman la Nueva Espana, por D. Mariano Fernandez de Echevarria y Vietia, with English Notes, pp. 159–217; Tercera y Cuarta Noticias de la segunda parte de las Noticias Historiales de las Conquistas de Tierra Firme en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada por Pedro Simon, pp. 219-271 ; History of the North American in- dians, by J. Adair, with Notes and Hlustrations by Lord Kingsbo- rough, pr. 273-400; Cartas Ineditas de Hernando Cortes, pp. 401 -424, IX. Cronica Mexicana de Fernando de Alvarado Tezozo- moc, 196 pp.; Historia Chichimeca por Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochit, pp. 197—316; Relaciones de Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxoclitl, pp. 317_468; Ritos antiguos, Sacrificios é Ido- latrias de los indios de la Nueva Espana y de su Conversion à la Fée y quienes fueron los que primero la predicaron, pp. 60. KINGSLEY (Charles). Yeast, a Problem; second edit. Parker & Son, 1851, post 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.). Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet; an Autobiography. Chapman & Hall, 1852, sm. 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.). Hypatia, or New Foes with an Old Face, 2 vols. Párker & Son, 1853, post 8vo. KINGSLEY (C.). The Saint's Tragedy. Second edi- Parker & Son, 1851, 18mo. KINLOCH (G. R.). Ancient Scottish' Ballads, re- covered from Tradition and never before published, with Notes; and an Appendix containing the Airs of several of the Ballads engraved on copper. Edinb. 1827, 8vo. KITTO (Dr. John). Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature, numerous engravings, 2 vols. Black, 1845, roy. 8vo. Kirto (Dr. J.). Daily Bible Illustrations; being Original readings on Subjects from Sacred His- tory, Biography, Geography, Antiquities, and Theology. Vol. 1–7. Hamilton, Adams, and Co. 1850-3, fcp. 8vo. Knight (Charles). Pictorial History of England, a History of the People as well as of the Kingdom, by Craik, Macfarlane, &c. with 2000 woodcuts and 104 portraits, 8 vols. With Index by H. C. Ha- milton. Orr, 1852, thick imp. 8vo. KNIGHT (C.). Pictorial History of London and its Environs, illustrated by 650 woodcuts, 6 large Lond. 1841-4. imp. 8vo. KUGLER (F.). Handbook to the Italian Schools of Painting, edited by Sir C. Eastlake, with 100 plates, second ed. 2 vols. Murray, 1851, post 8vo. KUGLER (F.), Handbook to the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools of Painting, edited by Sir E. Head. Murray, 1846, sm. 8vo. English Library. 55 KUGLER (F.). Handbook to the Spanish and French Schools of Painting, on the Plan of Kugler, by Sir E. Head. Murray, 1848, sm. 8vo. LAMB (Charles, 1775-1834). Works, Prose and Poetical, with his Letters and Life, by Talfourd, 4 vols. Moxon, 1850, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Letters of Lamb, with Sketch of his Life by Talfourd. Il. Final Memorials, consisting of letters, with Sketches of some of his Companions, by Talfourd." ill. Essays of Elia. IV. Rosamund Gray; Essays; Letters under assumed Signatures pub- lished in “ The Reflector;" fragments from Burion's Cominon Place Book; Mr. H--, Farce; Poems; Sonnets; Blank Verse; John Woodvil ; The Witch; Album Verses; Miscellaneous Poems; Sonnets; Commendatury Verses; Translations from Vincent Bourne; Ode to the Tread-Mill; Going or Gone; Free Thoughts on several eminent Composers; 'l'le Wife's Trial. Lamb (C.). Specimen's of English Dramatic Poets, 2 vols. Lond. 1835, 12mo. LANDON. (Letitia Elizabeth, 1802–1838). Poetical Works, 4 vols. Lond. 1844, 12mo. LANDON (L. E.). Poetical Works, new edition. Longmans, 1850, 12mo. LANDON (L. E.). Life and Literary Remains, by Laman Blanchard, 2 vols. Colburn, 1841, small 8vo. LANDON (L.E.). Ethel Churchill, or the Two Brides, 3 vols. Colburn, 1834, post 8vo. LANDON (L. E.). Francesca Carrara, a Romance, 3 vols. Bentley, 1834, post 8vo. LANDON (L. E.). Lady Anne Granard, á Novel, 3 vols. Colburn, 1841, post 8vo. LANDON (L. E.). 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Bell's Hist. of Russia, 3 vols., Cooley's History of Maritime, Bell's British Poets, 2 vols. & Inland Discovery 3 vols. Brewster's Uplics. | Crowe's lirance, 3 vols. 56 Catalogue of my De Morgan's Probabilities. Mackintosh, Wallace an Donovan's Chemistry. Bell's England, 10 vols, Donovan's Domestic Econo Montgomery and Shelley's my, 2 vols. Italian, Spanish, and Portu-. Dunham's History of Spain guese Authors, 3 vols. and Portugal, 5 vols. Moore's Ireland, 4 vols. Dunham's Denmark, Sweden Nicolas's Chronol, of History. and Norway, 3 vois. Phillips' Geology, 2 vols. Dupham's Polauri. Powell's Natural Philosophy. Dupham's Germaniy, 3 vols. Porter's Manufacture of Silk. Dunham's Middle Ages, 4 vols. Porter's Porcelain and Glass. Dunham's Literary and Scien Roscoe's British lawyers. tific Men of Great Britain, Scott's Hist.of Scotland, 2 vis. 3 vols, . Shelley's French Authors, 2 v. Fergus' United States, 2 vols. Shuckard and Swainson's Trea. 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LAYARD (A. H.). Palace of Sennacherib, being Illus- trations of Sculptures, &c. recently discovered at Nineveh. Murray, 1853, folio. LE SAGE (Alain René, 1668–1747). Gil Blas, by Smollett, illustrated by Gigoux, 2 vols. Bohn, 1836, roy. 8vo. LE SAGE (A. R.). Asmodeus, or the Devil on two Sticks, illustrated by Tony Johannot. Lond. 1841, imp. 8vo. LE SAGE (A. R.). Bachelor of Salamanca, 2 vols. Le Sage (A. R.) Guzman d'Alfarache, 3 vols. Longmans, 12mo. LESLIE (Charles R.). Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, composed chiefly of his Letters. Longmans, 1845, sm. 4to. LEWIS (George Cornewall). On the Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. Parker & Son, 1849, 8vo. LEWIS (G. C.). On the Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Politics, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1852, 8vo. LIBRARY OP ANGLO-CATHOLIC THEOLOGY, 66 vols. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1841-50, 8vo. Bishop Andrewes' Sermons, 5 vols. Bishop Andrewes' Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine, &c. Bishop Andrewes' Tortura Torti, &c. 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LODGE (Edmund, 1756—1839). Portraits of Illus- trious Personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic Pictures, with Memoirs, 4 vols. London, 1821-34, folio. LODGE (E.). The same, 240 plates, 10 vols. Bohn, 1835, imp. 8vo. LODGE (E.). Illustrations of British History, Bio- graphy, and Manners, from Henry VIII. to James I., second edition. Bohn, 1838, 8vo. LODGE (E.). Peerage and Baronetage of Great Bri- tain. Saunders & Otley, 1852, royal 8vo. 60 Catalogue of my LODGE (E.). Genealogy of the British Peerage. Bohn, 1848, 8vo. LOUDON (John Claudius, 1783-1843). Encyclo- pædia of Gardening; comprising the Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboricul- ture, and Landscape Gardening, new edition. Longmans, 1850, 8vo. LOUDON (J.C.). Encyclopædia of Trees and Shrubs ; containing the Hardy Trees and Shrubs of Great Britain, native and foreign, scientifically and popu- larly described. Longmans, 1842, 8vo. LOUDON (J.C.) 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Second Visit to the U.S. second edition, 2 vols. Murray, 1849, sm. 8vo. Lytton. See BULWER-LYTTON. LYTTELTON (George, Lord, 1709–1773). History of King Henry II., and of his age, to which is prefixed a History of the Revolutions of England from the Death of the Confessor to the birth of Henry II., third edition, 6 vols. London, 1769, 8vo. MACAULAY (Thomas Babington). Critical and His- torical Essays, from the Edinburgh Review, seventh edition, 3 vols. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Milton; Machiavelli; Hallani's Constitutional History; Southey's Colloquies on Society; Montgomery's Poems; English Library. : 61 Civil Disabilities of the Jews; Moore's Life of Byron; Boswell's Life of Johnson; Southey's edition of the Pilgrim's Progress; Lord Ni- gent's Memorials of Hanipden; Frederick the Great. Il. 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Longmans, 1848, 8vo. M'CULLOCH (J. R.) Treatises and Essays on Sub- jects connected with Economical Policy; with Biographical Sketches of Quesnay, Adam Smith, and Ricardo. Black, Edinb. 1853, 8vo. 17 62 . Catalogue of my MʻCULLOCH (J. R.) Treatise on the Circumstances which determine the Rate of Wages and the Con- dition of the Labouring Classes. Longmans, 1851, 12mo. Mac-GEOGHEGAN (Abbé). History of Ireland, An- cient and Modern, translated from the French by O'Kelly. Dub. 1844, imp. 8vo. MacGregor (John). The Progress of America, from the Discovery by Columbus, to the year 1846, His- torical, Statistical, and Geographical, 2 vols. _ Blackwood, 1847, royal 8vo. MACKAY (Charles). The Scenery and Poetry of the English Lakes, second edition. Longmans, 1852, post 8vo. MACKINTOSH (Sir James, 1765–1832). Miscellaneous Works; including his Contribution to the Edin- burgh Review, new edition. 3 vols. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Progress of Ethical Philosoplıy; Bacon and Locke; Law of Nature and Nations; Sir Thomas More ; Refuta- tion of the claim of Charles I. to the authorship of Icon Basilike ; A fiairs of Holland, 1667-1686. 11. Revolution of 1688; Partition of Poland ; Administration and fall of Struensee; Case of Donna Maria ; Charles, Ist Marquis Cornwallis : George Canning; Preface to a reprint of the Edinburgh Review of 1755; Machiavel ; Review of Godwin's Lives of Edward and John Philips, &c.; Review of Rogers's Poems; Mad. de Staël's “ De l'Allemagne;" Discourse at the opening of the Literary Society of Bombay. 11. Defence of the French Revolution; Speeches, &c.; Appendix ; Index. MACRAY (William Dunn). Manual of British His- torians, comprising an Account of the Monkish Writers, Early Chroniclers, the Collections in which they are printed, with the period of each history, and when the writer flourished. Pickering, 1845, 8vo. MAGLE (Abp. William, 1765—1831). Works: Dis- sertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, Sermons, and Visitation Charges. With Memoir by Rev. A. H. Kenney, 2 vols. Cudell, 1842, 8vo. MAGINN (Dr. William, 1795–1842). Homeric Bal- lads. Parker and Son, 1849, fcp. 8vo. MAHON (Philip Henry Stanhope, Lord). History of England, from Q. Anne to 1780, third edit. 6 vols. Murray, 1853, 8vo. Marion (Lord). “ Forty-Five;" or, a Narrative of the Rebellion in Scotland' in 1745. Murray, 1851, 12mo. Manon (Lord). Life of Louis, Prince of Condt, se- cond edition. Murray, 1848, 12mo. English Library. 63 Mahon (Lord). History of the War of the Succes- sion in Spain, second edition. Murray, 1838, 8vo. MAHON (Lord). Spain under Charles the Second, se- cond edition. Murray, 1844, sm. 8vo. Mahon (Lord). Life of Belisarius, second edition. Murray, 1848, sm. 8vo. MAITLAND (Charles). The Church in the Catacombs, second edition. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. MAITLAND (Rev.. Samuel Roffey). Essays on sub- jects connected with the Reformation in England. Rivingtons, 1849, 8vo. MAITLAND (Rev, S. R.), The Dark Ages ; a series of Essays, intended to illustrate the state of Reli- gion and Literature in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th centuries, 2nd edit. Rivingtons, 1845, 8vo. MAITLAND (Rev. S. R.). Eruvin, or Miscellaneous Essays on subjects connected with the Nature, · History, and Destiny of Man, second edition. Rivingtons, 1850, 12mo. MALTHUS (Thomas Robert, 1766-1836). On Politi- cal Economy, second edition, with Memoir, by Otter, Bishop of Chichester. Pickering, 1836, 8vo. MANUAL of Geographical Science, by O'Brien, An- sted, Jackson, and Nicolay. Parker and Son, 1852, 8vo. MARLBOROUGH (John Churchill, Duke of, 1650– 1722). Letters and Dispatches, edited by Sir G. Murray, 5. vols. Murray, 1845, 8vo. MARLOWE (Christopher, 1562—1592). Poetical and Dramatic Works, edited by Rev. A. Dyce, 3. vols. Pickering, 1850, sm. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 5. Account of Marlowe and his writings; addenda and corrigenda; First and Second parts of Tamburlaine; The Jew of Malta. 11. Faustus (two texts and ballad); Edward II.; Massacre at Paris : Dido. III. Hero and Leander; Ovid's Elegies; Epigrams; tirst Book of Lucan; Song; Fragment; Dialogue; lú obitum R. Manwood; Note concerning Marlowe's opinions; Portions of Ga- ger's Dido; Specimens of Petowe's Hero and Leander; The Atheist's Tragedie;' Tudex to the Notes. MARRYAT (Capt. Frederick, 1792–1848.). Tales and Novels, each complete in 1 vol. with frontispiece. (Standard Novels), Bentley, 12mo. Peter Simple | Pacha of Many Tales Jacob Faithful Poacher Japhet in search of a father Plianton Ship King's Own Dog Fiend Midshipman Easy Percival Keene Newton Forster Rattlin the Reefer. MarryAT (Capt.). Diary in America, 2 Series, 6 vols. Lond. 1839, post 8vo. MARRYAT (Capt.). Poor Jack, a Novel, woodcuts : by Stanfield. Lond. 1840, 8vo. 64 Catalogue of my ty MARRYAT (Capt.). The Settlers in Canada, new edi- tion. Longmans, 1851, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.). Travels and Adventures of Mon- sieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas, 3 vols. Longmans, 1843, post 8vo. MARRYÁT (Capt.). Masterman Ready, 3 vols. Longmans, 1842-3, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.). The Mission,or Scenes in Africa, 2 vols. Longmans, 1845, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.). The Privateersman 100 years ago, 2 vols. Longmans, 1846, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.). The Pirate and the Three Cutters, engravings by Stanfield. Longmans, 1836, royal 8vo. MARRYAT (Capt.). The Children of the New Forest, 2 vols. Routledge, 1847, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.) The Little Savage, 2 vols. Routledge, 1848, 12mo. MARRYAT (Capt.). Olla Podrida. . Bentley, 1849, 12mo. MarryAT (Capt.). Valerie, an Autobiography; 2 vols. Routledge, 1849, post 8vo. MARRYAT (Joseph). History of Pottery and Porce- lain in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries: coloured plates and wood cuts. Murray, 1850, 8vo. MARTINEAU (Harriet). History of Englaud during the 30 years' peace, 2 vols. Knight, 184.9-50, imp. 8vo. MASKELL (William). On the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. Pickering, 1849, 8vo. MASKELL (W.). Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesiæ An- glicanæ, 3 vols. Pickering, 1847, 8vo. MASSINGBERD (Francis Charles). History of the Re- formation, second edition. Parker & Son, 1847, fcp. 8vo. MASSINGER (Philip, 1584—1640). Plays, with notes, critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford, second edition, 4 vols. London, 1813, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Advertisement to the Second Edition ;' lotro- duction, with Life; Essay on the Dramatic Writings of Massinger by John Ferriar; Commendatory Verses on Massinger; List of Massin- ger's Plays; Glossarial Index; The Virgin Martyr; The Unnatural Combat; The Duke of Milan. II. The Bondman; Renegado; Par- liament of Love; Roman Actor; Great Duke of Florence. III. Maid of Honour í The Picture; The Emperor of the East; The fatal Dowry; New Way to Pay Old Debts. IV. The City Madam; Guardian; A Very Woman; Bashful Lover; The Old Litw. MAUNDER (Samuel). The Biographical Treasury. Eighth edition. Longmans, 1853, fcp. 8vo. NIAUNDER (S.), The Treasury of History. New edi- tion. Longmans, 1853, fcp. 8vo. · English Library. 65 MAUNDER (S.). The Scientific and Literary Trea- sury. New edition. Longmans, 1848, fcp. 8vo. MAUŇDER (S.), The Treasury of Natural History, New edition. Longmans, 1852, fop. 8vo. MAUNDER (S.). The Treasury of Knowledge, and Library of Reference. Enlarged edition. Longmans, 1853, fcp. 8vo. MAURICE (Frederick Denison). On the Religions of the World, third edition. 1852, fcp. 8vo. MAXWELL (William Hamilton). Life and Military Exploits of the Duke of Wellington, numerous portraits, views, &c. 3 vols. Bohn, 1843, 8vo. MAY (Thomas Erskine). Treatise upon the Law, Privileges Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament: new edition. Lond. 1850, 8vo. METCALFE (Samuel L.). Caloric; its Mechanical, Chemical, and Vital Agencies in the Phenomena of Nature, 2 vols. Pickering, 1843, 8vo. MEYER (H. L.). British Birds and their Eggs, 322 coloured plates, with Description, 7 vols. Lond. 1850, 8vo. MICHELET (J.). History of France, translated by Kelly, 2 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1845-6, 8vo. MIDDLETON (Thomas, d. 1626?). Dramatic Works, edited by the Rev. A. Dyce, 5 vols. Lumley, 1840, sm. 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Account of Middleton and his works ; The Old Law; The Mayor of Queenborough; Biurt, Master-Constable; The Phænix; Michaelmas Term. 11.A Trick to catch the Old One; The family of Love: Your Five Gallants ; A Mad World, my Mas- ters; The Roaring Girl. The Honest Whore, parts . I.; The Witch; The Widow ; A Fair Quarrel; More Dissemblers besides Women. IV. A Chaste Maid in Cheapside; The Spanish Gipsy; The Changeling ; A Game at Chess; Any thing for a Quiet Life ; Women beware Women. V. No Help { like a Woman's; The Inner Temple Masque; The World tost at Tennis ; Part of the Entertainment to King James; The Triumphs of Truth; Civita- tis Amor ; The Triumphs of Love and Antiquity; The Sun in Aries; The Triumphs of Integrity; The Triumphs of Health and Prospe- rity; The Wisdom of Solomon paraphrased ; Micro-Cynićon; On the Death of Burbage; To Webster, on the Duchess of Valfi; 'The Black Book; Father Hubburd's Tales; Appendix; The Triumphs of Honour and Industry; Index to the Notes. MILL (James, 1774-1836). History of British India, fourth edition, with Notes and Continuation, by H. H. Wilson, 9 vols. Madden, 1840-48, 8vo. MILL (John Stuart). System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive, third edition, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1851, 8vo. Mill (J.S.). Principles of Political Economy, third edition, 2 vols. Parker 8; Son, 1852, 8vo. v N SWit? 1:1, 66 Catalogue of my Millar (John, 1735–1801). Historical View of the English Government, from the Saxons to 1688, with Dissertations to the Present Time, 4 vols. Lond. 1818, 8vo. MILMAN (Rev. Henry Hart). Poetical Works, second edition, plates, 3 vols. Murray, 1839, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Fall of Jerusalem ; Martyr of Antioch; Bel- shazzar. 11. Samor; Belvidere Apollo; Alexander Tumulum Achillis Invisens; Judicium Regale; Fortune; The Love of God; Hymns ; The Slave Ship; The Taking of Troy; Deborah's Hymn of 'Triumph ; Downfall of Jerusalem. 111. Anne Boleyn; Hazio; Nala and Ba- mayanti, and Notes; Death of Yajnadatta, and Notes; Extracts from the Mahabharata, the Brahmin's Lament, and Notes, the Deluge; The Descent of the Ganges; The Deluge, an Ode; Stanzas. MILMAN (Rev. H. H.). History of Christianity, to the Fall of Paganism, 3 vols. Murray, 1840, 8vo. MILMAN (Rev. H. H.). Character of the Apostles considered as an Evidence of Christianity (Bamp- ton Lecture.) Murray, 1827, 8vo. MILNER (Rev. Joseph, 1744—1797.) History of the Church of Christ, with Additions and Corrections by the Rev. Isaac Milner and Grantham, 4 vols. Longmans, 1847, 8vo. MILNES (Richard Monckton). Poems, legendary, and historical, new edition. Moxon, 1844, fcp. 8vo. MILNES (R. M.). Poems of many years, new edition. Moxon, 1844, fcp. 8vo. MILTON. (John, 1608—1674). Works, in Verse and Prose, with Life by Rev. J. Mitford, 8 vols. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life of Milton by John Mitford; Samson Ago- nistes; A Mask [Comus); Lycidas; Il Penseroso; L'Allegro; Ar- cades; Miscellaneous Poems (18); Sonnets (23); Psalms; Poemata; Il. Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained. Ul. Of Reformation touch- ing Church Discipline in England; Of Prelatical Episcopacy; Rea- son of Church Government urged agajust Prelaty; Animadversions upon the Remonstrants' Defence against Smectymnuus; Apology against a Pamphlet called A Modest Confutation of the Animadver- sions of the Remonstrants against Smectym nuus; Eikonoklastes. IV. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; Tetrachordon; Judgment of Martin Buicer concerning Divorce; Colasteriol); Of Education; Areopagitica; Tenure of Kings and Magistrales : On the Articles of Peace between Charles S. and the Irish Rebels. V. History of Bri. tain; Of the Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes ; On removing Hirelings out of the Church ; Notes on Griffith's Sermon ; Letter to it friend on the Ruptures of the Commoditealth; Of true religion, Heresie, Schism, Toleration; The ready and easy way to establish a free Commonwealth ; The present Means and brief Delineation of a free Commonwealth. VI. Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio; Joannis Philippi Angli Responsio, etc.; Defensio Secunda pro populo An- glicano; Authoris pro se Defensio contra Alexandruni Morum ; Au- thoris ad Alexandri Mori Supplementum Responsio; Accedence Commenc't Grammar. VII. Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio ; Praxis Logicie Analytica ex Dounamo; Petri Rami Vita ; Literæ Senatis Anglicani: Literæ Oliverii P. nomine scriptæ; Literæ Ricardi P. 10- mine scriptæ; Scriptum Dom. Protectoris ; Epistolae Familiilres ; Prolusiones Oratoriæ. Vill. Defence of the People of England in English Library. 67 Answer to Salmasius' Defence of the King; Letters of State in the Name of the Commonwealth; The Protectors Oliver and Richard ; Manifesto of the Lord Protector; Declaration for tlie Election of John Ill. King of Poland; History of Muscovia ; Index. . MILTON (J.). Poetical Works, with Life, by the Rev. John Mitford, 2 vols. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. MITFORD (William, 1744–1827). History of Greece, with Life by Lord Redesdale, new edition, 8 vols. London, 1838, 8vo. MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de, d. 1453). Chronicles; translated, with notes, by T. Johnes, 12 vols. London, 1810, 8vo. plates in 4to. MONTAGU (Basil, 1770—1851). Selections from Je- remy Taylor, Hooker, Barrow, South, Latimer, Browne, Milton, and Bacon, fifth edition. Pickering, 1839, fcp. 8vo. MONTAGU (Lady Mary Wortley, 1690-1762). Let- ters and Works, by Lord Wharncliffe, 3 vols. Bentley, 1837, 8vo. MONTAIGNE (Michel, 1533—1592) Works: Essays, Letters, Travels, edited by Hazlitt, second edition. London, 1845, royal 8vo. MONUMENTA HISTORICA BRITANNICA; or, Materials for the History of Britain, from the earliest period. Vol. I. to the Norman Conquest. Prepared and illustrated with notes by Henry Petrie, assisted by John Sharpe. Published by command of her Majesty, 1848, fol. MOORE (Thomas, 1779—1852). Poetical Works, 10 vols. Longmans, 1853, 12mo. Contents : Vol. ). Odes of Anacreon translated into English Verse, with Notes ; Juvenile Poems. II. Juvenile Poenis; Poems relating to America. III. Corruption and Intolerance; The Sceptic; Two- penny Post-Bag; Intercepted Letters; Satirical and 'Muniorous Poenis; Irisli Melodies. IV. Irish Melodies; National Airs; Sat- cred Songs. V. Evenings in Greece; Legendary Ballads : Set of Glees; Ballads, Songs, Miscellaneous Poems, &c., Songs from the Greek Anthology; Unpublished Songs. VI. Lalla Rookh. VII. Lalla Rookh; Political and Satirical Poems : The Fudge Family in Paris; Fables for the Holy Alliance; Rhymes on the Road; Nis- cellaneous Poems. VIII. The Loves of the Angels ; Miscellaneous Poems; Satirical and Humorous Poems. IX. Satirical and Humo- rous Poems: The Fudges in England ; Songs from M. P.or tlie Blue Stocking; Miscellaneous Poenis. X. The Epicurean ; Alciphron ; General Index. Preface to each volume. Moore (T.). History of Ireland, 4 vols. Longmans, 1838-46, 12mo. MOORE (T.). Irish Melodies, with 161 etchings after the designs of Maclise. Longmans, 1846, imp. 8vo. Moore (T.). Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion, second ed. 2 vols. Longmans, 1833, 12mo. 68 Catalogue of my Moore (T.). Memoirs, Journal, and Correspond- ence. Edited by Lord John Russell. Portraits and vignettes. Vols. i—vi. Longmans, 1853, post. 8vo. More (Hannah, 1745–1833). Works, new edition, 12 vols. Cadell, 1830-38, sm. 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. General Preface; Sacred Dramas-vi%. Moses in the Buirushes, David und Goliath, Belshazzar, Daniel; Poems viz. Reflections of King Hezekiah, Sensibility, Bible Rhymes, Search arter Happiness, The Bas Blen, Bonner's Ghost, Florio, Dan and June, Heroic Epistle to Silly Horne, Sir Eldred of the Bower, Pup- pet Show, Bleeding Rock, Ode to Garrick's House Dog, Here and There, The Impossibility Conquered, Pleasing Recollections. II. Tales in Verse; Miscellaneous Poems; Hymus ; Epitaphs; Billlads; Black Slave; Tragedies-Vi%. Percy, fatal falsehood, Inflexible Captive. III. Mr. Fantom ; Tracle written during the Riots of 1817; The Two Wealthy Farmers ; 'Tis All for the Best; Cure for Melan- choly; The Sunday School'; Pilgrims; The Strait Gate and the Broad Way; Parley the Porter; Village Politics; White Slave 'Trade: Shepherd of Salisbury Plain; 'The Two Shoemakers. iV. Tom White; Hester Wilmot; Grand Assizes ; Servant Min turned Soldier; Betty Brown; Black Giles the Poacher ; Tawney Rachel; Moral Sketches of prevailing Opinions and Manners, foreign and domestic ; Reflections on Prayer. V. On female Education. VI. Hints towards forming the Character of a Princess. VII. Cælebs in Search of a Wife. VIII. Practical Piety. IX. Christian Morals. X. Essay on the Character ind Practical Writings of St. Paul. XI. Thoughts on the Manners of the Great; Estimate of the Religion of the fashionable World; Remarks on M. Dupont's Speech; The Spirit of Prayer. XII. Life of rhannah More, by Rev. Henry Thompson. More (Sir Thomas, 1480—1535). Life, by Sir James Mackintosh. Longmans, 1844, fcp. 8vo. MOTHERWELL (William, 1797-1835). Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, with an Historical Intro- duction and Notes. Glasg. 1827, sm. 4to. MOTHERWELL (W.). Poetical Works, with Memoir by M'Conechy, second edition. Glasgow, 1847, fep. 8vo. MURE (William), Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece, vol. I.-IV. Longmuns, 1850-3, 8vo. Murray's Home and Colonial Library, consisting of Original Works and Reprints of Popular Pub- lications, 37 vols. 12mo. .1845-49 1. Borrow's Bible in Spain. 2-3. Heber's Journal in India. 4. Irby and Mangles' 'l'ravels-Drinkwater's Siege of Gibraltar. 5. Hay's Morocco-Letters from the Baltic, 6. Aniber Witch-Souther's Cromwell and Bunyan. 7. Mrs. Meredith's New South Wales Barrow's Life of Drake. 8. Father Ripa's Chint-Lewis's West Indies. 9. Malcolm's Sketches of Persia. 10. French in Algiers-l'all of the Jesuits. 11. Irving's Bracebridge Hall. 12. Darwin's Naturalist's Voyage. 13. Lord Milion's Life of Conde. 14. Borrow's Gypsies in Spain. 15. Melville's Marquesas Islands. 16. Livoninn Tales-Abbolt's Missionary Life in Canada. 17. Sale's Afghanistan-Letters from Madras. English Library. 69 18. St. John's Sporting in tlic Highlands. 19. Hend's Pampis-Sieges of Vienna by the Turks. 20. Ford's Gatheringe from Spain. 21. War of Liberation in Germany. 22. Melville's South Sen Adventures. 23. Gleig's Battle of Waterloo. 24. Edwards's River Amz011-Milnian's Wayside Cross. 25. Acland's indin-Gleig's Washington and New Orleans. 26. Ruxton's Mexico. 27. Carnarvon's Portugal and Gallicia, 28. Gleig's Life of Lord Clive. 29. Hayğarthi's Bush Life in Australia-Steffens's Adventures. 30. Irving's Tales of a 'Traveller. 31. Campbell's Lives of the British Poets. 32, Lord Mahon's Historical Esslys. 33. Slokers & Pokers-St. John's 1.ibyan Desert. 31. Letters from Sierra Leone. 35. Gleig's Life of Sir T. Munro. 36. Memoirs of Sir liowell Buxton. 37. Irving's Oliver Goldsmith. NAPIER (Sir William). History of the War in the Peninsula, and the South of France, 1807 to 1814, with plans, 6 vols. Boone, 1835-40, 8vo. NAPIER (Sir W.). English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula. Chapman and Hall, 1852, post 8vo. NATURALIST'S LIBRARY, by Sir W. Jardine and others, several hundred coloured engravings, 40 vols. Edinb. 1843, 12mo. Contents: Vol. 1. Mummalia - Introduction by Lieut.' Col. C. Hamiltoni Smith; Memoir of Dru Drury. Il. Monkeys, by Jardine; Memoir of Buffon. III. Lions, Tigers, &c. by Jardine; Memoir of Clivier. IV. Dogs, part 1. by Col. Smith ; Memoir of Pallas. V. Dogs, part 2; Memoir of f'elix d'Amra. VI. Amphibious Carni- vora, by Rob. Hamilton, 1sq.; Memoir of F. Peron. VII. Whales, &c. by R. Hamilton; Memoir of Lopecéde. Vill. Marsupialia or Pouched Animals, by (J. R. Waterhouse ; Memoir of Jolm Barcluy. IX. Tliick-skimmed Quadrupeds, by Jardine; Memoir of Sir Hans Slonne. X. Gonts, Sheer, Oxon, &c. by Jilrdine: Memoir of John Hunter. XI. Deer, Antelopes, Camels, &c. by Jitrdine; Memoir of Comper. XII. Horses,' by Col. Smith ; Memoir of Gesner; XIII. British Quadrupeds, by W. Macglllivray; Memoir of Aldro- vandi. XIV. Ornithology-Mumming Birds, part 1, by Jardine; Memoir of Linnaeus, XV. Humming Birds, part 2; Memoir of Pennant. XVI. Sun-birds, by Jardine; Memoir of f, Willughby. XVII. Flycatcher's, by W. Swainson; Memoir of Baron Haller. XVIII. Parrots, by P. J. Selby; Memoir of Bewick. XIX. Pigeons, by Selby; Memoir or Pliny. XX. Gallinaceous Birds, by Jardine; Memoir of Aristotle. XXI. Game Birds, by Jardine; Memoir of Sir S. Raffles, XXII. Birds of Western Africa, part i, by Swain- 8011; Memoir of Bruicc. XXIII. Birds of Western Africit, part 2; Memoir of Le Vaillant. XXIV. British Birds, pirti, by Jardine; Memoir of Sir R. Sibbald. XXV. British Birds, poliit ; Memoir of W. Smellie, XXVI. British Birds, part 3 ; Memoir of Dr. Wirker. XXVII. British Birds, part 1; Memoir of Alex. Wilson. XXVUT. Ichthyology-fishes, their structure and economical aires, by J. S. Büishnin: Memoir of Mipp. Salviani. XXIX. The Perch liemily, by Jardinc; Memoir of Sir Joseph Banks. XXX. Fishes of British Culina. part 1. by Sir Rob. Schomburgk ; Memoir of Schomburgk. XXXI. Fishes of Gulalia, pirt 2; Memoir of Burck- hardt. XXXII. British Fishes, part 1, by R. Hamilton; Memoir of Rondelet. XXXIII. British lishes, part 2, Memoir of Hum- boldt. XXXIV. Entomology - Introrluction, by James Duncan; Memoirs of Swammerdim im De Geer. XXXV. Beetles, by James Diincan; Memoir of Ray. XXXVI. Foreign Butterflies, by Dune can; Memoir of Limarck. XXXVI. Exotic Motlis, by Duncan; Memoir of Latreille. XXXVIII. Becs ; Memoir of Huber XXXIX. Britih Butterflier, by Duncan; Menoir of Werner. XL. British Moths, Sphinxcs, &c. by Duncan; Memoir of Madame Merian, VT XXX y Britzons Latreilea marek: Catalogue of my Neal (Daniel, 1678—1743). History of the Puritans, 3 vols. Lond. 1837, 8vo. NEANDER (A.). Life and Times of St. Bernard, translated by M. Wrench, Rivingtons, 1842, fcp. 8vo. NEANDER. See Bonn's STANDARD LIBRARY.“ NELSON (Horatio, Lord, 1758–1805). Dispatches and Letters, by Sir H. Nicolas, 7 vols. Colburn, 1844-5, 8vo. NELSON (Lord). Life, by Southey, new edition. Murray, 1840, 12mo. New TESTAMENT. Wycliffe's First Version, about 1380, now first printed. Pickering, 1848, 4to. Nichols (John, 1745--1826). Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols.-Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 7 vols.-together 18 vols. Lond. 1812-48, 8vo. NICOLAS (Sir N. Harris, 1799–1848). Testamenta Vetusta; being illustrations from Wills, of ancient Manners, &c. from the reign of Henry II, to the accession of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. London, 1826, royal 8vo. Nicolas (Sir N. H.). Privy Purse Expences of Henry VIII., with notės. "Pickering, 1827, 8vo. NICOLAS (Sir N. H.). Privy Purse Expences of Eli- zabeth of York; Wardrobe Accounts of Edward IV. Pickering, 1830, 8vo. Nicolas (Sir N. H.). History of the Battle of Agin- court, second edition. London, 1830, 8vo. NICOLAS (Sir N. H.). History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire, 4 vols. Bohn, 1841-2, royal 4to. Nicolas (Sir N. H.). Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton Bentley, 1846, 8vo. NICOLAS (Sir N. H.) History of the Royal Navy, 2 vols. (to the end of Henry the Fifth's reign.) Bentley, 1847, 8vo. NIEBUHR (Barthold Georg, 1776—1831). Lectures on Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Taking of Alexandria by Octavianus, transl. by Dr. Schmitz, 3 vols. Taylor and Walton, 1852, 8vo. NIEBUHR (B.G.). History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Constantine, translated by Thirlwall, Hare, Smith, and Schmitz, 6 vols. Taylor and Walton, 1851, 8vo. English Library. 91 NICBUHR (B. G.). Life and Letters, and selections from his Minor Writings, ed. and transl. by S. Winkworth: with Essays on his Character and Influence by the Rev. Bunsen and Prof. Brandis and Lockbell. Second edition, 3 vols. Chapman & Hall, 1852. NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, Vols. 1-18. Edinb. (Lond., Hamilton & Adams,) 1844-53, 8vo. NOTES AND QUERIES. A medium of inter-communi- cation for literary men, antiquaries, genealogists, &c. Vols. 1-7. Bell, 1850-3, sm. 4to. Novum TESTAMENTUM GRÆCUM. Editio Hellenistica, ed. Edw. Grinfield; containing 30,000 doctrinaſ and grammatical illustrations. Printed at length from the Septuagint, under each verse, 2 vols. Pickering, 1843, 8vo. O’BYRNE (W.R.) Naval Biographical Dictionary, Murray, 1859, thick imp. 8vo. OCKLEY (Simon, 1678–1720). History of the Sara- cens, comprising the Lives of Mohammed and his Successors, fourth edition. Bohn, 1847, 12mo. OLD PLAYS. See PLAYS. Ossian. Poems, by Campbell, 2 vols. 'Lond. 1822, post 8vo. Ossian. Remains, literally translated by M'Gregor, Edinb. 1841, sm. 8vo. OTWAY (Thomas, 1651–1685). Works, with Notes by T. Thornton, 3 vols. Lond. 1813, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Advertisement: Life of the author; Alcibiades; Don Carlos; Titus and Berenice; The Cheats or Scapin. Il. Friend- ship in Fashion ; Caius Marius ; The Orphan; The Soldier's For- tune. III. Venice Preserved; The Atheist, or the Second Part of the Soldier's Fortune; The Poet's Complaint of his Muse; Notes ; Windsor Castle; Epistles, Translations, Prologues, and Miscella neous Poems; Letters; Appendix. OXFORD, Memorials of, by Ingram, with 100 plates by Le Keux, 3 vols. Oxford, 1840, 8vo. PALEY (Archdeacon William, 1743–1805). Works, with Life by his Son, new edition, 4 vols. Simpkin, 1838, 8vo. PALGRAVE (Sir Francis). History of the Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth during the Anglo-Saxon Period, containing the Anglo-Saxon Policy, and the Institutions arising out of Laws and Usages which prevailed before the Conquest, 2 vols. . Murray, 1832, PALGRAVE (Sir F.). History of Normandy, and of · England, vol. i. Perker & Son, 1851, 8vo. 72 Catalogue of my PALMER (William). Origines Liturgicæ, or Antiqui- ties of the English Ritual, and à Dissertation on the Primitive Liturgies, 2 vols. Rivingtons, 1843, 8vo. PARKER (John Henry). Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture, J.H. Parker, 1849, 16mo. PARKER SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. In three series, 8vo, royal 8vo., * and 12mont Cambridge, 1841-52. 1. Bp. Ridley's Works. Edited by Rev. H. Christmas. 2. Abp. Sandys's Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces. Edited by Rev. J. Ayre. 3. Bp. Pilkington's Works. 4. Hutchinson's Works. Edited by J. Bruce. 5. Archdeacon Philpots? Examinations and Writings. Edited by Rev. R. Eden. 16. Christian Prayers and Meditations, collected by Henry Bull. 7. The Zurich Letters.-First Series 1558-1579. Edited by Rev. H. Robinson). 8. Abp. Grindal's Remains. Edited by Rev. W. Nicholson. *9. Becon's Works, vol. 1. Early Writings. Edited by Rev.J. Ayre. 10. Fuller's Defence of the English Translations of the Bible. Edited by Rev. C. H. Hartshorne. 11. Bp. Hooper's early writings. 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By James and Horace Smith, twenty-third edition. Murray, 1852, 12mo. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, and Historical and Anti- · quarian Magazine, 16'vols. Lond. 1820-26, 8vo. RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW. Vol. I. J. R. Smith, 1853, 8vo. REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua, 1723 — 1792). Literary Works, and a Memoir of the Author by H. W. Beechey, 2 vols. Bohn, 1851, fcp. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Introduction; Memoir; Discourses (i to 8) to the Students of the Royal Academy. 11. Discourses (9 to 15); Three Letters to the Idler; Journey to Flanders and Holland in 1781 ; Art of Painting by Dil Fresnoy, translated into English verse by Mason, and Notes by Reynolds; Chronological List of Painters from the revival of the Art to the beginuing of the last century; General Index. RICHARDSON (Dr. Charles). New Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. Pickering, 1844, 4to. RICHARDSON (Dr. C.). Etymological Dictionary, abridged, 3rd edition. Pickering, 1849, 8vo. RICHARDSON (Samuel, 1689–1761). Works, with Life by Mangin, 19 vols. Lond. 1811, s. 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1-IV. Pamela. V-XII. Clarissa Harlowe. XIII-XIX. Sir Charles Grandison. RICKMAN (Thomas, 1776—1841). Gothic Architec- ture. An attempt to discriminate the different Styles of Architecture in England. With 30 en- gravings on steel by Le Keux, &c. and 465 on wood, of the best examples, from original drawings by F. Mackenzie, 0. Jewitt, and P. H. Dela- motte, fifth edition. J. H. Parker, 1848, 8vo. RIDDLE (Joseph Esmond). Manual of Christian An- tiquities, second edition. Parker & Son, 1843, 8vo. Rigaud (Stephen Peter). Correspondence of Scien- tific Men, 2 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1841, 8vo. RITTER (Heinrich). History of Ancient Philosophy, translated from the German, by Morrison, 4 vols. Oxford, 1846, 8vo. ROBERTSON (Dr. William, 1721-1793). Historical Works, with Life, by Dugald Stewart, new edition, 6 vols. Lond. 1851, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life of Robertson by Dugald Stewart; History of Scotland, books I to 4, to 1567. II. History of Scotland, books 5 LO 8, 1567 to 1603; Dissertation concerning the Murder of King Henry; Appendix; Index. III. IV. History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth ; Index. V. VI. History of America ; Index. English Library. 81 with odcuts. ROBINSON (Thomas, 1749–1813). Scripture Cha- racters. A new edition, with a Memoir by the Rev. Peter Hall, 4 vols. Pickering, 1837, 12mo. ROEBUCK (John Arthur). History of the Whig Mi- nistry of 1830, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1852, 8vo. Rogers (Samuel). Poetical Works, new edition, Moxon, 1849, 12mo. ROGERS (S.). Poems, illustrated with 72 engravings, by Turner and Stothard. Moxon, 1834, 8vo. ROGERS (S.). Italy, a Poem, new edition, with wood- cuts. Moxon, 1848, 12mo. ROGERS (S.). Italy, illustrated with 56 engravings, by Turner and Stothard. Moxon, 1830, 8vo. ROGET (Dr. Peter Mark). Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the Expression of Ideas, and assist in Literary Composition, second edit. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. ROLLIN (Charles, 1661–1741). Ancient History, 6 vols. Lond. 1847, 8vo. Roscoe (William, 1752-1831). Life and Pontificate of Leo X. new edition, by T. Roscoe, 2 vols. * Bohn, 1845, 8vo. Roscoe (W.) Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, new edi- tion, by T. Roscoe. Bohn, 1845, 8vo. Rose (Hugh James). Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols. Fellowes, 1839-48, 8vo. Royal Inish Academy. Transactions. Vol. 1-22, with Index, 1786–1813. Dublin (Lond. Boone), 1787-1853, 4to. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANS- ACTIONS; giving some account of the present stu- dies, undertakings, and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world, 1665—1853, 143 vols. with two vols. of Index, vol. 1-120. Taylor and Francis, 4to. For the first twelve years, only one half volume was issiled an- nually, but from 1762, a complete volume consisting of two or more parts lias been published each year. Royal Society or London. Abstract of the Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions, 1800— 1837, 3 vols. London, 1832-7, 8vo. RUDING (Rogers). Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies, with engravings of Coins, new edition, 3 vols. Hearne, 1840, 4to. 92 Catalogue of my RUSKIN (John). Modem Painters, third edition, re- vised by the Author, 2 vols._ Smith and Elder, 1846, imp. 8vo. RUSKIN (J.). The Seven Lamps of Architecture. : Smith and Elder, 1849, imp. 8vo. Ruskin (J.). Pre-Raphạelism. Smith and Elder, 1851, 8vo. RUSKIN (J.). The Stones of Venice, with plates and wood-cuts, 3 vols. Smith and Elder, 1851-3, imp. 8vo. Russell (Lord John). See Fox (C. J.)-MOORE (T.). Russell (William, 1741–1793). History of Modern Europe, new edition to Death of Will. IV., 4 vols. Lond. 1850, 8vo. RYMER (Thomas, 1638–1714.). Fædera, et Acta publica inter Reges Angliæ et alios quosvis Impe- ratores, Reges, &c. ab anno 1101, ad nostra usque tempora. Ed. tertia, 10 vols. Hagu Com. 1739-45, folio. ST. JOHN (J. A.). History of the Manners and Cus- toms of Ancient Greece, 3 vols. Bentley, 1842, 8vo. SCHILLER (Friedrich von, 1759–1805). Poems, translated by Bowring. Parker and Son, 1851, fcp. 8vo. SCOTT (Sir Walter, 1771–1832). Waverley Novels, 48 vols. Cadelb, Edinb. 1830-4, 12mo. Contents : Vol. 1, 2, Waverley; 3, 4, Guy Mannering; 5, 6, Anti- quary; 7, 8, Rob Roy; 9, Black Dwarf, Old Mortality ; io, Old Mor- tality, ii, Old Mortality: Heart of Mid-Lothian : 12, Heart of Midi- Lothian; 13, Heart of Mid-Lothian; Bride of Lammermoor; 14, Bride of Lammermoor ;. 15, Legend of Montrose ; 16, 17, Ivanhoe; 18, 19, Monastery; 20, 21, Abbot, 22, 23, Kenilworth ; 24, 25, Pirate; 26, 27, Fortunes of Nigel; 28–30, Peveril, of the Peak; 31, 32, Quentin Durward ; 33, 34, St. Ronan's Well ; 35, 36, Redgiluntlet; 37, Betrolhed; 38, Talisman ;- 39, 40, Woodstock; 41, Highland Widow, &c. ; 42, 43, Fair Maid of Perth; 44, 45, Anne of Geierstein; 46, Count Robert of Paris ;. 47, Count Robert of Paris; Castle Dangerous ; 48, Castle Dangerous ; Surgeon's Daughter ; Glossary. SCOTT (Sir W.). Poetical Works, 12 vols. Cadell, Edinb. 1832, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. to IV. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, with In- troductory Remarks. V. Sir Tristrem. VI. Lay of the Last Minstrel; Ballads, &c. VII. Marmion. VIII. Lady of the Lake; Miscel laneous Poems. IX. Rokeby; Don Roderick. X. Lord of the Isles; Occasional Pieces. XI. Bridal of Triermain; Harold the Dauntless ; Field of Waterloo ; Songs and Miscellanies. XII. Dril- nas, viz. Halidon Hill; Mac Duf's Cross ; Doon of Devorgoil; Auchindrane; House of Aspen; Goetz of Berlichingen; Index. Scott (Sir W.). Miscellaneous Prose Works, 28 vols. Cadell, Edinb. 1834-6, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Life of Dryden,' il. Life of Swift. 111. Me- moirs of Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Cumberland, Goldsmith, - English Library. 83 Johnson, Sterne, Hor. Walpole, Clara Reeve, Mrs. Radcliffe, Le Sage, Johnstone, Bage. IV. Mackenzie, Charlotte Smith, Sir R. Sadler, Leyden, Mrs. Anna Seward, De Poe, Charles Duke of Buc. cleuch, John Lord Somerville, George the Third, Lord Byron, Duke of York. V. Paul's Letters lo his Kinsfolk; Abstract of the Eyrbig- ria-saga. VI. Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama. VII. Essay on Border Antiquities, Provincial Antiquities of Scotland. VIII.-XVI. Life of Napoleon. XVII. Periodical Criticism, being Reviews of Ellis's Specimens of the Early English Poets; Ellis and Ritson's Metrical Romances; Godwin's Life of Chaucer; Todd's Spenser; Herbert's Poems; Evans's Old Ballads: Molière; Chatterton; Burns; Campbell's Gertrude of Wyoming: 'The Battle of Talavera; Southey's Curse of Kehama; Childe Harold, canto.4. XVIII. Criticism (con- tinued). Aniadis of Gaul; Southey's Chronicle of the Cid; Life of Bunyan; Godwin's Fleetwood; Cumberland's John de Lancaster; Maturin's fatal Revenge; Women, or Pour et Contre; Miss Austen's Novels; Frankenstein; Hoffmann's Novels; The Omen ; Hajji Baba in England. XIX. Criticism (continued). Tales of my Landlord; Thornton's Sporting Tour; Two Cookery Books; Froissart; Mi- series of Hunian Life ; Carr's Caledonian Sketches; Lady Suffolk's Correspondence; Kirkton's Church History; John Home. XX. . Criticism rcontinued). The Culloden Papers; Pepys Menoirs; Kemble; Kelly; Davy's Salmonia; Ancient History of Scotland. XXI. Criticism (continued). On Planting Waste Lands; On Land- scape Gardening; Tytler's History of Scotland: Pitcairn's Criminal Trials : Letters of Malachi Malagrowthier. XXII.--XXVI. Tales of a Grandfather (Scotland). XXVII. XXVIII. Tales of a Grand- father (France). General Index. Scott (Sir W.). Life by Lockhart, 10 vols. Cadell, Edinb. 1839, 12mo. Scott (Sir W.). Waverley Novels, Library edition, 25 vols. Edinb. 1853, roy. 8vo. SCOTTISH BALLADS. A select collection of favourite Ballads, 6 vols. Perth, 1790, 12mo. SCOTTISII Poems of the Sixteenth Century, 2 vols. Edinb. 1801, 12mo. SEDGWICK (Adam). Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge, fifth edition. Parker & Son, 1851, fcp. 8vo. SELDEN (John, 1584—1654). Table Talk, with a Biographical Preface and Notes, by S. W. Singer, with portrait. Pickering, 1847, fop. 8vo. SHAKESPEARE (William, 1564–1616). Dramatic Works; a new edition, with Preliminary Remarks, Notes, and Critical Essays, by S. W. Singer, 10 vols. Whittinghan, 1853, fcp. 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure. ll. Comedy of Errors; Much Ado About Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost; Midsum- mer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice. 111. As You Like it; Taming of the Shrew; All's Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night. IV, Winter's Tale; Pericles; King John; Richard the Second. V. King Henry the Fourtir, Part 1; King Henry the Fourth, Part 2; King Henry the Fifth. VI. King Henry the Sixth, Part 1; King Henry the sixth, Part 2; King. Henry the Sixth, Part 3; King Rich- ard the Third. VII. King Henry the Eighth ; Troilus and Cressida ; Coriolanus. VIII. Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens ; Julius Cæsar. IX. Macbeth; Hamlet; King Lear. X. : Othello; Anthony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline. 84 Catalogue of my SHAKESPEARE. Plays and Poems, with the correc- tions and illustrations of Various Commentators, Life, and History of the Stage, by Malone; new edition, by J. Boswell, 21 vols. Lond. 1821, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Prolegomena, containing Boswell's Adver- tisement; Memoir of Malone; Prefaces of Pope, Theobald, Han- mer, Warburton, Johnson, Malone; Advertisenients of Steevens and Reed; Capell's Intrnduction; Richardson's Proposals and Supple- ment; Farmer's Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare; Appendix . Ford and Jonson; Rowe's Life of Shakspeare; Additional Anec- dotes; Commendatory Poenis on Shakspeare; Essay on Phraseo- logy and metre. Il. Life; List of Editions ; Account of John Aubrey. IT. Malone's History of the English State, Additions and Appendix; Chalmers's Farther Account of the Early English Stage, and Ad- denda; Chester Mysteries. IV. Two Gentlemen of Verona; Comedy of Errors; Love's Labour Lost. V. Merchant of Venice; Midsum- mer Night's Dream; Taning of the Shrew, VI. Romeo and Juliet; Old Poen of Romeus and Juliet; As You like it. VII. Much Ado About Nothing; Hamlet. VII. Merry Wives of Windsor ; Troilus and Cressida. ix. Measure for Measure; Othello. X. King Lear ; All's Well that End's Well. XI. Macbeth ; Twelfth Night. XIT. Julius Cæsar; Antony and Cleopatra. XIIl. Cymbeline; 'Timon of Athens. XIV. Coriolanus; Winter's Tale. XV. Tempest. His torical Plays-King Joli; Essay on the Origin of the Tempest. XVI. Richard the Second ; 'Henry the fourth, part i. XVII. Henry parts; Malone's Dissertation on Heury the Sixth. XIX. Richard the Third; The true Tragedie of Richard the Third ; Henry the Eighth. XX. Venus and Adonis ; The Rape of Lucrece: Sonnets; Lover's Complaint; Passionate Pilgrim; Memoirs of the Earl of Southampton. XXI. Pericles; Titus Andronicus; Addenda; Glos- sarial Index; Index of Manners, &c.; Historical Index. SHAKESPEARE. Pictorial Shakspere, (Plays, Poems, and Life), edited by C. Knight, with 1,100 wood cuts, 8 vols. Knight, 1839-42, imp. 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Histories-King John; Richard the Second ; Henry the fourth, 2 parts; Henry the Fifth. II. Henry the Sixth, 3 parts; Second part of the Contention of the two famous Houses of York and Lancaster; Richard the Third; Henry the Eighth. 111. Comedies - Two Gentlemen of Verona; Love's Labour's Lost; Merry Wives of Windsor; Comedy of Errors ; Taming of the Shrew; Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice. IV. All's Well that finds Well; Much Ado About Nothing; Twelfth Night; As You Like it; Measure for Measure; Winter's Tale; Tenpest, V. Tragedies-Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Cymbeline; Othello; Ti- mon of Athens; King Lear. VI. Macbeth; Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Julius Cæsar; Antony and Cleopatra ; Supplementary Notice to the three Roman Plays ; Poems; Supplementary Notice. VII. Doublful Plays-Titus Androniciis; Pericles , Two Noble Kinsmen; Locrine; Sir John Oldcastle, parti; Thomas Lord Cromwell; London Prodigal; Puritan; Yorkshire Tragedy, Arden of Feversham; Edward the Third ; Gcorge-a-Greene; Fair Em; Mucedorus; Birth of Merlin; Merry Devil of Edmonton. Ap- pendix-Dedication, Address and Commendatory Verses prefixed to the editions of 1623 :ind 1632; A History of Opinion on tlie Writings of Shakspere; Shakspere in Germany; Index; index to the Cha- racters of the Plays. 'VII. William Shakspere, a Biography, SHAKESPEARE. Knight's Library edition, 12 vols. Knight, 1842-4, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Comedies :-Preface; Dedication, Address to the Readers and Commendatory Verses, with a list of the original actors, prefixed to the folio editions or 1623 and 1632; Two Gentle- men of Verona; Comedy of Errors; Love's Labour's Lost; All's Well that Ends Well. II. Midsummer Night's Dream; Taning of English Library. 85 the Shrew; Merchant of Venice; Much Ado About Nothing. 111. Merry Wives of Windsor ; Twelfth Night; As You Like it; Mea- sure for Measure. IV. Winter's Tale; Tempest. Histories--King Jolin; Richard the Second. V. Henry the fourth, 2 parts; Heury the fifth ; Henry the Sixth, part 1. VI. Henry the Sixth, parts 2 and 3, with the Contention, &c.; Richard the Third. VII. Essay on Henry the Sixth and Richard the Third ; Henry the Eighth; Pra- gedies - Romeo and Juliet. Vill, Hamlet; Cymbeline; Othello. IX. King Lear; Timon of Athens ; Troilus and Cressidir. X. Macbeth; Coriolanus; Julius Cæsar. XI. Antony and Cleopatra ; Supplementary Notice to the Roman Plays; Titus Andronicus; Pe. ricies. XII. Poems; Plays ascribed lo Shakspeare-Locrine Sir John Oldcastle; Thomas, Lord Cromwell; London Prodigal; The Puritan ; Yorkshire Tragedy, Arden of Feversham; Edward the Third ; George-il-Green; lair Em; Mucedorus; Birth of Merlin; Merry Devil of Edmonton ; Two Noble Kinsmen; Indexes. SHAKESPEARE. Works, the text from an entirely new collation of the old editions, with Notes, Life, and History of the early English Stage. By J. P. Collier, 8 vols. Whittaker, 1844, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. History of the English Stage; Lile; Glossarial Index; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona ; Merry Wives of Windsor. 11. Measure for Measure; Comedy of Errors; Much Ado about Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost; Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice. 111. As You Like It; Taming of the Shrew; All's Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night; Winter's Tale. IV. King John; King Richard the Second; First Part of King Henry the fourth'; Second Part of King Henry the fourtlı; King Henry the Fifth. V. l'irst Part of King Henry the sixth ; Second Part of King Henry the Sixth; Third Part of Kiny Henry the Sixth; King Richard the Third; King Henry the Eiglich. VI. Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus ; Romeo and Juliet; Tiinon of Athens. VII. Julius Caesar; Macbeth ; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello. VIII. Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; pe- ricles ; Venus and Adonis; Lucrece; Sonnets; Lover's Complaint; Passionate Pilgrim. SHAKESPEARE. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from Early Manuscript Corrections in a copy of the Folio, 1632, in the possession of J. Payne Collier, forming a Supple- mental Volume to the Works of Shakespeare by the same Editor. Whittaker, 1853, 870. SHAKESPEARE. Works: the text formed from a new collation of the early editions, with the original novels and tales on which the Plays are founded, &c. By J.O. Halliwell. Vol. 1. Lond. 1853, folio. SHAKESPEARE. Complete Concordance to Shakespere, containing every Word and Phrase in his Works. By Mrs. Cowden Clarke. C. Knight, 1842, royal 8vo. SHAKESPEARE. Life of, by J. O. Halliwell. J. R. Smith, 1848, 8vo. SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS. 1841-53. 8vo. 1. Collier's Memoirs of Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College. 2. Gosson's School of Abuse, with Introduction, &c. j. Heywood's Apology for Actors, with Introduction, &c. 4. Coventry llysteries. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 5. 'Thymu's Pride and Lowliness, with Introduction by Collier. 86 Catalogue of my ple in else ord Edited 31. The peo mere rec SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS (continued). 6. Patient Grissell, a Comedy, by. Dekker, Chettle, and Haughton, Edited by J. P. Collier. 7. Extracis from the Accounts of the Revels of Court in Elizil- beth and Janies's Reigns. Edited by P. Cunninghani. 8. Jonson's Conversations with Drunmond. Edited by D. Liting. 9. First Sketch of the Merry Wives of Windsor, the Novels on which it is founded, &c. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 10. Fools and Jesters; with Armin's Nest of Nimnies, &c. Ediled by J. P. Collier. 11. The old Play of Timon. Now first printed. Edited by Rev. A. Dyre. 12. Nash's Pierce Pennilesse. Edited by J. P. Collier. 13. Heywood's K. Edward IV. Edited by Barron lield. 14. Northbrooke's Treatise against dicing, dancing, &c. Edited by J. P. Collier. 15. The first Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of Henry VI. Edited by J. (). Halliwell. 16. Oberoi's Vision Illustrated. By the Rev. N. J. Halpin. In Three Parts. 17. The Chester Whitsun Playa, Part I. Edited by 'T. Wriglit. 18. The Allcyn Papers, illustrative of the Early English Stage. Edited by J.'P. Collier. 19. Tracts by fiorde the Dramatist. Edited by J. P. Collier. 20. Tarlton's Jests, and Tarltou's Newes оilt of Purgatory. With Life, &c. by J. (). Halliwell. 21. Tlie 'l'rile Tragedie of Richard III. From a Unique Copy: and the Littlii Play of Richardus Tertius, by Dr. Legge. Edited by Barron field. 22. The Ghost of Richard Ill. A Poem. Edited by J. P. Collier. 23. Sir Thomas More. A May. Edited by the Rev. A. Dyce. 24. Shakespeare Society's Papers į being a Miscellany of Con- tributions illustrative of the Objects of the Society, 25. Ty Timing of a Shrew; and Wife lapped in Morrel Skin. Edited by T. Amyot. 26. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Shakespeare. By J.0. Halliwell. 27. Shakespeare's Henry IV. Part I. and portion of Part II. i reprint of a unique Contemporary MS. lately disco. vered. Edited by J. '0. Hillliwell. 28. Diary of Philip Hcislowe, from 1591 to 1609. Printed from The original MS. Edited by J. P. Collier. 29. Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. 11. 30. The l'air Mill of the Exchange, it Comedy by T. Heywood; and fortune by land and Sca, il Tragi-Comedy, by T. Heywood and W Rowley, Edited by Biuron l'ield. 31. The Marriage of Wir and Wisdom, in Ancient Interlude. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 32. Memoirs of the principal Actors in Shakespeare's Plays, comerated in the folio of 16233. By J. P. Collier. 33. Rich's linsewell in Militarie Profession, containing the Story of " Twelfth Night," " Philotux," "The Weakust goeth to the Wall," &c. from the Edition of 1581. 31. Ralph Roister Doister, and Gorboduc. Edited by W. D. Cooper. 35. Chester Whitsun Plays, Part II. 34. Shakespeare Society's Papers, Vol. III. 37. Moral Play of Wit and Science. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 38. Extracts from Registers of Slationers' Company, 1557-1570. Edited by J.P. Collier. 39. Cunninghan's Life of Inigo Jones. Five Court Masques. 40. Shakespeare Society's Papers. Vol. IV. 41. Estracis from Registers of Slationers' Company, 1570-1587. 19. Chandos Portrait of Shakespeare. 83. Heywood's Fair Mair of the West. 01. Sinirock on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. 15. Heywood's Royal King and Loyal Subject, and Woman Killed with Kindness. Vol. 1. vered pily Housedited by vol ll. cay by T. Hey Top ? English Library. 87 SHARP (James A.). New British Gazetteer; or, To- pographical Dictionary of the British Islands and Narrow Seas. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822), Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 3 vols. Moxon, 1847, sm. 8vo. SHELLEY (P. B.). Essays, Letters from abroad, Trans- lations and Fragments, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vols. Moxon, 1840, sm. 8vo. SHELLEY (P.B.). Life of, by T. Medwin, 2 vols. Newby, 1847, post 8vo. SHENSTONE (William, 1714-1763). Works in verse and prose. 3 vols. Lond. 1764-9, 8vo. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816). Dra- matic Works, edited by T. Moore, 2 vols. Murray, 1:821, 8vo. SHERIDAN (R. B.). Dramatic Works, with Life by Leigh Hùnt. Moxon, 1841, royal 8vo. SHERIDAN (R. B.). Speeches, with Life, new edition, 3 vols. Bohn, 1842, 8vo. SHERIDAN (R. B.). Memoirs of, by T. Moore, 2 vols. Murray, 1825, 8vo. SHIRLEY (James, 1594?---1666). Dramatic Works and Poems now first collected, with notes by W. Gifford, and additional notes, &c., by Rev. Alexan- der Dyce, 6 vols. Murray, 1833, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Account of Shirley and his writings by Dyce; Commendatory Versus; Love 'Tricks, or the School of Complement; Maid's Revenge; Brothers; The Willy l'air One; The Wedding II. Grateful Servant; The Traitor ; Love's Cruelty; Love in it Maze; The Bird in a Cage; Hyde Piurk. 111. The Ball; Young Admiral; Gamester; The Example; 'The Opportunity; Coronation. IV. The Lady of Pleasure; The Royal Master; The Duke's Mis- tress; The Doubtful Heir ;'St. Patrick for Ireland; The Constant Maid; Humorous Courtier. V. Gentleman of Venice; Politician; The Imposture; Tlie Cardinal; The Sisters; Court Secret. VI. Hongria aud Mammon; Chabot, Admiral of France; The Arcildinn; The Triumph of Peace; Contention for Honour and Riches ; Tri- umph of Berluty; Cupid and Duath; Contention of Ajax and Ulysses; Poems; Glossarial lidex. Sriort (Bp. Thomas Vowler). History of the Church of England, fifth edition. Parker & Son, 1847, 8vo. SIBBALD (James, 1747-1803). Chronicle of Scot- tish Poetry: from the thirteenth Century to the Union of the Crowns: to which is added a Glog- sary, 4 vols. Edinb. 1802, 8vo. SIBORNE (Capt. William, d. 1849). History of the War in France and Belgium in 1815, 2 vols. 8vo. and folio Atlas. Boone, 1844 SIDNEY (Sir Philip, 1554—1586). His Correspond- ence with Hubert Languet, now first collected and transl. by Rev. S. A. Pears. Pichering, 1815, 8vo. 88 Catalogue of my SIDNEY (Sir P.). Works, in Prose and Verse, 14th edition, 3 vols. Lond. 1725, 8vo. Contents:-Vol. 1. Life; Criticisms on pastoral writing; The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, books 1-2. II. Arcadiž, books 3-5. 111. Arcadia, book 6, written by R. B.; Poetical Works, comprising The Defense of Poesy, Astrophel and Stella, A Remedy for Love, Sonnets and Translations, The Lady of May, a Masque, Postscript. SIDNEY (Sir P.). Miscellaneous Works. With a Life of the Author and Illustrative Notes, by W. Gray. Oxford, 1829, 8vo. SISMONDI (Simonde de, 1773–1842). History of the Literature of the South of Europe, translated by T. Roscoe, 4 vols. Colburn, 1823, 8vo. SISMONDI (S. de). History of the Crusades against the Albigenses in the 13th Century. Lond. 1826, 8vo. SISMONDI (S. de). Political Economy and the Philo- sophy of Government. Lond. 1847, 8vo. SKELTON (John, d. 1529). Poetical Works, with notes, &c. by Alexander Dyce, 2 vols. Bohn, 1843, 8vo. Small Books On GREAT SUBJECTS. Edited by a few well wishers to knowledge, Nos. 1 to 21. Pickering, 1843-52, fcp. 8vo. 1. Philosophical Theories, and Philosophical Experience, by a Parinti, second edition, 1845. 2. The Connection between Physiology and intellectual Philo- sophy, by the Rev.John Barlow, M.A., second edition, 10:16. 3. On Mani's Power over Himself to Preventor Control Insanity, by the Rev. Joli Barlow, M. A., second edition, 1849. 4. An Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry, 1843; 5. A Brief View of Greek Philosopliy up to the Age of Pericles, Second edition, 1850. 6. A Brief View of Greek Philosophy from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ, second edition), 1650. 7. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Second Century, 1844. 8. An Exposition of Vulgar and Common Errors; adapted to the Year of Grace, 18.15. 9. An Introduction to Vegetable Physiology, 18415. 10. On the Principles of Criminal Law, 18416. 11. Christian Sects in the Nineleenth century, second edition, 1650. 12. General Principles of Grammar, 1847. 13. Sketches of Geology, 1848. 14. The State of Man before the Promulgation of Christianity, 1848, 15. Thoughts and Opinions of a Statesman, second edition, 1849. 16. On the Responsibilities of Employers, 1849. 17. Christian Doctrine and Practice in the Twelfth Century, 1850, 18. The Philosophy of Rigged Schools, 1851. 19. Oli the State of Man after the Promulgation of Christianity. Part I. 1851. 20. On the State of Man after the Promulgation of Christianity. Part II. 1852. 21. On the State of Man after the Promulgation of Christianity. Part III. 1852. Smith (Adam, 1723–1790). Wealth of Nations, with Life and Notes by J. R. M'Culloch, 4 vols. Edinb. 1828, 8vo. ., secondo 4. Ante Rev. Joliever vimself to P 6. se d etiam Greenerid English Library. 89 SMITH (A.). Theory of Moral Sentiments, and Dis- sertation on the Origin of Languages, 8th edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1797, 8vo. SMITH (A.). Philosophical Essays, with Life by Dugald Stewart. Lond. 1804, 8vo. SMITH (Capt. John, 1579—1631). The Generalí His- torie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. Lond. 1624, folio. SMITH (Capt. J.). The True Travells, Adventures, and Observations of Capt. J. S. in Europe, Asia, Africke and America, 1593-1629. Lond. 1636, folio. SMITH (Rev. Sydney, 1768-1845). Works, fourth edition, 3 vols. Longmans, 1848, 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Articles Originally publislied in the " Edin- burgh Review,” viz.-Dr. Parr; Dr. Rennel; John Bowles; Dr. Langford ; Archdeacon Nares; Matthew Lewis : Neckar's Last Views; Australia; lievée's Letters on England; Island of Ceylon; Delphine; Thoughts on the Residence of the Clergy; Ciltteau, Tableau des Elats Danois; Wiltman's Travels; Edgeworth on Bulls; Account of Sierra Leonc ; 'l'rimmer and Lingolster; Parnell and Ireland; Travels from Palestine; Melodism; Indian Missions ; letler on the Curates' Salary Bill; Catholics; Proceedings of the Society for the Suppression of Vice Methodism; Hanbali More; Characters of liox, Observations on the Historical Works of Charles James Fos; Professional Education; female Education; Public Sclioois ; Disturbances at Madras; Toleration ; Charles' Fox; Bishop of Lincoln's Chargc ; Letters written ini a Malatia Camp during the Year 1809; Mad Quakers. 11. Articles from the Edinburgh Res. view: viz:-Madanie D'Epiny; America; Game Laws; Botany Bay; Chimney Sweepers ; Mission to Ashantre; Americi; Poor. Laws; Ireland ; Anastasius; Spring Guns; Prisons; Man-Traps and Spring Guns ; Scarleti's Poor Bill; Prisons; Persecuting Bishops; Botany Bay; Gamic Laws; Criel Treatment of Untrie Prisoner's; America ; Memoirs or Capt. Rock; Bentham on Fallacies; Water- ton; Granby; Hamilion's Method of Teaching Languages. lll. Counsel for Prisoners; Catholics ; Peter Plimley's Letters; the Judge that Smites contrary to the Law, A Sernion; The Litwyer that tempted Christ, at Sermon; Six Specches; Letter upon the Catholic Question ; Sermon on the Rules of Christina Charity; Sermon on the Duties of the Queen; A Prayer ; Thirce Letters to Archdeacon Singleton); Letter to Lord Jom Russell ; Letter op the Character of Sir Jaines Mackintosh; The Ballot; Letter to Mr. Horner ; Letters on Railwiłys ; letters on American Debts ; Mo- lern Chances ; A Fragment on the Irish Roman Catholic Church, SMITH (Rev.S.). Elementary Sketches of Moral Phi- losophy. Second edition. Longmans, 1850, 8vo. SMITH (Dr. William). Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man Antiquities, woodcuts, second edition. Taylor, 1851, royal 8vo. SMITH (Dr. W.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, woodcuts, 3 vols. Taylor, 1850-1, royal 8vo. SMOLLETT (Tobias, 1721-1771). Works, with Life by Dr. Anderson, 3rd edit. 6 vols. Edinb. 1806, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1, Life; Roderick Random. II. Peregrine Pickle. III. Plays and Poeis. IV. Adventures of Count Fretliom ; Expedition against Carthagena. V. Adventures of Sir L., Greaves; Travels through France und Italy. Vi, Humhrey Clinker; Ad- ventures of an Atoni. Lincoln's Cat Madras 10% l'emale EdWorks of the Character 90 Catalogue of my en SMOLLETT (T.). History of England from the Revo- lution of 1688 to the death of George II. designed as a continuation of Hume's History, 4 vols. Lond. 1848. SMOLLETT (T.). See Hume's History of England. Smyth (Prof. William, 1764--1849). Lectures on Modern History, fifth edition, 2 vols. Pickering, 1848, 8vo. SMYTH (Prof. W.), Lectures on the French Revolu- tion, third edition, 3 vols. Pickering, 1848, 8vo. SMYTH (Admiral W. H.). Cycle of Celestial Objects, 2 vols. Parker 8; Son, 1844, 8vo. SHYTH (Admiral W. H.). Memoir on the Mediter- ranean Sea. Parker & Son, 1853, 8vo. SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, See ARCHEOLOGIA ;-VE- TUSTA MONUMENTA. SOMERVILLE (Mary). Connexion of the Physical Sci- Murray, 1849, 12mo. SOMERVILLE (M.). Physical Geography, third edi- tion, 2 vols. Murray, 1851, 12mo. SOMERVILLE (M.). The Mechanism of the Heavens. Lond. 1831, 8vo. SOUTH (Robert, 1633–1716). Sermons, 5 vols. Oxford Un. Pr. 1842, 8vo. SOUTHEY (Robert, 17741843). Complete Poetical Works, new edition, 10 vols. Longmans, 1846,12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Joan of Arc; Vision of the Maid of Orleans. Il. Juvenile and Minor Poems, containing the Triumph of Woman, Wat Tyler, Poems on the Slave Trade, Botiny Bay Ecloguris, Son- nets, Melodramas, Amatory Poenis and Elegies, Joyric Poeins, Songs of the American Indians, Occasional Pieces, the Retrospect, Hynn to the Penates. (11. English Eclogues, Nondescripts; The Devil's Walk, Inscriptions, Carnen triumphile, Odcs, Warning Voice, On Heber's portrait, Epistle to Allan Cunningham. IV. Thalaba. V. Madoc. VI. VII. Ballads and Metrical Tales. VIII. Curse of Ke- hama. IX. Roderick, Last of the Gotls. X. Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo; Carmen Nuptiale; Funeral Sony; Vision of Judgment. SOUTHEY (R.) History of Brazil, 3 vols. 1810-19, 4to. SOUTIEY (R.). History of the Peninsular War, new edition, 6 vols. Murray, 1828-37, 8vo. SOUTIEY (R.). Amadis of Gaul, translated from the Spanish, 4 vols. Lond. 1803, 12mo. SOUTIIEY (R.). Palmerin of England, translated from the Portuguese, 4 vols. Longmans, 1807, 12mo. SouthEY (R.). Morte Arthur: Byrth, Life, and Acts of King Arthur, with Introduction and Notes, 2 vols. Lond. 1817, 4to. SOUTHEY (R.). On the Lives and Works of our Un- educated Poets, with Attempts in Verse by John Jones, an old Servant. Murray, 1830, sm. 8vo. English Library. 91 SOUTHEY (R.). Book of the Church, sixth edition. Murray, 1848, 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, Letters to C. Butler, &c. Murray, 1826, 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). The Doctor. Longmans, 1848, sq. 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Common Place-book, edited by J. W. Warter, 4 vols. Longmans, 1849-50, s. 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Life and Correspondence, edited by his Son, 6 vols. Longmans, 1850, post 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Letters from Spain and Portugal, second edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1808, 12mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Espriella's Letters from England, 3 vols. Lond. 1807, 12mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Omniana, 2 vols. Lond. 1812, 12mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Expedition of Orsua, and Crimes of Aguirre. Lond. 1821, 12mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Essays, Political and Moral, 2 vols. Murray, 1832, 18mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Sir Thomas More, or Colloquies on the State of Society, 2 vols. Murray, 1831, 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Lives of Cromwell and Bunyan, Murray, 1844, sm. 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Lives of the British Admirals, con- tinued by Bell, (Lardner's Cycl.) 5 vols. Longmuns, 1833-40, 12mo. SOUTHEY (R.). Life of John Wesley, third edition, by his Son, with Notes by Coleridge, 2 vols. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. SOUTHEY (R.). Specimens of the later English Poets, with Preliminary Notices, 3 vols. 1807, sm. 8vo. SoutIIEY (R.). Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wither, with Biographical Sket- ches. Longmans, 1831, 8vo. SPALDING (William). History of English Literature, 2nd edition. Simpkin and Marshall, 1853, 12mo. SPEED (John, 1552—1629). History of Great Bri- taine. Lond. 1611, folio. SPEED (J.). Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine; with additions by John Phillips. Lond. 1676, folio. SPENSER (Edmund, 1553-1598). Works, with illus- trations of various Commentators, Notes, Life and Index, by Todd. 8 vols. Lond. 1805, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Life; Criticisms, &c.; Shepheard's Calender. II. Essays, &c. on the Fairie Queen, by Hughes, Spence, Wartout, 92 Catalogue of my Roohmprovisator: 'Emma Prejudice Upton and Hurd; Faerie Queen, book 1, canto 1-6. 11. Faerie Queen, book 1, canto 7, to book 2, canto 7. IV. Faerie Queen, book 2, canto 8, to book 3, canto 8. V. Faerie Queen, book 3, canto I, to book 4, canto 12. VI. Faerie Queen, book 5, to book 6, canto 6. VII. Faerie Queen, book 6, canto 7 to 12; Two Cantos of Mutabilitie;. Mliopotmos, or the Fate the Butterfly; Ruines of Time; Teares or the Nuses ; Virgil's Guill; Mother' Hubbard's Tale; Bellay's Ruins of Rome; Visions of the World's Vanitie; Visions of Bellay ; Visions of Petrarch; Daplaida. VIII. Colin Cloutt's come home again; Astrophel; Minor Poems-Elegie, Epitaph, Sonnels, Hymns, &c.; View of the State of Ireland; Indexes, glossarial, accentual, ilud general. STANDARD NOVELS AND ROMANCES. 101 vols. Bentley, 1832-53, 12mo. Ainsworth (W. H.). Rookwood, 1 vol. Andersen (H. C.). The improvisatore, 1 vol. Austen (Miss). Seuse and sensibility: Emma; Mansfield Park ; Northanger Abbey; Persitasion ; Pride and Prejudice, 5 vols. Banim (John). Smuggler, I voi. Beckford (W.). Vathik, i vol. Brunton (Mrs.). Self-Control; Discipline, 2 vols. Bulwer-Lyttoni. Eugene Aram ; Paul Clifford; Last Days of Pompeji, 3 vols. Chamier (Capt. F.). Ben Brace; Life of a Sailor, 2 vols. Costello (Miss S. L.) Catherine de Medicis, I vol. Dacre (Lady). Recollections of a Chaperon; Tales of the Peer- age and Peasantry, 2 vols. Destiny, 1 vol. Edgeworth (Maria). Helen, 1 vol. Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain, I vol. Galt (J.). Laurie T dd, i vol. Gleig (G. R.). The Country Curate, 1 vol. Godwin (W.). Caleb Williams ; St. Leon; Fleetwood, 3 vols. Gore (Mrs.). Mothers and Daighters; The Soldier of Lyons ; Cucil; The Haniltons, i vols. Grattani (T.C.) The Heiress of Bruges; Jacqueline of Holland ; Legends of the Rhine, 3 vols. Hall (Mrs. S. C.). The Buccaneer; The Outlaw, 2 vols. Hood (T.). Tylney Hall, I vol. Hook (Theodore). Maxwell; Parson's Daughter; Jack Brag; Gilbert Gurney; The Widow and the Marquis; All in the Wrong, or Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 6 vols. Hope (T.). Anastasius, 2 vols. Hugo (Victor). The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1 vol. Hunt (Leigli). Sir Ralph Esher, 1 vol. Inchbald (Mrs.). Simple Story i Nature and Art, 1 vol. Ingoldsby (T.). My Cousin Nicliolas. Inheritance (The). I vol. James (G. P. R.). Darnley; De L'Orme; Philip Augustus; Henry Masterton; The Man at Arms, 5 vols. Landon (L. E.), Romance and Reality, I vol. Lee (Misses). Canterbury Tiles, 2 vols, Lewis (M. G.). Bravo of Venice. (Wilh Beckford.) Lover (Samuel). Rory O'More, 1 vol. Manzoni (A.). The Betrothed, I vol. Marryat (Captain). Peter Siniple; Jacob Faithfuil; Japhet in search of a father; King's Own; Mr. Midsliipman Easy; Newton Forster; The Pacha or Many Tales ; Ratlin the Reefer; The Poacher; The Phantom Ship; Thé Dog Fiend; Percival Keene, 12 vols. Marriage, 1 vol. Maxwell (w. H.). Stories of Waterloo; Captain Blake, or My Life; The Bivouac; Hector O'Halloran, 4 vols. Mitford Wiss). Belford Regis, 1 vol. Norier (J.). Hajji Baba; Hajji Baba in England; Zohrab; Ayesha, 3 vols. Murray (Hon. C. A.). The Prairie Bird, 1 vol. Peacock (T. L.). Headlong Hall; Nightmare Abbey; Mald Marian ; Crotchet Castle, 1 vol. Gore (Mrs. Caleb Witry Curate, 1 English Library. 93 STANDARD NOVELS AND ROMANCES (continued). Porter (Jane). Thaddeus of Warsaw ; Scottish Chiers, 2 vols.; Hungarian Brothers; The Pastor's Fireside, 2 vols. 5 vols. Schiller (f. von). Gliost Seer, 1 vol. Shelley (Mrs.). Frankenstein, 1 vol. Smith (Albert). Marchiolless of Brinvilliers; Adventures of Mr. Ledbury; The Scattergood family, 3 vols. Staël (Mad. de). Corinne, 1 vol. Trelawney (Captain). Younger Son, 1 vol. Trevelyan, 1 vol. Trollope (Mrs.). The Vicar of Wrexhill; The Widow Barnaby, . 2 vols. Two Old Men's Tales, 1 vol. Walpole (H.). Castle of Otranto. (Wilh Bechford.) Whitehead (C). Richard Savage, 1 vol. STATE PAPERS; published under the authority of His (Her) Majesty's Commission.--Reign of Henry VIII., 10 vols. in 11 parts. 1830-49, 4to. STATISTICAL SOCIETY of London. Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1-14. J. W. Parker, 1839-51, 8vo. STERNE (Laurence, 1713—1768). Works, 4 vols. Cudell, 1819, 8vo. Contents:-Vol. I. Autobiography; Tristram Shandy, 11. Tris- tram Shandy; Sentimental Journey. 111. Sermons, 1 to 32. IV. Sermons, 33 to 45; Letters ; Tlie Fragment; The History of a good warm Witch-coat. STEWART (Dugald, 1753—1828). Philosophy of the Human Mind, 3 vols. 1792, 1814, 1827, 4to. STEWART (D.). Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, 2 vols. Edinb. 1828, 8vo. STEWART (D.). Philosophical Essays. Edinb. 1810, 4to. STEWART (D.). Outlines of Moral Philosophy, fourth edition. Edinb. 1818, 8vo. StilLINGFLEET (Bp. Edward, 1635–1699). Origines Notes by Pantin, 2 vols. ' Oxford Univ. Pr. 1842, 8vo. STIRLING (William). Annals of the Artists of Spain, with portraits, 3 vols. Parker & Son, 1848, 8vo. STIRLING (W.). Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, third edition. Parker & Son, 1853, post 8vo. Srow (John, 1525—1605). Annales, or Chronicle ; continued by E. Howes. Lond. 1631, folio. Srow (J.). Survey of London and Westminster ; continued by John Strype, 2 vols. Lond. 1754, folio. Stow (J.). Survey of London, written in 1598. A new edition, with Life and Notes, by W.J. Thoms. Whittaker, 1842, 8vo. 94 Catalogue of my STRICKLAND (Agnes). Lives of the Queens of Eng- land from the Norman Conquest, new edition, with portraits, 8 vols. Colburn, 1853, 8vo. Contents: Vol. l. Preface; Introduction; Matilda of Flanders, Queen of William the Conqueror; Matilda of Scotland, Queen of Henry the first; Adelicia of Louvaine, Second Queen of Henry the first, Matilda of Boulogne, Queen of Stephen; Eleanor of Aqui- taine, Queen of Henry the Second; Berengaria of Navarre, Queen of Richard the first; Isabella of Angouleme, Quech of King John; Eleanor of Provence, surnamed La Belle, Queen of Henry the Third ; Eleanor of Castile, first Queen of Edward the first; Marguerite of France, Second Qucen of Edward the First; Isabella of France, Queen of Edward the Second ; Philippa of Hainault, Queen of rd- ward the Third; Anne of Bohemia, First Queen of Richard the Se- cond. ll. Isabella of Valois, Second Queen of Richard the Second ; Joanna of Navarre, Queen of Henry the Fourth; Katherine of Va- lois, Queen of Henry the Fifth; Margaret of Anjou, Queen of Henry the Sixth; Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of Edward the fourth; Anne of Warwick, Queen of Richard the Third; Elizabet. of York, Queen of Henry the Seventh ; Kittherine of Arragon, l'irst Queen of Henry thie Eiglith; Anne Boleyn, Second Queen of Henry the Eightli. 111. Jane Seymour, Third Queen of Henry the Lighth; Anne of Cleves, fourth Queen of Henry the Eighth; Katherine Howard Fifth Queen of Henry the Eighth; Katherine Parr, Sixth Queen of Henry the Eighth; Mary, First Queen Regent of England and fre- land. IV, Elizabeth. V. Anne of Denmark, Queen of James the First; Henrietta-Maria, Queen of Charles the First; Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II. VI. Mary-Beatrice of Modina, Queen of James the Second. VII. Mary, Consort of William the Third. VIII. Anne. STRICKLAND (A.). Lives of the Queens of Scotland. Vols. 1, to 4. Blackwood, 1850-53, post 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Margaret Tudor; Magdalene of France; Mary of Lorraine. 11. Mary of Lorraine; Margaret Douglas. ill. IV. Mary Queen of Scois. STRICKLAND (A.). Historic Scenes and Poetical Fan- Colburn, 1850, post 8vo. STRICKLAND (A.), Pilgrims of Walsingham, 3 vols. Saunders & Otley, 1835, post 8vo. STRICKLAND (A.). Queen Victoria, from her Birth to her Bridal, 2 vols. Colburn, 1840, post 8vo. STRICKLAND (A.). Tales and Stories from History, sixth edition. Parker & Son, 1851, fcp. 8vo. STRICKLAND (A.). Seven Ages of Woman, and other Poems. Hurst, 1847, 12mo. STRUTT (Joseph, 1749–1802). Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the earliest Period to the present Time, by Hone, 140 cuts. Tegg, 1845, 8vo. STRYPE (John, 1643–1737). Historical and Bio- graphical Works, 27 vols. 'Oxford, Univ. Pr. 1822-40, 8vo. Contents : Ecclesiastical Memorials, 6 vols. 1822 ; Annals of the Reformation, 4 vols. in 7, 1824; Memorials of Cranmer, 2 vols, 1640; Life of Archbishop Parker, 3 vols, 1821; Life of Archbishop Grindal, 1621; Life of Archbishop Whitgift, 3 vols. 1822; Life of Bishop Aylmer, 1820; Life of Sir John Cheke, 1621 ; Life of Sir Thomas Smith, 1820; General Index to Strype's Works, 2 vols. 1928. cies. English Library. 95 SURTEES Society's PUBLICATIONS. Durham, 1835-52, 8vo. 1. Reginaldi Monachi Dunelm. libellus de ádmirandis B. Cuth- berti virtutibus. 2. Wills and inventories, illustrative of the History, &c. of the Norlliern Counties of England from the Eleventh Century. 3. The Tow.neley Mysteries. 4. l'estilmalta Eboracensia; Wills, &c. of the Province of York, from) 1300. 5. Sanctuarium Dunelmense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense. 6. The Charters of Endowment, luventories,.and Account Rolls of the Priory of linchall, Durban, 7. Catalogi veteres librorum Ecclesia Cathedralis Dunelm. 8. Miscellanea Biographica - Lives of Uswin, King of Northum- berland; Two Lives of Cuthbert, Bp. of Lindisfarne, &c. 9. Historiæ Dunelmensis Scriptores tres-Gaufridus de Colding. ham, Rob. de Grayslanes et Willielmus de Chambre, with an. Appendix. (Edited by J. Raine.). 10. Rituale Ecclesiæ Dunelm. A Latin Ritual of the Ninth Cen- tury, with an interlinear Northumbro-Saxon translation. (Edited by J. Stevenson.) 11. Jordan Fantosme's Anglo-Norman Chronicle of the War be- tween the English and Scots in: 1173 and 1174. With i translation and notes by F. Michel. 12. Correspondence, laventories, &c. of the Priory of Colding- ham. (Ed. by J. Riune.) 13. Liber Vitae Ecclesiæ Dunelmensis. (Ed. by J. Stevenson.). 14. The Correspondence of Robert Bowes, Esq., Ambassador of Queen Elizabeth to the Court of Scotland. (Ed. by Ste- venson.) 15. A Description of all the Ancient Monuments, Rites, and Customs belonging or being within the Monastical Church of Durham, bifore the Suppression. Written in 1593. 16. Anglo-Sitxon and Bilrly English Poulter, now first published from MSS. (Ed. by Stevenson.) 17. The Correspondence of Dr. Matthew Hutton, Abp. of York, (Ed. by Raine.) 18. The Durham Household Book, or the Accounts of the Bur- sar of the Monastery of Durhan, from 1530 LO 1534. (Ed. by Raine.) 19. Anglo-Saxoii and Early English Psalter. Vol. II. 20. Libellus de Vita et Miraculis S. Godrici; Auctore Reginaldo, m011. Dunclni. (Ed. by Stevenso11.) 21. Depositions, and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings, 1311 to the reign of Elizabeth. (Ed. by Raine.) 22. The injincrious and other Ecclesiastical Proceedings of Richard Barnes, Bp. of Durham, from 1575 to 1587. (Ed. by Raine.) 23. The Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church. With an in- terlinear Saxon Gloss. (Ed. by J. Stevenson.) 24. Memoir of Robert Surtees. By George Taylor. New edition, with additions by J, Raine." 25. Boldon Buke: A Survey of the Possessions of the See or Durham in 1183. With translation, &c. by W. Greenwell. SWIFT (Dean Jonathan, 1667-1745). Works, with Notes and Life by Sir Walter Scott, second edition, 19 vols. Edin, 1824, 8vo. Contents : Vol. 1. Memoirs by Scott. II. Journal to Stella, Letters 1 to 42. lll. Journal to Stella, Letters 43 to 65; Memoirs relating to the Change in the Ministry in 1710; Contests and Dissentions in Athens and Rome; The Examiner, Nos. 13 to 45. IV. Character of tle Lilrl of Wharton; Remerks on A Letter to the Seven Lords ap- pointed to examine Greig; New Journey to Paris ; Advice to the October Club; Reasons to prove that no one is obliged, as a Whir, to oppose the Queen; Pretended Letter of Thanks from Lom Whar. ton to the Bishop of Sc. Asaph, in the name of the Kitcat Club: Re- futation of the falsehoods alleged against Erasmus Lewis; Prefice to the Bislion of Saruno's Introduction to the Third Volume of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England; Importance 96 Catalogue of my of the Guardian; The Public Spirit of the Whigs; Letter from Dr. Tripe to Nestor Ironside; The Conduct of the Allies; Remarks on the Barrier Treaty between Queen Anne and the States General; Appendix to the Conduct of the Allies. V. History of the Four Last Years of the Queen ; Present State of Affairs, 1714; Considerations upon the Death of the Queen; inquiry into the Behaviour of the Queen's Last Niinistry; Narrative of Guiscard's Examination, March, 1711; Specker's Speech, April, 1711; Reasons for creating Robert Harley a Peer; Comment on Dr. Hare's Sermon; New Vin- dication of the Duke of Marlborough ; True Relation of the intended Riot on Queen Elizabeth's Birth Day; New Way of selling Places at Court; Story of the St. Alban's Ghost; Character of Richard Steele. Vl. Law is a Bottomless Pit, or the History of John Bull; Lying ; Art of Political Lying; Address of the House of Lords to the Queen, April 9, 1713; Inquiry into the Report of the Queen's Death ; List of Tracts composed by Swift in Support of Lord Ox- ford's Adninistration ; Tracts Relative to Ireland ; The Drapier's Letters, 1 toj. VII. The Drapier's Letters: Miscellaneous Tracts upon frisli Affairs; Sernions, 1 to 8. vui. Sermons, 9-12; Thoughts on Religion ; Tracts in Defence of Christianity; Tracts in Support of the Church Establishment; Tracts on the Test Act; Essays Periodical and Miscellaneoils. IX. Miscellaneous Essays from Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, Intelligencer, &c. X. Tale of a Tub; History of Martin ; Battle of the Books; Discourse concern- ing the Mechanical (peration of the Spirit; Abstract of the History of England from Julius Cæsar to Henry the Second; Letters from Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer; Letter to the Earl of Orrery; Pocms ascribed to Swift. xi. Gulliver's Travels; Directions to Servants. XII. Historical Tracts; Political Poetry preceding 1715; Poems chiefly relating to Irish Politics, subsequent to 1715. XIV. Miscellanies in Prose, by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, c. collected by Swiſt and Pope; Miscellanies in Verse by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, &c.; Prose Miscellanies, by Swift and Sheridan. XIV. Miscella- neous Poems; Poems written during Lord Carteret's Administra- tion of Ireland; Poems addressed to Vanessa and Stellit XV. Poetry, Rirdies by Swift and his friends; Trifles passing between Swift and Sheridan; Poems composed at Market Mill; Verses ad- dressed to Swilt, and to his Memory ; Swift's Epistolary Corres - pondence; Lettors during Lord Oxford's Administration. XVI. Epistolary Correspondence, 1712 to 1724. XVII. Epistolary Corres- pondence, Sept. 1725 to May 1732. XVIII. Epistolary Correspond- Oct. 1736 to Feb. 1750. Index. TALFOURD (Sir Thomas Noon). Dramatic Works. Eleventh edition. Moxon, 1852, 8vo. TALFOURD (Sir T. N.). Vacation Rambles in 1841, 1842, and 1843. Third Edition. Moxon, 1852, 8vo. Tasso (Torquato, 1544–1595). Jerusalení delivered; translated into English Spenserean Verse, with Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen, 3 vols. Murray, 1826, 8vo. TAYLOR (Henry). Notes from Life and Books, third edition, 2 vols. Murray, 1848-9, post 8vo. Taylor (H.). Philip van Artevelde, a' Dramatic Romance, fifth edition. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. TAYLOR (H.). Edwin the Fair, Isaac Comnenus, Eve of the Conquest, &c. third edition. Moxon, 1852, 12mo. TAYLOR (John Edward), Michael Angelo considered as a Philosophic Poet, second edition. Murray, 1852, post 8vo. English Library. 97 TAYLOR (J. E.). Fairy Ring, Stories from the German, illustrated by Doyle, second edition. Murray, 1847, 12mo. TAYLOR (Bishop Jeremy, 1600?–1667) Works, with Life by Bp. Heber, revised and corrected by Rev. C. P. Eden, 10 vols. Longmans, 1847–53, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life by Heber (not yet published. Sl. Life of Christ. III. Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Dying. IV. Course of Sermons for all the Sundays in the Year. V. Episcopacy asserted, and other Works on Church Discipline ; An Apology for authorized and set Forms of Liturgy; On the Reverence due to the Altar; Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying; Discourse of Confirmation. VI. The Real Presence, and Spiritual, of Christ in the Sacrament proved against the Doctrine of 'Transubstani- tiation; Dissuasive from Popery ; Second part of the D ssuasive from Popery; Five Lelleis lo Persons changed or lempted to a change in their Religion. VII. Unum) Necessarium, or the Doctrine and Practice of Repentance; Deus Justificatus, or a Vin- dication of the Glory of the Divine Attributes in the Question of Original Siu; Correspondence with Warner, Bishop of Rochester; Correspondence with Henry Jeanes of Chedzoy; The Golden Grove, or a Manual of Daily Prayers and Litanie fitied to the Days of the Week; Festival Hymns. VIII. The worthy Communicant; Supple. ment of Ten Sermons ; Collection of Offices or Fornis of Prayer. IX. Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience, part 1, books 1 and 2. X. Ductor Dubitantium, part 2, books 3 and 4. Taylor's (Bp. J.). Great Exemplar of Sanctity, ex- hibited in Life of Jesus Christ, 3 vols. Pickering, 1849, fcp. 8vo. Taylor (Bp. J.). Rule and Exercise of Hóly Living and Dying, 2 vols. large type. Pickering, 1847,8vo. TAYLOR (W. Cooke, 1802–1849). Manual of Ancient History, fifth edition. Parker & Son, 1849, post 8vo. Taylor (W. C.). Manual of Modern History, fifth edition. Parker & Son, 1851, post 8vo. TENNYSON (Alfred). Poems. Eighth edition. Moxon, 1853, 8vo. TENNYSON (A.). In Memoriam (of A. H. Hallam). Fourth edition. Moxon, 1852, 12mó. TENNYSON (A.). The Princess : a Medley. Fifth edition. Moxon, 1853, 8vo. THACKERAY (William Makepeace). Paris Sketch Book, 2nd edition. Cunningham, 1840, post 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.) Irish Sketch Book, 2 vols. Chapman and Hall, 1813, post 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Comic Tales and Sketches, 2 vols. Cunningham, 1841, post 8vo. · THACKERAY (W.M.). Journey from Cornhill to Cairo, second edition. Chapman and Hall, 1846, post 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Vanity Fair, á Novel without a Hero. Bradbury, 1848, 8vo. THACKERAY (W.M.). Pendennis. 2 vols. Bradbury and Evans, 1850, 8vo. 98 Catalogue of my 11 THACKERAY (W. M.). Mrs. Perkins's Ball. Chapman and Hall, 1846, sq. 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). “Our Street. Chapman and Hall, 1846, sq. 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Dr. Birch and his Young Friends. Chapman und Hall, 1849, sq. 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Book of Snobs. Bradbury, 1848, 12mo. THACKERAY (W. M.), History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Bradbury, 1849, sq. 12mo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Rebecca and Rowena: a Ro- mance upon Romance. Chupman and Hall, 1850, sq. 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). Kickleburys on the Rhine. Smith, and Elder, 1850, sq. 8vo. THACKERAY (W. M.). History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel in the service of Queen Anne, written by Himself, 3 vols. Smith and Elder, 1852, post 8vo. THACKERAY (W.M.). The English Humourists of the 18th Century. Smith und Elder, 1853, cr. 8vo. THIERRY (Augustin). History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, translated by W. Hazlitt, 2 vols. Bogue, 1847, 12mo. THIERRY (A.). Narratives of the Merovingian Era, and Ten Years' Historical Studies. Lond. 1844, 8vo. THIERS (Louis Adolphe). History of the French Re- volution, translated, with Notes, by F. Shoberl, portraits, &c., 5 vols. Bentley, 1838, 8vo. Tvilers (L. A.). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon, translated by Campbell, vols. 1 to 11. Colburn, 1845-51, 8vo. THIRLWALL (Bp. Connop). The History of Greece. Improved library edition, 8 vols. Longmans, 1845, 8vo. THOMAS A KEMPIS (1380—1471). Of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, translated by Dr. Dibdin. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. THOMSON (James, 1700—1748). The Seasons. Edited by Bolton Corney. Illustrated by 77 designs on wood, by Members of the Etching Club. Longmans, 1847, cr. 8vo. THOMSON (Rev. William). An Outline of the Laws of Thought; a Treatise on Pure and applied Logic, third edition. Pickering, 1853, fcp. 8vo. English Library 99 THORPE (Benjamin). Codex Exoniensis, a collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Pickering, 1842, roy. 8vo. THORPE (B.). Northern Mythology, from original and other sources, 3 vols. 'Lumley, 1851, post 8vo. THORPE (B.). The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. The First Part, containing the Homilies of Ælfric, in the original Anglo-Saxon, with an English version, 2 vols. (Ælfric Society.) Lond. 1844-6. 8vo. TIIURLOL (John, 16161668). State Papers ; 1638- 1660, with Life, by T. Birch, 7 vols. Lond. 1742, folio. TOOKE (Thomas). The History of Prices, with refer- ence to the Causes of their principal Variations, from the year 1792 to the year 1847. With a Sketch of the History of the Corn Trade for the last two Centuries, and a General Review of the Currency Question, 4. vols. Longmans, 1840-48, 8vo. TOWNSEND (William Charles, 1804__1850). Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the last and present Cen- tury, 2 vols. Longmans, 1846, 8vo. TOWNSEND (W. C.). History of the House of Com- mons, 1608-1832, 2 vols. Colburn, 1843-4, 8vo. TRENCH (Richard Chevenix). Notes on the Parables, fifth edition. Parker & Son, 1853, 8vo. TRENCH (R. C.). Notes on the Miracles, thi tion, Parker & Son, 1853, 8vo. TRENCH (R. C.). On the Study of Words, fourth · edition. Parker & Son, 1853, 8vo. TRENCH (R. C.). On the Lessons in Proverbs, second edition. Parker & Son, 1853, 8vo. TUCKER (Abraham, 1705--1774). Light of Nature Pursued, with Life by Mildmay, sixth edition, 2 vols. "Bohn, 1842, 8vo. TUPPER (Martin Farquhar). Proverbial Philosophy, a Book of Thoughts and Arguments originally treated. Hatchard, 1851, post 8vo. TURNER (Sharon, 1768-1847). Sacred History of the World, eighth edition. Longmans, 1848, post 8vo. Turner (S.). History of the Anglo-Saxons, seventh edition, 3 vols. Longmans, 1852, 8vo. TURNER (S.). History of England during the Middle Ages (from William I. to accession of Henry VIII.), fifth edition, 4. vols. Longmans, 1853, 8vo. TURNER (S.). Reign of Henry VIII., third edition, 2 vols. Longmans, 1828, 8vo. 100 Catalogue of my TURNER (S.). Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, second edition, 2 vols. Longmuns, 1835, 8vo. TURNER (S.). Prolusion on the present Greatness of Britain; on Modern Poetry, &c. Longmans, 1819, 12mo. TURNER (S.). Richard III., a Poem." Longmans, 1845, 12mo. TURNER (T. Hudson, 1815-1852). Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the end of the Thirteenth Century; with numerous Illustrations. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1851, 8vo. TURNER (T. H.). Some Account of Doméstic Archi- tecture in England from Edward I. to Richard II. By the Editor of the Glossary of Architecture (J. H. Parker). Oxford, J.8. Parker, 1853, 8vo. TWISS (Horace, 1786-1849). Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 2 vols. Murray, 1845, post 8vo. TYTLER (Patrick Fraser, d. 1849). History of Scot- land, new edition, 7 vols. Edin. 1845, 8vo. TYTLER (P. F.). Life of the Admirable Crichton, second edition. Edinb. 1823, 12mo. TYTLER (P. F.). England under Edward VI. and Elizabeth, 2 vols. Lond. 1839, 8vo. TYTLER (P.F.). Life of Henry VIII. Lond. 1837, 12mo. TYTLER (P. F.). Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, second edition. Edinb. 1833, 12mo. TYTLER (P. F.). Life of Sir T. Craig. Edinb. 1823, 12mo. TYTLER (P. F.). Lives of Scottish Worthies, 3 vols. Lond. 1831-3, 12mo. UPCOTT (William, 1779—1845). A Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Typography, 3 vols." Lond. 1818, 8vo. URE (Andrew). Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. New edition, corrected. Longmans, 1853, 8vo. Ussher (Abp. James, 1581—1656). Works, with Life and an Account of his Writings, by Prof. Elring- ton, D.D. fine portrait, 16 vols. Dublin, 1847, 8vo. Contents : Vol. I. Life; Account of the Commencement, 18th Aug. 1614; Declaration of Articles of Religion ; Articles of Religion, 1615; Revennews of the Bishoppricke of Meath and Clonemacke. nosh ; Controversy between the Archbishops of Ardmagh and Dub- lin touching the Primacy ; Tyrrell's Vindication of Ussher. 11. De Christianarum Ecclesiarum Successione et Statu; Sermon before 101 the House of Commons, 18th Feb. 1620 ; Speech, 22nd Nov. 1622; Sermon on the Universality of the Church of Christ, 20th June, 1624. Ill. Answer to a Challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland; Catalogue of the Authors here alleged. IV, Gotteschalci et Prædestinationæ Controversiæ ab eo notæ Historia ; Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish and British; Veterum Episto- larum Hibernicarum Sylloge; Immanuel, or the Mystery of the Incarnation. V. Britannirurum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, cap. 1-13. VI. Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates, cap. 14-17. Index Chronologicus. VII. Disquisition touching Asia; The ori- ginal of Bisliops; Judgment of Dr. Rainoldes touching Episco- pacy ; Dissertatio de Ignatii et Polycarpi scriptis, &c.; Præla- tiones in Ignatium ; De Romanæ Ecclesiæ_Symbolis, &c. ; De Macedonuni et Asianorum anno solari; De Editione Septuaginta Interpretum; Epistola ad L. Capellum de Variantibus Textus Hebræi Lectíonibiis ; Epistola Gul. Eyre ad Usserium. VIII.-X. Annales Veteris Testamenti. X. Annales Novi Testamenti. XI. Annales Novi Testamenti: Collatio Aunorum; The Principles of Christian Religion ; Doctrine of Christian Religion; The Power Lands; First Establishment of English Laws and Parliaments in Ireland; Of the imperial Laws in Great Britain and Ireland ; Chronologia Sacra, cap. 1-8. XII. Chronologia Sacra, cap. 9–13, and pars posterior; Historia Doginatica Controversiæ inter (1) thodoxos et Pontificios de Scripturis et Sacris Vernaculis; De Pseudo-Dionysii Scriptis; De Epistola ad Laodicenses; The Re- duction of Episcopacy; judgment of Abp. of Armagh on Apoc. xvii. and xviii: ; What is meant by the Beast; Intent and Extent of Christ's Death ; Answer to Exceptions; Letter to Dr. Twiss con- cerning the Sabbath ; Letter to Mr. Ley and Dr. Heylin. XIII. Sermons, 1 to 15. (XIVih vol, not yet published.) XV. Letters 1--198. XVI. Letters 199–461. VANBRUGH (Sir John, 1666 ?–1726). Plays; with Life, 2 vols. Lond. 1776, 12mo. VAUGHAN (Henry, 1621–1695). Sacred Poems and Private Èjaculations, with a Memoir by the Rev. H. F. Lyte. Pickering, 1847, fcp. 8vo. VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation. 10th edition, with additions. Churchill, 1853, post 8vo. VETUSTA MONUMENTA, or Ancient Monuments illus- trative of the History and Topography of Great Britain, published by the Society of Antiquaries, numerous fine large engravings, 5 vols. With In- dex to the first 3 vols. 1810. Lond. 1747-1835, imp. folio. WADE (John). British History, chronologically ar- ranged, comprehending all the principal Occur- rences in Church and State. Bohr, 1847, thick 8vo. WALPOLE (Horace, 1717-1797). Letters, collective | Edition, 6 vols. Bentley, 1846, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Letters to Sir Horace Mann, new Series, 1760-1785, 4 vols. Bentley, 1843-4, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Letters to the Countess of Ossory, 1769-97, edited by Vernon Smith, 2 vols. Bentley, 1848, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Correspondence with Rev. W. Ma- son, edited by Mitford, 2 vols. Bentley, 1851, 8vo. 102 Catalogue of my WALPOLE (H.). Memoirs of the Reign of George II., edited from the original MS. with Notes by Lord Holland, portraits, 3 vols. Colburn, 1846, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Memoirs of the Reign of George III., edited with Notes by Sir D. Le Marchant, portraits, 4 vols. Bentley, 1847, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Anecdotes of Painting in England, with an Account of the Principal Artists, edited by Dallaway, 150 ports., 5 vols. Lond. 1828, 8vo. WALPOLE (H.). Anecdotes of Painting; a New Edi- tion, revised, with additional Notes, by R. N. Wor- num, 3 vols. H. G. Bohn, 1849, 8vo. WALTON (Izaak, 1593-1683). Lives of Donne, Wot- ton, Hooker, &c. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1824, 8vo. Walton (I.) AND COTTON (C. 1630–1687). Com- plete Angler, third edition. Major, 1835, sm. 8vo. WALTON AND COTTON. Complete Angler, edited with Original Memoirs, by Sir Harris Nicolas, illus- trated by engravings from designs by Stothard and Inskipp, 2 vols. Pickering, 1832-6, imp. 8vo. WARBURTON (Bp. William, 1698–1779). Works, edited by Bp. Hurd, 12 vols. Lond. 1811, 8vo. Contents:-Vol. I. Life ; Divine Legation of Moses, books 1, 2, scct. 3. 11. Divine Legation, book 2, sect. 4-6. ill. Divine Le- gation, book 3, sect. 1-6. IV. Book 4, sect. 1-6. V. Book 5, sect. 1–6; book 6, sect. 1-1. VI. Book 6, sect. 5, 6; book 9, chap. 1-6. VII. Alliance between Churchi and State; Postscript and Index. V111.Julien's Attempt to Rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem ; The Doctrine of Grace. IX.-X. Sermons; Discourse on the Lord's Supper; Directions for the Study of Theology. XI. Vindi- cation from Webster's Aspersions; Commentary on Pope's Essay on Man; Remarks on Tillard's book; Remarks on several Occasional Reflections, parts 1, 2. XII. Remarks on several Occasional Reflec- tions, concluded; Letter to the Editor of the Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism; Vievy of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy; Remarks on lume's Natural History of Religion ; On Neal's History of the Puritans ; Letter concerning Literary Property; Appendix, being Letters between Dr. Middleton and Warburton, and Lowth and Warburton. WARBURTON (Eliot, d. 1852). Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers, 3 vols. Bentley, 1849, 8vo. WARBURTON (E.). Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his Contemporaries, 2 vols. Colburn, 1851, 8vo. WARBURTON (E.). Reginald Hastings, a Tale of the Troubles in 164-, 3 vols. Colburn, 1850, 8vo. WANBURTON (E.). Darien, or the Merchant Prince, 3 vols. Hurst and Blackett, 1852, post 8vo. WARBURTON (E.). Hochelaga; England in the New World, 2 vols. Colburn, post 8vo. English Library. 103 WARBURTON (E.). The Conquest of Canada, 2 vols. 184:9, 8vo. WARBURTON (E.). The Crescent and the Cross. 9th edition, 15 illustrations. Hurst and Blackett, 1853, 8vo. WARREN (Samuel). Diary of a late Physician, new edition, 2 vols. Blackwood, 1848, 12mo. WARREN (S.). Now and Then “ through a Glass, darkly." Blackwood, 1848, post 8vo. WARREN (S.). Ten Thousand a Year, 3 vols. Blackwood, 1849, 12mo. WARREN (S.). The Lily and the Bee.' Blackwood, 1851, 12mo. WARTON (Thomas, 1728–1790). History of English Poetry, from the Eleventh to the Eigliteenth Cen- tury, including the Notes of Ritson, Ashby, Douce, Park, and Price, edited by R. Taylor, 3 vols. Tegg, 1840, 8vo. WATSON (Robert, 1730 ?-1780). History of the Reign of Philip the Second and Third, Kings of Spain, new edition, 2 vols. Tegg, 1839, 8vo. WATSON (Dr. Thomas). Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic, third edition, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1848, 8vo. WATT (Robert, 1774–1819), Bibliotheca Britannica, or a General Index to British and Foreign Lite- rature, 4. vols. Vols. 1, 2, Authors; vols. 3, 4, Edinb. 1824, 4to. WATTS (Alaric A.). Poetry and Painting, Lyrics of the Heart, and other Poems, with 41 line engrav- ings. Longmans, 1851, 8vo. WEBSTER (John, temp. James I.). Dramatic Works, with Life by the Rev. A. Dyce, 4 vols. Pickering, 1830, cr. 8vo. Contents: Vol. I. Some Account of Webster and his Writings; The White Devil, or Vittoria Corombona ; The Duchess of Mali. II. 'The Devil's Law Case; Appius and Virginia; History of Sir Thomas Wyait. lll. Westward to; Northward 'Ho; a Culle for a Cuckold.' IV. The Malcontent; The Thracian Wonder; A NO- numental Column; Ode; Verses addressed to Thomas Heywood and 10 H. Cockeram; Addenda; Index to the Notes. Weld (Charles Richard). History of the Royal So- ciety, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1848, 8vo. WELLINGTON (Arthur, Duke of, 1769–1852). Des- patches and Correspondence during his various Campaigns, from 1799 to 1815, by Col. Gurwood, new edition, 8 vols. Murray, 1853, 8vo. YA Subjects. 104 Catalogue of my P . WELLINGTON (Duke of). General Orders during his Campaigns, from 1809 to 1818. Murray, 1837, 8vo. WHATELY (Archbp. Richard). Elements of Logic, ninth edition. Parker & Son, 1848, 8vo. WHATELY (Archbp.). Elements of Rhetoric, seventh edition. Parker & Son, 1846, 8vo. WHATELY (Archbp.). Selection of English Syno- nyms, third edition. Parler & Son, 1853, 1žmo. WHEWELL (Dr. William). Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in England. Parker & Son, 1852, 8vo. WHEWELL (Dr. W.). History of the Inductive Sciences, new edition, 3 vols. Parker & Son, 1847, 8vo. WHEWELL (Dr. W.). Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, new edition corrected, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1847, 8vo. WHEWELL (Dr. W.). Elements of Morality, inclu- ding Polity, second edition, 2 vols. Parker & Son, 1848, sm. 8vo. WHEWELL (Dr. W.). Lectures on Systematic Mo- rality. Parker & Son, 1846, 8vo. WHEWELL (Dr. W.). Principles of English Univer- sity Education, second edition. Parker & Son, 1838, sm. 8vo. WHst. Its Rise, Progress, and Laws. Containing also the Laws of Piquet, Cassino, Ecarté, Crib- bage, and Backgammon. New edition. Longmans, 1852, fcp. 8vo. WEITELOCK (Bulstrode, 1605-1676). Memorials of Affairs of State during the Reigns of Charles I. and II. 4 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1853, 8vo. WHOLE Duty or Man. A new edition, revised and corrected by the Rev. W. B. Hawkins. Pickering, 1842, fcp. 8vo. Wilkinson (Sir John Gardner). Manners and Cus- toms of the Ancient Egyptians, 600 illustrations, 5 vols. Murray, 18-17, 8vo. WILKINSON (Sir J. G.). Modern Egypt and Thebes, including every information for Travellers in that Country, 2 vols. Murray, 1844, 8vo. WILKINSON (Sir J. G.). Dalmatia and Montenegro, plates, 2 vols. Murray, 1848, 8vo. English Library. 105 TY Williams (G.). The Holy City; Historical, Topo- graphical, and Antiquarian Notices of Jerusalem, with numerous illustrations and additions, includ- ing Prof. Willis's History of the Holy Sepulchre. Second edition, 2 vols. J. W. Parker, 1851, 8vo. WILLIS (Rev. Professor Robert). The Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, with 52 wood- cuts. J. H. Parker, 1845, 8vo. Willis (Rev. Prof.). The Architectural History of Winchester Cathedral, with woodcuts and plan. J. H. Parker, 1846, 8vo. WILLIS (Rev. Prof.). The Architectural History of York Cathedral, with woodcuts and plan. J. H. Parker. 1848, 8vo. WILLMOTT (Robert Aris). Summer Time in the Coun- try, second edition. Parker & Son, 1851, 12mo. WILLMOTT (R. A.). Jeremy Taylor, á Biography, second edition. Parker & Son, 1848, fcp. 8vo. WILLOUGHBY (Lady). Diary relating to her Domes- tic History, and to the Reign of Charles I. the Protectorate, and the Restoration (1635 to 1663), 2 vols. Longmans, 1846-8, 12mo. WILSON (Alex. 1766-1813). American Ornitho- logy, with Continuation by Prince Lucien Bona- parte, new edition, by Sir W. Jardine, 97 coloured plates, 3 vols. Whittaker, 1832, 8vo. WINDHÁM (William, 1750–1810). Speeches in Par- liament, with Life by T. Amyot, 3 vols. Longmans, 1812, 8vo. Winston (Charles). An Inquiry into the Difference of Style observable in Ancient Painted Glass; with Hints on Glass Painting. Illustrated by nume- rous coloured plates from Ancient examples, 2 vols. J. H. Parker, 1847, 8vo. WORDSWORTII (Dr. Christopher). Ecclesiastical Bio- graphy, or Lives of Eminent Men connected with the History of Religion in England, 4 vols. Rivingtons, 1839, 8vo. WORDSWORTH (Christopher). Greece, pictorial, de- scriptive, and historical. Third edition, carefully revised by the Author. Orr, 1852, imp. 8vo. WonDSWORTH (William, 1770—1850). Poetical Works, 7 vols. Moxon, 1849, 12mo. Contents : Vol. I. Poems referring to the period of Childhood ; Poems written in Youth; Poems founded on the Affections; The 1 106 Catalogue of my Waggoner. 11. Poems of the Fancy; Poems of the Imagination ; Peter Bell; Poems on the maming of places. 111. Miscellaneous Sonnets; Memorials of' a Tour in Scotland in 1803; Memorials of Tour in Scotland in 1814 ; Sounet dedicatied to Liberty; Odes 1814, 1815, 1810: Inscriptions; The Egyptian. Majd. IV. The River Duddon; The White Doe of Rylston; Ilinerary Sonnels; Ecclesi- astical Sonnets, V. Poems of Sentinient and Rellection; Yarrow revisited, &c.; Somets compared or suggested during a tour in Scotland' in 1833 ; The Somnambulist; Evening Voluntaries ; Poems referring to the Period of Old Age; Epitaphs and Elegiac Pieces. VI. Poems chiefly or early ind lite years; Memorials of a Tour in Italy; Sonnels tipoil the Punislument of Death; Miscellaneous Sonnets. VII. The Excursion. WordsWORTII (W.). The Prelude; or the Growth of a Poet's Mind, an Autobiographical Poem. * Moxon, 1850, 870. WORDSWORTH (W.). Memoirs of, by the Rev. Dr. C. Wordsworth, 2 vols. 'Moxon, 1851, 8vo. WRICHT (Thomas). Early English Poetry; Edited, with Prefaces and Notes, 4 vols. Pickering, 1836, 16mo. Contents : Vol. I. The 'Turnament of Tottenham; The Feest, a Sequel to the same Poem. ll. The Nutbrowne Naid. Ill. The Tale of the Basin, il.nd that of the Frere and the Boy, two early Ballads of Magic.' IV. Songs and Carols from a MS. in the British Museum. WRICHT (T.). England under the House of Hano- ver; illustrated from the Caricatures and Satires of the Day. 2 vols. Bentley, 1848, 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). Biographia Britannica Literaria.- Anglo-Saxon period and Anglo-Norman period, 2 vols. J. W. Parker, 1842-46, 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). Archæological Album : a Museum of National Antiquities; illustrated by Fairholt. Lond. 1845, 4to. Wright (T.). St. Patrick's Purgatory: an Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages. J. R. Smith, 1843, post 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). Essays on the Literature, Popular Superstitions, and History of England, in the Mid- dle Ages, 2 vols. J. R. Smith, 1846, post 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). Narratives of Sorcery and Magic, from the most authentic sources, 2 vols. Bentley, 1851, post 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. rly Inhabitants of Britai down to the conversion nity. Hall, Virtue and Co., 1852, post 8vo. WRIGHT (T.). Queen Elizabeth and her times, 2 vols. Colburn, 1838, 8vo. A History of the comm moto Christia English Library 107 Wright (T.). See Camden, Percy, and SMAKE- SPEARE SOCIETIES. WYCLIFFE (John, 1324?_1384). BIBLE, edited by Forshall and Madden, 4 vols. Oxford Univ. Pr. 1850, 4to. The carliest version of the Scriptures in any modern language. YARRELL(William). History of British Fishes, nearly 500 wood engravings, 2 vols. Van Voorst, 1841, 8vo. YARRELL (W.). History of British Birds, upwards of 500 illustrations, 3 vols. Van Voorst, 1845, 8vo. ZINCKE (Foster Barham). Some Thoughts about the School of the Future. Or a Sketch of the Solution which Time appears to be preparing for the differ- ent Educational Questions of the Day. Longmans, 1852, post 8vo. chemik, PRINTED YY C. WHITTINGHAM. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ILI 3 9015 00576 6335 DO NOT REMOVE OR --... - MUTILATE CARD -. : . 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