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The work professes to be nothing more than a statistical compendium of the principal Greek-letter fraternities; but it might have been greatly enlarged with sketches of numerous extinct or unimportant societies, had the writer not lacked both the time and patience necessary to digest for that purpose the mass of catalogues and letters before him. His choice, did his engagements permit him to consider the project now, would rather lie in the direc- tion of a volume to contain extended histories of the few societies that have become celebrated in collegiate annals. The following catalogues have been consulted : Kappa Alpha, editions of 1835, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1845, 1850, 1853, 1859, 1874. Sigma Phi, 1834, 1837, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1850, 1853, 1856, 1859, 1862, 1865, 1870, 1876. Delta Phi, 1868, 1875. Alpha Delta Phi, 1848, 1851, 1860, 1865, 1870, 1876. Psi Upsilon, 1842, 1844, 1847, 1849, 1852, 1855, 1864, 1870, 1879. Chi Psi, 1849, 1852, 1858, 1871, 1878. D. K. E., 1871, 1874. Delta Psi, 1876. Theta Delta Chi, 1875. Zeta Psi, 1867, 1874. Beta Theta Pi, 1859, 1870. Phi Gamma Delta, 1870, 1878. Phi Delta Theta, 1878. Phi Kappa Psi, 1870. Sigma Chi, 1870, 1876. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1872, 1877. Delta Tau Delta, 1874, 1876. Phi Nu Theta, 1865. Beta Beta, 1874. Kappa Kappa Kappa, 1876. Delta Upsilon, 1877. *-*. C O N T E N T S . Alpha Delta Phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Phi Delta. Theta. . . . . . . . . . . 30. Alpha Sigma Chi. . . . . . . . . . .39 || Phi Gamma Delta. . . . . . . . . . 28 Alpha Tau Omega. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 || Phi Kappa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. Beta Beta... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 || Phi Kappa Alpha. . . . . . . . ... . 49. Beta. Theta Pi. . . ............. 26 || Phi Kappa Psi..... . . . . . . . .33 Chi Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 || Phi Kappa Sigma. . . . . . . . . . . º Chi Psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 | Phi Nu Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Delta. Beta Phi. ............ .40 | Phi Theta Psi ....... ....... 43. Delta. Beta Xi... . . .. . . . . . . . . . 43 || Phi Zeta Mu... . . . . . . . . . .44 Delta Kappa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Pi Kappa Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Delta Kappa Epsilon . . . . . . . 18 Psi Phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43. Delta Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 | Psi Upsilon . . . . . . . . . . -------- 14 Delta Psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 | Resumé of the Eastern Soci- Delta Psi (Vermont), ......... 49 eties... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Delta Tau Delta.............. 38 Rise of the Modern Societies 6. Delta Upsilon. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 || Sigma Alpha Epsilon. . . . . . . 37 Gamma Nu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 49 || Sigma Chi...... --------- . . . . . . 36 Honor Lists.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 || Sigma Delta Chi. . . . . . . . . . . 44. I. K. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 || Sigma Delta Pi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kappa Alpha. . . . . . . * - - - . . . . . 8 || Sigma Phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Kappa Alpha (Southern). . . .40 | Societies at each College. . . . .4 Kappa Kappa Kappa . . . . . . 42 | Southern Kappa Alpha... . . .4 Kappa Sigma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 | Theta Delta, Chi . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Kappa Sigma Epsilon. . . . . . . . 43 || Theta Xi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kappa Sigma Kappa . . . . . . 41 | Upsilon Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Phi Beta Kappa. . . . . . . . .------ 5 Zeta Psi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. º THE GREEK-LETTER SOCIETIES, THE oldest of college fraternities, the venerable but now neglected Phi Beta Kappa, was founded at the Virginian college of William and Mary, December 5, 1776. Its first meeting was held in the Apollo Hall of the old Raleigh tavern, then already memorable for Patrick Henry's revo- lutionary utterances; and from the original minutes of proceedings (which are still preserved, covering fifty folio pages, and extending to January 6, 1781, when college exercises were stopped by the war), we learn that John Heath was the first president, while Thomas Smith acted as “clerk ". Forty-nine members in all were enrolled at William and Mary, and far down the list appears the name of Elisha Parmelie, to whom, in the quaint phraseology of . the records, a “charter party" was granted December 5, 1779, for establishing a “Phi Society” at Cambridge, in Massachusetts Bay, to be called “ Epsilon ”, and another - & 4 four days later, for a “meeting” in the college of New Haven, to be called “Zeta ". The society flourished many years at Yale and Harvard, and thence spread into other colleges. But long before the year 1825, when the earliest of the modern societies was founded, Phi Beta Kappa had commenced to decline; its secrecy was aban- doned, and soon it became what it now is, a mere honor- ary society, to which the best scholars of each senior class —generally the first third—are admitted as a matter of course. Of the eighteen branches nominally existing, the 6 | youngest are the Delta and the Epsilon of New Yorkf established in 1868 and 1870, at Columbia and Hamiltone In 1849, a charter was refused the University of Michigan P because of the absence of a marking system. The badge was originally a medal, worn suspended a blue or pink ribbon; but afterwards it took the form a watch-key, bearing b BK across the centre, while fro beneath the letters a hand points transversely upwa to a group of stars. The motto is bºoooſhta Blow Kt Bepunt)c, “Philosophy, Guide of Life”, and the socie was also called “S. P.”, Societas Philosophiae. - The modern societies bear little resemblance to Ph. Beta Kappa, save in the fact that their names are derive from the initial letters of Greek mottoes. Undoubtedl they arose from the desire for a closer social communion tha was afforded by the old literary societies. Kappa Alph Sigma Phi and Delta Phi were successively founded by seniors of '26, '27 and '28; and for some years the fraterni ties were almost exclusively upper-class societies. Afte the foundation of Psi Upsilon in 1833, by members of '3 and '37, at a time when the other societies had only twº or three representatives in those classes, sophomores an freshmen were more frequently elected, and now they ar considered eligible in nearly all the colleges. At Yale Psi U. and D. K. E. do not initiate until the end of sophomore year; senior year is engrossed by two power ful societies, the “Skull and Bones” and the “Scroll an Key’’, while the freshmen have Greek societies of thei own, as had the sophomores, previous to 1875. At Dart mouth, freshmen are not initiated until the last term of the year, except into the two societies of their own class. The first modern society to institute a chapter was Sigma. Phi, which gained a foothold at Hamilton in 1831, thus indirectly leading to the foundation of Alpha Delta Phi a ( ; | 7 few months later. About this time Kappa Alpha failed in entering Hamilton, but commenced a long career of pros- perity at Williams, the first members being unsuccessful peti- tioners for a ‘p B K charter. Soon after, Sigma Phi appeared in Williams as the successor of the Phi Alpha, a young local society, whose badge was a ring. Societies were soon organized in Miami University, the N. Y. U., Colum- bia, Amherst, Brown, Harvard and Yale. The fraterni- ties grew rapidly, despite the opposition of burlesque organizations, of anti-secret societies, and of college au- thorities. As early as 1849, many college presidents wrote that the movement was too strong to be crushed, and, except at Princeton, repressive measures have been unsuc- ºcessful. The Greek societies of Harvard fell from the |caprice of their own members in the class of '58. 3. Of the older societies having branches in two or more colleges, there are ten (those first mentioned in this work) "whose chapters are wholly or largely confined to New York |and New England colleges. All of them, save Delta Psi, were co-existent at Union from 1859 to 1862, but now not more than six are rivals in any college. | Sigma Phi's first catalogue appeared in 1834; Kappa d Alpha's, containing 167 names, in 1835; that of Alpha ‘Delta Phi, in 1836, and of Psi Upsilon, showing 243 2. names, in 1842. In 1830, the eastern societies had 147 members; in 1840, 1,230, and now their living members number 25,000, among whom are the presidents and lead- *ing professors of most of the principal colleges. After a "conflict of half a century, the success of the Greek-letter 1societies would seem to be complete. NoTE.-The accompanying tables give the chapter dates of establishment (an asterisk precedes the name of a dead chapter, and the date of decease follows), and the total membership of each chapter. The aggregate membership of each society as given excludes duplicate names. The lists of prominent mem- ers include only those who were initiated during college life. 8 nine stars are on the left. Fraternity color, scarlet. P& AFPA, ALF H.A. - IM. A. P. Founded at Union College, in the fall of 1825, by Jo Hunter and others of the class of '26. Badge, a squa watch-key, of plain gold; on the face are engraved enameled the characters K. A encircled by the signs the zodiac, with a Hebrew letter at each side; on the r verse, appear a sunburst and coffin, with scroll (for weare name) above, and enwreathed initials of Latinized name the college below, while a globe is in the right corner an 1825. ALPHA of N. Y. . Union College. . . . . . . . . . 37 . . ALPHA OF MASS... . . . Williams College . . . . . . . 27 ..*BETA OF N. Y. ('51). Hobart College . . . . . . . . . . . ..*ALPHA OF N. J. ('57) College of New Jersey . . . ... *ALPHA of VA. ('61). University of Virginia.... : ... GAMMA OF N. Y. . . . Cornell University. . . . . . . 4. Total membership (catalogue of 1874), 816; deceas members, 159. - - Prominent graduates—from Union: Isaac W. Jacks. (26), late Professor of Mathematics at Union; Levi Hui bell (27), formerly of the Wisconsin Supreme Court; t late Rufus W. Peckham (’27), of the New York Court Appeals; Preston King (27), ex-U. S. Senator; Rex Leonard Woods (’27), ex-President of Bowdoin College Ward Hunt (’28), of the U. S. Supreme Court; August Schell (30); Prof. Jonathan Pearson (35), of Unioſ College; Charles A. Phelps (’41), late President of th Massachusetts Senate; Charles B. Lawrence (’41), ex-Chie Justice of Illinois; Charles A. Joy (44), Professor of Chem istry at Columbia; Henry R. Pierson (46), of the New York Assembly; Fitz Hugh Ludlow ('56); L. Clark Seely ('57), Professor of Rhetoric at Amherst, and Eliphalet Not | - 9 Potter ('61), President of Union College. From Williams: James Dixon (34), late U. S. Senator; Rev. N. H. Griffin ('84), Librarian of Williams College; John Wells (38), and James D. Colt (38), both of the Massachusetts Supreme Court; Paul A. Chadbourne (48), President of Williams College, and Rev. Edward H. Griffin (62), Pro- fessor of Latin at Williams. From Hobart: Gen. Albert J. Myer (’47), popularly known as “Old Probabilities.” SIGMA PHI. E. P. V. Founded at Union College, March 4, 1827, by ten Seniors. Badge, a X over a P, both in heavy gold, the former often set with gems; on the upper cross-piece of the Phi is the date 1827, and on the lower, is the date of the owner's initiation. Colors, light-blue and white. Open motto, AEsſo Perpetua. 1827...ALPHA OF N. Y. . . . . Union College. . . . . . . . . . .364 1831. BETA of N. Y...... Hamilton Cºllege. ... . . . .276 1834. . ALPHA of MAss..... Williams College...... . . .246 1835..*GAMMA OF N.Y.(48). Univ. of City o N. Y. . . . .77 1840. DELTA OF N. Y..... Hobart College. . . . . . . . . . 167 1845. . ALPHA of VT. . . . . ... University of Vermont.... 167 1853..*ALPHA OF N. J.('61). College of New Jersey.... 45 º t 1858. . ALPHA OF MICH. ... University of Michigan... 106 Total membership (catalogue of 1876), 1448; deceased members, 325. - Distinguished graduates—from Union: Rev. John Way- land (’27), late Professor of Rhetoric at Hamilton; William W. Campbell (27), ex-Justice of the New York Court of Appeals; George W. Eaton (29), late President of Madi- * . - - - - - 1() son University; Hon. John Cochrane (31); John Bigelo ('85), ex-Minister to France; Orsamus Cole (43), of t Wisconsin Supreme Court; Maj. Gen. Frederick Tow: send (44); John T. Hoffman (46), ex-Governor of Ne York; Mansfield Tracy Walworth (49), and John F. Hartranft ('53), ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Fro Hamilton: Asahel C. Kendrick ('81), Professor of Gre at Rochester University; John J. Knox (49), Controller & the Currency, and Gilbert C. Walker ('54), ex-Governor Virginia. From Williams: Israel W. Andrews (3. President of Marietta College; John N. Pike (43), e Consul at Mauritius; Prof. William D. Whitney (45), Yale College, and John J. Ingalls ('55), U. S. Sena from Kansas. From the N. Y. U. A. Oakey Hall, e. Mayor of New York City, and Rev. Thomas S. º Chancellor of the Roman Catholic Arch-Diocese of Ne York. From Hobart: Andrew D. White, President Cornell University, and Rev. Charles E. Cheney, of º cago, Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Fro Vermont University: John B. Perry (47), late Professor Geology at Harvard; John A. Jameson '46), Chief Justi. of the Superior Court of Chicago; Matthew Hale ('51 Professor in the Albany Law School, and Matthew H Buckham ('51), President of the University of Vermont. D E L T A F H I. Founded at Union College, November 18, 1827, by nin Seniors. Badge, a Maltese cross, with oval centre of bla: enamel bearing the letters A p; a lamp is on the upper ar. of the cross, and below are several stars, while the rid 11 arm bears a pen and scroll, and the left, two hands clasped. Fraternity colors, white centre with blue borders of equal dimensions, Open motto, Semper Obique. 1827. ALPHA........ Union College...... . . . . . . . .336 1838...BETA . . . . . ... Brown University. . . . . . . . . . . . 144 1841.. GAMMA . . . . . . . University of City of New York.211 1842... DELTA . . . . . . . . Columbia College. ... . . . . . . . . .227 1845... EPSILON. . . . . . Rutgers College . . . . . . . . . . . . ...168 1845..*ZETA (48) .... Harvard College..... . . . . . . . . . 20 1849..*ETA ('71). . . . University of Pennsylvania . . . . 151 1854..*THETA ('76)... College of New Jersey . . . . . . . 109 1855..*IOTA ('75). . . . University of Michigan. . . . . . . .109 1855..*KAPPA ’61) ... University of South Carolina. . . 37 1864. . LAMBDA. . . . . . Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 68 1874..*MU ('76) ... Madison University. . . . . . . . . . 12 Total membership, by catalogue of January 1, 1875, 1575; deceased members, 245. Noted graduates—from Union: the late Rev. William Wilson (28), of Cincinnati; Hon. Henry S. Randall (30), of New York; Rev. Nicholas W. Geortner ('81), of Ham- ilton College, and George F. Seward ('60), Minister to China. From Brown: William Gaston (40), ex-Governor of Massachusetts; Rev. T. Stafford Drowne; Samuel S. Cox (’46), M. C.; and Gen. Adin B. Underwood (49), of Boston. From the N. Y. U. Howard Crosby (44), President of the University, and E. Delafield Smith, of New York City. From Columbia: the late Nicholas B. Labau (44), of the New York Senate; John W. Chanler (’47), ex-M. C.; Cornelius R. Agnew (49), M. D., of New York City; Rt. Rev. William E. Armitage (49), late Bishop of Wisconsin, and Joseph A. Harper. From Michigan : Cushman K. Davis ('57), ex-Governor of Minnesota. A - - * - 12 - A L P H A D E LT A F H I. Founded at Hamilton College, in January, 1832, b Eells, Latham and Underwood, of the class of '32, an Morse and Storrs, of '33. Original badge, oblong, wit rounded corners; on field of black enamel is a white cre cent bearing gold letters AAP; above, a green star, belo the date 1832 in gold. New badge, a star and crescen the star set with an emerald, the crescent bearing the thre letters. Colors, green and white. Open motto, Man! A/zz/fae, Coz Ozzzzzzz. 1832. HAMILTON. . . . . . . . . Hamilton College ... . . . . . 3|| 1834..*MIAMI ('73). . . . . . . Miami University. . . . . . .2 1835. . *URBAN ('39)... . . . . University of City of N.Y. 1836..*CoIUMBIA (40). . . . Columbia College .... .... 3 1836.. AMHERST . . . . . . . . . Amherst College . . . . . . . . . 40 1836. BRUNONIAN........ Brown University ........ 20. 1836.” HARVARD (65) . . . Harvard College ........... 30 1836..*YALE... ('72). . . . . Yale College. . . . . . . . . . . . .77 1838.*GENEVA ('76)... . . . Hobart College . . . . . . . . . .18 1839. Bow DOIN ..... .... Bowdoin College . . . . . . . . . 2 1840. . HUDSON ... . . . . . Western Reserve College. .17 1845. PENINSULAR ... . . . . University of Michigan...24 1846. DARTMOUTH ...... Dartmouth College. . . . . . . 37. 1851, . ROCHESTER ... . . . . University of Rochester...16 1851.. *ALABAMA ('59)..... University of Alabama.... 5. 1851..WILLIAMS ... . . . . . Williams College . . . . . . . . . 16 1854. MANHATTAN .......College of New York City.18 1855...MIDDLETown...... Wesleyan University...... 1858. . KENYON ... . . . . . . . Kenyon College . . . . . . . . . . 1858. UNION. . . . . . . . . . Union College. . . . 1859..*CUMBERLAND ('61). Cumberland University ... 1870. .CORNELL. . . . . . . . . . Cornell University. . . . . . . . 1877... PHI KAPPA.......... Trinity College . . . . . . 13 Total membership (catalogue of 1876), 4,499, of whom 588 were dead. The Brunonian Chapter was suspended from 1841 to 1851. Prominent members—from Hamilton: Samuel Eells (32), who died in 1842 while Lieutenant Governor of Ohio; Oren Root (33), Professor of Mathematics at Hamilton; Amos K. Hadley ('87), ex-Speaker of the New York Assembly; Theodore W. Dwight (40), of the Columbia Law School; Glenni W. Scofield (40), Register of the Treasury; Edward North (41), Professor of Greek at Hamilton, and Alfred B. Street (43), author of “Woods and Waters.” From Miami; William S. Groesbeck ('84); William Dennison (35), ex-Postmaster General, and George E. Pugh (40), ex-U. S. Senator. From the N. Y. U. Rt. Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe (38), Bishop of Western New York. From Columbia: John Jay (36), ex-Minister to Austria, and John Vanderbilt, Jr. (37). From Amherst: Horace Maynard ('88); Rt. Rev. Frede- ric D. Huntington (39), Bishop of Central New York, and Rev. Richard S. Storrs (39), of Brooklyn. From Brown: Thomas A. Jenckes (38), ex-M. C.; Marcus Morton (38), of the Massachusetts Supreme Court; Henry S. Frieze (’41), Professor of Latin at Michigan University; and J. Meredith Read ('58), Minister to Greece. From Harvard: Rufus King ('88), ex-Minister to Rome; James Russell Lowell ('88); Rev. Edward Everett Hale (39); Rev. O. B. Frothingham (’43); Major General Manning F. Force (’45); Rev. Horatio Stebbins (48); Charles W. Eliot (53), President of Harvard; Maj. Gen. Francis C. Barlow (55), and Charles Francis Adams, Jr. ('56). From Yale: Rev. Joseph P. Thompson ('88); Charles J. Stillé (39), Provost of the University of Pennsylvania; Donald G. Mitchel (’41), (“Ik. Marvel”); William L. Kingsley (43), editor of the AVew Znglander, Richard Taylor (’45), Lieutenant 14 General C. S. A.; Prof. Timothy Dwight (49), of Yale Rev. Leonard W. Bacon ('50); Daniel C. Gilman (5% President of Johns Hopkins University; George Smalley (53), and Moses Coit Tyler ('57). From Hobar Rt. Rev. Edward R. Welles ('50), Bishop of Wisconsi From Bowdoin: Ichabod Goodwin (39), ex-Governor º New Hampshire, and Joshua L. Chamberlain (52), Pres dent of Bowdoin. From Michigan: A. S. Welch (46), e U. S. Senator from Florida, and Dwight May (49), e. Attorney General of Michigan. From Dartmouth: Olive Miller (48), of the Maryland Supreme Court; Elihu Quimby (51), Professor of Mathematics at Dartmout Edward A. Rollins ('51), ex-Commissioner of Intern: Revenue, and Edward F. Noyes ('57), minister to France From Rochester: Edwin O. Sage (53), and Manton Ma: ble (55). From Williams: Arthur L. Perry ('52), Profe; sor of History at Williams, and Phineas W. Hitchcot ('55), ex-U. S. Senator from Nebraska. - FSI U FSILON. Founded at Union College, November 24, 1833, Goodale, Hadley, Martindale and Tuttle, of the class '36, and Barnard, Harvey and Stewart, of '37. The bad, is a gold lozenge or diamond, with border variously orn mented and field enameled black, bearing clasped hand of gold between gold letters Y and Y. The diamond, wi double face, is also worn as a watch-key guard by grad ates. Fratermity colors, garnet and gold. Open mott Aºf Via V. 15 1833. THETA..... .... Union College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 838 1836. DELTA......... University of City of N. Y. 267 1839. BETA . . . . . . .... Yale College . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1,119 1840. SIGMA.......... Brown University. . . . . . . . . . 235 1841.. GAMMA ....... Amherst College. .......... 457 1842. ZETA . . . . . . . . . . Dartmouth College . . . . . . . . . 494. 1842. , LAMBDA........ Columbia College. . . . . . . . . 305 1843. KAPPA. ........ Bowdoin College. ... . . . . ... 357 1843. . PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton College. . . . . . . . . . 195 1843.. XI . . . . . . . . . . . . Wesleyan University . . . . . . . 392 1851..*ALPHA. . . . . . . . Harvard College. . . . . . ..... 181 1858... UPSILON. . . . . . . . University of Rochester . . . . 156 1860. . IOTA . . . . . . . . . . Kenyon College . . . . . . . . . . 83 1865. PHI ... . . . . . . . . University of Michigan..... 157 1869. OMEGA . . . . . . . . University of Chicago. . . . . . 70 1875 . . PI . . . . . . . . ... Syracuse University........ 42 1876. . CHI . . . . . . . . . . . Cornell University. . . . . . . . . 80 Membership (catalogue of March, 1879), 4928; of these 725 are dead. The Harvard Chapter was suspended in 1857, and in 1873 after a revived existence of three years. Prominent members—from Union: Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer (38), ex-President of Hobart; Judge Hooper C. Van Vorst (39), of New York City; Clarkson Nott Potter (’42); Alexander H. Rice (44), ex-Governor of Massachusetts; Rt. Rev. A. N. Littlejohn (45), Bishop of Long Island; Gen. Chester A. Arthur (48), ex-Collector of the Port of New York, and Frederick W. Seward (49), Assistant Secretary of State. From the N. Y. U; George W. Schuyler (37), State Auditor of New York; Rev. Henry M. Scudder (’40), of Brooklyn; Rev. George H. Houghton (42); William Allen Butler (’43), author of “Nothing to Wear”, and Hugh L. Bond (48), United States Circuit Judge. From Yale: Rev. Henry M. Dex- ter (’40), editor of the Congregationalist; William E. Rob- 16 inson (41), ex-M. C; the late Senator O. S. Ferry (44) of Connecticut; Dwight Foster (’48), ex-Attorney General of Massachusetts; Edmund Clarence Stedman ('53); An. drew D. White ('53), President of Cornell; Chauncey M. Depew ('56), ex-Secretary of State of New York; Lewis R. Packard ('56), Professor of Greek at Yale; Eugene Schuyler, ('59), Consul General at St. Petersburg and Constantinople Othniel C. Marsh ('60), Professor of Palaeontololgy at Yale; Daniel H. Chamberlain (62), ex-Governor of Sout Carolina, and Wilbur R. Bacon ('65), “Yale's º famous oarsman.” From Brown: Samuel G. Arnold (41), ex-U. S. Senator from Rhode Island; Prof. Albert Hark. ness (42), of Brown; James B. Angell (49), President of Michigan University, and James De Mille (54), the novelist. From Amherst: Galusha A. Grow (44), ex- Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives; Julius H. . Seelye (49), President of Amherst, and Charles B. An- drews ('58), Governor of Connecticut. From Dartmouth: Amos T. Akerman (42), ex-Attorney General of the United States; Harvey Jewell (44), late Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives; Charles A Aiken (46), ex-President of Union; James W. Patterson (48), ex-U. S. Senator, and Benjamin F. Prescott (56), Governor of New Hampshire. From Columbia: Rev. Morgan Dix (48), Rector of Trinity Church, New York Rt. Rev. George F. Seymour (50), Bishop of Springfield; Rev. James DeKoven (51), Warden of Racine College; Rt. Rev. J. H. H. Brown ('52), Bishop of Fond du Lac, and Jasper T. Goodwin ('76), captain of Columbia's celebrated crew. From Bowdoin: William P. Frye ('50), M. C. From Hamilton: Joseph R. Hawley (47); Charles Dudley Warner (51), and Prof. Willard Fiske (56), of Cornell. From Wesleyan: Rev. James Strong (44), the eminent theological writer; and Calvin S. Harrington ('52), Profes- 17 sor of Latin at Wesleyan. From Harvard: William W. Goodwin ('51), Professor of Greek, and James M. Peirce, ('53), Professor of Mathematics at Harvard; Rt. Rev. William S. Perry (54), Bishop of Iowa, and Alexander E. R. Agassiz (55). From Cornell: John N. Ostrom (77), the veteran college oarsman. CHI PSI. Founded at Union College, in 1841, by Brush, Major and Taber, of the class of '42, Farrell and Spencer, of '43, and Duane, McFaddin and Witherspoon, of '44. Badge, a X laid upon a Y, the latter bearing on its upper bar a cross within a circle, and on the lower, a skull and bones. Fraternity colors, purple and gold. - 1841. *ALPHA Pi (77)....... Union College ........ 188 1842. ALPHA. THETA ........ Williams College...... 178 1843. ALPHA MU . . . . . . . . . . . Middlebury College. ... 181 1844. . ALPHA. ALPHA. . . . . . . . Wesleyan University... 104 1844. . *ALPHA ETA ('69). . . . . Bowdoin College . . . . . 152 1845. . ALPHA PHI. . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton College . . . . . 186 1845. . ALPHA EPSILON. . . . . . . University of Michigan.174. 1846. . *ALPHA. ZETA ('57). . . . . Columbia College. . . . . . 50 1851. “ALPHA DELTA (59). College of New Jersey. 50 1855..*ALPHA SIGMA ('61).... Univ. of North Carolina 53 1857..*ALPHA KAPPA (72)...College of City of N. Y. 53 1858. . ALPHA UPSILON. . . . . . . Furman University .... 87 1858..*ALPHA BETA ('73). . . . . South Carolina College. 61 1858. . ALPHA GAMMA . . . . . . . . Univ. of Mississippi ...125 1860. .”ALPHA LAMBDA ('71). Brown University...... 45 1864. . ALPHACHI . . . . . . . ... Amherst College. ...... 89 1868..*ALPHA OMICRON ('70). University of Virginia. 17 18 1869..*ALPHA PSI ('71)....... Cornell University..... 1; 1869. . ALPHA. TAU. . . . . . . . . . Wofford College.... .. 5 1874. . ALPHA MU . . . . . . . . . . . University of Minnesota 3 Total membership (by the catalogue of 1871 and its sup: plement of 1878), 1894. Alpha Theta died in 1872, but was revived in 1874. Alpha Alpha was extinct from 188! to 1876. Prominent members—from Union: Maj. Gen. James C. Duane (’44); Robert Earl ('45), of the New York Court of Appeals, Maj. Gen. Albert L. Lee (53), and William T. Meredith ('59), of the U. S. Navy. From Williams Henry S. Briggs (44), ex-Attorney General of Massachu. setts; Silas W. Sanderson (46), of the Supreme Court o California, and Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr. ('58). Fro Middlebury: John W. Stewart, (46), ex-Governor Vermont. From Bowdoin: T. A. D. Fessenden (45), * M. C. From Michigan: Thomas B. Cumming (45), ex Governor of Nebraska; Aaron B. Levisee (’49), of Louis iana, and ex-Governor J. Sterling Morton ('54), of Nº. braska. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON. Founded at Yale College, June 22, 1844, by fourteel members of the class of '46. Badge, a black enamel lozenge, bearing gold letters A K E on a white scroll; gold star is in each corner. Colors, red, blue and º Open motto, Kmpoffew pºol Aet. 1844. . PHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yale College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 1844..*ZETA ('57) ... . . . . College of New Jersey.... 6 1844. THETA, ........... Bowdoin College . . . . . . . .31. 1845. . XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colby University... . . . . . . 23. 1846. ..sigma.............Amherst College . . . . . . . . . 41. 19 1847..*GAMMA ('61) ... .. Nashville University. . . . . . 57 1847..*PSI ('61).... . . . . . . University of Alabama. . . . 86 1850. UPSILON. . . . . . . . . . . Brown University..... .... 163 1850..*BETA ('61)........ Univ. of North Carolina...118 1850. .CHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Mississippi. .184 1852. .” DELTA ('61).... ... South Carolina College. ... 87 1852. . *KAPPA ('73). . . . . . . Miami University. . . . . . . . . 142 1852. . ETA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . 183 1852. . ALPHA.. . . . . . . . . . . . Harvard University. . . . . . . 66 1852. . *OMEGA ('61). . . . . . . Oakland College. . . . . . . . . . 77 1852. . LAMBDA. . . . . . . . . . . Kenyon College . . . . . . . . . . 132 1853. . PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dartmouth College. . . . . . . 294 1854. . *IOTA ('60)..... . . . . Kentucky Military Institute 35 1854. . ALPH.A ... . . . . . . . . . Middlebury College. . . . . . . 117 1855..OMICRON .... . ... University of Michigan.... 194 1855.. EPSILON ........... Williams College ... . . . . . 116 1856. Nu .... . ... New York City College.... 179 1856. . TAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton College ........ 121 1856. . MU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madison University. . . . . . . 144 1856. RHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette College. .... ... 131 1856. . BETA PHI. .... ..... University of Rochester... 129 1857. .*THETA CHI ('69)... Union College. ... . . . . . . . . 96 1857..*KAPPA PSI ('71).... Cumberland University.... 92 1857..*ZETA ('61) ........Centenary College (La.)... 46 1858..*ALPHA DELTA ('65). Jefferson College. ........ 38 1860..*TAU DELTA ('61)... Union University (Tenn.). 11 1861 ..*KAPPA PHI ('63). . , Troy University. . . . . . . . . 23 1861.. PHI CHI. . . . . . . . . . Rutgers College. . . . . . . . . . 81 1866 . PSI PHI............ Asbury University . . . . . . . 57 1867. GAMMA PHI. . . . . . . . Wesleyan University .....106 1867. . ETA ALPHA, . . . . . . . Washington-Lee Univ. .... 48 1867... PSI OMEGA.. . . . . . . . Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst 47 1868.. BETA CHI. ......... Western Reserve College. , 35 1870. . DELTA CHI . . . . . . . Cornell University.... . . . . 45 20 -- - | 1871. . DELTA . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Chicago. .... } 1871. . PHI GAMMA. . . . . . . . Syracuse University.... . . . | 1874. . BETA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia College. . . . . . . . . . 1876. . THETA ZETA. . . . . . University of California. . . . - | The catalogue of 1874 contains 5,245 different names enumerating 409 deceased members. The Harvard Chap. ter is a Sophomore club and does not affiliate with th: fraternity at large. No Harvard names later than th: class of '58 appear in the catalogue. Prominent members of D. K. E.-from Yale: Theodor: Winthrop (48); Rev. Martin Kellogg ('50), Professor ºf Greek in the University of California; Rev. Charlton T Lewis (53); Isaac Wayne MacVeagh (53), ex-Minister tº Turkey; Stewart L. Woodford (54), ex-Lieutenant Gov. ernor of New York; Maj. Gen. John Wager Swayne (56) Brig. Gen. John T. Croxton ('57); Cyrus Northrup ('5 } Profesior of Rhetoric at Yale, and Rt. Rev. Charles F. Robertson (59), Bishop of Missouri. From Bowdoin Lafayette Grover (48), U. S. Senator from Oregon. From Colby: Hon. Josiah H. Drummond (46), ex-Attorney General of Maine, and Brev. Maj. Gen. Harris M. Plaisted (53). From Amherst: Prof. Alfred Stebbins (48), of Cor nell, and Gen. Francis A. Walker ('60), Superintendent of the U. S. Census of 1870. From Harvard: John Quinc Adams ('53). From Miami: Whitelaw Reid ('56), editol of the AVezy York Zºribune. From Kenyon: John S. Delano ('61), Assistant Secretary of the Interior. From Michigan University; Ozora P. Stearns ('58), ex-U. S. Senator from Minnesota. From Hamilton: Alphonzo M. Griswold ('59), the “Fat Contributor.” - 21 D ELTA PSI. Founded at Columbia College, January 17, 1847, by John Hone Anthon of '51. Badge, a St. Anthony's cross (T shaped), with curving sides; beneath the top piece is a blue enameled shield, bearing the letters A Y in gold. On the top of the cross are four mystic characters, and at its foot a skull and bones. Fraternity color, blue. 1847. ALPHA ....... Columbia College....... ... 249 1847. . *BETA (*53) . . . . . Univ. of City of New York... — 1848..*GAMMA ('50)... Rutgers College. ... . . . . . . . . . 6 1849. . *DELTA ('54). . . . Burlington College. . . . . . . . . . . 36 1854. . DELTA . . . . . . . . University of Pennsylvania.... 169 1850... EPSILON ... . . . . . Trinity College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 1850. . *ETA ('61). . . . . . South Carolina College . . . . . . . 55 1851..*THETA (52). . . . College of New Jersey........ 6 1851.. IOTA . . . . . . . . . . . University of Rochester . . . . . . 132 1852. . *KAPPA ('53).... Brown University. . . . . . . . . . ... 2 1853. , LAMBDA. . . . . . . . Williams College . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 1853. . *SIGMA ('62). . . . . Randolph-Macon College. ... 80 1854..*XI (64)..... . . . University of North Carolina. 87 1855. PHI. . . . . . . . . . . . University of Mississippi. . . . . 190 1858..*PSI ('61)... . . . . . Cumberland University.... . . . 50 1860. . UPSILON. . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . . . 110 1868. . SIGMA ... . . . . . . . Yale Scientific School. . . . . . . . 96 1869...BETA. . . . . . . . . . Washington-Lee University. . . 57 Total membership up to January, 1876, 1,606. Deceased members, 157. The members of the Beta Chapter are counted with those of the Alpha in the above table Among the more prominent graduates from Columbia are ex-Lieutenant Governor Stewart L. Woodford (54), of New York; Nicholas Fish ('67), Minister to Switzerland, and Hamilton Fish ('69), of the New York Assembly. 22 Founded at Union College, in the spring of 1847, by six Sophomores. The badge is shield-shaped, enameleſ black, with gold letters 6 A X across the centre; above, aſ: two stars, and below, two arrows crossed. A monogram T H ETA badge is also worn. F blue. 1847. 1849. 1852. . 1853. 1853. 1853. 1854. 1854. 1855. 1856, 1856. 1857. 1857. 1857. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1861. 1863. 1866. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1869. 1869. Open motto, Spectemur Agendo. .*ALPHA (69).... .*BETA ('50) ... . *GAMMA (57). . . .*DELTA ('72).... .*EPSILON ('59)... .*ZETA (77)... . . . Brown University. . . . . . . . . . . . 13} ETA. . . . . . . . . . . . Bowdoin College . . . . . . . . ... 1 . THETA . . . . . . . . . Kenyon College . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7 .*IOTA ('60)...... Harvard College............. 1 . KAPPA . . . . . . . . . Tufts College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. .*LAMBDA. . . . . . . Graduate Assoc. of N. Y. City. 1 .*MU ('61)... . . ... University of North Carolina...?: .*NU (77)........ University of Virginia. ...... 1 XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hobart College . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*OMICRON ('61).. Wesleyan University ......... .*PI ('71)........ Washington and Jefferson Col. .*RHO. . . . . . . . . . . University of South Carolina.. .*SIGMA ('76) . . . . Dickinson College . . . . . . . . . . . .*TAU ('66). . . . . . College of New Jersey. . . . . . . .*UPSILON ('73).. University at Lewisburg. ... . . . PHI. . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette College. . . . . . . . . . . . . CHI ... . . . . . . . . . University of Rochester... . . . - . PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton College. . . . . . . . . . OMICRON. . . . . . . Dartmouth College. . . . . . . . . . . .*RHO (75). . . . . Washington-Lee University. . . . Ballston Law School. . . . . . . . 14 DELTA CH I. raternity colors, black, white and Union College... . . . . . . . . . . . .1% University of Vermont. . . . . . 2; Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst...1% College of William and Mary. 5 23 - 1870... BETA. . . . . . . . . . . Cornell University . . . . . . . . . . 40 1877. LAMBDA. . . . . ... Boston University. . . . . . . . . . Total membership by the catalogue of 1875 (which in- cludes the class of '79), 1,419; deceased members, 167. The Epsilon Chapter was revived for a short time in 1872; the Eta was extinct from 1866 to 1872, and the Theta from 1864 to 1871. The first Rho Chapter was never organized, and the Nu Chapter was not organized until 1872. Prominent members—from Union: Allen C. Beach (49), Lieutenant Governor of New York; John R. French (49), Professor of Mathematics in Syracuse University, and Brig. Gen. William K. Logie ('57), killed at Atlanta. From William and Mary College: Rt. Rev. J. H. D. Wingfield (53), Bishop of Northern California. From Brown: John Goforth ('',4), ex-Assistant Attorney General of the United States, and John Hay (58), President Lin- coln's private secretary. From Bowdoin: William W. Thomas (60), Speaker of the Maine House of Representa- tives. From Tufts : Rev. Elmer H. Capen ('60), Presi- dent of Tufts College. From the University of North Carolina: William M. Coleman (58), ex-Attorney General of North Carolina. ZETA FSI. Founded at the University of the City of New York, in 1847, by John B. Yates Sommers, John M. Skillman and William Henrie Dayton, all of the class of '49. Badge, a Z laid over a ¥; on the Psi, under the diagonal bar of the Zeta, appears an A, and above the bar is a small circle. 24 1847. PHI. . . . . . . . .... Univ. of City of New York... .17 1848..*ZETA ('52) ... . . Williams College. . . . . . . . .... } 1848. . DELTA . . . . . . . . . Rutgers College . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 1850. .”OMICRON ('76).. College of New Jersey. . . . . . . . 11|| 1850. SIGMA .......... University of Pennsylvania...14 1850. CHI. . . . . . . . . . . . Colby University. . . . . . . . . . . .17 1852. . *EPSILON ('78)... Brown University. . . . . . . . . . . .1% 1852..+RHO ('57). . . . . . Harvard College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 1852. .”ALPHA ('54) . . . Dickinson College ........... 3} 1853..*PSI ('73). . . . . . . Dartmouth College. . . . . . . . . . % 1855.. KAPPA . . . . . . . . Tufts College . . . . .... ... .... 10|| 1856. . *THETA ('67). . . . Union College, . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 1857. TAU. . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette College . . . . . . . . . . . .11 1858..*UPSILON ('68) ... University of North Carolina... } 1858. . XI . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Michigan. . . . . . .10. 1858..*PI ('60) . . . . . . . Amherst College. . . . . . . . . . . 1|| 1861.. *ETA ('71) ... . . . Pennsylvania College. . . . . . . . 4. 1864... OMEGA. . . . . . . . . University of Chicago. . . . . . . 2| 1865. . PI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst... 6 1868. . LAMBDA . . . . . . Bowdoin College . . . . . . . . . . . . 5|| 1868. BETA. . . . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . . . . 4. 1869. . PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornell University. . . . . . . . . . . 5} 1870. IOTA . . . . . . . . . . . University of California...... 3 1875. . GAMMA. . . . . . . . . Syracuse University. . . . . . . . . . – Total membership recorded in the catalogue of 1867 and its supplement of 1874, 1,889. The Phi Chapter was re. moved to Columbia College, January 15, 1878, but soon returned to its old site. The Rho (Harvard) Chapter has enjoyed one or two brief revivals since 1857. The Ps (Dartmouth) Chapter was extinct from 1863 to 1871, and again perished in 1873. The Omega (Chicago) Chapte was dormant from 1869 to 1878. Among the noted members from the N.Y.U., are Thoma; E. Clarke (49), late Professor of Chemistry at Williams; 25 John M. Van Vleck ('50), Professor of Mathematics at Wesleyan, and Isaac Newton (55), Chief Engineer U.S.N. From Williams: Judge Samuel B. Sumner (49), of Con- necticut; Alfred L. Loomis ('51), Professor in the Medical School of the N. Y. U.; Addison C. Niles ('52), of the Supreme Court of California, and Phineas W. Hitchcock ('55), ex-U. S. Senator from Nebraska. From Pennsylva- nia University: W. Lehman Wells ('52), Professor of Materia Medica in the University. From Colby University: Henry M. Pierce ('53), President of Rutgers Female Institute; Nelson Dingley (55), ex-Governor of Maine, and Henry K. Trask ('55), President of Wayland University. From Brown: Rev. Miles J. Fletcher ('52), late Professor of History at Indiana Asbury, and Ethan Allen ('60), of New York City, ex-U. S. District Attorney. From Harvard: Truman H. Safford ('54), Professor of Astronomy at Chicago University, and John L. Flagg ('57), ex-Mayor of . Troy, New York. From Tufts College: Selden Connor ('59), ex-Governor of Maine. Fes unne' of the Eastern Societies. Society, r. origin. C. c. Membership. KA.... .1825... Union....... 3... 3.... (In 1874) 816 Xp..... 1827... Union. . . . . . . 6.... 2.... (In 1876) 1,448 Ab. . . . . 1827... Union. . . . . . . 6. ... 6 . . (In 1875) 1,575 AAq .... 1832... Hamilton....15.... 8.... (In 1876) 4,499 *Y.... .1833. ... Union. . . . . . . 16.... 1....(In 1879) 4,928 XY . . .1841. . . Union, ...... 10 ... 10.... (In 1878) 1,894 AKE... 1844...Yale..... . . . . 29.... 14....(In 1874) 5,245 A..... 1847... Columbia . . . 9.... 9.... (In 1876) 1,606 eAx. . .1847... Union....... 10.... 15.... (In 1875) 1,419 ZY. ... 1847...N. Y. U..... 14.... 10 ...(In 1874) 1,889 26 Founded at Miami University, in 1839, by Knox, Lin: ton and Ryan (39), Duncan, Gordon, Marshall and Smith E ETA. T H ETA PI. (’40), and Hardin (’41). sides curving inward; on black enamel, is a diamond be tween palm branches; above, are the letters B 9 II, and below, four Greek letters denoting 1839. Colors, pink and blue. 1839. . *ALPHA. . . . . . . . . . Miami University. . . . . . . . . 15 1840. . *BETA PRIME. . . . . Cincinnati College. . . . . . . . . 1}i 1842..*BETA SECOND ... Western Reserve College. ... } 1842. “GAMMA PRIME... Jefferson College........... 13. 1845. . DELTA . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana Asbury University..1% 1848... EPSILON ... . . . . . Centre College (Ky.). ..... } 1842..*EPSILON PRIME. Transylvania University(Ky.) . 1850. ZETA.... . . . . . . . . Hampden–Sidney College. .. 8 1843..*ZETA PRIME. . . . . Harvard College. . . . . . . . . . | 1852. . *ETA PRIME. . . . . University of North Carolina || 1853. . THETA. . . . . Ohio Wesleyan University. .1% 1843 .*THETA PRIME. . . College of New Jersey. . . . . . 1. 1853. . IOTA . . . . . ..... Hanover College (Ind.).....10 1847. IOTA PRIME. . . . . . Williams College ... . 1841... KAPPA . . . . . . . . . . Ohio University. . . . . . . . . . . 1ſ; 1845. LAMBDA. . . . . . . . . University of Michigan. .... 8 1854..*MU. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cumberland University. ....11 1855.. NU . . . . . . . . . . . . . Washington (& Jeff'n) College (. 1855.. XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Knox College (Ill.). . . . . . . . . | 1855.. OMICRON. . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . | 1845. . PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana University. . . . . . . . . 11. 1856. 1856. 1845. 1858. . RHO. . . . . . . . . . . . . .*SIGMA PRIME. . . . . TAU. . . . . . . . . . . .*UPSILON PRIME. . ... Wabash College (Ind.). . . . . . | Badge, an oblong octagon, with Washington-Lee University. i Illinois College . . . . . . . . . . . . º University of South Carolina 27 1858.. PHI . . . . . . . . . . ... Davidson College (N. C.).... 20 1860. . CHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beloit College . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1861.. PSI. . . . . ... . . . . . Bethany College (W. Va.)... 9 1863..*OMEGA. . . . . . . . . . Naval Academy (Newport. R. I.). 9 1865. . *ALPHA ALPHA. . . Monmouth College (Ill.). . . . 25 1865...BETA BETA. . . . . . . Iowa State University. . . . . . 35 1867. GAMMA GAMMA... Wittenberg College (Ohio) .. 31 1868. DELTA DELTA.... Westminster College (Mo.). 17 1868. . EPSILON EPSILON. Iowa Wesleyan University. , 31 1869. . *ZETA ZETA. . . . . . University of Chicago. . . . . . 8 1868. . ETA ETA. . . . . . . . Denison University (Ohio)... 13 1868. THETA THETA.... Virginia Military Institute... 23 1869. IOTA IOTA . . . .... Washington University (Mo.) 14 1870. . ALPHA KAPPA. . . . Richmond College . . . . . . . . . 1870. . ALPHA LAMBDA...University of Wooster (Ohio) 1871. . ALPHA MU. . . . . . . Howard College (Ala.). . . . . . 1872. . ALPHA. NU . . . . . . . University of Kansas. . . . . . . 1873. . ALPHA XI. . . . . . . Randolph-Macon College... 1874. ALPHA OMICRON.. Trinity University (Texas). 1874. . ALPHA PI . . . . . . . . University of Wisconsin .... 1874. ALPHA RHo. . . . . . Northwestern University.... 1875..ALPHA SIGMA. . . . . Dickinson College . . . . . .... 1875...ALPHA. TAU ...... William and Mary College. . 1876. . ALPHA UPSILON ... Boston University......... Total membership (catalogue of 1870), 2,187. In 1865 the Lambda (Michigan) Chapter, after a flourishing career of twenty years, became the Phi of Psi Upsilon. The Beta (Western Reserve) Chapter was unsuccesful in a similar movement, and three years after appeared as the Beta Chi of D. K. E. The Lambda has recently been re- vived. The Kappa Chapter was extinct from 1845 to 1855, the Pi from 1849 to 1855, and the Tau from 1848 to 1856. Prominent members—from Miami; Oliver P. Morton. 28 From Cincinnati: Stanley Matthews, ex-U. S. Senator. From Western Reserve: William B. Woods, U. S. Circuit Judge; Hon. George Hoadley, of Cincinnati, and John S. Newberry, Professor of Geology at Columbia. From Jefferson College: Ulysses Mercur (42), ex-M. C. From Indiana Asbury: James Harlan (45), ex-U. S. Senator from Iowa; Newton Booth (46) U. S. Senator from Cali. fornia, and Daniel W. Voorhees (49), U. S. Senator from Indiana. From Centre College: John M. Harlan, of the U. S. Supreme Court. From Williams College: John Bascom (’49), President of the University of Wisconsin. FH I G A M M A DELTA. Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Penn., Janu- ary 1, 1848, by five Seniors and a Junior. Badge, a lozenge, bordered with gold cord, and bearing gold letters P T A on black enamel; above is a white star and below are four Greek letters denoting 1848. Society color, royal purple, 1848... ALPHA | . . . . . Washing'n and Jeff'n Coll.26% 1848... *BETA 1850. "GAMMA ('50). . . . . . University of Nashville .... 10 1851..*DELTA ('73)....... Union University (Tenn.). 85 1851. EPSILON ('61)...... Univ. of North Carolina... 35 1852. . *ZETA ('52). . . . . . . . Washington Coll. (Tenn.)... 7 1871. ZETA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana University........ 89 | 1855..*ETA ('56). ... . . . . . Marietta College (Ohio) ... 16 | 1855..*THETA ('59, '79).. University of Alabama..... 34 1856..*IOTA ('56). . . . . . . . Centre College (Ky.) .... .. 5 1856..*KAPPA ('61) ... . . Baylor University (Tex.)... 32 1856. . LAMBDA ... . . . . . . . Indiana Asbury University.20% 1856..*MU ('61)........ . Howard College (Ala.). . . . . 26 1856. NU ............ ... Bethel College (Ky.)....... 86 1858. XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania College..... : 97 29 1859. OMICRON. . . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. .... 87 1860. . PI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allegheny College (Penn.). 137 1860..*RHo ('61) . . . . . . . . Kentucky University...... 11 1863..*SIGMA ('71)... . . . . Western University (Penn.) 25 1864. TAU. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanover College (Ind.). . . . 68 1866.. UPSILON. . . . . . . . . . . Coll. of City of New York. 96 1869..*PHI (72)...... .... Northwestern Univ. (Ill.). 20 1869..*CHI ('71)..... . . . . . Monmouth College (Ill.)... 11 1866. PSI. . . . . . . . . . . ... . Wabash College (Ind.)..... 100 1866. OMEGA. . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia College. .... .... 44 1865. . ALPHA DEUTERON. Illinois Wesleyan Univ. ... 104 1867. BETA DEUTERON.... Roanoke College (Va.)..... 84 1867..*GAMMA DEUT.('78). Knox College (Ill.)........ 52 1870. DELTA DEUTERON. Hampden-Sidney Col...(Va.) 50 1866. . EPSILON DEUTERON.Muhlenburg Col. (Penn.). 55 1868. ZETA DEUT. ('76).. Washington-Lee Univ..... 42 1868. ETA DEUTERON .... University of Mississippi... 51 1869. THETA DEUTERON.. Ohio Wesleyan University. 80 1869. IOTA DEUTERON... . Cumberland University. . . . 72 1871..*KAPPA DEUT. ('76). University of Georgia. .... 31 1872. . *LAMBDA DEUT. ... Thiel College (Penn.)..... 18 1873..*MU DEUT. ('74)... Iowa State University..... 14 1875..*NU DEUT. ('76),... Yale Scientific School..... 29 1876. . XI DEUTERON. . . . . . Western Reserve College ... 13 1878. OMICRON DEUT ..., Ohio State University. .... 11 1878. , PHI............... University of Maryland.... Total membership (catalogue of 1878), 2,199; deceased members, 192. inal existence. The Columbia Chapter has only a nom- Prominent members—from Washington and Jefferson College: Judge Cyrus L. Pershing (48), of Pennsylvania; Rev. James Woodrow (49), editor of the Southern Aresbyterian ; James Herron Hopkins ('50), ex-M. C. and Grand Commander of the Knights Templars of the United States, and Rt. Rev. William E. McLaren 30 ('51), Bishop of Illinois. From North Carolina University Zebulon B. Vance ('54), Governor of North Carolina From Kentucky University: William G. Goodloe (62) ex-Minister to Belgium. PH I DELTA THETA. Founded at Miami University, in the autumn of 1848, by Morrison and Wilson (49), Drake ('50), Rogers and Rogers ('51), and Lindley (52). Badge, a plain gold shield, attached to a dagger and chain; upon it an eye, and a scroll bearing the letters PA 6 are engraved. Fra: ternity colors, blue and white. 1848..*OHIO ALPHA... Miami University... . . . . . . . . .1% 1849... IND. ALPHA. . . . . Indiana University. . . . . . . . . . 16? 1850. KY. ALPHA. . . . . Centre College. . . . . . . . . . . . .1% 1852. . *OHIO BETA . . . . Miami University. . . . . . . . . . . 13 1852. . *OHIO GAMMA.. Wittenberg College ... . . . . . . . | 1852. . IND. BETA. . . . . . Wabash College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% 1852. . *TENN, ALPHA. . Cumberland University . . . . . . 1 1852. . *TEX. ALPHA. . . Austin College ... . . . . . . . . . . . j 1854.4 KY. BETA . . . . . Kentucky Military Institute .. 8 1856. . *WIs. AIP.H.A ... University of Wisconsin . . . . 24 1859..*WIs. BETA. . . . . Lawrence University..... .... 11 1859 . . IND. GAMMA. . . . . Butler University.... . . . . . . . . 12|| 1859..*ILL. ALPHA. . Northwestern University. ... 1 1860. OHIO DELTA.... Ohio Wesleyan University.... 4 1860. , IND. DELTA..... Franklin College . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 1865. . *MICH. ALPHA.. University of Michigan. . . . . . 17 1865. . *ILL BETA. . . . . Chicago University . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1865.. IND. EPSILON. . . Hanover College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 1868. . *IND. ZETA, . . . . Indiana Normal School. . . . . . . 1. 1868.. IND. ETA ... ... Asbury University........... } 1869. OHIO EPSILON... Ohio University......... .... 5|| 31 1869..VA. ALPHA ..... Roanoke College ... . . . . . ..., 86 1870. . MO. ALPHA. . . . . University of Missouri... . . . . 72 1871..*ILL. GAMMA ... Monmouth College. . . . . . . . . . . 32 1871. ILL. DELTA . . . . . Knox College ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1871..I.A. ALPHA. . . . . Iowa Wesleyan University.... 59 1871..*GA. ALPHA . . . . Oglethorpe University . . . . . . 14 1871.. GA. BETA. . . . . . . University of Georgia. . . . . . . . (58 1871.. GA. GAMMA. .... Emory College . . . . . . . . . 53 1871..G.A. DELTA . . . . Mercer University . . . . . . . . . . 40 1872. . *.N. Y. ALPHA.. Cornell University. . . . . . . . . . . 30 1872. . OHIO ZETA . . . . . University of Wooster. ... . . . . 47 1873..*CAL. ALPH.A ... University of California . . . . . . 47 1873. PENN. ALPHA. . . Lafayette College. . . . . . . . . . . 49 1873. MICH. BETA . . . . Michigan Agricultural College. 42 1873..VA. BETA . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . . . . 13 1874. .VA. GAMMA..... Randolph-Macon College. .... 19 1875.. OHIO ETA . . . . . . Buchtel College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1875 . . *KY. GAMMA.... Georgetown College. . . . . . . . . . 5 1875..*NEB. ALPH.A ... University of Nebraska. . . . . . . 5 1875. PENN. BETA .... Pennsylvania College . . . . . . . . 13 1875..VA. DELTA. . . . . Richmond College . . . . . . . . . 25 1876. TENN. BETA .... Vanderbilt University........ 8 1876. PENN. GAMMA... Washington and Jefferson Coll. 12 1876. . MO. BETA . . . . . Central College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1876.. *PENN. DELTA . . Lehigh University . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1877... MISs. ALPHA. . . . University of Mississippi..... 18 1877. . ALA. ALPH.A .... University of Alabama. . . . . . . 9 1878..VA. EPSILON. . . Virginia Military Institute.... 3 1878...ILL. EPSILON. . . . Illinois Wesleyan University. . 1878. . N. C. ALPHA.... Trinity College. . . . 1878. , TEX. BETA...... Trinity College. ... 1878. . \l INN, ALPHA. . University of Minnesota. . . . . . Total membership (catalogue of 1878), 1934. Among the members at Miami University were Gen. Ben. Harrison Chicago. At the Indiana University: John W. Foster. (55), ex-Minister to Mexico, and Thos. H. Nelson (56) who held the same position. PHI PC APPA SIG M A. Founded at the University of Pennsylvania, in 1850, The badge is shaped like a Knight Templar's. A skull and bones cover the centre; at the top is a six-pointed Star, and in the other arms of the cross are the letters P K 2. 1850. ALPHA....... University of Pennsylvania... .... 1852. . *BETA. . . . . . . College of New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . 1853..GAMMA...... Lafayette College. . . . . . . . . . . - - - 1854. . DELTA . . . . . . Washington & Jefferson College.. 1855.. ZETA. . . . . . . . Franklin and Marshall College... 1855. ETA. . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . . . . . . . 1856. . *THETA . . . . . Centenary College (La.). . . . . . . . . 1856. . IOTA . . . . . . . . Columbia College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856..*KAPPA.. . . . . Emory and Henry College (Va.). 1856. . *LAMBDA. . . . University of North Carolina. . . . - 1857. . *MU. . . . . . . . University of Louisiana . . . . . . . . 1857. . *NU . . . . . . . Cumberland University. . . . . . . . . . 1858.*XI. . . . . University of Mississippi . . . . . . . 1858..*OMICRON. . . Centre College (Ky.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859..*PI . . . . . . . . . Harvard College. . . . 1860. . *RHO . . . . . . . Austin College (Tex.). . . . . . . . . . . 1870... *SIGMA. . . . Lehigh University (Penn.). . . . . . . . 1871.. TAU . . . . . . . Randolph-Macon College (Va.)... 1872.. UPSILON. . . . . Northwestern University . . . . . . . . 1872. . *PHI. . . . . . . . Richmond College (Va.). . . . . . . . . NoTE. —This list is unofficial. 33 PHI KAPPA PSI. Founded at Jefferson College, February 19, 1852, by William H. Letherman (53), and Charles P. T. Moore. Badge, a shield bearing gold letters J K P on black enamel; above, is an eye between two stars, and below, a lamp rests upon a book. Open motto: Multi Animi, Animus Unus. 1852. . *PENN. ALPHA.. Jefferson College. . . . . . . . . . . 199 1853..VA. ALPHA. . . . . . University of Virginia . . . . . . . 170 1855. . VA. BETA. . . . . . . Washington-Lee University... 80 1855 PENN. BETA. . . . . Allegheny College. . . . . . . . . . . 156 1855..*PENN. GAMMA.. University at Lewisburg.... . 132 1855.. PENN. DELTA... Washington College. . . . . . . . . . 71 1855.. PENN. EPSILON.. Pennsylvania College. . . . . . . . . 87 1856. .VA. GAMMA. .... Hampden-Sidney College. . . . . 51 1857. . *S. C. ALPHA... South Carolina College. . . . . . . 74 1857. . *MIss. ALPHA... University of Mississippi..... 32 1859..*TENN, ALPHA.. Lagrange Synodical College... 28 1859..VA. DELTA. . . . . . Bethany College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 1859. . PENN. ZETA. . . . . Dickinson College . . . . . . . . . . . 119 1860. . PENN. ETA...... Franklin and Marshall College 44 1860... TENN. BETA . . . . Cumberland University....... 35 1860. “Miss. BETA. . . . . Mississippi College. . . . . . . . . . 15 1861.. OHIO ALPHA.... Ohio Wesleyan University.... 111 1864..*ILL. ALPHA. . . . Northwestern University . . . . . 49 1865... IND. ALPHA. . . . . Indiana Asbury University ... 47 1865..*KY. ALPHA.... Kentucky University. . . . . . . . 13 1865.”ILL BETA . . . . . . Chicago University . . . . . . . . . . 44 1866. . OHIO BETA . . . Wittenberg College . . . . . . . . . 46 1867. . Iowa ALPHA. . . . Iowa State University. ... . . . . 28 1868. D. C. ALPHA. . . Columbian College ... . . . . . . . 30 1868. Iowa GAMMA. . . Cornell College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 1869. . *N. Y. ALPH.A ... Cornell University. . . . . . . . . . . 13 1869. . PENN. THETA... Lafayette College............ 9 34 1869. . IND. BETA, . . . . . Indiana University . . . . . . . . . . 19 1869. . MO. ALPHA. . . . . Missouri University. . . . . . . . . 13 1870. . IND. GAMMA.... Wabash College. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871. . OHIO GAMMA . . . University of Wooster ....... 1871. .VA. EPSILON. . . . Randolph-Macon College. . . . . 1871..*ILL. GAMMA.... Monmouth College ... . . . . . . . 1872. . N. Y. GAMMA. . . Columbia College. . . . . . . . . . . 1873. .”WIs. ALPHA. . . . University of Wisconsin. . . . . . - 1874. . KAN. ALPHA. . . . University of Kansas. . . . . . . . . 1876. . MICH. ALPHA. . . University of Michigan....... | 1876. . WIS. BETA. . . . . . Racine College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1877. . PENN. IOTA . . . . . University of Pennsylvania . . . Total membership (catalogue of 1870), 1,848. The Columbia Chapter is practically extinct. CHI R H I. Claims to have been founded at Princeton in 1824, and to have been revived at the same institution in 1854, after slumbering twenty-five years, by a nephew of the original founder. It was removed in 1856 to Franklin and Mar. shall College. An entirely distinct society called Chi Phi arose at the University of North Carolina in 1858, and established several Southern chapters; and in 1860 a third Chi Phi society was founded at Hobart, which spread into Kenyon and Rutgers. The two Northern societies united in 1866, and were joined by the Southern Chi Phi in 1873. The badge is a X laid upon a P, and set with rubies and sapphires, a pearl or diamond being in the centre; on each side of the P is a star, its upper cross-piece bears clasped hands, and the lower crossed swords. Fraternity colors, scarlet and blue. 1824. . *SIGMA. . . College of New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856. . ZETA. . . . . Franklin and Marshall College (Penn.) 35 1858... + ... University of North Carolina. . . . . . . . 1858. . * ... Centenary College (La.). . . . . . . . . . . . . 1858. k ... Davidson College (N. C.).... . . . . . . . . 1859... + ... Tennessee Military College. . . . . . . . 1859..*—— . . Cumberland University..... ........ 1859 . . 4. ... Oglethorpe College (Ga.). . . . . . . . . . . . 1859. . ALPHA. ... University of Virginia ... --- 1860. . UPSILON. Hobart College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861..*PSI . . . . . Kenyon College. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1865. . DELTA ... Rutgers College . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867..*THETA.. Pennsylvania College. .......... 1867. *ETA. ... University of Georgia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1867. , ... University of Edinburgh (Scotland). . 1867. . . . . Hampden-Sidney College . . . . . . . . . . 1868. . XI. . . . . . . Cornell University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1868.. BETA. .... Muhlenburg College (Penn.) . . . . . . . 1869..OMEGA... Dickinson College (Penn.). . . . . . . . . 1870..*IOTA . . . . Mercer University (Ga.). . . . . . . . . . . 1870. . KAPPA... Emory College (Ga.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871. . SIGMA. . . . Wofford College (S. C.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1871. . PSI. . . . . . . Kentucky Military Institute. . . . . . . . . 1872. . NU . . . . . . Washington-Lee University. . . . . . . . . 1872. . KAPPA ... Brown University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872. PSI. . . . . . . Lehigh University. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1872. . ... Trinity College (N. C.). . . . . . . . . . . 1873. . ... St. John's College (Ark.). . . . . . . . . . . 1873. RHO . . . . . Lafayette College...... ........ ..., 1873. . ... Boston Institute of Technology...... 1873. PHI. . . . . Amherst College ... ----------- 1873. . ... Ohio Wesleyan University. . . . . . . . . 1875. LAMBDA.. University of California... . . . . . . . . . 1877..OMICRON. Yale Scientific School.... . . . . . . . . . . 36 SIGMA CHI. Founded at Miami University, June 28, 1855, by seven students then in the class of '57, Badge, a St. George's cross, with gold border, and gold letters XX on oval centre of black enamel, the rest of the cross being white; above the centre are crossed keys, at the right is an eagle's head, at the left a scroll, and on the lower arm of the cross are clasped hands above seven stars, all these emblems being in gold. Light gold chains unite the top of the cross with the side arms. Fraternity color, royal purple. 1855..*OLD ALPHA ('58).... Miami University....... 16 1873. BETA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Univ. of Wooster (Ohio). 23. 1855. ALPHA (OLD GAMMA). Ohio Wesleyan Univ... 1872..*DELTA ('74)......... University of Georgia ... 15. 1864... EPSILON ... . . . . . . . . . Columbian College (D.C.) 64. 1866. ZETA . . . . . . . . ....... Washington-Lee Univ. .. 56 1857. ETA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Univ. of Mississippi..... 127 1863. . THETA. . . . . . . . . . . . Pennsylvania College . . . . 69 1858..*IOTA ('70) . . . . . . . . . . Jefferson College (Penn.). 72 1864. . KAPPA ... . . . . . . . . . . . Univ. at Lewisburg . . . .125 1858. . LAMBDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana University. . . . . . 150 1868..*MU ('78). . . . . . . . . . . . Denison Univ. (Ohio) . . . 29 1872...NU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cumberland University... 33 1859. XI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indiana Asbury Univ. ... 132 1859. . OMICRON ... . . . . . . . . Dickinson College . . . . . . 94 1872. PI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard College (Ala.)... 27 1865. RHO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N.W.Christ'n Univ. (Ind.) 64 1869. SIGMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College of New Jersey... 13 1872.. TAU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roanoke College (Va.). . . 48 1865. . *UPSILON ('75). . . . . . . Polytech. College of Pa.. 95 1867. PHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lafayette College . . . . . . 62 1871..CHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanover College (Ind.). , 31 1860. . PSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . 85 37 1869. . 1874. . 1874. . 1874. . 1874. . 1872 . . 1875. . OMEGA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northwestern Univ. (Ill.) 68 *BETA BETA ('77)..... Mississippi College. ... . . 25 *GAMMA GAMMA (75). Randolph-Macon Col.(Va) 13 DELTA DELTA . . . . . . . Purdue Univ. (Ind.)..... 10 *EPSILONEPSILON('75)Monmouth College (Ill.). 10 SIGMA SIGMA.... .... Hampden–Sidney Col... 32 PHI PHI. . . . . . . . . . . . Univ. of Pennsylvania... 19 Total membership (catalogue of 1876), 1,725. sIGMA ALPHA EPs ILON. Founded at the University of Alabama in 1856, by five Seniors. Badge, a diamond, bearing a sitting lion and a representation of the Goddess of Liberty; above are the letters X A E, and below, in a wreath, p A. Fraternity color, dark purple. - 1872..ALPHA (ALUMNI). . Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1877... Ky. ALPHA. . . . . . . Forest Academy (Ky.) . . . . . 6 1866...BETA . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Georgia. . . . . . . 122 1870..*BETA BETA. . . . . Howard College (Ala.). . . . . . 20 1865. .%GAMMA ... . . . . . University of Mississippi.... 33 1867. . *EPSILON . . . . . . . East. La. State Seminary ... 24 1871..*ZETA. . . . . . . . . . . Mississippi College . . . . . . . . . 9 1860. . *ETA . . . . . . . . . . . . Oglethorpe University. . . . . . 12 1867...TENN. ETA....... Southwestern Baptist Univ., 31 1859. . *THETA. . . . . . . . . . Baylor University (Tex.) ... 9 1873. .VA. THETA. . . . . . Virginia Military Institute. , 5. 1858..*IOTA..... . . . . . . Bethel College (Ky.)........ 17 1858..*KAPPA.... . . . . . . William and Mary College. . 9 1859. . *LAMBDA ... . . . . Cumberland University.... . 31 1856..*MU. . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Alabama. . . . . . 21 1857...NU.............. Vanderbilt University....... 63 1857..*XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of North Carolina 25 1858..*OMICRON. . . . . . . . University of Virginia. . . . . . 85 38 1858..*PI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgia Military Institute... 29 1859..*RHO. . . . . . . . . . . . Columbian College (D. C.). . 28 1877... RHO RHO. . . . . . . . Carolina Military Institute. , 13 1867. . SIGMA ... . . . . . . . . Washington-Lee University. 46 1868. . PHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furman University. . . . . . . . , 47 1858. . CHI. . . . . ... . . . . . Kentucky Military Institute, 68. 1870. . PSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mercer University (Ga.). .... 4. 1869. . *OMEGA. . . . . . . . . . Union University (Tenn.)... 21 Membership (catalogue of 1877), 820. Chapters have since been established as follows: Ala. Iota, at Southern and Cincinnati. DELTA TAU DELTA. Founded at Bethany College, January 1, 1859. The badge is almost square, with sides curving inward, and bears the letters A T A on a field of black enamel; above, is an eye, below, a crescent, and a star is in each corner, A six-pointed star, bearing the same emblems, with the addition of clasped hands in the upper point and of an anchor in the lower, is also worn. Fraternity color, royal purple. The active chapters are as follows: 1863. . ALPHA. . . . . . . . Allegheny College . . . . . . . . . ... 107 1862. . BETA . . . . . . . . Ohio University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 1861.. GAMMA. . . . . . . . Washington and Jefferson Col. .. 60 1876. . EPSILON ... . . . Albion College (Mich.) . . . . . . . . - 1873.. ETA . . . . . . . . . . Buchtel College (Ohio)..... . . . . 40 1859. . THETA. . . . . . . . Bethany College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 1872. . IOTA. . . . . . . . . . Michigan Agricultural College. .. 5 1867... KAPPA.... . . . . Hillsdale College (Mich.). . . . . . 73 1869. . LAMBDA....... Lombard University (Ill.). . . . . . 64 39 1875. .NU. . . . . . . . . . Lafayette College ......... ... 7 1873. XI..... . . . . . . . Simpson Centenary Col. (Ia). . . 29 1871..OMICRON. . . . . . Indiana Asbury University.... . 48 1874. . PI. . . . . . . . .... Lehigh University (Penn.)... . . . 22 1874. RHO ......... Stevens Institute (N.J.) . . . . . . . 20 1874. . SIGMA. . . . . . . Mount Union College (Ohio)... — 1874. . TAU ... . . . . . . Franklin and Marshall College. 8 1872. . UPSILON. . . . . . . Illinois Industrial University. . . 56 1872. . PHI. . . . . . . . . . . Hanover College (Ind.) ... . . . . . 42 1875. . CHI. . . . . . . . . . . Iowa Wesleyan University . . . . . - 1874. . PSI. . . . . . . . . . . Wabash College (Ind.). . . . . . . . 9 1875. OMEGA. . . . . . . . Iowa Agricultural College . . . . . . 24 1877.. EPSILON BETA. Illinois Wesleyan University... — 1877... ZETA BETA . . . . Butler University (Ind.) ....... — 1878. ETA BETA..... Western University of Penn.... — 1878.. IOTA BETA . . . Adrian College (Mich.) ... .... - There have been chapters at Ohio Wesleyan University, Jefferson College, Indiana University, Pennsylvania Agri- cultural College, Kentucky University, West Liberty Col- lege (W. Va.), Morgantown Academy (W. Va.), James- town Collegiate Institute (N. Y.), Poughkeepsie Institute, Waynesburg College (Pa.), Northwestern Christian Univer- sity, Monmouth College, University of Michigan, Lake Shore Seminary (Penn.), Franklin College (Ind.), Abing- don College (Ill.), University of Virginia, Indiana State Normal School, Oskaloosa College (Ia), and Phillips Academy (Mass.). Total membership of all the chapters (by catalogue of 1876), 1,335. Deceased members, 26. Other Chaptered Societies. ALPHA SIGMA CHI.-Founded at Rutgers College, Oct. 10, 1871. The present badge is formed of the three let- 40 ters, X being the largest and placed in the centre. Society colors, purple and gold. Chapters: Alpha, Rutgers, 1871; Beta, Cornell, 1874; Gamma, Stevens Institute, 1875; Delta, Princeton, 1876; Epsilon, St. Lawrence University, 1876; Zeta, Columbia, 1877, and Eta, Maine Agricultural College, 1878. The Delta's charter is withdrawn. DELTA BETA PHI.—Founded at Cornell, in January, 1878. Has chapters at Lehigh University and at La- fayette College. Badge, a lozenge with a gilt star in each corner, A B P in the upper part, and crossed keys below. KAPPA SIGMA, a Southern society, founded at Baltimore College in 1857. Badge, a crescent inverted above a star of five points, two of which meet the points of the crescent while two strike its outer edge; in a circle within the star are the letters K X, and on the crescent are a skull and bones, crossed keys and crossed swords. There are chapters at the Virginia Military Institute, Washington- Lee University, Virginia A. and M. College (Blacksburg), Trinity College (N. C.), and Vanderbilt University. ALPHA. TAU OMEGA, an excellent Southern society, was founded at Richmond College in 1865. Badge, a Maltese cross, whose circular centre bears the letter T, with three stars and an inverted crescent above, and clasped hands below; in the arms of the cross are the letters A Q, each repeated. The society has a chapter at the University of Virginia, and is represented at several other institutions. SouTHERN KAPPA ALPHA was founded at Washington- Lee University in 1865. Its badge is a gold shield, bear- ing a cross on an enameled circle, above which are the letters K A in a curved space. The chapters are quite Illllmer OllS. PI KAPPA ALPHA was founded at Virginia University in 1868. Its chapters are at William and Mary College, 41 Virginia A. and M.College (Blacksburg), and other Southern colleges. The badge is a lozenge, bearing the letters II K A, and from its sides project triangular figures, each containing a Greek letter. KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA was founded at the Virginia Military Institute in 1869. The badge is a circle, from which project four arms terminated at right angles by ob- long-hexagonal figures; on the circle appear the letters K X K, the X being much the largest. There are chapters at Washington-Lee University, Virginia A. and M. Col- lege, Kentucky Military Institute and elsewhere. Local Societies. I. K. A. (not Iota Kappa Alpha), of Trinity College, was founded in 1829. Its earliest members were Phelps of '32, Nichols of '33, and Henry and Perkins of '34. Badge, a St. Andrew's cross, bearing the letters I K A. Open motto, Memo Me //une Zaces siſ. Total member- ship in 1878, 200, of whom 56 were dead Prominent graduates: James R Bailey (35), Archbishop of Baltimore, and Dwight W. Pardee (’40, of the Connecticut Supreme Court. PHI KAPPA, also a local society of Trinity, was founded in 1835 by Barnes and Jewett of '37, Burhans and Dodd of '38, and Beers and Ingersoll of '39. Badge, a shield bearing two crossed foils, in the lateral angles of which are the letters P K; below is the legend Di Chado. Member- ship in 1878, 190, of whom 48 were dead. Among the ‘P K graduates are Thomas R. Pynchon (41), President of Trinity, and Rev. John T. Huntington ('50), Professor of Greek in the same college. This society became the Phi Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi in December, 1877. 42 BETA BETA, another society of Trinity, was founded in 1842 by William Upson Colt (44). The badge is oblong, with rounded corners, bearing in gold on black enamel antique Greek letters B B surrounded by a serpent Open motto, Procul, O Procuſ, AEste Profani. Member- ship in 1878, 212, of whom 20 were dead. Prominent graduates: Rev. Thomas S. Preston (43), of New yon, City; Bishops Paddock (48), of Massachusetts, Beckwith ('52), of Georgia, Scarborough (54), of New Jersey, and Niles ('57), of New Hampshire; Edward M. Gallaudet (56), President of the National Deaf Mute College, Wash. ington, D.C.; Maj. Gen. Strong Vincent ('58); Rev. Edwin E. Johnson ('59), Professor of Rhetoric, and Rev. Samuel Hart ('66), Professor of Mathematics at Trinity. PHI NU THETA, or the Eclectic Society, was founded in 1837 by sixteen students of Wesleyan University. The badge is a watch-key bearing the society letters. Society colors, garnet and gold. There was a branch of P N 0 at the Ohio Wesleyan University, which lived from 1849 to 1860. Total membership at Wesleyan (catalogue of 1865) 199; total present membership, 315. Prominent graduates: Rev. Joseph Cummings (’40), ex-President of Wesleyan: E. O. Haven (41), President of Syracuse University Bishop Gilbert Haven (46); Prof. John M. Van Vleck ('50), and Rev. Cyrus D. Foss ('54), President of Wesleyan, KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA, a strong local society of Dart. mouth, was founded July 13, 1842. Badge, a Corinthian pillar of gold, an inch long, bearing K K K in raised letters on the base. Membership (catalogue of 1876), 514, of whom 88 were dead; total present membership, 535. Hon. John D. Philbrick (42), Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools; Charles H. Bell (44), ex-President of the New Hampshire Senate, and Prof. Mark Bailey (49), well - 43 known as an elocutionist, are graduates of the “Tri- | Kappa.” UPSILON KAPPA was founded at Genesee College in - 1863, was transferred to Syracuse University in 1871, and became the Pi Chapter of Psi Upsilon June 8, 1875. PSI PHI, founded at Columbia in 1868, became the Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon in 1874. Class and Scientific Societies. KAPPA SIGMA EPSILON, a Freshman society, was founded at Yale in July, 1840. Badge, a five-barred cross, a star- point appearing between every two bars; the centre is a shield of black enamel, bearing the letters K X E and the name of the college; on the bars of the cross are engraved a fasces, caduceus, anchor, torch and olive branch. Open motto, Saepe Agendo, Bene Agere Discere. Chapters: Yale, 1840; Amherst, 1853, (died in 1857); Rensselaer Polytech- nic, 1864, (died in 1865); Dartmouth, 1857. Total mem- bership, about 2,700. - DELTA KAPPA, another Freshman society, was founded at Yale, in 1845. Badge, a gold-bordered crescent of black enamel, bearing a white shield, whereon are crossed a dagger and key; in each horn of the crescent is a star, under which are the letters A and K. Open motto, Semper Crescens. Chapters: Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth, Centre College (Ky.), North Carolina, Virginia and Mississippi Universities, and Union; all are dead excepting the Yale and Dartmouth chapters. Total membership, about 3,600. PHI THETA PSI and DELTA BETA XI, were Sophomore societies at Yale, founded in 1864 on the ruins of Alpha Sigma Phi, a former Sophomore society. Both were abolished by the faculty in 1875. 44 PHI ZETA MU, is a society in the scientific department of Dartmouth, and was founded in 1847. SIGMA DELTA PI, or VITRUVIAN, another scientific society of Dartmouth, was founded in 1858. It has had chapters at Cornell University and at the University of Wooster, Ohio. , THETA XI.-Founded at the Rensselaer Polytechnic In- | stitute, in 1862. Badge, a 6 laid obliquely upon a E. Open motto: /uncti /uvant. Chapters: Alpha, at the R. P. I.; Beta, at the Sheffield Scientific School, and | Gamma at the Stevens Institute of Technology. SIGMA DELTA CHI, is a society of the Sheffield (Yale) Scientific School. It has granted no chapters. Greek-Letter Secret Societies now at the Different Colleges. AMHERST COLLEGE–Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi Psi, Chi Phi. Bow DOIN COLLEGE–Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Theta Delta Chi. BROWN UNIVERSITY-Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi Phi. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY-Zeta Psi, Chi Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon. CHICAGO UNIVERSITY-Psi Upsilon, Delta Kappa Ep- silon, Zeta Psi. CoLBY UNIVERSITY-Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi. NoTE.—Two lists of colleges are given; the first list is alpha- betical and comprises those institutions whose societies, or a large majority of them, originated in New York or New England, while the second presents other colleges according to their geo- graphical distribution, commencing with the colleges of Pennsyl: vania. The societies in each college are arranged in the order of establishment, although a re-established society is not given its old place unless its suspension was for a short time only. 45 CoLUMBIA Coll.EGE—Psi Upsilon, Delta Phi, Delta. Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Chi. CORNELL UNIVERSITY-Zeta Psi, Chi Phi, Kappa Alpha, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi, Alpha Sigma Chi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Beta Phi. DARTMOUTH-Psi Upsilon, Kappa Kappa Kappa, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi. HAMILTON COLLEGE–Sigma Phi, Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi. HOBART-Sigma Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Chi Phi. KENYON COLLEGE–Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Theta Delta Chi. MADISON UNIVERSITY-Delta Kappa Epsilon. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY-Chi Psi, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Phi, Zeta Psi, Psi Upsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi. MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE–Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon. NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE–Alpha Delta Phi, Delta. Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta. NEW YORK CITY UNIVERSITY –Psi Upsilon, Delta Phi, Zeta Psi. ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY--Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Psi Upsilon, Theta Delta Chi. RUTGERS COLLEGE–Delta Phi, Zeta Psi, Delta Kappa. Epsilon, Chi Phi, Alpha Sigma Chi. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY-Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Psi Upsilon. TRINITY COLLEGE—I. K. A., Beta Beta, Delta Psi, Alpha Delta Phi. - TUFTS COLLEGE–Zeta Psi, Theta Delta Chi. UNION COLLEGE–Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Alpha Delta Phi. VERMONT UNIVERSITY –Sigma Phi. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY –Phi Nu Theta, Psi Upsilon Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi Psi. 46 WESTERN RESERVE COLLEGE—Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta. WILLIAMS COLLEGE–Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi, Chi Psi, Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon. YALE COLLEGE–Psi Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE–Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta. DICKINSON COLLEGE–Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Chi Phi, Beta Theta Pi. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL CoII.EGE—Chi Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Tau Delta. LAFAYETTE–Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Theta Delta Chi, Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Beta Phi. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY –Chi Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Beta Phi. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE–Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta. PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY – Phi Kappa Sigma, Zeta Psi, Delta Psi, Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE–Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Gamma, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Delta Theta. RICHMOND Co.LEGE–Beta Theta Pi, Southern Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. VIRGINI A UNIVERSITY –Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Chi Phi, Delta Psi, Sigma Chi, Zeta Psi, Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Southern Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. - WASHINGTON-LEE UNIVERSITY-Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma - 47 Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Psi, Chi Phi, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Sigma Kappa. BETHANY COLLEGE—Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Beta Theta Pi. GEORGIA UNIVERSITY-Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Southern Kappa Alpha. CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY-Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Alpha, Alpha Gamma, Sigma Tau. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY-Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Sigma. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY-Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Chi Phi. HANOVER COLLEGE–Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta. INDIANA UNIVERSITY-Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Gamma Delta. INDIANA ASBURY UNIVERSITY-Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta. WABASH COLLEGE–Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY—Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Theta. LOMBARD UNIVERSITY-Phi Sigma, Delta Tau Delta. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY-Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi. MISSOURI UNIVERSITY-Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Zeta Phi. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC–Theta Xi, Delta Phi, Zeta Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon. - SHEFFIELD (YALE) SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL – Berzelius, Sigma Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Delta Psi, Chi Phi. 48 -* - - D ELTA U PSILON. An anti-secret society called the Social Fraternity, arose at Williams College in 1834, which in 1847 formed a league entitled the “Anti-Secret Confederation,” with three similar bodies from Union, Amherst and Hamilton; some years later the present name was assumed. Badge, a A over a Y, the name of the chapter being on the bottom of the A. Colors, ultramarine-blue and gold. Mottoes, At Yala YToſh/Kſ) and Ovčey Admżov. 1876. 1834. . *WILLIAMS ('61). . . . Williams College. . . . . . . .474 1838. UNION . . . . . . . . . . . . Union College . . . . . . . . . . . 489 1847 ... AMHERST . . . . . . . . . . Amherst College. . . . . . . . .382 1847. . HAMILTON. . . . . . . . . Hamilton College . . . . . . . .246 1850. *WATERVILLE ('67). Colby University. . . . . . . . . . 117 1852. . ROCHES ER. . . . . . . . Rochester University. . . . . . 180 1856. MIDDLEBURY....... Middlebury College. ... . . .130 1858.. RUTGERs . . . . . . . . . Rutgers College . . . . . . . . . . 115 1859..*JEFFERSON ('65).... Jefferson College . . . . . . . . 69 1865. . NEW YORK . . . . . . . . Univ. of City of New York, 71 1865. . WESTERN RESERVE. Western Reserve College. 76 1866. . MADISON. . . . . . . . ... Madison University. . . . . . . 128 1866. “WASHINGTON ('70). Washington College ...... 16 1868.*MIAMI ('73). . . . . . . Miami University. . . . . . . . . 43 1868. . BROWN. . . . . . . . . . . Brown University. . . . . . . . 150 1869. . CoRNELL. . . . . . . . . . Cornell University........ 91 1869..*TRINITY (75). . . . . . Trinity College. . . . . . . . . . 22 1869. MARIETTA . . . . . . . . . Marietta College. . . . . . . . . . 75 1873.. SYRACUSE. . . . . . . . . Syracuse University. ...... 36 1874... *MANHATTAN ('75). New York City College.... 18 .ANN ARBOR. . . . . . . . University of Michigan.... 20 Total membership (catalogue of 1877), 2,906. Prominent members—from Williams: Stephen J. Field ('87), of the U. S. Supreme Court; William Bross ('88), ex-Lieutenant -- * 49 Governor of Illinois; E. Monroe Wright (39), ex-Secretary of State of Massachusetts; David A. Wells (47), Special Revenue Commissioner, and James A. Garfield ('56), M. C. From Union: Austin Blair (39), ex-Governor of Michigan; Augustus W. Cowles (’41), President of Elmira Female College, and William G. Donnan ('56), M. C. From Amherst: Gen. John C. Caldwell ('55), Minister to Uruguay. DELTA PSI. An anti-secret local society, founded at the University of Vermont, in 1850, by Henry B. Buckham, now principal of the New York State Normal School, George I. Gilbert, John E. Goodrich, now Professor of [Latin in Vermont University, Otis D. Smith and Henry M. Wallace, all of '53, Oliver D. Barrett, of '54, and A. E. Leavenworth, of '56, now Principal of the Vermont State Normal School. The badge is composed of the two letters. Total number of members 226, of whom 28 are dead. Active member- ship, 24. PHI KAPPA ALPHA. Another anti-secret society, founded at Brown Univer- sity, the Beta Chapter being established at Rochester Uni- versity in 1874. Motto, Poç Kal AA/fleta. GA M M A N U. An anti-secret Freshman society of Yale, founded in 1860. A distinct society of the same name at Brown Uni- versity, founded in 1860, became a chapter of Delta Upsilon in 186°. 50 HON OF LISTS. AMHERST-1845-78. Valedictorians: A A p 19, Y Y 10, A K E 3, XY 1, A Y 1. Salutatorians: A A p 17, Y Y 9, AKE 4, Z Y 1, A Y 3. Since 1860—Valedictorians: A A p 8, Sº Y 7, A K E 3, XY 1. Salutatorians: A A p 7, Y Y 6, AKE 4, Z & 1, A Y 1. Bowdoin—1843–78. English Orators (the highest rank up to 1873): Y Y 27, A A P 23, A K E 19, 6 A X 7, XY 2, Neutrals 8. Salutatorians (the highest rank since 1873): A K E 14, Yº Y 7, A A p 6, XY 4, 6 A X 1, Neutrals 4. BROWN–1841-78. Valedictorians: A A p 13, Y Y 8, A4 2, A K E 2, Z P 1, Neutrals and anti-secret 12. Salutatori- ans: A A p 13, Yº Y 10, A (p 2, A K E 3, X \º 1, ZY 1, Neu- trals and anti-secret 8. - CoLUMBIA—First Honor Class, 1859-78: Y Y 12, A Y 4, A K E 4, A p 3. DARTMOUTH-1865–78. Valedictorians: A K E 5, Y Y 3, K K K 3, A A p 3. Salutatorians: K K K 8, Y Y 3, AA p 2, A K E 1. - HAMILTON.—Waledictorians, 1832–43: A A p 8, X. p 1, Neutrals 3. 1855-78: X p 6, A K E 4, XY 4, Yº Y 2, A A 4 1, 6 A X 1, Neutrals 2, A Y 4. Salutatorians, 1832-43: A A p 6, X (p 2, Neutrals 4, 1855–78: A A P 5, X iſ 4, YY 3, A K E 3, 6 A X 2, A Y 7. HARVARD-1851-58. First Scholars: A A p 4, Y Y 4, Neutrals 1. Second Scholars : Y Y 2, A A p 1, A K E 1, Z Y 1, Neutrals 2. TRINITY-1843–78. Valedictorians: BB 13, I K. A 6, pK and A A P 6, A SP 3, Neutrals 8. Salutatorians : B B 14, q K-5, A Y 5, IK A 4, Neutrals 8. *WESLEYAN–1844-73. Valedictorians: P N 0 13, YY 11, A A p 4, XY 1, Neutrals 1, Mystic 1. Salutatorians: 5 N6 51 13, EY 13, AA (b 1, XY 1, Mystic 1. Phi Beta Kappa men since 1873: P N 0 16, Y. Y 16, A A p 9, A K E 8, Neu- trals 6. Waledictorians: A K E 14, A A p 12, YALE–1840–78. Salutatorians: A A p 14, Y Yº 14, A K E Y Y 7, Neutrals 6. 5, Neutrals 6. De Forest Medal men, 1852–78: Y Y 13, A K E 9, A A p 4, Neutrals 2. | POSTSCRIPT. — The Harvard chapter of Alpha Delta Phi has just been re-established. The tables on pages 12 | and 25 should therefore be read with this fact in mind. The letters E. P. V. were inadvertently placed under the name of Sigma Phi, on page 9; they are not a distinct title | like the “S. P.” of Phi Beta Kappa. The “open mottoes” { referred to in the work are often mere unofficial legends. | | Bow DoIN (revised list)–1843–78. English Orators: [T 27, A. A 4 21, A K E 20, 9 A X 7, x + 2, Z & 1, º 8. Salutatorians: A K E 14, A A q 7, & Y 7, ** 4, 6 A X 1, Neutrals 3. HARVARD-1851-58. First Scholars: P Y 5, A A q 4. HoBART-1845-78. Valedictorians: A A p 12, X (p. 7, Salutatorians: 2 p. 8, A A p 7, 6 A X 4. "A X 2, K. A 1. KENYON–1860-78. Valedictorians: A A p 4, A K E 1, Y 1. WILLIAMs—1834–74. Valedictorians: K A 7, A A P 5, * 3, A K E 2, A Y 1. Salutatorians; X (p 10, K. A 6, A p 5, x + 2, A F 2, A K E 1. ; ! Of the other prominent societies, Psi Upsi- ganized at Union, Alpha Delta Phi at Ham- sºcoiºison FRATsänſtres.ºf Of. Kappa, was founded at the college of NYork University. : ... -->4 -w ºr xº~ wº American college fraternities, Phi Béta William and Mary on December 5, 1776, the first meeting being held in the Apollo Hall of the Old Raleigh Tavern. In 1779 a chap. ter of the society was organized at Harvard and another at Yale. The earliest of what may be called the modern Greek-Letter So- | cieties was founded in 1825 at Union. This was Kappa Alpha, an upper-class Society, and the next in order of institution at the same college were Sigma Phi and eeſta Phi. lon, Chi Psi and Theta Dehta Chi were or- ilton, Delta Kappa Epsilon at Yale, Delta Psi at Columbia, and Zeta Psi at the New 3 9015 00527 6954 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD ºº - º * º - - - - ----- - - - --- - - -