THE DISTRIBUTION, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LAKE STURGEON (ACIPENSER FULVESCENS RAFINESQUE) IN MICHIGAN by James Philip Baker A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Natural Resources) in The University of Michigan 1980 Committee members: - Dr. Alvin L. Jensen, Chairman Dr. William C. Latta ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported jointly by the Threatened and Endangered Species and the Living Resources programs of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. I would like to thank Mason Shouder, Fisheries Habitat Biologist, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, for providing me with much of the raw data for this investigation and with the benefit of his wide experience with lake Sturgeon. Logistical support was furnished by the Institute for Fisheries Research of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Alvin L. Jensen, the chairman of my committee, for his advice and encouragement. I offer my sincere gratitude to Dr. William C. Latta and Mr. James R. Ryckman of the Institute for Fisheries Research for their guidance and assistance throughout the project. I would also like to thank Mr. Alan Sutton for drafting the figures and Mrs. Margaret McClure for typing the manuscript. Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my mother and grandmother for their encouragement and support throughout the study. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . e e s e e s • e s • e • * * * LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LAKE STURGEON FISHERY IN MICHIGAN WATERS SYNOPSIS OF THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE LAKE STURGEON. DISTRIBUTION OF THE LAKE STURGEON IN MICHIGAN WITH NOTES ON THE FISHERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESTIMATES OF FISHING PRESSURE AND CATCH PER UNIT EFFORT . . . . . . . . . . • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * POPULATION AND EXPLOITATION ESTIMATES . . . . . . . . STOCK ASSESSMENT . . . . . - e. e. e. e. e. e o e º e º O e o e º O & Growth in Length and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yield per Recruitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Page ii iv. vi 13 22 34 40 48 49 56 64 78 90 Table LIST OF TABLES Total lake sturgeon landings (in thousands of pounds) by Michigan commercial fishermen from the Great Lakes (including Lake St. Clair) from 1879 through 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... O C & Annual lake Sturgeon spearing harvest in Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes, 1974-1980 . . . . . . . . . Rivers in which lake sturgeon have been reported during the last 10 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimates of effort and catch per unit effort for the spear fishery of Black Lake, 1975-1976 . . . . . Estimates of population size and exploitation rates for lake sturgeon, Black Lake, 1973-1976 . . . . . Observed and predicted values of length (inches) at each age for Michigan lake Sturgeon . . . . . . . . Year classes, assigned ages, and frequencies of lake sturgeon netted in Black Lake, 1970-1976 Multipliers of the instantaneous fishing rate used in the Ricker yield model and corresponding rates of exploitation Estimation of annual recruitment to the fishable stock in Black Lake Page 25 31 37 46 52 58 65 76 iv Figure LIST OF FIGURES Year class frequency of lake sturgeon speared. and netted in Black Lake, 1970-1977 . . . . . . . . . Questionnaire regarding lake sturgeon distribution . . Combined empirical length-age relationship for lake sturgeon from the Menominee River and the inland lakes, with fitted von Bertalanffy curve . . . . . . . Yield in pounds per thousand age-1 recruits as a function of age at entry into the fishery, xc , and the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, F Yield per recruitment as a function of the instan- taneous fishing mortality rate for different levels of natural mortality with recruitment at age 1 year and entry into the fishery at age 22 years . . . . . . Yield per recruitment as a function of age at entry into the fishery for two instantaneous rates of fishing mortality, F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Length frequency of lake sturgeon speared in Black Lake, 1974-1979 - Percent composition of Black Lake sturgeon harvest by individual years 1974-1979, for two length classes Page 23 51 67 69 71 80 82 ABSTRACT Significant populations of lake sturgeon exist in Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes, Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties; the Menominee River, Menominee County; and Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River. Remnant populations of lake sturgeon exist in all of the Great Lakes and lake sturgeon are occasionally reported in the lower reaches of most of the larger rivers draining into the Great Lakes. Landlocked remnant populations of lake Sturgeon are found in Otter Lake, Houghton County; Manistique Lake, Mackinac and Luce counties: Indian Lake, Schoolcraft County; Brevoort Lake, Mackinac County; and Monacle Lake, Chippewa County. On Black Lake estimated fishing pressure in 1975 during the winter spearing season was 2, 332 shanty hours and in 1976, 3,972 hours. Estimated catch per hour was 0.0142 sturgeon in 1975 and 0. 0.086 in 1976. The population of lake Sturgeon 48.6 inches and larger in Black Lake WalS estimated to be 1,599 in 1975, with 95% confidence limits of 714 to 3,998. The rate of exploitation in 1976 was estimated to be 2.1%. The growth rates of lake sturgeon from Black and Mullett lakes and the Menominee River were very similar. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation for a combined sample of lake sturgeon from these waters were L 22= 69. 6411 inches, K = 0.0558, and Xo f -0. 8815. The allometric mean length-mean weight relationship for lake Sturgeon from the same localities was 26mW = 8. 8949 + 3. 1393 -čni. vi The annual mortality rate for Black Lake sturgeon, age 25 years and older, was 0.097, the instantaneous total mortality rate 0.102. A fishing rate of 0.026, corresponding to an exploitation rate of 2.5% was assumed for the purpose of evaluating yield per recruitment. Using this rate, the natural mortality rate was calculated to be 0.076. The instantaneous total mortality rate for the Menominee River population was 0.098. Fishing regulations for lake sturgeon were evaluated using Ricker's equilibrium yield model. Growth and mortality rates Of lake sturgeon from Black and Mullett lakes and the Menominee River were used in the equation. With age at entry into the fishery held Constant at 22 years, a doubling of the Original fishing rate (2.5%) causes a 51% increase in yield per recruitment and reduces the biomass of the spawning stock by about 50%. Since the relationship between the size of the spawning stock and the number of recruits produced is unknown, it seems prudent to protect the stock of sexually mature fish if exploitation increase. The mean annual recruitment to the fishable stock of the Black Lake population was 4.8%. Annual harvest should not exceed annual recruitment. The maximum allowable catch for Black Lake was calculated to be 77 fish. The winter spear fishery, which takes 20 to 40 fish yearly, appears to be operating with a considerable margin of safety. The 50-inch minimum size limit currently in effect appears adequate to protect the fish until they become sexually mature. The apparent size limit in the winter spear fishery is higher than the legal vii minimum size limit. Validation of speared Sturgeon by Michigan Department of Natural Resources biologists should be continued. If more stringent regulations become necessary in the future, decreasing the length of the season would be a more enforceable method of limiting harvest than increasing the minimum size limit. Controls on the poaching of spawning sturgeon in the upper Black River above Black Lake should be strictly enforced. The taking of lake sturgeon during the months of May and June should be prohibited statewide to protect spawning sturgeon in the St. Clair River and elsewhere. The season creel limit for lake Sturgeon Statewide should be decreased from two to one to promote the status of the sturgeon as a trophy fish. viii INTRODUCTION The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque) is a member of the family Acipenseridae, a group of fishes which displays such primitive characteristics as a cartilaginous skeleton, a heterocercal tail, rows of large, bony plates instead of scales and a large, cellular swim bladder. A detailed description of the lake sturgeon can be found in Scott and Crossman (1973). There are 25 species of Sturgeons, and representatives of this family are found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Seven species are native to North America, of which four are anadromous, Spending most of their lives in the sea. The remaining three species live entirely in fresh water. They include the lake sturgeon, the shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus Rafinesque), and the pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson). The shovelnose and pallid sturgeons are found only in the Mississippi River drainage. The lake Sturgeon has the widest distribution of the three freshwater sturgeons, occurring throughout the Mississippi, Great Lakes, and Hudson Bay drainages. It is the only sturgeon found in Michigan waters. Harkness and Dymond (1961) give a detailed account of the distribution of the lake sturgeon. It is now a rare fish throughout most of its range due to overexploitation of the stocks by commercial fishermen during the last Century and destruction of Spawning habitat by dams and pollution. It is officially classified as rare by the U. S. Department of the Interior (1966) 1 2 and threatened by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (1976). Because of the current status of the lake sturgeon as a threatened species, this study was initiated in the hope that information thereby procured could be utilized in the future management of Michigan's remaining populations. Most study of the lake sturgeon has been carried out in Canada, where it remained an important commercial fish well into this century. The life history of the lake Sturgeon in Canada has been intensively investigated and has been documented by Harkness and Dymond (1961) and Scott and Crossman (1973). In Wisconsin, the lake sturgeon is the object of an important winter spear fishery in several large inland lakes (Winnebago, Winneconne, Poygan, and Butte Des Morts) and various aspects of this fishery have been examined by Priegel and Wirth (1975, 1977, 1978). The literature concerning lake sturgeon populations in Michigan, by contrast, is depauperate. Williams (1951) and Fogle (1975) have published general articles on lake sturgeon, and some analyses of cree census data collected during the spearing season on Black, Mullett, and Burt lakes have been completed (Vondett 1975; Vondett and Williams 1961). The sturgeon fishery of the Menominee River, a border stream between Michigan and Wisconsin, has been surveyed by Priegel (1973). Shouder (1975) attempted to estimate the size of the lake sturgeon population in Black Lake but had only limited success. 3 It is the intention of this investigation to assess the various lake sturgeon stocks of the state of Michigan with respect to distribution, ecology, and population size; to identify local populations of lake sturgeon heretofore undocumented, and to evaluate the adequacy of current sturgeon management practices. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LAKE STURGEON FISHERY IN MICHIGAN WATERS No other freshwater species has had such a broad spectrum of economic value as had the lake Sturgeon. Before the middle of the 19th century, it was considered a worthless nuisance. Today, the flesh and roe of the lake sturgeon command higher prices per pound than any other freshwater fish. - Before the appearance of the white man in North America, the lake sturgeon was exceedingly abundant throughout its range, particularly in the Great Lakes region. Tody (1974) estimated the standing crop of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes prior to 1830 to be in the tens of millions of pounds. Sturgeon were utilized to varying degrees by several Indian tribes. Due to its great size, a Single Sturgeon would provide, as much food as many smaller fish, and the oily flesh was easily smoked. Harkness and Dymond (1961) state that the Jesuit Relations (historical writings of early French missionaries) contain numerous accounts of the use of lake sturgeon by the Indians, and that Pere Francis Xavier Charlevoix, Writing in 1761, outlined one of the methods by which the Indians captured sturgeon. Though the Sturgeons have always been held in high regard in Europe (particularly eastern Europe), and Russia, early white settlers in North America considered the lake sturgeon to be a trash fish. The bony plates of the small Sturgeon and the weight of the large ones ruined 5 fishermen's nets, which were set for more valuable fishes such as whitefish, lake herring, and lake trout. Lake sturgeon taken incidentally in commercial fishing operations were often piled on the beach like cordwood and burned. There is an account in Harkness and Dymond (1961) of sturgeon being used in place of wood to fire the boilers Of Steamships on the Great Lakes. At this time (prior to 1860), the flesh was considered fit only for Indians and half-breeds (Wing 1890) and the roe was worthle SS. The value of the lake Sturgeon as a commercial species began to be realized about the time of the Civil War, when it was discovered - that caviar could be produced from the roe, and that Smoked Sturgeon WalS a.ſ.l. acceptable substitute for smoked halibut. A Sturgeon processing plant was established at Sandusky, Ohio, in 1860 (Harkness and Dymond 1961). By 1872, it was handling between 10 and 18 thousand lake Sturgeon, of an average weight of 50 pounds each, annually (Milner 1874). The flesh was smoked, caviar was made from the roe . the Offal was rendered for its oil, and isinglass (a clarifying agent used in beer and wine) was produced from the swim bladders. Even at this time, Milner remarks that Sturgeon caught in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, were still being wantonly destroyed. The Ninth Biennial Report of the Michigan State Board of Fish Commissioners (1890) documents the existence of a caviar factory in Algonac, which processed sturgeon taken in the many channels of the St. Clair River. After the commercial value of the lake sturgeon was established, fishing pressure on the species increased tremendously and the stocks 6 began a rapid decline to very low levels from which they have never recovered. Although formal catch records are incomplete, Tody (1974) reported that in 1880, the landings of lake sturgeon in Michigan amounted to 4, 300,000 pounds. By 1890, the total landings had fallen to 1,481,000 pounds, and in 1900, only 177,000 pounds of lake surgeon were harvested. The dramatic drop in lake Sturgeon landings from the very high levels of the 1880's is illustrated in Table 1. As it became evident that the lake sturgeon fishery was in dire straits, interest in the artificial propagation of the species began to develop. The first documented attempt to artificially hatch lake sturgeon eggs took place on the Detroit River between 1883 and 1887. This information was recounted by the President of the American Fisheries Society during the discussion of a paper by Carter (1904). Over the next 25 years, further attempts to propagate Sturgeon were made at Algonac, Michigan, in 1889 (Post 1890), the Detroit River in 1890 (Leach 1920), 1893 and 1894 (Michigan State Board of Fish Commissioners 1895), the Missisquoi and Lamoille rivers of Vermont in 1900 and 1901 (Stone 1901), and Lake of the Woods, Minnesota in 1911 and 1912 (Eddy and Surber 1943). None of these endeavors met with anything more than limited success. There were a number of recurrent problems which beset all attempts at sturgeon culture. Perhaps the greatest was the difficulty of securing ripe male and female fish at the same time. Another problem, related to the first, was the scarcity of truly ripe females among those participating in the spawning migration. As an example, Post reported 7 Table 1. --Total lake sturgeon landings (in thousands of pounds) by Michigan commercial fishermen from the Great Lakes (including Lake St. Clair) from 1879 through 1970. *-a- Year Lake - * Total - Erie St. Clair Huron Michigan Superior 1879 - 999 204 gº ſº wº 1, 202+ 1880 tº sº º tºº º * … 1881 º tº. tºº tº º gºe * > 1882 gº ame tº tº º º 1883 tºº gº gº tºº ans eme 1884 wº tºº - • º ( * > 1885 91 228 216 9.25 131 1, 591 1886 tºº tº *s ſº gº $º 1887 * - tºº gº gº sº * -º 1888 dº - tº- gº - * --> 1889 2 97 559 475 83 1, 216 1890 33 309 366 733 40 1,481 1891 22 76 398 254 75 825 1892 14 96 179 196 40 525 1893 17 101 201 107 31 457 1894 13 62 87 112 21 295 1895 13 30 92 84 6 225 1896 56 28 48 83 10 225 1897 46 33 36 58 8 181 1898 47 21 91 68 9 236 1899 41 19 85 64 9 218 1900 48 19 23 76 11 177 1901 27 9 22 69 5 132 1902 17 3 25 38 23 106 1903 17 2% 34 50 8 109 1904 16 1 32 46 6 101 (continued, next page) (e.8ed 4xou ‘panuTuoo) +9. × Z I cº fºgóT +9 × G T º 896T +G × 9. Z - º 396T +T × × T tº º IG6T 0g 6T-626T ºpenTCTUOId UOaș. In1s exteſ Jo 3uTXIè L +3 º Z × 836T +G × 9. Z º 1,36T +0T : 9 # º- 936T +6 >k 9 g - ga.61 9T # # OT >k #26T TT T 1. 9. : £26T ZT T 9 : ZZ6T +TT x 1. # º TZ6T 92 × 9T ZT T 036T J.T g l >}: 6T6T 99. × 93 9. 8T6T +9T tº ſº 9 9 J, T6T 6T : l l G 9T6T Žiž Z ZT 83 : GT6T 6T T TT 1. x #I6T ZZ I ZT 8 T £T6T TZ Z #T 9. Z ZT 6T ++/T : #1 - e- tº- TT6T ºn- º Cº- --> tº-e OT6T --> tº º -> --> t? º 606T 99 G 9? 1 T l 806.T 96 9. ## #z II IT 1,06T 9/, l Oż J. T. T OT 906T T 8 G 89 #2 9 8 G06T It?40,L JOT.I adns UeßTuo'ſ IAI # JTeſo is eT.IGH Jee X panuTTuoo-- 'I eſqa.I. Table 1. --concluded. Year Erie St. Clair #. Michigan Superior Total 1955 G- 1 2 # 3+ 1956 tº- 1 1 * 2+ 1957 tºº >; 1 + 1+ 1958 ſº 1 1 >; 2+ 1959 me 1 1 >; 2+ 1960 >}< 1 1 >k 2+ 1961 >k 1 2 >}< 3-H 1962 >; 1 1 * 2+ 1963 Sk 1 3 3% 4+ 1964 - 1 3 >k 4+ 1965 º >; 2 >; 2+ 1966 <- >}< 2 1 3+ 1967 º 1 >k tº º 1+ 1968 tº- >}< 2 >}< 2+ 1969 tº >; 3 tºº 3+ 1970 -> tº - tº-º . -> Taking of lake sturgeon prohibited December 1, 1970. *- # Includes Detroit and St. Clair rivers. º Landings unknown. * Landings amounted to less than 500 pounds. a Commercial fishing in Michigan waters of Lake St. Clair prohibited in 1909. b A number followed by a + indicates that the number is a minimum, i.e., the landings from one or more lakes are unknown. Data included in Table 1 were taken from Baldwin and Saalfeld (1962) and Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1970 and unpublished). 10 that although he and his co-workers at Algonac handled some 4,000 Sturgeon, only two ripe females were found. Still another complication was that the lake Sturgeon eggs seemed to be especially susceptible to attack by fungus. The last documented attempt at artificial lake sturgeon culture was made by Harkness in 1924. Several thousand sturgeon fry were hatched in Seth Green floating boxes in the Gull River about 20 miles above Lake Nipigon, Ontario. Attempts to rear the fry failed, as no Suitable food could be found for them (Harkness and Dymond 1961). Declining sturgeon Stocks brought a trend toward increasingly Stringent fishing regulations. In the 13th Biennial Report of the Michigan State Board of Fish Commissioners (1899) the statistical agent of that body recommended the prohibition of the taking of small sturgeon and Curtailment of the use of unbaited set-lines (used to grapple sturgeon *S they roll and root about on the bottom during spawning). Whether or not these suggestions were followed is unclear. but in any case the decline in the sturgeon catch continued. By 1929, the catch had dropped to such low levels that the taking of lake sturgeon, both commercially and for Sport, was prohibited statewide. Beginning in 1948, a limited sport fishery was allowed during the nonths of January and February on inland lakes open to spearing. The - **gulations governing this spear fishery during 1948 and 1949 are somewhat Vague. - In 1950, spearing through the ice was allowed on Lake St. Clair. °ommercial fishermen were allowed to sell Sturgeon taken incidentally in 11 their nets beginning in 1951 williams 1951). Hook-and-line fishing for Sturgeon became legal in 1952. Commercial fishing for lake sturgeon in Lake Erie ended in 1964 and in 1970, Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior were closed. The size limit on lake sturgeon taken by sport fishermen was set at 36 inches when the season was first reopened in 1948. It was Subsequently raised to 42 inches in 1952 and 50 inches in 1974. The Creel limit for lake sturgeon taken in Lake St. Clair and inland waters has remained set at two fish per season since 1951. - Fishing regulations for the Menominee River have generally been formulated by the state of Wisconsin, but have followed a pattern of increasing size limits and decreasing creel limits similar to that of Michigan. Since lake sturgeon are highly vulnerable to capture during the Spawning migration, regulations aimed at protecting the fish on their Spawning run have been applied in one particular case. The Upper Black River from its confluence with Black Lake to Kleber Dam, the major Spawning area for the sturgeon population of Black Lake, is closed to all fishing during the months of April and May. Current (1980) fishing regulations concerning lake sturgeon in Michigan waters are listed below. 12 Hook-and-line seasons Trout streams, designated trout lakes No Open season Non-trout streams, inland lakes January 1-February 29 Great Lakes, Lake St. Clair, Detroit, St. Mary's, and St. Clair rivers No closed season Menominee River September 1–November 1 Spearing season February, on non-trout waters. All sturgeon speared in Black, Burt, or Mullett lakes must be validated at the Indian River DNR field office or at the Black Lake Hotel within 48 hours. Size limit (includes both spearing and hook-and line): 50 inches. Creel limit (includes both spearing and hook-and-line): two per season. Special provisions: Cheboygan County: During April and May, unlawful to fish in any manner on the Black River between Kleber Dam and the Red Bridge (Sec. 5, T 3.5 N, R 1 E). (This regulation is to protect spawning lake sturgeon, which run upstream from Black Lake. ) SYNOPSIS OF THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE LAKE STURGEON A brief account of the biology of the lake sturgeon follows with special regard (where possible) to the populations of Michigan. Lake Sturgeon are exclusively bottom feeders, preferring large, shallow lakes - and large rivers with abundant bottom fauna such as mayfly nymphs, fingernail clams, crayfish, caddis flies, and chironomid larvae. Although Small fishes are occasionally found in the stomachs of sturgeon, they constitute only a miniscule portion of the diet. Lake sturgeon live to the greatest age of all the freshwater fishes. There is a documented account of a 208 pound fish, taken in Lake of the Woods, Ontario in 1953, which was determined to be 152 years old (MacKay 1963). The oldest lake Sturgeon ever taken from Michigan waters (of which the writer has knowledge) was a 98 year old fish speared in Mullett Lake in 1975. Ages are generally determined by examination of the annular rings in a cross section of the ossified first ray of the pectoral fin (Cuerrier 1951). This fin ray can easily be removed with a hacksaw and a pocket knife with no harm to the living fish. Age can also be ascertained from annular markings in otoliths and opercular bones, but these methods require the sacrifice of the fish. All age data used in this study were determined from fin ray sections. Very old sturgeon are exceedingly difficult to age accurately. Age determinations of very large fish are probably accurate only to within 5 or 6 years. 13 14 Lake sturgeon in Michigan leave their home lakes and move up rivers to spawn during the months of May and June, depending upon the water temperature. Priegel and Wirth (1977) stated that lake sturgeon in Wisconsin usually spawn when the water temperature reaches 53 F, but noted that, during years of low water discharge and more rapid increases in water temperature, they may spawn at temperatures of 58–59 F. I obse rved lake sturgeon on their spawning run in three different localities in May and June of 1979. Locations, dates, and water temperatures were -- Indian River, Schoolcraft County: May 22-23: 53 F; Black River, Cheboygan County: May 24: 52 F; and St. Clair River, St. Clair County: June 16: 52 F. Michigan lake - sturgeon spawn at water temperatures very similar to those observed in Wisconsin. The spawning act takes place in rapids and deep pools, where the current is swift enough to provide a substrate of large, clean rubble. Lake spawning is also known to occur, mainly in wave-swept areas where the bottom is composed of large rubble. No nest is constructed; the eggs and milt are scattered over the bottom where the fertilized eggs adhere to the rocks. The eggs receive no parental care. Very little is known of the life of the lake sturgeon, from the time the eggs are deposited until the end of the first growing season. Harkness and Dymond (1961) reported that at water temperatures of 60-64 F lake Sturgeon eggs hatched in 5 to 8 days and that newly hatched fry were 1/3 inch in length. It is not known how long the lake sturgeon fry remained in the 15 river before descending to the lake. Shouder (1975) reported that attempts to capture small lake Sturgeon in the upper Black River during August 1973, were unsuccessful. No lake Sturgeon younger than 9 years old has ever been captured in Black Lake. However, the continual appearance of new year classes in the monitoring nets led Shouder to conclude that reproduction was taking place and that the construction of a dam on the upper Black River in 1949 had not adversely affected reproduction. Information concerning year class strength gathered since the time of Shouder's study supports this conclusion. The year class frequencies of Black Lake sturgeon netted and speared from 1970 through 1977 are illustrated in Figure 1. Year classes more recent than 1955 are onitted, as these cohorts were inadequately sampled by the fishing gear. Young-of-the-year lake sturgeon have been found in significant numbers in the Menominee River (Priegel 1973) and several very small Sturgeon have been taken by Department of Natural Resources research vessels in Lake St. Clair. Growth of the lake Sturgeon is quite rapid during the first 10 years of life, then slows down and becomes extremely variable among different individuals. As an example of this variability, one sturgeon tagged in 1973 was 51. 75 inches long. When recaptured in 1974 it had grown to 53.25 inches, an increase of 1.5 inches in a single year. In contrast, a 48-inch Sturgeon which was tagged in 1974 was recaptured in 1975 and had not grOWn at all. 16 33O +: - Before Kleber | After Kleber } Dam | Dam | -C 25H | C CU | -C Q2 20H | \ n = 351 CU, | Q1) Cl | Cſ) | 15H C. | O QD | S) | E 10H | C/D | 3 | 5F | Q1) | £ | = _l | | | | 1935 194O 1945 1950 1955 Year Class Figure 1. --Year class frequency of lake sturgeon speared and netted in Black Lake, 1970-1977. 17 The largest lake sturgeon ever taken in Michigan, for which there is documentation, was 7 feet 11 inches long and weighed 310 pounds (Van Oosten 1956). A photograph of this leviathan is included in the July- August (1943) issue of Michigan Conservation magazine (Vol. 12, No. 6, p. 11). It was captured by swimmers in 1943 in Lake Michigan, near the mouth of the St. Joseph River. It had apparently been injured by a collision with a boat propeller. - The current state angling record for lake sturgeon is a 193 pound fish, speared in Mullett Lake in 1974. However, most sturgeon taken by spearers during the February season are 4 1/2 to 5 feet long and weigh 45 to 60 pounds. Priegel and Wirth state that male lake sturgeon in Wisconsin reach sexual maturity at 14-16 years of age, and females at 24-26 years old. Also, instead of spawning every year, females spawn only once every 4 to 6 years, while males may spawn every other year. Because of the similarity of latitude and length of the growing season, it is felt that these ages at maturity and intervals between successive spawnings also apply to Sturgeon in Michigan waters Mason Shouder, personal communication). Roussow (1957) reported that the spawning periodicity of lake Sturgeon could be determined by examination of the spacing of the annuli in the pectoral fin ray cross sections. According to Roussow, the growth Of the sturgeon in the years just prior to the year of spawning is quite slow, resulting in a series of annuli located very close together. After 18 the year of spawning, the growth rate increases, and this increase is reflected in the wider spacing of subsequent annuli. As the fish begins to produce sex products prior to the next spawning, growth slows down again and the cycle is repeated. I examined the fin ray sections of 32 lake surgeon in an attempt to determine the spawning periodicity of Michigan populations, but could not distinguish the wide and narrow bands of annuli which Roussow discussed. The sturgeon upon which Roussow conducted his investigations were taken from lakes in northern Quebec, where the growing season is much shorter. It is possible that Michigan lake Sturgeon, having a longer growing season, do not suffer from as great a disruption in growth during the formation of the sex products as do fish from areas farther north. Natural mortality in lake sturgeon is very low throughout most of the life span. By the end of the second growing season, the average length of a lake sturgeon is nearly 12 inches, thus rendering them too large a prey for all but the largest of the predatory fishes. The sharp, bony plates in the skin also make them a very unpleasant mouthful. There are no records to indicate that young lake sturgeon have ever been found in the stomachs of any other fish, but this might reflect the Scarcity of the prey rather than its lack of utilization by predators. Once a lake sturgeon has reached about 20 inches in length (about 5 years of age) its size has rendered it an unfit prey even for the large muskellunge. From this point on, the chief predator of the lake sturgeon is man. 19 Male and female lake sturgeon are apparently subject to different rates of mortality after the first 10 or 15 years of life. Among the older and larger sturgeon there is a predominance of females. The sex ratio for 151 lake sturgeon 50 inches and larger taken from Black and Mullett lakes by spear fishermen during the years 1974- 1979 was 71% female and 29% male. Among larger fish the preponderance of females was even greater. Eighty percent of the sturgeon over 60 inches long were females, and among fish 70 inches and larger, 86% were females, This imbalance of the sex ratio is known to occur in other lake sturgeon populations. - Probst and Cooper (1955) reported that 96% of the lake Sturgeon over 59 inches long speared in Lake Winnebago were females. Probst and Cooper attributed the predominance of females among larger Sturgeon to either a longer natural life span for females or a lower rate Of exploitation, suggesting that males might be subjected to a significant illegal harvest in the rivers during the spawning run. The latter might indeed be the case for at least one Michigan population. Even though the upper Black River above Black Lake is closed to all fishing during April and May, poaching of spawning Sturgeon remains a serious problem (Eugene Elsenheimer, conservation officer, personal communication). Mason Shouder (personal communication) has speculated that most of the mortality not directly attributable to legal fishing in the Black Lake population can be attributed to the illegal harvest of Sturgeon during the spawning run. Lake sturgeon compete with other bottom-feeding fishes for the same food items. Probably the greatest competitors with the lake 20 sturgeon for food are the various species of suckers (Catostomidae). However, the extent of this interspecific competition is not known. Lake Sturgeon are hosts to a variety of parasites. The most Serious of these are the lampreys. The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is known to attack and even kill large lake Sturgeon in the Great Lakes. In Black Lake, sturgeon are parasitized by the smaller Silver lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis). The extent of parasitism by the silver lamprey in Black Lake is not known, but two of the first three Sturgeon speared in Black Lake in 1980 were found to have lampreys attached to them. I identified one of the lampreys taken from these fish as L. unicuspis. Hoffman (1967) listed 12 parasites found in lake Šturgeon. Margolis and Arthur (1979) listed the following 17 parasites of lake Sturgeon: Monogenea, 3 species; Trematoda, 8 species; Nematoda, 3 species; Acanthocephala, 1 species; Hirudinoidea, 1 species; Branchiura, 1 species. Neither of these lists include the Coelenterate Polypodium sp. Which has been found in the ovaries of Sturgeon taken in Black Lake (Hoffman et al. 1974). This is the only North American record of this unique parasite. About 20% of the female sturgeon in Black Lake are believed to be infested with Polypodium in varying degrees (Mason Shouder, personal communication). John Hnath, fish pathologist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and I examined for parasites in December 1979, a dead male lake sturgeon, 35 inches long and weighing 10 pounds, 2 ounces. This fish was captured alive, but floundering, in 21 the Saginaw River (Saginaw County) within the city limits of Saginaw in late July 1979. The only parasites found were a single specimen of Cucullanus chitellarius, found in the hind gut, and 23 specimens of Spinitectus gracilis from the esophagus, both species being nematodes. These are tentative identifications, done by Hnath, and are included because there are so few records of lake sturgeon parasites for Michigan populations. very little is known concerning the bioaccumulation of chemical toxicants by lake sturgeon. The lake sturgeon has very fatty flesh and lives to great age, which suggests that it could accumulate high concentrations of fat soluble toxicants such as chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). Evans et al. (1972) reported that 1970 mean mercury levels in lake Sturgeon taken from Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River were 2. 0-3.0 ppm. DISTRIBUTION OF THE LAKE STURGEON IN MICHIGAN WITH NOTES ON THE FISHERIES In order to identify existing lake Sturgeon populations, a questionnaire was sent to all Michigan Department of Natural Resources regional and district fishery biologists, fishery habitat biologists, and Great Lakes research stations (Fig. 2). Each questionnaire was followed up by a telephone interview within 2 weeks so that responses might be obtained more quickly. The results of this questionnaire survey, and of Subsequent field investigations that I conducted are discussed below. There are three significant populations of lake sturgeon known to exist in Michigan. These populations are located in: () Burt, Mullett and Black lakes in the Cheboygan River system, Cheboygan and Presque Isle counties; (2) the Menominee River, a boundary stream between Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula (chiefly Menominee County); and (3) Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River. Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes The populations of Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes are essentially landlocked, connection with Lake Huron having been blocked by a dam with lock on the Cheboygan River in the 1920's. 22 23 LAKE STURGEON QUESTIONNAIRE Do you have any lake Sturgeon in your district 2 Have you had any reports of Sturgeon in your district 2 If a population of lake Sturgeon is present, where is it located ? (Please give county, township, range, section, and site.) How recent is your latest information concerning the existence of sturgeon in your district 2 Do you have any information regarding the size of the population(s)? Do you have any specific biological information (lengths, weights, exploitation, etc.) about the population(s)? Do you know of anyone else who might have information about sturgeon populations in your district 2 Figure 2. --Questionnaire regarding lake sturgeon distribution. 24 The lakes have supported a significant winter spear fishery since 1948. Characteristics of this fishery were described by Williams (1951). The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has closely monitored the fishery in these lakes since 1974. It is known that Black Lake (the Shallowest of the three lakes) has a substantial population of Sturgeon, and most of the annual harvest is taken there. However, the largest surgeon taken each year invariably come from Mullett Lake. No Sturgeon have been speared in Burt Lake since 1974, and the population there is believed to be very Small. Fishermen no longer actively pursue lake sturgeon in Burt Lake, the fishery now being confined to Mullett and Black lakes. - Since 1974, all successful Sturgeon spearers on Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes have been required to have their catch verified and tagged by a state fishery biologist within 48 hours. Thus, the total catch is known for each of these three lakes for the past 7 years (Table 2). In these years a total of 203 lake sturgeon have been harvested by sport fishermen, 166 from Black, 36 from Mullett, and 1 from Burt Lake. The upper Black River, from its confluence with Black Lake to Kleber Dam, is the principal spawning area for the Black Lake population. In 1972, four artificial spawning reefs were built in the river to provide the spawning sturgeon with more suitable substrate. In 1973, the Northern Michigan Electric Coop., Inc. (which owns and operates Kleber Dam) agreed to provide a minimum flow of approximately 80 cfs from May 1 through July 31 each year. This minimum flow serves to keep the artificial 25 Table 2. --Annual lake Sturgeon spearing harvest in Burt, Mullett, and Black lakes, 1974-1980. Lake Year Burt Mullett Black Total 1974 1 9 13 23 1975 0 1 33 34 1976 * 0 7 34 41 1977 0 0 29 29. 1978 0 4 24 28 1979 0 9 19 28 1980 0 6 14 20 Total 1 36 166 203 26 spawning reefs submerged and free of silt during the spawning season (Shouder 1975). Sturgeon are also known to run down the lower Black River, as far as Alverno Dam during the spawning season (Mason Shouder, personal communication). The lake sturgeon population of Mullett Lake utilizes the Pigeon River as a spawning ground. Sturgeon from Burt Lake may spawn in the surgeon River (Mason Shouder, personal communication). The extent of the spawning runs and suitable spawning habitat for these populations is unknown. The Menominee River The Menominee River population is landlocked, being confined to the portion of the river between the White Rapids Dam upstream and the Grand Rapids Dam downstream, a distance of 26 river miles (Priegel 1973). It is the object of a hook-and-line fishery each year during the months of September and October. Burdick (1968) has described the nature of this fishery. Management of the Menominee River population is carried out jointly by Wisconsin and Michigan. Priegel (1973) has Conducted detailed investigations of the Menominee Sturgeon population and its fishery. Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River Very little is known about the lake sturgeon population of Lake St. Clair, except that a substantial (and largely illegal) fishery has 27 taken place in the North Channel of the St. Clair River for many years. Each year during the month of June, lake sturgeon migrate up the North Channel to a series of deep holes along the mainland shore, across from Dickinson Island. They advertise their presence by rolling on the surface and jumping, thus alerting local anglers. It is believed that the sturgeon spawn in these deep holes, as they concentrate in very localized areas. Local residents report that the bottom in these areas is composed of large cinders, dumped by steamships many years ago. The current is very strong in the North Channel, and if the substrate is as reported, then conditions would be ideal for spawning sturgeon. Further proof of spawning activity is the occurrence of ripe female Sturgeon in the anglers' harvest. I was shown a color photograph, taken by a local resident, of several gallons of ripe Sturgeon roe removed from a fish caught by the person's son in 1978. Very small sturgeon, estimated to be only 1 or 2 years old, have been taken by Michigan Department of Natural Resources research vessels in Anchor Bay (Robert Haas, personal communication). Also, larger lake Sturgeon of varying sizes and ages have occasionally been collected all Over Lake St. Clair over the past 12 years. Thus the Sturgeon, though Still rare, are apparently reproducing. Some local residents catch spawning lake Sturgeon in much the Same manner as is employed in the Menominee River fishery. Very heavy tackle is utilized, and bottom fishing with nightcrawlers is the 28 preferred method. The taking of sturgeon in this manner is legal, as there is currently no closed season with respect to sturgeon fishing in the Great Lakes and connecting waters. However, most of the sturgeon taken in this fishery are snagged, not caught on live bait. Violations are the rule rather than the exception in this fishery. The most common terminal fishing gear consists of a heavy sinker (1 to 1 1/4 pounds) and two to four very large treble hooks. A single point of each treble hook is baited with a plastic worm, thus circumventing the fishing regulation which states that all lines must be baited. This type of gear bears great resemblance to the equipment used to snag paddlefish in the large rivers of the western United States. The violator thus equipped allows the current to carry his sinker and hooks into the deep hole where the sturgeon are concentrated. The Slack line is taken up and the gear is allowed to remain on the bottom until a sturgeon swims into it, thus jerking the line. The violator then heaves back on his heavy rod, hoping to drive the points of the treble hooks into the fish's body. Though apparently crude, this method accounts for the majority of the sturgeon taken in this fishery. Set-lining, though illegal, is also a popular method among the local residents for taking sturgeon, and heavy set-lines can be seen tied to many docks in the vicinity of the "sturgeon holes." The harvest of lake sturgeon from the North Channel, by both legal and illegal methods, is substantial. One resident, who has kept meticulous records concerning the number of Sturgeon he has caught or 29 Seen caught from the main fishing area since 1963, told me that in 1969 he saw more than 100 sturgeon taken in 2 days, all of them Snagged. Even if this figure is greatly exaggerated, it still indicates a very large number of spawning Sturgeon is being taken. Residents report that the catch of Sturgeon during the June fishery was much larger in past years than it is now, and that many more people are now fishing for sturgeon than formerly did. Apprehension of violators operating in this fishery is exceedingly difficult. Most of the fishing goes on at night, making observation of fishermen difficult. In the case of the snaggers, a fish must be caught and in possession or no violation can be charged. At times, no fish may be caught for several days. This makes direct observation of the fishery by conservation officers a relatively fruitless endeavor. From June 15 through June 24, 1979, I conducted a creel census on the North Channel of the St. Clair River. Several lake sturgeon were observed jumping and rolling on the surface, but no legal-size sturgeon were caught by any of the anglers that were interviewed. One sublegal surgeon was reported caught and released. Anglers and local residents Stated that several large sturgeon were taken on the weekend prior to the beginning of the creel census. Not enough data were collected for an estimate of fishing pressure to be made. Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River apparently still support a significant population of lake sturgeon. However, more stringent *egulations governing the taking of Sturgeon during the spawning season are necessary if the population is to be given an opportunity to increase. 30 Other Michigan sturgeon populations In addition to the populations discussed above, lake Sturgeon are still present in all of the Great Lakes, though not in numbers approaching their abundance of a century ago. Sturgeon are reported Only occasionally by commercial fishermen in pursuit of other species and by state research vessels. Commercial fishing for lake sturgeon has been illegal since 1970. Organ et al. (unpublished) report that, based on information gathered from commercial fishermen, lake sturgeon have spawned or are spawning in parts of Lake Erie, the Detroit River, the St. Clair River, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan. Maps showing the locations of these spawning areas are included in that publication. Lake sturgeon are occasionally reported in most of the larger streams flowing directly into the Great Lakes. The fish are most often seen during the months of May and June, when they come in from the lakes to spawn. Reports of Sturgeon are almost exclusively from the lower reaches of the rivers, below the first dam. In two cases, reports of sturgeon have come from lakes at the end of river systems. Both of these lakes communicate directly with Lake Michigan, so these fish do not belong to landlocked populations. Rivers in which lake sturgeon have been reported at least once during the last 10 years are listed in Table 3. Lake sturgeon are occasionally encountered in Pere Marquette Lake, Mason County, but have not been reported from the Pere Marquette River. 31 Table 3. --Rivers in which lake sturgeon have been reported during the last 10 years. River County Comments Upper Peninsula Mille coquins Mackinac below Millecoquins Lake Sturgeon Houghton, Baraga below Prickett Dam Waiska Chippewa Lower Peninsula Cheboygan Cheboygan below paper mill dam in Cheboygan Au Sable Iosco below Foote Dam Manistee Manistee below Tippy Dam Muskegon Muskegon below Croton Dam, also Muskegon Lake Grand Ottawa, Kent below city of Grand Rapids St. Joseph Berrien below Berrien Springs Dam 32 Several local populations of lake Sturgeon exist in various lakes in the Upper Peninsula. Most of these populations are landlocked, connections with the Great Lakes via river systems having been blocked by impoundments. Lakes harboring such populations include: Otter Lake, Houghton County; Manistique Lake, Mackinac and Luce counties; Indian Lake, Schoolcraft County; Brevoort Lake, Mackinac County; and Monacle Lake, Chippewa County. Not much is known concerning the Sturgeon populations of any of these lakes. The only direct attempt to assess one of these populations was made in 1979. In late May 1979, I assisted the U. S. Forest Service in an assessment of the magnitude of a lake Sturgeon spawning run in the upper Indian River in Schoolcraft County, near Manistique. The sturgeon population of Indian Lake Spawns in the upper reaches of the Indian River. In 5 days of electrofishing, six lake Sturgeon were captured and length, weight, and girth measurements were taken. Pectoral fin bones Were removed from all Sturgeon for the purpose of age determination. Twelve other lake sturgeon were observed but not captured by Forest Service personnel. Approximately 20 lake Sturgeon were observed by a local resident on the night of May 15, about 7 miles upstream from the site of the electrofishing (Charles Basset, personal communication). (The electrofishing boat could only travel about 1 mile upstream from the In Outh of the river, due to the width of the stream and the frequency of obstructions.) Some illegal harvest is taken from the Indian Lake population during the spawning run, but the severity of this problem is not known. 33 Evidently, these small inland populations do not support significant fisheries. Lake sturgeon are occasionally speared through the ice during the winter spearing season on Indian Lake, but the number of fish harvested is not known. More research is necessary to determine the size of these populations and rates of exploitation. Outside of the three major fisheries discussed above, the angler harvest of lake sturgeon from the other sturgeon populations of Michigan, including the Great Lakes, is very small. A few sturgeon are taken on hook and line each year in the Great Lakes and at the mouths of rivers by anglers fishing for other species. The number of legal sturgeon taken under these conditions probably amounts to less than ten fish annually. ESTIMATES OF FISHING PRESSURE AND CATCH PER UNIT EFFORT Estimates of fishing pressure and catch per unit effort were only possible for the Black Lake spear fishery and the hook-and-line fishery of the Menominee River, as these were the only fisheries for which adequate creel census information was available. Black Lake A creel census of the Sturgeon fishery in Black Lake was conducted by Department of Natural Resources personnel during the 1975 and 1976 spearing seasons. Sturgeon anglers returning from fishing were interviewed at random and the numbers of hours spent fishing and fish speared were recorded. Counts of occupied shanties on the sturgeon spearing grounds were made, but it was later found that the shanty counts for both years were not made in a random manner, so the shanty count data were not used in the development of the effort estimates. Since each Sturgeon Speared in Black Lake must be validated by a DNR fishery biologist, the total catch for the entire Season was known, thus allowing estimates of fishing pressure and catch per unit effort to be made using only the interview data and the total catch. It was assumed that the interviews of spearers comprised a random sample of the population of all Sturgeon Spearers. Catch per 34 35 hour was calculated for each day of the season on which interviews were conducted. The mean catch per hour £e for the entire season was then calculated as follows: where 2 i is the catch per hour calculated for day i , and n is the number of days sampled. e 2^ The estimated variance of Lic was determined using the following formula: 2 (28.)” 2^. > 3’ “ - –– v(ſic) = + Il n(n-1) Fishing effort was measured in Shanty hours. The estimated number ASN of shanty hours H was then calculated from the known catch and the estimated mean catch per hour. known Ca toh AN P'c /N H = The estimated variance of the fishing pressure is T A /\ V(H) = H —- because, if B and C are any two random variables, and A = B/C, then according to Cochran (1963) 36 ºs-smams 2|V(B) + V(C) - 2 COV (B, C) B2 C2 V(A) = A In this case, the known catch is a constant. Since the variance of a constant is Zero the B term is omitted from the equation. It was assumed that the covariance of the known catch and £e Wa S Ze I’O. Confidence intervals (level of significance = 0.05) were constructed for estimates of total shanty hours and catch per hour. Estimates of effort and catch per unit effort, confidence intervals, and the known catch for the 1975 and 1976 spearing seasons are listed in Table 4. A shanty hour is a unit indicating that a spearing shanty is occupied by an angler or anglers for a period of 1 hour. One shanty hour is essentially equivalent to One angler hour, since there is no relationship between the number of anglers in a single shanty and spearing success. Catch per hour estimates are made more meaningful by converting to hours per fish which is the reciprocal of catch per hour. In 1975, 70.4 shanty hours of effort were expended for every surgeon harvested. In 1976, each sturgeon speared represented 116.8 shanty hours of effort. The mean number of hours expended per fish in 1975 and 1976 is 93.6 hours per fish. There are statistically significant differences between 1975 and 1976 for both fishing effort and catch per hour. These differences were shown by the techniques, of hypothesis testing, using a level of significance 37 Table 4. --Estimates of effort and catch per unit effort for the spear fishery of Black Lake, 1975-1976. Catch per Effort 95% unit effort 95% Total Year (shanty confidence (i. i Ol." confidence known hours) limits 1Sh per limits catch - Shanty hour) 1975 2, 332 1895, 2769 0.0 142 0.01.15, 0.0168 33 1976 3,972 3503, 4441 0.0086 0.0075, 0.0096 34 38 of 0.05. It is interesting that the total catch in 1975 and 1976 remained essentially the same. Catch per hour decreased in 1976, but this decrease was evidently balanced by an increase in the number of shanty hours. The reason for the differences in fishing effort and catch per unit effort between 1975 and 1976 is not known. Vondett (1957) estimated the fishing pressure on Black Lake during the 1956 spearing season to be 5,076 angler hours. (Vondett's angler hour is equivalent to the Shanty hour used in this investigation, since Vondett sent questionnaires to the owners of shanties at the end of the spearing season.) The estimated total catch in 1956 was 55 Sturgeon. The greater number of fish taken in 1956 (55 as compared with 33 in 1975) can be attributed to the 2-month-long fishing season in 1956 (January and February), and to the 42-inch minimum size limit then in effect, rather than to a decline in the sturgeon population. Vondett also estimated that 84 hours of effort were expended for every Sturgeon speared. This agrees fairly well with the mean estimated effort per sturgeon for 1975 and 1976 (93.6 hours per fish). Menominee River Priegel (1973) estimated the fishing pressure and total catch for the Menominee River hook-and-line fishery in 1969 to be 14, 300 angler hours and 59 lake sturgeon, respectively. In 1970, the estimated fishing pressure was 11,400 angler hours and the estimated total catch Was 48 lake sturgeon. 39 The amount of effort expended for each Sturgeon harvested was calculated using Priegel's estimates of fishing pressure and total catch. In 1969, 242. 4 angler hours were expended for each legal Sturgeon, while in 1970, the effort was 237.5 hours per fish. These estimates of the number of hours fished per sturgeon harvested are much higher than similar estimates for the Black Lake spear fishery. The difference in the amount of effort necessary can partially be accounted for by the different types of gear employed. Also, Priegel did not mention in his report whether or not sturgeon fishermen were distinguished from anglers fishing for other species. If all anglers were considered together, the estimated number of angler hours spent in pursuit of sturgeon would be inflated, since the time spent by anglers not fishing for sturgeon would also be included. POPULATION AND EXPLOITATION ESTIMATES Black Lake A mark-and-recapture study was conducted by Shouder (1975 and personal communication) in which he captured and marked lake sturgeon in Black Lake during the month of June from 1970 through 1978. Each fish handled was marked, total length was recorded, and a pectoral fin-bone was taken for aging. I obtained Shouder's raw data for the purpose of making population estimates and thereby estimating exploitation rates, since the total catch for each year by sport fishermen was known. Because of the nature of the mark-and-recapture data available, it was necessary to make several modifications so that the data could be analyzed by a standard estimation method. The Chapman modification of the Petersen estimator was used to estimate the population size for a even year. The formula is as follows: * = CM + 1) (C + 1) (R, + 1) /\ . where N is the estimated size of the population, M is the number of marked fish at large in the population, C is the size of the second, or recapture sample, and R is the number of marked fish recaptured in 40 41 the second Sample. This estimator is slightly biased, but the bias becomes negligible when MC is greater than 4N (Robson and Regier 1964). Because of the small number of fish marked in any given year and the small number of recaptures, it was necessary to combine the groups of fish marked over a period of several years in order to obtain realistic population estimates. Since annual mortalities occurring over several years would tend to reduce the number of marked fish at large in the population, a correction was made in the size of the marked population using the following procedure. All of the fish marked in a given year i were considered as a single cohort mi . For each year that the cohort was at large in the population, the percent annual mortality was subtracted from it. It was assumed that both marked and unmarked fish were subject to the same annual mortality. The annual mortality rate was obtained from the instantaneous total mortality rate which was calculated by least squares regression of the descending leg of a catch curve, a.S will be described later. By this method, annual mortality was found to be 0.097 or 9.7%. As an example, suppose that in 1970, 16 sturgeon were marked, and that we wish to know how many of these fish should still be available for a population estimate in 1974. Using the formula m. -- 1 = m = - a m: l l l 42 where a is the annual mortality rate, the results would be as follows: 1971: 16 – 9. 7% = 14.45 13.05 1972: 14.45 – 9.7% -: 1973: 13.05 – 9. 7% = 11.78 The result for the year under consideration was then rounded off to the nearest whole number. When a Petersen estimator is used, the population estimate obtained applies to the time when the marked fish were released. Since in this case the marked fish were released over a period of several years, the population estimate was arbitrarily assigned to the year immediately preceding the year of the recapture sample. When the fish were marked, both sublegal fish and fish of legal size were tagged. During the winter Spearing season, only Sturgeon 50 inches and larger can be legally taken. I wished to use the catch records from the spearing season in conjunction with the netting data so as to increase the size of the second sample, C , in the Petersen estimator. Therefore, I decided to consider only fish 50 inches and larger in evaluating C. In order to allow for the sublegal fish, and to increase the number of legal-size marked fish available at the time of recapture, fish which would be 50 inches long by the year of recapture were included in the marked population M. Predictions of growth were obtained from the von Bertalanffy growth curve, which will be discussed later. Since the 43 marked sublegal fish ranged in size from 38 inches to 50 inches, the mean predicted annual growth increment was calculated for fish in this size range from the predicted lengths at age of the von Bertalanffy model. The mean annual growth increment for lake Sturgeon from 38 inches to 50 inches in length is 1.4 inches. I used the growth increment calculated from the von Bertalanffy model in preference to the increments derived directly from mean length. at age, because in the empirical data the mean length at age x + 1 is often less than the mean length at age x due to the small sample size of fish in each age class. For each sublegal fish in a cohort of marked fish, the mean annual growth increment was added to its length successively until a length of 50 inches was reached. For example, a 42-inch Sturgeon marked in 1970 would not be considered available for recapture until 1976 when it reached 50 inches in length. It should be noted that since the population estimate has been assigned to the year previous to that of the recapture sample, the estimate resulting from the use of data treated in the manner described above will be of the number of sturgeon 48.6 inches and larger. This is because the last mean growth increment will not yet have been added. Since these fish are of nearly legal size, the estimated size of the population of legal fish would be very close to the estimated population of fish 48.6 inches and larger. 44 By integrating the aforementioned procedures, and applying them to each cohort of marked fish, the size of M at the time when the second sample (C) was made was determined. For example, consider the conor Of fish marked in 1970. I wanted to know how many of these fish were available when the recapture sample (C) was taken in 1974. The number of fish marked in 1970 was 17. Three of these fish were not of legal size, but by adding the mean annual growth increment to each fish's length four times, I found that two of them would be of legal size by 1974. Thus I had 16 fish which either were of legal size or would be legal by 1974. I then subtracted successive annual mortalities for 1971-1973 and obtained a final figure of 12 marked fish still available for recapture in 1974. This procedure was carried out for each group of fish marked in successive years. The numbers of marked fish from each group which would be available at the time of the recapture sample were summed and the number of marked fish of legal size (M) was thereby obtained. The second, or recapture sample (C) was composed of the combined netting and spearing data for the following year. since some Of the netted fish were not of legal size, these were not included in the second sample. In simple form, fish in recapture sample equaled fish speared plus fish netted minus sublegal fish netted. Tagged fish which were speared and netted were combined to give the number of recaptures in the second sample (R). A 95% confidence interval for each estimate was calculated 45 using a table, based on the Poisson frequency distribution and found in Ricker (1975). Exploitation rates for sport fishing were calculated by dividing the known catch for a given year by the population estimate for the previous year and extreme values of exploitation were determined by calculating exploitation rates using the confidence limits of the population estimates. The estimates of population size and exploitation rates for the years 1973-1976 are listed in Table 5. Population estimates for 1976 were not possible because no marked fish were recaptured in 1977. Marked fish were taken in 1978 and 1979, but data for the netting surveys of 1978 were unavailable and no netting was done in 1979. Therefore, population and exploitation estimates for these later years were not feasible. I feel that the population estimate for 1975 and the resulting exploitation estimate for 1976 are the most representative of the true conditions, as the 1975 estimate is based on the largest number of recaptured marked fish (4) and therefore has a smaller bias than the Other two estimates. Menominee River Priegel (1973) estimated the population of legal size (42 inches and larger) lake sturgeon in the Menominee River to be 243 + 7.1% in 1969 and 185 + 30% in 1970. He estimated the exploitation rates to be 13% and 17% in 1969 and 1970, respectively. 46 Table 5. --Estimates of population size and exploitation rates for lake sturgeon, Black Lake, 1973-1976. Year M1 M2 R. º º wº ar limits % Limits 1973 97 33 1 1, 666 505, 30.29 1974 117 41 - 1 2, 478 751, 4505 0.8 0. 4, 2.6 1975 122 64 4 1, 599 714, 3998 1. 3 0. 7, 4.4 1976 - 2. 1 0.8, 4.8 47 It should be noted that the size limit for surgeon in the Menominee River has been raised to 50 inches since Priegel conducted his investigations, so presumably the present exploitation rates are not the same as they were in 1970. STOCK ASSESSMENT An evaluation of the adequacy of the current spearing regulations for lake sturgeon in Michigan's inland lakes was carried out using the equilibrium yield equation of Ricker (1958). This is a dynamic pool model of the general form * = FN(x) w (z) dx where Y is yield, x is age, F is the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, N (x) is the number of individuals of age x , and W (x) is the weight of an individual of age x. A derivation of the model is given in Ricker (1975). With the Ricker model yield can be calculated for a given weight or number of recruits at various levels of fishing mortality and ages at entry into the fishery, so that the combination of regulations which will give a maximum yield from the fishery can be ascertained. Although this analysis deals primarily with spearing regulations, the results concerning maximum rates of exploitation are equally applicable to hook-and-line fisheries, such as those of the Menominee and St. Clair rivers. 48 49 Growth in Length and Weight Age-length relationship Raw length and age data for fish taken in Black and Mullett lakes and the Menominee River were procured from files and reports of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Due to the methods of collection employed in the different locations, no single data set considered alone adequately represented the growth of the lake sturgeon through its entire lifetime. In the Menominee River, sturgeon were collected by electrofishing (Priegel 1973), and the sample was predominantly composed of fish less than 20 years old. By C Ontra St, the fish captured in Black and Mullett lakes We Jºe taken either by spearing during the February fishing season or in large mesh gill nets as described by Shouder (1975). The fish taken by these two methods were predominantly older than 20 years. Because of the very small amount of data from Mullett Lake, information from this location was combined with that from Black Lake. The small sample size precluded any attempt to show a statistically significant difference in growth rates between the two lakes, thus Black and Mullet lakes were considered together and identified simply as the inland lakes. In order to evaluate the growth of the lake sturgeon over its entire theoretical life span, it was necessary to combine the age-length data from the inland lakes and Menominee River populations. The 50 length-age relationships of the two data sets are so similar that I judged the growth rates of the inland lake and Menominee River populations were not significantly different (Figure 3). - The growth equation of von Bertalanffy (1988) as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) was fitted to the length-age data by the method of least squares using FORTRAN program. BGC3 from Abramson (1971). The equation is of the form 24. = L-2 [1 - e-k(x-xo), where 2& is length at age x', L 2 is the theoretical asymptotic length, k is a growth coefficient, and x,\ is the theoretical time O when length is zero. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy model for Michigan lake Sturgeon are Loo = 69. 6411 inches, k = 0.0558, xo = -0.8815 Graphic analysis of residuals showed no significant biases in the model. The predicted von Bertalanffy growth curve for Michigan lake sturgeon is given in Figure 3. Lengths predicted by the model and observed mean lengths for ages 1-65 are given in Table 6. It should be noted that surgeon of length greater than L 22 are not uncommon. These large sturgeon are generally taken by spear fishermen during the February season. They tend to be very old, and aging these fish accurately is nearly impossible. Since very large 51 8OF D D [] . - D 70––––––––––––––––––5– O O RH · L [ba [T] [...] O [...] . O ->tº D-" 6OH- . º *ºff" [I] t; O sº +H O [] .* O ~50H- © [2(TI) -C O [...] O 7ſ D S .7 S 4O * O O) O C QD ~! 3OH • Menominee River D Inland Lakes 2OH- T Fitted von Bertalanffy • Curve 1OH- | | | | | | 1O 2O 3O 4O 5O 6O Age - Figure 3. --Combined empirical length-age relationship for lake Sturgeon from the Menominee River and the inland lakes, with fitted von Bertalanffy curve. 52 Table 6. --Observed and predicted values of length (inches) at each age for Michigan lake sturgeon. - Age - Length — (years) - observed - - Predicted (empirical mean) (von Bertalanffy) l 6.0 6.. 9 2 11.0 10. 3 3 12.5 13. 6 4 16. 1 16. 6 5 20. 2 19. 5 6 22. 1 22.2 7 24. 7 24.8 8 27. 5 27. 2 9 30. 3 29. 5 10 31. 9 31. 7 11 34.8 33.8 12 37. 0 35.7 13 39. 7 37.6 14 41. 5 39.3 15 44. 6 40. 9 16 42.5 17 46. 1 44. 0 18 46. 1 45.4 19 46.2 46.7 20 48.9 4.7. 9 21 49.0 49. 1 22 50.3 50.2 23 50. 7 51.3 24 50. 9 52.3 25 52.8 53. 2 26 52.9 54. 1 (continued, next page) - 53 Table 6. --continued. Age - Observ Length. 5– (years) served - - Predicted (empirical mean) (von Bertalanffy) 27 54.8 55. 0 28 54.7 55.8 29 57. 6 56. 5 30 54. 5 57. 2 31 57.7 57. 9 32 - 57. 2 58. 5 33 - 56. 7 59. 1 34 - 59. 5 59. 7 35 - 58. 9 60. 2 36 60. 2 60.8 37 61.3 61.2 38 60.7 61. 7 39 64. 5 62. 1 40 65. 0 62. 5 41 62.6 62. 9 42 63. 9 63.3 43 62.0 63. 6 44 57.8 64. 0 45 66. 0 64. 3 46 65. 5 64. 6 47 69. 9 64.8 48 65.8 65. 1 49 65. 6 65. 3 50 75. 0 65. 6 51 61. 5 65.8 52 66. 0 53 64. 5 - 66. 2 54 - 66.4 (continued, next page) 54 Table 6. --concluded. Length gº. ) observed Predicted (empirical mean) (von Bertalanffy) 55 66. 3 66. 6 56 76. 0 66. 7 57 70. 3 66. 9 58 72. 3 67.0 59 67. 2 60 73. 5 67. 3 61 69. 5 67.4 62 67. 6 63 72. 3 67. 7 64 - 67. 8 65 67. 9 55 sturgeon constitute only a very small portion of the total population, only fish of age 65 years and younger were considered in this analysis. Length-weight relationship Only mean length and mean weight data for each age were available for the Menominee River population, so mean length and mean weight data from the inland lake stocks were used in conjunction with the Menominee River data for the purpose of determining a length-weight model for a typical Michigan lake sturgeon population. The allometric length-weight relationship was fitted to the mean length and weight data by the technique of simple linear regression. The relationship is of the form W = a LP where W is weight, L is length, and a and b are parameters. The length-weight relationship for Michigan lake sturgeon WaS 2&w - -8.8949 3, 1893 AL. The coefficient of determination for this model was 0.986. The standard deviation of the regression was 0. 169, which is considered to be large. The discrepancies between the predicted and observed 56 values were quite large, amounting to as much as 15 pounds in SOIſle of the largest fish. However, in fish Of Over 100 pounds (which constitute only a small portion of the total catch) such an error was not of great consequence. It is reasonable to suppose that the variation in the length-weight model could be reduced appreciably by considering male and female fish separately. However, as determination of sex generally requires dissection, it is not a feasible procedure when fish are to be released alive. For this reason very little raw data where sex wº recorded were available, and such data as could be procured came exclusively from fish of 50 inches and larger taken by sport fishermen. These data would be unrepresentative of the full life span of the fish. Mean weights at age were calculated from lengths at age (predicted by the von Bertalanffy equation) using the length-weight relationship described above. These weights were incorporated into the Ricker equilibrium yield model. Mortality Black Lake Due to the small number of sturgeon taken in any one year, no single data set adequately represented the relative abundances of several consecutive age groups. In order to construct a catch curve, it was necessary to combine age and frequency data collected over a period of several years. 57 Data concerning age frequencies of lake sturgeon captured in gill nets were utilized in the construction of the catch curve. The number of fish of known age netted from 1970 through 1976 was larger than the number of fish speared from 1974 through 1977, for which age was known, and the netting sample exhibited a more uniform representation of frequencies over several consecutive year classes than did the spearing Sample. Ages of fish taken in gill nets ranged from 9 to 55 years, while ages of speared fish ranged from 20 to 63 years. However, only 5 fish older than 55 years were speared from 1974 through 1977 out of 107 aged fish. Since there is a significant amount of overlap of the age distributions of netted and Speared Sturgeon, it was felt that the netting data would provide an adequate estimate of the mortality rate of recruited fish. The age-frequency data for sturgeon netted from 1970 through 1976 were transformed by subtracting the age of each individual from the year in which the individual was captured, thereby obtaining the year class of each fish. Each year class was then further transformed by assigning to it the age which fish of that year class would attain in the year 1976. This latter transformation was done arbitrarily, its purpose being to give the resulting catch curve its traditional configuration, with the right leg descending. Age frequencies resulting from this manipulation are listed in Table 7. The top of the dome of the catch curve was chosen by inspection of a graph of the natural logarithm of frequency against assigned age. Fish of less than 25 years old (assigned 58 Table 7. --Year classes, assigned ages, and frequencies of lake sturgeon netted in Black Lake, 1970-1976. : * Frequency 1966 10 1 1959 17 - 1 less - 20 3 1955 21 6 1954 22 7 1953 as 7 1952 24 8 . 1951 25 . 14 1950 26 15 1949 27 10 1948 28 17 1947 - 29 10 1946 - 30 - 7 1945 31 13 1944 32 7 1943 33 - 6 1942 - 34 5 1941 . 35 11 1940 36 10 (continued, next page) 59 Table 7. --concluded. Year Assigned Frequency class age - 1939 37 8 1938 38 - 7 1937 39 5 1936 40 - 7 1935 41 1 1934 42 - 2 1933 43 2 1932 44 2 1931 45 3 1930 46 3 1929 47 2 1928 48 º 1 Total 201 60 age) were not considered to have been randomly sampled. Data concerning these fish were deleted, and a line was fitted to the remaining data by the method of least squares. The slope of this line is a point estimator of the instantaneous total mortality rate, Z, for the range of ages encompassed by the data. The following assumptions must be made in order to consider the descending leg of the catch curve described above to be an age- specific survival curve. - 1. Survival is constant over the range of age groups in question. 2. There has been no change in the survival rate with time. 3. The samples taken from the age groups involved are random. 4. The age groups under consideration were equal in numbers at the time each age group was recruited into the fishery. The instantaneous total mortality rate for Black Lake Sturgeon was 0. 102. The coefficient of determination for the regression model was 0.727 and the standard deviation of the regression 0. 452, which is considered to be large. The survival rate S was calculated by the formula and was found to be 0.903. Subtracting the survival rate from one (1) gives, a , the annual mortality rate. The annual mortality rate for Black Lake sturgeon was 0.097, which was utilized in the construction of population estimates discussed earlier. 61 The large amount of variation in the regression model can be accounted for in two possible ways. First, it must be remembered that the total number of fish of known age netted from 1970 through 1976 was only 205. Thus, the sample size for each age group was quite small when the number of age groups sampled was taken into consideration. Secondly, some of the variation in year class strength was no doubt due to fluctuations in recruitment from year to year. Instantaneous total mortality is defined as the sum of the instantaneous natural and fishing mortality rates Z = F + M. Fishing mortality F is generally calculated, and the remaining mortality is assigned to natural or non-fishing causes (M). The instantaneous fishing mortality rate was calculated using the following formula, taken from Everhart, Eipper, and Youngs (1975): in which F is the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, E is the rate of exploitation, Z is the instantaneous rate of total mortality, and S the survival rate. For the purpose of the yield analysis, an exploitation rate of 0.025 (2.5%) was assumed. Using this exploitation rate, together with the estimates of Z and S calculated from the catch curve, the instantaneous fishing mortality rate was calculated to be 0.026. 62 Instantaneous fishing mortality rates were calculated for the years 1974 through 1976, based on the rates of exploitation for those years, which were calculated as described earlier. The results are as follows: Year F 1974 0.008 1975 0.014 1976 0.022 Menominee River The Menominee River population was sampled by electrofishing, and although this fishing method was not obviously selective for fish of any particular size range, most of the sample consisted of Sturgeon less than 20 years old. Priegel (1973) attributed the predominance of smaller fish to a lack of larger fish in the population, rather than gear selectivity. A line was fitted to a plot of the natural logarithm of frequency versus age and the instantaneous total mortality rate was determined in the same manner as for the Black Lake population. The instantaneous total mortality rate for Menominee River sturgeon was 0.098. The coefficient of determination for the model was 0.757; the standard deviation of the regression 0.714. The large amount of variation can again be ascribed to the small sample sizes for individual age groups and annual fluctuations in reproduction. The corresponding survival and annual mortality rates were 0.907 and 0.093 respectively. 63 Instantaneous rates of fishing mortality were determined in the same manner as was used for the Black Lake population. Exploitation estimates taken from Priegel (1973) were used in conjunction with the - above estimates of instantaneous total mortality and survival, and the instantaneous fishing mortality rates for 1969 and 1970 were found to be 0.137 and 0.179 respectively. Priegel and Wirth (1975) estimated the instantaneous total mortality rates in the Lake Winnebago population to be 0.054 for sturgeon from 16 to 36 years of age, and 0. 134 for older fish. Since the mortality estimates were made by using regression techniques on two segments of the descending leg of a single catch curve, instead of fitting a single line to the entire descending leg (as has been done for the Michigan populations here), the Winnebago estimates are not directly comparable with the mortality estimates for Michigan lake sturgeon. It should also be noted that Priegel and Wirth worked with a much larger sample of fish. Incorporation into the yield equation - Since Ricker's yield model allows the use of different mortality rates for different age groups in the calculation of me yield equation, it was thought prudent to partition natural mortality according to the quantity of information available for different segments of the age distribution. The instantaneous total mortality rate for Menominee River sturgeon was developed for a sample of fish which was composed mainly of individuals less than 20 years old. Therefore, the instantaneous 64 total mortality rate for Menominee River fish was used as the natural mortality rate in the yield model for sturgeon up to 20 years of age. Under the present fishing regulations, fish o: less than 20 years old suffer virtually no fishing mortality. Natural mortality for lake sturgeon of ages greater than 20 years WalS calculated using the instantaneous total mortality rate for the Black Lake population. The arbitrary fishing mortality rate of 0.026, mentioned earlier (page 61), was subtracted from the instantaneous total mortality rate (0. 102) to give an instantaneous natural mortality rate of 0.076. The instantaneous fishing mortality rate of 0.026 (calculated from a hypothetical exploitation rate of 0.025) was utilized in the yield model Multipliers used in conjunction with this fishing rate, resulting multiples of the Original fishing rate, and rates of exploitation corresponding to each multiple are listed in Table 8. Yield per Recruitment The Ricker equilibrium yield model operates under the assumptions that recruitment is constant and that fluctuations in population density are not of sufficient magnitude to facilitate changes in the growth or mortality rates of the population under scrutiny (Ricker 1975). For the purpose of this analysis, recruitment consisted of 1,000 age-1 sturgeon. Under the current fishing regulations, lake surgeon enter the fishery at an age of 22 years, by which time they are 50 inches long. For a population in a steady state, with an exploitation rate of 2.5%, 65 Table 8. --Multipliers of the instantaneous fishing rate used in the Ricker yield model and corresponding rates of exploitation. Multiplier F º * 0. 5 - 0.018 0.012 1.0 0.026 0.025 2.0 0.052 0.049 3.0 0.078 0.074 4. 0 0. 104 * 0.099 5. 0 0.130 - 0. 124 6. 0 0. 156 - 0. 148 7.0 0. 182 0.173 8. O 0. 208 0. 198 9. 0 0.234 0.223 10. 0 0. 260 - 0.247 66 the yield was calculated to be 1, 522 pounds for every 1,000 recruits. This calculation was repeated for ages at entry ranging from 1 to 65 years, and 11 multiples of the original instantaneous fishing rate Of 0.026 such that the fishing rates evaluated corresponded to exploitation rates ranging from 1. 25 to 25%. All calculations were performed using the computer program of Paulik and Bayliff (1967). Isopleths were fitted to the resulting yield matrix (Figure 4). The x indicates the point at which the Black Lake spear hºmery was Operating in 1976, with an age at entry into the fishery of 22 years and an instantaneous fishing rate of 0.022, corresponding to an exploitation rate of 2.1%. The circle and square represent the locations of the Menominee River hook-and-line fishery in 1969 and 1970, respectively. Here, age at entry was 16 years, as a 42-inch minimum size limit was then in effect. The maximum yield attainable for any given fishing rate occurs at the point where a vertical line originating at the fishing rate of interest is tangent to the left edge of a contour. The loci of all such tangents form the eumetric fishing line of Beverton and Holt (1957). A segment of the eumetric fishing line, extending over the fishing rates under consideration is included in Figure 4 as line AA'. For each fishing rate, the age at entry which will provide the maximum yield can be found by drawing a vertical line from the fishing rate to line AA', then drawing a horizontal line from AA' to the vertical axis. As an example, for a fishing rate of 0.026 (2.5% exploitation rate), the maximum yield is 2, 157 pounds for every 1,000 recruits. This maximum occurs when age at entry into the fishery is 8 years. 67 | xe - Age at Recruitment 60 F - Instantaneous Fishing Rate - 500 - - 1000 " _ 1500 " 2000 – — 2500 " , 3000 - A – 3000 – = 2500 - - 2000 * 1 1–lººr .O52 .104 .156 .2O8 F Figure 4. --Yield in pounds per thousand age-1 recruits as a function of age at entry into the fishery, xc , and the instantaneous fishing mortality rate, F. – – .26O 68 As the rate of fishing F increases, the age at entry corresponding to the maximum yield ×e * also increases, but the amount of increase in x per unit increase in F is very small C Iſla X and the increment of increase becomes miniscule at high levels of F. For example, a doubling of the original rate of fishing causes an increase Of *c max of only 2 years. Multiplying the original fishing rate by 10 - causes