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K. a _,=__.=H_,_._..._.®§==€===5 -- , iaééééé =w~4__.__.,_=.‘_‘.§__.__.=._.a a? ‘ G7? 1W SECOND REPORT 01-‘ THE ROYAL COMMISSIONERS ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. Vol. I. -.___ ~ __... ‘”~~_w_w—4——W*—.~ .___._.__ Brumtth to but!) Quaint at iBarIiammt hp Giummanb of im- fiamtp. _.H~_ L O N D O N : PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from any of the following Agents, viz., Messrs. HANSARD and SON, 13, Great Queen Street, W.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster; Messrs. Erma and Srorrxswoona, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, and Sale Ofllce, House of Lords; Messrs. ADAM and Gamma BLACK, of Edinburgh; Messrs. Amxmmm T50! and 00., or Messrs. Honors, FIGGIS, and (30., of Dublin. T. finger? " SECOND REPORT OF THE fell, Emil, ROYAL COMMISSIONERS ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. VOL. I. ifirzfleuteh tu Imfl) 19mm; uf fiarliamznt 119 @Jnmmauh at 39,“ filaizstg. LONDON: ' PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from any of the following Agents, viz.,- Messrs. HANSARD 8c SON, 13, Great Queen Street, W.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster; Messrs. Erma 8c Srorrrswoonn, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, and Sale Office, House of Lords; Messrs. ADAM 8c Cnmms BLACK, of Edinburgh ; Messrs. ALEXANDER THOM & 00., or Messrs. Honons, Freers, 8: 00., of Dublin. 1884. 38! 2d. Kl'l’) '37 )y;%;/ CONTENTS. COMMISSION To mourns INTO TECHNICAL INsTnUCTIoN - - INTRODUCTION - - - - - . . .. Countries visited on the Continent in the United Kingdom - - ~ - ,9 ” Agricultural education, by Mr. Jenkins (see Vol. II.) . - America and Canada, by Mr. Mather (see Vol. II.) - - - Report and Appendix include conversations with, and evidence of experts - - - - - . - - Divisions of the Report - - - - - - PART I. TECHNICAL EDUCATION ON THE GONTINENT. Introductory Account of Primary and Secondary Schools in— 1. France - - - - .. - . - :2. Switzerland—Zurich Town and Canton - - - 3. Germany - - - . - - . _ 4'. Austria - - . - - . .. 5. Belgium - - . . . . .. - 6. Holland - - - - . . . ‘7. Italy - - - . - - . . SPECIAL TRADE AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS ABROAD - - - Approximate divisions of the subject - - i - I.-—Evening schools available for artizans - - - 1. Evening instruction in France - - - - The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers - - Public free lectures in France - - - - Evening instruction in the provinces - - - Evening classes under Industrial Society of Rheims - Evening classes in Lyons - ~ - - Evening commercial instruction in Paris - - - Evening art classes in France - - - - Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs, Paris - - Municipal Art School, Paris - - - - ,, ,, classes ,, - - - ~ Ecole des Beaux Arts of Lyons - - - v ,, ,, Toulouse - - . - PAGE 18 19 21 23 24 26 27 28 3, 29 )S 31 ,3 32 33 34 35 36 5! d ,, Nationale d’Art decoratif of Limoges - - :2. Evening instruction in Switzerland - - — - 3- n ~ ,, Germany - - - - Berlin Handwerker Verein - - - - . Association for the Diffusion of Popular Education . Berlin Handwerker Schule - - - - - Ri 1726. Wt. 16150. n e) 39 40 411 42 as ~# 4 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; 4. Evening instruction in Austria - - - - The Turners’ School, Vienna - . . . Each-Schule for jewellers and goldsmiths, Vienna s - 5. Evening class instruction in Belgium - - - Art School at Molenbeek, Brussels - - - a, of St. Josse ,, - - i . - ,, ,, Ixelles ,, - . . 6. Evening instruction in Holland ~ - - - 7' n ,, - . _ _ General review of Continental evening schools for artizans - II.--Artizans’ general technical schools and apprenticeship schools 1. Apprenticeship schools in France - - - - School of the Rue Tournefort, Paris - . . ,, ,, Boulevard de la Villette, Paris - - Havre Apprenticeship School - - . . Watchmakers’ School, Paris - - - - . 2. Apprenticeship schools in Switzerland - - . 3- a! ,, Germany - . . - Royal Each Schule of Iserlohn - - - . Trade school at Remscheid - - - . . Pottery school at Hiihr-Grenzhausen - - . Gewerbliche Fach Schule of Cologne - . . Schools for teaching industries in the Black Forest - Clock-making school at Furtwangen - - - Bavarian industrial schools - - .. . Thuringian home industries - - - - - 4!. Apprenticeship schools in Austria - - . »-- Joiners’ School, Vienna - - - . - School for wood working, Riva, Tyrol - . - 5. Apprenticeship and artizan schools in Belgium - . Ecole industrielle of Brussels . - - - . ,, ,, ,, Antwerp - - . . ,, ,, ,, Ghent - - - . ,, , , ,, Liége - - . . Ateliers d’apprentissage of Flanders - . . 6. Apprenticeship schools in Holland - - - _ Ambachts School, Amsterdam - - . . ,, ,, Rotterdam - - - . 7. Apprenticeship schools in Italy - - - . Conversations on artizans’ schools - .. . _ III.--Intermediate technical schools for foremen and technical managers - - - - - .. . Division into (1) general technical schools, (2) weaving schools, and (3) industrial art schools - - . - - (1.) General technical schools further subdivided into-_-A. Higher elementary technical schools, B. Secondary technical schools, and C. Building, engineering, and mining schools - - more 453 9, 45 416 47' 48 ,9 49 ,7 50 9, 51 52 54 ,9 55 3, 56 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 69 '70 CONTENTS. ‘ \11 A. Higher elementary technical schools - - - - (ca) Higher elementary technical schools in France - - Martiniere School at Lyons - - - . . n ,, for girls - . . , _ Ecole Professionnelle Municipale of Rheims - - ,, Municipale of Rouen - - ~ - ,, Superienre du commerce et de l’industrie, Rouen - ,, Primaire superieure, Amiens - - - ,, Professionnelle, Mulhouse - - - - (b.) Higher elementary technical schools in Germany - - (0') a a : a n , , Austria - - General review of continental higher elementary technical schools B. Secondary technical schools - - - - . (m) France, Ecole Centrale of L yons_ - - - - ,, Institut Industrial (111 N 0rd, Lille - - . (b.) Switzerland, Technicum of Winterthnr - - - . . (0.) Germany, Higher Trade Institute of Chemnitz, Saxon - Higher Technical School - - - - . Royal School for Foremen - - - . Royal Building School - - - - . Royal Drawing School - - . . Industrie Schule, Munich - - - . a: ,, Nuremberg - . _ _ ((1) Italy, Technical Institute of Milan - - . a a a a a 5 Como ’ ' - " ,, ,, ,, Udine - - - General Review of secondary technical schools - - - C. Building, engineering, and mining schools - . .. Build/ling Trades Schools - - .. . - ((1.) Germany, Building Trade School at Stuttgart - - M n ,, ,, Dresden - - . (12.) Austria, Building Trade School, Vienna - - . Mechanical Engineering Schools - - - . (on) France, Ecole des Arts et Métiers, Chalons - .. (72.) Austria, Royal Mechanical School of Komotau - . (0.) Holland, Training School for Marine Engineers, Amsterdam Secondary schools for mining and metallurgy - ' - . ((0.) France, Ecole des Mines, St. Etienne - . - ,, ,, ,, Maitres Mineurs, Douai - . . (b.) Prussia, Bergschule, Bochum - - . . Rheinisch Westfalische IIiittenschule, Bochum - - (2.) Weaving schools - - - - - - . . (en) France, Ecole commercials, Lyons - - - . ,, Popular lectures on weaving, Lyons - . ,, Weaving School, St. Etienne - - . (b) Belgium,~ Industrial School, Ghent - - . . ,, Professional School, Verviers - l . PAGE 70 5, 74 75 '79 80 81 82 83 85 86 89 90 91 92 93 94 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 107 111 112 114 ,5 115 117 119 122 123 124 125 126 6 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION : ((3) Switzerland, Weaving School, Zurich - - - (d) Germany, School for spinning and weaving, Mulhouse ,, Weaving and dyeing school, Grefeld - ,, Higher weaving school, Ohemnitz - s ,, School for hand loom weavers, Ohemnitz - (e) Austria, school for textiles and dyeing, Vienna - (f) Italy, school of the Industrial Society, Milan ~ Technical Institute, Como - - - Professional school, Biella - ' - General Review of Continental Weaving Schools - - (3.) Industrial Art Schools (Kwcstgewerbeschulen) - - Industrial Art School, Munich - - - ,, ,, Nuremberg - ¢ - ,, ,, Dresden - - - ,, ,, Berlin - - - ,, ,, Vienna - - - General Review of Continental Industrial Art Schools - IV.-—Women’s trade and professional schools - - (0,.) France, Municipal Housekeeping School, Paris - Schools for the professional instruction of women Ecole commerciale pour les jeunes filles, Paris - ,, Professionnelle des jeunes filles, Rouen - (12.) Germany, Women’s work school, Reutlingen - ,, ,, Munich - - (0.) Austria, School for Art Embroidery, Vienna - ((1.) Belgium, Professional School for Girls, Brussels - (9,) Holland, Girls’ Industrial School, Amsterdam - (f) Italy, Female Professional School, Milan - - General review of Continental Industrial Art Schools V.--Higher technical instruction for employers, managers, &0. Ecole Oentrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris - ,, Polytechnique, Paris ~ - . - ,, des Mines, Paris - - . _ ,, des Ponts et Ghaussées - . . Other higher schools of France - - - Polytechnic schools or technical universities of Germany and Switzerland - . Polytechnic School, Zurich - . . Technical High School, Munich - - . u ,, Vienna - - . Polytechnic School, Stuttgart . - . ,, ,, Dresden - - . ,, Hanover - - - .- ,, ,, Carlsruhe - . . ,, ,, Aachen - - - Technical High School, Berlin - . . . Polytechnic School, Delft, Holland . . . 3’ PAGE 126 127 133 1411 1414; 14:5 154: 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 166 167 168 169 170 171 v’: x‘ f ‘ " i ' CONTENTS. Imperial Technical School, Moscow . - - - Mining School of Freiberg, Saxony ' - - - - General remarks on Polytechnic Schools - * - - - German Gymnasia and Universities - - - - Bernonllianum, Basle, Switzerland - - - - Ecole Normale Supérieure de Travail Manuel - - - Influence upon industry of institutions for scientific research : Ecole Pratique des Hautes'Etudes - - - - 4- Infiuence of technical instruction on certain branches of chemical ‘industry: Chemical colour industry of Germany and Switzerland - - Manufacture” of beetroot sugar - - - - - Alkali manufacture - - . . . . ART SCIIooLs, GALLERIES, AND Museums ~ - - - French provincial museums - - - - Limoges and Nantes art schools andumuseums ~ - Germanjndustrial museums - . . . Museums of Berlin, Vienna, Dresden, Nuremberg, and Zurich - - - - - . GermannGewerbe Hallen - - . . . Loan collections in connection with South Kensington - Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, and Edinburgh ' museums - - - - . Assistance to provincial museums - - - - Conversations on" artistic and technical instruction,- A Bavaria - . . . ,, ,, with Professor Grafi‘, Dresden - " ,," I ,, ,, Ewald, Berlin - ,, ,, with M. Siissmann Heilbron, » Berlin - - . ,,. ,, with Professors Belf, Herdtle, a _ Storck, Klotz, &c., Vienna - Opinions respecting art teaching in Belgium . . . PART II. ,VIsITs To INDUSTRIAL EsTABLIsnMDNTs ON THE CONTINENT. FRANCE: Cotton spinning and weaving - - - - Wool industry - - - - . Conditioning house, Roubaix 1 - - - Wool combing establishment of Messrs. I. Holden and Sons - Silk industry, Lyons - - - - . Engineering works of Messrs. Schneider 8: Co., Le Creuzot - SWITZERLAND: Cotton spinning, Herr Kunz’s works Cotton factories at Nieder Toess - . . PAGE 204 206 207 214 215 216 219 223' 227 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 240 242 243 244 245 249 252 257 259 261 266 268 276 8 ROYAL COMMISSION .ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: .n- Calico-printing, Zurich - Silk weaving, Basle - Silk dyeing, Zurich - Engineering and machine-making _ Machine and turbine making works of Messrs. Rieter & Co., Winterthur - - Earthenware factory, Zurich Paper mills on the Sihl - Town water wheels of Zurich Education of artizans in Switzerland GERMANY: Cotton spinning and weaving, Rhine Provinces Calico-printing, Alsace Hosiery and glove trades, Saxony WVooll‘industry, Rhine Provinces and Westphalia Angola, woollen, and shoddy yarns Cloth manufacture - Worsted manufacturing; Elberfeld Braid factory, Barmen - Worsted spinning, &c., Alsace Silk industry, Crefeld - Textile manufactures, Chemnitz Designing for textile industries and calico-printing Technical education amongst the Alsace printers Engineering and machine making, ,3 9! Q Alsace Prussia J Electrical engineering works of Messrs. Siemens and Halske, Berlin - - Engineering and mechanical industries, Bavaria - Messrs. Hartmann’s works, Saxony Iron industries of Westphalia Workpeople’s societies and factory regulations Industrial society of Mulhouse - Workmen’s city - - Museum of textiles - - BELGIUM: Cotton spinning and weaving Woollen ,, ,, Worsted ,, ,, ITALY : Société Cockerill, Seraing Vieille Montague Zinc Works - Engineering works of Van der Kerchove, Verviers Loth - . Woollen spinning and weaving, Biella Silk factories, Northern Italy Silk dyeing establishment, Como Machine making, Biella’ Ghent PAGE 2'77 279 280 281 286 288 i! 289 294 296 300 305 306 308 310 311 312 316 318 324! 326 327 329 332 33¢ 339 343 347 349 352 353 354 358 365 370 377 380 383 385 391 3 92 * CONTENTS. 9 PART III. Visrrs ro vanrous INSTITUTIONS m run UNITED KINGDOM. LONDON: “ ' PAGE Science teaching under the School Board - ~ - 393 University College - ~ - - - - 395 King’s College - - - - - - 396 Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines - 397 Museum of Practical Geology - - - 398 National Art Training School - - - - 399 Science and Art Department Examinations - - 400' City and Guilds of London Institute - - - 401 Grants to Provincial Technical Institutions - - ,, Classes and Examinations in Technology - - - 402 Central Institution - - - s - 404 Finsbury Technical College - s ' - - - 405 Technical Art School, Kennington Park Road - - 409 Polytechnic Young Men’s Christian Institute - _ 411 Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill - - 413 Royal Naval College, Greenwich - - - - 415 Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering ' - 417 Oxronn: ’ “ University Museum - - - - - 418 Chemical Laboratories - - - - - 419 Art Galleries and School of Art - o - - ,, CAMBRIDGE: Cavendish Laboratory - - - - - - 420 Biological Department - - - - - 421 Chemical ,, - - . - . ” Geological Museum ~ - - - - ,, Mechanical Workshops of Professor Stuart - - - 422 Fitzwilliam Museum - - - - - 423 Scientific Instrument Company - - - - ,, MANCHESTER: Elementary instruction under School Board - - - 424 Central Board Schools - - - - 425 Evening classes in connection with School Board - - 427 Handicraft work ,, , ,, ,, - ‘- 428 Messrs. Mather & Platt’s Workshop School ‘ - - 429 Manchester and Salford Building Trade’s Institute - - 430 Technical School ~ - - - - 432 Grammar School - - - - . . 4,34, Owens College, Victoria University - . - 435 Engineering Department - - - - - 4,38 Geology and Mining - ~ - - - . 4.4.0 Evening Class on Application of Electricity - - - 441 Chemical Laboratories - - - - - ,, Public Art Gallery - _ - . .. 443 School of Art - - - . - 444 ‘9],, ‘ in, 10 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: LIVERPOOL: School Board Science Teaching ~ - - - Evening Science Classes ~ - . . School of Science - - . .. . Institute - - . . . . School of Art - - . .. . University College - . .. . . OLDHAM School of Science and Art - - - - Bmow m Funnnss Schools, &c. - - . . BIRMINGHAM: Science teaching under School Board - - - King Edward’s Grammar School - - . . Grammar School, Five Ways - - . . Edgbaston High School for Girls - - . Mason College - - - - , . . Birmingham and Midland Institute - - - - Society of Arts and School of Art - - - LEEDS. The Yorkshire College - - . ' . SHEFFIELD Central Board School - . - Description of Firth College School of Art, 800., and Sheffield Evidence in Appendix - - - . . .. Baanronn: Technical College - - - . . .. ,, ,, Day School - . . _ KEIGHLEY: Board School 6 - - - - . . Mechanics’ Institute and School of Science and Art . SALTAIRE: , Model Village - - - . . Club and Institute - - . . . Board Schoolso - - ~ . . g NOTTINGHAM : ' ‘ People’s College — ~ - . - . _ University College - - - .. . School of Art - - - . - Art Museum - - - .. .. - BRISTOL: Trade and ‘Mining School - - - - . University College - - - - . . BEDFOBD Grammar School and Modern School - - - - KENDAL Schools, 850. - - . . , Gmseow: ' Board Schools - ~» - - .. . _ Evening classes under School Board - . - High School ,, ,, . .. - School of Art and Haldane Academy - - - Science and Art classes - - - .. .. Allan Glen’s Institution ~ - . - .. College of Science and Art - - .. .. PAGE 444 447 3! 450 451 455 457 458 459 460 463 464 465 467 468 469 470 471 4'73 474 4'75 7, 476 4'78 479 480 481 482 484 3, 486 487 488 489 CONTENTS. 11 PAGE Anderson’s College - - ~ - - - 489 Weaving School - , - - - - - 490 ' University - - - - - - - 491 Conversations with manufacturers - - - 492 EDINBURGH: University - - - - - - - 493 Watt Institute and School of Art - - - - ,, Science and Art Museum - - ~ - ,, IRELAND: “ Replies received to circulars and given in Appendix - 494 Evidence of witnesses in Appendix - - - 495 Dublin, decline of cabinet making - - - - ,, Cork Industrial Exhibition - - - - 496 Belfast, linen industries - - - - - ,, i ,, educational facilities - - - - ,, ,, flax cultivation - - ~ - - 497 ,, ,Messrs. Marcus Ward’s Works - - - ,, ,, “School of Art and applied design - - - 498 ,, shipbuilding and engineering industry - - ,, Domestic industries - - - - - ,, Fishing net making - - - - ,, Elementary education - - - - 499 Number of children under instruction - - - ,, Industrial education under National Board - - 500 Education carried on by various Religious Orders - _ 501 Reformatory and Industrial Schools - - - ,, Cost of management of ditto - - - - 502 Need of night classes - - - - - 503 Intermediate Bgard of Education - - . ,, Higher education - - - - ~ ,, h PART IV. CoNoLUsIoNs. Progress of manufactures abroad - - - - - 505 Our own relative position - - - — - 506 Adoption of English models on the continent - - - 507 Art manufactures at home and abroad - s - - ,, Origin of modern industrial system - - . - ,, ,, “ Technical schools - — - - - ,, Higher technical instruction - - - - - - 508 Technical schools for foremen abroad - - ~ - ,, French schools - - - - - ' 509 Weaving schools - ~ .. . - . a’ 12 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Technical instruction for workmen Instruction in drawing for workmen applied art ,, Sunday lectures and classes abroad 3’ Mr. Mather’s conclusion as to the United States Need of technical instruction acknowledged in England Influence of schools on industries Continental cation - - - - Funds for technical instruction, how to be supplied » Technical instruction for proprietors and managers at home Existing colleges suffer from want of funds Technical instruction for our foremen and workmen Higher elementary schools required Training of science and technical teachers Art schools for artizans - D O practices not to be adopted in England without modifi- Drawing should be made compulsory in elementary schools - Grants for applied art work - Value of local industrial art museums Grants of objects to provincial museums School Boards should establish Art and Science classes Technical instruction by “ tradesmen ” teachers Workshop instruction in elementary schools Grants for manual work ,, Attendance at elementary schools 3’ Value of existing colleges and their teaching Weaving 9 9 Establishment of technical workshops Schools and mechanical laboratories Science and Art instruction in training colleges Day training colleges - - City and Guilds of London Institute Central Institution and Finsbury College South London Metropolitan Art School Technological classes - -. Funds of the institute - - IRELAND ; Home industries - - Royal College of Science, Dublin b . Grants to teachers and appointment of travelling teachers - Instruction in the use of tools in Irish schools - Compulsory attendance in Irish primary schools AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION: Mr. Jenkins’ opinion respecting influence of schools on agri. culture Higher agricultural schools Secondary agricultural schools .I' CONTENTS. Agricultural classes under Science and Art Department - Instruction in agriculture in rural elementary schools - Agricultural education in Ireland - - - - Glasnevin, Munster Dairy School, training of teachers - Irish workhouse schools - - - - Flax culture - - - . . . REcoMMENEATIons : Public elementary schools - - - - Classes under Science and Art Department - - Training colleges for elementary teachers - - Secondary and technical instruction - - - Public libraries and museums - - . . Special recommendations in regard to Ireland - - General recommendations and suggestions - - APPENDIX I. REPORT on Schools for TEAcEuIe DOMESTIC TRADES in Scorn GERMANY and the AUSTRIAN PROVINCES. Visit of the Commissioners to thevBlack Forest - - - Clockmaking, straw plaiting, wood carving, tobacco manu- facture, cardboard-box making, weaving, and pottery making. Visit to the Nuremberg Exhibition - - - - Bavarian weaving schools, wood carving schools, basket making schools, pottery school, and violin making school. Visit to Thuringia - - - - . - . Straw plaiting, toy manufacture, slate pencil making, glass blowing and pottery works. Austrian schools a visit to Carinthia and the Austrian Ty rol - Joiners work and wood carving school, Villach. Schools at Cortina d’Ampezzo. Wood working and inlaying school at Riva. .. .. ., .. Arco. Factory for olive wood at Arco. Gewerbe school at Innsbruck. ,, ,, Salzburg. Time table of Gewerbe school at Innsbruck - - 541. 546 548 549 556 N eta—Vol. I. contains the general report, Vol. II. the reports of Messrs. Jenkins and Mather, and Vols. 111., IV., and V. the Evidence and the remaining Appendices. COMMISSION TO INQUIRE INTO TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. VICTORIA R. VICTORIA, by the Grace of 1 God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith; To Our Trusty and Well-beloved Bernhard Samuelson, Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society; Henry Enfield Roscoe, Esquire, Doctor of Laws, Fellow of the Royal Society ; Philip Magnus, Esquire, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science; John Slagg, Esquire; Swire Smith, Esquire; and William Woodall, Esquire, Greeting ! WHEREAS We have deemed it expedient that a Commission should forthwith issue to inquire into the Instruction of the Industrial Classes of certain Foreign Countries in technical and other subjects, for the purpose of comparison with that of the corresponding classes in this Country; and into the influence of such Instruction on manufacturing and other Industries at home and abroad. Now KNOW YE, that We, reposing great Trust and Confidence in your knowledge and ability, have authorised and appointed, and do by these Presents authorise and appoint you, the said Bernhard Samuelson, Henry Enfield Roscoe, Philip Magnus, John Slagg, Swire Smith, and William Woodall, to be Our Commissioners for the purposes aforesaid. And for the better effecting the purposes of this Our Commission, We do by these Presents give and grant unto you, or any three or more of you, in case you shall think fit so to do, full power and authority to call before you such persons as you shall judge likely to afford you any information on the subject of this Our Commission. And We do by these Presents will and Ordain that this Our Cpmmis- sion shall continue in full force and virtue, and that you, Our said Commissioners, or any three or more of you, may from time to time proceed in the execution thereof, and of every matter and thing therein contained, although the same be not continued from time to time by adjournment. And We further Ordain that you, or any three or more of you, may have liberty to report your proceedings under this Our Commission, from time to time if you shall judge it expedient so to do. And Our further Will and Pleasure is that you do, with as little delay as possible, report to Us under your hands and seals, or under the hands and seals of any three or more of you, your opinion upon the several matters herein submitted for your consideration. And for your assistance in the execution of these Presents We have made choice of Our Trusty and Well-beloved Gilbert Redgrave, Esquire, to be Secretary to this Our Commission. Given at Our Court at Saint J ames’s, the Twenty-fifth day of August, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, in the forty-fifth year of Our reign. By Her Maj esty’s Command, (Signed) W. V. HARCOURT. ROYAL COMMISSION ON * TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. SECOND REPORT. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR MAJESTY, WE, your Commissioners, in the course of our inquiry into the “ Instruction of the industrial classes in technical and other subjects,” have visited France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, and Italy, and have examined the schools and educational institutions in Paris, Rheims, Chalons, Amiens, Rouen, Lyons, St. Etienne, Nismes, Toulouse, Limoges, Lille, Roubaix, Croix, Douai, Basle, Winterthur, Zurich, Mul- house, Guebwiller, Strassburg, Heidelberg, Reutlingen, Stuttgart, Munich, Vienna, Nuremberg, Chemnitz, Freiberg, Dresden, Meissen, Berlin, Diisseldorf, Elberfeld, Gladbach, Remscheid, Barmen, Crefeld, Bochum, Iserlohn, Cologne, Bonn, Hiihr Cob- lentz, Aachen, Sarreguemines, Hanover, Milan, Como, Biella, Turin, Udine, Venice, Brussels, Liege, Maestricht, Verviers, Louvain, Antwerp, Ghent, Rotterdam, The Hague, Delft, and Amsterdam. We also appointed a committee of our members to visit the Black Forest, Thiiringen, and the Tyrol, to inquire into the teaching of home industries. In Great Britain we visited some of the educational establish- ments of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Liverpool, Oldham, Barrow, Birmingham, Leeds, Shefiield, Bradford, Keighley, Saltaire, Macclesfield, Burslem, Nottingham, Bristol, Bedford, Kendal, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. We also visited Ireland and received evidence on the state of elementary education in that country, and on the existing facilities for technical instruction, especially with reference to agriculture, and we inspected educational establishments in Dublin, Belfast, Cork, and other towns. Foreign countries visited. Visit to Black Forest, 8:0. Plac es visited in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 16 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Yisits to Both during our visits to the Continent and in our own lg‘tigllffi‘gagoms country, we availed ourselves of such opportunities as presented “ ‘ ' 'themselves of inspecting industrial works and of conversing with the leading manufacturers respecting the educational facilities afforded to them and to their workpeople, and of inquiring into the influence of education upon the development of manufactures. Special Report In our inquiry into agricultural education, we secured 0“ Technmal the services of Mr. H. M. Jenkins, the Secretary of the Instruction . . . . as affecting Royal Agricultural Society of England, as a sub-commissioner, Aglgullililrefi and instructed him to furnish us with a report on the teaching 321mg " ' of agriculture in France, Germany, Denmark, Holland, and the United Kingdom. $633113?“ Information of great value on the condition of general and on the United States of technical education, and on the industries of the United States, America. also on primary education in Canada, has been kindly furnished to us in a report by Mr. William Mather, Mechanical Engineer of Salford, who visited those countries for the purpose of making the inquiry. Your Commissioners also obtained informa- tion on the same subject from several American gentlemen of eminence during their visits to Europe. Evidence Besides the conversations already mentioned, we also took taken‘ more formal evidence in this country and on the Continent from persons qualified to give us information on the subject of primary, technical, scientific, and artistic education, and on manufactures and commerce as affected by education. This evidence is supplemented by written statements fur- nished by various Government oflicers, by organizations of working men, and by other persons whose opinions we considered to be of value. inquiry in- Inasmuch as the general education of the various countries eludes Schools has important bearings upon technical instruction, and also of all classes directly upon industry, it became necessary for us to take it into account. Accordingly in the First Part of our general Report First Part contained in this volume we give, by way of introduction to its Introduction main subject (the account of foreign technical schoolsl, a brief out- on general , _ o . , education llne of the general education in each country, available for work- abroad- people, foremen and proprietors and managers of industrial works. Foreign tech- This part of the Report next proceeds to give an account of visits meal schools‘ paid to special trade and technical schools on the Continent, which have for their object the training of the various classes engaged in Similar Schools industrial pursuits. With a view of comparing similar schools in kePt under. the different countries we have, as far as possible, arranged institutions same heading. . . . . ~ . . . ° of the same type, and having similar objects, in distinct groups :--Thus, general technical schools, industrial-art schools, weaving schools, and Polytechnic Schools, are dealt with in separate groups. This part of the Report also contains a brief account of some typical industrial museums. fifl‘lngilt’grt The Second Part of our Report contains notices of visits to ( r , . . important manufacturing establishments abroad, and treats of REPORT. ‘ 17 . . . manufacturing the influence which technical schools have exerted upon the establishments. industries which they are designed to promote. It includes accounts of industrial societies established by manufacturers and others on the continent for the development of their industries, for the improvement of the workpeople by means of education, and for various social objects. In the two foregoing portions of the Report will also be found glfiligtgiff' the opinions given to us on various points connected with Forggm technical instruction by experienced persons. authorities. The Third Part contains descriptions of our visits to various Third part educational and other establishments in the United Kingdom, rsfe'is ‘3 will‘ and, more especially, information on technical instruction at ficgnglafiwn home. The Fourth and last Part contains the Conclusions at which we have arrived on the subject referred to us by Your Majesty, (,lusions and and the Recommendations with respect thereto, which we feel recommenda- justified in making. “ons' Our General Report is contained in Volume I. Volume II. gt‘flfl‘gdfig‘éjifn contains the Report of Mr. Jenkins on Agricultural Education, volumes. and Mr. Mather’s account of his visit to America. A valuable Report by Mr. Thos. Wardle on the Silk Industry, and Prof. Sullivan’s Scheme of Technical Education for Ireland, together with the Evidence and the various Appendices, with the exception of the Report of our visit to the Black Forest, the Tyrol, and Thiiringen (which we have placed in Vol. I.) will be found in Volumes III., IV. and V. The Appendices consist of written statements from various parties relating to our Inquiry, of pro- grammes of schools, General Statistics, 850. Rl 1726. B 18 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 PART 1. General scheme of education in each country. ‘ Primary educa- tion in France. Secondary schools. Higher elemen— tary schools. PART I. ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION ABROAD, WITH INTRO- DUCTORY REMARKS ON PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. As an introduction to our Report on Technical Instruction abroad, we have brought together a few of the principal facts relating to the general scheme of education in each of the diiferent countries we have visited. It is necessary, in order to understand the position of the purely technical schools, of which we shall have to treat subsequently, that an outline should be given of the system that has been adopted for the general education of young people of both sexes, from the commence- ment of the school age onwards, and it is also expedient for another reason, viz., that in the case of the Working population of some’ countries, the elementary instruction which they receive is their only educational training. ' (1.) FRANCE. We gave an account of the primary instruction of France in our First Report, and we have only to add to it that, as we an- ticipated, attendance at school has since been made compulsory; that gratuitous higher elementary, which includes technical, in- struction, is being extended in many of the large towns, and that the sums devoted in the State and Communal Budgets to the creation and maintenance of schools have increased enormously. Instruction in the use of tools is now very general in the primary schools of Paris. The secondary schools of France, the Lycées and Colleges, some of which we visited, have been so often described, and in order to do justice to the subject, would require to betreated of at such length by us, that we merely name them as being the schools which prepare‘the students for the higher technical institutions, such as the Ecole Polytechnique, and the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, which we describe in the following pages. The instruction given in the secondary schools is almost invari- ably on the old classical lines, the only departure being that in some of the Lycées additional time is given to mathematics, in the last two years, by boys who intend to enter the higher technical schools. A relatively small number of youths are also prepared for these latter in schools of the highest type of so-called higher elemen- tary, but really secondary schools, like the Ecole Chaptal. In these, considerable time is given to the physical sciences, especially to chemistry, and some of them are furnished with REPORT. 19 _ practical life. excellent laboratories. Speaking generally, we are of opinion that the ordinary schools of France excel ours as a preparation for the technical school :-~ (1.) As to the primary schools, in the greater attention given both to geometrical and freehand drawing, the latter almost entirely from models, to the excellent provision of these models, and, in so far as it has gone, in teaching the use of tools ; and (2.) As to the secondary schools, in giving more time to mathematics, especially in the upper classes of the Lycées. - (2.) SWITZERLAND. The division of Switzerland into cantons, each of which has its own laws and administration, renders any general description of the scheme of instruction for the whole country impossible, and we therefore selected the canton of Zurich, which has long been regarded as the foremost in matters of education, and devoted special attention to its schools of all classes, more particularly in the town of Zurich, though we likewise visited Winterthur, situated in the same canton. ZURICH (TowN AND CANTCN). The ‘elementary and secondary* education here, as in all other parts of Switzerland, is gratuitous, and as to elementary in- struction, compulsory. The system of instruction embraces the following schools :-~ A. Primary schools. B. Secondary C. Evening D. High ,, All children between 6’[ and 14 years of age must attend school, and must remain in the primary school until the age of 12. On leaving the primary school at the age of 12, the children can either attend the secondary school, or they may, subject to the prescribed attendance at a supplementary school, enter into The school course in secondary schools extends over four years, and those entering such schools and remaining in them for two years (until 14 years old) are absolved from further school attendance. Those who do not enter the secondary school are obliged to attend for four years at a supplementary school (Ergaenzungs- schule). This school is held on two half-days a week, and its 11 7) Zurich as a type of Switzerland. Zurich school system . Primary education. * The Secundarschulen of Switzerland correspond most nearly very our higher elementary or “ graded ” schools. 1' From 4 to 5 years of age the Swiss children usually attend the Kindergarten schools, conducted according to the system of Froebel. The attendance at these schools is optional, and they have no State endowment. Ergaenzungs- schulen. 32 20 ROYAL coiiuissiou 0N, TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Proposed change. Zurich elemen- tary school. School museum. Higher schools of Zurich. The Gymna- sium and Industrie Schule. Gymnasium. Industrie- schule. chief aim is to enable the scholars to retain what they have learnt in the primary schools, and, if possible, to develops it somewhat further. Although primary instruction in private establishments is permitted, about 97'5 per cent 0f the Children of all classes attend the public primary schools. The above plan of supplementary schools is, however, found to be unsatisfactory, and a law is about to be passed extending the compulsory attendance at the ordinary elementary school up to the age of 141. Even now no child is allowed to enter a factory until the completion of the 141th year. One of the best elementary Swiss schools visited by the Com- missioners is that on the Lindescher Platz in Zurich. The cost of building this school was 4:3,000L, which amounts to 66L per head. Irregularity of attendance is practically unknown; all the children learn one foreign language ; moreover they are all taught drawing, and have object lessons in natural history. In the higher classes they are instructed in the rudiments of cheni- istry and physics, great pains being taken to place before the children well-arranged specimens, which are contained in a school museum. These museums form very noteworthy features of the Zurich schools. Among the objects we found there were simple chemical and physical apparatus, chemical specimens, geographical relief-maps, showing the Alps and their glaciers, typical collections of commonly occurring and useful rocks and minerals, excellent botanical models, as well as collections of insects carefully labelled, a complete herbarium, zoological and anatomical specimens and models; the collection, in fact, serving as a type of what such a school museum should be. Many of the specimens were collected and arranged by the teachers. All the school subjects were taught intelligently and well ; we were specially struck with the clean and tidy appearance of the boys, and there was a difficulty in realising that the school con- sisted mainly of children of the lower classes of the population. The higher schools for boys in the Canton of Zurich consist of the Gymnasium or classical school, preparing for the University or the Polytechnic, and the Trade School (Industrie- schule), which prepares for the Polytechnic, or for direct entrance into trade ; both of these former schools being included under the term Cantonal School (Canton Schule). The Gymnasium is entered at 12 years of age, after an examination, and consists of six classes, corresponding to one year each, so that the pupils leaving at 18 or 19, would pass from the 6th class with the leaving “ certificate,” enabling them to enter any university or polytechnic school without an entrance examination. The Industrieschule is entered at the age of 1A, and consists of four classes extending over 3;}? years, the first class being a preparatory one. From the second class onwards the school separates into two divisions :— - (a) A technical section ; (1).) A commercial H ‘i REPORT. 21 the former again dividing in the 3rd and 4th years into a mathematical and a natural science section. The commercial section ends with the third year. We visited the Cantonal School of the town of Zurich, con- sisting of a Gymnasium and an Industrieschule under the same roof. It contains about 500 pupils and 44 teachers. The class-rooms are exceedingly large and airy, each fitted with desks for about 40 students, but capable of accommodating many more. In the Industrie school there is a well-arranged chemical laboratory in which the students have six hours’ practical work per week in the preparation of simple chemical compounds. There is a good collection of physical apparatus, common to the two schools. The lectures on physics are abundantly illustrated by excellent experiments, but the pupils themselves do no practical work in this subject. The teaching of the highest class is in advance of that usually found in similar schools in England. In connection with the physical collections was a small workshop containing a water-motor for working the dynamo, and used for the repair of apparatus, 810., but only by the teacher and his assistants. Drawing forms an important feature of the instruc- tion in this school, an average of six hours per week being devoted to this subject. In Appendix No. 2. Vol. V. is the programme of instruction in the two schools, (cc) Gymnasium, and (b.) Industrieschule. The influence of such schools on the industrial condition of Switzerland is very conspicuous. The secondary schools for girls are analogous to the Industrie— schulen for boys. One of these well-conducted institutions was visited by us. It is attended by girls between the ages of 12 and 16, of all classes, irrespective of social position. The class-rooms are all large, and remarkably well furnished, as is the case in the boys’ school previously described. With the exception of needlework and English, all the subjects were taught by male teachers. Among the remarkable features of this school was the excellent museum. A school has been established for the higher training of girls, for which these secondary schools prepare them. It will be seen from the budget of the Canton of Zurich, in Appendix 3, Vol. V., that the Educational Vote absorbs nearly one third of the total expenses of the Canton. (3.) GERMANY. Although the system of education is not exactly the same in all parts of Germany, there are certain general features which are common to the different States. As in Switzerland, education is compulsory, and with the exception of those children who are preparing for the higher secondary schools, all classes of the population are educated in the public elementary schools or “ Volksschulen.” The children enter the primary schools at the age of six, and remain until the age of 14. Most of those, however, who intend to pursue their educatior in secondary Cantonal School. Germany. Primary or Volksschuleu. 22 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 GERMANY. Secondary schools. Science instruction. 3 ,- schools enter a preparatoryfischool*‘~ ‘in; ‘ place!“ of an“ ‘elementary ' “school, and generally-‘leave that school ‘at the'age of nine or ten. In nearly all parts of Germany the secondary schools consist of higher elementary and secondary schools proper. In North Germany generally there are three kinds of secondary schools ; the Gymnasium or classical school, the Real Gymnasium in which Latin is taught, but not Greek, additional‘ time being given to Science and Mathematics, and the Ober Real school in which a still greater amount of attention is devoted to drawing’ and science, but in which neither Latin nor Greek is taught, the modern languages being substituted. The complete course of instruction in any one of these schools occupies 10 years. Pupils from the Gym- nasium, who have obtained the leaving certificate, are entitled to enter any of the faculties of the University or the Polytechnic School. Those leaving the Real Gymnasium with a'certificate can only enter the Polytechnic School and the philosophical faculty of the University, whilst those leaving the Ober Real school are‘ only qualified for entrance into‘ the Polytechnic School. In Bavaria the Real school, in which Latin is not taught, is of a lower grade than the Real school above referred to, and corresponds more nearly with what is generally known as the higher elementary school. Pupils are received into this class of school from the elementary schools at the age of 12, and the course lasts four years. Similar schools are found in North Germany under various designations ; they were formerly called Gewerbe schools, but are now more generally classified as Unter-Real schools. ~ Although modern languages, mathematics, and science form the main subjects of instruction in the higher Real schools of North Germany, very few of these schools are fitted with labora- tories. n which the pupils have an opportunity of studying science practically, whereas in the lower grade Real schools of Bavaria (an excellent example of which was visited by your Commissioners in Munich) laboratory instruction forms an im- portant feature of the education. The curriculum of each of these types of schools will be found in the Appendix, by reference to which it will be seen that the hours of instruction vary from 30 to 36 per week.* ’ The secondary as well as the elementary schools of Germany are under State supervision, and the system of instruction is practically the same in all schools of the same grade in the same State. The primary schools are supported entirely by the Com- mune or municipality in which they are situated, except in the case of the very poorest Communes which receive some assist- ance from .the State or province. With regard to the cost of maintenance of the secondary schools there is no fixed rule, but Schools all supported by public funds. i An idea of the co-relation of the educational establishments in Bavaria from the primary school up to the Polytechnic and University is clearly shown in the Diagram, Appendix 4, Vol. V., prepared for the Commission by Director von Bauernfeind of the Munich Polytechnic School. REPORT. 23 most of them are supported by the Communes. In some cases the Communes furnish the buildings, and the current expenses are defrayed wholly or partly by the State; in others a portion of the cost is borne by the province; some few, however, are supported wholly or partly from ancient endowments. In many of the large cities, primary education is entirely gratuitious; in nearly all primary schools the fees are extremely low, and the children of necessitous parents can in all cases obtain free instruction. The fees in the secondary schools likewise are extremely low. These schools, unlike most of those in our own country, are, Extent of with scarcely any exception, day schools, and it may be said 53001111217 in that throughout Germany secondary private adventure schools 3532,21): for German boys are practically unknown?‘ It follows that U secondary instruction of a superior and systematic kind is placed within the reach of the children of parents of limited means, to an extent of which we can form no conception in this country. In some States, as for instance in Saxony, children who have not made satisfactory progress in the elementary school at the age of 14, when they have to go to work, are obliged to attend a. continuation school, held in the evenings and on Sundays, for Continuation two years longer. The instruction in these schools is simply Schools- elementary, with the addition of such subjects as book-keeping, rudimentary mathematics, &0. There are similar schools in other parts of Germany at which the attendance is not com- pulsory. To give an idea of the German School system, we have selected the statistics relating to Saxony, which will be found in Appendix 5, Vol. V. (4.) AUSTRIA. The public elementary schools of Austria may be divided into public two classes, the primary schools (elementary and advanced), and elementary the burgher schools. With these are included also all the infant Schools‘ schools, orphan and convent schools, special schools for the blind, deaf and dumb, and seminaries for teachers. The middle schools, as in Germany, comprise the Real Schools, Middle schools. Real Gymnasla, and Gymnasia proper. The high schools include the Universities and Polytechnic High schools. Schools. Infant schools exist in all the principal towns, and are sup- Infant school. ported partly by the communes, partly by private associations and societies, by manufacturers, and proprietors of industrial establishments. They are under State supervision, though they do not receive Government grants. * There are, as is well known, many private adventure secondary schools for foreigners. 24 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Grades. The primary schools receive children from the 6th to the 15th year of their age; they may be either public or private, the former being the State schools, the latter due to private enter- prise. The primary schools are of two grades: lower elementary schools, with three classes, chiefly in villages ; higher elementary schools, with four classes. The burgher schools have six or seven classes. The lower elementary instruction is compulsory, but compulsion does not exist except as hereafter stated with respect to attendance at the higher elementary and higher schools. Continuation Every higher elementary school has connected with it a con- Sch°°ls~ tinuation school at which attendance is compulsory for those children who do not attend a school of higher grade, from the time they leave the primary school, until they attain the age of 15. Poor children have their school fees remitted. For those who can pay, the fees vary from ls. Set. to 68. 8d. per annum. The Continuation schools are maintained partly by the State, partly by the Commune. The Government supports also a number of higher elementary and burgher schools and all the schools for the blind, deaf and dumb. It has under its charge the seminaries for teachers, and bears the expense of numerous technical, or trade schools. The children who intend to carry their education further, leave the primary school at 12, and enter the fourth class of the higher elementary school from which they may pass to the Gymnasium, the Real school, or one of the special schools of a professional character. Intermediate The secondary schools of Austria are similar to those of schools. Germany, and call for no special description. We learned that the Real Gymnasium in which Latin is taught but not Greek, as a type of school, is not considered satisfactory, neither affording the best preparation for the Polytechnic nor for the University. Some of the schools of Vienna visited by the Com- mission were carried on in magnificent and well-appointed buildings, with excellent teaching apparatus, and well-equipped laboratories. The Gymnasia are either public or private insti- tutions, the Real schools are often partly supported by the State, and partly by the Commune. (5.) BELGIUM. Primary Primary instruction—A ttendance at school is not compulsory Gammon‘ in Belgium, but in each Commune there must be at least one public (government) school. Parents can demand gratuitous instruction, and some communes make their schools free to all. There is great opposition on the part of the clergy to the govern- ment schools, and they endeavour to dissuade the parents from sending their children to these schools. It is stated on authority that about 60 per cent. of the children of school age (6—14) in Belgium are in the government schools, about 25 per cent. in clerical or private schools, and 15 per cent. do not attend school REPORT. 25 at all. These statistics are however, not admitted by the clergy, who state that they have 40 per cent. of the children in their schools. The government schools are inspected by government ofiicials, who have no right to enter clerical or private schools. Statistics of The principle of freedom of instruction is carried so far that it illiterates‘ is open to all to establish schools of every type, without control of any kind whatever. Thirty per cent. of the total adult population of Belgium, at the age of conscription can neither read nor write. The percentage varies considerably in different parts; thus in Luxembourg, although the conditions of life are very hard, and many have difliculty in finding a livelihood, the percentage of illiterates is not more than 5 ; and in the industrial provinces of Liége and Hainault, it is not higher than 12, although children are there employed at an early age in works and mines. In Flanders, on the contrary, the percentage is very high. There are no factory laws in Belgium, so that children may be Absence of employed at any age, but public opinion has very generally restricted the employment of children to the age of 12, and proprietors of factories frequently establish half- time schools. Women work in the coal pits of the Charleroi district, but in that of Liége only on the bank. There are evening schools for primary instruction, but their Evening number is decreasing in consequence of the increase in the classes‘ number of good day schools. The cost of public primary education is defrayed in about the following proportions 2-— By the Commune — - 33 per cent. ,, Province - - 1'7 ,, ,, State - - - 50 ,, Secondary education—The Government intermediate schools Secondary in Belgium consist of two classes. educatwn' 1. Higher elementary or middle class (moyennes inferieures) schools, the minimum number of which is 100 for boys and 50 for girls as fixed by law of June 15, 1881. The fee is 2l. 88. per annum. 2. Secondary schools or Athenées, the minimum number of which as fixed by the same law is 19, and the fee is 4l. per annum. The towns usually give the building, and the State makes up the difference between the fees and cost of tuition. factory laws. Many scholarships exist from the primary to the middle class Scholarships- schools, and the latter often have preparatory schools attached. Middle class children usually complete their education in the higher middle school, which is entered at nine, and they leave at 14 to 16 years of age. 5’- The preparation for the Athenée is usually in private schools, Preparatory or byflhome teaching. There is an entrance examination; the “110°15- 26 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: I Belgian Athenées. Clergy schools. Primary education, Holland. usual age of admission is 11, and the courseis completedzat 18. The instruction is divided into two branches : (0a) Literary; (5.) Scientific or professional; in each of these there are seven classes. N 0 ‘Latin is taught on the professional side. The government Athenées are day schools, but boarding houses are attached to them in some large towns. There are 460 students on the professional side, and 440 on the literary side, in the Brussels Athenée. The professors are paid“ fixed salaries, the highest being 2801. per annum. Parallel with the government education in secondary as in primary schools, are the schools of the clergy. These are more numerous than the government schools. For example, there are in Brussels two clerical Athenées, St. Louis and St. Michel, each with 1,200 pupils. It is generally stated as to education given in the two sets of schools, that for classics and modern languages the government schools are best, whilst for mathematics the clerical instruction is superior. In science both are about on a level. In the clerical Athenées, a much higher salary is paid to the professors than in the State institutions, and consequently some of the best teachers in Belgium are found in the clerical schools. There are normal government schools, one for classics, at Liége, and one for science, at Ghent. There is for the government secondary schools one lchief inspector, having under him one sub-inspector for classics, one for science, and one for modern languages. The higher technical education in Belgium is carried on in the four Universities. No Polytechnic Schools exist in that country. (6.) HOLLAND. In Holland the law requires that there shall be everywhere suflicient schools to afford primary instruction to all children; any competent person of good moral character may establish, or give instruction in, a primary or secondary school. The communes are responsible for providing an adequate supply of schools for primary instruction, to the maintenance of which the Government is liable to contribute 30 per cent. of the total cost. The public elementary schools are neutral in regard to religious instruction, and grants may be made to private schools on con— dition of their observing similar neutrality. The elementary schools are divided into ordinary and superior. Attendance at school is not compulsory; one half of all children attending school pay no fees. The total cost of primary instruction in Holland in 1880 was 800,000l. for a population of about four millions. Of this cost only about 100,000Z. was derived from fees. The school attendance in the same year was about 540,000, of whom 400,000 were in public schools. The number of primary school teachers was about 14,000. a REPORT. 27 There were in Holland in 1880, 156 secondary schools, con- Secondary taining about 15,000 pupils. The greater number of these educatwn' ‘schools are of the grade of superior intermediate schools, some- what similar to the German Real-schools ; they are non-classical and prepare for trade, for University faculties of Medicine and Philosophy, and also for the only Dutch Polytechnic School at Delft and for higher technical academies. The other secondary schools are 244 Gymnasia and five Pro-Gymnasia, corresponding with schools of a similar kind in Germany. The total cost of education in Holland for 1883 was estimated at 1,250,000L, of which the central government provides 375,000l. (7) ITALY. Primary education in Italy is free, and compulsory* wherever Primary a sufficient number of efficient schools has been provided’r ig‘llcahon The children attend one year at the infant school, from which a’ 37' they pass to the elementary school, which, when ‘complete, has four classes, each class representing a year. On leaving the elementary school, the children may either Secondary enter the gymnasium found in cities only) if they are preparing sch‘mls' for a classical education, or into the technical school if they are intended for a commercial or industrial career. The gymnasium has five classes ; the students of the fifth class may graduate as licentiates and pass to the lyceum, which is a higher school found only in a few of the chief cities. The lyceum has three classes, the highest of which leads to the University. The technical schools, which correspond on the industrial side Technical to the Gymnasium on the classical side, have three classes of one schools- year each; their chief object is to prepare for trade, but they are also attended by those are to continue their studies at the Technical Institutes or at the Professional Schools. The Technical Institutes, which we shall describe in their proper place, exist only in the capitals of the provinces. Besides these schools there are three Higher Technical Insti- tutes, which correspond very nearlyr with the Polytechnic Schools of Germany. In addition to the State free schools in Italy, there are many others, among which may be mentioned the Kindergarten schools, some of which are excellent and well conducted. A large number of private schools, both for boys and girls, are under the direction of the clergy. * It will be seen from our Report on manufactures in the North of Italy, that the law as to compulsion is, in many parts of the country. a dead letter up to the present time. 1‘ Parents, may, however, present a certificate to the syndic or mayor, certifying that they are giving to their children the necessary instruction at their own homes. .. 28 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Special Technical Schools abroad. Technical edu- cation for workmen. Artizans’ evening schools. SPECIAL TRADE AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS ABROAD. After the preceding brief review of general education on the Continent, we proceed to give a description, as also a comparison, of the schools of the different countries which we visited, for the technical training of the three classes into which we divided the persons engaged in industrial pursuits : namely—the work~ men, the foremen, and the masters or managers. In order to facilitate reference to our descriptions of these various schools, we have arranged them under the following heads, although the classification we have been compelled to adopt is somewhat arbitrary. The various grades of industrial schools have been dealt with as follows :— I. Evening technical schools available for Artizans, p. 28 to p. 418. . II. Artizans’ general technical and apprenticeship schools, p. 458 to p. 69. III. Intermediate technical schools for foremen and depart— mental managers, p. 69 to p. 166. IV. Trade and professional schools for women, p. 166 to 176. V. Higher technical instruction for employers and managers, p. 176 to p. 216. In each of these five divisions we have arranged the schools of the different countries in the order observed in our short pre- liminary review of primary education on the Continent. I.——EVENIN G SCHOOLS AVAILABLE FOR ARTIZANS. We commence with a description of the special institutions exist- ing in foreign countries for the instruction of apprentices and others during and after the period of their apprenticeship, and for adult workmen, who are occupied during the day time in their ordinary work. These schools must necessarily be either evening or Sunday schools, or, as we shall point out in the cases of industries which can only be practised during certain seasons of the year, schools carried on during certain months only. In schools of this kind the instruction consists to a large extent of drawing and modelling, frequently in direct application to special trades, and in some cases supplemented by the execution of practical work in the materials of the trade to which the education refers. In addition to the regular school work, courses of lectures are some- times given on artistic and scientific subjects, having special relation to various industries, supplemented occasionally by evening class instruction in workshop practice. Such lectures are frequently given under the auspices of the municipal or local authorities, or by the various trade societies of masters, or workmen, or both. Some of these lectures are numerously REPORT. 29 attended by workmen and apprentices. The admission is in most cases free, or a nominal fee only is demanded. An account of some of the lectures at which the Commissioners were present will be found in the following pages. EVENING INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE. The system of evening instruction is one of’ the most striking features of the present condition of educational effort in France. The walls of the public buildings of Paris, as well as those of every French town which the Commissioners visited, were largely placarded with the announcements of evening lectures and classes, both for men and women. The subjects of instruction are of the most varied character, including modern languages, social science, physical science, biology, mathematics, applied science, astronomy, &c. These lectures and classes are carried on at_ the expense-— (1.) Of the State, (2.) Of the Municipalities, and (3.) Of associations or private individuals, or jointly by these bodies. In Paris itself‘, under the first head comes the instruction at the Conservatoire and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts; that by the municipality is given in various schools and localities throughout the city. Nor is this instruction confined to the Government or to non- sectarian bodies, for the Institut Catholique de Paris has established an Ecole Libre, consisting of both day and evening classes in algebra and higher mathematics, physics, mineralogy, geology, and chemistry, including laboratory practice. The Conservatoire National des Arts at Zlle'tiers is the most important institution in France for encouraging scientific tastes amongst the people by popular courses of theoretical and technical science, and also by the well known museum containing models, instruments, &c. The Commissioners were received on the occasion of their visit by the Sub Director, M. le Colonel Laussedat. This institution is under the government of the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, and is especially renowned for its magnificent museum of models ‘and apparatus both of historical interest and of recent date. An important feature of this institution is the Portefeuz'lle Industriel. In this Department the registers of all the patents and all the trade-marks in France are kept; and, in addition to this, carefully made drawings of the various patented and other inventions and machines, not patented, are preserved. These drawings are of a most elaborate character, made to scale. Like all other institutions of the kind in France, the Conserva- toire is open gratuitously to the public. The drawings of appa- ratus, instruments, and machines date from very early times up to the present, and considerable trouble is taken to obtain information Evening in- struction in France. Conserva t oi re National des Arts et Métiers. Portefeuil le Industriel. 30 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Scientific library of the Conservatoire. Instruction in the Conser- vatoire. Lectures on chemistry . of the newest and best forms of apparatus in the various depart— ments of manufacturing industry. modern designs inspected by the Commissioners were found to be drawings of English machinery, especially in textile manufactures and engineering work. Another important department of the Conservatoire is the library of scientific reference, open day and evening gratuitously. The instruction which is given in the Conservatoire is confined to free popular lectures. A large number of distinguished men of science are appointed as professors in the Conservatoire, and deliver popular courses of lectures during the evening. There is, however, no practical laboratory instruction in science. The following courses were being given at the time of the visit of the Commissioners :— M. Laussedat. M. de la Gournerie. M. Tresca. M. E. Trélat. M. E. Becquerel. M. Peligot. M. Girard. M. de Luynes. M. Boussingault. Applied geometry - - Descriptive geometry - - Applied mechanics - - Building construction - - Applied physics - - General chemistry with its appli- cation to industry - - Industrial chemistry - - Applied chemistry - - Agricultural and analytical chemistry - - - Course on agriculture - - Professor not named. Rural economy - - - M. Mangon. Spinning and weaving - - M. Imbs. Political economy and industria 1(M L legislation _ _ _J . eVaSSCuI'. Industrial economy and statistics M. J. Burat. Commercial law ‘ s M. Malapert. The Commissioners attended one of the evening lectures on chemistry given by M. Peligot in a large theatre, where an audience of from four to five hundred, consisting of all classes, but chiefly of poor persons, was extremely attentive. M. de Luynes, the professor of technical chemistry, was lecturing on glass manufacture, pottery, and dyeing, and he informed the Commissioners that in his opinion the value of these Con- servatoire lectures was considerable, as interesting the masses of the people in scientific subjects. In his lectures he made use as much as possible of practical illustrations. He exhibited the potter’s wheel at work, and had glass-blowers from various works to illustrate the mode of blowing glass ; for the lectures in dyeing several firms lent workmen to show the practical processes. In the previous year a course of lectures had been given on “wine,” beginning with the growth of the grape, treating of the diseases to which it is subject (a matter now naturally exciting much interest in France), the modes of combating the spread of phylloxera, the methods of wine-making, the chemistry of Many of the best and most‘ nnronr. . 31 fermentation, the processes involved in the preparation of various kinds of wine, the modes of testing wine, and, in short, the whole of its chemical history. These lectures were much appreciated, and were attended by wine-dealers and others. This description _ will serve to furnish a specimen of the kind of instruction which is being given at the Conservatoire. 'Publz'c Free Lectures in Franca—There are two great societies with complete organizations for elementary instruction, by means ' of lectures and courses, in Paris and the provinces. The older Qther erenigls society was founded in 1830 by ex-pupils of the Polytechnic gist-mm” m School. It consisted originally of some 500 members, and took ' for its motto the device of the school, “ Tout pour la patrie, Polytechni? and Zes sciences et la gloz're.” It was termed the Polytechnic Associa- tion. In addition to lectures in nearly every quarter of Paris, given by upwards of 150 professors, courses were delivered in several important provincial towns. Owing to dissensions with respect to the internal administration of its affairs, a large number of the members, chiefly those who had not been trained at the Polytechnic School, left the society in 1848, and founded a similar organization named the Philotechnic Association. Among the subjects included in the course of the Polytechnic Association are arithmetic, geometry, physics, chemistry, machine-construction, drawing of all kinds, bookkeeping, geography, natural history, elementary astronomy, grammar, hygiene and singing. In addition to similar courses the Philotechnic Association provides instruction in English and German. Prizes and certificates are awarded to the students. The lectures are usually given on a Sunday from April to J ulyfl'F Evening Instruction in the Provinces.—As a type of what is Amiens- being done in the provinces the programme of the Amiens’j' Société, Industrial Society may in the first place be quoted. This society occupies large and convenient new premises in the Rue de Noyon, which were visited by the Commissioners. Day and evening classes are held, both for men and women, on week days and on Sundays. These comprise a variety of subjects, including modern languages, drawing, chemistry applied to dyeing, weaving, &c. The Industrial Society of Amiens closely resembles the Industrial Society of Mulhouse hereafter referred to,i not only giving instruction, but also holding public meetings at which subjects of interest are discussed. Thus, for example, a general monthly meeting was held on the day that the Commissioners were present, at which a paper was read by M. Roger on the application of art to mural decoration, and subsequently a visit was paid by the members of the society to the artist’s studio in which this application was illustrated. * A full description of the aims and objects of these societies will be found on p. 249 of a Report of the French Minister of Agriculture, Commerce and Public Works, appointed in June, 1863, and translated for the English Government and presented to Parliament, 1869. 1' Sec Commissioners’ First Report, for Statistics of Population, Sac. I See Part. II. of Report, p. 349. 32 ‘i . ROYAL COMMISSION ON- TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION?‘ : ~ ' Other evening classes in Amieiis. Société In- dustrielle de Rheims. Lyons Sunday lectures. , silk ‘was also fully described. Société D’Enseiguc- ment Pro- fessionnel du Rhone. Evening classes, Lyons. Subj ects taught. .As in other provincial towns in France, evening -_ classessare; ;. " carried on in Amiens under .theCommune. . Thus,a notice Lin-the ' paper of the day stated. that on Friday .the 25th Novemberothle. _ ' tenth lesson would be. given in the communal course on Chemistry. ‘ " by M. Dubois; the programme for that evening being thehroxides of nitrogen and nitric acid. _ . . . , The Industrial Society of Rheims is a similar institution ‘pro- viding evening lectures for operatives and artizans. _ It possesses a good building with well arranged class rooms and lecturetlieatre. The Commissioners, on the occasion of theirvisit, foundaularge class of youths learning English, another class upstairs were attending. a lecture on the theory of weaving ; in the drawing schooltwoclasses were engaged, the one learning freehand drawing from’ copies and casts, the other geometry, projection, and mechanical and archi- tectural drawing. fourteen subjects taught. lectures on chemistry and physics are given by M. Leblanc, under the auspices of the Municipal Council, three times a week during the winter in the large lecture theatre of the Professional School. See p. 75. ' ' At Lyons the Commissioners attended a lecture on Weaving, one of a course given by M. Loir (the Professor of’ Weaving‘ in, the Commercial School, see p. 122) on Sunday mornings in the. rooms of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, to workmen and‘ others interested in the subject. practical character, and about 150 persons were present. -The lecturer first described the methods by which‘ theweight of ' silk in a piece of the woven fabric of given size, can be estimated, and afterwards explained the principle of weaving. This was done by blackboard illustrations, without finished diagrams or models, _ and was evidently comprehended by the audience,v who were familiar with the manufacture. The process of conditioning Such lectures are of evident value to the workmen engaged in the trade, giving them a clear conception of the rationale of the various processes. . ’ One of the most important series of provincial classes is that conducted in Lyons by the Socie'te' d’Enseignement Professionnel Rhone. This society, which was. founded in 1864., carried on during the year 1881 no fewer than 131 distinct classes attended by 7 ,640 students. The budget of the society for the year 1881 amounted to 3,07 5L The director of the Society is M. Lang, the energetic head of the’ Ecole Martiniere ; the director of studies is M. Girardon, and the honorary president M. Galline, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons. The classes are held, some in communal schools, and others in special rooms hired by the society. The following gives an idea of the extensive range of the subjects taught : reading and writing, grammar, arithmetic and elementary mathematics, applied mathe- The classes were well attended, and from the . printed list handed in, it appears that there are no less than. In addition to these courses, free public" The lecture was’ of an eminently, , . REPORT. 33 'matics, applied geometry, ornamental design, figure drawing, linear drawing, machine drawing, drawing applied to carpentry, industrial chemistry, elementary mechanics, general physics, applied physics, economic botany, theory of weaving, stone-cutting, book-keeping, commercial law, English, German, Italian, Spanish, history and geography, hygiene, and gymnastics. ' One third of the funds for its maintenance is voted in common Funds. by the Municipal Council of Lyons, the Council General of the Rhone, and the Chamber of Commerce of Lyons. Other sources of revenue are private donations, annual subscriptions, payments by the pupils, and interest on the reserve fund. The payment by each pupil is three francs for the half year. The lectures take place from 8 to 10 in the evening on week days and on Sunday mornings, and there are two or three lessons upon each subject per week; the winter session lasts from October to April. Each course consists of from 50 to 7 5 lessons, varying from one to two hours in length. If the students desire it, a certain number of these classes are continued during the summer. Classes for women are held under lady teachers, whilst the Classes for classes for botany and hygiene are attended by both men and women- women. The Commissioners were informed by M. Lang that the influence ()Pinion of of these classes on the people of Lyons had been of a most beneficial M- Lans- character, and that the classes were very popular, as instanced by their rapid growth since their foundation in 1864, the attendance having increased from 1359 in that year to 7,640 in 188]. The society prints each year a programme of the courses, giving Programme of a full analysis of the subjects taught, of which the following courses- syllabus of the course of instruction on fuel and the steam engine may serve as an example :— Special properties of the different fuels: wood, charcoal, turf, lignite, coal, coke, anthracite coal; Volume of air necessary for combustion; Heat absorbed by smoke; Construction of fines; Furnaces of ordinary construction; Smoke—consuming furnaces; Gas furnaces; Factory chimneys; Production and properties of steam; Comparison of the various forms of boilers; Boiler trials ; Comparison of arr.ngements for ensuring safety of boilers; Incrustation; Expansion; Testing boilers: Theory of the steam engine; High pressure and low pressure, condensing and non- condensing engines ; Calculations of the dimensions of an engine; Theory of the parts of an engine: piston, cylinder, valves, 8m. ; Different kinds of valves ; Experiments with brake and indicator; Gas engines. The Commissioners have not met with any other system of popular science classes so extensive as this, either in France, or in any other of the continental countries which they visited. Evening Commercial Instruction in Paris—Besides the technical E"en_ing com‘ classes of which we have spoken, there are many other evening mercml chsses' schools which are of special importance to those engaged in commercial pursuits. These classes are supported by the munici- Ri 1726. C 34¢ ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Classes for young women in Paris. Art night schools for artizans. Paris. Ecole des Arts Decoratifs. palities, and in Paris they are both numerous and largely attended, being conducted in eight of the communal schools. They are intended for young people who, having finished their primary education, desire to supplement it by acquiring the special knowledge which may be serviceable to them in trade or business. The course is divided into two stages, each of which lasts two years, and \ amongst the subjects taught, are book- keeping, commercial geography, industrial and commercial. technology, civil and commercial law, political economy and modern languages, business correspondence, and commercial com- position. Each pupil is expected to devote 12 hours a week to instruction. Certificates are given at the end of the stage on the results of written and oral examinations. Corresponding courses of instruction exist in Paris for young women, intended to fit them for entrance into business houses. These courses in the preliminary stage occupy ten hours per week, and in the advanced eight hours. They are held in eight com- munal schools. Institutions of the same kind exist in many other towns. Evening Art Classes in F rance. We now pass on to the consideration of the French Evening Art Schools for the special instruction of Artizans, commencing with those of Paris. These schools are of the highest possible importance, and exert a great influence on the development of the art industries of France. They are largely subventioned by the Miunicipality and are all gratuitous. Cl’ the purely Municipal evening art classes, there are no less in the City of Paris than 65, in which a total of 3,334 students are regularly under instruction. 33 of these classes attended by 2,488 students are for ornamental drawing, and 22 classes attended by 846 students, are for geometrical drawing. Five of the former are called “advanced art classes,” and in these, instruction is given in drawing from the life, anatomy, and artistic composition. Modelling is taught in almost all the classes. These schools are open on week day evenings from 7 to 9, and on Sunday mornings from 9 to 12. The Commissioners found that in none of these schools was much attention paid to the application of art to industry, the tuition being mainly in pure art. The Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratgfs, under the direction of M. de Lajolais is one of the most important of the Paris schools available for evening instruction in drawing. It was founded by M. Bachelier in 1765 for the teaching of artizans, and was shortly after taken over by the Government. title it received its present name in 1877. At that date, certain courses were opened during the daytime, and since the re— constitution of the school On its present basis in 1880, instruction After several changes of‘ REPORT. 35 is given both in the daytime and during _the evening. Some 16 professors share with M. de Lajolais the tuition of’ the 800 pupils. The instruction is gratuitous and includes mathematics, geometry, architectural construction, freehand drawing and ornament, modelling, drawing from the antique and from life, history of ornament, and decoration. Public lectures on art subjects are given on every Sunday throughout the year. The budget of the school is 4,236L, towards which the Ministry Budget; of Fine Arts contributes 3,7 962. and the City of Paris 2402., the nmgbezof balance being derived from sundry legacies. There are a con- Btu en 3' siderable number of bursaries. Day scholars, who must be able to read, write, and cypher, are admitted at 10 years of age. Evening students must be not less than 14 years old. During the year 1881-82 the ages of the pupils were as follows :— Between 10 and 14 years old - - 39 ,, 14 ,, 20 ,, - - 4.52 :9 .9: 3) "‘ " Above 30 - - - — 27 Total - — 799 All students before taking their place in any class must prove ‘Systein‘et' that they are able to profit by the instruction given therein. mslmcmn' The system is one of constant competitions, which take place monthly and quarterly. The boys learn linear drawing, drawing from models, and composition or designing. But though designs are made for decorating all kinds of materials, and for every variety of art manufacture, the question of the possibility of the actual execution of such designs, or of their applicability to the material for which they are intended, does not come into con- sideration. There is a special atelier Jfor the study of industrial designing under these conditions, and some excellent drawings and models executed by the senior students were shown to us. A small school museum contains examples of some of the best of the works done in the periodical competitions. The reputation of this school under successive teachers has become firmly estab- lished, and many of the best artists and designers in France owe to it their early training. The Commissioners are indebted to M. de Lajolais for ample opportunities for examining the work in progress. Another important school is the municipal school, under the Paris mu'icir‘h care of M. Levasseur, situated at the corner of Rue Ste. Elisabeth, School Of an‘ and Rue Turbigo, which has by special decree been constituted one of the new industrial art schools. Here 300 pupils receive instruction every evening throughout the year, except during the busy seasons ol‘ the workshops about Christmas when the numbers are somewhat smaller. The director informed us that in this, as in all the other similar schools of design in Paris, drawing is taught from the purely artistic point of view, this method is thought 02 OJ 01'‘ ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL IN STRUCTIQN i Municipal drawing schools. Jewellers’ Art school. ~ to be the only one by which the original power of the pupils‘ can be encouraged and developed. In this particular school about 40 men, consisting of engravers, stuff designers, decorators, 830., were employed in drawing from the nude, whilst 15 were engaged in modelling from the life. In another class, a smaller number of men were occupied in drawing from the antique. The walls were covered with good plaster casts from which another class were modelling in clay. Upstairs there was a large class engaged in mechanical draw ng under the charge of‘ a separate professor, and here the pupils have the opportunity, after having passed through the general course of preliminary art instruction, of specialising their drawing according to their various occupations. The pupils were stone-masons, mechanics, joiuers, smiths, watch-makers; in short, all the mechanical trades of Paris were represented. In addition to this, there was a room containing about 100 boys who were employed in elementary drawing from the flat. The spirit of work and attention which animated these students was most remarkable, and any» inattention or negligence is punished by expulsion from the school; there being no difficulty in filling up the places, as there are many more desirous of attending than can be accommodated in the rooms. A third type of Paris art schools consists of classes largely carried on in the communal school under the direction of the municipal authorities of the City of Paris. These are simple drawing schools in which the instruction is of a less advanced character than that provided in the special evening schools we have already described. The students attend each evening in the week, but the instruction is only from casts; the collections of casts in the schools visited by the Commissioners were very complete. Of this description of art schools there are as already stated, 65 in Paris. The Commissioners found that the opinions expressed by M. de Lajolais and M. Levasseur as to the inadvisability of giving specialized art instruction was shared by all the other teachers of drawing with whom they had an opportunity of conversing. It was stated, indeed, to one of the Commissioners by Mr. Hervé Mangon that a school of design for special trade purposes would be found in connection with the Syndicate of Jewellery, of which the President is Mr. Ernest Vever, jeweller, of 19, Rue de la Paix. This gentleman, when called upon, expressed his willingness to allow the Commissioners to inspect the school, which is supported by the syndicate at an annual cost of 8001. He, however, stated that the system of teaching adopted in the syndical school (which is an evening one) is not different in any way from that generally adopted in all the schools of art in Paris, the apprentices attending the school being instructed in ordinary drawing, and not in special designing for their own trade. He mentioned, however, that the Syndicate had instituted certain annual prizes for designs of articles of jewellery, for com- petition amongst the apprcntices, and that the Syndicate likewise institutes practical examinations in jeweller’s work, for which prizes REPORT. 37 are given. For’ this purpose, two consecutive SundaysXfrom 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening) are set apart, and the material for the manufacture of any given article, say a bracelet, is placed before the candidate. He is then required, by means of the necessary tools, to make up the metal furnished to him into the manufactured article, the design for which is given. The work is finished on the second Sunday, and the prize is awarded by an independent examiner, who has not seen the work carried out, and has no knowledge of the candidates. It appears from the Commissioners’ inquiries, therefore, that in Scg’igisafm'w no school in Paris is drawing at present taught solely in its appli- 05,0, ofpp cation to special trades?‘ It is important, however, to notice that, drawing do by decree, dated December 20, 1882, the school of the Rue Ste. D“ emst' Elisabeth, and that of Rue des Petite HCtQlS, both of which schools were visited by the Commission, have been reconstituted and created Ecoles d’application des BeauX—Arts a l’Industrie, and thus it would appear an attempt is about to be made to give a more technical character to some of the art teaching in Paris. Schools of Art of a similar kind to those described for Paris 1131122310? exist in nearly every provincial town in France. The Commis- Schools. sioners visited Art Schools in Lyons, Rheims, Amiens, Toulouse, Lille, Roubaix, and Limoges. Of these the most interesting, perhaps, are those of Lyons, Toulouse. and Limoges. The Ecole des Beanzr Arts of Lyons is more essentially a day giglonsl A" school than one for evening students. It is situated in excellent "c 00 ' buildings in the centre of the town, and though it receives a small annual subsidy from the Ministry of Fine Arts it is in the main a communal institution. Drawing is taught in all its branches, and great attention is paid to designing for various art manufac- tures. The grant by the City of Lyons for the purpose of this school is 2,2 80!. per annum, and for five municipal drawing schools in various quarters of the town an additional sum of 1,3262. was voted during the year of our visit. Ecole des Beam- Arts et des Sciences Industrielles of T oulouse.- Ecole des This school is well known as being one in which, by its special gemfg‘lf‘rts at system of instruction, a knowledge of drawing is very rapidly on he‘ acquired, and some of the most eminent artists of France owe to it their early training. Among others, M. J. P. Laurens, is a past student of the school. It is absolutely free in all its departments. It receives boys at 10 or 11 years of age. The plan of teaching is as followsz—Classes of seven sit round a black-board on which the monitor makes a sketch, which is copied on slates by the lads forming the class. There is a special class for monitors,—--7 or 8 in number. At the time of our visit the boys were drawing geometrical forms on squared slates; from this room they pass onwards into the next class, in which they begin to draw on sugar paper with charcoal. Here they draw solid * For the opinions of Messrs. Armstrong and Bowler, who were specially deputed to visit and report on the French Schools for the South Kensington Museum, See Report XXX. of the Department of Science and Art. 38 ROYAL COMMISSION oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ecole des Beaux Arts, Limoges. t‘ forms (what we should call model drawing), Only, in lieu of being freehand work, they are supplied with rulers and encouraged to rule all the straight lines. As the professor told us, the aim in this class is to teach the pupils to gain a correct appreciation of form, and not so much to learn drawing. They begin with squares, cubes, prisms, and solid rectilinear figures, and pass on to spherical forms and architectural details. \’Vhen proficient in these exercises, they learn copying from the flat, and then pass into the ornament room, where they make careful studies from litho- graphed copies of ornament, but some go to the model-drawing room and make shaded studies from solids. They can then begin to draw from the cast (ronde bosse), and after a course of frag- ments, hands, and feet, they begin to draw from the antique. Here the classes are divided, those intending to become painters and those studying as sculptors having each a separate course. The painters draw or paint from the life every day from 8 to 12. The model sits during each hour for three-quarters of an hour and rests a quarter of an hour. There were about 20 pupils ,in the life class. There is a separate lite class for sculptors, sitting on alternate weeks, the pupils working one week in the antique, and one week in the life class. The students have frequent competitions, and an annual competition for three exhibitions of 601. each, to complete their studies in Paris. Elementary classes meet from 6 to 8 on winter evenings, and from 6 to 8 on summer mornings. These are mainly attended by apprentices, and between 1,000 and 1,100 pupils make use of the classes. There are 25 teachers or assistant teachers, and the salary of a teacher is 48!. A good library is attached to the school. Classes in mechanical drawing and projection are largely attended. Ecole llfum'cz‘y'oale des Beam: Arts de Limoges.-—This school was established for instruction in art bearing on the ceramic manufactures, for which Limoges has been long famous, and has been recently placed upon an entirely new footing by the decree dated November 5, 1881. It is henceforth to be called L’Ecole Nationale d’Art Decoratg'f de Limoges. The decree lays down the plan of teaching, the staff, the meetings and deliberations of the professors, the juries for the award of prizes, the competi- tions and exhibitions, the award of “ scholarships,” the order and discipline, and the punishments to be administered. M. L. de Lajolais the Director of the Ecole N ationale des Arts Décoratifs, at Paris, is also the director of this school. The Commissioners, on the occasion of their visit, first inspected a ladies’ class for painting on china, attended by about 25 students. The students first make a careful study on paper of what they propose to do, this study being either of flowers or foliage from nature, or an arrangement from a copy or engraving; they then paint the design on the plate or vase. They have a small kiln at the school, but it is not used at present; the work being fired at a pottery in the town. Upstairs there was a selection of the works of the pupils laid out for our inspection. These REPORT. 39 were drawings from nature, clever studies in water colour from natural foliage (mostly time studies), some good chalk drawings of heads, and from the antique; also crayon drawings from the life. There is a modelling class largely attended, and instruction is given in modelling suited to ceramic work. A class which has produced favourable results is that for the study of etching. The Commissioners were shown some very good etchings produced by students, and some excellent arrangements of flowers and sprays for transfers used for the decoration of china. One of the difficulties spoken of by M. de Lajolais, as impeding the development of the school, is that the artists trained there have no scope for their abilities in the local factories. (2.) EVENING INSTRUCTION IN SWITZERLAND. The continuation schools (Ergaenzungsschulen) of Switzerland, Evening which are numerous and important, supplement the teaching of milmctlim f“ the primary school, and even carry intelligent pupils a Few steps g'iviffifid, onwards and instruct them in the best methods of applying the , , knowledge gained during childhood to the practical duties of life. 5333111; anon In these schools drawing is specially attended to, and in those for girls, needlework. Both sexes also learn singing. The attendance at these schools, or at schools of a somewhat similar rank con- ducted by local industrial societies, is compulsory for all young persons leaving the primary school at the age of 12 who do not enter a secondary school. As an example of this kind of school, the Commissioners attended at Zurich some of the classes of the local industrial society, (Gewerbe Schulen Verein). The seclasses are numerously frequented by young people of both sexes. They are held in several different localities on week day evenings and Sunday mornings. The following are among the subjects taught :-- freehand drawing, four hours per week 3 linear drawing, three hours ; applied drawing for the following trades, each three hours per Week, masons, carpenters, joiners, cabinet-makers, mechanics, locksmiths, and whitesmiths; arithmetic, two hours per week ; geometry, two hours ; writing, four hours; book—keeping for arti- zans, two hours ; mercantile book-keeping, two hours; German language or spelling, two hours; French, three hours; English, two hours; and geometry, two hours per week. The conditions for admission to these classes are that the student must be 16 years of age at least, and must show that he possesses suflicient previous knowledge to profit by the instruction. All fees must be paid in advance, but poor students on making application to the proper authorities can obtain partial or total exemption from payment. The number of students varies from 300 to 650 according to the season, the larger attendance being during the winter months. The fee is from 2 to It francs for the entire course, according to the subjects chosen. An exhibition of schcol work takes place at the termination of each course, twice yearly. Some of the subjects extend over four sessions. The students make an annual summer excursion to some place of interest. The society numbers about 600 members. 40 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Evening intrnction in Germany. BerlinArtizans’ Society. (3.) EVENING- Ins'rnucrron IN GERMANY. In forming any estimate of the school system of Germany the Commissioners believe that great importance must be attached to' the influence of the evening and Sunday schools, which in many States train large numbers of young persons leaving the primary school at 13, for an additional period of from three to four years. Drawing, together with the ordinary elementary school subjects, is' mainly taught, and great care is taken to make the instruction of a kind suitable for the young workman. In South Germany the continuation schools are sometimes simply drawing schools with special application to various handicrafts. In some parts of’ Germany attendance at these schools is compulsory. In addition to the State schools, there are schools provided by powerful associations of workmen, in which instruction is given on week- day evenings and on Sundays, including literature, drawing, and elementary science. As examples of the latter organisa- tions, we give an outline of the Berlin Artisans’ Society (Hand- werker Verein) and a short account of the German Association for the Diffusion of Popular Education, which has its head- quarters in Berlin, but possesses branches in all parts of Germany. The Berlin Handwcrker Verez'n was founded in 1859, in order to encourage among its members general culture, sound knowledge of their callings, and good manners (guteSz'tten). For this purpose lectures, conferences, a library and reading room, classes for the promotion of general and technical instruction, as also for gymnastics and for singing, together with amusements in which all members together with their families can participate, are provided. Any youth may on attaining the age of 17 become a member if he presents testimonials of good character, and is duly introduced by a member. The number of ordinary members was, in 1882, 2,246. During the year 137 lectures were given by 54 lecturers, who are members of the society, on the following subjects :— Technology, trade, commerce, and political economy - - - - 25 Literature and art - - - ‘ - 21 History and geography — - - 20 Natural history - - - - 19 Hygiene — - - - 17 Popular education - ~ - - 15 Jurisprudence — - - 11 History of civilisation - - - 9 There are also classes in book-keeping by single and double entry, mercantile arithmetic, English, French, drawing, singing, and shorthand writing. Adults pay 4d. per month for instruction, and youths and apprentices 3d. The instructors mostly give their services gratuitously. There are three evenings devoted to declamations, in which regular parts are assumed. Many meetings are set apart for free discussions on social questions. At the close of all lectures the audience are invited to ask questions on any points not clear REPORT. 411 to them. Frequently on Saturday evenings there are social gatherings of the members and their families, in which the band and the choir take part. The public lectures of the Handwerker Verein, are delivered by men of the highest eminence in literature and social science, and form one of the striking features of interest in the Berlin winter season. The addresses of the late Dr. Lasker were attended by all the most remarkable persons of Berlin society. Grants to the society’s funds were received from the municipal authorities and from the Education Minister of 501. and 251. respectively. Summer excursions, visits to places of public entertainment at reduced charges, childrens’ gatherings, and opportunities for recreation as Well as instruction for the members, are largely provided. ' There is an important Building Trades’ School connected with guigliggs h 1 the society. It is purely a Winter school. The instruction com- m es 0 0°‘ mences on 31st October, and ends on the 29th March following. There were in all 7 9‘ students who were distributed over the full course of three winter semesters as follows :——40 of the first year, 28 of the second, and 11 of the third year. To the cost of the Building Trades’ School the Minister of Public Instruction contributed 2551., the municipality 1251., and 501. were received from the Weber bequest; the school fees and entrance money amounted to 4031. Among the members of this flourishing society were 148 car- penters, 131 tailors, 95 locksmiths, 82 masons, 75 bookbinders, and 681 commercial and other clerks. The total expenditure for 1881-82 was about 1,5001. The Association for the Dg'fiusion of Popular Education. Assoqiatiqn for The aims of this society are to encourage the discussion of questions gfpgllgulsggiof relating to free popular education at public meetings conducted cation, by the society, to aid the formation and support of societies having similar aims, to assist in the creation of continuation schools, libraries, reading rooms, 810., to aid in obtaining teachers and in providing lectures ; the issue of a journal and of publications bearing on public instruction ;..the employment of travelling instructors, &;c. The report of the society for the year 1882 shows that there were in all 4,749 members, among them being 717 afiiliated societies. There were 14 branch societies, and 9 provincial associations in Prussia. Its receipts from subscriptions and donations were 2,0441. The branch societies in connection with it appear to do much excellent work : thus, the Frankfort-on-the-Main Frankfort association states in its eighth report for 1881, that the branch continuation school for the summer of 1881 had 440 scholars, and for the winter 1881—82, 515 scholars. The classes comprised German, English, French, arithmetic and bookkeeping, writing, and drawing, the average attendance at each course being 32. In some subjects owing to the number of pupils there were as many as seven parallel classes. Diplomas were awarded to 15 of the most diligent pupils. The total receipts of the branch were 8971., and 6211. were expended on instruction and lectures. 412 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Artizan evening schools in Berlin. Sunday classes. Absence of evening science classes in Germany. The Handwerker Schule of Berlin is an interesting example of a purely technical evening drawing school for artizans, which was visited by the Commissioners who ‘were received by the Director, Dr. J essen. This is a Government school. The fees are six shillings the half year, for eight hours instruction per week. The school is attended by 470 apprentices and 190 journeymen, who are in all cases recommended and introduced by their ‘em- ployers. In addition, there are special classes for teachers in elementary schools; 70 teachers coming twice a week for instruc- tion from 5 pm. to 7 pm. There are 25 masters employed in this school. The students begin by making outlines from small wooden hand models, a system which has proved very successful in Hamburg under Dr. J essen, who taught there for over 15 years. In addition tOIthe Ordinary teaching of drawing, there is special instruction for each trade by teachers who are practically acquainted with that trade. The instruction is individual, as opposed to class teaching, and nearly all the pupils take up geometrical drawing. Artizans learn projection, from models. After drawing from wooden models they pass on to plaster casts. The complete course consists of three semesters. Tidiness and cleanliness in drawing are accounted of the highest importance. There are in all ten series of classes. For cabinet-makers, exercises in the’ preparation of full-sized working drawings are given. They first make a sketch, and then draw the details on a large scale, showing the joints, 850., and so for other trades. Connected with this school are 16 Sunday classes conducted in seven different buildings in the town. There are 12 different trades, each represented by special classes. Thus, for example, there were 100 students in the joiners’ class alone. The budget of the school for evening and Sunday instruction is as follows,— 58 - Students’ Fees - - 378 State Subvention - - 1,182 Town ,, - ~ 1,318 Total - £2,87 8 Neither in Prussia however, nor in other parts of Germany, have the Commissioners found any system of evening scientific ‘or tech- nical instruction supported by the State or by municipalities to be compared with that existing in France and Belgium, or with that of our own country, though a large number of con- tinuation schools (Fortbildungsschulen) exist in which the ordinary school training is carried on. This absence of evening science classes may partly be acccounted for by the fact that the primary and intermediate education is more advanced than it has been up to the present time in other countries, but the Want of this instruction is much felt by the Germans themselves, who contemplate the organisation of a system of technical instruction for artizans, to which a reference will be_found in the Appendix. REPORT. 43 (4.) EVENING INsTRUeTroN IN AUSTRIA. The evening class instruction for artizans in Austria is not as a Austrian rule supported, as in France and Belgium, by the Municipalities, but gvenniigzschools mainly by the trade societies, of which a large number exist. or at ans’ Many of these schools will be reported upon under the heading of “ Apprenticeship Schools,” whilst here those only will be mentioned in which evening instruction is given. They are founded with a view to provide, for apprentices, instruction in the scientific branches of their different trades. The instruction comprises a course extending over several years. The schools are generally managed by the societies of the masters following each special trade, and in many of these it is stipulated as a condition of apprenticeship that the apprentices should attend the school. Amongst the best of these schools are the Jewellers’ School Guild schools and the Turners’ School in Vienna; and the Building Trades’ 1“ Vlenna' School of that city, which will be found described under that section. The Turners’ School, or F ach-Schule DrechsZer-Arbez't, Timelrs’ is essentially a school for‘apprentices and has 170 pupils who so 00' are divided into two sections, the one principally theoretical and the other practical. It is supported mainly by the trade society, which is a very influential one, numbering some 1,500 members who pay ls. 8d. per annum for the privilege of membership. The State grants 50L per annum, and there is likewise a yearly subvention from the Chamber of Commerce. For the fitting up of the school, in the first instance, a State grant of 2001. was received. The membership of the Turners’ society is compulsory on T‘nfnfrsi all master turners, and the apprentices are bound to attend some y' the school. The term of indentures in this trade varies from three to five years, and the school course extends over two years, but it is proposed to add one additional year. The instruction is gratuitous. It is given on Sundays from 8 to 12 am, and also on two evenings in the week, Monday and Tuesday, from 6 to 9 pm. The school budget amounts to 250Z. Budget of The school had been established about eight years at the time of our school‘ visit. The students go through a rigidly prescribed course of instruc— tion. It is usual, after leaving the primary school at 13 or 14, to go into practical work for a twelvemonth, in order to obtain some power of practical manipulation, and then to enter these classes. During the first year the pupils learn drawing, arithmetic, elementary Course, physics, book-keeping, and the technology of their trade, raw first year- materials, 850., the teaching being wholly theoretical. In the Second year. second year they learn modelling, carving, and all the different kinds of turning. For these purposes the school is provided with a variety of lathes and accommodation for 20 students engaged in practical work at one 2‘time. One of the lathes had round it a raised bank of seats, capable of receiving 50 or 60 students to watch the practical demonstrations, and to receive explanations from the master workman. Some excellent specimens of work done 414 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Value of the school. watchmakers’ school. Jewellers’ school. Evening art instruction for artizans in Brussels. Molenbeek school. in the school were shown to us. The director informed us that it was impossible to estimate the effect of the practical teaching here given upon the trade, as this part of the teaching had only been introduced about two years. The reason assigned for the necessity of this instruction is that in the workshop the pupils are continually occupied with one kind of work, and thus never gain a general knowledge of the entire trade. The turners of Vienna are largely employed in fancy articles, and the tobacco pipe manu- facture in meerschaum constitutes a very important industry in the neighbourhood. The school is managed by a committee of employers and officers of the trade society. The watchmakers of Vienna have established a similar school. Fetch-Schule for Jewellers and Goldsmiths at Vienna.——This school is in every way similar to the one previously described. It is managed and mainly supported by the Goldsmiths’ Trade Society, and is conducted on Sunday mornings and on certain evenings of the week ; the use of the rooms being granted free of charge by the municipal authorities. There are 150 students, and the instruction is gratuitous. The school had been open at the time of our visit about three years, and is said to be doing good work.' The chief feature of the school is the careful and systematic teaching of drawing. One room fitted up for drawing from models had 56 working places. The copies and examples seemed well chosen as respects their bearing on the distinctivework of the school. There is a special teacher for the metal—chasing depart~ ment, who showed us some admirable work in silver, brass, &c. Chemistry is taught in its relation to metal working, and there is a furnace with crucibles for practical metallurgy. Valuable prizes are competed for by the students, and the Archduke Carl Ludwig contributes liberally to the prize fund, and takes a great interest in the school. In the class-room for metal-chasing and engraving were shaped working tables precisely similar to those in engravers’ shops. (5.) EVENING CLAss INSTRUCTION 1N BELGIUM. In Brussels alone there are four important art schools, the average attendance of students being a little short of 1,200. The largest and most important of these schools is that of the Royal Academy of Fine ‘Arts, which being an art school proper does not belong to this section. The following are the other schools, which are situated in the various faubourgs— (1.) Molenbeek-St.-Jean. (2.) St. J osse-ten-N oode. ' (3.) Ixelles. The Molenbeek Drawing School was originally founded in 1865 and is now held in a building erected four years ago by the Commune of Molenbeek in a very poor neighbourhood in the workmen’s quarter of the city. The building is large and com- REPORT. 415 modious, and contains, in addition to the school of art, a secondary school for girls. There are first-rate class-rooms, and the system of lighting is excellent. There are 300 students, who come every evening in the week, except Sunday, during the winter months. The school was overcrowded, and there were large numbers of boys waiting for admission. In this school, as in all the Belgian schools, a system of teaching Methed of is prevalent which differs from that adopted in France. This Serz‘ivhfglggin the system may be shortly described as follows: The boys begin Belgianschoolc by drawing geometrical forms with chalk on black-boards which surround the walls of the room. After becoming proficient with the chalk, they pass on to drawing similar forms with charcoal on sugar paper, outline drawing being first practised, and subsequently shading from the cast, and thus in the third year they are led to drawing from the life. This produces great rapidity and boldness of work without aiming at high finish. The quality of drawing seems to be one eminently suited for artizans. Owing to the rapid way in which their work is performed, they acquire sufficient power of drawing for their purposes in a far shorter time than is possible under the school of art system prevalent in England. An interesting fact connected with the school at Molenbeek is Cost of the that, although the neighbourhood is extremely poor, no less a sum schoolbu‘ldmg‘ than 12,000l. was raised by the commune for the purpose of building the school, this being the entire cost of the building; an annual grant for maintenance being allowed by the city of Brussels. The total annual expenditure is 1,280l. The School of St. Josse has been in operation for 19 years. It The St- Jesse contains 400 pupils, and many of them come from the elementary chool' schools, entering at as early an age as eight, and therefore being still occupied during the whole of the day in the elementary school. The teaching does not consist simply of practical work, Lectures. but lectures are also given on the elements of geometry and the theory of perspective, and these are illustrated by explanations on the black-board which are copied by the class. The best. Diplomas- students receive diplomas at the end of the course, which are said to be of considerable value to them in their subsequent career. The School of ladies much resembles those already described. The Ixelle~ It occupies, jointly with the communal elementary school, a fine School‘ building, erected at a cost of 12,0001. There are 230 pupils. The annual budget is 680l. The students work every evening from 7 to 9, and the advanced classes are taught on Sunday mornings. This school was founded in 1863. At some of‘ these schools, examinations take place every three Examinations months in which small prizes are offered, and these appear greatly are held every to stimulate the students in their work. The pupils pay three months‘ no fees, but, owing to the very small salaries of teachers, the cost of these schools is relatively small. Thus, at the school of St. Josse the payment to the nine teachers amounted to only 46 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Linear draw- ing. Evening art schools in Holland. The Hague. School is over‘ crowded. Fees. 160i. per annum, the total budget of the school being 7601. for the tuition every evening in the week and on Sunday mornings of 400 pupils. Mechanical and architectural drawing are also carefully taught, the students beginning these in the second year, it being a rule that each student must draw well in outline before being permitted to commence drawing with instruments. Special divisions of the school are Set apart for constructive drawing for trade purposes. Thus, architects, builders, stonemasons, carpenters, joiners, &c. have special teaching suited to their respective trades, and draw from examples likely to be of service to them in their everyday work. In the third year original designs are carried out by, the students, some of which are of a very elaborate character. The students living in the respective communes obtain in- struction gratuitously, but those not resident in the district can only be received on payment of from 18s. to II. 16s. per head per annum by the authorities of the communes to which the students belong. The students provide their own materials. A description of the industrial schools of Belgium, which include both evening and day schools for artizans, will be found on p. 57. (6.) EVENING INSTRUCTION IN HOLLAND. The evening art schools for artizans in Holland are generally similar to those in Belgium already described. Such schools are numerous, and of these the Commissioners visited the evening art school at the Hague, of which the director is M. Koelman. It is a day as well as an evening school, and is attended by 330 regular and 100 occasional students. The school receives an annual Subvention of 833i. from the the Municipality of the Hague. The demand for art instruction in the Hague (though not a manufacturing town) appears to be so great that the classes have to be divided. Instruction is given to the juniors and seniors on alternate nights in the week. The classes are held from 7.30 to 9.30 in the evening. In the advanced class attention is paid to the applications of drawing to the special industries on which the pupils are engaged. There are excellent classes for architectural drawing, including details of construction, staircases, windows, 810., and a class for mechanical draughtsmen. In addition to these subjects, classes are also held for instruction in arithmetic, algebra, practical geometry, and projection, and the pupils are required to go through these preliminary subjects before they can passon to the advanced courses of drawing. . The advanced pupils also attend lectures on the history of ornament, anatomy, perspective, and the history of art. A noteworthy difference, however, between the schools in Holland and those in France and Belgium, is that in the former country the instruction is not gratuitous, each pupil paying eight florins (13s. 4d.) per semester, it being the Opinion of the authorities that the pupils place a greater value on the instruction for which they have to pay. ‘ EEPoRT. 47 (7.) EVENING INsTRUcTIoN IN ITALY. In most of the towns of Italy evening classes are held for workmen, similar to those described as existing in other countries. In Udine, a small manufacturing town of 30,000 inhabitants, evening instruction is given in elementary mathe— matics, mechanics, and technology, together with drawing and modelling. The courses last four years, and in the third year the drawing lessons are specialised according to the trade of the student. The school has been founded only three years. It is supported from various sources. The Government contributes 1201. annually, the town 1201., and the province 201. The Society of Workmen gives 601., and the Chamber of Commerce 201. At the time of the Commissioners’ visit 350 male and 110 female students were inscribed in the school register. The school is open 2%,- hours every evening, and 3 hours on Sundays and holidays. GENERAL REVIEW or CONTINENTAL EVENING ScHooLs FOR ARTIzANs. In reviewing the schools above described, we are struck by their great variety and by the difference in the nature of the instruction they impart. Foremost in importance may be noted the con- tinuation schools, which exist in nearly all towns of Germany and Switzerland. In Bavaria, Baden, and elsewhere, pupils leaving the primary schools at the age of 13 are compelled to continue their studies in the evening schools till the age of 16, and too much stress cannot be laid upon the value of this regulation. These evening schools help to sustain a boy’s interest in study at a time when he is likely to forget what he has acquired in the ordinary primary school. For the want of them, apprentices or young workmen frequently find themselves too ignorant to avail themselves of the special technical instruction which they have the opportunities of obtaining; and on this account, and also because they serve to give the youth a taste for study at the time when he begins to appreciate the value of instruction, these schools have proved to be most serviceable to German and Swiss artizans in quickening their intelligence and in affording them useful information bearing upon their trades. At the same time, as primary education advances, and the age at which the children of the working classes leave school is postponed, these continuation schools become less necessary, and technical instruc- tion proper becomes more serviceable. Another noteworthy feature in this foreign evening instruction is the very great extension of drawing schools, in which in the same building is taught fine art as well as geometrical and machine drawing, in some instances with special reference to the occupations of the students. As will have been seen, classes in which this instruction is given abound in most of the countries visited by the Commissioners, especially in France, Belgium, and Holland, Evening instruction in Italy. General review of evening schools abroad. Continuation schools of Germany. Iunfience of these schools on artizans. Evening draw= ing schools. l8 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Evening science classes. Systematic mstruction. Apprenticeship schools. School of the Rue Tourne- fort. and the students in attendance are not only very numerous as compared with the populations of the towns, but they are of all ages, representing all kinds of trades; and , side by side with the workman, is often found a boy of 12 or 13 years of age, who is supplementing in these evening classes the insufficient art instruction which is given at the ordinary primary school. As regards evening science teaching, there seems to be nowhere in Europe any organization for systematic evening instruction comparable, as regards the number of subjects taught and the facilities afforded for the establishment of classes and for the examination of the students’ work, with that undertaken by the Science and Art Department in this country, and recently supple- mented, in the application of science to special industries, by the City and Guilds of London Institute. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that in many towns visited by the Commissioners, the evening science teaching was conducted by professors of higher standing than, and of superior scientific attainments to, the ordinary science teachers who conduct courses in some of the largest and most important of the manu- facturing centre of this country. In the case of machine con- struction, the models and materials for instruction were superior to those found in similar schools at home. Another feature of many of these foreign schools deserves also to be noted, namely that the instruction is systematic, occupying not only several evenings per week, but covering a period of two, three, or even more years. II. ARTIZANS’ GENERAL TECHNICAL SCHOOLS AND APPRENTICESHIP SCHOOLS. The next class of schools to which we have referred in our general classification, are firstly those intended to supersede apprenticeship wholly or partially by a progressive system of workshop instruction in the school itself, these being the true apprenticeship schools, and secondly, trade schools for apprenj tices and journeymen employed in workshops. In our First Report we dealt with certain schools of this kind existing in France, such as the Communal School of the Boulevard de la Villette, at Paris, and the schools at Havre and other places. We append a short abstract of the accounts therein given of these schools, and would refer to the Report itself for fuller information. (1.) APPRENTICESHIP ScHooLs IN FRANCE. The School of the Rue Tournefo'rt, Paris.-—This school, which will be found more fully described on page 14 of the First Report, is the only primary school in France, so far as the Commissioners are aware, in which rudimentary trade teaching is combined with ordinary elementary instruction. From the ages of 6 to 10 the children have three hourly lessons per week in manual work; boys of 10 and 11 are taught drawing, modelling, carving, joiner’s work, and smith’s and fitter’s work, REPORT. 49 whilst in their 12th year of age the instruction is specialized, some taking, as their principal study, modelling and carving, others joiner’s work and cabinet making, others again forging and fitting, but all have to devote a certain portion of time each week to the other subjects comprised in the complete course of manual work. The school hours are from eight in the morning to six at night, and lin the highest class 18 hours per week are given to manual wor . The School of the Boulevard cle la Villette, Paris, is a $911001 of L85 municipal apprenticeship school for workers in wood and iron, Vlnette’ Pam’ and was established in 1872. The boys are admitted on presentation of the “ certificat d’études” of the primary school, or on passing an equivalent examination. The instruction is free, and comprises a general literary and scientific education, in continuation of that of the primary school, and a special technical training. This latter is given by theoretical instruction on the nature of the tools, materials and processes of the workshop, and by practical manual work in the shops. The manual work is divided into two courses; in the first year the pupil spends six hours in the shops daily, and is taught the nature and conversion of materials; in the second and third years \ he spends respectively six and eight hours per day in the shop, and is engaged in actual construction in connection with the special trade which he adopts. The school hours are from 7 am. to 7 pm. with two hours of interval for meals, recreation, &c. Visits are paid by the students to industrial establishments, and of these, written accounts have to be given. This school will be found more fully described on pp. 17—20 of our First Report. A large proportion of the boys become engine-fitters or pattern makers, and are said to earn wages varying from 2s. (id. to 58. per day on leaving the school. On the school buildings 49,000l. have been expended, and the annual budget amounts to somewhat less than 3,000l. ,' that is rather under l2l. per head for the 250 pupils of the school. The Havre Apprenticeship School, which is of the same type as Apprentice- that of the Boulevard de la Villette, will be found more fully if? school“ . . .. 5 school, through the courtesy of the director, who, at the request of School work’ the Commissioners kindly forwarded to London an exhibition of the school work, and this was on View for a few weeks at the Gresham College. The collection comprised specimens of modelling from sketches and photographs (some of which were executed by boys of 14 and 15 years of age) as well as specimens of wood-carving, wood-turning and metal work. The school is well fitted with workshops, having the necessary W'orkshop appliances, including a six-horse power gas engine, hydraulic press, fittings‘ a planing machine, a shaping machine from Chemnitz, as well as elaborate lathes for wood-turning and metal-turning, made in Vienna, England, Scotland, and America. The curriculum of the school instruction, which will be found in Appendix 7, Vol. V., is interesting as indicating the general scientific and artistic teaching which all the pupils undergo before devoting themselves more particularly to any branch of special practical work. Besides the day school, in which the pupils are engaged from Evening 8 to 10 hours, there is an evening school in which a course of school’ instruction occupying three hours is given, comprising model and ornamental drawing, German, physics, and arithmetic. The instruction in the evening school is intended for the workpeople in the numerous manufactories of the district, and is almost wholly theoretical. 5001. was subscribed for apparatus, &c. by the leading manufacturers of the district. The school budget is 8501. Trade School at Remschez'd.——In Remscheid, a straggling town Remscheid of about 30,000 inhabitants, 18 miles distant from Dusseldorf, a trade Schooh trade school has very recently been established for the instruction of apprentices in the construction of edge tools and other imple- ments manufactured in the district, in which it competes with Sheflield and Birmingham. From this town, which a few years ago was a mere village, but is now growing and prospering in a high degree, an important trade is carried on, including some with our own colonies. The business is one conducted to a great extent in small shops, in the same way as the nailor’s trade in the black country and the cutlery trade of Sheffield. In these D 2 52 ROYAL COMMISSION ON T EOHNICAL INSTRUCTION? Subjects taught. Drawing made essential. “Objects of the school. Htihr- Grenzhausen Pottery School. School founded to assist a small local industry. separate shops sometimes as few only as two or three men are employed. These factories extend for miles into the country, and " in them men are found at work making hand-vices, pliers, nippers, shovels, and other varieties of small hardware and cutlery. The school established for the promotion of this industry occupies very fine new premises, which have been erected at a cost of 10,000]. At the date ot the Commissioners’ visit the school had only been in operation for ten days. There were present 18 pupils , some of whom were engaged in practical work in a smithy containing anvils and smiths’ fires, whilst others were occupied in filing and chipping. All the pupils are taught drawing and design in its applicatinnrto iron-work, and they are made familiar with the different kinds of iron-work that can be’ done by hand in small shops at their own homes. They are further instructed in the uses of the tools they make, and they learn something of the markets where they are sold, and of the methods by which similar articles are manufactured in other towns and countries. The students have the opportunity of studying in the school all the leading trade catalogues of’ the principal firms of their own and of other countries, and of thus familiarizing themselves with the drawings and descriptions of different kinds of tools. The main object of this school seems to be to impart to each student such an education as shall give him, ' on leaving it, an intelligent knowledge of the principles of his craft, a general acquaintance with the commercial requirements of the trade, and such skill in practice as may assist him on. leaving school to at once earn his living. The morning hours are devoted to instruction in the ordinary school subjects, including the elementary principles of science, as well as drawing and design in application to the requirements of the trade, and the afternoon from 2 till 7 to practice in the shops. The fees paid by the students amount to 41. per annum. Pottery Trade School, Ho'lzr-Grenzhausen.——Another school of a somewhat similar type, which has been very recently established l by the Prussian Government, is the Trade School for Pottery at H'cihr, a small village about six miles from Coblentz. The village contains about 3,000 inhabitants, and its principal trade, as well as that of the neighbouring village of Grenzhausen, is the making of stoneware decorative pottery, in imitation of the old German stoneware, which was originally made in this district, and the art of making which was lost some centuries ago. The manufacture carried on in these villages is thus a revival of an ancient art. The clay is principally found in the district; indeed quantities of this _ clay are still exported to other parts of Germany, to Holland, and other countries. The school at Hohr has been founded for the advancement of this industry, and has been in existence about three years. The director, a native of the place, has studied in Frankfort and also in the Kunstgewerbe Schule of Vienna. The school is badly REPoRT. 53 housed in an old building, but plans have been prepared for .the erection of a new and commodious structure. At present the school consists of a day school and an evening school. The day school is principally attended by sons of the small manufacturers, of whom there are many in the district. The evening school is attended by men and Women of various ages, who are engaged during the day-time in the manufacture. At present there are 15 day students, and 16 evening male students, and 32 girl students, who attend also on Sundays. The boys have already had some instruction in drawing in the primary schools, and many have also attended the F ortbildung or continuation schools, where they have increased their facility in drawing. The subjects taught in the school are drawing, Subjects designing, modelling in clay and wax, and working out new forms of taught- vessels with original ornamentation, as well as painting, designing, and other branches of decorative art. There is also a general course of instruction on the manufacture of earthenware. Any new model completed by a pupil becomes the property of his father or of the manufacturer who places him at the school ; but two copies of such model are given to the school. Plaster models are made from sketches supplied by the master, and the details are worked out in wax models, cast, and afterwards applied to the body of the article. Generally the modelling is taught in three stages. The pupil first models from a plaster cast, then from a drawing, and lastly from a rough sketch or idea. The lessons in modelling are given simultaneously with those in drawing. There are also lectures on the history of style, and of pottery, and the theory of colours- The school contains a carefully assorted collection of different kinds of stoneware and porcelain, including some of the original old German ware. Examples of Wedgwood and of other English wares are also present. The assortment of models in wood and plaster is good and varied. The school course occupies three years, and is given daily, Saturdays excepted. The pupils of Grenzhausen and Ho'hr pay 20 shillings a year for the day school, in which 30 hours’ instruc— ‘tion are given per weekyand 4 shillings for the evening school, which meets four times a week for two hours. Pupils from other localities pay 30 shillings for the day school. From information obtained from one of the resident manufac— ‘ turers, whose works the Commissioners visited, it seems probable that this school is likely to be of considerable benefit to the industry of the district. The Commissioners observed that although the school had been in existence only a very short time, some of the new patterns which were being manufactured in the neighbourhood had been originally designed and modelled in the school. An interesting fact bearing upon the pottery industry of Appreciation -0 mechanical a character is capable of satisfactory application to any wide range of subjects. The method of teaching drawing is not open to this criticism, and the results obtained in freehand as well as in mechanical REPORT. 73 drawing in the three years appear to be highly satisfactory. This instruction is given to all the pupils in one large room about 140 feet X 455 feet, divided into sections by screens. The, boys are arrangel in circles round the object to be drawn, being seated on stools or “horses” with a back which can be inclined to any desired angle to support the slate or drawing board. At first the pupil draws on his slate only, to facilitate correction and avoid Waste of paper; and the slate draw ings of the pupils were found by the Commissioners to be excellent. Drawing from solids is insisted upon. The boys begin by copying from outline figures, squares, and circles constructed of stout wire. From this they pass to skeleton solids, and then to block-models of architecture. They then make drawings from parts of machines and scientific instruments; by this system they get a considerable power of neat and precise drawing. The Commissioners noticed on the walls of the room admirable diagrams prepared by the masters to show the way in which the models are to be drawn. All the boys are taught modelling in clay, to which they devote Modelling. two hours per week. After inspecting the drawing room, the Commissioners visited Workshops. the workshops, which they found to be indifferently fitted with apparatus. In one long narrow side-lighted room in which there were some 28 benches, the boys were engaged in planing boards, cutting mortices, &c. In a room leading out of this, there were about 36 lathes, and at these a class was at work turning cylin- ders, tool-handles, 850. A foreman instructor was in charge of each shop. All the boys in the school have practical work in the shop, in the first year for two hours per week, and in the second and third years for three hours per week. There is a collection of machines which has been bequeathed to Collection. the school by one of its governors, M. Eynard, and this is receiving constant additions of models made in the workshops of the school. The chemical laboratory seemed poorly fitted considering the Chemical good results said to be achieved by the school. There are three laboratories‘ masters for chemistry, of whom Professor Loir is the senior. The boys of the second year are (li\ided into two classes of 70 each. The lectures are well illustrated by experiments performed by the professor, and the boys take excellent notes, with descriptive sketches. Only the third year boys do practical work, for which they have a laboratory containing 56 places, that is 14 benches with 4 working spaces on each bench. Five hours per week are devoted to chemistry. Most of the chief chemists ot' Lyons have received their early education in this school. In the teaching of chemistry, as indeed in all the other subjects, no text books are used. Surveying, including practical field work, is taught to all Surveying. students of the second year. The students visit factories and large works under the guidance Visits to works, of the masters, and on their return they have to write out full 745 ROYAL CCMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: School hours. Examinations and rewards. Changes in the working. Results. Evening classes. Old Students’ Association. Girls’ School. descriptions of their visits. Under M. Lang’s directorship this department of the school work has been encouraged and con— siderably extended. The school hours are from 7 to 1] in the morning and from 1 to 7 in the afternoon. The school session is from October to June. The annual examinations then take place, and the prizes are distributed on the lst of August. In addition to ordinary prizes .the boys obtain money prizes, of amounts varying from 2L to 6L, in a book, showing that these sums have been placed to their credit in the local savings bank, 80Z. per annum being set aside under the will of Gen. Martin for this latter purpose. There are also about 20 sums of the value of 2t. each, offered by friends of the school for the same purpose. The final examination is conducted by a competent board composed of engineers, manu- facturers, &c. Certain changes in the Working of the school have recently been instituted, to some of which reference has already been made. Of others we may mention the rule making the third year compulsory in order to obtain the leaving-certificate. The supplementary courses which occupied the third year and were formerly optional, and practically useless, have been ~re-organized, and the whole day occupied with school work. M. Lang has also consolidated certain of the courses, and has striven to give a continuity and systematic character to the training which had hitherto been wanting. ‘ Many pupils still leave at the end of the second year, but the number of boys staying for a third year is on the increase. In the first year of the experiment there were 49 third-year students, in the second year 49, in the third year 67, and in the fourth year 80. The Martiniere boys are said usually to succeed well in the careers which they choose in after life. The principal dyers of the town are old pupils of the school. From 60 to 75 per cent. go into commercial houses, making good clerks and business assistants, and about 25 per cent. take up industrial pursuits. Some few of the Martiniere pupils go to the Ecole Centrale, Lyons. In conjunction with the Martinicre school there are also evening classes, attended by about 250 adults who receive instruction bearing on the local industries. There is also an Old Students’ Friendly Association, the aim of the members being to be mutually helpful to one another, and to aid their poorer comrades in the acquisition of a higher education. The annual budget of the school is upwards of 4,0002. For the programmes of the classes see Appendix 12, Vol. V. La Zllartz'nz'ére School for GirZs.~—--In 187 9 a girls’ school was added to the organization of the Martiniere, its object being to enable young girls of the working classes to fit themselves to fill remunerative situations on leaving the school. This forms at the same time a superior primary and a professional school. The girls on entry must have completed their 13th year. The school is REPORT. 75 located at present on the seventh floor of a separate building, but at the time of our visit was about to enter newer and more commodious premises. The duration of study is three years and the general course embraces mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing, grammar, history, geography, writing, and manual work. This general instruction is obligatory on all the pupils. The special instruction is given‘in three divisions (1) that of com- mercial knowledge; (2) that of industrial drawing (with special reference to designing patterns for lace, silk, and embroidery); and (3) that of dressmaking and fine needlework; and the girls may choose which of these sections they will take. The mornings are devoted to general studies, whilst in the afternoon the special instruction is given, and a quarter of an hour’s interval for recreation is given after each lesson. In the drawing classes the pupils commence at once with drawing from models, and in addition to this practical instruction they receive lessons in the principles of ornament and design. When the new buildings are completed additional sections will be added for instruction in the making of artificial flowers and the arrangement of feathers. There are annual competitive examinations in the different branches of study, on the results of which prizes and savings- bank books are awarded. The course of instruction at this school appeared to the Commissioners to be excellently arranged and carried out. In conversation, M. Lang expressed to the Commissioners his ‘M. Lang pn the views concerning the question of technical education as carried ingégggtlgn Of out in France, more especially with regard to apprentice schools. work into He is strongly in favour of the introduction, even into the primary elementary school, of a certain amount of handicraft work, yet he does not schools‘ think that the establishment of special apprentice schools should be largely promoted. He conceives that the introduction of such manual instruction should be made only to the extent of giving boys a certain amount of readiness and aptitude in using their hands. He believes that these exercises not only give them this valuable power, but likewise greatly develope their faculties of observation. A general increase in this kind of manual instruction to more than three hours per week, he would deprecate, believing that the Municipality or the State is not called upon to furnish such instruction as qualifies for any one particular trade, but simply to go so far as that the knowledge gained may be applied to trades generally. M. Lang is also the director of the Society for Professional Teaching in the Department of the Rhone, and has done much to arrange and systematize the evening instruction which is now largely given in Lyons (see ante p. 32, Evening Instruction). The Ecole Professionnelle lllzmz‘cz'pale of Rheims is a school of a Professional somewhat higher type than the foregoing, and is one of the best ‘$11,110.01 ff of the higher elementary schools which the Commissioners have em" seen. It was founded on the model of the schools of Mulhouse and Nantes, and difiers from the Martiniere school by the further development of manual labour in the shops. 76 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Object of the school. Classification of pupils. The school was established in 1875, in order to impart to the youths of the city of Rheims special practical knowledge of manu- lactures, and to train them early to satisfy the requirements of her trade and commerce. A municipal commission composed of city councillors, leading manufacturers, and tradesmen of the district, came to the conclusion that professional education ought properly to be the continuation and the normal development of primary education, and that such a school as this should draw its pupils from those children of the elementary schools who had passed a satisfactory examination. The school thus established is housed in a handsome modern building erected at a cost of 24,000L, and admirably adapted in every way forits intended purpose. In the Appendix, Vol. V., will be found a series of plans, together with the front elevation of this building and the programme of the classes. The director of the school is M. L. Pillods. The instruction, so far as it is not technical, is about parallel with that of the Ecole Turgot in Paris. There is an entrance examination for those who do not possess the leaving certificate of the primary school. This examination includes a knowledge of the rules of grammar and their application; dictation (not more than five mistakes); arithmetical problems, including vulgar and decimal fractions and the metric system. The boys enter the school at about the age of 13, and the course of study extends over three years. During the first two years, all the pupils pass through the same course of theoretical and practical instruction, and the course up to this point serves also as a preparation f or the Ecole des Arts et Métiers at Chalons. Very few boys leave at the end of the second year. There is an examination at the end of each year to determine the promotion to the superior division. The third year boys are divided into sections according to the aptitude displayed by them during the initial study period, and they are classified according to the different industrial and commercial pursuits carried on in Rheims and the neighbourhood, as follows :— 1. Zllanufactures. The woollen manufacture being the chief one, the various modes of sorting wool, the carding, the spinning, and the weaving, claim special attention. 2. Mechanics. In every important combing, spinning, or weaving mill are shops for the repair of the machines and looms ; without taking into account the many mechanical engineering establishments of the district. 3. Commerce. The trade in raw materials, manufactured articles, champagne, &c.. gives rise to a commerce amounting to several millions of francs annually. 4. Agriculture. The important results recently attained in agriculture on the poor arenaceous soil of the champagne country, and the results still to be achieved, gave the idea of adding an agricultural section to train the young men of Rheims. In order, moreover, in the brief space of three years to train up these boys so as to be capable of rendering real service on quitting REPORT. 77 the school, it has been found necessary to enable them to supplement their theoretical studies with practical work analogous to that which they will have to practise in their future profession, and to place at their disposal a complete and well organized plant for this purpose. Rheims has spent 16,000l. to 20,000l. on this plant, and has thus placed her schools in the first rank of similar institutions. The workshops and laboratories are large, airy, and well- lighted:— Thc weaving and spinning sheds contain a carding engine, a drawing frame, a spinning frame with 40 spindles, a warping machine, nine small pattern weaving looms, four jacquard looms, a punching and card—cutting machine, and four power looms, each of a different type, and of the most recent construction. In this department the student is able practically to apply his theoretical instruction to the production of the various textile manufactures of Rheims. He can, in fact, spin and weave the wool he has himself washed, carded, dyed, and prepared, and can moreover practise each operation in the school with similar plant to that which he would find in the regular factory. This department is provided with a large collection of woven fabrics and samples of raw materials. The fitting shop is provided with a 10 hp. engine, 4 forges, three lathes, a screw cutting lathe, a planing machine, a drilling machine, three slotting machines, and 52 vices. For wood-working, there are 20 carpenters’ benches, five lathes, and a band-saw frame. Drawing is taught by the master who teaches engineering on a plan which is novel, and. produces very good results. This instruction is given in the workshops, and will be most conveniently described here :——The students in the first year spend three months in drawing from sketches on the blackboard; they then proceed to make freehand sketches of geometrical solids, tools, and parts of machines. These sketches are afterwards carefully figured, for dimensions, and from them accurate drawings to scale are prepared. Finally, they produce in the same way freehand sketches and finished drawings of the objects that they actually make in the workshop. By this system, the students of the second year become rapid and ready draughtsmen, having devoted seven hours per week to drawing, whilst in the workshop they have spent six hours per week (two hours per alternate day), and have thus learnt the value of drawing, of mechanics and of geometry, by seeing their applica- tion at every step. In the third year, the students spend 18 hours per week in practical shop work. The two chemical laboratories are excellently planned and fitted. Que of them has accommodation for 80 students, and here the first and second years’ students go through a course of practical inorganic chemistry. The first year students give only one hour per week to chemistry, whilst in the second year they have twolessons per week of one and a half hours each. So well chosen are the experiments, and so simple is the apparatus, that the whole cost of 200 experiments Weaving and spinning. Engineering shop. Mechanical drawing. Method of teaching drawing. Chemical laboratories. 78 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Practical chemistry. Physical laboratory. School museum. Fees, &c. Number of pupils. School budget. carried on by each student of the first and second year does not exceed a sum of five francs per head per annum. The third. year students, who are in training for chemical industries, have a special laboratory reserved for them with accommodation for 40 pupils. In this laboratory, attention is devoted to the chemistry of dyeing. About half the students learn dyeing in the third year. There is also a good lecture theatre capable of seating 200, and a room containing a large collection of chemical preparations. The chemical master, M. Réné Leblanc, showed the Commissioners some sets of simple apparatus which he had arranged for teaching chemistry in primary schools; the larger set costing 2l. 8s. (60 francs) in a box complete, and the smaller set, ll. 49. (30 francs). He has written also some primers on chemistry and physics for the illustration of which this apparatus is suitable.* The physical laboratory is well arranged and complete, and con- tains numerous instruments and appliances for teaching mechanics, levelling, surveying, meteorology, and agriculture. There is also an admirable school museum, containing physical and other scientific apparatus, and a collection of the works and preparations of the pupils. The school hours are from 7 to 12 in the morning and from 1.30 to 7.30 in the afternoon. The holidays are a fortnight at Easter and six weeks in the summer. The pupils pay 10 francs per month (that is 4Z. for the school year of ten months), a fee which brings the school well within the means of the lower middle classes. Most of the pupils are, indeed, sons of foremen and small tradespeople, or people of the operative classes. There are 160 pupils, of whom 22 hold municipal exhibitions. There is an unlimited number of free studentships. At the time of the Commissioners’ visit there were 37 boarders lodged in a separate building. These pay 26L per annum, in ad- dition to the school fee of 4Z. It was stated that the number of boarders would shortly be doubled. The school has quadrupled its number of students since its foundation in 1875, and the number of boarders would be largely increased if sufficient funds were available to defray the cost of another boarding-house. This school received the gold medal at the Exhibition of 1878. The budget of the school is upwards of 2,400l. per annum, and the average receipts from fees 560Z. The school has at present no Government grant, but receives 2401. from the town of Rheims and 1601. from the Department. The budget details will be found in Appendix 13, Vol. V. A fair number of the pupils who have completed their education here have been drafted off into the industries of the district, and it is said that on leaving the school they at once earn three to four pounds per month. * The apparatus can be bought from M. Laiseu, Rue Fontaine au Roi, 57, Paris. * nnronr. 79 Since the time of the Commissioners’ visit, and in accordance with the law on primary and higher elementary education, the school has been ‘adopted as a National School and it \\ ill be enlarged and made still more efiective. It will also become gratuitous. The school will in future receive 40 Government exhibitioners. The changes effected ‘by the new law will, it is believed by the school authorities, be beneficial ; indeed they were petitioned for by the town. It is quite understood and agreed that the school will preserve its autonomy as regards its programme. The Ecole Professvlo'nnelle Munic'ipale of Rouen, is another school, much of the same type as the foregoing, but in which more attention is paid to mechanical industries. This school, which was also visited by the Commissioners, was founded in 1853. The director is M. Delarue. The special object of the instruction is to prepare youths to enter the Ecoles des Arts et Métiers, but a certain number of the pupils leave the school to enter at once into practical work. The bulk of the pupils are the sons of the small tradespeople of the town; some of them enter with scholarships given by the Government, or by the municipal authorities. There are six exhibitions given by the city of Rouen, 12 by the Department, and four by the State. The education at this school became gratuitous under the law of July 1881. The school expenses, hitherto paid by the town, have amounted to about 1,120Z. annually. The school course, which combines both theory and practice, extends over three years, and is conducted in very indifferent premises. The boys must be at least 12 years old on admission, and must have the amount of knowledge necessary for the primary school certificate. Prizes and medals are given to deserving pupils at the end of each year. Frequent visits are paid to works and factories. There is a chemical laboratory, but the instruction in this subject seems to be inferior to that of the Rheims school. In- struction in the English language is given to all the pupils. There are about 1410 students, half of whom are boarders, and there is a preparatory course for the younger boys. The hours of theoretical study are from 7 in the morning till 6 at night, with three hours of recreation, and in the evening two hours of manual work. They therefore have eight hours of class work and two hours of manual work per diem. The practical instruction consists of working in wood and iron. The handicraft work is carried on in a large room lighted from the top, having desks for drawing down the centre and working benches against the walls ; all the pupils work in this room at the same time. The pupils are put through a graduated series of manipulations; for example, in smiths’ work and turning of iron, each pupil has to make in succession every one of the hand-tools mentioned in a list and figured on a table hung up in the workshop. The boarders pay from 24L to 26L per annum. Many of the pupils, after having passed through the school, ultimately obtain situations as foremen ; otheis enter the Government schools of Chalons or Angers. At a recent exami- Rouen profes’ sional school. Workshop instruction. 80 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Object of the instruction. Superior pro- fessional school, Rouen. Amiens profes- sional school. nation, 10 pupils from this school presented themselves for the entrance examination for Chalons, and 9 were admitted, being one—eleventh of the total admissions for the year. This fact was quoted to prove that the school is a good one. The director stated that the object of the education was not to form foremen, but rather to give a general education, calculated to serve as the basis for many trades. He pointed out a school museum containing specimens of various products for object lessons, and stated that similar museums were about to be formed in all primary and higher elementary schools in France. Amongst the specimens, the Commissioners noticed a Prussian soldier’s helmet. On being asked why it was placed there, the director stated that it was picked up during the German invasion, and added that it was his custom to point out to his scholars that France lost her best provinces through the superior education of the invaders, and the helmet served as a constant warning and stimulus to the students. A second and somewhat higher school in Rouen is the Ii’cole Sape’r/ieare du Commerce et de Z’Indus'trie. This school was originally founded by a private society established for the “development of the industries of Normandy,” and has since been transferred to the municipality. It is divided into a commercial section, and one for weaving and dyeing. It is supported partly by the town and partly by the State; the Chamber of Commerce also contributes towards the expenses. There are 40 students, none of them being boarders. To show the extent to which scientific instruction is applied to the industries of the district, it may be here remarked that M. Permethier gives a complete course of instruction on the microscopic examination of the various textile fibres and tissues, and that this school obtained a gold medal at the Paris Exhibi- tion of 1878 for its researches. A notice of the weaving department of the cole du Commerce will be found among Section IV. Ecole Prrlmctt're Swpe’r'ieare, Amiens.—-Another school of a somewhat similar type visited by the Commissioners is the Superior Primary School of Amiens. The prineipalris M. Dufrenoy. This school was established by the Municipality of Amiens three years ago, and now contains 110 pupils. They are received at 12 years of age by competitive examination from the primary schools of the town. The object of this school is not to form apprentices, though practical work is introduced to the amount of three hours per week. Drawing is taught largely, both freehand and mechanical. The course consists of three years, the first year being divided into two groups. Each pupil pays 10 francs per month, but exhibitions are given to all who require them. It is the intention of the municipal council to buy land and build a large school, with appropriate workshops. ; REPORT. 81 The pupils on leaving the school obtain work on the railways, in the service of the Ponts et Ghaussées, 820. One pupil sent to the Chalons school stood first in the entrance competitive examination for that school. The principal handed in a budget of the city of Amiens, in Educaliion "Ole which the whole of the expenses of the school, as well as of m Amlens' the other schools of the city, is contained. He stated that the town of Amiens, with 66,896 inhabitants, spends probably more in education than any other town of the same size in France, the vote amounting to 16,000Z. M. Dufrenoy was well acquainted with many of the other schools of a similar kind in France, and. expressed an opinion adverse to the system of education adopted at the Martiniere at Lyons, speaking of this as a system‘ of mechanical drill rather than one of great educational value. Eoolc Professionnetle, MuZhousa—This school is described here gulf)?“ 1 rather than amongst the German schools, because it was founded Sgfio‘fifiwm in 1854*, prior to the annexation of Alsace to Germany, and is similar in constitution to some of the French schools already described, but of a somewhat higher grade. It is intended for the training of the sons of small manufacturers and of persons in easy circumstances. It occupies convenient and well arranged buildings in the outskirts of the town. The director is Dr. Cher- buliez. The school contains about 250 pupils. It is principally a day school, but has a boarding house attached with about 40 boys. The school fees range from 4st in the four lower classes to 5i. per annum in the higher and industrial classes. The boarders pay 32?. per annum. For the workshop the boys pay additional fees, namely, ll. 48. in the joiners’ shop and 2t. in the machine shop. The ages of the pupils vary from 9 to 18. There are 22 masters, including the instructors in the joiners’ shop and the machine shop. This school is described as one nearly equal in rank to the French Lycée, but differing from it in the substi- tution of English and French for the classical languages. It is necessary to pass a simple examination on entrance. The course of instruction is the same for all the pupils until the Course 9f age of 141 is reached, when a bifurcation takes place: some boys mstmchon' enter the commercial section, and stay two years; others, the industrial section, and stay four years. In this latter . section they are taught history, literature, mathematics, the physical and mechanical sciences, and drawing, and as special courses machine construction, textile fabrics, and the chemical arts. Summer excursions, entirely at the cost of the school, and frequent visits to manufactories, are important features in this school. Thus during the year 1879 visits were paid to a carpet factoiy, a.paper mill, two machine works, two spinning mills, a dye-Works, and two tool manufactories, and opportunities were given to the pupils to obtain a full insight into the industries of the district. The two highest classes work six hours per week in the shops, the four lower classes four hours. The shops Rt 1726. F 82 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Practical work. Results of workshop instruction. Absence of schools of this type in certain countries. which stand on either side of the open court or playground are spaclous and well supplied with tools. The joiners’ shop contains about 30 benches and five lathes, and the mechanics’ shop has 30 vices. ‘ The practical teaching in this school is said to have been productive of excellent results. The Commissioners were shown some first-rate models in wood of parts of machinery, pedestals, brackets, 820., made by the boys, also a large stock of mechanical work done in the fitters’ shop. The workshop instruction is not designed to teach trades, but is intended to give the lads a fair proficiency in the use of tools, and a good knowledge of mechanical operations. The drawings shown to us were very good, and large, carefully finished drawings of machinery, being made from actual measurement. There is a well—fitted chemical laboratory in which the upper classes do two hours of practical work per week. The budget of the school for the year 1877 was as follows :— £ Receipts—— School fees - - - 2,212 Subventions from State and towns 2,488 Total - — 41,700 i’. Expenditure—— Salaries - - - 3,038 Boarding house - 1,112 School expenses - - 470 80 £4,700 \3.) HIGHER ELEMENTARY TEcHNIcAL SCHOOLS IN GERMANY. The Commissioners have not found in Germany any schools which exactly correspond to the professional schools of France, already described. There have existed, however, since 1850, a number of schools known as Gewerbe Schulen (trade schools), originally intended to impart technical instruction to boys in training to become masters of small industries, foremen in works, &c. In these schools primary education is continued, and addi- tional instruction is given in mathematics, descriptive geometry, drawing, elementary science, and some modern language. In none of these schools is any attempt made to give workshop instruction. In most parts of Germany these schools are now known as Lower Real-schulen and lead up to the Industrial School of Bavaria, or the Higher Secondary Real School in other countries. The Commissioners visited schools of this type at Munich, Stutt- gart, and Berlin. See Appendix 8, Vol. V. REPORT. (4.) HIGHER. ELEMENTARY TECHNICAL ScHooLs IN AUSTRIA. State Trade School of Reichenbery—h Austria, where, as we have already shown, there is a movement in favour of teaching practical work in schools, and of the establishment of Fetch Schulen, we find in the Staotts Gewerbe Sehalen, with workshops attached, schools of a type somewhat similar to the French schools. We have selected the school of Reichenberg as a good Higher Trade illustration of a somewhat numerous class of similar establish- gel??? °€ ments. This school consists of two divisions, (66.) the higher trade em 6“ erg‘ school, and (6.) the foreman’s school. Each of these divisions has the three departments of building trades, mechanical, and chemical technology. (01,.) The higher trade school gives in its first department the Diyision for necessary theoretical and practical instruction for builders, con- bullders' tractors, carpenters, and persons engaged in other branches of the building trade. The second department is for the training of those who are likely to be employed as foremen or superintendents in workshops and factories of all kinds ; and the third department is destined to train foremen and others for chemical industries, sugar works, wax factories, and dye works, a special laboratory being provided for dyeing. The instruction extends over a course of four years. The students are admitted on presentation of the leaving certificate from the B't'trger Sch/tale or of a cor- responding class in the Real Soluble, the Real Gymnasium, or the Gymnast/um, and a knowledge of drawing is indispensable. rI‘he students pay ll. 3s. 4d. (141 gulden) per annum, and in the chemical division ll. 13s. 4d. (20 gulden). The first year’s course, embracing German, mathematics, drawing, physics, and chemistry, is common to all departments. In the second year certain subjects only have to be taken by the students of all the divisions, special instruction being given at the same time to the pupils in the separate departments. The specialisation is carried out more and more fully as the student advances in the course. ‘Whilst the instruction is of a practical nature, embracing laboratory teaching and modelling, there is no obligatory work- shop instruction proper. Optional instruction is given in stone cutting and modelling, to students in the building trades’ section. tb.) The school for foremen is especially arranged for those who Division for have already become acquainted with the practical details of foremen‘ their trade, and is intended to familiarize them with the theo- retical parts of their work. This portion of the school is attended therefore mainly by adults. It is divided into the same three departments as the higher trade school. The course extends over four half-years, which is a continuous two years course for the mechanical and chemical departments, whilst the instruction in the building trades’ school is only given in the winter, in order to enable the students to follow their ordinary occupations in the summer. The conditions of entrance are r2 I 84+ ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I General review of Higher Elementary Technical Schools. \ merely that the students shall have passed through the ordinary elementary school and have occupied two years in practically working at their special trade. The payment is 168. 8d. (10 guldens) for the half-year in the chemical department, and 108. (6 guldens) in each of the two others, but pupils in poor circumstances can be received without payment. The subjects of instruction are very similar to those in an ordinary elementary school, with the addition of chemistry, physics, and mechanics, taught both theoretically, and in their application to the special trades. GENERAL REVIEW OF CONTINENTAL HIGHER ELEMENTARY TECHNICAL ScHooLs. The class of schools above described, of which the best examples are found in France, form a special feature in the system of technical education abroad. It will be seen from the preceding descrip- tions, that in these intermediate schools children of artizans and of small shopkeepers have opportunities of obtaining an education which is technical, in so far as their studies are specially directed towards the requirements of commerce, mechanical, or manufac- turing industry. Mathematics, science, and drawing, constitute the main subjects of instruction ; and in nearly all the modern French schools, of which that at Rheims may be taken as the best type, the laboratories for the teaching of practical chemistry leave little or nothing to be desired. In these schools the workshop instruction is carried to a much more advanced stage than is possible or desirable in the elementary schools, and there are special departments replete with models, apparatus, and speci- mens for teaching the technology of the trades which form the staple industries of the district in which these schools are situated. The classical languages do not enter also the curri- culum of any of these schools. The time thus saved is devoted to mathematics and to modern languages. Schools of this kind are singularly wanting in our own country. Perhaps the best example of a school similar in character to the higher elementary or technical schools of France, is the Allan Glen’s Institution at Glasgow, a notice of which is found in another part of our Report. By the law recently passed in France, education in these higher grade French schools is rendered gratuitous, and numerous bursaries are given to select pupils entering them from the elementary schools. In the German trade schools the fees are exceedingly low. In the whole system of French instruction your Commissioners have found nothing, except as respects art teaching, which seems to them to be so worthy of attention with a view to their adaptation to the special requirements of this country as these higher elementary technical schools. REPORT. B.-—SEOONDARY TECHNICAL Senoons. We now pass on to a series of schools of a higher grade than those we have just been describing, which serve mainly as finishing schools for those who are to occupy intermediate posi- tions in industrial concerns, but from which in many cases the more promising students proceed to complete their education in the schools or institutions for higher technical education existing in the country. Schools of this type are found in most of the countries visited by us. In some of them, as in Italy, and in parts of Germany, they occupy a definite position in the school system of the country. In Bavaria, under the name of Industrieschulen, they take a distinct rank between the Real Schulen and the Polytechnic. t1.) SECONDARY TECHNICAL SoHooLs IN FRANCE. Secondary technical schools. The Ecole Centrale of Lyons is a school for the training of Lyons Engi- mechanical engineers, which may be regarded as one intermediate in rank between the Ecoles professionnelles and the Ecole Centrale of Paris, or the Polytechnic Schools of Germany. More time is devoted to theoretical instruction than in the former schools, while practical instruction is given here, and not in the Ecole Centrale OF Paris; and the students leave this school at the age of 19 or 20, whereas the students leaving the Ecole Centrale of Paris and the German Polytechnics are invariably considerably older. The object of the school is to train managers and superior foremen. The school is mainly supported by the fees of the students, and scholarships are granted by the Chamber OF Com- merce and the Municipal Council of Lyons, as well as by the General Council of the Department. The students are not boarders; they are not admitted till they are 16 years of age, nor without having passed a mathematical examination. Many of them come from the Ecole Martiniere. The instruction embraces mathematics and physical science, which are carried up to, but not beyond, the point necessary for their practical application. Thus, we found certain of the students working out practical problems on the blackboard, by means of the differential and integral calculus. In the opinion of the director, M. G. Fortier, the instruction in this school is of a more useful character than that at Chalons, see p. 107, or at the Ecole Centrale at Paris, inasmuch as at Chalons there is too little manual work to turn out etlicient workmen, and too little instruction in the principles of science for the training of efiieient managers, Whilst at Paris the reverse is the case; there no instruction in practical work is given, and consequently the students, on leaving the school, find themselves considerably embarrassed when required to superintend workmen in a large shop. neering School. Nature of the instruction. 86 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: School of chemistry : dyeing. Mechanical workshops. Laboratories . Number of students. Fees, &e. Institut In- dustriel of Lille. Objects. m1 Besides the school for mechanical engineering, arrangements were at the time of our visit approaching completion for estab- lishing a school of applied chemistry, with special reference to dyeing, an industry of considerable importance in this district. The school has a very well fitted workshop, about 40 ft. by 30 ft., containing a steam engine, planing, drilling, and slotting machines, two lathes, and nine vices; the cost of the machinery was 8801.; besides this there is a smaller workshop for elemen- tary work in carpentry, joinery, and turning, principally in wood, with places for 21 students; there are several good rooms in which mechanical drawing is taught; the pupils learning to make drawings to scale, either from models, of which there is a very good collection in the school, or from sketches. There were excellent collections of mechanical and physical apparatus, much of which was made by the students themselves. The laboratories were not less complete. There was a general laboratory for first year’s students, and a smaller laboratory, specially fitted up for instruction in dyeing, containing a centrifugal wring- ing machine (hydro-extractor) and steam pans for dyeing purposes, steam closets, &c. All students of the third year go through the d) eing laboratory. The students attend from 8 to 12 and from 2 to 5 every day. The number of students in this school is, however, but small, amounting only to 55. The students work 1% hours daily in the shops under a master workman, and once a fortnight visit factories in the neighbourhood, in groups of three or four. The fees amount to 281. per annum. The Chamber of Commerce contributes 601. per annum, the Municipal Council 1121., and the Department 1121. There are 12 bursaries to he competed for by the students. The director informed the Commissioners that the pupils from this school readily find places in industrial works, and obtain posts worth 801. per year. The Commissioners are of opinion that schools of this kind, in which the education is not of too theoretical a character and is adapted to the special industries of the district, might with advantage be introduced (with the necessary modifications) into many of the large manufacturing towns of this country, or added as a special department to several of the colleges recently erected, or now in course of erection, in the United Kingdom. The Institut Industrial du Nord is housed in a fine new building in the Rue Jeanne I)’Arc, at Lille. The director is 1V1. Masquelez. It was founded and is maintained by the Departement du Nord and the city of Lille, and it also receives a subvention from the State. It comprises two distinct schools, the Industrial School and the Agricultural School. The instruction in the Industrial School has for its object the formation of managers and directors of works for the chief industries of the north of France, especially for the sons of persons engaged in industry; that in the Agricultural School is for the REPORT. 8'? Purpose of giving the necessary scientific knowledge to the sons of the landed gentry and gentlemen farmers, and includes the so-called agricultural industries, such as the sugar manufacture and dis- tilling. The teaching is both theoretical and practical, and comprises, in addition to lectures and drawing lessons, practical chemical work, mechanical work in the workshops, and visits on an extended scale to industrial establishments. The institution was founded in 187 2, but has since then been Date of gown. accommodated in the new buildings, which are of a very complete datiofl- and elaborate character, at a cost of 40,000L; these include the residence of the director, the laboratories, of which there are three (one for general chemistry, one for analytical chemistry, and one for industrial chemistry, especially for dyeing), and mechanics’ and joiners’ shops, which are well furnished with the necessary machines and materials. The Industrial School is in two divisions, viz., (a) the technical, Division of in which the teaching is more especially adapted to foremen, and S°h°°1' (b) that of civil engineering, the teaching in which is of a higher grade. The course of each division, as well as in the Agricultural School, is for three years. The lower division is again sub-divided into three sections :-—— (1.) Mechanical engineering, (2.) Textiles, (3.) Chemical industry ; whilst the so-called civil engineering school is divided into four sub-sections :— (1.) Machine construction, (2.) Mining and metallurgy, Textiles, (4.) Chemical industry. A detailed syllabus will be found in Appendix Diplomas are given to students, on examination, at the end of their third year, after which they are allowed to assume the title of civil engineer. The Lille Institute is only a day school, but there is a boarding Fees" house connected with the establishment for 35 boarders, each of whom pays 2411. per annum. The fees of the institution are 16/. and extras amount to about 81. At the time of our visit there were 115 pupils, of whom the larger proportion were engineering students. The total annual expenses amounted to 3,280L, made up as follows :— s-P Students fees - - - - 2,080 Subvention from the Department - 840 ,, Town - - - ‘.280 ,, State - - 80 3,280 88 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Stafl. Equipment of workshops. Drawing. Farm. Objects and aims of the Lille Institute. “Too much is being at- tempted. For the purpose of teaching the large number of subjects specified on the programme, a numerous staff of professors is requisite. Thus there are 29 professors and 10 foremen and other assistants, the sum paid to the teachers amounting to 2,300l. The school is governed by an administrative council, consisting of four of the Town Councillors, presided over by the Mayor. There is also a committee of inspection for regulating the courses of study. The Commissioners found the workshops supplied with English and other machinery both for spinning and weaving, which constitute the main industries of the neighbourhood. There is also a good machine shop fitted with lathes, vices, forges, Szc. “Te noticed that the laboratories were in active work, several students occupying themselves practically with the chemistry of dyeing. We were much impressed with the system of teaching drawing. In the first year the students work from copies, after which they make measured drawings of parts of machinery. In the second year they take up descriptive geometry, projection, and perspective ; also projection of shadows, first of plane figures and then of curved and moulded figures, with the shadow lines carefully indicated; then machine drawing, gearing, with projection of shadows of wheels and parts of machinery; then plans and sections of actual work and of objects they have made in the shop, with tinting and shading. In the third year they take gearing and mill work, and kinematics. There is a very complete architectural course. The collection of models was very good. An agricultural farm of about 27 acres is attached to the school, but the number of students in this division is very small, amounting only to eight. There is a well stocked museum of agricultural products. The plans of this school will be found in the Appendix, Vol. V. The main object of this school is not to form superior workmen or foremen in mechanical shops, as is the case in the Chalons school which will be hereafter described, but engineers and works’ managers, and the theoretical instruction is therefore of a higher character than in workmen’s schools, and less time is devoted to mechanical work in the shops than would be necessary to turn out finished workmen. The director of the school-seemed desirous to raise the character of the teaching so as to attract the same class of students who go to the Ecole Centrale of Paris, but who require a more practical instruction than that school affords. The opportunities which the school presents for practical chemical work, especially in its application to dyeing, were excellent, but the Commissioners were not equally impressed with the value of the teaching in the textile department, where many of the machines were of an antiquated type, and were apparently little used by the students. On the whole, We thought that the school was aiming at too much, and that the lower department was being neglected to neronr. 89 some extent with the view of filling the classes for higher instruc- tion. It must be remembered, however, that the establishment is comparatively new, and that the value of its teaching, as well as of its influence on the numerous flourishing industries of the district, may be better estimated in a Few years hence. As indicating the importance which the French Government attaches to technical instruction, it may be well here to mention that in addition to the foregoing institution it is contemplated to erect in Lille a fourth school of the type existing at Chalons, Aix, and Angers, for the complete education of superior workmen and foremen. (2.) SECONDARY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS 1N SWITZERLAND. The Technicum or Technical Institution of Wirztert/zur must also be placed among schools of the Foregoing category. This school is unique of its kind, and has for its special object the training of foremen. Except as to the work done in the chemical laboratory, the teaching is mainly theoretical; the students being expected to have passed some time in practical work before coming to the school. The school, of which Herr Langsdorf is the director, is housed in a well constructed and beautiful building which was erected by the town at a cost of 40,0001. In connection with it, situated in a building at the rear, is an excellent Industrial Museum, with good collections of machinery and trade products, consisting of furnittne, pottery, and local manufactures. The institution receives a grant from the town of 6001. a year; the fees of the students amount to 4801., and the Canton of Zurich supplies the annual deficit by a grant of about 3,2001. The school comprises six difi‘erent departments, attended by 165 pupils. The following is a list OF the various divisions :— 1. Mechanical engineering. 2. Building construction. 3. Chemistry. 4. Land surveying and civil engineering. 5. Commerce. 6. Industrial art and decoration. The school courses underwent considerable modifications in 1882. As then arranged, in the architectural, the engineering, and the land surveying divisions, the instruction extends over five terms or semesters. In the three remaining departments the complete course comprises four semesters. The students pay 21. 8.9. per annum, and those who attend the chemical laboratory pay an additional fee of 11. 128. The class rooms are spacious and well furnished. The chemical laboratory under the direction of Dr. A. Rossel occupies a separate building, with preparation and lecture rooms, dyeing room, a small room for photometric experiments, &c. Additional school in contemplation. Technicum, Winterthur. School build- ing. School divi- sions. Programme. Fees. 90 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I ~ Ages of students. Chemnitz Higher Trade Institute. "a. There is a preliminary examination for the new students at the commencement of each half-year. Many of the students come here after having been practically engaged in some industry; the ages therefore vary considerably. The director prefers to take lads who have left school at 15 and have subsequently spent two or three years in actual work. The students must go through the whole of the prescribed curriculum of any one department. The instruction given in this school is not very advanced, as will be seen from the programme (Appendix 14, Vol. V), and it is doubtful whether the experiment can be considered successful. Too much appears to be attempted in too short a time. (3) SECONDARY Tnormrcar. Sonoons IN GERMANY. Higher Trade Institute of Chemnitz, Swamp—The educational system of Saxony, especially in its technical bearings, is one of the most complete and well organised to be found in Germany, and the Commissioners devoted some considerable time to an examination of the various schools in the town of Chemnitz, where we were received by the burgomaster, Dr. Andre, to whom we are indebted for a large amount of valuable statistical and other information respecting the education of the town. Attention has recently been particularly directed to this subject by a work entitled “ Technical Education in a Saxon Town,” by Mr. H. M. Felkin, of Ohemnitz, published by Messrs. Kegan, Paul, & 00., for the City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education. The work contains full detailed plans and descriptions of all the chief educational estab- lishments of the town, and amongst others of the one we are now about to describe. This important institution, which was visited by the Commissioners, is supported and endowed by the Saxon Gro- vernment ; it is, strictly speaking, an aggregate of technical schools, and is one of the largest in Saxony and central Germany. The schools consist of two massive buildings, each four storeys high, with two wings running to the back on either side, containing the general school, with the foremen’s and building schools. The chemical laboratory, at the back, is also a four-storey building, running parallel to the main one, and containing the chemical, technological, and physical departments. The cost of the building, which was completed in 1877, was as follows :— ii The land — - — 14,700 The main building - - 42,521 The laboratory - - 20,019 The chimney and boilers - 4,703 £81,943 REPORT. 91 The building contains 130 rooms, having an area of 8,890 sq. metres, excluding staircases and passages. This institution comprises the following four schools :— (A.) A Higher Technical School with 181 students.*' (13.) ,, Foremen’s School ,, 152 ,, (0.) ,, Building School ,, 119 ,, (D.) ,, Drawing School ,, 129 ,i 581 ,3 The staff consists of the director, Professor G. Wunder, 12 pro- fessors, and 28 teachers in the various departments, besides laboratory assistants, 12 clerks, &c. This is not a boarding school; the pupils live at their own homes, and they are only under the supervision of the director and masters during school hours. (A.) The Higher Technical School—According to the calling that the pupils may have chosen, the instruction is given in three divisions :~ (1.) The technical-mechanical school for future manufac- turers and technical managers for the various branches of the machine-building, spinning. weaving, and other similar industries. (2.) The technical—chemical school for the same class of persons in the various chemical industries. The architectural school for future architects. Instruction in general science and languages is given to pupils of all the three divisions together. On the other hand, in those subjects which take a particular direction and lead to special industries, it is given only in that one division. Thus, the instruction in the first course is for all the students, whilst in the second and third courses the students are divided according to their future callings. The first course of all the three divisions comprises three half-years, and the second course of all the three divisions two half-years ; the third course of the two first divisions comprises two half-years, whilst the third course for architects comprises one half-year. An important condition for entry into the architectural division is that the students, after their first year, must have spent one summer half-year in practical work in some building occupation, and also have done the same for half-a-year before entering. The whole course for each division, therefore, requires from 312* to 4»;- years. Pupils must be at least 15 years of age, and must have the sanction of their parents or guardians. It is a general rule that, if any student, after remaining in any course for twice the usual time, is still unfitted for entering the next higher course, he must leave the school. The fee in all the divisions and courses is alike, namely, 3l. the half-year, and the cost of books and Institute con- sists of four divisions. Staff. The Higher Technical School . Nature of the teaching. Practical work. * In May 1882. Duration of courses; fees and scholar- ship. 92 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Excellence of the teaching. Ages of students. Royal school for Formen. ‘Conditions of admission. drawing materials amounts to from 2L to 2L 108. per annum. Deserving pupils, without sufficient means, can obtain a remission of the fees. In 1881-2, 18 pupils had their fees entirely remitted, and three students received scholarships from the Minister of the Interior for the entire year. The Commissioners were much impressed with the thorough character of the work done in this school, and with the complete- ness and extent of the apparatus and models for teaching. The method adopted by Prof. Weinholdt, whose work on the practical teaching of physics is well known, appears extremely good, and the results have been markedly successful. In the Higher Technical School most of the pupils remain through the three courses, until they have obtained the certificate, which is given after due examination. They do not generally enter the school till they are 16 to 17 years old, for, until that. age, they have not finished at the Gymnasium or Real school, and as they remain for 3% to 4% years this brings them to about 21; their military duty has then to be performed, their school certificate entitling them to exemption for two out of the three years obligatory service, and afterwards they enter into active life. The Architectural division has for its object to educate architects for ordinary buildings, and not to compete with the Architectural Academy of Dresden, which is the school for Government architects, and, generally, those of a higher order. (13.) The Royal School for Foreman has for its object to give the opportunity of obtaining the theoretical knowledge required in their future career to persons about to be machinists, millers, dyers, bleachers, tanners, brewers, manufacturers of soap, sugar, chemicals, &c., as well as to young men intending to be foremen and managers in mills and machine shops. The instruction in this school is comprised in three continuous courses of half a year each, making a total of 12,; years, and in this time the pupils are only able to acquire what is practically necessary for their tech- nical occupations, and the course has not the object of giving an extended scientific culture. There are two divisions; one for machinists and one for chemical workers; and some general sub- jects, such as freehand drawing, the German language, and book— keeping are also taught. The pupils entering must be 16 years of age, and sufiiciently educated to read, write, and work out the four rules of arithmetic. They give theirLwhole time to the school, and have also work at home. The fees amount to 30s. for each course, besides 15s. for materials. “ It is a condition that each pupil shall have worked two years at his occupation before entering, and this regulation gives the key-note to the idea which led to its foundation, namely, to give the necessary theoretical knowledge to capable, industrious young workmen, so as to enable them to become foremen, and, perhaps, practical managers. It therefore provides the necessary link, enabling a young man who has it in him, to raise himself to a higher position, and is intended REPORT. 93 to keep the industries of the district well supplied with a class OF men between the common workmen and the masters, a necessity which is much felt in Saxony, as the workmen there are said to require much supervision and direction.” The courses of instruc- tion in.this school are strictly distinct From those in the higher technical school, being given in separate class-rooms: and the school has its own collections of machinery and models, scientific instru- ments and apparatus. The pupils are, sociallv, of a class quite different from those attending the higher technical school, and do not come into contact with them. The Royal Foremen’s School is divided into— (a.) The mechanical division, from Michaelmas to Easter ; (b.) The chemical division, from Michaelmas to Easter; (0.) The mechanical division from Easter to Michaelmas and thus, in its two main departments, it is a winter school. The subjects taught in the three courses consist OF arithmetic, geometry, physics, geometrical drawing, freehand drawing, Ger man, general principles of chemistry, mathematics and mechanics, machinery in general, mechanical technology, machine drawing, surveying and water measurements, practical chemistry in the laboratory, technical chemistry, mineralogy, book-keeping, and architectural drawing. In addition to these subjects, the students in the second and third courses have the opportunity of attending special lectures, as for example—on mills, and their construction ; spinning, with the various materials; weaving, ditto ; waterworks; tool construction for machinery; brewing ; calico-printing ; paper manufacture; and fire—extinction apparatus. In all the divisions, a feature of‘ this school is that visits are paid by the students to works; permission for which is readily given. This t'oremen’s school is almost unique of its kind in Germany, and is of an experimental character; Dr. Andre, the Burgo— master, with whom the Commissioners had the pleasure of con- versing, expressed his high opinion of' the benefits exerted by this school on Saxon industries. (C) A third division OF this school is the Royal Building School, forming an adjunct to the State educational institutions, and affording the means of education to those who wish to prepare themselves for any branch of the building trade. The pupil must be 16 years of age, and must have passed certain qualifying school examinations. He must give his whole time, and must have been employed in practical building for two halF-yeaisprevious to entry. The fees are 308. for each course of halt-a-year; the expense of materials comes to about 258.; and poor students can obtain a remission of the fees. This school is parallel with the Royal Foremen’s School above mentioned, and is for young workmen who have worked manually in their trade, and want to educate themselves theoretically and systematically. The students are mainly young stonemasons, house decorators, carpenters and joiners, and especially those handicraftsmen who intend devoting themselves to the more ornamental part of their trade. Foremen’s school is quite distinct from the higher technical school. Mainly a winter school. Suhj ects taught. Royal Build- ing School. 94! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Course of instruction. Royal Drawing School. Industrie- schulen of Bavaria. State institu- tions. Course of instruction. The course consists of four half-years, and includes the following subjects :-——General principles of building, elements of form and architectural drawing, freehand drawing, mathematics and arith- metic, geometry, descriptive geometry and perspective, German language, construction in stone, in wood, and in metal, laws respecting building, designing plans, physics, preparation of estimates, history of the art of building, mechanics, heating and ventilation, land surveying; and bookekeeping. (D.) The fourth division is the Royal Drawing School—This is an evening school, for teaching art in its various branches, and is attended by pupils from the mercantile and other schools in the town, the pupils, in fact, being drafted from all classes. Instruction is given on four evenings in the week in freehand drawing, drawing from casts and models, machine drawing, and construction and architectural drawing. The fees are low, and bring the school within the reach of all. The budget of the school is as follows :~~ £ State subsidy - - - 7,700 Town do. and sundry receipts — 240 Students fees - - — 1,235 Total - 9,175 Plans and elevations of this institution are contained in the Special Appendix 5, Vol. V. The Royal Industrie—Sclzule, Manich.—-There are four Bavarian schools, the so-called “ Industrie—Schulen " of Munich, Augsburg, Nuremberg, and Kaiserslautern, intended to serve for the training of those who desire to pass at once into industrial occupations. The school work done in all of these schools, which was thoroughly and fully displayed at the Nuremberg Exhibition, was carefully examined, and two of these schools, that at Munich and that at Nuremberg, were visited by the Commissioners. The school at Munich, of which Herr Kleinfeller is the director, is divided into four departments :— 1. Mechanical Engineering. 2. Chemical. 3. Building Construction. 4. Commercial. The building, which was erected by the State, cost originally 15,0005, but it has lately been considerably enlarged. There are 152 pupils, and the annual budget amounts to 2,500Z. All the expenses of this school are defrayed by the State. The course extends over two years, and is so arranged as to furnish an education complete in itself; but it has been found in practice that a large proportion of the students trained here pass on subsequently to the Polytechnic School to finish their education, and the original aim of these schools has thus been somewhat modified. The students are admitted with the leaving certificate of the upper class of the Real School, or on showing that they possess the requisite ability. There are no evening REPORT. 95 w classes, and very few pupils come here who have been previously engaged in practical work. In the first division the subjects taught are distributed over programmes), the two years as follows :-—- mechanical engineering. 1815 Year. Mathematics - - - - - Descriptive geometry - - - 5 General physics - - - 4 Machine work - - - 2 Machine construction - - - 10 German, French, and English languages - 7 Practical work in the shops - - 5 Total - - - 110 hours. * 2nd Year. Hours. Differential and integral calculus - - Land surveying (in second term) - Physics — - - - Technical mechanics - - - - Machine work - - - Machine construction - - - 1 Mechanical technology - - - German, French, and English languages - Practical work in shops - - - Ui‘sTNDNDlQNDr-PNW Total - - — 39 hours. In the chemical division instruction is given in mathematics, Course for physics, theoretical chemistry, mineralogy, machine construction, chemists- French, German, and English, together with 14: hours per week of practical work in the laboratory. In the third division great prominence is given to architecture course for and drawing, 12 hours weekly being devoted to these subjects in aflihitects and the first year, and 21 in the second; languages occupy seven builders‘ hours per week in each year, and there is no practical shop work. In the commercial division greater attention is paid to the Commercial languages and book—keeping, to the former l-t hours per week divisi‘m- are devoted, and to the latter 4 hours. Technical chemistry and the quality of produce of various kinds (Waarenkunde) are also studied. There were 26 students at the time of our visit in the first division, 18 in the second, and 30 in the third ; the remainder being in the commercial division. The students pay 48. as entrance fee, and ll. 168. per annum for the complete course. ,. 96 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Building trades school. In connection with this institution is a winter school for those engaged in the building trades, attended by 103 students. The course extends over three half-years, and is intended for work- men and others practically engaged in building operations during the summer months. The requisite preliminary know- ledge is only that of the primary school. In the first year’s course there were 4.44., in the second year 32, and in the third year 27 students. The fees are Is. on entrance and 208. for the semester. Those unable to pay the fees can obtain exemption. The courses involve 54: hours of instruction in each Week, as follows :— First Course. Ilours per week. German - - - - - 4! Arithmetic - — - - 4 Natural history - - ~ 3 Plane geometry, linear drawing, and the elements of projection - - 10 Freehand drawing - - - 8 Building construction and architectural (11 awing - - - - - 18 Modelling - — - — 41 Ornamental writing - - — 3 Second Course. Hours per week. German -- Commercial book-keeping Natural history Algebra - Stereometry, with descriptive geometry and projection of shadows . Freehand drawing Building construction, with practical exercises Masonry, stone joints Modelling Writing (ornamental) ‘I I. _ 1- In _ PPNDBDI? 1 F-‘FPQCDOOQO Third Course. Hours per week. German Mathematics Surveying Mechanics Chemistry F reeband drawing Perspective Architectural styles Masonry, stone joints — Planning and estimating - Rudiments of the laws relating to building I ;=.t MCXJFP~Q3PP~$EP~$~NDUKNJ REPORT. 97 The Commissioners were conducted over the school by the director, and visited the chemical laboratory under the charge of Dr. Feichtinger. There is a large collection of preparations made by the pupils. In the model room next visited were specimens of pumps, valves, gearing, 850. Also sectional working models and apparatus for teaching mechanics, chiefly made in the school. The drawings shown us were extremely creditable, many of them being carefully measured from actual machinery. In the art room were casts of ornament, foliage, &c., but no antique classical figures. The room is divided by transverse screens, so arranged as to shut off the light from more than one window in each bay. There is a special room for architectural drawing, in which advanced work was in progress. The workshops are situated in a separate building behind the school, which was being extended at the time of our visit. The power employed to drive the lathes is supplied by a 2-horse power gas engine and a 6-horse power steam engine and boiler. There was a good supply of the usual tools in the fitters’ shop. The joiners’ shop was small, but would be transferred to a larger room when the alterations were complete. Each student has a capital chest of tools, fitted with lock and key, for his own separate use. The minding of the engine and boiler is done by two of the boys, who each take the duties of driver and stoker in turn. They have to calculate the speed and power, water evaporated per kilo. of coal, &c. The boys make the tools and fittings for the shop ; they also make tools and models for sale. A foreman engineer has charge of this instruction, and the boys are said to be very fond of the work, which they find to be of great practical utility when they leave the school. The Royal I ndustrte-Sohule, N cwembcrg.—-This was formerly a Polytechnic School, but was converted some years ago to its present use, as it was felt that the new Technical High School at Munich was sufiicient for the whole of Bavaria. The school has 102 students, 448 of whom learn practical work in the shops. They spend nine hours per week at industrial work. The course extends over two years, and the school resembles in all its main features that at Munich. The chemical section, numbering 18 students, is in charge of Dr. H. Kaemmerer, who showed us his well arranged laboratory and collection of upwards of 4,000 preparations. The workshops are lofty and well supplied with tools, in- cluding numerous lathes, slotting machines, 8w, all made in the school. There is a foreman instructor and two assistants. N o steam power. The show of drawings from this school at the Nuremberg Exhibition was particularly good; also the apparatus and machinery made by the pupils. The fees are very moderate. We have not found schools which can be placed in this section either in Austria or in the Netherlands. Ri 1726. G Chemical laboratory. Models. Drawing. \Vorkshops. Industrial School, Nuremberg. Vforkshops. 98 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION.’ Technical Institute of Milan . Opinions in Italy respecting school work- shops. School occu- pies an old convent. Drawing. Physics. (7.) SECONDARY TECHNICAL Senoons IN ITALY. The Technical Institute of Milan—Schools of a similar kind to those of Bavaria, which likewise form an integral part of the school system of the country, are the Technical Institutes existing in Italy. These institutions, of which there exist over seventy, are very similar in character, and their courses of instruction are determined for them by the Government Educa- tional Department. They comprise generally three sections or divisions,--(1) chemical; (2) physical and mathematical; and (3) a special section devoted, according to the prevailing industry of the district, either to agriculture, naval architecture, or weaving and dyeing. The pupils enter these schools on leaving the technical schools (scuota tee/mica, see p. 27 ante), the leaving certificate being the only requisite qualification. In the physico- mathematical departments of these institutions no workshop instruction is given, as the Italians do not generally attach importance to manual work executed in the school. The school is regarded as a bad substitute for the workshop in industries in which the machines used and the tools employed are frequently being changed and modified. It is looked upon as the place for instruction in principles and modes of applying them, and not as a place in which manual dexterity is to be acquired. Signor Brioschi, the director of the above Technical Institute, from whom the foregoing opinions were obtained, considers that it is better to send pupils to the workshop than to bring the workshop into the school. The Technical Institute of Milan is situated in the Via San Marco. Like most of the schools and many of the private houses of Milan, it was originally a convent. We had the op- portunity of being present when lessons were being given in the ordinary subjects of instruction, and likewise of inspecting the appliances and methods of teaching for the special subjects. In one room we found a class of boys receiving a lesson in trigo- nometry, in another the subject was history. The walls of the rooms were perfectly bare, and no attempt seemed to be made to illustrate the subject of instruction. The master was lecturing and the boys were listening. As in the other Italian schools visited, the appliances here for teaching drawing were good, and the instruction in this subject was both general and technical. Several rooms of the school or college are occupied by physical apparatus for the instruction of those who enter the physico- mathematical section. Here we found the ordinary apparatus used in elementary physical experiments, besides special apparatus of a more costly kind. No attempt is made at practical physical work on the part of the pupils. The apparatus is for illustra- tion and explanation only. The sum of 32Z. is allowed yearly for the purchase of new physical apparatus. REPORT. 99 The museum of the department of agriculture contained Agriculture. models and illustrations of much with which a practical agriculturist has to be familiar, besides actual specimens of a great variety of natural products. Here were collected, and well School Mu- classified, different kinds of ploughs and other agricultural imple- 5mm‘ ments and machinery; specimens of tools, historically arranged; collections of herbs, cereals, roots, 85c. ; diagrams of cattle, indigenous to various countries ; specimens of woods, showing the vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections, and the polish of which each kind is susceptible; preparations exhibiting the chemical constituents of vegetable substances; models of different kinds of apples, pears, fruits, &c., indicating where they are severally grown; specimens of the soil taken from different parts of the valley of the Po; the various kinds of. grapes ; models and diagrams of the phylloxera, and of its effects on the plant, 850., &c. The number of students attached to this department is small in this particular school. At the time of our visit there were 17 only. It was stated that in the South, the agricultural schools are much better frequented, but in the plains of Lombardy the richness of the soil was said to render the agriculturist somewhat indifferent to the advantages of technical training. A no less interesting department of the school was that devoted Chemistry. to chemistry. The general laboratory for the students occupies what was formerly the convent church. It is in the basement of the building. Several other rooms adjoining it, together with a small lecture theatre, are also appropriated to chemistry. The general laboratory afi'ords accommodation for about 60 pupils to work at the same time. The instruction embraces the metals and metalloids and qualitative analysis. The apparatus is on an extensive scale. Three or four rooms are devoted to the use of the professor, and for various kinds of apparatus. We found here numerous instruments of an expensive character. One room was occupied by physico-chemical apparatus, including batteries, spectroscopes, 850. The professors of the three divisions into which the teaching of the school is divided, are each persons of scientific authority in their own branch of study. The Technical Institute of Como was also visited by the Technical Commissioners. It is divided into three sections, the course 101;???“ 01 extending over four years. I. Physical and mathematical, ' II. Commercial, and III. Industrial, with special reference to the manufacture of silk. The third department, the silk school (so/cola. cl'l setificlo), containing a dyeing and weaving school. The director is Professor L. Ponci. The students enter with the leaving certificate or diploma of the technical school, the average age on admission being '14 years. The entrance takes place in October. The fee is 2l. 8s. (60 francs), which may be wholly dispensed Fees. with in the case of poor students. About half the students at this school are admitted without payment. The course during the first two years is common to all the students, but in e 2 100 ROYAL COMMISSION ox TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Technical in-- struction begins with third year. Technical Institute of Udine. Chemical laboratory. the third and fourth years there are special courses for each section. The instruction includes French and Italian literature, geography, history, mathematics, and drawing in the first year, and the same in the second year, with the addition of German. For the silk school, physics and natural history take the place of German. No special technical instruction is given until the commence- ment of the third year. In the third year, in the commercial department, the students have the elements of political economy and civil law, together with book-keeping and accounts. In their fourth year the students take up chemistry including labora- tory work, natural history, applied economy, and accounts. The students in the silk school learn in their third year the elements of political economy, ‘ applied mechanics, ornamental design as applied to fabrics, and dyeing of silk. In the fourth year they take the theory of statistics, applied economy, practical chemistry, the chemistry of dyeing, applied mechanics, ornamental design, silk dyeing, practical weaving, computations of fabrics, 850. The Government pays half the cost of the school and the commune the remainder. Students pay 16 shillings (20 fr.) per annum for the dyeing materials, and 20 fr. for the chemical laboratory expenses. The school is held in an old convent, and is not well adapted for its present purpose. We were informed that a new Weaving shed and a new chemical laboratory were about to be erected. A new drawing school will also be added. The existing laboratory is poorly fitted for 16 students; the dyeing arrange- ments are quite unworthy of such an institution. The drawing school contained some fairly good examples of shaded ornament .and foliage, the casts were mostly very small: the lighting was indifi‘erent. At the Milan Exhibition of 1881 there were some excellent notebooks from this school. We were accompanied through the building by the director and Signor Cadenazzi, the teacher of applied mechanics and machine drawing, who is a civil engineer in practice in the town. The teacher of German, who was absent at the time of our visit, is an Englishman. The Technical Institute of Udine.—This is similar in many respects to the Institute in Milan already described, and constitutes one of the seventy institutes of this class in Italy. It is divided into 4! sections ; (1) mathematical—physical ; (2) commercial ; (3) agri- culture ; (4.4) levelling and surveying (agriminsure). Besides these four sections, there is a general industrial division for students who are training for posts in manufacturing concerns. There is an agricultural station and a farm connected with this school. The institute is exceedingly well provided with laboratories, collections of apparatus, and museums, The chemical laboratory has places for 24 students to work at a time, and the students of all sections are engaged in laboratory practice for a certain number of hours per week, which vary according to the importance of this branch of study to the future work of the student. The laboratory is REPORT‘. 301 under the direction of Professor Nallino, and the sum of 1201. a year is allowed for its maintenance. The geological cabinet is well furnished with models, diagrams, minerals, and fossils, which serve especially to illustrate the geology of the surrounding country. There is also a well arranged natural history museum Museum. occupying a very large room; all the specimens are well classified and placed in suitable cases. Besides these collections is a museum of agriculture, similar to that we have described at Milan. The cabinet of physics contains a large quantity of good Apparatus, and useful apparatus, including a Siemen’s dynamo-machine, different kinds of electric lamps, and various other instruments. As is the case in most of the Italian technical schools, the Models. mechanical department contains a great variety of kinematic models, and also models of machines and of parts of machines of full size, most of which were made by M. Blotto, at the Palazzo Valentino, in Turin. These models are used not only for the pur- pose of illustrating the teaching of mechanics, but also as objects to be drawn by the students. The drawings were very good. In the fourth section there is a small museum containing a collection of theodolites, sextants, levelling and surveying instruments, &c. On the roof of a portion of the building is a. small observa- Observatory, tory, with telescope, &c., and containing also meteorological apparatus, including an anemometer, hygrometers, and apparatus for determining the electrical condition of the atmosphere. Special rooms are devoted to art work, and drawing is an obligatory subject for students of all the different sections. This short notice of the museums and collections attached to FIwil-itiebin this technical school in Udine gives some idea of the facilities afforded in the capital of nearly every Italian province for instruction_ practical instruction in different branches of applied science. The attendance of students is comparatively small, considering Number of the size of these institutions and the cost of their erection and smde{1f$_an‘l maintenance. There are I20 students in this college, 17 professors profebbms' and 3 assistant teachers. The age of the students is from 17 to 19. The director, Professor Misani, stated that the inspection of these institutes on ~the part of the Central Government is too lax, and that insufficient opportunity is offered to the professor to suggest changes in the system of instruction which is determined by the Education Department for all these institutes. This institute has been in existence for 17 years, but the farm Experimental has been established only two years. Experiments are prosecuted farm- on this farm, and besides the regular students of the institute who come here for practical lessons in agriculture, the small farmers of the district attend occasionally to take part in them. Sheep, oxen, and other animals are reared on the farm, and all the different kinds of grain adapted to the district are grown. There is a room especially fitted up for the microscopic examination of seed with the view of detecting adulteration, &c. The accounts of the farm are most carefully kept by the students, and during the first year the farm was maintained at the small loss of 19s. 2a’ , sn nearly did the accounts balance. 102 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: The Commissioners visited a very similar institution at Venicefi“ which contamed very excellent appliances for practical scientific teaching. GENERAL REVIEW OF CONTINENTAL SECONDARY TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. General review The secondary technical schools or colleges, referred to under of Commenml sub-section B, constitute as Important a feature in the educa- secondary . . . . technical tional systems of most continental countrles as those described schools. in group A. In these Institutions the maJOrIty of those who are to become managers and sub-managers Of industrial works receive their training. The theoretical instruction is not carried so far in these colleges as in the German Polytechnic Schools and in the Ecole Centrale of Paris, herein-after described, which are available for the higher education of those who can afford to prolong their studies to the age of 22 or 23, and who are intended for occupa- tions in which a very advanced knowledge of mathematics and of science is required. - From the character of the instruction which students receive in these establishments, and from the age (19 or 20) at which they leave them, it will be seen that these institutions are oo-ordinate with the technical departments of many of our own colleges, such as University College, Nottingham, the Firth College, Sheffield, and others which have been recently established with nearly similar objects, in our chief manufacturing centres. In affording an education in which theory is not carried too far and is duly combined with laboratory practice, and in some cases with workshop instruction, and in which, moreover, the scientific teaching is made to bear upon the principal manufactures of the districts, these higher technical schools provide the kind of education that is best adapted to .the various grades of managers of works. O.--BUILDING, ENGINEERING, AND MINING SCHOOLS. Building, In this third sub-division of inter mediate technical schools we have enginefilling, three main groups, which lend themselves well to separate con- 231102;?” sideration, though they necessarily differ greatly among themselves in the rank of the pupils for which they are intended, We are therefore compelled to abandon our attempt to confine this group simply to the class of foremen and those likely to occupy the lower positions in industrial concerns, and we take here schools of * The professional school of Biella, described among the weaving schools, p. 155, also ranks as a Technical Institute. - REPORT 103 various grades, but giving a specialized instruction suitable for builders, for engineers, and for miners. The first group, that is, building schools, are found principally in Building trade Germany and Austria, and do not exist as independent schools in schOOlS- either France, Belgium, or Italy. They resemble one another very closely in character and afford little actual trade teaching. Their chief object is to impart theoretical instruction adapted to the wants andrequirements of superior workmen and foremen engaged 1n the building trades. Incidentally they serve for the education of draughtsmen, surveyors, inspectors of works, and occasionally of a lower grade of architects. The second group is conspicuously represented on the Continent Mechanical by the French schools for the training of mechanical engineers, engineering the Ecoles des Arts et Métiers. A school of a somewhat similar schools‘ type, visited by the Commissioners, in Holland, and the Austrian school at Komotau, may best be described in this section. The various schools for miners which exist in all parts of the Miningschools Continent contain students of every grade. We have dealt in this third group with all the mining schools, except those of the highest rank, which come more properly in the section of schools for superior managers and proprietors of industrial establishments. BUILDING TRADE SoHooLs IN GERMANY. The Building Trade School at Stuttgart is one of the most Building trade important schools of this kind in Germany. The building is a g‘ghft‘ll’it magnificent modern structure, designed “by Professor Fgle, who is k u (“m ‘ also president of the school. The cost of the building was above 50,000l., and the annual budget for 1880-81 amounted to 7,378Z., of which 9731. was contributed by the payments of the pupils, the remaining sum of 6,4051. being paid by the State. The school is divided into two mathematical preparatory courses, and three special science divisions, (1) for those engaged in the building trade, (2) for land surveyors and land agents, and (3) for mechanical engineering. There are 28 masters of depart— ments and 13 assistants. It is important to notice that, unlike the French, Swiss, and other schools of the same kind, the higher technical education of Germany is not gratuitous. The pupils pay 36s. per half-year, no one is admitted under 14 years of age, and many, having been engaged in practical work, are of mature age. The number of scholars in the winter course was 448 ; more than half of these belonging to the building trade ; the average age being 21 years. The summer course was attended by 133 pupils. The course in each half year is the same. There are six courses of half a year each, and a considerable proportion of the students remain for this length of time. As many of those attending the classes are almost illiterate, preparatory courses of ordinary study are carried on together with the technical work. The subjects taught are; mathematics, physics, general geo— ‘Subjects of metry and statics, freehand and ornamental drawing, geometrical min/‘chom- 104 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Teaching of drawing. Building trade school at Dresden. Programme of each course. drawing; building construction, consisting of lectures, drawing, and designing; surveying and mensuration, including lectures and practical field work; machine construction, including lectures, drawing, and designing ; special drawing for _ioiners ; gymnastics. The drawing is taught as follows : The student begins with plane geometrical drawing, and passes on through a series of graduated examples until he finally makes complete designs for public buildings, with the plans, sections, elevations, and perspective drawings. Professor Egle has a special method of teaching the projection of shadows, by means of parallel planes arranged to follow in contours of equal illumination. The arrangement of the building is very commodious, and much care and thought have been bestowed on the questions of lighting and heating, as also on the general fittings of the school. This institution appeared in every way thoroughly adapted to workmen, and seemed a typical school for artizans. Drawing in all its applications to industry was most carefully taught, and the studies of the pupils evinced a thorough acquaintance with the subject. This is in no sense 'an apprenticeship school, as no practical. work of any kind is attempted. The object of the school is~to supplement the instruction of those practically engaged in the various branches of the building trade. With the exception of modelling from plaster casts, the whole of the teaching is purely theoretical. Here, again, we see the importance of the principle insisted upon in Germany of the continuation in the Fortbildungs- schule of the education begun in the primary school. Only a few of the best of the pupils in these schools come to them from the Real schulen. The Building Trade School at Dresden is very similar to the above The course consists of four consecutive winter sessions; it being understood that the pupils are occupied in their various trades during the intervening summers. On entry the pupil must be 16 years of age, and must have passed through the elementary school. The pupils pay 30s. for each course. Like the other schools of its class, this is entirely a day school. The first course consists of the general principles of architecture, architectural drawing, freehand drawing, arithmetic, geometry, projection, and German. The second course consists of the general principles of architecture, building construction in stone and wood, the laws relating to building, the elements of archi- tecttu~al drawing, designing, freehand drawing, mathematics, physics, perspective, and German. The third course comprises building construction, structures in stone and wood, plans of buildings, histor Y of architecture, designing, freehand drawing, mathematics, physics, mechanics, and German. The fourth course consists of building construction, including construction in iron and other metals, modes of warming, heating, and ventilating buildings, designing, freehand drawing, mechanics, perspective, surveying, levelling and plotting, and bookkeeping. RRPoR'r. .l 05 This school may serve as a type of the Saxon building schools, of which there are four principal ones. All of these schools, being under the Minister of the Interior, have an identical organisation. The Building Trade School of Chemnitz forms part of the Higher Trade School which we have elsewhere described. A school of a similar character is attached to the Munich Industriel- Schule, see p. 94, and there is also a Building Trades school in connection with the Berlin Handwerker Verein, see p. 41. BUILDING TRADE ScuooLs IN AUSTRIA. There are two types of Building Trade Schools in Austria, the one being called the State Trades Schools (Staatsgewerbe Sehulen), and the other the Foremen’s Schools (Werkmeister Schulen). The more important of the former class are those of Reichenberg, Briinn, Graz, Salzburg, Bielitz, Pilzen, Czernowitz, Sac. Many of these are only winter schools, because the workmen are employed in their ordinary vocations during the summer months, but, during the hard continental winters, they are unable to carry them on. Some of these are only winter building schools, whilst others embrace a wider range of instruction and more nearly correspond with the Industrie Schulen of Bavaria (p. 94), serving the pur- pose of training men generally for intermediate posts in industrial Works. Schools of this kind vary considerably according to the require- ments of the district in which they are situated. Thus, for example, the school at Gfaz contains two divisions, one for those in training for, or already engaged in, any one of the different branches of the building trade, and the other, an applied art division for the various trades in which art knowledge is necessary. To this school is also attached a continuation school (Fortbildungs- scbule), and an evening and Sunday school for journeymen and apprentices. These evening schools continue the instruction of the primary school, with, in addition, suitable lessons in drawing adapted to the various industries, together with modelling, wood carving, 320. All these schools have for their object either to give a special preliminary training to workmen who are about to enter various industries, or by means of winter, evening, or Sunday instruction, to supplement, by theoretical teaching, the education of those who are already engaged in trade or business as workmen or foremen. The Commissioners visited the Vienna Building Trade School during the summer months, when few students were present; also the schools at Innsbruck and Salzburg (see Special Report on Domestic Trades, in Appendix). One division of the Beichenberg Trade School described on p. 83, ante, is a Building Trade school. Building Trade Schools, Vienna—There are two schools of this kind in Vienna, the aim of them being to give to apprentices 5 Austrian build— ing trade schools. Vienna build~ mg trade chools. 106 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: instruction is theoretical. Evening school. Numbers in each course. Work of ad- , vanced students. and young men engaged in the building trades a theoretical knowledge of all the details of their industry. These schools are Open all the year round, but the summer courses are thinly attended, because the great majority of students are employed at their work during the summer, and are saving money to enable them to attend the schools when building operations are suspended in the winter. In the one of these we visited there are 150 pupils in winter, and 50 in the summer. The fees amount to from ll. 13s. 4a’. to 21. 188. 40?. for the half year. Boys come to the school at 15, and usually go through a two years’ course, with half a year for preparation, if not sufficiently advanced. The instruction is almost entirely theoretical, but in certain difficult operations experimental work is done by the classes. The pupils are mostly sons of builders, contractors, and small employers. The school has existed since 1868. It is situated in rather a thickly populated portion of the city, in order to be near the homes of the students. The hours are from 8 to 12 in the morning, and from 2 to 6 in the afternoon. The school receives 9171. from Government, and 83L from the town. In addition to day school work, the rooms are used for evening and Sunday schools, and attended by from 150 to 200 pupils, who are required under their conditions of apprenticeship to come for two nights a week and on Sundays. This department of the school is largely supported by the Masters’ Association. The preparatory class contained seven boys, 14 to 15 years old, who were studying geometry. The papers in geometry and in perspective were neatly executed. We inspected some of the draws ings in books, copied from black board drawings, and creditably done. The freehand, outline drawings, and coloured designs of ornament were very good. In the first course were six boys, 15 to 17 years old, who spend most of their time in drawing and in studying the sciences bearing on construction. They devote 12 hours a week to perspective, geometry, and lectures, and make detail drawings of wood joints, scarfed tie beams, &c. The second course included 15 students, 17 or 18 to 25 years of age. We saw some clever drawings of details of. architecture and construction, but the freehand and shading was not good. The third course comprised 10 students, who were drawing from casts and making original designs, plans of buildings, finished drawings, 850., with elevations and sections. In the fourth course were two students. It must be seen that these small classes indicate a great waste of teaching power; but we were informed that everything is as different as possible in the winter. Most of the students have had more or less of Workshop experience before they come. Two free studentships are offered by the Gewerbeverein. The most advanced students make complete architectural draw- ings, in addition to which, they calculate all the quantities of REPORT. 107 material required, prepare specifications, and work out estimates in detail, and show, as a contractor would have to do, the cost at which a building can be erected. They hand in pro formd “ tenders,” which are examined by the teacher, and the first place is given to the student who is most correct in his calculations, “planning,” and “setting out,” and who shows correct judgment of the price of the work to be done. Most of the students become draughtsmen, builders’ foremen, clerks of works, and some become architects. There is an annual exhibition of drawings and designs, and friends are invited to see them. A large room is filled with cabinets of building materials and models of all kinds, chiefly examples of building construction. There are roofs, arches, suspension bridges; in fact, it may be said that there is not a building difficulty which is not represented by some model, showing how it may be dealt with. There are also books of drawings, photographs, and descriptions of buildings, and information relating to architecture generally. The aim of the Vienna School is to give intelligence to builders, and this is the first and safest step towards the construction of good buildings. The professors spoke with confidence and enthusiasm of the results of the school. In considering these schools, among the points to be noted are, first, that the pupils are required to have had a fair preliminary education before entering them, or to supplement it in the school itself, Second, the instruction is mainly, if not exclusively, theoretical. Third, that throughout the entire course of instruction great attention is paid to freehand and geometrical drawing; and fourth, nearly all the students are or have been practically engaged outside the school in the work of their trade. It seems necessary that we should here draw special attention to the fact that parents not only make great sacrifices for the educa- tion of their children, but that the young men themselves work hard during the summer months to save sufiicient money to pay their school fees and to support themselves during the winter when work is slack. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SoIIooLs IN FRANCE. Amongst the continental schools for the practical training of foremen engineers, the French Ecoles des Arts at Me'tz'ers stand conspicuous. The Commissioners visited the school at Chalons sur Marne, one of three of the same rank existing in France, the other two, on exactly the same pattern, being at Aix for the south and Angers for the west. There is a fixed geographical limit for each of the three existing schools. All the pupils at Chalons come from the NE. of France. A fourth school of this type is about to be founded in the town of Lille; and a fifth has, we believe, been commenced at N evers. The Commissioners were introduced by M. Jacquemart, the Inspector General of Technical Collection of models, 8w. General re- marks on building trade schools. Mechanical engineering school at Chzilons. 108 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Object of the schools. State subsidy. Course of workshop instruction Instruction in France, and were received by M. Langonet, the Director. These schools are State institutions, in which practical mechanical work in the shops is the main subject, supple- mented by theoretical studies. The object of the schools is to train competent foremen and draughtsmen, especially for engineer- ing works. The pupils spend 62 hours per day in the workshop, and are occupied for 6 hours in school work. The schools in question were founded in the year 1803-4 by a decree of Bonaparte when First Consul. The original organization differed widely from that which they have at the present time assumed. They are placed under the direct control of the Minister of Agri- culture and Commerce, and under the superintendence of the Préfet of the department in which they are situated. The course extends over three years. As is the case with many of the French schools, the students are all boarders. The number of students in each of these schools must not exceed 300, who are divided into three sections (corresponding to years) of 100 pupils each. A large number (about one half) are free students, being admitted by exhibitions from schools of a lower grade. The scholarships are awarded by the Minister, by the Departments, and by the municipalities. The rest of the students pay 241. a year; the cost per student is, however, 56L, the difference being defrayed by the State. The total expenditure for the year previous to our visit would be somewhat in excess of this sum, and would reach nearly 60]. for each student; the budget being 16,680l. for the 285 pupils. The State subsidy varies from 14,400l. to 15,000l. per annum. The sum of 2,8001. has just been voted for new machinery for the workshops, as the existing plant, which has been mainly constructed by the students, is antiquated and not in accord— ance with modern requirements; it is estimated that a sum of not less than 5,600l. will have to be expended for this purpose. Tools and machines made in the workshops by the students are sold each year and produce from 1,200l. to 1,4001. The pupils are admitted on the results of two examinations, a preliminary test examination which is competitive, and embraces French, arithmetic, geometry, drawing, and manual work, and a final examination at the school. Many of the large public schools, such as the Paris Ecoles Turgot and Leon Say, have special preparatory classes for this institution. There is also a school in Chalons, conducted by M. Gosserez, which succeeds in passing many pupils into this school. Out of 60 candidates sent up last time for the preliminary examination, 53 of M. Gosserez’s boys qualified for the second examination, and 35 passed the final examination. The 100 youths who enter each year are separated into two divi- sions of 50 each, one section going to the fitting shop and the other to the pattern shop. They pass through the shops in six months and then change about. In the fitting shop, which is divided into three sections, one of which corresponds with each year of training, there is a large stock of plant, an engine and boiler, which the students manage in turn for a week each, as stoker and driver, REPORT. 109 and a tool store from which the necessary tools are issued; the students make squares, compasses, vices, &c. In the second year they pass on to detached portions of machinery and make small simple machines. In the third year they are employed in the pro— duction of machines either for actual use in the school, or for sale outside. The school, in undertaking contracts for work, will not bind itself to deliver at a given date, and therefore does not compete with any manufacturing establishment. The foundry contains three cupolas, one of which serves for heavy castings; among the objects cast are headstocks and beds for lathes, and frames for “spinning machines. At the time of our visit they were at work on a casting weighing 30 cwt. The smithy has eight forges. Two students work at each and take it in turns to act as smith and striker. Among the articles made are vices, screw presses, copying presses, &c. The pattern shop has places for 100 students, it is well pro- vided with tools and admirably arranged. Patterns are made for lathe-lleadstocks, beds for lathes and planing machines, driving- pullies, &c. In all the workshops, in addition to special foremen-instructors, a few regular mechanics are employed. The accompanying table shows the shops in which the students of each year are distributed :-- No. of Students in each 'Workshop. Divisions of the School. Fitters. Founders. Smiths. Pattern Makers. 1st year students - 50 —- — 51 2nd ,, ,, - 31 15 34 15 3rd ” ,, - 69 10 7 8 Totals - 150 25 41 74 The time table of the school is given in Appendix No. 15, Vol. V. The bulk of the students in all these schools are found in the fitters’ shop; indeed, if the students had their own free will, it would be difficult to find recruits for the other trades. The position in the shops is given in accordance with the results of the annual examinations, unless a youth voluntarily chooses to work in one of the less preferred departments. The discipline in these schools is of the most rigorous character; the students wear a semi-military uniform, and are closely confined to the school, which they only leave at rare intervals under the charge of an instructor. There is a total absence of games and athletic sports. Foundry. Smithy. Pattern shop. Divisions or the school. Students mostly select fitters’ shop. 110 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; French opinion respecting these schools. Positions taken by pupils of the school. Comparison between the students of these schools and those of the Ecole Centrale. Defects of such schools. Advantages. On being questioned on this subject the Director said the students were _too tired when they left the shops to care for further exercise. Opinions differ in France respecting the merits of the students trained at these schools. When they enter active life it is found that they still require considerable preparation before they are competent to take charge of work. The defect of the teaching is mainly its failure to give a sufficient appreciation of the value of time as an element in practical work, and a tendency to minute and artificial finish. The Commissioners ascertained the position obtained by the pupils on leaving this school, and found that they were engaged in a variety of occupations, among which the following may be mentioned: draughtsmen in manufactories, chiefs of drawing offices and directors of works, managers of shops ; a few become teachers of engineering construction as M. Bocquet, of la Villette school; many hold posts of various kinds on railways; very few relatively remain workmen or even simple foremen. They generally enter works in the first instance as simple workmen, but owing to their superior technical training they rapidly rise to the position of fore- men. From the opinions elicited from manufacturers and. managers of works in France, the Commissioners ascertained that in many cases the pupils from these schools were found more efficient subsequently as managers and heads of departments than those from the Ecole Centrale and the Ecole Polytechnique, inasmuch as their training had been of a more practical character, and that they were more ready to adapt themselves to the requirements of the different kinds of work, and more capable of receiving new impressions. One evident disadvantage of any school of this description, which takes the place entirely of training in a commercial workshop, is that the machinery must quickly become antiquated, the newest inventions not being likely to be as speedily introduced as they would be into a workshop in which machinery is being manufactured for the market. rI‘his objection indeed was recognised by the director, who pointed to the fact, already men- tioned, that a sum of 5,6001. was then required for the purchase of newer machinery. ()n the other hand, it must be admitted that the students have the opportunity of learning different processes more speedily under the direction of foremen who are specially provided to give instruction, than they would do in an ordinary workshop in which each man is put to that work which he is capable of doing most efficiently in the interests of the concern; always providing that the foremen themselves are competent. Whilst not advocating the adoption of such schools as this in England, the Commissioners have no doubt that by combining in their System of instruction, practice with theory, these schools have exerted a beneficial influence on the industries of France, and that by ‘gathering up, as they do, the selected boys from schools of a lower grade distributed over a wide area (22 Depart- REPORT. 111 ments sending their pupils to this one school), they are the means of training an intelligent and efficient class of persons, capable of ultimately filling responsible posts in industrial establishments, and from the experience which the Commissioners gained in visiting some of the largest machine works of France they have found such to be the case. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SoHooLs IN AUSTRIA. The Royal Mechanical School of Komotau in Bohemia—This Mfichfnifcal school is avowedly designed on the model of the Technical School séomtgu. at Moscow. It was opened on the 26th October 1874. The director, Professor Beuter, now at the lserlohn School, see p. 50, having previously inspected the various European methods, gave the preference to the system adopted at Moscow, and introduced the Russian plan, with the important modification that the manufacture of articles for sale is here omitted, and the full course lasts only two years at Komotau instead of three. The school, of which Professor Riirer is now the director, Was originally planned for 48 students, but it has recently been largely extended to accommodate the increasing numbers seeking admission. The minimum age for admission is 14, but students of all ages up to 26 are to be found in the school. The students are under instruction for nine hours daily, from 8 to 12 in the class rooms for theoretical instruction, and from 1 to 6 in the shops. The chief attention is paid to the practical shop-work, the literary instruction being mainly directed to its bearing on the industrial work of the student, and his needs as a skilled mechanic. The course of study is as follows :- 1st year’s course in shops—1. Carpentry and joiners’ work, Course ofstudy 30 hours per week for 16 weeks. 2. Wood turning, 30 first year. hours per week for 12 weeks. 3. Hand-tool work in metals, 30 hours per week for 12 weeks. In this course typical articles to be fitted are employed as models, preparatory to a course later on, in the second year, on the practical applications of the same. The student spends four con- secutive weeks in each shop in turn. 1st year’s course of theoretical instruction.—1. Linear drawing and the theory of projection, 10 hours per week. 2. Free- hand drawing, 4 hours per week. 3. Commercial hand- writing (in winter), 1 hour per week. 4. Arithmetic (in summer), 2 hours per week, (in winter) 5 hours. 5. Geo- metry (in summer), 3 hours per week. 6. Physics, 1 hour per week. 7. Theory of machine construction, 2 hours. 8. Simple book-keeping and commercial practice, 2 hours. In all the above subjects the teaching, though very simple and elementary, is thorough and sound. 2nd year’s course in shops.--—1. Forging, 30 hours per week Second year for 8 weeks. 2. Foundry work, 30 hours per week for 112 ROYAL commission or: TECHNICAL INs'rnUc'rIoN: \V orkshop instruction. Other Austrian schools. Engineering school, Amsterdam. 8 weeks. 3. Iron turning, 30 hours per week for 12 weeks. 4:. Fitting (applied course), 30 hours per week for 12 weeks. In addition to the above, the student is at liberty, after the completion of the prescribed course, to make some small machine tool, such as a drilling machine, himself, from his own design, aided simply by the sugges- tions of the master, with the view of giving him independ— ence in design and execution. 2nd year’s course of theoretical instructi0n.—-1. Machine draw- ing, 10 hours per week. 2. Freehand drawing, 4 hours. 3. Arithmetic, 2 hours. 4. Stereometry, 1 hour. 5. Ap— plications of arithmetic and geometry to calculation of simple machine work, 3 hours. 6. Handling and protec- tion of metals, 1 hour. 7. Theory of machine construction, 2 hours. 8. Book-keeping and commercial practice. Instruction in the workshops is founded, as at Moscow, on a progressive series of models which have been carefully selected for this purpose. Each student goes through the set course. The materials are provided free of charge by the school authorities, and all finished work belongs to them. The work of each student is kept together in a separate case, and any specimens of special excellence are drafted off to the school collections; the rest are sold at the expiration of two years. The Austrian Government has decided that, as far as possible, the new Fachschulen are to be schools of instruction only, and that manufacturing is to be avoided. All the practical work done in the shops will have a purely educational hearing. The schools are in fact to steer clear of competition with existing industries, and to avoid the introduction of the commercial element. A similar school exists at Steyr, provided with the requisite workshops for teaching all the processes in the working of iron and steel, such as forging, turning, chipping, filing, boring, scraping, polishing, burnishing, welding, annealing, gilding, silvering, nickel- plating, engraving, etching, colouring, &c., including applications to wood, bone, horn, and ivory. Other schools for metal working have been established at Klagenfurt and at Ferlach, the latter for gun-making. We are indebted to Professor Hauffe, the director of the Technical High School of Vienna, for the prospectuses of these schools, which were not visited by the Commissioners. MEcnANmAL ENGINEERING SCHOOLS IN HOLLAND. Training School for Marine Engineers at Amsterdam.~-——This school was established by private enterprise, in consequence of the great need of skilled engineers in the merchant navy. The owners of steam vessels had to suffer grievous losses, due to the ignorance and incompetence of the men they engaged to take charge of the machinery on board ship, and they decided to found this school in order to train up a staff of men properly qualified to undertake these duties. The school is in receipt of a Government subsidy of 917l. per annum; the province nnPoRr. 113 gives 1661., and the town provides the school building rent- free. The director is Mr. J. 'W. Visser. The students’ ages vary from 15 to 19. There are 92 students, and about 40 of them are boarded at the sailors’ home, a short distance from the school. Owing to the want of proper accommodation, the students take it in turns to spend one day in the workshops and one in the school. Applications for admission to the school must be made each year to the director, during the month of June. The entrance exami- nation is competitive, and takes place in the presence of a com- mittee selected by the board of managers. The subjects are reading, writing, the elements of the Dutch, French, and English languages, the four rules of arithmetic, with vulgar and decimal fractions, plane geometry, algebra, and simple equations. Students who ‘have a knowledge of drawing and smiths’ work are preferred. Students, if necessary, are subjected to medical examination. The school fees are 81. 6s. 8d. per annum, and for board 16L 13s. 4d. The course extends over two years. There is an examination at the end of each year, and a certificate of proficiency is given to those students who have acquitted themselves satisfactorily at the school, and subsequently spent one year in practical work on board ship or at a factory. For this purpose they return for a final examination. Places are found them by the school for the year of practical duty. No certificate is given for the school course alone. The school programme includes elementary Subjects re- quired for entrance examinatlon. Fees, School pro- geometry, algebra, arithmetic, mechanics and physics, theory of gramme- the steam engine, the theory of projection and perspective, the Dutch, French, and English languages, mechanical drawing, and smiths’ work and fitting. The school is under the charge of the director, who takes the instruction in the theory of the steam engine. There are three other masters 5 a mechanical engineer in charge of the workshops, a skilled blacksmith, a fitter, and a turner. The students pass a year in the smithy and a year in the fitters’ shop. They go through a set course of work in forging, fitting, filing, turning, 810. They have excellent machinery, including a steam engine, used solely for dissection as a means of study. The aim of the teaching, both in the school and the shop, is to give them a thorough practical acquaintance with the different parts of the machinery used in steam vessels, and the mode of repairing and making good accidents and defects. We went through the class rooms, and were shown some excellent machine drawing; the young men in the shops who seemed well-built, strong, young fellows, were working with a will, and the specimens of work we saw were of high quality, though of the nature of manual exercises rather than parts of real machines. Dr. Steyn Parvé informed us that the school had fully answered the expectations of its founders, and that the Government subsidy had been increased owing to its successful operation. The Commissioners were greatly impressed with the value of the education given in this school, and with the economy with which the establishment was carried on. Ri 1726. H Staff of teachers. \Vorkshop instruction. 1141 ROYAL COMMISSION ON, TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Continental schools for mining and metallurgy are of three grades. French mining schools of the second grade. School of St. Etienne. Admission by competition. Course of instruction Schools of the lowest grade. TECHNICAL SCHOOLS FOR MINING AND METALLURGY. The Continental schools for mining and metallurgy are of three grades. Of these, the highest, as the Ecole des Mines of Paris, the Berg-Academic of F reiberg, those of Stockholm, and of Leoben in Styria, and the Prussian mining academies, rank with the great Polytechnic schools. Metallurgy is also taught in the Polytechnic schools. We shall speak of mining schools of the highest grade, later on, under the head of schools for higher technical instruction. MINING SCHOOLS IN FRANCE. Next in rank to the above are Schools like the Ecole des Jlft'nes, or, as it was called till quite lately, the Ecole des Min curs, of St. EtieIme, in the coal basin of the Loire. The change of name is Significant, for it indicates that the students leaving the school occupy a higher industrial rank than that which appears to have been contemplated at the outset. The school is proud of having educated several distinguished engineers and men of science, M. Boussingault being one of the latter. It is a Government school under the direction of the Minister of Public VVOrks, and it furnishes, in the first place, the Government sub~ inspectors of mines, who, however, do not rise to the rank of chief inspectors, and second, sub-managers of mines and metal- lurgical establishments, some of these latter ultimately becoming managers of such undertakings. The age of students on entrance is from 16 to 25 years. Admission to the school is by competition. There is a prelimi~ nary qualifying examination in each Department of France, and a subsequent competitive entrance examination of qualified candidates at the school itself. The examination includes the French language, arithmetic and logarithms, algebra, including the binomial theorem and the theory of logarithms, trigo- nometry, analytical, plane, solid, and descriptive geometry, physics, optics, and chemistry, more especially of the metalloids and metals, besides any other subjects which the candidate may select. It will be evident from the subjects of examination that the school is not intended for working miners. The instruction is gratuitous. It is given by three professors, and covers a course of three years, the school year beginning in October and ending in August. The first year’s course com- prises mathematics to differential calculus, theoretical mecha- nics and kinematics, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, geometry, and Surveying. The second and third years’ courses are on applied mechanics, mining, metallurgy, geology, building and machine construction, railways, mining legislation, and accounts. The number of Students varies from 80 to 90. The budget of the school is 2,000Z. The schools of the lowest grade are those for overmen and deputies of mines, of which there are two in France, one at Alais REPoR'r. 115 in the south, and one quite recently established at Douai, in the northern coal basin; and a large number in Germany, more especially in Prussia, the earliest of the German schools dating back to the last century, and an interesting example being the one established in 1793 at Steben by Alexander von Humboldt, then 24 years of age and mining engineer of the Franconian Principalities. It will be convenient to include under the same head the metallurgical school established in 1882 for foremen and leading hands of iron and steel works, and for foremen engineers, at Bochum, in Westphalia. The school at Douai (Ecole des Mattrcs Me'neurs), which is a Mining Government institution, contains 35 pupils (20 in 1883). The 2“ instruction is gratuitous, the cost of each student’s board is 20l. ‘ per annum, and nearly all the students are maintained by “ Bourses,” or scholarships, of which four are given by the town, four each by the Départements du Nord and of the Pas de Calais, and the remainder by the colliery owners of the district. All of them are working miners, generally selected by the coal pro- prietors. The instruction, of which we give the programme in the Appendix, and which is eminently practical, alternates, from three months to three months, with work in the mines, and extends over two years. At the time of our visit it had not been established long enough for any judgment to be formed of its results. The budget of the school is 946l., of which the payments to the teaching staff amount to 532l. MINING SoHooLs IN GERMANY. In Prussia there are 11 schools for miners, containing §Ilifln1§ .1 altogether between four and five hundred students. Several of $1,225,}! them have a group of preparatory schools, in the district of which they are the centres, afiiliated to them. Thus the Bergsoh'ale of Bocham has 10 preparatory schools, one Pliflmll‘atm‘y with about 30 students in the town itself, and 9 others in the $1,235.31" neighbouring towns and pit villages, with about 220 students, all Bochum of them pitmen, or employed about the pits in some capacity. ‘chool' The instruction in these preparatory schools is given on the evenings of four working days, except drawing, which is taught on Sunday mornings; the course occupies two years; the subjects are the German language, arithmetic, drawing, elementary physics, and in the last half year explanations of the rationale of mine regulations. At these preparatory schools the miners may acquire sufficient elementary knowledge to be able to profit by the instruction in the mining school proper. The regulations of nearly all the German mining schools require that the ‘students shall have been actually employed as Schools new workmen 1n mlnes before they can enter the school. The have been Saarbriick school demands the minimum in this respect, namely, actually . . ~a ed as a full year’s work as a pItman. The requirements are greatest f,§‘,,g,..§,_ H 2 llii ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ages of students. Mining school at Bochum. Upper tl1Vl\lt|1‘l has tn 0 departments. t‘oursc ol ir- stluction in lou er mining schools ot ( lermany. at Bochum. The rule there is that candidates must have worked four complete years in the pit; they must produce certificates that they are industrious and skilful, and that their conduct is reputable. The minimum age of admission varies in different schools from 17 to 21. There is no maximum age. In practice, the students in the schools are generally from 20 to 25 years of age. The candidates have to satisfy the examiners that they can read fluently, write legibly and correctly, and are conversant with the four rules of arithmetic. Some of the schools also require some elementary mathematics and physics, and more or less of drawing, the minimum being ability to make an outline drawing of the usual mining tools. The schools are generally held in Government or municipal buildings, and the cost of instruction is defrayed out of a general fund sub- scribed by the mine owners. That of the school at Bochum is about 1,500l. per annum, and of its preparatory schools about 600l. The Bochum school has a lower and an upper division; the former is a half-time school, the students continuing to work in the mines half the day. The instruction in this division occupies two years. It includes mathematics, mining, mechanics, drawing, and natural science (physics and chemistry). The upper division occupies one year, and the students do not work in the mines. It has two departments, one for mine surveying, the other for mining proper. The subjects taught in the former are mathematics, surveying, geology, mine accounts, mining law, and the German language. Those taught in the latter department are mathematics, mechanics, geology, machine drawing, surveying, and mining. It may be mentioned that, in connection with the laboratory of this school, a separate building has recently been erected for carrying on researches by a Govern- ment Commission on explosive gases, and the conditions of their presence and explosion in mines. The Bochum school was not in operation when we visited it, on account of the Whitsuntidc holidays, but some notion may be formed of the scope of the instruction from that given in another mining school, that of Zwickau, in Saxony, in which German includes essays on mining operations; mathematics includes quadratic equations and logarithms, geometry, proportions, and elementary solid geometry; physics and mechanics include the properties of liquids and gases, with special practical applications, electricity and magnetism, and practical exercises in the theory of falling bodies, the mechanical powers, Sac; mineralogy and chemistry include crystallography, the minerals found in the coal measures, and the principal ores of the metals; mining includes faults, sinking, and boring, all branches of the working, drainage, and ventilation of mines, and the preparation of minerals at bank, 82c. ; and the instruction in machine construction, drawing, &c., is of a similar practical kind. nsronr. 117 About one-fifth of the students of the Bochum Mining School ultimately rise to the position of mining engineers, or mine managers, and a few to that of managing directors of mines. The Rhcintsch~Wcstfdlischc H c'tttcnschulc, Bochum. -- The Rfagilnlsl f0" t necessity which was felt by the iron and steel manufacturers $1,121?“ of Rhineland and Westphalia that their foremen and leading lurgical school hands should possess some theoretical knowledge in addition at Bochum' to their practical workshop experience, and the satisfactory results of the establishment of mining schools in that district and elsewhere, have led to the creation at Bochum of a metal- lurgical school on the lines of the mining school of that town. with the exception of the mining schools, this is the only Continental school having a complete course of instruction, to which only workmen who have already had regular workshop training are admitted, the candidates being required, as in the case of the mining school, to have worked at least four years in iron or mechanical engineering works before they are admitted. Certificates of competence and good conduct, and satisfactory proof of elementary knowledge, including drawing, are also demanded, as for the mining school. Indeed, the regu- lations generally resemble those of that school, with the exception that the whole time is occupied with the work of the school, employment in the works being, for the time, given up. It is a municipal school, held in buildings formerly occupied by a Real—or, as it was called,—a Gewerbeschule. The Government has undertaken to continue the Subvention of 700i. per annum which it paid to the former school, the town and the manu- facturers contribute the rest; the latter body undertaking the maintenance of all or nearly all of the students. The course Course of occupies three half-years; the first being preparatory and Stud)" general, the following two special, in two divisions; one for metallurgy, and the other for machine construction. The teaching staff consists at present of a director who is a chief engineer of ironworks, together with a teacher of ma -hine construction and drawing, one for mathematics and mechanics, one for physics and chemistry, and an assistant master for the German language and accounts. No class is to contain more than 40 students; should this number be exceeded, parallel classes under proper teachers will be formed. Representatives of the contributing iron trades take part with those of the Government and the town in the management of the school. The time table is as follows :— In the Preparatory Class : Drawing - ~ - 6 hours weekly. Arithmetic and Mathematics - 8 ,, ,, Physics - - - 5 ,, ,, Experimental Chemistry - 6 ,, ,, The General Principles of the Metallurgy of Iron and Steel German and Business Accounts 4 ,, ,, ~i 118 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Natul c of the instruction. Students. linpoitancc of this school with reference to the estab- lishment of similar schools in ltlngland. In the Metallurgical Division : Drawing ~ - - - 6 hours. Mathematics - - 4: ,, Physics - - - A ,, Chemistry and Laboratory Work — 10 ,, Special Metallurgy of Iron and Steel - 12 ,, German, the - - - 2 ,, in the Division for Machine Construction : Mathematics — — - 6 hours. Mechanics - — - ~- 6 ,, Machine Construction and Drawing - 18 ,, Physics ~ - s — 4 ,, German, 820. - - — 2 The teaching is as practical as that of the Mining School. Vvlithout entering too much into detail, we may state that in the Metallurgical Division no subject connected with the con- struction and management of blast furnaces and their appur- tenances, with the practice of moulding and ironfounding, the puddling, refining, and finishing of iron, the production and work- ing of steel, the analysis of the raw materials, or the testing of the finished products, is omitted; and that the course for Machine Construction includes all, but no more than, the mathematics which every mechanical engineer should know, and further, instruction in theoretical and applied mechanics, in the properties of the materials Ordinarily used in machinery, in the construction and necessary qualities of the elements of machines, as screws, rivets, axles, toothed gearing, cylinders, pistons, valves, 85s., and in the construction of various complete machines, including lifting tackle of every kind, boilers, steam engines, water and gas motors, and in the economy of the workshop. Visits are paid to the Surrounding works,——36 important ironworks, engine factories, and other works, having been visited by the students during the 15 months preceding the last, which was also the first, Report. The age of the students, of whom there are 56, varied on entry from 18 to 341 years. They comprise 41 moulders, 1 puddler, 1 steel worker, 3 rollers, 1 erector, 3 smiths, 35 fitters, 3 turners, 1 boiler maker, and 4! pattern makers. The cost Of instruction is 10s. per term, or 16. 108. for the entire course. The laboratories and libraries are fairly complete, and are daily receiving accessions. We have thought it desirable to enter into rather more par- ticulars in regard to this School than in reference to some Others, as it is the first example of its kind, and one the working of which should be carefully watched by our own metallurgists and engineers. REPoRT. 1 1 9 (2.)-——CONTIN EN TAL WEAVING SCHOOLS. I ntrodttcttlon.-Among the special technical schools having a Introduction direct bearing upon industry, we found, in every country that we to Costinental have visited, a number of weaving schools. Some of these are Sclfggllfg separate and complete institutions for the teaching of spinning, ' designing, weaving, and dyeing, receiving pecuniary assistance from public and other sources, and controlled in some measure by the manufacturers of the localities where they are situated, whilst others are simply departments of general technical schools in which designing and weaving are taught among other branches of technical instruction. We have arranged these schools under the headings of the different countries, and have selected types of the best schools for special description?‘ We visited one school only in which spinning was being systematically taught by a complete set of machines, namely, the School of Spinning and Weaving at Mulhouse. At the Vienna weaving school we were shown a plot of land attached to the weaving department, on which a spinning shed was about to be erected, and we were informed that complete preparations of machinery both for the spinning of cotton and wool had been promised by leading English machine makers. Before proceeding to describe any of these Continental schools General aim in detail, it may be desirable to point out their general aims as oflweiilvins gathered from our visits to the schools, and from conversations 50100 i‘ with their promoters in different countries. They are intended to teach whatever the master, the foreman, or the designer, ought to know in connection with his trade; but they propose further to give a thorough knowledge of textiles and their construction to merchants, agents, distributors, and shopkeepers. The schools are not intended to supersede apprenticeship in the Not intended factory, but rather to convey knowledge which is not to be £0 supersede obtained in other than very exceptional factories; while to tflccefgiixpmem merchants and others they supply the practical all-round know- ledge which otherwise could only be obtained with great difficulty. As a mere training place for weaving, it is admitted that Advantages of the factory possesses considerable advantages over any con- factory 0W1‘ ceivable school. It is worked for profit; there must be no idlers among the responsible ofi‘icials or workers; everything is practical and subjected to the stimulus of lively competition ; and the man taught there learns real business; nothing con- jectural, or antiquated, or needlessly refined. On the other * For readers desiring additional information upon weaving schools, we recom- mend a perusal of the “ Report to the Worshipful Clothworkers’ Company of London on the Weaving and other Technical Schools of the Continent,” by Walter S. B. McLaren, M.A., of Keighley, and John Beaumont, Instructor in the Textile Indus- tries Department of the Yorkshire College,Leeds. (Publishers, Rivingtons, London, 1877.). school training. 120 ROYAL COMMIssION ON TECHNICAL INsTnUCTIoN: Schools val- uable to future manufacturers. Industries special to par- ticular places. hand, the school is apt to be encumbered with old ‘machinery and old processes; its directors are not likely to have been lately working for wages, or to have a very keen eye for the changes of recent date, or as yet only imminent; they may be more inclined to teach what is easily taught than what is most useful; forgetting that the subject is so intensely practical that it must be learned under the most effective conditions if it is to be learned at all. A good school, however, in some important respects possesses advantages over the factory. The instruction of the young appren- tice in the factory is often of the most routine kind, just enough to enable him to do the work in hand. Why the loom is made and worked in a certain way, there is no time to explain, and it is no one’s duty to conveyr the explanation. It is only in the leisure of the school that the instructor can deal with such things, and explain not only what is being done, but why it can be done better thus than otherwise. exceedingly valuable, every man is kept to what he knows best. The weaver changes the shuttle as the spool is emptied, and watches all day long the loom going through the same operations thousands of times, doing this not for his own improvement, but for his wages and his master’s profit. For the young man who aims at directing weavers, rather than at becoming a weaver himself, something less than this would suffice. Competent practical skill for his purpose may be gained in a short time, and then his attention can be better bestowed upon new operations. A certain width of range is more impor- tant to the intended master or foreman than great manual dexterity, and for this the school is more effective than the factory. Asingle factory, especially if it be small and remote, cannot include a whole industry, but merely some small part of it. Thus, in England, where the organised industries are looked upon as examples for imitation by the whole world, a county may have one leading industry; a town its own special branch of that industry ; and a mill one single operation of that special branch. The cotton industry of Lancashire is subdivided to a degree unknown elsewhere; the representatives of all the departments meeting almost daily in Manchester for the transaction of business and mutual interchange of ideas. Yorkshire is concerned with Wool, and hardly meddles with cotton. Bradford deals mainly with worsted, Leeds with Woollens. A particular mill in Bradford may be exclusively engaged in- wool-combing; another in spinning one or two counts of yarn; a third in weaving one class of goods only. The ap- prentice may learn all that is to be ‘learned in one of these, factories, and yet may know little of the worsted manufacture ; he may even know what is done in them all, and yet have an experience too narrow for a general knowledge of textiles or for the direction of a manufacturing establishment. Again, there are things not taught in ‘ any factory, and hardly to In the factory or workshop, where time is. REPORT. 1 21 be acquired by the man who is earning his daily bread, which may nevertheless be of vital importance to the man of business whose personal aim it is, not to execute more and more swiftly some constantly repeated operation, but to find out what the world wants, and how that want can best be met. We know what this means where an industry has a scientific basis. The Polytechnic, and other more purely technical schools visited by the Commis- sioners, have illustrated to us very distinctly what a knowledge of chemistry does for the ironmaster or colour manufacturer; what a scientific knowledge of electricity does for artificial lighting; how the mining engineer and the civil engineer are assisted by a knowledge of geology, mechanics and hydraulics. ‘Weaving has, it is true, no such scientific basis, but weaving ( none the less) is all the better for a culture which is not afforded by any single factory. Fashions can be set, or they may be followed, and the student will find in his industrial experience how capricious and changeable they are, but experience will also teach him that whoever can satisfy the prevailing taste is sure of customers, and excellence in this respect stands on the same level with good wearing quality and low price. Moreover, this is the variable element ; the quality with which calculation and experience of factory management have least to do; the one in which force and versatility carry all before them. As is the case in other branches of industry; in pottery and porcelain, glass, furniture, and metal work, where the higher qualities of design and artistic workmanship have developed trade and brought wealth to the producers, so in textile industry it is the design that sells the cloth. The quality of the fabric may be hard to tell, but every customer forms his own estimate of the pattern printed upon it, or woven into it. The wool-comber, the spinner, the weaver, may each do his part faultlessly, but if the design is unsatisfactory or inappropriate, or the colour or finishing of the piece ineffective, it will be cast aside by the purchaser as inferior the moment it is displayed on the shop counter against more effective, even though intrinsically less valuable, goods. False work, it is true, will not be permanently tolerated even under the disguise of “ fair seeming,” but it is folly in a manu— facturer to neglect excellence in that department of his work where it tells most and costs least. It is required of the school that it should give a general acquaintance with various kinds of machinery and with a number of different processes, of which very few are ever worked together, but the chief advantage of such a school lies in the possibility which it affords of artistic training. The design, and the working out of the design—‘so that what appears on paper may appear also on the woven fabric—are the chief ends of the weaving school; in fact, such an institution might appropriately be called “ a school of art applied to weaving.” There are some students whose natural gifts incline them to mechanism, others whose capacities impel them towards art, but the artists are taught some mechanism, and the mechanics Design of goods causes sale. 122 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: L yonsWeaving School. School, how divided. No. of students. Supplied with good models. some art. The student of textiles is taught to draw, to combine, to adapt; he is instructed in harmonious colouring; his taste is cultivated by choice examples of what is good in fine art, as well as in industrial art; he learns to translate his designs into woven fabrics, to become ready with all the calcula- tions of the loom, and he is made familiar with those mechanical and commercial considerations which make the manufacturer’s goods successful when presented to the buyer. WEAVING SoHooLs OF FRANCE. The Ecole Commerctale, Lyons is probably the most complete though not the most numerously attended of the weaving schools of France. It is situated in the Rue de la Charité, and was visited by the Commissioners in November 1881. It is a department of the Commercial school, which was created in 1872 by a joint committee of Lyons manufacturers, consisting of 300 to 400 members, and including subscribers from St. Etienne and the surrounding district. The share capital amounts to 441,800L, of which only three-fifths has been called up. The school consists of two divisions, a commercial school proper, the fee for which is 2411. per annum, and aweaving school, the fee for which is 48L per annum. For 88L and 112i. per annum, respectively, the students of the two departments are likewise lodged and boarded. The State, the city of Lyons, and the Chamber of Commerce, each give a small number (five or six) exhibitions for poor students. In the whole school there are 72 students, 20 being in the preparatory department; 30 of these are boarders. The number of students in the weaving school is 12. The term lasts from the beginning of October to the first week in August. The weaving school alone was visited by the Commissioners. This was established about five years ago, and is carried on in a separate building, three storeys high; there are 14 loo'ms, capable of doing 23 different kinds of work, as Taffeta, Foulard, Faconné, &c. There are two expensive tulle looms, not in use at present, and looms for weaving ribbons and velvets. Most of these looms have either been given by manufacturers or have been supplied at a reduced rate. The machinery is driven by a two horse-power gas engine. We were shown a portrait of M. Thiers, woven in silk, in one of the looms, taking 2,000 hooks and 8,000 cards to weave it. The school is also supplied with good models of spinning machinery. The professor of weaving is M. Loir, and the students work under the superinten dence of a practical foreman. They have four hours’ theoretical teaching and four hours’ practical work each day. The students here are chiefly the sons of manufac~ turers, and included two Englishmen, both of whom expressed REPORT. 1 23 themselves well satisfied with the course of instruction they were pursuing, and believed that it would be of the greatest service to them. They expected, at the end of 12 months, to be able to put on the loom any pattern that might be given them, and were occupied at the same time with designing on a syste— matic plan. The students in this department are able, at the end of three months, to produce paying work. The weaving department is worked at an annual loss of 120l. to the school, caused mainly by the expensive material used in the looms—the total losses, from the commencement, amounting to 2,440l. The director of the school, M. Pénot, was formerly the director Director of of a similar school (including a dyeing school) at Mulhouse. This School- post he had held for 33 years, but he left in 1872, in consequence of the results of the war, and was invited by the Chamber of Commerce to establish a similar school to that of Mulhouse at Lyons. This gentleman gave the Commissioners a considerable amount of information respecting the working of this and the Mulhouse school. He remarked that a systematic microscopic examination of the silk-worm, and of the eggs, was now being made by the pupils for the purpose of detecting the disease and applying the tests prescribed by Pasteur for this purpose. He also stated that at the dyeing school at Mulhouse all the more important chemical compounds employed in the trade were manufactured by the pupils, that commercial samples were tested for impurities, and that the actual value of the various colouring matters was determined. By way of illustration, he described how the students determined the commercial values of various samples of indigo, by directly comparing their dyeing power with that of indigo of known purity. M. Pénot, who is a gentleman 80 years of age, stated it to be his intention to establish here a school of dyeing similar to that which he had so long superintended in Mulhouse. He desired, however, first to secure the commercial and weaving schools on a firm basis. ‘ The budget of this school will be found in the Appendix, Vol. V. Popular Lectures on Designing and Weaving—Courses of Free lectures. free lectures on weaving and designing are given by the professors of the above school to artisans and others. A Sunday lecture by M. Loir, the professor of weaving—one of a series extending through the winter months—Was attended by the Commissioners. The lecture was of a technical character, thoroughly practical, and dealing with the problems daily brought before the hand-loom weaver and loom “ tuner.” The audience consisted of about 100 workmen, most of whom took notes, and copied in their books the calculations and diagrams, made by the lecturer on the blackboard, as he proceeded with his lecture. 124! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ecole deDes sin. Designing ; method of teaching. KO. of pupils. School appre- ciated by work- men and foremen. Is municipal. Other schools visited. Weaving School, St. Etienne—The Commissioners also visited at St. Etienne the very important Ecole de Des-sin, to which is attached a school of weaving and pattern designing. The hours of instruction are from 1 to =1 in the afternoon and from 8 to 10 in the evening. The school is fitted with very large drawing-rooms, in which the pupils were engaged in drawing from the antique. There are also rooms for drawing from the life, which forms an important part of the instruction, and good rooms for modelling in clay and working from the antique. The school has an excellent winter garden, so that the pupils may have the opportunity of drawing from living plants throughout the year. The art instruction is given principally with a view to the training of practical designers for the silk industry. In the same building there is a lecture room in which pattern designing is practically taught. The patterns are exhibited and illustrated by means of a honey—combed blackboard, into the cells of which small cubes are fitted, each of the faces being differently coloured. Attached to this lecture room is a small weaving shed, in which there are several model hand looms, on which the patterns exhibited on the blackboard can be produced, and which are also used for explaining to the pupils the construction of the machine. No saleable work, however, is produced on these looms. The professor stated that one of the advantages of having these looms in the school is that the workmen are able to receive explanations from himself of any difficulty which may occur to them in their daily work. At the time of the Commissioners’ visit there were about 350 pupils in attendance at the evening school of design, of whom over 40 attended the weaving school. The advantages of the school are greatly appreciated by the foremen and workmen of the town, but the director complained that too little interest was shown in its progress by the manufacturers of the district. He did not, however, ascribe this to any want of appreciation of the advantages of such technical instruction, but rather to political considerations which at that time were tending to separate somewhat the Workpeople from the manufacturers. The school is a municipal one, and M. Peyroy is the Chairman of the Committee of Fine Arts in the Municipal Council. The school is supported by an annual vote of 1,200Z. from the Town Council. The Chamber of Commerce and a few manufacturers give prizes. The following weaving schools of France were also visited by the Commissioners, namely, the weaving departments of the Professional Schools of Lille, Rheims, and Rouen, the Industrial School of Rheims, the weaving school at Nismes, and the weaving and dyeino' school at Roubaix. The latter school is shortly to be superseded by a new building for designing, weaving, and dyeing, to be erected at a cost of 80,000Z. There are no specialities in any of the above schools which are not included in the schools selected for more detailed description. REPOJ 1T . \VEAVING ScHooLs or BELGIUM. Much has been said about the numerous industrial and weaving schools of Flanders. These schools were established about the years 1847—8, when the hand-loom weavers of linens in the country districts suffered great distress, owing to the introduction of power looms and the building of factories. The object of the Government in promoting the schools was to introduce new fabrics and new designs of too intricate a'character to be woven at that time on power looms. The schools were useful during the transition period, and many of them still exist in Flanders, but on a very small scale. Such fabrics and patterns as were monopolised by these hand-looms are now produced on power looms without the aid of these schools, although to some of them employment is still furnished, as a commercial undertaking, by small master weavers. At the oiiice of M. Bambaud, the Minister of Industry and Agriculture, we saw samples of Weaving, in various styles and materials, from 45 of these schools. The hand-loom weaving of linen goods is, at the best, stationary in Belgium, whilst the manufacture of linens by power is an important and flourishing industry. The more important weaving schools visited by the Commissioners in Belgium were those of Ghent and Verviers. _ Industrial School, Ghcnt— Weaving Departmcm‘.--The Indus- trial School of Ghent, which has been elsewhere described, is divided into four sections, namely, (1) courses for workmen in literary and scientific subjects and drawing, held on Sundays and on Monday evenings ; (2) higher courses in similar subjects for foremen, clerks, and sons of employers, 8:0. ; apprenticeshi p school for weaving, for foremen and directors of weaving fac- tories of all kinds; (4) special industrial art school for the application of art to the purposes of industrial design. This school. is justly considered to be one of the best technical schools in Belgium. It is attended by over 1,000 students, and all the departments are free. The expenses are met by grants—two— thirds from the State, one-third from the town, and a small extra grant from the province, the total being upwards of 2,000Z. annually. The weaving department is conducted in a shed containing about a dozen hand-looms and about half-a-dozen power looms, the latter being mostly of English make. We saw winding and Warping frames and such other machines as are considered useful for teaching purposes. There are 10 students, the majority of whom are the sons of local employers. Two were said to be from Germany and one from Switzerland. As in the Vienna and Crefeld schools, drawing is taught in the art department. with special application to textiles of all kinds ; but we did not ascertain that the study of pure designing forms a portion of the course for the weaving students, and we did not see among the many admirable designs submitted to our inspection any intended for textile purposes. “'eaving Schools, Belgium. Object of for- mation. Other schools visited. Ghent Indus- trial School. Tlow divided. N0. of students. Instruction gratuitous. Weax ing de- partment. No. ofstudents. 126 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Operatives do not attend weaving school. Professional School, Verviers. Instruction is free. New school to be built. Weaving de- partment. Wipking en, Zurich. Silk- weaving school. Looms run by water-power. The instructor of weaving expressed regret that operatives do not attend his classes. He admitted that it is impossible for them to do so in the daytime, because they cannot forego their wages. They are not able to attend night classes until eight o’clock at the earliest, after working in a factory for 12 hours, and very few have strength or zeal enough for such sacrifices. He is endeavouring to establish bursaries by which employers or others will recoup the students for loss of wages while attending the classes. There appeared to be less spirit and activity dis- played in this than in most of the other departments of this useful school. Professional School, Verv’lers— Weaving and Dyeing Depart— ments—The weaving and dyeing schools form departments of this excellent institution, which was built by the town at a cost of 20,000l. The school is maintained, one—third by the town and two-thirds by the State, the total annual grants amounting to upwards of 2,645l. There are 300 students in the several departments, who are admitted to all the privileges gratuitously. A new school, called l’Ecole Manufacturiere, is to be built for the further promotion of the textile industries. It will cost from 20,000l. to 24,000l, towards which the employers in Verviers have promised 6,000l. The projected budget of maintenance submitted to the Municipality shows an annual expenditure of 1,911l. from public sources for this school alone. It would be difi‘icult to furnish stronger evidence of popular belief in the utility of schools of this character than the willingness of ratepayers and taxpayers to give such generous support. In the weaving school we counted 12 handlooms with jacquards and motions for fancy weaving. In one very large jacquard loom a life-size portrait of the King of the Belgians was being woven. - In the chemical laboratory there are places for 24: students, and in the dyeing school there are 10 students, being the full number for whom there are places. WEAVING ScHooL or SWITZERLAND. Weaving School, Zurich—The only weaving school in Swit- zerland visited by the Commissioners, and probably the only school of this kind in the Confederation equipped as a separate institu- tion, is the silk-Weaving school at 'Wipkingen, Zurich. At the time of our visit in May 1882, it had only been open about six months. The school building was originally a large private house, and, we were informed, was purchased by the town, and converted to its present use at a cost of 2,600l. Towards this sum the Silk Industry Society contributed IAOOL, and an additional 800l. for furniture and machinery. The room for power looms is about 415 to 50 feet square; the motive power is supplied from the town turbines situated on the bank of the river Limmat, near the school. Among the hand- REPORT. 127 looms are 10 from Lyons, 2 from Zurich, and two jacquards. Other jacquards had been ordered on the Lyons, Crefeld, and Zurich systems of silk weaving. A velvet loom is shortly to be added. The class-rooms are well arranged and substantially furnished with oak desks and tables. The museum contains six large Museum exhibition cases, to be filled with specimen collections of silk fabrics, cocoons from all parts, and illustrations of silk culture. There is accommodation for 415 students. At the time of our No. ofstudcnt~ visit, 22 had joined the school. Many come either direct from the secondary school at the age of 16, or after a few prac- tical lessons in weaving at a factory or cottage loom. A few students have been one or two years in business. The fees are, for cantonal pupils, 81. the first year ; 12L the second year; or Fees- ]Gl. for the course of two years. Strangers pay 12L the first and 201. the second year. The students are taught the distinctive methods of silk Meth9d of weaving adopted in France, Germany, and Switzerland. The teachmg‘ head-master has gone through the Lyons course, and has worked in a factory. His method is founded somewhat on that of Lyons. He has one assistant. We were informed that the Silk Industry Society, which is Silk_ Industry the patron of the school, is composed of merchants and manu- Some‘?- facturers who co-operate in all undertakings that tend to promote their industry. During recent years this industry has made rapid advances, and is now nearly equal in importance to that of cotton, which has long been successfully established in Switzerland. WEAVING SoHooLs OF GERMANY. The weaving schools of Germany are among the best of their Weaving kind that we have seen. We select for description three which fairly represent the best types of these schools in different “‘ States, and differ from each other in important aspects. The first is the spinning and weaving school of Mulhouse, which is especially interesting as the best illustration that we have seen of instruction in cotton spinning, while it is also complete in appliances for power-loom weaving and possesses an extensive variety of looms from the best makers in' competing countries. The second is the higher weaving school of Chemnitz, which has long enjoyed a favourable reputation in this country as well as in Saxony, the sons of some of the largest manufacturers in England having been educated there. The Chemnitz school is one of the best examples of a school for teaching the application of designs to the loom, and for varied instruction in the weaving of many kinds of fabrics by hand and power looms. The third school, which we would desire particu- larly to bring under the notice of the textile communities in England, is the new school for the textile industry at Orefeld, which has recently been erected at a cost, including land, of 42,5005. Of all schools we visited for teaching designing, the 128 ROYAL oonuIssIoN ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: School for spinning and weaving. Mulhouse. Museum of textiles. School of chemistry. “'hen established. Built by shares. Not a State Institution. Management. Buildings. Machinery. = and rooms for the council and headmaster. application of the design to the loom, the manual operations of weaving in the best makes of hand and power looms, and the dyeing and finishing of manufactured goods, this school is the most complete and the most important. Schoolfor Spinning and Weaving, Mulhoase~The school at Mulhouse is favourably situated for meeting the wants of a wide and important manufacturing district. The population of the town is upwards of 64,000, engaged in varied textile and mechanical operations, but there are also many towns and villages throughout the whole province of Alsace, of which Mulhouse is the centre, where textile industries are vigorously conducted. In close proximity are factories and machine making establishments, and but a short distance from the school are the museum of textile fabrics and the school of chemistry, with both of which it is intimately allied through its dependence upon the Industrial Society of the town. This is the only school which we saw or heard of, in which spinning is taught by a complete set of machines. The weaving department of the school was founded in 1861 ; that for spinning in 1865, and the two were united in 1869. The capital was subscribed by the leading manufacturers, machine makers, and merchants of the neighbourhood, in shares of 1,000 francs each (410i), making a total of 120,000 francs (4,80%). These gentlemen, and the council of the Industrial Society, are responsible for that part of the expenditure which is not covered by school fees and ordinary Subscriptions. Unlike all other Continental technical schools that we saw, neither the State nor the municipality contributes to its maintenance. The School is managed by a council of nine members, chosen by the Subscribers and Shareholders from the leading industrial and commercial firms in the province. The buildings are neat and substantial, the main portion being two storeys high. The ground floor contains a large room for mechanical weaving with power-looms, another large room for design and theor , Connected with the room for power—looms is a shed sufliciently large to contain a preparation of cotton carding and drawing, some mechanical models, looms for “ setting up ” and “ taking down,” 85c. ; so that. students may become familiar with every part of the machine. Adjoining the shed is a boiler-house and a 12 horse-power con- densing steam engine. The upper storey of the main building contains a spinning department with self-acting cotton mules fully equipped, and a number of rooms for the residence of the director. The spinning machinery has been supplied by the principal makers in England and Alsace, and engagements have been made with machine makers to Supply the school with new models and copies of the most recent inventions, from time to arzronr. 129 time, as they are introduced to the trade. There are models of knitting and other miscellaneous textile machines. In the weaving department we counted 24.‘ power—looms, . mostly by English makers. The director, M. Emil Fries, is in charge of the Whole school, the departments of which are managed by assistants, each competent in the theory and practice of his particular branch. At the time of our visit there were 413 students in the school. The fees for the theoretical and practical courses, including both spinning and weaving, are 28L for a year of ten months. For theoretical instruction only, in the two branches, 18L a year 5 for practical instruction only, 20L a year. Those who have followed either course can take up the other on apayment of 12L Foreigners are admitted on the same terms as Alsatians; the minimum age of entrance is 16. There are no boarders, but the * prospectus states that suitable lodgings may be obtained'in the town at 2t. 15s. per month. Examinations are held at the close of each year, and certificates of capacity are granted accordin to degrees of merit. - The students are almost entirely of the richer classes, sons of merchants and manufacturers, or, as not unfrequently happens, the sons of wealthy men from a distance, themselves unconnected with textile industries, but anxious that their sons should learn manufacturing. It was frequently represented to us that there is a great objection among German manufacturers to teaching their particular trades to the sons of capitalists not in trade. The bulk of the students come from Alsace and France, and a fair number from Switzerland. There are very few Germans who are not Alsatians. Last year there was an English student, and since the establishment of the school there have been six from England. Most of the students, on finishing their instruc- tion, particularly if they cannot enter a local factory on favourable terms, come to England for the purpose of completing their practical education in English factories, or with the hope of taking situations as designers or clerks. For cotton spinning a theoretical course is given simultaneously with the practical. Students are instructed in the cotton plant and cotton fibre, the conditions of growth, the treatment of the fibre, and the machinery required for producing various kinds of yarn. In this department all the calculations relating to the expenses of spinning are taught ; the cost in coal9 depreciation of machinery, the losses from waste, &c., so that the student can ascertain the margin between the cost of the raw cotton and the cost of the finished yarn. The course also includes the commercial branches, brokerage, shipment, the customs of the trade, systems of payment at distant markets, and the incidence of import and export duties. For the practical teaching of cotton spinning the department is furnished with all the appliances of an actual factory. The Ri 1726. I Teaching. Number of students and fees. I Status of students and nationality. English students. Spinning : Theoretical course. Cotton spin- ning : 130 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Practical course. Efiect of instruction. Electricity used. Weaving department : Theoretical course. cotton is unpacked from the bale and goes through the operations of cleaning, carding, drawing, roving and spinning, by mode, ring, and throstle processes. For these purposes the most modern machines are used, the greater number being of English make. We saw the machinery at work, and the cotton yarn being produced. The students were attired in blouses such as are worn by factory operatives, and under the supervision of a practical foreman they “ minded” the machines, many of them showing the greatest dexterity in “piecing ” the ends or threads and conducting some of the detailed operations. Each student begins at the beginning, and, following the course of the raw material, learns the use of every machine and the calculations required for all necessary changes in the pro— duction of varied kinds and counts of yarn. The raw cotton is bought by the council of the school, and includes the recognised qualities from America, Egypt, India, and other sources of supply, so that the student may become acquainted with the charac- teristics of each in the working. The yarn is disposed of by the council, in the town or neighbourhood. This .theoretical and practical teaching is supposed to enable a student to learn all the practical manipulations connected with cotton spinning without entering a factory, ‘and without the ordinary apprenticeship in a counting house. After a two years’ course he enters upon the duties of either with a general knowledge of the work of both. Whether this be the case or not, a painstaking and diligent student, by this method, will make very much better use of his time than the ordinary apprentice in a factory, and may in effect shorten his term of apprenticeship by much more than the time occupied by the school courses. In this school the student finds a variety of applications such as can only be seen in the largest and most complete establishments ; and it must always be remembered that, in scattered districts and outside England, such factories are very few. Side by side are English and foreign machines of the best and newest kinds. The various methods of twisting and winding, the systems of ring and mule spinning and twisting, with the most recent improvements, are either taught practically or explained. We noted, for example, that electrical appliances for stopping some of the machines were in use, and the principles of electricity as a controlling power were thus brought under the notice of the students. The weaving department of the school, like that of spinning, is divided into the theoretical and the practical divisions. The theoretical division embraces the whole theory of manu- facture, the uses of various materials, the cost of the processes, the analysis of every kind of cloth and fabric, and the special study of such tissues as are adapted to the manufactures of the district. Each student is required to “ decompose” patterns, to separate the warp and weft; specifying the material, qualities, counts, 850., all of which are duly entered, and the design is REPORT. 131 copied on point paper. The specifications are then worked out, the calculations made, and the pattern, if necessary, built up again. The student is also required to devote a portion of his time to copying designs on paper. The adaptations of pictorial design to woven patterns are carefully taught, so that the face of a design may be put upon the cloth with the simplest . appliances. The theory of the harmony of colour and outline is taught. As in the course for spinning, the commercial branches of the textile industries are also taught in class. The practical division of the weaving department supplies instruction in the weaving of all kinds of textiles in actual power-looms. The looms, of which we counted 24: in one room, represent all the important styles and makes which are in use for the weaving of silk, wool, cotton, linen, and jute. We saw all these materials in work, and in some of the looms there were com- binations of several materials. The great majority of the looms were English, the makers of Lancashire and Yorkshire being well represented. The students were attired in blouses as in the spinning department, and were superintended by a competent overlooker. He was assisted by a practical weaver, a girl, who was said to be very useful in repairing serious breakages, and helping students out of their difficulties. It is well understood that under the control of inexperienced “ hands ” the power-loom is a machine that is capable of doing considerable mischief. Asingle false stroke of the shuttle often causes breakages in the warp which only an experienced weaver can repair. The student is taught how to manage an ordinary loom, tying knots in the warp, 850., in a power-loom of a plain and simplecharacter, minded by a more advanced student. Having made a design for a fabric, he subsequently prepares the warp, cuts the cards if it be a fancy cloth, arranges the jacquards or the harness necessary for weaving the pattern, and starts the loom. He continues weaving at the loom until he has produced satisfactory work. He then changes places with another, who has in a similar way fixed a different design in another loom. This method is continued throughout the establishment, and each student has the advantage of learning to weave not only his own patterns, but also those originated and placed in the looms by his colleagues. The system to some extent prevents waste of material, but it seems rather to encourage the weaving of long webs, and thus tends to keep the students longer at each pattern than is neces- sary for the mastery of its details. The woven fabrics are sold to manufacturers and merchants, and when the designs are successful commercially, as not unfre- quently happens, the students are allowed to obtain the advantages of their success. There are no evening classes. We were informed that a few years ago an attempt was made to extend the advantages of Weaving ; Practical course. Methods of study. Woven fabrics ; how disposed of Evening classes were not successful. 12 132 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCIION i Influence of the school. Spinning school. Importance of theoretical knowledge. Pictorial designing. the school to artizans in daily employment. Many practical weavers joined the classes, but after a short time neither the. “ attendance nor the Spirit could be kept up. The workmen alleged that after their days work at the factory (11 hours) they had neither Strength nor disposition for new work at a school. The evening classes were therefore given up, and have not Since been re-opened. With regard to the influence of the School, one of the large local manufacturers, a member of the Council, who conducted us over the premises, spoke with enthusiasm of the great service which the School has rendered to the trade of the district. It was represented that many students are drawn from com- paratively remote places, possessing neither the variety of machines nor processes of manufacture, nor, indeed, the same enterprise that is to be found in the large towns. But in the school the Son of a country spinner or manufacturer is enabled to master the practice and learn the theory of his trade, as well as such Systems of calculation and book-keeping as will be of future importance. He also sees the newest machines by the best makers, and obtains a large amount of general information which it would be impossible for him to acquire in small country factories. Students on their return home have in many instances introduced improved systems of working into their factories, and better methods of ma king calculations and keeping accounts into their offices. I The students of the spinning school which is, as already stated, the only one of its kind which we have Seen, were doing good practical work, and doubtless their theoretical teaching would be equally good. It is very likely, taking into account the condition of the cotton industry in Alsace and in other parts of Germany and France, that a course of instruction in spinning at Mulhouse will amply repay the time and cost, particularly in the case of those who come from remote places. Whether a spinning school of this character would be of advan- tage in the centre of the cotton industry in England, say in Manchester, is a doubtful question, considering the facility with which efficient factories in Lancashire are open to apprentices. At the same time, it would tend to the advantage of all young men destined to hold prominent positions in cotton mills if, by means of evening classes, they were taught in a systematic manner the properties of the cotton fibre and the theory of the cotton industry. In the weaving department of the school which seemed other- wise effective, pictorial design of the highest kind was not attempted ; possibly, to some extent, from the fact that hitherto Original and elaborate designing has not entered largely into the cotton and wool textiles of Alsace; the cottons being woven plain for printing, and the wool goods generally plain for piece dyeing. The principles of design are, however, taught at the admirable School of art of the Industrial Society, and the REPORT. 133 knowledge thus acquired may be applied in the designing room of this school and carried forward step by step to the loom. Although we did not observe the connection between the school of art and the weaving school, on the one hand, and the weaving school and the dyeing school on the other, it may be taken for granted, as all the schools are patronised by the Industrial Society, that they Work in harmony in carrying out the ends which the Society has in view. In Alsace the best designers find work in calico-printing, which affords greater scope for talent than textile designing, and opens up better chances of remunera- tion in the designing ateliers of Paris. We were informed, Good designers not only in Mulhouse, but also in Paris, that such is the $333301“ repute of the art schools of this locality, and the influence of the ' superb museum of printed and textile designs, that Alsace sends more designers to Bar is than any other district on the Continent. It is but fair. to make this statement, in order to justify the apparent weakness of the department in the weaving school for designing. A syllabus of this school will be found in Appendix, Vol V. The Royal Weaving, Dyeing, and Finishing School, C'refeld. g’fevina d --Cn the visit of i the Commissioners to Crefeld in June 1882, 1.513181%‘? we were conducted over the temporary weaving school by the School, a president of the Chamber of Commerce, Herr Heimendal, the Crefel‘i- vice-president Herr Carl Konigs, and a number of the leading manufacturers, who also showed to us the new building in course of erection for a weaving. dyeing, and finishing school. We were greatly impressed by the magnitude of the premises, the completeness of the scheme of instruction, and the enthusiastic interest in the movement displayed by’ these Crefeld manu- facturers. The new school having been opened in December 1883, a special visit was made to Crefeld, in February 1884, in order that it might be carefully inspected and reported upon. Dr. Grothe in ‘his account of the project states that the school “is to ser\e as a specimen school for Germany, and is “ intended to cultivate and to promote to an equal extent all “ branches of the textile industries.” To effect this object “ no " expense will be spared either by the Government or the local “ authorities.” A government school has been in existence since 1855, but not School has until 1878 was the movement started which culminated in the ‘iglssfed Sm“ erection of the present building. The Chamber of Commerce 0' finding that the silk industry of the town was languishing in consequence of the superiority of the products of other countries, particularly France, in designing, dyeing, and finishing, petitioned the Prussian Government for an inquiry which resulted in two State commissioners, and two delegates from the Crefeld Chamber of Commerce, being sent to the seats of the textile industries in France in order to study the causes of their 13% ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Cost of building. Building. Class rooms and collections. Machinery and motive power. .materials belonging to the students. superiority. The Commissioners reported that the ‘improvement in French industries had been materially promoted by the technical schools and schools of design, established in French manufacturing towns, and recommended that the Crefeld school 3 should be completely reorganised and established in appropriate buildings. It was further considered that as the town of Crefeld, during the preceeding 10 years had spent no less a sum than 215,000l. in the erection of primary schools, it was worthy of special assistance in the foundation of the Royal weaving school, particularly as the textile industry of the whole country would benefit by the outlay. The building was erected by contributions from the following sources :- as’ The municipality gave the land, valued at -» 5,000 Municipal grant to the building fund - - 7,500 State grant to the building fund — - - 27,500 Contributions to dyeing school by manufacturers _ 2,500 Total cost of building - - £42,500 The building is a handsome structure of brick with decorated stone facings of the style of the Early Renaissance. It is two storeys high, with a number of extra rooms in the roof lighted by dormer windows, and used as private ateliers by some of the students of design. In addition to a main front of 64! yards, there are two side wings, one of 60 and the other of 88 yards, while the space between is partially occupied by the weaving shed containing 910 square yards of floor space. There are also a boiler house, and other offices. The ground floor contains reading room, lecture rooms, and class rooms for the weaving students. These are all substantially furnished, with desks or tables, cabinets of objects, collections of patterns, lockers and drawers for the books, drawing boards and In each room there is a platform for the instructor and black board ruled in squares for diagrams and designs. The chemical, dyeing, and finishing departments, are also on the ground floor. On the first floor are the rooms for drawing and designing, the museum of textile fabrics, and the private rooms for the director. The attic floor contains, as previously mentioned, a number of studios for designers. The weaving shed, as will be seen from the prospectus in the Appendix, is supplied with winding, warping, spooling, and card cutting machines, and a complete equipment of looms for varied patterns and combinations in all the textile materials, from silk ribbons and velvets to jute curtains and carpets. Altogether there are 33 hand looms and 27 power looms. In REPORT. 135 the shed there are two engines, a 12-horse-power compound steam engine, and a Z.t-horse gas-engine. The mechanics’ shop for repairs contains a forge and anvils, Workshops- a lathe for metal, shaping machine, boring machine, four vices, ‘ two grindstones, emery wheel and saw sharpener, a lathe for wood, a circular saw, three joiners’ benches, besides a number of small tools. The class rooms are lighted by electricity, one of Edison’s- incandescent lamps being apportioned to each student, while in the corridors outside the class rooms there are wardrobes under lock and key. The electric light is supplied by two dynamo machines, driven by a 12-horse—power engine in the basement. The school derives a portion of its annual income from the fees Annual income of the students, and the deficiency is made up by grants from the anfi expendi- State, the Municipality, and the Chamber of Commerce. During tum‘ the present year (1884:) the deficiency is expected to be 3,0001, 1; which will be raised as follows : - r £ The State (half the expenses up to a maximum of 1,5001.) - - ~ - - 1,500 The Town, one-fourth - - - 7 50 The Chamber of Commerce one-fourth (from the profits of the Silk Conditioning House) - 750 £3,000 __ The teaching staff consists of a general director, Herr Emil Sufi- Lembcke, and a number of specialists who have had experience as practical designers, draughtsmen, managers of looms, and Overseers in factories. There is also a master joiner and a master mechanic. In the dyeing department there is a special director, ‘ Dr. Lange, who is assisted by practical dyers and finishers of superior technical knowledge. Students are admitted to the school at 1% years of age, pro- Age ofstudents vided they can pass the entrance examination. The complete on *{dmission 5 course of instruction is of two years’ duration, and begins and comes‘ 1 ends at Easter in each year. Special courses of shorter duration may be arranged with the director. There is a graduated scale of fees, (a) for Prussians, (b) for all Fees. Germans other than Prussians, (c) for all foreigners. For Prussians the fee per half year for the first year’s course is 31. ; for the second year’s course 411. 10s, with ‘21. 10s. extra for the use of a private studio. For all other Germans the fee is 50 per cent. higher, while for foreigners, the fee per half year for the first year’s course is 71. 10s., for the second year’s course 101 ., and for the use of a private studio 51. per half year extra. For students of the weaving school, who wish simultaneously to take part in the classes of the dyeing school, the fee for Prussians is 51. per half year, for other Germans 71. 10s, and for foreigners 121. 108. per half year. 1 36 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL IN STRUOTION 2 Patterns are supplied. Certificates. Scholarships. Number of students. Course of instruction. Lectures. Practical work. The patterns for decomposition, as well as the necessary Weaving materials, are furnished by the school free of charge. In the studios, however, the colours and materials are supplied by the students themselves. Certificates are granted, and in special cases prizes or written testimonials are given to the students who attend the full 0011] ses. The prospectus states that suitable lodgings with respectable families may be procured by non-resident students. A commendable feature of the school is the provision of scholarships, by which deserving poor students are admitted to the advantages of the school free of charge. The fees of from 25 to 30 such students are paid by the Province, and an endow- ment has been formed of the value of 2,000l., whereby_scholar- ships have been established admitting 22 artizan students to the Sunday classes of the school. Although only formally opened in December 1883, at the time of our visit in February, the day courses of the school were attended by 150 students, and the Sunday classes by from 50 to 80 students. A large accession to these numbers is expected at the commencement of the school year at Easter. In order to carry out systematically the aim of the school the course of instruction is divided into two sections, theoretical and practical. The first includes a thorough training in drawing, and the second, practical instruction on the loom. Drawing and painting are taught from copies, models, and from natural plants and flowers, with adaptations to printing, and designs for other branches of the textile industry. Due prominence is given to geometrical and machine drawing, particularly of those parts of the loom which affect the pattern in the woven fabric. As much care is bestowed on the student with a mechanical turn, as on one whose talent takes an artistic direction. There are also lectures on textile fibres, on the elements of weaving, and on machinery. Fabrics are decomposed and ex- plained; looms are arranged for Weaving plain goods and for goods with simple designs in various materials by the students, while technical calculations and book-keeping are systematically taught. In the second year the art instruction of the student is continued until he is able to invent and produce original designs. Lectures are given on the principles of ornamentation of woven or printed fabrics, while due advance is made in geometrical and machine drawing. When the student shows capacity for higher work, he is admitted into one of the studies, where, under the special direction of qualified designers, he is encouraged to give play to his own imagination, and to produce new‘ and original designs in colour or otherwise, which can be woven by himself or other students on the premises, and submitted to the trade. In the technical and practical department of the second year, the student continues his studies in the decomposi~ REPORT. 137 tion of patterns, and in the composing and calculation of designed materials. He attends lectures on the construction, erection, and action of different looms, and of other machines used in weaving. He unmounts the power loom piece by piece and builds it up again. He works at the forge, and learns the use of the machine and hand tools in the mechanics’ and joiners’ workshop. He cuts the cards in accordance with his own designs on the paper prepared by his own hands ; he fixes the cards in the jacquard machine or engine, and finally becomes thoroughly practised in the weaving of the most complicated and figured patterns both in hand and power looms. In going over the various departments of the building our attention was directed to the museum of textile fabrics and the superb collection of textile patterns, which already form a portion of what is intended to become the most important school museum of its kind in Europe. In addition to cases of raw material, and screens of modern silk and other textile designs, there is a collection of historical patterns containing specimens of a most varied and valuable character (the “ Krauth ” Collection), bought by the Government at a cost of 1,5001., and presented to the school. The arrangement of the patterns is intended as much as possible to facilitate easy reference by students and designers; most of them are fixed in glazed frames, so as to protect the patterns from dust, yet easily removable when close examination is necessary. Upwards of 5,000 specimens are framed in this manner, many of which are exposed on a number of screens arranged in the museum—sheltered by curtains that can easily be drawn aside, while the others are arranged in cabinets in their due order as to style, material, and date, from the 10th century to the present time. The Orefeld manufacturers are especially proud of the museum, as a fountain at which students, designers, and manufacturers may refresh their faculties and receive at every visit new ideas and suggestions for their special industries. The school library contains already 1,200 Volumes of well selected art and textile books. The patent records are supplied by the Government, and the periodical literature includes the fashion papers from Paris and other centres. The sum of 1,500Z. has already been set aside for the purchase of books, and the library and reading room are not intended for the use of teachers and students only, but on certain days of the week are open to the public. Without attempting to give a detailed description of the contents and general arrangements of the weaving shed, we may say that the varied and extensive collection of hand and power looms, the display of complicated and artistic patterns at work in the looms, and the business-like air of the whole department impressed us exceedingly. Probably in no single factory in the world, as in no other existing school, can there be found so many Museum of textiles, raw materials, 850. Librnr} . Wearing shed. 138 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Dyeing and finishing department. Prospectus. Class rooms and labora- tomes. School course. examples of modern looms, or so great a variety of textile fibres and designs, or more effective methods of imparting instruction in the processes of weaving. The Dyeing and Finishing School—The dyeing and finishing departments of the school are arranged with the same complete» ness and efficiency as distinguish the designing and weaving branches, and are under the management of a special director, Dr. Lange. The prospectus is important, and we give it in full. that the aim of the department is :— 1. To give to those who wish to devote their whole time to the study of chemistry, a complete education in this science, as well as in its practical applications. 2. To give to dyers, bleachers, calico—printers, and finishers, a sound knowledge of the manufacture of dyes and mordants, to instruct them in the methods of examining and testing the value of both natural and artificial dyes, as well as other chemicals, and further to instruct them in carrying out these operations themselves. Lastly, by means of practical work in dyeing, bleaching, printing, and finishing, to afford them opportunities for applying their knowledge to practice. Besides the necessary class rooms, the department has :-'-- (1) Two chemical laboratories ; (2) one large dyeing laboratory; (3) a dyeing and finishing house, furnished with the most recent and complete machinery. The two chemical laboratories serve for carrying out qualita~ tive and quantitative analyses, as well as for other practical work. In the dyeing laboratory the dye-wares and mordants are tested, and all the operations of dyeing and printing by hand are here carried out on a small scale. In the dyeing and finishing-house, cotton, wool, silk, linen, jute, 850., &c., are bleached, dyed, printed, and finished on a large scale. All the laboratories are fitted with the most recent arrange~ ments, steam, water under high and low pressure, gas, electric light, &0. During the course, it is expected that visits will be made to some of the most important industrial establishments in Crefeld and the neighbouring towns. The following subjects are taught :-—First year’s course, first half year: (a) lectures on inorganic chemistry (with experi- ments), physics (with experiments), and qualitative analysis; (b) practical work in the chemical laboratory, and in the dyeing and finishing house ; (c) machinery, drawing, and textile fibres. Second half year: (a) lectures on organic chemistry, Physigg (with experiments), and quantitative analysis; (b) practical work It states serum. 139 in the chemical laboratory and in the dyeing and finishing’ house ; (c) machinery, drawing, and textile fibres. Second year’s course :—--First half year : (a) lectures on tech- nical chemistry, including water, fuel, soap, the most important acids and salts for dyeing and printing, thickeners used in printing and finishing, artificial and natural dye wares, and the methods employed in testing them; (1)) practical work in the dyeing laboratory, and in the dyeing and finishing house; (0) machinery and drawing. Second half year: (a) lectures on dyeing, bleaching, calico printing, and finishing, chemical technology of woven tissues; (1)) practical work in the dyeing laboratory, and in the dyeing and finishing house ; (c) machinery and drawing. Students wishing to attend the school must have passed Conditions of their sixteenth year of age, and must have an elementary admlsslon' knowledge of chemistry and physics. As a rule no student is admitted without having passed an entrance examination, from which, however, he is exempted if he can show by certificate that he has obtained the necessary knowledge at a public school. Those who wish to give their whole time to the manufacture of dyes, and the processes of dyeing and finishing, may make special arrangements with the director, and in such cases exceptions are made as to the entrance examination and the time of study. The complete course lasts two years, and begins every year at Easter. The admission of a student at any time other than the beginning of a year’s course depends upon the decision of the director of the school of dyeing. The fee per half year is—for Prussians, 51.; for all other Fees. Germans, 71. ; for foreigners, 121. Important deductions may be made, by means of the scholar- ship funds, in the case of students of limited means. For the laboratory the student has the use free of 'charge, of a Laboratory working desk, fuel, chemicals, and re-agents, with the exception es‘ of silver nitrate, platinum chloride, and gold chloride. Further by the payment of 11. 108. caution money, as he has the use of all the apparatus, porcelain, and glass vessels, 820 which he may need, but for which he is made responsible. Missing, damaged, or broken apparatus are charged at cost price. Each student is obliged to bring his own platinum and blow-pipe. The prepara- tions made from the chemicals of the laboratory, are the property of the department. The laboratory is open daily, with the exception of Saturday afternoon from 8 to 12 and from 2 to 6 o’clock. Students who have frequented the department for one year at Certificates. least, obtain a leaving certificate. After each half year, cer- tificates are also issued respecting the diligence, progress, conduct, and attendence of each student. ln special cases, students on leaving may receive marks of distinction in the shape of prizes or written testimonials. 140 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Collections. Opinions of Crefeld citizens respecting the school. Besides the utensils and apparatus necessary for teaching, the department possesses a well-equipped physical cabinet, extensive collections of chemical preparations and colouring matters, and a library. In the latter most of the journals relating to dyeing are taken for the use of the students. In conversing with some of the leading citizens of Crefeld, the old school was very favourably spoken of, and strong hopes were expressed as to the usefulness of the new one. Instances were given of students at present engaged in the various factories, who have been able to turn their knowledge obtained at the school to very valuable account. Employers whose sons had gone through the course of instruction in the old school were highly satisfied with the thoroughness and efficiency of the training which they had received, and manufacturers are con- stantly on the look-out for students who have attended the classes. We often heard that to practical Englishmen, it must be self- evident that a people like the Germans, already taxed to the utmost to meet their enormous civil and military expenditure, would not voluntarily increase their public burdens unless they had overwhelming evidence that compensating good would follow. In the race for the development of machinery the human machine was after all the most important, and in the long run paid best for the efficient labour expended upon it. The silk industry of Crefeld had grown beyond the most favourable anticipations of the manufacturers themselves. The increase in power-loom weaving had been very remarkable, but not more so than the extension of fancy weaving. Crefeld during recent years, as an exporter of silk‘ goods, had obtained a firm foothold in London, in America, and in the centre of fashion, Paris itself. In every manufacturers establishment there had been an awakening; there was more enterprise, a greater desire to strike out new paths, a keener interest in competing for the best and most valuable productions. Our informants insisted that the chief motive power in all this development had been the weaving school, and that its influence had been chieflyfelt in two 1mportant branches in which the factory is most liable to fall behind, via, designing and dyeing. It was shrewdly remarked by one of the manufacturers “ the day has gone by when I can “ make money without effort; to exist I must move on; my “ neighbour compels me.” On asking why, in a town like Crefeld devoted almost solely to the manufacture of silk goods, the weaving school should devote so much attention to other materials, such as wool, cotton, jute,'&c., we were told that the promoters are in the first place most anxious to introduce other branches of the textile industry into Crefeld, in order that they may have “ more strings to their bow," and that in times of depression in the silk industry they may obtain relief from other branches less depressed. In the second place, many of the students live in districts where silk REPORT. 1 ‘l: l weaving is unknown, and where other fibres only are worked. Besides, students training to become designers, seek familiarity with every material and with every process by which the surface of a woven fabric may be appropriately decorated. Students expecting to become distributors of goods, seek to know the make and construction of as many classes of goods as possible. One of the English students with whom we spoke, was the son of a loom-maker in Lancashire, and to him the complicated motions ‘of the various Jacquard looms and the methods of weaving the several kinds of fabrics were an interesting study. One of the students in the dyeing department was connected with the straw plaiting industry, and was devoting himself under Dr. Lange to the study of straw dyeing. Thus for many purposes and from many countries, students seek instruction at this school, and the people of Crefeld cheerfully pay the high rates necessary for its efiicient management, while they point with pride to the fact that by their sacrifices they are finding out and directing the talent of rich and poor in the neighbourhood and benefiting the country at large. WEAVING ScnooLs OF SAXONY. The Higher Weaving School of Chem/mite was founded in 1856, Chemnitz and according to Mr. Felkin’s account, which was confirmed by all the authorities with whom we conversed, “ has been of great 4 benefit to the trade of the town and district.” The example set in Ghemnitz has been extensively followed; “ similar schools “ exist in the neighbouring towns of Glauchau and Meerane, ‘ besides schools for a similar object, with a less extended course “ of instruction in Lossnitz, Oederau, Mittweida, Hainichen, Other 50110015- “ and Frankenberg, places adjacent to Chemnitz, where the weaving industry is mainly carried on. The Ohemnitz school is the largest and most important, and is in many respects “ considered a model institution.” The school building is situated in an open space in the centre School of the town, and was built about thirteen years ago. It is a building- substantial structure three storeys high. The class rooms are lofty and well lighted. In the basement is a large room con- taining sixteen power looms, each of different construction, driven by a small steam engine. On the first and second storeys are large rooms containing winding and warping machines, and forty-three hand looms, of variety sufficient for the production of all kinds of textile fabrics, from the finest silk handkerchiefs to the coarsest carpets. The land on which the school is erected i1 00%‘: and was granted by the town, and valued at 500 mmtenance‘ The building was paid for by the town, and cost - _ - - - - 4,000 The looms and other furniture are valued at 1,500 I‘ I a Total cost of school and fittings - 6,000 v_______ 142 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Management. Fees. Methods, materials. Hand loom Department. Method of teaching. Jacquard looms. The State pays the town six per cent. on the cost of this building ; five per cent. as interest, and one per cent. for repairs. “ The town and State each grant 150l. annually to the school. “ This, and the fees of the pupils, barely meet the expenses of “ the institution, and the deficiency has to be made up either “ by the town or State from year to year.” The school is under a committee of four, consisting of two aldermen or Stadtrathe of the town, the director of the higher technical school, and a manufacturer in the trade. There are four teachers, of whom two are for practical weaving. At the time of our visit there were 52 students of 14: years of age and upwards. They pay 131. 10s. a year for tuition, with seven weeks holiday; or for half-a-year 9l., with ll. 108. a year additional for weaving materials. The hours of study are from 8 to 12 and from 2 to 6. There is no evening instruction. Certificates of the diligence, attendance, and progress of the students are granted, and “the directors reserve to themselves the power, in special “ cases, to distinguish scholars by premiums or written testi» “ monials.” For the school curriculum, representing the two divisions of instruction, each extending over half-a-year, see Appendix, Vol. V. In passing from room to room and noting the work of the students, it was evident that the teaching of practical weaving was thorough and efficient. In the hand loom department the warps were nearly all in short lengths for patterns merely; in carpets there were tapestries, rugs (light and heavy), with woollen weft; tweed cloth, in woollen; damask table cloths and curtains in worsted warp and weft, and also in jute ; rough linen towels, and woven purses. No two looms contained the same material or design, and each student learns to design and prepare the cards for every class of pattern in the different materials. All the warps are put into the looms by the students, and all the “tuning” of the looms is done by them, under the supervision of practical teachers. Each student works at every pattern in each loom till he understands the “weave” and can work it without assistance. Then he passes on to the next loom, and his place is filled by another student. Thus, without unnecessary waste of material, the students are taught by actual experience to put many kinds of patterns of different materials into the looms. From ordinary pattern and hand looms the students pass forward to the Jacquard looms, of which there are twenty of the most important and varied kinds obtainable. Some looms were weaving figured Brussels carpets; one was weaving a velvet pile. The silk looms differed in construction accordingly as they were intended for ribbons, for brocades with raised patterns such as are woven in Lyons, or for Swiss brocades such as are made in St. Gallen. Some students were weaving monograms and pictures for book-markers, like those of nsron'r. ' 143 Coventry. Others were showing their ingenuity and mastery of the J acquards by weaving their names in black silk on a white ground, so as to appear like visiting cards. There were fancy patterns in woollen cloths, and mixtures of cotton, wool, and shoddy, that would almost puzzle an expert to decompose, while in mixtures of cotton, silk, and worsted, the varieties were endless. We were told that patterns are often sold by the students, and occasionally “ commercial successes ” are produced in the school. Having become thoroughly conversant with the use of the Power 1001115- hand looms and of the Jacquard looms, the students are taught to apply to the power loom the complicated designs and patterns that have been produced in the hand loom. It has long been the boast of some makers that they can construct looms adapted to weave by power anything that can be woven by hand, and the patterns in some of these looms would almost justify the statement. The students follow the same courses in power loom as in hand loom weaving. They design patterns for the various kinds of looms, and spend at least as much time over the weaving of each variety as enables them to comprehend the complete structure of the pattern and the manipulation of the loom. It was said that the weaving of full length pieces, or even of long webs, is seldom attempted ; in this respect the plan adopted is different from that of the Mulhouse School. Most, of the 100mg were by English machinists , the names of Looms fihiefiy Bradford and Keighley makers being conspicuous among the gaggghsh worsted looms. There were also some excellent looms by Chem- nitz machinists, held in high esteem by the director ; two makers especially being well represented. One of the names was new to us, but we were informed that the firm represented had turned out its 20,000th loom about three months before our visit. Before considering the influence of this school upon the Absence of industries of the district, we wish to draw attention to one weak art teaching‘ pdint, which was admitted by some of its promoters, and, as we have already remarked, is so common in these weaving schools. The provision for teaching pure art, and art applied to textile designs, we found to be very small. The other departments of so-called designing, seemed to be admirably conducted. Students are taught to copy patterns, to adapt designs from one material to another, to vary the colour and form, to invent new combina— tions, twills, &c., and to work out all these designs on the cards, and mount them on the jacquard loom. The importance of this work can hardly be over-estimated, and for one who is already an artist nothing could be better. But, to the student ignorant of drawing, those aids to pure design and artistic culture which we found so amply provided in the art department of the Vienna weaving school were conspicuous by their absence. 144' ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Influence of the Chemnitz school. Importance of knowledge of technical designing. School for hand weavers. There was a general concurrence of testimony in favour of the school on the part of all manufacturers with whom we spoke. The classes are attended by merchants and distributors of goods as largely as by the sons of manufacturers. We have elsewhere stated that we were informed that there is not a manufacturer in the town whose son, or assistant, or overseer, has not been through the course. The fame of the school has spread to England, and among several English students who have attended the classes during the last few years are the sons of some of the largest manufacturers and merchants in Yorkshire, who, before schools of this character were started in England, selected the one at Chemnitz as supplying the best preparatory training for the factory. Some of the manufacturers send their overlookers for a six months’ course. Others attend the school after a training in art at such schools as the Kunst-Gewerbe School at Dresden, and engraft designing for the loom upon a knowledge of art. Others again come from the technical art schools to the designing room of the factory, furnish the pictures—the original designs—in colour and form, and pass them forward to the so-called “ designers ” in the same establishment, who have been trained in the weaving school. An artistic and technical knowledge of designing and of weaving are considered at Chemnitz to be almost as important for the merchant and distributor of goods as for the manufacturer. The former can suggest intelligently to the manufacturer the nature of the popular wants, and how they may be supplied; he may even furnish the manufacturer with designs, instead of being compelled to accept such as he knows to be defective, but which he does not know how to improve. He is also better able than the untaught buyer to detect faults and imperfections in the finished piece, to understand how they occur, and to suggest remedies. Some manufacturers are jealous of the possession of this knowledge by merchants and buyers, and in many cases have opposed the establishment of weaving schools in conse- quence; but it cannot be denied that, the more a trade is understood by all the parties connected with it, the higher will be the general excellence attained. There is in Chemnitz a school for hand-loom weavers, open on Sundays and during the evenings of week days, which must not be confounded with the above. It is intended for teaching designing, pattern drawing, analysis, book-keeping, and fancy weaving, to practical weavers anxious for improvement. The fees are sixpence per month, and admission is free to exceptionally poor students. The school is mainly supported by grants from the State and municipality, and by assistance from the weavers’ guild. Some foremen, piece “ perchers,” under clerks, and warehousemen, have improved their technical know- ledge in this school, and some of the managers spoke in praise REPORT. 1&5 of its usefulness to skilled weavers and foremen who were unable to take advantage of the higher school. Two of the Commissioners, however, visited this school and were not favourably impressed by it. WEAVING ScHooLs IN AUSTRIA. There are in Austria 22 weaving schools and two hosiery Weaving schools, under the control of the Minister of Instruction, dealing $11001? in . . . . . . ustrla. with various textile materials, such as silk, wool, cotton, .fiax, &0. Besides the one at Vienna, which we have selected for description, they are distributed over Bohemia, Silesia, and Moravia. A paragraph in the introduction to the programme of the Vienna school states that “ none of these schools could exist without State aid.” The State grants are however exceedingly small. Of the hosiery schools the most important receives 208l. (2,500 gulden) a year ; l3 schools have a State subvention of 83l. (1,000 gulden) and under. The estimate of the total State aid amounts to 2,500l. (30,000 gulden) ; the communities, however, contribute considerable sums for premises, fuel, gas, and other expenses. In the above programme, the State assistance to the schools is considered “ entirely insufficient,” and a reference is made to the Crefeld School, where the authorities, after buying machinery, recently expended 1,500l. on a collection of old designs alone. Now, it states, they are building at Crefeld a new school, for which “ the town gives the‘ land and '7,500l., and the State “ 27,500l. This one school, which will be devoted pre-eminently “ to the silk industry, will consequently cost more than all the “ schools in Austria combined.” The Report further states, that although Austria has maintained her textile industries until now on a level “ which far surpasses the means of instruction within “ the reach of their promoters, it would not be advisable to allow “ such an anomaly to exist much longer. The enormous efforts for “ improvement that are made by France, Germany, England, “ Italy, and Russia, and the colossal sums which those countries “ expend in the establishment and maintenance of technical “ schools, lead us to foresee with certainty that these efforts will “ not fail to produce in a short time a fatal effect upon our home “ market, already the subject of much competition, and upon the “ selling abilities of our own manufacturers. A further deca- “ dence, afurther adherence to the past, on the part of our textile “ industries, would be nothing less than a calamity for Austria.” We proceed to describe the Weaving school of Vienna, whose several departments combine all the features of importance that are to be found in the other schools of this character in Austria. School for Textiles and Dyeing, Vie/nnm—With regard to weaving the suitability of Vienna for a school of this character, the Schootvienna. prospectus states that Vienna is the centre from which the designs and orders in textile products emanate to the various Bi 1726. - K 0‘ h 1416 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Weaving school building. Maintenance. Government of school. Teaching staff. Students and fees. factories in the provinces of Austria. “ It is the seat of an “ industry which comprises all the branches of art weaving, and “ therefore the student who is trained here has an opportunity “ of intimate contact with the practical processes, as well as with “ all desirable institutions of culture and education, such “ as the technological museum; as also for further artistic " development at the museum for art and industry. He “ can therefore obtain a more varied education than he could “ possibly receive elsewhere, even in the manufacturing “ centres of other countries.” The prospectus, after quoting statistics and adducing evidence relating to the textile industries of Austria and other countries, concludes by stating that “ this “ school is of the most vital importance not only for Vienna, “ but also for the whole empire.” The school is a large and handsome building, and was opened within a year of our visit. It supersedes what was described to us as “the oldest weaving school in Europe,” and it was the success of the old school which led to the building of the new one. The freehold belongs to the municipality, the school having been built out of the local rates; the furniture and apparatus have been supplied by the State. The building is not yet completed, as the scheme of the school embraces the erection of a department of spinning, and a vacant plot of ground adjoining the. school was pointed out as the site of this proposed extension. We were informed that a full equipment of machinery for cotton and wool spinning has already been promised by English firms. .55 The building already erected cost to the city or commune - - - 6,917 The furniture and apparatus supplied by the State cost - - - - 1,750 8,667 The school is maintained by the fees of the students, by a grant from the State, and by contributions from the local rates. We did not obtain a detailed budget of the expenditure and income, the school having been too recently established in its present form to supply reliable statistics. The State grant for the past year amounted to 1,166l., and the town supplied 60 tons of coal and wood for heating purposes, and gas to the value of 4_~8l. The school is governed by a council of eight members, con- sisting of the mayor for the time being, the director, together with representatives of the State, of the Gewerbe school, the Royal Museum, the Silk Industry Society, and of the trade in textiles. The teaching staff consists of a director, Professor Ferdinand Lieb, and professors and instructors in each of the theoretical and practical departments. At the time of our visit there were 418 day students, and 250 evening and Sunday students, making a total of about 300. The nrronr. . 147 day students pay 11. 88. 401. a year of ten months, evening students are free. The hours of study vary, and will be given under the different departments. Students may be admitted after passing their fourteenth birthday. The school course occupies two years, at the end of which certificates are given according to merit. There are eight scholarships offered, entitling the holders to Scholarships. free admission, with an extra allowance for maintenance, viz, two by the town, and two by the Silk Industry Society, of the value of 81. 68. 8d. each, and three by the State, of the value of 421. each. The latter are granted more especially with the object of encouraging artists to become designers. The day students are mostly the sons of provincial manu- social Status facturers and of merchants. The evening and Sunday students of Students- are usually factory managers, pattern drawers, or workmen in manufacturing establishments. A few are old day students, who take advantage of the school, as opportunities offer, for extending their knowledge. The school contams four departments, V'lZ. : Departments 1. Drawing and artistic designing. Of school. _2. Hand and power loom pattern weaving. 3. Dyeing of fabrics, and printing of calicoes, Ste. 4. Museum of fibres, designs, mechanical models, 8:0. The textile instruction is divided into two distinct depart- ments, namely, a school for drawing applied to manufactures, and a weaving school. Students may attend either or both departments, and the hours of study are arranged accordingly. Drawing is taught on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings from 8 a.m. to 12 am; weaving is taught on Monday, lVednes- day, and Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. In the afternoon the students work out their problems at home. In some instances they attend the commercial school, or are employed in some textile factory. In both departments instruction for assistants and apprentices is given on Sundays from 8 to 12 a.m., and on Mondays from 6 to 9 pm. The drawing and designing department of the school impressed Department for us very favourably. It seemed here to be recognised, more than designing- in any other school (Crefeld excepted), that it is necessary, first, to teach original designing, and afterwards the application of designing to the loom. For this purpose, drawing is taught thoroughly, and, in the first instance, as pure art, but always bearing in mind its ultimate application to industrial design. _ This department is a well equipped school of art in itself. A large collection of the best casts from the sculpture in the Royal Museum, in Vienna, furnishes models for the students. The room devoted to model drawing is divided by a number of screens, so arranged that each student has a compartment to himself, with a separate gas K 2 1&8 ROYAL commission on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Use of natural flowers for design in the Vienna "Weaving School. Students pre- pare their design for the loom. Patterns are dissected by students. pendant that can be raised or lowered so as to give appropriate lights and shadows. For designing and painting there is a large room with tables, racks, and stands for the arrangement of copies and patterns, so that they can be examined and dissected easily, with ample light for each student. The walls of this room are covered with drawings and designs of various kinds, some of them executed by students, all framed and numbered, and, where necessary, as in the case of historical textile patterns, fully described. Other drawings and designs of great variety and value are stored in cabinets, and from time to time these are displayed and copied. Attached to many of the designs is a skeleton diagram or key, showing the colours employed, and indicating each thread of warp and weft as it appears on the jacquard. We were informed that upwards of one hundred of the most recent books relating to textiles from different countries have been cut up, so that the pictures and designs could be the more conveniently used as copies. For facilitating the work in this department, there is a library of 106 volumes, more than 90 of which relate to design, and every important new work that is published is added to the collection. (For particulars of the course of instruction in drawing and painting, see programme, Appendix, Vol. V.) The most important feature of the instruction in the designing department is the adaptation of natural flowers for textile designs. This course begins on the 15th of May; flowers are supplied from the public gardens of the city, and are used as copies, to be treated separately or in groups for textiles and for calico-prints, in the methods and according to the colours and materials indicated by qualified professors. The student is taught to arrange natural forms and colours in accordance with good taste, and economical application to the intended material, and he learns to apply them first to paper, and afterwards to the point paper ready for the loom, with all the technical and commercial calculations attached. We saw a number of advanced students engaged in enlarging their own original drawings on prepared designing paper, ready for the card cutting process. Having prepared their designs, they cut the cards with their own hands, and mount them on the jacquard. They prepare the warp, carrying the threads through the healds and reeds, and finally, placing the weft in the shuttle, are able with full knowledge of their work to weave the pattern in the loom. In another class room we saw a number of students, all of whom were said to be practically familiar with the loom, engaged in dissecting patterns of cloth, as a class exercise. A small pattern had been given to each by the instructor, and the pupils were required to copy the design, count the picks, dissect the cloth, thread by thread, so as to ascertain the nature and quality of the material employed in its construction. They were to estimate the counts of the warp and weft, calculating REPORT. 149 the quantity of each required for the weaving of a yard of cloth, and the cost per yard of the finished piece. All kinds of complicated patterns are given to the students, some containing mixtures of silk, mohair, Wool and cotton, and elaborately figured. In some cases the counts of warp, weft, 850., of the various fibres are given, with prices of each, per pound or per gross, and the students are required to calculate the length and weight of each material and the cost per yard of a finished piece of given width and length. All these calculations are taught by practical men whose experience is founded on the commercial usages of the foremost manufacturing establishments, not of Austria only, but also of France and England. The practical weaving, both by hand and power looms, is taught in a large airy room, of about 90 feet in length by 4.15 feet wide, lighted by eight large windows on each side. (For the courses of the two divisions of treadle weaving and jacquard weaving, see Appendix, Vol. V.) In the weaving room, besides winding, warping, and dressing machines, we counted 13 hand looms and about the same number of power looms. For work of a specially detailed character, or belonging to other departments of the textile industry, there were separate rooms. In one of these rooms there were four hand looms for braids, the work being that used for State carriages, oflicers’ trimmings, &c. The work was very rich and elaborate; gold and silver thread yarns being profusely mixed with silk; and, both in design and execution, showed evidence of marked skill on the part of the students. Another room was devoted to machine knitting; there were a number of beautiful hand machines, containing jerseys, Shetland and other fancy shawls, stockings, &c., in process. There were also lace machines; and cabinets, with an extensive collection of models of machines, one— fourth the original size. A room was devoted to the exhibition and use of card-cutting machines more perfect than those usually found in manufacturing establishments. In the hand looms in the general weaving room there seemed to be almost every kind of material represented. In construction and arrangement the looms were similar to those of the Ohemnitz school, containing more or less complicated patterns, from plain and figured silks to jute, damasks, and heavy carpets. Of power looms the school contains the best of their kind that can be procured. We noted a modern Orefeld velvet loom, a complicated jacquard loom from Ohemnitz, and ribbon and other silk looms for weaving on the French, German, and Swiss systems. A Bradford and a Keighley maker were each represented by a quick-speeded “pattern loom,” and we were informed that other looms were ordered or were promised by leading English and Alsatian makers. As in the case of the hand looms, no two power looms were alike, and a glance at their contents showed rich silks, pure and Students are exercised with a great variety of materials. Practical weaving. Looms and knitting frames. Hand looms- Power looms. Variety of looms. 150 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Dyeing de~ partment of Weaving Schooh Vienna. Chemical laboratory. Cost of fittings. Department for practical dyeing. Chemistry taught to all students. Students come from Poly- technic. mixed worsted and cotton fabrics for dress goods, worsted and jute damasks, worsted coatings, heavy woollen cloths, and Brussels carpets. Unlike many of the other schools visited by the Commissioners, the students ‘are here required to pay for the materials which they use for weaving. Varieties of material, of all kinds, are stored on the premises, but nothing is given out without pay- ment. The students have the disposal of their woven products, and frequently sell the designs and patterns which they make. The weaving of long webs is not encouraged. The (lg/eing department is separate from those of designing and weaving, and students may either enter it without attending other classes, or they may go through all the departments. The dyeing school was, originally, a private undertaking under a committee of manufacturers and others. Considerable difficulty was experienced in retaining the professors, as employers were constantly outbidding the committee and taking away the best men. Since the transference of the school to the State, better salaries have been paid; a higher social standing has been acquired by the teachers ; and they do not now so readily leave to take private situations. There is a large chemical laboratory, with places for 20 students. Water, steam, and gas, are laid on for each, and other necessary appliances are conveniently arranged; the chief professor has a private laboratory. There are class-rooms, and a lecture theatre. In the director’s room there is a library of works on dyeing and calico—printing, a considerable number of which were in English. We were informed that the laboratory fittings and other arrangements cost 1,166l. (141,000 gulden), towards which 500l. (6,000 gulden) was contributed by the State. The department for practical dyeing was not completed at the time of our visit. The furnaces and boilers had been arranged in accordance with a convenient plan for working, and some large copper pans and machinery were in their places. Among the mechanical arrangements was a stand in which 20 small porcelain pans, provided with wooden handles, were fitted, and by the turning of a winch 20 patterns or hanks could be lowered into them simultaneously, and all lifted out at one operation. The professor of this department Lichte) was trained at the Polytechnic School of Zurich, and afterwards worked, for 13 years, in chemical and dyeing establishments in Alsace. All the students learn theoretical chemistry, but only those intended for the trade of dyeing study practical chemistry, and they may select their own course of one or two years. A course of one year is considered sufficient for obtaining the necessary knowledge of one fibre. Most of the students have studied chemistry before entering the school, and are therefore able, with very little preliminary REPORT. 151 training, to apply themselves to the study of dyeing. We found five students in the laboratory who had gone through Polytechnic Schools. It is not surprising, therefore, that much of the teaching is of an advanced character, and that the students are able, after a course of two years, often of one year only, to go direct to work as qualified dyers, without apprenticeship. Connected with the dyeing department, practical instruction Calico-printing, is given in calico-printing. One room was fitted up for block printing ; another was prepared for illustrating machine printing by means of working models of all the processes. These models had not arrived at the time of our visit, but it happened that while we were in Mulhouse we were conducted to the establish- ment of M. Emil Welter, a maker of small machines and mechanical models, and he showed to us the set of models of printing machines which he had just completed for the Vienna school. As an indication of the amount expended on such machines we may state that the Council of the Vienna Weaving School had contracted to pay 8001. for these models. It_may be Worth mentioning incidentally that, when we visited Mr. Welter, in order to see the machinery preparing for Vienna, we found there the whole of the advanced class from the Mulhouse Weaving School, who, with a professor, were examining these models then just completed. In addition to the appliances necessary for the complete Museum of study and practice of designing, hand and power loom weaving, 1113268,, ‘law dyeing and calico-printing, the school contains a museum for the $531,353,, 860. collection of examples, artistic productions, raw materials, mechanical models, and various other objects pertaining to the textile industries, displayed with great taste and convenience. As no such museum exists in England, the nature of the collections may be better imderstood by referring to some of the exhibits in detail. The cotton industry, for example, is illustrated by a number of cases divided into sections containing raw cotton from various countries. The processes of manu- facture are shown by samples of the result of each successive operation, the machinery being represented by photographs. Thus the cotton slubbing is shown, and with it a photograph of the drawing frame, and so on from stage to stage up to the spinning, which is not only illustrated by photographs of the mule jenny, but by actual spindles, fiyers, and spools, finishing with the cops in the shuttle ready for weaving. The cotton fibre, (which from time to time is described and exhibited by microscope and electric light in the lecture room), is here illustrated by magnified drawings showing the charac— teristics of the several qualities. In a similar manner other fibres, such as silk, wool, linen, and jute, are represented by actual specimens, as they appear in the stages through which they pass in the processes of manufacture. The shade cards, showing ranges of coloured yarns, with shades of each colour, were remarkable for variety and delicacy in the shading. Many 152 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Influence of Vienna Weaving School. yarns and woven fabrics are also shown. The collection is rich in cabinets and cases of patterns of finished goods in all the materials, and from all countries. When it is re, membered that most of the students who attend this school are not likely to be familiar with more than one branch of the textile industry, and that many attend the school without any prior factory experience whatever, the usefulness of these well arranged cases may be appreciated. In English museums they would not fail to be useful to all careful observers; how much more so to students who, like those of Austria, have no opportunity of seeing the processes of manufacturing under their most favourable conditions ! We were informed that these original specimens of raw materials and finished products have been contributed by manu- facturers, by English and Continental machine makers, and by promoters of the school in Austria. Manufacturers send patterns of their goods, and the Paris collection of patterns is also purchased for the school, thereby giving the students frequent opportunities of seeing the most fashionable designs of the day.ii Manufacturers and others with whom we conversed spoke with the greatest confidence of the future influence of the school. In considering its practical utility, the conditions of the textile industries in Austria as compared with England must be borne in mind. As before stated, in England they are localised and subdivided. In Austria, and in other Continental countries, it is not uncommon to find all the processes, from the sorting of the raw material to the spinning, weaving, dyeing, and sale of the finished piece, carried on in one isolated establishment, differing materially as to its machiner , processes of manufacture, and in the training of its workpeople, from other factories in the same district. Hence the difficulty may be understood of keeping several departments of an industry up to the mark, when they have to compete with localities in which every department is organised as a separate and distinct trade. There is, undoubtedly, an absolute necessity for technical schools in districts where in a single factory a master or manager is required to combine the knowledge of half a dozen experts, but such schools are also useful, though not to the 'same degree, in localities, such as we find in England, where an industry is so subdivided that an apprentice may be taught all that is done in one selected factory, and yet become acquainted with only a small branch of his trade. * This Paris collection is formed in a curious way. There are firms in Paris whose business it is to procure samples of all the new designs in silk and other materials as soon as they are offered to the trade. They cut these into small pieces, and send them to subscribers all over the manufacturing world, at the beginning of each season’s trade. Large subscriptions are paid for these patterns, and, as an instance of the uses to which they are devoted, it may be said that outside Lyons, where most of the best things are woven, they form the basis of inspiration for the bulk of the fancy dress goods that are produced in Europe and America. REPORT. 153 The department of design is looked upon as the sheet anchor Designing of the Vienna school. The promoters insist that the selling department‘ value of a piece of woven fabric, as of a printed cotton, is represented mainly by the attractiveness of the design which appears upon its surface, and that, whatever may be the deficiencies of warp, weft, or workmanship, a taking pattern, even though it may not blind the customer to other inequalities, tempts him to overlook them. So fully is this recognised by the State that it encourages this department by annually offering three scholarships for industrial designing, of the value of 462i. (500 gulden) each, to be competed for by students from the Royal Industrial Art School. With regard to the theory of weaving, the calculations, the Instruction in analyses of patterns of woven stuffs, the practical weaving of theory of patterns by hand and power looms and jacquards, the instruc- $331‘? was tion seemed to be thorough and effective. It was stated that in general calculations boys fresh from school made more rapid progress than students who have passed an interval of a few years in some warehouse or factory. It was also stated that the processes of arranging the complicated motions of a jacquard, the gearing of looms, and of the innumerable threads composing the warp and weft which must be worked with all the exactness and harmony of a musical instrument, can be taught more easily to boys in their teens than to men whose fingers have become stiffened by other work. This school also offers an advantage to manufacturing students Advantage in its extensive variety of machinery and branches of work. As of Variety- we have before stated, many students have to come long distances from districts where one class of trade only is carried on, in one material, and by one class of machinery. Such students see the newest and most approved machinery for their own particular industry, and have their eyes opened to the possibilities of new branches. Although few, if any, students would be expected in after-life to establish factories in which such an extensive variety of goods should be made as is provided for in the Vienna School, it is not likely that they would know less, but rather more, say, of a cotton loom, by being made familiar with silk and woollen looms; and in the same way their knowledge of one material surely would not be lessened because of the fact that in their studies at school they had been brought in contact with many. A practical acquaintance with the technicalities of a wide range of textile fabrics must also, as we have stated elsewhere, be of the greatest use to the important class of distributors. It is reasonable to suppose that a knowledge of the requirements of the consumers, and of the best methods of satisfying them, by those who, as it were, feel their pulse by daily contact, must tend to promote the extension of the trad e. The influence of the department for dyeing and calico-printing, Influence like that of the other departments, cannot as yet be measured by Ofldyiins SC 100 . 1 54' ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Weaving schools in Italy. Weaving school of Industrial Society, Milan. Technical Institute, Como. results, owing to its recent formation. We were favourably impressed by all the arrangements, and particularly by the fitness of most of the students for technical instruction, before entering this department. As a knowledge of art forms the basis of instruction for the designer, so a know- ledge of chemistry is the true groundwork for the student in dyeing. At many schools the teaching of dyeing must be superficial, because most of the students know nothing of chemistry. In too many instances the instruction has largely consisted in getting up receipts for dyeing certain colours, the necessary weighing,‘ measuring, and mixing of the ingredients, and dyeing patterns. In this school the teaching is based on the principles of chemistry, which the students are required to understand; and in such preparatory knowledge it would appear that at present German and Swiss students are in advance of those of England. This superiority, however, may be expected to disappear in the centres of industry in England, where Science Colleges are now in active operation, and where the chemistry classes under the Science and Art Department are so rapidly extending among the artisan population. WEAVING ScHooLs, ITALY. The Commissioners visited the Exhibition of Italian Industries and Works of Art at Milan in October 1881, and were favourably impressed with the section devoted to exhibits from the numerous technical schools of Italy. In some of the schools there are weaving and dyeing departments, and we had an opportunity of seeing the examples of their work, and of comparing one school with another. The two schools which seemed to be most efiicient, judging from the display of designs, woven patterns, and samples of dyeing, were those of Como and Biella. We visited both of these schools, and also the school and museum of the Industrial Society of Milan, in which there is a department devoted to textiles. School and Museum of the Industrial Society, Milan—We were accompanied in our visit by Mr. Kelly, the British Vice- Consul, and were taken over the establishment by Signor Carlo Figini, the successor of Professor L. Bossi, who formerly had the charge of the silk school and who has written a work on weaving. There are 45 students in the school (one a female), and the teaching is gratuitous. The classes are held in the evenings, and on Sunday mornings from 9 to 11. Instruction is given in practice as well as in theory, and there is an excellent model on an enlarged scale to show the working of the Jacquard. The collection of patterns is extensive and well arranged. Technical Institute (I stituto Tecnico), Como.-~—The students are admitted with the diploma of the so-called technical school, REPORT. -1 5 5 after completing their third year’s course and attaining the age of fourteen years. The admission fee is 21. 88., which is wholly dispensed with in the cases of poor students,-—about half the students pay nothing. There are free Sunday classes, attended by 60 artisans. The course is for four years: Section I. Physics and Mathematics, II. Commerce, III. Industry, relating to the silk manufacture. No technical instruction is given until the beginning of the third year. Half the expenditure of the school beyond the fees is defrayed by the Government, and the other half by the commune. A grant is made by the Chamber of Commerce of 201. a year for each pupil admitted to the technical department. The dyeing students pay 168. (20 francs) a year for materials, and 20 francs for laboratory expenses. An Situated in a old convent is used for the school. The class-rooms open convent‘ from the cloisters, and the quadrangle serves as a place of recreation for the students. We were informed that the designing and dyeing departments of the school have exercised a very beneficial influence on the silk industry of the district. There are 7 6 small silk mills and over 6,000 looms in the neighbourhood. The population is not less than 26,000. The production of black silks is the leading textile industry, and till within a few years plain goods only were made. Since the Influence of establishment of the weaving school there has been a marked the 8011001011 extension in the Weaving of fancy and figured silks. Already manufactures‘ there are 200 looms engaged in this new industry, and we were informed that the best of the weavers and the overseers in many of the weaving shops have received instruction in designing and weaving at the school. The most convincing evidence of their belief in the success of the textiles department of this institution was to be found in the sacrifices about to be made by the authorities in providing suitable additional accommodation. Roomy monasteries and convents are easily obtainable for scholastic purposes, in all the towns we visited in the north of Italy. Such accommodation, however, is not accepted as suitable by progressive Italians, and in Como some important new Additional extensions were being made (in 1881) and have since been buildings- completed. They consist of a series of rooms for the teaching of art and its applications to design. The rooms are arranged on the best principles, well lighted, and furnished with all the necessary casts and examples. A weaving room and workshop, with accommodation for 40 looms, has been added, and a large chemical laboratory for practical chemistry and dyeing. The ~ Como Technical Institute, thus equipped with all the outward requirements of success, with eflicient professors, and ample encouragement from the authorities, may be expected to impart new spirit to the local industries which, in the face of the enterprise and fierce competition of other countries, were in serious danger of being left behind in the race. Professional School, Bie11a.-—~This important school combines Professioqal for the small, but prosperous, town of Biella, technical classes S°h°°1> Elena‘ 156 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Professional Schools, Biella —-contimced. Number of students. Laboratory. Museum. Designing department. ‘ Promoted by Signor Sella. with reading-rooms and an extensive library for the free use of the peoplei In the industrial department of the day school there are the following sections :— 1. Weaving. 2. Chemistry and dyeing. 3. Mechanical drawing. m 4.‘. Fine art. There are also evening lectures and classes for workpeople. The school occupies the premises of an old convent (rent-free), the class rooms opening from the cloisters. The school is maintained, in addition to fees, by grants from the following sources :— £ Government - - - 4:80 a year Town - - — - 360 ,, Chamber of Commerce of Turin 140 ,, Province - - - 220 ,, Students’ fees ~ - - 100 ,, £1,300 At the time of our visit there were 129 day students, who pay 20 francs a year, and 270 evening students. In the chemical laboratory there were 26 students who pay 20 francs extra for apparatus and chemicals. In the weaving department there were 17 students. These two latter depart- ments were fitted with necessary appliances for practical work ; and a good collection of dyed products, both of wool, cotton, and woven patterns, was shown to us. In the weaving room there were six hand looms, and power looms from Germany and England were promised. A self-acting mule, from Platt Brothers of Oldham, was being erected. It is to be run by a gas engine, which was also to drive some tools in the mechanical workshop. The museum of raw materials and patterns was extensive, and a number of mechanical models made in the school, including a set of kinematic models, were excellent. The designing department attached to the school of art seemed to be well managed. The feature of the art school which most impressed us was the modelling, of which we saw some admirable time studies. In this subject 81 students had recently been examined. A short time previous to our visit, the director of the school had taken 60 workmen to the Milan Exhibition. They formed a fund for their expenses, towards which each contributed half-a'crown (3 francs) per week. The chief promoter of this school, and of every good work in Biella, was the late distinguished statesman, Signor Sella, whose REPORT. 157 factories We describe later on in the report. Signor Sella presented to the town a library of 18,000 volumes, which is kept in these premises, and is open to the public free of charge. The reading- room is also free, and we found in it several English industrial and scientific periodicals. The director pointed to the “ Times,” and showed us a file of this paper, going back for ten years. He particularly drew our attention to what he was pleased to term “the great English motto,”—-“ Time is Money,”--which is hung up in most of the class-rooms. GENERAL REVIEW or CONTINENTAL WEAVING SoHooLs. As to how far the realisation of the considerations, which we have laid down in the introduction to this chapter of our report, concerning the nature and extent of the work which should be carried on in these schools of art applied to weaving, have been embodied in the teaching of Continental weaving schools, we are only able to report partial and moderate success. Most of the schools have departed from the ideal laid down by their promoters. Qualified teachers of the highest grade have been difficult to find (there are no colleges for training them) ; and, where the staff is limited, those departments are neglected in which the teaching power is weak. In many schools what is called “designing” is taught, but it is only the copying and working out of designs from geometrical or other figures, supplied by the teacher, and woven by hand looms, whereas drawing as an art is neglected. In other schools, more important in size and influence, we found that instruction was given in drawing of the character above indicated, but there was no efficient teaching of artistic designing. In some of these schools may be found a great variety of hand and power looms, and an elaborate system for the teaching of weaving. In our opinion, the most important schools of this type are that of Chemnitz in Saxony and the spinning and weaving school of Mulhouse. Among other schools we visited of this kind were the silk weaving school at Zurich, and the weaving departments of the industriil schools of Ghent and Verviers, in Belgium, that of the commercial school of Lyons. the weaving departments of the professional schools of Lille, Rouen, Rheims, the industrial school of Rheims, and the weaving and dyeing school at Roubaix, about to be displaced by one of the most complete schools yet erected, at a cost of about 80,000Z. Of the schools fulfilling the higher object of teaching design, in which departments of pure art exist, although in other respects not to be compared with such schools as the one at Chemnitz, we noted the weaving and dyeing schools of Biella and Como in Italy, the school of design and weaving at St. Etienne in France, and, transcending in importance all these, the weaving and dyeing schools of Vienna and of Crefeld in Rhenish Prussia. As will have been seen from our description of Schools have departed from original scheme. Schools which teach design. 158 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: French and German weaving schools: what is taught. Necessity for originality in English textile designs. Textile museums. Industrial Art Schools. the two latter schools, they fulfil more than any others, the ideal aims of the promoters of such schools, and may fairly_bel cited as good examples for English imitation. With the exceptions last named, the students in French and German weaving schools are taught chiefly to execute the designs supplied to them, while many of them are not only ignorant of the art of designing, but are not even taught to draw. Without underrating the usefulness of teaching students to overcome the technical difficulty of applying designs to the loom, we are of opinion that if we aim at turning out mere adapters of patterns to new materials, we shall miss the chief purpose of these institutions and shall find ourselves, even though our schools are multiplied by ten or by a hundred, just as dependent as ever upon the small knot of Parisian designers who can think and devise, and guide the public taste. To raise the position of an industry which has been deficient, not in the trained skill of its operative Weavers, but in originality, and in the blending of beauty with utility, it is clear that primary attention must be given to the application of the principles of art. If new branches of the textile industries are to be founded; if England is to take the lead in all classes of designing and weaving, it must be by the application of art to weaving. If we are content to copy others, we must be satisfied if we take a secondary place. Whilst saying this as a review of the description of Con- tinental weaving schools, we wish to draw special attention 'to the importance of museums of textiles and models, as aids to the designer and weaver. For examples, we may refer to the museum of textiles and printed fabrics at Mulhouse and to the museums connected with the schools at Crefeld and Vienna. The account of the school of chemistry and dyeing at Mulhouse and the departments for dyeing and printing of the weaving schools of Crefeld and Vienna afford information for those interested in dyeing schools in England. (3.)—INDUSTRIAL ART ScHooLs. In this division are included such of the more important Continental art schools as have not yet been described.‘ We have placed under one heading both the schools in which art is taught in application to a large number of industries and schools of pure art. The former class of schools, or artistic trade schools (Kwnst- Gewerbe-Schttlc'n), are largely represented in Germany and Austria, and even extend to Switzerland ; they are, however, scarcely known in France, where a different method of teaching applied art is pursued. . nnron'r. - 159 We shall first shortly describe the Kunst-Gewerloe schools which we have visited in Munich, Nuremberg, Dresden, Berlin, and Vienna, and subsequently give the results of conversations which we have had with the directors of these institutions and other competent persons. The M watch Industrial Art School—This important school is Munich Indus- located in a comparatively new and handsome building, and is trifllAflschwl- complete in every particular. It was founded in 1868 as a private institution, but is now supported and controlled by the State, and is under the direction of Professor Lange, an enthu- siastic advocate of industrial art teaching, who is acquainted with the South Kensington Art Schools and system of instruction, of which he speaks appreciatively. The students are admitted by examination, and must be able to draw, as elementary work is not taught. In addition to a large theatre for lecture purposes, the school contains a great number of well—proportioned class-rooms and studios, as well as work rooms for applied work of various kinds. We can refer here only to a few of the more important depart- ments which we visited in this school, but it will be seen from the programme, Appendix 19, Vol. V., that classes for model drawing, flower and plant painting, perspective drawing, and ornamental drawing, both for men and women, are included in the school curriculum. In the Ceramic department a number of German potters send Ceramic work. their apprentices to learn modelling and drawing as also painting on pottery; there is a furnace in which the students fire the ware after painting on it, as at Sevres. A son of the largest manufacturer in Munich was painting a vase at the time of our visit. About 10 students were working in this department, each paying a fee of 208. per annum. There were cabinets containing beautiful examples of pottery Ware as well as designs for vases and other vessels, drawn by the pupils and the professor. In the department devoted to designing for textile fabrics, the Textile designs, pupils execute designs for textiles, on square-ruled paper, which are sent to the manufacturer. These designers, however, are unacquainted with the process of weaving, whilst the over- lookers, who put the designs into the looms, as a rule know nothing of designing. Professor Lange naturally desires that the knowledge of these two persons should be united, so that the designer should be able to put the design into the loom, and that the weaver, who fixes the- designs, should have it in his power to draw the pattern; this has been accomplished to some extent, inasmuch as art students from this school have attended the weaving schools in Passau and Miinchberg. Amongst the designs in progress were some elaborate ones for the carpet manufacturers at Plauen near Dresden, and also for wall papers. 160 norxr. COMMISSION on T'c'cimrcAL INSTRUCTION: A third department is that of lithography and wood en- graving; here several young men and women were drawing on stone and engraving wood blocks. Another large room was devoted to the instruction of pupils intending to be house painters and decorators. A special branch of the school is arranged for teaching the application of art to metal-work; here we found 20 students chasing, working-up, finishing, and preparing castings of art objects in different metals. Another important department is that of glass painting, for which this school has become especially famous, and the students are in great demand by the glass manufacturers in the neighbour- hood. Munich is well known for its coloured glass. In this branch 12 students were working, going through every detail of this industry, including the designing, the preparation and mixing of the colours, the firing, and the leading of the quarries for window glass. In the wood carving department there were ten students engaged in very elaborate work. Architecture is studied by a large number of young men, many rooms being set apart for this special purpose. The Commissioners were impressed with the excellence of much of the work which is being done, and its bearings upon industry. The Budget of this school amounts to 1,7101. per annum ; the total number of students in 1882 was 174. The Nuremberg Industrial Art SchooL—This large school, under the direction of Professor Gnauth, is older than the foregoing; like this it is a State school, and is one which is said to have exerted a great and beneficial effect upon the art industries of Bavaria. [Sec French Report on Technical Instruction, 1863, pp. 163-4.] The tuition in this school, as seen from the drawings and applied art Work shown in the Nuremberg Exhibition, is probably second to none on the Continent. About 150 students attend day classes, in addition to which there are evening classes largely attended during the winter, by the artizans of the town, especially house painters, plasterer‘s, 850., and others who are interested in decorative work. The fees are low, being 108. a half-year for Bavarians, and 188. for foreigners. The school premises are not attractive or suitable ; the building having been formerly a monastery. It contains, however, a very fine collection of casts, both of classical and modern works. In the modelling room, with accommodation for about 20, students were at work on floral ornament and classical examples, and this work showed a high state of pro- ficiency on the part of the pupils; better certainly than one. usually finds in the Provincial schools of art in England. The walls of the class rooms were covered with examples of ornament by the early Italian, Flemish, and Renaissance Nuremberg Industrial Art School. masters. REPORT. 161 .As in the Munich school, an important department, that of architecture, also exists in the Nuremberg school. The course lasts for four years, in the latter of which the students have to draw plans and elevations, calculate quantities, prepare specifications, and state in detail the cost of a building selected by the Pro- fessor ; the intention being that the student at the completion of his course shall be so far acquainted with all the details of this subject as to be able, without further training, to take up the profession of an architect; whether the students have oppor- tunities of making themselves practically acquainted with building operations does not appear. Other important features of the school are the large collections of architectural and ornamental photographs hung on the walls, whilst an art library with books and periodicals is open to the students. The programme of studies is found in Appendix. The opinions of the directors of the above Bavarian schools on the subject of art instruction applied to industry will be found on page 236. The Dresden Industrial Art SchooL—This is a State insti- tution, maintained at a cost of 2,800l. per annum. In connection with it is a museum of textiles and industrial art products, receiving an annual grant of 2,000t., a library of art works, for which the grant is 750Z., and for a collection of casts 200i. ; so that the total yearly cost to the State of the Industrial Art Establishment in Dresden is not less than 5,750Z. The director, Professor Carl Graff, considers that the school has exerted a most important influence upon Saxon art industries. Under his care it has “introduced new industries into Dresden, and “ revived decaying ones. Its work is to be found in every “ shop of importance in the city, and extends to all the industries “ in which art is the handmaid of industry.” The Commis— sioners in their visit to Chemnitz had an opportunity of testing the accuracy of this statement, so far as design for textiles is concerned, in the works of one of the largest fancy manufacturers. In this establishment fancy mixed goods are manufactured, of the greatest variety of pattern and colour. These are sent largely to England, the worsted yarn having been bought in Bradford, and the cotton yarn in Manchester, although these materials pay a heavy import duty on entering Germany. In these works we saw the two head designers, and found on inquiry that they had both been trained at the Dresden Industrial Art School under Professor Grafl'. The manager informed us that they Preferred the young Dresden designers to older ones or to those from Paris, as the former were more original, thoughtful, and tasteful than the latter. These young men from Dresden are doing well for the firm; they had a style of their own which was not an imitation of Parisian methods, the house got the advantage of being able to offer novelties and varied patterns, and hence their business prospered. Bi 1726. L Dresden Industrial Art School. Influence of this school on industries. 162 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Number of pupils in Dresden Art School. Art Library and Museum of Textile Patterns. Berlin Indus- trial Art School. The Dresden Industrial Art School is located in a large building, formerly the Polytechnic School. The ground floor is devoted to the art museum, the class-rooms and studios of the school being on the upper floors. The number of day students in the year of our visit Was 106 in the winter session and 96 in the summer. Of these 16 are poor students admitted and maintained by bursaries. About 80 pupils attend the evening classes. There are no workshops or any practical applications of design to industry in the school, and in this respect the Dresden school differs from those already described, but designs are extensively made by the pupils and sold to manufacturers for a variety of purposes. Thus we saw patterns for lace and textiles, show cards, ornamental menus, and Christmas cards, designs for porcelain, bronze, brass, and goldsrniths’ Work, all of which were either sold or made for sale, and the work of the students, or of students and teacher combined. The school is divided into several special departments, thus : (1) Designing, (2) Architecture, (3) Decorative Painting, (41) Ornament, (5) Figure Drawing; Art Modelling, (6) Decorative Painting from the figure. In addition to studio work there are courses of lectures on anatomy, history of art, 850. The Commissioners were struck with the spirit and artistic power displayed in the works of the pupils of this school. Many of the cards and smaller works of art were said to be printed and published in Berlin, and exported in large numbers to England. Interesting remarks by Professor Graff, as to his views on the teaching of industrial art, will be found in the sequel, page 2411. This school contains one of the most complete and valuable applied art reference libraries in Germany, including not only about 2,000 printed books, but not less than 16,000 mounted art patterns and examples, and 11,000 examples of embroidery and lace. These are all carefully catalogued under suitable headings, so that any wished-for example can be readily found. This reference library is open to the public, and is visited by 10,000 persons annually. In addition to these examples, the art museum contains a collection of 140,000 patterns of historical and other textile fabrics of all kinds and of all ages. The value of such a collection to a manufacturing community cannot be overrated. The Berlin Industrial Art School forms a part of the new “ Victoria Institute and Museum,” which owes its existence to the interest and care of the Imperial Crown Princess of Germany, who was desirous of establishing in Berlin an art museum somewhat on the plan of the South Kensington Museum, due to the initiative of her illustrious father. The school was founded by a private society, but it is now a Government institution. About one-fourth of the expenses of tuition are supplied by fees, the remainder by the State REPORT. 163 There are 700 students in attendance, of whom 500 are evening pupils of the artizan class. About 67 ladies attend the day classes. The fees are 368. for day classes for three months, of seven hours per diem, and ls. for the evening class of one hour per week for three months. Talented poor youths are admitted by exhibitions, of which 15 are provided by the State, and four by private subscription; in addition to this, the Committee of this school recommend certain students for free places. Many old pupils of the school now occupy important situations as designers in various trades in Berlin and elsewhere. The Director of the school (Dr. Ewald), gave the Commissioners his views on the mode of teaching industrial art, pointing out that, in countries where art industries are in an advanced state, the application of art to industry may safely be left to the work- shop, whereas where taste and art industries need development, the State should not only teach art, but also its application (see page 242). The class-rooms are numerous and well designed, and there is an ample supply of casts and apparatus. Among other _ departments we visited, were the room for drawing from the antique, the excellent modelling room, and several large painting- rooms, one being specially devoted to house decorators. In another class-room we found furniture designers, who were doing some excellent and original work. Less attention seemed, however, to be devoted to special applied design, than was the case in most of the other schools of this type which we visited. This school, like the one at Dresden, has the advantage of Bellill Art being annexed to an important industrial art museum, in which Muse‘m" the students have every facility for study, and which is arranged with a special view to stimulate the interest of designers. The Vienna, Industrial Art School in its general character Vienna Indus- resembles the schools already described. The building is very I‘ialil'tschool- large and handsome, and like the art schools of Berlin and of South Kensington, it is connected with an important art museum, containing a large and varied collection of objects of art. The school, under the directorship of Dr. R. M. Belf, has been in existence for 14 years, and is a State institution, costing 41,083l. per annum. It consists of the following divisions :— 1. Architecture. 2. Sculpture. 3. Drawing and painting. The latter division is sub-divided into three departments: (a) flower drawing ; (1)) figure painting and ornament; (c) designing. There are also separate departments of the sculpture division, viz., wood-carving, wood-turning, metal-chasing, and ceramic art, especially modelling for china. Students on entrance must pass an examination and must be upwards of 14 years of age. The fees are 208. per semester for the preparatory school, which is carried on in another building, and 368. per semester for the special schools. Many of the students are teachers in training, and several of them ladies. Much work is T. 2 264 norm. COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION!“ Revival of an extinct trade. Ceramic art in Vienna. \Vood-carving School. Metal-work. French industrial art schools. done in furniture designing and in copying old models from the fine collection in the museum. Other students are occupied in pattern designing, adapted from old textile fabrics. Many attend the Vienna Weaving School, and there learn how to put their designs into the loom. An interesting instance of the influence of this school upon industry in reviving an extinct lace trade in the Erz-Gebirge was related to the Commissioners by the Director (see p. 244.‘). In the Ceramic Department the high class porcelain painting, for which Vienna has long been renowned, is taught. The course lasts for three years; many pupils come from the potteries in the neighbourhood to learn designing and painting on china. In the morning the students design or paint, and in the after- noon they attend lectures on anatomy, the history of art, technical drawing, and style. In the third year they are taught chemistry, and the manufacture and properties of colours, and on leaving they are expected to be acquainted both with the history and the practice of the ceramic art. in this department are females. The wood carving department was attended by 10 students, who were at work on difiicult subjects, carving heads, hands, ornamental cabinet work, and figures. One of the most advanced students had nearly completed a very well executed copy of Michael Angelo’s “ Night” from the tomb of the Medicis. The work done here surpassed anything of the kind which can be seen in English schools, and all the students were Well qualified to raise the standard of taste and execution in the shops in which they might be employed. Metal chasing and working in brass and bronze is also carried on in a separate department. Three years close application is needed to make a good chaser or finisher. After having gone through a three years’ course the pupil is expected to be able (1) to make a drawing of a design for a model, (2) to make the model in clay from the drawing, (3) to cast the object in bronze or brass or other metal, and to chase and finish it, giving it the necessary expression for a finished figure, and (4:) to draw the completed figure, and compare this drawing with the original design. GENERAL REVIEW OF CONTINENTAL INDUSTRIAL An'r ScHooLs. The numerous free communal drawing classes, the drawing schools connected with the Government, and those conducted by the municipalities in various parts of France, of which we give an account under the head of Artizan’s Night Schools, educate a vast number of youths as draughtsmeu and designers. We cannot say that the French system, which aims rather at teaching drawing and the fine arts without special regard to the applica- tion of the same to industries, tends more than does the method More than half the pupils‘ REPORT. 165 of training pursued in Germany, and to some extent that in vogue in this country, to the education of artists as distinguished from designers. The fact remains pretty much the same in all PM]? and“ countries, that young men who really possess high artistic talent, $554311; whatever may be the nature of the art instruction they may receive, will eventually become artists, and that only a relatively small proportion of young men of ability will enter the ranks of designers, until they have found that they can only most laboriously and painfully obtain a living as painters. The really good artistic designer must, in order to be successful, be equally talented and just as highly trained as the artist painter, and it is a mistaken notion to believe that designers are as a rule failures in art. The truth being that certain special qualifications are required by each, and opinions differ as to whether those powers which belong to the designer as distinct from the painter can be evoked by any special teaching. The best training for each, certainly, during the first few years of his career, is drawing, modelling, and painting. Not until he is thoroughly master of the various materials and processes by which art is capable of expression, and of the infl uence of style upon the development of the fine arts,'can the student do any good by concerning himself with the varieties of design and the application of the same to industry. It is at this later period of his training when the ‘designer can be materially benefited by placing before him well selected illustrations of what the best designers and art workers of previous periods have achieved; and it is here where the influence of industrial museums, collections of patterns, and drawings and exhibitions of art workmanship may exert a most powerful influence for good on the young designer. If at Means of this same period we can make his work valuable to him by the Zilénélgggg actual use of what he is doing for the manufacturer or the art ‘’ ' workman, and if we can show him further, how much more valuable his work may become to him in the future by holding out to him the hope of a profitable and honourable career, we shall present the most powerful stimulus to the creation of the future designer. The real fact is, that the dignity of the designer’s work and the importance of the position he occupies, is not sufficiently acknowledged in our own country. We hold Need of public out by public exhibitions, by galleries of works of art, and by the Recf’gnltwn of high measure of public approbation which we accord to them, the utmost amount of recognition to the works of the painter and the sculptor, but we neglect almost entirely the work, however meritorious it may be, of the art designer. If the value of his labours were only acknowledged to the extent of some small fraction of the scale of those of his fellow worker, whom we dignity with the title of the “ Artist” par excellence, the “ artist designer” would soon take his proper rank in the country. In foreign countries the annual exhibitions of the works 'll‘lhiscis £19116 n of the students in schools of applied art, the “ Goncours,” or t e ‘mmen' 166 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Action of City of London Livery Com- panics in stimulating design. \Vomen's trade schools. Municipal Pro- fessional and Housekeeping School. competitions, and the direct patronage by the State of certain art industries, have doubtless contributed largely to stimulate the student, and to place before him the solid advantage opened out to him by the study of design. In the middle ages the various trade guilds and the master-craftsmen encouraged and rewarded skill and excellence in designing and the execution of art works ; the Meisterstiicke, were openly shown and displayed to the admiring townsmen of the young craftsmen. A part of the great wealth of the City Livery Companies could hardly, we think, be better employed than in encouraging and rewarding talented designers to produce work of the highest character. The Goldsmiths’ and the Plasterers’ Companies have already done much good by the prizes they have thus offered for national competition. IV.—-WCMEN’S TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. In nearly every country which the Commissioners visited they found, in most of the large towns, schools established for the training of girls in various industries, and these schools closely resembled one another in character. In all of them the girls are taught every variety of needlework, including plain sewing, embroidery, the making of linen underclothing, and dressmaking. The special trades taught in these schools varied in the different countries. In all of them drawing is Well taught, and is the principal basis of instruction. A very extensive series of such schools has sprung up throughout Germany, on the model of the successful Frauen- arbeitsschule at Reutlingen, the foundation of which was due mainly to Dr. v. Steinbeis. These schools in some places serve as finishing schools in which girls .of the more wealthy classes acquire a knowledge of housekeeping and domestic economy after leaving the ordinary school. In Belgium, and more recently in France, schools have been established for girls, with the avowed intention of qualifying them to earn their living at various industrial pursuits. In Paris a school has quite recently been founded to accomplish for girls what has been done by the La Villette apprenticeship school for boys. (1.) WoMEN’s WORK SCHooLs IN FRANCE. M nnicipoll H ouselceeping School, Paris—This school, known as the Ecole Professionnelle M e’nagere, is situated in the Rue Violet, 86, and has been open since the 1st May 1881. Its aim is to offer to young girls leaving the primary school the opportunity of learning some useful trade, and of giving them at the same time experience in domestic duties and anron'r. 167 household work, thus preparing them to carry on the avocations of family life. The ordinary subjects of primary education are taught during the morning. This training serves to keep up and to strengthen the knowledge of the pupils acquired in the primary school. The special technical classes comprise a general course obligatory for all the pupils, and special technical courses suited to the profession or business which the pupil may have chosen. \ The conditions with respect to admission are as follows : Qualifications For entering the professional and housekeeping classes the girls for admission’ must be at least 12 years old, and must not exceed the age of 15, and they must hold the certificate of primary instruction. As a temporary expedient, however, dispensations are granted to children who are at least 13 years of age, and who know how to read and write. The school is under the direction of Madame Lajotte and a Instruction. staff of teachers for needlework, sempstresses’ work, fine washing, embroidery on stuffs, artificial flower-making, and stay- making. There are also special teachers for the subjects of primary instruction, for cutting out and making up dresses?‘ as well as for gymnastics, housekeeping, cooking, washing, ironing, &c. The pupils receive a premium proportionate to the value of the work done by them, when this work is of such a nature as to be capable of being used. Of the trades taught, ordinary dressmaking for the working Dreggmaking and lower middle classes appears to be the one for which there is the greatest demand. Next to this, millinery and laundry work. The least profitable is said to be artificial flower— making. All the girls take their turn at household work, including cooking. The municipality of Paris propose to extend this school, which is situated in a quarter of the city inhabited almost exclusively by the working classes, and to establish other schools of the same kind in other similar parts of Paris. Schools of the Society for the Professional Instruction of Essa Lemon- Women.—-With regard to the schools conducted at Paris by the flier Schools Society for the Professional Instruction of Women, the so-called ‘5 Elisa Lemonnier Schools,” the following facts were obtained. These schools are four in number, situated in different parts of Paris; one in the Rue de Poitou, containing 140 pupils ; a second in the Rue Duperré, with 220 pupils; a third in the Rue d’Assas, with 95 pupils; and a fourth in the Rue des Boulets, with 80 pupils. . ' They are managed by a society, under distinguished patronage, and are supported to a considerable extent by public sub- * Madame Schefi‘er, one of the InspectricesIdes Ecoles Communales de Paris, has prepared a manual of cutting out for schools, whlch was handed to the Commissioners. 168 ROYAL coMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Course of instruction , in Elisa Lemonnier schools. Certificates awarded. School hours. Schools con- ducted by a company. Commercial school for gnls, Paris. scription. The annual expenditure on their maintenance amounts to about 5,000L; this cost being partly borne by subscriptions, partly by legacies, and partly by contributions of 24$OZ. from the Minister of Commerce, an equal sum from the Minister of Public Instruction, and 8001. from the city of Paris. The private subscriptions amount to about 680Z., and an annual fancy sale produces about 2,4r00l. The teaching is specially intended to prepare young girls for commercial life and for various industries. Day scholars only are received, who must be at least 12 years of age, and must pass a preliminary examination. The course extends over three years, and is divided into general classes and special classes. The general classes give a sound elementary instruction in the French language and literature, arithmetic, geometry, history, geography, natural sciences, and writing. The special classes are six in number, (1) a commercial class, including book-keeping and English language; (2) industrial drawing ; dressmaking; (4*) wood engraving; (5) painting on pottery and porcelain; and (6) painting on glass. The entrance examination, which relates only to the general classes, includes a knowledge of the elements of French grammar and arithmetic. At the end of each year a committee of examiners undertakes to inspect the work done and to award certificates of proficiency. The school is open in the winter from 8.30 am. to 6 pm, and in summer from 8 am. to 6 pm. The literary instruction is given from 8 to 11 in the morning; the special classes take place in the afternoon from 12 to 6. The school fees amount to 12 francs per month (98. 7d), which are payable in advance on the 1st of each month. These schools were established under the presidency of Madame Elisa Lemonnier in 1856, and they appear to have been attended with very considerable success. The society which now conducts them was incorporated on the 14th January 1870. It is of the nature of a limited company divided into shares of 2L each, but there is also a large body of subscribers paying ll. per annum. The society is under the management of various committees, and has generally a lady of station as president, together with vice—presidents, treasurer, secretary, 820. Ecolc Com'mcrcialc pour Zcs Jeuncs Ftllcs, Paris—This is a middle class girls’ school, established in 1871, and situated at 26, Rue Ganneron. It is under the superintendence of Madame Paulin, and receives a subvention from the City of Paris. The instruction aims at giving girls a knowledge of some trade or business, a sound general education being at the same time imparted. The mornings, from 8.30 to 11.30, are devoted to general instruction, and the afternoons, from 12.30 to 5.30, to special (professional) work. The school consists of four divisions, a preparatory class in two sections, and first, second, and third REPORT. 169 year students. There are 150 pupils, all of whom learn drawing at least once a week. The classes having a special professional character are four in PI‘OfeSSiPHaI number: (1st) a commercial class in three divisions, including mtmemn' the study of English, and elementary civil and commercial law ; (2nd) a class of industrial drawing, which includes water-colour, flat-tinting, painting on porcelain and pottery; (3rd) a class of millinery (lingerie) and dressmaking; and (at) a class for the training of governesses preparing for the Hotel de Ville examina- tion for diploma. From a circular handed to the Commissioners it appears that the girls from this school have taken a large number of diplomas, and in four different years a pupil of this school has taken the prize for having been 'first in the annual examination for the diploma. There are, under the directress, five female teachers and six Swif- masters, counting the teacher of gymnastics. The rudiments of Plan of. science are taught to some of the pupils. All the girls are taught mstmctmn' vocal music, and all have 1-15 hours daily of plain needlework. The time is so sub-divided during the morning lessons that none of them are over an hour in length. The girls receive good and bad marks in books supplied them for the purpose, and a weekly report is made to the parents. The Commissioners were not favourably impressed by this institution. The school buildings are ill-adapted for the purpose. The class rooms were badly ventilated, and the drawing class was doing indifferent work in a conservatory. Ecote Professtonnetle C'o'm'mnnale des J ennes Ftttes, Ro'uen— Professional This is attended by girls from the age of 12 to 15, and the in- i‘g’rhl‘s’ogfggen struction is designed to qualify them to become useful and D ’ ' efficient wives for men of the working class- On the second floor is a laundry where the smaller articles of linen are washed and got up ; work being taken in from families in the neighbourhood. On the upper floor the girls are taught dress-making; in the first year they learn plain sewing, and in the second and third years cutting-out and making dresses. Embroidery is taught, and the girls work from sketches made on the blackboard. Cookery is likewise practically taught. The school is simply a day-school; it is attended by 89 pupils, and the instruction is wholly gratuitous. (2.) WoMEN’s WORK SoHooLs IN GERMANY. The W oinen’s Work School, Rentltngen, Wnrtemberg.--This Women? Work school, founded in 1868, was the first of its kind in Germany. at Reuflmgen' The Frauenarbeitsschule, an imposing building of four storeys, occupies an excellent situation on the outskirts of the town, and has gardens back and front. The class rooms are lofty and well lighted, and the sanitary arrangements seemed very good; the present school building was completed in 1877. The Commissioners, under the guidance of the headmistress, 170 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Women’s Work School at Munich. Madame Bach, first visited a museum at the top of the building, containing a complete collection of the various kinds of work done in the school, arranged in sequence from the simplest sewing to needlework of the most ornate character, em- bracing almost every variety of needlework, lace, and embroidery. Dressmaking of all kinds appears also to be well taught, and as many of the girls come here for a year, on leaving the higher girls’ school, to complete their education as housewives, the classes for cutting out work and dressmaking are well attended. Many girls come here also to be educated as teachers of needlework, and 188 mistresses have already been trained in this school. The girls who are in training as teachers willingly accept commissions for various kinds of work through the head- mistress. Drawing is well taught, and is the foundation of all the various kinds of work. Each course of work lasts for 11 weeks, but, in order 'to become thoroughly proficient, two courses, or 22 weeks in each subject, are required. School- mistresses must remain for two years to learn needlework thoroughly. In the machine work department all the girls have their own sewing machines. Ironing and clear-starching are practically taught; also, pleating, 85c. For Programme, see Appendix 11, Vol. V. This school was well represented at the Stuttgart Exhibition, and a number of frames hung round the museum gave an excellent idea of the work of the school. The total number of students was 238, and there were 21 teachers. The fees are about 8l. per annum, payable quarterly. Franenctrbeitsschitle at Munich—The Commissioners also visited the Women’s Work School at Munich. This school, opened in 1873, was founded on the model of the school previously described. The girls, before being admitted, have to bring their certificate from the Volksschule, or Primary School. This school is not a State school, but is supported by private means. It is organized and managed by a Society for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Working Classes. It receives some assistance, by way of grant, from the town. This school is not exclusively an industrial or professional school, in which, as in other schools of the same kind, women are trained to earn their living, as a large number of girls come here who receive instruction in needlework for domestic purposes only, and there is a special department for training schoolmistresses. The pupils of the school are taught freehand, linear, and per- spective drawing, and also designing for embroidery patterns. They likewise receive instruction in German, arithmetic, book- keeping, 850. The only practical instruction, in addition to that in drawing, is the instruction in needlework, which is taught in all its branches, and the girls learn every kind of embroidery and dressmaking. The Commissioners had the opportunity of in- specting several beautiful pieces of work which were intended REPORT. 171 for the Nuremberg Exhibition. The school is housed in what was originally a convent. The fees are 368. a year for ordinary pupils, and 728. for mistresses in training. There were 439 of the former, and 39 of the latter, frequenting the school in 1881. (3.) WoMEN’s WORK ScHooLs IN AUSTRIA. Royal State School for Art Embroidery at Vienna (Fachschule Embroidery fiir Kunststickerei).—-This is a State school for girls, many of 575052321; whom afterwards become teachers, and go to other countries. ' The directress is Frau Emilie Bach, whose books on the subject of embroidery have become standard works. There are 7 O to 80 pupils, under the charge of seven teachers, and the complete course extends over five years. The instruction is free, and there are also bursaries, which enable the poorer pupils to live whilst receiving the instruction in this school. Girls seeking admission must be not less than 145 years of age, and must have completed their education at the primary school. They must be able to draw, and have a thorough knowledge of plain needlework. All the pupils are taught freehand drawing. Lectures are given by professors, and of these the girls have to prepare written accounts. The students make designs for needlework, and trace them on to the material. Every kind of fancy needlework and designing for needlework is taught. At the end of each year the girls have to work a sampler or diploma work to show their proficiency. The walls are covered with designs worked by the pupils. Foreigners pay 25L per annum for the complete course of instruction, and auditors can be received on payment of 2l. 10s. per half-year. The single course can be taken in two years. The instruction here was perhaps the most advanced we met with in any school of this character. An excellent school of the same type was likewise visited at Berlin. (4.) WoMEN’s Wonx SoHooLs IN BELGIUM. Brussels Professional School for Girls—Schools not materially Girls’ pro- diifering in character from many of those already described feshsimllal are the two “ Ecoles Professionnelles pour Jeunes Filles ” $1,213, at Brussels, one of which is of a somewhat lower grade than the other. The Commissioners visited the higher grade school, intended for the education of the daughters of shopkeepers and parents of the bourgeois class. The waiting room, which was being used as an examination room, was prettily decorated with panels and plates painted by the students. The basis of the instruc- Drawing tion in this school is drawing, which underlies all the special Obhgatmy‘ trade Work which the pupils are taught. The teaching com- prises a general course, which is obligatory on all the pupils, and 172 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Value of drawing for dressmakers. Artificial flower making, BrusselsSchool. Large impor- tation into England. special courses in preparation for various trades. The general courses are intended to carry forward the education received at the primary schools, and embrace French, arithmetic, history and geography, the elements of natural science, laws of health and domestic economy, writing, drawing, singing, and gymnastics. The trade courses comprise lessons in book-keeping, the appli- cation of arithmetic to commercial occupations, English or German language and business correspondence, applied art, dressmaking, embroidery, &c. The school is for day pupils only, who are not admitted below the age of 12 years. Pupils who do not enter the school with bursaries, of which there are a considerable number, pay 2t. 88. per annum, which is about one half of the cost of each pupil, the remaining expenses being defrayed by private donations, the produce of the sale of work done in the school, and the subventions of the commune and of the Stated‘ The Commissioners particularly noticed the extent to which the teaching of drawing is made the basis of instruction in such subjects as that of dressmaking. In the department of dress- making the girls were allowed to receive orders from their friends or others, which they executed in the school. At the time of the Commissioners’ visit there was a competition in dress and costume making, on the results of which prizes were awarded. These competition costumes were inspected by the Commissioners. One of the principal trades taught is the making of artificial flowers. Formerly, nearly all the artificial flowers were made in France, but recently, and mainly owing to the intro- duction of schools of this kind, not only is a sufficient supply made in Belgium for home consumption, but likewise to some extent for export. The girls Were Working in separate divisions, each representing a year’s work. In the first year they learn to make petals of all kinds ; in the second year, buds ; and in the third year complete flowers, roses, &c., and competition groups, for which prizes are awarded. The materials from which the flowers are fabricated are supplied by a contractor having a shop in the town, who gives gratuitous instruction and sells for his own benefit the flowers made by the girls. We may note that, although the trade is carried on to a large extent in London, our imports of these articles amounted in 1881 to nearly 500,000Z. Another interesting department of applied art in this school is that devoted to technical painting. In a room situated at the extremity of the building were a number of girls, some of whom were engaged in painting on china and glass, others on silk for decorative purposes, and others again were employed in painting fans. China painting, 800. * See Table of Professional and Industrial Schools in Belgium, Appendix 9, Vol. V. REPORT. 173 In this, as in all the similar schools of Belgium, a certain Lace _ number of the pupils are educated to make designs for the deslgmng- Brussels lace, which is chiefly made in convent schools by children under conditions said by some of the authorities to be prejudicia to their health and welfare. On the top floor of the building was a large and well arranged Art studio. art studio. ' Six schools on this model exist in Belgium, of which those of other, 59110013 Liege and Antwerp were likewise inspected by the commie-1251,?” sioners, and found to be equally efficient with that already Belgium, described. The Commissioners were much impressed with the excellence of the organisation of these schools. The subject of the technical and higher instruction of women is now receiving considerable attention in Belgium, to which full reference is made in some of the recent writings of M. Trasenster and M. E. de Laveleye. (5.) WoMEN’s WORK ScHooLs 1N HOLLAND. Amsterdam Girls’ Industrial School. [Industrie School voor Amsterdam Vrouwelijke J eugd.]—~—This institution, founded by the two sec- glfls school‘ tions of the Society “ Du bien public,” was established in 1865. It is under the direction of a committee presided over by M. W. Van der Vliet, Miss A. Mijné being the directress. The age for admission is from 12 to 16, and the necessary qualification is the instruction obtained in the primary school. The subjects taught are Dutch language and history, geography, writing and arithmetic, geometry, chemistry, and physics. The students pay 2L 28. per annum. The aims of the institution, which has lately been housed in a new building, are to train teachers for infant schools ; to prepare candidates for the Govern- ment examinations in drawing, plain and fancy needlework, and the dispensing of drugs ; and to impart a knowledge of art in its industrial applications, such as leather work, flower making, wood carving, and lace making. The teaching is individual, and the ordinary course extends Course of over three years. Instruction- The first is preparatory; the second includes manual work and the theory of the arts bearing on particular industries ; the third, study of the special industrial occupations selected, which may, if desired, be continued during a fourth year. The entrance examinations take place in May and November. The school contains about 158 pupils, 30 of the first year, 55 of Number of the second, and 73 of the third year. There are seven masters 56113111281116 and five mistresses ; also two assistant teachers, former students “ of the school. There are 34: hours of instruction given per week, namely, daily from 9 to 4, with an hour for dinner, from 1 to 2, and on Saturdays from 9 to 1. The students of the first year 174! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Instruction in pharmacy. Female professional school, Milan. Course of instruction. Class for study of telegraphy. receive literary instruction with 12 hours of drawing and 12 hours of needlework weekly ; in the second year the course embraces eight hours of literary instruction, 10 hours of drawing, and 16 hours of needlework. In the third year the course varies according to the occupation selected; there are four hours of literary instruction, except for the apothecary students, who have eight. The general students have eight hours of drawing, the apothecaries only two, and from 18 to 20 hours of needlework or industrial work, except for the .apothecary students, who have but 14! hours of industrial work and eight hours of pharmacy. The school budget amounts to about 1,300l. per annum. The school is supported partly by the above-named society, partly by a Government grant of 375l., and subsidies from the town; also by subscriptions and by the fees, which latter, together with the sale of work, produce about 453l. per annum. (6.) WoMEN’s WORK SCHooLs IN ITALY. The Female Professional School, Milan—The Scuola Profes- sionale Femminile at Milan is an interesting type of schools in which special instruction in other branches of industry besides needlework is given, whilst that of the ordinary school subjects, is further developed. The girls are received into it direct from the primary schools, and many of them after completing only the obligatory course of two years. Others have passed through the entire course of four years. The school is supported mainly by subscriptions, but the municipality contributes 120l., the province 200l., and the Government l20l. annually to its maintenance. It trains about 150 pupils, who pay from 4! f. to 5 f. per month. Special instruc- tion is given in dressmaking, flower-making, embroidery, china painting, telegraphy, and typography. The pupils are taught to use sewing machines of various kinds. All sorts of fancy work are done by machine. The dressmaking class executes orders for ladies’ dresses. ln the embroidery class the work is of a very high order of merit, and the patterns are nearly all original and designed by the pupils themselves. A class for teaching telegraphy appeared to be very successful. The pupils receive instruction in the elementary principles of elec- tricity and chemistry from a professor of a Technical Institute who visits the school. An employé from the telegraphic department gives instruction in the manipulation of the instruments, and a lady teacher attached to the class superintends the daily practice of the pupils. In a small room devoted to this purpose was a working telegraphic instrument, apparatus for simple experi- ments, and diagrams showing the course of the current and the systems of notation. The systems of Morse and Hughes are taught at a later period of this course. The pupils, before being REPORT. 17 5 employed in the telegraphic department, are sent to an office for further practice. The pupils learn both French and German. In the china painting class there were eight pupils. Besides Class for painting on pottery, the girls were employed in painting on glass, Pgtnting 011 to imitate Bohemian glass. In the decoration, china clay was 0 ma’ employed, and the glass was afterwards fired. The ornamentation was in white, red, and gold. It was said that a course of four or five years enabled a girl fresh from the primary school to become fairly expert as a china painter. The girls drew from nature on paper, and copied these drawings or paintings on the china. Another section of the school is devoted to the teaching of Class for printing in colours. Some trade jealousy exists against those who colour are learning typography, but in spite of it the girls succeed in Prmtmg‘ obtaining employment ; in this department 18 girls were engaged. The yearly report of the school is composed and printed by the Printing. pupils themselves. The teaching of drawing in this school, under the direction of Teaching of an art professor, was excellent. The freehand drawing, even in dm‘mg' its earlier stages, is made to illustrate different styles of art. There was a collection of outline copies showing examples in Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Persian; and other styles, some of which were coloured. The pupils appeared to take great interest in these lessons. The designs were the work of the professor and were not for sale. The girls on leaving the school are said to earn afair amount of wages. A good embroiderer can earn as much as 3 fcs. a day, and one who works in colours 4: fcs. a day. Those who paint on china can gain 4! to 6fcs. a day; florists 2 to 5 fcs. Many of the girls continue their occupations after marriage, and thereby add to the family earnings. Private schools such as this are subject to inspection with regard to hygienic arrangements only, but not as regards the character of the instruction given. GENERAL Rnvrnw or WoMEn’s TRADE ScHooLs. There are certain features common to nearly all the women’s General schools described in the preceding sections. They are intended l‘evlew of women’s trade generally for the daughters of small shopkeepers and of the upper schools- class of artizans, and in most of them the primary education of the children is continued and supplemented by instruction in one foreign language and in drawing, in addition to the special technical teaching which they provide. The pupils may be regarded in a certain sense as half-timers; for the morning hours are usually devoted to the teaching of ordinary school subjects, whilst the afternoon is given up to the learning of a trade. The character of the special technical teaching depends very much upon the social habits of the people of each- country. Whilst 176 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Ordinary and technical instruction are combined in foreign schools. Higher Technical Instruction. needlework and dressmaking form the principal subjects of in- struction in nearly all these schools, book-keeping, the elements of law, and commercial correspondence are taught .in many of the schools in France, where young women are more frequently employed as accountants and Overseers in commercial houses than is the case in other countries. In both Germany and Austria, where women are more commonly employed in domestic industries, the technical instruction is almost entirely confined to plain sewing, embroidery, dressmaking, millinery, laundry-work, and cooking. In Belgium, Holland, and Italy, the education in women’s trade schools embraces a wider range of subjects, and includes artificial flower making, lace designing, painting on fans, on porcelain, and on glass, typography, telegraphy, and pharmacy. In all these schools great attention is given to drawing, as underlying all the industries in which special instruction is given. Many of the pupils in these schools pay tolerably high fees for instruction. A few children are admitted by means of exhibitions from the elementary schools. A careful examina— tion of these schools‘ shows that the education they afford aims at and generally succeeds in being very practical, and enables many young women to find suitable and remunerative employ- ment, which, if it does not serve to entirely maintain them, enables them, without leaving their homes, to supplement the family income. The connection of ordinary with trade instruction is one of the special characteristics of the education afforded in foreign technical schools, and this is particularly marked, and is attended with special advantages, in the case of girls’ schools. In many of our large towns the experiment of establishing a middle class or second grade technical school for girls, somewhat on the lines of the Ecole professionnelle pour jeunes fllles at Brussels, might be usefully tried. In such a school the morning hours would be devoted to the study of languages, drawing, arithmetic, and the elements ’of science, and the afternoons would be occupied with practical instruction in some industry. More attention might witlradvantage be given in this country to instruction in plain and fancy needlework, dressmaking, and millinery. Abroad, as here, girls have access to the art schools, although it is doubtful whether these schools on the Continent are so largely attended by female students as in this country. V.--HIGHER TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION FOR EMPLOYERS, MANAGERS, 850. We now pass on to the last section of this part of the Report, in which we have described some of the institutions, found in the several continental countries, for imparting the highest technical education. REPORT. 1 77 These schools may be dealt with in the following order :— I. Ecole Centrale, Paris. II. Polytechnic School of Paris and the Higher Schools of France. III. The Polytechnic Schools of Zurich, Munich, Vienna, Stutt- gart, Dresden, Hanover, Carlsruhe, Aachen, Berlin, Delft, and Moscow, and the Mining School of Freiberg in Saxony. I. The Ecole Centrale des Arts at Manufactures of Paris.~——This Ecole Centrale important and Well known institution is designed to prepare ggn‘figitiies students for the professions of civil and mechanical engineering, park ’ metallurgy, and manufacturing chemistry. It was founded in the year 1826, chiefly through the interest of M. Dumas, (whose recent death science has to deplore), and is essentially a private and self- supporting establishment. not receiving any grant from Government, and depending entirely on the fees of the pupils, thus standing in striking contrast to other similar institutions on the continent. It has, however, lately been attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. The annual receipts amount to 20,6401., and the disbursements to about 17,8361., the difference being paid over to the new building fund The school is at present located in an old building in the Rue des Coutures St. Gervais, totally inadequate to its needs, but it is shortly to be transferred to splendid premises about to be built near the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, chiefly at the Government expense, though partly also at that of the school?‘ There is a very strict entrance examination and great competi- tion for the vacant places; of the 540 candidates who applied in the year 1881 only 220 were admitted. None of the students are boarded in the establishment. The regular course extends over three years (see Appendix, Course. No. 16, Vol. V., for prospectus),’r and diplomas are given to the students at the end of the course, after passing a very severe examination and working out a thesis. A strict system of con- tinuous examination and marking is carried out, the work which each student does being entered carefully by each examiner, and the results of‘ the whole three years’ work are added up ; the special grade of the diploma being given according to the result of this system of marking. The first year’s course consists of instruction in general science, without much applied science, and is similar to that given in the Ecole Polytechnique, whilst in the second and third years the teaching is especially directed to applied science, and is similar to that given in the Ecole des Mines. The later instruction has special reference to the practical applications of each subject. The student who fails to gain his diploma at the end of the third year, * We have heard lately that these new buildings are not being proceeded with so rapidly as we were led to expect when we visited the school. 1' A detailed programme of all the courses of the Ecole Centrale is published by J. Dejey, 18 Rue de la Perle. Ri 1726. M 178 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Fees. Staff. Theses at the Ecole Oentrale. may pass the examination without re-entering the school, at any period within six years after leaving the institution. The peculiarity of the education of this school is, that the instruction is much the same for all students, and that there is scarcely any specialization of the studies in accordance with the proposed career of the student. The difference is mainly shown, as hereafter explained, in the thesis or “ prqjet ” which the student prepares during the last year. Each of the 600 students pays 32l. per year, and the govern- ing body of the school manages the whole of its financial and other concerns. There are 30 professors attached to the institution, the chiefs of departments receiving 3001. per annum, the others 41. for each hour of lecture. In addition there are two directors of studies and 30 tutors and assistant lecturers. The students on leaving the school, and after having gone through its very severe discipline, are glad to get situations of 7 21. to 801. per year. The Director, M. Solignac, (whose salary is 4.001. per annum), furnished the Commissioners with a list of the present positions of all the pupils since the beginning of the school.f A large number of manufacturers send their sons to the Ecole Centrale. One of the most interesting features in the scheme of education in the Ecole Centrale is the system of theses, which are written by the students at the end of their third year. The courses of instruction on which the theses are founded are divided into mechanics, metallurgy, technical chemistry, and engineering. Each student takes up one or other of these subjects for his thesis, as he deems fit, although the three years’ course of instruction is not confined to any one of these branches, but comprises the subjects of all. The Commissioners inspected several of the theses of the outgoing students of former years, in each of the above departments, and were much struck with the detailed character of the work, and especially with the complete— ness of the drawings. The students are allowed to work at home, but have to produce the calculations, descriptions, and drawings, within one month from the time at which the subject is given out, and the whole work is carefully examined by a council of professors, the student being examined on the details of his thesis. One of the metallurgical theses which was examined was a plan and estimate for a blast-furnace plant. This included the quantity and composition of the raw material to be treated, the chemical composition of the charges, the explanation of the changes which take place in the furnace, the cost per ton of the pig-iron produced, the price of the raw material being given; then the construction of the plant, the hydraulic lifts and blowing engines, the reservoirs, the engine-houses, the hot-blast regenerating stoves, including * See the Annual of the Friendly Association of Old Students of the School from 1832-1880, published by the Association at the Ecole Centrale in the Rue des Coutures St. Gervais, giving an account of the employment and position of all the old pupils of the school. ‘REPORT. 179 a discussion of the amount of heat generated in the furnace, and regenerated in the Whitwell stoves. The Director of the school furnished the Commission with a copy of a thesis on the “ Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid” by M. ‘f if if *, one of the outgoing students. This paper contains full details, both theoretical and practical, concerning the method of manufacturing sulphuric acid. The aim of the essay is to lay down the exact conditions under which the successful manufacture can be carried on, and to show that the writer has mastered all the minutiae of the processes, as well as of the construction and arrangement of the necessary plant. The memoir is accompanied by complete, elaborate, and well executed detailed drawings of the apparatus, buildings, 8130. of a sulphuric acid works. During the preparation of these essays the pupils are permitted to obtain information from books or from any other source. The difiiculty of giving, in a course of lectures, detailed practical instruction of a kind to enable a student to write an essay on a manufacturing subject is so great that it appeared desirable to obtain the opinion of some well qualified manufacturer, as to how far the conditions necessary for a successful practical issue had been fulfilled in the essay itself. The accompanying extracts from a letter from a well known Opinions on_ English manufacturer, clearly indicate that whilst the essay shows "alue Of them" a lack of such detailed information as can only be gained by intimate practical acquaintance with the manufacture itself, yet it is a very creditable performance, and that a system of instruction of which this is the outcome, is of great value as a preparation for the actual work of the manufactory. “I have carefully perused the manuscript essay by M. i" if and felt very much interested in it. I think I can safely say, it indicates such knowledge as a course of a few years at the Ecole Centrale and some select books would supply, supplemented by visits to chemical works. There is however nothing in the paper which shows any intimate acquaintance with the manu- facture. If the author had been thoroughly acquainted with it, he would have found it necessary, for example, to provide more than six Glover towers, or more lead pans for concen- trating his acid. He has entirely overlooked the fact that he has to use some Glover towers to denitrate his Gay- Lussac vitriol. His method of placing the boilers and their foundation would also, I think, he objected to. But all these things only go to show that the paper is the result of theoretical studies, and as such it is fairly good. He is a good draughtsman, knows how tc calculate strength of apparatus, wheels, &c., and though the paper is full of mistakes, it clearly demonstrates the value of the system of education, if a man can do these things after having passed the course of lectures.” “ I felt, however, a little disappointed with the results of those portions which are essentially chemical. But, of course, the paper is a sample of what the school is designed to do, and the system M2 180 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Teaching of chemistry at the Ecole Centrale. must not be judged by the mistakes of the thesis of a pupil, except in so far as they point to the fact that after all a man cannot be good at everything. This particular pupil seems to have had a better taste for the mechanical portions of the subject than for the chemical ones.” “His analytical chemistry also shows want of judgment. But, as already stated, the memoir proves that M. ii i“ i‘ it has had a good education, is fit to enter a works, and make himself useful, and the paper, I think, indicates, in spite of the many mistakes, that the system of education is a good one. Though it seems that for a speciality chemist there has been too much time spent upon engineering and too little on chemistry. In conclusion I may repeat my opinion that the essay is the result of theoretical teaching, not of practical work, and as such is very good.” ’ An investigation of the method of teaching chemistry in the Ecole Centrale, including an inspection of the laboratories, proved that the arrangements are at present extremely insufiicient for instruction in the higher branches of either theoretical or applied chemistry; and an examination of the course which the students undergo, shows that it can by no means he said to be a high or extended system of instruction. Hence the students of the Ecole Centrale, who desire to become chemical manufacturers, or who wish to continue their studies after leaving the Ecole, pass into one of the private laboratories of Paris, or into that of M. Fremy, Present Condi- in the Jardin des Plantes. Indeed, the opinion was expressed to us tion ofchemical that there is at present no means in Paris by which a finished education in France. M. Fremy’s laboratory. chemical education can be given to a student, as it can be given to a certain extent in England, and to a much larger extent in Germany. This opinion is shared by most of the younger chemists in Paris, as we learned by conversation with them. We may, however, mention that the inadequacy of the labora- tory accommodation in Paris will be to some extent remedied by the erection of the large new Ecole de Médccine which is now approaching completion, and also by the projected new buildings of the Ecole Centrale, to which reference has been made. Mention should also be made of the splendid new Ecole de Pharmacie, which is certainly the finest of its kind, and to which we in England have no corresponding institution. The Chemical Laboratory of M F remy, situated in the Jardin des Plantes, in the Rue Bufl’on, is among the best of the students’ laboratories at present existing in Paris, accommodation being provided for 30 to 40 students. Many of his pupils are the sons of manufacturers, or former students of the Ecole Centrale who have come to complete their chemical education. The course is free, and the cost of materials is defrayed by the State. M. Fremy is an ardent admirer of the system of the Ecole Polytechnique, which he believes to be the greatest teaching institution in the whole of France. It does not appear, however, that even in his laboratory, the students obtain anything more than acomparativcly elementary knowledge of chemistry, and their instruct-ion does not seem to go beyond ordinary quantitative analysis. REPORT. 181 The prejudicial effect which the acknowledged want of a high and extended system of training in chemistry produces on the trade of France, is a subject which has attracted much attention, and which is discussed most clearly in the report of the jury for Class 47 in the Exhibition of 1878.* M. Lauth, who is now Director of the Sevres works, points out on page 11, as an illustration of the injury which this want of chemical training has done, that the discovery of artificial alizarine has altogether de- stroyed the cultivation of the madder-root, and that this is a disaster for certain of the French departments, and one almost without com- pensation for France, as the discovery of the artificial production of alizarine was made in Germany, and that country remains the centre of its manufacture. He thinks that the indifference with which the madder growers regarded the progress of modern chemistry, and the conservative way in which they followed only the steps of their fathers, has, at any rate, done much to render the disaster complete. He shows that whilst in 1872 the amount of madder grown in France amounted to about 25 millions of kilograms, it had diminished in 1878—9 to less than half a million, the price being at the first period 70 to 80 fcs. per 100 kilos, and having fallen to 20, and even to 14 fcs., so that the cultivation becomes financially impossible, whilst the actual pro- duction of artificial alizarine, on the other hand, corresponds to 30 millions of kilos. of madder-root. Considering, in the same way, other instances of French chemical industry, he says it would be puerile to dispute that many of the French industries have suffered cruelly, and if in former times France has shown an initia- tive power and a real Sagacity in research, the last decennial period has been unfavourable to the trade. This falling 0E he attributes to several causes, some of them purely material, arising from the excessive taxation to which the country is now subject. Other deeper-lying causes are to be ascribed to the present actual state of legislation on patent law, and to the insufiicient development given in France to scientific studies. With regard to the question of taxation, he shows that almost the whole of the raw materials used in chemical industries are heavily taxed, whilst a number of manufactured products are allowed to enter France free from such duties. He also points out that the patent laws in France require remodelling, and he comes to the conclusion that the only satisfactory condition of things would be that an international patent law should be established with the purpose of protecting the inventor. Without such a law,'t or Without a convention to arrange such matters, the patent which “ gives up .our discoveries to a stranger, and which gives alms to * Of this jury one of your Commissioners was Vice-President, and M. Chas. Lauth, Secretary. _ T It is to be hoped that the resolutions arrived at by the International Congress on Patent Laws, which are being gradually adopted by the various Industrial States, will apply a partial remedy for this evil. Several of the principal European States and Brazil have entered into the Convention, and the entrance of the United, Kingdom, which the Patent Act of 1883 authorises, will not be long delayed. M. Lauth’s published state- ment on the insufiiciency of chemical training in France. 182 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION : Opinion of a French dyer on the subject. “ our neighbour, is only a deception.” The last point,- which ‘ concerns this Commission more nearly, is the question of chemical education in France. M. Lauth feels so strongly on this subject that he addressed a letter to a late Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, M. Teisserenc De Bort, which he prints in extenso in his report. In this letter he points out that although there are at least 25 chemical laboratories in Paris, and although the Directors of these laboratories are highly distinguished men, yet hardly any of these can be said to be institutions for the training of students. The professors pursue their scientific discoveries, their demon- strators assist them in their experiments, they are occupied in public lectures, and they give the rest of their time to private research. The students work without any distinct aim; there is in some laboratories a certain amount of tutorial instruction, given either by the professor or the chief of the laboratory, but there the instruction ends. These laboratories are very excellent for those who are already chemists, but are insufficient for those who wish to become chemists. Neither the Conservatoire, nor the Ecole Centrale, accomplishes the end in view. Chemical in~ dustries are assuming more and more a scientific character; a chemical works is nothing more than a large laboratory in which the victory remains to those who are most scientifically educated, and he adds that this shows the absolute necessity of the foundation of a national school of chemistry in France. He thinks that the course should be one of three years, and that a competitive examination should confer upon the deserving student the title to a diploma of chemical engineer. For a school of 60 students, 20 in each year’s course, he thinks one professor, one director, and three assistants would be sufficient. In support of his argument he states that evidence is not wanting that the chemical industry of France is seriously menaced, and he instances the ammonia-soda process, which was first success- fully carried out in Belgium, and the regeneration of manganese, carried out in England by Mr. Weldon, as two discoveries which have revolutionized the greatest of chemical industries ——that of the alkali trade. He likewise refers to the fact, already mentioned, of the ruin of the French maddcr-growing trade from the German discovery and manufacture of artificial alizarine, and he states that the constant progress which foreigners have made in the preparation of aniline colours, is a daily menace to the few French houses that carry on that industry. He adds that this state of things cannot be too strongly recognized, because “patriotism “ consists, not in concealing faults, but in correcting them,” and all this he believes is chiefly due to one cause, the want of properly educated chemists. In corroboration of these opinions of M. Lauth, the following opinion expressed to the Commissioners by a leading French dyer, may be quoted. Being asked why new colours are produced almost exclusively in Germany, he explained that these colours were first manufactured in Lyons and patented. They were imitated in Germany and in other countries where the invention REPORT. 183 was not protected by patents, and where they were consequently made more cheaply. Trade monopoly in France during the duration of the patent practically prevented any improvement in France, whereas in other countries where no patent existed, everyone tried to make improvements, and so other countries got ahead of France. This, however, he added, would not have been the case, but that in other countries, more especially in Germany, there are numerous laboratories in which young chemists are methodically trained in great numbers, there being, he regretted to say, nothing of the kind in France; even the Ecole Centrale, though an excellent school, was not a first-rate chemical school, and indeed he could not point to any school in France in which a young man could get the same instruction in chemistry which he would obtain in any of the great University and Polytechnic laboratories of Germany?‘ II. The Ecole PoZytec/mz'gue of Paris.—--This is a Government Ecole , school, with military discipline, designed primarily for the educa- P°lytechmque’ tion of persons to be employed in the service of the State, and ' differing in this respect from the Polytechnic Schools of Germany and Switzerland. Hence it does not fall so directly within the scope of the Commission as do the other Paris schools. But although this school was specially created and is still main- tained with the object of training engineers and others for the service of the Government, it is not without influence on the indus- tries of France, because a few of the pupils on leaving school at once enter into private undertakings, whilstmany, who were originally Government servants, on retirement, enter into manufacturing con- cerns. Moreover, the inspection of the enormous amount of work done by private firms for the Government is performed by these engineers. The instruction is of a very advanced character, and it is neces- sary to have passed through this school before admittance can be obtained into the practical schools of the Government, such as those of the Génie, the Artillérie, and the Ponts et Chaussées. The same applies to students entering the Ecole des Mines, if they wish to become mining engineers under the Government. The High School of Telegraphy, recently established, is also partly recruited from students of the Polytechnic School, and others enter the Government tobacco manufactory, the dockyards, the marine artillery, &c., &c. The numbers have increased very much of late in consequence of the great extension of Government employment since the Franco- German war. Before that event the annual admissions were from 130 to 140 ; now they average 220. On completion of their a‘ This unfavourable estimate of the chemical industries, and more especially as to the preparation of colouring matters from coal tar in France, is, however, not universally entertained. We refer on this subject to an interesting article on “La Houille et les matieres Colorantes” by M. Denys Cochin in the Revue des Dena: Mondes of February 1884. 1841 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ecole Poly- technique, fees. Course. Scholarships. Budget. course, about 70 pass into the artillery school, 40 into the Ecole du Genie (engineers), 30 to 32 into the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées (railways, roads, bridges, 850.), 4 or 5 into the Ecole des Mines, and about 10 directly into private industries. The age of admission is between 16 and 20 years. The course of instruction extends over two years. The cost, including board, is 401. per annum, besides 32!. for the two years for’“ outfit (trousseau) and breakages.” There is a preliminary qualifying, and a subsequent competitive entrance examination. In 1881 there were 1,183 candidates, reduced by the preliminary examination to 433, of whom 220 were finally admitted by competition. The course (see time table, 850. in Appendix 20, Vol. V.,) com— prises mathematics, which is the principal subject taught, physics, chemistry, drawing, military instruction, military exercises, and riding. The hours of study are 11 daily, those of recreation 3%,- (the students rise at 6.30 am. and retire at 9.0 p.m.). The library (containing many rare works, all of which are accessible to the students) is excellent. The physical apparatus is very complete; the chemical apparatus fairly good. Not one in a thousand of the students, except in case of death or other unavoidable cause, fails to complete his two years’ regular course. If from some reasonable cause a student is prevented passing the examination required for entrance on the second year’s course, a third year is allowed. About one-half of the students bold scholarships, most of which cover the entire cost of education and outfit. Should a student, owing to family mis- fortunes, be unable to pay the second year’s fee, there is never any difliculty in obtaining assistance. The scholarships (bourses) are supplied chiefly by the State ; a few by endowments, legacies, and by the Departments. They are generally awarded as follows :— The municipality presents ; the prefect of the Department confirms; the council of the school reports to the Minister of War, who decides. The ordinary budget of the school is-— ii For salaries - — - 22,000 per annum. Other expenses, including board of students - - - - 38,000 £60,000 which, divided by, say, 480 students, equals about 1401. per student. This is exclusive of buildings. At the present time about 96,000]. are being spent on the erection of physical laboratories’, and large extensions are in contemplation. REPORT. 18 0 I The professors are men of high reputation. They receive salaries of 4001. per annum, and are at liberty to teach elsewhere. The tutors receive 100l. per annum and their board.* The Ecole des Mines, Paris, which is a branch of the Ecole Polytechnique, admits students who are not necessarily destined for Government service. The Commissioners visited this school under the guidance of Professor Daubrée, the director of the in- stitution, and Professor Friedel, who has charge of’ the celebrated collection of minerals in this school. Two classes of students are admitted, who may be termed respectively, regular and occasional students. Practical instruction is given in all the departments relating to mining ; but especially in metallurgical operations and chemical analysis. The laboratories, though not very extensive, are well arranged and well appointed. The Government students are admitted from the Polytechnic School. External pupils have to pass a competitive examinationfl' and the successful candidates are trained to become directors of mines and metallurgical works. The course of study lasts three years, the instruction is gratuitous, and the curriculum is thoroughly adapted to the object in viewi. The instruction is of the highest kind, and in some respects it resembles that of the Royal School of Mines, South Kensington. Amongst the higher technical schools of Paris, the Ecole des Ponts et C/zausse’es must be mentioned, which serves for the training of civil engineers for the service of the State. Its resident students are supplied by the Polytechnic School, but external pupils, whether native or foreign, may also be received. The instruction is gratuitous, and the course lasts from November to June, and extends over three years. In the summer the pupils are sent on missions into the depart- ments, and attached to works in process of construction. The Higher French Educational Institutes—The higher educa- tional institutions of Paris, viz., that of the University (Sorbonne), the College de France, the Ecole de llle'decz'ne, the Ecole de Pharmacie, and the Ecole de Droz'z‘, as well as the provincial universities or academies, and the Ecole des Ha'ates Etudes, are mainly devoted to the training of persons destined for the learned professions or for special branches which are scarcely cognate to the inquiry of the Commission. Many of’ these institutions have been already dealt with by former Commissions. The last men- tioned, however, will be described in another part of’ the report, as it is a unique institution, which has for its object the furthering of original scientific research in France, the results of which have already exerted a remarkable influence on industrial pursuits. Ecole des Mines. School of Ponts et Chaussées. * The course of the Ecole des Mines is three years; of the Ponts et Chaussées, three years; of the Artillérie, two years ; of the Génie, two years; of the Ecole Supérieure de Telegraphic, two years. This last named school, which is quite new, has about 15 students. The course comprises general telegraphy and independent research. It is recruited, partly (as stated above) direct from the Ecole Polytech- nique, and partly by competition amongst old polytechnic students and employés of the telegraphic service, possessing competent theoretical knowledge. ‘I See the Programme d’Admission aux Cours Préparatoires in Appendix 21, Vol. V. I A complete programme of the courses, printed by the National Printing Press, and published in 1878, was handed to the Commissioners. Higher educational institutions of France. 186 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 Origin of Polytechnic schools. List of principal Polytechnics. III. POLYTECHNIC SoHooLs on TECHNICAL Umvnnsrrrns OF GERMANY, &c. The great impulse which was given to engineering and manu- factures some 40 or 50 years ago by the formation of railways and the establishment of factories throughout Europe, and the demand which arose for highly skilled assistants, owing to the widespread introduction of the steam-engine and other mechanical inventions depending upon it, gave rise in Germany and Switzerland to the creation of High Schools, in which the necessary scientific training with its,practical applications could be imparted, so that by this means a body _of men might be educated in such a Way as to make it possible for Continental states to compete with the work-shop trained engineers of England. The numerous Universities of Germany did not furnish instruc— tion of a sufficiently practical character, nor were their authorities willing to admit within their walls a class of men who would be likely to devote themselves especially to industrial pursuits: nor, again, would they lower or alter the standard required from University students on entrance, as ascertained by the “leaving examination” of the classical school. Moreover, they did not care to permit of any system of fixed curricula and examinations in lieu of their accustomed plan of Lehr and Lern Frez'hez't. It must also be remembered, moreover, that at this time the practical teaching, even of the pure physical sciences, was only in its infancy in the University. The requirements for instruction adapted to the necessities of the time became so urgent that each State vied with the others in the extent and magnificence of its buildings for Polytechnic Schools, as also in the grants voted for the maintenance of those institutions. The following is a list of the principal schools :--- (1.) The Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich.* The Polytechnic School at Munich. (3.) The Polytechnic School at Vienna. (4..) The Polytechnic School at Stuttgart. (5.) rl‘he Polytechnic School at Dresden. (6.) The Polytechnic School at Hanover. (7.) The Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe. (8.) The Polytechnic School at Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle). (9.) The Technical High School of Berlin (for which a new building is now in course of erection at Charlottenburg). (10.) The Polytechnic School, Delft. (11.) The Polytechnic School of Moscow. These schools have been built at a cost of not less than three millions sterling, and are maintained at an annual cost of over 200,0001. * Another term for “ Polytechnic ” is Technical High School, which is equivalent in English to Technical University. REPORT. 187 . We proceed to give a few particulars respecting these institu— tions, all of which, with the exception of that at Moscow, have been visited by the Commissioners. (1.) The Zurich Polytechnic School—The Federal Polytechnic School of Zurich, which is one of the largest as well as one of the most successful of its kind, was established by the Swiss Gon- f'ederation in 1854:, and the building has since been considerably enlarged and extended. This noble edifice forms one of the prin- cipal features of Zurich, standing on a commanding eminence above the city. The institution comprises seven special schools. (It) The architectural school, with 3 years’ course. (2.) The civil engineering school, with 3% years’ course. (3.) The mechanical engineering school, with 3 years’ course. (4.) The school of chemical technology (including pharmacy), with 3 years’ course. (5.) The school of agriculture and forestry, forming 2 sub- sections, with a course of 2% years. (6.) The normal school, destined to educate special teachers for mathematics and natural science, also forming 2 sub-sections. (7.) School of philosophical and political science. In addition to these, there is a preparatory mathematical course, for those students who are not able to pass the entrance examination required in this subject, to admit them to any one of the above courses. The Commissioners were received by the President, Dr. G. Kappeler, who explained to them the regulations of entry, the division of the subjects, the mode of election of the professors, and the government of the institution. They were then shown over the building by Director Geiser, the professor of applied mathematics, and were also conducted over the various departments by the several directors, amongst whom were Dr. Victor Meyer, professor of theoretical chemistry and director_of__the theoretical laboratory, Dr. Lunge, the professor of applied chemistry, and Dr. Weber, the professor of physics. To give an idea of the completeness and extent of this insti- tution, it will be sufficient to state that there are upwards of 200 distinct courses of lectures, given by 45 professors and 13 assistants, not counting the tutors, the curators of the museums, and the servants employed in the establishment. Many names, well known in science and literature, have been in the past, or are at present connected with this great institution. The budget of the school is as follows :~—-- * £ Annual federal Subvention - - 13,880 Annual subvention of the canton of Zurich - 640 Subvention of the canton and the town of Zurich for the purposes of the natural history collection - - — 176 Fees paid by students - - - 3,7 94 * In 1876. Zurich Poly. techmc. Divisions. Preparatory course. Courses. Staff. Budget. 188 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Zurich Poly- technic, fees. Civil engineering. Entrance examination and regulations . Nature of instruction. The total annual expenditure being a little under 20,000l. In addition to this, a considerable sum has been bequeathed to the institution, amounting to a total of nearly 20,0001., and within the last few months, a sum of 50,0001. has been voted by the Federal Council for the extension of the Chemical Laboratories. In the Appendix (N o. 17, Vol. V.,) will be found a detailed programme for the winter semester, 1883-4. The regular students must have attained the age of 18, and must either produce certificates of good conduct, and of having passed through the necessary preliminary studies, or must undergo an entrance examination, producing specimens of their own drawing. There were in the winter semester of the year 1880-81, 488 students and 253 auditors, total, 741 ; and in the year 1881—82 the total number was 685. For a complete course of instruction in any one department the fee is 4]. for the semester. The winter semester lasts from October to March, and the summer semester from April to August. In addition, 21. is charged for each of the labora- tories in the winter semester and ll. 168. in the summer. Thus the total cost to a student in the chemical department, including laboratory practice, does not exceed 12]. per annum. The Department of Civil Engineering at the Zurich Polytechnic, is one of the most important in the school, and was founded in the year 1855, together with the schools of’ mechanical engineer- ing and chemistry. The course of instruction extends over a period of three and a half years (seven sessions), and begins each year in October. For admission to this department the candidate has to pass an examination in mathematics, mechanics, physics, and drawing, or to show certificates from a former school that he possesses the required proficiency in these subjects. Intending students may enter either as regular students (Schiiler) or as auditors (Zuho'rer). The former are bound to attend all the obligatory courses of lectures, and pay 41. as the fee for the whole year ; auditors can obtain permission from the professors to attend the courses they wish, and pay a fee of four shillings a session for each lecture or hour’s drawing they attend in a week. The great difference in the expense makes the number of auditors very small.’ The first three sessions are occupied almost entirely with theoretical subjects, such as pure mathematics (differential and integral calculus, differential equations, and higher analytical geometry), descriptive geometry, with drawing, mechanics and physics treated mathematically. These subjects are attended also by the students of the Mathematical School, and are, in the opinion of some, rather too exhaustively'treated for students of engineering. For instance, the descriptive geometry course extends over three sessions, with three or four lectures a week, and includes four hours’ obligatory drawing per week for the first two sessions. The four hours’ drawing per week is insufficient to REPORT. 189 finish the problems given, and often 15 to 20 hours in a week have to be spent in solving problems in descriptive geometry. The theories expounded in the third session are of a still more advanced character. Besides these subjects there are in the first three sessions several short courses on more practical subjects, e.g., elementary architec- ture, petrology, applied geology, chemistry of building materials, and surveying and surveying instruments. In the fourth session the lectures on graphical statics are com- menccd, a knowledge of which is very important in bridge- designing. The system of teaching statics mainly by geometrical construction has hitherto been little employed in England and France in practical designing, but is well known in Germany and Italy. The last two years of the course include lectures on various branches of engineering, tunnels, stone and iron bridges, railways, canals, roads, geodesy, &c., besides a great amount of drawing and designing in these subjects. There are also courses of practical surveying, and astronomy, with observatory practice. In all the subjects there are from time to time, usually weekly, short viva voce examinations, and problems are set to be solved out of hours, so that the system of teaching is very thorough. Diplomas of proficiency are given to students who pass the special examinations held at the end of the fourth and the seventh sessions. The average number of students in civil engineering is about Numbers- 110, and is a great falling-off from the number in the years 1870-77, which averaged about 260. The fact that the number of non-Swiss students is about 70 per cent. of the whole is a proof of the wide-spread reputation of the school. The foreigners are from all parts of Europe, especially Austria and Hungary, as well as from North and South America (Brazil). An important feature of the institution is the number and MESH?“ and variety of the laboratories, libraries, museums, and collections of co ec lons' apparatus and objects of scientific and artistic interest, which the institution possesses, of which the following is a list :— 1. Several libraries—(a) belonging to the school, (1)) to the canton, and (c) to the town of Zurich. These latter have been placed at the service of the students. 2. Various collections belonging to the engineering and architectural divisions, consisting of models, instru- ments, 820. 3. A collection of plaster casts of architectural ornaments. 4. ,, ,, specimens of construction and of materials used in building. 5. ,, ,, antique vases. 6. ,, ,, engravings, about 24,000 in number. 7. ,, ,, geometrical instruments. 8- a: 39 models of machinery. 9. ,, ,, tools and models for the section of applied mechanical technology. 190 ROYAL ooMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: No manual instruction of a mechanical character. Pure and applied chemistry. Physics. \ 10. A collection of models and raw and finished products for the section of chemical technology. 11. ,, ,, mathematical and geometrical models. 12. ,, ,, interesting specimens, tools, &c., relating to forestry. 13. ,, ,, models, implements, and produce in all departments of agriculture. 14. Collections of specimens relating to natural history, zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology, palaeontology, and entomology. An archaeological collection. A workshop for moulding and casting in clay and plaster. ,, ,, metal work. Laboratories for instruction in theoretical and applied chemistry. A special laboratory for agricultural chemistry. A cabinet of physical apparatus and a physical laboratory. An institute of vegetable physiology, comprising a room for microscopic researches, a physiological laboratory, botanical collections, and hothouses. A botanical garden, with a museum for the general and botanical collections. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. In common with the Polytechnic Schools of Germany, there is no manual instruction in workmanship of a mechanical character. The practical instruction in each department is of a strictly scientific nature. Thus, for example, in chemistry, the in- struction given in Prof. Victor Meyer’s laboratory is identical with that given in the University laboratories of Germany. But after passing through the course of pure chemistry, including both laboratory practice and lectures, the student may proceed to the classes and laboratory work of the professor of applied chemistry, Dr. Lunge; the practical work consisting chiefly in the prepara- tion of chemical products. The laboratories both of physics and of chemistry are antiquated, and are altogether insuflicient for the present requirements of the students. Large extensions in this respect are about to be made, the sums voted for this purpose amounting, as already stated, to 50,0001. The remark which has been made with regard to chemistry applies also to the physical teaching, namely, that the instruction is not specially adapted to any particular industrial work, but is of a general and purely scientific character. In some of the Polytechnic Schools, notably in Munich and in Stuttgart, practical laboratory instruction in physics has only been recently introduced, and as yet on a small scale: even in these cases the instruction is strictly scientific and is not specially adapted to any branch of electrical engineering, or to any other industry to which a know- ledge of physics might be applied. In Dr. Weber’s physical laboratory at Zurich, it is true, a small number of students receive practical instruction in exact electrical measurements, in testing of resistances, &c., but no courses of a technical character have REPORT. 191 at present been introduced into this department of the Poly- technic. This renowned school has endeavoured to impart the greatest possible extent of scientific instruction in each of its departments, and its efforts have been to direct thought and research of the highest kind in their applications to industrial pursuits, and thus to bring about the necessary mutual interchange of ideas between science and practice; and it has been so far successful that students have come to it from all parts of the world. The Commissioners had the opportunity of judging of the advantages which it has bestowed, not only upon Switzerland, but also upon Germany, by the number of thoroughly trained scientific men who have been educated within its walls and who are now holding important positions in various industrial establishments which the Commis- sioners have visited. (2.) The Technical High School of Munich.~—The Munich Polytechnic School is housed in magnificent buildings, erected at a cost of 157,000l., whilst the cost of the various collections was 36,3902. The annual expense of maintenance, without reference to interest on the capital account, is 20,000l. The Commissioners visited this fine institution under the guidance of Director von Bauernfeind. The students are divided into two classes, the regular or matriculated, and the occasional students. The regular students are admitted only on passing a special examination, or on bringin a certificate of having passed through the Industrie Schule, the Real Gymnasium, or the Gymnasium proper, and must be 17 years of age. The special examination for those who do not bring a certificate from one of the above-mentioned schools, comprises the German and French languages, mathematics, including the elements of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, and drawing, both freehand and mechanical. The institution consists of six special schools, as follows :- (1.) The General School. (2.) The Civil Engineering School. (3.) The Building School. (4.) The Mechanical Engineering School. (5.) The Industrial Chemical School. (6.) The Agricultural School. The instruction consists of lectures, laboratory work, and drawing, and in its general character resembles that of Zurich. A special feature of the German Technical High Schools, and the same of course is the case with the Universities, is the great sub-division of such general subjects as engineering, architecture, and chemistry, each special branch of the subject being placed in the hands of a separate professor. Thus, for example, the number of distinct courses of lectures, given under the engineer- ing department at this school, is 45, and the number of professors giving these is 13 ; and attached to the three engineering depart- trom its very commencement Influence of the Zurich Polytechnic School. Munich Technical High School. Regulations for entrance. Divisions of the school. Great sub- division of the courses in each subject. l92 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS Course for technical chemists, Munich Tech- nical School. Practical in- struction in physics. ments, namely, the civil, the mechanical, and the architectural, are 17 professors. There are in all 179 courses mentioned in the programme. This distribution of the teaching amongst professors, each of whom is specially conversant with the details of some portion of his subject, is in striking contrast with the English system, in which the instruction is generally placed under the direction of one professor as head of the department, assisted by two or three lecturers or subordinate teachers. The large number of professors attached to each department is another indication of the ample supply of highly educated men, available as teachers, always to be found in Germany. The chemical school, which was at the time of our visit under the direction of Prof. Erlenmeyer, is, as in Zuriclna school of pure chemistry, where the highest branches of inorganic and organic chemistry are pursued, but at the same time there is a special course for technical chemists, for details of which see Appendix,* No. 18, Vol. V. The great point of distinction between the instruction to chemists, as given in the Polytechnic, and that given in the German Uni- versities, is the addition, in the former case, of drawing, and in- struction in the general principles of mechanism and of mechanical technology, in addition to the special technical chemical subjects; and this course is undoubtedly valuable to those about to be engaged in the application of chemistry to industrial pursuits, and the advantage of this system to chemical engineering cannot be overrated. The remarks already made as regards the physical teaching at Zurich apply to that in this institution, under the direction of Professor Beetz. A very good beginning is here being made towards giving practical laboratory instruction in physics, for which no accommodation was made in the original construction of the building. This instruction is consequently carried on in what was intended for the corridor leading to the physical department. In this corridor a series of desks are fixed, each mounted with special apparatus, the student passing from one to the other in regular course, and performing himself the several experiments for which each apparatus is designed. Perhaps the most interesting and important section of this Polytechnic is the engineering school. This department consists of numerous rooms for instruction in mechanical drawing, of large collections of models, and of laboratories for special practical work. To give an idea of its extent, it may be stated that it contains six large rooms, used exclusively for machine drawing, of which one is furnished with 100 tables. The collection includes kinematic and other mechanical models, models of machines and parts of machines, and raw and finished products. There is also a collection of minerals, &c. Engineering school. * These courses are for students coming from Real Gymnasia or from Upper Real schools. The course is slightly different in the 1st and 2nd years for students from Gymnasia. REPORT. 1 93 The laboratories or mechanical workshops, under the direction of Prof. Bauschinger, contain a compound steam-engine, having Co'uplete appliances for registering the various degrees of ex- pansion and the power developed. Another laboratory is furnished with a very expensive testing machine, by Ludwig l/Verder, working up to 100 tons, for determining strains and the modulus of elasticity of different substances. All experimental results are carefully tabulated by the students, and recorded in books. In addition to numerous tests of varieties of wood, stone, and other building materials, a series of investigations is made to ascertain constants, to verify formulae, and to test the strength of metal of various sections, including tests for torsion, tension, compression, &c. There are also arrange- ments for obtaining the most delicate micrometric measurements, and for experiments on long continued concussion as affecting the fibre of bars of metal. There is a museum of the speci- mens which have resulted from the foregoing experiments; and diagrams have been prepared by the students to show in a graphic form the outcome of the difiierent tests. This laboratory wa= founded in 1868, and was the earliest of its kind on the Continent, and this was the first instance in which practical in— struction of the above nature was attempted at a Polytechnic School. The laboratory, besides the valuable instruction it has afisrded to students at the school, has been largely utilised by manufacturers and others, both in Bavaria and throughout Germany, who send materials to be tested. Both the chemical and physical departments of this school were found by the Commissioners to be overcrowded, and already too small for the number of students at present receiving instruction and desiring admission. The same remark does not apply to the engineering department, in which provision was originally made for a very large number of engineers, the demand for whom in consequence of the approach to completion of the railway system throughout Europe, is gradually falling off. The cause of this diminution has attracted a large amount of attention in Germany, and has been the subject of many pamphlets and discussions, the fact being that the number of engineers passing out from the various technical schools far exceeds the present demand for such persons in after-life, one estimate making the number of students annually trained to be 1,000 in excess of the demand. The Commissioners were informed that the manager of a large engineering works had been so importuned by the constant application of polytechnic students for employment in his works that he put up a notice in his window “ No polytechnic students need apply.” The re-action from the over supply of engineers has benefited the Universities, which are consequently more frequented, throw- ing the young men into the learned professions; but a counter re-action is expected to follow, and signs of it in Germany are Iii 1726. N Mechanical lab oratory Diminution of numbers in the engineering department, and its cause. Influence of this on the universities. 194s ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Attendance in several departments, Munich. Visits to industrial establishments. Fees. Vienna Technical School. Separate dyeing school in Vienna. The Poly- technic School at Stuttgart. said to exist, there being, according to one estimate, at the present moment, 4,000 duly qualified lawyers in Germany, having no employment whatever. The total number of students in attendance at the Munich Polytechnic for the year 1881 was 901 in the winter and 809 in the summer semester, whereas in 1878, there were 1,194 in the winter and 1,012 in the summer semester, whilst in the engineering school the numbers were 272 in the winter and 247 in the summer of the year 1878, as against 118 in the winter and 114 in the summer in the year 1881. In addition to the 30 different collections existing in this school, the pupils have the privilege of visiting other valuable collections and museums in the city. As an important feature of the instruc- tion here, as in other similar Polytechnics, we may mention the frequent visits made to the industrial establishments of the district, in company with, and under the guidance of, the professors of the several departments. The entrance fee for each student is 10s., the fee per lecture is 25. 6d. per semester for each hour’s lecture per week, and Is. 6d. ditto for practical work ; and for attendance and for consumption of materials in the laboratory ls. extra. The total outlay of the Munich Polytechnic School for the year 1881—2 was 20,0281. (3.) The Technical High School of Vz'cnna.—-At the Vienna Technical High School the Commissioners were received by the Rector, Ritter von Hauffe. This institution is housed in large and commodious buildings, and consists of the usual arrangement of drawing rooms, chemical laboratories, and engineering col- lections. There is nothing specially to be noticed in this insti- tution as differing from others. The Rector stated his opinion that the preliminary education given in the Real Gymnasia of Austria, as preparatory to the polytechnic training, was not so satisfactory as that given in the classical Gymnasia, and he informed the Commissioners that it was the intention of the’ Government to suppress the former of these classes of schools. As an illustration of the fact that the Polytechnics on the Continent do not give what is understood in England by an industrial technical training, it may be mentioned that a separate school for Dyeing* has just been established by the Nieder- oesterreichischer Gewerbe~Verein in Vienna, which receives students after they have completed their course at the Polytechnic school. (4.) Polytechnic School at Stuttgart—~This, which is one of the oldest polytechnic institutions of Germany, was considerably extended in 1879, as much as 7 5,000l. having been spent on the addition of two new wings. Dr. von Fehling, the professor of chemistry, who conducted the Commissioners over the building, expressed very strongly his opinion that there was really no distinction to be drawn between Dr. v. Fehling on teaching of technical chemistry. * See Weaving School at Vienna, p. 145. REPORT. 1 95 he teaching of general chemistry, and of what is commonly under- stood as technical chemistry; that is to say, that the man who is thoroughly qualified as a scientific chemist, and has spent a suffi- cient time in the study of the subject, having passed through a complete course of theoretical and practical instruction, is fully qualified, when he enters any chemical manufactory, to apply his knowledge to the special industry in which he may have to be engaged. On the other hand, Dr. Marks, the professor of chemical Dr. Marks on technology at the same institution, whilst admitting the great the same‘ necessity to every manufacturing chemist of a thorough knowledge of the principles of the science, attached considerable value to in— struction, such as was given in his department, consisting to a great extent of lectures on the machinery and other appliances used in special chemical manufactures, and on methods of research in their application to special branches of chemical industry. He con- sidered that the manufacturing success of the Germans, both in chemistry and in other industries, had been almost entirely due to the high scientific education which they received, principally at the polytechnic schools, by means of which they were able successfully to compete with the English, notwithstanding the superior advantages which the English people possessed in their coal and iron fields. The physical department of this Polytechnic is under the Physical direction of Dr. Zeck, who has recently introduced laboratory prac- department‘ tice for students into his teaching. He has drawn up and printed for their use a series of graduated practical exercises which they are themselves required to carry out in the laboratory. In con- sequence of the very recent developments of electricity in its industrial applications, the number of students in the physical department of this Polytechnic has lately somewhat increased. At present this school is very badly supplied with the means of practical work on a large scale. The school possesses no steam. engine, and the dynamo, used for experimental purposes in the physical department, is worked by a small water motor. Indeed nothing is more remarkable, in passing through the several departments of such a Polytechnic as that of Stuttgart, than the complete absence of anything like practical instruction, beyond‘ such as is found in the chemical and to a small extent also in the physical laboratory. The number of students attending the lectures on physics is about 200, of whom not more than 30 work in the laboratory. In this school there are 26 heads of departments, and 14 swat assistant teachers, together with 25 assistants, making altogether a teaching staff of 65. The number of pupils in this as in other Polytechnics has Attendance. fallen off in recent years, mainly in consequence, as hasialready been stated, of the completion of the railway system on the Continent. An important department of this school is the architectural divi- architectural sion under Professor Reinhardt. The Commissioners were shown the amswn‘ N2 196 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Attendance at Stuttgart Polytechnic. Polytechnic School at Dresden. Departments. Professor Zeuner on influence of Polytechnic instruction in engineering. drawing rooms, which are on a very extensive scale, and there were 120 students going through a course which extends over there years. A noteworthy feature of the instruction is that an annual journey is undertaken by the professor with about 20 students, who go to Italy, or to some distant country, and measure and draw a series of buildings. The drawings are autographed and are annually published by a Berlin firm. The number of students attending the winter session of 1880-1 was 4:58, of whom 258 belonged to the state of Wurtemberg, and 200 were foreign students. The total expenditure in the year ending April 1, 1881, was 14,8611., the receipts from .all sources were 2,0001., and the State subsidy 12,8611. (5.) Dresden Polytechnic School.-—The Commissioners visited this school under the guidance of the Rector, Professor Zeuner, well known for his work on the mechanical theory of heat. This school is the Technical High School for the Kingdom of Saxony. It is housed in new and commodious premises, forming one of the most striking buildings in the town. It was founded in the year 1851, and the school entered in 1875 into its new buildings, standing on a square plot fronting the Bismarck Platz, and having an area of 12,157 square metres. The chief building contains spacious drawing rooms, physical laboratories, class rooms, reception rooms, and ofi‘ices, whilst the chemical laboratories are situated in a distinct building, at the back of the square. There are no less than 95 separate rooms in the three floors of the main building, whilst the block devoted to the chemical laboratory contains 31 rooms of various sizes. The institution comprises four schools : (1.) Mechanical engineering. (2.) Civil engineering. ( Chemical technology. (4.) Mathematical and physical science. In addition to the departments above mentioned, a normal school for teachers is attached to this Polytechnic. An important division of the Dresden school is the physical department under Professor Toepler. The laboratory appeared to the Commissioners to be one of the most complete they had seen, and was arranged with great care and attention. The chemical laboratories under Professor Schmitt, who takes the pure chemistry, and Professor Hempel, who takes the“ technical chemistry, are also well arranged. The remark which has been made ,with respect to the diminution of the number of students applies to this as to other Polytechnic schools. Professor Zeuner stated that the main object of Polytechnic instruction in engineering is to make the students acquainted with the scientific principles underlying the construction of machines and engineering works, and to enable them to understand and appreciate every new invention or discovery when it comes REPORT. 1 97 ' the machinery they use, and even to export some. before them, and with this object all inventions involving new principles are brought under the notice of the students and discussed by the professor. As regards the influence of this instruction on the industries of the country, he considered that the whole mechanical industry of the Germans was the result of the superior education of the people; that whereas, formerly, they purchased locomotives from abroad, they now use exclusively those made in Germany, and that all their great industrial works were filled with polytechnic students occupying posts of manavers, directors, the. For example, in the works of Krauss, of fiunich, who had recently turned out his 1,000th engine, all the engineers are old students of Professor Zeuner himself, who was formerly director of the Munich Polytechnic. So, too, at Kessler’s in Esslingen, all the heads of departments are former polytechnic students. Whilst he was unable to cite any case in which the poly- technic instruction had brought Germany in advance of England in any one branch of engineering, Professor Zeuner believed that without the education which these schools provide, the German engineering industry would be in a very inferior position to that which it now occupies, and that the Germans would be unable to produce, as they now can, the greater part of The Professor, whilst recognising the ability and skill of German engineers, freely acknowledged his great indebtedness to the works and influence of Rankine, who is regarded as the greatest autho- rity on mechanical science in all the chief engineering schools of Germany, and whose books and researches are much used in Germany. The number of students in the year 1880-1 was 473. The annual cost of the school for the year ending December 1880, was 13,457L, of which the State contributed 12,203]. (6.) The Polytechnic School at Hanover. —— The Polytechnic at Hanover was formerly located in a small building in the town, but has recently been removed to the magnificent \Nelfensohloss, which was being erected as a palace for the late King of Hanover at the time of the Austin-Prussian war. The building was subsequently altered and adapted to the purposes of a poly- technic school at a cost of 100,0001., the total cost being 350,000]. It was opened in the year 1879. The school of mechanical engineering is the most important department of this Polytechnic, which contains in all 14 lecture rooms with places for 1551 students, whilst the drawing rooms are fitted with 673 tables, and can accommodate 896 pupils. The chemical laboratories are new and very complete as regards their arrangements, but they are considerably smaller than the laboratories found in other Polytechnics. The physicai department is of minor importance, scarcely any practical work being done by the students. Zeuner on Rankine’s work. The Poly- technic School at Hanover. Mechanical engineering department. 198 ROYAL COMMISSION oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Collections. Engineering and archi- tecture. The Poly- technic school at Carlsruhe. The Poly— technic school at Aachen. The collections of mechanical models, of raw materials, and of products, are very extensive, and occupy a large part of the building. These collections have cost 36,0001. and are maintained at an annual expenditure of 1,250l. In the department of engineering and architecture, plans of im— portant buildings constructed in Germany are critically examined and discussed by the professors, with a view of explaining to the students the points of merit in these designs, or suggesting their possible improvement. (7.) The Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe.—The Carlsruhe Polytechnic is the Technical High School for the Grand Duchy of Baden, which has in addition two Universities, those of Heidelberg and Freiberg. It was founded in 1836, and the building was much enlarged in 1863. The physical and chemical laboratories are at the back in a separate building. This is the oldest of the German Polytechnics. The Black Forest forming a large portion of the Grand Duchy of Baden, this Polytechnic has a school of forestry forming the sixth division of the school. There are 11 collections, including a fine and extensive collection of forest products. The professors are 41 in number, with 12 assistants, and there are 360 students; the number having very much diminished in recent years. The courses of instruction and the various departmental buildings are of the same character as those already described, and do not merit special notice. (8.) The Pole/technic School at Aachen.—-The Polytechnic of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) stands in the same relation to the University of Bonn as the Polytechnic of Carlsruhe does to the Heidelberg University. It consists of a very magnifi- cent building, completed and opened in 1870, to which subsequently in the year 1878 a very important chemical laboratory was added, standing as a separate building, the cost of which alone was 45,000l. The number of students in this Polytechnic has fallen off more than in any of those previously described. A few years ago there were 500 regular students in attendance, whereas at the present time there are only about 110. Recently, since the appointment of the new director, Geheimrath Gieziky, the number of students has again begun to increase. At Aachen they are beginning to adopt the system which prevails at the Universities, of giving more freedom and latitude to the students in the choice of the subjects of instruction than is usual in the other Polytechnic schools. This Polytechnic contains six large lecture halls,besides numerous class rooms. I t has in all 21 collections, including a museum of geology and mineralogy, of mechanical technology, and models of machines and instruments used in the different manufacturing processes of the neighbourhood. It has, besides this, a large room devoted to the reception and preservation of specifications of patents. REPORT. 199 The physical department again calls for little comment, not Physics. being especially remarkable. The new chemical laboratory was erected a few years since, Chemical under the direction of Professor Landolt, now of Berlin, in laboratm'y- consequence of the original laboratory in the old building having, at that time, become too small for the requirements of the pupils. It consists of two separate departments, one for organic chemistry, and one for inorganic chemistry, that for inorganic chemistry comprising two distinct laboratories, the one devoted to qualitative and the other to quantitive analysis. These laboratories are most elaborately fitted, each student’s place being furnished not only with gas and water, but with an exhaust filter apparatus, with a vacuum, with steam, and with an air blast. The number of students has at present fallen lamentably low. The courses of chemical technology are especially devoted to Technological the chemistry of the iron and steel manufacture, with a view of chemIStPY~ preparing students for the mining and iron industries of the YVest~ phalian district. Great importance is attached here, as elsewhere, to the combination with the teaching of technical chemistry of instruction in engineering and drawing, and the construction of the engines and apparatus used in manufacturing processes. Frequent visits are paid by the professors, in company with the students, to the numerous and rapidly increasing mining and iron industries and other manufactures of \Vestphalia. It was stated by some persons that, whilst the chemists trained in the Polytechnic generally become industrial chemists, managers of works, or chemical engineers, those trained in the University, although very frequently employed in factories, do not, as a rule, rise beyond the position of analysts or foremen. This is, however, a statement requiring considerable qualification, as will be seen from our final remarks on the schools of this division. (9.) The Technical High School at Berlin. -- This school, The technical when it was visited by the Commissioners, was in a somewhat high.S°h°°1 at transitional state, as magnificent new buildings are in course of mm‘ erection for it at Charlot-tenburg, and the various departments are now, owing to want of space, rather disconnected and badly accommodated. There are five principal divisions: . Architecture, presided over by Professor Jacobsthal. 2. Civil engineering, presided over by Professor Schlichting. 3. Mechanical engineering, presided over by Professor 4 Divisions. H Meyer. Chemistry, presided over by Professor Liebermann. 5. Applied sciences, presided over by Professor Paalzow. The third of these divisions has a sub-section for shipbuilding. The complete course extends over four years, except in the section for shipbuilding, which has a three years’ course. 200 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Department for Attached to the school is the Royal Mechanical Testing practical tests, Berlin. Collections. Workshops. Woehler testing machinery. New building at Charlotten— burg. Laboratory. Institution, and the establishment for experiments on building materials. The former of these departments is in two divisions, the one for continuous and protracted experiments with the apparatus of Woehler ; the other to investigate questions of direct public interest. by experiments for the Government and for private individuals, on the strength of materials, 850. The latter branch of the establishment includes, besides the apparatus for testing metals, devices for conducting tests of the strength and other properties of all descriptions of artificial stones, freestones, cements, limes, &c. To both of these institutions the students have, as far as possible, every facility of access, in order to witness and to take part in the experiments. The Polytechnic possesses numerous fine collections, suitable for the instruction of the various classes of students ; prominent among which may be placed the magnificent series of kinematic models, prepared under the direction of Professor Iteuleaux. This collection was shown to the Commissioners by the professor, who explained to them the system upon which the models had been designed and arranged. In (30111160tl011 with the mechanical engineering department are workshops, under the charge of Professor Consentius, in which the apparatus for the school is prepared, and the students are afforded an opportunity of becoming practically acquainted with the use of tools. There is a shop for metal work, another for wood-work, and a third for the making of diagrams and models for teaching. The students pay 15 shillings per semester for the privilege of working in the shops, but it did not appear that many of the students occupied themselves with practical work. The Woehler testing machines are arranged for investigating the strength of metal bars and rods, subjected during long periods of time to blows, torsion, and flexure. Each of the machines has counters attached, and some of the test bars had already been stretched, bent, or twisted many millions of times, without apparent injury. A visit was paid to the new buildings in progress at Char- lottenburg, a beautiful suburb of Berlin. The new High School, which was in an advanced stage of progress, will be the largest establishment of this kind on the continent. The chemical laboratory is contained in an isolated building. The cost of the new Polytechnic building is estimated at 450,000L, and when it is remembered that the numbers of students has been for some years past on the decrease, having fallen from 1,400 to 800, the object of this vast outlay is difficult to understand. REPORT. 201 HOLLAND. (10.) The Polytechnic School of Delft—The Commissioners visited the Delft Polytechnic, the only one in the country having much the character of the schools of the same name in Germany. It is a State institution, under the direction of M. Bosscha, the professor of physics. The Commissioners were accompanied to Delft by Dr. Steyn-Parvé, who introduced them to the director, and with him they were shown over the various class- rooms and collections?“ This school, founded in accordance with the law of 1863, was opened in 1864, at which time it contained 91 pupils. It replaced the former academy, which, at that date, contained 259 students, many of whom were transferred to Leyden, to the school established by the Government for the study of the language, geography, and ethnology of the Dutch colonies in the East Indies. The Polytechnic contains, at the present time, 330 pupils, classified as follows 2-— Works managers - — - 7 Civil engineers - — - 138 Architects - - - - 3 Naval engineers - - - 16 Mechanical do. - — - — 33 Mining do. - - - 10 -———- 207 Students in training as inspectors of weights and measures - - 5 Students training for schoolmasters 39 Attending special courses - - 79 ———~ 123 Total - - 330 Special diplomas are given to engineers and architects on the results of the annual examinations. Some few mining engineers are in receipt of scholarships, to enable them to visit German and other mines ; and, after having obtained their diplomas, they are appointed, under Government, to the various mining establishments in the Dutch Indies. The payments made by the students are as follows :—- £ 8. al. For the complete course - 16 13 4 per annum. For each special course-— Once a week - — 0 l6 8 ,, Twice a week - — 1 l3 4 ,, Three times a week - 2 10 0 ,, Four times or more - 3 6 8 93 -—v— * The Commissioners have learnt with regret of the loss to his country of this dis- tinguished savant, to whose courtesy they were much indebted during their visit to Holland. Those who may desire to obtain information with regard to the educational system ,of Holland would do well to consult his work entitled “ Organisation de “ 1’Instruction du Royaume des Pays-Has,” Leyden, 1878. The Poly- technic school of Delft. Fees. 202 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: System of instru etion, Delft. Diplomas. Budget. Stafi‘. The school is situated in a building erected as a private dwelling-house by one of the directors of the Dutch East India Company, in the early part of the last century, but considerable additions have been made in late years. Since 1873 upwards of 50,000]. have been expended on new laboratories for chemistry and physics, drawing schools, and repairs and other improvements. The town of Delft has contributed about 4,623l. towards the cost of new buildings. The pupils are free to follow any of the courses they may desire; they are not required to pass any entrance examination, nor is there any examination at the end of the year to gain admis- sion to a higher class. The instruction is based on the degree of knowledge which is acquired in attending a superior intermediate school (higher burgher school) with a five years’ course. The complete engineering course extends over four years, the first two of which are mainly devoted to theoretical studies (mathematics, physics, chemistry, and drawing), and the two latter years to technical studies. There is also a less extended course adapted to the require- ments of works’ managers, covering a period of three years. In order to obtain the engineer’s diploma, it is necessary to pass two examinations, the first of which embraces the theoretical studies of the first two years, and the second the technical work of the last two years of the course. No one is permitted to go up for the latter examination who has not obtained the certificate of the first of these examinations, and, in order to obtain the former certificate, it is necessary to present a leaving certificate of examination from an intermediate school, with a five years’ course. The diploma given to works’ managers is awarded on the result of a similar examination at the termination of that course. The examining body, on which the teaching staff of the school is largely represented, is nominated every year by the hlinister of the Interior. There have been 635 diplomas of engineering granted since the establishment of the school. Students have free access to the laboratories and to the school library. The budget of the school is as follows :— .£ Payment of professors, staff, &c. - - 8,758 Maintenance of buildings, collections, heating, lighting, &c. - - - 2,683 Total - - 11,4141 Deduct receipts from students, &c. 3,916 Annual cost to the State - £7,525 will“ The staff comprises a director, who is also one of the 12 pro- fessors, 8 occasional professors, and 6 assistant professors. The REPORT. 203 director’s salary is 3331. per annum and a house; the professors are paid 300i. a year; and the assistant professors receive from 67L to 167 Z. a year. The details of the courses of instruction, which are very similar to those of the German schools, will be found in the Appendix. It would appear that, in consequence of the severity of the examination for the diploma, a very considerable number of students are annually rejected. The average age of the students on entrance is 18 to 19 years. The school possesses an excellent library, as also a good phy- sical collection, and a room containing apparatus, used as a species of physical laboratory for training Government inspectors of' Weights and measures. The physical lecture-room is modern, and well fitted up. In connection with it is a gas-engine and a small dynamo—machine; also a laboratory and workshop for repair of physical apparatus. There was a special room for delicate experiments. Among the apparatus noted was a balance to weigh 25 kilos, with an error of 2 milligrammes; Airy’s gas-verification apparatus; and a collection of telegraphic clocks. Experiments were in progress for the verification of the ()hm. There is a large, architectural lecture theatre and drawing room; a room for advanced architecture, in which students make original designs for large and important buildings. The collection of models of building construction is very complete. There is also a collection of building materials, as well as drawing rooms for ornament, the antique, 8170. In the well arranged chemical laboratory of Prof. Oudemans there were about 30 students. The laboratory, erected at a cost of 5,000Z., consists of a large central top-lighted hall, round which are grouped the various departments, balance rooms, combustion room, engine room, lecture theatres, &c. There is also a large laboratory for practical chemical work for engineer students, capable of containing 60 to 7 O. \Ve were informed that this was the only laboratory in Europe with steam‘ power vacuum and blast laid on to all parts of the establishment. There is a good col— lection of chemical preparations. All the departments communi- cate with a lofty central chimney by means of fines in which the draught was stated to be 20 feet per second. The ventilation is on the plan of General Morin. The Commissioners were conducted through the Museum of Mechanical Technology on the first floor, which contains collections of raw and manufactured products,——pottery, wool, paper, cotton, linen, metals,—-—and some modelslof' machinery. On this floor are the three drawing rooms for engineers, and collections of models of parts of machines, joints, couplings, &c., mostly made in the institution. There are about 30 students in the department of mechanical engineering, but accommodation has been provided for a much larger number. Physical laboratory. Architectural school. Chemical laboratory. Museum. Engineering Department. 20* ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 School of industrial art. _,Workshops. Imperial Technical School at Moscow. Entrance. All the rooms seemed ‘large for the number of students present. There is a collection of minerals, &c., for the mining engineers, and a small metallurgical laboratory adjoins their class-room, The department of civil engineering contains nearly 150 students, and is the largest in the school. The State provides the means of obtaining a year’s experience of practical work. Technologists generally spend four years, from the age of 18 to 23 at this school, and have one year at practical work before entering it. On the principal building an observatory has been erected, in which astronomical observations are made. The numerous class-rooms and drawing rooms for engineers, architects, and naval students were inspected. There is also a large collection of casts from the antique, from which copies are supplied by the school to other institutions. There is a completely fitted art school, and a special feature of this Polytechnic is the attention paid to the study of practical decoration; porcelain, furniture, wall paper, and other designing being taught. Students also learn designing for textile manut'actures. In the workshops for making models, some 20 of the students engage in practical manual work; this, too, we did not find in any school of this kind elsewhere. These students belong chiefly to the department of mechanical engineering. There is a modelling room for copying from ornament and the antique. The director informed us that many students travel backwards and forwards each day to the school from the Hague, Rotterdam, and Schiedam. The Commissioners were much impressed with the practical yet unostentatious character of this institution, which appears to be doing excellent work. RUSSIA. (11.) The Imperial Technical School of Moscow—This school, though it was not visited by the Commissioners, may be briefly noticed in this division, as it occupies a rank some- what distinct from any of the other institutions in this group. Its aim is to give a very high-class engineering education, in which the theoretical studies are largely supplemented by practical work in the shops; in order, moreover, to give to this practical work the due amount of thoroughness, and to avoid the error of want of appreciation of the value of time as an element in mechanical work, large contracts for actual work for private individuals are taken by the school, which are carried out partly by hired labour and partly by the co-operation of the students. The theoretical training is said to be of a very high order, most nearly resembling that of the Ecole Centrale of Paris. Admission to the school can be obtained, either on passing a qualifying examination, or on presentation of the leaving certificate of a Gymnasium or Real school, but there is a preparatory division to which students are admitted who have not fully completed their secondary education. All the students wear a semi-military REPORT. 205 costume, and those who have obtained the full diploma are provided with posts under Government. The fees are, for boarders 45l. per Fees. annum, day boarders 15l., and foreign auditors lll. per annum; the annual receipts, including interest on the endowment fund, are about 32,000l. and the expenses are 28,000L, leaving an annual surplus of 4,000lfl“ The staff of professors, tutors, and practical instructors is very extensive, and the school possesses a fine library and collections of apparatus, models, and natural history specimens. There are two divisions in the school, one general and the Dmswns' other special: the latter division is sub-divided into three branches,——for mechanical construction, mechanical engineering, and engineering technology respectively; each division has a three years’ course, and the full course extends over six years. In the general division the subjects taught are as follows :-— Algebra, practical geometry, differential and integral calculus, mechanics, machine drawing, free-hand and linear drawing, descriptive geometry, physics, zoology, botany, mineralogy, chemistry, geodesy, French, German, and Religion. 0 o 0 o o . g ‘ . “r k h - In the speclal dlVlSlOIl the subjects of instruction are morganlo or s OPS and analytical chemistry, metallurgy, applied physics, mechanical and chemical technology, properties of wood and metals, practical mechanics, railway construction, engineering, the art of con- structing, designing, and estimating machinery and mill-work, factory design, industrial statistics, and book-keeping. All students spend some hours daily in the shops. The practical department is in two divisions, namely, the work- shops, in which actual contract works are executed, and the practising shops, under the charge of specially trained foremen, where the students learn filing, turning, pattern—making, joiners’ work, smiths’ work, and moulding. The works are on a, sufficiently large scale 3 they consist of joiners’ shop, engineering shop, painters’ shop, an erecting shop, an iron foundry, a brass foundry, and a smithy. These works have one engine of 30, and another of 10 horse-power. There is a regular drawing office and counting-house attached to them, and remunerative work is said to be carried on to the extent of from 8,000]. to 10,0001. P8,. annum. The instruction in the practising workshops is compulsory, and all the students must go through the course, before they can be admitted to the manufacturing shops. The result of this sub-division is stated to have produced very satisfactory effects. A Collection of models has been formed, and a regular course of work in three stages, each lasting 240 hours, has been devised for each trade, The staff consists of a director, M. Della-Vos, and 45 professors, masters, and tutors, ll engineers, assistants and foremen, 15 assis- tants, &c., 84 non-commissioned officers and soldiers, and 100 workmen in the various shops. There are 100 free students (boarders), 200 paying boarders, and 282 day students. C12 taff. * The school capital is valued at 496.0001. 206 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Admission. Professor Fuller, of the Worcester Free Institute of Industrial Science, Massachusetts, who has visited the Moscow schoolsyhas informed the Commission that owing to the want of sufficient preliminary training, a large number of students do not rise beyond the position of superior workmen or foremen, and are not capable of receiving an education of a higher grade than that given in the Ecoles des Arts et Métiers of France. Nor do we hear a very satisfactory account of the value of the instruction as measured by the number of competent men leaving the school. THE ROYAL SAxoN MINING 8021001. or FREIBERG. The Mining School of Fretberg 'l'n, Saxony—Of the numerous mining schools of Europe probably the Royal Saxon “Berg- akademie” of Freiberg has trained the largest number of successful miners and metallurgists, and the title of ME. (mining engineer) of that school is a guarantee of excellence, and serves as a recommendation of the greatest value. The reason of this is obvious when we know that the system of instruction carried on here is a thoroughly practical one, so that the students are brought into actual contact with the opera- tions on a large scale. The object of this time honoured institution is to give a complete scientific education both of a theoretical and practical character to young men intended for metallurgists or mining engineers. Admission to the school for Saxons and Germans, is made dependent on having passed the Maturitats examination of a Gymnasium or first class Real school, but foreigners are received without examination, provided they bring certificates of corn- petence from some recognised scientific or educational institution, and this liberality on the part of the Saxon Government has been largely availed of by many distinguished English and American metallurgists and mining engineers. Regular courses of study are laid down extending over four years and differing according as the pupil desires to follow the mining or the metallurgical branch of the profession. Higher mathematics, descriptive geometry, spherical trigonometry, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, and mechanical drawing, form the ground- work of the studies, to which are added, in the second and succeeding years, the special subjects of mining and metallurgy and all their allied branches of science, taught by lectures, laboratory practice, by working and surveying in the mines, and by practical metallurgical instruction in the smelting works of the Saxon State. The collections of mineralogical and geological specimens are most complete, and with the libraries and museums of mining machinery, are open to all the students of the school. Many of the professors have been men of European fame—Werner, REPORT. 207 Plattner, and now Richter and Weisbach, are names known to and honoured by all students of science. The lectures of Richter on the blow-pipe are unique, and those of Professor Weisbach on mineralogy are most valuable. But the most important respects in Which Freiberg excels, is the practical experience which the students can gain in the operations of smelting conducted on a large scale in the Government smelting works (the Miildnerhiitte and that at Halsbriicke) as well as in those of mining by visiting the neighbouring mines belonging to the Saxon Government. As these mines now yield ore of only the poorest quality, the operations have to be conducted with great care, and hence offer, to the student of mining, training of an exceptional character, while the number of metals present in the ore (gold, silver, copper, lead, bismuth, arsenic, and antimony) and worked up at the smelting works, afford a no less valuable one to the student in many branches of metallurgy. The cost of living in F reiberg, including the fees payable to the academy, need not exceed 100i. per annum. The average number of students in training forthe last 10 years is : Saxons and Germans, 64: ; foreigners, 58. F reiberg does not, however, afford practical instruction in The Leoben iron mining or smelting; the mining school specially adapted igfgngfers for the study of the metallurgy of iron is that of Leoben in Styria, under its veteran head, Professor von Tunner. GENERAL REVIEW OF POLYTECHNIC SCHOOLS. Having concluded our report on the Polytechnic schools of OPinlOPSfill Germany, we pass to certain important general considerations Sg'énifig respecting the higher scientific and technical education in that valiie of,poly- country. In the first place, the question as to the value of the “clinics training at the Polytechnic school, as compared with that given at the University, and especially as to how far the division into purely scientific subjects as taught in the Universities, and applied science as taught in the Polytechnic schools of Germany, is a wise or advisable arrangement, as also of what is the best preliminary training for polytechnic students, has been the subject of much discussion, and the Commissioners have been at the pains of obtaining opinions on this subject from a number of distinguished men connected with the Universities and also with the Polytechnics. It may be mentioned that in the Polytechnics of Germany there is accommodation for about 6,000 students, whilst the total attendance is little more than 2,000, and the annual cost to the State of each student, exclusive of interest on capital, is about 1001. This apparently unnecessary extension of the Polytechnic schools in that country is partially accounted for by the fact that, when they were originally erected, Germany consisted of several independent states which have since been united in the German empire. 208 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Professor von Helmholtz on German Polytechnics. Dr. Werner Siemens. Professor von Helmholtz on the value of scientific knowledge. Chemical instruction in Polytechnics and Univer- sities. In support of this conclusion, Professor von Helmholtz stated to the Commissioners that whilst he set great value on the highest technical instruction, as given in Germany, in aiding the industrial manufacturers of the country, he con- sidered that the number of Polytechnics or Technical Universities in Germany was in excess of the present requirements of the people, and had come to be so in consequence of the altered political condition of the country, which no longer consisted of separate states endeavouring to rival one another in the extent and excellence of their educational institutions. This opinion was further corroborated by Dr. Werner Siemens, who went so far as to say that the new and splendid edifice, now being erected at Charlottenburg, near Berlin, for the purposes of a Technical University, would be sufiicient for the whole of North Germany. Professor von Helmholtz pointed out to the Commissioners not only the general advantages, but also the absolute economy, of employing persons as heads of departments, conversant with the theory of their work, and able by virtue of their scientific know- ledge to anticipate results, and to calculate beforehand the quantity and quality of material required, as compared with those who, failing this knowledge, are compelled to adopt, often at greatly increased cost, the more empirical method of repeated trial. He further stated that his son, owing mainly to his knowledge of physics, especially of the mechanical theory of heat, had risen to a post of considerable importance in the loco— motive works of Herr Krauss, at Munich, in which he had been placed. As regards the chemical instruction given in the Polytechnics and Universities of Germany, the opinion was very generally expressed at Berlin that there is no essential distinction between the methods and the results of the teaching of these two classes of educational institutions. Indeed, it may be fairly assumed, in spite of some opinions to the contrary, that in the teaching of chemistry the aims and objects of the Polytechnic overlap those of the University ; the advantage of Polytechnic instruction for those who are to occupy the higher posts of managers in chemical manufactories, consisting in the opportunities afforded to the students of obtaining the necessary additional instruction in machine construction and drawing. As giving some idea of the number of students who in Germany are receiving practical chemical instruction of a high order, Professor Liebermann, Director of the Chemical Depart— ment of the Technical High School, stated that the total number of students working in the laboratories of Berlin alone, amounted to close upon 4:00. And we learn that during the present winter (1883-41), no less than 50 students are engaged in original organic research in the laboratory of the University of Munich, under Professor Baeyer. REPORT. 209 K Dr. Martins, a large chemical manufacturer of Berlin, spoke very strongly concerning the great progress made in manufactures in Germany during the last 10 years, particularly in the chemical branches. He himself employs 14 trained chemists, each of whom has charge of a department, and they supervise operations with a care and attention which an ordinary foreman, not equally well trained, is unable to give. Dr. Martins considered that whilst the English foreman is in many respects superior to the German foreman, Germans possessed a distinct advantage, in chemical industries, over the English, in the number of highly trained scientific men in Germany who are always available as foremen or superintendents of departments of the works. As regards foremen in other trades, and workmen in general, he did not consider that the technical education of these classes in Germany was superior to that of the same classes in England ; and it is with the view of improving the technical education of foremen and of superior workmen that Werkmeisterschulen or foremen’s schools are now being instituted in Germany. Dr. Werner Siemens inclined to the opinion that the best foremen and managers of works were those who having had a good general education, had been employed for some time in practical work in the shop, and had afterwards spent two or three semesters in a Werkmeistersc/zule, with a view of supple- menting their practical experience by theoretical instruction in the scientific principles applicable to their trade. He thought it advisable that of those receiving this kind of training, the ablest and most highly gifted pupils should pass on to the higher tech- nical schools. Dr. Siemens added, that he himself was in the ‘habit in some cases of selecting young men of promise and of paying their expenses and maintenance at the W erlzmez'szferschule, and, in others, of giving them the opportunity of dividing the year between work and school, so as to enable them to pay for themselves. He had established in his own works a complete physical laboratory in which tests of the greatest delicacy were continually being carried on. Dr. Frohlich, a distinguished physicist, was his associate in the business, and superintended this scientific laboratory. With respect to the best preparatory training for polytechnic instruction, various opinions were expressed. Professor Hofmann is in favour of the Gymnasium training, preferring it to that of the first grade Real School, notwithstanding the fact that in the latter the pupils obtain fairly good instruction in natural science, and scarcely any in the former. But he was bound to admit that this superiority on the part of the Gymnasium students may be due, in part to the fact that the pupils are drawn from a class which for several generations has received superior culture, and also to some extent to the methods of classical tuition being more matured than those of science, so far as secondary education is concerned. Ri 1726. 0 Dr. Martins on influence of chemical training in Germany. Dr. Siemens on training of foremen, Sac, Profs ssor Hofmann on preliminary training for polytechnic instruction. 210 RoYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INsTRUcTIoN: Mr. Glaser on influence of polytechnic instruction. Dr. Victor Meyer. Professor Fick. Professor Kiihne. Professor Lunge Herr Glaser, patent agent, and agent for the Bochum Stahl V erein, furnished the Commissioners with one or two special examples of the improvements in machinery, &c., which had oflicially come under his notice, and which were in his opinion to a great extent the result of the, training which the students received in the Polytechnic. He did not consider, however, that, till recently, invention had had fair play in Germany, owing to the defective nature of the old patent law. As regards the question of Polytechnic as against University training, Dr. Victor Meyer, the Professor of Chemistry at the‘ Zurich Polytechnic, expresses it as his opinion that so far as technical chemists are concerned the education would be equally well given in a University were a technical faculty founded in addition to the faculties existing for the purely theoretical sciences. He also supports Professor Hofmann in the view that the Gymnasium training serves equally as well for the subsequent studies of the Polytechnic as the instruction of the Real School. So far as his subject is concerned, he does not recognise any essential difference in the nature of the studies of the Polytechnic on the one hand, and of the University on the other,--indeed the University students of medicine are technical students who ' study applied science. Professor Meyer thinks that the end to be desired is as complete an amalgamation as possible of the studies of the University and the Polytechnic. Dr. Fick, Professor of Physiology at the University of Wurzburg, formerly a professor in the Zurich Polytechnic, also supports the view that the union of the University with the Polytechnic school would be distinctly advisable. He thinks that by this means much economy in tuition, as also in its cost, might be effected. He believes that the introduction into the Universities of the subject of engineering would be a distinct gain to these institutions, and points out the advantages enjoyed by the University of Zurich from its proximity to the flourishing Polytechnic. The above opinions are also shared by Professor Kiihne of Heidelberg. Professor Lunge of Zurich, who was for many years resident in England, where he was the manager of a large alkali works, holds, with regard to the preparatory training of technolo- gists, an opposite view to that of Professor Hofmann which has been already referred to; and Professor Lunge’s views are shared by an equally eminent authority, Dr. Wislicenus, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Wurzburg. Dr. Lunge holds that the linguistic training of the German Gymnasium is unsuited as preparatory to a technical career, inasmuch as the time there devoted to mathematics, drawing, and modern languages, as well as to the elements of natural science, is wholly insufficient, and he therefore inclines to the opinion that the education given in the Prussian Realschulen of the first rank, corresponding to the Bavarian Real-gymnasium, is distinctly REPORT. 211 preferable to the purely linguistic system of education of the Gymnasium proper. With respect to the union of the Polytechnic with the University, he alludes to the difliculties which would arise from the fusion of these teaching bodies in the case of the large towns and the capitals of Europe, on account of the inordinate dimensions these institutions would assume. He thinks that in smaller institutions such a fusion or partial union would be productive of excellent results, and he also draws attention to the value of the addition of an engineering faculty to the smaller Universities. He points out the great economy which arises from having the two institutions in the same town, as at Zurich, and the great saving of teaching power of which this arrangement is productive. Dr. Quincke, who has been Professor of Physics at the Berlin Dr- Quincke' Polytechnic School, and who now is Professor of Physics at the University of Heidelberg, whilst agreeing in the main with the foregoing opinions, points out the error made by many in believing that any Polytechnic course of teaching can by itself teach a student to erect an engine, work a blast-furnace, or manufacture sulphuric acid, the real object of the technical school being to facilitate the transition from pure science to practice by means of appropriate lectures and laboratory work, which are obviously insuflicient to prepare the student for carrying on actual work where practical experience is needed. He likewise points out that the number of scientifically trained men sent out from the Polytechnic Schools of Germany, has been in excess of the number of the existing high class industrial positions open to them, so that Polytechnic students have been compelled to take subordinate positions. As regards preliminary training, Professor Quincke shares Pro- fessor Hofmann’s views as to the superiority of the Gymnasium for this purpose over the Real School. He thinks, moreover, that the addition of technical faculties to the Universities would not only bring valuable teaching power into these institutions, but that the existing subjects of mathematics and natural science would thus be brought nearer to the actual requirements of the day, so that the “ Universitas Literarum ” would become adapted to the age of railways, steam engines, and telegraphs ; as centuries ago, the needs of Church and State added a fourth faculty, that of “ Philosophy,” to the existing faculties of theology, juris- prudence, and medicine. Conflicting as these opinions may seem to be, the Commissioners Polytechnic cannot help calling attention to the fact that in every country indlllnim'sity visited, separate institutions have been established for the teaching cexljfia of the higher branches of science, according as the object has been merely the advancement of knowledge for its own sake, or its applications to industrial operations. Thus institutions more or less similar to the Polytechnics of Germany, exist in Switzer- land, in Holland, in France (in the Ecole Centrale), in Italy, and 0 2 '212 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNlCAL INSTRUCTION: Chemistry. Mathematics. in Russia; and similar institutions have been very recently founded in America. Moreover, even now, there is still income plete and in process of erection by the German Government, on the one hand the magnificent Technical High School of Berlin, and on the other the University of Strasburg, by far the grandest and most elaborately fitted of all the German Universities ; in which, latter however, no provision is made for the faculty of engineering, and where the instruction in mathematics and science will be maintained on the same high level as in other Universities, and will be in no way fettered by the necessity of keeping in View the requirements‘of students in their future career, or by the commercial aspect of the problems under consideration. Where the instruction of the University and Polytechnic seems most to overlap, is undoubtedly in the teaching of chemistry. Although it has been admitted that for the training of an industrial chemist a knowledge of drawing and of machine con- struction is almost indispensable ; on the other hand as regards the remarkable discoveries which have been made by German chemists who have devoted themselves to research work in the highest branches of the science, and which have had so great a commercial value and have pushed forward to so great an extent the chemical industries of Germany the Universities equally with the Polytechnics have been the cradle in which technical chemists have been reared ; and the professor, whether at the University or at the Polytechnic, who has established the greatest reputation by virtue of his successful investigations into the highest branches -of chemistry, has attracted to his classes the largest number of students. The really all-important factor in the training of an ‘ industrial chemist is the time he can devote to the study‘of this science ; Professor Baeyer of Munich stated that a course of seven years’ instruction was needed to make a first-class chemist, and this can, of course, be obtained under a competent teacher either at the University or at the Polytechnic. In the case, however, of a student who does not aim at so high a standard of proficiency ; who requires, as speedily as possible, to obtain an insight into the practical details of the work in which he is to be engaged, a course of instruction which includes lessons on the technology of his trade, and research work directed towards the same end, is undoubtedly serviceable. In either case instruction in machine drawing and construction should be regarded as an essential part of the course of training of an industrial chemist who is not to become a mere analyst. Examples are not wanting of chemical industries being founded, superintended, and carried on in this country by Germans who have received their education in the Polytechnics or Universities abroad, but who find in our own country the necessary capital and labour, the raw material, and the industrial facilities, which enable them to turn to commercial purposes their own scientific knowledge. But this fact must not cause us to lose sight of the difference in method in the teaching of other branches of science, when REPORT. 2 l 3 taught independently of, or as ancillary to, their commercial applications. In mathematics, for example, the highest uni- versity teaching, which is of the utmost value to every person studying the subject for its own sake, or with the view of teaching it to others, is not equally necessary for persons who learn mathematics that it may be an instrument in their hands for the solution of ordinary engineering problems. And equally in physics, in one branch of which at least the commercial aspect of the science is coming to the front, the investigations which would be carried on in a research laboratory, under the direction of a pro- fessor not necessarily interested in electrical problems, for example, the solution of which at present have a distinctly economic value, would not prove as useful or as attractive to a student, as investigations more immediately connected with the industry in which he is to be engaged, and towards which he feels that his studies ought to be directed. At the same time it is clear that in physics, equally as in chemistry, the knowledge of the principles of the science and of the methods of research is the more important part of the theoretical equipment of the technical student, and provided the laboratories possess the necessary apparatus, this instruction can equally well be given in an institution devoted to the teaching of pure as of applied science. Amongst the various reasons for confining the teaching of Engineering. engineering to the Technical Universities, (the Polytechnic Schools), instead of establishing a separate department in the Universities proper, for engineers of all kinds, as is done for medical students, the Germans and other nations have pro- bably considered that the presence of large numbers of persons studying science. not so much for the mere advancement of knowledge, as for the sake of its industrial and commercial application, might have the tendency to lower in some cases the character, and in other cases to change the stand-point, of science- instruction; and although the combination- of University and Polytechnic in one building might have involved a considerable saving in teaching power, this economy would have been dearly purchased, if it had led to any diminution of the zeal with which purely theoretical studies and scientific investigations are pursued at the Universities. Moreover, it must be admitted that the healthy competition Influence of that has taken place between the faculties that are common to co‘"“Petition- both the University and the Polytechnic, has not been without effect in raising the character of the instruction in both these classes of institutions, in introducing, especis lly in the teaching of science, a sound practical method into the University, and in preventing the Polytechnic from becoming too exclusively a school of application, to the neglect of that instruction in prin- ciples which is properly recognised as being indispensable to the success of every student. 214! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: General diffusion of scientific education and its results. Need of similar schools in England. Education of industrial proprietors at Gymnasia and Univer- sities. Large number of Continental Universities. ‘0 To the multiplication of these Polytechnics and to the small cost of a higher or University education, may be ascribed the general diffusion of a high scientific knowledge in Germany, its apprecia- tion by all classes of persons, and the adequate supply of men competent, so far as theory is concerned, to take the place of managers and superintendents of industrial works, as well as of teachers in technical and other schools. “ In England, there is still a great want of this last class of persons 5 and whether schools of practical and applied science be afiiliated to the University, or exist separately and independently as in other countries, it is very important that facilities should be offered to such selected pupils from schools of lower grade as may be competent to profit by it, to receive the highest scientific and technical instruction, gratuitously, or at a small cost, in order that this country may be better supplied than it is at present with competent instructors. ' As regards the kind of training that will best fit a youth to become the head of an industrial concern, opinions both here and abroad differ considerably ; but in the value of the education given in the German Polytechnics as a part of the training of engineers, most competent authorities on the Continent appear to agree. In dealing with the superior education of those destined to become employers or proprietors of large industrial concerns in Germany and Switzerland, We must state in conclusion that the Gymnasia and Universities in spite of the existence of the numerous Technical High Schools, still serve to train probably the larger portion of those who are to take the lead in manufacturing industries, and that, consequently, the persons so educated cannot be said to receive any technical training in the school. The University is the natural termination of the career of the student entering the Gymnasium, which is par excellence the school of the higher and the upper middle ranks of society on the Continent; and, where time and money are of secondary importance, no education is deemed to have been properly completed without a few years passed at one or other of the numerous Universities. There are in all four and twenty Universities in the German Empire, five in Switzerland, nine in Austria, and the German University of Dorpat in Russia, and the total number of students who are being trained in them is little short of' 35,000. In the first rank, as regards the number of those under instruction, stands the University of Berlin with the enormous total of 4,995 students, together with 3,900 non-matriculated auditors. Leipsic comes second, with a total of 3,166 students, and 3,111 auditors, while Munich has respectively 2,049 students, and 2,017 auditors In the next class are the important and flourishing Universities of Breslau' 1,682 students, Halle 1,414 students, Tiibingen 1,414, Bonn 1,102, G'cittingen 1,096, and Wiirzburg 1,091, while the REPORT. 21 0 ” Russian University of Dorpat numbers 1,277 students, and the Austrian University of Lemberg is returned at 1,011. The numbers at Vienna and Pesth are not stated, but they probably considerably exceed those at Lemberg. The staif of professors for this immense body of students is equally remarkable. Thus at Vienna, there are in all 272 on the teaching body, including however 127 honorary academical professors. At Berlin, the total teaching staff numbers 241, at Leipsic 171, Prague 150, Pesth 143, Munich 141, Breslau 123, Go'ttingen 119, Bonn 110, and Heidelberg 109. To give an idea of the large sums spent by the German Governments on the scientific departments of their State Univer- sities, it may suffice to mention the cost of a few of the departments of the new University of Strasburg. The total outlay on the buildings of this University, either now complete, in process of erection, or planned, is 600,0001. The department of botany has had a sum of 20,0001. devoted to it; that of physics 30,0001. ; that of chemistry, including a residence for the director, 35,0001. These items include the permanent fittings of the various laboratories, but not the apparatus and collections which have been partly inherited from former years, and are partly purchased from the annual allowances of the various departments. The yearly budget of the chemical department amounts to 1,3351, not including either the salaries of the two professors (about 8001.) or the cost of heating and lighting, which are defrayed by the University. It includes the salaries of five assistants (2551.) and the wages of four servants (2601.), leaving a sum of 8201. to meet the general working expenses of the department, including the purchase of chemicals, apparatus, specimens, &c. The number of students working in the chemical laboratories at Strasburg is about 100. The Swiss Universities, which closely resemble those of Germany in their constitution, and in the scope of their curricula, though on a somewhat smaller scale, are, as we have stated, five in number, and exist at Berne, Zurich, Basle, Geneva, and Lausaune. A remarkable institution visited by the Commissioners is the Bernou11z'anum of Basle, which contains the chemical, physical, and astronomical departments of the University of Basle. It was erected by public subscription, as a memorial of Bernoulli, the celebrated mathematician, at a cost of 18,0001. Bernoulli was a native of the town, and a professor at the University. The institution comprises laboratories, class—rooms, and a com- pletely fitted astronomical observatory. In a large lecture theatre attached to the building, courses of popular lectures are delivered by the professors and other eminent men, who give their services gratuitously. We were conducted through the premises by Professor Hagenbach-Bischoff, who explained to us the mode of illustrating the lectures by a magic-lantern connected with the electric light apparatus, the fittings for which have Cost of the new German University, Strasburg. Chemical Department. B u oret. Swiss Universities. The Ber- noullianum Basle. 216 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Travail Manuel. Entrance examination. School buildings. Number of students. been introduced at a cost of 4502. There are, for this purpose, a gas-engine, dynamo-machine, and lamps; the cost of this installa- tion was defrayed by public subscription. The lectures are largely attended. " The observatory contains a fine 7-inch equatorial, and the usual recording instruments. The physical laboratory and lecture theatre are especially well fitted, having water at a pressure of 4% atmospheres, and an arrangement for graduated pressures by tanks suspended at various heights from the floor. The lecture table is elaborately arranged with electrical appliances. There is a fair collection of apparatus, some of which is of historical interest, in a museum at the rear of the institution. A catalogue of a portion of the collection in the handwriting of Bernoulli was shown to us. The chemical department is extensive and well fitted. The professor, M. Piccard, gave us an interesting disquisition on the subject of Polytechnic as against University training; his views coinciding with those of Dr. Fisk, already quoted. EDUCATION or INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS. PARIS. The Ecole Normclle Sape’r'leare cle Travel/ll Manuel, 10, Rue des U rsulines, Paris, has been created for the training of masters, who shall instruct the students of the ordinary normal schools of the country in manual work. It was established and opened on the 1st December 1882. The course, as at present arranged, lasts for one year of 10 months. It is, however, contemplated that it will be necessary to extend it over a second year eventually, but as the masters are very urgently required, it is necessary to prepare a certain number in the one year for the present. The students have to pass a qualifying entrance examination, which consists of the Brevet de Capacité, usually required for teachers, and certain extra subjects—chemistry, physics, and natural history; they do not require to be qualified in any way in manual work before their admission. The limit of age is from 20 to 35. Although the Brevet de Capacité will eventually be indispensable, the regulations have in this first year been some- what relaxed. The school is held in a former girls’ school, which has been hastily and temporarily fitted up for its present purpose. It has a considerable area of land at back and front. There are two small botanical gardens, and a gravelled court—yard serving for recreation and gymnastic exercises. It is intended that the students shall have military training. There are at present 48 masters in training; this being the full capacity of the establishment. Thirty of these board in the house, and the remainder are provided for in the neighbourhood. REPORT. 217 ’ The cost of fitting up the school has been about 2,4001. The Cost of fittings instruction is gratuitous. In fact, the students receive payment, 3°(1ik51t10g5’ as those who are already teachers of primary schools retain u ge ’ c' their pay while they remain here, and the others receive the sum of 5t. per month. There are seven professors forming the teaching staff, and ten master workmen. The latter are only employed during certain hours, giving such a portion of their time as may be needed. All the work done in the work- shops belongs to the students; nothing made is intended for sale. The cost of materials used in the workshops is about W. 43. per month. It is expected that the budget of the school will amount to 3,6005. for the first year of 10 months, equal to about 71. 108. per head per month. All the costs of this school are borne by the State, but as it is an experiment only, there is no sum yet taken for it in the budget estimates. It will be seen from the programme in Appendix 22, that the Programme. course of instruction is partly theoretical and partly practical. One-and-a-half hours per day are allotted to theoretical work, and 4% hours to mechanical work in the shops. There is no practising school attached to this normal school, as is generally the case, but demonstrations are given by each student in turn before the others, in presence of the master. The teaching is uniform, all going through the same stages. The mornings are as a rule devoted to working in wood, the Course 9f afternoons to working in iron. Each student makes a set of msm‘ctmn' small models for his own use for teaching purposes. Model- making seems to be a strong feature of the teaching. There is a special modelling room, in which all are taught modelling in clay and subsequently the preparation of plaster models of building construction on a small scale,--masonry joints, stone- work, Stc; there is a special teacher for this branch of work, and four hours per week are devoted to it. We were shown some very neat plaster models of arches, made to a scale of 31,-, full size, careful drawings of which had first been prepared. The fitting shop contains 24 vices. All the students learn to Workshops. file and to chip. There is a regular set course of work lasting four months. Places are provided in the smithy for six students, who learn forging and welding, making up bars from faggots of scraps, making nuts and bolts, &c. Six work simultaneously at the iron lathes in the turning shop, and 12 at the wood lathes. There are two foreman-workmen in each of the shops, with the exception of the turnery, where there are three. The students pass two months at wood turning and two months at iron turning. There is no power provided for the lathes, as none could be obtained in the schools to which the teachers would eventually be sent. The natural history teaching is also made a special and promi- Instructiqn in nent feature in this school. There are two professors in this depart- “amid 1mm "3 ment The professor of botany gives lectures in his subject, 218 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Photographic laboratory. Collections, apparatus, &c. School museum ; chemical laboratory. Master work- 'men will‘ be trained at other schools. illustrated partly by the specimens in the botanical garden, and partly by the excursions, which take place every fortnight. There is also a physiological laboratory, which contains a large collection of aquaria, together with toads, and tortoises in tanks: also many other living animals, rabbits, rats, squirrels, &c. These are not used for purposes of vivisection, but for simple anatomical lectures, for stuifing, &c. ‘ There is a well-fitted laboratory, in which all the students learn photography. They are specially taught how to prepare negatives suitable for screen projection, as this is regarded as an important mode of illustrating lectures on natural history. A geological collection is being formed by the students, who go out on an excursion in the neighbourhood of Paris once every fortnight on a weekday during the summer, and also on Sunday afternoons. On the upper floor of the school is a series of rooms, where the students prepare their studies. Here we were shown a small collection of woodwork, made in the Swedish Slogd schools, and collected and presented by the director, M. Salicis. In another room were hung numerous satchels and tin botanizing boxes, butterfly nets, geological hammers, &c. for the excursions pre~ viously described. This apparatus was all numbered, and is lent to each student during the time he remains at the school. Here was also a collection of diagrams of simple dissections used by the professor of physiology. On the first floor was a school museum and lecture theatre; on the ground floor a refectory, where the students and masters take their meals together. There is a very cleverly fitted chemical laboratory; the professor being the former chemistry master at the Professional School of Rheims. This laboratory, which occupies an area of only 550 square feet, contains working places for 48 students. The benches are covered with white glazed tiles, and provide a metre in length for each student. The sets of reagent bottles had india-rubber stoppers with pipettes passing through them, thus enabling the student to use at will either a very small or a larger quantity of the reagent. The professor explained his system of chemical work to be one of regular drill, all the students performing a series of set experiments simultaneously; he having a raised desk, from which he could overlook the whole of the work in progress, and see that each man was carrying out his experiment properly. The sub-director, M. Merceaux, informed us that it was not proposed, so far as he knew, to establish schools for training master-workmen to serve as instructors in primary schools; such men could, doubtless, be readily obtained from the Arts and Trades Schools at Aix, Angers, and Chalons. Several of the masters at this school have come from the lilcole des Arts et Métiers at Angers. REPORT. 219 _ x The students, whether living in the house or lodging in the work is Over - neighbourhood, are all free after 6 o’clock. N o masters have as at 6 o’clqck in yet issued from the school, as a full year has not yet expired the evenmg' since its establishment, but M. Merceaux stated that he thought that some of the men then in training would be perfectly com- petent to undertake the duties for which they were being prepared at the expiration of the pre-arranged course. He stated that there was considerable inducement to masters to exchange a career of teacher in a primary school for that for which they were here trained, as the salary of a professor at a normal school was apprcximatel y double that of an ordinary primary school teacher. INFLUENCE UPON INDUSTRY or INSTITUTIONS FOR. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. Ecole Prat/Lycra des H crates Etudes of France. In order to indicate the value placed in France upon original scientific research, we may mention the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes of France. This institution deserves a special notice on account of the opportunities it affords for practical investigations which have in some instances excited a direct influence on the commercial and manufacturing interests of the country. It consists of a collection of laboratories, in which original scientific research is encouraged and carried out. Founded under the ministry of M. Duruy in 1868, it has been the means of furthering most important investigations, both of a purely scientific nature as well of a practical character, and in proof of this, it is only necessary to say that the whole of Pasteur’s work, to which reference is made in the sequel, has been accomplished by the aid of this institution. The object of this school, or rather collection of schools, is stated to be “ de placer a coté de l’enseignement théorique les “ exercices qui peuvent le fortifier et l’etendre.” The institution is divided into four sections—- 1. Mathematics. 2. Physics and chemistry. 3. Natural history and physiology. a. Historical and philological science. The most eminent men in France are chosen as the directors of these schools. Students are admitted gratuitously, and there is no restriction either as to age or to nationality, but candidates must convince the director of their ability to profit by the instruction, and of their fitness to conduct research. The laboratories are attached to several of the higher educa~ tional institutions, such as the Sorbonne, the College de France, the Museum of Natural History, &c., and they are of two kinds (1) teaching laboratories, (2) research laboratories. The estab- lishment of private laboratories for these purposes is also permitted. The expenses of these laboratories are defrayed by 220 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: the ministry of public instruction, an annual grant of 12,000l. being made for this purpose, besides which the municipality of Paris votes the annual sum of 960l. for exhibitions, travelling rellowships, and prizes of books or instruments. A commission of five persons named by the minister from amongst the directors of the laboratories, is appointed for the purpose of arranging the studies of the pupils. The following serves to show the nature of the subjects and the institutions in which the teaching is conducted :— 1. Mathematics. Committee of studies, MM. Chasles, Hermite, &c. 2. Physics and chemistry. Committee, M.M. Berthelot, J amin, VVurtz, 850. (cu) Laboratory for physical research in the Natural History Museum. Director, M. Becquerel. ((9.) Laboratory for teaching physics at the Sorbonne. Director, M. Desains. » (0.) Laboratory for physical research at the Sorbonne. Director, M. Jamin. ((1.) Laboratory for Organic chemistry at the College de France. Director, M. Berthelot. (6.) Laboratory for general chemistry and physiology at the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. Director, M. Dumas. ( Laboratory for research and teaching practical chemistry at the Museum of Natural History. Director, M. Fremy. (9.) Laboratory of physiological chemistry. Director, M. Pasteur. (h.) Chemical laboratory at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. Director, M. H. Saints-Claire Deville (lately deceased). (t) Chemical laboratory at the Sorbonne. Directors, MM. Saints-Claire Deville and Schutzenberger. (10.) Laboratory for general chemistry at the Col lége de France. Director, M. Schutzenberger. (L) Chemical laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine. Director, M. Wurtz. Laboratory for teaching mineralogy. Director, M. Friedel. (n) Meteorological research laboratory at ChOisy-le- Roi. Director, M. Benon. (0.) Research laboratory at Caen for agricultural chemistry. Director, M. Isidore Pierre. REPORT. 221 3. Natural history. Committee, MM. Milne-Edwards, Claude Bernard (lately deceased). (00.) Zoological Anatomical and Physiological Labora- tory at the Museum of Natural History. Director, M. Milne-Edwards. (5.) Comparative Anatomy Laboratory at the Museum of Natural History. Director, M. Paul-Gervais. (0.) Laboratory of Experimental Zoology at the Sorbonne, with Maritime Station at Roscoff. Director, M. H. De Lacaze-Duthiers. Histological Laboratory at the College de France. Director, M. L. Ranvier. (a) Laboratory of Zoological Histology. Directors, M. C. Robin, M. G. Pouchet. ( f.) Histological Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine. Directors, M. Robin, and M. Duval. (9.) Zoological Laboratory of the Lille Faculty of Sciences, with Maritime Station at Wimereux. Director, M. A. Giard. Zoological Laboratory at Marseilles. Director, M. Marion. ('21.) Physiological (Teaching) Laboratory at the Sorbonne. Director, M. Paul Bert. (k) General Physiological Laboratory at the Museum. Director, M. Claude Bernard (lately deceased). (L) Histological Laboratory at the College de France. Director, M. Claude Bernard (lately deceased). Anthropological Laboratory. Director, M. Paul Broca. (01,.) Pathological Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine. Director, M. Charcot. (0.) Physiological Laboratory of the College de France ’ Director, M. Marey. (20.) Laboratory of Experimental Pathology. Director, M- Vulpian. (9.) Physiological Laboratory of the Montpelier Medical School. Director, M. Rouget. - (72) Botanical Laboratory of the Paris Medical School. Director, M. Baillon. (a) Botanical Laboratory at the Museum of Natural History, Paris. Director, M. Ed. Bureau. (15.) Laboratory of Vegetable Micrography and its applications to Medicine. Director, M. Chatin. 222 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Note on the researches of M. Pasteur. ('a.) Agricultural Laboratory at the Museum. Director, M. Decaisne. ('0.) Laboratory for teaching Botany at the Sorbonne. Director, M. Duchartre. (w) Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Geology at the College de France. Director, M. Elie de deceased). (an) Geological Laboratory at the Sorbonne. Director, M. Hebert. (1y) Geological Laboratory at Lille. Director, M. Gosselet. The fourth division consists of institutions for the study of historical and philological subjects, which are beyond the scope of this Report. How far the laboratories in this imposing list are made use of by French students of science it is difficult to determine, but the opinions of M. Lauth, quoted in another part of our report, lead to the conclusion that for chemistry at least, there is much to be desired in this respect. However this may be, there can be no doubt that the foundation of these Ecoles by the Government has been amply repaid, if in no other direction, by the magnificent series of researches by Pasteur, for which he now receives a Govern- ment subsidy of 1,0001. per annum. Commencing these most important researches many years ago with a critical examination of the phenomena of fermentation, Pasteur extended them to the investigation of the nature and mode of action of the minute organisms which cause many varieties of epidemic disease in the vegetable as well as in the animal world. He taught the brewer why his beer frequently turns sour, and how to enable him to keep it good; he showed the wine-grower how to prevent the fermentations to which wine is subject ; next, turning his attention to the fatal disease which was killing all the silkworms in France and Italy, he indicated the cause of the complaint, and enabled the silk-grower to avoid the evil. Again his powers of exact observation were called in by the Government to combat the fatal disease known as anthrax, which was destroying the cattle and sheep in France to the number of 15 million per annum. By a happy discovery, Pasteur was able to check if not altogether to eradicate this pest. He found that by a certain method of culture, the poisonous character of the minute organism which is the active cause of the disease, can be so attenuated that it may be used to inoculate the healthy animal without producing any evil effects; and the animals thus inoculated are by this means rendered insusceptible of taking the disease in its aggra- vated form. By similar means he was likewise able to prevent the spread of a disease which attacks poultry and is termed chicken cholera; and at present Pasteur and others, including a commission of German men of science, under Dr. Koch, of Berlin, are engaged in an inquiry as to whether Asiatic cholera may not Beaumont (lately nnrdnr. 223 {5 yield to a similar treatment. A similar investigation appears to have led Dr. Friere, of Rio de J aneiro, to the discovery of the specific poison of the yellow fever, a discovery which points to a possible remedy for this virulent disease. ON THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION ON CERTAIN BRANCHES OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. We have here collected our notes on certain special industries, viz., 1, chemical colours; 2; beet sugar; and 3, the alkali trade, upon which the influence of technical education is plainly observable. I.—-Inflnence of Technical Training on ‘the Chemical Colour I ndnstry of Germany and Switzerland. Among the coal-tar colour works visited by the (Jommis- Colour works- sioners, were those erected on the banks of the Rhine, at Basle, of: Messrs. by Messrs. Bindschedler and Busch. These works, though far Blgdgclfegler less extensive than those of Messrs. Meister, Lucius, and an ‘be ' Briining, at Hiichst, or of the Baden Aniline and Soda Works, at Ludwigshafen, are carried on in a no less scientific spirit, and the general method of working adopted. in all these establish= ments is identical. The first principle which guides the commercial heads of all Employment the Continental colour works, is the absolute necessity of having 0f highly highly-trained scientific chemists, not only at the head of the 5:13;?“ works, but at the head of every department of the works where a special manufacture is being carried on. In this respect this method of working stands in absolute contrast to that too often adopted in chemical Works in this country, where the control of the processes is left in the hands of men whose only rule is that of the thumb, and whose only knowledge is that bequeathed to them by their fathers. On entering the works of Messrs. Bindschedler and Busch, Method in one is struck, in the first place, with the adaptation of means which the to ends, with the substantially~built, well-lighted, well-ventilated worgs 2:1‘; workshops, and above all, with the all-pervading cleanliness and Con me e ' neatness. But it is not of these things that we now desire to speak, but rather of the method by which their business is con- ducted. 1n the first place, then, the scientific director (Dr. Bindschedler) is a thoroughly-educated chemist, cognisant of, and able to make use of the discoveries emanating from the various scientific laboratories of the world. Under him are three scientific chemists, to each of whom is entrusted one of the three main departments into which the works are divided. Each of these head chemists, who have in this instance enj oyed Training of a thorough training in the Zurich Polytechnic, has several heads of assistant chemists placed under him, and all these are gentlemen departments. 224 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN 0N TECHNICAL INsTRUcTIoN: , l‘en chemical laboratories. Scientific library. Mode in which new scientific discoveries are worked out. p who have had a theoretical education in either a German University or in a Polytechnic School. An important part of the system has now to be noticed, viz., that directly under these scientific assistants come the common workmen, who have, of course, no knowledge whatever of scientific principles, and who are, in fact, simple machines, acting under the will of a superior intelligence. The many and great advantages of this arrange- ment are patent to all; and the fact of having men of education and refinement in positions of the kind, renders the foreign manu- facturer who adopts this system less liable to annoyance and loss (from sources which we need not more nearly specify) than his English competitor, who works on a different plan. So much for the personal of the Works. N ow for the mode in which they carry on their work. To begin at the beginning, we find no less than ten well-equipped, airy, experimental laboratories in these works, perfectly distinct from the work- shops where the manufacturing processes are carried on. In these ten laboratories, the chief departmental Chemists and their assistants work out their investigations respecting the produc- tion of new colouring matters, or the more economic manufacture of old ones. To assist them in their work, a complete scientific library is at hand, containing all the newest researches, for these, as we have said, form the material out of which the colour- chemist builds up his manufacture, and no sooner do the results appear of a perhaps purely scientific research which may possibly yield practical issues, than the works-chemist seizes on them and repeats these experiments, modifying and’ altering them so as at last to bring them within the charmed circle of financial success. Thanks to Dr. Bindschedler, we are able to quote a specially representative case, and a clear description of one such case is worth a host of generalities. Through the original investiga- tions of Messrs. Emil and Otto Fischer, the attention of ‘the _ manufacturer was drawn to the leuco or colourless base obtained by the action of benzaldehyde on dimethylaniline, inasmuch as they stated that the salts of these colourless bases become green on exposure to air. Founded on these Observations, an en- deavour was made to effect the practical manufacture of a green colouring matter by oxidation of these colourless bodies. In order to attain the desired end, the following investigations had to be made by the chemist and his assistants who were to conduct the operations :— ' (1.) A cheap method had to be found for manufacturing benzaldehyde. (2.) A profitable mode of making the leuco-base had to be worked out. (3.) The proper oxidising agents and their best method of application had to be determined. (41.) The best method of purifying and of crystallizing the green colouring matter had to be discovered. REPORT. 225 The laboratory experiments on the above points having proved Lamim'yts so far successful as to give prospects of good results, operations :2 3113322,, on a somewhat larger scale were started, and these yielding a by work on_a satisfactory issue, the manufacture proper of the colouring gz‘ilgfactmng matter, now well known as malachite green, on the technical ' scale was commenced ; all the operations being watched by, and constantly being under the control of the chemists. But even now their scientific work is by no means ended. Continuous laboratory experiments go on for the purpose of finding improve- ments in the mode of manufacture. Thus, for example, the improved yield, both as to quality and quantity, of the benzal- dehyde is a matter of investigation. Again, the synthetic pro- duction of the pure leuco-base by a more direct process is sought for, so as to get rid of loss in working, and to obtain a yield as close as possible to that pointed out by theory. In the same way improvements in the materials used for oxidation, and in their application, are made, so as to effect the oxidation quanti- tatively, without the formation of by-products. Lastly, the action of various solvents is examined, so as to obtain the best form of the crystallized colouring matter. As indicating the value of these improvements made after the colour became a . marketable article, it is only necessary to state that the price of the crystallized-oxalate has been reduced from 2t. to ll. 4s. per kilo. The foregoing may serve to give a picture of a really scientifi- A111 the g1‘? cally-conducted works, where each step in advance is made g‘i’v‘g‘inlfigyf‘ systematically, as the result of a well-devised plan of operations. ment to This is, indeed, the only means of progress, and this fact is so ngmefotgs well recognised in Germany that each of the much larger colour- c emls " works at Hochst and Ludwigshafen possesses a staff of from 30 to 410 well paid and thoroughly trained chemists to conduct their operations. But we are, of course, far from believing that because the methods adopted in these foreign colour-works are scientific and productive of good, those made use of in all English works must therefore be unscientific and bad. Taking the whole applications of chemical science we may, no doubt, with truth say that the English industrial chemists have been at least as successful commercially, and certainly as productive in new and important discoveries, as their Continental rivals. The Germans and Swiss, however, have been and still are dis- tinctly before us, not only in the facilities which they possess of obtaining the highest technical training in their numerous Universities and Polytechnic Schools, but what is even more to the point, before us in the general recognition of the value and importance of such training for the successful prosecution of any branch of applied science. The following statistics give some idea of the magnitude of gol'ks the colour works of Messrs. Meister, Lucius, &. Co. at Ho'chst, tefssfifl'cfuglz - 9 9 near Frankfort. referred to above, and founded 1n 1862. Co. at Hochst. R1 1726. 1. 226 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: The establishments occupy an area of 150 acres, of which 20 are covered with buildings. The staff includes 51 scientific chemists, 50 foremen, 15 managers and engineers, and 77 clerks and commercial men, with 1,400 workpeople. The works possesses its own railways, 41 boilers, with a heating surface of 4,000 square yards, and 71 meters, either steam, water, or gas~ engines. The workmen and officials are domiciled in houses belonging to the company, and restaurants, baths, sick clubs, and pension funds have been established for the good of the employés. There is also a fire-brigade with 5 hand-engines, and one steam fire-engine. The total supply of water, from 145 fire-cocks, amounts to 30,000 cubic feet per hour. ‘Manufactured In 1882 the products of these works amounted to :— products in 0 _ . 1882. (1.) 6,600,000 lbs. weight of ahzarme. (2.) 2,200,000 ,, aniline oil. (3.) 1,540,000 ,, aniline,resorcin, and napthol. Colours. Colours. &c. The following are the separate products classed together under the last head :— Aniline and aniline salts. Fuchsine (no arsenic acid is used in its preparation). Methyl violet. Green and blue colours. Eosin colours. Napthol colours. Alizarine and artificial indigo. Quinolin derivative (kairin a new substitute for quinine). Acids. Raw Product-q The most important raw materials employed in manufacturing used‘ the foregoing products are as follows :— 40,000 tons coal. 3,000 ,, tar products. 2,400 ,, caustic soda. 400 ,, potash salts. 2,900 ,, carbonate of soda. 17,400 ,, sulphuric acid. 10,100 ,, various other acids. 1,500 iron borings and filings. 250 ,, wood spirit and spirits of wine. 1,000 ,, various chemicals. 6,800 ,, common salt. 2,050 ,, carbonate of lime. \l \I ' Acids are The whole of the sulphuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids used, manufactured is made on the Works, on works. From about 70 to 80 per cent. of all the aniline colours manu- factured are exported, the remainder used in Germany. nnronr. ' 227 About 90 per cent. of the total make of alizarine is exported Exports- chiefly to England, but considerable quantities find their way to America, Russia, France, Holland, Spain, and Italy. One of the most recent and most interesting additions to the Manufacture above list of products is a derivative of quinolin, termed kairin, Olfka 111?: lately discovered by Emil Fischer. This substance, which is now a a’ 01 ' being made at Hfichst at the rate of about 22 lbs. daily, has been shown to possess important febrifuge properties, even exceeding quinine in activity, and it is not impossible that this artificial product obtained from coal-tar may be the means of supplanting altogether the natural alkaloid. The importance of this discovery, should it serve the above purpose, can of course hardly be overrated, and it will then add another and most striking example to the numerous ones which already exist, of the immense importance to the human race of researches in purely scientific organic chemistry, which, at one time, appeared to have no practical value or possible application. It may, therefore, serve again to point the moral, which cannot be too strongly insisted upon, that it is only by the highest and most elaborate achievements of pure scientific investigation that the greatest practical advantages to mankind can be secured. IL—Influcnce of Technical Training on the Beet-sugar Manufacture. Probably no more striking illustration of the rise of a success- Manufacture ful and most important industry depending upon the application ofbeet Sugar‘ of the scientific principles of engineering and chemistry can be found than in the Continental beetroot sugar manufacture. The increase in the consumption of sugar in this country has been very great. In 1843 it amounted to 200,000 tons; this figure was doubled in 1854; in 1874 it reached 850,000 tons, and in 1882 1,000,000 tons of sugar were consumed in the United Kingdom. Of these quantities in 1870, 165,000 tons consisted of beetroot sugar, whilst in 1882 the total was over 400,000 tons, valued at 10,000,000l. The whole of this amount is im- ported from Belgium, France, and Germany, as no beetroot sugar is manufactured in this country. To show the extent and growth of the Continental industry growth ofthe ' - . . ontmental m a small country, we may clte the case of Belgium, with 2. industry population of 5,600,000. In 1846 the area under cultivation for beetroot was only 5,421 acres; in 1866 this was increased to 44,480 acres, and in 1882 to 86,490 acres. The quantities of raw beet-sugar manufactured in Belgium were in 1880-81 68,000; in 1881-82 73,000; and in 1883 probably 80,000 tons were manufactured in 156 works; that is, about one ton of B t M. sugar is obtained from one acre of beetroot crop. In France and 1513313 giggle‘, Germany the area of beet crop and the consequent production of and Germany. sugar is very much larger. The processes of extraction and purification of sugar from beet are complicated and delicate, P2 ‘228 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Importance of systematic analysis of the juice. Employment of the strontia process. Cultivation of beet root in the United Kingdom. Acreage needed to grow the amount of imported beet sugar. requiring both scientific knowledge and capital, as the plant necessary for working up the juice into refined sugar is of a very costly character, and the operations require careful and scientific handling in order to ensure success. The juice contains not only sugar crystallizable and uncrystallizable, but also a consider- able quantity of inorganic salts and organic substances other than sugar, and the presence of these latter ingredients prevent a large portion of the sugar from crystallizing, and therefore require to be removed. This removal of the injurious con- stituents can only be effected when an exact analysis of the juice and of the sugar has been made, and this must be done at each stage of the operation, so that the mode of working shall be properly regulated, and such an investigation is a somewhat complicated process, needing skilled chemical knowledge. The quantity of sugar which is rendered uncrystallizable by the presence of inorganic salts or ash is about five times the weight of the ash. In order to obtain the sugar which would otherwise be thus lost, many processes have been adopted, and of these that involving the use of strontia is the most recent. This method was secretly worked for some years in certain works in Germany, but it has now been generally adopted under the patent of Dr. Scheibler, chemist to the Beetroot Sugar Institution. By the use of the strontia process large profits have been made, and the plan has been successfully introduced into France and Belgium. The Continental beetroot sugar manufacture, partly of course in consequence of the Government bounties, has been a very profitable one; annual dividends as high as 100 per cent. having been paid by some sugar-mills. It would seem, how- ever, that owing to the great increase in the number of these establishments, the trade has seen its best days. The question of the cultivation of sugar beet in the United Kingdom, and especially in Ireland, though it has received a certain amount of attention in various quarters, has not come to any practical issue. About 1850 Lord Clarendon, then the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, ordered an official inquiry on the subject of the growth of beetroot in that country, and the results of that inquiry, presented to Parliament in 1852, showed that, 78 per cent. of the beets grown in Ireland were rich enough in sugar to be worked, whilst the corresponding amounts for England and Belgium were 75 and '70 per cent. respectively, At that time the West India sugar had the command of the market; the sugar trade has, however, since that date been revolutionized, but no step has yet been taken by agrieulturists and capitalists to commence the growth of sugar beet and the manufacture of beet sugar in this country. To produce the 400,000 tons of beet sugar now imported from the continent we should need as many acres, but as the beet crop is taken only every three years the total acreage required would be nnronr. 229 1,200,000. A large proportion of this, if not the whole of it, could be found in Ireland, and there can be no doubt that the intro- duction of such an industry would do much to improve the general agriculture of that country.* [For further information on the Belgian Beet Sugar Industry, sec paper by M Melin of Wanze, read before the Liege meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1883.] III.-———I’I’Lfl’lb€’l’l06 of Technical Training on the Alkali Manufacture. The beneficial action of high scientific and technical training Continental upon the chemical colour and beet- sugar industries, having thus and English been shown, it becomes of interest to examine the effects of alkah works‘ such education on another no less important branch of chemical manufacture, viz., the alkali trade, and in this instance the comparison of the relative position of the continental and English works is by no means all in favour of the former. In the first place, as regards the workmen themselves, it may be truly said that in no country does any real amount of scientific education reach the ordinary workmen in alkali works who are rather labourers than artizans. Moreover, the Education of foremen, both in this country and abroad, are almost in- the ordinary variably men who entered the works either as laboratory workmell' boys or as ordinary workmen, and who have risen by virtue of industry and native intelligence, but who have had no scientific training beyond that afforded by the occupation in which they have been engiged. So far, therefore, as the education of the workmen employed in alkali Works is concerned, the foreigner ‘has no advantage over us, nor have we any over the foreigner. In the case of the managers and proprietors the matter is, of course, different. On the Continent nearly every manager of a soda works is a man of a very high degree of scientific attain- Education of ment,-a highly trained engineer, and a highly trained chemist. Eigiiggsrind An English manager, one at least of the older school, on the other hand, is scarcely ever a man who has had a similar training to that of continental managers before they enter upon the duties of management. The continental alkali makers are men of wider knowledge and of more extended scientific attainments than their English brethren. Thus, whilst probably none of our English alkali makers could discuss the chemistry of the latest organic colouring matter, nearly all the continental masters are able to do so. But in the opinion of those best qualified to judge, and speaking of course of the managers of the first class works in each case, there is no doubt that the English alkali makers are just as well acquainted with the scientific bearings and * The sugar factory of Mr. Duncan, established some years ago at Lavenham, and which was not successful, is about to be reopened. The use of strontia and other improvements in the manufacture, together with lower railway charges on the roots. encourage the new proprietors to anticipate better results. 230 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: All the more prominent improvements on the Leblanc process have been discovered in England. Foreign alkali Works do not owe their position to technical education. Provincial and art museums in this country still in their infancy. relations of their own manufacture as their continental rivals. Nor is the foreigner a better alkali maker than the Englishman, for even in cases in which the former obtains better results than are usual in this country, as regards economy of fuel and raw material, the cause is to be sought rather in the fact that his cheaper labour permits him, and his dearer fuel and raw material compels him, to do what dear labour and cheap fuel and material absolutely forbid to the English alkali maker, than in any superiority in scientific training of the one over the other. It certainly cannot be said that the English soda industry suffers in comparison with that of the Continent, owing to the want of scientific knowledge on the part of those who conduct it. Men of the highest talent and most eminent for their scientific knowledge are found in all our large alkali works, and it is a'remarkable fact that with one or two excep- tions, everything in the way of important improvements in the alkali manufacture by the Leblanc process, has originated in England. Hydrochloric acid condensing towers, revolving black ash furnaces, Glover-towers, mechanical calcining furnaces, mechanical salt-cake furnaces; plus-press furnaces, and last but not least, the Weldon plant; each one of these English improvements marks an era in the alkali manufacture, and has been at once adopted as a necessity by all manufacturers. Even the well-known ammonia-soda process, first successfully Worked in Belgium, is chemically an English invention (Dyer and Hemming), though made industrial by a Belgian (Solvay). No less remarkable is it that, certainly often in England, and in some cases'abroad, those men who have made the most important improvements or discoveries in the alkali manufacture have been self-taught, proving the truth of the axiom that a‘ scientific education cannot stand in place of natural sagacity and workshop training. It is the opinion of those intimately acquainted with the present condition and future prospects of the alkali trade, both at home and abroad, that such differences as exist between the results obtained on the Continent and at home, are due to dif- ferences of national character and local circumstances rather than to a superiority of scientific education, and it may be questioned whether many continental alkali works could survive in face of English competition, if the import duties by which they are at present protected were abolished. ART SCHOOLS, GALLERIES, AND MUSEUMS. The question of providing museums of art and industrial objects for provincial towns, is still almost in its infancy in this country. recently Manchester, have established promising art galleries; and in other large towns also some interesting collections exist, there is as yet no provision of this sort at all comparable with the And though Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham, and“ REPORT. 231 amply furnished museums and galleries possessed by many provincial towns on the Continent, especially in France. It cannot be disputed that to the influence of these collections, and to the direct bearing they have on art and industrial training, is due much of that abundance of art resource which is so advantageous to many French industries and manufactures. Though we can scarcely hope to obtain in our provincial towns within an early date, such collections of rare pictures as have been acquired in some foreign towns through the influence of old tradi- tions and special causes of distribution, much is possible for us, in the direction both of augmenting our present resources and of bringing them to bear with greater effect on our art manu- factures, and in vastly increasing the artistic power of our skilled artizans. In the case of France, which stands at the head of artistically educated countries, the provincial museums have been largely assisted by the State, both by money and by contributions of pictures and other objects. The surplus stores of the Louvre are freely given to such galleries, and the supply of good copies and casts for the art schools is administered with a lavish hand. It would, however, be erroneous to suppose that foreign provincial galleries lean entirely on the support of the Central Government. The magnificent gifts and bequests of private individuals to the galleries of Limoges, Montpellier, Dijon, Nancy, Lille, and other towns, bear witness to the fact that local effort and enterprise are by no means exclusively British virtues, and they prove also the high value which the presence of a local gallery has, in stimulating the taste and attracting the munificence of the inhabitants. At Limoges the splendid collection of enamels and pottery, nearly all due to private gifts, has a direct and most valuable bearing on the local porcelain industry. The Art School is under the same roof as the Museum, and at this school some 1,200 students, chiefly of the artizan class, receive gratuitously a sound technical instruction, not only in the principles of decorative art, but also in the direct and practical application of art to the chief manufactures of the town. The same may be said in some degree of Tours, where the Museum and Picture Gallery are in direct connection with the Art School, and the teaching is adjusted to help skilled industry as well as to give a pure art training. The public art schools of Lyons also, while holding a high position as centres of pure art teaching, do very much to serve the local designing; and the collection of artistic fabrics, and of drawings and designs connected with the silk trade, forcibly illustrates the value of local effort and management in advancing the interest of special artistic industries. The porcelain painting of Nantes, and the glass painting of Angers, owe very much to the direct teaching of their art schools, and to the admirable illustrative collections they possess. It may be broadly asserted that every French provincial capital possesses not only an efficient school of art, but a picture Influence of similar museums on continental industries. Provincial museums in France. Limoges Art School and Museum . Art schools and museums exist in every 232 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: ,x French gallery and museum, either of industrial or antiquarian interest, Igfgglfml and also a good library. Nor is, it found that these influences ' tend mainly to the creation of picture painters. “ That depart~ ment of art is not specially encouraged, the main function and utility of their art teaching being in its application to local trades and industries. Control and As the State joins with the local municipal body both in 2311331116“ .01? providing the budget and in supplying the art collections for cums 111 0 . . " . France, provincial gallerles and art schools In France, so the control and management of these institutions are of the same joint character. The State appoints certain leading oflicials and directors, while all matters of detail are conducted generally by the mayor and a small committee of management. It seems a very useful and even high view of the duties of a municipality that its resources and influence should be thus applied to the advancement of art; and so much is this obligation recognised in France that the museum and gallery are now well established provincial institutions ; some are of high value, others, perhaps, are of less worth, but all tend to an elevation of taste and industrial skill. Libemstate Special notice is due to the abundance and excellence of the grants made for casts and models in nearly all the French art schools and academics. gigtfegnd These are freely and gratuitously supplied by the State, and no ' request for them is ever refused by the central authorities. The prominence given to modelling in all the French State-supported schools is a feature of marked value, and contrasts forcibly with the meagre attention bestowed on that essential branch of art teaching in our own schools. Though the provincial art training of France is mainly directed to industrial ends, very ample provision is made in all the chief schools for the transference of promising pupils to complete their studies at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris at the public expense. Cermanartand In many of the principal towns of Germany we found also excellent and well arranged art museums, some of them occupying ‘ the same buildings as the Schools of Art. This was the case at Berlin, where, chiefly owing to the efforts of the Crown Princess of Germany, an admirable Museum of Works of Art has been brought together, on the model of the Museum at South Kensington, its avowed prototype. This museum contains fine collections of pottery, porcelain, enamels, metal-work, textiles, wood carvings, and decorative art workmanship. It has been arranged with special reference to the use of the art students, but it is freely opened to the public for study and recreation. Vienna At Vienna there is likewise a close and intimate connection Mme‘m" between the school and the museum, and the admirable collections of ornamental art have been largely acquired with the view of aiding and supplementing the teaching of the professors in the art schools, which are conducted in the same building. Dresden The Museum of Industrial Art at Dresden is a model of the Museum manner in which collections of art objects may serve to illustrate REPORT. 233 and bear upon the instruction given in the schools. The collec- tions occupy the ground floor of the building, formerly occupied by the Polytechnic School, and the Art school is carried on in the rooms above. Under the able direction of Professor Graff, the students make large use of the fine collections of textile fabrics, majolica, glass, furniture, and metal work, and in a special room in the museum has been brought together a most interesting display of modern furniture, leather work, glass, porcelain, metal work, textiles, and almost every description of art manufactures, by workers in Dresden and its vicinity, from designs by the students Dresden in- and masters of the school. This latter feature is one we did ilusmalart . . ibrary, and not notice elsewhere, but which appears to us to be well worthy collections, of imitation. l/Ye should specially notice the library at this museum, which contains many- thousands of designs for art work- manship, mounted on cards and arranged in boxes for facility of reference, each box consisting of some 60 or 70 sheets of designs for some special object, thus “ chalices,” “lace,” “ book covers,” 850. ghis section of the library alone contains above 27,000 sheets of esigns. At the admirable Industrial Art Museum at Nuremberg this Nuremberg plan of arranging designs was, we believe, originated. The collec— 53:23? A“ tions at Nuremberg, though on a smaller scale than those at the ' more important towns we have already named, are very complete and are extremely well chosen. Some art teaching is carried on at this museum, though a completely equipped art school does not form part of the scheme. There is a class for bronze workers and electrotypers, and excellent practical work is done. Copies are produced of the art objects in the museum, for distribution to other parts of Bavaria, and some desirable exchanges have been made with other museums. As these foreign museums become more numerous, some larger and more extended system of international exchanges between England and the Continent than that already in operation may be introduced with advantage. The Museum of Industrial Art VVorkmanship at Munich is Munich Indus- probably the most extensive on the Continent. The collection of trial Art textiles is very important, and though no school is, we believe, useum' attached to the Royal Museum, every facility is given to art students to make large and free use of the collections. At Zurich the Commissioners found at the Industrial Art Zurich Indus- School an excellent museum of ornamental art, collected for pur- walla“ School poses of study. This museum has only been established for a few an useum' years, but it is already rich in metal work and wood-carving. In some of the smaller German towns, permanent collections of German art workmanship are brought together in the Gewerbe Hallen or Ggfiglbgr Trade Halls. These are very frequent in Baden and Wurtem- Trade Hans, berg. Together with the best examples of modern artistic work we found displays of art-reproductions, collections of textiles, and frequently special retrospective collections, relating to the chief industry of the district. In the Central-Stelle at Stuttgart is an excellent museum somewhat of this character, and in numerous 234 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: / System of South Kensing- ton Loan Col- lections un- known on the Continent. Liverpool Art Galleries and Museums. Manchester Art Gallery and Museum. , Nottingham. Edinburgh. Assistance to provincial museums. small towns of the Black Forest we found flourishing museums, largely aided by grants and loans from the Government collections at Carlsruhe. It is certain that no Continental country can boast of such an admirable system of loan collections as that supplied by the Science and Art Department at South Kensington, and it would be well if even this supply, large as it now is, could be still further increased, and the collections allowed to remain for longer periods in the towns to which they are sent. As an example of what may under existing conditions be achieved in this country by means of local effort, we cannot do better than point to the’ splendid art gallery and museum at Liverpool, which is almost entirely due to the munificence of local benefactors. The building for the Derby Museum of Natural History, the bequest of the Earl of Derby, valued at 50,000L, was erected by Sir W. Brown at a cost of 40,0001, and the museum has been further enriched by the unique collection of historical art presented by Mr. Jos. Mayer, F.S.A. We are informed that the museum is visited by manufacturers and artizans from the Staffordshire Potteries, for the sake of the valuable collection of ceramic ware which it contains. Subsequently Sir A. B. Walker erected and presented the magnificent art gallery at a cost of nearly 40,0001. In the same group of buildings are the free library and lecture hall. The cost of the entire block has been little short of a quarter of a million sterling. The public art gallery of Manchester has quite recently been established under the powers of the Manchester Corporation Act, 1882, by which the Corporation became possessed of an old foundation, the Royal Manchester Institution, in the building of which the art gallery is now accommodated. The well-known “ Bock ” collection of ancient textiles has been purchased by the Corporation as the commencement of an Industrial Art Museum, especially of service to designers engaged in the staple trades of the district. We are glad to observe that the Art Gallery and Industrial Museum are open on Sundays during the winter between the hours of two and nine p.m., free to the public, and we learn that they have been visited by crowds of artizans and their families ; the number of visitors on the four Sunday afternoons ending January 6, 1884, having been 10,308. Their conduct was without exception exemplary, great interest being shown by the visitors in the different works on view, particularly when the subject was thoroughly explained to them. Nor must we forget to mention in this connection the conversion of the castle at Nottingham into a public museum and art gallery, likewise supported by the Corpora- tion of that town, as well as the valuable Industrial Museum at Edinburgh connected with the Science and Art Department. Short of a complete re-organization of the principles on which our national art institutions are administered, it would be difficult to suggest a plan by which the right of large provincial centres of industry to share the advantages of the national art treasures REPORT. 235 and Imperial support could be fully and practically recognised; but even under our present disjointed administration, deficient as it is in parliamentary responsibility, some more liberal provision might be made, both in money grants and in the premanent gift of surplus objects and reproductions, for the endowment of provincial museums and galleries. Such gifts, and the general character of the collections themselves, should have special relation to the trades and industries of the various localities; and an intimate connection should be established between the metropolis and provincial towns in all art matters. The small degree in which our art schools, with few exceptions, are now contributing either to industrial or designing art, is only too well known, and a marked change in this respect is essential before our schools can hope to take rank with those of the Continent in direct commercial utility. And to this aim no more valuable accessory can he provided than that of museums well supplied with examples bearing on the trade or industry of the town or district, and placed, if possible, in the same building with, or in close proximity to, the School of Art. Municipal and other local authorities, as well as the ratepayers Municipal at large, should be induced by every means to acknowledge and discharge the responsibilities they are under to the community in this respect ; and by the expansion of their powers under the Free Libraries Act they should be enabled to make ample pro- vision for the endowment, maintenance, and management of museums and galleries, fitted not only to supply the means of higher artistic study and elevating recreation, but to serve directly in the improvement and development of existing industries, and in the acquisition of new branches of trade and employment for the skilled workmen of our country. CONVERSATIONS on ARTISTIC AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. THE Commissioners attended the opening of the Fine Art and Industrial Exhibition at Nuremberg on the 15th of May 1882, and had some interesting conversations with some of the leading educational officials who were present at the ceremonial. Among these were Professor Lange, director of the Kunstgewerbe School at Munich, and Professor Mayer, of the Kunstgewerbe School of Nuremberg, each of whom gave important information as to the working of the art schools of Bavaria, and their effect upon the industries of the State. The two schools represented by these professors are among the most important in Germany. The Munich school (page 159) is one of the most modern in construc- tion and arrangement, and the Nuremberg school (page 160) was referred to by the French Commission on Technical Instruction in 1863 as the school which had “ contributed, more than any “ other, to the progress of the national industry ” of Germany. It was explained to us that the entire object of the exhibition authorities should provide museums. Industrial Exhibition at Nuremberg, 1882. Object of the was to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the condition of exhibition- Bavarian industries, and of the work of the schools by which the ‘236 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Influence of the art schools upon manu- factures. Drawing a necessary groundwork, ’can utilise it to their profit. industries were being promoted, so that, by comparison with what had been exhibited in other countries, the Bavarians might see what could be done for the improvement of their own. .A large section of the exhibition had, therefore, been devoted exclusively to the exhibits from technical schools of every kind, and from all parts of the country (including schools for designing and needlework for women), and as these exhibits from the different schools would be examined by the teachers and promoters of other schools, it was expected that a great stimulus would be given to technical instruction generally. The professors stated that the conviction is universal through- out the country that the various art and technical schools are exercising a most important influence upon their manufacturing industries. In their belief, they can only meet the competition of their rivals in their own and other countries by training their workmen in taste and skill, and their industries will prosper in proportion as they keep up the efliciency of their schools, and spread their influence among the workers themselves. On all hands this movement is progressing, and they are compelled to strain every nerve in order not to fall behind. And what is the result? They can see a superior taste in every object made by hand, as an outcome of these schools; and they can now almost tell by the work, where the workman or designer has been trained. Taste has become almost like a man’s hand- writing, and they can recognise the man, or, at least, his school, in his work. The great Nuremberg craftsmen of old have not ceased to inspire their followers with some of their enthusiasm and noble feeling, although centuries have passed since they lived and worked in this city. The inhabitants are all proud of the old couplet— “ N uremberg’s hand Goes through every land 3” and they claim that it is no mere figure of speech. And, if the artistic supremacy of Nuremberg is not so marked at present as in olden times, it is because of the spread of art culture in other communities. Other influences materially interfere with the locali- sation of art industries. In these days of quick and easy travelling, the fame of a school attracts students from a long distance, and clever students belonging to the town in which a good school is located, often find it advantageous to remove to places less favoured, and there sell their cultivated talent to capitalists who Thus, not in Bavaria, or even in Germany only, but in many other parts of Europe, are designers and art workmen, who have been trained at the schools of Nuremberg and Munich, who now enrich the industries of their new homes. The Kunstgewerbe schools of Munich and Nuremberg having been eminently successful in the training of industrial designers and art workmen, the professors were interrogated as to the methods adopted in the training of their students. They insisted REPORT. 237 that the student must first be taught to draw thoroughly, drawing being the language of his profession. “ The groundwork “ of all design that is worth anything is art. If the student has any talent or art-feeling within him, his power of drawing will enable him to give it expression; but, without thought and imagination, there can be no originality of design. Mere knowledge of drawing will not make a man a good artist any more than knowledge of language will make him a poet; but designer and poet are helpless without the knowledge of the language by which their art can be expressed to others. Teachers need to study the peculiarities of their students, for all cannot be dressed in the same clothes, or combed with the same comb.” When asked what were the considerations which usually HOW ‘mists prompted artists to become designers, the professors were of ‘18' opinion that the most effective incentive in prompting an artist u to become an industrial designer is the pressure of necessity. All art students are ambitious, and some are vain enough to believe that they possess the genius of a Rubens or a Raphael; it is not the business of a teacher to dispel these illusions from the minds of dreamy youths; a little contact with the world does all this for them. They have an ambition to paint pictures, and they will paint pictures, and it is only when they find that their pictures cannot be sold that they turn their attention heartily to the making of designs for furniture, wall-papers, textile fabrics, or any other objects that come to hand. The students are drawn from all classes of society, except OccuP the highest. Many who go through the full three years’ courses Students‘ are the sons of small manufacturers of artistic objects. In Germany, the proportion of men in small industries, or who have small workshops in their own homes, is very large, as compared with England. Many students, especially those connected with building and out-door trades, only come in the winter, when out-door work is often suspended. Some intend to become teachers. and, as there are no normal schools in Bavaria for training teachers of drawing, these high schools are, to some extent, utilised by them. Such students are required to go through the technical courses according to the school programme, and their numbers—attending the Munich and Nuremberg schools—~are really decreasing. On being asked if any students besides those attending only in winter, support themselves while attending the classes, Professor Lange stated that from seven to eight per cent. of his students at Munich may be called “half-timers,”- working outside the school a number of hours daily, often selling their designs or work in wood carving, modelling, glass or porcelain painting, &c., executed either in the school or out of it. At present the number of students of the artisan class, who have been engaged in practical work before coming to the schools, or who do practical work out of school hours, is increasing. Such students, in the opinion of both professors, are 238 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 Bursaries. Help from Fortbildung schools. * often retained as the property of the school. generally the most successful. They come, as a rule, after two or three years’ work, when they have begun to feel their deficiencies, and are really anxious to improve themselves. They may have, in the first instance, less expertness in drawing than the schoolboy of 16 who has enjoyed continuous instruction from his childhood, but, having had experience of practical work in a definite trade, they know what they want to learn, and they work with greater care and perseverance. One of the pro- fessors, in 1876, attended a congress of professors and promoters of design and art work, and the question was seriously discussed as to whether, in the first place, students should not be required to work at some trade for about two years before coming to the Kunstgewerbe school; and, in the second, whether appren- tices engaged in art work should not be compelled to attend the school also. The congress was unanimous as to the importance of the dual principle, that the designer should know something of practical work, and the practical workman something of design, but could not see its way to make it compulsory. At the Nuremberg school there are, in winter, 120 students who earn their livelihood by day, and study art in the evening. Some of the most valuable work in the school is executed by these students. As a help to the attainment of higher art instruction by poor artisans, 64 bursaries are given by the State of Bavaria, besides 10 private exhibitions, each of about 18$. annual value, enabling students to attend the Kunstgewerbe schools. There are also travelling studentships, the holders of which are required to make sketches and descriptions of what they see in their travels. On their return, their notes and sketches are submitted to the director of the school in which the prize was obtained, and are We saw some of the sketches, which were always interesting and sometimes very clever. The Kunstgewerbe schools of Bavaria are greatly helped by the ordinary Fortbildung or night schools, which apprentices are required to attend during the evenings and on Sundays. These schools are almost invariably free; they supplement and con- tinue the education received in the day schools, and are taken advantage of by mi ddle-aged as well as by young men, desirous of improvement. They are technical in the truest sense of the word; science and drawing are taught, in their bearing upon the industries of the students. The Fortbildung schools are nurseries which are constantly sending earnest students to the Kunstgewerbe schools, where their particular tastes are cul- tivated in the direction in which they can be made most useful. But for these intermediate schools, some of the cleverest designers and best art workmen would never have been discovered, for they would not have been induced to take the first steps in art culture, by which alone their talent was brought to light. The professors drew our attention to the very excellent examples of modelling, REPORT. 239 Wood-carving, and smiths’ and mechanics’ Work sent to the Exhi- bition by several of the Fortbildung schools of Bavaria, work which, had it been done by any provincial art school in England, would have materially enhanced its reputation. Although everything is done to encourage students to enter .I‘Jvgljng ctllassles the prescribed courses of art instruction in architecture, If; argsacns‘? S sculpture, designing, and metal and wood work, yet admission to the schools is freely granted to those who have neither time nor means for taking up these full courses. Evening work, for instance, which is usually taken advantage of by artisans, is not generally specialised so as to fit the exact wants of particular trades. It would be impossible for a teacher to do justice to a class if each student took an independent line of his own; one carving on wood, another lithographing, a third metal-chasing, and so on. The classes are, therefore, held for the teaching of art generally, as in the free evening drawing schools of Paris. One of the professors was familiar with the French method of grelifliland teaching, and admired it. He considered that the free use of mgfhosds of charcoal and the stump are effective as encouraging originality, teaching .boldness, and dexterity, but that there is a danger of precision and dramng careful finish being sacrificed by this system. The South Ken- compared‘ sington method, which seemed to him to make everything sub- servient to exact outline and careful shading, is also admirable in its way, but, just as the French method produces carelessness, the English method erred on the side of timidity. In Paris the system of constant competitions, instituted for the purpose of encouraging the students, is detrimental to the pursuit of the higher branches of art. They may be important as stimulating the energy and inventive faculties of slow or dull students, but they tend to the exhaustion of the finer faculties of many of the most talented youths. “ Genius in young men ” said our informant “needs oftener to be restrained than to be pushed “ forward, and constant competitions encourage some of the “ most prominent students to rush by leaps and bounds to the “ higher realms of pictorial representation before they have “ mastered the elementary rules of drawing and colouring.” The importance of good examples and casts as copies, was Importance of insisted upon by the professors. At the Munich school is an iggdcig‘émples important collection of casts, the work of the students, and l i used for decorating the central hall and staircase. At Nuremberg the director was sent on an expedition many years ago to Italy and France, with a commission to visit the chief galleries and schools and to buy all the casts that he considered suitable for the purposes of this school. 011 being asked as to the influence of picture galleries, the Influence of professors considered that picture galleries and museums, fur— félfitélsl'e gal‘ nished with original works or copies from the best masters, are ' as necessary for the cultivation of art as libraries are for the cultivation of literature. They materially assist in cultivating 24*0 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: and shaping the taste of designers, and elevate the taste of buyers. Good work is thrown away upon people who cannot appreciate it, while bad work is offensive to persons of educated tastes. Picture galleries are therefore useful as well as enjoyable places of resort to all classes in an industrial community. Apprenticeship Our informant had a word to say on the apprenticeship system. System Modern civilization had almost crushed it out. In olden times every workshop was a school, and the “ werkmeister” was an artist as well as a handicraftsman. The apprentice went through his course of seven years’ apprenticeship and learned every detail of his master’s business. All this has now changed, the work- man is ceasing to learn his trade. What with the exigencies of the military system, and the increasing division of labour, the training of the workman in the old-fashioned way is impossible; he may learn a part of a trade in the workshop, but he seldom learns the whole of it. It is therefore all the more important that the school should step in and supply, as far as possible, the defects of our industrial system. Each trade has its theoretical as well as its practical side, and, considering that the workshop does less for the training of the apprentice than before, it is necessary that the school should do its part as thoroughly and systematically as possible. These schools represent the faith of the people, expressed on all hands, and supported by daily experience, that taste is one of the most important factors in industry. From nearly every trade the cry comes for more taste, more skill. It is not now a mere sentiment, that prompts governments and municipalities to make great sacrifices for these schools. They feel that the 'prosperity of their in- dustries depends entirely upon the cheapness and attractiveness of their productions, and although the workshop may do some- thing for the former, the latter depends upon the taste and skill of employer, foreman, or artisan. As practical evidences of their success, these gentlemen conducted us over some depart- ments of the Exhibition, in which the influence of their schools upon the workmanship of countless objects of manufacture was unmistakeable. Umlverslttivn The I Industrial Art School, Dresden—The Director, Professor 3113153552223: Graft‘, only admits advanced students, and declines to teach Ogthe’ Indus- elementary work, for which there are many other schools in trialArtSchool, the city. The number of students is therefore comparatively Dresden small, being 106 in winter and 96 in summer. In addition to these, there ale from 70 to 80 who attend only in the evenings. The State provides 16 bursaries for poor students, who have gratuitous instruction, and grants for maintenance during their attendance at school. Training of Professor Graff has had the advantage of a varied literary, Dil'ectol" scientific, and artistic training. He attended the University and the Polytechnic school, and afterwards went through a course of study in the Academy of Arts of Berlin. He is a professional REPORT. 241 ,designer for metal Work, porcelain, furniture, and cabinet wares, textlles, wall papers, 810., so that he combines a knowledge of pure art with its practical applications. Contrary to many of the authorities with whom we conversed, No trade work he does not favour the introduction of workshops into the school, fgmzg ‘$111 and we did not see the application of any of the practical e s 0 ' designs to industries in his school, His view is that the school ‘should do its own work, which is to teach design, and should not trench on the workshop. Once begin to make the object designed, in the school, and the character of the school is changed. Certain applied arts, such as goldsmiths’ work, metal chasing, ivory carving, &c., may be carried on in schools of this character, but the elaborate execution of textiles, colour printing, furniture, pottery, cast and wrought-iron, stone work, 820., cannot be introduced without expensive machinery and extensive space. \Ve state this opinion without adopting it; the examples of Nuremberg, Munich, and Vienna, tell altogether on the other side of the question. Professor Gratf said that his instruction was not of so circum- scribed a character as that of some of the best French schools, where the teaching of design is not carried to the stage to which it is in the Dresden school; the principles of design only being taught in the former without reference to the material in which the designs will have to be executed. He claims that few, if any, schools in Germany, are supplying to the various industries so many complete designs for high-class work as that of Dresden. In comparing the Kunstgewerbe school of Dresden with those, System of say, of Munich, Nuremberg, and Vienna, Professor Graft‘ explained teaching- that, while the latter teach the students to design, and in several of their departments to work out their designs in materials ready for the market; in the Dresden schoo, the design only is made, and the application of the design to the material in which it is to be executed is left entirely for the workshop or factory. New industries have been started entirely through the Foundation influence of this school, decaying ones have been revived, his 9f newer‘; pupils are to be. found in superior positions in many of the Indusmes' leading works in Saxony. He conducted us to a shop in the town where we were shown an extensive assortment of brass, bronze, leather work, and various articles, peculiar, as we had thought before, to Paris and Vienna, the designs for which had been supplied by the school. Formerly all the lace designs used by the large and small manufacturers in Saxony came from Paris or Belgium. Most of the designs are now, according to Professor Graff’s account, supplied by this school, or by students who have gone through its classes. Trimmings for apparel, 850., are also designed, and a large furniture-making Ri 1726. Q 2412 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Designs made for sale. Conversation with Professor E. Ewald, di- rector of the Kunstschule, Berlin. Berlin and South Ken~ sington com- pared. Professor Ewald on methods of teaching applied art. establishment in the town, like some of the other manufactories... receives its deslgns from the school. . The pupils are usually able to draw fairly well when they come to the school, and they take up practical designing as early as possible, with a view to earningalivelihood. Not unfrequently as much as M. or 5L is obtained by the pupils for a pattern. Some of the students take advantage of the assistance of their teachers in selling the designs they make, rather than accept situations in which their scope of action would be limited, and their opportunities of further tuition cut off. The director’s room was a museum of designs for a great variety of purposes. He showed us patterns for lace, textiles, pattern cards, orna- mental Christmas, birthday, and menu cards, designs for porcelain, bronze, brass, and goldsmiths’ work, all either sold or made for sale, and either the work of students, or of students and teachers combined. Berlin Royal School of Art—Professor Ewald informed the Commissioners that the Art and Industrial Museum, to which the school is attached, was founded by a private society, and is now supported by the State. The institution has been assi- duously promoted by the Crown Princess of Germany, who has striven to make it like the museum at South Kensington. In some departments this museum was fully up to the standard of South Kensington, both as to quality and quantity, notably in pottery and glass, and probably also in metal work. There is one striking difference between this school and that of South Kensington (which latter Professor Ewald has carefully studied). The Berlin school has no provincial schools con- nected with it as South Kensington has. He is of opinion that the English art system, with its great central school at South Kensington, training and sending out teachers, examining works, supplying copies, art examples, and advice, to the provincial schools, is an admirable organisation, and much before anything of the kind in Germany. He referred in flattering terms to the artistic progress made by England since the South Kensington system has been started ; and, bearing in mind the low position of industrial art in England 30 years ago, he thinks that no country in Europe has made such marked advances. Germany has, in his opinion, much to learn from England. As to methods of study, his opinion coincided with that of many other professors. In the training of a designer, the most important task of the teacher is to ingraft in the student’s mind a knowledge and love of pure art, which forms the basis of all applied art. Teach drawing, or art pure and simple, in the first instance, without heeding the predilections of the student, because, the more thoroughly students are grounded in the knowledge of form, colour, &c., the more proficiently will _ they be able to turn their knowledge to useful account after- wards, and the less likely will they be to be led astray when REPORT. 243 they have to apply artistic principles to industrial purposes. For workers in, wood, stone, and the decorative arts, it is impossible to attach too great an importance to modelling. The school has trained many successful designers, who are distributed over a number of manufactories in the city and in other places, and designs made by students attending the school are- 6ften sold to manufacturers. As to the separation of the school from the Relation of workshop, Professor Ewald was of opinion that, where art $22,111:); manufactures are in an advanced state, the application of art training industry may safely be left to the workshop. Given your §h°¥1d differ artistic student, whether intended for a designer or a workman, 311111322?“ the workshop will give him all the opportunities necessary for the exercise of his knowledge, and he will find new ideas and inspiration from sources of his own selection, and apply them in his own way; but, where taste is low, and manufactures unde- veleped, he thinks it justifiable for the State not only to teach art, but also its application to manufactures. The first object of all who are interested in the higher culture of Prussia is to stimulate taste. It needs to be very extensively cultivated, not by the manufacturers only, but also by the public, and therefore, although he would prefer to leave the applications of design and art workmanship to the workshops themselves, he would for the present adopt a different course, teach drawing in all schools, carry it forward to as advanced a stage as possible in the direction of designing, and would then apply it, as at Munich and Nuremberg, to the actual work to be done. The professor spoke of art education generally, as having been Art Education at a low ebb in Berlin. It had not received anything like in Berlin- due attention in the past. While scientific and general education had been extensively and enthusiastically promoted, art educa- tion had been neglected. The consequence was what might have been expected. In such works as require artistic design, the important posts had been held by foreigners, or the industries had languished. People then began to say that the Prussians were devoid of artistic sentiment ; they had no taste. His opinion was that they had not been artistic because they had not studied art. They had not been charged with being unscientific, because such a charge could not be made. And why ? Because they had studied science. The past neglect of art. instruction in Berlin had undoubtedly affected adversely the local industries. When asked, how about calico printing, the professor replied, “ Calico printing is dead in Berlin. It has gone to Alsace.” Instruct/ion of the Apprentices at the Royal Porcelain Factory, Mr. Sussmann Oha'rlottc'nbe'rg, Berlin—In going over the Royal Porcelain Heilbwn- Factory, the director expressed his views on the teaching of art to apprentices. The method adopted at the royal porcelain works at Sevres is to have a school for apprentices within the works, where the teaching is specialised and made as technical as possible in its character. The apprentices at Charlottenberg, of Q2 24345 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Comparison of the method of teaching at Sevres and at Berlin. Kunstgewerbe School,Vienna. Conversations with Professors R. M. Belf (director), Herdtle, Storck, Klotz, &c. Lace designing. A decaying lace industry revived. whom there are 20, do not receive lessons in drawing in the works, but attend the classes at the Kunstschule in Berlin. Their fees are paid out of the funds of the works, and the course of their instruction is arranged by the director of the works and the director of the school. They do not all attend at the same time, some go by day, others in the evening, and some attend the Sunday classes, the times being arranged so as to suit the convenience and abilities of the apprentices. It is mainly pure art that is taught, but also the application of the same to the modelling and painting of porcelain. The director considers that the students receive a valuable training at the school, which materially helps them at their work. Although apprentices are selected because of their taste and superior knowledge of drawing and modelling, their art education only seriously begins when their inventiveness in design and workmanship is tested by its money value upon the objects produced. It is then that their faculties and enthusiasm become quickened, and power and motive are given to their efforts. If the 20 apprentices were taught at the works, masters of varied requirements and abilities would be necessary, and their employment would largely increase the expenditure upon the works. He therefore considered that school teaching was much more economical and also much more effective than teaching within the works. He would prefer to send’his apprentices to the Kunstschule for their art instruction, rather than adopt the Sevres method of teaching it within the works. Industrial Art School, Vtc’mzca—As will be seen from the description (p. 163), this is one of the most important of the industrial art schools visited by the Commissioners, and we had interesting conversations with the professors. The system of teaching is similar to that of Munich and Nuremberg, the application of the design to the material being in several departments practically carried out in the class rooms. In the department for lace, we found a number of young women engaged in designing Venetian point lace, taking ideas from lace patterns and photographs before them, of which the collection is very extensive. On this question of lace designing and lace making we received some interesting information. In some of the remote districts of Austria, in the Erz-Gebirge, far away from the manufacturing centres, large numbers of \the population, not less than 20,000 women and girls, obtain their livelihood by lace-making. At one time the lace made by these country people was much esteemed; it was considered tasteful in pattern, well made, and commanded a high price. In course of time the fashion changed, foreign competitors introduced more novel or cheaper designs, and undersold the original makers. The poor peasants were not able to understand the cause of the decline in their industry, and went on making lace that was not wanted, until many of them were reduced to positive nnronr. 245 starvation. The unfortunate condition of these poor starving peasants seemed to justify State interference. The matter was investigated, and resulted in the establishment of this lace department in the Kunstgewerbe School, in which a number of girls (brought annually from the country districts) are trained for three months in the art of designing, and also in the most modern and advanced methods of lace-making. After going through an efficient course of instruction, they return home, and teach their neighbours the arts which they have learned at the Vienna school, with this important result, that there has been great improvement in lace-designing and in lace making, with a return of comparative prosperity to the suffering peasantry. As to the general success of this art school, we gathered from the Success of several professors that they are not by any means satisfied with “110°1- the public interest in their work. The school is not supported, as they think it ought to be, by the manufacturers engaged in the very industries whose success it has been the main object of the school to promote. Instead of the attendance of large numbers of apprentices from manufacturing works in and around Vienna, very few come to the classes, and the bulk of the students are being trained, not as designers or art workmen, but as teachers in other schools, mainly in provincial towns. They did not consider that the school exerts any really powerful influence upon the industries of Austria and Vienna, because the promoters of the industries do not encourage it in any way. The Austrians seem to believe that there is no designing like that of Paris, and the manufacturers spend large sums on French designs, instead of helping the designing faculties of their own people, which, in the opinion of the professors, are as strong as those of the French. We took note of these opinions rather as the expressions of Activity of men in great earnest in their work, than as describing the real State faded condition of the school, which, in every department, impressed Sc 00 8' us favourably. It is often said that State support tends to carelessness as to results on the part of the recipients of State pay. This certainly cannot be said to apply to the professors of the Industrial Art School of Vienna, nor indeed to any of the Kunstgewerbe schools which we visited. Opinions respecting art teaching—Whilst on the Continent, Fqrqign we heard many flattering opinions as to the vast importance of Oplmons 9n . . . . art teaching on certam technical and art schools that we visited. Some of these the Continent opinions we have inserted in this Report. We also received opinions and evidence of a more critical character, which we have no desire to ignore. One gentleman, of large experience and knowledge, warned the Commissioners against recom- mending the too extensive establishment of high art schools on the Continental model. Referring to the Antwerp Academy of Fine Arts, with which he was very familiar, he said that much 24:6 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Danger of free greater care should be exercised in England than at Antwerp as State supported art schools. to the admission of students. It is quite a mistake to open the door to all who wish to enter, when no charge is made for the teaching. These academies are excellent institutions if kept to their right use; they bring deserving and talented students to the surface, and benefit the State as well as the students; but a very careful discrimination should be exercised over the admission of students, or the public funds may be wasted upon incompetent and unworthy recipients. Every sentimental youth believes himself to be a born artist, or, what is quite as bad, his father and mother think him so, and, seeing the success of some really talented student, they fondly hope for and expect the same from their son, and they send him to an Academy to become a painter. Why should they not send him? The tuition costs nothing, and it sounds well to be able to speak of a son who is studying at the Academy, and it is flattering to hear the high praise of neighbours who are called in to see and admire the drawings he has sent home. The youth severely drains the slender resources of his parents while for three or four years he goes through the courses at the Academy, and encounters the more serious temptations which all large towns offer to young men who are removed from parental control and influence. The young man may be destitute of talent, or lacking in the equally important quality of perseverance, and returns to his home, expecting the world to bow at his feet, and give him his own price for the third-rate productions which he has to sell. The self-styled artist, conceited from the beginning, naturally becomes discon- tented, and may afterwards be found (as our friend has found many) with his coat out at elbows, unable to earn a living; a wretched professional artist, without imagination or designing faculty, pushing indifferent pictures upon an overstocked market. When a peasant’s son paints “Andromeda chained to the rock,” or “ Ajax defying the lightning,” he often assumes airs altogether imcompatible with his position or his possibilities. Very few of these free students ever become artists of merit, still fewer really good industrial designers, but they often get into an extravagant way of living, without possessing the means to justify such habits, and they grow up into a class of men of far less use to the world than if they had remained hewers of wood and drawers of water in their own villages. Above all, avoid encouraging the idea that it is the schools which make the artists, designers, and engineers, and that, giventhe schools, great artists will spread themselves over the land. There can be no greater mistake. Belgium and Holland produced their best artists with- out schools, Holland its best engineers without schools, and what schools did the great inventors of England attend? The work of life puts into the shade the teaching of the professors. If you are too liberal in opening the highest schools to the public, with- out such safeguard as a proper entrance examination, you draw REPORT. 2417 mediocrity into them, and run a great risk of wasting your teaching on students who, whatever other qualities they possess, were never intended for artists. The free art schools are a con— stant temptation to the stripling, whose great ambition is to become a “ Monsieur” without working for the title; he goes there and fails to produce anything that anybody will buy. There is no happiness for such a man, he had better have remained a house painter at home. In studying Continental art schools, it is desirable to reckon up their cost and compare it with the results. Education has to be paid for by somebody, and in those cases in which the payment is made entirely by the public, there should be a reasonable assurance that the public will be benefited. The great art schools of France and Belgium are admirable institutions, but, as examples for England, they present features to be avoided as well as to be imitated. One gentleman remarked that, from his large experience of National foreign nations, he had come, to the conclusion that race and clflsjPctegsties blood have great influence upon the handicrafts of a nation. 01,311,123? and The French. are more elegant than the English, altogether apart D from education. Their climate is milder and more sunny, gaiety is natural to them, and, living much more in the open air than the English, their natural tastes are more susceptible of develop ment. The French designs are characterized by greater elegance. In Paris the designers are surrounded by examples and aids to inspiration such as cannot be found elsewhere. Paris, to use a commercial term, may be called “ the exchange” for designers from all parts of Europe, and it is the principal market for designs. The drawing of the Parisians is generally of a decorative character, and in freedom of outline they excel all other countries. On the fancy textiles of England and France, and the aptitude French and of French workmen, the following is the substance of opinions Enéilfhjllks expressed. The productions of Lyons are now universally an eslt’ns' acknowledged to‘ be in advance of those of Coventry and the other silk manufacturing towns of England. The workman of Lyons, who, as a matter of fact, lives in the same attic with his loom, is always making patterns. He spends his days from childhood to old age over patterns, and the last pattern in the loom is the household topic till the web is woven. As the loom is seldom allowed to be idle, both the wife and children are taught to weave each new pattern as it comes. While the hus- band eats his dinner, the wife takes her turn at the loom, and the children take their turns also while the father takes his rest and the “mother goes about her domestic employment. So all day long the busy shuttle is kept going, and patterns and designs are ever before the physical and mental vision of the Lyons weaver. The day may come when England will overtake Lyons, but how can she hope, by the establishment of a few schools, to equal 248 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 what natural qualities and constant training have done for the Frenchman? It is, in the opinion of our informant, no more reasonable to expect the English to surpass the French in artistic’ work, in designing and decorative operations, than it would be to expect the French to equal the English in mechanical in- genuity, and in the great engineering operations which have so largely contributed to the industrial supremacy of England. REPORT. 2249 PART II. VISITS To INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS ON THE CONTINENT AND CONVERSATIONS WITH EMPLOYERS, MANAGERS, AND WORKPEOPLE. In addition to the inspection of technical and other educational institutions, your Commissioners took advantage of every oppor- tunity of obtaining evidence and information relating to the practical effect of these institutions upon the industries intended to be benefited by them. Incidentally we received information as to rates of wages and hours of labour, the influence of piece- work, division of labour, protective duties, the military systems, and other conditions which, in each Continental State, more or less affect the cost of production and the quality of the manu- factures. In every country we were, almost without exception, courteously admitted to the leading industrial establishments, and in many instances the fullest opportunities were afforded to us of inspecting the processes of manufacture in detail. Employers, managers, and workmen, favoured us with their opinions upon industrial and educational questions. In the following descriptions, while on the one hand we have avoided the disclosure of what may be termed “ trade secrets,” we have on the other endeavoured to convey a general impression of the leading industries abroad, and have impartially recorded the opinions of representative men of all classes, on the various matters of interest to the commercial and industrial classes of our own and other countries. CoTToN SPINNING AND WEAvINe, FRANCE. The Commissioners visited cotton factories at Rouen and Lille, and had conversations with representative men engaged in the cotton industry, amongst others with M. Pouyer Quertier, who was Finance Minister during the presidency of M. Thiers, and who is the leader of the protectionist party in France. “Te were informed that since the annexation of Alsace by Germany, nearly all the cotton machinery used in France has been imported from England, and is subject to a duty on entering. The French protectionists, who have laboured strenuously for upholding duties on all imported cotton yarns and goods, regret that, by the transference to Germany of Alsace, which was the seat of the cotton-machine making industry of France, they must now pay a duty on all Alsatian machinery. England, having been placed on the same level as Alsace, has undoubtedly profited by this change. Cotton factories in France. 250 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Influence of Technical Schools. Hours of labour in French cotton factories. Employment of children. As in other countries, we did not receive any evidence that, in France, technical schools have been of any direct advantage to fore- men or workmen engaged in spinning and weaving. Many admitted that a theoretical knowledge of the cotton fibre, its growth structure, and properties, should he possessed by all engaged in its manipulation; that the machinery, and all the calculations connected therewith, should be studied theoretically; and that a knowledge of design and of the loom should be taught to all foremen and masters. At present, this teaching is not attempted in any schools in France; but favourable reports were given of the spinning department of the weaving school at Mulhouse (see p. 128), with which some gentlemen with whom we conversed were acquainted. In general, an opinion was expressed that the only real education for the cotton spinner is that which he obtains in the factory. Nevertheless, it was universally thought that it is different in the case of the calico-printer. Manufacturers of calicoes for printing can only live by the attractiveness of the finished goods. However perfect or cheap, their profitable sale depends almost entirely upon the skill and taste of the colourist and printer who fix the designs upon the cloth; and, therefore, it was argued, the cotton industry depends as much for its success upon schools of design and practical chemistry as if every manufacturer had to sell his goods in the finished state ready for the shop counter. We found that the hours worked in French cotton factories are by no means uniform, as they are in England. In Rouen, which is the chief seat of the cotton industry of France, the rule is for factories to run 12 hours per day for six days in the week, but, at one factory which we visited, the engines were being kept continuously run- ning for 14 hours each day, with a break of 10 minutes for oiling, or a total of 83 hours per week. On inquiry, we ascer- tained that the workpeople at this factory came at five o’clock in the morning in summer, and remained on the premises until seven at night, and in winter from six o’clock until eight at night; but they did not work more than 12 hours a day each. The work is so organised that one in six of the hands may be always away at meals, thus allowing two hours for each during the day. It was very apparent, however, that most of the meals were taken in the workrooms, for we saw dining operations of a primitive character going on behind the machines in nearly every room, and we met children in the staircases and passages bringing dinners for the older people. Not a few energetic “ piecers” walked about the “gates ” with pieces of bread and meat in their hands, which they placed on the machine or pocketed when both hands were required for “ piecing.” The question was asked of an employer whose factory worked till sight at night, “Do your operatives “ drink much?” He shrugged his shoulders characteristically, and replied, with a smile, “Ah! no; they do not drink much. “ You see, they have not time, and they have not money.” The proportion of children employed in factories in France is smaller than in England. They are not admitted until the age of REPORT. 25 1 12, and for three years they are said to attend school two hours a day. Many of the schools are connected with the fac- tories, but we were not favourably impressed with the education and discipline of such as we saw. Wages are paid fortnightly, and by piece. In the carding and wages, preparing operations women are paid from ls. 6a’. to 1s. 9d. per day; children, from 10d. to is. 2d. Spinners (men), from 3s. 9d. to 415. 9d. per day; piecers, from 2s. 3a’. to 2s. 603.; boys, from 10a’. to Is. 2a’. Throstle spinners (women), about 28. 3d. per day, maximum. Reelers (by hand) and warpers; about 2s. ; and weavers, from 2s. to 28. 6d. per day; men earn, in many instances, a higher sum. Mechanics are paid by day, from 45. to 4s. 6d. The rates of wages paid, and the earnings, vary considerably in the different factories. We generally found that the rates per hour or per piece were lowest, and the earnings highest, in the most modern factories. At Rouen, much of the engine-coal comes from Cardiff. In Coal. one instance an inferior slack was said to cost 148. 6d. per ton delivered at the boiler; it was raising steam at the rate of 1% kilos. per horse-power. Without describing in detail any of the factories we visited, we Relianqe 011 may remark that some were furnished with the newest and best Protecnon' of English machinery, and organised on the pattern of the foremost mills in Lancashire, while others were evidently relying more upon protection, coupled with long hours and low wages, than upon efficient machinery and enterprise. We noted that the mechanics’ shops of French factories are Mechanics’ invariably larger, in proportion to the machinery employed, than $1101”? in England. This is not surprising when it is remembered that actones‘ all the important machinery comes from England or from Alsace, and has to be subjected to the delay of transit and custom~house interference, so that they are compelled to have many duplicates or parts of machines always in stock, and, indeed, many small machines are made on the premises. In one of the factories that we visited of less than 60,000 spindles, there were about 20 mechanics employed, with a proportionate amount of stores, and a number of machine tools, more or lezs antiquated. \Ve ascertained that these mechanics were the highest paid artisans on the premises. In comparison with this, we may mention a cotton factory in Oldham of 70,000 spindles, visited by one of the Commissioners, where not a. single mechanic was employed. Each overlooker could use hammer and file and chisel, and, in small matters, the engineer of the factory acted as a mechanic. Vvhen repairs were needed, mechanics were at once sent for from Messrs. Platt’s machine shop in the same town, and, without loss of time, breakages were made good, or new portions of machines supplied. In a French factory, the distance from a machine shop necessitates the employment in the factory of an ample staff of mechanics, and their wages and the cost of the material they use must be reckoned in the cost of the yarn produced, along with the wages of the spinners and carders. 252 ROYAL COMMISSION ox TEZ‘HNICAL INSTRUCTION: Wool industry, France. Professional School and classes under the Industrial Society, Rheims. WooL INDUSTRY, FRANCE. When considered in relation to its competition with England, the wool industry of France is specially important. We visited the growing towns of Rheims and Roubaix, which compete so largely with the Bradford district in the manufacture of dress goods for ladies’ wear. At Rheims, through the kindness of Mr. Jonathan Holden, we were introduced to the leading manufacturers and merchants of the town, who generously admitted us to their works, and gave us the fullest information. Mr. J. Holden also accompanied us in our tour of the schools, and conducted us over his wool-combing establishment, a very extensive shed, furnished with splendid engines and machinery from England. We have elsewhere described the excellent Professional School of Rheims, which is one of the most efficient of the Technical Schools of France, and the evening classes of the Industrial Society, for instruction in drawing, book-keepin g, literary subjects, languages, and the theory of weaving, attended mainly by artisans. At Roubaix we saw the temporary premises of the Weaving and Dyeing School; and the scheme of the projected new school, which will shortly be commenced at a cost of over 80,000l., was described to us. In the town of Lille there is a large and important school with departments for designing, weaving, and dyeing, and in the smaller manufacturing centres there are technical schools specially organised for supplying theoretical knowledge applicable to the local industries. Of the influence of these schools we shall endeavour to give some evidence in recording our conversations with the industrial representatives themselves. In an interesting report on the wool industry of France by M. Koechlin Schwartz, one of the jurors of the International Exhi- bition of Paris in 1878, it is stated that in 1851 the number of spindles in France for combed wool was 850,000, including Alsace. In 1878 the number reached 2,270,000, not including 200,000 in Alsace.* These spindles are estimated to produce 341,050,000 kilos. (74,910,000 lbs.) of yarn a year. The, value of the goods from combed wools manufactured in France in 1878 amounted, to 564,075,123 francs (22,563,000l.), upon which the amount paid in wages is calculated to have been 147,632,134! francs (5,905,000l.). The report further states that so great have been the mechanical improvements during recent years, that, since 1867, the cost of wool-combing has fallen 25 per cent. ; that since 1851 the cost of spinning has decreased more than half, while during the same period the wages of spinners and piecers have Report by M. Koechlin Schwartz in 1878. * From a Parliamentary Return dated July 187 9 it :appears that the number of spindles in the worsted factories of the United Kingdom was at that time 2,096,820. REPORT. 253 increased 410 per cent. The improvement has extended in a still greater degree to weaving. In 1851 nearly all weaving was done by hand, and the weaver was paid 175 francs to 2 francs as wages for a day of 12 hours. In 187 8 there had been an enormous extension in power-loom weaving, the weaver tending two looms, at wages averaging from 4 francs to 4125 francs per day. “In 1851 the goods were irregular and imperfect, while “in 1878 they have almost attained perfection with half the “ manipulation and double the wages paid to the workman.” The remarkable advance here indicated appears to have been continued from 1878 to 1883, hand-looms have been still further replaced by power-looms, until there are now comparatively few hand-looms remaining, and in the meantime the wages have not diminished. In Roubaix the wages of ordinary drawers on the “' rubber” principle are from 128. to 14s. per week of 72 hours, according to the machinery they mind. The mule spinners (usually by piece) earn from 228. to 25s. per week, piecers from 158. to 168., boys from 78. to 128. In some exceptional instances, where cap frames are employed, the spinners are paid by the day, at the rate of from 128. to 1458. per week, dofi'ers about 78. 6d. a week. Weavers, by piece, for two looms, earn from 183. to 28s., one-loom weavers from 138. to 16s. per week of 72 hours. Wages at Roubaix. The division of the hours for the day’s labour will show the Hours at small amount of leisure enjoyed by the operatives in French worsted factories as compared with those of England. The hours are 72 per week, beginning each morning at six, allowing two * hours for meals, and closing work at 8.30 at night for four nights, making 12%,; hours per day, so as to allow for stopping work at 6 o’clock on Monday night and at 7.30 on Saturday. (The hours are 56% per week in English factories, which close at 5.30 in the evening, excepting on Saturdays, when they cease working at one o’clock.) Comparing the worsted industry of France with that of England, it must be remembered that in the past there has been no general competition on the same lines between the two countries. Although there have been manufacturers in Bradford who have extensively made the same classes of all-wool goods as their rivals in Rheims and Roubaix, and manufacturers in these latter towns who have made lustre—and mixed—goods similar to those of Bradford, yet, broadly speaking, the fine all-wool goods for a generation past have been a speciality of France, and the lustre—and mixed—goods have been chiefly made in England. The spinning machinery employed in the two countries has been entirely different, as we have explained in our notes on Loth, Belgium, and Alsace. The mule process of spinning has been adopted on the Continent generally, while in England, for spinning similar wools, the cap and flyer frames have been almost universally used. About fifty years ago there was direct Roubaix. Comparison of worsted industry in France and England. 25% ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Australian wool. Cause of the English de- pression in the woollen trade. competition between Bradford and France in the making of French merinos and other fine soft dress goods, and mule spinning at that time was not uncommon in Bradford. But about the year 1840 the alpacas and bright goods, and the mixed fabrics with cotton warps, were introduced as a new trade into Bradford, and the manufacturers took it up with great enterprise to the neglect of the finer branch of the trade, which was still continued by a few manufacturers, but in, the great bulk was given over to the French. ~For many years both industries in both countries flourished, and, so far as the outward evidences of prosperity are concerned, the visitor to the rival towns in France and England would not hesitate in giving the palm to the latter. It may therefore be concluded that, if Bradford in some degree deserted the more important branch of the trade, the result for many years justified the change. It was seen by many, however, that in the nature of things the manu- facturers of fine wools were in a more favourable position than those who depended upon the long lustrous wools grown in our own country, because the fine wools were not only intrinsically better, but the prospects of supply were practically unlimited, while the growth of the lustrous wools was in a great measure circumscribed within the narrow boundaries of this island. In 1810 the first parcel of 167 lbs. of Australian wool was received in this country; in 1860 the import was 59,000,000 lbs. ; in 1882 it reached $415,000,000 lbs., while during the same year there was an additional import of 14141,000,000 lbs. from other sources. The French manufacturers were, by the previous course of their trade, and especially by the machinery which they employed, better prepared than those of England for dealing with this valuable and ever increasing raw material; their acquired skill in manipulation, their cultivated taste, and their greater excellence in dyeing, materially assisted them in making the most of their advantages. The abnormal prosperity of 1871-2, after the close of the Franco-German war, encouraged a further development of the manufacture of the lustrous goods in England, but beginning about 1875, the demand for these began to decline, and the consequent over-production, together with bad harvests, hostile tariffs, and the increasing inclination of fashion in favour of soft all-wool fabrics, brought -about a great depression in the long-wool industry in England, while the same change increased the prosperity of the rival manu- facturers in other countries. These facts were, however, for some time overlooked, and the depression in England was attributed to two causes; viz., the greater cheapness of labour in competing countries, as represented by longer hours and lower wages, and the superior technical education of our foreign rivals. As a matter of fact, the labour question had very little to do with the depression. There were, however, manufacturers in Bradford who already made the soft goods, and others who adapted their machinery so ' REPORT. 250 I as to make them, and, in spite of higher wages and shorter hours, they managed to keep their machinery running without loss side by side with their French rivals. On the other hand, the manu- facturers of lustrous goods in France and other countries, found it impossible—not simply to make a profit—but to avoid making a loss in spite of their advantages in labour and wages. In the manufacture of fancy . goods the French and German manu- facturers— particularly, the latter—greatly surpassed those of England, thanks, apparently, to greater technical knowledge, and especially .of dyeing; the care displayed by the operative dyers being undoubtedly greater than could be found as a rule among the representatives and operatives of dyeing establishments in England. The Commissioners visited the North of France in 1881 and State of woollen trade 1884i, and during the interval the fashions have still favoured in the interval the fine all-wool goods, but there has been a great development between 1881 in the manufacture of these goods in England. The severe depression in this country brought with it a necessary lowering of wages from the inflated period of 1872, and also a reduced expenditure in manufacturing establishments. The adaptation of machinery to the change in the trade has received the ceaseless consideration of the most enterprising and practical manufacturers, supported by the machine makers themselves. Some firms in England have adopted the French system of mule spinning, with all the improvements that could be suggested by mechanical knowledge and experience, while many others have directed their attention to the adaptation of the existing principle of preparing and cap spinning to the requirements of the finest and the shortest stapled wool. The dyers have put forth their energies in the enterprise. The Technical College of Bradford has been equipped with departments, qualified professors, and the best obtainable apparatus and machinery for designing, weaving, and dyeing. Beyond all these agencies there has been the hearty co-operation of all classes of artisans and factory workers in the trade, and their combined effort has had the result that British all-wool goods of several varieties are taking their stand in our own and other countries in open competition with those French and German goods which, but three years ago, seemed to enjoy almost a monopoly of public favour, so that Bradford manu- facturers at the present time (March 1884.‘) are as well and as profitably employed as their rivals in any country. In conversations with spinners, manufacturers, and merchants, in Boubaix and Rheims, there was a strong feeling of hopeful- ness expressed with regard to the future of the French wool industry. In the beginning of the year 1883 there was a great falling off in‘orders at a time when it was found that their rivals in Bradford were exceptionally busy, and it was feared that the competition of Bradford was becoming more serious than had been anticipated; but towards the autumn, the trade began to and 1884. Hopeful feeling with reference to French woollen trade. 256 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 German com- petition in the fancy woollen trade. German com- petition chiefly feared at Roubaix. revive again, and the manufacturers entered upon the year 1884! with fair business and prospects."YE One of the large merchants of Roubaix, speaking of the fancy trade, said that it was being ruined by German competition. The Germans produced more novelties in design, they did better work, and had taken more pains than the local manufacturers As to designs, very few were produced at Roubaix, or, if produced there, were the work of Parisians who after a few years, were worked out, and needed to go back to Paris again. “The air and the surroundings of Roubai‘x did not “ particularly favour artistic sentiment.” Another merchant confirmed the statement that the fancy trade had gone to Germany. He said that a few years ago there were 300 manufacturers in the district, and that now there are not more than 200. The difference arose from the fancy manufacturers, employing handlooms, having been compelled to give up. This degeneracy in the fancy trade had roused the authorities into action with regard to the technical school, and not too soon. ts main purpose would be to help to bring back the fancy trade. It would be heartily welcomed by all classes, and the operatives would be the last to complain of the cost, however much it might be. The same gentleman was of opinion that the dyeing of all-wool goods in France has long been superior to that of England, but they are not by any means satisfied with their local dyeing, and goods of delicate shade are often sent to Paris to be dyed. Some of the leading dyers have been highly educated in science, but the workmen, as a rule, have but little, if any, chemical knowledge. In the dyeing of mixed goods, with cotton warp, the French merchants are willing to admit the superiority of English dyers. With an extensive knowledge of the trade both in French and English markets, he has seen no recent evidence, from such goods as he has come in contact with, that Roubaix is likely to be surpassed by Bradford. He expressed himself, however, as seriously alarmed by the growing competition of Germany. M. Carlos Delattre is one of the chief promoters of education in Roubaix, and is also a member of the Commission appointed by the mayor to report upon the wants of the town in respect of technical instruction. He conducted us over the temporary Weaving and dyeing school, which is attended by about 80 students. .[‘he evening classes, for whose accommodation the M. Delattre. * The question of the competition between France and England is one of vital interest to the Yorkshire trade, and therefore the following additional remark on the subject may not be out of place. It was affirmed by one spinner whose factory we inspected, and who had imported from England the most recent adaptations of English short nip drawing and cap frames, and was competin, against mule spinning in its stronghold, that, from the shortest wool, he could make a yarn which manufacturers preferred to a yarn from the same wool spun on the mule. In conversing with this gentleman on the question ‘of cap, yersus mule, spinning, he held that the difficulty in cap spinning was not in the machinery, but in the organisation of the labour. REPORT. 257 new technical school is to Le built, are held in various quarters of the town, and are attended by a total of 600 students. The total annual grant for their maintenance is 2,220Z., of which 720i. is contributed by the State. The plans for the new school are now prepared, and the Projected excavations will shortly be commenced. The cost will be at 1161;? tfchnical least 80,000l., towards which 4:8,000l. will be contributed by the fies-gait Government, through the Department of Fine Arts, and 32,000Z. by the municipality. It is expected that the annual cost of maintenance will not be less than 3,200l. The school will be devoted chiefly to pure art and designing, School will but there will also be departments for mechanics and physics, a be mainly for lecture hall, public library, and a museum of textiles, which is Pure design‘ in tended to be specially useful as a trade museum. The depart— ments for weaving and dyeing will be accommodated in a separate building, and will contain an equipment of looms and other apparatus fully equal to those of any school yet established. Designing will be applied to such articles as wearing apparel, Applied design. decorative cloths for “ furnitures,” carpets, upholstery, &c. It is believed that “high design” may be successfully taught at Roubaix, and that in improving the fancy textiles the influence of the “Administration des Beaux Arts” will be as beneficial there as it has been in the case of the Beauvais and Gobelin tapestries. M. Delattre informed us that during the ten years that the Progress made technical weaving and dyeing school has been in operation, great .1“ gem?“ year‘ progress has been made in the dyeing industry. In every m yemg' establishment where sons of employers, foremen, and workmen, have attended the classes, good results have followed. In the dye-works many of the young men can make their own pre— parations. There is less need of supervision; economy of pro- duction has in many instances followed attendance at school; fewer mistakes have been made, and more reliable and more etficient work has been done. CONDITIONING House, ROUBAIX. The conditioning house of Roubaix, like the similar establish- Conditioning ments of Lyons and Crefeld, undertakes the testing of all raw 110959» R0“: materials and manufactured goods, with regard to actual hm‘ weight, measurement, and condition. Certain standards of condition are recognised in various materials, upon which allowances are made for the moisture which they contain. For example, in conditioning raw wool a given weight is placed in a receiver, through which there passes a current of hot air at a temperature of from 105° to 115° Centigrade. After remaining here for about an hour, the wool is carefully weighed, and Bi 1726. R 258 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: 141 per cent. is added to the weight to allow for its having been artificially dried, and to restore it to its natural atmospheric condition. Upon tops, after being artificially dried, an allowance of 18% per cent. is made; upon wool yarns, 17 per cent; cotton yarns, 8% per cent. ; silk, 11 per cent, Cost of con- The cost of conditioning tops is reckoned on the bulk from gfiqnmg SP‘111 which samples are taken, and is about 10 francs per 1,000 ' kilos (about one twenty-third of a penny per pound). The house was built by the town at a cost of 16,000Z. It communicates with the railway by a siding, so as to facilitate the arrival and transport of products to be tested. In 1883 the profits, after paying expenses, amounted to 8,000Z, which were entered in the municipal receipts and appropriated to ordinary municipal objects. Extent of the A conception of the magnitude of the work carried on may be “'Ork carried gathered from the following figures relating to the wool, tops, on‘ yarn, &c., conditioned :—-- Kilos. In 1858 - - 841,268 ,, 1860 - - 1,998,159 ,, 1869 ~ - 11,653,156 ,, 1871 - - 14,093,867 ,, 1882 - - 19,425,434 Thetestis The conditioning is entirely optional; if buyer and seller "PtlODflL agree to any transaction without submitting to the official test and the necessary expense, they can do so; but, as almost invariably happens, either buyer or seller wishes to know what he buys or sells, the goods are tested, and in case of dispute both parties are bound to accept the otficial decision. Importance of In conversing on this subject, complaints were made by file/£15”? manufacturers that English yarns when they come to Roubaix ,331 are not conditioned, nor tested as to length, and that the English spinners will not submit to the Roubaix test. One gentleman stated that he had been subjected to so much annoy- ance in consequence of English yarns not coming up to the standard, that he never buys them when he can get similar yarns elsewhere. He agreed that everybody took advantage of yarns that were known not to be certified. If, for instance, he sent English yarn to a dyer, and deficient weight was returned, all the blame was thrown upon the spinner, the dyer knowing that no certificate of weight had accompanied the yarn. In sending English yarn to hand-loom weavers, he calculated the necessary weight and counts for certain lengths of cloth, Frequently short lengths were returned, and the weaver would invariably throw all the responsibility upon the spinner, knowing there was no proof to the contrary. With French and German yarns this was impossible, and therefore the manu- facturer argued that a conditioning and reeling test protected the seller as much as the buyer, and removed the temptations to dishonesty which exist under the English system. nnronr. 259 WOOL-COMBING ESTABLISHMENTS or Mnssns. ISAAC HOLDEN’ AND Sons, IN FRANCE. Among the most extensive and remarkable of the industrial Wooljwmbiflg establishments of the Continent are the wool-combing works of Sitigfsgmims Messrs. Isaac Holden and Sons, at Rheims, and at Croix, near Holdensc' ' Roubaix. Similar works belonging to this firm are situated $0118- at Bradford in Yorkshire, and the three branches are employed in the combing of fine merino wools for dress goods and knitting purposes. They do not purchase or comb any wools on their own account; they simply comb “on commission,” at specified rates, such wools as are sent to them by spinners and top-makers. Nearly the whole of the wool is grown in the Australian Colonies; it passes through the London sales, and in many instances it is sent direct by the purchasers to one of their establishments either in France or England. Mr. Isaac Holden, MP, the head of the firm, is the inventor of the combing machine which is known by his name, and which, more than any other invention, has promoted the fine-combed wool industry of France and England, and developed the wool-growing resources of our Australian Colonies. While visiting the North of France for the purposes of this inquiry, we were invited to inspect the wool-combing works at Croix, and were accompanied through the various departments by Mr. Holden, and the other members of the firm. All the details of the various processes were shown to us; Processes of the chemical preparation of the water for washing purposes, the wwbwjshmg making of the soap, the operations of washing, carding, and comb- 533,21? Olin ing, and, not the least interesting or important, the extraction waste pro~ from the refuse soapsuds of all the grease, potash, and other d‘lcts- valuable subtances, contained therein. A few years ago the whole of the dirty water from the washing-bowls was turned into the neighbouring stream and became a nuisance to all the users of the water beyond, but by dint of perseverance and the employment of a qualified chemist, the water is now released from the filtering tanks almost as pure as when it entered the washing-bowls, leaving behind it the valuable solid matter which is annually sold for many thousands of pounds sterling. The heads of departments and foremen are English, and many of the mechanics in the large repairing and constructing shop are Englishmen. The ordinary operatives are French, and their activity at their work, and healthy and cleanly looks, impressed us favourably. So great is the demand for Holden’s combing that all the works of the firm, both in France and England, run day and night, with two shifts of hands. Con_ nected with the works at Croix and Rheims, where at each place there is quite a colony of English families, there are English reading-rooms and libraries well stocked with books and daily n2 260 ROYAD ooMmssIoN ON TECHNICAL msrnuc'rIoN: Statistics relative to weight of wool combed by the firm. Relative capabilities of of French and English work- men, and cost of production in the two countries. Incidence of import and production duties. Cost of labour lower than in England. Cost of pro- duction m France is English newspapers; week-day and Sunday schools built and supported by the firm 5 and places of worship, with English pastors and services for the religious Observances of the English families. The groups of English cottages, with their cultivated flower gardens attached, and the handsome residence and grounds of Mr. Crothers, Mr. Helden’s nephew, close to the works at CroiX, give a favourable and picturesque appearance to the village not usually observable in the manufacturing districts either of France or England. The total import of wool from the Australian Colonies, which passes through the London sales and is distributed to the manufacturing centres of England and the Continent, amounted in 1882 to 34:5,000,000 lbs. The wool combed annually by this firm represents more than two-fifths of the entire import,——a striking testimony, we may say in passing, of the services rendered to our Colonies and to European in- dustry by Mr. Isaac Holden as an inventor, and as a promoter of the combed Wool industry,-—hence the very definite and reliable in- formation which we were able to obtain from the firm with regard to the general capabilities of French and English operatives, and the relative cost of production in the two countries, is of the greatest value. The three branches of their works are situated in the three manufacturing centres of the combed wool industry of France and England. The premises in each case have been built and arranged on the same general plan. Advantage has been taken in each district of the special local resources and economies. In all the works the same machinery is employed, and in each case the same classes of wool, bought by customers at the London sales, are combed, and for the same subsequent uses. English managers, foremen, engineers, and mechanics, are em- ployed at all the establishments, but the ordinary operatives are such as apply for employment in the three districts, and at such wages as are paid ‘for labour by neighbouring firms. All English machinery entering France is subjected to duty and other expenses, increasing its cost by fully 20 per cent., and similar increased expenses apply to all dutiable commodities used in the trade, such as iron and brass castings, leather, and the many smaller articles required in mill furnishing. Pro- tective duties also affect to a serious degree some of the most important products which enter into regular consumption in a wool-combing establishment, such as soap, oil, and tallow, which are dearer in France than in England. Coal also, in Roubaix and Rheims, is on the average fully double the price of similar coal in England. In all the departments of the French works, excepting in those in which directing skill is required, the price paid for labour is much lower than is paid in England, and on a payment in wages alone of 2,500Z. per week, the importance of this item is not likely to be overlooked. In bringing these comparisons to the final test of the cost of production in each country, by placing all the expenses in the nsroa'r. ‘261 French works against all the expenses of the English works, and greater than in each case dividing them by the weight of wool combed, it was in England- shown to us that, in spite of all the advantages of cheap labour, the cost of production is greater in France than in England. If this can be said of commercial establishments in France which possess all the advantages of the best English machinery, and all the stimulus of English enterprise, competition, and capital, it is but reasonable to expect that English works engaged in this branch of industry will compare favourably as to cost of pro- duction and efficiency, with the more ordinary rival works in France, and, perhaps, also in other countries. SILK INDUSTRY.—-—-LYONS. Lyons is the chief seat of the silk industry in France, and for Extent of the the manufacture of the best classes of figured silk goods is Lyons Silk acknowledged to be unrivalled in the world. In the city there trade‘ are from 25,000 to 30,000 looms, and, including the outlying townships, considerably over 100,000. It was stated to us that in the several branches of the silk industry there are not less than 100,000 persons employed in Lyons alone. Thanks to the assistance of Mr. Haden, the British Consul, we visited, in addition to the more important schools, some of the leading works, such as dyeworks, the silk conditioning house, and the weaving shops of some of the best silk weavers. We were also introduced to several of the chief citizens, who were greatly interested in our visit, and courteously answered our inquiries. All the complicated patterns and most of the plain silks are Hand weaving. still woven by hand, and attempts to introduce power looms on an extensive scale have been met by fierce opposition. In Switzerland, in Germany, and in England, not only plain, but figured silks are being extensively woven by power, with the natural result that these countries are gradually taking the trade away from Lyons, in goods which are not of the very highest class. The manufacturers feel that they are at a great dis- advantage with their antiquated system, as compared with their enterprising rivals, and they spoke of their future prospects with great concern. From time immemorial the weaving has been conducted in the houses of the operatives; every workman has his own loom--in many instances the one valuable piece of furniture in his one-roomed attic; and the great majority seem determined to struggle against their fate with daily lessening earnings rather than dispense with their hand-looms, and become mere operatives in factories. The most recent attempt to win over this great and stubborn popu- Introduetion of lation of weavers to a better state of things, is shown in the gas engmes' 262 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Visit to Lyons’ weaving shops. Wages. Food of weavers. action of an influential society formed for supplying to the weavers small gas engines, which can be fixed in their own homes. These engines are of several sizes, representing half, three-quarters, and one horse-power. They take up very little room, can be easily moved and fitted to the gaspipe in the room, and they are offered at a small weekly rental, or are sold to the weavers at cost price, payable in weekly instalments. In many houses there are two, three, or four looms, and in some even more, and these occupiers are being tempted, in occasional in- stances, to try a gas engine. The hand-looms are fitted up so as to run by power later on; as the weavers become gradually trained to the use of power, and appreciate its advantage, modern power looms are put in, and, as is natural, the income of the weavers is augmented and their physical labour lessened. The promoters of the movement hope that, by thus putting in “the thin end of the wedge,” they will convert the weavers gradually to the appreciation and adoption of the power-loom system, and thus save them from the ruin that must ultimately come upon them unless some such change be made. We visited some cottages into which the gas engines had been introduced, and found in one instance a winding frame also running by power. In most of the looms the silks were plain, but we noted two power-looms with jacquards and figured patterns. We were told that the best articles, whether plain or figured, cannot be woven by the power-loom. In one of the ordinary cottages under the old system we found a workman and his family at work. There were four looms minded by the father, son, and two daughters, while the mother was cooking the dinner in a small living room adjoining. In one loom there was a gorgeous pattern of brocaded velvet, in which the weaver worked the shuttle by hand, and with each pick a boy drew out a wire, which raised the pile. intricate operations, and cut the doubled threads so as to make the pile as he went along,~—a slow process, requiring the constant attention of himself and the boy. We were told that the weaving of half a yard of such a pattern is a good day’s work, for which the payment would be about 458. 9d., with a deduction of 10d. for the boy. This was a fair sample of the best weaving in Lyons. For ordinary weaving 28. 60?. to 33. is considered good average wages; on the power loom some of the weavers earn from 48. to 58. a day. The Lyons weavers are not bound to any fixed hours for working. There are some who scarcely ever leave the looms, excepting for food and scanty rest, and, on the other hand, there are many idlers. A practical weaver with whom we conversed informed us that 11 hours constitute a recognised day’s work, from 6 am. to 7 p.m., with an interval of two hours for three meals. The first meal, of which we saw a family partaking (each portion being brought by the mother to the worker at the loom), consisted of a thin decoction, almost entirely water, in which there were sops of bread and potatoes; the The weaver managed the ' REPORT. 263 second meal—dinner—consists of bread, potatoes, and usually a little meat; while the third is usually a repetition of the first. One of the greatest troubles to be contended with in the melguiarity 0* Lyons silk trade, is the irregularity of employment. There are emp oyment' certain dead seasons, when work is not given out, and in many instances the weavers are not employed more than half their time. The result is that there is often much suffering and dis- content, in good times excesses, in bad times penury; and con- sumption and brain diseases arise from the nature of the employment and the unhealthy conditions under which many of the operatives work. One.of the leading merchants spoke very highly of the Mar- 2233;111:2110 f tiniere school as having been attended by some of the best master the Martiniére dyers, and as having laid the foundation of drawing in the school. case of many students who had afterwards excelled at the School of Fine Arts. With regard to the silk trade, he was of opinion that its Superiority superiority in Lyons had always been due more to the weavers galfréotfign than the masters. There had not been in the past much masters. sympathy between the two classes, probably owing in a great measure to the fact that the employer seldom saw his work- people, except when they came to his warehouse for material or for wages; not having a factory and machinery, he was not under any obligation to find regular work for them, or to improve their machinery so that better work could be done. The skill of many of the Lyons weavers is simply marvellous, and families have for generations been distinguished for dexterity and delicacy of manipulation. From father to son the loom has been handed down, and the weavers meet together and talk of their work until technical knowledge has become natural to them, and skill has been raised to a high degree of excellence. “ They have “ all, however, both masters and men, fallen behind the times in “ enterprise, clinging to traditions and old-fashioned methods, “ while their competitors have been organising factories and “ teaching their workpeople the use of the power loom.” It was stated that “ during the last 10 years Lyons has lost very much LOSS ofm'ade- “ of its trade, and now only takes the lead in specialities which “ are most subject to the changes of fashion.” On the question of original designing, it was said that the Original Lyons designers are not as a rule artists. The talent cultivated des‘gmng' by them is that of applying designs to the looms, and not so much of producing the designs themselves. The best designs come from Paris to Lyons, as from Paris to Manchester, and although drawing is taught everywhere, in none of the schools is it applied to the making of designs for textile patterns. Many of the ordinary weavers, however, can draw and can make original designs, and some of the leading Parisian designers are natives of Lyons, who learned all that they know of tedhnical 264d ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Prospects of English com- petition in silk goods. Superiority in dyeing. designing in the schools and weaving shops of this city, but they remove to Paris as a more favourable market than Lyons for the disposal of the talent which they have to sell. As to the prospects of England ever becoming a formidable competitor in the silk industry, one of the prominent citizens, who seemed to be very familiar with England, ridiculed the idea as being chimerical. He said, “ The silk trade can never “ become important in England, because the English people have “ no taste. Taste is not natural to the Englishman, and never “ will be; your sunless climate, your smoky atmosphere, your “ absence of art associations and surroundings, are all against “ the inculcation of taste.” “ In France,” he continued, ““ every- “ thing is different ; taste seems to be inborn in the Frenchman, “ and it is cultivated at every step. You English are a “ remarkable people, and you take the lead in many things, “ but in taste you are far behind, and must be content to “remain so.” Stress was laid on the fact that in France all the children learn drawing as a part of their elementary education, and that the opportunities of continuing their in- struction in art are infinitely greater and more generally taken advantage of than in England, and that in one school in Lyons (the Martiniere) we might have counted a class of over 90 engaged in modelling. The question was put, “ Suppose the order of things “ were reversed—that drawing and modelling should be taught 1‘ as meagrely in France as in England,—in effect, that they should “ be banished from most of the elementary schools; and that “ their extensive and general study as now found in France “ should be adopted in England, what would you say of English “ and French taste then '2 ” Our friend replied that he was not prepared to say what would happen under improved teaching of art in England, but to banish such teaching from the ele- mentary schools of France would be nothing less than a national calamity. On being asked how he accounted for the superiority of the silk dyeing of Lyons, he replied, “ It is the water.” “ But,” remarked one of the Commissioners, “ if Lyons dyers removed to England, would they not dye as well ”? “ Impossible ! ” was the reply, “ you. have not the water.” We record opinions of this character because we heard them so frequently, and they show how even among well-informed men there is a tendency to be lulled into a feeling of false security by the mere possession of important natural advantages. An English mer- chant, long resident in Lyons, informed us that when the Swiss entered seriously into competition with Lyons, they were unsuccessful at first in their dyeing operations, and were com- pelled to send their yarns and pieces to Lyons to be dyed. The people at that time, as now, boasted of their incomparable water 3 but the enterprising Swiss manufacturers were not to be easily daunted; they engaged some dyers from Lyons, and they brought to bear upon the question the scientific knowledge of REPORT. 265 their polytechnic schools; and now, remarked our informant, in many respects they surpass Lyons in dyeing, as they do also in some branches of weaving. Mr. Haden expressed an opinion that Manchester beats Lyons in cheap and ordinary fancies, and in good plain silks. In cravats, fancy handkerchiefs, and some other kinds of specialities, Macclesfield is at the head, and exports largely to Paris. In the most costly and elaborate silks, England is out of the competition. The relative interchange of English and French manufactured silks may be understood by reference to the Board of Trade returns. In 1882 the exports of silk goods from England to France amounted to 1,0345,4586l., against 618,850Z. in 1878; the imports of silk goods from France amounted to 7,457,832l. in 1882, against 8592,7781. in 1878 ; showing an increase in exports of 410 per cent, and a diminution in imports of 13 per cent. The total exports of manufactured sillv; and silk yarns from England in 1882 amounted to 3,517,8417L, against 2,488,2171. in 1878, while the imports amounted to 11,525,8261. in 1882, against 12,805,6245l. in 1878, the increase in exports being 29 per cent, and the diminution in imports nearly 10 per cent. Considering that for many years silk has been and still is the weakest of the English textile industries, these figures indicate that not only are we gradually dispossessing the foreigner of his hold upon our home markets, but that we are also strengthening our position in the neutral markets of the world. While not claiming that these results are due to the influence of improved technical education in England, it is clear that they are not due to any advantages which we enjoy over the foreigner in cheapness of labour, or in obtaining the raw material of manufacture. In a conversation with the President of the Chamber of Com- merce, we were informed that the council of the Chamber consists of 18 members, elected by the holders of trade licenses, who pay a minimum tax amounting to about 10 francs (88.) a year on a rental of 1,000 francs (40L). The chief source of income, however, arises from the profits of the Silk Conditioning House, which is managed by the Chamber. From this source alone 5,000Z. a year are realised. In some Chambers, of which Paris furnishes an example, an income is derived from the Custom House Agencies. The splendid income of the Lyons Chamber is disbursed in a remarkable manner for the benefit of objects of commercial and public usefulness. The Bourse or Exchange, the Industrial Museum, the Palace of Fine Arts, the Commercial and Weaving Schools, were built and are chiefly maintained out of these funds. Other useful commercial objects are promoted, such as the expenses connected with the exhibits from Lyons at the International Exhibition in Paris. The Chamber has a Benefit Society which makes grants to decayed and unfortunate tradesmen, or their widows and families. English silk trade. Exports and imports. Chamber of Commerce, Lyons. 266 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Silk cpn— The silk-conditioning house is an establishment of great glotil‘gmgyons. public importance, and is administered, as previously stated, by ’ the Chamber of Commerce. Silk is the most costly of fibres, and its value is consequently affected more than any other by moisture and by the introduction of foreign elements. By custom, between buyer and seller, the condition of the raw material and of the yarn is tested by this public authority, whose decision in all matters is final. The magnitude and importance of the establishment may be estimated from the fact that samples representing 41,000,000 kilos. a year are “ conditioned,” while an enormous number of reeling tests are made in order to certify regularity and strength of the yarn. For testing the condition, the bulk is carted to the warehouse of the establishment; two samples from each bale are weighed on a balance of precision by two independent weighers, who work apart to secure impartiality. A third sample is put aside to be tested in the event of any discrepancy appearing in the weight of the two test samples. The samples are hung in a stove heated to 14.0 degrees, and dried until all moisture has been expelled. They are then weighed, and if the evaporation is the same in each the test is considered satisfactory. If not, the third sample is tested. The dry weight of the entire bulk of silk in a lot is calculated according to the tested samples from each bale. An addition of 11 per cent. is added to this weight by law, to allow for a return from absolute dryness to natural moisture, and the silk is then invoiced at this weight. A second test is made in order to ascertain the amount of gum or foreign matter. A sample is boiled for one hour in soap and water, and is passed through squeezing rollers so as to remove every foreign element. A certificate is then given of the weight so ascertained, allowing 25 per cent. gum for European and 17 per cent. for Japanese silk. Uniformity and strength are tested by elaborate machines for the purpose, which indicate all irregularities. For these purposes a machine shown to us by the inventor, an American engineer, appeared to be a marvel of ingenuity and delicacy. ENGINEERING WonKs or Mnssns. SCHNEIDER & Co., LE CaEUzoT, FRANCE. Messrs. Schnei- These magnificent works have been so frequently described, der’s Works- and a detailed account of them would occupy so large a space in this report, that we shall confine ourselves to a very brief state- ment of the facts bearing in the most direct manner on our enquiry. It is well known that these works, situated far in the interior of France, derive a large portion of their supplies of iron REPORT. 267 ore—for the production of iron and steel of the most varied de- scription—~from Algeria; brought through Marseilles, from Savoy and other distant places; and that a considerable part also of the fuel used has to be brought from the coal basin of St. Etienne. This is rendered possible by extremely low railway rates—Jess ~ than =3~ths of a penny per mile on iron ores, or less than half of the average rates charged in the United Kingdom. Most of the powerful tools used at Le Creuzot in the construction of marine engines, in boring large guns, and in planing armour plates, were formerly imported by them from England, but within the last few years these tools have been supplied by works in the east of France, and in the French departments now annexed to Germany. The French engineering tools were formerly ill designed, and badly proportioned. Now English models are followed, and the execution leaves nothing to be desired. A very small number of the heads of departments are former students of the great Parisian technical schools, several are from the Ecole des Arts et Métiers, and many, including nearly all the foremen, have received no other instruction than that of the works and the exellent elementary schools founded and maintained by the firm. The head of the drawing office is one of these latter. The opinion of Mons. Henri Schneider was not favourable to the very high scientific courses of the Paris schools, except for men of remarkable ability, and of the energy and common sense necessary to acquire workshop practice at a comparatively late period of life, and to avoid a pedantic application of abstruse theory to practical work. His estimate of‘ the Ecoles des Arts et Métiers, on the other hand, was very favourable. In several cases the firm had sent promising boys to those schools ; but the workshop was held to be the true school for foremen. In the elementary schools connected with the works and carried on at the expense of the Company, great attention is given to geometrical drawing, and the work of the boys was surprisingly good. The elements of chemistry and physics are also taught. Night classes have been given up, partly because the instruction of the elementary day school was considered sufficient, and partly in consequence of difficulties between masters and men during the times immediately preceding, and succeeding to, the fall of the empire. The dissension which existed for a few years had, however, subsided to a great extent; and, although the firm employ large numbers of miners near Montceau-les—Mines, where there had lately been troubles, the Greuzot men had not taken any part in them. During the stay of one of the Commissioners at Le Oreuzot, a large hall, built at the cost of Mons. Henri Schneider, the managing partner, for theatrical performances, concerts, and other entertainments, and dedicated to‘ the employés, was opened with a concert given by the excellent stringed band of‘ which the workmen and clerks were the executants. Training of the heads of departments, Subjects of instruction in schools at Le Creuzot. 268 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Education of managing partner, Le Crenzot. Cotton spinning near Zurich. Mr. Hans W underly. His training. His opinion of English workmen. ‘We should add, that Mons. Henri Schneider himself did not receive a, technical, but a classical education, and one of your Commissioners well remembers an interesting conversation with his father, the late Mons. Eugene Schneider, the founder of the great Creuzot works, in which that gentleman expressed his strong conviction that for the chief director of a great industrial enterprise, a good general education, and not a special one in any direction, was the only proper preparation. CorroN SPINNING IN SWITZERLAND. FACTORIES or MM. HEINRICH KUNZ, WINDISCH, NEAR ZURICH. The Commissioners were indebted to the kindness of Mr. Hans Wunderly, head of the firm of M.M. Heinrich Kunz, for much in- formation respecting the cotton industry of Switzerland. He also invited us to visit one of the groups of cotton factories belonging to the firm, and courteously allowed free use to be made of notes taken during the inspection. Mr. Wunderly, like most of the employers whom we met in Switzerland, possesses a thorough knowledge of his business, and is well acquainted with England. After completing his ordinary school education in his own country, and becoming familiar with the general routine of a cotton factory, he came to England to study the language and habits of the people, and also to learn every detail of the cotton industry. For a time he was in a broker’s office in Liverpool, noting and sampling raw cotton on arrival, mixing with the buyers and sellers “ on change,” and studying commercial accounts. Then he went through one or two spinning mills as a working apprentice, keeping mill hours, associating with the workmen, and even lodging with one of them. He also worked as a helpmate in the setting up of machinery in several large factories in Lancashire. Finally he entered a merchant’s warehouse and office, and became acquainted with all the details of the exportation and distri~ bution of cotton yarns. He afterwards made himself acquainted with the cotton industry of continental countries. While in England and in other countries, he constantly communicated to his firm such information as he considered would be useful. He thus became familiar with English machinery and methods of work, with the habits of the workpeople, and the general customs of the country, and still, in his frequent visits, he keeps up his inquiries, compares notes, and modifies or confirms his early impressions. He considers that the English are at the head of all the work men he has ever seen, and he is familiar with those of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. In practical knowledge of their work, in mechanical genius, they are better, without technical instruction, than the continental workmen are with it, while in REPORT. 269 physical endurance and “ all round ” capacity, they know no rivals. But English workmen would he better even than they are, with more education. He always found lack of education to be their weak point, and elementary schools like those of Switzerland would do wonders for them in the way of developing their natural intelligence. The firm of which Mr. \Vunderly is the head, is said to be the largest cotton spinning firm on the continent of Europe, and until within a few years the largest in the world. They own eight groups of cotton factories, situated in or near to the canton of Zurich, with a total of 243,000 spindles, turned to the extent of 2,300 horse-power by water, and 200 horse-power by steam They employ ‘2,700 hands. Their chief departments are spinning and doubling, and they have also a large mechanics’ shop for the construction of small machines, and for repairs. The factories selected for our visit were at VVindisch, near to the railway from Basle to Zurich. We left the railway at Brugg, where a carriage was in waiting to take us to the factories. Mr. Wunderly pointed out a large warehouse at the station, which the firm use for the storage of raw cotton, much of which they buy in Egypt or obtain direct from America, occasionally from Bremen, but mainly from Liverpool. They prefer to buy in several markets so as to have liberty of ch nice when prices fluctuate from purely local causes. The village of Windisch stands on elevated ground near a sharp bend of the river Reuss, which is crossed by a substantial bridge. The mills in the hollow are beautifully situated in a narrow part of the valley, surrounded by cultivated meadows and wooded slopes, and but a short distance from the meeting place of three important Swiss rivers, the Beuss, the Limmat, and the Aar. These rivers form the outlets respectively for the Lake of Lucerne, the Lake of Zurich, and the Lakes of Thun and Brienz, with their unfailing supplies of water power. 0n our way to the mills we passed the hospital built by the firm ; a pretty building, healthily situated on the hill side, and surrounded by a flower garden. There is accommodation for 30 beds, but as yet only 16 have been provided. There can be no better testimony to the healthiness of the neighbourhood than this, that although the building has been erected since 1873, it has happily never been required. It serves the purpose of a dispensary, however, and in one of the rooms the doctor of the district meets the sick of the mills for advice, or for dis- pensing medicine. From the hospital the road passes blocks of neat cottages, occupied by workpeople, and one hundred families are thus supplied by the firm with dwellings clustering in convenient situations, at short distances from the factories. On the right bank of the river, near the bridge crossing over to the mills, His cotton mills, the largest on the continent. Visit to Windisch. Situation of Windisch. Hospital for workpeople. Artizans’ cottages. 270 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Cotton mills, Windisch. Water power. Relative , costliness of water powers, Machinery. Mules of various sizes employed. Mode of work- ing compared is a flour mill belonging to the firm, and at this point the Reuss, whlch 1s a rapid river flowing over a stony bed, is about a hundred yards wide. There are three mills, two of which were built nearly fifty years ago. They are each six storeys high, exclusive of base- ment and attic. The third is a comparatively new mill, six storeys high, twenty-two windows long, and six windows wide ; connected with it is a substantial building used for the mixing and scutching departments. The two older mills stand in a line, with a “race ” between, and here originally two undershot waterwheels were fixed, which ran the two mills. The pic— turesque waterwheels have, however, disappeared, and the motive power for the three mills is now supplied by six turbines, indicating over 1,000 horse power, with an arrangement of special pumps for forcing water at high pressure over any of the mills in case of fire. Hose is distributed everywhere, and by electrical communication from all parts of the works, the apparatus can be set to work almost instantaneously. The sight of such a magnificent supply of water, fed by so inexhaustible a reservoir as the Lake of Lucerne, and brought under such effective control, suggested to the Commissioners the possibility of a still greater development of this source of power. But Mr. Wunderly argued that it is a great mistake to suppose that water power is cheap. These turbines, made by an eminent Swiss firm of engineers, together with the canal, embankment, weir, and house, cost over 70,000Z., almost as much as the mills themselves, and the annual cost of maintenance, taking into account the ravages of floods, is incomparably greater than that of engines and boilers. Then it must be further considered that water power is nearly always, as in this case, inconveniently situated, far away from the markets for the purchase of the raw material and for the sale of the manufactured goods. After inspecting the turbines, Mr. Wunderly conducted us over the mills, showing us every detail, and freely answering every question. We found Swiss, Alsatian, and English machinery working side by side without any preference being expressed for the English over the foreign. We were informed that English machinery costs from 20 to 30 per cent. more to lay down in Switzerland than in Lancashire, but that it is, if anything, cheaper than that made either in Switzerland or Germany. At Windisch they make much of their small machinery themselves, buying castings for the purpose. We noticed considerable variety in the length and gauge of the mules, so as to suit the various counts and qualities spun. The firm are fully alive to all improvements, and a large number of their fi'ames contain upwards of 1,000 spindles each. In comparing the speed of spindles with those of England, Mr. withmmhire- Wunderly said that they did not, and could not, if they would, nnron'r. 271 work at the high speed of Lancashire. It is no part of their plan to try for a great output. They are far more concerned to procure excellence than quantity. In the factories of Lancashire the general aim is to spin one or two counts and turn off as great a quantity as possible per spindle. Here there is variety without end. Specialities are made, from 305 to 100$, in single and two fold yarns, and often considerably higher counts are spun. They make fine embroidery and glove yarns, warps for silk ribbon weaving, cotton yarns to mix with silk, and knittings in all counts, but they do not spin weft for ordinary calicoes. They trade with many countries, and spin yarn for many purposes. They have to compete with highly favoured rivals in France, Germany, and Belgium, but the most formidable of all their rivals is England, and thus they need to take infinite pains in all they do, and rather select than avoid those classes of trade in which special care and skill are necessary. These mills contain 80,000 spindles, with all the requisites for carding, preparing, and reeling. Including mechanics, masons, joiners, gas makers, and clerks, the operatives at these mills number 1,080. The hours of labour are not so long in Switzerland as in France and Germany; the Factory Act limits the employment to 11 hours per day, and no children under 14: may be employed. As a matter of fact, the restrictions against child labour are so severe that none are admitted to these works until they have passed their 15th birthday. The total hours are 65 per week, and even in case of making up for time lost by shortness of water, the permission of Government must be obtained. Under certain exceptional conditions ma- chinery may be worked all night, but one set of hands may not work more than 11 hours. There are cases in which men work in factories 12 hours a day, but youths under 18 years of age, never. Wages are nearly all paid by piece, and Mr. Wunderly is of opinion that piece-work is most satisfactory, both to employers and employed. The self-acting mules are minded mostly by men who earn from 28. 3d. to 28. 9d. per day. The women engaged in carding, drawing, roving, and reeling, earn from ls. 7d. to ‘28. 2d. per day 3 children from 14: to 17 from 11d. to ls. 2d. per day. Wages are paid monthly, and one week’s wages are always kept in hand according to law. Operatives have always been fairly plentiful. In fact, during recent years they have almost been too plentiful, and occasionally there is a difiiculty in finding employment for families for whose condition the employers felt themselves somewhat responsible. It is true that, in this respect, they obtain some advantages in wages, but they are often compelled to employ inefficient hands. We noticed in the scutching room of one of the mills that three or four, or perhaps more men, of weak intellect were employed. These men were afl‘ected with cretinism, but were not absolute Quality, not quantity, the chief aim. Hours of labour. Restrictions. Wages. workpeople, their condition. 272 ROYAL C‘OMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Z Foremen are home-trained. General observations on the works, Windisch. Cleanliness. Public gardens. idiots. Mr. Wunderly pointed them out as illustrating the difliculty in a country village, of scrupulously selecting the hands. He had another reason for employing these half—Witted men and making the best of them. In all probability, if they were not here, they would have to be maintained out of the poor-rate, which the firm have to pay almost entirely. Work- people remain with the firm from generation to generation, and great kindness is shown to the aged and superannuated. All the overlookers are trained on the spot, and men from other places are rarely employed in this capacity. The firm has adopted the principle of giving its high positions to its own deserving people, and aspiring young men are thus encouraged to look for promotion at home rather than elsewhere. Thus a feeling of clanship has been established which has kept the workpeople united, while there have been all sorts of disputes at other places. Mr. Wunderly was able to justify, with par- donable pride, the attachment of the workpeople for their em- ployers, by stating that during his lifetime they have not run any short time. Even during the late depression they kept their machinery going, and never stopped their works during the American war. The general appearance of the mills was very satisfactory. No amount of special preparation for our visit could have placed the rooms in such a trim and tidy condition as that in which we found them. The machinery was marvellously clear of waste; the bright parts were polished. In the card rooms were ven- tilating shafts, carefully contrived, for conveying away the dust. In some of the spinning rooms pure air from the outside was distributed by effective mechanical means. The arrangements for ventilation were better than we usually saw in factories, and the walls might have been lime-washed but a week before, so clean and white did they appear. The appearance of the mills from outside was equally striking. The walls were beautifully white; not the slightest evidence of smoke could be seen, and the windows from top to bottom were polished quite clean. Between the old and new mills was a meadow of long mowing grass ready for cutting. On each side were gardens with innumerable fruit trees in full blossom. The English observer is so accustomed to associate cotton factories with a smoky atmosphere and cheerless dwellings, that it is positively refreshing to record, from actual observation, an instance of busy industrial life amidst rural beauty. Opening from the office was an extensive garden, with wide and lofty verandahs, trellised with vines and roses, and shading a number of seats and tables. Here in summer time the workpeople sit in the shade and eat their meals, which they share with many familiar birds; for while we sat, the gold- finches, which were exceedingly tame, perched on the chairs and seats close by, and Mr. Wunderly said that they even ate from the hands of some of his men. The garden extends to the river, , arrow. 273 and skirting the bank is a verandah about a hundred yards long, which, we were told, is literally covered with roses in the summer time. Along the walks were tubs containing orange trees, large fuchsias, and plants that can only live outside in the summer months ; these are kept in winter in a heated room next to the gasworks. Across the river is a sloping bank, wooded with fine trees, and laid out in walks. All these gardens are open to the workpeople, and neither fruit nor flowers are ever disturbed— not even by the children. Few lessons are more successfully taught to all classes in Switzerland than that they must keep their fingers from picking and stealing We noticed frequently in our visits to works of various kinds, that the roads leading to them were skirted by unfenced vineyards and orchards, and yet we were frequently told that the fruit is never disturbed. The gardens and walks adjacent to the mills at Windisch have Beauty of about them a beauty of which dwellers in English factory towns gardens’ have no conception, and Mr. Wunderly’s enthusiasm was justified as he pointed out that what we saw represented the labour and thought of three generations, each of which had endeavoured to do its part in making the place comfortable and pleasant for the workers employed in it. His children will recognise it as their first ‘care to keep the place comfortable and attractive in future. The firm has never had a strike at any of its factories; Absence of but exemption from this unpleasantness was not attributed by Smkes' Mr. Wunderly to the good management alone; the workpeople had shown great consideration in times of difliculty. Time-breaking through drink was an unheard-of trouble of Drimkenness factory-management ; in fact a drunken man at Windisch is even extremely ‘we’ a rarity at the village feast. Such is a brief description of the picturesque factories at vWindisch, but the inspection of the locality did not end here. We were conducted over the cottages, schools, and hospital by Mr. J. J. Meyer, an elderly confidential servant, who worked Mr_J_J_Meyer, under Mr. Wunderly’s father, and had been here from boyhood. He is a kind of bailiff, looks after the property, superintends repairs, collects rents, &JC. We were told that such men are to be found everywhere in the more advanced cantons, and his case is a good illustration of what is going on in Switzerland. He could speak a little English, was familiar with English literature, and had read most of Sir Walter Scott’s novels and poems in the original and from his own copies. He named a wealthy and much respected merchant in England, known to the Commis— sioners, as a playmate of his own. Mr. Meyer had received his education in the village school. His two sons began their educa— tion in a similar wav, and had continued it at higher schools. Next to nothing had been paid for their schooling, and yet one was now the foreign correspondent of the firm, and able to write several languages with ease. The other was holding an im- portant situation as foreign correspondent and buyer in the Hi 1726. S 274! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL IN STRUCTION: Schools at Windisch. Christin as treat. Night school free. Visit to work— men’s cottages. warehouse of an export merchant in England, and receiving a good salary. We found at the infant school that the children were being taught by Kindergarten methods, and had a large collection of sewing and plaiting patterns on paper, coloured designs, boxes of toys, Noah’s arks, bricks and sticks, &c., such as we find in the best schools in England. The desks, tables, and floor were scrubbed scrupulously clean, and the children were all neatly dressed and clean. They went through physical exercises, sang, counted, and gave evidence of being intelligently taught. There is also a junior elementary school, of which the fees, as of the infant school, are 1d. per month. Mr. \Vunderly believes that even a small payment encourages appreciation of the schools, and tends to foster a spirit of independence among the parents. The older children attend the Windisch free school at some little distance from the factories, where they receive a sound primary education, as good as may be obtained in the larger towns. The parents and villagers generally are encouraged to‘ take an interest in these schools by the good example of Mrs. ‘Wunderly, who actively shares her husband’s interest in the welfare of their employés. She provides a Christmas tree annually for the school children, and a little meeting is held at which they sing and show specimens of their work and scholarship, and here she and her husband meet the children and their parents, and each child receives a present from Mrs. Wunderly’s hands. These acts of consideration are not thrown away, and tend no less in Switzerland, than has often been found to be the case in England, to establish good feeling between employers and employed. The young people are not neglected after their attendance at the day school has ceased. There is an excellent night school in connection with the mills, where several subjects are taught to the operatives free of charge. The draughtsman of the firm teaches mechanical and freehand drawing in the evenings and on Sundays; in addition to regular classes in literary subjects, courses of lectures are given during the winter months. The Commissioners were invited to visit the cottages, and some of these were inspected from cellar to attic. Unlike workmen’s cottages in England, they are built in blocks, gene- rally containing about nine tenements each, and arranged in flats, a staircase serving for three flats, each with its living room, kitchen, and two bedrooms. In each kitchen there is a cooking stove, sufficiently large to accommodate three pans boil- ing at the same time. A pleasing feature of many of these cottages was the interest taken in the culture of plants and flowers. The windows being all double, protect the interiors alike from winter cold and summer heat; boxes of mignonette and other fragrant flowers bloomed in the spaces between the outer and inner frames, and pots and bouquets of flowers adorned the rooms. There seemed to be white curtains to all the win— REPORT. .6 [\‘J 7 dows, pictures and bookshelves on the walls, and pieces of carpet on the parlour and bedroom floors; the chairs, table, stove, and other fittings were all neatly arranged, and in most instances perfect in cleanliness. For the use of every two blocks of cottages we noticed a wash- house, containing a large “ copper,” a number of large tubs, and laundry table. The washing-day, which is responsible for so much discomfort in English homes, is deprived of its horrors at Windisch, by being relegated to this well arranged building. Surrounding the cottages are the garden allotments, divided by walks, and displaying all the marvellous results of spade culture for which Switzerland is famed. Potatoes, and many other kinds of vegetables, were being grown for domestic use, and there were also fruit trees in blossom. It will not be considered that the rent of these cottages is excessive. The tenants pay less than 45L a year, garden included, and the firm make all repairs of freehold, whitewash the houses inside and outside, and sweep the chimneys. The cottages, we were informed, do not pay more than one per cent. on the outlay upon them. Yet in spite of the favourable terms upon which dwellings may be rented, the ambition to live in one’s own house is strongly manifested by these village artisans, and although we did not hear of special facilities for the building of houses, such as are afforded by the Building Societies of England, yet half the workmen of Windisch live in their own houses, a striking illustration of thrift and prosperity. Connected with every factory belonging to the firm is a sick club, through which the advice and help of the village doctor are obtained in case of sickness. As above-mentioned, the doctor has a dispensary at the hospital belonging to the works, and to the several sick clubs the firm are the principal subscribers. The co—operative supply movement was early taken up in Switzerland and vigorously promoted by this firm in all the little communities connected with their factories. At Windisch they started a society, managers were appointed, and the firm advanced them money at 41 per cent., for furnishing premises and buying a stock of goods. The shares are five francs each, and are taken up mostly by the workpeople. Food and clothing, and many of the luxuries as well as the necessaries of life, are supplied to the inhabitants. The accounts are audited by the firm, and of the profits, one third go to the customers in the form of bonus, one-third to the shareholders, and one-third to the reserve fund. The society acts also as a bank, and keeps money on deposit, allowing it to be taken out as required. The Commissioners were favourably impressed with the general appearance of the workpeople. They were all very clean, and well dressed, and though generally short and thick set, and neither handsome nor pretty, they showed in a high degree the effects of comfort and civilization. We were assured that, except those who are physically or mentally incapacitated, not a child or “rash-house. Gardens. Rent. (Io-operative societies. General edu- cation of the workpeople. S 2 2 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 an aged person, within the wide area from which these factories draw their workpeople, is unable to read and write, and that - through all ranks and conditions of the population the desire for education is as universal as the supply is effective and complete. It has been said by a careful inquirer, that “ for thorough education the Swiss may be said to entertain a veritable passion,” and to this generous determination the simple-minded peasants and factory operatives of the thriving valley of the Reuss are no exception. Personal The members of the firm mix freely with their people, know ‘ .A I o o I g . - . the their individual circumstances and family connections, and as all in their are educated, the difference in position is minimised by intel- Workpeople. lectual sympathy and civil and political equality. workpeople Considering that, as compared with the English standard, the Zgtggglgfiin incomes of these people must be small, it is somewhat remarkable tively low that the operatives generally present such a well-to-do and ‘Wages comfortable appearance. Besides maintaining. their families and securing a good education for their children, it is the exception not to have something laid by for a rainy day, or for old age. It is contended that the industrial workpeople here and in other parts of Switzerland, are better off than those of surround- ing countries. The military service bears so lightly upon the Swiss workman that it is not looked upon as a serious tax upon his labour. Compared with all other Continental countries, taxa- tion falls lightly upon the poor. Hemined in by countries with hostile tariffs, they buy freely, with merely nominal duties, all the cheap food, clothing, and raw materials that their neigh- bours have to sell. rl‘here is scarcely any indirect taxation upon their food and clothing, and direct taxation is lower than in France, Germany, or Italy. The purchasing power of their wages is, therefore, at a maximum, and wise expenditure must be credited with its share in the exceptional conditions of prosperity and happiness found among the cotton operatives at Windisch. CoTroN FACTORIES AT NIEDER ToEss, WINTERTHUR. ‘Jotwn mills of The Commissioners, during their visit to Winterthur, also Mess“ Rmter' inspected the above factories belonging to Messrs. J. J. Rieter & Co. The buildings have been erected at different times. The power is derived from turbines, and is transmitted from one building to another by means of wire ropes of great length, running over drums of large diameter. Conspicupus It is unnecessary to give any detailed description of these 1001' cleanhness' buildings, since with respect to hours, wages, and organization, they resemble the cotton factories at Windisch. We have sometimes suspected, that when factories have been visited by the Commissioners after due notice, a special “cleaning down” was made for our benefit, and that the trim, neat, and clean appearance of the rooms were thus to be accounted for. REPORT. 277 Nothing of the kind could have occurred here, for our visit was unannounced. The buildings in the works were all spot- lessly white, as if lime-washed the week before. The passages, staircases, &0. were faultlesssly clean. In the spinning rooms there did not seem to he a particle of fly or dust, or even grease stains on the floor. In convenient places were casks of water, with large water taps and buckets attached, for use in case of fire. In the spinning there was no attempt at high speed. The High speed not counts spun 'on the mules were 14108 and 1508, for warps and attempted- yarns intended for gloves, lace, or for mixing with silk. The best cotton is used, and the cost of labour on a pound of yarn is considered unimportant compared with the advantage of securing excellence, and producing a yarn which pleases customers. In Italy, Saxony, and Westphalia, we found yarns from these factories used for mixing with silk, and woven into fine webs for cotton gloves; thus, in spite of the import duty, they were competing with home-made yarns in foreign countries and with English yarns in neutral markets. Near to the factories, as also to the machine works Cottages for belonging to this firm, were blocks of cottages tenanted by workpeople- their workpeople. Some of these cottages, with two living rooms, scullery, two bedrooms and attic, were rented at about St. a year, the garden included. Many of the operatives own the cottages they live in, or invest their savings in plots of land, in cultivating which they spend every spare moment. It was stated to us that this extensive possession of parcels of land by the masses is considered to be one of the chief safeguards against socialism in the country. OALIco~PRINTINe.—-ZURI P g g y’ P l ofproducton. been to the effect that the better and more sustaining food of English operatives, which their higher wages enable them to procure, and their larger amount of leisure and rest, arising from their shorter hours of labour, have so far increased their physical strength and energy as to enable them, in conjunction with other advantages, to produce the various kinds of work as cheaply as their more poorly paid competitors in other countries. The evidence obtained among the representatives of the hosiery and glove trades, and our own observations in the factories generally, hardly bore out this view, so far as Chemnitz is concerned. The workpeople generally seemed to be in good circumstances and healthy. The hundreds of girls who tended \Vorkpeople the machines, or sat at the tables, in the different factories, appeared doing varied work, were all well-dressed and clean and tidy. Still, comparing them with the same class of girls engaged in similar work in Nottingham, the palm would be given to the girls of the English town. With the factory girls of Yorkshire and Lancashire a comparison is less easily made, because the hosiery and glove trades are cleaner than those of wool and cotton; yet, in healthy appearance, and particularly in dress, the girls of Chemnitz, with 10 to 15 hours per week more work, and with wages very much lower, were not far behind those of the two great English counties. It is evident that the condition of the workpeople in Chemnitz is such as to enable them to obtain good food and clothing, nor do their hours of labour overtax their strength so as to materially lessen their capacity for work. In judging of the condition of people engaged in any given Employment industry, it is important to know something of the general fol‘ both Sexes a 2 A {C C‘ a‘ I 304 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; is plentiful in sources of income available for families. Cheap production in Chemnitz. any locality is largely promoted by a diversity of trades, giving employment to all classes of labour. The most prosperous of manufacturing towns in all countries are those which secure a “balance of trades,” adjusted to meet the natural local supply of “hands.” In such cases it is generally found that a minimum rate of wages is paid in each industry, with a maximum of efliciency. It was explained to us that Chemnitz affords a good illustration of a town favourably organized as to its balance and diversity of trades. The locomotive engine works of the State, and the large and small works for engineering and the building of general machinery, numbering about 60, provide employment for the skilled male population at fair wages ; the cotton, woollen, worsted, hosiery, and glove industries, provide suitable employment for the women and children. In periods of depression it is seldom that all the industries are slack at the same time, and thus the family incomes suffer less from extreme fluctuations than in districts dependent only on one industry. In ordinary times, although in a family the wages of each individual may not be high, yet, where there are three or four workers, the men and boys at the machine shops, the women and children at the spinning and weaving and hosier ’ factories, the aggregate earnings enable the families to live respectably, and to put by a fair surplus for a rainy day. Standard of It must also be borne in mind that the standard of education educatlmis among the poorest is exceptionally high in Chemnitz, with a exceptionally _ | - \ high‘ piopoitionate standaid of decency among the same class; and a as there is very little time wasted through intemperance, even the poorest attend to their work with greater regularity than is the case in England, and thus their average of wages, although apparently at a lower rate per day, may be higher per month and per year than the wages of the same classes in England. The nature The nature of the work in these industries not being of an if ‘L112; York is exhausting character, and the rooms generally being well- ea 7' ventilated and free from dust, may largely account for the fact that the women working 1012» hours per day in these industries, seemed healthier and more robust than the generality of women in the cotton and woollen factories which we visited in other parts of Germany and France. Their tidy and respectable appearance may also be partly due to the influence of employers, who doubtless encourage tidiness. Strong position If, therefore, the hosiery and glove manufacturers of Chemnitz of the trade?“ are taking a stronger position than that of their English rivals, due to technical . D b _ , _ _ _ o education, this appears to be due to the conditions above indicated rather ' than to the special influence of any technical education which they receive, admitting at the same time, its great importance as a factor in the future development of the hosiery industry. Complaint of One of the large glove manufacturers gave forcible expression glove maflu- to complaints, which English rivals may accept as crumbs of facturel" consolation, as indicating that all is not plain sailing, even REPORT. 305 in Saxony. He said that eleven years ago, in 1871, after the Franco-German war, the trade extended altogether beyond the legitimate requirements of the markets. Money was made rapidly, and much of it was spent in building and extending factories and buying new machinery. The consequence was that much of this money had been lost. At present there was more machinery than could find employment, and no profit. He stated that two years ago the demand for America was unprecedented. Beginning with the autumn of 1879, and continuing to the spring of 1880, orders without limit were pressed upon him, and raw material advanced at a surprising rate. He was compelled to buy yarns to cover contracts made, when in the spring the demand suddenly stopped, the whole business seemed to collapse, and enormous orders, particularly those from America, were cancelled without any compensation whatever. The result was that he and many others were left with expensive material upon their hands, and since that time the glove trade had not been able to make any real headway. WOOL INDUSTRY.—— THE RHINE Pnovrncns. The Commissioners, accompanied by Mr. \V. T. Mulvany, President of the Association of Manufacturers of the Rhine Provinces and Westphalia, and Herr Bueck, the secretary, visited the three large and important factories of Messrs. John Wiilfing and Son at Lennep, near Elberfeld. The first of these was a Worsted mill, similar to those of Alsace and Roubaix, for the combing and spinning of fine wools, which come mainly from Australia and are bought at the London wool sales. The regular hours of work are 12 per day, or 72 per week. When exceptionally busy, they work 13 hours per day, or 78 per week. Wages are paid by piece in nearly every department. In the carding, however, the wages are paid by the day ; they average about 7s. 6d. per week ; but the wool is weighed to all the carders, and the output is booked. “ Short-timers,” between 12 and 14, work from 6 to 8 hours per day, and are paid up to a maximum of 8s. per week. Girls and young women engaged in combing and drawing, earn from 7 s. to 8s. per week. Spinners are paid proportionately higher. The wool—Sorters were nearly all women, and they are paid about 8.9. per week. Heilman’s combs seemed to be universally used, and all the combing machinery is from Alsace. The “ tops ” are backwashed and spun without oil. In the drawing of the tops, preparatory to spinning, the rubbing process is applied in every operation down to the roving, as we saw in all the worsted mills for fine wools that we have visited on the Continent. The machinery, which seemed to be in excellent condition, is nearly all from Guebwiller in Alsace. A member of the firm Ri1726. U Wool industry in the Rhine Provinces. Hours of work. Wages. Machinery . 306 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Extension of factory. \ Cottages. (Jo-operative stores. Woollen factory, Dalhausen. Rapid recon- struction of works. Machinery. .w stated that all the Alsatian machine makers may be relied upon for satisfactory work, judged even by an English standard. English spinning mules are as cheap as any, and in this factory they have two of English make ; but, in giving their general order, they wished to alter certain details which the English makers declined to change, and therefore they gave their last order to Alsatian machine makers, who were willing to accommodate them. The most remarkable evidence of the success of this branch of the wool industry, is to be found in the fact that the firm are about to enlarge this factory to the extent pf three times its present size and production. At present they run 10,000 spindles and are extending to 30,000 spindles. None of the yarn which is spun here is woven on the premises, but is disposed of to various parts of Germany and to other countries. The firm expect that they will be able to open up a connection for its use in England. The proprietors of the factories are also large owners of cottages, which are occupied by their workpeople, and usually contain one living room and two bedrooms each, and a garden. We understood that the cottages, including garden, are rented at about 4L per year each. We also saw a large co-operative store, where the workpeople are supplied with food and clothing of good quality at cost price, after allowing for the expense of management. ANGOLA, WooLLnN, AND Snonnr YARNS. We were conveyed about three miles across the country to see a second factory, a large woollen spinning establishment belonging to the same firm, employing from 500 to 600 hands, and situated on the banks of the river VVupper, in a beautiful part of the country, surrounded by wooded hills and homesteads, and fertile and well cultivated land. We were informed that from this point to Barmen, a few miles down the stream, factories are located on the banks of the stream within ten minutes’ walk of each other. They seemed almost as numerous as in the manufacturing districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire. We had here an opportunity of seeing the effect of a rapid transition from the use of machinery of average efficiency to a full equipment of the newest and most modern. On the first or second of January of this year (1882) the mill was completely gutted by fire, the outer walls only being left undestroyed. It was rebuilt, floored, roofed, furnished with new engines and new machinery, and was running before the end of April. Before renewing their machinery, the heads of the firm visited every important competing district on the Continent ‘and in England. They saw all the newest and most approved machines, and examined all the improvements that could be found at work or suggested by machine makers. REPQRT. 307 For the engines they gave the contract to the Augsburg Engineering Co., whose engines—double -horizontal--it would be difficult to surpass either in finish, steadiness, or economy of working. The mill was driven by ropes from the fly-wheel, communicating with the line shaft in each room, and all the arrangements and connections were working admirably. It would be improper for us to enter into details as to all the arrangements of the machinery, from the washing of the wool, the extraction of the products from the refuse soapsuds, the mixing of the shoddy, to the carding, spinning, and dyeing of the yarns. We may indicate some of the advantages of a complete renewal of machinery, as explained to us, and which were all the more apparent, because in each instance the space devoted to the machinery was the same as before the fire. The accommodation was prescribed by the four walls of the factory, and all that had happened was the putting in of engines and other machines of the best kind, in each, instance that could be obtained. The whole transformation had been carried out as above stated within less than five months. It was stated that the machinery destroyed was in good condition, capable of years of service, and in every way as valuable as that of their competitors. In one of the most important departments they were now doing as much work with half the number of machines as they had done with those destroyed, and the quality of the work was better. In every other department the increase of production and the benefit in cheapness had been most marked, and their present yarns were everywhere received with decided preference as compared with the old. The new machinery which had produced this remarkable result was nearly all from England. The safeguards against any possible fire in the future were very elaborate and complete. All the communications from the passages and staircases were by iron doors. The rooms were supported by iron pillars, the ceilings were covered with corrugated galvanized iron, above this a thick concrete, while the floors themselves were tiled. It is reasonable to suppose that, although much of the woollen machinery at work on the Continent may be somewhat antiquated, all new machinery started henceforth will be of the best and most modern character, and all the new mills will be arranged in accordance with the most approved plans that can be suggested by English architects or machine makers.’ The enterprising Continental firms are becoming rapidly educated by visits to England and by experience such as the above, and no machinery is bought until the intending buyer has seen the best of the kind that he wants in the most modern of English factories. England’s material advantages have been greatest in machinery, but they are thus being daily lessened. Engines. Improvements. Safeguards against fire. Progress on the Continent. l0 308 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Woollen Mill, Daleraue. Chemist for testing dyes. Designing. Care in the processes. Excellence of work. Markets for goods. CLOTH MANUFAcTURs.—--SPINNrNe AND WEAVING on TwEEDs, COATINGS, &c. We visited a third factory belonging to this enterprising firm, at Daleraue, where we found nearly 600 operatives engaged in the various processes connected with the manufacture of cloth, from the sorting of the raw material to the finished “web ” ready for the shop counter. A chemist is employed for testing dyes, and assorting the colours, but the ordinary dyers have not received any scientific training. The Work of analysing the patterns of cloth, &c., and the sampling of the colours, was being done with great delicacy and expertness by a female, in a room set apart for the purpose. It was explained to us that she prepares the “blends” by first matching and then weighing the selected fibres on a delicate balance, and calculating the proportions required for the various orders. The designs on the cloth were more of a geometrical than of an artistic character. The figures were twills, checks, stripes, and “mixtures,” of which many were very effective. One of the younger members of the firm supervised the designing depart- ment. He had attended for some years the weaving school at Elberfeld, now discontinued. He stated that he learned a few things there certainly, but he was not impressed by its importance. His best school had been his father’s mill, and to a young man in his position a mill must always, in his opinion, be better than a school. It was very evident, in walking through the several departments of the factory, and particularly the weaving and “ taking-in” rooms, that the greatest care is exercised in every detail of the business. One of the partners, who takes the general manage— ment of this mill, informed us that he sees, many times over, every piece that is woven, and the number of young women employed, in looking over and touching up the pieces after leaving the looms, would greatly astonish the majority of manufacturers in England. ’ As to many of the lighter cloths, which were dyed in colours of great variety and delicacy, and of worsted coatings for men’s wear, it would be diflicult to speak too highly of their excellence. The trade mark and initials of the firm were being stitched on all the pieces, and also the mark of the “ burler ” through whose hands they had passed. We were informed that the firm send their goods to all parts of the world, and that they have their own branch houses and agencies in different countries. They do a large trade direct with South America. One of the largest contracts at present in hand was for cloth for the cushions of the carriages of one of the railways of REPORT. 309 the United States. They had obtained this contract in com- petition with manufacturers in France and England, and it was sufficiently large to keep an important portion of their machinery going for some months. The complaint has been frequently made in England that to a large extent we have lost the American trade in cloth goods because of the high tarifi, which doubles the cost of‘ such goods when they arrive in New York. The tariff, however, applies to Germany just as it does to England, and, therefore, the ditficulty of entering America is the same in the ease of each country. The cloth in question was being made from wool that this firm had bought at the wool sales in London. It had been shipped to port, and had made a long railway journey, and had then been carted three or four miles over a hilly country from the railway to the works. After the processes of manufacture, mainly upon English machinery, it was being sent to America, where it had been accepted in preference to English cloth that had competed against it. The preference given to the German cloth was clearly not owing to the tariff, but to the fact that the German material was either better and cheaper, or that it pleased the eye more, than the English cloth. We found this state of things everywhere prevalent, in certain industries. The French, Alsatians, Swiss, Germans, and Austrians are, in great var ieties of goods, such as textiles, fancy goods, &e., competing with the English in neutral markets and also in England. There is something besides cheap labour to account for this in some, at least, of these instances. Our competitors in these commodities are more successful in pleasing their customers, and that is why they get the orders. It is no argument that, because we excel in many things, we have no need to be concerned about those things in which we are being surpassed. One of our entertainers, who seemed to he as Familiar with England as with his own country, described himself as a free- trader, but was much interested in the discussions on “fair trade ” in England. His great wish, and that of all Continental manu- facturers, was that England would put on import duties. If England would copy the Continental nations in protecting native industries, his firm would at once double their mills, for then England would be less able to undersell them in the neutral markets. Protection would make everything dearer in England as it had done in Germany, and the cost of production in England would be proportionately increased. His firm do not export to England, neither do they expect to do so, but unfortunately they meet England everywhere, in all parts of the world. England “ possesses ” the neutral markets, and is always their most serious competitor. “ If England would only protect," said our friend, “there would be a fine chance for us ;” and he rubbed his hands with glee at the possibility of a consummation, so devoutly to he Wished. Competition with England. Fair trade. 310 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Worsted mills, Elberfeld. Comparison with England. Hours. Wages. Products manufactured. Home dyeing. Workpe ople. Wons'rnn MANUFACTURE.—-—ELBERFELD. In the towns of Barmen and Elberfeld, and in other parts of Germany, as we have explained with regard to Saxony, there are several factories for the making of mixed fabrics similar to those of Bradford. In most of these the yarn is imported from England, and woven on English machinery, but we visited one \of the largest establishments in Elberfeld, in which all the operations of manufacturing are conducted, from the sorting and combing of the wool, to the dyeing, finishing, and making up of the pieces. In the wool industry we had few opportunities of comparing foreign factories with those of England, under similar conditions as to machinery and raw material. In this instance the whole of the combing, preparing, and spinning machinery had been im- ported from Keighley, and the looms were from Keighley and Bradford. The organisation and arrangements of the factory were similar to the leading worsted manufactories in Bradford, and had evidently been copied from them. The operatives work 12 hours a day, and when the firm are busy, the works run overtime. They employ children in the spinning department, between the ages of 12 and 14, but they must attend school for a specified number of hours each day. Contrary to the usual custom in other factories which we visited, we understood that all the combing, drawing, and spinning operatives are paid by day, as is the custom in Bradford. The spinners are paid from 88. to 108. per week, according as they mind—to use the technical expression—two or three sides. The spinning frames each contain 144 spindles. Doffers are paid about 7s. per week. Weavers, by piece, earn from 105. to 20s. per week. Most of the looms were weaving what are generally known as “Bradford goods,” with cotton warps and weft, spun on the fiyer frames on the premises. Some were weaving mule-spun fine yarns for all-wool goods, similar to those of Rheims and Roubaix. Most of the weavers tended two looms. In one respect this factory diifered from those of Bradford. In the latter town the manufacturer usually sells his pieces to the merchant, who sends them to a professional dyer, to be dyed and “ finished,” and they are afterwards made up by the merchant and distributed to the shopkeepers, or sold in cases to merchants in other countries. In this instance all the processes of dyeing and finishing are carried out on the premises, and the firm make up their goods for the market. They employ travellers who sell direct to the shopkeepers in Germany and other countries, and in the American and other foreign trades they do their own shipping. From such a superficial impression as could be obtained in walking rapidly from one department to another of the works, REPORT. 311 there did not appear to be much difference between the general appearance of the workpeople and those of Bradford. Indivi— dually, many of the men and women seemed to be exceptionally healthy and strong, but there were many who were undoubtedly below the average of those of competing industries in England. Complaint was made by the heads of this firm that trade for Trade _ some 'time past had been unsatisfactory, but they had kept their dePressmn' machinery employed during the long depression. On being asked why they did not spin the twofold braid yarns imported in such large quantities from England to Elberfeld, and for which their spinning machinery was said to be well adapted, they replied that it was impossible to make braid yarns for the prices accepted by Bradford spinners. BRAID FACTORY, BARMEN. At Barmen the Commissioners visited a large factory for the Braid factory, manufacture of braid for trimmings, military uniforms, &c. The Btu-"men- processes are interesting, and some of the machines are of a somewhat complex character. Upwards of 300 hands are employed, of whom none are Hours of work. children or “short-timers.” They begin work at 6 in the morning, continuing until 8 in the evening, with two hours’ interval for food, making a total of 12 hours per day. The ordinary “hands” earn from 88. to 98. per week. The Wages- best braid weavers, who weave as many as 60 braids at a time in one loom, earn a maximum of 20s. per week. Young men, for plain braids, earn about 158. per week. Nearly all the work is done by piece. Dyers are paid by the day, at 18s. to 20s. per week. There are many braid factories in these enterprising towns of The industry Barmen and Elberfeld, and when braids are in fashion there is an a mompoly' enormous consumption of worsted, mohair, and alpaca yarns, nearly the whole of which are spun in Bradford. This important industry is almost entirely monopolised by these twin towns. We did not find that any scientific skill or knowledge is required by either the masters, foremen, or operatives engaged in the trade, or that it has been influenced by any special technical schools. Undoubtedly many of the employers are men of more than ordinary commercial enterprise, for it is said that they cover Europe with connections, and are unrivalled by the braid manu- facturers of any country. We did not hear any substantial reason assigned as to why this important, but somewhat fluctuating, industry should have taken such deep root in these towns, while it is said to have languished in England. The yarn is nearly all Yams come spun in Bradford, and the import duty and carriage have to be fmm England- added to its cost on reaching these distant factories. After the a e) 12 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION‘. Braid factory, Barmen. Localisation of~ manufactures. Cotton and wool spinning and manufac- turing form important industries in Alsace. processes of manufacture, which do not require any serious outlay of capital, or any highly developed skill unattainable in England, a considerable proportion of the finished braids return to England to be sold either for home use or for transhipment. It might naturallv be assumed that the chief reasons for this monopoly are to be found in the lax Factory Acts, the long hours, and the low wages of Barmen and Elberfeld. But these favourable conditions of cheap production apply as much to the spinning as to the weaving of the yarns. For example there are spinners in these towns who employ women and children at such wages as We have quoted, and run their factories 12 hours per day, and more when overtime is profitable, while at the same time the law limits the working hours of similar operatives in Bradford to 56%, yet one of the most important of these spinners stated that “it was impos- “ sible,” even in Elberfeld, “ to make yarns for the prices accepted “ by Bradford spinners.” So far as We were able to ascertain, it cannot be shown that these towns possess a single natural advan- tage over England to account for their monopoly of this industry. On the other hand, it is equally remarkable that the yarns which are made and sold in England for braids, should not also be woven in England. WVe have elsewhere drawn attention, in relation to the fact that the chief product of the woollen yarns spun at Verviers is exported to England, that the chief proportion of the lustre and demi~lustre yarns manufactured in Saxony are spun in Bradford; and we have this third instance brought before us of Bradford furnishing the chief supply of yarns for an impor- tant foreign industry. We allude to these anomalies, not so much to give any detailed explanation of their causes, as to point out that manufactures take root in certain localities apart altogether from those conditions of material resources, situation, or commercial advantages, which are generally supposed to determine the success or failure of industrial undertakings. We should add that the braid factory visited by us was a joint stock company, and was said by our conductor not to be paying a dividend. WORSTED SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING IN ALSACE. The spinning and manufacturing of cotton and wool are among the most flourishing of the industries of Alsace, and hold their own in competition with other parts of Germany, France, and England. Mulhouse forms a centre of a wide district in which the cotton, woollen, and worsted industries are pros- perously conducted, and the evidences of success and development are as remarkable in many of the thriving villages situated in the mountain valleys of the Vosges, far away from railway communication, as in the town of Mulhouse itself. The indus— trial activity displayed in the manufacturing villages of Alsace may be compared with that of the villages of Lancashire and " REPORT. 313 the West Riding of Yorkshire. The Commissioners were not able to pay special attention to the cotton industries of this district, but visits were paid to some of the more important of the Woollen manufactories, and evidence was obtained from some of the leading proprietors. It is of interest to notice that in one of the large manufacturing establishments in the neigh- bourhood of Mulhouse, which we visited, as in many others that we did not see, nearly the whole of the goods manufactured were being exported to England and to America, and were superseding goods of English manufacture. We ascertained that the raw material was purchased at the London sales, and spun on ma- ehinery made in England or in Alsace; that the whole of the looms in the factory were made in Yorkshire, and that their ‘cost was increased by an import duty and other expenses to the extent of from 20 to 30 per cent. We were further informed that the coal supplying motive power to the factory was treble the price of coal in Yorkshire, and yet these goods, produced at this great extra cost, were being largely sold in England. There has been much discussion in manufacturing circles in England, during the last few years, upon the great increase in the import of worsted fabrics, and many reasons have been given for the supposed decadence of this branch of English industry. Without entering closely into the whole question, a few facts may here be stated. In the first place it may be explained that the English method of worsted spinning as practised at Bradford, which is the centre of the English worsted industry, is what is known as the “throstle ” or the “cap ” process, while the “mule” process is practised in Alsace and on the Continent generally. For long-wool fabrics, which have long been a speciality of Bradford, the throstle principle of spinning has been universally adopted. For short-wool and all-wool fabrics, which have not been so extensively made in Bradford, the cap spinning of Bradford produces the same counts from the same wool as the mule spinning of the Continent, but the appearance of the yarn is somewhat different, and for some purposes the Continental yarn finds a preference, and for others the Bradford yarn. Increase in imports of worsted fabrics into this country. Methods of spinning. Plan adopted at Bradford. During recent years, however, the fashions have been in Fashions have favour of goods made from soft yarns, while the lustrous yarns from Alpaca and English long-wools have been quite out of favour. The result has been that the long-wool machinery of Bradford has not been fully employed, while the machinery of France and Alsace, and also the short-wool machinery of Brad- ford, has been in full and profitable operation. The machinery adapted for alpacas and the long lustrous wools, which have long been so profitably manipulated in Bradford, cannot, without important alterations, be utilised for the short and fine wool which has more recently been in general demand ; hence there has been depression in Bradford, but activity in Roubaix and recently changed . 3141 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: English methods of spinning differ from those on the Continent. Factories of Alsace, well arranged. Length of mules. All yarn carefully “ perched.” Spinning machinery made in Alsace. Wages, hours of labour, cost of production. Alsace. English manufacturers, however, spurred on by the absence of demand for their lustrous and mixed goods, have in many instances given greater attention to the fine short wools and the machinery for their production. They have thus gained some successes in a new field, while at the same time they have ' shown great enterprise in developing new combinations in their own special branches. Mule spinning has only recently and in but few cases been introduced into the Bradford trade, and we did not hear of a single factory in Alsace in which worsted spinning by the English method is adopted. The preference shown for the goods pro- duced abroad seems to be due to the different methods of production, rather than to greater cheapness, or higher quality. The factories visited by the Commissioners were admirably arranged, and the machinery was of the most modern character. The wool is almost invariably spun without oil, and the yarn is thus prepared for the most delicate colours in the dyeing. The hours for work are 11 per day, or 66 per week. The spinning mules vary in length; at one factory of 38,000 spindles, employing 1,600 workpeople, the mules, on an average, contained about 500 spindles each (in one factory we saw mules 1,000 spindles long), and the spinners and minders were men and boys. The combs and carding engines were usually minded by women and girls. The half-timers, from 12 to 14:, attend a school connected with the works, during a certain number of hours per day. In most of the operations the work is paid for according to the weight turned off, and great care is shown in the overlooking of the work done. In the above factory, where it appeared that a large proportion of the yarn was being reeled, it was all carefully overhauled by girls, who “perched” the yarn before large windows in a south light, so that every thread was examined. It was estimated that there were not less than 80 girls so employed. From the refuse soapsuds, gas is made, which is used for lighting the works. All the spinning machinery is made in Alsace, excepting certain special machines which had been procured from England for the purpose of being tested against the Alsatian machinery. The manager of the factory expressed a preference for local machinery, not that he considered it cheaper or better in any way than English, but because the “ hands” are accustomed to it, and the machine shops being near are readier for duplicates and repairs. The wages of the operatives are lower than for mule spinning in England, but there did not seem to be the same activity on the part of the spinners, that one notices in a Lancashire factory. We did not obtain any evidence as to the amount of work done per spindle, or the general cost of production in a day of 11 hours in Mulhouse compared with a day of 9-;- hours in England. It was stated to us that the cost of production REPORT. 315 in Mulhouse in 11 hours a day is less than in Roubaix in 12 hours, but this result may be influenced by the lower rate of wages paid in Alsace. The manager who took us over the largest of the works could understand English, and was spoken of as a man of considerable attainments, not only as an engineer, but also as a chemist. He was educated at the Ecole Centrale in Paris. We could not ascertain that in actual mechanical operations the wool spinning establishments of Alsace have received any direct Manager highly trained. Technical schools do not appear to benefit from the technical schools. It was, however, alleged that influence wool the general schools had, during recent years, greatly raised the intelligence of the workpeople, and thus contributed to the superior character of the productions ; and it was also stated that in the operations of wool washing, the scouring ingredients are chemically studied with reference to their effect upon the fibre, and also with reference to the subsequent dyeing operations. The great influence of the School of Chemistry upon the calico- printing industry is universally acknowledged, and it is also credited with having materially increased the reputation of the woollen manufacturers of Alsace, by the improvement it has effected in their dyeing. The Commissioners noted the personal appearance of the workpeople going to and from their meals, and more particularly at 6 pm, when the factories were closing. The men were dressed mostly in cloth, and wore flat-topped, silk caps. There were comparatively few of the blue blouses so general a few years ago. The women, who were almost invariably short and stout, had no shawls or bonnets, but wore short loose jackets, which came to the waist, and covered cotton print dresses or cotton and wool mixtures. We did not consider that they compared favourably as to physical strength with the work- women of Yorkshire and Lancashire. spinning in A There were no unemployed people to be seen in the streets, Absence of no beggars, nor any evidences of abject poverty. beggars. As to drunkenness, which we generally observed to be No drunken- conspic‘uous by its absence, we saw three or four exhibitions ness in two of the Alsatian villages, but none in Mulhouse. It was in Mul- ouse. Cause of drunkenness alleged, however, that drunkenness has increased since the in Alsace. German annexation. Before that time wine was the general beverage, and a drunken person was rarely seen. After the war, the French wines were subjected to a high duty and became dearer. Spirits, on the other hand, were reduced in price 56 per cent. The consequence has been that people have been tempted to drink less wine and more spirits. Beer has never been much drunk in Alsace. 'We give this statement for what it is worth, bearing in mind the natural tendency on the part of some of our informants to look unfavourably on the con~ sequences of a change of nationality. 316 ROYAL coMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Visit to Crefeld. Silk dyeing. ‘Vol-king dyers not scientifically educated. Hours and SILK I NDUSTRY, CaErELD, RHENIsr-I PRUSSIA. Your Commissioners visited Crefeld on the 2nd of June 1882, accompanied by Mr. Bueck and Mr. Mulvany, and were met at the railway station by the Burgomaster, the President and several members of the council of the Chamber of Commerce, and some of the leading silk manufacturers of the town, nearly all of whom could speak English. We visited the silk-conditioning house, which it is unneces- sary to describe, as in its chief features it resembles the estab- lishment at Lyons. (See p. 266.) To the important department of dyeing, the silk industry of Crefeld owes much of its reputation. We did not, however, find that hitherto any special chemical knowledge was possessed by the workmen or the ordinary foremen. In view, however, of the competition of other countries, and from the fear that they may be surpassed in this branch of their trade, one of the most carefully arranged departments of the new school of textiles has been equipped as a school for silk dyeing. One of the proprietors of one of the more important dye- works, is a chemist of more than ordinary scientific, and of superior practical, knowledge. Beginning life as a workman, he had acquired by private study a thorough knowledge of technical chemistry, and by his personal attention to details, the works have attained a position of high repute. The machinery and appliances are of the most modern type, although probably not more advanced than those of leading works in England. A total of about 3,000 lbs. weight of silk is dyed per day, representing an enormous number of varieties and colours. We gathered that here, as at Lyons, the splendid dyeing for which both towns have become famous is due, in the first place, to the choice of proper colours and the adoption of sound methods of preparation by the directing chemists at the head, and, in the second, to long practice and care on the part of the working dyer who knows nothing of chemistry, whose attention is confined to that one operation which he can do well. In the ordinary course of trade in a large establishment, it was maintained that no amount of chemical knowledge among the dyers would give better results than these; everything depends upon the efficiency of the men at the head, and, if the working dyers had more theoretical and less practical knowledge, the general results would not be so good as they are. If suddenly these men were all to exchange places, then for a time there would be bad work and general confusion, but, as such changes are not likely to happen, the system is the cheapest and most effective that has yet been devised. Dyers work 11 hours a day, and are paid fixed wages; from wages Of(lyers' 17a to 188. per week for ordinary workmen, up to 25s. per week REPORT. 317 for the best. Overtime is general when the works are busy, and is paid at an increased rate. In one of the large factories we saw some superior looms Power loom weaving velvets by power,-—two pieces in one loom which were velvet Weaving" being divided as they were woven. Since our visit these enterprising manufacturers have been able so far to improve their machinery as to weave four and even six pieces in one loom. The looms are all home-made, but some warping rollers from Switzerland were pointed out as of superior construction At one of the large warehouses of the town, we were Silk warehouse, shown a magnificent display of silk goods, including velvets, Creff’ld' brocades, plushes, satins, ribbons, and neckties, 85c. Among the novelties there were ribbon velvets for Alsatian, Swiss. and Spanish peasant costumes, and indeed for costume dresses for all parts of Europe. It is usual to receive large dressed dolls from customers in different countries, attired in costumes exactly copying those worn by the people themselves. A number of these were brought out for our inspection, showing the make and shape of dresses, and how the fancy ribbons and trimmings are worn. The trade of this firm is very like that of Lyons. They have no factory and no power lcoms, but they employ 2,600 looms in the town and country districts, and the weavers have warp and weft weighed out to them, and the designs and cards for the looms are also supplied by the firm. Most of the fancy weavers are also designers in their way, and have been taught from infancy to weave and to “ tune” the loom. In many of the cottages the loom is never idle. Whatever may be the ordinary employment of the several members of a family, all know how to weave, and when those who have been at work in the fields during the day return from their labour, they take a hand in turns while the regular weaver rests. By continuous working, say from 10 to 12 hours, a Crefeld silk weaver earns from 38 to 58. a day. The change from hand to power loom weaving is rapidly Changefl'om extending in this district, and there is none of the fierce opposi— $351138? PM“ tion to the alteration that has been so often experienced at Lyons. Its great economy is manifest. When work is executed at a distance from the warehouse, the weaver necessarily takes a \supply of material to last several days. When this applies to hundreds of weavers, the amount of stock in their hands must represent a comparatively large capital. The concentration of labour in a factory enables the manufacturer to exercise more personal supervision over each loom, to work with less dead stock, with less likelihood of loss and waste, and to turn over his capital much more frequently than under the cottage system. We were informed that the total silk products of Crefeld reach value ofsilk the annual value of 4,200,000l., of which the overwhelming pro- Pfvdflcts of portion is exported to England and America. It is a fact that orefeld‘ the silk manufactures of this town of 83,000 inhabitants greatly exceed in value the total exports of silk goods from the United Kingdom. 318 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I f air? 1111 In conversations with the several gentlemen who showed us 832,032,] their schools and factories, we were much impressed by their Crefeld. enthusiasm for technical instruction, and the hearty interest which they manifested in their weaving school. The new school, which we saw in course of erection at the time of our first visit, and which has since been visited by one of our number, is fully described in another part of our report. In regard to it, one of the promoters significantly remarked, “ It does not follow that “ the establishment of this school will render us independent of “ outside sources for designs or new ideas; we do not expect it; “ but, to say the least, it will raise the tone and knowledge of “ our rising manufacturers and foremen, and very materially “ Widen the field from which the latter class may be selected, “ by spreading technical education broadcast among the in~ ‘ dustrious and ambitious artizans.” l\ Knowledge of We were impressed by the familiar acquaintance with England, England. possessed by these Crefeld manufacturers. As already stated, with one or two exceptions all could speak English fluently. They visit England frequently, mainly because their chief trade is with England. They mostly sell their goods direct to the large houses in London and other cities, and they ascertain from their customers what are the probable wants of the public, and in which directions changes are likely to be required. They see by these means the productions of their rivals, and quickly learn what to imitate or avoid. English @0111- In speaking of the competition of other countries, one of the Petmon feared‘ largest manufacturers declared that, in watching the recent development of the silk industry, the best informed and most enterprising manufacturers were much less afraid of the future competition of France and Switzerland than of England. In power-loom weaving in particular, and in improvements in machinery, one English manufacturer had outstripped all rivals, and at the present time the honour of possessing the largest and probably the most successful silk factory in the world belonged to a Yorkshire manufacturer. Free trade, All our entertainers declared themselves to be free-traders. They do not suffer from English competition in Germany, and they buy large quantities of fine cotton yarns, single and two— fold, from England. The increased duty on what they buy increases their costs, and they would like all duties to be abolished. TEXTILE MANUFACTURES.—-—CHEMNITZ, SAXONY. Cotton and In the town of Chemnitz and its immediate neighbourhood 322211511113’ are eighteen factories of various sizes, for the spinning of cotton " and wool. But of far greater extent and 1mportance is the REPORT. 319 weaving industry, which is represented by eighty-two estab- lishments. Within thirty years much of the weaving was done by hand; the country people coming to the warehouses in the town for warp and weft, which they carried to their homes in due time returning the finished pieces. Factories with power-looms have superseded the hand-looms, and the volume of trade has increased in a still greater ratio. Just as the general trades are varied, so the weaving industries are remarkable for diversity ; and although probably the manu- facture of plain goods is still an important branch of industry, there has been a marked development during recent years of fancy weaving. In scarcely any instances do the manufacturers spin their own yarns. They go into the open market for them, buying endless varieties to suit their requirements, and there are merchants and agents representing spinners in every country. In accordance with the fashion of the hour, the fancy manufacturers buy woollen, worsted, silk, cotton, or jute yarns, and the prices of the leading export spinners of Bradford and other towns are daily posted in the Exchange, in the same manner as the lists of stocks and shares. The arrangement by which manufacturers, instead of spinning their own yarns, buy them in the open market, possesses marked advantages. They are not required to keep varied stocks of wool or other raw material, nor to find an outlet for their yarns ; thus they need only consider the weaving of goods actually in fashion. Variety is thereby encouraged, and the overlookers and weavers are train ed in weaving various classes of goods from different materials. Advantages of purchasing yarns instead of spinning them. In the factories which we visited, we found a large number of English ma— looms from Bradford and Keighley, working side by side with those of Chemnitz. Some were engaged on plain all-wool goods and cashmeres from French and Alsatian yarns ; others on plain lustres and other makes from Bradford yarns, and highly figured worsted damasks from Bradford material, both warp and weft. In one of the largest factories nearly all the looms were engaged upon jute damasks, with a sprinkling of wool damasks of com- plicated patterns. We were informed that the jute trade has only been taken up in Chemnitz within recent years. The fashion for jute curtains and “ furnitures ” came up a few years ago, and some of the manufacturers who were makers of worsted damasks—receiving the whole of their supply of yarn from Bradford—- changed their material from wool to jute, so as to follow the fashion, and were thereby able to keep their looms running, although by ceasing to use worsted yarns, they stopped many spinning frames in Bradford, and contributed to the com- mercial depression in that town. The conditions under which we saw the jute-weaving carried on were unpleasant, if not unhealthy. The rooms in one factory were crowded with looms, the jacquards reaching to the ceiling ; chinery and yarns. 320 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Examination of pieces, Chemnitz. Hours and wages . Influence of weaving school. Visit to a warehouse. Training of manufacturer. the passages were narrow, and the fluff and waste from the fibre filled the atmosphere and covered the clothing of the weavers. This was, of course, owing to the nature of the material, which completely overtaxed the provision for ventilation. In every establishment the arrangements for “ perching ” and “ hurling” the pieces were most elaborate. In a factory of less than 150 looms, we passed through a room entirely filled with tables, on which the woven pieces from the looms were spread for examination and repairs. In complicated patterns it may not be usual for weavers to “ pull back ” when threads in the warp are broken, or it may be considered more economical to allow a thread to run down rather than stop the loom, but we were somewhat surprised to find about thirty girls looking very carefully over the pieces and repairing the faults that had been allowed to pass the weavers. This elaborate perching is characteristic of all the leading factories on the Continent, and applies not to weaving only, but to spinning. Every fault is vigilantly sought out, and, if possible, removed ; yet at the same time it would seem that the faults must be very many to furnish labour in this class of goods for upwards of 30 “ restorers ” in a factory of 150 looms. The system undoubtedly speaks Well for the determination on the part of manufacturers that their goods shall be faultless when they are sent to their customers; but in making a comparison with English operatives we have fair reason for believing that both yarns and pieces are generally in a better condition after leaving the spinner and weaver in England, than in Germany or France. But this superiority in the original workman ship is no excuse for the English, in allowing their commodities to be presented to the world less perfect and attractive than those of their rivals. The operatives, as in other districts, work 12 hours a day, and payment is made by piece. We ascertained that generally the earnings of weavers during a day of 12 hours, including meals, are not more than those of Bradford in 9;— hours. In conversations with employers and foremen, the importance of the weaving school of Chemnitz was everywhere acknowledged. One of the employers stated that its influence upon the manu- facturing industries of Saxony could not be too highly estimated. We were told that there was not a fancy manufacturer in the town whose son, assistant, or overseer, had not attended some of the classes. We paid an interesting visit to the Warehouse and show rooms of one of the largest manufacturers in Saxony. The head of the firm, who takes the practical management of the business, had studied designing and weaving in the weaving school at Lyons, and conspicuous in his office are some remarkable examples of silk weaving, in which the designing, setting of the cards in the loom, and the weaving of the fabric, were done by his own hands. He also studied chemistry at a Polytechnic School, and REPORT. 321 in his youth visited and worked at some of the chief dyeworks and factories in England. On a former visit he showed to one of the Commissioners a Drawings of large book, containing plans of some of the most modern and English mills complete mills and dyehouses in Yorkshire, with the arrange- ments of the shafting, machinery, &c. These details had been transcribed by him from a small note book, in which the par- ticulars were entered at the time of his visits. He declared that his knowledge of drawing, and general mastery of detail, were due to the technical education which he had received in his youth. The products of the firm were very varied, consisting of Variety of the dress goods and mantle cloths of great variety; also all kinds fgsé‘liienganu' of fancy goods for furnitures, hangings, table cloths, 850., in wool, ' cotton, silk, jute, and in combinations of these materials. An enormous collection of patterns was shown to us, and the mar- kets were freely mentioned where most of the goods are sold. Nearly, the whole of the products of the factories are exported to England and America, and, in passing through one of the pattern rooms, we saw a large portmanteau which was being packed with a great variety of patterns, containing hundreds of separate designs, which one of the travellers of the firm was preparing to take with him to the London and Manchester markets. \Ve were informed that the firm buy worsted yarns and warps Yarn comes from Bradford, and cotton yarns from Manchester; they pay from England‘ carriage and an import duty on these yarns entering Germany; weave them into fancy goods, finish, make them up, and pay carriage back to London, Bradford, and Manchester, selling them in the very centres of competition. A. very large proportion of the entire products of the establishment, even though the yarn comes from Bradford, are sold in England. It was alleged, as one reason why these goods are sold so Finished goods extensivelybin England, that similar goods are not made in m'fdfixtenmeli' England. Their manufacture necessitates superior skill in de- §§ng1111,d_ signing and weaving, and a varied and technical knowledge of dyeing; these requirements, through the influence of technical schools, have been carefully attended to and mastered in Chemnitz, but have not received the same attention in competing towns in England. He feared that England was. awakening, and, if so, it would be so much the worse for him. The designing in this establishment is executed by three head Designs. designers, who originate, and from six to eight assistants, who enlarge the designs on paper prepared for the purpose, and arrange them for the cards, which are then passed forward to the loom. We saw two head designers at work, men apparently under Designers twenty—five, and found, on inquiry, that both had been trained at We” ‘mined the Industrial Art School at Dresden. In reply to a question as at Dmden Ri 1726. X 322 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Designers not acquainted with misc en cartc. Bradford yarn formerly used for fancy goods for the East. Bradford yarn now less extensive]; employed. to the influence of Paris on the trade designs, we were informed that it did not suit the purpose of this firm either to send to Paris for designs or employ designers who had exhausted their originality at other places. Parisian designers worked in a particular groove, and Parisian designs were supplied to their competitors both in Germany, France, and England, with this result, that the same style pervaded the whole trade. What they wanted and sought after was originality, combined with good taste, and these qualities could best be found in talented young men, full of inspiration and ambition, fresh from the best schools and teachers. These young men from Dresden were doing excellent work, and as they had a style of their own, or at least a style that was not an imitation of Parisian methods, the firm were able to offer novelties which attracted customers, and the business prospered in consequence. We ascertained that the knowledge of these designers did not go beyond the power of drawing and painting the designs themselves; the technical part of the work had to be done by the six or eight assistants who had attended the Chemnitz \Veaving School. In this instance the Industrial Art School at Dresden had supplied the artist; the Chemnitz l/Veaving School the more technical designer, who applied the work of the artist to the actual capabilities of the loom. Neither could do the work of the other. Our conductor was of opinion that, as far as possible, the same training should be gone through by both. The artist should be taught to transfer his picture to the loom, and the technical designer to produce a design for himself. It ought to be the main purpose of the weaving school, in cariying out its highest functions, to bring the artist to the loom and the weaver to the studio. On a previous visit to Chemnitz by one of the Commissioners, he found one of the largest factories engaged exclusively in the manufacture of goods from Bradford yarns. A comparatively new branch of trade had been started, requiring very complicated designs of foliage and birds in varied colours, a work of great difiiculty both for designer, dyer, overlooker, and weaver. The question was asked, “ Were these goods sent to England ?” The reply was, “No; they were being sent to the East, and were “ there taking the place of goods, less elaborate and pictorial, “ which up to that time had been exclusively supplied by “ England.” The manufacturer further remarked that it would have been impossible to have made these goods so as to surpass English goods, but for the facilities afforded by the Weaving School, in teaching designing and jacquard weaving to a member of the firm, and to the overlooker entrusted with the practical management of the looms. In describing the important industry of the spinning of woollen yarns in Verviers, Belgium (see p. 358), we comment upon the large export of that yarn to Glasgow.’ A few years ago the manufacturers of worsted goods in Saxony were almost equally REPORT. 323 dependent for their yarns upon Bradford. It was stated that, at the time of our visit, the import of worsted yarns from Bradford was very much smaller than a few years ago; but it was not ascertained that this lessened consumption of Bradford yarns was due to the competition of Saxon or other spinners, as has often been alleged, but rather to the fact that fashion has favoured a class of goods for which Bradford yarns are not suitable. It is not necessary to describe these changes in detail, but a few facts by a Chemnitz manufacturer may not be uninteresting. He stated that when the depression fell upon what were known as “ Bradford goods,” which were extensively manufactured in Saxony as well as in Bradford, and for the same markets, he and others, finding that these goods were no longer wanted, turned their attention to other goods from other yarns, and by this means were able to run their machinery and keep their work- people employed. Many of these new goods were of a fancy character, which, within the range of the capacity of their looms, they were able to make in consequence of the skill in design of the masters and managers, and the knowledge of fancy weaving possessed by the operatives. It was represented by the manu- facturer that his rivals in Bradford had long ago fixed their sails to the prevailing winds of fashion, and, while the fashion was with them, they distanced all competitors; but when the wind changed they were altogether unprepared for altered cir- cumstances. The Chemnitz manufacturers, with greater range and adaptability, were better able to alter their sails to the changing fashion, and thus were fairly employed while Bradford was suffering from exceptional depression. The Chemnitz Weaving School is to be credited with much of the variety and excellence of the textile manufactures of the district, and with the greater power of adaptation from one class of goods to another, than is found in similar manufacturing towns in England, where no such schools exist. In visiting textile factories in Chemnitz, and coming in contact with the manufacturers of the town and neighbourhood, the Commissioners were impressed with the intimate connection existing between this district and Bradford. Bradford merchants Depression in the woollen trade, how 11: ct in Chemnitz. Importance of the Chemnitz Weaving School. Intimate con- nection with Bradford. are represented by agents, and the names of Bradford spinners ~ are known as familiarly as in their own town. In the spinning of lustre, demi-lustre, and damask yarns, the manufacturers admitted that Bradford yarns Were unrivalled, and that there had been no period of prosperity in Chemnitz equal to that in ' which, a few years before, the Bradford yarns had monopolised almost every loom. The employers of Chemnitz spoke with pride of the growth and rapid prosperity of their town. The population increased from 54,827 in 1864 to 89,224: in 1879, and no ‘less a sum than 240,0005. has been spent upon schools, of which 95,0005. has been contributed to the higher schools by the State. The zeal Grouth of town and school ex- penditure. x2 324 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Variety of the industries a safeguard against de- pression in trade. Value of the technical schools. Designing for textiles and printed fabrics. Paris (1t signers. of the inhabitants for technical education may be estimated when It Is known that the technical schools of this town have cost 88,000l. We have previously mentioned the variety of industries, which give employment to all classes of the inhabitants of Chemnitz, and act as a natural protection against those periods of depression which visit with exceptional severity towns which rely largely upon one branch of industry. In this respect the town of Bradford (which for substantial development and material growth puts into the shade any town on the Continent) has recently appeared at a disadvantage. The commercial depression in Bradford is said to be passing away, at least for the present, and will probably not return in the same form. Its leading \ industry, which gave employment to the bulk of its population, became depressed through a combination of causes,—change of fashion, over-production, and foreign tariffs. The depression was more general and more severe than would have been the case in such a town as Chemnitz. The important influence in every direction of the technical and scientific schools of Chemnitz, in building up and sustaining the efficiency of the varied industries of the town being admitted, it would be reasonable to suppose that, had the buildings and organization for technical instruction which are now provided in Bradford, been in operation during the past few years, the educated talent thus brought into the trade would have helped to produce a greater variety of goods to meet changing demands. DESIGNING FOR TEXTILE INDUSTRIES AND CALICO-PRINTING. The subject of designing for calico printing, as well as for silk and other textile fabrics, has naturally engaged the attention of your Commissioners ; and we have had an opportunity of obtaining the opinions of those practically acquainted with the subject both at home and abroad. We learnt from those gentlemen that, whilst patterns and designs suitable for foreign markets such as India, China, the Levant, and Africa, are as a rule drawn by English designers at home, the English calico-printers look to Paris as the source whence must be procured the most delicate and tasteful designs, suitable for what is termed “ City taste,” that is, for our home markets and for other highly civilized communities, where harmonious colouring and artistic design are essential. The designers for textiles and printed fabrics in Paris form a special profession, having their trade organizations, agencies, their studies, and their system of apprenticeship; by arrange- ment with the English manufacturers patterns are sent to them for inspection or choice. Sometimes, an English firm has even established an “ atelier” in Paris, so convinced have our calico- RnPoRT. 325 printers hitherto been that for the highest class of their goods Parisian taste and skill are essential conditions. “ A good designer in Paris may earn from 250i. to 30%. a Earnings of year, and the most distinguished, even considerably more than French ‘16' this, but, as in other trades, it is often found hard to earn a signers‘ “ living. a\ r‘ A A “ Apprentices are taken by the Paris designers, beginning at Training of about 58. a week ; they are required to practise model drawing apprentlces' and are encouraged to attend the evening drawing schools, care being taken to insist upon their working from natural ob- jects such as flowers and foliage. Some apprentices have already been employed in calico print-works, and these are specially useful, because they comprehend the purpose of the design; this knowledge is, indeed, essential to a good trade designer, he must know not only how to make a good and effective design, but one of which the cost of execution is as small and the mechanical means as simple as possible. “ The great secret of the supremacy of the Parisian designers Reasons for may be said to be “environment.” Their success depends on thQPIICCQSS of “ their being surrounded by the arbiters of fashion. Good taste Pans designers‘ never changes, but fashion changes constantly, and Paris is the centre of Sl-Ch change. In practice, the designs in the less expensive follow those in the more expensive article; thus the designs of the calico-printer are frequently adaptations of figures and patterns employed by the silk weaver. Paris being the centre to which all the newest and most fashionable goods gravitate, the designer anxious to obtain ideas has, as we have been told, simply to take a stroll on the Boulevards and observe the novelties of various kinds in the different well arranged shop windows, in order that his ingenuity may develope What he has seen into a striking and marketable novelty. “The true designer is, however, not one of these mere adapters Designers are of the ideas of others, but a man of original power who creates not mefe the design, commencing with work suitable to the rich and adapters‘ “ costly fabrics of Lyons. These are then, as we have said, “ carefully studied and rapidly adapted to the needs of the calico-printer by the ordinary designer of Paris. But, whilst English de- the Frenchman is quicker and more supple in following Signfizecan the rapid changes of fashion, the English designer is quite as gattems suited well or indeed better, adapted to produce patterns to suit for the East. Eastern taste, as he grasps more thoroughly the peculiar cha- “ racteristics of Oriental feeling than the Frenchman, who is often desirous of improving on» the old ideas, and introduces “ changes and forms which often destroy the value of the design “ in Eastern eyes.” The foregoing paragraphs express the opinion of an English calico-printer, whose firm print for the Eastern market from 326 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL msrnucrron: Comparison between the value of Frencn and English de- signers’ work. impression that foreign calico-printers fix their colours better than English manu- facturers is erroneous Many foreign markets are closed to English calico- printers. Technical education of the Alsatian calico-printers. English designs. Other English printers, it must be noticed, rely on Parisian designers both for their “ city ” and Eastern goods. In discussing the relative value of the so-called French and of the English design and work in the calico-printing trade, it is important to distinguish between the printers of Alsace, (now German) and those of Rouen and the north of France. In har» mony of colour and delicacy of finish we are probably still surpassed by the Alsatians, but certainly not by the printers in Normandy; indeed it would appear that these latter have not fully availed themselves of the opportunity to improve their production since the annexation of Alsace and Lorraine, whilst the printers of the annexed provinces, with a 20 per cent. duty against them, still continue to hold the command of the “ fine or millinery ” trade of France. It is a common, but false, idea to suppose that the Alsace printers “ fix their colours ” better than the English ; indeed the reverse may more truly be said to be the case, for in Alsace certainly beauty of appearance has been studied before everything else, because the wealthy classes, who have bought the lVlulhouse goods, seldom wash their print dresses, whilst in the English home market a printer who de- livered Fugitive colours would very soon have the goods on his hands. Of course, as is well known, certain very cheap articles, termed“ steam prints,” are produced in England, but these goods make no pretensions to fastness of colour, and in no way deceive the purchaser. We need scarcely add that England still remains undoubtedly master of the calico-printing industry in neutral markets, nor refer to the fact that, owing to foreign tariffs, the richest and most refined markets, such as those of the United States, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, and Russia, are practi- cally closed to us, and that therefore, with the exception of our own home trade market, the demand for the highest class prints is, after all, small compared with the immense extent of the trade in Eastern and other foreign markets. Hence the English printer who seeks to compete only with the productions of Alsace, would have to depend rather on the fickle element of fashion than on the demand in the neutral markets of the world. TECHNICAL EDUCATION AMONGST THE ALSACE Pnrnrnns. From our own observation, as well as from the evidence given before us by Mr. Haeffely, there is no doubt that a greater amount of scientific and especially of chemical knowledge exists in foreign calico-print works than in those of this country (see page 1 of evidence). The Alsace managers are invariably trained chemists, and a special profession, that of colourist chemist, exists on the Continent, which has not yet obtained a firm footing in our RnroRr. 327 own country. The necessity for supplanting the rule of thumb processes and pretended secrets of the old~fashioned colour- mixer, by scientific knowledge of the materials with which they deal and of the reactions which they employ, is now becoming felt by all the better class of English calico-printers, and in many of these establishments at the present time technically trained and competent young men are found. Equal opportunities for the study of this branch of applied science exist at the present time in England to those found on the Continent, and there is no reason why the colourist chemist trained in England should not become as efficient as the one educated in Alsace, so soon as the demand for, and the appreciation of, his services is as great with us as it is abroad. ENGINEERING AND MACHINE-MAKING VVoRKs, ALSACE. The making of machinery for the spinning and weaving of cotton, wool, and silk, engineering, &c., is one of the largest and most important of the industries of Alsace. Be fore the annexa- tion, the great bulk of the textile machinery of France was made in Mulhouse, Guebwiller, and other towns of Alsace, and, even in spite of protective duties, much of the cotton and wool machinery now employed in France is imported from Alsace, no French makers having yet arisen to supersede those of their lost province. The chief rival of Alsace in France is England, which has reaped considerable advantage by being placed on the same footing with Alsace, in the supply of textile machinery to French manufacturers. The machine and engineering shops visited by the Commis- sioners resemble in many respects those of England. In the shops where spinning and weaving machinery is made, machine tools (many of English make) are in general use, while the same subdivision of labour and the same system of piecework prevail as in the large shops of Lancashire and Yorkshire. Apprentices are taken without indentures, and employers are under no obliga- tion to teach them more of the trade than it is to their own advantage for the apprentice to learn. The consequence is, that, as in England, a skilled mechanic may be described as a fitter, or a turner, but not generally as both. Apprentices are early put to piecework, and, as their wages depend upon the quantity of work they can get through, they are not anxious to change from one class of employment to another, since by so doing their weekly earnings would be lessened. It suits the purpose of mechanics to work at what brings the‘ highest wages, and of employers to keep the men at what they can do best, and thus, as a natural consequence, the bulk of the men learn only to do one thing, but as they do that one thing well and quickly, the aggregate result is a good and a cheap machine. Want of more scientific know- ledge is felt in this country by calico- printers. Engineering works 111 Al ~ace- Shops visited resemble them. of England. 3128 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Special system of apprentice- ship. Care taken in the selection of apprentices. Milling tools largely used. Application of electricity to lighting and motor purposes. i In one of the large engineering works which we visited, the method of training apprentices was somewhat different from that described above, because more varied work was required of them. More than ten per cent. of the employés in this shop were apprentices, who came for five years, and obtained a geneial knowledge of the use of several tools and operations; many of them spent a year in the drawing oflice. This system of train- ing is necessary, because of the great variety of engines and tools which they make, which are for export to other countries ; ' they, therefore, require men not simply to set them up', but to start them, and to teach others how to use them. The director of the works informed us that they take great pains to select educated boys as apprentices. Most of them have gone through the Professional School of Mulhouse, and have there learned the use of tools, obtaining in many instances an excellent preliminary training in theoretical engineering. They give a decided preference to boys from this school. The fore- man who conducted us over the Works, himself a student from the Polytechnic at Zurich, confirmed the statement. A noticeable feature of these works was the very extensive use of milling tools, which ensure clean cutting, and a true surface. It was represented to us that no shop in any country is more advanced in this style of work. There was no minute sub- division of labour, as was shown by the great variety of work in hand; working drawings of parts of machines lay on nearly every bench. The shop was lighted by incandescent electric lamps, distri- buted to each bench as numerously and as conveniently as gas— lights are with us. It was apparent to the Commissioners that electricity was used with more knowledge and effect than is common in England. We noticed a novel application of elec- tricity to mechanical work. In the yard was a cumbrous casting, like the bedplate of a huge planing machine, in which some large holes had to be bored. It would have been very difficult to convey it into the crowded shop, and the boring was therefore done by electricity. Two small wires, from a dynamo- machine inside the works, fed a motor in the yard, on which were fixed a pulley and belt, which drove a small shaft fitted on firm iron stands; a belt on a counter shaft drove the boring machine, which seemed to be doing its work with the greatest facility and ease. The appliances were superintended by an ordinary workman. It was explained to us that many of the workmen had scientifically studied the applications of this new force, and that all the apprentices from the Professional School had studied Electricity as one of the principal branches of their education. ‘0 REPORT. 329 ENGINEERING AND MACHINE WORKS.—-—PRUSSIA. Your Commissioners visited several important engineering and Yisitsfo en- rnachine-making establishments in various parts of Germany, Egzleggiine and were shown over them with the greatest courtesy. We works in prefer not to describe any of these establishments in detail, nor Germany- to give the names of eminent manufacturers and others from whom information was obtained. When we came in contact with English foremen and workmen, and these cases were very exceptional, or with German workmen and foremen who had been employed in England, we elicited opinions upon educa- tional and industrial questions, and received very valuable and practical information from these sources. In Berlin we visited the engineering works of Messrs. Borsig, Lecgmpfiw where 1,400 men are employed, and were shown with the greatest ‘£215,111 liberality over every part of the workshops. The men work 10 hours a day, and as in other similar shops Hours- in Germany, they are nearly all paid by piece. We ascertained that overtime is calculated at the same rate as regular time. At the date of our visit, such was the pressure of work, that the men in the engine department were working till 8 pm. Mechanics, fitters, turners, &c., earn by piece from 218. to 30$. Wages‘ per week; boiler-makers about 218. ; smiths, 850., about 268. by piece. The firm had contracted to make 95 engines during the year, Contracts for They were turning out two complete locomotives per week, and 95 engmes' were competing with England in many European markets. We found that the inflated demand for locomotives which Ei’il effects followed the war of 1870, and which caused so much abnormal 322133;?” extension in England, had wrought similar mischief in these and Productions other works in Germany. Here they had enlarged their pre- after “31' of mises so as to be able to increase their productipn by from cne Se‘ierely to three engines per week, but when they were ready for carrying on this increased business the demand fell off, and it seemed for a long time as if they would never be able to employ even half their works again. At least a dozen firms in Germany had enlarged their works in this way, and had since been competing ~ against each other, reducing profits, and causing a hard time for all. At these works there is no definite rule as to the taking of Apprentices- apprentices, and no regulation as to the courses of work which they are required to go through. Boys are not admitted under 14:, and apprenticeship lasts until the military service begins. Before service the apprentice is looked upon as a boy ; when he returns from training, he has become a man. Military service takes all young men who do not possess Military exemption certificates (in which case they serve as volunteers SET‘ 1<>e~ 330 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! for one year) from 20 to 23, and for eight weeks every two years for some years after, and they organise their shops accord- ingly. Contrary to the opinion strongly expressed elsewhere, one of the foremen did not consider that the three years’ absence on military service very materially threw back the mechanic or diminished his skill as a workman. Military “ Compulsory military service is not disliked in Prussia as it is bv “ in South Germany, where it has not been so long in operation. the Prussians‘, “ Fathers have gone through it, and knowing what it has done “ for the independence and unity of their country, they have “ taught their sons to accept it as a patriotic duty. The young “ man coming back to his work at 23, is able very rapidly to pick “ up what he has lost, and from that time is a better man all “ round than a man of the same age who has not gone through “ the service. The military service teaches order, regularity, “ obedience, and the power of working effectively with others, “ which in some departments of the works was a distinct advan- “ tage. It also teaches the men cleanliness, establishes their “ health, and improves their physique and general manners.” .Draughtsmen. Fourteen draughtsmen are employed in the works, all of 1“ Bel'hn' whom have had a scientific education, and most, some experience in the workshop besides. Training Of’ On inquiring as to the education and training of the head 11:16:: draughts‘ draughtsman, he informed us that, after a fair scholastic educa- ' tion, and a year’s experience of practical work in an engineering shop, he entered the Polytechnic at Zurich, and went through the engineering course. Thence he travelled to England and took a situation as engineer and draughtsman at a large engine works in Manchester. He remained here two or three years, acquiring all the information he could obtain relating to the science and practice of engineering, and then came to Berlin, where he readily received an engagement at these important works. This gentleman was of opinion that the plan which he had followed had been of advantage to him. He did not believe that a young engineer could obtain the necessary education entirely in a school. The Polytechnic School course, although very thorough in its way, would be most useful to a student acquainted with practical work. He would recommend a good general education, to be followed by a year in a workshop, and afterwards by a Polytechnic school training. Training For foremen the only true education was that of the shop. f” foremen‘ The good foremen with whom he had been acquainted, not only in Germany but also in England, had almost invariably risen from the ranks. Of necessity they were men of more than ordinary intelligence and force of character. Some had received very little education, but by attending night schools, or' by private study, they had usually improved themselves in the theory bearing on their daily work. ‘ REPORT. 331 As to capacity for work, it was the opinion of this gentleman Capacity that the Germans do not get through so much work as English- for Work‘ men. He noticed this particularly on coming from the Manchester works to those of Berlin. He was unable to give any definite reason for this superiority of the Englishman, but undoubtedly there is not in the German workman the same “go,” persistence and “staying power” as is to be observed in the Englishman. He thought it was owing to a combination of race, climate, and the more competitive spirit of Englishmen. He wished it to be understood, however, that, in his observations in England, he had seen quite as much difference between one part of the country and another as between England and Germany. For instance, he was of opinion that there was a surprising difference between the spirit and energy of the mechanics of Manchester as compared with those in other industrial counties. The Lancashire men, he affirmed, work harder, and better, and earn more, even than Yorkshiremen. He looked upon German workmen as generally more docile, Comparison intelligent, and trustworthy than the English. They are tem- getween . . . . . erman and perate; time breaking through drink is almost unknown; 1n English work- these works it would not be tolerated for a moment, and all men. the men know it. There is nothing of the irregularity which he had often observed, even among really good men in England Berlin was once a drunken city, but the workmen had abandoned this vice. He attributed the improvement to the influence of education. A drunkard was avoided by society as a man wanting in common decency and self-respect. In making the tour of the works, we were of opinion that the Workshop shop arrangements were not inferior to the first class locomotive arrangements‘ engine works of England. The engineering tools were of the best description, and were nearly all by English makers. The work was being well finished, and was quite up to the English standard; but there was nothing, either as to appliances, arrangements, or results, which would not be at least equalled, as to quality, in an English locomotive shop. Our conductor complained that in many important respects Competition they were severely handicapped in competing with England, with England. which is always the rival whose cheapness and excellence they have to fear in every market. Raw material is much more costly than in England, as a large proportion of their iron comes from England; their coal is mainly from Silesia. The arrangements for promoting the comfort of the workmen Dining hall. during meal hours were much more complete than is usually the casein England. We were shown a handsome dining room, about 150 feet long by 50 feet wide, supplied with numerous tables and chairs. At one end we noticed a platform and a small orchestra, with a number of busts, and a library of books, for the use of the men; at the other the buffet of a well ordered restaurant, where the men could buy food and drink, supplied 332 ROYAL coMMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Wardrobes and bath. Engineering works of Messrsslemens & Halske. Hours. Managers have received theoretical training. Mechanical appliances very complete. at cost price on the co-operative principle. We happened to visit this room when the works stopped for tea (as we should call it) at 4.30. Some of the men took tea with bread and butter, or bread and sausage; others took coffee with bread, butter, salad and cheese. Sausages, sandwiches, and eggs were purchased by many. Upon the whole the food appeared quite as good as would be consumed by a similar class of men in England. Possibly the substantial provision may be accounted for by the fact that the engineers, instead of leaving work at 6, were continuing to work overtime until 8. Another arrangement was noted, which is not often found in workshops in England, and which suggested a greater regard for cleanliness than we usually find in our own country. In the shops each man had a cupboard for his tools and coat, and most of the men took off their cloth coats and Waistcoats, and pro- vided themselves with blouses or “ check ” coats, not unlike those of French workmen. Some put on cotton trousers over their cloth ones. Attached to the works we were shown a swim- ming bath, in which, in the summer time, the men bathe and wash after their work is done, and before going to their homes. The temperature of the bath can be regulated as desired. About 200 can bathe at one time. Wonxs or MESSRS. SIEMENS AND HALSKE, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, BERLIN. At these works from 800 to 900 men are employed, and the firm have other works employing 1,600 men, thus making a total of 2,400. Electrical machinery of all kinds was being made, and some very remarkable rotary steam engines for driving the former. The men work 10 hours a day, and nearly all the work is done by piece. Most of the heads of departments have received a theoretical training in schools or classes outside the shop, and the high and deserved reputation of the firm, their great success as electrical engineers, and the liberal wages paid to their workmen (probably the highest that were being paid in any establishment that we visited), all testify to the technical efiiciency of at least the superior workmen and foremen, in an industry which neces- sarily requires high scientific knowledge. We were conducted over the works by Dr. Werner Siemens, brother and partner of the late Sir William Siemens. There is in the works, which in mechanical arrangements and appliances are remarkably complete, a large physical laboratory, where important experiments and tests of the greatest delicacy are carried on. Dr. Frijhlich, a distinguished physicist, who is associated with Dr. Siemens in business, is at the head of REPORT. 333 this department. The manager of the works was educated at the University. In the course of an interesting conversation, Dr. Siemens favoured the Commissioners with his opinions upon education as it relates to young men intended for mechanical pursuits. His own education at school was neither technical nor scientific. He joined the Prussian army and became an ofiicer, but as a military man he worked at science for amusement, with great energy and enthusiasm, as also did his brother Sir William Siemens. ‘ He was of opinion that in Germany there are more Polytechnic Schools than are necessary. Their number was due to the educa- tional rivalry of the several German states, each of which had aimed at achieving technical superiority over the rest. The motive was excellent, but the result had been costly; yet, con- sidering that the standard of education throughout Germany had thereby been raised, the people felt that their sacrifices had been more than justified. The number of Polytechnic Schools might wisely be reduced, and the money thus saved might be devoted to the establishment of intermediate schools, which are much needed. As to the education of workmen, everything depended upon the means and natural abilities of the student. He would give, first, a sound elementary education up to 14. At that age it was natural that the workman’s son should be required to earn wages and learn a trade, but he ought to attend a night school. After two or three years he should enter, if he could dispense with wages, a foremen’s school (like that at Ghemnitz), from which, by showing remarkable ability, he would be able to pass to the highest technical schools. If a young man were compelled to work for wages in order to maintain himself, the above course would be impossible. The night school, however, was still open to him, and the highest possibilities were accessible to perseverance and ability. In his own works he selected young men of promise, and paid their expenses at these schools, in some cases dividing the year between school and work, so as to enable the students to keep up the connection between the school and the shop. The great problem with him had been to find and train the most promising youths. Although it too often happened that he lost the services of the men after they had been improved, yet in the main the advantages compensated him for the sacrifices. Dr. Siemens said that work'men in other trades very commonly save up their money in order to have a course of schooling, and attend classes in the slack times of winter. Many employers assist their young men in this endeavour to improve themselves, and consider that the gain in increased efficiency is worth the outlay. Dr. Siemens considers it well worth the while of the State to seek out talent wherever it can be found, and to develope it for the benefit of the State as well as of the individual. The'foundation of bursaries Dr. Werner Siemens on on education. Polytechnic schools. Education of workmen and foremen. Promising youths dii icle their time between the school and the workshop. 334 ROYAL COMMISSION oN TECHNICAL INsrEUcrIoN: Education of employers. Visits to engineering works in Bavaria. for this purpose, uniting the shops and the schools, would be very useful, for it often happens that a young man’s talent is only brought out by the practical application of scientific principles at the bench or forge. For the sons of employers, and for really clever boys of any class who could afford the time, he considered that the old classical education, as a grand and broad foundation, was best after all as the foundation of subsequent training. But for ordinary boys, it was a pity to waste time on dead languages which they seldom mastered. There was no direct good in Latin and Greek, but there was always direct good in chemistry. ENGINEERING AND MEcHANIcAL INDUSJTRIES IN BAVARIA. The Commissioners visited typical works of importance in Bavaria, and also inspected the various industrial departments of the Exhibition then being held at Nuremberg, and were able to note the high degree of excellence attained by several of the engineering establishments. The work in the shops we visited appeared to be fully equal in style and quality to the good work of France, Switzerland, or Belgium, and perhaps not inferior to that of England. One of the firms represented at the Nuremberg Exhibition, exhibited its 1,000th locomotive engine. In various manufacturing districts of the continent, we saw in some of the newest factories, stationary steam engines from Bavaria, which seemed to be perfect in workmanship and in the steadiness with which they developed enormous power. At some very extensive railway carriage and Waggon works we were shown elaborate machines and appliances for the saving of labour, and were informed that at these works alone (where upwards of 50 draughtsmen are employed), the construction of complete car- riages and waggons is equal to one per hour during each working day of 10 hours, and that in time of pressure the output has been not less than 15 per day. Nearly the whole of these carriages and waggons are exported to other countries, to Russia, Italy, and Spainjx‘ which they enter on precisely the same terms with regard to tariff duties as those of England. The ordinary working hours in the machine shops of Bavaria, as in Prussia and Saxony, are 10 per day, and most of the men work by piece. Irregular work is paid by 'day, but‘ all the employers with whom we conversed, and the majority of workmen also, were of opinion that the system' of piecework was fairest both for employers and employed. ‘ Hours and wages. * In Spain there are differential duties in favour of Germany, as against this country, on some manufactures (including ‘iron and steel). By the Convention recently signed by the two countries these will be abrogated, if it is confirmed by the respective legislatures. REPORT. 335 At one establishment we were informed that labourers earned about 28. 6d. per day, and skilled men from 38. to 418. per day. The proportion of mechanics earning 428. per day is not large. The arrangement for holding a week’s wages in hand seems to be general. In making the tour of one of the large engineering establish- ments in Bavaria, we were accompanied by an English manager of great intelligence and experience, who expressed very definite opinions on several important matters relating to this inquiry. He had served an apprenticeship under one of the most eminent engineering firms in England, and came to Germany as a young man, over 30 years ago, to take a good post at high wages. He and other Englishmen had contributed largely to the. foundation and extension of engineering and machine shops in Germany, _ and he has watched with great interest the progress of Germany as a manufacturing nation. He had made frequent visits to England for the purpose of collecting information, and had taken great pains to form correct conclusions as to the best means of keeping pace with English and other competition. Germany 30 years ago, as compared with England, was simply “nowhere,” but, placing English and German workshops side by side now, we should find that the progress in the latter had been positively marvellous. During all these years the Germans had been fol- lowing the English step by step, importing their machinery and tools, engaging, when they could, the best men from the best shops, copying their methods of work, and the organization of their industries; but, besides this, they had devoted special attention to a matter which England had almost ignored, the scientific or technical instruction of their own people. And what has been the result of all this? They have reached a point at which they have but little to learn from the English. He called our attention to a fact, which had not escaped our observation before, that, now-a-days, there are scarcely any Englishmen to be found at the head of German workshops. It no longer pays to import them. In earlier days the Englishman was completely master of the situation. Practical knowledge counted for every- thing, and this was the Englishman’s possession. In theory he was deficient. During recent years, there has been less and less demand for English foremen on the continent, where practical knowledge has increased, and more and more demand for con~ tinental men of science in England. Our guide was of opinion that, were industrial conditions as favourable for Germany as for England, we should require to put forth increased energies in order to maintain our supremacy; but, he also stated that a military system like that of Germany must leave our rivals at a permanent disadvantage; and, after all, no amount of teaching in Polytechnic Schools would wrest from England the mechanical genius which has, in all ages, distinguished her sons. Evidenre by English manager. Germans have been imitating English manu- facturers. English were formerly without rivals. 336 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Engineer apprentices, Bavaria. Young men do not become really useful until after they are 20. Effects of military service. On the question of the training of apprentices, the English manager, Mr. A, stated that as a rule, boys are not admitted to engineering shops under 15, and are not bound as apprentices. It is considered a point of honour that the boy should be retained till he is required to join the military service at 20, and it is very seldom that an apprentice is dismissed from his em:- ployment or leaves it without permission. The work in large shops is not so completely organised as in England, and although they cultivate “division of labour,” there are some departments in which this division cannot well be carried out, owing to difficulties unknown in England. Some boys are put to par- ticular jobs and never leave them, but others are removed from one class of work to another, not that he may learn a variety of things and thus become a more valuable man, but because it cannot be helped. Changes of this character are not popular, but where a certain number of men leave every year to join the army, there must necessarily be a “ shuffling ” of places among those who remain, and this is one of the evils of the military system. Mr. A.’s experience shows that up to 20, a youth learns but little that can be turned to much account either for him- self or his employer. If he be careless, the foreman or employer is apt to say, “ I shall get rid of him at 20.” and does not take serious trouble to make him better. If the youth has ambition, and the employer sees in him signs of pro- mise, he is still indifferent about putting him forward, knowing that at 20 he will lose him. You cannot keep a place open for the possible return of a promising young man, after three years’ absence, and should you do so, you are by no means certain that you will have the same material to deal with, that you had before dreams of military glory had fired his imagination. How different, said Mr. A, are the feeling and sentiment in an English shop; the apprentice seeing his future before him, un- distracted by ideas of anything beyond the improvement of his own skill and mechanical knowledge, or advancement in the shop in which he began, and possibly hopes to end his career. These are matters which are not understood in a German workshop, because they have never been experienced, but they have a very important bearing upon the training of a mechanic. When a soldier comes back to the shop at 23, he may be strong, smart, and disciplined, but he has a very indifferent notion of his work, and he forgets day after day what is told him. Yet he has arrived at man’s estate, and naturally wants a man’s pay, although he can only do a boy’s work.‘ It is only by comparison with a country like England that this great draw- back is appreciated. Industrially, and speaking as a manager, responsible for the efficiency of the work done In the shop, Mr. A. afiirmed that the military system is the curse of Germany. As a rule the mechanics at 25, who expect good wages, and ought to be at their best, have only half learned their trade, and REPORT. 337 how can such men be expected to compare in practical skill with English mechanics who have worked at the bench continuously, without any break whatever, from about the age of 14 ? There is this consolation, however, for most of the men, that they do not marry so early as in England, and if for a time theii' wages are lower, their expenditure is lower also. The German military system does not by any means tend to the encouragement of extravagance; men are taught to cut their coat according to their cloth, and to make a little go a long way. There are no trades’ unions among the workmen in Mr. A.’s No trades’ town, and in his time there has been no strike against hours or “mons- wages, yet the former have lessened and the latter have in- creased. Undoubtedly German workmen are more obedient to their superiors, and generally more long—suffering, than English- men. Insubordination is not in the spirit of the German. Mr. A. is of opinion that, under the same training and ({Omnarison of domestic conditions, the English and the German workmen are Iégfiiifiih very similar. For instance, he has a number of men in his men continued, department whom he does not think he could match in England ; they are of his own bringing up, and thoroughly efiicient and trustworthy. On the average the German workman is distinctly inferior to the Englishman. He has not been trained to work like the Englishman. He is easy-going and forgetful, has neither the go, nor the resource of the Englishman, does not work with the same energy and does not get through the same amount of work. He does not live so well, and this is a far mcre important point than we Englishmen are apt to believe. But, with men under the same conditions of workshop training and food, his experience leads him to believe that there would be no supe- riority in the Englishman. On the question of education, the Englishman is altogether Education of behind. Mr. A.’s education, which was superior as a youth to workmen‘ that of most English workmen, or he would not have been appointed to his present position, had been lamentably deficient. compared with that of young Germans; and his sons, in the common schools, have received an education which they could not possibly have obtained in England. The one point in which Germany is overwhelmingly superior Germany to England is in schools, and in the education of all classes of Surpasses, the people. The dense ignorance so common among workmen 1,125,131? 2;“ the in England is unknown. The Germans can all read, write, education. cypher, and, as a rule, draw; the young men continue their education in the Fortbildung and Sunday schools without leaving home, or. losing time, or spending anything. He strongly approves of the “ Industrie ” schools (described Industrie p. 97). Several boys have come from the lndustrie school of the 2211:0023 5m“ town to his department in the works, and he has been delighted appintices' with. them. Instead of being raw, ignorant lads, unable to drive a nail or to use a file, they can begin work at once ; they Ri 1726. Y 338 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Educational needs of England. German theoretical instruction should be combined with English work-r shop practice. English com- petition feared. Prosperity of trade after the war led to unjustifiable extension of works. have been taught to use their hands; and‘ most of them have excellent ideas about work. How different from English middle-class boys that he has met with! He gives a decided preference to boys who have had a little workshop practice at school. He cannot speak as to their literary attainments; but they begin their workshop life with pluck and confidence, knowing the why and wherefore of things, and merit the respect of the older workmen. He pointed to a youth under him now, who makes sketches and drawings and calculations for him, and carries out his instructions like an experienced draughtsman, and this youth is no exception to the boys from the Industrie school. Though living in Germany so long, he has lost none of his love for his own country. He has long seen England’s deficiencies in the way of education; he has never failed to proclaim them in numerous visits to England, and is glad that, through the awakening of the English people on the education question, there is the possibility of a remedy. “ Give the English workman the same schooling as the “ German,” remarked Mr. A., “ which will improve him both as “ a mechanic and as a man; keep him from soldiering, and “ teach him to avoid drink, and no workman in the world will “ have a chance against him.” The German system of education, in which the sciences under- lying mechanical industries are taught, combined with the English system of workshop practice, form his ideal of the training for an engineer, mechanic, or builder. England must not be content to rest on her undoubted superiority in workshop appli- ances and organisation ; she must master the theoretical as well as the practical. “Keep to your shops,” said Mr. A., over and over again, “ and follow the Germans in scientific teaching; “ English industries will then take a new lease.” Mr. A. stated that every movement for the improvement of German industries was influenced mainly by the desire to strengthen their position with regard to the rivalry of England. They magnify the industrial advantages of England, and consider it impossible to compete with the English on equal terms. They hold to protection in the belief that they are hopelessly handi- capped against English rivals, and that under a system of free imports, their markets would be flooded with English goods, and their own manufacturers and workpeople ruined. The abnormal prosperity which succeeded the Franco-German war led, as_ in England, to unjustifiable extensions of manufac- turing works, which increased the intensity of the depression which followed. Mr. A. stated that when complaints were being constantly made in English newspapers that trade had left England and gone to the Continent, the suffering artizans of Germany could not be made to believe otherwise than that REPoRT. 389 England had wrested the trade from them, and that their difliculties were caused in a great measure by English com- . ,.... petition. ENuINEERING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES, SAxoNY. Equal, if not superior, in importance to the mechanical indus- Engineering tries of any other German States, are those of Saxony, and in no l’orksm country has education, having especial. application to industrial "axony' operations, been more extensively provided or more effectively administered. The town of Chemnitz affords ample evidence of great commercial and educational activity, and all the leading schools, and several of the more important manufacturing establishments, were visited by the Commissioners. The importance of this town as a centre for engineering and Ifnpol-‘tfme 01 machine making, may be ascertained from the fact that there are gigging; in it 46 concerns for the construction of general machinery, centre, 10 for making looms, and three for hosiery frames, making a total of 59 establishments for the construction of machinery. The State railway works of Saxony were removed a few years ago to Chemnitz, adding 5,000 inhabitants to the population of the town. WoRKs 0F MEssRs. HARTMANN 85 Co, LIMITED, CHEMNITZ. Through the courtesy of the managing directors, the Commis- Engineering sioners were conducted over the extensive works of Messrs. Works Of Hartmann 85 Co., Limited, where 2,900 men are employed in the construction of locomotive and stationary engines, as well as at Chemnita,’ of cotton, woollen, and other textile machinery. The regular hours are 10 per day, but at the time of our visit Hours of work, the men employed in the engine department were working over- time till eight at night, such was the demand for locomotives. ‘The wages of mechanics average from 4:8. to 58. per day for Wages of piece work ; other artIsans are paid 111 proportlon. operatives. Apprentices begin at 14, and although they are not bound, Training for and do not go through any prescribed course of training in all aprfl‘emicea or in any of the departments of the works, yet it is under- stood that they remain till they are called away for military service. In this sense only, may they be considered as appren- tices. From 14: to 16, all these youths attend either the Fortbildung Education oi- school or the one organised by the Operatives’ Societies, and on “Plummet two evenings per week they are allowed to leave the works at 4.30 so that they may attend the school at 6 o’clock. In the light of English customs, this is a great concession, and an illustration of the advantages expected by this firm from the theoretical training of these operatives. Y2 340 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Apprentices compelled to attend technical school. Machinery, English tools. Condition of employés in Messrs. Hartmann‘s works . Opinions on the school~ training of engineers. On a previous visit to this establishment 10 years ago, by one of the Commissioners, he was informed that for many years previous, it had been a condition of the firm that apprentices should attend the classes of the technical school. It appeared that the custom was not confined to one establishment, as there were also students in the school from other large machine shops of Ohemnitz. Throughout the works, the tools and machinery were of a high class. Many of the tools were imported from England, and their superiority over all others was willingly acknowledged. The workmen generally, seemed to be intelligent and healthy, but according to evidence which we received from competent judges, familiar with rival industries in England, most of them do not get through the quantity of work in a day that an Englishman can. We heard the same statement almost in- variably at works of this character, but were unable to submit it to any fair test. There seemed at times to be a disposition on the part of foreign employers to account for a cheaper pro- duct in England by leaping to the conclusion that English artisans wor ; harder than their own, just as English employers attribute successful foreign competition to the low wages and longer hours of foreign workmen, neither party considering how many conditions besides hours, wages, and hard work, combine to make a cheap or an attractive product. It was considered by the manager that the supremacy of English over German artisans is gradually being overcome. The higher wages now paid as compared with former times, are expended on better and more nutritious food, so that the workman is found to possess more strength, energy, and endurance. In some exceptional cases, it was said that higher wages have led to excess in drink, though not nearly to the same degree as in England. Taking into account the amount of time lost by many English mechanics through drink and other excesses, and the infinitely greater steadiness and regularity of the Germans, he was of opinion that although the wages here are nominally lo wer', yet they will be found to be, on an average, nearly equal to the earnings of English mechanics in similar industries. In Chemnitz, as in other industrial centres, we came in contact with the leading employers and engineers, who freely gave their opinions upon questions relating to the education and training of men of their class. There were differences of opinion in matters of detail; some gentlemen of high authority and large experience were in favour of teaching the use of tools in ele- mentary schools, continuing this workshop practice in more highly equipped technical schools, and thus preparing the engineer, by the union of theoretical knowledge with its application at the bench, for actual practice without apprenticeship. Others were opposed to the introduction of machinery into schools, beyond such models as would be useful for the illustration or demonstra- tion of scientific principles, and preferred leaving the actual Rsron'r. 34.1] teaching of the trade entirely to the workshop. But the advocates of both systems were agreed as to the great importance to all young men qualifying as engineers, of attending night schools, or by other means acquiring a knowledge of mathe- matics, av plied mechanics, and mechanical drawing, at the same time that they gained workshop experience. In an important conversation with one of the chief engineers of Saxony, some forcible opinions were expressed on the com- parative merits of the English and German systems of training. This gentleman, whom we will designate as Mr. B, a German, of exten~ive experience, having spent many years in England and America, u as thoroughly conversant with the industrial systems of those countries, as well as of Germany. He was of opinion that the English system of training an engineer for the duties of foreman or manager by leaving him to take his chance in the workshop, was quite as good as the German school system which aimed at the same object by more theoretical methods, and judging from the men trained by each method, he would not give the preference to the German. The Englishman who had taken pains to learn his business, was complete master of every detail of shop work. His daily experience brought him into contact with all kinds of practical difficulties, which sharpened his wits and his powers of resource. It must be admitted, however. that he was generally deficient in the higher scientific knowledge of his calling. rl‘he German school-taught engineer was strong in the know- ledge of the principles of mechanics and physics, and in mechanical drawing. He was, however, deficient in workshop practice, and in the knowledge of men; qualities which could only be acquired by experience. And since nine out of every ten engine and machine -shops were engaged upon stereotyped machines made according to pattern, it was more important to have an overseer who knew thoroughly how the work in hand should be done, and how to manage the artisans under him, and who could thus secure the end that all were striving for, viz., a cheap and effective machine, rather than to have an overseer who under~ stood principles, which he had no opportunity of carrying into prac- tice, but was inferior in practice and in the power of getting cheap and effective work out of his men. Mr. B. was of opinion that the English system erred in the direction of too little theory 5 the German system in that of too little practice. Of course, he would admit that a man could not have too much practical or theoretical knowledge, if it were possible to combine them, but so long as a man’s training was limited by its cost in time and money, he was strongly of opinion that it was not advisable to run the risk of sacrificing practice to theory. The new schools of engineering in Germany, and particularly the Higher School at Chemnitz, were modifying their courses so as to secure adequate theoretical English and German en- gineers com- pared. Ger man engineer theoretically trained but deficient in practical knowledge. 3412 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ideal training for an engineer. Course to be similar where wages are no object. Danger of theory without practice. training, with as little sacrifice as possible of that equally important experience which could only be obtained in the workshop. On being asked what education he would recommend for a boy intended to become an engineer, Mr. B. replied that a workman’s or foreman’s son should, if possible, attend school until he was 16, and get as good a general education as was attainable in the time, including drawing and the elements of natural science. Then he should go to work, and attend evening classes in drawing, mathematics, applied mechanics, steam, &c. If the boy had anything in him, with such a preparation, he would assuredly get promoted, and under any circumstances he would be qualifying himself for superior work and higher wages, as was the case with many of the apprentices who were then going through the machine shops of Chemnitz. The sacrifice of the two years from 1% to 16 was well worth while, because it gave the boy a grasp of scientific knowledge, which the boy who left school at 14:, even with attendance at the Fortbildung school, had no chance of obtaining. Even an employer, or a parent not requiring his son’s earnings, and able to keep him at school, could not do better than begin on the same lines. Let him enter the workshop at 16, and attend the night school until he was 18, at which age he would be ready to take advantage of the full three years’ course of engineering at one of the higher technical, or Polytechnic, schools. A purely theoretical education up to 20 or more, left the youth, as a rule, too old for anything like hearty or enthusiastic work at the bench, and educated lads were sensitive about displaying their ignorance in this respect. Illiterate workmen, who would always be found in every shop, exulted over the failure or clumsiness of those who were looked upon as their superiors. Mr. B. instanced the head draughtsman at the most important works in Saxony, who had never attended a Polytechnic or Higher School at all, and yet was one of the cleverest men of his class in Germany. He had worked in the shop from boy- hood, but having received a sound elementary education, was able from books, private tuition, and the daily experience of life, to master the difiiculties of his calling as they presented themselves, and thus to obtain a superior practical education, and a position of eminence and responsibility. It is worthy of note at this point, although mentioned elsewhere in this Report that the head draughtsman at the great Creuzot works in France (where 80 draughtsmen are employed by one firm), presents another illustration of a similar/training. His only theoretical instruction was that which he obtained’ at the elementary schools of the works, provided by the firm ‘for the children of all the Training of head draughts- man. workmen. REPORT. 3453 THE IRoN INnUsTRIEs or WESTPHALIA. The iron industries of Westphalia, based on its magnificent bituminous coal-field (which now produces about 20 million tons of coal per annum), including the great steel works of Krupp, have been so frequently described, that we shall confine ourselves to some details bearing directly on the subject of our inquiry. One of these is that the Thomas-Gilchrist modification of the Bessemer process for converting crude phosphoretic iron into steel, has been adopted in Westphalia and other iron districts of Germany, more generally than in any other part of the world. Under the able direction of Herr Bueck, the Secretary of the Association of Manufacturers of the Rhine province and West- phalia, the Union Works at Dortmund were visited, as an example of the iron and steel works of Westphalia ; the works of Mr. Krupp, of Essen, having been seen by members of the Commission on other occasions. As in English ironworks, they have no apprentices at the Union Works, and they prefer not to employ boys till they are 16 years of age. A boy when he enters is put to the work that needs “hands,” whatever that work may be, and as soon as possible he is paid by piece. If he joins a gang, as generally happens, the directors cease to know what wages he may be paid ; his share of the earnings is regulated by the men, according to his age, strength, and their estimate of his value. In separate work the boy comes under a general rate, and as soon as he can do a man’s work he gets a man’s pay, however young he may be. Great importance is attached to the attendance at evening schools, of all boys employed in the works. It would be considered in England that a boy who had gone through the strain of 12 hours piece-work among the furnaces of an iron-works, would be entitled to all the relaxation he could get in the evening. It is not so at Dortmund. The directors of these works require all boys under 18 to attend the Fort- bildung schools of the town on two or three evenings a week, and the boys are required also to attend the Sunday schools. (As we have already explained, the reader must understand that the Sunday schools of the Continent, so frequently re- ferred to in this Report, are not schools for religious teaching, or connected. with religious organizations in the same way as those of England. They are invariably public, municipal, trade- guild, or State schools, intended for supplementing the educa- tion of the day school. Many are advanced schools, strictly technical in their aims, giving instruction in science and drawing bearing upon the local industries). At these works a register is kept of the attendance of the boys at evening schools, and is daily examined by an overseer in charge. Parents willingly Visits to VVestph alian ironworks. Apprentices. Evening schools. 344.4 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Training of heads of de- partments, Union Works. Chemists em- ploycd. Schools for foremen. Difficulty of obtaining properly qualified fore- men. Comparison between systems of training in England and Germany. co-operate with employers in securing the attendance of appren- tices at school, and we were told that the boys generally appreciate the schools, and make substantial progress. The expenses of the Fortbildung schools are defrayed by the town. They are held in the municipal day schools building, and day school teachers conduct the classes. The managers have received the usual German technical train- ing, are thoroughly familiar with English works, proficient in the English language, and constant readers of English engineering and metallurgical journals. Two chemists are employed for testing minerals and superinl tending the charging of the blast furnaces. One of‘ these chemists is a gentleman of distinguished reputation, and both had been Polytechnic students. The leading draughtsmen had also been educated in Polytechnic schools. Besides a school for mining-deputies at Dortmund, a “ Werk- meister ” school has been quite recently formed at Bochum for the special education of foremen in ironworks. It is supported entirely by the iron manufacturers, who contribute in the ratio of the number of men whom they employ. N 0 man is admitted unless he has been four years at work in some branch of the iron industry, and has shown superior capacity and conduct. The students go through a course of practical metallurgy and of the other sciences bearing on their trade. (See p. 117). One of the directors of the works, who takes great interest in the school, stated that at present it was exceedingly difi‘icult to find scientific knowledge and workshop skill and experience, united in persons of the class of foremen. Trained simply in the works, they necessarily knew but little of the sciences of metal- lurgy and chemistry. The Polytechnic students, who had mastered the sciences were often useless in the works. It was the intention of the school to engraft some knowledge of principles on the practical skill of the workmen. The director expressed a strong opinion that the works- training in Germany is less thorough than that of England. llf any country could claim natural aptitude for a particular industry, England might fairly claim pie-eminence in iron. Germany cannot look back upon generations of skilled and practical men; the stimulus of high rewards directing talent to mechanical pursuits; the boundless capital at command to develope inventions: and until lately Germany has not been able to match the men of talent who, from time to time, have arisen in England to revolutionize the trade. A combination of circumstances, has long helped to strengthen England in what had been so long, but was now no longer, her great iron monopoly. For many years, the best that other countries could do was to follow ; and, in strengthening their weak places, they were compelled to look to education their most important REPORT. 3&5 aid. Let education, said the director, be sound and thorough, so far as it goes. If a boy must leave school at 14 or 15, in order to earn his livelihood, there is no good in teaching him a great variety of subjects. Give him as far as the time will admit of it, the tools which will enable him, as opportunities arise, to dig knowledge for himself. A smattering of many things does not make a boy clever, but often makes him con- ceited; it persuades him that he is intended for something better than swinging a hammer or using a tile. H a man must earn his living by his hands, give him an education that will help him to do it; teach him drawing, the rudiments of‘ science, modelling; ground him well in arithmetic. There is no good in a working boy receiving a “_ fancy ” education at somebody else’s expense, when that education rather hinders than helps him in his work. If, on the other hand, a boy has exceptional talent, by all means cultivate it, and do not grudge the cost in public money, for the public as well as the boy will reap the advantage of it. The director had often visited England, and had had many steadiness of opportunities of forming an opinion of English workmen. He men- was not prepared to say that the English workman was superior to the trained German, in the iron and steel industries. They ' can place the greatest reliance on the attendance at work of their men. Absences without leave are exceedingly rare. The workmen, among themselves, insist upon regularity of attendance, in order to keep up the requirements of the gang. The “ Saint Mondays” among ironworkers in England are unknown here; on Monday morning, every man is at his work as punctuully as on any other morning. The day previous to our visit was Whit- Monday, a general holiday, and the trains, railway station, and streets of Dortmund were full of holiday leople. The director would guarantee that not 12 men out of, the 3,000 employed at these works were absent to-day (Whit-Tuesday) from causes that were not fully justifiable. No better testimony could be given of the discipline and good conduct of the men generally. Generous testimony was also borne by one of the directors as Rational to the behaviour of the working population at holiday times. He of said that all classes are almost passionately fond of music, and holidays, g thoroughly enjoy a concert. There are some woods belonging to Dortmund, at a short distance from the town, and steam trams run between the two all day long. He had taken his family to the Woods on the previous day, and found many of his own workmen there, who had taken food and coffee and wine, and were picnicing with their families. There were two open-air concerts in the woods during the day, and among the thousands present there was not the slightest impropriety ; all were enjoying themselves in a rational manner. There is very little drunkenness among the men in the works. Drunkenness Occasionally a man gets “ over the line ” ; but the company will is Very rate- not employ men who are habitual drunkards. There are 8:’) Sick Societies. but no Trades’ Unions, Dortmund. Cottages. (Jo-operative society. Gardens. Military system. 3446 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: very few men who spend much money in drink; in fact, it is considered a great disgrace for even the poorest of the men, to neglect their families. The men are allowed to drink beer at their work, contrary to the custom in other works, and it is even sold to them on the premises by permission of the company. After a Bessemer blow, quite a rush was made to the small ofiice where the beer was served. The beer is light and wholesome, and the directors did not think that it impeded the work of the men. We have not heard this opinion of English beer by English employers ; of course it will be understood that the German beer is altogether a different beverage from the English. We did not hear of any Trades’ Unions. There are sick and benefit societies to whose funds the workmen subscribe largely. The funds are used for the purpose of subsidising the men in cases of sickness, but not for what are understood in England as “trade objects.”*“ The company own a colony of cottages, which they let to the workmen at low rents —about 68. a nionth it was said, which covers interest on capital at a low rate. Many of the men dwell in their own cottages, and a very large proportion have money laid by in savings banks, or invested in other securities. There is a large and important co-operative society con- nected with the works, and managed in a great measure by the men, but the capital is mainly supplied by the company. Every» thing in the shape of food and clothing is supplied at cost price, or at so much more only as covers the cost of management. We were informed that under this arrangement an enormous saving is made, as compared with the system of retail buying at the shops. Many of the men have garden plots, and they work in them at night, growing vegetables and flowers. The directors spoke highly of the good influence of a small garden. The occupa- tion makes an agreeable and a healthy change, bringing the workman into the open air, improving his tastes and habits, and acting generally as an inducement for keeping him at home in the evening. The remarks made to us by one of the directors on the military system, were especially interesting, because while they were so much at variance with those of other competent autho— rities, they Were expressed with equal emphasis. He had not been through the service, and therefore, as he said, was unprejudiced. He believed that the advantages of military service altogether outweighed the drawbacks. For iron - smelters, puddlers, A law compelling insurance and which comes into operation on thexlst December 1884 and the 1st January 1885, was passed in February 1884. REPORT. 347 moulders, millmen, and other iron workers, he did not think that the three years’ military service diminished the powers, or the manual dexterity of the men. Of two applicants for employment, in other respects equal, one of whom had gone through military service and the other not, he would choose the soldier. He could in going over the works at once pick out the man who had been a soldier, and was pretty sure to find him a superior man in consequence. But, he continued, there is all the difference in the world between citizen soldiers and professional soldiers. His encomiums related entirely to the former class, in whom service tends to foster patriotism, and a spirit of self sacrifice. It steadies them, shows them the serious side of life, and both in work and in social matters increases their esprit dc corps. It must be remembered in comparing the opinions of this gentleman and those of, say Mr. A. (page 336), that the experience of the latter related entirely to the mechanics’ shop, and to men whose work requires great manual dexterity, whereas the work of the metallurgical establishments carried on here, involves co- operation in gangs, which is greatly promoted by the discipline of military drill. There is necessarily a considerable difference between the qualities required in the case of a practical working engineer, and in that of an ironworker. We have given prominence to both these views, as to the efiiecr' of the military system upon the workmen. It is however only fair to say that we found no difference of opinion as to the cost and inconvenience of the compulsory absence of the workman from his work and his home during these three years of service, which in England would be considered as among the most im- portant in a young man’s industrial career. WoRKPEoPLEs’ SooIErIEs AND FACTORY REGULATIONS. On the continent it happens more frequently than in England, that associations exist in the different factories, for conducting not only sick and benefit societies, as with us, but also for managing savings banks, co-operative stores, and agencies for the promotion of education. Employers also oftener exercise paternal control over their operatives, of whom they require strict adherence to rules that seem to go beyond the requirements of ordinar I factor ' discipline. In some few instances we found exceptional provision for the comfort and enjoyment of the workpeople. As an example we may quote the works of Herr Franz Brandts, of Gladbach, Ithenish Prussia. F1 om 300 to 400 hands are employed in the cotton manufacture. Attached to the factory is a beautiful park and garden, in the centre of which is a handsome chateau, which Men who have been in the army preferred. Benefit societies in connection with mann- factories on the continent. Manufactory of Herr Franz Brandts, Gladbach. 3&8 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: St. J osephs- haus, Gladbach. Served as residence of proprietor. Baths and washhouses. Moral regu- 1ations. hick fund. Mutual benefit society. \ is used, for the purposes of infant school for the children of opera- tives, as dining-rooms, reading room and library, concert-room, and as a chapel for devotional services. On the basement there are kitchens where dinners are prepared daily for nearly 100 operatives. The co-operative principle is adopted, and to pro- mote economy, the workpeople wait upon each other. taking turns week by week. A substantial dinner of soup, meat, and vegetables, is served for 3d’. There is music and singing twice a week, and four times a year there are concerts—in the open air in the summer time—-which are largely attended. A priest conducts religious services and gives spiritual advice to the workpeople before six o’clock every morning. The upper rooms of the chateau are well furnished, and are occupied in the summer by the proprietor and his family. It is in contemplation to provide a number of sleeping-rooms, in the second storey, for girls employed in the factory who have no parents or guardians. The gardens attached to the mill are beautifully laid out, and vines, peaches, strawberries, and cherries, besides flowers, are extensively and carefully tended by the operatives. Under the trees and opposite the fountains and flower beds, there are seats where the people sit during their mid-day rest. There are baths and washhouses for the use of the operatives. Besides educational provision for the children, “ every female “ under 18 years of age is required to attend the sewing school " once a week,” one hour and a quarter being allowed from the factory time for this purpose. By the printed “ moral regulations,” the Overseers, and all in authority, are enjoined to set a good example to inferiors, while the workpeople are admonished to maintain decency in their outward appearance, and respect towards each other. “ Unmarried young people who live away from home against the “ wish of their parents, will be dismissed at once.” Wages are only paid to minors with the permission of their parents, and even in the ease of unmarried male and female workpeople who are of age, the firm reserves the right to pay the wages to the parents. Female workers are separated from the male operatives during work as much as possible, and the two sexes take their meals separately. Married women, and children under 14: years of age, are not employed. All operatives must contribute to the sick fund, which includes provision for the families; it is managed by a committee of Workpeople, and the principal subscribes 50 per cent. of the total contributions. On the birth of a child, an allowance of 108. is made to the family from the fund. There is a mutual benefit society, for advancing money for the purchase of food, clothing, and furniture, &c. [f through illness or misfortune, workpeople get into difficulties, advances are made from this fund for their assistance, rather than that they should be required to break into their savings. REPORT. . 349 In this factory the total working hours in the week are 62, Workinghours. and young persons are allowed two half-hours a day for recreation and open air exercise. Wages are paid by piece. 'Wagcs. Weavers earning 13s. a week receive a premium of 9d. The premium ascends according to scale to a maximum of 2.9. per week to weavers earning 218. or more. INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY OF MULHoUsE. Among the voluntary agencies which, in Alsace, have pro- Industrial moted technical education, stimulated manufacturing industries, gfcllgty of and united employers and employed in good fellowship, the ‘ u ouse' Industrial Society of Mulhouse must ever be considered the ' most important. ' It was founded by the manufacturers themselves in 1832, and Fqlmded in its entire influence from that time has been exerted for the 1852' welfare of all classes in the town and neighbourhood. One of the leading citizens spoke of its influence in terms of the highest praise. “ [t has supported education, encouraged and “ protected inventions, provided courses of lectures, founded and “ erected a museum and galleries of science and art, promoted “ the efficiency of the local manufactures, strengthened the “ bonds of amity between masters and workmen, and exercised “ a most benevolent concern over all classes.” The objects of the society are described in Article I. of its Obiects ofthe statutes as follows z——“ The Industrial Society aims at the Society‘ “ advancement and the encouragement of industry, by bringing “ together in a central position a great number of facilities “ for instruction; by the communication to its members of dis- “ coveries and remarkable facts; also by the developments to “ which they have given rise ; and by all the means which can “ be suggested by the zeal of the members of the association for “ assuring its success.” The society has a president, three vice-presidents, a secretary, Ofiicers. assistant secretary, steward or manager, and two librarians. For carrying out its objects, there are committees classified under the following heads :—-mechanics, chemistry, natural history, fine arts, commerce, public utility, history and statistir. and industrial questions. There are from 600 to 7 00 members. Annual members pay Mmbers, 21. 8s. (60 francs} a year; life members 40L (1,000 francs). A remarkable evidence, not only of the popularity, but also of Accumulated the stability of the society, may be gathered from the fact that f‘m‘ls' its accumulated funds now amount to 160,000], given and be- queathed by the inhabitants from time to time, to be approe priated for the public good. The buildings of the society are Buildings. 350 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: New museum, Mulhouse. Assistance to inventors. Educational work of the society. General work of the society. Reading room. situated near the railway station at the entrance of the town. They comprise offices, library, museum, picture gallery, lecture hall, and contain a fine collection of engravings, and modern. pictures, museums of natural history, geology, 850., specimens of patterns, calico prints, cretonnes, &c., carefully arranged and very complete. This group of buildings, though extensive, is insuffi— cient for the purposes of the society, and a large art gallery and museum, erected at a cost of 16,000l. to 20,000Z. by subscriptions from the members and townspeople, is shortly to be completed. The several committees receive memoirs and papers on dis- coveries and inventions, and report thereon at the general meetings of the society. A poor inventor can submit an invention to a qualified committee, who assist in perfecting it and in introducing it to the trade, securing due interest and benefit to the inventor. The society initiates and patronises undertakings for the public good, and has raised large sums of money for such purposes. It has founded, or materially helped, all the institu- tions for higher education. It fostered the School of Chemistry, the Spinning and Weaving Schools, the Professional School, the School of Design, the Engraving School, and the School of Arts and Trades for Jews, and other institutions of high educational importance. There are very few matters of social or industrial interest that escape the attention of the society. Schemes for improved dwellings have been considered and carried out on a large scale, with highly satisfactory results. Discussions on thrift have led to the provision of savings banks, benefit societies, and kindred institutions. The food supply has been cheapened by the establishment of co-operative stores, and rendered more pure and wholesome by energetic measures against adulteration. Public morals and health have been benefited by the substitu- tion of lectures and concerts for less decorous amusements. The death-rate has been reduced, and pain alleviated by the care and assistance of indigent women in childbirth._ A special society has been promoted for the protection of workpeople from accidents by machinery. Medals and other prizes are given in recognition of services to the public welfare, and the reports of the proceedings at periodical meetings are published, with particulars and drawings of machinery and other objects of interest to the members. The reading room is furnished with the leading European magazines bearing on science, commerce, 850., among which we saw a greater number of English industrial and scientific magazines than are often found in the reading rooms of many of the larger towns in England. The library is rich in works of reference relating to the industrial arts, and is supplied with all important new works as they are published. iaEPonT. 351 In making a hasty tour of the rooms we were shown a cabinet of physical apparatus, and an important collection of dye-stutf'sj, We were greatly impressed by the superb collection of cretonne patterns and other specimens of calico-printing. A large number of cases in one room contained the selected examples of the best makers in all countries. There were also cases and boxes of smaller patterns, all selected because of some superiority or novelty of design. A magnificent collection of local prints was shown to us, prepared in 1876 for an exhibition celebrating the jubilee year of, a society of calico-printers established in 18.26. In addition to the above, there is in the town a public museum of prints and textiles, assisted by this society to the extent of 24106. a year (described, page 353), and containing probably the most . extensive and valuable collection in the world. The picture gallery contains a choice collection of modern paintings, most of which have been presented by the members. There is a special collection, less important in itself, but interesting as being composed entirely of the works of Alsatian artists. There is a charming collection of etchings presented by a townsman, M. Engel Dollfus, valued at 80,000Z. One small etching by Rembrandt, of three trees, is said to be worth ZOOZ. A donation of 16,000l. in money was made to the society by Mr. Haeffely. The museum of animals, birds, insects, &c., and minerals, is extensive, and there is also a gallery of casts of ancient statues and other antiquities. The spacious and handsome Hall for concerts, lectures, con- versaziones, &c., is largely used by the inhabitants. The museum and the picture galleries are open free to the public 011 Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and on the latter days in particular they are largely attended. The popularity of the museum and galleries among the workpeople, has done much to encourage the building of the new art gallery. One remarkable feature of this society is the voluntary character of its work. Mulhouse is the only town which we visited on the continent, w here such extensive buildings have been erected for the general good, entirely by local subscriptions. The society receives no State aid, and does not want any. ‘Ne were informed by M. Auguste Dollfus that some years ago. General Morin oii'ered the society a subvention of 200Z. a year, which the members declined, desiring to preserve their indepen- dence and to trust to their own public spirit. The society is very favourably alluded to in the report of the French Commis— sion on technical instruction of 1864:. Referring to a pro- posal to re-establish the literary and scientific lectures that were successfully commenced 30 years before that time, the report goes on to say7-~“ Then the city of Mulhouse would Collection of patterns. Art collections. Museum and gallery of casts. Concert hall. Voluntary character of the work of the society. 352 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Workmens’ city, Mulhouse. Tramway. Arrangement of a cottage. possess a system of educational establishments of every degree; infant schools, primary schools, adult schools, a school for drawing, one for weaving, one for spinning, a Hebrew school of arts and trades, a professional school, a college, an upper school for the applied sciences, public classes, and a po] ular library, literary and scientific lectures, all founded and kept up on their own resources, without any help from the State other than a purely moral cooperation.” It is satisfactory to find that the aspirations of 1832, so favourably reported upon in 1864, have for many years been practical realities, and that they have contributed in no small degree to the elevation of the town of Mulhouse to a front rank among continental cities, in ever - thing that concerns the enterprise, public spirit, and prosperity of its inhabitants. Probably Europe does not present a similar combination of educational agencies, so complete. in a purely manufacturing tou n. A A ( I‘ WonKMEN’s CITY, MULHoUsE. As connected with the labours of the Industrial Society, and the social life of Mulhouse, we would notice very briefly the “ Workmens’ City ” which we visited with great interest. This “ cite’ ” consists of 1,000 or more freehold dwellings belonging to workmen, who pay ‘for them on a system organised by the Industrial Society, analogous to that of building societies in England. The instalments are paid weekly or monthly, and extend over a period of 15 years. The cottages are built in groups of two or four, each containing two small rooms down- stairs, and the same upstairs ; they cost about 160i. each, including a plot of ganden attached to each dwelling. The society buys back cottages, when owners wish to dispose of them, as often happens on removals, &c., and makes repairs at cost price. In connection with the cottages, a block of wash-houses, an infant school, a cheap restaurant, and some co-operative food stores have been erected. The town tramears run along the main street of this colony, giving rapid and frequent communication with the centre of the town and the leading factories. In one of the ordinary cottages to which we were conducted, there was a small kitchen or scullery, a small room, used in this instance as a nu1 sery, and a larger living room. There were two rooms and an attic upstairs. The cellar was divided into three rooms for coals, lumber, and pantry. There seemed to be a tendency in all these dwellings to provide Very inferior bed- rooms, almost invariably in the roof, with one or two panes of glass for light. The stairs were little better than a step ladder. The cooking apparatus in the kitchen seemed to be fairly REPORT. 353 efficient and convenient, with hot water pan and tap, but no oven. Economical arrangements for boiling water and fixing cooking pans seemed to be well understood and appreciated. Outside many of the rows of cottages, about three feet from the doors, a stream of water ran along an open gutter, intended, we presume, to take away the sink and slop drainage. The water was dirty, and the smell somewhat offensive, but probably the system is effective as avoiding the serious dangers which arise from sewer gas. The garden plots in front of the houses varied very considerably in appearance. Some were highly cultivated, and showed evidences of future beauty. A profusion of flowering plants was here and there to be seen about the windows. Drainage. We inspected the infant school, wisely placed in the midst Infant school- of these workmen’s houses, so that the children can begin their school discipline at an early age without the danger of traversing rowded streets. We heard the children sing, saw them march, and go through kindergarten and gymnastic exercises as well as in similar schools in England. MUSEUM or TEXTILE FABRICS air MULHoUsE. The museum of textile fabrics was ‘founded by a society of designers in 1858, but since 1873 it has been the property of the Industrial Society. The great bulk of the collection of patterns was presented to the society by M. Sch'onhaupt in 1858, and, as we have said, the society retains in its own central rooms an important collection of patterns in addition to those exhibited in the above museum. It contains a complete series of patterns of calico-printing from the commencement of the trade in this district in 1746, to the present time. There is a permanent exhibition of historical specimens of ancient textiles in cotton, silk, and wool; specimens of tapestry printing have been con- tributed by Messrs. Thierry, Mieg, and Co. It is intended to enlarge the museum so as to form a still more important his- torical collection. The room is divided by a number of fixed screens, leaving a passage down the centre, and forming eight large compart- ments on which the designs are displayed. The framework of the screens is substantially made, and the historical specimens and those representing the textile industries of old countries, such as India, China, 85c, are appropriately mounted and taste- fully arranged. The new patterns for each year are fixed against covered screens, and are labelled, with the names of the producers, from Paris, Germany, England, or elsewhere. Against the walls of the room are cabinets filled with designs, and sur- rounding the room are tables, on which the patterns and books that Ri 1726. Z Museum of textile fabrics at Mulhouse. Arrangement of the museum. 354' ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION.’ Patterns preserved in books. Influence of textile museum on the local industry of Mulhousc. Cottoi \ spinning and weaving, Belgium. No Factory Acts. are stored in drawers and cupboards below, can be conveniently placed for study and reference. In due time the designs on the screens are removed in order to make way for more recent patterns, and are then mounted in books, catalogued, numbered, and put away in a library. We were informed that from 1829 to 1858, the patterns considered worthy of being preserved fill 380 large volumes. In conversations with some of the leading manufacturers we were informed that the museum has exerted a most important and beneficial influence upon the leading industry of the district. Some went so far as to say that they could not see how the trade could in any degree prosper without it. To the designer it is a constant source of inspiration. The museum is to him what the well-stored library is to the literary man, or a collection of the best pictures to the painter. It cultivates and raises the taste of the ordinary visitor, sharpens the wits of the manufacturer, and is a constant register of the relative progress of the competing countries in manufacturing enterprise. It gives invaluable assistance in suggesting the adaptation of old or historical styles to current wants. Taste is constantly changing; fashions come up again after being long discarded ; the demand may run on Indian, Persian, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, or the French style of one of the Louis; but whatever may be wanted, the trade comes most rapidly and most profitably to those who can adapt or harmonise the ideas, forms, colours, and conceptions of the past, if the forms of the past are asked for, with the prevailing wants and notions of the present. When it is remembered that a taking design not unfrequently makes the fortune of a firm, and that the invention of a new colour, a superior “finish,” or a better adaptation of machinery for the production of tasteful fabrics, often raises the industrial character and increases the wealth of a neighbour- hood, the value of such a museum can be rightly appreciated. COTTON SPINNING AND WEAVING, BELGIUM. The cotton industry of Belgium is conducted under conditions very similar to those of France and Germany. It was not admitted anywhere that in the manipulative operations of spinning and weaving, any technical education byond that of the factory had ever been sought after. English machinery and methods are everywhere adopted, and English competition is the despair of every millowner. In Belgium there are no Factory Acts; men, women, and children may “'01 k all night or as many hours in the day as may be agreed upon between them and their employers, without any interference on the part of the State. We were, however, frequently informed that in the cotton industry no children under 12 years of age are employed, and that in connection with many REPORT. 35 5 of the large factories, are schools in which during mill hours a certain time every day is devoted to “ continuing the education” of all boys and girls under 15. As in France and Germany, the usual working hours are 12 Hours Oiwol'k per day, and most of the operations are paid for by weight or and Wages‘ piece. Oarders are usually paid by day, and receive about 28. per day for men. Drawers, mostly women, about 2s. per day, by weight. Spinners; for one pair of mules there are usually one man, who earns about 5.9. per day, and three boys, who are paid about 10d. a day each. Two-loom weavers earn by piece from 25. (id. to 38. a day among the men, while the women earn from 2.9. to 2s. 3d. on an average. Mill mechanics are paid by day, from 38. to 4s. During the visit of the Commissioners to Ghent, we were Works of allowed to visit the factories of Messrs. De Parmentier van geese-PG Hoegaerden. & (30., by invitation of M. de Parmentier, who came 02182238: from Brussels on purpose to conduct us over the establishment. Over 2,000 workpeople are employed by the firm, and no children are admitted under the age of 12. ‘The mill buildings are well constructed; the rooms are wide, lofty, well lighted, and well ventilated; the weaving shed is of imposing size, and the arrangements generally have been carried out with prime regard to excellence of workmanship, con’ venience, efliciency, and economy of production. In these respects the works may be classed with the first-class cotton factories in England. There are three engines, all made in Ghent, with a total of Engines. 2,800 horse—power. The largest of these, a double beam, of 1,400 indicated horse-power, was doing its work with marvellous precision and steadiness ; the engine-house is one of the handsomest that we have seen in any country, and the engineers’ shop communicating with the engine-house, is a model of convenience, containing all the necessary tools, tackling, &c., for any difiiculties that may arise. Coal costs about 11s. per ton delivered at the boilers, and is consumed at the rate of about one kilo. per horse- power per hour, which is very low, although the coal is decidedly inferior. The power is carried from the main engine to the shafting by two huge leather belts, supplied by an English firm at a cost of 8001. The head engineer and director of the mechanics’ shop, which Trainingpt contains an admirable set of machine tools, and gives employment head engmeer' to upwards of 4:0 mechanics, had worked in England, and was familiar with some of the large machine shops and factories of Lancashire. He received his education in a primary, advancing to a secondary, school, and, after some practical experience in a workshop, he went through the courses of the engineering depart- ment of the University of Ghent. After completing his education he came over to England, worked as a mechanic in an en- gineering shop, and spent eight months in the drawing office of 22 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Machinery imported from England. School on the premises. Medical attendant. Library in works. Good feeling of workpeople. Messrs. Platt & Co., Oldham. He returned to Ghent, and, with two years’ experience in this factory, mostly among the machinery in the various departments, he learned more of the principles of the business than, in his opinion, many a foreman learns in a lifetime. He attributed his superior knowledge, and the rapid means by which he had acquired it, entirely to his scientific education and his large experience in technical machine work. Except the engines, We understood that the whole of the machinery, consisting of 150,000 spindles and 1,200 looms, had been imported from England. With duty, cost of transit, and extra cost of “ setting up ” added to the English price, the firm paid fully 25 per cent. more for it than they would have had to pay in Lancashire. The mules are from 700 to 900 spindles long, and the whole of the machines,-——carding, spinning, warping, reeling,-——and looms, were new and constructed on the most modern principles. The work in progress in all the departments seemed to be thoroughly well managed. We noticed several different counts in the spinning, and many varieties of goods in the Weaving, and were greatly impressed by the scrupulous cleanliness of the whole establishment. Although the employers are under no obligation with regard to school provision and attendance, a good school is provided on the premises, and attended for one hour a day by all young persons from 12 to 15. The boys and girls (usually separate) come in batches, as they can be spared from their work, and go through a course of teaching. There is no rule as to the age when school attendance shall cease, and, in the case of painstaking and attentive pupils, it often continues until they are 17 or 18 years of age. We noticed placards in different parts of the factory stating that the medical man would be in attendance at a certain hour, and in one of the weaving sheds a painted board indicated that he was on the premises, and could then be seen by any of the operatives in that room desiring his advice. We were informed that a fixed salary is paid to the doctor by the firm, for which he gives free advice to any of the workpeople, and, in accordance with his prescriptions, filled up on printed forms, medicine is supplied by the apothecaries of the town at a reduction from the regular price of 25 per cent, the difference being made up by the firm. At the lodge or time—oflice at the gates, is a library for the use of the workpeople, which is extensively used by the young people. The books have been carefully chosen with the object of supplying useful information and amusement. Very favourable reports were given to us of the good feeling which exists between employers and employed at these works. The operatives seldom change situations, and many have worked for the firm during all their lives. At many of the works which we visited in Belgium, and, indeed, in all other countries, testimony REPORT. 357' was borne to the friendliness and sympathy between masters and workpeople, but we had no reason to believe that in these respects either English employers or employed would suffer by comparison. It was our privilege to come in contact with the best types of all classes. When the engines stopped at the dinner-hour, we took the op por- Appearance of tunity of noticing the appearance of the 2,000 workpeople who workpeople- passed through the factory gates. Speaking generally, they looked healthy and well dressed, paying much more regard to outward appearance than would be found among cotton operatives in a manufacturing town in England. The men wore cloth coats over their blouses, and in many instances the blouses or smocks had been ltft behind in the factory, so that they did not carry many traces of their work away with them. The women were almost universally attired in bonnets and hats. They also wore long black cloaks, some of cloth, and some of serge or other heavy worsted material, which came to their heels and entirely covered their dresses. The cloaks were larger and more loose in shape than English ulsters, and most of them had hoods. The attire of the women, all in black, seemed somewhat akin to that of the Sisters of Mercy so frequently met with in Belgian towns, but it impressed us as being comfortable, cleanly, and serviceable. In conversations with employers, politicians, and the repre— Conversetiun sentative men who favoured us with their opinions upon educational ggrggggglgian and industrial questions, the feeling was general that in view of hours of work, the competition of England, and her great natural and acquired advantages, it was hopeless to expect that the hours of labour in the Belgian cotton industries should be lessened. As an accompaniment of general prosperity, wages from time to time may probably be advanced, just as, under influences of depression they will be reduced; but the margin of profit is always so small that a reduction of hours would take the trade hopelessly ai ray and hand it over to English and other rivals. The substance of the general opinion on this question was, “reduced time means reduced output and increased cost.” There were, howeier, exceptional instances of practical and experienced men, who had usually spent some time in England, and who entertained an opinion that reduced hours do not necessarily mean reduced work, even in the minding of a machine, and in touching upon this branch of our inquiry, it is but fair that such opinions should be given. One gentleman who had resided several years in Lanca- shire, and had devoted his life to the practical study of the cotton industry, expressed his views simply and clea‘ly to this effect. He did not believe that there was any advantage in 12 hours as worked on the Continent, over 9% as worked in England. From his own experience he had found that as much or more work is done in England in 9% hours as in Belgium in 12. The English climate and the natural stamina of the Englishman con- tributed to this result, but he was convinced that if English factories were to run 12, instead of 10 or 9%,; hours a day, although for a time there would be an increase of work, yet, in the course of 358 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: a few years, the energy and strength of the Englishman would diminish, and the quantity of work per hour would lessen. The English manufacturing population would deteriorate, and in a generation the cost of production would, in his opinion, be not one whit less than at present. On the other hand, if in Belgium the hours were reduced from 12 to 10 per day, a change would gradually come over the spirit of all their factories. The extra rest, the Saturday half-holiday, the pure air and change, par~ ticularly if accompanied with better food, would bring sunshine to the lives of their young people and strengthen the constitutions of Belgian workmen. Their physique would improve, and as stronger men they would apply themselves with extra energy to their work, and thus make up for the shorter hours. The difierence in the time would be more than compensated by the increased pace, whilst the days of the Belgian cotton operative would be lengthened, and his happiness increased. WooLLnN SPINNING AND WEAVING AT VERVIERS, BELGIUM. Woollen Probably the most remarkable of the industries of Belgium, spinning, considered in relation to its influence upon the woollen trade of Vervlel‘s' England, is the woollen yarn—spinning of Verviers. The Commis— sioners are indebted to Mr. David Sandeman, a merchant and yarn agent of large experience in Glasgow, and one of the first to offer Verviers yarn in this country, for some interesting evidence with regard to the use of this yarn in Glasgow. Reporting in 1873, he said, “ About 30 years ago the manufacturers of Glasgow “ were almost wholly supplied with woollen yarn by the spinners “ of Yorkshire. Now the very reverse is the case, they are “ mainly dependent for their woollen yarns upon the spinners of “ Belgium and the Rhenish Provinces. It is difficult to get “ reliable statistics of the proportion which the English spun yarn “ bears to the foreign, but I may venture to give an opinion, that “ not one pound of English yarn is manufactured in Glasgow for “ every hundred of foreign. The cause of this cannot be attributed “ to the Belgians and others having greater facilities for procuring “ the raw material, the wool chiefly employed in the production “ of the yarn being imported from Buenos Ayres, generally in “ British vessels, and sold by auction at Liverpool, Havre, and “ Antwerp for British account, so that our spinners can pur- “ chase it on fully as favourable terms as their competitors.” Mr. Sande— Mr. Sandeman, in reporting to the Glasgow Chamber of Com- man’s Report merce on this industry, in 1880, stated that the import of woollen M1880‘ yarn from Verviers to Great Britain “ has risen from one and a “ half million pounds in 1862 to fourteen million pounds in 187 9, “ employing about 50 spinning mills with an average of 10 sets “ of carding engines in each. The superior ‘treatment of the “ hurry and ill-conditioned wool, and which for these reasons was ‘ neglected by us, has enabled the Verviers spinners to produce 0 REPORT. 359 “ a suitable yarn at a lower price than we can do ourselves; and “ their superior skill in the preparation of this wool, has given ‘ them well nigh a monoply in the importation of it from Buenos “ Ayres, so that it is remarked that manufacturers and dealers from various countries in Europe come for supplies to Belgium where no wool is grown.” He states that it possesses no superiority over English yarn, “its low price is its chief recom- mendation.” As to the reasons for its cheap production, there are many, “their superior treatment of the hurry wool, and their long “' experience at this industry, lower wages, longer hours, in many “ cases working day and night, and being content with a small “ profit.” That the profit must have been in many instances very small, may be gathered from the following conclusion: “ I must not omit to observe that some of the spinners in Verviers “ have failed periodically, and it is only the few who have been “ been able to hold on for better times who have made money.” The Commissioners visited Verviers at the end of November 1882, and in addition to seeing the schools, inspected some of the most important factories of the town. We were also favoured by interviews with the leading industrial representatives, among whom were M. Charles Mullcndorf, President of the Chamber of Com- merce, MlVI. Hauzeur, Gerard Fils, and Peltzer, from Whom We obtained the fullest information as to the educational and industrial condition of the town. The population of Verviers is 41,692. We were informed that the hours of labour vary somewhat in the different factories. A few work 11 and 12 hours per day, increasing to 13 and 14 in times of exceptional demand, but the overwhelming proportion of the factories work 22 hours per day, in two shifts of 11% hours for the day and 10%”; for the night. They begin work at 6 in the morning and continue till 7 at night, when the second shift begins, and continues with one quarter of an hour for rest and food, until 6 a.m. The short shift is on Saturday night which is 9 hours, as the machinery stops at 4 a.m. on Sunday, to allow time for the workpeople to rest, and the engines to cool ready for the start at 6 on Monday morning. It will thus be seen that the total hours for the week are 130. life were informed that the "‘ hands” change fortnightly from the day shift to the night shift, and that the work, which is paid by piece, is shared by the two sets, who divide the product of the 22 hours. It appears that night-work is more in favour than day-work, because it gives an opportunity for those who are supposed to rest during the day, to work in their gardens and carry on other operations on their own account As to the employment of children, there is no factory law, but by agreement among the employers, children are not generally admitted to the factory under 12, and the feeling of employers, we were told, is against child labour. They are of opinion that very early work tends to check the growth of children, and causes them to be stunted and weakly through life, and that it is better that before 12 they should have as much fresh air and schooling as possible. A few years ago an inquiry was made as to the A C‘ ‘6 Interviews with leading men. Hours of labour. Employment of children. 360 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: \Vages, Vcrvier’s. number of children of tender years that were employed in factories, and it was discovered that in the whole district only 51 under 12 were employed. Probably the number at present employed under 12 is smaller. There is no organised short-time system, and children are employed without any outside restric- tions, but many employers of their own accord allow children above 12 to attend school during work hours. From our inquiries, we gathered that the children take their share with the men and Women at night work as well as day work. Wages are paid fortnightly and by piece. The maximum for men spinners is about 3s. 6d. per day. Women at spinning, about 2s. a day. Carders and drawers, boys and girls at varied occu- pations, proportionately less. Weavers (men), earn from 25. to 2s. 9d. per day, women from ls. 6a’. to 28. 6d., often as much as men, the rate being the same. Finishers, &c. (men) from 25. 3d. » to 28. 6d. per day. We were told that wages do not seriously Machinery. Absence of trades’ unions. Cloth weaving, &c. Care in removm g defects. fluctuate, and that during the last few years the tendency has been upwards, without any intermediate lowering. Employers wished us to understand that in periods of temporary depression they do not low er the wages, and they also admitted that in ordinary good times they do not advance them ; generally speak- ing, labour is plentiful. ' There is no speciality in the machinery. Many of the carding engines are made in Verviers, and some in England, but the spinning machinery in the best factories has been made in Eng— land, and is considered superior to any continental woollen machinery. There are no trades’ unions either among masters or men, and in all cases, difficulties between employers and employed are settled without outside dictation or influence. No employer knows what wages his neighbour pays, and the workpeople know very little about the wages paid at the different factories. There is not much migration among the “hands,” but it is supposed that the general rate of wages for the same work is fairly uniform throughout the district. About fifteen years ago there was a small strike, but it was not general and lasted only a very short. time. In one of the large weaving establishments we saw the weaving and finishing of cloth made from yarns from Buenos Ayres. The manufacturer informed us that he sends very little of it to England, but that it competes with English cloth in all the markets of the world. Many varieties and colours are made, but there are no designs of so complicated a character as to 1equire the employment of high class artists. There were no figured or floral patterns, but checks, stripes, twills, and combinations of colour without end. From Paris all the new patterns in English and French cloths are regularly obtained, and these are copied or adapted in a cheap form. He did not pretend to make the best goods, but imitations of high class goods in a cheap form. Judging from the amount of “perching,” renovating, and per- fecting the pieces after they had left the looms, there was a REPORT. 361 strong desire to turn out superior work. In one room in a large factory, we counted 65 women engaged in the above opera- tions, and we heard of many others whom we did not see, who were similarly employed. We calculated that in this factory each dozen looms found employment for a couple of “ menders.” The gentlemen with whom we conversed were very enthusiastic about education as a help to industry. They spoke of the Professional School as having been exceedingly u~eful in im- proving the education of the sons of employers, and many of the foremen of works. They have been profoundly impressed by the textile, dyeing, and chemical departments of_ the school, and their influence upon their staple industry. Not content, however, with the Professional School, which cost 20,0002., and is assisted by an annual grant of 8852., and which has a week day attendance of 348 and on Sundays of 170 students, all free, they have in projection a special school, called l’Ecole Manufacturiere, for the promotion of spinning and manufacturing. This school is esti- mated to cost from 20,0002. to 24,000L, towards which the employers have promised 6,0001, the rest to be supplied by the State and municipality. The budget of maintenance sub— mitted to the municipality shows an annual requirement of 1,9112. for this school alone, and, coupled with the professional school, of 2,7161. a year. The annual budget for the public instruction of 6,748 pupils is 10,9001. The President of the Chamber of Commerce remarked to us that their chief hope in maintaining pre-eminence as spinners and manufacturers, rested on the superiority, not the cheapness, of their productions. They \\ ere conscious of their present supe- riority in woollen spinning, or it would not be possible to send so large a proportion of their products to England. How to maintain their position was the constant study of all the employers in the district. They felt that they could not push cheap production any further. In excellence and good management thev were probably unrivalled, but cheap production was as much” within the reach of their competitors as of themselves. They believed that educated labour and technical skill, (combined with low wages), Were the soundest elements to rely upon in the future, because they promoted excellence, inventiveness, enterprise. and all the qualities required in a progressive industry. It appeared to the Commissioners remarkable that a communitv of woollen spinners and manufacturers, whose industrial success can scarcely be said to have been influenced bv education, should be so zealous in their promotion of special instruction in science and art A8 to the influence of the Professional School upon the local industries, we are not able to give an opinion. It may be said that the treatment of the hurry wool by Chemical action, which in the first instance gate almost a monopoly of the use of Buenos Ayres wool to Verviers spinners, was due to the scientific knowledge of the pioneers of the trade. Whether this knowledoe was obtained in schools, or was the outcome of practical experienttie Belief in technical schools. Views of the President of the Chamber _ of Commerce. Influence of Professional School. 362 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2. Gharacter of the Verviers manufacturers. The effects of the Industrial School. Long hours and nightwork in woollen trade. .‘ in works, was not explained to us. Its importance, however, zan- not be minimised, for it lies at the root of the industrial develop- ment of Verviers ; but, except in this one particular, it does not seem that science or art, or general literary culture, has done much for the local industries. Docile, industrious, and painstaking labourers,—-working at a very low rate of wages, unrestricted as to hours, either by factory acts or considerations of health or comfort,--—seem, at first sight, to account almost entirely for the cheap production of Verviers yarns. But labour equally cheap may be had in many other towns and countries in Europe, and therefore, however important cheap labour may be, it needs to be allied to other important factors in order to be thoroughly effective. In this connection we must not overlook the men at the head of the Verviers industries. Speaking generally, they are men of education, who have also been thoroughly trained in all the details of their business. They are intimately acquainted with every- thing that their rivals in other countries are doing; they buy the best machinery wherever it may be obtained; they seek out markets, however distant, for their productions, and appoint enter- prising agents to push their business. They organise their labour so as to make it economical and effective, and study the wants of those to whom they sell. A Professional School in Verviers, taking into account the industrial conditions of the town, can only reach a handful of the population. But, as was observed to us, if this handful represent the “cream” of the rising generation of employers’ sons, or ambitious young workmen who know their deficiencies, and are anxiously seeking for improvement, sacrifices for its promotion are more than justified. The influence of a clever overlooker pervades a whole factory, and improvements such as thoughtful and observant men bring about, are often suflieient to give one firm an advantage over another. It was represented to us that the Verviers spinners feel all this, and promote the school as one of the best agencies by which their several industries may be improved and kept abreast of the times. In conversations as to the influence of long hours and night- and-day-work on the cost of production, conflicting opinions were expressed. The preponderance of opinion was, however, in favour of the economy of the two-shifts system. The matter was explained in this fashion. The fixed expenses, rent, rates, taxes, interest, &c. are the same for 11 hours as for 22. As for extra depreciation, it is an advantage to wear out machinery rapidly, as the employer is thereby enabled to improve it by frequent renewals. It was affirmed by some, that to close the works for 12 hours out of the 24 would be tantamount to closing them altogether, for already the profits are so small that without night work there would be a positive and permanent loss. One of the largest employers, not in Verviers only but in Belgium, informed us that in opposition to the pre- vailing opinion, he had come to the conclusion that there was no REPORT. 363 advantage in night work, and had discontinued it in his factories. No man was more conversant with all the advantages, which, according to him, were more apparent than real, of night work. He had tried the 22 hours system as thoroughly as his competitors, and he had also tried the 11 hours system, with this result, that upon the whole, he preferred working one shift of 11 or 12 hours a day with one set of hands, rather than two shifts with two sets of hands. lVitl. two shifts there is always a difficulty about piece work, in fixing the responsibility between the night hand and the day hand, and in weaving, the difficulty is increased. The breakages and faults occur mostly at night; less work is done at night, and the cost of gas is a serious item. Further, our informant added, neither men, women, nor children can keep up their energies in a close, impure, and unchanging atmosphere; fresh air is as requisite for sustaining active life under hard work as good food, and the conditions necessarily accompanying the 22 hours system, tell unfavourably upon the workers and depreciate the value of the work. As we have already explained, the enormous output of yarn in this busy town is nearly all exported. A large quantity is sent to France and Germany, in spite of the duty and the low price of labour in those countries, but the major portion, fully 65 per cent. of the produce of all the spinning mills, is sent to Great Britain, mainly to Glasgow. As the “flooding of English markets” by this extensive production of yarn, valued at not less than 1,000,000l. annually, has for some time attracted considerable attention, it may not be out of place to give a few facts relating to it, from the standpoint of British spinners and manufacturers. On the visit of the Commissioners to Glasgow in the spring of 1883, several gentlemen thoroughly conversant with the subject were consulted, and a visit was paid to Galashiels with a view of obtaining correct information, and comparing the Scotch and the Belgian yarns and systems of spinning. It was ascertained, that what is known as the “B. A.” yarn from Verviers, so largely imported into the Glasgow district, is not made in the Galashiels district, or in Glasgow, or, as far as our informants knew, in England. As before explained, the yarn is made almost entirely from Buenos Ayres wools of the hurry type. These“ B. A.” wools at the present time, are mainly sold in Antwerp and Havre, and English buyers go to Antwerp for them, because they cannot find the same choice in London or Liverpool. Many years ago, when “ B. A." wools were first brought to England, they were neglected by English spinners. The “burr” kept them out of use, and no English carders grappled with the difficulty of ex— tracting it. As the wool was grown, so it was exported and offered for sale, and although almost given away, it was shunned by all buyers, while wools of similar quality, but free from the obnoxious “burr,” fetched high prices. After a time the wool was experimented upon by the Belgians, who by chemical knowledge, hit upon a process of extracting the “ burr ;” thus making a yarn very much cheaper for the quality than any offered by Yarn nearly all exported. Belgian yarn in Glasgow. 364'! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Extraction of the burr. Belgians have specially organised mills for hurry wool. Carding pro- CGSS. l’rofit of spinning re- latively small. English com- petition with Belgium not practicable in ~‘ RA.” yarns. English or Scotch spinners. There was no British yarn like it, and for a time it did not find favour. But its cheapness made an opening for it, and gradually it began to take its place among recognised qualities. For extracting the burr, the wool is usually put through a “ burring machine ” which clears away much of the burr and much of the wool with it. The burry wool is then steeped in a solution of sulphuric acid, which chars the burr, without destroying the wool. The wool thus recovered is either used for inferior spinnings, or is mixed with other wool in small proportions. Belgian mills and machinery have been organised for dealing with this wool (which is nearly all spun to one count), and although for the last 20 years they have had a monopoly of the trade, and have been able during that time to run their mills night and day, and procure workpeople at wages very much lower than in England and Scotland; yet it was stated to be very doubtful, whether during that time, the Belgian spinners have prospered more than English and Scotch spinners of woollen yarns. With regard to the machinery employed, it was stated that the carding operations are not the same in Verviers as in Galashiels, and that the machinery employed at either place could not efi'ecticely make the class of yarn of the other. The temptation to make the necessary alterations has never yet been so great as to induce any Galashiels spinners to compete with, and imitate, the “B. A.” yarns of Verviers. In reality, the two branches of trade are separate and distinct, and each yarn has its special uses. The Scotch yarns are used for milled goods, the Belgian yarns for zmmz'lled goods. One of our informants had for many years been in the habit of comparing the margin between the price of Buenos Ayres wool and Verviers yarn, and the margin between Australian and Cape wools, and English and Scotch yarn. For some time past he had noticed that the margin between the price of the raw wool and the yarn, was relatively smaller in the case of the Belgian than in the British yarn, and therefore he concluded that the position of the Belgian spinners was relatively not better than that of the Scotch spinners. At the same time, our informants held the opinion, based upon frequent visits to Belgian factories, that we in this country could not successfully compete with the Verviers spinners in the pro— duction of “ B. A.” yarns. The lower wages and longer hours of labour gave advantages to their rivals which Galashiels spinners could not expect to overcome. We were informed in Glasgow of spinners who had been moved, by the enormous import of Belgian yarn, to master the Belgian processes, and had made yarns almost the same, but had found the manufacture very unprofitable. They had, therefore, turned their attention to other wools, making a yarn not exactly like the Belgian, but similar. The yarn is more costly, but it is more valuable to the user, and commands a higher price. In some instances it has supplanted Verviers yarn, and its introduction has compelled the REPORT. 36 0 . Verviers spinners to lower their prices. Broadly speaking, how- ever, the fact remains that, in the spinning of “ B. A.” yarns, the position of the Verviers spinners is unassailable. ‘While upon this question of Belgian yarn, it may not be undesirable to record the opinions, which we quote impartially, of Glasgow merchants and manufacturers, respecting its use in Glasgow. It was stated to us by one gentleman of large experience, and confirmed by others, that the introduction of Verviers yarn had been the salvation of the textile industry of Glasgow. As to the question of these yarns being made by Glasgow spinners, it was considered to be rather a good thing that they did not make them. There is no organised labour in Glasgow so indifferently paid, as the labour of Verviers. To make these yarns a number of people, who at present earn more than they could get for spinning, would require to neglect the better paid occupations. If the spinners of these yarns in Glasgow were to be paid at the rate of other employment for which they are qualified, unless cheaper methods of production were introduced, the yarns would be dearer than at present, and Glasgow manufactures would have less chance of making a profit by them. Probably the result would be that the Verviers people would turn their attention more to the conversion of their own yarns into cloth, and thus compete more successfully with Glasgow in manufacturing than at present. Our informants supported their statements by old illustrations, which may not unfittingly be repeated, to the effect that trades be- come organised and concentrated in certain localities, often through accidental circumstances. By concentration they secure advantages which it is difl'icult for new competitors to overcome, even where material conditions may appear to be more favourable. It is in this way that Lancashire is at the head of the world in the cheap production of cotton goods, although wages are higher than in any part of Europe. In the same way Bradford has largely monopolised the mixed worsteds, alpacas, &c.; Notting- ham the lace trade, Galashiels and Hawick the tweed trade, and Verviers the “B. A.” yarns. The hours and wages in each of these localities are secondary to other conditions which give pre- eminence to the particular industries. Wons'rnn SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING.——LOTH, BELGIUM. Through the courtesy of M. Parmentier, of Brussels, who ac- companied us, we visited, on November 18th, 1882, the large and important worsted manufaetory of La Société Anonyme de Loth, built and organised more than 20 years ago as a “Belgian Brad- ford.” Machinery from that town was imported, English capital and directing skill were extensively employed, and goods precisely similar to those of Bradford were manufactured. Labour was obtained at a price very much lower than was paid in England, Use of Ver- viers yarns 1n Glasgow. Rather an advantage than otherwise that manufacture is confined to Verviers. Trades become localised for varous reasons. Visit to worsted manu- factory at LOtll. History of works. 366 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Articles manu- factured at Loth, Belgium. Machinery. there were no restrictive Factory Acts or regulations as to the employment of children, the carriage of raw material was less from London to Loth than from London to Bradford; the import duty on English goods acted as a protection, and thus the general economic advantages seemed to be all in favour of the proprietors of this factory. Experience has shown, however, that in the working of the concern, with its many departments, the favourable calculations of its promoters were not all realised, and that against certain advantages there were disadvantages which adversely affected the cost of production. The fiscal modifications following on the passing of the French treaty became less prohibitive of English goods entering Belgium and other Continental markets, while the increased demand for labour gradually raised its cost, although the wages were always below those of England. It may, therefore, be stated that, in spite of all the attractive conditions which outwardly have favoured these works from the beginning, their prosperity has not largely exceeded that of rival establishments of the same character in England. During the last few years a new department, namely, the spinning of fine yarns on the mule system, has been added to the factories. We were met at the railway station, which is close to the works, by M. Schafer, the director, who conducted us over the several departments of combing, spinning, weaving, dyeing, and finishing, and freely answered alli our inquiries. In this estab- lishment we had the exceptional opportunity of inspecting the French and English systems of worsted spinning, side by side with each other. The chief products of manufacture are what are known as Italian cloths, merinos, and other wool and mixed fabrics, and worsted yarns for weaving, knitting, and hosiery purposes. There are 44 combing machines, of which 27 are adapted only for fine short wools. These machines were all made in Alsace on the Heilman principle. There are also 17 combs for medium and long wools, all made in England, nine of which are Lister’s “nip combs,” and eight Noble’s. In the medium and long wools, the preparing machinery is of Yorkshire make, while that for the fine Botany wools is on the “rubbing” system, and made in Alsace. For spinning there are two large factories, the older one containing 10,000 spindles of cap and flyer from Bradford and Keighley ; the new mill being fitted with self-acting mules, numbering 15,000 spindles, on the French system, and made in Alsace. A handsome shed contains over 1,000 power looms, most of which have been supplied by a Keighley maker. There are also the buildings and necessary machinery for dyeing and finishing the whole of the production of pieces and yarns manu- factured on the premises. The motive power is supplied by three engines ; two, of 200 and 250 horse-power respectively, are horizontal ; the third, of 800 horse-power, is a magnificent Corliss REPORT. 367 valve beam engine, made by Van der Kerchove of Ghent; making a gross total of 1,250 horse-power. Connected with the largest of these engines is a belt, made by a Yorkshire firm, which drives the mill and shed, and is claimed to be the widest in existence, being 72 inches wide. In the several departments, 1,4100 workpeople are employed above the age of 14. The Company are large owners of cottages, which they let at Cottages for‘ low rentals; 200 are occupied by the ordinary operatives, and workpeople- about 30, more commodious than the rest, are reserved for managers, overlookers, clerks, &c. There are five schools connected with the works, namely, a Schools. kindergarten, a superior school for the children of the more highly paid employés, a mixed school, and two schools for boys and girls, children of the ordinary workpeople. For the spiritual care of the community there is a priest Chapel. attached to the factory, who performs religious services in a chapel built by the Company. There is a sick club and benefit society, towards which a Sick club- deduction of two per cent. is made from the wages of the operatives. For this consideration, among other advantages, a medical man attends to the sick without fees. As in most of the worsted factories in France and Germany, Hours of the operatives here work 12 hours a day, or 72 per week. They 131mm‘- begin work at 5.45 am. and continue till 7 p.m., with an interval of one hour and a quarter for meals. There are no Factory Acts and no half-timers. There is no limit to the age at which children can be admitted to the factory, or as to the hours which they may work. \Ve were informed, however, that it is quite exceptional to employ children under 14, and we certainly did not see any that seemed to be below that age. They consider that children, until that age, are too young to be really useful. The wages of carders (girls and women) average from ls. 9d. Wages. to 28. per day ; strippers (men) from 28. lid. to 28. 861.; preparers and finishers (girls and women) 18. 7d. to 28. ; spinners (throstle and cap) about 18. 7d. per day; dofl‘ers, &c., a little less. The above, who mind the English machines, are paid by day; the workers in the new mill (mule spinning, &c.) are paid by piece. For a pair of mules the head spinner earns as much as 5.9. to 58. 6d. a day, and is assisted by four helpers (boys) at from 90?. to 18. 2d. a day each. Weavers earn from 28. to 38. 6d. aday by piece. A few years ago all the heads of departments were English ; at the present time there are no English employed on the premises. In conversing with the director and other officials, some Competition _ interesting evidence was obtained as to the relative cost of pro- with England’ ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Causes of de- pression in the woollen manu- facture. Factories compete with field labour. duction in the worsted industries in Belgium and in England, with which latter these gentlemen were familiar. It will be remem— bered that during the depression which a few years ago visited with great severity the long wool industry in England, it was frequently stated that the worsted trade in this country was being ruined by foreign competition ; that in consequence of the high wages being paid in Bradford and other towns for 56%; hours’ work as against lower wages that were being paid for 72 hours’ work of the same kind in other countries, the trade had simply been transferred from England to the competing towns on the Continent. Such statements could not easily be disproved, because, on the one hand, the fact was undisputed that great depression prevailed in certain branches of the wool trade in England, and it was also known that certain wool industries in some districts on the Continent were flourishing The facts, as elsewhere explained in this report, referred to two branches of the same industry, which are separate and distinct, although known by a common name. The question of cheaper Continental labour had very little to do with the matter, as may be shown from the experience of this factory, where they have both these branches, namely, those of long and short wools, combining the special features of Bradford on the one hand, and of Roubaix on the other. We were informed that when the depression fell upon the long wool industry at Bradford, it fell with equal severity upon the long wool industry at Loth. In spite of longer hours and lower wages, they were unable to keep their machinery going, and their export of lustre and long wool yarns had to be almost given up. On being asked why certain spinning frames were standing, the director significantly remarked, “ It is im- “ possible for us to run our machinery at a profit while Bradford “ is sick.” The opinion was expressed that in spinning on cap and flyer frames, the Belgians cannot successfully compete with Bradford in the neutral markets, even with 12 hours a day against nine and a half. An equally strong opinion was expressed that under existing conditions it is Well nigh impossible for Bradford to compete with France and Belgium in mule spinning, because in the wool spinning districts of France and Belgium the operatives have been brought up to mule spinning, just as in Bradford the children are trained to spin at the flyer or cap frame. To be effectively managed, the mule must be minded by men and boys, who are stronger, more suitably clad, and have more “ staying power” than women. In France and Belgium the factory competes for labour with the field, and the wages paid to men are not materially higher than those paid to women. In Bradford it is not so. The men work in machine shops, warehouses, dyehouses, &c., and in such works obtain very much higher wages, as a rule, than are paid to ordinary factory operatives. Then, in addition to the question of wages, comes the question of hours, which Bradford must meet under the disadvantage of having the mule system to learn, against REPORT. 369 trained hands elsewhere, employed at much lower wages than Bradford men are likely to accept. With regard to weaving, it was stated that the rate paid per Weaving- LOOU picks is similar to the rate for the same class of goods in England. One of the oflicials, of large experience in England and other countries, declared that English weavers get through quite as much work in nine and a half hours as the Loth weavers in 12. In the dyeing department we were introduced to the foreman, Dyeing. a German chemist, who as a youth studied in the Polytechnic at Dresden. He has worked in some of the dyehouses of Brad- ford and Halifax. He is of opinion that in routine work, with which the men are familiar. the English dyers are as good as any he has seen, but there is a great lack of chemical knowledge “hint of even among the foremen and managers of English dyehouses, Zhemllidal e in and thus, even in dealing with new colours and new effects, Egg“? they are compelled to rely on “ rule of thumb ” experience, which J is often at fault. In this respect they are far behind the Germans. He spoke very favourably of the influence of dyeing schools organised as schools of applied chemistry. He had no faith in schools in which the students are not first taught chemistry, which is the groundwork of dyeing. He is convinced that, with equal advantages in scientific training, the English will fully equal the French and the Germans in the practical application of all dyeing processes. Mr. Schafer acknowledged the value of dyeing schools, within the same limits as any Value of other schools. It had, however, been his misfortune to come in Schools‘ contact with several young men who have attended such schools, whose knowledge has been of no value, because they have not known how to apply it. “ There is a tendency in school “ teaching to aim at certain ends, without considerations of “ economy in the means. A man may dye beautifully, but if “ he cannot make the dyeing pay, his knowledge possesses no “ commercial value. In this respect the diploma men are often “ unsatisfactory.” In going over these works, and particularly in the weaving Apprarancc 0t shed, we were struck by the clean, tidy, and healthy looks of WOIkPQOIflQ: the workers. In the combing and long~wool departments the ot 1' women were mostly barefooted, yet fairly clean, and as heathy in looks as in an English factory. Generally the men and women were somewhat stunted in size, and in this respect would not compare with operatives whom we saw in a similar factory in Austrla. In spite of the favourable appearance of the workpeople, we litemperaacc. were sorry to ascertain that here, as in other parts of Belgium, the drinking of spirits prevails to a large extent. Any person may open a drink shop on payment of a small license, and the increase in the means of obtaining intoxicating liquors has led to their increased use. Throughout our tour in Belgium we Ri1726. A A 370 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Visit to the works of the Société Oockerill. scarcely saw any cases of drunkenness, yet we were frequently informed that among the unskilled. workpeople the scale of living is very low, and spirit-drinking prevalent; that there is dense ignorance among the older people, who in past times have been greatly neglected; that the reason why drunkenness is not more common and more visible arises partly from poverty, and partly from the fact that they have no leisure excepting on the Sunday, but that in too many instances the Sunday indulgence unfits them for vigorous and sustained work on the Monday. Education and civilization are so unequal in different parts of Belgium that we found very variable testimony as to the moral and social conditions of the people. THE WoRKs or THE SOCIETE OooKEmLL, SERAING. The Commissioners visited the works of the Société Cockerill, at Seraing, near Liege, on November 12, 1882, and, in the absence of M. Sadoine, the general director, we were most courteously received and conducted over the various departments of the works by M. Greiner, director of the steel department. As is well known, the works were founded by John Gockerill, a Lancashire man, in 1817. ‘It is said that in the beginning of his career, Oockerill,—-who, besides possessing indomitable energy and perseverance, was a thoroughly skilled workman,—~ assisted by his son, did all the forging, turning, and fitting of the little shop, the son often having to turn by hand the lathe or drill at which the father worked. At that time the population of Seraing was under 2,000; it is now 50,000, including the adjacent villages. As Cockerill prospered, he purchased the old palace of the Prince-Bishops of Liege, which he transformed into a workshop, eventually roofing over one of the courtyards, which now does duty as an erecting shop. The ofiices for the clerks and draughtsmen are situated in the original palace, the oflice of the director forming a part of a large quadrangle, which is ornamented in the centre by an imposing fountain with four bronze figures of brawny artisans. We were informed that the works, including some of the mines, now cover over 250 acres, and give employment to from 9,000 to 10,000 men, to whom 4100,000l. a year are paid in wages. The company possess 280 stationary engines, with motive-power equal to 12,000 horses, and they consume 1,000 tons of coal and coke per day. In addition to steel rails, which they export to all parts of the world, boiler plates, and other kinds of steel and wrought iron, I they are able to produce each year 100 locomotives, 70 stationary and marine engines, 10,000 tons of iron bridges, girders, boilers, &c., and 14 iron ships, besides general machinery, steel guns, hydraulic cranes, and many other kinds of ironwork. Excepting, perhaps, the factory of Le Creuzot, in France, these works are unrivalled throughout the world for the variety of their produc- tions. REPORT. 371 For the purpose of making our tour of the works, we were Special car conducted by Mr. Greiner to a handsome tramcar, drawn by a and engine- steam engine, which started at the reception room of the ofiices. We skirted the machine works, ascending by an incline a huge mound of furnace scoria, forming no inconsiderable mountain in this valley of the Meuse, a monument of the labour, capital, and material represented in its production. On approaching the top, we alighted at the collieries, about half-a-mile from the offices. The coal shafts are about 2,000 feet deep, the cages being worked by powerful and handsome engines, the whole enclosed by buildings of a permanent and substantial character. In these respects the pits’ mouths and banks presented a striking contrast to those of England, where the gearing and ropes in their passage from the engine to the pit head are usually in the open air. The ventilation, as usual in Belgium, is by exhausting fans, and we noted a large barometer in close proximity to the indicating clock. which latter shows the speed of the ventila- ting engine. The barometer is constantly under the eye of the engineer in charge, and whenever it is depressed, the ,speed of the ventilating fan is immediately increased, so that the in- creased development of explosive gas, due to diminished atmos- pheric pressure, may be as far as possible balanced by increased ventilation. While we stood near to one of these shafts, two of the Government inspectors and the underground manager were brought to the surface. They showed us their safety lamps, and two of the Commissioners had an interesting conversation with them on the relative merits of different forms of safety lamp. Generally these mines have been free from accidents of a serious character, but two years ago there was a terrible explosion, when 62 men were killed. The coal from one of the shafts was landed and delivered to coke ovens on the same level as the tops of the blast furnaces adjoining, which they supply, thus avoiding, so far as this portion of the coke is concerned, any band labour except for moving the trucks on the level. The coke ovens were of the Coppée pattern, producing about 75 per cent. of coke from the coal. The labour of dragging and pushing the coal trucks along the viaduct from the top of the shaft to the top of the furnace was performed by women, who seemed robust and healthy. We were informed that the Seraing Company do not employ women underground, and that the rough and exhausting work in which we saw them engaged is voluntarily selected by them. To debar them from it would deprive many strong and able- bodied women from a livelihood, and tend to raise the cost of production by limiting the supply of labourers. Coal mines. Coke ovens. In the Charleroi district little girls go into the pits and take Women em- their share of the rough work with the boys. continue employment at collieries through life, but female labour is becoming less and less common. Although there is no Many of them P1f>yedin mmes at Charleroi. A A 2 372 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 School for m1ners,Sera1n g. Wages. Blast furnaces. Men paid by weight of steel made. ‘ law against the employment of females underground, the public sentiment of the country has risen against it in the Liege basin. They are, however, commonly employed on the banks screening, dressing, washing, and moving the coal. There is an evening school for miners connected with the works, which is attended by about 130 boys, all of whom, in addition to elementary subjects, are taught the elementary prin- ciples of mining and the nature of the gases which so constantly imperil the lives of the pitmen. Three large firms have started similar schools, and, so convinced are the rest of the colliery proprietors of their importance, that schools of the same character are being established in all the coal districts. The wages of miners are paid by the ten, and they earn on an average about 38. per day; banksmen earn about 28. 6d. per day; women on the banks at tramwork, 8m. earn about 1s. 8d. per day. The miners and the men and women on the banks, work in two shifts of eight hours a day each. Near the mines are almshouses and an orphanage for widows and children of miners who have been killed or disabled at their work. The institutions are maintained by the subscriptions of the miners and by large subsidies from the company. From the pit head we were taken in the steam tramcar up a further incline to the summit of the huge mound of scoriae, where we found ourselves on a level with the tops of a set of four new blast furnaces. The ore which was being smelted is imported from Bilbao, in Spain. The trucks from the railway, without being unloaded, are brought by locomotives to the top of the mound, where the contents are ready for being discharged with the greatest ease and economy of labour, directly into the furnaces. We descended by an iron staircase to the foot of the latter, where some of the iron was being run into moulds for pigs, and the remainder conveyed in a molten state to the Bessemer converters for steel making. The spectroscope is employed with great advantage in indicating the precise moment when the con- version is so far completed that the metal is ready for the addition of the Spiegel, thus dispensing with the ordinary practice of arresting the blowing while “proofs” are being taken. All the work in this department was being carried on with precision and order, and the arrangements of the casting pits were very practical and complete. The men work in gangs, and are paid by weight, according to scale, each in accordance with the importance and difiiculty of his work. Heaters earn about 58. 6d; rollers, 68. per day; blowers and pourers of the metal average about 41s.; the labourers who assist, and remove the ingots, are paid about 28. 6d. per day. The activity of the groups of men clustered at this point may be inferred from the fact that they make and nnroar. 373 pass forward to the next department upwards of 350 tons of steel per day. The foundry is very large, well lighted and ventilated. A Foundry- remarkable feature in the foundry was the excellence of the very large and complicated loam castings. In this department we were informed that the wages are from 48. 6d. to 58. for the men, and from 9d. to 18. per day for the boys. The fitting and turning shop, and the engine-erecting shop Mechanical are of corresponding proportions to the other branches of the W‘)I'kShOP- works, and it may be sufficient to say of them that they are arranged with a view to economy and efficiency, and that nothing seemed to be wanting in the way of tools and ap- plicances for doing work on a large scale, and doing it well. Great cleanliness pervades the whole works. We were informed that the director complains if a paving—stone be out of its place. He will walk over the works observing everything, and if a pane of glass is broken, or a few drops of oil are running from the neck of a shaft, and dropping on to the floor, the responsible person is reminded of these things. In the steel department alone they spend 1201,. a year on besoms. The mechanics, all of whom are paid by piece, earn as follows: boiler makers, about 38. 3d. per day; fitters, 2s. 9d. to 38. ; smiths, 2s. 3d. to 38. 6d. ; labourers, 28. 6d. The drawing office of an establishment turning out so much Draughtsmen. ‘original, varied, and. complicated work, is necessarily a depart- ment of importance. Upwards of 100 draughtsmen are em— ployed, of whom the head is an Austrian, who received the theoretical training of an engineer in the Polytechnic School at Vienna. At least 25 of the draughtsmen are Germans, Swiss, and Austrians, who have gone through Polytechnic or other technical schools. The rest are nearly all Belgians, some of whom have attended the University at Liege. One of the managers stated that when he was a boy, the leading engineers in iron and machine works everywhere on the con- tinent were Englishmen. They were engaged at high salaries because of their practical—knowledge of work and workshop re- quirements, and it had been a custom to select them from the works of rival English firms of eminence, so that they might learn the secrets of English skill, and copy English methods. Since that time they have found that the English, though practical, are not scientific; they bring with them no advantages to compensate for the high salaries they require, and they are now seldom engaged. Although at one time several Englishmen held leading positions in these works, beginning with the founder, he was not aware that a single Englishman is at present employed in the entire works. The company do not sell much of their produce in England, Competition of but elsewhere in all tenders for machinery, engines, or raw iron England- and steel, their chief competitor is England. In everything they 374! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Principles of management, Seraing. Apprentices. Division of labour. make, they take England as their guide and as their rival, and they are compelled to fix corresponding prices on all their pro- ducts. They buy from England every tool that tends to cheapen production, and they watch the progress of English inventions and appliances as if England were situated across the river. We were informed that although all the departments 01 these vast works are connected with each other under one head, they are commercially distinct. The colliery manager sells his coal at the best price he can get for it. If the smelters and steam users of the establishment will not give as much for it as out— siders, he passes them over and sells to outsiders. In the same way, if these coal users can buy cheaper and better coal outside, they do so, and compel their own coal manager to work “ close to the nail.” This method keeps all the departments up to the mark, and prevents them, in times of depression, from blaming each other for want of success. They all clearly understand, however, that the interests of the shareholders are best promoted by the harmonious working of all the departments, and this is secured by the supervision of the general director. During our tour of the works we had interesting conversations with Mr. Greiner and others respecting the training of appren- tices, the division of labour, the education and general condition of the operatives, and other questions relating to this inquiry. As in the other great works visited in continental countries, boys are not admitted to the works under 141 years of age, and they are not bound for any period, or for any definite employ- ment, or salary. There is no fixed age, when a boy finishes his so- called apprenticeship and becomes a journeyman. When a boy comes to the works he is put to some simple occupation, and paid by piece. The question of passing a boy forward is settled in accordance with the simple principles on which the works are conducted. They endeavour in everything to secure the best possible results by the most economical and. efiicient means. The dull boy is put to routine work, and kept at it ; the intel- ligent, quick boy, is put to the work that requires brain-power and skill. In both cases their plan is mutually satisfactory. Division of labour is universal. Many men learn to do one thing and no other. It would not be to their interest to take a boy or a man from a machine, or from some kind of Work which he manages well, and to put him to another kind of work which he would have to learn. Time and money would be lost during the process of learning, and neither master nor workman is prepared for the sacrifice. Almost universally a man prefers the work at which he can earn most money; call it a trade or only the tenth part of a trade, it is all the same to him, and any change of employment that would lower his wages, would certainly cause him to complain. Thus the apprenticeship system of former days no longer exists, and the division of labour, whatever may be its effect upon the general capacity of in- REPORT. 375 dividual men, is pushed to quite as great an extreme here as in the large workshops in England. On the question of the scientific and technical instruction of Mental young men, there were no two opinions among all those with trammg‘ whom we conversed. The managers of all the departments con- sider that next to the best possible tools and appliances for their work, the most important factor is the technical knowledge of their men. In order to promote this knowledge they take great interest in the schools. Attendance at night schools is not com- pulsory, and they complained that many youths were apathetic and lacking in desire for improvement, but there was an un- doubted superiority on the part of those who applied themselves to theoretical studies. When asked whether the naturally in- telligent and studious youths would not surpass the dullards, even without attendance at night schools, the reply was that night schools were especially useful in developing and culti- vating the natural faculties of the more intelligent young men. It was argued that dull apprentices were improved by education, but that intelligent apprentices were doubly improved by it, and that therefore, looking at the question from the point of yiew of the employers, it was more important to educate the quick boys than the dull ones. We have already alluded to the school for miners, attended by School for 180 boys. There is also an industrial school, resembling the Immers- school at Liege, in which there are 100 students in the pre- paratory section, and 270 in the industrial school proper. In addition to the technical and special schools, there are adult Adult night night schools connected with the works and the town of Seraing, schools‘ which are attended by from 1,800 to 2,000 students, varying from boys to middle-aged men. Whatever disappointment there may be that the educational provision is not taken advantage of as it ought to be, these numbers indicate a considerable desire for instruction among the men, and reflect credit on the heads of the departments who encourage the young men under them to attend the night schools. Mr. Greiner strongly urges all young men in his department (steel) to attend such evening classes as are suited to their abilities and requirements. A monthly list of attendances is submitted to him, and in cases of absence he demands to know the reason why. In instances of wilful neglect of instruction, and repeated absence, without cause, he has dis- missed young men from his employment altogether. Happily, in requiring the attendance of apprentices, he has the co-operation of parents. The night schools are free. It was stated, that in pushing education indiscriminately Danger of_a amongst young men, there is a danger to be guarded against. little 163mm?’ Many who find that they know a little more than their com- panions, become conceited and spoiled. They have an impres- sion, that because they know something of mathematics and 376 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION I Societies for recreation. Serain g. Lecture on electricity. 'I‘ra des‘ unions. (Jo-operative stores. Sobriety. algebra, and can draw a machine, that therefore they ought'to have their wages advanced or be promoted to foremen. This feeling becomes less prevalent year by year, because the, higher attainments among the young men are becoming more common. Time and experience correct the ambitious fancies of many of these young men, and the young fellows who get promotion, or take higher situations elsewhere, are those who excel in the class rooms as well as in the workshop. There are several societies established by the employers, for the purpose of promoting good fellowship and amusement. Amongst these are musical societies with brass bands, and orchestral bands of stringed and reed instruments. The work- men join in these entertainments. They have, every winter, weekly lectures in the largest room in the town, given by the heads of departments in the works, by scientific and literary men from the University of Liege, and by popular lecturers from different parts of Belgium. Mr. Greiner was advertised to give a lecture in the following week on the “ Industrial Applications of Electricity,” and he felt confident that he would have a large and appreciative audience, composed chiefly of workmen. Twenty-four lectures were to be given during the winter (1882-3). Musical and literary enter- tainments, analogous to the penny readings so popular in some parts of England at one time, have also been introduced. The music and readings are supplied by the workmen, and the meetings are often presided over by the departmental directors, or by leading residents unconnected with the works. There are also gymnastic clubs, and athletic competitions are periodically held. There are no Trades’ Unions, and we did not hear of any organised methods for the settlement of disputes. Since 1838 there has been a sick club, to which all the workmen contribute. Until about ten years ago, the club was managed by the Company in the interest of the men, but the system was abused, for workmen frequently claimed the benefits of the society on pretences, whose groundlessness could not always be disproved. A committee of workmen now manages the society, and in- vestigates all applications for relief. Connected with the works are large and important co- operative stores, managed by the members of the society, in the same way as in England. Food, clothing, fuel, and other neces— saries of life, are sold at as near the cost price as possible, and . the stores are largely patronised. There was general unanimity among the gentlemen from whom we inquired, as to the sobriety of the workmen. Not one of them had any serious fault to find with the men on the score of drunkenness; in fact, it is so rare as almost to be unknown as a cause of time being lost. When asked if many REPORT. 377 4- men absented themselves through drink, after a holiday, the manager of one of the largest departments answered by an emphatic “ No.” We were informed that many of the workmen reside 10 or 15 miles away from the works, and come for the week, bringing their food with them. This consists of two large loaves, a piece of bacon, or sausages, and eggs; they buy potatoes, onions, &c. They get lodgings for 2d. a night. This kind of life is quite common; small things satisfy these cmmtry people, and they save every possible farthing of their earnings. Their families in the meantime cultivate their little plots of land at home, which in many instances have been owned by the same families for generations. The workmen from the country with simple tastes, and habits of thrift, are considered more trustworthy than natives of the town, some of whom are apt to go off by the tram cars to Liege, at night, to amuse themselves. Creches are institutions, which are common in the manu- Lodgings. Creches. facturing districts of France and Belgium, and are also found at , ‘Seraing. They are nurseries for young children, generally managed by “ sisters,” who tend and feed the children for anominal sum while the mothers are at work. The children are taken at a very early age, in fact often as soon as their mothers are able to work after their confinement. In many instances a mother will leave her babe at a creche as early as five o’clock in the morning. It will be taken from her arms by one of the sisters, and the mother will call for it again on her way home from work in the evening. The creches are furnished with cradles, small beds, and cots on the floor, to suit the needs of the children. The little ones are carefully washed and fed, and the nursing rooms which we saw were scrupulously clean, and comfortably warm. VIEILLE MONTAGNE ZINC Worms. These extensive works, the largest zinc works in the world, cannot be omitted in any description of the metallurgical and manufacturing industries of Belgium. They are situated at Chénée, a village near to the Cockerill works at Seraing, near also to the glass works of Val. S. Lambert, and employ 1,800 hands. The industrial importance of the district may be appre- ciated when we state that for the amoupt of space covered, the capital invested, and the number of workpeople employed, there are probably no three works on the Continent, varying in character, but contiguous to each other, that compare with these vast establishments in the valley of the Meuse. The total number of workpeople employed by the Vieille Montagne company is 7,500, who are distributed over 18 mines and smelting works in France, Germany, Algeria, Spain, Sardinia, Visit to the Vieille Montague zinc works. Number of workpeopIe. 378 ROYAL OOMMlSSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Processes of manufacture. Age of work- ‘ people ad- mitted. Hours of labour, Chenée. Zinc products, Zinc products of Belgium and other countries. and Sweden. Their mines annually supply them with 70,000 tons of minerals of various kinds, besides which they purchase large quantities. The total indicated horse-power of their engines is 5,000. At the central works at Ohenée the processes of smelting the ore, and rolling and manufacturing the zinc plates are carried on, and 750 men are employed. The grinding and mixing of the clay, and the moulding of the crucibles in which the zinc ore is. smelted, are among the most important operations performed in the works ; the clay is mixed, pugged, and moulded into crucibles by self-acting machinery. As an example of the saving of manual labour caused by the use of improved machinery, we were informed that three men and three boys now attend on one machine, which, in a day of 10 hours, makes 110 crucibles, of 4! feet 6 inches in length, by about 8 inches in diameter, to produce which 40 men .at much higher wages were formerly required. There are no children employed, and boys are not admitted until they are 141 years of age. The hours of labour vary in the different departments; men engaged in the ordinary mechanical branches Work 10 hours a day. The furnaces are kept constantly going, and most of the men in this department work in shifts of 12 hours each. The “ overmen,” who are actually responsible for the working of the furnaces, work in shifts of 24: hours. These latter are paid jointly by day and by tonnage. Half the excess of tonnage over day wages is retained, and only paid at the end of six months, if the men remain to the end of that time ; the excess over day wages being considered a bonus, a portion of which may be kept back in case of an earlier termina- tion of service. The ordinary payment is fortnightly. Zinc rollers earn about 4.9. a day of 10 hours, and this branch of work goes on night and day. Makers of “ Lozenges ” (for roofing tiles) earn from 38. 301. to ‘1'8. per day. An enormous trade is done in sheet zinc, rolled to suit the requirements of customers as to size and thickness. They also have a very large sale of tiles, beads, and guttering for roofs of churches and houses. These are made of many shapes, and on the benches in the workshops they have numerous models of roofs of churches and domestic buildings, showing on a small scale the shapes of the tiles required for different purposes. The patterns of ornamental articles of every conceivable kind to which zinc can be applied, are distributed in books by the company. To show the relative importance of these works, compared witl- those of other countries, the Director, M. Saint Paul de Sincay REPORT. 379 informed us that the zinc products of the world amount to 236,000 tons annually. These are supplied as follows :— Tons. Vieille Monta' e - - 50,000 Other works 111 Belgium - 245000 Silesia - - - - 70,000 Three or four works, Rhine ~ 36,000 England - - - 25,000 France - - - - 12,000 Spain - - - - 41,000 United States - - - 15,000 "nu—~— 236,000 Tons. The Vieille Montague Company export about—- Tons. 10,000 annually to England. 20,000 ,, France. 10,000 ,, Germany. The rest of their product is used mainly in Belgium. It is very remarkable that this industry, which flourishes in England ' Belgium and Silesia, should be comparatively neglected in dlstance‘iim England, considering the advantages which we possess in the me WOT S‘ cheap transport of ores from various parts of the world. It is a remarkable fact that the zinc products of Belgium are three times greater than those of England, and that the Vieille Mon- tagne Company alone export to this country 10,000 tons, while our own total production is only 25,000 tons. It has been said that in the reduction of the ores in the crucibles, a most delicate operation, the Belgians and Germans have acquired greater skill than has hitherto been shown by Englishmen, and that although foreign workmen have been introduced into England, the result has not been attended with success. Undoubtedly the palm in this important industry is borne by foreign producers. It does not appear that the greater success of our neighbours in this manufacture is due to technical instruction in schools. The company employ 200 clerks, but there is not one clerks, Englishman among them. The chief clerks, and particularly those who conduct their English correspondence, are Germans and Swiss. The chief chemist in the laboratory, &c. is a Swiss. i Swiss chemist. The director is a great believer in education. He requires all Statements of the boys, who are admitted to the works at 14.‘, to attend an “(116 dlzectm‘ on evening School, and also classes either in vocal or instrumental e um Ion‘ music. At their Other establishments they have schools in connection with the works, but here their young men in the advanced Subjects attend the evening classes in the town of ‘ 380 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Consersations with M. Paul Trasenter and M. de Singay. Visit to engineering works at Ghent. Hours. Liege. M. de Sincay considers that intelligence is of the highest importance in every department of the works. He does not lay down any hard and fast line as to the studies that his workmen shall engage in. “I am npt prepared to say,” he remarked, “ that attendance at the night schools makes the youths more "‘ skilled workmen, but it trains them to habits of thought and “ reflection; it keeps them from worse places, and tends to make “ them better men.” The ordinary workmen have not received any special education qualifying them for the posts which they occupy. From 12 to 15 of the men attend the School of Mines, and a number of them attend the evening classes of the University and School of Art at Liege. The director assured us that mathematigs and mechanical science are admirably taught at Liege. While making the tour of the works, we had an interesting conversation with M. Trasenster, son of the eminent Rector of the University of Liége, and consulting engineer of these works, and M. de Sincay, junior, (son of the director) recently a student in the technical department of the University of Liege. These gentlemen informed us that the students from the Univer- sity visit these works frequently, and also all the other important engineering, mining, and manufacturing works in the neighbour- hood of Liege. The proprietors and directors of the works are not in the least afraid that the students may run off with their secrets. They are all anxious to promote, as far as they can, the progress in scientific knowledge of the younger men, to whose hands the future development of these industries will be entrusted. As for secrets, they do not, as a rule, possess any. Good machinery and good management are the conditions relied upon for success. ENGINEERING WORKS or VAN DER KERCHOVE, GHENT. Among the purely engineering works visited by the Commis- sioners, those of Van der Kerchove, at Ghent, were among the most important, although not by any means the largest. This firm is one of the licensees for Corliss’s patent steam engines, and we were desirous of seeing the works, in consequence of having been greatly impressed by several engines made by this firm, which had been shown to us in Belgium and other countries. The magnificent engines at the great flax mills in Ghent were constructed here. They are beam engines, indicating 2,000 horse- power, with Oorliss’s “ cut-off ” valve, and resemble the engines made by the same firm and shown at the Philadelphia Exhibition in 1876, where they excited very marked attention. We were informed that the working hours are 10% per day, and that, contrary to the custom of most of the industrial establishments which we have visited abroad, the wages are paid mainly by day. Comparatively few of the men are paid by nnronr. 3st piece, and the day system is adopted advisedly, as being more conducive to the production of first-class work than any other. On being asked for reasons for a method of payment so unusual on the continent, the director stated that where men were honest and faithful, the system of day-work was unques- tionably best, for then there was no temptation on their part to scamp their work, and throughout the shop, the maxim was, quality, rather than quantity. Besides, the work was so often changing, that it was exceedingly difficult to assess its value. The director stated that they took great pains to engage trustworthy men; they trained their young men to take a pride Trustworthy men only in their work, and to this they attributed the high standard of engaged‘ excellence attained by their productions. The ordinary mechanics are paid, on an average, about 38. 6d. a day. Younger and less skilled menreceive 2s. 661. To their first-class men, of whomthey employ a considerable number, as much as 415. 9d. per day is paid. Eight draughtsmen are employed at these Works, of whom the chief is an Englishman ; some are Germans and some are Swiss, and most of them have attended the University or Polytechnic School. In going over the shops, we found them admirably furnished with large and small machine tools, for doing with precision the heaviest as well as the most delicate work. The large tools were almost exclusively English, and from the most celebrated makers. Some of the smaller tools, especially “ milling” tools, were of American manufacture. There are very few engineering works at home or abroad, where the different parts are to so great an extent finished ready for erection, by specially adapted machine tools. The engines made are mostly for textile factories, but more recently for rolling mills. Mr. K., the works manager, is an Englishman, and it is rather remarkable, that he was the only Englishman in an important position that we met with in any of the works in Belgium. He stated to us that the former shop manager here was an Englishmen, now dead, and that he had greatly contri- buted by his sound and practical methods, to the thoroughness which at present characterised the work of every department of the establishment. He was still often held up as an example. Mr. K. said that a few years ago, Englishmen were fre— quently found in leading positions in most of the mechanical and manufacturing establishments. The proprietors in the mean- time had trained native foremen, and, as the places fell vacant, they were filled by Belgians and Germans, who were frequently more competent than Englishmen, being more highly educated, and having in many instances worked in the most advanced shops in England. His experience has shown that during recent years it has been much more difficult to fill a situation as manager or principal draughtsman on the continent than in Pay of men. Draughrsmcn. English machine tools. English Dial-lager. 382 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Training of manager of engineering works, Ghent. Continental training too theoretical. Ideal training. Capacity for works. England. Engineering‘ has been made as important a subject for the class-room as for the workshop, and the more showy theoretical engineers have appeared to advantage, compared with uncultured Englishmen, because they were better draughtsmen and have had more to say for themselves. Mr. K. left school at 14 in London, and went through his apprenticeship as a practical workman at Messrs. Simpson’s, the celebrated waterworks engineers. He studied French, and. afterwards, before coming to Belgium, took a situation at Messrs. Gouin’s works at Nantes. He would never have been able to hold his own against the rival engineers that he has met, had it not been for hard study out of work hours. Hundreds of times has he got up at three or four in the morning, to master certain calculations before beginning the work of the day. Had it not been for this deter- mination, and possibly for inherent mechanical faculty, he would have been pushed aside years ago. He has several University men under him, much younger than himself, and he owns that his one advantage over them is practical knowledge. The weak point in the training of foreign managers is that they get too little practice in the shop. They go to the University or the Polytechnic, and usually remain there till they are upwards of 20. It is impossible for them at that age, and without experience in real work, to compete with practical men, in the internal economy of the workshop. The continental system tends rather to a separation between the practical and the theoretical branches, for, as a rule, the two necessary factors of an engineer are not found in one person. In the same way the English system, having left theoretical instruction to chance, tends to the development of the practical and to the neglect of theory. Mr. K’s. ideal of the education for an engineer is that the boy should get a good general education at school, go to work early, say at 14 or 15, and continue his theoretical instruction at night. In England his opportunities for this are very much better than in Belgium, although even here, with 10% hours work per day, he has more leisure than the workers in most of the other industries, whose hours are generally 12 per day. Like Mr. A., the English manager in Bavaria (page 337), Mr. K. is a great believer in education, and is of opinion that if English workmen would train their intelligence, in addition to their hands, they would surpass all others. He thinks that good English workmen can do 20 per cent. more work in the same time than either Frenchmen or Germans. The English are more energetic and keep up the pace better; they have greater strength than their continental rivals. The English atmosphere, take it all the year round, is more bracing for the workman than that of the continent. Mechanical in- dustries in England are usually more concentrated; English workmen have been brought up on a more liberal allowance REPORT. 383 of animal food than any of their continental rivals. The Belgians, however, are rapidly improving in stamina. The’ advances in wages during recent years have raised the standard of living, and in this important respect the difference between the Belgians and the English is lessening. Labour has been better paid, but the cost of production has certainly not increased, because more work has been done, and were wages to rise still higher, the cost of production would probably remain much the same as at present. It may be a good thing industrially that British workmen eat more than their rivals, but it is a great misfortune that many of them drink more, thus wasting time, earnings, and strength, and wilfully throwing away some of their chief advantages. In comparing with those of England such works as the above, in which the best English labotu-saving appliances are fully utilised, and work of the highest class is produced, the for- midable character of foreign competition becomes apparent. We found instances in different industries, which showed that the foreign competition which presses us most seriously is more frequently that in which the conditions as to hours and wages approach nearest to our own, rather than, as might be expected at first-sight, where the hours of our competitors are longest and their wages the lowest. WOOLLEN SPINNING AND WEAVINa—BIELLA, ITALY. In the mountainous district, of which Biella is the centre, there are several factories for the weaving and dyeing of cotton, and for the manufacture of woollen goods. There is but little cotton spinning in the immediate neighbourhood, but there are spinning factories in other parts of the north of Italy, and the competition for the sale of yarns to the local manufacturers is between Italy, Switzerland, and England. English yarns come by sea to Genoa, and thence to Biella by rail. The Swiss yarns were entering Italy by the Simplon and St. Gothard Passes, and were carted all the way from the Swiss factories. The same import duties were being levied on English and Swiss yarns, but the latter were receiving the greater attention by the manufacturers. Several factories are situated in the picturesque valley of the Servo, and are run by water-power from the river. Biella, a town of 15,000 inhabitants, is flatteringly described by some of its inhabitants as “ the Manchester of Italy.” Drinking habits of English workmen. \Voollen mill at Biella. The Commissioners paid a hurried visit to the woollen Signor seua’s factories of the late distinguished statesman Signor Sella, who was factor)"- also a large manufacturer. Signor Sella and his family connections have long taken a deep interest in everything that concerns the welfare of the town and the improvement of their work— 384! ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: 320 hands employed in woollen factory, Biella. Hours of work. \Va gcs. English machines. Designer a Frenchman. Foreign competition. Savings Bank. people. The free library of 10,000 volumes was the gift of Signora Sella, and the professional school, which is acknowledged to be one of the most useful in the country, owes its success in a, great measure to the warm interest and assistance of the family. At the woollen factory 320 hands are employed, and We were informed that so extensively is modern machinery in use, and labour-saving appliances adopted, that it might he said with confidence that nowhere in Italy is better and cheaper work done for the number of operatives employed, while at the same time there are no woollen operatives in Italy in receipt of higher wages. The hours of labour are 12%; per day in summer and 11% in winter 5 beginning in the summer at 5 o’clock in the morning and continuing till 7 in the evening, with one and a half hours for meals; and in the winter beginning at 7 o’clock and continuing till 8 in the evening, with one and a half‘ hours, intermission. There being no Factory Acts, children begin to work at eight years of age, and from eight to ten are paid from ad. to 7d. per day ; card-feeders, women, ls. per day ; dyers, ls. 6d. ; weavers (by piece) from 901. to ls. 6d. per day; overlookers from 28. 3d. to 38. 3d. per day; a self-acting mule minder (by weight) makes from 28. (id. to 48. 6d. per day, and is assisted by a number of boys, to whom he pays from 5d. to 8d. per day each. English machinery was generally employed throughout the works, and all the processes, from the sorting of the wool to the dyeing, finishing, and making up of the pieces, were being efficiently conducted in the establishment. An enormous variety of goods is made; from common fiannels to tweeds and worsted coatings. The head designer is a Frenchman, and many of the patterns and combinations were very attractive. With regard to foreign competition, although protected by a considerable import duty, they are closely pressed, even in the Italian markets. In fine goods the competition with France is severe, and in low goods they have equal difficulty with England. Even with labour at the prices above quoted, with long hours, and cheap water-power, they do not dream of the possibility of competing with England in neutral markets. Signor Sella adopted many means of promoting thrift among his workpeople. A branch of the Post Office Savings Bank is open on the premises, and to any of the workpeople disposed to open a banking account, the firm present a bank-book and a “nest egg” of one franc. Several prizes are also given to those who make regular monthly deposits. One prize indicates the passion among Italians of all ages for games of chance, &c. To those under 18 years of age, who deposit in the Savings Bank one franc per month, a lottery ticket is given with a chance of the possessor winning a prize of 100 francs. REPORT. ' 385 There is no organization in the works for education, although Education of the firm are the chief promoters of the Professional School. GPemti'Y'es- It is impossible, in works which run till 8 o’clock at night, for the operatives to attend evening classes after work hours, but many attend the Technical School on the Sunday. Special arrangements are, however, made in favour of six youths, who are sent to the evening classes to study engineering. Three years ago, in this small town, there was enacted one of Resistance to those struggles—~happily matters of history now, in England- mu‘Pdulction of which among the uneducated and ill-fed classes in different parts F0“ W 00m‘ of Europe still greatly retard their prosperity. Signor Sella was anxious to improve his manufactures by changing from hand-looms to power—looms. This necessary alteration had long been postponed in consequence of the dread of revolt and the determined opposition of the workpeople. The step was at last made, and power-looms were imported and erected in the factory. A strike took place, and for six months a large detach- ment of soldiers guarded the premises day and night, to protect them from incendiaries; 60 soldiers accompanied 30 weavers to and from their homes night and morning, in order to save them from the violence of the strikers. In every instance, we were told, the change had materially benefited those who had most strenuously opposed it. We were interested in an experiment made by Signor Sella in Wrolitfmen’s the formation of a number of model cottages from the rooms of (he hugs‘ a disused mill. The several flats were entered from a staircase at one end of the building, and railed balconies had been erected on each storey, giving access from the outside to each tenement. Some of the dwellings contained a living room and bedroom; others a living room and two bedrooms. In some there were small cooking-stoves, with room for one or two pans, but in many of the rooms there was simply an open hearth, with three or four loose bricks for confining the handful of fire when cooking operations are required, or artificial warmth is indulged in. In one dwelling of two rooms, a little girl of four or five years of age was nestling close to a small fire of sticks, and tending a cooking pan that was over the fire. The mother was busily occupied in arranging the room. We were taken into the bedroom, and our attendant, the woman who acted as caretaker of the block, pointed, with some enthusiasm, to a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes on the bed. She told us that it was but three days Old, and that the busy housewife, whom we had seen at Work in the next room, was its mother_ SILK FACTORY FOR REELING, THROWING, 8:0. —-NORTH OF ITALY. The conditions of factory labour connected with the reeling of ‘Italian silk 511k flew the 0000011 and preparing it for manufacturing, are md‘tsl‘Z" among the most remarkable that we became acquainted with Bi 1726. B B 386 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Italian reeling and throwing factories Closed in summer. Silk reeling from cocoons. , during our tours of inspection. As is generally known, the processes connected with the silk culture, the feeding of the silk— worms, the hatching of the eggs, the production of the cocoons, &c., are extensively carried on in farms and cottages in the North of Italy. Mr. Kelly, Her Majesty’s Vice-Consul at Milan, who has given some attention to the subject, explained to us the details of this important cottage industry, and the steps taken, in consequence of the researches of M. Pasteur on the detection of the diseases of silk-worms, for applying his recommendations founded thereon. During the summer months the reeling and throwing factories are usually closed, and the girls who find employment in them are busily engaged at their own homes and at the many farms, in rearing and feeding the silk~worms, superintending the hatching of the eggs and the production of the cocoons. They also work in the fields, harvesting the corn, maize, and fruit for the winter food of the people. Thus from May until September the girls and young women live mainly in the open air, but when out-door occupations no longer demand their attention, and the cocoons have been collected, classified, and sent to the factories, a great change takes place in their employment. They migrate to certain centres for attendance at the factory, and during the next eight months they are occupied in reeling, throwing, and preparing the silk for the purposes of manufacture in the form of yarn. During our visit to the north of Italy, we had the privilege of inspecting one of these factories. We were admitted through what in England would be called a “time office,” the only entrance, into a quadrangle, surrounded by the different departments of the factory. It was 6 o’clock in the evening (in November), and the rooms were lighted up. The motive power was supplied by a small steam engine, and the mechanical arrangements generally were evidently not of recent date. We were informed that 250 females find employment in the works. Having mounted a dingy staircase of three storeys, we entered a large room, crowded with machinery for the operations of silk reeling from the cocoon. In this room there were upwards of 150 girls and children working at the first process called “ tracture.” Along the sides of the room were benches, and small pans of water in sets of four, heated by steam to a high temperature, and super- intended by children, who were required to agitate the cocoons in the hot water, so as to soften the gummy fibres. The children stood to their work, barefooted, on the wet tiled floor, and ran backwards and forwards to the reelers, conveying to them, in perforated ladles, the prepared cocoons. The machines for wind ing were ranged across the room, and the reelers sat in rows, each facing a pan of hot water, in which the cocoons floated. In commencing the process of reeling, the outward covering at the end of the cocoon has to be dexterously removed, until the fibre will unwind freely. The reeler thus prepares five cocoons, the REPORT. 887 ‘seemed to be healthy, active, and cheerful. ends of which are united and carried through a “ guide wire ” to a mechanical reel upon which the silk is wound. The cocoons dance on end in the water, the reeling being conducted with comparatively few breakages. It can easily be seen when a fibre has broken, by the floating away of the cocoon, but without any stoppage in such cases, the girl is able quickly to find the broken end—as she would find the end of a cop of fine cotton—- and rapidly throwing the gummy fibre into contact with the running ones, she is able to keep up the five-fold operation. Each girl had by her side a weighed quantity of cocoons which she was expected to reel in the course of the day. The system can hardly be called piece-work, but the effect of the strict control exercised, answers the same purpose. The waste is taken into account as well as the reeled silk, and when more than the specified quantity is reeled, a slight bonus is given, but, if habitually less work is done than ought to be accomplished, “well,” remarked our conductor with a significant shrug, “ she does not stay long.” - Hands are plentiful, and, we were told, are fond of the work. Children begin to work at eight years of age, so as to acquire early the necessary dexterity, and they work on through the day with their elders. As may be imagined, with steam and hot Water everywhere, under the faces of the workers—the floor being also constantly wet with hot water—the room was exceedingly hot, and the atmosphere full of steam and moisture. The tem- perature, we were told, is seldom lower than 80 degrees, often higher ; and the smell from the semi-boiled cocoons was, to say the least, offensive. The appearance of the operatives impressed us favourably. The children, although so young as eight in some instances, The elder girls and women who sat at their work, although barefooted and lightly clad, were invariably clean and tidy in appearance. Their thick black hair was in most cases plaited and arranged in folds at the back of their heads, being fastened by circular combs, in many instances remarkable for size and decoration. Not a few were adorned with large ear-rings, and their print dresses of variegated patterns gave a picturesque appearance to the wearers, not often found among factory operatives. In general appearance the women seemed to be equal in healthiness and physique to the better specimens of the ordinary peasant women seen in the north of Italy. As an evidence of their contentment, they were singing cheerfully as we entered the room, and although, on seeing such an invasion of strangers, they subsided into comparative silence and gossip, yet on a hint being given that we were pleased with their music, and would like it to be continued, their voices gradually found vent again, and even some time after, as we left the establishment, we could hear the distant refrain. It may be partiality, but we did not think that their voices equalled, in sweetness and purity of tone, the singing of factory girls in Yorkshire. A h undance of labour. .Apln .uunce oi operatives. BB2 358 ROYAL COMMESSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; \Vagcs of rcelers and throwstew. North ltri}. llou rs of labour. Food As to their wages, we were told that the most highly paid receive about 18. 2d. a day, and that 5d. a day is considered good pay for the children. It was only, however, as we inquired point by point, and were led from one department to another of the factory, that the conditions of work and wages, and the daily life of these 250 operatives, were gradually unfolded to us. On our remarking that the wages seemed to be somewhat low, our conductor informed us that the money payment by no means represents the substantial advantages which the operatives receive. Every day at noon, a large basin of soup and bread is served to each of the hands; the soup usually being made from about 40 lbs. of meat. In addition to this mid—day meal, sleeping accommodation is provided for all, so that from Monday morning till Saturday night, there is no necessity for any of the people to leave the premises. Many of the women and children live several miles away, and considering the value of the material which passes through their fingers, the employers give as little encouragement as possible to the operatives, (even though they may live in the immediate neigh~ bourhood), to leave the works during the week days, so that they need not be tempted to take any cocoons or yarn away is ith them. Our impressions as to the healthiness and general condition of these operatives were formed before the preceding information, and that which follows, was given to us, or we might otherwise have been led away somewhat, by our feelings or prejudices, to form conclusions different from those already noted. Their hours of labour will remind many factory workers in England of the condition of things in this country 50 and 60 years ago. And yet we should require. to go further back in _the industrial annals of our country to find a parallel with what we saw and heard. At 5 o’clock a.m. they begin work; at 8 they stop 15 minutes for breakfast ; at ]2 dinner is served, consisting of soup (supplied by the proprietors), with such additions as the operatives can furnish from their own stores. At 1 o’clock the engine is again started, and continues running without a break till 10 pm. The evening meal is taken during the intervals of work, and, as many were indulging in it during our tour of the premises, we were able to take note of the kind of food on which these hearty-looking Italian operatives manage to thrive. Many were eating what is known as black bread, without any butter, savoured with garlic, radishes, a little salt, and small turnips. A popular dish was bread sopped in warm water, with a pinch of salt. Polenta, a species of stiff cold pudding made from Indian meal, was being eaten by many, and some were boiling potatoes, with their jackets on, in the cocoon water, and eating them. Rye bread and polcnta, are the staff of life among the Italian peasantry, and every girl seemed to have a crust before her. We were informed that delicacies are occasionally indulged in, such as sausages; and REPORT. 289 in) Liebig’s extract of meat is often made into soup, with bread, or is used for sandwiches with bread. Apples, also, and other fruit, are often brought among the week’s provisions. At 10 pm, as already stated, the reeling department of the works ceases, and the labours of the day, for old and young, after continuing for 15 2 hours, exclusive of meal hours, are over. The process is repeated for six days, making a total of 944:;- hours for the work of the week, and at 10 o’clock on Saturday night many of the women -and children wend their way homeward, to prepare for resumption of work at 5 o’clock on Monday morning. Others, however, who live 10 and 15 miles away, make their pilgrimage on the Sunday morning, bearing with them their bundle, and tired limbs, and wages, and returning from their mountain homes to the factory at night, in order to be ready for work at 5 o’clock on Monday morning. The woman in charge of the dormitories seemed anxious to show us the sleeping quarters, and we followed her to one of the rooms containing twenty-five beds, accommodating fifty of the operatives, who sleep two in a bed. The beds consisted of 'mattresses, with, in many instances, the straw protruding. There were no sheets, but for each bed a rug and a quilt. Here and there was a small box, but there were no tables or chairs. Washing utensils and looking-glasses were conspicuous by their absence; nor were there any arrangements for lighting the apartment. The room was without a ceiling, and the dusty tiles and slanting rafters came down within a few feet of the bedsteads. The spare clothes of the girls were hung on cords which were stretched across the room. Our conductor informed us that at 10 o’clock at night, when the engine stops, the women and children without any delay hasten to their beds. They have no inclination for wasting time over their toilettes. They throw their tired limbs upon their trestle beds, and, without undressing, sleep till they are warned, at next morning, that they must be up again and prepare for their work. If they desire the luxury of a wash in cold water there is a trough in .the yard ; and for ordinary ablutions, as their hands are steeped in warm water from morning till night, they have ample opportunity of washing their faces also. It would not be unnatural to expect that the crowding together of so many operatives, under such defective sanitary Conditions, Would be attended by great danger to health, and that diseases must be very prevalent. We were, however, informed that, as a rule, the health of the women and children is excellent. There is in this factory a separate dormitory for the Sick, but it is very seldom occupied; and during the last eight months’ term of work there was not a single case of sickness Within the establishment. We were given to understand that when symptoms of illness present themselves, the girls are ‘allowed to make the best of their way to their homes to he nursed under parental control. The most troublesome malady Hooping apartments m iuflmy. Health of operatives- 399 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Safeguards to preserve morals of females in silk pac’rorios. N 0 Factor 3 Acts Education. Amusements. Sixty-five silk factories in one district. from which the young people suffer is the well-known ‘ pellagra,’ a skin disease, caused by mouldy food. The polenta brought by the girls from their homes is often made from the worst of the Indian corn, which the farmers arelunable to sell in the markets, and which is bought by the peasantry at a low price; and their bread is often so stale and mouldy as to foster the cutaneous disease here spoken of. We did not observe any sufferers, but we had no opportunity of ascertaining the numbers sent home. Although in this establishment 250 operatives are employed, we were informed that the Working staff of men consists of two only, the engineer and mechanic, who are known to be thoroughly respectable. So regardful are the proprietors for the morals of the women and children, that even the overlookers are women ; men are not employed in any work which women can do, and the greatest care is exercised in securing the good behaviour of the establishment. Some of the girls remain all through the winter months without going to their homes, allowing their wages to accumulate in the hands of the proprietors, who pay them some little interest. Parents come long distances on the pay-day for the earnings of their children, and bring the little ones a supply of bread and potatoes, and leave them to continue their work. As to Factory Acts there are none ; and our informant assured us that parents would be the first to resent restrictions. When we asked what education the children receive, we were informed that some of them attend the rural schools during the summer months when the factories are closed, and that in some factories, but not in this one, instruction is given during the dinner-hour. robably one in ten of the operatives here can read and write a little. Education is not by any means highly esteemed among the poor, and compulsory education, when it is enforced, will be very unpopular. Within the factory boundaries, and shut off from the world by a high wall, we were shown a small area of green turf and a few seats. Invariably, when the noontide is sunny, after hastily swallowing their soup and bread, the girls come out here to play, and have merry times while the older ones sit and look on. This one hour in the sunshine of the day (from 12 to 1) is their own, and we were told that it is a treat to see how thoroughly they enjoy it. Often the passing organ-grinder is admitted to the green, and the girls and the younger children dance together with the greatest delight to the strains of the music. We were informed that in the district in which we saw this factory, there are 65 works of a similar character, of which five, like the present one, are large and important, while the rest are much smaller. The system and organization of the work was said to be the same in all. English tourists, as they wander with so much pleasure through some of the loveliest districts in the north of Italy, little suspect that amid so many outward signs of fruitfulness and plenty, the struggle for existence is only maintained by such unceasing toil. That the poor toilers succeed REPoRT. 391 in keeping up their healthy looks is a remarkable testimony to their general strength, even when it is remembered that they are able to recruit themselves, after eight months of confinement in the factory, by four months of occupation in the open air. SILK DYEING ESTABLISHMENT—COMO. In the town of Como we visited a large and interesting dyeing establishment, owned by a limited company, and employing 200 workpeople. At these works upwards of 100,000 kilos of silk are dyed per annum, besides a large quantity of cotton warps. We were courteously received by the director, and conducted over the several departments by M. Robin, a Frenchman from Lyons, the head of the dyeing shed, who had received his chemical instruction at the Martiniere School and the Higher Technical School of that city. All the processes were freely shown to us and were fully described ; the cleansing of the gum from the silk, the manufacture of the soap, the departments for dyeing with dye woods, with aniline colours, and the black department, the stores of dyes, the mixing of the colours, the many processes of dyeing, scouring, stoving, and the reloading of the silk with prepared matter so as to restore the weight taken out in the several processes. The machinery was chiefly French, but all modern in plan and construction. The men are paid mostly by piece, and earn from 48. to 58. per day of 10 hours; sometimes the best dyers, who are French~ men, are paid as much as 88.1)61‘ day. A few women are employed in the warehouse in folding the yarns and wrapping up the pieces, who are paid from 18. 201. to 18. 6d. per day. Dye-works, Como. Manager a Frenchman. Wages. They were using Welsh coal of an inferior quality, which costs Fuel- about 338. per ton delivered on the premises. Much of the silk yarn which we saw, is sent to England to be Dyed Yam woven or made into thread. The bulk of the silk goods here dyed is finally disposed of to two great retail establishments in Paris. The directors spoke in high praise of the influence of the Technical School of Como. It had materially and beneficially affected the silk industry, by greatly increasing the knowledge both of masters and foremen. A higher culture in designing had led to more variety, more enterprise, and increased trade. A few years ago scarcely anything but the weaving of plain silks was attempted; now there is a growing fancy trade, whose influence is felt in a marked degree at these works, by the greater demand for varied and delicate colours in the dyeing. sent to England. 392 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Machine factory at Biella. Hours. Military service. Value of the schoo‘. MACHINE MAKING.-—BIELLA. We were conducted over the works of a prosperous machine— maker and millwright, employing 120 men. Thirty years ago the proprietor had come to Biella as an ordinary working mechanic. He was now one of the important men of the town, and had been very successful. He makes varied kinds of machinery for cotton, wool, and silk, and also supplies mill gearing. Work begins at 7.30 am. and continues till 7.30 p.m., with one and a half hours’ interval for meals, making a total of 10%. Working hours per day. We were informed that the military service greatly interferes with his workmen. The young men leave him at 20, just when they are beginning to be really useful, and many of them never return to him. He states, however, that when they come back at 23 years of age, and again get into harness, there is a general desire, both on his side and theirs, that they should make up for lost time. He spoke in the highest praise of the Professional School, and informed us that 20 young men from his works, most of them: having already gone through the military service, attend the evening classes, and that he allows them to leave their work on the class nights half an hour before stopping time, without any abatement from their wages. REPORT. PART 'III. VISITS TO VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Your Commissioners having in the previous portion of their Technical in- Report described the educational and industrial establishments Stl'Qctmn "1 the -which we visited on the Continent, now proceed to notice some of the more important kindred institutions which We have inspected in the United Kingdom. As United Kin g- dom. most of these are sufficiently well known, we have dealt briefly with this branch of our subject. following is a list of the towns and institutions treated The of :— I II. III IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. . Normal London Srhool Board. . University College. King’s College. School of Science, South Ken— sington, and Royal School of Mines. Museum of Practical Geology. . National Art Training School. Science and Art De- partment, as to Exa- minations. City and Guilds of Lon- don Institute. Polytechnic Men’s stitute. Royal Indian Engineer- ing College. Young Christian In- .Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Crystal Palace School of Engineering. XII. XIII XIV. XV. XVI. XVII XVIII. XIX. XX XXI. X XII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. LONDON. London School Board.-—lnstmtction ‘in Elementary Science. seismic tcuclb Oxford. Cambridge. Manchester. Liverpool. Oldham. Barrow-in-Furne ss. Birmingham. Leeds. Shefiield. Bradford. Keighley. Saltaire. Nottingham. Bristol. Bediord. Kendal. Glasgow. Edinburgh. Ireland. Dublin. Cork. Belfast. and the West of Ireland. * -—-Before passing on to the institutions for scientific, art, and mg “ml” the London School technical instruction, it may be well to state briefly the steps 30am which have been taken by the School Board for London for introducing instruction in elementary science into their schools. In addition to the object lessons given in the infant schools, the School Management Committee have decided’? that elemen- * See Circular, October 30, 1882. 394s ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: tary science shall be taught throughout the boys’ and girls’ departments, in place of the object lessons hitherto given, and their instructions to the teachers, on object lessons, have been modified according1y_ Model Scheme The following is suggested by the School Management Depart- of elementary ment as a model scheme, but teachers have full liberty to vary science 1nstruc~ tion, London 1t according to their tastes and acqmrements :--- Standard I. Standard II. Standard III. Standard IV. Extension of the Comparison of dif- Simple principles More complete object lessons in ferent plants or of classification classification of the infant school, animals. of plants and plants and ani- with simple illus- animals. mals, with typical trative experi- Ordinary phe- examples. ments. nomena of the Further phenomena earth and atmo- of the earth and The three forms of sphere. atmosphere. matter familiarly illustrated. Substances of do- Substances used in mestic use. the arts and manu- factures. Standard V. Standard VI. Standard VII. ((2.) Animal and plant (a.) Animal ‘and plant (a.) Distribution of plants life, with the most life, with special and animals, and useful products; reference to the the races of man- or, laws of health ; kind ; (1).) More definite notions or, or, of matter and force, (1).) The commonest ele- (1).) Light, heat, and illustrated bysimple ments, and their electricity, and machinery or appa- compounds. their applications. ratus. The mechanical powers. A more detailed description of the courses on physics, mechanics, chemistry, and physiology, has also been prepared by the Board. Instruction of Moreover, courses of instruction in elementary science, have pupil teachers- been established by the Board for the central instruction of pupil teachers. No graded The School Board for London has not as yet established any elementary higher elementary or graded schools, such as exist in Man~ 231535311] chester, Sheffield, and elsewhere, having laboratories for the practical teaching of science; nor have they adopted the excellent system, which the Commissioners found at work in Birmingham and in Liverpool, of employing a science demon- strator, who teaches the subjects with practical illustrations in the various elementary schools. REPORT. 395 I.--—UN1VEBSITY COLLEGE, LoNnoN. Although the endowments of this college are insignificant compared with those of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, and of many modern institutions, yet University College has always stood in the front rank with respect to its scientific teaching, and the recent erection of extensive and well—fitted chemical, physiological, and engineering laboratories, shows that the spirit which has animated the authorities of the college in the past has not suffered diminution. The Commissioners first inspected the new chemical depart- ment under the direction of Professor Williamson, F.B.S., where every convenience for practical work and research is found. The laboratory contains 415 working places, and the block of new buildings, including the physiological section, cost 4:0,000l. The department of applied chemistry under Professor Charles Graham, is of recent foundation ; lectures are given on the alkali manufacture, baking, brewing, &c. The practical work in this laboratory is made as far as possible to bear on the various in- dustries. The City and Guilds of London Institute contributes 2001. per annum to the maintenance of this department. The engineering department under the charge of Professor Kennedy, was next visited. The laboratory contains a large testing machine, capable of working up to 445 tons. In this department there are 60 students, and the manual work done is confined to the preparation of small specimens for mechanical testing. Professor Kennedy does not attach much value to teaching young men practical work in the school; he is of opinion that they should be taught to draw well, and should be made thoroughly acquainted with the principles of the machines with which they will hereafter have to work. He thinks that it would be a great advantage, if all young men about to become engineers could take part in the practical testing of the properties and strength of materials. Professor Kennedy is engaged in private practice as a consulting engineer, and the students are often employed on the investigations which he is called upon to perform. The City and Guilds Institute contributes 2001. annually to this chair also. In the physical department under the care of Professor Carey Foster, F.B..S., the tuition is chiefly of a theoretical character, there being very insufficient means of giving practical laboratory instruction. The Slade Art School, under the direction of Professor Legros, is another department of University College. The building for this department is complete and commodious, containing studios for drawing from the life and the antique, as well as lecture rooms, where lectures on anatomy, the science of perspective, the chemistry of colours, &c. are delivered. The school is in a very flourishing state, and is open to female as well as to male students. University College. Chemical and other labora- tories. Engineering department. l‘hysical department. Slade School of Art. ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; University College School. King’s College, London. Engineering workshops, King’s College. Chemical laboratories. W heatstone phy sical laboratory. Mechanical drawing. Attached to University College is a very successful high class modern school, under the head-mastership of Mr. H. Weston Eve, containing 600 boys. Considerable attention is paid in the school to the teaching of science, practical laboratory instruction being given in Chemistry by Mr. Orme, (working places being provided for 00 boys), and in Physics by Mr. J. J. Walker. H._--Kme’s COLLEGE, LONDON. The Commissioners were received by the principal of the college, the Rev. Canon Barry. Similar remarks as to the value of the scientific and technical instruction, apply to King’s as to University College. A remarkable feature of this institution are the workshops connected with the engineering department. In these, the students go through a series of exercises in mechanical work. The college course lasts for nine terms, and engineer students passing through this, are said to shorten their apprenticeship by two years. The direction of this department is under Professor Shelley, and the practical. instruction is given by Mr. Walker. The course of instruction has more of a workshop character than that at University College. The carpenters’ and mecha- nical shops and smithy are open under certain regulations to the boys from the school attached to the college. In the joiners’ shops they learn to make the common joints of carpenter’s work, and the fitting of doors and windows, whilst in the engineers’ shop they learn wood and metal-turning, chipping, filing, and surfacing. The chemical laboratories under Professor Bloxam contain, in the general division 62 working places, and in the advanced 20. There is a distinct department for photographic work under Mr. Thomson. The Wheatstone Physical Laboratory is a noteworthy feature of the physical department, under Professor W. G. Adams, F.R.S. It is large and well arranged for practical work, and a con- siderable number of students avail themselves of it. A large collection of physical apparatus and several rooms for special experiments are also found in this section of the college. The department of applied fine art is under Professor Delamotte, and in this an attempt is made to apply art teaching to industrial purposes, and students are engaged in designing for china and for woven fabrics. The mechanical drawing department is under the charge of Professor Glenny. anronr. 397 III.-—-NORMAL ScI-IooL OF Scmn'cn AND Born. ScHooL or MINES, SoUTH KENSINGTON. The Commissioners visited the Normal School at South Ken- Royal Normal sington, and were received by the Registrar, General Martin Sch°°1at , . . ’ South who accompanied them over the building. Kensington, This school, which was reorganized in 1881,"‘ gives systematic instruction in mathematics and mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology and botany, geology and mineralogy, agriculture, metal- lurgy and assaying, elements of astronomical physics, practical geometry, and mechanical and freehand drawing. Mining is taught at the Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street, but forms part of the Normal School. The Normal School is primarily intended for the training of science teachers, and the instruction of students of the industrial classes, selected by competition in the annual examinations of the Science and Art Department ; but other students are admitted on payment of prescribed fees. The students may be (I) occasional students and regular students who are preparing for the associateship of the school, and pass through a prescribed course extending over 3 to 3% Courief 1:01 years. The instruction for the first two years for all the associate assocm e“ students is the same, and includes _mechanics and mathematics, physics, chemistr , elcmentar geology, astronomy, mineralogy, and drawing. The student then elects to take up one of the following divisions, to which the remainder of his course is directed: Viz., for the title of Associate of the Normal School of Science, I. Mechanics, II. Physics, III. Chemistry, IV. Biology, V. Geology, or VI. Agriculture; and for title of Associate of the Royal School of Mines, either VII. Metallurgy, or VIII. Mining. There are 12 exhibitions each of the value of 50L per annum Exhibitions. tenable at this school, and continuing during the course of time (3 to 3-i- years) necessary for the preparation for the associate— ship examination. The exhibitioners have also free admission to the lectures and laboratories. Three or four are vacant each year, and are competed for at the May examinations of the Science and Art Department. Six free studentships are also similarly annually competed for. These correspond to the exhibitions, except in so far that they carry no money grant. Free instruction is likewise given to local exhibitioners, who hold scholarships of the value of 501. per annurn, half of which sum is subscribed by the locality, and half by the Department. There are also royal scholarships, four of 155. for first year students, and two of 25L for second year students About 50 science teachers, or students intending to become Classes for teachers, also receive free instruction, and in addition are paid science‘ the railway fare to London, and receive a maintenance allowance teacherb' of 218. a week whilst under instruction. *For history of the school, see Prof. Huxley‘s evidence (Answer 3070.) 398 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Summer courses for science teachers at South Ken- sington. Laboratories. Biological section. Geology. Physical instruction. Metallurgical laboratory. School of Mines, J ermyn Street. Geological collections. During the summer vacation, short courses of lectures, extending over three weeks, are given to science teachers, about 200 in number, who are aided by the Department in the payment of the expenses of the journey to, and residence in, London during the progress of the course. Courses of popular evening lectures for working men are also given by the professors. The Commissioners first visited the Metallurgical Laboratory which had recently been fitted up in the basement of the building. The Chemical Laboratories under the charge of Professor Frankland were inspected, and also the Physical Laboratory of Professor Guthrie and the Physiological Labora- tory under Professor Huxley. The Commissioners had conver- sations with the professors, on the system of science teaching adopted in the school. Professor Huxley, the Dean of the School, explained the * methods of practical and theoretical instruction given under his guidance in the department of biology, which includes an important museum and a large collection of preparations and diagrams arranged for the special purposes of study. Pure and applied geology under Professor Judd forms an important feature of the science instruction, and the students are brought into close contact with the subject by the microscopic preparation and examination of rock sections and other practical geological work. Professor Guthrie explained the way in which he had introduced laboratory work in physics; every student having to construct certain simple physical apparatus. Professor Chandler Roberts stated that in his department (that of metallurgy), there were 30 working places. Since coming to South Kensington he had had a large addition of students, and there were now 40 under instruction, and it needed much ingenuity to arrange the places for them. In the chemical department the numbers have slightly fallen off. IV.-—MUsEUM or PRACTICAL CEoLocY AND RorAL ScHooL or MINEs. On the occasion of their visit to the Museum in Jermyn Street, the Commissioners were received by Professor Warington Smyth, F.R.S., and Mr. Rudler, the curator. Since the transfer of the School of Mines to South Kensington in 1881, the practical science teaching, except in the case of mining students who take part of their instruction here, has virtually ceased. Evening science lectures for working men take place during the session ; the charge for admission to each course of lectures is Get. There is a good library, a small chemical laboratory, a lecture theatre, and the necessary class-rooms. The geological collection first known as the Museum of Economic Geology, was transferred to J ermyn Street from Craig’s Court in 1851. The museum was designed to illustrate REPORT. 399 mainly the geology of Great Britain and Ireland, and to show the applications of geological science. It contains specimens of minerals, including the ores of the useful metals, and models representing metallurgical processes. The various arts connected with the mineral resources of the country are illustrated by specimens showing varieties or peculiarities of manufacture. An excellent historical collection of English pottery and porcelain has been added, and there is a very complete series of English building stones. The collection of models of mines, mining tools, and mining Models, &c. machinery is very extensive. All the varieties of safety lamps are shown. The Mining Record Office, which was formerly situated at Jermyn Street, was transferred to the Home Ofice in 1882. The Oflices of the Geological Survey of Great Britain are also at the Museum. V.-—-NA'rIoNAL ART TRAINING 8011001.. The School of Design which, in 1853, was removed to Marl- National Art borough House from Somerset House, has been established since grimilg 1856-7, at South Kensington, as the National Art Training 0 00' School. An important change has taken place in the conduct of the school since 1871, when, in order to fulfil more etficiently its primary object of training teachers, an entrance examination was imposed. In the year 1880—1 there were 1:28 students (941 males and 344 females) attending the school without paying fees, 417 students were admitted on payment of half—fees, and from 759 students (359 males and 400 females) the sum of 3,02%. was received in fees. The course of instruction includes 23 stages, in the highest of which, stages 22 and 23, the student takes elementary and applied design. Certificates of competency to teach the subjects comprised in Certificates of these various stages of instruction, are given to candidates who competency‘ pass the necessary examinations. These are— (a) The preliminary or art teacher’s certificate. (6.) Art certificates of the third grade. The Commissioners, accompanied by the principal, Mr. Sparkes, Designsfor inspected the various class-rooms, and examined the work in Industnal Art‘ progress. The more advanced students draw and model from the antique and from the life. We were present at a lecture by Mr. Stannus, on decorative art; and, on a subsequent visit, when we were accompanied by the Director for Art, Mr. T. Arm- strong, we were shown the designs for industrial purposes made by the students of the training class, among which were specimens of designs for metal work, wood carving, goldsmiths’ work, pot- tery, and the interior decoration of buildings. These designs are worked out in competition among the students. e00 ROYAL COMMISSION ox TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Science and Art Examina- tions. Examinations, in Art. Examinations in science. System adopted. Amount of annual grant. _.~ VI—EXAMINATIONS UNDER THE ScIENoE AND ART DEPARTMENT, SOUTH KENSINGTON. Examinations in art, in connection with the Science and Art Department, date back to 1853, though the existing com- prehensive plan of annual examinations was not established until 1857. In that year, 12,509 students were instructed in local schools of art, and 396 in the Central Training School, and through the various agencies connected with the Department, 413,212 children in elementary and other schools were taught drawing. N 0 general system of examinations in science was formulated until 1859, when the number of subjects, on which payment could be obtained, was limited to six. In May 1861, when the first general and simultaneous science examination was held, there were 38 classes with 1,330 pupils, besides some 800 pupils in classes. not under certificated teachers. In the year 1882, there were in all 909,206 persons receiving art instruction in connection with the Department, and 68,581 students in science, in 1,403 science schools, with 4,881 classes. The Examinations in Art are of three grades, the first grade being intend ed for children attending the elementary school, the second grade for the pupils of secondary schools and the students of art classes and schools of art, and the third grade is applicable for teachers or art masters. Science Examinations are held in 25 subjects ; the examinations take place in May, and are divided into three stages; the “ elementary,” “advanced,” and “honours.” In each stage there are two grades of success. On receipt of proper demands from local authorities, papers, both for the science and art examinations, are forwarded from South Kensington to the centres where the examinations are conducted. The worked papers are scaled up directly after the examination, and forwarded to London. On the result of these examinations, prizes and scholarships are awarded to the successful students, and money payments are made to the local committee, which vary in accordance with the degree of success attained by the students, and with the nature of the subject. The total payments in the year 1882-3, on account of science schools and classes, grants, prizes, etc, was 415,376]. Os. (id, and for success in art the amount was 67,35lrl. 108. 6d. The total expense of the Science and Art Schools is returned at ]55,367l. 58. 4rd. for the year 1882-83, exclusive of the staff of the department, who received 8,8981. 48. 10d. aEronT. 401 VIL—THE CITY AND Games on Lonnon INSTITUTE. This Institute has been established by the City Livery Companies, for the purpose of providing and encouraging education adapted to the requirements of all classes of persons engaged, or preparing to engage, in manufacturing and other industries. With this object the Institute subsidises existing educational establishments, which, in the opinion of the Council of the Institu- tion, are providing sound technical instruction, and which would possibly languish except for external aid. It also encourages, in the principal industrial centres of Great Britain, the formation of evening classes, in which workmen and foremen, engaged in their several factories during the day, receive special instruction in the principles of science, in their application to the processes with the practical details of which they are already familiar. It aims at establishing and maintaining in the Metropolis model technical schools, to serve as types of other schools to be founded and supported by local efforts in provincial towns ; and, lastly, it is erecting a Central Institution, corresponding to some extent to the great Polytechnic Schools of Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, and to the Ecole Centrale of Paris. With this varied programme, the City and Guilds of London Institute is assisting in the professional instruction of all classes of persons engaged in industrial operations,—-of artizans, apprentices, foremen, managers of works, manufacturers, and technical teachers. ' The Council of the Institute have no intention of interfering with any existing social institution, such as apprenticeship, or any other relationship between employer and employed, but aim only at supplying the want of further instruction which is everywhere felt to exist, by supplementing, and by preparing pupils more thoroughly to profit by, workshop training. For the establishment of technical classes in the Metropolis and in provincial manufacturing towns, the Institute has granted for a period of years the following annual subventions :— 400 to University College, London. 400 ,, King’s College, London. 350 ,, Horological Institute. 250 ,, School of Art Wood Carving. 300 ,, Firth College, Sheffield. 300 ,, University College, Nottingham. 200 ,, Technical School, Manchester. In addition to these annual grants, it has given 7001. for the establishment of a Technical School in Leicester, as well as 2001. to Nottingham, and 1001. to Manchester for the purchase of mechanical appliances, besides other smaller grants. Ri 1726. C C General objects. Subventions to technical institutions. 402 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: ‘- W¢~~ w +~___ /"" Classes in Technology of City and Guilds Insti- tute. ' 6 . \hi't Technological Examinations. In nearly all the large manufacturing towns, evening classes in Technology, as distinguished from the Government classes 1n Science and Art, are being assisted by the Institute. The work done by the students of these classes is inspected and examined by the‘ Institute, and, on the results of the annual examinations; certifi- dates and prizes are granted, which are beginning to be regarded as diplomas of proficiency,"and are said to enable operat1ves"to obtain better employment» and higher .remuneratmn. :‘~:These evening classes have already become, and are likely: in futureito become still more; the nucleir of technical colleges, emamly supported by the towns in which they are situated, but connected with, and affiliated to, the City and Guilds of London Institute, by means of its examinations and superintending influence. . According to the Programme of Technological Exammatlons for 1883—84, examinations are held in the following subjects :-— l. Alkali and allied branches. A. Salt manufacture. B. Alkali ,, C. Soap ,, 2. Bread-making. 3. Brewing. 4. Distilling-— A. Coal tar distilling. B. Spirit manufacture. 5. Sugar manufacture. 6. Fuel. 7. Oils, colours, and varnishes, manufacture of. 8. Oils and fats, including candle manufacture. 9. Gas manufacture. Iron and steel manufacture. . Paper ,, . Pottery and porcelain ,, . Glass . Dyeing—— A. Silk. B. Wool. . Bleaching, dyeing, and printing of calico or linen. Tanning leather. Photography. Electro-metallurgy. Textile fabrics, manufacture of— A. Cloth. B. Cotton. C. Linen. D. Silk. E. Jute. Lace manufacture. Weaving and pattern designing. Electrical engineering—— A. Telegraphy. B. Electric lighting and transmission of power- C. Electrical instrument making. )7 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2,1. 22. REPORT. 403 23. Metal plate work. 24. Plumbers’ work. 25. Silver-smiths’ work. 26. Watch and clock making. 27. Tools- . _ A. Wood working. ,_ B. Metal working. 28. Mechanical engineering. 29. Carriage building. 30. Printing. 31. ()res, mechanical preparation of. 32. Mine surveying. 33. Milling (flour manufacture). 34:. Carpentry and joinery. These examinations were originally established by the Society of Arts, but were subsequently taken over and considerably modified and developed by the City and Guilds of London Insti- tute. In 1879 the number of candidates was 202, and the examinations were held in 23 different places. In 1883, 2,397 candidates presented themselves from 154 centres in different parts of the United Kingdom. The Finsbury Technical College, which was opened on 19th February 1883, has been erected, at a cost of about 36,000L, to serve as a model trade school for the instruction of artizans and of other persons preparing for intermediate posts in industrial works. It consists of a school of applied science and art. There is a day and an evening school. The latter provides systematic instruction for those who are engaged in the staple industries of the district, including cabinet-making; and in the applications of chemistry, mechanics, and physics, to special trades, such as spirit rectification, mechanical engineering, electric lighting, 850. An approach has been made to the establishment ‘of a relationship between this College and the principal middle class schools of the Metropolis, by the award to selected pupils from these schools of exhibitions enabling them, without payment of fees, to receive in the College scientific and technical training, fitting them for various occupations and industries, as well as for higher technical instruction. The subjects taught comprise mathematics, pure and applied, practical mechanics, chemistry, physics, electrical technology, freehand, model, and machine drawing, workshop practice, French and German; and in the evening additional classes are held in carpentry and joinery, metal-plate work, bricklaying, drawing, painting, modelling, and design. The South London Technical Art School, situated in the Kenniugton Park Road, provides instruction for artizans engaged in various industries in which art aptitude is indispensable to success. The courses are for evening and for day students, for men and women. The subjects of instruction include drawing, modelling and painting from life, wood-engraving, china-painting, enamelling, and design. Originally established by Society of Arts. Finsbury Technical College. South London Technical Art SchooL 0 c 2 40% ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Z Central Institution of City and Guilds Insti- tute. Objects. Cost. The Central Institution, Exhibition Road. Description of the building. The Central Institution in the Exhibition Road, now in course of construction, is intended to give to London a first-class college in which technical teachers for the provincial schools may be educated, and in which those who are to be engaged in the superintendence of great industrial works may receive their preliminary training. The establishment of this Central In- stitution will, it is hoped, render unnecessary the recourse to foreign countries (where similar institution salrcady exist) for the technical instruction of managers of works, engineers, and industrial chemists, and will be welcomed by manufacturers, who feel the want in.London of some such institution, in which their sons who are to succeed them can obtain as good an educa- tion as at Paris, Zurich, Munich, or Berlin. Just as the Ecole Centrale at Paris is about to be removed to the immediate neigh- bourhood of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, in order that the students may be near to the collections of machinery and other industrial objects which the Conservatoire contains ; so the Central Institution of London is built near to the Science Schools and National Museums of South Kensington. Besides giving to the Metropolis a Technical High School or Technical University for advanced instruction in the applications of science and of art to industrial operations, the Central Institution, as a training school for teachers, as a focus for uniting the difierent technical schools now in existence, and as a centre for the dissemination of technical knowledge, is expected to be the means of increasing the efficiency of every department of the Institute’s work. It is estimated that the Central Institution, with its fittings, &c., will cost about 95,t00l., of which sum the Council of the Institute have been able to provide about 7 5,0001. by accumulated savings and by grants from several of the Companies as indicated in the report. There is a deficit of about 20,0001. now needed for fittings, furniture, and apparatus, which the Council have at present no means of supplying. The Central I nstz'tutz'on.——The foundation column of the Central Institution was placed by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, President of the Institute, on the 18th July 1881. The building has a frontage of 300 feet in the Exhibition Road, on the opposite side to the South Kensington Museum, and closely adjoining the Natural History Museum, designed by the same architect, Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, A.R.A., of London. The exterior is of a semi-classic character, and the arms of the principal manufacturing towns in the United Kingdom are displayed in strong relief upon its front. It is, for the most part, five stories in height. In the basement are physical laboratories and mechanical workshops, three very large shops at the back being top-lighted. The entrance-hall is in the centre of the building, and leads to the great corridor which stretches from one end of the building to the other. Mechanical class-rooms, physical class-rooms, a museum for industrial apparatus, and a room for the teaching of mathematics are on three floors. There are also at the back of the building two REPORT. - 405 large lecture-theatres, lighted principally from the sides; one being for chemistry and the other for physics and mechanics. On the first floor, over the entrance, is a large reading-room and library, with experiment rooms and class-rooms on each side of it. The oflices for the administration are towards the north end of the building, terminating in the council-chamber, a handsome apartment, on the walls of which it is proposed to emblazon the arms of all the Livery Companies. On the second floor an art museum occupies the principal position in the centre of the build- ing, with class-rooms and lecture-rooms on each hand. On the third floor, above the art museum, is a large room, 67 feet by 35 feet, with a fine semi-circular roof, to be used as a museum of technology. At one extremity of the building is a refreshment- room for students and others engaged in the building. At the opposite end is a large special laboratory adjacent to the general chemical laboratory, underneath which are two additional laboratories for special purposes. There is space for an additional wing at the south end of the building, corresponding to that at the north end, which contains the chemical department and the lecture theatres. The scheme for the organization of this institution will be found in the Appendix, Vol. IV. The Technical College, Tabernacle Row, Finely/wry, Lonclma— Finsbury This institution, founded by the City and Guilds of London ge‘lilhmcal Institute, gives technical instruction, both day and evening, of a O ege' character suited to the requirements of artizans and others. Practical laboratory work in the subjects taught, forms a special feature of the system of instruction. A complete course of instruction has been drawn up for the Courses of day students and for those attending the evening classes. students can enter into any one of the following departments :— (1.) Mechanical engineering. (2.) Electrical engineering. Industries involving applications of chemistry. (41.) Building trades. (5.) Applied art industries. There are at present about 100 students attending the day school, and upwards of 600 students attending the evening school. The fees for the complete course of day instruction are at present as follows :— Annual payment, 9l. in one sum, or 10l. in three instalments. For the evening courses the fees range from 58. to 308. The course extends over two years, and it is proposed to give certificates to those students who go through the entire course satisfactorily. Evening I nstructlon.~—Tlie Commissioners visited this insti- Evening The instruction. tution and the adjoining Middle Class School in Cowper Street instmcfi‘m- on two occasions. They were met by Mr. W. P. Sawyer and Mr. Owen Roberts, two of the Honorary Secretaries, and some members of the committee, and inspected, in the first instance, the evening classes of the college. They were introduced to 4:06 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Physical department, Finsbury Technical College. Electrical en gmeerm g . Lecture theatres Professor Ayrton, the teacher of physics and electricity, who conducted them over the various rooms in his department, eight of which are devoted to the laboratory work of the students. One of these contains dynamo-machines, worked either by the main steam engine of the building or by a gas engine in the room. There is one large Edison dynamo-machine used for lighting the building, and students were engaged in making original experiments on some of the others. The second room is used for experimenting on accumulators, taking photometric measurements of electric lamps, &c. The third room is fitted up for delicate experiments, such as measuring the insulation and capacity of submarine cables, the instruments standing on pillars carried up from the basement. These three rooms are all used by second and third year students of electrical engineering. The fourth and fifth rooms are fitted up for an organized series of experiments for first year students of electrical engi- neering; one of the rooms being for experiments in current electricity, and in static electricity. The peculiarity of the arrangement adopted is that each experiment has all the appa~ ratus required for performing it ready in position, together with printed instructions. The students work in groups of three. This arrangement enables the very large numbers, who only come to the laboratory for a couple of hours at a time, to work together, and to complete, or nearly complete, one experiment during that time, which would be quite impossible if the students had to search for the necessary apparatus, resistance coils, batteries, &c., and to fit them up. The instruments needed for each experiment, completely fitted, are mounted on a board, which can be taken into the lecture room for use during the lectures. The sixth room, which is a small one, is fitted up for plotting curves, recording the results of experiments. The seventh room is used for experiments on heat, and the eighth is fitted up as a workshop for the manufacture and repair of physical apparatus, where a skilled workman is constantly engaged. The Commissioners found students working in four of these rooms, which are more or less completely fitted with apparatus. The remaining rooms were not occupied, as the apparatus had not as yet been obtained for furnishing them. The basement is well lighted, all the walls being lined with white glazed bricks. The first floor, which is very lofty, contains two large lecture theatres, each capable of seating 200 students. They are so arranged that the line of seats rises in the form of a curve, giving every student a good position for seeing the experiments of the lecturer. The black-boards behind the lecture table are so balanced as to be capable of being moved up or down with the least possible effort. The building and class-rooms throughout are lighted by means of Edison’s incandescent lamps, but Siemens’ gas lamps have been provided in some parts of the building. Burner. 7 407 ‘ I- The} chemical laboratories are on the second floor. Here the Com- missioners were introduced to Professor Armstrong, who explained the considerations by which- he had been guided in the planning of . the laboratory. The room is divided into two parts by double glass screens, between which are the arrangements for the supply of sulphuretted hydrogen for the use of the students, the elementary and the advanced. The former contains 413, and the latter 51, working places, each of which, however, has two drawers and two cupboards, and is, therefore, available for two students working at different times‘. The entire benchv is covered with a hood, at the top of which are openings at intervals communicating with a chimney in which there is a powerful draught, produced by means of the waste heat from the boilers, so that all gases and vapours given off in the experiments are said to be drawn away . into the chimney, and it is contended that by these means the laboratory is kept free from smell. The fiues pass downwards from the benches, and along the floor. Besides the Proiessor’s and assistants’ rooms, a class room, a balance room, two store rooms, the large lecture theatre, and preparation room, several rooms are provided for the use of more advanced students, and those engaged upon special work. Professor Armstrong stated that the practical course is some- what different from that of most chemical schools, the object in view being'to teach the main facts and principles of chemistry, and to lead the students to observe correctly, and to reason from experiment, rather than to make them highly proficient analysts. It is thought that this system is best calculated to prepare them to carry on with intelligence those manufacturing operations which involve applications of chemical knowledge.» It is in- tended that students who distinguish themselves during. the two years" course at the college, and who manifest special aptitude, shall have the opportunity afforded them at the Central Insti- tution of prolonging their studies. The teaching of analysis, in the ordinary sense, is a very unimportant feature in the earlier part of the course. Instead, the student has to solve a series of problems, for instance, to determine the composition of air, of water, and of the gas obtained on heating salt with sulphuric acid, first qualitatively, then quantitatively. He takes note of, and registers, the results obtained, and points out their hearing on the problem he is engaged in solving. He thus learns how to solve practical problems by experiment. Great difliculty has been experienced in getting students to properly observe and interpret the results of their experiments, and-it has been only too'apparent that their previous education has done little to develope their reasoning faculties. ‘ Students in the chemical department are required to devote a considerable amount of time to mechanical drawing and other mechanical subjects, so that they may become competent to deal with machinery. ' Chemical“ ‘ department, 7 . Finsbury ‘ , College. I _ 408 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Evening art classes at the Technical College, Fins- bury. Day classes at the Fins- bury College. Mechanical laboratory. Art Department—The Commissioners next visited the art classes under the Institute, which are held in the basement of the middle-class school at Cowper Street, temporarily used for the technical college. Here Mr. A. Brophy, the head master, has special classes for cabinet-makers, designers, and others. He explained his system of teaching to be that each student not only prepared an outline from a copy, but had subsequently to ink it in, or complete it in colour, so as to form a simple design for inlaid work or some other kind of decoration. He tries, as far as possible, to set before his students copies from the best work of former days, so as to give them a means of acquiring a certain amount of the history of art while they are learning drawing. Thus a number of pupils who were studying drawing with special reference to lithography, were sketching in pen and ink from Diirer woodcuts. In a second room practical designing was being taught, the students being engaged in applications of design to various materials, pottery, colour printing, 8270. The room for drawing from the life was occupied both by male and female students, ‘who were drawing from the draped female model. In another room students were engaged in modelling from the life, also from the draped female figure. Mr. Brophy stated that he allowed his students to select what class of drawing or modelling they wished to learn, and to go at once, if they could draw at all, to that particular work. He was averse to spending time over carefully finished drawings, and preferred that his students should begin at once with some- thing that interested them, and that they should also, from the first day, practise the use of colour. Small classes engaged in mechanical drawing, building con- struction, and practical drawing for carpenters, were also inspected. Day School—The Commissioners subsequently visited the day department at the Technical College. Professor Perry, the teacher of practical and applied mechanics, showed them the work carried on in his department. In the mechanical labora- tory, besides the well-known experiments with the triangle and polygon of forces and other pieces of apparatus described in many books on mechanics, a graduated series of experiments is arranged, by means of which students investigate for themselves the effect of different loads in various machines, of bands on pulleys, and so forth. Among other experiments of the series are those on the energy of a rotating body; the resistance of wire to extension and torsion, and of beams loaded and supported in various ways, and of the vibration of the pendulum, &c. The apparatus is nearly all of a novel kind, the student making a complete set of observations of one arranged experi- ment before he passes on to the next, and the sheets of squared paper, 810., containing the results of his observations, with short descriptions of what he has actually done, are retained by the REPORT. 409 student to help in fixing his position in the class list at the end of the session. Professor Perry stated that the investigations of some of the students were of considerable interest and originality. The Commissioners then saw the workshops. In the carpenters’ shop, fitted with benches and lathes, the students were at the time of our visit engaged in making freehand sketches from parts of machinery, which they were subsequently to draw to scale in the drawing room. In the adjoining shop for metal work, fitted up with vices, lathes, and some small machine tools, they were chipping iron. These two workshops are in the charge of a practical mechanic. Professor Perry showed the Commissioners the engine and boiler fitted up under his superintendencc, to drive the dynamo- machine and to furnish the motive power for the building. This has been specially arranged for experimental purposes. The boiler and engine are to be provided with appliances for measuring evaporation, steam temperatures, flue temperatures, steam pressure, condenser temperatures, feed-water temperatures, 8.20. The shafting is provided with two dynamometer couplings, and the engine is capable of being worked either with or without condensation. A special “ evaporative ” surface-con— densing apparatus in connection with the engine is fitted up on the top of the buildings, by which means a considerable vacuum is obtainable. The Commissioners then visited the drawing rooms for mechanical drawing, and the large apparatus room or museum on the first floor. Nearly all the students of the day department follow out the complete course of instruction as laid down in the programm e. They come at 9.30 in the morning and remain at the College till 5 in the afternoon, a half-hour being allowed in the middle of the day. All the students undergo a practical course of science instruction in the chemical, physical, and mechanical laboratories. They also learn freehand and machine drawing, and one modern language. Each student spends at least three hours per week in the workshop. The students are admitted only after passing an entrance examination in elementary mathematics. The Cloth- workers’ Company have given two exhibitions of 30l. to the London School Board; one to be awarded annually, and to be available for two years, to a selected pupil from the elementary schools, who, after receiving some preliminary science training, shall pursue his studies at the Finsbury Technical College. By means of these exhibitions and of others tenable at the Central Institution, the Council of the Institute hope to see the way open to boys of exceptional merit from the primary schools, enabling them to receive the highest technical instruction. City and Guilds of London Technical Art School, Ifemzingtorz Park Road, S.E.—-—The Commissioners visited this school and were received by Mr. Owen Roberts, one of the honorary Workshops Drawing school and Museum. Course of in— struction. Technical Art School, Kennington. 410 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: School of wood engraving, Kennington. Elementary design. Advanced design. Life study. secretaries of the City and Guilds of London Institute, and ' by Mr. Sparkes, the superintendent of studies. This school is carried on in two dwelling-houses which have been thrown into one for the purpose, and large top-lighted class rooms have been built in the rear, for drawing from the life, and for modelling. The department first visited was that for Wood engraving. This class, which meets daily, except Saturdays, from 10 to 4, and each evening from 6 to 8, is under the care of Mr. C. Roberts. The students, 11 in number, at the time of our visit, were engaged in practical work, at circular tables specially fitted for the purpose. Four students work at each table, which has an elevated block in the centre for the lamp and glass Water lenses. The students are required before entrance to have taken the Second Grade certificate of the Science and Art Department. One evening in each week is set apart for drawing on the wood. In the class for elementary design, under Miss Walford, the students were all women who were engaged in making designs for tile, wall paper, and other decorative work; the instruction in- cludes, (1) drawing flowers, foliage, and natural forms; and (2) the arrangement of these studies in elementary designs. The advanced class of design is under the tuition of Mr. Hugh Stannus, and at the time of our visit, be was lecturing on design suitable for encaustic and other tiles, to a class of about 15. This course is adapted to students engaged in. the practice of orna- mental art, and to lithographers, engravers, house decorators, and designers for textile fabrics, pottery, and surface decoration. In the life room, next visited, a large number of students were making drawings from the nude model; the work, as a rule, was in charcoal, and the aim seemed rather to produce rapid and effec- tive sketches than laboriously finished drawings. The room was almost inconveniently crowded. Some of the students here seemed to have scarcely suflicient power of drawing to be working from the nude. It is a rule in most schools to require that the student, previous to attempting to study from the life, should have some considerable skill in drawing. In the modelling room some good work was being done, especially from drapery and in bas relief. \Ve were told that a large number of the students were practically engaged in modelling during the day time in the Lambeth potteries. A class for china Modelling and china painting. painting meets here during the daytime twice a week. The attendance during the past year has been as follows :— Subject. Males. Females. Total. Modelling - - - - 48 9 57 Design, elementary - - - 4 28 32 ,, advanced - ~ - — 9 10 19 Wood engraving - — - - 4 12 16 Life classes, drawing and painting - - 20 9 29 85 68 153 REPORT. _ 4 1 1 The following have been the occupations of the students recently Occupations attendnbg the school :-- flflstq‘igggcgf esigners - - ~ - - 60 Art School. . Wood engravers - - - - 30 Stone carvers - - - - - 37 Teachers - - - e - 19 China painters - - - - 12 Wood carvers - - - - - 10 Modellers - - - - - 10 Clerks - - - - - - 10 Art students - - - - - 8 Tradesmen - ' — - - — - 8 Draughtsmen - - - — 4 Lithographers - - —- - - 3 VIII—THE POLYTECHNIC YOUNG MEN’s CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE. REGENT STREET, LONDON. The Commissioners were received by Mr. Quintin Hogg and Objects and Mr, Mitchell, the secretary. Mr. Hooper, a member of the com— é’glf'ilau‘i’gghe mittee, also accompanied them. They were conducted by these i’ ' gentlemen through the various class-rooms, and Mr. Hogg explained to them briefly the origin of the Institute. The work was started many years ago as a philanthropic effort, and in its first form took the shape of a ragged school, which ultimately developed into the Young Men’s Christian Institute, and the building in which the lectures and classes were now being carried on had been purchased by Mr. Hogg for the purpose. The Institute numbers 2,000 members, which is the maximum Number of number admitted, but there are 1,200 applicants awaiting the members- opportunity of admission. Youths between the age of 16 and 23 are eligible for election, but as the Institute is principally intended for apprentices and young artisans, only 20 per cent. of persons not belonging to the artizan class are admitted at any one election. The subscription is 38. 6d. per quarter, and a small fee on joining the various classes. In certain cases outsiders are admit-ted to the classes on payment of double fee, but, practically, three-fourths of those attending the classes are members of the Institute. Special efforts are made by the Committee to provide the members with the opportunity of acquiring a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of their various trades, and care has been taken that the instruction should not be too difficult to be understood by the average mechanic. The following is a list of the systematic trade courses Trade courses. given, with the syllabus of subjects taught, but there are also Courses of practical class for other trades as will be seen from the account. mslmctlon- Nearly all these classes are in connection with the City and Guilds of London Institute, their teachers being registered by the Institute and receiving payment on results. 4J2 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Classes at the Polytechnic Young Men’s Christian Institute. Electric lighting class. Photography. Tailoring. Printing. Plumbing. Bm'cltlag/ingr—Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry, Building Construction, Practical Mensuration, Elementary Sanitary Engineering, Practical Bricklaying. Metal Plate Work. -—- Freehand and Model Drawing, Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Metallurgy, Metal Plate Pattern Cutting, Metal Plate \Vork. Electrical Engineering—Geometry, Machine Drawing, Mathe— matics, Magnetism and Electricity, Applied Mechanics, Acoustics, Light, and Heat; Telegraphy, Electric Lighting, Electric In- strument Making. Engineering—Geometry, Mathematics, Machine Construction, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Pattern Making, Steam, Mechanical Engineering. Plumbing—Geometry, Building Construction, Elementary Chemistry, Sanitary Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Plumbing. Watch and Clock Making. —— Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry, Machine Construction and Drawing, Mathematics, Theoretical Mechanics, Applied Mechanics, Watch and Clock Making. Carriage Building—Freehand and Model Drawing, Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry, Mathematics, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Carriage Building. The Commissioners first visited the class, numerously attended, for electric lighting. We then inspected the class for photo- graphy, in which practical demonstrations were being given. We next proceeded to a large class for tailors’ pattern cutting, the work being done in chalk on cloth strained over tables, and the out patterns being made in brown paper. The teacher, Mr. Humphreys, a self trained cutter, stated that he had himself invented the methods by which he worked, after carefully studying all the plans adopted in America, Germany, and else- where. After having been many years practically engaged in the trade as a foreman cutter, he now entirely devoted himself to literary work, editing a trade paper with fashion plates and patterns, which appears monthly, and teaching classes in the evening. So numerous had been the applications for membership of this class that upwards of 100 students had to be turned away. The next class was one for printing. Here the teacher was explaining the composition of printers’ rollers, and giving practical instruction for their preparation. Thence a visit was paid to the class for shorthand writing, and next the workshops were inspected. The class actually at work at the time of the visit was that for plumbers’ work, the making of all kinds of lead joints was in progress, and practical plumbing of every kind was going on under the teaching of Mr. Davies, the foreman of a large firm in the trade. Various other classes for practical REPORT. 41 3 work are held on different evenings; thus, for instance, metal turning and Wood turning, cabinet-making, carpentry, &c. In Tinplate the class for tinplate working, which was next visited, Mr. Millis, “'m'kmg' the teacher, stated to the Commissioners that his instruction was chiefly theoretical, and that he did not consider it necessary to include practical work, as is done in the plumbing class. The drawing and modelling classes, which seemed almost over- crowded, were next visited. The drawing was chiefly outline Drawing and and shading from casts, but some few of the students were mmiemng- attempting to apply their knowledge to designing, and work of a more advanced character. A theoretical class was also Watchmaking. inspected by the Commissioners, in which instruction was being given in watchmaking by Mr. Herrmann. After a brief inspection of the library and reading rooms, the recreation room, and the arrangements in the basement for lavatories, cloak rooms, 820., the Commissioners adjourned to the large hall and witnessed a display of fencing and gymnastics by some of the more proficient members of the association. Mr. Other Spheres Hogg explained that one of the great attractions of the Institute 01' useffulfléss was the gymnasium, which was largely patronised, and for which of the mst‘mte' members paid an additional fee of sixpence per quarter. He encouraged them to come in their working clothes directly after leaving work, and to spend the whole of the evening at the Institute, refreshments being provided at a moderate cost, and recreation and teaching being jointly cared for. In addition to the teaching on the week-days. the largest adult Bible class in the world (Mr. Hogg believed) is held on the Sunday, when he has an average attendance of 650 young men in one class. In order to give them a sufficient amount of outdoor exercise, he had leased a field of 13 acres at Barnes, for cricket, lawn tennis, football, 850., and he made a practice of inviting all the members of the Institute to stay with him in the country for a week every summer. He could arrange to receive fifty at a time. The. Commissioners understand that Mr. Hogg has expended 80,000l. in the purchase, fitting, and endowment, of the Institute. IX.~—R0YAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, (JooPER’s HILL. The Commissioners visited the Royal Indian Engineering Royal Indian College, at Cooper’s Hill, near Staines, and were received by glglgllgfsrms the President, Gen. Sir Alexander Taylor, K.C.B., and Pro- ° ' fessors Reilly and Unwin, who explained the objects of the institution and the aims and scope of the teaching. It is now nearly two years since the school was thrown open to students training for the engineering profession generally, having been till then specially maintained by the Indian Government for 4 I ‘it ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECH NICAL INSTRUCTION I \. Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill. Subjects of study. Laboratories. Drawing school. ‘Vorkshops. Mechanical laboratory. Students’ drawings. {we the education of engineers for the Public Works Department ‘0&- that country. It was established in 1871. Formerly students: were required to submit .to a competitive entrance examination a and, at the completion of their training, were entitled to demand employment in India. Now a qualifying examination (has taken~ the place of the competitive one, and while a certain number at‘; Indian appointments are thrown open annually, students attend ing?) the college do not bind themselves to enter the Indian Govern-s ment service. Owing to the doubt which prevailed some years: ago respecting the continuance of the school, the numbers fell nfii considerably, and at the present time there are only 80 students,“ the college being well adapted for 120. The course extends over’ three years, and the curriculum consists principally of mathe~ matics, physics, and drawing, besides the subjects of a good general education. 'The distribution of the work will be seen from the programme in the Appendix. The Commissioners visited the class rooms, the lecture-room and drawing-room, and the chemical laboratory. Chemistry is at present an optional subject, but after this year it is intended to make it compulsory. The laboratory now contains only 12 working places, but the buildings needed to double it in size are in course of erection. A large new physical laboratory is also about to be built. At present the physical teaching is all given in class, and no experimental work is done. A very handsome drawing school is also being con- structed, and the old drawing school will be partly used as a physical lecture room. A visit was paid to the workshops which contain a good collection of lathes and small machine tools driven by a steam engine. Beyond the engineering workshop is a small carpenters’ shop, principally used for pattern making. The workshop instruction is optional, and is taken out of school-hours. The workshops are under the charge of Professor Reilly and the work-master, Mr. Hopps, who has given evidence before the Commissioners. A mechanical laboratory is also in course of construction, which it is estimated will cost upwards of 2,000l. It will contain a testing machine capable of testing up to 100 tons, a gas engine, some small shaping machines for making specimens for testing, 820. This department is in the charge of Professor Unwin. A collection of the students’ works was shown to the Commis- sioners, the drawing being extremely creditable, and showing that copying from examples is not encouraged, and that a con- siderable portion of the students’ time is occupied in preparing designs and independent surveys. The president stated, in answer to. questions, that so far as he could judge, the new system of a mere qualifying examina» tion brought them in a class of men, perhaps not quite so well prepared in the first instance, but that in the long run these men compared very favourably with those previously selected by competition. REPORT. 4115 Each student has a separate bedroom and study. These rooms occupy a special block of buildings. The number of appointments offered annually by the Indian Government is not sufficient for the whole number of students who are now being educated at the college, and it is supposed that probably some 30 per cent. of, the students will enter into private employment. X.—-ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, GREENWICH. We have been furnished with the following facts with respect Royal Naval to the course of instruction pursued in the Royal Naval College 3011658’. h by students of marine engineering and naval architecture. reenwm ' During the first session the study of mathematics, pure and Course of applied, goes on in the mornings. In the afternoons professional study- subjects, practical physics, and practical chemistry are studied, and courses of lectures on physics and chemistry are given by college professors, between the morning and afternoon studies. The evenings are available for private study and for recreation. Saturday afternoons are also available for the same purposes during the whole of the session, and Wednesday afternoon during about half the session. The assistant engineers, who remain at the Royal Naval College Course for for two additional years, and the students of naval architecture, have precisely the same instruction in all matters except such ° “ as are purely professional. Successful efforts have been made to give each set of students a broad view of the profession studied by the other set of students, by arranging suitable lectures for this purpose. The morning work consists of the more advanced mathematics, Subjects of solid geometry, theory of equations, differential equations, hydro- instruction’ dynamics, rigid dynamics, strength of materials and of structures, &c. The afternoon work consists of more advanced professional instruction, relating to the design either of a ship or set of engines, all the calculations relating thereto, and the making of complete sets of drawings of all the parts, instead of being confined, as in the first; year, to the mere elementary features of the profession. The stud}r of chemistry and physics takes place during the second and third years in the same manner as in the first, more advanced work being taken in hand as the knowledge of the students increases. The school has not been so successful in attracting private Private students, as was anticipated at first, although the total number Students‘ being educated there now reaches a considerable figure, the naval architects standing at about 30 for foreign students, and 20 for 416 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: British students. Many of the British students, however, being engaged in private trade, leave at an early period of their studies, for the purpose of undertaking actual professional work. There have only been about 16 private students of marine engineering in the school, eight foreign and eight British. Influence of The influence of the Royal School of Naval Architecture on Royal School the Mercantile Marine has, however, been more felt through ffNaf'al Admiralty students leaving the Admiralty service, than by rehltecture . . . on the men means of private students. The Admiralty students occupy cantile marine. much higher positions in private shipbuilding and engineering firms than private students of the school have been able to secure. The Mercantile Marine has gained in many ways by this introduction of professional men from the Admiralty service. These men have carried with them the high standard of work- manship, traditional in Her Majesty’s service,. as well as the knowledge necessary to apply principles to new conditions and circumstances. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping has many surveyors who have been students in the school. Foreign The foreign students for the most part, although not eX- students' clusively, have been sent by their own Governments, and on the completion of their training have been employed in the constructive offices in their several countries. Course for Naval ofi‘icers have a very extended course of instruction in “Val officers' marine engineering, both at sea and at the Royal Naval College. They are instructed when at sea by the chief engineer of the ship, and when in harbour by officers detailed for that purpose. This instruction is given~ to all officers up to and including the rank of captain, and in the case of the junior ofiicers it is compulsory. Course for At the Royal Naval College, sub-lieutenants, lieutenants, com- sllb‘heutenam’ manders, and captains attend lectures on the steam engine, and lieutenant, . _ . . . commander, have models of Important parts available for Illustration. The and captain. source of energy by burning coal In air is Investigated, the most economical types of engines, causes of breakdown, inefficiency, 850. are explained; the duration of boilers, wear and tear of engines, most economical speed, 850. are all studied in detail. Course of naval The course in naval architecture is not so extended at pre- instruction sent, and is not of such old standing as the course in marine engineering. Officers are instructed in the leading features of shipbuilding, the names and uses of the several parts, the con- struction of turrets, methods of ventilation, drawing, watertight sub-divisions, means of maintaining and preserving the hull in a state of efiiciency, are dealt with in detail, and some officers have shown considerable aptitude in these studies. Ofiicers are also taught the more elementary scientific proportions of naval architecture, viz., the construction of metacentric diagrams, how to find the centre of gravity of a ship either by calculations REPORT. 4517 or by experiment, how to calculate the stability of a ship, the arrangements of sail plans, &0. At the present time there are nine Admiralty students at the Royal Naval College, undergoing a three years’ course of instruction in naval architecture; six Admiralty students (assisting and acting assisting engineers, Royal Navy) under- going a three years’ course of instruction in marine engineering; and 39 Admiralty students of the same rank undergoing a nine months’ course of instruction in marine engineering. In addition to the professional students of naval architecture and marine engineering. some of the naval officers receive instruction in naval architecture, and nearly all receive instruc- tion in marine engineering at the Royal Naval College. The particulars are given below :— Number attending. Number in the g _ College. Naval Architecture. Marine Engineering. Captains - - 6 5 5 Commanders - - 9 8 5 Lieutenants - - 1 7 1 l O Navigating lieutenants 3 2 3 Sub-lieutenants - 66 0 66 These numbers vary from year to year and even from month to month as appointments are made, especially in the case of the senior officers, but the above figures may be looked upon as fair average numbers. XI --CRYsTAI. PALACE SoIIooL or PRACTICAL ENGINEERING. This school, which we did not visit, is in two divisions, mechanical engineering and civil engineering, under the direction of Mr. J. W. Wilson. It professes to prepare students for taking articles under engineers, or in the case of those who are already articled, it provides systematic practical and scientific work. An aim also of the school is to give such practical instruction as may be valuable to colonists and explorers of new countries. In the mechanical engineering section. the age on admission must be not less than 16. There is a preliminary entrance examination, and for those unable to comply with its conditions, a preparatory course has been arranged. There are three terms 0t 15 weeks each. Hours 10 to 1 and 2 to 5 each day. One term is devoted to mechanical drawing, a second to pattern making, and a third to fitting and smiths’ work. The mechanical course is comprised in one year. The fee for the year is 50 Number of students. Crystal Palace Engineering ocnooh lii 1726. D I) Mechanical engineering course. 418 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Civil engineer- ing course, Crystal Palace School. Examination. Oxford University Museum. Clarendon Laboratory. guineas, and for additional terms 176.7108. each. Students can; be received for a single term on payment of 25L ' The civil engineering course also extends over one year, and is designed as a preparation to articles. There is a preliminary examination to test the suitability of the student. The first term is devoted to projecting and the practical preparation by actual surveys and levellingof plans in detail, and plans ,- and estimates for Parliament. The second term is devoted to .the preparation of detailed section plans, estimates of the above. work for the contractor, and the third term is utilized for original designing of girders, bridge work, &c., and the examination of. important existing engineering works completed or in progress. The fees for this section are 60 guineas for the course, or 25 guineas for each single term. At the end of each term there is an examination by engineers of eminence, not connected with the school, and certificates are given for proficiency in lecture subjects and work. in the drawing office and shops. A colonial section, for the practical and theoretical instruction of intending colonists, has also been arranged. XII—OXFORD. The Commissioners met at the University Museum, where they were received by the Curator, Professor H. J. S. Smith, F.R.S., (whose untimely death, shortly afterwards, Science has had to deplore), Professor Moseley, F.R.S., Professor Westwood, and Dr. Acland, FRS. The history of the foundation of the museum was explained to the Commissioners by Dr. Acland, who pointed out the principles on which the building was constructed, and upon which the various departments of zoology, comparative anatomy, and geology have been arranged, thanks especially to the zeal and ability of the late Professor Rolleston. Students of science, who, however, are not numerous, make much use of the museum for study, and can attend the lectures delivered by the several professors in the rooms attached to the museum, or work in the zoological and physiological laboratories. A new set of labo- ratories is about to be built for Professor Burdon Sanderson, FPS, in proximity to the museum, which is itself so planned as to enable extensions to be made at any time. The extensive entomological collections under the care of Professor Westwood are also housed in the museum, and the herbarium of the late Dr. Daubeny will shortly be included amongst the museum col- lections. Valuable features of this institution are the Radcliffe and Ashmolean Scientific Libraries, containing more, than 50,000 works of reference, and a large and complete lending library of scientific text books and periodicals. Attached to the museum are the departments of physics and chemistry. The former of these is contained in a separate REPORT. 4.11 9 building adjoining the museum. The Clarendon Physical Labo- Physics at ratory, under the direction of Professor Clifton, F.R.S., the Oxford- professor of experimental physics, is one of the most complete in this country, and was built at a cost of about 12,000l. It contains a series of rooms clustered round a central hall, fitted with glass cases for the storage of apparatus, and a roomy and well arranged lecture theatre, together with workshops and other“ necessary adjuncts The several rooms set apart for the students’ work are designed with special reference to the branch of physics which the student desires to pursue; thus, certain rooms are occupied by optical apparatus, and are used solely for experi- ments on light, others are fitted with the necessary arrangements for experiments on heat, and so on. The professor only admits to these practical courses, such graduates or undergraduates as have sufficient- mathematical knowledge to benefit from his ad- vanced teaching, and as are capable of handling with the requisite care the expensive and delicate apparatus with which they have to work. The large amount of personal attention which the professor and the university demonstrator are obliged to give to each student working in this laboratory, prevents the classes from being numerous; about twelve students work at optics, and about eight or ten at heat. The Chemical Laboratories under the direction of Professor Chemical Odling, F.R.S., have been enlarged since the museum was built, Iabomtomes- by 64: places, and now give accommodation for 88 students. The number working at the time of the Commissioners’ visit was 51. In addition to the University laboratory, Christchurch has a special chemical laboratory under Mr. Vernon Harcourt, F.R.S., and Balliol a smaller one under Mr. Dixon, whilst inter-collegiate lectures on the various science subjects are given to supplement ‘those of the University professors. Magdalen College has also instituted a physiological and chemical laboratory. The arrangements and facilities for the study of medicine and Physiology_ the preliminary science subjects are not so advanced at present at Cxford as at Cambridge; the appointment of Dr. Sanderson as the Linacre Professor of Physiology will, it is expected, greatly promote the study of medical science in the University. .1’ he Art Galleries and Schools of Art form an important Qxford m feature in the educational establishments of Oxford. Professor galleries Ruskin’s school is chiefly devoted to landscape and water-colour and schools of drawing, and is open to undergraduates and others. A valuable ' collection of works by Turner and other masters has been presented to the University by Mr. Ruskin, and is much used for copying. The Government Art School is situated in the basement of the Art Galleries, and is insufliciently accommodated. It is attended by from 50 to 60 students, mostly young, none of whom carry on designing or advanced work. 1) n 2 4520‘ ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Cambridge science teaching. Scientific institutions and labora- tories. The Cavendish Laboratory. XIII—CAMBRIDGE. The Commissioners were informed, that previous to the year 1871, no practical teaching of science was carried on in the University, with the exception of chemistry. In that year, the late Professor Maxwell was appointed professor of physics, and designed the Cavendish physical laboratory presented to the University by the Chancellor, the Duke of Devonshire; and Professor Michael Foster was elected as lecturer on physiology in Trinity College. From the above year, up to the present time, science teaching in almost every branch has been instituted, of at once the most advanced and the most practical character. Maxwell’s influence on the examination system of the university, by introducing physical problems in addition to the more purely mathematical subjects formerly in vogue, has been of the highest importance ; and that of Professor Foster equally so in another direction, viz., that of encouraging and developing the teaching of the biological sciences, as forming an important part of the scientific training for the profession of medicine. Other eminent Cambridge men, Lord Rayleigh, Professors Stokes, Humphreys, Liveing, Dewar, Vines, Mr. Coutts-Trotter, and the late Professor Balfour among the number, have done much to assist in this matter ; and there is no doubt that the authorities of the University generally, are at the present time fully alive to the importance of these practical scientific studies, and are determined to push forward and co-ordinate the still somewhat unsystematic efforts which are being made by the difibrent colleges in this direction. The energy and activity which is thus being displayed at Cambridge is very remarkable. Of the various scientific institutions and laboratories now existing at Cambridge, the most important are : (1) the Cavendish Physical Laboratory under Professor Lord Rayleigh; (2) the Physiological and Morphological Laboratories, under Professor Foster and Mr. Sedgwick; the Chemical Department under Professors Liveing and Dewar; (4!) the Geological Museum under Pre- fessor Hughes ; (5) the Mineralogical Collection (Professor Lewis) ; (6) the Mechanical Workshops of Professor James Stuart; (7) the Fitzwilliam Museum; besides (8) the purely professional departments of medicine under Professor Humphreys and others. (1.) The Cavendish Laboratory—This laboratory, which is one of the most complete of its kind, was designed by Professor Clerk Maxwell, and since his death the direction has devolved upon Lord Rayleigh. There are special rooms for optical research, for exact measurements of different kinds, and for special physical research in all its branches. The Professor is assisted by two demonstrators, Messrs. Glazebrook and Shaw, who undertake the elementary instruction of about 45 students, carrying on a specific course of practical work. The demand for this tuition is steadily increasing, the attendance having trebled in the last three years. The fee for working in the laboratory is two guineas per term. There is no endowment in REPoRr. 421 connection with the department, but a fund amounting to 2,000l. has been raised at the instigation of Lord Rayleigh, for the purchase of apparatus. The senior students attend lectures on advanced electricity, given by Lord Rayleigh, who is himself engaged in original physical research, and great stimulus is thus given to the higher work of the students, who assist him. (2.) The Biological Department at Cambridge has grown from Biological very small beginnings in 1871 to a very complete and extensive depal'flgeilé department at the present time, in buildings specially arranged at cm H gig’ for the purpose. In the physiological laboratories, 120 students are at present receiving instruction under Professor Foster, assisted by two demonstrators, whilst no less than 80 students are studying morphology in separate laboratories, (designed by the late Professor Balfour), under Mr. Adam Sedgwick. Most of the students are preparing for the medical profession ; the total number of the medical students of the three years now at Cambridge amounting to 200. Ladies from Girton and Newnham also attend these laboratories. The cost of these buildings was about 11,000l., and a considerable sum for the maintenance of the department will be set apart, under the new University scheme, from the funds of the various colleges. In connection with this department is a valuable museum of comparative anatomy, under Professor Macalister, and a h erbarium and botanical laboratory, recently arranged by Professor Vines. (3.) Chemical Department—This department, so far as build- Cambridge“ ings and accommodation are concerned, is very insuflicient. flggglrltclint A sum of 30,000l. has, however, lately been voted for building a I complete set of chemical laboratories and lecture rooms. There are about 185 students of chemistry in the University, of whom about one- third are medical students. The fee for attending the chemical laboratory is two guineas per term, with an additional 178. for apparatus. Owing to a change which has recently taken place in the statutes, students taking the mathematical degrees are allowed to study natural science in the latter part of their course. Few students have time or inclination for original research. (4.) Geological Masenm.-—This consists of the renowned \Voodwardian Woodwardian Museum of Geology and of a large number of geological collections illustrative of economic geology. The museum has museum‘ been raised to its present position by the labours of the late Prof. Sedgwick, to whom the existing museum buildings, commenced in 1835, owe their origin. These“ valuable collections are employed by Prof. T. McK. Hughes in his lectures. A detailed description of the collection, and of the technical courses which the Professor would wish to see established in Cambridge, will be found in the Appendix, Vol. IV. The mineralogical collection at Cambridge is one of great Mineralogical value and completeness, having been chiefly formed by the colleen“- late Prof. W. H. Miller. The department is now under the charge of Prof. Lewis. 422 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Mechanical workshops of Prof. Stuart, Cambridge University. Prof. Stuart’s opinion on the value of mechanical laboratories. (6.) The Mechanical Workshops of Professor Stuart—An interesting feature of the present scientific activity at Cambridge is the experiment inaugurated by Prof. Stuart about five years ago, by the establishment of a department for carrying on practical work in machine construction. Prof. Stuart‘s intention in establishing this department is to enable the sons of manu- facturers and others who are sent to the University, to obtain instruction of a kind likely to be of immediate practical value in their subsequent calling. On inspecting the workshops, which are still unfinished and in gradual course of erection, the Commissioners were impressed with the bona fide character of the work. The department contains a fitting shop, smithy, a small erecting shop, and a draughtsman’s ofiice, together with a cupola and casting shed. About 412 students were working at the time of the visit. All the men go through a regularly prescribed course of work, special attention being paid to the instruction in mechanical and machine drawing, which is made the foundation of all the teaching in the shops. The system of tuition is arranged on the basis of an actual mercantile establish- ment. The rate of wages fol‘ each student is fixed, the cost of material and the time employed being accurately noted and entered in a ledger, so that the cost of every article produced can be ascertained. An examination of the register of attendance showed that 20 students had in eight weeks attended 725 times and worked 2,121 hours, giving an average of 41-;- attendances of 3 hours’ duration per student per week. For the purpose of instructing the students, five or six skilled mechanics are employed, who are paid the average wages of their class. Of these, two are former students of the University, who, having gone through the course, remain as paid workmen. The work in progress during the Commissioners’ visit was of a most diverse kind; some of the most advanced students were constructing dynamo-machines, steam engines, telegraphic and electrical apparatus, &c. On inquiring as to the previous training of men coming to the University from public schools, and attending his workshops, Prof. Stuart informed the Commissioners that only on one occasion had he found a man who had any knowledge of linear drawing. In conversation with the Commissioners, on being asked whether he considered that practical instruction in a factory could to any extent be replaced by theoretical work and laboratory instruction, Professor Stuart said, “ Certainly not.” He would attach the theoretical work to be done in the evening, to the practical work they were doing in the daytime in the regular workshops. If he could work out his plan thoroughly in a large manufacturing town, such, for instance, as Manchester, he believed that engineers and large employers would after a time admit that it would be an advantage to them to have such a shop as his in the town. At the present time the pupils or apprentices are either working by themselves or they are not. If by themselves, they are at some rough work ; if they are not, nnron'r. 423 practical men have to be paid to look after them. But in most shops you would be told, "' All we can do is to take young men, to pick up at best what they can.” He would be happy in such a shop to take the young engineer when he could be spared from his other work, in the summer time or at night. If the employer had thorough confidence in the instruction he was able to give, he would offer premium prizes to the best apprentices, and let them pay off their indenture fees by means of prizes gained at the technical school. By that means it would be possible to create a most useful class of foremen. He thought it would not do to send a young man to be trained as a foreman in a college, after he had been three or four years at the works. If he were called upon to manage a large engineering concern, one of the earliest things he would do would be to get a thoroughly good man to give night school instruction in pure science and mathematics to the most promising apprentices, and he would give lads the right of having three or four hours daily of such instruction in the daytime. He thought that good steady lads would profit by this teaching so much that he should be more than repaid its cost. (7.) The Commissioners visited the Fitzwilliam Museum, under the guidance of Dr. Porter, the Vice—Chancellor of the University, and Prof. Sidney Colvin, the Slade Professor of Art. The collec~ tions in the museum consist of ancient and modern pictures, anti- quities, casts from the antique, and a very fine collection of wood engravings, and prints from the early masters, and an art library. The students of the University are allowed to copy the pictures exhibited in the galleries, and the library is open daily to students, of whom some few are undergraduates. Prof. Colvin lectures on various subjects connected with the history of art, and finds his lectures well attended; but there is no practical instruction in drawing or painting given at Cambridge, as is the case with the Slade schools of London and Oxford. In addition to the above-mentioned scientific institutions immediately connected with the University, there are at Cam- .bridge not a few laboratories and museums attached to the various colleges; thus, for example, in Caius College, which is essentially a medical college, there are 50 men at the present time studying practical chemistry in a small and very inadequate laboratory, containing working room for 22 men, under Mr. Pat- tison Muir. rl‘here is another small laboratory in St. John’s College. In addition to lectures given by Profs. Liveing and Dewar, special courses on chemistry are given in the various colleges by Messrs. Muir, Main, Hicks, and Lewis. The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Oo.——As another illus- tration of the scientific activity at Cambridge, this institution must be mentioned. It was founded by two university men, Messrs. Dew-Smith and Horace Darwin, for the purpose of the manufacture and sale of scientific instruments of the highest and most delicate character. The necessity for those engaged in Fitzwilliam Museum. College laboratories. Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. 4241 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: General opinion at Cambridge as to science instruction. Prof. Foster’s opinion. Elementary instruction of the Manchester School Board. scientific work, of the existence in their neighbourhood of scientific instrument makers, has long been acknowledged by the German universities, where a university mechanic is always to be found. To supply this want, the above gentlemen undertook the esta- blishment of the business. The instruments made are especially for delicate physiological research, and others requiring great precision. The scientific knowledge and skill of the promoters enables them not only to make all the well known instruments required by men of science, but also to design and construct new apparatus for special purposes. In conversation with the University Professors on the subject , of scientific instruction, the Commissioners were told that the great drawback at present in Cambridge is the want of co- ordination of the different scientific studies. This, however, thanks chiefly to the efforts of Mr. Coutts-Trotter, of Trinity College, is gradually being remedied, so that a student coming up to Cambridge, and desirous of adopting‘ a scientific career, will in future have equal facilities with one who goes in for purely classical or mathematical studies. The tendency has hitherto been to make a man feel that a liberal education must necessarily conduct him to the Church or to the Bar. The college tutors, whose business it is to advise the freshman, and inform him of how he is to get his teaching, have, as a rule, been ignorant of science, and even of the facilities which Cam- bridge possesses for carrying on a scientific education; moreover, the science Professors have more or less been free lanc-es, each doing the best he could for his own subject. It is intended that the system of intercollegiate lectures shall bring the subjects chosen by the several Professors into co-ordination. Respecting the method of teaching science, Prof. Foster expressed his opinion that the first duty of a good Professor was to create men who should carry his own work further, and that the highest work of the head of a department is the education of a few good men who are to be equal to himself. His plan was, therefore, to train up his demonstrators so that they could take the advanced men. He believes that so far as the students are concerned, the Professor should take the elementary lecture classes, leaving the advanced lectures to the men he had trained. XIV.—~MANOHESTER. The Commissioners inspected many of the schools under the direction of the School Board of the city of Manchester. The average attendance in this city for the quarter ending September 1883, was, voluntary schools, 25,736, and board schools, 19,992, or 1 every 7'5 of the population, and the cost to the rate- payers during the last five years has been 201. in the .-.E. Statistics REPORT. ' ~ 4025 of the School Board and particulars of the visits paid to the schools will be found in the Appendix, Vol. IV. The points of special interest as regards Technical Instruction Manchester - _‘ are. (1) the foundation by the Board of so-called graded schools, hlisher _ or higher elementary schools, into which the more advanced or 6 mental . most talented children from the primary school can be drafted, schools. ' and Where the higher subjects, especially science and drawing, are taught more satisfactorily and more economically than can be done in a school containing children of all ages and of all stages ' of progress; (2) the establishment by the Board of a systematic Science series of Science and Art evening classes, as well as of evening teaching and _, - - - - - - 1- - evening classes schools ‘for PI'OVIdIDg mstructlon 1n reading, wilting, and under School) ’ arithmetic, for those who have had no opportunity or learning Board, . when young; the establishment of classes for instruction in "Manual-work, the use of tools, in two of the Manchester Board Schools. - ' Of the higher elementary schools two may serve as examples. Central School- _ The first and most remarkable of these is the Central School in Peter Street, taken over by the Board in 1880, and now trans- ferred to new and most complete premises in Deansgate. The results of the science teaching in this school are well worthy of notice. Out of a total of 320 boys, 276 have passed Standard VI, and are taught during the day, mathematics, physiology, chemistry (both practical and theoretical), sound, light and heat, magnetism and electricity, physical geography, and mechanics. French, too, is taught throughout the school. A girls’ higher elementary school forms one-half of the building; of the scholars of which ‘93 are above Standard VI. During the past year the following science classes have been formed, and in May 1884: the pupils will be examined :— Mathematics, Stage IL, A. - -_ - 341 B. - - - — 49 ,, ,, I. C. - - - 4:3 ' L_D. - - - - 95 Physiology, elementary stage, and Hygiene - 62 each Chemistry, practical, class A., advanced - - 40 ,, ,, ' ,, A., elementary - - 25 :7 n n B- :9 _ ,, ,, ,, C. and D. ,, - - 80 ,, theoretical, class A., advanced - - 32 ,, ,, ,, A., elementary - 40 n :2 >2 >2 " ‘ " ,, ,, ,, C. and D. ,, - 96 Sound, light, and heat, class A., advanced - - 26 ,, ,, ,, A., elementary - 26 :2 n a: B’ M - Magnetism and Electricity, class A., advanced - 4*3 ,, ,, ,, A., elementary - 16 a: n a) B — :2 v a: C.’ D‘ I ' 426 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Manchester Central School. Results of science exa- mmations. Practical chemistry. Scholarships. Physiography, advanced - - - - 10 Theoretical Mechanics — - - 12 Practical Organic Chemistry, advanced - - 1 1 ,, ,, ,, elementary - - 14: Theoretical ,, ,, advanced - - 11 ,, ,, ,, elementary - — 'l 4 The following are the results of the examination held by the Science and Art Department in May 1883 :— ADVANCED. ELEMENTARY. 1st Class. 2nd Class. 1st Class. 2nd Class. Mathematics - - - - 9 10 2 40 Physiology - - - - - - - 6 -_ -- Practical Inorganic Chemistry - - 7 9 29 42 Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry - 8 10 23 40 Acoustics, Light, and Heat - - 4 8 4 63 Magnetism and Electricity - - 2 11 35 7 9 Physiography - - - - — -— '7 2 Theoretical Mechanics - - - - -- 8 2 Practical Organic Chemistry - - - _ 11 8 Theoretical Organic Chemistry - - — —- 17 2 2ND GRADE. 18']? GRADE. E. G. E. G. Freehand Drawing - - - — 6 21 69 Geometrical Drawing - - - —— 1 14 34 Model Drawing - - - 1 6 6 34 Perspective Drawing - - - - 1 2 -- —- Drawing to Scale - - - -- -— 5 13 The total grant from the Science and Art Department earned by this school in 18828 was 398Z. Practical Chemistry is extremely well taught ; no less than 163 boys, of whom 28 are advanced pupils, were engaged in laboratory work in the winter 1883-41, as well as 20 girls, and the new school buildings in Deansgate contain a laboratory well fitted and arranged for 70 boys working at once, with a lecture room attached seating 100. Every boy in the school learns drawing upon the South Kensington method. To the b)ys’ school is attached one for 200 girls, and 20 scholarships exist for necessitous boys and girls from the primary schools. These are of the greatest service as they form the first step in the ladder by which a talented boy may climb from the board school to the University. Other scholarships take the boy from this higher elementary to the Manchester Grammar School, and others again from that to the University. Several boys have already accomplished this feat. REPORT. 427 ri‘he other higher elementary school visited is that in Ducie Dacia Avenue Avenue. departments ; it cost, with land, fittings, and chemical laboratory, about 11,000l. The upper school fee is 90l. per week, the lower 6d. and 4rd. Both boys and girls are taught science, and both (viz., 69 boys and 416 girls) work in the chemical laboratory, which is in a separate building, well lighted and ventilated, and having a special class-room attached; of the boys 136 are in Standards VI. and VII., or above, and of the girls 96. The grants earned by this school from the Science and Art Depart- ment were 112l.; and this, together with the school pence, more than cover its working expenses. These two schools may be taken as an example of what can be accomplished by the School Board in a large city, even with as low a rate as 2d. in the pound; and although in appliances of certain kinds these schools are less completely furnished than many Continental schools, your Commissioners have seen none which surpassed them in general efficiency, or in the tuition of any special subject, except in that of drawing. The Appendix contains further details of these schools. In addition to the day schools, the Board each winter conducts elementary evening schools, for providing instruction in reading, writing, and arithmetic, for such persons as had not the opportunity of learning when young. In the year of our visit, 1882, the Board opened 19 such schools (32 separate departments), and in the second week of the session no less than 2,690 pupils were present. The schools meet on three evenings per week, for two hours. In 1878-79, 37 per cent. of the pupils in attendance were in the Upper Standards. 70 per cent. were examined by Her Majesty’s Inspector, in the Upper Standards.’ ,, 1880 In addition to the above, the Board have also Science and Art and other classes as follows :—-- Science and Art ~ 117 classes. French - - - 14 ,, German - - - - 5 ,, Latin - — - 2 ,, , Spanish — - - 2 ,, Shorthand — - — 5 ,, Singing - - - 6 ,, The number of pupils at the above classes for the winter season 1881-82 is shown by the following table :— This is a new school containing 900 children in four School, Manchester. Board school evening classes. 428 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Science and Art classes under the Manchester School Board. Handicraft work in Manchester Board schools. TOTAL NUMBER. of Forms attending the SCIENCE AND ART CLASSES conducted by the Board, 1881—82. N0. of Subject. Subject. I. Geometry - - _ - - 113 11. Machine construction - - - 87 III, Building construction - - - - 6] V, Mathematics - - - - 640 VI, Mechanics—Theoretical - - - 17 VII. ,, Applied - - - 27 VIII. Acoustics - - - - _ 472 IX, Magnetism and electricity _ — - 589 X. Chemistry, inorganic - - - 509 Xp. , , , , practical - - 189 XI. ,, organic - - - 32 Xlp. ,. ,, practical - - 14 XIV. Physiology — - 384 XV. Botany - - - — - 47 XVI. and XVII. Biology - - - - - 10 XXII. Steam - - - - 20 XXIII. Physiography ~ — — - 81 XXIV. Agriculture - - - - 25 Drawing, 2nd grade - — - - 392 a) 3rd :7 ' ‘ " 37 ,, teachers - - - - 7 6 Total - - - - 3,822 Attendance at other subjects taught in the Board school evening classes were :-—- Subject. No. of Pupils. French - - - 229 German - 413 Latin - - 29 Spanish - - 33 Shorthand - - — 220 Singing - - 254 Exercises in the use of tools have been introduced into two schools with marked success. The work is superintended by the School Board carpenter, and the boys are eager to attend the instruction, which is given before and during the usual school hours. The rooms in which the work is carried on are distinct from the schools proper, and are furnished with joiners’ benches, of the French type, costing ll. 28. each, at which two boys work, the cost of the set of tools for each boy being ll. 23. 5d. Each school is also provided with one lathe, procured from La Villette, at Paris, at the cost of 61. There are 24 boys engaged in the one school, and 18 in the other. The Manchester School Board has undertaken this work experimentally, and has not as yet entered it in the time-table; but an entry has been made in the log-book indicating this deviation, and Her Majesty’s Inspector has not raised any objection. The boys REPORT. 4129 work 1%; hours per day at each school. The carpenter’s wages are 2Z. 2s. per week, and he devotes about half his time to the instruction. The school also contains a large collection of models and other illustrations bought in Paris by the Board. We were pleased to find that this action of the Manchester School Board, taken in consequence of the recommendations made in our First Report, is appreciated, and likely to be followed by others. Of the advantages of such a training in manual work there can be no doubt. M'essrs. M miller and Platt's Workshop School.——This is a private Messrs A/{ather technical evening school, established and supported by the firm Lasts for the benefit of their apprentices. school, Slalford. Under the guidance of Mr. Mather, we inspected the school room and examined specimens of the students’ drawings. Mr. Mather stated that there are 68 scholars in the school, which is designed to provide science teaching for the apprentices employed in the works. No strangers are ad mitted for instruction. The drawings are of work actually in progress in the works. The teacher lectures upon them, and explains and makes calcu- lations, and the boys the next day at the Works see the very thing they have heard about here. They are allowed to go through the shop in all directions with the teacher from time to time. Everything required (patterns and models) is brought here full size. The great feature is that in the workshop they have the actual things being made under their own observation, and which have to be sold. The parts upon which they are working here in detail, they afterwards sec made up as a whole. In Mr. Mather’s opinion, you must bring the school to the Advantage of workshop; you cannot bring the workshop to the school. g‘llfkslhoP Bringing the school to the workshop is simple and inexpensive. c 00 s‘ The teachers here are draughtsmen in the works, and by this teaching they add to their ordinary income. The teacher explained that the boys are not allowed to copy drawings; everything is drawn to a different scale from the flat copy, or the pupils have to draw from actual patterns or pieces of machinery used in the shops. Interesting details with respect to this school are found in the Appendix. ‘ Mr. Mather pointed out that the advantage of the teachers being persons employed in the works, and being trained in this school, rather than in science classes, is that he knows what each person is working at every day, and has the opportunity of pointing out something connected with the work he is doing. The teaching has an actual bearing on his every day work. The students are rewarded not only for proficiency in drawing, but for regular attendance, and actual proficiency in their manual work. lt is also a condition of employment that they should be regular in their attendance here. In reply to the question as to the advantage which the works Mr. _Mather‘s have derived from the establishment of these schools, Mr. Mather oPimons 430 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: on technical instruction of artizans. Manchester Building Trades Institute. \ replied:—-“ An incalculable advantage. We desire to send out “ abroad yearly one, two, or more, thoroughly competent men, “ who shall not be simply mechanics in the ordinary sense of “ the word, but who shall be able to turn their attention to “ anything coming under their notice, whether they have done ‘ the thing before, or not (they are sent out simply as mechanics). “ We had the greatest difficulty in finding such men, until we “ began to take them from this school, and since the school has “ been established we have been able to send boys at 20 to. 21 “ to long distances from England, and to place in their hands “ work which they have not had much to do with before, and “ by their own intelligence they have made competent teachers “ of others, and given the greatest satisfaction. Thus one was “ sent out only a few years ago not quite out of his apprenticeship, “ and is now getting Al. per week.” Again, he stated that most of his mechanics are members of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, and this society not only shows no jealousy in any way of the systems adopted, either of tuition or of giving early employment to boys when they are fit for putting on good jobs ; but, on the contrary, they seem to like it, I\ and are pleased at the lads’ progress; and he can say the same . with respect to the trades generally that are employed in the works. In reply to the question whether the foremen had any jealousy of the teacher, Mr. Jones, the teacher, replied,——“ There is no “ jealousy whatever. lThey are always ready to give me assistance “ as a teacher.” Mr. Mather is not aware of any other works in the neighbour~ hood of Manchester, or even in Lancashire, where this teaching method is adopted. The manager of Messrs. Mather and Platt’s works remarked, as regards the influence of the school upon the workshop :— Instead of requiring draughtsmen to look after every separate job, the young fellows who are growing up now can make their own drawings, work to them, and fit the work together and erect it, where it used to require a separate man for each department. The men are most intelligent, and understand, and can execute, their work much better and at a much earlier age. We form thus our own foremen from the boys who have been in the school. We do not find any dissatisfaction or awkwardness with the trade union.” Man chcster and Salforrl Building Trades’ Institute for Technical Education—The evening classes of this Institute were inspected by the Commissioners. The following is a concise statement'of the rise and progress of the Institute, made by Mr. Parnell (for further details, see Appendix) :— “ During the year 1867 Professor Jevons brought forward the Scheme of Technical Education and laid it before the various trades of this country. I‘ a a n A a '\ (\ l\ A A a a q a a ,. A REPORT. 431 “ It was taken up by the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters Manchester and Joiners of Great Britain, and in various towns there was a irgfiglégglmtg strong movement made to inaugurate classes for teaching the tute. \ technical portion in connection with the various branches of the building trade. “ In February 1868 the Executive Council of the Society decided to lend small sums of money to members, in localities where a class could be commenced with a probability of success. “ In October 1869 the Institute became affiliated to the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes, which led to the classes being placed under the inspection of the Science and Art Department at South Kensington. “ The students of this Institute have been four times successful in winning the special prize for building construction, given in connection with the Union of Institutes (viz., three first-class Advanced and one first-class Elementary). “ The number of students who have joined the classes in each year are as follows :— 1868-69 - ~ 200 1875-76 — - 76 1869-70 — - 100 1876-77 - - 89 1870-71 - - 80 1877-78 - - 69 1871-72 - - 82 1878-79 - - 59 1872-73 - - 88 1879-80 - - 79 1873-74 - — 107 1880-81 — - 35 1874-75 - - 84 1881-82 - — 40 “ The number of those who have remained in the classes the whole of the session and were examined, has been on an average one-third of those who have entered the class each session. Among many causes operating to effect this diminution of numbers is the uncertain state of the building trade at Christmas and New Year; it is also found that the interest in the class work diminishes after the first three months, many do not like to start at the bottom of the ladder and climb steadily up. The name of “examination” as the time draws nigh, also frightens others. This class draws all its members from the building trade solely, among which many are young men from country villages, whose education has until recently been of a very poor kind, many not being able to spell or write properly, so that it will be seen that it is a heavy up-hill task that this Institute has been doing with the limited amount of means at hand. “For the first six years the Master Builders’ Association gave an annual subscription of 10l., which they then discontinued. Several other gentlemen gave a guinea a year for the first four years. The Manchester Society of Architects have come forward and given prizes to be competed for yearly, since the first year of its commencement. Other gentlemen have done likewise, but have dropped off one by one, and now the Society of Architects as a body, and two individual members, alone are donors of prizes. 432 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN 0N TECHNICAL INsTRUCTIoN: Manchester Technical School. Description of the school. “This Institute was the first in this district to take up technical education in its entirety, by having a teacher who was practically and theoretically qualified to teach the subject of building construction. There have been a large number of students passed from this Institute who have taken up posit-ions as foremen and clerks of works, and even become master builders.” It is thought that the master builders have not sufficiently encouraged these classes by advising their apprentices to attend them; an opinion was expressed that such attendance ought to be made obligatory on all apprentices. Manchester Tech/nical School.—In the beginning of 1882 definite efforts were made with the view of utilising the Man- chester Mechanics’ Institution exclusively as a technical school, the instruction in which should be especially adapted to the needs of the local industries. On the 28th July 1882, a meeting of gentlemen interested in the subject was held at the house of Mr. Oliver Heywood, at which Mr. Philip Magnus, the Director and Secretary of the City and Guilds of London Institute, was present, and announced that the Institute was willing to give a donation of 100i. and a contribution of 200i. a year for three years in support of a suitably equipped technical school. The meeting cordially approved the idea of adapting the Mechanics’ Institution to the purposes of technical instruction. Subsequent meetings were held, and on the 27th December 1882 the Manchester Mechanics’ Institution passed from the control of its former directors into the hands of a new council composed of representatives of the Corporations and School Boards of Manchester and Salford, the Victoria University, the Owens College, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the School of Art, the City and Guilds of London Institute, together with gentlemen prominently engaged in the chief staple industries of the district. The classes for the session 1882—83 being already in active work, the new Council was chiefly engaged during the spring and summer in making the extensive structural alterations required to carry out their plans; in the preparation of a syllabus, the selection of a suitable teaching staff, and in raising subscriptions. During the summer the large room on the ground floor was fitted up as a mechanical engineering workshop, and supplied with 3-,lz-HP. “ Otto ” gas engine, a 6-inch centre lathe, a 6” by 8” slotting machine, one drilling machine, a grindstone, 12 vice benches, Whitworth screwing tackle, gauges and surface plates, and with other needful appliances. On the same floor a large room has been fitted up as a technical museum, in which there is now placed a collection of large-sized building construction models designed and made by the teacher, numerous examples of building timbers, stones and marbles, samples of all kinds of plumbers’ joints, perfect and defective, dye-stuffs, 8:0. The REPORT. 433 " ~ upwards of 80 students. v and Barlow of Bolton. school contains three’ laboratories, (1.) for pure chemistry; (2.) for metallurgy, with nine wind furnaces; for dyeing ‘bleaching, and printing; together having accommodation for Extensive alterations have been made in the lecture hall, which has been furnished and lighted for the purposes of instruction in. elementary drawing and design, for which it is admirably suited. On the upper floor a large room has been furnished exclusively for mechanical drawing. The Walls are fitted with glass cases which contain numerous examples illustrative of mechanical and geometrical drawing. The room is specially lighted, and has bench accommodation for 90 students, who may either sit or stand. All drawing boards, T-squares, and paper, are provided gratis by the school. Cn this floor are two well arranged'lecture rooms with rising seats, each affording accommodation for 100 students. In addition,~the building contains numerous class rooms of the ordinary type. One of the large rooms is about to be fitted with a system of cotton spinning machinery of the value of 6171., given by Messrs. Dobson For the department of weaving and design, as applied to the goods manufactured in this district, five looms (three given by Messrs. Atherton of Preston and two by Messrs. John Dugdale of Blackburn) are being made, together with other appliances for the full practical illustration of the subject. ' The syllabus of the school embraces a boys’ day school, in which instruction in science is one of the most important features; special day courses in science and technology; evening commercial classes, Science and Art classes under the Science and Art Department, technological classes under the City and Guilds of London Institute, and other independent technologicalclasses; in all about 70 in number. The fees in the boys’ day school (in which there are 90 pupils) are 2i. per term, which includes lessons in practical joinery and practical chemistry, and various science subjects. The fees in the evening science classes vary from 23. 6d. per session of two terms for ordinary subjects of science to 108. (with all re-agents and apparatus provided) in practical chemistry. The teaching staff consists of 32 teachers whose salaries (all being paid fixed sums varying from 51. to 250i. per annum, with no share in Government grant or fees) amount to about 1,8005. The total. number of individual evening students is about 1,200. There are 1410 students in the machine-drawing classes, ‘160 in the classes for geometry, 69 in building construction, 80 in chemistry, 40 in practical joinery, 40 in letterpress printing, 30 in telegraphy, 24s in electrical instrument making, 90 in 1nc thematics, 36 in bleaching, dyeing, and printing, 61 in cotton manufacture and weaving and design, 111 in drawing and design, 36 in carriage building, 820. The total subscriptions and donations now reach 7,910Z. 28., being 1,801Z. in donations and upwards of 2,0001}. per annum for three years. The fees Ri 1726. E E bis Manchester echnical chool. Syllabus of classes. Fees. Teaching [it staff. 2 4.34 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Award of scholarships. Manchester Grammar School. received from students from September 30 to December 31 were about 700l. The school was formally opened for the session 1883-84: on Thursday, September 27th, by the Chairman of this Commission. At the meeting the prizes, exhibitions, and scholarships, gained by the students of the old Mechanics’ Institution in the session 1882—83, were given. The following summary is interesting as showing the extent to which the Institution was already successfully achieving the objects of technological instruction. The examinations in connection with the session of 1882—83, which were held in May last, resulted as follows :— Two Whitworth Scholarships, each of the value of lOOl. One Whitworth Scholarship, of the value of 100l., to the Local Exhibitioner at Dublin Royal College of Science. One Royal Exhibition, value 50l. per annum, for three years, with free tuition. One Royal Scholarship, for two years, value 50l. per annum, with free tuition, to the Local Exhibitioner at Dublin Royal College of Science. Three Free Studentships ofl'ered, each for three years, at the Royal School of Mines, London. The “ Roscoe ” Scholarship of 10l. per annum, for three years, at the Owens College. The “ Thomasson ” Scholarship of 10l. per annum, for three years, at the Owens College. The “ Mather ” Scholarship of 10l. per annum, for two years, at the Owens College. An Evening Exhibition of the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, in dyeing, bleaching, and printing, of 2l. 10s. per annum, for two years. Three First Prizes in drawing and design, from the Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes. Two silver and two bronze medals of the City and Guilds of London Institute; and 15l. in prizes. Two bronze medals of the Science and Art Department. 156 Queen’s Science and Art Prizes. 425 Science and Art Certificates. 65 Technological Certificates. 139 Commercial Certificates. The Allan and Newton (Amalgamated Society of Engineers) Memorial Prize of 5l. 12s. 80l. in books. Manchester Gram/mar School—This is one of the largest and most efiicient and flourishing of the modernized grammar schools existing in the country. It was founded in 1515, but placed on a new footing in 1867. The number of boys is now over 900, and more than 80,000l. has been spent on enlarged and most complete buildings, containing spacious gymnasium, class rooms, lecture theatre, drawing hall, library, dining rooms, and an admir- ably fitted chemical laboratory under the direction of Mr. F. Jones, REPORT. 435 E.C.S. The modern and science sides of the school have been developed within the last 10 years, and are becoming more and more popular with the parents. The science teaching is always combined with a training in languages, either ancient or modern. The school has been most successful in obtaining a large number of Advanced and Honours science passes under the Science and Art Department, and has won the greater distinction of carrying off many University exhibitions and scholarships in science (to the success in classics we do not here refer). All the boys learn drawing. We had the advantage of a conversation with Mr. Dill, M.A., the High Master (see Appendix), who informed us that the boys coming up with scholarships from the Board schools, com- pared very favourably with the other scholars. Several of them have passed on to Oxford ; of these three had gained University scholarships, and two had taken first classes in the final schools, their parents being in a humble position in life. Two hundred and fifty of the boys are free or foundation scholars, the rest pay 12 guineas per annum. The drawing school is open in the evening, and attended by from 100 to 120 students, who are chiefly artizans, and of these about 90 per cent. are qualified to earn a Government grant (see Appendix). The Owens College, Victoria University—The Owens College was established as a private trust in 1851, by a bequest of 100,000l. from John Owens, merchant, of Manchester, to found a college in which “the subjects usually taught at the English Universities ” shall be professed. This private trust was recon- stituted, and the college incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1871, and large additions to the funds of the college have accrued by donation and bequest. The Victoria University, with its seat in the city of Man- chester, and with Owens College as its single college at present, was founded by Royal Charters in 1880 and 1882. The Victoria University stands to Owens College, and the other colleges, which, at a future time, may be incorporated, in the same position as the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge stand to the colleges in those Universities. It is therefore not a mere examining board like the University of London, but a teaching university, as only those students can be admitted to degrees in science, arts, or medicine, who have studied under strict regula- tions at one or other of the colleges of the University. The government of the University consists of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor, a Vice-Chancellor, the University Court, and the University Council, whilst the academical arrangements for examinations, the are placed under the direction of the Board of Studies of the University, consisting of the examiners and of the professors and lecturers of the University, the former of whom are in part external to the teaching staff, the latter being pro~ fessors and lecturers in the Owens College. Although only in an“ A Manchester Grammar Soho ol. The Owens College. Victoria Uni- verity. Its historya 436 norm. COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Victoria Uni_ versity. The Owens College teaching stafi. Laboratories and museums. College funds. Courses of study and number of students. Evening classes. existence for a few years, the Victoria University has already granted a considerable number of degrees in arts and science, both in honours and the pass subjects, and the number of candidates for these degrees, as for the more recently instituted degrees in medicine and surgery, is now very considerable, and there can be no doubt that the foundation of a teaching university in the midst of the densely populated industrial districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire, will in time do much to stimulate and extend the higher education of the country. The Owens College is governed by a President, the Duke of Devonshire, a court of governors, an executive council, and an academical senate. This latter body consists of 26 professors, including the principal, Dr. Greenwood, who occupies the chair of Greek. The scientific subjects are very fully represented. Then there are two professors of chemistry, inorganic and organic, besides four assistant lecturers and demonstrators; two pro- fessors of physics, and one assistant lecturer and demonstrator ; a professor of applied, and one of pure, mathematics, with two assistant lecturers ; a professor of each of the subjects of botany, biology, geology, and physiology, with assistant lecturers and demonstrators in each of these departments; and, in addition, a complete staff of professors and demonstrators for all the subjects of medicine and surgery. The laboratories and lecture rooms for chemistry are, perhaps, the most complete in the country, and the same may be said for several of the other scientific departments. Large biological and geological museums, with very complete accommodation for teaching these subjects, are now in course of erection. The total funds of the college amount to upwards of 4400,000L, the whole of this sum having been either bequeathed to the college or raised by public subscription. N o pecuniary aid of any kind has as yet been given, either to the college or to the University, by the government or the municipality. The courses of study are of an extended character, leading up to the University degrees, and to the college honour certificates in the technical branches of engineering, and technological chemistry. The number of students of arts and science in the day classes amounts to about 4.400 ; that in the medical department to nearly 300. In addition to the day instruction, which, of course, forms the chief work of the college, systematic courses of evening lectures and laboratory practice exist, for the benefit of the large number of persons who, being occupied in trade or otherwise during the day, are desirous of continuing their educationl The number of evening students amounts to about 700 ; the subjects taught are the same as in the day classes, all the professors and the assistant lecturers taking part in the tuition, and in many subjects several courses are given; thus, in chemistry, there are three distinct courses of lectures, and three courses of laboratory practice, and REPORT. 437 in Latin five separate classes; so that persons desirous of carrying on their education up to a University standard, have the oppor- tunity of so doing at the low fee of 108. 661. for the course of 20 lectures. These college evening classes serve, in the science subjects at least, as an excellent supplement to the ordinary science teaching under the Department of Science and Art, and to the elementary science instruction given in the board schools, placing a high standard of instruction within the reach of all resident in the district. The Commissioners visited the College, where the Vice- Chancellor, Principal Greenwood, met us, and made the following statement with regard to the subject of our inquiry :— “ The attention of the Council and Senate has been for many years given to the best way of so directing the strictly scientific instruction of the college as, without impairing its thoroughness, to foster the interests of the great manufacturing industries of the district. “ In the year 1868, Dr. Roscoe and I visited, at the request of our Council, some of the principal technical schools of Germany and Switzerland, with the view of ascertaining in what directions the higher education could best promote the interests I have mentioned, and at the same time of inquiring into the form of building and the appliances which had been found most effective. “ Accordingly, when our new college buildings were erected in 1870, we were able to make very complete provision for the teaching of chemistry, and less complete, but still considerable, provision for other branches of technical instruction, and that without, as We believe, in the least interfering with the prosperity of the teaching in arts and (pure) science, which is the proper business of the college. “ The details of those efforts, as well as of some further exten- sions which we are now contemplating, will no doubt be supplied to the Commissioners by my colleagues, the heads of the several departments concerned. I will only state here that two clear principles have been kept in view by us all along—(l) that a sound knowledge of principles ought to precede this practical application; and (2) that in teaching the applications we shall not aim at superseding that practical training which can only be gained in the manufactory or the workshop. We do not see any reason to doubt the soundness of these principles, and, so far as our experience goes, no difficnlty need be found in drawing the line between those applications which may, and those which may not, be with advantage introduced into our instruction. “ On the one hand we believe that, so far as the absence of endowments for this special object has allowed, we have been able to contribute important services to our district, by way of sending out a number of well instructed young chemists and engineers, and on the other hand that we have not suffered from Visit to Owens College. Dr. Green- wood’s state» ment 4538 ROYAL coMIvIIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Engineering department, Owen’s ‘College. the danger, which was not unreasonably anticipated by many, that the strictly scientific character of our teaching in these branches might be sacrificed to the needs, or fancied needs, of students that came to us to study science with an eye mainly to its applications. To illustrate my meaning, I will venture to say that no chemical laboratory in the kingdom has sent out a larger :number than ours has sent of young chemists, qualified to take important posts in factories and chemical works, and yet it will, I think, be admitted that our laboratory has also not been unsuccessful in the contributions it has made to the progress of chemistry as a pure sci ence--contributions, too, made not by the professor and lecturers only, but by not a few of its students of chemistry who are under training. “ In conclusion, I can confidently assure the Commissioners that the authorities of Owens College are desirous, so far as its funds allow, of adding to the efiiciency of this side of our operations.” The several heads of the scientific departments met the Com- rnissioners and favoured them with their views on the subject of the higher technical instruction, and with statements of how they endeavour to carry these views into practice. The evidence given by these gentlemen is found in the Appendix; we only here give a few of the more salient points. Professor Osborne Reynolds, HRS, made the following state— ment to us respecting the method of teaching engineering in the Owens College :— “ The two courses of study in engineering (day and evening) are arranged to meet the requirements of two very different types of students. The day students are for the most part between 18 and 23 years of age, and devote their whole time to the work of the college. “ The evening students are generally engaged during the day in works or drawing offices. “ The course of study arranged for the day students extends over three years, and includes engineering and drawing, practical surveying, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and geology, the students’ time being divided nearly equally between engineering with drawing, and the other subjects. On the completion of the course, certificates of proficiency are given to those students who have passed an examination in all these subjects. The number of students attending the day classes in engineer- ing varies between 35 and 50 ; and about half the number of those who enter, remain to complete the course. Many of these students are very clever, and come with a good preliminary education, and generally some of the engineer— ing students are amongst the first in the mathematical and other classes. “Besides these scientific subjects, the students are encouraged to, and largely do, avail themselves of the classes in modern languages. REPORT. 439 “ The course of study followed in the engineering and drawing classes, has been determined by experience as that best suited to the requirements and capacity of the students, a considerable proportion of these having been in the works before they come, and the rest intending to serve their time in the works or ofi'ices after they leave. Thus no attempt has been made to provide a substitute for the workshop, and the course of study in the drawing-school is intended to fit a student to derive immediate advantage from the work he sees on entering a drawing-office, and give him a better understanding of the work, rather than to serve as a substitute for the drawing-office; great care, however, being taken to keep up the art standard of the work both in accuracy and style, as in these respects lies most of its educational value. The course in practical surveying is offered as much from its advantage as a matter of education as for its technical value, though one reason for this course is that opportunities of acquiring this knowledge systematically are very rare even to the pupils of civil engineers. “ In the engineering classes a certain amount of technical information is given, but this is not the primary purpose of these classes. “ The principal object is to teach the application of science to the purposes of engineering, to teach the scientific method of dealing with the problems of engineering, much after the manner of Professor Rankine’s works on surveying, applied mechanics, and prime movers. “ The first years course is surveying, estimating, the art of measurement, and descriptive engineering (in earthwork, masonry, and timber). The second year’s course is applied mechanics (as far as the theory of simple structures, and strength of material, and the geometry of machines). The third year’s Work is dynamics of machinery, and hydraulics, and the steam engine. In the second and third years’ subjects there is oppor- tunity of introducing a good deal of descriptive engineering by way of illustration; but all through the effort is to give the students a thorough hold of what is brought before them, rather than to give them an imperfect acquaintance with a great deal. Thus the examples and illustrations are generally the simplest which serve. For this, diagrams and illustrative models are used, but what is mainly depended upon are actual experiments made before the class. In every case, by some means or another, the calculations are verified by actual experiment; for this pur- pose a considerable number of instruments and testing machines have been constructed, and use is also made of the engine which works the ventilator of the college. Visits are also paid to engineering works. I consider that too much trouble cannot be taken to familiarise students with the actual circumstances of the problems, instead of depending mainly on a quantitative statement. “The teaching strength of the engineering department has not as yet been more than sufficient to deal with those branches of Prof. Reynolds on the teaching of engineering. 4A0 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Comparison of English and foreign methods of teaching mechanical engineering. Owens College. Engineering courses. Geology and proposed Mining depart- ment. the subject which are important to every engineer, and thuslhas not admitted of the detailed study of any special branches of engineering. But plans for extending the course and introducing more technical lectures on such branches, particularly mining and metallurgical engineering, have long been under the consideration- of the Council of the College. " As compared with the parallel courses given in the polytechnic schools on the Continent, I consider that our course aims at a much smaller range of bookwork; that we leave the student to acquire by observation and experience much which they attempt to teach him; that our course is rather to teach him to under~ stand what he sees, while theirs is to teach him how to produce things which he has not seen. This difference arises mainly from the fact that in England there are much greater facilities afi’orded for the acquirement of technical knowledge in the works. Where such facilities exist, the college training should be deter_ mined rather with a view to general education than to the acquirement of technical knowledge. Although, where the subjects are of equal educational value, it is clearly best to choose those which have the closest relation to the professional work. “ The educational value of such a subject as applied mechanics, with the necessary substratum of mathematical and scientific knowledge, is as high, if not higher, than that of any scientific subject ; so that, whilst the student has acquired a knowledge of this subject, which will in all probability be highly useful to him in after-life, he has not in any way sacrificed his education in the acquirement of this knowledge. But the subject is too large to be mastered in three years, or indeed in any length of time, except by master-minds; so that the question of pressing this subject beyond the point which can be attained in the time which can be spared, for more general education, from professional or technical training, should be determined by the value of such teaching as compared with the more direct technical knowledge. It is true that there are some things for which a high general scientific knowledge is necessary; but these things are only to be accomplished by the master-minds. In an ordinary way, success in practical life depends on intimate familiarity with some narrow branch of knowledge; and to spend many of the years applicable for the acquirement of knowledge, on the generalities of a very large subject, must prevent or defer to a late period of life the acquirement of sufficient familiarity with any branch, in all its details, to be useful in a practical sense. “ Our course in Owens College is directed rather to the education of engineers choosing the most useful subjects, having regard to their educational value, than to the technical instruction of engineers in all branches of the subject.” Prof Dot/whine, ER.S., made the following statement on the projected formation of a M toting School: “I take it that the Mining School in a place like Manchester should be for the instruction of the colliery viewers, and also of REPORT. 441 those who have the charge of the large metal industries in Lancashire, a metal industry that extends on the one end into North Wales and on the other into Cumberland and Westmore- land. My idea is that the class of instruction should be mainly for the managers, 8m, but also of such an informal nature that it might be available for the lower people employed in the mine.” The physical laboratories, under the direction of Professor Physic, at Balfour Stewart, F.R.S., are well fitted with apparatus, chiefly Qwens instruments for measuring. From 30 to 410 students go through College’ a systematic course of practical physics, including exact measure- ments of weight and length, thermometry, and electrical and magnetic measurements. The advanced students take higher work of a similar character. Professor Sch/aster, F.R.S., gave particulars of an evening Evening-clam practical class on the technical applications of electricity, which fm tltehnfcal f he has established with the assistance of Mr. Gee. The class is O intended to give to persons occupied during the daytime, in~ struction in the scientific principles involved in terrestrial and submarine telegraphy, telephony, the construction and use of dynamo-machines, electric-lighting, &c. The instruction is partly theoretical, but chiefly of a practical nature, special stress being laid on the methods of exact electrical measurement. , Students entering such classes ought to be acquainted with the elements of geometry, but a knowledge of the higher branches of mathe- matics is not absolutely necessary to the understanding of a large portion of the subject. About 40 students entered this class in 1882-3. The chemical laboratories, directed by Professor Roscoe, are Chemical very complete in their fittings and general arrangements. They labomwms' accommodate 100 working students, 60 in the junior or qualita- Owens Cmhlfi‘ tive, and 4:0 in the senior or quantitative, laboratory. Plans and description of these are published by M r. Cornish, Piccadilly, Manchester. The chemical department of the college is one of its most important features; organic chemistry is professed by Mr. Schorlemmer, F.R.S., and four demonstrators and assistant lecturers supplement the instruction given by the Professors. The aim of the Director has been to impart a sound knowledge of the theory and practice of chemical science, to fit students either for a purely professional career, or for the practical require- ments of the very numerous branches of trade and manufactures which have their foundation in chemical science. In order to point out more clearly the course of study which should in the latter case be pursued, Professor Roscoe has drawn up a systematic course for technological students, the only course of the kind at present existing in this country. It is arranged on a liberal basis in order to secure not only a satisfactory knowledge of chemistry, but to give sufiicient training in the allied sciences, in mathe- matics, physics, mechanical drawing, and the no less important subject of modern languages (see Appendix). 4:42 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Syllabus of courses on technological chemistry at Owens College. The complete course of instruction extends over four years, and embraces the following subjects :-- FIRST YEAR—Chemistry Lectures, Junior and Tutorial classes. Preparatory Chemical Laboratory, two days per week, and Course. Analytical Chemistry Lectures class. Mathematics class, Section I. Experimental Mechanics. Geology (Stratigraphical). French or German. Geometrical Drawing Lectures (Evening class). Mechanical Drawing, Practical (Evening class). SECOND YEAR—Chemistry Lectures, Junior, Senior, and Tutorial classes. Chemical Laboratory, three days per week. Technological Chemistry Lectures (First Course). Experimental Physics or Mineralogy Lectures. German or French. Geometrical Drawing Lectures (Evening class). Mechanical Drawing, Practical (Evening class). THIRD YEAR—Chemistry Lectures, Senior and Tutorial classes. Organic Chemistry Lectures. Chemical Philosophy. Chemical Laboratory, three days per week. Technological Chemistry Lectures (Second Course). Physical Laboratory, one day per week, or Practical Mineralogy and Technological Mineralogy. Mechanical Drawing, Practical (Evening class). FOURTH YEAR—Organic Chemistry Lectures. Technological Chemistry Lectures Course). Chemical Laboratory, four days per week. Chemistry of Colouring Matters, Dyeing, and Calico Printing (41th Evening Course). Mechanical Drawing, Practical (Evening class). The fees for the above courses amount to about 28l. per annum. Certificates are granted to students on the successful completion of this course. Attendance on the full course of four years is expected of candidates for the certificate, but students may obtain exemption (on a satisfactory cause being shown) from the first or the first and second year’s course. Students so excused will nevertheless be required to undergo examination in all the subjects specified. The certificate will state in which’ subjects the candidate has gained honours, and in which he has merely satisfied the examiners. - (Third REPORT. 4143 A syllabus of the courses will be found in the Appendix. The Lecturer on Technological Chemistry, Mr. Watson Smith, informed the Commissioners that the above course is almost identical with that of the Zurich Polytechnic School, and added that not only is a knowledge of the sciences allied to chemistry insisted on, but that a modern language and mechanical drawing are compulsory subjects. He knows of no other college in this country in which such systematized courses on technological chemistry are given. - Manchester Public Art Gallery—The Public Art Gallery of Manchester Manchester was established little more than a year ago under the gulll’llic A" powers of the Manchester Corporation Act, 1882 (45 85 416 Vic. a ery' cap. cciii.). By the terms of this Act the Corporation of M anchester took over the land, building, and all other property of the Royal Manchester Institution, a Society established in the year 1832 for the advancement of “literature, science, and the arts.” It was a condition of the transfer that the governors of the Royal Institution should elect from time to time one third of the managing committee of the Art Gallery. This mixed committee commenced its work at the beginning of the year 1883, and proceeded at once to develope a permanent collection, on the one hand, of original paintings, and, on the other hand, of examples of industrial art and of reproductions of sculpture and pictures. In the latter part of the committee’s work much encouragement and assistance was given by the Science and Art Department, together with aid from the Government grant applicable to the purpose. A considerable sum was also subscribed by private per- sons in Manchester, and the Art Gallery has thus become possessed of a large and admirable collection of ancient textiles purchased from Dr. Franz Bock, from whom also the "' Bock ” collec- tion of ancient textiles at South K ensington was obtained, and of a considerable number of casts from antique and Renais- sance sculpture, as also of autotypes, photographs, and engravings from the drawings and paintings of the old masters. The “ Bock ” collection is particularly rich in silk fabrics. It contains also a large number of examples of ancient embroideries and laces, together with an admirable, but unfortunately relatively small, collection of old linen and cotton prints. This branch of the collection will, no doubt, be developed as opportunity may offer ; and in the meanwhile, by the liberality of the authorities of the South Kensington Museum, a large and very rich loan collection of Indian fabrics has been placed in the hands of the Art Gallery committee, and forms a valuable supplement to their permanent collections. The collection of textiles is intended to be specially of service to designers, who have already made some use of it. Arrangements are about to be made for their greater convenience in copying. The permanent collections are at all times free to the public, and the Gallery has recently been open on Sundays as well as on week days; the number of visitors on the four 4% ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: City of Liverpool. Free Library, Museum, Art Gallery, 8:0. Corporation free science lectures. Liverpool School Board. System of science teaching in Liverpool Board Schools. Sunday afternoons ending January 6th 1884, having been 10,308. M'omchestc'r School of Art—The Commissioners also visited the new buildings of the school of art in Cavendish Street. Particulars of this visit will be found in the Appendix. XV.-——-LIVEBPOOL. The Commissioners were received at the Free Library by the Chairman of the Library Committee, Sir James Pieton, Mr. Alderman Samuelson, and the officers of the Committee. The Corporation of the City of Liverpool initiated the Free Library in 1850, and in the following year an Act was passed establishing the Free Public Library and the Derby Museum, and authorising the levy of a rate of lot. in the pound for their support. Sir William Brown gave a magnificent building for Library and Museum, costing 4:0,000Z. Since then a new Reading— Room has been erected by the Corporation at a cost- of 25,000l. In addition to these, Mr. Joseph Mayer bequeathed to the city his collections of historical art, no w located in a building adjoining the Derby Museum; and an Art Gallery was erected by Sir Andrew Walker at a cost of 36,000L, of which an extension is now in progress estimated to cost 11,000Z. Free scientific lectures are given during each winter in a large Lecture Hall, also erected by the Corporation, capable of seating 1,100 persons. The total outlay on these buildings, which lie close together, has been 230,000l., and the annual expenditure on the staff, and on books and specimens, is 18,000l. In addition to this outlay, the Corporation has voted a sum of 30,000l. for the purchase of land and buildings for the Liver- pool University College. (See Appendix for Sir James Picton’s statement, giving details.) The system of instruction in elementary science introduced by the Liverpool School Board is similar in kind to that adopted in Birmingham. The following statement by the Clerk to the Board, Mr. Hance, explains this system, which we are happy to endorse as etlicient and economical. “ With a view to the provision in the curriculum of their schools, of some subject specially calculated to awaken and exercise the observing faculties of the children, the Liverpool School Board, acting on the advice of several eminent scientific gentlemen, in March 1877, resolved to introduce the systematic teaching of elementary science into their schools. The branches of instruction were selected from the limited number of science subjects included in the fourth schedule of the New Code of that date, viz., mechanics (or, the principles of natural philosophy) for boys, and domestic economy for girls. The instruction given REPORT. 414: 9 If is necessarily based on the syllabus of each subject set out in the schedule, in order to qualify the scholars to earn grants under the Education Department; but in each case the subject, as arranged in the code, has been modified and extended so as to enable it the more readily to be taught by experimental demonstration to large classes of children. “ The method of teaching the subjects, which has been found by experience to be capable of producing very beneficial results to the scholars, is to combine ordinary lessons by the teachers of the school with a system of experimental demonstrations given by means of specially. appointed demonstrators. The apparatus required for the demonstrations is kept at a central laboratory, and is transferred from school to school, as required, by means of a light hand cart. In this way each demonstrator is able to give from 18 to 20 demonstrations per week. In order to simplify the arrangements for the demonstrations as much as possible, by providing for the same demonstration to be given in several schools in succession, the Education Department was, at the commencement of the scheme, requested to provide for the school-years of the different schools to end as nearly as possible at the same time ; and this was carried out so far as to admit of the schools being arranged in two groups, the annual examinations of which fall in the autumn and spring respectively. In the case of domestic economy, the demonstrations are given only every alternate Week, and the same is the case in the second stage of mechanics (taken by the Fifth Standard), but to the Fourth Standard, just commencing the subject of mechanics, one demonstration is given every week. In the intervals between the demonstrations, the teachers of the respective classes, who are supposed to be present at the demonstrations, are expected to go over with the children the subject of the demonstration; and in many instances their lessons are illustrated by simple experiments; and in order to enable the teachers (the larger number of whom have unfortunately had no special training for the subject) to perform their portion of the work the more satisfactorily, a simple text book has been specially prepared, containing reading lessons on the subjects of the demonstrations, and exercises to be worked by the scholars. The demonstra- tions have been given in several of the other elementary schools of the town, not under the Board, on payment by the managers of the schools, of a proportion of the expenses. “ At the present time there is one chief demonstrator, who has also to organise the instruction, and two assistants. “ The cost of the apparatus used in the school demonstrations for the five years during which the scheme has been in operation amounts to about ' 12OZ., many of the articles having been provided in duplicate in consequence of the large number of classes. “ That the introduction of this additional teaching into the schools has not, to say the least, been attended with an injurious Science demon strator in elementary schools in Liverpool. Eficct of science teach- ing as respects cther subjects. 1M6 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INsTRucTIoN: effect on the ordinary subjects of instruction, is shown by the per-centage of passes in those subjects for the last few years. “ In 1873-4 the per-centage of passes in reading, writing, and arithmetic was - 74:11: n n .9: ' 1 87 5—6 ,, ,, ,, - 74'4: 1876—7 (the year in which class-subjects were introduced) - - 790 1877—8 (the year in which science instruc- tion was introduced) - - 8559 1878—9 the per-centage was - - 871 1879-80 ,, ,, - - - 88-41 “ The examinations in these subjects, held by H. M. Inspector, consist merely in the answering in writing of three or four questions, and do not, as the inspectors themselves remark, adequately test the work actually done. This is especially the case in Standard IV., where the inability of the children to express themselves satisfactorily in writing, is a great disadvan- tage to them in these examinations. Notwithstanding, however, these drawbacks, the per-centage of passes in the last examina- tion in mechanics was in Standard IV., 586, in Standard V., 752, and in Standard VI, 763. Opinion of “ Professor Stuart, of Cambridge, who in December 1879 Prof. Stuart on examined the scholars for the Liverpool Council of Education th‘? results of Scholarships, remarked in his report :-‘ In two or three of the Egfififig in ‘ essays an amount of accurate scientific knowledge was mani- Liverpool ‘ fested sufficiently considerable to attract my attention; and on Board Schools- ‘ further inquiry I found that the boys in question came from ‘ schools in which special scientific instruction has been given ‘ by the School Board. It seems not only to have been accurate ‘ and useful, but also to have laid hold of the boys’ imaginations ‘ and interested them.’ In 1880, the School Board requested Professor G. Forbes, of Glasgow, to examine the scholars in mechanics, with a view to ascertain whether the system of instruction pursued was producing good results. Opinion of Professor Forbes, after a very careful examination, reported to Prof’ G'Fmbw' the Board as follows :—-‘ In all stages a great deal has been done, ‘ and the intelligence of the boys developed by the system pursued. ‘ With some boys I was quite surprised to find so much clear ‘ intelligence and comprehension of the subject in boys so ‘ young. i‘ it i‘ I can positively assert, that by the ‘ present system some good results have been obtained, a few ‘ being quite remarkable.’ Of the first stage, he says,——‘ The ‘ boys in these classes being very young, and having had little ‘ previous opportunity of educating their faculties, have improved ‘ their minds greatly by the study of mechanics.’ Of three particular schools, by no means attended by the best class of children, he says,—-‘ These three schools quite surprised me 5 if ‘ the schools could all be brought to this state of perfection, the ‘ School Board would have very much on which to congratulate REPORT. 4A7 ‘ themselves.’ At the same time, he pointed out several details needing further attention, and gave many valuable suggestions as to the mode in which the system might be improved. “ In addition to the instruction given to the scholars, special Science tuition science classes in connection with the Science and Art Depart- of Pupil _ ment, have been arranged for the pupil teachers, so as to 5x233? gradually train them to take an intelligent part in the work in the schools. About 70 male pupil teachers attend the central classes in mathematics, acoustics, light and heat, and electricity and magnetism ; and about 100 female pupil teachers are under instruction in animal physiology. A short course of lessons in mechanics is also given each year to the male pupil teachers.” Much interesting information obtained from the Chairman of the Board, Mr. S. G. Itathbone, and others, respecting the subject of science teaching in the Liverpool Board Schools, will be found in the Appendix. Mr. Christopher Bushell explained to us the action of the Liverpool Liverpool Council of Education, a body of which he is the Pre- Council of sident. The object of the Council is to connect the Elementary Educanon' Schools in the city with the Secondary Schools. For this purpose a system of prizes and exhibitions has been established, and independent examiners report on the quality of the papers which are set by them, and the Council acts on this report in their selection of the candidates. From the Secondary Schools the boys obtain an opportunity of passing to the higher Colleges or to the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. (See Appendix.) Evening Science I nstrncte'on e'n Liverpool—A very import- Liverpool ant feature in the educational institutions in Liverpool, is e‘iemng the systematic series of evening science classes. There are two distinct organizations founded for this purpose, each of which carries on classes under the Department of Science and Art, without interfering with the other. They act as friendly rivals, and the result is that, probably, in no city in the kingdom are these classes more flourishing or doing better work than in Liverpool. One of these organizations is termed the “Liverpool School of Science,” the other “ The Liverpool “ Science and Art Classes.” Liverpool School of Science—The following statement of the Liverpo‘fl - - - - - , - School of origin and present condition of the evening science classes Science. connected with the first of these, was given to the Commission by Mr. S. Leigh~Gregson, of whose recent decease we learn with regret. The second organization is of a somewhat similar kind. “ The school owes its origin to the Free Public Library and Museum presented to the town in 1857 by the late Sir Wm. Brown. A few years later it was found that the building would not be complete until (to use the words of Sir IV. Brown) ‘ it had attached to it a school of science for the benefit of ‘ all classes, but especially the artizans, in which lectures should " be delivered and classes held where students could obtain, at a ‘ small charge, scientific information of the contents of the ‘ museum, and also receive technical instruction respecting the 4418 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Evening science instruction in Liverpool. C various trades in which they were respectively engaged.’ The school was formally inaugurated in 1861 by Earl Granville, Lord President of the Privy Council. The first enthusiasm of its founders gave way in a few years, and at one time it was con- templated to abandon the scheme; but with the exercise of patience and toil, the students slowly but gradually increased until the numbers now reach 8345, and the grant earned from the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, reached last year, 704%. for science and 36L ls. 6d. for art; being the largest grant yet claimed for ‘ payments on results.’ “ The number of students in the several classes and the subjects of instruction are as follows : 1881. 1882. Practical, plane, and solid geometry - - 37 26 Do. advanced classes 12 9 Machine construction and drawing - - 79 74 Do. advanced classes 17 15 Building construction - — - 43 60 - Do. advanced class - 10 12 Mathematics—-Stages l to 3 — - 205 246 Do. Stages 4'.‘ and 5 - — 7 10 Theoretical mechanics - - - 22 1 6 Do. advanced class - 9 5 Applied mechanics - - - 67 70 Do. advanced class - 17 25 Sound, light, and heat - - - 56 60 Magnetism and electricity - - 115 183 Do. advanced classes 18 16 Inorganic chemistry - - - 133 180 Do. advanced classes - 40 48 Do. laboratory - - 15 25 Geology - - - - - 19 11 Mineralogy - - - 10 4 Animal physiology - - - 39 7 Do. advanced class - - 6 4 Steam - - - - - 70 745 Do. advanced class - - 18 23 Agriculture — - - - l 1 1 41 Phonography - - - 2% 30 Technical drawing for carpenters and joiners - - - - - 68 43 Metallurgy - - - —— 8 Alkali manufacture - - - _- 10 -___ 1,174: 1,338 -—_--_-~— —-___g “ Art classes—— Freehand, geometry, perspective, and model drawing - - - 486 288 nnronr. 4A9 “ These numbers probably have never been equalled by any Liverpool other science school in the kingdom, and the foregoing list at School of once shows the scope and nature of the work undertaken. sc‘ence- “ The students are drawn from all classes of the community, and are nearly all engaged in business during the day. “ Their ages are as follows :- Under 15 years - 4A Over 15 and under 18 ,, 192 Admnqed }Over 18 and under 21 ,, - 219 Apprentices. Over 21 and under 25 ,, - 14:7 Over 25 ,, - 168 Unknown - - - 29 “ There are 721 males and 78 females. “ A special feature of the system of instruction is that, as far Special features as possible, the teachers are practical men, drawn from the ranks of ti“? Liver- of our own students, according as they display special fitness for 2? 2031552111 the work. Another feature is the removal from our prospectus teaching. of the term “ artizan ” on account of its ascertained unpopularity. We use, instead, the terms “ Students A.” and “ Students B.” In former years the opinion prevailed tha “ artizans ” referred exclusively to_ labouring mechanics of humble origin ; but in the present day we find the youth of the better classes working in the foundries, workshops, mills, 850., side by side with, in many cases, their fathers’ workmen; and these better class students join more readily to an educational institution which appeals to all classes alike, instead of appealing specially to “ artizans.” “ Our present system of instruction appears to answer well, but could be improved by aid of specimens specially prepared for tests, such as iron or wood for ductility, strains, 85c, compounds for chemical analysis, 850., and by the erection of a model workshop, with working models. “The following facts have come under our notice since the founding of the School of Science :—— “ (cu) Employers find that the apprentices attending at the science classes comply more faithfully to the terms of their “ indenture,” and bring greater intelligence to bear upon their handicraft. “ Marine and other engineers have adopted the certificates of the Somme and Art Department as a standard of theoretical knowledge for all applicants for employment. “ Some employers reduce ‘the term of apprenticeship for youths possessed of the science certificates. For instance, a shipbuilder informed me last week, when mqulrlng for a lad to enter his drawing-oflice, that for a lad acquainted with mathematics and mechanics he would take off two years from the usual term.” Hi 1726. F F 450 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Classes in- spected by the Commissioners. Liverpool Institute. l’rincipal‘s Statement. Llverpool School of Art. Several of these evening classes were inspected by the Com— missioners. (See Appendix.) The teacher of one of these, Mr. Sloane, taking practical mechanics and steam, has been good enough to furnish us with an interesting letter giving his views on the kind of instruction suitable for mechanical engineers, pointing out the necessity for furnishing the teachers of the above subjects with proper models, besides giving a description of the requisites of a mechanical laboratory. (This will be found in the Appendix.) Liverpool Institata—This is one of the largest of the secondary schools in the city, where much attention is paid to science- teaching. It is one of the schools into which large numbers of boys from the Board schools pass with exhibitions, &c. given by the Council of Education. The principal, Rev. J. Sephton, M.A., stated that the institution is divided into a high school and a commercial school. There are about 800 pupils in the commercial school and 360 in the high school. Over 200 boys enter the institute every year from the elementary schools, principally the Board schools, by scholar- ships from the Council of Education when they have passed the Sixth Standard. The bulk of them stay from six months to a year to finish (as they term it). The institute has no entrance examinations ; all that is required is that a boy shall be able to lead and write, and if he can, there is a class suitable for him. Cnly the two highest forms in the commercial school are taken to laboratory practice, and this elementary; but the first class of the high school, numbering 12 to 15, have advanced laboratory practice. There are about 40 pupils from the commercial school and 30 from the high school who have elementary practice. Magnetism and electricity are taught as well as chemistry, and the most successful pupils are sent up for the South Kensington examinations. The best masters are found to be those who have been boys educated in the building. The institution was formerly the Mechanics’ Institute, and a few of the old mechanic members of that institute still remain, sharing some of the privileges of the institution. Mr. McAlister, the senior wrangler in 187 7, was a pupil of the institute. (For further particulars and opinions, see Appendix.) Liverpool School of Art.——This is connected with the institute, and is housed in a new, convenient, and handsome building, containing studios, art class rooms, and lecture rooms, erected mainly at the cost of a member of the Committee. The school has both day and evening classes. The course of instruction is a severe one, including drawing from models and from life. In the evening classes about 100 pupils, chiefly artizans, attend, and most of these are engaged in learning mechanical drawing. Last year nearly 2,000 drawings, mostly by artizans, were sent up to South Kensington for adjudication. Mr. Finnie, the master, favoured us with his views on art teaching as applied to design, 800. These will be found in the Appendix. REPORT. 451 U nicersity College, Liverpool—The Commissioners visited the buildings of the new University College in Ashton Street, originally occupied by a public institution which has been removed to other quarters. The buildings, which at the time of the Commissioners’ "isit were in process of alteration, occupy a very considerable space of ground, which has been transferred to the University College by the Corporation of Liverpool, on exceedingly liberal terms. The Commissioners were received by Professor Rendall, the Principal of the College, who conducted them through the various departments. This institution has been recently founded by benefactions to the amount of upwards of 105,000l., from some of the wealthy inhabitants of the city and its neighbourhood, with the view of providing for a higher scientific and literary education in the district than has heretofore existed. The departments of Chemistry and Physics are well arranged. A new Chemical Laboratory is about to be built. The system of instruction is similar to that carried out in Owens College, and in all pro- bability the Liverpool University College will soon join the Victoria University as one of its incorporated colleges. Professor Lodge (Physics) described to us the method of teaching which he pursues, and pointed out the importance attaching to courses of Electricity as applied to industrial pur- poses. The College authorities desire to undertake the work of the highest science teaching, and do not propose to interfere with that given in the excellent evening science-classes which exist in Liverpool, and which prepare for the examinations of the Science and Art Department. The Royal Liverpool School of Medicine is now incorporated with the College as its medical faculty. The results of interesting conversations held with the Professors will be found in the Appendix. XVI .-—-OLDHAM. Oldham School of Science and Art—This is mainly an evening school, adapted for the technical instruction of young men engaged in the various mechanical and textile works in the neighbourhood. It may, in our opinion, be regarded as an excellent sample of the kind of school which should exist in every industrial town in the kingdom; care of course being taken to arrange the instruction so as to be applicable to the several requirements of the districts in which they are situated. Mr. Phythlan (CE. of Glasgow University), head master of the school, submitted the following statement of its origin and development :—~ “ As far ‘back as 18410, Science and Art evening classes were commenced in connection with the Oldham Lyceum, when that 1nst1tut10n was in embryo. Superior workmen, such as draughts‘ men, ‘in the employ of Messrs. Platt, were in the habit of teaching some science subjects of importance to their trade. As Liverpool University ollege. Oldham School of Science and Art. Introductory statement by head master. EE2 452 noYaL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Oldhfim School a development of these classes, the late Mr. John Platt, MP, of Science and Art. built, at his own cost in 1865. the first school of Science and Art, adjoining the Lyceum. Mr. Platt also provided a fine set of art casts, and the firm of which he was the head gratuitously supplied the internal fittings of the institution. About the same date the school was incorporated with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, funds for its maintenance being provided by annual subscriptions, class fees, and payments on results from the Department. In a few years the desire for a. chemical laboratory having arisen, Mr. Wm. Richardson supplied the funds for apparatus and chemicals; this was followed by the furnishing of a physical laboratory for experimental work for the students, in sound, light, heat, steam, magnetism, and elec- tricity. The establishment in 1874:, by the Society of Arts, of technical examinations, was taken up with successful results. Since then, students of these classes have gained 17 prizes, 4' in honours with 6 medals, value 85L, and several full technological certificates. Five years later, the school was incorporated with the City and Guilds of London Institute for the advancement of Technical Education. “ The growing success of the school encouraged the president, Mr. S. R. Platt, and other sons of the late Mr. John Platt, to erect at their own expense the present handsome and commodious edifice, which contains 9 main rooms, 412 feet by 28 feet, 16 feet high, chemical and physical laboratories, with masters’ rooms. The land was given by Mr. Richardson. “ There are three local exhibitions of 50L per annum, tenable at the Owens College, Manchester, given by Mrs. Platt and Mr. Chas. C. Lees. “ The school has a small library of scientific books, presented by various publishers. “ The gross total of prize money received since 1867 is 6,0665. This amount, being awarded to the students, forms no part of the revenue of the school. All grants, fees, and subscriptions are received by the Committee, who pay the masters fixed salaries. “ There are now (1882) in attendance 675 science and 110 art students, varying from 13, the minimum age of admission, to 40 years ; the average age is about 19. Most of them are young men in training to fit themselves for their after-career. They are chiefly young mechanics engaged in Messrs. Platt’s and other works in the district. An effort is made to know the subsequent positions of the students, and a register is kept. The majority of them now held responsible positions in the town and elsewhere, and many join the “Old Students’ Association,” assisting by sub- scriptions and otherwise towards the support of the school. In the classes the science subjects are, as far as possible, treated experimentally by the students, in accordance with the suggestions made by Dr. Roscoe, Mr. John Platt, MP, and Mr. Wm. Richardson, as contained in the Report of the REPORT. 453 Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction, published 1872. Literary classes are held in the Lyceum night classes. The science course is chosen with special reference to the principal trades of the district, namely, machine making and cotton manufacture. The subjects are embraced in the prospectus of Sir Joseph Whitworth’s scholarships for mechanical science, and are practical geometry, machine drawing, building con- struction, mathematics, theoretical mechanics, applied mechanics, sound, light, and heat, magnetism and electricity, inorganic chemistry, theoretical and practical, geology, steam, free-hand and model drawing, with technical classes for mechanical engineering, tools, and cotton manufacture. “ In 1865 there were 1144 students on the books; in 1881 there were 5419 students, a progressive advance having taken place during the whole interval. “ The following is a summary of the successes of the school since it was opened in 1865 :— “ 11 of the Whitworth schOlaJ‘ShiPS’ and Total value Of ll l‘izes ' ' _ Whitworth 8 Whltworth exhibitions, and 2 student— , 4 0601 Ships _ _ _ _ g1 ants, , . 1 Bremner exhibition. 4: gold, 7 silver, and 6 bronze medals; grant of these medals discontinued since 1876. 10 national medals for honours. 5 medals for technological examinations.” The school is an evening one, and we inspected the drawing- rooms, class rooms, and laboratories whilst the classes were in progress. Mr. Richardson, on being asked whether he was satisfied with the mode in which mechanical drawing is taught 1n this institution, answered by saying that they carry off many prizes from South Kensington, “ and they say that we excel ; ” and, when asked if the South Kensington authorities were the best judges, replied: “ Well, we can make use of the people “ after they have been here.” The method adopted in teaching drawing was explained to the Commissioners by the master. It combines black-board with ordinary free-hand drawing, and drawing from models, and at the same time machine drawing. The Commissioners next visited rooms in which elementary geometrical drawing was being taught by Mr. Armitage, and solid geometrical drawing by Mr. Philip, M.A., and then inspected the large class (90 pupils) on cotton spinning, taught by Mr. Isherwood, Manager of the Tonge Vale Spinning Company; we were informed that 19 out of every 20 of these pupils were factory hands, and eight persons present were shareholders in the limited mills which are common in Oldham. Many of those in the spinning class attend science classes, especially in mathematics and theoretical mechanics. Upen being asked what was in his opinion the value of such technological classes as that on cotton spinning, Mr. Richardson replied :-—“ The Success of Oldham School of Science and Art. Opinion of Mr. Richardson as to the value of the school. Class on Cotton Spin— ning. 454d ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Uldham Science School. Physical Lec- ture Room and Laboratory. Class on building con- struction. Chemical Laboratory. Opinions of leading Oldham manufacturers as to influence of these classes. students here give attention to the practical element of the business followed by them. They have to answer practical questions. The theoretical instruction they get in the other classes is developed into practical instruction in the technological classes. This seems to me to be the great object of the technological classes, and I believe the object is attained. They teach a man to understand the nature of the materials with which he is going to work. For instance, a man being examined in steel, it makes him study the nature and qualities of steel. I think it is valuable for the students to learn more of the nature of the materials with which they work, than they would do were they only to learn applied mechanics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, &c. We may say that the influence of the technological classes may be economical or educational, or both, and in any case useful.” We next visited the Physical Lecture Room and Laboratory, which works at physics in connection with the Science and Art Department. Mr. Phythian explained that two students working together perform a‘ series of experiments similar to those of the Department in chemistry. The black-board and students’ note books are divided into squares as in the other departments, and thus the quick preparation of correct drawings is facilitated By means of this system very complicated drawings are readily copied. The instruction in the practical class is conducted by means of written sheets describing the details of the experiment, with drawings of the necessary apparatus; these are copied by the students and used by them in the practical work. The same system is carried out in the teaching of practical chemistry. In the class on building-construction about 50 students were present; and in the Art School young men and young women were occupied in free-hand drawing from copies, and in drawing from the cast. The Commissioners next inspected the chemical laboratory, which is excellently fitted. Each student has a swinging seat and a sliding desk fitted with ink, &c., with cupboards beneath. There is one gas chamber to every four students, and this has a Bunsen flame inside. There are about 28 working benches, and these are used, at different times, by 60 students. All the students work experimentally in chemistry, going through the experiments mentioned in the Science and Art Directory. The more advanced students work at qualitative and quantitative analysis. In addition to the practical work, there are chemical lectures, and the students work out chemical calculations. In reply to a question respecting the influence of these Science and Art classes on the industries of the town, Mr. James Taylor, of the firm of Buckley and Taylor, Engineers, replied :--“ Very beneficial, I think. In the case of‘ pattern “ makers, for inst-ance, they understand their work better than REPORT. A55 “ they did previously. It has caused the men to be more “ intelligent workmen and to understand better the instructions “ given them, and the object had in view in the work “ performed, and they understand the working better. Our foreman draughtsmen are now all taken from the institution. Before the institution existed we used to get Swiss and French “ and Germans principally. Now there is hardly a foreigner in “ the town.” Mr. Richardson added, “ I can confirm this statement. The working mechanics are much more intelligent. Now, a man can be sent out to work and can transmit his views to the firm in writing, give sketches, and reason about matters; formerly the man would have had to return to the works and get personal instructions in all cases of difficulty; the “ suggestions they make to remedy defects are more practical “ than before. Every man may now be equal in intelligence “ to what the master was before the school was established.” About 25 per cent. of the students are employed in Messrs. Platt’s works. Almost all the young men of the works attend. NO special inducements are offered to the young men by the proprietors of the works, to attend these classes; the only stimulus being the South Kensington prizes and the Vllhitworth scholar- ships. No pressure is put on the students; that is, none but a moral pressure. If a man wants advancement he is asked ques- tions bearing on his work at the Science School, and the matter becomes simply one of qualification. Mr. Ernest Raynor (manager at Messrs. J. Braddock’s Globe Meter works) stated that they had found since the establishment of the Science School that it was a good deal easier for foremen to take charge of men than it was formerly. The men could be more readily trusted with a job, and they understood what they had to do with less explanation. (( "C XVII.——BARROW-IN—FURNESS. This town was visited by the Commissioners, under the guidance of Alderman John Fell, Mayor, and Mr. Fillingham, Clerk to the School Board. The town of Barrow owes its rise and progress to the rich deposits of haematite iron ore found in the district of Furness. Only a few years ago it was a hamlet composed of a few cottages by the sea shore. So rapid has been its growth, that in 10 years, between 1861 and 1871, its population increased six-fold, and between 1871 and 1882, from 18,000 to 417,000. The energy and zeal of the School Board have been fully required to keep pace with the educational wants of the town. Under the Chairmanship of the late Lord F. Cavendish, and Visit to Barrowein- Furnoss. Elementary and higher schools. 456 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSI‘RUCTIONI Kindergarten system, Barrow. Science classes. School of Art. School of Cookery. University extension lectures. Working mcn’s In stitute and Club. Visits to works. Deficiency of means of scientific and artististic training of artizans. more recently of the present May or (Alderman Fell), a number of elementary schools have been built, supplying efficient accommodation and effective teaching. The Kindergarten system of teaching is adopted in some of the infant schools. In 1880, on the initiative of Sir James Ramsden, who from the infancy of the town has w'armly promoted every movement for its intellectual, social, and material advancement, a higher grade school was established, and at the time of our visit was about to be re-organised so as to provide for the secondary education of all classes, and particularly for the grounding of artizans in the principles of science and art. Connected with the higher grade board school, there are evening classes in chemistry, magnetism and electricity, mathe- matics, and physiography. 30 students were presented for the examination in 1881—2. The school of art was erected at the sole expense of Sir James Ramsden, and is connected with the Science and Art Department. There are about 250 students, and instruction is given in drawing, painting, sculpture, applied mechanics, and archi- tectural designing. A school for the teaching of cookery and other household work was started in 1880. During the past year about 4100 girls from the elementary schools attended the classes in groups of 20. It is now proposed that all the girls from the elementary schools of the town shall attend the school. In connection with, the University extension scheme, courses of lectures by Professors and Fellows from the University of Cambridge are given to artizans during the winter months. The most popular of the educational and social institutions of Barrow, is the Working Men’s Institute and Club. The premises were erected by subscription, at a cost of 3,450Z. There are 500 members. On the ground floor is a reading room and library of 1,500 volumes, billiard and class-rooms, kitchen, offices, &30., and on the upper stories a lecture hall and billiard room. The lecture hall is used by the Barrow Field Naturalists’ Club for lectures, and contains a large number of specimens of minerals, fossils, ores, birds, and animals, 850., which have been collected by the members in their excursions in the neighbourhood. The Commissioners visited the great industrial works of the town, and conferred with the proprietors on the subject of the Commission. ' All the gentlemen with whom We conversed, concurred in the opinion that in the means for the higher scientific and artistic training of artisans, Barrow is seriously deficient. The population of the town has quite outgrown the educational provision for youths REPORT. 4157 and apprentices, but we understood that the education question, particularly in its bearing upon the local industries is receiving most careful consideration at the hands of those public spirited and enterprising promoters of the town, to whom all classes of the population are already so much indebted. XVlIl.-—BIRMINGHAM. On the occasion of their visit to Birmingham, the Commissioners Birmingham met the members of the School Board, and inquired into the schoolBomd’ . . science in- system of science and art teaching under the Board. Struction, Boarol School Instruction in Elementary Science—Science is taught in accordance with the following syllabus: by a practical demonstrator and assistant (who visit each boys’ and girls’ department once every fortnight), and by the teacher of the school. M cthocl of I nstrnct/lon. —-The science demonstrator for the Board Method of (or an assistant demonstrator) gives one lesson fortnightly, of about instl'Emtion 40 minutes’ duration, to the boys in the fifth and higher standards m 80161108‘ in each school. These lessons are illustrated experimentally by specimens and apparatus, carried from school to school in a hand-cart. Between the visits of the science demonstrator at least one lesson is given to the same class by the teachers of the respective schools (as a rule by a teacher who was present at the demonstrator’s lesson, and took full notes of it), and a written examination on the subject matter of the lesson is also held. The answers are corrected by the class teacher and submitted to the demonstrator at his next visit to the school. A general examination in elementary science is held yearly. Syllabus of Fortnightly Demonstrations for Boys.-—Speci- Science sub- fication of a force; nature and action of machines; principle of 56°? taught work. The mechanical powers; conditions of equilibrium; the to oys' mechanical advantage; friction. The lever; parts of a lever; three orders of levers. Practical applications of the lever; double levers. Weighing machines; the balance; the steel-yard. The wheel and axle; practical applications of this machine. The toothed wheel ; clocks and watches. The pulley; fixed and moveablc pulleys; the three systems of pulleys. The inclined plane; its principle and applications. The wedge. The screw. Compound machines. Pressure of liquids; surface of liquids; liquids under the action of gravity. The hydrostatic press. The parallelogram of forces. The parallelogram of velocities. Syllabus of Fortnightly Demonstrations for Girls—Structure _Science sub- of the human body; names and positions of the various organs; ltgc'glfflught structure of the skin; the teeth. Circulation and respiration; b “ impure air and ventilation. The organs of digestion; the brain 458 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Science evening classes under School Board, Bir- mingha 111. King Edward’s Grammar School. and nervous system. Nature of food; necessity for food ; quantity required; classification of food. Preparation of food; meat: its composition and culinary treatment. Fish, eggs, milk, butter, cheese: Principles regulating their use and preparation as food. Flour, pulse, peas, beans: their composition and preparation for the table. Starch, sugar, fruits, vegetables: their use as food. Condiments and beverages. Apparatus for cooking: how used. How to maintain the body in health: 1., Fresh air and pure water are needful. II. A suitable dwelling, sufiicient food, and exercise (work) are also required. The sick room: duties of a nurse. Contagious diseases: their origin and treatment. How to prevent them spreading. Diseases of children: how to help the doctor. Accidents: what to do- in cases of cuts, burns, &c. Classes for the evening instruction of pupil teachers are held at two centres, under the regulations of the Science and Art Department. Male pupil teachers take chemistry and magnetism and electricity ; and females, physical geography and magnetism and electricity. At the examinations in May 1882, 18 first class certificates and '73 second class certificates were obtained by the 133 teachers who were examined. Some of the schools under the Board are used for evening science classes in connection with the Midland Institute. The Commissioners visited the Icknield Street Board School, which has been provided with an excellent laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the Science Directory. Here some of the senior boys and the pupil teachers have practical laboratory instruction in chemistry. Instruction in handicrafts is not as yet given in any of ‘the Birmingham Board Schools, but this matter is under the con- sideration of the Board.* K ing Eclwclrcl’s Grammar School—The Commissioners visited the King Edward’s Grammar School, accompanied by the Mayor and Mr. Alderman Kenrick, where they were met by the head- master, the Rev. A. It. Vardy, MA. This is an ancient founda- tion school which has been reconstituted under a new Scheme in 1878. The governing body consists of 22 members. Eight representative governors are elected by the town council, three are nominated by the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and London, and one by the teachers of the schools of the foundation. Certain governors of the old foundation still remain, but they will eventually disappear when their terms of office expire. The schools on this foundation are being entirely remodelled. They * For the details of a proposed central school in which handicraft instruction would be given to selected boys of the upper standard, see letter from Mr. Davis, the Clerk of the Board, in Appendix. REPORT 459 ‘consisted formerly of a high school, a middle school, and four lower middle schools for boys, and four for girls. It has been ascertained however, after trial, that there is not room in Birmingham for three grades of schools above the public elementary school, and the scheme about to be adopted distinguishes merely between the high school or central school, which will have departments both for boys and girls, and the middle schools which will take the place of the former middle schools and lower middle schools. The education given at the high school and at the middle schools differs only in degree, the ' curricula being very similar. The high school course is designed to educate boys up to the age of 19, whereas the middle school course terminates at 16, or at about the standard of the Oxford and Cambridge Junior Local Examinations. The students for the high school are not generally scholars from the middle schools, but a good many of the Board school children go into the middle schools. There are entrance examinations for both schools; the average age of entrance being 11. In the high school classical languages form the foundation of the education, though certain boys who are going in specially for science and modern languages may be excused Greek. In the high school the arrangements for teaching science are antiquated and insufficient, and for some time to come, until it becomes possible to erect new buildings, the school and the class-rooms will be crowded, as the high school for girls has to be accommodated in a portion of the present building. The science teaching in the high school is under the charge of Scienpe a master who devotes to it the whole of his time, and there is an teachmg' assistant master who gives part of his time to these subjects. In the middle schools the staff will be about the same. The Grammar School, Five Ways, one of the schools on the Grammar, same foundation, under the Rev. E. F. MMacCarthy, M.A., as $325.21’ Fm head-master, was also visited by the Commissioners. The in- ' struction resembles that of the King Edward’s School, but is not carried so far. The school buildings are modern, and we found that the foreign system of class-room fittings had been introduced; thus the rooms were surrounded with blackboards on which the boys draw simultaneously. There are dual desks, and the supply of teaching apparatus is good. In connection with a small lecture theatre are a preparation room and laboratory. There is a large room in which the boys assemble. The school contains 270 boys, all of whom, except the two lowest forms, receive science teaching from Mr. Atkins, the science master, who devotes the whole of his time to this instruction. The several schools educate altogether about 850 pupils. The fee per term in the high school is 3l., there being three terms to the year. In the middle schools the fee is 2l. per term, also with three terms per annum. Very few scholarships are given and therefore the children of poor parents find a 460 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Drawing teaching. ~ High School for Girls, Edgbaston. The Mason College, Birmingham. Intentions of the Founder. , in their place further away from the town. difficulty in obtaining the benefits of these schools. The exhibitions, which are three in number, are too small to lead on to college. There are three exhibitions of 50L per annum to Oxford and Cambridge, one for classics, one for mathematics, and one for general proficiency. There are 12 scholarships of 30L per annum each in the middle schools. Three of the lower middle schools buildings are condemned, and at the present time new school buildings are being erected The arrangements in these latter schools are in transition. Drawing is only taught on half holidays, generally by members of the staff, on the School of Art basis, and in preparation for the Government examination. The Edgbotston High School for Girls was visited by the Com- missioners. It is under the management of a council of share- holders, and provides an excellent middle class education for girls at moderate fees, varying according to age from five guineas to eight guineas per term. The head-mistress, Miss Cooper, con- ducted us over the school. The Mason College—This institution was founded and en- dowed by the late Sir Josiah Mason, at a total cost of more than 200,000l. The building designed by Mr. J. A. Cossins, was erected under the personal supervision of the founder, who happily lived long enough to see the appointment of the first four professors and the work of teaching begun within the walls of the college. It was opened on the 1st October 1880.* The following extracts from the foundation deeds explain the intentions of the founder in establishing an educational insti- tution. It will be shown presently to what extent the original plan has been modified. Deed, dated 12th December 1870 :—-- “ The Institution to be hereby founded is intended to be called ‘Josiah Mason’s Scientific College ’ or ‘ Josiah Mason’s College for the Study of Practical Science ’. . . . and the said Josiah Mason hereby declares that his intention in founding the same is to promote thorough systematic education and instruction specially adapted to the practical, mechanical, and artistic requirements of the manufactures and industrial pursuits of the Midland District, and particularly the boroughs of Birmingham and Kidderminster, to the exclusion of mere literary education and instruction, and of all teaching of theology and of subjects purely theological; which limitations the said Josiah Mason hereby declares to be fundamental.” And the founder expressly declares the instruction to be given shall include the following subjects; viz. : “ Mathematics, abstract “ and applied; physics, both mathematical and experimental; “ chemistry, theoretical, practical, and applied; the natural ‘t’ A complete description of the building, with plans, will be found in “The Architect” for January 8th, 1881. REPORT. 4461 sciences, especially geology and mineralogy, with their appli- cation to mines and metallurgy; botany and zoology, with special application to manufactures; and physiology, with special reference to the laws of health; and the English, French, and German languages; and may include all such other subjects of instruction as may be necessary to carry into effect the intention of the founder to give thorough systematic scientific education and instruction specially adapted to the practical requirements,” &c., “ but excluding mere literary education and instruction.” In accordance with these views, the building was designed to afford accommodation specially for instruction in physics and chemistry, and very liberal provision was made for the require- ments of teaching in these departments. The first professors appointed represented the four departments of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, and they commenced operations immediately upon the opening of the college in October 1880. It soon began to be felt, however, that it would be desirable to extend the scheme so as to provide a complete curriculum, in science at least, for those students who desired to present them- selves for the degrees of the University of London. Subsequently the founder was induced to give his sanction to the admission of anatomy and the Greek and Latin languages, and to “ such a course of study as shall qualify for degrees in arts and science in the Victoria University or the London University, or any other University of which the institution shall form part.” (Deed of 23rd February 1881.) In the same deed the name of the institution is declared to be ‘ The Mason Science College.” I‘ (( {I A In June 1881 Sir Josiah Mason died at an advanced age. Acting upon the enlarged powers given them by the last deed, the teachers proceeded to appoint professors of physiology, geology, botany, engineering, Greek, Latin, and English ; the professor of chemistry, with the aid of an additional assistant, was requested to undertake metallurgy; and lecturers were engaged to teach the French and German languages. Thus the Mason College, as it is now called, has developed out of what was essentially a technical school into a university college, with, however, a distinct leaning to science, notwith- standing the omission of the word from the title, and with provision for technical instruction in certain departments. The teaching of applied science in the college falls under four heads: First, instruction to the students of the Birmingham Medical School, in chemistry, physiology, and botany. Secondly, engineering—a division which is in a fairly prosperous state considering the short time it has been established, and in which it' may reasonably be expected that a great increase in the Mason College, Birmingham. Char actcr of the buildings. Modification of the course of instruction. Additional professor-ships. Change from technical school into a university college. Applied scierce teaching. 4162 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 Engineering, Mason College, Birmingham. Metallurgy and applied physics. Classes are open to both sexes. Number of students. number of students will ensue, when time has been given to allow of the college becoming better known. The teaching of engineering is distinctly practical, in the sense that its results are directly useful in professional and industrial engineering work; and “there is not the time to wander into “ matter of merely theoretical interest. There is no endeavour to “ make the students trained handicraftsmen, that being outside “ the function of either school or college, and impracticable, “ except in the regular workshop.” But the pupils have a laboratory where they experiment on materials and on hand and machine tools, and on engine and boiler. They have to shape and temper the tools, and try results by accurate quanti- tative measurements. They can hardly fail therefore to obtain, in the Professor’s opinion, so far as the intelligence of each individual enables him to do so, “ a strong, concrete, and practical “ idea of the subject they are studying.” The need of further apparatus for the complete equipment of the engineering laboratory is much felt. The engineering department will give a junior and a senior engineering diploma, at the end of the second and third years respectively, to those students who have passed through the prescribed course of study and have gained certain positions in the periodical college examinations. In the third division, that of metallurgy, the attendance is small. The last division is that of physics, which is carried on by means of a course of special lectures, combined with laboratory instruction, on the applications of electricity in telegraphy, the transmission of power, &c. The classes at the Mason College are open to both sexes on equal terms, and nearly one-fourth of the students (excluding medical students) are women. Of the male students the majority are sons of manufacturers in Birmingham and neigh- bouring towns, though a few come from London, Leicester, and other places at a distance. The number of individual day students registered during the session ending June 1883, was 366, not including the medical students from Queen’s College. Some estimate may be formed of the kind of work done, by reference to the following statement of the distribution of students in the several departments :-~ SESSION 1882-3. Registered Day Students. Mathematics, pure - - - 57 ,, applied - - - 2 Physics ~ - - — - 82 Chemistry ~ - - - 12a Metallurgy - - - - 8 REPORT. 4-63 Registered Day Students . Mason College. Zoology - - - - 38 Botany - - - ~ - 57 Physiology - ~ - ~ 86 Geology - - - — — 53 Engineering '- - — - 24 Greek - - - - - 35 Latin - - - - - 39 English - - ~ - - 53 French - - - - 42 German - - - ~ - 34 Logic - - - - 4: Birmingham has long been provided with good and cheap elementary instruction in science, in the classes at the Midland Institute, but until the establishment of the Mason College students desirous of instruction in its higher branches were obliged to proceed to universities and colleges at a distance from home. From the commencement, evening lectures have been given in Evening most of the departments, but the entries have fallen from 236 lectures‘ to 197 and 172 in successive years. This is probably in the main to be ascribed to the existence of the classes under the Science and Art Department, carried on in the Midland Institute at", fees very much lower than those which are payable in the college. In the departments of applied science, such as chemistry and engineering, the attendance is fairly maintained, the decline being chiefiy noticeable in the classes for languages and literature. The next step must be the provision of scholarships or exhi- Exhibitions bitions for the benefit of deserving students from the elementary “H be needed‘ schools. These the present endowments of the college are insufiicient to provide for. Indeed it is beginning to be strongly felt that its resources are too small for its present work, for in spite the greatest economy in the several departments, the income of the college, including the students’ fees, falls short of the expenditure by several hundred pounds every year. The Birmingham and M iollancl I nstitnte. —-This important Birmingham institution occupies large and commodious buildings in the centre and Midland of the town. Ever since its establishment, 27 years ago, it has nstltute gone on increasing in numbers and popularity, and a few years ago the original building, erected at a cost of 18,000l., on land given by the town of an estimated value of 10,000l., having become too small for its requirements, it was decided to extend it at an estimated outlay of 38,000l. The land needed for this extension was acquired for the sum of 144,750l., and with the interest on loans from the bank and necessary expenses, the T ,1 , estimated total outlay on land and buildings was stated to the MW bm‘dmgs' 466E ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Midland Institute, Birmingham. Industrial department. School of Art, Birmingham . Commission at 81,7 50l. A large proportion of the cost has been raised by public subscription, but 13,200l. are still required to liquidate the expenditure. - In its general constitution the society resembles the Mechanics’ Institutes, but it differs from them in the multitude and importance of its classes, some of which are held in board schools in different parts of the town. The ordinary members of the society are about 1,900, and pay an annual subscription of IL 18., which entitles them to attend the literary classes, the various lectures, and the conversazione, and to use the reading and recreation rooms. For the lectures, special tickets are issued to about 800 subscribers. Their is a special industrial department which is one of the most flourishing branches of the Institute, comprising 45143 members in attendance at the numerous classes. There are day classes for women. On Saturdays, the science classes are held from 12.45 pm. to 9 pm, so as to enable working men to devote their half-holiday to instruction, and this arrangement has been largely availed of. The classes lead up to the examinations of the Science and Art Department, of the Society of Arts, and of the City and Guilds Institute. The teachers are paid by salary, and have ‘no share in the fees or grants. Numerous prizes are given by local benefactors of the school and by the committee of the institute. Lectures on a variety of subjects are given in the handsome theatre on Monday evenings, and there is a special course during the Christmas holidays. Branch classes, nearly all of which are in the elementary stages of the different science subjects, are held in eight outlying quarters of the town, and have been found most invaluable as feeders to the institute. Penny classes are held in fifteen subjects, some of them in all their stages, and are extremely popular; as an example, a penny class for instruction in the violin commenced with 408 persons, and by the third night the attendance had reached 525. A summer field class in botanyis extremely popular, and there is an archaeological section with 2344 members. The gross receipts in the general department in the year 1882 were 3,112l. 138. 6d., and the expenditure 2,734sl. 7s. 2d. In the industrial department the receipts were 1,761l. 88. 50L, while the expenditure was 3,137l. 168. 3cl., whereby the institute was involved in a heavy loss; the balance of the deficiency on the two departments being thus 998l. ls. 6d. The Commissioners were conducted over the numerous class- rooms by the officers of the society; and they received formal evidence from Mr. C. J. Woodward, the science master, which will be found in the Appendix, Vol. III. Society of Arts and School of Art—~The work of this society and of the school in connection with the Science and Art Department, was long carried on in the Midland Institute, but owing to want of space had to be transferred some years ago to REPORT. 4165 a separate building. We were met by the head-master, M r. Taylor, and conducted over the various departments. Both day and evening classes are held here, and the teaching is strictly on the lines laid down by .the Art Directory. Numerous local prizes are competed for annually. Branch classes in connection with the School of Art are held in several of the Board Schools ; the instruction in the latter being in all cases confined to the elementary stages. The annual subscription to the Society of Arts is one guinea. There is a good art Reference Library, and lectures on art subjects are delivered during the course of the session. The Commissioners, during their stay in Birmingham, inspected Vivitsfo some of the principal manufactories, and discussed with the flame" proprietors and managers the facilities provided by the various science and art classes for the training of their workpeople. They were informed that no classes exist in the neighbourhood under the City and Guilds Institute. Formal evidence was Evidence of taken from some representative working men, respecting the workpeople- nature of the teaching best adapted to the requirements of their trades. This will be found in the Appendix, Vol. III. XIX.—-—LEEDS. The Yorkshire College—"The Commissioners visited Leeds Yorkshire principally in order to see the textile and dyeing departments of College, the college. The buildings for this branch have been specially Lem“- erected by the Clothworkers’ Company of London at a cost of 15,()O()l., and form a wing of the proposed new Collegiate buildings at Beech Grove. The Company has also endowed this department with a grant of 1,25OZ. per annum for five years, renewable under certain conditions. The buildings, erected from Bumim\ the designs of Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, are in the Gothic style, “ and are in every way admirably adapted to their purpose. The cost of the entire college will, it is estimated, be 35,000Z., and towards this sum,23,8001., had been subscribed at the time of our visit. \Ve were conducted to the college building by Mr. F. Lupton, the treasurer, and received there by Sir E. Baines, the chairman of council, Prof‘. Riicker, the principal, and the various professors. We discussed with them the present position of the college, and the system of teaching. Mr. Hummel, the Dyeing school, teacher of dyeing, and Mr. Beaumont, the instructor in weaving, accompanied the Commissioners over their respective departments. The courses of weaving and dyeing extend over two years, and are so timed that it is difficult for the student to go through complete courses of both at the same time, but a thorough knowledge of one branch, and a general acquaintance with the other, can be obtained during the two years. Mr. Hummel informed us that he had been trained at Zurich, but he has had practical experience as a dyer in England. After visiting the Hi 1726. G G ‘L66 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Yorkshii c College Weaving School. Scale of fees. Dyeing department. 0 best foreign schools, he had erected the plant of his laboratory according to plans different from those of any foreign school. The nature of the instruction in these departments is as follows: -——In the elementary class-room there are 30 model hand-looms, counterparts of those in the shed. When the students have been initiated into the working of the models, they pass forward into the shed to complete their practical knowledge at the full-sized looms. In the weaving shed for the advanced class there are seven jacquard hand-looms, five hand-looms, three treadle hand-looms, one 400-hook jacquard power-loom, two 34l-shaft power-looms, one 24r-shaft power-loom, and two tappet power-looms. The power- looms are driven by a five-horse power “ Otto” gas engine. There are also in the shed, card-cutting machines, bobbin-winding wheels, and other machinery. On these looms the finest and choicest fabrics for ladies’ wear and the heaviest goods can be produced. A certain class of carpets can also be woven. “The “ object is not to produce a quantity of one material or pattern, “ but to introduce as many patterns as possible.” The students are thoroughly taught the mode in which each pattern is woven, the several parts of which it is composed, and the quantity and weight of the materials employed. They each receive a set of sample patterns and a book containing the particulars relating to them. The fees in the textile industries department are ten guineas per session in the first year, and eight guineas in the second. There is also a shorter course with a fee of five guineas per session. ' The course in the dyeing department is as follows :— First Year. Hours per week. Experimental Physics (first year’s lecture course) - 3 Chemistry (two terms) - - - 5 Practical work in chemical, laboratory (three 12 terms) - - - ~ - Mechanism, machinery and technical drawing - 4 Lectures on colouring matters, mordants, &c. - 3 Practical work in the dyehouse (three terms) - 12 Second Year. Experimental physics course) - Practical work in chemical laboratory - - 12 ,, ,, dyehouse - - - 24 The fees in the dyeing department are for one day per Week five guineas, two days nine guineas, three days 13 guineas, four days 16 guineas, six days 21 guineas per session. A considerable deduction is made in the case of students who do not reside in Leeds. (second year’s lecture} 3 REPORT. 467 During the year 1882-83, there were in the college 4M1 day students, including 185 registered students, 55 medical, and 161 occasional students, and 223 evening students, a total attendance of 624:. The fees paid by the students amounted to 2,7416l. 118. 6d. A very successful coal-mining department, endowed b the Drapers’ Company, and under the charge of Mr. A. Lupton has been added to the college. The mechanical section under Pro- fessor Armstrong, and the chemical department under Professor Thorpe, though at present very ill-provided with class room accommodation, are very well attended. In fact, Professor Thorpe experiences great difficulty in finding places for his students, but in the new buildings, ample and most effective accommodation for the departments of chemistry and physics will be found. XX.-SHEFFIELD. The Commissioners visited Sheffield and took much valuable evidence from manufacturers and others interested in the various educational establishments of the town. The evidence, which contains a full description of Firth College and its work, by Professor Viriamu Jones, the late principal, will be found in the Appendix, Vol. III. We were much impressed with the excellence of the system adopted by the School Board, for the management and instruction at their Central School. In this institution, as in the graded schools of some other towns, the best scholars from the surrounding board schools are gathered for more advanced teaching; all the pupils take the ordinary code subjects, together with some of the specific subjects ; both boys and girls throughout the school are taught German. All the girls learn needlework and practice cookery ; those in the higher classes take chemistry. Drawing is thoroughly taught, and is made the foundation for practical mechanical work, carried on in shops fitted up for the purpose. This latter comprises the production of simple but perfect, solids and surfaces in iron and wood, such as the cube, the hexagonal prism, &c.; also the construction of models in wood, suitable for use in schools, as examples for model—drawing; and various kinds of wood joints, model doors, &c.; likewise the construction of simple apparatus to illustrate by actual experiment the principles of levers, pulleys, wheel and ‘axle, the crane, strains on beams with different positions of load, and the mechanics of the roof, arch, and bridge. The Commissioners were much impressed with the excellence of the drawing, including that for the industrial work. It is greatly to be desired that the Government would support this practical workshop instruction, without which the con- tinuance of the scheme is scarcely possible. For a full account of the work of this school, see letter from Mr. Moss, the Clerk to the School Board, in Appendix, Vol. III. ' Chemical department, Yorkshire College. Sheffield. Central Board School. Laboratories and mechanical workshops . Excellent results of the Shefield Central School. GG2 468 norm. connissiou on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Bradford Technical College. Reasons for erection of College. Grant by the Clothworkers’ Company. Classrooms and lecture hall. Art Depart- ment. Textile De- partment. XXI.--Bnaoronn. The Bradford Technical College—By invitation of the presi- dent, Mr. Henry Mitchell, the Commissioners visited the Bradford Technical College on the occasion of the opening of the new buildings by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of \Vales, and on other occasions. The erection of the College was the result of a prevailing feeling in the minds of many of the commercial community of_ Bradford, that, in the competition for the world’s industry, it was becoming more and more needful to develops to the fullest extent, the technical knowledge of the employers and operatives in the various industries, on which the prosperity of the district depends. It was therefore decided that an institution should be founded, in which instruction should be given in the principles underlying the various industries of the town and neigh- bourhood. A powerful stimulus was given to the movement by the generous contribution to the building fund of 3,500l., as well as an annual grant of 500l., by the Worshipful Clothworkers’ Company of London, whose master for the year 1880, Lieutenant Colonel Britten, laid the corner stone of the new building. -The outlay upon the building and furniture already exceeds 36,000l. The college is divided into departments for pure art, designing, weaving, chemistry and dyeing, mechanical engineering, and the sciences connected with the building and other mechanical trades. In addition to the rooms for art, the chemical and dyeing laboratories, the weaving sheds, and mechanical workshops, there is a handsome lecture hall calculated to hold 000 persons, an extensive museum for textiles, raw materials, natural objects, &c., and a large and well furnished reading-room. In the several departments there are 838 students, of whom 184 are day, and 054: evening students. The art department embraces courses of instruction both in pure art and in designing for textiles. This important department is under the charge of one of the most experienced art masters in the country, Mr. Walter Smith, who, for the last ten years, has held the post of art director of the State schools of Massachusetts in America, and of the Normal Art College at Boston. In the textile department instruction is given in the manu- facture of textile fabrics of every description ; including the nature and properties of the raw material, and the application of design to woven fabrics. Mr. J. R. Ashenhurst, the instructor, has visited, and gained experience in, some of the important weaving schools in other countries. There are few weaving schools in any country so thoroughly equipped with all the best appliances of instruction, or so largely attended. Nearly 300 students attend these classes; the majority of those who come in REPORT. 469 the evening are over-lookers or aspiring workmen, while the day classes are attended by the sons of manufacturers. The chemistry and dyeing departments are under the direction Chemistry of Dr. Knecht, who was trained under Dr. Victor Meyer as an and climing assistant in the chemical laboratory of the Polytechnic at Zurich. figzggzgm’ The students are grounded in the principles of chemistry, which Technica they apply to the investigation of the properties and uses of the College‘ various dyeing materials, by analysis, and by practical experiments in dyeing. 1n the engineering and machine-making department, the Engineering theory of the class-room is united with the practical experience an‘lllifnjchme- of the bench, lathe, and forge. It is doubtful if there is any $21,113,“, school workshop in this or any country so well fitted up with modern mechanical tools and appliances. Mr. Dales, the head of Drawing ofiice. the mechanical drawing office, is familiar with the details of mechanical engineering, having devoted his life to the practice of the profession. Under a careful scheme of instruction and under practical workmen, the students become familiar with the various tools used in working in wood and metals. In the general science department there are classes in practical, General‘ plane, and solid geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry, steam, applied mechanics, and machine construction. ‘ A special feature of the college is the day school, under the D11? School- head-mastership of Mr. James Spencer, B.Sc., in which there are 130 pupils whose ages vary from 12 to 17. This department is intended to act as a feeder, preparing students for the technical classes. The curriculum of the school embraces-— 1. The general course, which includes English, mathematics, Programme mechanics, chemistry, physics, drawing (freehand, model, “instruction- geometrical), and machine construction. 2. Technical course; a pupil upon entering may select one subject from the following: Mechanical engineering, art, pattern-designing, weaving, dyeing. 3. Languages ; French, German, and Latin. The pupils who are studying technological subjects, receive one or two lessons a week from the various specialists, and spend besides, several hours a week in the weaving sheds, the workshops, the dye house, or art rooms, as the case may be. The day students who attend the college for special subjects, such as weaving, dyeing, and engineering, receive instruction if they desire it, with the day pupils in mathematics, physics, French, German, &c. An important feature in connection with the day school is the Scholarships. scholarship scheme, whereby, from a fund generously subscribed by manufacturers, merchants, and others, about 60 boys of the artizan class from the elementary schools of the town are admitted by competition, and receive two years’ instruction in the school, free of charge. a?‘ Keighley, Yorkshire. School Board. Elementary education. 4170 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL Insrnuo'rroNz The head-master expects, from an extensive past experience of pupils of this character, that not only will they pass the Govern- ment examinations of the ‘Science and Art Department with credit before leaving the school, but that when they become apprentices they will return to the evening classes, and follow the instruction in the special sciences relating to their daily work, with far greater zest and profit than those who have not had the advantage of similar training. XXII.—-—KEIGHLEY. The Commissioners visited the town of Keighley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, (population 30,000), for the purpose of inspecting its Elementary and Science and Art Schools, and they also examined some of its leading industries. The worsted manu- facture, of which Bradford is the centre, gives employment to the bulk of the population of the town, but Keighley is likewise the seat of numerous mechanical and other industries, employ- ing in the aggregate a large number of workpeople. It is, perhaps, best known as the chief seat of the manufacture of long-wool spinning machinery. In elementary education, Keighley has shown considerable activity. In consequence of the opinion that the accommodation was ample, and the instruction efficient, a School Board was not formed until the year 1875. At that time the number of children on the registers amounted to 3,749, with an average attendance of 2,007. In 1888 the number on the registers was 5,829, with an average attendance of 4,051, or more than double the attendance in 1875. The percentage of passes, under the new Code (1883), was 87. The Commissioners visited one of the large Elementary Board Schools, with accommodation for 1,000 scholars. This school, like the others erected under the Board, follows the German plan; the so-called class-room system being adopted, in which each class is placed in a room by itself, under a single master ; each class room thus being in effect a separate school, under a duly qualified adult teacher. In the centre of the school is a large central hall in which all the children can be assembled at once. As tested by results, the above arrangement is a satisfactory one, for, while the cost of teaching per head is lower than in the average of the Board schools of the country, the percentage of passes is higher. The sexes are taught together, girls sitting on one Side of the room and boys on the other. The most remarkable fact connected with these schools is the success of the half-timers. The Keighley district is essentially a factory district, there being 1,500 factory half-timers attending the schools. Although these children receive less than 14. hours of instruction per week, and are required to attend the factory for 28 hours in addition, their percentage of passes at the examinations is higher than the REPORT. 4,71 average of passes of children receiving double the amoun t of schooling throughout the country. The M echa'n'ics’ Institute a/nol Schools of Science and Art in Keighley Keighley represent the modern development of a Society estab- IMe‘t’l‘anics’ lished in the town in 1825. Its formation was actively promoted s’éiéfilgeoi-n" by a number of working men, anxious to carry into effect the Science and scheme‘ of Dr. Birkbeck and Lord Brougham. After a few All‘ years’ occupation of temporary premises, a Mechanics’ Institute was erected by public subscription, and for 35 years, by the aid of its lectures, classes, and library, was the chief instrument in promoting the literary and scientific culture of all classes in the town. It is interesting to record that many of the leading employers of the past and present generations have gratefully testified to the fact that to the facilities here afforded they owed almost their entire education. The present building, now inadequate for its requirements, New building. was opened in 1870, and, including furnishing and subsequent additions, cost nearly 20,000l. A grant of 820Z. was obtained from the Science and Art Department, on the Science and Art rooms, but, with this exception, the whole outlay was met by the voluntary subscriptions of all classes of inhabitants in the town. In order to obtain experience as to the best methods of imparting a practical education for an industrial community, several members of the Council visited the leading schools of Germany, Switzerland, and Paris, and the information received was utilised in organising the departments of the Institution for day and evening instruction. The Institution contains (1) a series of class rooms for Class rooms elementary and science teaching; connected with these a chemical éligeiabom‘ laboratory, room for apparatus and models, lecture theatre, ' work room and class rooms; a school of art, with rooms for elementary drawing, mechanical and architectural drawing, modelling and designing, a room specially arranged for drawing from models, casts, and from the life, and a picture gallery for the periodical exhibition of the works of the students and the loan collections from South Kensington and other sources; (3) a department, common also to the students of the above, for the pursuit of general information and for the recreation and amusement of members ; comprising lecture hall to accommodate 1,200, library (now containing 7,000 volumes), reference library for the benefit of the students; newsroom for daily newspapers and telegrams; reading room for periodicals and magazines; penny bank; conversation and smoking rooms. A large gymna- sium was afterwards provided. In the day school (called the Trade and Grammar School), Trade and whilst the teaching is so eflicient that the leading manufacturers Grammar of the district send their sons, the fee for artisans is so low so 001' that a considerable number of that class have been attracted to the school, and constitute fully two-thirds of the total. students. Thus the sons of employers sit side by side at their studies 4'72 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Exhibitions. Keighlej . Evening instruction. Ev cniug Classes in literary subjects. Studentships under Science and Art Department. with the sons of their workmen, and this result is considered to be mutually satisfactory. By the aid of a number of exhibitions from an old grammar school endowment (the Drake and Tonson Exhibitions), the cleverest boys in the elementary schools of the town are yearly admitted by competition into the Trade School; main— tenance grants from another endowment (the Bocock Fund) being made to the poorest. With regard to the thousands of boys in the town who pass through the elementary schools, and cannot win exhibitions or enter the school as ordinary students, the Council have provided means whereby they can go through the Trade School curriculum in evening classes. At a nominal fee (one penny per night) students, male and female, may there supplement the instruction of the elementary day school, under certificated teachers. There are also scholarships admitting students from the elementary classes to the science and art classes. There are likewise evening classes in French, German, Latin, shorthand, singing, &c., and in addition, lectures on scientific and literary subjects provided by the Council. It may be worth mentioning that Keighley was one of the first towns to take advantage of the scheme of University Extension instituted by the Syndicate of Cambridge, and classes were conducted and lectures given for three sessions. In addition to the above-mentioned local scholarships and exhibitions, by means of science “ studentships,” artisan students, by competition with schools and classes in the United Kingdom, are admitted to the Normal School of Science, South Kensington, with their tuition fees paid, and ample allowance made for their maintenance, while in London, by the Department, and travelling expenses to and from their homes. (Since 1872 nearly 50 of such exhibitions have been gained, and two students from Keighley (one having obtained the Doctor of Science degree, and having been raised to the dignity of Professor) have been retained on the teaching staff of the Normal School.) By means of the “ Devonshire ” and “ Holden” exhibitions, presented respectively by His Grace the Duke of Devonshire and Mr. Isaac Holden, M.P., value 50l. each (25l. in each case being supplied by the Department), two students are annually admitted to such of the following colleges as they may select, viz., the Yorkshire College, Leeds, the Royal School of Mines, London, the Royal College of Chemistry, London, the Royal College of Science, Dublin. - The deserving poor boy is admitted from the elementary school to the Trade School for two years’ tuition, free of cost; he may be retained in the Trade School for two years after his exhibition expires, and has the opportunity of winning further exhibitions to South Kensington, where he receives the highest scientific instruction under the most distinguished professors at the Normal School of Science. These advantages are open to students REPORT. 473 in evening classes, and in a great number of instances have been fully enjoyed by them. ‘ A Weaving department has been in operation for four years, Weaving and has been generously supported by the Worshipful Cloth- “Mol- workers’ Company of London. There are hand and power looms for experimental work, and other necessary apparatus for weaving. The operations of this department are somewhat cramped for want of space and motive power, but nevertheless a large class of young men, all connected with the textile industries, are receiving systematic instruction in designing and weaving,— in designing a pattern on paper, and working it out in the loom, -——it being impossible for them to obtain such instruction in the ordinary factories of the district. Already latent faculties of artistic power have been aroused, and designs have been exe- cuted, not only ingenious and original, but of commercial value. Plans are in course of preparation for extending the building by the addition of a wing for technical workshops, power- looms, 8m, and a chemical laboratory and museum. The extension is estimated to cost 5,000L, towards which the Clothworkers’ Company have generously promised a subscription of 1,000l. With regard to the number of students attending the schools, Number of the last report (1883) states that in the day and evening classes students- there were nearly 1,100, the great majority of whom were artisans from the machine shops and factories. The strictly educational department of the Institute is separated Club depart- from the more social or club department, and a separate regis- tration of membership is required for each. Only a small ' proportion of the ordinary members of the Institute are also students of the classes, yet of the latter class the last Report shows that at present there are over 1,000 persons maintaining their membership of the Institute. These returns show that over 2,000 of the 30,000 inhabitants of the district are directly connected with the Institute. XXIII.-SALTAIRE. The Commissioners visited Saltaire on the invitation of Saltaire. Mr. Titus Salt, and were conducted by him and Mr. Stead over fs‘lfillfiififglfl, the various departments of the works. Although it is 30 years 1 H ' since these factories were built, and the town and its several institutions were founded and planned by the late Sir Titus Salt, yet, whether considered in relation to the arrangements of the factories, or the extensive provision for the education, health, and recreation of its people, the town of Saltaire is probably the most remarkable and most complete industrial colony that has been founded in any country. We refrain, as in the case of all other English visits, from describing the factory, much as we are tempted to do so. 4574 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 2 Saltaire cottages. Baths. Schools. Club and Institute. Public park. Dining hall. Almshouses. Places of worship. Sunday schools. The town consists of 850 houses and cottages, with a separate yard to each, let at rentals varying from 28. Gel. to 12s. per week. There are about 410 shops, and large co-operative stores' for supplying the population with food, clothing, and other requirements. There is no public-house in the town. In a convenient and central situation are the baths and wash- houses with two plunge baths, 24 slipper baths, and Turkish and douche baths. The washing department is furnished with steam tubs, with a plentiful supply of hot and cold water, drying closets, and all other requisites. For supplying the educational wants of the neighbourhood, there are two elementary schools, attended by 850 children each. The provision for secondary education was made at the sole 'expense of Sir Titus Salt, in the form of “ High Schools” for boys and girls. The Schools for girls were erected in 1867, at a cost of 8,000l., and were first used as factory schools; the department for boys is conducted in the rooms of the Saltaire Institute. These High Schools were incorporated by the Charity Commissioners in 1877, under the title of “the Governors of the Salt Schools, Shipley, ‘ Registered.’ ” The numbers, at present attending, are 68 boys and 160 girls. The Saltaire Club and Institute was erected by Sir Titus Salt in 1871, at a cost of 30,000l. In addition to a handsome lecture- hall, with accommodation for 1,500 persons, there is an extensive library, a spacious reading room, chemical laboratory, a number of class-rooms for science, a well equipped school of art, a gymnasium, and a large billiard room. In the winter, courses of lectures, concerts, “ social evenings,” and conversazione are provided for the instruction and amusement of the public. The institute numbers 800 members. There is a well kept park of 14 acres, beautifully situated on the banks of the river Aire, and skirting the woods of Shipley Glen, one of the most picturesque and favourite resorts in the district. A public dining hall has been erected in connection with the Works, in which 1,000 dinners can be served in a few minutes. The meals range in price from two-pence upwards. A group of alms houses, and Sir Titus Salt’s Hospital, have been erected for the aged and infirm, and for the Sufferers from accidents. The hospital contains three wards (nine beds) and an out-patients’ department. The almshouses for the aged poor have been endowed with 30,000l. Of places of worship, there are the Saltaire Congregational Church, erected by Sir Titus Salt at a cost of 15,000l. In a mausoleum attached to this church, the honoured founder of this church is buried. The Sunday school connected with this church cost 10,000l., and has accommodation for 800 children in 24 class-rooms and a large hall. There is a Wesleyan chapel erected at a cost of 5,400l, and a Sunday school attached, with accommodation for 800 children in 20 class-rooms and a large hall. REPORT. 47 5 Among the numerous associations are two or three benefit Saltaire. _ societies, a funeral brief, women’s sick relief society, cricket club. 1°ca1 mam“ . . . ' . ' and clubs. angling association, brass band, string and reed band, choral society, fire brigade, &c. Under the guidance of Mr. Titus Salt, we visited the elementary Saltaire Board schools which are under the Shipley School Board, of which he is schools- chairman. The Albert Road School is built on the separate class- room system, with an assembly-room in the centre. The infant department is in the same form, and all the details of arrangement and furnishing have been carried out with the greatest care and forethought by Mr. Salt, who has made the question of school buildings and furniture a special study, both in this country and in America. The exceptional feature of these schools is that the classes are mixed, and all taught by females. The numerous half-timers are taught in classes apart from the other children, and were stated to be about two standards behind the children of the same age who had passed all their time at school. The rough factory boys attend the school, and yet the discipline is excellent, while the educational results are satisfactory both as to half-and full—timers. The infant schools are taught on the Infant schools. Kindergarten system, by thoroughly efficient and enthusiastic teachers Some of the modelling in clay by the infants was excellent, and the plaiting of coloured strips of paper, and the making of designs on ruled paper with coloured worsted, showed evidences of more than ordinary ingenuity. XXIV—N OTTINGHAM. The Commissioners were met by the Mayor, Mr. Lindley, and Nottingham the chairman of the School Board, Mr. Alderman Gripper, who “PQOPIBLS accompanied them to the People’s College. This school was fiilfegfglefim erected in 1846, by voluntary contributions, for the education of tai’y school. the working classes. It has now been taken over by the School Board and extensively remodelled for its present purpose, to serve as a higher grade board school. The buildings are in two separate divisions and are intended to accommodate 480 boys and 300 girls. The fees are 90?. per week, but children leaving other board schools after having attained the fifth standard, are admitted for 6d. per week. The cost of the school has been about 10L per child for the 780 children. The class rooms are large and well arranged, consisting of one long room on each floor, divided into separate spaces, each accommodating 60 children, by glazed sliding screens. The whole school is heated by hot water. The woodwork is of polished pine and the walls are coloured French grey; the rooms being surrounded by a buff. coloured enamelled tile dado. One of the class rooms is about to be converted into a chemical Chemical laboratory which will contain 38 working places, two smaller rooms laboratory 476 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL msraucrron: Nottingham , Attention paid to drawing at People‘s College. 1 lnntingdon Street Board School. Nottingham University College. being screened off at one end for a balance room and operation room. The cost of fitting up this laboratory, exclusive “ of apparatus and re—agents, is estimated at 310i. By means of the sliding screen the adjoining class room can be used for demon- strations before a large class. The head-master of the school, Mr. Edward Francis, informed the Commissioners that at the present time the fourth standard is the strongest section. They eventually intend to make five classes, equivalent to the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, under the new code, and a so-called eighth standard, the last-named, however, not being recognised by the code. The boys in this school would come at 10 or 11 years of age and remain till 15 or 16. ‘ A feature in this school is the large amount of time devoted to drawing, the whole of Friday afternoon being allotted to this subject. The. playground is small, and there is no provision for gymnastics, which are not appreciated in the town. The Commissioners next visited the Huntingdon Street Board School, which has 480 children, under Mr. Edward W. Hemming, the head-master, six assistant masters, and two ex-pupil teachers. The pupil teachers in the Nottingham schools are not counted as teachers until the third or fourth year. The class-rooms are about 22 feet wide, lighted from the front and back, and divided off into long rooms by means of glazed partitions, portions of which are hinged as doors, and capable of being opened at an angle so as to give uninterrupted communication from one room into another to the master. The partitions cost about Zt0l. each. Some of the Commissioners visited a mixed half-time school. The Commissioners were informed that the‘ passes in N otting- ham for half-timers are about 82 per cent. as against 87 per cent. in whole~time schools. The average attendance in this, which is a full—time school, would be 85 per cent. of those on the register, with 96 per cent. of passes. The class under instruction by the head-master, which contained two standards mixed, consisted of 80 boys. Nottingham University C'ollege.-—The college buildings were erected at a cost of 70,000l., of which 10,0001. were offered by an anonymous donor on the condition that the buildings to be provided by the Corporation of Nottingham should include a lecture room, capable of seating 400 persons. The Town Council accepted this ofier, and it was resolved to erect at once a group of buildings that should provide for the University Extension, scientific, and other higher teaching of the town, and at the same REPORT. s77 time furnish accommodation for the Free Library and the Natural History Museum. The 60,0001. granted by the Corporation was taken from funds they possessed, to be devoted to the general C welfare of the town~ The college was opened on the 30th June 1881, by H.R.H. the late Duke of Albany. For its maintenance, the Corporation grants 41,0005. annually, derived from various sources, whilst the college has a revenue of 3,0001. a year from charitable bequests, these sums being supplemented by the students’ fees. There are numerous rooms for the various classes, an excellent lecture theatre for physics, and another for chemistry, a physical laboratory and workshops, a large chemical laboratory with 60 working places, and a public lecture theatre, in which popular lectures are given each week, the admission to which is one penny per person. The building is a very handsome structure, admirably adapted in every way for its intended uses. There are four professors; viz., of mathematics and physics, chemistry, natural history, and literature, and they are aided by science teachers and University Extension lecturers. The constitution of the college is as follows :——It is governed by a committee elected annually by the Town Council, twelve from amongst their own body, and seven members not councillors. In consequence of the somewhat unwieldy nature of this committee, it is in contemplation to elect standing sub-committees to arrange the general business, and to report to the governing body, who would then meet only at rarer intervals. The four professors constitute a species of informal senate, or studies sub-committee, to arange academical work, and report to the general committee. Professor Garnett stated that at the time he came to Nottingham, the college was already at work, the first year having been devoted to subjects of general literature, and the audiences attracted could not be considered bona fide students. His effort had been to differentiate more clearly the teaching for artizans * and the regular university day students’ work. The latter were going in for the Intermediate BA. degree or the Arts degree of the London University. In order to attract students, he had been willing to start classes even for a single individual. Thus at first he had one or two working for the 1st B.Sc., one for the Cambridge B.A., &c. His day classes, which repre- sent his higher teaching, were as follows : —-Electricity, with about 7 students; mechanics, with 10 students; elementary mathematics, with 30 students; intermediate arts (London University), 3 students ; intermediate science, 1 student. There were also day classes in literature and history, natural science, and chemistry. Among his evening classes was that of ele- mentary mathematics, with 10 students, theoretical mechanics, with 4.‘ students, electricity, with 40 students, and an advanced lecture class of 15 students. In addition to the classes directly connected with the college, were those connected with the Science and Art Department, which were taught by masters certificated Nottingham University ollege. Teaching ~tatf. Gm crlmlent of the college. Profes~or Garnett on the Nottingham College. 478 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 Nottingham University College. Nottingham School of Art. Income. by South Kensington, which classes were also under his general supervision. Some of these classes were in the same subjects as the college classes, such as magnetism, electricity, &c. Asked if he could point out the difference between the teaching of these subjects in these parallel classes, he stated that there was a great difference in degree between the manner in which a Cambridge man would teach and the instruction given by an Ordinary science master. On being pressed to state more clearly what this difference was, he said that generally in the South Kensington text books, if the teacher came to a difficulty, it was shirked or escaped. If a Cambridge lecturer came to a difficulty, it would be at once pointed out and either solved or an attempt made to solve it. It would not be set aside. The conversation turning to the University Extension lectures, he said that these lectures are undoubtedly supplying an acknow- ledged want. He might mention as an example that he had lately before him the work of 150 candidates in electricity and magnetism, from a group of towns in the north of England, who had been wonderfully well taught by a college man; the plan of teaching was by lectures alternating with meetings for the answering of questions given out at the lectures and prepared in the interval; this system worked well. He considered the South Kensington classes were not nearly so well taught as those under the Extension scheme. Twenty-two papers received from Middlesborough, chiefly by working-men, were excellent. He admitted that the absence of practical teaching was a defect in the University Extension classes, and that electricity could scarcely be taught thoroughly without such practical work, but pointed out that this defect was shared by the South Kensington science classes. Nottingham School of Art.—-A visit was also paid to the Nottingham School of Art, situated in a fine building in the centre of the town, and erected by public subscription. The Commis- sioners were received by Mr. T. J. Birkin, the chairman, and several members of the committee, who, together with Mr. T. J. Dalgliesh, the head-master, accompanied them over the school. The income of the school from the fees in the morning and evening classes amounts to about 625l. a year, the total number of students on the books being about 650. An interesting feature is the recent erection, at a cost of 1,000l., of a large conservatory, or plant-form studio, covering an area of 2,520 square feet. The art work of the school has had an important bearing on the trade of Nottingham, and the designers trained in the school have‘ been largely employed in the leading manufacture of N otting- ham, that of lace. Considerable success has always been obtained in the national art competitions, by the students of the Nottingham School. The Commissioners were present at a lecture on geometry, which was well attended, and they also visited the designing class, life class, &c.. neronr. 4,79 . The Commissioners visited the Art Museum, situated in Nottingham Nottingham Castle, where they were received by Sir J. Old~ A" Museum‘- .1 know, the chairman, and Mr. G. Wallis, the curator. The ruins of Nottingham Castle were restored, and adapted for the pur- pose of this museum, at a cost to the Corporation of nearly 30,0001, and the collections were opened by their Royal I-Iighnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales in July 1878. The galleries are admirably fitted for their purpose, and contain very fine collections of pictures and other objects of art, most of them on loan from their owners in the neighbourhood; a large number of .objects contributed by the South Kensington Museum ; and a general collection of specimens of decorative art. The museum is open to the public on five days in the week on a payment of let. on Mondays and Saturdays and Gel. on other days, whilst one day per week is reserved for students. The total admissions during the last financial year were 223,000 persons, over 121,000 being admitted by single payments, and 101,000 by season ticket, the receipts for the 12 months amounting to 1,7205. Annual exhibitions of pictures, by local artists, are held in this-museum. Prizes are offered for freehand and mechanical drawing. The collections of lace, which are now being made by the curator, will, it is anticipated, be of great value to the designers for local manufactures. Visits to Lace and other Manufactories.—~Visits were paid to various manufactories of lace, of tools. and of lace-making machinery, and to extensive hosiery works. The staple trade of the town was well seen by an inspection, kindly afforded to the Commissioners, of one of the great warehouses. Here not only are the laces and curtains passed through the last stage of their preparation before going to the wholesale houses in London, but a staff of designers is employed in pro- ducing original designs for curtains and lace. The proprietor explained to the Commissioners the way in which these designs are prepared, and stated that, in his opinion, very many less lace designs are now being purchased from abroad than was formerly the case. XXV.--BRIsToL. Bristol Trade and Mining SchooL—The Commissioners visited the Trade School, now known under the name of the Merchant Venturers’ School. The establishment of this school was mainly due to the efforts of Canon Mosely, who reorganised a British school, which had been closed for some years, as a school for teaching applied science. It has lately been placed under the Merchant Company of Bristol, who administer the Colston Trust Fund. A new school building, to accommodate 500 pupils, is being erected by the Company, and this, when completed, will absorb the present trade and mining schools, under the title above. The present building is antiquated, overcrowded, and ill adapted to its purpose. Admissions. Visits to lace and other manufactories. Trade School, Bristol. 480 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Bristol Merchant Venturers’ School. Mining and engineering. Number of pupils. Fees. Laboratory. University College. Laboratory. The school is practically in four divisions. (A) An elementary division called the primary department for boys not under nine years of age; this is merely an ordinary elementary school, in which, however, the rudiments of French are taught. A secondary department which receives lads up to 18 years of age. After the third year the instruction bifurcates into, (C1) a divi- sion for the study of mathematics and the applied sciences, intended to prepare boys for a career connected with manufactures and the constructive arts, and, (C 2) a department for studies suitable for those to be engaged in commercial life. There is further a higher grade mining school (D) for the study of mining and engineering, with a two years’ course. The energetic master, Mr. Comber, has been most successful in teaching science subjects under the Science and Art Department. All the boys learn drawing, and both in this subject and in science the school earns a high grant. In the lower classes of the secondary school there is no practical laboratory work, and in the mining school, which has about 17 students, chemistry and field-work are the only subjects in which practical work is done. The entire school has 280 pupils. In connection with it are night classes for drawing and various science subjects, and also for Latin and French. The fees in the day school are ll. 68. 8d. per term (three terms in the year, with an entrance fee of 7s. 6d.). In the mining school the fees are 5i. 5s. per term, with an entrance fee of 128. 601. For the night classes the fees are for French and Latin 108. 6d. the session, and for science subjects 78. (id. for one, 103. (id. for two, and 7s. Get. for each additional subject. The school possesses a fairly well equipped laboratory, in which special students are admitted to work for 21L per annum, and night students pay a_ fee of ll. ls. per session for laboratory practice. University College, Bristol—The college is situated in the upper part of the town, in new buildings, which are only partially completed. It was opened in 1876. The total annual expen- diture is about 4.1,400l. The fees of the students produce 2,l50l., subscriptions, local, 1,400l., Clothworkers’ Company, London, 300l., Balliol College, Oxford, 2501]., and miscellaneous receipts 1005., leaving about 2001. unprovided for. We were received by Professor Ramsay, the principal, who directs the chemical depart- ment, and were conducted by him over the various class-rooms. The chemical laboratory is large and well-fitted, and contains 24: working places, but there is room for additional tables. In order to provide for the present number of students, the places have to be duplicated. There is a small balance room and a professor’s private laboratory. Upstairs is a convenient lecture theatre and preparation room, a store-room for chemical apparatus, a class-room for physiology, and a small physiological laboratory. In the engineering drawing room, which is very REPORT. 481 small, about 16 - students can work at a time. The lecturer on mechanics‘showed us his workshop, in which only two or three Workshop. students can attend “at one time. There are a lathe, and a couple of vices; some brass turning and tool handles were shown to us, the work of the students. In the lecture room a class of five students were taking notes of a problem in geometry which was being explained by Mr. H. H. Shaw. Professor Sylvanus Physics. Thompson, who undertakes the physical work, has two labora- tories, one of which is mainly used for electrical work, and the other for experiments in light and heat. The sum of 3005. has just been subscribed for apparatus urgently needed to equip this department, and some excellent instruments from the Cambridge Scientific Company were shown to us. There are in all about 180 day students, among whom are many ladies. The larger prpiportion of the students are attending the classes in literature an modern languages. About 70 students are going through a complete and systematic course suitable for students of applied science. ’ There is a medical school attached to the college. XXVI.——BEDFORD. At the invitation of Mr. James Howard, M.P., the Commis- Bedford sioners visited Bedford, in order to inspect the Grammar School, Schools- the Modern School, and the elementary schools. All these schools are endowed from an ancient foundation, the Harpur Trust, which has a revenue of about 15,000Z. a-year, arising from large estates in London. The first visit was to the Grammar School, which may be Grammar regarded as the classical side of the institution. The two schools “110°1- are distinct, and are carried on in separate and non-adjacent buildings. In the Grammar School the commencement of practical work is made in the shape of small shops for carvers and fitters, but they do little more than furnish recreation for Practical work. the boys during a portion of their play time. In the Modern Modem School practical instruction is given both in chemistry and school. in physics, and it is in contemplation to erect workshops for instruction in the use of tools. A large and handsome school has also been recently built under this charity as a Girls’ High School. ‘The Grammar School is under the head-mastershi of Mr. J. Stat]? of P Surtees Phillpotts, M.A., B.O.L., with a staff of 22 assistants. Grammar school and The head-master of the Modern School is the Rev. Robert B. modem 50100;, Poole“ B.D., and he is assisted by a staff of 25 masters and instructors. The fees in the Grammar School are 31. or 4.1. per term (according Fees- as the scholar is under or above 13), and in the Modern School 1Z.6's.8cZ., 2Z., or 31., as the scholar is under or above 16., or Ri 1726. H H 4382 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Harpur Trust Funds, Bedford. Visit to Kendal. History of Kendal Industries. above 17. There are three terms in the year. There is an entrance fee of 21. in the Grammar School, and ll. in the Modern School. The scheme of the charity was settled under date of the 4th August 1873, and a printed copy of the scheme was handed to the Commissioners. It provides for the carrying on of the trust by means of governors, for the management of the schools for boys, girls, and infants, and of the large charities to which a considerable portion of the money is devoted. The Bedford Schools are $5 excellent and the fees are so low that many people with small means are being attracted to ‘the town in order to obtain, as residents, the education for their children supplied by this charity, which embraces free elementary as well as the above-mentioned higher schools. The net revenue of the Harpur Trust Funds for the year 1881 consisted of 1437541. Out of this amount fifths were devoted to the Grammar School (= 41,5991): {Tths to the Modern _School (=41,599Z.) ; Til-tbs to the Elementary School (: 2,300Z.) ; and fifth for eleemosynary purposes (= 1,150l.), being a total of 12,648L, and the balance being absorbed in the general and ofiice expenses. XXVII.—-KENDAL. The town of Kendal, (population 13,696 in 1881), as being representative of one of the more ancient seats of industry, was visited by the Commissioners on the invitation of some of the leading inhabitants. It is one of the cradles of the English woollen industry, and was developed as far back as the year 1337, by Flemings, who brought with them from the Low Countries the skill in weaving and the knowledge of dyeing for which at that time they Were famous. In those days England was a pastoral country, and exported large quantities of wool to Flanders, France, and Germany, where the wool was made into cloth, of which a fair proportion was exported back to England. The historian of the time recorded that “ the ribs of people “ throughout the world are kept warm by the fleeces of English *“ wool.” On one occasion when the export of wool from England was prohibited, the effect upon the manufacturing population of the Low Counties was disastrous, and reduced many to despair and destitution ; and when England thus lost some of its markets for W001, the distressed Flemish artizans were invited to settle here, and as above stated, several found their way to Kendal. For many generations, Kendal, under the influence of the Flemings, became famous for the manufacture of woollens, and of “ Kendal Green ” buckram. In more modern days, Kendal, like many other historic towns, has had to bow REPORT. 483 before the greater enterprise and spirit of younger towns, in other parts of the country. The Commissioners visited some important woollen and carpet Kendal manufactories and works for making “ cards,” “ reeds,” and ggfigaiem “ healds ” for the woollen industry. ”' At one of the works which we visited, the designer was from Scotland; at another, a designer from Kidderminster had taken the place of one educated at South Kensington. The heads of two of the firms had studied chemistry, but among the workmen there is no chemical knowledge. By long experience, excellence has been attained in dyeing, and in the case of one family, three, generations, grandfather, father, and son, have been famous for proficiency in a certain colour. The schools of Kendal are numerous, and education is well S°h°°1$ of administered. In addition to thirteen elementary denominational Kendal‘ schools and secondary girls’ schools, there is a grammar school ' founded in 1525, attended by from 40 to 50 boys; a Blue Coat (charity) school, 45 boys; a commercial school, 50 to 60 boys ; and a Friend’s school, 50 to 60 boys. The schools of science and art, united in one building, were visited by the Commissioners. In art there are 50 students, of whom 14 are females. The science classes are attended by a total of 130 pupils. The Kendal Literary and Scientific Institution is a society of gilfel‘ig’ and 172 members, having its head quarters at the Museum, and through 1,233,162,,’ an educational committee, promoting the education of the town, and providing lectures of a popular and scientific character. Last year there were seven such lectures given, in addition to a course of Cambridge University lectures on physical geography, attended by about 140 persons. The Mechanics’ Institute has 130 members, a reading room, Mecltanics’ and a library of 7,500 volumes. Musical entertainments are Ins“ “te' given in the winter months, and classes are held in singing and French. ‘ The Christian and Literary Institute has a reading room and Cllristian and library, and organises a few lectures in the winter, and a railway excursion in the summer. The classes connected with the Young Men’s Christian Association are attended by about 60 artizans in the winter evenings. A Working Men’s Institute has also a Working Men’s library and reading room well supplied with newspapers and Institute- periodicals. We were informed that at present 10 students holding scholar— ships from Kendal schools are attending the Universities, and some of the students from the science and art schools are holding high industrial positions in large towns. H112 4184: ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Z Glasgow School Board. Day schools under the Board. Evening schools. Passes, and grant. Evening classes under Board. XXVIIL—GLASGOW. Glasgow School Boamcl—The Commissioners visited the offices of the School Board in Bath Street, and discussed with some of the leading members, the work bearing on the subject of their inquiry carried on under the School Board. One of the differences between the English and Scotch Education Acts is, that in the case of Scotland the jurisdiction of the Board extends to certain secondary and higher grade schools. In Glasgow the High School, which answers to an English Grammar School, is con- ducted under the Board, though it is not in any way supported by the rates. Mr. Kennedy, the clerk of the Board, kindly furnished us with the following particulars :- N o. of day schools under the Board - 4.49 Total accommodation of schools opened - 38,173 Average number of scholars on roll — 41,362 ,, in attendance 33,587 Total number of teachers—Masters, 197; mistresses, 196 ; ex-pupil teachers, 37; pupil teachers, 238; monitors, 31. Total, 699. In 24 evening schools there were 7,850 scholars, taught by 121 masters and 4:2 mistresses. The average passes in all the Glasgow schools in 1881-2 were,—-reading 95 per cent, writing 94.4'6, arithmetic 916, or a gross average of 93'7, which is 5 per cent. higher than the average of Scotch passes. In specific subjects 10,094: were presented and 7,984: passed. The grants from the Scotch Education Department were 188. 3d. per scholar. Drawing is taught in 41 day schools, and 10,852 children were presented for exami- nation in 1882. The industrial teaching is confined to cookery and needlework for the girls; courses on cookery were given in 12 of the day schools. The School Board rate is ‘legal; a penny rate produces about 10,0001. The evening classes under the Board are mainly literary. They are classified as, ordinary - - 21 advanced - 3 241 Ct the total of 7 ,850 evening scholars, 41,599 were in ordinary branches, 2,979 in special and advanced classes, and 272 in science classes. The students were— Boys - - - - 4,816 Men - - - - - 1,215 Girls - - - - 1,819 7,850 a REPORT. - ' 485 i The subjects of the advanced classes were as follow :-- Advanced French - ~ - - 4130 Evening Mathematics‘ - , - - 4411 Elfifigt’j Latin - - - - 100 Greek - -r - - 28 Drawing - - - - 486 English grammar and composition 233 Writing and book-keeping - 331 Elocution - - - 545 Shorthand - - - - 235 German - - - - 103 Music - - - - 88 Cookery - ~ - 4:50 Total - - 2,979 students. Of the advanced students, 861 youths attended the evening classes at the High School, 751 at the City School, and 267 young women were instructed at Woodside School. In Science and Art classes in evening schools there were, in art subjects, 4186 students in 8 classes ; mathematics, 41411 in 10 classes. Science classes were conducted in seven subjects, magnetism and electricity, acoustics, physiology, chemistry, machine construction and drawing, building construction, and geometry, with a total of 27 2 students. Drawing classes for pupil teachers, conducted by the Board, were attended by 85 boys and 24.14: girls. We visited the Gcmmethtll School, one of the best under the Garnethill Board, with 1,000 children in attendance. The fees are 4561., 501., B‘m'd S°h°°L and 7101. per week in the elementary division and ls. 0%a'. in the secondary school. The classes are mixed—boys on one side and girls on the other. Many people of the lower middle classes send their children to the Board Schools. In the highest class about 25 per cent. of the children were over 15, and nearly as many between 141 and 15 years of age. There were 134.‘ in the sixth standard, and 230 children above the sixth standard. The cost pf tgiis school was stated to have been 121. per head, without the an . The J oh'n, Street Public Schoo1 was also visited by the Com- ilgglalrdsél'éiitol‘ missioners. It is held in a very handsome building, with large playground, partly covered. The cost was 101. per head, without the land. The accommodation, based on 8 square feet for infants and 10 square feet each for the elder children, is for 1,150. There was a very well conducted infant school with 320 children. The hours of attendance and fees are as follows :— Fees per quarter. Infants - - 9.30 to 12.0 and l to 3. 418. Junior department 9.30 to 12.15 ,, 1 to 4!. - 5s. 85 68. Intermediate de- partment - ,, ,, ,, - (is. 85 78. Senior department ,, ,, ,, - 8s. 8t 9s. Advanced class - 9.0 to 12.0 ,, ,, - 10$. 85 118. 486 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL msrancrron: Glasgow High School. As an'example of a Higher Class Public School under a School Board, we inspected the "’ Glasgow High School, one of the 11 schools of this type originally constituted under the Education Act of 1872. The school is divided into a junior and senior section; the former adapted for boys under 10 or 11 years of age, and preparatory for’ the senior section. During the earlier stages the instruction in the senior section is uniform, but as it advances the pupils branch off into the classical, or the modern side. Dr. Paton, the rector, accompanied us over the school, and we saw the teaching in progress in science and art, the subjects more particularly of interest to us. The study of Natural Science forms a part of the course from the first to the third Form of the senior division, and thence throughout the whole of the modern side of the school. Out of a total number enrolled of 762, with an average attendance of 710, 323 boys . learn drawing and 223 science. Science teaching in High School. Glasgow School of Art. Mr. Muir, the science master, furnished us with the following particulars respecting the science subjects taught and the numbers under instruction :— lst form - Physical geography - 1 hour per week - 94 pupils in 2 classes. 2nd ,, - Chemistry - - 2 hours ,, - 7 8 ,, ,, 3rd ,, - Physics - - 2 ,, ,, - 28 ,, a; 4th* ,, - Theoretical mechanics 2 ,, ,, 44 ,, ,, By this arrangement of the teaching, all the boys passing through the school obtain instruction in the above subjects in the order described. In the 3rd form, however, it is only these boys who take French in stead of Greek who are able to attend the science class, and even this depends on their proficiency in arithmetic. Per quarter. The fees payable in the junior section vary from 158. to 303. senior lower form ,, 4:58. to 55s. ,, upper ,, ,, 31. to 3t. 10s‘. 7? 7) The Glasgow School of Art and Haldane Academy—This school was established as a Government School of Design in 1842, and is in connection with the Science and Art Depart~ ment. During the past year it was attended by 869 students, of whom over 600 were of the industrial classes. These latter students pay fees of from 8.9. to 9.9. per quarter. The programme is in strict accordance with the South Kensington system, and includes, besides the Art School, science classes in five subjects. During the year 1881-2 the amount received in fees was 1,375l. 98. 861., and the grants earned from the Department were 575l. 168. 9d. The school authorities complained greatly of the action of the School Board, who had established art night classes at low fees, taught by masters having only second grade “ The 4th form on the Modern Side. "" - . nrzronr. ' 418,7 certificates, and whe were alienating many of the students from the School of Art. A proposal is under discussion for the erection Proposed of a Central School of Art, on land in the vicinity, at a cost of “12318011001 ' 3Qfi091. Under the guidance of Mr. Simmonds, the head-master, the Commissioners inspected the school and examined the works of the students. Science and Art Glasses—The‘ following list shows the Science and attendance at the various science and art classes in the Glasgow in Gflazsgsgg, district, as also the subjects taught. Some of these classes are ' conducted under the School Board, and others in connection with the School of Art :— Science and Art Classes, 1882. Number of classes - - - - 35 Number of individual students under instruction :-- Science - - 2,661 Art - - 1,312 3, 973 Number enrolled for examination :~— Science - - 3,362 Art - - 1AO2 4,7644 Number examined :— Science - - 2,6 93 Art - - 1,157 3,850 The following are the numbers enrolled for examination in‘. each subj ect :— Art. -- 2nd grade - - - - 1,360 Advanced art - - - - 12 Art Class Teachers - ~ - 3O Science—Practical, Plane, and Solid Geometry 294 Machine Construction and Drawing - 362 Building Construction - - 113 Naval Architecture - - - 30 Mathematics - - ~ 462 Theoretical Mechanics - - - 222 Applied Mechanics - - - 164' Sound, Light, and Heat - - 142 Magnetism and Electricity - - 41412 Inorganic Chemistry (theoretical) — 3413 ,, ,, (practical) - 233 Organic Chemistry (theoretical) - 4.~1 ,, ,, (practical) - 16 Biology - - - - 4! Principles of Mining - - 8 488 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INsTRUCTIoN: Allen Glen’s Institution, Glasgow. Workshop instruction, Glasgow. Fees. Practical chemistry. Metallurgy (theoreticaly \ ~ ' ‘ - . ' 1x 1 Navigation - ~ —- ‘ i2 Nautical Astronomy - - — 1 Steam - ~ ~ 167 Physiography - - ~ 22 Principles of Agriculture - — 17 Geology - - f - - 69 Mineralogy - ‘ - I. , . - , 1 Animal Physiology - - , - v. 1448 ' Elementary Botany —- — 58 ‘ 4,764: The Alla/n Glen/s I nstimtiom—The Commissioners also visited the Allan Glen’s Institution, which was established in 1853 for gratuitous elementary education ; but, in 1876, the trustees obtained a special Act for providing, in addition, a school in which, at a moderate fee, the benefits of a good secondary and technical education shall be placed within the reach of middle class boys intended for industrial, manufacturing, and mercantile pursuits. In this school little or no Latin is taught, and, in addition to ordinary literary instruction, lessons are given in theoretical and practical science. An especial feature of the school is workshop instruction in the use of tools. The school is divided into three departments : 1st., the elementary, consisting of three classes ; 2nd, a secondary, also consisting of three classes, giving both literary and science training; and 3rd, a technical department, in which the science subjects in the advanced stage are taken together with practical exercises in the use of tools. ‘ A period of two years is devoted to this workshop instruction, and, according to the head-master, Mr. Dixon, with very satisfactory results. He stated that the manual instruction is equivalent to that which the boys would receive in the first two years of their apprenticeship to an engineer ; with the advantage that they also obtain a knowledge of theoretical principles. The fees vary according to the department. In the elementary section about 108. a quarter, in the secondary about £208.; in the technical department at. 48. per half year. The endowment is valued at 23,000Z., and there are 100 exhibitions of from 521. to 10L each. The total number of boys was 371, of whom 42 passed through the technical course, including laboratory and workshops. The time spent in the workshops varies from four to five hours per week. We noticed that the arrangements for teaching practical chemistry were excellent. The grant earned from the Science and Art Department in 1881—2 was 640i. 128., and the amount received in fees was 658Z., the whole of which is divided amongst the teachers. neronr. 489 This, the Commissioners'were informed, is the only day school in which science teaching was on an altogether satisfactory footing in Scotland; and we consider that it is one of the very best examples of a secondary technical school (except as to the buildings, which are poor) that we have met with in the course of our investigations. The Glasgow College of Science anal Art.--This institution is Glasgow one of the most important of the kind in the country for the gqllece Of . . . . . . memo and evening instruction of artizans, fpremen, and others in sc1ence Art, and applied art. It was founded in 1823, as one of the results of the movement then inaugurated by Dr. Birkbeck and Lord Brougham. Up to the year 1880 the original constitution, which was practically that of a Mechanics’ Institute, remained in force. At that time a new governing body was formed, and the institution was placed on its present improved basis' The building is well adapted to its purpose, and contains numerous class-rooms, two chemical laboratories, a physical laboratory, and lecture-room, and a number of rooms for technical workshops, practical instruction in dyeing, dzc. ; also a large lending library. Diplomas in engineering, science, and chemistry, are given to those who pass through a regular course, and a similar diploma for naval architecture is about to be granted. The total number of day and evening students was 758* A prominent feature in this technical college is that all the lecturers in applied science and technical subjects have served their apprenticeship to, and been for a considerable time practically engaged in the trade or profession with which the subject is most closely connected. At present there is no fixed endowment ; the income is made up of a grant from Hutcheson’s Hospital of 6001., annual sub- scriptions about 4:01., grant from the Science and Art Depart- ment (1882), 4.1451. 108., from the City and Guilds of London Institute 511., and the fees. The annual expenditure of the college is about ‘2,0001. The day classes are almost entirely attended by engineers. Anolerson’s College, Glasgow—This institution, which is a Anderson’s science and technical college, was founded by John Anderson, College’ Glas' M.A., F.R.S., who died in 1796, and left a small sum for carrying gow' out the very large scheme devised in his will. Connected with it is also a medical school. The professor of physics and mathe- matics, is Mr. J. Blyth, and that of chemistry is Mr. W. Dittmar, F.B..S. A chair of technical chemistry was founded in 1876 by Dr. The “Young” J as. Young, F.B.S. ; the director of this department is Dr. Mills, chair‘ F.B.S. Practical instruction, in theoretical and applied chemistry and in physics, is given by the professors in the various labora- * We see by the class lists for November 1883 that these numbers have been considerably exceeded. 4190 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Course of instruction, Anderson’s Charity. Research laboratories. Glasgow Weaving School. Nature of the instruction. Looms, &c. tories, and some of the analysts and skilled foremen in the im- portant chemical works in the district have gone through a course of instruction in this institution. The technological evening classes form an important feature of the institution, and include most of the science subjects found in the syllabus of the Science and Art Department. N 0 less than 1,219 students attended these classes in 1882. It is interesting to note that the names of Graham and Penny are on the list of former professors of chemistry in this institution, whilst those of Livingstone, Young, and Playfair will be found amongst the former students. ‘ A unique feature of the technological chemistry department is the existence of several special private laboratories which may be hired at a low rental by those desirous of conducting original research. The total number of students in all the classes is 2,517. In the Appendix will be found an account of the courses of the two departments of chemistry. The Glasgow Weaving School is under the management of a board of trustees, Mr. D. Sandeman being the convener. The instructor is Mr. James Macaulay. The teaching is given both during the day and evening. The fees for the day classes are til. 68. per annum, and for the evening classes 4sl. 48. There are in all 58 students. The session lasts from 1st September to the 31st of May. The hours are 10 to 12 am. on three days per week for the initiatory course, and the advanced course meets on the afternoons of the same days from 12 to 2 pm. The evening instruction is given twice a week from 7 to 9 pm. The instruction is both theoretical and practical. At the time of our visit a lecture was being given in the theatre upstairs on the weaving of cloth, with diagrams and blackboard sketches. In the weaving room are 15 power-looms and 11 hand-looms, six of the latter being small pattern-looms; also card-cutting machines, winders, &c. The diploma of the school, woven in silk and involving the use of 6,000 cards, was handed to us. The course of practical instruction includes plain and figured weaving in its initiatory and advanced stages, on hand and power looms, drafting, and cording of various fabrics, viz. :— Plain cloths with single and double twilling, flushing, dicing, diaper, spotting, &c., double cloths backed with weft, and also backed with warp and weft, 820. Cross weaving, comprising half and full gauze, harness gauze, net and plain, net and gauze, and wheel lappet. Piled fabrics, viz. :— Terry velvet, cut velvet, velveteen, corduroy, &c. Jacquard machine and harness work, in carpet, damask, double damask, and brocade do., striped all over, and covered, in shawls, scarfs, cloakings, vestings, &c. REPORT. 491 a“ Instruction is also given in winding, warping, beaming, and heddlmg. Designing forms an important part of the instruction, including Designing, original patterns on point paper, and coloured to indicate the woven fabric, in figured, plain, and twill cloths, &c. ' Various methods of experimenting with hand-looms are taught, additional apparatus for this purpose having been obtained, and facilities are provided to enable students to acquire a thorough knowledge of the construction of power-looms. The analysis of woven fabrics is likewise taught—the method of ascertaining warp and weft quantities and grists, the cal- culation of the cost of goods, &c. We were informed that a student attending the school for a two years’ course of instruction would be competent to take a picture, cut cards for it, put it in the loom, weave it, and calculate its cost. Glasgow U adversity—Although passing somewhat beyond the Glasgow special sphere of our report, we must refer to the University as Universlty" influencing in a remarkable degree the higher education of the west of Scotland. The University of Glasgow is attended by about 2,300 students. The majority of these, about 1,300, are students in the arts subjects—Latin, Greek, mathematics, logic, moral philosophy, English, and natural philosophy or dynamics and physics. These students attend college for six months in the year. On an average they attend three courses of lectures, involving from three to four hours a day in the lecture-room, and implying a large amount of home work in exercises and preparation for oral examination, which is part of the teaching. If they take a complete course of arts, they spend three, four, or five winter sessions in these classes. But many attend for a year or two only, taking such classes of the course as suit them. Side by side with these arts classes are classes in engineering and astronomy, in zoology and geology, in botany and in chemistry. The four latter subjects appear to be mainly taught in connection with the curriculum for medical students. The average fee per Fees. student per class is 3t. 33. per session, so that his average attend- ance in three classes costs a student altogether about 105. 108. a session. There are two striking things in connection with this univer- Influence of sity system. The number of students is enormous, and access its teaching to the courses is cheap and untrammelled, every student going to such classes as he wants. The students find lodgings suitable to their means in the city, and many of them, we are told, manage to live through their winter session and pay for their education on less than 301. 492 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL IN STRUCTION: Chemistry, Glasgow University. Visits to Glasgow manu- factories. Women tracers. Absence of apprentices in Clyde ship- building yard. Young men and apprentices attend evening classes. The most important section of the University, with reference to technical instruction, is the physical department under Prof. Sir William Thomson. About 220 students pass through his classes, the more advanced of whom work in the physical laboratory. These have the great advantage of becoming familiar with the methods of investigation employed in his important researches, and of using the refined apparatus and instruments constructed by him. It is. unnecessary to point out the inestimable value to technical students of intimate inter- course with such a Master. The chemical laboratory contained in a building in which utility has, we fear, been subordinated to architectural design, is under the charge of Professor Fergusson. It contains a considerable number of students. We visited several representative establishments in and near Glasgow, in the mechanical engineering, textile, chemical, and shipbuilding industries, and ascertained from the managers and leading manufacturers the extent to which the existing facilities for scientific instruction are utilised by their foremen and work- \ people. Some interesting tables were handed to us showing the number of chemists, foremen, and others in the employ of Messrs. Charles Tennant 85 Co., who have attended one or other of the various institutions we have Lmentioned. They will be found in the Appendix. At a large worsted factory at Greenock there is a school in connection with the works in which the “hands” are trained from childhood, and the proprietors are satisfied that this training under their own care is amply repaid by the increased intelligence and aptitude of the scholars. We had an opportunity of seeing a large engineering establish- ment in which young women are employed as tracers. They are very expert at this work, and earn from 1418. to 15s. per week. Many of the apprentices and young men employed by this firm attend evening schools, and the employers do all in their power, short of compulsion, to encourage such attendance. In one of the most extensive of the Clyde ship-building yards, in which 500 youths under 21 are employed, there is no actual apprenticeship. Few of them have any theoretical instruction other than they obtain at the night classes. In the drawing office, of the 25 draughtsmen employed, 3 were Germans. In another ship-building yard many of the youths attended the Andersonian Institute, the College of Science, and the School of Art. In the principal chemical works none of the workmen except those engaged in the laboratory had a practical acquaintance with chemistry. The conversations with employers in Glasgow impressed upon us the belief that a very large proportion of the more intelligent young men employed in industrial pursuits have attended, and nnron'r. 493 l are now present at, the various colleges and evening classes in the town. The excellence and value of the instruction thus obtained was freely acknowledged, and we learned that many young men travel considerable distances from outlying suburbs to be present at these classes. So far as our enquiries have enabled ‘us to ascertain the fact, the young men of the Glasgow district employed in the various works, avail themselves more generally than those of other cities similarly circumstanced, of evening instruction in science and in mechanical drawing. XXIX.——-EDINBURGH. Our visit to Edinburgh was a hurried one, and we must Edinburgh. confine our remarks in regard to this important city to those establishments and departments having a direct bearing on our inquiry. In the University we visited, the department of University, mechanical engineering under Prof. Fleeming Jen kin, F.B.S.; also the department of physics, under Prof. Tait, F.R.S., by whom the principles of the science are taught without direct technical application. A certain number of students assist him in the important work of carrying on original investigation in his private laboratory. The new chemical laboratory under the direction of Prof. Crum Brown, F.B..S., in connection with the new medical buildings, is most complete. The Watt Institute and School of Art.--This was founded in Watt Institute 1821 by Mr. Leonard Horner. The present building was opened Zlfliichml in 1873, and cost 12,0001 This is one of the most important ' evening schools in the United Kingdom, and has probably been as successful in its work as any similar institution in Scotland. It is admirably conducted, the leading men in Edinburgh taking great interest in it. In its constitution and sphere of activity it resembles the Midland Institute at Birmingham, and the College of Science and Art in Glasgow. The total number of Number of students in 1882 was 2,871, and the annual receipts from Students- students’ fees and subscriptions were 1,3021. The institution requires, however, further funds for duly carrying out its object; especially for suitable laboratories and for the apparatus requisite for teaching physics, mechanics, the; expectations are held out that assistance will be given from Heriot’s Hospital Funds. At the opening of the session in 1882, Lord Shand delivered an important address on technical education, and on the future work of the school. The Science and Art llIusenna—This museum, originally Sciense and established in 1812, as the Natural History Museum of fignltfiseém“ . _ g . Edinburgh, was transferred to the Science and Art Department 419% ROYAL cor/[Mission 0N TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: 'Edinburgh Science and Art Museum. Testimony that the technological collections are of public utility. Ireland. Circular of inquiry .j in 185%, and reconstructed from the designs of Capt. Fowke, RE. It was reorganised ‘in 1873, the management of the Natural History Collections being severed from that of the Industrial Museum. The industrial section has been under the management of Prof. Archer since 1860. After the exhibition of 1851, the authorities acquired a large collection of raw and manufactured articles, together with models presented by the Highland Society, which formed the nucleus of the museum. The collections are being continually increased, and under the energetic management of Prof, Archer a very complete and instructive series of illus— trations of the different stages in the manufacture of metal work, pottery, glass, and of numerous other industrial productions, has been added to the museum. Many excellent models of machinery and apparatus used in the various industries have been prepared under the direction of Prof. Archer, by workmen employed on the premises. The object aimed at is to give to this museum a special technological character. There is a good library for the use of students, and a complete collection of the specifications of patents. In addition to the technological specimens, there is a good general museum of science and art. - The Commissioners, who‘ were received by Prof. Archer, inspected the various departments of the museum,‘ and sought special information respecting the extent to which manufacturers and others interested in the various processes so ‘excellently displayed in the galleries, availed themselves of the museum for the purpose of study. Prof. Archer assured them that he had received abundant testimony both from manufacturers and work people that the facilities here afforded had been of service to them, and in support of his statement, he has forwarded to the Commissioners some letters bearing upon this question, which will be found in the Appendix, Vol. III. XXX.---IRELAND. The importance of the inquiry, in relation to the special condition and needs of Ireland, was too obvious to be overlooked. A preliminary circular of questions, very widely distributed, elicited much useful information, of which the Commissioners publish a selection, with tabulated abstract, which will be found in the Appendix, Vol. IV. ; but considering it expedient to make personal investigation in the country itself, we held public inquiry in Dublin, Belfast, and Cork, and visited some other places in the South and West of Ireland. Great pains have been taken to obtain the views of representative persons who have given serious attention to the subject. The opinions thus expressed, while necessarily coloured by individual predilections, REPORT. ‘ 4.95 and divergent in many particulars, are not wholly irreconcilable, Ireland: and they contribute materially to a sound judgment on the matter. There will be found in the evidence of these witnesses, a Character of general agreement in regard to the almost exclusive dependence the magma‘ of the population upon agriculture, and to the want of skill with which it is carried on. Manufactures, for which certain districts were at one time famous, have disappeared; some, like the hand- loom weaving, superseded by the processes of steam power; others, like the furniture and cabinet making} for which Dublin was once famous, having declined from causes not so apparent. On the other hand, the tweed manufactures of County Cork and Manufactures. the linen and other industries of the North are proofs, if such were wanted, that enterprise, confidence, and capital will find in the people ingenuity and industry not unlike that shown by those of the manufacturing districts of Great Britain, where, indeed, Irish labour is so extensively employed. The deficiency Deficiency in in native coal would have to be overcome, in the same way °°al~ as has been done in Switzerland and in other countries even worse off in that respect than Ireland is. There is generally abundant turf for fuel, and in many parts of the country water power abounds, of which little or no use is made. The minerals are said to be incapable of being worked with Minerals- profit, but some interesting information has been tendered with regard to the capabilities of the marbles of Galway and other parts, of which varied and beautiful examples are exhibited in the Museum of the Royal College of Science. Valuable granite and limestone also are worked with a certain degree of energy; probably with better means of conveyance, such as may be anticipated under the provisions of the Tramways Act, 1883, these and other natural products may be more profitably utilized. Wood, straw, and flax are among the materials relied W095» Sim“? upon for local industries. In Killarney and some other districts an ax‘ there are produced bracelets and other like ornaments carved in bog oak, and cabinets, tables, 850., in which oak, arbutus, and other native woods are inlaid. Much traditional ingenuity is displayed in the execution of this work. But there is a lamentable poverty of design which is in remarkable contrast to Porerty of the excellence attained with like materials in the Black Forest design" and in the Tyrol, where the village workers have had the advantage of being educated in the special schools described in another part of the Report. At Belleek a pottery has been Belleek established, and its productions have attained a considerable Pmery' reputation; but the enterprise has not been a commercial success, and it is said to have been impeded by the diificulty of retaining the youth of the locality, with whom the allurements of emigration have outbalanced the advantages of comparatively good wages in the factory. Many parts of the country are well adapted for growing osiers, Osiel‘s and__ which it is thought might be extensively and profitably employed basket makmg‘ 496 ROYAL CoMMIssIoN ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ireland. Wool and hides exported. Belfast, the flax manu- facture not flourishing. Evidence respecting the value of technical training for Belfast. Superior position of France and Belgium. More attention devoted to technical instruction on the Continent. Facilities for instruction in science and art in Belfast. in basket making; and, While it is said that one public company alone, in London, consumes weekly 300 tons of the" peat moss litter, which is so extensively imported from the continent, it does not appear that any serious quantity of such product is obtained, as it might be, from the enormous area of bog land in Ireland. Wool and hides are generally bought up by travelling merchants, chiefly for exportation. There were, however, at the Cork Industrial Exhibition, many most encouraging signs of native enterprise. The Commissioners are much indebted to Dr. Sullivan for the scheme which he has furnished in relation to industrial education which will be found in the Appendix, Vol. III. The staple trade of Belfast and the adjacent district, in the manufacture of flax, is by no means in a flourishing condition, and though this fact may, to some extent, be attributable to the substitution of cotton, woollen,and other fibres, in fabrics formerly made of flax, and, in some degree also, to the extension of the foreign flax manufactures, it is probable that much can be done locally to remedy existing defects and to place the trade on a more advantageous basis. From the evidence taken in Belfast, it will be seen that in the training of workmen, foremen, and even masters, a much larger degree of technical instruction in the arts and sciences relating to the trade might well be applied, and the advantages enjoyed by their Continental rivals, in the possession of such educational facilities, are now generally acknowledged. To meet this want, a project for establishing a technical school in con- nection with the Belfast linen trade has recently been set on foot, the object of which will mainly be to give instruction in matters that relate to the weaving, bleaching, dyeing, and printing of linen goods. It is generally admitted that in certain of these processes the Belfast industry is not so advanced as that of France or Belgium. Even in the higher class of damasks, the Irish production is hardly holding its own, while in fancy and coloured goods, where a knowledge of design and of the chemistry of dyeing come most into play, the superior attractive— ness of many Continental productions is placing the Belfast makers at a serious disadvantage, especially in large markets like America, where the Irish goods once enjoyed almost a monopoly. There can be little doubt that both the workmen and masters on the Continent have paid more attention to these matters than has been given to them by the Irish manufacturers, and that, to meet the requirements of the day, it will be absolutely necessary to devote more attention to perfection of design and colouring, which enter now so largely into this trade. With the exception of some successful classes in chemistry and mathematics held at the Working Men’s Institute, there seems but little provision in Belfast for the teaching of those arts and sciences which are at the present time so important in their nnronr. 4197 application to the trade of the town. It is probable that the Ireland. proposed technical school, in association with the existing School of Art, will tend in a great measure to supply this want. In addition to certain changes (which we recommend in our con- clusions) in the books and the ordinary curriculum of the primary schools in the direction .of artizan training, the establishment of a larger number of evening classes in science and technical subjects is highly desirable. The Queen’s College of Belfast, Queen’s whilst enjoying the services of eminent science professors, is at College- prcsent doing but little in the way of higher scientific in~ struction as applied to industry ; indeed, the accommodation for this branch of study is, at the present time, wholly inadquate, and may with great advantage be increased; enabling classes in chemistry and physics, especially in the evening to be provided. A larger measure of scientific attention might also with Cultivation of advantage be bestowed on the cultivation of flax in Ireland, both flax relish-‘e; in the interest of the agriculturist and the manufacturer. A $525511?“ compared with the cultivation of that fibre in Belgium and France, the Irish industry is far behind. Insufficient attention to the processes of cultivation, and want of knowledge and skill in the manipulation of the fibre, tell with most injurious effect on the manufacturing value of the commodity. If adequate pains were taken by the farmer, and if a full measure of scientific teaching were brought to bear on the now some- what antiquated methods of preparation, a substantial advantage would be gained not only by the agriculturist, but also by the Irish manufacturer, who now depends far too much for his supplies of the raw material on foreign countries, which in many cases, from soils inferior to that of Ireland, contrive to produce an excellent fibre. The population engaged in the manufacturing industries in the Belfast district, leave little to be desired as to their intelligence and general aptitude. Although we have refrained in our report from speaking of the “forks of industrial establishments which we have visited, this reticence léessgs-Bllgk Qt seems unnecessary in regard to the interesting and important at ’ e a“ works (as being unique in Ireland) of Messrs. Marcus Ward, in whose handsome and commodious premises the processes of engraving, lithography, and colour printing, are conducted on a vast scale and in an endless variety of examples. Besides the ordinary applications of these processes to the manufacture of tickets, labels, note paper, and other commercial articles, the designing‘ and printing of the well-known Christmas cards, almanacks, and other work of a more or less artistic character, form prominent features in this remarkable establishment. The designs used in this business are chiefly produced by the Firm employ staff of designers employed on the premises, and they have to be 311631;“? . _ a, e18. specially adapted for the particular processes of the firm. In their training, the instruction of the Art School has played a useful part ; many of the persons engaged in the artistic department having been well grounded in that school. El 1726. I I 498 ROYAL coMMIssIoN 0N TECHNICAL msrnucrron: Instruction in the Belfast School of Art not applicable to training of linen designers. Shipbuilding and engincer~ ing trades in Belfast. Domestic industries. Industries which might be introduced in Ireland. Fishing nets. \ To a limited extent the instruction given in the Art School has also been of service to the staple linen industry, but its influence cannot be great until the student has been taught in the factory, or in a special school, to apply his knowledge of art to the requirements of the fabric with which he has to deal. It is intended to associate the existing Art School with the proposed technical school in such a way as to make the art teaching subserve in the largest possible way the industrial requirements of the town. The shipbuilding and engineering industry of Belfast has of late years experienced an enormous development, and probably 8,000 hands are directly engaged in it. This trade seems to be conducted with great success, and the work produced is of the best order. With the exception of a few certificates gained at the science classes of the Working Men’s Institute, but little artizan teaching is brought to bear on the shipbuilding and marine engineering establishments, nor is it thought likely by the employers that any direct trade instruction can be usefully applied. There is, however, a prevalent opinion in the trade, in favour ofkincreased facilities for the instruction of young artizans in mechanics, elementary mathematics, and in mechanical drawing, which it is thought would be of great value both in the general culture and economical value of the men. It will be observed that in very many parts of the country there is an active and hopeful spirit in favour of establishing domestic industries, and it is expedient that local committees, such as are suggested by several of the witnesses, should be formed to originate and guide efforts to that desirable end. Such committees would possess the requisite knowledge with regard to the materials available in their particular neighbourhoods, and as to the aptitude of the people, and they should be alive to the conditions determining the probability of commercial success. To them, obviously, it must be left to advise what kind of industry it may be most expedient to give direct encouragement. to. The methods of instruction may be varied, and the system under which it is encouraged should be elastic. In the primary schools under the National Board, in such District schools as may be established, as well as in night classes, the teaching may be more or less specialised, and should be judiciously encouraged by result payments, as well as by aiding in the training and payment of resident and itinerant teachers. Knitting and crochet work, basket-making, wood-carving, straw-plaiting, and the making of straw-envelopes for bottles, are among the industries most generally advocated. Lace-making has a remarkable hold, and should be greatly improved in design and quality by the circulation of the more perfect examples which have been sent over from South Kensington. It appears that the nets used in the lrish fisheries are almost all imported. Some thirty years ago, earnest efforts were made REPORT. 499 to establish this industry, by training the young women of the Ireland. Galway coast in not making, and in spinning the hemp and flax into twine for the purpose, but there remains no trace of the manufacture, which seems to have disappeared, like so many of a similar character, with the decline of the country and the emigration of the people for whom it had provided partial em- ployment. Much encouraging testimony is borne in the evidence Fish outing, with regard to the practicability of a large and lucrative trade in the development of fish curing, and especially in the pickling of pilchards, as also in the preparation of salts and other products obtainable from kelp. But after making the fullest allowance for the capabilities of Agriculture the country in all other directions, agriculture must remain infinitely the most important interest, and it will be observed that the Commissioners have devoted to it the attention which in their judgment the subject deserved. In their First Report, the Commissioners have stated their Condition of opinion that efiicient elementary education is the essential Palm“? foundation for subsequent technical training. They have con- 6 Manon’ sequently made it their business to inquire somewhat into the provision for primary schooling under the National Board of Education. According to the Report presented to Parliament last year, it appears that 7,705 National Schools were then in operation, of which about one—fourth were vested in Trustees, or in the Board itself. Accommodation was provided for 670,178, and the average daily attendance is given as Z£69,192. The majority of the schools are “ mixed,” attended by children in the proportion of 789 Roman Catholics and 211 Protestants. It appears, however, that the per-centage of schools exhibiting a mixed attendance has steadily diminished from 586 in 1874s to 54:0 in 1882. Among the schools attended exclusively by Roman Catholics are more than 200 attached to convents, in Roman which the rules of the Board are carried out, under the direction 911310811‘; of the members of the various religious orders, and where special be 0 3' ‘ teaching is often given in useful handicrafts. Some of these convent schools visited by the Commissioners, in the excellence Excellence of of their buildings, fittings, and appliances, left nothing to be desired. The Sisters take an active part in the conduct of the k ' schools, and their aid is an important element, but they are not reckoned in calculating the staff of teachers. The rules which regulate the exhibition of religious emblems are observed in‘ these as in all other National Schools. It appears from the Census of 1881 that the per-centage of Per-Gentiles of illiterates in Ireland has diminished in 40 years from 527 to llhtemtes' 25'2- A System of payment on the results of individual exami— nations has been in operation for 11 years, and the effect has admittedly been to have improved in a very gratifying manner the average attendance; and the per-centage of children in the higher classes. Under it also the teachers’ emoluments—four- I I 2 500 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INsTaUCTIoN: Ireland. Number of untrained teachers in Ireland. Needlework, drawing, agriculture. Instruction of teachers in a gricnlture . Early attention to importance of industrial . education. Training was to be obligatory on teachers. fifths of which in Ireland come from the Parliamentary vote—— have been more than doubled. With regard to the teachers employed, it has been a matter of general regret that less than one-third have been efficiently trained ; the untrained teachers, however, had generally served as monitors in the ordinary and Model schools. A confident hope is entertained that under the Minute of last year, by which aid will be given towards the cost of training in denominational colleges, this serious defect will be gradually corrected. It appears that 136,065 pupils were examined in needlework, of whom 946 per cent. passed ; 23,210 in drawing, of whom 733 per cent. passed, and 44,493 in agriculture, of whom 47 '5 per cent. passed. The system under which the latter subject is taught will be found detailed in the report of our Sub—Commissioner, Mr. H. M. Jenkins, and in the evidence given before the Com- missioners on the occasion of their visits to Glasnevin and Cork. We were favourably impressed with the arrangements for the instruction of the teachers, and with the testimony to the value of the farms and gardens attached to the rural schools, for purposes of practical instruction; the desirability of increasing their number, in view of the altered conditions under which the land is now cultivated, is indubitable, and the hopeful spirit by which the small farmers are said to be animated may, we think, be deemed a satisfactory sign for the future. As far back as 1837, the importance of providing for industrial, equally with agricultural, education, was recognised by the National Board, and the following passages extracted from the Fourth Annual Report presented to Parliament will be read with interest, as demonstrating that it is no novel want to which expression is now so widely given, and indicating a method which is now in process of being adopted :— “ We intend ” (say the National Board) “that our normal establishment, which we hope will be completed in January next, shall consist of two departments, one for elementary, the other for scientific instruction, and that the latter shall teach, in particular, those branches of science which have a practical application to husbandry and handicraft. We also purpose having a school for industry in the immediate neighbourhood of Dublin, with workrooms, and a farm of from 40 to 50 acres annexed to it, and that those who attend it shall be practised at stated times in different descriptions of manual work, and in the general business of agriculture. “ Our object is not to teach trades, but to facilitate a perfect learning of them by explaining the principles upon which they depend, and habituating young persons to expertness in the use of their hands.” It was further intimated, in the same Report, that the in- struction thus to be provided was to be obligatory on all teachers trained in the Normal School, and that similar use nEroR'r. 501 was to be made of the Model Schools, where the teaching of Ireland, manual occupations and agriculture was to be equally practical in character. It will be observed that many of the suggestions offered in evidence at Dublin and elsewhere are flattering to the prescience thus manifested. It will be seen from the figures previously quoted, that very Wantofin- little instruction is given in drawing, and this is equally the case in . . . . g and as regards physical science. With reference to the value of the in physical teaching imparted to girls in needlework, the most contradictory science opinions will be found expressed in evidence. It is probably true Needlework. that while the requirement of the National Board “ that instruction shall be given in plain needlework in all schools,” is loyally observed, the commendable desire for remunerative employment has, especially in convent \ schools, largely stimulated more ambitious aims which may not have been always satisfactorily realised. While, as has been stated, many of the religious orders avail 30110015 themselves of, and adapt their teaching to, the system of the 5232;222:131); rs National Board, there are others which prefer to work indepcn- connected with dently at once of its control and its subventions. Of these the most the National important is the Order of Christian Brothers, which in Ireland, as Card‘ in France and Belgium, has distinguished itself by the zeal and skill with which it has carried out the educational mission to which it has devoted itself, and by its resolute resistance to all restraint by either civil or ecclesiastical authority. In Ireland this body is said to have an average of 25,000 children under instruction. Their remarkable day school at Cork was visited Christian by the Commissioners, and testimony to its usefulness is borne gfigfgst’cork by the witnesses examined in that city. Similar schools are to be ' found in other parts of the island, some, like the one at Limerick, attached to the Industrial School there conducted by the Brotherhood. In the latter schools and in the Reformatories the Order has no difficulty in accepting the Government grants, since they do not involve any restraints upon the freedom of their methods. It is in these Reformatory and Industrial schools that the most Industi-ia and notable examples of well adapted industrial instruction are to Ritorfiatory be found. Sir John Lentaigne, to whose zealous direction and so 00" supervision much of their success is owing, in his last report gives 1,140 as the number of boys and girls in Reformatory, and 6,078 in Industrial schools last year. Of these the Commissioners personally visited the institutions at Artane and Merrion, near Dublin; Sunday’s Well and St. Nicholas, Cork City; Upton, Kinsale, and Clonakilty (County Cork) ; and others at Killarney, Limerick, Galway, Oughterai'd, Clifden, and Westport. In these schools, boys are instructed in a great variety of trades, being trained as weavers, stocking makers, bakers, carpenters, wheel- wrights, saddlers, tailors, blacksmiths, tinsiniths, and in every de- partment of farming and gardening. In some cases, as at Artane, Amne school. 502 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL msrnucrron: Ireland. Galway industrial schooL Girls are taught domestic work and various trades. Combination of industrial schools with day schools. Importance of systematic examination and payment on results. Expenditure. Criminal and neglected children enjoy facilities as respects industrial education denied to others. a large staff of instructors is employed under the Brothers, and goods are manufactured for sale much as in an ordinary factory In others, as at Galway, the Brothers undertake repairs to carts and ploughs, aiming at doing their work in the best possible manner, charging market prices, and getting abundant employment without exciting the animosity of ordinary tradesmen. Boys trained in these institutions leave at 16, on the expiration of their term, much in the position claimed for‘ the pupils of the apprenticeship schools abroad, getting ready employment at their trades at Wages varying from 8s. to 15s. a week. The girls receive instruction in every branch of domestic work, washing, cooking, baking, and sewing; dairy work also receives attention, though not on the scientific methods which are followed at Cork. Lace~making and needlework, embroidery of vestments and banners, glove- making, book-binding, and card-painting, are among the trades pursued with fair commercial success, but the most remunerative, as well as the most useful, appears to be plain needlework. In some of these institutions externes are received as day scholars, admission being accepted by the parents as a privilege. In other cases Industrial schools and day schools under the National Board are combined, and so far from the industrial children being treated as of a lower caste, precautions have to be taken to prevent their manners being deteriorated by contact with the ruder children, who have not the constant domestic supervision of the Sisters. The inmates of nearly one-half of the Industrial schools are sent for literary instruction to the ordinary national schools, conducted on the same premises, and although not paid on the results, are examined and generally pass equally well with the ordinary pupils. It is suggested with much force that systematic examination with payment on results, for indus- trial as well as literary success, would be preferable to the present system under which a like capitation grant is paid to the worst as to the best managed institutions. The total expenditure on all heads on these Industrial (omitting the Beformatory) schools, with their 6,078 inmates, is given as 14:2,388l. l8s. 2cl., including about 20,000l. for new buildings. To this sum the Government grant of 5s. per week contributes 74,997l. 12s. 110l., or about one-half the total cost; local rates about one-sixth; the remainder being made up by industrial profits, subscriptions, &c. At this large cost, criminal and neglected children are rescued from ignorance and depravity, and made, in an overwhelming pro- portion, as abundant proofs testify—creditable members of society. In some rare instances the training of worhhouse children is com- parable to that which is the happy lot of those just described. But, in the main, it may be assumed that the practical perfection of industrial training is assured alone to those who have been rescued by the police and who have become the children of the State. The problem is thus how best to devise means by which other classes of the community can secure like advantages REPORT. 503 for their children, and to its solution it will be observed that much of the evidence is addressed. Many of the witnesses deplored the absence of night classes for the instruction of those who are inclined to continue the studies of the day school, or to make good its deficiencies. But it will also be remarked that where such classes are in actual operation, many who thus desired them were ignorant of their existence ; as they were also of the inducements offered by the Science and Art Department and by the City and Guilds of London Institute, towards their establishment by local com- mittees in Ireland equally with England and Scotland. It has been urged with much force that while it may be possible to give this kind of teaching a more direct bearing upon local wants, it is expedient rather to extend and amplify the existing systems than to disturb them for the purpose of sub- stituting others. There is a general disposition to look to the Government for the initiative, and a conviction that local efforts must be sustained by State subsidies. The small extent to which Boards of Guardians have acted on the powers given them to aid educational'efforts, is not encouraging. The Free Libraries Act has only been adopted in Cork, and even in that solitary instance it is only now being brought into anything like complete operation. The poverty of the country is naturally pleaded in explanation, but on the other hand the experience of the Munster Dairy School justifies the conviction that, with the increasingly intelligent appreciation of the need for, and of the value of, these facilities, judicious eifoits on the part of the central authority will evoke the essential loca1 co-operation. With regard to the provision for secondary and higher education, it will suffice here to say that while regret is expressed that under the system of the Intermediate Board due encourage- ment is not given to the teaching of practical science, very gratifying testimony is borne to the improvement in other respects, effected under its operation, in the colleges and grammar schools of Ireland, especially in the matter of better appliances. The work of the Royal College of Science at Dublin, with its Museum and Department of Manufactures, will be found fully described in evidence, and certain reforms are recommended which we believe will, if adopted, have the effect of’ largely increasing their usefulness. The Commissioners inspected with much interest the Queen’s Colleges at Belfast and Cork, and are strongly impressed with the importance of sustaining these institutions and the kindred college at Galway, which are rendering excellent service by providing the means of higher scientific training. We think it right to mention the munificence of Mr. W. H. Crawford to the Cork College. He has contributed 2,000 volumes of books to the library, has built and furnished the Astronomical Observatory, has paid over half the cost of the Botanical Houses, and almost the entire expense of filling them with their excellent collection of Ireland. Absence of night classes in Ireland. Direction in which improve- ment should be attempted. Secondary an higher educa- tion. Donation by Mr. Crawford to Queen’s College, Cork. 5041 ROYAL ConMIssIoN oN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Ireland. Royal University. tropical and other plants, has added about seven acres to the- College grounds, and proposes to build on this site, additional dwellings for the Professors, and a hall of residence for the students, at a cost of over 20,0001. It is early to speak of the work of the Royal University, which only presented its First Report to Parliament last year, but the Commissioners sympathise with the feeling, very widely expressed, that these varied and graduated organisations are capable of ' being expanded and adapted to the wants of the country, and while they are worthy of the generous support of Parliament, it is hoped that their funds will be augmented from other sources, so that they may be enabled to give to Ireland the full educational‘ advantages for which its people display such honourable avidity. REPORT. 505 PART IV.--CON CLUSION S. It will have been seen from the preceding pages of this Report that We have attached considerable relative importance to that portion of our commission which directed us to inquire into the condition of industry in foreign countries; and it is our duty to state that, although the display of Continental manufactures at the Paris International Exhibition in 1878 had led us to expect great progress, we were not prepared for so remarkable a development. of their natural resources, nor for such perfection in their industrial establishments, as we actually found in France, in Germany, in Belgium, and in Switzerland. Much machinery of all kinds is now produced abroad equal in finish and in efliciency to that of this country, and we found it in numerous instances applied to manufactures with as great skill and intelligence as with us. In some branches of industry, more especially in those requiring an intimate acquaintance with organic chemistry, as, for instance, in the preparation of artificial colours from coal tar, Germany has unquestionably taken the lead. The introduction by Solvay, of Brussels, of the ammonia process for the manufacture of soda, and the German application of strontia in sugar refining, constitute new departures in those arts. In the economical production of coke we are now only slowly following in the footsteps of our Continental neighbours, whilst the experi~ ments which have been carried on for nearly a quarter of a century in France for recovering the tar and ammonia in this process have only quite recently engaged our attention. The ventilation of deep mines by means of exhausting fans was brought to perfection in Belgium earlier than with us, and, although our methods of sinking shafts served for many years as models for other countries, improvements thereon were made abroad which we are now adopting with advantage. The abundant water power in Switzerland and in other mountainous districts is utilized for motive purposes by means of turbines, perfect in design and execution. The construction of the dynamo-machine by Grainme gave the first impulse to the general use of electricity for lighting, and to the various new applications of that force which appear likely to exercise so great an influence upon the industry of the world; and in all these applications, at least as much activity is exhibited on the Continent as with us. In the construction of roofs and bridges, more especially in Germany, accurate mathematical knowledge has been usefully applied to the attainment of the necessary stability with the least consumption of materials. Progress of manufactures abroad. New chemical processes. Ventilation of mines, and sinking of shafts. Turbinc~. Dynamo- machines. Roofs and bridges. 006 7.4 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Calico-printing. \Voollen fabrics. Silk. Woollen yarns. New textile industries. Greater thrift, &c. of Continental manufacturer. Our own position in construction and manu- faetures. New departures at home. Certain printed cottons of the highest class, produced at Mulhouse from Parisian designs, are not excelled, and rarely equalled, in this or in any other country, although the distance between our general productions in this department and those of Alsace is no longer so great as it was ten or twenty years ago. The soft all~wool fabrics of Rheims and Roubaix are scarcely equalled as yet on the average by those of Bradford, especially as respects the dyeing. Silk dyeing and finishing is still as much the speciality of Lyons as is the production of the beautiful silk fabrics on its hand-looms, for which it has so long been pre-eminent. The export from Verviers to Scotland of woollen yarns, carded and spun by machinery made in England, from South American wool formerly purchased in Liverpool and London, but for which Antwerp is now becoming the chief market, is an instance of an intelligent, careful, and persevering attention to details having established a special trade, which the cheaper labour of the Belgian factories now assists in preserving. The ribbon trade of Basle, that in velvets and silks of every kind at Crefeld, and in mixed fabrics at Chemnitz, are examples of recently established or transformed industries which have rarely been excelled in boldness of enterprise and in success by anything of the same kind accomplished in our own country. And it may not be improper to mention here that, in whatever degree the technical instruction of our Continental rivals may have trained them for competition with ourselves, in their own, in neutral, and to some extent in our home markets, much of their success is due to more painstaking, more pliancy, and greater thrift; and also to the general cultivation, the knowledge of modern languages, and of economic geography usually possessed by Continental manu- facturers. But, great as has been the progress of foreign countries, and keen as is their rivalry with us in many important branches, we have no hesitation in stating our conviction, which we believe to be shared by Continental manufacturers themselves, that, taking the state of the arts of construction and the staple manufactures as a whole, our people still maintain their position at the head of the industrial world. Not only has nearly every important machine and process employed in manufactures been either invented or perfected in this country in the past, but it is not too much to say that most of the prominent new industrial departures of modern times are due to the inventive power and practical skill of our countrymen. Amongst these are the great invention of Bessemer for the pro- duction of steel in enormous quantities, by which alone, or with its modification by Thomas and Gilchrist, enabling the commonest description of iron to be used for the purpose, steel is now obtained at one-tenth of the price of twenty years ago ; the Weldon, Hargreaves and Deacon processes, which have revolutionized the alkali trade; the manufacture of aniline colours by Perkin; the new processes in the production of silk fabrics by Lister; the numerous applications of water pressure to industrial purposes by Armstrong; the Nasmyth steam hammer; the compound steam REPORT. 507 engine, as a source of great economy of fuel; and the practical application of electricity to land and submarine telegraphy by Cooke, 'Wheatstone, Thomson, and others. , Machinery made in this country is more extensively exported Adoption of than at any former period; the best machines constructed abroad English are, in the main, and with the exceptions which we have named, maels- made, with slight, if any, modifications, after English models. A large proportion of the power looms exhibited and used in the power looms, Continental weaving-schools has been imported from this country. In the manufacture of iron and steel we stand pre-eminent, and Iron and 8,861, we are practically the naval architects of the world. Our technical Ships- journals, such as those of the Institutes of Civil and Mechanical Technical Engineers, and of the Iron and Steel Institute, are industriously journals- searched and their contents assimilated abroad. In those textile manufactures in which other nations have Improvements hitherto excelled us, as in soft all-wool goods, we are gaining in English ground. We saw at Bradford, merinos manufactured and finished tex es‘ in this country, which would hear comparison in texture and in colour with the best of those of the French looms and dye-houses, and in the delicate fabrics of Nottingham and Macclesfield (thanks, in great measure, to their local Schools of Art) we no longer rely on France for designs. In art manufactures proper, notably in porcelain, earthenware, Art mama and glass, as also in decorative furniture, our productions are of facturcs. conspicuous excellence. It is possible that this may be due in a certain degree to the employment, in some branches, of skilled workers trained in foreign countries, and we cannot do otherwise than acknowledge the pre-eminence in the main of our French French and neighbours, in design as applied to decorative work, or disregard Belgian deco- the efforts which they are making to maintain that pre-eminence, mm‘ ‘Tom and those made in Belgium and Italy to emulate them. The beginnings of the modern industrial system are due in the Origin of main, as we have indicated, to Great Britain. Before factories modemm' founded on the inventions of Vvatt, of Arkwright, and Crompton, had time to take root abroad, and whilst our own commerce and manufactures increased from year to year, the great wars of the early part of this century absorbed the energies and dissipated the capital of Continental Europe. For many years after the peace We retained almost exclusive possession of the improved machinery employed in the cotton, woollen, and linen manufactures. By various acts of the last century, which were not repealed till 1825, it was made penal to enlist English artisans for employ- ment abroad ; the export of spinning machinery to foreign countries was prohibited until the early years of Your Majesty’s reign. Thus, when less than half a century ago, Continental countries began to construct railways and to erect modern mills and mechanical Workshops, they found themselves face to face with a full-grown industrial organization in this country, which was almost a sealed book to those who could not obtain access to our factories. To meet this state of 'things, foreign countries established Origin of technical schools like the Ecole Centrale of Paris, and the Poly- $112212“ dustrial system. 508 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Technical education of masters and managers abroad. Polytechnic schools. Technical knowledge of foreign manu— facturers. Technical schools for foremen abroad. technic Schools of Germany and Switzerland, and sent engineers and men of science to England to prepare themselves for becoming teachers of technology in those schools. Technical High Schools now exist in nearly every Continental State, and are the recognised channel for the instruction of those who are intended to become the technical directors of industrial establishments. Many of the technical chemists have, however, been, and are being, trained in the German Universities. Your Commissioners believe that the success which has attended the foundation of extensive manufacturing establishments, engineer- ing shops, and other works, on the Continent, could not have been achieved to its full extent in the face of many retarding influences, had it not been for the system of high technical instruction in these schools, for the facilities for carrying on original scientific investigation, and for the general appreciation of the value of that instruction, and of original research, which is felt in those countries. I With the exception of the Ecole Centrale of Paris, all these schools have been created, and are maintained almost entirely, at the expense of the several States ; the fees of the students being so low as to constitute only a very small proportion of the total income. The buildings are palatial, the laboratories and museums are costly and extensive, and the staff of professors, who are well paid according to the Continental standard, is so numerous as to admit of the utmost subdivision of the subjects taught. In Ger- many, as we have stated in a previous part of our Report, the attendance at some of the Polytechnic Schools has lately fallen off, chiefly because the supply of technically trained persons is in excess of the present demand; certainly not because it is held that the training of the School can be dispensed with. The numerous young Germans and Swiss who are glad to find employment in our own manufactories, have almost, without exception, been educated in one or other of the Continental Polytechnic Schools. Your Commissioners cannot repeat too often that they have been impressed with the general intelligence and technical know- ledge of the masters and managers of industrial establishments on the Continent. They have found that these persons, as a rule, possess a sound knowledge of the sciences upon which their industry depends. They are familiar with every new scientific discovery of importance, and appreciate its applicability to their special industry. They adopt not only the inventions and improve- ments made in their own country, but also those of the world at large, thanks to their knowledge of foreign languages and of the conditions of manufacture prevalent elsewhere. The creation abroad of technical schools for boys intending to become foremen, is of much more recent date than that of the Polytechnic Schools. To this statement the foundation during the First Empire of the three French Ecoles des Arts et Métiers, at Chalons, Aix, and Angers, is only an apparent exception, because they simply vegetated until their reorganization within the last twenty—five or thirty Years. Mining schools were, however, p ~ 4 v REPORT. 509 established in Prussia in the last century, and in France about 1817. Among the examples of schools for foremen are those of Winterthur in Switzerland, Chemnitz in Saxony, and Komotau in the Austrian dominions, principally for engineers, and the Ecole des Mines at St. tienne, the latter more especially for mining and metallurgy. The theoretical instruction in these schools is similar in character, but inferior in degree, to that of the great Polytechnic Schools. On the other hand, consider~ able attention is devoted in these schools to practical instruc- tion in laboratories and workshops, which is not the case in the Polytechnic Schools. In Prussia, as will be seen from the Minis— terial report found in the Appendix, a beginning has been made in ‘the establishment of such secondary technical schools, but, in the words of the report, “ its execution will be tedious and costly.” In Bavaria the Industrie Schulen, which are technical schools of a grade inferior to the Polytechnic School, give both theoretical and practical instruction, the latterin some cases highly specialized, in preparation either for direct entrance on an industrial career or for further study in the Polytechnic School. schools of a somewhat lower type are being established all over the country. The one at Rheims, described at p. 75, is an excellent example of these schools. The boys from the Rheims school either enter the Ecole des Arts et Me'tiers at Chalons, or go into manufactories or into business ; in each case with a fair knowledge of theory and manipulation as mechanics or as chemists. It is important to bear in mind that the French schools of the Intermediate type of that at Rheims, though virtually advanced schools, now rank as superior elementary schools, to which the pupils are consequently gmtuitous, entitled to claim admission without the payment of any fees. Up to the present time, however, although a few foremen have received some theoretical instruction in schools of this kind, foreign foremen have not generally been technically instructed, but, as in England, are men who, by dint of steadiness, intelligence, and aptitude for command and organization, have raised themselves from the position of ordinary workmen. The Continental weaving schools may on the whole, so far as their influence on trade is concerned, be ranked in the first and second categories, that is to say, they are attended by those who propose to become merchants, manufacturers, managers, or fore- men. They are held in the highest estimation by some of the most intelligent and successful Continental manufacturers; of this there can be no better proof than the erection, in substitution for the one already existing, of the splendid new weaving schools at Crefeld, probably the most flourishing centre of the general silk trade, at the joint expense of the State, the locality, and the commercial body. Weaving schools for workmen, like the evening and Sunday school of Chemnitz, which must not be confounded with the superior weaving school of that town, are poorly attended, and can have had no sensible influence on the progress of textile manufactures. But there are in many places lectures on weaving and pattern designing largely attended bv workmen. Prussian schools. French schools \Veaving schools. ‘.5 In France technical French schools. 510 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION; Schools for miners and workers in iron and steel abroad. Technical instruction for workmen. Trade and other societies as teaching bodies. The French and German schools for miners, and the one which has been quite recently founded in Westphalia for workers in iron and steel, differ from the preceding schools for foremen, @ inasmuch as they are reserved for the theoretical instruction of men who, having already worked practically at their trades, have distinguished themselves by superior intelligence and good conduct. Most of the German schools of this kind are founded or maintained by the manufacturers, and will, We feel confident, repay the trades, which have had the foresight and public spirit to create them, by training young men to become foremen and leading hands, willing and able to carry out with intelligence the instructions of their superior ofiicers. For the technical education of workmen, outside of the work- shop, the resources of Continental countries have hitherto been, and are still, very much more limited than has been supposed in this country to be the case. In several of the more important industrial centres of the Continent there exist societies, such as the Sociétés industrielles of Mulhouse, Rheims, Amiens, &c., the Société d’enseignement professionnel du Rhone, which has its headquarters at Lyons, and the Niederoesterreichischer Gewerbe-Verein of Austria ; one of the chief objects of which is the development of technical education among workmen and other persons engaged in industry, by means of lectures and by the establishment of schools and museums of technology. These associations are supported mainly by the merchants and manufacturers of the district, to which their operations are restricted. In many cases they are founded and supported, or are greatly assisted, by Chambers of Commerce ; these bodies abroad being incorporated and having in France considerable taxing powers over their members, are generally wealthier and more influential than those in our own country. In addition to these sources of income, the associations receive help from the municipality, and sometimes from the State. In Mulhouse, besides promoting education, the Society sees to the material well-being of the workmen by erecting, on a large scale, labourers’ dwellings (la cite ouvriere) and by organising savings banks and other economic arrangements; undertaking in this respect, on a smaller scale, what is done in this country by self-sustaining associations like building and cooperative societies of the workpeople themselves. The society in Lyons has established numerous evening classes for elementary and technical instruction, which are attended chiefly by workpeople; and the South Austrian Trade Society, which has its central ofiice in Vienna, has organised several technical day and evening schools for operatives of every grade, which are now under State control, and receive subventions from the Government. But although these Societies, under different names and with varied objects, are very numerous, their sphere of action is limited, and the facilities they offer for evening instruc- tion in science and technology are inferior to those which are at the disposal of our own workmen. No organization like that of the Science and Art Department or of the City and Guilds Institute exists in any Continental country, and the absence of nnron'r. 51 1 such organizations has been lamented by many competent persons with whom we came in contact abroad. In two very important respects, however, the education of a cer- Edllcationbof d tain proportion of persons employed in industry abroad, is superior {9322;211:821 ma to that of English workmen; first, as regards the systematic in- respects draw- struction in drawing given to adult artizans, more especially in i123" , France, Belgium, and Italy; and secondly, as to the general $323311" diffusion of elementary education in Switzerland and Germany. more generally In some parts of these latter countries, great attention is paid to gifillsedlind drawing in the elementary schools. In France, too, (where ,ggmfifggimy elementary education has hitherto by no means been so general as in the two former countries), in the case of those workmen who have had the benefit of regular elementary school training, more attention has been paid to elementary drawing than is the casein this country. There are also in all large towns in Lectures and France, and to a more limited extent in other countries, numerous Classes on the evening “conferences” and “cours” on almost every subject of C‘mtmem' interest in art, science and literature, which workmen have the opportunity of attending, as they are entirely gratuitous. Amongst these the most remarkable are the lectures given by eminent men at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers of Paris. Most of these are of the nature of lectures rather than of practical instruction. There are, however, in many places excellent and - numerously attended Evening and Sunday technical classes, more especially in Belgium and Austria,-and there can be no doubt that the instruction thus given, is already exerting a considerable influence on the capacity and intelligence of the workmen, and that this influence will be increasingly felt in the future. In the evening schools of North Germany (Fortbildungs- Fortbildungs- schulen) the studies of the ordinary elementary school are con- schulen- tinued, the further instruction being confined mainly to book- keeping and rudimentary mathematics, with some notions of natural philosophy. In the evening schools of the same class in South Germany, the instruction given is of a more technical character than in the North. For instruction in drawing, as applied mainly to decorative Artiz‘gm i1}- work in France, and to both constructive and decorative work in 1“ Belgium, the opportunities are excellent. The crowded schools abroad, of drawing, modelling, carving, and painting, maintained at the expense of the municipalities of Paris, Lyons, Brussels, and other cities-—~~absolutely gratuitous, and open to all comers, well lighted, furnished with the best models, and under the care of teachers full of enthusiasm—stimulate those manufactures and crafts in which the fine arts play a prominent part, to a degree which is without parallel in this country. Instruction in art applied to ,Instl‘uiitioll industry and decoration is now pursued with energy in South glfppled Germany and in several of the northern Italian towns, and the influence of this instruction on the employment of the people is becoming very conspicuous in those countries. The Government schools of applied art in France, under the Decree of 1881, of which the Limoges Decorative Arts School is the earliest example, and ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! . Sunday lectures and classes abroad. Home indus - tries. Mr. Mather’s report on the United States. which, like the above-mentioned schools are gratuitous, should be mentioned in this connection. it The technical lectures and classes to which we have referred are in nearly all Continental States held not only in the evening, but also, and in some branches, as in weaving, principally, on Sundays; and all the great museums and collections are open on Sundays. No one who has seen the crowds of orderly artizans with their families visit the splendid collections of the Louvre and the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers on a Sunday can have failed to reflect on the powerful educational influence thus brought to bear on that important class of the population. Home and village industries have been in some cases initiated, in others improved and extended, in districts Where, from the poverty of the population and the scarcity of capital, special aids were essential, notably in Baden, Bavaria. and the Tyrol. In the schools established and maintained for this purpose, wood carving, and inlaying, clock-making, filagree work, basket-making, and other simple trades, for which there were local materials and aptitude, have been taught with considerable success. In some cases these industries have been so firmly and permanently established as to render unnecessary the further maintenance of the special schools. In the primary schools of the Black Forest, straw plaiting is taught to girls. Discriminating regard is paid to the capabilities of each sex. In “lVomen’s Work” schools on the Reutlingen model, and in the Professional Schools for girls which have been established in France and the Netherlands, in- struction is successfully given, qualifying girls for many useful occupations, though these are scarcely of the kind usually under- stood under the term of manufactures. The report of Mr. William Mather to your Commissioners, on his six months’ tour throughout the United States of America and Canada, for the purpose of studying the schools and factories of that continent, deserves the most careful perusal. It will be seen that Mr. Mather assigns greater influence on American manufactures to the general education of the American people derived from their common schools, than to their technical schools, the importance of which latter, however, in the training of civil engineers has been experienced for some years, though it has only more recently become recognised by those who are engaged in mechanical engineering and in metallurgical and manufacturing establishments of various kinds. This recognition is, however, now becoming universal. A decided preference is being given in the United States, for the positions of managers and heads of departments, to persons who have received a scientific training in a technical school, and the plan is followed in these schools of combining instruction in “application” with instruction in pure science. Although the conditions of American industry differ in many respects from our own, there can be no doubt that we may derive great advantage from a careful study of what is being done in the way of technical instruction in the United States, as, together with the elementary education of Canada, REPORT. 513 it is so graphically described by Mr. Mather. \Ve may add that the accuracy of his statements and conclusions is generally confirmed by the accounts of technical instruction in America which we have received from other competent judges. Not many years have passed since the time when it would still Neg‘lflf ‘have been a matter for argument whether, in order to maintain $35,232,, the high position which this country has attained in the industrial generally arts, it is incumbent upon us to take care that our managers, our aclinowkdged foremen, and our workmen, should, in the degrees compatible at mm" with their circumstances, combine theoretical instruction with their acknowledged practical skill. No argument of this kind is needed at the present day. In nearly all the great industrial centres—in the NIetropolis, in Glasgow, in lVIanchester, Liverpool, ()ldham, Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield, Keighley, Sheflield, Nottingham, Birmingham, The Potteries, and elsewhere—more or less flourishing schools of science and art of various grades, together with numerous art and science classes, exist, and their influence may be traced in the productions of the localities in which they are placed. The schools established by Sir W. Arm- Special schools strong at Elswick ; by the London and N orth-Western Railway estalzllflshed by Company at Crewe; and those of Messrs. Mather and Platt of gfilafigiureri ‘Salford, in connection with their engineering works, testify to the employers importance attached by employers to the theoretical training of oflabour- young mechanics. The efforts of Messrs. Denny, the eminent shipbuilders of Dumbarton, for encouraging the instruction of their apprentices and for rewarding their workmen for meritorious improvements in details applicable to their work, are proofs of this appreciation. The evidence of Mr. Richardson, of ()ldham, and of NH. Mather, of Salford, is emphatic as to their experience of its economical value. Without more particularly referring to the valuable work in the Meci‘aniflis‘ past, accomplished by the numerous Mechanics’ Institutes spread 11,2521‘? are over the country, many of them of long standing, we may point out organized. that they are now largely remodelling their constitutions in order to bring up their teaching to the level of modern requirements, as regards technical instruction. The example of the Manchester Mechanics’ Institute may be studied in this connection. Moreover, as evidencing the desire of the artizans themselves to Classes estab~ obtain facilities for instruction both in science and art, we must lish‘id by not omit to mention the classes established and maintained by lcf‘fipmfiam some of the leading cooperative societies. The Equitable societies. Pioneers’ Society of Rochdale has led the way in this, as in so many other social movements. It is much to he wished that the various trades’ unions would also consider whether it is not incumbent on them to promote the technical education of their members. The manufacturers of Nottingham speak with no uncertain Influence 01 voice of the important influence of the local school of art ifififlgfiiggl on the lace manufacture of that town. Without the Lambeth ' School, the art productions of Messrs. Doulton could scarcely have come into existence. The linen manufacturers of Belfast El 1726. K K 5141 ROYAL coMMIssIoN'joN TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: } Teaching of natural science. Desire to ascertain best modes of ad- vancing techni- cal instruction. International Exhibition of school-work in l 8 84 . Foreign system of technical instruction not applicable without modi~ fication. are becoming alive to the necessity of technical instruction if competition on equal terms with foreign nations in the more artistic productions, is to be rendered possible. The new generation of engineers and manufacturers of Glasgow has been trained in the technical schools of that city. The City and Guilds of London Institute owes its existence to the conviction of the liverymen that technical instruction is a necessary condition of the welfare of our great industries. Natural science is finding its way surely, though slowly, into the curriculum of our older English universities, and of our secondary schools. It is becoming a prominent feature in the upper divisions of the elementary board schools in our large towns. There are scarcely any important metallurgical works in the kingdom without a chemical laboratory in which the raw materials and products are daily subjected to careful analysis by trained chemists. The attainments of the young men who have been trained in the Royal Naval College at Greenwich recommend them for remunerative employment by our great shipbuilding firms. In our relations with public bodies and individuals in this country during the progress of our inquiry, the greatest anxiety has been manifested to obtain our advice as to the mode in which technical instruction can be best advanced, and we have to acknow- ' ledge the readiness of the Education and Science and Art Depart- ments to receive and act upon suggestions in matters of detail from individual members of the Commission, which it would have been pedantic to delay until the completion of our task. Amongst the suggestions which have thus been made was that .of an exhibition of the school—work of all nations, which His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has consented to add to the Health Exhibition of 1884. This exhibition will be an appropriate illustration of the account of foreign schools contained in the previous parts of this Report. Your Commissioners, during their continental visits, received from the authorities of technical schools numerous assurances of their cordial support and co-operation in such a display. ' Thus, there is no necessity to “ preach to the converted,” and we may confine ourselves to such considerations as bear upon the improvement and more general diffusion of technical education at home, in accordance with the conditions and needs of our industrial population. In dealing with the question of technical instruction in this country we would, at the outset, state our opinion that it is not desirable that we should introduce the practice of foreign countries into England, without considerable modification. As to the higher education, namely, that for those intended to become pro- prietors or managers of industrial works, we should not wish that every one of them should continue his theoretical studies till the age of 22 or 23 years in a Polytechnic School, and so lose the advantage of practical instruction in our workshops, (which are really the best technical schools in the World) during the years from 18 or 19 to 21 or 22, when he is best able to profit by it. REPORT. 515 We have, also, in the science classes under the Science and Art Department, to the intelligent and able administration of which it is our duty to bear testimony, a system of instruction for the great body of our foremen and workmen, susceptible certainly of improve- ment, but which, in its main outlines it is not desirable to disturb. Moreover, in considering by whom the cost of the further development of technical instruction should be borne, we must not forget that, if it be true that in foreign countries almost the entire cost of the highest general and technical instruction is borne by the State, on the other hand, the higher elementary and secondary instruction in science falls on the localities to . a much greater extent than with us; whilst, as to the ordinary elementary schgols, the cost in Germany and Switzerland is almost exclusively borne by the localities; and this was also the case in France and Belgium until the people of those countries became impatient of the lamentable absence of primary instruction on the part of vast numbers of the rural, and in some instances, of the town population; an evil which large State subventions alone could cure within any reasonable period of time. With the ex- ception of France, there is no European country of the first rank . that has an Imperial budget for education comparable in amount with our own. In the United Kingdom at least one-half of the cost of elementary education is defrayed out of Imperial funds, and the instruction of artizans in science and art is almost entirely borne by the State. Hence, it will be necessary to look, in the main, to local resources for any large addition to the fiinds required for the further development of technical instruction in this country. In determining what is the best preparation for the industrial career of those who may expect to occupy the highest positions, it. is necessary to differentiate between capitalists who will take the general, as distinguished from the technical, direction of large establishments ; and those at the head of small undertakings, or the persons more especially charged with the technical details of either. For the education of the former, ample time is available, and they have the choice between several of our modernized grammar schools, to be followed by attendance at the various colleges in which science teaching is made an essential feature, or the great public schools and universities ; provided that, in these latter, science and modern languages should take a more prominent place. Either of these methods may furnish an appropriate education for those persons to whom such general cultivation as will prepare them to deal with questions of administration is of greater value than an intimate acquaintance with technical details. It is different in regard to the smaller manufacturers and to the practical managers of works. In their case, sound knowledge of scientific principles has to be combined with the practical training of the factory, and, therefore, the time which can be appropriated to the former, that is, to theoretical instruction, will generally be more limited. How this combination is to be carried out will vary with the trade and with the circumstances of the individual. Value of classes under Science and Art Depart- ment. Funds for technical instruction. how to be supplied. Technical instruction for proprietors and managers How training In those cases may be obtained. KK2 516 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Colleges sufl°er from want of funds. Secondary schools as a preparation for technical schools. Many more required. Progress delayed by abolition of Endowed Schools Com- mission. in‘ which theoretical knowledge and scientific training are of pre- eminent importance, as in the case of the manufacturer of fine chemicals, or in that of the metallurgical chemist, or the electrical engineer, the higher technical education may with advantage be extended to the age of 21 or 22. In the cases, however, of those who are to be, for example, managers of chemical works in which complex machinery is used, or managers of rolling mills, or mechanical engineers, where early and prolonged workshop experience is all- important, the theoretical training should be completed at not later than 19 years of age, when the works must be entered, and the scientific education carried further by private study or by such other means as do not interfere with the practical work of their callings. Many colleges of the class to which we have referred have already arranged their courses to meet these require— ments, and some of them, as will appear from our reports of visits, have workshops for the purpose of familiarizing the students with the use of machine and hand tools. It is to be regretted that nearly all of these very useful institu- tions suffer more or less from the want of adequate funds to enable them to provide for such a staff of professors as is neces- sary for the proper subdivision of the various subjects taught, and for the equipment of museums, apparatus, and laboratories of the various kinds essential to the practical instruction of the student. In this respect the provision in this country compares most un- favourably with that in the Universities and Polytechnic Schools of the Continent, even in spite of recent munificent enefactions like those of the late Mr. Charles Beyer of Manchester, the late ‘Sir Josiah Mason of Birmingham, of the Baxter family at Dundee, the late Mr. Harris of Preston, the liberal gifts of Mr. Crawford to the Queen’s College at Cork, and others. In speaking of bene- factions, we do not overlook the noble endowment of Sir Joseph W'hitworth for the encouragement of engineering by affording to able and promising young men, especially of the class of artizans, the means of obtaining theoretical combined with practical training ———the former, in institutions of the kind we have referred to. The best preparation for technical study is a good modern secondary school of the types of the Manchester Grammar School, the Bedford Modern School, and the Allan (ilen’s Institution at Glasgow. Unfortunately our middle classes are at a great disad— vantage compared with those of the Continent for want of a sufficient number of such schools. The transfer of the functions of the Endowed Schools Commissioners to the Charity Commissioners has not had the efiect of increasing the rate of progress in the reorganization of our secondary schools. We consider it to be essential that steps should be taken to ensure that this work shall be carried on with greater vigour in the future than it has been hitherto. We learn that thereare still endowments available for education, amounting to upwards of 200,000Z. per annum, which have not been dealt with by the Commissioners. In the schemes for the new schools, the subjects of science and modern languages should form a very prominent part; and it would be desirable in REPORT. 51 7 some of these schools, especially in large towns (where classical schools are not wanting) in order to provide for the fuller teaching of these subjects, more particularly of mathematics, that the classical languages should be altogether excluded from the schemes of instruction. But the existing endowments are very unevenly distributed over the country ; in many of the large manufacturing centres no resources of the kind exist; private Necessity for enterprise is clearly inadequate to do all that is required in leslslation- establishing such schools, and we must look to some public measure to supply this, the greatest defect of our educational system. It is to be desired that in the proposed reorganization of local Localities to government, power should be given to important local bodies like itffgdpafgegutfl the proposed County Boards and the municipal corporations, to Porttechnicai’ originate and support secondary and technical schools in con- and secondary formity with the public opinion, for the time being, of their Sch‘mls‘ constituents. Intelligent youths of the artizan classes should have easy access Scholarships to secondary and technical schools by numerous scholarships, and from? elemen- the more promisino~ students of them again to the hicrher technical an schools’ C) D D colle ‘es. F51’ the great mass of our working population, who must neces- :I‘echnical sarily begin to earn their livelihood at an early age, and from for whom our foremen will be mostly selected, it is essential that ' instruction in the rudiments of the sciences bearing upon industry should form a part of the curriculum of the elementary schools, Science and that instruction in drawing, and more especially in drawing teaching in the with rule and compass, of a character likely to be useful to them elementary in their future occupations as workmen and artizans, should re- School‘ ccive far greater attention than it does at present. The importance of the first of these subjects has so far been acknowledged by the Education Department, that in all infant schools, simple lessons on objects and the more commonly occurring phenomena of Qbjectlessons nature, have been made obligatory. This system of instruction, if properly illustrated by the exhibition of the object itself, or of i “ diagrams or models of the same, or by the simplest kinds of experiments, is an excellent foundation for the subsequent teaching of elementary science. When, however, the child enters the elementary school, the Defectsin teaching of science practically ceases until it reaches the upper Egejgggrfggstem division, inasmuch as the arrangement of the class subjects in the scienze lower division is found in practice to exclude science from that teaching- division; only two subjects being allowed, of which “ English” must be one, and “ geography ” may be another; this latter being generally preferred to the alternative subject of “elementary science.” It appears to us that geography, if properly taught, Geography is a branch of elementary science which need not be separated should be from science generally, and can well be taught along with the an" other branches of science, by means of the object lessons, which science suiiject are described in the Code. Thus there would be only two class subjects instead of three, and in this way the connecting link which is now wanting between science as taught in the infant 518 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Instruction in science by special teachers . Higher elementary schools. To be suc- seeded by science and art and technical classes. Inspection should be more frequent. Higher grades better remu- nerated and practical work more on- couragcd. Proper apparatus should be provided. Art schools for artizans. school and in the higher division "of the elementary school would be supplied. ' * ~ » We could hardly overstate our appreciation of the value of the plan of giving instruction in natural science by special teachers as'carried out in the board schools of Liverpool and Birmingham, where the employment of a well-qualified science demonstrator ensures the sound character of the instruction, whilst the repetition of the lesson by the schoolmaster enables him to improve himself in the methods of science teaching. This should, however, be supplemented by the establishment of higher elementary schools like those of Sheffield and Manchester, into which the more advanced pupils of the primary schools may be drafted, especially if the parents of those children should be able to keep them at school up to the age of 14 or 15 unassisted, or, if they are unable to do so, assisted by scholarships taking the place of the wages which they would otherwise earn. In these latter schools it is possible to provide efiicient laboratories in which practical work is performed by the pupils, whilst this cannot adequately be done for the ordinary primary schools. Youths having the advantage of such instruction will be well prepared to avail themselves at a later period of the classes of the Science and Art Department and of the technical classes under the auspices of the City and Guilds Institute, which are now so numerous, and many of which are under excellent teachers. The evidence given before us leaves no doubt that the directors of both these institutions use every effort in their power to secure sound and practical teaching in these classes, so far as that can be effected by assistance in training the teachers, and by careful testing in their examinations of the results of the instruction given. In regard to the first, much is to be hoped for from the increasing number of teachers who are now able to take advantage of the high scientific instruction given in the Normal School of Science at South Kensington, as well as from the pecuniary assistance offered by the Science and Art Department to science teachers desirous of attending the courses and laboratories of various provincial colleges; whilst for teachers of technology a great step in advance will be made when the Central Institution of the City Guilds is in operation. As to the latter, that is to say, the thoroughness of the instruction given in the classes, more close and frequent inspection than at present is much to be desired ; a higher payment for the more advanced grades of several subjects should be made, than is now the case; and practical laboratory work in the higher grades in science should be more generally ‘ demanded. An important point to which the attention of the inspectors should be more particularly directed, is to ascertain that proper apparatus and appliances are provided for practical work in these classes. With reference to the subject of drawing, we cannot too often call attention to the extraordinary efforts which are being made abroad for instruction in art, more especially as applied to anron'r. 519 industrial and decorative purposes, and to the important influence of this instruction in furnishing employment for artisans on the Continent. Without depreciating what has been done in this direction -by the schools and classes under the auspices of the Science and Art Department in this countr , and whilst fully alive to the importance of the organization which tends to the diffusion of art instruction over a wide area, your Commissioners cannot conceal from themselves the fact that their influence on industrial art in this country is far from being so great as that of similar schools abroad. This is due, no doubt, to some extent Inadequate to the want of proper and sufficient preparation on the part of the $515122“ students, owing to the inadequate instruction they have received in drawing in drawing in the elementary schools. in elemental‘? Your Commissioners are aware that the number of children who Schools‘ are supposed to learn drawing in elementary schools is considerable, but it is small compared with the total number in attendance, and it is, we have reason to believe, diminishing. We have ascer- tained by inspection that the instruction is in far too many cases of little value. Instead of a mass of inferior drawings being sent up once a year to South Kensington for examination there, it is necessary that the instruction in drawing in elementary schools should be as carefully supervised on the spot by the Whitehall Inspectors as is that in other branches of primary education. In Comparison nearly all the places abroad which your Commissioners have 9* gmwing‘. yisited they have found that drawing is an obligatory subject of Zl‘jg‘e‘fitfim instruction in the primary school, and that it is regarded as of schools at equal importance with writing. The number of hours which the home and children devote to lessons in drawing abroad is frequently as many abroad‘ as three per week, whereas in England the subject is not only not obligatory, but in about three-fourths of our elementary schools no instruction whatever is given in this subject, and in those schools in which drawing is taught, the time devoted to it rarely exceeds one hour per week, and even that not always regularly. This want of attention, together with the absence of competent teachers, proper models and methods, and adequate inspection, fully accounts for the inferiority to which we have referred. The training of teachers for the Irish national schools includes special instruction in drawing, and a grant for drawing is made to primary schools in Ireland by the Commissioners of National Education. The drawing in some of the schools of the Christian Brothers, and in some of those under the Board of Intermediate Education, is good. Your Commissioners are of opinion that sound instruction in the Drawing rudiments of drawing should be incorporated with writing, in all would be made " t ' h ls both for Girls and b 's b which (Is dine“ compulsory‘ pumaiy so 00 , g o) , y , a o, accor g to the experience of competent authorities, the writing would be much improved. Something in this direction has already been done in many good infant schools, where children of the age of six draw triangles, squares, oblongs, &c., on their slates. This exercise is repeated on the day of inspection and is‘ taken into account in estimating the value attached to “ appropriate occupations.” 520 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL msrnuerron: Importance of drawing to scale. Drawing may be taught out of school hours. Modelling. Rapidity and boldness in freehand drawing to be encouraged, and modelling to be at- tended to. Teaching of applied art. Grants for applied art work. \Ve have observed with satisfaction the recent circular (Art Form, No. 1194) of August 1883, prescribing the new exercise of drawing to scale. ‘Ve believe the principle therein laid down to be excellent, and we trust that the school managers and teachers will avail themselves of the advantages offered to them in this alteration in the First Grade work. The permission recently ac- corded to teachers to give instruction in drawing and modelling to the children of the elementary schools, out of the ordinary school hours, is also likely to prove very advantageous. We are of opinion that more attention than has hitherto been devoted to it, should be directed to the subject of modelling, in the elementary school. We notice that by a recent addition to the Art Directory small classes in modelling may now claim a local examina- tion ; we believe this to be a most salutary regulation. Modelling is an exercise of great importance to the future workman, and its rudiments can well be taken up, as in Continental schools, at the earliest age. Assuming such preparation in the infant and elementary chool as we have here suggested, the progress of subsequent instruction in art classes would be immeasurably more rapid. Whether the attendance in any given locality will ever be so great in this country, where the instruction has to be paid for, as in France, Belgium, and elsewhere, where it is gratuitous, is a matter for grave doubt. rIowever this may be, there are two points in connection with the instruction in art schools and classes as hearing on industrial pursuits, which require careful attention. The first is one which we are glad to perceive is now fully appre— ciated by the Science and Art Department, viz., the advantage of substituting practice in rapid, but correct, execution, in place of the method of stippling, which was formerly not sufliciently dis- couraged in art schools and classes; greater attention also than hitherto should be given to modelling. The second point relates to industrial designing. This, for a variety of reasons, the chief of which are the want of sufficient knowledge of manufactures on the part of the art teachers and the absence of sympathy evinced by the proprietors of industrial works, has, with some notable ex- ceptions, not received sufiicient attention in our art schools and classes. In fact, there has been a great departure in this respect from the intention with which the “ Schools of Design ” were originally founded, viz., “ the practical application of (a knowledge “ of) ornamental art to the improvement of manufactures.” Large grants of public money for teaching art to artizans in such classes can scarcely be justified on any other ground than its industrial utility. On the subject of the teaching of industrial design, we are of opinion that the Science and Art Department may with advan- tage depart from their principle, as at first laid down, of granting encouragement to design only,-——so far as to award grants for specimens of applied art-workmanship in the materials themselves, as a test of the applicability of the design and as a reward for success in overcoming the technical difiiculties of the manufacture. REPORT. 5:21 ‘illustrated and sold at a cheap rate. It seems scarcely fair that well executed art-work by a student, say a richly chased piece of silver plate, should obtain only the same recompense as the design for the same object on paper. We are aware that special vigilance would in this case be required in order to prevent the use of’ such rewards for trade or for other than educational purposes. It appears from the evidence, with which we include a remark- able letter from M. vWillms, the eminent designer of Birmingham, that it would be well if persons practically acquainted with the appli- cation of design to industrial manufactures were more extensively consulted in the award of prizes for industrial design. We are aware that this is now done in some measure, but, however eminent may be the gentlemen whom the Department has been in the habit of consulting, it is unlikely that the small number of these should be sufficiently familiar with the vast varieties of “ applications ” to have the special knowledge requisite for judges in the large number of trades in which design forms an important element. Amongst the most important means of stimulating industrial art education and of spreading a knowledge and appreciation of art throughout the country, is the foundation of local museums of applied art of such a character as is best adapted to advance the industries of the districts in which they are situated. Stimulated by the advice and influence of the Director of the South Kensington Museum, and with the liberal aid of private benefactors, such collections have been provided in the local art museums at Sheffield, Derby, York, and elsewhere. In Manchester also, steps have been taken to found an industrial museum, and the Corporation has acquired the famous Bock col- lection of textile fabrics for this purpose. The Manchester, Birmingham, Stoke, and other galleries are open on Sundays, and are visited by increasing numbers of orderly working people, It is very desirable that similar facilities should be provided for the inspection of our metropolitan museums and collections. “7e are of opinion that the connection between these museums and the local schools of art should be of an intimate character. Indeed, in this respect much may be learned from foreign countries where many such museums exist and exert great influence on manu- factures. Further we must express strong approval, in which we merely repeat the opinion offered by competent witnesses both at home and abroad, of the system of circulating among the local museums collections of works of art from the national collec- tion at South Kensington. The value and utility of these collections are greatly enhanced by suitable manuals and guide books well These serve to explain to visitors of the artizan classes the features most worthy of notice. Whilst we fully admit the force of the contention that the contributions of the State to the foundation and maintenance of museums will be of the greatest service to the country at large, if applied mainly to central institutions, like those of the metro- Examination of applied art work. Value of local industrial art museums in stimulating artistic pro- gress. Provincial industrial art museums. Circulating collections and manuals . Grant of objects to provincial- museums. 522 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Government building grants require revision. Substitution of scholarships for Queen’s prizes. Efi‘ect of active ‘ ‘ _ _ interest taken tne 0036013 aimed at. by employers n science and art teaching. school Boards present on the grants from head-quarters. polls, of Edinburgh, and of Dublin, we highly approve of the grants to provincial museums of reproductions, either gratuitously, or at a very low price. Those grants may even, in the case of typical museums situated in some of the chief industrial centres, be extended with advantage to original examples of art, and of manufactures, calculated to increase the knowledge and improve the taste of those (more especially of the artizans) engaged therein. Your Commissioners believe that the grants now made in aid of the buildings for local schools of science and art and for industrial museums in connection with them, limited as they are to a maximum of 5001. for art schools and the same sum for science schools, coupled also with the requirements that they shall be given only for buildings under the Free Libraries Act, or in connection with schools of art, require revision, and tend rather to discourage local effort than otherwise; inasmuch as they give an erroneous impression of what is really required in order that suitable buildings may be provided. Your Commissioners highly approve of the recent foundation of scholarships to promising students in the science classes of the Science and Art Department, enabling them to continue their education at various higher schools. The limitation of the avail- able funds appears to have rendered necessary in consequence of this step, the abolition of the Queen’s Prizes, given for success in the elementary stages, and the substitution of honorary certificates in place of them. We find there is an opinion prevalent that these certificates will not afford sufficient stimulus to certain students. It is to be hoped, however, that a small addition to the customary local prize funds will be readily subscribed to supply this deficiency. But all these institutions and measures will not alone accomplish For this the localities must rely far more than has been the case hitherto on their own exertions. Teachers should know that they labour under the eye of those who are interested in the work being thoroughly and conscientiously done. ’ The organization and efiiciency of the science schools at Oldham and Keighley are conspicuous examples of what may be done in regard to the scientific and technical instruction of artizans where local employers take an active and intelligent interest in the work. The Oldham School of Science and Art may, so far as science teaching is concerned, be regarded as the type and example of what evening schools should be; and the existence of similar - efiicient and flourishing schools in all our industrial towns would greatly contribute to confirm our industrial position. The remu- neration of teachers should not depend to so great an extent as at School Boards should slwuldestablish be authorised to establish and conduct science and art classes for science and art classes for artizans. Fees to be low. artizans, and, where no school boards exist, power should. be given to the local governing bodies to establish or support suclr schools. If the teaching is not entirely gratuitous (and the regu— larity of attendance in the art classes in the French and Belgian cities, and in the science classes in Liege, Seraing, and elsewhere - REPORT. 523 i J. shows that it is a prejudice to suppose that people only appreciate what they pay for), the fees ought to be on the lowest possible scale. x ~ Your Commissioners have had before them deputations of “Tradesmen” . _ . - , - teachers for representative working men who have expressed then views on workmen‘ the wants of the working classes with respect to the teaching of science .and art, and who have stated that the assistance afforded by the Department is not sufficiently directed towards the require- ments of their several trades. We believe that many work- men are disposed to attach too little value to the importance of acquiring a knowledge of the principles of science, because they do not see their application; we are of opinion that whenever it is possible persons engaged in the trade taught and having scientific knowledge should give instruction to workmen, and we have ascertained that a large number of such teachers are regis- tered under the Examination Scheme of the City and Guilds of London Institute. We visited classes of this character at the Polytechnic Institution in Regent Street, at the Manchester Technical School, the Lyceum at Cldham, and at other places, some of which were excellent. The City guilds are trying a most important experiment Technical in their practical classes. If empiricism be avoided, a great teaching- point will be gained by the attraction to working men and women of a mode of instruction in which the direct application of scientific principles is the means by which a knowledge of those principles is conveyed to their minds. As to this point, we refer to the almost unanimous expression of opinion contained in the letters of eminent manufacturers in reply to our circular asking their advice as to the best means of promoting technical instruction (see Appendix, Vol. 111.). We cannot dismiss this branch of the subject without calling hluseums attention to the educational value of the museums of natural attached to objects now found in many of the modern elementary schools of Siiggifiaoad' the Continent. Probably the best examples of such collections are those of the Normal School of Brussels and of the elementary schools of Zurich. Collections of natural objects, pictures, and Desirable diagrams, are‘of the greatest assistance for illustrating object at home. lessons in rudimentary science to children of the earliest years.* Many persons who have paid attention to the working of free Schoo libraries in our large towns are of opinion that the benefit of these libraries. might be extended to elementary schools, by placing at the disposal of such schools, books of a character calculated to interest children of school age. Amongst these books some suitable technical works, especially illustrated ones, might be included. These school libraries would be of the nature of the branch libraries which are now attached to many of the free libraries of our large towns. Your Commissioners, after having had the opportunity of Workshop further considering the value of manual work as a part of mstmct‘on- * A report to the Minister of Public Instruction, just received, proposing the establishment of art museums in all the public schools of France, will be found in the Appendix. ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Z Beneficial effects of manual work. Grants for manual work. Connection between drawing and manual work. Attendance at Elementary Schools. Provisions of Scotch law as to full-time employment Should be made Scotland unless it has Passed the Fifth Standard. universal. primary instruction, and after having seen such work introduced into elementary schools of various grades in other countries besides France, are able now to express a stronger opinion in its favour than at the time of their First Report. They do this with greater confidence because, in consequence partly of the suggestion con- tained in that report, the experiment of introducing manual work into primary schools has been successfully efiected by at least two School Boards in this country, viz., those of Manchester and Shefiield. Your Commissioners have had the opportunity of inspecting the manual work of the pupils both at the Manchester Board schools and at the Central School in Sheffield, and they are- satisfied that such work is very beneficial as a part of the preliminary education of boys in this country who are to be subsequently engaged in industrial pursuits, even though it should not, as, however, it probably will do, actually shorten the period of their apprenticeship. Your Commissioners see no reason why, since grants are made on needlework in girls’ schools, they should not be made on manual work in boys’ schools. This instruction may be given so as not to interfere with the ordinary work of the school. It has been proved that this can be done, the boys being most eager to return for handicraft teaching after school hours. Whenever more attention shall be given to drawing, and espe— cially to mechanical and geometrical drawing, in the ordinary and the higher elementary schools, it will be proper and desirable that the work executed in the shops attached to these schools should be made from drawings prepared by the children themselves. We need scarcely say that the success, not only of technical, but of the ordinary elementary instruction of our working popula— tion, depends upon the regular attendance of the children at school, and upon their remaining there sufficiently long to ensure that the knowledge acquired shall leave some lasting impression on their minds. As will have appeared from other parts of this report, the children of the workpeople of Germany and Switzer- land, with few exceptions, remain at school till the age of 14 years, and in some of the German States are required to con- tinue their elementary instruction two years longer, in evening and Sunday schools, if their examination at 14 has not been satisfactory. The wages of the parents in these countries are generally lower, and the sacrifice of their children’s earnings is consequently felt more than with us. The efliciency of the American workmen is mainly attributed, by all who have inquired- into the subject, to the primary education acquired by them during a prolonged attendance at school. In our own country great diversity prevails as to the standard authorising the em» ployment of children as full-timers. In Scotland this will be remedied by the Act of last session. After next year no child, under the age of 14 years, can be employed on full time in \Ve have no doubt that all classes interested in industry will quickly reap the REPORT. 525 benefit of this amendment of the law, arid we see no reason why this regulation should not be extended to England and Wales, so far as it applies to factories and workshops. We have avoided, in the foregoing statement, making special observations on the merits or defects of the various scientific and technical colleges and schools which are at work or in course of establishment in this country, but we think it due to those who have founded and those who are conducting these excellent institu- tions to state that all of them, in each of the three divisions of the United Kingdom, are, in spite of limited means, producing good results. It is most praiseworthy on the part of the professors and teachers that they devote themselves to the important work of tuition for salaries so small as those which they as a rule receive, when many would, by employing their scientific and technical knowledge in private enterprise, obtain much larger pecuniary remuneration. We may remark concerning the colleges that it is not necessary that all of them should be of the highest type. To enable the relatively small number of persons capable of occupying the highest industrial positions to acquire the most complete education of which modern science admits, only a few well equipped institutions of high rank are needed. It is, how- ever, of national importance that these few should be placed in such a position of efficiency as to enable them to carry out successfully the highest educational work in the special direction for which circumstances, particularly of locality, have fitted them ; your Commissioners believe that no portion of the national expenditure on education is of greater importance than that employed in the scientific culture of the leaders of industry. Your Commissioners fear that the belief in the efficacy of training of this highest character, is, in England, at present small amongst those whom it will ultimately benefit ; and yet there are few countries in which so many investigations have been made, the practical bearings of which were not at the outset apparent, but which have in the end led to the most important practical results. The discovery by Faraday of magneto—electricity, and by Joule of the mechanical equivalent of heat, at once occur as examples. The Englishman is accustomed to seek for an imme- diate return ; and has yet to learn that an extended and systematic education up to, and including, the methods of original research, is now a necessary preliminary to the fullest development of industry. It is, amongst other elements of progress, to the gradual but sure growth of public opinion in this direction, that your Commissioners look for the means of securing to this country in the future, as in the past, the highest position as an industrial nation. We desire to express our satisfaction at the recent estab- lishment of weaving and dyeing schools in the north of England, and of mechanical laboratories in several localities. The utility of weaving schools to proprietors and managers of factories, and to merchants who desire to become acquainted with the processes of the manufacture of the goods in which Value of ex- isting colleges and their teaching. Colleges should be of various grades. Value of the highest scientific train- ing not yet sut‘ficiently recognised. Importance of original research. Weaving schools and mechanical laboratories. ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Science and art in Training Colleges. School Boards are making endeavours to improve educa- tion of pupil teachers. Day Training Colleges' they deal, has been so clearly demonstrated on the Continent, that we need adduce no further arguments in their favour. The weaving and dyeing schools of Leeds have been established and are maintained entirely by the Clothworkers’ Company of London. We regard this as one of the most useful and appro— priate purposes to which a portion of their funds could have been devoted. The mechanical laboratories and mechanical drawing schools at Nottingham, Sheffield, Huddersfield, and elsewhere, will be of the greatest service in enlarging the knowledge and experience of young artisans who are kept continuously at one branch in their daily work. The teaching of art and science subjects, in the Training Colleges of Great Britain for elementary school teachers, is very defective. The inspection on the part of the Science and Art Department has, until lately, been greatly neglected," owing to the divided responsi» bility for the Colleges, of the Education Department and the Ken~ sington authorities. The answers received by the examiners to such questions as the following——“ Write out the heads of a lecture “ to an elementary class on the chemical and physical properties of “ water, mentioning the experiments which you would show, and “ your object in showing them,” prove conclusively that the students have no idea as to how such a simple matter ought to be brought before a class. It would greatly conduce to sound and efiicient training in science, and particularly in the methods of teaching, if those students in training who have shown an aptitude for science work could be sent annually to the Normal School of Science at South Kensington, or to other approved etlicientinstitu— tions. The provision for art-teaching in most of the Training Colleges is inferior even to that at present made for science, and an entire reform in this respect is urgently needed; and similar measures should be taken for systematic instruction in art as in science. Considerable attention is, as we have said else- where, paid to drawing in the Normal School in Dublin, where it is taught by a competent art-master. The School Boards of our great cities are fully alive to“ the defective character of the instruction of pupil-teachers. In London, Liverpool, and elsewhere, they have endeavoured to apply a partial remedy by introducing joint instruction, under special teachers, qualified in each subject, instead of having each headmaster to instruct the pupil teachers of his own school in every subject. The Education Department has also taken a small step in the right direction, by somewhat limiting the number of hours that the pupils may be employed in teaching, so as to give them a little more leisure for learning. No considerable improvement can, however, be expected until the great school boards are authorised to establish colleges for'training teachers. These colleges would be day schools and need not receive from the State enormous capitation grants like those now given to the English denominational Training Colleges, but only small allowances like those granted to the day students in those of Scotland. REPORT. 527 In concluding this part of our subject, we deem ourselves City and justified in giving, at the risk of repeating some of the state- 531151311“ ments we may have made in the earlier parts of our report, a Inslzimw short review of the work initiated, controlled, and contemplated by the City and Guilds of London Institute, inasmuch as this im- portant organization has been created in order to promote the technical instruction of persons of every grade engaged in industry. The Institute had not been in existence very long when your Commissioners were appointed, and consequently they have scarcely had the opportunity of estimating the value of the work it is doing in some of its branches. Even now that work is in many parts of the kingdom unknown, and this is particularly the case in Ireland. In Dublin, Cork, and in many other Irish towns, nothing was known at the time of our visit of the encouragement to technical instruction offered by the Institute’s scheme of tech~ nological examinations, whereas in Belfast advantage has been taken of it; and the establishment there of a technical school, for instruction in the weaving and dyeing of linen, and in mecha~ nical engineering, is largely due to its action. The Central Institution, which is not yet opened, is intended central by the Institute to fulfil functions resembling those of the great Institution-- Polytechnic Schools of the Continent. Your Commissioners have examined the proposed scheme of instruction embodied in the Report of the Institute, and they have also inspected the building, which is nearly complete. They consider that, as the number of technical classes and technical schools increases, as it is likely to do, the want of such an institution as that in Exhibition Road for the training of teachers will be more and more felt. It will be of great advantage as a technical high school for the metropolis, which is,' in fact, one of our greatest industrial centres. It is intended to afford additional facilities for the prosecution of original research in science. In order, however, that the Institu- Its endowmeht, tion may effect the purpose for which it is intended, it should be well endowed, both for the provision of adequate special instruc- tion, and also for the establishment of exhibitions to defray the cost of maintenance of poor students whilst pursuing their studies. Without expressing any positive opinion as to the amount required for this purpose, your Commissioners fear that the annual sum at present subscribed by the Livery Companies is inadequate to the future requirements of the Institution. As regards the Finsbury ‘Technical College, your Commis= Finsbm.) sioners believe that the evening classes connected with it are Technical giving valuable technical instruction, such as is greatly needed by gouege‘ the artizans of the district in which the school is situated. The practical laboratory instruction in the applications of electricity to trade purposes is worthy of special mention. The programme of the day school is well devised, and the Day school. \ offer of scholarships to the principal middle class schools of the metropolis, which enable select pupils therefrom to continue their education at the Finsbury College, is a good feature in the scheme. Considering the want that is generally felt of good trade 528 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Want of similar schools in other parts of London. South London Technical Art School. Technological classes in the country. Practical tests. Rapid increase in the number of candidates. Grants to technical schools in the manufacturing districts. schools into which promising pupils from the upper standards of the public elementary schools may be drafted, your Commissioners are of opinion that a more intimate connection of the day depart- ment of the F insbury Technical College with the elementary schools would also be desirable. We think that similar trade schools, in which the curriculum consists mainly of practical science teaching, workshop instruc- tion, drawing, and modern languages, might with advantage be established in other parts of London. Your Commissioners examined with great. interest the work of the South London Technical Art, School. The teaching of this school has had a direct bearing upon the important manufacturing works of Messrs. Doultqn ; and in few cases have we been able more definitely to ascertain the extent to which technical instruc- tion has benefited a local industry. In many other branches besides that of the manufacture and painting of pottery, the teaching of design in connection with the material to which it is to be applied, would be undoubtedlyadvantageous. In this school practical instruction is also given in wood engraving, and a class is about to be formed in enamelling; the City and Guilds of London Institute might usefully extend this kind of teaching in other directions. By means of the Institute’s scheme of technological examina- tions, classes have been formed in all the large manufacturing towns, in which the instruction is more specialised, according to the requirements of persons engaged in different industries, than has been thought desirable in the State-aided classes which are held under the direction of the Science and Art Department. It will be seen by the collection of letters from eminent manufac- turers in the Appendix, that classes of the former kind are greatly valued and regarded as deserving of continued encouragement. The regulation of the Institute which restricts the payment on results to the case of candidates engaged in the industries to which the examination refers, is a good one ; and the introduction of practical tests and the importance which the Institute attaches to preliminary science-knowledge, and to skill in drawing, are to be commended. From the rapid increase in the number of candi- dates for these examinations during the last four years (the number in 1879 having been 202, and in 1883, 2,397), it may be assumed that, as they become more generally known, that number will still further increase, and that much larger funds will be required in payment to teachers on results. We consider that the Institute has rendered eficient service to technical education by means of the contributions it has given to the establishment of technical schools in the great centres of manufacturing industry, where they are even more necessary than in the metropolis. The Institute appears to have distributed its grants with judgment and discretion, and in many cases, notably in Nottingham, Manchester, Sheffield, and Leicester, its contribu- tions have had the effect of stimulating local effort in the establishment of new technical classes. REPORT. 529 Your Commissioners are able generally to endorse the several Funds should schemes of technical instruction, now in operation or about to be “3 incl-‘eased carried on by the City and Guilds of London Institute; and, 3216212231,? in view of the efficient and permanent working of these schemes, basis. we should be glad to see the funds of the Institute made fully adequate to the efficient carrying out of the objects it has in view, which in our opinion is not yet the case. We think‘it is of importance that the grants made by the contributing Livery Companies should be placed upon a permanent basis. Whilst the preceding remarks apply to the United Kingdom Ireland. as a whole, including those portions of Ireland, and more especially (of the province of Ulster, in which the factory system is fully developed, other portions of the latter country require to be separately considered. In saying this, we refer more particularly to the poor and remote districts of the West. Before proceeding to this part of the subject, however, we would fl‘echniqal , refer very shortly to the question of technical instruction suitable for llglsltggimon 1“ foremen and workmen in Dublin. Whilst science and art classes, many of them very successful, are to be found in several of the important towns of Ireland, there are scarcely any science classes at work in Dublin. Various reasons were assigned to us for this state of things, some of them of a kind into which it is not expedient that we should enter. At the same time, there is in Reva} College Dublin the Royal College of Science, with a staff of competent ‘guiiilgnce’ professors, an admirable technical museum, and laboratories fairly ' well equipped for practical work. It appears from the evidence that of the small number of students who follow a complete ‘course of instructionpin this institution, about one-half are English- men, holders of the ltoyal Exhibitions of the Science and Art Department, scarcely any of whom become teachers of science in Ireland. There are no short summer courses at the College, like those at the Normal School at South Kensington, for the instruc- tion of science teachers. There are we are aware some courses of evening lectures, but although the laboratories of the College are the only ones in Dublin available for practical evening in- struction, such instruction in science and in mechanical drawing forms no part of the arrangements of the college. It appears that Evening by the rules of the Science and Art Department, the professors of Sammie classes' the College cannot earn grants on the results of instruction in science, as would be the case if they were ordinary science teachers. We are of opinion that so long as the effective work of the College in preparing associate students, and more particu- larly Irish students, is so limited in area as at present, evening classes with practical laboratory work should form a part of the regular College courses, and that the remuneration of the pro- fessors should depend in part on the success, or at any rate on the regular attendance, of students at such classes. We would also remark that we have received evidence of a Science in very contradictory nature as to the teaching of science in the £32332‘ Irish Intermediate Schools. We believe, however, that it is i' R1 1726. L L 530 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: \< engaging the attention of the Board of Intermediate Education, and we only deem it necessary to state in reference to this subject, that. efficient instruction in science will not be possible in those schools unless they are provided with proper laboratories, which in most, if not in all of them, are at present entirely wanting. But the most important part of our task with regard to Ireland, is to consider the possibility of improving the industrial conditions of the poor and remote districts of the West, by means of technical education. By the courtesy of Sir Patrick Keenan, K.C.M.G., the 3012001; ' Resident Commissioner of National Education 1n Ireland, your Commissioners have been furnished with what they understood to be a complete set of the books used in the Irish National Schools. They find that these books are well adapted- for the literary instruction of the children of various ages in those schools, and that they contain much interesting information on the natural These books features and resources of Ireland. But, except as to agriculture, mid to be the ' do not afford ade uate assistance towards graduated instruc- revised so as to y q b afford means tion in industrial processes, or in the rudiments of the sciences on of instruction which those processes are founded. As the Irish National Edu- "1 “udlmentary cation Commissioners are by their regulations mainly responsible Selene?‘ for the selection of the books used in the schools, this defect should receive their early attention. Home _ There is a general consensus of opinion on the part of persons in‘lubmes‘ of all ranks in that country, whatever may be their views on other subjects, that the prosperity of the poorer districts of Ireland may be greatly promoted by technical instruction in handicrafts Manual dex- and in home industries. There is a conviction not less general, tel‘ity of Irish and it is one which our visits have fully confirmed in our minds, people‘ that the children and young people of Ireland of the labouring class possess great manual dexterity and aptitude, which only requires to be developed in order to be useful to themselves and to those amongst whom they live. As evidence of this, we need only refer to the remarkable success of the Christian Brothers, and to that of the ladies of Religious Orders, in training children and young persons for handicrafts, in Industrial Schools and Institutions of a like nature. There appears to be no reason why similar instruction to that which is given in these schools should not be given elsewhere, if the necessary funds and teachers are forthcoming. We have shown that instruction of this kind given on the Continent to persons in remote districts, who would otherwise be idle, has added materially to their resources, both directly, and by training them for employment in larger industrial concerns, and we have ascertained that no great expenditure of public money has been required in order to produce these effects. Not only is instruction of this kind deemed to be desirable, but we have found that there is a willingness on the part of benevolent persons in Ireland to assist its promotion by subscriptions and in Teaching of other ways. It is true that by some it has been proposed that the homeindustl'iee Government should itself initiate, if it did not entirely charge itself {3, ll’gcifilléledsed with this work, but we were happy to find there were others who REPORT. 531 i would be quite satisfied if its utility received the imprimatur of the and aided by Government, and if the State offered rewards for the ascertained gjngwem' results of instruction of this kind. We are of opinion that success- ' fni work of this nature, whether it be conducted by individuals or societies or by religious bodies, deserves the recognition and reward of the Government. We think it no part of our duty to state which are the home industries best adapted to the conditions of different parts of Ireland. Each locality will be able to form its own judgment in regard to this, and due weight should be given by the Government to such local expression of opinion; payment in all cases being dependent upon the results obtained in the schools or classes. We do not think it would be possible for the Govern- Grants to ment to train teachers for a variety of home industries, but it gefafilggs might contribute to the payment of such teachers appointed by industriis. the localities; and it would be expedient to establish a class of Travelling itinerant teachers for service in districts where resident instructors teachers. cannot be maintained. These suggestions apply even in a greater degree to the instruction of girls than of boys. We need scarcely point out that, if it be deemed desirable to Instruction in introduce manual instruction in the use of tools in elementary the use of tools schools at all, this would apply in an eminent degree to the lsggggslgpnmmy primary schools of Ireland. It was stated in evidence before us ' that in some parts of Ireland, ordinary handicrafts, like those of the mason, have become absolutely extinct. ‘Vhether the children remain in their own immediate localities or migrate to other parts of the country, or emigrate to our colonies or to foreign countries, such instruction leading up to their apprenticeship as skilled labourers, instead of their fulfilling, as is now too much the case, the part of mere hewers of wood and drawers of Water, would be of the greatest value to them. We are happy to find that the Trainmg of authorities of the National Board of Education in Ireland appre- teachers for ciate the importance of introducing instruction in manual work gm PurPOse ‘0 . . . . . e thorough. into their schools. They have already begun to give instruction of ° this kind to some few of their teachers, with a view to qualify them for imparting it to the children in the schools 5 but, in order ' that this instruction may be satisfactory, it is important that the training of the teachers themselves should be systematic and thorough; and, obvious as this might appear to be, we do not hesitate to impress it upon the minds of the authorities of the l National Board. Until the teachers are able themselves to give Artizans mi h, . . . . . . . . . g the instruction, it might be given by skilled and intelligent artizans. be employed to We have reason to believe that, whenever efficient teachers can be teach' found, the National Board will be prepared to pay for the results of manual teaching in the primary schools. It is scarcely neces- sary to say that our statement with regard to drawing, in reference to schools generally, applies with equal force to the Irish schools. We may remark that the progress of children in learning home trades will be much more satisfactory if they have been trained at school in the use of the ordinary tools for working in Wood and iron, and in drawing. LL2 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION! Compulsory attendance in Irish primary schools. Agricultural education. Influence of schools on agriculture on the Continent. Our agricul- ture in a state of transition. We shall deal with instruction in agriculture in Ireland in the succeeding subsection, in which we review the separate report of Mr. Jenkins, and the evidence which we personally received in Ireland on that special branch of the subject. Whilst dealing with Irish education, we cannot refrain from expressing our satisfaction at having found that public opinion amongst all classes in Ireland is in favour of some measure for gradually making primary education in that country compulsory. The subject is one surrounded with difficulties of a nature which appear to us to place the discussion of its details beyond the scope of our commission. “*0 consider, however, that we should not do our duty if we did not express our decided opinion that no marked progress in the direction of technical education can be effected in Ireland, until primary education in that country has been placed on a proper footing. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. As stated at the commencement of this Report, your Commis- sioners did not think that an inquiry into the instruction of the industrial classes would be complete unless it included some notice of the instruction of the large and important class of agriculturists. Vile were unable ourselves to conduct this branch of the inquiry, except partially in regard to Ireland, but we trust that those who read the Report on Agricultural Education of our Sub— Commissioner, Mr. H. M. Jenkins, the Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, submitted herewith, will think that we have been well advised in placing the inquiry in his hands. As supplementary to his Report, your Commissioners refer to the Irish evidence in the Appendix, and to the narrative of their visits to the Royal Albert College at Glasnevin, to the Munster Dairy School, and to parts of the South and West of Ireland. We have not inquired into the state of agriculture, as an art, abroad and at home; to have done this would have lengthened the inquiry beyond measure, and it was the less needed, as this branch of the question has been incidentally treated in the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. It will, however, be seen from the Report of our Sub- Commissioner that those best able to form an opinion attribute a great and beneficial influence upon the progress of agriculture to the agricultural schools of various grades of the Continent, and more especially to those like Hohenheim and Urrignon, in which practice is combined with scientific teaching. At a time like the present, when cheap railway and water conveyance of agricultural products from distant countries has completely changed the economical conditions of successful agriculture in Great Britain, it is of the greatest importance that those who are interested in the cultivation of the soil, whether as proprietors or as farmers, should not simply be familiar with existing practices at home, important as is such a REPGR'i‘. familiarity, but that they should understand also the reasons which have caused these practices to prevail, in order to be able to decide to what extent they should continue to be pursued. They should likewise be acquainted with the nature and mode of cultivation of crops, the rearing and feeding of cattle, and the dairy practice, of other countries?‘ To impart knowledge of this description is the proper function of the Agricultural School. In Great Britain, the Agricultural Department of the Normal School of South Kensington, the Royal Agricultural College of Cirencester, and the College of Downton, are the only institu- tions for higher agricultural education ; the former principally for training teachers, the two latter for the education of landowners, land agents, and farmers. The first of these has been so short a time in existence that no definite judgment of its results can be formed by the test of practical success or failure. But we agree with our Sub-Commissioner in thinking that the complete course of four years at the Normal School is inconvenientiy and unnecessarily long ; that at least all students who propose to become associates should on entrance prove that they possess the amount of practical knowledge of agriculture which can be acquired by a year’s residence on a farm; and that visits to farms, and factories connected with agriculture, during the recess, should be encouraged and rewarded by scholarships to those who have profited by them. Our Sub-Commissioner considers that colleges like those of Cirencester and Downton do not require “ propping ” by the State, but that scholarships tenable at those colleges might be given by the Government to deserving students in the agricultural divisions of county schools. These agricultural divisions, which are intended by our Sub- Commissioner to provide secondary agricultural instruction, have still to be created. Mr. Jenkins proposes that farms should be attached to county schools, in which the pupils in the higher forms should be taught the principles and practice of farming, and should take part in farming operations and the management of stock. The experience of schools of this kind on the Con— tinent, and of some isolated attempts in this country, shows that they cannot be self-supporting. He proposes that the locality (the county) should equip the school and, we suppose, the farm attached to it; and that the Government should contribute as liberally to the buildings as to those of schools of science. \Ve can see no objection to the latter proposal, and we approve of the suggestion that the governing bodies of counties should have the power of establishing and maintaining agricultural schools, or contributing thereto, under proper conditions; we should * The practice of growing beet-roots for the manufacture of sugar has been attended with most beneficial changes in Continental agriculture. This cultivation is carried on in countries varying remarkably in the conditions of climate in regard to heat and moisture. Should the recovery of ammonia in the manufacture of coke, and from the raw coal used in the blast furnace, be attended with the success which there is every reason to anticipate, the cheapening of nitrogenous manures may indicate some considerable changes in the agricultural practice of our own country. l Higher agri- cultural schools in this country. Scholarships in the higher schools. Secondary agricultural schools. To be sup‘ ported by counties 5341 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: and by great agricultural societies. Agricultural classes under Science and Art Depart- ment. Examination as to facts. Farm appren‘ tice schools. be glad to see this power conferred on them by the proposed measure for reorganising county government. But it would also appear to us that an active participation in the encou— ragement of secondary agricultural schools would be an object well worthy of our great National Agricultural Societies. Their funds have hitherto been devoted mainly to the encouragement by premiums, of improvements in cattle-breeding and in agricultural machinery. The commercial demand for animals of a high class and for implements of the best construction is now so great that any other than an honorary recognition of merit seems to be no longer required; and if a portion only of the money now dis- tributed in prizes were offered in aid of local subscriptions for the addition of an agricultural department to the existing, and in many cases flourishing, county schools, it is probable that so desirable an experiment as that proposed by our Sub-Commis- sioner would very soon be carried into effect. We are aware that the fact of the number of competitors for the Royal Agricultural Society’s junior scholarships having been small may not encourage that great society to increase its efforts in the direction of agricultural education, but we believe with Mr. Jenkins that the fault lies in a great measure with the want of competent teachers, a want which is now in the course of being supplied by the Normal School of Science and otherwise. With respect to the classes in the “principles of agriculture ” in connection with the Science and Art Department, which properly come under the head of secondary instruction, Mr. Jenkins is of opinion that “the attempt to teach the principles of a subject “ without first teaching its facts and phenomena is very much “ like trying to build an actual castle in the air.” We quite agree in this opinion, and we consider it essential, even if it should involve some change in the programme of the Depart- ment, that the examiners should so arrange their questions as to ascertain as far as possible from his replies that the student is acquainted with the facts to which the principles are applicable, just as in chemistry, for instance, the examiner would not be satisfied with a mere knowledge of the laws affecting the com- binations of chemical elements and compounds, but would expect the student to be acquainted with the nature and properties of the substances entering into combination. Unfortunately there is not the same room for a practical examination in agriculture as that which is now very prrperly required by the Depart- ment in other sciences. On the whole it may be expe“r4"‘/ % . A,‘ " 9 v 538 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION :. it is to be executed, and that special grants be made for the actual execution of designs under proper safeguards. (1a.) That the limits of the Building grants, under the cience and Art Department, to 500i. each for schools .of Art and of Science should be abolished, and the conditions attached to them be revised. (21) That, in addition to the loan of circulating collections and the grant of art reproductions at reduced cost, con- tributions be made to provincial industrial museums of original examples tending to advance the industries of the district in which such museums are situated. Erpliniugf III. Training Colleges for elementary teachers : o eges or , . . . . . teachers, (ca) That the teaching of’ science and art in Training Colleges, and its inspection by the Science and Art Department, be made efiicient, and that arrangements be made for giving to selected students in those Colleges greater facilities and inducements for the study of‘ art and science in the National Art Training School and the Normal School of Science at South Kensington, the Royal College of Science for Ireland, and other Institutions of a similar class approved of by the Government. 4-’\ l Seceedary and IV. Secondary and technical instruction : technical 1n- struction. That steps be taken to aicelerate the applicttion of ancient endowments, un'ler amended schemes, to se :o'idary and technical instruction. (1).) That provision be made by the Charity Commissioners for the establishment, in suitable localities, of schools, or departments of schools, in which the study of natural science, drawing, mathematics, and modern languages, shall take the place of Latin and Greek. (0.) That local authorities be empowered, it' they think fit, to establish, maintain, and contribute to the establishment and maintenance of seeondtry and technical (including agricultural) schools and colleges. ’~ 0 Public libra- V. Public libraries and museums : rice and muqeums‘ That ratepayers have power, by vote, to sanction the increase of the expenditure,‘ under the Public Libraries Acts, beyond its present limit, and that the restriction of the Acts to localities having 5,000 inhabitants and upwards be repealed. (6.) That museums of‘ art and science and technological collec- tions be opened to the public on Sundays. 1relam1_ VI. Special recommendations in regard to Ireland : (a.) That steps be taken at the earliest possible moment for the ' gradual introduction of compulsory attendance at elemen- tary schools in Ireland. "2‘ REPORT. 539 (b.) That payments be made by the National Board, under proper regulations, on the results of the teaching of home industries to children, young persons, and adults; . as well as 'in aid of the salaries of industrial teachers. (0.) That systematic instruction be given to primary school teachers, qualifying them to teach the use of tools for Working in wood and iron, in the primary schools. (d.) That steps be taken by the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland for the provision of books calcu- lated to assist the teachers of primary schools in giving graduated lessons in rudimentary science. (e.) That grants-in-aid be sanctioned by the Treasury to approved agricultural schools, and to approved schools for instruction in local industries. ( f.) That practical evening science classes for artisans form part of the instruction in the Royal College of Science of Ireland, in Dublin. (9.) That the Board of Intermediate Education take steps to ensure the provision of adequate means For the prac- tical teaching of science in the schools under their direction. In addition to the preceding recommendations which necessitate action on the part of the Legislature or of the public authorities, or of both, your Commissioners make the following recommenda— tions, requiring no such action, by way of suggestions For the consideration of those in whose power it is to comply with them:— I. That it be made a condition by employers of’ young persons, and by the trade organizations, in the case of industries for which an acquaintance with science or art is desirable, that such young persons requiring it, receive instruction therein either in schools attached to Works or groups of works, or in such classes as may be avail- able; the employers and trade organizations, in the latter case, contributing to the maintenance of such classes. II. That the managers and promoters of science and technical classes should (a) so arrange the emoluments of teachers as to encourage them to retain their students For the advanced stages of subjects in which they have passed the elementary stage, and (b) that they should endeavour to group the teaching of cognate science subjects, as recommended by the Royal Commission on the Advance- ment of Science, and as provided for by the regulations of the Science and Art Department. III. That scholarships be more liberally founded, especially for pupils of higher elementary scliools, enabling them to proceed to higher technical schools‘and colleges. General recom- mendations. ’/ 540 ROYAL oonMIssIoN 0N TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. IV. That ,the great national agricultural societies give aid to the establishment in counties of secondary schools or classes for teaching agriculture. V. That those responsible for the management of primary schools in Ireland, in the districts where farming is defective, attach small example farms to such schools wherever it is possible; and that boards of guardians employ the plots of land attached to workhouses for the agricultural instruction of the children therein. VI. That the subscriptions given by the liberality of the City of London and of the different Guilds, to the City and Guilds Institute, be made adequate to the fulfilment of the work which that Institute has undertaken, including the equipment and maintenance of its Central Institu- tion. In closing our report, we think it right to recall the fact that the first impulse to an inquiry into the subject of technical in" struction was given by the important letter of Dr., now Sir Lyon Playfair, K.C.B., of May 15, 1867, to the Chairman of the Schools, Inquiry Commission, in which he called attention to the great progress in engineering and manufactures abroad, shown at the Paris Exhibition of that year. In the course of our inquiry we have received much guidance from the letter on the subject by Mr. B. Samuelson, M.P., to the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education, dated November 16, 1867; from the report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Scientific Instruction, 1868; the Report of the Royal Commission on the same subject; the papers by Mr. H. M. Felkin on Chemnitz, by Messrs. McLaren and Beaumont, and various other publications. _ _ We desire also to express our thanks to the public authorities, to the owners and managers of industrial works, and to the numerous other persons, both at home and abroad, to Whom we had occasion to apply for information, for the frank and courteous manner in which it was given to us; and also to acknowledge the prompt and valuable assistance which we received from the members of our Diplomatic and Consular services in the prosecution of our inquiry. All of which we humbly beg leave to submit for Your Majesty’s gracious consideration. (Signed) B. SAMUELSON. H. E. ROSCOE. PHILIP MAGNUS. JOHN SLAGG. SWIRE SMITH. WM. WOODALL. GILBERT It. REnenAvn, Secretary, April 4, 1884. fir 541 APPENDIX 1. Its-roar on SCHOOLS for TEACHING Domns'rrc TRADES in Scorn GERMANY and the AUSTRIAN Pnovmcus. ‘To the Chairman cmd Members of the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction. GENTLIEMEN, IN compliance with your request, we have travelled through some of the chief manufacturing districts of the Black Forest, and paid a visit to the Exhibition of Bavarian school work at Nuremberg, in order to inquire into the industries carried on by the peasantry in their own homes, and to study the schools and other means afforded by the Government for the further~ ance and encouragement of domestic trades. Subsequently we examined a few of the Fachschulen, established by the Austrian Government for the instruction of the peasantry in various industries. On our first journey, acting on the advice of the Oberbiirgermeister of Baden-Baden, Herr Gonner, who is the President of the Local School Council, we went first to Carlsruhe, the capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden, in which the chief portion of the Forest is situated. Here we had the advantage of meeting Herr Hofrath Wagner, who is the superinten- dent of the technical schools of the country. He explained to us the arrangement by which some of these schools are under the Minister of the Interior and Trade, and some under the Minister of Education and Justice. He advised us to see the Minister of the Interior, Herr v. Stosser, who is greatly interested in the promotion of technical education. In the absence of Herr v. Stosser, we saw his private secretary, Herr Schenkel, and we had also the advantage of meeting the Chief Factory Inspector, Herr Worishofi'er. From these gentlemen we obtained a brief account of the different industries of the Forest, and a statement of what has been done by the Government for their development. The factory inspector informed us that the home industries of the country were every- where on the decline ; the various manufactures having nearly all reached the stage at which they pass from the hands of individual workmen into the control of the proprietors of small factories, employing machinery driven by water or steam power. The owners of such factories, owing to the greater subdivision of the work, can produce more cheaply than the peasant engaged in his own home. The conflict with the factory is at present a severe one, and the artizan working at home can earn only the barest livelihood, being everywhere paid less than the workman in the factory. He considered that the duty of the Government consisted in placing new and good designs before the workpeople, in keeping them constantly acquainted with what was being done by their competitors in other countries, and in assisting in the maintenance of local schools and exhibi- tions. He thought that State aid was very dangerously employed in granting subventions to, or in directly assisting home industries. The principal domestic industries of the forest are —- I. Clockmaking, chiefly carried on in the districts of rTriberg, Vill ingen, and Neustadt. II. Straw-plaiting.-—Triberg, Villingen, and Waldkirch. III. Wood-carving.-—Furtwangen, Bernau, and St. Blasien. IV. Tobacco, cigar, and cigarette making.--Durlach, Bruchsal, Heidelberg, 850. V. Cardboard box making carried on in Lahr. VI. Silk weaving (ribbons).— Saeckingen, VII. VIII. Schonau. Wool and studs—Above districts, and also Schopfheim. Pottery.-Villingen, Hornberg, &c. ' Schools for teaching watchmaking exist at Furtwangen; for wood carving at Furtwangen and Hornberg ; and for straw-plait work at Furt- wangen and at a large number of villages in the country districts. Permanent local exhibitions, some of them branches of the Trade Hall of Carlsruhe, exist in several of the smaller towns, as at Triberg and Furt- Wallshut, and Visit to the Black Forest. Austrian schools. Proceed to Carlsruhe. Interview with Herren Schenkel and Worishofi’er. Conflict between factory and home industry. The duty of the Government in relation to home industrles. Industries of the Black Forest. Schools in the Black Forest. Exhibitions. 5 42 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Glockmaking school at Furl it angen. wangen, and an Art and Trade Exhibition of’ the industries of the Black Forest was held this year at Vohrenbach. We visited the clockmaking school at Furtwangen, and in the absence of the teacher we were received by Herr Koch, the principal of the wood- carving school held in the same building at the Gewerbe Halls. This school was founded with a Government grant in 1850. By means of2 lotteries and further grants, the Gewerbe Halle was’erected and opened in 1874, and the school was transferred to the new building, and was re-con~ stituted and formally opened in June 1877. The Government grant for this purpose was 650Z. The school is managed by a local council chosen from the surrounding districts, and consisting of eight persons. The annual budget is 3601., of which sum the province of Freiburg contributes 25L, and Villingen 501. The school is held in two small rooms, very ill- suitcd for the purpose, and a new building is in course of erection by the local Gewerbe Verein (trade society) at a cost of from 1,2501. to 1,500Z. There are at present 18 pupils. Most of them are admitted free, and many are supported by exhibitions which are given by the neighbouring towns, Clockmalting. Visit to a factory. Export of clocks. Cottages. and may amount to 20L per annum. The school fee is 11. per annum. The ‘ students must have been previously engaged for at least two years in practical clockmaking before they can be admitted. The course lasts one year. In the morning they have theoretical studies, ‘consisting of geometry, arithmetic, algebra, physics, mechanics, technology of watch and clock making, geo- metrical drawing, projection, technical drawing, book-keeping, and com- mercial arithmetic, together with 30 hours practical work per week in the shops in the afternoon. The lathes and tools seemed excellent of their kind, but the accommodation was very cramped. By far the most important manufacture of the Black Forest is that of small carved clocks, many of them with musical accompaniments, known as cuckoo-clocks. In Triberg, and a group of small towns and villages surrounding it, known as the clock country, 13,500 people, the population of upwards of 90 parishes, are engaged in clockmaking. We went to Schonach, a village in the hills above Triberg, where almost every cottage is the home of a clockmaker. The houses are large and sub- stantially built. They are generally a considerable distance apart, and are surrounded with meadow-land and pastures. In addition to the home workers there are three or four small factories in which the wheels and other parts of clocks (Uhrenbestandtheile) are made. In one of these, visited by us, there were about five or six workmen employed, and an apprentice. The power was derived from a small overshot wheel. There was a wire-cutting and straightening machine for preparing the pinions, a lathe for shculdering and tapering the pinions, some fine drills, a tooth- cutting machine, and a shaping machine for the wheel teeth, a small press for driving on the bosses, &c. The machinery was ingenious, and well adapted for its purpose. The rough castings, made in the village, were excellent. We were told that the men working piece-work in the factories could earn from two to three marks* per diem, though a very small proportion of the workmen earn the latter sum. In a second factory we visited subsequently, the movements made here were being fitted together and made into clocks. Carpenters were making the rough framework to contain the wheels, and others were preparing the varnished outer cases. The clock passed from hand to hand, one man adding the winding barrel, another the train of wheels, a third the escapement, and another placing the works into the case. The clocks were being packed up for sale in another part of the works. They seemed all pretty much of one pattern, and of a very common description. The proprietor informed us that he produced clocks of exactly the same kind as those that were made in the cottages. They went mainly to various parts of Europe. None now go to England or to America. The Americans not only supply themselves with cheap clocks, but they have driven out the Black Forest. maker from the English markets. The people employed at clockmaklng live, we were told, very poorly, mainly on potatoes, though we saw soup and meat in some of the cottages. The cottages are very large ; some of them * Marks = shillings nearly. ‘ APPENDIX. 543 s, contain as many as 12 families. Many people have only. one or two rooms and abit of land, probably about 20 e1 ches, for ‘Wh‘lCh theypay from r 10 to 14 marks rent per month. An 0 d gentleman, mowing in a very wet meadow, was pointed out to us as the Biirgermeister of Schonach. 'We went into several of the cottages and saw the people at their work. The women were polishing the clock cases and the men were making the wheel-work. We were told here that an industrious worker at home could earn as much as a good workman in a factory. The water power is everywhere most ingeniously utilised, and the water itself, is, as in many parts of England, employed for irrigation on the steep hill- sides. Schonach is the seat of a considerable industry in straw plaiting. Nearly all the women we met were plaiting. _The straw used is rye- straw, grown in the place. It is sorted according to its thickness into some eight qualities. Whole straw is used for all except the finest work. For this latter, split straw is used. There are several large dealers in pl ait who supply the peasant women with straw and purchase the finished plait. These dealers have pattern cards wlth as many as 250 varieties of plait. The plait is sewn together by the dealers into hats and bonnets, and made into baskets. We visited the manufactory of Messrs Kienzler and Sauter, and there Works otMessrs. we saw some .30 dilierent kinds of baskets, made in the neighbourhood. Here women were engaged in sewing the plait into hats with sewing machines (by Wilcox and Gibbs). The hats are subsequently shaped in presses. We were shown in the warehouse a large variety of plain and dyed straw hats. The baskets are made on blocks, in the cottages of the peasants. The block is given out with a sufficient quantity of plait, and a, price is fixed for making each basket. The selling price ranges from 40 pfennings* to 2 marks 80 pfennings. Some of the baskets were nicely lined, and mounted with leather. In making the basket the upright straws, or warp, are nailed to the block, and the weft is then wound or woven in and out in one length from end to end. This is essentially a cottage industry, and could not well be done by machinery, as the shapes are constantly varying. The firm employ 300 hands, working in the surrounding villages. Straw plaiting is taught to all the children in the village schoolt by the mistress, who is an expert plaiter. They can often plait at three years old. The pay for the work is very small. A skilful workwoman onl earns about four marks per week. 5 In various p aces in the Black Forest plaiting is taught in special schools; thus, at Furtwangen, there is a school held all the year round_ These schools have been established by the Govelnment to promote the introduction of this industry into districts where it appeared likely to succeed. The ages of the children under instruction range from 4 to 14. The instruction is given for three hours in the morning and for three hours in the afternoon. Some children attend the Volksschule in the morning and learn plaiting in the afternoon; others come to the straw- "plait school in the morning, and attend the ordinaly school in the afternoon. here are about 60 pupils. The name of the teacher is Fraulein Hippach. Most of the village straw-plait schools are winter schools only. Herr Definer, an extensive dealer in straw plait, promised to prepare for us a complete set of samples of all the varieties of plait. His brother is a dyer, who produces the tints of fancy straw work. We were informed that only the plainer kinds of plaiting are done in the Forest. The fancy plaits, trimmings, &c. come from Switzerland and Italy. The women have a measuring board on which to ascertain the length of the piece. This board is about 30 inches long, and the plait has to go 20 times round it to make up a “ piece,” the payment for which varies from 15 to 70 pfennings for labour only. The length of the piece is said to be 32 metres. In the Gewerbe Halle of Furtwangen is an interesting collec- tion of straw work done in the local school. The instruction seems to be all in the direction of simple straight plaits, though in elaborate patterns; and straw flower work, trimmings, and straw mosaic work does not * 100 ptennings F 1 mark = 1_shilling._ _ _ _ t Special State aid is given to instruction in straw~pla1t1ng in ceitain village schools. Water pow er. Straw plaiting. Klc‘IlZlEI‘ and Sauter. Straw baskets. Straw~plait schools. Herr Dofi‘ner's samples. Straw'mosaic wor '. t’lr 5494: ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION : Straw-hat factories at Schramberir. Panama hats. 'Willow hats. Wood carving. Factory of Messrs. Lehnis. Wood carving sc 0 . School for carving at Furtwang'en. Trade school. appear to be taught. In the Gewerbe Halls of Triberg we saw, however, some goodrstraw mosaic work, somewhat like Tunbridge ware. This was shown by E. Kern, who is the only straw dealer in Triberg. At Schramberg, on the eastern border of the Forest, in Wurtemberg, round which there is also a great deal of straw plaiting, are two large straw-hat manufactories, one of which, that of Messrs. J. P. Haas 81; Co., we visited. This factory employs 120 hands in the manufacture of straw hats and baskets, and covers a large extent of ground. In a court-yard we found a vast number of palm leaves, brought from Cuba, spread out to bleach in the sun. Many finished hats were also laid out for this purpose. The leaves are split up into thin strips, and used for making a special kind of woven hat made in one piece, by which means the use of “the needle is avoided. The making of these hats is evidently an important branch of the trade. Herr Haas, the principal, informed us that little trade was done with England, except in Panama hats, made here from imported grass. The English Straw plait is so much better than theirs, that they cannot compete. The Swiss and local straw, being inferior in colour, is mostly used for dyed hats. The firm import largely “ Canton plait” from China. which is both better and cheaper than that made in the district. They also make a great many willow hats (mainly for infants and children). These are made from split shavings of willow, woven together into large square pieces by the peasants of Bohemia (this being a home industry). The material appeared to be in pieces about a yard square. 1n Herr Haass Show rooms we saw an immense collection of hats, both trimmed and untrimmed. The firm keep a large stock of unshaped hats, the shape being given at the last stage of the manufacture, and, as this depends mainly on fashion, the hats are not blocked until Messrs. Haas learn the wishes of the foreign merchants. Another important industry of the Black Forest is wood carving, and this, strange as it may seem, is now passing into the hands of the owners of the factories, or large workshops, where from 20 to 30 men are employed. The wooden clock cases are most of them finished with a carved oak or walnut front, and coarse carving of this kind is manufactured in Hornberg and the neighbourhood. We visited the factory of the Brothers Lehnis. Here the fronts of clocks were being carved wholesale, chiefly in walnut or in lime-tree wood. Much of the carving was very second rate. Messrs. Lehnis employ 341 workmen. The pattern was pounced through on to a board of the requisite size. The outline was then sawn out by means of a band-saw, and the relief, 850. form was given by the workman. The machinery was driven by water power. There is a school for teaching wood carving in the village ; the school meets on two evenings and on Sundays. There are eight hours of practical work and two hours of drawing and modelling. There are at present 10 students (apprentices). This school is affiliated to the Art-Traide-School of Carlsruhe. The most important wood carving school in the duchy is, however, at Furtwangen. This school is held on the upper floor of the Gewerbe-Halle. The teachers are Herr Koch and Herr Eberhard, by whom we were received and conducted through the rooms. There are at present about 30 pupils. They learn drawing, modelling, and wood carving. The lads who enter the school have no previous practical knowledge of the work, and are often mere peasant lads. There is no entrance examination. A regular pre- scribed course of work has to be pursued. They draw and model the different copies in clay, as well as carve them in wood. All the students learn drawing, and are competent to make thorough working drawings of anything they may have to carve. The work they execute belongs to them on paying for the wood. All the tools are supplied by the school. The local authorities find the premises, and the State pays the teachers and provides models and examples, as also the plant. The students all attend the classes of the Trade School* for technical and literary instruc- tion, and one day in each week they are sent to the joiners’ school to learn plain cabinet work and the construction of furniture. The students were * There are-14 trade schools in the Duchyr of Baden. I I APPENDIX. 545 . most of them standing at their work. . Some very excellent carving was being executed. The teacher of modelling and drawing, Herr Eberhard, had a private studio, and showed us a large collection of working drawings and details for various works executed from his designs, as album covers, clock cases, key-boards, frames, &c. in wood, and also objects in brass, iron, pottery, and enamels. The fact that the teachers are practically engaged in 'supplying designs for the local industries seems to have an im ortant bearing upon the work of the school. _ large amount of wood carving is required annually in connection with Carving for the wooden-faced clocks made in the Forest, and, in addition to the work clock cases‘ done in the small factories we have described, much carving is done by the workpeople in their own homes. Though we were informed that the manufacture of tobacco is carried on Tobacco extensively as a home industry in the north-western districts of the Forest, manufacture- we did not think that we were warranted in paying any attention to this industry, as the growth of tobacco’ is prohibited in the United Kingdom. Coarse tobacco is largely grown in Southern Germany, and doubtless the preparation of cigars and cigarettes from home-grown tobacco affords employment, at a very low rate of payment, to a number of young people and children. We visited Lahr, a small town north of Freiburg, to inquire into the Cardboard box-l flourishing home industry which has been established there for nearly making at Lahr- 100 years, namely, the production of small cardboard boxes for chemists, confectioners, &c. This trade is in the hands of some seven or eight manufacturers. We visited the works of Herr O. F. Dreyspring, one of the Factory of ' largest in Lahr. He employs about 80 hands in the factory, mostly girls Hen’ Dreysprmg' about 18 or 20 years of age. There are punching machines for making the tops and bottoms of the boxes, and cutting knives for preparing the narrow strips to form the sides of the boxes. Pill boxes and tooth-powder boxes seem to form the staple trade; but fancy silk and velvet covered boxes for bonbons, valued at as much as 88. each, are also made here. The home production is mostly of the cheapest and simplest kinds of boxes ; the better qualities are made in the works. The Work is evidently mainly piecework; the girls work together in threes. The boxes are made of coarse cardboard and covered with various fancy papers. For some customers the boxes are labelled ready for use, and this used to be done for English houses, but it is said to be now prohibited by the Gustoms.* The pocket cases for court-plaister are also made in large numbers, solely for export to England. Only small boxes are made here, as it would not pay them to produce the large bulky boxes for haberdashers. There is a special department in the works at which the materials are prepared for giving out to the workers employed in their own homes. We were told that the children can begin work in the cottages at a very early age. This trade is confined to Lahr itself, scarcely anything being done in the surrounding villages. As the work requires great skill and manual Trade not dexterity, it is said not to be of a kind suitable for persons engaged in g‘fi‘ffit‘l’gakiy farming operations during a portion of their time. We were informed labourers. that, notwithstanding attempts to transplant the industry to other districts, it has never been successful elsewhere. There are about 2,000 persons Wholly or partially employed in box-making, the number of factory hands amounting in busy times to between 700 and 800. Workers in factories earn more than persons employed at hom e. All the machinists were men ; most of the box makers were females. The weavers of the Black Forest are found chiefly in the villages in the Weaving 1'11 the extreme south. They devote themselves principally to the production of Black Forest‘ silk-figured ribbons and cotton stuffs. The industry is not in any way aided by schools or Government subventions, and did not appear to us sufficiently important to require special examination. The only product of the district we have still to mention is that of Pottery making. pottery, which is produced in small quantities in certain districts where the works might almost rank as home industries. The Government Art School at Carlsruhe has done much to provide better models for the * This canonly be true if‘the names were used to deceive purchasers us to the contents of the boxes being made by British firms. They were probably ordered by German houses, with English names, and contained German goods. ‘Z; Ri1726. M M w 546 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Potter works potters, and we were recommended by the ofiicials at Oarlsruhe to visit of H63; Glam. the works of Herr Grlatz at Vilhngen. These works are on a very small Scale; the lower floor of Herr Glatz’s house containing the throwers and pressers, and serving for the preparation of* the clay, while the oven, the painting shop, modelling shop, and warehouse 'are contained in a small shed adjoining. The ware is a species of majolica, with outlined patterns in . sgraffito, filled in with variously coloured slips and finished with a rich lead glaze. The decorative work is done on the dried clay previous to biscuiting. After being fired once with coloured slips, the ware is painted over with, or dipped in, a reddish glaze, producing when fired an agreeable fiuxing of the tints. Many of the objects were designed by the students of the Art School at Carlsruhe. The Minister of Trade, we were told, takes much interest in this factory, and has sent specimens and models for imitation. These works were started in 1876, and employ only seven or eight hands. At Hornberg* we saw a small cottage factory, where some excellent stoneware was being produced. Exhibitions We visited the permanent exhibitions at Furtwangen and Triberg. These are contained in buildings erected by the local trade societies, which are affiliated to the trade society’? of Carlsruhe. The exhibition at Furtwangen, in addition to an excellent display of local manufactures, contains an historical collection of musical and other clocks, and many objects collected by the Government to serve as models or examples for local industries. There is also a good reading-room, with most of the principal trade and technical journals, and a library. At Viihrenbach the district exhibition of Black Forest industries is held in the rifle club buildings just outside the town. It is assisted by the Government, who have sent down a case of specimens from the Gewerbe Museum at Carlsruhe. The local trade society has promoted the exhibition, and has fitted up a suite of three rooms with furniture made in the district, which will serve as the chief prizes in a small lottery connected with the exhibition. The exhibition is nicely arranged, and contains an interesting set of specimens of all the different industries practised in the district. The collections of wood carving were very good. The clocks were better in design than those shown at Triberg and elsewhere, and showed the influence of the Garlsruhe school. This exhibition seemed in every respect an excellent example of what may be done by a small manufacturing com- munity, remote from railways and large towns. It must be 15 miles to the nearest railway station, and 410 miles to any town of importance. Nunnmnnne ExHIBITION. Bavarian schools After seeing the industries of the Black Forest in the country itself, we at the Nm'sm- went to Nuremberg, and spent several days in carefully examining the berg exhlbmon' Bavarian Exhibition of Art and Industry, more especially those portions of it bearing upon our inquiry. In this exhibition the work done in the various trade and industrial schools has received special attention, and an annexe or pavilion has been erected for a collective display of the school work of the country. Not only has the great Technical High School of Munich most carefully illus- trated all branches of its teaching, both in the form of results of school work and in the appliances for teaching, but it sends also copious samples of its teaching apparatus, collections of _ artistic and scientific specimens, testing-machinery, &c. The remote village industrial schools, as, for instance, that for wood carving at Berchtesgaden, and the pottery school at Landshut, have also sent specimens of the works they have executed, together with printed or written statements of their progress, &c. School work Confining our attention to those schools destined to assist small local at Nuremberg industries, we may class them under the following heads :-- - . 1. Weaving schools.—-Lambrecht, Passau, Miinchberg, &c. 2. Wood-carving schools.-Garmisch, Spessart, Berchtesgaden, Bischoffsheim. 3. Basket-making schools.—-Schaidt and Winzer. 4.‘. Pottery school at Landshut. 5. Violin-making school at Mittenwald. " We visited here the important potteries of Messrs. * * * * , who employ 800 hands. 1' The German Gewerbe Vermin is an association, both of employers and gfigloyed, tomaintain the interests of the trade in the town or district, and to encourage t and intellectual progress. APPENDIX. 54:7 MWQQwi/ng SchooZs.--The dis lay of fabrics, pattern books, and teaching Weaving schools. apparatus, from the various avarian weaving schools,_contained no essen- tial points of difi’erence from the 'obJects shown us in similar and more im- portant schools in other parts of the Continent. The woven fabrics from the school at Bambrecht (all said to have been produced in the school) were ve numerous, and included some specimens of c ets, coatings, andcwco len fabrics. The specimens from Passau and iinchberg, the latter' school founded in 1863, included more cotton and linen fabrics. The class books showed that the teaching at all these schools is theoretical as well as practical. We were informed that weaving is a home industry in many parts of Bavaria, and these schools are doubtless intended to train up skilled workers and designers, and to improve the general character of the trade. Wood Gel/roving SohooZs.--The dis lay of work in this section is ex- ceedingly good. One of the best so ools appears to be that of Garmisch near Partenkirchen. The course would seem to extend over three years. There were some good drawings and models in plaster by pupils, in addition to the practical work. A large number of students’ drawing books were shown, as also a collection of photographs of carved work done in the school. Among the objects exhibited was a handsome cradle, valued at 201., and some well designed small full-length figures, carved in oak (probably for church decoration). A notice attached to the display stated that the school authorities were prepared to undertake work for the trade. The work was evidently thoroughly practical. Some good enriched mouldings were shown, which were undoubtedly intended for the cabinet- maker. The school at Bischofi’sheim made a good show. This school was founded at Poppenhausen in 1854:, and transferred to Bischofi‘sheim in 1861. The aim of the school is declared to be as follows :—~-“ The introduction of wood “ carving as a house industry into a number of dwellings in the Ronethal, “ and the reward of meritorious work.” The average number of scholars in each year during the past ten years has been 10. The school receives 85L a year from the “Kreisfonds.” Some spirited carvings of animals were shown, and the display was contained in an elaborate carved wood frame. . Good collections of local work are shown from the carving schools of Berchtesgaden in the Salzkammergut, which has 106 pupils, and from the Spessart school of Lohr-a-Maine. From the latter the bulk of the work is of a very rude description, consisting mainly of all kinds of wooden utensils, shovels, spoons, &c. We could only find the work of two basket-making schools ; one of them, at Schaidt, in the Rhinepfalz, contributes a large collection of baskets of all kinds, both in plain and dyed wood; also willow furniture, as chairs, cradles, &c. Some of the baskets were novel in point of design. Many of them were leather-mounted and some were lined. There was also a good collection of osier rods of several varieties, cultivated for the use of the school. Peter Vogel, travelling instructor (W anderlehrer), states that “ he is willing to supply grafts of Salix Viminalis, Salix “ Schwurbitziana, or Salix Amygdalina ”; the last, he says, “ is the best “ for_the basket maker.” Similar exhibits are sent by the school at Winzer, near Osterhofen, in Bavaria; very complicated basket work, furniture, woven work in wood strips, as mats, &c.; willow wood frames, and caps made of the tinder fungus (Schwamm). The school for violin-making at Mittenwald is on a very humble scale. There are at present 12 pupils. The total number of pupils since the foundation of the school in 1858, has been 95. The school course extends over three years. Alarge collection of partly finished violins was shown; also templates, or paper patterns, for cutting out the different parts of the instrument. The Government grant is said to be 280 marks (14L) and the school is nearly self-su porting. The pottery school at andshut sends some rude green-glazed pottery, little superior to that of the peasant potters and stove makers. A stove ex- hibited_ by the school bears a label~ describing it as the work of eigh pupils. The length of time they have each been at the school is stated, Weaving is carried on as a home industry l ‘ Wood carving schools. At Garmisch. Carving school at Bischofisheim. School at Berchtesgade n Basket making. Violin-making. Pottery-school. MM2 5&8 ROYAL COMMISSION on TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION: Visit to Thuringia. Doll making at Neustadt. Cottage industries. The people on d in ma _ing toys of papier macho. Sonneberg the metropolis of the toy country. Warehouse of Messrs. Dressel. The school now converted into a Real Schule. Fortbildungs Schule. Local museum. and varies from 1%; to 2 years, the ages of the pupils being given ‘at from 15 to 17. The shapes of some of the vessels showed signs of improved models, though there seemed to be very little attempt made to introduce decoration or artistic modelling of ornament. We had no opportunity of personally examining the work actually being done in these schools, as in the case of the schools in the Black Forest, but to judge from the specimens exhibited there must be great similarity in the modes of teaching and in the general character of the instruction. THURINGIA. Before our return to England we spent a couple of days in the district of Thuringia, which contains more varied industries than the Black Forest, and where we found much to interest us. Round Lichtenfels to the extreme south of Thuringia a considerable amount of straw plaiting is carried on by the villagers. We did not, however, stop in this country, but aimed first for Sonneberg, the seat of the toy manufacture, for which this part of the Forest is famous. On our way to Sonneberg we passed through N eustadt, and had the opportunity of seeing in the warehouse of Herr Dehler a collection of the chief varieties of toys and dolls made in this village and in the surrounding neighbourhood. The manufacture of dolls is here almost entirely a home industry, or one carried on in small work- shops attached to the cottages, in which several men arrange to work together for the sake of the greater rapidity of work, obtained by division of labour. Herr Dehler took us to see a cottage workshop, where a man and his wife were engaged in dressing and arranging dolls’ hair. This is their sole occupation. The hair is made of long English wool, suitably dyed and prepared, and it was being arranged in the most artistic fashion with flowers, in a great many difi'erent styles, on a number of almost life- sized dolls. The workers inhabited two rooms on the upper floor of a cottage, for which we were told they would probably pay 3s. 6d. per week as rent. They might, if industrious, earn as much as 20 marks per week between them.* The cottage would contain four families. Most of the people in the neighbourhood make papier maché toys, squeaking animals, confectioners’ bon-bon boxes, in the form of animals, birds, &c., and small mechanical dolls of a very cheap description. Herr Dehler is himself a doll maker, and employs a large number of people who work at home, but fetch all their materials from his factory. He stated that there were no schools for toy making, nor in fact any education bearing specially on the industry. In driving to Sonneberg we passed numerous small china factories, where toy-animals, miniature dolls’ services, and tea sets, &0. are produced. Sonneberg, the principal town in the toy country, is in a very flourishing condition, and is being rapidly extended; more than 25 per cent. of the houses have been built during the last few years. Here the toy makers seem in many cases to have become manufacturers, and to employ numerous hands in large shops. The making of dolls of all kinds seems the chief trade here, though in the warehouse of Messrs. C. and O. Dressel we were shown a vast collection of other toys of every description, all produced in the surrounding country. Here again were no special schools for training young people as doll or toy makers. The school intended to serve for this purpose had been diverted from its original object, and has been made into a Real Schule capable of granting certificates to serve one year only in the army, instead of three. The only school in Sonneberg in which we could learn that any specialized instruction is given to the workpeo le is the Gewerbliche Fortbildungs Schule, in which the lads are taught awing, modelling, and carving. We visited this school, and found that the master was giving private lessons to two lads in wood- carving, and to a class of seven or eight in modelling in clay and wax. The Fortbildung class is held daily from 6 to 8 in the morning. The work we saw being done was remarkably good, and the master told us that the boys are very fond of modelling, and possess a considerable amount of innate skill. The Duke of Saxe Meiningen took great interest in the town in former times, and presented the authorities with a collection of plaster casts from the antique. He also caused a room in the Rathhaus to be * About 8s. 6d. each per week, deducting the rent. . APPENDIX. 54.19 decorated after his own designs. We went to see the collection and found it in great disorder. It has been partially dispersed, and the hall was being used at the time of our visit by the wife of the burgomaster as an ironing-room !-—the dresses and linen hanging all round the room. We were informed that the trade is in an extremely flourishing condition, and that the chief manufacturers can scarcely comply with the demand. Toys are made by the peasants in all the neighbouring villages, and many of the workpeople make only some one part of some particular kind of doll, the complete toy being put together by a toy maker in the town. We visited a number of the workers in their own homes, and were much pleased with the clean and comfortable state of the houses. At Hiittensteinach, a village a few miles north of Sonneberg, we found the chief home industries to be the making and covering of slate pencils, and the painting and polishing of china and glass marbles. At Lauscha, and the villages beyond it as far as Neuhaus, the popula- tion is extensively engaged in glass-blowing. There is a large gasworks, from which the mains extend to a distance of four miles. The gas appears only to be used for the glass workers’ blow-pipes and not for illuminating purposes. The people we saw were engaged in making pearl and coloured beads, glass buttons, ornaments for Christmas trees, glass eyes for dolls and stuffed animals, &c. Glass-blowing is here essentially a home in- dustry, but we could not learn of any schools connected with this work, or of any special means of instruction provided for the young people. The village of Lauscha is very singular in appearance, the houses being crowded together along a narrow line of steep hilly streets. The trade was said to have been introduced into the district by two Bohemian workmen, named Miiller and Eichhorn, nearly 200 years ago, and these seem still to be among the commonest of the names of the villagers. If the neighbourhood through which we passed is fairly representative of the forest country of Thuringia, it is impossible to overrate the impor- tance, in a material point of view, of these home industries. The cottages were pretty and well kept ; most of the windows contained flowers, beauti- fully grown in pots, and many of the houses had gardens attached to them. The people were well dressed, and had the air of being well fed and contented. They are evidently a most industrious race, and their success may depend as much upon their natural disposition and tempera~ ment, as on the fact that they have been trained for generations in these various occupations. Still, whatever may be the cause of their success in home industries, we think it is impossible to doubt that the influence for good of such work is of vast importance. We found populous and thriving villages, filled with busy workers, in districts remote from railways, and Where carriage and transport must be matters of extreme difficulty, and in parts of the country, moreover, where agricultural work would in many cases be wholly insufficient to provide support for more than a small pro- portion of the present population. It is in such cases as these that the provision of suitable employment for the masses of the people is so im- portant, and the question of the mode in which such industries are intro- duced, and the way in which they are fostered, is surely one which deserves the most careful attention of the economist. AUSTRIAN ScHooLs. On the occasion of our journey to the South Austrian Provinces, we had first to proceed to Villach, in Oarinthia, in order to meet Dr. Exner, one of the Government inspectors of schools, who had promised to give us all the necessary information respecting them, and to furnish us with intro~ ductions to the various school directors. The school at Villach has been established for about four years, and is mainly for instruction in joiners’ work and wood carving. The schools under the Austrian Government may be divided into two categories, namely, 1st, those in which a sound theoretical instruction is imparted, with a certain number of hours daily, in the workshop, for practical work. Of these schools there are as yet comparatively few; and 2nd, those where the greater part of the time is spent in the shops; and the theoretical work consists mainly of drawing. In schools of the latter kind arrange- ments are sometimes made for a certain amount of theoretical or literary Trade is very prosperous. Huttensteinach. Lauscha. Glass-blowing a, home industry. Trade was introduced by Bohemians. People were well off. Value of home industry. Visit to the South Austrian Provinces. Interview with. Dr. Exner at Villach. 550 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 1 Visit to the school at Villuch. Carving‘ class. Joiners’ Shop. Course of in- struction. School intended to found an industry. Schools at Cortnia d’Am- pezzo. School for wood Inluying. Intarsia work. Course of in- struction. teaching in the evening and on Sunday, generally by the master of one of the primary schools. The school of Villach belongs to the latter category. At the time of our first visit, a number of boys, most of them fresh from the primary school, were being taught drawing, almost entirel from copies (chiefly outlines of ornament). Two or three lads, who intended to become carpenters, were making details of wood construction; a more advanced pupil was preparing a full-size drawing of a lady’s work-table, from the design of the drawing master, Herr Kastner, which he was about to make in the shop. In an adjoining room 7 or 8 older boys were carving. These, we were informed, were students, who had passed through the school, and were employed as journeymen, at daily wages, to execute work, for which orders had been obtained by the school. Two younger boys were engaged in elementary work. The carving class is under the tuition of the head master, who was absent on account of illness at the time of our visit. The staff of masters consists of the Director, Herr K. Schellhorn, a drawing and modelling master, Herr Kastner, and a foreman instructor of joiners’ work. On the ground-floor was a large joiners’ shop, in which, at a second visit, we found several boys employed ; some furniture of a rather ambitious character being in course of construction. The masters, who had but recently been appointed, concurred in describing the boys as dull and difficult to teach. Some of the carving was excellent, and the collection of‘ finished work shown to us was of very good quality, and superior to the work of similar schools we had seen on former occasions. The school has 31 pupils. The full course lasts four years for carvers, and three years for joiners. The instruction is quite gratuitous. All boys who have gone through the primary school are eligible for admission. The master of the drawing school told us, however, that several of the lads who had recently come to the school had to be dismissed, owing to their gross ignorance. The drawing master, who accompanied us through the school (and who had just received his congé), took a gloomy view of its work and prospects. He said the school had not been established long enough for its influence on the district to have become manifest. On being asked whether wood carving was at present practised to any extent in the town or in the surrounding district, he replied that it was not, but that during the summer months there were many visitors to the baths and a considerable quantity of carved work was imported from Salzburg and the Tyrol, and sold in Villach, and it was hoped that by the foundation of the school a native industry might be implanted. We next visited the school of wood inlaying and intarsia work at Cortina d’Ampezzo, in the Tyrol. This beautifully situated mountain village is in the heart of the Dolomite country ; it has two schools, the one for wood industry and the other for silver filigree-work. In the former school are 41 pupils, who were all engaged in the shops at the time of our visit. The drawing master informed us that he gives 8 hours instruction weekly at each school. There is a show-room containing the works of the boys, which meet with a ready sale to summer visitors. They consist of frames, boxes, ornaments, and trinkets, with inlayed designs in different woods. Also a special kind of metal intarsia work, like pique work, thin bands of brass being driven into grooves prepared in hard wood to receive them, and the ornamental figures thus produced being Subsequently rubbed to a smooth surface and polished. The value of goods sold is about 420Z. yearly. Much of the work was highly artistic, and the school was engaged in the execution of some special orders for a lady of rank. The hours of instruction are from '7 to 11 and from 1 to 6 in summer, and from8 ,,11 ,, ,, 1 ,, 4 ,, winter. The course lasts four years. N 0 boys can be received before the age of 14 years, and until the completion of their course in elementary schools. At the expiry of 4 years expert pupils can be retained as journeymen for a year longer, receiving daily pay, in accordance with their Skill, the amount ranging from 40 kr. to 1'20 fl. per diem. The average earnings of a good mechanic appears to be about 1'20 fl. per diem in the village. Although the pupils were found to be engaged in different kinds of work, all follow the same course of instruction. In the inlaying shop, table tops » APPENDIX. 5 51 - and parts of furniture were being constructed. A certain grp'portion of those engaged here were journeyman; the numbers being 1 ults, and 23 boys learning the trade. The pupils draw 2 hours daily, and spend 6 hours daily in the shops. The school building is provided by the commune, and has been almost School buildings. doubled in size since the school was founded. It consists of a large workshop and class room on the upper floor with a show room and the ofiice of the director. On the ground floor are two more large shops, a goredfor wood and materials, and closets, &c. The director is Signor ue ma. We then visited the filigree school, which is held in the same building Filigree School as the primary school, occupying two rooms on the up or floor. The at 0mm" work includes the entire process of manufacture,--the rawing of the wire, twisting it, cutting out the small copper moulds for the leaves and flowers, and the execution of the metal work itself, The workers are of both sexes. The school has been established for eight years, and on enquiring what became of the pupils who had been educated here, we were informed that only seven had finished their education. The master, Signor G. Ghedina, assured us that it needed from eight to ten years to become an expert workman. There is only one other filigree-worker in Gortina. The master was almost the s61e possessor of the traditional art, and he had founded the school as a private adventure, and carried it on as such for several years, until it was taken over by the Government. The master could not point to anyone who had set up in business as a worker on leaving the school. Asked if he could supply a teacher able to instruct a class in a school elsewhere, he replied that he could do so. Part of the process, namely, the soldering of the twisted wires by means of the blow pipe involved the use of a material which he informed us was his own trade secret, but which he taught to his pupils. This work requires great delicacy of handling, and much artistic taste ; the objects made in Gortina were said to differ from those made in Northern Italy, chiefly in the excellence of the manner in which the soldering was executed. The master informed us that since the school had been taken over, few School taken changes and little that was novel in the matter of examples and appliances ‘3335;; mi} had been introduced. This school was an interesting example of the way T me ' in which the Government of Austria is willing to assist and develope local effort in the matter of workshop instruction. The school was evidently but a very trifling grade above what might be found elsewhere, as the workshop of a private individual. The master of the school was clearly School on a working with a keen view to profit, and to the sale of the work done by the 0011111161‘0181 basis‘ pupils, who come and work long hours (10 hours daily) for at least three years in order to learn the business. It may be interesting to indicate the stages of Process of manu- manufacture as we saw them in progress. A girl was engaged in drawing facture- silver-wire on a rude hand-wheel, through graduated perforations in a metal plate ; this wire is subsequently doubled and twisted in lengths of about 10 feet by a multiplying wheel. The wire employed is very fine, and when twisted double is smaller in diameter than a fine lace needle. In making the trinket the forms of the separate leaves or petals are out out in thin sheet copper and the wire is then neatly coiled round the outline, and round and round until the whole shape is filled in; by means of gentle pressure the wire leaves, what may be termed, the mould, and it is then gently heated and coated with some flux; The solder, which is in a finely powdered state, is next a plied, and is melted by means of the blow pipe. All t e ap liances in the workshop, from the drawing frame to the lowpipe lamp seemed to be of the most antiquated construction. The leaves are bound together with wire and in some cases again soldered. Some of the work is gilt, but the bulk of the jewelry was in plain silver filigree. The school contained 21 pupils, 13 adults and 8 a prentices; eight of the workers were females. The only other master besides the director is the drawing master 552 ROYAL COMMISSION ON TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Z School for wood working at Riva. Course of in- struction. New depart- ments to be added. Results of school teaching of trades. Wood inlaying. Work done in former school at Tione. O of the other school who gives instruction here also in drawing, in which all the pupils participate. Of the 28 students who have been educated in the school, 21 were still there at the date of our visit. / We next visited the school for wood working and inlaying at Riva, which is located on the ground floor and in the basement of the communal school. This school has only been established here for some five or six months, having been removed hither from Tione in October last. The opening of this school took place on the 2nd November, and most of the masters and some five or six pupils were transferred from the former school. This institution is of a far more pretentious character than any of those previously described, as it aims at giving a good general education, concurrently with the industrial training. The lads spend all the morning in the class rooms and only take up industrial work in the afternoon. The complete course will extend over three years, but there is a preparatory class for new comers, and at the time of our visit nearly all the lads were in this class. Instruction is given in Italian and German, History, Geography, Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping. The boys all learn drawing and most of them modelling. The trades taught are carpenters’ and joiners’ work, turning, carving, and wood-inlaying. It is intended almost immediately to fit up shops for metal working, and for masons’ work, as some excellent freestone exists in the neighbourhood, and a company has been formed to work it. This company has provided two lads with bursaries to enable them to study at the school and to acquire the requisite knowledge of masons’ work; trusting that they may be of use to them when they leave the school. The master, Signor G. Tamanini, who was formerly an engineer, and founded the school at Tione, on his own initiative, spoke strongly against the system of the creation of simple work- shops, without the necessary provision of theoretical instruction. He informed us that he was well acquainted with the results of both classes of schools, and that nothing that was really good andlasting could be accom- plished by institutions of the above kind. He aimed at making his pupils thoroughly conversant with the nature and properties of the material with which they had to deal. They should learn all that could be said of the growth or formation, construction, and strength, and the history and various uses of the materials with which they had to work. They should be able to draw or model accurately whatever they have to make, in any position, and they should be well acquainted with the most recent mecha- nical appliances for dealing with, or preparing, the materials for their trade. He said that only some 7 or 8 of the 100 Fachschulen under the Austrian Government gave a thorough and systematic training, such as that at which he aimed. In this school every piece of wood carving executed by a pupil is first drawn and then modelled by him in clay. Some of the pupils remain in the school for five years. He has at present two assistant masters and three workmasters. Some of the work brought from the school at Tione seemed very good, but the work in course of execution here was all of the most elementary kind, as the students had only entered at the end of last year. There is a special room set apart for wood-inlaying, in charge of a master who was trained at Tione. There are at present only two pupils in this department. A large stock of native woods, giving 130 distinct shades, has been collected, and, except for special tints, some 20 or 30 in number, they will be able to employ the produce of the surrounding neighbourhood. As examples of the work done at Tione, the director showed us several drawings of large and complicated pieces of furniture, which had been pro- duced by the students from his designs, and executed by them under his directions. In a school so recently established, we could not ask for traces of its influence in Riva, but Signor Tamanini assured us that at Tione they had trained cabinet makers who had obtained excellent positions in Vienna, and even in America. He stated that the object of the school was to provide a high class education for the workmen of that province, and to serve as a nursery for the training of men who might eventually aid in the promotion of new industries, notably in connection with the excellent building stone, for which every facility of carriage existed, but which was now neglected. It was also hoped that skilled workers in olive wood might APPENDIX. U! 53 be trained who would do for Riva, what had already been accomplished in Arco. Our next visit was to the workshop school at Arco, which has frequently been referred to, as an instance in which a new and successful industry has been created entirely by the foundation of a Fachschule. We found ample confirmation of this fact on visiting the manufactory of Signor O. Emert, the former master of the school, who now employs 30 workpeople and possesses a flourishing trade in objects‘ made in olive wood. It had been pointed out to the authorities that, while at Bergamo, and other places in Italy, this wood is manufactured into numerous useful articles, in the Southern Tyro], where it abounds, it was considered almost worthless, and was consumed in large quantities for fuel. A small school was started some six or seven years ago with workshops for wood turning and wood inlaying; competent teachers were obtained, and a good stock of the objects produced from olive wood in other countries was collected. The manufacture was a very simple matter; certain of the lads soon became expert workers; orders for work done in the school flowed in apace, and the master found himself unable to produce fast enough. He, therefore, took the best of the boys trained in the school, got a few skilled men from other places, and commenced a small manufactory. He is now employing about 18 men in the works and nearly as many more in their own homes, and sending the olive wood of Arco all over the world—largely to America and even to Italy, which he has deprived to a great extent of the trade. He told us that a firm in Boston had given him an order for 1500 blocks of wood having on them the word “ Jerusalem,” doubtless in order to sell them as relics from the Holy Land. The work he was doing seemed excellent, the designs being many of them most artistic, and the trade is evidently a thriving one. The school consists of two large well-lighted shops on the upper floor, one for turners’work and the other for wood inlaid work—the rooms on the ground floor serving simply for storage. It was only removed to this building a few months ago. There seemed to be but a very small stock of finished work on hand, and there are only 18 pupils, 9 in each division. The pupils can earn wages for work done, and some begin after a few months to earn 2d. or 301. daily. In the fourth year their earnings may amount to 10d. per diem. This school is practically one which has done its work, the olive wood industry, which it was established to promote, has become a flourishing trade, giving employment to all the skilled workers that can be found, and the business of the school, considered in the light of an agent for the introduction of a new manufacture, has vanished. It must be remembered that in founding schools in various districts the aims of the authorities are not always the same. Thus in the case of the weaving schools and the pottery schools in Bohemia the intention was, by the introduction of improved machinery and the provisions of better models and designs, to give new vigour and impetus to handicrafts which had existed in the country for many genera- tions. This has been the consideration which has influenced the Govern- ment in the large majority of the schools of this character. Many of the schools began simply as drawing and modelling schools, in which the future workmen could obtain a superior artistic training such as could not be gained in the ordinary workshop. Subsequently workshops for practical manual work were added to them, and in course of time the original “ gritwing and modelling school” has developed into a so-called “ Fach- so u e. The school at Innsbruck, which was the next town visited, is one which has passed through these phases. It is a Government Gewerbeschule, intended principally for the training of architectural workers of various grades, and of engineers, but workshops for joiners and carvers have been added to it. The school is conducted in a handsome modern building, specially erected for the purpose by the municipality, and has only been opened a few months. The director, Herr Deininger, explained the nature of the instruction, and the character and aims of the institution. In the different sections, four in number, there are, in all, nearly 200 students. The class-rooms for free-hand drawing, geometrical and mechanical drawing and modelling are well adapted for the purpose. All the students Visit to the school at Arco. Factory at Arco. School buildings and object of the school. Visit to school at Innsbruck. 554 ROYAL COMMISSION oN TECHNICAL INsrRUCrIoN: Architectural instruction. Oflicial programme fully carried out. School at Salzburg. Building Trades school. Joiners’ and Carvers’ shop. Peasantry are skilful carvers. Pottery school. Department for Art Repro~ ductions. Divisions of this section. Number of students. Inspection and sale of work. receive theoretical instruction in addition to the work in the shops. There is a small physical cabinet and a rudimentary school museum. The director explained that a feature of the instruction was that visits were made by the entire architectural class to ancient buildings, which were carefully measured by them, and that subsequently a complete series of drawings were prepared to scale. Some of these sets of drawings were seen. The master of the modelling school, Herr H. Fuss, had designed an excellent set of examples, 12 in number, suitable for modellers in wax, who are preparing themselves for metal work—and a similar graduated series of copies has been designed by the master of the carving shop. The work done in the carving shop was excellent, and the joiners’ shop was well supplied with tools and all the necessary appliances. As this is a school in which the ofiicial programme, drawn up _by the Minister, is carried out most fully, we annex a copy of the time table. The course extends over three years, except in the applied art section, in which the course is one of four years. The last of the schools which came under our notice was that of Salzburg, formerly a drawing and modelling school, but transformed since 1876 into a Government Gewerbe school, with workshops attached. In many respects this school resembles that at Innsbruck, though the premises are vastly inferior. It is carried on in a salt warehouse, which has been fitted up with internal partitions for its reception. In the absence of the director, Herr C. Sitte, we were received by the architectural master, Herr Berger, who gave us a brief account of the institution, and conducted us through the class-rooms. The building trades division is chiefly a winter school, as during the summer months the students are engaged in practical work. In fact, with the exception of a class for land surveying, which is held during the first month of the summer session, this depart- ment of the school was empty. In the first and second years’ course a small number of pupils were engaged in mechanical drawing, and the joiners’ shop contained about a dozen youths who were working at the bench. The master of the carving shop, Herr Kiebacher, who is also the instructor in modelling, showed us thelwork being done in his department, and a large number of photographs of articles made from his designs by the students. The peasantry in this neighbourhood are, many of them, skilful carvers, and the trade flourishes traditionally as a home industry. The fabrication of pottery which was formerly carried on in Salzburg has become a lost art, and it is intended shortly to establish a class for practical potters’ work in the hopes of re-establishing the manufacture. For this pur- pose a room has been fitted up with a wheel and lathe, and two kilns have been erected. As yet, however, owing to a contemplated change of masters, little of a practical nature has been accomplished. The department for reproductive processes of all kinds, in connection with this school, is one of much interest and importance. The aim of this division is to teach all the various known processes for the reproduction of works of art, or for preparing illustrations and copies. For this purpose ateliers have been fitted up and supplied with all the necessary appliances for (1) photography, including the retouching of positive and negative proofs, (2) photolitho- graphy, (3) photozincography, (4!) heliography, (5) galvanoplastics, with the allied processes, (6) photo-engraving “ Ltchtd/rack.” Lectures are given on the theory of these processes, and practical work is carried on under experienced teachers in the laboratories. Students who have made themselves thoroughly etficient can have situations found for them by the school authorities. Special arrangements are made for auditors, or those taking part in a portion only of the teaching. We found among the students a gentleman practically engaged as a lithographic printer in America, who had come over to familiarize himself with the most recent German methods of working, and another student was an Anglo-Indian. The total number of students in all the divisions amounted to 29-1. in the winter half year and 163 in the Summer session. There are 12 regular teachers and 8 occasional teachers. 23 students are in receipt of bursaries from the State and the town. , The intention of the Government in the establishment of these various schools has been already explained. In order to. secure their efiicienc'y, , ' Arrnnnrx. 555 “ periodical visits are paid to them by a staff of inspectors, five in number, who present re orts to the Minister respecting the state of the schools, the, uality of the instruction, and the changes which appear advisable. Fart ermore, to provide for the sale of the school work a de fit or show-room has been opened in Vienna, and there is also a tee ological trade museum under the direction of Prof. Exner, in which examples are gathered of all the best work done in the schools, together with collections of tools and plant, raw products, and models for instruction. A techno- logical school j ourn a1 is published monthly, under the supervision of the central authority, and a library is in course of formation. With regard to the training of teachers for special trade teaching, we found that the almost invariable custom was to select, in the first instance, a mere artisan of skill and ability, to give the needful practical instruction. From among the best of the pupils taught by him it becomes possible in many cases to procure competent young men to give similar instruction in other’ schools of the same character, and thus a nucleus of a few schools can soon be made a nursery for a large staff of masters or instructors. The boys taught are certain to turn their attention to that pursuit which holds out the best inducement in the shape of pay, and by offering them better pay as teachers than they could hope to earn in the workshop, a large proportion of those trained in the school could be secured as instructors. The system of school workshops inaugurated by the Austrian Govern- ment is probably the most complete in Europe, and the results, so far, appear to be most encouraging. Of course, in a country where trade and manufactures already exist under flourishing circumstances, State aided instruction, of the nature we have described, is far less needed than in those countries where the occupations of the population are mainly agri- cultural, or where industry is in a backward or declining condition. For districts resembling certain of the Austrian provinces ;—for instance, some of our English colonies, and even for parts of Ireland—it seems to us that much may be learnt from what has been accomplished in Austria. (Signed) ‘PHILIP Macros. WM. WOODALL. GILBERT R. Rnnenxvs, May 1883. Secretary. Training of teachers for trades. Austrian system of trade in- struction is very complete. 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"as 8&2 QB E m *1 O 2 Q U m 2 d’ ‘(B (12 Natural history - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Nat“ ' _ ral histor laws of colour — l -— -- History of style .- - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 History of style( - -) 1 1 1 1 Building construction - - 2 2 2 2 —— --- -— -—- History of art — - 1 l 1 l IFllllements of anatomy (1) - —- —— —— —-~ 2 2 2 2 Encyclopeedia of technical arts 1 l l (5) l istory of art _ - - 1 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 Technical drawing - - 6 8 12 6 Trade book-keeping - - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Freehand drawing - _ 9 (4.) 4 9 4 Theory of proJection (2) - 3 3 3 3 —— 3 3 1 Decorative painting - - - l2 -- -—- Applied drawing (3) - - 12 12 -- —— 10 12 12 6 Wax modelling - - 4 — 4 — Freehand drawing - - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Modelling - - 10 4 6 4 Modelling - - - 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 Elements of anatomy - 2 2 -— 2 Workshops - — — —- — —— —~ —— 24 Workshops ~ - ~ -— -- -- 33 Total number of hours — Total number of h ours weekly _ 34 34 34 34 34 a4 34 50 weekly _ a4 34 34 52 REMARKS. (1) Optional only for” wood carvers in this division. (2) Optional only as respects the lectures for carpenters and turners in this divi- sion. (3) For builders, ar- tistic drawing, and drawing of styles. C‘) For this division, only the chapter relating to wood working. (5) Drawing from the cast. 01!‘ THE ROYIIEL COMMISSIONERS’: ON 1 TECHNICAL’ INSTRUCTION! Vol. I. Brzlmtch tn butt mum of fiarliamcut 1m Mmmm of In‘ “stain. -~_.-____.__._.--_..__._ __.H ~~~-_-- _—._,.__H_..~_H.._- .,_._H_....._~._-I~_.I_--.__.~_ “a { Y J‘ I§_ ,4 ‘Pu. .. I’ I L O N D O N : PRINTED BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from any of the followi' Agents, viz., Messrs. Hmssnv and Son, 13, Great Queen Street,.W.C., and 32, Abingdon Stre Westminster ; Messrs. Erma and Sro'r'riswoomi, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, and ‘ Sale Oflice, House of Lords; , Messrs. ADAM and CHARLES BLACK, of Edinburgh ; . , ~Messrs. Arrxasnrn THO)! and Co., or Messrs. HOUGES, Flame, and 00., of Dubll 188i. is l Ti?“ Enli- llllllll W and am W mm W @mgfiflu )ékG v. . 1 .7 L . MR". é‘ldfiuguwa. 1w. i... s . \ . 7., ‘ v \-’A T-t! A (w n. ‘ k . ‘ ‘ .. . Y. . . fmgifiéd i 7 < , M , . Y . . .wmuflofix. n\\1 v i ‘- .h p. b"; . ' ' (43%;. J3‘ a», i :91. 1 ~34»! 5151'?’ 1 it?” '3'” 4 "M 7‘ ,I d . ~ are '* s ‘i &- ,: i .. a m b 74‘. s‘. .‘ ‘ma-"g, '~ "is