THOMAS GARDNER AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS CS G23 19077 - ARTES LIBRARY 1187 SCIENTIA VERITAS A OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN БИШ TUEBOR SI QUERIS PENINSULAM·AMŒNAM) CIRCUMSPICE لذيال التالية > 1 CS 71 .G25 107 UNIL 3 OF ICH DR. FRANK A. GARDNER. . THOMAS GARDNER Planter (Cape Ann, 1623-1626; Salem, 1626-1674) AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS Giving Essex County, Massachusetts, and Northern New England Lines to the Eighth Generation and Nantucket Lines through the Fourth Generation COMPILED AND Arranged By し​た ​FRANK A. GARDNER, M. D. (Ninth Generation) MEMBER OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE; VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE OLD PLANTERS SOCIETY; PRESIDENT of Old SALEM CHAPTER, S. A. R., ETC. ESSEX INSTITUTE SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 1907 ..... 002 304 239 337 Ex lib. 9-87 PREFACE. The compiler of this genealogy of the Gardner Family had been searching records and collecting notes for many years, when he was invited to contribute a series of articles for the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. The first installment appeared in the January number of 1901 and they continued through 1904. Essex County is the especial field of the Institute and therefore the notes upon descendants residing in that dis- trict will be found to be particularly full and complete. The very numerous and prominent Nantucket descendants have been named only through the fourth generation, as the author expects later to issue a larger and more com- plete genealogy. The especial features of this book are the reproduction verbatim of all important documents connected with the early generations, the full war records of the men who served in any of the American conflicts and the citing of the authorities for nearly all important dates and state- ments. The author desires to express his sincere thanks to the many descendants who have assisted him in collecting data for this work. Especial mention should be made of the following members of the family who have spent much valuable time in gathering facts about individuals in their iv PREFACE. own lines :-Ex-Representative Arthur H. Gardner, Nan- tucket; Charles L. Andrews, Esq., Augusta, Maine; Miss Sarah R. Gardner, Northport, Maine; Mrs. Harriet N. Pope, Newtonville, Mass.; Miss Lucie Marion Gardner, A. B., Salem, Mass., Secretary of the Old Planters Society; and Henry R. Gardner, Department of Province Laws, Massachusetts State House, Boston. A genealogy of the entire family is in preparation and a large amount of material is already in the hands of the author. This is being added to constantly by correspond- ents. Any further additions or corrections will be grate- fully received and all questions about the family which descendants may desire to ask will receive careful atten- tion. 23 North Street, Salem, Massachusetts. THE AUTHOR. THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. BY FRANK A. GARDNER, M.D. INTRODUCTION. GENERAL NOTES ON THE GARDNERS AND GARDINERS OF NEW ENGLAND. THIS name, spelled in various ways, is frequently met with in the records of Massachusetts and the neighboring states.* In order therefore to avoid confusion, and to define the scope of the succeeding papers, the writer has deemed it advisable to preface the series with a few notes upon the family in general. The hope is also entertained that these notes may be of service to genealogical stu- dents, as the writer has endeavored in each case, to point out reliable sources of information. He does not, however, assume the degree of responsibil- ity for their truth which he does in regard to the succeed- ing notes concerning his own family, to the collection and preparation of which he has devoted years of study. 1620- Richard "Gardenar" of the Mayflower, was the first man of the name to come to New England. He was unmarried. The following probate entry, quoted in the Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, v. ш, p. 148, probably refers to him: "Richard Gardner, Bachelor, of Ozmonton. Died abroad. Alice Androwes, of Weymouth, spinster, ap-. pointed administratrix, 27 May, 1626." * Volume VI, Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, contains the records of two hundred and sixty-four men of this name. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 6 (1) 2 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTer, Overseer at Cape As the following 1624-Thomas Gardner, Planter. Ann 1624. Removed to Salem 1626. series of articles relate exclusively to this man and his descendants, no further reference is made to him under this head. * 1630-Sir Christopher Gardiner, said to have been. knighted at Jerusalem, came to Boston in this year. He was arrested upon the charge of bigamy. The authorities opened his letters, and one was found to be from Sir Fer- nando Gorges, who "claims a great part of the bay of Massachusetts." He was sent back to England, "as one vnmeete to inhabit here" (March, 1630-31). 1631 Henry Gardner, of Kittery, Maine. Granted land there 3-9-1631. See Baxter MSS., Maine Histori- cal Society, Series 2, v. IV, pp. 312 to 320. 1635- Edmund Gardner or Gardiner of Ipswich. The earliest mention of him in the Ipswich Town Records, is in the year 1635, when land, granted to Mr. John Coggs- well, is described as having "a lott of Edmund Gardiner's on the South-west." He had several lots of land granted to him in Ipswich, and held a number of minor offices of trust. Savage thinks that he may have been the Edward who came in the James from London in 1635, aged 25. 1635-Lion Gardiner, a young civil engineer, joined the army of William of Orange, and went to Holland. Later he became a member of the Company organized by Lords Brook, and Say and Seal, and came to Boston in 1635. He went to Saybrook, Conn., in the following year and remained there until 1639, when an Indian Sachem, Yovawan, conveyed to him the island afterwards known as Gardiner's Island.† This was the first English settlement in New York. The property descended by the law of primogeniture for nearly two hundred years, and is now owned by the twelfth pro- prietor, having been in the family two hundred and sixty- one years. The descendants of this man are numerous. * Massachusetts Bay Records, v. 1, p. 83. Maine Historical Society, v. x, p. 104. (ibid.) v. II, p. 57. "History of New England," by John Winthrop, edited by Sav- age, 2d edition, v. I, p. 65. Young's "Chronicles," p. 333-5. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, v. XXIII, pp. 159-190; and "Lion Gardiner and his Descendants," by Curtiss C. Gardiner. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 3 ૭ 1638 Thomas Gardner, of Roxbury, died in this year, leaving a son Thomas. This has been appropri- ately called the "Brookline Gardner Family," as its mem- bers have been prominent in that town since the early days of the Colony. Among the descendants of this man, who have become well known, are a granddaughter of the first Thomas, who married John Adams, and was mother of the second president of the United States; Rev. Andrew Gardner of Lancaster, Mass.; Col. Thomas Gardner who was killed at Bunker Hill; and Isaac Gard- ner who was killed at the Battle of Lexington. 1638-George Gardner was admitted an inhabitant of Aquidneck (R. I.) in the eighth month 1638. Admitted freeman at Newport in the following year. He had many children.* Gardiner, Maine, was settled by his descend- ants. Dr. Sylvester Gardiner and Robert Hallowell Gardiner were distinguished members of this family. 1642—Richard Gardner, of Woburn. He was in that town in the year mentioned, and was made freeman May 26, 1652. Among his descendants, we find Henry Gardner the first State Treasurer of Massachusetts, and Governor Henry Joseph Gardner of the same state. † 1650-John Gardner of Hingham. He is said to have. come there in 1650. He has had many descendants, and the family has been prominent in that town for two and a half centuries. ‡ 1661-James Gardner came to Gloucester in 1661. In his will dated January 1683, he mentions his wife Mary, and his eldest son, Joseph. Joseph afterwards owned and occupied the homestead on Eastern Point. § THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 1 Thomas Gardner the common ancestor of the Salem-Nantucket family, came to America in 1624. A deposition on file in the Essex County Court Papers, v. VII, p. 3, shows that he was born about 1592, but his *Narragansett Historical Register, V. II, p. 306-9, and Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, p. 81. ↑ Sewall's History of Woburn, p. 614, and Tuttle Genealogy, p. 310. History of Hingham, v. II, Genealogical, pp. 242-263. Babson's History of Gloucester, p. 95. 4 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, birthplace and early home are unknown to us. Farmer states that he came from Scotland, but he gives no author- ity for the statement, and nothing has since been found to confirm it. The belief held by many that his ancestral home was in Dorsetshire or one of the adjoining counties of England, is much more reasonable, as he sailed from Weymouth, received an appointment from the Dorchester Company to an office of honor and responsibility, and came hither with men who were largely from Dorsetshire or the neighboring county of Somerset.* He may have been related to the Reverend John White the famous Puritan divine, and " Patriarch of Dorchester," one of the prime movers in the Cape Ann enterprise. Elizabeth White, sister of Rev. John, married for her first husband a man by the name of Thomas Gardner.† John White of St. John Oxford, father of the above, in his will dated "xxxth. day of September, 1616," mentions his daughter Elizabeth Gardner, and appoints his son-in- law Thomas Gardner one of the overseers of his will. Mary, another daughter of John White of St. John Oxford, married about 1590, John Terry, rector of Stock- ton in Wiltshire.† John Terry's will was proved "5 July 1625." Mary Terry of Dorchester, widow, in her will dated the 6th of October, 1637 (II Lee, 1638), mentions sister Elizabeth Gardner, Anne, wife of John White, etc.‡ After the death of Thomas Gardner his widow married Allen, and the Rev. John White of Dorchester in his will dated March 29, 1648, leaves twenty shillings to his sister Elizabeth Allen.§ This Thomas Gardner may have been the man of that name of Cherill, Wiltshire, whose will we quote: "The last will and testament of Thomas Gardner in the year of our Lord God 1629, wch is this I doe give unto my wief awl I doe make my sonne Thomas my whole ex- ecutor I have in John Grangers hand forty nyne shillings * John Balch is said to have come from the vicinity of Bridgewater, Somer- set; Capt. William Trask is supposed to have come from the same county'; Roger Conant came from Budleigh, in Devonshire; and John Woodbury was married 21 June, 1596, at Burlescombe in Devonshire, on the border of Somersetshire. Notes on the families of Terry, White and Woodbury, p. 10. Notes on the families of Terry, White and Woodbury, p. 251. Rev. C. H. Pope's MSS. MSS. notes of Rev. C. H. Pope. (Copied by him from the original.) AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 5 10 wch is due already and I have in William Wattons hand forty six shillings, wch he is to pay at Michaelmas next: And I have alsoe in William Pars hand seaventeene shil- lings and six pence wch is not to be payd untill Michael- mas next. In witness whereof I sett my hand this twenty sixth of December. Witness William Watton, William Granger." Thomas Gardner. Probated Jan. 3, 1631. Dean of Sarum, Lib. 12, No. 40, 1631. Rev. C. H. Pope calls attention to the fact that Cherill (modern Cherhill) is only twenty-five miles from Stock- ton where the Terrys lived. Mrs. Frances B. Troup, the genealogist of Honiton, England, in a letter to the writer, notes that several rel- atives of Rev. John White came to New England, among them, his nephew Stephen Terry who arrived at Dorches- ter, Mass., 1629-30; his nephew by marriage Rev. Will- iam Walton, minister at Marblehead; and another neph- ew, James White, who went to Barbadoes and is said to have lived for a time in Boston. Several other Gardner wills have been found in Dorset- shire, and at Somerset House, London. Reference has been made to the above English Gard- ners in order that genealogists may have the benefit of researches already made, and with the hope that further facts may be brought to light. During the years immediately following the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, several merchants in the south of England, sent fishing vessels to the shores of New Eng- land, but owing to the length of time required by these slow-going craft, they returned to the markets of Eng- land and Spain too late in the season to dispose of their catch. Accordingly a number of men in Dorchester, England, comprising the Dorchester Company, conceived the idea of establishing a plantation at Cape Ann. They thought that the fishermen might winter there, make their catch early in the spring, and return to England in season to dispose of the fish to advantage. In 1624, the Cape Ann Planters, as they have ever THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, since been called, landed at Stage Point on the west side of what we now know as Gloucester harbor. The selec- tion of the site for the plantation proved to be an unfortu- nate one, as the rocky and unfertile soil made successful farming impossible. The fisheries also proved a failure, and many of the fishermen turned to agriculture for relief. The leaders of the company in England, hearing that Roger Conant was at Nantasket, and thinking that he might be more successful, invited him to go to Cape Ann and assume entire control. Conant went there in 1625, and soon learned that the lack of success had been due to the poor soil, and that no settlement at this place could be made profitable.* In 1626 the Dorchester Company granted permission for the removal of the little colony from Cape Ann to the mouth of the Naumkeag river, and while many returned to England, a few stout hearts ventured to try the new location, and became the founders of Salem. They staid, as Conant says, "to the hazard of their lives," and it is a matter of shame and deepest regret that many an his- torical writer of old Massachusetts has failed to give them due credit for laying the foundation of this grand old Commonwealth. However the "first Governor" contest may be finally settled, there can be no doubt of the fact that Thomas Gardner, as Overseer of the Plantation at Cape Ann, was the first man in authority on the soil of what became the Massachusetts Bay Colony. At a meeting of the London Company, held July 28, 1629, Mr. Webb mentioned "one Mr. Gardner, an able & expert man in divers faccultyes," and he with others was recommended for employment in the colony.† In the Town Records, dated 11-11-1635, we find re- corded a grant of land to Townsend Bishop, signed by John Endicott, Roger Conant, Thomas Gardner, Jeffry Massey, and Edmund Batter. his name in the same Thomas Gardner also signed month to the grant of a three hundred acre farm to * Hubbard states, "that Mr. Conant . disliked the place, as much as the adventurers disliked the business." History of New England, p. 107. † Massachusetts Bay Records, v. I, p. 49. Felt's Annals of Salem, 2d Edition, v. I, p. 125. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 7 Thomas Scruggs, and in the following month to a grant of the same size to John Blackleech. * His signature as one of the town's representatives is appended to the rec- ords in the 11th mo., 1636.* Thomad Gardner St On the 20th of the first month, 1637, he was appointed with Thomas Olney to "survey all the ffencs betwixt the meeting house, all westward of the Towne.”* 1636 he was made a member of the First Church.† In Massachusetts Bay Colony admitted him as a freeman, 17th of the 3ª mo. 1637, and he was appointed a deputy to the General Court on the 26th of the 7th mo. in the same year.‡ In 1637 he was appointed one of the twelve men of the town.* He served as juror in this and the preceding year. § The town voted that every working man should devote the 7th day of the 1st month, 1638, to labor in repairing the highways, and Thomas Gardner was appointed one of the three overseers to see that the work was properly done. In a list of families compiled by Roger Conant about this time, Thomas Gardner is credited with a family of seven, and George and Thomas (Jr.) are given separately one each.* "The 18th day of the 12th m°, Paid by Thomas Gardner to John Pickering, six pownds. ""* He was called "Cunstable" in the town records in the 3d month of 1639, and various sums were recorded as being paid by him for court expenses. In this year he also served the town as surveyor for "mending of the high wayes," and was one of the raters. * The town appointed him with Goodman Spooner in 1640 to look after the fences in the "field where Mr. Gardner is."* This is the lot described later as being on the upper part of what is now Essex Street. In 1640 he owned a bull and was given "XXs.” for * Town Records. First Church Records, Mass. Bay Records, v. I, p. 204. County Court Records. 8 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, its use in the herd that season. Mr. Thos. Gardner and others, were appointed 9th of the 8th mo. 1643, to receive corn for John Moore; peck" from euery familie . . . & such as are better able to bestow more according as God shall inable them.”* He was chosen a member of the Grand Jury in 1643, and was one of the " seven men" from 1642 to 1646, and in 1650, 1655 and 1656. The town appointed him to lay out land for "Old George Wright" in 1642, ce Mr. ffrancis Johnson" in 1643, and Michaell Shaflin" in 1644.* Ce 30th of the 7th moneth 1644. Ordered that Thomas Gardner shall sett vp a ffence from the end of the bridge called Mr. Reades bridge downe to the fence at the mill, if no man ells can lay clayme to it.' ୧୯ * 7th of the 2d moneth 1645. Agreed that Mr. Hathorne, Mr. Gardner & Jaffry Massy, shall agree with a Cowkeep or a heardsman to keepe the Cattle this yeare.” * In the County Court Records (v. 1, p. 193), under date of 18, 12, 1645, we find the following entry: "Mr. Thomas Gardner is to be exempted from training when his Sixth Sonn comes in, & then the Court will confider upon what tearms." He served on the "Jury of tryalls," in 1646, 1657 and 1658. In 1649 he was ordered with two others to lay out a way through Mr. Reades land.* At Mr. Gardner's request" those that now doe or here- after shall liue at those ten acre lots ends or syde that they may haue the Comon land granted to them that lyes at the ffoote of mr. Reads Hill to lye as Comon for theire Joynt vse, this request is graunted." ("27th 20 mº 1654.")* Ce 16:11mo 1655. Mr. Tho: Gardner: apoynted to Ou' see the mendinge of the high way by his owne house & so to the brook." * "1 1m 1655–56. The Complaynt against Maio' Haw- thorne & francis Lawes in buildinge & taking in of towne comon: vpon the hearing of it, Jeffery Mascy & mr Gard- ner apoynted to view & make returne to the next towne meetinge." * He was appointed 13: 1: 1655-56, with others "to Lay out highwayes thro: mr Jn° Endecots farme & others *Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 9 farmes there abouts as may be most conuenient for the towne & the Inhabitants thereaboutes: extendinge to the great Riuer." * Mr. Thomas Gardner and John Porter were ordered in 1657 (23d. of the 2d. mo.) to oversee the fences in the North field.* In 1657-8 he was appointed one of the surveyors of the lots "from Tho Gouldthaites to Michell Shafflins," and in 1659," for North Neck & glass house field.” * His name with that of Jacob Barney, Moses Maverick and others, appears on a petition dated 29th. of the 4th. mo. 1658.† We also find his signature attached to the inventory of the estate of Thomas Scudder,‡ in the same year, and in the year following he signed a statement regarding the estate of Lawrence Southwick. § He is spoken of as "Ould Mr. Gardner" in a document in the County Court Papers, v. v, p. 117, and on the same page we find that Thomas Gardner paid a party eleven shillings for keeping the sheep of his son-in-law, Joshua Conant (son of Roger) one summer. (20th, 4th. mo. 1660.) 9th mo. 1659, "Mr. Thomas Gardner administrator of Joshua Connant deceased do acknowledg a judgement of 10 pounds due to Mr. William Browne Merchant, out of the aforefad Joshua Connant."|| ** He was overseer of the will of Lawrence Southwick November, 1660,¶ and appraiser of the same estate, as well as that of William Cantlebury 25, 4mo. 1663, Henery Bullock 4th. of January 1664, †† and Ralph Tompkins 12, 9mo. 1666.‡‡ 25th. 9th. mo. 1662, "Mr. Thomas Gardner have lib- erty graunted him to sell at retaile what strong waters he hath in his hands."§§ In the following year he was given a license to sell "one barrell of strong waters retale."|||| At the close of the court 21, 5mo. 1674, 10 shillings "was alowed the servants of Mr. Gardner's house, for both feffions."¶¶ * Town Records. ** County Court Papers, book 9, leaf 23. + County Court Papers, book IV, leaf 62. †† County Court Papers, book x, leaf 7. (ibid.) leaf 64. (ibid.) book v, leaf 116. (ibid.)_book_V, County Court Records, 9mo. 1659. County Court Papers, book XII, leaf 34. §§ County Court Records, 25th. 9mo. 1662. County Court Records, 24th. 9mo. 1663. County Court Papers, book vi, leaf 53. ¶ County Court Records, 5 mo. 1674. 10 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, REAL ESTATE. In 1641 (and how much earlier we do not know) he lived on what is now Essex Street, Salem, on the north side, between the present Beckford and Flint Streets. This square was called in the Town Records in the second month of that year, "the field where Mr. Gardner is." He had granted to him by the town of Salem, the fol- lowing lots of land: I. 100 acres (20th of the 12th mo: 1636). This was the farm frequently spoken of as being "near- unto the land of Anthony Needham." The location is in West Peabody, on what is now Lowell Street, a short distance East of the Newburyport turnpike. This land was held by the descendants of Thomas Gardner for many generations (through Samuel,2* Abel,3+ Thomas, 4+ Thomas, § James and his brother John 6 ||). John ac- quired his brothers portion, and upon his death left a part of the property to John Gardner Walcott, the pres- ent owner. ** In addition to the above mentioned twelve acres, John Gardner held forty-two acres which he left to his wife, and to the children of Benjamin G. Proctor. The old farmhouse remained standing until October, 1854, when it was set on fire by a man who had formerly worked there. William Skerry occupied the house at the time, and the writer is indebted to his widow, Mrs. Lucy S. Skerry of Lynnfield, for the story of the burning.†† II. "Ther is granted vnto Mr Garner an adicion of land to his farme to make it vsefull not exceeding 20 acres." ("The 24th day of the 12th moneth, 1637.")‡‡ "" *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 3. + Essex Probate Record, book 302, leaf 175. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 76, leaf 230; 78, 220; book 82, leaf 115 and Essex Probate Record, book 324, leaf 15. § Essex Probate Record, book 359, leaf 546; and Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 267; book 109, leaf 107; book 107, leaf 188; book 114, leaf 215. Essex Probate Records, book 359, leaf 546. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaf 235. ** Essex Probate Record, book 401, leaf 305. tt From descriptions of the house, given to the writer by Mr. Walcott, Mrs. Skerry, Miss S. J. C. Needham and others, we know that it was a lean-to closely resembling the George Gardner farmhouse, an illustration of which will be found in the article devoted to him. Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 11 On the " 4th day of the 12th moneth 1638,"" Mr. Gard- ner, John Barber & Richard Bishoppe" resigned to the town, a ten acre lot "for other land."* III.—" Granted to Tho. gardner a banke of vpland nere the strongwatter brook to his marsh paying 5s q acre as goodman Lord hath it." (15th. of 3d. mo. 1639.)* From documents presented in the case of Gardner (Samuel) versus Pudney, regarding the ownership of the Gardner burying ground, we know that this lot was at what is now the junction of Grove and Main Streets in Peabody.† This lot was used by the Gardners for sev- eral generations as a place of interment, and is mentioned in the wills of a number of the descendants of Thomas. Each time it was left with the proviso that other members of the family be allowed to bury their dead there. An- thony Buxton testified in the year 1677, that the burial lot" was always called Mr. Gardiner's Hill for this thirty years." The hill was taken away when Grove Street was laid out, and such stones as were still standing, were taken up and placed in Harmony Grove cemetery, in the triangular lot just inside the Peabody gate. Among the stones transferred is one erected to the memory of Seeth Grafton, a daughter of the first Thomas Gardner. (See notes on Abel Gardner in a later article of this series.) IV." Granted to Mr. Thomas Gardner, and to Oba- diah Holmes, a cell of land lying within the Rayles nere the gate that leades to and from the old mill nere to the lotts of Mr. Gardiner & Obadiah Holmes, the land is nere about 3 quarters of an acre wch is to be devided betwen them equallie" (20 of 12 mo. 1642).* V." Granted to Mr Tho Gardner a ocell of land to set a house vpon neere the old mill on the ten acre lot sid," (8th of the 11th m° 1643).* He erected a structure upon this lot soon after it was granted to him, as the fol- lowing entry in the Town Records will show: "It is agreed that William Robinson shall haue a little spott of grownd about a q'ter of an acre that lyes before his howse * Town Records. † County Court Papers, book XXVI, leaf 85. County Court Papers, book XXVI, leaf 86. 12 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, wch is now in buildinge downe to the mill brooke, a little aboue the bridge that leads to the way to Mr. Gardners new buildinge (30th of the 7th moneth 1644). ""* * * * Thomas Gardner leased these premises on March 5th, 1672 to John Pudney, as the following extracts from the original document will show: "WITNESSETH, that the said Thomas Gardner, for divers good caufes and considerations him thereunto especially moving, Hath demised, granted, and to farme letten, and by these presents doth demise grant, and to farme lett, unto the said John Pudney, His now dwelling houſe ſituate within the Township of Salem aforesaid, together with all his lands lying in the North field of the said Towne, and Contayning by Estimation Twenty acres be it more or lefse, as also all his meadow belonging unto a farme of the said Thomas Gardner lying and being ſcituate in Salem aforesaid, neere unto the land of Anthony Needham, and contayneing by estimation Ten Acres be it more or lefse, Together with all Edifices, Orchards, gardens, feedings, pastures, profitts & Commod- ities to the said Dwelling, houſe, vpland & meadow before- mentioned *** ** unto the said John Pudney * for & during the terme of Seven yeares beginning the Fif- teenth day of April, next ensueing the date of theſe pref- ents, and from thenceforth fully to be Compleate & ended. Yeelding & paying therefore yearely, during the said Terme, unto ye said Thomas Gardner, his Executours or afsignes, the full fumme of Eleven pounds and alfo Two barrells of Cyder, the said Thomas Gardner finding Cafkes for the fame, the said Eleven pounds to be paid yearly in manner following, viz; Four pounds thereof to be paid & delivered in wood, at Eight shillings pr Cord. Fourty Shillings thereof in Butter & Cheese, of which there is to be one firkin of butter, another ffourty shillings to be payed in good porke, (All which payments are to be made yearly, at or before the first day of November, of the same yeare) and the Remainder of the faid Eleven pounds to be paid at price in Corne at price Current to the fhops, the said Corne to be paid & delivered at or before the first day of March, next following, of y° same yeare. *This was a lean-to house, like the other Gardner houses already mentioned. (Testimony of residents in the neighborhood.) AWA BRBOU SOUTH DANVERS (NOW PEABODY) SQUARE IN 1826. This reproduction of an old painting in the Town Hall, Peabody, shows the encampment of the Danvers Light Infantry, the Middle Precinct Church (second or third structure), and the Andover road (now Central street) leading across Gardner's bridge over Gardner's brook. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 13 * * -* * * In wittnifse whereof, the parties first above named, to thefe pnt Indentures interchangably have fett their hands & feales ye day & yeare above written.* Annog regin Regis Caroli Secundi C C iiij Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of Thomas Gardner Senr (seal) John Pudne (seal) Thomas Gardner Junr. Joseph Cooke." } In 1677, after the death of Thomas, his sons Samuel and Lieut. George, joint executors attached the goods of John Pudney for non-payment of rent, and the defendant rendered an account amounting to 19 pounds, as follows:† A true & just accompt of what I have paid towards ye Rent of ye house & land I hired of Mr. Thomas Gardner vzt; Impr. 14 cord of wood at 8 sh. pr cord, delivered at Mr. John Graftons, 05.12.00 .To 4-10 p. in pork, 04.10.00 To 4 in cheese and butter, 04.00.00 To 3 for carrying down a meale Through an Iron pott; 2 cratches & a pole to sett wood against, & 2 quart casks; from Goodm Goldthright. 00.05.00 To a Roasting pigg, 00.02.00 for a doze of pigeons, 00.01.00 for 2 pounds of Butter, 00.01.00 · for a peck of green pease & 1 pecke of Beans, 00.01.00 for 2 Bush of Turneps, 00.02.00 To butter & mony paid to Saml Gardner, 02.00.00 To him more 4 Bushels of Turneps, 00.04.00 To a Secune pigg to ye said Gardner, 00.12.00 To Building a Cow houſe per agreement 02.00.00 To 4 Barrels of Syder carried in to old Mr. Gardner accord- ing to agreement, 00.00.00 19.10.00 The jury finding for the defendant, the case was ap- pealed. This lot was on what is now Central Street in Peabody, lying upon the eastern side of that street, and *County Court Papers, book xxvII, leaf 59. † County Court Papers, book XXVII, leaf 57 to leaf 60. 14 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, extending from Gardner's bridge over Gardner's brook, (a short distance from what is now Peabody Square), along the old road (in later deeds called the road to An- dover), for quite a distance beyond the top of the hill. This was owned by Samuel Gardner in the second gener- ation, Samuel's son Abel in the third, Joseph and Jona- than,* sons of Abel in the fourth. They sold it to the Reverend Benjamin Prescott, April 19, 1748,† and after his death the executors of his estate sold it to Joseph Lee of Beverly, and Thomas Lee of Salem.‡ April 9, 1803, it was sold by Thomas Lee to Edward Southwick, Daniel King, and Levi Preston, a committee appointed by the town of Danvers to make the purchase.§ It was used by the town as a poor-house for a few years and was sold by the overseers of the poor to Joseph Poor, Jr., Sept. 4, 1809. After the death of Joseph Poor, his executors sold a portion of the lot to George Poor, the lot thus sold being on the northeast corner of Central and Elm Streets in what is now Peabody. This small portion of the orig- inal homestead lot changed hands many times during the next few years, and finally was purchased by George W. Pepper who lived there many years.** VI.-"Granted to mr. Gardner a small peece of medow Contayning about an acre lying vpon the north side of his farme adioyning to it" (31, 6mo. 1649).†† VII.-" Granted to old Mr Gardner. 20 akers of land in fom place neare the 7 mens bounds in confideration of a counteii hie way thorough his farme and alfo that fom meadows of Mr Gednyes faleth within his farme" (15 of 12mo. 1663).tt This is the twenty acres of land described in the inven- tory as "lying in the woods." The only recorded sale of real estate by Thomas is the following: "To Josiah Southwick of Salem, 2 acres of land lying in northfields bounded as follows: S. W. *Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaf 15. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 207. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 135, leaf 201. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 173, leaf 107. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 186, leaf 273. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 477, leaf 173; also book 478, leaf 267; book 478, leaf 112; and book 631, leaf 141. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 643, leaf 124. †† Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 15 adjoining the meadow late of Robert Buffum, N. E. adjoin- ing to the land in possession of Robert Pease, N. E. & S. W. bounded upon the land of Hen. Trask" (Dec. 6, 1671). * Thomas Gardner married twice. We know this from the fact that in his will he mentions his wife as the mother- in-law of his sons. The Margaret Gardner, who united with the First Church in 1639, is supposed to have been his wife. Various writers, including Rev. Joseph B. Felt, have stated that her maiden name was Fryer (or Friar), but the writer has thus far failed to find the au- thority for this statement. Rev. Charles Henry Pope, in his "Pioneers of Massa- chusetts" suggests that this Margaret who united with the Salem Church in 1639, may have been the wife of Edmund Gardner of Ipswich. § While Edmund's wife may have been named Margaret, || it seems improbable that she was the one above mentioned as uniting with the Salem church, for the following rea- sons: Edmund is mentioned in the Ipswich Town Rec- ords as early as 1635, and very frequently thereafter. The Ipswich church was organized in 1634, and the wife of a man so prominent in local affairs would, in all probability, have united with the "home church.” ** His second wife was Damaris Shattuck, a widow, who was admitted to the church in Salem in 1641.‡ She had several children by her first husband, one of whom, Sa- rah, married Richard Gardner son of Thomas. She, like most of her Shattuck relations, evidently favored the Friends, as she was called into court many times for being present at a Quaker meeting," and for absence from her own church.†† In the 9th mo. 1667, and the 4th mo. in the year following, "Old Mrs Gardner was fined 5 shil- ee *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 85. † Old name for step-mother. (See Encyclopædic Dictionary.) First Church Records. Pioneers of Massachusetts, p. 181. Ipswich Deeds (Essex Reg. Office), book 1, leaf 8. Shattuck Memorial, p. 361. ** See later article in this series. †† County Court Papers, book VI, leaves 60, 148 and 150. 16 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, lings for absence from public worship.* She had no children by Thomas Gardner. The date of her death is given in the Salem Town Records, as 28, 9, 1674. Thomas Gardner died the 29th 10th mo. 1674, † and was buried in the Gardner burying ground, a hillock de- scribed as lot III, in the section of this article relating to land grants. The following extract from a deposition made by Wil- liam Trask in 1677 is of interest in this connection: "I never heard that Old Mr. Gardiner did hinder any from burring there dead there butt said att severall funeralls to friends & neighbours doe not burrey your dead by fuch a young tree for I doe defire to be burried there my felfe & accordingly to my knowledge he was buried there him- selfe."+ Thus ended his long and useful life. The writer feels that no eulogy can add to the glory of one who through- out his lifetime was so greatly honored by his fellow pio- neers, and filled acceptably so many positions of trust and responsibility. Those were trying times, and Thomas Gardner well earned the high place which he has always held among the Old Planters. NOTE. Mention should be made of an error published many years ago, which has been copied several times, and has caused much confusion. The date of death of the first Thomas was given as 1635, and he was credited with only one son, Thomas, who was supposed to have been. father of George, Samuel, Richard, and the others of that generation. The writer has never found any documentary evidence to support the above view. WILL OF THOMAS GARDNER.§ Weighing the uncertainety of man's life I doe therefore in the time of my health, make this my laſt will as fol- loweth : First I leaue unto my wife Damaris, all that eſtate ſhee brought with her according to ower agreement: likewiſe *County Court Records. Town Records. County Court Papers, book XXVI, leaf 89. Essex Probate Records, book 301, leaves 62-63, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 17 I give unto her eight pounds, by the year during life, to be pd her by my fix fonns out of that eitate I shall leaue with them, which eight pounds I give on this condition, that ſhee ſhall give up to them her right to the third pt of my houſing and lands during her life. 2-I give to my daughter Sara Balch: fifteene pounds. 3-I give to my daughter Seeth Grafton fifteene pounds. 4- I give to my daughter Miriam Hills two daughters, Miriam Hill & Sufanna Hill to each of them five pounds to be pd to them, when they ſhall accompliſh the age of eighteene yeares, or at theire marriage: I give unto my fons George & John Gardner that pt. of my salt meddow, lying on the weft fide of Capt. George Corwin's meddow, which I value at twenty pounds. I give unto my fonns Samuell and Joseph Gardner, the other pt of my falt meddow lying on the eaſt ſide of Capt. Corwin's meddow, wch I doe likewife value at twenty pounds. My will is further that my houſeing with the reft of my lands & goods & eſtate with the medow before men- tioned, fhall be divided into feaven equall pts: yt don with agreement or elce, the meddow before mentioned only ex- cepted fhall be fould (& with the meddow as I have valued it) fhall be divided into feaven equal pts: which I doe give to my fix fons, as followeth first I give to my ſon Thomas two pts of ye feaven, he paying his mother in law forty-fix fhillings by the yeare, during her life. : 2nd. I give to my fon George Gardner one pt of the seaven, he paying to his mother-in-law 23 shill. by the yeare during her life. 3d. I give to my fon Richard (as above) (also John, Samuel and Joseph, have similar bequests in the order named.) I doe appoynt my fons George & Samuell to be the executors of this my will & doe defire my loveing friends Mr. Joseph Grafton Sen and Deacon Horne to be my ouerfeers to fee this my will performed. Robert Peaſe Samuell Goldthrite Thomas Gardner The 7: 10: 68" HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 7 18 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, "On the 29 March 1675: Robert Peafe & Samuell Gold- thrite came before the worshipfull Edward King Esq. and Maj. Hathorne Esq. & Hilliard Veren clearke of the court at Salem, being present & gave oath that the aboue written was affigned to & declared the laft will and tefta- ment of ye sd Tho: Gardner & that there is no latter will of his that they know of Atteft Hilliard Veren clerk." "An Inventory of ye goods & eſtate of Mr Thomas Gardner: de- ceafed taken this 4: 11: 74 by us whofe names, are underneath sub- scribed; Inpr: an old dwelling houfe; with about 10 acres of land adjoining with ye oarchard apprtenances & fences "10 acres of ground in ye north feild 27: about 100 acres of upland & meddow; 100 030 :00:00 127:00:00 "20 acres of land or there abouts lying in the woods 3: about; 2 acres 3-4 salt marfh lying about ye mill 040:00:00 "a feather bed, bolster & 2 pillows & flock bolster 20 sh. wth blanks & ruggs: curtaines & bolsters wth a couerld. 007:10:00 a truckle bedsteed, a fether bed with the pillowes, blanketts & coverled. 003:05:00 one feather bed, rugg & bolster & the flock bolſters & pillowes belonging thereunto "7 ppr. sheets prifed as they were marked. the whole is 3: 15sh. 12 towells 6sh; 11 napkings 9 sh. 1 pr hollon pillow beer: 6sh; 4yds breams 6sh; 1 pr. dowlas pillow beers 5sh. 004 :00:00 005:07:00 2 pr. couer pillow beers 7sh. as they are marked; a tablecloath 4sh. ; 3 shirts 20sh. 001:11:00 wearing apparell 8sh: in pewter; & 2 latten peeces; 35sh: silver spoones: 12sh; brass skil- letts & ketles 40sh. 012:07:00 "2 iron potts; pothookes & triuet 11sh; 1 pr of and- irons 10sh haukes flice & tonges 8sh. "2 spittes 8sh. a fide cubberd: 35sh. a square table 4sh. a wenscot chaire 5sh. a chaire with a bord bottom 3sh. 6d. 001 :09:00 002:15:06 " 6 old chaires 4sh.; a little square table 4sh. a cheft: 4sh. 2 joyne ftooles 4sh. a forme 2sh. 000:18:00 AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 19 Inpr: a table & carpett 11sh. in lumber 30d. 2 old bar- rells of gunns 5sh. in money 35sh. 002:13:06 66 : the eſtate is Dr. about 6: The totall sume is a cow at 3 in debts due to ye eftate from seuerall amt. men: 30: 033:00:00 274:16:00 Hilliard Veren Senr. John Pickering" ! Mr Samll Gardner one of the executors gave oath to ye truth of ye above Inventory to ye best of his knowledge & what shall appeere or com to his knowledge of any thing belonging to the eftate, to ad to it after wards, before Edward King esq': & Maj Wm: Hathorne Esq: affiftants & Hilliard Veren clearke this 29:2 mo. 75: ateſte Hilliard Veren Clericus. "Mr. Samuell Gardner pr fented the laſt will and tefta- ment of his father, Mr. Thomas Gardner, deceafed before the worshipfull Major Wm. Hathorne Esq. & Edward Smith Efqrs & Hilliard Veren, cleark of yº court of Salem being p'sent, the said will being proved by the oath of the two witneffes is allowed of, alfoe an inventory of ye eſtate atefted to upon oath of ye faid Samll Gardner, one of ye executors & is alowed of. 29, March 1675.”* Reference has already been made in the description of lot number V, to the suit brought against John Pudney by the executors in 1677.† Samuel and Lieut. George Gardner the executors sold to John Swinnerton, Physician, 19th. of July 1678, the following:‡ 10 acres of land with housing in north field by land of John Pease. 10 acres of land in north field by land of Robert Stone. 1 acre of land by " Strong water brooke, adjoining to ye medow formerly of ye sd Thomas Gardner deceased," called "ye salt med- dow." 100 acre farm more or less in town of Salem by land of Anthony Needham. 20 acres in Salem by land of Widow Pope. "alsoe all debts dues or demands owing or in anywise belonging to ye estate of ye sd. Tho. Gardner deceased." *County Court Records, Case No. 54, March 1675. County Court Papers, book XXVII, leaf 57. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 3. 20 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, All of the above property with the exception of the ten acre lot in north field by land of Robert Stone, was bought back by Samuel July 22, 1678, Thomas Gardner Sen'r his brother being one of the witnesses.* Children: 2. THOMAS, b. in England Elizabeth ; d. 1682; m. Hannah m., 2nd, 3. GEORGE, b. prob. in England; d. 1679; m., 1st, Eliza (Elizabeth) Horne; m., 2nd, Mrs. Ruth Turner; m., 3d, Mrs. Elizabeth Stone. 4. RICHARD, b.- ; d. Jan. 23, 1688; m. Sarah Shattuck. 5. JOHN, b.-1624; d. May, 1706; m. Priscilla Grafton. 6. SAMUEL, b.-1627; d. abt. Oct. 1689; m., 1st, Mary White, m., 2nd, Mrs. Elizabeth Paine. 7. JOSEPH, b. 8. SARAH, b. ; d. Dec. 19, 1675; m. Ann Downing. ; d. April 5, 1686; m. Benjamin Balch† (son of John Balch Planter"), by whom she had: 1. Samuel, b. 1651; d. Oct. 14, 1723; m. Oct. 27, 1675, Martha Newmarch, dau. of John and Martha (Gould) Newmarch; m., 2nd, Mar- tha Butman; 2. Benjamin, b. 1653; d. "Spring of 1698;" m. Oct. 11, 1674, Elizabeth Woodbury (dau. of John and Eliz- abeth Woodbury). 3. John, b. 1654; d. Nov. 19, 1738; m. Dec. 23, 1674, Hannah Veren, dau. of Philip Jr. and Joanna. 4. Joseph, b. 1658; d. Sept. 16,' 1675; one of Capt. Lathrop's soldiers at Bloody Brook. 5. Freeborn, b. Aug. 9, 1660; d. June 11, 1729; m., 1st, 1682, wid. Miriam Bacheler, wid. of Joseph, and dau. of Robert Jr. and Abigail (Goode) Moulton; m., 2nd, April. 30, 1690, Elizabeth Fairfield, dau. of Walter and Sarah (Skipper way) Fairfield. 6. Sarah, b. 1661; d. prior to 1717; m. Dec. 20, 1680, James Patch, son of James and Hannah Patch. 7. Abigail, b. 1663; d. Apr. 30, 1706; m. Feb. 8, 1680-1, Cornelius Larcum. 8. Ruth, b. 1665; d. ; m. Joseph Drinker, son of Philip and Eliza- beth Drinker. 9. Mary, b. 1667; d. Mar. 12, 1737; m. March 26, 1689, Nathaniel Stone, son of Nathaniel and Remember (Corning) Stone. 10. Jonathan, bap. Apr. 10, 1670; prob. d. young. 11. David, b. July 9,1671; d. Apr. 17, 1690; un- married. Benjamin Balch m., 2nd, wid. Abigail Clarke, wid. of Mat- thew Clarke of Marblehead, Feb. 5, 1689. She d. Jan. 1690, aged 55; and he m., 3d, Mar. 15, 1691-2, Grace Mallet. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 4. † Balch Genealogy. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 21 9. MIRIAM, b b———————— ; d.———————; m. John Hill.* iam, b. 24: 1: 1658; d.-; m. 1: 3mo., 1679, William Has- call. 2. Susan (or Susanna), b. 31: 5: 1660; d.- m. John Hill.* Children: 1. Mir- John Hill m., 2nd, 26: 6: 64, Lydia Buffum. 10. SEETH, bap. 25: 10: 1636; d. Apr. 17, 1707; m., 1st, Joshua Conant,* son of Roger Conant, the Planter.† Child: Joshua, b. 15: Apr., 1657; d. ; m., 1st, 31 Aug., 1676, Christian More, dau. of Richard More (or Mower); he m., 2nd, 9 Jan., 1690-1. Sarah Newcomb. 1. Seeth m., 2nd, John Grafton, 1st. 10mo. 1659. Children: Mary, b. 7, 7, 1660; m. 25 July, 1678, Joseph Hardy. 2. Seeth, b. 28 April, 1665. 3. Abigail, b. 12 Aug., 1667. 4. Jehoadam, b. 1 Oct., 1669. 5. Margaret, b. 24 Jan., 1671. 6. Nathaniel, b. July 14, 1672. 2 Lieut. Thomas Gardner, the eldest son of Thomas the Planter, was born in England. ghomas Gander Sonnion His name is first mentioned in the Town Records of Salem, under date of "the 18th. of the 5th. moneth," 1637, as follows: "It is ordered that Tho. Garner Junor shall haue 5 acres of land for a great Lot." ‡ He and his brother George were granted land on the "8th. 9th. month," in the same year, as the following entry will show : "Thomas Gardiner and George Gardiner bretherin haue eyther of them tenn acres alowed."‡ In 1639 he became a member of the First Church in Salem, and on June 2, 1641, be was admitted as Free- man of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.|| "Thomas Gardner the younger & Obadiah Holmes " were appointed to procure wood for Mr. Sharpe, in accordance with an order "that both or Elders be con- * Salem Town Records. Conant Genealogy, p. 162. Town Records. First Church Records; also Felt's Annals, v. I, p. 173. Records of the Mass. Bay Colony; also N. E. H. Gen. Reg., v. III, p. 188. 22 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, venientlie provided wth wood sufficient for them. according to former custome." This order was passed at a "general towne meeting held the 30th of the 7th moneth 1644"* ce " Ce "" 4 acres of medow" were granted to him on the " 30th day of the 3ª moneth 1649,' at the 7 mens bounds,' also" to each of the Gardiners 40 acres a piece of vpland. to be laid out nere theire medow." At the same time he was granted two "acres of medow on the North side of Ipswich River.” * Land granted to "ffrances Perrie," "19 9 1649" was described as being "neare to the medowes graunted vnto mr Gardners sonnes and also graunted vnto the said ffrances the ou'plus of the 12 Acres of medow graunted vnto the gardners neare the line of Salem."* 29 He was ordered "the 25th of the second moneth 1649' with his brothers George, Samuel, and Joseph, to "sur- vey and measure from the meeting howse to a peel of medow vpon the great river Westerly from Salem and give an account thereof at our next meeting, for wch they shall haue allowance in pte of the medow for theire paynes if any shalbe found within our bounds where they runne the lyne." "Lftnt Tho: Gardner made requeft for a prcell of lande. of about 14 aers adioyning to the lande of Hen: ffelps." Salem Town Records, " 24, 12mo. 1662."* "" In 1670 he was chosen to serve on the "Jury of Trials,' and in the following year he was a member of the Grand Jury. * Thomas Gardner Jun. bought of John Buttolph and Hannah his wife, Sept. 14, 1671, a dwelling house and fourteen poles of land in Salem. The lot was bounded on the South with "ye streete or lane that goeth from ye meet- ing-house to the field or training place, on ye west & north with ye land of Joseph Gardner, & on ye est with ye land. of Samuel Gardner." This was a portion of the Joseph Gardner lot (the square in which the Essex Institute building is located), and will be described in a later ar- ticle. † *Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 132. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 23 March 5, 1672, he signed his name as a witness to the deed of his father's homestead to John Pudney.* May 3, 1672, Thomas Gardner, "cordwinder," bought of John Grafton, and Seeth his wife (sister of the grantee), for ten pounds, a piece of land containing 26 rods, being bounded: north by land of Christopher Babbidge, west by land of Thomas Browning, south by land of John Grafton, and east by a lane laid out by Joseph Grafton, Sen. and John Gratton.† ୧୯ Thomas Gardner, Jun., sold to Hugh Jones of Salem, a piece of land he bought of Henry Skerry" for five acres,” being the half of ye said Skerry's lott, lying in the north neck, & having a lott on ye one side that was George Wil- liams, & on the other side that was old Goodman Town's & at one end a lott that was Goodman Water's." (13th 2mo. 1674.)‡ March 15, 1674-5, Thomas Gardner, Sen'r (the first Thomas having died less than two months previous to this date), witnessed the signature of Thomas Gardner Jun'r, atturney of Lieut Tho. Gardner of Pimaquid," to a deed of land to Gilbert Tapley of Beverly. § Ce The following document was found in the County Court Papers:|| Andover ye 16th. october 1674. This bill bindeth one Shubeall Walker of Bradford in ye County of Essex Gent. my heires, executors & admin- istrators to pay or Caufe to be payd to Thomas Gardner Jun" of Salem in ye county aforef'd shoemaker his heires, executors administrators or affignees ye full and juft sum of three pounds ten fhillings in provifions at price current at yº houfe of ye sd Gardner between ye date hereof and ye firft of January 1674. In witness whereof * * * * ye aboue sd three pounds ten fhillings being in full fatisfaction for all debts dues and demands, betwixt ye aboues'd Gardner: & George Crofs wch was ye sd Gardners servant: as witness my hand ye date aboue mentioned. Witneſs, Dudley Bradstreet, Benjamin Gerrish. *County Court Papers, book 27, leaf 59. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 142. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 54. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 146. County Court Papers, book 25, leaf 95. ¶ County Court Papers, book 25, leaf 95. Shu. Walker." T 24 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, The above agreement was not kept and Thomas Gardner in April 1676 appealed to the court, obtaining judgment as follows: "Thomas Gardner plt agst Mr. Shubael Walker deft in an action of debt of about 3:16 dew by bill they finde for the ptf damages 4:8 :6d according to bill and costs."* "Thomas Gardner and William Curtise are choffen for survey's of fences from the towne bridge to Mordykeye Cruets and to fee that all ffences are mayd etc. etc." (13, 1, 1674-5).† The following record of a transaction dated August 29, 1677, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds office : Received of Mr Thomas Gardner upon ye acc❜t of Mi Robert Oxe, thirty quintealls, of march'table winter codfish, one bord the John Booneyventure, Mr. Anthony Roope commander."‡ In 1677 we find his signature attached to the inventory of the estate of John Cole.§ He served again as a mem- ber of the Trial Jury in the year following.† Thomas Gardner Sen'r of Salem sold to his brother George Gardner, living at Hartford in Connecticut, a parcel of land in Salem that was jointly laid out together with his as likewise a parcel of land bought "betwixt us" of Mr. Hilliard Veren Sen'r "joyning to ye aforesaid land," also all meadow there to belonging with all timber privi- leges. Dated July 22-1678.|| He lived in a house which was situated on the easterly side of a lane running along the eastern boundary of the lot on which the meeting-house stood. This lane is called at the present time (1901) Higginson Square. The north- ern boundary of the lot was thirty-four feet from the Main Street. This estate was occupied by his widow after his death, and later by his son David.** He kept a general merchandise store, as we learn from the inventory of his estate which covers ten pages. * County Court Records (Ipswich Court), September Term, 1676. Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 154. County Court Papers, book 26, leaf 122. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 6. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 174; and book 11, leaf 183. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 17, leaf 127. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 25 Among the articles sold were shoes, and he is called shoemaker and "cordwinder" in the records. He also owned a "ketch" which he used in the cod-fishing industry. He died in 1682, and the "worshipfull William Browne and Bartholomew Gedney Esq. and affiftants, Granted power of the adminiſtration, of all & singular, the chattells goods & eſtate of Mr. Thomas Gardner deceaſed who dyed intestate unto Mrs. Elizabeth the relict & widdow, of the said Thomas Gardner, & to his Sonn Mr. Thomas Gardner, whoe are to bring an inventorye of the eftate soe farr as they cann" etc. They gave bonds to the amount of 500 pounds." * The following document was presented to the court on the 28th 9th mo. 1682: "Wheareas Mr Thomas Gardner, is returned to this court, and joyned with his mother in law Mrs Elizabeth Gardner, administrator to the eftate of his father Mr. Tho: Gardner deceased his eſtate & both bound in 500 pounds bond, to adminifter according to law ct. & it fufficiently appeering, to this court, that the said Thomas Gardner did object agst his ſtanding any further obliged, by bond then to returne, an inventory to this court, which accordingly he haue don upon his oath given (together with the sd Elizabeth): this court doe free the said, Thomas Gardner, from his said bond ct."† Elizabeth, widow of Lieut. Thomas Gardner, deceased, was attached for £190 by the estate of Hezekiah Usher, late of Boston, Nov. 28, 1683.‡ * County Court Records, Term 25th of October, 1682, Case No. 74. † County Court Records, Case No. 25, 9th mo. 1682. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 17. 26 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, As the estate was found to be "insolvent, & not sufficient fully to fatiffy the creditors," the following action was taken, " And this court doe defire & Impower, Mr John Hathorne & Mr. Hilliard Veren, that as Elizabeth ye relict & administratrix of Mr Thomas Gardner deceased, may ſtand in need of neffeffary fuply, for time to com till the court doe fetle the eſtate or take further order fhe may by the advice of the aforenamed Hathorne & Veren, haue releife & neceffary fupply out of the faid eftate."* In the inventory was enumerated a large quantity of dry goods and the following books: 2 Large Bookes of the Anotations on the Old & New teftament. 1 Ditto of the institution of ye Christian Religion. 2 Ditto of Phifick. 1 Large Dixionary in Engliſh. 1 Concordance. 1 Sarmon Booke. 1 Breefe of the Booke of Marthers. 4 Small Bookes. Total value of the above 3-00-00. We also find listed among his personal effects "2 old halberds, 5 laced Neckcloths, 5 Cambrick Bands, 4 pr. Sleves, 8 Capps, 1 Black Sattin Cap, 2 pr Old Britches, 1 old red waftecoate, 1 raiper, one Cuttlef." The only real estate mentioned was his "dwelling house & Land 110:00:00." His "Katch was valued at 80:00:00. The total value of his property was 464: 11:00. Debts were enumerated amounting to 439:05:002, and funeral charges 22:05:00. The above inventory was sworn to, in court at Salem, 28:9:1683, before Hilliard Veren, Clerk, and was witnessed by Jno Pilgrim, and Wm. Hirst.† August 7, 1684, an execution was levied upon the house and land of Lieut. Thomas Gardner, in the hands of Elizabeth relict and administratrix. This was the house described above as being near the meeting-house. It was apprised at 130 pounds. Similar action was taken on a fishing ketch in the harbor apprised at 50 pounds.‡ The house was apprised again at 220 pounds and * County Court Records, Case No. 24, November, 1683. County Court Papers, book 40, leaf 57. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 18. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 27 Joseph Webb Marshal of "Suffolk," agent for Mr. Hezekiah Usher of Boston, took possession "to reserve sattisfaction for ye abovesd execution."* The records do not show just how this matter was settled, but as before stated the house was occupied by the widow until her death and later by her son David Gardner. Thomas Gardner Junior married twice. His first wife was probably the Hannah Gardner who united with the First Church in 1649. His second wife was named Elizabeth (probably Horne)†. She died intestate, and although she lived in the house which her husband left, she did not own it at the time of her death, as no real estate was included in the inventory, returned by John Horne and Henry West. The estate was settled April 15, 1695.‡ Children, by his first wife Hannah : 11. MARY, bap. 2:2:1643.§ 12. THOMAS, bap. 25:3: 1645;§ d. Nov. 16, 1695; || m. Apr. 22 1669, || Mary Porter. 13. ELIZA (or Elizabeth), bap. 22:2: 1649.§ 14. ABIGAILE, bap. 20:2: 1651.§ 15. BETHIAH, bap. 26:1: 1654;§ m. Samuel Gaskill. Samuel Gaskill, in his will dated Sept. 1, 1725, mentions three sons, Samuel, Nathan, and Jonathan, and seven daughters, two of whom, Content and Sarah, were unmarried. 16. HANNAH, bap. 24:11:1657.§ 17. JONATHAN, bap. 12:8:1664.§ Children, by his second wife Elizabeth : 18. DAVID. We find him mentioned, April 15, 1695, in the Probate Records, in connection with the settlement of his mother's estate. In 1702, he occupied the house in the lane next to the meeting-house, in which his parents formerly lived.** 19. SUSANNAH, d. Mar. 1720;|| m. Mar. 2, 1698-9 George Flint. †† 20. DORCAS (probably the “Dorothy" who m. Robert Carver June 19, 1688).‡‡ In the division of the estate of widow Elizabeth Gardner, April 15, 1695, Dorcas Carver is named as one of her three children.T *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 17 (Nov. 28, 1684). See notes in regard to George Gardner's wife. Essex Probate Records, book 303, leaf 102. First Church Records. Town Records. 1 Essex Probate Records, book 305, leaf 8. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 17, leaf 127. †† Flint Genealogy, p. 11. ‡‡ Town Records in the Clerk of Courts office, book 22, leaf 68. 28 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 3 Lieut. George Gardner was probably born in England. The earliest mention of his name in the Town Records of Salem is under date of the "8th of the 9th month 1637," at which time he was granted ten acres of land.* Grorys GardnoT He became a member of the First Church in Salem in 1641.† In 1642 (12th of the 5th mo.) he was plaintiff against John Luff defendant, in an action for slander, in which the jury found for the plaintiff. In the same year (Dec. 27), he was admitted a freeman at Salem. § ‡ He was chosen a member of the trial jury in 1647 (4th mo.), and of the petty jury in the following year. In the 6th mo. 1655, he served as a member of the grand jury.* We find his signature as a witness to the will of Eleanor Tressler, Feb. 25, 1654, and on the 20th of the same month to that of Robert Moulton, Senior. He also signed the inventory of Eleanor Tressler's estate March 23d 1654-5.|| From the County Court Records of the 9th mo. 1658, Case 4, we learn that he assigned "his servant Baldwin Houſe his whole time that he was to ferve him as pr indenture over unto John Southwick. This Courte doth allow it." The following action was taken at a general "Town meeting" held the 7th of November, 1659; "it is voted that Geo: Gardner & Hilliard Veren foorth wth take care to mend the Caseway & alsoe: the way by maygr Hawthorn:"* etc. The court granted him a license 10: 10:1661 "to retale strong waters out of the Jarrs."¶ * Town Records. † First Church Records. County Court Records, book 2, leaf 119. Records of Mass. Bay Colony, also N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. v. III, p. 189 County Court Papers, book 3, leaves 14, 16 and 17. County Court Records, 10:10:1661, Case No. 29. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 29 He was chosen a member of the trial jury in 1662 (17th of the 4th mo.) and in the following year (Sept. 11th) was appointed Lieutenant of the foot company of Salem,* This appointment was confirmed by the court on the 24th of the 9th mo. 1663.† In the latter year he also served the town as selectman, and was appointed (9th of the 9th mo.) with Henry Bartholomew to take the constables account.* On the 22d of the next month the town paid him 5:00: 00, for “Mr. Goold," the tenant on his farm. He served on the com- mittee to lay out land in the last month of the same year. * John Pickering having sued George and Samuel Gardner and others, owners of the mill on South river, for damages as the result of the flooding of his land, was allowed twenty pounds* (18th of the 5th mo., 1664). In this year he was one of the apprisers of the estate of Henry Harwood.‡ In June he was plaintiff in a case in court against Joseph Williams, who was accused of stealing 41 pounds of wheat from said Gardner.‡ On the 23d of the 11th mo. 1664, the town paid him a bill of 5:00:00.* He witnessed the will of Robert Moulton, Sr. Sept. 5, 1665, and in that year served on a jury of inquest in the case of Jams Prift, § found dead. In 1667 he was again chosen a member of the trial jury.* In 1669, he was one of the selectmen of Salem, and was appointed with Mr. John Corwin to lay out the small lot of land "that belongs to the Widow Reade" (19th of the 9th mo).* He was one of the apprisers of the estate of Job Hilliard in November, 1670.|| In the town meeting held on the 3d of March, 1670-1, he was again chosen selectman, and on the 6th of the same month was appointed with others to lay out land for Wm. Adams. His name appears as one of the witnesses to the will of Thomas Browning, in June, 1671.T Sometime within the following year or two, he removed to Hartford, Connecticut, to live. J. Hammond Trumbull, * Town Records. † County Court Records, 9th mo. 1663, Case No. 44. County Court Papers, book 10, leaves 10 and 14. County Court Papers, book 11, leaf 59. County Court Papers, book 16, leaf 106. County Court Papers, book 17, leaf 90. 30 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, President of the Connecticut Historical Society, in his Memorial History of Hartford,* fixes the date of his removal as 1673. The following document found among the County Court Papers at Salem, is interesting in this connection: "Know whom it may concern that I George Gardner fomtime of Sallem, now of Harford in Conniticot being joint exfekitor with my Brother Samuell Gardner unto our ffathers laſt will & teftament considering it neferiry for my Brother Samuell Gardner in my Abſence to have fofishient Power to fue & Recover debts due unto my ffather at his deceafe as Likewife Ample & ffull Power in my Abfence to defend any Lande Layed Claime unto by others belonging unto our ffather at his deceaſe or to Recover damages done within the limits of the fayd lands by Law: doe therfore as joint exfekitor with my Brother give unto my brother Samuell Gardner the Power I have being my Lawfull Atturney to sue by Law & Recower Anny fuch debts as Aforfayed. do hearby give my Brother Samuell Gardner ffull Power of Atturniship as if my self wear Present in All the Premises Aforefayed & doe bind my felf by thefe Prefents to stand to what Cost lofe or other Expenses my Brother may be at as my Atturny in the Premises aforefayed, as witnes my hand this day & time abouefaied.† Teft. Thomas Gardner Senior. Samuell Gardner Junr. George Gardner." Dated July 14, 1677. In King Philip's War he was a member of a committee to provide "Flankers" for the defence of Hartford. ‡ At a meeting of the Council at Hartford held May 1, 1676, he was granted permission to pass to Boston and Salem "vpon his necessary occasions, and to return wth all conveniencie they can."§ Mr. ( ) Gardner (evidently George) was granted 15 pounds in consideration of damage by non-payment of money due him from the country, etc., etc. "Mr. George Gardner allowed 5 pounds additional.”|| * Volume I, page 273. County Court Papers, book 27, leaf 58. Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1665-1677, p. 375. Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1665-1677, p. 438. Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1678 (Oct.), pp. 18 and 22. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 31 REAL ESTATE. The land holdings of George Gardner were so extensive that we will consider them under this separate head. His first grant of land was, as we have seen, in 1637, at which time he was allowed ten acres. In 1649 (25th of the 2nd mo.) he and his brothers Thomas, Samuell and Joseph, were ordered to survey land, "for wch they shall haue allowance in pte of the medow for theire paynes." ""* On the 30th day" of the next month, he was granted "4 4 acres of medow . . . at the 7 mens bounds," and forty acres of upland to be laid out near his meadow.* This land was in West Peabody, near the Lowell road, between the Phelps' Mill station and the Lynnfield line. At an angle in the line, a short distance to the south of the road, there still stands a heap of stones placed there in early colonial times to mark the seven men's bounds. In the town records the 27th 2º mº 1654),” we find the following: "Vpon the request of Sergeant Georg Gardner for a small playne of vpland contayning about six acres lying and scituate neare to Robert Moultons Jun' his medow & to the round hill neare mr Humfres ffarme and soe to that land that is graunted to ffrances Perries: Accordingly it is graunted.”* 13, 11mo. 1662. "Granted to Sergeant George Gardner that he fhall haue a lott next to the land that runeth to his house by those lotts alredie laide out and of the same size he payinge five pounds as others have done."* His name appears in the records, 24th of the 12th mo. 1662, with the following entry: "Town Credit 5: 00: 00, for a house lott.' ""* 27th 11 mo. 1662. "Granted to Sergt. George Gardner to have a lott next to that lott laide out for a tailere liuinge at good woollans hie payinge for it 5 pounds as others haue done."† In the Book of Grants, p. 155, we find the following "By virtue of an order from the Selectmen of Salem, directed unto Jeffrey Mafsey, Lit George Gardner and * Town Records. † Book of Grants, p. 155. 32 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, myself or unto any two of us to lay out unto Seueral persons seueral parcells of land between Humphries Farm & the farm formerly belonging to Phelps on this side Ipswich River so called near the seven mens bounds: We accordingly laid out unto Lt. George Gardner One hundred & ninety acres of said lande which was for seueral grants, which he bought of seueral persons amounting unto soe much adjoining unto his own land, and is bounded as followeth viz; to the widow Pope, Geoyles Corey, Humphres Farm, and to Lynn bounds, and the Seven Men's bounds a little pine [tree] by Boston path, Goodman Buxtons land on the west, lying unto Lynn bounds; Lt. Gardner Forty poles by the river unto Samuel Gardner's bounds; Sam'l Gardner and John Robinson's land on the East unto a Pine Tree on the head of John Robinson's land and a little red oak & a great White Oak, between John Rubton & John Robinson & Lt Gardner's a little walnut, John Rubton on the East, an oak standing near Lt. Gardner's meadow. The return of the laying out of this land I formerly gave in unto the Selectmen of Salem. Attest Nathl Putnam. Salem 24th. of Sept. 1697." The above record was certified to by John Croade, Clerk, as being a copy of an entry of laying out of land, which was entered in the year 1665, and ordered to be entered, Feb. 8, 1697-8.* This great farm contained at the time of the death of its first owner, about four hundred acres. His son Capt. Samuel inherited it, and upon his death left it to his grandchildren.† Daniel Gardner had deeded to him by his brothers John and Samuel, two hundred acres of land, "being 1-3 of the real estate of grandfather Samuel Gardner, bounded" etc., etc.‡ In his will dated July 26, 1759, Daniel gave his farm to his sons John and Samuel.§ Samuel conveyed his part * Book of Grants, p. 155. Essex Probate Records, book 315, leaves 182-4. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 174. § Essex Probate Records, book 336, leaf 385. OLD HOUSE ON THE GEORGE GARDNER FARM, WEST PEABODY, MASS. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 33 to his sons Asa and George,* and on the 14th of October, 1808, Asa purchased his brother's share.† Asa's widow conveyed the estate to Bowman Viles, October 18, 1871.‡ The old lean-to farm house is still standing, in an excellent state of preservation. George Gardner's house in the town was on what is now Daniels Street, on the eastern side of that street, at the lower end. He left it to his son Samuel, describing it in the will as the house in which his oldest son Samuel "now dwelleth."§ In 1701-2 (March 4th) Samuel sold it to his "sonne John Higginson, Tertius, of Salem, and to his daughter Hannah Higginson, his wife." In this deed Samuel described it as "my dwelling house in Salem in. which my cousin John Buttolph now dwelleth together with ye bakehoufe, warehouſe, and outhoufing, and about three quarters of an acre of land."|| Sarah Higginson sold one-half of it to Mr. Benjamin Prescott, Town Clerk.T Mr. Prescott came into possession of the remaining half, and on April 10, 1721, sold it to Richard Elvins, baker.** Richard Elvins sold it to Josiah Orne August 30, 1744. He in turn sold it to John "Carrel," Nov. 8, 1748.†† Josiah Orne obtained judgment against John "Carrell," and the court granted the property to him, Sept. 25, 1756.‡‡ In April (26) of the following year Josiah Orne again sold it, this time to John Webb.§§ John Webb sold a portion of it to Richard Batten, May 9, 1764, and another part to James Carrol, Nov. 17, 1798.¶¶ Joseph Fogg bought both of these portions in 1798 and 1801,*** and sold the whole estate to Joseph Chapman Ward, May 2, 1817.ttt Frances L. Ward, administratrix of the estate of Chapman Ward, sold the lot to James Lynch, June 27, 1865.‡‡‡ *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 183, leaf 237. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 185, leaf 259. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 837, leaf 175. $ Essex Probate Records, book 301, leaf 143. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 267; also book 15, leaf 70. ↑ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 44, leaf 192. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 85, leaf 253. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaf 275. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 103, leaf 118. $$ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 112, leaf 182. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 124, leaf 174. TT Essex Registry of Deeds, book 163, leaf 217. ***Essex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 141; and book 171, leaf 253. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 213, leaf 88. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 685, leaf 247. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 14 34 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, The statement has been made and repeated many times in print that George Gardner was married three times, as follows: first, to Eliza or Elizabeth Horne, daughter of Deacon John Horne; second, to Mrs. Ruth Turner, widow of John Turner, Sen., her former husband having died in 1668 at Barbadoes; and, third, to Mrs. Elizabeth Stone, widow of Rev. Samuel Stone. Her maiden name was Allen and she was admitted to the Boston church, March 24, 1639. She married Rev. Samuel Stone in Boston in 1641. She died in 1681, her will bearing date of June 6, 1681, was probated January 4 in the following year. Rev. John Whiting of Hartford in a letter to Rev. Increase Mather of Boston, dated January 23, 1681-2, wrote: "Mrs Garner (sometimes Stone) also, gone to heaven" (4th series, Mass. Hist. Coll., v. 8, p. 465). She left children by her former husband, as the following records will show. Mr. Samuel Stone petitioned the court of election at Hartford, 1683, to determine whether he ought to have the land which his father left him on the decease of his mother who is alluded to as Mrs. Gardner. Court considered the plea and the objections offered by Mrs. Roberts (his sister) and decided that he must pay full value.* We know that the foregoing story of George Gardner's first wife is incorrect. John Horne in his will, dated 8 Oct., 1679,† codicil 27 Feb. 1683-4, probated Nov. 25, 1684, makes a bequest to "my eldest daughter Elizabeth Gardner." As George Gardner died in 1679, it is clear that his first wife was not the Elizabeth Gardner, who was the daughter of John Horne. One fact has always seemed strange to the writer, namely, that a daughter of one so prominent in the church as Deacon John Horne always was, should have been such a strong adherent of the society of Friends, as we know the first wife of George Gardner to have been. The court records show that his wife was convicted in the 5th mo. 1658, of "being at a diforderly quaking meeting & alfoe of her frequent abſenting her felfe from the publike worship of God upon * Colonial Record of Connecticut, 1678-1689, p. 118, and Goodwin's Genealogical Notes, p. 212. † Essex Probate Records, book 302, leaf 113. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 35 the Lord's Day: to pay 5sh. costs." She was also fined in 1658 and in 1669, for non-attendance at church. The most reasonable solution of the above problem thus far suggested is that John Horne's daughter Elizabeth married Thomas Gardner, the brother of George, for hist second wife. We know that the Christian name of the second wife of Thomas was Elizabeth, and that she lived until 1694 or 1695. Another suggestive circumstance is that one of the apprisers of the estate of Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Gardner, Jun., was John Horne, son of Deacon John Horne. -*- George Gardner died the 20th of August, 1679. His will bears the date of July 21, of that year, and the inventory was presented on the 17th of the following October. He made the following bequests: 1. To his wife Elizabeth he left the income of his part of the mills in Salem, during her life. He also left her the rent of the land bought of Mr. Joseph Fitch, or the use of the money if he pay for it according to contract. She was likewise to receive the rent of the land he bought of John Terry, and two cows, two calves, and the swine at home. In addition she was to have the use of his household furniture during her life. 2. To Samuel, his oldest son, he left the house in "which he now dwelleth at Salem," with all the upland and meadow in the South field. After his mother's decease he was also to have the mill property, and the farm and meadow upon which Thomas Gould was at that time a tenant. 3. To Ebenezer he gave his houses and lands at Hartford, Windsor, and Simsbury, in Connecticut, after his mother's decease. He was also to have "that land lyeth by Mr. Babadg, & that acre of falt-marsh I had of my father." 4. To his daughter Buttolph he left 300 pounds of debts due him at Connecticut "when they are got in," and to her husband "thirty pounds he was indebted to me at our laſt reckening." 5. To his daughter Turner he gave the house and land *The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Charles A. White, Esq., of New Haven, Conn., a descendant of George Gardner, for valuable suggestions in regard to this matter. 36 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, in which they lived, "to him and her, their natural lives, & then to whome of her children he fhall give it after him," also three hundred pounds of debts at "coneticott, as it can be got in." 6. To his daughter Hathorne, he left a like amount of Connecticut debts. He provided that in case his son Ebenezer should die before he married, the estate should be divided "equally amongst the rest" of his children. Ebenezer was also to have the rent of "that farme Thomas Gold liveth on, duering his mother's life." He gave his brother Thomas Gardner, twenty pounds in provisions. He remembered his cozens, Miriam Hafcall & Sufana Hill," as follows: "five pounds now in household stuff, to Miriam, & five pounds to Sufana Hill at her marriage. "" Samuel and Ebenezer Gardner, his sons, were named as his executors, and he specified that after his debts and legacies were paid, what remained should be given to his two sons, two parts to Samuel, and one part to Ebenezer. His negro servant was remembered as follows: To my seruant Arrah (Arrow) I doe give five pounds, when he hath Served my Son Samuell five yeares & then his time to be out." Ce He named his friend Capt. John Allen of Hartford as overseer, and left him five pounds in token of his love. Then comes the following: "And likewise I do intreat. my friend Caleb Stanley, to overfee the performance of this my will, whoe liveth at conetticott, to whofe two dau ghters I give fifty shillings apeece. "" "And I desire my two loveing brothers, Thomas & Samuell Gardner, to ouerfee the performance of my will at Salem." The witnesses were Thomas Gardner, Samuell Gardner Sen., and Joseph Williams. It was proved September 1, 1679.* "An inventory of the eſtate of Leift George Gardner presented to us by Samuell & Ebenezer Gardner this 17 October 1679: To the Dwelling houfe, bakehouſe & out houfing & the land they ftand on & the land belonging and adjoining to them, now in poffeffion of Samll Gardner 270:00:00 * Essex Probate Records, book 301, leaves 143–4. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 37 To a farm of about 400 acres of upland & meddow with the dwelling houfe & outhoufing upon it now in pof- fefiion of Thomas Goold & in the towneship of Salem & 12 acres of meddow lying in Redding bounds in poffeffion of faid Goold. To 13 acres: upland & 2 acres of marsh or thereabouts lying in the fourth field. To 1-8 part of the corn mill. To 2 acres of land neere the pen. To a house lot next Mr. Babadge To a house & the land belonging to it now in the pof- feffion of Habbacuck Turner, To dts due to the eftate from Mr Sam" Shrimpson, Mr. Arthur Mafon & Mr. John Waite, about ye fum, To due to the eſtate in the hands of Samuell Gardner Jun. about To feverall fmall debts in Salem about To 5 years fervice in a negro named Arow, To an Indian feruant, To a prcell of houſehold ſtuff in the poffeffion of Samuell Gardner Junr & wearing cloathes, To 1 cow in the poffeffion of Thomas Goold To 7 barrells of pork in the hand of Jo" Hathorne, To: an acre of falt marth by Strong Water brooke, Apriſed by us whofe names are under written, this 17 October 1679. A pcell of burnt fither fold for af money about 320: 00:00 60: 60: 00 100: 00: 00 20:00:00 14:00:00 90: 00:00 157 00:00 588: 00: 00 20:00:00 10:00:00 10: 00:00 22:14:02 2: 10:00 17: 10:00 20:00:00 John Browne John Higginson Jun. 3:00:00 Mr. Samuell Gardner, & Ebenezer Gardner gave oath in court at Salem 30: 4mo: 80: that the above written is a true inventorye to the beſt of theire knowledg of theire said fathers eftate, heare in this colloney: except what is entered in the inventory & given in & alowed of at the court at Hartford: Attest Hilliard Veren Clerk." An Inventory of the Estate of Mr. George Gardner who deceased the 20th of August, 1679, taken by us whose names are underwritten, namely: his estate in Connecticut Colony. In purse and apparel Two belts and two rapiers, 3£ a brass gun 4£ and six cushings, 24d £ S d 30 0 0 8 4 2 38 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Three chests and one desk and a glass case and other things in the par- lor. 2£ 0.0 One chest and two chairs and a great Bible 3/, one sermon book and two small books. Beds, bedsteads, bedding, blankets linen, table cloths, napkins, pillow beares, and Kitchen utensils. Peweter plates, dishes, basins, porringer, candle sticks, 9£ 10-6 The two Cowes & two calves and three swine at home. Goods in the Shop One parcel of salt, bar. pork 22£ 10/, Tar 40/, two pair of beam scales, and weights, 2£ 322 bushels of wheat 64£-8 -0 and 170 bushels of In- dian 17£, 110 pounds of hemp and flax 5£ 10s, and 27 bushels of rye, 2-14-0 Sheeps wool 5£, sacks 4£, dressed leather 4-6-0, tallow 8£ 4.0 0 124 10 0 £ s d 86 5 10 124 124 10 10 82 2 6 60 0 0 26 10 81 4 0 8 4 0 21 10 279 10 6 Hay in Mr. Hooker's barn 5 Four dozen scythes at 50s. a doz. 10 15 294 10 6 Several book debts in Con- necticut Colony and up the river in the County of Hampshire in the Massa- chusetts Colony to the value of about More debts, 1900 0 0 92 0 0 1992 £2411 0 6 0 6 AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 39 3 acres of land in the ox pasture and half a wood lot on the east side of the great river, half a lot in the Blue Hills and half a lot in the Pines, A parcel of land he bought 400 S d 18 0 0 2411 0 6 of Mr. Joseph Phelps at Simsbury, Part of George Phelps's living at Windsor, Lands in Windsor bought of Samuel Farnsworth, 3 acres and a halfe of land he bought of Mr. Joseph Fitch (this was evidently a mort- gage from Joseph Fitch, who married a daughter of Rev.Samuel Stone.-C.A.W.) 15 acres of meadow land bought of Mr. Timothy Hide, 90 acres of upland in the west division of Hartford, 80 acres of land bought of Samuel Eagleston at Mid- dletown, 4 acres of land in the south meadow in Hartford, His warehouse near Hart- ford landing place, The housing and home lott in Hartford, 8 0 0 70 0 0 100 0 0 00 0 0 100 0 0 12 0 0 200 40 0 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 280 0 0 590 0 0 3001 0 6 Real estate, Personal "6 590 0 0 2411 0 6 3001 0 6 Signed, Nicholas Olmstead,* Caleb Stanley. * Copied from the Probate Records at Hartford by Charles A. White, Esq. 40 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Children: 21. HANNAH, bap. 15-10-1644;* m. 16-8th mo., 1663, John Buttolph.† Children: 1. John, b. 11, 7 mo., 1664; d. 23 Apr. 1665. 2. Jonathan, b. 2-9, 1665. 3. George, b. 15, Oct., 1667. 22. SAMUEL, bap. 14-3-1648;* d. Feb. 24, 1724; m. Apr. 24, 1673,† Mrs. Elizabeth Grafton (b. Browne). 23. MARY, bap. 10-5-1653;* m. Apr. 30, 1670, Habakkuk Turner.† Children: 1. Robert, b. 25 Apr. 1671. 2. Mary, b. 25, 11 mo., 1672; d. 14, 8 mo., 1674.† 24. GEORGE, bap. 24-7-1654;* d. 21-6-1662.† 25. BETHIAH, b. 3d of 4th, 1654. 26. EBENEZER, b. 16-6-1657;† d. May 8, 1685; m. 7th of 9th mo., 1681, Sarah Bartholomew.† 27. MEHITABEL, b. 23-2-1659;* d. May 8, 1659. 28. 4 RUTH, bap. 2-2-1665;* m. 22, 1st mo., 1674-5, John Hathorne.† Children: 1. John, b. 10-11-1675. 2. Nathaniel, b. 25, 9 mo., 1678. 3. Ebenezer. 4. Joseph (m. June 30, 1715, Sarah Bowditch, d. of William). 5. Benjamin. 6. Ruth. Richard Gardner received a grant of land from the town of Salem, on the "23th of the 11th moneth 1642," "a 10 acre lott nere Mackrell Cove next to Mr. Thorndiks playne to be laid by the towne." He retained. possession of this lot until May 2, 1659, at which time he sold it to Samuel Corning, planter. § ging out Bander "The 4th of the first moneth 1643." "Graunted to Richard Gardner at Jeffryes Creeke 20, twentie acres of Land: to be layd out by the Town." He sold this Sept. 19, 1667, to John West, Farmer, the lot being described as near to the bounds of Manchester," and near John West's farm. His dwelling-house stood on what is now Central Street in Salem (called at different times "ye highway wch leads * First Church Records. Town Records. Town Records (Salem). Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 114. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 81, leaf 277. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 41 down to Col. Browne's wharfe," "Street leading from the Sun Tavern so called, which is the Main Street to the South River," "Ingall's Lane" and " Market Street"), not far from the present corner of Essex Street, on the eastern side of the street. He sold to Edward Mould, a mariner, August 25, 1667,* nine or ten rods of this lot with dwelling-house there on, except "the new shop with the seller under it which I reserve to my owne p'p'use. "" The portion thus sold was bounded: by land of said Richard Gardner on the south, "which I reserve to myself being neare about half ye garden." West with the street. North with the ground and warehouse of Mr. William Browne, and East and part by north with the ground of Samuel Shattock.* May 5, 1669, Richard Gardner, "late of Salem," sold to Edward Mould, fisherman, "all that my dwelling-house which I lately lived in," with shop etc., and all the ground "that I have adjoining thereunto, containing aboute sixteene rod or pole of ground." This was described as being bounded on the north and east as above and with "ye streete or ground lying without fence, to ye streete and comon land west and southerly."† Edward Nichols of Clovely in Devonshire, England, and Elizabeth Nichols his sister, heirs of Edward Mould, late of Salem, "marriner & Bonesetter," deceased, sold to Stephen Ingalls of Salem "an old wooden cottage or Dwelling house & about a Quarter of an acre of Land containing Twelve Rods" (Feb. 1, 1721-2).‡ Stephen Ingalls transferred this to his son Ephraim Ingalls February 6, 1724-5. The "old cottage" had been replaced by a new dwelling house."S १९ Ephraim Ingalls sold to Samuel Ward of Salem, § of a certain tenement in Salem, late the estate of his father. Dated Sept. 24, 1777. Several other heirs sold their portion to him also. || June 21, 1785, this lot was sold by Samuel Ward, to George Dodge and John Derby, who held it until May 1, 1795, when they sold it to William Gray, Jun., Jacob *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 19-20. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 55. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 40, leaf 58. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 45, leaf 15. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 135, leaf 167. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 260. 42 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Ashton, John Norris and others, tenants in trust for the Essex Bank.* The estate was occupied later by the Mercantile Bank, and is at present (1901) used by the Salem Fraternity. In the County Court Records at Salem, Case No. 5, 28, 4th mo. 1664, we find the following: Richard Gardner, defendant, Nathaniel Pitman plaintiff "in an action of trespaff on the cafe for romeing upon ye plts ground fencing it and occupying it to his great damage.' "" "The court doe order that this case in difference, be referred to ye selectmen of ye Towne of Salem, to be ended in a month, cost of court & all included, which was consented to by both pties. In the record of the same session, Case No. 60, we learn that "Richard Gardner" and others "are convicted of theire abſenting themſelves from the publick ordinances." Not long after this Richard Gardner moved to Nantucket. The earliest mention of him that the writer has been able to find in the Nantucket records, is a note in Book I, p. 10, Nantucket Registry of Deeds, stating that land was sold to Richard Gardner, at Wesko, by John Bishop (Feb. 15, 1667). On the next page of these records a list of cattle ear marks is given. These were agreed upon at a town meeting. The allusion to him in this connection is as follows: "Richard Gardner his mark, a swallows taile on ye left ear and a half penny under ye right."+ ተ Although Richard Gardner is called "of Salem," in a deed dated August 25, 1667, yet we find the following in the Nantucket Deeds: Mr. Richard Gardner his house lot is that which was layd out to William Worth at Wefquo pond according to y° record & also a ten acre lot according to ye same record & also an acre & half more added to it." This bears the date of February 15, 1667.§ March 22, 1666-67. "At a Meeting of the Inhabitants * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 159, leaf 104-5. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 11. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 19. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 14. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 43 a Grant was made to Richard Gardner, halfe Accommodacons, According to the Grants made to Seamen and Tradesmen, upon condition that hee exercise himselfe as a Sea-man, and that hee come to inhabitt here with his family before the End of May -68- And after that his Entrance here, not to depart the Island in Point of dwelling, for the Space of three years, upon the Forfeiture of the Grant aforesaid."* In 1669, he had additional grants, as the following records show: Gardner, On aker to be laid out for a mill another aker to be laid out as his proportion for on halfe shares both for Mr. Gardner and creek stuff proportionable and on aker more for Capt. Gardner & Thomas Macy and William Worth for the mill and creek stuff proportionable. Capt. Gardner on halfe acre more of meadow." This is followed by the record of still another grant to Capt. Gardner and Thomas Macy. In July of that year he received still another grant, as follows: the south side of the Island on both sides of the creek on aker more or leefe for Mr. Richard Gardner." Book 1 (p. 20), of the Nantucket Registry of Deeds, we find this entry: "Whatsoever act is freely acted by the town about the Towns butiness Mr. Richard Gardner, doth Engage to beare the town harmless from any that dwel in the north, in consideration whereof he hath . one shilling Mr. Tristram Coffin." 1, 1, 71–72. He was chosen by the town Feb. 13, 1672, to proceed to New York with the town's fish, and as W. C. Folger expresses it "act as the town's messenger or agent in such business of the town as shall be expressed in this order." The record of the town's action is as follows: "Voted by the town that it be left to the Selectmen to give Mr. Richard Gardner an order to act for the town in the town's business in reference to this voyage to New York."§ It should be borne in mind that Nantucket was at this time a part of New York state. Mr. W. C. Folger is undoubtedly correct in his belief that the fish mentioned * New York State Records, Deeds 1, 74, Secretary's Office, Albany; also W. C. Folger's notes in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 18, 1862. Nantucket Registry of Deeds (Record Book), book 1, leaf 1. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 21. § Nantucket Inquirer, June 18, 1862. 44 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, were sent as the town's tax to the Government at New York. One of the results of this mission to New York was an order from Governor Francis Lovelace, naming the town "Sherborne upon Nantucket." W. C. Folger states that previous to this time the town had been given no special name. This order was sent with other instructions, April 18, 1673, by Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner.* The fact that these two men brought this name from the Governor, has led some to think that it was their especial choice, and that the ancestral home of the family. might have been near Sherborne in England. On the 15th day of this month, Governor Lovelace commissioned Mr. Richard Gardner as Chief Magistrate of "Nantucket and Tuckanuckett." He also brought with him a license issued to his brother John and himself "to buy some land by the Sea Side or else where of the Indyan Natives."† The town made the following grant to him July 25, 1673: All that land adjoining to his house that is all that several pieces of land that joyn together more or less. as they were formerly bounded and also so much upland as he shall have occasion to make use of not exceeding 20 acres, also 2 acres meadow, and his proportion of creek thatch, and commonage for 40 neat cattel, and 60 sheep, & 1 horse."+ It has been believed by some that this grant was made to him as a reward for services rendered to the town upon the occasion of his visit to New York. According to Mr. W. C. Folger, the land known as the Crooked Record grant was given to him at this time. This, the same authority states, contained 74 acres and 108 rods, and included several pieces of land which had been granted to him previously.§ This territory received its name from the fact that the lines did not come together properly. He was appointed by the town with his brother John and Mr. Thomas Macy, Sept. 30, 1673, "to build a tide mill upon the creek behither Wefko, somewhere neere *W. C. Folger in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 18, 1862. William Root Bliss, in "Quaint Nantucket,” p. 22. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 35. cast Mr. W. C. Folger's Notes in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 4 and 18, 1862. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 45 the place where the old mil now stands." "The aforefayd undertakers to be paid 40 pounds in corn or cattel at price currant, also commonage for 20 head of cattel, 30 sheep and one horse, together with twenty acres of upland and two akers of meadow and creek-thatch apportionably. "'* In October 1674, the town "confirmed the commonage," formerly ingaged to the three men above mentioned, for the building of the mill, also the grant of land and the 40 pounds."+ Another "aker of swampy meadow" was granted to him Dec. 3, 1674.‡ Upon page 35, book 1, Nantucket Registry of Deeds, we find that "The town did chufe William Gayer, William Worth, & John Coffin to be land layers and apoynted them to lay out John Gamedge's land & meadow, also Mr. Richard Gardner's meadow and Capt. John Gardner's. meadow any two of those three aforesayd land layers may act acording to order from the town." He signed a court document, July 21, 1673.§ November 18, 1674, the town granted "that his bounds. of his land should come to the great swamp." He was appointed "one of the two men at the eſt end to notify the neighbors at each end that have sheep, when the right time is to fetch up the sheep." In June, 1678, the town granted him additional land at the mill.T The town voted to send to the governor June 1680, his name and that of John, "to know his pleasuer as to choyse respecting a Chife Magistrate for the year ensuing."** John was commissioned, as will be seen in the notes concerning him. * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 35. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 36. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 38. SN. E. Hist. Gen. Society Register, vol. 13, p. 313. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 39. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 45. **Quaint Nantucket, p. 46. 46 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, At a town meeting held Jan. 3, 1682, Capt. John Gardner, moderator; it was "Voted that Capt. John Gardner, Mr. Richard Gardner Senior & Steven Coffin with the lott layers shal at the first convenent season run over and vew and bound every mans lands meadows or creek stuf on the Island of Nantucket and give the bounds under thar hands toe the clark and he shall Record it in a new book for that purpoſe to avoyd futer troble."* Nickanofe Sachem for a valuable consideration sold to Mr. Richard Gardner, 1 acre of land where his stage now standeth at Sisarkochet."† Richard Gardner complained of an Indian, Steven, for "stealing one barrel and seven gallons of oyl." The court gave to Steven an option of paying 5 pounds, 15 shillings, 6 pence, or "to serve Richard Gardner four whole years." The following quotation from W. C. Folger's article in the Nantucket Inquirer, in the issue of June 4, 1862, is so good a summary of the man's life, that I reproduce it entire : "Richard was a man of very good abilities, he was called long-headed by his brother John, from his sense of the profoundness of his Judgment. He held a prominent place among the people of the island, was at one time Chief Magistrate. His residence was about half way between the house of our present worthy Sheriff, (1862) and the Eliphalet Paddack house. It has been taken down many years, and the locality is very much altered in its appearance. "The Gardners owned formerly much of the land adjacent to and surrounding the Lily pond, extending beyond Gardner's Burial Ground, and around the swamp on the North Shore Hill, also extending through Egypt * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 51. † Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 10. Quaint Nantucket, p. 55. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 47 (so called) to the present Town Hall, embracing some of the best meadows and grass lots on the island. A part of this territory was called Crooked Records, from the lines of the survey not coming together. The Gardner family although not the first family to settle here, have always been reckoned among the First Families of the Island. Richard Gardner Sen'r, and his brother Capt. John, exercised much influence in the community here while they lived, and they died respected.' ""* • Richard Gardner married Sarah Shattuck, daughter of widow Damaris Shattuck who married Thomas Gardner Sen'r as his second wife. Richard and Sarah are supposed to have been married about 1652, at Salem. Like nearly all of her Shattuck relations, † she was attached to the Society of Friends and suffered much in consequence. In the County Court Records at Salem, Case 57, Term 5th mo., 1658,we find the following: "The wife of Richard Gardner was convicted of her frequent being abfent from the publik ordinances on the Lord's Day, fees of court 30 sh." She was brought before the court several times in the next few years, either for neglecting to attend the services. at the First Church in Salem, or for being present at a 'Quaker Meeting."‡ ce In 1662, she was excommunicated from the First Church in Salem for attending the assemblies of the Friends.§ Upon some of the occasions above referred to, Richard was summoned into court with his wife, for being absent from church. In the Court Records, in 1667, we read the * W. C. Folger, in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 4, 1862. † Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. XXXVII, p. 95. County Court Papers, Salem, book 4, leaf 69; book 5, leaf 128; book 6, leaves 60 and 148; and book 9, leaf 25. § Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 198. 48 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. following interesting note: "This court in confideration that the wife of Richard Gardner is removed out of this jurifdiction to dwell, whoe was formerly fined 40 shill., upon the request of Mr. Samuel Gardner that ye court would remit the said fine: this court doe remitt 20 shill. of the said fine, and the said Samuell doe omise to pay the other 20 shill.”* She was evidently a woman with a strong character, and one who was not afraid to act and speak her convictions. We see evidence of this independence even after her removal to Nantucket. "For speaking very opprobriously concerning the imprisonment of peeter foulgier,' she was arrested but pardoned on being intimidated into repentance."+ Thomas Story, the Friend, on landing at Nantucket in 1708, went to the residence of Sarah Gardner. She died in 1724, in her ninety-third year. W. C. Folger thought that Richard might have had a wife before Sarah, as the following quotation from his notes will show: "If the date of the marriage of Richard Gardner and Sarah Shattuck in 1652 as given by the late Lemuel Shattuck, Esq., be correct; then I am of the opinion that Richard must have had a former wife, as Richard Jr., was born Oct. 23d, 1653, and if Joseph was born at a later period he would have been too young to have been married early in 1670. Indeed the late B. Franklin Folger and other high authorities have stated. Joseph Gardner to have been the oldest son of Richard Gardner Sen'r."§ * County Court Records, Term 9th mo., 1667, Case No. 15. ↑ Quaint Nantucket, p. 42. Early Settlers of Nantucket, p. 77. § W. C. Folger, in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 18, 1862. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 49 Richard Gardner died 1st mo., 23d, 1688.* The following reference is made in the records concerning the settlement of his estate: "Letters of administration on the estate of Mr. Richard Gardner Senior deceased are granted unto Sarah Gardner, Relict of Sd. Gardner, who bindeth herself to perform the trust of an administratrix, and to barre the court harmless according to law."t (Dated March 18, 1688-9.) Children: 29. JOSEPH, d. 1701; m. Mar. 30, 1670, Bethiah Macy, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Hopcott) Macy. She was born at Salisbury, Mass., abt. 1650.§ Children: 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1672 (m. Mar. 5, 1696, Joseph Paddack, from Barnstable). ‡ 2. Damaris, b. Feb 16, 1674 (m. Stephen Barnard, s. of Nathaniel). 3. Bethiah, b. Aug. 13, 1676; d. June 20, 1716 (m. Sept. 27, 1706, Eleazer Folger, Jr., s. of Eleazer and Sarah (Gardner) Folger, her own cousin). 4. Deborah, b. Mar. 30, 1681.‡ 5. Hope Macy, b. Jan. 7, 1683; d. Mar. 21, 1750|| (m. Peter Coffin, s. of Lieut. John and Deborah (Austin) Coffin). 6. Mary, b. 26, 12th mo. 1686-7¶ (m. 9th of 8mo. 1706, ¶ Matthew Jenkins). 7. Abiel, b. 1, 12 mo. 1691-2¶ (m. William Clasby, from Ringwood, England). 30. RICHARD, b. 23, 8 mo. 1653; d. 8, 3d mo., 1728; m. May 17, 1674,¶ Mary Austin, dau. of Joseph Austin, of Dover, and gr. dau. of Edward Starbuck. Children: 1. Patience, b. June 29, 1675.¶ 2. Joseph, b. May 8, 1677;¶ d. 29, 7mo. 1747 (m. Ruth Coffin, dau. of James Coffin, Sen., Esq.). 3. Solomon b. July 1, 1680;¶ * Macy List of Deaths. † Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 40. ‡ Nantucket Town Records. § Macy Genealogy. N. E. Hist. Gen. Society Register, v. 24, p. 307. ¶ Nantucket Town Records. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 15 50 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, d. 17, 6mo. 1760 (m. Anna Coffin, dau. of Stephen Coffin, Sen.). 4. Benjamin, b. July 20, 1683;* d. 22, 1mo., 1764 (m. Hannah Coffin, dau. of John and Deborah Coffin). 5. Miriam, b. July 14, 1685;* d. 17, 9 mo. 1750 (m. Samuel Coffin, s. of Lieut. John and Deborah (Austin) Coffin). 6. Peter, d. 28, 5mo. 1767 (m. Elizabeth Coffin, dau. of Enoch and Beulah Coffin). 7. Lydia, b. June 16, 1687;* d. Feb. 8, 1688.* 8. Lydia (2d), d. Apr. 18, 1788 (m. John Coffin, s. of Jethro and Mary Coffin). 9. Richard, d, Feb. 27, 1724-5* (m. May 26, 1724,* Leah Folger, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Church) Folger). 10. William, d. 1739 (m. Feb. 20, 1719,* Hepzibah Gardner, wid. of Peleg Gardner, dau. of George, Esq., and Eunice (Starbuck) Gardner). 31. SARAH (eldest daughter), d. Dec. 19, 1729; m., 1671, Eleazer Folger, bro. of Benjamin Franklin's mother, s. of Peter and Mary (Morrell) Folger.† Children: 1. Eleazer, † b. July 2, 1672; d. 15, 2 mo. 1753 (m., 1st, Sept. 27, 1706, Bethiah Gardner, dau. of Joseph and Bethiah (Macy) Gardner; m., 2d, Sept. 25, 1717, Mary Marshall, dau. of Joseph Marshall). 2. Peter, b. Aug. 28, 1674; d. 1707 (m. Judith Coffin, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Bunker) Coffin). 3. Daniel, d. young. 4. Nathan, b. 1678; d. 2, 7mo. 1747, O. S. (m. Dec. 29, 1699, Sarah Church dau. of John and Abigail Church, of Dover). 5. Elisha, d. young. 6. Sarah, d. Mar. 23, 1732-3 (m. May 6, 1701-2, Anthony Oder, of the Isle of Wight). 7. Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1684, d. 7, 8 mo. 1720 (m. Feb. 26, 1703-4, John Arthur). 32. DEBORAH, b. 12, 10 mo. 1658; d. 1712; m., 1st, John Macy, s. of Thomas and Sarah Macy;§ m., 2d, Stephen Pease, by whom she had no children. Children: 1. John, b. abt. 1675; d. Nov. 28, 1751 (m. Apr. 25, 1707, Judith Worth, dau. of John and Miriam (Gardner) Worth). 2. Sarah, b. Apr. 3, 1677; d. Mar. 18, 1748 (m. John Barnard, s. of Nathaniel and Mary Barnard). 3. Deborah, b. Mar. 3, 1679; d. Aug. 16, 1742 (m. Daniel * Nantucket Town Records. Folger Genealogy, MSS., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Library. Salem Town Records. § Macy Genealogy. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 51 33. 34. Russell, a foreigner"). 4. Bethiah, b. Apr. 8, 1681; d. June 6, 1738 (m., 1st, Joseph Coffin, s. of James and Mary (Severance) Coffin; 2d, John Renough). 5. Jabez, b. abt. 1683; d. Aug. 7, 1776 (m. Nov. 7, 1712, Sarah Starbuck, dau. of Jethro and Dorcas (Gayer) Starbuck). 6. Mary, b. 1685; d. June 27, 1717 (m. July, 1711, Solomon Coleman, s. of John and Joanna (Folger) Coleman). 7. Thomas, b. 1687; d. Mar. 16, 1759 (m. Deborah Coffin, dau. of John and Deborah (Austin) Coffin). 8. Richard, b. Sept. 22, 1689; d. Dec. 25, 1779 (m., 1st, Sept. 8 1711, Deborah Pinkham, dau. of Richard and Mary (Coffin) Pinkham; 2d, June 8, 1769, Alice Paddack, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Gardner) Paddack). DAMORICE, d. 25, 9 mo. 1662.* JAMES, b. at Salem, May 19, 1662;* d. 1, 4 mo. 1723;† m., 1st, Mary Starbuck, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Coffin) Starbuck. She was the first child of Anglo-Saxon parentage born on Nantucket. Children: 1. Samuel, d. 28, 10 mo. 1757 (m., 1st, Sept. 4, 1707, Hepzibah Coffin, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Bunker) Coffin; m., 2d, 27, 10 mo. 1710, " called December, Patience Swain, dau. of John, Sen. and Mary Swain; m., 3d, Mary Swain, wid. of John Swain 3d, dau. of Moses and Mary Swett of Hampton, N. H., and grand dau. of John and Rebecca Hussey). 2. Jethro, d. 7, 3d mo. 1734 (m. 1 mo. 1716, Keziah Folger, dau. of Peter 2d and Judith (Coffin) Folger). 3, Barnabas, b. 12, 2 mo. 1695; d. 14, 9 mo. 1768; (m. Dec. 11, 1718, Mary Wheeler of Boston). 4. Jonathan, b. 12, 7 mo. 1696; d. 3,7 mo. 1777 (m. 14, 8 mo. 1723, Patience Bunker, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth Bunker). 5. Elizabeth, d. 22, 7mo. 1763 (m. Dec. 25, 1703,† Stephen Gorham, s. of John of Barnstable). 6. Mehitable, d. 28, 2, 1777 (m. 1724, Philip Pollard). 7. James. d. 10, 4 mo. 1776 (m., 1st, Sept. 1, 1724, Susannah Gardner, dau. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Coffin) Gardner. She was his cousin). James m., 2d, Rachel, wid. of John Browne, of Salem, dau. of John Gardner, his father's brother. James m., 3d, Patience Harker, wid. of Ebenezer Harker, dau. of Peter and Mary (Morrell) Folger; no children. James m., 4th, Mary Pinkham, wid. of Richard Pinkham, dau. of James and Mary (Severance) Coffin; no children. 35. MIRIAM, m. Sept. 22, 1684, John Worth, s. of William.† Children : 1. Jonathan, b. Oct. 31, 1685. 2. Judith, b. Dec. 22, 1689 (m. Apr. 25, 1707, John Macy, s. of John and Deborah (Gardner) Macy). 3. John, d. young. 4. Richard, b. May 27, 1692. 5. William, b. Nov. 27, 1694. 6. Joseph. 7. Mary. * Salem Town Records. † Nantucket Town Records. 52 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 36. NATHANIEL, b. 16, 9 mo. 1669; d. in England in 1713; m. Abigail Coffin, dau. of James and Mary (Severance) Coffin. Children: 1. Hannah, b. 6, 5 mo. 1686;* d. 25, 3, 1773 (m. 11 mo. 1736, among Friends," Jabez Bunker, s. of William and Mary Bunker). 2. Ebenezer, b. 27, 8 mo. 1688; * d. 16, 4 mo. 1763 (m., 1st, Sept. 1709, Eunice Coffin, dau. of Peter, Jun., and Elizabeth (Coffin) Coffin; m., 2d, Judith Coffin, dau. of John Esq. and Hope Coffin). 3. Peleg, b. 22, 5 mo. 1691; * d. 19, 1, 1718 (m. 23, 7 mo. 1714, Hepzabeth Gardner, dau. of George Esq. and Eunice (Starbuck) Gardner). 4. Judith, b. 28, 8 mo. 1693; * d. 17, 9, 1765 (m. Benjamin Barnard, s. of Nathaniel). 5. Margaret, b. 28, 11 mo. 1695;* d. 16, 5, 1727 (m. 11 mo. 1716, Jonathan Folger, s. of John). 6. Nathaniel, b. 14, 10 mo. 1697;* d. 5, 1727 (m. 2mo. 1725, Mary Folger, dau. of Peter).† 7. Andrew, b. 28, 10 mo. 1699; * d. 3d mo. 1782 (m. 1721, Mary Gorham, dau. of Stephen). 8. Abel, b. 6, 6 mo. 1702; * d. 11, 9 mo. 1771 (m. 18, 9 mo. 1723, Priscilla Coffin, dau. of James Jr. and Ruth (Gardner) Coffin). 9. Susannah, b. 4, 6 mo. 1706; * d. 6, 1781 (m. James Gardner, s. of James and Rachel (Gardner) Gardner). 37. HOPE, b. Nov. 16, 1669;* d. Oct. 12, 1750; m. John Coffin, s. of James Esq. and Mary (Severance) Coffin. ‡ Children : 1. Richard, b. June 12, 1694; d. Mar. 4, 1768 (m. Ruth Bunker). 2. Peleg, b. Sept. 16, 1696; 3. Judith, b. May 8, 1700; d. Dec. 24, 1788 (m. Ebenezer Gardner, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Coffin) Gardner). 4. Elias, b. June 18, 1702; d. 1773 (m. Love Coffin). 5. Francis, b. Sept. 13, 1706 (m. Theo. Gorham). 6. Abigail, b. Aug. 31, 1708; d. 1770 (m. Zaccheus Folger, s. of John and Mary (Barnard) Folger). 38. LOVE, b. May 2, 1672;* m. James Coffin, Jr., s. of James and Mary ( ) Coffin. Child: 1. Benoni, d. young. 5 Capt. John Gardner was first mentioned in the records of the "Generall Court" at Boston, under date of "5th. 9 mo. 1639," when "The treasurer was ordered to pay John Gardner 20s. for witness charge & carrying Goodman Woodward, his instruments to Ipswich." The first reference to him in the town records was in 1642 ("23th of the 11th moneth"), when he and his brother Richard were each granted ten acre lots "nere Mackrell *Nantucket Town Records. Folger MSS., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Library. ‡ N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc. Register, vol. 24, p. 306. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 53 Cove next to Mr. Thorndiks playne to be laid by the towne." This lot was sold to Samuel Corning, May 2, 1659.* дова Ganduder At a meeting of the selectmen of Salem, held "22(1:) 57-8" it was "agreed that Mr. Jn°: Gardner (and others) shall be disiered to Joyne with Liñ men to goe a pambulacon begining at the sea & soe to the great Pond by the Road towards Liñ."† He served as a juror each year from 1658 to 1661 † and again in 1672.† In 1659 he was an appraiser of the estate of William Jiggles. From papers on file in the office of the Clerk of Courts, we learn that he was appointed attorney for Henry Bartholomew in June 1661,§ and served on a jury of inquest in June of the year following.|| In 1659, "Mr. Walter Price, Mr. Joseph Grafton and John Gardner, did seual tymes take contribution of those that were free in it, and sett down from their mouths what they voluntaryly gave for that end," for the procuring of a house and land for Mr. John Higginson, "our Pastor." In the following year he was employed to run the bounds between Boston, Charlestown and Lynn. This we know from the following document filed in connection with the case of the town of Lynn, vs. Thomas Brown; "Mr. John Gardener of Salem, being defired by the Select men of Lin to Run the bounds betwixt Boſtone, Charlstown and Lynn vppon a Nor. Norweft lyne, from the midle of Bride's brook vppon the foote Bridge by Mr. Bennitts, by a merridian Compafs, he the sayd John Gardener testifieth That the farm houfe which they call Roger Tylers is about One Hundred, or Sixfcore Rods with in *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 114. Town Records. County Court Papers, book 5, leaf 14. County Court Papers, book 6, leaf 94. County Court Papers, book 8, leaf 43. 54 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, the sayd Lyne, and that house the call Ensigne Bancrofts is about One Hundred or Sixfcore Rod and the field the call Mst Lyndall' feild which Lyeth of to the norwestward of his farme house is wholly within the same Lyne. Per me John Gardener. This Lyne was run in the year, 1660, As Appears by the Towne Books Vera Copia Taken out of the Origginall under Mr. John Gardners hand. Attest John ffuller Town Clark."* "22-6th. mo. 1663. Mr. John Gardner," was chosen commissioner to "joyne with the felectmen for makinge the . . . . . .rate."† John and Samuel Gardner and others, were granted permission 9-9-1663, to build a mill over the South river,† "prouided it be built in two yeares or to loſe theire privilidge." In the records of the County Court held at Ipswich, March 29, 1664, we find the following entry: "Mr. John Gardner, presenting a copie of Administra- tion Granted to him of the estate of John Cornings at the court held at Salem the 24 of the 9th mo. 1663 and now presenting an inventory to this court orders the sayd John Gardner to paye the debts, and to keepe the rest of the estate in his hands till the court take further Order." The most interesting document which has been found in Salem concerning him, is his map of the Merrimac River, which bears the following inscription: "Plat of Meremack Riuer from ye See up to Wenepesoce Pond, also the Corses from Dunstable to Penny-cook. Jno. Gardner." A reproduction of this map may be found in the Essex Institute Historical Collections vol. xiv, p. 157. Mr. James Kimball in an article published in the above number of the Collections, says: "There can be no doubt about that part of the plan giving the 'Corses from Dunstable to Pennycook,' as having been drawn between 1660 and 7 by John Gardner who was at that time a resident of Salem." He is satisfied that the John Gardner referred to was the son of Thomas Gardner of Cape Ann and Salem as he was the first and, until 1653, the only one *County Court Papers, book 38, leaf 109 (Mansfield et als Attys. of Town of Lynn, vs. Thomas Brown, 1682). †Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 55 This writer also of that name appearing in our records. alludes to the fact that his name is several times mentioned in connection with measurement of lots and laying out of division lines, etc. The author has closely compared the signature on the map with autographs of the subject of this article, and has found the resemblance very striking. In this connection it is interesting to note that, in 1669, the town of Salem paid him 5:00:00 for his services as surveyor. * In the County Court Papers, book 17, leaf 98, the following autograph note appears: Wee whofe names are underwritten doe testifye that there are feuerall heaps of lime-ftones lye in the South river of Salem in the uſuall place of graueing for vessels, neere Mr Joseph Grafton's houfe, wch will much endanger any veffel coming afhore upon them. (June, 1671). and for John Gardner Matthew Barton." John Gardner, mariner of Salem, "sold unto John Putnam. . husbandman for forty shillings tooe acres of medow lying nere Ipswich River as by deed dated 6th. day of ffebruarie 1653 apeth."+ John Gardner, mariner, bought of Hanna, wife of Samuel Shattuck, a dwelling house with a shop and t acre of land; bounded "with ye broad streete yt comes from ye meeting house on ye north, with ye dwelling of Richard Prince on ye east, & som ground of Nathanyell Pitman on ye south, & adjoining to the dwelling of Richard Gardner on ye west, to have & to hold" (May 28, 1659).‡ John Gardner, mariner, bought of John Ingersoll of Salem, "a dwelling house with half an acre of land. betweene ye house & Land of Ric. Ramands on ye east & Joseph Hardey on the west butting upon ye South river in ye township of Salem (9th. 6th. mo. 1656)."§ John Gardner and Joseph Hardy mutually agree that there shall be a cart waie betweene our house lotts, from ye end butting on ye comon, downe all along ye *Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 21. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 90. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 35. 56 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, lott to the river, & is to be one pole in breadth to lay wholy in Joseph Hardyes ground, on yt side next to John Gardner's ground . . . . . John Gardner haue given unto Joseph Hardy, fifty shillings to his content, & therefor Joseph Hardy have & doe sell unto John Gardner, & his heirs & assigns forever, half a pole in breadth of his ground, all ye length of ye lott" (dated Sept. 26, 1661). * The "cart waie " thus described is the present Herbert Street in Salem, and the lot which John Gardner purchased of John Ingersoll includes all the land on the eastern side of Herbert Street from Essex Street to the water. John Gardner, mariner, bought of Richard "Rayment," two and one-fourth acres of salt marsh, in two parts, divided by three-fourths of an acre of marsh of Ralph Fogg, near Forest River, August 10, 1662.* John Gardner "late of Salem in Co. of Essex, now of Nantucket," "for divers good causes & considerations, thereunto me moving especially for that love & naturall affection I have and bare unto Jno Saunders of Salem unto ye sd John Saunders a certaine p'cell of land in Salem containing 28 pole."† This lot was the northern part of the above described land purchased of John Ingersoll, i. e. the present southeast corner of Herbert and Essex Streets. grant. The lot next to this on the south, John Gardner sold to John Barton, of Salem, Chirurgeon, June 23, 1676.‡ John Gardner lived in a house which stood on the lot still further south, near the water. In his will dated Dec. 2, 1705, he made the following bequest: "I give my Grandson John Gardner, my house and all my lands, with one eight part of the water mill at Salem."§ April 30, 1713, John Gardner of Mendham in County Suffolk, mariner, the grandson above mentioned, sold the dwelling house and one-half acre of land "formerly ye estate of my Honra Grandfather John Gardner Esq., late of the Island of Nantucket," to John Lansford.|| * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 48. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 7. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 138. Nantucket Probate Records, book 1, leaves 12-13. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 184. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 57 Ezekiel Goldthwayt and Paul Mansfield, administrators of the estate of John Lansford, sold the property to James Lindall, March 11, 1734,* and he in turn conveyed it to Richard "Derbe," Sept. 18, 1735.† Elias Hasket Derby, sold this land "with the Mansion of Richard Derby Esq. deceased, thereon," to Miles Ward Junior, April 16, 1795.‡ Richard Gardner, and Elizabeth his wife, formerly Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Miles Ward Junior, sold to Joseph Chapman Ward, their right to one-third of the real estate of their father, Miles Ward, Junior (dated Jan. 30, 1800).§ This house, known for many years as the Joseph Chapman Ward house, has lately been repaired. It stands on the northeast corner of Derby and Herbert Street. NANTUCKET. "A grant was made (August 5-72) by the town (the freeholders inhabitants purchasers and associates) now inhabiting on this Island) unto Mr. John Gardner of Salem marrener, a seamans accommodation, with all appurti- nances belonging unto it as fully as the other seamen and tradesmen have in their former grants, upon condition that he com to Inhabit and fet up the Trade of fiſhing with a sufficient vafsel fit for the taking of Codfish, and that any of the Inhabitants shall have liberty to jiyne in such a vefsall with him, and that the aforefayd John Gardner shall use his best endeavor to prosecute the fifhing trade efect in the fit seafon of the year, and if he see caufe to depart from the Island within Three years after the time that he shall com to Inhabit, that then the land shal return into the hands of the aforesayd grantters, they paying for al nefesary building or fencing that ar upon it, as it shal be judged worth, also the said John Gardner is to be here with his family at or before the last day of April, 74, or else this grant to be voyd."|| "The eleventh aker beyond skimmo Called common is *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 57. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaf 143. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 160, leaf 3. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 186, leaf 104. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 30-31. 58 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, granted by the town to Capt. John Gardner and also that slife of medow more or lefe that lieth to the weftward of the ninth aker.”* In addition to the town grants as above quoted, he purchased a house as follows: 'John Gardner of Salem in New England, aforesaid to him his heirs and afsignes for ever for the sum of 50 pounds lawful money, according to agreement, is granted by Nathaniel Holland of Watertown in Co. of Middlesex in New England one dwelling house and half an accomodation on which the house now standeth."+ "The town hath granted to Mr. John Gardner liberty to set a house upon the hy-way at Wefko going down to the landing place, the hyway is to be layd out so much the broader by Thomas Macy and Peter foulger, and so many pole of land as they two shal apoynt for the house to stand upon, the town doth freely give to the sayd Jo. Gardner."+ He went to New York with his brother Richard, and returned in April 1673, with orders from Governor Francis Lovelace. ‡ He also brought with him a "Commiffion for Capt. John Gardner of the If land of Nantuckett, to bee Capt. of the Foot Company there." "Francis Lovelace Efq., &c: Governor Genall under his Royall HS James Duke of Yorke and Albany, &c. of all his Territoryes in America: To Capt John Gardner of ye Ifland of Nantuckett. Whereas, you are one of the two Perfons returned unto mee by the Inhabts of your Ifland, to bee the Chiefe Military Officer there, having conceived a Good Opinion of your fitnefs and Capacity; By Vertue of the Commiffion and Authority unto mee given by his Royall Highneffe James Duke of Yorke and Albany, I have Conitituted and Appointed, and by theſe Prefents doe hereby Conftitute and Appoint you John Gardner to bee Captaine and Chiefe Military Officer of the floot Company rifen or to bee rifen within the Iflands of Nantuckett and Tuckanuckett; you are to take the faid Company into your Charge and Care as Captaine thereof, * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 20. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 29. W. C. Folger in the Nantucket Inquirer, June 18, 1862. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 59 and them duly to Exercize in Armes; and all Officers and Souldyers belonging to the ſaid Company are to Obey you as their Captaine. And you are to follow fuch Orders and Inftructions, as you fhall from Time to Time Receive from mee or other your Superiour Officers according to the diſcipline of Warr; for the Doeing whereof this fhall be your Commiffion. Given under my Hand and Seale at Fort James in New Yorke this 15th Day of Aprill in the 25th Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoqe Domini, 1673. Fran: Lovelace.”* "Whereas Mr. The following was also brought: Richard Gardner and Capt. Jno. Gardner, his Brother, having Declared unto mee their Intent of undertaking the Defigne of a ffiſhing Trade upon the Ifland of Nantuckett and Parts adjacent, if they may have Licence to buy and make Purchaſe of fome Land by the Sea Side or elfe-where of the Indyan Natives Proprietors for their accomo- dation; for an Encouragement unto them the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner in their undertakings of the Deſigne aforefaid; I have thought fitt to give and grant, by theſe Preſents doe hereby Give and Grant, Liberty and Lycence unto the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner and their Affociates to Buy and make Purchaſe of ſome convenient Quantity or Tract of Land for the Ufe aforefaid, or for Improvement thereof of the ſaid Indyan Proprietors, not yet made Purchaſe of by the Reft of the Inhabitants, for the which when Returne ſhall bee made of the Quantity thereof, together with its Buttings and Boundings, the faid Mr. Richard and Capt. John Gardner and their Affociates may have a Patent of Confirmation by Authority of his Royall Highneſs under the Seale of the Province. Given under my Hand and Seale at Fort James in New Yorke this 15th Day of Aprill in the 25th. Yeare of his Maties Reigne, Annoq Domini, 1673. Fran: Lovelace."† From the records at Albany, we know that he appeared before the Council, April 28, 1675. The following * Deeds III, 88, Secretary's Office, Albany, New York. † Deeds III, 57, Secretary's Office, Albany, New York. 60 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, extracts from the records are of interest, as showing what transpired at this meeting: "Two Peticons brought by Capt. Gardner read, fubfcribed by feverall of ye Ifland, ye one from yº Magistrates, ye other from them and others." Capt. Gardner produced his Power to act or Treat for ye Towne, and makes a long Relacon of Matters concerning Nantuckett." "Hee is referred till Capt. ee To-morrow for a farther Hearing. Gardner's Power is figned by 4 Persons in ye Name of ye Towne. Its dated March ye 25th. 1674.”* Some of the inhabitants of the island, under the lead of Tristram Coffin, opposed the Gardners and their friends, and when this Coffin party came into power, they passed the following resolutions: "Whareas Capt. John Gardner was chosen to goe to New Yorcke to negociate about som publicke conserns of the Iland and peter foulger chossen to assist hem the towne doth now revoack the orders aforesaid and doe forbid the said Capt. Gardner and petter foulger to medal at all hence forward in any of the towns Consernes ether at Yorcke or elce whare under any colour or pretence what so ever."† The following letter was written by John Gardner to the Governor, March 15, 1676-77: १९ Right Honorabell. May it Please your Honor. Duty and Love Commands; nefefity constraynes; and your Honours Wiſdome and Care of us embouldens mee once more to petiſhtion and enforme your Honor of our prefent State : First, that there hath bene an unhapy diferance Amongſt us; beyond before my coming to this Iland; and fince not decrefed, is to Evident: the Grounds whereof I belieue your Honor was neuer yet Rightly Enformed of. If I may, therefor, Humbly Entreat your Honors Patience a litell, I shall as Breafly as poffabelly I can, giue your Honor the fhorte of it, and leaue it more fully to be don when I fhall find the Hapines againe to ftand before your Honor; And now Right Honorabell, that there was fum kind of Purchaſe of Mr Mayhew by fum Gentlemen liueing in the Maſachuſets, of Liberty to plant * Council Minutes III, Part II, p. 36, Secretary's Office, Albany. † Quaint Nantucket, p. 38. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 61 vpon this Iland; and after that, the Purchas of fum Land of the Indian Right fuch as it was; and a part of theas Purchaſers came to Inhabit, Taking in fum other Inhabitance with them on Termes agreed one; . But his Royall Highneſs . . . did ſend a verball Mefage to the Inhabitance to apear before him to make out there Claymes which Mefage was fo far flighted as to take no noties of it. After this, the Right Honorabell Cor Loflase comeing Gouernor; did again fend out his warrant for Perfons here Conferned to apear before him within fouer Months to make out ther Claymes : or Elce all ther Claymes ſhould be ever after voyd to all Intents. The Copy of this was fent to thofe of the Purchaſers yet in the Mafetufets; and the Inhabitance haear wayted on them about one Yeare after the Time giuen them before they mad ther Apearance Acording to Warrant; Reſeiving no Anſwer nether was ther ever aney Anſwer to this day or aney Apearance Now heare comes in the Ground of all our diferance, that feuerall of the Inhabitance joyned with the Purchaſers, afirming that this ther ould Titell as Good, and that they need not to take the Titell from his Ryall Highnefs as the Law directs, and that it was ther one before. Thes Things hath wrougt fuch Refiftance in Agit'tion that we are now Gone juſt to Diſtracktion in that of the Gouerment that is amongft us. Mr. Macy and his Relations though formerly aferted his Ryall Highnes Propriety and Intreft now joyne with that Party as we judge opofe it, and fum Perfons now come out of the Bay of thoſe Purchafers as Sojourners for a Time by Refon of the Indian War, fo they now haueing the biger Party hear, mould all Things after ther Plefuer, or at Left Endeuerit.' ??* The court which was under control of the Coffin party, ordered Peter Folger to surrender the books, but he refused, and the court suspected Captain John Gardner "to have an espetiall hand in obstructing the proceedings by joyning himself to peeter fouldier in keeping back and concealing the records."† * New York Colonial MSS. XXVI, Secretary's Office, Albany. † Quaint Nantucket, p. 42. 62 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, A warrant was issued for his arrest, and William Bunker, marshal, was authorized to " draw latch, break open doors, and all things else remove that may obstruct." He did not succeed in arresting him but brought the following message from John Gardner: "I do not disown the king's authority, but I will not act.”* William Root Bliss, in "Quaint Nantucket," p. 43, states that He was brought by force into court, "when the magistrates spoke to him about his contemptuous carriages,' he listened in silence, and, without removing his hat, he sat down on a chest whereon was seated Tristram Coffin, who said to him:-'I am sorry you do behave yourself as a Delinquent.' To which John Gardner replied: 'I know my business; and it may be that some of those that have meddled with me had better have eaten fier.'" The following sentence was imposed by the court: "Whereas this Court taking into confideration how they might beſt; maintain his Majeities Authority in this Court, efpetially with relation to the Heathen among whom it was vulgarly Rumored that there was no Gouernment on Nantuckett, and hauing good Caufe to fufpect, the fame to proceed originally from fome Engliſh inſtigating them, or by their practiſe incouraging them in the fame, to the Great Danger of caufing Infurrection. This Court Reſpecting the fame faw Good to ſend to Capt. John Gardner, who had at the Quarter Court, refuſed to appear being fummuned and had refuſed to afift the Constable in the Execution of his office, vppon his Command, to make his Appearance to Anſwer the fame, in purſuance whereof, the Court fending the Marſhall twice for him with a Warrant refufed to come, the Marſhall afterwards fetching him by Force, when he came to Court, demeaned himſelf moft irreverently, fitting down with his Hat on, Refolued and do therefor order; That Capt. John Gardner fhall pay a Fine of ten Pounds in Money, or Something equivalent thereunto into the Treasurie and is disfranchifed alfo, (June 5th. 1677). Signed Matthew Mayhew."+ * Quaint Nantucket, p. 42. + New York Colonial MSS. XXVI, Secretary's Office, Albany. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 63 John Gardner appealed from this verdict as follows: "Mr. Thomas Mayhew and Gentlemen, all fuch as are his Magiefties Lawfull and Rightfully Eſtabliſhed Officers with all due Honour falut you. Whereas, I haue ben twice feched out of my Houſe by Warrt under the Name of a Generall Corte, and highly charged with contempt of his Magefties Authority, the which I am fo far from offering the Leaft Countenanc vnto that I defire not Longer to Lieue then to be Ready to Sacrefice my Liufe and Fortains for the maintaining of it, but as to my Actuall Obedience to a Generall Corte, I dow not vnderftand of aney ther can be heare at this Time; by Refon of the Perfons hear of our Iland that tack vpon them the Gouernment at this Time haueing not aney Lawfull Athority According to his Excelences the Gouernors Instructions, so far as I can vnderftand fo to dow, and that for thes Refons firft for Mr. Macy himfeluef haueinge at feuerall Times, and in open Town Meting, declared that his Comiftion would be out on the 13 day of October Laft, and that he fhould not ftand on Day longer fince which Time I neuer yet heard of any Refewed Comiftiones he haue had . and for thes Refons I could not but be all together pafife in my Obedience at this Time; but ſhall not opofe, but if his Excelency the Gouernor ſhall one this to be by his Majesty's Corte, as it is now conſtituted, I dow then apeale vnto the Corte of Afize at New Yorke from the Sentance declared againſt me, and ſhall folow the Order the Law injoins me therein. This is a true Copy of the Paper deliuered Mr. Mayhew at the Cort at Nantucket."* John Gardner. Governor Andros gave the following decision in the case of Capt. John Gardner, Aug. 3, 1677: "That all further Proceedings againſt Capt. John Gardner upon Complt of Conftable for Contempt, &c., as alfo Mr. Tristram Coffin Sen' and Mr. John Swaine Sen', and their late Genall Cort at Nantuckett from the 5th to the 16th day of June laſt paſt, on pretence of a Deed burnt *New York Colonial MSS., XXVI, Secretary's Office, Albany. 64 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, or deftroyed, bee fufpended till further Order, to be taken afore Winter, or as foone as may be; during which Time all Persons to forbear Intermedling Speeches or Actions or any Aggravations whatſoever, at Perrills.' ""* their On the 21st of the following month, Governor Andros issued his final verdict in the case, as follows: "This is further by Advice of my Councell to ſignifie and Order any or all Proceedings in faid Matters for his Disfranchiſement or Fine upon faid Accompt void and null, as being illegall, beyound your Authority and only peculiar to, if in the Power of the higheſt Judicature in thefe Parts."+ The following note is on record at Albany, in "Warrants, Orders, Paffes &c., III," in the Secretary's Office: "Mr. Gardner in a Memorial dated Mar. 16, 1677, gives the following Account of what occurred upon his preſenting the above to Mr. Mayhew: Three Days after hee came to my Loging in as great Pafhon as I Judge a Man could well be, acufing me highly wherein I was wholly inofent, and not proued though endeuered. Mr. Mayhew tacking this Opertunity to vente him feluef as followeth telling mee I had bin at Yourke but ſhould loſe my Labor; that if the Gouernor did unwind he would wind; and that he would make my Fine and Disfranchiſe- ment to abid on mee dow the Gouernor what he would; that he had nothing against me, neither was angry, but that I had ſpocken againſt his Intereft, and I ſhould downe, with maney more Words of like Natuer, but to loung here to enfert; and when I came Home to Nantucket I found the fame mind and Refolution there alfo."" The Governor's orders were disregarded by the courts under Pretense that they were given without a Knowledge of the Facts, and the Court proceeded to fell Cattle to fatisfy the Fine.” The people however rescinded the injunction voted two years previous, "prohibiting capt. Gardner and Peter Foulger to act in the publick consernes of the Island at New Yorcke or Elce whare."‡ * Council Minutes III, p. 164, Secretary's Office, Albany. Warrants, Orders, Paffes &c., III, 267, Secretary's Office, Albany. Quaint Nantucket, p. 44, 45. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 65 १९ Mr. Bliss further states that: Tristram Coffin the chief magistrate of the island, on the assembling of the General Court, October 9, 1679, caused to be entered on the records: "Whereas they have received information against the Town for electing Capt. John Gardner for an assistant in government, ordered that a warrant be issued forth to call the Town to answer for contempt of authority therein, he being under sentence of court Incapable of such office of trust." When he "appeared before the court to take the oath of his office, he bearded the lion in his den. The secretary recorded that Mr. Tristram Coffin chefe magestrate on nantucket doe declare against the entry of Capt. John Gardners oath as giving him. power to sit as an assistant, he being under disfranchise- ment.'"* His name and Richard's were chosen by the town to be sent to the Governor "to know his plesuer as to choyse respecting a Chife Magistrate fo the year ensueing.' Every townsman present at this meeting voted for the choice except one. Tristram Coffin enters his protest against the choosing of Capt. John Gardner.'"+ John Gardner "was comiffioned Chief Magiftrate of the Ifland Nov. 10, 1680, April 27, 1682, and June 2, 1684."+ "" The same author, Mr. Bliss, in "Quaint Nantucket, gives the following review of the life of John Gardner during this period: "In the history of those times John Gardner stands as the greatest of all the men who had to do with the beginnings of Nantucket. He had the genius of a leader, and his ability was recognized by Governor Andros in appointing him, three times the chief magistrate of the island. The people made him their agent to act in all matters of the towne at New York' and they said Whatsoever Captain Gardner shall agree for, about hireing a vessel to go, the towne will pay it.' He was made the leader of a committee to consult for the publicke good of the island against all invaders of the peoples Rights;' and in May 1687, he was chosen to go to New Yorke to manege such afeares as the town shall * Quaint Nantucket, p. 46. ୧ † Quaint Nantucket, p. 47. Warrants, Orders, Paffes &c. III, 267, Secretary's Office, Albany. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 16 66 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, intrust him with.' On his return he brought Governor Dongan's Patent to Certain Inhabitants of Nantucket,' which made John Gardner with six associates, One Body Corporate and Politiq to be called by the Name of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Comonality of the Town,' with right of purchasing from the Indians all Tracts or Parcells of Land' remaining in their possession, and to make such acts and orders' as they shall think convenient. from time to time.' For this charter they were to pay yearly 'unto our Soverign Lord the King the sum of one Lamb or two shillings current money' of the province. That one lamb was a token of the peaceful victory won by those who under the lead of John Gardner, had persistently advocated equal rights for all the inhabitants of Nantucket."* "The town did give and grant unto Capt. John Gardner 20 acres of upland Joyning to his house lot, towards the cleft behind his house." Sept. 30, 73.† Mr. John Gardner, Mr. Richard Gardner and Mr. Thomas Macy, were appointed by the town "to build a tide mill upon the creek behither Wefko, somewhere neere the place where the old mil now stands. The aforefayd undertakers to be paid 40 pounds in corn or cattel at price currant, also commonage for 20 head of neat cattle, 30 sheep and one horſe, together with twenty acres of upland and two akers of meadow and creek-thatch apportionably."† In October 1674, according to the records the "town affirm the commonage formerly engaged to" the above three men, "for the building of the mill, also the grant of land and 40 pounds." December 3d of this year they granted to John and Richard Gardner, "another aker swampy meadow."§ March 1675-6. "Voted by the town that the old mil with the appertennances thereof is now freely given unto Capt. John Gardner and John Swain to the Intent that they shall make a fulling mil within one whole year after the date hereof, than the aforefayd gift to be of none * Quaint Nantucket, p. 52. † Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 35. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 36. & Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 38. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 67 efect." 1678.† * He received another grant of an acre, in June, He evidently visited Salem in this year for we find that he witnessed the signature of his brother Thomas to a deed of land to his brother George, July 22, 1678. ‡ April 3, 1680, Capt. John Gardner was appointed with three others to make the town "rattes respecting cattel and other charge." § In the following June he was commissioned magistrate of Nantucket and granted power and assistants to keep courts, and administer justice to his majesty's subjects, etc. || At a town meeting held Jan. 3, 1682, he was elected moderator, and was chosen with his brother Richard, and "Steven" Coffin, to resurvey the lands on Nantucket, working in conjunction with the lot layers. T John Gardner again visited Salem in 1682, his particular business at that time being the settlement of the estate of his father-in-law, Joseph Grafton. July 21st, of that year, he appointed his "loving cousen Mr. Samuel Gardner Jun'r of Salem " his attorney. Appended to this we find the following: "Mr. John Gardner came before me, this 21st July, 1682, & owned this instrument to be his act & deed." **66 William Browne Assistant. Original papers connected with the settlement of this estate, bearing the autograph of John Gardner, are on file in the Clerk of Courts office, in An Indian deed in favor of John and Richard Gardner, dated Sept. 5, 1683, is recorded in the Nantucket Registry of Deeds office, book 3, page 54. June 15, 1688, he was granted power of attorney for Mary Higginson, wife of John Higginson, Esq., of Salem, "late relict of Joshua Attwatter."‡‡ He bought of Jacob "Washaman, and Winnattoohquam- mon or Bette" his wife, Sachems, a neck of land called * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 39, Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 46. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 6. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 48. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 26 (back side of the book). Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 51. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 117. tt County Court Papers (Essex) book 39, leaf 148. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 54. 68 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Pahoganat on the south side of "Matthew's Vyniard " (August 3, 1688.)* Desire Motanahomah, Indian, sold to him March 5, 1689, "pasturage for 1 horse on Nantucket." Similar purchases were made of the Indians, Feb., 1690, and Sept. 27, of the same year. † In 1692, Capt. John Gardner, and Mr. William Gayer, were chosen Representatives to the General Court from Nantucket, being the first representatives after the transfer of that island from the Colony of New York, to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. ‡ We learn from Vol. 1 (p. 93) of the Province Laws, that he was Tax Commissioner for Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket for the years 1692 and 1693. Still another honor was conferred upon him in this year (1692) namely, his appointment as Judge of Probate, which office he held until his death in 1706. He wrote a letter from Nantucket to Cotton Mather, in 1694, "in which he reported great decay among the Indians, stating that only about 500 grown persons remained. He attributed their physical decay 'to love of drink, their moral and religious decline, to growing formalism, and laxity in observance of the command- The same writer states that for many years he assisted the Indians, by protecting them from the greed of the whites.§ ments.'" The following letter to the Governor of Massachusetts is given in "Quaint Nantucket,” page 76: "Worshippful Sir :-This is to enform you that this night the ffrench landed on our Island, plundered one House and corred away a man & his son and are now about the Island, of what sort I know not, it is but a small vessel. They said at the House there was 2 more of which we know not. We thot Good so far to signifie that by post out of Boston which is all in haste. Nantucket the Your Servant, John Gardner." 3d day of May 1695. * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaves 52 and 58. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaves 81, 85 and 91. New England Historic Genealogical Register, v. 31, p. 297. Nantucket Historical Association, v. I, No. 2, p.10. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 69 He bought of "Daniel Spokon, Sachem, land lying at the South sea on the island of Nantucket" (May 31, 1695). * May 30, 1700, he bought of James Coffin, "1-2 of that 8th. part of an whole share of land on Nantucket, that James Coffin bought of James & Sarah Skiffe as by their deed for £13-14 shill."+ The purchases of two more pasturages for horses are recorded, one May 15, 1701, of Henry Breatton, and the other of Desire, an Indian. ‡ The following confession of Jack Never, an Indian, is found in "Quaint Nantucket," p. 62: "He confesseth. that he went in to Capt. John Gardners house About the midel of the night and tooke out of Mr. Gardners pocket by the bead side five shillings in mony and allso open'd a case and caried away a bottel with about a pint of Licquor in it; the sentance of the Court is that he shal be whipt twenty strips upon the naked body of Jack never above said." § He made a complaint against Coshomadamon (an Indian) for disposing of a pot lent him. Damaris an Indian girl accused of" stealing sundry goods," valued at less than five pounds, was condemned to return the goods, pay ten pounds be whipped ten stripes and to serve John Gardner four years. || In the Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 67, we find the deed of land made by the Indians to John and Richard Gardner in 1673-4, acknowledged and recorded. He was appointed a special Justice to try Strabo, an Indian of Natucket, for the murder of his wife Margaret, in 1704.T John Gardner married Priscilla Grafton, daughter of Joseph Grafton of Salem. The Grafton family was a prominent one in Salem in the early colonial days. When the estate of Joseph Grafton was settled, June 7, 1681, the children of his daughter Priscilla were remembered as * Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 77. † Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 5. Nantucket Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaves 28 and 29. Quaint Nantucket, p. 62. Quaint Nantucket, p. 67 and 71. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XIV, p. 170. 70 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, follows: "John Gardner shall have for his Chilldren by Priscilla his wife that now is, one fourth part. The statement is made in that delightful little book "Trustum and his Grandchildren," that she died in 1717, but I have been unable to find any record to verify it. John Gardner died in 1706, at the age of eighty-two. He was buried in the old burial ground on " Forefather's Hill," near the present pumping-station. The original gravestone is still in existence, but is kept at present in the old Coffin house (horseshoe house). A substantial granite stone stands in its place at the grave, upon which is inscribed the following: "Here lyes buried ye body of John Gardner Esq. aged 82 who died May 1706." This stone erected in 1881 replaces one removed for preservation, which marked this spot for 175 years." WILL. "The last will and Testament of John Gardner of Nantucket being of sound memory and composed in mind. by Gods great goodness is as followeth, first I bequeath my soul into the hands of the Eternall one that gave it and my body to be laid in the dust from whence it was taken the Charge whereof being paid which I desire may be no more then for Convenience together with my just debts being paid do give as followeth : First I give to my loving wife Priscilla Gardner all my houseing lands and stock of Cattle of all sorts on the Island of Nantuckett and Marthas Vineyard all which I do give my wife during her natural life Except what is hereafter expreft. Secondly I give my Grandson John Gardner my house and all my lands with one eight part of the water mill at Salem. Thirdly I give my Grandson Jeremiah Gardner thirty pounds in or as money when he shall be of age. ffourthly I give my Grandson Nathaniell Gardner thirty pounds in or as money when he shall be of age. ffifthly I give my Son George Gardner half one share of Lands on Nantucket with full stock on it of Cattle and * County Court Papers (Essex), book 39, leaf 148. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 71 sheep with what he hath already received and after his mother's decease all my housing lands and stock of Cattle of all sorts on Nantucket he paying or making good such Legacies as are herein expreft. Sixthly I give my daughter Priscilla Arthur after her mothers decease Six pounds per annum during her natural life to be paid out of my estate herein expreft. Seventhly I give my daughter Rachell Gardner fourty pounds after my wife's decease to be paid out of my estate herein expreft. Eightly I give my daughter Anne Coffin fourty pounds after my wife's decease to be paid out of my estate herein expreft. Ninthly I give my daughter Mary Coffin one half of all my Lands and Stock on Marthas Vineyard and ten pounds in money after my wife's decease to be paid out of my estate herein exprest. Tenthly I give my daughter Mehitable Daws fourty pounds after my wife's decease to be paid out of my estate herein exprest. Eleventhly I give my daughter Ruth Coffin one half of all my lands & stock on Marthas Vinyard and ten pounds in money after my wifes decease to be paid out of my estate herein exprest. All the above Sd Legacies to be paid out of my Estate herein exprest within one year, if demanded after my wifes decease in or as money. Lastly I make my wife sole executrix to this my last. will during her naturall life and my son George Gardner sole executor after my wifes decease, and I desire my friends Mr. James Coffin my Cousin Samuel Gardner and Richard Gardner as affistants to my wife and Son George in Executing this my last will in Witnefs hereof I have put to my hand and seal the Second day of December one thousand seven hundred and five. The mark of John Gardner. Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said John Gardner as his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribers William Gayer, James Coffin, William Worth, Eleazer Folger."* *Nantucket Probate Records, book 1, leaves 12 and 13. 72 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. The will was proved and allowed, and his wife Priscilla appointed sole executrix, October 2, 1706.* Children: • 39. JOHN, b. 20, 12mo. 1653;† d. ; m. Susannah Green, dau of Nathaniel and Mary (Honchine) Green. Children: 1. John, d. 6, 4mo., 1759 (m. Priscilla Coffin, dau. of Jethro and Mary (Gardner) Coffin). 2. Jeremiah, d. May 5, 1768‡ (m., 1st, Sarah Coffin,§ dau. of James, Jr., and Ruth (Gardner) Coffin; m., 2d, Lois Gardner, wid. of Grindal (b. Ramsdell) ). 3. Nathaniel (m. 1722, Jemima Coffin, "a friend"). 4. Priscilla (m. John Lovell). 40. JOSEPH, b. 8, 5mo. 1655.† 41. 42. 43. PRISCILLA, b. 6, 9mo. 1656†; ; m. John Arthur. Children: 1. John, d. 1, 9mo. 1719 (m. Feb. 26, 1703-4, Mary Folger, dau. of Eleazer and Sarah (Gardner) Folger). 2. Joseph, went to Philadelphia. 3. Elizabeth (m. Apr. 18, 1717, Eliakim Swain, s. of John, Jr.). 4. Margaret (m., 1st, May 4, 1712, Wilson Rawson; 2d, Jonathan Pinkham). 5. Mary, d. unmarried. BENJAMIN, b. 3, 12mo. 1658;† d. 23, 6mo. 1662. RACHELL, b. Aug. 3, 1661;† d. ; m., 1st, Aug. 1686, John Browne, s. of John and Hannah (Hubbard) Browne. Chil- dren: 1. Rachel, b. Dec. 16, 1687; d. 24, 7mo. 1741 (m. Oct. 2, 1707, James Chase, of the Vineyard). 2. Hannah, b. Apr. 6, 1689; d. 13, 12mo. 1730 (m., 1st, Tristram Coffin, s. of Peter Jr., and Elizabeth Coffin; 2d, Jonathan Pinkham, s. of Richard). 3. Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1690. 4. Abiel, d. in autumn of 1722, at Portsmouth, R. I., and was buried there (m. Silvanus Hussey, s. of Stephen and Martha). 5. James. 44. GEORGE, b.-; d. 17, 2mo. 1750;‡ m. Eunice Starbuck, dau. of Nathaniel, Sr., and Mary (Coffin) Starbuck. Children: 1. Hepzibah, b. Sept. 29, 1696;§ d. 2mo. 1742 (m., 1st, Peleg Gardner, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Coffin) Gardner; 2d, William Gardner, s. of Richard, Jr., Esq. and Mary (Austin) Gardner). 2. Priscilla, b. Jan. 30, 1698§ (m., 1720, Barnabas Pinkham, s. of Richard and Mary Pinkham). 3. Thomas, b. May 21, 1701;§ d. 14, 4, 1784 (m. Nov. 30, 1724, Hannah Swain,§ dau. of John and Catherine Swain). 4. Grafton, b. Apr. 27, 1701;‡ d. 13, 4, 1789|| (m. Abigail Coffin, dau. of Enoch aud Beulah (Eddy) Coffin, of Edgartown). *Nantucket Probate Records, book 1, leaf 10. Salem Town Records. Macy, List of Deaths. Nantucket Town Records. Starbuck, List of Deaths. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 73 45. BENJAMIN, b. May 17, 1664.* 46. ANN, b. 30, 12mo. 1667;* 47. ; m. Edward Coffin, s. of Peter and Abigail (Starbuck) Coffin. (No issue.) NATHANIEL, b. 24, 7mo. 1668.* 48. MARY, b. May 27, 1670;* d.- ; m. prob., in 1686, Jethro Coffin, s. of Peter and Abigail (Starbuck) Coffin. They lived in the "Horseshoe house." Children: 1. Margaret, b. June 10, 1689 (m., 1st, Rev. Samuel Terry, of Barrington; 2d, Rev. John Wilson). 2. Priscilla, b. Dec. 26, 1691; d. Nov. 23, 1772 (m. John Gardner, 3d, s. of John and Susannah (Green) Gardner). 3. John, b. Apr. 12, 1694; d. 1768 (m. Lydia Gardner, d. of Richard, Jr. and Mary (Austin) Gardner). 4. Josiah, b. July 28, 1698; d. Jan. 15, 1780 (m. Elizabeth Coffin, dau. of James, Jr., and Ruth (Gardner) Coffin). 5. Abigail, b. Feb. 12, 1700-1; d. July 7, 1782 (m., 1st, Nathaniel Woodbury; 2d, Eliakim Swain, s. of John and Experience (Folger) Swain). 6. Robert, h. Apr. 21, 1704; d. Aug. 8, 1757 (m., 1st, Parnell Coffin, dau. of Samuel and Miriam (Gardner) Coffin; 2d, Susannah Coffin, dau. of Jonathan Coffin). 7. Peter. 8. 8. Edward. 49. MEHITABLE, b. at Nantucket, Nov. 24, 1674;† d. ; m. Aug. 14, 1704, Ambrose Dawes, Jr.† Children: 1. Joseph, d. 15, 12, 1765 (m. Beulah Stewart, dau. of Charles Stewart, of Edgartown). 2. Priscilla (m. John Hunter, a Scotchman). 50. RUTH, b. at Nantucket, Jan. 26, 1676;† d. Oct. 4, 1748; m. 19 of 3ªmo, 1692, James Coffin, Jr., s. of James and Mary Coffin. Children: 1. George, b. 2 or 22,§ 2mo. 1693; d. Aug., 1727 (m. Ruth Swain, dau. of John). 2. Sarah, b. 9, 1mo. 1695; d. Dec. 1, 1739§ (m. Aug. 8, 1711, Jeremiah Gardner Esq.† s. of John Jr. and Susannah (Green) Gardner). 3. Nathan, b. 13, 9mo. 1696; d. Dec. 4, 1768§ (m. Lydia Bunker, dau. of Jonathan). 4. Elisha, b. 10, 6mo. 1699; d. 1722‡§ (m. Dinah Bunker, dau. of Peleg and Susanna (Coffin) Bunker). 5. Joshua, b. 16, 7mo. 1701; d. 1722‡§ (m. 1721, Priscilla Bunker, * Salem Town Records. Nantucket Town Records. Lost at sea in the same vessel. N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, v. XXIV, p. 154. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 24 74 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, dau. of Peleg and Susanna (Coffin) Bunker). 6. Elizabeth, b. 27, 8mo. 1703; d. 1774 (m. Maj. Josiah Coffin, s. of Jethro and Mary (Gardner) Coffin). 7. Priscilla, b. 3, 4mo. 1708; d. 27, 4mo. 1792 (m. Abel Gardner, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Coffin) Gardner). 8. Mary, b. 19, 5mo. 1710; d. July 19, 1785* (m. John Bunker, Esq., s. of George). 9. James, 3d, b. 10, 4mo. 1713; d. Apr. 11, 1784† (m. Priscilla Rawson, dau. of Wilson 1st). 10. Ruth, b. June 17, 1716; d. Sept. 30, 1801 (m. Cromwell Coffin, s. of Ebenezer). 11. Benjamin, b. Nov. 16, 1718; d. Dec. 28, 2d,† Hannah Packer.) NOTE. In the following pages only those descendants of Thomas Gardner who have lived in northeastern Massachusetts, will be recorded. The author is preparing a genealogy of the entire family, and has brought very many lines down to the present generation. He will be pleased to correspond with any who may be interested. Address, Frank A. Gardner, M.D., 23 North Street, Salem, Mass. 6 Samuel Gardner was born about 1627. This we know from depositions and affidavits on file in the office of the Clerk of Courts. The two earliest of these are dated "21, 12mo. 1666" and 1670, and give his age as 40 and 43 years respectively. Others made a few years later, make the date of his birth as late as 1629 or 1630.§ Samuel Gardnergent The first reference to him in the Town Records is found under date of "the 25th of the second moneth 1649," at which time "Its ordered that" he, with his brothers George, Thomas and Joseph, shall "survey and measure from the meeting howse to a pcell of medow vpon the great river Westerly from Salem and give an account thereof at our next meeting, for wch they shall haue allowance in pte of the medow for theire paynes if any shalbe found within our bounds where they runne the lyne." He served the town and colony so frequently, and in * Town Records † Nantucket Town Records. County Court Papers, book 12, leaf 85; and book 16, leaf 65. $ County Court Papers, book 32, leaf 115; book 33, leaves 55 and 56; book 35, leaf 85; and book 46, leaf 23. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 75 so many different capacities, that we will consider these services under separate headings, instead of reviewing them in their chronological order. SURVEYOR. His first service to the town in this capacity, is mentioned above. On "The 7th of 3mo:" 1667, he was appointed with two others from Salem, and four from Lynn, to lay out the boundary line between the two towns, known as the Seven Men's Bounds.* A heap of stones still stands a little to the south of the Lowell road in West Peabody, to mark an angle in the line. On the 18th of March 1671-2, he was appointed one of the "survey's of ffences, belonging to the Towne from the meeting houſe to the Lower End of the Towne."† In March (13) of the following year he was appointed with others to inquire out about the Comon lands about ye farmes."t The committee made a report, April 21, 1673.† Ce 23, 2, 1673, he went over with others, the boundary line between Reading and Salem.† A committee consisting of Samuel Gardner and others was appointed on the “12, 7ber 1673," "to lay out the Comon Lieng nere Beverly."t Samuel Gardner Sen. was appointed on the 13th of Feb., 1677, "to Joyne wth ye Comitty formerly appointed to Lay out ye highwayes in ye north field."† He was appointed June 1, 1677, a member of a committee "to view & state the bounds between Ipswich & Manchester."+ "Ye proprietors of North ffeild" chose "Samuell Gardner fur. and Jeremiah Heald" to survey the fences.§ They "to reported March 29, 1678.§ March 27, 1679, he was chosen with others "to perambulate the Bounds betweene Marbleheade & this towne."+ • He was appointed on a committee April 7, 1682, "to search out for towne lands Either Claymed or taken in by any," and just two years later to a day, he was " chosen to run in pambulation with the towne of Lyn ye 28 April 1684."|| * Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v, p. 274. Salem Town Records. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 149. § County Court Papers, book 28, leaf 57. Town Recor s. 76 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, "Saml Gardner Seny'r" was "chosen for a Surveyor May 5, 1686.* The "Hon" Court of General Sessions " appointed him with his nephew Samuel Gardner Jr. to "view the land of William Shaw." They made a report on the 12th of March, 1688-9.+ Two men worked two days, and one boy one day, on the "highway near ould Mr. Gardner's house," "by order of Samuell Gardner Sen." May 16, 1688.* OVERSEER AND APPRAISER OF ESTATES. He appraised the estate of Robert Moulton Sr. in 1665, having previously witnessed his will (Sept. 5, 1665.)‡ We find his signature attached to the inventory of the estate of Jonathan Brown, April 16, 1667,§ and to that of the estate of William Robinson on Nov. 22, 1678.|| Other estates appraised by him were those of Joshua Ward,¶ Thomas Rix** and Francis Skerry.†† Samuel Shattuck called Samuel Gardner Sen'r, and Samuel Gardner Jun'r, his "loving couzen's" when he named them as overseers in his will, dated April 6, 1689.‡‡ JURY SERVICE. He served on the "Jury of Tryals," in 1661, '64, '68, '69, '72, '75, and '79,§§ and on the Grand Jury in 1674.|||| His name appears on a "List of freeholders to be Jury men," August 23, 1686.* In 1665 he was a member of a jury of inquest in the case of James Priest, found dead.¶¶ Four years later he performed a similar service. CORONER. *** In 1686, he served the county as Coroner, and a list of persons appointed by him (Aug. 25), to serve on a *Town Records. County Court Papers, book 48, leaf 29. County Court Papers, book 11, leaf 47. County Court Papers, book 13, leaf 17. County Court Papers, book 30, leaf 31. County Court Papers, book 34, leaf 83. **County Court Papers, book 42, leaf 62. †† County Court Papers, book 42, leaf 72. It Essex Probate Record, book 302, leaf 178. §§ Town Records and County Court Records. County Court Records, 24-9mo.-1674. Case 1. TT County Court Papers, book 11, leaf 59. ***County Court Papers, book 15, leaf 71. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 77 coroner's jury, is on file among the County Court Papers, book 46, leaf 139. Under date of Nov. 9, 1687, 1687, Samuel Gardner Coroner in ye County of Essex," makes a report of appointments to serve on a coroner's jury.* CONSTABLE. Reports from him for amounts collected as constable, are recorded in the Town Records, under the following dates: August 1671, and December 20, 1672. SELECTMAN. His name appears first as a selectman of Salem, in the report of a meeting held March 12, 1676-7. He was chosen again March 21, 1680-1, and served continuously for the next four years. Feb. 21, 1686-7, he was again chosen, and served for two years. † DEPUTY TO THE GENERAL COURT. He was first appointed Deputy, on May 11, 1681, and he continued to represent the town at Boston, during this year and the year following.‡ He was again appointed in 1685.† Instructions to Samuel Gardner Sen'r, Deputy, are recorded in the Town Records, March 10, 1684-5. CHURCH. In the Town Records, under date of Jan. 27, 1672, we find the following entry: "Mr. Sam'l Gardner hath liberty Granted him to Build a pew from the midle of the North window to ye stayers on the East Syde of the North Doer." "Mr. Sam'll Gardner and two others empowered to agree with a Carpenter or Carpenters to build a house for the towne which may serve for a schoole house & watch house & towne house of the timber of the old meeting house according as the timber will bear." April 15, 1673.† He was sent with others to the church at Lynn, on the * County Court Papers, book 47, leaf 77. ↑ Town Records and County Court Papers. ‡ Massachusetts Bay Records, v. 1674-1686, pp. 308 and 350. 78 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 30th of November, 1674, to oppose the formation of a church there. ce Mr. Sam' Gardner Sen. and Capt. John Price were empowered to employ carpenters to secure the Roofe of the meeting house." April 20, 1682.† In the Town Records for June 4, 1683, we read that "Mr. Sam" Gardner & Capt. Jn°. Price are defired & hereby impowered to agree with Jno Marston or some other Carpenter to secure the (meeting house) Rofe & make a new Dore & make ye Rofe Thight." On the 16th of the 6th mo. 1683, "Mr. Sam" Gardner Sen" was granted "liberty to Inlarge his pew under the stayres he takeing care to make a conuenient place under ye pulpit for ye table &c." He was appointed on a Committee the 19th of the 8th mo. 1683, to find a bellman.' In the same month of the following year, Samuel Gardner and Capt. John Higginson are defired to Agree wth fom Suitable man for A bel man."t "" CC In addition to the services rendered by him, as mentioned under the classified heads, we find the following references to him in the records, and in various publications. ୧୯ He was appointed June 9, 1673, to make Sale of Soe much of the townes Land mentioned In the Returne made " by Bartholomew Gedney and himself, "as will Amount" etc. "Mr. Samuel Gardner" was appointed 1, 12th mo. 1674-5,"to see to to.. . bond for ye paying of Mr. Higginson's debts.† He was admitted "freeman of this colony," on May 12, 1675. The court ordered Samuel Gardner Senior, John Price and John Higginson, Jun'r, to search and seize the household effects of Nicholas Manning and wife Elizabeth. § At a general town meeting, held on the "2d of the 9mo 1678," he was chosen with Capt. John Corwin, and Lt. John Putnam, "to be of the committee appointed by the Gen" Court, to end the difference betweene. *First Church Records, also Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 247. Town Records. N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, v. III, p. 244. County Court Papers, book 36, leaf 4. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 79 99 Salem & Beverly. In the following year (14 of 8th. mo.) he was chosen to go to the General Court "to manage the Case betweene Salem & Wenham." On May 11,1680, he was again chosen with Lieut. John Putnam to manage the case against Wenham.† He was chosen commissioner, or " 8th. man," 27: 6- 1680† and, in the following year (Nov. 7) was appointed with Lieut. John Putnam," to Arest & fulley prosecute " certain constables who had failed to fully pay to the town money which they had collected. † In the town records for 1682 (Apr. 20) we read that "Mr. Samuel Gardner Sen. & Mr. John Higginſon are defired to give notice to all the houſeholders from . .; yt all such as are not provided with good & Sufficyent lathers may spedyly procure them, upon the penaltye of the former towne order; viz. ten shillings for every weeks neglect." His name is found in the tax list dated the 16th of the 2nd mo. 1683, as follows: "County Rate, 00:10:00, Minifter's rate 1: 10:00."‡ He was appointed on the 27th of the 6th mo. 1683, with John Higginson, to disburse "something to Jos. Miles for his urgent neceffity" and to see that the highway was mended,† etc. Mr. Samuel Gardner, Sen. was chosen on the 1st of the 8th mo. 1683," & defired to goe to the County Court at Cambridge, ther to answer ye complaint of Cambridge village in relation to Abigall Parker."+ March 31, 1684, he and Mr. Benjamin Gerrish were chosen "Cullers of Fish." Upon the same date, "Mr. Samuel Gardner Sen., Mr. Samuel Gardner Jun. and Mr. Thomas Gardner" were granted permission to erect wharves at Winter Island, and appointed to decide upon the locations for the same.† We find his name with many others, in a list of persons warned by the constable to appear and renew their licenses as innholders (Nov. 30, 1687).§ *County Court Papers, book 36, leaf 29. Town Records. County Court Papers, book 43, leaf 14. County Court Papers, book 47, leaf 82. 80 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Training Field or Common. Ⅲ Sold by Sami. Gardner Jonathan Gardner, 3d Geng 66 pound. 999 °4 το Sam Robinson and Sam! Simonds. "Lane that goe s Hannah Gardner? Abel Gardner. Thomas Gardner. 3dGen (Thos, Thos Gove Simon and Ann Bradstreet. (Joseph Gardner, untils his death, 1675.) IV William Browne Jun. -1690-1- 100 feetyper inch. 1901 66 "Streete or highway leading from yº Meeting House to harbour. Jonathan William Browne June (Richard Prince?Jun;"until 1677 ) Prince. 100 Samuel Prince, Lane that goes to y North River." AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 81 Mention is made frequently in the town records, of various sums paid to him, among them being the following: To Samu¹¹ Gardner for Jofeph Gardner, 01:10:00” (1661). Pe The Court ordered the constable of Salem to pay Samuel Gardner 5 pounds, 12 shillings, "said Gardner out of that fume is to pay William Hafcall 46 shill. 6d."* 1670). "Bill pd. to him 25, 10-1677, 3:11:00."+ (29, 9mo. In January, 1682, he was credited with 6:12:90, and Jan. 29, 1682-3 with 12:16:06; in each case recorded as "disbursed for the town."+ Town debtor to him 8:00:00, " for his keeping of John Homan One Yeare wth cloths & Dyett &c. in pay 8:00:00+ (May 16, 1688). REAL ESTATE. The earliest record of land transferred to him was under date of the "13 of 6th mo. 1656," at which time he purchased of Joseph Gardner and his wife "An,” a lot of land consisting of 3-4 of an acre, "which sd. 3 q'trs of an acre is to take such a bredth from the barne that is by the dwelling house along by the streete toward the east corner as may goe cross throw the ground to the lane on the north where ye pound standeth." This lot is the one marked I, on the diagram. Three years later (Apr. 22, 1659) he purchased the lot next east of this, III on the diagram. This also contained about 3-4 of an acre, and was described in the deed as follows: bounded, on ye east with the towne common caled the penn, on the west with som land of ye Sd Sam Gardener (which was formerly bought also of the said Joseph Gardener as appears by a deed at large) & on the south bounded with the street that comes from the meeting-house & right in oposition agst the lane yt goes from Danyell Rumbolls to the south river, & on ye north with ye lane yt goes from ye powne to the comon."§ ୧୯ * County Court Records, 29, 9 mo. 1670, Cases 39 and 40. Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 58. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 60. E Brown Street, Back Lane. 82 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1760. Training Field. Jonathan Gardner, 4th Gen. (Thomas, Samuel Abel.") Jonathan Gardner, 5th Gen. Land of Joseph Bowditch 1810. Newbury Street. John Gardner Sr. 5th Gen. John Gardner Jr. 6th Gen. 100 Feet per Inch, Jonathan Gardner 6th Gen. Land of Joseph Peabody. Essex Street. Main Street. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 83 # The On Feb. 26, 1671, he sold a piece of land from the northern side of this lot, fronting on the "lane that leads to the pound," to "Samll Robbinson, tailor."* lot thus sold measured 16 poles, and from the boundaries given, we learn that he had previously sold a lot on the west side of this to Samuel Simonds, although no similar deed is on record. Ce Samuel Gardner willed to his son Jonathan, the dwelling-house & twoe thirds of the land . . that is to say two-thirds of the front next the street and soe through." To his daughter Hannah, he left "half the third part of the Land that belongs to the homestead which was before reserved & is to be the back part of sd. land next to old Mr. Higginson's dwelling. His son Abel received "half of the third part of the Land of the homestead before Reserved, his part to be next the street."† "" SO Jonathan died 1693, and left to his sister Gedney, much of my Ground at home to the westward as dividing the Land that was ffathers: in the halfe & run the line Right through." The remainder of his lot Jonathan gave to Mary and Joseph Henfield. This portion included the house, and they were to pay out of it "what I ough to Couzin Sam" Gardner."‡ Abel Gardner sold his part to his brother-in-law William Gedney, Nov. 12, 1694, § and Joseph and Mary Henfield, sold their portions to the same party in 1701 and 1707.|| William and Hannah Gedney thus came into possession of the entire homestead lot owned by Samuel Gardner at his death. William Gedney left this estate to his children,¶ and they sold it to Jonathan Gardner (4th gen.), son of Abel.** Jonathan Gardner (4th gen.) sold the western third of this lot to his son Jonathan (5th gen.) Feb. 28, 1760, for 600 pounds.†† This is the lot at present owned and *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 138. † County Court Papers, book 48, leaf 71. Essex Probate Records, book 303, leaf 147. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 75. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 122; and book 20, leaf 37. T Essex Probate Papers, No. 10,715. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 55, leaf 159; book 80, leaf 280; and book 96, leaf 44. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 107, leaf 152. 84 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, occupied by the Essex Institute. Jonathan, 5th gen., left. it to his son Jonathan Gardner 6th gen., and he in turn left it to his son William Fairfield Gardner, who sold it Oct. 8, 1834, to Tucker Daland, for $5,000.* Mr. Daland erected the present building upon it, and after his death, his executors sold it May 27, 1862, to Dr. Benjamin Cox Jr. The heirs of the Cox estate sold the property to the Essex Institute, Feb. 13, 1886.‡ Jonathan Gardner (4th gen.), in his will dated Feb. 14, 1767, left to his son John the middle and eastern thirds of his lot with his "Mansion House," the piece thus given him being bounded on the east by what is now Washington Square, on the south by the main street (Essex Street), on the west by the lot which Jonathan Gardner, 4th gen., had sold to his son Jonathan (the Essex Institute lot), and on the north by what is now Brown Street, and the small lots fronting on that street which Samuel Gardner 2nd gen., had sold.§ The western end of his lot (the middle third above referred to), John Gardner sold Dec. 21, 1809,|| to his son John Gardner, for $3,500, who sold it April 25, 1811, to Nathaniel West, with the mansion house on it for $13,333.33.¶ Joseph White purchased it July 20, 1814, and lived in it until his tragic death.** Stephen White conveyed it to David Pingree, Aug. 27, 1834.†† The eastern end, being also the eastern third as above described, continued in the possession of John Gardner (5th gen.) until the misfortunes of the war of 1812 overwhelmed him, and it was divided among his creditors. ‡‡ At this time the lot on the corner of Essex and Newbury Streets (Washington Sq.) was attached by the Salem Bank, and was bought later (July 1, 1853), by George Creamer, §§ who married Hannah Gardner, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Stevens) Gardner. It is at present owned by his heirs. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 278, leaf 70. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 638, leaf 243. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1168, leaves 282-3. § Essex Probate Records, book 356, leaf 376. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 190, leaf 282. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 193, leaf 77. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 204, leaf 255. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 276, leaf 242. Essex Book of Executions, No. 1, page 301; No. 2, pp. 19, 20, etc. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 481, leaf 173. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 85 Samuel Gardner, John Gardner, Walter Price and Henry Bartholomew, were granted permission on the "22nd of the 6 mo. 1663," to build a mill at South River, near Mr. Ruck's. This "New Mill" was completed in 1664, and in 1666 the town incorporated the dam into the public travelled way, and continued it through the South Fields to the Marblehead road.* They were sued "11th 9mo. 1664," by John Pickering, for damage caused by the water in the mill-pond.† The proprietors of the mill, purchased of the executors of the will of Walter Price, one half acre of land in the south fields, March 10, 1675.‡ In the town records under date of 17, 2, 1675, we find the following: "Granted to Mr. Samuel Gardner Sen' ten akers of land in fome place where it may be both prefer ner to ye towne to have it layd out & make return to ye towne the next meeting for the aprobation of ye place." In the records for the 23d of the 1st mo. 1676-7, we read: "Its alsoe voated by ye psons before mentioned, shall lay out to Mr Sam Gardners ye aforesd poll of Land taken In att y corner of ye N field by ye brooke neer Wm Robinsons house cont about one qurt of an acre wch ye Sd Gardner is to receiue In leu of one acre of Land. payment of ten Achors formerly graunted him.” 11 In pt After the death of Thomas Gardner (1st gen.) Samuel purchased nearly all of the real estate which his father had owned, and these various lots of land, have been described fully, and the names of their later owners given in the article upon Thomas Gardner. Among the pieces of land acquired at this time, was the burial lot mentioned in the article upon Thomas. Samuel Gardner was obliged to prove his title to this, in his suit against John Pudney, "For taking downe his fence & goeing into his incloafed land & there digging a grave without his leave as alfoe for redigging the same grave when filled by the plt: & that contrarye to his exprefs order, when in doeing, and then forceably burying theire dead & heare of making return."§ Found for the plaintiff 5 shill. damage and 16 shill. 2d. costs. Hugh Jones testified that he had *Essex Institute Bulletin, v. III, p. 11. † County Court Papers, book 10, leaf 42. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 130. County Court Papers, book 26, leaves 85 to 88; and book 27, leaf 127. 86 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, ୧୯ seen Mr. Saml Gardiner Senr. a fencing or putt up a new Fence, about ye Hill of land, called Mr. Gardners buriing place, and also that ye sd Samuel have made uſe or occupy ye sd peice of land by cutting stuffe, & small wood or trees of itt & that since his Father Dyed. ""* Samuel Gardner replied to John Pudney's "Reasons of appeal" as follows: "had the now planitife bin half as Bufy about Payeing the damage or studieing Peaſe as he hath bin in studieing Crittiks & Joaking Language; & undervalluing testimonies he might have faved the Court a great deale of trouble & himself a great deall of time. * "; Nov. 19, 1678, Samuel Gardner, bought of "Samuel Robisson and John Robisson, both of Salem. . . . tailers,' a quarter of an acre of land, on the road from Salem to Topsfield.† In the Town Records, May 14, 1680, we read that, whereas, nine acres of land were ordered" to be laid out" to Samuel Gardner Sen. "somewhere on the further side of Ipswitch Rivert wee doo upon further Consideration Apoynt that itt shall be layd out to him aboue Wm Shaws or some Other suitable place and returne there of made to the towne for Aprobation According to the first grant thereof." The lot thus laid out was described as follows in the Town Records under date of Nov. 1. 1680 "haveing the land of Zachariah Marfh on the Northerly Syde fourty fowre pole and the Land of Robert Moulton on the westerly Syde Sixtey pole, and on the Southerly Syde the land of Sam Frayle feuuenty two pole, and on the Esterly Syde a fmall ſtrip of Common Twenty fowre pole," etc. "Granted to Mr. Saml Gardner Senr. the Townes right to the Land whereon the Said Gardener's warhouſe now Standeth nere Mr Brownes wharfe" (16th. 6th. mo. 1693). "Voated that the towne doe grant unto Mг Sam" Gardner Sen" their interest in that Island that lyeth in Mr Humphrys pond soe called" (Mar. 31, 1684). He had granted to him 2:9: 1685, "about half an acor of land Adjoyning unto his owne land, on the Righthand of *County Court Papers, book 26, leaves 85 to 88; and book 27, leaf 127. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 29. Town Records. 4 + AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 87 ye highway goeing to Topsfield neare unto Robinson's Brook," etc., etc. This was on what is now Central St., in Peabody.* On the 9th of October in the year following, the town took about 60 poles of land from him for a highway, and granted him about 49 or 50 poles layed out adjoining said Gardner's land,* near Robinson's Brook. ९९ In the Salem Town Records, under date of May 16, 1688, we find the following: Whereas Samuell Gardner Sen. hath for the preferuation of the High Waye neere the place whare his ffathers house stood, turned the Water Course and as we Judge to great Advantage in Repayration throw his own Land about ffourty pole by wch his land is much Damnified for which the Select Men doe think itt Just that the said Gardner Should be Satisfied In pay or by Enjoying th: value of his Land damnified out of th: Common Land Joyning to his Own land by Strong Water Brook and Lying Over against Jos Boyse his house to th: Value of ffifteene or twenty pole in all & to bee one halfe pole In Breadth he Continuing to the Town th: Libberty of th: Said Water Course."* Samuel Gardner's first wife, and the mother of all his children, was Mary White, daughter of John and Elizabeth White. Her father died probably in England, and his widow came to America and married for her second husband Capt. George Corwin. In this connection, the following copy of an original paper, bearing Samuel Gardner's autograph, is interesting. "To ye Honoured County Court held at Ipswifh on ye 31 of March 1685-ye claime of Samuel Gardner Senr to part of ye Estate of Capt. George Corwin deceaffed dyed pofeffed of with ye Reafons of his Claim in behalfe of five children he have liueing by Mary one of ye two daughters of Mrs Elizabeth Corwin deceafed which fhee had by a former hufboun Mr John White & brought with her to & were brought up by Capt. George Corwin abouefd. 1. Reaſon is becauſe yt it is a thing Knowne & owned that Capt. Corwin abovefd brought no eftate or ſo little as may be called none with him in marriage to Elizabeth *Town Records. 88 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, abovefd & that what eſtate they then had came by her & was as I have herd about fowre hundred pounds. 2ly. becauſe yt Mrs Elizabeth Corwin abouſd tould me about yº time of my Marriage with Mary abouſd, that fhee had reserved no certain sumb for her daughters as their portions but had by agreement committed all in to her husbands hands in their behalf to run all adventures with the estate fo yt if all were lost they could claim nothing & that a reasonable aduance in case of increase was by agreement their dew. 3ly. becaus that as the estate came by her & what she brought was the root from which the rest have Grown so what increas there was to the estate was in the time of her life & She a help therein. 4ly. my father Captain George Corwin did promise me upon marriage that he would doe as much for & make me & my wife every way equal with Samuell Andrew & his wife who married the other fister which is yet to be done, there being above one hundred pounds as is well known Given in a wedding dinner more to them then to us, & I was then promised it Should be made up in another way there being also one of his children brought up from 4 year ould for him which could not cost lesse than 3: or :4: fcore pounds there being no fuch thing done for me I haveing 150 pounds at least leffe than he. 5ly. my father corwin have told me that he would make up what was wanting to my children at his decease but was prevented & is still dew to them & him who humbly requesteth this honoured court will doe him Right herein, & for proof of what is afserted I can & will make oath when called thereto. 1:2:1685. Samuel Gardner."* She died on the 12th of the 7th mo. 1675. He married again, as the following entry in the Town Records, proves: "Mr Samuell Gardner sen' & Mrs Elizabeth Paine widdow were marryed the 2ª August 1680." She evidently died before he did, as no mention is made of her in his will. *County Court Papers, book 44, leaf 91. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 89 WILL. "In the name of God amen I Samuell Gardner of Salem In the County of Effex in New England; Being sick and weake of body but of Sound understanding and memory doe make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament. First I Give and Bequeath my Soul to God my mercifull father in Jesus Christ and my Body unto the Earth to be Buried in decent and Christian manner In hope of a happy Resurrection and for what worldly estate god hath Blessed me with I Give devise and Bequeath as followeth viz. after my debts and funerall charges are paid I Give unto my son Jonathan Gardner my dwelling house and twoe thirds of the Land Adjoining and Belonging thereunto that is to say twoe thirds of the front next the ſtreet and foe through; alfo I Give unto my Son Jonathan my farme Lieng at Ipswich River neere to the Land of Capt Higginson & Thomas Gardner's lands and alfoe my fishing ketch & her Appertenances and my flackes & housing & what els I have at winter Island for the carrieng on the fishing trade. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Abell Gardner my Lott and orchard that was my fathers together with the Lands I purchased since and is Inclosed Adjoining thereunto at Gardner's Brooke soe called and also my ten acre Lott in the north field Excepting three acres which is referved to be disposed of as shall be mentioned underneath, I alsoe Give unto my son Abell my farme neere the Land of Anthony needham containing upland and meadow about one hundred acres and alsoe my Land and meadow Lieng at strong water Brooke soe called and my Land Lieing neer to the Land of John Harwood cont about ten acres. I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Hannah Gardner all my household goodes and half the third part of the Land that belongs to the homestead which was before reserved & is to be the back part of sd land next to old Mr Higginsons dwelling and if this I have Given my daughter fall short of the valew of three hundred pounds my executors to make good that sum unto her out of my moveable estate valew in money. I give and Bequeath unto Margarett the daughter of HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVII 25 90 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Deliverance Parkeman and my daughter Margarett that three acres of Land which is above reserved of my ten acre Lott In the north field if she survives the age of eighteen yeares or marriage, if not then the said three acres of Land is to fall to my Executors equally. I Appoint allot and Reserve my quarter part of the Corne mill in the hands of my Executors the product thereof to be for the Bringing up my two grandchildren Joseph Henfield and Mary Henfield until they come to the age of fifteene yeares after which time in Case my daughter Mary be Returned into this country she shall have the produce of half my sd quarter part of the mill during her Life; and after her decease the said half my part I Give and bequeath unto my said grand children Joseph and Mary Henfield, But if they die before they come of age the same to fall to my executors equally. I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my son Abell Gardner the other half of my part of the mill before mentioned alsoe halfe of the third part of the Land of the homestead before reserved his part to be next the street. I Give unto my sister Elizabeth Gardner six sheep. I Give unto my Cousin Priscilla Arthur six sheep. I make ordaine and appoint my twoe Sons Jonathan Gardner and Abell Gardner my executors of this my Laft will and teftament whoe are from time to time to act according to the Advice of my Executor in trust here after named, After the come of age Espetialy in all Cafes of dificulty. I doe make ordaine and appoint & Request my Loving kinsman Samuell Gardner my Executor in trust of this my last will and testament. Mr. Samuel Gardner Sen" signed fealed published and declared the Above written to be his Last will and Testament in prefence of us this second day of October 1689. Samuel Gardner (seal) Barthol Gedney Joshua Rea Sen Thomas Beadle Lt. Samuel Gardner pfented this instrument as a 11: 8:ber 89. Executor in trust. Attest Benj" Gerrish Clerk. * AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 91 Bartholomew Gedney Esq' Dan" Rea s" & Thos Beadle all appeared before the worshipfulls John Hathorne & Jonathan Corwin the Clark of the Court of Effex being p'sent And gave oath that they were p'sent & saw Sam¹¹ Gardner sen (deceased) signe seale & publishe this above instrument to bee his last will & testament, & that he was then of a disposing mind to the best of ye knowledge & understanding. Salem 11th 8ber1689. Children: Attest Benja Gerrish Clerk.' 51. MARY, b. 5th of 6mo. 1658;† d. Apr. 3, 1661.† 52. ELIZA or ELIZABETH, b. May 30, 1660;† d. Oct. 14, 1678.† *(6 53. MARY, b. June 29, 1662;† m. Joseph Henfield. Children: Joseph and Mary. 54. MARGARET, b. July 14, 1664;† d. Mar. 25, 1689; m. June 3, 1685,† Deliverance Parkman. Children: 1. Deliverance, b. 1686.† 2. Samuel, b. June 24, 1687.† 3. Margaret, b. Oct. 7, 1688.† 55. SAMUEL, b. 9, 4mo., 1666,† d. "10.6, 1683." The diary of Noahdiah Russell, Tutor at Harvard College contains the following reference to him : "Samuell Gardner a student of ye college of 2 years standing prompt for learning exemplary for Piety & sobriety died at Salem of ye Feaver at which time many were visited with ye feaver and ague which was very mortall."‡ 56. 57. GEORGE, b. 28, 11 mo., 1667;† d. 5, 7 mo. 1668.† JONATHAN, b. July 18, 1669;† d. about 1693. In his will probated Sept. 11, 1693, he left the portion of homestead lot which he had inherited from his father, to his sister Gedney, and to Joseph and Mary Henfield. He also left to his sister Hannah Gedney, "what is of mine in her hufbands hands, and my plate and Rings." To his brother Abel, he left his "ffarm, and warehouſe by Majr Browne's & wharfelott by the buring place, and my Rapier." "I do likewise defire my Brother Able to be my Executor & to See this my will performed."§ 58. HANNAH, b. Apr. 16, 1671;† d. Jan. 4, 1703-4; †m. Maj. William Gedney, May 7, 1690.† Children: 1. Susanna, b. 29 Apr., 1691.† 2. Margaret, b. June 8, 1694; m. 1714, Humphry Davie 3. William, b. Oct. 12, 1696; d. Nov. 28, 1696.† 4. Jonathan *County Court Papers, book 48, leaf 71. † Town Records. New England Hist. Gen. Register, v. VII, p. 59. Essex Probate Records, book 303, leaf 147. 92 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, b. Oct. 12, 1696 (twins); d. Nov. 12, 1696.* 5. Bartholomew, b. Mar. 22, 1697-8* (m., 1st, Sept. 15, 1720, Abigail Mason; 2nd, July 25, 1723, Mary Webber; 3d, Oct. 23, 1729, Hannah Danforth; 4th, Oct. 28, 1731, Sarah Johnson). 6. Hannah, b. June 12, 1701;* m. 24 Mar., 1724, James Grant.† 59. ABEL, b. 1, 7 mo. 1673;* d. Nov. 10, 1739;t m. Saralı Porter, dau. of Israel and Elizabeth (Hathorne) Porter. 7 Capt. Joseph Gardner, whom we believe to have been the youngest, of the six sons of Thomas, was first alluded to in the town records, under date of "the 25th of the second moneth 1649," at which time he was ordered with three of his brothers to survey certain lands.* The exact wording of the order has been given in the article upon Thomas, 2nd gen. Joseph & Armen In the following month (30th day), he was granted "4 acres of medow on the North side of Ipswich River."* ୬, ୧୯ SURVEYOR. He frequently served the town and county in this capacity, and many of the divisional town lines were run by him, including the lines between Salem and Topsfield, § and between Salem and Reading.|| "" 30s The town allowed him, on the "4th: 2 mo. 1659," . for entertayninge of the men that run the line between Topsfield & vs." * Joseph Gardner and Thomas Lathrop met on the 15th of May, 1672, at Gloucester, and examined papers in regard to the line between the towns of Gloucester and Manchester. Papers describing these bounds, are on file at the court house.T *Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XVI, p. 241-270. Gravestone in Harmony Grove Cemetery. Essex Institute Historical Collections, V. V, p. 271; and Mass. Bay Records, V. IV, part 2, p. 114. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 178. County Court Papers, book 31, leaf 25; book‍33, leaf 127; and book 35, leaf 73. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 93 • Lieut. Joseph Gardner was chosen, with others, "for the settling. the ways In the north field" (Apr. 15, 1673). On the 9th of June of the same year he was Appointed to Lay out Lands granted by ye town."* ee Maj. Hathorne, Henry Bartholomew and Mr. Joseph Gardner, were "Appoynted for to fettle ye bounds between us & Marblehead" (20th 1 mo. 1674).* He was appointed appraiser in the case of Lord vs. Mooret (March 30, 1652). In the settlement of the estate of his brother-in-law Joshua Conant, in the 4th mo. 1660, the sum of 35 pounds, 7s. 11d., is recorded as due him.‡ Joseph Gardner served on the Jury of Trials in 1661, 1662, 1663, 1666 and 1670, and on the Grand Jury in 1666.* Aug. 24, 1666, he was appointed attorney for John March, and in June of the following year was witness and overseer of the will of Joseph Pope.§ He kept a tavern, as the following quotations will show : "Joseph Gardner chosen to keep an ordinary granted leave to sell wine at retail." "Mr. Joseph Gardner lyfenced to keepe ordinary & draw wine for a yeare." || He was made Freeman May 15, 1672.¶ On the 18th of October, 1672, he was appointed by the General Court, with Henry Bartholomew, a committee for Essex and Norfolk, with others from Suffolk, to settle the accounts with Major Pynchon, for pork received for the relief of his Majesty's fleet in the "Caribby Islands."** In 1673, he was one of the witnesses to an agreement made (Jan. 22) between Capt. George Corwin, Edmund Batter, John Corwin and William Browne, Jun'r. †† From the town records, we learn that "Leftanant Joseph Gardner," was chosen to fill a vacancy on the board of selectmen (29 Mar. 1673). Mr Joseph Gardner *Town Records. County Court Papers, book 2, leaf 27. * Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. I, p. 93. County Court Papers, book 12, leaves 8 and 119. County Court Records (Ipswich), Case 31, Mar. 28, 1671. TN. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. v. 3, p. 242. ** Massachusetts Bay Records, v. IV, part 2, p. 547. tt County Court Papers, book 24, leaf 32. 94 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, allowed room for a pew next to Mr John Higginson." (April 15, 1673.) * "Mr. Joseph Gardner & Mr. Battis Chosen appointed and Impo'ed to Answer in behalf of the town at the Next Court the Complaint of Joseph fletcher In behalf of the Children of Henry True for Land formerly granted" (June 9, 1673).* Various sums of money were paid to him by the town for services rendered, including the following; 1:18:00 on Nov. 15, 1673; 51s. 10d. Jan. 23, 1673; and 2:16:10, paid on the "24-10 mo. 1674." REAL ESTATE. Mention has already been made of four acres of meadow granted to him on the north side of the Ipswich River. He either purchased or had granted to him, other meadow land in this locality, as a deed dated the " first day of the 5th moneth 1653," proves. On this date he sold to John Putnam for 15 pounds, "eightene acres of medoe nere Ipswch river."t August 8, 1656, Lucie Downing, with the consent of her husband Emanuel Downing, "a mesuage or tenemt. in Salem situate upon fower acres of ground Intire having yº comon on yº east, ye streete or highway from ye meeting house to ye harbour on ye south, & a lane that goes to ye North River on ye west." Given as his "dowry & marriage porcon wth Ann, ye daughter of ye sd Emanuell & Luce."‡ This lot was ultimately divided into five parts, and these we have numbered on the diagram in Roman numerals, in the order in which they were sold. (See article upon Samuel, 2d gen.) Lots I and III were purchased by Samuel Gardner brother of Joseph, and these have been described in the article relating to him. Lot II, the western end of the original grant, was sold March 28, 1659, to Richard Prince, by Joseph Gardner, "late of Salem."§ It measured about an acre, 6 poles on the front (Main Street) and 6 poles on the "lane that *Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 19. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 31. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1, leaf 56. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 95 goes to the pound," and was 18 poles deep. Richard Prince in his will dated 21, 7mo., 1675, left his "lott yt my dwelling house standeth on," to his sons Richard, Samuel and Jonathan, the first two receiving the portions fronting on the Main street, while Jonathan had the orchard running the entire breadth in the rear of his brothers' lots.* Later William Browne Esq., purchased the front lots.† Lot IV was sold to William Browne Jun., August 3, 1664. It measured 6 rods on the front and back, and was 18 rods deep, containing 117 square rods. William Browne lived until 1716, and at his death bequeathed the property to his grandson William Browne. This William married the daughter of Governor Burnett, and when he died in 1763, left the house to his son William Burnett Browne. Later it was used as the "Sun Tavern," and the site is at present occupied by the Bowker Block which was erected in 1830, by Mr. William Roberts.§ The only lot in this square, remaining for our consideration, is that numbered V, which Joseph and Ann Gardner retained for their own occupancy. They evidently sold a portion of this measuring 14 poles, in 1671 or earlier, to John and Hannah (Gardner) Buttolph, for we find that on the 14th of Sept. of that year, the above named couple sold such a lot to Thomas Gardner Jun. The lot thus sold was described as follows: "bounded on ye south with ye streete or lane that goeth from ye meeting-house to the field or training place, on ye west & north with ye land of Joseph Gardner & on ye est with ye land of Samuell Gardner." The Thomas Gardner Jun. referred to was undoubtedly Thomas, 3d gen. (Thomas 1, Thomas 2). He and his father were both "Jun." at the time mentioned, but the man in the 3d generation was the purchaser, and the lot should not have been mentioned in the article upon Thomas, 2nd gen. After the death of Thomas, the estate referred to as "ye late homestead of Lieut. Thomas Gardner Deced," and bounded substantially as above, was *Essex Probate Record, book 301, leaf 37. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 173; and book 16, leaf 73. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 2, leaf 83. $ Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 98. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 132. 96 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. purchased by Capt. William Bowditch, for 125 pounds* (Dec. 27, 1698). On the 8th of April, 1700, Anne Bradstreet sold to William Bowditch, 12 rods of land directly in the rear of this lot,† and in 1713 (Aug. 20),he bought of Ann Bradstreet's heirs the land still further in the rear, extending through to "ye Back Street" (now Brown Street).‡ Jan. 9, 1716-17, William Bowditch enlarged his lot by adding to it a strip 38 feet wide, and which extended the entire length, of the western side of his holding, from Main Street to the lane in the rear. This he bought of Benjamin Ropes who, as we shall see later, had previously purchased it of the heirs of Ann Bradstreet. § Capt. William Bowditch in his will dated Aug. 13, 1726, left to his son Joseph, his homestead lot, "excepting and reserving, all that Land I bought of Benja Ropes.', He left to his son Dan" "all the Land that I bought of Benja Ropes which was reserved as afores", with all the buildings there on."|| Joseph Bowditch at his death gave the "Homestead Land with my Dwelling House & other Buildings thereon in Salem ... to my daughter Elizabeth Jeffry." Joseph Bowditch's will was dated Aug. 9, 1780, and was witnessed by his neighbors, Jonathan Gardner Jun" and Jonathan Gardner Tertius. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 224. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 285. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 233. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 31, leaf 152. Essex Probate Record, book 315, leaf 578. 1 Essex Probate Record, book 354, leaf 266. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 97 Elizabeth Jeffry's daughter married Nathan Reed, and upon the death of her mother inherited the property. Nathan Reed and his wife Elizabeth, for $9,000, sold to Joseph Peabody of Salem, Merchant, "That large dwelling houſe late the Manfion houfe of Mrs Elisabeth Jeffry deceased, fituate upon Efsex ftreet, between Saint Peters street and Newbury ſtreet. containing about one hundred and three poles and two hundred and sixty feet', . . . . . bounded: easterly on Capt. Jonathan Gardner's land 300 ft. and 9 inches to Brown Street, northerly on Brown St. 93 ft. 8 inches, W. on land lately belonging to George Williams Esq. deceased and land of Capt. Nehemiah Andrews, about 298 ft. 5 inches to Essex St. and southerly on Essex St. 95 ft. 5 inches to the bounds first mentioned.* This is the lot upon which Plummer Hall stands, and some interesting historical notes in regard to it may be found in the article in Vol. vi of the Collections already mentioned. The remaining portion of lot V, which Madam Bradstreet occupied until her death, was sold by her heirs to Benj. Ropes Nov. 1, 1716 (including a house known as "ye Globe Tavern.") It extended through from street to street, and was bounded on the eastern side by William Bowditch's land, and on the western by land of the heirs of William Browne deceased. † A few days later the purchaser sold a portion of this to Joseph Ropes. Upon the death of Benj. Ropes, his estate was divided among his heirs, § and * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 213. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 31, leaf 95. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 31, leaf 100. § Essex Probate Record, book 319, leaf 56. 98 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, several of the portions thus allotted were purchased by Miles Ward Jun.,* who in turn sold them with a dwelling house thereon, to Nathaniel Ingersoll, July 3, 1741.† Feb. 24, 1758, Nathaniel Ingersoll for 600 pounds, sold to George Williams, his homestead, "consisting of a Dwelling house, Barn, .. and about fifty eight Poles of land, . . part of the late Homestead Land & Real Estate of Benjamin Ropes Deceased.”‡ This also extended through from street to street and was bounded on the East by land of Joseph Bowditch Esq., and on the West by Joseph Ropes' land. Joseph Ropes retained the part which he purchased of Benjamin Ropes until his death, when his son Daniel purchased the share of his brother David§ (Sept. 13, 1773). In the above description of this very interesting square, the writer has endeavored to confine himself to a study of the location and ownership of the various divisions, ast the historical side has been well presented in the article in the Historical Collections, Vol. VI, p. 93, etc., while the sketches of the many Gardners who have owned portions of this square, will be found in their appropriate places in the present series. ९९ In 1674 (17, 6mo.), Lieut. Joseph Gardner of Salem, vintner," bought two acres of land of William Browne, Jun., on the eastern side of the "comon comonly called the training place," and near a piece of swamp land owned by "ye sd Mr Joseph Gardner."|| On the 22nd of July in the year following, he bought of Thomas West of Salem, 10 acres of land in "ye north field."¶ MILITARY SERVICE. The earliest allusion to such service is the following: "Itt is ordered, that Joseph Gardiner be leftennant to the NOTE. An excellent account of the Joseph Gardner or "Bradstreet" house is given in the Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXIV, p. 251. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 64, leaf 213; book 66, leaf 254; and book 81, leaf 239. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 129; and book 83, leaf 208. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 105, leaf 36. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 161, leaf 177. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 84. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 120. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 99 foote company vnder the command of Walter Price, captaine, at Salem."* (May 15, 1672). We find the following in the town records for Aug. 18, 1673: "Lieut Jo: Gardner -one Barrell of powder." "The Court, taking notice of the increase of the souldjers in Salem, judge it meet to order that the ffoote company there be by the selectmen of Salem divided into two companyes, and their distinct limitts by them to be p'scribed, and that Joseph Gardiner be captaine to the first foote company in Salem”† (Oct. 7, 1674). "It is ordered, that John Price be leftenñt, & John Higginson ensigne, to the first ffoote company in Salem, (under the conduct of Capt Joseph Gardiner,) they taking the oath of fidelity till this Court further order." (May 12, 1675). In the records of the various acts concerning the raising of troops for service in the Narragansett country, we find the following: "Capt Joseph Gardiner, for the ffoote, (and others) appointed to be captaines to be imployed in ys service"§ (Nov. 12, 1675). A list of Salem men impressed for this service, thirty- one in number, is preserved in the Massachusetts archives at the State House, with Joseph Gardner's autograph signature appended. || The following account of this expedition, is given in Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st edition, p. 251-2: "They marched with other troops from Boston the 8th. On the 15th, two men of this town were killed, and one more wounded by Indians. Capt. Joseph Gardner, of this town, and others, went out immediately and killed an Indian, who had slain one of the Salem troops and had his cap on.-19th. The forces of Plymouth, Connecticut and Massachusetts attacked the Narragansets in a Swamp. After a warmly contested battle of three hours, the English took the enemy's place and fired their wigwams. One thousand of the Indians perished. Eighty-five of the English were killed or died of their wounds, and one hundred and forty-five others wounded. Among the killed were Capt. Gardner and six of his company, besides * Massachusetts Bay Records, v. IV, part 2, p. 517. † Massachusetts Bay Records, v. V, p. 22. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 33. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v. p. 69. Massachusetts Archives, v. 68, p. 71. 100 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, M eleven more of them wounded. 'Maj. Church espying Capt. Gardner amidst the wigwams in the east end of the Fort made towards him; but on a sudden, while looking at each other, Capt. Gardner settled down. The Major stepped to him and seeing the blood run down his cheek, lifted up his cap and called him by name. He looked up but spoke not a word, being mortally wounded, shot through the head, and observing the wound the Major ordered care to be taken of him.' Thus fell an inhabitant of Salem in the camp of his enemies. The loss of him and others of his townsmen in so bloody a contest, must have occasioned here when related, general emotions of regret. By his patriotic devotedness, he honored both his town and country."* A list of those of his company slain at Indian fort, Narragansett, December 19, 1675, is preserved in the Massachusetts Archives, v. 68, pp. 103–104. In the Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 73, under date of Feb. 21, 1675-6, we read: "It is ordered that Lift. John Price & Ensigne John Higginson, Leftenñt & ensigne to the late Capt Gardiners company, haue their comissions for those places forthwth." Ce Joseph Gardner married Ann Downing, daughter of Mr. Emanuel Downing, gent., until 1638 a lawyer in London.† Rev. Joseph B. Felt, in his Annals of Salem, 1st edition, p. 356, states that she was born in London, and had an excellent education, and what is more, a principle of deep piety, which rendered her talents, attainments and possessions, blessings to society." After the death of her husband it was voted that she "shall be payd her chardges difburst upon ye Commetta about Mr Higginson. ." (22, 11, 1675). She married, about 1676, Governor Simon Bradstreet, and the agreement drawn up between Mrs. Ann Gardner and the Governor, upon the eve of their marriage, is an exceedingly interesting document. It is dated May 2, 1676, and sworn to on the 6th of the following month. The four Articles of Agreement," are models of shrewdness, and Ce * Church's History. † Pioneers of Massachusetts, p. 144. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 85, etc. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 101 business foresight, and the "new woman" of to-day will have a difficult task in equalling in these regards her counterpart of 225 years ago. She received a letter of recommendation from the church, March 10, 1680, having been married to Governor Bradstreet.* She died April 19, 1713, aged 79.† In the settlement of the estate of Joseph Gardner, his widow was appointed executrix, as the following record shows: "This court understanding theire is remaining due to Mrs Bradstreete late relict & executrix of Capt Joseph Gardner deceaſed to the value of about 10 pounds for the court expenses, this court doe order that the marshall fhall forthwith, pay the same out of the first money he receives" (30, 9 mo. 1680). Sept. 23, 1704, Madam Ann Bradstreet, "widow, executrix of ye Last will. . . . of Capt. Joseph Gardner, Late of Salem, mariner Dec." for 13 pounds sold to "Leiut. Abell Gardner ye only surviving son of Mr Sam¹¹ Garner Senr of Salem Dec", have Quittclaimed released . . . . all manner of . . . . actions especially into ye estate of my first husbands father Mr Thomas Gardner Sen"," etc.§ No children. THIRD GENERATION. 12 Lieut. Thomas Gardner, the oldest son of Lieut. Thomas and Hannah Gardner, was baptized at the First Me Fard now Jon Church in Salem "25: 3: 1645."|| In a deposition dated 10, 10, 1661, he gave his age as about 17.¶ *Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st edition, p. 265. Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st edition, p. 356. County Court Records, 30- 9 mo. 1680, Case No. 26. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 271. First Church Records. County Court Papers, book 7, leaf 3. 102 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He held many town offices, the first being that of constable, to which office he was chosen March 15, 1679-80.* At the town-meeting held March 9, 1684-5, he was also chosen a selectman, to which latter office he was again elected Feb. 21, 1686-7, and he continued to hold it through 1688.*† On the 18th of the 10 mo. 1689, "Lt. Tho Gardner," and two others, were "Impowered to Sue Tho. Mould att the next County Court at Ipswich, as he was Constable in the year 1686 for Rates Committed unto him in that year. "* He was chosen one of the Searchers & Sealers of leather," March 24, 1689-90, and again March 9, of the year following. On the 18th of the last named month, he was appointed on a committee to "go in pambulation upon the lyne between Salem & lyn."* His first service on the trial jury was in 1681 (May 31), and he was also chosen in 1691 and in 1693. His name appears in a "List of freeholders to be Jury men," dated Aug. 23, 1686.* Thomas Gardner, Jun., of Salem, "ye Aturney of Lieut. Tho. Gardner of Pimaquid," sold to Gilbert Tapley of Beverly, a dwelling-house and half an acre of land in Beverly. According to this deed, this property had been purchased by Lieut. Thomas Gardner of Pemaquid May 13, 1661. This deed of sale to Gilbert Tapley bears the date March 15, 1674-5, and is signed by Thomas Gardner, Jun., the attorney,his signature being witnessed by Thomas Gardner, Sen., the first Thomas Gardner (the immigrant), having died less than two months previous to this date. NOTE. The statement has been made that Thomas Gardner, 3d Gen., the subject of this article, resided for some time to the eastward and that he was the Lieut. Thomas Gardner, of Pemaquid. The above deed proves that this could not be true, as the "attorney" in the above transaction must have been Thomas of the third generation. It was quite natural for his father Thomas Gardner, Sen., to act as a witness to his son's signature. Further than this we know from the above deed that the estate was purchased by the grantor, Lieut. Thomas Gardner of Pemaquid, May 13, 1661. At that time we know from a *Town Records. † County Court Papers, book 48, leaf 74. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 146. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 103 deposition made by Thomas Gardner, 3d Gen., in that year that he was only 17 years of age,* therefore in all probability much too young to have property deeded to him. Another proof that they were two separate persons is the following as we state elsewhere in this article, Thomas Gardner, 3d Gen., was chosen "Ensigne" of the "First Foot Company" in Salem, on training day, April 25, 1676.† In "Ancient Dominions of Maine," p. 171, the statement is made that Waldron went to Pemaquid with 60 men on Feb. 22, 1677, and that Captain Gardiner was in command there. The same author states further that, "Thomas Gardiner had been made chief of the military forces of Pemaquid, in the county of Devonshire, under a commission of the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, two years before." A careful comparison of two autograph signatures of Lieut. Thomas Gardner of Pemaquid, with seven of Thomas Gardner, 3d Gen., of Salem, shows more points of difference than of similarity. The following is a brief review of the references to Lieut. Thomas Gardner of Pemaquid which the writer has found in the records, and historical publications : 1661, May 13. Purchased land in Salem (Beverly) as above stated. 1665. Summoned from Pemaquid as a resident of the territory of the Duke of York.‡ 1665, Sept. 5. Appointed one of the commissioners to hold court at Sheepscott. § 1672. May 18. One of the signers to a petition from Pemaquid, to have the settlement taken under the protection of the General Court.|| 1674. "Mae 27." Commissioned with others by the General Court to repair Pemaquid, Capenwagen, Kennebeck, etc., or some one of them to the eastward, and keep a county court, etc., etc. 1674. July 22. He with others held court at Pemaquid,** as above 1674. 1674. ordered. Oct. 7. "This Court taking into consideration what hath binn acted by Left. Gardiner (and others) in setling the easterne parts at Kennebeck (etc.) . upon desire of the inhabitants, they have called those places the county of Devonshire," Oct. 7. "Left. Thomas Gardiner was Appointed Treafurer as County Treaſurer from Kenebeck, eaſtward, wthin the lyne."‡‡ 1674. Oct. 7. Lieut. Thomas Gardner took oath. It * County Court Papers, book 7, leaf 3. † Massachusetts Archives, book 68, leaf 249. Ancient Dominions of Maine, p. 139 to 144. Maine Historical Society, v. II, p. 233. Maine Historical Society, v. v, p. 240. Maine Historical Society, v. v, p. 249. ** Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 17. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 16. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 18. 104 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, .. 1674. Oct. 7. He was 1674. He was "appointed to have comand & regulation of all the military forces, & of the affaires thereof, in the seuerall places of this county & particularly of Pemaquid." Oct. 7. "These persons following are appointed & haue liberty to keepe houses of publicke enterteynement," etc. "Left Gardiner to his fishermen. John Earthy for Corbyn Sound," etc.t • 1675. Sept. 22. An autograph letter bearing this date, written by him to Gov. Leverett, is on file at the State House in Boston. In it he describes the troubles with the Indians, laying particular emphasis upon the fact that the natives had been deprived of their fire-arms, and were in danger of starvation in consequence.‡ 1675. Oct. 18. A document signed by Edw. Rawson, Sec'y of the Council, shows that "Left. Thomas Gardiner," had been suspected of trading with the French and Indians. His examination was ordered, and if the suspicions were sustained he was to be brought before the council. A warrant for his arrest was appended to the above letter. He evidently cleared himself of these charges, as he continued in command at least two years longer. § 1674-5. March 15. Through his attorney, Thomas Gardner Jun. of Salem he sells a dwelling-house and half an acre of land in Beverly to Gilbert Tapley. || 1676. 1677. "21." He wrote a letter from "Munhegan," describing the distressed condition of those who had fled thither from Pemaquid. He mentions "the perfidious & uniust dealing of fom English as we Supofe who have Stollen Eight or Nine persones from the Indians About Micheas River & Caried them Away. The Indians being Insenfed for their loſe we desire that Enquiry may be made of one Lawton that went in A bark of Mr. Simon Lines and John Lauerdore being of Company About it," etc. T Feb. 22. Waldron went to Pemaquid with 60 men, and found Capt. Gardiner in command there. "Thomas Gardiner had been made chief of the military forces of Pemaquid, two years before."** 1685. June. "Thomas Gardner Sr. Merchant of Salem," was granted power of attorney for John Earthy, in June 1685.†† John Earthy in this document, refers to the grantee as "my + Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 19. Massachusetts Bay Records, v. v, p. 20. Massachusetts Archives, book 67, leaves 260-1. Massachusetts Archives, book 68, leaves 20-21. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 146. Massachusetts Archives, book 69, leaf 51. (Index gives date "Aug." 21, 1676.) ** Ancient Dominions of Maine, p. 171. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 43. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 105 trusty and well beloved friend. " We know that John Earthy was a prominent member of the Pemaquid colony when Lieut. Thomas Gardner was there, and it is probable that both of these men came up to Salem after the Pemaquid colony was broken up. This "Thomas Gardner Sr." could hardly have been Thomas of the 3d Gen., as his son Thomas was only fourteen years old at that time, and Thomas 1st and 2nd Gen. had both died. This again implies another party, and the intimacy of this man with John Earthy leads us to think that this "Thomas Gardner, Sr." was no other than the former commander at Pemaquid. What finally became of this Lieut. Thomas Gardner of Pemaquid, we do not know. He may have returned to England. It certainly seems probable that he was in some way related to the Salem family, but just what that relation- ship was, we have been unable as yet to discover. * In 1680 he was one of the appraisers of the estate of John Turner, and in 1681 he served in a similar capacity in the settlement of the estate of William Bowditch.t His autograph signature is appended to the inventories of both of these estates. He was appointed (Dec. 26, 1683) one of the commis- sioners to dispose of a ketch belonging to the estate of Capt. Jno. Corwin. A report of the decision of these commissioners, bearing his signature, is on file, dated Apr. 1, 1685. The will of Major Charles Redford, dated Apr. 29, 1691, bears his name as a witness. § As Thomas Gardner, Jun., he signed the petition for a new meeting-house in Salem in 1680. In 1691-2 (1, 12 mo.) he was seated with other men "in the middle gallery."T The soldiers to the number of 90, on training day April 25, 1676, voted to have "Sergant" Thomas Gardner appointed "Ensigne" of the "First Foot Company in Salem, lately commanded by Joseph Gardner." A petition to that effect was presented to the General Court by Samuel Gardner, Jun., and others.** *County Court Papers, book 34, leaf 86. County Court Papers, book 36, leaf 137. County Court Papers, book 45, leaves 42 and 43. Essex Probate Records, book 303, leaf 72. County Court Papers, book 33, leaf 84. Town Records. **Massachusetts Archives, book 68, leaf 249. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVIII 6 106 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Oct. 10, 1683, he was appointed lieutenant of "Capt. John Higginson Jun's troop of horse." Lieut. Thomas Gardner was appointed with others to look after the repairs on the fort at Winter Island (6, 6, 1689).* John Higginson and Thomas Gardner, petitioned the General Court, May 8, 1684, to have a Cornet and Quartermaster appointed for the troop in Salem, and that a few men in Marblehead who desired to join might do so.† He evidently owned several vessels, and dealt quite extensively in fish, as the following extracts from documents will prove: Jan. 8th, 1683-84, Thomas Gardner acknowledged that he was in debt to Philip Cromwell slaughterer for seventy- five pounds for the "Ketch William now by me bought of ye said Phillip Cromwell," agreeing to pay "thirty Seuen pounds, Ten shillings in merchantable cod ffish at or before ye Twentieth Day of June next ensuing ye Date hereof at yo Rate of Two Ryalls pr quintall under price Currant," and the other 37 pounds, 10 shillings at or before "y" last. Day of October Next Ensuing this prefent Date in merchantable or refufe ffish" at the same rate. This was entered in the Registry of Deeds, Feb. 17, 1695-6.† In the County Court Papers, book 51, leaf 102, we find the following: "Lt. Thomas Gardner of Salem Merchtt" attached Edward Hilliard of Salem "marriner," to the value of four hundred pounds. Hilliard was master of the "Ketch Expectation in a voyage to ye westward in y 10mo 1690 and did break his s Orders Given him by the owner Sd. Gardner in taking of Other Methods & not Returning home again to Salem or Boston In New England as by ye Coppy of y° Sd Orders shall now Amply apear, beareing date y 10th. decemb" 1690 wch tends to the dammage of ye sd. Gardner four hundred pounds in money." "The attachmt wth other evidences. were Read & Comitted to ye Jurie. The Jurie find for ye plt 400 pounds in money & Cost of court. Judgment is respited till next Ipswch court according to yt Law."|| * Town Records. Records of Massachusetts Bay Colony, book 70, leaf 114. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 67. County Court Papers, book 51, leaves 101-2. County Court Records, Nov. 24, 1691, Case No. 2. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 107 The above judgement was sustained in the court at Ipswich March 29, 1692.* From the above documents, we learn that he owned a vessel called the "Expectation," and a deed dated Nov. 2, 1686, shows that he purchased at that time a quarter interest in a barque of 20 tons burthen "called y" John, lately of Dublin." REAL ESTATE. The first recorded purchase of land by him was dated Sept. 14, 1671, at which time he bought of John and Hannah (Gardner) Buttolph a portion of the Joseph Gardner lot measuring about 14 poles, being the spot upon which the Salem Athenæum now (1901) stands,‡ and which is fully described in the article upon Joseph Gardner, 2nd Gen. In the inventory of the estate of Thomas, this is described as the "homestead of Lieut. Thomas Gardner Deced" valued at 120 pounds. § It was bought Dec. 27, 1698, by Capt. William Bowditch, who married Mary Gardner the daughter of Thomas. The price paid by him. was 125 pounds. || Dec. 17, 1677, "Thomas Gardner Jun'r merchant," bought of Daniel Andrew of Salem, bricklayer, a "Dwelling House with all ye Ground under it Containing about Thirty Rod of Ground. . bounded with y Street Southerly,"-E., N., & W. with land of Edmund Batter. T This is described in the inventory, as "the house & ground where Mr. Higginson Ters lives." It was sold in 1698 (recorded Aug. 2, of that year) for 100 pounds to Stephen Sewall of Salem, merchant.** The old house still stands on Essex St. A description and cut of this house may be found in the Essex Antiquarian, Vol. 11, page 168. On the date of the purchase of the above lot by Thomas Gardner (Dec. 17, 1677), of Daniel Andrew, he sold to *County Court Records, (Ipswich), of the above date, Case No. 39. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leat 89. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 3, leaf 132. Essex Probate Record, book 305, leaf 189. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 224. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 59, leaf 168. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 61, leaf 120. 108 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, १९ this same Daniel Andrew, who was his brother-in-law, all his right in severall parcels of land. . . . which were bequeathed to Mary" his wife and her sister Sarah by the last will of his father-in-law John Porter. Among the lots mentioned in this sale were the following:-Smith's farm, 80 acres ; 125 acres between Keniston's farm, and Lawrence Leach's; 10 acres purchased of Mr. Gott, next. to Mr. Putnam's; and the Keniston farm, 200 acres, and 20 acres of meadow. Samuel Gardner, Sen., witnessed the signature of his nephew to the above.* June 28, 1678, he bought of his mother-in-law Mary Porter, widow of John, 70 acres of land, bounded by land of George Gardner, Samuel Gardner, Richard Hollingworth and John Rubton. This was evidently a part of the 80 acres mentioned in the inventory as being nigh Ipswich river," valued at 60 pounds. It was sold for that amount by his administrator, to Joseph Pope, Aug. 1, 1698.§ Ce He bought another lot of land of his mother-in-law, June 15, 1680, described as a piece of land " by ye South river at the burying point, it being a p'cel of land formerly granted. . . . to John Porter," containing 35 ft. "in front or bredth against ye water," E. upon Maj. Hathorne's grant, and the grant of Samuel Gardner and Capt. Joseph Gardner on the west. He probably sold this lot before his death as no mention is made of it in his inventory. Aug. 10, 1681, he purchased of Benjamin Balch (who married his aunt Sarah Gardner), 2 1-2 acres "upon a neck of land in Salem caled ye Planter's marsh," formerly the land of Benjamin Balch's father John Balch, deceased. T It was mentioned in the inventory as being worth 20 pounds,** and was sold with the homestead, Dec. 20, 1698.†† We find the following entry in the Town Records, under date of March 31, 1684: "Voated that the towne doe grant unto Thomas Gardner their Right in that Island in the South River that lyeth before Mr. Jose Hardy Sen's * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 119. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 18. Essex Probate Record, book 305, leaf 189. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 179. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 77. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 169. ** Essex Probate Records, book 305, leaf 189. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 13, leaf 235. rs AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 109 dore." The present Union Street is supposed to extend over this island. Lieut. Thomas Gardner bought for four pounds of John Higginson, "one-halfe of all that cove & wharf land in Salem which I ye said John Higgenson bought of John Archer Sen'r of Salem, cooper" (Feb. 14, 1686-7).* Articles of agreement were drawn up between Thomas Gardner and John Higginson, in regard to the joint ownership of this property, June 6, 1687, they agreeing that the north end should belong to John Higginson and the south end to Thomas Gardner.† This property was named in the inventory, valued at 40 pounds.‡ Capt. William Bowditch the administrator, sold it to Capt. Benjamin Allen for 42 pounds, Sept. 3, 1697.§ John Westgate, of Salem, conveyed to Lieut. Thomas Gardner Nov. 17, 1690, his dwelling house and land in return for 60 pounds, 9 shill. 4 pence, loaned to him. This mortgage was evidently cancelled as no such property was owned by the mortgagee at the time of his death. July 7, 1692, he bought of Edward Hilliard, a house and land "neer unto the neck so called," paying 40 pounds. for it.T He sold the same property back to the grantor Nov. 7, 1694, for 63 pounds.** The only piece of property enumerated in the inventory that we have not described, is given in that document as "a lott of land nigh Mr Babbiges," valued at 10 pounds.†† This was sold by the administrator for 30 pounds to Capt. John Turner, "one of ye Principle creditors of ye sd Thomas Gardner Decd." It consisted of a " Warehouse or fish house . . . at . . . Winter Island," with about 26 rods of ground; bounded N. by Christopher Babbige, W. by Thomas Browning, S. by John Grafton, and E. by a Lane or highway. This deed is dated Dec. 23, 1698, and from it we learn that Thomas Gardirer purchased the lot of John Grafton.‡‡ * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 137. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 138. Essex Probate Record, book 305, leaf 189. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 100. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 172. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 9, leaf 44. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 68. †† Esssx Probate Record, book 305, leaf 189. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 127. 110 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, In a list of unimproved lands, compiled in 1683, we find that he was taxed in that year for 50 acres of such land, the tax thereon being 1 shilling. The following taxes were also paid by him in the same year: County rate- 00: 05:00" and "Minifter's Rate-00: 15: 00."* Ce Thomas Gardner married Mary Porter, daughter of John Porter, on the "22, 4mo. 1669." The following note in the Town Records, under date of " 1-12 mo. 1691-2," evidently refers to her: "Lt. Tho. Gardner's wife is seated in the Second piew with old Mr. Flint."† She died eleven days after her husband, Nov. 27, 1695.† Thomas Gardner died Nov. 16, 1695. An inventory of his estate was taken Sept. 5, 1696, by "Steph Sewall and Manafseth Marston." The total value of the seven pieces of real estate which have been described above, amounted to 370 pounds. All of his wearing apparel and household effects are enumerated, the grand total amounting to 488: 19:06.‡ The following bill is preserved among the papers of the estate in the Probate office: "The Estate of Lt. Thomas Gardner Sen Deceafed is Dr. for severall things for his funerall had of Wm Browne. 10th. 9 1695 Ka 20 9 9- 1695 to 25 Gallº 3-4 of St Georges wine at 2/6 p Gal to 3 pr wem Gloves at 2/4 p 1 yd bla caloco 3/ to 2 Gallons Madera wine at 4/p Gallo to pay mony mdc. for his wifes ffunerall to 12 Gallo St Georges at 2/6 p Gall" to Gallo Madeira wine at 4 p Gallo to 12 pr mens m. Gloves & 3 pr womens ditto at 2/4 pr 13:04:04 0:10:00 4: 08:00 4:02:042 1: 10:00 00: 08:00 01: 15:00 07:15:04 Errors excepted pr Wm Browne Recd of Mr Win Bowditch Seaven pounds, fifteen shillings & 4 p in full for the Acco Above I say received this 27th. January 1696. *County Court Papers, book 43, leaves 14 and 20. Town Records. Essex Probate Record, book 305, leaf 189. § Probate Papers, No. 10,668. Mr Wm Browne."§ AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 111 Children: 60. MARY, b. 14th of 12 mo., 1669;* d. 1724; m. Aug. 30, 1688, Capt. William Bowditch. Children: 1. Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1689;* d. Oct. 2, 1689.* 2. William, b. Oct. 31, 1690;* d. Oct. 12, 1706. 3. Mary, b. Dec. 18, 1693;* m. 1st, Sept. 8, 1715,* James Butler, of Boston;† 2nd, Dec. 26, 1723,* Samuel Barton, of Salem.† No issue. 4. Sarah, b. Jan. 10, 1695–6;* d. March, 1761; m. June 30, 1715,* Joseph Hathorne, son of John and Ruth (Gardner) Hathorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a descendant of Joseph and Sarah.† 5. Thomas, b. June 5, 1698;* d. Nov. 30, 1702.† 6. Joseph, b. Aug. 21, 1700.* He was a man of wonderful humor. He was Clerk of Courts for many years. 7. Ebenezer, b. April 26, 1702;* d. Feb. 2, 1768;† m. Aug. 15, 1728,* Mary Turner, dau. of Col. John and Mary (Kitchen) Turner.t Ebenezer was a shipmaster and merchant.† They were ancestors of Nathaniel Bowditch LL.D.† 8. Eunice, b. June 8, 1705;* d. July 2, 1705.* 9. Eunice (2nd) b. March 22, 1707;† m. Dec. 12, 1728,* William Hunt, of Salem.* 10. Daniel, b. June 19,† 1709; d. at age of 19 or 20 years.† 11. William, b. Feb., 1713;† d. Nov. 1, 1715.† 61. THOMAS, b. 25, 8 mo., 1671;* d. 1696; m. 4, 4th. mo., 1695, Mary Higginson, dau. of John and Sarah (Savage) Higginson.‡ 62. HABAKKUK, b. 25 Feb., 1673;* d. Feb 3, 1732-3; m. Mar. 22, 1697, Ruth Gedney,* dau. of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Turner) Gedney.§ 63. 64. JOSEPH, b. 29 Aug., 1677. HAPSCOTT, b. 22 July, 1679.* 22 Capt. Samuel Gardner was one of the leading men of Salem. He is referred to in the records as, baker, merchant and gentleman. Samuel Gardner Jund He was born about 1647, as a deposition, made by him in 1691 (May 20), gives his age as about 44,|| and he was baptized "14-3-1648."* * Salem Town Records. † N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, v. L, p. 438. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. V, p. 36. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XVI, p. 264. County Court Papers, book 51, leaf 104. 112 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, During his long and useful career, he held at one period or another, almost every office of honor and responsibility in the gift of the town. CONSTABLE. His first office was that of constable, to which he was elected, on the 12th of March, 1676-7.* SELECTMAN. In 1678 he was chosen as one of the selectmen, and between this date and 1710, the last year of his service in this office, he served twenty one years.* RECORDER. We find in the town records under date of "8 March, 1683-4, that Samuel Gardner, Jun., "is Chosen to keepe the Towne bookes &c for the yeare Infueing." He continued to serve during the following year, and from 1689 to 1692 inclusive.* MODERATOR. He was first chosen moderator, at a general town meeting, held on the "21, 12 mo. 1689-90.” He presided over fifteen town meetings between this date and 1714.* SURVEYOR. He was chosen to lay out land for Capt. Wm. Brown, and to view other land, March 17, 1684-5. On the "17, 12 mo. 1689-90," he was appointed on a committee to "lay out & Settle the high way formerly uſed between Tho. Flint & Joseph Popes & also a highway near John Moulton his houſe.' He laid out another highway Nov. 15, 1693, and in the following Feb. (19th) surveyed land for Samuel Goldthwaite near Butts Brook.*† * Town Records. t "Butts Brook" was the name given to the small stream of water in South Peabody near the junction of the Lynn and the Lynnfield roads. A large boulder lies on the edge of the stream on the southern side of the road. According to the late Nathan Bushby the logs which were floated down stream in the early days would jamb against this boulder, located at an angle in the stream and this butting" gave the brook its name. The whole locality became known as the 66 "Butts.' F. A. G. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 113 Capt. Sam'l Gardner was appointed with others, on June 28, 1697, "to inquire into the matter relating to . . Miery Swamp formly granted to John Endicot Esq." In Dec. (3d) 1700, he was ordered with others, " to Run ye Bounds with Jn° Pudney Sen' his farme." He laid out an acre of land allowed to "Jno Trask" for him "to improve for five years" (Mar. 14, 1700-1).* March 22, 1702-3, he was appointed "Surveyor for highways," for "Redding Road & Thereabouts." He viewed land at the village, in the spring of 1703, and on Apr. 6th of that year, was appointed with others, "to View yº p'cell of Swamp near ye 70 Acres Petitioned for ye Feltons," and to "View the Highway at Wills hill." In the following month (8th day) he was appointed on another committee to "settle ye head Bounds & Ranging Bounds, upon ye line between Salem and Beverly."* He was ordered with "Dan" Epes," to view "ye place near Jno Trask's fulling mill, where ye sheep are washed," etc. (Mar. 27, 1704). During the next few years he served on several similar committees, as follows: Apr. 8, 1706, "to lay out a highway from Buffington's to Lynn line," and to "Issue ye matter abt Jn° Feltons changing a small strip of Land wth ye Towne." May 3, 1710, "to view & Lay out & make certaine a highway from Thomas Buffington's to ye Widow Pope's," and Jan. 31, 1710-11, to straighten the way by Philip Hill's shop, to "ye burying point."* He was chosen to serve on committees of perambulation many times including the following: to run the line between Salem and Lynn, Apr. 28, 1684, and Apr. 10, 1694, also for "ye Upper Range of Lynne" (Apr. 2, 1700). The line between Salem and "Reding," March 19, 1686; between Salem and Boxford, June 19, 1696; between Wenham and Beverly, July 29, 1695; between "the Towne and Humphreys ffarme," July 2, 1695; and between "ye Farms and Salem Towne," Jan. 3, 1698.* >> On the 7th of the 2nd mo. 1691, he was "impowered with Capt. Sewall, "to agree with a Suitable man to keep the Towne heard." These two men were chosen Apr. 28, 1701, "with the Selectmen to Settle ye Acct between Isaac Town Records. 114 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Sterns & ye Towne." He was chosen assessor Aug. 16, 1704, and March 21, 1708-9, was made a member of a committee, "to Consider about fencing ye Towne Comon.' A petition was received June 8, 1710, from Capt. Samuel Gardner, and many of his neighbors "without the Bridge in Salem and below and without ye village Line praying for a Seperate precinct" (Middle Precinct, now Peabody). He was chosen in 1714 and 15, to "see that the laws were enforced regarding swine."* From the County Court Records, 27, 4mo. 1682, Case No. 28, we learn that he took the "oath of freeman," on that date. Two records of service on the "Jury of Trials," have been found, one dated June 9, 1673, and the other Nov. 6, 1680. His name appears on a "List of freeholders to be Jury men, 23 Aug. 1686."* We find his name appended to the inventories of the estates of Jno. Smith, Isaac Hyde and Moses Vouden.t In the settlement of the estate of Joseph Grafton, he acted as attorney for his uncle John Gardner of Nantucket (Jan. 23, 1683-4), and he also performed the duties of appraiser for the same estate. He witnessed the will of Francis Skerry, Aug., 1684.§ In 1691, he again served as appraiser, this time in the settlement of the estate of Capt. John Price, and in 1684 (19, 9 mo.), in that of Nath'l Ingersoll. T Nov. 16, 1691 he "absolutely renounced his executorship" of the will of Maj. Charles Redford.** He was one of the overseers of the will of Nathani 1 Putnam.†† REPRESENTATIVE AND DEPUTY TO THE GENERAL COURT. He was chosen first to this office in June, 1692. His town was also represented by him in 1694, 7 and 8, and 1701, 3, 5, 7 and 10.* In the Mass. Bay Colony Records, *Town Records. + County Court Papers, book 34, leaf 90; and book 36, leaf 5. County Court Papers, book 39, leaves 148-9; and Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaves 104 and 117. County Court Papers, book 42, leaves 71 and 72. County Court Papers, book 51, leaf 125. County Court Papers, book 43, leaf 61. **Essex Probate Records, book 303, leaf 72. †† History of the Putnam Family, v. 1, pp. 26-8. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 115 we read that in 1703 (May 27), the Governor had rejected five of the assistants proposed. Samuel Gardner was a member of a committee appointed to nominate others, and these were accepted. MILITARY SERVICE. Oct. 7, 1678, Samuel Gardner, Jun., was ordered "to officiate as Ensigne for Capt. Price's company."* He was called "Leut. Sam'l Gardner," in the Town Records, March 8, 1685-6, at which time he was chosen a selectman. On the 6th of the 6th mo., 1689, "Lt. Samuel Gardner was appointed with others, to manage and oversee the work on the repairs of the fort at Winter Island."† At that time he advanced five pounds to assist in carrying on the above named repairs. He was appointed one of three, to take care of the wounded soldiers and seamen, Feb. 3, 1691. The earliest date of his being called Captain, was Nov., 1691, in the Probate Records, book 303, leaf 72. Throughout the remainder of his life, he was usually referred to as "Captain." CHURCH. Samuel Gardner, Jun., was "Seated in the Second Seat (below the men's), (19 11mo. 1684). July 12, 1697, he was appointed on a committee for "ordering difpofing or building of Seats in the Meeting houfe." At the same time he was seated in the "men's second seat below." He was one of the prime movers in the establishment of the church in the Middle Precinct, and gave the largest ...ribution for that purpose, twenty pounds (Jan. 18, 1709-10)."§ In the Massachusetts Archives, v. XI, pp. 337-357, bis name and the names of others in that locality, appear in articles of agreement regarding the building of this meeting house. In this same volume we find a petition from Samuel Gardner and other inhabitants "without the village line," in regard to the construction of this edifice. [ * Records of the Mass. Bay Colony, v. v, p. 205. 240. Town Records. Felt's Annals, 1st Edition, p. 301, also Mass. Archives, v. 69, p. 219. Massachusetts Archives, v. XI, p. 337, also Hanson's History of Danvers, p. || Massachusetts Archives, v. XI, pp. 332 to 359. 116 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, In the Salem Town Records, under date of March 12, 1710-11, we read: "Ten acres of Land near Golthites for the Miniſtry of y° new Precinct granted by y Generall Court." A deposition "respecting obstructions in the South River," dated June, 1671, is on file at the court house in Salem.* He was one of the large tax payers of the town, and many payments were made to him by the town for services rendered. Some of these payments were for rent of a house owned by him, and which the town hired and used as a poor-house. In the Town Records, under date of Jan. 2, 1720–1, we read that 20 shillings was ordered to be paid for rent of this house for the year 1720, "and in full to said Time, and Mr Houlton is defired to acquaint him That the selectmen Shan't want his houfe any Longer, the poor being removed & about to remoue out of the Same." Other payments were made to him for timber, and the use of his teams on the highways. The town frequently hired bulls of him for the town herd, and exchanged the old town bull for a young one. He also wintered the town bull for 15 shillings.† REAL ESTATE. In our consideration of the very extensive land holdings of Samuel Gardner, we will take up first those which he inherited from his father. The house which his father left to him was on Daniels St., and an account of Samuel's disposition of it and of its later owners will be found in the article upon George Gardner. The mill property upon the South river in Salem, which was left to him by his father, he retained, and added to it by purchasing from the heirs of Samuel Ruck, one-sixteenth part of the property in 1702.‡ (March 6), and an additional sixteenth of their son James Ruck, April 7, 1708.§ On the 9th of June, 1712, he and his son John, purchased one-eighth part of this mill from John and *County Court Papers, book 17, leaf 98. Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 164. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 20, leaf 128. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 117 Priscilla Gardner of Mendon, said John having inherited it from his grandfather, John Gardner, of Nantucket (formerly of Salem), uncle of Samuel.* He inherited from his father, land in the "South field," and purchased other lots in that section from John Grafton and Stephen Daniel in 1692, Isaac Meacham in 1693, Henry Lunt in 1695 and Samuel Ruck in 1699-1700.† He sold six acres of this to John Holmes in 1694.‡ Another piece of property left to him by his father was the 400 acre farm, in what is now West Peabody. In 1684-5, he had granted to him "about ten acres of land lying between his farme which Tho: Gould dwels & the land of Benjamin Pope, which is in recompence for his making Alphabets for & transcribing pt. of ye townes books."§ În 1691 he bought of the town a strip of land, in this locality 224 poles long, and 6 wide. The following entry in the town records is interesting in this connection; At a meeting of the Committee appointed by the towne to settle the bounds of the farm of Capt. Sam'l Gardner . . "Wee finde them Amount unto four hundred and tenn acres which wee allow . . for a peaceable Conclusion and Settlement of the premiſes the Said Committee do hereby allow Said Gardner fourty acres more which makes four hundred and fifty acres. Said Gardner relinquiſhing the Ouer plufs land. . about two hundred acres more." (Jan. 5, 1696-7).§ After his death his executors sold (Dec. 22, 1726) four acres of this farm land to John Osborne, for 26 pounds, 19 shill. Two hundred acres of this farm, he left to his grandson John Higginson. Another two hundred acre portion he left¶ to the five daughters of his deceased son John Gardner. The remainder of the farm was left to John, Daniel and Samuel Gardner, the three sons of John Gardner, son of Samuel. In 1733, the farm was divided among these three brothers.** The next locality, which we will consider, is that portion * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 74. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaves 183-5, and book 15, leaf 6. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 45. Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 48, leaf 167. Essex Probate Records, book 315, leaf 182 4. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaves 173-5. 118 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, of Salem known as the "North fields," which in this case was the particular section of it, lying at present in the vicinity of Central Street in Peabody. Samuel evidently inherited some land in this locality from his father, for he sold to John Robinson, Oct. 2, 1721, a right to the common lands of Salem which formerly belonged to his father George Gardner, by "virtue of a Cottage or Dwelling house by him built in the Northfield, nigh to the great gate before ye said Robinson's now Dwelling house."* This was probably a part of the ten acres granted to George Gardner in 1637,† as the grants in this section were usually ten acre lots, and the name "ten acre lot side," is often met with. He purchased of Ele de Boon Repose, of Salem, Jan. 28, 1691-2, 7 1-2 acres near the above and 3 acres near land of Thomas Spoonert and of John Robinson 2 acres adjoining the first lot. § Other lots were bought of Samuel Osborne Sen.,§ and Hugh Pasko in 1696,§ and of John Robinson in 1708. The last named property he evidently acquired by exchanging two acres in this locality for the acre and half of land of John Robinson. He bought two poles of land near Strong Water Brook in Feb. 1693-4, for 3 shillings. The division of all this property in the North Fields among his grandsons will be considered in the articles relating to them. From the town records, we learn that in 1711, Capt. Gardner desired to purchase the old "Robert Pease houfe," "upon which ye Select men Entered Caution wth Majr Sewall against his recording ye same unleſs Isaac Pease will secure ye Town against his father & mothers being a town charge, he being obliged to maintaine them during their naturall life, in consideration of his father's Conveying ye same to him" (Feb. 26, 1711-12).† In Feb. (17) 1700-1, he purchased of Thorndike Proctor, two lots of land on what is now Lowell Street in Peabody, above Proctor's Crossing. One measuring 18 acres was near Anthony Anthony Needham's and the other * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 39, leaf 75. † Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 9, leaf 31; and book 65, leaf 192. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaves 192-3. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 19, leaf 203. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 19, leaf 202. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 119 containing ten acres was on the opposite side of the road.* They were originally a part of the Downing farm. He bought two more lots adjoining these, of Samuel Marble March 7, 1702, and the remainder of the Samuel Marble farm, including dwelling-house, barn, etc.; he and his cousin Abel Gardner bought of Daniel Marble, Sept. 21, 1720.† His father-in-law, John Browne Sen. gave him July 7, 1676, fifty acres of land which had been granted to John Browne by the town. This, Samuel Gardner sold to James Gould Apr. 1, 1691.§ He purchased of John Browne, of Salem, mariner, Dec. 7, 1688, his house (where Samuel Shattuck then lived) with land, wharf, warehouse etc. In 1695 (Oct. 22) he bought of Bartholomew Browne, the lot North of the above containing 3-4 of an Acre.¶ The house and land purchased in 1688, he conveyed to his son John in 1705-6 (Feb. 7), ** and the other lot he deeded to his grandson John Higginson, Feb. 21, 1721-2.†† In addition to the above lots, which from their importance we have described somewhat in detail, he either purchased or had granted to him, many other "parcels” of land in the town proper, at the "Butts," Winter Island, Marblehead, Lynn, etc., etc. He held many mortgages, and sold many lots which he had purchased previously of others. As early as 1682 he was taxed for 300 acres of unimproved" land. §§ "land.§§ ee Samuel Gardner married twice. His first wife was Elizabeth Grafton, widow of Joseph Grafton. She was the daughter of John Browne, Sen., as the following documents will prove: John Browne, Sen., in a deed calls Samuel Garduer, Jun., his "son."TT In his will dated *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 234. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 15, leaf 163; and book 43, leaf 19. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 138. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 48, leaf 259. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 117. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 61. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1x, leaf 159. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 45, leaf 178. Essex Registry of Deeds. County Court Papers, book 43, leaves 11 and 20. Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 282. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 4, leaf 138. 120 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. 1683, the above mentioned Elder John Browne, appoints, "my Sone in Law Samuel Gardner Jun' to be my executor." He also leaves property to his " sone and daughter Gardner." Samuel Gardner, Jun., and widow Elizabeth Grafton, were married April 24, 1673.† She was the mother of all of his children, and lived until after her father's death, which occurred about Nov. 24, 1685.* His second wife was Susanna Daniel, widow of Stephen Daniel. She married Samuel Gardner prior to March 25, 1690, as an agreement regarding the division of the property of her first husband, bearing that date is on file at the court. house. By this agreement she was to have two hundred and fifty-nine pounds, fourteen shillings, and bring up her youngest child Susannah Daniel, being then about three years old. The remaining two hundred pounds was to be divided between the children, namely Stephen, Mary and Susannah Daniel. His second wife Susannah evidently died before he did, as no mention is made of her in his will. He died about Feb. 24, 1724.§ His will is dated April 1, 1723. In it he bequeaths to his grandson, John Higginson, two hundred acres of his farm, Bear meadow in Reading (twelve acres), and one sixteenth part of the grist mill. All of these "gifts" were bequeathed to him on condition that he would pay to his sister Sarah Higginson one hundred and ten pounds within two years, and also that he pay to the children of his granddaughter, Elizabeth Prescott, deceased, namely Benjamin, Hannah, Elizabeth and Sarah, a similar amount to be divided among them in equal shares "when they come of age." Six pounds per "annium" was also to be "Divided Equally betwixt them," during their minority. To the five daughters of his son John,-Elizabeth, Hannah, Bethiah, Ruth and Lydia, he gave another two hundred acre portion of his farm, to be divided equally among them, and they were also to have "Twenty Pounds in mony apeace, to be Paid them by their three Brothers John, Daniel & Samuel Gardner." Essex Probate Records, book 302, leaf 156. † Town Records. County Court Papers, book 48, leaf 119. § Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 378. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 121 He gave to his "Sister Marston, Wife of Deacon John Marston" ten pounds, and a like sum to his "Cousin Marg. Stacey." The sum of ten pounds was bequeathed to the "Poor People in Salem." All the remainder of his "Estate both Reall & Personall," he bequeathed to his "three Grandsons John Daniel and Samuell Gardner, the Sons of my Son John Gardner, Deca." Their mother Elizabeth was to have the use of it while she was "bringing up" the children. Provision was made that these three grandsons should pay certain sums to their mother and sisters. He appointed his grandson John Higginson, and his daughter-in-law Elizabeth Gardner, executors of his will. The document was witnessed by Henry West, Ebenezer Proctor, Edward Tomson and Stephen Sewall. It was proved Feb. 24, 1724.* The real estate was not enumerated in the inventory. The following items are of interest, as they show the value of stock at that time: "1 pr oxen £12.10, 1 pr. Stears £9.15, 3 Cows £12, 1 heffer 48/ 2 yearling Calves 64/."† NOTE. The two The two hundred acres section of his farm which he gave to his granddaughters, was divided into four equal parts, and assigned to them May 29, 1733.‡ Children: 65. GEORGE, b. 28, 11 mo. 1674§ (bap. March, 1675); || d. 1675. 66. HANNAH, b. Apr. 4, 1676;§ d. June 24, 1713;§¶ m. Sept. 11, *Essex Probate Records, book 315, leaves 182-4. † Essex Probate Records, book 315, leaf 237. Essex Probate Records, book 321, leaves 72-4. § Town Records. First Church Records. (Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VII an d VIII.) ¶ Stone in the Charter Street Burying Ground. HIST. COLL., VOL. XXXVIII. 14 122 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1695, John Higginson,* s. of John and Sarah (Savage) Hig- ginson. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1696;* d. Mar. 20, 1722; m. Oct. 20, 1715,* Rev. Benjamin Prescott. He was the first minister of the Middle Precinct (now Peabody) Church in Salem. 2. John, b. Jan. 10, 1697-8;* d. July 15, 1744;* m. 1st, Dec. 4, 1719,* Ruth Boardman. 2nd, Apr. 28, 1732,* Esther Cabot, dau. of John and Anna (Orne) Cabot. He held several of the chief town offices. In 1725 he was chosen County Register. 3. Samuel, b. Feb. 5, 1699-70;* d. Sept. 23, 1702.* 4. Sarah, b. Feb. 13, 1702-3*; d. June 14, 1746; m. Dec. 1, 1732,* John Cabot, jr., s. of John and Anna (Orne) Cabot. John Cabot, jr., was a physician in Salem. He graduated at Harvard in 1724. 5. Francis, b. Nov. 29, 1705;* d. Nov. 29, 1705.* 6. Henry, b. Sept. 23, 1707;* d. Dec. 1, 1708.*+ For name of second wife and her children see Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. v. v, p. 36. 67. SAMUEL, bap. Feb., 1677.‡ 68. GEORGE, b. Sept. 9, 1679* (bap. Sep. 28, 1679).‡ 69. JOHN, b. Apr. 14, 1681;* d. July 18, 1722; m. Jan. 11, 1704,* Elizabeth Weld, dau. of Daniel and Bethia Weld. 70. SAMUEL, bap. Aug. 12, 1683. 26 Ebenezer Gardner was mentioned in the Town Records in 1678 (17, 4th mo.). At that time his tax amounting to 17 shill. was abated, as he was "under aged when rated." Ebenezer Gardner He was appointed one of the executors of the will of his father George Gardner, and on the 25th of October, 1679, he gave his brother Samuel Gardner power of attorney to act for him in the settlement of his father's estate. § The two brothers gave Caleb Stanley of Hartford, Conn., power of attorney to act for them in the settlement of the same estate in Connecticut (May 24, 1680). In the document first mentioned he was called a "shipwright of Salem.”|| *Town Records. † Essex Institute Hist. Coll. v. III, p. 5, and v. v, p. 36. First Church Records. (Essex Institute Historical Collections, V. VII and VIII.) Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 49. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 75. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 123 In 1680 he signed a petition for a new meeting-house in Salem.* A list of taxes on unimproved land, made in 1682, credits him with 75 acres of such land, for which he was assessed one shilling sixpence. † His name is also on a tax list dated 1683. At that time he paid 5s. "County rate," and 14s. "Minister's rate."‡ Ebenezer Gardner, "mariner," bought of Paul Mansfield, Dec. 25, 1682, for 5 pounds, a half acre of marsh land in Salem "neere Claybrooke soe caled" and near Castle Hill land, and other land of the grantee. § He married Nov., 1681, Sarah Bartholomew, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Scudder) Bartholomew. She died Sept. 5, 1682.¶ In his will Ebenezer Gardner died May 8, 1685.** dated Feb. 3, 1684, and probated May 11, 1685, he made the following bequests: to his sister Hathorne, he left 100 pounds, and all his "household Stuf Except the pewter & linen which my wife brought with her.” To his sister Mary Turner, he left 50 pounds. The sum of 100 pounds was left to be divided among the four sons of his sister Buttolph, deceased "as they com of Age." The house and ground which "he had with" his wife, he left to his brother Henry Bartholomew, Sister Swinerton, Sister Willoughby, and the three children of his sister Pilgrim deceased. The pewter and linen, he desired to be equally divided between his sisters Swinerton and Willoughby. To George Gardner, son of his brother (Samuel) Gardner, he left an "Acre of marsh at Strong Water brook." His "salt-marfh in the South field," he left to Nathaniel Hathorne, son of his sister Hathorne. To Susanna Gardner, "daughter of my unckle Thomas Gardner," he left 10 pounds, and to Margaret Gardner daughter of his "Unckle Sam" Gardner," he left an equal amount. "To the poor honeft people in Salem," he left 50 pounds to be distributed by his "Unckle Samuel Gardner *County Court Papers, book 33, leaf 84. County Court Papers, book 43, leaf 20. County Court Papers, book 43, leaf 17. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 72. Bartholomew Genealogy, p. 52. Gravestone, Charter Street Burying Ground. **Town Records. 124 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Brother Hathorne, and Brother Gardner." The remainder of his estate he wished to have divided into thirds. One third was to be given to the three children of "my Brother Gardner, George John & Hannah, to Each an Equal share." Another third he left to the three children of "my Sister Hathorne: John, Nathaniel and Ruth." The remaining third he bequeathed to the three children of his sister "Mary Turner, Robert, Habakkuk and Mary." His brother Samuel was executor of the will, which was probated May 11, 1685.* In the inventory of the estate, dated April 30, 1685, we find the following items, among many others: "2 acres & 1/4 of Salt marfh in ye South field 22.10.00 1 acre ditto at Strong Water brook 20.00.00 To one farme about 100 acres and houfe &c 100.00.00 Ketch Sam" Dutch mafter 200.00.00 Money 275.03.00" The total value of the estate was 925 pounds, 2 shillings and 7 pence. The document was signed by "Jno Higginson Jun" and Stephen "Sewall."+ Samuel Gardner Jun., "executor of ye last will & testament of Ebenezer Gardner deceased," for 200 pounds, bought of John Hathorne, "for y° use & benefit of Jno Hathorne, Nathaniell Hathorne and Ruth Hathorne, children of ye aforesd Jno Hathorne & Ruth his wife," all "yt his piece of land, scituate . . . in ye township of Salem . . . formerly belonging to Ralp Fogge."‡ Nov. 9, 1687, John and Hannah Swinnerton, and Nehemiah and Abigail Willoughby, for 59 pounds, sold to Henry Bartholomew, Junr., their right and title to 1/2 tract of land in Salem known by "ye name of Thomas James his farme, lying between ye land of Mr. Francis Johnson, Robert Follett and Mr. Batter deceased," with one half of the houses etc. thereon, "by vertue of ye last will & testament of Ebenezer Gardner deceased."§ *County Court Papers, book 44, leaf 109. † County Court Papers, book 44, leaf 110. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 7, leaf 47. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 8, leaf 89. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 125 From depositions made by Samuell Very and "Nathaniell Camell," Oct. 2, 1682, we know that this farm was near Butt's Brook. Child: * 71. BARTHOLOMEW, b. June 12, 1682; d. Dec. 20, 1684.† 59 Lieut. Abel Gardner, called in the records, husbandman," "yeoman," and "tanner," was born "1, 7 mo., 1673."‡ Abell Gardner He lived in the old homestead, in that portion of Salem known as the "Middle Precinct" (now Peabody). The house had been occupied previously, by his father and grandfather. It stood on the present corner of Central and Elm Streets, in Peabody, and has been described in an earlier article in this series. § He was prominently identified with the affairs of the town throughout his life and held many town offices. SURVEYOR. The first office to which he was appointed was that of field and fence-viewer for "North field," in March (14) 1694-5, and between this date and 1737, he served many times as surveyor of highways, and on committees in regard to land claims. His name is also found frequently in the lists of those who perambulated the boundaries of the town. CONSTABLE. This office was first held by him in 1700. He also served in 1703 and 1704. SELECTMAN. He served the town in this capacity in 1713 and the year following. ‡ * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 6, leaf 67. † Gravestone in the Charter Street Burying-ground. Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 94; deprint, p. 14. 126 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, In 1701 he was chosen one of a committee to prosecute all "Perfons Tranfgrefsing ye Town Order about preferving ye Young wood." "Lt Abell Gardner," was chosen "Trustee to Value persons Estates, purſuant to an Act of ye Gen" Court" (Dec. 30, 1707). He was chosen one of the tithing-men, March 21, 1719-20. Various sums were paid him by the town for timber, used in repairing the highways, and for the use of his teams in similar work. Jan. 29, 1711-12, it was ordered that "Left. Abell Gardner have a note on ye Town Treaſurer for ten shillings for ye ufe of his bull among ye town Herd anno 1711."* JURY. He served on the trial jury in 1696, 1708, 1709, 1712, 1717, 1719, and 1726; and on the grand jury in 1724 and 1730.* In 1711 he was one of the contributors to the South Parish (Middle Precinct) Meeting House.† MIDDLE PRECINCT SCHOOL-HOUSE. In the Town Records under date of March 14, 1711- 12, we find reference to a "Petition of our Neighbours living aboue ye town Bridge and below the village line, for fome allowance towards a School amongst them." Later in this month, "Articles of Agreement" were drawn up and signed by eleven citizens of that district, Abel Gardner's name heading the list. As this was the first school-house to be established in what is now Peabody, this document is an interesting one historically. It reads as follows: Articles of agreement Covenanted, made and unanimously agreed on this 25 day of March In the Eleaventh year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by ye Grace of God of Grate Brittain France and Ireland Queen, and in the year of our Lord God 1712 by and between us the Subscribers hereof for and on behalfe of our Selves our heirs Executors and administrators and Every of us Mutually with Each other * Town Records. ↑ Hanson's History of Danvers, p. 240. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 127 in manner following: That whereas wee have or are about to purchase the Dwelling houſe of Robert Peas of Salem aforesaid and about twenty rod of the land belonging to the said homestead which is adjoyning to the maine road Easterly, and Southerly with Robinson's, westerly the Brook, Northerly Gardner's which houfe and land wee have purchased for to Improve as a School house for the Education of our Children forever, pursuant to which wee doe further covenant as followeth : 1st. that wee will repair and fix up one of the rooms forthwith with all convenant speed fit for ye use aforesaid. 2ly. That wee and our heirs Executors and administrators shall and will from time to time and at all times Keep ye said houſe in good Suitable repair for that occafation or build another that may be more convenient in ye rome and Stead thereof as the major part of our comunity may agree to. 3dy. that wee shall and will bear and pay ye Charge that may arise by reafon of the premises Equaly betwixt us our heirs executors or administrators. 4ly. that what foever ye major part of the community shall agree upon at a Meeting on due notice given thereof Eight day before ye meeting shall bee binding to the whole Community and all Shall be obliged to pay their shares and proportions of what shall be so agreed on by the major part of the proprietors or community and no person shall be admitted into the community without the leave and Lycence of the major part of the proprietors first had and obtained at a meeting as aforesaid. In Testimony and for confirmation of all and singular the articles covenant and agreement before mentioned the parties concerned have hereunto set their hands and seales the day and year first written. Abell Gardner [SEAL] John Gardner SEAL Robert Willson SEAL John Osborne SEAL Samuel Cook SEAL Samuel Cook Jun SEAL William Osborne Jun' SEAL] 128 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Henry Cooke Jacob Read Joseph Buxton Samuel Osborne [SEAL [SEAL SEAL SEAL] Signed Sealed and Delivered in the prefence of ous Benjamin Prescott Samuel Gardner And if any one shall at any time part with his right in the premises It shall be to such an one as the major part of the Community Shall be Satisfied in and If the major part of the Community shall refuse so to admit any one they shall be obliged to purchase the part that is put upon sale and shall have it at the first cost. In Testimony &ca Essex fs Salem March 26, 1712."* Examined by Stephen Sewall. (Recorded Mar. 27, 1712.) The following extract from the Town Records explains itself: "In answer to ye Petition of our Neighbours living aboue the town bridge and below ye village line for allowance towards a School amongst them, Voted-That there be paid unto the Inhabitants of the new Parish five pounds Pr annum for three years next coming towards maintaining, a reading, writeing & Cyphering School for their Children, provided they do keep up and maintaine fuch a School ye faid Term" (March 24, 1711-12). In the Town Records, under date of Sept. 21, 1714, we find the following: "Left Abel Gardner" granted "five pounds to be applyed to ye ufe of yt School (ye middle precinct or new Parish) to which ye first paymt was made, vizt ye School kept by ye Wid Katherine Dealand faid School being kept by ye approbation of ye Selectmen as ye Law directs, this being ye 2nd payment. "" On the 27th of March, 1712, John Gardner sold to Abel Gardner and others, a lot of land with an old house upon it, to be used as a school-house.† The lot measured 42 feet on the front (East) on the highway, and 33 feet in the rear (West) on the brook. It was bounded *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 146. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 135. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 129 on the North with other land of John Gardner, and on the South with land of John Robinson.* 4/1/2 This lot of land, frequently mentioned in deeds as "the school-house lot," was sold June 8, 1857, by "The inhabitants of School District No. 3, in South Danvers " to Andrew Curtis.† It was described in the deed as bounded on the East on Central Street, there measuring 41 feet, 9 inches. The house numbered 62 Central Street in the present town of Peabody, stands upon this lot. REAL ESTATE. We will first consider the property which he inherited from his father. The portion of his father's homestead on Main Street in Salem, which was left to him, amounting to one-sixth of the lot, he sold to his brother-in-law, William Gedney, Nov. 12, 1694. This is the lot upon. which the present Essex Institute building stands. The lot and orchard in the "North field" (lying East of what is now Central Street in Peabody) which his father bequeathed to him, he retained throughout his life, and resided in the house which was upon it, and which we have described in an earlier article. § This property, valued in the inventory of his estate at 750 pounds, he left to his son Joseph, with the proviso that the widow should occupy the "Westerly halfe Thereof," during her life. All of the land in the "North Field," and the upland and meadow at Strong Water Brook, including the 'Burying Place" (valued at 60 pounds), he left to his sons Jonathan and Joseph. The large farm in what is now West Peabody, called so often the farm "near Anthony Needham's," which was also left to him by his father, he disposed of as follows: One- half of the 120 acres he gave to his son Thomas, Mar. 28, 1729,|| and in 1734 (Mar. 1st), he sold to this same son Thomas, seven acres of the remainder of this property, for 45 pounds. The rest of the farm (valued in the * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 135. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 573, leaf 71. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 75. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, pp. 93-4; deprint, pp. 13-14. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 78, leaf 220. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 76, leaf 230. 130 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, inventory at 266 pounds) he retained until his death, and willed it to his son Abel.* Abel (4th Gen.), for 370 pounds, conveyed his portion to his brother Thomas, Apr. 1, 1742.† Another valuable holding, which he received from his father Samuel, was one-eighth part of the grist mill property on the South River. One-half of this he sold to his son Jonathan, Oct. 21, 1728, for 80 pounds;‡ and the remainder (valued in the inventory at 100 pounds) he left to his son Abel. Abel (4th Gen.) sold it to his brother Jonathan, Dec. 28, 1739, for the above amount. § Still another lot of land, inherited by Abel from his father, was the one described in Samuel's will as "Land Lieing neer to the Land of John Harwood cont about ten acres." This had been granted to Samuel by the town Nov. 1, 1680. Abel sold it to John Waters, Jun., Oct. 10, 1695.T In addition to the above mentioned lots left to him by his father, Abel inherited from his brother Jonathan in 1693, several valuable pieces of real estate. ** The largest of these was Jonathan Gardner's farm at Ipswich River. This had been left to Jonathan by his father. Abel sold a portion of it (110 acres) Nov. 21, 1694,†† to William Russell of Reading, for 60 pounds; and Feb. 28, 1704–5, he sold the remainder for 42 pounds, 10 shillings, to William Russell, Jun., and John Russell.‡‡ The warehouse which his brother Jonathan left to him he sold Feb. 1, 1694-5, to Col. Timothy Lindall ;§§ and the wharf- lot near Burying Point, which had been originally granted to Samuel and Joseph Gardner, Abel sold Oct. 18, 1715, to Col. Samuel Brown, he having received that also as a legacy from his brother.||| Daniel Marble conveyed to Abel Gardner and his cousin * Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaves 15-17. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 115. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 46, leaf 249. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 72. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 382; deprint, p. 86. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 11, leaf 274. **Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. xxxvi, p. 387, deprint, p. 91. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 89. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 16, leaf 205. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 10, leaf 121. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 29, leaf 230. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 131 Samuel Gardner, all of his real estate as security for 400 pounds which they advanced to him, Sept 21, 1720. In 1712 (Sept. 22), he sold to Ben'j Prescott, 1 1/4 acre of land on Bishop's hill in North field.† The only piece of real estate left for us to consider, is the 38 acre lot at "Blind Hole" in Topsfield which was left to Sarah, wife of Abel Gardner, by her father Israel Porter. This was described in the inventory of Abel's estate as 38 acres of Land at Blind hole," valued at 475 pounds. He willed this land to his children and grandchildren, and they sold their portions to Benjamin Towne of Topsfield in 1740-48. § Abel Gardner married, first, Sarah Porter, daughter of Israel and Elizabeth (Hathorne) Porter. Her father was the son of John Porter, and her mother was the daughter of Major William Hathorne, who came with John Winthrop in the Arbella, and became one of the grandest men in the colony. Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of his descendants. Israel Porter and his wife Elizabeth at the time of the witchcraft delusion, headed the movement to save the life of Rebecca Nurse, and their names stand on the Rebecca Nurse Monument in Danvers, at the head of the list of those who, at the peril of their own lives, tried to save her from martyrdom. Sarah Gardner died Sept. 24, 1728, aged 53 years.|| Abel Gardner married, for his second wife, Sarah King of Salem, in 1731. Their intention of marriage was published June 1, of that year. He had no children by his second wife. Abel Gardner died Nov. 10, 1739, and was buried in the family burying place on Gardner's Hill at Strong Water Brook (junction of present Main and Grove Streets, in Peabody). This lot has been fully described in the article upon Thomas Gardner, 1st Gen.** * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 43, leaves 19 and 20. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 54, leaf 251. Essex Probate Records, book 309, p. 130. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 98; book 82, leaves 208, 250, 273 and 274; book 85, leaf 72; and book 90, leaf 273. Gravestone, at present in Harmony Grove, near the Peabody gate. List of Publishments, in the Town Records. **Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 91; deprint, p. 11. 132 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, The double stone, which marked the grave of Abel and his first wife Sarah, is at present in Harmony Grove. WILL. In his will dated Jan. 12, 1737, after a very devout and elaborate introduction, he leaves to his "Beloved wife Sarah Gardner ye ufe and Improvmt of one third part" of his real estate, "So Long as Shee Remains my Widow, and also ye One halfe of my Dwelling houfe Being ye Westerly halfe Thereof." He also gave one third of all his personal estate, and also "all the Estate Shee brought to me when I married her." The disposal of most of his real estate, we have already considered, under the descriptions of his various land holdings. In addition to the bequests thus mentioned, he left to his sons Jonathan and Thomas, one common right each, and to the five children of his deceased son Samuel, twenty pounds "a peice" and three common rights. To his three daughters, namely, Elizabeth Waters, Sarah Osborne and Mary Waters, he left two-thirds of his "moveable Estate To be Equally Divided between them.' He also left to Elizabeth Waters and Sarah Osborne, "Two acres of land In ye Northerly End of my Lott In ye North Field next To Robinfon's Lott," to be equally divided between them. His other daughter, Mary Waters, received a bequest of an half acre of land in the same section of the town, adjoining Isaac Cook's land. This last lot measures five poles on the front (now Central Street, Peabody). The witnesses to the will were, Daniel Jacob, Rogers Dudley and John Nutting. It was proved Nov. 19, 1739.* An inventory of his estate, dated Dec. 6, 1739, was presented by his executors, Jonathan and Thomas Gardner, his sons, on the 27th of December of the same year, the committee being Thorndike Proctor, Daniel Marble and Daniel Epps. The inventory contained in addition to the list of land holdings, the following items, among others: 4 oxen 40 pounds, 3 cows 18 pounds, 1 heiffer 50 shill., 1 yearling 35 shill., 4 swine 16 pounds 10 shill., 7 sheep *Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaves 15-17. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 133 105 shill., and 1 horfe 7 pounds. One pew in ye Middle parrish meeting houfe 15 pounds. ""* The total value of his property was 1993 pounds, and 17 shillings.* Children, all by his first wife Sarah Porter: 72. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 7, 1695-6;† bap. Sept. 27, 1696;‡ d. about 1736; m., 1719 (pub. Mar. 21), Sarah Adams, dau. of John and Hannah (Treadwell) Adams, of Ipswich.§ 73. JONATHAN, b. Feb. 23, 1697-8;† bap. June 26, following; d. Nov. 27, 1783; m. 1st, Dec. 2, 1725, Elizabeth Gardner, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Weld) Gardner;† 2nd, Jan. 8, 1755, Wid. Mary Avery, of Boston; 3d, Nov. 17, 1757, Wid. Mary Palfrey, of Salem. 74. THOMAS, b. Feb. 21, 1699-70;† d. Apr. 13, 1700.† 75. ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 30, 1701;† bap. June 8, same year;‡ m. Nov. 30, 1721, John Waters,† Jun., son of John and Mary Waters. Children: 1. John, b. Nov. 30, 1722; d. Carlisle, 1812, aged 90; m. Apr. 6, 1763, Rachel, widow of Nathaniel Tarbell. 2. Israel, bap. 1724-25 (not named in father's will). 3. Elizabeth, bap. Mar. 26, 1727; d. Nov., 1775; m. Henry Jacobs. 4. Abel, bap. May 4, 1729; d. 1786; will dated May 20, 1786, proved July 13, 1786; m. 1st, July 9, 1751, Hannah Proctor; m. 2nd, Lydia Trask. She died in 1816. 5. Mary, bap. June 13, 1731; d. young. 6. Sarah, bap. Oct. 15, 1732; d. young. 7. Mary, bap. May 4, 1735; m. William Shillaber. 8. Lydia, bap. May 29, 1737; d. Jan. 23, 1831; m. Jan. 4, 1759, Aaron Putnam, s. of Lieut. Stephen and Miriam (Putnam) Putnam. 9. Ruth, bap. Oct. 28, 1739; d. before 1760. 10. Abigail, bap. Apr. 26, 1741. 11. Eunice, bap. Oct. 28, 1744. 76. THOMAS, bap. Oct. 14, 1705;‡ d. abt. 1753; m. Feb. 13, 1728, Eunice Waters, dau. of John and Mary Waters.† 77. ISRAEL, bap. Oct. 5, 1707.‡ 78. SARAH, bap. May 21, 1710;‡ m. Joseph Osborn son of Samuel and Eleanor Osborn. Children: 1. Ginger, bap. Sept. 29, 1734; m. Feb. 5, 1756, Nathaniel Brown. 2. Eunice, bap. Dec. 19, 1736; m. Feb. 12, 1761, Benjamin Porter 3d., s. of John and Apphia Porter. 3. Israel, bap. May 27, 1739; d. abt. 1790; m., 1763, Lois Littlefield, of Wells, Me. 4. Mehitable, bap. Nov. 14, 1741; m. 1st, Feb. 9, 1764, Ezra Porter s. of John and Apphia Porter; m., 2nd, Sylvester Proctor. 5. Aaron, b. Nov. 15, 1742; d. Feb. 8, 1803; m. Mar. 24, 1774, * Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaves 206-7. + Town Records. First Church Records. Essex Antiquarian, v. II, p. 88. 134 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Lydia Proctor. 6. Abel, bap. Aug. 18, 1745; d. young. 7. Abel, bap. Nov. 9, 1746; m. Jan. 25, 1770, Lydia Foster, dau. of Gideon Foster. 79. ABEL, bap. May 10, 1713;* m. Aug. 16, 1734, Priscilla Stacey,† dau. of Simon and Sarah (Hill) Stacey. 80. HANNAH, bap. May 1, 1715.‡ 81. MARY, bap. Oct. 28, 1716;‡ m. Nov. 29, 1737, Nathaniel Waters,† son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (King) Waters. 82. JOSEPH, bap. Sept. 28, 1718; m. Sept. 29, 1741, Mehitable Pope,† dau. of Joseph and Mehitable (Putnam) Pope. FOURTH GENERATION. 61 Thomas Gardner, the fourth in direct line to bear that surname, was born on the 25th of the 8th mo. 1671.† His grandmother, Mary Porter, widow of Thomas a ver иднет Good the emigrant John Porter, deeded to him June 28, 1678, a lot of land in Beverly, which John Porter had formerly bought of William Dixey, bounded by land of Hugh Woodberry, William Dodge and by the seaside. This lot measured an acre and a half. § Thomas Gardner of Salem "Marriner," sold the above described lot Feb. 13, 1695-6 (three months after his father's death), for 18 pounds, to Thomas Cock of Beverly.|| In 1691, he was a witness in the Gardner-Hilliard case, which we have mentioned in the article upon Thomas Gardner, 3d Gen. The court record is as follows: "The Testimony of Thomas Gardner Jun'r Aged Twenty yeares or thereabouts. Testifieth & Saith that the Ketch *First Church Records. Town Records. Records of the Middle Precinct Church. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 5, leaf 2. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 12, leaf 85. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 135 Expectation which is in Controversie between Mr. Edward Hilliard and my father was Built By Mr. Jno Norman And Bought of him by my father, and Sª Norman hath Credit for ye Same upon my fathers Book and farther Saith that for ye abovesaid Ketch my father was proffered fiveteen pounds per month By Mr Addams yt Dwells at Mr Abraham Coles To goe to ye West Indies." Sworn in open Court. Attest B. Gerrish.*" Ce His name appears on the tax list, May 14, 1695.† He married on the 4th of the 4th mo. 1695, Mary Higginson, daughter of Lieut. Col. John and Sarah (Savage) Higginson. She married, 2nd, 25, 4mo. 1699, Dr. Edward Weld; and 3d, May 3, 1708, Dea. James Lindall.+ Thomas Gardner died in 1696. No children. 62 Habakkuk Gardner, born on the 25th of the 2nd mo. 1673, was a master mariner. Hab: Gandr [torn.] He commanded several different vessels sailing from Salem to the West Indies, as the following notes from the records will show: "Habbakuk Gardner Comand of ye K Prosperous his protest Entred Feb. 13, 1696-7. By this Publique Instrument of or in ye nature of a Protest. Be it known and Manifest unto all people that upon ye Thirteenth Day of February Anno Dom: 1696-7 Anno qui Regni Regis Guielmi Tertii Angliæ &c nono before Mr Stephen Sewall dwelling in Salem within his Majt Province of ye Maſsachuſetts Bay in New England Notary Publique in said Province admitted & Sworne perfonally came & appeared Mr Habbakuke Gardner of Salem aforesd Marriner Comander of ye Good Ketch Caled ye Prosperous of Salem burthen about 40 Tuns or Thereabouts & Then & There declared That in his Voiage from Barbados To New *County Court Papers, book 51, leaf 102. † Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v, p. 36. ties 136 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. England in ye Lattitude of 39 degrees or thereabouts upon ye 22d Day of January last past They mett with a violent Storme ye wind being at N N West & ye weather Excefsive Cold which held for aboue Sixty houres that they Splitt thier maine Sail . . . they could not Reife thier Sail nor doe any thing Confiderable for to help themſelves So that there was much Water in ye Hold & were forced back againe thirty-Six Leagues by yo Good providence of God they arived with yo Sd Ketch in sd port of Salem ye 12th. Day of this Instant February .. Therefore ye sd Habbakuke Gardner ye Sd Master of sd Ketch in ye Nature of a protest & To . . . Make it Evident to all people that the Violence & long was ye cause & ye • Continuance of ye Said Storme Only Caufe of ye lofses," etc. etc.* In the same book we find the following copy of a bill of exchange; "ys bill of Exchans to Capt Gardner Bay Campeachy pleas pay Capt Hab. Gardner or his orders ye Summe of Three poundes Currant money of Barbadoes in Ten dayes after Sight of this my first bill of Exchange the Second not payd It being for proviſions & place ye Same to ye account of ye Wheler ffrigatt from Sr your Humble Seruant Val Booth To Nichos Baker at Barbados please to pay ye within March ye 9th. 1699. Recorded from ye orriginall mentioned unto mr Conrade Adams & you will obleige your Seruant to Comand. Hab. Gardner.† Verbatim Exam. pr Steph Sewall Not pub." * "Booke of Recordes for Masters" (Office of Clerk of Courts), book 1, leaf 3. † "Booke of Recordes for Masters," book 1, leaf 21. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 137 In 1704, he commanded the ship Essex Galley of Salem, which was wrecked on the island of Barbadoes, as the following deposition will show : "The Testimony of Habbakuk Gardner of Salem in New England Mariner late Comander of ye Ship Essex Galley of Salem aforesaid & Samuel Cillote Boatswaine of ye Same of full age Say that on or about ye Twelfth Day of January anno R R. Nunc Angliae &c Tertio Annoque Dom 1704 Thefe deponents being in said Ship bound from New England to ye Island of Barbados they set Sayl from Cape Anne on ye Day aforesaid & that in their paſsage within Sight of ye Said Island they were Chased by a French Privateer for Seuerall hours untill they were forced almost afhore on ye Northern part of Said Island and that they lett goe an anchor but it broke and Soe they were Caft away on the Shoar where they lost the Sd Ship and Most of their Cargoe and One of their men and Narrowly Escaped with the rest of their lives the Said Ship was of Burthen about One hundred and ten tunns or their abouts and was forced afhoar as aforefaid and lost the twelfth day of February Anno Dom: 1704 having been about a month out of New England. Hab Gardner Sameuill Cillote"* Sworn to Sept. 28, 1706. Affidavits from others in regard to the above affair are also recorded. He seemed to have been particularly unfortunate in meeting with the French, for in March (13th) 1707–8, while on a voyage from "New England being bound for Antegua or other the Leeward Islands in the West Indies," in the "Ship ffriendship" which he commanded, he came upon another French privateer, about twelve leagues to the windward of Antigua. * Booke of Recordes for Masters, book 1, leaf 61. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVIII 19 * 138 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, The ship was taken by the French, and "Carryed " with "Some of the Company into Martinecoe whereby the Said Ship and Cargoe was wholly lost Salem in New England the 17th Day of September 1708. Habk Gardner Joseph Brown.”* Habakkuk Gardner was first mentioned in the Town Records in 1698, at which time he was chosen to serve on the trial jury. He also served on the trial jury of the Superior or Inferior court in 1699, 1702, 1719 and 1731.† At a town meeting held March 16, 1723-4, he was chosen constable, and appointed "Culler of Fish,” Aug. 5, 1723. In 1722, he was licensed "for a Retailer," and for several years thereafter.† REAL ESTATE. The earliest recorded purchase of land by him was in 1706 (March 7th), at which time he bought of Edward Glover of Rehoboth, Bristol Co., Cordwainer, late of Salem, a lot measuring 27 poles, for 28 pounds.‡ He sold the lot on the 30th of June of the following year to Nicholas Noyes of Salem. § This lot was on the western side of what is now Washington Street a short distance. north of Essex Street. || On the 17th of June, 1707, he purchased of Walter Price and his wife Freestone Price, daughter of John Turner, "a dwelling houfe Shop Oarchard Garden out. houſing & about One hundred & Ten rodds of land in Salem."¶ This lot was on Prison Lane " (now St. Peter Street) on the western side of the street, about midway between the present Essex and Federal Streets. This house was occupied by Habakkuk Gardner as his homestead, and after his death, it was sold by his son Habakkuk Gardner of Boston, to Benjamin Browne for 200 pounds (Aug. 11, 1738). At the time of this sale, it was occupied by Benjamin Woodbridge.** * Booke of Recordes for Masters, book 1, leaf 73. + Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 229. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 20, leaf 31. Essex Antiquarian, v. II, p. 172. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 20, leaf 30. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 76, leaf 24. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 139 He married Mar 22, 1696-7, Ruth Gedney, daughter of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Turner) Gedney. She was born May 24, 1672, and died August 23, 1737. * Habakkuk Gardner died Feb. 3, 1732-3.† His wife Ruth was appointed administratrix of the estate, Feb. 14, 1732.‡ In the inventory presented by her, we find the following: "His dwelling House with the Out Housing and Land adjoining Two Rights of Commonage thereto belonging A Pew in the First Parish Meeting House Sundry Goods in the Shop The total value of the estate was £300. 0.0. 36. 0.0. 30. 0.0. 100.11.0." 749.10.11 After the various bills and claims were settled, the balance was divided as follows; "To Ruth Gardner Widow 1-3 £126.11.1. Habbakkuk Gardner Eldest Son 2 Shares 168.14.8. Ruth Gardner Alias Nutting 84.07.5. 379.13.2.§ Children: 83. RUTH, b. March 16, 1699;|| d. Nov. 22, 1736;|| m. Feb. 12, 1719- 20, John Nutting.|| John Nutting was the son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Nutting. He was born in Cambridge, Jan. 7, 1694, and graduated at Harvard College in 1712. He came to Salem in 1718, and kept the Grammar School from 1719 to 1749. He became Ruling Elder of a new church in Salem in 1736. He was a Notary Public in 1755, and Collector of Customs at Salem and Marblehead in 1768 and at other times. He also held the office of Register of Deeds. After the death of his first wife Ruth, he married Elizabeth dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Lindall) Pickman (b. Jan. 22, 1714, d. June 11, 1785). He died May 20, 1790, aged 96. He was for several years the oldest graduate of Harvard College. Children: 1. John, b. Feb. 19, 1728–9; d. June 28, following. 2. Eunice, b. June 7, 1730; d. Aug. 25, 1790; m. William Vans, Esq.** The Salem Gazette of May : * Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XVI, p. 264. + Town Records. Essex Probate Records, book 319, leaf 453. Essex Probate Records, book 321, leaves 113-114. Salem Records. Notes of Dr. Henry Wheatland in the Essex Institute. **Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XVI, p. 275. + THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 140 26, 1797, in a notice of the death of Williams Vans, Esq., pays tribute to his memory as follows: "He has been repeatedly in the House of Representatives, a member from Salem. He was a gentleman of most agreeable address, and in various offices had endeared himself to his fellow citizens. He was a native of Boston." 3. John, b. Aug. 26, 1733. 84. MARY, b. June 22, 1701.* 85. JOSEPH, b. January 25, 1702;* d. Aug. following. 86. MERCY, b. April 28, 1705* (bap. Apr. 29)†; d. Jan. 7, 1732–3.* HABAKKUK, b. Aug. 3, 1707;* m. Mary Richards of Boston. She d. Dec. 17, 1762.‡ 87. 88. EUNICE, b. Dec. 4, 1709 (bap. Mar. 5)†; d. Aug. 29, 1729.* 69 Capt. John Gardner, the only son of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth (Browne) Gardner who reached adult life, had a brief but eventful career. John Gardner TOWN OFFICES. He was first mentioned in the town records in 1702-3 (Mar. 22), at which time he was appointed fence-viewer "for ye New Field." During the rest of his life he frequently served the town in similar capacities. In 1707-8 (Mar. 15), he was appointed on a committee "To Examine about any Strips or Parcells of Common Land That Lyeth between any farms or Lots belonging to ye Town." He served on this committee for a number of years, and in 1711 (May 22), he was given a note "on y Towne Treafurer for fifty two shillings for ſervice about finding out Incroachments on ye Town Commons," etc. § The office of surveyor of highways was frequently held by him, and he served on several committees, appointed to lay out new highways, including that from "Thomas Buffington's Westward as far as ye Widow Pope's," in Salem Records. † Records of the First Church, Salem. Tombstone in Copp's Hill Cemetery, Boston. § Town Records. HORN SPOON taken by Capt. John Gardner from an Indian whom he had killed in the fight at Haverhill, August 29, 1708. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 141 1710. * He was chosen one of the selectmen in 1709 and the year following, and "Tithing man," in 1717." He served on the trial jury in 1703, 1707, 1714, 1718, and 1721." * CHURCH. His name is found in the records of the First Church Feb. 7, 1702. In 1709-10 (Jan. 18), he signed a petition for a church in the Middle Precinct, and contributed ten pounds for that object.† He was one of the signers to a petition to the town authorities from "Seuerall of ye Inhabitants wt out ye bridge and below ye Village line vizt for a Quarter of an acre of land to Sett a Meeting houfe upon nigh Sam" Goldthrite's Jun' between that and ye Wid° Parnells. Granted (Mar. 28, 1709-10). The town voted ""* 24, 1711-12, "That half an acre of land is granted to the new Chappell lately erected for ye ufe of the miniftry there."* GENERAL COURT. Capt. John Gardner was first chosen representative in 1716 (May 25), "in the Room of Mr. Joseph Putnam.”* He was also elected, 1719, 1720 and 1721. Nov. 8, 1720, he was named as a member of a committee to see what should be done with the Kennebeck Indians. ‡ Nov. 17, he was appointed on a legislative committee "to visit the settlement made by James MacGregor, James MacKeen and James Gregg, about 14 miles from Haverhill and in New Hampshire. It appears, that these persons were of a company from Ireland, who had leave to settle a township at the Eastward, but who preferred the place which they had occupied in an informal manner." The Scotch-Irish settlement at Londonderry, N. H., is evidently the one referred to. In 1721 (June 9), he was appointed on a committee "to desire an explanation from the Governor about his instructions from England, as to the emissions of bills in this Province."§ *Town Records. † Massachusetts Archives, book 11, leaf 337. Felt's Annals of Salem, First Edition, p. 371. Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 372. 142 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1 MILITARY. He commanded the Salem company in the battle with the French and Indians at Haverhill Aug. 29, 1708.* In this engagement he slew an Indian and took from him a spoon and tomahawk. The spoon is now owned by Captain Augustus P. Gardner of Hamilton, Mass., one of his descendants. Captain Gardner kindly loaned it to the author, who photographed it for the accompanying cut. The tomahawk, an illustration of which is also given, is now in the possession of Mrs. Chas. W. Amory, of Boston, who inherited it from her father, Mr. George Gardner. The writer is pleased to acknowledge his gratitude to Mrs. Amory and Captain Gardner for their kindness in lending such treasured family relics. A resolve was passed in the General Court Nov. 4, 1709, allowing John Gardner, 40 shillings for "Extra services at Haverhill."t REAL ESTATE. The first lot of land which we have found recorded as purchased by him, was one containing three acres near Butts Brook, which he bought of John Proctor of Ipswich, in 1703.‡ In 1705-6, he bought four acres more of him in the same locality, and in 1714-15, another acre bounding on the above. § His widow, Elizabeth, sold the above lots to her son John Gardner, Sept. 7, 1762.|| In the article upon his father, mention was made of a house and lot which Samuel purchased of John Browne, and conveyed to John Gardner, Feb. 7, 1705-6.¶ He sold the lot on the 8th of February of that year to Joseph Gerrish of Wenham,** and bought it back again in Jan., 1707. †† He purchased of Isaac Peas, son of Robert, on Feb. 29, 1711-12, a lot of land on the western side of what is New England Historic Genealogical Register, v. 25, p. 49. Massachusetts Archives, book 71, leaf 587. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 191. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 30, leaf 166. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 110, leaf 210. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 18, leaf 159. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 17, leaf 129. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 20, leaf 100. TOMAHAWK taken by Capt. John Gardner from an Indian whom he had killed in the fight at Haverhill, Aug. 29, 1708. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 143 now Central Street in Peabody,* and on Mar. 25th sold a portion of this to a company of men consisting of Abel Gardner, himself and others, for a school-house.† This has been fully described in the article upon Abel Gardner.‡ The northern end of this lot he sold to Benjamin Prescott, May 21, 1713.§ In 1712, he and his father purchased of John Gardner of Mendon, part of the tide grist mill on the South River. || He retained his half of this purchase, and his widow sold it to Jonathan Gardner, May 13, 1742.¶ In 1721, he sold to John Phelps of Reading, seven acres of land on the north side of Ipswich River, which he had previously bought of "a committee chosen by the Proprietors of the Common Land of Salem."** He held mortgages on various other pieces of property, and gave testimony from time to time, in regard to the bounds of lots which he had surveyed.†† John Gardner married Jan. 11, 1704, Elizabeth Weld, daughter of Dr. Daniel and Bethia Weld. ‡‡ Doctor Weld lived on the eastern side of what is now North Street, about where the Wesley M. E. Church now stands. §§ Elizabeth Gardner and her sister Barbara Hide, widow (afterwards wife of Edmund Batter), after the death of their father, sold the above property on Weld's Lane.|||| Elizabeth Gardner lived over forty-eight years after her husband's death. She died Sept. 27, 1770, in her 88th year. Letters of administration were granted to her son John, Jan. 6, 1773.¶¶ His will dated Dec. 18, He left all of his John Gardner died in 1722. 1721, was proved July 18, 1722.*** * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 36, leaf 130. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 135. Essex Institute Historical Collections, V. XXXVIII. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 31, leaf 146. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 25, leaf 74. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 84, leaf 35. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 43, leaf 288. 132. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 124; book 30, leaf 3; and book 43, leaf Family Notes. Essex Antiquarian, v. II, p. 171-2. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 26, leaf 273; and book 33, leaf 235. TT Essex Probate Records,book 349, leaf 19. *** Essex Probate Records, book 313, leaf 475. . 144 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, personal estate to his wife, "To be To her & att her Dispose." After this comes the following: "Item, As to my Reall Estate my Will Is That the poor of ye Town of Salem have a Share of Itt with my Children To Witt one Tenth part of Itt, and the way I propofe They Shall have Itt in Is the Income of my part of ye Corn Mills In yº Town of Salem four years which According To my Computation will bring In, to the value of one Tenth part of my Reall Estate, as I have Valued Itt. And my Will Is That my ffather would pleafe To Deal It out To fuch perfons as In his Wisdom fhall fee best," etc. After the expiration of the four years, his wife was to have the income of the mills. He also left to his wife "ye uſe of all the remainder" of his estate. After the death of his wife, he desired that the residue be divided equally among his children, the eldest son then living to have the privilege of purchasing "all his Sisters parts provided he Give Them The Value of Their Shares as Indifferent Men fhall Then Judge It To be Worth." He appointed his wife executrix. The witnesses were, David Foster, Abel Gardner and John Waters, Jun.* His widow sold three common rights to Abel Gardner, f and lots of land to her sons John and Daniel.‡ Children : 89. ELIZABETH, bap. Oct. 14, 1705;§ d. Apr. 20, 1752;|| m. Dec. 2, 1725, Jonathan Gardner, son of Abel and Sarah (Porter) Gardner (No. 73). 90. JOHN, bap. Feb. 16, 1706-7;§ d. Jan. 15, 1784; m. 1st, Mar. 26, 1730,¶ wid. Elizabeth Putnam, wid. of William Putnam, and dau. of Lieut. James Putnam; 2nd, Jan. 3, 1765, wid. Eliza, beth Herbert, wid. of Capt. Benjamin Herbert;¶ 3d, Oct. 29, 1773, Mary Peal.¶ 91. EBENEZER, bap. Nov. 7, 1708;§ d. young. 92. DANIEL, b. Dec. 16, 1709 (bap. Dec. 25§); d. Sept. 15, 1759; m. Dec. 23, 1734, Ann Putnam, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Whipple) Putnam.¶ * Essex Probate Records, book 313, leaf 475. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 70, leaf 321. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 99, leaf 67; and book 110, leaf 40, First Church Records. Stone in the Charter Street Burying Ground. Town Records (Salem). " AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 145 93. HANNAH, bap. Aug. 12, 1711;* m. Samuel Holton. Child: Samuel, b. June 9, 1738; d. Jan. 2, 1816; m. Mary Warner, dau. of Elder Philemon and Mary (Prince) Warner, of Gloucester. Samuel Holton, jr., became one of the leading men of Essex County. He studied medicine, and began to practise at the age of nineteen. He practised two years in Gloucester and sixteen in Danvers. In 1768 he represented Danvers in the General Court. Later, he was a member of the Provincial Congress, a member of the Committee of Safety, First Major of the First Essex County Regiment in the Revolution, and a member of the Executive Council of the provisional government. He was a delegate to the Congress of Confederation Nov. 15, 1777, a member of the Mass. Constitutional Convention in 1780, and in 1781, he was elected to the Mass. Senate. Thence he went to the Executive Council. He was a member of the Continental Congress, and was placed at the head of the Medical Department of the Army. Oct. 28, 1775, he was made a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Essex County. He served in this capacity for 32 years, and was presiding Justice, half of that time. He was a Justice of the Court of General Sessions for 35 years, and Chief Justice of that Court for 15 years. He was appointed Judge of Probate July 2, 1796, and served 19 years.† 94. SAMUEL, bap. Jan. 4, 1712-13;* d. Apr. 7, 1769; m. 1st, Dec. 13, 1738, Esther Orne,‡ dau. of Timothy and Lois (Pickering) Orne; m., 2nd (pub. May 27, 1758), wid. Elizabeth Winslow of Boston, dau. of Richard Clarke, of Boston, one of the consignees of the tea thrown overboard in Boston Harbor.§ 95. BETHIAH, bap. Aug. 15, 1714;|| d. July 30, 1773; m. Sept. 1, 1737, Nathaniel Ingersoll. ‡ Children: 1. Mary, m. Habakkuk Bowditch. Dr. Nathaniel Bowditch, the celebrated navigator, was one of their children. 2. Nathaniel, d. unm. 96. RUTH, bap. May 27, 1716;|| d. Mar. 19, 1808; m. 1st, Nov. 20, 1735, Bartholomew Putnam,‡ son of Bartholomew and Mary (Putnam) Putnam**; m., 2nd, Jonathan Goodhue. Children (1st m.): 1. Mary, bap. Aug. 22, 1736. 2. Bartholomew, b. Feb. 2 (bap. Feb. 5), 1737-8; d. Apr. 17, 1815; m. May 13, 1760, Sarah Hodges, ‡ dau. of Gamaliel and Priscilla (Webb) Hodges. 3. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 19, 1739; prob. d. young. 4. Ruth, b. Apr. 15, 1740 (bap. Apr. 19, 1741); d. Dec. 7, 1786; m. May 17, 1761, * First Church Records. † Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. IV, p. 101-103. Town Records. Notes of Samuel Pickering Gardner. Middle Precinct Church Records. **History of the Putnam Family, p. 220. 146 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, William Ward,* s. of Ebenezer and Rachel (Pickman) Ward. 5. Sarah, b. Jan. 17, 1743; d. Sanbornton, N. H., Oct. 4, 1824; m. May 8, 1763, John Elkins, s. of John and Abigail (Archer) Elkins. 6. William, b. Feb. 25, 1745. 7. John, b. Dec. 2, 1748. 8. William, b. Apr. 7, 1751. 97. LYDIA, bap. July, 1718; prob. died young. 98. GEORGE, bap. July 22, 1721; prob. died young. 72 Samuel Gardner, called "Jun"," to distinguish him from Captain Samuel (No. 22), was first mentioned in the Town Records, Aug. 4, 1718. According to the record of that date, he had done one and one half days work at Strong water brook Bridge." He did similar work on the highways in 1720 and 1727-28.* ee ୧୯ h He married (published March 21, 1719) Sarah Adams, daughter of John and Hannah (Treadwell) Adams, of Ipswich.† Samuel Gardner of Salem and Sarah his wife, Daughter of John & Han Adams, late of Ipswich " sold to Samuel "Lummas" of Ipswich, Aug. 10, 1735, an "old upland Lott . . . which Lott was Given unto sd Sarah by her Hon" Parent Hannah Adams," etc.‡ Samuel Gardner died between the last named date and Nov. 7, 1737, for, on the latter date, "Wid Sarah Gardner" was allowed twenty shillings by the town, for nursing Hannah Whitemore.* Widow Sarah Gardner's tax was abated Jan. 2, 1748. In the will of Samuel's father, Abel, we find the following "I give to my five Grand Children ye Children of my Son Sam" Gardner Dec: (vizt.) Sarah, Hannah, Lydia & Israel Gardner Twenty pounds a peice To be paid Them, When they Shall Reſpectively Come To yº Age of twenty one years, which Shall be Paid them by my Sons Abel & Joseph."§ They also shared in the division of the land in Topsfield at "Blind Hole," and much of our knowledge concerning them is obtained from the records of the sale of their shares of this property to Benjamin Town of Topsfield.|| * Town Records. Essex Antiquarian (Adams Gen.), v. II, p. 88. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 71, leaf 19. Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaves 15-17. (Five children mentioned, but only four names copied in the Probate Record.) Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 273; book 85, leaf 72; and book 90, leaf 273. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 147 Children: 99. SARAH, M. Nov. 23, 1740, Joseph Dennis.* 100. HANNAH. 101. JOHN, d. abt. 1749; m. (pub. June 16, 1744) Mary Fabins."t He was a blacksmith and mariner.‡ From the town records, we learn that his tax was abated in 1746 and 1747. His widow, Mary, was appointed administratrix, Sept. 17, 1750.§ No issue known. 102. LYDIA, d. May 7, 1772; m. Sept. 8, 1748, Benjamin Tucker,|| son of Joseph and Margarette Tucker, of Pomfret, Conn. Children 1. Joseph, b. May 29, 1749. 2. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1750. 3. Ann, m, William Lyon.¶ 1755; 103. ISRAEL, b. before 1731; d. before (Jan. 22, Hodges Gen.), m. Jan. 10, 1754,** Ruth Hodges, dau. of Gamaliel and Sarah (Williams) Hodges. †† No issue. His widow gave an account of the administration of his estate, July 11, 1755. She married 2nd, Jan. 18, 1759, Capt. Edward Allen, of Salem. 73 Jonathan Gardner born February 24, 1698, became one of the leaders in that noble group of merchants who made Salem famous in the eighteenth century. Jon Gardner In 1739 (Mar. 10th) he was appointed constable. The next town office held by him was that of school-committee man in 1742. He served again in 1768. He held the office of selectman from 1746 to 1748 inclusive, and in 1752 and 3. Having served the town as a member of the Board of Overseers of the Poor, most of the time from 1754 to 1768, he was excused in the latter year, and it was voted: "That the Thanks of ye Town be given to said Gardner for his paſt ſervices in said Office" (March 28, 1768). ** He frequently served on committees of perambulation, and, in 1747 (May 11), was appointed on a committee *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 273, and Town Records. Town Records. List of Publishments. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 85, leaf 72. Essex Probate Records, book 329, leaf 348. Tucker Genealogy, p. 52. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaf 273. ** Town Records. tt Hodges Family of New England, p. 37. Essex Probate Records, book 333, leaf 163. 148 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, to secure subscriptions for erecting a "Pest House at Roache's Point, on the Neck." Among the other committees upon which he served was one in 1753 in regard to annexing part of Salem (Royal Side) to Danvers ; one in 1768, empowered to lease the islands in the harbor; and one in the same year "in regard to granting flats to Joseph Sprague." He was teller of the town meeting held March 14, 1768. Various amounts were paid to him for timber and planks to be used on the roads, and for "Fiſh for ye work-Houſe." His first jury service was in December, 1732, at which time he was a member of the trial jury. He also served on this jury in 1733, 1736, 1739, 1741 and in 1754; and on the grand jury in 1743 and 1759.* CHURCH. In 1741 he gave £1 for a bell in St. Peter's Church.† He bought of James Butler of Boston (Dec. 1, 1761), 3-16 of a wall pew in the "Great Meeting house . . . in Salem" (Mr. Thomas Barnard's).‡ From his will we learn that he also owned other pews. REAL ESTATE. Jonathan Gardner lived most of his life in the house which he built and which is now standing on the northwest corner of Essex Street and Washington Square West. He bequeathed it to his son John. A full account of this lot and plans of the same have already been given by the author. § He inherited from his father, one-half of all of his land in the North Field, and at Strong Water Brook. || On Jan. 11, 1748, he purchased, of his brother Joseph, seven acres which said Joseph had inherited.¶ Four years later Jonathan bought four acres more near the above.** He had previously (Apr. 17, 1740) bought, of his sister Mary * Town Records. + Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. II, p. 258. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 107, leaf 250. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 379; deprint, p. 83. Essex Probate Records, book 324, leaves 15-17. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 94, leaf 94. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 43. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 149 and her husband Nathaniel Waters, the portion which her father had willed to her. * On April 19, 1748, Jonathan and Joseph sold to Rev. Benjamin Prescott for 1600, 2-3 of the homestead of their late father, Abel Gardner (the remaining third being reserved for the use of their "mother-in-law" Sarah Gardner).† Other portions of land in this locality were sold to Israel Osborn, Joseph Very and Joseph Osborne, Jun.‡ ce He inherited one-half of the Gardner Burying Ground lot called Gardner's hill, and bought the other half of his brother Joseph Dec. 22, 1739.§ Other lots near the hill were purchased of Benjamin Prescott, Jr. and Abner Cheever. In 1761 (Aug. 28), he sold a small strip of this land to William Poole, but left most of it including the Burying Hill," to his son Jonathan. He bought of Jonathan Read, 15 acres of land in the North fields, Oct. 28, 1745,** and left it to his son John, with two acres in the same locality which he purchased of William Browne, Nov. 6, 1764.†† The only other land which he inherited from his father, was one-eighth of the 38 acres at Blind Hole, Topsfield, which he sold with the other heirs to Benjamin Town, Feb. 3, 1742.‡‡ He bought of James Butler of Boston, 36 acres of land in Danvers near "Newhall's,"§§ and upon his decease left the same to his son Jonathan. July 8, 1751, his brother Abel deeded to him for money advanced, his dwelling house on the western side of "the highway leading to the great Pasture" (Brick- kiln Lane). After the death of his brother Abel, Jonathan conveyed this house and lot to Abel's son Abel, fisherman, Nov. 24, 1758, retaining a mortgage on the same.¶¶ Jonathan obtained judgment against his nephew * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 68. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 207. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 109, leaf 107; book 82, leaf 210; and book 110. leaf 124. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 52. || Essex Registry of Deeds, book 93, leaf 69; and book 115, leaf 179. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 110, leaf 34. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 88, leaf 23. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 115, leaf 119. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 208. §§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 107, leaf 250. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 101, leaf 81. TT Essex Registry of Deeds, book 105, leaf 184. 150 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Abel, Apr. 3, 1769, and was awarded this property in settlement.* He sold it to James Cutler, March 18, 1773.† His brother Abel's blacksmith shop, which Jonathan purchased in 1751 (Dec. 21), he sold to Thorndike Proctor, Jun., Aug. 4, 1755.§ He purchased four 1-16 part shares in the grist mills on the South River, from his father Abel Gardner, his brother Abel, John Gardner (son of Capt. John) and Elizabeth the widow of Capt. John. In his will he divided this 1-4 part of the mill property between his sons John and Jonathan. He bought of James Lindall, Esq., Dec. 15, 1742, for £150 his share in Union Wharf, Salem,¶ and was granted by the selectmen, May 2, 1748, the town's right of dockage in the "Cove by Deacon Osgood's for one year paying ye Treas. 20 shillings old tenor."** He was one of the proprietors of Long Wharf in 1746.†† This wharf property with warehouse, scales and weights, he also left to his two sons. In 1765 (Sept. 6), he bought of Susanah Higginson, four acres of land on the South side of Ferry lane,‡‡ and left the same to his son John. He bought and sold several other lots of land, and owned many rights in the common lands of Salem and Danvers, at Stone's Plain, Trask's or mill Plain, Great Pastures and Southside pasture. Large amounts of money were loaned by him to his neighbors on mortgages, most of which were discharged. Jonathan Gardner was married three times. His first wife was Elizabeth Gardner, daughter of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Weld) Gardner. §§ She was born October 10, * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 126, leaf 138. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 123, leaf 233. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 101, leaf 82. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 78. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 46, leaf 249; book 80, leaf 72; book 68, leaf 248; and book 84, leaf 34. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 185. ** Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 123, leaf 50. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 117, leaf 20. $$ Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVIII, p. 296; deprint p. 144. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 151 1705,* baptized on the 14th of the same month, and married Dec. 2, 1725, by Rev. Benjamin Prescott. ‡ She was the mother of all of Jonathan Gardner's children. She died Apr. 20, 1752.§ He married, for his second wife, Mrs. Mary Avery of Boston, Jan. 8, 1755. She died Apr. 20, 1755§. His third wife was Mrs. Mary Palfrey of Salem, widow of Warwick Palfrey. They were married about November, 1757. This was her third marriage, she having been married to a man named Ellis prior to her marriage with Mr. Palfrey. She (widow Palfrey) was the daughter of Capt. William and Hannah (Browne) Pickering. She was born Dec. 18, 1715, and died Feb. 20, 1804.|| Jonathan Gardner died Nov. 20, 1783.§ The Salem Gazette of Dec. 4, 1783, refers to his death as having occurred on the Wednesday previous. Mention is made that "for many years " he was "an eminent merchant in this place. His remains were interred on the Saturday following." His will dated Feb. 14, 1767, was probated Dec. 4, 1783.¶ He gave to his wife all of the estate she brought him, "also three hundred Ounces of Silver conformable to an agreement made with said Wife before our Intermarriage dated November 16th 1757." To his son Jonathan, in addition to the real estate already mentioned, he gave £600 "it being a Bond given me by my said son dated February 28, 1760," also" two common Rights in the Great Pasture in Salem, and my Pew on the north side of the great Meeting House purchased of Samuel King also my Pew in the Gallery." To his son John besides the real estate which has been described, he also left two common rights in the Great Pasture, and a Pew in the great Meeting House . . . which I purchased of James Grant. I also give to my said son my negro Man called Primus and my Silver headed Sword." To each of his daughters he left £650 and various pieces of silver and household furniture. Among the latter bequests were the * Family Records. First Church Records. Town Records. Stone in Charter Street Burying-ground. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VIII, p. 44. Essex Probate Records, book 356, leaves 376-8. 152 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, following:-To his daughter Elizabeth Gardner, he left a silver teapot, his easy chair, etc. To his daughter Saralı Bowditch, his large silver tankard. To Mary Andrews, "a pair of Silver Canns." To Lydia Derby, "two large pint Porringers." To Hannah Gardner, a pair of wine pint Porringers silver and 3 new silver spoons," etc. To Margaret Barton, "a new silver spout Cup, three new silver spoons and two old silver Salt Cellars." CC He appointed his two sons executors of his estate. Children: 104. A SON, b. Dec. 19, 1726; d. soon after.* 105. JONATHAN, b. May 25* (bap. May 26†), 1728; d. Mar. 2, 1791;‡ m. Jan. 2, 1752-3, Sarah Putnam, dau. of William and Eliza- beth (Putnam) Putnam. 106. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 18* (bap. Oct. 26†), 1729; d. May 6, or 7,§ 1818. Unm. 107. A SON, b. Dec. 24, 1731;* d. the same day.* 108. SAMUEL, b. Jan. 4* (bap. Jan. 7†), 1732-3; d. Mar. 15, 1733.* 109. SARAH, b. Mar. 25, 1734;* d. Dec. 8, 1797; m. Mar. 3, 1757, Capt. Joseph Bowditch, son of Bowditch. 110. JOHN, b. Mar. 19, 1736;* d. Jan. 3, 1816; m. Apr. 13, 1769, Sarah Derby, dau. of Richard and Mary (Hodges) Derby. 111. A DAUGHTER, b. Sept. 28, 1737; d. same day. 112. MARY, b. Mar. 19 (bap. Mar. 25†), 1739;* d. Jan. 16,§ or 17,* 1820; m. June 12, 1760, Jonathan Andrew, son of Capt. Nathaniel and Mary (Higginson) Andrew. Children: 1. Mary, b. May 30, 1761; d. Sept. 6, 1798; m. Sept. 21, 1783, Joseph Hodges, son of Gamaliel and Priscilla (Webb) Hodges. 2. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1762; d. Jan. 10, 1843; m. Oct. 23, 1787, Benjamin Browne, Jr., son of Browne. 3. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 2, 1767; d. Oct. 2, 1795; unm. 4. Sarah, b. June 26, 1770; d. Jan. 9, 1811; m. Oct. 24, 1790, Matthew Vincent. 5. Jonathan, b. Apr. 26, 1773; d. Apr. 18, 1844; unm. 6. Samuel, b. Nov. 8, 1774; d. Apr. 27, 1826; m. Widow Martha Collins. Other children were born who did not live to maturity. 113. LYDIA (Mary's twin sister), b. Mar. 19 (bap. Mar. 25†), 1739* ; d. Apr. 28, 1777; m. Sept. 13, 1759, Richard Derby, jr., son of *Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 161. First Church Records. Stone in Charter Street Burying-ground. § Dr. Prince's Notes, Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. IX, part 2, pp. 103-4. Salem Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 153 Richard and Mary (Hodges) Derby. Children : 1. Lydia, b. Mar. 25, 1761; m. Sept. 12, 1782, Capt. John Carnes. 2. Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1763; d. at Portland, Me., Mar. 1794; m. June 9, 1785, Ebenezer Preble, of Portland. 3. Richard, b. Feb. 23, 1765; d. June 13, 1832, in Boston; m. Martha Donneville, at Pensacola, Fla. No issue. 4. Samuel G., b. Jan. 25, 1767; d. at Weston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1843; graduated at Harvard College, 1785; m. 1st, Jan. 26, 1791, Margaret Barton, dau. of Capt. Samuel and Margaret (Gardner) Bar- ton; m. 2nd, Dec. 11, 1803, Lucy, dau. of Doctor Joseph and Lucretia Osgood; m. 3d, Sept., 1817, Ann, dau. of Francis and Ann (Archibald) of Boston. Samuel Gardner Derby was a merchant, and Capt. of the Salem Light Infantry, chosen Nov., 1806. Later he was a Brigadier Gen. of militia. Ile was a member of Essex Lodge, of Masons. 5. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 1, 1769; d. in Boston, Jan., 1799; m. July 2, 1795, Eben- ezer Preble. 6. Jonathan, b. Jan. 3, 1771; d. Apr. 15, 1799. 7. Charles, b. Feb. 2, 1773; d. Sept. 22, 1802. He sailed from Boston, Aug., 1800, on a voyage to the N. W. coast and China, and was left at the Sandwich Islands in Aug., 1801, for the recovery of his health, which had for a long time been failing, and he died at the Island of Whahoo.* 114. SAMUEL, b. Aug. 2 (bap. Aug. 3†), 1740;‡ d. Feb. 4, 1762. He graduated from Harvard College, in 1759. He was a fine scholar, designed for the ministry, but went abroad for his health, and died at Monte Christi of small pox. (B. F. Browne's notes.) 115. HANNAH, b. Aug. 2‡ (bap. Aug. 9†), 1741; d. Oct. 6, 1742.‡ 116. HANNAII, b. Feb. 23‡ (bap. Feb. 27†), 1742-3; d. Apr. 28‡ or 29,† 1786; unmarried. 117. MARGARET, b. Aug. 28 (bap. Sept. 2f), 1744; d. July 18, 1803;‡ m. Dec. 11, 1764, Samuel Barton, g.son of Dr. John Barton. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 28, 1765; d. July 12, 1805; in. William Cleveland; no issue. 2. Samuel, b. Apr. 22, 1757; d. Nov. 16, 1795; no issue. He was a merchant in Boston. 3. Margaret, b. Aug. 26, 1768; d. Aug. 11, 1802; mn. Jan. 24 or 26, 1791, Samuel Gardner Derby, her cousin. 4. Sally, b. Feb. 16, 1770; d. Jan. 13, 1798; m. Nov. 23, 1791, John Derby, son of Elias Hasket and Elizabeth (Crowninshield) Derby. 5. Lydia, b. Oct. 29, 1771; d. July 31, 1844. 6. Hannah, b. June 3, 1773; d. very young. 7. John, b. June 22, 1774; d. Feb. 15 or 25, 1818; m. Oct. 17, 1800 or 1802, Mary Webb, dau. of Benjamin and Mary (King) Webb, tavern keeper.§ * Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. III, p. 166. First Church Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 161. § Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XVI, PP. 220 and 225. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVIII 20 154 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 118. BENJAMIN, b. Oct. 1* (bap. Oct. 4†), 1747; d. Nov. 2, 1748.* 119. BENJAMIN, b. Apr. 11* (bap. Apr. 9†), 1749; d. Apr. 15, 1749.* 76 Thomas Gardner, called in in the records wheelwright or yeoman, lived on the ancestral farm in what is now West Peabody. His name appears Between 1727 and of money for work He served as constable in 1737–9. on the jury lists of 1742 and 1745. 1742, he was frequently paid sums upon the highways, and for the use of his teams in such work.‡ REAL ESTATE. Thomas Gardner received from his father Abel, by deed of gift, one-half of his farm of 120 acres with buildings thereon, Mar. 28, 1729.§ • In 1734 (Mar. 1), he bought of his father, one-half of a certain tract of land in Salem, described as "part of That my farme The one-half whereof I have formerly Settled upon him my Said Son by Deed of Gift, Containing by estimation Seven . . acres, bounded S. or S. E. on the highway leading to Joseph Popes, W. on land of Jonathan Flint and N. E. on the land of Anthony Needham." After the death of his father, he purchased of his brother Abel for £370, one-half of the remainder, being Abel's portion of this farm lot. His "mother-in-law” was to have the use of one-third during her life¶ (Apr. 1, 1742). In 1743 and 1744, he purchased of the heirs of Thomas Gould, thirty acres of land on the "Highway Leading from Salem to Redding Precinct."** He sold eleven acres of this land in two portions of eight and three acres each, with dwelling house thereon to James Buffington for £300, May 10,1749.†† On the same date he sold to Ezekiel Marsh, Jr., .,‡‡ thirteen and one-half acres of the same lot for £240. The remaining five acres he continued to own until his *Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 161. First Church Records. Town Records. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 78, leaf 220. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 76, leaf 230. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 115. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaves 9 and 10. †† Essex Registry of Decds, book 96, leaf 121. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 96, leaf 164. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 155 death, and they were valued in his inventory at £22, 10 shill. He bought of Henry West of Lynn, Feb. 22, 1742, two pieces of salt marsh in Salem, containing three-fourths and one-half acre respectively.* The combined area was valued in the inventory as £10. In 1747 he purchased of Benjamin Prescott for £260, a tract of land containing fifty-three acres, in a place called Pudney's common in Salem.† Twenty-five acres of this he retained until his death when it was valued at £33, 6 shill., 8 pence. He and his brother-in-law John Waters, Jr., purchased of Richard Prince, Jan. 20, 1735, a share in Sowhegan West, or township No. 3, which had been granted to Richard Prince, father of the grantor, for service as a soldier.‡ Thomas Gardner sold, Apr. 1, 1742, to his brother Abel, three acres in "South side Division" which he had inherited from his father. § Thomas Gardner married, Feb. 13, 1728, Eunice Waters, daughter of John and Mary Waters. || He died about 1753. His son Thomas was appointed administrator of the estate, Feb. 26, of that year. The inventory was presented by Thomas, Jr., March 16, 1753, and contained the following items in regard to real estate: "Ye homesta 120 acres with ye buildings at 80/ £480. 5 acres of land formerly Goolds at 90/ To one Acre & quarter of Marsh 200/ 25 acres at Pudney's Common 26 8 yoke of oxen 190. 3 Cows 53 4 22.10 10. 33. 6.8 17.10" The following items were also given: bull 40, 2 steers 100, 4 steers 120, 2 yearlings 20, 17 sheep 18.13.4, mare and colt 1 140, mare 160, horse 218, 2 shoats 26/8, The real estate amounted to 555, and the personal to 103.03.06.** *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 207. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaf 167. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 70, leaf 147. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 116. Town Records. Essex Probate Records, book 331, leaf 181. **Essex Probate Records, book 331, leaves 229-230. 156 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Jasper Needham was appointed guardian of Israel and Sarah, two minor children of Thomas, Mar. 26, 1753.* Another minor child, Ebenezer, was placed under the guardianship of Jonathan Gardner, July 11, 1754.† Children : 120. EUNICE, bap. Aug. 31, 1729;‡ m. Dec. 23, 1753, Jonathan Tucker, of Salem. 121. THOMAS, bap. Feb. 13, 1731–2;‡ d. Sept., 1788; m. Nov. 13, 1755, Mary Buffington, of Salem. 122. MARY, bap. July 14, 1734; d. Mar. 11, 1812; m. July 30, 1756, Humphrey Marsh, s. of Ebenezer and Deliverance (French) Marsh. Children: 1. Eunice, bap. May 12, 1765. 2. Polly bap., 1769. 3. Israel, bap. Nov. 17, 1771.§ 123. EBENEZER, bap. Sept. 4, 1737;‡ d. Nov. 21, 1832, aged 97years. m. 1769, Damaris Merrill of Haverhill, dau. of Nathan and Susanna (Staples) Merrill. || 124. SARAN, bap. July 6, 1740;‡ d. Oct. 29, 1813;¶m. Feb. 19, 1761, John Walcott. 125. ISRAEL, bap. July 22, 1744;‡ d. about 1771;** m. Dec. 7, 1769, Elizabeth Southwick. He was a potter by trade. In his will he mentions his brothers and sisters and his wife Elizabeth. No issue. 79 Abel Gardner was a blacksmith by trade. Abet Garde He was chosen constable Mar. 9, 1741, but refused to serve and a call was issued May 4 of that year to elect a man in his stead. The office of "Fence viewer for the Great Pastures" was held by him in was held by him in 1741, 1744 and 1747.†† His name appears on the jury list for 1737, 1742, 1745 and 1750.†† * Essex Probate Records, book 331, leaf 237. Essox Probate Records, book 332, leaf 307. Middle Precinct Church Records. Essex Inst. Hist. Coll., v. VI. "John March of Salem," p. 48. "Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq. Published, Augusta, Me., 1898. ¶ Danvers Town Records. ** Essex Probate Records, book 347, leaf 49. (His will dated Jan. 17, 1771.) †† Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 157 REAL ESTATE. The earliest date of the purchase of any land by him was April 29, 1737, at which time he bought of his wife's grandmother, widow Sarah Hill, for five shillings, her third of the mansion house of her late husband Philip Hill. He bought of Sarah Stacey, his wife's sister, Apr. 29, 1737, her full moiety or half-part" of the same mansion. He sold a narrow strip of this land to Joseph Allen in exchange for other land in this same year, 1737.‡ * ୧୧ March 1, 1738, he bought of Thomas Cruff of Mendon, for £200, two-thirds of an acre bordering on the highway leading into the great pasture. § In the previous June (25th) he had bought of William and David Flint, a part of the Brick-kiln field, and on the same day purchased of Joshua Beans a small piece of land bordering on the above. He purchased of Ruth Metcalf, Oct. 9, 1745, her share of land in the "Brick kiln field," paying £95 for it.** This lot, with the house and barn upon it, became his homestead property, and in 1751 contained one and three quarters acres. On the 8th of July of that year, he mortgaged the property to his brother Jonathan.†† After Abel's death, Jonathan conveyed it to Abel's son Abel (5th gen.), retaining a mortgage on the property. Abel Gardner's blacksmith shop was situated on what is now Boston Street, on the south side, a short distance from the corner of Essex Street. He sold this half acre lot, with the smith's shop on it, to his brother Jonathan, Dec. 21, 1751.‡‡ All of the property which Abel inherited from his father Abel, he sold during his life. The part of the farm in what is now West Peabody, which he received, he sold to his brother Thomas, April 1, 1742, for £370. §§ His portion of the thirty-eight acres in Topsfield, he sold with the *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 43. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leat 68. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 79, leaf 106. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaf 265. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 120. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 123. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaf 3. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 101, leaf 81. * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 101, leaf 82. §§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 115. 158 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, other heirs to Benjamin Town, July 18, 1740.* His one- sixteenth part of the grist mill property he sold for £100 to his brother Jonathan, Dec. 28, 1739.† He sold two acres of land in the Middle Precinct, to Samuel Aborn, for £120, Dec. 27, 1748, and later he sold six acres adjoining this to the same man for £40.§ He purchased in this locality, of Joseph Wilkins two acres bordering on his own land in 1741.|| He sold a strip of land to Timothy Lindall Oct. 21, 1745.¶ He owned several rights in the "South-side Division" pasture. From From a deed dated May 5, 1753, we learn that he owned one-third of a front pew in the gallery of the church, and sold it to James Odell on the date mentioned.** Abel Gardner married Priscilla Stacey, daughter of Simon and Sarah (Hill) Stacey. She was a descendant of Rev. William Worcester, who was at Salisbury in 1639; Simon Stacey, Ipswich, 1641; Zebulon Hill, Gloucester, 1649; William Hersey, of Hingham, 1635; and Thomas Smith of Ipswich. They were married in Salem, Aug. 16, 1734, by Rev. Samuel She owned the covenant in the First Church in Salem, Jan. 23, 1736-7. Abel Gardner died before Jan., 1757. The exact date of his death is not known, but mention is made in the Town Records, dated the 3d of the above named month, of "The Barn late of Abel Gardner deceased & ye Land Southward of ye sd Abel's late dwelling-House next ye way thereby."†† Children: 126. ABEL, bap. Feb. 27, 1736;‡‡ d. before Nov., 1781; m. May 25, 1760, Abigail Chapman. 127. PRISCILLA, bap. Jan. 14, 1738-9;‡‡ m. Feb. 24, 1765, Benjamin McLeroy. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 98. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 72. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 96, leaf 64. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 96, leaf 222. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 50. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 91, loaf 152. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 13. tt Town Records. ‡‡ First Church Records (Essex Institute Hist. Coll., v. XIII, pp. 150-157). AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 159 128. SARAII, bap. Feb. 1, 1740-1;* m. Feb. 6, 1766, Joseph Symonds, Jr. 129. SIMON STACEY, bap. July 24, 1743;* d. before Feb., 1787;† m. Nov. 18, 1764, Rebecca Knapp, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hart) Knapp. 130. JOSEPH, bap. Sept. 1, 1745;* d. before 1780; m. July 31, 1769, Sarah Brown. No issue. She m. for her 2nd husband, Dr. Jacob Bacon. 131. MARY, bap. July 17, 1748.* 82 Joseph Gardner was a goldsmith by trade. He was chosen constable in 1744. In the latter year he was also chosen fence viewer. Various amounts were paid him between 1746 and 1766 for work on the highways. Jos Gardner во His name is found on the jury lists of 1742 and 1745. In 1746, he served on the trial jury. REAL ESTATE. Joseph Gardner inherited from his father, the homestead property on what is now Central Street in Peabody. The eastern half of the house was left to him outright and the western half was to be his upon the death of his father's widow.§ He sold a portion of this lot to his brother Jonathan Jan. 11, 1748.|| Jonathan and Joseph together sold their right to this property to Rev. Benjamin Prescott, Apr. 19, 1748, for £1600.¶ He also received from his father Abel, one-half of all the land in the North field and at Strong Water brook. He purchased of Samuel Stone June 2, 1748, a lot in this locality for £85, 10 shill.** and at other times sold lots to Joseph Very and his brother Jonathan.†† * First Church Records (Essex Institute Hist. Coll., v. XIII, pp. 150-157)i Salem Mercury, Feb. 17, 1787. (Notice of death of his widow Rebecca.) Town Records. Copy of Abel's will, Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVIII, p. 217. (Deprint page 129.) Essex Registry of Deeds, book 94, leaf 94. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 207. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 90, leaf 222. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 82, leaf 210; and book 98, leaf 43. 160 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Joseph sold his half of the burial lot to Jonathan,* and his portion of the 38 acre lot at Blind Hole, he sold with the other heirs to Benj. Town.† His pasture right he sold to his brother Abel.t In 1747, he bought of Sam'l Hayward, Jun., administrator of the estate of Benjamin Young, about fifty poles of land with buildings thereon on what is now Cambridge Street in Salem. § The lot was on the castern side of the street, north of the present site of the South Church. This was occupied by Joseph as his homestead, until June 27, 1758, when he sold it to Ebenezer Putnam, physician. He purchased of Mary Cheever of Salem, widow, July 11, 1760, her share of two pieces of land in Salem,¶ which her father Richard Palmer purchased of John Marston, Feb. 7, 1715. These lots are shown on map No. 4, of Mr. Sidney Perley's Maps of Salem in 1700.** They extended along both sides of the highway leading to the bridge (what is now High Street, near Mill Street). Joseph Gardner lived here during the remainder of his life. The property is described in the inventory as follows: "A House with about twelve Poles of Land and Flatts adjoining-400.0.0"†† After the death of Joseph, this homestead lot with the flats near it came into the possession of his daughter Mehitable, and her husband George Ervin. They sold a lot with a store upon it, on the eastern end, between Mill Street and the river to Joseph Ervin, Aug. 8, 1812.‡‡ In the inventory of the estate of George Ervin, dated Oct. 2, 1817, we find the following: One dwelling house and land on the western side of Mill Street, $650. One small old house and wharf on the eastern side of Mill Street, 600. * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 52. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leat 98. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 80, leaf 63. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 91, leaf 108. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 197. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 109, leaf 77. ** The Essex Antiquarian, v. IV, p. 97. tt Essex Probate Records, book 353, leaf 439. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 199, leaf 38. §§ Essex Probate Records, book 392, leaf 55. $1250.§§ AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 161 Joseph Gardner married Sept. 29, 1741, Mehitable Pope,* daughter of Joseph and Mehitable (Putnam) Pope.† Joseph Pope was the son of Joseph and Bethesda (Folger) Pope. Joseph was own cousin to Benjamin Franklin. Mehitable Pope's sister Hannah became the wife of General Israel Putnam. ‡ Letters of admin- Joseph Gardner died about 1779. istration were granted to George "Earvin" on the 2nd of February of that year.§ In the inventory presented March 13, 1779, his real estate consisted of the house already mentioned, valued at £400. His personal estate amounted to £186.5.0; total £586.5.0.|| Children: 132. JOSEPH, bap. Dec. 25, 1743.¶ 133. JOSEPH, bap. Mar. 2, 1745-6;¶ m. Dec. 17, 1772, Anna Edee, of Salem. 134. MEHITABLE, bap. Jan. 31, 1747-8;¶ m. Oct. 12, 1773, George Er- vin, or Erving. Children: 1. Mehitable, b. Oct. 11, 1778; d. Aug. 22, 1846; m. Nov. 23, 1799, Joseph Felt, s. of David and Susannah (Becket) Felt.** 2. Ernest A., d. Dec., 1860. 135. NATHANIEL, bap. Apr. 21, 1750.¶ 136. EUNICE, b. Feb. 25, 1753; d. Sept., 1830, aged 77; m. Nov. 15, 1772, William Symonds, son of Nathaniel and Jane (Phipps) Symonds. Children: 1. William Phipps, b. Oct. 3,11773; d. Sept. 20, 1824; m. Apr. 28, 1798, Margaret Ropes, dau. of * Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VIII, p. 108. History of the Putnam Family, v. I, p. 72. Essex Probate Records, book 353, leaf 364. Essex Probate Records, book 353, leaf 439. First Church Records. **Felt Genealogy, pp. 85 and 145. HIST. COLL. VOL. XXXVIII 24 162 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Benjamin and Margaret (Symonds) Ropes.* 2. Eunice, b. Oct. 13, 1775; d. unm. 3. Ephraim, b. Feb. 17, 1777; m. Nov. 24, 1805, † Mary Sanderson. 4. Nathaniel, b. May 3, 1780; m. Elizabeth Baker. 5. Joseph, b. Mar. 17, 1783; m. Catherine Brown. 6. Louise, b. Oct. 10, 1785; d. May, 1793. 7. 7. Lucy, b. Dec. 30, 1789; m. Dec. 10, 1819, Jonathan Shove. 8. Thomas, b. Oct. 12, 1792; m. Oct. 21, 1821, Mary Felt,‡ dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Ward) Felt. 9. Lois, b. Jan. 30, 1796; m. Sept. 14, 1818, Joseph W. Carey.* 137. SAMUEL, b. Oct. 16, 1763; lost at sea, in a vessel of which he was master, in 1796; m. Jan. 31, 1788,† Hannah Stevens, dau. of Hon. Brimsley Stevens, of North Andover, Atty. Gen. during the Revolution. 138. ELIZABETH, d. 1808; m. Nov. 17, 1779,† Nathaniel Symonds. Chil- dren: Gardner, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Mary, Mehitable, Cath- erine. Ephraim, m. Mary Ann Smith. Eunice, m. Francis Skerry. FIFTH GENERATION. 87 Habakkuk Gardner was a master mariner. He inherited from his father Capt. Habakkuk Gardner, two-thirds of his house on the western side of "Prison Lane" (now St. Peter Street), and purchased the re- maining third of his sister Ruth Nutting, and John Nutting her husband, Jan. 28, 1735.§ August 11, 1738, Habakkuk Gardner, mariner, and Mary his wife, at that time residents of Boston, sold this homestead property to Benjamin Browne, for £200. || His father also bequeathed to him two-thirds of two common rights, one in the Great Pastures, and the other in Stone's Plain. He purchased his sister's share in these rights Jan. 28, 1735, and sold the shares to William. Browne, June 22, 1737, for £40.¶ ୧୧ He likewise inherited from his father, one share in Sowhegin Weft," which had been originally granted to the heirs of Capt. Joseph Gardner (2nd Gen.) who * Notes furnished by Mr. T. Putnam Symonds. † Salem Town Records. Felt Genealogy, pp. 142 and 281. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 287. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 76, leaf 24. Essex Registry of Deeds book 73 leaf 113. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 163 was killed in the Narragansett Fight in 1675. This had evidently come down in this line, by reason of the fact that they were descendants of Joseph's oldest brother, Thomas. Habakkuk sold this share to Joshua Hicks, Aug. 18, 1737.* He sold to his brother-in-law John Nutting, two-thirds of a "Pew in ye First Parish Mecting House," originally granted to "my Hon'd Father Habk Gardner Dec'd."+ Habakkuk Gardner married Mary Richards of Boston. She was buried in Copp's Hill Cemetery in that city. The headstone is still standing, inscribed as follows: Here lyes y Body of Mrs. Mary Gardner, widow of Capt Habakkuk Gardner who departed this life Decemb the 17th. 1762 aged 56 years."‡ We know from the above inscription that he died sometime previous to his wife's death in 1762, but the exact date of his death is not known. No children known. 90 Capt. John Gardner had no exclusive He engaged a little in commerce, and owned a farm and mill between Salem and Marblehead. occupation. John Gardner The first office held by him was that of "Fence viewer for yº Great Paſture" (Mar. 14, 1736). In the following year he was chosen "Surveyor of Highways within ye Bridge," and from this date until 1758, he served nearly every year in one or the other of the above named offices. He was one of the Selectmen, in 1741 and 1742, and moderator of town meetings in 1764 and 1768. He served on the School Committee in 1742 and 1768. Other offices were held by him as follows: Clerk of the Market, 1742; tithing-man 1742, 1745, 1755 and 1757; and warden in 1765. He was a member of many *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 215. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 77, leaf 38. Copp's Hill Epitaphs. 164 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, committees of perambulation, and concerning grants of land.* His first jury service was in 1738, at which time he was drawn as a "Petit Juror." He was chosen on the Grand Jury in 1753.* REPRESENTATIVE. He represented Salem, in the General Court in 1741-3, and in 1747-8. In Oct., 1743, he was chosen on a committee of the General Court, "to investigate the state of the Forts and Garrisons and grants for public supplies. † At that time there was fear in anticipation of a war with France. MILITARY. He commanded a troop of horse, mentioned as "training and trooping for the first time," in 1744. D. Putnam was his lieutenant. I REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. Dec., 1774, he was chosen on a committee, "for carrying into execution the refolves of the American Congress. ""* CHURCH. He was appointed one of a committee of three to confer with the other church over which Rev. Thomas Barnard was pastor. § He and his wife petitioned to be dismissed from the church in Danvers to the church in Salem under Mr. Leavitt's ministry, but their request was denied, as the Salem Church "lies under scandalous imputations." He owned a pew in this Church, for we find record of the sale of pew No. 15 in Rev. Dudley Leavitt's Meeting-house, Jan. 11, 1754, to Thomas Vinning, Jun., for £7. 6s. 8p.¶ * Town Records. Felt's Annals of Salem, 1st Edition, p. 426. Essex Institute Historical Collections, V. II, p. 66. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VII, p. 152. New England Historic Genealogical Society Register, v. XIII, p. 55. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 100, leaf 1. ! : AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 165 REAL ESTATE. John Gardner received as the principal part of his share of his grandfather Samuel Gardner's property, when it was divided in 1733, the mill property, being 3/16 of the "Grist Mill Standing on ye South River in Salem," mill gear, etc., and 21 acres of upland.* In the following year he bought several lots of land near this property. He sold to Jonathan Gardner, Dec. 10, 1735, 1/16 of his mills for £117‡ and in 1738 the two remaining parts to William and Benjamin Lynde for £120 each.§ He and his brother Samuel, sold their right to the 200 acres of land in the Walden farm, which they had also inherited from their grandfather, to their brother Daniel, Jan. 9, 1733.|| In the following month he sold to Nathaniel Walden, for £900, the easterly end of the Walden farm, containing 183 acres. T ** In John Gardner and Jeremiah Getchell, in 1734 (Sept. 18), bought 20 poles of upland in Marblehead, near Forest River, John Gardner acquiring of the property. Four years later he bought 42 acres in the same locality, of William Lancey, which he retained throughout his It was valued in the inventory at £197. 1744 he bought an additional tract of 2 acres. ‡‡ He erected a grist mill at Forest River, and had many disputes with the town authorities regarding the condition of the road by the mill. §§ He sold land in the vicinity, to the Manufacturing Company," Sept. 9, 1740.|||| This Forest River mill property, he retained during his life, and his two-thirds was valued at £500 in his inventory. His son John, as administrator of the estate, sold the two-thirds to Jonathan Gardner, Dec. 1, 1785, for £140.TT Seven days Ce * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 173. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 62, leaf 175; and book 68, leaf 124. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 248. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaves 188-189. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 174. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 64, leaf 126. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 67, leaf 33. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaf 141. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 87, leaf 43. §§ Town Records, Oct. 7, 1734; Mar. 2, 1740; Mar. 9, 1741; Mar. 12, 1749; Mar. 10, 1766; and Mar., 1771. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 79, leaf 210. TT Ess ex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 288. 166 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, later, he bought it back for the same amount,* and sold it to Captain Samuel Tucker of Boston, Aug. 28, 1786, for £280.† He probably lived most of the time previous to 1772, on his farm on the Salem side of Forest River, in the farm house which is still standing, although substantial additions have been made to it. This property was valued in the inventory at £450. His son John Gardner, administrator of his estate, sold it at auction June 9, 1785, to Jonathan Brown of Lynn, for £470. Jonathan Brown left it to his son Edmund, § and after Edmund's death, his son Jonathan sold it to Isaac Wyman, father of Mr. Isaac C. Wyman, the present owner. Feb. 24, 1772, he purchased of Joseph Motley, of Salem, a dwelling-house in which Rev. Dr. Whitaker lived, paying £466, 13 shill. 4 p. therefor. This was on the Main Street (now Essex), on the site of the present museum of the Peabody Academy of Science.¶ He lived in this house until his death. It was valued in his inventory at £800. In the division of his real estate after his death, his widow Mary was given the eastern end of this mansion. The two lower rooms in the southwestern corner of the house, and the chambers over them, were sold by John Gardner, Jun., administrator, to George Peele, Nov. 25, 1786.** He owned at various times, several pieces of real estate in that portion of Danvers (now Peabody), known as the "Butts." Seven acres of this he retained until his death, being valued at £16, 16 shill. His son sold this Dec. 7, 1785, to John Lambert, of Danvers, for £27.†† During his life he owned many rights in the common lands, seven of which he inherited from his grandfather, and the three which he held at the time of his death, then valued at £24, his son sold Aug. 18, 1785, to Zachariah *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 83; also Salem Gazette, Nov. 15, 1785. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 141, leaf 130. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 166. Essex Probate Records, book 374, leaf 334. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 238, leaf 237. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 131, leaf 6. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 172. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 29. } AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 167 King, for £13, 16 shill.* The above described property includes all of the real estate which he retained until his death. He bought and sold many other lots during his life. John Gardner was married three times. His first wife was Elizabeth Putnam, daughter of Lieut. James and Sarah Putnam. This was her second marriage. Her first husband was her cousin William Putnam, brother of General Israel Putnam. She had two children by William Putnam: Sarah, who married Jonathan Gardner, Jun. (5th gen.), son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Gardner) Gardner, and Elizabeth who married Jonathan Orne. § She inherited land from her first husband, six acres of which she sold to John "Nicholls," Jan. 9, 1753. She died Feb. 4, 1764.T He married, second, Jan. 3, 1765, ** Mrs. Elizabeth Herbert, widow of Capt. Benjamin Herbert. She was born May 26, 1717, and died October 23, 1772, leaving no children by him. His third wife was Mary Peele or Peal, whom he married October 29, 1773.** She was born in 1733, and lived about forty-two years after the death of her husband. She received from his estate the eastern end of the mansion house.†† In 1806 (July 14), she purchased a dwelling house and land on the north side of Brown Street, of John Fairfield, ‡‡ and in 1814, one on the north side of Bridge Street, of Benjamin Weld of Boston, for $700.§§ The latter property she sold to William Lemon, May 4, 1818. She died in 1826. In her will dated May 27, 1824, she left to her daughter, Mary Lemon, wife of William Lemon of Boston, all of her personal property, household furniture, etc., and in case of her decease to the ten children of said Mary, She also left to this daughter Mary, her interest in the house in which "I now dwell . . it being the same late mansion house of my brother George Peele, deceased." Willard Peele *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 149, leaf 223. History of the Putnam Family, v. 1, p. 67. History of the Putnam Family, v. I, p. 50. History of the Putnam Family, v. 1, p. 85. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 98, leaf 57. Stone in the Wadsworth Burying ground, in Danvers. **Town Records. † Essex Probate Records, book 357, leaf 107. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 178, leaf 287. $$ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 203, leaf 26. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 221, leaf 36. 168 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, was named as executor, but declined to serve,* and Abel Hersey accepted the trust. In the inventory, dated Dec. 9, 1826, her sole real estate consisted of one-half of a dwelling house, valued at $1500, and the personal estate amounted to $298.25.† Captain John Gardner died Jan. 15, 1784, in his seventy-seventh year. He left no will. His son John was appointed administrator of the estate, and he presented an inventory, April 8, 1784, in which the total value was given as £2060:01:02.§ The items in this document concerning land holdings have already been given in this article under the heading "real estate." Children, by his first wife Elizabeth Putnam: 139. JOHN, b. June 23, 1731 (bap. Mar. 21, 1735);|| d. Oct. 27, 1805; m. 1st, in Marblehead, June 25, 1754, Mary Gale.** She was born in 1728, and died Mar. 24, 1755, aged 27; no issue. Married 2nd, Nov. 7, 1757, Elizabeth Pickering, dau. of Timothy and Mary (Wingate) Pickering, and sister of Col. Timothy Pickering, who served as Secretary, in the Cabinets of Presidents Washington and Adams.†† 140. ELIZABETH, b. 1733 (bap. Aug. 19, 1733),‡‡ d. Apr. 20, 1754; unm. Child by his third wife, Mary Peele: 141. MARY, bap. Nov. 13, 1774; d. Mar. 10, 1851; m. 1st, Sept. 16, 1793,§§ Abel "Hearse" Child Abel, m. Elizabeth Haskell, of Gloucester. She m. 2nd, Nov. 27, 1796, William Lemon,§§ upholsterer, of Salem. Children: 1. Mary Gardner, b. June 16, 1797; d. May 11, 1891; m. June 10, 1829, William Leavitt. 2. Jane McKelvy, b. Feb. 6, 1800; d. Nov. 26, 1802. 3. Eliza Peale, b. Dec. 6, 1801; m. July 27, 1829, Lewis Plum. 4. William, b. Oct. 12, 1803; d. Sept., 1832; unm. 5. Jane McKelvy, b. Feb. 27, 1805; d. 1891; m. 1st, Aug. 23, 1826, William J. Davis;§§ m., 2nd, Timothy Brooks; m., 3d, Joseph Harris. 6. Charles, b. Apr. 22, 1807; d. June 10, 1885; m. Jan. 28, 1830, Lucy Augusta Ward. 7. Henry, b. *Essex Probate Records, book 406, leaves 30-31. † Essex Probate Records, book 34, leaf 244. Salem Gazette of Jan. 22, 1784. Essex Probate Records, book 356, leaf 550. Records of the Middle Precinct Church. ¶ Gravestone in the Wenham Burying Ground. ** Marblehead Town Records, v. 1, p. 97. tt Pickering Genealogy. 53 V-20. Salem Village Church Records. §§ Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 169 Feb. 4, 1809; d. Apr. 25, 1885; m. May 5, 1831, Catherine Susanne Mallet. 8. Helen White, b. Dec. 27, 1810; d. May 16, 1891; unm. 9. Ann Orne, b. Mar. 6, 1813; m. Moses Stacy Johnson. 10. James, b. May 6, 1816; d. Sept. 22, 1840, at sea; unm.* in the the records, the George 92 Daniel Gardner, called in gentleman," lived most of his life on Gardner farm in West Peabody, which he inherited from his grandfather, Capt. Samuel Gardner, son of George (2nd gen.), the first Gardner owner, and the original grantee.† In We find his name in the town records Feb. 5, 1727-8, at which time he helped to repair the highway in the Middle Precinct. Between this date and 1752, his teams were frequently employed in this work for the town. 1732, he was chosen fence-viewer. He served the town as surveyor of highways for many years, and frequently acted upon committees of perambulation for the Lynn upper line," and Middleton. Other town offices held by him were as follows: hog-reeve in 1739, constable in 1742, and "Overfeer of ye Poor," in 1749 and 1750.‡ < REPRESENTATIVE. He represented Salem in the General Court in 1750.‡ JURY. His first jury service was in 1731, when he was a member of the "Jury of Tryals." In 1737 he served on the "Petty Jury at the Inferior Court."‡ DANVERS. When the new town of Danvers was formed, he was one of the prime movers in the matter, and his name appears upon the first call for a town meeting, dated Danvers, Feb. 18, 1752.§ SELECTMAN. In the following month he was chosen a selectman, *Notes of Mr. Henry Lemon, of Boston. † Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 208. (Deprint, p. 32.) Town Records. Danvers Town Records. 170 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, assessor and overseer of the poor. He held these offices several times during the few remaining years of his life.* REAL ESTATE. Daniel Gardner received Jan. 9, 1733, as his share of the estate of his grandfather Samuel Gardner, 200 acres of land in that part of Danvers now known as West Peabody. It was a part of the original farm of Samuel's father, George, and received the name "Walden Farm," from one of the lessees. It was bounded on one side by land of his sister, Bethiah Gardner. He sold twenty- three acres in this locality to Joseph Pope, Sept. 8, 1735, for £230,‡ and two years later he sold four acres and thirty-two poles to Benjamin Pope, receiving £63 for it. § He evidently acquired more property adjacent to this farm, for in the inventory it is described as containing two hundred and twenty acres, valued at £1760. After his death his executors sold about twenty-five acres. I The later history of this farm has already been given in the article upon George Gardner, second generation. T He had a few small holdings in other parts of the town, but disposed of them before his death. ** He married Anna Putnam, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Whipple) Putnam.†† The intention was published Oct. 4, 1734, and they were married Dec. 23, 1734.1 After the death of Daniel, she married in Danvers, July 19, 1764, Andrew Conant,* son of Lot and Martha (Cleaves) Conant, of Concord. §§ Daniel Gardner died Sept. 15, 1759.* In his will dated July 26, 1759, he made the following bequests: To his sons Samuel and John, he gave the whole of his estate, to be equally divided between them. The estate was to remain in the hands of the executors for ten years * Danvers Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaf 174. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 191. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 217. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 115, leaf 62; and book 129, leaves 55-56. T Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 208. Deprint, p. 32. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 93, leaf 257; and book 110, leaf 40. History of the Putnam Family, v. I, p. 75. ‡‡ Town Records. §§ History and Genealogy of the Conant Family, p. 208. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 171 after his decease, excepting the legacies ordered to be paid sooner. He gave to his wife Anna Gardner, £10 a year to be paid to her by his sons Samuel and John, during her life. To his sons Daniel, George, Benjamin and Ebenezer, he left £106, 13 shill. and 4 pence apiece, these amounts to be paid by his son Samuel or John as specified. To his daughter, Anna Brewer, he gave £6, 13 shill. 4 pence, besides what he gave her at her marriage. The remaining daughters, Ruth, Lydia, Elizabeth, Sarah and Esther, were each to receive £53, 6 shill. 8 pence, one half to be paid to them upon reaching the age of 21, or marriage, and the remaining half ten years later. The will was probated, Oct. 1, 1759.* In the inventory dated Jan. 2, 1760, we find the following items of real estate : "220 Acres of Upland and Meadow with the buildings ſtanding on the same fcituate in sd Danvers; at £8 pr. About two Acres falt marsh in Salem at £10 pr. 1760. 20. 1780."+ Children: 142. SAMUEL, b. Mar. 4, 1736-71 (bap. Oct. 8, 1738);§ d. Sept. 1, 143. 1818; m. 1st, Dec. 20, 1762, Patty Williams, of Lynn.‡ She died Feb. 28, 1765; m. 2nd, June 19, 1774, Sarah Upton, dau. of William and Sarah (Herrick) Upton.¶ ANNA, bap. Oct. 8, 1738; m. Sept. 14, 1758, Capt. Crispus Brewer.‡ 1813; 144. BENJAMIN, bap. Oct. 9, 1757;§ d. at Marblehead, Sept. 17, ;** m. 1st, Sept. 25, 1764, Molly Smith; m. 2d, Oct. 10 1817, Elizabeth Tucker, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Corney) Tucker. ** 145. DANIEL, bap. Nov. 12, 1738;§ m. Sept. 1, 1763, Emma Rea, dau. of John and Anna (Dodge) Rea.‡ 146. RUTH, bap. Sept. 21, 1740;§ m. May 19, 1763, Samuel Estey.‡ 147. GEORGE, bap. Aug. 29, 1742;§ d. 1769, or earlier, as his estate was divided on June 6th, of that year.†† Essex Probate Records, book 336, leaf 385-S. † Essex Probate Records, book 338, leaf 338. Danvers Town Records. § Salem Village Church Records. Gravestone in the Pope Burying-ground, Pope's Lane, West Peabody. Upton Memorial, p. 87. ** Marblehead Town Records. †† Essex Probate Records, book 345, leaf 396. 172 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 148. LYDIA, bap. Oct. 9, 1757;* m. Oct. 25, 1764, Hugh Clark.† 149. JOHN, b. before 1747;‡ bap. Oct. 9, 1757;* d. before July 9, 1768.§ Samuel Putnam was appointed his guardian, Sept. 14, 1761.‡ 150. EBENEZER, bap. Oct. 9, 1757;* m. Jan. 28, 1772, Sarah Whittredge, dau. of Thomas. || He moved to Lyndeborough, N. H., and was wounded in Wilton, N. H., at the raising of a meeting-house, Sept. 7, 1773.¶ 151. SARAH, baр. Oct. 9, 1757; m. June 26, 1776, Elijah Hosmer, son of James and Elizabeth (Davis) Hosmer, of Concord, Mass. Children: Elijah, b. 1777; d. March, 1811, at Stoneham, Mass., m. Green, of Stoneham. 2. Sally, b. 1778; d. 1855, in Concord, Mass, unm. 3. Bela, b. 1781; d. 1850, in Concord, Mass, unm. 4. Eben, b. 1782; d. Aug. 2, 1854; m. Susan Chapman. He went to Cleveland, Ohio. 5. Joseph, b. May, 1783; d. Dec., 1855; m. Dec., 1813, Lydia Davis, dau. of Abel. 6. Lydia, b. 1785; d. 1868, unm. 7. Perley, b. 1786; d. at Beaver Dam, Wis.; m. Almira Kingsbury, of Norwich, Conn Went to Cleveland, Ohio, and later to Beaver Dam, Wis 8. Sewel, b. 1790; d. 1796.** 152. ESTHER, bap. Oct. 9, 1757. Living in 1769.†† ELIZABETH, bap. Oct. 9, 1757. Living in 1769.†† 153. 94 Samuel Gardner was one of the leading merchants of Salem, and one of her most influential citizens. At the time of his death, he was the wealthiest man in the town. He graduated from Harvard College, in 1732. Jam Gurdrill TOWN OFFICES. The earliest mention of his name in the Town Records was in April (5), 1736, at which time he was appointed * Salem Village Church Records. † Danvers Town Records. Essex Probate Records, book 338, leaf 337. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 141, leaf 259. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 162. ¶ Essex Gazette, Sept, 14-21, 1773. ** Authority, Miss Eliza Hosmer, of Chicago, Ill. †† Essex Probate Records, book 345, leaf 396. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 173 on a committee to perambulate the "Lyn upr line." He did similar work in 1739 and 1745. In 1738 (Mar. 19), he was appointed on a committee on the market, and was Clerk of ye Market," in 1750. He was chosen constable in 1739 (Mar. 10), and acted as teller of the Annual Town Meeting, in 1744, 1747 and 1749. Among the various committees upon which he served, was one in 1745, to provide a house for the "Idle & poor," and another in 1750, "to adjust the matters of dispute between the inhabitants of ye several parts of ye town."* SCHOOL COMMITTEE. He was first chosen March 10, 1745, and again in 1750. From 1752 until 1759, he served on this committee continuously. * SELECTMAN. This office was first held by him in 1749. In the following year he was again chosen selectman, and also in 1758 and 1759. At the town meeting held October 5, 1750, he acted as moderator.* REPRESENTATIVE. He represented the town in the General Court, in 1749. JURY. In 1734, he was a member of the "Jury of Tryals," and he served again in 1747. He was chosen on the Grand Jury, in 1745. CHURCH. He owned the covenant in the First Church in Salem, Dec. 16, 1739. We learn from the inventory of his estate that, at the time of his death, he owned portions of pews, in several different churches in Salem and Danvers. REAL ESTATE. In the division of the real estate of his grandfather Capt. Samuel Gardner, Jan. 9, 1733, he was given the following† five lots of land: Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 65, leaves 174-5.. 174 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, I. "Y homestead Consisting of A dwelling house and barne and About ten Acres of land More or lefs thereto Adjoining." He sold one acre of this to Daniel Jacobs, of Salem, with house and barn, Oct. 15, 1736, for £230.* In 1738 (Apr. 18), he sold the remainder (seven and one-half acres) of "The late homestead of Capt. Samuel Gardner, deca" to the same man, for £200.† II. "A piece of Orchard plowland and pasture called Southwick's, containing thirty Acres More or less."‡ Seven acres of this, he sold to John Southwick, Jun., May 5, 1735, for £166, and the remaining twenty-three acres, he retained until his death. This was valued in his inventory at £230.§ It was in what is now called " the Kingdom." III. "Eighteen Acres of land called ye Woodlott." This was one of the lots which Capt. Samuel bought of Thorndike Proctor, Feb. 17, 1700-1.|| Samuel, Jun., sold it to Samuel Felton and Daniel Marble, June 13, 1734, for £370.¶ Ce IV. 'Eight acres of land, more or less." This lot was in the "Middle Precinct," on the east side of what is now Central Street. He purchased a lot adjoining this on the south, from his mother, Aug. 6, 1739.** He sold three acres of this lot, to Benjamin Prescott, Jan. 24, 1733.†† A portion measuring two and one-half acres, he kept, and it was valued in his inventory at £34. § V. "Two acres and an half of land in ye North field.” We know from the bounds given, that this was the lot sold by him to Robert Wilson, Jan. 28, 1733.‡‡ March 4, 1733, he petitioned the town for the privilege of purchasing a strip of land on "the country road leading to Proctor's" (at what is now called the Kingdom), which his grandfather had exchanged with the town. §§ * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 73, leaf 168. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 74, leaf 129. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 68, leaf 92. Essex Probate Records, book 345, leaves 456-468. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 14, leaf 234. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 72, leaf 262. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 79, leaf 44. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 64, leaf 141. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 62, leaf 129. §§ Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 175 The town voted on Mar. 18, 1733, to leave the matter to the selectmen,* and a year later he bought the strip, containing 132 poles, for £16, 10 shillings.† Samuel Gardner married twice. His first wife, and the mother of all his children, was Esther Orne, daughter of Timothy and Lois (Pickering) Orne.‡ They were married Dec. 13, 1738. He married for his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow, widow, daughter of Richard Clarke, one of the consignees of the tea thrown overboard in Boston Harbor, in 1773. She was a sister of the wife of Copley, the artist. The marriage was published, Salem, May 27, 1758.§ After his death she married, June 21, 1770, Francis Cabot. • He died April 7, 1769. § In his will, dated Sept. 15,1766, he bequeathed his property as follows: To his daughter Esther Mackay, he gave £1500, which he judged would make, with what he had advanced "to & for her viz before her Intermarriage with Mr. Daniel Mackay . . . at least two Thousand Pounds & I discharge her and the Heirs of her late Husband Mr. Francis Higginson of what I charged him with in my Books." To his daughter Lois Gardner, he left £2000. To his youngest daughter Elizabeth Gardner, he left a similar amount, to be given to her "when she shall arrive at the Age of twenty-one Years." He left to his "Beloved wife Elizabeth," £333, 6 shill. 8 pence, and household goods to the value of £100, also "what she brought to me at our Marriage," and "all the personal estate since left to her by Madam Hañah Willard." He left to her also his "Negro Boy Titus, as a servant for life," his two-wheeled chaise, and one chaise horse; and "the Right of sitting in the Pew below," in Mr. Thomas Barnard's meeting-house, she paying one-fifth part of the taxes thereof. Finally he gave her £160 annuity, to be accepted "in full of Her Right of Dower in my Estate," upon condition that she should give his executors when demanded, "a Release of all Demands and Claims of Dower." To his slave Isaac, he gave his freedom and clothing and £10. He also * Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 69, leaf 42. + Pickering Genealogy. § Notes of Samuel Pickering Gardner. 176 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. provided if said slave "be unable to support himself, that he be supported by my sons George, Weld and Henry, in equal Shares, so as to free the Town of Salem from any Charge." He left to his "Hon. Mother Elizabeth Gardner," an annuity of 30 pounds. He bequeathed to Mr. William Jeffry, £100, and to Rev. Mr. Thomas Barnard, £12. The remainder of his estate, he granted to his three sons, George, Weld and Henry, in equal shares. He appointed his brother, John Gardner, and Mr. Francis Cabot, his executors.* The inventory of his estate, dated Aug. 4, 1769, contained the following: "His late Dwelling House in said Salem with the out Houses & Land under and adjoining, 1066.13.04 A piece of Orchard Plough Land & Pasture in Danvers called Southwick's cont. about 23 acres, 230.00.00 A Piece of Land in Danvers opposite the Dwelling House of Benj Prescott Esq. contg about 2 1-2 acres, 34.00.00 2 Common Rights in the great Pasture (so called) in Salem, 22.00.00 1-3 of a Piece of Land in Salem near North Field Bridge now in poſseſsion of Robert Foster, 24.00.00 1 Pew (No. 34) in the Meeting House in Salem, wherein the Rev Mr. Thomas Barnerd now Officiates, 35.06.08 1-4 pew (No. 42) in the same meeting House, 6.00.00 1-6 Part of a Pew (No. 33) in the meeting house in Salem, wherein the Rev. Mr. Huntington did officiate 2.13.04 1-6 part of a double pew in Danvers, wherein the Rev. Mr. Holt now officiates, 3.00.00 4 shops & a barn with the Land thereto belonging in Marblehead, near the Town House (so called) 230.00.00 1 old Dwelling House, with the Land thereto belonging in said Marblehead now in Pofsefsion of Daniel Scandlin, 4 Fish Houses with the Land & Flakes thereto belonging in sd Marblehead now in Poſseſsion of Jeremiah Lee, Esq. 80.00.00 300.00.00 English Goods, etc. 2013.13.04 2253.00.09 £4266.14.01,7 *Essex Probate Records, book 345, leaves 337-343. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 177 The total value of his property was £20,565:08 : 09.* Aug. 7, 1770, this had increased to £21,926:6:1-2. In the account rendered by the executors under that date, we find that the sum of 3,569 :14:6 1-4 had been paid to each of the three sons; George, Weld and Henry, and the sum of 3,600 "placed & kept at Interest, untill the Annuities therein directed to be paid shall cease."† After the death of John Gardner, and Francis Cabot, Thomas Barnard, D.D., of Salem, was appointed administrator, Sept. 5, 1803.‡ May 29, 1769, the real estate was divided as follows : George was given the homestead, and one-third of each of the pew holdings, as mentioned in the inventory. Weld received as his share, the twenty-one acre lot in Danvers, a third of all of the pew holdings, and £209:17:9 1-3 paid him by his brother George. Henry had the two and one quarter acre lot in Danvers, the remaining third of the pews, and £405:17:9 1-3 paid him by George. Weld and Henry also received one share each in the common lands of Salem. § Children : 154. ESTHER, bap. Jan. 13, 1739-40;|| d. May, 1796; m. 1st, July 1758, Francis Higginson, s. of John and Esther (Cabot) Higginson;¶ m. 2nd, Oct. 6, 1761, Daniel Mackay, s. of William and Margaret (Epes) Mackay. Children: Samuel G., b. abt. 1769; d. in Canso Gut, June 3, 1805-6, aged 36;** *Essex Probate Records, book 345, leaves 456–468. ↑ Essex Probate Records, book 346, leaf 299. Essex Probate Records, book 371, leaf 51. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 128, leaves 11-13. First Church Records. 1 Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v. pp. 40 and 254. ** Salem Gazette, July 19, 1805. 178 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, १९ m.,'1795, Elizabeth Smith.* Lois, bap. Sept. 6, 1767; d. before 1796.† Esther, d. before 1796;† m. John Page. Elizabeth, bap. Aug 11, 1751; m. Edward West. Nancy, unm. in Dec., 1802. Margaret, b. abt. 1767; d. March, 1817; in. Frederick Frye. They lived at one time at Catskill, Green Co., N. Y. 155. Lors, bap. Nov. 15, 1741; d. July 9, 1819; m. May 13, 1773, Rev. Thomas Barnard, D.D., s. of Rev. Thomas Barnard. Children: 1. Thomas, bap. Apr. 24, 1774; d. unm., March 30, 1800. 2. Sarah, bap. Aug. 15, 1775; d. Sept. 25, 1809, aged 34; m. Robert Emery, of Springfield. Thomas Barnard graduated from Harvard College in 1766. He was the first pastor of the North Church in Salem, ordained in 1773; and was the patriot who led his congregation to the North bridge upon the approach of Col. Leslie on the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 26, 1775.§ 156. GEORGE, b. July 20, 1743 (bap. July 24, 1743);* d. Jan., 1774, unm. A merchant in Salem. Graduated at Harvard College in 1762. 157. WELD, b. Dec. 3 (bap. Dec. 8), 1745; d. Nov. 2, 1801, unm. 11 A merchant in Salem. 158. HENRY, b. Oct. 17 (bap. Oct. 18), 1747; d. Nov. 8, 1817; m. Oct. 19, 1769, Sarah Turner, dau. of John Turner, Esq. 159. ELIZABETH, bap. June 3, 1750; m. Ebenezer Stevens.¶ 160. SAMUEL, bap. Sept. 12, 1756; d. young. 105 Capt. Jonathan Gardner, familiarly called Commodore" was one of those enterprising and successful merchants of the eighteenth century. He was not only a Jon Gardner yo prosperous business man, but he took a deep interest in the public schools, and in the relief of the poor and unfortunate. In the French and Indian war he was a zealous fighter for his king, and commanded a privateer. When the * Salem Gazette, Feb. 3, 1795. † Essex Probate Records, book 364, leaf 431. First Church Records. 8 The Essex Antiquarian, v. vI, p. 131. Notes of B. F. Browne. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 172, leaf 35. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 179 War of the Revolution broke out he became a leader in the movement for freedom, and was one of the first company commanders to be commissioned from Salem. SELECTMAN. The first public office to which he was chosen was that of selectman, in 1766, which honor he declined. He accepted this office however, two years later. At the town meeting held Apr. 10, 1778, he acted as moderator.* OVERSEER OF THE POOR. In 1768 he was elected an "Overseer of ye Poor," after his father had declined to serve longer. He held this office continuously from that time until 1778, when he declined a re-election. The town voted to excuse him from further service, and passed a resolution, "that the thanks of the town be given him for his past services.”* SCHOOL COMMITTEE. He was a member of the school committee four years, from 1785 to 1788 inclusive. He served again in 1790. In 1787 he was elected Town Treasurer, but declined to serve. He frequently served upon committees for the town, particularly upon those in regard to land questions and means for preventing fires.* JURY SERVICE. He was a member of the Petit Jury in 1765, 1771 and 1784, and of the Grand Jury in 1766 and 1784.* REPRESENTATIVE. In 1776 (May 18), he was elected representative to serve "the town at the General Court to be held at Watertown the 29th. instant," and on June 4th, of the same year, he was again elected to that office.* MASONIC. He was admitted to Essex Lodge, F. A. M., Apr. 7, 1779, being number 27 on the list of members.† * Town Records. ↑ Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. III, p. 121. 180 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, SALEM MARINE SOCIETY. The part which he played in the formation of this honorable society, is shown in the following document preserved in the State Archives: State Archives: "The Petition of Jonathan Gardner Jun" and others whofe Names are hereto fubfcribed, & who are or have been Masters of Vefsels, humbly fheweth That they . . . have for a few years paft united in a voluntary Society" for the relief of members, etc., petition to be made "a Corporate Society. This was dated April 12, 1771. Jonathan Gardner Jun's name heads the list of petitioners. The Essex Gazette of Apr. 21-28, 1772, mentions the passage at the late session of the General Court, of "An act for Incorporating Jonathan Gardner Jun. and others therein named into a Society by the name of the Marine Society at Salem, in the County of Essex," etc. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. He was commissioned Sept. 6, 1757, by Thomas Pownall, Esq., "Capt. General, and Gov in Chiefe" in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, "& Vice Admiral of the Same," as Captain of the privateer Two Brothers. The original document, a copy of which is at present in the hands of the author, states that "for as much as Capt Jon Gardner, Jun. hath equip'd furnish'd & Victuald a sch Call'd the Two Brothers of the Burthen of 65 tons, . . . that I do . . . Commifsion . . . the sd Jona Gardner to sett forth in War like manner. . . to appa Seize & Take the Ships Vessells & Goods belonging to the French King" etc. do... REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. Civil. His interest in the welfare of the Colony, and the main- taining of its rights, was manifested very early, for in May, 1774, he was made a member of the "Committee of Correspondence." Mar. 13, 1775, he was appointed on Committee on Minute Men.' Oct. 6 of the same the " * Massachusetts State Archives, v. 66, pp. 491-498. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 181 year he was named as a member of the "Committee of Safety," but was excused. On the 23d of the same month, he was appointed on a committee to procure. materials to stop up passages into the harbor.* This was after the authorities learned of the burning of Falmouth. He was chosen on the "Committes of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety," at the Annual Town Meetings in 1776, 1777 and 1778. May 14, 1776, he was appointed "to serve at the Court of Capture, " to be held at Salem.* He was one of a committee appointed by the Massachu- setts authorities to go to Portsmouth in 1776,† and on Jan. 18, 1777, he rendered an account to the same authorities for the expenses of said trip. May 13, 1778, he was appointed on a committee to procure voluntary enlistments, and on Sept. 21, 1778, was a member of the Committee on Forts. Military. He was commissioned Captain of the First Company of the first Essex Regiment, June 6, 1776.§ We find his name in the list of the members of the volunteer company from Salem, for the Rhode Island service in August, 1778.|| REAL ESTATE. Jonathan Gardner, Jun., bought of his father, Jonathan, Feb. 28, 1760, for 600, "all that mansion House & Land in faid Salem wherein the fame Jonathan now dwells."T This lot was the identical one on which the Essex Institute building now stands. It has been described in detail in an earlier article in this series. Jonathan Gardner lived here until his death in 1791. He bought an acre of land of John Peters of Salem, which John's wife Elizabeth had inherited from her father, Henry Skerry. This was on the northerly side of Ferry *Town Records. Massachusetts Archives, v. 210, p. 135. Massachusetts Archives, v. 173, p. 83. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, v. vI, p. 272. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. 1, p. 113. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 107, leaf 152, 182 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Lane (Bridge Street) extending through to the North River (June 25, 1784).* Dec. 1, 1785, he bought of John Gardner, of Wenham, of the grist mill, and of a granary at Forest River, "formerly the estate of Capt. John Gardner, deceased."† Seven days later, John Gardner bought it back again.‡ He sold shares in Long Wharf, Aug. 14, 1780,§ and a lot of land on the North side of the Common, with a warehouse, and a part of a barn, to John Gardner, Oct. 21, 1789. He and his wife sold several pieces of property which she had inherited. He held many mortgages on town lots, and served as commissioner in the settlement of several estates. He married Jan. 2, 1753†† (published Dec. 16, 1752‡‡), Sarah Putnam, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Putnam) Putnam. §§ Elizabeth Putnam, after the death of her husband William, married Capt. John Gardner (No. 90). Sarah Putnam was baptized Dec. 22, 1728. Sarah inherited property from her father's estate. Her death occurred Nov. 10, 1791. She was buried beside her husband, in the "Gardner Annex" to the Charter Street Burying Ground. Jonathan Gardner died March 2, 1791, aged 63 years. His gravestone is still standing, as above mentioned, and the writer is pleased to state, that he has been of some service to the memory of this noble patriot, by having a marker of the Sons of the American Revolution, placed by his grave. The Salem Gazette of March 8, 1791, in a notice of his death, refers to him as "a man whofe actions were governed by the most virtuous principles, and whom the eſteem of his fellow citizens follows to the grave.” *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 148, leaf 194. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 288. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 83. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 139, leaf 7. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 148, leaf 253. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 101, leaf 266; book 106, leaves 95 and 158; book 153. leaf 1. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 111, leat 133; book 137, leaf 203; book 145, leaf 207; and book 149, leaf 231. †† Town Records. if Salem Publishments. $s History of the Putnam Family, p. 85. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 183 Rev. William Bentley, A.M., preached a memorial sermon, March 13, 1791, and referred to the deceased as follows: "We cannot forget the late worthy Captain Gardner. His character is the moſt interesting to us, tho we were not honored by his prefence with us in our public worship. His refidence in our neighborhood, his exemplary virtues, and his uſefulneſs in the town-particularly his station, as a MASTER of one of the moſt interesting institutions for MARINERS-call upon fuch an affembly as this, in which the greater number are employed in navigation, to ſee a refutation of all the charges which can be brought againſt the man of buſiness and the ſea. His integrity was unimpeached; his averſion from profanity, serious; his private virtues, confpicuous; his zeal for his brethren of the ſea, unabated, amidſt all the neglects which in this town have remarkably attended their common interests. Indeed, he was an example, in his whole character, worthy of the imitation of our mariners, not only in regard to civil and social, but religious, inſtitutions. And to ſuffer fuch a man to drop into the grave forgotten, would betray a criminal inattention to the means of virtue . . . His virtues were not oftenta- tious. He provoked no man's envy, but fought every man's happineſs. He purſued no man's praiſe but enfured every man's affection. The confidence of mankind he valued, fo as to endeavor to deferve it; and he has now left the world-and memory and the virtues, are his mourners."* At a meeting of the Marine Society, in Salem, held March 31, 1791, the following vote was passed: "That Captain Jonathan Mason, fenior, and General Fisk, be a Committee to wait upon the Rev. Mr. Bentley, with the thanks of the Society for his Sermon on the death of Jonathan Gardner, Esquire and to request a copy for the prefs. JONATHAN MASON, Clerk.”* He left no will. Letters of administration were granted to his son Jonathan, July 14, 1791.† Child: 161. JONATHAN, b. 1755 (bap. Mar. 16, of that year); d. Sept. 26, 1821; m. 1st, Nov. 26, 1791, § Sarah Fairfield, dau. of Dr. Fairfield of Wenham; m. 2nd, Oct. 27, 1799,§ Lucia Pickering Dodge, dau. of Israel and Lucia (Pickering) Dodge. * Pamphlet copy in the Essex Institute Library. Essex Probate Records, book 361, leaf 351, First Church Records. $ Town Records. 184 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, ୧୯ 110 Capt. JOHN GARDNER, called often John Gardner 3d, was a prosperous and energetic merchant. One writer refers to him as a man of most exemplary character, mild, genial, humane and most universally esteemed and respected." John Gardner His name first appeared in the town records under date of March 18, 1766, when he was appointed on a joint committee to run the line between Salem and Danvers.* SELECTMAN. He served the town as a selectman from 1772 to 1778 inclusive, and was chosen again in 1780, but declined.* MODERATOR. At the town meeting held Feb. 22, 1777, he acted as moderator. He was a member of many committees for the town, including one in 1770 to construct a work- house, and one in 1774 " on watch in Ward No. 2." His name appears in 1777 as an overseer of the Hospital for inoculating for the Small Pox."* JURY. He was chosen to serve on the Petit Jury in 1769 and 1777.* MILITARY. John Gardner 3d, is mentioned as Captain of the First Salem Company, in 1761.† REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. March 13, 1775, he was chosen to serve on the "Committee of Correspondence Inspection and Safety. He was also a member of this committee in the following *Town Records. † Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXIX, p. 179. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 185 year. Mar. 1, 1779, the town "Agreed to draw upon the Treasurer in favr of Capt. John Gardner 3d. for 170 : 8- for cash sd Gardner lent the Selectmen to pay two men who served as Soldiers under Capt. Simeon Browne.' CHURCH. He was at one time a deacon of the First Church in Salem, but in his old age mostly attended the Universalist Church. He purchased of John Small, Sept. 7, 1786, one half of a floor pew in Mr. Holt's meeting house in Danvers, and sold a pew in this (South) meeting house, May 23, 1815.§ He bought a pew on the floor of the first Universal Meeting house in Salem," Feb. 7, 1810.|| REAL ESTATE. John Gardner inherited from his father Jonathan, his mansion house and land, at Gardner's Corner, as it was called (the N. W. corner of Essex Street and Washington Square West). He sold the western end of this lot to his son John (6th gen.) Dec. 21, 1809,** who erected a mansion upon it which he sold to Nathaniel West, April 25, 1811, for $13,333.33.†† The later history of this portion of the lot may be found in an earlier article of this series. The eastern portion of this lot fronting on Newbury Street (now Washington Square West) and extending from Essex Street to Brown Street, he retained until the misfortunes of the war of 1812 overtook him, and the property was taken by his creditors, namely, the Salem Bank, Jonathan Hodges, Ebenezer Bickford and William B. Dodge. An account of the later owners of this prop- erty has already been given in this series of articles.‡‡ John Gardner's most important land holdings were the various lots making up the Gardner farm, on the road *Town Records. B. F. Browne's manuscript notes. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 241. Essex Registry of Deeds, hook 207, leaf 31. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 189, leaf 134. Essex Institute Historical Collections, V. XXXVIII, p. 378-9; deprint, p. 83. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 190, leaf 281. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 193, leaf 77. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 380; deprint, p. 84. 186 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, between Salem and Danversport. His first purchase of land in this locality was Oct. 29, 1776, when he bought two lots of Simon Kezar of Danvers; one containing over 40 acres, and the other 46 poles with dwelling house and barn.* During the next thirty years he bought many lots adjoining this property, the larger part of the land acquired having been owned previously by Billings Bradish.† Just before the outbreak of the war of 1812, he transferred a part of this farm, containing at that time about 60 or 65 acres, to his sister Elizabeth for $3500.‡ John's son John purchased this of his aunt Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1817, for $3,306.66.§ Several other lots of land, connected with this farm, were obtained by execution from John Gardner by Ebenezer Beckford, in 1813.|| These lots were bought back by John, Jun., of Nathan Robinson (wife Eunice, daughter of Ebenezer Beckford), Mar. 31, 1819. This farm is at present owned by Mrs. Gardner, widow of Henry Gardner, who was the son of John, Jun., above mentioned. Mr. Nathan Bushby stated, that the first milk route in this vicinity was started by the owner of this farm. In 1805, John Gardner owned about one and one- sixth acres of land on the eastern side of Winter Street, extending through to Pleasant Street. This lot was bounded on the south by land of his nephew Jonathan Gardner (6th gen). This was divided into lots, and sold in 1805-6 to James Brace, Thomas Thomas Lamson, William Goodhue, Isaac Glines, Samuel Robberts, Jonathan C. Kimball and David Robbins. ** He bought, of Eliphalet Butman, the estate on the western corner of Union and Neptune (now Derby) Streets, Dec. 24, 1806.†† This property Benjamin W. Crowninshield obtained by execution, Aug. 21, 1813. ‡‡ His father, Jonathan, left to him one-eighth part of the *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 134, leaf 275. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 79; book 138, leaf 239; book 137, leaf 153; book 142, leaves 35 and 83; book 144, leaves 4, 38, 55, etc. ↑ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198, leaf 65. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 215, leaf 210. Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions, No. 2, leaf 20. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 218, 271. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 176, leaf 279; book 177, leaf 99; book 178. leaves 20 and 40; book 179, leaf 173; book 180, leaves 25 and 76. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 179, leaf 243. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 201, leaf 81. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 187 South mills in Salem, and he purchased a like portion of Walter Lynde and others, April 16, 1801.* He sold one-eighth to Nathaniel West, May 31, 1811,† and when the financial crash came, Jonathan Gardner (6th gen.) obtained judgment against him, and was awarded one- eighth part of the same mill.‡ In 1810, John Gardner bought of John Perley, a dwelling house, barn, shop, etc., on the western side of North Street, next south of the Gavett estate. § The Merchants Bank obtained judgment against him July 16, 1813, and was awarded this property, but he bought it back again, July 9, 1814, and sold it on the same day to John H. Andrews.** In 1785, John Gardner obtained judgment against the estate of the late Frederick Coombs, of Salem, baker, and received certain parts of his former dwelling-house and bake house, on the southern side of Bridge Street. just west of Pleasant Street.†† He sold this to Joseph Gardner (6th gen.) (No. 187) wife Betsey, Aug. 20, 1792. Joseph Gardner, the purchaser, bought other parts of the house and land of William Obear, Sept. 13, 1797, §§ and small portions from other abutters. Joseph sold this property to John Melville of Marblehead, Mar. 27, 1801. John Gardner the subject of this article, held a mortgage upon it, from Oct. 16, 1797, until Mar. 27, 1801.¶¶ One piece of property which he inherited from his father, and which we have not already mentioned, was the four acre lot on "Ferry Lane" (Bridge Street), which his father Jonathan purchased of Susanna Higginson, Sept. 6, 1765.*** This, John sold Dec. 3, 1811, to Lydia Barton, for $2,050.††† *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 175, leaf 298. + Essex Registry of Deeds, book 199, leaf 75. Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions, No. 2, leaf 23. $ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 188, leaf 280. Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions. No. 2. leaf 21. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 204, leaf 197. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 204, leaf 198. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 145, leaf 275. ‡‡ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 186. §§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 162, leaf 236. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 169, leaf 19. TT Essex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 64. ***Essex Registry of Deeds, book 117, leaf 20. ttt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198; leaf 65. * 188 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, John also inherited from his father, Jonathan, his interest in Long Wharf. He held this until one-half of the war of 1812, when the store was taken by his nephew Jonathan (6th gen.) (No. 161) who obtained a proprietor's share from him, upon an execution.* Other lots owned by him were on the northern side of the common, † at the Neck, and on the present site of the Franklin building.§ He was an executor of the wills of Jonathan Gardner, his father, Jonathan Derby, Richard Derby and Jonathan Andrew. In the settlement of these estates he sold large tracts of farm land, and many valuable town lots. He loaned large amounts on mortgages, and owned several rights in the common lands of Salem. John Gardner married, April 13, 1769, Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Hodges) Derby. She died September 2, 1774. The Essex Gazette of September 6th of that year refers to her as follows: "On Friday died, aged 27 years, Mrs. Sarah Gardner, wife of Capt. John Gardner, and youngeſt Daughter of Capt. Richard Derby, of this Town. In common Life fhe was of a humane benevolent Diſpoſition and poffeffed fo grateful a Turn of Mind fo free from Envy, Pride, or Detraction, as at once to fecure the Efteem and Love of all of her Acquaintance; and by her prudent and amiabie Deportment, approved herſelf a Pattern worthy of Imitation." Her father, Richard Derby, left to his three grand- children, John, Sarah and Richard Gardner, £1000 apiece. John Gardner died Jan. 3, 1816, aged 80. The Salem Gazette of the 5th of that month, alluded to him as follows: "Mr. John Gardner died at Danvers, aged 80, preserving to this protracted age that simplicity and honesty of character and kindness of heart, which had long since secured to him the love and respect of all who knew him. His funeral will be at 3 o'clock this afternoon, from the house of Gen. Derby in Barton Square." *Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions, No. 2, leaf 23. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 148, leaves 248 and 253. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 276. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 187, leaf 170. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 248; book 156, leaf 250; and book 172, leaf 108. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 189 Children: 162. JOHN, b. Aug. 12, 1771; d. Aug. 25, 1847; m. Nov. 9, 1793,* Sarah West, dau. of William West. 163. SARAH, b. 1773; d. May 18, 1807; m. June 5, 1796,* Hou. Jacob Crowninshield, Member of Congress. Children: 1. Sarah G., b. 1800; d. July 12, 1835; m. May 14, 1822, Richard S. Rogers, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail (Dodge) Rogers.† 2. Mary, b. 1805; d. Mar. 13, 1838; m. Jan. 21, 1826, William P. Endicott, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth (Putnam) Endicott.‡ 164. RICHARD, bap. Aug. 28, 1774; d. in Utica. N. Y., Mar. 10, 1836; m. 1st, July 29, 1797,* Elizabeth Ward, dau. of Miles and Hannah (Chipman) Ward;§ m., 2nd, Eliza Pierce, dau. of Daniel Pierce, of Galliopolis, Ohio. 121 Lieut. Thomas Gardner, of Danvers, was called husbandman or yeoman. The first office held by him in Danvers was that of fence-viewer, to which he was chosen March 9, 1772. On the same date he was made a member of a committee " to take Care that the Laws be Duly Observed Respecting the Fish." He was chosen constable in 1774 and selectman in 1780. In 1781 and year following he was a surveyor of highways. He served on the school committee in 1785 and 6.|| REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. His military record, as published in the "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution," is as follows: "1st Lieutenant, Capt. Jonathan Proctor's 8th (Danvers) co., Col. Henry Herrick's (8th Essex Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers dated Charlestown, March 29, 1776; ordered in Council April 2, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; reported commissioned April 2, 1776; also letter from Col. Larkin Thorndike to the Council, dated Beverly, May 27, 1779, stating that Capt. Jonathan Procter of the 8th co., 8th Essex Co. Town Records. † New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v. XIII, p. 67. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, v. I, p. 339-341. § Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. V, pp. 209 and 212. Danvers Town Records. 190 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, regt. and his 1st Lieutenant, said Gardner, had applied for acceptance of the resignations of their commissions which had not been granted, and asking in their behalf that the resignations be accepted; ordered in Council June 8, 1779, that resignations be accepted." REAL ESTATE. He purchased from his brothers and sisters, between 1758 and 1763, their shares of the real estate of his father, and in 1772 bought of Ebenezer Marsh, three acres adjoining his own land.‡ Nov. 30, 1787, he sold to Daniel Taylor of Danvers eight acres of upland in Danvers for £38, 19 shillings, 5 pence§ and, on May 4th of the same year, he sold to Benjamin Pickman," the two pieces of salt marsh in Salem, which had formerly belonged to his father. He married, at Danvers, Nov. 13, 1755, Mary Buffington. She died July 20, 1819. Thomas Gardner died in September, 1788.** His will was dated Sept. 2nd, and probated Nov. 6th of that year. He left to his wife Mary, the use of of his real estate during her life. To each of his sons James and John, he left "1-2 of my real and personal estate" cach paying "one-half of my just Debts" and one-half of the legacies made later. To Thomas he left £9 to be paid him a year after his father's deccase. He left to his daughters Mary Pope and Hannah Proctor, ten shillings each. His daughters Betsey, "Salla" and Eunice, were each left £12, to be paid three, four and five years after his decease, in the order named. His widow was appointed executrix.†† * Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, v. vi, p. 281. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 104, leaf 267; book 109, leaf 107; book 114, leaf 15; book 107, leaf 188. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 133, leaf 271. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 147, leaf 216. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 294. Danvers Town Records. **Salem Mercury_of Sept 30, 1788. †† Essex Probate Records, book 359, leaf 546. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 191 The inventory dated March 29, 1789, contained the following: "Land lying south of the highway with the Buildings thereon containing about 128 acres at 60- pr acre To 5 acres of Pasture Land at 60- pr acre To 1 pair of Steers three years old 150- To 1 pair of Steers two years old 90- To 1 pew in South Meeting house 48- The total amounted to 503 :19:08.* 384 :00:00 15:00:00 7:00:00 4:10:00 2:08:00" March 30, 1803, John Gardner acknowledged the receipt from his mother, for himself and brother James, of 133:19:10, being two-thirds of all the personal estate of said deceased. † Children: 165. THOMAS, b. Dec. 21, 1755;‡ d. July 12, 1822;‡ m. Nov. 28, 1781, Rebekah Pope, dau. of Eleazer and Nanny (Putnam) Pope. 166. MARY, b. Nov. 4, 1757; m. Oct. 5, 1780,‡ Eleazer Pope, jun.. son of Eleazer and Nanny (Putnam) Pope. 167. JAMES, b. Oct. 26, 1759;‡ d. Oct. 11, 1809;‡ m. Mar. 4, 1789,§ Margaret Skerry. 168. 169. JOHN, b. Jan. 1, 1762;‡ d. April 12, 1823;‡ m. Feb. 14. 1797,‡ Mehitable Goodale. HANNAH, b. July 26, 1764; d. Jan., 1818; m., 1787 (cert. granted Oct. 27), Benjamin Procter, jun. Children: 1. Benjamin G., b. Dec. 26, 1788; 2. Perley, b. Jan. 9, 1792. 170. BETSEY, b. Mar. 19, 1768;‡ d. about 1839;|| unmarried. 171. SALLY, b. Aug. 16, 1770; d. Feb. 12, 1829; unmarried. 172. EUNICE, b. Sept. 28, 1772;‡ d. Aug. 2, 1811; m. Jan. 19, 1804,‡ Joseph Phelps of Tewksbury. Children : 1. Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1804. 2. Mary Buffington, b. Dec. 16, 1806. James Gardner, b. June 5, 1808; m. Dec. 5, 1832, Sophia Andrews. 3. 123 Ebenezer Gardner was a potter by trade. After the death of his father, he was placed under the guardianship of his uncle, Jonathan Gardner, July 11, * Essex Probate Records, book 360, leaf 217-8. | Essex Probate Records, book 360, leaf 547. Danvers Town Records. Salem Town Records. Essex Probate Records, book 52, leaf 520. 192 PLANTER, THOMAS GARDNER, 1754.* He resided in Roxbury for a time, and April 16, 1763, sold his "one-seventh part of all the Estate Real & personal," of his father to his brother Thomas Gardner, for £80.† He received a grant of land at Auk-paque, Cumber- land County, Nova Scotia, from which the Acadians had been expelled. Mr. Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Me., the author of an excellent pamphlet upon the descendants of Ebenezer, states that: "On the breaking out of the Revolutionary War, he remained loyal to the colonies and was a member of the committee of safety, who went to Boston to urge an energetic campaign to protect the faithful of the Provinces. For this reason shortly after his return he was obliged to flee the country and his wife and family followed, suffering fearful exposure and danger, to Machiasport in 1776. For his patriotic services, he received a grant of one thousand acres of land in 1785, near Bangor, but preferred to remain at Machias, where he built a house. below the Falls. REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. In addition to the above services as a member of a committee of safety, while in Nova Scotia, we know that he rendered valuable aid to the cause of the colonies, after he reached Machias. He was a "Private, Capt. Stephen Smith's co., Col. Benjamin Foster's regt. ; service between Dec. 4, 1778, and Jan. 4, 1779, 2 days, at Machias; also, Lieut. John Scott's detachment, 6th Lincoln Co. regt.; service between Aug 31, 1779, and Nov. 20, 1779, 14 days, at Machias; roll endorsed" service at Penobscot."§ She was He married, in 1769,|| Damaris Merrill, daughter of Nathan and Susanna Merrill, of Haverhill. baptized Sept. 4, 1747, and died Feb. 5, 1837, aged ninety-two years.‡ 264. * Essex Probate Records, book 332, leaf 307. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 114, leaf 15. The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, v. vI, p. || Bangor Historical Magazine, v. VIII, p. 77. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 193 Ebenezer Gardner died Nov. 21, 1832, aged ninety- seven years. * Children, born in Cumberland Co., N. S.: 173. SUSANNAH, b. Oct. 15, 1770; d. Apr. 9, 1843; m., 1st, Aaron Sevey, by whom she had two children who died young. She m. 2nd, July 17, 1796, Marshall Thaxter, son of Maj. Samuel and Abigail (Smith) Thaxter.* He was a tanner by trade. Children: 1. Gridley, b. Dec. 25, 1797; m. Jan. 27, 1823, Hannah Longfellow. 2. Lucy, b. July 22, 1799; m. Nov. 8, 1821, John Stuart, of Machias. 3. Sarah, b. Mar. 31, 1801; d. Oct. 17, 1821; m. Feb. 7, 1821, Daniel Savage. 4. Ezekiel, b. Dec. 6, 1802; d. Oct. 1, 1891; m. Dec. 13, 1832, Caroline L. Jones. 5. Abigail, b. Nov. 10, 1804; d. Mar. 17, 1871;† m. May, 1833, Rev. Gilman Bacheller, of Machiasport. 6. Mary, b. June 23, 1806; d. unm. 7. Susan, b. Feb. 18, 1808; m. Aug. 20, 1844, Dr. Niram Bates, of East Machias. 8. Eunice, b. Jan. 10, 1810; m. Nov. 25, 1835, at Methuen, Mass., James Pope, son of Frederick and Mary (Pierce) Pope. 9. Marshall, b. 1812; d. Mar. 22, 1882; m. July 6, 1846, Charlotte Kimball. 10. William, b. Oct. 20, 1816; m., 1st, Elizabeth Hall; m. 2nd, Nov. 8, 1854, Sarah Hill. 174. EUNICE, b. July 14, 1772; d. Mar. 6, 1836; unm. 175. HANNAH, b. May 3, 1774; d. Sept. 1, 1858; m. Mar. 30, 1797, Daniel Foster, of East Machias, Me., s. of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Scott) Foster. They had no children of their own, but they brought up Daniel F. and Hannah, children of Thomas Gardner (No. 178). 176. EBENEZER, b. Jan. 31, 1776; d. Feb. 5, 1859; m. June 21, 1803, Sally Albee, dau. of William and Ellen (Dillway) Albee. Children, born in Machias, Me. : 177. SAMUEL, b. July 13, 1781; d. May 16, 1853; m., 1st, Abigail Barry, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Knight) Barry. Jonathan was son of Westbrook and Jane (Freeman) Barry, one of the first settlers from Scarboro, Me.; m., 2nd, Jane F. Getchell; m., 3d, Relief Wilson. 178. THOMAS, b. Oct. 10, 1783; d. Sept. 17, 1872; m. Dec. 1, 1808, Sarah Barry, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Knight) Barry. 179. JOHN, b. July 16, 1785; d. Dec. 8, 1846; m. 1st, Mar. 19, 1812, Susan Barry, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Knight) Barry; m. 2nd, Feb. 14, 1830, Mary Palmer, dau. of Daniel "The Gardner Family of Machias, Me.," by C. L. Andrews, Esq. † Batchelder Genealogy, p. 180. 194 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, and Polly Palmer and g. dau. of William Albee; m. 3d, 1836, Lavinia Foster, dau. of Daniel Hoyt. 180. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 21, 1789; d. Oct. 9, 1863; m. Oct. 9, 1817, Lydia Albee, dau. of William and Ellen (Dillway) Albee. 181. NATHAN, b. Sept. 24, 1793; d. Mar. 14, 1795.* 125 Israel Gardner followed the trade of a potter. After the death of his father, he was placed on March 26, 1753, under the guardianship of Jasper Needham.† He married Dec. 7, 1769, at Danvers, Elizabeth‡ (or Eliza C.) § Southwick. Israel Gardner died about 1771. In his will dated Jan. 17, of that year, he gave to his wife Elizabeth, all of his personal estate with the exception of his gun, and one-third of his real estate. To his brother Ebenezer, and sisters Eunice Tucker, Mary Marsh and Sarah Wolcott, he left £1, 6 shillings and 8 pence apiece. He gave to his brother Thomas, two-thirds of his real estate, and his gun, and appointed him executor. The will was probated May 6, 1771. In the inventory dated Oct. 7, 1771, the only real estate mentioned was 1 seventh Part of his Father's real Estate valued at £73, 6 shillings and 8 pence." Israel's entire estate including personal, amounted to £102, 10 shillings and 6 pence. T No children. 126 Abel Gardner, the third in direct line to bear that name, was a fisherman. He was chosen on the "Petit jury for Trials," Dec. 7, 1767, and again in the July follow- ing, but was excused on the latter date on account of his recent service. ** Nov. 24, 1758, he mortgaged his house and land, which had previously belonged to his father, to his uncle Jonathan Gardner, for £86, 13 shillings and 4 pence.†† Jonathan obtained judgment against him Apr. 3, 1769, and the above mentioned property was seized as full *The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity." † Essex Probate Records, book 331, leaf 237. Danvers Town Records, v. vII, p. 56. Danvers Town Records, v. III, p. 65. Essex Probate Records, book 347, leaves 49 and 50. Essex Probate Records, book 347, leaf 201. **Town Records. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 105, leaf 184. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 195 satisfaction for the debt.* Jonathan sold the property to James Cutler, March 18, 1773.† Abel Gardner married May 25, 1760, Abigail Chapman. ‡ After his death his widow married Joseph Symonds, Nov. 30, 1781.‡ Children: 182. JOSEPII, bap. May 1, 1774;§ d. May, 1805; m. Nov. 4, 1784, Sarah Neal, dau. of Jonathan and Annis (White) Neal. || ABEL SYMONDS, bap. May 1, 1774;§ d. about 1834; m. Oct. 6, 1785, Bethiah Pitman, dau. of Joseph. 183. 184. PRISCILLA, b. about 1768, bap. May 1, 1774;§ d. Jan., 1823; m. Sept. 11, 1791, Edmund Upton. Children: 1. Edmund, b. 179-; d. at Matanzas, July 8, 1825; m. Apr. 24, 1822, Mary Southward, who m. for her 2nd husband, June 24, 1832, Capt. William Summers. 2. William, d. Feb., 1803. 3. A daughter who m. a man named Plummer. 4. Priscilla, b. 179-; m. May 6, 1821, Stephen Stone.‡ 185. POLLY (MARY), bap. May 1, 1774;§ m. Dec. 9, 1792, Richard Tufts.IT 129 Simon Stacey Gardner was so named when he was baptized in the First Church in Salem, July 24, 1743, but he never used his middle name, and was always known as Simon Gardner.** REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. "Private, Capt. Nathan Brown's co., Col. John Mansfield's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 25, 1775; service 9 weeks 5 days; also Capt. Brown's co., Col. Mansfield's (19th) regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Israel Hutchinson; company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp Winter Hill, Oct. 27, 1775."†† He was No. 6, in the list of volunteers from Salem in Capt. Samuel Flagg's Company for the Rhode Island Expedition in August, 1778.‡‡ * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 126, leaf 138. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 123, leaf 233. Town Records. 18th Century Baptisms in Salem, E. I. Hist. Coll., v. XXIII, p. 13. Neal Records, pp. 20-2. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 109, leaf 209. ** First Church Records. tt Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, v. vI, p. 278. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v, p. 130. 196 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Simon Gardner married Nov. 18, 1764,* Rebecca Knapp, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Hart) Knapp.† She was born July 18, 1746, and died in Salem, a widow, in Feb., 1787, aged "forty-four years."‡ Children: 186. SIMON, d. 1801; m. Oct. 7, 1787,* Mary (or Polly) Collins, dau. of John Collins. 187. JOSEPH, b. 1767; d. Nov. 10, 1830, aged 63; m. Dec. 10, 1789,* Elizabeth Bell. 189. 188. JONATHAN, bap. July 29, 1773;§ d. 1839; m. Oct. 9, 1796,* Rachel Brown, dau. of John and Rachel (Kimball) Brown. SAMUEL KNAPP, bap. Jan. 7, 1781;§ d. Aug. 15, 1850; m. 1st, Sept. 2, 1798, Mary (or Polly) Marsh;* m. 2nd, July 9, 1826, Betsey Marsh.* 130 Joseph Gardner, the youngest son of Abel and Priscilla (Stacey) Gardner, was a cooper and mariner by occupation. He purchased of Daniel Ropes, Dec. 8, 1769, a lot of land on the southern side of "a Way leading from the training Field to St. Peter's Church"|| (now Brown Street) and sold the same to Jeremiah Shepard, Nov. 15, 1774. Ten days later, he bought of John Bickford, for £78, 13 shillings, 4 pence, the southern half of a house on the western side of Bickford's lane.** Joseph and his wife Sarah, mortgaged this property to Joseph Symonds, Feb. 13, 1775.ft The mortgage was discharged July 2, 1785. Sarah Gardner, widow of Joseph, sold this half of a house and the land to Michael Sumethrust, November 20, 1778.‡‡ Joseph Gardner married July 31, 1769, Sarah Brown.* After his death she married Nov. 30, 1780, Dr. Jacob Bacon. She died May 2, 1785, "in the 41st year of her age."§§ No issue known. 133 Joseph Gardner, the oldest son of Joseph *Town Records. † Notes furnished by the late Mr. Arthur Mason Knapp, of the Boston Public Library. + Salem Mercury, February 17, 1787. § 18th Century Baptisms. E. I. Hist. Coll. v. XXIII, p. 13. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 122, leaf 44. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 123, leaf 211. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 133, leaf 247. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 134, leaf 76. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 136, leaf 146. Salem Gazette, Thursday, May 3, 1785. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 197 and Mehitable (Pope) Gardner, married Dec. 17, 1772, Anna Edee, of Salem.* No further record of him has been found, and our knowledge of his children is obtained largely from deeds, in which they, with the other grandchildren, sell property which was inherited by them from their grandfather, Joseph Gardner. This real estate consisted of the lot on the southeastern corner of Mill and High Streets, with the homestead standing thereon. Also the wharf on the eastern side of Mill Street, bordering on the South river.† Children: 190. MEHITABLE, m. Jan 6, 1801,* Daniel Knight. 191. JOSEPH, M. ———. He was a baker in Gloucester. 192. JOHN, m. Nov. 10, 1816,* Martha Southwick. laborer in Cambridge. He was a 137 Samuel Gardner, the youngest son of Joseph and Mehitable (Pope) Gardner, was a master mariner, and was lost at sea in 1796, in a vessel of which he was in command. He married Jan. 31, 1788, Hannah Stevens,* daughter of Hon. Brimsley Stevens of North Andover, Attorney- General during the Revolution. She died in March, 1805, aged 34 years.‡ Children: 193. REBECCA, b. Sept. 1789 (bap. Jan. 1792§); m. 1st, May 25, 1809, Capt. John Allen, of Salem.* He died a prisoner of war in Dartmoor Prison in England, in 1814. She m. 2nd, Jan. 27, 1820, Ebenezer Goldthwaite,* son of Joseph and Mary (Goldthwaite) Goldthwaite. Children: 1. Ebenezer Gardner, b. Oct. 30, 1820; d., 1886, at the Soldiers' Home, at Togus, Me.; m. 1st, July 20, 1845, at Wakefield, Mass., Harriet A. Perveare, dau. of James and Elizabeth Perveare; m. 2nd, July 3, 1852, Anstice Carter, of Peterboro, N. H. No chil- dren. He was a soldier in Andrew's Sharpshooters, 22nd Regt. Mass. Volunteers, in the Civil War. 2. Charles, b. Oct. 2, 1822; m. Marie A. Goodridge. 3. Rebecca Allen, b. Nov. 17, 1824; m. Dec. 5, 1850, Maj. Nathan D. Stoodley, * Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 244, leaf 260 and book 245, leaf 204. Salem Gazette, Mar. 15, 1805. § North Church Records. 198 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 194. 195. s. of Nathan and Sally (Ayres) Stoodley. 4. Harriet Gardner, b. Dec. 23, 1826; d. at Wenham, Nov. 15, 1831. 5. William Henry, b. June 16, 1829; m. Feb. 10, 1854, Elizabeth C. Wheeler, dau. of Samuel C. and Abby (Wilson) Wheeler.* SAMUEL, bap. Jan. 1792;† d. unm. SUKEY STEPHENS (STEVENS), bap. Sept. 21, 1794.† 196. HANNAH, bap. Aug. 28, 1796;† d. Dec. 21, 1883, aged 87 years, 3 months 28 days; m. Jan. 22, 1822, George Creamer. Children: 1. Hannah Gardner, b. about 1823. She was a teacher and authoress. 2. George, b. May 2, 1825; d Feb. 28, 1870; m. Elizabeth Walker. SIXTH GENERATION. 139 John Gardner, the only son of Capt. John John Gardner and Elizabeth (Putnam) Gardner, went to sea in the early part of his life, and was master of a vessel in the West India trade for several years. § In the year 1763, he built a brick mansion on Essex Street, on the site of the present Gardner Block.|| He lived here until 1778, when he removed from Salem to Wenham, and lived upon a large farm which he had purchased in that town and Ipswich. § JURY. He served in 1762, and was excused twice in 1764, and once in 1767, 1771 and 1772. The excuse given in 1771 was, that he was "at sea," and this was probably the reason in most of the other instances. I CHURCH. His children were baptized in the Tabernacle Church, and he therefore probably worshipped there until his * Goldthwaite Genealogy, p. 110. North Church Baptisms. Town Records. $ Notes of Samuel Pickering Gardner. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 100. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 199 removal to Wenham. He purchased a pew in the Wenham Meeting House, of Haffield White of Danvers, Sept. 29, 1785.* REAL ESTATE. John Gardner, Jun., received from his father-in-law, Timothy Pickering, Jan. 19, 1760, a houselot on Main Street (now Essex) as a part of the marriage portion of Elizabeth Pickering his daughter. This lot was the site now occupied by Gardner Block. He built a house upon it in 1763, as mentioned above. He purchased land bordering upon this lot, of Michael Moore, and John Turner, in 1760 and 1764.‡ He offered this brick house and lot for sale, in 1795, the advertisement stating that it was occupied by Capt. Samuel Robinson. § John and his wife conveyed this house to Philip Chase and Henry Rust, Oct. 20, 1801.|| In 1777 he purchased of Thomas Brown of Wenham, for £1480, "divers tracts of land in Wenham and Ipswich amounting to 137 1-2 acres." This purchase included the homestead lot of 103 acres. Between this date and 1802, he purchased many other lots in that vicinity, of Nathaniel and Thomas Thomas Brown; Daniel, Elizabeth, Jonathan and "Taminy" Kilham; Asa Cole and Oliver Obear. ** He sold land in Wenham to Daniel Kilham, in 1779,†† and in Ipswich to George Dodge, Jun. in 1792.‡‡ In 1780 (Aug. 14), with the other proprietors of Long Wharf he sold it to Richard Derby, Jun., and George Crowninshield.§§ He was appointed administrator of his father's estate, and in that capacity sold much property. These sales have all been noted in the article relating to Capt. John Gardner (No. 90). A mortgage held by him. is on record, which was discharged later. TT • *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 232 † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 111, leaf 256. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 113, leaf 29; book 115, leaf 115. § Salem Gazette, May 19, 1795. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 168, leaf 255. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 135, leaf 62. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 135, leaf 172; book 140, leaves 109 and 142; book 141, leaves 102 and 103; book 142, leaf 18; book 147, leaf 4; book 156, leaf 270; book 163, leaves 277 and 278; book 211, leaf 124. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 139, leaf 150. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 250, leaf 21. $$ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 139, leaf 7. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVIII, p. 373 (deprint, p. 165). T Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 142. 200 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He subscribed £21 toward the paving of the main street in 1792.* * In 1787 he was of Daniel Kilham of Wenham.† executor of the estate John Gardner married twice. His first wife was Mary Gale, of Marblehead. town, June 25, 1754. They were married in that His second wife, and the mother of his children, was Elizabeth Pickering, daughter of Col. Timothy and Mary (Wingate) Pickering. § Colonel Pickering was a member of the cabinets of Presidents Washington and Adams. Her father gave her at the time of her marriage, for her part of his estate, £106, 13 shillings, and for 10 shillings paid to him by John Gardner, sold to him the house lot on the main street, referred to above. In 1812, widow Elizabeth Gardner, of Wenham, sold to her brother Timothy Pickering, of Wenham, "7 undivided eighths parts" of the "Apple tree lot or Hardy's lot" in "South fields," also "Pickering's Point Pasture" adjoining the above, and a lot bounded on three sides by Broad, Pickering and Green (now Warren) Streets. May 30, 1812, she bought of the other heirs of John Pickering, six-eighths of the certain lands in the Great Pastures,¶ and transferred the same to Ichabod Nichols, May 8, 1813.** She bought back this property on Dec. 23, 1813, for $1.00.†† She died Oct. 12, 1823, and was buried in the Wenham Burying Ground. Her age as given on the stone was 86. *Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VII, leaf 37. † Salem Mercury, July 10, 1787. Marblehead Town Records. § Pickering Genealogy, 53-IV-9. || Essex Registry of Deeds, book 111, leaf 256. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 197, leaves 86-9. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 199, leaf 247. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 201, leaf 210. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 201 In her will dated Oct. 21, 1816, she gave to John Lowell Gardner and George Gardner, children of her son Samuel Pickering Gardner all of her "real estate in the town of Salem consisting of about one hundred and eleven acres of pasture situated in the westerly part of said town of Salem, and on the northerly side of the Salem turnpike, being the same pasture which formerly belonged to my late brother, John Pickering, deceased, to be equally divided between the said children in fee simple, and if either of them shall die before he arrives at the age of twenty-one years, such deceased child's share shall go to the survivor in fee simple," etc. To her grandson Henry Blanchard, she gave four hundred dollars. Eliza Cabot Blanchard, daughter of her late grandson Francis Blanchard, was given a feather bed. The remainder of the estate was given to her son, Samuel Pickering Gardner, who was also appointed executor. John Gardner died Oct. 27, 1805, aged 74.† His will, dated Jan. 21, 1794, contained the following bequests to his wife Elizabeth, he left all of his "real Estates wheresoever they may be for and during the term of her Natural life, also all" of his "furniture, stock & farming utensils, upon the Premises." He directed his executor to put all the moneys which he was to receive from his personal estate out at interest, and to pay his wife the interest during her life, and to pay to said wife also, the interest received from debts due him. He gave to the children of his daughter Elizabeth Blanchard, the * Essex Probate Records, book 402, leaf 279. † Gravestone in the Wenham Burying-ground, 202 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, reversion" after the expiration of the Estate given to my wife" of all of his real estate in Wenham, Hamilton and Ipswich, together with his brick house in Salem, likewise the farming utensils and live stock. He gave to his son Samuel Gardner, all the rest of his estate, and appointed him executor.* Henry Blanchard mortgaged his right to his grand- father's property, to his brother Francis, April 21, 1812, for $2000,† and May 10, 1813, sold his right to his brother for $1800.‡ Children: 197. ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 9, 1759§ (bap. Feb. 11); d. June 24, 1816;¶m. June 3, 1781,§ Dr. Samuel Blanchard. He was born in Boston on the 29th of February 1756, and studied medicine with General David Cobb, who was one of General Washington's aids. He was a surgeon in the army a short time, and afterwards surgeon of several privateers, but aside from this he never practised medicine as a profession. He was a merchant for several years in Salem and Baltimore, and died in Wenham (where he had lived many years) on the 4th of May, 1813.§ Children: 1. Henry, b. July 9, 1782; d. Dec. 29, 1826; unmarrried. 2. Francis, b. Jan. 31, 1784; d. at Wenham, June 26, 1813; m. Aug. 29, 1808, wid. Mary Ann Lee, wid. of N. C. Lee, and daughter of Francis Cabot. They were the parents of the first Mrs. Robert C. Winthrop. Their daughter lived in the family of her uncle John Gardner until she married R. C. W. 3. George Frederick, b. at Baltimore, Dec. 24, 1786; d. at Baltimore, July 17, 1787. 4. Lucy, b. at Wenham, May 10, 1793; d. June 16, 1815; m. Mar. 24, 1814, Charles Henry Orne, s. of William Orne.§ 198. JOHN, bap. Aug. 31, 1760;|| d. at Charleston, S. C., Oct. 10, 1792. He was a successful merchant in Charleston, S. C., where he lived about eight years. § 199. SAMUEL PICKERING, b. May 14, 1767 (bap. May 31); d. Dec. 18, 1843; m. Sept. 19, 1797, Rebecca Russell Lowell, dau. of Judge John and Sarah (Higginson) Lowell.** He graduated at Harvard College, July 15, 1786. He went to Charleston, S. C., the same year, and engaged in the mercantile * Essex Probate Records, book 373, leaf 227. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 195, leaf 300. + Essex Registry of Deeds, book 199, leaf 245. Notes of Samuel P. Gardner, Esq. Tabernacle Church Record, Salem. Gravestone in the Wenham Burying-ground. ** Lowell Historic Genealogy, p. 58. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 203 business with his brother John. He remained there about eight months after his brother's death, when he returned to Massachusetts, and became an inhabitant of Boston, Aug. 8, 1793.* To avoid the inconvenience of being mistaken for two other Samuel Gardners, he had his name changed by act of the General Court, Feb. 15, 1796. In December, 1800, he purchased of F. W. Geyer, a mansion house on Summer Street in Boston, on the present site of Hovey's store.† He made very extensive improvements upon this property, and laid out a garden that was particularly beautiful. He continued to reside there until his death which occurred Dec. 18, 1843.* His widow died May 11, 1853.‡ Children: 1. Elizabeth Pickering, b. Mar. 11, 1799§; d. Aug. 3, 1879; m. May 30, 1820, John C. Gray. No issue. 2. Mary Lowell, b. Jan. 12, 1802; d. Waltham, Aug. 5, 1854; m. Jan. 11, 1826, Francis Cabot Lowell, son of Francis Cabot and Hannah (Jackson) Lowell. Grandparents of Judge Francis Cabot Lowell. 3. John Lowell, b. Feb.8, 1804; d. July 24, 1884; m. Oct. 4, 1826, at Salem, Catherine Elizabeth Peabody, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Smith) Peabody. 4. Sarah Russell, b. Sept. 20, 1807; d. Sept. 23, 1893; m. July 3, 1837, Horace Gray. 5. George, b. Sept. 15, 1809; d. Dec. 19, 1884; m. Oct. 18, 1838, Helen Maria Read, dau. of James and Hannah (Palmer) Read. 6. Francis Lowell, b. Dec. 28, 1811; d. July 5, 1812. 142 Samuel Gardner, the oldest son of Daniel and Ann (Putnam) Gardner, lived on the ancestral farm in Danvers (now West Peabody). The first office held by him was that of hogreeve, to which he was chosen March 9, 1761. He was one of the surveyors of highways in 1764, 1767 and 1786; and selectman and assessor in 1769 and 1787. In 1772 and 1773 he was chosen constable, and collector of taxes in 1785 and 1793. He served on the school committee in 1787 and 1793. Various sums of money were paid to him from time to time for the use of his teams in repairing the highways. *Notes of Samuel P. Gardner, Esq. Suffolk Registry of Deeds. Boston Records. Lowell Gen. 204 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He was taxed nearly every year from 1783 to 1790 for a "Fall Back Chaise" or a "Standing Top Chaise." May 5, 1800, he was appointed on a committee of three to sell the old road "from Curtis lane to Hezekiah Flint's."* MILITARY. He was probably the Samuel Gardner whose name was given as one of the commissioned officers of the First Regiment in Essex County in 1774.† REVOLUTIONARY. May 28, 1770, he was appointed on a committee of twelve to carry a protest against the tax on tea to every householder, "and in Case any Person refuse to Sign as abovesaid he Shall be Looked upon as an Enemy to the Liberties of the People, and Shall have their Name Registered in the Town Book.” He was a member of a committee of twelve chosen Feb. 2, 1778, to consider the "Articles of Confederation."* REAL ESTATE. Samuel Gardner inherited from his father, one half of the farm, and purchased from the other heirs their interest in the share left to his brother John, after said John's decease. § He sold forty-eight acres of this to Ezra Upton, July 9, 1768. In 1808 (April 14) he sold to his sons Asa and George the remainder of his real estate, at that time amounting to 150 acres, for $4,200, retaining a mortgage of like amount upon the same. This mortgage was discharged Oct. 23, 1819, by John Gardner, Jun., administrator of the estate of Samuel Gardner deceased. T He sold to Benjamin Pickman, Dec. 12, 1803, two acres of salt marsh at Castle Hill, Salem. This was evidently the two acre lot owned by his father.** In 1768 he bought land of his uncle Samuel in the same locality,†† * Danvers Town Records. † Essex Gazette, Oct. 18–25, 1774. Essex Probate Records, book 336, leaves 385-8. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 141, leaf 259. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 125, leaf 206. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 182, leaf 306, and book 183, leaf 237. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 174, leaf 71. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 141, leaf 137. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 205 and transferred ten acres of salt marsh "near Castle Hill" to his sons when they purchased the farm in 1808.* In June, 1792, he bought of Daniel Taylor, a lot of land "on the highway which leads from Salem to the North parish in Reading," containing about eight acres. This lot had previously belonged to Thomas Gardner (No. 121).† Samuel Gardner married, first, Patty Williams, of Lynn, the certificate for which marriage was granted Dec. 20, 1762. She died Feb. 28, 1765. He married second, June 9, 1774, at South Danvers, Sarah Upton, daughter of William and Sarah (Herrick) Upton. She was born in North Reading, Nov. 20, 1755, and died in Danvers, Jan. 24, 1830.§ In her will dated the 13th of that month, she gave to her grandson Samuel Gardner, son of her deceased son John, the sum of $1000, to be given to him when he reached his majority. To her daughter-in-law Ruth Coan, the mother of said Samuel, she left one dollar. She remembered her Walcott grandchildren as follows: to Elizabeth G. and Augustus Č. she left $100 apiece, to be given to them at the ages of 18 and 21 respectively ; to Sally A., Samuel G. and Henrietta B. she gave $100 to be divided between them, the son to receive his share at the age of 21, and his sisters at 18. All of the remainder of the property she gave to her children Asa Gardner and Sally Walcott, wife of Rev. Calvin Walcott. Samuel Gardner died Sept. 1, 1818, and was buried in the Pope burying ground in Pope's lane in West Peabody. He left no will. His son John Gardner, Jun. "Mariner," was appointed administrator, Dec. 1, 1818.¶ In the inventory dated Aug. 17, 1819, the estate (wholly personal) was valued at $8,643.48. $732.10 was due the estate, and $671.51 was owed, leaving $8,704.07 to be distributed. The widow was given $2,901.35, and the remaining two-thirds was divided into four parts and given to John, Jun., Asa and George Gardner, and Sally Walcott, Oct. 5, 1819.** *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 182, leaf 306. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 156, leaf 51. Danvers Town Records. Upton Memorial, p. 145. Essex Probate Records, book 407, leaf 366. Essex Probate Records, book 11, leaf 62. **Essex Probate Records, book 395, leaves 71 and 72. 206 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Children: 200. SAMUEL, b. May 4* (bap. June 11†), 1775; d. Nov. 27, 1797. 201. JOHN, b. Mar. 16, 1777* (bap. Oct. 19†); d. Oct. 8, 1824;‡ m. at Lynn, Apr. 25, 1822,‡ Ruth Galleucia, of Lynn.‡ She m. for her 2nd husband, Peter Coan, in Lynn, May 20, 1827.8 Child: Samuel, b. May 13, 1823; d. at Lynn May 27, 1887; m. in Lynn, Oct. 3, 1839, Mary Jane Granger, of Danvers. John lived in Lynn. On June 4, 1846, his son Samuel mortgaged to James R. Adams, "the lot which I inherited from my father," on the Swampscott road.¶ The son Samuel lived in Lynn and owned several lots of land on the Swampscott road near the sea. From one of the deeds we learn that in 1848, he used a building on one of the shore lots as a "restorator."** His uncle Asa held mortgages on some of these lots which were discharged later.†† 202. Asa, b. Aug. 29, 1779,* (bap. Oct. 16, 1785†); d. Mar. 9, 1858;‡‡ m. in Lynnfield May 29, 1817, Mary Ann Needham, of Lynnfield. He was chosen surveyor of highways in 1818, and field-driver in 1812 and 1819. He also served on the jury in the latter year.* In 1808 he purchased with his brother George, the homestead farm, and Oct. 14, of the same year they divided it between themselves. §§ He bought forty-eight acres of his sister Sally Walcott, July 22, 1835. || || In addition to the above he owned many lots of land in this vicinity, and loaned money frequently on mortgages. Asa's widow conveyed the homestead to Bowman Viles, Oct. 18, 1871.¶¶ The old lean-to house is still standing. Asa had no children. 203. GEORGE, b. Oct. 2* (bap. Oct. 16), 1781†; d. Feb. 13, 1821; m. May, 1805, Elizabeth Needham, dau. of Daniel Needham, of Lynnfield. He held several minor town offices, and served on the school committee in 1816, 1817 and 1819. He also served on the jury in the latter year. March 6, 1811, he was commissioned Captain in the 5th Regiment, M. V. M. Promoted Lieut. Col. Commandant June 17, 1812. Breveted Colonel June 20, 1816. Discharged April 24, 1818.*** * Danvers Town Records. + Church Records (Middle Precinct). Lynn Town Records. § Essex Probate Records, book 407, leaf 366. Salem Gazette, Oct. 11, 1839. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 369, leaf 35. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 405, leaf 27. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 366, leaf 24; and book 398, leaf 110. He ‡‡ Gravestone in family burying ground, on the eastern side of the road leading from his house to Middleton. §§ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 182, leaf 306; and book 185, leaf 181. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 288, leaf 215. ff Essex Registry of Deeds, book 837, leaf 175. *** Roster of Officers, M. V. M., in the Adjutant General's office. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 207 lived on the homestead farm near his brother Asa, and owned many lots in that portion of West Peabody as is shown by the deed of sale of his property by the widow, his executrix, to David Upton, March 29, 1822.* The Salem Gazette, of Feb. 16, 1821, contained the following: "In the death of Col. Gardner society have sustained a great loss. Amiable in his disposition, exemplary in all the relations of life, and of irreproachable morals, he had secured the esteem and respect of all who knew him. In his character were united unaffected modesty, with a sound judgement and great firmness and decision. As a military officer he was highly respectable, and had an opportunity of displaying that spirit and energy which show that he was qualified to command. Few men have been called to endure greater suffering, and no one could exhibit greater fortitude. Through an uncommon and most painful sickness, he was a model of patience and resignation; he was sustained by Christian faith, and at length departed in that peace of mind, which the world can neither give nor take away. The memory of Col. Gardner will long be cherished with affection by his friends who now deeply lament his death." He had no children. 204. SALLY, b. May 1‡ (bap. Oct. 16§), 1785; d. Dec. 12, 1850, at Winchester, Va.; m. at Danvers, Sept. 4, 1811, Rev. Calvin Walcott, son of Elijah and Mary (Blake) Walcott. Children: 1. Elizabeth Gardner, b. Marblehead, Mass., Dec. 30, 1812; d. Weymouth, May 2, 1846; m. June 16, 1834, Jacob Richards, A. M., M. D., son of Jacob and Lydia (Colson) Richards. 2. Augustus Calvin, b. Danvers, Oct. 13, 1814; d. Havana, Cuba, Apr. 5, 1833. 3. Sally Ann, b. Marblehead, Mar. 27, 1817; d. Yonkers, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1888. 4. Samuel Gardner, b. Hanover, Mass., Jan. 2, 1820. A graduate of Washington College (Trinity) Hartford, and later a graduate in medicine. He practised in Utica, N. Y., and Boston; d. Utica, N. Y., June 3, 1883. 5. Henrietta Blake, b. May 15, 1823; m. Edwin A. Richards, son of Hon. Joseph Richards. 6. Asa Gardner, b. Apr. 25, 1825; d. New York City, Aug. 15, 1858. A graduate of Trinity College, and Med. Dep't Univ. of City of N. Y. Ass't at N. Y. State Asylum at Utica, N. Y., 1853-5. 7. George *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 228, leaf 190. Salem Gazette, February 16, 1821. Danvers Town Records. Church Records (Middle Precinct). "Descendants of James Prime." By Gen. Ralph E. Prime. Walcott notes in the appendix. Essex Institute Library. 208 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Theodore, b. July 15, 1827; Grad. Brown Univ. 1848. 1849.* d. Quincy, Mass., Oct. 22, 1851. Princ. of Hanover Academy, 205. BETSY, b. Aug. 25† (bap. Oct. 191), 1788; d. Jan. 31, 1796.† 144 Capt. Benjamin Gardner, son of Daniel and Ann (Putnam) Gardner, lived in Middleton until about 1785 when he moved to Marblehead, where he resided until his death. He was referred to in the records as gentleman or yeoman. REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. Sergeant, Capt. Asa Prince's co. of Minute-men, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 2 days; also Ensign, Capt. Enoch Putman's co., Col. John Mansfield's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; engaged April 26, 1775; service, 3 mos. 13 days; also, Capt. Putnam's Co., Col. Mansfield's (19th) regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Israel Hutchinson; company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also, Captain, Col. Rufus Putnam's (5th) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported as serving 22 mos. 19 days as Lieutenant, 13 mos. 11 days as Captain; also, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Daniel Shay's co., Col. Putnam's (4th) regt. ; return dated Albany, Feb. 9, 1778; residence Middleton; also, Col. Putnam's regt.; returns of officers for clothing dated Boston, June 17, and Nov. 24, 1778; also, Captain, 5th Mass. regt.; list of settlements of rank of Continental officers, dated West Point, made by a Board held for that purpose and confirmed by Congress Sept. 6, 1779; commissioned Nov. 11, 1778; also, Captain Lieutenant; return made by Lieut. Col. Newhall and filed Sept. 23, 1779, of officers of Col. Putnam's (5th) regt. ; also, Captain, Col. Putnam's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Oct. 18, 1780."§ *"Descendants of James Prime." By Gen. Ralph E. Prime. Walcott notes in the appendix. Essex Institute Library. Danvers Town Records. Church Records (Middle Precinct). Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, v. vI, p. 261. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 209 REAL ESTATE. He purchased of John Shepard, Jun., of Amherst, N. H., May 9, 1769, a tract of land containing fifteen acres, on the northern side of Middleton pond, on the road from Andover to Salem, and another lot on the south side of said highway, bounded on the south by the "brook running out of the aforesaid Pond." This second lot contained about two acres. In addition he purchased at this time half interests in two other lots.* He sold to John Estey, yeoman, three of the above divisions for £200, in 1785 (Apr. 20).† In 1783 (Jan. 10) he bought of Benjamin Wilkins, Jun., of Middleton, administrator of the estate of John Wilkins, for £29, 4 shill. 11 pence, a lot of land at auction, containing five and three-quarters acres.‡ Judgment was obtained against him in 1788 to the amount of £24, 17 shill. 7 pence, by Samuel Symonds, treasurer of Middleton, and this lot appraised at £ 10, 13 shill., 4 pence, was seized in part payment. Benjamin Gardner was described in the last named document as "of Marblehead, gentleman."§ Benjamin Gardner married in Danvers, Sept. 25, 1764, Molly Smith. She died in Marblehead, May 28, 1828.¶ He died in Marblehead Sept. 17, 1813. Children: 206. ESTHER, died unmarried, of small-pox. 207. MOLLY, b. June 11, 1765.|| 208. JOHN, went to Ohio with the early emigrants, according to B. F. Browne. He was in Marietta, Ohio, in 1792. 209. POLLY, b. 1767; d. April 23, 1851;** m. in Middleton, July 30, 1785,†† Reuben Wilkins, son of Aquila and Lucy (Smith) Wilkins. Children: 1. Frances (Fanny) b. Dec. 31, 1785; d. Apr. 23, 1870; m. May 13, 1804, Benjamin Ropes, son of Benjamin and Margaret (Symonds) Ropes.‡‡ 2. Polly, b. May 25, 1787; d. June 4, 1789. 3. John Gardner, b. Jan. 4, *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 37. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 106. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 147, leaf 130. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 149, leaf 42. Danvers Town Records. Salem Gazette, May 31, 1828. ** Salem Gazette of April 25, 1851. †† Middleton Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VII, p. 252; and v. VIII, p. 54. 210 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1790; d. Oct. 10, 1869;* m. at Salem, N. H., Mar. 24, 1815, Dorcas Merrill, dau. of Joseph and Anna (Ober) Merrill. 4. Rufus, b. Mar. 25, 1792; d. Jan. 7, 1813, on the Chesa- peake. 5. Polly (Mary), b. Jan. 7, 1794; d. July, 1889; m. Oct. 3, 1815, Joseph Lefavour. 6. Hezekiah, b. Dec. 2, 1796; d. June 19, 1872, at Sailor's Snug Harbor; m. Nov. 15, 1818, Bethiah Shehane.* 7. Henry, b. Apr. 21, 1798; d. Feb. 7, 1799. 8. George Gardner, b. July 5, 1800; d. at sea Feb., 1825. 9. Charles, b. Sept. 8, 1802; d. Aug. 9, 1874;* m. 1st, May 17, 1825, Nancy G. Jelly,* who died May 20, 1842; m. 2nd, June 6, 1843, Sarah Gardner Harris,* dau. of John L. and Rebecca (Bray) Harris, of Marble- head.* 10. Esther Gardner, b. Aug. 17, 1804; d. Mar., 1850; m. Oct. 7, 1824, John Allen.* 11. Albert, b. Dec. 2, 1806; d. Feb. 8, 1892; m. Sept. 29, 1833, Hepzibah Austin, dau. of Richard and Isabel (Symonds) Austin.* 210. BENJAMIN, bap. July 11, 1772;† d. at Pernambuco, Sept. 13, 1828; m. 1st, at Marblehead, Apr. 15, 1798, Sarah Oliver;‡ m. 2nd, Oct. 10, 1817, Elizabeth Tucker, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Corney) Tucker. Children by Sarah: 1. Sarah (Sally), bap. Mar. 17, 1799;§ m. Nov. 7, 1820, Rich- ard Girdler, Jr., of Marblehead. 2. Benjamin, bap. July 18, 1801;§ died young. 3. Mary, bap. Feb. 6, 1803;§ m. Sept. 21, 1826, Nathaniel Barker of Marblehead. Chil- dren by Elizabeth: 4. Maria T., b. May 26, 1821; d. Feb. 13, 1885; m. Sept. 19, 1844, Thomas Appleton, Jr. 5. William Andrew Tucker, b. Oct. 31, 1820; d. at sea in 1853; m. Oct. 27, 1845, Elizabeth Conway Adams, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Adams.|| 6. Andrew, d. Apr. 23, 1819. 7. Ben- jamin, d. June 1, 1826. 211. GEORGE, bap. Dec. 3, 1775;† d. young. 212. GEORGE, bap. Mar. 18, 1781;† He was lost on the Grand Banks. 213. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 9, 1786.‡ d. Mar. 6, 1864; m. July 5, 1818, Joseph Hathaway, son of John Gardner, and Eleanor (Stone) Hathaway. Children: 1. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Hathaway, his cousin. 2. Frank, d. about 1840, unmarried. 3. Richard, d. young.¶ 214. ANNA, b. Jan. 13, 1787; d. Sept. 7, 1875; m. Apr. 8, 1810, Jeremiah Hathaway, son of John Gardner, and Eleanor (Stone) Hathaway.‡ Children: 1. Jeremiah, b. Apr. 8, 1811; d. July 7, 1860; m. 1st, Julia Osborn; m. 2nd, Abbie Gowing. 2. George G., b. Jan. 29, 1813; d. Mar. 17, 1867; Salem Town Records. Middleton Town Records. Marblehead Town Records. Second Church Records, Marblehead. Authority, Miss Maria Theresa Appleton Gardner, of Marblehead. Authority, Stephen P. Hathaway, of Marblehead. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 211 unm. 3. Eliza A., b. Apr. 27, 1815; d. Aug. 7, 1883; m. in Marblehead, George Goss. 4. Sally G., b. Apr. 6, 1817; d. June 30, 1840; m. in Marblehead, Joseph F. Shepard. 5. Benjamin Gardner, b. Sept. 8, 1819; m. July, 1844, Rebecca Oliver, dau. of James and Rebecca (Wadden) Oliver. 6. Mary Ellen, b. Sept. 1821; m. Samuel S. Reynolds. 7. Caroline, b. Apr. 17, 1823; unm. 8. Charles H., b. July 11, 1828; d. Jan. 19, 1871; m., in Maine, Sophronia Sher- bon. 9. John G., b. Jan. 1, 1831; d. Mar. 4, 1891; unm.* 145 Daniel Gardner, son of Daniel and Ann (Putnam) Gardner, moved to Lunenburg, Worcester County, Mass. He was described as "husbandman” in a deed dated July 9, 1768, in which he with the consent of his wife Emma, sold to his brother Samuel for £35, 13 shill., 4 pence, all of his share in the land which his father Daniel Gardner gave to his brother John Gardner, since deceased, also all of his share to land of which his father died seized.† He married at Danvers, Sept. 1, 1763,‡ Emma Rea, daughter of John and Anna (Dodge) Rea. Children: 215. JOHN, b. Lunenburg, Mass.; d. Watertown, N. Y., aged 69; m., 1st, Dolly Willard, dau. of Ephraim Willard of Sterling, Mass.; she died at Manchester, Vt., in 1868; m., 2nd, Lois Willard, sister of his first wife. Children, by his first wife: John, Clarissa, Austin, who lived in Belvidere, Ill., and died about 1846; m. Mary Ripley, who moved to Hammondsport, N. Y., after his death; Almira, Loraine, Lucinda, Sophia and Cephas. By his second wife he had Volney, Adeline and a child who died young.§ 216. DANIEL, b. 1767; d. Jan. 7, 1834; m. 1792, Catherine Hart- well. Children, born in Lunenburg, Mass.: 1. Benja- min, b. Dec. 22, 1793; d. Dec. 27, 1835; m. Jan. 9, 1815, Ruth Holbrook. 2. Henry, b. Dec. 3, 1795; d. Apr. 1, 1877; m. Aug. 10, 1834, Ruby Holbrook. Children, born in Northport, Maine: 3. Phebe Hart, b. Feb. 21, 1798; d. Aug. 14, 1872; m. Dec. 24, 1818, Samuel Herrick. 4. Samuel, b. June 8, 1800; d. Jan. 16, 1874; m. Sept. 30, 1830, Louisa Dickay. 5. Nancy, b. Sept. 22, 1802; d. Aug., 1871; m. * Authority, Miss Annie G. Hathaway, of Salem. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 141, leaf 259. Danvers Town Records. Notes of Mr. Cephas Gardner, son of John and Dolly (Willard) Gardner. 212 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. Mar. 10, 1825, Edmund Bicknell. 6. Catherine, b. May 19, 1806; d. Mar. 11, 1894; m. Oct. 29, 1833, Rev. John Hatch, a Methodist minister. 7. Daniel Hartwell, b. Feb. 14, 1809; d. July 28, 1876, m. Apr. 10, 1834, Lavinia Frohock. 8. John, b. June 21, 1811; d. Mar. 8, 1884; m. Oct. 31, 1845, Harriet Henderson. 9. William, b. Nov. 10, 1813; d. Dec. 28, 1865; m. Jan. 21, 1841, Roxa Hinds. 10. Joseph Edward, b. Nov. 15, 1818; d. Feb. 28, 1888; m. July 15, 1849, Mary Jones. 11. Harriett Allison, b. Sept. 21, 1821; d. June 11, 1888; m. May 1, 1841, George Bill- ings.* WILLIAM, said to have settled in Boston.† GEORGE, went to Vermont, and then moved to the West.† A DAUGHTER who married a man by the name of Coffin.† NANCY, m. 1790, Asa Carlton. Children: Ruth, b. Reading, Vt., 1793; d. Derby, Vt., 1884; m. June 16, 1811, Levi P. Adams. They also had ten other children, all of whom died young.‡ A DAUGHTER who married a man by the name of Sherin.† 147 George Gardner, son of Daniel and Anna (Putnam) Gardner, died about 1769. His estate which was wholly personal, and mostly wearing apparel, was distributed June 6, 1769, among his brothers and sisters who were named in the document as follows:- -Samuel, Daniel, Benjamin, Ebenezer, Elizabeth, Sarah and Esther Gardner; Anna Brewer, Ruth Estes and Lydia Clark. Unmarried. § 150 Ebenezer Gardner, the youngest son of Daniel and Anna (Putnam) Gardner, moved to Lynde- borough, N. H., and on September 7, 1773, was wounded at Wilton, N. H., at the raising of a meeting house. He and his wife, together with the other heirs of Thomas Whittredge, sold to Thomas Whittredge, brother, for £15, their interest in the deceased father's real estate, amounting to one and one half acres in the "northfield Family notes kindly collected by Miss Sarah Rea Gardner, daughter of Henry and Ruby (Holbrook) Gardner, of Northport, Maine. Authority, Mr. Cephas Gardner. Authorities, Prof. George B. Adams, of Yale University; and Cephas Gard- ner Adams, M.D., of Portland, Maine. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 345, leaf 396. || Salem Gazette, Sept. 14-21, 1773. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 213 (so called) in said Danvers."* This was bounded east on the land of their "Hon'd mother Sarah Whittredge." Ebenezer Gardner married Jan. 28, 1772, Sarah Whittredge, daughter of Thomas and Sarah Whittredge.† Child: 222. DANIEL, m. Eunice Putnam, dau. of Benjamin and Miriam (Flint) Putnam. Children : 1. Putnam, b. Aug. 8, 1811; d. Mar. 4, 1844; m. May 15, 1841, Mary L. Delaramore. 2. Miriam, b. Nov. 25, 1813; m. Isaac Thorn. 3. Emma, b. Feb. 15, 1815. 4. Daniel, b. Feb. 21, 1817; d. Aug. 1, 1892; m. Sept. 4, 1842, Louisa Hall. 5. Sally, b. Feb. 3, 1819; m. John A. Countryman. 6. Ebenezer, b. Apr. 29, 1821. 7. John Nichols, b. Oct. 7, 1823. 8. Willard, b. Apr. 16, 1826; d. Oct. 12, 1901; m. 1st, Nov. 29, 1853, Delia Ann Staring; m., 2nd, Margaret Avery.§ Ebenezer and Sarah (Whittredge) Gardner may have had other children, but Daniel is the only child concerning whom the author has been able to find any record after prolonged search. 156 George Gardner, the eldest son of Samuel and Esther (Orne) Gardner, was a merchant in Salem. He graduated at Harvard College, in 1762. || College, in 1762. He dealt extensively in general merchandise, including flour, salt, Philadelphia iron, selling the same for cash or codfish.T He offered for sale a "Mofes boat," a schooner, and the brigantine Essex.** Mention is made of his going to Europe in 1771, and of his return in April 1773.†† His name first appears in the town records, in 1766 (Oct. 6), when he was mentioned as a member of the Fire Engine Company. He sold his share in the engine, May 21, 1768, to Stephen Cook. In the following year (March 13) he was chosen constable, but hired William Clough as a substitute. The following note occurs in the town records, under date of June 1769: "Agreed that *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 162. Danvers Town Records. Putnam Genealogy, p. 353. Notes furnished by the late Willard Gardner, of Clayton, N. Y. Felt's Annals of Salem, 2nd edition, v. I, p. 491. Essex Gazette, Jan. 24-31, 1769; and March 12-19, 1771. ** Essex Gazette, Dec. 25, 1770; Jan. 8-15, 1771; and June 29- July 6, 1773. †† Essex Gazette, July 2-9, 1771; and Apr. 20-27, 1773. 214 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, George Gardner & Sam' Barton Jun" be recommended for Retailers in sd town, as persons of sober conversation, & suitably qualified & provided for the exercise of such an employment. He served on the petit jury Dec. 10, 1770, and was drawn again in the following year, but was excused.* * REAL ESTATE. The estate of his father was divided among the three sons, May 29, 1769, and George was given "such part of ye Divided premises as the s" partics have agreed is worth £615, 15 shill., 6 2-3 pence more than a third of the hereby divided premises, which Sum he hath paid to the said Weld & Henry." Henry received £405, 17 shill., 9 1-3 pence of this amount, and Weld, £209, 17 shill. 9 1-3 pence.† George was given the homestead located on the south side of Essex Street, near what is now Crombie Street. This property has been described fully in the article relating to his father. He was also given one-third of his father's pew holdings in Rev. Dr. Whittaker's meeting house. In 1769 and the year following, he and his brothers sold various lots of land which had belonged to his father and the late Capt. John Skinner of Marblehead. § George Gardner died about Jan. 1, 1774, and was buried on the third of that month. His mansion house. was owned jointly by his heirs until after the death of his brother Weld, when the surviving heirs sold the estate for the total value of $8000 to Benjamin Crombie, Weld's one-fifth having been left by him to Thomas Lee, of Cambridge.¶ In his will dated June 22, 1771, he made the following bequests: "To Revd Mr Thomas Barnard £200. £600. Brother Weld Gardner and to the Heirs of his eľ Mr Thomas Lee ee Body .. all of the Residue and remainder." *Town Records. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 128, leaves 11 and 13. Essex Institute IIistorical Collections, v. XXXIX, p. 33. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 122, leaves 17 and 62; and book 126, leaves 178 and 183. || Salem Gazette, Dec. 28-Jan. 4, 1774. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 172, leaves 34-36, and 188, AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 215 To the Town of Salem "£400 lawful Money to be improv'd for the Use and Benefit of the Poor of the town of Salem." £1333 "to Harvard College in Cambridge to be improv'd for the Education of poor Scholars. "" £2000 "to the Marine Society in Salem (so called) to be improv'd by them. . . for the use and Benefit of superannuated (or otherwise disabled) seamen. His brother Weld was appointed executor. Weld Gardner died Nov. 2, 1801,f without issue, and then the above named public bequests were paid. Unmarried. 157 Weld Gardner, the second son of Samuel and Esther (Orne) Gardner, was a merchant in Salem. He was associated in business with his brother George until said George's death, after which he continued the business ди Wild Gardner alone. His advertisements in the local papers show that he dealt in general merchandise including Russia duck, molasses, sugar, coffee, cocoa, sweet oil, figs, raisins, indigo etc., for which he received either money or codfish. ‡ He owned the brig Tryal, 119 tons, built at Frye's mills in 1790.§ He was chosen constable in March 1770, and clerk of the market March 9, 1789, but was excused upon both occasions. In 1776 he served on the petit jury, and on the grand jury in the following year. His signature was affixed to the address to General Gage, in June 1774.¶ He was one of the original owners of the North Church, and with forty-one others purchased the land for the same, of John Nutting, Esq., Feb. 14, 1772.** *Essex Probate Records, book 350, leaf 108. † Salem Gazette, Nov. 3, 1801. Essex Gazette Feb. 4-11, and June 9-16, 1772; Salem Gazette, Nov. 13, 1783, etc. Essex Institute IIistorical Collections, v. VI, p. 138. Town Records. Essex Gazette, June 7-11, 1774. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 130, leaf 117, 216 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, REAL ESTATE. Weld Gardner received from his father's estate when it was divided, May 29, 1769, a lot in Danvers measuring 21 acres, 94 7-10 poles, one share in the common lands, and one-third of his father's pew holdings in Dr. Whittaker's meetinghouse.* This land was in the South Parish in Danvers (now Peabody) and was sold by Weld Gardner to Thomas Lee, of Salem, March 4, 1799, for $970.† He loaned large amounts on mortgages.‡ Weld Gardner died November 2, 1801, and was buried. on the afternoon of the third of that month, from his house on Essex Street. § In his will dated Sept. 11, 1801, he made the following bequests: To George Gardner Lee, and Colman Lee, sons of his "kinsman Mr. Thomas Lee," he left $5000 apiece, and to Louisa and Deborah Lee, daughters of the same man, two thousand five hundred dollars apiece; to his brother Henry Gardner, $2000; to his sisters Lois Barnard, and Elizabeth Stevens, $1500 each; to the four children of his deceased sister Esther Mackay, $1500 to be equally divided among them; to Lydia Gerry Lee, daughter of George G. Lee, he left the remainder of his estate. estate. Thomas Lee was named as executor. Unmarried. 158 Henry Gardner, the youngest of the three sons of Samuel and Esther (Orne) Gardner, of Salem, graduated at Harvard College in 1765.¶ Henry Gardner He was a merchant and master mariner. His name was mentioned as one of the owners of the brigantine "Union" offered for sale in February, 1774.' ** *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 128, leaf 11 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 244. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 143, leaf 73; book 144, leaves 45 and 68; book 145, leaf 253; book 148, leaves 213 and 225; book 152, leaves 152 and 264-5; and book 153, leaf 56. § Salem Gazette, Nov. 3, 1801. Essex Probate Records, book 369, leaf 6. Felt's Annals of Salem, second edition, v. I, p. 491. **Essex Gazette, Feb. 15-22, 1774. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 217 In 1771 (March 11), he was chosen constable, but he secured David Smith as a substitute, and was excused. He served on the school committee in 1771 and 1772.* His signature was appended to an open letter in regard to a hospital, under date of August 23, 1773.† He was chosen selectman March 8, 1773, but was excused later. He served on a committee to receive and sort votes at the town meeting held March 1772, and on a committee to procure a second fire engine in October, 1774. An account was allowed him Jan. 5, 1784, amounting to £82, 12 shill. and 2 pence. He was a member of the grand jury in 1792 (Sept. 3) and 1798 (Oct. 8.)* In 1803 he was a member of a committee to distribute federal votes in ward 3.‡ CHURCH. Henry Gardner with many others conveyed to Thomas Barnard Dec. 4, 1772, a lot of land on the southeastern corner of what is now North and Lynde Streets, in Salem, for the erection of the North Church. This lot measured 128 1-2 feet on the highway "to the North River Bridge," and 88 feet on the other highway.§ Dr. Whittaker's church having been burned in the great fire of Oct. 6, 1774, Henry Gardner and the other proprietors sold the lot of land on which it stood, Feb. 1, 1775, for £615, 18 shill. 4 pence. He was one of the contributors to the North Church, and one of the * Town Records. † Essex Gazette, Mar. 22-29, 1774. ↑ Salem Gazette, Apr. 1, 1803. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 131, leaf 123. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 135, leaf 225. 218 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, forty-two proprietors who purchased the lot on North street, above described, and which they later conveyed to the minister, Thomas Barnard.* REVOLUTIONARY. The address which was sent to Governor Gage, in 1774, bore his name as well as that of his brother Weld.† In 1775, Henry Gardner removed with his family to Newfoundland and remained there until 1781. The following document shows how his absence was regarded by the patriots of Salem: "We the Committee of Correspondence &c for the Town of Salem in the County of Efsex, certify that Mr Henry Gardner late an Inhabitant of said Town has absented himself from it upwards of three months leaving Estate real and personal behind him to the Value of Twenty pounds and more without this State and that we verily believe from the best Intelligence, we can obtain, that s Henry Gardner voluntarily went to our Enemies, and is still absent from his Habitation and usual place of abode and is without this State. Richard Derby Jr. Chairman Salem 2ª March 1779." of the Committee of the Town of Salem Esfex fs. Agency for the Estate of Henry Gardner late an Inhabitant of Salem in said County Merchant an Absentee, was granted to David Felt who gave bond with Miles Ward Jun' and Dan Cheever as Sureties faithfully to execute the Trust of his said Agency, and to render an Account thereof when and so often as he shall be thereunto lawfully required. This second Day of March Anno Dom. 1779. Dan. Noyes Reg" B. Greenleaf J. Proba Examd pr Dan. Noyes Reg"‡ *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 130, leaf 117. † Essex Gazette, June 11, 1774. Essex Probate Records, book 353, leaf 386. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 219 "Inventory of the Estate of Mr. Henry Gardner of Salem Merchant, an Absentee from this State, as appraised by us the Subscribers. 1 Chaise Schooner. Sally. burthens abt. 45 Tons £100:00:00 with her Appurtenances 2250:00:00 Schooner Scaflower burthen abt. 65 Tons with her Appurtenances 3500:00:00 About two Acres Land in Danvers 200:00:00 (Total) 6293:12:00 Ballance of David Felt Acc° 188:11:09 6482:03:09 1 Cable wt 8.2.7 lent. Salem July 13, 1779, Errors excepted David Felt, Agent. Miles Ward Jun" Daniel Cheever Joseph Henfield Appraisers sworn." "Efsex fs July 14, 1779. Then Mr David Felt Agent presented the aforesaid written and made Oath that it contained a true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of Henry Gardner late of Salem an Absentee, so far as has come to his Hands and knowledge and that if anything further shall hereafter appear, he will cause it to be added. before me B. Greenleaf J. Prob." ""* We learn from depositions preserved in the records in the office of the Registry of Deeds, that before he went he ordered Mr. David Felt to distribute "his Corn and Rye and other grain" to the poor of Salem. Mr. Felt also deposed that sundry persons, who had been prisoners in Newfoundland, had given to Mr. Felt on their return to Salem, various sums of money which said Gardner had advanced to them while in captivity. His taxes were paid by Mr. Felt during his absence. The document *Essex Probate Records, book 353, leaf 515. 220 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, further stated that said Henry Gardner was friendly to the American prisoners, and that he did not return to Salem "till late in the fpring of the year one thousand ſeven hundred and eighty one." Col. John Hathorne testified that Henry Gardner was friendly to American Prisoners while he was absent. * Peter Murray testified that he sailed from Salem, on a vessel owned by Henry Gardner, in March, 1775, to the West Indies, and that they went from there to Newfoundland where they found Capt. Henry Gardner, who received the vessel and cargo in July or August of that year. That the said Gardner had his wife and family there etc. * He lived in Malden during the latter part of his life. REAL ESTATE. Henry received as his share of the estate of his father Samuel, a lot of land on the south side of what is now Central Street in Peabody, measuring two and a quarter acres.† This he sold June 5, 1790, to John Bushby for £38. He also received one-third of his father's pew holdings, and one common right in the "Great Pastures."† He sold the latter Apr. 30, 1800, to Mary Pickman, jr., for $60.§ He loaned various amounts on mortgages, and in one of such transactions had Baker's Island, containing 60 acres more or less, deeded to him as security. He was one of the owners of Union Wharf, and with the other owners, appointed Edward West their attorney to recover for land taken near them, April 14, 1809.T Henry Gardner married October 19, 1769,** Sarah Turner, daughter of John and Mary (Osborne) Turner.†† She died in Boston, in May, 1809, aged 61.‡‡ *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 174, leaves 72-73. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 128, leaves 11-13. + Essex Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 145. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 165, leaf 255. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 133, leaf 122; book 144, leaves 101 and 186; book 145, leaf 98; and book 146, leaf 209. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 195, leaf 28. **Salem Town Records. Pickering Genealogy, p. 184. Salem Gazette, May 12, 1809. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 221 He died, in Malden, November 8, 1817, aged 71.* Appraisers were appointed Feb. 11, 1818. He left no will. The heirs petitioned to have the Rev. Aaron Green appointed administrator. When the estate was divided, the following were each given one-third: Elizabeth Gardner, Mary T. Gardner, and Eliphaz Jones, "in right of his wife deceased."† A small part of the estate amounting to $20, was not included in the amount administered by Rev. Aaron Green, and Sarah Gardner Sears, a great granddaughter, petitioned to have Charles Hall Adams appointed administrator, June 2, 1886.† Children: 223. SAMUEL, bap. Sept. 28, 1770;‡ probably d. young. 224. ELIZABETII, bap. Sept. 20, 1772;§ d. May 5, 1834. 225. SARAH, bap. Sept. 20, 1772;§ d. young. 226. MARY TURNER, b. 1777,|| bap. June 1781;§ d. Nov. 11, 1833. 227. SALLY, bap. March 1782;§ d. June 29, 1818, at Belchertown;¶ m. Apr. 17, 1814, Eliphaz Jones. Child, Mary Turner, b. August 4, 1814; d. July 8, 1846; m. Nov. 10, 1835, Sethi Richards. 228. MARIA ELIZA, bap. July 20, 1788;§ d. Nov. 14, 1833, at Enfield.** 161 Capt. Jonathan Gardner, the only son of Jonathan and Sarah (Putnam) Gardner, was a well known merchant of Salem. He dealt in general merchandise such as hemp, duck, sail cloth, sheeting, sugar, etc., at his warehouse on Union Wharf. March 24, 1800, he offered the barque Galen for sale. †† Jon Garaners He was a Federalist in politics, and frequently served on committees of that party in Ward 2. The town offices held by him were as follows: school committee, 1791–3; * Salem Gazette, Nov. 14, 1817; and Pickering Genealogy, p. 184, Middlesex Probate Papers, No. 6172. First Church Records. North Church Records. Pickering Genealogy, 5-VII-30. Salem Gazette of July 3, 1818. **Salem Gazette of Nov. 22, 1833. Salem Gazette of Mar. 28, 1800, 222 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, * overseer of the poor, 1790-2; board of health, 1800; and fireward in 1801.' In 1793, he was elected selectman, but was excused from serving. His name appears in a list of the directors of the South Salem Bridge Corporation, when bids were asked for the building of the same in 1808. † He served on the petit jury in 1794 and 1806, and on the traverse jury in 1812.* The office of treasurer of the Marine Society was held by him for many years. REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. The following record is given in the "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution," v. vi, p. 271: — "GARDNER, JONATHAN (also given 3d), Salem. Petition dated Boston, Oct. 10, 1780, signed by Sam. Ward, in behalf of himself and others, of Salem, asking that said Gardner be commissioned as commander of the brigantine "Union" (privateer); ordered in Council Oct. 10, 1780, that a commission be issued; also, Captain, brig "Union;" descriptive list of officers and crew sworn to Nov. 3, 1780; age, 25 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 5 in.; complexion, brown; residence, Salem." It is also probable that he is the Jonathan Gardner referred to in the same records, as 2nd Lieutenant and later Commander of the sloop Tyrannicide, between June 3, 1776; and Feb. 20, 1777; and as 1st Lieutenant of the ship Bunker Hill, Nov. 4, 1778. His name appears in the list of volunteers from Salem for service in Rhode Island, in Capt. Samuel Flagg's Company. + He gave $30 in 1802 toward levelling and laying out Salem Common. § REAL ESTATE. Jonathan Gardner inherited Gardner inherited from his father, the homestead on Essex Street, on the lot now occupied by the Essex Institute. It was left to his son William *Town Records. Salem Gazette of Aug. 9, 1808. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v, p. 130. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. IV, p. 80. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 223 Fairfield Gardner, who sold it Oct. 8, 1834, to Tucker Daland for $5000.* The house was removed to the southeast corner of Bridge and Washington Streets.† Mr. Daland erected the present building upon the lot, and his executors sold it May 27, 1862, to Dr. Benjamin Cox, jr. The Essex Institute purchased it of the heirs of the Cox estate, Feb. 13, 1886.§ May 25, 1792, he bought of the heirs of Francis. Skerry (including James Gardner (No. 167), and his wife Margaret) a lot of land on the western side of "Ferry Lane" (Bridge Street) measuring 3 1/4 acres. This was sold by his son William Fairfield Gardner, to Samuel Roberts, Aug. 30, 1823.T He purchased of Samuel Cheever, tanner, for £200, April 3, 1792, an acre of land on the eastern side of what is now Winter Street, with the "buildings, Vats, tools, and implements."** Jonathan Gardner had previously owned this land having purchased it of his uncle John Gardner (No. 110) Dec. 12, 1788. It joined other land of Jonathan's on the south. He offered this tan-yard for sale or rental, March 1, In 1798 (Mar. 29) he bought of William Cabot, a lot of land in South Salem, on the western side of "the highroad" from Salem to Marblehead, ‡‡ and on the 6th of the following month, he purchased of John Lowell of Roxbury, "guardian to two of the Grand children of Francis Cabot," 3 acres and 104 poles in the same section of the town.‡‡ He sold land in South Salem to Hannah Poynton and Josiah Woodbury in 1802, and to William Chisholm in 1805.§§ He bought several lots of land at "Stage Point," of Elizabeth Dewing, and Samuel Ward, between 1789 and 1793. Peabody Street was laid out || over his land in August 1820.¶¶ *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 278, leaf 70. † Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. IV, p. 80. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 638, leaf 243. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 1168, leaves 282-3. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 155, leaf 52. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 232, leaf 223. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 189. †† Salem Gazette of March 1, 1796. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 165, leaf 172. $$ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 171, leaf 261; book 172, leaf 33; and book 176, leaf 195. |||| Essex Registry of Deeds, book 150, leaf 114; book 151, leaf 189; and book 156, leaf 225. T¶ Town Records, 224 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, * He bought of Lynde, William, and Thomas Walter of Boston, and others, April 16, 1801, one eighth part of the South Mills in Salem, and obtained another eighth by execution from his uncle John Gardner (No. 110) July 12, 1813.† Another portion of this mill (one- sixteenth) he bought of Benjamin Lynde Oliver for $700 in 1819.‡ He sold one-eighth of the mill to John Barton, for $1187, in 1814.§ He was one of the proprietors of Union Wharf, † the Union Market, and the Assembly House. His name occurs in connection with many other real estate transfers, either personally or as treasurer of the Marine Society. He owned many rights in the Great Pastures,** and loaned large amounts on mortgages. Jonathan Gardner married, first, Sarah Fairfield, daughter of Dr. Fairfield of Wenham. They were married in Salem, November 26, 1791. She died December 23, 1795, aged thirty years.ft The Salem Gazette of December 29, 1795, alluded to her as follows: "She was a woman of native worth, and of the moft ufeful accomplishments. She poffeffed a chearful temper, but her manners were always without offence. Her readiness of thought from her tenderness of mind, was incapable of exciting difgust, or doing an injury. From her natural difposition, her charity was equal, and conftant. Her affability was directed by an uninterrupted flow of affection, towards all who approached her. Her converfation was chafte, her friendfhips fincere, and a uniform cafe and fatisfaction attended her in all her domeftic employments. . . . She has left the hufband fhe loved, and one child, and can never be left from the memory of her friends, who love the virtues fhe poffeffed. Her aged mother demands our moſt fincere condolence." He married for his second wife, October 27, 1799,‡‡ Miss Lucia Pickering Dodge, daughter of Israel and Lucia (Pickering) Dodge. She was born June 16, 1768, and died March 24, 1812. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 271. † Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions, No. 2, p. 23. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 218, leaf 214. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 205, leaf 48. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 160, leaf 287. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 161, leaf 164. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 272; book 169, leaf 109; book 179, leaf 85; and book 211, leaf 227. ff Gravestone in the Charter Street Burying ground. Salem Town Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 225 Jonathan Gardner died September 26, 1821. He left no will, and his son William Fairfield Gardner, was appointed administrator, November 20, 1821.* Children: 229. JONATHAN, bap. Aug. 8, 1793; d. Dec. 17, 1795. 230. WILLIAM FAIRFIELD, b. 1794; d. June 12, 1851; in. Jan. 11, 1827, Elizabeth G. Barker, daughter of George and Abigail B. (Devereaux) Barker. He graduated from Harvard College, in 1815. While still a student at Harvard, his grandfather, Israel Dodge, gave him a lot of land on the western side of what is now Lafayette Street, measuring ten acres.† He inherited a large amount of land from his father, and in 1836, was awarded $9042 on French claims.‡ He sold his share (2 1-2 sixteenths) of the "City Mills," which had been in the possession of his ancestors so many years, for $2250 to Thomas H. Prince, in 1846.§ He lived in a house which stood on the present location of Fairfield Street. The house was situated well in from the street, and the large and beautiful garden in front of it, is well remembered by the writer. The Salem Register of June 16, 1851, contained the following notice of his death. "On Thursday, very suddenly, William Fairfield Gardner, Esq. 57, one of our most esteemed and respected citizens. The excellence of Mr. Gardner's character was based on strict integrity, and an unostentatious, pervading sense of religious feeling. Modest and unassuming in his deportment, he neither borrowed nor needed aid from false pretence. Relying on conscious rectitude and good intent, in the most quiet and unpretending way, he thought and acted with entire independence. Mr. Gardner was a graduate of Harvard College, of the class of 1815, many of whom in this immediate neighborhood are still proud to claim him as an early and long continued friend. Retiring in his habits, and averse to public display — inheriting an ample competence, he indulged his taste for natural pursuits, and the cultivation of the beautiful in nature and art. His eye sought the fines pencillings of nature in her most attractive forms he breathed more freely amid the fragrance of her flowers, and surrounded by the products of her richest bounty. I. his disposition he was kind, affectionate, and indulgent * Essex Probate Records, book 23, leaf 17. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198, leaf 139. Salem Gazette, of April 12, 1836. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 363, leaves 108-9. 226 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He had a heart to feel and devise liberal things, and his hand was ever ready to contribute to the wants of the needy and the claims of all useful objects. His sudden and unexpected removal has thrown a deeper gloom over a home already saddened by repeated visitations, and has made desolation more visible and tangible." The Salem Observer alluded to him as follows: - "Of him it may be said as of one in olden time 'behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile.' Born and reared in the midst of wealth and its temptations, our friend has presented to the world a bright example of a meek and humble spirit, worthy the discipleship of him, who 'went about doing good.' Upright, conscientious, benevolent and tenderly affectionate, he will long be remembered and deeply lamented by all who enjoyed the privilege of his acquaintance. For the poor and distressed, he had a heart to feel, and a hand open to relieve; as a member of society, he entertained an active sympathy and ready concurrence in all enterprizes for advancing the best interests of his fellowmen." In his will, dated June 13, 1833, he left his entire estate to his wife, Elizabeth G. Gardner.t She was appointed executrix.‡ 162 John Gardner, the elder son of John and Sarah (Derby) Gardner, was a merchant and master mariner. He was in the retail business until 1798, but in that year he sold out his stock of "Cut Goods," including brown linens, bedticks, Britannias, etc., and offered his store for rental. § Later he conducted a large wholesale import business at his warehouse on Union Wharf, where he sold sugar, coffee, cocoa, dyewood, mahogany, broadcloth, Peruvian bark, indigo, spices, etc., etc.|| The brig Hazard was the most noted of the vessels owned by him before the war of 1812. She made many famous voyages, including the following: from Permambuco to New York in nineteen days; to Rio de Janeiro in thirty days; and from Calcutta to Boston in sixty-five days. From the Salem Gazette of Jan. 15, 1813, we learn that she was captured by the British sloop * Salem Observer of June 14, 1851. † Essex Probate Records, book 416, leaf 27. + Essex Probate Records, book 192, leaf 15. Salem Gazette of Feb. 9, and Nov. 27, 1798. || Salem Gazette of May 6, Oct. 14, Dec. 9 and 16, 1806, etc. 7 AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 227 of war Sylph and ordered to Bermuda, but was recaptured by the American privateer Montgomery, Capt. Benjamin Upton, and Mr. John Gardner and the crew were put on board. His business was ruined by the war of 1812, but he started again about 1818 in company with his son John. The best known ships owned by him during this period were the Commerce, Osgood and Ceres. They were commanded by his sons John and Thomas West Gardner, and many voyages were made in them between the dates above mentioned. In politics he was a Federalist, and an active worker in the interests of that party in Ward 2, frequently serving on_committees.* He was a selectman in 1800 and 1801, and a member of the school committee in the latter year. In 1806 he served on the fire department committee.† He was drawn on the petit jury in 1797 and 1810, and served his town as representative to the General Court in 1802. John and his brother Richard, co-partners in business, gave $175 toward the laying out of Salem Common in 1802.‡ He attended the preliminary meeting Dec. 30, 1796, at Sun Tavern, in regard to the Salem and Danvers aqueduct. § REAL ESTATE. The most important holding of John Gardner was the Gardner Farm on the road between Salem and Danversport, which had been owned and improved by his father, until Dec. 3, 1811, when he conveyed the eastern half containing 64 acres to Elizabeth Gardner, sister of John Gardner (5th Gen.).|| John (6th Gen.) bought it back from his aunt Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1817, for $3306.66.¶ At this time the entire farm contained 193 acres. He mortgaged the property to her for a like amount on the same date, and this was discharged, Aug. 31, 1819.¶ Nathan Robinson, and his wife Eunice held a claim upon the western portion of the farm (over 128 * Salem Gazette of Mar. 30, and May 15, 1804; Mar. 29, 1805, etc. Salem Town Records. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. IV, p. 86. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. II, p. 106. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198, leaf 65. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 215, leaves 210-211, 228 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, acres) which had been granted upon an execution to Ebenezer Beckford, father of Eunice. This was settled by John (6th Gen.) March 31, 1819, for $7418.* Other mortgages upon this property were held in 1817 by John Derby; in 1819 by Joseph Peabody and John Derby; in 1820, by Joseph Peabody; and later by Pickering Dodge, Joseph Osborn and Nathaniel West. Henry Gardner, son of John, assumed these mortgages and paid off the Joseph Peabody mortgage in 1843, and that held by Nathaniel West, Nov. 6, 1848. Later he bought contiguous lots of various parties until the present farm contains 210 acres. It is now owned by the heirs of Henry. It is one of the few large farms in the neighborhood of Salem, to remain undivided for the past one hundred years. He bought of his father, December 21, 1809, the lot of land on Essex Street next east of the Essex Institute, and erected upon it the large brick mansion still standing and now owned and occupied by Mr. David Pingree. John Gardner sold the house and lot to Nathaniel West, April 25, 1811, for $13,333.33. § He continued to live in this house until the fall of 1814, when he moved to another house in town (unknown) where he resided until 1820 when he moved to the farm. The later history of this house has already been given in this series of articles. The property known as the South Mills, figured in transactions similar to those mentioned in connection with the farm, until it was sold Jan. 11, 1830, to Nathaniel West for $1500.** The lot on the southeastern corner of Pleasant Street (now Washington Square East) and Andrew Street, was bought by him March 18, 1806, of Joseph Phippen, †† *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 218, leaf 271. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 214, leaf 165; book 218, leaf 272; book 221, leaves 202 and 236; book 223, leaf 194; book 225, leaf 67; book 231, leaf 292; book 243, leaf 251; book 245, leaf 70; book 255, leaves 152-3; and book 261, leaf 152. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 190, leaf 281. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 193, leaf 77. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. XXXVII, p. 380. (Deprint p. 84.) Essex Registry of Deeds, book 231, leaf 292; book 245, leaf 70; and book 255, leaves 152-3. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 255, leaf 151. tt Essex Registry of Deeds, book 178, leaf 187. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 229 and sold June 20, of the same year to Benjamin Babbidge.* In 1818 (May 17) he bought of the heirs of Ebenezer Beckford, a lot of land on the western side of Newbury Street (now Washington Square West) which had been taken from his father by execution and sold it on the same day to John Andrew.† Among other real estate holdings of his were the house and land on the south west corner of Essex and Liberty Streets, his shares in the "New Assembly Hall" (now Hamilton Hall), on the corner of Cambridge and Chestnut Streets, § and the Union Wharf property which he bought back from John Barton.|| He married November 9, 1793, Sarah West, ¶ daughter of William and Sarah (Beckford) West. She was born February 19, 1772, and died December 27, 1846.T John Gardner died August 25, 1847, aged 76. The Salem Gazette, of the 27th of that month, referred to him as follows: "On Wednesday, of Typhus fever, John Gardner, Esq. aged 77,- a highly respectable citizen, and formerly an enterprising merchant. Whilst Mr. Gardner was engaged in commerce, he was celebrated for the beauty and model of his ships. Having been unfortunate he made a large adventure shortly before the declaration of war, in 1812, in the Marquis de Someruelos, and went himself on her voyage. His success was fully commensurate to his anticipations and he would have again been restored to affluence, but almost in sight of his port he was captured and carried into Halifax, and all his sanguine calculations blasted, he not having been insured against a war, a risk which he had not anticipated. Mr. Gardner built, and until his misfortunes, resided in the spacious mansion on Essex street, now occupied by David Pingree, Esq., in which the late Joseph White was murdered. He died at the well known Gardner Farm in North Salem, which has been his place of residence for many years." Children: 231. SARAH, b. Feb. 3, 1795;** d. June 16, 1801.** 232. JOHN, b. Aug. 6, 1796;** d. Feb. 17, 1870, at New Brighton, N. Y.; m. Danvers, Mass., Aug. 19, 1822,†† Maria Cecelia, *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 179, leaf 293. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 216, leaves 42-3. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 243, leaf 193. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 201, leaf 174. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 214, leaf 205. Salem Records. **Family Records. tt Danvers Town Records. 230 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Endicott, dau of John and Mary (Putnam) Endicott. Children: 1. John Endicott, b. Aug. 3, 1823;* d. Nov. 22, 1864;* m. Anna Rosa Hunber, daughter of an English merchant. 2. Mary Putnam, b. Dec. 25, 1825;* d. Dec. 18, 1827.* 3. Emily Maria, b. Rio de Janeiro Nov. 15, 1830;* d. Nov. 13, 1901;* m. Nov. 11, 1867, Robert Rayner,* son of Edward and Henrietta (Wagner) Rayner. 4. Samuel Endicott, b. Salem, Jan. 14, 1833;* d. Feb. 1833.* 5. George Endicott, b. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 4, 1835;* unmarried. 6. William, b. Sept. 9, 1836; d. July 2, 1837.* John Gardner engaged in business with his father in Salem from 1818 until 1828. During this period he sailed many voyages as commander of the ships Ceres and Commerce. Later he went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and as a member of the firm of Coleman, Gardner & Co., was very successful. He maintained a princely establishment, the magnificence of which has been described in glowing colors by Salem people who were his guests. Business reverses came, and after a residence there of about twenty years, he returned to the United States, and settled in New Brighton, Staten Island, in 1851. He then engaged in business in New York, under the firm name of John Gardner & Co. 233. THOMAS WEST, b. Apr. 10, 1798;* d. in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, about 1845;† m. Mary W. Peirce,* dau. of John and Nancy Peirce. Children: 1. Thomas F., b. Salem, about 1833;* m. in Rio de Janeiro twice, to natives of Brazil.* 2. Henry, b. Pottsville, Pa., 1835;* d. Salem, Mass., July 19, 1888;§ m. Salem, June 23, 1863, Sarah E. Jelly,§ dau. of John and Martha B. (Gale) Jelly. 3. Mary, b. Rio de Janeiro, about 1838; d. Rio de Janeiro; m. Rio de Janeiro, Peter Nicholson, an Englishman.* 4. Charles W., b. Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 4, 1840; m. Salem, Sept. 3, 1861,§ Melvina T. Hitchings, dau. of Abijah and Eliza (Treadwell) Hitchings. Charles W. Gardner enlisted in Co. A, 50th Regt. Massa- chusetts Volunteers, August 19, 1862. He was mustered into the service, Sept. 15, 1862, and served until Aug. 24, 1863. He is at present a letter carrier in Salem. Thomas West Gardner in his early life, sailed as com- mander of one of his father's ships. Later he went to Rio de Janeiro, where he continued to reside until his death.* 234. SARAH, b. Sept. 28, 1802;* d. Jan. 7, 1865;§ unmarried. 235. SAMUEL, b. Apr. 12, 1800; d. Wolfboro, N. H., Sept. 7, 1856;|| * Family Records. Salem Gazette of May 6, 1845. Gravestones in Harmony Grove Cemetery. Salem Records. Salem Gazette of Sept. 12, 1856. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 231 unmarried. He lived on his father's farm, and later at Ossipee, N. H.* 236. GEORGE, b. Dec. 5, 1804;* d. Somerville, Mass., 1843; unmarried. He was a sea captain in early life, but later lost his health.* 237. MARY ELIZA, b. Oct. 6, 1806;* d. Aug. 13, 1875;* unmarried. 238. HENRY, b. Sept. 27, 1809; d. Jan. 20, 1890; m. Feb. 20, 1866,† Elizabeth R. Gillis, dau. of James D. and Lydia (Richardson) Gillis. Children: 1. Elizabeth West, b. Feb. 2, 1867. Resides in Salem. 2. Elinor Putnam, b. Mar. 28, 1870;* m. June 4, 1896,† Harry Sutton, s. of William and Lucy S. (Daniels) Sutton. They reside in Salem. 3. Henry, b. June 8, 1872. He is a mechanical engineer, and lives in Salem. Henry Gardner was a merchant. He went to Rio de Janeiro as early as 1833 and returned to Salem about 1845.* He lived for many years at the farm on the road to Danvers, but for the last thirty years of his life, resided during the winter, in his house on the northwestern corner of Chestnut and Hamilton streets in Salem. In 1843 and 1848, he bought, of Joseph Peabody and Nathaniel West, their rights in the Gardner farm, and in 1846 purchased of the same Nathaniel West, the house on the southern side of Barton Square, which had been occupied formerly by Gen. Samuel Gardner Derby.§ He was a member of the Taylor Club in 1848,|| and was interested in historical matters, being one of the contributors to the Essex Institute fund, for the purpose of preserving the manuscripts. He was one of the officers of the Salem Savings Bank from 1864 until his death in 1890, serving as Vice President during the last fifteen years of his life. In 1874 he was elected President of the Gas Company, having served as Director for many years prior to that date. He owned many vessels in the foreign merchant service, including the barque Hazard, the Herald, Bunker Hill, Ceres and others. The Hazard, built at East Boston in 1849, was a famous barque, making some record voyages. She was lost in Old Man's Shoal off Nantucket. Capt. Andrew Barstow, who commanded her for many years, was lost at sea on another vessel owned by Henry Gardner. In the rebellion Henry Gardner showed his patriotism by refusing to have the flag changed on his ship * Family Records. + Salem Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 372, leaf 154; and book 404, leaf 15. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 372, leaf 155. Salem Gazette of July 28, 1848. Essex Institute Bulletin, v. II, p. 75. 232 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. at Calcutta, when urged to do so, to insure a cargo which he could not get under the American flag. The ship returned in ballast. 239. ELIZABETH BECKFORD, b. Oct. 3, 1816.* A bright, intelligent lady still living in Salem, to whom the author is much indebted for valuable information, cheerfully given. 164 Richard Gardner, the younger son of John and Sarah (Derby) Gardner, was, like his brother John, a merchant and ship master. They were in partnership at their warehouse on Union Wharf. Later (in 1810) he was located at 28 Derby Wharf.† He was master and joint owner with his brother John, of the Hazard, 215 tons, which was launched at Frye's Mills in 1798, and sailed for Cadiz and Gibralter in November of that year. † He went many voyages in this and other ships, to Africa, India and China. § In addition to the above named ships, his name has been published in the Gazette in connection. with the ship Expert, the bark Moses, and the brigs Pilgrim and Susan. He suffered as many other merchants did in the war of 1812, and his property was seized by his creditors, and his business ruined. He moved to Boston about 1813.** Several dividends were paid by him after he left Salem.†† He was a member of the board of health in Salem in 1804. REAL ESTATE. Richard Gardner and his wife Elizabeth, inherited from her father, Miles Ward, jr., one-third of the house on the northeastern corner of Herbert and Derby Streets. They sold their share Jan. 30, 1800 for $4000 to Joseph Chapman Ward. ‡‡ This was the site of the residence of Captain John Gardner, second generation, before he removed to Nantucket, and an account of the other owners has been given in the article relating to him. §§ Family Records. ++ † Salem Gazette, Aug. 10, 1810. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 139; and v. VII, p. 208. § Salem Gazette, July 25, 1800; Mar. 31, 1801; and May 15, 1801, etc. Salem Gazette, Sept. 1, 1809; Dec. 28, 1810; and July 28, 1812. Essex Registry of Deeds, Book of Executions, No. 1, leaf 69. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 202, leaf 278. † Salem Gazette, July 18, and Sept. 30, 1817. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 186, leaf 104. §§ Essex Institute IIistorical Collections, v. XXXVII, pp. 232-3; deprint, p. 56. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS 233 He purchased of Walter Price Bartlett Oct. 29, 1801, for $4,000, a lot of land on the south side of Essex Street, a short distance east of Liberty Street.* This lot measured 35 1-2 feet on Essex Street, and was 153 feet, 7 in. deep. In the rear it extended westward to Liberty Street, measuring 83 feet upon that street. The small lot on the corner of Essex and Liberty Streets, was owned by Edward S. Lang. Jonathan Neal obtained judgment against Richard Gardner, and was granted the southern end of this lot Jan. 23, 1813.† 23, 1813.† The northern end, fronting on Essex Street, was granted to the Essex Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in a similar way, Dec. 21, 1812. The lot next south of the one above mentioned, measuring 41 feet, 6 inches on Liberty Street, was purchased by him, September 16, 1803. § He sold it June. 6, 1812, to Joseph Chapman Ward, for $1500.|| He bought of widow Elizabeth Smith, in June, 1804, a lot of land on the western side of Pleasant Street, § and sold the same May 31, 1809, to John Rhodes.T In 1809, he leased flats on the eastern side of Derby wharf, and June 8, 1812, with the consent of John Derby, President of the Derby Wharf Corporation, sold one half of the store on Derby wharf to Jonathan Neal.** Richard Gardner and others, leased to John Mason in 1804, "the Bathing house with well & pump & Bathing * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 169, leaf 159. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 202, leaf 278; and Book of Executions, No. 1, leaf 278. ‡ Essex Book of Executions, No. 1, leaf 273. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 185, leaf 278. || Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198, leaf 65. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 187, leaf 158. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 197, leaf 47. 234 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, ""* tub affixed.' In 1809 (July 14), he offered a small building for sale on "Andrew's Corner."+ She died He married July 29, 1797, Elizabeth Ward, daughter of Miles and Hannah (Chipman) Ward. ‡ April 14, 1815, aged forty years.§ His second wife was Eliza A. Peirce, daughter of Daniel and Betsey (Mansfield) Peirce of Galliopolis, Ohio.‡ Nov. 5, 1865, at Springfield, Mass. || She died Richard Gardner died March 10, 1836, at Utica, New York. Children by his first wife, Elizabeth Ward: 240. RICHARD, b. May 22, 1798 (bap. Dec. 11, 1799);¶ d. Apr. 22,. 1875; m. Nov. 25, 1835, ** Abigail Phippen West, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Moseley) West. Children: 1. Henry Richard, b. Salem, Sept. 18, 1836; m. Salem, June 2, 1871, Ellen K. Hodges, dau. of Samuel and Jane (Reed) Hodges. No issue. He is a member of the Salem Light Infantry Veteran Association, and the present head of the department of Province Laws at the Massachusetts State House. 2. Sarah, d. very young.†† 3. Francis, b. Gloucester, Jan. 27, 1840;tt d. Gloucester, June 23, 1840.‡‡ 4. Thomas Barnard West, b. Gloucester July 3, 1842; d. Salem, Nov. 6, 1860;†† unmarried. Richard Gardner graduated at Harvard College in the class of 1816. He was Master of the Williams Street School for boys, in Salem. Later he went to Gloucester, Mass., and became Master of the Town Grammar School. The following testimonial in regard to his work there, appeared in the Salem Gazette of April 5, 1842: "The committee would fail of rendering justice to its faithful and devoted teacher, if they did not make public testimony of their high gratification with the manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. The committee congratulate their fellow citizens on the success which has so far attended this school. They may now avail themselves of public instruction for their children, with the assurance that they may pursue all the branches necessary for a preparation to enter the higher seminaries of learning, or be qualified in a high degree for * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 183, leaf 274. † Salem Gazette of July 14, 1809. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VI, p. 162. § Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. v, p. 212; and Salem Gazette of April 18, 1815. || Salem Gazette of Nov. 14, 1865. North Church Records, Salem. ** Family Records, and Salem Gazette of Nov. 27, 1835. tt Family Records. ‡‡ Salem Gazette of June 26, 1804. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 235 241. 242. any business or pursuit they may incline to follow." He returned to Salem, and conducted a private school in the old North Church, on the corner of North and Lynde streets, residing at that time at number 5 Winter Street. In 1850 he was secretary of Fraternity Lodge, I. O. O. F. He became clerk of the Salem Gas Company as early as 1853, and remained in this office until he died, residing during the latter part of his life at number 33 Summer Street. The Salem Gazette of April 23, 1875, mentioned his death, and stated that he was a teacher in the public schools of Salem, from 1826 to 1839. HANNAH, bap. Feb. 19, 1800;* d. Nov. 11, 1800. SARAH DERBY, b. Feb. 26, 1809; d. July 2, 1842;† m. at Eaton, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1838, Walter Kibby Sexton, son of Frederick and Nancy (Lurdy) Sexton, of Sherburne, N. Y. Chil- dren: 1. Frederick A., b. Apr. 12, 1839; d. Dec. 5, 1842. 2. Walter A., b. Aug. 22, 1841; d. Mar. 12, 1844.† Children by his second wife, Eliza Peirce: 243. CHARLES DERBY, b. Feb. 10, 1821; died young. ‡ 244. DANIEL PEIRCE, b. Jan. 26, 1823; died 245. HARRIET KITTRIDGE, b. Aug. 14, 1825; m. at Springfield, Mass., 1847, James Hart, son of Ephraim and Martha (Seymour) Hart. Child: Annie Gardner, b. Sept. 14, 1848; m. May 16, 1872, William E. Ingersoll, son of Edward and Harriet (Childs) Ingersoll, of Springfield, Mass.§ 246. ANNIE, b. Feb. 11, 1828; m. 1st, at Rochester, N. Y., July 9, 1841, Norman Peck, son of Everard and Chloe (Porter) Peck; m., 2nd, at Springfield, Mass., May 31, 1854, Charles O. Chapin, son of Whitfield and Melia (Chapin) Chapin. Children by Norman Peck: 1. Benjamin Bangs, b. Jan. 3, 1843; d. Nov. 26, 1901; m., 1867, Alice Sparrow, dau. of Warren T. Sparrow, of Portland, Me. 2. Norman Peck, b. Apr., 1847; d. Sept. 29, 1848. Children by Charles O. Chapin 3. Harriette Gardner, b. Mar. 3, 1855; d. Aug. 5, 1857. 4. Charles Lyman, b. Dec. 5, 1856; m. at Spring- field, Mass., Aug. 11, 1880, Lucy Bliss Shumway, dau. of Robert G. and Julia (Bliss) Shumway. 5. Henry Gardner, b. Jan. 3, 1859; m. Jan. 9, 1889, Susan B. Russell, dau. of Charles O. and Mariette (Linsley) Russell. 6. Elizabeth Holland, b. Aug. 25, 1864. Resides in Springfield, Mass.§ 165 Thomas Gardner, the oldest son of Thomas and Mary (Buffington) Gardner, was called "yeoman” in *North Church Records, Salem. † Authority, Mr. Frederick A. Sexton, of Sherburne, N. Y. Family Records. § Authority, Miss Elizabeth Holland Chapin, of Springfield, Mass. 236 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, the records.* He was a member of Captain Samuel Epes' Company of Minute Men, Col. Pickering's Regiment, which marched from Danvers on the alarm of April 19, 1775.† Thomas and his wife Rebecca, of Danville, Caledonia Co., Vermont, with the other heirs of Eleazer Pope, appointed Daniel Needham, of Lynnfield, attorney, June 7, 1797. After the death of Anna Pope, widow of Eleazer, they appointed Daniel Graves of Reading, attorney, Feb. 19, 1810, and he sold land in Lynnfield for them, April 16, 1810. § He married November 28, 1781, Rebekah Pope, daughter of Eleazer and Anna (or Nanny) (Putnam) Pope. She was born December 31, 1759. Rebecca Gardner, of Danville, Vermont, and her children, Sept. 23, 1825, conveyed to Perley P. Proctor, of Danvers, ¶ their share in the estate of John Gardner (No. 168). The scant knowledge which the author has gained concerning the children of Thomas and Rebecca was obtained from this deed, and all attempts to learn more about them have thus far failed. Children 247. JAMES, a resident of Canaan, Essex Co., Vermont, in 1825.¶ 248. REBECCA, M. Thomas Blanchard. They lived in Danville, Caledonia Co., Vermont, in 1825.¶ 249. ALLEN P., a resident of Danville, Vermont, in 1825.¶ 250. JOHN, a resident of Newbury, Orange Co., Vermont, in 1825. बा 251. MEHITABLE, m. Seneca Ladd. Residents of Danville, Vt., in 1825.T 167 James Gardner, the second son of Thomas and Mary (Buffington) Gardner, was a mariner. REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. ** In "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution," v. vi, p. 268, we find his record as follows: *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 165, leaf 261. † Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, v. vI, p. 281. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 165, leaves 261-2. § Essex Registry of Deeds, book 191, leaves 238-9. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. VIII, p. 110. ¶ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 242, leaf 220. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 52. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 237 "GARDNER, JAMES, Danvers. Landsman, ship "Rhodes," commanded by Capt. Nehemiah Buffington; descriptive list of officers and crew sworn to Aug. 14, 1780; age 25 yrs. ; stature 5 ft. 8 in.; complexion, light; residence, Danvers." REAL ESTATE. The first transaction, bearing his name, name, was dated Feb. 6, 1786, at which time he sold about 5 3-4 acres of upland, in Danvers, to Ebenezer Marsh, for £51, 14 shillings. He inherited from his father one half of his real and personal estate.† His brother John purchased all of his right to their father's estate, May 15, 1800, for $500, and on the same date gave James a mortgage deed of three lots of land in Danvers for $300 loaned to him.‡ These were discharged August 20, 1822, by Margaret, widow of James. ‡ James and his wife Margaret, with the other heirs of Francis Skerry, sold lots in different parts of Salem in 1792-5, including one sale on May 25, 1792, of 3 1-4 acres of land on Ferry Lane (now Bridge Street), to Jonathan Gardner (No. 161).§ He bought of the heirs of Francis Skerry, Jan. 20, 1795, the "easterly lower room of the Mansion house of the late Francis Skerry, with the pantree and garret over said room."|| In 1823 (Nov. 5), Margaret Gardner, daughter of James, purchased of John and Henry Skerry and others, all of their interests in this mansion house, which was located in the "north fields."T He married March 4, 1789, Margaret Skerry, daughter of Francis Skerry.** She died about 1825, and her daughter Margaret Gardner was appointed administratrix.†† Her estate was appraised Jan. 4, 1826. It consisted of one eighth of an acre of land "in the North fields," with part of a house and barn on the same, and her household effects.‡‡ James Gardner died October 11, 1809. §§ * Essex Registry of Deeds, book 146, leaf 52. † Essex Probate Records, book 359, leaf 546. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaf 235. $ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 154, leaf 236; book 155, leaf 52; book 159, leaf 79 and book 160, leaves 16-17. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 159, leaf 82. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 329, leaf 125. ** Town Records, Salem. †† Essex Probate Records, book 47, leaf 3. tt Essex Probate Records, book 33, leaf 781. $$ Family Records. A 238 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Children: 252. JAMES, b. May 7, 1790; d. Oct. 6, 1806. 253. THOMAS, b. Nov. 26, 1791;* died.* He went away, and no word was ever received concerning him. 254. MARGARET, b. Sept. 20, 1795;* d. Apr. 12, 1852;† m. Oct. 2, 1828, George Wood, son of Andrew P., and Hannah (Love- joy) Wood. Children: 1. James G., b. Sept. 23, 1829; d. Oct. 5, 1829. 2. Hannah L., b. Sept. 11, 1830; d. Nov. 25, 1841. 3. Margaret G., b. Oct. 14, 1832; d. Mar. 10, 1874; m. Aug. 6, 1851, George H. Bodwell, s. of John and Lucinda (Young) Bodwell.† 4. Isabella L., b. July 15, 1834; d. Feb. 19, 1889 ;† unmarried. 5. Sarah E., b. Apr. 7, 1836; m. at Salem, Apr. 21, 1864, Frank S. Clough,* s. of Simon and Mercy P. (Elkins) Clough; he was b. in Gilmanton, N. H.† She lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 255. EPHRAIM S., b. Dec. 20, 1797;* d. July 28, 1834. Unmarried. He was a stationer in New York.‡ 168 John Gardner, the youngest son of Thomas and Mary (Buffington) Gardner, was the last Gardner to live upon the old Thomas Gardner farm in West Peabody. He bought a pew in the "new Brick meeting-house" in 1806, paying therefor $180.00. § REAL ESTATE. He inherited, from his father, one-half of his real estate, amounting to about sixty-six and one half acres. In April 1790, he purchased of Hezekiah Duncklee, sixteen and one half acres with a dwelling house and barn, near "land of Thomas Gardner dec." This lot had been mortgaged to him for 112 pounds, Oct. 10, 1785.** He bought other lots of land in this vicinity of Elijah and John Flint yeomen, for £39, April 1791;†† and three quarters of other lots with house thereon, of his uncle, Nehemiah Buffington, for a similar sum, Jan. 23, 1794.‡‡ *Family Records. Salem Records. Salem Gazette of August 1, 1834. History of the First Parish, Danvers. p. 99. Essex Probate Records, book 359, leaf 546; and book 360, leaves 217-8. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 151, leaf 190. ** Essex Registry of Deeds, book 144, leaf 71. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 152, leať 262. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 159, leaf 187. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 239 May 15, 1800, he bought of his brother James for $500, his interest in their father's estate, and mortgaged three lots to his brother for $300.* This mortgage was discharged by James' widow Margaret, Aug. 20, 1822.* S The only other purchase recorded as being made by him, was one common right in the Salem sheep pasture, for which he paid $45, December 24, 1803.† He sold land as follows: two pieces of salt marsh in Lynn, to Daniel Hitchens for £8, August 11, 1795; two lots of fifteen acres each to Hezekiah Flint, April 19, 1800;§ one acre to Ephraim Larrabee, for $106.25, July 2, 1806; two acres, two quarters and twenty-two poles, to Benjamin G. Proctor, for $263, Sept. 16, 1818; and two acres of swamp land to Perley Proctor, for $200, on the 28th of the same month.** He held a mortgage on land of Ephraim Larrabee which was discharged July 1, 1814.†† He married at Danvers, Feb. 14, 1797,‡‡ Mehitable Goodale, daughter of Jacob and Hannah (Upton) Goodale. After his death his widow married, April 5, 1829, Samuel Taylor. ‡‡ She died May 14, 1846, falling upon the steps of the old Gardner farmhouse, in which she had continued to live up to that time. John Gardner died April 12, 1823.‡‡ In his will dated April 8, 1823, he made the following bequests :- To his wife he gave his homestead field and meadow, containing about thirty acres, with the buildings thereon, also all of his land on the north side of the road, known as the "new field." He also left her all of his right in the "Buffington field." One half of the "old orchard and bogg meadow," amounting to twelve acres, he left to Hannah, Benjamin. G. and William Proctor, children of Benjamin G. Proctor. The other half of the last named lots, he gave to John Gardner Walcott, son of Ebenezer Walcott. All of his household effects he left to his wife Mehitable. §§ The will was probated in May, 1823. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaf 235. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 173, leaf 132. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaf 146. $ Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaf 216. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 181, leaf 129. 1 Essex Registry of Deeds, book 225, leaf 100. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 219, leaf SS. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 181, leaf 130. f Danvers Town Records. $$ Essex Probate Records, book 401, leaf 305. 240 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, The inventory dated July 10, 1823, contained the following items:- The deceased homestead farm with the dwelling house, barn and all the other buildings thereon containing fifty acres more or less including the ox pasture and is situate between the Newburyport turnpike and the county road. A tract of pasture and tillage land lying on the north side of the county road containing about twelve acres. A tract of pasture and swamp land lying on the west side of the Newburyport turnpike containing about forty acres. A tract of meadow and upland called the old orchard about ten acres. One pew in the meeting house in the north parish in Danvers. $1750. 324.00 1280.00 350.00 40.00 $3744.00 509.02* Personal property. No issue. 176 Ebenezer Gardner, the oldest son of Ebenezer and Damaris (Merrill) Gardner, was born January 31, 1776. He was a farmer, and lived at Hadley's Lake in Maine. Ebenezer Gardner married June 21, 1803, Sally Albee, daughter of William and Ellen (Dillway) Albee. She was born November 12, 1783, and died August 25, 1875, aged 92. He died February 5, 1859. Children: 256. SUSANNAH, b. Apr. 30, 1804; d. Dec. 25, 1886; m. Sept. 13, 1823, at East Machias, Me., Cyrus Sanborn, son of William and Priscilla (Mayhew) Sanborn. He was a blacksmith. Children: 1. Hannah, b. Jan. 26, 1825; d. Jan. 26, 1854; m. Oct. 11, 1846, Frederick Talbot, a lumber merchant in New York. 2. Mary Crocker, b. Apr. 13, 1827; m. Apr. 30, 1854, Charles Talbot, brother of Frederick. He was a lumber merchant in East Machias, but lived later in Providence, R. I. 3. Cyrus, b. Aug. 12, 1829; d. Apr. 4, 1847. 4. Susan Lowell, b. Aug. 3, 1832; d. Sept. 8, 1832. 5. Sarah Albee, b. Sept. 17, 1833; d. June 21, 1891; m. Oct. 7, 1854, John K. Ames, of Machias. He d. in 1901. 6. Susan Gardner, b. May 29, 1836; d. Sept. 3, 1865; m. May 17, 1856, Frederick Talbot. 7. Thomas Mayhew, b. Dec. 31, 1838; m. Nov. 28, 1865, Helen Chase. 8. Caroline Lowell, b. Aug. 31, 1841. 9. Frank, b. Dec. 5, 1843; m. Dec. 5, 1885, Elizabeth Brown. He is a hotel. keeper in East Machias. *Essex Probate Records, book 401, leaf 538. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 241 257. THOMAS J., b. Dec. 31, 1805; d. June 10, 1833. 258. JAMES]A., b. Dec. 26, 1807; m. Dec.27,1832, Almira Kilton. She died Nov. 5, 1844. He m., 2nd, Mary Bowman, who is still living in Machias. He was He was a farmer at Hadley's Lake, afterwards removing to Machias where he carried on the trade of a mason. Children of James A. and Almira (Kilton) Gardner: 1. Almira, b. Dec. 1, 1833; m. Charles Morris, of Philadelphia. 2. James T., b. May 29, 1836; d. Sept. 20,1875; m. about 1858, Mary E. Gardner, dau. of Alfred and Mary (Crocker) Gardner (No. 282). After his death his widow married Daniel W. Harmon, son of Hiram and Mary (Gardner) Harmon (No. 269). 3. Augusta, b. Aug. 14, 1838; m. Stillman Coffin, of Jonesport. 4. Emma, b. Dec. 20, 1840; d. May 10, 1842. 5. Emma, b. Oct. 23, 1844; d. Sept. 13,1852. Children of James A. and Mary (Bowman) Gardner: 6. Antoinette L., b. Feb. 23, 1846; d. Oct. 13, 1865. 7. Isaac E., b. May 25, 1848; m. Sept. 12, 1874, Eliza Wilbur. 8. Sophia K., b. Jan. 11, 1851; d. Oct. 29, 1865. 9. Clarence T., b. Sept. 10, 1855; m. Mar. 26, 1879, Emma L. Barnard. They live at Machias. 10. Herbert, b. July 28, 1861; d. Oct. 2, 1865. 259. EBENEZER, b. 1810; d. Milford, Mass., Oct. 10, 1889; m. Oct. 26, 1833, Hannah C. Wilder, who was born at Dennysville, June 21, 1806, and died in August, 1877. He was a black- smith. In 1831 he removed to Dennysville. Children: 1. Deborah Reynolds, b. Mar. 30, 1835; d. Jan., 1895; m. Oct. 31, 1856, Benjamin Lincoln. 2. James Frederick, b. July 9, 1837; m., 1st, Maria E. Lincoln, in 1859; m., 2nd, Mary E. Cooper, June 6, 1864. He was a soldier in the Civi. War. 3. Lyman Kent; b. Nov. 4, 1840; m. June 4, 1863, Mary K. Hobart, who was b. at Edmunds. He is a blacksmith at Dennysville, and was a member of the State legislature for 1897. 4. Sarah Albee, b. Dec. 7, 1841; m. Thomas Crocker Eastman. (5. Emma Albee, an adopted child, was b. Apr. 16, 1852, at St. Stephens, N. B. She m. Albert C. McLauchlin.) 260. THAXTER, b. Feb. 19, 1812; d. Sept. 26, 1887; m. June 21, 1835, Joanna, dau. of Jabez West. She was born Dec. 16, 1819; d. Dec. 5, 1886. He was a farmer at Hadley's Lake. He had no children, but adopted Emma Albee, who died Sept. 13, 1852, aged 10 years. 261. LUCINDA, b. Apr. 15, 1814; d. July 29, 1892; m. 1st, Aug. 31, 1835, Samuel Starrett of Hadley's Lake; m., 2nd, Stephen H. West, of East Machias, who was b. Sept. 18, 1811, and d. Oct. 12, 1891. One child who died young. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews,. Esq., of Augusta, Maine. 242 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 262. 263. 264. LYDIA, b. Feb. 14, 1816; d. July 3, 1818. HENRY A., b. Apr. 24, 1818; m. Nov. 1, 1841, Sarah G. Brown, who was b. Feb. 15, 1820. They live at Hadley's Lake. Children: 1. Henry Erastus, b. Aug. 10, 1841. He was a member of Co. C, 11th Regt., Me. Vols., was taken prisoner at Fair Oaks and died in Richmond, Va., June 3, 1862. 2. Mary J., b. Dec. 29, 1843; m. Nov. 15, 1873, Frank F. Albee. 3. Lucinda S., b. Mar. 15, 1846; d. Mar. 15, 1849. 4. Eben, b. May 28, 1848; d. Nov. 15, 1881. 5. Abby R., b. Aug. 25, 1851; d. Aug. 14, 1865. 6. Edwin R., b. Nov. 29, 1853; d. Aug. 31, 1865. 7. Susan S., b. Feb. 24, 1856. 8. Lizzie A., b. Mar. 7, 1859; d. Mar. 23, 1895; m. Nov. 25, 1879, Oliver H. Seavey. 9. Clara E., b. May 17, 1864; m. Apr. 10, 1895, Isaiah C. Huntley. AARON L. RAYMOND, b. Jan. 19, 1822, at East Machias; d. Apr. 23, 1891, at Dennysville; m. Sept. 5, 1848, Abbie Wilder Reynolds, b. Feb. 21, 1830, at Dennysville. He was a prominent merchant for many years. Children: 1. Julia Raymond, b. May 31, 1850, at Dennysville; d. Feb. 11, 1851. 2. George Reynolds, b. Jan. 14, 1852, at Dennysville; m. Jan. 25, 1888, Annie E. Robbins. He is a prominent lawyer at Calais and Judge of Probate of Washington County. He has been a member of the School Board of Calais for many years, and a member of the Board of Trustees of old Washington Academy of East Machias. He is Past Master of St. Croix Lodge F. & A. M., a member of St. Croix Royal Arch Chapter, Hugh de Payens Commandery K. T. of Calais, and the Lodge of Perfection, S. R. M. at Machias. In addition to the above offices he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fellowship Lodge, I. O. O. F. Past V. C. of Calais Lodge, K. of P., and one of the Trustees of the Calais Savings Bank. He is also a member of the Maine Society, S. A. R. 3. Edwin Raymond, b. June 11, 1854, at Dennysville; m. Sept. 20, 1877, Ada Sargent Allan. He is a prominent citizen of Dennysville, holding the offices of Town Treasurer, and treasurer of the Congregational Church there. He was also for many years, the Superintendent of the Sunday School connected with the same church. 4. Charles Otis, b. Sept. 2, 1856, at Dennysville; m. Dec. 26, 1882, Sophia Alice Corthell. He has been for many years a prominent merchant in the city of Eastport, and the junior partner in the firm of Corthell "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. Family Notes. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 243 and Gardner. He has been a member of the Board of Education, and very prominent in masonic circles. He is an officer in St. Bernard Commandery, Knights Templar. 5. Eva May, b. Mar. 28, 1858. 6. Fred Lee, b. Apr. 3, 1862, at Dennysville; m. Jan. 15, 1888, at Dennysville, Mary Stoddard Philbrook. He is a member of the Board of Health and School Board of Dennysville, and a merchant in that place. 265. CYRUS S., b. June 16, 1824; m. May 16, 1857, Abbie S. Harmon, dau. of Nathaniel. He was a blacksmith at East Machias for years, and his sons, Elma and Arthur, still carry on the trade. Children: 1. Andrew F., b. Feb. 22, 1859. 2. Elma H., b. Oct. 4, 1864. 3. Arthur E., b. Feb. 24, 1869. 4. Harry Morris, b. Dec. 26, 1871. He is now postmaster at East Machias. JULIA R., b. Oct. 18, 1826; m. Dec. 9, 1844, Thomas M. Gardner (No. 288), son of Thomas and Sarah (Barry) Gardner. (For further account of this couple and their children, see No. 288.) 266. 267. EDWIN R., b. Nov. 6, 1828; d. Oct. 30, 1853; m. Mar. 28, 1853, Helen A. Cotton, of Milwaukee, Wis. 177 Samuel Gardner, the second son of Ebenezer and Damaris (Merrill) Gardner, was born in Machias, Maine, July 13, 1781. He was a farmer at Hadley's Lake, Maine. He married, first, Abigail Barry, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Knight) Barry of Marshfield. Jonathan Barry was the son of Westbrook and Jane (Freeman) Barry, one of the first settlers from Scarboro in 1763. Thomas Gardner (No. 178) and John Gardner (No. 179) married sisters of Abigail Barry. She died Mar. 21, 1831. He married, second, Jane F. Getchell, who died Jan. 18, 1841. His third wife was Relief Wilson. died May 16, 1853. Children: 268. He ATKINS, b. Feb. 16, 1808; m. Betsey Avery. Both dead. 269. MARY, b. Nov. 9, 1809; d. May 28, 1891; m. Oct. 28, 1828. Hiram Harmon, who was born May 28, 1802; d. Oct. 1, 1873, Children: 1. G. Wellington, b. Dec. 10, 1829; d. Dec. 1, 1857. 2. Mary E., b. Apr. 26, 1831; m. Dec. 20, 1861, Daniel Longfellow. 3. Leonard S., b. Oct. 12, 1833; m. Augustine "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq. of Augusta, Maine. 244 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Longfellow. 4. Hiram W., b. Dec. 24, 1834. 5. Nathan G., b. Dec. 28, 1835. 6. Abbie G., b. Oct. 8, 1838; m. A. J. Longfellow. 7. G. L., b. 1840; m. Amelia Gardner, dau. of Hiram and Rebecca (Crocker) Gardner (No. 286). 8. Laura S., b. 1841; m., 1st, B. F. Longfellow, a soldier of the Civil War, d. in 1862; m., 2nd, John Partington. 9. Frances A., b. Jan. 9, 1843; m. James Bean. 10. Theodore P., b. Apr. 26, 1844; d. Apr. 26, 1845. 11. Sherlock, b. Dec. 15, 1846; m. Olive Berry. 12. Watson, b. Nov. 9, 1848; d. Oct. 1, 1863. 13. Evelyn, b. Feb. 4, 1850; d. July 4, 1850. 14. Daniel W., b. May 19, 1852; m., 1st, Mary E. Gardner, dau. of Alfred and Mary (Crocker) Gardner (No. 282). She d. Dec. 31, 1885; he m., 2nd, Mary Barstow. 15. Charles F., b. Dec. 9, 1855, m. 270. NATHAN, b. Aug. 10, 1811; m. Louisa Harmon, dau. of Japhet Harmon. Child: 1. Angeline, m. John Maller. Both dead. 271. 272. LUCIUS, b. Apr. 15, 1814; d. Dec. 18, 1889; m. July 1, 1841, Lydia W. Albee, dau. of William and Hannah Albee. She d. Nov. 5, 1885. They lived at Hadley's Lake. Children : 1. Benjamin F., b. Aug. 6, 1843; d. May 3, 1862. 2. Julia M., b. June 4, 1845; m. Apr. 18, 1868, Stephen Mc Duffie, of Manchester, N. H., who d. July 23, 1882. She m., 2nd, Sept. 25, 1888, Gilbert F. Farley, of Goffstown, N. H. 3. Leonice B., b. July 19, 1850; d. Apr. 11, 1859. 4. Charles H., b. Apr. 1, 1852; m., 1st, Miss Smith of Ferndale who d. 1878; m., 2nd, March 5, 1889, Mrs. Lorena Church. He lives at Blue Lake, Cal. 5. Dunbar, b. Apr. 13, 1854; d. Oct. 20, 1864. 6. Frederick, b. Jan. 16, 1856; d. May 8, 1860. 7. Emily L., b. Mar. 25, 1861; m. June 13, 1883, George H. Willoby, s. of Charles and Augusta Willoby, of Brookline. He is a jeweler in Franklin, Mass. 8. Fred W., b. Aug. 21, 1863; m. Nov. 4, 1889, Etta K. Owen. They live at Milton, Mass. CAROLINE, b. Aug. 18, 1812; d. unmarried. 273. JONATHAN, b. Feb. 9, 1817; d. May 7, 1841. 274. DANIEL F., b. Jan. 1, 1819; d. Mar. 4, 1890; m. Sept. 22, 1842, Elvira Elsemore of East Machias, who was b. July 18, 1818. After farming for a time at Hadley's Lake, he went West and lumbered at Puget Sound. Children: 1. Lucy H., b. Dec. 31, 1843; d. Dec. 11, 1870; m. Aug. 19, 1866, Putnam Visher. 2. Eliza A., b. Feb 13, 1846; d. Aug. 6, 1886; m. Dec. 13, 1882, James H. Morton. 3. Adelaide F., b. Feb 4, 1848; m. June 25, 1873, James F. Simpson. 4. Lorenzo D. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 245 W., b. July 1, 1851; d. Jan. 15, 1882; m. Dec. 4, 1876, Eunice Wardwell. 5. Anson P. Morrell, b. July 23, 1855; d. Apr. 1, 1858. 275. LEONARD, b. Feb. 16, 1821; unm. Dead. 276. REBECCA, h. Dec. 13, 1823; unm. Dead. 277. ELLEN, b. Sept. 20, 1829; m. Dec. 5, 1849, James L. Meserve, son of William and Pamelia (Burnham) Meserve. He d. Sept. 20, 1896. Children: 1. Edwin W., b. June 30, 1855; d. Feb. 21, 1877. 2. Emily L., b. May 14, 1860; d. Sept. 8, 1860. 3. Fannie B., b. Jan. 23, 1864; d. Sept. 16, 1864. They lived at Cherryfield, where he was a mill owner and millwright. 278. HARRIET, m. Lord in California. Dead. 279. SAMUEL, d. at the age of 25. 178 Thomas Gardner, the third son of Ebenezer and Damaris (Merrill) Gardner, was born in Machias, Maine, October 10, 1783. He was a farmer and lumberman. He married December 1, 1808, Sarah Barry, sister to his brother Samuel's wife. An account of her ancestors has been given in the article upon Samuel Gardner (No. 177). She was born Aug. 12, 1789, and died Oct. 11, 1863. Children : 280. NATHANIEL MERRILL, b. Nov. 21, 1809; d. Jan. 4, 1875; m. Ruth Westcott. She d. in Aug., 1882. He was for many years a member of the firm of Longfellow & Gardner, lumber dealers at Machias. Children: 1. William M., b. Oct. 28, 1832; d. Aug. 18, 1837. 2. Mary A., b. Feb. 18, 1836; d. Aug., 1864; m. R. T. Crane. 3. William T., b. Jan. 31, 1838; d. Oct. 16, 1839. 4. Amanda B., b. Mar. 15, 1840; m. Dec. 31, 1863, Clark Longfellow, an apothecary at Machias. They now live in New York and have a summer cottage at Roque Bluff. 5. Julia Helen, b. Aug. 15, 1841; m. 1st, June, 1865, Edward Vinton; m. 2nd, Sept., 1882, Gustavus Barnes. Resides at Whitman, Mass. 6. Benjamin C., b. Jan. 25, 1844; d. Jan. 29, 1844. 7. Alice Drusilla, b. Aug. 27, 1846; m. Aug., 1873, William Caswell of Melrose, Mass. 281. DEBORAH, b. Dec. 1, 1810; d. Jan. 7, 1845; m., 1830, Coffin Smith, son of Stephen and Hannah (West) Smith. He died Aug. 15, 1895. Children: 1. Harrison Thatcher, b. Mar. 13, 1831; d. Sept. 15, 1885; m. Rebecca Hanscom. 2. Sarah, b. 1832; d. Aug. 28, 1849. 3. Augustine Gardner, b. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. 246 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Dec. 1, 1833; m. Dec. 7, 1855, Nelson Babcock. 4. Frederick, b. 1834; d. June 20, 1852. 5. T. Jefferson. 5. T. Jefferson. 6. George E. 7. Deborah Thatcher, b. May 6, 1839; m. Aug. 4, 1864, James White. 8. William C., d. 1879. 9. Leonora Harris, b. Dec. 21, 1844; d. fall of 1903; m. Aug. 11, 1881, Edward G. Fuller. They live at Wellesley, Mass. 282. ALFRED, b. July 16, 1812; m., 1st, Mary Crocker, dau. of John Crocker, and sister to his brother Hiram's wife; 2nd, Hannah M. Foss; 3d, Feb., 1862, Lizzie M. Harmon. He was a farmer at Hadley's Lake, on the farm where he was born and brought up. Children by his first wife Mary: 1. Peter Harris, b. Mar. 4, 1838; d. Mar. 3, 1840. 2. Henry Lyons, b. Dec. 5, 1839; d. Feb. 2, 1840. 3. Jacob William, b. Mar. 27, 1841; m. Apr. 19, 1868, Sophia Burton, and lives in Eureka, Cal. 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1843; d. Dec. 31, 1885; m. 1st, about 1858, James T. Gardner, son of James A. and Almira (Kilton) Gardner (No. 258); m., 2nd, Daniel W. Harmon, S. of Hiram and Mary (Gardner) Harmon (No. 269). 5. Olive Catherine, b. Jan. 9, 1846; d. Feb. 14, 1849. 6. Delia, b. Feb. 17, 1848; d. July, 1880; m. Oct. 2, 1867, Morton D. Harmon, s. of Henry Harmon. Children by his second wife Hannah M: 7. Millard Fillmore, b. Dec. 5, 1850; m. in Petrolia, Cal., May 29, 1877. Mary Emma Allen, who was b. in Calais, Me., June 5, 1853. 8. Lyman Beecher, b. Nov. 6, 1853; unm. He lives in Seattle, Wash. 9. Priscilla A., b. Nov. 12, 1855; d. Apr. 4, 1856. Children by his third wife Lizzie M.: 10. Charles S., b. Nov. 21, 1862; m. Aug. 27, 1884, Clara E. Barry of Machias, b. Apr. 6, 1860. He is a lumberman and truckman at Machias. 11. Irene, b. July 19, 1865; d. June 6, 1871. 12. Hiram W., b. Mar. 14, 1867; m. at Derby, Vt., Oct. 3, 1894, Dell Hildreth. He is a marble manufacturer. 13. Herbert M., b. Mar. 4, 1869; m. Mar. 20, 1895, Josephine R. Hasty of Machias, b. Feb. 9, 1873. 14. Horace T., b. Sept. 5, 1871; m. Sept. 9, 1893, Mabel Dennison, b. in Cutler, Jan. 21, 1873. 15. Alfred, b. Aug. 30, 1873. 16. James R. I., b. May 16, 1875. 283. WILLIAM, b. Aug. 22, 1814; d. July 31, 1857. He never married. He was a commission merchant at Baltimore. 284. JOHN, b. Nov. 4, 1815; d. July 5, 1897; m. May 8, 1845, Rebecca Berry, wid. of Stephen Berry, and dau. of John Berry who was one of the crew that captured the British schooner Margaretta and was severely wounded. Child: 1. Alonzo, b. July 29, 1846; m. Mar. 10, 1872, Lottie E. Small. They live in California. (They also brought up Celia Brown.) "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity." Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 247 285. SALLY, b. June 22, 1817; m. Oct. 5, 1836, Benjamin G. Challoner, son of Elisha D. and Lydia Challoner. He was b. Sept. 30, 1814; d. Mar. 30, 1879. They lived for a time at Cutler after which he was for some years in trade at East Machias. Children: 1. Benjamin Thomas, b. July 1, 1837; d. Feb. 19, 1897; m. Annie Sanford. He was postmaster at East Machias and held many important town offices. 2. Lucy H., b. June 11, 1839; d. Mar. 14, 1877. 3. Sarah Augusta, b. June 27, 1841; d. Apr. 6, 1874; m. a Mr. Lathrop. 4. H. Antoinette, b. Oct. 17, 1844; m. July 10, 1867, F. H. Wiswell, a storekeeper at East Machias. He was b. June 20, 1845. 5. Emma, b. May 9, 1847; m. Edward Harding, M. D., of Boston. 6. Samuel Buckman, He is a hotel proprietor b. Jan. 25, 1850; m. Hattie in California. a successful 286. HIRAM, b. June 18, 1819; m. July 27, 1843, Rebecca Crocker, sister to Alfred Gardner's wife (No. 282). She was b. Dec. 30, 1820 and d. 1902. He was for years lumberman, and lives at Machias. Children : 1. Amelia, b. June 9, 1844; m. May 31, 1869, Gilbert L. Harmon, of Machias, s. of Hiram and Mary (Gardner) Harmon (No. 269). 2. Viola, b. Feb. 23, 1846; d. 1899. 3. George E., b. Feb. 10, 1849; d. Dec. 24, 1868. 4. Morey, b. Apr. 15, 1852; m. Nov. 28, 1872, Susan N. Lynch. He is the proprietor of one of the leading grocery stores at Machias. 5. Emma L, b. July 17, 1854; d. Sept. 9, 1879. 6. Addie R., b. Dec. 9, 1858; d. Mar. 28, 1872. 7. Angelia M., b. Dec. 24, 1861; d. July 15, 1877. 287. THOMAS, b. Mar. 27, 1821; d. June 26, 1822. 288. THOMAS M., b. Dec. 9, 1822; m. Dec. 9, 1844, Julia R. Gardner (No. 266), dau. of Ebenezer and Sally (Albee) Gardner. He was a farmer and lumberman and for a number of years has kept a hotel at East Machias where he is well known to all the travelling public. Children : 1. Edward P., b. Feb. 13, 1846; m. Mar. 1, 1873, Leo A. Munson. He is an American Express agent and livery stable keeper at East Machias. He adopted Ed Earle Dennison, b. June 7, 1886. 2. Emily T., b. Mar. 24, 1848; Jan. 20, 1872, Elbert E. Wiswell, proprietor of a hardware store at East Machias. 3. Susan S., b. Jan. 11, 1850; d. June 5, 1855. 4. Sarah Edna, b. July 5, 1852; d. Oct. 17, 1869. 5. Aurelia R., b. Dec. 15, 1854. 6. Susan T., b. May 1, 1857; d. Apr. 17, 1868. 7. Harlan P., b. Aug. 5, 1859; m. Dec. 22, 1883, Lizzie A. Whittier. He is a m. "The Gardner Family of Machias an 1 Vicinity." Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. 248 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. 289. storekeeper at East Machias. 8. Florence, b. June 1, 1862; d. May 2, 1892; m. Dec. 29, 1888, Charles McReavey. 9. Walter S., b. Feb. 3, 1865; m. Oct. 8, 1889, Emma K. Smalley. He is a livery stable keeper. DANIEL F., b. Jan. 25, 1825; m. 1st, Oct. 8, 1853, Sarah S. Lincoln, dau. of William and Leah (Leighton) Lincoln of Dennysville. She was b. Dec. 20, 1826 and d. Nov. 7, 1878. William Lincoln was the son of Matthew Lincoln of Sidney, Maine, and a native of Hingham, Mass. Leah was the dau. of Samuel Leighton, whose wife was a Hersey. He m. 2nd, Oct. 8, 1881, Lucy Keller, a native of East Machias widow of Ambrose Brown of Brooklyn, N. Y. She d. Nov. 19, 1895, aged 64. In 1849, at the time of the gold fever, he went to California, via Cape Horn, returning in 1852 via the Isthmus. He has been a farmer and lumberman at East Machias most of his life. He has also been engaged in the manufacture of sardines at Machiasport. In 1895, he removed to Augusta, Maine. Children: 1. Laura S., b. June 5, 1855; m. Aug. 27, 1876, H. M. IIeath, a prominent lawyer of Augusta, s. of Alvin C. and Sarah (Philbrook) Heath, of Gardiner, Maine. 2. Annie, b. March 29, 1857; m. June 8, 1892, Charles L. Andrews, of Augusta, s. of George H. and Sarah (Safford) Andrews of Monmouth, Me. (Mr. Andrews is a well known lawyer in Augusta, Maine. The writer wishes to express his thanks to him for compiling the records of the Gardner family of Machias and for permitting them to be utilized in these articles.) 3. Charlie C., b. Nov. 5, 1859; d. Apr. 20, 1865. 4. Lucy A., b. Aug. 6, 1862; d. June 13, 1864. 5. Willie, b. Apr. 11, 1864; d. Aug. 18, 1864. 6. Linnie B., b. Apr. 5, 1865; m. Nov. 13, 1889, Orrin A. Tuell of Augusta, s. of James Tuell of East Machias. He d. Jan. 16, 1895. 7. Lincoln, b. Apr. 19, 1867; m. June 30, 1901, Georgie Smith. He is a resident of Lewiston, Maine. 290. HANNAII, b. Jan. 25, 1825; m. Oct. 17, 1885, J. W. Parker, who was b. Apr. 3, 1827. They live at Portland. The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity." Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 249 291. MIRANDA, b. Apr. 10, 1828; d. Sept. 7, 1903; m. Nov. 18, 1845, Warren Smith, a lumberman of Northfield, Me. He was b. Sept. 21, 1822; d. Jan. 23, 1896. They lived in Whitney- ville, Me., until Apr. 5, 1872, when they moved to Seattle, Wash. Children: 1. Zelia Gardner, b. Mar. 4, 1847; m. June, 1870, Lorenzo M. Crawford of Bath, Me. They live in Minneapolis, Minn. 2. William Ellis, b. July 17, 1848, m. 1st, Nov. 25, 1880, Ellen A. Stillwell, of Windsor, N. Y., She d. Mar. 26, 1886. He m. 2nd, Mar. 3, 1888, Eugenia Bedford of Indiana. 3. Nathan Turner, b. Mar. 16, 1850, at Whitneyville; d. in Chicago, Oct. 14, 1879. 4. Ada Eugenia, b. Oct. 11, 1856, at Whitneyville; m. Sept. 2, 1880. George Sumner Jacobs, who d. at Seattle, Apr. 5, 1889. They live 1854; d. Nov. 24, 292. HORACE, b. May 11, 1830; m. Sept 1, 1853, Delia Crocker, dau. of Horace Crocker. She was born June 1, 1837. He has been a successful lumberman for years. at Machias. Children: 1. Albert, b. Dec. 22, Dec. 31, 1854. 2. Ella M., b. Nov. 21, 1856; d. 1856. 3. William E., b. Apr. 18, 1859; m. Dec. 25, 1879, Harriet C. Crowley. He is a leading merchant at Machias. 4. Evelyn S., b. Dec. 20, 1864; d. Aug. 20, 1865. 179 John Gardner, the fourth son of Ebenezer, and Damaris (Merrill) Gardner, was born July 16, 1785. He was a farmer and lumberman at Machiasport. He married first, May 19, 1812, Susan Barry, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Knight) Barry of Marshfield. She was a sister to his brother Samuel's wife, and also to "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq., of Augusta, Maine. 250 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, She was born May 9, 1795, He married second, February his brother Thomas' wife. and died May 20, 1828. 14, 1830, Mary Palmer, daughter of Daniel and Polly Palmer and granddaughter of William Albee. She was born March 3, 1810, and died Aug. 23, 1833. After her death he married third, 1836, Lavina Foster, daughter of Daniel Hoyt. She died Sept. 22, 1879. He died Decem- ber 8, 1846. Children of John and Susan : 293. LOUISA A., b. Dec. 16, 1813; d. Dec. 12, 1894; m. Apr. 19, 1837, Elisha A. Palmer, of Machias. He was born Apr. 13, 1813, and was the son of John and Mercie (Albee) Palmer. Children: Children: 1. Augustus H., b. May 10, 1838; m. Oct. 17, 1865, Abbie M. Noyes, who was b. Dec. 24, 1844. They live near the old Ebenezer Gardner homestead in Machiasport. 2. Laura Ellen, b. Dec. 1, 1840; m. Oct. 24, 1863, Simeon C. Foss of Marshfield, who was b. Mar. 5, 1833. 3. Sophia L., b. Mar. 14, 1842; d. Feb. 8, 1869; m. June 17, 1868, Benjamin F. Taylor. 4. Henry N., b. June 24, 1844; d. Aug. 12, 1844. 5. Emma P., b. Dec. 22, 1847; m. Apr. 15, 1882, Benjamin F. Taylor, after the death of her sister Sophia. 6. Mercie E., b. June 7, 1851; m. Oct. 22, 1885, Horace S. Foss. 294. HANNAI FOSTER, b. Mar. 1, 1815; m. 1st, George Sanborn; 2nd, Theodore Smith. Children: 1. George Sanborn. IIe resides in California. 2. Edwina Foster Smith, m. Le- ander II. Cram. 3. Mary Hannah Smith, b. June 4, 1845; d. Sept. 12, 1886; m. May 17, 1867, Thomas Thaxter Bach- eller, s. of Rev. Gilman and Lydia L. (Haynes) Batcheller of Machiasport.* 295. GEORGE, b. Feb. 14, 1817; d. Apr. 22, 1819. 296. GEORGE, 2nd, b. May 20, 1818; died; m. Margaret Foster. Children: 1. Josephine, m. Trafton. 2. Henrietta, 297. m. George Loomis, resides in New York. STILLMAN, b. July 29, 1820; d. Sept. 24, 1825. 298. SUSAN, b. 1823; died. 299. CHARLES, b. Jan. 26, 1825; d. Oct. 2, 1827. 300. MARY, b. Oct. 29, 1826; m. Theodore Smith. Died. Child. 1. Sarah, m. Arthur Cambell, who resides in Minnesota. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq., Augusta, Maine. * Batchelder, Bacheller Genealogy," pp. 180 and 241. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 251 Pond John Berry. 0 ㅁ ​Cemetery. Hiram Gordner, + Abel Hadley. George Hadley Daniel Berry. D Stephen Berry !Thos. Gardner. Alfred Gardner. Quarry Wm. Albee. O James Gardner. D Honry Harmon.☐ Hiram Harmon. Ambard To Machias. Calvin Alves: SHO Jahhel Harmon Daniel Berry Thos. Gardner. Hadley's Napoleon Albee: Lake. Louis Albee. Henry Gardner.. D. Foslar Gardner. O Lucius Gardner. Cemetery. Evenezer Gardner. Samuel Gardner. Lucius Gardner. Hadley's Lake Maine. • Woodworth. To East Machias. 》》》→→ Thaxter Gardner. 252 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Children of John and Mary: 301. SABRINA A., b. Feb. 3, 1831; m. Dec. 30, 1858, Benjamin F. Tenney. After his decease she m. 2nd, Nov. 3, 1877, Wins- low Bates, a prominent lawyer in Eastport. Children by first husband: 1. Frank Atwood, b. Nov. 30, 1859; d. June 17, 1869. 2. George Irvin, b. Mar. 14, 1862; d. Nov. 3, 1864. 3. Mary Eva, b. May 28, 1867; m. Sept. 26, 1889, Joseph S. Bucknam of Eastport. 302. MERCIE AMANDA, b. Mar. 16, 1833; m. Nov. 24, 1853, Bar- zilla Dunning. They reside in Whitneyville. Children: 1. Carrie Edna, b. Jan. 25, 1856; d. Mar. 7, 1860. 2. Mary Agnes, b. Sept 27, 1858; m. Jan. 6, 1884, Arno Mereen. 3, Wales Arthur, b. Jan. 16, 1861, resides in Minneapolis. 4. Daniel Howard, b. Oct. 23, 1866, resides in Minneapolis. 5. Edith Marie, b. Mar. 6, 1868, resides at North Adams, Mass. 6. Winnifred, b. Jan. 13, 1871; d. June 23, 1871. Children of John and Lavina: 303. JOHN ROSCOE, d. young. 304. LAURA HELEN, d. young. 305. JOHN OSBERT, m. and moved to Kansas. 180 William Gardner, the fifth son of Ebenezer and Damaris (Merrill) Gardner, was born October 21, 1789. He lived for a number of years at Machiasport, where he was for a long time deacon of the Congrega- tional church and prominent in church affairs. In 1852 he moved to Machiasport. He married October 9, 1817, Lydia Albee, daughter of William Albee, and sister to his brother Ebenezer's wife. She was born July 10, 1789, and died April 2, 1868. He died there October 9, 1863. Children: 306. LYDIA, b. July 21, 1818; d. at Harrington, Feb. 5, 1898; m. Aug. 17, 1837, Charles Tobey, (b. July 17, 1812, d. May 11, 1875,) s. of Elisha Tobey. Children: 1. Judith A., b. Sept. 11, 1838; m. May 14, 1860, Harland E. Plummer, who d. May 15, 1879. 2. Adeline, b. Oct. 1, 1840; m. June 4, 1876, Edward W. Shackford. 3. James Osbert, b. Mar. 19, 1844; m. July 28, 1867, Lauretta E. Harmon. 307. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 29, 1820; d. Apr. 29, 1834. 308. LUCY S., b. Apr. 16, 1823; d. in Michigan, Apr. 1, 1870; m. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrew Esq., Augusta, Maine. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 253 James H. Smith of Northfield, Me. Children: 1. William Gardner, b. in Northfield and now lives in Sturgis, Dakota. 2. Sarah Maria, b. in Northfield and now lives in Sturgis, Dakota. 3. Roger. 309. CHARLES STILLMAN, b. Nov. 29, 1825; d. Mar. 7, 1848. 310. ABIGAIL T., b. Sept 23, 1827; m. Nov. 1, 1847, James Stuart of Machiasport, where she now lives. Children: 1. Helen J., b. Apr. 27, 1850. 2. Frank H., b. June 10, 1852; d. Jan. 19, 1857. 3. Charles H., b. Oct. 4, 1858; d. Mar. 26, 1888. 4. Ida May, b. May 15, 1860; d. Apr. 19, 1882. 5. Frank L., b. Nov. 10, 1866; d. Jan. 17, 1890. 311. Ezekiel T., b. Sept. 27, 1830; d. Oct. 5, 1856. 312. Harriet N., b. Nov. 1, 1832; d. Feb. 27, 1890; m. Harrison Albee of Whitneyville. Children: 1. Abbie Alice, died. 2. Annie, d. 3. d. 4. Lydia, d. 5. Fred, lives near Portland. 313. SARAH S., b. Nov. 1, 1832; d. Feb. 26, 1897, unmarried. 314. MARY E., b. Feb. 22, 1836; d. Mar. 19, 1848. 315. LUCINDA S., b. Mar. 21, 1843; d. Jan. 21, 1845. 182 Joseph Gardner, the elder son of Abel and Abigail (Chapman) Gardner, born about 1761, was a cordwainer. REAL ESTATE. His grandmother, Hannah Gillingham, who died in 1793, left to him the northern end of a house on the west- ern side of what is now Summer street, near Essex Street, in Salem. In July (9th) of that year he mortgaged the property to John Dutch, for £10. This was discharged Dec. 26, 1800.* December 24, 1800 he mortgaged it again to John Dutch for $150, and this was discharged Feb. 19, 1802.† The same property was mortgaged about this time to Jonathan Hodges,‡ who finally purchased it September 28, 1811, of Jonathan Archer, administrator of the estate of Joseph Gardner, for $160.§ A picture of the old house with an account of its numerous owners, is given in the Essex Antiquarian, v. IV, pp. 162-3. "The Gardner Family of Machias and Vicinity," by Charles L. Andrews, Esq., Augusta, Maine. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 156, leaf 187. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 168, leaf 89. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 169, leaf 226. SEssex Registry of Deeds, book 193, leaf 291. 254 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Joseph Gardner and his wife were given an undivided half of the western part of the Jonathan Neal house on the western corner of Broad and Cambridge streets, when Jonathan's property was divided, September 24, 1799.* They mortgaged this to Edward A. Holyoke, Dec. 28, 1808. This was discharged November 25, 1815.† They together with other heirs of Jonathan Neal, sold land in Danvers, Jan. 22, 1803, to Joseph Newhall, Jr.‡ Joseph Gardner married November 4, 1784,§ Sarah Neal, daughter of Jonathan and Annis (White) Neal.|| She survived him and died in September, 1816, aged fifty- six years. Her son Joseph Gardner, Jr., was appointed administrator, and the property amounting to $105.74, was divided among her sons John, David, Benjamin, Jos- eph, Jr. and Abel, May 20, 1817.** He died about 1811. The inventory of his estate dated April 13, 1811, mentioned "One half part of a house, with the land under the same, and is situated in Summer street in said Salem-$400." This was the only real es- tate. The personal property amounted to $80.23.†† Jonathan Archer the administrator charged $100 for his services, which brought the list of debts to $519.03, and made the estate insolvent. The court ordered the admin- istrator to sell the real estate September 26, 1811. The estate was declared insolvent October 22, of the same year. A report of the Commissioners of Claims, made April 22, 1812, gave a list of debts amounting to $283.14. The final account was rendered July 21, 1812, and ac- cepted, the administrator being allowed fifty dollars.§§ Joseph Jr., was appointed guardian of his younger brothers ;-David aged 20, Benjamin aged 17 and Abel aged 12, April 21, 1812.|| || *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 166, leaves 70 and 112. +Essex Registry of Deeds, book 185, leaf 259. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 175, leaf 211. §Salem Town Records. "Neal Records." Essex Institute Library, p. 22. Salem Gazette, Oct. 1, 1816. Essex Probate Records, book 391, leaf 446. ††Essex Probate Records, book 380, leaf 396. Essex Probate Records, book 381, leaves 246 and 320. §§Essex Probate Records, book 382, leaves 521-2. ||||Essex Probate Records, book 382, leaf 253. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 255 Children: 316. JOSEPH, b. about 1785; d. June 27, 1870, aged 85 years, 2 months and 27 days;‡ m. Apr. 24, 1808, Nancy Thayer, dau. of Benjamin and Jane (Clark) Thayer.* Children: 1. Sarah Neal, b. Jan. 23, 1809; unmarried. She lived in Sa- lem in the house which her father owned, until the au- tumn of 1903 when she went to Louisville, Ky. She is bright and intelligent notwithstanding her advanced age. The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to her for facts which she has kindly furnished. 2. Abel Henry, d. Portland, Me., Nov. 25, 1815.† 3. Joseph, b. about Feb., 1812; d. Portland, Me., Nov. 25, 1815.† 4. Edward Augus- tus, b. Apr., 1813; d. Jan. 8, 1872; m. Jan. 9, 1841, Lauri- na P. Holm. They resided in Louisville, Ky. 5. Nancy, b. about 1813; d. Portland, Me., Aug. 9, 1820, “in the 8th year of her age."+ 6. Joseph, b. Salem, Dec. 21, 1815; d. South Boston, Mar. 28, 1883; m. Boston, Nov. 22, 1844, Mary Conley, dau. of John and Julia (Connell) Conley. She was b. Mallow, Ireland, July 4, 1820; d. South Bos- ton, Oct. 28, 1887.‡ He was a watchmaker in Boston, doing business for many years on Washington street. 7. Abel Henry, b. Portland, Me., Dec. 17, 1826; m. Dec. 16, 1852, Mary W. Stetson, of Medford, Mass. Hc lived in Louisville many years, but is at present a resident of Redlands, Cal. 8. William O., b. Portland, Me., 1831; d. Aug. 12, 1868; m. Springfield, Sept. 15, 1857, Helen M. Longfellow, dau. of Hannibal and Abigail (Langley) Long- fellow. Joseph Gardner, Jr., was a barber. He bought a lot of land on the western side of Beckford street, of William Dean, Mar. 11, 1815, and sold the same lot with a house upon it to Thomas Perkins, Sept. 27, 1823. In the last named deed he was mentioned as a resident of Portland, Me. He lived in the last named city about 45 years, doing business as a hair dresser on Middle street, and residing at No. 36 Pearl street. He returned to Salem about 1868 and resided on Winthrop street until his death. He was large and quite tall. 317. JOHN, b. about 1789; d. New Orleans, Oct., 1817, aged 28. *Salem Town Records. †Portland (Maine) Records. Family Records. 256 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 318. SARAH, d. Sept., 1816.* 319. 320. DAVID, b. about 1792 ;† d. Nov. 6, 1864, aged 72 years, 8 m;‡ m. 1st, at Salem, Dec. 15, 1816,‡ Jane Johnson, of Andover. She d. Apr. 5, 1826, aged 33 years. M. 2nd, Sept. 10, 1835, Mrs. Hannah Ames, ‡ wid. of Burpee Ames. Her maiden name was Brown and she was born in Lynn. (all by his first wife.) 1. Child, d. Mar., 1818.§ م Children: 2. Child, b. about July, 1820; d. Sept., 1821, aged 18 mos. 3. Sarah Ellen, b. about 1823; d. Sept. 23, 1862, aged 39 3-4 years.‡ 4. David H., b. about 1825; d. May 1, 1850, aged 25.‡ He was a tailor, and became a partner of William A. Purbeck in that business in 1845. He lived with his father at No. 5 Cambridge street. The Salem Gazette of May 4, 1850, contains a tribute to his memory in verse. David Gardner was a mason by trade. He lived for many years at No. 5 Cambridge street, and about 1861 re- moved to No. 21 Beckford street. BENJAMIN, b. about 1795;† d. Jan. 2, 1872, aged 77 years 4 mos. and 12 days;‡ m. Oct. 10, 1815, Betsey Nichols, dau. of James and Mary (Learock) Nichols. ‡ Children: 1. Mary Ann, d. in infancy. (Salem Gazette, Sept. 12, 1817.) 2. Eliza A., b. Portsmouth, N. H., Apr. 21, 1817; d. Salem, Dec. 4, 1898, aged 71 years, 7 mos. and 12 days; m. Salem, July 6, 1840, Joseph L. Glidden, of Wolfboro, N.H. 3. Samuel S., d. aged 15 mos. (Salem Gazette, Dec. 31, 1819.) 4. Sarah, b. Portsmouth, N. H., about 1819; d. Feb. 17, 1860, aged 41 and 1-3 years, at Taunton; m. Jan. 4, 1847, Isaac C. Brooks,¶ s. of James and Mary (Caldwell) Brooks. 5. Benjamin, b. about 1821; d. about 1888; m. Ellen Wilkin- son, of Rochester, N. Y. They resided at Millburn, Lake Co., Ill. 6. Abel, d. young. 7. John Henry, b. about 1823; d. about 1887; m. Key West, Fla., Apr. 22, 1850, Elizabeth Roberts, dau. of James and Patience (Adams) Roberts. He resided at Key West, Florida. 8. A son b. about May, 1826; d. Sept., 1827, aged 61 mos.** 9. Charles, b. Ports- mouth, N. H., Oct. 9, 1827; m. 1st, at Salem, Mass., June 11, 1849, Eleanor B. Campbell,+† dau. of Gardner and Agnes Campbell of Waltham. She was b. in Feb., 1829; d. at *"'Neal Records," Essex Institute Library, p. 22. +Essex Probate Records, book 382, leaf 253. Salem Town Records. §Salem Gazette, March 27, 1818. ||Salem Gazette, Sept. 28, 1821. Salem Gazette, Jan. 8, 1847. **Salem Gazette, Sept. 25, 1827. Salem Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 257 Gloucester, Nov. 21, 1856.* M. 2nd, at Gloucester, Aug. 20, 1857, Sarah M. Courtney,* dau. of Samuel and Sarah A. (Seymour) Courtney. She was b. Gloucester, and d. Gloucester, Apr. 3, 1903, aged 71 yrs. 8 mo. He was a mer- chant tailor in Gloucester, doing business on Front street until about 1878, when he moved to No. 106 Main. He gave up business in Jan., 1889. He was First Lieut. of the Gloucester Light Infantry from 1847 until 1858, when he served as Acting Captain for one year. He resides at No. 30 Summer street, Gloucester. 10. James William. He was a carpenter in Salem for many years, living at his father's house on Federal street until about 1873, and later with his brother Abel at No. 19 Walter street. He re- moved to Millburn, Ill., about 1882. He was mustered into the 2nd Co. Sharpshooters, 22nd Regt., Mass. Vol., Aug. 27, 1862, as a private, and was mustered out Oct. 17, 1864. 11. Mary Abby, b. about 1834; d. at Medford, Dec. 18, 1855, aged 21 3-4 years; m. at Salem, Apr. 16, 1854, Charles H. Lewis, s. of Peter and Sarah E. Lewis. 12. Abel, b. Jan. 16, 1837; d. at Somerville, Mass., Aug. 23, 1898; m. at Salem, Sept. 27, 1861, Emily G. Russell, dau. of William and Susan (Glover) Russell. She d. Jan. 10, 1887, aged 44 yrs., 8 mos. and 20 d. He was mustered as a private in Co. A. 5th Regt. Mass. Vol., May 1st., 1861 for three months service, and was mustered out Jan. 31, 1861. On the 5th, of Oct. of that year he was mustered as a private in the Second Co. Sharpshooters, and was discharged for disability Sept. 22, 1862. In 1863 (Jan. 6), he was again. mustered into the service, this time as a private in Co. B. 1st Batallion, Mass. Heavy Artillery, and was mustered out as corporal, June 29, 1865. From 1874 until 1895, he lived at No. 19 Walter street in Salem, but removed to Somerville in the latter year. Benjamin Gardner was a barber by trade. He com- menced business in Salem about 1828, having engaged in the same occupation on Congress street, Portsmouth, N.II., before that time. He retired in 1862, and a long account of him is given in the Salem Gazette of Nov. 7th, of that year. He owned and occupied the house numbered 99 Federal street. This house which has since been removed, stood on the western end of the lot now connected with the *Gloucester Records. | Salem Gazette, Dec. 21, 1855. Salem Records. 258 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Shreve estate numbered 97 Federal street, where Capt. John Daland lives. 321. ABEL, b. about 1800; d. at sea on board the China, in 1822.* Unmarried. son 183 Abel Symonds Gardner, the second ∙of Abel and Abigail (Chapman) Gardner was a car- penter and builder. He was appointed surveyor of boards in March, 1800, and was one of the enginemen of the en- gine"Exchange" in that year and the year following. † He served on a committee of the Federal party to dis- tribute votes in Ward Three in the spring of 1803.‡ thel Gandnes He moved to Charlestown within a year or two of the last named date, and superintended the construction of the Chelsea bridge. Later he moved to Chelsea, and was toll gatherer at the above bridge for many years. REVOLUTIONARY SERVICE. His record as given in the Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, v. VI, p. 258, is as fol- lows:-"Boy, ship" Rhodes," commanded by Capt. Ne- hemiah Buffington; descriptive list of officers and crew sworn to Aug. 14, 1780; age 17 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 6 in.; complexion, light; residence, Salem.” REAL ESTATE. Abel Gardner, housewright, bought of Joseph Sy- monds, for $400, April 3, 1797, a small dwelling house with land on Broad street.§ This house is the small two and one-half story dwelling house, now numbered 36 on that street. He lived here until he moved to Charlestown, *Salem Gazette, May 7, 1822. †Salem Town Records. Salem Gazette, April 1, 1803. $Essex Registry of Deeds, book 161, leaf 176 AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 259 when he sold the house to his son-in-law William W. Oli- ver, Feb. 23, 1805.* Abel and his wife Bethiah, with the other heirs of Jo- seph Pitman, sold, October 18, 1800, to Samuel Turner, of Marblehead, two undivided thirds of the late dwelling house of her father, on the northern side of Broad street, east of Flint street. † After the death of Bethiah's moth. er, they sold to Mark Pitman, May 21, 1811, their inter est in the remaining third of this property.‡ Bethiah with the other heirs of her grandfather, Joseph Pitman (wife Elizabeth) sold his late homestead on the north- eastern corner of Flint and Broad streets, to Thomas Field, December 7, 1804.8 In 1828 (May 6) he bought of John Wright of Chelsea, a salt marsh in Saugus, and sold the same to said Wright, October 6, 1832.|| Abel Gardner married October 6, 1785, Bethiah Pit- man, daughter of Joseph and Bethiah (Chapman) Pitman.¶ She died in Chelsea, January 13, 1837 ** or 1838,†† aged seventy. Abel Gardner died in Chelsea, Oct. 9, 1836, aged 77 years.** Children: 322. SARAII, b. July 12, 1786;‡‡ d. Mar. 29, 1838; m. Oct. 31, 1805, William W. Oliver, s. of Hubbard and Rebecca (Wallis) Oliver.§§ He was b. Salem, Dec., 1778; d. Dec. 29, 1869, aged 91 years, 19 days. Children: 1. William Gardner, d. unmarried. 2. Hannah Newhall, b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. at Salem, Jan. 27, 1846; m. Nov. 10, 1835, John Buttolph Knight, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Ward) Knight.‡‡ He was b. Salem, Aug. 1, 1803;‡‡ d. Salem, June 7, 1846.‡‡ William W. Oliver was a well known man in Salem, and was employed at the Custom House. He frequently went to Boston on business, walking both ways. He took *Original deed now owned by the author. † Essex Registry of Deeds, book 168, leaf 44. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 193, leaf 118. SEssex Registry of Deeds, book 174, leaf 228. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 249, leaf 124; and book 281, leaf 57. TSalem Town Records. **Chelsea Records. ††Salem Gazette, Jan. 19, 1838. Family Records. $$Salem Records. 260 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, especial pride in his ability to arrive at either end of his journey ahead of the stage. He owned and occupied the Abel Gardner house on Broad street which has been described. 323. ABEL, b. Sept. 10, (bap. 21*) 1788; d. May 27, 1872;† m. 1st, Sept. 15, 1811, Hannah Newhall,† dau. of Samuel Newhall. She d. Oct. 17, 1811. M. 2nd, July 24, 1815, Jane Bray,† dau. of John and Rebecca (Thompson) Bray. The Marble- head Records give her parentage as Benjamin and Rebecca (Holman) Bray, but her grand-daughter, Mrs. Sarah J. Bel- knap,and other authorities on the Bray Family, have proved to the author that the town record is wrong. She d. May 9, 1866, aged 78 yrs, 3 days. † Child by his first wife, Han- nah; 1. Hannah Newhall, b. Marblehead, Oct. 8, 1811; d. Chelsea, Apr. 19, 1897; m. Chelsea, May 3, 1833, John Low, s. of James and Thurza (Packard) Low. He was b. Nov. 15, 1808; d. Jan. 22, 1894. Children by his second wife, Jane: 2. Sarah Jane (Sally) b. Dec. 29, 1816; d. Louisville, Ky.; m. Marblehead, Sept. 21, 1837, John Girdler, s. of Lewis and Sarah (Brooks) Girdler. He was b. Marblehead, Feb. 8, 1806, and d. Marblehead, Oct. 2, 1853. He followed the sea for many years, rising to the rank of captain at the age of 22. At the time of the gold fever he was master of the ship Van- dalia off San Francisco. The entire crew deserted as soon as they reached port, leaving him alone with the ship for over two months. 3. Bethiah P., b. Marblehead, Mar. 31, 1818; d. Marblehead, Nov. 17, 1865, aged 47 yrs. 7 mo. 17 days; m. Marblehead, Dec. 25, 1837, William O. Turner, s. of Samuel and Sarah (Pitman) Turner. He was b. Marblehead, Mar. 4, 1817, and d. Nov. 14, 1863, aged 46 yrs., 9 mo. 8 d. 4. Rebecca Bray, b. Marblehead, June 30, 1820; d. Boston, Jan. 3, 1896; m. Dec. 6, 1842, Richard W. Dixey, s. of John and Rebecca (Cowell) Dixey. He was b. Marblehead, Feb. 25, 1809; d. Mobile, Alabama, Sept. 16, 1860. 5. Priscilla, b. Nov. 21, 1821; m. 1st, Marblehead, Oct. 5, 1843, Samuel J. Good- win, s. of Samuel and Tabitha (Stevens) Goodwin. He was b. Jan. 22, 1821; d. Fort Albany, Va., Sept. 4, 1865. M. 2nd, Marblehead, Nov. 1, 1865, John Stone, s. of John and Mary (Hathaway) Stone. He d. Marblehead, Dec. 11, 1873, aged 58 yrs., 8 m. 21 days.† Samuel J. Goodwin *South Church Records. †Marblehead Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 261 enlisted July 3, 1861, (mustered 5th) in Co. G., 14th Regt. Mass. Vol. (Afterwards 1st Heavy Artillery.) He served as Quartermaster's Clerk. "He died at Fort Albany, Va., by reason of disease contracted while in the United States Service."* 6. Mary B., b. Apr. 1, 1827; d. Chelsea, Feb. 9, 1901; m. Oct. 27, 1853, John E. M. Gilley, s. of John and Esther (Quiner) Gilley. He was b. Dec. 23, 1826, and d. Chelsea, Mass., Feb., 1876. He was a broker in the Old State House, Boston, and resided at No. 278 Washing- ton Ave., Chelsea. In deeds Abel Gardner was a baker in Marblehead. bearing date of 1840 and later, he was frequently called "merchant" or gentleman.' He owned and occupied the three story house on Washington street, next south of the old Stone Church. His real estate transactions were numerous and he owned many lots in different parts of the town. He held many mortgages on property in Marblehead, and owned shares in several fishing vessels. He was a worthy member of old Philanthropic Lodge, F. and A. M., and an ardent defender of the craft at the time of the anti-masonic excitement in 1831.† He was a Director of the Marblehead Bank. Unmarried. 324. JOSEPH PITMAN, bap. Nov. 29, 1795; d. at sea. 325. PRISCILLA, bap. Oct. 5, 1800;t d. Lynn, Mar. 19, 1866; m. at Chelsea, Feb. 17, 1819, John Wright.§ He was b. Boston, 1790; d. Lynn, May 14, 1874, aged 84 yrs. 1 m. 14 d. Children: 1. Mary G., b. Jan. 14, 1820; d. July 3, 1896; ni. Jan. 31, 1840, Joseph B. Lamper, s. of James and Mary (Brown) Lamper of Gilmanton, N. H. 2. Sarah E., b. Sept. 19, 1821; d. July 9, 1902; m. New York City, July 12, 1856, William A. Lamper, s. of James and Elizabeth (Edger- ly) Lamper of Gilmanton, N. H. He d. Lynn, Feb. 6, 1893, aged 68 yrs. 11 mos. 3. Harriet O., b. Apr. 27, 1823; d. about 1825. 4. Priscilla J., b. Nov. 15, 1825; d. Lynn, Mar. 8, 1884; m. James B. Chase, s. of John B. and Sarah (Breed) Chase. He d. Lynn, Dec. 29, 1902. 5. Harriet A., b. Apr. 27, 1827; d. California, Oct. 14, 1897; m. Moses E. Parsons. No issue. 6. William G., b. Dec. 21, 1828; d. in California, in 1849 or 50. Unmarried. 7. Emily S., b. Apr. 9, 1830; d. about 1842. S. Abel G., b. June 25, *Marblehead Rebellion Record. +Salem Gazette, Nov. 8, 1831. South Church Records, Salem. SChelsea Records. 262 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1831; d. Jan. 21, 1864. He was mustered into Co. D. 8th Reg't, Inf. Mass. Vol., as a wagoner, Sept. 19, 1862, and was mustered out at the expiration of his service, Aug. 7, 1863. Unmarried. 9. Helen M., b. Jan. 8, 1833; d. abt. 1841. 10. Abby H., b. June 29, 1835; d. Lynn, Sept. 25, 1900. 11. John Pitman, b. Sept. 9, 1837; m. Lynn, Aug. 31, 1871, Sarah A. Martin, dau. of George W. and Sarah E. (Doak) Martin. He enlisted in the U. S. Navy in 1861, for one year, serving on the Gunboat Mystic. He re-en- listed Dec. 9, 1863, and served on the U. S. S. Sacramento, receiving his discharge Aug. 18, 1865, at which time he was Quarter Gunner. He enlisted again in 1867, on the U. S. S. Franklin, under Admiral Farragut. This time he served 18 months. He is a member of Gen'l Lander Post No. 5, G. A. R. 12. Benjamin S., b. Oct. 8, 1839; d. Lynn, Sept. 8, 1868. Unmarried. John Wright kept a tavern in North Chelsea, near the present site of the Town Hall in Revere. He moved to Lynn about 1850, and kept a gunnery store on the corner of Green and Broad streets. 326. MARY C., b. in Charlestown; d. Chelsea, Apr. 5, 1844; m. Chelsea, Oct. 17, 1826, Ralph Beatley, s. of Ralph and Elizabeth (Sumner) Beatley. He was b. Jan. 8, 1803; d. Chelsea, July 28, 1879. Children: 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 25, 1827; d. June 23, 1853; m. May 9, 1850, Fred A. Willis. 2. Joseph William, b. July 25, 1830; m. 1st, Sept. 28, 1857, Mary A. Russell. M. 2nd, July 6, 1865, Hannah S. Russell, a sister of his first wife. 3. Ralph Henry G. T., b. July 20, 1833; m. Apr. 8, 1857, Anna M. Hodgdon. Ralph Beatley was a watchmaker in Chelsea, having a place of business on Broadway, near the bridge. He re- sided on Broadway. 186 Simon Gardner, was the oldest son of Simon Stacey and Rebecca (Knapp) Gardner. He married October 7, 1787, Mary (or Polly) Collins, daughter of John and Seeth (Mansfield) Collins. She inherited part of a lot of land from her uncle Benjamin Mansfield and sold the same to her father, March 3, 1794, for thirty pounds.* *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 157, leaf 127. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 263 She died at 99 Essex street, on Wednesday, May 22, 1844, aged eighty. He died October 30, 1801.† Children: 327. REBECCA, b. Apr. 28, 1788; d. July 4, 1853; m. Nov. 27, 1809, John Dalrymple, who was b. abt. 1772, and d. July 16, 1819. Children: 1. Samuel, b. Feb., 1810; d. abt. 1813. 2. Simon Oscar, b. Sept. 11, 1811; d. Jan. 12, 1890; m. Sept. 9, 1838, Sarah Sustacia Durant, dau. of Edward and Pris- cilla (Morong) Durant. He was a member of the Com- mon Council in 1850-52, and of the Board of Aldermen in 1869. 3. James b. Jan. 7, 1813; d. Salem, June 1, 1890; m. Feb. 7, 1836, Mary A. Flint, dau. of John and Jerusha (Upton) Flint. She was b. May 8, 1815; d. July 31, 1886. He was City Marshal of Salem from Sept. 11, 1871 to Jan. 22, 1872, and from Feb. 3, 1873, to Jan. 13, 1875.‡ John Dalrymple, was b. Templepatrick, North of Ire- land. He was a silversmith. When he came to this country his brother James was already established in Sa- lem as a watchmaker. John removed to Portland, Maine, but returned to Salem shortly before his death.† 328. LIEUT. SIMON, b. Nov., 1790; d. Boston, Apr. 15, 1824; m. Boston, Oct. 4, 1812, Mary Jackson Delano, dau. of Jo- seph and Sarah (Reed) Delano. She was b. Boston, May 9, 1792. § No issue. He was publisher and proprietor of the Boston Commercial Gazette. In 1812 he was a member of the Boston Light Infantry at Fort Strong, (now Fort Warren) in Boston Harbor. He joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1817, as Lieutenant. || The "Statesman " referred to him as follows; Died "in Boston yesterday of a brain fever Simon Gardner, Esq., formerly of Salem, Publisher of the Boston Commercial Gazette, aged 34. Ever active, industrious and enterpris- ing, Mr. Gardner gradually rose from the station of an ap- prentice to be the sole owner and director of that exten- sive printing establishment-honorable, mild and oblig- ing, it was his happiness to secure many friends who will remember him with affection-free and generous by na- ture, in him many of his poor and needy fellow mortals *Salem Gazette, of Friday, May 24, 1844. Pickering Genealogy. Salem Records. §Delano Genealogy, p. 279-280. History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, p. 390. 264 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. have to lament the loss of a kind friend and generous patron.”* 329. JONATHAN, b. Nov., 1792; d. Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 30, 1813. The Salem Gazette of Sept. 10, of that year, referred to him as follows;-" A young man whose correct deport- ment and amiable manners had attracted the respect and confidence of all with whom he was associated." 330. JOHN, b. 1797; d. Oct. 30, 1801. 187 Joseph Gardner, the second son of Simon and Rebecca (Knapp) Gardner, was a well known baker, carrying on the business in his house on the south side of Bridge street, between Pleasant and Winter streets. Later he built a house on March street (now numbered 26) in which he lived during the remainder of his life. Joseph Gardner He was spoken of by Robert Rantoul as "an active, energetic, industrious man, of a genial temper, not easily ruffled, and a great favorite of the boys on 'Lection and Training days.'" He dealt in many commodities besides bread, and opened his house for public entertainment on all holidays. He was proprietor of the famous wooden horses. He attended the Baptist Church on Marlborough (now Federal) street, and owned two gallery pews there.f *Reprinted in the Salem Gazette of Apr. 16, 1824. Essex Institute Historical Collections, v. V, p. 254. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 253, leaf 66. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 265 REAL ESTATE. This mort- Joseph Gardner bought of John Gardner (No. 110) Aug. 20, 1792, portions of a house, with bakehouse and land, on the southern side of Bridge street, west of Pleas- ant street.* He paid £120 for the property, and mort- gaged it to the grantor for a like amount. gage was discharged Sept. 12, 1797. He mortgaged cer- tain parts of the house with the furniture, to Abigail Ber- ry, July 4, 1794,‡ and redeemed the property Sept. 12, 1797.8 On the following day he purchased the remainder of the property of William Obear for $1250,|| and mort- gaged it to Thomas Hovey and John Gardner. These were cancelled March 27, 1801, together with another mortgage in favor of Eunice Richardson dated June 12, 1798.* ** He conveyed "certain parts" of the dwelling house to Charles Collins, Sept. 14, 1797, for $240.†† Small lots on the eastern end of this estate fronting on Pleasant street were sold by him in 1799 and 1801.‡‡ He offered for sale the house, barn, bakehouse and other buildings, Mar. 26, 1801,§§ and on the 27th of the same month deeded the property to John Melville of Mar- blehead for $2025.|||| The land thus sold included in ad- *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 186. +Essex Registry of Deeds, book 155, leaf 126. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 158, leaf 186. ŞEssex Registry of Deeds, book 161, leaf 271. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 162, leaf 236. TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 64. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 163, leaf 134. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 162, leaf 239. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 211; and book 168, leaf 118. §§Salem Gazette of Mar. 17, 1801. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 169, leaf 19. 266 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, dition to the purchases above mentioned, several small lots which he had purchased of Cornelius Bartlett, Josiah Dodge and Thomas Buxton in 1797.* In the Salem Gazette of March 17, 1801, he announced that he would move to his new dwelling house on March street, where he intended carrying on the Bakery buſineſs, &c as ufual." 66 He had purchased in 1800 and 1801, of the heirs of Dudley Woodbridge and Stephen Phillips, two lots, one containing 116 3-4 poles, and the other 2 acres and 19 1-2 poles of land on the eastern side of what is now March street. April 17, 1801, he bought an additional lot of 125 3-4 poles bounding this on the northwest, having previously purchased the land still further northwest to the North River. The northernmost lot, with a frontage of 110 feet on March street, he sold to Aaron Waite, Jerathaniel Pierce and Israel Williams, April 16, 1801, for $200. The three lots next south of the last named, measuring in all 180 feet on March street, he mortgaged April 27, 1801, to John Osgood for $400. This was dis- charged, July 3, 1804.§ Joseph's house was located on the northern portion of this last named group, and had a frontage of 80 feet on March street. He mortgaged this homestead lot to Jesse Richardson in 1813, to Benjamin Cheever in 1814, to Brackley Rose in 1817,** to Temple Hardy and Samuel Gardner in 1821.‡‡ He sold a nar- row strip (7 feet wide) to Thomas Gwinn, June 3, 1829.§§ This lot was assigned to Thorndike Deland, May 9, 1829, § who sold it to Joseph's son Simon, Jan. 2, 1830.|||| Next south of the homestead lot was one measuring 30 feet front and 157 feet deep, which he sold to Thomas Tate, May 9, 1807, for $700.TT South of this was a way *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 224. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 263. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 168, leaf 169. §Essex Registry of Deeds, book 167, leaf 264. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 201, leaf 65. TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 204, leaf 54. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 226, leaf 224. ††Essex Registry of Deeds, book 227, leaf 106. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 226, leaf 32. §§Essex Registry of Deeds, book 253, leaves 66 and 186. ||||Essex Registry of Deeds, book 255, leaf 139. ¶¶Essex Registry of Deeds, book 180, leaf 151. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 267 25 feet wide known as Gardner's Court, now known as March Street Court, which was laid out about 1805.* The lot south of this measuring 41 feet, 6 inches front, and 290 feet deep, he sold to Augustus Converse June 12, 1805, for $700.* The next lot, the last of Joseph Gardner's hold- ings fronting on March street, measured 120 feet front, and 295 feet in depth. He mortgaged it to John Osgood July 10, 1802, (discharged July 3, 1804,)† and sold it July 2, 1804, to Augustus Converse for $817.37.‡ He sold land bordering on Gardner's court to Jonathan Smith, Jesse Richardson, William Dodge, Mary Dowbridge wife of Andrew, Caleb M. Ames and Temple Hardy. One of the lots sold to Jesse Richardson and the one sold to William Dodge he repurchased. He offered for sale in the Salem Gazette, March 13, 1807, two dwelling houses, a store and two other house lots in March street. April 21, 1797, he bought of Henry Williams, a lot of land on the western side of Williams street, extending down to the North River flats, paying £8, 12 shill. for the same. This lot measured 158 feet on the street. The north- ern end of the lot, measuring 105 feet, 6 inches on the street, he sold to Josiah Richardson in May, 1797, for £21, 9 shill., and the remainder of the lot with dwelling house, he sold to Walter Price Bartlett, April 12, 1798, for $720.¶ He bought of B. Lamson, of Beverly, Nov. 10, 1818, four and one half acres of land at Snake Hill Pasture, Montserrat, Beverly.** During the next two years he bought many cow rights in this pasture** and when he transferred his holdings to his brother Samuel, March 23, 1821, he owned 9-14 of the property. †† He regained pos- session of this land by purchase from his brother, Jan. 31, *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 176, leaf 159. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 171, leaf 31. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 174, leaf 162. SEssex Registry of Deeds, book 180, leaves 148 and 263; book 185, leaf 184; book 227, leaf 17; book 250, leaf 220; book 254, leaf 272; book 253, leaf 185; book 226, leaf 17; and book 230, leaf 61. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaf 41. TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 164, leaves 41 and 127. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 229, leaves 134-7. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 226, leaf 32. 268 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1823, buying in addition one share which Samuel had bought of a third party.* He mortgaged his ten rights in the pasture to Caleb Smith, Mar. 21, 1823,* and in 1827 (Oct. 15) again mortgaged his "sixty-four acres and one hundred and four rods in Snake Hill Proprietary" to John S. Felton of Danvers, for $400,† and Joseph Gard- ner's assignee, Thorndike Deland sold his right to the property to said Felton, Aug. 12, 1829.‡ He bought a triangular piece of land in Beverly, near the bridge, of Edward Ford, March 11, 1828, and sold the same in the following June (15th) to the town of Bever- ly.§ A lot of marsh land at "Royal side" measuring three quarters of an acre, and a mud wharf in the same locality, were mentioned in the list of lots assigned to Thorndike Deland. They were sold Aug. 12, 1829, to John S. Felton, of Danvers.|| He owned several other lots which he sold during his life, including the following:-a house and lot on the mar- gin of Collins' Cove; a lot with buildings thereon, be- tween Federal street and the North River;** one third part of the western end of the mansion house of Robert Peele which he bought of Charles Gowen April 27, 1812,†† and sold to Thomas Needham; and other real estate transac- tions of minor importance. Joseph Gardner married at Salem, December 10, 1789, Elizabeth Bell, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Peele) Bell. She died in October, 1831, and was buried from Bell.‡‡ her late residence on Bridge Street."SS He died in No- vember, 1830, and was buried from "his late residence in March street." The members of the Salem Charitable Mechanics Association were invited to attend the funeral.|| His widow was appointed administratrix, Feb. 15, 1831. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 230, leaves 223 and 292. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 247, leaf 115. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 254, leaf 202. § Essex Regisiry of Deeds, book 252, leaves 16 and 161. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 254, leaf 202. TEssex Registry of Deeds, book 251, leaf 210. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 243, leaf 128. †† Essex Registry of Deeds, book 198, leaf 8. *Salem Records. §§Salem Gazette of Oct. 7, 1831. Salem Gazette of Nov. 12, 1830. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 269 Children: 2. 331. JOSEPH, b. Mar. 8, 1791; d. Salem, May 5, 1854; m. Salem, July 18, 1813, Eunice Tucker, dau. of Samuel and Eunice (Stevens) Tucker.* She was b. Dec. 3, 1794;* d. Jan. 2, 1882. Children: 1. Sarah Tewksbury, b. Dec. 8, 1813;* d. 1868; m. Nov. 19, 1830, Rev. Lorenzo D. Bragg.* Eunice, b. Oct. 10, 1815;* d. 1870; m. 1st, Belleville, Ill., 1839, Matthew Little;t m. 2nd, Dr. Perry; m. 3d, William Sherman.* Hed. 1880. They lived in Texas.* 3. Emeline Augusta, b. May 28, 1817;* d. Oct. 6, 1903; m. 1st, Salem, Oct. 7, 1839, John J. Harvey, M. D., of Lowell. They lived afterwards in Manchester, N. H., m., 2nd, William Sage.* 4. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 2, 1820.* d. Gloucester, Mass., 1873; m. Salem, Dec. 18, 1839,‡ Timothy Favor, s. of Timothy and Margaret (Humphrey) Favor. He was b. No. Yarmouth, Me., Mar. 14, 1804; d. Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1877. 5. Joseph, b. Salem, May 25, 1822; d. Salem, May 4, 1873; m. (published Salem, June 25, 1850) ‡ Eliza C. Gove, dau. of Squire and Lydia (Bassett) Gove. Joseph Gard- ner, called in different documents 2nd or 3d, resided at No. 13 Margin street. Later he purchased the residence No. 76 Lafayette street. He chartered a vessel to carry live stock into Texas for breeding purposes, including horses, cows, sheep, hens, turkeys, fancy breeds of dogs, etc. The vessel was lured into the Bahamas by false beacons, but was repaired and reached Texas in 1860, re- turning to Salem just prior to the breaking out of the Civil War. His widow resides in Arlington, Mass. 6. Abbie, b. Salem, Apr. 7, 1824; d. Newburyport, Feb. 25, 1855; m. Lowell, Mass. in 1844, Edwin Stearns, b. (Sept. 11, 1822; d. Buffalo, South Dakota, June 23, 1889.) He was the son of Hugh and (Raymond) Stearns, of Landaff, N. H. He kept a dry goods store. 7. Mercy Wellman, b. Salem, Oct. 16, 1826; m. 1st, Salem, July 27, 1853, Horatio Hitchings, s. of I. and Sally (Rhodes) Hitch- ings, of Lynn. He was b. Lynn, Jan. 5, 1825; d. Chapel Hill, Texas, Jan. 30, 1856. She m. 2nd, Lynn, July 16, 1865, Edmund Nourse, s. of Edmund and Polly (Tucker) Nourse, of Lynn. He was b. Lynn, June 14, 1816; d. Lynn, Feb. 24, 1901. He enlisted in New York City, June 1862, as a member of Co. G., 162nd Reg't, N. Y. Vol's. *Family Records. +Salem Gazette, Aug. 16, 1839. Salem Records. 270 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and was one of the pallbearers at the funeral of President Lincoln.* 8. Ruth, b. Salem, Dec. 1, 1828; m. 1848, Moses Moody Stearns, who was b. Landaff, N. H., 1825; d. Chelsea, Mass., May 7, 1897. He was the son of Hugh and (Raymond) Stearns, of Landaff, N. H. He was in the Navy in the Rebellion, on the Monitor in the fight with the Merrimack, and in other engagements. 9. Margaret M., b. Salem, Apr. 26, 1830; m. Salem, Feb. 13, 1848, George W. Quint, of Lynn, s. of Samuel and Roxanna (Stebbins) Quint, He was b. Oxford, N. H., Oct. 20, 1823. He was a carpenter by trade, but at the time of the gold fever in California in 1849, he went around Cape Horn in the " Capitol." The voyage lasted six months, and he remained in California six years. 10. Timothy, b. Jan. 18, 1833; d. Sept. 26, 1833. 11. Timothy F., b. July 11, 1834; d. by accident Apr. 28, 1849.† Joseph Gardner was a baker. He lived on Conant street, in Salem, until 1843, when he purchased of Rebecca Stone and others, the lot on the southwestern corner of Bridge and Osgood streets.‡ He occupied a house on this lot during the remainder of his life. He also owned land on Cedar street which he purchased of his brother Samuel (No. 335) Oct. 14, 1846.§ 332. ELIZA PEELE, b. Mar. 29, 1793;|| d. Oct. 14, 1864,|| un- married. 333. SARAH, b. Aug. 17, 1795;* d. Jan. 3, 1876, aged 80 years, 5 mos; m. 1st, Salem, Aug. 3, 1814., Jonathan Berry. || He d. in Beverly. M. 2nd, Salem, Dec. 1, 1822, Jacob Wilson. He was b. in Norway. Child by her first husband Jona- than Berry. 1. William A., b. Salem, abt. 1815; d. Beverly, May 31, 1880, aged 64 yrs, T 9 mo. 15 d.; m. Pamelia Smothers, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Stone) Smothers. She d. Beverly, July 6, 1893, aged 77 yrs., 3 days. William A. Berry was mustered Feb. 20, 1862, as a private in Co. L., 14th Regt., Mass. Vol. (afterwards the 1st Heavy Artillery.) He had charge of a brigade bakery at Fort Albany, and was discharged for disability Apr. 11, 1864. Children by her second husband, Jacob Wilson; 2. Sarah Elizabeth Bell, b. June, 1828; d. Salem, Aug. 22, *Family Notes. †Salem Gazette, Apr. 28, and May 1, 1849. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 340, leaves 41 and 135. $Essex Registry of Deeds, book 374, leaf 100. Salem Records. Beverly Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 271 1860; m. Salem, Apr. 21, 1850, Eleazer M. Dalton Jr.* s. of Joseph and Rebecca (Driver) Dalton. Eleazer M. Dalton, was b. abt. 1825. He was mustered Dec. 30, 1861, as a pri- vate in Co. D, 14th, Mass. Vol. He reenlisted in the 1st, Mass. Heavy Artillery and was killed in action June 22, 1864. 3. Margaret H. H., b. abt. 1830; d. Aug. 24, 1851; m. William N. Kenney, s. of John Kenney. He was b. Salem, abt. 1830. He lived in Lynn. 4. Mary D., b. Nov. 10, 1833; m. Salem, Apr. 13, 1853, Joseph Rogers, s. of Benja- min F. and Eunice R. (Boardman) Rogers. He d. Oct. 28, 1882, aged 53 yrs., 5 mo. 5. Lieut. Jacob H., b. July 14, 1836; m. Salem, Aug. 8, 1860, Martha J. Knowlton, dau. of Sargent and Agatha (Brown) Knowlton. She was b. Bytown, Canada, Oct. 2, 1838; d. Beverly Jan. 6, 1903. Jacob H. Wilson enlisted, Salem, Apr., 1861, in Co. H, 5th, Mass. Vol., as a private. In 1862 he went out as orderly sergeant of Co. D, 40th, Mass. Vol., being promo- ted to 2nd Lieut. June 9, 1863.t He served with the regiment two years. He resigned June 1, 1864, and was mustered out in Aug. 1864 for disability. He was in the first battle of Bull Run, and served in Florida,at Charleston, S. C., Cold Harbor, and before Petersburg. He went to sea for several years and sailed in the Syren as master in 1867. He was passenger agent of the C. B. and Q. R. R. at Chicago, for thirty years, but is at present living in Beverly. 334. JOHN, b. July 3, 1796; d. May 3, 1846, aged 491; m. 1st, June 2, 1816, Abigail Richardson, ‡ dau. of Josiah Richardson 3d. She d. in March, 1821.§ He m. 2nd, May 26, 1822, Eliza- beth Rowell, dau. of Joseph and Hannah Rowell. She d. May 5, 1862, at Taunton, aged 74 and 5-8 yrs. Child- ren by his first wife Abigail; 1. John, b. Aug. 20, 1816; d. April 20, 1880; m. Salem, Dec. 16, 1858, Susan L. Gold- thwait‡, dau. of Moses and Margaret D. (Garney) Gold- thwait, of Marblehead. She was b. Jan. 1, 1817, and d. Aug. 8, 1894.¶ John Gardner Jr. was a tailor in Marble- head, owning a shop on the corner of Washington and Pleasant streets, which he purchased of Joseph R. Bassett, Nov. 3, 1843.** In March of the year previous he had pur- chased the northeastern half of the Chapman house on *Driver Genealogy, p. 136. †Adjutant-General's Report, Mass., 1865. Salem Records. $Salem Gazette of Mar. 16, 1821. Salem Gazette of May 9, 1862. Goldthwait Genealogy, p. 181. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 340, leaf 110. 272 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Front street in Marblehead.* He sold the shop to his stepmother Sept. 20, 1849, and his interest in the Chapman house to Increase H. Brown, Oct. 4, 1849.† His widow lived on Winthrop street in Salem until her death in 1894. 2. Joseph, b. Nov., 1819; d. Salem, Jan. 15, 1881, aged 61 yrs., 1 mo., 20 days;‡ m. Lynn, Sept. 28, 1843, Caroline L. Hill, dau. of William and Sally (Newhall) Hill.§ She d. Lynn, June 28, 1896, aged 73 years.§ Joseph Gardner was a carpenter. He lived at No. 19 Crombie street in Salem, from 1855 until his death. 3. Margaret Ann, d. Aug. 24, 1821, aged 9 mo.|| Children by his second wife, Elizabeth: 4. George A., b 1824; d. Apr., 1826.¶ 5. George A., b. about Nov., 1826; d. May 28, 1865;‡ m. Han- nah S. Hazelton, dau. of David and Hannah (Twist) Haz- elton. She d. Norton, Mass., Dec. 8, 1871, aged 38. He was a carpenter and painter and lived at No. 14 Margin street. 5. William, b. about 1829; d. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 1, 1849, aged 20.** John Gardner was a baker. He lived on the N. E. corner of Court and County streets (now Washington and Federal in Salem, in the house now standing, which with the old bakery adjoining on the north, was conveyed to Elizabeth Rowell for $2800, fifteen days prior to her marriage to him. After her death, in 1862, the property went to her heirs, and in 1865 they conveyed the old bakery and the northern end of the lot to Eliza J., wife of Eleazer Hathaway, and the corner house and lot to Henry Cogswell.†† 335. SAMUEL, b. Nov. 3, 1798; d. June 22, 1859;‡ m. Salem, Nov. 19, 1833,‡ Sarah Perkins, widow of Elisha Perkins, and dau. of William and Rebecca (Gray) Fabens. She was b. Oct. 9, 1793; and d. Aug. 2, 1863. Child: 1. Elizabeth Bell, b. Oct. 3, 1837; m. Salem, Aug. 22, 1860,‡ Capt. W. H. A. Putnam, s. of Eben and Elizabeth (Appleton) Putnam. Samuel Gardner for many years conducted a sale stable on the corner of Endicott and Margin streets in Salem. He is kindly remembered by his acquaintances even now, as a genial affable man who made and kept many warm *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 330, leaf 60. +Essex Registry of Deeds, book 417, leaf 61 and 244. Salem Records. §Lynn Records. Salem Gazette of Aug. 24, 1821. Salem Gazette of Apr. 11, 1826. **Salem Gazette of Feb. 12, 1850. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 229, leaf 246; book 689, leaves 6-8; and Essex Antiquarian, v. VIII, p. 33. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 273 friends. Samuel and his wife inherited from her father, one ninth of his real estate located in the vicinity of High and Endicott streets. He also owned land in Snake Hill pasture, (Montserrat) on Cedar street, Summer street, the lot on the N. W. corner of Bridge and Pearl streets and many others.* 336. ANN PEAL (called Nancy), b. July 17, 1800;† d. May 2, 1882,‡ aged 81 y., 10 mo., 15d.; m. Aug. 14, 1825, Samuel A. Tuc- ker, s. of Samuel and Eunice (Stevens) Tucker.‡ He d. Aug. 24, 1880, aged 81 yrs., 7mo., 2 days. ‡ Children: 1. Samuel Augustus, b. Apr. 24, 1826; d. Beverly, Feb. 19, 1901;§ m. Salem, May 28, 1863, Ellen Warner, dau. of John and Ellen (Vickery) Warner.† 2. Rebecca Ann, b. Nov. 24, 1828; d. Dec. 6, 1868; m. Salem, Nov. 5, 1858, Nathaniel Thrasher, of Marblehead, s. of David and Bet- sy Thrasher. 3. Caroline G., b. Dec. 26, 1830; m. Salem, Jan. 2, 1848, John Reeves, s. of Asa and Abigail (Symonds) Reeves. She lives in Wolfboro, N. H. 4. Edward, b. Sept. 16, 1832; drowned in Salem harbor, Oct 11, 1880; unmarried. 5. Elizabeth Gardner, b. Jan. 10, 1834; m. Salem, Dec. 24, 1851, William D. Fernandes, s. of Antone and Fanny (Knowlton) Fernandes. He was b. Cadiz, Spain, Mar. 14, 1830.† They live on Beacon street, in Salem. 6. Henry Gardner, b. Dec. 10, 1836; d. Salem, Mar. 15, 1904; m. Jan. 1, 1873,‡ Susan A. Towne, widow of Calvin L. Towne, and dau. of Darling and Ellen (Staples) Huntress. This was her third marriage, her first hus- band being David L. Stickney. Henry G. Tucker was mustered Aug. 6, 1862, as a private in Co. G, 14th Regt. Mass. Vol. (1st. Heavy Artillery.) He was in the battles of North Anna, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Peters- burg. He was wounded June 15, 1864, and was mustered out July 8, 1864. His occupation was given as seaman. § He was a member of Essex Lodge, I. O. O. F. and Post 34, G. A. R. 7. Lucy Ann, b. Salem, Oct. 11, 1838;† m. 1st, Salem, May 20, 1856, John H. Knight, s. of John H., and Ann (Keith) Knight. He was b. Salem, 1837; and d. Lowell, Sept. 25, 1871; m., 2nd, Salem, April 20, 1876, Harmon M. Schollar, s. of John and Abigail (Ferrin) Schollar. He d. at Menasha, Wis., about 1896, aged 75.† *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 332, leaf 234; book 228, leaf 159; b. 369, leaf 93; book 358, leaf 186; and book 336, leaf 242. +Family Records. Salem Records. $Rebellion Records, Salem City Hall. 274 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. Ellen F., His widow lives on Beacon street in Salem. 8. b. Sept. 11, 1840; m. Salem, Apr. 10, 1863,* B. Frank Prime, s. of David N., and Sarah (Boyd) Prime.† 9. Charles, b. Dec. 26, 1842; d. about 1902, at New Milford, Pa.; m. Salem, Apr. 15, 1863,* Lydia Norris, dau. of Wal- ter and Margaret (Noyes) Norris. The following account of Samuel A. Tucker was pub- lished in the Salem Gazette of Aug. 27, 1880:-" Mr. Tucker was born in Salem, Jan. 22, 1800, and at an early age shipped as a powder boy on a privateer fitted out in this port. He made several successful voyages till he was finally captured with the sloop Polly, Capt. Upton, and taken to Halifax prison where he was confined some months and afterwards removed to Dartmoor prison in England where he lingered twenty-six months, suffering everything but death. He saw and well remembered the slaughter of our poor prisoners who were for some petty violation of prison discipline, fired upon by their inhuman guards. He leaves a widow aged 80 years a daughter of the late Joseph Gardner senior of this city, also a sister aged 86 years, Mrs. Eunice Gardner of Lynn, widow of the late Joseph Gardner, Jr., of Salem, both of whom well remember the incident of seeing from their housetops, the chasing of the U. S. Frigate Constitution into Marble- head harbor by the British Fleet," etc. 337. MARY NEEDHAM, b. Mar. 18, 1802; d. Jan. 12, 1868, aged 65. yrs., 9 mo., 21 d.; m. 1st, Apr. 6, 1820, John B. Martin;* m., 2nd, Salem, Sept., 1825, Andrew Dowbridge, s. of John and Lucy Dowbridge.* He was b. Fuma, Italy, Dec. 18, 1798; d. Salem, Apr. 7, 1870, aged 73 yrs. 5 mo. Child by her first husband, John B. Martin; 1. John Henry, b. abt. 1821; d. Salem, Feb. 2, 1862; m. Salem, June 9, 1842, Maria Dwinell, dau. of John and Deborah (Plummer) Dwinell. Maria Martin, m., 2nd, Jan. 1, 1868, Daniel Sargent, Jr., of Beverly. Children by her second husband, Andrew Dowbridge; 2. Lucy Ann, b. Salem, Sept. 8, 1826; d. Nov. 13, 1886; m. Salem, Oct. 28, 1844, Charles C. Briggs, s. of Cornelius and Emily (Tucker) Briggs.† He was b. Salem, July 23, 1821, and d. Salem, Mar. 23, 1900.f Andrew, b. abt. June, 1828; d. Emery Mills, Me., Nov. 27, 1894; m. 1st, Providence, R. I., abt. 1850; Abby C. Smith, dau. of Elliot, and Nancy C. (Lovis) Smith. She 3. *Salem Records. † Family Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 275 was b. May 15, 1827; d. Feb., 1876. He m., 2nd, Rachel A. 4. Henry F. b. July 27, 1834; d. Salem, July 20, 1899; m. Salem, Nov. 1, 1855, Annie Adams, dau. of Charles H., and Elizabeth (French) Adams.* 5. Mary E., b. Salem, Nov. 25, 1839; m. 1st, Sept. 28, 1855, Amos F. Smith, s. of Amos and Martha (Dwinell) Smith.* M. 2nd.* Beverly, Oct. 15, 1872, Hugh J. Munsey, s. of Brack- ett and Jane (Hill) Munsey. He was b. Beverly, June 21, 1838. 338. DANIEL BELL, b. Dec. 7, 1804;† d. Dec. 28, 1875;† m. Apr. 15, 1824, Elizabeth B. Manning, dau. of Caleb and Louisa (Burrell) Manning. She d. Salem, Mar. 25, 1874, aged 67 years. Children: 1. Henry Massey, b. about 1827; d. Feb. 28, 1851, aged 24. 2. Thomas Needham, b. about 1831; d. Feb. 6, 1875, aged 44 yrs. 3 mo., m.; 1st, in Bos- ton, May, 1853, § Mary E. Fabens, dau. of Joseph and Eliz- abeth (Curtis) Fabens. She d. Aug. 10, 1857, aged 28. M. 2nd, Mar. 5, 1863, Agnes Littlefield, dau. of Edson L. and Lydia S. (Davis) Littlefield. He was in company with his brother, Daniel B. Gardner, Jr., a dealer in groceries and West India goods, at No. 20 Front street in 1857, and later carried on business in Boston. He lived at No. 49 Lafayette street from about 1864 until his death. His widow married Mar. 20, 1890, Perez L. Winchester, of Peabody. 3. Daniel B. Jr., b. Mar. 11, 1832; d. Oct. 23, 1893; m. Salem, Oct. 7, 1867, N. Augusta Barr, widow of Robert Putnam Barr, and dau. of Benjamin F. and Eunice P. (Boardman) Rogers. He was in the grocery business in company with his brother Thomas N. Gardner at No. 20 Front street as early as 1855. From 1859 until 1874 he was a member of the firm of M. C. Reynolds & Co., at the same place. About 1878 he removed his business to 127 Washington street, where he continued until his death. He was a member of the Common Council in 1880 and 1883, and served on the Water Board from 1886 to 1888 inclusive. He resided most of his life at what was then numbered 65 Lafayette street. 4. Alden B., b. 1835; d. Mar. 28, 1846, aged 11. 5. Pierce L. Wiggin, b. abt. 1837; d. Feb. 17, 1858, aged 20, unmarried. He was a wholesale grocer at No. 14 1-2 Front street. 6. Anna B., b. Jan. 27, 1838; m. Boston, May 22, 1860, James B. Bott, *Family Records. Family notes. *Salem Records. §Salem Gazette, of May 24, 1853. "Some of the Descendants of Jonathan Fabens, of Marblehead,” p. 16. 276 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, s. of James and Sarah P. (Cheever) Bott. He was b. Salem, June 14, 1838. 7. Louisa G., b. about 1843; d. Sept. 7, 1876, aged 37; m. Salem, Aug. 11, 1873, John A. Kendall, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Gould) Kendall. 8. Mary Manning, b. Salem, abt. June, 1846; d. Salem, Sept. 7, 1887, aged 41 yrs., 3 mo.; m. Salem, Apr. 15, 1874, Lewis W. Kelley,* s. of Samuel W. and Elizabeth W. (Goodell) Kelley of Danvers. He was b. Danvers, Jan. 16, 1852. He was admitted to the Essex Bar, in March, 1874, and practiced law in Salem until 1880, when he moved to Boston. He is at present actively engaged in the practice of his profession in that city. Daniel B. Gardner was a grocer at 33 Bridge street as early as 1837, (living at that time in Gardner's court off March street). Later (1842) he conducted a clothing store at 110 Derby street, living at number 114. About 1850 he opened a place at 14 Front street as a wholesale grocer. He continued in business here for many years, residing at 4 Barton square. He owned land on Gardner's court which he sold in 1832 to P. L. Wiggin,† and a house and lot on the corner of Bridge and Pearl streets which was conveyed by him to Samuel Gardner jr. (No. 335). Feb. 5, 1839.‡ June 3, 1844 he bought of Philip Chase, a lot of land on the south side of Derby street, which he sold to S. G. Wheatland, Sept. 16, 1846.§ He purchased his Front street property of David Pingree, May 1, 1847.|| Another important land holding of his was the estate on the N. W. corner of Washington and Norman streets, which he and Joseph Gardner 3d, (son of No. 331) purchased of Thomas Frye and Dorcas Smith in October, 1847, with the three old buildings still standing upon it. The purchasers raised the buildings and put a lower story of brick under all. The place was then used as a hotel.¶ The property on the S. W. corner of Bridge and Osgood streets was also owned by him at one time.** He loaned large amounts on Mortgages.†† He was a good friend, genial acquaintance and very benevolent. He was quite a wit and at one time when March street was in bad con- *Salem Records. +Essex Registry of Deeds, book 265, leaf 245. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 310, leaf 256. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 371, leaf 221. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 387, leaf 18. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 388, leaves 201 and 210; also Essex Antiquarian, v. III, pp. 67-8. **Essex Registry of Deeds, book 345, leaf 15. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 396, leaf 17; book 420, leaf 34, etc. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 277 dition he put up a sign in a large pool,-" Good fishing in pond on March St. Boat to let at D. B. Gardner's." This caused so much ridicule that the street was put in order. 339. SIMON, b. Salem, Jan. 1, 1806; d. Salem, Feb. 27, 1888; m. Salem, Mar. 15, 1832,* Hannah Shale Swan, dau. of Benja- min and Hannah (Shale) Swan. She was b. May 26, 1812, and d. Apr. 14, 1878, aged 65 yrs. 10 mo. 19 days.* Chil- dren: 1. Benjamin Franklin, b. Salem, Jan. 20, 1836; m. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 10, 1866,* Melissa Ida Pennington, dau. of Henry and Caroline P. (Maynard) Pennington, of N. C. She was b. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 27, 1848, and d. Bloomsburg, Pa., Feb. 3, 1895. Benjamin Franklin Gard- ner graduated from the Phillips Grammar school in Salem, and finished his preliminary education at Master Leavitt's Latin Grammar School. He left Salem, March 6, 1855, for Chapel Hill, Texas, where he resided three years. Later he read medicine with Dr. Paul H. Otey, a distin- guished surgeon. He graduated at the Medical College of Virginia in 1862 and was appointed surgeon P. A. C. S. and served at the Howard Grove Hospital, Richmond, Va.; at Murfreesboro, Shelbyville, Tullahoma, Chicka- mauga, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Dalton, Ringold and Atlanta, Ga. Shortly before the close of the war he was transferred to Raleigh, N. C. He remained there in private practice for two years, when he was appointed surgeon-in-chief of the Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. This position he held until he resigned it to take up private practice at Bloomsburg, Pa. He has been very successful as a physician and surgeon. "Bio- graphical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the 17th Congressional District of Penna." refers to him as "a man of wonderful nerve and superior judgment, and his cool- ness in the most trying cases inspires confidence in his patients. He is widely known through the eastern part of the state and is often called to great distances to perform operations." He is a member of the American Medical Association and the State Medical Societies of North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Pennsylvania. 2. Frances Ellen, b. Salem, Aug. 31, 1837. Unmarried. She lives in Salem. 3. Hannah Wallis, b. Salem, Mar. 20, 1839;* m. Salem, Aug. 9, 1875,† Charles E. Burns, s. of Clifford C. and Harriet A. (Glover) Burns. He was b. Salem, Sept. 26, 1839, and enlisted in Co. D., 12th Reg't, *Salem Records, +Family notes. 278 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Mass. Vol., May 22, 1861, as a private. He was in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Thoroughfare Gap, Rappa- hannock and the second battle of Bull Run. In the last named engagement he was severely wounded, and laid for fourteen days on the battlefield before he was taken to Fairfax Seminary Hospital, where his foot was amputated. A second amputation was performed at the Seventh Street Hospital in Washington. He was dis- charged July 11, 1863, on account of these wounds. He is at present the City Messenger of Salem, and a member of Phil Sheridan Post 34, G. A. R., Dep't of Mass. 4. Simon Warren, b. abt. Jan., 1840;* d. June 4, 1840, aged 5 mos.* 5. Harriet Newell, b. May 16, 1842;† m. Jan. 1, 1874,* Dr. Henry E. Pope, s. of Eleazer and Mary (Nimblett) Pope. He was b. Salem, Feb., 1819; and d. Salem, Mar. 7, 1890, aged 71 yrs. 19 d.* Henry E. Pope started to learn the curriers' trade after leaving school, but soon after he was twenty- one he went to Indianapolis, Indiana, and entered his uncle's drug store. Later he read medicine with Dr. Charles Neilson of Madison, Ind., and then attended a medical college in Cincinnati, Ohio. After receiving his diploma he returned to Madison and practiced medi- cine. He enlisted, Sept. 1, 1861, at Indianapolis, Ind. in Co. B., 6th Reg't, Indiana Volunteers, for three years. In 1862 he was appointed Ass't Surgeon of the 54th Reg't of Indiana, in the Army of the Cumberland and Mississippi. He was in the battles of Jackson, Big Black River, Port Gibson, Shiloh, Champion Hill and Thomaston. At hospital No. 9, Raymond, Miss., he had charge when the place was captured by a confederate squad and all of his sick and wounded were marched off. General Pemberton rode up to Dr. Pope and asked if any of his men had been there, adding,—“I hope they have made no trouble for you doctor?" The general asked if he could do anything for him and Dr. Pope requested that he give an order for the return of all who were unable to walk a quarter of a mile. This request was granted and in trying to relieve the injured, Dr. Pope was knocked down an embankment by a Confederate cavalry horse and severely injured. The other surgeons having run away, he worked days and nights for the relief of his sick and wounded. He was mustered out at the expiration of his term of service and returned to Salem in 1866.† The *Salem Records, Family Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 279 writer wishes to express his sincere appreciation of the very valuable service rendered by Mrs. Pope, in collecting many dates and facts relating to the descendants of her grandfather, Joseph Gardner. 6. Simon Wesley, b. Jan. 6, 1844; d. at Chapel Hill, Texas, in 1868, of yellow fever.* He attended the Phillips School and Master Leavitt's Latin School in Salem and in 1859 removed to Texas where he was an agent in the drug business, travelling all through Texas and in the adjoining states. Later he bought out the business and erected a five story business block exclusively for pharmaceutical goods. He continued in this business until the middle of 1862, when he was con- scripted into the Confederate army. Refusing to serve, he was put in prison and kept there off and on until the close of the war. In a yellow fever epidemic at Chapel Hill, Texas, he took care of three of his partners, their wives and children and another friend. Later he took the disease and died.* 7. Horace Bell, b. Salem, Oct. 16, 1845; m. May 2, 1867,† Mary J. Lord, dau. of Josiah and Mary I. (Gould) Lord. She d. Apr. 10, 1869,† aged 22 yrs. 22 days. He enlisted, Sept. 15, 1861, in Co. F, 23d Reg't, Mass. Vol., but was discharged as he was under age. Mar. 17, 1862, he was mustered into Co. M, 14th Reg't, Mass. Vol. (Afterwards the First Reg't, Mass. Heavy Artillery.) He was in the battles of North Anna, Nice River, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and before Petersburg 18 days. He was severely wounded June 18, 1864 and left for dead on the field. The ball went through both cheeks cutting the tongue into five pieces.* He was left for dead on the field and was without food for several days. and nights, and when brought to the hospital was fed through a glass tube, as he was unable to swallow. While lying on his hospital cot in this exhausted condition, he called for paper and a pencil and wrote "6 Rally Round the Flag, Boys', sing it. One who described the scene said that every time they came to the chorus, Gardner would wave his hand over that poor bleeding, mutilated face, his eyes telling the joy his lips were speechless to express. As a result of this wound his speech has been imperfect since the war. He was discharged for disability Nov. 28, 1864. He is a member of Phil Sheridan Post, No. 3-4, G. A. R. of Mass. After the war he was a baker for many years, but since 1890 he has worked much of the time as a *Family Records. +Salem Records. 280 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. gardener. 8. Howard Punchard, b. Salem, Oct. 8, 1847 ;* m. Salem, Oct. 30, 1870,† Mary Elizabeth Warner, dau. of Lorenzo and Mary (Pope) Warner. She was b. in South Danvers (Peabody,) Apr. 8, 1852; d. Salem, Sept. 23, 1892. He enlisted as a private in Co. C, 14th Reg't, Mass. Vol. (Afterwards the First Mass. Heavy Artillery.) (Mustered in Aug. 1, 1862.) He was in the battles of Spottsylvania, North Anna, Salem Church, Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor. In the latter battle he was taken prisoner and carried to Libby Prison, where he was confined until June 15, when he was transferred to Andersonville, Ga. He was in Andersonville until Oct. 15, Milan until Nov. 19, Black- shire Hill until Dec. 2, back to Andersonville until Mar. 26, 1865. He was taken to Vicksburg, thence to St. Louis and finally to Boston, where he was discharged May 17, 1865. After the war he returned to Salem, and went to sea in 1867. He was cast away in the Indian Ocean and was picked up by an English Man-o-War, The Highflyer, landed at Zanzibar, and brought home in the barque Hazard, owned by Henry Gardner, of Salem. (No. 238.) He afterwards made three voyages to South America in the same vessel. He learned the baker's trade of his father and worked as a baker in Salem from 1871 until 1892, when he removed to Marblehead. He carried on the baking business in that town at No. 227 Washington street until he retired in 1902.* He joined Phil Sheridan Post No. 34, G. A. R. of Mass. and was transferred to John Goodwin Post No. 82, of Marblehead. He is at present one of the officers of the last named Post. 9. Willis, b. Salem, Dec. 20, 1849; d. Apr. 22, 1863,† aged 13 yrs. 4 mo. 2 d. 10. Andrew Dowbridge, b. May 2, 1851; m. Lynn, April 25, 1876, Alma M. Dolliver, dau. of Godfrey and Charlotte A. (Conrad) Dolliver. She was b. Port Medway, N. S., June 15, 1858. He was a barber in Higginson Square, Salem. He opened a store in Lynn in 1878-9 and continued in business there until 1895, when he went to Texas. He now resides in Houston in that state. He has perfected and placed on the market several inven- tions, including a safety razor, medicine cup and mechan- ical last. He is an active worker in the Methodist Church and in the Blue Ribbon Society in Texas. 11. Miranda Swan, b. Apr. 20, 1853; d. Salem, Mar. 9, 1855.† 12. Jos- eph Henry, b. Sept. 7, 1858;* d. Dec. 10, 1858. *Family_Records. †Salem Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 281 Simon Gardner was a baker, working with his father on March street for many years. He bought the house and lot on March street and carried on the bakery until 1839. He purchased of Michael Shepard, Oct. 1, 1839, a house and lot on the western side of Turner street south of Derby street.* He resided here and carried on his bakery until he retired from business about 1880. The Millett house on the corner of Turner and Derby streets was also owned by him. He was deeply interested in the various temperance movements. He was an active member of the Lafayette Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and Henfield Division, Sons of Temperance, upright and hon- est in his dealings with his fellow men, and respected by all. 340. REBECCA KNAPP, b. Dec. 9, 1808; d. Utica, N. Y., May 10, 1830; m. Salem, Apr. 22, 1827, Robert Marsh.† Child; one son, Robert Marsh, Jr., who went south. 341. MARGARET HILLIARD, b. Jan. 30, 1810; d. Utica, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1851; m. Joseph B. Hoyt, of Utica, N. Y. Children: 1. Clarrissa. 2. Mary Dowbridge. 3. Henry. 342. HENRY ALLEN, b. Salem, Dec. 20, 1815; d. Salem, Jan. 27, 1886;† m., Windsor, Vt. Mar. 4, 1840, Margaret Hall of New York. She was b. Feb. 23, 1818; d. Salem, Sept. 10, 1890, aged 72 yrs. 6 mo. 18 d.† Children: 1. Louisa Eliz- abeth, b. Salem, June 12, 1842; d. Mar. 15, 1848, aged 5 yrs. 9 mo. 2. Warren Henry, b. Charlestown, Feb. 2, 1843; d. July 7, 1862, aged 19 yrs. 5 mo. He enlisted in Co. I 1st Reg't, Mass. Vol. Inf. and was shot in the mouth in a charge before Richmond. In leading a "for- lorn hope" to find the strength of the enemy at Richmond, Va., he was shot through the mouth. He was made First Lieutenant by brevet. His four comrades were all killed. The ball entered his mouth, going down and lodging *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 419, leaf 15. +Salem Records, +Family Records. 282 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, back of his heart. Although he was so severely wounded he is said to have brought back valuable information which saved the army. In sailing up the river to New York, he started up to help a wounded comrade and dis- lodged the ball, dying in consequence.* 3. George Thomas, b. Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1842; d. at New Orleans. He married Rebecca W- a southern woman, in 1868. She d. at Savilla Mills, Camden Co. Ga., aged 20 yrs. 10 mo.† He served through the war in the Union Army.* 4. Adelaide Theresa, b. Boston, Nov. 19, 1847;* d. at Boston, June 30, 1859, aged 11 yrs. 7 mo. 5d. 5. Emma Martha, b. Salem, June 2, 1850;* d. July 4, 1887, aged 37 yrs. 1 mo. 2d.; m., Salem, Aug. 24, 1876,‡ A. Rufus S. Tayte, s. of Anthony B. and Rebecca (Smith) Tayte. He was b. in New Brunswick, abt. 1850; d. Salem, Mar. 27, 1885. 6. Andrew Dowbridge, b. Charlestown, Mar. 1, 1851; m. Salem, Dec. 29, 1879,‡ Carrie S. Hanscom, dau. of Bernard and Hannah (Perry) Hanscom. He is a barber by trade, conducting that business at 218 Essex street, Salem. He resides at No. 8 Howard street. He owns his father's family bible, which he kindly loaned to the writer. 7. Simon Winthrop, b. Charlestown, Feb. 20, 1854;* m. Salem, Dec. 13, 1885,‡ Emma S. Kilham, dau. of William G. and Sarah E. Kilham. He is a barber and lives in Salem at the present time. 8. Frances Ellen, b. Charlestown, Aug. 16, 1855; d. Apr. 14, 1886, aged 30 yrs., 8 mo.;* m. Salem, Oct. 31, 1878,‡ George William Doug- lass, (b. George William Douglass Strout) s. of Samuel and Hannah (Remon) Strout.§ Henry A. Gardner was a hairdresser by trade. He lived in Charlestown several years, later moving to Chelsea, and finally coming back to Salem about 1869. He was at one time connected with the American House in Boston. After his return to Salem, he located in Derby square, and was there and in Higginson square until his death. He owned at one time the house on the northeasterly cor- ner of Margin and Downing streets, in Salem. This was conveyed to William S. Brazer, Apr. 14, 1849. || Mrs. Pope states that he at one time owned the Jacob Haskell house on Ward street and the Porter Farm in Danversport. *Family Records. Family Bible. (In the possession of Andrew D. Gardner.) İSalem Records. Name changed, Nov. 15, 1876. "Names Changed in Massachusetts," p. 216. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 410, leaf 53, ་ AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 283 343. CAROLINE LOVETT, b. Salem, Aug, 2, 1818; d. in North Dan- vers, Mar. 15, 1849; m. Salem, Dec. 28, 1841,* Stacey R. Bott, of Lynn, s. of James and Priscilla (Clark) Bott. Child, Caroline F., b. Salem, Nov., 1845; d. Peabody, Dec. 4, 1868, aged 23 yrs., 21 dys.; m. South Danvers, July 3, 1867, Frank B. Messer, s. of Albert A. and Sophonia A. (Bushby) Messer. After her death Stacey R. Bott married a Frye. 188 Jonathan Gardner, the third son of Simon and Rebecca (Knapp) Gardner, was a master mariner. According to family tradition he commanded a privateer named Polly in the war of 1812, but the writer has failed thus far to find proof of this statement in the records. He married in Salem, October 9th, 1796,* Rachel Brown, daughter of John and Rachel (Kimball) Brown. She was born September 4, 1775, and died in Salem, April 25, 1876, aged 100 years, 7 months and 21 days.* She was a descendant of the following colonial immi- grants;-George Frost, John Wakefield, Edmund Little- field, Richard Kimball, Anthony Potter, John Whipple, Joseph Hilliard and others. Jonathan Gardner and Rachel, his wife, with the other heirs of Mary Brown, singlewoman, conveyed to Josiah Fitz, of Salem, their right in a house and lot on western side of Curtis street, now numbered 16, which had been conveyed "to sd Mary by her father John Brown, Oct. 13, 1827."+ She lived with her youngest son William Frost Gard- ner for many years, and died at his house on Washington street near Lafayette. Throughout her long life she re- tained a sweet and loving disposition which endeared her to all, and caused her to be almost adored by her many descendants. She was admitted to the First Church in Salem, Aug. 5, 1797,8 and in 1831 united with the Second (now Central) Baptist Church by baptism. She was a devoted member of this church until her death. Jonathan Gardner died in Salem in 1839. *Salem Records. Peabody Town Records. Essex Registry of Deeds, book 314, leaf 143. SFirst Church Records. 284 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Children: A ་ 344. JONATHAN, b. June 24, 1797; d. Salem, Nov. 22, 1874;* m. 1st, M. 2nd, at Mt. Desert, Me., July 1, 1830, Eunice S. Hodgdon, dau. of Samuel Hodgdon, of Mt. Desert, Me. She d. Salem, April 8, 1869, aged 56 yrs., 6 mos., and 6 d.* Children by his second wife Eunice; 1. Henrietta, b. July 1, 1831; d. Salem, Aug. 5, 1831. 2. William Henry, b. Dec. 13, 1832; d. Salem, Aug. 4, 1832.† 3. Mary Frances, b. Oct. 30, 1836; d. Salem, abt. 1868; m. Salem, Sept., 1858, John T. Huff. 4. Charles H., b. Nov. 18, 1841;‡ m. 1st, July 15, 1867, Eliza I. Jones, dau. of Hiram and Ann J. Jones, of Somerville, Me. She was b. about 1848, and d. Somerville, Me., in 1869. M. 2nd, Salem, Oct. 20, 1879,* Mrs. Laura A. Brown, wid. of Al- bert W. Brown, and dau. of Rufus P., and Elizabeth (Dennis) Archer. No issue. Charles H. Gardner was mustered into Co. D. 40th Reg't, Mass. Vol. Infantry, Sept. 3, 1862. He was in the battles of Cold Harbor, Fair Oaks, Drury's Bluff, Olustee, Fla., Barber's Ford, Fla., Morris Island and the capture of Fort Sumter. He laid 96 days and nights in the pits before Petersburg, and was near the parapet of the fort at the time of the blowing up of the mine. He was under fire 37 times in his three years service. He was discharged June 28, 1865. He is a blacksmith by trade, and is employed at the Boston and Maine road dept. shop in Salem, residing at No. 48 Howard street. 5. Lucy F., b. Mar. 30, 1844;‡ m. Beverly, Apr. 28, 1865, John R. Beals, s. of Joseph and Mary (Glover) Beals. He was mustered into Co. B, 50th. Reg't, Mass. Vol., Sept. 15, 1862, and was at Port Hudson with that command. He was mustered out August 24, 1863. July 18, 1864, he was mustered into Co. G, 8th Reg't, M. V. M., stationed at Baltimore. He was mustered out Nov. 10, 1864. After the war he joined the Salem Light Infantry, and was corporal in 1877. Jonathan Gardner was a cooper and mariner. Accor- ding to family tradition he was on a receiving ship with his father in the War of 1812, and later was in the brig Polly, which was wrecked on the southern coast. He was a farmer and cooper at Mt. Desert, Maine, for several years, and returned to Salem about 1842, working at the cooper's trade in that city during the remainder of his life. *Salem Records. +Family Bible. In possession of Mrs. Lucy F. Beals. Family Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 285 345. BENJAMIN BROWN, b. Apr. 23, 1801;* d. Salem, July 16, 1845:† m. Salem, Dec. 28, 1823, Lucy Foster Wilson, dau. of Jonathan and Prudence (Goldthwait) Wilson. She was b. Salem, Mar. 16, 1806, and d. Salem, Oct. 6, 1863. She was a descendant of Roger Conant, Ezekiel Cheever, Robert Lord, Col. Thomas Read, Rev. William Walton, William Adams, John Dane, William Warner, William Wilson, John Frye, John Aslett, Ralph Farnham, Nicholas Holt, Nathan Parker, Thomas Goldthwait, Thomas Dickinson and Giles Burley. Children; 1. Lucy Ann Wilson, b. Mar, 20, 1824;* m. Salem, Jan. 11, 1843,† Samuel Brown 3d., s. of Samuel and Mary (Felt) Brown. He was b. Salem, Apr. 12, 1819; d. Salem, June 19, 1893.* He joined the Salem Cadets when he was about 18, and remained a member of that organization until elected major of the 1st Battalion of Artillery, Mass. Vol. Militia. He was commissioned Colonel of the 2nd Reg't of Artillery, Aug. 26, 1852, and was discharged Feb. 26, 1855.‡ He was a prominent citizen, serving on the City Council in 1852 and 3, the Board of Aldermen in 1872 and 1881 and on the Water Board in 1881-2 and from 1885 to 1891. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. He also belonged to Essex Lodge, I. O. O. F. and Naumkeag Encamp- ment. He was a genial and affable man with a host of friends. 2. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1825; d. young. 3. Francis Alonzo, b. Salem, Jan. 8, 1829;* d. Salem, May 11, 1904;† m. 1st. at Waterbury, Conn., about 1856, Etta Hotchkiss. She d. Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 1861.* M. 2nd. Springfield, Mass., Charlotte Wyllis Taft, dau. of Josiah Taft, of Uxbridge, She was b. Granby, Conn., Dec. 13, 1830; d. Easthampton, Mass., Mar. 27, 1900.* Francis A. Gardner was a machinist by trade. He went to Waterbury, Conn. in 1851, and resided there fifteen years, a part of which time he was in business for him- self, and the remainder of the time in the employ of Blake and Johnson. Later he resided in Danbury, Conn., East- hampton and Florence, Mass. and Brooklyn, N. Y. He was one of the inventors of the pin machine, the hook and eye machine and other similar devices, He was a kind and generous man, respected by all who knew him. 4 Walter Balfour, b. Salem, Aug. 9, 1833; d. Cambridge, *Family Records. +Salem Records. Roster No. 11, p. 116, Adj. General's Office, Mass. 286 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Nov. 3, 1899;* m. Boston, Feb. 25, 1860, † Mary Augusta Downs, dau. of Aaron and Elizabeth (Roberts) Downs. He was a machinist and for many years was superintendant of the American Steam Gauge Company's works in Boston. He resided most of his life in Charlestown, but a few years before his death, he sold his house on Bunker Hill street and moved to Cambridge, He was a member of King Solomon's Lodge, F. A. M., and a Royal Arch mason. Honest, kind and devoted to duty, he was an ideal husband and friend. 5. Stephen Wilson, b. June 12, 1835; m. Salem, Oct. 4, 1860,§ Marion Wallace Woods, daughter of Aaron and Lydia Rogers (Wallace) Woods of Nashua, N. H. She was b. in New Boston, N. H., Oct. 1, 1839. She is a descendant of the following early settlers of New England;-Samuel Woods, William Lakin, Abraham Browne, William Shattuck, John Whitney, Robert Rey- nolds, Richard Blood, William Longley, John Wright, Arthur Warren, John Carter, Thomas Burnham, Samuel Richardson, Michael Bacon, Nicholas Davis, Capt. Edward Johnson, Thomas Wiswall, Capt. Augustine Walker, William Read, Thomas Wallace, John Gage, Richard Kimball and John Wyatt. Stephen W. Gardner has been during most of his life, an overseer in leather manufacturies. He is the senior deacon in the Central Baptist Church, in Salem, and a member of John Endicott Colony, U. O. Pilgrim Fathers. He lives at No. 4 Lynde Street, Salem. 6. Joseph Dennett, b. Salem, Mar. 4, 1836;‡ m. in South Danvers, (now Peabody) Oct. 22, 1857, Susan Charlotte Graves, dau. of John and Abigail W. (Hodgkins) Graves. She was b. in Ipswich, Jan, 9, 1835.‡ Joseph D. Gardner is a tanner by trade and has been foreman of several large establishments. He is at present night watchman at the Naumkeag National Bank. He is a mason, having been raised in Newport Lodge, F. and A. M., of Newport, N. Y. He is also a member of Astorogan Chapter, No. 161, R. A. of Little Falls, N. Y. He went to California in 1858, and remained there four years. During the Rebellion he was at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor with the Salem Cadets. He was mustered in, May 26, 1862 and discharged at the expiration of his term of ser- vice, Oct. 11, 1862. 7. Caroline Elizabeth, b. April 1838, d. June 1838, aged 9 weeks. *Cambridge Records. †Boston Records. +Family Records. $Salem Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 287 Benjamin Brown Gardner was a cooper by trade. He made hogsheads for the West India trade at his shop on Orne's wharf. Sept. 20, 1831, he bought an undivided half of a house on North Street in Salem, now numbered 109. He acquired the entire property later. After his wife's death it was sold to his brother, William Frost Gardner. (No. 352.) 346. CHARLES, b. Salem, Dec. 22, 1802; d. in North Carolina in 1862 or 3; m. 1st. Salem, June 22, 1826, Hannah Elwell, dau. of David and Mary Elwell.† She d. Salem, Jan. 11, 1849,† aged 43 yrs. M. 2nd. Mahala of Lowell. Children; 1. Charles J., b. Mar. 19, 1827; d. Eureka, Cal. Sept. 7, 1893; m. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20, 1851, Harriet Martin, dau. of William and Julia Martin. She was b. in Essex County, England, Feb. 1, 1828. 2. Mary Ann, b. Salem, Jan. 22, 1832; d. Berlin, Vt. Sept. 19, 1857.; m. Lowell, June 29, 1856, Joseph Stillman Bosworth, s. of Jonathan and Louisa (Darling) Bosworth. He was b. Ber- lin, Vt., Aug. 7, 1830; d. Berlin, Vt. Oct. 28, 1872. 3. Benjamin Brown, b. about 1838; d. in the Military Hos- pital, Rainsford Island, Boston Harbor, Apr. 10, 1866. He was mustered May 11, 1861, as a private in Co. B. 2nd. Reg't Mass. Vol. He was discharged on account of wounds received in the Battle of Chancellorsville. 4. William. He went to California with his brother Charles and later went to Union City, Oregon. Charles Gardner was a cabinet maker, having a place of business at No. 37 Mill Street, Salem. About 1853 he went to Charleston, S. C. and carried on the cabinet business there. 347. RACHEL, b. Salem, Dec. 20, 1805; d. Salem, Sept. 30, 1897; m. Salem, Jan. 26, 1829, William B. Kehew,† s. of Aaron and Mary (Becket) Kehew. He was b. Salem, 1803; d. Salem, Jan. 16, 1872, aged 68 yrs. 6 mos. Children; 1. William Henry, b. Salem, Nov. 1, 1829; m. Salem, Jan. 4, 1855,† Sarah H. Field, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Buffington) Field. She was b. Salem, Nov. 3, 1833, d. Beverly, May 26, 1903. He is a well known watch- maker in Salem. 2. Edward Augustus, b. Salem, Oct. 14, 1831; d. Salem, Aug. 1, 1833.* 3. Edward Augustus (2nd), b. Sept. 23, 1834; d, Salem, July 26, 1836.* 4. Har- riet Ellen, b. Salem, Feb. 25, 1837; m. Salem, June 12, *Family Records. †Salem Records. C 288 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 1888, John Boden. He d. Bangor, Me., abt. 1891. 5. Rachel Matilda, b. Dec. 6, 1839. Unmarried. 6. George Francis, b. Oct. 22, 1841; d. Nov. 7, 1842.* William B. Kehew was a mason by trade. He is kindly spoken of by those who had dealings with him, as an honest, square man." 4. 348. JOHN, b. Salem, Mar. 2, 1807; d. May 14, 1870;† m. Salem, June 18, 1829, Hannah H. Goodwin, dau. of Enoch and Elizabeth (Vernon) Goodwin. She was b. in Beverly, and d. Dec. 26, 1886, in South Boston, aged 78 years, 10 mos. 16 days. Children; 1. John H., b. Apr. 1, 1829; d. Apr. 3, 1829.‡ 2. Jane G., b. Jan. 1, 1830; m. South Boston, Sept. 30, 1852, Harvey Waite, s. of Harvey and Lucy W. (Eustis) Waite. He was b. Mexico, Maine, Apr. 24, 1827.* 3. John Brown, b. Oct. 15, 1831; d. Mar. 22. 1895; m. Boston, June 17, 1858, Eunice F. Wheeler, dau. of Reuben and Eliza (Wilson) Wheeler. She was b. Acton, Mass., Mar. 23, 1838; d. Dorchester, Apr. 28, 1903.‡ Capt. George W. b. Dec. 1, 1835; d. Salem, Mass., Mar. 18, 1865;§ m. South Boston, June 14, 1857, Sarah E. Dix, dau. of Thomas M. and Eliza Ann (Williams) Dix.‡ She was b. May 27, 1835 and d. Salem, Sept. 17, 1895. George W. Gardner was commissioned 1st. Lieut. of Co. B., 24th. Reg't Mass. Vol. Sept. 2, 1861. He was promoted Captain Aug. 27, 1862, and was honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service Oct. 14, 1864. In 1865 he was elected Captain in the Salem Cadets. He was an overseer in the Naumkeag Cotton Mills. He was ap- pointed City Marshal in 1865, but died before he was qualified. 5. Susan M., b, Lynn, Dec. 25, 1836; m. 1st. Salem, Oct. 5, 1862, § Maj. Seth S. Buxton, s. of Henry and Deborah B. (Saltmarsh) Buxton. He was b. in Salem, Aug. 26, 1832; and d. in the service Jan. 15, 1863. Seth S. Bux- ton was Commissioned Capt. of Co. D. 14th. Reg't. Mass. Vol., July 5, 1861, and was promoted to Major, June 10, 1862. || The Regiment did garrison duty in the various forts in the vicinity of Washington until the 26th. day of August 1862, when it was ordered to the front to partici- pate in the battle of Bull Run. They remained in line all day and laid on their arms at night.* A rain storm came up and Major Buxton took a severe cold which brought on *Family Records. †Grave stone in Harmony Grove, Salem. Boston Records. $Salem Records. Adjutant General's Report. (Mass.) 1863. p. 940. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 289 dysentery, from which he never recovered. She m. 2nd. South Boston, Aug. 15, 1872, Henry C. Dimond, s. of Oral and Susan (Lamson) Dimond.* He was b. Boston, June 17, 1844; and d. Newton Highlands, Mar. 1, 1903. Henry C. Dimond enlisted in Co. C. 42nd. Reg't Mass. Vol., Nov. 1862, and went to New Orleans. 6. William Francis, b. May 3, 1840; m. South Boston, Jan. 24, 1865, Eliza R. Evans, dau. of Capt. Thomas H. and Eliza R. (Lampee) Evans, of South Boston. William F. Gardner enlisted in Co. I, 42nd. Reg't, Mass. Vol., Oct. 14, 1862, at Readville, Mass. Notes furnished by the family state that he was also a member of Co. F. 6th. Reg't Mass. Vol. He was in the battle of Galveston. He was taken prisoner and never exchanged. After the war he returned to South Boston. He was a butcher and later a car inspector. His widow resides in Sonth Boston. 7. Charles H., b. Sept. 1845; d. Salem, Jan. 14, 1846, aged 4 mos. 8. Albert G., b. Oct. 30, 1846; m. 1st. South Boston, June 19, 1872, Emma K. Cong- don, dau. of William and Sarah (Fuller) Congdon.* They separated after ten years of married life. She d. May 1st. 1900, aged 50. He m. 2nd. New Bedford, Mass., May 28, 1888, † Mrs. Abby Garrison Spooner wid. of Daniel Spooner and dau. of Frederick and Abby (Butts) Head. She d. Apr. 19, 1903. Albert G. Gardner was mustered into Co. F. 23d. Reg't Mass. Vol., under Capt. George M. Whipple, Oct. 17, 1861, as drummer Boy, for three years service. He re-enlisted Jan. 2, 1864, and was promoted to the rank of Principal Musician, Sept. 28, 1864. Mustered out June 25, 1865. He was in the following battles;-Roanoke Island, Newburne, N. C., South West Creek, Kingston, White Hall and Goldsboro, N. C., Smithfield, Arrowfield Church, Drury's Bluff and Cold Harbor, Va., and the mine explosion before Petersburg. After the close of the war in 1865, he returned home and went to learn the stair builder's trade with his brother, John B. Gardner. He resided in Boston until 1878, when he moved to New Bedford, where he worked at his trade for Jacob Bright- man until 1892, when he moved to South Dartmouth, Mass., where he has since resided. 9. Adaline D., b. Salem, June 27, 1845; m. 1st. South Boston, Sept. 19, 1865, Horace Whitcomb, s. of Lester C. and Lois (Plaisted) *Boston Records. †New Bedford Records. Family Records. 290 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. Whitcomb.* M. 2nd. Jan. 2, 1890, Walter Fales, s. of E. Newman and Lucy B. (Wetherbee) Fales. They reside at Norwood, Mass. 10. Edward Warren, b. Salem, June 2, 1849; m. So. Boston, Oct., 1874, Emma Estella Mitchell, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Witham) Mitchell. She was b. Jamaica Plain, abt. Dec. 1853; d. So. Boston, Sept. 7, 1904, aged 40 y. 9 mo. 14 d. Edward W. Gardner is a stair builder, and resides in Boston. John Gardner was a carpenter. He lived in Salem and was a drummer with the Salem Cadets at Fort Warren during the Civil War. 349. HANNAH, b. Jan. 13, 1809; d. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 31, 1892; m. Salem, Dec. 27, 1835, John Goodwin, s. of Enoch and Elizabeth (Vernon) Goodwin. He was b. in Beverly, Feb. 25, 1804; d. South Boston, Aug. 8, 1868. Children; 1. Edward Livingston, b. Mar. 16, 1836; m. South Boston, Mar. 28, 1861, Charlotte Kent Pettingill, oldest dau. of Ubert Lorenzo and Rachael Clapp (Kent) Pettingill.* She was b. Augusta, Maine, Mar. 6, 1838. Edward L. Goodwin received his early education at the old Howe School in Boston, and the Harris School (Private) in the same city. He entered the house of Thatcher & Co. in South Boston, and after three years with them, removed to Pittsburg, Pa., having accepted a position with Brewer, Burks & Co., oil refiners. Later he went into business with John B. Barbour. In 1876 they merged their business with the Standard Oil Co., and Mr. Goodwin became manager of the refined oil interest of the company in Pittsburg and vicinity. He held other officers in the company in Cleveland and New York, until 1888 when he was appointed Vice-President of the Standard Oil Co., (South) with headquarters at Louisville, Ky. He resigned this position in 1898, and is now proprietor of the Goodwin Preserving Co., of Louisville, Ky., a large and very successful industry.* 2. John F., b. Jan. 17, 1838; d. Nov. 26, 1841. 3. George H., b. Jan. 17, 1838; d. Dec. 4, 1841. John Goodwin shortly after his marriage moved from Salem to Boston, where he worked at the Boston Loco- motive Works as expert pattern maker. He moved to South Boston later, and continued in the same line of work until his death.* *Family Records. †Salem Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 291 350. REBECCA, b. Mar. 2, 1811; d. Salem, Sept. 12, 1870; m. Salem, July 6, 1837,* Samuel W. Edgerly, son of Peter Edgerly. He was b. in Salem, and d, in Chichester, N. H. abt. Nov. 1880; Children; 1. Samuel Augustus, b. Jan. 6, 1840; m. Salem, May 3, 1865, Laura M. Peters, dau. of James and Frances (Underwood) Peters. She was b. Oct. 25, 1839. Samuel A. Edgerly was mustered Oct. 16, 1861, as Sergeant in Co. E., 24th. Reg't, Mass. Vol. for three years, and was discharged Oct. 15, 1864, at the expiration of his term of service. He went to California in November 1874, and has since conducted a book and stationery store at No. 215 Montgomery Ave. in San Francisco. 2. Francis Ann, b. Salem, Dec. 18, 1842; d. Salem, Apr. 15, 1885; m. Salem, Jan. 18, 1865, George L. Davis, s. of Jos- eph W. and Zena (Raynall) Davis.* He d. Salem, Sept. 24, 1875, aged 34 yrs. 7 mo. and 13 days. 3. Rebecca Gardner, b. Mar. 1, 1844. Unmarried. She lives in Salem. 4. Charles Ed- ward, b. Salem, June 5, 1845; m. 1st. Salem, June 3, 1867, Mary Allen, dau.of George W. and Annie M. (Monies) Al- len;* m. 2nd. Etta Glidden, of Barnard, Me. Charles E. Ed- gerly was mustered Oct. 19, 1861, as a private in Co. F. 23d. Reg't Mass. Vol. for three years service and was mustered out Oct. 13, 1864. He was a currier in Salem but now re- sides on a farm in Lebec Village, Me. 5. Mary Eliza, b. about Jan. 1848; d. Sept. 9, 1849.* 6. Ellen Maria, b. July 16, 1853; d. Salem, Jan. 6, 1890; m. Salem, Mar. 2, 1873, Edward E. Lee,* who was b. Feb. 22, 1851. 7. William Gardner, b. Mar. 9, 1855; m. Freeport, Me., Nov. 28, 1889, Ella May True, dau. of Solomon and Abigail (Curtis) True, of Portland, Me. She was b. May 24, 1851. They reside in Danvers Centre at present. Samuel W. Edgerly was a master mariner. He served in the Rebellion as an Ensign in the U. S. Navy. He was appointed Acting Ensign, Dec. 22, 1863 and received an honorable discharge Aug. 2, 1865. In 1865 he was on the 'Young Rover." 351. MARY, b. Mar. 16, 1815; d. Boston, May 11, 1896;† m. Salem, Apr. 18, 1842, Gurdon E. Denison, s. of Dr. Gurdon E. and Mary (Wakefield) Denison. He was b. at Horton, N. S. abt. Nov. 6, 1812; (his father was residing there temporari- ly, looking after the refugees) d. Boston, Mar. 28, 1881. Children; 1. Mary, b. Mar. 17, 1843; d. Sept. 5, 1844. *Salem Records. +Boston Records. +Family Records. 292 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. 2. Gurdon E., jr. b. Oct. 13, 1845;* unmarried. He is in the dry goods business on Harrison Ave. Boston, and lives in Sharon, Mass. 3. James Gardner, b. July 21, 1848; m. Salem, July 2, 1893, Eliza Swasey Wyman,† dau. of Theodore A. and Catherine (Phipps) Wyman. She was b. Salem, July 1, 1856; d. Sharon, Mass., Sept. 3, 1902. He lives in Sharon, Mass. 4. Ann Eliza, b. May 13, 1853; d. May 1, 1869. 5. Daniel Webster, b. Sept. 10, 1855; d. Mar. 4, 1862. Gurdon E. Denison was a dry goods dealer in Salem until about 1844 when he moved to Boston. He was in business at several different stands and finally located at No. 43 (now 77) Harrison Ave., where he continued until his death. He was a member of the old First Baptist Church of Boston, until he withdrew with about forty others to found the Harvard Street Baptist Church. He was one of the leading supporters of this church during the remainder of his life. 352. WILLIAM FROST, b. Salem, May 30, 1819; d. Salem, Dec. 3, 1902; m. Salem, May 27, 1841,† Mary H. Ingalls, dau. of Collins and Rebecca M. Ingalls. She was b. Feb. 7, 1819; and d. Sept. 28. 1898. Children; 1. William D., b. Salem, Apr. 24, 1842; m. Salem, Apr. 7, 1864, Margaret E. Dix, dau. of Thomas and Eliza (Williams) Dix. She was b. Salem, Apr. 29, 1843; d. Salem, Oct. 16, 1896. William D. Gardner car- ried on thecarpenter's business for many years, but is at present a dealer in real estate at No. 36 Norman street, Salem, residing at No. 6 Roslyn street. He is a member of Fraternity Lodge and Salem Encampment, I. O. O. F. He also belongs to Phil Sheridan Post 34, G. A. R. and the O. U. A. M. In 1883 and 4 he was a member of the Common Council. During the Rebellion he went to Fort Warren, Boston harbor, as a member of the Salem Cadets. He was mustered in, Mar. 26, 1862 and discharged at the ex- piration of his term of service, Oct. 1862. 2. Rebecca M., b. Salem, June 3, 1845; d. June 3, 1845. 3. Wilson I., b. Sept. 4, 1848; d. Sept. 7, 1848. 4. Joseph M., b. Jan. 3, 1850; d. Jan. 4, 1850. 5. Frederick Mack, b. Mar. 24, 1858; m. Boston, Nov. 17, 1884, Annie L. Peckham, dau. of Walter G. and Josephine L. (Smith) Peckham.* She was b. Newbury- port, July 15, 1862. No children. Rev. Frederick M. Gard- *Family Records. +Salem Records. Massachusetts Volunteers, v. I, p. 163. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 293 ner is a prominent Baptist clergyman. He was educated at Colby University and Newton Theological Institution. The first pastorate held by him was at Winthrop, Mass., from 1882 to 1884. He next went to Lawrence, Mass., as pastor of the Second Baptist Church. In 1892, he became pastor of the Central Square Baptist Church in East Boston. He remained there until 1898, when he went to South Boston as pastor of the South Baptist Church. He has been eminently successful in his church work and large numbers have been added to the membership. The Christian Endeavor movement claimed his attention in the early days of its history and in 1897-8 he was State President of that organization. William F. Gardner was a carpenter, retiring from active business about 1879. He purchased a lot of land of John Pickering on Endicott street, (numbered 55 later) and erected a house on the lot. He lived here until about 1870, when he built a new house for himself at No. 84 Mill street which was later numbered 284 Washington street, when the last named street was extended in 1874. He continued to reside there until his death. He was for many years a prominent member of the Central Baptist Church, but united with the First Baptist Church, by letter, Apr. 20, 1888.* He was a member of the Salem Charitable Mechanics Association, and Essex Lodge, I. O. O. F. He was a member of the Common Council in 1865. Honest and straightforward in all his dealings, he was a model husband, father and citizen, deeply beloved by those who were near to him and respected by all. 189 Samuel Knapp Gardner, the youngest son of Simon Stacey and Rebecca (Knapp) Gardner, was a mariner and later a well known shipping agent on Derby street in Salem. He lived in Turner street, then on Der- by street, corner of White, and later on Pleasant street. During the last years of his life, he lived in a house on Central street, next north of the old Y. M. C. A. building. Samuel Gand nee *First Baptist Church Records. 294 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, He was owner, or part owner of the Brig Sally in 1799, which was captured by the French. He was captured in the war of 1812 and was confined in Dartmoor prison. * He married Salem, Sept. 2, 1798, Mary (or Polly) Marsh.† She d. in July 1825, and he married second, Sa- lem, July 14, 1826, Betsey Marsh. She d. in August 1850 aged 71 years. Samuel K. Gardner died Aug 16, 1850, aged 71 years. Children: 353. WILLIAM, d. on the Isthmus of Panama about 1852*; m. 1st. Salem, Oct. 10, 1827, Lydia N. Peele. M. 2nd. Salem, Dec. 12, 1838, Mrs. Martha Grush Cassino, wid. of John Cas- sino and dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Trask) Grush. †She was b. Marblehead, Nov. 1, 1902; d. Jan. 29, 1888* Children by his second wife; 1. William Henry, b. Feb. 1, 1841; m. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 21, 1867, Annie M. Trask, dau. of Joseph and Mary O. (Allen) Trask.* She was b. Salem, Jan. 29, 1849. William H. Gardner went with the Salem Mechanics Light Infantry, Apr. 20, 1861.* He was mus- tered into Co. A, 5th. Reg't Mass. Vol. May 1, 1861, for three months service, and mustered out July 31, 1861.* He is a member of the G. A. R. He has been for many years the proprietor of an art store and picture frame es- tablishment on Essex opposite St. Peter street. 2. Charles Warren, b. June 18, 1843; m. Salem, June 25, 1869, Martha Washington Dam,† dau. of Benjamin and Martha (Bosson) Dam, of Chelsea. Charles W. Gardner was mustered into Co. A. 5th. Reg't Mass. Vol., May 1, 1861. He was mus- tered out at the termination of his three months ser- vice, July 31, 1861. At the time of his enlistment he was a barber. Later he became a picture frame maker, which occupation he has since followed. In 1875 he removed to Chelsea, Mass., where he resided until about 1887, when he moved to Somerville, Mass., where he has since lived at No. 29 Summer street. William Gardner went to California in 1849, and re- mained there about three years. He had been successful and was returning home with his treasure when he was murdered and robbed on the Isthmus of Panama. 354. SAMUEL, b. 1801; d. Salem, Feb. 27, 1842; m. Salem, Apr. 3, 1821, Sarah Edwards, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth *Family Records. †Salem Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 295 (Smothers) Edwards. She d. Feb. 15, 1880, aged 78 yrs. 10 mo. 13 d. Children: 1. Eliza Ann, d. 1889; m. 1st Cyrus Bullock, of Boston. m. 2nd Charles Durgin, of Boston. m. 3d John Kennedy.* 2. Mary Jane, d. Salem, June 26, 1891; m. Jan. 21, 1846, Luther C. Butman. 3. Caroline or Matilda b. 1826; d. Feb. 1892; m. George Stevens, of Rox- bury.* 4. Sarah Helen, b. Apr., 1829; m. 1st, Salem, July 7, 1847, Joseph B. Swaney. m. 2nd, Salem, Oct. 11, 1855, John F. Gibson, s. of William and Frances Gibson. He was b. England, about 1831; d. Salem, Mar. 22, 1885. John H. Gibson was mustered into Co. A., 3d. Reg't Mass. Heavy Artillery, Jan. 10, 1863. He was discharged for disability, Sept. 5, 1864. He was a seaman.§ 5. Ed- ward Edwards, b. Nov. 4, 1831; unmarried. He and his sister Harriet L. have lived at No. 20 Oliver street for the past fifteen years. In the '60s he owned a bathhouse at 148 Bridge street, but since then he has been employed in caring for lawns and gardens. 6. William Henry, b. Sept. 1834; d. Salem, Oct. 25, 1883; unmarried. He was mustered into Co. A. 50th Reg't Mass. Vol. as a private, Sept. 30, 1862, and was mustered out at the expiration of his term of service, Aug 24, 1863. || He was a well known florist in Salem, and conducted that business at No. 6 Crombie street for many years.* 7. Benjamin Smithurst, b. 1839; d. Salem, Jan. 21, 1873, aged 34 yrs. 10 mos. 21 days.† He was enrolled Jan. 14, 1862, as private in Co. I, 29th. Reg't Mass. Vol., and discharged Mar. 6, 1863, at Fortress Monroe, Va., on a surgeon's certificate. He was enrolled May 16, 1863 as private in Co. I, 10th Reg't N. H. Vol., and was discharged Aug. 11, 1863.¶ He was described as being 5 ft. 6 in tall, with fair complexion, blue eyes and brown hair. He was a shoemaker by trade. 8. Harriet L., b. 1843. Unmarried. She lives at 20 Oliver street with her brother Edward E. Gardner. 355. MARY, b. Salem, May 3, 1803; d. Lexington, Mass., July 16, 1872; m. Dec. 24, 1822, Nathan Bryant. He was b. Bridgewater, Aug. 1, 1793; d. Billerica, Mar. 10, 1869. Children: 1. Loring G., b. Dorchester, Dec. 9, 1823; d. Billerica, Sept. 14, 1888; m. Boston, Nov. 13, 1854, Mary F. Temple, dau. of Hananiah and Betsy Temple. 2. Royal *Family Records. †Salem Records. #Rebellion Records, Salem City Hall, v. I, p. 492. $Salem Directories. Rebellion Records, Salem City Hall, v. I, p. 118. ¶Discharge papers in the possession of Edward E. Gardner. 296 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Turner, b. Mar. 24, 1825; d. Lexington, Dec. 9, 1890; m. Sarah Hartwell. 3. Mary E., b. Feb. 26, 1827; d. Billeri- ca, Feb. 26, 1886; Dr. D. Parker. 4. Georgianna, b. Feb. 16, 1828; d. Dec. 10, 1828. 5. Nathan L., b. June 21, 1829; d. East Lexington, Jan. 9, 1893, unmarried. 6. Aus- tin R., b. Nov. 11, 1830: d. Billerica, Feb. 8, 1866, unmar- ried. Austin R. Bryant was mustered into Co. M. 1st. Reg't Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 5, 1861, and served three years. He was mustered out, Oct. 3, 1864. 7. Foster B., b. Apr. 15, 1832; went away and was never heard from; m. Sarah Burrows, of Billerica. 8. Julia A., b. Mar. 19, 1833; d. Acton, Dec. 16, 1898; m. 1st. James Monroe, of Bedford. M. 2nd. Henry Brooks of Acton. 9. Alice B., b. Mar. 8, 1834; d. Dorchester, Oct. 6, 1903, m. Walter Preston of Dorchester. 10. Harriet A., b. May 11, 1836; m. Fred Croxon, of Dorchester, She lives in Chicago, Ill. 11. Almeda T., b. Sept. 8, 1838; d. New Bedford, Mar. 8, 1904; m. Thomas Hersom, of New Bedford. 12. Francis W., b. Mar. 2, 1841; d. New Bedford, Aug. 20, 1899; m. Mary Francis W. Bryant was a musician in the First Co. Sharpshooters, Mass. Vol. (Mass. Reg. & M. Rec. 1862, p. 407.) 13. Sarah A., b. June 24, 1843; m. A. Brad- ford Smith, of Lexington. She lives in East Lexington, Ellen L., b. Mar. 6, 1846; d. Billerica, Mar. 12, 1902; m. 1st. Dexter Matthews. M. 2nd. John Foster Bill. 15. Frederick W., b. June 15, 1850; d. Acton, Jan. 11, 1882; m. Concord, Ida Hobson. 14. 356. ELIZA, b. Salem; d. Milton; m. Azel Thayer, s. of Beza and Eunice (Howard) Thayer. He was b. Milton, abt. Dec. 1802; d. Milton, June 22, 1877, aged 74 yrs. 6 mo. Children: 1. Elizabeth, b. Milton, abt. 1827; d. Kansas, abt. 1901, aged 74 yrs.; m. Milton, abt. 1843, George Horne. 2. William, b. Milton, abt. 1829; d. Weymouth, abt. 1876; m. Emily P. Davis, dau. of Robert and Mary Davis, of Wey- mouth. He was a soldier in the Civil War and was wound- ed in the neck. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias. 3. Mary Jane, b. Milton, abt. 1831; d. Ran- dolph; m. Milton, Willlam Allen. 4. Frederick, b. Mil- ton, abt. 1833; m. Augusta Hunt. He was a member of Co. E., 35th Reg't Mass. Vol. according to notes furnished by his sister Mrs. Shedd. 5. Angelette, b. Milton, June 30, 1835; m. Milton, Aug. 7, 1854, William Shedd, of Matta- pan, s. Calvin and Catherine (Harding) Shedd. He was b. Roxbury in 1830; d. Mattapan, Jan. 27, 1883. William AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 297 Shedd was mustered as a private in Co. A, 18th. Reg't Mass. Vol., Sept. 2, 1861, and was discharged Sept. 2, 1864 at the expiration of his term of service. At the time of his enlistment he was described as 5 ft. 7 1-2 inches tall, light complexioned, etc. He was taken prisoner and con- fined in Libby prison. He was a carpenter by trade and a member of Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F., of Rhode Island. The author is indebted to Mrs. Shedd for most of the information in regard to her father's fam- ly. 6. Samuel, d. young. 7. Samuel, b. abt. 1839; m. 1st. Abigail Gay, of Quincy. M. 2nd. Elizabeth Lowd, of Hingham. He was a soldier in the Civil War and was wounded in the knee. 191 Joseph Gardner, son of Joseph and Anna (Edee) Gardner, was a baker, by trade. He was born about October, 1775. He removed to Gloucester, Mass., where he carried on the baking business. He married in 1802, (published, Salem, Nov. 13,*) Mary Brown. She died in Gloucester, Feb. 2, 1863, aged 86. t. Joseph Gardner died at Gloucester, September 21, 1848, aged 72 years, 11 mos. 12 days.† Children: 357. JOSEPH, b. Salem, 1803; d. Gloucester, Aug. 26, 1870; m Gloucester, Dec. 3, 1825, Mrs. Lydia Greenleaf, wid. of Joseph Greenleaf, and dau. of Joseph and Lydia Geadrick. † She was b. Gloucester; d. Gloucester, May 7, 1873, aged 74 yrs. 4 m. Children: 1. Lydia Ann, b. Gloucester; d. Gloucester, abt. 1898; m. 1st, Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1844,† John A. Wolfe, m. 2nd James Wolfe, b. Liverpool, N. S., d. Gloucester, Jan. 7, 1900, aged 76 yrs. 2 mo. 2. Mary, b. Gloucester, abt. 1830; d, Easton; m. Gloucester, Feb. 5, 1850, Tisdale D. Collins of So. Easton, Mass. He was b. abt. 1828. 3. George, (called 3d) b. Gloucester, abt. 1835; m. Gloucester, Apr. 24, 1853,† Eliza Gaffney, dau. of T. Jefferson and Eliza (Gardner) Gaffney. She was b. Glou- cester, abt. 1835; d. Gloucester, Sept. 6, 1898, aged 62 yrs. 8 mo. 16 days. George Gardner was a fisherman. 4. Ar- thur Cain, b. Gloucester, March 9, 1837; m. Gloucester, Nov. 6, 1861,† Betsey F. Nute, dau. Charles P. and Mary Blatchford Nute. Arthur C. Gardner is a cabinet maker living at No. 31 Summer street, Gloucester. *Salem Records. · †Gloucester Records. 298 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, 358. MARY, b. Salem, abt. 1805; d. Worcester, about 1855; m. Gloucester, May 5, 1825, Caleb Goodrich,* He d. Mar. 13, 1829. She m. 2nd. Peter Hazel. He d. Gloucester, 1861, aged about 50. Children by Caleb Goodrich: 1. Mary Eliza, b. Oct. 2, 1825; m. Gloucester, Mar. 5, 1843, Benja- min Laroque. 2. Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1827; d. unmar- ried. 3. Caleb, b. June 17, 1829; d. Gloucester about 1900; m. a resident of Boothbay. Children by Peter Hazel: 4. Ellen, b. abt. 1836; m. 1st. Gloucester, Aug. 12, 1855, Moses Rust Jr., s. of Moses and Judith Rust. He was b. abt. 1831. M. 2nd. Gloucester, May 10, 1870. William L. Millett, s. of Lewis and Maria D. (Caswell) Millett. 5. Ed- win, b. abt. 1838; m. Gloucester, Apr. 30, 1861, Sarah Munsey, dau. of William and Sarah (Higgins) Munsey She was b. Gloucester, Dec. 1840. 6. Martha Ann, b. abt. 1840; m. Gloucester, Apr. 14, 1861, John P. Hodgkins, s. of Muurice and Lydia (Tarr) Hodgkins. He was b. abt. 1828. They reside in Winthrop. 7. Charles, b. abt. 1842; m. Gloucester, Dec. 30, 1865, Hannah Jane Robin- son, dau. of Edwin L., and Rhoda S. Robinson. She was b. Grafton, N. H., abt. 1842. 359. WILLIAM LUTHER, b. Gloucester, abt. 1807; d. Gloucester, June 8, 1885, aged 77 yrs. 6 mo. 14 days; m. Gloucester, Nov. 28, 1832,* Mary Davis Simpson, dau. of James and Nancy (Day) Simpson. She was b. Gloucester, 1812; d. Gloucester, Apr. 15, 1871. Children: 1. Mary Ann. b. Gloucester, Oct. 22, 1833; m. Gloucester, Feb. 26, 1852, Theodore Parsons, s. of Theodore and Ruth (Wakefield) Parsons. He was b. York, Me., Dec., 1823; d. Gloucester, June, 1888, abt. 65. 2. Sarah Low, b. Gloucester, July 30, 1835; m. Gloucester, Dec. 24, 1854,* Dougald McDou- gald, s. of John and Mary McDougald. He was He was b. Cape Breton abt. 1828. 3. William Henry, b. Gloucester, June 30, 1838; d. Gloucester, Mar. 1, 1841. 4. William Henry, b. May 19, 1841; m. Gloucester, June 21, 1876,* Fanny Tullar, dau. of Alden and Eliza (Packard) Tullar. She was b. St. Albans, Vt., Apr. 5, 1856. William H. Gardner has been prominently identified with the fish bus- iness in Gloucester for the past thirty years. He is at pres- ent senior member of the firm of Gardner and Parsons, of Gloucester and Boston. He resides at No. 13 Dale Ave., Gloucester. 5. Hannah Maria, b. Gloucester, May 19, 1841; m. Gloucester, July 14, 1861,* Charles W. Spinney. *Gloucester Records. Family Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 299 s. of Miner and Maria Spinney. He was b. Argyle, N. S. abt. 1837. 6. Child, d. agd. 3 yrs. 7. Caroline, b. Glou- cester, April 8, 1854; m. Gloucester, Apr. 5, 1870. Edward Stapleton, s. of Michael and Ann Stapleton. He was b. Harpswell, Me., abt. 1844, d. March, 1890. Drowned. William L. Gardner was a fisherman. 360. ELIZA, m. Gloucester, 1835, (pub. Feb. 28) Thomas Jefferson Gaffney. Children: 1. Eliza, b. abt. 1835; d. Gloucester Sept. 6, 1898, aged 62 yrs. 8 mo. 16 days; m. Gloucester, Apr. 24, 1853, George Gardner, 3d., s. of Joseph and Ly- dia (Geadrick) Gardner. (No. 357.) 2. Eunice Ann, b. abt. 1840; m. Gloucester, Feb. 20, 1859, William P. Davis, s. of Henry P. and Jerusha Davis. 3. Thomas, d. unmar- ried. 4. John, unmarried. 361. NANCY, b. Gloucester, abt. 1814; d. Gloucester, Oct. 10, 1880, aged 65; m. Gloucester, July 24, 1836,* Jonathan Douglass, Jr. He was s. of Jonathan and Sally Douglass, He was b. East Gloucester abt. 1813; d. Gloucester, Sept. 28, 1854, aged 43 yrs.* Children: 1. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1835; m. Gloucester, Dec. 2, 1855, Coombs Taar, s. of Frederick and Louisa Tarr. He was b. abt. 1833. 2. Jonathan, b. Oct. 7, 1836; unmarried. He was a soldier in the civil war. 3. Robert (called 3d.), b. Dec. 23, 1840, m. Gloucester, Jan. 31, 1865, Mary E. Dedcovitch, dau. of Jonathan and Patience Dedcovitch. She was b. Boston; abt. 1845. 4. William C., b. May 3, 1843; m. Gloucester Mar. 2, 1871, Mary A. Rolfe, dau. of George T. and Sara Rolfe. She was b. abt. 1853. 5. Emma F., b. abt. 1846 m. Gloucester, Jan. 1, 1865, Silas B. Jewett, of West- port, Me. He was b. abt. 1837. 6. Joseph, b. abt. 1849; m. Gloucester, May 9, 1870, Viola Walen, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Smith) Walen. She was b. in Rockport abt. 1849. 362. EDWARD CURRIRR, b. Gloucester, 1815; d. Gloucester, Sept. 16, 1872; m. Gloucester, Apr. 8, 1838,* Mary S. Parsons, dau. of Samuel and Eliza (Steele) Parsons. She was b. Gloucester, Jan. 15, 1820, d, E. Boston, Feb. 15, 1904. Children: 1. Georgietta, b. Gloucester, 1849; m. Glouces- ter, Jan. 5, 1857,* Andrew P. Lufkin, s. of David and Loui- sa (Steele) Lufkin. He was b. Gloucester, July 20, 1834; 2. Edward H., b. Gloucester, 1840; d. Gloucester, Dec. 6, 1860. 3. Sidney, b. Gloucester, June 10, 1843; m. Glouces- ter, Dec. 18, 1866, Elizabeth H. Stanwood, dau. of Isaac and *Gloucester Records. 300 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER, Lydia (Wainwright) Stanwood. She was b. Rockport, Sept. 12, 1845. Sidney Gardner enlisted first, Sept. 15, 1862, in Co. G., 8th Reg't Mass. Vol., and was discharged Aug. 7, 1863. He enlisted second, July 18, 1864, in Co. G., 8th. Reg't, Mass. Vol. and was discharged Nov. 10, 1864. He is Commander of Colonel Allen Post No. 45, G. A. R. of Mass., and has held that office for the past twelve years. He is a member of Ocean Lodge, No. 91, I. O. O. F. He entered the U. S. Custom House at Gloucester in 1872, and remained there until appointed Messenger of the House of Representatives at the State House in Boston. He is at present Doorkeeper of the House, having been at the State House for the past 16 years. 4. Clema E. S., b. Glouces- ter, Sept. 7, 1852;* m. Gloucester, Feb. 16, 1875, William B. Pigeon, s. of Henry and Judith (Kline) Pigeon. He was b. E. Boston, Mar. 31, 1852. He is sec'y and treas. of the East Boston Savings Bank. 5. Annie S., b. Glouces- ter, 1857; d. Nov. 13, 1877; m. Gloucester, Jan. 18, 1877, Melvin Haskell, s. of Benjamin and Mary B. (Noble) Has- kell. He was b. Gloucester, Feb. 1848. He m. second, Gloucester, May 18, 1880, Lizzie Thomas. 6. Caroline M., b. Gloucester, July 29, 1859; m. Gloucester, Sept. 22, 1876, Charles W. Pigeon, s. of Henry and Judith (Kline) Pigeon. He was b. E. Boston, July 1857; d. E. Boston, Jan. 22, 1903, age 45 yrs., 6 mo., 14 d.t Edward C. Gardner was a baker by trade. Later he was a gardener. He lived at Fresh Water Cove. 363. RACHAEL, b. Gloucester, abt. 1818; d. Gloucester, Apr. 15, 1899; aged 81; m. Gloucester, Dec. 9, 1838,‡ David Jo- seph, s. of Matthew and Mary (Robinson) Joseph. He was b. Gloucester, abt. 1813; and d. Gloucester, Apr. 3, 1900, aged 86 yrs., 4 mo. Child: Emeline, b. Gloucester, Oct. 15; 1839* m. Gloucester, Nov. 6, 1862; Gilman Saun- ders, s. of Henry and Tamazin (Millett) Saunders. 364. ABIGAIL, b. Gloucester, Mar. 7, 1823; d. Boothbay Harbor, Me., Oct. 16, 1897; m. Gloucester, Aug. 2, 1841, Mitchell L. Brewer, s. of James and Margaret Brewer. He was b. Boothbay Harbor, Me., Sept. 1, 1815; d. Boothbay Har- bor, Dec. 25, 1895. Children: 1. Joseph C., b. Booth- bay Harbor, Me., Feb. 16, 1845; d. Dec. 28, 1845. 2. Ro- seilla, b. Boothbay Harbor, Apr. 2, 1847. 3. Pembroke, *Family Records. †Boston Records. #Gloucester Records. AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS. 301 b. Boothbay Harbor, June 2, 1849; d. Dec. 16, 1852. 4. Mitchell Brewer, Jr., b. Boothbay Harbor, Mar. 10, 1851; d. Mar. 23, 1851, 5. Lizzie, b. Boothbay Harbor, Oct. 14, 1855; d. Bangor, Me., Mar. 29, 1883; m. Boothbay Harbor, James Derry, son of James Derry, of Bangor. 6. Idelia, b. Boothbay Harbor, Oct. 14, 1855; m. 1st. Booth- bay Harbor, Feb. 1874, David J. Couillard. He d. at the Sailor's Home, Chelsea. She m. 2nd. at Boothbay Har- bor, Richard Latter. 7. Florence J., b. Boothbay Har- bor, Nov. 17, 1857; m. Nellie Pinkham. 8. Isaac, b. Boothbay Harbor, Aug. 23, 1860; m. at Gloucester, Lizzie Forbes. 9. Baby, b. Sept. 1862; d. Sept. 1862. 192 John Gardner, son of Joseph and Anna (Edee) Gardner, removed to Cambridge. In a deed dated June 23, 1827, he was mentioned as a "laborer" and a resident of that place. He was a baker by trade. He married in Salem, November 10, 1816,+ Martha Southwick dau. of Simeon and Martha (Newell) South- wick. She was b. Danvers, Apr. 20, 1798; d. Cambridge, December 11, (10-family Bible), 1835, aged 37 years.† He died in Cambridge, Aug. 26, (27-family Bible) 1834, aged 41 years. Children: 365. MARTHA ANN, b. Salem, May 7, 1817; m. Cambridge, Dec. 6, 1854, Samuel Holt, son of Isaac Holt. He was b. 1802 and d. Cambridge. She is living in Watertown. 366. EBEN S., b. Salem, Dec. 2, 1819; d. Somerville, June 7, 1896; aged 76 yrs., 6 mo., 5 d., m. Charlestown, June 3, 1844, Abigail Rice, dau. of Samuel R., and Ann (Caldwell) Rice, of Charlestown. She was b. Charlestown, Mar. 25, 1821. She is living in Somerville. Children: 1. Samuel Eben, b. Charlestown, July 11, 1845; d. in a few days. 2. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1847; d. Mar. 17, 1848. 3. Samuel Eben, b. Charlestown, July 15, 1850; d. Nov. 25, 1859. Eben S. Gardner was a baker by trade. He lived for many years at 30 High street, Charlestown, working with his brother John Wesley Gardner, at his bakery at No. 207 Cambridge street, in Cambridge. They were later, at No. 376 on the same street. *Essex Registry of Deeds, book 244, leaf 260; and book 245, leaf 204. +Salem Records. ‡Cambridge Records. 302 THOMAS GARDNER, PLANTER. 367. JOHN WESLEY, b. Cambridge, Oct., 1823; d. Cambridge, Sept. 3, 1890, aged 66 yrs. 11 mos.; m. Cambridge, May 4, 1846.* Sarah S. Jewett, dau. of Daniel Jewett. She was b. in Cambridge, 1825; d. Cambridge, abt. 1902. No issue. John Wesley Gardner was a baker by trade. He car- ried on that business for about forty years on Cambridge street in East Cambridge. 368. HARRIET, E. b. E. Cambridge, Sept. 2, 1833; d. East Cam- bridge, Sept 26. 1887; m. Cambridge, Dec. 24, 1854, Wil- liam M. Loring, s. of Levi and Lucy (McLeoud) Loring. He was b. North Yarmouth, Me., Aug. 8, 1828; d. Cam- bridgeport, May 4, 1875. Children: 1. Martha Emma, b. East Cambridge, Sept. 22, 1858; m. Cambridge, July 27, 1882, Charles H. Brown, s. of Francis W. and Sarah E. (Meader) Brown. He was b. Cambridge, Sept. 7, 1856. He is a baker at No. 301 Essex street, Salem, and resides in Danvers. 2. William H., b. East Cambridge, Jan. 25, 1863; m. Cambridge, Mar. 11, 1888. Mary O'Connell, of Somerville, dau. of John and Elizabeth O'Connnell. She was b. Cambridge, Nov. 4, 1869. He is foreman at the Central Market, on North street, Boston, and resides at No. 124 Antrim street in Cambridge. 3. Francis E. b. East Cambridge, Mar. 28, 1866; m. Everett, Nov. 1899, Jessie B. Williams, dau. of William and Sarah Williams. She was b. May 6, 1877. He is a travelling salesman for the National Biscuit Co, and lives in Pearson's Park, Water- town. William M. Loring was a carpenter by trade. sided in East Cambridge. *Cambridge Records. He re- ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 19, lines 17 and 18, "Edward Smith" should be "Edward King." Page 20, 7th line. Elizabeth Horne (probably). See pp. 34-5. Page 20, lines 8 and 9. not Elizabeth Horne. her name. George Gardner's first wife was See pp. 34-5. We do not know Page 21, 8th line. Richard More was a Mayflower passen- ger and the only one whose original gravestone is known to be still standing. It is in the Charter Street Burying Ground a short distance eastward of the end of the cen- tral gravelled path. Page 21, Jehoadam Grafton, d. Dec. 5, 1707. Charter Street Burying Ground. Page 29, Samuel Gardner (22) certified "that in ye year 1660 My Father sett up Bakeing, Thatt in ye year 1661 My Father went to Barbadoes," etc. Vol. I, Peele Papers. Page 69, 2nd line from the bottom. Date should be “ June 26, 1683.” Page 72, 1st line from the bottom. First date should be Apr. 27, 1707." Page 86, 6th line from the bottom. Date should be "1683." Page 125, 3d line. It should read "Butts Brook." apostrophe.) (no Page 145. Children of Samuel and Hannah (Gardner) Holton 1. Infant, b. and d. Feb. 14, 1734. 2. Lydia, (303) 304 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. b. Aug. 4, 1735; m. June 6, 1754, Dr. Jonathan, son of Dr. Jonathan and Mary (Porter) Prince, b. Oct., 1734; d. Dec. 11, 1759. Buried at Beaver Brook. 3 Sam- uel (see p. 145). 4. John, b. Apr. 6, 1745 ; d. Nov. 6, 1745. Essex Inst. Hist. Col. Vol. XXIX, p. 157. Omit the ( ) in the name Archibald. Eunice, d. Dec., 1801. Salem Gazette Page 153, 12th line. Page 156, 6th line. of Dec. 29, 1801. Page 175, 13th line. 1785, aged 68. Page 178, 23d line. 159. ELIZABETH, bap. Salem, June 3, 1750; d. Andover, Mass. (will dated June 4, 1732; proved May 20, 1734). She m. 1st, Nathaniel Dabney, s. of Charles and Elizabeth (Gardner) Dabney of Bos- ton. He was an apothecary in Salem, and was a loyal- ist. He fled to Halifax and later to England and France. On his way home he was lost at sea. Adm. granted June 7, 1784. She m. 2nd, James Bridges, s. of Moody and Naomi (Frye) Bridges, of Andover. He was a farmer in that town, living on the ancestral Bridges estate. His widow administered his estate Feb. 1. 1790, and was appointed guardian of his two children. She m. 3d, Ebenezer Stevens, prob. son of Jacob and Tabitha (Farnum) Stevens, of Andover. He was a farmer and d. in Andover. (Pickering Gen. pp. 185-7.) Page 194. "Last week Died Israel Gardner," a young Note in "Text Book" of Dea. Joseph Seccombe, under date of Apr. 7, 1771. Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. Vol. XXXIV, p. 26. Mrs. Elizabeth Cabot, d. June 19, Salem Gazette of June 21, 1785. man. Page 195. 182. JOSEPH, bap. May 1, 1774; d. abt. 1811. 183. ABEL SYMONDS, b. 1759; . . . . d. Oct. 9, 1836. Page 197. 190. MEHITABLE, d. Mar. 1, 1858, aged 85. Their son John, b. Salem ; d. Salem, Mar. 12, 1864, aged 53 yrs. 11 mos. 12 days. Salem Records. Page 197. 191. JOSEPH, b. abt. Oct., 1775; d. Glouces- ter, Sept. 21, 1848; m. Salem, 1802 (pub. Nov. 13), Mary Brown. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 305 Page 197. 192. JOHN, b. abt. 1793; d. Aug. 26, 1834; (Cambridge Records) m. Martha Southwick, dau. of Simeon and Martha (Newell) Southwick. Page 206. Samuel, son of John (201), was a member of Co. M., 1st Regt. Mass. Heavy Artillery. Mustered March 20, 1862. Discharged at expiration of term of service, Mar. 12, 1865. Mass. Volunteers, v. I, p. 510. Page 206. 203. George Gardner and Elizabeth Need- ham were married Apr. 25, 1805. (First Church Rec- ords, Lynnfield.) Essex Inst. Hist. Col. Vol. XXXIV, p. 177. Page 245. 178. Thomas Gardner, d. Sept., 1872. Page 260, 6th line from the bottom. Priscilla Goodwin, d. Marblehead, May 12, 1904. Page 275, 3d line from bottom. P. L. Wiggin Gardner, d. aged 28 yrs. 6 mos. (Stone in Harmony Grove Cemetery.) Page 282. Simon Winthrop Gardner d. Salem, Nov. 24, 1904. 66 Page 286, 20th line. Capt. Augustine Walker" should read Capt. Richard Walker. Page 288, 12th line. ton, Nov. 2, 1904. Jane G. (Gardner) Waite, d. Bos- Page 289, 8th line from the top. Eliza R. (Evans) Gard- ner, d. South Boston, Mar. 15, 1906, aged 64 yrs. 3 mos. Page 289, 18th line. Albert G. Gardner, d. Soldier's Home, Chelsea, Jan. 27, 1906. Page 295, 8th line. Joseph B. Swaney was the son of William and Rebecca (Pedrick) Swaney. Page 298, 17th line. 3d word should be "Maurice." Page 299, 10th line from the bottom. The second name should be "Currier." INDEX Aborn, Samuel, 158. Adams, Annie, 275. 135. Cephas Gardner, M. D., 212. Charles H., 221,275. Conrade, 136. Elizabeth, 210, 275. Elizabeth C., 210. George B., 212. Hannah, 133, 146(3). James R., 206. John, 3, 133, 146(2). Levi P., 212. Nathaniel, 210. Patience, 256. Ruth, 212. Sarah, 133, 146(2). William, 29, 285. Albee, Abbie A., 253. Annie, 253. Calvin, 251. Ellen, 193, 194, 240. Emma, 241(2). Frank F., 242. Fred, 253. Hannah, 244. Harriet N., 253. Louis, 251. Allen, Esther Gardner, 210. George W., 291. Capt. John, 36, 197. John, 210. Joseph, 157. Mary, 291. Mary J., 296. Rebecca, 197. Ruth, 147. William, 296. Ames, Burpee, 256. Caleb M., 267. Hannah, 256. John K., 240. Sarah A., 240. Amory, Mrs. Charles W., 142(2). Daniel, Archer, Abigail, 146. Elizabeth, 284. John, 109. Jonathan, 253, 254. Laura A., 284. Rufus P., 284. Archibald, Ann, 153, 304. Francis, 153. Arthur, Elizabeth, 72. John, 50, 72(2). Joseph, 72. Margaret, 72. Mary, 50, 72. Priscilla, 71. Arrow (negro), 36, 37. Ashton, Jacob, 42. Aslett, John, 285. Attwatter, Joshua,67. Austin, 3. Andrew, 107(2), 108. Elizabeth, 152. Deborah, 49, 51. John, 229. Hepzibah, 210. Jonathan, 152(2), Isabel, 210. 188. Joseph, 49. Martha, 152. Mary, 152(2). Capt. Nathaniel,152. Nathaniel, 152. Samuel, 88. Mary, 49, 73. Richard, 210. Avery, Betsey, 243. Margaret, 213. Mary, 133. Harrison, 253. Sarah, 152. Ayres, Sally, 198. Lydia, 194, 252, 253. Andrews, Annie, 248. Lydia W., 244. Charles L., 156, Babadg, 35. 242. Babadge, 37. George H., 248. Babbidge, Benjamin, Nehemiah, 97. Sarah, 248. Mary J., Mercie, 250. Napoleon, 251. Sally, 193, 240, 247. William, 193, 194, 240, 244, 250, 251, 252. Allan, Ada S., 242. Allen, Annie M., 291. Benjamin, 109. Capt. Edward, 147. Elizabeth, 4. 192(2), 193,241-252. John H., 187. Sophia, 191. Andros, Gov., 63-65. Androwes, Alice, 1. Appleton, Elizabeth, 272. Maria T., 210. Thomas, jr., 210. (307) 229. Christopher, 23,109. 109. Babbige, Babcock, Augustine G., 246. Nelson, 246. Babson, 3. Bacheler, Joseph, 20. Miriam, 20. Bacheller, Abigail,193. 249. Jane, 243. Jonathan, Bacon, Dr. Jacob, 159, 243, 249. 308 INDEX. Bacheller, Rev. Gil- Barry, Hannah, 193(2), Bean, Joshua, 157. man, 193. Mary H., 250. Thomas T., 250. 196. Michael, 286. Joseph W., 262. Beatley, Anna M., 262. Elizabeth, 262. 193(3), Hannah S., 262. Sarah, 193, 243, 245. Mary A., 262. Susan, 193, 249. Mary C., 262. Sarah, 159, 196. Westbrook, 243. Mary E., 262. Baker, Elizabeth, 162. Barstow, Capt. An- Nicholas, 136. drew, 231. Balch, 20. Abigail, 20(2). Mary, 244. Bartholomew, Benjamin, 20(3), 123. 108(2). David, 20. Elizabeth, 20. Freeborn, 20. Grace, 20. John, 4, 20(2), 108. Jonathan, 20. Joseph, 20. Martha, 20(2). Mary, 20. Miriam, 20. Ruth, 20. Samuel, 20. Sarah, 17, 20, 108. Bancroft, Ensign, 54. Barber, John, 11. Barbour, John D., 290. Barker, Abigall B., 225. Elizabeth G., 225. George, 225. Mary, 210. Nathaniel, 210. Barnard, Benjamin, 52. John, 50. Judith, 52. Lois, 216. Mary, 50, 52. Nathaniel, 49, 50,52. Sarah, 50, 178. Stephen, 49. Rev. Thomas, 164, 176(2), 177, 178(2), 214, 217, 218. Thomas, 3d., 178. Barnes, Gustavus,245. Julia H., 245. Barney, Jacob, 9. Barr, N. Augusta, 275. Robert P., 275. Barry, Abigail, 193, 243(2). Clara E., 246. Elizabeth, 123. Henry, 29, 53, 85, 93(2), 123(2), 124. Sarah, 40, 123. Bartlett, 266. Cornelius, Walter P., 233, 267. Barton, Elizabeth, 153. Hannah, 153. John, 55, 56, 153, 224, 229. Dr. John, 153. Lucy, 153. Lydia, 153. Margaret, 152, 153. Mary, 111, 153. Sally, 153. Samuel, 111. Capt. Samuel,153(2). Samuel, jr., 214. Bassett, Joseph R., 271. Lydia, 269. Batchelder, Batcheller, Rev. Gil- 193. man, 250. Lydia L., 250. Bates, Dr. Niram, 193. Sabrina A., 252. Susan, 193. Winslow, Esq., 252. Batten, Richard, 33. Batter, 124. Barbara, 143. Edmund, 6, 107, 143. 94. Battis, Beadle, Thomas,90,91. Beals, John R., 284. Joseph, 284. Lucy F., 284. Mary, 284. Bean, Frances A., 244. James, 244. Ralph, 262(2). Ralph H. G. T., 262. Becket, Mary, 287. Susannah, 161. Beckford, Ebenezer, 186(2), 228, 229. Eunice, 186, 228. Sarah, 229. Bedford, Eugenia, 249. Belknap, Sarah J.,260. Bell, Daniel, 268. Elizabeth, 196,268(2). 53. Bennett, Bentley, Rev. William, 183(2). Berry, Abigail, 265. Daniel, 251. Daniel, jr., 251. John, 246, 251. Jonathan, 270(2). Olive, 244. Pamelia, 270. Rebecca, 246. Sarah, 270. Stephen, 246, 251. William A., 270. Bette (indian), 67. Bickford, 185. John, 196. Ebenezer, Bicknell, Edmund,212. Nancy, 211. Bill, Ellen L., 296. John F., 296. Billings, George, 212. Harriett A., 212. Bishop, John, 42. Townsend, 6. Bishoppe, Richard, 11. Blackleech, John, 7. Blake, Mary, 207. Blake & Johnson, 285. Blanchard, Eliza Cab- ot, 201. Elizabeth, 201, 202. Francis, 201, 202(2). George F., 202. Henry, 201, 202(2). Blanchard, Lucy, 202. Mary Ann, 202. Rebecca, 236. Dr. Samuel, 202. Thomas, 236. Blatchford, Mary, 297. Bliss, Julia, 235. William Root, 44, 62, 65(2). Blood, Richard, 286. Boardman, Eunice P., 275. Eunice R., 271. Ruth, 122. Boden, Harriet E.,288. John, 288. Bodwell, George H., 238. Margaret G., 238. Booth, Val., 136. Bosworth, Jonathan, 287. Joseph S., 287. - Louisa, 287. Mary Ann, 287. Bott, Anna B., 275. Caroline F., 283. James, 275, 283. INDEX. Bradstreet, Gov. Si- mon, 80, 100, 101. Bragg, Rev. Lorenzo D., 269. Sarah T., 269. Bray, Benjamin, 260. Jane, 260. John, 260. Rebecca, 210, 260(2). Brazer, William S. 282. Breatton, Henry, 69. Breed, Sarah, 261. Brewer, Abigall, 300. Anna, 171(2), 212. Burks & Co., 290. Capt. Crispus, 171. Florence J., 301. Idelia, 301. Isaac, 301. James, 300. Joseph C., 300. Lizzie, 301. Margaret, 300. Mitchell, Jr., 301. Mitchell L., 300. Nellie, 301. Pembroke, 300. Caroline L., 283. Roseilla, 300. Bridges, 304. Elizabeth, 304. James, 304. Moody, 304. James B., 275. 309 Brown, Ginger, 133. Hannah, 256. Increase H., 272. John, 196, 283(2). Jonathan, 76,166(2). Joseph, 138. Laura A., 284. Lucy A. W., 285. Martha E., 302. Mary, 261, 283, 285, 297. Capt. Nathan, 195(2). Nathaniel, 133, 199. Rachel,196(2),283(2). Col. Samuel, 130. Samuel, 285. Samuel,3d., Col., 285. Sarah E., 302. Sarah G., 242. Thomas, 54, 199(2). William, 112. Browne, 86, 91. Col., 41. Abiel, 72. Bartholomew, 119. Priscilla, 283. Sarah P., 276. Stacey R., 283. 111. Ebenezer, 111. Naomi, 304. Bowditch, Daniel, 96, Briggs, Charles C.,274. Eunice, 111(2). Habakkuk, 145. Joseph, 82, 96(3), 98, 111, 152. Mary, 107, 111(3), 145. Nathaniel, 111, 145. Sarah, 40,111,152(2). Thomas, 111. William, 40, 96(3), 97, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111(3). Bowman, Mary, 241(2). Boyd, Sarah, 274. Boyse, Joseph, 87. Brace, James, 186. Bradish, Billings, 186. Bradstreet, Ann, 80, 96(3), 97, 101(2). Dudley, 23. Cornelius, 274. Emily, 274. Lucy A., 274. Brightman, Jacob, 289. Brook, Lord, 2. Brooks, Henry, 296. Isaac C., 256. James, 256. Jane McK., 168. Julia A., 296. Mary, 256. Sarah, 256, 260. Timothy, 168. Brown, Agatha, 271. Albert W., 284. Ambrose, 248. Catherine, 162. Celia, 246. Charles H., 302. Edmund, 166. Elizabeth, 240. Francis W., 302. Abraham, 286. Benjamin, 138, 152, 162. B. F., 178, 185. Elizabeth, 40, 72, 119, 140. Hannah, 72, 151. James, 72. John, 37, 51, 72(2), 119(5), 120, 142. Rachel, 51, 72. Capt. Simeon, 185. William, 9, 25, 41, 67,80, 93, 95(4), 97, 98,110(2), 149, 162. William Burnett, 95. Browning, Thomas, 23, 29, 109. Bryant, Alice B., 296. Almeda T., 296. Austin R., 296. Ellen L., 296. Foster B., 296. Francis W., 296. Frederick W., 296. Georgianna, 296. Harriet A., 296. Ida, 296. Julia A., 296. Loring G., 295. Mary, 295. 2 Eliphalet, Caswell, Maria D.,298. 310 INDEX. Bryant, Mary E., 296. Butman, Mary F., 295. 186. Nathan, 295. Luther C., 295. Nathan L., 296. Royal T., 295. Sarah, 296. Sarah A., 296. Bucknam, Mary E., 252. Joseph S., 252. Buffington, 113, 239. James, 154. Mary, 156, 190, 235, 238, 287. Capt. Nehemiah, 237, 238, 258. Thomas, 113, 140. Buffum, Lydia, 21. Robert, 15. Bullock, Cyrus, 295. Eliza A., 295. Henry, 9. Bunker, Dinah, 73. Elizabeth, 51. George, 74. Hannah, 52. Jabez, 52. John, 74. Jonathan, 51, 73. Lydia, 73. Martha, 20. Mary J., 295. Buttolph, George, 40. Hannah, 22, 35, 40, 95, 107, 123. John, 22, 33, 40(2), 95, 107. Jonathan, 40. Butts, Abby, 289. Buxton, Anthony, 11. Deborah B., 288. Henry, 288. Joseph, 128. Maj. Seth S., 288. Susan M., 288. Thomas, 266. Cabot, Anna, 122(2). Mrs. Elizabeth, 304. Esther, 122, 177. Francis, 175, 176, 177, 202, 223. John, 122(2). Mary Ann, 202. Sarah, 122. William, 223. Caldwell, Ann, 301. Mary, 256, Mary, 50, 51, 52, 74. Camell, Nathaniel,125. Patience, 51. Peleg, 73, 74. Priscilla, 73. Ruth, 52. Susanna, 73, 74. William, 52, 62. Burley, Giles, 285. Burnett, Gov., 95. Burnham, Pamelia, 245. Thomas, 286. Burns, Charles E.,277. Clifford C., 277. Hannah W., 277. Harriet A., 277. Burrell, Louisa, 275. Burrows, Sarah, 296. Burton, Sophia, 246. Bushby, John, 220. Nathan, 112, 186. Sophronia A., 283. Butler, James, 111, 148, 149. Mary, 111. Campbell, Agnes, 256. Arthur, 250. Eleanor B., 256. Gardner, 256. Mary, 250. Cantlebury, William,9. Carey, Joseph W.,162. Lois, 162. Carlton, Asa, 212. Nancy, 212. Ruth, 212. Carnes, Capt. John,153. Lydia, 153. Carrel, Carrell, John, 33(2). Carrol, James, 33. Carter, Anstice, 197. John, 286. Carver, Dorcas, 27. Dorothy, 27. Robert, 27. Cassino, John, 294. Martha, 294. Caswell, Alice D., 245. William, 245. Challoner, Annie, 247. Benjamin G., 247. Benjamin T., 247. Elisha D., 247. Emma, 247. H. Antoinette, 247. Hattie, 247. Lucy H., 247. Lydia, 247. Sally, 247. Samuel B., 247. Sarah A., 247. Chapin, Annie, 235. Charles L., 235. Charles O., 235(2). Elizabeth H.,235(2). Harriette Gardner, 235. Henry Gardner,235. Lucy B., 235. Melia, 235. Susan B., 235. Whitfield, 235. Chapman, 272. 271, Abigail, 158, 195, 253, 258. Bethiah, 259. Susan, 172. Chase, Helen, 240. James, 72. James B., 261. John B., 261. Philip, 199, 276. Priscilla J., 261. Rachel, 72. Sarah, 261. Cheever, Abner, 149. Benjamin, 266. Daniel, 218, 219. Ezekiel, 285. Mary, 160. Samuel, 223. Sarah P., 276. Childs, Harriet, 235. Chipman, 189, 234. Chisholm, 223. Church, Maj. 100(3). Abigail, 50. John, 50. Hannah, William, 100. Lorena, 244. INDEX. 311 ! Church, Sarah, 50. Cillotte, Samuel, 137 (2.) Clark, Hugh, 172. Jane, 255. Lydia, 172, 212. Priscilla, 283. Clarke, Abigail, 20. Elizabeth, 175. Richard, 175. Clasby, Abiel, 49. William, 49. Cleaves, Martha, 170. Cleveland, Elizabeth, 153. 238. Coffin, Jethro, 50, 72, 73, 74. John, 45, 49, 50(3), 51, 52(2), 73. Joshua, 73. Joseph, 51. Josiah, 73, 74. Judith, 50, 51, 52(2). Love, 52(2). Lydia, 50, 73(2). Margaret, 73. Mary, 50(2), 51(5), 52(3), 71-74. Miriam, 50, 73. Nathan, 73. Patience, 51. Clough, Frank S.,238. Parnell, 73. Mercy P., Sarah E., 238. Peleg, 52. Simon, 238. William, 213. Coan, Peter, 206. Ruth, 205, 206. Cobb, Gen. David,202. Cock, Thomas, 134. Coffin, 61, 70, 212. Abigail, 51, 52(2), 72(2), 73(2). Ann, 71, 73. Anna, 50. Augusta, 241. Benjamin, 74. Benoni, 52. Bethiah, 51. Beulah, 50, 72. Cromwell, 74. Deborah, 49, 50(2), 51(2). Dinah, 73. Ebenezer, 74. Edward, 73(2). Elias, 52. Elisha, 73. Enoch, 50, 72. Eunice, 52. Francis, 52. Elizabeth, 50, 52, 72-74. George, 73. Hannah, 50, 72, 74. Hepzibah, 51. Hope, 52. Hope M., 49(2). James, 49, 51(2), 52(4), 69(2), 71(2), 72, 73(2), 74. Jemima, 72. Peter, 49, 52, 72, 73 (2). Priscilla, 52, 72, 73 (2), 74(2). Richard, 52. Robert, 73. Ruth, 49, 52(2), 73 (3), 74. Samuel, 50, 73. Sarah, 72, 73. Stephen, 46, 50(2), 51, 67. Stillman, 241. Susanna, 73, 74. Theodate, 52. Tristram, 43, 60, 62, 63, 65(3), 72. Coggswell, John, 2. Cogswell, Henry, 272. Cole, Asa, 199. John, 24. Coleman, Gardner & Co., 230. Joanna, 51. John, 51. Mary, 51. Solomon, 51. Coles, Abraham, 135. Collins, Charles, 265. John, 196, 262. Martha, 152. Mary, 196, 262, 297. Seeth, 262. Tisdale D., 297. Colson, Lydia, 207. Conant, Andrew, 170. Anna, 170. Christian, 21 913), Conant, Joshua, 9(3), 21(2), 93. Lot, 170. Martha, 170.- Roger, 4, 6(5), 7, 21, 285. Seeth, 21. Congdon, Emma K., 289. Sarah, 289. William, 289. Conley, John, 255. Julia, 255. Connell, Julia, 255. Conrad, Charlotte A., 280. Converse, Augustus, 267(2). Cook, Isaac, 132. Samuel, 127(2). Stephen, 213. Cooke, Henry, 128. Joseph, 13. Coombs, Frederick, 187. Cooper, Mary E., 241. Copley, 175. Corey, Giles, 32. Corney, Elizabeth, 171, 210. Corning, John, 54. Remember, 20. Samuel, 40, 53. Corthell, Sophia A., 242. Corwin, 88. Elizabeth, 87(2). Capt. George, 17(2), 87(4), 88, 93. John, 29, 78, 93,105. Jonathan, 91. Coshomadamon, (In- dian), 69. Cotton, Helen A., 243. Couillard, David J., 301. Idelia, 301. Countryman, John A., 213. Sally, 213. Courtney,Samuel, 257. Sarah A., 257. Sarah M., 257. Cowell, Rebecca, 260. Cox, Dr. Benjamin, 84, 223. 312 Cram, Alexander H., 250. Edwina F., 250. Crane, Mary A., 245. R. T., 245. Crawford, M., 249. Lorenzo Zelia G., 249. Creamer, Elizabeth, 198. George, 84, 198(2). Hannah, 198. Hannah Gardner, 198. Croade, John, 32. Crocker, Delia, 249. Horace, 249. John, 246. Mary, 241, 244, 246. Rebecca, 244, 247. Crombie, Benjamin, 214. Cromwell, Philip, 106 (2). Cross, George, 23. Crowley, Harriet C., 249. Crowninshield, Benja- min W., 186. Elizabeth, 153. George, 199. Jacob, 189. Mary, 189. Sarah, 189. Sarah G., 189. Croxon, Fred, 296. Harriet A., 296. Cruets, Mordykeye,24. Cruff, Thomas, 157. Curtis, Abigail, 291. Andrew, 129. Elizabeth, 275. Curtise, William, 24. Cutler, James, 150,195. Dabney, Charles, 304. Elizabeth, 304. Nathaniel, 304. Daland, Capt. John, 258. Tucker,84(2),223(2). Dalrymple, 263(2). John, 263. Mary A., 263. Rebecca, 263. James, INDEX. Dalrymple, Samuel, Delaramore, Mary L., 263. Sarah S., 263. Simon O., 263. Dalton, Eleazer M., 271. Joseph, 271. Rebecca, 271. 213. Denison, Ann E., 292. Daniel W., 292. Eliza S., 292. Gurdon E., 291(2). Gurdon E. jr., 292. James G., 292. Mary, 291(2). Dennis, Elizabeth,284. Joseph, 147. Sarah, 147. Dennison, Ed. Earle, 120 Sarah E. B., 271. Damaris (Indian), 69. Dane, John, 285. Danforth, Hannah,92. Daniel, Mary, 120. Stephen, 117, (2). Susanna, 120(2). Daniels, Lucy S., 231. Darling, Louisa, 287. Davie, Humphrey, 91. Margaret, 91. Davis, Abel, 172. Elizabeth, 172. Emily P., 296. Eunice Ann, 299. Frances A., 291. George L., 291. Henry P., 299. Jane McK., 168. Jerusha, 299. Joseph W., 291. Lydia, 172. Lydia S., 275. Mary, 296. Nicholas, 286. Robert, 296. William J., 168. William P., 299. Zena, 291. Dawes, Ambrose, 73. Beulah, 73. Joseph, 73. Mehitable, 71, 73. Priscilla, 73. Day, Nancy, 298. Dealand, Katherine, 128. Dean, William, 255. Dedcovitch, Jonathan, 299. Mary E., 299. Patience, 299. Deland, Thorndike, 266, 268(2). Delano, 263. Mary J., 263. Sarah, 263. 247. Mabel, 246. Derby, Ann, 153. Charles, 153. Elias Hasket, 57, 153. Elizabeth, 153(2). John, 41, 153, 228 (2), 233. Jonathan, 153, 188. Lydia, 152(2), 153. Margaret, 153. Martha, 153. Mary, 153(2). Richard, 57(2), 152, 153, 188(4), 199. Richard, jr., 218. Sally, 153. Gen. Samuel Gard- ner, 153(2), 188,231. Sarah, 188, 226, 232. Derry, James, 301(2). Lizzie, 301. Desire (Indian), 69. Devereaux,AbigailB., 225. Dewing, 223. Elizabeth, Dickay, Louisa, 211. Dickinson, Thomas, 285. Dillway, Ellen, 193, 194, 240. Dimond, Henry C.,289. Oral, 289. Susan, 289. Susan M., 289. Dix, Eliza, 292. Eliza A., 288. Margaret E., 292. Sarah E., 288. Thomas, 292. Thomas M., 288. Dixey, John, 260. Rebecca, 260. Rebecca B., 260. Richard W., 260. William, 134. Doak, Sarah E., 262. Dodge, Abigail, 189. Anna, 171, 211. George, 41, 199. Israel, 183, 224, 225. Josiah, 266. Lucia, 224. Lucia Pickering, 183(2), 224. Pickering, 228. William, 134,267(2). William B., 185. Dolliver Alma M.,280. Charlotte A., 280. Godfrey, 280. Dongan, Gov., 66. Donneville, 153. Martha, Douglass, Emma F., Jonathan, 299(2). 299. Frances E., 282. George W., 282. Joseph, 299. Mary A., 299. Mary E., 299. Nancy, 299. Robert, 3d., 299. Sarah A., 299. Viola, 299. William C., 299. Dowbridge, Abby C., 274. Andrew, 267, 274(2). Andrew, jr., 274. Annie, 275. Henry F., 275. John, 274. Lucy, 274. Lucy A., 274. Mary, 267. Mary E., 275. Mary N., 274. Rachel A., 275. 119. Downing, Ann, 20, 100. Emanuel, 94(2), 100. Lucie, 94(2). Downs, Aaron, 286. Elizabeth, 286. Mary A., 286. INDEX. 313 Drinker, Elizabeth,20. Edgerly, Samuel A., Joseph, 20. Philip, 20. Ruth, 20. 271. Driver, Rebecca, 271. Dudley, Roger, 132. Duncklee, Hezekiah, 238. Dunning, Barzilla,252. Carrie E., 252. Daniel H., 252. Edith M., 252. Mary A., 252. Mercie A., 252. Wales A., 252. Winnifred, 252. Durant, Edward, 263. Priscilla, 263. Sarah S., 263. Durgin, Charles, 295. Eliza A., 295. Dutch, John, 253. Samuel, 124. Dwinnell, Deborah, 274. Maria, 274. Martha, 275. John, 274. Earthy, John, 104(3), 105(2). Earvin, Ernest A.,161. George, 161. Mehitable, 161(2). Eastey (Estes), Ruth, 212. Eastman, Sarah A., 241. Thomas C., 241. Eddy, Beulah, 72. Edee, Anna, 161, 197, 297, 301. Edgerly, Charles E., 291. Ella M., 291. Ellen M., 291. Elizabeth, 261. Etta, 291. Frances A., 291. Laura M., 291. Mary, 291. Mary E., 291. Peter, 291. Rebecca, 291. Rebecca G., 291. 291. Samuel W., 291. William G., 291. Edwards, Elizabeth, 294. Jonathan, 294. Sarah, 294. Elkins, Abigail, 146. John, 146(2). Mercy P., 238. Sarah, 146. Ellis, Mary, 151. 151. Elsemore, Elvira, 244. Elvins, Richard, 33(2). Elwell, David, 287. Hannah E., 287. Mary, 287. Emery, Robert, 178. Sarah, 178. Endicott, Elizabeth, 189. Gov. John, 6, 8, 113, 230. Maria Cecelia, 230. Mary, 189, 230. Samuel, 189. William P., 189. Epes, Daniel, 113, 132. Margaret, 177. Capt. Samuel, 236. Ervin, George, 160(2). Joseph, 160. Mehitable, 160. Estey, John, 209. Ruth, 171. Samuel, 171. Eustis, Lucy W., 288. Evans, Eliza R.,289(2), 305. Capt. Thomas H., 289. Fabens, Elizabeth,275. Jonathan, 275. Joseph, 275. Mary, 147(2). Mary E., 275. Rebecca, 272. Sarah, 272. William, 272. Fairfield, Dr., 183, 224. Elizabeth, 20. John, 167. Sarah, 20, 183, 224. 314 Fairfield, Walter, 20. Fales, Adeline D.,289. E. Newman, 289. Lucy B., 290. Walter, 290. Farley, Julia M., 244. Farmer, 4. Farnham, Ralph, 285. Farnum, Tabitha,304. Farragut, 262. INDEX. Flint, Jonathan, 154. Mary A., 263. Miriam, 213. Fogg, Joseph, 33. Franklin, Benjamin, 50, 161. Frayle, Samuel, 86. Freeman, Jane, 243. Elizabeth, 275. Frohock, Lavinia, 212. Susannah, 27. Thomas, 112. French, 104. William, 157. Deliverance, 156. Ralph, 56, 124. Folger, 50, 52. Frost, George, 283. Admiral, Abigail, 52. Frye, 283. B. Franklin, 48. Frederick, 178. Bethesda, 161. John, 285. Bethiah, 50. Eleazer,49(2), 50(2), 71, 72. Experience, 73. Fuller, Edward G.,246. Joanna, 51. John, 54. 246. Favor, Margaret, 269. Mary Ann, 269. Timothy, 269(2). Felt, Benjamin, 162. David, 161, 218, 219 (7). Joseph, 161. Rev. Joseph B., 6, 15, 47, 78, 99, 100, 101(2),115,119,120, 141, 164, 213, 216. Mary, 162, 285. Mehitable, 161. Susannah, 161. Sarah, 162. Felton, 113. John, 113. Samuel, 174. Fernandes, Antone, 273. John S., 268(3). Elizabeth G., 273. Fanny, 273. William D., 273. Ferrin, Abigail, 273. Field, Mary, 287. Sarah H., 287. Stephen, 287. Thomas, 259. Fisk, General, 183. Fiske, Rev. Samuel, 158. Fitch, Joseph, 35, 39 (2). Fitz, Josiah, 283. Flagg, Capt. Samuel, 195, 222. Fletcher, Joseph, 94. 110. David, 157. Flint, Elijah, 238. Hezekiah, 204, 239. George, 27. Jerusha, 263. John, 238, 263. Daniel, 50. Elisha, 50. John, 52. Jonathan, 52. Judith, 50, 51. Keziah, 51. Leah, 50. Margaret, 52. Mary, 50(3), 52, 72. Nathan, 50. Peter,48,50(2),51(2), 52,5 8,60(2),61, 64. Sarah, 49. Sarah, 50(2). Sarah, 50, 72. William C., 43(3), 44(4), 46, 47, 48(2), 58. Zaccheus, 52. Follett, Robert, 124. Forbes, Lizzie, 301. Ford, Edward, 268. Foss, Hannah M., 246. Horace S., 250. Laura Ellen, 250. Mercie E., 250. Simeon C., 250. Foster, Col. Benjamin, 192. Benjamin, 193. Daniel, 193. David, 144. Elizabeth, 193. Gideon, 134. Hannah, 193. Lavinia, 194, 250. Lydia, 134. Margaret, 250. Robert, 176. Margaret, 178. Naomi, 304. Thomas, 276. Fryer (Frier), Mar- garet, 15. Leonora H., Sarah, 289. Caffney, Eliza, 297(2). Eliza, 299(4). Eunice Ann, 299. John, 299. Thomas, 299. T.Jefferson, 297,299. Gage, General,215,218. John, 286. Gale, Martha B., 230. Mary, 168, 200. Galleucia, Ruth, 206. Gamedge, John, 45. "Gardenar," Richard, of the Mayflower, 1. Gardiner, Sir Christo- pher, 2. Curtiss C., 2. Lion, Lieut., 2. Gardner, 98. Aaron L. R. (1822- 1891), 242. Abagail (1823-1897), 300. Abbie (1824-1855), 269. Abbie S. (w. of Cy- rus S.), 243. Abbie W. (w. of Aaron L. R.), 242. Abby G. (w. of Al- bert G.), 289. Abby R.(1851-1865), 242. INDEX. 315 Gardner, Lieut. Abel (1673-1739), 10, 11, 14(2), 80, 82,83(2), 89(2), 90(2), 91(2), 92, 101, 119, 125- 134, 143, 144(2), 149, 150, 154(2), 157, 159(2). Abel (1702-1771), 52. Abel, 1713- (before 1757), 130(3), 134, 146, 149(3), 150(2), 154(2), 155, 156- 159, 160, 196. Abel (1736-1781), 149, 150, 157, 158, 194-5, 253, 258. Abel (1788-1872), 260-261. Abel (1800-1822),254 (2), 258. Abel (1837-1898), 257. Abel (d.young),256. Abel H. (1815), 255. Abel Henry (1826 -), 255. Abe IS. (1759-1836), 195, 258-262, 304. Abiel (1691-2- 49. Abigail, 27. -), Abigail (w.of Abel), 158. Abigail, (w.of Abel), 195, 253, 258. Abigail (w. of Eben S.), 301. Abigail (w. of Graf- ton), 72. Abigail (w.of John) 271. Gardner, Addie R. (1858-1872), 247. Adelaide F. (1848 ———), 244. Adelaide T. (1847- 1859), 282. Adeline, 211. Agnes (w. of Thomas N.), 275. Albert (1854-1854), 249. Albert G. (1846- 1906), 289, 305. Alden B. (1835-1846), 275. Alfred (1812), 241, 244, 246, 247. Alfred (1873———), 246. Alfred, 251. Alice D. (1846 245. Allen P., 236. Alma M. (w. of An- drew D.), 280. Almira, 211. Almira (1833 ——), 241. Almira (w.of James A.), 241, 246. Alonzo (1846 246. -), Amanda B. (1840 Gardner, Ann (w. of Daniel), 144, 170, 171, 203, 208, 211, 212(2). Ann Peal (1800- 1882), 273. Anna (w. of Solo- mon), 50. Anna (w.of Daniel), (see Ann). Anna (w. of Jo- seph), 161, 197, 297, 301. Anna (1787-1875), 210. Anna B.(1838-1860), 275. Anna Rosa (w. of John E.), 230. Annie (1828 235. ·), (w. of Annie(1857-),248. Annie E. (w. George R.), 242. Annie L. (w.of Rev. Fred'k M.), 292. Annie S.(1857-1877), 300. Anson P. M. (1855- 1858), 245. Antoinette L. (1846- 1865), 241. Arthur Cain (1837 -), 297. -), 245. Amelia (1844 -), Arthur E. (1869 244, 247. Andrew (1699-1782), −), 243(2). Asa (179-, 1858), 33 (3),204, 205(2),206 (2), 207. Augusta (1838—————), 241. 52. Rev. Andrew (Brookline fam.), Atkins (1808-dead), 3. 243. Andrew (- 210. 1819), Abigail (w. of Na- Andrew D. (1851 Capt. Augustus P., thaniel), 51, 52, -), 280. 72. Andrew D. (1851 Abigail (w. of Sam- uel), 193, 243. Abigail P. (w. of Richard), 234. (1827 Abigail T. -), 253. Ada S. (w.of Edwin R.), 242. Adaline D. (1845 -), 289. Angelia M. (1861- 1877), 247. Angeline, 244. Ann (w. of Joseph), 20, 81, 95, 100(2). Ann (1667-), 71, 73. -), 282. 142(3). Aurelia R. (1854 -), 247. Andrew F. (1859- Austin, 211. ), 243. Barnabas (1695- 1768), 51. Bartholomew (1682- 1684), 125. 1662), 72. Benjamin (1658- Benjamin (1664 -), 73. 316 INDEX. Gardner, Benjamin (1683-1764), 50. Benjamin (1747- 1748), 154. Benjamin (1749- 1749), 154. Capt. Benjamin (1757-1813),171(2), 208-211, 212. Gardner, Betsey (w.of Gardner, Charles W. Samuel K.), 196, 294. Betsey (w. of At- kins), 243. Betsey F. (w. of Ar- thur C.), 297. Caroline (1812- 244. Caroline(1826-1892), Caroline (1854—), 299. Caroline E. (1838- 1838), 286. Benjamin (1772- 1828), 210. 295. Benjamin (1793- 1835), 211. Benjamin (1795- 1872), 254 (2). Benjamin (1795- 1872), 256. Benjamin (1801 -), 210. Benjamin 1826), 210. Benjamin (1821- 1888), 256. Benjamin B. (1801- 1845), 285-287. Benjamin B. (1838- 1866), 287. Benjamin C. (1844- 1844), 245. Benjamin F., M. D. (1836), 277. Benjamin F. (1843- 1862), 244. Benjamin S. (1839- 1873), 295. Bethiah, 27. Bethiah (1654 40. Caroline L. (1818- 1849), 283. Caroline L. (w. of Joseph), 272. Caroline M. (1859 -), 300. Carrie S. (w. of An- drew D.), 282. (1806- Catharine 1894), 212. Catherine (w. of Daniel), 211. Catherine E. (w. of John Gardner), 203. Cephas, 212. Lowell 211 (2), Charles (1802-1862), 287. Charles (1825-1827), 250. Charles (1827-1905), -), 256. Charles C. (1859- Bethiah (1676-1716), 49, 50. Bethiah (w. of Jo- seph), 49, 50. Bethiah (1714-1769), 145. Bethiah (1714-1773), 120, 170. Bethiah (w. of Abel S.), 195, 259. Bethiah P. (1818- 1865), 260. Betsey (w. of Jo- seph), 187. Betsey (1768-1839), 190, 191. Betsey (w. of Ben- jamin), 256. 1865), 248. Charles Derby (1821 -d. y’ng), 235. Charles H. (1841 -), 284. (1840 ·),230(2). Charles Warren -), 294. Charlotte K. (w. of (1843 Edward L.), 290. Charlotte W. (w. of Francis A.), 285. Clara E. (1864 242. ·), Clara E. (w. of Charles S.), 246. Clarence T. (1855 -), 241. Clarissa, 211. Clema E. S. (1852 -), 300. Cyrus S. (1824——), 243. Damaris (w. of Thomas),15(2),16. Damaris (1674——), 49. Damaris (w. of Eb- enezer), 156, 192, 240, 243, 245, 249, 252. Damorice 1662), 51. Daniel (1709-1759), 32(2), 117,120, 121, 144(2), 165, 169- 172, 203, 208, 211 (2), 212(2). Daniel (1738 -), 171(2), 211-212. Daniel (1767-1834), 211. Daniel, 213. Daniel (1817-1892), 213. D. Foster, 251. Daniel Bell (1804- 1875), 275. Charles H. (1845- Daniel B., jr. (1832- 1893), 275. Daniel F. (1819- 1846), 289. Charles H. (1852 -), 244. Charles J. (1827- 1893), 287. Charles Otis (1856 -), 242. Charles S. (1825- 1848), 253. Charles S. (1862 -), 246. 1890), 244. Daniel F. (1825- 193, 248. Daniel Hartwell (1809-1876), 212. Daniel P.(1823—), 235. David (3d gen.), 24, 27(2). INDEX. 317 Gardner, David (1792- Gardner, Edward C. 1864), 254(2), 256. (1815 1872), 299, DavidĤ.(1825-1850), 305. Gardner, Elizabeth (Eng.), 4(2). Elizabeth (b. Gard- 256. Edward E. (1831 ner), 156. Deborah(1658-1712), -), 295. Elizabeth (1701 50, 51. Edward H. (1840- -), 133. Deborah (1681- 1860), 299. Elizabeth (1705- -), 49. 144. 245. 1752), 120, 133, Elizabeth 1818), 152, 186(2), (1729- Deborah(1810-1845), Deborah R. (1835- 1895), 241. Delia 246. (1848-1880), Delia (w. of Hor- ace), 249. Delia Ann (w. of Willard), 213. Dell (w. of Hiram W.), 246. Dolly (w. of John), 211(2). Dorcas, 27. Dorothy, 27. Dunbar (1854-1864), 244. Eben 242. (1848-1881), Eben S. (1819-1896), 301. Ebenezer (1657- 1685), 35, 36(4), 40, 122-125. Ebenezer (1688- 1763), 52(2). Ebenezer (1708-d. y.), 144. Ebenezer (1737- 1832), 156(3), 191- 194, 240, 243, 245, 249, 250, 252. Ebenezer (bap. 1757 -), 171, 172, 212 Edward L. (1836 -), 290. Edward P. (1846 -), 247. Edward Warren (1849 -), 299. Edwin R. (1828- 1853), 243. Edwin R. (1853- 1865), 242. Edwin R. (1854 -), 242. Eleanor B. (w. of Charles), 256. Elinor P. (1870 -), 231. 227(2.) Elizabeth (1733- 1754), 168. Elizabeth (1750- -), 175, 178, 304. Elizabeth (bap. 1757), 171. Elizabeth 1763), 51. Elizabeth (1759- 1816), 202. Elizabeth (1772- 1834), 221(2). Elizabeth 1808), 162. Elizabeth (1786- (w. of Eliza, 27, 296, 297, 299. Eliza (1660-1678), 91 Eliza (w. of George 3d), 297, 299. Elizabeth John), 144. Eliza (w. of Rich- ard), 189. Eliza A. (1817-1898), 256. Eliza A. (1846-1886), 244. Eliza A. (——1899), 295. Eliza A. (w. of Richard), 234. Eliza C. (w. of Is- rael), 194. Eliza C. (w. of Jo- seph), 269. of Charles H.), 284. Eliza Peele (1793- 1864), 270. (2), 213. Ebenezer (1776- Eliza I. (w. 1859), 193,240-243, 247, 252. Ebenezer (1810- 1889), 241. 213. Ebenezer, 251. Edmund, (of Ebenezer(1821-- Ip- swich) 2(2), 15(2). Edward A. (1813- 1872), 255. Eliza Pierce (w. of Richard), 235. Eliza R. (w. of Wil- liam F.), 289, 305. Eliza W. (w. of Isaac E.), 241. Elizabeth, 27, 167, 212. 304. 1864), 210. Elizabeth (1825- d. young), 285. Elizabeth (w. of Benjamin), 171, 210. Elizabeth (w. . of George), 20, 34(2), 35, 303. Elizabeth (w. of Col. George), 206, 306. Elizabeth (w. of Is- rael), 194. Elizabeth (w. of John), 121(2), 122, 133, 142, 143 (3), 150(2), 176. Elizabeth (w. of John), 144, 198. Elizabeth 167, (w. of John), 168, 200, 201. Elizabeth (w. of John), 271. Elizabeth (w. of John Henry), 256. 318 of Gardner, Elizabeth (w. of Jonathan), 133, 144, 150, 167. Elizabeth (w. of Jo- seph), 268. Elizabeth (w. Richard), 57, 189, 232, 234(2). Elizabeth (w. of Samuel), 20, 88. Elizabeth (w. of Samuel), 40, 119, 120, 140. Elizabeth (w. of Samuel), 175(2.) Elizabeth (w. of Thomas),20,25(4), 27(2), 34(2), 35,90. Elizabeth B. (1816 -), 232. Elizabeth B. (w. of Joseph), 196. Elizabeth B. (w. of Daniel B.), 275. Elizabeth Bell (1837 -), 272. Elizabeth C. A. (w. of William A. T.), 210. Elizabeth G. (w. of Jonathan), 225- 226. Elizabeth H. (w. of Sidney), 299. Elizabeth P. (1799- 1879), 203. Elizabeth R. (w. of Henry), 186, 231. Elizabeth West (1867 ——————), 231. Ella M. (1856-1856), 249. Ellen(1829 —————), 245. Ellen (w. of Benja- (w. of min), 256. Ellen K. (w. Henry R.), 234. Elma H. (1864- -), 243(2). Elvira (w. of Dan- iel F.), 244. Emeline A. (1817- 1903), 269. Emily G. (w. of Abel), 257. INDEX. Gardner, Emily L. (1861), 244. Emily Maria (1830- 1901), 230. Emily T. -), 247. Gardner, Eunice (1772- 1836), 193. Eunice (1815-1870), (1848 Emma (1815 —), 213. Emma (1840-1842), 241. Emma (1844-1852), 241. Emma (w. of Dan- iel), 171. Emma (w. of Dan- iel), 211(2). Emma Albee, 241(2.) Emma E. (w. of Ed- 269. Eunice (w. of Dan- iel), 213. Eunice (w. of George), 50. Eunice (w. of Eben- ezer), 52. Eunice (W. of George), 52, 72. Eunice (w. of Jo- seph), 269, 274. Eunice (w. of L. D. W.), 245. of Eunice (w. Thomas), 155. Eunice F. (w. of John B.), 288. Eunice S. (w. Jonathan), 284. Eva M. (1858 243. Evelyn of ward W.), 290. Emma K. (w. of Al- bert G.), 289. Emma K. (w. of Walter S.), 248. Emma L. (1854- 1879), 247. Emma L. (w. Clarence T.), 241. Emma M. (1850- 1887), 282. Emma P. (1847 -), 250. Emma S. (w. of Si- mon W.), 282. Ephraim S. (1797- 1834), 238. Esther, 209, 212. Esther (1739-40- 1796), 177. Esther (bap. 1757, -), 171. Esther (w. of Sam- uel), 175, 213, 215, 216. Etta (w. of Francis A.), 285. Etta K. (w. of Fred W.), 244. Eunice (1709-1729), 140. Eunice (1729-1753), 156, 194, 304. Eunice (1753-1830), 161. Eunice (1772-1811), 190, 191. of -), S. (1864- 1865), 249. Ezekiel T. (1830- 1856), 253. Fanny (w. of Wil- liam H.), 298. Florence(1862-1892), 248. Frances Ellen (1837 -), 277. Frances E. (1855- 1886), 282. Francis (1840-1840), 234. Francis A. (1829- 1904), 285. Francis L. (1811- 1812), 203. Frank A. M. D., 1, 74. Fred Lee, -), 243. Fred W. (1863 244. Frederick 1860), 244. (1862 -), (1856- Frederick M. Rev. (1858), 292. George(, 3. George, 212. INDEX. 319 Gardner, Lieut. George (1679),7,10,13, 16, 17(3), 21(2), 22, 24, 27,28-40, 67, 74, 108,118(2), 122, 169 (2), 170(2), 303(2). George (Esq.), 50. George (1654-1662), 40. George (1667-1668), 91. George (1674-1675), Gardner, Capt. George W. (1835-1865), 288. Georgie (w. of Lin- coln), 248. Georgietta (1849 -), 299. Grafton (1707-1789), 72. Habakkuk (1673- 1732-3), 111, 135- 140, 162, 163. Habakkuk (1707 before 1762), 140, 162-163. Hannah, 27, 40, 146, 147. Gardner, Hannah (w. of Thomas), 20,27 (2), 101. Hannah C. (w. of Ebenezer), 241. Hannah E. (w. of Charles), 287. Hannah F. (1815 -), 250. Hannah H. (w. of John), 288. Hannah M. (1841 -), 298. Hannah M. (w. of Alfred), 246(2). Hannah N. (1811- 121. George (1679 -), 122, 123, 124. George (1721 —————), 146. George (1742- Hannah (b. Gard- ner), 72. Hannah (1644 95, 107. Hannah S. (w. of -), Hannah S. (w. of 1769?), 171/2),212. George (1743-1774), 176(2), 177(4), 178, 213-215. George(1775——— be- fore 1781), 210. Col. George (1781- 1821), 33, 204, 205, 206(2), 305. Hannah (1671-1703- 4), 80, 83(3), 89. Hannah (1676-1713), 121. Hannah (1686-1773), 1897), 260. Simon), 277. George A.), 272. Hannah Wallis (1839 -), 277. Hapscott (1679 -), 111. Harlan P. (1859 ——————), 247. 52. George (1781 Hannah (1711 -), Harriet, 245. lost at sea), 210. 120, 145, 303. Harriet (w. of George ( 1750), Hannah (1715 -), Charles J.), 287. 52. 134. Harriet (w. of George (- 1750), Hannah (1741-1742), 70, 71, 72. 153. Harriett A. (1821- Hannah (1742-3- George (1804-1843), 231. George (1809-1884), 142. George (1809-1884), 201, 203. George (1817-1819), 250. George (1818 George, 3d (1835 1786), 153. Hannah (1764-1818), 191. Hannah (1774-1858), 193. Hannah (1796-1883), 84, 198. Hannah (1800-1800), 235. Hannah (1809-1892), 290. John), 212. 1888), 212. Harriet C. (w. of William E.), 249. Harriet E. (1833- 1887), 302. Harriet K. (1825 -), 235. Harriet L. (1843 -), 295(2). Harriet N. (1832- 1890), 253. Harriet N. (1842- 1874), 278. d.), 250. -), 297, 299. George A. (1824- 1826), 272. Hannah (1825 193, 248. Hannah -), Harry M. (1871 (w. of Abel), 260. Hannah (w. of Ben- jamin), 50. Hannah George A. (1826- 1865), 272. George Endicott (1835 -), 230. R. (1852 George -), 242. George T.(1842——— dead), 282. (w. of David), 256. Hannah (w. of Sam- uel), 84, 162, 197. -), 243. Helen A. (w. of Ed- win R.), 243. Helen Maria (w. of George), 203. Helen M. (w. of William O.), 255. Henry (Kittery), 2. 320 Gardner, Henry (Wo- burn family), 3. Henry, 251. Henry (1747-1817), 176(2), 177(3), 178, 214(2), 216-221. Henry (1795-1877), 211, 212. Henry (1809-1890), 186, 228(2), 231- 232, 280. Henry (1835-1888), 230. Henry (1872 231. INDEX. Gardner, Horace (1830 Gardner, Jeremiah -), 249. Horace Bell (1845- -), 279. Horace T. (1871- 51. -), 246. -), 280. Howard P. (1847- Irene (1865-1871), 246. Isaac (Brookline family), 3. Capt. John (1624- (——— 1768), 70, 72, 73. Jethro (1734), Joanna (w. of Thax- ter), 241. 1706), 17(2), 20, 44 (3), 46(3), 47, 51, 52-74, 85, 114, 117. John (1653 73(2). -),72, Capt. John (1681- 1722), 116(2), 117 -), Isaac E. (1848 241. -), Israel (1701 (2), 119, 120, 122, Israel (1731?-1755?), 146, 147. 124, 127, 128, 129, Henry A. (1815 1886), 281-82. Henry A. (1818- -), 242. Henry Erastus (1841-1862), 242. Gov. Henry Joseph (Woburn fam.), 3. Henry L. (1839- 1840), 246. Henry M. (1827- 1851), 275. Henry N. (1844- 1844), 250. Henry Richard (1836), 234. Henrietta, 250. (1831- Henrietta 1831), 284. Hepzabeth (w. of Peleg), 52. Hepzabeth, 52. Hepzibah (1696- 1742), 72. Hepzibah (w. of Samuel), 51. Hepzibah (w. of William), 50. Herbert (1861-1865), 241. Herbert M. (1869- -), 246. Hiram (1819 244, 246, 247. Hiram, 251. Hiram W. (1867- -), 246. Hope (1669-1750), 52. Hope Macy (1683- 1750), 49. 133. Israel (1744-1771), 156(2), 194, 304. Jacob W. (1841- -), 246. James, 236, 251. James (Gloucester family), 3. James (1662-1723), 51, 52. James ( 1776), 51, 52. James (1759-1809), 10, 190, 191, 223, 236-238, 239(2), 264. James (1790-1806), 238. James A.(1807————), 241, 246. James F.(1837 ————), 241. James R. I. (1875 -), 246. James T. (1836- 1875), 241, 246. James William, 257. Jane (w. of Abel), 260. Jane (w. of David), 256. Jane F. (w. of Sam- uel), 193. Jane F. (w. of Sam- uel), 243. Jane G. (1830-1904), 288, 305. Jemima (w. of Na- thaniel), 72. 150, 133, 140-147, 150. Capt. John (1706-7- 1784), 32, 117, 120, 121, 144(2), 163-169, 176, 177, 182(2), 198. John (1731-1805), 166 (2), 168(2), 182(2), 198. Capt. John (1736- 1816), 82, 84(3), 148, 149, 150(2), 151, 152, 182, 184- 189, 223, 224, 226, 227, 232, 265. John (1747? before 1768), 32, 170, 171 (2),172, 204(2),211. John (- 1749?), 146, 147. John ( 1759),56, 70, 72, 73, 116, 117, 143. (1760-1792), John 202. John (1762-1823), 10 (3), 190, 191, 236, 237, 238-240. John (abt. 1765- -), 211. John (1771-1847),82, 84, 185, 186(2),188, 189, 226-232. John (1777-1824), 204,205(3),206,305. (1785-1846), John 193, 243, 249-252. John (1789-1817), 254, 255. INDEX. 321 Gardner, John (1793- 1834),197, 301-302, 305. John (1796-1870), 227(2), 229-230. John (1796-1846), 271-272. John (1797-1801), 264. 84(2), 96, 149(3), 150, 151, 152, 165, 167, 178-183, 221. Jonathan Capt. (1755-1821), 82, 84, 96, 97, 183, 186, 188, 221-226, 237. Jonathan (1773- 1839), 196,283-293. Jonathan (1792- 1813), 264. Gardner, Joseph (1803- 1870),297, 299. Joseph (1812-1815), 255. Joseph (1815-1883), 255. Joseph (1819-1881), 272. Joseph (1822-1873), 269, 276. ter), 3(2). (Glouces- John (1807-1870), 288. Joseph John (1811-1884), Jonathan (1793- 212. 1795), 225. Joseph D. (1836- John (1815-1897), Jonathan (1797- 246. 1874), 284. John (1816-1880), Jonathan (1817- 271. John, 211, 236, 265. John (Marietta, O.), 209. John (Hingham family), 3. John B. (1831-1895), 288, 289. John Endicott (1823- 1864), 230. John H.(1829-1829), 288. John Henry (1823- 1887), 256. John Lowell (1804- 1884), 201, 203. John N. (1823 —), 213. John Osbert, 252. John R. (d. young), 252. John W. (1823-1890), 302. Jonathan (1669- 1693), 80, 83(3), 89, 90, 91, 130(3). Jonathan (1696- 1777), 51. Jonathan (1697-8- 1783), 14, 82, 83, 84(2), 129, 130(2), 132(2), 133, 143, 147-154, 156, 157 (3), 158, 159(3), 160, 165, 167, 181, 185, 186, 187(2), 188,191,194(2),195. Jonathan, 27. Capt. Jonathan (1728-1791), 82, 83, 1841), 244. Capt. Joseph (- 1675), 17(2), 20, 22 (3), 31, 74, 80, 81 (2), 92-101, 105, 107(2), 108, 130, 162, 163. Joseph (1655 72. Joseph (1677-1747), 49, 111. Joseph —————), 286. Joseph E. (1818- 1888), 212. Joseph H. (1858- 1858), 280. Joseph M. (1850- 1850), 292. Josephine, 250. Josephine R. (w. of Herbert M.), 246. ezer), 52. 52. -), Judith (w. of Eben- Judith (1693-1765), 1701), Julia H. (1841 -), 245. Julia M. (1845 -), 244. -), 48(2), 49, 50. Joseph (1702-1702), 140. Joseph (1718-1779?), 14, 129(2), 134, 146, 148(2), 149(2), 159- 162, 196, 197(2). Joseph (1743 161. Joseph (1745 -), be- fore 1780),159,196. Joseph (1745-6 -), 161, 196-7, 297, 301, 305. Joseph (abt. 1761 abt. 1811), 195, 253-258,305. Joseph (1767-1830), 187(2), 196, 264- 283. Joseph (1775-1848), 197, 297-301, 305. Joseph (1785-1870), 254(3), 255. Joseph (1791-1854), 269-270, 274. Joseph (1795 d. at sea), 261. Julia R. (1826 — 243, 247. Julia R. (1850-1851), 242. Julia R. (w. of Thomas M.), 247. Keziah (w. of Jeth- ro), 51. Laura A. (w. of Charles H.), 284. Laura Ellen (1840- -), 250. Laura H.(d. young), 252. Laura S. (1855 248. -), Laurina (w. of Ed- ward A.), 255. Lavinia (w. of Dan- iel), 212. Lavinia (w. of John), 179, 194, 250. Leah (w. of Rich- ard), 50. 322 Gardner, Leo A.(w. of Edward P.), 247. Leonard (1821 d.), 245. Leonice B. (1850- 1859), 244. Lincoln (1867 ——), 248. Linnie B. (1865 -), 248. Lizzie A. (1859- 1895), 242. Lizzie A. (w. of Harlan P.), 247. Lizzie M. (w. of Al- fred), 246. Lois (1741-1819),175, 178. Lois (w. of Grindal), 72. Lois (w. of Jeremi- ah), 72. INDEX. Gardner, Lucy A. (1862- 1864), 248. Lucy A. W. (1824- -), 285. Lucy F. (1844-1865), 284. Lucy F. (w. of Ben- jamin B.), 285. Lucy H. (1843-1870), 244. Lucy S. (1823-1870), 252. Lydia(1687-1688),50. Lydia (1718 Gardner, Margaret (1759-1809), 191. Margaret (1795- 1852), 237(2), 238. Margaret (w. George), 250. of Margaret (w.of Hen- ry A.), 281. Margaret (w. of James), 223, 237 (3), 239. Margaret (w. of Wil- lard), 213. -), Margaret Ann (1821- 1822), 272. Lydia (1739-1777), 120, 146. 152. Lydia (bap. 1757- -), 171, 172. Lydia ( 1788), 50, 73. Lydia ( 1772), Lois (w. of John), 146, 147. 211. Lydia (1816-1818), 242. Lorena (w. of Lydia (1818-1898), 252. Lydia (w. of George 3d), 299. of Lydia (w. of Jo- seph), 297. Loraine, 211. Charles H.), 244. Lorenzo D. W. (1851-1882), 244. Lottie E. (w. Alonzo), 246. Louisa (w. of Dan- iel), 213. Louisa (w. of Na- than), 244. Louisa (w. of Sam- uel), 211. Louisa A. (1813- 1894), 250. Louisa E. (1842- 1848), 281. Louisa G. (1843- 1876), 276. Love (1672 -),52. athan), 183, 224. Lucinda (1814-1892), 241. Lucinda, 211. Lydia (w. of Wil- liam), 194. Lydia A. (- 1898), 297. Lydia N. (w. of William), 294. Lydia W. (w. of Lucius), 244. Lyman B. (1853- -), 246. Lyman Kent (1840- -), 241. Margaret E. (w. of William D.), 292. Margaret H. (1810- 1851), 281. Margaret M. (1830- -), 270. Maria Cecelia (w. of John), 229. Maria E. (w. James F.), 241. of Maria T.(1821-1885), 210. Maria T. A. (1849 -), 210. Marion W. (w. of Stephen W.), 286. Martha (w.of John), 197, 301, 305. Martha (w. of Will- iam), 294. Martha A. (1817 -), 301. Mary, 27, 40. Mary (Gloucester family), 3. Mary (1658-1661),91. Mary (1662), 83. Mary (1669-1724), 107, 111. Lucia P. (w. of Jon- Mabel (w. of Horace T.), 246. Mary (1670————),71, Mahala (w. of 72, 73, 74. Charles), 287. Mary (1686-7 Maranda S. (1853- 49. 1855), 280. Mary (1701 -), 140. Mary (1716 ·), 134. Mary (1734-1812), 156, 194. (1739-1820), Lucinda S. (1843- 1845), 253. Lucinda S. (1846- 1849), 242. Lucius (1814-1889), 244. Lucius, 251. Margaret, 15(3). Margaret (1664-1689), 123. Margaret (1695-1727), 52. Margaret (1744-1803) 153(2). Mary, 152. Gardner, Mary (1748. ———), 159. Mary (1757-1780), 191. Mary (1774-1851), 168. Mary (1774? ·), 195. Mary (1803 210, 295. Mary (1805-1855), 298. Mary (1809-1891), 241, 243, 246. (1815-1896), Mary 291. Mary (1826-d.), 250. Mary (1830-d.), 297. Mary (1838 230. Mary (w. of Alfred), 241, 244, 246. Mary (w. of An- drew), 52. Mary (w. of Austin), 211. Mary (w. of Barna- bas), 51. Mary (w. of Habak- kuk), 140,162,163. Mary (w. of James), 51. Mary (w. of James A.), 241(2). Mary (w. of John9°), 144, 166. Mary (w. of John⁹²), 167. Mary (w.of John101), 147. Mary (w.of John139), 168, 193. Mary (w. of John 179), John179), 200, 250. Mary (w. of Jona- than), 133 (2), 151 (2). Mary (w.of Joseph), 255, 297. Mary (w. of Joseph E.), 212. Mary (w. of Nathan- iel), 52. Mary (w. of Rich- ard), 49, 72, 73. INDEX. Gardner, Mary (w. of Samuel), 20, 87(2), 88. Mary (w. of Samuel K.), 196, 294. Mary (w. of Simon), 196, 262. Mary (w. of Thom- as),27,108,110,235. Mary (w. of Thom- as6¹), 111, 135, 156, 190(2), 236, 238, Mary A. (1833 298. -), Mary A. (1836-1864), 245. Mary Abby (1834- 1855), 257. Mary Ann 1817), 256. Mary Ann 1873), 269. (1820- Mary Ann (1832- 1857), 287. Mary Ann (w. of Asa), 206. Mary Augusta (w. of Walter B.), 286. Mary B. (1827-1901), 261. Mary C. (- 262. Mary D. (w. of Wil- 1844), liam L.), 298. Mary E. (1836-1848), 253. Mary E. (1843-1885), 241, 244, 246. Mary E. (w. of James F.), 241. Mary E. E. (w. of James T.), 241. Mary E.(w.of Thom- as N.), 275. Mary E. A. (w. of Millard F.), 246. Mary Eliza (bap. 1788-1833), 221. Mary Eliza (1806- 1875), 231. Mary Elizabeth (w. of Howard P.), 280. Mary F. (1836-1868), 284. 323 Gardner, Mary H. (w. of William F.), 292. Mary J. (1843 242. Mary J. (———— 1891), 295. Mary J. (w. of Hor- ace B.), 279. Mary J. (w. of Lt. Simon), 263. Mary Jane (w. of Samuel), 206. Mary K. (w. of Ly- man K.), 241. Mary L. (w. of Put- nam), 213. Mary Lowell (1802- 1854), 203. Mary M. (1846-1887), 276. Mary N. (1802-1868), 274. Mary Putnam (1825- 1827), 230. Mary S. (w. of Ed- ward C.), 299. Mary S. (w. of Fred Lee), 243. Mary T. (1777-1833), 221(2). Mary W. (w. of Abel H.), 255. Mary W. (w. of Thomas W.), 230. Matilda (1826-1892), 295. Mehitable, 236. Mehitabel 1659), 40. Mehitable -), 71, 73. Mehitable 1777), 51. Mehitable (1659- (1674 (1747-8 -), 160. Mehitable (abt.1773- 1858), 197, 304. Mehitable (w. of John), 191, 239(2). Mehitable (w. of Joseph), 134, 161, 197(2). Melissa I. (w. of Benjamin F.), 277. 324 INDEX. Gardner, Melvina T. (w.of Charles W.), Gardner, (1675 Patience --), 49. 230. Patience (w. of James), 51. Mercie A.(1833), 252. Mercie E. (1851 -), 250. Mercy (1705-1732-3), 140. Mercy W. (1826 ————), 269. Millard F. (1850 -), 246. Miranda (1828-1903), 249. Miriam, 21, 50, 51. Patience (w. of Jon- athan), 51. Gardner, Rachel (1661- -), 52, 71. Rachel (1805-1897), 287. Rachel(w.of James), 51, 52. of Rachel (w. of Jona- ·), Patience (w. Samuel), 51. Patty (w. of Sam- uel), 171, 205. Peleg (1691-1718), 52, 72. Peter (1767), 50. Peter H.(1838-1840), 246. PhebeH.(1798-1872), 211. Pierce L. W. (1837- than), 196, 283. Rachell (1661 72. Rebecca (1788-1853), 263. Rebecca (1789 ————), 197. (1823-d.), Rebecca (1811-1870), 291. Rebecca 245. Rebecca, 236. Rebecca (w. of Hi- ram), 244, 247. Rebecca(w.of John), 246. Miriam (1685-1750), 50, 73. Miriam (1813 -), 213. Molly (w. of Benja- Polly 1858), 275, 305. (1767-1851), min), 171, 209. 209. Molly (1765 -), Polly (1774? 209. 195. Morey (1852 - Priscilla (1656 -), mon Stacey), 159, 71, 72. Priscilla (1698 -), 196, 262, 264, 281, 283, 293. 72. Priscilla (1738-9 Rebecca (w. of Si- 247. N. Augusta (w. of Daniel B.), 275. Nancy (1802-1871), 211. Nancy (1813-1820), 255. Nancy (1814-1880), 299. Nancy, 212. Nathan (1793-1795), -), 158. Priscilla (1768-1823), 195. Priscilla (1800-1866), 261. Priscilla (1821-1904), Nancy (w. of Jo- 260. seph), 255. Priscilla (w. of Abel), 52, 74. 194. Nathan (1811 -), Priscilla (w. of Abel79), 134, 158, 244. 196. Nathaniel (1668 Priscilla (w. of -), 73. 72, 73. Priscilla Nathaniel (1669- 1713), 51, 52, 72. Nathaniel (1697- 1727), 52. Nathaniel (m. 1722), 70, 72. (1750 Nathaniel M. (1809- Nathaniel -), 161. 1875), 245. Olive C. (1846-1849), 246. John), 69, 70(2), (w. of John 4th gen.),72, 116. Priscilla (m. John Lovell), 72. Priscilla A. (1855- 1856), 246. Putnam (1811-1844), 213. Rachael (1818-1899), 300. Rebecca (w. of Thomas), 236(3). Rebecca B. (1820- 1896), 260. Rebecca K. (1808- 1830), 281. Rebecca M. (1845- 1845), 292. Rebecca Russell (w. of Samuel P.), 202. Rebecca W. (w. of George T.), 282. Rebekah (w. of Thomas), 191. Relief (w. of Samu- el), 193, 243. Richard (Woburn family), 3. Richard (- 1688), 15, 16, 20, 40-52, 55, 58(4), 65, 66(2), 67(2), 69. Richard (1653-1728), 48, 49-50, 71, 72, 73. Richard ( 1724- 5), 50. Gardner, Richard (1774-1836),57,188, 189, 227, 232-235. Richard (1798-1875), 234-235. Roxa (w. of Wil- liam), 212. Ruby (w.of Henry), 211, 212. Ruth (1665 ——————),40. Ruth (1665-1674-5), 111. Ruth (1676-1748),71, 72, 73. Ruth (1703-1774),73. Ruth (1716-1808), 120, 145. Ruth (1740 171(2). Ruth (1828 —), 270. Ruth, 52, 139(2). Ruth (w. of Benja- min), 211. Ruth (w.of George), 20, 34. Ruth (w. of Habak- kuk), 111, 139(2). Ruth (w. of Israel), 147. Ruth (w. of John), 206. Ruth (w.of Joseph), 49. Ruth (w. of Nathan- iel M.), 245. Sabrina A. (1831 -), 252. Sally (1770-1829), 190, 191. Sally (bap. 1782- 1818), 221. Sally(1785-1850),207. Sally (1817),247. Sally (1819 213. Sally (w. of Ebenez- er), 193, 240, 247. Samuel (1627-1689), 10, 11, 13(3), 14(2), 16, 17(3), 19(4), 20(2), 22(2), 29, 30 (4), 31, 32(2),36(2), 45(3), 48(2), 54, 74- 92, 94, 101, 108(2), 123(2), 130(3), 232. INDEX. Gardner, Capt. Samuel (1647-1724), 30, 32 (2), 33(3),35, 36(4), 37(3),40, 67, 71, 76 (2), 79, 90(2), 105, 111-122,124(4),128, 131, 140, 142, 146, 165, 169, 170(2), 173, 174(2), 303. Samuel (1666-1683), 91. Samuel (1677 -), 122. Samuel (1895-6- 1736?),133,146-147. Samuel (1712-13- 1769), 32, 117, 120, 121, 145, 165, 172- 178, 204, 213, 215, 216, 220(2). Samuel (- 1757), 51. Samuel(1732-3-1733), 152. Samuel(1736-7-1818), 32(2), 170, 171(3), 203-8, 211, 212. Samuel (1740-1762), 153. Samuel (1756 ——), 178. Samuel (1763-1796), 84, 162, 197-8. Samuel (1770 221. Samuel (1775-1797), 206. 193, 243-245, 249. 325 Gardner, Samuel E. (1845-1845), 301. Samuel E. (1850- 1859), 301. Samuel K. (1781- 1850), 196,266,267, 268, 293-297. Samuel P. (1767- 1843), 145,175,198, 201, 202, 203. Samuel S. (1818- 1819), 256. Sarah (dau. Thomas), 20. Sarah (1672- of -),49. 1686), 108. Sarah (—— 1729),50, Sarah, 72. Sarah (1710 133. Sarah (1734-1797), 152. Sarah (1740-1813), 156(2), 194. -), 1757 Sarah (1740-1 159. Sarah (bap. −), 171, 172. Sarah (bap. 1772- d. y’ng), 221. Sarah (1773-1807), 188, 189. -), Sarah (1786-1838), 259. Sarah (1795-1876), 270. Samuel (1781-1853), Sarah (1795-1801), 229. Samuel (1792 Sarah (1799 —————), 198. 210. Samuel (1798-1859), Sarah (1802-1865), 230. Sarah (1819-1860), 256. Sarah 270, 272-273. Samuel (1800-1856), 230. Samuel (1800-1874), 211. Samuel (1801-1842), 294. Samuel (1820-1834), 252. Samuel (1823-1887), 205(2), 206, 305. Samuel, 193, 251. Samuel Endicott (1833-1833), 230. 1816), 256. Sarah, 51,156(2),212. Sarah (d. young), 234. Sarah (w. of Abel), 92, 131, 132, 144. Sarah (w.of Abel, b. King),131,132,149. Sarah (w. of Benja- min), 210. 326 Gardner, Sarah (w. of Ebenezer), 40,123. Sarah (w. of Eben- ezer), 172. Sarah (w.of Henry), 178, 220. Sarah (w. of Jere- miah), 72, 73. Sarah(w.of John¹¹0), 152, 188, 232. Sarah(w.of John162), 189, 229. Sarah (w. of Jona- than106), 152, 167, 182, 183, 221. Sarah (w. of Jona- than101), 224. Sarah (w. of Jo- seph180),159,196(3). Sarah (w. of Jo- seph182), 195. Sarah (w. of Rich- ard),20,47(2), 48(2). Sarah (w. of Samu- e172), 133, 146(4). Sarah (w. of Samu- el¹42), 171, 205. Sarah (w. of Samu- el), 272. Sarah (w. of Samu- e1864), 294. Sarah (w. of Thom- as), 193, 243, 245. Sarah (m. Joseph Dennis), 146, 147. Sarah Albee (1841 -), 241. Sarah Derby (1809- 1842), 235. Sarah E.(1821-1902), 261. Sarah Ellen (1823- 1862), 256. Sarah E.(1829 295. Sarah E.(1847-1848), 301. Sarah E.(1852-1869), 247. INDEX. Gardner, Sarah J. (1816-dead), 260. Sarah L.(1835 d.), 250. Gardner, Susan (1823 -), Susan (w. of John), (w. of 298. Sarah M. (w. Charles), 257. Sarah N. (1809 255. Sarah Rea, 212. Sarah Russell (1807- 1893), 203. Sarah S. (1832-1897), 253. Sarah S. (w. of Dan- iel F.), 248. Sarah S.(w. of John W.), 302. Sarah T.(1813-1868), 269. Seeth, 21(3). 299, 300. Simon (- 193, 249. Susan C. (w. of Jo- seph D.), 286. Susan L. (w. John), 271. (w. of Susan M.(1836——), 288. Susan N. (w. of Mo- rey), 247. Susan S. (1850-1855), 247. Susan S. (1856 ———), 242. Susan T.(1857-1868), 247. Susannah, 27. Susannah Sidney (1843 -), 1720), 123. Susannah (1706- 1801), 1781), 52. Susannah (1770 (1804- 196, 262-264. Lieut. Simon (1790- 1824), 263. Simon (1806-1888), 266, 277-281. Simon Stacey (1743- before 1787), 159, 195-6, 262,264,283, 293. Simon W. (1840- 1840), 278. Simon W. (1844- 1868), 279. Simon W. (1854- 1904), 282, 305. Solomon (1680-1760), 49-50. Sophia (w. of Jacob W.), 246. Sophia, 211. of Sophia A. (w. Charles O.), 242. Sophia K. (1851- 1865), 241. Sophia L. (1842- 1869), 250. Sarah E. (W. of Stephen W. (1835 George W.), 288. Sarah E. (w.of Hen- ry), 230. Sarah G. (w. of Henry A.), 242. -), 286. Stillman(1820-1825), 250. Sukey S.(1794 −), 198. 1843), 193. Susannah 1886), 240. Susannah (w. of James), 51, 52. Susannah (w. John), 73. of Susanna (w. of Sam- uel 3d gen.), 120 (2). Thaxter (1812-1887), 241, 251. Thomas (1592-1674), 1-21, 47, 54, 74,76, 80, 82, 85(3), 92, 95, 101, 102, 105, 131. Lieut. Thomas(· 1682), 7, 17, 20,21- 27, 30, 31, 35(2), 36(2), 67, 74, 80, 92, 95(2), 101), 102 (2), 105, 123, 163. Lieut. Thomas (1845-1695), 23, 27, 79, 80, 89, 95(3), 101-111, 134. Thomas (1671-1696), 111, 134-135. Thomas (1699-70- 1700), 133. Gardner, Thomas (1701-1784), 72. Thomas (1705-1753), 10, 129(2), 130, 132 (2), 133, 154-156, 157. Lieut. Thomas (1731-2-1788), 10, 155(2), 156, 189- 191, 192, 194, 205, 235, 236, 238. Thomas (1755-1822), 190, 191, 235-236. Thomas (1783-1872), 193(2), 243(2), 245, 250, 305. Thomas (1791 ———), 238. Thomas (1821-1822), 247. Thomas (Brookline family), 3(2). Thomas (Eng.), 4 (5), 5. Lieut. Thomas (of Pemaquid),23,102- 5. Col.Thomas(Brook- line family), 3. Thomas, 251. Thomas, 238, 239. Thomas B. W.(1842- 1860), 234. Thomas F. (1833- -), 230. Thomas J. (1805- 1833), 241. Thomas M. (1822- 1844), 243. Thomas M. (1822- —————), 247. Thomas N. (1831- 1875), 275. Thomas West (1798- 1845), 227, 230. Timothy (1833-1833), 270. Timothy F. (1834- 1849), 270. Viola (1846-1899), INDEX. Gardner, Lieut. War- ren H.(1843-1862), 281. Weld (1745-1801), 327 Gardner, Willie (1864- 1864), 248. Willis (1849-1863), Gardner Block,Salem, 280. 176(2), 177(3), 178, 214(4), 215-216, 218. Wilson I. (1848- 1848), 292. 198, 199. Gardner burying 1739), Willard (1826-1901), 213. William (— 50, 72. William (1789-1863), 194, 252-253. William (1813-1865), 212. William (1814-1857), 246. William (1829-1849), 272. William (- 1852), 294. William (1836-1837), 230. William, 212, 287. William A. T. (1820- 1853), 210. William D. -), 292. -), 249. (1842- William E. (1859- ground, 10, 46, 86, 129, 149. Gardner Farm (Salem and Danvers),185, 227, 229, 231. Gardner's Bridge, 14. Gardner's Brook, 14, 89. Gardner's Corner, Sa- lem, 185. Gardner's Court (Sa- lem),267(2),276(2). Gardner's Hill (Sa- lem), 11, 131, 149. Garney, Margaret D., 271. Gaskill, Bethiah, 27. Content, 27. Jonathan, 27. Nathan, 27. Samuel, 27(3). Sarah, 27. 84, Gavett, William Fairfield, (1794-1851), 223(2), 225-226. William Frost (1819- 1902), 283, 287, 292-293. William F. (1840- -), 289. William H. (1832- 1832), 284. William H. (1834- 1883), 295. William H. (1838- -), 298. William H. (1841- -), 294. (W. H.) & Parsons, 298. William L. (1807- 1885), 298. William M. (1832- 247. Volney, 211. 1837), 245. Walter B. (1833- William O. (1831- 1899), 285. S. (1865- ————), 248. 1868), 255. William T. 1839), 245. (1838- Walter 187. Gay, Abigail, 297. Gayer, Dorcas, 51. William, 45, 68, 71. Geadrick, Joseph,297. Lydia, 297, 299. Gedney, 14. • 25, Abigail, 92. Bartholomew, 78, 90-92. Eleazer, 111, 139. Elizabeth, 111, 139. Hannah, 91(3),92(2). Jonathan, 91. Margaret, 91. Mary, 92. Ruth, 111, 139. Sarah, 92. Susanna, 91. William, 83(2), 91, 129. Maj. William, 91. Gerrish, Benjamin,23, 79, 90, 91, 135. Joseph, 142. 328 INDEX. Getchell, Jane F.,193, Goodale, Jacob, 239. 243. Jeremiah, 165. Geyer, F. W., 203. Gibson, John F., 295. Sarah E., 295. Gilley, Esther, 261. John, 261. John E. M., 261. Mary B. (b. Gard- ner), 261. Gillingham, Hannah, 253. Gillis, Elizabeth R., 231. James D., 231. Lydia, 231. Girdler, John, 260. Lewis, 260. Richard, jr., 210. Sarah, 210, 260. Sarah J., 260. Glidden, Eliza A. (b. Gardner), 256. Etta, 291. Joseph L., 256. Glines, Isaac, 186. Glover, Edward, 138. Harriet A., 277. Mary, 284. Goldthwait, Anstice, Susan, 257. Charles, 197. 197. Ebenezer, 197. Ebenezer Gardner, 197. Elizabeth C., 198. Mehitable, 191, 239. Goode, Abigail, 20. Goodell, Elizabeth W., 276. Goodhue, Jonathan, 145. Mary, 145. William, 186. Goodrich, Caleb, 298. Elizabeth, 298. Mary, 298. Mary E., 298. Goodridge, Marie A., 197. Goodwin, 34. Elizabeth, 288, 290. Enoch, 288, 290. George H., 290. Hannah, 290. Hannah H., 288. John, 290. John F., 290. Priscilla, 260, 305. Samuel, 260. Samuel J., 260. Tabitha, 260. Gorges, Sir Fernando, 2. Gorham, Elizabeth,51. John, 51. Mary, 52. Stephen, 51, 52. Theodate, 53. Goss, Eliza A., 211. Gott, 108. Gould, Elizabeth, 276. James, 119. Grafton, Mary, 21. Nathaniel, 21. Priscilla, 20, 69(2). Samuel, 119. Seeth, 11, 17, 21, 23. Granger, John, 4. Mary Jane, 206. William, 5. Grant, Hannah, 92. James, 92, 151. Graves, Abigail W., 286. Daniel, 236. John, 286. Susan C., 286. Gray, Elizabeth P., 203. Horace, 203. John C., 203. Rebecca, 272. Sarah R., 203. William, 41. Green, 172. Rev. Aaron, 221(2). Mary, 72. Nathaniel, 72. Greenleaf, B., 218, 219. Susannah, 72, 73. Joseph, 297. Gregg, James, 141. Grush, Hannah, 294. Martha, 294. Thomas, 266, 294. Hadley, Abel, 251. George, 251. Hall, Charlotte, 193. Louisa, 213. Margaret, 281. Thomas, 35-37, 117, Hanscom, Bernard, 282. Carrie S., 282. Ezekiel, 57. Goodman, 13. Martha, 20. Mary I., 279. Harriet A., 197. Harriet Gardner, 154, 155. 198. Gove, 269. Margaret D., 271. Eliza C., 269. Hannah, 282. Marie A., 197. Lydia, 269. Rebecca, 245. Moses, 271. Gowen, Charles, 268. Hanson, Rev. Prudence, 285. 115, 126. Rebecca, 197. Grafton, Abigail, 21. Catherine, Rebecca A., 197. Samuel, 17, 18, 112, 141. Susan L., 271. Thomas, 9, 285. William H., 198. 116. Golthite, Goodale, Hannah, 239. Gowing, Abbie, 210. Elizabeth, 40, 119, 120. Jehoadam, 21, 303. John, 13, 21, 23(3), 109(2), 117. Joseph, 17, 23, 53, 55, 67, 69, 114. Margaret, 21. Harding, 296. Edward, M. D., 247. Emma, 247. Hardy, 200. Joseph, 21, 55(2), 56(3), 108. Mary, 21. Temple, 266, 267. INDEX. 329 Harker, Ebenezer, 51. Hascall, Miriam, 21, Hawthorn, "Magyr," Patience, 51. Harmon, Abbie G., 244. Abbie S., 243. Amelia, 244, 247. Augustine, 243. Daniel W., 241, 244, 246. Delia, 246. Evelyn, 244. Frances A., 244. Gilbert L., 244, 247. G. Wellington, 243. Henry, 246, 251. Hiram, 241, 243,246, 247, 251. Hiram W., 244. Japhet, 244, 251. Laura S., 244. Lauretta, 252. Leonard S., 243. Lizzie M., 246(2). Louisa, 244. Mary, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247. Mary E., 243, 246. Morton D., 246. Nathan G., 244. Nathaniel, 243. Olive, 244. Sherlock, 244. Theodore P., 244. Watson, 244. Harris, Jane McK., 168. John L., 210. Joseph, 168. Rebecca, 210. Sarah Gardner, 210. Hart, Annie Gardner, 235. Ephraim, 235. Harriet K., 235. James, 235. Martha, 235. Sarah, 159, 196. Hartwell, Catherine, 211. Sarah, 296. Harvey, Emeline A., 269. John J., M. D., 269. Harwood, Henry, 29. John, 89, 130. 36(2). William, 21, 81. Haskell, Annie S.,300. Benjamin, 300. Elizabeth, 168. Jacob, 282. Lizzie, 300. Mary B., 300. Melvin, 300. Hasty, Josephine R., 246. Hatch, Catherine, 212. Rev. John, 212. Hathaway, Abbie,210. Anna, 210. Annie G., 211. Benjamin Gardner, 211. Caroline, 211. Charles H., 211. Eleanor, 210(2). Eleazer, 272. Eliza A., 211. Eliza J., 272. Elizabeth, 210(2). Frank, 210. George G., 210. Jeremiah, 210(2). John Gardner, 210 (2), 211. Joseph, 210. Julia, 210. Mary, 260. Mary Ellen, 211. Rebecca, 211. Richard, 210. Sally G., 211. Sophronia, 211. Stephen P., 210. Hathorne, Mr., 8. Benjamin, 40. Ebenezer, 40. Elizabeth, 92, 131. John, 26(2), 37, 40 (2), 91, 111,124(4), 220. Joseph, 40, 111(2). Nathaniel, 40, 123, 124(2). Ruth, 36, 40, 111,123 (2), 124(4). Sarah, 40, 111(2). Maj. William, 18, 19(2), 93, 108, 131. 28. Nathaniel, 111, 131. Haynes, Lydia L.,250. Hayward, Samuel,160. Hazel, Charles, 298. Edwin, 298. Ellen, 298. Hannah J., 298. Martha A., 298. Mary, 298. Peter, 298. Sarah, 298. Hazelton, David, 272. Hannah, 272. Hannah S., 272. Head, Abby, 289. Abby G., 289. Frederick, 289. Heald, Jeremiah, 75. Heath, Alvin C., 248. H. M., 248. Laura S., 248. Sarah, 248. Henderson, Harriet, 212. Henfield, Joseph, 83, 90, 91(2), 219. Mary, 83, 90, 91(2). Herbert, Capt. Benja- min, 144, 167. Elizabeth, 144, 167. Herrick, Col. Henry, 189. Phebe H., 211. Samuel, 211. Sarah, 171, 205. Hersey, 248. Abel, 168(2). Elizabeth, 168. Mary, 168. William, 158. Hersom, Almeda T., 296. Thomas, 296. Hicks, Joshua, 163. Hide, Barbara, 143. Timothy, 39. Higgins, Sarah, 298. Higginson, 78, 83, 89(2), 100. Elizabeth, 122. Esther, 122, 177(2). Francis, 33, 122, 175, 177. 330 Higginson, Hannah, 33, 122, 124. Henry, 122. John, 33, 37, 53, 67, 78(2), 79(2), 94,99, 100, 106(2), 109(3), 111, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122(3), 124, 135, 177. Mary, 67, 111, 135, 152. Ruth, 122. Samuel, 122. Sarah, 33, 111, 120, 122(2), 135, 202. Susannah, 150, 187. Hildreth, Dell, 246. Hill, Caroline L., 272. Jane, 275. John, 21(2). Miriam, 17(2), 21(2). Philip, 113, 157. Sally, 272. Sarah, 134, 157, 158, 193. Susan, 21. Susanna,17,21,36(2). William, 272. INDEX. Hodges, Mary,152,153. Hosmer, Sarah, 172. Priscilla, 145, 152. Ruth, 147. Samuel, 234. Sarah, 145, 147, 188. Hodgkins, Susan, 172. Hotchkiss, Etta, 285. Houlton, 116. " House (Howes), Bald- Abigail win, 28. Hovey, 203. W., 286. John P., 298. Lydia, 298. Martha A., 298. Maurice, 298, 305. Holbrook, Ruby, 212. Ruth, 211. Holland, Nathaniel, 58. Hollingsworth, Rich- ard, 108. Holm, Laurina P.,255. Holman, Rebecca, 260. Holmes, John, 117. Obediah, 11(2), 21. Holt, Rev., 185. Isaac, 301. Martha A., 301. Nicholas, 285. Samuel, 301. Holton, Hannah, 303. Thomas, 265. Howard, Eunice, 296. Hoyt, Clarissa, 281. Daniel, 194, 250. Henry, 281. Joseph B., 281. Lavinia, 194, 250. Margaret H., 281. Mary D., 281. Hubbard, 6. Hannah, 72. Huff, John T., 284. Mary F., 284. Humber, Anna Rosa, 230. Humfre, 31. Humphrey, 113. Margaret, 269. 32(2). Humphrie, 145, Hunt, Augusta, 296. Zebulon, 158. John, 304. Hilliard, —, 134. Lydia, 303. Edward, 106(2), 109, Mary, 145. 135. Job, 29. Samuel, 145(3), 303, 304. Joseph, 283. Hinds, Roxa, 212. Hirst, William, 26. Hitchens, Daniel, 239. Hitchings, Abijah,230. Eliza, 230. Horatio, 269. I., 269. 230. Melvina T., Mercy W., 269. Sally, 269. Hobart, Mary K., 241. Hobson, Ida, 296. Hodgdon, Anna M., 262. Eunice S., 284. Samuel, 284. Hodges, Ellen K.,234. Gamaliel, 145, 147, 152. Jane, 234. Jonathan, 185, 253. Joseph, 152. Holyoke, Edward A., 254. Homan, John, 81. Honchine, Mary, 72. Hooker, —— 38. Hopcott, Sarah, 49. Horne, Deacon, 17. Elizabeth, 27, 34, 35, 296, 303. George, 296. John, 27, 34(4), 35 (3). Hosmer, Almira, 172. Bela, 172. Eben, 172. Elijah, 172(2). Eliza, 172. Elizabeth, 172. James, 172. Joseph, 172. Lydia, 172(2). Perley, 172. Sally, 172. William, 111. Hunter, John, 73. Priscilla, 73. Huntington, Rev.- 176. Huntley, Clara E.,242. Isaiah C., 242. Huntress, Darling, 273. Ellen, 273. Susan A., 273. Hussey, Abiel, 72. John, 51. Martha, 72. Rebecca, 51. Silvanus, 72. Stephen, 72. Hutchinson, Col. Is- rael, 195, 208. Hyde, Isaac, 114. Ingalls, Collins, 292. Ephraim, 41(2). Mary H., 292. Rebecca M., 292. Stephen, 41(2). Ingersoll, Annie, 235. Bethiah, 145. Edward, 235. INDEX. 331 Ingersoll, Harriet, 235. John, 55, 56(3). Mary, 145. Nathaniel, 114, 145(2). 98(2), William E., 235. Isaac (negro), 175. Jackson, Hannah, 203. Jacobs, Ada E., 249. Daniel, 132, 174. George S., 249. Henry, 133. James, Thomas, 124. Jeffry, Elizabeth, 96, 97(2). William, 176. Jelly, John, 230. Martha B., 230. Nancy G., 210. Sarah E., 230. Jenkins, Mary, 49. Jewett, Daniel, 302. Emma F., 299. Sarah S., 302. Silas B., 299. Jiggles, William, 53. Johnson, Ann O., 169. Capt. Edward, 286. Francis, 8, 124. Jane, 256. Moses S., 169. Kehew, William B., Knight, Ann, 273. 287,288. William H., 287. Keith, Ann, 278. Keller, Lucy, 248. Kelley, Elizabeth W., 276. Lewis W., 276. Mary M., 276. Samuel W., 276. Kendall, 276. Daniel, 197. Hannah, 193(3), 249. Hannah N., 259. John B., 259. John H., 273(2). Lucy Ann, 273. Mehitable, 197. Nathaniel, 259. Sarah, 259. Elizabeth, Knowlton, 271. > John A., 276. Louisa G., 276. Nathan, 276. Keniston, 108(2). Kennedy, Eliza A.,295. Kenney, John, 271. Margaret H.H., 271. William N., 271. Kent, Rachel C., 290. Kezar, Simon, 186. Kilham, Daniel, 199(2), 200. Elizabeth, 199. Emma S., 282. Jonathan, 199. Sarah E., 282. Taminy, 199. William G., 282. Kilton, Almira,241(2), 246. Agatha, Fanny, 273. Martha J., 271. Sargent, 271. Ladd, Mehitable, 236. Seneca, 236. Lakin, William, 286. Lambert, John, 166. Lamper, Eliza R. Elizabeth, 261. James, 261(2). Joseph B., 261. Mary, 261. Mary G., 261. Sarah E., 261. William A., 261. Lamson, B., 267. Susan, 289. Thomas, 186. Lancey, William, 165. Langley, Abigail, 255. Sarah, 92. Kimball, Charlotte, Lang, Edward S., 233. Jones, Ann J., 284. 193. James, 54. Eliphaz, 221(2). Caroline L., 193. Eliza I., 284. Hiram, 284. Hugh, 23, 85. Mary, 212. Mary T., 221. Sally, 221. Joseph, David, 300. Emeline, 300. Jonathan C., 186. Rachel, 196, 283. Richard, 283, 286. King, Daniel, 14. Edward, 18, 19(2), 303. Elizabeth, 134. Mary, 153. Samuel, 151. Sarah, 131. Zachariah, 167. Kingsbury, Almira, Lansford, John, 56,57. Larcum, Abigail, 20. Cornelius, 20. Laroque, 298. Benjamin, Mary E., 298. Larrabee, Ephraim, Lathrop, 239(2). Capt., 20. 247. Mary, 300. Matthew, 300. Rachael, 300. Kehew, Aaron, 287. Edward A., 287(2). George F., 288. Harriet E., 287. Mary, 287. Rachel, 287. Rachel M., 288. Sarah H., 287. 172. Kitchen, Mary, 111. Kline, Judith, 300(2). Knapp, Arthur Mason, 196. Nathaniel, 159, 196. Rebecca, 159, 196, 262, 264, 283, 293. Sarah, 159, 196. Sarah A., 247. Thomas, 92. Latter, Idelia, 301. Richard, 301. Lauerdore, John, 104. Lawes, Francis, 8. Lawton, 104. Learock, Mary, 256. Leavitt, Master 277. Rev. Dudley, 164(2). Mary G., 168. 332 Leavitt, William, 168. Lee, Colman, 216. Deborah, 216. Edward E., 291. INDEX. Little, Eunice, 269. Matthew, 269. Littlefield, Agnes, 275. Edmund, 283. Ellen M., 291. Edson L., 275. George Gardner, Lois, 133. 216 2). Jeremiah, 176. Joseph, 14. Louisa, 216. Lydia Gerry, 216. Mary Ann, 202. N. C., 202. Thomas,14(2),214(2), 216(3). Lefavour, Joseph, 210. Lydia S., 275. Longfellow, A. J.,244. Abbie G., 244. Abigail, 255. Amanda B., 245. Augustine, 244. B. F., 244. Clark, 245. Daniel, 243. Hannah, 193. Hannibal, 255. Luff, John, 28. Lufkin, Andrew P., 299. David, 299. Georgietta, 299. Louisa, 299. Lummas, Samuel, 146. Lunt, Henry, 117. Nancy, 235. Lynch, James, 33. Susan N., 247. Lyndall, 54. Lynde, Benjamin, 165. Walter, 187. William, 165. Lyon, Ann, 147. William, 147. McDougald, Doug- ald, 298. John, 298. Mary, 210. Polly, 210. Helen M., 255. Leighton, Leah, 248. Laura S., 244. Samuel, 248. Mary E., 243. Lemon, Ann Orne, 169. Longley, William,286. Loomis, George, 250. Mary, 298. Catherine S., 169. Henrietta, 250. Sarah L., 298. Charles, 168. Lord, 11, 93. McDuffie, Julia M., Eliza P., 168. Harriet, 245. 244. Josiah, 279. Helen W., 169. Henry, 168, 169. James, 169. Jane McK., 168(2). Lucy A., 168. Mary I., 279. Mary J., 279. Robert, 285. Loring, Francis E.,302. Harriet E., 302. Jessie B., 302. Mary, 167 (3). Mary G., 168. William, 167(2), Levi, 302. 168(2). Leslie, Col., 178. Leverett, Gov., 104. Lewis, Charles H.,257. Mary A., 257. Peter, 257. Sarah E., 257. Lincoln, Abraham,270. Benjamin, 241. Deborah R., 241. Leah, 248. Maria E., 241. Lucy, 302. Martha E., 302. Mary, 302. William H., 302. William M., 302. Lovejoy, Hannah,238. Lovelace, Gov. Fran- cis, 44(2), 58(2), 59(2), 61. Lovis, Nancy C., 274. Low, Hannah N., 260. James, 260. Stephen, 244. MacGregor,James,141. Mackay, Daniel, 175. Elizabeth, 178(2). Esther, 175, 177, 178, 216. Lois, 178. Margaret, 177, 178. Nancy, 178. Samuel, 177. William, 177. MacKeen, James, 141. McLaughlin, Albert C., 241. Emma A., 241. McLeoud, Lucy, 302. McLeroy, Benjamin, 158. Priscilla, 158. McReavey, Matthew, 248. Sarah S., 248. William, 248 (2). Lindall, Abigail, 139. James, 57, 150. Dea. James, 135. Mary, 135. Timothy, 158. Col. Timothy, 130. Lines, Simon, 104. Linsley, Mariette, 235. John, 260. Thurza, 260. Lowd, Elizabeth, 297. Lowell, Francis Cab- ot, 203(3). Hannah, 203. John, 223. Judge John, 202. Mary L., 203. RebeccaRussell,202. Sarah, 202. Charles, 248. Florence, 248, Macy, 49(2), 50, 61, 63, 72. Alice, 51. Bethiah, 49, 50, 51. Deborah,50(2),51(3). Jabez, 51. John, 50(2), 51(2). Judith, 50, 51. Mary, 51. INDEX. 333 Macy, Richard, 51, Sarah, 49, 50(2), 51. Thomas, 43(2), 44, 49, 50, 51, 58, 66. Maller, Angeline, 244. John, 244. Mallet, Catherine S., 169. Grace, 20. Manning, Caleb, 275. Elizabeth, 78. Elizabeth B., 275. Mason, Abigail, 92. Arthur, 37. John, 233. Capt. Jonathan, 183. Massey, Jeffrey, 6, 8, 31. Mather, Cotton, 68. Increase, 34. Matthews, Dexter,296. Ellen L., 296. Maverick, Moses, 9. Thomas, 63(2). Maynard, Caroline P., Mayhew, 60, Louisa, 275. 64(2). Nicholas, 78. Matthew, 62. Mansfield, 54. Priscilla, 240. Benjamin, 262. Betsey, 234. Col. John, 195(2), 208(2). Paul, 57, 123. Seeth, 262. Marble, Daniel, 130, 132, 174. Samuel, 119(2). March, John, 93. Margaret (Indian), 69. Marsh, Betsey, 196,294. Deliverance, 156. Ebenezer, 156, 190, 237. Eunice, 156. Ezekiel, 154. Humphrey, 156. Israel, 156. John, 156. Mary, 156, 194, 196, 294. Polly, 156. Rebecca K., 281. Robert, 281(2). Zachariah, 86. Marshall, John, 50. Mary, 50. Marston, 121. John, 78, 121, 160. Manasseth, 110. Martin, George W.,262. Harriet, 287. John B., 274 (2). John Henry, 274. Julia, 287. Maria, 274(2). Mary N., 274. Sarah A., 262. Sarah E., 262. William, 287. 277. Meacham, Isaac, 117. Meader, Sarah E., 302. Melville, John, 187, 265. Mereen, Arno, 252. Mary A., 252. Merrill, Anna, 210. Damaris, 156, 192, 240, 243, 245, 249, 252. Dorcas, 210. Joseph, 210. Nathan, 156, 192. Susanna, 156, 192. Meserve, Edwin W., 245. Ellen, 245. Emily L., 245. Fannie B., 245. James L., 245. Pamelia, 245. William, 245. Messer, Albert A.,283. Caroline F., 283. Frank B., 283. Sophronia A., 283. Metcalf, Ruth, 157. Miles, Joseph, 79. Millett, 281. Ellen, 298. Lewis, 298. Maria D., 298. Tamazin, 300. William L., 298. Mitchell, Emma 290. Samuel, 290. Sarah, 290. Monies, Annie M., 291. Monroe, James, 296. Julia A., 296. Moore, John, 8. , 93. Michael, 199. More, Christian, 21. Richard, 21, 303. Sarah, 21. Morong, Priscilla, 263. Morrell, Mary, 50, 51. Morris, Almira, 241. Charles, 241. Morton, Eliza A., 244. James H., 244. Moseley, Elizabeth, 234. Motanahomah, Desire (Indian), 68. Motley, Joseph, 166. Mould, Edward, 41(3). Thomas, 102. Moulton, Abigail, 20. John, 112. Robert, 20, 28, 29, 31, 76, 86. Munsey, Brackett, 275. Hugh J., 275. Jane, 275. Mary E., 275. Sarah, 298 (2). William, 298. Munson, Leo A., 247. Murray, Peter, 220. Neal, Annis, 195, 254. Jonathan, 195, 233 (2), 254(3). Sarah, 195, 254. Anthony, Needham, 10, 12, 19, 89, 118, 129, 154. Daniel, 206, 236,304. Elizabeth, 206, 305. Jasper, 156, 194. Mary Ann, 206. Thomas, 268. Neilson, Dr. Charles, 278. Never, Jack (Indian), 69. Newcomb, Sarah, 21. Newell, Martha, 301, 305. E., Newhall, Hannah, 260. 208. 334 INDEX. Newhall, Joseph, 254. Oliver, James, 211, Sally, 272. Samuel, 260. Newmarch, John, 20. Martha, 20(2). Nichols, Betsey, 256. Edward, 41. Elizabeth, 41. Ichabod, 200. James, 256. John, 167. Mary, 256. Nicholson, Mary, 230. Peter, 230. Nickanose (Indian),46. Nimblett, Mary, 278. Noble, Mary B., 300. Norman, John, 135(2). Norris, John, 42. Lydia, 274. Margaret, 274. Nourse, Walter, 274. Edmund, 269(2). Mercy W., 269. Polly, 269. Rebecca, 131(2). Noyes, Abbie M., 250. Daniel, 218(2). Margaret, 274. Nicholas, 138. Nute, Betsey F., 297. Charles P., 297. Elizabeth, Mary, 297. Nutting, 139(2). Eunice, 139. John, 132, 139(3), 140, 162, 163, 215. Jonathan, 139. Ruth, 139(3), 162. Obear, Oliver, 199. William, 187, 265. Ober, Anna, 210. O'Connell, Elizabeth, 302. John, 302. Mary, 302. Odell, James, 158. Oder, Anthony, 50. Sarah, 50. Oliver, Benjamin L., 224. Hannah N., 259. Hubbard, 259. Rebecca, 211(2), 259. Sarah, 210, 259. William Gardner, 259. William W., 239(2). Olmstead, Nicholas, 39. Olney, Thomas, 7. Orne, Anna, 122(2). Charles H., 202. Elizabeth, 167. Esther, 175, 213, 215, 216. Jonathan, 167. Josiah, 33(3). Lois, 175. Lucy, 202. Timothy, 175. William, 202. Osborn, Aaron, 133. Abel, 134(2). Eleanor, 133. Eunice, 133. Ginger, 133. Israel, 183, 149. Joseph, 133, 228. Julia, 210. Lois, 133. Lydia, 134(2). Mehitable, 133. Samuel, 133. Osborne, John, 117, 127. Joseph, 149. Mary, 220. Samuel, 118, 128. Sarah, 132(2). William, 127. Osgood, Deacon, 150. John, 266, 267. Dr. Joseph, 153. Lucretia, 153. Lucy, 153. Otey, Paul H., M. D., 277. Owen, Etta K., 244. Oxe, Robert, 24. Packard, Eliza, 298. Thurza, 260. Packer, Hannah, 74. Paddack, Alice, 51. Eliphalet, 46. Joseph, 49, 51. Sarah, 49, 51. Page, Esther, 178. John, 178. Pahoganat, 68. Paine, Elizabeth,20,88. Palfrey, Mary, 133,151. Warwick, 151(2). Palmer, Abbie M.,250. Augustus H., 250. Daniel, 193, 250. Elisha A., 250. Hannah, 203. John, 250. Louisa A., 250. Mary, 193, 250. Mercie, 250. Polly, 194, 250. Richard, 160. Parker, Abigail, 79. Dr. D., 296. Hannah, 248. J. W., 248. Mary E., 296. Nathan, 285. Parkman, Deliverance, 90. Margaret, 89, 90. Parnell, -, 141. Pars, William, 5. Parsons, Eliza, 299. Harriet A., 261. Mary A., 298. Mary S., 299. Moses E., 261. Ruth, 298. Samuel, 299. Theodore, 298(2). Partington, John, 244. Laura S., 244. Pasko, Hugh, 118. Patch, Hannah, 20. James, 20(2). Peabody, Catherine E., 203. Elizabeth, 203. Joseph, 82, 97, 203, 228(3), 231. Pease, Deborah, 50. Isaac, 118, 142. John, 19. Robert, 15, 17, 18, 118, 127, 142. Stephen, 50. Peck, Alice, 235. Annie, 235. Benjamin B., 235. Chloe, 235. INDEX. 335 Peck, Everard, 235. Norman, 235(3). Peckham, Annie L., 292. Josephine L., 292. Walter G., 292. Pedrick, Rebecca, 305. Peele, Elizabeth, 268. George, 166, 167. Mary, 144, 167, 168. Robert, 268. Willard, 167. Peirce, Betsey, 234. Daniel, 234. Eliza A., 234. John, 230. Mary W., 230. Nancy, 230. Pennington, Caroline P., 277. Henry, 277. Melissa I., 277. Perkins, Elisha, 272. Sarah, 272. Thomas, 255. Perley, John, 187. Sidney, 160. Perry, Dr., 269. Eunice, 269. Elizabeth, Philbrook, Mary S., Pitman, Joseph, 195, 243. Sarah, 248. Phillips, Stephen, 266. Phippen, Joseph, 228. Phipps, Catherine,292. Jane, 161. Pickering, 259(3). Mark, 259. 175, Nathaniel, 42, 55. Sarah, 260. Plaisted, Lois, 289. Plum, Eliza P., 168. Lewis, 168. Plummer, 195. Deborah, 274. Harland E., 252. Judith A., 252. Philip, 51. 220, 221, 263. Elizabeth, 168, 199, 200. Hannah, 151. John, 7, 19, 29, 85, Pollard, Mehitable, 51. 200, 201, 293. Lois, 175. Lucia, 183, 224. Mary, 168, 200. Col. Timothy,168(2), 199, 200(2), 236. Timothy, jr., 200. William, 151. Pickman, Abigail, 139. Benjamin, 139, 190, 204. Elizabeth, 139. Mary, jr., 220. Rachel, 146. Pierce, Daniel, 189. Eliza, 189. Jerathaniel, 266. Mary, 193. Pigeon, Caroline M., 300. Charles W., 300. Clema E. S., 300. Frances, 31. Francis, 22(2). Hannah, 282. Perveare, 197. Harriet A., 197. James, 197. Henry, 300(2). Peters, Elizabeth, 181. Judith, 300(2). William B., 300. Pilgrim, 123. John, 26. Pingree, David, 84, Pettingill, Charlotte 228, 229, 276. K., 290. Barnabas, James, 291. Frances, 291. John, 181(2). Laura M., 291. Rachel C., 290. Pinkham, 72. Deborah, 51. Uberto L., 290. Phelps, 32. Hannah, 72. Eunice, 191. George, 39. Hannah, 191. Henry, 22. James Gardner, 191. John, 143. Joseph, 39, 191. Mary B., 191. Sophia, 191. Jonathan, 72. Margaret, 72. Mary, 51, 72. Richard, 51(2),72(2). Poole, William, 149. Poor, George, 14. Joseph, jr., 14(2). Pope, , 19, 32,113, 140. Anna, 236(2). Benjamin, 117, 170. Bethesda, 161. Rev. C. H., 4, 5, 15. Eleazer, 191(3), 236 (3), 278. Eunice, 193. Frederick, 193. Harriet N., 278,282. Dr. Henry E., 278. James, 193. Joseph, 93, 108, 112, 134, 154, 161(4), 170. Mary, 190, 191, 193, 278, 280. Mehitable, 134(2), 161(3), 197(2). Nanny, 191(2). Rebekah, 191. Porter, Apphia, 133. Chloe, 235. Elizabeth, 92,131(2). Eunice, 133. Ezra, 133. Israel, 92, 131(3). John, 9, 108(2), 110, 131, 133, 134(2). Mary, 108(2),110,134, 304. Mehitable, 133. Sarah, 92, 108, 131 (2), 133, 144. Nellie, 301. Priscilla, 72. Pitman, Bethiah, 195, 259(2). Elizabeth, 259. Potter, Anthony, 283. Pownall, Thomas, 180. Poynton, Hannah, 223. 336 INDEX. Preble, Ebenezer, 153 Proctor,Sylvester, 133. Quint, Roxanna, 270. (3). Elizabeth, 153. Mary, 153. Prescott, Benjamin, 33(2), 120, 128,131, 148,149(2),155,174, 176. Rev. Benjamin, 14, 122, 151, 159. Elizabeth, 120(2), 122. Hannah, 120. Sarah, 120. Preston, Alice B., 296. Levi, 14. Walter, 296. Price, Freestone, 138. John, 99, 100. Capt. John, 78(3), 114, 115. Walter, 53,85(2),138. Capt. Walter, 99. Priest, James, 29, 76. Prime, B. Frank, 274. David N., 274. Ellen F., 274. James, 207, 208. Gen. Ralph E., 207, 208. Sarah, 274. Primus (negro), 151. Prince, Dr., 152. Capt. Asa, 208. Jonathan, 80, 95(2), 304. Lydia, 304. Mary, 145, 304. Richard, 55, 94, 95 (2), 155(2). Samuel, 80, 95. Thomas H., 225. Benjamin, Proctor, 191. Benjamin G., 10, 191, 239(3). Ebenezer, 121. Hannah, 133, 190, 191, 239. John, 142. Capt. Jonathan, 189(2). Lydia, 134. Mehitable, 133. Perley, 191, 239. Perley P., 236. Thorndike, 118, 132, 150, 174. William, 239. Pudney, 11. John, 12(3), 13(2), 19, 23, 85, 86, 113. Purbeck, William A., 256. Putnam, Aaron, 133. 114. Ann, 144, 203, 208, 211. Samuel, 270. 269. Raymond, Ramsdell, Lois, 72. Rantoul, Robert, 264. Rawson, Edward, 104. Margaret, 72. Priscilla, 74. Wilson, 72, 74. Ramand, Richard, 55, 56. Raynall, Zena, 291. Anna, 170, 212(2), Rayner, Edward, 230. 236. Bartholomew, 145 (3). D., 184. Benjamin, 213. Eben, 272. Ebenezer, 160. Elizabeth, 144(2), 125,167(2), 168,172, 182(2),189,198,273. Elizabeth B., 272. Capt. Enoch, 208(2). Eunice, 213. Hannah, 161. Gen. Israel,161, 167. Lieut. James, 144, 167. John, 55, 94, 146. Lieut.John,78,79(2). Joseph, 141. Lydia, 133. Mary, 145(2), 230. Mehitable, 134, 161. Miriam, 133, 213. Nanny, 191(2), 236. Nathaniel, 32, 114. 145. Col. Rufus, 208. Ruth, 145(2). Samuel, 172. Sarah, 145, 146, 152, 167(2), 182(2), 221. Lieut. Stephen, 133. Thomas, 144, 170. W. H. A., 272. William, 144, 146(2), 152, 167(2), 182(2). Pynchon, Maj., 93. Quiner, Esther, 261. uint, George W.,270. Margaret M., 270. Emily M., 230. Henrietta, 230. Robert, 230. Rea, Anna, 171, 211. Daniel, 91. Emma, 171, 211. John, 171, 211. Joshua, 90. Read, Hannah, 203. Helen Maria, 203. Jacob, 128. James, 203. Jonathan, 149. Thomas, Col., 285. William, 286. Reade,- 29. Mr., 8(3). Redford, Maj. Charles, 105, 114. Reed, Elizabeth, 97. Jane, 234. Nathan, 97(2). Sarah, 263. Reeves, Abigail, 273. Asa, 273. Caroline G., 273. John, 273. Remon, Hannah, 282. Renough, Bethiah, 51. John, 51. Reynolds, Abbie W., 242. Mary Ellen, 211. Robert, 286. Samuel S., 211. Rhodes, John, 233. Sally, 269. Rice, Abigail, 301. Ann, 301. Samuel R., 301. Richards, Edwin A., 207. INDEX. 337 Richards, Elizabeth G., 207. Henrietta B., 207. Jacob, 207. Jacob, M. D., 207. Hon. Joseph, 207. Lydia, 207, 231. Mary, 163. Mary T., 221. Seth, 221. Richardson, Abigail, 271. Eunice, 265. Jesse, 266, 267(2). Josiah, 267. Josiah, 3d., 271. Samuel, 286. Ripley, Mary, 211. Rix, Thomas, 76. Robbins, Annie E.,242. David, 186. Roberts, 34. Elizabeth, 256, 286. James, 256. Patience, 256. William, 95. Ropes, Benjamin, 96 (3), 97(2), 98(2), 162, 209(2). Daniel, 98, 196. David, 98. Fanny, 209. Frances, 209. Joseph, 97, 98. Margaret, 161, 162, 209. Rose, Brackley, 266. Rowell, Elizabeth, 271, 272. Hannah, 271. Sanborn, 240. Susannah, Thomas M., 240. William, 240. Sanderson, Mary, 162. Sanford, Annie, 247. Sargent,Daniel,jr.,274. Maria, 274. Saunders, 300. Emeline, Gilman, 300. Henry, 300. John, 56(2). Tamazine, 300. Daniel, 193. Joseph, 271. Savage, Rubton, John, 32(2), 108. 85. Ruck, Samuel, 116, 117. Rumboll, Daniel, 81. Russell, Charles O., 235. Daniel, 51. Deborah, 51. Emily G., 257. Hannah S., 262. John, 130. Samuel, 186, 223. 127, Mary A., 262. Susan, 257. Robinson, 132. Edwin L., 298. Eunice, 186, 227. Hannah J., 298. John, 32(2), 86, 118 (5), 129. Mary, 300. Nathan, 186, 227. Rhoda S., 298. Samuel, 80, 83, 86. Capt. Samuel, 199. William, 11, 76, 85. Rogers, Abigail, 189. Benjamin F., 271, 275. Eunice P., 275. Eunice R., 271. Joseph, 271. Mary D., 271. N. Augusta, 275. Nathaniel, 189. Richard S., 189. Sarah G., 189. Rolfe, George T., 299. Mary A., 299. Sarah, 299. Roope, Anthony, 24. Marriette, 235. Susan B., 235. William, 130(2), 257. Rust, Ellen, 298. Henry, 199. Judith, 298. Moses, 298(2). Safford, Sarah, 248. Sage, Emeline A.,269. William, 269. Saltmarsh, B., 288. 2(2). Sarah, 111, 122, 135, 193. Scandlin, Daniel, 176. Schollar, Abigail, 273. Harmon M., 273. John, 273. Lucy Ann, 273. Scott, Elizabeth, 193. Lieut. John, 192. Scruggs, Thomas, 7. Scudder, Elizabeth, 123. Thomas, 9. Sears, Sarah Gardner, 221. Seavey, Lizzie A.,242. Oliver H., 242. Seccombe, seph, 304. Dea. Jo- Severance, Mary, 51, 52(2). Sevey, Aaron, 193. Susannah, 193. Deborah Sewall, Sanborn, Caroline L., 240. Cyrus, 240(2). Elizabeth, 240. Frank, 240. George, 250(2). Hannah, 240. Hannah F., 250. Helen, 240. Mary C., 240. Priscilla, 240. Sarah A., 240. Susan Gardner, 240. Susan L., 240. Capt., 113. Maj., 118. 3. Stephen,107,110,121, 124, 128, 135, 136. Sexton, Frederick,235. Frederick A., 235. Nancy, 235. Sarah D., 235. Walter A., 235(2). Walter Kibby, 235. Seymour, Martha,235. Sarah A., 257. Shackford, Adeline, 252. Edward W., 252. 338 INDEX. Shaflin, Michael, 8, 9. Shale, Hannah, 277. Sharpe, Samuel, 21. Shattuck, 15, 47. Hannah, 55. Lemuel, 48. Damaris, Skerry, Margaret, 191. Smith, Capt. Stephen, William, 10. Skiffe, James, 69. Sarah, 69. Skinner, Capt. John, 214. Skipperway, Sarah,20. Samuel, 41, 55, 76, Small, Lottie E., 246. 119. Sarah, 15, 20, 47, 48. William, 286. Shaw, William, 76, 86. Shay, Capt. Daniel, 208. Shedd, Angelette, 296. Calvin, 296. Catherine, 296. Smith, 108, 244. A. Bradford, 296. Abby C., 274. Abigail, 193. Ada E., 249. Amos, 275. Augustine G., 245. Caleb, 268. Coffin, 245. William, 296(2). David, 217. Shehane, Bethiah,210. Shepard, Jeremiah, 196. John, 209. Joseph F., 211. Michael, 281. Sally G., 211. Sherborn, Sophronia, 211. Sherin, 212. Sherman, Eunice, 269. William, 269. Shillaber, Mary, 133. William, 133. Shove, Jonathan, 162. Lucy, 162. Shreve, 258. Shrimpson, Samuel, 37. Shumway, Julia, 235. Lucy B., 235. Robert G., 235. Simonds, Samuel, 80, 83. Simpson, Adelaide F., 244. James, 298. James F., 244. Mary D., 298. Nancy, 298. Skerry, Elizabeth,181. Eunice, 162. Francis, 76, 114,162, 223, 237(4). Henry, 23(2), 181, 237. John, 237. Lucy S., 10(2). Deborah, 245. Deborah T., 246. Dorcas, 276. Edward, 303. Edwina F., 250. Elizabeth, 178, 203, 233. Ellen A., 249. Elliot, 274. Eugenia, 249. Frederick, 246. George E., 246. Georgie, 248. Hannah, 245. Hannah F., 250. Harrison T., 245. James H., 253. John, 114, 185. Jonathan, 267. Josephine L., 292. Leonora Harris, 246. Lucy, 209. Lucy S., 253. Martha, 275, 299. Mary, 250. Mary Ann, 162. Mary E., 275. Mary H., 250. Miranda, 249. Molly, 171, 209. Nancy C., 274. Nathan T., 249. Rebecca, 245, 282. Roger, 253. Sarah, 245, 250. Sarah A., 296. Sarah Maria, 253. Stephen, 245. T. Jefferson, 246. 192. Theodore, 250. Thomas, 158. Warren, 249. William C., 246. William E., 249. William 253. Gardner, Zelia Gardner, 249. Smothers, Elizabeth, 270, 295. Jonathan, 270. Pamelia, 270. Southward, Mary,195. Southwick, Edward, 14. Eliza C., 194. Elizabeth, 194. John, 28, 174. Josiah, 14. 176. 156(2), Lawrence, 9(2). Martha, 301, 305(2). Simeon, 301, 305. Sparrow, Alice, 235. Warren T., 235. Spinney, Hannah M., 298. Maria, 299. Miner, 299. Spokon, (Indian), 69. Daniel Spooner, Abby G.,289. Daniel, 289. Goodman, 7. Thomas, 118. Sprague, Joseph, 148. Stacey, Margaret,121. Priscilla, 134, 158, 196. Sarah, 134, 157, 158. Simon, 134, 158(2). Stanley, Caleb, 36, 39, 122. Stanwood, Elizabeth H., 299. Isaac, 299. Lydia, 300. Staples, Ellen, 273. Susanna, 156. Stapleton, Ann, 299. Caroline, 299. Edward, 299. Michael, 299. INDEX. 339 Starbuck, Abigail, 73(2). Dorcas, 51. Edward, 49. 72. Eunice, 50, 52, 72. Jethro, 51. Mary, 51, 72. Nathaniel, 51, 72. Sarah, 51. Staring, Delia Ann, 213. Starrett, Lucinda, 241. Samuel, 241. Stearns, Abbie, 269. Edwin, 269. Stoodley, Nathan, 198. Maj. Nathan D.,197. Rebecca A., 197. Sally, 198. Story, Thomas, 48. Strabo (Indian), 69. Strout, George W. D., 282. Hannah, 282. Samuel, 282. Stuart, Abigail T.,253. Charles H., 253. Frank H., 253. Frank L., 253. Helen J., 253. Ida May, 253. James, 253. Hugh, 269. Moses M., 270. Ruth, 270. John, 193. Stebbins, Roxanna, Lucy, 193. 270. Steele, Eliza, 299. Louisa, 299, Sterns, Isaac, 114. Stetson, Mary W.,255. Steven (Indian), 46(2). Stevens, Hon. Brims- ley, 162, 197. Caroline, or Matil- da, 295. Ebenezer, 178, 304. Elizabeth, 178, 216, 304. Eunice, 269, 273. George, 295. Hannah, 84, 162,197. 304. Tabitha, 260, 304. Stewart, Beulah, 73. Charles, 73. Sumethrust, Michael, 196. Summers, Mary, 195. Capt. William, 195. Elizabeth, Sumner, 262. Symonds, 162(2). Ephraim, Eunice, 161, 162(2). Gardner, 162. Isabel, 210. Jane, 161. Joseph, 159, 162, 195, 196, 258. Lois, 162. Louise, 162. Lucy, 162. Margaret, 161, 162, 209. Mary, 162(3). Mary Ann, 162. Mehitable, 162. Nathaniel, 161, 162 (3). Samuel, 209. Sarah, 159. T. Putnam, 162. Thomas, 162. William, 161. William Phipps, 161. Sutton, Elinor P., 231. Taft, Charlotte W., Harry, 231. Lucy S., 231. William, 231. Swain, Abigail, 73. Catherine, 72. Eliakim, 72, 73. Experience, 73. Hannah, 72. John, 51(2), 63, 66, 72, 73. Mary, 51(2). Patience, 51. Stickney, David L., Swan, Benjamin, 277. 270. Rebecca, 305. Ruth, 73. 273. Hannah, 277. Susan A., 273. Hannah S., 277. Stillwell, Ellen A.,249. Swaney, Joseph B., Stone, Eleanor, 210(2). 295, 305. Elizabeth, 20, 34, John, 260(2). Nathaniel, 20(2). Rebecca, 270. Remember, 20. Robert, 19, 20. Mary, 20, 260. Priscilla, 195, 260. Samuel, 34, 159. Stephen, 195. Rev. Samuel, 34, 39. Sarah E., 295. William, 305. Swett, Mary, 51(2). Moses, 51. Swinnerton, Hannah, 123(2), 124. Symonds, John, 19, 124. Abigail, 195, 273. Catherine, 162(2). Elizabeth, 162(2). 285. Josiah, 285. Talbot, Charles, 240. Frederick, 240(3). Hannah, 240. Mary, 240. Susan Gardner, 240. Tapley, Gilbert, 23, 102(2). Tarbell,Nathaniel,133. Rachel, 133. Tarr, Coombs, 299. Frederick, 299. Louisa, 299. Lydia, 298. Sarah A., 299. Tate, Thomas, 266. Taylor, Benjamin F., 250(2). Daniel, 190, 205. Emma P., 250. Samuel, 239. Sophia L., 250(2). Tayte, A. Rufus S.,282. Anthony B., 282. Emma M., 282. Rebecca, 282. Temple, Betsy, 295. Hanainah, 295. Mary F., 295. 340 INDEX. Tenney, Benjamin F., Tobey, Adeline, 252. Tucker, Margarette, 252. Frank A., 252. George I., 252. Mary E., 252. Charles, 252. 147. Polly, 269. Rebecca A., 273. Sabrina A., 252. Terry, 5. John, 4(2), 35. Margaret, 73. Mary, 4. Rev. Samuel, 73. Stephen, 5. Thaxter, Abigail, 193. Caroline L., 193. Charlotte, 193. Elizabeth, 193. Eunice, 193. Ezekiel, 193. Gridley, 193. Hannah, 193. Lucy, 193. Marshall, 193(2). Mary, 193. Maj. Samuel, 193. Sarah, 193. Susan, 193. Susannah, 193. William, 193. Thayer, Abigail, 297. Angelette, 296. Augusta, 296. Elizabeth, 296, 297. Azel, 296. Benjamin, 255. Beza, 296. Eliza, 296. Emily P., 296. Eunice, 296. Frederick, 296. Jane, 255. Mary J., 296. Nancy, 255. Elisha, 252. James O., 252. Judith A., 252. Lauretta E., 252. Lydia, 252. Tompkins, Ralph, 9. Tomson, Edward, 121. Towne, 23. Benjamin, 131, 149, 158, 160. Calvin L., 273. Susan A., 273. Trafton, 250. Josephine, 250. Trask, Hannah, 294. Henry, 15. John, 113(2). Lydia, 133. William, 16. Capt. William, 4. Treadwell, Eliza, 230. Hannah, 133, 146. Tressler, Eleanor, 28 (2). Troup, Mrs. Frances B., 5. True, Abigail, 291. Ella M., 291. Henry, 94. Solomon, 291. J. Ham- mond, 29. Trumbull, Tucker, Ann, 147. Ann P., 273. Benjamin, 147. Caroline G., 273. Samuel, 269, 273. Capt. Samuel, 166. Samuel A., 273-4. Samuel A., jr., 273. Sarah, 147. Susan A., 273. William, 171, 210. Tuell, James, 248. Linnie B., 248. Orrin A., 248. Tufts, Mary, 195. Polly, 195. Richard, 195. Tullar, Alden, 298. Eliza, 298. Fanny, 298. Turner, Bethiah P., 260. Elizabeth, 111, 139. Freestone, 138. Habakkuk, 37, 40, 124. John, 34, 105, 109, 111, 138, 178, 199, 220. Mary, 35, 40(2), 111, 123,(2), 124(2),220. Robert, 40, 124. Ruth, 20, 34. Samuel, 259, 260. Sarah, 178, 220, 260. William O., 260. Tuttle, 3. Twist, Hannah, 272. Tyler, Roger, 53. Charles, 274. Edward, 273. Elizabeth, 171(2), Underwood, Frances, 210(2). 291. Elizabeth Gardner, Upton, Capt., 274. 273. Ellen, 273. Edmund, 195(2). Samuel, 297(2). William, 296. Thomas, Lizzie, 300. Thompson, Rebecca, 260. Thorn, Isaac, 213. Miriam, 213. Thorndike, 40. Col. Larkin, 189. Thrasher, Betsy, 273. David, 273. Nathaniel, 273. Rebecca A., 273. Titus (negro), 175. Ellen F., 274. Emily, 274. Eunice, 156, 269(2), 273 Eunice (w. of Jona- than), 194. Henry G., 273. Jonathan, 156. Joseph, 147(2). Lucy Ann, 273. Lydia, 147, 274. Capt. Benjamin, 227. David, 207. Ezra, 204. Hannah, 239. Jerusha, 263. Mary, 195. Priscilla, 195(2). Sarah, 171(2), 205. William, 171, 195, 205. Usher, Hezekiah, 25, 27. INDEX. 341 Vans, Eunice, 139. William, 139, 140. Veren, Hannah, 20. Hilliard, 18(2), 19(3), 24, 26(3), 28, 37. Joanna, 20. Philip, jr., 20. Vernon, Elizabeth, 288, 290. Very, Joseph,149,159. Samuel, 125. Vickery, Ellen, 273. Viles, Bowman, 33, 206. Vincent, Matthew, 152. Sarah, 152. Vinning, Thomas, 164. Vinton, Edward, 245. Julia H., 245. Visher, Lucy H., 244. Putnam, 244. Vouden, Moses, 114. Wadden, 211. Rebecca, Wagner, Henrietta, 230. Wainwright, 300. Lydia, Waite, Aaron, 266. Harvey, 288(2). Jane G., 288, 305. John, 37. Lucy W., 288. Wakefield, John, 283. Mary, 291. Ruth, 298. Walcott, Asa Gardner, 207. Augustus C., 205. Betsy, 208. Rev. Calvin,205,207. Ebenezer, 239. Elijah, 207. Elizabeth G., 205, 207. George Theodore, 208. Henrietta B., 205. Henrietta Blake, 207. Walcott, Sally (w. of Washman, Jacob (In- Calvin), 205(2). Sally Ann, 207. SamuelGardner,207. Sarah, 156. Sarah (w. of John), 194. Walden, 185. Waldron, Nathaniel, -,103, 104. Walen, Martha, 299. Samuel, 299. Viola, 299. Walker, Capt. Augus- tine, 286, 305. Elizabeth, 198. Capt. Richard, 305. Shubael, 23(2), 24. Wallace, Lydia R.,286. Thomas, 286. Wallis, Rebecca, 259. Walter, Lynde, 224. Thomas, 224. William, 224. Walton, Rev. William, 5, 285. Ward, Ebenezer, 146. Elizabeth, 57, 189, 234(2). Hannah, 189, 234. Joseph Chapman, 33, 57(2), 232, 233. Joshua, 76. Lucy A., 168. Miles, 57(3), 98, 189, 234. Miles, jr., 218, 219, 232. Rachel, 146. Ruth, 145. Samuel, 41(2), 222, 223. Sarah, 162, 259. William, 146. Wardwell, Eunice,245. Warner, Ellen, 273(2). John, 273. Lorenzo, 280. Mary, 145(2), 280. Mary Elizabeth,280. Philemon, 145. William, 285. John Gardner, 10, Warren, Arthur, 286. John, 156. 239. Mary, 207. Sally, 207. Washington, Gen. George, 168, 200, 202. dian), 67. Waters, 23. Abel, 133. Abigail, 133. Elizabeth, 132(2),133 (2), 134. Eunice, 133(2), 155. Hannah, 133. Israel, 133. John, 130, 133(4), 155(2). Lydia, 133(2). Mary, 132(2), 133(4), 134, 148, 155. Nathaniel, 134(2), 149. Rachel, 133. Ruth, 133. Wattons, William,5(2). Webb, 6. Benjamin, 153. John, 33(2). Joseph, 27. Mary, 153(2). Priscilla, 145, 152. Webber, Mary, 92. Weld, Benjamin, 167. Bethiah, 122, 143. Daniel, 122. Dr. Daniel, 143(2). Dr. Edward, 135. Elizabeth, 122, 133, 143. Mary, 135. West, Abigail P., 234. Edward, 178, 220. Elizabeth, 178, 234. Hannah, 245. Henry, 27, 121, 155. Jabez, 241. Joanna, 241. John, 40(2). Lucinda, 241. Nathaniel,84,228(5), 231(2). Sarah, 229(2). Stephen H., 241. Thomas, 98, 234. William, 229. Westcott, Ruth, 245. Westgate, John, 109. Wetherbee, Lucy B., 290. Wheatland, Dr. Hen- гу, 139. 342 Wheatland, G., 276. Stephen Wheeler, Abby, 198. Eliza, 288. INDEX. Wilkins, George Gard- Winchester, Perez L., ner, 210. Henry, 210. Hepzibah, 210. Elizabeth C., 198. Hezekiah, 210. Mary, 51. John, 209. Reuben, 288. Samuel C., 198. Joseph, 158. Whipple, Elizabeth, Lucy, 209. 144, 170. Mary, 210. George M., 289. Nancy G., 210. John, 283. Whitaker, Rev. Dr., 166. Whitcomb, D., 289. Adalin, Horace, 289. Lester C., 289. Lois, 289. White, Anne (Eng.), 4. Annis, 195, 254. Charles A., 35,39(2). Deborah T., 246. Elizabeth, 4(2), 87. Haffield, 199. James, 5, 246. John, 4(2), 5, 87 (2). Joseph, 84, 229. Mary, 4, 20, 87. Stephen, 84. Whitemore, Hannah, 146. Whiting, Rev. John, 34. Whitney, John, 286. Whittaker, Rev. 214, 216, 217. Whittier, Lizzie A., 247. Whittredge, Sarah, 172, 213(4). Thomas, 172, 212(2), 213. Wiggin, P. L., 276. Wilbur, Eliza, 241. Wilder, Hannah C., 241. Wilkins, Albert, 210. Aquila, 209. Benjamin, 209. Bethiah, 210. Charles, 210. Dorcas, 210. Esther Gardner,210. Fanny, 209. Frances, 209, 275. Wingate, Mary, 168, 200. Winnattoohquam- mon (Indian), 67. Elizabeth, John Gardner, 209. Winslow, Polly, 209(2), 210. Reuben, 209. Rufus, 210. Sarah Gardner, 210. Wilkinson, Ellen, 256. Willard, Dolly, 211(2). Ephraim, 211. Hannah, 175. Lois, 211. Williams, Eliza, 292. Eliza A., 288. George, 23, 97, 98. Henry, 267. Israel, 266. Jessie B., 302. Joseph, 29, 36. Patty, 171, 205. Sarah, 147, 302. William, 302. Willis, Fred A., 262. Mary E., 262. Willoby, Augusta, 244. Charles, 244. Emily L., 244. George H., 244. Willoughby, Abigail, 123(2), 124. Nehemiah, 124. Wilson, Abby, 198. Eliza, 288. Jacob, 270(2). Lieut. Jacob H., 271. John, 73. Jonathan, 285. Lucy F., 285. Margaret, 73. Margaret H. H.,271. Martha J., 271. Mary D., 271. Prudence, 285. Relief, 193, 243. Robert, 127, 174. Sarah E. B., 270. William, 285. 175. Winthrop, John, 2,131. Robert C., 202. Wiswall, ElbertE.,247. Emily T., 247. F. H., 247. H. Antoinette, 247. Wiswell, Thomas,286. Witham, Sarah, 290. Wolcott, Augustus C., 207. Wolfe, James, 297. John A., 297. Lydia A., 297. Wood, Andrew P.,238. George, 238. Hannah, 238. Hannah L., 238. Isabella L., 238. James G., 238. Margaret, 238. Margaret G., 238. Sarah E., 238. Woodberry, Hugh,184. Woodbridge, Benja- min, 138. Dudley, 266. Woodbury, 73. Abigail, Elizabeth, 20(2). John, 4, 20. Josiah, 223. Nathaniel, 73. Woods, Aaron, 286. Lydia R., 286. Marion Wallace, 286. Samuel, 286. Woodward, 52. Woodworth, ,251. Woolan, 31. Worcester, Rev. Wil- liam, 158. Worth, John, 50,51(2). Jonathan, 51. Joseph, 51. Judith, 50, 51. Mary, 51. Miriam, 50, 51. Richard, 51, : INDEX. Worth, William,42,43, Wright, Helen M.,262. Wyman, John, 259, 261, 262, 286. 292. 343 Catherine, Eliza S., 292. FËE 45, 51, 71. Wright, Abby H.,262. Abel G., 261. Benjamin S., 262. Emily S., 261. George, 8. Mary G., 261. Priscilla, 261. Priscilla J., 261. Sarah A., 262. William G., 261. Harriet A., 261. Harriet O., 261. Wyatt, John, 286. Isaac, 166. Isaac C., 166. Theodore A., 292. Young, 2. Benjamin, 160. Yovawan (Indian), 2. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY SEP 30 1978 DATE DUE JAN 22 1996 OCT 12 1978 DEC 171979 NOV 07 1979 APR 2 8 1983 ý DEC 21 BU : i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN A:ས་ 3 9015 00230 4239 1 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD 1 i J ין