B 1,359,928 2SKOOPPOROBANSPARE RUGBY SCHOOL REGISTER ANNOTATED 1874-1887 39015001700205 THL ****** UNIVERSITY SEN" At & th SNEVCA པ་་ *." **'• *£%; ··· To By a'da Dutt # “In MIGO CHIGAN NORIGAN ***** «??? ܝܢ you thi 57 P -- 17 · LIBRARIES · WIPES 1 ן. . די 7 1 Henry P.Susters Reroby School RUGBY SCHOOL 1891 REGISTER. VOLUME III. FROM 18742 TO 18871 INCLUSIVE. WITH imwit REVISED AND ANNOTATED. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. RUGBY: A. J. LAWRENCE. LONDON: PERCIVAL & CO. MDCCCXCI. LF 795 .R92 A 3 1891 RUGBY: A. J. LAWRENCE, PRINTER, MARKET PLACE. BOURS-JOV iii Preface. PREFACE TO VOLUME III. A THE Publication of a Third Volume of the School Register, following the Second after so short an interval, may perhaps need some words of explanation. The Editor trusts that it will be sufficient to say, that the prospect of a new Edition of the whole Register being very distant, it has been felt by those who asked him to undertake the work, that the sooner each section of the ever-growing list could be worked up, the better would be the chance of keeping in view the careers of those included in it, and the broader would be the foundation laid for a future revision. This assumption has certainly been confirmed by the experience gained in editing the present Volume. The difficulty of re-opening communication with many of those who entered the School even SO recently as from 1874 to 1887 has been very great, and is very imperfectly represented by the absence of full Notes to so many of the names. It should be stated that the Publisher has spared no reasonable expense in endeavouring to reach by circulars every individual concerned. But the percentage of those whom circulars did not reach, or who did not respond to them, and whose entries had to be compiled by the Editor, was far higher than might have been expected. With regard to the Title and Form of the Volume it must be understood that the Revision consists in replacing, where possible, iv Preface. by full names the initials by which alone the majority of Parents have been registered; in adding changes of their rank or title; in inserting the letters o.R., followed by the dates of entering the School, when the Editor's attention has been called to the fact of their being themselves Old Rugbeians; in correcting mistakes in the names, and in stating the order of birth of the sons whenever this information has been supplied or could easily be obtained; and lastly in giving the date of leaving. In the Annotation the uniform plan has been followed of appending to each name the School, College, and other educational honours or distinctions; the entry upon any Profession or Business, with dates; and the present address or reference. An Athletic Record is also given a place in the Notes, but is strictly confined to School Events, and includes only Cricket Eleven, Football Fifteen, Shooting Eight, Racquet Pair, and the Crick Run. For the three former the abbreviations XI., XV., and VIII., are respectively used, an asterisk over any year denoting the position of Twelfth Man for Cricket, or its equivalent for Football or Shooting. The incor- poration of the Notes in the Register itself. and the consequent abolition of footnotes cannot but be a relief to readers. The Editor has to thank many Old Rugbeians for valuable assistance, and hopes to have have an opportunity of doing so more explicitly in another place. SHERIFFHALES, November 2, 1891. Contents. V TRUSTEES OF THE SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY HEADMASTER CONTENTS OF VOLUME III. ASSISTANT MASTERS AND TUTORS CURRENT MEMORANDA ·· .. ENTRANCES UNDER- THOMAS WILLIAM JEX-BLAKE, D.D. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA ALPHABETICAL INDEX • • 4 ~ Page vii viii ix X xii 1 182 183 The Publisher, Mr. A. J. Lawrence, will keep a record of any change of address, or any details of interest as to their careers, which may be sent him by Old Rugbeians. Trustees. vii 1851 1855 1857 1859 1860 1864 1866 1868 1870 1871 1883 1884 TRUSTEES OF THE SCHOOL. The following were successively appointed in the years stated. Henry Christopher Wise, Esq., M.P., Woodcote, Leamington. The Right Hon. The Earl of Warwick, Warwick Castle. The Right Hon. The Lord Leigh, Stoneleigh Abbey, Kenilworth. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Bowyer Adderley, M.P., (afterwards created Lord Norton), Hams Hall, near Birmingham. The Right Hon. Charles Newdigate Newdegate, M.P., Arbury, near Nuneaton. The Venerable Archdeacon Charles William Holbeche, Farnborough Vicarage, Banbury. His Grace The Duke of Marlborough, K.G., Blenheim Palace, Woodstock. William Bromley Davenport, Esq., M.P., Baginton Hall, Coventry. Colonel John Sidney North, M.P., D.C.L., Wroxton Abbey, Banbury. The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Worcester, Hartlebury Castle, Kidderminster. Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., Ettington Park, Stratford-on-Avon. The Most Honourable The Marquis of Hertford, Ragley Hall, Alcester. The Right Hon. The Earl of Jersey, Middleton Park, Bicester. The Right Hon. The Lord Brooke, Warwick Castle, Warwick. Sir Frederick Peel, K.C.M.G., Hampton-in-Arden, Birmingham. John Stratford Dugdale, Esq., Q.C., M.P., Recorder of Birmingham. Philip Albert Muntz, Esq., M.P., Dunsmore, Rugby. viii Governing Body. : GOVERNING BODY. 1874. The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Worcester, Chairman. The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Exeter, (afterwards Bishop of London), Deputy Chairman. His Grace The Duke of Marlborough, K.G. The Most Hon. The Marquis of Hertford. The Right Hon. The Lord Leigh, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Warwick. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Bowyer Adderley, (afterwards Lord Norton), K.C.M.G., M.P. The Rev. George Granville Bradley, D.D., Master of University College, Oxford, (afterwards Dean of Westminster). The Rev. William Henry Bateson, D.D., Master of St. John's College, Cambridge. Charles Newdigate Newdegate, Esq., M.P. Henry John Stephen Smith, Esq., Savilian Professor of Geometry. George Kettilby Rickards, Esq., (afterwards Sir G. K. Rickards, K.C.B.) Ralph Robert Wheeler Lingen, Esq., (afterwards Lord Lingen, K.C.B.) 1887. The Lord Bishop of Worcester, Chairman. The Lord Bishop of London, Deputy Chairman. The Lord Leigh, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Warwick. The Lord Norton. The Lord Brooke. The Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. The Lord Lingen. The Very Rev. The Dean of Westminster. Charles Newdigate Newdegate, Esq., M.P. Sir George Kettilby Rickards, K.C.B. The Rev. Joseph Bickersteth Mayor, Professor of Moral Philosophy, King's College, London. Theodore Walrond, Esq., C.B., Civil Service Commissioner. Headmaster. ix HEADMASTER OF RUGBY SCHOOL. THE VERY REV. THOMAS WILLIAM JEX-BLAKE, D.D. Entered Rugby School, August, 1844. Third School Exhibitioner, 1851. Scholar of University College, Oxford, 1851. First Class Classical Moderations, 1853. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1855. Fellow and Tutor of Queen's College, 1855. M.A., 1857. Assistant Master at Rugby School, 1858-1868. Principal of Cheltenham College, 1868-1874. B. and D.D., 1873. Elected Headmaster of Rugby School, 1874. Resigned, 1887. Rector of Alvechurch, 1886. Dean of Wells, 1891. Athenæum Club. The Deanery, Wells, Somerset. X Assistant Masters. 1874 1874 1875 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 } ASSISTANT MASTERS AND TUTORS. - ASSISTANT MASTERS TO DR. JEX-BLAKE. George Nutt, M.A., appointed Easter, 1874. Winchester College, 1858-1864. Scholar of New College, Oxford, 1864. First Class, Classical Moderations, 1866. Greek Verse, 1866. First Class, Final Classical School, 1868. B.A., 1869. Craven Scholar, 1869. Fellow of Exeter College, 1869. M.A., 1871. Assistant Master at Cheltenham College, 1870-1874. The Rev. Francis David Morice, M.A., appointed September, 1874. Uppingham School, 1860-1864. Winchester College, 1864-1866. Scholar of New College, Oxford, 1866. Second Class, Classical Moderations, 1868. First Class, Final Classical School, 1870. B.A., 1871. Fellow of Queen's College, 1871. Lecturer, 1871- 1874. Latin Essay, 1871. Craven Scholar, 1872. M.A., 1873. Arthur Edward Donkin, M.A., appointed Easter, 1875. Eton College, 1859-1862. Scholar of University College, Oxford, 1866. First Class, Mathematical Moderations, 1867. B.A., First Class, Final Mathematical School, 1869. Fellow of Exeter College, 1870. M.A., 1872. Tutor of Keble College, 1873. Master at Magdalen College School, 1873-1875. George Lovat Bennett, B.A., appointed Easter, 1875, left July, 1877. Rugby School, 1861-1865. Exhibitioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1867. B.A., Second Class, Classical Tripos, 1869. Headmaster of the High School, Plymouth, 1877. Headmaster of Sutton Valence School, 1883. Linnæus Cumming, M.A., appointed September, 1875. Persse Grammar School, 1853-1859. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge. Seventh Wrangler, 1865. B.A., 1866. M.A., 1868. Science Master at Cheltenham College, 1869. Head Mathematical Master, 1872. A Member of the "Eclipse" expedition to Sicily, 1870, 1871. John Collins, M.A., appointed January, 1876. Rugby School, 1863-1867. Second Rugby Exhibitioner, 1867. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1867. B.A., Sixth Classic, 1871. Fellow, 1874. M.A., 1874. Assistant Master at Clifton College, 1871-1875. United University Club. Walter Gordon Michell, M.A., appointed September, 1877. Wellington College, 1867-1873. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1872. B.A., Fourth Classic, 1877. Fellow, 1879. M.A., 1879. Union Club, Trafalgar Square. Henry Whitehead, M.A., appointed September, 1877, left Easter, 1878. Sherborne School. Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, 1873. First Class, Classical Moderations, 1874. B.A., First Class, Final Classical School, 1877 Fellow, 1877. Lecturer, 1878-1882. Ordained, 1879. M.A., 1880. Bursar, 1881. Tutor, 1882. Principal of Bishops College, Calcutta, 1883. Assistant Masters. xi 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1880 1883 1884 1884 1886 1886 George Campbell Macaulay, M.A., appointed Easter, 1878, left July, 1887. Eton College, 1863-1872. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1872. B.A., Third Classic, 1876. Fellow, 1878. M.A., 1878. Residing at Varezze, Italy, 1891. Charles Godfroy Steel, M.A., appointed Easter, 1878. Rugby School, 1867-1873. Head of the School. Exhibitioner, 1873. University College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1875. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1877. M.A., 1880. William Wallis English, M.A., appointed Easter, 1879. Shrewsbury School, 1868-1874. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1874. B.A., Third Classic, 1878. Chancellor's Classical Medallist, 1878. Fellow, 1878. M.A., 1880. Charles Henry Hodges, M.A., appointed Easter, 1879, left September, 1888. Carlisle Grammar School. Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford, 1872. First Class Mathematical Moderations, 1874. B.A., First Class Final Mathematical School, 1876. M.A., 1879. Assistant Master at Radley College, 1876-1879. Headmaster of the Grammar School, Townsville, Queensland, 1888. William Parker Brooke, M.A., appointed September, 1879. Haileybury College, 1864-1869. Scholar, 1864. 1869. Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge, 1870. B.A., Eighth Classic, 1873. Fellow, 1873. Assistant Master at Fettes College, Edinburgh, 1876-1879. Exhibitioner, Thomas Mitchener Lindsay, appointed March, 1880. Teacher of Drawing and Curator of the Art Museum. Medallist, South Kensington, 1861. Queen's Medallist, South Kensington, 1862. Headmaster of the School of Art, Cape Town, 1864. Headmaster of the Government School of Art, Belfast, 1870. Art Examiner, Intermediate Education, Ireland, 1881. George Stallard, M.A., appointed Easter, 1883. Hurstpierpoint School, 1865-1873. Keble College, Oxford, B.A., First Class Natural Science School, 1876. M.A., 1879. A Master at Bedford County School, 1877-1879. At St. Paul's School, 1879-1883. The Rev. William Henry Payne-Smith, M.A., appointed January, 1884. Marlborough College, 1864-1871. Exhibitioner, 1871. Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, 1871. First Class Classical Moderations, 1873. Second Class Final Classical School, 1875. B.A., 1876. Senior Student of Christ Church, 1875. Assistant Master at Marl- borough College, 1876, 1877. M.A., 1878. Ordained, 1878. Vice-Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, 1880-1883. Tutor of Christ Church, 1882-1884. The Rev. Frederick Brooke Westcott, M.A., appointed January, 1884. Cheltenham College, 1871-1877. Scholar of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, 1877. Bell's University Scholar, 1878. B.A., Senior Classic, 1881. Latin Essay, 1882. Fellow, 1883. M.A., 1883. Ordained, 1884. Examining Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Durham, 1890. Walter Noel Wilson, M.A., appointed January, 1886. Merchant Taylors School, 1869-1876. Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford, 1876. First Class Mathematical Moderations, 1878. B.A., First Class Final Mathematical School, 1879. M.A., 1884. Assistant Master at Repton School, 1881-1885. Basil Johnson, B.A., appointed September, 1886. Organist and Music Master. Malvern College, 1874. Academical Clerk, Magdalen College, Oxford, 1880. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., 1883. Royal College of Music, 1883-1885. xii Current Memoranda. } CURRENT MEMORANDA. September Term, 1874. Mr. Phillpotts succeeded Mr. Moberly in the House formerly Anstey's and Smythies'. January Term, 1875. Mr. Lee Warner succeeded Mr. Phillpotts in the House formerly Moberly's. May Term, 1876. The New Swimming Bath, the gift of the Headmaster, was completed. September Term, 1878. Mr. Scott succeeded Mr. Arnold in the House formerly Grenfell's. May Term, 1879. Mr. Whitelaw succeeded Mr. Wilson in the House formerly Mayor's. The Temple Reading Room and Art Museum were opened in June. September Term, 1882. Mr. Michell succeeded Mr. Green in the House formerly Burrows'. Buildings, May, 1884. September Term, 1883. The New Racquet Court was completed and came into use. January Term, 1884. Mr. Morice succeeded Mr. Lee Warner in the House formerly Phillpotts'. September Term, 1884. Mr. Donkin succeeded Mr. Hutchinson in the House formerly Evans'. January Term, 1886. The Modern Side was opened. Removed to New May Term, 1886. The New Playing Field, "Caldecott's Field," came into use. During this year also New Big School, on the site of Burrows' House, and the New Quadrangle, were completed. January Term, 1889. Mr. Collins succeeded Mr. Elsee in the House formerly Jex-Blake's. September Term, 1891. Mr. Steel succeeded Mr. Bowden Smith in the House formerly Anstey's. 1/ C RUGBY SCHOOL REGISTER. THOMAS WILLIAM JEX-BLAKE, D.D., HEADMASTER IN 1874. ELECTED Present Addresses of O.R.s are printed in Italic. ENTRANCES IN APRIL, 1874. Bateson, Walter Edward, son of William Gandy Bateson, Esq., New Heys, Allerton, Liverpool, aged 13, Oct. 1. Left 1879.³ School, XV., 1877, 1878. Admitted a Solicitor, January, 1886. Alma Lodge, Aigburth, Liverpool. Fitzgerald, Brinsley John Hamilton, fourth son of Peter Fitzgerald, The Knight of Kerry, Glanleam, Valencia, Ireland, aged 14, Sept. 25. Left 1878.2 School. XI., 1877, 1878. University College, Oxford, B.A., Third Class Mod. Hist. School, 1882. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1884. Land Agent to the Earl of Listowel and others since 1884. Gurtenard, Listowel, Ireland. Hall, John Herbert, son of John Hall, Esq., Chorley New Road, Bolton, School. Lancashire, aged 12, Sept. 18. Left 1877.2 Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1882. Joint Prosecuting Solicitor for borough of Bolton since 1887. 20, Acresfield, Bolton, Lancashire. Blackwell, Charles Robert, son of Thomas Francis Blackwell, Esq., Harrow Weald, Middlesex, aged 13, May 9. Left 1877.2 School. Died at Davos Platz, March 19, 1882. Macpherson, Duncan Haldane, son of Colonel Herbert Taylor Macpherson, V.C., C.B., (afterwards Sir H. T. Macpherson, K.C.B., K.C.S.I.), 31, Belsize Park Gardens, London, N.W., aged 11, June 7. Left 1878.2 School. Gazetted to 2nd Battalion The Seaforth Highlanders, May 10, 1882. A 2 April 1874. Mann, John James, son of Henry Mann, Esq., Wallfield, Stand, Man- chester, aged 15, June 17. Left 1876.2 School. In business at Salford. Ordsal Lane Mills, Salford. Fraser, John Alexander, son of Thomas Fraser, Esq., 10, Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath, Kent, aged 12, Dec. 14. Left 1878.³ School. Admitted a Solicitor, October, 1884. 79, Lombard Street, London, E.C. Tindall, Walter Sewallis Shirley, son of Robert Tindall, Esq., Scarborough, School. aged 14, May 15. Left 1875.3 A Mechanical Engineer. 2, Belvedere Road, Scarborough. Oldham, Thomas Bagot, son of Thomas Oldham, Esq., LL.D., 18, Hill- Town. morton Road, Rugby, aged 12, Aug. 18. Left 1880.² Died in India, July 10, 1884. Collinson, John, eldest son of the late John William Sowden Collinson, Esq., of Beltoft House, Doncaster, care of Mrs. Collinson, 8, Moreton Terrace, Rugby, aged 14, Dec. 26. Left 1877.³ Town. XV., 1876, 1877. VIII., 1877. Sandhurst, 1878. Gazetted to the Northampton- shire Regiment, January 22, 1879. Served in the Zulu War, 1879. Present at battle of Ulundi, (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Mounted Infantry in the Boer War, 1881. Army and Navy Club, London, S. W. Blakiston, Ralph, son of John Richard Blakiston, Esq., 19, Warwick Street, Rugby, aged 13, April 2. Left 1877.2 Town. Hughes, Reginald George Hutton, fourth son of the late George Edward Hughes, Esq., care of Mrs. Hughes, Offley Place, Luton, Bed- Arnold. fordshire, aged 13, Nov. 22. Left 1879.2 Brasenose College, Oxford, 1879. Sandhurst, 1880. The Oxfordshire Light Infantry, January 22, 1881. Military Club. Gazetted to 2nd Battalion In Burma, 1891. Naval and 52nd Light Infantry, Toungoo, Burma. Landor, Richard Henry, son of R. Landor, Esq., Church Street, Rugeley, Arnold. aged 13, Aug. 5. Left 1878.2 Admitted a Solicitor XV*., 1877. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. 1884. Junior Travellers Club. The Riddings, Rugeley, Staffordshire. Baily, Arthur James, son of the Rev. Kitelee Chandos Baily, the Vicarage, Bradwell, Stony Stratford, aged 13, May 30. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1877, 1878, XV., 1877 In Barrett's Brewery. 25, South Lambeth Road, London, S.W. April 1874. 3 Booker, William Thomas, son of William Henry Booker, Esq., Castle Field, Bingley, Yorkshire, aged 15, Nov. 29. Bowden Smith. Seems to have entered first in 1873.3 Admitted a Solicitor, August, 1881, Practising at Taunton. Fordham, Wolverley Attwood, son of Edward King Fordham, Esq., J.P., Áshwell, Baldock, aged 14, Sept. 9. Left 1877.3 Bowden Smith. In business as a Brewer. Member of the firm of E. K. and H. Fordham. Wellington Club. The Bury, Ashwell, Herts. Fordham, Rupert Oswald, son of the above Edward King Fordham, Esq., Bowden Smith. aged 13, March 23. Left 1876.¹ A Partner in the family Brewery as above. Grosvenor Club, 135, New Bond Street. As above. Evans, Sebastian, son of Sebastian Evans, LL.D., St. Ives, Highgate, Birmingham, aged 15, Jan. 20. Left 1875.2 Hutchinson. In business as a Corn-broker. Venn Cottage, Weybridge. Russell, Edward Hope, son of John Alexander Russell, Esq., 32, Pembridge Gardens, London, W., aged 13, Nov. 30. Left 1877.2 Hutchinson. Died at Shanghai, April 10, 1882. Lawrence, Hubert, son of Edward Lawrence, Esq., Beech Mount, Aig- burth, Liverpool, aged 15, Aug. 23. Left 1876.2 Moberly. As above. Keller, Hermann Louis Arthur, fourth son of Leopold Keller, Esq., Hornsey, London, N., aged 14, June 5. Left 1875.³ Wilson. Exeter College, Oxford, 1878. B.A., Charsley Hall, 1884. Isthmian Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Lund, Herbert, son of Edward Lund, Esq., Victoria Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, aged 15, May 14. Left 1876.2 Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Natural Science Tripos, 1881. M.A., 1885. M.B., and B.C., 1886. F.R.C.S., Eng., 1887. Practising in Manchester, and Hon. Assistant Surgeon at Salford Hospital. 22, St. John Street, Manchester. Ashwell, James Henry, son of Henry Ashwell, Esq., Mount Street, New Basford, Nottingham, aged 15, Nov. 7. Left 1875.³ Wilson. In business at Nottingham. Woodthorpe Grange, Nottingham. Bellairs, William Gibbons, son of Colonel William Bellairs, (afterwards Sir W. Bellairs, K.C.M.G.), 76, St. George's Road, Warwick Square, London, S.W., aged 14, March 23. Left 1875.³ Wilson. Leverson, Louis George, eldest son of James Leverson, Esq., 29, Abbey Wilson. Place, London, N.W., aged 15, April 7. Left 1877.º VIII., 1876, 1877. A partner in the firm of Leverson, Forster & Co., London, since 1883. Charlton Court, Middlesex. 4 April 1874. 1. Turner, Thomas George, son of George Turner, Esq., 26, Derngate, Northampton, aged 14, Jan. 30. Left 1876.¹ Wilson. The Elms, Billing Road, Northampton. Valentine, George Frederick, eldest son of Thomas Valentine, Esq., The Moat, Strandtown, Belfast, Ireland, aged 15, Sept. 30. Left 1876.3 Wilson. Oriel College, Oxford, 1877. Adamson, Laurence Arthur, second son of Laurence William Adamson, Esq., Whitby House, Whitby, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 14, April 20. Left 1879.2 Wilson. XV., 1878. Oriel College, Oxford, 1879. B.A., Charsley. Hall, 1884. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1885. Wesley College, Melbourne, Victoria. . Rigby, John, son of the late W. Rigby, Esq., care of Mrs. Rigby, Dunard House, Row, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire, N.B., aged 14, May 15. Left 1878.3 Elsee. Died, July, 1882. Melly, Ernest Louis, third son of Charles Pierre Melly, Esq., (0.R., 1844), Riversley, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, aged 14, June 27. Left 1876.2 Elsee. A Merchant in Liverpool. Green Lane, Freshfield, Lancashire. Bolton, Francis Cheney, son of Joseph Cheney Bolton, Esq., 27, West George Street, Glasgow, aged 14, March 23. Left 1877.1 Elsee. A Stockbroker at Brisbane. Mia Mia, Inderoopilly, Brisbane. Dugdale, Sydney, fourth son of John Dugdale, Esq., 9, Hyde Park Gardens, London, W., aged 14, April 23. Left 1878.² Brasenose College, Oxford, 1879. B.A., Second Class Theological School, 1882. M.A., 1885. Ordained, 1884. Has held various Assistant Curacies. Curate-in- charge of St. Marks, Salisbury, since 1888. St. Marks, Salisbury. Darcus, Solomon Henry, son of Major Solomon Darcus, Gardenmore, Larne, Co. Antrim, aged 14, Oct. 20. Left 1876.³ Elsee. Holywell, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Macan, Thomas Townley, son of the late care of Mrs. Macan, 23, King London, N.W., aged 13, July 10. Rev. Thomas Townley Macan, Henry's Road, Regents Park, Left 1875.2 Green. Gazetted to 1st Battalion The Cameronians (26th), October 23, 1880. West Infantry Barracks, Aldershot. Mackenzie, James Kenneth Douglas, only son of Captain James Dixon Mackenzie, afterwards Sir J. D. Mackenzie, of Scatwell and Tarbat, Bart., (o.R. 1846), Mountgerald, Dingwall, Ross-shire, aged 14, Aug. 31. Left 1875.¹ Wilson. September 1874. 5 10 " Bishop, Charles Rosser, son of W. Bishop, Esq., 20, Craven Hill, Hyde Park, London, W., aged 14, July 1. Left 1875.3 Wilson. Teage, John Laud, son of John Laud Teage, Esq., Oporto, Portugal, aged 13, Nov. 23: Left 1877.2 Bowden Smith. In the Wine Trade at Oporto. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1874. Cholmondeley, Randal Berners, third son of Colonel the Hon. Thomas Grenville Cholmondeley, (0.R. 1832), Abbott's Moss, Northwich, Cheshire, aged 14, June 21. Left 1879.2 School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1879. New College, Oxford, B.A., Third Class Law School, 1882. Farming in Western Virginia, Ü.S.A., since 1883. As above. Marsh, James Ernest, third son of John Marsh, Esq., J.P., Rann Lea, Rainhill, Lancashire, aged 14, July 5. Left 1879.2 School. Scholar, 1874. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1879. Balliol College, Oxford. B.A., First Class Natural Science, 1882. University of Bonn, 1882. Chemistry Master at Exeter Grammar School, 1883-1885. Demonstrator of Organic Chemistry at Oxford University since 1885. University Museum, Oxford. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1883. Hart, William Tibbetts, second son of Edward Hart, Esq., Alderman of London, 156, Highbury New Park, N., aged 14, April 3. Left 1877.3 School. 50, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. Martley, William Gibson, second son of Francis Blackburne Martley, Esq., 10, Herbert Street, Dublin, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1875.¹ School. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A., 1881. Incorp. Balliol College, Oxford, 1882. B.A., 1886. Ordained, 1885. Assistant Curate of Aylesbury, 1885-1887. En- gaged for the Charity Organization Society since 1888. 129, Gower Street, London, W.C. VIII., 1878. On the London Stock Exchange. White House, Limpsfield, Surrey. Satterthwaite, Sidney Clement, son of Clement Satterthwaite, Esq., Spring Hill, Bromley, Kent, aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1878.3 School. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1880. National Liberal Club. Club. Day, Herbert Allen, son of Gerard James Day, Esq., Horsford, Norwich, (0.R. 1847), aged 14, March 12. Left 1878.2 School. A working Associate at Toynbee Hall, 1891. Jones, George, eldest son of George Jones, Esq., Stareton, Kenilworth, aged 14, July 4. Left 1879.2 School. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Theological School, 1883. M.A,, 1886. L.S.A. London Hospital. 21, Stepney Green, London, E. 6 September 1874. CO Bell, Humphrey Patricius, eldest son of Richard Bell, Esq., the Fitz, Cockermouth, aged 14, Aug. 16. Left 1878.2 School. Changed his name to SENHOUSE, 1875. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1881. Medical Student, Guys Hospital. Conybeare, Charles Henry, second son of the Rev. Charles Ranken Conybeare, Vicar of Itchen Stoke, Hants, (o.R. 1835), aged 13, Sept. 5. Left 1879.3 School. Scholar, 1876. XV., 1879. Christ Church, Oxford, B.A., Third Class Natural Science, 1884. Ordained, 1885. Vicar of Itchen Stoke, 1886. M.A., 1889. The Vicarage, Itchen Stoke, Alresford, Hants. Shawe, Charles Henry, son of the late William Shawe, Esq., care of Mrs. Shawe, Wellesley House, Bolton, aged 13, Dec. 26. Left 1878.2 School. XV., 1878. In business as a Cotton Spinner. As above. Cannon, Ronald, son of General Cannon, of Chateau de Fourchette, Pocé, Indre et Loire, France, and of 14, Manor Road, Folkestone, aged 14, Dec. 11. Left 1875.2 School. Hoyle, James Smallpage, son of Isaac Hoyle, Esq., (afterwards M.P. for Heywood), the How, Prestwich, Manchester, aged 12, May 7. Left 1880.2 School. Manchester Reform Club. In business as a Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. Baldington, Bury. Keir, Adam, son of John Lindesay Keir, Esq., 92, Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, London, and of the Quarry, Bideford, Devon, aged 13, June 25. Left 1877.¹ School. Crick, 1877. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1881. M.A., 1887. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1884. 16, Evelyn Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. Cross, Carlton, eldest son of John Kynaston Cross, Esq., M.P., Fernclough, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, aged 15, Aug. 30. Left 1877.1 Arnold. XV., 1876. New College, Oxford, B.A., Fourth Class Modern History School, 1881. M.A., 1887. Badminton Club. Crooke Hall, Chorley, Lancashire. Sharp, William James, son of Edward Sharp, Esq., Linden Hall, Burton, Westmoreland, aged 15, June 2. Left 1877.2 Arnold. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. As above. Sharp, Henry Turner, son of the above Edward Sharp, Esq., aged 14, Aug. 12. Arnold. Died at School, March 29, 1875. Browett, Walter, son of Thomas Browett, Esq., Radford Road, Coventry, aged 14, Feb. 3. Left 1876.3 Hutchinson. Admitted a Solicitor, 1882. Westfield, Coventry. September 1874. 7 Calvert, Henry, Junior, second son of Henry Calvert, Esq., Barfield House, Pendleton, Manchester, aged 15, June 19. Left 1877.2 Hutchinson. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1880. M.A., 1884. In business as a Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. Walton-le-Dale, near Preston, Lancashire. Hurrell, Arthur, son of Henry Hurrell, Esq., Harston, Cambridge, aged 14, Jan. 19. Left 1877.¹ Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1882. Madingley Hall, Cambridge. Bowden Smith, Frederick Herbert, third son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, Rugby, (o.R. 1844), aged 13, June 17. Left 1880.2 Bowden Smith. Minor Scholar, 1874. XI., 1878,* 1879, 1880. XV., 1879. Racquets, 1880. Exhibitioner, 1880. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Á Master at Shrews- bury School, 1886-1891. The Master of a Preparatory School at Bengeo. Bengeo, Hertford. Bartlett, William, eldest son of the Rev. Robert Edward Bartlett, Great Waltham, Chelmsford, (o.R. 1843), aged 13, Feb. 17. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. Scholar, 1874. Head of School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1879. Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1880. First Class in Classical Moderations. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1883. Chancellor's Prize, English Essay, 1884. Denyer and Johnson Theological Scholar, 1885. Ellerton Essay, 1886. M.A., 1886. Ordained, 1886. Assistant Curate of Stockton-on-Tees. . Gair, John Hamilton, son of Thomas Gair, Esq., Albury House, Fulwood Park, Liverpool, aged 14, March 23. Left 1877.¹ Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1883. Woodend, Storeton Road, Birkenhead. Dawkins, Charles Tyrwhitt, son of the Rev. James Annesley Dawkins, Daylesford, Chipping Norton, (0.R. 1843), aged 15, Nov. 22. Left 1876.3 Elsee. VIII., 1876. Gazetted to 2nd Battalion The Kings (Shropshire Light Infantry), May 1, 1878. Served in the Afghan War, 1879, 1880 (Medal). Adjutant, February 2, 1882. Captain, September 13, 1886. Army List. Atkinson, Laurence, only son of the Rev. Frederick W. Atkinson, Long Eaton, Nottingham, aged 14, Sept. 23. Left 1878.3 Wilson. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1887. various Assistant Curacies. M.A., 1887. Ordained, 1884. Has held The Mill House, Alrewas, Burton-on-Trent. La Motte, Digby Holden Rose Hardwick, eldest son of the Rev. George Thomas Crespigny La Motte, 27, Montagu Square, London, W., aged 12, Oct. 23. Left 1880.2 Wilson. Scholar, 1875. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1880. Exhibitioner of Trinity College, Oxford. First Class in Classical Moderations, 1882. Chancellor's Prize, Latin Verse, 1884. B.A., 1885. M.A., 1891. A Master at St. Paul's since 1886. St. Paul's School, West Kensington. 8 September 1874. Knight, Joseph Guy, son of Joseph Knight, Esq., Hartshill, Stoke-on- Trent, aged 14, Feb. 19. Left 1877.3 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1883. Offices at Newcastle, Staffordshire. As above. Hughes, Robert Alexander, son of Mrs. Hughes, New Street, Rugby, aged 13, June 5. Left 1877.2 Town. Hall, Edward Marshall, son of Alfred Hall, Esq., M.D., Old Steine, Brighton, aged 16, Sept. 16. Left 1876.3 Phillpotts. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1882. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, June, 1883. Garrick Club. 3, Temple Gardens, London, E.C. Harris, George William, fourth son of Alfred Harris, Esq., Lunefield, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmoreland, aged 14, Nov. 6. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1883. Corn Merchant, London and Liverpool. Oxford and Cambridge Clnb. 6, Crosby Square, London, E.C. Carleton, Lancelot Richard, son of Colonel George Carleton, late R.A., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 13, Sept. 15. Left 1879.2 Town. Sandhurst, 1881. Gazetted to 1st Battalion Essex Regiment, 1882. Captain, 1888. Adjutant, 1886-1890. The Barracks, Tralee, Co. Kerry. Paliologus, Augustus Lower, son of Nicholas Paliologus, Solicitor, 2, Garstins Buildings, Calcutta, aged 14, Sept. 15. Left 1877.1 Town. Practising as a Physician. 12, Bennett Park, Blackheath. Cordiner, Robert Charles, only son of the late Captain Robert Cordiner, lost at sea, care of Mrs. Cordiner, 25, Sheep Street, Rugby, aged 13, Sept. 22. Left 1879.³ Town. Keble College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. Ordained, 1884. M.A., 1888. Curate of St. Peter in Eastgate, Lincoln. Cross, Charles Francis, (Hon.), son of the Right Hon. Richard Assheton Cross, M.P., afterwards created Viscount Cross, (o.R. 1836), Eccle Riggs, Broughton-in-Furness, and 53, Eccleston Square, London, aged 14, Sept. 22. Left 1879.2 Arnold. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1886. Ordained, 1884. Held various Assistant Curacies. Vicar of Shotwick, 1891. Shotwick Vicarage, Chester. Allan, Andrew Alexander, son of Andrew Allan, Esq., Iononteh, Montreal, Canada, aged 14, June 16. Left 1877.2 Arnold. As above. Stewart, Alan Keith, son of Charles P. Stewart, Esq., 192, Lancaster Gate, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 5. Left 1875.³ Arnold. Holland, Alfred Valentine, son of Walter Holland, Esq., J.P., Rose Hill, Worcester, aged 13, Feb. 14. Left 1879.¹ Arnold. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. Called to the Bar, 1885. Moseley Hall, Bushbury, Wolverhampton. September 1874. 9 " Nash, Zacchary Hubert, sixth son of John Nash, Esq., the Rectory, Langley, Bucks, aged 14, Jan. 28. Left 1876.3 Bowden Smith. As above. Norton, Alexander, second son of Charles Norton, Esq., the Elms, Mount Pleasant, Swansea, aged 13, March 29. Left 1877.3 Bowden Smith. Non-Collegiate, Oxford, 1878. Nash, Albert, seventh son of John Nash, Esq., the Rectory, Langley, Bowden Smith. Bucks, aged 12, Feb. 8. Left 1879.2 Residing in New South Wales Cochran, John Augustus, son of James Cochran, Esq., 17, Pittville Parade, Bowden Smith. Cheltenham, aged 15, Jan. 5. Left 1877.2 Residing in Australia. Mackenzie, John Edmund, son of the late William Mackenzie, Esq., care of Mrs. Mackenzie, 2, Claremont Gardens, Glasgow, aged 14, July 26. Left 1877.2 Hutchinson. VIII., 1876, 1877. Gazetted to the 2nd West India Regiment, June 17, 1885. 7th Dragoon Guards, 1888. Umballa, India, 1891. Cassels, Herbert Wentworth, son of Andrew Cassels, Esq., 51, Cleveland Square, Hyde Park, London, W., aged 14, Oct. 9. Left 1877.3 Hutchinson. In business in Calcutta. Care of Messrs. Finlay, Muir, and Co., Calcutta. Hahn, Frederick Alexander, only son of the late John Frederick Hahn, Esq., of Mexico, care of Mrs. Hahn, St. George's Villa, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey, aged 14, May 17. Left 1877.2 Hutchinson. Exeter College, Oxford, 1882. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, June, 1888. Oriental Club, Hanover Square, London, W. Hopkins, Ernest Threlfall, eldest son of John Satchell Hopkins, Esq., Jesmond Grove, Edgbaston, aged 13, Sept. 12. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Modern History School, 1884. In business as a Brewer. As above. Kearsley, Robert, son of Robert Kearsley, Esq., J.P., Highfield, Ripon, Wilson. aged 15, June 7. Left 1876.¹ Has left England. Brown-Westhead, George Montague, son of M. Brown-Westhead, Esq., Brook Street Mills, Manchester, aged 15, Feb. 21. Left 1877.¹ Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, LL.B., 1881. 4, St. James Square, Manchester. Called to the Bar, 1884. B 10 September 1874. Monk, Richard Powis, son of Richard Powis Monk, Esq., Penshurst Lodge, Balham Hill, London, S. W., aged 15, July 14. Left 1876.2 Wilson. Gazetted to 2nd Battalion The Lancashire Fusiliers, October 23, 1880. Captain 1st Battalion, March, 1890. Willow Bank Barracks, Belfast. Alamayu, Simyen, only legitimate son of the late Theodore, king of Abyssinia, and Teruwark. Princess of Simyen, Queen of Abyssinia; since March 4, 1872, ward under the British Government of Dr. Jex-Blake, School House, Rugby, aged 13, April 23. Left 1877.³ Elsee. 3 Sandhurst, 1878. Died at Headingley, near Leeds, November 14, 1879, and was buried in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, November 21. The coffin bore the following inscription - A part PRINCE ALAMAYU, of Abyssinia, Born April 23rd, 1861, Died November 14th, 1879. A Memorial Tablet was placed in the School Chapel in 1880. Bodley, Edward Ridgeway, son of Edward Fisher Bodley, Esq., Devonshire Place, Hanley, Staffordshire, aged 14, Sept. 23. Left 1878.2 Elsee. A China Manufacturer. North Rode, near Congleton, Cheshire. Cox, Kenneth Murchison, son of Major-General William Hamilton Cox, Brandon Villa, the Park, Cheltenham, aged 14, Sept. 24. Left 1878.3 Elsee. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1880 Gazetted to the Royal Highlanders, (Black Watch), May 10, 1882. Served in the Egyptian War, 1882. Present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, (Medal with Clasp) Captain, March 14, 1888. Assumed the additional surname of MURCHISON after Cox, 1888. Army List. Dunell, Cyril, son of Henry James Dunell, Esq., of Barton Court, Hunger- ford, aged 14, March 18. Left 1877.1 Elsee. A Civil Engineer. Bray Lodge, Bray, Maidenhead, Berks. Hadden, Frederick, son of Frederick John Hadden, Esq., Wykeham Abbey, York, aged 15, Feb. 27. Left 1877.¹ Elsee. Hadden, Thomas, son of the above Frederick John Hadden, Esq., aged 12, Dec. 23. Left 1877.¹ Elsee. Mercer-Adam, Maughan Mercer, third son of Andrew Mercer-Adam, Esq., M.D., Bargate Lodge, Boston, aged 14, April 26. Left 1877.3 Elsee. > Student of the Inner Temple. Gazetted to 3rd Battalion The Berkshire Regiment. 46, South Street, Mayfair, London, W. Parker, William Herbert, eldest son of James Smith Parker, Esq., (O.R., 1846), Freeland House, Iffley, Oxford, aged 15, Aug. 15. Left 1875.3 Elsee. Non-Collegiate, Oxford, 1880. As above. September 1874. 11 Menzies, John Graham, eldest son of Graham Menzies, Esq., 32, Queen's Gate, London, aged 15, Oct. 11. Left 1875.3 Elsee. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1879. 34, Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W. Drake, Henry Harcourt, only son of the late Henry Drake, Esq., care of Mrs. Drake, 42, Russell Street, Reading, aged 14, April 23. Left 1877.3 Exeter College, Oxford, 1878. Mills, Henry Trueman, son of Joseph Trueman Mills, Esq., Clermont, Thetford, aged 13, Oct. 23. Left 1878.2 Green. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1880. J.P. for Leicestershire. Lubenham, Market Harborough. Fison, Walter Cornell, son of Cornell Henry Fison, Esq., King's House, Thetford, aged 14, Aug. 4. Left 1878.3 Green. As above. Anderson, William, son of Charles Anderson, Esq., 2, Zingara Terrace, Farnham, aged 15, Aug. 15. Left 1877.2 Green. Marton, near Rugby. Boyer, Joseph Stanborough, son of Joseph Boyer, Esq., Ringwood, Dulwich Wood Park, Upper Norwood, aged 14, May 15. Left 1875.3 Green. Drowned on the voyage to Australia, February 9, 1880. Smallwood, Ernest Edward, son of Joseph Smallwood, Esq., J.P., Stichford Hall, Birmingham, aged 15, March 15. Left 1876.1 Green. On the Stage, since 1888. Downing, Arthur Joseph, son of Samuel Downing, Esq., the Hill, Monks- town, Co. Dublin, Ireland, aged 14, Aug. 17. Left 1878.3 Green. XV., 1877, 1878. Crick. 1878. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A. Associate of Institute of Civil Engineers. 7, Alexandra Road, Clifton, Bristol. Cowan, Robert Bruce, son of John Cowan, Esq., 3, Park Circus Place, Glasgow, aged 12, Jan. 7. Left 1877.¹ Phillpotts. Falk, Herbert Eugene, son of Hermann Eugene Falk, Esq., Meadow Bank, Winsford, Cheshire, aged 13, April 1. Left 1876.³ Phillpotts. A partner in the Firm of Southwood & Co., Merchants, London. Broadway, Walham Green, London, S.W. Eustace, John James Hardy Rowland, eldest son of Hardy Eustace, Esq., J.P., of Tullow, Co. Carlow, Ireland, aged 14, Sept. 19. Left 1876.3 Phillpotts. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1877-1880. Gazetted to the 8th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, 1877. Major. Castlemore, Tullow, Co. Carlow. 12 January 1875 Cochran, James Alfred, second son of James Cochran, Esq., 17, Pittville Parade, Cheltenham, aged 14, July 18. Left 1877.2 Phillpotts. Exeter College, Oxford, 1879. Residing in Australia. Gordon, Alexander Stuart, son of John Gordon, Esq., Aikenhead House, Cathcart, Glasgow, aged 14, June 24. Left 1875.3 Green. Sheep farming in Queensland since 1880. Burnleigh, Queensland. Smith, Cecil, son of Cecil Smith, Esq., Lydeard House, Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, aged 14, Jan. 5. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Magdalen College, Cambridge, B.A., Senior Optime, 1883. M.A. 1886. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1886. As above. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, JANUARY, 1875. Simpson, Walter Henry, third and youngest son of Charles Turner Simpson, Esq., 14, Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W., aged 14, June 12. Left 1876.3 School. Sandhurst, 1879. Gazetted to the 39th Foot, August 11, 1880. Bengal Staff Corps, 1883. Served with the 43rd Ghoorkas Light Infantry against the Akhas in 1883, 1884, and in the Burmese War, 1886, 1887, (Medal with Clasp). Adjutant, 1886-1890. Killed in the Manipur Massacre, April, 1891. Rev. William Bashall, Deane, Left 1877.¹ School. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1883. Offices, 4, New Inn, Strand, W.C. Elm Grove, Ockham, Surrey. Bashall, Henry St. John Hill, son of the Bolton-le-Moors, aged 13, April 23. Pattinson, James Pearson, eldest son of Thomas Pattinson, Esq., Moss Grange, Whalley Range, Manchester, aged 14, Feb. 8. Left 1878.2 School. XV., 1877. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1881. M.A., 1886. Manchester. 44, George Street, Manchester. A Merchant in Warde, Charles Aprilis, son of the late Charles Thomas Warde, Esq., of Clopton House, Stratford-on-Avon, ward of W. F. Thompson, Esq., 44, Russell Road, Kensington, aged 14, April 26. Left 1877.2 School. Gazetted to the 7th Dragoon Guards, August 1, 1882. Captain 5th Battalion Royal Fusiliers, June 8, 1885. Park Dene, Hounslow, Middlesex. Lees, Charles Percy, son of John William Lees, Esq., Waterhead House, Oldham, ward of the Rev. T. Davies, Woodside Bank, Darwen, aged 15, May 25. Left 1877.2 School. J.P. for Cheshire, and Captain in the Cheshire Militia. Constitutional and Salisbury Clubs. Newton Hall, Middlewich, Cheshire. January 1875. 13 Benyon-Winsor, Benyon Reeve, son of William Henry Benyon-Winsor, Esq., 29, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W., aged 13, Sept. 19. Left 1879.3 School. In business as a Brewer. Bryn-y-mor Villas, Swansea. Blakiston, Aubrey, son of John Richard Blakiston, Esq., 19, Warwick Street, Rugby, aged 12, Aug. 26. Left 1878.2 Town. Practising as a Physician and Surgeon at Sheffield. Peyton Lodge, Sheffield. Speed, Lancelot, son of William Speed, Esq., 13, Devonshire Place, Portland Place, London, W., aged 14, June 13. Left 1878.2 Arnold. XV., 1877. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. An Artist in Black and White. 14, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W. Firth, John Loxley, son of Edward Firth, Esq., Tapton Lodge, Sheffield, aged 15, Jan. 23, 1874. Left 1877.3 Arnold. Hope, viâ Sheffield. Payne, Peter George Stanhope, third son of Sir Salusbury Payne, Bart., (0.R. 1845), Blunham House, Sandy, Bedfordshire, aged 13, July 16. Left 1880.2 Arnold. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, Civil Law Scholar, 1884 Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall. Baskerville, Henry Joseph North, son of Henry Baskerville, Esq., Crowsley Park, Henley-on-Thames, aged 13, Jan. 26. Left 1877.1 Arnold. As above. Forrest, James, son of James Forrest, Esq., Nullamore, Milltown, Co. Dublin, aged 15, May 29. Left 1875.3 Arnold. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A., 1881. Sandhurst, 1881. Gazetted to 1st Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment (10th), February 2, 1882. Shorncliffe Camp, Kent. Schofield, Thomas Dodgson, eldest son of Frank Schofield, Esq., Alderley Arnold. Edge, Cheshire, aged 15, Aug. 13. Left 1876.2 A partner in the Firm of Schofield Brothers, Wine Merchants, Manchester. Oakfield, Alderley Edge. Swinburne, John Carthman, son of the late Major John Swinburne, 18th Royal Irish, ward of Captain Hanham, R.N., Manston, Blandford, aged 14, Dec. 17. Left 1877.3 Bowden Smith. Entered the Merchant Service, Second Mate's Certificate. Called to the Bar, July, 1889. Western Circuit, and J.P. and C.C. for Dorset. Hon. Sec, for Cremation Society. Assumed the additional surname of HANHAM after SWINBURNE. 18A, Goldhurst Terrace, S. Hampstead, London, N.W. 14 January 1875. Tinker, Edward, son of James Tinker, Esq., New York, U.S.A., aged 14, March 24. Left 1876.¹ Bowden Smith. Woolwich, May, 1878. Gazetted to Royal Artillery, February, 1880. Captain, May, 1888. Naval and Military Club. Cumberbatch, Carlton Parry, son of Laurence Henry Cumberbatch, Esq., Queen's House, Lyndhurst, Hants, aged 13, March 15. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Diploma. In office of a Firm of Surveyors and Land Agents in London. Constitutional Club. 9, Whitehall Place, London, S. W. Ockleston, John, son of William Henry Ockleston, Esq., Alder Hey, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, aged 15, July 19. Left 1876.¹ Bowden Smith. In business as a Tanner at Runcorn. Runcorn, Cheshire.¨ Robinson, William John, son of W. Robinson, Esq., the Glebe, Lightwood, Bowden Smith. Longton, aged 14, Sept. 2. Left 1877.¹ In business as a Brewer. A partner in the firm of Bindley & Co., Burton-on-Trent. Saverley House, Cresswell, Staffordshire. Andrew, Walter Jonathan, son of Eli Andrew, Esq., Mere Bank, Fairfield, Manchester, aged 15, Nov. 24. Left 1877.i Hutchinson. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1882. Booth and Andrew, Ashton-under-Lyne. Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire. Stolterfoht, Edward Herman, son of Joachim Nicholas Stolterfoht, Esq., Sandown Park, Wavertree, Liverpool, aged 13, Sept. 15. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. In business in Liverpool. As above. Martin, Frederick William, son of William Martin, Esq., Bournbrook Hall, Stirchley, Birmingham, aged 15, Nov. 8. Left 1877. Hutchinson. Architect and Surveyor. A member of the Firm of Martin and Chamberlain, Birmingham. 24, Rotten Park Row, Edgbaston. Rhodes, George Wood, son of Thomas Rhodes, Esq., J.P., Mersey Bank, Hadfield, Manchester, aged 14, Sept. 4. Left 1878.¹ Wilson. In business in Manchester. Chairman of T. Rhodes & Co., Limited. The Cottage, Victoria Park, Manchester. Firth, John Bradley, son of Mark Firth, Esq., J.P., Page Hall, Sheffield, aged 15, Nov. 2. Left 1877.3 Wilson. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1879. Oxford and Cambridge Club. Barningham Hall, Norfolk. January 1875. 15 Firth, Mark, son of the above Mark Firth, Esq., aged 14, Dec. 31. Left 1879.2 Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. M.A., 1886. Junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Galt, Herbert, son of Edwin Galt, Esq., Catisfield House, Fareham, Hants, aged 12, July 24. Left 1877.2 Elsee. Melly, George Henry, son of George Melly, Esq., J.P., Liverpool, aged 14, March 5. Left 1877.¹ Elsee. In business in Liverpool. 90, Chatham Street, Liverpool. Dyer, Thomas Swinnerton, only son of Captain Swinnerton Halliday Dyer, (afterwards Sir S. H. Dyer, Bart.), West Croft, Bagshot, Surrey, aged 15, Oct. 6. Left 1875.3 Lee Warner. Magdalen College, Cambridge, 1880. Succeeded his father as eleventh Baronet, March 16, 1882. Boodle's Club. 5, Rutland Gate, London, S.W. Williams, Frederick McDougal, son of John Thomas Williams, Esq., M.D., 75, Cambridge Terrace, London, W., aged 13, Sept. 29. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. In business as a Paper Manufacturer. Esk Vale, Pennycuick, Edinburgh. Jackson, Percy Edward, son of E. Jackson, Esq., 76, Huskisson Street, Liverpool, aged 12, July 18. Left 1875.3 Lee Warner. Boughton Leigh, John Hugh, son of the Rev. Theodosius E. B. Ward Boughton Leigh, Newbold-upon-Avon, aged 14, Feb. 29. Left 1876.3 Lee Warner. Entered first in January, 1874. Captain in 4th (Militia), Battalion The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, March 5, 1887. Ware, John, second son of the late George Ware, Esq., and ward of J. C. Jervis, Esq., 25, Westbourne Park, London, W., aged 15, July 27. Left 1876.2 Lee Warner. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1879. Residing in Australia since 1880. Robinson, William Peart, eldest son of William Robinson, Esq., Reedley Bank, Burnley, aged 13, Oct. 22. Left 1880.³ Lee Warner. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. As above. Edwards, Llewellyn, son of Edward Edwards, Esq., Kidbrooke Lodge, Blackheath, Kent, aged 15, July 23. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. In business in London. 4, Vanbrugh Park Road East, Blackheath. Stokes, Frederick Charles, son of Stephen Stokes, Esq., Fairy Field House, Great Barr, Birmingham, aged 14, Feb. 13. Left 1877.3 Green. Haunch Hall, Lichfield. 1 16 April 1875. Reed, Alfred Stephen, third son of Charles John Reed, Esq., C.B., New- biggen House, Kinton, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 14, Aug. 8. Left 1877.3 Arnold. In British Columbia, 1891. Barwick, William Murgatroyd, son of the late John Marshall Barwick, Esq., of Glen View, Shipley, Leeds, aged 14, Jan. 22, 1874. Left 1878.3 Green. XV., 1878. Isthmian and Raleigh Clubs. As above. Curtler, Henry Hoskins, second son of the Rev. Thomas Gale Curtler. (O.R. 1841), Beveré Knoll, Worcester, aged 15, Dec. 9. Left 1876.¹ Wilson. St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 1879. Beveré House, Worcester. Squire, William Harold Stevens, eldest son of William Stevens Squire, Esq., 37, Acacia Road, Rogents Park, London, N.W., aged 13, Feb. 14. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith. XV., 1877, 1878. VIII., 1878. St. John's College, Oxford, B.A., Casberd Scholar, 1884. M.A., 1989. Called to the Bar, Middle, Temple, 1886. St. Stephen's Club. 2, Plowden Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. ENTRANCES IN APRIL, 1875. Rugby, aged 7, Oct. 19. Left 1886.2 Austen, Ernest Edward, son of Ambrose Austen, Esq., 1, Clifton Road, Town. University College, London, 1888. Assistant Curator, Natural History Department, British Museum, passing First in Civil Service Examination, 1889. Heidelberg University, 1886. 73, Wendover Road, Harlesden, London, N.W. Grant, Patrick Charles Murray, second son of Patrick Grant, Esq., 98, Cornwall Gardens, South Kensington, aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1879.3 School. Scholar, 1875. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. As above. Ecroyd, William, son of William Farrer Ecroyd, Esq., J.P., Spring Cottage, Burnley, afterwards of Credenhill, Hereford, aged 14, Feb. 28. Left 1879.2 School. VIII., 1878, 1879. A Member of the firm of W. Ecroyd & Sons, Worsted Spinners and Manufacturers, Burnley and Bradford. Lomeshaye Mills, near Burnley, Lancashire. Fellowes, Evelyn Napier, eighth son of the Rev. Thomas Lyon Fellowes, Vicar of Honingham and Hon. Canon of Norwich, (0.R. 1830), aged 12, June 3. Left 1881.2 School. XV., 1880. XI., 1881. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., Third Class Law, 1884. Admitted a Solicitor, March, 1888. Wellington Club. 1, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. April 1875. 17 場 ​Spence, Albert Carter, only son of William Millthorpe Spence, Esq., Weston, Otley, Yorkshire, aged 15, Nov. 9. Left 1877.3 Arnold. Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A., 1882. M.A., 1885. Kilnwick Hall, Hull. Beeton, Arthur Channing, son of Henry Coppinger Beeton, Esq., 2, Adamson Road, South Hampstead, London, N.W., aged 14, Dec. 8. Left 1878.¹ Arnold, Died at Victoria, British Columbia, October 22, 1882. Prevost, Francis Augustin, son of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas William Prevost, Carlisle, aged 14, March 30. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith, Standard Life Insurance Office, Calcutta. Burnham, Henry Charles, son of George Hodson Burnham, Esq., Welling- borough, aged 14, Feb. 10. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith, Admitted a Solicitor, 1886. Wellingborough. Hodge, Egerton Francis, son of John Hodge, Esq., 57, Russell Square, London, aged 13, July 27. Left 1880.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1879. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., Second Class Law Tripos, 1883. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1885, but admitted a Solicitor, November, 1890. Eldon Club. 79, Fellows Road, South Hampstead, London. Jackson, William Gardiner, stepson of the Rev. W. H. Marsh, Little Compton, Moreton in-the-Marsh, aged 13, Nov. 3. Left 1876.¹ Bowden Smith. Scott, Edmund Ernest, son of Mrs. Scott, 12, Bays Hill Terrace, Chelten- ham, aged 14, Feb. 12. Left 1877.2 Bowden Smith. In business. Went to San Francisco. Swetenham, James Hubert, son of Major James Swetenham, Moston Hall, Chester, aged 13, June 8. Left 1878.¹ Elsee. Died in 1881. Agnew, Ernest, eldest son of John Henry Agnew, Esq., the Elms, Eccles, Hutchinson. near Manchester, aged 14, July 2. Left 1878.3 Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1883. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1880. In business in Manchester. As above. Wilkes, Hubert Hope, son of the Rev. Robert Wilkes, Lofts Hall, Saffron Walden, aged 14, April 21. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson. Dead. C 18 April 1875. Calvert, Edmund Percy, only son of the late Edmund Calvert, Esq., of Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire, care of Mrs. Calvert, 30, Kensing- ton Gardens Square, London, aged 14, Oct. 17. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. M.A. 1886. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1886. Abbots Wood, Romsey, Hants. Bosanquet, Augustus Percival, eldest son of Percival Bosanquet, Esq., (0.R. 1845), Dacre Lodge, East Barnet, Herts, aged 14, Oct. 26. Left 1877.3 Hutchinson. Orange-growing in Florida. Fruitland Park, Lake County, Florida, U.S.A. Allen, Russell, son of Peter Allen, Esq., Sedgley Park, Prestwich, Man- chester, aged 14, May 11. Left 1876.3 Wilson. A partner in Evans & Co. "Manchester Evening News." The Cedars, Mauldeth Road, Heaton-on-Mersey. Tennant, Robert Hugh, fourth son of Robert Tennant, Esq., M.P., Scarcroft Lodge, Shadwell, Leeds, aged 14, Nov. 20. Left 1878.2 Wilson. Secretary to a Company. Brunswick Brewery Company, Leeds. Lee, Turner, son of James Holwell Lee, Esq., Lenton Field, Nottingham, aged 13, Dec. 6. Left 1879.3 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, 1884. 9, Clarendon Road, Nottingham. Copeland, William Henry Lawrence, son of Captain William Henry Cope- land, 6, St. Peter's Terrace, Hammersmith, aged 13, March 18. Left 1881.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1880. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., M.B., B.C., 1884. M.A., 1889. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., 1888. House Physician at St. Thomas Hospital, 1891. 59, Warwick Road, Earls Court, London, S.W. Forbes, Patrick William, son of Alexander Clark Forbes, Esq., Whitchurch, Lee Warner. Reading, aged 13, Aug. 31. Left 1877.1 Sandhurst, 1880. Gazetted to the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, April 23, 1881. Seconded in 1889 for service with British South Africa Company's Police. As above. Bateson, Thomas Blaikie, son of William Gandy Bateson, Esq., New Heys, Allerton, Liverpool, aged 13, Nov. 18. Left 1877.¹ Lee Warner. In the office of Brancker, Boxwell, & Co., Liverpool. As above. Edmunds, John Masters, son of Mr. John Edmunds, 14, High Street, Rugby, aged 12, Dec. 6. Left 1877.2 Town. April 1875. 19 Hall, Charles Ernest, son of Mr. Charles Hall, Lawford Street, Rugby, aged 9, Aug. 30. Left 1881.¹ Town. In business in Australia, Freemantle, Western Australia. Hall, Thomas Herbert, son of the above Mr. Charles Hall, aged 12, July 16. Left 1878.¹ Town. Owen's College, Manchester. An Analytical Chemist. Bilton Road, Rugby. Collinson, Christopher Barber, son of the late John William Sowton Collinson, Esq., of Doncaster, care of Mrs. Collinson, 8, Moreton Terrace, Rugby, aged 11, Jan. 28. Left 1880.³ Town. Passed final examination for Solicitor, 1886. At Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1891. Beltoft House, viâ Doncaster. Woodward, Charles Robert John, son of Mr. Charles John Woodward, Oliver Street, Rugby, aged 8, March 26. Left 1876.² Town. Burton-on-Trent. Beasley, Ernest Frank, son of Mr. Beasley, 22, High Street, Rugby, aged 13, March 5. Left 1877.2 Town. South American Railway, Rosario, Argentine Republic. Campbell, Douglas Walter, son of the late Mr. John Campbell, 31, High Street, Rugby, aged 9, Oct. 27. Left 1881.¹ Town. Levett, Charles Arthur John, son of Captain Charles Richard Levett, King's Dragoon Guards, The Lawn, Rugby, aged 14, May 5. Left 1877.3 Town. Farming in New Zealand. Ratanui, Kiwitea, New Zealand. Levett, Edward Henry, son of the above Captain C. R. Levett, aged 13, May 20. Left 1878.3 Town. Farming in New Zealand. Taumatamaire, Marton, New Zealand. Levett, Richard Douglas, son of the above Captain C. R. Levett, aged 12, July 18. Left 1878.3 Town. Farming in Warwickshire. Dunchurch, Rugby. Molesworth, Herbert Crofton St. George, son of the late Captain Morgan Crofton Molesworth, R.E., (0.R., 1849), care of Mrs. Molesworth, Dover Lodge, Rugby, aged 12, Feb. 1. Left 1878.² Town. Went to Cheltenham College. Woolwich, 1880. Gazetted to Royal Artillery February 14, 1883. Naval and Military Club. The Hollies, Rugby. 20 April 1875. Haddock, Sydney George, son of Mrs. James Haddock, 40, Albert Street, Rugby, aged 12, May 24. Left 1876.³ Town. Assistant Engineer, R.N. (H.M.S. Curaçoa), 1887. Promoted to rank of Engineer, February 1, 1889. Thornhill, John Cecil, son of the late Rev. W. Thornhill, care of Mrs. Thornhill, Bilton Road, Rugby, aged 12, July 28. Left 1878.³ Town. East Gate, Castle Bellingham, Ireland. Joicey, James, son of the late James Joicey, Esq., of Newcastle, and of Mrs. R. S. Arnold, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 14, Feb. 13. Left 1877.2 Town. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1881. Joicey, John George, son of the above James Joicey, Esq., aged 12, May 14. Left 1876.1 Town. Sargent, Julian Hilton, elder son of William Sargent, Esq., Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 11, April 8. Left 1883.² Town-School. Scholar, 1878. Major Exhibitioner, 1883. Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford, 1883. First Class Classical Moderations, 1885. B.A. Second Class Final Classical School, 1887. Chancellor's Prize, Latin Essay, 1888. Died at Costebelle, near Hyères, March 6, 1891. Sargent, Walter Dmitri, younger son of the above William Sargent, Esq., Town-Bowden Smith. aged 9, May 29. Left 1884.2 Scholar, 1879. Major Exhibitioner, 1884. Postmaster of Merton College, Oxford, 1883. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A. 1888. Ordained, 1889. Assistant Curate of Aylesbury, 1889. The Clergy House, Aylesbury, Bucks. Boycott, Arthur St. John, son of the late Rev. Arthur William Boycott, Vicar of Aldeby, ward of Miss Turnor, Rugby, aged 11, July 13. Left 1876,3 Town. Went to Clifton College. Manager of an estate in Virginia, U.S.A. Care of J. Harrison, Esq., near Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Boycott, William Douglas, son of the above Rev. A. W. Boycott, aged 10, Nov. 20. Left 1876.3 Town. Selwyn College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Ordained, 1887. Rector of Burgh St. Peters since 1890. Rectory, Burgh St. Peters, Norfolk. Magan, Francis William, son of the late Captain Thomas Tilson Magan, and. ward of Miss O'Grady, Rugby, aged 14, Jan. 31. Left 1878.¹ Town. Farming in Manitoba. Clanwilliam, Minnedosa, Manitoba. September 1875. 21 Richards, George Chatterton, third son of the late John Richards, Esq., care of Mrs. Richards, 12, Russell Street, Rugby, aged 7, Aug. 24. Left 1885.2 Town-School. Scholar, 1882. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1885. Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, 1883. First Class Classical Moderations, 1887. Ireland Scholar, 1887. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1889. Fellow of Hertford, 1889. Derby Scholar, 1890. Craven University Fellow, 1890, 1891. Hertford College, Oxford. Faithfull, Wyndham James Hamilton, son of the Rev. George Faithfull, Storrington, Sussex, aged 14, March 30. Left 1876.3 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B A., 1881. Ordained, 1885. Has held various Assistant Curacies. Rector of Oaksey since 1890. Oaksey Rectory, Malmesbury. Wolton, John Hyem, son of John Hyem Wolton, Esq., Woodlands, Peck- Elsee. ham Rye, aged 13, Nov. 30. Left 1878.¹ A member of the London Stock Exchange, but has retired from business. 14, Cadogan Place, London, S. W. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1875. Paine, William Worship, third son of Thomas Paine, Esq., 9, Albert Road, Regents Park, (afterwards Sir T. Paine, of Broomfield, Dorking), aged 13, Nov. 2. Left 1880.2 School. New College, Oxford, B.A., First Class Law School, 1884. Admitted a Solicitor, 1887. 14, St. Helen's Place, E.C. 21, Nassington Road, Hampstead, London. Sadler, Michael Ernest, eldest son of Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq., M.D., 21, Church Street, Barnsley, aged 14, July 3. Left 1880.2 School. Seholar, 1876. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1880. Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, 1880. First Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., First Class Fiňal Classical School, 1884. M.A., 1887. Secretary to the Oxford University Extension. Student and Steward of Christ Church, 1890. Christ Church, Oxford. Story-Maskelyne, Antony St. John, son of Edmund Mervyn Booth Storey, afterwards Story-Maskelyne, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, and of the Manor House, Lydiard Millicent, Wilts, Esq., (0.R., 1842), aged 14, July 31. Left 1879.3 School. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class History Tripos, 1882. Diplomatic Service, 1884. Medical Student, St. Bartholomew's, 1885-1889. A Clerk in H.M. Record Office, 1890. National Liberal Club. 53, Rossetti Garden Mansions, Chelsea, S.W. Walrond, Seymour Henry, second son of Theodore Walrond, Esq., C.B., (O.R., 1834), Calder Lodge, Maidenhead, aged 13, Oct. 13. Left 1880.2 School. XI., 1879, 1880. XV., 1879. Balliol College, Oxford, 1880. In business in London since 1881. 65, Lancaster Gate, London, W. 22 September 1875. Trimmer, Edward Douglas, eldest son of Edward Trimmer, Esq., College Green, Gloucester, aged 13, March 8. Left 1879.³ School. XV., 1879. Qualified for a Solicitor, January, 1887. In Solicitors' Department, Somerset House. Park Lodge, Surbiton Hill, Surrey. Soames, Gordon, son of the Rev. Charles Soames, Rector of Mildenhall, Marlborough, aged 14, July 15. Left 1880.2 School. VIII., 1880. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1889. Ordained, 1887. Assistant Curate of St. Silas, Sculcoats, Hull, since 1887. 104, Cumberland Street, Hull. Sellar, William Cross, son of Thomas Sellar, Esq., Hall Grove, Bagshot, Surrey, aged 13, July 16. Left 1881.2 School. Union Club, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W. Walrond, Arthur Francis, son of Theodore Walrond, Esq., C.B., (0.R., 1834), Calder Lodge, Maidenhead, aged 12, May 17. Left 1880.3 School. In business in London. Manager of the Rugby Boys' Club, Notting Hill. 65, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Fayrer, James Outram Spens, son of Joseph Fayrer, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., (afterwards Sir J. Fayrer, K.C.S.I.), 16, Granville Place, London, W., aged 14, Feb. 20. Left 1878.3 School. Sandhurst, 1879. Gazetted to the Suffolk Regiment, July 1, 1881. Bengal Staff Corps. Served in the Black Mountain Expedition (Medal with Clasp). Lieutenant and Adjutant, 5th Ghoorkas, 1891. Abbottabad, India. Blackwell, William Ernest, son of Thomas Francis Blackwell, Esq., The Cedars, Harrow Weald, aged 13, Dec. 27. Left 1880.¹ School. VIII., 1879. Dead. Heycock, John Hippisley, son of the Rev. Thomas Heycock, Rector of Seaton, Uppingham, aged 14, May 15. Left 1878.3 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1880. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Leicester- shire Regiment, May 12, 1883. Army and Navy Club. East Norton Manor House, Uppingham. Exham, Alfred Harmer, son of T. Exham, Esq., Alta Terrace, Monkstown, Co. Cork, aged 14, March 3. Left 1878.¹ School. Longman, John Frederick, son of William Longman, Esq., Abbess Grange, Leckford, Stockbridge, aged 15, Sept. 12. Left 1877.3 School. Died in New Zealand. Stone, Samuel Francis Montagu, son of Samuel Francis Stone, Esq., Woodlands, Knighton, Leicestershire, aged 14, July 17. Left 1877.2 School. Admitted a Solicitor, May, 1884. Firm of Stone, Willcox and Dutton, Leicester. Kirby Frith Hall, Leicester. September 1875. 23 Dealtry, Thomas, son of the Ven. Thomas Dealtry, Swillington, Leeds, formerly Archdeacon of Madras, aged 13, Oct. 11. Left 1877.3 School. Residing in America. Arnold, Franck Thomas, son of the Rev. Charles Thomas Arnold, Assistant Master at Rugby School, (0.R. 1831), aged 14, Sept. 6. Left 1880.2 Arnold. Lecturer Scholar, 1875. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1884. M.A., 1889. in German at University College, Cardiff. University College, Cardiff. Mackenzie, Kenneth John, eldest son of Sir Kenneth Smith Mackenzie, of Gairloch, Bart, Conan House, Dingwall, N.B., aged 13, Oct. 6. Left 1877 2 Arnold. Non-Collegiate, Oxford, 1880. Gazetted to the 4th Battalion Prince Consort's Own Rifle Brigade, March 10, 1883. Lea, John, son of the Rev. Frederick Simcox Lea, Rector of Tedstone Delamere, Worcester, aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1878.3 Arnold. In business in London. City Liberal Club. 2, Elm Villas, Hampstead. Home, William Edward, son of W. Home, Esq., M.D., Inspector-General of Hospitals, A.M.D., 6, Royal Park, Clifton, Bristol, aged 15, June 21. Left 1878.2 Arnold. Minor Exhibitioner, 1878. B Sc., Edinburgh, 1882. M.B. and C.M., Edinburgh, 1885. Surgeon, R.Ñ., since 1885. Navy List. Harrison, Bernard, son of Arthur Harrison, Esq., Cottingham, Hull, aged 14, April 3. Left 1876.2 Arnold. As above. Weisse, Henry Victor, second son of Trangott Heinrich Weisse, Esq., 1, Darnaway Street, Edinburgh, aged 16, May 1. Left 18782 Arnold. Exhibitioner of Christ Church, Oxford, 1879. B.A., 1886. A Master at Sherborne, 1885-1889. Headmaster of the Lower School of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby, 1889. Rugby. Grahame, Alexander Monteith Brown, son of John Grahame, Esq., White- cross, Dunblane, N.B., aged 12, Nov. 15. Left 1881.2 Arnold. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1881. A Partner in the Firm of Hurst, Nelson, & Co., Engineers, &c., Glasgow. Woodend, Almond Bank, Perth. Grahame, John Buchanan, eldest son of the above John Grahame, Esq., aged 14, Aug. 31. Left 1880.2 Arnold. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. In Australia, 1891, Woodend, Almond Bank, Perth, 24 September 1875. 1 Jones, Arthur Morgan Bulkeley, son of James Cove Jones, Esq., Loxley Hall, near Warwick, aged 13, Dec. 26. Left 1878.³ Arnold. Gazetted to the 20th Hussars, October, 1883. Present at the engagement of Ginnis, Upper Nile, 1885, as Orderly Officer to Sir Frederick Stephenson. Captain, 1889. Cavalry Club. 127, Piccadilly, London, W. Wayne, William Henry Toskett, son of the Rev. William Henry Wayne, Sheinton Rectory, Shrewsbury, aged 13, April 19. Left 1879. Arnold. Scholæ Canc., Truro, 1882. Ordained, 1885. Has held various Assistant Curacies. Vicar of Sheldon since 1890. Sheldon Vicarage, Honiton. Rathbone, Frederick, son of Benson Rathbone, Esq., Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 14, Feb. 15. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire. Walker, Gibson, son of Joseph Walker, Esq., Douro House, Wolverhampton, aged 15, May 3. Left 1877.2 Bowden Smith. A Partner in J. W. and J. Walker, Merchants, Wolverhampton. As above. Johnson, John Bromwich, son of Thomas John Johnson, Esq., Manor House, Willoughby, Rugby, aged 14, April 14. Left 1877.2 Bowden Smith. Farming in Warwickshire. Chesterton Fields, near Leamington. Agnew, Walter, son of William Agnew, Esq., Summer Hill, Pendleton, Manchester, aged 14, April 29. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson XV., 1878, 1879. A Partner in Christie, Manson, and Co., London. 1, Devonshire Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W. Bateson, William, son of the Rev. William Henry Bateson, D.D., Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, aged 14, Aug. 8. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Scholar, 1875. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1882. B.A., First Class Natural Science, 1883. Fellow, 1885. Balfour Student, 1887-1890. Author of Papers on Zoological Subjects. St. John's College, Cambridge. Calvert, Frank, son of Henry Calvert, Esq., Pendleton, Manchester, aged 14, April 9. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson A Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer. Ashton Park, Preston. Gedge, Sydney Francis, eldest son of the Rev. William Wilberforce Gedge, Malvern Wells, aged 14, April 3. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. VIII., 1878, 1879. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1883. Admitted a Solicitor, August, 1886. City of London Club. 23, Austin Friars, London, E.C. September 1875. 25 Newton, Henry Alfred, son of Frank Newton, Esq., Maimo, Sweden, and nephew of Miss Newton, Blandford, Dorset, aged 14, March 10. Left 1879.¹ Hutchinson. Scholar, 1875. Scholar of Magdalen College, Cambridge, 1880. B.A., 1883. Private Secretary to Mr. Bonsor, M.P., since 1885. 10, Beaufort Gardens, London, S.W. Behrens, Walter Lionel, son of Edward Behrens, Esq., Fallowfield, Man- chester, aged 14, July 15. Left 1879.3 Wilson. A Merchant in Manchester. 22, Oxford Street, Manchester. Cobb, John Gerard, eldest son of Thomas Pix Cobb, Esq., 18, Craven Hill Gardens, London, W., aged 13, June 22. Left 1881.2 Wilson. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. Admitted a Solicitor, 1888. New Universities' Club. As above. Miller, Reginald Walter, son of William Walter Miller, Esq., Western Terrace, Nottingham, aged 15, May 14. Left 1878.3 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1884. Nottingham. Rothera, Frank, son of George Bell Rothera, 17, Waverley Street, Notting- ham, aged 14, Feb. 19. Left 1877.3 Wilson. Edinburgh University, M.B. and C.M., 1883. M.D., 1887. M.R.C.S. Studied also at Prague, Leipzig, and Berlin. The Old Manor House, Beeston, Notts. Shaw, William Rawson, son of Halifax, aged 15, May 1. Thomas Shaw, Esq., M.P., Allangate, Left 1877.2 Wilson. Formerly Private Secretary to Mr. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. Stuart, M.P. Reform, and Union Clubs. Stoneygate, near Halifax. Stutfield, William Gerald, son of William Stutfield, Esq., Netherdale, Turriff, N.B., aged 13, April 28. Left 1879.3 Wilson. Racquets, 1879. Died in Brazil. Allen, Charles Peter, second son of Peter Allen, Esq., Sedgeley Park, Manchester, aged 13, Dec. 2. Left 1880.3 Wilson. XV., 1878, 1879, 1880. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1888. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1888. A Journalist in Manchester. Breeze Mount, Kersal, Manchester. Tobin, Edwin Wodehouse, son of James Aspinall Tobin, Esq., Eastham, Cheshire, (0.R., 1832), aged 14, June 16. Left 1879.2 Elsee. VIII., 1879. Died, April, 1885, Swann, Harington, son of the Rev. John Bellingham Swann, 9, Vernon Street, Derby, aged 14, April 14. Left 1878.¹ Elsee. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The King's (Liverpool) Regiment, April 23, 1881. Captain, June 23, 1890. Bermuda, 1891. Army List. D 26 September 1875. Leslie, Charles Frederick Henry, third son of Henry David Leslie, Esq., 59, Conduit Street, London, W, aged 13, Dec. 8. Left 1880.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1875. XI., 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880. Racquets, 1878, 1879, 1880. XV., 1879. Oriel College, Oxford, 1880. A Member of the Firm of Fenwick and Co., Abchurch Lane, London, E.C. Arts and Lyric Clubs. 24, Kensington Court, London, W. Hadden, Francis John, son of Frederick John Hadden, Esq., Wykeham Abbey, York, aged 13, Dec. 15. Left 1879.¹ Elsee. Forget, Alfred Edward, son of Charles Isaac Forget, Esq., Chateau Banquet, Geneva, aged 14, Dec. 25. Left 1878.2 Elsee. Residing in South America. Estancia Floraine, Entre Rios, Argentine Republic. Cubitt, Bertram Blakiston, eldest son of Major Frank Astley Cubitt, (o.R., 1848), Great Yarmouth, afterwards of Thorpe Hall, Norwich, aged 13, Aug. 20. Left 1881.2 Lee Warner. Scholar, 1877. Major Exhibitioner, 1881. Balliol College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1885. Passed 30th for Indian Civil Service, 1881. Resident Clerk, War Office, since 1886. Union Club. War Office, London, S.W. Dixon, Thomas, son of Thomas Dixon, Esq., Rheda, Carnforth, aged 14, June 9. Lee Warner, Left 1878.2 J.P. for Cumberland. Rheda, Cleator Moor, Cumberland. Erskine, Malcolm Henry, son of Claude Erskine, Esq., late Bombay C.S., 87, Harley Street, London, W., aged 13, Nov. 18. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1887. On the London Stock Exchange. 66, Oxford Terrace, London, W. Donnison, Thomas Edward, son of Thomas Donnison, Esq., 196, Grove Street, Liverpool, aged 15, Aug. 20. Left 1878.³ Lee Warner. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1884. 41, Lord Street, Liverpool. Harvey, John Robert, son of Major Harvey, 49, Gloucester Terrace, St. Heliers, Jersey, aged 14, July 31. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1879. Gazetted to the 5th Lancers, June 3, 1885. Army and Navy Club, London, S.W. Keep, Ernest Edward, eldest son of Edward Keep, Esq., Westmere, Edgbaston, Birmingham, aged 15, June 12. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Modern History, 1882. M.A., 1887. Admitted a Solicitor, 1886. Practising in Australia, Melbourne, Australia. September 1875. 27 Lupton, Hugh, fifth son of Francis Lupton, Esq., Beechwood, Leeds, aged 14, May 11. Left 1879.3 Lee Warner. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. A Civil Engineer. Mount Pleasant, Hare Hills Lane, Leeds. Ransome, James Stafford, son of Allen Ransome, Esq., Eukestons, Clapham Common, London, S.W., aged 14, Dec. 6. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. An Engineer. Assoc. Member Inst. Civil Engineers, 1883. 34, Drayton Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. Ransome, Lewis Henry, son of the above Allen Ransome, Esq., aged 13, Lee Warner. June 21. Left 1880.3 An Engineer. Isthmian Club. 44, Kensington Mansions, Earl's Court, London, S.W. Simey, Ralph Iliff, eldest son of Ralph Simey, Esq., Ashbrooke Road, Lee Warner. Sunderland, aged 13, March 28. Left 1881.2 Scholar, 1875. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1881. Head of School. Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1881. First Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1885. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1887. North-Eastern Circuit. 2, Paper Buildings, Temple, London, E.C. Smith, John Leslie, son of the late John Smith, Esq., 27, Princes Gate, London, ward of Dr. Dyce Duckworth, 11, Grafton Street, London, aged 13, Nov. 17. Left 1878.3 Lee Warner. XI., 1878. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, February 23, 1881. Captain, August 24, 1889. Army List. Wood, Arthur Thorley, son of John Richard Wood, Esq., Melton Hall, Woodbridge, aged 15, July 7. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. St. George's Hospital, 1880. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., 1886. 30, Upper Brook Street, Ipswich. Fletcher, John Henry, son of John Fletcher, Esq., Springfield House, Ashton-under-Lyne, aged 15, Dec. 31. Left 1878.3 Green. XI., 1878. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1890. Offices at 1B, Cooper Street, Manchester. Leigh Bank, Mossley. Murdock, John, son of William Mallaby Murdock, Esq., Whinsfield, Barrow-in-Furness, aged 14, May 23. Left 1876.¹ Green. An Analytical Chemist. Tredegar Iron Works, Tredegar. Stone, William Henry, son of William Stone, Esq., Mackworth, Swansea, aged 14, Oct. 9. Left 1879.2 Green. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1887. Ordained, 1883. Held various Assistant Curacies. Rector of Charleton, Devon, 1888. Vicar of St. James, Hatcham, 1891. St. James, Hatcham, London, S.E. 28 September 1875. } Radley, Charles Ernest, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Radley, Ashton- under-Lyne, aged 15, July 16. Left 1879.2 Green. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1879. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1881. Bird, William Arthur, son of Mr. A. Bird, 33, Princes Street, Rugby, aged 12, May 1. Left 1877.3 Town. At Hatfield Hall, Durham, since 1889. Blakiston, Clarence, son of John Richard Blakiston, Esq., Warwick Street, Rugby, aged 11, April 23. Left 1878.2 Town. Burbidge, Albert Edward, son of Mr. John Burbidge, 30, Sheep Street, Rugby, aged 12, July 26. Left 1878.2 Town. Manager of the Birmingham and Midland Bank. Chipping Norton. Carrington, James Henry, son of Mr. Joseph Carrington, 8, Newbold Road, Rugby, aged 13, Dec. 30. Left 1877.¹ Town. In the Postal Service at Stoke Newington. Gardner,__Richard Titley, son of the Rev. James Cardwell Gardner, Hillmorton Lodge, Rugby, aged 13, Sept. 29. Left 1878.¹ Town. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. Wells Theological College, 1885. Ordained, 1886. Incumbent of Darling Downs, Brisbane, since 1888. Home address below. Butlers Marston Vicarage, Kineton. Griffin, John Thomas, son of Mr. G. T. Griffin, 5, High Street, Rugby, Town. aged 12, Jan. 23. Left 1878.2 A Civil Engineer. On the Lombardy Roads Railway Company, 1891. 25, Via Solferino, Milan, Italy. Taylor, Arthur Robert, son of Mr. R. Taylor, 1, St. Matthew's Street, Rugby, aged 12, Dec. 6. Left 1877.3 Town. 2, Lawrence Sheriffe Street, Rugby. Ward, William Percy, son of W. Ward, Esq., I.C.S., care of Mrs. Ward, Hillmorton Terrace, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 13. Left 1880.³ Town-Green. XI., 1879, 1880. XV., 1880. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), February 19, 1881. Oldham, Henry Yule, fifth son of Thomas Oldham, Esq., LL.D.,_ Hill- morton Road, Rugby, aged 12, Dec. 14. Left 1881.³ Town. Exhibitioner of Jesus College, Oxford, 1882. B.A., 1886. F.R.G.S., 1889. Tutor to the Duc d'Orléans, 1886. A Master at Harrow School since 1890. Harrow-on-the-Hill. January 1876. 29 ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1876. Samuelson, Francis Arthur Edward, second son of Bernhard Samuelson, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., (afterwards created a Bart.), Bodicote Grange, School. Banbury, aged 14, Feb. 26. Left 1879.3 Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. Student of Inner Temple, 1882. A Director in Sir B. Samuelson and Co., Limited, Middlesborough. Sockburn Hall, Darlington. Samuelson, Godfrey Blundell, third son of the above Sir B. Samuelson, Left 1881.2 School. aged 12, June 3. VIII., 1881. Balliol College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1883. Formerly Private Secretary to Mr. Mundella, M.P. Elected M.P. for Forest of Dean Division of Gloucestershire, 1887. Devonshire Club. 56, Princes Gate, London, S.W. Bradby, Godfrey Fox, eldest son of the Rev. Edward Henry Bradby, (0.R. 1839), Headmaster of Haileybury College, Hertford, aged 12, May 21. Left 1882.2 School. XV., 1881. Balliol College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1884. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1886. An Assistant Master at Rugby School since 1887. 22, Warwick Street, Rugby. Biggs, Thomas Porter, son of James Biggs, Esq., Oak Hall, Wanstead, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1877.3 School. Died in 1883. Benyon-Winsor, George Norman, son of William Henry Benyon-Winsor, Esq., 29, Kensington Gardens Square, London, W., aged 13, Dec. 3. Left 1880.2 School. Farming in Manitoba, 1891. Sandars, Frederick Eustace, son of Thomas Collett Sandars, Esq., (o.r. 1836), 45, Westbourne Terrace, London, W., aged 14, May 15. Left 1877.2 Arnold. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1887. Union Club. In Venezuela, 1891. Queen Anne's Mansions, London, S.W. Bowden Smith, Ernest, fourth son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, (0.R. 1844), aged 13, Jan. 6. Left 1882.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1881, 1882. R.A.C., Cirencester. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Balmoral, Agrapatana, Ceylon. Capron, Frederick William, son of Frederick Lucas Capron, Esq., 17, Warwick Square, London, S.W., aged 15, Oct. 1. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1877, 1878, 1879. XV., 1878. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. M.A., 1887. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1886. Oxford and Cambridge Club. As above. 30 January 1876. Perot, Charles Grandbury, son of William Henry Perot, Esq., 263, Charles Street, Baltimore, U.S.A., aged 14, March 17. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. A Merchant in Demerara. George Town, Demerara, British Guiana. Shaw, John Standen, son of Mrs. Shaw, 8, St. Catherine's Terrace, Brighton, aged 15, May 30. Left 1877.3 Bowden Smith. Gardner, Willoughby, son of Henry Gardner, Esq., Sunnyside, Higher Tranmere, Birkenhead, aged 15, Feb. 23. Left 1877.¹ Bowden Smith. In business in Liverpool. F.R.G.S. Author of papers in "Science Gossip,” and other periodicals. 18, Exchange Street, Liverpool. Boggs, Ernest de Blois, son of the late Henry Boggs, Esq., care of Mrs. Boggs, 36, Argyll Road, Kensington, aged 13, March 20. Left 1879.¹ Hutchinson. Adopted the surname of BRENTON instead of BoGGs, April, 1883. As above. Forshaw, George Alfred, fifth son of John Forshaw, Esq., 29, Grove Park, Liverpool, aged 14, April 23. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1883. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1888. 11, Lord Street, Liverpool. Tall, William John, son of William Tall, Esq., Hessle, Hull, aged 14, Oct. Hutchinson. 8. Left 1879.3 A Merchant in Hull. Brentwood, Beverley. Martin, Herbert, son of William Martin, Esq., Bournbrook Hall, Stirchley, Birmingham, aged 13, April 17. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. XI., 1881. An Architect and Surveyor (Martin and Chamberlain, 106, Colmore Row, Birmingham). As above. Hone, Nathaniel Thomas, son of the late Thomas Hone, Esq., Yapton, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, aged 14, June 21. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1880, 1881. Died at Dublin, September, 1881. Sidebotham, Frank Hopwood, son of Edmund Clegg Sidebotham, Esq., 3, Balmoral Place, Old Trafford, Manchester, aged 14, July 27. Left 1879.1 Hutchinson. Sugden, Edgar Brewitt, son of the late John Greenwood Sugden, Esq., care of Mrs. Sugden, The Mount, York, aged 14, July 23. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. M.R.C.S., 1886. L.S.A., 1884. Medical Officer to the Stamford and Oakhani Unions. Market Overton, Oakham, Rutland. January 1876. 31 Homfray, Popkin, son of Jeston Homfray, Esq., Colman Hill, Halesowen, aged 12, Sept. 2. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. As above. Cohen, Benjamin Arthur, eldest son of Arthur Cohen, Esq., Q.C., 6, Holland Park, London, W., aged 13, Dec. 24. Left 1881.2 Wilson. XI., 1881. Minor Exhibitioner, 1881. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, 1881. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1886. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, November, 1887. 2, Paper Buildings. E.C. Oxford and Cambridge Club. 2, Craven Hill Gardens, London, W. Lund, William, son of Edward Lund, Esq., F.R.C.S., Whalley Range, aged 15, Sept. 12. Left 1878.¹ Wilson. In business as a Shipping Agent in Liverpool. Victoria Road, Whalley Range, Manchester. Johnson, Henry Fielding, son of William Goode Johnson, Esq., Park Hill, Nottingham, aged 14, April 22. Left 1878.¹ Wilson. Cranmer Nurseries, Aslockton, Notts. Power, Arthur William Lucy, son of Edward Power, Esq., 45, Belsize Park, London, N. W., aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1879.¹ Wilson. Died, March 4, 1882. Simpson, John Woodhouse, son of William Simpson, Esq., 100, New Walk, Leicester, aged 14, Dec. 7. Left 1878.3 Wilson. An Architect and Surveyor. 10, Tichborne Street, Leicester. Titley, Richard, son of the Rev. Richard Titley, Rector of Barwell, Hinckley, aged 14, Jan. 1. Left 1879.2 Wilson. Caius College, Cambridge, B.A., Junior Optime, 1883. Ordained, 1886. Assistant Curate of Holy Trinity, Selhurst, since 1888. Junior Constitutional Club. 13, Selhurst Road, London, S.E. Wright, Malcolm William Zorapore, son of John William Zorapore Wright. Esq., Barton Fields, Canterbury, aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1879.2 Wilson. Care of Bernard Wright, Esq., Coltishall, Norwich. Bristow, Henry Essex, son of William Bristow, Esq., 2, Vanburgh Park East, Blackheath, aged 13, May 25. Left 1879.¹ Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, 1887. 13, John Street, Adelphi, London. Cuningham, Arthur, son of James MacNabb Cuningham, M.D., care of General Fooks, Bexley Heath, Kent, aged 14, Dec. 8. Left 1877.2 Wilson. A Merchant in Melbourne. Hammili and Forrester, Melbourne, Victoria. 32 January 1876. Crouch, Charles Percival, son of Charles W. Crouch, Esq., 35, Fellows Road, Hampstead, London, aged 15, Aug. 26. Left 1878.³ Elsee. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1881. Brackenbury Scholar at London University, 1887. House Surgeon at St. Bartholomew's, 1889. M.R.C.S., 1890. 3, Princes Buildings, Weston-super-Mare. Hannay, Anthony Dixon, son of the late Peter Mann Dixon Hannay, Esq., care of Mrs. Hannay, 13, Victoria Crescent, Glasgow, aged 15, Jan. 1. Left 1878.3 Elsee. In business as a Cotton Merchant, Liverpool and New Orleans. Liverpool. Keen, Arthur Thomas, son of Arthur Keen, Esq., Ellesmere House, Edgbaston, aged 14. June 14. Left 1880.2 Elsee. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. Called to the Bar, 1885. Oxford Circuit. In business near Birmingham, 1891. Sandyford, Birmingham. Leggatt, Charles Ashley Scott, son of Alfred Leggatt, Esq., F.R.C.S., 13, William Street, Lowndes Square, London, S.W., aged 14, April 12. Left 1879 3 Elsee. XI., 1877, 1878, 1879. Edinburgh University, M.B. and C.M., 1885. M.D., 1888. One of the Visiting Medical Officers of the Pimlico Dispensary since 1887. 2, Walton Place, London, S.W. Mason, Henry Gurney, son of T. G. Mason, Esq., St. Mary's Hill, Stamford, aged 16, Aug. 26. Left 1877.2 Elsee. Myrtle, Andrew Scott, son of Andrew Scott Myrtle, Esq., M.D., Harrow- gate, aged 13, Feb. 21. Left 1878.2 Elsee. Died in 1887. Rigby, William Graham, son of the late W. Rigby, Esq., and of Mrs. Napier, Dunard, Row, Helensburgh, N.B, aged 14, March 26. Left 1878.3 Elsee. Sadler, Samuel William Stanley, son of Mrs. Sadler, Purton, Swindon, aged 13, Feb. 14. Elsee. Died at School, June 4, 1877. Edwards, Francis Harold, second son of the late Thomas Gandage Edwards, Esq., care of Mrs. Edwards, 13, Croxteth Road, Liverpool, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. Crick, 1879. Major Exhibitioner, 1880. University College, Oxford, B.A,, 1884. Admitted a Solicitor, June, 1884. 7, Fulwood Park, Liverpool. Manley, William George, son of William Hewett Manley, Esq., Bridport, Dorset, aged 14, June 8. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1883. B.A., 1885. Hulseian Prize, 1885. Burney Prize, 1886. Ordained, 1885. M.A., 1889. Died, Assistant Curaté of Leeds, September 14, 1889. May 1876. 33 Morison, Ernst, son of Henry Geddes Morison, Esq., Madras, India, aged 13, Sept. 12. Left 1878.3 Lee Warner. In business at Bangalore. Spencer Road, Bangalore, India. Robertson, Francis Andrew, son of Captain A. Robertson, Army and Navy Club, London, S. W., aged 14, Sept. 16. Left 1877.2 Lee Warner. Gazetted to the Royal Marine Light Infantry, February 1, 1881. Captain, February 25, 1890. Army List. Smith, Herbert William, son of J. G. Smith, Esq., 177, Renfrew Street, Glasgow, aged 13, March 13. Left 1878.2 Lee Warner. Wilson, Robert Walton Williams, son of R. Wilson, Esq., Gothic Tower, Hoylake, Birkenhead, aged 14, Feb. 1. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. Dead. Hobley, Walter, son of Mr. Charles Hobley, 51, James Street, Rugby, aged 13, Feb. 5. Left 1878.2 Town. London and North-Western Railway. Gresley, Burton-on-Trent. Webb, Francis Macklin, eldest son of Mr. William Webb, 20, William Street, Rugby, aged 14, Jan. 9. Left 1877.2 Town. London and North-Western Railway. 92, Waterloo Road, N., Wolverhampton. Webb, Charles Lee, second son of the above Mr. William Webb, aged 9, July 28. Left 1880.2 Town. In the Postal Service. Stafford. Williams, Arthur Edwin, son of Mr. Henry Thomas Williams, 2, Stephen Street, Rugby, aged 10, March 3. Left 1878.¹ Town. Gaddum, Frederick Ducange, second son of George Henry Gaddum, Esq., Withington, Manchester, aged 15, June 28. Left 1878.2 Elsee. XI., 1877, 1878. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1878. B.A. 1881. A Merchant in Manchester, Didsbury, near Manchester. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1876. Dawson, John Sharp, fourth son of the late Joseph Dawson, Esq., and of Madame Noirtin, Chateau de la Chambrerie,Tours, aged 13, Oct. 11. Left 1877.2 School. As above. E 34 May 1876. Pattison, Stanley, son of H. J. Pattison, 13, Avenue Elmers, Surbiton, aged 14, Oct. 15. Left 1878.¹ School. Bagge, Henry Theodore James, son of the late Rev. Henry Theodore James Bagge, (0.R. 1838), Rector of Crux Easton, Newbury, aged 14, March 12. Left 1877.¹ School. Tanner, Robert Ernest, son of R. P. Tanner, Esq., Ogbourne Maisey, Marlborough, aged 14, June 14. Left 1880.2 Arnold. XV., 1879. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. M.A., 1887. Ordained, 1884. Assistant Curate of Melcombe Regis since 1889. 11, Frederick Place, Weymouth. Snelgrove, John Sidney, son of John Snelgrove, Esq., 13. Holland Park, Arnold. London, W., aged 14, Oct. 26. Left 1880.¹ Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. Called to the Bar, 1886. Devonshire Club. 3, Strathray Gardens, London, N.W. Cobb, Charles Edward, son of Timothy Edward Cobb, Esq., Bodicote, Banbury, aged 13, May 24. Left 1880.3 Bowden Smith. XI., 1878, 1879, 1880. XV., 1879, 1880. A Banker at Aylesbury. County Treasurer for Bucks. Walton, Aylesbury, Bucks. Ritchie, James Wadsworth, son of the late Montgomery Ritchie, Esq., and of Mrs. Adair, Rothdaire, Monasteravan, Ireland, aged 14, May 24. Left 1877.2 Bowden Smith. 30, Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W. Eden-Hiron, John, son of T. Eden-Hiron, Esq., The Manor House, Shipston- on-Stour, aged 13, June 7. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1883. Clerk to the Guardians and other Boards at Shipston. Shipston-on-Stour. Ogilvie, Fergus Menteith, son of the late Alexander Ogilvie, Esq., care of Mrs. Ogilvie, Sizewell House, Leiston, Suffolk, aged 14, Nov. 2. Left 1877.3 Hutchinson. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. M.A. and M.B., 1890. 12, Park Lane, London, W. Clegg, Frederick, son of the late John Clegg, Esq., care of Mrs. Clegg, Broomhirst, Oldham, aged 15, Sept. 4. Left 1878.2 Hutchinson. Mumps Mills, Oldham. Burton, Bramwell Charles, son of David Burton, Esq., Cherry Burton, Beverley, aged 13, Oct. 13. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. M.A., 1886. Ordained, 1885. Rector of Cherry Burton since 1889. Oxford and Cambridge Club. The Rectory, Cherry Burton, near Beverley. May 1876. 35 Holme, Clinton James Wilson, son of James Wilson Holme, Esq., M.A., 83, St. George's Square, London, S.W., aged 13, Aug. 31. Left 1878.2 Wilson. A Civil Engineer. Address as above, and : 34, Old Jewry, London, E.C. Evans, Robert, son of Robert Evans, Esq., The Park, Nottingham, aged 13, Feb. 26. Left 1880.3 Wilson. An Architect and Surveyor. South Road, The Park, Nottingham. Bennett, William Wilkie, son of Mrs. F. G. Bennett, St. Helens, Mer- chiston, Edinburgh, aged 13, Aug. 23. Left 1877.3 Elsee. Cook, Sam, son of the late Thomas Cook, Esq., morton House, Rugby, aged 14, May 9. care of Mrs. Cook, Hill- Left 1878.2 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1885. Firm of Collins and Cook. 240, Edgware Road, London, W. Cox, Herbert Louis Noel, son of Herbert Edward Cox, Esq., Reigate, aged 15, Dec. 11. Left 1877.2 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1886. Assumed the additional surname of NOEL before Cox in 1883. Member's Mansions, Victoria Street, London, S.W. Brooke Smith, William, eldest son of Brooke Smith, Esq., Edgbaston, Lee Warner. Birmingham, aged 14, May 4. In the School only a few days. Afterwards went to Clifton and University College, Oxford. Donisthorpe, Frederick Russell, son of Alfred Russell Donisthorpe, Esq., Lee Warner. Oadby, Leicester, aged 12, Feb. 18. Left 1879.¹ Has studied in Germany. In business at Leicester as a Cotton and Wool Spinner since 1882. Coleorton Hall, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Gilmour, James Patrick Eden, son of James Gilmour, Esq., nephew and ward of H. B. Gilmour, Esq., Fulwood Park, Liverpool, aged 13, Sept. 1. Left 1881.3 Elsee. XV., 1880. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1881. Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the 37th Regiment February 7, 1885. Transferred to the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifles (60th), May 30th, 1885. 3rd Battalion, Malta, 1890. Bachelor's Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Higgin, Thomas Housman, son of Thomas Higgin, Esq., Huyton, Liver- pool, aged 14, Nov. 30. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. 23, Sefton Road, Liverpool. 36 May 1876. Martineau, Ernest, son of Thomas Martineau, Esq., (afterwards Sir T. Martineau, Knight), 26, Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, aged 15, Feb. 23. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. VIII., 1879, Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Historical Tripos, 1882. M.A., 188. Admitted a Solicitor, January, 1886. 7, Cannon Street, Birmingham. Morison, Henry Norman, son of Henry Geddes Morison, Esq., Madras, Lee Warner. aged 12, March 27. Left 1879.2 Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, Nov. 1887. Practising at Calcutta. Bar Library, Calcutta. Pearce, William George, son of William Pearce, Esq., (afterwards created a Baronet), Elm Park, Govan, Glasgow, aged 14, July 23. Left 1878.3 Lee Warner. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., 1884. M.A., 1888. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, November, 1885. Succeeded as Second Baronet, 1888. Cardell House, Inverkip, Renfrew, N.B. Quinnell, Roland, son of Richard James Quinnell, Esq., M.D., Dharmsala, Punjaub, India, aged 14, June 7. Left 1878.3 Lee Warner. Scott, Joseph Marland, son of William Henry Scott, Esq., St. Oswins, Tynemouth, aged 14, April 5. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1879. XI., 1880. In business as a Ship Owner. As above. Williams, John Charles, son of John Michael Williams, Esq., Caerhays Castle, St. Austell's, Cornwall, aged 14, Sept. 30. Left 1878.¹ Lee Warner. As above. Kirk, James Pilling, son of James Kirk, Esq., Killingbeck Hall, Leeds, aged 14, May 13. Left 1878.³ Green. In business as a Brewer. Daunay Lodge, Ganton, York. Alcock, Charles Oughton, son of Mr. James Oughton Alcock, Rugby, aged 10, Sept. 23. Left 1878.2 Town. In business in Liverpool. Fowler House, 66, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. Bayliss, Ebenezer James, son of Mr. James Theophilus Bayliss, 15, Market Place, Rugby, aged 11, Feb. 27. Left 1880.¹ Town. " In business in Rugby. 13, James Street, Rugby. Coppock, John Charles, son of Mr. John Coppock, 3, Albert Street, Rugby, aged 10, Jan. 7. Left 1878.² Town. In business as a Printer and Publisher. 10, Paul's Row, High Wycombe, Bucks. September 1876. 37 Dainty, George Edward Goodall, son of George Goodall Dainty, Esq., 9, Albert Street, Rugby, aged 15, Nov. 5. Left 1877.3 Town. Ayerst College, Cambridge, 1886. Ordained, 1888. The Vicarage, Townsville, Queensland. Treaddell, William Harry George, son of Mr. William Treaddell, 20, War- wick Street, Rugby, aged 11, Oct. 3. Left 1878.¹ Town. Died at 26, Devonshire Place, Forest Hill, London, October 25, 1888, aged 24. Willcox, Tyrrell Swan, son of Mr. Rugby, aged 12, March 18. Kasola, Minnesota, U.S.A. Tyrrell Willcox, 1, Charlotte Street, Left 1879.2 Town. In business in London. Newton, Henry Charles, son of Arthur Henry Newton, Esq., 23, Church Row, Hampstead, aged 14, June 19. Left 1879.¹ Green. Belsize Court, Hampstead, N.W. Hoyle, Joshua Fielding, son of Isaac Hoyle, Esq., (afterwards M.P. for Heywood), The How, Prestwich, Manchester, aged 15, March 7. Left 1876.3 School. Pembroke College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Ordained, 1888. Vicar of St. Chads, Far Headingley, since 1890. Vicarage, Far Headingley, Leeds. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1876. Cadle, Harry Sidney, son of Miles Cadle, Esq., Coatham, Redcar, aged 13, School. Aug. 16. Left 1882.2 Scholar, 1876. Head of the School, Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1882. Minor Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1882. B.A., Second Class Classical Tripos, 1885. Admitted a Solicitor, 1889. Offices at Stockton-on-Tees. As above. Cave, Harold Watkins, eldest son of Lewis William Cave, Esq., Q.C., (afterwards Sir L. W. Cave, a Justice of the High Court, 1881, O.R., 1847), 15, Southwell Gardens, South Kensington, aged 14, Aug. 18. Left 1881.2 School. Scholar, 1876. XI., 1879, 1880, 1881. XV., 1879, 1880. Racquets, 1881. Balliol College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Law, 1885. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, November, 1888. 11, Stone Buildings, London, W.C. Hart, Alfred John, third son of Edward Hart, Esq., 156, Highbury New Park, London, N., aged 14, April 6. Left 1881.² School. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1888. Student of the Inner Temple, 1884. Admitted a Solicitor, August, 1890. 50, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. 38 September 1876. Bullen-Smith, Charles, son of James Richard Bullen-Smith, Esq., C.S.I., Calcutta, aged 13, Jan. 25. Left 1878.³ School. In the Bank of China, Japan, and Straits Settlements. 20, Crawley Gardens, London, S.W. Dawson, John, son of the late John Dawson, Esq., and Dawson, Esq., Horsworth, Leeds, aged 15, Nov. 7. In business. As above. Bowker, Charles Chappé, son of Charles Hardy Bowker, Esq., Pendleton, Manchester, aged 15, Aug. 18. Left 1878.2 School. Swinton Lodge, Swinton Park, Manchester. Roscoe, Alfred son of Henry Roscoe, Esq., Roehampton, Surrey, aged 13, School. March 16. Left 1882.2 nephew of E. Left 1877.3 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Historical Tripos, 1885. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1888. 9, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Appleby, Arthur Bellasyse, son of the late F. R. Appleby, Esq., and nephew of Miss Lee Bellasyse, Cefn-y-Wern, Ruabon, aged 15, Aug. 12. Left 1878.2 School. Flavelle, John Mason, son of Henry Flavelle, Esq., 79, Hamilton Terrace, London, N.W., aged 13, March 5. Left 1878.2 School. A Medical Student. 3, Hyde Park Mansions, London, W. Hannen, Benjamin, son of Benjamin Hannen, Esq., 4, Pembridge Place, London, W., aged 13, Nov. 11. Left 1880.3 School. XV., 1880. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. A partner in Cubitt & Co., Grays Inn Road. As above. Allan, James Bryce, fifth son of Andrew Allan, Esq., Iononteh, Montreal, Canada, aged 14, June 13. Left 1881.2 Arnold. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1883. Practising Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. as a Barrister and Solicitor at Montreal. As above. Bealey, Richard Nowell, son of Samuel London, W., aged 14, Dec. 29. Clare College, Cambridge, 1880. Sheep farming in New Zealand. Riverside, Canterbury, New Zealand. Bealey, Esq., 30, Linden Gardens, Left 1879.2 Arnold. Challinor, Edward, son of Joseph Challinor, Esq., Leek, Staffordshire, aged 14, Feb. 16. Left 1878.3 Arnold. Admitted a Solicitor, September, 1884. Firm of Challinor and Shaw, Leek. Junior Conservative Člub. Ball Haye Park, Leek, Staffordshire. ï September 1876. 39 Crawford, Claude Melville, son of Arthur Crawford, Esq., (0.R. 1847), Bombay, care of Mrs. Crawford, 20, Rue Louis du Flos, Boulogne, aged 13, July 31. Left 1878.1 Arnold. Scholar, 1876. Gazetted to the East Yorkshire Regiment, September 9, 1882. Bombay Staff Corps. Wing Officer 2nd Battalion 5th Ghoorkas. Army List. Coote, Chidley Eyre, son of the late Cornet Coote, and of Mrs. Selby Lowndes, Aspley House, Woburn, Beds, aged 14, April 15. Left 1877.3 Bowden Smith. Died in August, 1878. Heynemann, Ernest, son of Leonard David Heynemann, Esq., 14, Pem- bridge Place, London, W., aged 14, June 11. Left 1879.3 Bowden Smith. In business as a Yarn Merchant at Bradford. 18, Spring Gardens, Bradford, Yorks. Nash, William Fleetwood, third surviving son of Henry Fleetwood Nash, Esq., Upton Lea, Slough, aged 14, Sept. 27. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the Border Regiment, January 22, 1881. Captain 1st Battalion, 1889. Dover, 1891. As above. Newton, John Horton, eldest son of John Newton, Esq., Park Hill, East Croydon, aged 14, Aug. 8. Left 1880.³ Bowden Smith. VIII., 1879, 1880. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1888. New College and Cambridge Club. As above. Whetstone, Walter, son of W. Whetstone, Esq., Broom Leys, Coalville, Leicester, aged 13, June 29. Left 1880.1 Bowden Smith. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1885. Bishop Street, Leicester. Adams, Henry Fox, son of Henry Adams, Esq., Wick House, Brislington, Bristol, aged 13, June 21. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. Cannon Hill, Maidenhead. Stolterfoht, Perring Thomas, son of Herman Stolterfoht, Esq., Sandown Park, Wavertree, Liverpool, aged 13, Dec. 8. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. A Merchant in Liverpool. Oakfield, Wavertree, Liverpool. Atkinson, Joseph Richard, son of Charles R. Atkinson, Esq., C.E., Windsor, Belfast, aged 14, Sept. 23. Left 1878.³ Hutchinson. VIII., 1878. Sheep farming in Australia. Leisanduff, Pultallintrar, Coleraine, Co. Antrim. Bennett, Arthur Cochrane, son of Peter Duckworth Bennett, Esq., Church Road, Edgbaston, aged 16, May 22. Left 1877.¹ Hutchinson. Sub-Manager of the Land and Loan Company of New Zealand. Napier, New Zealand. 40 September 1876. Clark, Arthur Lyndon, son of Charles Clark, Esq., Heathfield, Brom- borough, aged 13, Oct. 20. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. XV., 1880. Court, Edward Darlington, third son of William Roylance Court, Esq., Newton Manor, Middlewich, aged 14, June 22. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. In the Civil Service. Local Government Board, Whitehall, London, S.W. Kirkpatrick, Alexander Thomas, son of Alexander Richard Kirkpatrick, Esq.. Donacomper, Celbridge, Kildare, aged 13, Dec. 18. Left 1880.3 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A, 1885 Ordained, 1886. Assistant Curate of Dork- ing, 1886. Incumbent of North Pine, Brisbane, since 1889. Cabooltune, Queensland. Layton, Henry James Norman, son of James Norman Layton, Esq., (0.R., 1842), 6, Sussex Place, Hyde Park, London, W., aged 12, May 12. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. In the British Army. In India, 1891. Norwood, Charles Henry, son of C. M. Norwood, Esq., M.P., 23, Queen's Gate Gardens, London, S. W., aged 14, Nov. 22. Left 1879.¹ Hutchinson. Pike, Warburton Mayer, fourth son of the late John William Pike, Esq., (0.R. 1841), Westport, Warcham, Dorset, aged 14, Sept. 25. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1880. Saunders, Cornelius Hale, son of Cornelius Thomas Saunders, Esq., Church Hill, Handsworth, aged 14, Sept. 3. Left 1880.3 Admitted a Solicitor, 1886. Birmingham Conservative Club. 37, Temple Row, Birmingham. Elsee, Henry John, son of the Rev. Charles Elsee, Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 13, Sept. 2. Left 1882.² Elsee. Hutchinson. Minor Exhibitioner, 1882. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., Senior Optime, 1885. Ordained, 1886. Assistant Curate of St. Andrews, Ancoats, since 1887. 14, Green Street, Ardwick, Manchester. Bentley-Innes, Frederick Dunbar Sinclair, son of Frederick Stocks Bentley-Innes, Esq., (0.R., 1852), 107, St. George's Square, London, S.W., aged 12, Sept. 21. Left 1881.³ Elsee. Sandhurst, 1883. Gazetted to the 14th IIussars, August 23, 1884. Was killed by lightning at Hyderabad, May 28, 1885. Greg, Ernest William, son of Edward Hyde Greg, Esq., Handforth, Cheshire, aged 14, March 27. Left 1879.3 Elsee. XV., 1879. In business at Bolton. Dunscar, Bolton, Lancashire. September 1876. 41 Kempson, Edwin Hone, eldest son of the Rev. Edwin Alfred Kempson, Vicar of Claverdon, Warwick, aged 14, April 16. Left 1881.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1876. XI., 1879, 1880, 1881. Minor Exhibitioner, 1881. Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford, 1881. First Class Mathematical Moderations, 1883. B.A., First Class Mathematics, 1885. Ordained, 1886. A Master at Clifton College, 1887. A Master at Harrow, since 1888. The Moat, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Melly, André Leonard, fourth son Leonard, fourth son of Charles Pierre (O.R., 1844), Riversley, Liverpool, aged 13, Nov. 2. XI., 1880. In business in Liverpool. As above. Salomons, Charles Edward William, son of E. Salomons, Fallowfield, Manchester, aged 14, Sept. 7. Left 1877.2 Elsee. Bayley, Francis Henry, eldest son of Captain Frank Bayley, Point de Galle, Ceylon, aged 14, Dec. 28. Left 1878.2 Wilson. In the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Care of P. & O. S. N. Co., Sydney, New South Wales. A Manufacturer. Baldwin, John Herbert Lacy, son of John Baldwin, Esq., Clay House, Halifax, aged 13, Jan. 28. Left 1882.2 Wilson, Savile Lea, Halifax. Melly, Esq., Left 1880.3 Elsee. Bruce, George Lewis, eldest son of Alau Duffryn, Cardiff, aged 13, Dec. 17. Cameron Bruce-Pryce, Esq., Left 1881.2 Wilson. Scholar, 1876. Balliol College, Oxford. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1885. Toynbee Hall, Commercial Street, London, E. 59, Glebe Studios, Chelsea. Clifford, Henry Charles, son of Henry Clifford, Esq., Lansdowne Place, Blackheath, Kent, aged 15, Sept. 10. Left 1879.2 Wilson. An Artist. Coles, Henry Hartland, son of John Henry Campion Coles, Esq., East- bourne, aged 14, Jan. 31. Left 1879.2 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1886. Firm of Coles, Carr, and Coles. Claremont IIouse, Eastbourne. : Campbell, John Stratheden, eldest son of John Scarlett Campbell, Esq., B.C.S., Chief Judge of the Punjaub, aged 13, Jan. 21. Left 1879.2 Wilson. Scholar, 1876. Passed 8th in Indian Civil Service Examination, 1881. Balliol College, Oxford, 1881. Student of the Inner Temple, 1882. Bareilly, North-West Provinces, India. F 42 September 1876. Firth, Alfred, son of Mark Firth, Esq., Oak Brook, Sheffield, aged 14. April 16. Left 1879.³ Wilson. Drowned in New Zealand in 1883. Jacomb-Hood, Charles John, son of John Kemp Jacomb-Hood, Esq.. Broadwater House, Tonbridge Wells, aged 14, July 4. Left 1880.2 Wilson. M.R.C.S., 1884, and L.R.C.P., 1887. 8. St. George's Place, Brighton. Lee, James Percy, son of James Holwell Lee, Esq., Lenton Field, Nottingham, aged 13, July 2. Left 1882.2 Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. Ordained, 1887. Assistant Curate of Alfreton, Derby. Died April 17, 1889. Miller, Hubert William, son of William Walter Miller, Esq., Western Terrace, Nottingham, aged 15, July 17. Left 1879.3 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, January, 1884. Clare Cottage, Northampton Road, Wellingborough. Monk, George Christopher, son of Richard Powis Monk, Esq., Penshurst Lodge, Balham Hill, London, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1879.¹ Wilson.. Died March 24, 1887. Tennant, Frederick William, fifth son of Robert Tennant, Esq., M.P., Scarscroft Lodge, Leeds, aged 14, June 25. Left 1879.¹ Wilson. Isthmian Club, Piccadilly, London, W. Whatman, Edward Meyrick Dew, son of Charles E. Whatman, Esq, Breemore, Salisbury, afterwards of Pembrey, South Wales, aged 15, June 23. Left 1878.2 Wilson. A Sheeprun Holder in New Zealand. Abbotsford Station, Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand. Andrew, Walter, son of Frederick Andrew, Esq., Harpurley, Manchester, aged 15, Jan. 15. Left 1878.¹ Lee Warner. Admitted a Solicitor, 1884. Firm of Grundy, Kershaw, & Co. 4, New Court, Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. Downing, Henry John, son of Samuel Downing, Esq., LL.D., The Hill, Monkstown, Co. Dublin, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1879.3 Lee Warner. VIII., 1879. Trinity College, Dublin, 1880. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment, July 29, 1882. Interpreter to the Regiment, 1886. Served in the Black Mountain Expedition, 1888. Present at the action of Kot Kai. Captain, 1889. Adjutant to the 3rd Battalion, 1891. 3rd Royal Irish, Wexford. Forbes, Eustace Macleod, son of Alexander Clark Forbes, Esq., Dunskey, Portpatrick, N.B., aged 13, Nov. 21. Left 1878.2 Lee Warner. B.A., 1887. An Went to Repton School and Jesus College, Cambridge. Electrical Engineer. Whitchurch, Reading, Berks. January 1877. 43 Hiley, Louis Richard Trevenen, son of the late Rev. John Simeon Hiley, and of Mrs. Hayes, Woodhouse, Loughborough, aged 14, June 27. Left 1877.2 Lee Warner. A grandson of Dr. Arnold. 25, South Audley Street, London, W. Stevenson, William John, son of William Stevenson, Esq., Craigend Castle, Milngavie, N.B., aged 15, June 9. Left 1879.3 Lee Warner. Has travelled in East Africa for the African Lakes Company. Member of the firm of Stevenson, Carlile, & Co., Chemical Manufacturers. 23, West Nile Street, Glasgow. Wellby, Edward Henry, son of John Henry Wellby, Esq., 12, Russell Square, London, W.C., aged 14, July 21. Left 1880.3 Lee Warner. Engaged in Commerce. As above. Young, Thomas Simpson, son of James Simpson Young, Esq., Abbot Hall, Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire, aged 14, Aug. 23. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. Madras Staff Corps. Gazetted to the South Lancashire Regiment, May 23, 1885. Bellary, 1891. 4th Madras Cavalry, Bellary, Madras. Fison, John, son of Cornell Henry Fison, Esq., The King's House, Thetford, aged 14, April 29. Left 1880.2 Green. Has been in New Zealand. Farming in the West of England, 1891. Little Bathampton Farm, Wylye, Bath. Sadd, George Beaumont, son of Frederick George Sadd, Esq., 50, Church Street, Rugby, aged 15, Aug. 22. Left 1877.2 Town. Entered first in 1872.3 H.M.S. Conway, 1879. Joined the Merchant Service in 1880, but was lost at sea on his second voyage. Mackenzie, John Charles Ingleby, son of John Ingleby Mackenzie, Esq., Crescent House, Rugby, aged 14, Feb. 1. Left 1877.2 Town. In the British Army. Barratt, Edward John Reynolds, son of Mr. Edwin Barratt, 8, Arnold Street, Rugby, aged 13, Aug. 1. Left 1878.2 Town. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1877. Vivian, Herbert Leigh, fifth son of William Vivian, Gardens, South Kensington, aged 15, Aug. 31. XV., 1880. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. Exchange. Died in March, 1886. Esq., 15, Bolton Left 1880.3 School. Was on the London Stock 44 January 1877. Trimmer, Charles Henry, second son of Edward Trimmer, Esq., 14, College Green, Gloucester, aged 13, Jan. 7. Left 1878.3 School. Passed Final Solicitor's Examination, 1888. In business in London. 1, York Villas, Campden Hill, London, W. Bolland, Bernard William Stott, son of Thomas Joseph Bolland, Esq., Broome House, Didsbury, Manchester, aged 14, Feb. 9. Left 1880.¹ School. An East India Merchant. Oak Dene, Knutsford, Cheshire. Birdwood, Herbert Christopher Impey, son of Herbert Mills Birdwood, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, aged 13, Dec. 26. Left 1879.3 School. Gazetted to the Royal Engineers, September 15, 1884. Assistant Engineer, Sind-Pishin Railway, northern section. Dera Ghazee Khan, India. Hale, John Henry, son of John Hinde Hale, Esq., (o.R., 1843), County Club, Old Steine, Brighton, aged 14, Jan. 8. Left 1878.3 School. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The East Lancashire Regiment, September 9, 1882. Captain, April 15, 1891. Maxwell, Frederick Doveton, son of Major-General William Maxwell, R.A., 5, Heene Villas, Worthing, aged 14, April 19. Left 1878.¹ School. East Norfolk Militia, 1879. Gazetted to the Cheshire Regiment, July 29, 1882. Indian Staff Corps, 1883. Assistant Commissioner in Burma, July 9, 1885. Deputy Commissioner, 1888. East India United Service Club. Tharawaddy, Burma. Garnett, George William, son of W. S. Garnett, Esq., Williamston, Kells, Meath, Ireland, aged 13, April 8. Left 1878.2 School. Barnsley, Milne, son of the late George Barnsley, Esq., care of Mrs. Barnsley, St. Michael's Hamlet, Liverpool, aged 12, Feb. 13. Left 1881.¹ School. Liver Chambers, Liverpool. Thorpe, William Jarratt, son of Thomas Thorpe, Esq., Theresa Place, School. Gloucester, aged 13, Dec. 7. Left 1879.3 In business as a Timber Importer. County Club, Gloucester. Hill Drop, Gloucester. Dale, Charles Alfred, youngest son of Robert Dale, Esq., 13, Bootham Arnold. Terrace, York, aged 16, Dec. 1. Left 1879.2 Admitted a Solicitor, August, 1881. Firm of Cleverdon, Westley & Dale, Melbourne. 373, Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Cox, Henry Morton, son of the late Thomas Cox, Esq., nephew of Miss Cox, Eliot Bank, Forest Hill, London, aged 15, Oct. 10. Left 1878.3 Arnold. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1882. In the Tea Trade. January 1877. 45 Bradwell, Charles Dennis, son of Dennis Bradwell, Esq., Higher Daisy Arnold. Bank, Congleton, aged 15, April 18. Left 1879.¹ In business as a Silk Spinner at Congleton. As above. Lawless, William Burnett, younger son of the late Paul Lawless, Esq., of Boonbyjan, Queensland, and of Cloyne, Co. Cork, care of Mrs. Lawless, Headington, Oxford, aged 14, Nov. 18. Left 1881.² Arnold. Stock Farming in Queensland. Boonbyjan, Maryborough, Queensland. Birkin, Alexander Russell, son of Thomas Birkin, Esq., Ruddington, Nottingham, aged 15, Sept. 9. Left 1877.3 Arnold. In business at Nottingham. Ruddington Grange, Nottingham. Curteis, Henry Herbert, eldest son of the Rev. George Herbert Curteis, Canon of Lichfield, aged 13, Nov. 8. Left 1877.2 Arnold. Left in ill health. Hertford College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. A Private Tutor in Switzerland, 1891. The Close, Lichfield. Tinker, William, son of James Tinker, Esq., 80, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, and Hordle Cliff, Lymington, aged 14, Feb. 3. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. St. George's Hospital, 1881. L.R.C.P., London, and L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, 1887. Junior Athenæum Club. 9, St. George's Terrace, Gloucester Road, London, S.W. Simpson, William Dean, eldest son of Benjamin William Simpson, Esq.. 14, Westbourne Park, London, W., aged 15, Nov. 13. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith. Farming in Iowa, since 1881. Near Le Mars, Plymouth County, Iowa, U.S.A. Ludlow, Henry John, only son of the late General John Ludlow, Yates Court, Mereworth, Maidstone, aged 15, Jan. 22. Left 1879.3 Bowden Smith. Exeter College, Oxford, 1881. Died on return voyage from India in September, 1884. Swinburne, Surtees, son of the late Major John Swinburne, and stepson of Captain Hanham, R.N., Manston House, Blandford, aged 14, Bowden Smith. Jan. 1. Left 1878.2 Accidentally killed at Seguin, Texas, June 1, 1885. Barton, Henry Alexander, fourth son of John Everard Barton, Esq., Prescot House, Stourbridge, aged 14, Sept. 24. Left 1879.1 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. M.A., 1888. Admitted a Solicitor. In the Attorney-General's Office at Victoria, British Columbia. Acting Deputy Attorney- General, 1891. Victoria, British Columbia. 46 January 1877. Agnew, Harold, second son of John Henry Agnew, Esq., The Elms, Eccles, Manchester, aged 14, May 27. Left 1880.³ Hutchinson. M.A., 1887. Admitted a Solicitor, 1887. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1834. As above. Samson, Herbert, eldest son of Henry Samson, Esq., Bowdon, Manchester, aged 14, Dec. 5. Left 1881.3 Hutchinson. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Student of the Inner Temple, 1884. Farming in Nebraska, U.S.A. Bennett, William Bernard Somerville, son of Peter Duckworth Bennett, Esq., 13, Church Road, Edgbaston, aged 14, Sept. 2. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. Sub-Manager of Washburn Mills. Washburn Mills, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Wright, Bernard Duncan Zorapore, son of John William Zorapore Wright, Barton Fields, Canterbury, aged 14, Jan. 16. Left 1879.2 Wilson. M.R.C.S., England. L.R.C.P., London, 1887. Coltishall, near Norwich. Pratt, Ernest St. George, son of Spencer Pratt, Esq., Stanwick, Higham Ferrers, aged 13, Sept. 3. Left 1879.¹ Wilson. Sandhurst, 1883. Gazetted to the 68th, Durham Light Infantry, August 23, 1884. As above. Cuningham, John Fairlie, son of Surgeon-General James MacNabb Cuningham, Bombay, aged 13, June 23. Left 1877.¹ Wilson. Sheep Farming in New South Wales. Booroondara Downs, Cobar, New South Wales. Melly, Hugh Mesnard, son of George Melly, Esq., (o.R., 1844), 90, Chatham Street, Liverpool, aged 13, July 23. Left 1878.2 Elsee. Ivy Lodge, Aigburth, Liverpool. Lockhart, Laurence Archibald Somerville, son of Major Laurence Lock- hart, of Milton Lockhart, Carluke, Lanarkshire, aged 15, Nov. 24. Left 1878.¹ Elsee. In Australia, 1891. Stevenson, Frederick Harcourt, son of Nathaniel Stevenson, Esq., 51, Wimpole Street, London, aged 15, Nov. 15. Left 1877.1 Elsee. Gething, Arthur Edwards, son of James Edwards Gething, Esq., Newport, Monmouth, aged 14, Dec. 28. Left 1879.¹ Elsee. Has settled in Texas. Mobertie, Wheeler County, Texas, U.S.A. F January 1877. 47 Bolton, Edgar Ormerod, son of Henry Hargreaves Bolton, Esq., Hightside. Newchurch, Manchester, aged 14, July 28. Left 1877.2 Elsee. A Mining Engineer. The Collieries, Burnley, Lancashire. Dixon, Anthony Joseph Steele, second son of Thomas Dixon, Esq., Rheda, Arlecdon, Carnworth, aged 14, Dec. 22. Left 1878.2 Lee Warner. Lorton Hall, Cockermouth, Cumberland. Mason, Francis Woodley, eldest son of William Woodley Mason, Esq., West Hill, Sydenham, Kent, aged 13. Nov. 22. Left 1882.2 Lee Warner. Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1882. A member of the firm of Mason & Son, 61, King William Street, E.C. 7, North Terrace, Alexandra Square, South Kensington. Evans, Thomas Arkwright, son of Thomas Evans, Esq., Pen-y-bryn, Derby, aged 14, May 7. Left 1878.2 Lee Warner. Died on board the P. & O. SS. "Massilia," Jesus College, Cambridge, 1881. returning from Melbourne, January 30, 1891. Trenchard, Arthur, son of Edward Pewsey Trenchard, Esq., 99, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, aged 13, June 6. Left 1880.3 Lee Warner. In business in London. Tollesbury Cottages, Clifton Road, Wallington, Surrey. Denny, Edward Henry Marland, son of Edward Maynard Denny, Esq., 55, Manchester Street, London, W., aged 13, April 12. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner. Reform Club, Pall Mall. 11, Bryanston Square, London, W. Blew-Jones, Walter Bethune, son of William Blew-Jones, Esq., 90, Lans- downe Place, Brighton, aged 13. March 18. Left 1878.3 Green. On the London Stock Exchange. Belhaven, Longfield Road, Ealing. Pope, Reginald Henry, younger son of John Pope, Esq., Shrubbery, Exeter, aged 13, July 28. Left 1881.3 Green. Brasenosc College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. Ordained, 1888. The Anchorage, Northchurch, Berkhampstead. Newton, Arthur Henry, son of Arthur Henry Newton, Esq., Church Row, Hampstead, aged 13. July 25. Left 1880.3 Green. In business in London. 4, Croftdown Road, Highgate Road, London. 48 April 1877. Halsey, William Stirling, son of W. Halsey, Esq., North-West Provinces, India, aged 13, Feb. 6. Left 1879.2 Green. An Engineer, now learning Tea-planting. Martelli, Cluilsa, Jalpaignei, Bengal. Williams, Walter Frederick, son of Mr. Henry Thomas Williams, 2, Stephen Street, Rugby, aged 9, June 21. Left 1878.¹ Town. Ryan, John Hugh MacAnley, son of J. Ryan, Esq., C.E., 5, Delamere Crescent, Bayswater, London, aged 12, August 7. Left 1878.3 Elsee. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, January 26, 1886. Fraser, Hugh Stein, son of James Fraser, Esq., Newfield, Blackheath Park, London, S.E., aged 13, March 5. Left 1879.¹ Arnold. Formerly in business in London in Madras, 1891. 3 Care of Gordon, Woodroffe & Co., Madras. Daymond, Herbert George, eldest son of the Rev. Albert Cooke Daymond, Reading, aged 14, Dec. 7. Left 1880.3 Elsee. Keble College, Oxford, 1881. An Army Tutor. Chilton Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk. ENTRANCES IN APRIL, 1877. Barkworth, Frank, son of Harold Barkworth, Esq., Beverley, aged 13, School. July 19. Left 1880.¹ An Insurance Broker and Underwriter at Lloyds. 3, Ilchester Gardens, Bayswater, London, W. Addington, Edgar John, son of L. D. Addington, Esq., Carlton Road, Putney Hill, London, S.W., aged 13, Jan. 18. Left 1880.¹ School. Napier, George Samuel Frederick, son of George Webster Napier, Esq., Alderley Edge, Cheshire, aged 15, April 11. Left 1879.3 Arnold. Gazetted to the Royal Sussex Regiment, November 12, 1884. In India, 1891. As above. Fenwick, William, son of the late Joseph Fenwick, Esq., and grandson of Mrs. Makins, Castle Terrace, Berwick-upon-Tweed, aged 14, Dec. 10. Left 1877.3 Arnold. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1882. Temple Hall, Reston, Berwickshire. Sanderson, Stephen Goodman, son of Stephen Sanderson, Esq., The Elms, Berwick-upon-Tweed, aged 12, Dec. 24. Left 1881.2 Arnold. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. April 1877. 49 Alexander, Boyd William John, son of the late Captain John Alexander, R.N., C.B., and nephew of Colonel Claude Alexander, M.P., Ballochmyle, Mauchline, N.B., aged 14, June 4. Left 1878.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the 3rd Battalion The Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), November 12, 1884. Army List. Rathbone, Arnold Richard, son of Benson Rathbone, Esq., Oak Wood, Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 13, Sept. 8. Left 1881.3 Bowden Smith. As above. Agnew, Philip Leslie, fourth and youngest son of William Agnew, Esq., Pendleton, Manchester, aged 13, June 30. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. New College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1884. B.A., Second Class Modern History, 1886. M.A., 1890. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1890. New Universities Club. 1, Devonshire Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Bradbury, William Laurence, son of William Hardwick Bradbury, Esq., Nightingale Lane, Clapham, London, S.W., aged 14, Oct. 31. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, LL.B., 1884. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, June, 1887. Garrick Club. Oak Lodge, Nightingale Lane, London, S.W. Gill, Arthur Percy, son of Isham Henry Edward Gill, Esq., Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, aged 13, May 11. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. XV., 1880. Died at Birkenhead, March 28, 1882. Rhodes, Herbert, son of Thomas Rhodes, Esq., Mersey Bank, Hadfield, Manchester, aged 13, July 9. Left 1879.¹ Wilson. In business at Hadfield. Woodlands, Staleybridge, Manchester. Maxse, Frederick Ivor, son of Rear-Admiral Maxse, 67, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, aged 14, Dec. 22. Left 1880.2 Wilson. Gazetted to the Royal Fusiliers, February 19, 1881. Captain 2nd Battalion, October, 1889. Coldstream Guards, May 29, 1891. Army List. Harvey, Samuel, son of the late Samuel Harvey, Esq., care of Mrs. Harvey, Warbreak Moor House, Aintree, Liverpool, aged 15, Nov. 7. Left 1878.3 Elsee. The Albynes, near Bridgnorth, Salop. Jaffray, Edward Woodriff, son of the late A. W. Jaffray, Esq., and of Mrs. Moir, Retreat, Reigate, aged 13, June 4. Left 1878.3 Elsee. Captain Gazetted to the 3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards, March 12, 1881. 13th Hussars, August 1, 1890. Army List. Ꮐ 50 April 1877. Ormond, Edward Brooks, son of Edward Ormond, Esq., Wantage, aged 13, Aug. 17. Left 1880.3 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, March, 1887. Wantage, Berks. Whitelegge, William, son of the late James Whitelegge, Esq., care of Mrs. Whitelegge, Yew Tree, Northenden, Manchester, aged 14, March 23. Left 1879.2 Elsee. The Laurels, Belbroughton, Stourbridge. Sparrow, Alan Bertram Hanbury, fourth son of Arthur Sparrow, Esq., Preen Manor, Shrewsbury, aged 14, Feb. 23. Left 1881.3 Elsee. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Admitted a Solicitor. Firm of Cresswell and Sparrow. Isthmian Club. Darlington Street, Wolverhampton. Inglis, Rupert Edward, fourth son of the late Sir John Inglis, care of the Hon. Lady Inglis, 7, Eaton Square, London, S. W., aged 13, May 17. Left 1881.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1879, 1880. XI., 1881. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Ordained, 1889. Sometime Assistant Curate of Helmsley. Care of Lady Inglis, Beckenham, Kent. Hirst, Philip Leslie, fifth son of William Edward Hirst, Esq., Lascelles Hall, Huddersfield, aged 13, July 1. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. XI., 1880. Balliol College, Oxford, 1883. Donnison, James Oldaker, son of Thomas Street, Liverpool, aged 14, Aug. 26. Donnison, Esq., 196, Grove Left 1880.² Lee Warner. In the Shipping Trade since 1880. Manager of a Steamship Line, 1891. Liverpool Club, Liverpool. Wrigley, Arthur Harold, son of Arthur Wrigley, Esq., Wavertree, Liver- pool, aged 14, Feb. 1. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner, The Dale, Hoylake. + Worthington, James Kennedy, son of James Worthington, Esq., Sale Hall, Manchester, aged 13, May 11. Left 1882.3 Lee Warner. Died at Sale Hall, July 15, 1885. Bequeathed his Geological Collection to the Arnold Museum. Egerton, Charles Philip, son of Robert Eyles Egerton, Esq., Lieut.- Governor of the Punjaub, India, aged 14, March 7. Left 1880.¹ Green. Gazetted to the Cheshire Regiment, Feb. 6, 1884. Bengal Staff Corps. Assistant Commissioner at Lahore, 1891. Army List. April 1877. 51 Bird, Edward Alexander, son of Edward John Bird, Esq., Barton Hall, Barton-under-Needwood, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1879.2 Green. In business as a Brewer. Orgreave Hall, Lichfield. Longman, Francis Pemberton, son of William Longman, Esq., Abbess Grange, Leckford, Stockbridge, aged 14, Feb. 11. Left 1879.3 Green. As above. Bayliss, Vincent George, son of Mr. James Theophilus Bayliss, Market Place, Rugby, aged 11, March 29. Left 1881.¹ Town. In business. James Street, Rugby. MacMicken, Arthur Henry, son of Mr. William MacMicken, William Street, Rugby, aged 9, March 6. Left, 1878.¹ Town. In the Travelling Post Office. 18, Charrington Street, Oakley Square, London. Treaddell, Arthur John, son of Mr. William Treaddell, 20, Warwick Street, Rugby, aged 11, Nov. 29. Left 1878.¹ Town. An Artist. 314, Fifth Avenue, New York, U.S.A. Webb, Richard William, third son of Mr. William Webb, 20, William Street, Rugby, aged 9, Feb. 21. Left 1883.¹ Town. In the Postal Service. Redditch. Wright, George Arthur, son of the Rev. George Farncomb Wright, Overslade, Rugby, afterwards Rector of Lambourne, Romford, aged 14, May 25. Left 1881.2 Town. XI., 1881. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1888. An Assistant Master at the High School, Gateshead. High School, Gateshead, Durham. Griffin, Albert Edwin, son of Mr. George Thomas Griffin, High Street, Rugby, aged 9, May 11. Left 1878.¹ Town. A Civil Engineer. In Ireland, 1891. 1, Victoria Terrace, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Myrtle, Frederick Septimus, seventh son of William Myrtle, Esq., Park- field Road, Liverpool, aged 14, Oct. 7. Left 1881.¹ Arnold. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1881. Racquet Club, Liverpool. Princes Park, Liverpool. Harvey, Henry Samuel Bourn, son of Enoch Harvey, Esq., 12, Riversdale Road, Aigburth, aged 14, March 6. Left 1879.3 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, June, 1886. 14, Castle Street, Liverpool. 52 September 1877. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1877. Hodgson, Evan Lake, eldest son of John Evan Hodgson, Esq., R.A., 5, Hill Road, Abbey Road, London, N.W., (0.R., 1846), aged 13, Aug. 26. Left 1881.3 School. A Banker's Clerk in Barbados. Colonial Bank, Barbadoes. Gellatly, Christopher Charles, son of Peter Gellatly, Esq., Loughton, Essex, aged 13, Oct. 6. Left 1880.3 School. Died at Antwerp, October 6, 1890. Dent, Harry, son of W. Dent Dent, Esq., Oxford Road, Aigburth, aged 13, Dec. 19. Left 1881.2 School. King's College, London, 1882-1884. Assistant Civil Engineer to North-Eastern Railway Company. North-Eastern Railway, Darlington. Stamer, William Edward, third son of the Ven. Archdeacon Sir Lovelace Tomlinson Stamer, Bart., afterwards Bishop Suffragan of Shrews- bury, (0.R., 1843), Cliffville, Stoke-upon-Trent, aged 13, Jan. 25. Left 1881.2 School. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1887. Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staffordshire. Dawson, James Lofthouse, fifth son of the late Joseph Dawson, Esq., of London, and of Madame Noirtin, Chateau de la Chambrerie, Tours, France, and 46, Onslow Gardens, London, aged 12, Jan. 23. Left 1881.2 School. Scholar, 1877. Residing in France. As above. Satterthwaite, Harold, son of Clement Satterthwaite, Esq., Spring Hill, Bromley, Kent, aged 14, March 7. Left 1879.3 A Stockbroker in London. Terry, Douglas, third son of the Rev. Charles Terry, (o.R., 1836), Tostock, Bury St. Edmunds, aged 13, Oct. 15. Left 1882.2 School. Scholar, 1877. XV., 1881. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, 1882. A Candidate for Ordination, 1891. As above. Railton, Frank, son of Henry Railton, Esq., Snittlegarth, Mealsgate, Carlisle, aged 13, Nov. 4. Left 1880.3 School. Articled to a Civil Engineer, 1881. District Engineer, Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, since 1887. As above, to be forwarded. September 1877. 53 Feuerheerd, Ferdinand Mathias, son of Hermann Lorenz Feuerheerd, Esq., The Hermitage, Snaresbrook, aged 13, June 27. Left 1879.2 School. An Oporto Merchant. 32, Mark Lane, London, E.C. Brocklebank, Charles Henry, son of Thomas Brocklebank, Esq., Spring. wood, Allerton, Liverpool, aged 13, June 27. Left 1880.3 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. Ordained, 1888. Some- time Assistant Curate of Biggleswade. Sayle, Charles Edward, fifth son of Robert Sayle, Esq., Trumpington, Cambridge, aged 12, Dec. 6. Left 1883.² School. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. M.A., 1890, and incorporated same year M.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. Author of "Bertha," and other works. Co-Editor of the Wyclif Society's Publications. 2, Harvey Road, Cambridge. Mieville, John Frank, son of John Francis Mieville, Esq., (o.R., 1851), Duncroft, Staines, aged 13, Feb. 29. Left 1881.2 School. In business as a Bill Broker. 11, Angel Court, London, E.C. Hall, Harry Garforth, eldest son of Henry Hall, Esq., Fairfield, Man- chester, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1880.3 Arnold. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1887. In the Estates Office of the Earl of Stamford and Warrington, Ashton. Ashton-under-Lyne. Allan, William Rae, son of Andrew Allan, Esq., Iononteh, Montreal, Canada, aged 13, March 9. Left 1881.2 Arnold. In business at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Baker, Herbert Midelton, son of Thomas Baker, Esq., College Road, Clifton, Bristol, aged 14, April 24. Left 1881.³ Arnold. In business at Bristol. Wallcroft, Durdham Park, Bristol. Bradley, Frederick Lewis, third son of William Henry Bradley, Esq., Alderley Edge, Cheshire, aged 14, Sept. 21. Left 1879.3 Arnold. St. John's College, Oxford, 1882. A Land Agent. Bel Air, Alderley Edge. Demuth, Lewis Henry, son of Lewis Demuth, Esq., Edgbaston, Birmingham, aged 14, March 26. Left 1881.2 Arnold. In business at Edgbaston. Firm of Lewis Demuth and Company. 8, Beaufort Road, Edgbaston. 54 September 1877. Kilvert, Harry Vernon, son of Nicholas Kilvert, Esq., Ashton-on-Mersey, aged 15, June 28. Left 1879.2 In business. The Lodge, Ashton-on-Mersey. Mellor, Salusbury Manners, son of Abel Mellor, Esq., Madras Civil Service, Cardington, Bedford, aged 15, Sept. 16. Left 1879.¹ Arnold. A Partner in Mellor and Company, Merchants, Lime Street Square. Conservative Club, London, S.W. MacMullen, John Alexander, second son of Alexander Peter MacMullen, Esq., Hertford Castle, Herts, aged 13, Nov. 5. Left 1881.2 Arnold. An Electrical Engineer. Broadbush, North Cheam, Sutton, Surrey. ¿ Arnold. Ranken, Walter, son of Peter Ranken, Esq., Blackheath Park, London, S.E., afterwards of Furness Lodge, East Sheen, aged 13, Jan. 2. Left 1881,1 Arnold. Farming in the United States. Island Lake, Marshall, Minnesota. Scull, Walter Delaplaine, eldest son of Gideon Delaplaine Scull, Esq., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 14, Feb. 9. Left 1881.2 Arnold. Lincoln College, Oxford, B.A., 1884. Student of the Inner Temple, 1883. 2, Langland Gardens, Finchley Road, London, N.W. Smith, Robert Summers, eldest son of William Joseph Smith, Esq., Alvaston Fields, Derby, aged 13, March 1. Left 1882.2 Arnold. Worcester College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. Tooth, Percy Ernest, son of Frederick Tooth, Esq., 36, St. Aubyn's Road, Brighton, aged 14, June 3. Left 1879.2 Arnold. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. 19, Ebury Street, London, S.W. Wilkinson, Leonard, son of William Wilkinson, Esq., (afterwards King- Wilkinson), Middlewood, Clitheroe, aged 14, Aug. 9. Left 1878.2 Arnold. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. Assumed the additional surname of KING before WILKINSON in 1883. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1885. As above. Bowden Smith, Godfrey, sixth son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, Assistant Master at Rugby School, (o.R., 1844), aged 11, Nov. 27. Left 1884,2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1883. XI., 1883, 1884. Racquets, 1883, 1884. Head of the School. Minor Exhibitioner, 1884. Balliol College, Oxford. First Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1888. Assistant Master at Repton since 1888. Repton, Burton-on-Trent. September 1877. 55 Madeley, Walter, eldest son of Frederick Madeley, Esq., Ashill, Hands- worth, Birmingham, aged 12, June 2. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. Major Exhibitioner, 1884. Scholar of New College, Oxford, 1883. First Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1888. Senior Classical Master at Bradford Grammar School, 1890. M.A., July, 1891. Sleaford Grammar School. Moore, Robert, son of John Moore, Esq., Ulicoats, Egremont, Carnforth, aged 15, June 15. Left 1880.³ Bowden Smith. A Brewer in Australia. Nisbet, Harry Bruce, son of Harry Curtis Nisbet, Esq., The Manor House, Sidcup, Kent, aged 13, April 26. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Scholar, 1878. XV., 1882. Head of the School, Minor Exhibitioner, 1883. Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1883. Admitted a Solicitor, 1890. 35, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. Piggott, George Thomas, son of the late Joseph Piggott, Esq., and ward of H. Bewley, Esq.. 242, Moseley Road, Birmingham, aged 13, March 31. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. A Manufacturer. Clydesdale, Park Hill, Moseley. Schreiber, Thomas Henry Clarke, son of Mrs. Schreiber, Farren, County Cork, Ireland, aged 13, May 19. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. Piggott, Walter Joseph, son of the late Joseph Piggott, Esq., and ward of H. Bewley, Esq., 242, Moseley Road, Birmingham, aged 12, April 22. Left 1882.2 Bowden Smith. Farming in the United States. Kentucky, U.S.A. Wood, Charles, son of Charles Wood, Esq., 5, St. Stephen's Square, Bays- water, London, W., aged 13, July 27. Left 1882.1 Bowden Smith. As above. Platts, Alfred, son of Matthew Platts, Esq., Fairmount, Bingley, Yorkshire, aged 15, April 10. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1884. Clerk to Bingley School Board, &c. Wingfield, Bingley, Yorkshire. Bolding, John Frederick, son of George Frederick Bolding, Esq., Hagley Road, Birmingham, aged 14, June 29. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. A Manufacturer. 14, Rotten Park Road, Birmingham. Brierley, Sidney Herbert, son of Leonard Brierley, Esq., Pakenham Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1879.2 Hutchinson. A Manufacturer. Holmwood, Somerset Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 56 September 1877. Cartmell, James, son of the Rev. James Cartmell, D.D., Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, aged 15, Aug. 12. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. Scholar, 1877. Major Exhibitioner, 1881. Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, 1881. B.A., Second Class Classical Tripos, 1885. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1889. Savile Club. Assumed the additional surname of AUSTEN before CARTMELL in 1886. 6, New Square, W.C. 100, Lexham Gardens, London, W. Couchman, Ernest Henley, third son of Thomas Barnes Couchman, Esq., Beaudesert, Henley-in-Arden, aged 14, Oct. 10. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. Scholar, 1877. Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, 1881. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1882. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1885. Sometime Assistant Máster at Uppingham School. Ordained, 1891. Assistant Curate of Wollaston. Wollaston, Stourbridge. Couchman, Bertram Cornish, son of the late Colonel Edward H. Couchman, nephew of C. Couchman, Esq., Temple Balsall, Birmingham, aged 13, Oct. 12. Left 1878.3 Hutchinson. Gazetted to the Royal Marine Light Infantry, Sept. 1, 1881. On Active Service at Suakim, 1884, 1885. Instructor of Army Signalling, Portsmouth Division, R.M., 1890. Army List. Grierson, William Wylie, eldest son of James Grierson, Esq., 4, Holland Villas Road, Kensington, London, W., aged 13, Dec. 9. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. XV., 1881. London University, 1882-1886. A Civil Engineer, and Assistant Engineer on Great Western Railway since 1887. As above. Pearce, Francis Henry, son of John Pearce, Esq., Pendleton, Manchester, aged 14, Aug. 3. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. Scholar, 1878. Minor Exhibitioner, 1882. Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, 1882. B.A., 1885. A Master at a Preparatory School. Knoll Lodge, Mortimer, Berks. Austin, George Arthur, son of George Austin, Esq., 3, Lansdowne Place, Blackheath, aged 14, Aug. 25. Left 1879.2 Wilson. In business in Liverpool. Lang House, West Ridley, Cheshire. Behrens, Olive Philip, second son of Edward Behrens, Esq., The Oaks, Fallowfield, Manchester, aged 14, Aug. 21. Left 1879.3 Wilson. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. A Merchant in Manchester. As above. Baker, Hiatt Cowles, son of William Mills Baker, Esq., Moorland House, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, aged 14, June 30. Left 1880.3 Wilson. Hallen Lodge, Henbury, Gloucestershire. September 1877. 57 → Cobb, Thomas Hugh, son of 'Thomas Pix Cobb, Esq., 18, Craven Hill Gardens, W., aged 14, June 23. Left 1881.2 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, 1888. Isthmian Club. 18, Craven Hill Gardens, London, W. Garnett, Charles James William, son of Jeremiah Garnett, Esq., Rawden Hill, Harewood Hills, Leeds, aged 14, May 17. Left 1878.2 Wilson. A Mechanical Engineer. Cleckheaton. Haines, Ernest Alfred, son of the late Henry Haines, Esq., care of Mrs. Haines, The Pool House, Stourport, Worcestershire, aged 13, Dec. 10. Left 1880.2 Wilson, Has bought land and settled in America. Seattle, Washington Territory, U.S.A. Macneal, Hector, son of Captain Macneal, Ugadale, Lossett Park, Camp- belton, Argyleshire, N.B., aged 14, Dec. 27. Left 1878.2 Wilson. Gazetted to the Gordon Highlanders, May 14, 1884. Naval and Military Club, London, W. May, Chichester Gould, son of the Right Honourable George Augustus Chichester May, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, 13, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, aged 14, Feb. 28. Left 1880.2 Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Natural Science Tripos, 1884. M.B. and M.A., 1888. Isthmian Club, London. Marrable, Arthur George, eldest son of George Marrable, Esq., 25, Onslow Square, London, S.W., aged 14, April 26. Left 1882.2 Wilson. University College, Oxford, 1882. Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, May 9, 1885. Served in Burmese Expedition, 1886-7. (Medal with two Clasps.) Army List. Speed, Walter Hamlyn, son of Robert Henry Speed, Esq., The Park, Nottingham, aged 14, Sept. 4. Left 1881.¹ Wilson. Scholar, 1878. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1885. Offices, 13, St. Peter's Gate, Nottingham. Cavendish Road East, The Park, Nottingham. Verity, Arthur Wilson, son of G. H. Verity, Esq., Bournside, Cheltenham, aged 14, June 20. Left 1882.2 Wilson. Major Exhibitioner, 1882. Trinity College, Cambridge, Scholar, 1884. B.A., First Class Classical Tripos, Part I., 1885. M.A., 1889. Arnall, Harry Thompson, eldest son of Joseph Arnall, Esq., Stoneygate, Leicester, aged 13, April 7. Left 1882.2 Elsee. XI., 1880, 1881, 1882. XV., 1881. Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. Student of the Inner Temple. Isthmian Club. Has assumed the additional surname of THOMPSON after ARNALL. Belgrave Grange, Leicester. H 58 September 1877. Farquhar, William, son of W. Farquhar, Esq., M.D., 24, Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, aged 13, July 24. Left 1880.³ Elseo. James, Bernard Ramsden, son of John Henry James, Esq., (0.R., 1841), Kingswood, Watford, aged 13, Feb. 26. Left 1879.3 Elsee. Sandhurst, 1881. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The East Surrey Regiment, September 9, 1882. Captain 2nd Battalion, March 1, 1889. Staff College, February 1, 1891. Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall. Underhill, George Frederick, son of William Underhill, Esq, Penn Hall, Wolverhampton, aged 13, May 16. Left 1879.2 Elsee. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1886. Author of "Literary Epochs." 3, Plowden Buildings, London, E.C. Wilson, George Adshead, son of William Henry Wilson, Esq., St. Michael's Hamlet, Liverpool, aged 15, Sept. 5. Left 1879.2. Elsee. A Merchant in Liverpool. Liverpool Conservative Club. Netherwater, Aigburth Road, Liverpool. Harrison, Francis Capel, second son of Edward Francis Harrison, Esq., (O.R., 1844), Thornley, South Norwood Hill, London, S.E., aged 14, June 21. Left 1881.¹ Lee Warner. Passed 14th in Indian Civil Service Examination, 1882. Balliol College, Oxford, 1883. In the Financial Department of the Government of India, since 1885. Junior Athenæum Club. Lee Warner, Chandos Brydges, son of the late Rev. Septimus Lee Warner, care of Mrs. Lee Warner, Stiffkey, Wells, Norfolk, aged 14, June 11. Left 1879.3 Lee Warner. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion The Gloucestershire Regiment, December 25, 1886. Holt, Norfolk. Morgan, Conway John, son of John Morgan, Esq., Forebridge, Stafford, aged 14, July 3. Left 1877.3 Lee Warner. Went to Malvern and Heidelberg. In business as a Wine Merchant at Stafford. Queensville, Stafford. Acton, Edward Hamilton, son of T. Bennion Acton, Esq., Grove Road, Green. Wrexham, aged 14, Nov. 26. Left 1881.2 Scholar, 1877. Minor Exhibitioner, 1881. Scholar of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, 1884. B.A., First Class Natural Science Tripos, 1885. Fellow, 1888. M.A., 1889. St. John's College, Cambridge. King, James Gurwood, son of Captain Francis James King, Kirby Hall, Melton Mowbray, aged 14, Sept. 2. Left 1879.3 Green. Kingdon, Stephen Murray, fourth son of Paul Augustine Kingdon, Esq., 29, Marlborough Hill, St. John's Wood, London, N.W., aged 13, Green. April 26. Left 1883.3 Scholar, 1878. Major and Minor Exhibition, 1883. Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, 1883. B.A., 29th Wrangler, 1886. An Actuary in London. 1, Staple Inn, London, W.C. September 1877. 59 Potts, Hubert, son of Charles William Potts, Esq., (0.R., 1829), Heron Bridge, Chester, aged 14, July 25. Left 1880.2 Green. Admitted a Solicitor, 1886. As above. Campbell, Donald John, son of James Archibald Campbell, Esq., (0.R., 1822), of Inverawe, and of Tower Lodge, Rugby, aged 13, Jan. 24. Left 1878:3 Town. Went to Uppingham School. Farming in Manitoba, 1891. Cook's Creek, near Winnipeg, Canada. Dadley, John Arthur Sabin, son of Mr. John Dadley, New Bilton, aged 12, Jan. 9. Left 1880.2 Town. A Musician. As above. Gillson, Frank, eldest son of Henry Thomas Gillson, Esq., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 12, Nov. 1. Left 1883.2 Town. XI., 1882, 1883. XV., 1882. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. Madeford, Christchurch, Hants. Hobley, Arthur James, son of Mr. Charles Hobley, 51, James Street, Rugby, aged 12, Nov. 6. Left 1878.2 Town. London and North-Western Railway. Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds. King, Philip Alexander, son of Richard King, Esq., Staff Surgeon, R.N., Rugby, aged 13, May 20. Left 1880.1 Town. In Ship Broker's Office at Antwerp. Care of Hankey, Sewell & Co., Antwerp. King, George Chetwode, son of the above Richard King, Esq., R.N., aged 11, Dec. 19. Left 1882.2 Town. In business at Coventry. Willcox, Frederick, son of Mr. Tyrrell Willcox, Charlotte Street, Rugby, aged 10, Aug. 15. Left 1878.3 Town. Bahia, Brazil, South America. Smith, Cyril, third son of the Rev. Henry Fielding Smith, The Castle, Lancaster, aged 14, Feb. 28. Left 1882.2 School. Scholar, 1879. Entered the School in October. Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford, 1882. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A. Headmaster of Bray Preparatory School. Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 60 January 1878. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1878. Stanhope, (Hon.) Charles Hay Scudamore, sixth son of Sir Henry Edwyn Chandos Scudamore Stanhope, Bart., (afterwards ninth Earl of Chesterfield), Holme Lacy, Hereford, aged 13, Aug. 24. Left 1882.¹ School. XV., 1881. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. On the London Stock Exchange. As above. Thorold, John Leofric de Buckenhold, third son of the Rev. William Thorold, Warkleigh, South Molton, Devon, aged 13, July 13. Left 1883.2 School. Scholar, 1879. XV.. 1882. New College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1887. M.A., 1890. Ordained, 1888. Assistant Curate of St. Mary, Lambeth, S.E. Mitchell, Thomas Wilfred Howe, son of Joseph Mitchell, Esq., Worsboro' Dale, Barnsley, aged 14, April 13. Left 1881.3 School. Crick, 1880. XV., 1881. A Civil and Mining Engineer. Westville, West Melton, Rotherham. Samuelson, Herbert Walter, fourth son of Bernhard Samuelson, Esq., of Bodicote Grange, Banbury, (afterwards created a Baronet), aged 13, Jan. 23. Left 1881.2 School. 56, Princes Gate, London, S.W. Hart, Ernest Joseph, fourth son of Edward Hart, Esq., 156, Highbury New Park, London, N., aged 14, Dec. 31. Left 1880.¹ School. Admitted a Chartered Accountant, November, 1885. 5, Copthall Buildings, London, E.C. Maxwell, Wellwood, son of Wellwood Maxwell, Esq., 14, Abercromby Square, Liverpool, and Glenlee Park, New Galloway, N.B., aged 14, June 10. Left 1881.³ Arnold. XI., 1881. Racquets, 1881. As above. Chance, Arent Schuyler de Puyster, son of Arent de Puyster Chance, Esq., Shirley, Birmingham, aged 14, Nov. 3. Left 1881.3 Arnold. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. The Manor House, Northfield, near Birmingham. Aitken, George Herbert, eldest son of Robert Aitken, Esq., Crowcroft, Levenshulm, Manchester, aged 14, May 17. Left 1882.2 Arnold. Crick, 1881. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Student of the Inner Temple, 1884. Ordained, 1886. Assistant Curate of St. Jude's, Whitechapel, since 1886. 56, College Buildings, Wentworth Street, London, E. Fernley, Thomas, son of Mrs. Fernley, 14, Clarendon Road, Chorlton-on- Medlock, Manchester, aged 13, April 19. Left 1879.2 Arnold. January 1878. 61 Fowle, Thomas Ernlè, son of the late Thomas Everett Fowle, Esq., care of Mrs. Fowle, Chute Lodge, Andover, aged 15, March 26. Left 1881.¹ Bowden Smith VIII., 1880. Gazetted to the Bedfordshire Regiment, December 5, 1883. Captain, 1st Battalion, December 11, 1889. Rawul Pindi, Bengal, 1891. Watson, Herbert Harrison, eldest son of John Harrison Watson, Esq., 28, Queensborough Terrace, London, W., aged 15, Oct. 14. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. In business in London. As above. Pack-Beresford, Denis Robert, eldest son of Denis W. Pack-Beresford, Esq., Fenagh House, Bagnalstown, Ireland, aged 13, March 23. Left 1880.3 Bowden Smith. Christ Church, Oxford, 1883. Student of the Inner Temple, 1881. J.P. and D.L. for Co. Carlow. Kildare Street Club, Dublin. As above. Castle, Sidney, son of Sidney Nash Castle, Esq., Kingston-on-Thames, aged 14, Jan. 21. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. In business as a Timber Merchant. Glenluce Road, Blackheath, Kent. Spencer, Charles George, son of C. Spencer, Esq., Gravesend, aged 13, May 6. Left 1880.3 Bowden Smith. Jones, Walter Buckley, son of Richard Edward Jones, Esq., Cefn-Bryn- Talch, Abermule, Montgomeryshire, aged 13, Aug. 16. Left 1880.3 Hutchinson. Student of the Inner Temple, passed Final Examination, 1891. As above. Tall, Harry, son of William Tall, Esq., Hessle, Hull, aged 14, Nov. 7. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson. Sheep Farming in Queensland. Jireena, near Hughenden, North Queensland. Priestman, Lewis, son of Jonathan Priestman, Esq., Shotley Bridge, County Durham, aged 14, Dec. 22. Left 1882.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1882. In business. As above. Booth, Charles Joseph White, son of the late Thomas Booth, Esq., Leam Hall, Sheffield, aged 15, Dec. 14. Left 1880.2 Wilson. Admitted a Solicitor, June, 1887. Sheffield. 62 January 1878. Combe, George, son of the late James Combe, Esq., care of Mrs. Combe, Ormiston, Belfast, aged 13, Oct. 11. Left 1880.3 Wilson. R.I.E. College, Cooper's Hill, 1885. Studied also at Darmstadt under Professor Killer. An Electrical Engineer. Elmwood Avenue, Belfast. Unwin, Robert, son of Henry Unwin, Esq., Broom Cross, Sheffield, aged 14, Dec. 17. Left 1879.2 Wilson Trinity Hall, Cambridge. As above. Burgess, Ernest Richard Fraser, son of R. Burgess, Esq., Mount Eagle, Grange Hill, Jamaica, aged 14, Sept. 29. Left 1880.3 Elsee. Dugdale, James Henry, son of John Dugdale, Esq., 9, Hyde Park Gardens, London, W., and of Llwyn, Llanfyllin, Oswestry, aged 14, Jan. 3. Left 1882.3 Elsee. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1882-1881. Gold Medal. Junior Carlton Club. Rowney Abbey, Ware. Hall, Walter Graham, son of Walter Hall, Esq., 12, Holland Park Road, Kensington, aged 14, Jan. 25. Left 1879.3 Elsee. A Merchant in London. Isthmian Club. 4, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. McKerrow, William John, son of John Begg McKerrow, Esq., Broughton Park, Manchester, aged 14, July 27. Left 1879.3 Elsee. In business at Dunedin. McKerrow, Lees & Co., Dunedin, New Zealand. Turnour, Edward Adolphus, son of Arthur Edward Turnour, Esq., Grove House, Denbigh, aged 13, May 13. Left 1881.2 Elsee. Articled to a Solicitor. Constitutional Club. As above. Wing, William, son of Henry Wing, Esq., 12, Park Terrace, Nottingham, aged 14, June 5. Left 1879.3 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1885. As above. Chanler, John Armstrong, son of J. W. Chanler, Esq., 192, Madison Avenue, New York, aged 15, Oct. 10. Left 1879.1 Elsee. Has returned to New York. Firth, Henry Branson, son of Charles Henry Firth, Esq., Riversdale, Sheffield, aged 14, July 22. Left 1880.1 Elsee, A Merchant in Sheffield. Thrift House, Sheffield. 1 63 May 1878. Smith, Francis Buchanan, son of C. Smith, Esq., 18, Ullet Road, Liverpool, aged 13, July 12. Left 1881.2 Elsee. Qualified as a Marine Engineer, but no longer in business. 52, Kensington Mansions, Earls Court, London, S.W. Garrett, Hugh Littlewood, son of Edmund Garrett, Esq., Shrewsbury House, East Ham, London, E., aged 14, June 22. Left 1881.3 Lee Warner. VIII., 1880. In business as a Brewer. Bow Brewery, London, E. Corinthian Yacht Club. 28, Windsor Road, Forest Gate, Essex. Johnson, James, son of Samuel White Johnson, Esq., Lenton Hill, Lee Warner. Nottingham, aged 14, March 5. Left 1880.3 In the Locomotive Department, Midland Railway, since 1887. Chief Inspector, 1889. Locomotive Superintendent of the Great North of Scotland Railway since 1890. G. N. Railway, Aberdeen. Michelmore, Henry William, son of Henry Michelmore, Esq., Newton Abbot, South Devon, aged 13, Oct. 5. Left 1882.¹ Lee Warner. Admitted a Solicitor, 1887. Deputy Clerk of the Peace for Devon. 16, Cathedral Yard, Exeter. Macrae, Allan, son of Mrs. Macrae, 12, Richmond Street, New Brighton, Cheshire, aged 13, July 23. Left 1879.3 Green. King, Arthur Herbert, son of Richard King, Esq., R.N., Rugby, aged 10, Sept. 30. Left 1882.2 Town. King, William Charles Dumas, son of the above Richard King, Esq., aged 8, July 23. Left 1881.3 Town. Morgan, Richard Alfred, son of Mr. James Morgan, Oliver Street, Rugby, aged 13, Feb. 20. Left 1879.2 Town. Surveyor and Draughtsman. Drysdale Street, Malvern, Melbourne. Bosanquet, Eugene Percival, son of Percival Bosanquet, Esq., (0.R., 1845), Buckskin Hall, East Barnet, aged 15, Oct. 13. Left 1878.³ Hutchinson. Died from the bite of a rattlesnake at Daytone, Florida, February 2, 1891. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1878. Cartwright, William John Gratrex, son of William George Cartwright, Esq., 7, Victoria Place, Newport, aged 14, March 23. Left 1882.º School. Died in 1887. Pearce, Charles Marshall, son of R. W. Pearce, Esq., East India Railway, Calcutta, aged 15, Aug. 11. Left 1880.3 School. 1 64 May 1878. Lister, (Hon.) Reginald, third son of the late Lord Ribblesdale, care of Lady Ribblesdale, Gisburne, Skipton, aged 12, May 19. Left 1881.3 School. Scholar, 1878. In the Foreign Office. Attaché, July 24, 1886. Appointed to Berlin, 1887. Promoted to be a Third Secretary, 1888. Transferred to Paris, 1889. Foreign Office List. Jackson, Edward Alexander, son of the late Sir Charles Jackson, and ward of Miss Armitage, Farnley Lodge, Cheltenham, aged 13, Aug. 5. Left 1879.¹ School. Torry, Henry John Claude, son of John Berry Torry, Esq., Shrubb Hill, Sunningdale, Berks, aged 14, Nov. 13. Left 1882.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Ordained, 1888. Assistant Curate of Matlock, 1888. Matlock, Derbyshire. Hassall, Charles Mynors Piercy, son of the Rev. Thomas Hassall, Rearsby, Leicester, aged 14, Feb. 26. Left 1883.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1884. Gazetted to the 17th, Leicestershire Regiment, May 9, 1885. Army List. Holt, William Durning, eldest son of William Durning Holt, Esq., Sandfield Park, Liverpool, aged 13, June 18. Left 1880.2 School. Farming in Somerset. Manor Farm, Castle Cary, Bath. Farquharson, William George Robertson, son of James Miller Farqu- harson, Esq., Jamaica, and 49, Jeffrey Square, London, E.C., aged 13, Aug. 9. Left 1879.¹ School. M.R.C.S., 1891. House Surgeon at St. Mary's Hospital. 12, St. Mary's Square, Paddington, London, W. Castle, Arthur, son of Arthur Castle, Esq., Burgess Hill, Sussex, aged Arnold. 13, Jan. 27. Left 1882.¹ On the London Stock Exchange. Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. Drummond, Huntley Redpath, son of George A. Drummond, Esq., 11, Avenue de Martigny, Champs Elyseés, Paris, aged 14, March 3. Left 1882.2 Arnold. XV., 1880, 1881. In business at Montreal, 864, Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, Canada. Henderson, George, son of John Henderson, Esq., Cornhill, Northumber- land, aged 13, Oct. 22. Left 1880.2 Arnold. Farming in Northumberland. As above. May 1878. 65 Moody, John Frederick Badger, eldest son of John Moody, Esq., 4. Vernon Street, Derby, aged 13, July 28. Left 1881.2 Arnold. Exeter College, Oxford, 1883. Diploma, Royal Veterinary College, 1889. Fellow of the Royal Veterinary Association. Whitaker, James, son of John Whitaker, Esq., Winsley Hall, Shrewsbury, aged 14, Aug. 2. Left 1880.¹ Arnold. Gazetted to the 20th Hussars, November 25, 1885. Egypt, 1886. Aldershot, 1891. Army List. Castens, Herbert Hayton, eldest son of Emilius M. I. Port Elizabeth, South Africa, nephew of 14, Western Street, Bedford, aged 13, Nov. 23. XI., 1882, 1883. XV., 1881, 1882. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1884. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1889, Reinsberg House, Port Elizabeth. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. Castens, Esq., of Mrs. Colquhoun, Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Holt, Frank, son of George Edward Holt, Esq., Fern Hill, New Brighton, Cheshire, aged 14, May 21. Left 1880.2 Bowden Smith, Fallows, John Arthur, only son of Thomas Stratton 48, Frederick Road, Edgbaston, aged 13, Dec. 22. Scholar of Queen's College, Oxford, 1883. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1884. B.A., Second Class Final Classical and Final Law Schools, 1887. M.A., 1890. A Lay Helper in St. Andrew's, Stockwell Green, London, S.W., 1891. Fallows, Esq., Left 1883.² Hutchinson. Hill, Henry Ernest, son of Arthur Hill, Esq., Heatherside, Wokingham, Hutchinson. aged 15, April 13. Left 1881.2 St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1884. M.A., 1888. Ordained, 1890. Vice- Principal of the Abbey School, Beckenham. Beckenham Abbey, Kent. Law, John Aughtry, son of Hugh Law, Esq., Q.C., M.P., (afterwards Lord Chancellor of Ireland), 9, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, aged 14, Dec. 23. Left 1880.3 Hutchinson. In business at Llanelly. Fronheilog, Llanelly. Woolwich, 1881. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, 1883. Resigned his Commission, Ardbraccan, Co. Meath, Ireland. 1887. Bond, Henry Coulson, son of Frank Walters Bond, Esq., Forest Hill, London, S.E., aged 13, July 27. Left 1882.3 Wilson. A Member of the London Stock Exchange. Isthmian Club. As above. Buckley, Cecil Arthur Stirling, second son of John Arthur Buckley, Esq., Hampton Wick, Middlesex, aged 14, May 19. Left 1880. Wilson. I 66 May 1878. Rumney, Abraham Wren, son of Oswald George Rumney, Esq., M.D., Keswick, aged 14, Aug. 1. Left 1881.¹ Wilson. Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. Admitted a Scholar, 1879. Trinity Hall, Solicitor, June, 1889. Riverholme, Keswick. ❤ Stoehr, Emil Moritz, son of the late Emile Moritz Stoehr, Esq., care of Mrs. Stoehr, Alderley Edge, aged 14, Jan. 27. Left 1880.2 Wilson. Owen's College, Manchester, 1881-1884. Balliol College, Oxford, 1887—1889. In business in London. Care of Heilgers & Co., 22, Great St. Helens, London, E.C. Coote, Howard, son of Thomas Coote, Esq., Oaklands, St. Ives, Hunts, Elsee. aged 14, Feb. 11. Left 1882.2 A Member of the Huntingdon County Council. As above. Elsee, Arthur, son of the Rev. Charles Elsee, Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 12, March 19. Left 1884.¹ Elsee. Scholar, 1880. St. John's College, Cambridge, 1884. An Engineer. 38, Tavistock Road, Westbourne Park, London, W. Hadden, Henry Alexander, sixth son of Frederick James Hadden, Esq., Wykeham Abbey, York, aged 14, Feb. 1. Left 1882.¹ Elsee. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. Melly, Augustus George, fifth son of Charles Pierre Melly, Esq., (0.R., 1844), Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 13, Nov. 8. Left 1882.3 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1887. Riversley, Aigburth, Liverpool. Mott, Charles Cheape, son of Charles John Mott, Esq., (o.R., 1840), Clifton, Rugby, aged 13, April 6. Left 1884.2 Elsee. XI., 1884. Selwyn College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. M.A., 1891. Assistant Master at Cheltenham College, 1887, 1888; at Lambrook, Bracknell, 1889. Clifton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby. Wrigley, Harry Cecil, second son of the late David Wrigley, Esq., care of Mrs. Wrigley, Aigburth Hall, Liverpool, aged 14, April 30. Left 1881.3 Elsee. Plas Newydd, Ruthin, North Wales. Ripley, George Eustace, son of the Rev. William Nottidge Ripley, Earlham Hall, Norwich, aged 14, Jan. 10. Left 1881.³ Lee Warner. XI., 1881. Gazetted to the 48th, Northamptonshire Regiment, 1884. Naval and Military Club. As above. May 1878. 67 Ronald, Arthur Edwin, son of R. B. Ronald, Esq., Sutton Place, Dartford, aged 15, March 24. Left 1881.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1880. VIII., 1880, 1881. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. and M.B., 1884. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. Practising in Melbourne. Melbourne, Victoria. ཇཱ' Jones, Willoughby, third son of Sir Willoughby Jones, Bart., Cranmer Hall, Fakenham, aged 13, May 18. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Norfolk Regiment, February 7, 1885. Died in Burma, 1888. Bence-Jones, Reginald, second son of William Bence-Jones, Esq., 34, Elvaston Place, Queen's Gate, London, S.W., aged 12, Nov. 1. Left 1881.1 Lee Warner. St. John's College, Oxford, 1884. Of Lisselan, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 2, Hare Court, Temple, London, E.C. Harrison, Marmaduke Cecil Crofton, eldest son of the late Laurence John Harrison, Esq., care of Mrs. Harrison, Leyden House, Mortlake, aged 13, July 14. Left 1882.¹ Lee Warner. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. MacMahon, William Hastings, son of Colonel Alexander Ruxton MacMahon, Simla, India, aged 14, Feb. 13. Left 1879.2 Lee Warner. Atter, Francis Ward, son of the late James Atter, Esq., and brother of E. A. Atter, Esq., Stamford, aged 12, July 10. Tieft 1881.3 Green. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1889. As above. Goldy, Arnold, son of Major A. Goldy, The Maples, Lewisham, Kent, Green. aged 15, March 9. Left 1881.³ Orange Growing in XV., 1881. R.A.C., Cirencester, First Scholar, 1882. Florida, 1891. Harwood, Volusia Co., Florida, U.S.4. Solly, Ernest, son of Arthur Isaac Solly, Esq., Heathfield, Congleton, Green. aged 15, April 12. Left 1881.3 St. Thomas's Hospital, College Prize, 1881. Solly Medal and Prize, 1886. M.B. London, 1887. F.R.C.S., 1888. Surgical Registrar, St. Thomas's, 1888-1890. Resident Medical Officer, Royal Free Hospital, 1891. Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. Haddock, James Rudolph, son of Mrs. Haddock, Rugby, aged 13, April 20. Left 1878.2 Town. Left from ill health same Term. On H.M.S. "Conway," but disqualified from same cause. Has been residing in America. Line, James Barnard, son of William Robert Line, Esq., Bilton Hill, Rugby, aged 14, May 25. Left 1880.2 Town. Farming in Manitoba. Cook's Creek, Manitoba, Canada. 68 September 1878. Mackenzie, Kenneth Walter Ingleby, son of John Ingleby Mackenzie, Esq., M.D., Rugby, aged 14, March 2. Left 1881.2 Town. L.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S., 1886. Practising as a Physician and Surgeon at Ryde. Widcombe Lodge, John Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1878. Townend, Harry, third son of Joseph Wrigley Townend, Esq., Culling- worth, Bingley, aged 14, Aug. 17. Left 1883.2 School. Scholar, 1879. Head of the School. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1885. School, 1887. A Private Tutor, 1891. Lindley Lodge, Nuneaton. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, 1882. B.A., Third Class Final Classical Burn, John Henry, eldest son of John Henry Burn, Esq., Tynemouth, School, aged 14, March 24. Left 1883.2 VIII. 1881, 1882. Minor Exhibitioner, 1883. University College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1884. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1887. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1890. Cullercoats, Northumberland. Martley, Francis Charles, son of Francis Blackburne Martley, Esq., 3, Herbert Street, Dublin, aged 13, Jan. 20. Left 1884.2 School. Minor Exhibition, 1884. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. M.A. and M.B., 1891. 20, Manor Place, Paddington, London, W. King, Thomas Edward, eldest son of Robert King, Esq., Fern House, Upper Clapton, London, E., aged 15, May 27. Left 1881.¹ School. VIII., 1880. Farming in Virginia, 1891. Covington, Virginia, U.S.A. Wootten-Wootten, Herbert Edward, fourth son of William Wootten- Wootten, Esq., Headington House, Oxford, aged 14, April 3. Left 1882.3 School. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1883. A partner in the Camden Brewery Company, London. Reform Club. 4, Phillimore Gardens, London, W. Greville, (Hon.) Ronald Henry Fulke, eldest son of Captain The Hon. Algernon William Fulke Greville (afterwards 2nd Lord Greville), 52, Great Cumberland Place, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 14. Left 1880.2 School. Gazetted to 1st Life Guards, 1886. Clubs, Bachelors', White's, &c. Lawrance, Thomas Dalton, eldest son of John Compton Lawrance, Esq., Q.C., Dunsby Hall, Bourne, Lincolnshire, and 3, Onslow Square, London, W., (afterwards M.P. for South Lincoln, 1880, and for Stamford, 1886), aged 13, Jan. 26. Left 1883.2 School. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. M.A., 1890, 7, Onslow Square, London, S.W. 1 September 1878. 69 · Guscotte, Leonard John, son of John Guscotte. Esq., 47, Onslow Square, London, S.W., aged 13, Feb. 24. Left 1881.2 School. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1887. As above. Ecroyd, Edward, son of William Farrer Ecroyd, Esq., Spring Cottage, Burnley, aged 13, Oct. 9. Left 1879.¹ School. Residing in America. Mapleton, Minnesota, U.S.A. Hannen, Edward Charles, son of Benjamin Hannen, Esq., 4, Pembridge Place, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 14. Left 1879.2 School. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. A Partner in Holland and Hannen, Duke Street, Bloomsbury. As above. Hughes, Alan Edward, son of Thomas Hughes, Esq., J.P., Wychden, Stafford, aged 12, Oct. 17. Left 1882.1 Bowden Smith. In business. Wychden Lodge, near Stafford. Young, William Young, stepson of Rev. John Abbott, Halifax, Nova Scotia, aged 12, Jan. 9. Left 1883.¹ Bowden Smith. Studied for the Colonial Bar, and went to Canada. Arbuthnot, Keith Fraser, son of William Reierson Arbuthnot, Esq., Plaw- hatch, East Grinstead, aged 14, May 27. Left 1879.2 Bowden Smith. Care of Sanderson & Co., Mincing Lane, London. A Produce Broker. Edwards, Roderick Mackenzie, son of Roderick Mackenzie Edwards, Esq., (O.R., 1839), Naini Tal, North West India, aged 14, July 26. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the West Surrey Regiment, February 7, 1885. Bengal Staff Corps. Army List. Howell, Edward Rawson, son of the Rev. Alfred Aylesbury, aged 13, Oct. 30. Left 1881.3 In Western Australia, 1891. 9, Church Street, Aylesbury, Bucks. Hertford College, Oxford, 1885. Kendall, John Frederick William, only son of Colonel John Kendall, Gordon House, Scarborough, aged 13, July 15. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. St. Martin's Square, Scarborough. William Howell, Bowden Smith. Marchant, Francis, son of Stephen Walter Marchant, Esq., Matfield, Brenchley, Staplehurst, aged 14, May 22. Left 1878.3 Bowden Smith. King's Scholar at Eton. Cricket and Football Elevens, 1882. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. In business as a Paper Maker in Upper Thames Street. 13, Bruton Street, Berkeley Square, London, W. 70 September 1878. Stewart, Hugh Fraser, son of Surgeon-General Ludovick Charles Stewart, Poonah, India, aged 14, Oct. 27. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Natural Science Tripos, 1886. Hulsean Prize, 1888. Author of "Boethius, an Essay." An Assistant Master at Marlborough College since 1889. Savile Club. The College, Marlborough. Tait, Adam Duncan, son of the Rev. Walter Tait, St. Madocs, Glencarse, Perth, N.B., aged 14, Dec. 20. Left 1882.¹ Bowden Smith. Edinburgh University. Admitted a Writer to the Signet, 1889. University Club, Edinburgh. As above. Towsey, Francis William, son of the late Captain F. Towsey, R.N., care of Mrs. F. Towsey, 2, Belgrave Terrace, Clifton, Bristol, aged 13, Oct. 6. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to 2nd Battalion The 14th, West Yorkshire Regiment, November 25, 1885. India, 1891. Army List. Bonham-Carter, Gerard, son of Henry Bonham-Carter, Esq., 91, Gloucester Terrace, London, W., aged 13, Aug. 1. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. In business as a Brewer. High Street, Portsmouth. Cumberbatch, Laurence Charles, son of Laurence Henry Cumberbatch, Esq., Queen's House, Lyndhurst, aged 13, Oct. 1. Left 1881.2 Bowden Smith. In Mercantile Office in London, 1881. At Bangkok, Siam, 1885. In the Borneo Company, London, 1891. 28, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. Kitson, James Clifford, second son of James Kitson, Esq., Spring Bank, Headingley, Leeds, (afterwards created a Baronet), aged 13, Dec. 6. Left 1882.2 Wilson. In Australia, 1891. Care of Sir J. Kitson, Gledhow Hall, Leeds. Allen, John Edward Taylor, third son of Peter Allen, Esq., Overbrook, Kersal, Manchester, aged 14, Sept. 11. Left 1882.³ Wilson. XV., 1881, 1882. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. Breeze Mount, Kersal, Manchester. Cobb, John Henry, son of Henry Peyton Cobb, Esq., Walton-on-Thames, (afterwards M.P. for Rugby Division of Warwickshire), aged 14, July 7. Left 1880.3 Wilson. Studied at Dresden, 1880-1882. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1888. 53, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Wealdstone House, R.S.O., Middlesex. Jacomb-Hood, Robert Gordon, son of John Kemp Jacomb-Hood, Esq.. Tunbridge Wells, aged 13, June 3. Left 1884.2 Wilson. VIII., 1884. Exhibitioner of Clare College, Cambridge, 1884. Scholar, 1885. B.A., First Class Classical Tripos, 1887. M.A. of Melbourne University, 1891. Broadwater House, Tunbridge Wells. September 1878. 71 Schiller, Canning Ferdinand Scott, eldest son of John Christian Ferdinand Schiller, of Othmarchen, in Holstein, sometime of 16, Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, aged 14, Aug. 16. Left 1882.2 Wilson. Scholar, 1879. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1882. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1883. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1886. Taylorian Scholar, 1887. Oxford Union Society. Stoehr, Oscar Heinrich, son of the late Emile Moritz Stoehr, Esq., care of Mrs. Stoehr, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, aged 13, Aug. 6. Left 1882.3 Wilson. Scholar, 1879. Woolwich, 1883. Gazetted to the Royal Engineers. December 9, 1884. Índia, 1887. Died from the effects of a gun accident at Kalandanda in June, 1889. Kitson, Albert Ernest, eldest son of James Kitson, Esq., Spring Bank, Headingley, Leeds, (afterwards created a Baronet), aged 14, Oct 7. Left 1882.2 Wilson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. Reform Club. Bedford House, Roundhay, Leeds. Withers, George Harold, son of Samuel Withers, Esq., 15, Abercromby Square, Liverpool, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. Las Palmas, Grand Canary. Greg, Edward Hyde, son of Edward Hyde Greg, Esq., Quarry Bank, Handforth, Manchester, aged 14, Jan. 30. Left 1882.2 Elsee. A Mechanical Engineer. As above. Cox, Alfred Richardson, son of Mrs. Cox, Croxhall Hall, Lichfield, aged Elsee. 13, March 14. Left 1880.¹ Oldbury Hall, Atherstone. Richardson, Robert Lyman, son of Thomas William Richardson, Esq., 26, Sussex Square, Brighton, aged 14, Nov. 14. Left 1882.2 Elsee. XI., 1882. A Merchant in London and China, (Swatow). 27, Roland Gardens, London, S.W. Muriel, Frank Charles, son of the late William Muriel, Esq., Wickham Market, Suffolk, stepson of R. H. Joynson, Esq., Richmond Hill, Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 14, Dec. 3. Left 1881.² Elsee. Constitutional Club. Richmond Lodge, Bowdon, Cheshire. Hayashi, Jukichi Atsyoski, ward of Moki Asso Hachisuka, 2, Pall Mall Place, London, S.W., son of Atsunosi Hayashi, Tokio, Japan, aged 14, Oct. 5, or by English Calendar, Nov. 16. Left 1879.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1878. Afterwards called INOUYE JUKICHI. A Teacher at the Daiichi Koto Chugaco, Tokio, Japan, 1891. Brooke, Alexander Trafford, son of Alexander Brooke, Esq., (0.r., 1850), Muswell Hill Road, Highgate, London, N., aged 14, May 14. Left 1881.2 Scott. Handford, Cheshire. 72 September 1878. Bill, Arthur Leslie, son of John Bill, Esq., Radford Road, Coventry, aged 14, March 7. Left 1980.³ Scott. Studied Modern Languages abroad, 1881-1884. In business, Raw Silk trade. As above. Heatley, John, son of John Heatley, Esq., Eaton, Market Drayton, Salop, aged 14, Sept. 13. Left 1881.¹ Scott. The Chestnuts, Eaton, Market Drayton. Ormiston, Walter, son of Walter Ormiston, Esq., 17, Belsize Park, London, N.W., aged 14, May 29. Left 1880.3 Scott. Passed Final Examination for Solicitor, but never practised. A Tea and Coffee Planter in Ceylon. Kalupahani Estate, Haldanemulla, Ceylon. Chamberlain, Joseph Austen, eldest son of Joseph Chamberlain, Esq., M.P., (afterwards the Right Hon. J. Chamberlain, P.C.), Birming- ham, aged 14, Oct. 16. Left 1882.2 Lee Warner. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. Devonshire Club. Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham. Kelsall, John Edward, eldest son of William Kelsall, Esq., Fareham, Hants, aged 14, Jan. 5. Left 1882.2 Lee Warner. M.A., 1889. Ordained, 1889. Assistant Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. Curate of Holy Trinity, Wavertree. Wavertree, Liverpool. on-Tyne, aged 13, Jan. 26. Left 1883.1 Richardson, Philip, son of John Wigham Richardson, Esq., Newcastle- Lee Warner. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. M.A., 1890. A Shipbuilder at New- castle. Wingrove House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ronald, Angus Cameron, son of R. B. Ronald, Esq., 29, Pembridge Square, London, W., aged 13, May 6. Loft 1882.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1881. Sheep-farming in New South Wales. Nap Nap Station, Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales. Greaves, John Hall, second son of Hilton Greaves, Esq., Decker Hall, Green. Oldham, aged 14, Dec. 26. Left 1882.¹ Hertford College, Oxford, B.A., First Class Final Law School, 1887. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1889. Hankelow, Nantwich, Cheshire. Fison, Edward Lorimer, son of Edward Fison, Esq., Burlington Road, Ipswich, aged 13, July 31. Left 1883.2 Green. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. As above. Hamilton, Fraser Grant, son of Robert Wallace Hamilton, Esq., Llan Arthen, Castleton, Cardiff, aged 13, June 20. Left 1880.¹ Green. January 1879. 73 Wayne, Francis Herman Milford, son of Captain Herman Wayne, Tick- wood Hall, Wenlock, Salop, aged 15, July 14. Left 1880.¹ Green. Magdalen College, Cambridge, B.A., 1883. In business in America since 1883. Haswell, Edward William, son of Mrs. Haswell, North Street, Rugby, aged 12, March 3. Left 1883.2 Town. Wadham College, Oxford, 1887. B.A., Non-Collegiate, 1891. St. Stephen's House, Oxford. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1879. Bateson, James, son of William Gandy Bateson, Esq., New Heys, Allerton, Liverpool, aged 14, Nov. 14. Left 1881.2 School. In Bombay, 1891. Birch, George, only son of the late George Birch. Esq., care of Mrs. Birch, Weston, Bath, aged 14, Sept. 30. Left 1881.¹ School. • Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the 18th Hussars, January, 1885. Captain, August 1, 1890. In India, 1891. Mhow, Bombay. Higginbotham, Robert Ker, son of Charles Titus Higginbotham, Esq., Craigmaddie, Milngavie, N.B., aged 14, Dec. 25. Left 1883.2 School. XV., 1882. VIII., 1882, 1883. Western Club, Glasgow. St. Clair Ford, Anson, son of Captain St. Clair Ford, J.P., Zeeluyt House, Cheltenham, aged 14, Oct. 7. Left 1880.2 School. In Florida, since 1886. Fort Meade, Polk Co., Florida, U.S.A. Stamer, Reginald Dent, fourth son of the Venerable Sir Lovelace Tomlin- son Stamer, Bart., (0.R. 1843), afterwards Bishop Suffragan of Shrewsbury, Stoke-upon-Trent, aged 13, Sept. 2. Left 1884.3 School. XI., 1883. Pembroke College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Ordained, 1888. Assistant Curate of Leek since 1888. Leek, Staffordshire. Smyth, Robert McClintock, son of the late John Acheson Smyth, Esq., (0.R., 1848), care of Mrs. Smyth, Ardmore, Londonderry, Ireland, aged 14, Feb. 19. Left 1881.2 School. In the Timber Trade in Argentina. La Banda, Santiago de Estero, Argentine Republic. Stokoe, John Herbert, son of the Rev. Thomas Henry Stokoe, D.D., Tooting Common, aged 14, Jan. 5. Left 1879.3 School. King's College School, 1882. Assistant Master at Rottingdean School, near Brighton. Junior Conservative Club. Rottingdean School, Brighton. Jay K 74 January 1879. Tooth, Adolphus, son of Arthur Tooth, Esq., 21, Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 14, Oct. 18. Left 1882.2 School. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1888. 36, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. Vaughan, William Wyamer, only son of Henry Halford Vaughan, Esq., (o.R., 1822), Upton Castle, Pembroke, aged 13, Feb. 25. Left 1884.2 School. XV., 1882, 1883. New College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1885. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1888. Assistant Master at Clifton College. Clifton College, Bristol. Wardlaw, George Lake, second son of the late Major James Wardlaw, care of Mrs. Wardlaw, Belmaduthy, N.B., aged 14, April 19. Left 1881.2 School. Farming in New Zealand. Athenree, Thames, New Zealand. Colls, Arthur Stanley, son of Thomas Colls, Esq., Hagley Road, Birming- ham, afterwards of Beacon Wood, Bromsgrove, aged 13, Feb. 27. Left 1880.3 Bowden Smith. District Engineer under the Government in Ceylon, since August, 1886. Trincomalee, Ceylon. Colt, Francis Dymock, son of Frederick Hoare Colt, Esq., 6, Adamson Road, South Hampstead, aged 15, Jan. 2. Left 1883.² Bowden Smith. Racquets, 1883. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. Clifton, Bristol. Hodson, Laurence William, son of W. Hodson, Esq., Wolverhampton, aged 15, July 28. Left 1880.2 Bowden Smith, In business as a Brewer. Butler & Sons, Wolverhampton. Lowenthal, Frank, son of Joseph Lowenthal, Esq., The Grange, Hudders- field, aged 14, Dec. 2. Left 1883.¹ Bowden Smith. As above. Pattinson, Harry, son of Hugh Lee Pattinson, Esq., Scots House, West Bolden, Newcastle-on-Tyne, afterwards of 136, Fellows Road, Hampstead, aged 14, Nov. 29. Left 1882.1 Bowden Smith. XV., 1881. Died at Valparaiso, July 5, 1888. Wise, Arthur Boyer, son of John Wise, Esq., Redlands, Reading, aged 14, June 2. Left 1883.¹ Bowden Smith. VIII., 1881, 1882. In business. Returns from Manile, Philippine Islands, in 1892. Oak Bank, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. January 1879. 75 Bate, William Cornwallis, son of W. A, Bate, Esq., Beechwood, Knutsford, aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1881.¹ Hutchinson. In Manitoba, 1891. Butterfield Post Office, Manitoba, Canada, N.W. Brierley, Shirley Howard, son of Leonard Brierley, Esq., Edgbaston, Birmingham, aged 14, May 10. Left 1880.¹ Hutchinson. A Manufacturer. 25, Frederick Road, Edgbaston. Burton, Arthur Robinson, son of David Burton, Esq., Cherry Burton, Beverley, aged 14, Sept. 17. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson. Evans, Martin Llewellyn, eldest son of the late John Llewellyn Evans, Esq., care of Mrs. Evans, 2, Nanton Park Villas, Cheltenham, aged 14, June 21. Left 1883.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. M.A., 1890. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1890. Cheltenham. Hudson, John Harold, son of John Anthony Hudson, Esq., Longcroft, Beverley, aged 14, July 1. Left 1881.¹ Hutchinson. Grosvenor Club, New Bond Street. As above. Leitch, Hugh Quintin, son of James Leitch, Esq., Claughton, Birkenhead, aged 13, Feb. 18. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. 20, Devonshire Place, Claughton, Birkenhead. Marigold, Percy Frederick, son of James Marigold, Esq., Edgbaston, Birmingham, aged 13, July 1. Left 1882.1 Hutchinson. Farming in Warwickshire. Fillongley, near Coventry. Rowley, Oldham Whitaker, son of Alexander Butler Rowley, Esq., Whalley Range, Manchester, aged 14, July 29. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. In business as a Cotton Spinner. Hurst, Ashton-under-Lyne. Thomson, Charles, son of William Thomson, Esq., Moss Side, Manchester, aged 14, Dec. 2. Left 1881.3 Hutchinson. In business in Manchester. As above. Fowler, Archibald Robert, son of Robert Fowler, Esq., Petersham, aged 14, Oct. 7. Left 1881.8 Wilson. XV., 1881. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1888. 2, Victoria Mansions, Westminster. 76 January 1879. Burton, Edward, eldest son of Edward Burton, Esq., Tyldesley, Man- chester, aged 14, Aug. 23. Left 1882.3 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. Associated Member of Institute of Civil Engineers, 1891. Dock Yard, Liverpool. Callender, Eustace Maude, son of the late Samuel Pope Callender, Esq., care of Mrs. Callender, Rugby, aged 14, Oct. 31. Left 1881.2 Scott. VIII., 1881. Medical Student, St. Mary's Hospital, 1882. M.R.C.S., 1886. Held offices at St. Mary's, 1886-1890. L.R.C.P., 1890. 45, Connaught Square, London, W. Kelvey, Charles James, eldest son of Charles Kelvey, Esq., 29, Norfolk Road, St. John's Wood, London, aged 14, Sept. 1. Left 1882.¹ Scott. In ill health and residing abroad, since 1884. Home as above. Sykes, Harold Platt, eldest son of Thomas Hardcastle Sykes, Esq., Cheadle, Cheshire, aged 13, Feb. 19. Left 1882.3 Scott. St. John's College, Oxford, 1884. Gazetted to the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), November 16, 1887. National Conservative Club. In India, 1891. Cringle, Cheadle, Cheshire. Arton, William Denby, only son of Thomas Arton, Esq., Micklefield, Rawdon, Leeds, aged 14, June 17. Left 1883.¹ Elsee. Hertford College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. M.A., 1891. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, January, 1889. Isthmian Club. Tanfield Lodge, Bedale, Yorkshire. Brown, Henry Rowland, only son of Henry Rowland Brown, Esq., Oxley Grove, Stanmore, aged 13, May 19. Left 1883.3 Elsee. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. M.A., 1891. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1889. South-Eastern Circuit. National Liberal Club. Pinner, Middlesex. Martin, Ernest Edward, son of Edwin Martin, Esq., North Crawley, Sussex, aged 13, Aug. 23. Left 1879.2 Elsee. Gartwhingean Cottage, Dollar, N.B. MacMaster, Alexander Antony, son of Alexander MacMaster, Esq., Park House, Stranraer, N.B., aged 15, Sept. 26. Left 1880.2 Elsee. Has settled in New Zealand. Waikaura, New Zealand. Heginbottom, William, son of Thomas Heginbottom, Esq., Ashton-under- Lyne, aged 14, Nov. 18. Left 1883.¹ Elsee. In business as a Cotton Spinner. Stamford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. January 1879. 77 Miller, William, eldest son of William Miller, Esq., Woodhall, Pinner, Elsee. aged 14, Dec. 8. Left 1883.2 First Minor Exhibitioner, 1883. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, 1882. Class Classical Moderations, 1884. B.A., First Class Final Classical School, 1887. Simpson, Frank Robert, son of John Bell Simpson, Esq., Hedgefield Elsee. House, Blaydon-on-Tyne, aged 14, April 12. Left 1882.3 XI., 1882. XV., 1882. Durham University, 1884. A Mining Engineer, holding First Class Certificate under the Act. Cannock Chase Colliery, near Walsall. Edwards, Charles Frederick, son of the late Thomas Gandage Edwards, Esq., care of Mrs. Edwards, 13, Croxteth Road, Liverpool, aged 14, Lee Warner. May 12. Left 1881.3 A Merchant in Liverpool. 7, Fulwood Park, Liverpool. Higgin, Charles Ernest, fourth son of Thomas Higgin, Esq., Ethersall, Roby, Liverpool, aged 15, Dec. 20. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. In business in Liverpool. Ethersall, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. Moody, Henry Clervaulx, son of General Moody, Caynham House, Ludlow, Lee Warner. aged 14, Feb. 8. Left 1880.3 Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Queen's (Royal West Surrey Regiment), August 25th, 1883. Served in the Burmese Expedition, 1885, 1887, (Medal with Clasp). Umballa, Bengal, 1891. Wilson, Cecil, son of the Rev. Daniel Frederick Wilson, Vicar of Mitcham, aged 14, Oct. 30. Left 1882.3 Lee Warner. XV., 1882. A Civil Engineer. The Vicarage, Mitcham. Downing, Geoffrey, son of Samuel Downing, Esq., Monkstown, Co. Dublin, aged 13, May 9. Left 1879.3 Lee Warner. Trinity College, Dublin, 1883. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, May 6, 1885. Army List. Phillips, Thomas, son of Charles Phillips, Esq., Willenhall, and nephew of Mrs. Spittle, West Bromwich, aged 14, Dec. 24. Left 1880.3 Green. In business at Wolverhampton. As above. Foster, Alfred James, son of J. Foster, Esq., Hindley Hall, Stocksfield-on- Tyne, aged 14, Feb. 1. Left, same Term. Green. J.P. for County of Durham. As above. 78 May 1879. Haswell, Joseph Stenson, son of Mrs. Haswell, North Street, Rugby, aged 11, Nov. 6. Left 1880.3 Town. An Electrical Engineer. Stanley Chambers, Gallowtree Gate, Leicester. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1879. Bates, William, son of W. Bates, Esq., Dale Hall, Burslem, aged 14, Jan. 23. Left 1881.2 School. Died in Switzerland in 1882. Davey, Horace Scott, eldest son of Horace Davey, Esq., Q.C., afterwards Sir Horace Davey, M.P., (0.R. 1848), 10, Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington, aged 14, April 25. Left 1883.2 School. Gazetted to the 18th Hussars, VIII., 1883. Oriel College, Oxford, 1883. September 14, 1887. Mhow, Bombay, 1891. Roscoe, Henry Lincoln, son of Henry Roscoe, Esq., Roehampton Park, London, S.W., aged 14, April 16. Left 1884.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. As above. De Candolle, Raymond, son of Mons. Casimir de Candolle, 11, Rue Massot, Geneva, aged 14, Aug. 24. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. A Civil Engineer. In Mexico, 1891. 663, Ciudad of Mexico. Perryn, Richard George Henry, eldest son of Richard Henry Perryn, Esq., (0.R., 1845), Twickenham, aged 14, Dec. 25. Left 1879.3 Bowden Smith. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. Practising as a Barrister in Canada. Toronto Junction, Canada. Haddock, Lorents Braun, son of James Haddock, Esq., Windle Cottage, St. Helens, Lancashire, aged 14, March 26. Left 1883.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1883. VIII., 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Ellerslie, Aigburth Road, Liverpool. Haworth, Arthur Adlington, son of Abraham Haworth, Esq., Hilston House, Altrincham, aged 13, Aug. 22. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. In business in Manchester. A partner in James Dilworth and Son since 1890. Manchester Reform Club. As above. Lees, John Percy, son of John Lees, Esq., Primrose House, Oldham, aged 13, Aug. 6. Left 1884.¹ Hutchinson. May 1879. 79 Martin, Henry, son of William Martin, Esq., Stirchley, Birmingham, aged 14, July 22. Left 1881.3 Hutchinson. In business in Birmingham. Bournbrook Hall, near Birmingham. Samson, Walter, second son of Henry Samson, Esq., Green Walk, Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 14, July 9. Left 1883.2 Hutchinson. Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. In business. Brunswick House, Bowdon, Cheshire. Secker, William Henry, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Jackson Secker, Sunderland, aged 13, Nov. 3. Left 1880.2 Hutchinson. Scholar of St. John's College, Oxford, 1884. First Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1888. A Master at Aysgarth School since 1890. 6, West Elms, Sunderland. Jessel, Herbert Merton, second son of the Right Hon. Sir George Jessel, Master of the Rolls, 10, Hyde Park Gardens, London, W., aged 12, Oct. 27. Left 1883.3 School. Scholar, 1881. New College, Oxford, 1884. Gazetted to the 17th Lancers, November, 1886. 7, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W. Payne, Frederick Gillies, son of Sir Salusbury Gillies Payne, Bart., (0.R., 1845), Blunham House, Sandy, Bedfordshire, aged 14, Nov. 7. Left 1882.¹ Scott. Went to America in 1886. Manager at Bridgeport, U.S.A., of branch mills of Messrs. J. and N. Phillips, Manchester. 81, Walker Street, New York. Roche, Charles Hubert, son of Charles Bennett Roche, Esq., Daventry, aged 14, Aug. 8. Left 1882.2 Scott. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1887. As above. Simpkinson, Theodore, son of the Rev. John Nassau Simpkinson, (0.R., 1831), Rector of North Creake, Fakenham, aged 13, April 12. Left 1882.2 Scott. An Agricultural Settler in North-West Territory, Canada, 1885. Coote, Charles Harold, son of Charles Coote, Esq., Christchurch, Hants, aged 14, Oct. 13. Left 1882.¹ Elsee. In business as a Coal Merchant. Weybridge. Griffith-Boscawen, Arthur Sackville Trevor, youngest son of Boscawen Trevor Griffith-Boscawen, Esq., (0.R., 1849), Trevalyn Hall, Wrexham, aged 13, Oct. 18. Left 1884.1 Elsee. Scholar, 1880. Exhibitioner of Queen's College, Oxford, 1884. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., First Class Final Classical and Second Class Modern History, 1888. Student of the Middle Temple, 1889. St. Stephen's Club, London. 80 May 1879. Hayward, Charles Wiltens Andrée, second son of Johnson Frederick Hayward, Esq., Freshford, Bath, afterwards of Limpley Stoke, Wilts, aged 12, July 21. Left 1884.3 Elsee. Scholar, 1881. XV., 1884. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1890. Capetown, South Africa. May, John, second son of George May, Esq., Sherwood Lodge, Reading, afterwards of The Warren, Caversham, aged 13, Feb. 5. Left 1882.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1880. University College, London, 1882. A Civil Engineer. 29, Westmoreland Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Peterson, Frederick Hopewell, son of Frederick William Voysey Peterson, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, aged 14, Sept. 5. Left 1881.3 Elsee. XV., 1881. Gazetted to the Yorkshire Light Infantry, November 25, 1885. Bengal Staff Corps. Army List. Thompson, Astley John Onslow, son of Astley Thompson, Esq., Glyn Abbey, Kinevelley, Caermarthenshire, aged 14, Jan. 3. 1882.3 Left Elsee. Manager of Camden Park Estate, and J.P., New South Wales. Australian Club, Sydney. Camden Park, Menangle, New South Wales. Winterbotham, Arthur Strachan, son of Arthur Brand Winterbotham, Esq., Norman Hill, Dursley, aged 14, June 28. Left 1882.2 Elsee. XI., 1882. A Manufacturer. Cam, Dursley, Gloucestershire. MacInnes, Neil, son of Miles MacInnes, Esq., M.P., (o.R., 1843), Rickerby, Carlisle, aged 14, Jan. 11. Left 1883.2 Lee Warner. VIII., 1883. J.P. for Cumberland. As above. Sandars, Harmer Llewellyn, son of Thomas Collett Sandars, Esq., (o.r., 1836), 46, Cleveland Square, London, W., aged 14, July 9. same Term. Lee Warner. Left Died in October, 1886. Watson, Archibald, eldest son of the late Archibald A. Watson, Esq., of Stroquhan, Dumfrieshire, aged 14, Nov. 13. Left 1883.2 Lee Warner. XI., 1882, 1883. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, November, 1890. Broadbent, John Francis Harpin, eldest son of William Henry Broadbent, Esq., M.D., 34, Seymour Street, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 16. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, 1884. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., 1888. New Oxford and Cambridge Club. 34, Seymour Street, Portman Square, London, W. September 1879. 81 Culshaw, George Harold, fourth son of the late William Culshaw, Esq., and brother of A. Culshaw, Esq., Park Avenue, Mossley, Liver- pool, aged 15, Jan. 18. Left 1881.¹ Green. Exeter College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. M.A., 1889. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of All Saints, Hereford, since 1890. New Athenæum Club. Moorfields, Hereford. Hechle, James Herbert, son of J. Hechle, Esq., Calcutta, aged 14, May 14. Left 1881.2 Green. A Solicitor in Calcutta. Bengal Club, Calcutta. Campbell, Evan Cameron Bracken, son of James Archibald Campbell, Esq., (0.R., 1822), Rugby, and New Inverawe, Argyleshire, aged 13, Jan. 22. Left 1885.2 Town. 4, Knaresborough Place, London, W. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1879. Benyon-Winsor, Walter John, son of William Henry Benyon-Winsor, Esq., 23, Pembridge Gardens, London, W., aged 14, Feb. 20. Left 1882.2 School. Farming in Manitoba, 1891. Blackwell, Edmund Alfred, son of Thomas Francis Blackwell, Esq., The Cedars, Harrow Weald, aged 13, March 18. Left 1882.2 School. A Merchant in Soho Square. Isthmian Club. 27, Gloucester Place, Hyde Park, London, W. Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand, son of Carl Ferdinand Henry Bolckow, Esq., Marton Hall, Middlesborough, aged 14, Aug. 22. Left 1884.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. J.P. for North Riding of Yorkshire. West Moor, Marton, near Middlesborough. Gellatly, Herbert, son of Peter Gellatly, Esq., Loughton, Essex, aged 14, School. May 16. Left 1882.³ Admitted a Solicitor, January, 1891. In business in London. Firm of Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell and Co. As above. Hopkins, Henry, son of H. Hopkins, Esq., Worthing, aged 14, Aug. 28. Left 1882.2 School. Parkin, William, son of William Parkin, Esq., Blaithwaite House, Aspatria, Carlisle, aged 14, July 12. Left 1883.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1884. Has assumed the additional surname of MOORE after PARKIN. Whitehall, Mealgate, Carlisle. L 82 September 1879. Smith, Cecil Raby, son of C. Chaloner Smith, Esq., Belmont Hill, Lee, Kent, aged 13, Dec. 31. Left 1880.2 School. Farming in Argentina. Care of S. Maclennan, Esq., 369, Calle Defense, Buenos Ayres. Bryce Smith, Norgrave James, son of Bryce Smith, Esq., Rye Bank, Charlton, Manchester, aged 14, Sept. 20. Left 1882.³ Bowden Smith. In business in Manchester. Barrow, Whalley, Manchester. Hargreaves, Arthur Shepherd, son of James Hargreaves, Esq., Heywood, Manchester, aged 16, Sept. 12. Left 1882.¹ Bowden Smith. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., 1885. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1886. Constitutional Club. Gooden House, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Harper, George, son of G. Harper, Esq., 8, Chepstow Villas, London, W., Bowden Smith. XI., 1883. XV., 1883. Jesus College, Cambridge. A Medical Student. aged 14, Aug. 30. Left 1883.3 Horne, Ernest Worthy, son of F. Horne, Esq., Beulah Spa, Upper Norwood, aged 14, July 10. Left 1882.2 Bowden Smith. King's College, London, 1882-1885. Scott, William Campbell, son of William Scott, Esq., 92, Gloucester Terrace, London, W., aged 13, Feb. 1. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith On the London Stock Exchange. Sails for India, 1891. 17, Montpellier Crescent, Brighton. Surtees, Aubone Alfred, son of Alfred Wright Surtees, Esq., 32, Queens- borough Terrace, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 2. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1882, 1883. XI., 1884. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Articled to a Solicitor. Dimsdale-on-Tees, Durham. Wintle, FitzHardinge, son of General Edmund Wintle, Brynhir, Tenby, aged 13, Nov. 30. Left 1882.¹ Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the Border Regiment, August 29, 1885. Bengal Staff Corps. Army List. Bowden Smith, William, seventh son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, (O.R., 1844), Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 12, Feb. 15. Left 1886.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1885, 1886. Racquets, 1884, 1885, 1886. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 4th, Royal Lancaster Regiment, 1887. In India, 1891. As above. : September 1879. 83 Atkinson, Charles Edmund, son of Charles R. Atkinson, Esq., Windsor, Belfast, Ireland, aged 13, Nov. 30. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. VIII., 1880, 1881, 1882. A Civil Engineer. Leisanduff, Pultallintrar, Coleraine, Co. Antrim. Foden, Edward Antrobus, son of Edward Antrobus Foden, Esq., Ted- desley, Penkridge, Stafford, aged 14, Oct. 18. Left 1881.3 Hutchinson. Learning Land Agency. As above. ( Gardner, James Cardwell, son of the Rev. James Cardwell Gardner, Rugby, afterwards Vicar of Butlers Marston, aged 15, June 29. Left 1881.3 Hutchinson. . Emmanuel College, Cambridge, B.A. and M.B., 1888. A Medical Student at St. George's since 1889. The well-known Oarsman and Sculler. 24, Disraeli Road, Putney. Hopkins, Percy Alfred, son of Alfred Nind Hopkins, Esq., Oversley, Birmingham, aged 14, May 28. Left 1883.3 Hutchinson. In business in Birmingham. Birmingham Liberal Club. Berkswell, near Coventry. Kirkpatrick, Richard Trench, son of Alexander Richard Kirkpatrick, Esq., Donacomper, Celbridge, Kildare, aged 13, Sept. 25. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. Gazetted to the Leicester Regiment, August, 1885. Embarked for India, January, 1888. Agra, Bengal, 1891. Simon, Francis Rupert Powell, sixth son of George Simon, Esq., Beckley, Kent, aged 13, Jan. 23. Left 1884.¹ Hutchinson. Scholar, 1880. Merton College, Oxford, 1884. In business as a Wine Merchant. Smethurst, Frank Ronaldson, son of Arthur C. Smethurst, Esq., Chorley, Lancashire, aged 13, Nov. 5. Left 1883.¹ Hutchinson. Went to India in the Cotton Trade. Tabor, Edward Henry, son of Henry Samuel Tabor, Esq., 44, Lansdowne Road, Notting Hill, London, W., aged 13, Feb. 3. Left 1883.¹ Hutchinson. At Locomotive Works of L. and N.-W. and other Railways, 1883-1890. In Locomotive Department of the Pennsylvania Railway, at Altoona U.S.A., 1891. Home as above. Walker, Herbert Sutherland, son of William Walker, Esq., M.D., Nainital, India, aged 14, Sept. 29. Left 1881.2 Hutchinson. XI., 1881. Gazetted to the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), August 23, 1884. Lucknow, 1891. Army List. 84 September 1879. し ​Baker, Thomas_Tiver, son of Thomas Baker, Esq., Durdham Park, Red- lands, Bristol, aged 14, March 12. Left 1883.2 Scott. Crick, 1882. Farming in Worcestershire. Tapenhall, Claines, Worcester. Bill, Arnold Francis, third son of John Bill, Esq., Coventry, aged 13, Oct. 8. Left 1884.2 Scott. Scholar, 1879. Scholar of Brasenose College, Oxford, 1884. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1886. B.A., 1888. A Medical Student since 1888. As above. Castle, Michael Bowring, son of Michael Castle, Esq., Clifton, Bristol, aged 14, April 27. Left 1883.2 Scott. VIII., 1882, 1883. Captain in the Cardigan Artillery Militia, March 16, 1889. Fairclough, Edgar Musgrave, son of James Stanley Fairclough, Esq., Aughton, Ormskirk, aged 13, Nov. 4. Left 1881.º Scott. Died at Hoylake from the effects of a gun accident, October 5, 1883. Leather, Gerard Frederick Towlerton, son of Frederick John Leather, Esq., Tickhill, Rotherham, aged 14, Aug. 16. Left 1881.3 Scott. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers, 1886. Windham Club. Middleton Hall, Northumberland. MacMullen, Leonard, third son of Alexander Peter MacMullen, Esq., Hertford Castle, Herts, aged 14, June 22. Left 1883.2 Scott. In business as a Brewer. West Kent Brewery. Hernehurst, Beckenham, Kent. Ramsden, William Hesketh, son of William Ramsden, Esq., Tyldesley, Manchester, aged 14, Jan. 22. Left 1882.³ Scott. In business as a Colliery Proprietor. Guest Fold, Tyldesley, Manchester. Todd-Newcomb, Robert Nicholas, son of the late John Todd-Newcomb, Esq., care of Mrs. Todd-Newcomb, Guards, Sandside, Carnforth, aged 14, Dec. 2. 14, Dec. 2. Left 1882.¹ Scott. As above. + Wigan, Ernest Edward, third son of James Wigan, Esq., Cromwell House, Mortlake, Surrey, aged 14, Oct. 22. Left 1883.2 Scott. 1 XI., 1882, 1883. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1886. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. In business as a Cotton Manufacturer. Church Brow, Clitheroe. Garnett, Newstead, son of James Garnett, Esq., Waddow, Clitheroe, aged 14, April 18. Left 1882.¹ Scott. September 1879. 85 Bright, Henry Yates, son of Henry Arthur Bright, Esq., (o.R., 1844), Ash- field, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, aged 14, Aug. 21. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner. In a Mercantile Office at Lima. Lima, South America. Cross, Francis John Kynaston, second son of Edward Cross, Esq., Pendle- bury, Manchester, aged 13, Nov. 14. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner. Went to Harrow School and Oriel College, Oxford. At Oxford House, Bethnal Green, 1891. Bradford House, Bolton. Greg, Henry Philip, son of Henry Russell Greg, Esq., Lode Hill, Hand- forth, aged 14, Aug. 13. Left 1884.¹ Lee Warner. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. In business as a Cotton Manufacturer. As above. Mapleton, David Hubert, son of the Rev. David Mapleton, Meanwood, Leeds, aged 14, June 22. Left 1880.2 Lee Warner. Shillingthorpe Hall, Stamford. Ransome, James, son of Allen Ransome, Esq., 1, Clapham Common, aged 14, July 6. Left 1880.¹ Lee Warner. An Architect: Offices, 11, Argyll Place, W. 44, Kensington Mansions, London, S.W. Rathbone, Robert Cuthbert, second son of Samuel Greg Rathbone, Esq., Woolton, Liverpool, aged 14, Aug. 4. Left 1882.¹ Lee Warner. In business in Rathbone Bros. and Co., London. 2, Fenchurch Avenue, London, E.C. Simey, George Iliff, second son of Ralph Simey, Esq., Sunderland, aged Lee Warner. 13, Feb. 25. Left 1885.2 Scholar, 1880. Head of the School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1885. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, 1885. First Class Classical Moderations, 1887. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1889. Student of the Inner Temple. 59, John Street, Sunderland. Williams, Herbert Augustus McDougal, son of John Thomas Williams, Esq., M.D., St. Heliers, Jersey, aged 14, May 31. Left 1882.3 Lee Warner. XV., 1882. Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), Oct. 14, 1885. At Hong Kong, 1891. Army List. Baldwin, Arthur Reginald, son of John Baldwin, Esq., Clays House, Halifax, aged 14, Sept. 29. Left 1883.2. Whitelaw. Farming in Yorkshire. Broomfield, Halifax. 86 September 1879. Coles, Frederick William, son of John Henry Campion Coles, Esq., Claremont House, Eastbourne, aged 15, Oct. 22. Left 1880.¹ Whitelaw. Admitted a Solicitor, July, 1887. 6, St. Matthew's Drive, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Coulthard, Frank, son of H. C. Coulthard, Esq., 13, Kensington Park Gardens, London, W., aged 14, July 29. Left 1881.2 Whitelaw. Harrison, Sydney Nevill, son of Charles Harrison, Esq., M.P., Aveley Court, Stourport, aged 14, May 24. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and XV., 1882, 1883. XI., 1882, 1883, 1884. M.B., 1887. As above. Mayall, Reginald, son of George Mayall, Esq., Allerton House, Woolton, Liverpool, aged 14, March 23. Left 1882.³ Whitelaw. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. 21, Lulworth Road, Birkdale, Southport. : Robinson, James Edward Grant. eldest son of John Park Robinson, Esq., 78, Gloucester Crescent, London, W., aged 13, Oct. 27. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. *Scholar, 1879. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1887. Tagart, Frederick Ongley, son of Francis Tagart, Esq., 99, Queen's Gate, London, S.W., aged 13, Dec. 13. Whitelaw. Died at Dulverton in the holidays, September 18, 1880. Bishop, William Hill, son of W. Bishop, Esq., Brick House, Stroud, Gloucestershire, aged 15, April 13. Left 1881.2 Elsee. In business as a Wool and Cloth Dyer. As above. Cassels, John Kennedy, son of J. Cassels, Esq., Bournemouth, aged 15, Elsee. May 23. Left 1882.³ XI*., 1882. In business in Ashworth and Co., Manchester, and Buenos Ayres. In Buenos Ayres, 1891. Cooke, Sidney Fitzwyman, son of Robert Thomas Cooke, Esq., Elmhurst, Castle Bar, Ealing, aged 14, May 17. Left 1883.¹ Elsee. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The 24th Regiment, November 10, 1886. 24th Regiment, South Camp, Aldershot. Cooper, Edward Trenchard, son of Robert Aspland Cooper, Esq., Aspland House, Norwich, aged 14, July 6. Left 1881.2 Elsee In business at Norwich. As above. September 1879. 87 Nugent-Dunbar, Robert Lennox, only son of the late Robert Nugent. Dunbar, Esq., of Machermore, care of Mrs. Nugent-Dunbar, 59, Brompton Square, London, aged 15, Sept. 23. Left 1882.2 Elsee. Gazetted to the 4th (Militia), Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1883. Captain, 3rd Battalion, 1887. J.P. for Kirkcudbrightshire. Scottish Club, London. Machermore Castle, near Newton Stewart, N.B. Walker, George Townshend Forestier, son of Colonel E. Walker, R.E., Old Charlton, Kent, aged 13, Aug. 2. Left 1881.3 Elsee. Woolwich, 1883. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, 1884. Royal Horse Artillery, 1889. R.H.A., The Barracks, Woolwich. Barlow, George Edmund Joseph Hilaro, son of the Rev. George Hilaro Philip Barlow, Chardstock, Chard, aged 13, Oct. 21. Left 1883.2 Green. Admitted a Solicitor, 1889. Devonshire Club. 49, Lime Street, London, E.C. Fischer, Charles Terreneau, son of Thomas Halhed Fischer, Esq., Q.C., Walton Oaks, Epsom, aged 13, April 22. Left 1883.2 Green. Farming. 16, Sinclair Gardens, Kensington. Solly, Charles Edward, son of Arthur Isaac Solly, Esq., Heathfield, Congleton, Cheshire, aged 15, Aug. 30. Left 1882.3 Green. In business. Cressbrook Mills, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Buchanan, John Penruddocke, son of David Buchanan, Esq., (O.R. 1845), Northfield House, Rugby, aged 15, Aug. 16. Left 1883.2 Town. VIII., 1883. Articled to a Solicitor, 1883. In British Columbia since 1890. Sapte, Douglas, son of Captain William Sapte, Rugby, aged 13, June 6. Left 1883.2 Town. Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Fifth Fusiliers, May, 1885. Junior United Service Club, London, S. W. Wise, Alexander Gordon Hay, son of the late Chief Justice Edward Wise, care of Mrs. Wise, Rugby, aged 13, March 1. Left 1882.¹ Town. Scholar, 1879. Board of Works, Sydney, New South Wales. Thompson, Alfred Edward, son of W. Thompson, Esq., Walton Grange, Stone, Staffordshire, aged 14, June 14. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. XI., 1882. Manager of Westbrook Mills. Westbrook Mills, Sheffield. 88 January 1880. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1880. Engleheart, Victor Frederick, fourth son of John Gardner Dillman Engleheart, Esq., C.B., (0.R., 1837), Duchy of Lancaster Office, London, aged 12, March 4. Left 1885.2 School. New College, Oxford, 1886. Grosvenor Club. 28, Curzon Street, Mayfair, London, W. Burn, Frank Hawthorn, son of John Henry Burn, Esq., Tynemouth, aged School. 13, Dec. 18. Left 1885.2 Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. A Mining Engineer. Beaconsfield, Cullercoats, Northumberland. Herron, Herbert George Whitby, eldest son of George Oliver Mellick Herron, Esq., Richmond Hill, Surrey, aged 14, Jan. 8. Left 1884.2 School. VIII., 1884. Indian Civil Service, 1885. Exeter College, Oxford, 1885. Took up appointment in Bengal Presidency, 1888. Home on sick leave, March, 1891. 14, De Vere Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Bouth, Arthur Hampson Delamere, eldest son of Frederick William Delamere Bouth, Esq., Woodfields, Leigh, Lancashire, aged 14, Sept. 17. Left 1883.2 School. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. In business as a Cotton Spinner at Leigh, Lancashire. As above. Cooke-Hurle, Edward Forbes, son of Joseph Cooke-Hurle, Esq., Brisling- ton Hill, Bristol, aged 13, June 3. Left 1885.2 School. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the Somerset Light Infantry, February 5, 1887. Care of Cox & Co., Charing Cross, London, S.W. Cholmondeley, Thomas Tatton Reginald, son of Colonel the Hon. Thomas Grenville Cholmondeley, (O.R. 1832), Abbotts Moss, Northwich, aged 14, Oct. 9. Left 1884.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1884. A Banker's Clerk in London, Home as above. Higginbotham, Charles Ernest, son of Charles Titus Higginbotham, Esq., Craigmaddie, Milngavie, N.B., aged 13, July 4. Left 1884.2 School. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the Northamptonshire Regiment, (58th), 1887. Army List. Latham, John Mere, eldest son of Francis Law Latham, Esq., (0.R. 1848), Bombay, and grandson of Mrs. Hutchinson, Pevensey Road, St. Leonards, Sussex, aged 13, June 22. Left 1885.2 Bowden Smith. Exhibitioner of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1886. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1887. B.A., 1889. To be Ordained, 1891. January 1880. 89 Watson, George Harrison, second son of John Harrison Watson, Esq., 28, Queensborough Terrace, London, W., aged 14, Aug. 10. Left 1882.3 Bowden Smith. Formerly on a Sheep-run in Queensland. A Banker's Clerk in Sydney, New South Wales, 1891. Home as above. Philbrick, Ernest Adolphus, son of Frederick Adolphus Philbrick, Esq., Q.C., 28, Avenue Road, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 14, April 4. Left 1882.3 Hutchinson. Ildfield, Bickley Park, Kent. MacMullen, Osmund Robert, son of Osmund H. MacMullen, Esq., West- field House, Hertford, aged 14, Aug. 29. Left 1883.º Scott. In business as a Brewer at Hertford. As above. Schwabe, Frank Burdett, son of Henry Arthur Schwabe, Esq., Dingle Bank, Lymm, Cheshire, aged 14, March 5. Left 1882.3 Scott. In business in Manchester. As above. Hargreaves, Frederick, son of George Hargreaves, Esq., Somerset House, Shipley, aged 14, July 5. Left 1880.³ Elsee. In business. As above. Walker, William, son of J. Walker, Broomhurst, Eccles, aged 14, March 7. Left 1881.³ Elsee. Wilmot-Sitwell, Francis Staunton, son of Robert Sacheverel Wilmot- Sitwell, Esq., Stainsby House, Derbyshire, aged 14, Sept. 21. Left 1882.2 Lee Warner. Morley House Farm, near Derby. Rogerson, George Foster, son of George Russell Rogerson, Esq., Allerton, Liverpool, aged 14, May 7. Left 1882.3 Lee Warner. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Admitted a Solicitor, September, 1889. Central Buildings, North John Street, Liverpool. Brandram, Francis William, son of Samuel Brandram, Esq., Dynevor Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1881.1 Lee Warner. As above. Garrett, Richard, son of Henry Garrett, Esq., Baddow Court, Chelmsford, aged 15, May 25. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. A Mechanical Engineer. 37, Freie Strasse, Magdeburg-Buckau, Prussia. M ፧ 90 April 1880. ENTRANCES IN APRIL, 1880. Donald, Archibald Douglas, son of the late William Donald, Esq., care of Mrs. Donald, Lisle House, Cheltenham, aged 13, Nov. 13. Left School. 1884.2 Edinburgh University, 1885, 1887. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Kalduria Estate, Rangalla, Ceylon. Hodgson, Harold, second son of John Evan Hodgson, Esq., R.A., (0.R., 1846), 5, Hill Road, St. John's Wood, London, N.W., aged 13, Dec. 7. Left 1884.3 School. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., 1890. At Guy's Hospital. . 32, Trinity Square, Borough, London, S.E. North, Frederic Dudley, son of Charles Augustus North, Esq., 56, York Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 13, Nov. 9. Left 1885.2 School. XI., 1884, 1885. In the Crown Lands Commissioner's Office, Perth, Western Australia. As above. Standring, Walter, son of John Standring, Esq., Dunsterville, Rochdale, aged 14, Dec. 7. Left 1883.3 School. XV., 1883. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1889. National Liberal Club. Dean Cottage, Thornham, Rochdale. Rathbone, Mark Philip, son of Benson Rathbone, Esq., Oakwood, Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 14, Jan. 6. Left 1882.3 Bowden Smith. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. An Electrical Engineer. As above. Ravenhill, Frederick Thornhill, son of Lieut.-Colonel Frederick George Ravenhill, R.H.A. Barracks, Canterbury, aged 14, Dec. 5. Left 1882.¹ Bowden Smith. Woolwich, 1884. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, September 16, 1885. R.H.A., February, 1891. Junior United Service Club. R.H.A. Mess, Umballa, Punjab, India, 1891. Smyth, Ralph George, eldest son of Ralph Smyth, Esq., Drogheda, aged Bowden Smith. 15, Dec. 1. Left 1882.2 Merton College, Oxford, 1886. Newtown House, Termonfeckin, Drogheda. Ashworth, Richard Redfern, son of Edward Lewis Ashworth, Esq., J.P., Boothfield, Knutsford, Cheshire, aged 15, Feb. 23. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson, In business in Manchester. As above, April 1880. 91 Bartleet, Arthur Middlemore. son of Thomas Saunders Bartleet, Esq., 7, Duchess Road, Edgbaston, aged 13, Nov. 13, Left 1885.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., 1888. Articled to a Solicitor. 138, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Bate, Ernest Seddon, son of W. A. Bate, Esq., Beechwood, Knutsford, Cheshire, aged 14, Nov. 28. Left 1882.1 Hutchinson. In Manitoba. Butterfield Post Office, Manitoba, Canada, N. W. Coode, William Melvill, son of William Coode, Esq., Trevarna, St. Austell, aged 13, July 21. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. A Banker and Solicitor. Admitted a Solicitor, October, 1890. As above. Philbrick, Arthur James, son of Frederick Adolphus Philbrick, Esq., Q.C., 28, Avenue Road, London, N.W., aged 13, Aug. 7. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1889. Lambs Buildings, London, E.C. Woodyatt, Roger Gresley, second son of the Rev. George Woodyatt, Trent Valley House, Lichfield, afterwards Vicar of Repton, Burton-on-Trent, aged 13, July 25. Left 1882.¹ Hutchinson. Student of the Inner Temple, 1891. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. As above. Aitken, Robert Bruce, son of the late Robert Aitken, Esq., care of Mrs. Aitken, Levenshulme, Manchester, aged 14, March 29. Left 1884.2 Scott. Admitted a Solicitor, 1890. 46, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Heath House, Bromley, Kent. Badley, John Haden, son of J. P. Badley, Esq., Dudley, aged 15, Feb. 21. Left 1884.2 Scott. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1884. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886. B.A., First Class Classical Tripos, 1887. Assistant Master at the New School, Abbotsholme, 1891. Abbotsholme, Rocester, Staffordshire. Burton, Oliver, son of Edward Burton, Esq., Tyldesley, Manchester, aged 14, Jan. 12. Left same Term. Scott. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. In an Architect's Office in Liverpool. Eaves Hall, Clitheroe. Sargant, Walter Lee, son of the late Henry Sargant, Esq., care of Mrs. Sargant, 56, Belsize Park Gardens, London, N.W., aged 13, June 13. Left 1884.2 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 29th Wrangler, 1888. A Master at Brighton College. Brighton College, Brighton. 92 April 1880. Homer, Thomas, son of T. Homer, Esq., Colley Gate, Cradley, Brierley Hill, aged 14, Jan. 8. Left same Term. Elsee. May, Robert George, son of Edwin May, Esq., Oaklands, Reading, aged 14, Aug. 26. Left 1883.2 Elsee. St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1886. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1889. As above. Simpson, Charles Young, son of John Bell Simpson, Esq., Hedgefield House, Blaydon-on-Tyne, aged 14, May 13. Left 1882.2 Elsee. A Clerk on the Solicitor-General's Staff at Perth, Western Australia. Post Office, Perth, Western Australia. Blunt, Graham, son of Frederick William Blunt, Esq., Plaw Hatch, Bishops Stortford, aged 13, Dec. 6. Left 1885.¹ Lee Warner. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1890. 95, Gresham Street, London, E.C. Brandram, Henry Webb, son of Samuel Brandram, Esq., Dynevor Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, aged 13, Nov. 21. Left 1883.2 Lee Warner. As above. Kennedy, James Montagu Bowle, son of Admiral James Bowle Kennedy, 39, Onslow Square, South Kensington, aged 13, Jan. 29. Left 1883.¹ Lee Warner. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, May 9, 1885. At Mandalay, 1891. Home as above. Birkin, Charles Wilfrid, son of Thomas Birkin, Esq., Ruddington Grange, Nottingham, aged 14, Feb. 11. Left 1883.3 Whitelaw. In business. As above. Bond, Ernest Walter, fourth son of Henry Cooper Bond, Esq., West Wood, Ipswich, aged 14, April 6. Whitelaw. Placed in the First Form, but did not stay. Campbell, Robert Vivian Douglas, son of Robert Orr Campbell, Esq., Kempton Hoo, Bedford, aged 14, Nov. 7. Left 1881.2 Left 1881.2 Whitelaw. Entered a Mercantile Office in 1884, but invalided and abroad, 1891. Home as above. Cohen, William Herbert, son of Arthur Cohen, Esq., Q.C., M.P., 6, Holland Place, London, S.W., aged 13, Aug. 2. Left 1884.¹ Whitelaw. A Member of the London Stock Exchange. Isthmian Club. As above. September 1880. 93 Coles, Percival, fourth son of John Henry Campion Coles, Esq., Eastbourne, aged 14, May 2. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. XI., 1883, 1884. XV., 1883. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. Articled to a Solicitor. Claremont House, Eastbourne. Markham, Arthur Basil, son of Charles Markham, Esq., Tapton House, Chesterfield, aged 13, Aug. 25. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. XV., 1883. VIII., 1883, 1884. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion Sherwood Foresters, May 24, 1884. As above. Radley, James French, eldest son of the late James Radley, Esq., care of Mrs. Radley, 4, Abercrombie Square, Liverpool, aged 14, Sept. 3. Left 1883.¹ Green. St. John's College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. A Medical Student at Edinburgh, 1891. Home as above. Rhoades, Walter James, eldest son of Henry Tull Rhoades, Esq., (O.R., 1847), Headmaster of the Lower School of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby, aged 13, March 10. Left 1886.¹ Town-Whitelaw. XV., 1885. A Midshipman in Devitt and Moore's Australian Line, 1887. 4, Arnold Villas, Rugby. Browne, John James, son of Mrs. Browne, Kilsby, aged 14, March 31. Left same Term. Town. Mee, Henry Sidney Cowper, elder son of the late John Cowper Mee, Esq., care of Mrs. Mee, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 13, Aug. 11. Left 1881.2 Town. Manager of a Poultry Farm. Blanchworth, Dursley. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1880. Whateley, George Pepys, son of the Rev. William Joseph Whateley, Rector of Rise, Hull, aged 13, Sept. 27. Left 1884.¹ School. 27, Dorchester Place, Blandford Square, London, N.W. Bradby, Edward Hugh Falquin, second son of the Rev. Edward Henry Bradby, (0.R., 1839), Headmaster of Haileybury, aged 13, Nov. 8. Left 1885.2 School. XI., 1883, 1884, 1885. Oriel College, Oxford, 1885. Articled to a Solicitor, 1888. St. Katherine's Dock House, London, E. Jackson, George Herbert, son of William Lawies Jackson, Esq., M.P., Allerton Hall, near Leeds, aged 13, Jan. 20. Left 1882.2 School. In business in Leeds. As above. 94 September 1880. Hippisley, Richard John Bayntun, son of Captain John Hippisley, (0.R., 1846), Ston Easton, Bath, aged 15, July 4. Left 1882.2 School. Captain in North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry. Grosvenor Club. The Hall, Brent Pelham, Buntingford, Herts. Heath, John Everard, fourth son of Robert Heath, Esq., Biddulph Grange, Congleton, aged 14, May 29. Left 1883.¹ School. Brasenose College, Oxford, 1885. In business at Congleton. At Davos Platz in ill health, 1891. Home as above. Isaacs, Wilfrid Henry, son of the Rev. Albert Augustus Isaacs, Christ Church, Leicester, aged 14, May 24. Left 1885.² School. Scholar, 1880. Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge, 1887. B.A., First Class Classical Tripos, 1888. Ordained, 1890. Head Master of Trent College, 1890. Trent College, Notts. Best, William Jenner, son of Palemon Best, Esq., East Gate, Louth, aged 14, Nov. 10. Left 1882.2 School. M.R.C.S. and L.S.A. Sometime Surgeon on the " Albert," of the Deep Sea Mission. Student at the London Hospital, 1891. Wood, Walter Birbeck, eldest son of the Herefordshire, aged 14, April 15. Left 1885.2 Scholar, 1880. Scholar of Worcester College, Oxford, 1884. B.A., 1889. Worcester College, Oxford. Rev. Matthew Wood, Kington, School. Gray Hill, Esq., 67, Holland Park, School. Hill, Arthur Norman, son of Thomas London, W., aged 14, Jan. 24. Left 1882.2 An East India Merchant. In Buenos Ayres since 1885. 49, Calle 25 de Mayo, Buenos Ayres. Bengough, Ernest Henry, fourth son of John Charles Bengough, Esq., (o.R. 1842), The Ridge, Wootton-under-Edge, aged 13, Nov. 29. Left 1885.3 School. Crick, 1884. Oriel College, Oxford, 1886. Dead. Bengough, Charles William, fifth son of the above John Charles Bengough, Esq., aged 12, Nov. 22. Left 1886.2 School. XI., 1885, 1886. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Leicester- shire Regiment, March 21, 1890. Army List. Chinn, Alan Edward, son of Henry Sinclair Chinn, Esq., Lichfield, aged 15, Sept. 13. Left 1883.3 Bowden Smith. Admitted a Solicitor, December, 1890. The Close, Lichfield. Greg, Gerald Rathbone, son of Eustace Greg, Esq., (o.R. 1850), Putney Heath, aged 14, Aug. 20. Left 1883.3 Bowden Smith. XV., 1883. Died at Sibley, U.S.A., in 1887. September 1880. 95 Lamport, William, son of Charles Lamport, Esq., Bindon House, Welling- ton, Somerset, aged 15, March 12. Left 1881.³ Bowden Smith. Dead. Shore-Smith, Louis Hilary, second son of William Shore Smith, Esq., 30, York Place, Portman Square, London, aged 14, July 2. Left 1885.2 Bowden Smith. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. New Universities' Club. Embley Park, Romsey, Hants. Garnett, Peter Percy Robert, son of Jeremiah Garnett, Esq., Ramsden Hill, Harewood, Leeds, aged 14, May 4. Left 1883.3 Hutchinson. In business as a Paper Manufacturer. Wharfeside, Otley, Yorkshire. Johnson, George William, son of John Henry Johnson, Esq., Mountains, Tonbridge, aged 14, June 12. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. R.I.E.C., Cooper's Hill, 1885-1887. In business as a Patent Agent since November, 1890. Home as above. 47, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. Martin, George Ernest, son of William Martin, Esq., Bournebrook Hall, Birmingham, aged 14, Feb. 17. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. A Merchant. Goodwin and Co., Birmingham and Melbourne. As above. Rivis, Thomas William Preston, son of the late John William Rivis, Esq., care of Mrs. Rivis, 31, Cambridge Gardens, Notting Hill, London, aged 13, Oct. 1. Left 1883.³ Hutchinson. Clare College, Cambridge, 1887. J.P. for East Riding of Yorkshire. Newstead House, Malton, Yorkshire Rivis, John Charles, son of the above John William Rivis, Esq., aged 12, Jan. 26. Left 1883.3 Hutchinson. Gazetted to the 4th (Militia) Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, 1889. Newstead House, Malton, Yorkshire. Bradley, Thomas Addison, son of William Henry Bradley, Esq., Bel Air, Alderley Edge, aged 15, July 28. Left 1882.2 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1986. M.A., 1890. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. Drummond, Edgar Lorn, son of George A. Drummond, Esq., 864, Sher- brooke Street, Montreal, Canada, aged 14, Feb. 27. Left 1884.2 Scott As above. 96 September 1880. Henderson, William, son of the late John Henderson, Esq., care of Mrs. Henderson, Cornhill-on-Tweed, aged 14, July 28. Left 1883.2 Scott. Orange-growing in Florida. Home as above. Kent, Sydney, fourth son of the late William Kent, Esq., of Queensland, care of Mrs. Kent, Bell (reen, Lower Sydenham, aged 15, May 10. Left 1884.2 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. A Medical Student at St. Bartholomew's. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Kent, Irving, fifth son of the above William Kent, Esq., aged 14, June Scott. 17. Left 1885.2 XV., 1884. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1885. New College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1889. Second Class Law School, 1890. Student of the Inner Temple. Royal Colonial Institute, London. Scovell, George Vance Fielding, son of Fielding Scovell, Esq., Ryecroft, Bray, Ireland, aged 14, April 21. Left 1882.2 Scott. Student of St. Thomas', 1883, 1887. Has had a Cattle and Sheep Ranche in Florida since September, 1887. Home address, 12, Cheyne Gardens, London, S.W. Kissimee, Florida, U.S.A. Chilton, Thomas, son of Thomas Chilton, Esq., Gresford, Wrexham, aged 13, Nov. 22. Left 1885.2 Elsee. XV., 1884. An Underwriter at Lloyds. The Elms, Gresford, Wrexham. Gates, Howard Francis, son of George Gates, Esq., Chesham House, Brighton, aged 15, Sept. 8. Left 1882.3 Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, November, 1888. Messrs. Lamb & Gates, Brighton. Head, Robert Trevelyan, son of Robert William Head, Esq., The Briars, Exeter, aged 12, Nov. 2. Left 1882.2 Elsee. In business in Japan. Kobé, Japan. Heginbottom, Alfred, son of Thomas Heginbottom, Esq., Ashton-under- Lyne, aged 14, Feb. 2. Left 1882.1 Elsee. In business as a Cotton Spinner. Stamford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Holmes, Thomas Daniel Hill, son of Francis Holmes, Esq., The Upper Grange, Stroud, aged 13, Sept. 30. Left 1882.3 Elsee. Edinburgh University, M.B. and C.M., 1887. M.D., 1891. Assistant Medical Officer, East Riding Asylum, Beverley. Medical Directory. September 1880. 97 Melly, Albert, sixth son of Charles Pierre Melly, Esq., (0.R., 1844), Elsee, Liverpool, aged 14, April 4. Left 1883.¹ In business in Liverpool. Riversley, Aigburth, Liverpool. Ohren, Cecil, eldest son of John Ohren Ovington, Esq., and ward of W. I. Arliss, Esq., 3, Oakfield Terrace, Forest Hill, London, S.E., aged Elsee. 14, March 30. Left 1885.2 University College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Modern History School, 1889. Articled to a Solicitor. Has assumed the additional surname of OvINGTON after OHREN. Oaklands, Kingswood Road, Norwood, Surrey. Lloyd-Roberts, Gabriel Henry, son of the late Rev. G. Lloyd-Roberts, Rector of Ryton, aged 14, June 11. Left 1884.¹ Elsee. Clare College, Cambridge. Plas Gwyn, Ruthin, North Wales. Wing, Charles, son of Henry Wing, Esq., 12, Park Terrace, Nottingham, Elsee. aged 13, Feb. 25. Died at School, Lent Term, 1881. Anders, Oscar Louis, son of Henry Huddersfield, aged 14, June 1. Left 1883.3 A Worsted Spinner. 8, Princes Street, Sowerby Bridge. Thornleigh, Huddersfield. Anders, Esq., Mount Egerton, Lee Warner. An East India Merchant. As above. Bradwell, Dennis William, son of Jacob Bradwell, Esq., Ashfield House, Feltham, aged 13, Oct. 22. Left 1885.¹ Lee Warner. Drummond, Duncan Powys, eldest son of William Venn Drummond, Esq., of Shanghai, 1, Rockstone Terrace, Southampton, aged 13, Dec. 30. Left 1883.¹ Lee Warner. Admitted a Solicitor of the Supreme Court in China and Japan, 1890. National Club. Shanghai, China. A Civil Engineer. Greg, John Ronald, son of Albert Greg, Esq., Hatton Park, Lancaster, aged 13, Nov. 22. Left 1882.¹ Lee Warner. Escrow Beck, Lancashire. Le Mesurier, Havilland, son of Edward Algernon Le Mesurier, Esq., Banker, Genoa, aged 14, June 22. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. Passed 21st in Indian Civil Service Examination. Sailed for India in 1886. Cachar, Assam. N 98 September 1880. Manley, Harry, son of William Hewett Manley, Esq., The Grove, Bridport. aged 15, July 20. Left 1883.2 Lee Warner, Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1884. B.A., 1887. Cordwalles, Maidenhead. Romer, Mark Lemon, son of Robert Romer, Esq., (afterwards Sir R. Romer, a Justice of the High Court), 5, Grenville Place, South Kensington, aged 14, Aug. 9. Left 1883.8 Lee Warner. Scholar, 1881. Exhibitioner and Seholar of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1890. 16, Old Square. 27, Harrington Gardens, London, W. Seebohm, Hugh Exton, son of Frederick Seebohm, Esq., The Hermitage, Hitchin, aged 13, April 5. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. As above. Wood, Lewis Ironside, son of John Richard Wood, Esq., Melton Hall, Woodbridge, aged 14, Sept. 11. Left 1881.2 Lee Warner. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Border Regiment, February 5, 1887. Attached to the 2nd Madras Infantry, with the Chin Lushai Expedition, 1889, 1890. The Border Regiment, Dover, Kent. Bayley, Thomas Henry, second son of Captain Frank Bayley, Point de Galle, Ceylon, aged 15, Aug. 5. Left 1882.² Whitelaw. Formerly in the service of the P. & O, S. N. Company, at Bombay. In South Africa, 1891. Carson, Richard Duncan, son of R. Carson, South Kensington, aged 13, Nov. 19. Cobb, Herbert Enfield, son of Henry Peyton Cobb, Esq., M.P., Harrow Whitelaw. Weald, aged 14, Feb. 15. Left 1884.3 Esq., 49, Onslow Gardens, Left 1884.² Whitelaw. XI., 1883, 1884. XV., 1883, 1884. A Stockbroker. Wealdstone House, R.S.O., Middlesex. Coles, John Howell, son of John Coles, Esq, 39, Throgmorton Street, London, E.C., aged 14, June 9. Left 1881.1 Whitelaw. In Mashonaland, 1891, Firth, Bernard Alexander, son of Mark Firth, Esq., Oak Brook, Sheffield, aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. A Steel Manufacturer. Whirlow House, Sheffield. Fowler, Arthur John, son of the late Rev. Robert Fowler, care of Mrs. Fowler, High Week, Newton Abbott, Devonshire, aged 12, Feb. 29. Left 1885.3 Whitelaw. Went to Sedberg School. Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1889, As above, September 1880. 99 Hall, Arthur John, son of John Hall, Esq., 1, Victoria Street, Sheffield, aged 14, July 27. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. : Caius College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Natural Science Tripos, 1887. M.B. and B.C., 1889. St. Bartholomew's, 1887. L.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S., 1889. Honorary Physician to the Sheffield Hospital. Demonstrator of Physiology at the Sheffield School of Medicine. 263, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Hemming, Arthur George, son of George Wirgman Hemming, Esq., Q.C., 87, Lancaster Gate, London, W., aged 14, July 12. Left 1883.³ Whitelaw. Scholar, 1880. An Actuary in London. 2, Earls Court Square, London, S. W. Highley, Herbert, son of Thomas Sutcliffe Highley, Esq., Saville Crescent, Halifax, aged 15, Aug. 24. Left 1884.3 Whitelaw. XV., 1884. XI., 1883, 1884. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of St. Mary's Wyke, Bradford, since 1890. St. Mary's, Bradford, Yorkshire. Jecks, Harry Harold Robertson, son of Charles Jecks, Esq., of Clifton, Bristol, nephew of John Horsey, Esq., Northampton, aged 14, Oct. 2. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. Has passed final Solicitor's Examination, but reading for Ordination, 1891. 6, Lower Camden Place, Bath. Knight, John Hall, son of Joseph Knight, Esq., Newcastle-under-Lyme, aged 15, June 9. Left 1882.2 Admitted a Solicitor, 1888. Newcastle, Staffordshire. XV., 1882. M.B., London. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P. Pridmore, Eric Leonard Norman, son of George Alexander Pridmore, Esq., Coventry, aged 16, Aug. 12. Left 1882.3 Whitelaw. 13, Mornington Road, Regents Park, London. Whitelaw. Ward, George Whiteley, son of Christopher Ward, Esq., Saville Place, Halifax, aged 14, March 14. Left 1881.3 Whitelaw. Barbon, near Lancaster. An Architect. A.R.I.B.A., 1891. Mitchell-Withers, John Brightmore, son of John Brightmore Mitchell- Withers, Esq., 5, Surrey Street, Sheffield, aged 15, July 8. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. Parkhead, near Sheffield. Wrigley, Ernest Albert, son of James Albert Wrigley, Esq., Field Head, Netherton, Huddersfield, aged 14, Sept. 5. Left 1883.1 Whitelaw, Almandbury, Huddersfield. 100 January 1881. Johnstone, Douglas Vaughan, son of Alfred Smeaton Johnstone, Esq., Harborne, Birmingham, aged 14, Aug. 13. Left 1885.¹ Green. In business in Birmingham. Ida Lodge, Harborne, Birmingham. Peake, John Parry Nash, son of John Nash Peake, Esq., Congleton, aged 13, Oct. 16. Left 1884.2 Green. Chapel House, Congleton, Cheshire. Andrews, Septimus Geoffrey, son of Mrs. Andrews, 42, Pennington Street, Rugby, aged 14, June 20. Left 1883.2 Town. Durham University, Ordained 1889. Formerly Scholæ Canc., Lincoln, 1886. Assistant Curate of St. Luke's, Torquay. As above. Hutchinson, Gerald Pemberton, son of the Rev. Thomas Neville Hutchinson, Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 14, Aug. 12. Left 1883.¹ Town. VIII., 1882. 10, Smith Street, King's Road, Chelsea. Deakin, Ernest Newton, son of the late Colonel James Henry Deakin, care of Mrs. Deakin, Mossley Park, Cheadle, aged 14, Oct. 26. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. At Merton College, Oxford, 1891. Student of Lincoln's Inn. Ashton House, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1881. Bouth, Reginald Myddelton Hampson, second son of Frederick William Delamere Bouth, Esq., Woodfields, Leigh, Lancashire, aged 14, Jan. 21. Left 1885.2 School. Lincoln College, Oxford, B.A., 1885. M.A., 1889. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of St. Michael's, Blackburn. Bouth, Osmund Norman Delamere, third son of the above Frederick William Delamere Bouth, Esq., aged 13, Dec. 20. Left 1882.³ 3 School. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1886. Articled to a Solicitor. Woodfields, Leigh, Lancashire. Simpson, Clement Bell, son of Clement Simpson, Esq., care of Messrs. Binney, Simpson and Co., Madras, aged 14, July 25. Left 1882.2 School. A Merchant and Banker at Madras. Madras, East India. Stevenson-Hamilton, James, son of J. Stevenson-Hamilton, Esq., Fair- holme, Larkhall, N.B., aged 13, Oct. 2. Left 1883.3 School. Sandhurst, 1887. Gazetted to the Inniskilling Dragoons, March, 1888. Served in South Africa, 1888-1890. Cavalry Club. Home as above. ŕ January 1881. 101 White, James Dundas, son of the late John Orr White, Esq., of Glasgow, care of Mrs. White, Kingswood Road, Upper Norwood, aged 14, July 10. Left 1884.2 School-Michell. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., Second Class Law Tripos, 1888. Student of the Inner Temple. Sunnyside, Kingswood Road, Upper Norwood. Jevons, Henry Hamon, only son of Henry Jevons, Esq., Cuttlestone House, Penkridge, aged 13, Feb. 20. Left 1886.2 School. University College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. Lichfield Theological College, 1890. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of St. Paul's, Burton-on-Trent. St. Paul's, Burton-on-Trent. Reynolds, Arthur, son of Sylvanus Reynolds, Esq., Latchford, Warrington, aged 15, Oct. 14. Left 1881.3 School. Bream Lodge, Lydney, Gloucestershire. Bonham-Carter, Norman, fourth son of Henry Bonham-Carter, Esq., 91, Gloucester Terrace, London, W., aged 13, Dec. 29. Left 1885.³ Bowden Smith. Scholar, 1882. Passed Indian Civil Service Examination, 1886. Balliol College, Oxford, 1886. Assistant Magistrate, Chupra Division, Bengal, 1888. Gopalgunge, Sarun, India. Capron, George, son of Frederick Lucas Capron, Esq., 17, Warwick Square, London, S.W., aged 14, Sept. 14. Left 1884.¹ Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the York and Lancaster Regiment, (late 84th), November 9, 1889. Army List. Grubb, Louis Henry, only son of Henry Samuel Grubb, Esq., Clashleigh, Clogheen, Čahir, aged 15, July 27. Left 1883.3 Bowden Smith. Crick, 1883. Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. As above. Murray, James Harry Stewart, son of Major Harvey Young Murray, Nusserabad, aged 14, Sept. 4. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, February 17, 1886. Burma, 1891. Army List. Reeves, Henry, son of H. Reeves, Esq., 34, New Cross Road, London, S.E., aged 13, Sept. 22. Left 1884.1 Bowden Smith. Couchman, Philip Holbech, fifth son of Thomas Barnes Couchman, Esq., Henley-in-Arden, aged 14, Sept. 29. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. Keble College, Oxford, 1884. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Elin, Henry Dyne, son of George Elin, Esq., M.D., Lea Hoe, Hertford, aged 13, Sept. 22. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. Engaged with the British South Africa Company's Pioneer Force in Mashonaland, Home as above. 1891. 102 January 1881. Grierson, James, second son of James Grierson, Esq., 4, Holland Villas Road, London, W., aged 14, Nov. 19. Left 1884.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1884. As above. Withers, Frank Charlton, son of Samuel Withers, Esq., 15, Abercrombie Square, Liverpool, aged 13, Sept. 15. Left 1885.² Hutchinson. XV., 1884. In business in Liverpool. As above. Poore, Edward Wright, son of Edward Chapman Poore, Esq., Rainhill, Lancashire, aged 15, Sept. 18. Left 1882.¹ Scott. At Christ's College, Cambridge, since 1888. Reading for Ordination, 1891. Wellby, Montagu Sinclair, son of John Henry Wellby, Esq., 12, Russell Square, London, W.C., aged 14, Oct. 10. Left 1884.1 Scott. Sandhurst, 1885. Gazetted to the 18th Hussars, 1886. Mhow, India, 1891. Binnie, William James Eames, son of Alexander Richardson Binnie, Esq., 15, Park Drive, Heaton, Bradford, aged 13, Oct. 10. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Natural Science Tripos, 1888. A Civil Engineer. 14, Campden Hill Gardens, London, W. Cooke, Reginald Walter, son of Robert Thomas Cooke, Esq., Elmhurst, Castle Bar, Ealing, aged 14, Oct. 12. Left 1881.3 Elsee. Curry, Granville Edward, son of E. Curry, Esq., 7, Ampthill Square, London, N.W., aged 14, April 20. Left 1883.2 Elsee. Residing in New Zealand. Lees, Laurence William, son of William Lees, Esq., The Larches, Wolver- hampton, aged 13, May 8. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1881. A Merchant and Manufacturer at Wolverhampton. Claregate, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. Carlisle, aged 13, March 27. Left 1886.² Fell, Basil Haig, son of the Rev. James Alexander Fell, The Knells, Lee Warner. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Law Tripos, 1889. Isthmian Club. Home as above. Goschen, George Joachim, eldest son of the Right Hon. George Joachim Goschen, M.P., (o.R., 1845), 69, Portland Place, London, W., and Seacox Heath, Hawkhurst, Kent, aged 14, Oct. 15. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. Balliol College, Oxford, 1885. Formerly Secretary to his father, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Private Secretary to the Earl of Jersey, Governor of New South Wales, since 1890. As above. January 1881. 103 Hancocks, Annesley John, son of Arthur Annesley Hancocks, Esq., Broomy Hill, Hereford, aged 16, Sept. 13. Left 1881. Lee Warner. Sandhurst, 1884. Gazetted to the 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, February 7, 1885. As above. Lea, James Herbert, eldest son of Richard Lea, Esq., Now-gong, Assam, aged 13, April 27. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. Scholar, 1881. Passed Indian Civil Service Examination, 1886. Balliol College, Oxford, 1886. Assistant Magistrate and Collector at Dacca. Dacca, Bengal. MacInnes, John, son of Miles MacInnes, Esq., M.P., (o.r., 1843), Rickerby, Carlisle, aged 14, Sept 4. Left 1883.3 Lee Warner. Pembroke College, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. As above. Wilson, George Rowland Holt, eldest son of George Holt Wilson, Esq., Redgrave Hall, Botesdale, Suffolk, aged 13, Feb. 26. Left 1886.2 Lee Warner. XI., 1886. At Oriel College, Oxford, since 1886. Redgrave Hall, Diss. Birch, Charles Grant Francis Grey, only son of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Birch, (0.R., 1851), Ryll Court, Exmouth, aged 14, Nov. 18. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. Oxford Military College. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion South Lancashire Regiment, (Prince of Wales' Volunteers), 1888. Constitutional Club. Lympstone Grange, Exmouth, South Devon. Hall, Marriott Frank, son of Mrs. Marriott Hall, Glossop Road, Sheffield, Whitelaw. aged 13, March 19. Left 1883.3 Admitted a Solicitor, June, 1889. Junior Constitutional Club. 11, George Street, Sheffield. Evers-Swindell, Harold, son of James Swindell Evers-Swindell, Esq., Clent House, Stourbridge, aged 14, Sept 21. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. Queen's College, Cambridge, B.A., First Class Applied Mechanics Special, 1837. As above. Stephenson, Henry Kenyon, son of Henry Stephenson, Esq., (afterwards Sir H. Stephenson, Knight), Endcliffe Vale, Sheffield, aged 15, Aug. 16. Left 1883.² Whitelaw. In business in Firm of Stephenson, Blake, and Co., London and Sheffield. Lieutenant in 4th West York Volunteer Artillery, 1886. The Glen, Sheffield. Edwards, Isaac Newton, son of I. N. Edwards, Esq., Westminster Lodge, St. Albans, aged 15, Dec. 30. Left 1883.³ Green. Christ's College, Cambridge, 1886. A Banker's Clerk. The Laurels, Welham Green, Hatfield. 104 May 1881. Green, Charles Everitt, son of the Rev. George Clark Green, Vicar of Modbury, Ivy Bridge, Devon, aged 13, June 8. Left 1886.2 Green. Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, B.A., Second in Classical Tripos, 1889. A Master in Sutton Valence School, since 1890. School House, Sutton Valence, Staplehurst, Kent. Sevestre, Robert, son of Robert Thomas Sevestre, Esq., Burdwan, India, Green. aged 12, Feb. 3. Left 1886.2 Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. A Student at St. Bartholomew's since 1889. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1881. Gill, Benjamin Kemp, son of William Wakefield, aged 14, April 22. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. Henry Gill, Esq., J.P., St. John's, Left 1884.2 School. Town Hall Chambers, Wakefield. Learoyd, Harold Johnson, son of N. Learoyd, Esq., Ashby House, Tun- bridge Wells, aged 13, July 3. Left 1884.2 School. *VIII., 1884. On the Stage. Nicholson, Charles Archibald, eldest son of Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., Totteridge, Herts, aged 14, April 27. Left 1886.2 School. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. An Architect. 11, Beaumont Street, London, W. Wootten-Wootten, Aubrey Francis, fifth son of William Wootten-Wootten, Esq., Headington, Oxford, aged 14, Sept. 19. Left 1885.3 School. XV., 1883, 1884, 1885. VIII., 1884, 1885. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Law School, 1889. Student of the Inner Temple since November, 1889. 1, Temple Gardens, London, E.C. Crawford, Richmond Shakespeare, son of Mrs. A. Crawford, 81, Cadogan Place, London, S.W., aged 14, Feb. 17. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Welsh Regiment, February 11, 1888. Robinson, John Gorges, second_son of the late William Robinson, Esq., care of Mrs. Robinson, Reedly Bank, Burnsley, aged 14, June 29. Left 1885.2 Bowden Smith. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1885. Cragdale, Settle. Agnew, Charles Leonard, son of Charles Swain Agnew, Esq., Prestwich, Manchester, aged 13, May 24. Left 1886.2 Hutchinson. In business in Manchester. Beechwood, Prestwich, near Manchester. May 1881. 105 1 Housley, Samuel John, son of Samuel John Housley, Esq., 70, Boundary Road, London, N.W., aged 13, Sept. 19. Left 1886.2 Hutchinson. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. A Master at a Preparatory School. At Rev. G. C. Curtis, Farnborough, Hants. Baker, Henry Mills, third son of Thomas Baker, Esq., Durdham Park, Scott. Bristol, aged 14, Oct. 24. Left 1885.² VIII., 1885. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Braby, Cyrus, son of Frederick Braby, Esq., Cathcart House, South Kensington, aged 13, May 26. Left 1884.³ Scott. A Merchant, 110, Cannon Street, E.C. City Carlton Club. Teddington, Middlesex. Close, Francis Archibald, son of Admiral Francis Arden Close, Stoke Park, Stapleton, Bristol, and grandson of Dean Close, aged 16, Dec. 24. Left 1883.² Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge. 4, Burlington Gardens, London, and as above. Dowdall, Thomas Percy, second son of the late Thomas Dowdall, Esq., care of Mrs. Dowdall, Alexandra Drive, Liverpool, aged 14, Aug. 14. Left 1886.2 Scott. Christ Church, Oxford, 1887. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the King's Own Yorkshire Regiment, (51st), 1889. Zohb Valley Expedition, 1890, 1891. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Deesa, India. Ramsden, Joseph, son of William Ramsden, Esq., Tyldesley, Manchester, Scott. aged 14, Jan. 6. Left 1882.3 A Partner in W. Ramsden and Sons, Colliery Proprietors. Guest Fold, Tyldesley, Manchester. Martin, John Claude, son of W. Martin, Esq., Mount Radford, Exeter, aged 13, Feb. 21. Left 1884.¹ Elsee. Mott, Arthur John, son of Charles John Mott, Esq., (0.R., 1840), Clifton, Rugby, aged 13, Aug. 29. Left 1885.¹ Elsee. A Clerk in the Bank of England, 1885, 1886. At Selwyn College, Cambridge, since 1888. Clifton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby. Whiteley, Warwick, son of the Rev. John Henry Whiteley, (0.R., 1843), St. Laurence, Chepstow, aged 16, Oct. 3. Left 1884.1 Elsee. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of St. John's, Canton, Cardiff. 104, Llandaff Road, Canton, Cardiff. 0 106 May 1881. Barbour, William, son of James Dunlop Barbour, Esq., Ardville, Holy- wood, Co. Down, Ireland, aged 15, March 31. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. Holds temporary XV., 1883. XI., 1884. A Mechanical Engineer, Belfast. appointment in Sydney, New South Wales, 1891, 1892. Bateson, Alexander Dingwall, seventh son of the late William Gandy Bateson, Esq., care of Mrs. Bateson, New Heys, Allerton, Liver- pool, aged 15, April 30. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1884. XI., 1885. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1898. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, January, 1891. As above. Clayton, John Hunt, son of Sands Clayton, Esq., 34, Kensington Gardens Square, London, aged 14, July 16. Left 1883.¹ Lee Warner. On the London Stock Exchange. 9, Inverness Terrace, Bayswater, London, IP. Gaddum, Frank Ernest, second son of Henry Theodore Gaddum, Esq., Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 13, Oct. 15. Left 1886.2 Lee Warner. XV., 1885. XI., 1885, 1886. In New Zealand, 1891. Home as above. Howard, Charles James Stanley, eldest son of George James Howard, Esq., (afterwards ninth Earl of Carlisle), of Naworth Castle, and 1, Palace Green, Kensington, aged 14, March 8. Left 1884.¹ Lee Warner. Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., First Class Modern History School, 1889. Became VISCOUNT MORPETH by courtesy on his father's succeeding to the Peerage in 1889. Lecturer, Oxford University Extension. Castle Howard, York, and as above. Keep, Ronald, son of Edward Keep, Esq., 1, Park Field Road, Liverpool, Lee Warner-Michell. aged 13, Aug. 2. Left 1885.2 Scholar, 1882. A Merchant in Australia since 1885. Marshall, Alfred Henry, son of John Marshall, Esq., Headingley, Leeds, aged 14, March 31. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. A Land Agent at Guisborough. Guisborough, Yorkshire. Sheppard, Harry Edward, only son of Henry Wilson Sheppard, Esq., Ross, Herefordshire, aged 13, May 20. Left 1886.¹ Lee Warner. New College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. Allen, Arthur Acland, son of Peter Allen, Esq., Overbrook, Kersal, Man- chester, aged 12, Aug. 11. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1883. XV., 1884, 1885, 1886. XI., 1887. Scholar of University College, Oxford, 1887. First Class Classical Moderations, 1889. As above. ( September 1881. 107 Baker, Maurice Mills, son of William Mills Baker, Esq., Stoke Bishop, Bristol, aged 14, March 8. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. At Oriel College, Oxford, since October, 1887. As above. Dutton, John Victor, son of William Henry Dutton, Esq., Newcastle, Staffordshire, aged 15, April 10. Left 1883.¹ Whitelaw. Meakin, George Elliot, son of George Meakin, Esq., The Hayes, Stone, Staffordshire, aged 16, Nov. 24. Left 1882.1 Whitelaw. A Manufacturer in the Potteries. Creswell House, Stafford. Meakin, James Henry, son of the above George Meakin, Esq., aged 15, April 28. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. XV., 1884. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886. A Manufacturer in the Potteries. Creswell House, Stafford. Morris, Frederick Arnold, son of Thomas Morris, Esq., Oxton, Cheshire, aged 14, Jan. 2. Left 1884.3 Green. As above. Callender, Reginald, son of the late Samuel Pope Callender, Esq., care of Mrs. Callender, Rugby, aged 14, Jan. 8. Left 1884.2 Town. Christ's College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. A Church Missionary Society's Missionary since February, 1891. C.M. Station, Lokaju, Western Soudan, Africa. Hards, Leo Arthur, son of Mr. Leonard Hards, George Hotel, Rugby, aged 12, May 5. Left same Term. Town. An Electrical Engineer. 23, Warbeck Road, Shepherds Bush, London, W. McKinnell, James Jesse, son of Mrs. McKinnell, 37, Albert Street, Rugby, aged 12, Jan. 11. Left 1884.2 Town. In business at Rugby. 27, Sheep Street, Rugby. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1881. Battine, Cecil William, son of Colonel William Alexander Battine, (0.R., 1845), 2nd Dragoon Guards, Willenhall, Coventry, aged 14, Feb. 14. Left 1884.2 School. Gazetted to the 7th Dragoon Guards, 1890. In Bengal, 1891. Home as above. 108 September 1881. Best, Palemon Harris, son of Palemon Best, Esq., M.D., Louth, Lincoln- shire, aged 13, May 22. Left 1883.³ School. Cavendish College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. London University, M.B., 1889. A Medical Student of University College, London, 1891. As above. Boswell, John Douglas, second son of Patrick Charles Douglas Boswell, Esq., (0.R., 1830), Garrallan, Cumnock, N.B., aged 14, Feb. 16. Left 1882.2 School. Brasenose College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. LL.B., Glasgow, 1891. Reading for Scottish Bar. Garrallan, Cumnock, Ayrshire. Fletcher, Lancelot Holstock, son of William Fletcher, Esq., M.P., Brigham Hill, Carlisle, aged 14, Sept. 24. Left 1886.2 School. XV., 1885. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. A Coal Owner in Cumberland. As above. Herron, Robert Douglas, son of George Oliver Mellick Herron, Esq., Harbord House, Richmond Hill, aged 14, Aug. 30. Left 1884.3 School. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), 1887. In India since 1890. Sialkôte, India. King, Philip Scarborough, second son of Robert King, Esq., Fern House, Upper Clapton, London, E., aged 13, Oct. 17. Left 1884.3 School. In business as a Timber Merchant in London. As above. Pease, Leonard Joseph, son of Arthur Burton Pease, Esq., (o.r, 1840), Melton Hill, Brough, Yorkshire, aged 14, April 29. Left 1883.¹ School. As above. Sadler, Francis Joseph, younger son of Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq., M.D., Barnsley, Yorkshire, aged 14, June 16. Left 1886.2 School. Crick, 1885. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1886. Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford, 1886. B.A., 1890. A Medical Student at St. Bartholomew's, 1891. As above. Sarel, Clement Vincent Molyneux, son of Major-General Henry Andrew Sarel, C.B., (0.R., 1839), Rollesby Hall, Great Yarmouth, aged 13, Dec. 16. Left 1883.3 School. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The 5th Fusiliers, September 14, 1887. Scottish Club. Army List. Sawers, Robert James Maxwell, son of the late Robert Orr Sawers, Esq., care of Mrs. Sawers, 7, St. John's Park, Blackheath, aged 13, Feb. 15. Left 1885.? School. LL.B., London, 1890. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1891. As above. ( September 1881. 109 Thursfield, Richard Cecil, son of the Rev. Richard Thursfield, St. Michael's, Worcester, aged 15, Sept. 12. Left 1883.¹ School. Clare College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. Ordained, 1890. Assistant Curate of Whitby, 1891. Whitby, Yorkshire, and as above. Tooth, Artemus, son of Arthur Tooth, Esq., 21, Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 14, Dec. 18. Left 1883.¹ School. In business in London. As above. Blackwell, Richard Giraud, son of Samuel John Blackwell, Esq., Brooks- hill, Harrow Weald, aged 15, May 6. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. A West India Merchant. 6, Laurence Pountney Lane, London, E.C. Cobb, Cecil Henry, son of Timothy Edward Cobb, Esq., Cotefield, Banbury, Bowden Smith. aged 14, Nov. 27. Left 1884.2 Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 1888. Gosport. Garnett, William, son of James Garnett, Esq., Waddow Hall, Clitheroe, aged 14, May 23. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. In the Cotton Trade. As above. Latham, Henry Guy Dampier, son of Francis Law Latham, Esq., (0.R., 1848), Bombay, aged 12, Oct. 28. Left 1885.2 Bowden Smith. University College School, London, 1885. Caius College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. Caius College, Cambridge. Phillpotts, Henry Robertson, eldest son of the Rev. Henry John Phill- potts, Vicar of Lamerton, Tavistock, aged 13, Oct. 12. Left 1886.2 Bowden Smith. Keble College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. Ordained, 1891. Walkern Rectory, Stevenage. Statham, Francis, son of William Statham, Esq., St. Mary's House, Bedford, aged 14, Oct. 4. Left 1885.3 Bowden Smith. Trinity College, Cambridge, LL.B., 1887. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inu, June, 1891. The Redings, Totteridge, London, N. Cartwright, Theodore John, son of the late Rev. Theodore John Cart- wright, Rector of Preston Bagot, care of Mrs. Cartwright, Claverdon, Warwick, aged 13, March 28. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. At New College, Oxford, since 1887. Preston Bagot, Henley-in-Arden. 110 September 1881. Ellis, John Christopher Radclyffe, son of the Rev. Arthur Ayres Ellis, Vicar of Stotfold, Baldock, Herts, aged 15, Aug. 29. Left 1885.2 Hutchinson. Minor Exhibitioner, 1885. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Classical Tripos, 1888. Dilston, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Jackson, St. George Hay Smither, son of George Thomas Jackson, Esq., Lucknow, Oude, India, aged 14, May 13. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, November, 1888. Law List. McClure, William Lees, son of William Lees McClure, Esq., The Lathams, Prescot, aged 14, May 25. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. Residing in Australia. Highett, South Brighton, Australia. Peebles, John Mure Steel, son of Robert D. Peebles, Esq., Craignethan Lodge, Blackheath, aged 12, Dec. 29. Left 1882.2 Hutchinson. In America, 1891. Banks, William Hartland, son of Richard William Banks, Esq., (o.R., 1832), Ridgebourne, Kington, aged 13, Nov. 14. Left 1886.3 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. A Banker at Kington. As above. Bill, Herbert Edward, son of John Bill, Esq., Coventry, aged 14, Sept. 19. Left 1883.2 Scott. Owen's College, Manchester, and King's College, London. An Engineering Pupil at Leeds, 1891. 6, Montpellier Terrace, Leeds. Drummond, Arthur Lennox, son of George A. Drummond, Esq., Montreal, Scott. aged 13, March 1. Left 1885.2 864, Sherbrooke Street, Montreal, Canada. Hall, Arthur Robinson Kay, son of T. F. Hall, Esq., Effingham House, Leatherhead, aged 14, Oct. 29. Left 1884.2 Scott. XV., 1883. Gazetted to the Royal Irish Rifles, November 16, 1887. In Egypt, 1891. Army List. Harrison, Frank Hyde, son of Alfred Hyde Harrison, Esq., The Lodge, Dunchurch, aged 14, Jan. 17. Left 1884.2 Scott. In Lloyds, London, E.C. Home as above. Kent, Crofton, sixth son of the late William Kent, Esq., of Johndaryan, Queensland, care of Mrs. Kent, Elyston, Woollabra, Sydney, aged 13, Oct. 12. Left 1885.2 Scott. Downton Agricultural College, 1885-1888. Farming in Queensland since 1888. Dalgangal, Maryborough, Queensland. September 1881. 111 Skinner, Sidney Hawkins, son of James Skinner, Esq., Bramley Hill House, Croydon, aged 15, Aug, 8. Left 1883.¹ Scott. XV., 1884. Formerly on the London Stock Exchange. Farming in Colorado, U.S.A., 1891. Sykes, Alan John, second son of Thomas Hardcastle Sykes, Esq., (0.R., 1847), Cheadle, Cheshire, aged 13, April 11. Left 1886.2 Scott. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. In business at Stockport. Edgeley Fold, Stockport. Mann-Thomson, William Dixon, son of John Mann-Thomson, Esq., Kilkerran House, Maybole, Ayrshire, aged 14, March 9. Left 1886.2 Scott. VIII., 1885, 1886. Major Exhibitioner, 1886. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. and LL.B., 1889. Sandhurst, 1890. Gazetted to the Royal Horse Guards, May 1, 1891. Army List. Thompson, William Briggs, eldest son of James Hetherington Thompson, Esq., Warren Bank, Brampton, Carlisle, aged 14, July 13. Left 1886.2 Scott. VIII., 1884, 1885, 1886. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A. and B.C.L., 1890. Devonshire Club. As above. Armitage, Frederick Rhodes, son of Thomas Rhodes Armitage, Esq., M.D., 23, Cambridge Square, London, W., aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1884.¹ Elsee. Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1888. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1885. Engineering Pupil, Midland Railway, 1889. 34, Cambridge Square, London, W. Blackburn, Ernest Woodhead, second son of John Blackburn, Esq., Ivy House, Barnsley, aged 13, Dec. 31. Left 1886.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1881. Minor Exhibitioner, 1886. Scholar of St. John's College, Oxford, 1886. Second Class Mathematical Moderations, 1887. B.A., First Class Natural Science School, 1890. Student of Medicine at Oxford, 1891. As above. Dowson, Erasmus Charles Head, son of Thomas Erasmus Head Dowson, Esq., (0.R. 1853), Lattendales, Penrith, aged 14, Aug. 9. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Demonstrator of Mechanism and Applied Mechanics at Cambridge, 1887. In Melbourne, 1891. His father and uncle should each have been described in Vol. II., pp. 30 and 50, as "son of William Head Dowson, and stepson of the Rev. J. S. Mulcaster.' >" As above. Firmstone, Harold William, son of the late William Charles Firmstone, Esq., and brother of the Rev. Charles Henry Firmstone, West- bury, Brackley, aged 13, May 28. Left 1887.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1881. XV., 1886. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1887. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, 1897. First in Examination for Eastern Cadetships, and appointed to Straits Settlements, 1890. Cadets Bungalow, Singapore. 112 September 1881. t $ Michel, John Henry Forbes, son of John Michel, Esq., C.E., North-West Provinces, India, aged 13, Jan. 18. Left 1884 2 Elsee. Went to India. Stephens, Michael Edmund, son of Henry C. Stephens, Esq., M.P., Avenue House, Finchley, London, N., aged 13, Sept. 10. Left 1885.1 Elsee. In business in London. Cholderton, near Salisbury, and as above. Swinton, Ernest Dunlop, fourth son of Robert Blair Swinton, Esq., 25, Randolph Crescent, London, afterwards of 105, Shooter's Hill Road, Blackheath, aged 12, Oct. 21. Left 1882.2 Elsee. Went to Cheltenham College, 1883. Woolwich, 1886. Gazetted to the Royal Engineers, 1888. India, 1890. N.W. Department, Lucknow, India. Blunt, Charles Mortimer, son of Frederick William Blunt, Esq., Plaw Hatch, Bishops Stortford, aged 13, June 27. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. XI., 1885. In business in London. 8, Westbourne Crescent, Hyde Park, London, W. Dawkins, Thomas Frederick, fourth son of the Rev. James Annesley Dawkins, (0.R., 1843), Daylesford, Chipping Norton, aged 14, Aug. 22. Left 1886,2 Lee Warner. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Law School, 1890. White's Club, St. James', London, S. W. Garrett, Newson Littlewood, son of Edmund Garrett, Esq., Shrewsbury House, East Ham, Essex, aged 15, Oct. 17. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1887. Admitted a Solicitor, January, 1891. As above. Haines, Cecil Evered, son of the late Henry Haines, Esq., care of Mrs. Haines, Sandfield, Reigate, aged 14, April 8. Left 1884.2 Lec Warner. On the London Stock Exchange. Toftrees, East Molesey, Surrey. Lascelles, William Frank, son of Frank Cavendish Lascelles, Esq., British Consul at Sophia, (afterwards Sir F. C. Lascelles, K.C.M.G., British Minister at Teheran), aged 13, March 21. Left 1885.¹ Lee Warner. Sandhurst, 1887. Gazetted to the Scots Guards, May 15, 1889. Army List. Malcolm, George, son of General Sir George Malcolm, K.C.B., 13, Crom- well Crescent, South Kensington, aged 14, Feb. 15. A Settler in Canada. Dominion City, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Left 1882.¹ Lee Warner. September 1881. 113 1 Morris, Charles Hopkins, son of the late Arthur Hopkins, Esq., care of Mrs. Hopkins, Hall End, Tamworth, aged 14, Aug. 21. Left 1884.¹ Lee Warner. As above. Slagg, William Crighton, son. of the late W. Slagg, Esq., care of Mrs. Slagg, Didsbury, Manchester, aged 14, May 4. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, January 28, 1889. 2, Garden Court, Temple, London, E.C. Farmer, William Alfred, son of William Farmer, Esq., (afterwards Sir W. Farmer, Knight; Sheriff, 1891), Summerhill, Chislehurst, aged 13, Jan. 1. Left 1884.¹ Whitelaw. Gazetted to the 4th Hussars, June 24, 1890. Island Bridge Barracks, Dublin, 1891. Constitutional Club. Coworth Park, Sunningdale, Berks. Ivens, John Howard, son of William Ivens, Esq., Harboro' Parva, Rugby, aged 13, Feb. 26. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. XV., 1885. As above. Joynson, Harold Mead, son of Tertius Joynson, Esq., Ivy Lodge, New Brighton, Cheshire, aged 14, Feb. 23. Left 1882.¹ Whitelaw. A Medical Student. Long View, Liscard, Cheshire. Rendall, Godfrey Arthur Harding, sixth son of the Rev. Henry Rendall, Great Rollright, Chipping Norton, aged 14, June 30. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1881. Head of the School. Tait Scholar. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1886. Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1886. First Class Classical Moderations, 1888. Second Class Law School, 1891. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1890. As above. Sprague, John Alexander Davies, son of J. D. Sprague, Esq., Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, aged 15, May 7. Left 1883.2 Whitelaw. Jackson, George Frederick, son of George Jackson, Esq., Selby Park, Birmingham, aged 13, Jan. 1. Left 1884.¹ Green. Brandwood House, King's Heath, Worcestershire. Radley, Edward Yelf, second son of the late James Radley, Esq., care of Mrs. Radley, 4, Abercromby Square, Liverpool, aged 14, April 28. Left 1884.2 Green. St. John's College, Oxford, B.A., 1888. Learning Civil Engineering. As above. P 114 January 1882. Smallwood, Frank Graham, son of A. Smallwood, Esq., Bankshall Street, Calcutta, aged 14, Feb. 10. Left 1882.³ Green. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, July 24, 1886. Quetta, 1891. 2nd Battery, R.A., Quetta, India. Watson, Ernest, son of James Watson, Esq., 32, Gloucester Crescent, London, W., aged 13, May 31. Left 1884.2 Green. In an East India Merchant's Office. 8, Pembridge Villas, Bayswater, London, W. Furness, John Monteith, eldest son of the Rev. John Monteith Furness, Rugby, aged 12, May 16. Left 1888.2 Town. Scholar, 1883. Head of the School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1888. Scholar of King's College, Cambridge, 1887. Matric, October, 1888. First Class Classical Tripos, part 1, 1891. Overslade, near Rugby. Gillson, Godfrey, second son of Henry Thomas Gillson, Esq., Rugby, aged 13, Dec. 15. Left 1884.2 Town-Lee Warner. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1887. Artillery, November 13, 1889. Gibraltar, 1891. Madeford, Christchurch, Hants. Woolwich, 1888. Gazetted to the Royal Mee, Colin Cowper, younger son of the late John Cowper Mee, Esq., care of Mrs. Mee, Rugby, aged 13, Dec. 24. Left 1884.3 Town. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Neuchátel, Neboda, Ceylon. Henry Tull Rhoades, Esq., Town. Rhoades, Edmund Lushington, second son of (O.R., 1847), Rugby, aged 13, Jan. 25. Left 1886.2 A Midshipman in F. Green and Co.'s. Blackwall Line, 1886. 4, Arnold Villas, Rugby. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1882. Ainsworth, Percy, son of Charles Frederick Ainsworth, Esq., Lower Brazley, Horwich, Bolton, Lancashire, aged 14, Feb. 10. Left 1883.3 School. As above. Bradby, Henry Christopher, son of the Rev. Edward Henry Bradby, (o.R., 1839), Headmaster of Haileybury College, Hertford, aged 13, Dec. 28. Left 1887.2 School. XI., 1885, 1886, 1887. XV., 1886. Racquets, 1887. New College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1889. B.A., Second Class Final Classical School, 1891. St. Katherine's Dock House, London, E. January 1882. 115 Newman, Edward, son of Thomas James Newman, Esq., Barnsley, York- shire, aged 13, June 30. Left 1886.2 School. Articled to a Solicitor. Care of H. Ashington, Esq., Solicitor, Sheffield. Phillipps, Grismond, son of Captain Grismond Phillipps, J.P., Bronwydd Arms, R.S.O., Caermarthenshire, aged 14, Nov. 24. Left 1886.¹ School. Gazetted to the Caermarthen Artillery Militia, March, 1887. Union Club. As above. Ridgway, Herbert Gainsford, son of Tobias Gainsford Ridgway, Esq., 2, Waterloo Place, London, S.W., aged 14, Nov. 6. Left 1885.¹ School, In business in the Bombay and Burma Trading Corporation. Pyinmana, Ningyan, Upper Burma. Wilson, Rowland Alwyne, son of the Rev. William Reginald Wilson, Bolsterstone, Sheffield, aged 13, July 18. Left 1887.2 School. XI., 1885, 1886, 1887. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. A Private Tutor, 1891. Crescent House, Rugby, or as above. Cartwright, Thomas George, son of William George Cartwright, Esq., Springfield, Newport, Monmouthshire, aged 14, March 10. Left 1885.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1885. VIII., 1884. Christ Church, Oxford, 1887. In business at Newport. As above. De Rivaz, Charles Henry Chevally, son of Victor C. de Rivaz, Esq., North- brook House, Grove Road, London, N.W., aged 14, Aug. 30. Left 1884.3 Bowden Smith. In business as a Stock Jobber. As above. Oldrey, Eustace Nugent, son of the late Robert Oldrey, Esq., and brother of R. B. Oldrey, Esq., Northampton, aged 13, March 11. Left 1886.¹ Bowden Smith. 10, Gledstanes Road, West Kensington. Watson, Edward Alexander, son of Robert Brown Watson, Esq., Sudworth, New Brighton, aged 14, Oct. 7. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Residing in America. Nimrod Hall, Bath County, Virginia, U.S.A. Balderson, Claude Henry, son of Henry Balderson, Hemel Hempstead, aged 14, March 14. Left 1885.¹ Hutchinson. In the 6th Royal Warwickshire Regiment. At Moultan, India, 1891. Comer Hall, Hemel Hempstead. 116 January 1882. Hutchinson, Edward Percy, son of the late William Henry Heap Hutchinson, Esq., care of Mrs. Hutchinson, Cottingham Hall, Hull, aged 13, Jan. 30. Left 1884.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1884. VIII., 1883, 1884. In his brother's Shipping Office at Hull. As above. Lloyd, Frederick Henry, son of the late Rev. Maurice Lloyd, Rector of Montgomery, and ward of the Rev. Robert More White, Church- stoke, aged 14, Oct. 13. Left 1883.3 Hutchinson. Churchstoke, Montgomeryshire. Scotter, Frederick Charles, son of Charles Scotter, Esq., Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 13, June 29. Left 1887.¹ Hutchinson. Racquets, 1887. On the London Stock Exchange. Constitutional Club. Surbiton Hill, London, S. W. Baines, Henry Verdon, son of William M. Baines, Esq., (0.R., 1844), Bell Hall, York, aged 13, Feb. 13. Left 1884.2 Scott. Admitted a Solicitor, February, 1891. As above. Hill, Charles Alexander, son of the late Ely Hill, Esq., care of Mrs. Hill, The Hollies, Croxteth Road, Liverpool, aged 14, Dec. 5. Left 1886.2 Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and M.B., 1889. A Medical Student at St. George's, 1890. St. George's Hospital, London, or as above. Kingsley, Charles William Manuel, son of Mrs. Kingsley, 3, Ovington Square, South Kensington, aged 13, Feb. 19. Left 1885.3 Scott. Rondebosch, Cape of Good Hope. Rodger, George Douglas, son of George Rodger, Esq., 3, Sandford Place, Cheltenham, aged 14, April 26. Left 1884.2 Scott. In Buenos Ayres since 1886. Sykes, Percy Molesworth, son of the Rev. William Sykes, (0.R., 1842), Chaplain to the Forces, Canterbury, aged 14, Feb. 28. Left 1886.2 Scott. Racquets, 1885, 1886. Sandhurst, 1887. Gazetted to the 2nd Dragoon Guards, February 28, 1888. Sialkot, India, 1891. Army List. Allen, Edward Lynn, eldest son of Bulkley Allen, Esq., J.P., (o.R., 1853), West Lynn, Altrincham, aged 13, Feb. 7. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Sandhurst, 1886. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, June 5, 1889. As above. January 1882. 117 Boughton-Leigh, Percy Wilfrid, son of the Rev. Theodosius Egerton Boughton Ward Boughton-Leigh, Newbold-on-Avon, aged 14, Oct. 31. Left 1885.2 Elsee. XV., 1885. XI., 1885. At Jesus College, Cambridge, since 1889. As above. Cockburn, Hampden Zane Churchill, son of G. R. R. Cockburn, Esq., Toronto, Canada, aged 14, Nov. 16. Left 1886.2 Elsee. XV., 1885. London University, January, 1887. Hatch, Charles Wycliffe, eldest son of Samuel Charles Hatch, Esq., Headingley, Leeds, aged 14, Sept. 12. Left 1885.¹ Elsee. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1885. Anders, Francis Robert, son of Henry William Anders, Esq., Thornleigh, Huddersfield, aged 13, Feb. 14. Left 1885.³ Lee Warner. In the Wool Business in Manchester, 1887. On a Sheep-run in Australia for the sake of his health, since 1890. Care of A. MacBean, Esq., Kirndeen, Calcairn, viâ Albury, N.S.W. Turner, Christopher Edward, son of J. P. Turner, Esq., Leamington, aged Lee Warner. 14, Feb. 19. Left 1884.2 Farming in North-West America. Heaton, Alan Baldwin, son of John Deakin Heaton, Esq., M.D., Claremont, Leeds, aged 13, Oct. 26. Left 1887.2 Lee Warner. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Natural Science Tripos, 1890. Isthmian Club. As above. Stevenson, Charles Lorimer, son of William Stevenson, Esq., Cumber- nauld, Glasgow, aged 13, June 2. Left 1883.2 Lee Warner. A Tea Planter in Assam (sails 1891). Silhet, Assam, viâ Calcutta. Bond, Frederick Edward Vivian, son of Frank Walters Bond, Esq., War- grave Hill, Henley-on-Thames, aged 14, May 5. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. In business at Saltburn. Home as above. Whittaker, Thomas Sherren, son of Thomas Earle Fernleigh, Beckenham, Kent, aged 14, Jan. 26. Whittaker, Esq., Left 1887.1 Whitelaw. XV., 1886. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Law Special, 1890. Student of the Middle Temple. National Conservative Club, As above. 118 April 1882.. Callender, David Aubrey, son of the late Samuel Pope Callender, Esq., care of Mrs. Callender, Rugby, aged 13, Nov. 11. Left 1883.¹ Town. Went to Wellington College and Sandhurst. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Royal Scots, January, 23, 1890. At the Cape, 1891. Cape Town, South Africa. Wreford-Brown, Louis, son of Captain William Wreford-Brown, 4, Worcester Villas, Clifton, Bristol, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1885.2 Hutchinson. *XI,, 1885. A Banana Planter in Fiji. The Club, Suva, Fiji. ENTRANCES IN APRIL, 1882. Blandford, Joseph John Guthrie, son of the Rev. Josias Jessop Blandford, (O.R., 1829), Spondon, Derby, aged 14, Jan. 2. Left 1886.¹ School. VIII., 1885. Pembroke College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. A Scholar, 1882. VIII., 1885. Medical Student. Bolland, James Wyllie, son of Thomas Joseph Bolland, Esq., Broome House, Didsbury, Manchester, aged 13, July 24. Left 1885.2 School. A Produce Broker in London. Grosvenor Club, London, S. W. Ellison, Henry Richard Nevile, son of the Rev. Charles Christopher Ellison, (0.R., 1849), Bracebridge, Lincoln, aged 13, July 16. Left 1886.¹ School. The Manse, Bracebridge, Lincoln. Browning, Edward Eustace, son of Edward Charles Browning, Esq., Woodlands, Redditch, aged 14, July 10. Left 1883.¹ Bowden Smith. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Capron, Charles, son of Frederick Lucas Capron, Esq., 17, Warwick Square, London, S.W., aged 14, Sept. 14. Left 1884.3 Bowden Smith. A Civil Engineer. As above. Harrison, Oswald, son of Edward Hodgson Harrison, Esq., Breck Hay, Liscard, Cheshire, aged 14, May 17. Left 1883.3 Bowden Smith. In business in Liverpool. i Plymyard, Eastham, Cheshire. Hessey, James Dodson, son of the Rev. Robert Falkner Hessey, Basing, Basingstoke, aged 14, July 3. Left 1884.3 Bowden Smith. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1886. A Medical Student at Middlesex Hospital since 1887. As above. April 1882. 119 Slater, John William, eldest son of William Slater, Esq., J.P., Holmses, Sharples, Bolton, aged 14, June 14. Left 1884.3 Left 1884.3 Bowden Smith. Dunscar, Bolton, Lancashire. Burnett, Charles Kenyon, son of Charles Burnett, Esq., Biggleswade, aged 13, June 20. Left 1886.2 Hutchinson. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 18th Hussars, January 23, 1889. Mhow, Bombay, 1891. Left Mothersill, Herbert Johnston, son of Christopher Mothersill, Esq., Woodburne, Brooklands, Manchester, aged 14, July 28. 1886.¹ Hutchinson. XV., 1884, 1885. In business. As above. Preston, Henry Chippindale, son of Robert Wheeler Preston, Esq., Clare Lodge, Wallasey, Cheshire, aged 13, Aug. 18. Left 1883.1 Hutchinson. In business in Liverpool. As above. Rawlinson, Abram Leonard, son of Abram Creswicke Rawlinson, Esq., (0.R., 1851), Chipping Norton, aged 13, May 20. Left same Term. Hutchinson. Fort Atkinson, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin, U.S.A. Dowdall, Harold Chaloner, son of the late Thomas Dowdall, Esq., care of Mrs. Dowdall, Alexandra Drive, Princes Park, Liverpool, aged 14, March 7. Left 1887.2 Scott. Minor Exhibitioner, 1887. Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, 1889. Student of the Inner Temple. As above. Firth, Edward Willoughby, son of Sheffield, aged 15, April 7. Left 1885.3 Edward Firth, Esq., Tapton Edge, Scott. A Steel Manufacturer, Norfolk Works, Sheffield, And as above. Engaged in Commerce. As above. Wellby, Edwin Victor, son of John Henry Wellby, Esq, 12, Russell Square, London, W.C., aged 14, March 18. Left 1884.3 Scott. Gaddum, Arthur Louis Roger, third son of George Henry Gaddum, Esq., Withington, Manchester, aged 13, July 6. Left 1886.¹ Elsee. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., and LL.B., Second Class Law Tripos, 1890. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, June, 1891. Adria House, Didsbury, Manchester. 120 April 1882. Grice, James Elliott, son of Edwin James Grice, Esq., C.E., The Field, Newport, Monmouth, aged 14, April 13. Left 1886.3 Elsee, A Student at Leipsig, 1891. Beechwood, Reigate. Martyn, Richard Linnington, son of the late Richard Martyn, Esq, of Broadchyst, brother and ward of H. M. Martyn, Esq., Countess Weir, Exeter, aged 13, Aug. 28. Left 1886.2 Elsee. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1887-1889. Has assumed the additional surname of LINNINGTON after MARTYŃ, The Limes, Thornton Heath, Surrey. Snewin, Percy, son of Charles Boyes Noel Snewin, Esq., Back Hill, Hatton Garden, London, aged 13, Dec. 26. Left 1885.¹ Elsee. In business in London. As above. Brandram, George Alfred, son of Samuel Brandram, Esq., Fawley, Dynevor Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, aged 14, March 30. Left 1885.3 Lee Warner. As above. Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, second son of the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., Birmingham, aged 13, March 18. Left 1886.³ Lee Warner. Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham. Granet, William Guy, second son of the late William Augustus Granet, Esq., care of Mrs. Granet, Salita san Bartolomeo degli Armeni, Genoa, aged 14, Oct. 13. Left 1884.2 Lee Warner. Balliol College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Modern History School, 1889. Student of Lincoln's Inn, since November, 1890. Balliol College, Oxford. Barker, Peter William, son of the Rev. John Thomas Barker, Rushden Rectory, Higham Ferrers, aged 13, May 9. Left 1884.¹ Whitelaw. An Indigo Planter in India. Neeschindipore, near Calcutta. Dulley, Herbert, son of the late William Dulley, Esq., care of Mrs Dulley, The Lindens, Wellingborough, aged 13, June 6. Left 1884.3 Whitelaw. In business as a Brewer. As above. Firth, Charles Percy Bramley, fifth son of the late Mark Firth, Esq., care of Mrs. Firth, Oak Brook, Sheffield, aged 14, April 21. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1886. In business in Sheffield. As above. : September 1882. 121 Foster, Henric George, son of George Anthony Foster, Esq., Chilton Lodge, Southsea, aged 15, Jan. 30. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. VIII., 1884, 1885, 1886. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Chilton Lodge, Elm Grove, Southsea. Wrigley, Louis Comyns, son of James Alfred Wrigley, Esq., Fieldhead, Netherton, Huddersfield, aged 13, June 20. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. XV., 1884. A Land Agent. Guisborough, Yorkshire. Deakin, William Rothschild, eldest son of Joseph Deakin, Esq., Eller How, Grange-over-Sands, aged 13, May 20. Left 1885.3 Green. As above. Andrews, Octavius Charles, son of Mrs. Andrews, Pennington Street, Rugby, aged 14, Nov. 2. Left 1884.2 Town. A Medical Student. L.S.A., London, 1889. As above. Dennis, Stanley Martyn, son of James Hawke Dennis, Esq., Marlfield, West Derby, Liverpool, aged 13, May 11. Left same Term. Elsee In business in Liverpool. Bradstones, West Derby, Liverpool. Haworth, Alfred, son of Abraham Haworth, Esq., Hilston House, Altrincham, aged 14, Feb. 7. Left 1886.¹ Hutchinson. Victoria University, 1886-1890. As above. Jackson, John Michel, son of George Thomas Jackson, Esq., Lucknow, India, aged 13, June 20. Left 1887.3 Hutchinson. Called to the Bar, November, 1890. Practising in India. Lucknow, India. Le Mesurier, Claude William, son of Edward Algernon Le Mesurier, Esq., Banker, 39, Corso Magenta, Genoa, aged 14, Sept. 23. Left 1883.¹ Lee Warner. In the Colonies in ill health, 1891. Preparing for business as above. Villa dei Cipressi, San Francesco d'Albaro, Genoa. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1882. Darnell, Charles Knapp, son of the Rev. Daniel Charles West Darnell, (o.k., 1857), Cargilfield, Edinburgh, aged 13, Feb. 2. Left 1886.1 School. A Medical Student, Edinburgh University. As above. 122 September 1882. Davidson, Frank James, son of James Davidson, Esq., Bank House, Acklington, aged 14, May 2. Left 1886.2 School. Jesus College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Evans, Granville Pennefather, son of Matthew Pennefather Evans, Esq., 17, Airlie Gardens, Campden Hill, London, W., aged 13, Dec. 9. Left 1886.¹ School. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion 24th Regiment, July 16, 1890. Army List. Hartley, Henry, son of Milham Hartley, Esq., Larkfield, Chepstow, aged 13, Dec. 2. Left 1886.¹ School. As above. Hill, Ninian Crawfurd, son of Thomas Hill, Esq., Dean Park House, Edinburgh, aged 14, June 24. Left 1884.¹ School. Residing in Australia. The Firs, Spring Mount, Creswick, Victoria. Moultrie, Hugh Crawford, son of George William Moultrie, Esq., (0.R., 1843), Bank of England, Manchester, aged 13, Sept. 23. Left 1885.2 School. Woolwich, 1886. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, February, 1888. Army List. Naylor, Charles James, son of James Richard Naylor, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, care of J. Elliott, Esq., 17, Great St. Helens, E.C., aged 13, July 20. Left 1884.3 School. Ormerod, Ernest William, elder son of the late Edward Latham Ormerod, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., (o.R., 1833), care of Mrs. Ormerod, 14, Old Steyne, Brighton, aged 13, Nov. 17. Left 1887.2 School. Scholar, 1883. Major Exhibitioner, 1887. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. A Medical Student at St. Bartholomew's. 51, Brunswick Place, Brighton. Pirie, Francis David, son of Alexander George Pirie, Esq., (o.R., 1850), Leckmelm, Garve, Ross-shire, and 26, Queen's Gate, London, S.W., aged 14, March 29. Left 1885.3 School. Jesus College, Cambridge, 1886. In business. Stoney Wood Works, Aberdeen. Reynolds, Ernest Edward, son of Edward Reynolds, Esq., Paxten Hall, ✅ St. Neots, aged 14, April 26. Left 1886.2 In Pretoria, Transvaal, 1891. 58, Montague Square, London, W. Soames, Harold, son of the Rev. Charles Soames, Mildenhall, Marlborough, aged 14, Sept. 10. Left 1883.¹ School, Farming in the Transvaal, near Johannisberg. Home as above. September 1882. 123 Stephens, Archibald Collingwood, son of the Rev. William Henry George Stephens, St. John's Darlington, aged 13, Nov. 18. Left 1887.2 School. XV., 1886. VIII., 1887. Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford, 1887. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1889. As above. Till, Ernest Wentworth, son of E. Till, Esq., Canbury Lodge, Kingston- on-Thames, aged 15, Sept. 3. Left 1883.2 School. Townend, William, son of Joseph Winsley Townend, Esq., Cullingworth; School. Bingley, Yorkshire, aged 15, Sept. 4. Left 1883.3 In business at Bradford. 13, Park Mount, Manningham, Bradford. Whishaw, Alfred Bertram, son of Alfred Henry Whishaw, Esq., St. Petersburg, care of J. Todd, Esq., All Hallow's Chambers, Lombard Street, London, E.C., aged 13, Feb. 7. Left 1887.2 School. XV., 1885, 1886. A Medical Student. Returned to St. Petersburg, August, 1891. As above. Bell, Charles Meredith, son of G. M. Bell, Esq., Manor House, Hook, Surbiton, aged 16, June 14. Left 1884.3 Bowden Smith. Residing in Australia. Bird, Francis Charlton, son of Edward Johns Bird, Esq., Barton Hall, Burton-on-Trent, aged 13, Oct. 5. Left 1885.³ Bowden Smith. Orgreave Hall, Lichfield. Bowden Smith, Harold, eighth son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, (O.R., 1844), Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 14, July 5. Left 1887.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1886, 1887. Keble College, Oxford, October, 1887. In Australia as a Private Tutor for a year, from October, 1891. Camden Park, Menangle, New South Wales. Dixon, Lennox Burton, eldest son of James Willis Dixon, Esq., West- bourne, Sheffield, aged 14, June 2. Left 1886.³ Bowden Smith. In business. Hillsborough Hall, Sheffield. Duffield, Arthur Stewart, son of William Ward Duffield, Esq., Brownings, Chelmsford, aged 15, Sept. 6. Left 1885.³ Bowden Smith. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Articled to a Solicitor, 1890. National Liberal Club. As above. 124 September 1882. Murray, Alan Beville, son of Major Harvey Young Murray, Nusserabad, India, care of T. W. Flavelle, Esq., 14, Devonport Street, London, W., aged 14, Sept. 8. Left 1883.2 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, February 17, 1891. Army List. Pattinson, Richard Everard, son of Hugh Lee Pattinson, Esq., Scots House, West Bolden, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 13, Nov. 27. Left Bowden Smith. 1883.2 Dead. Adams, William, son of William Adams, Esq., (o.R., 1849), Stoke-upon-Trent, aged 14, Aug. 12. Left 1886.1 Hutchinson. In business. The Oaks, Wolstanton, Stoke-upon-Trent. Cassels, Kenneth Scougall, son of Andrew Cassels, Esq., 51, Cleveland Square, London, W., aged 13, June 5. Left 1885.3 Hutchinson. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Hampshire Regiment, October 23, 1889. Junior United Service Club. Army List. Onions, John Collingwood, son of John Collingwood Onions, Esq., J.P., The Grange, Tyseley, aged 13, Nov. 29. Left 1886.3 Hutchinson. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. Leeds Clergy School, 1891. As above. Speed, Edwin Arney, son of Robert Henry Speed, Esq.,_The Park, Nottingham, aged 13, March 11. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. Scholar, 1882. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1887. Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1898. B.A., First Class Classical Tripos, 1890. Student of the Inner Temple, 1890. As above. Weeden, Edward St. Clair, only son of Edward Charles Weeden, Esq., Park Villa, Eastbourne, aged 15, July 12. Left 1886.2 Hutchinson. New College, Oxford, B.A., Fourth Class Final Classical School, 1890. Cuddesdon Theological College, 1891. As above. Murray-Browne, Cecil, son of Thomas Lloyd Murray-Browne, Esq., 47, West Parade, Rhyl, aged 13, Nov. 17. Left 1885.¹ Scott. Student of the Middle Temple. Common Room, Middle Temple, London, E.C. Chamberlin, Robert Marshall, son of Alexander Robert Chamberlin, Esq., The Grove, Norwich, aged 14, March 21. Left 1884.3 Scott. In business at Norwich. As above. September 1882. 125 Fairclough, James Stanley, son of James Stanley Fairclough, Esq., Ellerslie, Aughton, Ormskirk, aged 14, Aug. 7. Left 1883.2 Scott. In business as a Cotton Broker in Liverpool. As above. Farran, George Erle, son of Francis Henry Farran, Esq., Belcamp, Wimbledon, aged 14, June 14. Left 1886.² Scott. Ely Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., Fourth Class Modern History School, 1891. Theological College, 1891. As above. Harding, William Grosvenor, son of William Septimus Harding, Esq., Englefield, Harborne, Birmingham, aged 14, July 26. Left 1886. Scott. Trinity College, Cambridge. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment, December 21, 1889. As above. Hay, John James, ward of J. Pringle, Esq., Claremont Park, Leith, Edin- burgh, aged 15, May 20. Left 1884.2 Scott. University College, Oxford, 1887. Kelvey, Arthur Robert, second son of Charles Kelvey, Esq., 29, Norfolk Road, Avenue Road, London, N.W., aged 13, Oct. 8. Left 1886.¹ Scott. In an Auctioneer's Office. As above. Howard, John Cephas, son of Edward Carrington Howard, Esq., Poynton Birches, Stockport, aged 14, March 26. Left 1884.1 Scott. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Cheshire Regiment, March 9, 1891. Wellington Club, London. Lomax, Charles Edward, son of Thomas Openshaw Lomax, Esq., (0.R., 1852), Bodfach, Llanfyllin, R.S.O., Montgomeryshire, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1886.2 Scott. As above. Schwabe, Herbert Priestly, son of Henry Arthur Schwabe, Esq., Lymm, Cheshire, aged 14, March 9. Left 1883.3 In business in Manchester. As above. Bond, Reginald, son of the Rev. John Bond, Anderby, Alford, Lincolnshire, aged 13, Jan. 24. Left 1888.2 Elsee. At Magdalen College, Cambridge, since 1888. Steeple Ashton Vicarage, Trowbridge, Wilts. Fairhurst, James Ashton, son of Thomas Fairhurst, Esq., Kilbey, Worthington, Wigan, aged 15, Feb. 16. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Jesus College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. Student of the Inner Temple. As above. 126 September 1882. Lees, Arthur John, son of John Lees, Esq., Slade Hill, Wolverhampton, aged 14, Oct. 4. Left 1884.3 Elsee. Birmingham Law Society's Gold Medal. Incorporated Law Society, Chancery Lane, London. Admitted a Solicitor, April, 1890. Address as above, and :- Livingstone, William Ramsay, son of George Ramsay Livingstone, Esq., Sandyway, Claughton, Birkenhead, aged 14, June 11. Left 1886.2 Elsee. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. Wells Theological College, 1891. Melly, Henry Greg, seventh son of Charles Pierre Melly, Esq., (o.R., 1844), Riversley, Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 13, Oct. 23. Left 1886.2 Elsee. An Engineer. As above. Bateson, Edward, son of the late Rev. William Henry Bateson, D.D., Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, care of Mrs. Bateson, 12, Queen Anne Terrace, Cambridge, aged 13, Sept. 29. Left 1885.¹ Lee Warner. Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge, 1888. Scholar, 1889. B.A., First Class Historical Tripos, 1890. Student of Lincoln's Inn. King's College, Cambridge. Drummond, James Iver Macpherson, son of William Venn Drummond, Esq., Shanghai, China, aged 13, Oct. 4. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. In the Chinese Maritime Customs Department. Foochow, China. Mander, John Harold, son of the late Charles B. Mander, Esq., care of Mrs. Mander, The Mount, Wolverhampton, aged 13, Aug. 3. Left 1888.¹ Lee Warner. XV., 1886, 1887. VIII., 1886, 1837. Racquets, 1888. Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Gazetted to the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, July 16, 1890. Care of Cox and Co., Charing Cross, or as above. Ramsay, George, son of William Ramsay, Esq., (o.R., 1844), Nasil, Bombay Lee Warner. Civil Service, aged 13, Oct. 25. Left 1886.2 King's College, London, Medical, since May, 1887. King's College Hospital, London, W.C. Ratcliff, William Milner, son of Daniel Rawlinson Ratcliff, Esq., Great Alne Hall, Alcester, aged 14, May 12. Left 1887.2 Lee Warner. XI., 1887. Oriel College, Oxford, B.A., 1891. New Oxford and Cambridge Club. 24, Lancaster Gate, London, W. Romer, Ralph Cudworth, son of Robert Romer, Esq., Q.C., (afterwards Sir R. Romer, a Justice of the High Court), 5, Grenville Place, South Kensington, aged 14, June 22. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. Articled to a Solicitor. 27, Harrington Gardens, South Kensington. September 1882. 127 Allman, James Abraham, son of Richard Lane Allman, Esq., Woodlands, Bandou, aged 15, June 15. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. As above. Ashby, Harold Glover, son of W. G. Ashby, Esq., St. John's Common, Burgess Hill, Sussex, aged 16, April, 13. Left 1884.3 Whitelaw. Died October 4, 1887. Whitelaw, Francis, eldest son of Robert Whitelaw, Esq., Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 14, May 22. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. A Medical Student at St. Mary's Hospital, since 1888. St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London, W. Leverson, Harry Adolphus, second son of James Leverson, Esq., 1, Marl- borough Gate, London, W., aged 14, May 3. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1882. Sandhurst, 1890, 1891. Isthmian Club. 72, Cornwall Gardens, London, S.W. Haggie, Charles James, son of Peter Haggie, Esq., Cleadon Park, South Shields, aged 15, June 13. Left 1883.2 Michell. Died in 1887. Harrison, Willoughby Hyde, son church, aged 14, Feb. 16. of Alfred Hyde Harrison, Esq., Dun- Left 1884.3 Michell. XV.. 1884, Oxford Military College, 1885. Gazetted to 1st Battalion The Border Regiment (34th), 1890. Army Service Corps, May 19, 1891. Border Regiment, Dover, Kent. Jobling, John Beresford, son of Major Alfred Jobling, Seaton Lodge, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 12, Oct. 21. Left 1885.¹ Michell. Gazetted to the 4th (Militia) Battalion The Liverpool Regiment, January 9, 1889. Lymington, Hants. Piffard, Guerard Robert Eyre, son of Albert Piffard, Esq., Felden, Box- moor, Herts, aged 13, April 29. Michell. Died at School, July 5, 1883. Seckham, Gerald James Thorne, third son of Samuel Lipscomb Seckham, Esq., Beacon House, Lichfield, aged 14, Oct. 21. Left 1885.2 Michell. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1891. Junior Athenæum Club. 4, Stone Buildings, London, W.C. Austen, Frank, son of Ambrose Austen, Esq., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 12, Jan, 13. Left 1886.3 Town. Heidelberg, 1887. Assistant Manager on a Tea Estate since 1890. Maguracherra Estate, Dullabcherra, Sylhet, India. 128 January 1883. Lowndes, John Gordon, son of Colonel John Henry Lowndes, Rugby, aged 13, Sept. 27. Left 1883.2 Town. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, July 30, 1890. Braunston, Rugby. Wright, Charles Lingham, son of the Rev. George Farncomb Wright, Overslade, Rugby, afterwards Rector of Lamborne, Romford, aged 15, June 4. Left 1886.2 Town. An Assistant Master at a Preparatory School. Hartfield Villa, Malvern Wells. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1883. Adkins, Arthur Sutton, son of George Adkins, Esq., The Lightwoods, Birmingham, aged 14, Nov. 6. Left 1886.3 School, Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Sherwood Foresters (45th) Regiment, November 9, 1889. As above. Blyth, Herbert William, son of James Blyth, Esq., 2, Park Crescent, Portland Place, London, W., aged 14, March 1. Left 1885.2 School. In business. A member of the Firm of W. and A. Gilbey, Pantheon, London. Devonshire Club. Wood House, Stansted, Essex. Burgess, Gilbert Turner, son of John Bagnold Burgess, Esq., A.R.A., 205, Maida Vale, London, W., aged 14, May 29. Left 1884.² School. In a Mercantile Office. 60, Finchley Road, London. Hill, Alfred Rowley, son of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, Bishop's Court, Isle of Man, aged 14, Dec. 24. Left 1883.3 School. Postlethwaite, John Harold, son of the Rev. John Postlethwaite, Wreaks End, Broughton-in-Furness, aged 13, June 7. Left 1883.3 School. Farming in New Zealand, since 1887. Home address, Broughton House, Broughton-in-Furness. Stamer, Arthur Cowie, fifth son of the Venerable Sir Lovelace Tomlinson Stamer, Bart., afterwards Bishop Suffragan of Shrewsbury, (0.R., 1843), Cliffville, Stoke-upon-Trent, aged 13, March 7. Left 1887.2 School. A Mechanical Engineer, care of Beyer, Peacock and Co., Manchester. Or, as above. January 1883. 129 Bryce-Smith, Arnold, son of Bryce-Smith, Esq., Rye Bank, Chorlton- cum- -Hardy, Manchester, aged 14, May 6. Left 1885.3 Bowden Smith. In business in Manchester. As above. Davies, Cyril Froodvale, son of John Morgan Davies, Esq., Froodvale, Llandilo, aged 15, Jan. 11. Left 1885.¹ Bowden Smith. R.A. College, Cirencester, since January, 1889. Diploma, 1891, As above. Nisbet, Francis Courtenay, son of Harry Curtis Nisbet, Esq., (0.R., 1844), Manor House, Sidcup, Kent, aged 14, Jan. 18. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1886, 1887. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to 1st Battalion The Gloucestershire Regimont (28th), March 29, 1890. As above. Agnew, Frank, second son of Charles Swain Agnew, Esq., Beechwoods, Prestwich, aged 13, April 20. Left 1888.¹ Hutchinson. XV., 1886, 1887. Beechwoods, Prestwich, Manchester. Howard, John Grantley, son of George Howard, Esq., Oaklands, Crickle- wood, Middlesex, aged 12, Feb. 20. Left 1887.³ Hutchinson. XI., 1887. 26, Berners Street, London. Eversleigh, Lyndhurst Gardens, Hampstead. Overton, George Cecil Rudall, son of William Henry Overton, Esq., J.P., (0.R., 1850), Frimstone Lodge, Liphook, Hants, aged 13, Oct. 8. Left 1888.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1888. VIII., 1888. Gazetted to the 5th (Militia) Battalion The Royal Fusiliers, December 6, 1890. As above. Smith, Harold Duke, son of Aston William Smith, Esq., 3, Merton Road, Bootle, Liverpool, aged 15, Oct. 31. Left 1885.3 Hutchinson. A Civil Engineer. Engaged on Manchester Ship Canal and various Railways since 1889. List of Institute of Civil Engineers. Dead. Addington, Luke Danby, son of L. D. Addington, Esq., Carlton Road, Putney Hill, London, S. W., aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1883.3 Scott. Dowson, Edgar Enfield, son of the Rev. Henry Enfield Dowson, Gee Cross, Manchester, aged 14, Jan. 19. Left 1887.2 Scott. Dinting, near Manchester. [ R 130 January 1883. Hilleary, George Edward, son of Frederick Edward Hilleary, Esq., Blake House, Stratford, Essex, aged 13, Jan. 28. Left 1884.2 Scott. Jesus College, Cambridge, B.A., 1889. Hodgson, Charles Greaves, son of the Rev. Francis Greaves Hodgson, (O.R., 1856), Pilton, Oundle, aged 13, March 14. Left 1888.2 Scott. At Oriel College, Oxford, since October, 1888. As above. Binney, James, ward of the Rev. William Price Jones, Clee, Grimsby, aged 14, Aug. 14. Left 1885.3 Elsee. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Ritchie, Harry Oliphant, fourth son of William Ritchie, Esq., Dunnottar House, Stonehaven, N.B., aged 15, Aug. 18. Left 1885.3 Elsee. Merton College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. As above. Ritchie, Frederick, fifth son of the above William Ritchie, Esq., aged 13, Nov. 8. Left 1885,2 Elsee. At Merton College, Oxford. As above. Brown, Gilbert Noel, son of John Henry Brown, Esq., Pelham Crescent, Nottingham, aged 15, May 20. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. In business at Nottingham. Pelham Crescent, The Park, Nottingham. Fowler, William Edward Eddison, son of Robert Fowler, Esq., Hillsboro', West Dulwich, London, S.E., aged 14, March 22. Left 1884.3 Whitelaw. In a Stockbroker's Office in London, 1891. Feltham House, Feltham, Middlesex. Hill, Richard, son of James Hill, Esq., Riga, Russia, aged 14, June 9. Left 1884.3 Whitelaw. Sheep Farming in Australia. Beale, Hubert Kenrick, son of Charles Gabriel Beale, Esq., 51, Carpenter Road, Birmingham, aged 13, Nov. 13. Left 1887.3 Lee Warner. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1888. Maple Bank, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Lascelles, Gerald Claude, son of the Hon. Frank Cavendish Lascelles, British Consul at Sophia, (afterwards Sir F. C. Lascelles, K.C.M.G., British Minister at Teheran), aged 13, July 19. Left 1887.2 Lee Warner. Reading for the Diplomatic Service. May 1883. 131 Pirie, Arthur Murray, son of Gordon Pirie, Esq., Stoneywood, Aberdeen- shire, and Chateau de Varennes, La Poissonnière, Maine et Loire, France, aged 13, May 3. Left 1886.3 Lee Warner. VIII., 1885, 1886. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 21st Hussars, January 30, 1890. As above. Wood, Guy Edward Mills, son of Thomas Wood, Esq., Upper Montague Street, Russell Square, London, W.C., aged 13, Feb. 5. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. Durham University, M.B., 1890. M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.P., 1890. House Physician at University College Hospital, 1891. University College Hospital, London, W.C. Jessop, John Reginald, son of William Jessop, Esq., (O.R., 1851), Wargrave, Henley-on-Thames, aged 15, Sept. 13. Left 1885.¹ Michell. In business. As above. Lloyd, Walter Evans, son of Abraham E. Lloyd, Esq., Brackley House, Worsley, Manchester, aged 14, July 18. Left 1885.2 Michell. A Merchant. Church, Lancashire. Basset-Lewis, Ilbert Cornish, only son of Major Charles Basset-Lewis, 46, Marine Terrace, Aberystwith, aged 14, April 28. Left 1886.2 Michell. Died, July 29, 1890. Webb, Montague Edward, son of Arthur William Webb, Esq., Boreham Wood, Elstree, Herts, aged 14, Dec. 3. Left 1884.2 Michell. Sometime Working Associate of Wellington College Mission, Walworth. A Candidate for Ordination, 1891. 57, Perham Road, West Kensington. Vicars, Edward Robert Eckersall, son of the late Edward Armstrong Vicars, Esq., care of Mrs. Vicars, Woodville House, Rugby, aged 13, March 6. Left 1887.2 Town. In the Diplomatic Service, Foreign Office, since May, 1890. St. James' Club. 13, Ebury Street, London, S.W. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1883. Courage, Harry Ernest, eldest son of Henry Courage, Esq., The Red House, Leatherhead, aged 13, July 17. Left 1885.³ School. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion The Northamptonshire Regiment, May 5. 1891. Gravenhurst, Bolney, Sussex. 132 May 1883. Inman, Harold Stanley, son of Charles Inman, Esq., Old Hall, Spital, Birkenhead, aged 13, May 12. Left 1883.³. School. Park Hill, Richmond. Eustace-Smith, Lancelot, son of Thomas Eustace-Smith, Esq., M.P., 52, Prince's Gate, London, S.W., aged 14, May 15. Left 1887.¹ School. 34, Loraine Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Castens, George Emil, son of Emilius Castens, Esq., Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, aged 14, Sept. 27. Left 1886.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1885. In business at Port Elizabeth. As above. Greg, Percival Henry, son of Eustace Greg, Esq., (0.R., 1850), Ashburton House, Putney Heath, afterwards of 21, Kensington Gore, London, S.W., aged 14, Dec. 28. Left 1884.2 Bowden Smith. 21, Kensington Gore, London, S. W. Scott, Leslie Frederic, son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Scott, Bombay, aged 13, Oct. 29. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. Scholar, 1884. Exhibitioner of New College, Oxford, 1889. Student of the Inner Temple. 29, Thurlow Road, Hampstead, London. Cayley, Hugh Charles, son of Sir Richard Cayley, 16, Morland Road, Hutchinson. Addiscombe, aged 13, Aug. 6. Left 1888.2 Scholar, 1884. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since 1888. Second Class Classical Tripos, Part I., 1891. As above. Coode, Charles Louis, son of William Coode, Esq., Trevarna, St. Austell's, aged 13, Aug. 20. Left 1884.2 Hutchinson. At R.I.E.C. Cooper's Hill, 1891. As above. Hanson, Francis Stanhope, son of Sir Reginald Hanson, afterwards Lord Mayor of London and created a Baronet, (0.R., 1856), 47, Botolph Lane, London, E.C., aged 14, Oct. 3. Left 1887.¹ Hutchinson. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1887. 4, Bryanston Square, London, W. Harvey, Henry Paul, ward of C. Lethbridge, Esq., 25, Abingdon Street, Westminster, aged 13, Oct. 1. Left 1888.2 Scholar, 1883. XV., 1887. VIII., 1888. Minor Exhibitioner, 1888. At New College, Oxford, since 1888. As above. Knowles, Edgar, son of John Knowles, Esq.. Westwood, Pendlebury, Manchester, aged 14, April 5. Left 1886.¹ Hutchinson. In business. As above. May 1883. 133 Ellis, Thomas, son of Thomas Ratcliffe Ellis, Esq., The Hollies, Wigan, Scott. aged 14, April 15. Left 1887.2 Articled to a Solicitor, 1887. Sargant, Francis William, son of the late Henry Sargant, Esq., care of Mrs. Sargant, 56, Belsize Park, London, N.W., aged 13, Jan. 10. Scott. At New College, Oxford, since 1889. Quarry Hill, Reigate. Erichsen, Frederick Ole, son of Hermann Gustav Erichsen, Esq., Upper Tooting, London, S.W., aged 13, Aug. 3. Left 1887.2 Elsee. A Mechanical Engineer. As above. Harland, Albert, son of the Rev. Albert Augustus Harland, Vicar of Elsee. Harefield, Uxbridge, aged 13, Sept. 6. Left 1884.ª Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. A Manufacturer. Westbrook Mill, Sheffield. Herapath, Alfred Edward, son of Alfred Newton Herapath, Esq., Canynge Road, Clifton, Bristol, aged 14, Feb. 16. Left 1886.³ Elsee. Merton College, Oxford. Candidate for Royal Irish Constabulary, 1891. Penleigh, Canynge Road, Clifton, Bristol. Mappin, Walter John, son of John Newton Mappin, Esq., Southgate, Middlesex, aged 15, Feb. 16. Left 1888.2 Elsee. In business in London. Kensington House, Bayswater Hill, London, W. Michel, Charles Louis Jackson, son of John Michel, Esq., Mussorie, Dasnah, Gazabad, N.W.P., India, aged 14, April 11. Left 1884.2 Elsee. Went to India. Reid, Philip John, son of Hugh Gilzean Reid, Esq., J.P., West Newlands, Middlesborough, aged 15, March 3. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1888. A Journalist. Cleveland Club, Middles- borough. Warleigh Hall, Birmingham. Smith, Charles Henry, son of Henry Smith, Esq., Ellerker Hall, Hull, aged 14, Oct. 30. Left 1885.3 Elsee. In business as a Timber Merchant. Hull. Evers, Frank Percival, son of Frank Evers, Esq., White Hall, Stourbridge, aged 14, Oct. 26. Left 1886.3 Lee Warner. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. 134 May 1883. Gaddum, George Percy, third son of Henry Theodore Gaddum, Esq., Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 13, July 4. Left 1886.2 Lee Warner. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Goua Adika Estate, near Gampola, Ceylon. Gwyn, Reginald Preston Jermy, only son of Captain Reginald Thursby Gwyn, Denes, Great Yarmouth, and 7, Belmont, Bath, aged 13, July 7. Left 1884.3 Lee Warner. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 5th Lancers, May, 1890. Sailed for India, September, 1890. Of Stanfield Hall, Norfolk. Meerut; and Bath, as above. Marshall, John, son of John Marshall, Esq., Headingley, Leeds, aged 14, Lee Warner. March 12. Left 1888.2 At King's College, Cambridge, since 1888. Derwent Island, Keswick. Bond, William Cotesworth, son of Frank Walters Bond, Esq., Wargrave, Henley-on-Thames, aged 14, Jan. 5. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1887. In business in London. As above. Edlin, Edward Frederick Holberton, son of Edward Holberton Edlin, Esq., 6, Seaton Terrace, Plymouth, aged 16, July 2. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. Admitted a Solicitor, 1890. George Place Chambers, 42, George Street, Plymouth. Jackson, George Frederick, son of John Jackson, Esq., Wilbury Rocks, Eastbourne, aged 14, June 22. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. XI., 1885, 1886, 1887. XV., 1886. Isthmian Club. The Lawn, Willingdon, Sussex. James, William Edward, son of Levi James, Esq., J.P., St. Mary Street, Whitelaw. Cardigan, aged 15, Sept. 16. Left 1886.2 XV., 1884,* 1885. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, B.A., Third Class Law School, 1889. Member of the Tonic Sol-fa College. Articled to a Solicitor. Caermorgan, Cardigan. Lambert, Edward Frank, son of Thomas Lambert, Esq., 39, Upper Talbot Whitelaw. Street, Nottingham, aged 15, March 9. Left 1885.1 A Journalist in London. 14, Matheson Road, West Kensington, London. Wadlow, Francis Thomas, son of Thomas Wadlow, Esq., The Uplands, Whitelaw. Shifnal, Salop, aged 14, Nov. 3. Left 1885.¹ In business at Melbourne, Victoria. Home, as above. May 1883. 135 Blasson, Cecil, son of W. Blasson, Esq., Ivy House, Edgware, aged 14, Dec. 26. Left 1886.¹ Michell. Farming in Manitoba, since 1888. Haydon Hall Farm, Virden, Manitoba. Clayton-Browne, William Dealtry, son of Captain Clayton-Browne, 28, St. Aubyn's Road, Norwood, S.E., aged 14, Sept. 29. Left 1884.¹ Michell. Fison, Harry Leonard, son of Edward Fison, Esq., Ipswich, aged 14, Jan. Michell. 11. Left 1885.2 In business at Ipswich. Allington House, Ipswich. Keogh, Hugh Clopton, son of Colonel John Henry Keogh, Kilbride, Carlow, aged 13, Jan. 4. Left 1885.¹ Michell. Kilbride, Tullow, Co. Carlow. Palmer, Walter Orbell Horace, son of Walter Orbell Palmer, Esq., Brad- field St. George, Bury St. Edmunds, aged 14, Dec. 20. Left 1887.2 Michell. VIII., 1887, Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1890. Student of the Inner Temple, 1890. National Conservative Club. As above. Parker, John Gerald Skipwith, son of the late John Skipwith Parker, Esq., care of Mrs. Parker, Horton Crescent, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 20. Left 1885.3 Town. A Clerk in the Bank of England, 1885-1888. On the London Stock Exchange. 119, St. Mark's Road, North Kensington. Rhoades, Henry Gabriel, third son of Henry Tull Rhoades, Esq., (0.R., 1847), Headmaster of the Lower School of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby, aged 13, April 11. Left 1889.¹ Town. Militia, 1889-1891. 4, Arnold Villas, Rugby. Rundle, Charles James Frank Skyring, son of the late Major Aldborough Richardson Rundle, care of Mrs. Rundle, Horton Crescent, Rugby, aged 13, Aug. 2. Left 1886.¹ Town. On a Cattle Ranche in California. Tecolote, Goleta, Santa Barbara, California. Sadd, Herbert John, son of Frederick George Sadd, Esq., 50, Church Street, Rugby, aged 14, July 26. Left 1885.2 Town. Died of rheumatic fever, in September, 1886. 136 September 1883. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1883. Calderon, George Leslie, son of Philip Henry Calderon, Esq., R.A., 16, Grove End Road, London, N.W., aged 14, Dec. 2. Left 1887.2 School. Scholar, 1883. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1887. Exhibitioner of Trinity College, Oxford, 1887. Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W. Lingard-Guthrie, Roger Christian, son of the Rev. Roger Rowson Lingard- Guthrie, Taybank, near Dundee, aged 14, June 20. Left 1887.³ School. A Medical Student at Edinburgh University. As above. Henderson, John George Barrow, son of William Horn Henderson, Esq., Nether Parkley, Linlithgow, aged 13, June 26. Left 1887.2 School. Edinburgh University, M.A., 1891. Apprentice Writer to the Signet, 27, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. Nether Parkley, Linlithgow. King, Leonard William, third son of Robert King, Esq., Fern House, Upper Clapton, London, aged 13, Dec. 8. Left 1888.3 School. King's College, Cambridge, B.A., Theological Tripos, 1891. As above. MacEwen, Maurice Lilburn, son of the late William Lilburn MacEwen, Syme, 10, Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh, Left 1887.3 School. Esq., and of Mrs. aged 14, April 13. XV., 1386, 1887. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 16th Lancers, April 13, 1890. Army List. Rawlins, Richard Walter, son of Lieut. Colonel John Rawlins, Earls Barton, Northampton, aged 13, March 15. Left 1886.2 School. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion (48th) Northamptonshire Regiment, June 28, 1890. Aldershot, 1891. Richardson, Edwin Backhouse, son of Joseph Richardson, Esq., Potto Hall, Northallerton, aged 14, May 22. Left 1887.3 School. XV., 1886, 1887. In business as an Iron Ship-builder. Stockton-on-Tees. Sawers, John Lorimer, son of the late Robert Orr Sawers, Esq., caro of Mrs. Sawers, 7, St. John's Park, Blackheath, London, S.E., aged 14, Aug. 19. Left 1886.2 School. A Medical Student at University College Hospital, 1887. As above. September 1883. 137 Soames, Ward, son of the Rev. Charles Soames, Mildenhall, Marlborough, aged 13, Jan. 6. Left 1888.2 School. At Trinity College, Cambridge. As above. Stearns, William Alfred, son of Alfred Charles Stearns, Esq., Radnor House, Twickenham, aged 14, May 24. Left 1887.3 School. A Clerk at Lloyds, London, E.C., since 1883. Lloyds, London, E.C. Wilkins, Cecil Francis, son of Robert Francis Wilkins, Esq., 10, Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, London, N.W., aged 13, May 3. Left 1887.¹ School. Crick, 1886. 18, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. Bonnerjee, Komel Krishna Shelley, son of Woomesh Chunder Bonnerjee, Esq., 3, Hastings Street, Calcutta, aged 13, March 5. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. Scholar, 1883. At New College, Oxford, since October 1, 1888. Kiddepore, Bedford Park, Croydon. Bowden Smith, James Robertson, ninth son of the Rev. Philip Bowden Smith, (o.R., 1844), Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 13, Dec. 28. Left 1888.3 Bowden Smith. XI., 1887, 1888. XV., 1888. Racquets, 1888. In the Office of Messrs. Baring Bros., since 1889. 9, Bishopsgate Within, London, E.C. Chinn, Maurice Henry, son of Henry Sinclair Chinn, Lichfield, aged 15, July 13. Left 1886.2 In a Bank at Hong Kong. Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Hong Kong. A Law Student at Heidelberg, 1891. 11, Rue Massot, Geneva. Esq., The Close, Bowden Smith. De Candolle, Augustin, son of Casimir De Candolle, Esq., Geneva, aged 14, Dec. 8. Left 1887.2 Bowden Smith. Milne, Bertram Henry Milne, eldest son of Samuel Milne Milne, Esq., Calverley House, Leeds, aged 14, April 14. Left 1886.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1886. At New College, Oxford, since 1888. As above. Calverley House, Calverley, Leeds. Newbery, Stobart Bryce, son of Joseph Vickers Newbery, Esq., Bigsweir House, Coleford, Gloucestershire, aged 14, Feb. 24. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. 10 138 September 1883. Owen, Christian Olga Victor Foulkes, son of Hugh Wynne Owen, Esq., 3, Park Place, St. James, London, S.W., aged 14, Aug. 14. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1888. In a Stockbroker's Office. At the Cape, 1891. Care of Monier Williams, Esq., 6, Great Tower Street, London. Paget, Charles John, son of the late John H. Paget, Esq., care of Mrs. Paget, Quorn Court, Loughborough, aged 13, Sept. 22. Left 1886.¹ Bowden Smith. Formerly in the Militia. Learning Land Agency, 1891. Park House, Warwick. Humphreys, Cyril, son of George Humphreys, Esq., 9, St. German's Place, Blackheath, London, S.E., aged 13, Nov. 11. Left 1886.3 Hutchinson. Articled to a Chartered Accountant. As above. Slaughter, Edward Mihill, eldest son of Edward Slaughter, Esq., 4, Clifton Park, Bristol, aged 16, July 16. Left 1884.3 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Oxford, B.A., 1889. Isthmian Club. 1, Collingham Place, London, S.W. Tonks, William Henry, son of William Henry Tonks, Esq., The Rookery, Sutton Coldfield, aged 13, May 12. Left 1887.3 Hutchinson. Apprenticed to Messrs. Tonks, Limited, Birmingham. As above. Whitelock, Arthur Radclyffe, son of William Edmund Whitelock, Esq., The Elms, Wimbledon, aged 14, Aug. 1. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. and LL.B., 1890. Student of Lincoln's Inn, 1890. Dilston House, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Cochrane, Walter Neville, son of the late George Cochrane, Esq., care of Mrs. Cochrane, Otho Villa, Scarborough, aged 14, Aug. 15. Left 1886.¹ Scott. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, B.A., Third Class Law Tripos, Part I., 1890, Part II., 1891. Student of the Inner Temple, 1890. Woodleigh, Darlington. Bradwell, Tom Barber, son of Dennis Bradwell, Esq., Higher Daisy Bank, Congleton, aged 14, July 26. Left 1887.1 Scott. In business at Congleton. As above. Essex, Malcolm, son of Alfred Essex, Esq., Arkwright Road, Hampstead, London, N.W., aged 14, July 7. Left 1885.3 Scott. Wilts Militia, 1889-1891. 4, Arkwright Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. September 1883. 139 Maw, Arthur Matthew, son of Matthew Maw, Esq., Cleatham Hall, Kirton Lindsay, Lincolnshire, aged 13, Oct. 31. Left 1886.¹ Scott. Farming in Lincolnshire. As above. McMullen, Murray, fourth son of Alexander Peter McMullen, Esq., Hertford Castle, Hertford, aged 15, Oct. 16. Left 1886.3 Scott. In South America, 1891. Home as above. Scriven, John Barclay, son of John Barclay Scriven, Esq., 95, Oxford Gardens, London, W., aged 14, April 3. Left 1887.¹ Scott. Gazetted to the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, March 26, 1890. Army List. Mann-Thomson, Harry Douglas, son of John Mann-Thomson, Esq., Kilkerran, Maybole, N.B., aged 13, Oct. 31. Left 1886.2 Scott. In business in Glasgow. Calder House, Coatbridge, N.B. Bacon, John Cæsar, son of the late John Joseph Bacon, Esq., care of Mrs. Bacon, Seafield, St. Anne, Isle of Man, aged 13, Feb. 26. Left 1886.¹ Elsee. At Charsley Hall, Oxford, since 1888. As above. Buckley, James Francis Hughes, eldest son of James Buckley, Esq., Bryn-y-Caeran, Llanelly, South Wales, aged 14, Feb. 12. Left 1888.2 Elsee. At Oriel College, Oxford, since 1888. Student of the Inner Temple. As above. Buckley, Joseph Henry Prichard, second son of the above James Buckley, Esq., aged 13, May 29. Left 1887. Elsee. Accidentally killed while walking on the Railway near Llanelly, December 30, 1890, having saved his companion's life. Davies, Edward Fox St. Aubrey, son of John S. Davies, Esq., Ramsden Hall, Billericay, Essex, aged 14, Aug. 31. Left 1885.1 Elsee. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1889. On a Farm in Canada, since 1890. Care of W. E. Stock, Esq., Waterdown, Ontario. Green, Charles Stevenson, son of Charles Green, Esq., 49, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston, aged 15, Aug. 31. Left 1885.1 Elsee. Arts Club, Birmingham. Grun, Robert Honneffer James, son of M. Grun, Esq., Strawberry House, Chiswick, aged 14, Nov. 9. Left 1885. Elsee. J 140 September 1883. How, John Gibbon, son of Frederick How, Esq., The Firelands, Chesham, aged 15, June 26. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Lewis, Robert Glynn, son of Robert Lewis, Esq., Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead, London, N.W., aged 14, June 12. Left 1886.2 Elsee. XI., 1886. In the Alliance Assurance Company. Heathcote, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead. Sloane, John Stretton, son of John Sloane, Esq., 13, Welford Place, Leicester, aged 13, Feb. 18. Left 1887.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1884. London University, B.Sc., 1891. Foster and Harvey Prizeman, 1890, Senior Scholar, 1891, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 73, Harley Street, London, W. Whiteley, Arthur Sale, third son of the Rev. John Henry Whiteley, (O.R., 1844), St. Laurence, Chepstow, aged 14, March 31. Left 1885.3 Elsee. West York Militia. Reading for the Army. Depôt Barracks, York. Bilinski, Severin, son of His Excellency Nihad Pacha, (Bilinski of Solt- zack de Soltzack, Galicia, Poland), Sofia, Bulgaria, aged 14, March 11. Left 1885.2 Lee Warner. In a Bank at Dundee. Has assumed the additional Surname of SANDISON after DE BILINSKI, New Oriental Banking Corporation, Dundee. Earle, Walter Standley, eldest son of the Rev. Walter Earle, Yarlet, Lee Warner. Stafford, aged 14, June 28. Left 1886.3 A Mining Engineer. Articled to Messrs. Kellett and Ellis, Wigan. Bilton Grange, Rugby. Goschen, William Henry, son of the Right Hon. George Joachim Goschen, M.P., (0.R., 1845), Seacox Heath, Hawkhurst, Kent, and 69, Port- land Place, London, W., aged 13, June 7. Left 1889.2 Lee Warner. At New College, Oxford, since October, 1889. As above. Lamb, Cyril Gordon, son of the late Rev. John Lamb, (0.R., 1841), and ward of the Rev. Henry Latham, Southacre, Cambridge, aged 13, Sept. 27. Left 1886.³ Lee Warner. A Settler in California, U.S.A. Ballards, Santa Barbara, South California, U.S.A. Mortimer, Charles Henry, son of Charles Mortimer, Esq., J.P., (0.R., 1851), Woodfield, Streatham, Surrey, aged 13, Jan. 4. Left 1889.¹ Lee Warner. Racquets, 1889. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since 1889. Student of the Inner Temple. As above. September 1883. 141 3 Wilmot-Sitwell, Degge, son of Robert Sacheverel Wilmot-Sitwell, Esq., Stainsby, Derbyshire, aged 14, June 8. Left 1886. Lee Warner. Gazetted to the Royal Irish Rifles, June 1890. Malta, 1891. As above. Astley, Delaval Graham L'Estrange, son of the late Major Frederick. Bernard Astley, and of Mrs. Carmichael, 17, West Cromwell Road, London, S.W., aged 14, Dec. 7. Left 1888.¹ Whitelaw. XV., 1886, 1887. XI., 1887. VIII., 1885. Gazetted to the Welsh Regiment (41st), June 28, 1890. Malta, 1891. Army List. Barker, Henry Shelley, son of the late Henry Barker, Esq., care of Mrs. Barker, Broomhall Park, Sheffield, aged 15, Aug. 5. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Bayley, Charles, third son of Captain Frank Bayley, Nutwall, Colombo, Ceylon, aged 15, Sept. 17. Left 1885.² Whitelaw. A Tea Planter. Manager of "Pedro Estate. Pedro Estate, Newera Eliza, Ceylon. In the Cotton and Iron Trades. "" Dugdale, John, son of Joseph Dugdale, Esq., Park House, Blackburn, aged 14, Oct. 9. Left 1886.1 Whitelaw. Claremont, Blackburn. Harrison, James Molyneux Hyde, son of Alfred Hyde Harrison, Esq., Dunchurch Hall, Rugby, aged 14, May 28. Left 1884.2 Whitelaw. Oxford Military College, 1886. Warwickshire Militia, 1887. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Dorsetshire (39th) Regiment, December 21, 1889. As above. Hodgson, Charles William Allan, son of Charles Barnard Hodgson, Esq., Harker Grange, Carlisle, Clerk of the Peace for Cumberland, aged 15, June 3. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. In his Father's Office. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. Oakshott, George Herbert, son of Thomas W. Oakshott, Esq., Rock Ferry, Cheshire, aged 15, July 18. Left 1886.3 Whitelaw. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, B.A., 1890. Derby House, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. A Manufacturer. Smedley, Arthur Stanley Marsden, son of John Thomas Marsden Smedley, Esq., Branksome, Bournemouth, aged 13, Oct. 15. 1884.¹ Whitelaw. Left Gablehurst, Bournemouth. 142 September 1883. Turner, Walter George, son of Richard Turner, Esq., Cliftonville, Northampton, aged 14, May 25. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. XI., 1887. In business as a Brewer at Leicester. The Leicestershire Club, Leicester. Worship, Hugh, son of the late William Worship, Esq., Ormesby St. Michael, Great Yarmouth, aged 14, March 28. Left 1886.2 Whitelaw. Sailed for Ceylon, March 19, 1891. Stoney Cliff, Dimbola, Ceylon. Rendall, Vernon Horace, seventh son of the Rev. Henry Rendall, Great Rollright, Chipping Norton, aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1888.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1883. XI., 1888. Major Exhibitioner, 1888. Sizar of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1888. Scholar, 1889. First Class Classical Tripos, Part I., 1891. As above. Craig, Herbert James, elder son of James Craig, Esq., M.P., Tynemouth, aged 13, Sept. 30, 1882. Left 1888.¹ Michell. XV., 1887. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., Second Class Law Tripos, Part II., 1891. Student of the Inner Temple, 1889. As above. Kingdon, Philip, sixth son of Paul Augustine Kingdon, Esq., 29, Marl- borough Hill, London, N.W., aged 13, March 14. Left 1887.¹ Michell. In a Railway Manager's Office. As above. Newton, Horace Edward, son of Lieut.-General Horace Parker Newton, West Hoe Terrace, Plymouth, aged 15, June 10. Left 1887.¹ Michell. On a Ranche in Canada since 1887. White's Club. Union Club, Victoria, British Columbia. Poulsom, Frederick Ambrose John, second son of William Poulsom, Esq., Atworth House, Bootle, Liverpool, aged 14, Nov. 16. Left 1886.³ Michell. XV., 1886. In business in Liverpool. Breeze Hill, Bootle, Liverpool. Robinson, Alfred Fothergill, son of Joseph Henry Robinson, Esq., Sefton Park, Liverpool, aged 15, May 2. Left 1887.3 Michell. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion, 19th (Prince of Wales' Own) Yorkshire Regiment, June 28, 1890. Army List. Terry, Henry John, son of Henry Terry, Esq., Lockwood House, Hudders- field, aged 14, May 27. Left 1884.2 Michell. As above. January 1884. 143 Richards, Arthur, son of the late John Richards, Esq., care of Mrs. Richards, Albert Street, Rugby, aged 12, Sept. 1. Left 1887.3 Town. Scholar, 1886. Assistant Staff Clerk, London and North-Western Railway, Abergavenny. Abergavenny. Rundle, William Brook Aldborough, son of the late Major Aldborough Richardson Rundle, care of Mrs. Rundle, Horton Crescent, Rugby, aged 12, March 21. Left 1887.¹ Town. A Tea Planter in Ceylon. Nahalma Estate, Kelani Valley, Ceylon. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, Davey, Arthur Jex, son of Horace Davey, Esq., Q.C., M.P., afterwards Sir H. Davey, (O.R., 1848), 10, Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensing- ton, aged 14, Oct. 26. Left 1886.2 School. In business in Glasgow; London Road Ironworks. 86, Brook Street, London, W. 1884. Francis, Walter Richardson Grant, son of John Richardson Francis, Esq., J.P., Gwydir Gardens, Swansea, aged 14, June 30. Left 1888.² School. XV., 1887. VIII., 1886, 1887, 1888. Student at the University of Clausthal, Hartz, Germany. Llwyn Derw, Swansea. Hogarth, Arthur, son of Alexander Pirie Hogarth, Esq., Crown Terrace, Aberdeen, aged 14, Nov. 8. Left 1886.2 School. The Birches, Nairn, N.B. At University College, Oxford, since 1889. Danesford, Bridgnorth, Salop. Hunter, Patrick Francis, son of the late Patrick Hunter, Esq., care of Mrs. Hunter, Monkmoor, Shrewsbury, aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1889.2 School. Salisbury, Edmund Roswell, son of Edward Salisbury, Esq., Folly Court, Wokingham, aged 14, Nov. 16. Left 1888.2 School. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since 1889. Wilson, Malcolm, son of Arthur Wilson, Esq., Lynwood, Horsham, aged 14, Nov. 2. Left 1888.3 School. Gazetted to Scottish Borderers' Militia, October 6, 1888. Reading for the Army. As above. 144 January 1884. Dixon, Archibald Willis, second son of James Willis Dixon, Esq., Hills- borough Hall, Sheffield, aged 13, Feb. 8. Left 1889.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. XV., 1887, 1888. A Mechanical Engineer. As above. Surtees, Henry Patrick, son of Alfred Wright Surtees, Esq., 32, Queens- borough Terrace, Kensington Gardens, London, W., aged 15, Aug. 24. Left 1885.3 Bowden Smith. XV., 1885. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. Dimsdale-on-Tees, Durham. Wild, Bernard, son of James Anstey Wild, Esq., 104, Westbourne Terrace, London, W., aged 14, May 30. Left 1887.3 Bowden Smith. XV., 1887. At Jesus College, Cambridge. A Candidate for Ordination, 1891. As above. Brierley, Ronald Beswicke, son of Abram Brierley, Esq., Broadfield Still, Rochdale, aged 13, July 25. Left 1887.¹ Bowden Smith. In business as a Cotton Spinner. As above. Smith, John Lees, son of Samuel Smith, Esq., Cross Bank House, Oldham, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1887.3 Bowden Smith. An Electrical Engineer. As above. Tooth, Ashley, son of Arthur Tooth, Esq., 21, Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 15, Dec. 8. Left 1886.¹ Hutchinson. In a Stockbroker's Office in London. As above. Welsh, Frank Stuart, son of F. F. Welsh, Esq., Rockleaze Point, Clifton, Bristol, aged 13, May 31. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. Died at St. Mary's Vicarage, West Cowes, September 10, 1887. Garrett, Frank, son of Frank Garrett, Esq., (o.R., 1860), Aldringham House, Saxmundham, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1888.¹ Scott. Studied Modern Languages and Engineering at Halberstadt, in Prussia, 1888, 1889. In the Works of Richard Garrett and Sons, Leiston, since 1889. As above. Harding, Reginald Tuffley, son of William Septimus Harding, Esq., Engle- field, Harborne, aged 13, Feb. 9. Left 1887.2 Scott. Articled to a Solicitor. Englefield, Harborne, Staffordshire. Hulse, Harold Halton, son of William Wilson Hulse, Esq., Withington, Manchester, aged 14, Nov. 17. Left 1887.3 Scott. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, January, 1889, Meerut, India, 1891. January 1884. 145 Ramsden, Arthur Henry, son of William Ramsden, Esq., Tyldesley, Man- chester, aged 14, March 23. Left 1886.3 Scott. Farming in Herefordshire. Cannonbridge, Eaton Bishop, Hereford. Paul, Dudley Moore, son of William Paul, Esq., Waltham Cross, London, aged 15, Sept. 21. Left 1885.3 Elsee. Articled to a Solicitor in London. Waltham House, Herts. Twist, Cecil Frederick, eldest son of George Francis Twist, Esq, Quadrant, Coventry, aged 14, Dec. 24. Left 1886.2 Elsee. Isthmian Club. Moat House, Keresley, near Coventry. Wrigley, Clement Carr, son of James Albert Wrigley, Esq., Netherton, Huddersfield, aged 13, Feb. 8. Left 1888.2 Whitelaw. VIII., 1887. Sandhurst, 1888. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion (6th) Royal War. wickshire Regiment, September 21, 1889. Army List. Blood, John Neptune, son of the late Major Francis Gamble Blood, care of Mrs. Blood, Ferney Field, Micheldean, aged 14, Nov. 9. Left 1888.2 Morice. VIII., 1888. Magdalen College, Oxford, B.A., Second Class Law School, 1891. Student of the Inner Temple. Huntley Court, near Gloucester. Rutter, Eustace Frederick, son of Frederick John Rutter, Esq., (o.r., 1853), Hillingdon, Uxbridge, aged 13, June 20. Left 1889.2 Morice. XI., 1887*, 1888, 1889. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1889. Sandhurst, 1891. Parkfield, Hillingdon, Uxbridge. Needham, Ronald Allport, third son of Edward Moore Needham, Esq., The Michell. Cedars, Belper, aged 13, April 19. Left 1887.¹ VIII., 1886. With Messrs. Harland and Wolff, Belfast. 150, York Street, Belfast, or Springfield, Duffield, Derby. Cox, Edwin Arthur Russell, son of Arthur Russell Cox, Esq., Lloyds Bank, Rugby, aged 14, Nov. 21. Left 1885.2 Town. A Planter in Ceylon. Great Valley, Deltota, Ceylon. Loverock, James Harry, son of Mr. George Loverock, Dunchurch Road, Rugby, aged 14, Jan. 23. Left 1885.3 Town. Farming. As above. T В } 146 May 1884. Wright, Cecil Middleton, son of the Rev. George Farncomb Wright, Over- slade, Rugby, afterwards Rector of Lambourne, Romford, aged 15, July 22. Left 1886.2 Town. In a Mercantile Office in London. Grosvenor Club. 9, Great Tower Street, London, E.C. Dixon, Clive Macdonnel, son of Raylton Dixon, Esq., (afterwards Sir R. Dixon, Knight), Gunnersgate Hall, Middlesborough, aged 14, Feb. 10. Left 1887.3 Bowden Smith. Gazetted to the 16th Lancers, October 8, 1890. Army List. Beasley, Fiennes Arthur Noble, son of Joseph Noble Beasley, Esq., Chapel Brampton, Northampton, aged 13, Aug. 25. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. An Art Student. Perryn House, East Acton, London. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1884. Benham, Charles Daniel, son of Henry Benham, Esq., 5, Roland Houses, South Kensington, aged 13, Sept. 7. Left 1889.2 School. New College, Oxford, 1889. Student of the Inner Temple. 20, Ashley Place, Westminster, London, S. W. Clarke, George Hodges, son of Joseph Crisp Clarke, Esq., Birstall Hall, Leicester, aged 12, June 29. Left 1887.2 School. A Mill Owner. As above. Foster, Hugh Cunliffe, son of Charles Finch Foster, Esq., Pinehurst, Cambridge, aged 13, June 15. Left 1888.2 School. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1888. As above. Deacon, Stuart, son of the late Henry Deacon, Esq., care of Mrs. Deacon, Appleton House, Widnes, aged 15, May 29 Left 1887.2 School. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. and LL.B., Second Class Law Tripos, 1890. Student of the Inner Temple. National Liberal Club. As above. Whitlam, George, son of the late George Whitlam, Esq., of Gayton-le Wold, and ward of H. S. Haxby, Esq., Hatcliffe, Grimsby, aged 14, Aug. 9. Left 1886.3 Bowden Smith. East Bridgeford, Nottingham. Adams, Hugh Worthington, son of William Adams, Esq., (o.R., 1849), The Oaks, Woolstanton, Staffordshire, aged 14, Feb. 12. Left 1887.¹ Hutchinson. As above. May 1884. 147 Bartleet, Hubert Humphrey Middlemore, son of Thomas Saunders Bartleet, Esq., 7, Duchess Row, Edgbaston, aged 14, June 29. Left 1886.3 Hutchinson. Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A., 1891. A Candidate for Holy Orders. 138, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Cotton, Lionel Francis, son of Henry Morten Cotton, Esq., 8, Eccleston Square, London, S. W., aged 13, Jan. 25. Left 1889.2 Hutchinson. XI., 1889. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1889. As above. Mothersill, George Christopher, son of Christopher Mothersill, Esq., Brooklands, Sale, Manchester, aged 14, Aug. 6. Left 1887.¹ Hutchinson. In business in Manchester. Woodburne, Brooklands, Manchester. · Overton, Harry Rudall, son of William Henry Overton, Esq., J.P., (O.R., 1850), Firmstone Lodge, Liphook, Hants, aged 12, May 30. Left 1888.3 Hutchinson. Woolwich, 1889. Gazetted to the 1st Field Battery Royal Artillery, February 13, 1891. As above. Smith, Wilfrid Duke, son of Aston William Smith, Esq., 3, Merton Road, Bootle, aged 14, March 11. Left 1887.2 Hutchinson. A Railway Contractor. The Old Hall, Bootle, Liverpool. Smyth, Hugh Lyle, son of Hugh Chester, aged 14, Feb. 11. Lyle Smyth, Esq., Barrowmore Hall, Left 1888.3 Hutchinson. XV., 1886*, 1887, 1888. VIII., 1887, 1888. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion Shropshire Light Infantry, 1890. Cairo, 1891. As above. Burton, James Alfred, son of Edward Burton, Esq., Eaves Hall, Clitheroe, Lancashire, aged 15, Dec. 21. Left 1887.2 Scott. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1888. As above. Bulmer, Thornton Bulmer, son of George Edwards Bulmer, Esq., Parrock Elsee. Lodge, Gravesend, aged 15, Dec. 21. Left 1887.2 At Hertford College, Oxford, since October, 1887. Student of Lincoln's Inn. As above. In business in Natal. Mills, William Neild, son of the late William Mills, Esq., and ward of T. H. Mills, Esq., Bredbury, Stockport, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1885.3 Elsee. Port Shepstone, Natal. 148 May 1884. Oliver, Charles Frederick, son of George Oliver, Esq., J.P., Hughenden, Knighton, Leicester, aged 16, Feb. 1. Left 1886.º Elsee. Admitted a Solicitor, 1891. As above. Buckland, Lionel, son of Stephen Vine Buckland, Esq., of Geelong, Victoria, care of Mrs. Buckland, 14, Thicket Road, Anerley, London, S.E., aged 13, Dec. 10. Left 1888.¹ Whitelaw. Articled to a Solicitor in Melbourne. 101, William Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Meakin, Arthur William, son of George Meakin, Esq., The Hayes, Stone, Staffordshire, aged 14, Dec. 16. Left 1886.3 Whitelaw. In business. Creswell House, Stafford. Micklethwait, John Leonard, second son of Richard Micklethwait, Esq., Ardsley House, Barnsley, aged 14, Dec. 1. Left 1888.¹ Morice. Crick, 1887. Training for a Mining Engineer. Barrow Collieries, near Barnsley. Wilmot-Sitwell, Charles John, son of Robert Sacheverel Wilmot-Sitwell, Esq., Stainsby, Derby, aged 13, Dec. 14. Left 1889.³ Morice. XV., 1888, 1889. Sandhurst, 1890. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion The Worcester- shire Regiment, June 17, 1891. As above. Whipham, Thomas Rowland Charles, son of Thomas Tillyer Whipham, Esq., M.D., (0.R., 1854), 11, Grosvenor Street, London, W., aged 13, Jan. 4. Left 1889.2 Morice. At New College, Oxford, since October, 1889. As above. Wood, Ralph Mills, son of Thomas Wood, Esq., 1, Upper Montague Street, London, W., aged 14, April 13. Left 1885.³ Morice. Articled to a Firm of Chartered Accountants. Seymour Road, Hampton Wick. Blaber, William Henry, son of William Blaber, Esq., Beckworth, Lindfield, aged 15, May 2. Left 1887.2 Michell. VIII., 1886, 1887. Articled to a Solicitor. Groombridge, near Tunbridge Wells. Christy, Walter Arthur Chetwynd, son of the late Arthur De Horne Christy, Esq., care of Mrs. Christy, Falkoners, Edenbridge, Kent, aged 13, Jan. 6. Left 1884.3 Michell. In the Merchant Service. As above. September 1884. 149 Cook, Joseph, son of Joseph Cook, Esq., North Biddick Hall, Washington, R.S.O., Durham, aged 14, Feb. 15. Left 1885.2 Michell. A Civil Engineer. As above. De Renzy, Annesley St. George, son of Surgeon-General Annesley Charles Castriott De Renzy, C.B., Bray, Ireland, aged 15, Dec. 28. Left 1887.2 Michell. Trinity College, Dublin, 1887. First Class Classical Honours, 1888 and 1889. Scholar, 1890. Student of Law, King's Inn, Dublin. 18, Clyde Road, Dublin. Lund, Reginald William, only son of James Lund, Esq., D.L., Malsis Hall, Cross Hills, Leeds, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1888.2 Michell. At Corpus Christi College, Oxford, since October, 1888. Malsis Hall, Keighley, Yorkshire. Sharp, Henry, second son of Henry Sharp, Esq., Newbrook, Atherton, Manchester, aged 14, June 1. Left 1888.2 Michell. Minor Exhibitioner, 1888. Exhibitioner of New College, Oxford, 1883. Second Class Classical Moderations, 1891. Townend, Deepcar, Sheffield. Swan, Stanley Gale, second son of Henry Arthur Swan, Esq., Eastbrooke, Middlesborough, aged 13, Sept. 19. Left 1888.³ Michell. XV., 1888. In business. As above. Pridmore, John Walter, son of Mr. John Pridmore, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 13, May 8. Left 1887.¹ Town. Queen's College, Birmingham, Medical Student, 1888. 19, Warwick Street, Rugby. Rickard, John Lucas, son of Mr. John J. Rickard, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 14, Jan. 14. Left 1887.3 Town. Student of Institute of Civil Engineers, February, 1890. Assistant to Mr. A. Thorne, Associate Member of Institute of Civil Engineers, 143, Cannon Street, London. As above. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1884. Anderson, John Pratt, son of the late William Anderson, Esq., of Glentarkie, care of Mrs. Anderson, 4, Montague Terrace, Edinburgh, aged 14, Nov. 10. Left 1888.8 School. 1 At University College, Oxford, since October, 1889. Mountquharry, Strathmiglo, Fifeshire. 150 September 1884. Beachcroft, Charles Porten, son of Francis Porten Beachcroft, Esq., (O.R., 1855), Ferozepore, Punjab, India, aged 13, March 13. Left 1890.2 School. Scholar, 1885. XI., 1889*, 1890. Head of the School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1890. Passed Indian Civil Service Examination, July, 1890. Clare College, Cambridge, 1890. 70, Thicket Road, Anerley, S.E. Bousfield, Wilfrid Lyndon, son of Charles Edward Bousfield, Esq., St. Mary's Mount, Leeds, aged 15, July 29. Left 1886.2 School. Studied in Germany, 1887. In business as a Woollen Manufacturer since March, 1888. St. Mary's Mount, Clevedon Road, Leeds. Clifford, George Henry, son of the Rev. Henry Marcus Clifford, (o.R., 1848), Heatherbank, Bournemouth, aged 13, Oct. 25. Left 1888.3 School. Scholar, 1884. At New College, Oxford; Second Class Classical Moderations, 1891. St. John's Hill, Ellesmere, Salop. Corbett, Edward Corles, son of Frederick Corbett, Esq., Ravensnest, Worcester, aged 14, Aug. 10. Left 1887.¹ School. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Courtenay, (Hon.) Charles Pepys, eldest son of Henry Reginald Courtenay, Esq., (afterwards Lord Courtenay by courtesy), Edgerton House, Exeter, aged 14, July 14. Left 1887.2 School. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion Somerset Light Infantry, December 29, 1888. Mill Brook, Exeter. Hill, Christopher John, son of T. R. Hill, Esq., West Worthing, aged 14, Sept. 18. Left 1887.1 School. At Trinity College, Cambridge. Murland, Charles, son of the late James Murland, Esq., of Castle Wellan, Ireland, care of Mrs. Murland, Trillington, Morpeth, aged 14, Aug. 10, Left 1888.¹ School. In a Tea Merchant's Office, preparatory to going to Ceylon. Rose Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Ormerod, Arthur Latham, son of the late Edward Latham Ormerod, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., (O.R., 1833), care of Mrs. Ormerod, 14, Old Steyne, Brighton, aged 14, July 14. Left 1889.2 School. XV., 1888. Minor Exhibitioner, 1889. Scholar of New College, Oxford, 1889. 51, Brunswick Place, Brighton. Pearson, Charles Harold, son of Edward Pearson, Esq., Morton House, Gainsborough, aged 14, Sept. 9. Left 1885.1 School. Residing in Canada, September 1884. 151 Rawstorne, Edward Buckley, son of the Rev. William Edward Rawstorne, (0.R., 1831), Vicar of Penwortham, and Hon. Canon of Manchester, aged 14, July 13. Left 1889.2 School. Scholar, 1884. At Balliol College, Oxford, 1891. The Hollies, East Sheen. Wason, Rigby, eldest son of Eugene Wason, Esq., (o.r, 1861), 63, Belsize Avenue, London, N.W., (afterwards of Blair Girvan, N.B., M.P. for South Ayrshire), aged 13, July 26. Left 1889.3 School. XV., 1889. VIII.* 1889. Student at the School of Technology, Boston, Massachusets, U.S.A., 1891. Bell, Arthur George, son of G. M. Bell, Esq., Melbourne, Australia, aged 15, May 2. Left same Term. Bowden Smith. Residing in Australia. Delay, Herbert Walter, son of W. Delay, Esq., Upper Tooting, London, S.W., aged 15, May 22. Left 1886.3 Bowden Smith. Died, January 27, 1891. Bodley, Edwin Frederick Blaker, son of Edwin James Drew Bodley, Esq, Longport House, Burslem, aged 14, Sept. 11. Left 1886.¹ Bowden Smith. In business at Longport. Lag-na-ha, Longport, Stoke-on-Trent. Scott, Edward Spencer, son of the late Edward Scott, Esq., care of Mrs. Scott, 4, Lulworth Road, Southport, aged 14, June 12. Left 1889.2 Bowden Smith. Exhibitioner of Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1890. Kirkby Vicarage, Liverpool. Tinker, Henry Archibald, son of James Tinker, Esq., Hordle House, Milford, Hants, and 80, Cromwell Road, London, S. W., aged 14, June 6. Left 1886.1 Bowden Smith. An Architect. Member of London Architectural Association. 9, St. George's Terrace, Gloucester Road, London, S. W. Alison, Arthur James, son of Arthur Alison, Esq., 3, Moray Place, Edin- Scott. burgh, aged 14, March 26. Left 1889.2 Head of the School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1889. Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1888. First Class Classical Moderations, 1891. As above. Barton, Robert Maurice, son of Augustus P. Barton, Esq., Moo Woolaman, Bundaberg, Queensland, aged 14, Feb. 20. Left 1887.3 Scott. Returned to Queensland in March, 1888. Mon Repos, near Bundaberg, Queensland. Cave, Edward Watkins, son of Sir Lewis William Cave, Justice of the High Court, (0.R., 1847), aged 13, Aug. 1. Left 1887.3 Scott. Scholar, 1884. Scholar of Oriel College, Oxford, 1890. 6, Southwell Gardens, London, S.W. 152 September 1884. Firth, Thomas James, son of Edward Firth, Esq., Tapton Edge, Sheffield, aged 15, April 18. Left 1886.2 Scott. At the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, since October, 1890. Lloyd, John Arthur Thomas, son of Arthur Rickard Lloyd, Esq., Egre- mont, Ballybrach, Co. Dublin, Ireland, aged 14, Sept. 22. 1885 3 Left Scott. In Canada, 1891. Home address below. 9, Martello Avenue, Kingstown, Co. Dublin. Moss, Edward Whitaker, son of Edward Hugh Moss, Esq., North Ferriby, Brough, East Yorkshire, aged 13, Dec. 10. Left 1888.2 Scott. XI., 1888. In Perak Civil Service since January, 1890. Taiping, Perak, Malay Peninsula. Schwabe, Cecil Langshaw, third son of Henry Arthur Dingle Bank, Lymm, Cheshire, aged 14, Oct. 11. Oriel College, Oxford, 1888. Died at College, May 5, 1891. Schwabe, Esq., Left 1885.¹ Scott. Guthrie-Smith, Wilfred, son of John Guthrie-Smith, Esq., Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh, aged 14, July 20. Left 1887.¹ Scott. XV., 1886. Sandhurst, 1890. Gazetted to The Cameronians, (Scottish Rifles), March, 1891. Army List. Albury, Frederick Howard, son of Frederick William Albury, Esq., Park- side, Reading, aged 14, Aug. 7. Left 1887.¹ Scott. At Dana Chambers, Shrewsbury, 1891. Home as above. Allen, James Lynn, second son of Bulkeley Allen, Esq., J.P., (o.r., 1853), West Lynn, Altrincham, aged 14, Oct. 20. Left 1888.2 Elsee. At King's College, Cambridge, 1891. As above. Bayly, Lancelot Francis Saunderson, son of Mrs. L. Bayly, 8, Augusta Gardens, Folkestone, aged 14, Oct. 16. Left 1885.2 Elsee. Manager of an Electrical Company in Boston, U.S.A., 1888, 1889. Now resident in Paris. 44, Rue Ville-Juste, Avenue Bois de Boulogne, Paris. Cayzer, Charles William, eldest son of Charles William Cayzer, Esq., Milliken House, Renfrewshire, N.B., aged 15, July 19. Left 1887,3 Elsee. XV., 1887. Partner in the Firm of Cayzer, Irvine and Co., Ship Owners. Constitutional Club. Ralston, Renfrewshire, N.B. Lemonius, Gerald Maclean, son of Augustus Hervey Lemonius, Esq., Stonehouse, Allerton, Liverpool, aged 14, Sept. 10. Left 1887.3 Elsee. In a Mercantile Office in Liverpool. As above. September 1884. 153 Whiting, Francis Arthur, son of Clifton Whiting, Esq., (o.R., 1855), Osborne House, Walton-on-Thames, aged 13, Dec. 21. Left 1885.³ Elsee. Working for a Commission in the Army. Twickenham Park, London, S.W. Blake, Charles Frederick Sapte, son of Edward Frederick Blake, Esq., Shanklin Tower, Isle of Wight, aged 14, Dec. 31. Left 1887.3 Whitelaw. At Exeter College, Oxford, since October, 1888. As above. Jevons, Edward Russel, son of Frederick Jevons, Esq., 18, Palm Grove, Birkenhead, aged 13, July 10. Left 1885.2 Whitelaw, In business in Liverpool. Landour, Claughton, Birkenhead. Pridmore, Malcolm Kennett, son of George Alexander Pridmore, Esq., Brooklyn House, Coventry, aged 14, Oct. 8. Left 1888.2 Whitelaw. Articled to a Solicitor in Birmingham, 1889. As above. Rendall, Seymour Henry, eighth son of the Rev. Henry Rendall, Great Rollright, Chipping Norton, aged 14, Jan. 4. Left 1889.2 Whitelaw. Scholar of Hertford College, Oxford, Second Class Classical Moderations, 1891. As above. Courtauld, William Julien, son of Sydney Courtauld, Esq., Bocking Place, Morice. Braintree, aged 14, June 6. Left 1889.2 At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1889. As above. Earle, Frank Cornish, second son of the Rev. Walter Earle, Yarlet, Stafford, aged 13, Dec. 17. Left 1889.2 Morice. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1889. Bilton Grange, Rugby. Harrison, Arthur Hugo, son of Edward Francis Harrison, Esq., (o.r., 1844), late Bengal Civil Service, Thornley, South Norwood Hill, London, S.E., aged 13, Dec. 13. Left 1887.2 Morice. Learning Mining in Cornwall, 1891. As above. Richards, Whitmore Lionel, son of John Henry Richards, Esq., Trehol- ford, Breconshire, (afterwards County Court Judge for County Mayo), aged 15, Sept. 12. Left 1887.3 Morice. Trinity College, Dublin, B.A., 1891. Wilmot-Sitwell, William Sacheverel, second son of the Rev. Degge Wilmot- Sitwell, (O.R., 1852), Leamington Hastings, aged 13, Dec. 18. Left 1888.3 Morice. The Osiers, Chiswick Mall, London, W. U 154 September 1884. Solano, Enrique, son of E. Solano, Esq., India, care of Agra Bank, London, E.C., aged 14, June 25. Left 1888.2 Morice. Haworth, John Goodier, third son of Abraham Haworth, Esq., J.P., Hilston House, Altrincham, aged 13, Nov. 1. Left 1889.2 Donkin. XI., 1887*, 1888. At New College, Oxford, since 1889. As above. Maxwell, William George, son of Wellwood Maxwell, Esq., Holmfield, Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 14, March 7. Left 1888.2 Donkin. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. MacNeill, Elliott, son of John MacNeill, Esq., Hillmount, Larne, Co. Antrim, aged 14, Jan. 24. Left 1887.3 Donkin. At Trinity College, Dublin, since October, 1887. As above. Balcher, Percy Fritz Rosencrantz, son of P. F. Balcher, Esq., 8, Cullen Place, Hourali, India, aged 14, Nov. 17. Left 1885.¹ Michell. Cowlishaw, Francis Ion, second son of William Pattern Cowlishaw, Esq., Christchurch, New Zealand, aged 15, Sept. 10. Left 1888.3 Michell. XV., 1887. At Brasenose College, Oxford, since October, 1888. Cazalet, Clement Haughton Langston, only son of William Clement Cazalet, Esq., Grenehurst, Dorking, aged 15, July 16. Left 1886.2 Michell. } At Trinity College, Cambridge. As above. Morgan, Matthew Rees, son of the late Isaac Morgan, Esq., care of Mrs. Morgan, The Hill, Neath, aged 14, Dec. 1. Left 1887. Michell. Articled to a Solicitor, February, 1889. The Hill, Neath, South Wales. Paul, James Arthur, younger son of William Paul, Esq., Farfield, Moor Allerton, Leeds, aged 13, Sept. 21. Left 1889.2 Michell. XI., 1889. A Manufacturer in Leeds. Cookridge Hall, near Leeds. Gillson, Maurice Paget, third son of Henry Thomas Gillson, Esq., Rugby, aged 14, June 21. Left 1888.3 Town-Morice. At University College, Oxford, since October, 1890. Madeford, Christchurch, Hants. January 1885. 155 1 Over, Samuel, son of Mr. Samuel Over, 19, High Street, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 16. Left 1889.2 Town. In business. As above. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1885. Benham, Arthur Moses, son of Henry Benham, Esq., 5, Roland Houses, South Kensington, aged 13, Oct. 26. Left 1889.2 School. Scholar, 1886. XI., 1888*, 1889. In business in London. 20, Ashley Place, Westminster, London, S. IV. Bridge, Frederick Maynard, son of Major John Bridge, F.R.G.S., Marl- borough House, Sale, Manchester, aged 14, April 27. Left 1886.¹ School. At Clare College, Cambridge, since October, 1888. Ryde, Isle of Wight. Day, Charles Nevile, son of Nevile Day, Esq., Easton, Stamford, aged 13, July 10. Left 1890.2 School. XV., 1889. XI., 1890. At Trinity College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Higginbotham, John Ronald Ker, son of Charles Titus Higginbotham, Esq., Craigmaddie, Milngavie, N.B., aged 13, Feb. 10. Left 1888.1 School. Engaged in Commerce. As above. MacGusty, Henry Alexander, son of Alexander Delan MacGusty, Esq., Langholme House, Road Hill, Bath, aged 13, Jan. 31. Left 1887.3 School. On a Cattle Station in North-West Canada. Carrigene Ranche, Calgary, North-West Canada. Wilkins, Philip Aveling, son of Robert Francis Wilkins, Esq., 10, Corn- wall Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 13, Oct. 7. Left 1887.2 School. In business in London. 18, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. Blackwell, Francis Samuel, son of Samuel John Blackwell, Esq., Brooks- hill, Harrow Weald, aged 15, Aug. 13. Left 1888.2 School. A Merchant. As above. Gunter, Richard Francis, son of Richard Gunter, Esq., Pearcelands, West Hoathby, East Grinstead, aged 14, Dec. 14. Left 1887. Old House, East Grinstead, Sussex. School. 156 January 1885. Pugh, Edgar William, son of William Pugh, Esq., 10, Queen's Gardens, Hyde Park, London, W., aged 13, Sept. 27. Left 1888.2 School. Bod-dyffryn, Kenley, Surrey. Bond, Wilfrid, son of the Rev. John Bond, Anderby, Alford, aged 14, May 3. Left 1888.2 Elsee. An Architect at Sleaford, Lincolnshire. Home,—Steeple Ashton Vicarage, Wilts. Morrell, Mark, son of Charles Morrell, Esq., (o.R., 1857), Burcote, Abingdon, afterwards of Milton Hill, Steventon, Berks, aged 13, March 2. Left 1888.¹ Elsee. Learning Farming in Canada, 1891. Burjie, Springfield, Calgary, North-West Canada. Allen, Herbert Elliston, fourth son of Elliston Allen, Esq., Ballingdon Grove, Sudbury, aged 14, Sept. 9. Left 1888.¹ Scott. Articled to a Solicitor. As above, or 39, Warwick Gardens, Kensington, London, W. Breeks, Charles Wilkinson, son of the late James Wilkinson Breeks, Esq., Madras Civil Service, care of Mrs. Breeks, Edengate, Warcross, Penrith, aged 14, Aug. 11. Left 1886.º Scott. At Christ Church, Oxford, since January, 1889. Hellbeck Hall, Brough, Kirkby Stephen. Trayner, Robert Wyld Maxwell, son of Sheriff John Trayner, (afterwards the Lord Trayner, a Judge of Session), 27, Moray Place, Edinburgh, aged 14, Dec. 25. Left 1888.2 Scott. Gazetted to the 3rd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (Highland Rifle Militia), 1888. As above. Burke, Edward Estcourt, son of S. C. Burke, Esq., Kingston, Jamaica, aged 14, April 28. Left 1888.¹ Whitelaw. Hall, John, son of John Hall, Esq., The Grange, Hale, Cheshire, aged 14, March 27. Left 1889.2 Morice. Racquets, 1889. An Iron Merchant in Manchester. The Grange, Hale, Altrincham. Hollebone, Stanley William Verner, son of Alfred Richard Hollebone, Esq., Lynton Croft, Caterham, aged 13, Sept. 4. Left 1889.3 Morice. XV., 1888, 1889. 8, Bolton Gardens, London, S.W. Rowlands, Christopher Henry, son of Arthur Rowlands, Esq., The Marians, Elstree, aged 13, June 4. Left 1890.¹ Donkin. Marians, Elstree, Herts. January 1885. 157 Barlow, Philip Babington, son of the Rev. George Hilaro Philip Barlow, Michell. Lyme Regis, aged 14, Oct. 12. Left 1887.³ In Ceylon. Hellbodie, Pusselawa, Ceylon. Finch, Frederick Richard, eldest son of Richard Finch, Esq., 34, Queen's Michell. Road, Southport, aged 13, Oct. 1. Left 1890.2 Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, 1889. Scholar, 1890. As above. Stepney, Cecil Champagnè Herbert, son of the late Captain Herbert Stepney, and stepson of the Hon. William Monk Jervis, Quarndon, Derby, aged 13, June 3. Left 1889.3 Michell. XV., 1889. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 60th Rifles, July, 1891. Quarndon, Derby. Brooks, Ernest Walter Guardner, son of Isaac Brooks, Esq., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 13, March 24. Left 1887.1 Town. In the District Goods Manager's Staff Office, London and North-Western Railway, Wolverhampton. As above. Mackenzie, Donald Ingleby, son of John Ingleby Mackenzie, Esq., Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 13, Dec. 3. Left 1886.¹ Stewart, Robert Tomlinson, son of Mr. William Stewart, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 12, May 30. Left 1888.¹ Town. Assistant Surveyor, Rugby. 6, Charlotte Street, Rugby. Rhoades, Theodore William, fourth son of Henry Tull Rhoades, Esq., (0.R. 1847), Headmaster of the Lower School of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby, aged 12, Sept. 13. Left 1889.2 Town. VIII., 1889. A Medical Student at Edinburgh University, since October, 1889. 4, Arnold Villas, Rugby. Walrond, Theodore Hunter Hastings, eldest son of Francis Charles Walrond, Esq., (o.R., 1851), Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 12, Dec. 5. Left 1891.2 Town. Foundationer. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1891. Exhibitioner of Balliol College, Oxford, 1891, 16, Hillmorton Road, Rugby. Wratislaw, Theodore William Goof, son of Theodore Marc Wratislaw, Esq., (o.R. 1837), Church Street, Rugby, aged 13, April 27. Left 1888.¹ Town. Articled to a Solicitor, October, 1889. As above. 158 May 1885. ENTRANCES IN MAY, 1885. King, Henry Frederick, son of the Rev. Frederick King, (0.R., 1852), South Molton, North Devon, aged 14, Dec. 12. Left 1887.3 School. Entered Bristol Medical School, 1889. As above. Owen, Edward Tudor, son of Daniel Owen, Esq., Ash Hall, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire, aged 14, Nov. 18. Left 1889.2 School. VIII., 1889. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1890. As above. Reynolds, Herbert Edward, son of Edward Reynolds, Esq., Paxton Hall, St. Neots, Hunts, aged 14, Jan. 24. Left 1886.³ School. On a Tea Estate in Ceylon. Home address below. 58, Montagu Square, London, W. Taylor, John Francis White, son of Richard Stephens Taylor, Esq., J.P., Huntsmoor Park, Iver, Bucks, and Field Court, Grays Inn, London, aged 13, March 27. Left 1890.3 School. At Trinity College, Oxford, since January, 1891. XV., 1888, 1889, 1890. XI., 1890. As above. Wilson, George Herbert, third son of Hon. Arthur Wilson, Judge in the High Court, Calcutta, aged 13, May 16. Left 1888.3 School. At Exeter College, Oxford, since October, 1890. Clarke, Walrond Bernard, son of Edward Clarke, Esq., Avishays, Chard, aged 15, Dec. 23. Left 1886.³ Scott. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Mather, Arthur Harold, eldest son of Arthur Stanley Mather, Esq., (0.R., 1857), Woolton, Liverpool, aged 14, April 20. Left 1890.1 Scott. At King's College, Cambridge, 1891. As above. McMullen, Kenric James, fifth son of Alexander Peter McMullen, Esq., The Castle, Hertford, aged 14, Oct. 5. Left 1888.¹ Scott. An Electrical Engineer. 10, Hanover Square, London, W. Townsend, Henry William Worth, son of William Henry Worth Town- send, Esq., (0.R., 1857), Kings Newnham, Rugby, aged 14, March 11. Left 1889.2 Scott. VIII., 1889. At Clare College, Cambridge, since 1889. As above. May 1885. 159 Woodd-Smith, Bernard Basil, eldest son of Basil Woodd-Smith, Esq., Branch Hill Lodge, Hampstead Heath, London N.W., aged 14, June 17. Left 1889.¹ Scott. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1889. As above. May, Henry Ernest, third son of Edwin May, Esq., (0.R., 1850), Oaklands, Reading, aged 14, July 7. Left 1887.2 Elsee. At Clare College, Cambridge, since October, 1888. A Medical Student, 1891. As above. Ohren, Spencer, son of John Ohren, Esq., (afterwards Ohren Ovington), Elsee. Rio de Janeiro, aged 14, March 13. Left 1888.3 XV., 1887, 1888. Has assumed the additional surname of OVINGTON after ОHREN. Oaklands, Kingswood Road, Norwood, Surrey. Roberts, Arthur John Bodvel, son of John Hugh Roberts, Esq., Clerk of the Peace for Carnarvon, Dinas, Carnarvon, aged 13, Aug. 31. Left 1888.2 Elsee. Cefny Cold, Carnarvon. Scott-Turner, Montagu Cecil, son of Mrs. Scott-Turner, South Field, Uxbridge, aged 14, Dec. 1. Left 1889.2 Elsee. At Brasenose College, Oxford, since 1889. Dawson, Vincent Osborne Cort, son of Osborne Edward Dawson, Esq., (o.R., 1856), Elstree, Herts, aged 14, Jan. 19. Left 1888.3 Whitelaw. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since October, 1889. Palmers, Elstree, Herts. Dugdale, William, son of Joseph Dugdale, Esq., Blackburn, aged 14, July Whitelaw. 31. Left 1887.¹ In the Cotton and Iron Trades. Claremont, Blackburn. Litkie, Maximilian Mackenzie, eldest son of Valerian Arnold Litkie, Esq., Hornsey, London, N., aged 14, Feb. 8. Left 1888.2 Whitelaw. In the 1st Derby Militia, reading for the Army. Junior Constitutional Club. Oakley, Hornsey, London, N. Oakshott, Walter Escott, son of Thomas W. Oakshott, Esq., J.P., Rock Ferry, Cheshire, aged 15, March 11. Left 1888.³ Whitelaw. XI., 1888. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 1st Battalion The Lancashire Fusiliers, October 29, 1890. Derby House, Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Worship, Verelst Turner, second son of the late William Worship, Esq., care of Mrs. Worship, Ormsby St. Michael, Great Yarmouth, aged 14, Feb. 20. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. Sandhurst, September, 1890. 160 May 1885. Westcott, Robert Basil, seventh son of the Rev. Brooke Foss Westcott, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, (afterwards Lord Bishop of Durham), aged 13, Oct. 14. Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since March, 1891. Auckland Castle, Bishops Auckland. Dalby, John, son of Robert Dalby Dalby, Esq., (o.r., 1849, as R. D. Blunt), Charnwood, Wimbledon, aged 13, May 27. Left 1889.¹ Morice. Woolwich, 1889. Gazetted to the Royal Artillery, February, 1891. Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich. Royal United Service Institution, or Castle Donington, near Derby. Nevill, Robert Charles Reginald, son of Robert Whately Nevill, Esq., Perry Crofts, Tamworth, aged 14, March 13. Left 1889.¹ Morice. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Stevenson, Ernest Bruce, son of Nathaniel Stevenson, Esq., (o.R., 1855), 51, Wimpole Street, London, W., aged 14, Jan. 27. Left 1889.2 Morice. As above. Alston, Edward Gardiner, third son of Francis Beilby Alston, Esq., (afterwards Sir F. B. Alston, K.C.M.G.), of the Foreign Office, 69, Eccleston Square, London, S. W., aged 13, Aug. 27. Left 1889.3 Donkin. XV., 1889. Sandhurst, 1890. Gazetted to the Coldstream Guards, March, 1891. Guards Club, Pall Mall. Housley, Charles, second son of John Housley, Esq., Crowhurst, West End Lane, London, N.W., aged 13, Dec. 15. Left 1890.2 Donkin. At Pembroke College, Cambridge, since October, 1890. As above. Fagge, Robert Hilton, elder son of Herbert William Fagge, Esq., Lutter- worth, aged 13, Aug. 10. Left 1888.2 Michell. A Medical Student, Guy's Hospital, 1891. Hythe House, Lutterworth. Goode, Thomas, elder son of Charles Vickery Goode, Esq., Dunedin, Twickenham, aged 15, Dec. 2. Left 1887.2 Michell. On the London Stock Exchange. Dunedin, Hampton Road, Twickenham. Lowther, Claude William Henry, only son of Captain Francis W. Lowther, R.N., 63, Pont Street, London, S.W., aged 14, June 26. Left 1887.3 Michell. Reading for the Diplomatic Service. 73, Pont Street, London, S.W. September 1885. 161 Ogle, William Hall, son of Richard Ogle, Esq., Wood End, Altrincham, aged 14, Dec. 19. Left 1888.¹ Michell. On a Cattle Ranche in America. Hinsdale, Montana, U.S.A. Poulsom, Harrison Hale, third son of William Poulsom, Esq., Bootle, Liverpool, aged 14, Dec. 28. Left 1889.2 Michell. In business in Liverpool. Breeze Hill, Bootle, Liverpool. Ranking, George Harvey, only son of Harvey Ranking, Esq., 20, James Street, Buckingham Gate, London, aged 14, April 7. Left 1888.3 Michell. Hitcham Vale, Taplow, Bucks. Low, Charles Ernest, eldest son of the Rev. Charles Low, Borthwick Road, Stratford, London, E., aged 15, Nov. 29. Left 1888.² Michell. Major and Minor Exhibitióner, 1883. Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford, First Class Classical Moderations, 1890. 3, Cranmer Villas, Mitcham, Surrey. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1885. Abbott, Edwin Alexander, son of John Abbott, Esq., Braemar House, Bayswater Road, London, W., aged 13, Nov. 25. Left 1888.¹ School. A Student of Agriculture. As above. Beloe, Edward Milligan, elder son of Edward Milligan Beloe, Esq., Kings Lynn, Norfolk, aged 13, Nov. 1. Left 1889.3 School. Articled to a Solicitor. Paradise, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. Bouth, Eustace Frederick Delamere, fourth son of Frederick William Delamere Bouth, Esq., Woodfields, Leigh, Lancashire, aged 14, April 2. Left 1888.2 School. In business as a Cotton Spinner. As above. Gardiner, Joseph Napier, son of John William Gardiner, Esq., Shahpur, Punjab, India, aged 13, Nov. 28. Left 1890.2 School. Scholar, 1886. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1890. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since October, 1890. Glenwood, Auckland Road, Upper Norwood. Higginbotham, George, son of the late Edwin Higginbotham, Esq., care of Mrs. Higginbotham, 17, Westbourne Terrace, Glasgow, aged 14, April 8. Left 1889.2 School. A Marine Engineer. 10, Lorraine Gardens, Glasgow. X 162 September 1885. Nicholls, Francis John, second son of Edward William Nicholls, Esq., 21, Haringay Park, Crouch End, London, N., aged 15, July 4. Left 1889.2 School. Scholar, 1885. XI., 1888, 1889. Major Exhibitioner, 1889. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1888. Thomson, George Cockburn, son of Spencer Thomson, Esq., 10, Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh, aged 13, Feb. 4. Left 1888.¹ School. Wilson, Charles Eustace, son of Charles Eustace Wilson, Esq., Forest Glade, Leytonstone, Essex, aged 13, July 15. Left 1890.3* School. XV., 1890. Articled to a Solicitor. Offices, 20, Basinghall Street. Durban House, East Ham, Essex. Bartlett, Frank, third son of the Rev. Robert Edward Bartlett, (O.R., 1843), Rainsford Lodge, Chelmsford, aged 13, Jan. 27. Left 1891.2 Bowden Smith. At Trinity College, Oxford, since October, 1891. As above. Davies, Ottley Wilding, son of John Morgan Davies, Esq., Froodvale, Llandilo, aged 15, June 18. Left 1887.2 Bowden Smith. Articled to a Solicitor. Home as above. 1, Dorchester Villas, Swindon, Wilts. Lassen, Camil Charles, younger son of Edward Samuel Lassen, Esq., Bradford, aged 14, Aug. 13. Left 1886.3 Bowden Smith. Studying Languages in Germany, 1891, preparatory to becoming a Merchant in Bradford. Rosemount House, Bradford. Powell, Edward Athelstane Lewis, son of William Beauclerc Powell, Esq., Nant Eos, Aberystwith, aged 14, Nov. 12. Left 1888.3 Bowden Smith. At Charsley Hall, Oxford, since 1889. As above. Schreiber, Charles Shuldham, son of the late Captain Charles Alfred Schreiber, 34th Regiment, care of Mrs. Schreiber, Roundwood, Ipswich, aged 14, May 17. Left 1888.2 Bowden Smith. In the Suffolk Militia, reading for the Army. Baker, Ernest Arthur, son of Thomas Baker, Esq., Wallcroft, Durdham Park, Bristol, aged 15, Aug. 17. Left 1888.3 Scott. In a Stockbroker's Office. As above. Burton, Frank, son of Edward Burton, Esq., Eaves Hall, Clitheroe, aged Scott. 14, April 10. Left 1889.2 VIII., 1888, 1889. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1890. As above. September 1885. 163 Jessop, Thomas Harvey, son of Thomas Richard Jessop, Esq., Roundhay Scott. Mount, Leeds, aged 15, Sept. 10. Left 1889.2 At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1889. As above. Sykes, Herbert Rushton, son of Arthur Henry Sykes, Esq., (o.r., 1855), Scott. Edgeley Mount, Stockport, aged 14, Oct. 12. Left 1889.³ At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. · Allen, William Lynn, third son of Bulkeley Allen, Esq., J.P., (0.R., 1853), West Lynn, Altrincham, Cheshire, aged 14, May 8. Left 1888.3 Elsee. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion, The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, March 21, 1891. As above. Heginbottom, George Assheton, son of Thomas Heginbottom, Esq., Ashton-under-Lyne, aged 14, Jan. 20. Left 1888.3 Elsee. At Pembroke College, Oxford, since Easter, 1890. Stamford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Twist, Arthur Cyril, second son of George Francis Twist, Esq., Keresley, Coventry, aged 13, Dec. 25. Left 1886.3 Elsee. Learning Brewing, 1891. As above. Behrens, Clive, fifth son of Edward Behrens, Esq., Fallowfield, Manchester, and Corby Castle, Carlisle, aged 13, Nov. 14. Left 1888.3 Whitelaw. VIII., 1888. Woolwich 1889. Gazetted to the 77th Field Battery, Royal Artillery, February, 1891. The Oaks, Fallowfield, Manchester. Birkin, Philip Austin, son of Thomas Birkin, Esq., Ruddington Grange, Nottingham, aged 15, Sept. 24. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. In business. As above. Hobson, Henry Overton, son of William Henry Hobson, Esq., Berkhamp- stead, aged 14, June 10. Left 1887.3 Whitelaw. Studied abroad, 1888-9. A Medical Student at Edinburgh University, since 1890. Highfield, South Berkhampstead. Marshall, Louis, son of Henry Marshall, Esq., Barcelona, aged 14, Dec. 9. Left 1889.2 Whitelaw. Scholar 1885. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1889. Passed 2nd in Indian Civil Service Examination, 1888. At Balliol College, Oxford, since 1888. Takes up Appointment in 1891. 164 September 1885. Penn-Gaskell, William, son of Peter Penn-Gaskell, Esq., Shanagarry House, Middleton, County Cork, and Junior Carlton Club, London, aged 13, Nov. 9. Left 1886.¹ Whitelaw. [ In a Mercantile Office. A. Gibbs and Co., 21, Fenwick Street, Liverpool. Reynolds, Walter Hugh, son of W. Reynolds, Esq., Highgate, London, N., aged 14, Feb. 2. Left 1889.2 Whitelaw. Mitchell-Withers, Arthur, son of John Brightmore Mitchell-Withers, Esq., Eccleshall, Sheffield, aged 14, Jan. 6. Left 1888.2 Whitelaw. Parkhead, near Sheffield. Dunkerley, William Charles, son of Charles Chorlton Dunkerley, Esq., Hurst Dale, Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 15, Aug. 20. Left 1888.2 Morice. XI., 1888. In the Iron and Steel Trade. As above. Moss, Henry Seymour, son of John Seymour Moss, Esq., Buttfield, Hessle, Yorkshire, aged 13, Dec. 6. Left 1890. Morice. Scholar, 1885. Major Exhibitioner, 1890. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1889. As above. Peters, Thomas Entwistle, son of the late Ralph Entwistle Peters, Esq., and of Mrs. Vine, Eastington Rectory, Stonehouse, Gloucester- shire, aged 13, April 1. Left 1889.2 Morice. As above. Wood, Kyrle Mills, son of the late Thomas Wood, Esq., care of Mrs. Wood, 1, Upper Montague Street, Russell Square, London, aged 14, July 9. Left same Term. Morice. A Clerk in the Bank of England. Bank of England, London, E.C. Hawtrey, Seymour Henry Coleridge, son of the Rev. Henry Courtenay Hawtrey, Nursling Rectory, Southampton, aged 13, Jan. 9. Left 1886,¹ Donkin. In a Mercantile Office in Auckland, New Zealand, 1891. Home: Greycliff, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight. Speed, George Harry, son of Robert Henry Speed, Esq., Cavendish Road East, The Park, Nottingham, aged 14, Feb. 19. Left 1887.2 Donkin. Residing in Australia. Home as above. September 1885. 165 Bainton, James Hubert, son of Henry William Bainton, Esq., Beverley, aged 14, May 20. Left 1888.3 Michell. A Merchant. North Bar Street, Beverley. English, Alexander Emmanuel, eighth son of Joseph Thomas English, Esq., J.P., Wayfield, Stratford-on-Avon, aged 13, Nov. 5. Left 1889.3 Michell. Exhibitioner of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1889. Passed Indian Civil Service Examination, July, 1890. Indian Northbrook Club, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. Sharp, George Edward, third son of Henry Sharp, Esq., Newbrook, Atherton, Manchester, aged 14, March 13. Left 1889.3 Michell. Sandhurst, 1889. Gazetted to the 2nd Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, May 28, 1891. Deepcar, Yorkshire. Rhodes, William Heaton, third son of the late Robert Heaton Rhodes, Esq., care of Mrs. Rhodes, Elmwood, Christchurch, New Zealand, aged 15, May 2. Left 1888.² Michell. At Brasenose College, Oxford, since October, 1890. New Oxford and Cambridge Club, London. Hudson, Norman Westlake, second son of the late Rev. Albert Hudson, care of Mrs. Hudson, The Crescent, Rugby, aged 13, Feb. 6. Left 1890.2 Town. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1890. As above. Maffey, Henry Howard, son of Mr. Thomas Maffey, Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 11. Left 1890.¹ Town. In the London and County Bank, 21, Lombard Street, E.C. As above. Pridmore, William Henry, second son of Mr. John Pridmore, Clifton Road, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 30. Left 1889.2 Town. At Jesus College, Oxford, 1891. Warwick Street, Rugby. Boyce, Francis Stewart, son of the Rev. Francis Bertie Boyce, St. Pauls, Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, aged 13, June 26. Left 1889.2 Whitelaw. At Sydney University, since March, 1890. As above. 166 January 1886. : ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1886. Francis, Reginald John Edwards, son of John Richardson Francis, Esq., J.P., Llwyn Derw, Swansea, aged 14, April 18. Left 1888.3 School. Student at the University of Liége, 1891. Home as above. Furber, Albert Leslie, son of Charles Furber, Esq., 6, Upper Hamilton Terrace, London, N. W., aged 13, Jan. 10. Left 1888.¹ School. In business in London. As above. Henderson, Michael William, son of William Horn Henderson, Esq., Nether Parkley, Linlithgow, N.B., aged 14, June 20. Left 1888.¹ School. Apprenticed to a Chartered Accountant since 1888. As above. Menzies, Frederick William, son of W. J. Menzies, Esq., Canaan House, Grangetown, Edinburgh, aged 14, Nov. 11. Left 1889.2 School. XI., 1889. In business in America. Parsons, John Francis, eldest son of John Parsons, Esq., (O.R., 1848), 11, Norham Gardens, Oxford, aged 13, March 19. Left 1889.3 School. Reading for Oxford, 1891. Tubney House, near Abingdon, Berks. Swan, Nathaniel Clayton, second son of Robert Swan, Esq., (o.R., 1848), The Quarry, Lincoln, aged 13, Sept. 16. Left 1888.2 School. Reading for the Army, 1891. As above. Wood, Harold Rowley, son of the late Arthur Wood, Esq., care of Mrs. Wood, Tendring, Riggindale, Streatham, aged 13, July 22. Left 1888.2 School. Reading for Sandhurst, 1891. As above. Thornton, Charles, son of C. Thornton, Esq., 10, Courtfield Gardens, South Kensington, aged 15, Aug. 26. Left 1889.2 Bowden Smith. Minor Exhibitioner, 1889. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since October, 1889. 4, Collingham Gardens, South Kensington. Croft, Frank Garrett, son of the late John Croft, Esq., nephew of Frank Garrett, Esq., (o.R., 1860), Aldringham, Saxmundham, aged 14, Jan. 22. Scott. Died at School, December 7, 1889. A Memorial Tablet has been erected in the School Chapel. January 1886. 167 Dove, Percy Matthew, son of John Matthew Dove, Esq., 21, Devonshire Place, Claughton, Birkenhead, aged 14, March 18. Left 1888.2 Scott. Gazetted to the 4th (Militia) Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, June 1, 1890. Reading for the Army. As above. Garraway, Harry Stephenson, son of T. Garraway, Esq., Barbadoes, West Indies, aged 14, April 17. Left 1888.2 Scott. XI., 1888. Sandhurst, 1891. Hodgson, Frederick James, son of the Rev. Francis Greaves Hodgson. (O.R., 1856), Pilton Rectory, Oundle, aged 14, Dec. 16. Left 1889.3 Scott. Gazetted to the 4th (Militia) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, February 14, 1891. Reading for the Army. As above. Peck, Frederick Garrett, son of the late Frederick Peck, Esq., care of Mrs. Peck, Alma Cottage, Leiston, Suffolk, aged 14, Jan. 8. Left 1890.¹ Scott. At University College, London, 1891. 16, Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, London, S.W. Bischoff, Charles Edward, eldest son of Thomas William Bischoff, Esq.. (0.R., 1858), Long Ditton Hill, Surrey, aged 12, Feb. 24. Left 1891.2 Elsee. At Trinity College, Oxford, since October, 1891. As above. Hawthorn, William Van Haansbergen, son of William Hawthorn. Esq., Wreighburn House, Rothbury, aged 14, July 30. Left 1888.¹ Elsee. Farming in Canada, 1891. Home as above, or Prendwick, Kola, Manitoba. Blake, Edward Algernon Cleader, son of Edward Frederick Blake, Esq., Shanklin Tower, Isle of Wight, aged 14, Aug. 27. Left 1887.³ Whitelaw. Reading for Woolwich, 1891. As above. Durham, Frank Rogers, son of Arthur Edward Durham, Esq., 82, Brook Street, London, W., aged 13, July 10. Left 1889.³ Whitelaw. At London University, 1891. As above. Mappin, Herbert Joseph, third son of John Southgate, Middlesex, aged 14, Oct. 24. XV., 1888, 1889. Newton Mappin, Esq., Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. Kensington House, Bayswater Hill, London, WV. 168 January 1886. Harrison, Charles Holmes, son of Edward Francis Harrison, Esq., (O.R., 1844), Thornley, South Norwood Hill, London, S.E., aged 13, April 11. Left 1890.3 Morice. Passed 16th for Indian Civil Service Examination, 1891. King's College, Cambridge. As above. McKenzie, Alexander Gordon, son of Alexander George McKenzie, Esq., Grays Road, Sunderland, aged 14, June 23. Left 1889.³ Morice. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1890. The Oaks, Sunderland. Strachan, William Hemfield, son of Alexander Strachan, Esq., Ivy House, Willerden, Hull, aged 14, July 27. Left 1889 2 Morice. At Avenue du Roule, Neuilly, Paris, 1891. Home as above. Maxwell, Wellwood James, son of Wellwood Maxwell, Esq., Holmfield, Aigburth, Liverpool, aged 13, March 31. Left 1890.1 Donkin. Articled to a Chartered Accountant. As above. McNeill, John Hill Trevor, son of John McNeill, Esq., Hill Mount, Larne, County Antrim, aged 14, Sept. 10. Left same Term. Donkin. At Trinity College, Dublin, since June, 1888. As above. Onions, Simon Alfred, second son of John Collingwood Onions, Esq., The Grange, Tyseley, aged 13, June 14. Left 1889.3 Donkin. Articled to a Chartered Accountant. Tyseley Grange, near Birmingham. Beale, Stanley Leonard, son of William Lansdowne Beale, Esq., Waltham St. Laurence, Berks, aged 14, Jan. 19. Left 1888.¹ Michell. At Merton College, Oxford, since January, 1891. Manor House, Waltham, Twyford, Berks. Gaddum, Alfred Edward, fourth son of Henry Theodore Gaddum, Esq., Green Walk, Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 13, July 23. Left 1889.¹ Michell. Scholar, 1886. In business in Manchester. Oakley, Bowdon, Cheshire. Michell, John Colloryan, eldest son of John Michell, Esq., St. Petersburg, aged 15, Sept. 22. Left 1887.3 Michell. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Reading for the Army. May 1886. 169 Moxon, Archibald James, eldest son of Mr. William Moxon, Thurlaston, aged 13, March 3. Left 1890.2 Town. At Keble College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Moxon, Harold, second son of the above Mr. William Moxon, aged 12, Feb. 18. Left 1888.¹ Town. Pupil to a Land Agent and Surveyor. Student of the Surveyor's Institution, 1891. The Cedars, High Street, Battersea, London, S.W. Tupper, John Holman Eure, only son of the late John Lucas Tupper, Esq., care of Mrs. Tupper, Rugby, aged 13, Oct. 9. Left 1891.2 Town. Scholar, 1887. Scholar of Queen's Coge, Oxford, 1891. 45, Church Street, Rugby. ENTRANCES IN MAY, MAY, 1886. Chalmers, Patrick Reginald, eldest son of Patrick Chalmers, Esq., Aldbar Castle, Brechin, N.B., aged 12, June 27. Left 1891.2 School. As above. Kittermaster, Arthur Noel Colley, son of the Rev. Frederick Wilson Kittermaster, Baynton Hill, Shrewsbury, aged 14, Oct. 14. Left School. 1890.2 Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge, 1890. As above. Mackinnon, William, eldest son of William Mackinnon, Esq., 12, Huntley Gardens, Hillhead, Glasgow, aged 14, Aug. 7. Left 1889.³ School. At Glasgow University, 1890. A Chartered Accountant. 5, Marlborough Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Salt, Frederick John, only son of John Charles Salt, Esq., (0.R., 1853), 38, Gloucester Square, London, W., aged 13, June 25. Left 1891.2 School, XV., 1890. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1891. As above. Smales, Harold Wakefield, son of Charles Smales, Esq., 1, Magdala Place, Whitby, aged 13, Nov. 7. Left 1889.¹ School. In business as a Timber Merchant at Whitby. As above. Gibb, Alexander, son of Easton Gibb, Esq., Beamsley Hall, Skipton, aged 14, Feb. 12. Left 1890.2 Bowden Smith. At University College, London, since 1890. As above. # H 170 May 1886. Jones, John Hanmer Hylton, son of H. H. Jones, Esq., Shelbrooke Hill, Ruabon, aged 15, Dec. 11. Left 1888.¹ Bowden Smith. Allen, Sydney Elliston, son of Elliston Allen, Esq., Ballingdon, Sudbury, Suffolk, aged 14, Feb. 25. Left 1888.¹ Scott. As above. Hall, William Grey, second son of Henry Hall, Esq., Parkfield, Handforth, Cheshire, aged 14, Nov. 22. Left 1888.³ Scott. Owen's College, Manchester, 1888-1890. Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1891. Parkfield, Styal, Cheshire. Mather, Walter Stanley, second son of Arthur Stanley Mather, Esq., (0.R., 1857), Beechwood, Woolton, Liverpool, aged 13, June 4. Left 1889.2 Scott. Articled to a Solicitor. Home as above. Bond, Frank, fourth son of Frank Walters Bond, Esq., Wargrave Hill, Henley-on-Thames, and 48, Portland Place, London, W., aged 14, Dec. 14. Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. In the Bank of Mexico. As above. Buckland, Leonard Vine, son of the late Stephen Vine Buckland, Esq., of Geelong, Victoria, care of Mrs. Buckland, 8, St. Aubyn Road, Upper Norwood, aged 13, July 24. Left 1889.¹ Whitelaw. Articled to a Solicitor in Melbourne, Victoria. Care of Attenborough, Warner & Smith, Collins Street, Melbourne. Feldenheimer, Willy Moses, son of Ferdinand Feldenheimer, Esq., 11, Fitzjohns Avenue, London, N.W., aged 12, May 31, Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. A Merchant in London. As above. Lee, Arthur Herbert, eldest son of Arthur Lee, Esq., (0.R., 1859), Lewes, aged 13, June 16. Left 1891.2 Whitelaw. To be a Solicitor. Westfield House, Lewes. Whitelaw, Arthur Robert, second son of Robert Whitelaw, Esq., Assistant Master at Rugby School, aged 14, Dec. 3. Left 1889.2 Whitelaw. Agricultural College, Qu'Appelle, North-West Canada. Home as above. James, William Ashton, son of the Rev. Alfred James (o.R., 1848), Rector of Burwarton, Bridgenorth, aged 14, Oct. 15. Left 1889.2 Morice. In Messrs. Childs' Bank. 1, Fleet Street, London, E.C. May 1886. 171 King, Robert Harry, son of William Hartley King, Esq., Wychbury, Morice. Stourbridge, aged 13, July 18. Left 1889.2 In business. As above. May, Frederick Albert Wolff, son of Frederick A. May, Esq., Laurie Park Morice. Gardens, Sydenham, aged 13, Oct. 10. Left 1889.2 Learning Engineering. Care of Harland & Wolff, Belfast. Richardson, George Beigh, son of Johu Wigham Richardson, Esq., Wingrove House, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 13, Nov. 26. Left 1890.2 Morice. VIII., 1889, 1890. Studying abroad, 1891. As above. Cayzer, John Sanders, second son of Charles William Cayzer, Esq., Clevedon, Cove, Dumbartonshire, aged 14, Oct. 24. Left 1887.2 Elsee. Sandhurst, 1889. Ralston, Renfrewshire, N.B. Brodhurst-Hill, Robert, eldest son of Alfred Brodhurst-Hill, Esq., (0.R., 1848), 5, Avenue Elmers, Surbiton, and Junior Carlton Club, aged 13, Sept. 18. Left 1888.¹ Donkin. Has gone to Australia. Home as above. Brook, Charles Herbert, eldest son of William Henry Brook, Esq., Sunny- side, Blundellsands, Liverpool, aged 14, Nov. 22. Left 1888.¹ Michell. Articled to a Solicitor at Warrington. As above. Blaber, Percy Leonard, third son of William Blaber, Esq., Beckworth, Lindfield, Sussex, aged 14, Oct. 8. Left 1889.3 Michell. A Medical Student at St. Thomas's Hospital since May, 1890. 34, Cromwell Road, Brighton. Broadbent, John Wilfrid, second son of Charles Broadbent, Esq., Latch- ford, Warrington, aged 14, Sept. 21. Left 1888.3 Michell. In business. 4, Canada Dock, Liverpool. The Hollies, Latchford, Cheshire. Lowenthal, Sidney Joseph, son of Joseph Lowenthal, Esq., The Grange, Huddersfield, aged 14, Aug. 24. Left 1890.2 Michell. At Corpus Christi College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. 172 September 1886. Norbury, George Fletcher, son of George Norbury, Esq., Prestwich Park, Manchester, aged 15, Nov. 5. Left 1888.3 Michell. In business as a Stock and Share Broker in Manchester. 1, Police Street, Manchester. Morris, Thomas Coppell, son of Thomas Morris, Esq., Brynnie House, Oxton, Cheshire, aged 13, Aug. 20. Left 1889.¹ Michell. As above. Wilson, Arthur Wellesley, sixth son of Henry Charles Wilson, Esq., Prestwich, Manchester, aged 13, June 18. Left 1887.3 Michell. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment, March 26, 1890. Reading for the Army. Cowley Military College, Oxford, 1891. Austen, Sydney, third son of Ambrose Austen, Esq., 26, Hillmorton Road, Rugby, aged 13, April 30. Left 1889.1 Town. H.M.S. "Conway," 1889. In the National Provincial Bank since 1890. As above. Cox, George Darrell, son of Arthur Russell Cox, Esq., The Old Bank, Rugby, aged 14, April 19. Left 1889.2 Town. A Bank Accountant at Halesowen. Ivy House, The Quinton, near Birmingham. ENTRANCES IN SEPTEMBER, 1886. Baylis, Henry Edward Montgomery, son of Mrs. Baylis, 27, Werter Road, Putney, aged 14, Aug. 24. Left 1890.2 School. VIII., 1890. . Betterton, Henry Bucknall, son of Henry Inman Betterton, Esq., Thorn- dale House, Woodville, Burton-on-Trent, aged 14, Aug. 15. Left 1890.2 School. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Bouth, Rollo Delamere, fifth son of Frederick William Delamere Bouth, Esq., Woodfields, Leigh, Lancashire, aged 14, Sept. 2. Left 1888.2 School. Articled to a Solicitor. As above. Bryden, Charles Lumsdaine, only son of the late James Lumsdaine Bryden, Esq., M.D., care of Mrs. Bryden, 35, Holland Villas Road, Kensington, aged 13, Nov. 19. Left 1891.2 School. As above. September 1886. 173 Courtenay, (Hon.) Henry Hugh, second son of Henry Reginald Courtenay, Esq., (afterwards Lord Courtenay by courtesy), Mill Brook, Exeter, aged 14, Aug. 1. Left 1890.¹ School. As above. Davy, George Charles Hague, son of David Davy, Esq., Parkhead, Sheffield, aged 13, Sept. 28. Left 1891.' School. A Mining Engineer Pupil at Netherseale Collieries, Burton-on-Trent, 1891. Broom Croft, Parkhead, Sheffield. Langworthy, Edward Southwood, fourth son of James William Lang- worthy, Esq., 15, Princes Gardens, London, S.W., aged 14, Oct. 10. Left 1890.2 School. A Medical Student at St. George's Hospital, 1891. As above. Langworthy, Geoffrey Parker, fifth son of the above James William Lang- worthy, Esq., aged 13, Oct. 9. Left 1891.2 School. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1891. 15, Princes Gardens, London, S. W. Marshall, Hannath Douglas, son of the Rev. Charles James Marshall, Bengeo, Hertford, aged 14, July 29. Left 1889.³ School. A Tea Planter in India since 1890. Pathini Estate, Chanal Rise Post Office, Sylhet, Bengal. Moultrie, Steuart Bullen, son of George William Moultrie, Esq., (0.R., 1843), Bank of England, Manchester, aged 13, Nov. 6. Left 1890.2 School. Racquets, 1890. A Civil Engineer. Essex Street, Manchester. Nicholls, Irving Hugh, third son of Edward William Nicholls, Esq., 21, Haringay Park, Crouch End, London, W., aged 13, July 15. Left 1891.2 School. Racquets, 1890, 1891. XI., 1891. In business as a Stockbroker. Rokesly, Hornsey, London, N. Smith, Harold Lea, son of John Lea Smith, Esq., 6, Ormonde Terrace, Regents Park, London, N.W., aged 13, July 13. Left 1890.2 School. Pennswills, Elstree, Herts. Walker, James Ronald, son of James Douglas Walker, Esq., Q.C., (0.R., 1855), Blairton, Aberdeenshire, and 5, Oxford Square, London, W., aged 13, Feb. 5. Left 1891.2 School. VIII., 1890. At Oriel College, Oxford, since October, 1891. 5, Oxford Square, London, W. 174 September 1886. Chinn, Harold William, son of Henry Sinclair Chinn, Esq., The Close, Lichfield, aged 14, Nov. 27. Left 1890.2 Bowden Smith. XV., 1889. As above. Davies, Arthur Gerald Capel, son of Arthur Capel Davies, Esq., The Glen, Duppas Hill, Croydon, aged 13, Jan. 14. Left same Term. Bowden Smith. Reading for Oxford, 1891. As above. Hurlbutt, Charles, son of Henry Hurlbutt, Esq., J.P., Queen's Ferry, Flint, aged 14, Sept. 30. Left 1889.2 Bowden Smith. Dee Cottage, Queen's Ferry, Flintshire. Bayley, Kennett Champain, son of Kennett Bayley, Esq., (o.R., 1852), Sevenoaks, Inchicore, Dublin, aged 13, May 23. Left 1889.2 Scott. Dublin University, 1889. Articled to a Solicitor at Durham, January, 1891. Home as above, or Bank Chambers, Durham. Breeks, William Denison, son of the late James Wilkinson Breeks, Esq., Madras Civil Service, care of Mrs. Breeks, Hellbeck Hall, Brough, Westmoreland, aged 14, Nov. 4. Left 1888.2 Scott. At New College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Briggs, William Hilton, son of Colonel Charles James Briggs, J.P., D.L., Hylton Castle, Co. Durham, aged 15, June 13. Left 1887.3 Scott. Gazetted to the 3rd (Militia) Battalion Durham Light Infantry, February 25, 1891. As above. Bros, Henry Alwyn, son of James Bros, Esq., 31, Elm Park Gardens, London, S.W., aged 14, Aug. 1. Left 1890.3 Scott. XV., 1890. As above. Ellis, Arthur, second son of Thomas Ratcliffe Ellis, Esq., The Hollies, Wigan, aged 13, Dec. 4. Left 1891.2 Scott. XI., 1890, 1891. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1891. As above. McMullen, Alan, sixth son of Alexander Peter McMullen, Esq., The Castle, Hertford, aged 14, May 28. Left 1890.2 Scott. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1890. Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, 1890. As above. Middleton, Gilbert William, eldest son of Sir Arthur Middleton, Bart., Belsay Castle, Newcastle-on-Tyne, aged 14, Aug. 23. Left 1891.¹ Scott. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1891. As above. September 1886. 175 Ramsden, Charles Hesketh, son of William Ramsden, Esq., Tyldesley, Manchester, aged 13, July 30. Left 1891.¹ Scott. Guest Fold, Tyldesley, Manchester. Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent, eldest son of William Carr Sidgwick, Esq., 32, Kussell Road, Kensington, aged 13, May 8. Scott. Scholar, 1887. Still in the School, 1891.3 12, Bilton Road, Rugby. Whitting, Edward Jewel, only son of Charles Edward Whitting, Esq., J.P., (0.R., 1860), Glandores, Weston-super-Mare, aged 14, Sept. 1. Left 1891.2 Scott. XI., 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1891. Uphill Grange, Weston-super-Mare. Carritt, John Price, son of Frederick B. Carritt, Esq., Southwood Lane, Highgate, Middlesex, aged 14, Feb. 19. Left 1887.2 Whitelaw. Entered the Church of Rome in August, 1887. Headlam, Cecil, fifth son of the late Edward Headlam, Esq., Barrister- at-Law, and ward of Miss S. F. Spedding, Brundholmes, Tunbridge Wells, aged 14, Sept. 19. Left 1891.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1886. XI., 1889, 1890, 1891. Head of the School. Major and Minor Exhibitioner, 1891. Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1891. As above. Jeudwine, John Henry Wynne, son of William Wynne Jeudwine, Esq., Holywell House, Chesterfield, aged 14, July 13. Left 1891.2 Whitelaw. As above. Law, Hugh Alexander, son of the late Right Hon. Hugh Law, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and ward of Miss McCance, Larkfield, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, aged 14, July 28. Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. At University College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Rendall, Hugh Davey, ninth son of the Rev. Henry Rendall, Great Rollright, Chipping Norton, aged 13, Dec. 28. Left 1891.2 Whitelaw. Scholar, 1886. XV., 1890, 1891. XI., 1889, 1890, 1891. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1891. As above. Wrigley, Harold Carr, son of James Albert Wrigley, Esq., Fieldhead, Netherton, Huddersfield, aged 13, Oct. 30. Whitelaw. XV., 1889. Died at Paris, April 17, 1890. A Memorial Tablet has been erected in the School Chapel. 176 September 1886. Bond, Cyril, third son of the Rev. John Bond, Prebendary of Lincoln, Anderby, Alford, aged 14, Sept. 2. Left 1891.2 Elsee. Scholar, 1887. Scholar of Magdalen College, Cambridge, 1891. Vicarage, Steeple Ashton, Wilts. Davies, William, son of William Davies, Esq., Caerblaidd, Festiniog, North Wales, aged 13, Oct. 13. Left 1891.¹ Elsee. As above. Hack, Bartle Starmer, son of Matthew Hack, Esq., Millstone Lane, Leicester, aged 14, March 29. Left 1889.3 Elsee. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Squire, Paul, son of Anson Squire, Esq., Port Said, aged 14, Jan. 21. Left 1887.2 Elsee. Hunter, Alfred Curling, son of Curling Hunter, Esq., Purley Lodge, Boscombe, Bournemouth, aged 13, March 17. Morice. Still in the School, 1891.3 As above. Ramsay, Arthur Dennis Gilbert, second son of William Ramsay, Esq., Highfield, Southampton, aged 13, Oct. 9. Left 1889.² Morice. Sandhurst, 1891. Clevelands, Basset, Southampton. Simey, Athelstane Iliff, third son of Ralph Simey, Esq., The College, Durham, aged 13, Jan. 27. Morice. Scholar, 1886. Elected Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge, 1890. Head of the School. Still in the School, 1891.3 As above. Steel, Edwin Bedford, son of Charles Steel, Esq., 190, Cunliffe Road, Morice. Dublin, aged 15, Sept. 16. Left 1889.¹ Trinity College, Dublin, 1889. Medical School, 1889. Resident Dresser, Steeven's Hospital, 1891. Dr. Steeven's Hospital, Kingsbridge, Dublin. Thompson, Percy, son of Richard Thompson, Esq., Whalley, Lancashire, Morice. aged 13, Dec. 18. Left 1889.2 Scholar, 1886. At Brasenose College, Oxford, since October, 1889. Wilson, Basil Holt, son of George Holt Wilson, Esq., Redgrave Hall, Diss, aged 14, Sept. 7. Left 1889.2 Morice. Reading for Indian Woods and Forests Department. As above. September 1886. 177 Bush, Montague, son of William John Bush, Esq., Thornleigh, Sydenham Hill, aged 15, May 19. Left 1887.2 Donkin. Reading to qualify for Civil Engineer. As above. Brodrick-Smith, Harold, son of George Brodrick-Smith, Esq., Streonshalh, Birkdale, Lancashire, aged 14, April 20. Left 1889.2 Donkin. At Christ Church, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Hosford, Earls Ainslie, son of T. Stroud Hosford, Esq., M.D., Tulse Hill, London, S.W., aged 14, July 27. Left 1888.¹ Donkin. A Student at Heidelberg University, 1891. 4, Downe Terrace, Richmond, Surrey. Thomas, Charles, ward of James Thomas, Esq., Penlands, Swansea, aged 14, May 20. Left 1888.¹ Donkin. Watson, William James, son of the late George Peregrine Watson, Esq., care of Mrs. Watson, Anerley Road, Penge, aged 15, Aug. 13. Left 1888.¹1 Donkin. At the School of Practical Engineering, Crystal Palace, 1889. In Demerara, British Columbia, 1891. Deighton, Richard Mather, son of the late Christopher Deighton, Esq., M.D., of Clapham, Yorkshire, care of Mrs. Deighton, Elmsfield, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, aged 15, May 9. Left 1887.3 Donkin. At the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, since October, 1888. Diploma, 1891. Elmsfield, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland. Duke, Ernest Hamilton, son of the Rev. William Duke, D.D., St. Vigeans, Arbroath, N.B., aged 13, May 25. Left 1889.2 Michell. Entrance Exhibitioner of St. Andrew's University, October, 1890. As above. King, Thomas Arthur, only son of John King, Esq., M.D., St. Cyprians, Stratton, North Devon, aged 13, Jan. 1. Left 1891.2 Michell. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1891. As above. Poulsom, Walter Kegg, fourth son of William Poulsom, Esq., Bootle, Liverpool, aged 13, Aug. 5. Left 1890.¹ Michell. In business in Liverpool. Breeze Hill, Bootle, Liverpool. 2 178 January 1887. Ollivant, John Spencer, eldest son of Major Edward Albert Ollivant, R.H.A., (O.R., 1856), Offcote Hurst, Ashbourne, aged 14, July 31. Left 1890.2 Michell. Woolwich, 1891. As above. Russell, Charles Lennox Somerville, second son of Captain Theodosius Stuart Russell, St. John's, Wakefield, aged 14, July 10. Left 1890.3 Michell. Scholar, 1886. Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, 1890. Passed 27th in Indian Civil Service Examination, June, 1891. As above. King, Hubert Attwood, fourth son of the late Robert King, Esq., care of Mrs. King, 20, Upper Clapton Common, aged 14, June 17. Left 1890.2 School. In business. Fern House, Upper Clapton, London. Mitchell, Joseph Ebor, second son of Rotherham, aged 13, June 7. Left 1890.2 XV., 1889. Articled to a Civil and Mining Engineer. As above. Joseph Mitchell, Esq., Bolton Hall, School. ENTRANCES IN JANUARY, 1887. Clarke, Arthur Lionel Crisp, son of Joseph Crisp Clarke, Esq., Birstall Hall, Leicester, aged 12, Aug. 30. Left 1887.3 School. A Mill Owner. As above. Fletcher, William Frederick Ashby, younger son of William Fletcher, Esq., Bingham Hill, Carlisle, aged 13, May 18. Left 1891.2 School. XV., 1890. Racquets, 1891. To be articled to a Solicitor. As above. Guedalla, Florance Montefiore, elder son of Joseph Guedalla, Esq., 36, Hyde Park Square, London, W., aged 13, June 23. School. Scholar, 1887. Still in the School, 1891.3 As above. Lloyd, Pryse, eldest son of Llewellyn Lloyd Lloyd, Esq., Llanpumpsaint, Caermarthenshire, aged 13, Sept. 12. As above, Glangwili, Left 1891.² School. January 1887. 179 1 Topham, John William, son of William Hampson Topham, Esq., 2, Gliddon Road, West Kensington, aged 14, Dec. 23. Left 1890.³ School. XV., 1890. A Civil Engineer. 33, Great George Street, Westminster. Blake, Thomas, son of William Greaves Blake, Esq., Mylnhurst, Mill- houses, Sheffield, aged 14, March 17. Left 1890.¹ Bowden Smith. Reading for Cambridge. As above. Cartwright, Frederick Sheward, son of the late William George Cart- wright, Esq., care of Mrs. Cartwright, Springfield, Newport, Monmouthshire, aged 14, Feb. 18. Left 1889.3 Bowden Smith. At King's College, London, since 1890. As above. Lilly, Harold Walsh, son of John Lilly, Esq., Moor End, Kersal, Man- chester, aged 12, April 1. Left 1891.1 Bowden Smith. An Electrical Engineer. As above. Rowley, Theobald Walter, eldest son of Walter Thomas Rowley, Esq., The Grange, Hurst, Ashton-under-Lyne, aged 14, Sept 26. Left 1891.2 Bowden Smith. XI., 1890, 1891. XV., 1890. In a Cotton Broker's business. 40, Part Street, Southport. Thomson, Arthur Ramsay, son of John Thomson, Esq., Bowdon, Cheshire, aged 16, Oct. 10. Left 1889.2 Bowden Smith. At Trinity College, Oxford, since October, 1890. As above. Christie, William Charles, elder son of John Robert Christie, Esq., Baynton House, Llandaff, aged 14, Dec. 13. Elsee. Crick, 1890. Passed Army Preliminary Examination, 1890. Still in the School, October, 1891. As above. Cooke, Harry Nickson, eldest son of Alfred Cooke, Esq., Far Headingley, Leeds, aged 15, Aug. 3. Left 1890.2 Elsee. At Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since October, 1890. As above. Dugdale, Joseph, son of Joseph Dugdale, Esq., Claremont, Blackburn, aged 14, June 5. Left 1889.¹ Whitelaw. Learning Cotton and Iron Trades. As above. 180 January 1887. Hawkins, Arthur, son of Joshua Hawkins, Esq., Bedford, aged 15, May 22. Left 1890.2 Whitelaw. XV., 1888, 1889. VIII., 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. At Trinity College, Cambridge, since October, 1890. Sunnyside, Bedford. Reid, Joseph Dodds, son of Hugh Gilzean Reid, Esq., Warley Hall, Birmingham, aged 14, April 13. Left 1888.¹ Whitelaw. At St. Andrew's University, since 1889. As above. Taylor, Henry Claud, eldest son of Henry Enfield Taylor, Esq., Aston Hall, Hawarden, Chester, aged 14, July 23. Left 1891.2 Whitelaw. To be a Mining Engineer. As above. Wyatt, Charles Henry, son of the late Colonel James Henry Wyatt, C.B., (O.R., 1839), care of Mrs. Wyatt, Wansford House, Watford, Herts, aged 14, Feb. 3. Left 1888.¹ Whitelaw. Henley, Wells, Somerset. Charlton, Francis Hartley, son of the late Francis Price Charlton, Esq., care of Mrs. Charlton, Broad Oak Park, Worsley, Lancashire, aged 14, Feb. 15. Left 1890.³ Morice. Reading for the Army, 1891. As above. Earle, John Bernard, third son of the Rev. Walter Earle, Bilton Grange, Rugby, formerly of Yarlet, Stafford, aged 14, March 17. Left 1889.3 Morice. Learning Engineering. As above. Nevill, Dudley Frederic, son of Robert Whately Nevill, Esq., Perry Cross, Tamworth, aged 14, Nov. 2. Left 1891.2 Morice. At New College, Oxford, since October, 1891. As above. Alston, Conyers William, son of Sir Francis Beilby Alston, K.C.M.G., 69, Eccleston Square, London, S. W., aged 13, Feb. 12. Left 1888.¹ Donkin. Scholar, 1887. At Queen's College, Oxford, since January, 1891. As above. Clive, Herbert Reginald, son of Mrs. Clive, Barston Hall, Warwick, aged 14, Nov. 3. Left same Term. Donkin. Edward, Allan Philip Kenrick, son of Allan Edward, Esq., Farington Hall, Dundee, N.B., aged 14, Dec. 6. Left 1888.³ Donkin. Reading for Oxford Matriculation, 1891. As above. January 1887. 181 Higgins, Herbert Oliver William, son of Thomas Higgins, Esq., Aberdeen House, Maida Hill, London, W., aged 13, April 13. Left 1888.3 Donkin. Studying Farming in Canada, 1891. Home: 56, Avenue Road, Regents Park, London, N.W. Irvine, James Pearson, son of the late James Pearson Irvine, Esq., M.D., care of Mrs. Irvine, Bank Hall, Ingleton, Yorkshire, aged 14, Jan. 2. Left 1890.¹ Donkin. A Student of Civil Engineering at University College, Liverpool, 1891. Cold Springs, Buxton, Derbyshire. Vaughan, James, ward of Hugh Vaughan Vaughan, Esq., The_Castle, Builth, aged 15, Nov. 14 Left 1888.¹ Donkin. Vickers, Thomas, son of William Vickers, Esq., Rose Hill, Smedley Lane, Manchester, aged 13, Jan. 17. Left 1888.³ Donkin. In business as a Manufacturing Chemist. As above. Kenrick, Wilfred Byng, elder son of William Kenrick, Esq., The Grove, Harborne, Birmingham, aged 14, Dec. 4. Left 1891.2 Michell. Major Exhibitioner, 1891. At Balliol College, Oxford, since October, 1891. As above. Marriott, Herbert de Warren, son of John Slack Marriott, Esq., The Élms, Alderley Edge, aged 14, July 8. Left 1889.¹ Michell. " In business. At Owen's College, Manchester, 1891. Warrenhurst, Higher Downs, Bowdon, Cheshire. Haigh, Lionel Clifford, son of field, aged 14, Aug. 24. Left 1889.¹ Jonathan Haigh, Esq., St. Johns, Wake- Michell. A Student of Engineering at Yorkshire College, Leeds, since 1889. As above. Rhoades, James Frederick, fifth son of Henry Tull Rhoades, Esq., (0.R., 1847), Headmaster of the Lower School of Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby, aged 12, Nov. 23. Town. Still in the School, 1891.3 4, Arnold Villas, Rugby. Law, Arbuthnot Patrick Astley, son of the Rev. Robert Arbuthnot Law, (O.R., 1857), Rector of Gunthorpe cum Bale, East Dereham, Norfolk, aged 14, July 5. Left 1889.¹ Whitelaw. Burgh Hall, Melton Constable, Norfolk. 1673 Boys admitted under Dr. Jex-Blake. I 182 Addenda. Page 11 Drake, H. H. t "" "" "" "" "" " "" • "" "" "" "" "" "" 11 "" "" "" "" 21 33 34 36 "" 39 40 ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. 93 "" ., 102 A Landowner in America. 54 Smith, R. S. 77 78 79 89 Sioux City, Iowa, U.S.A. Richards, G. C. Professor of Greek, University College, Cardiff. Wilson, R. W. W., son of Robert Wilson, Esq. Died September 11, 1887. Tanner, R. E., son of Robert Pinckney Tanner, Esq. 102 Quinnell, R. In the Indian Woods and Forests Department. Whetstone, W., son of William Whetstone, Esq. Norwood, C. H., son of Charles Morgan Norwood, Esq. In business as a Shipowner. 21, Billiter Street, London, E.C. Priory Place, Gloucester. 57 Verity, A. W., fifth son of George Hamilton Verity, Esq. National Club, 1, Whitehall Gardens, S. W. 58 between Acton and King, read Hart, Bertram Albert Edward, son of Charles Hart, Esq., The Hall, Harborne, Birmingham, aged 14, Feb. 14. Left 1879.2 Green. Admitted a Solicitor, 1890. 62 Dugdale, J. H. In business in Birmingham. Chetwynd House, Selly Oak. 67 Ronald, A. E., second son of Robert Bruce Ronald, Esq. Ronald, A. C., third son of Robert Bruce Ronald, Esq. 72 73 Appointed as Agricultural Lecturer for Warwickshire, by the County Council, October, 1891. Birch, G. Died of fever at Poona, September 25, 1891. Foster, A. J., son of James Foster, Esq. Lees, for John Percy, read Robert Percy. Martin, for Henry, read Harry. Walker, W., son of Joseph Walker, Esq. Now a Corn Merchant in Manchester. Whateley, read Whately (twice). Poore, E. W., add address: Heyes House, Rainhill, Prescot. Cooke, R. W. At the Agricultural College, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1891. Edwards, I. N., son of Isaac Newton Edwards, Esq. 103 35 ,, 116 Allen, E. L., son of Bulkeley Allen, Esq. 137 De Candolle, for Augustin, read Richard Emile Augustin. ABB-BAR] 183 Index. Page 161 ABBOT, Edwin Alexander 58 4 48 39 Adams, Henry Fox 146 124 Acton, Edward Hamilton Adam, see Mercer-Adam 25 116 156 "" 152 ༥༠ 18 " 129 "" Luke Danby Adkins, Arthur Sutton 104 Agnew, Charles Leonard 128 17 Ernest Frank Harold 170 163 129 46 49 24 Walter 114 Ainsworth, Percy 60 Aitken, George Herbert 91 "" 152 Robert Bruce 10 Alamayu, PRINCE Simyen Albury, Frederick Howard Alcock, Charles Oughton Alexander, Boyd William John 36 I I 42 14 121 100 Adamson, Laurence Arthur Addington, Edgar John "" "" "" "" "" 49 151 Alison, Arthur James 38 53 "" 106 Allen, Arthur Acland 19 Allan, Andrew Alexander James Bryce William Rae "" Names marked with a dagger are referred to also on page 182. Page 38 69 "" "" Hugh Worthington William "" "" "" Philip Leslie "" 99 Sydney Elliston William Lynn ** 127 Allmann, James Abraham 160 180 Alston, Conyers William Edward Gardiner Anders, Francis Robert "" 117 97 "" 149 Oscar Louis Anderson, John Pratt William "" Andrew, Walter "" Walter Jonathan Andrews, Octavius Charles Septimus Geoffrey Charles Peter Edward Lynn Herbert Elliston James Lynn John Edward Taylor Russell INDEX. Appleby, Arthur Bellasyse Arbuthnot, Keith Fraser Armitage, Frederick Rhodes 57 Arnall, Harry Thompson III Arnall-Thompson, see Arnall 23 Arnold, Franck Thomas 76 Arton, William Denby Ashby, Harold Glover Ashwell, James Henry Ashworth, Richard Redfern 127 3 90 141 83 39 7 67 16 127 172 105 53 56 Astley, Delaval Graham L'Est- range Atkinson, Charles Edmund 107 در 9 Atter, Francis Ward Austen, Ernest Edward Frank Sydney "" "" Austen-Cartmell, see Cartmell 56 Austin, George Arthur 139 BACON, John Cæsar 91 Badley, John Haden 34 Bagge, Henry Theodore James 2 116 Baily, Arthur James Baines, Henry Verdon Bainton, James Herbert 162 Baker, Ernest Arthur 165 84 "" Henry Mills Herbert Midelton Hiatt Cowles Maurice Mills Thomas Tiver 154 Balcher, Percy Fritz Rosencrantz 115 Balderson, Claude Henry Baldwin, Arthur Beginald John Herbert Lacy Banks, William Hartland 106 Barbour, William 141 Barker, Henry Shelley Peter William 85 41 I IO I20 48 Barkworth, Frank 87 Barlow, George Edmund Joseph Hilaro "" "" Joseph Richard Laurence. 99 "" "" "" 157 Philip Babington 44 Barnsley, Milne 184 [BAR-BON Index. Page 43 91 147 13 131 Barratt, Edward John Reynolds Bartleet, Arthur Middlemore 162 7 45 151 "" 12 16 Barwick, William Murgatroyd Bashall, Henry St. John Hill Baskerville, Henry Joseph North Basset-Lewis, Ilbert Cornish Bate, Ernest Seddon "" 151 123 6 dlemore Bartlett, Frank 39 46 91 75 "" 78 Bates, William 106 Bateson, Alexander Dingwall 126 "" Barton, Henry Alexander Robert Maurice "" 19 "" 73 18 I "" 24 107 Battine, Cecil William 141 Bayley, Charles 4I 174 Francis Henry Kennett Champain Thomas Henry 172 Baylis, Henry Henry Edward 98 "" "" "" "" Hubert Humphrey Mid- "" William gomery 36 Bayliss, Ebenezer James Vincent George "" 51 152 Bayly, Lancelot Francis Sanderson 150 Beachcroft, Charles Porten 130 Beale, Hubert Kenrick "" 168 Stanley Leonard 38 Bealey, Richard Nowell 19 Beasley, Ernest Frank 146 "" Fiennes Arthur Noble Beeton, Arthur Channing 163 Behrens, Clive 17 56 Olive Philip Walter Lionel 25 "" 19 William Cornwallis "" Bell, Arthur George "" Edward James Thomas Blaikie Walter Edward William "" Charles Meredith Humphrey Patricius "" 3 161 Bellairs, William Gibbons Beloe, Edward Milligan 67 Bence-Jones, Reginald 94 Bengough, Charles William Ernest Henry Benham, Arthur Moses Charles Daniel Bennett, Arthur Cochrane 94 "" 155 146 "" William Bernard Somerville William Wilkie 40 Bentley-Innes, Frederick Dunbar 35 Sinclair Mont- 13 Benyon-Winsor, Benyon Reeve George Norman 29 Page 81 Benyon-Winsor, Walter John Beresford, see Pack-Beresford "" 108 Best, Palemon Harris 94 William Jenner 172 Betterton, Henry Bucknall 29 Biggs, Thomas Porter Bilinski, Severin 140 84 Bill, Arnold Francis 72 5 86 110 "" 130 Binney, James 102 Binnie, William James Eames 103 "" Birch, Charles Grant Francis Grey 73 George † 51 Bird, Edward Alexander Francis Charlton 123 28 William Arthur 19 44 Birdwood, Herbert Christopher Impey 171 148 I II I 81 45 Birkin, Alexander Russell 92 Charles Wilfrid Philip Austin 167 Bischoff, Charles Edward 163 "" Bishop, Charles Prosser William Hill "" "" 135 47 145 I 12 "" "" "" Blaber, Percy Leonard William Henry "9 Blackburn, Ernest Woodhead Blackwell, Charles Robert "" 155 109 22 99 153 Blake, Charles Frederick Sapte Edward Algernon Thomas 167 179 13 28 2 "" 118 Blandford, Joseph John Guthrie Blasson, Cecil "" Arthur Leslie Herbert Edward "" "" "" Blakiston, Aubrey Clarence Ralph 19 Edmund Alfred Francis Samuel Richard Giraud William Ernest "" Blew-Jones, Walter Bethune Blood, John Neptune Blunt, Charles Mortimer 92 "" Graham 128 Blyth, Herbert William 10 Bodley, Edward Ridgeway Edwin Frederick Blaker "" 151 30 Boggs, Ernest de Blois 81 Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand 55 Bolding, John Frederick "" 44 Bolland, Bernard William Stott 118 James Wyllie 47 Bolton, Edgar Ormerod Francis Cheney 4. " 176 Bond, Cyril 92 170 Ernest Walter Frank BON-CAM 185 Index. : Page 117 Bond, Frederick Edward Vivian Henry Coulson 65 3 61 125 156 134 70 Bonham-Carter, Gerard IOI Norman 137 Bonnerjee, Komel Krishna Shelley Booker, William Thomas Booth, Charles James White, see also Bouth 100 "1 172 29 7 54 123 137 82 38 165 "" " " 63 18 Bosanquet, Augustus Percival Eugene Percival Boscawen, see Griffith-Boscawen 108 Boswell, John Douglas 15 Boughton-Leigh, John Hugh 117 Percy Wilfrid 150 Bousfield, Wilfrid Lyndon ** 161 88 Bouth, Arthur Hampson Delamere Eustace Frederick Delamere Osmund Norman Dela- 100 Reginald Hampson Dela- Rollo Delamere Bowden-Smith, Ernest 99 "" "" >> 91 "" " "" د. 99 Reginald Wilfrid William Cotesworth "" Bowker, Charles Chappé Boyce, Francis Stewart " 20 Boycott, Arthur St. John William Douglas 20 I I Boyer, Joseph Stanborough 105 Braby, Cyrus 49 Bradbury, William Laurence 93 Bradby, Edward Hugh Falquin Godfrey Fox 29 114 Henry Christopher 53 Bradley, Frederick Lewis " "" mere "" mere Frederick Herbert Godfrey Harold 95 Thomas Addison 97 45 Bradwell, Charles Dennis Dennis William Tom Barber 138 89 Brandram, Francis Willlam 120 George Alfred 92 Henry Webb 156 Breeks, Charles Wilkinson 174 William Denison دو James Robertson William "" Brenton, see Boggs 155 Bridge, Frederick Maynard 144 Brierley, Ronald Beswicke Shirley Howard Sidney Herbert 75 55 174 Briggs, William Hilton 85 Bright, Henry Yates Page 31 Bristow, Henry Essex 171 177 80 Broadbent, John Francis Harpin 53 Brocklebank, Charles Henry Brodhurst-Hill, Robert Brodrick-Smith, Harold Brook, Charles Herbert Brooke, Alexander Trafford Brooke-Smith, William 173 Brooks, Ernest Walter Guardner זל 35 157 174 6 130 76 118 9 Bros, Henry Alwyn Browett, Walter Brown, Gilbert Noel "" 93 Browne, John Janies 34 76 162 see also Clayton-Browne Browning, Edward Eustace Brown-Westhead, GeorgeMontague 41 Bruce, George Lewis 129 Bryce-Smith, Arnold Norgrave James 82 19 172 Bryden, Charles Lumsdaine 87 Buchanan, John Penruddocke Buckland, Leonard Vine 170 "" 148 Lionel 65 Buckley, Cecil Arthur Stirling 139 James Francis Hughes Joseph Henry Prichard Bullen-Smith, Charles Bulmer, Thornton Bulmer 28 Burbidge, Albert Edward 139 38 147 62 Burgess, Ernest Richard Fraser Gilbert Turner 128 see also Murray-Brown, Wreford- Brown 19 81 "" "" "" 156 "" Burke, Edward Estcourt 88 Burn, Frank Hawthorn 68 John Henry 119 Burnett, Charles Kenyon 17 Burnham, Henry Charles 75 Burton, Arthur Robinson >> "" "1 Henry Rowland "" 147 91 "" Oliver 177 Bush, Montague ?? 37 CADLE, Harry Sidney 136 Calderon, George Leslie 118 Callender, David Aubrey 76 Eustace Maude Reginald 107 99 18 Calvert, Edmund Percy 24 Frank Henry 7 "" 59 Campbell, Donald John Douglas Walter Evan Cameron Bracken A A "" "" Bramwell Charles Edward Frank James Alfred "" 186 [CAM-CRO Index. Page 41 115 63 9 86 Campbell, John Stratheden 92 "" 6 Cannon, Ronald 118 Capron, Charles 29 Frederick William George IOI "" 8 Carleton, Lancelot Richard 28 Carrington, James Henry Carritt, John Price 175 98 Carson, Richard Duncan 56 Cartmell, James 179 Cartwright, Frederick Sheward 109 84 61 "" "" "" "" "" Cassels, Herbert Wentworth 99 Robert Vivian Douglas 124 132 65 "" 64 Castle, Arthur Theodore John Thomas George "" Castens, George Emil William John Gratrex "" John Kennedy Kenneth Scougall "" "" "" 151 Cave, Edward Watkins 37 Harold Watkins 132 Cayley, Hugh Charles "" 171 152 Cayzer, Charles William John Sanders 154 Cazalet, Clement Haughton Lang- "" ston 38 Challinor, Edward 169 Chalmers, Patrick Reginald 120 Chamberlain, Arthur Neville Joseph Austen Herbert Hayton Michael Bowring Sidney 72 124 Chamberlin, Robert Marshall 60 Chance, Arent Schuyler de Puyster 62 Chanler, John Armstrong 180 Charlton, Francis Hartley 96 Chilton, Thomas 94 Chinn, Alan Edward 174 Harold William 137 Maurice Henry 5 Cholmondeley, Randal Berners 88 "" "" Thomas Tatton Reginald Christie, William Charles 179 148 Christy, Walter Arthur Chetwynd 40 Clark, Arthur Lyndon 178 Clarke, Arthur Lionel Crisp 146 George Hodges Walrond Bernard 158 "" 106 Clayton, John Hunt 135 Clayton-Browne, William Dealtry 34 Clegg, Frederick 150 Clifford, George Henry Henry Charles "" 4I 180 Clive, Herbert Reginald 105 Close, Francis Archibald 109 Cobb, Cecil Henry Fuge 34 Cobb, Charles Edward 98 Herbert Enfield 25 John Gerard 70 57 "" 12 John Henry Thomas Hugh Cochran, James Alfred John Augustus Cochrane, Walter Neville 31 Cohen, Benjamin Arthur William Herbert "" 138 92 a∞ = 2000 = ∞ 41 98 "" "" 86 Coles, Frederick William Henry Hartland John Howell Percival ); 39 66 "" 101 86 131 40 " "" 93 19 2 John "" 74 Colls, Arthur Stanley 74 Colt, Francis Dymock 62 Combe, George 6 Conybeare, Charles Henry Coode, Charles Louis 132 William Melvill 19 91 99 149 Cook, Joseph 35 Sam 179 Cooke, Harry Nickson "" 102 86 88 79 Collinson, Christopher Barber Reginald Walter † Sidney Fitzwyman Cooke-Hurle, Edward Forbes Coote, Charles Harold Chidley Eyre Howard "" "" "" "" 18 Copeland, William Henry Lawrence 36 Coppock, John Charles 150 Corbett, Edward Corles 8 Cordiner, Robert Charles 147 Cotton, Lionel Francis 56 Couchman, Bertram Cornish 56 "" >> Coulthard, Frank Courage, Harry Ernest Court, Edward Darlington 153 Courtauld, William Julien 150 173 Courtenay, Charles Pepys Henry Hugh Cowan, Robert Bruce Cowlishaw, Francis Ion 71 Cox, Alfred Richardson II 154 145 172 44 35 IO "" Edwin Arthur Russell George Darrell Henry Morton Herbert Louis Noel Kenneth Murchison Cox-Murchison, see Cox, K. M. 142 Craig, Herbert James 39 Crawford, Claude Melville 104 Richmond Shakspear 166 Croft, Frank Garrett "" "" "" Ernest Henley Philip Holbech 99 "" CRO-ERS] 187 Index. Page 6 Cross, Carlton 8 Charles Francis 85 "" Francis John Kynaston 32 Crouch, Charles Percival 26 Cubitt, Bertram Blakiston 81 Culshaw, George Harold 14 Cumberbatch, Carlton Parry Laurence Charles 70 31 Cuningham, Arthur John Fairlie 46 "" "" 102 Curry, Granville Edward 45 Curteis, Henry Herbert 16 Curtler, Henry Hoskins 59 DADLEY, John Arthur Sabin 37 Dainty, George Edward Goodall 160 44 4 Darcus, Solomon Henry Darnell, Charles Knapp 121 143 Davey, Arthur Jex 78 Horace Scott 122 Davidson, Frank James 174 Davies, Arthur Gerald Capel Cyril Froodvale 129 139 162 I 12 52 38 Dalby, John Dale, Charles Alfred 19 در "" "" 176 173 7 Dawkins, Charles Tyrwhitt Thomas Frederick Dawson, James Lofthouse " 19 Davy, George Charles Hague 99 "" John 33 John Sharp 159 "" Vincent Osborne Cort 155 Day, Charles Nevile 5 Herbert Allen 48 Daymond, Herbert George 146 Deacon, Stuart 100 Deakin, Ernest Newton William Rothschild 23 Dealtry, Thomas 121 "" "" 78 De Candolle, Raymond 137 Richard Emile Augustin † 177 Deighton, Richard Mather 151 Delay, Herbert Walter 53 Demuth, Lewis Henry 121 Dennis, Stanley Martyn 47 Denny, Edward Henry Marland 52 Dent, Harry 149 De Renzy, Annesley St. George 115 De Rivaz, Charles Henry Chevally Dixon, Anthony Joseph Steele 47 144 Archibald Willis "" 146 Edward Fox St. Aubrey Ottley Wilding William "9 "" Clive Macdonnel 123 Lennox Burton Thomas 26 "" 90 Donald, Archibald Douglas "" Page 35 Donisthorpe, Frederick Russell 50 Donnison, James Oldaker Thomas Edward 26 19 Dove, Percy Matthew Dowdall, Harold Chaloner Thomas Percy "" 77 Downing, Arthur Joseph Geoffrey Henry John 42 "1 "" III [ I 110 129 Dowson, Edgar Enfield Erasmus Charles Head Drake, Henry Harcourt † Drummond, Arthur Lennox Duncan Powys Edgar Lorn Huntley Redpath James Iver Macpherson "" 123 Duffield, Arthur Stewart 62 Dugdale, James Henry † 141 179 4 159 177 120 167 119 105 II 97 95 64 126 10 164 167 "" "" "" 133 118 66 "" "" "" "" Duke, Ernest Hamilton Dulley, Herbert Dunbar, see Nugent-Dunbar Dunell, Cyril Dunkerley, William Charles Durham, Frank Rogers Dutton, John Victor 107 15 Dyer, Thomas Swinnerton ار 153 EARLE, Frank Cornish 180 John Bernard 140 Walter Standley 69 Ecroyd, Edward "" 16 William 34 Eden-Hiron, John 134 Edlin, Edward Frederick Holberton 18 Edmunds, John Masters 180 Edward, Allan Philip Kenrick Edwards, Charles Frederick 77 32 103 15 69 "" 50 Egerton, Charles Philip IOI در "" John Joseph Sydney William "" "" Elin, Henry Dyne 174 Ellis, Arthur 110 "; Francis Harold Isaac Newton † Llewellyn Roderick Mackenzie "" "" Ellison, Henry Richard Nevile Elsee, Arthur John Christopher Radclyffe Thomas 40 Henry John 88 Engleheart, Victor Frederick 165 English, Alexander Emmanuel 133 Erichsen, Frederick Ole 26 Erskine, Malcolm Henry 188 [ESS-GOS Index. Page 138 I l 132 122 75 35 3 Sebastian " 47 Thomas Arkwright 133 Evers, Frank Percival Evers-Swindell, Harold Exham, Alfred Harmer 103 22 Essex, Malcolm Eustace, John James Hardy Row- land Eustace-Smith, Lancelot Evans, Granville Pennefather Martin Llewellyn Robert 119 14 160 FAGGE, Robert Hilton 84 Fairclough, Edgar Musgrave James Stanley Fairhurst, James Ashton 125 125 99 21 Faithfull, Wyndham James Hamilton 13 15 >" II 113 Falk, Herbert Eugene 65 Fallows, John Arthur Farmer, William Alfred 58 Farquhar, William Farquharson, 64 Robertson 5 2 "" "" 125 Farran, George Erle 22 Fayrer, James Outram Spens 170 Feldenheimer, Willy Moses 102 Fell, Basil Haig 16 Fellowes, Evelyn Napier 48 Fenwick, William 60 Fernley, Thomas 53 Feuerheerd, Ferdinand Mathias 157 Finch, Frederick Richard III Firmstone, Harold William 42 Firth, Alfred 98 120 62 152 "" "" "" "" ,, " "" "" "" Thomas James "" 87 Fischer, Charles Terreneau 72 Fison, Edward Lorimer 135 Harry Leonard 43 John II Walter Cornell Fitzgerald, Brinsley John Hamilton "" William George Bernard Alexander Charles Percy Bramley Henry Branson Edward Willoughby "" John Bradley John Loxley Mark I 38 Flavelle, John Mason 27 Fletcher, John Henry 108 Lancelot Holstock William Frederick Ashby 178 "" 83 Foden, Edward Antrobus 42 Forbes, Eustace Macleod 18 "" Patrick William Ford, see St. Clair-Ford Page 3 3 "" 26 Forget, Alfred Edward Forrest, James 13 30 Forshaw, George Alfred 77 Foster, Alfred James † 121 Henric George 146 Hugh Cunliffe "" 61 Fowle, Thomas Ernlè 98 75 Fowler, Archibald Robert Arthur John William Edward 166 114 168 119 106 33 134 7 "" 130 166 Francis, Reginald John Edwards 143 Walter Richardson Grant 48 Fraser, Hugh Stein "" 2 John Alexander "" Furber, Albert Leslie Furness, John Monteith 2018040 30 Fordham, Rupert Oswald Wolverley Attwood 44 84 95 109 167 "" 144 63 112 89 ,, GADDUM, Alfred Edward Arthur Louis Roger Frank Ernest Frederick Ducange George Percy Gair, John Hamilton "" Galt, Herbert "", 15 161 Gardiner, Joseph Napier 83 Gardner, James Cardwell Richard Titley Willoughby 28 "" 57 Garnett, Charles James William George William Newstead "" "} "" "" "" " """ Peter Percy Robert William Garraway, Harry Stephenson Garrett, Frank Hugh Littlewood Newson Littlewood Richard "" "" "" "" Gaskell, see Penn-Gaskell 96 Gates, Howard Francis 24 Gedge, Sydney Francis "" 52 Gellatly, Christopher Charles 81 Herbert 46 Gething, Arthur Edwards 169 Gibb, Alexander 49 Gill, Arthur Percy 104 Benjamin Kemp 59 Gillson, Frank " 114 Godfrey "} 154 35 Maurice Paget Gilmour, James Patrick Eden 67 Goldy, Arnold 160 Goode, Thomas 102 12 Gordon, Alexander Stuart Goschen, George Joachim William Henry 140 "} GRA—HEM] 189 Index. Page 23 Grahame, Alexander Monteith Brown 23 120 16 Grant, Patrick Charles Murray 72 Greaves, John Hall 104 Green, Charles Everitt 139 "" 71 Greg, Edward Hyde 40 "" Granet, William Guy 94 85 97 132 68 120 102 Grierson, James 10 66 "9 II 2 57 44 99 110 "" 19 8 "" 53 156 I "" 103 19 62 56 "" 51 Griffin, Albert Edwin John Thomas 28 79 Griffith-Boscawen, Arthur Sackville Trevor "" 101 Grubb, Louis Henry 139 Grun, Robert Honneffer James Guedalla, Florance Montefiore 178 155 Gunter, Richard Francis 69 Guscotte, Leonard John Percival Henry "" Greville, Ronald Henry Fulke Grice, James Elliot 152 134 Gwyn, Reginald Preston Jermy 176 HACK, Bartle Starmer 26 " John Buchanan Guthrie, see Lingard-Guthrie Guthrie-Smith, Wilfred "" "" Charles Stevenson Hadden, Francis John Frederick 10 "" 78 67 Haddock, James Rudolph Lorents Braun Sydney George 127 Haggie, Charles James 20 "" 181 9 Hahn, Frederick Alexander Haigh, Lionel Clifford Haines, Cecil Evered Ernest Alfred "9 Ernest William Gerald Rathbone "9 "" Henry Philip John Ronald "" 19 William Wylie " Hale, John Henry Hall, Arthur John "" "" "" "" Henry Alexander Thomas Marriott Frank Thomas Herbert Walter Graham William Grey 170 " 48 Halsey, William Stirling 72 Hamilton, Fraser Grant Arthur Robinson Kay Charles Ernest Edward Marshall Harry Garforth John John Herbert Page see also Stevenson-Hamilton 103 Hancocks, Annesley John 32 38 69 "" 132 Edward Charles Hanson, Francis Stanhope 144 Harding, Reginald Tuffley 125 William Grosvenor 19 107 Hards, Leo Arthur 82 Hargreaves, Arthur Shepherd 89 133 82 8 153 23 168 58 110 [4] 67 118 86 5 122 132 51 26 117 180 Hanham, see Swinburne-Hanham Hannay, Anthony Dixon Hannen, Benjamin 121 78 154 167 "" "" Harland, Albert Harper, George Harris, George William Harrison, Arthur Hugo Bernard Charles Holmes Francis Capel Frank Hyde James Molyneux Hyde Marmaduke Cecil Crofton Oswald "" "" "" * 127 "" Sydney Nevill Willoughby Hyde 182 Hart, Bertram Albert Edward Alfred John 37 бо Ernest Joseph William Tibbetts "" "" 30 "" "", "" Henry Samuel Bourn John Robert Samuel 49 "" 64 Hassall, Charles Mynors Piercy 73 Haswell, Edward William Joseph Stenson 78 "" Hatch, Charles Wycliffe Hawkins, Arthur Haworth, Alfred "" Hartley, Henry Harvey, Henry Paul "" "" Frederick "" Arthur Adlington John Goodier Hawthorn, William Van Haans- bergen "" 164 125 71 Hayashi, Jukichi Atsyoski Hawtrey, Seymour Henry Coleridge Hay, John James 80 96 Head, Robert Trevelyan Hayward, Charles Wiltens Andrée 175 Headlam, Cecil 94 Heath, John Everard 72 Heatley, John 117 Heaton, Alan Baldwin 81 Hechle, James Herbert 96 Heginbottom, Alfred 163 76 99 Hemming, Arthur George " "" George Assheton William 190 [HEN-JOH Index. Page 64 Henderson, George 136 166 96 "" 133 Herapath, Alfred Edward "" 88 Herron, Herbert George Whitby 108 Robert Douglas 118 Hessey, James Dodson Heycock, John Hippisley 39 Heynemann, Ernest 22 77 Higgin, Charles Ernest Thomas Housman 88 Higginbotham, Charles Ernest 35 161 94 116 "" 150 65 122 "" 52 167 "" 90 74 "" 155 73 181 Higgins, Herbert Oliver William 99 Highley, Herbert 43 Hiley, Louis Richard Trevenen 128 Hill, Alfred Rowley "" Arthur Norman Charles Alexander Christopher John Henry Ernest Ninian Crawfurd Richard 130 19 130 Hilleary, George Edward 94 Hippisley, Richard John Bayntun. 33 ** 29 "" "" John George Barrow Michael William William 50 Hirst, Philip Leslie 59 Hobley, Arthur James "" 33 Walter 163 Hobson, Henry Overton 17 Hodge, Egerton Francis 130 Hodgson, Charles Greaves 141 Hiron, see Eden-Hiron " George John Ronald Ker Robert Ker "" 11 Charles William Allan Evan Lake Frederick James Harold " Hodson, Laurence William 143 Hogarth, Arthur 8 Holland, Alfred Valentine "" 156 Hollebone, Stanley William Verner 35 Holme, Clinton James Wilson 96 Holmes, Thomas Daniel Hill 65 Holt, Frank 64 "" William Durning 23 Home, William Edward 92 Homer, Thomas 31 Homfray, Popkin 30 Hone, Nathaniel Thomas Hood, see Jacomb-Hood 9 Hopkins, Ernest Threlfall 81 Henry 83 Percy Alfred "" 82 Horne, Ernest Worthy 177 Hosford, Earls Ainslie 160 Housley, Charles Page 105 140 106 143 174 125 129 "" 69 Howell, Edward Rawson 6 Hoyle, James Smallpage 37 Joshua Fielding 75 Hudson, John Harold 165 Norman Westlake ?? 69 Hughes, Alan Edward 2 8 7 116 100 181 94 113 Housley, Samuel John How, John Gibbon Howard, Charles James Stanley 144 138 Humphreys, Cyril 176 Hunter, Alfred Curling Patrick Francis Hurlbutt, Charles 99 93 121 "" 15 110 "" 31 63 50 INGLIS, Rupert Edward 132 Inman, Harold Stanley Inouye Jukichi, see Hayashi Innes, see Bentley-Innes Irvine, James Pearson "9 Hulse, Harold Halton "9 Hurle, see Cooke-Hurle Hurrell, Arthur Hutchinson, Edward Percy Gerald Pemberton 64 JACKSON, Edward Alexander 113 134 George Frederick George Frederick George Herbert John Michel Percy Edward St. George Hay Smither William Gardiner 42 Jacomb-Hood, Charles John Robert Gordon 17 70 49 58 Jaffray, Edward Woodriff James, Bernard Ramsden William Ashton William Edward "" Isaacs, Wilfrid Henry Ivens, John Howard "1 "" " "" John Cephas John Grantley 19 "" Reginald George Hutton Robert Alexander "" " 170 134 "" 99 Jecks, Harry Harold Robertson 79 Jessel, Herbert Merton 131 Jessop, John Reginald 163 Thomas Harvey 175 Jeudwine, John Henry Wynne 153 Jevons, Edward Russell Henry Hamon 101 127 Jobling, John Beresford 95 Johnson, George William 19 "" Henry Fielding James John Bromwich 24 100 Johnstone, Douglas Vaughan * JOI-LON] 191 Index. Page 20 Joicey, James 20 John George " 24 Jones, Arthur Morgan Bulkeley 5 170 61 67 113 Joynson, Harold Mead 9 KEARSLEY, Robert 32 Keen, Arthur Thomas 26 Keep, Ernest Edward Ronald 106 59 158 178 George John Hanmer Hylton Walter Buckley Willoughby ,, see also Bence-Jones, Blew-Jones "1 6 Keir, Adam 3 Keller, Hermann Louis Arthur 72 Kelsall, John Edward 125 Kelvey, Arthur Robert 76 Charles James 41 Kempson, Edwin Hone "" 69 Kendall, John Frederick William 92 Kennedy, James Montagu Bowle 181 Kenrick, Wilfred Byng 58 136 "1 110 Kent, Crofton 96 59 108 "" Irving Sydney 96 "" 135 Keogh, Hugh Clopton 54 Kilvert, Harry Vernon King, Arthur Herbert 63 07 "" 171 177 68 63 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ** >> "" ** "" George Chetwode Henry Frederick Hubert Attwood James Gurwood Leonard William Thomas Edward William Charles Dumas King-Wilkinson, see Wilkinson, L. Kingdon, Philip 142 58 "" Stephen Murray 116 Kingsley, Charles William Manuel 36 Kirk, James Pilling 40 Kirkpatrick, Alexander Thomas Richard Trench 83 " 71 Kitson, Albert Ernest James Clifford Philip Alexander Philip Scarborough Robert Harry Thomas Arthur "" 70 169 Kittermaster, Arthur Noel Colley 99 Knight, John Hall "> 8 Joseph Guy 132 Knowles, Edgar 140 LAMB, Cyril Gordon 134 Lambert, Edward Frank 7 La Motte, Digby Holden Rose Hardwick : Page 95 Lamport, William 2 Landor, Richard Henry 173 Langworthy, Edward Southwood Geoffrey Parker 173 ,, 130 Lascelles, Gerald Claude William Frank Lassen, Camil Charles "" Latham, Henry Guy Dampier John Mere "" 181 Law, Arbuthnot Patrick Astley Hugh Alexander John Aughtry 112 162 109 88 175 65 10 1000 45 68 3 40 103 "" "" Lawless, William Burnett Lawrance, Thomas Dalton Lawrence, Hubert Layton, Henry James Norman Lea, James Herbert 23 "" John 104 Learoyd, Harold Johnson 84 Leather, Gerard Frederick Tow- lerton 170 Lee, Arthur Herbert 42 James Percy Turner 126 Lees, Arthur John 18 99 12 102 Charles Percy Laurence William Robert Percy † 78 58 Lee-Warner, Chandos Brydges 32 Leggatt, Charles Ashley Scott Leigh, see Boughton-Leigh 75 Leitch, Hugh Quintin 121 152 178 "1 125 51 22 99 "" "" Le Mesurier, Claude William Havilland Lemonius, Gerald Maclean 97 152 26 Leslie, Charles Frederick Henry 19 127 Leverson, Harry Adolphus 3 Louis George 19 Levett, Charles Arthur John Edward Henry Richard Douglas Lewis, Robert Glynn Lilly, Harold Walsh Line, James Barnard "" "" در 19 140 179 67 136 64 Lister, Reginald 159 Litkie, Maximilian Mackenzie 126 Livingstone, William Ramsay 116 Lloyd, Frederick Henry John Arthur Thomas Pryse Walter Evans "" Lingard-Guthrie, Roger Christian "" "" 131 97 Lloyd-Roberts, Gabriel Henry 46 Lockhart, Laurence "" Somerville Lomax, Charles Edward Longman, Francis Pemberton John Frederick " Archibald 192 [LOV-MID Index. Page 145 161 74 Lowenthal, Frank 171 19 Sidney Joseph Lowndes, John Gordon 128 160 Lowther, Claude William Henry 45 Ludlow, Henry John 3 Lund, Herbert 149 31 "" 27 Lupton, Hugh Loverock, James Harry Low, Charles Ernest 54 84 158 "" 4 MACAN, Thomas Townley McClure, William Lees 139 89 110 136 MacEwen, Maurice Lilburn 155 MacGusty, Henry Alexander 103 MacInnes, John 80 Neil 4 157 Mackenzie, Donald Ingleby James Kenneth Douglas John Charles Ingleby John Edmund Kenneth John 43 9 23 68 Kenneth Walter Ingleby 168 McKenzie, Alexander Gordon 62 McKerrow, William John 107 McKinnell, James Jesse 169 Mackinnon, William 67 MacMahon, William Hastings 76 McMaster, Alexander Antony 51 McMicken, Arthur Henry 174 McMullen, Alan "9 • 99 "" رد "" "" Reginald William William "9 "" John Alexander Leonard Kenric James Murray Osmund Robert 19 57 Macneal, Hector 154 McNeill, Elliot 168 John Hill Trevor [ Macpherson, Duncan Haldane Macrae, Allan 63 55 Madeley, Walter 165 Maffey, Henry Howard 20 Magan, Francis William I 12 Malcolm, George 126 Mander, John Harold 98 Manley, Harry 32 99 2 Mann, John James III 139 Mann-Thomson, Harry Douglas William Dixon 85 Mapleton, David Hubert "" 167 Mappin, Herbert Joseph 133 Walter John 69 Marchant, Francis ,, 75 Marigold, Percy Frederick 93 Markham, Arthur Basil William George Page 57 Marrable, Arthur George 181 5 106 105 36 68 173 134 163 "1 76 Martin, Ernest Edward 14 95 79 30 a = 10 5 120 47 32 158 170 139 159 80 4I 66 Marriott, Herbert de Warren Marsh, James Ernest Marshall, Alfred Henry Hannath Douglas 4 15 126 "" 46 166 IL 10 133 "1 "" "" Frederick William George Ernest Harry + Herbert John Claude Martineau, Ernest 99 Martley, Francis Charles William Gibson Martyn, Richard Linnington Martyn-Linnington, see Martyn, R. L. Maskelyne, see Story-Maskelyne Mason, Francis Woodley Henry Gurney Mather, Arthur Harold Walter Stanley "1 99 Maw, Arthur Matthew "} 49 Maxse, Frederick Ivor 44 Maxwell, Frederick Doveton Wellwood 60 168 Wellwood James William George 154 "" 57 May, Chichester Gould 171 "9 "" "" "" "" "" 92 "" 86 Mayall, Reginald 107 148 Meakin, Arthur William George Elliot James Henry 114 Mee, Colin Cowper 107 "" 99 93 Henry Sidney Cowper 54 Mellor, Salusbury Manners 97 Melly, Albert André Leonard Augustus George Ernest Louis George Henry Henry Greg Hugh Mesnard 51 "", "" 19 John Louis "" ?? Frederick Albert Wolff Henry Ernest John Robert George در " Menzies, Frederick William John Graham 112 "" Mercer-Adam, Maughan Mercer Michel, Charles Louis Jackson John Henry Forbes 168 Michell, John Colloryan 63 Michelmore, Henry William 148 Micklethwait, John Leonard 174 Middleton, Gilbert William I MIE-PAT] 193 Index. Page 53 Mieville, John Frank 42 Miller, Hubert William 25 77 I I Mills, Henry Trueman William Neild "" 147 137 Milne, Bertram Henry Milne 178 Mitchell, Joseph Ebor 60 Thomas Wilfred Howe 164 Mitchell-Withers, Arthur John Brightmore 99 19 "" 154 63 "" 33 36 42 Monk, George Christopher Richard Powis 77 Moody, Henry Clervaulx 10 "" 65 55 Molesworth, Herbert Crofton St. George see also Parkin-Moore 58 Morgan, Conway John Matthew Rees Richard Alfred "" John Frederick Badger Moore, Robert "" Reginald Walter William "" Morison, Ernst "" "" Morpeth, Viscount, see Howard, C. J. S. 156 Morrell, Mark 113 Morris, Charles Hopkins 107 172 "" Frederick Arnold Thomas Coppell 140 Mortimer, Charles Henry Moss, Edward Whitaker Henry Seymour "" 152 164 147 Mothersill, George Christopher 119 Herbert Johnston 105 Mott, Arthur John "" 66 "" 122 173 Charles Cheape Moultrie, Hugh Crawford Steuart Bullen 169 Moxon, Archibald James 169 "," Harold "" Henry Norman "" Murchison, see Cox-Murchison 27 Murdock, John 71 Muriel, Frank Charles Murland, Charles 150 124 Murray, Alan Beville IOI James Harry Stewart 124 Murray-Browne, Cecil 32 Myrtle, Andrew Scott 51 Frederick Septimus "" "" 48 NAPIER, George Samuel Frederick 9 Nash, Albert 39 9 "" William Fleetwood Zacchary Hubert 122 Naylor, Charles James 145 Needham, Ronald Allport 180 Nevill, Dudley Frederic Page 160 Nevill, Robert Charles Reginald 137 Newbery, Stobart Bryce Newcomb, see Todd-Newcomb 115 Newman, Edward 47 Newton, Arthur Henry Henry Alfred Henry Charles Horace Edward John Horton 25 37 142 39 162 173 104 129 55 "" در "" "" Nicholls, Francis John Irving Hugh "" 8 135 135 Nicholson, Charles Archibald Nisbet, Francis Courtenay Harry Bruce Noel-Cox, see Cox, H. L. N. Norbury, George Fletcher North, Frederic Dudley Norton, Alexander "" 172 90 9 40 Norwood, Charles Henry + 87 Nugent-Dunbar, Robert Lennox [41 OAKSHOTT, George Herbert Walter Escott 159 14 Ockleston, John 34 161 Ogilvie, Fergus Menteith Ogle, William Hall 97 Ohren, Cecil 159 Spencer ,, 99 2 "" Ohren-Ovington, see Ohren 28 Oldham, Henry Yule Thomas Bagot 115 Oldrey, Eustace Nugent 148 Oliver, Charles Frederick 178 Ollivant, John Spencer 124 Onions, John Collingwood 168 Simon Alfred Ormerod, Arthur Latham Ernest William 72 Ormiston, Walter 19 150 122 "" 50 Ormond, Edward Brooks 155 Over, Samuel "" 129 Overton, George Cecil Rudall 147 Harry Rudall 138 Owen, Christian Olga Victor Foulkes 158 Edward Tudor 61 138 21 ?? Paliologus, Augustus Lower Palmer, Walter Orbell Horace Parker, John Gerald Skipwith William Herbert 81 Parkin, William 10 "" PACK-BERESFORD, Denis Robert Paget, Charles John Paine, William Worship Parkin-Moore, see Parkin 166 Parsons, John Francis 74 Pattinson, Harry BB 194 [PAT-ROB Index. Page 12 177 162 Pattinson, James Pearson Richard Everard 124 "" 34 Pattison, Stanley 145 Paul, Dudley Moore 154 James Arthur 79 Payne, Frederick Gillies "" "" 13 Peter George Stanhope 100 Peake, John Harvey Nash 63 Pearce, Charles Marshall Francis Henry 56 36 "" William George Pearson, Charles Harold 150 167 108 Pease, Leonard Joseph Peck, Frederick Garrett Peebles, John Mure Steel 164 Penn-Gaskell, William 110 30 Perot, Charles Grandbury 78 Perryn, Richard George Henry 164 Peters, Thomas Entwistle 80 Peterson, Frederick Hopewell 91 Philbrick, Arthur James 89 Ernest Frederick Adolphus 115 Phillipps, Grismond 77 Phillips, Thomas "" "" 109 Phillpotts, Henry Robertson 127 Piffard, Guerard Robert Eyre 55 Piggott, George Thomas 55 Walter Joseph 40 Pike, Warburton Mayer 131 Pirie, Arthur Murray Francis David 55 Platts, Alfred 122 "" 102 Poore, Edward Wright † 47 Pope, Reginald Henry 128 Postlethwaite, John Harold 59 Potts, Hubert 142 Poulsom, Frederick Ambrose John 161 Harrison Hale Walter Kegg "" Powell, Edward Athelstane Lewis. 31 46 "" "" Power, Arthur William Lucy Pratt, Ernest St. George Preston, Harry Chippindale 119 99 17 Prevost, Francis Augustin Pridmore, Eric Leonard Norman John Walter 149 153 165 61 Priestman, Lewis 156 Pugh, Edgar William 36 QUINNELL, Roland † 28 RADLEY, Charles Ernest Edward Yelf James Trench "" "" ,, Malcolm Kennett William Henry ,, ! 113 93 52 176 Ramsay, Arthur Dennis Gilbert "" Railton, Frank Page 126 Ramsay, George 145 Ramsden, Arthur Henry 175 Charles Hesketh Joseph William Hesketh 105 84 "1 54 Ranken, Walter 161 27 27 126 49 85 Ransome, James 24 2 0x 90 85 90 136 119 "" "" 157 93 14 49 165 143 21 Ranking, George Harvey 72 71 149 115 James Stafford Lewis Henry Ratcliff, William Milner Rathbone, Arnold Richard Frederick "" "" ,, Ravenhill, Frederick Thornhill Rawlins, Richard Walter Rawlinson, Abram Leonard Rawstorne, Edward Buckley 16 Reed, Alfred Stephen Reeves, Henry 151 >" IOL 180 Reid, Joseph Dodds 133 Philip John 113 Rendall, Godfrey Arthur Harding "" 175 153 142 101 "" "" د. 122 158 Ernest Edward Herbert Edward Walter Hugh 114 Rhoades, Edmund Lushington 164 99 135 181 Reynolds, Arthur 19 "" "" "" 19 Henry Gabriel James Frederick Theodore William Walter James Rhodes, George Wood Herbert "" William Heaton "" Mark Philip Robert Cuthbert "" "1 Richards, Arthur George Chatterton † 153 Whitmore Lionel 136 Richardson, Edwin Backhouse George Beigh Philip 171 Robert Lyman "" Hugh Davey Seymour Henry Vernon Horace "" "" Rickard, John Lucas Ridgway, Herbert Gainsford 4 Rigby, John 19 32 William Graham "" 66 Ripley, George Eustace 130 Ritchie, Frederick 130 Harry Oliphant James Wadsworth 34 "" 95 Rivis, John Charles Thomas William Preston 99 95 159 Roberts, Arthur John Bodvel see also Lloyd-Roberts ROB-SMI] 195 Index. Page 33 Robertson, Francis Andrew Robinson, Alfred Fothergill 142 86 38 78 104 14 15 "" 79 Roche, Charles Hubert 116 Rodger, George Douglas 89 Rogerson, George Foster 98 Romer, Mark Lemon Ralph Cudworth 126 "" 72 Ronald, Angus Cameron † Arthur Edwin † 67 "" 143 178 "" 91 29 60 19 Roscoe, Alfred "" Henry Lincoln Rothera, Frank 25 156 Rowlands, Christopher Henry 75 Rowley, Oldham Whitaker 179 Theobald Walter 66 Rumney, Abraham Wren "" 19 135 Rundle,Charles James Frank Skyring William Brook Aldborough Russell, Charles Lennox Somerville Edward Hope ,, Rutter, Eustace Frederick 3 145 48 Ryan, John Hugh MacAnley James Edward Grant John Gorges 43 SADD, George Beaumont 135 Herbert John 108 Sadler, Francis Joseph Michael Ernest 21 ور "" William John William Peart 32 73 143 Salisbury, Edmund Roswell 41 169 46 "" St. Clair-Ford, Anson "" Samuel William Stanley Salomons, Charles Edward William Salt, Frederick John Samson, Herbert Walter 19 79 29 Samuelson, Francis Arthur Edward 19 Godfrey Blundell Herbert Walter "" 29 Sandars, Frederick Eustace 80 Harmer Llewellyn 48 Sanderson, Stephen Goodman Sandison, see Bilinski 87 Sapte, Douglas 108 Sarel, Clement Vincent Molyneux 133 Sargant, Francis William 19 91 Walter Lee 20 Sargent, Julian Hilton Walter Dmitri Satterthwaite, Harold 20 52 "1 5 Sidney Clement 40 Saunders, Cornelius Hale 136 Sawers, John Lorimer 108 "" Robert James Maxwell 53 Sayle, Charles Edward 71 Schiller, Canning Ferdinand Scott. Page 13 Schofield, Thomas 162 151 36 55 "" 152 89 125 Thomas Henry Clarke Schwabe, Cecil Langshaw Frank Burdett Herbert Priestly 17 Scott, Edmund Ernest Edward Spencer Joseph Marland 35 Leslie Frederic William Campbel! 132 82 96 139 54 79 127 98 22 104 165 149 6 6 159 Scott-Turner, Montagu Cecil 116 Scotter, Frederick Charles 30 175 176 85 Schreiber, Charles Shuldham 27 83 79 92 100 "" 77 31 12 45 "" "1 "" "" Scovell, George Vance Fielding Scriven, John Barclay "" 30 25 Shaw, John Standen William Rawson 6 Shawe, Charles Henry "" 106 95 Scull, Walter Delaplaine Secker, William Henry Seckham, Gerald James Thorne Seebohm, Hugh Exton Sellar, William Cross Senhouse, see Bell, H. P. Sevestre, Robert Sharp, George Edward Henry Henry Turner William James "" "" "" Sheppard, Harry Edward Shore-Smith, Louis Hilary Sidebotham, Frank Hopwood Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent Simey, Athelstane Iliff George Iliff Ralph Iliff "" Simon, Francis Rupert Powell Simpkinson, Theodore Simpson, Charles Young "" Clement Bell Frank Robert John Woodhouse Walter Henry William Dean Sitwell, see Wilmot-Sitwell Skinner, Sidney Hawkins Slagg, William Crighton Slater, John William Slaughter, Edward Mihill Sloane, John Stretton Smales, Harold Wakefield Smallwood, Ernest Edward Frank Graham 99 "" "" >> III 113 119 138 140 169 I I 114 "" 141 Smedley, Arthur Stanley Marsden 83 Smethurst, Frank Ronaldson 12 Smith, Cecil 82 Cecil Raby Charles Henry 133 رد "" 196 [SMI-TIN Index. Page 59 Smith, Cyril 63 129 173 33 144 27 54 147 "" "" 19 "" "" "" "" John Lees John Leslie Robert Summers t Wilfrid Duke "9 see also Bowden Smith, Brodrick- Smith, Brooke-Smith, Bryce- Smith, Bullen-Smith, Shore- Smith, Woodd-Smith 99 "" 147 Smyth, Hugh Lyle 90 73 "" 34 Snelgrove, John Sidney 120 Snewin, Percy 22 Soames, Gordon 122 137 Harold Ward 154 Solano, Enrique 87 Solly, Charles Edward 67 Ernest "" 50 Sparrow, Alan Bertram Hanbury 124 Speed, Edwin Arney 164 " "" "" 13 57 "" 17 Spence, Albert Carter 61 Spencer, Charles George Francis Buchanan Harold Duke "" Harold Lea Herbert William 99 "" 113 Sprague, John Alexander Davies 176 Squire, Paul "" 16 William Harold Stevens 128 Stamer, Arthur Cowie Reginald Dent William Edward 73 52 "" 90 Standring, Walter бо 109 137 Stearns, William Alfred 176 Steel, Edwin Bedford 112 123 Stephens, Archibald Collingwood Michael Edmund 103 Stephenson, Henry Kenyon 157 Stepney, Cecil Champagnè Herbert 117 Stevenson, Charles Lorimer 160 46 43 100 8 Stewart, Alan Keith >> Ralph George Robert McClintock George Harry Lancelot Stanhope, Charles Hay Scudamore Statham, Francis "" Walter Hamlyn Ernest. Bruce Frederick Harcourt William John Stevenson-Hamilton, James 70 157 "" 66 Stoehr, Emil Moritz Hugh Fraser Robert Tomlinson 71 Oscar Heinrich "" 15 Stokes, Frederick Charles 73 Stokoe, John Herbert Page 14 39 22 Stolterfoht, Edward Hermann Perring Thomas "" Stone, Samuel Francis Montagu William Henry 27 21 Story-Maskelyne, Antony St. John 168 Strachan, William Hemfield 25 Stutfield, William Gerald 99 30 Sugden, Edgar Brewitt 82 Surtees, Aubone Alfred 144 Henry Patrick 166 Swan, Nathaniel Clayton 149 Stanley Gale 25 Swann, Harington 99 17 Swetenham, James Hubert 45 13 Swinburne, John Carthman Surtees Swinburne-Hanham, burne, J. C. Swindell, see Evers-Swindell Swinton, Ernest Dunlop Sykes, Alan John 112 III 76 163 116 ∞ 1 179 75 162 "" 20 166 60 "" 44 109 123 "" 83 86 70 Tait, Adamı Duncan 61 Tall, Harry 19 "" 30 William John "" 34 Tanner, Robert Ernest † 28 Taylor, Arthur Robert 180 Henry Claude "" 158 5 42 John Francis White Teage, John Laud Tennant, Frederick William 18 Robert Hugh 52 Terry, Douglas Henry John Thomas, Charles "" 142 "" 177 87 Thompson, Alfred Edward 80 176 III TABOR, Edward Henry Tagart, Frederick Ongley "" "" Harold Platt Herbert Rushton Percy Molesworth "" see Swin- "" "" see also Arnall-Thompson Thomson, Arthur Ramsay Charles George Cockburn see also Mann-Thomson Thornhill, John Cecil Thornton, Charles Thorold, John Leofric de Bucken- hold Astley John Onslow Percy William Briggs Thorpe, William Jarratt Thursfield, Richard Cecil 2 14 Tinker, Edward Till, Ernest Wentworth Tindall, Walter Sewallis Shirley Vi TIN-WIL] 197 Index. Page 151 Tinker, Henry Archibald William 45 31 Titley, Richard 25 Tobin, Edwin Wodehouse 84 Todd-Newcomb, Robert Nicholas 138 Tonks, William Henry 74 Tooth, Adolphus 109 144 Artemus Ashley Percy Ernest 54 "" 179 Topham, John William 64 Torry, Henry John Claude 68 4 181 "" 123 158 Townsend, Henry William Worth 70 Towsey, Francis William 156 Trayner, Robert Wyld Maxwell 51 Treaddell, Arthur John 37 William Harry George 47 Trenchard, Arthur 22 "" 44 Trimmer, Charles Henry Edward Douglas 169 Tupper, John Holman Eure 117 Turner, Christopher Edward Thomas George 4 142 "" Walter George see also Scott-Turner 62 Turnour, Edward Adolphus 163 Twist, Arthur Cyril 145 "" 24 Townend, Harry William 83 173 89 22 99 "" 58 UNDERHILL, George Frederick Unwin. Robert 62 "" "3 74 William Wyamer "" 57 Verity, Arthur Wilson † 131 Vicars, Edward Robert Eckersall 181 Vickers, Thomas 43 Vivian, Herbert Leigh VALENTINE. George Frederick Vaughan, James 134 WADLOW, Francis Thomas 87 Walker, George Townshend Forestier Gibson Cecil Frederick >> 19 "" Herbert Sutherland James Ronald William † "? "" Walrond, Arthur Francis. Seymour Henry Theodore Hunter Hastings 21 157 "" 99 Ward, George Whiteley William Percy 28 "" Warde, Charles Aprilis 12 74 Wardlaw, George Lake 15 Ware, John 151 Warner, see Lee-Warner Wason, Rigby Page 80 115 114 89 61 177 73 24 33 33 131 51 124 39 148 54 59 Watson, Archibald Watson, Edward Alexander 15 85 36 Ernest George Harrison Herbert Harrison William James "" Wayne, Francis Herman Milford William Henry Toskett Webb, Charles Lee "" 11 '' 141 ** "" 23 43 119 Weeden, Edward St. Clair Weisse, Henry Victor Wellby, Edward Henry Edward Victor Montagu Sinclair 144 Welsh, Frank Stuart 160 Westcott, Robert Basil Westhead, see Brown-Westhead 102 "" 93 Whateley, George Pepys † 42 "" 97 123 Whishaw, Alfred Bertram 65 Whitaker, James IOI White, James Dundas 170 Whitelaw, Arthur Robert Francis 127 50 Whitelegge, William 140 Whiteley, Arthur Sale Warwick 105 Whitelock, Arthur Radclyffe Whiting, Francis Arthur 146 Whitlam, George 138 153 117 Whittaker, Thomas Sherren 175 Whitting, Edward Jewel 84 Wigan, Ernest Edward 144 Wild, Bernard 155 17 Wilkes, Herbert Hope 137 Wilkins, Cecil Francis Philip Aveling Wilkinson, Leonard Willcox, Frederick Tyrrell Swan 33 Williams, Arthur Edwin 37 99 Whatman, Edward Meyrick Dew Whetstone, Walter + Whipham, Thomas Rowland Charles "9 "" "" "I Francis Macklin Montague Edward Richard William gal >> 48 148 Wilmot-Sitwell, Charles John >> "" Degge 89 Francis Staunton 158 William Sacheverel "1 172 Wilson, Arthur Wellesley 176 Basil Holt "". Frederick McDougal Herbert Augustus McDou- John Charles Walter Frederick 198 [WIL-YOU Index. Page 77 Wilson, Cecil 162 58 158 103 143 33 115 97 62 80 82 87 ?? 74 102 71 "" "" "9 ". >> "" Wing, Charles "" "" Winsor, see Benyon-Winsor Winterbotham, Arthur Strachan Wintle, Fitz Hardinge "" Wise, Alexander Gordon Hay Arthur Boyer Withers, Frank Charlton George Harold see also Mitchell-Withers Wolton, John Hyem 27 Wood, Arthur Thorley Charles 21 55 131 166 164 98 148 "1 Charles Eustace George Adshead George Herbert George Rowland Holt Malcolm "" *** Robert Walton Williams t Rowland Alwyne "" William Guy Edward Mills Harold Rowley Kyrle Mills Lewis Ironside Ralph Mills 99 "" Page 94 Wood, Walter Birbeck 159 Woodd-Smith, Bernard Basil 19 Woodward, Charles Robert John 91 Woodyatt, Roger Gresley Wootten-Wootten, Aubrey Francis Herbert Edward "" Worship, Hugh 104 68 142 159 157 50 Worthington, James Kennedy Wratislaw, Theodore William Graf Wreford-Brown, Louis 118 Wright, Bernard Duncan Zorapore Cecil Middleton Charles Lingham George Arthur Malcolm William Zorapore 46 146 128 51 31 50 145 99 175 66 "" "" "" CORRIGENDA. "" "" Wrigley, Arthur Harold Clement Carr "" Ernest Albert Harold Carr Harry Cecil 121 Louis Comyns 180 Wyatt, Charles Henry ** "" 19 Verelst Turner 43 YOUNG, Thomas Simpson 69 William Young "" Page 89 Philbrick, Ernest Frederick Adolphus. "" 93 Radley, for French, read Trench. Peake, for Parry, read Harvey. ,, 100 157 Wratislaw, for Goof, read Graf. 183 Baldwin, for Beginald, read Reginald. A. J. Lawrence, Printer, Rugby. ... ...... 1 ¿ 1 + UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ………………… 3 9015 00170 0205 + : : Dean EVA 39015001700 205 1891 PCB EN FIL SEP 19 2001 ער Picservation - 3 CRAIGANDAN