No. 36 North Sixth St. f} PHILADELPHIA. ^ *^^ tjt '^* *J^ *T ^X^ ^'' '^J^ •X* *J* ^4-* *4'* *T sJTZ.^/oZ^ Stem t^e £i6tarj? of QSequeaf ^b 61? ^im to f ^e £i6tari? of (ptincdon ^^eofogtcaf ^eminarg i \ 4- 1 NOTES, EXPLANATORY AND PRACTICAL, ON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS / BY ALBERT BARNES. THIRD EDITION. NEW-YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, 82 CLIFF-STREET. 184 8. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1837, by Albert Barnes, in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. INTRODUCTION. § 1. The Situation of Corinth, and the Character of its Inhabitants, Corinth was properly a small dynasty, or territory in Greece, bounded on the east by the gulf of Saron ; on the south by the kingdom of Argos ; on the west by Sicyon ; and on the north by the kingdom of Megaris, and upper part of the isthmus and bay of Corinth, the latter of which is now called the Golfo de Lepanto, or the gulf of Lepanto. This tract, or region, not large in size, pos- sessed a few rich plains, but was in general uneven, and the soil of an indif ferent quality. The city of Corinth was the capital of this region. It stood near the middle of the isthmus, which in the narrowest part was about six miles wide, though somewhat wider where Corinth stood. Here was the natural carrying place, or portage from the Ionian sea on the west, to the ^gean on the east. Many efforts were made by the Greeks, and afterwards by the Ro- mans, to effect a communication between the -^gean and Adriatic seas by cul> tmg across this isthmus ; and traces still remain of these attempts. Means were even contrived for transporting vessels across. This isthmus was also par- ticularly important as it was the key of the Peloponnesus, and attempts were often made to fortify it. The city had two harbours, — Lechaeum on the gulf of Corinth, or sea of Crissa on the west, to which it was joined by a double wall, twelve stadia, or about a mile and a half in length ; and Cenchrea on the sea of Saron on the east, distant about seventy stadia, or nearly nine miles. It was b, situation therefore peculiarly favourable for commerce, and highly important in the defence of Greece. The city is said to have been founded by Sisyphus, long before the siege of Troy, and was then called Ephyra. The time when it was founded is, however, unknown. The name Corinth, was supposed to have been given to it from Corinthus, who, by different authors, is said to have been the son of Jupiter, oi^ of Marathon, or of Pelops, who is said to have rebuilt and adorned the city. The city of Corinth was built at the foot of a high hill, on the top of which stood a citadel. This hill, which stood on the south of the city, was its defence in that quarter, as its sides were extremely steep. On the three other sides it was protected by strong and lofty ramparts. The circumference of the city proper was about forty stadia, or five miles. Its situation gave it great com- mercial advantages. As the whole of that region was mountainous and rather barren, and as the situation gave the city extraordinary commercial advantages, the inhabitants early turned their attention to commerce, and amassed great wealth. This fact was, to no inconsiderable extent, the foundation of the luxury, effeminacy, and vices for which the city afterwards became so much distinguished. The merchandise of Italy, Sicily, and the western nations, was landed at Lech- aeum on the west ; and that of the islands of the ^gean sea, of Asia Minor, and of the Phoenicians, and other oriental nations, at Cenchrea on the east. The city of Corinth thus became the mart of Asia and Europe ; covered the sea with its ships, and formed a navy to protect its commerce. It was distinguished by build- IV INTRODUCTION. ing galleys and ships of a new and improved form ; and its naval force procured it respect from other nations. Its population and its wealth was thus increased by the influx of foreigners. It became a city rather distinguished by its wealth, and naval force, and commerce, than by its military achievements, though it produced a few of the most valiant and distinguished leaders in the armies of Greece. Its population was increased and its character somewhat formed from another circumstance. In the neighbourhood of the city the Isthmian games were cele- brated, which attracted so much attention, and which drew so many strangers from distant parts of the world. To those games, the apostle Paul not infre- quently refers, when recommending Christian energy and activity. See note, 1 Cor. ix. 24. 26, 27. Comp. Heb. xii. 1. From these causes, the city of Corinth became eminent among all ancient cities for wealth, and luxury, and dissipation. It was the mart of the world. Wealth flowed into it from all quarters. Luxury, amusement, and dissipation, were the natural consequents, until it became the most gay and dissolute city of its times, — the Paris of antiquity. There was another cause which contributed to its character of dissoluteness and corruption. I refer to its religion. The principal deity worshipped in the city was Venus ; as Diana was the principal deity worshipped at Ephesus ; Minerva at Athens, &c. Ancient cities were devoted usually to some particular god or goddess, and were supposed to be under their peculiar protection. See note, Acts xiv. 13. Corinth was devoted, or dedicated thus to the goddess of love, or licentious passion ; and the effect may be easily conceived. The temple of Venus was erected on the north side or slope of the Acrocorinthus, a moun- tain about half a mile in height on the south of the city, and from the summit of which a magnificent prospect opened on the north to Parnassus and Helicon, to the eastward the island of -^gina and the citadel of Athens, and to the west the rich and beautiful plains of Sicyon. This mountain was covered with temples and splendid houses ; but was especially devoted to Venus, and was the place of her worship. Her shrine appeared above those of the other gods ; and it was enjoined by law, that one thousand beautiful females should oflSciate as courtesans, or public prostitutes, before the altar of the goddess of love. In a time of public calamity and imminent danger, these women attended at the sacrifices, and walked with the other citizens singing sacred hymns. When Xerxes invaded Greece, recourse was had to their intercession to avert the im- pending calamity. They were supported chiefly by foreigners ; and from the avails of their vice a copious revenue was derived to the city. Individuals, in order to ensure success in their undertakings, vowed to present to Venus a certain number of courtesans, which they obtained by sending to distant coun- tries. Foreign merchants were attracted in this way to Corinth ; and in a few days would be stripped of all their property. It thus became a proverb, " It is not for every one to go to Corinth," — {hv TntvrU avSg^c iU Ko'g/vS-ov {(tt/v o ttkuv;.) The effect of this on the morals of the city can be easily understood. It became the most gay, dissipated, corrupt, and ultimately the most effeminate and feeble portion of Greece. It is necessary to make these statements because they go to show the exceeding grace of God in collecting a church in such a city, the power of the gospel in overcoming the strongest and most polluted passions of our nature ; and because no small part of the irregularities which arose in the church at Corinth, and which gave the apostle occasion to write this epistle, were produced by this prevailing licentiousness of the people ; and by the fact, that gross and licentious passions had received the countenance of law and the patronage of public opinion. See ch. v. vii. See article Lais in the Biogra- phical Dictionaries INTRODUCTION. V Though Corinth was thus dissipated and licentious in its character, yet it was also distinguished for its refinement and learning. Every part of literature was cultivated there, so that before its destruction by the Romans, Cicero Tpro lege Man. cap. v.) scrupled not to call it totius Graecae lumen — the light of all Greece. Corinth was, of course, exposed to all the changes and disasters which occurred to the other cities of Greece. After a variety of revolutions in its government, which it is not necessary here to repeat, it was taken by the Roman consul L. Mummius, 147 years before Christ. The riches which were found in the city were immense. During the conflagration, it is said that all the metals which were there were melted and run together, and formed that valuable compound which was so much celebrated as Corinthian brass. Others, however, with more pro- bability, say that the Corinthian artists were accustomed to form a metal, by a mixture of brass with small quantities of gold and silver, which was so brilHant as to cause the extraordinary estimate in which this metal was held. Corinth, however, was again rebuilt. In the time of Julius Cesar, it was colonized by his order, and soon again resumed something of its former magnificence. By the Romans the whole of Greece was divided into two provinces, Macedonia and Achaia. Of the latter, Corinth was the capital ; and this was its condition when it was visited by Paul. With its ancient splendour, it also soon relapsed into its former dissipation and licentiousness ; and when Paul visited it, it was perhaps as dissolute as at any former period of its history. The subsequent his- tory of Corinth it is not necessary to trace. On the division of the Roman em- pire, it fell, of course, to the eastern empire, and when this was overthrown by the Turks, it came into their hands, and it remained under their dominion until the recent revolution in Greece. It still retains its ancient name; but with nothing of its ancient grandeur. A single temple, itself dismantled, it is said, is all that remains, except the ruins, to mark the site of one of the most splendid cities of antiquity. For the authorities for these statements, see Travels of Anacharsis, vol. iii. pp. 369 — 388 ; Edin. Ency. art. Corinth ; Lempriere's Clas- sical Dictionary, and Bayle's Dictionary, art. Corinth. § 2. The Establishment of the Church at Corinth. ' The apostle Paul first visited Corinth about A. D. 52. (Lardner.) See Acts xviii. 1. He was then on his way from Macedonia to Jerusalem. He had passed some time at Athens, where he had preached the gospel, but not with such success as to warrant him to remain, or to organize a church. See Notes on Acts xvii. He was alone at Athens, having expected to have been joined there by Silas and Timothy, but in that he was disappointed. Acts xvii. 15. Comp. xviii. 5. He came to Corinth alone, but found Aquila and Priscilla there who had lately come from Rome, and with them he waited the a^ival of Silas and Timothy. When they arrived, Paul entered on the great work\of preaching the gospel in that splendid and dissipated city, first to the Jews, and when it was rejected by them, then to the Greeks. Acts xviii. 5, 6. His feelings when he engaged in this work, he has himself stated in 1 Cor. xvi. 2 — 5. (See note on that place.) His embarrassments and discouragements were met by. a gracious pro- mise of the Lord that he would be with him, and would not leave him ; and that it was his purpose to collect a church there. See Note on Acts xviii. 9, 10. la the city, Paul remained eighteen months, (,) preaching without mo- lestation, until he was opposed by the Jews under Sosthenes their leader, and brought before Gallio. When Gallio refused to hear the cause, and Paul waa discharged, it is said, that he remained there yet " a good while," (Acts xviii, 18,) and then sailed into Syria. 1* VI INTRODUCTION. Of the size of the church that was first organized there, and of the general character of the converts, we have no other knowledge than that which is con- tained in the epistle. There is reason to think that Sosthenes, who was the prin- cipal agent of the Jews in arraigning Paul hefore Gallio, was converted, (seo 1 Cor. i. 1,) and perhaps some other persons of distinction ; but it is evident that the church was chiefly composed of those who were in the more humble walks of life See Notes on 1 Cor. i. 26 — 29. It was a signal illustration of the grace of God, and the power of the gospel, that a church was organized in that city of gayety, fashion, luxury, and licentiousness ; and it shows that the gospel ia adapted to meet and overcome all forms of wickedness, and to subdue all classes of jcople to itself. If a church was established in the gay and dissolute capital of Achaia, then there is not now a city on earth so gay and so profligate that the same gospel may not meet its corruptions, and subdue it to the cross of Christ. Paul subsequently visited Corinth about A. D. 58, or six years after the establish- ment of the church there. He passed the winter in Greece — doubtless in Corinth and its neighbourhood, on his journey from Macedonia to Jerusalem, the fifth time in which he visited the latter city. During this stay at Corinth, he wrote the epistle to the Romans. See the Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans, § 3. The Time and Place of Writing the First Epistle to the Corinthians. It has been uniformly supposed that this epistle was written at Ephesus. The circumstances which are mentioned incidentally in the epistle itself, place this beyond a doubt. The epistle purports to have been written, not like that to the Romans, without having been at the place to which it was written, but after Paul had been at Corinth. " I, brethren, when I came unto you, came not with excellency of speech," &c. ch. ii. 1. It also purports to have been written when he was about to make another visit to that church. Ch. iv. 19, " But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will." Ch. xvi. 5, " Now I v^'ill come to you when I pass through Macedonia, for I do pass through Macedonia." Now the history in the Acts of the Apostles informs us, that Paul did in fact visit Achaia, and doubtless Corinth twice. See Acts xviii. 1, &c. and xx. 1 — 3. The same history also informs us that it was from Ephesus that Paul went into Greece ; and as the epistle purports to have been written a short time before that journey, it follows, to be consistent with the history, that the epistle must have been written while he was at Ephesus. The narrative in the Acts also informs us, that Paul had passed two years in Ephesus before he set out on his second journey into Greece. With this supposition, all the circumstances relating to the place where the apostle then was which are mentioned in this epistle agree. " If after the man- ner of men, I ha-ve fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantagelh it me, if the dead rise not?" ch. xv. 32. It is true, as Dr. Paley remarks, (Mora; Paulinae,) tliat the apostle might say this wherever he was ; but it was much more natural, and much more to the purpose to say it, if he was at Ephesus at the time, and in the midst of those conflicts to which the expression relates. " The churches of Asia salute you," ch. xvi. 19. It is evident from this, that Paul was near those churches, and that he had intercourse with them. But Asia, throughout the Acts of the Apostles, and in the epistles of Paul, docs not mean commonly the whole of Asia, nor the whole of Asia Minor, but a district in the interior of Asia Minor, of which Ephesus was the capital. See Note, Acts ii. 9, also Acts vi. 9, xvi. 6, XX. 16. " Aquila and Priscilla salute you," ch. xvi. 19. Aquila and Priscilla were at Ephesus during the time in which I shall endeavour to show this epistle was written, Acts xviii. 26. It is evident, if this were bo, that the epistle was written at Ephesus. •' But I will tarry at Ephesus xmtil Pentecost,** INTRODUCTION. Vll ch xvi. 8. This is almost an express declaration that he was at Ephesus when the epistle was written. " A great and effectual door is opened to me, and there are many adversaries," ch. xvi. 9. How well this agrees with the history, may be seen by comparing it with the account in Acts, when Paul was at Ephesus. Acts xix. 20, " So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed." That there were " many adversaries," may be seen from the account of the same period in Acts xix. 9, " But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the dis- ciples." Comp. Acts xix. 23 — ^11. From these circumstances, it is put beyond controversy, that the epistle was written from Ephesus. These circumstantial, and undesigned coincidences, between a letter written by Paul and an indepen- dent history by Luke, is one of those strong evidences so common in genuine writings, which go to show that neither is a forgery. An impostor in forging a history like that of the Acts, and then writing an epistle, would not have thought of these coincidences, or introduced them in the manner in which they occur here. It is perfectly manifest that the notes of the time, and place, and circum- stances in the history, and in the epistle, were not introduced to correspond with each other, but have every appearance of genuineness and truth. See Paley's HorsB Paulinae, on this epistle. The circumstances which have been referred to in regard to the place where this epistle was written, serve also to fix the date of its composition. It is evi- dent, from ch. xvi. 8, that Paul purposed to tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost. But this must have been written and sent away before the ciot which was raised by Demetrius (Acts xix. 23 — 41), for immediately after that Paul left Ephesus and went to Macedonia. Acts xx. 1, 2. The reason why Paul purposed to remain in Ephesus until Pentecost, was, the success which he had met with in preaching the gospel. Ch. xvi. 9. But after the riot excited by Demetrius, this hope was in a measure defeated, and he soon left the city. These circumstances serve to fix the time when this epistle was written to the interval which elapsed between what is recorded in Acts xix. 22 and 23. This occurred about A. D. 56 or 57. Pearson and Mill place the date in the year 57 ; Lardner, in the spring of the year 56. It has never been doubted that Paul was the author of this epistle. It bears his name ; has internal evidence of having been written by him, and is ascribed to him by the unanimous voice of antiquity. It has been made a question, how- ever, whether this was the Jirst letter which Paul wrote to them ; or whether he had previously written an epistle to them which is now lost. This inquiry has been caused by what Paul says in 1 Cor. v. 9, " I wrote unto you in an epistle," &c. Whether he there refers to another epistle, which he wrote to them before this, and which they had disregarded ; or whether to the previous chapters of this epistle ; or whether to a letter to some other church which they had been expected to read, has been made a question. This question will be considered in the note on that verse. § 4. The Occasion on which this Epistle was tvritten. It is evident that this epistle was written in reply to one which had been ad- dressed by the church at Corinth to Paul ; 1 Cor. vii. 1, " Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me," &c. That letter had been sent to Paul while at Ephesus by the hands of Stephanas, and Fortunatus, and Achaicus, who had come to consult with him respecting the state of the church at Corinth. 1 Cor. xvi. 17, 18. In addition to this, Paul had heard various reports of certain disor- ders which had been introduced into the church at Corinth, and which required bit« attention and correction. Those disorders, it seems, as wvi natural, had nut VIU INTRODUCTION. been mentioned in the letter which they sent to him, but he had heard of them incidentally by some members of the family of Chloe. 1 Cor. i. 11. They pertained to the following subjects. (1.) The divisions which had arisen in the church by the popularity of a teacher who had excited great disturbance. (1 Cor. i. 12, 13.) Probably this teacher was a Jew by birth, and not improbably of the sect of the Sadducees (2 Cor. xi. 22), and his teaching might have been the occasion why in the epistle Paul entered so largely into the proof of the doctrine of the resurrection from the dead. 1 Cor. xv. (2.) The Corinthians, like all other Greeks, were greatly in danger of being deluded, and carried away by a subtle philosophy, and by a dazzling eloquence, and it is not improbable that the false teacher there had taken advantage of this, and made it the occasion of ei- cUing parties, and of creating a prejudice against Paul, and of undervaluing his authority because he had made no pretensions to these endowments. It was of importance, therefore, for Paul to show the true nature and value of their phi- losophy, and the spirit which should prevail in receiving the gospel. Ch. i. 18 — 31. ii. iii. (3.) Paul's authority had been called in question as an apostle, and not improbably by the false teacher, or teachers, that had caused the parties which had been originated there. It became necessary, therefore, for him to vin- dicate his authority, and show by what right he had acted in organizing the church, and in the directions which he had given for its discipline and purity. Ch. iv. ix. (4.) A case of incest had occurred in the church which had not been made the subject of discipline. Ch. v. This case was a flagrant violation of the gospel ; and yet it is not improbable that it had been palliated, or vindi- cated by the false teachers ; and it is certain that it excited no shame in the church itself. Such cases were not regarded by the dissolute Corinthians as criminal. In a city dedicated to Venus, the crimes of licentiousness had been openly indulged, and this was one of the sins to which they were particularly exposed. It became necessary, therefore, for Paul to exert his apostolic autho- rity, and to remove the offender in this case from the communion of the church, and to make him an example of the severity of Christian discipline. (5.) The Corinthians had evinced a litigious spirit, a fondness for going to law, and for bringing their causes before heathen tribunals, to the great scandal of religion, in- stead of endeavouring to settle their difficulties among themselves. Of this the apostle had been informed, and this called also for his authoritative interposition, ch. vi. 1 — 8. (6.) Erroneous views and practices had arisen, perhaps, under the influence of the false teachers, on the subject of temperance, chastity, &c. To the vices of intemperance, licentiousness, and gluttony, the Corinthian Christians from their former habits, and from the customs of their countrymen, were par- ticularly exposed. Those vices had been judged harmless, and had been freely indulged in, and it is not improbable that the views of the apostle had been ridi- culed as unnecessarily stern, and severe, and rigid. It became necessary, there- fore, to correct their views, and to state the true nature of the Christian require- ments. Ch. vi, 8 — 20. (7.) The apostle having thus discussed those things of which he had incidentally heard, proceeds to notice particularly the things respecting which they had consulted him by letter. Those were, (a.) Marriage, and the duties in regard to it in their circumstances, ch. vii. (b.) The eating of things offered to idols, ch. viii. In order to enforce his views of what he had said on the duty of abstaining from the use of certain food, if it was the occasion of giving offence, he shows them (ch, ix.) that it was the great principle on which he had acted in his ministry ; that he was not imposing on them any thing which he did not observe himself; that though he had full authority as an apostle to insist on a support in preaching, yet for the sake of peace, and the prosperity of the church, he had voluntarily relinquished his rights, and endeavoured by all means to save some. Ch. ix. By this example, he seeks to persuade them to INTRODUCTION. JX n. course of life as far as possible from a life of gluttony, and fornication, and self- indulgence, and to assure them that although they had been highly favoured, as the Jews had been also, yet like them, they might also fall, ch. x. 1 — 12. These principles he illustrates by a reference to their joining in feasts, and celebrations with idols, and the dangers to which they would subject themselves by so doing; and concludes that it would be proper in those circumstances wholly to abstain from partaking of the meat offered in sacrifice to idols if it were known to be such. This was to be done on the principle that no offence was to be given. And thus the second question referred to him was disposed of, ch. x. 13 — 33. In connexion with this, and as an illustration of the principle on which he acted, and on which he wishes them to act, that of promoting mutual edification, and avoiding offence, he refers (ch. xi.) to two other subjects, the one, the proper relation of the woman to the man, and the general duty of her being in subjec- tion to him, (ch. xi. 1 — 16 ;) and the other, a far more important matter, the proper mode of celebrating the Lord's supper, ch. xi. 17 — 34. He had been led to speak of this, probably, by the discussion to which he had been invited on the subject of their feast&, and the discussion of that subject naturally Hd to the con- sideration of the much more important subject of their mode of celebrating the Lord's supper. That had been greatly abused to purposes of riot, and disorder, and abuse, which had grown directly out of their former views and habits in public festivals. Those views and habits they had transferred to the celebration of the eucharist. Tt became necessary, therefore, for the apostle to correct those views, to state the true design of the ordinance, to show the consequences of an improper mode of celebration, and to endeavour to reform them in their mode of observing it, ch. xi. 17 — 34. (c.) Another subject which had probably been submitted to him in the letter was, the nature of spiritual gifts ; the design of the power of speaking with tongues, and the proper order to be observed in the church on this subject. These powers seem to have been imparted to the Corinth- ians in a remarkable degree ; and like most other things had been abused to the promotion of strife, and ambition ; to pride in their possession, and to irregularity and disorder in their public assemblies. This whole subject the apostle discusses, (ch. xii. xiiL xiv.) He states the design of imparting this gift ; the use which should be made of it in the church, the necessity of due subordination in all the members and officers ; and in a chapter unequalled in beauty in any language, (ch. xiii.) shows the inferiority of the highest of these endowments to a kind, catholic spirit — to the prevalence of charity, and thus endeavours to allay all contentions and strifes for ascendency, by the prevalence of the spirit of love. In connexion with this (ch. xiv.) he reproves the abuses which had ariser* on this subject, as he had done on others, and seeks to repress all disorders. (8.) A very important subject, the apostle reserved to the close of the epistle — the resurrection of the dead. (ch. xv.) Why he chose to discuss it in this place, is not known. It is quite probable that he had not been consulted on this sub- ject in the letter which had been sent to him. It is evident, however, that erro- neous opinions had been entertained on the subject, and probably inculcated by the religious teachers at Corinth. The philosophic minds of the Greeks we know were much disposed to deride this doctrine (Acts xvii. 32), and in the Corinthian church it had been either called in question, or greatly perverted, ch. XV. 12. That the same body would be raised up had been denied, and the doctrine that came to be believed was, probably, simply that there would be a future state, and that the only resurrection was the resurrection of the soul from sin, and that this was past. Comp. 2 Tim. ii. 18. This subject the apostle had not before taken up, probably because he had not been consulted on it, and because it would find a more appropriate place after he had reproved their dis- orders, and answered their questions. After all those discussions, after cxannn X INTRODUCTION. ing all the opinions and practices that prevailed among them, it was proper to place the great argument for the truth of the religion which they all professed on a permanent foundation, and to close the epistle by reminding them, and vroving to them that the religion which they professed, and which they had so much abused, was from heaven. The proof of this was the resurrection of the Saviour from the dead. It was indispensable to hold that in its obvious sense, and holding that, the truth of their own resurrection was demonstrated, and the error of those who denied it was apparent. (9.) Having finished this demon- stration, the apostle closes the epistle (ch. xvi.) with some miscellaneous direc- tions and salutations. § 5. Divisions of the Epistle. The divisions of this epistle, as of the other books of the Bible, into chapters and verses, is arbitrary, and often not happily made. See the Introduction to the Notes on the Gospels. Various divisions of the epistle have been proposed in order to preAit a proper analysis to the mind. The division which is submitted here is one that arises from the previous statement of the scope and design of the epistle, and will furnish the basis of my analysis. According to this view, the body of this epistle may be divided into three parts, viz. — I. The discussion of irregularities and abuses prevailing in the church at Corinth, of which the apostle had incidentally learned by report, ch. i. — vi. II. The discussion of various subjects which had been submitted to him in a letter from the church, and of points which grew out of those inqui- ries, ch. vii. — xiv. III. The discussion of the great doctrine of the resurrection of Christ — the foundation of the hope of man — and the demonstration arising from that that the Christian religion is true, and the hopes of Christians well founded, ch. xv. (See the " Analysis" prefixed to the Notes.) § 6. The Messengers by whom this Epistle ivas sent to the Church at Corinthy and its success. It is evident that Paul felt the deepest solicitude in regard to the state of things in the church at Corinth. Apparently as soon as he had heard of their irregularities and disorders through the members of the family of Chloe (ch. i. ii.), he had sent Timothy to them, if possible, to repress the growing dissensions and irregularities. 1 Cor. iv. 17. In the mean time the church at Corinth wrote to him to ascertain his views on certain matters submitted to him (1 Cor. vii. 1), and the reception of this letter gave him occasion to enter at length into the subject of their disorders and difficulties. Yet he wrote the letter under the deepest solicitude about the manner of its reception, and its effect on the church, 2 Cor. ii. 4, " For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears," &c. Paul had another object in view which was dear to his heart, and which he was labouring with all diligence to promote, which was the collection which he proposed to take up for the poor and afflicted saints at Jerusalem. See Notes, Rom. xv. 25, 26. This object he wished to press at this time on the church at Corinth. 1 Cor. xvi. 1—4. In order, therefore, to ensure the success of his letter, and to faciUtate the collection, he sent Titus with the letter to the church at Corinth, with instructions to have the collection ready. 2 Cor. vii. 7, 8. 13. 15. This collection, Titus was requested to finish. 2 Cor. viii. 6. With Titus, Paul sent another brother, perhaps a member of the church at Ephesus (2 Cor. xii. 18), a man whose praise, Paul says, was in all the INTRODUCTION. . xi churches, and who had been already designated by the churches to bear the coa- tribution to Jerusalem. 2 Cor. viii. 18, 19. By turning to Acts xxi. 29, we find it incidentally mentioned that " Trophimus an Ephesian" was with Paul in Jerusalem, and undoubtedly this was the person here designated. This is one of ihe undesigned coincidences between Paul's epistle and the Acts of the Apostles, of which Dr. Paley has made so much use in his Horae Paulinee in proving the genuineness of these writings. Paul did not deem it necessary or prudent for him to go himself to Corinth, but chose to remain in Ephesus. The letter to Paul (1 Cor. vii. 1) had been brought to him by Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus (1 Cor. xvi. 17), and it is probable that they accompanied Titu* and the other brother with him who bore Paul's reply to their inquiries. The success of this letter was all that Paul could desire. It had the effect to repress their growing strifes, to restrain their disorders, to produce true repent- ance, and to remove the person who had been guilty of incest in the church. The whole church was deeply affected with his reproofs, and engaged in hearty zeal in the work of reform. 2 Cor. vii. 9 — 11. The authority of the apostle was recognised, and his epistle read with fear and trembling. 2 Cor. vii. 15. The act of discipline which he had required on the incestuous person was inflicted by the whole church. 2 Cor. ii. 6. The collection which he had desired (1 Cor. xvi. 1 — 4), and in regard to which he had boasted of their liberality to others, and expressed the utmost confidence that it would be liberal (2 Cor. ix. 2, 3), was taken up agreeably to his wishes, and their disposition on the subject was such as to furnish the highest satisfaction to his mind. 2 Cor. vii. 13, 14. Of the success of his letter, however, and of their disposition to take up the collec- tion, Paul was not apprized until he had gone into Macedonia, where Titus came to him, and gave him information of the happy state of things in the church at Corinth. 2 Cor. vii. 4 — 7. 13. Never was a letter more effectual than this was, and never was authority in discipline exercised in a more happy and successfuJ way. § 7. General Character and Structure of the Epistle. The general style and character of this epistle is the same as in the otner "writings of Paul. See Introduction to the Epistle to the Romans. It evinces the same strong and manly style of argument and language, the same structure of sentences, the same rapidity of conception, the same overpowering force of language and thought, and the same characteristics of temper and spirit in the author. The main difference between the style and manner of this epistle, and the other epistles of Paul, arises from the scope and design of the argument. la the epistle to the Romans, his object led him to pursue a close and connected train of argumentation. In this, a large portion of the epistle is occupied with reproof, and it gives occasion for calling into view at once the authority of an apostle, and the spirit and manner in which reproof is to be administered. The reader of this epistle cannot but be struck with the fact, that it was no part of Paul's character to show indulgence to sin ; that he had no design to flatter : that be neither " cloaked nor concealed transgression ;" that in the most open, tirm, and manly manner possible, it was his purpose to rebuke them for their disor- ders, and to repress their growing irregularities. At the same time, however, there is full opportunity for the display of tenderness, kindness, love, charity, and for Christian instruction — an opportuntty for pouring forth the deepest feelings of the human heart — an opportunity which Paul never allowed to escape ur. im- proved. Amidst all the severity of reproof, there is the love of friendship ; amidst the rebukes of an apostle, the entreaties and tears of a father. And we here contemplate Paul, not merely as the profound reasoner, not simply as a man of XU INTRODUCTION. high intellectual endowments, but as evincing the feelings of the man, and the sympathies of the Christian. Perhaps there is less difficulty in understanding this epistle than the epistle to the Romans. A few passages indeed have perplexed all commentators, and are to this day not understood. See ch. v. 9 ; xi. IC ; xv. 29. But the general meaning of the epistle has been much less the subject of difference of interpreta- tion. 1 he reasons have probably been the following. (1.) The subjects here ' are more numerous, and the discussions more brief. There is, therefore, less difficulty in following the author than where the discussion is protracted, and the manner of his reasoning more complicated. (2.) The subjects them- selves are far less abstruse and profound than those introduced into the epistle to the Romans. There is, therefore, less liability to misconception. (3.) The epistle has never been made the subject of theological warfare. No system of theology has been built on it, and no attempt made to press it into the service of abstract dogmas. It is mostly of a practical character, and there has been, therefore, less room for contention in regard to its meaning. (4.) No false and unfounded theories of philosophy have been attached to this epistle, as have been to the epistle to the Romans. Its simple sense, therefore, has been more obvious, and no small part of the difficulties in the interpretation of that epistle are wanting in this. (5.) The apostle's design has somewhat varied his style. There are fewer complicated sentences, and fewer parentheses, less that is abrupt and broken, and elliptical, less that is rapid, mighty, and overpowering in argument. We see the point of a reproof at once, but we are often greatly embarrassed in a complicated argument. The xvth chapter, however, for closeness and strength of argumen- tation, for beauty of diction, for tenderness of pathos, and for commanding and overpowering eloquence, is probably unsurpassed by any other part of the writ- ings of Paul, and unequalled by any other composition. (6.) It may be added, that there is less in this epistle that opposes the native feelings of the human heart, and that humbles the pride of the human intellect, than in the epistle to the Ro- mans. One great difficulty in interpreting that epistle has been that the doc- trines relate to those high subjects that rebuke the pride of man, demand pros- tration before his sovereign, require the submission of the understanding and the heart to God's high claims, and throw down every form of self-righteousness. While substantially the same features will be found in all the writings of Paul, yet his purpose in this epistle led him less to dwell on those topics than in the epistle to the Romans. The result is, that the heart more readily acquiesces in these doctrines and reproofs, and the general strain of this epistle ; and as the heart of man has usually more agency in the interpretation of the Bible than the understanding, the obstacles in the way of a correct exposition of this epistle are proportionably fewer than in the epistle to the Romans. The same spirit, however, which is requisite in understanding the epistle to the Romans, is demanded here. In all Paul's epistles, as in all the Bible, a spirit of candour, humility, prayer, and industry is required. The knowledge of God's truth is to be acquired only by toil, and candid investigation. The mind that is filled with prejudice is rarely enhghtened. The proud, unhunibled spirit seldom receives benefit from reading the Bible, or any other book. He acquires the most complete, and the most profound knowledge of the doctrines of Paul, and of the Book of God in general, who comes to the work of interpretation with the most humble heart ; and the deepest sense of his dependence in the aid of that Spirit by whom originally the Bible was inspired. For " the meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek will he teach his way." Ps. xxv. 9. THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER I. lAUL, called * to he an apos- tle of Jesus Christ through a Rom. 1.1. the will of God, and Sosthenes * our brother, 2 Unto the church of God 6 Mat. 12.38. CHAPTER I. 1. Paul, called to he an apostle. See Notes, Rom. i. 1. 1 Through the will of God. Not by human appointment, or authority, but in accordance with the will of God, and his command. That will was made known to him by the special revelation granted to him at his conversion, and call to the apostleship. Acts ix. Paul often refers to the fact that he had received a direct commission from God, and that he did not act on his own authority. Comp. Gal. i. 11, 12. 1 Cor. ix. 1—6. 2 Cor. xi. 22—33 ; xii. 1 — 12. There was a special reason why he commerced this epistle by referring to the fact that he was divinely called to the apostleship. It arose from the fact that his apostolic authority had been called in question by the false teachers at Corinth. That this was the case is apparent from the general strain of the epistle, from some particular expressions (2 Cor.x. 8 — 10); and from the fact that he is at so much pains throughout the two epistles to establish his divine commis- sion, t And Sosthenes. Sosthenes is mentioned in Acts xviii. 17, as " the chief ruler of the synagogue " at Corinth. He is there said to have been beaten by the Greeks before the judgment seat of Gallio because he was a Jew, and be- cause he had joined with the other Jews in arraigning Paul, and had thus pro- duced disturbance in the city. See Note on this place. It is evident that at that tim,e he was not a Christian. When he wasconveited, or why he left Corinth 2 and was now with Paul at Ephesus, ia unknown. Why Paul associated him with himself in writing this epistle is not known. It is evident that Sosthenes was not an apostle, nor is there any reason to think that he was inspired. Some circumstances are known to have existed respecting Paul's manner of writing to the churches, which may ex- plain it. (1.) He was accustomed to employ an amanuensis or scribe in wri- ting his epistles, and the amanuensis frequently expressed his concurrence or approbation in what the apostle had in- dicted. See Note, Rom. xvi. 22. Comp. Col. iv. 18. " The salutation by the hand of Paul," 2 Thess. iii. 17. 1 Cor. xvi. 21. It is possible that Sosthenes might have been employed by Paul for this purpose. (2.) Paul not unfrequent- ly associated others with himself in wri- ting his letters to the churches, himself claiming authority as an apostle ; ana the others expressing their concurrence. 2 Cor. i. 1. Thus in Gal. i. 1, " aU the brethren" which were with him, are mentioned as united with him in addressing the churches of Galatia. Phil, i. 1. Col. i. 1. 1 Thess. i. 1. (3.) Sos- thenes was well known at Corinth. He had been the chief ruler of the syna- gogue there. His conversion would, therefore, excite a deep interest, and it is not improbable that he had been con- spicious as a preacher. All these cir- cumstances would render it proper that Paul should associate him with himself in writing this letter. It would be briug- 13 14 I. CORINTHIANS. [A. D. 59. which is at Corinth, " to them * that are sanctified *= in Christ Jesus, called •* to he saints, with nActslS.l. feJudel. cJohnl7.19. d 2Tim. 1.9. IPet. 1.15. ing in the testimony of one well known as concurring with the views of the apostle, and tend much to conciliate those who were disaffected towards him. 2. Unto the church of God which is at Corinth. For an account of the time and manner in which the church was established in Corinth, see the Intro- duction, and Notes on Acts xviii. 1 — 17. The church is called " the church of God," because it has been founded by his agency, and was devoted to his ser- vice. It is worthy of remark, that al- though great disorders had been intro- duced into that church; though there were separations and erroneous doc- trines ; though there were some who gave evidence that they were not sin- cere Christians, yet the apostle had no hesitation in applying to them the name of a church of God. t '^'o them that arc sanctified. To those who are made holy. This does not refer to the profession of holiness, but implies that they were in fact holy. The word means that they were separated from the mass of heathens around them, and devoted to God and his cause. Though the word used here (iyicLo-fAim^) has this idea of separation from the mass around them, yet it is separation on ac- count of their being in fact and not in profession merely, different from others, and truly devoted to God. See Note, Rom. i. 7. 1 In Christ Jesus. That is, by (iv) the agency of Christ. It was by his authority, his power, and his spirit, that they had been separated from the mass of heathens around them, and devoted to God. Comp. John xvii. 19. 1 Called to be saints. The word saints does not differ materially from the word sanctified in the former part of the verse. It means those who are separated from the world, and set apart to God as holy. The idea which Paul introduces here is, that they became all that in every place call * upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours : e 2Tim.2.22. such because they were called to be such. The idea in the former part of the verse is, that this was done " by Christ Jesus ;" here he says that it was because they were called to this privi- lege. He doubtless means to say that it was not by any native tendency in themselves to hoUness, but because God had called them to it. And this call- ing does not refer merely to an external invitation, but it was that which was made effectual in their case, or that on which the fact of their being saints could be predicated. Comp. ver. 9. See 2 Tim. i. 9. " Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not ac- cording to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace," &c. 1 Pet. i. 15. Note, Rom. i. 6, 7; viii. 28. Eph. iv. 1. 1 Tim. vi. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 9. t With all, &c. This expression shows (1.) That Paal had the same feelings of attachment to all Christians in every place ; and (2.) That he expected that this epistle would be read, not only by the church at Corinth, but also by other churches. That this was the uniform intention of the apostle in regard to his epistles, is apparent from other places. Comp. 1 Thess. v. 27. " I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren." Col. iv. 16. "And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans." It is evident that Paul expected that his epistles would obtain circulation among the churches ; and it was morally cer- tain that they would be soon transcribed, and be extensively read. — The ardent feelings of Paul embraced all Christians in every nation. He knew nothing of the narrowness of exclusive attachment to sect. His heart was full of love, and he loved, as we should, all who bore the Christian name, and who evinced the Christian spirit. t Call upon the A. I. 59.] CHAPTER 1. 3 Grace " be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and/ro?n the Lord Jesus Christ. 4 I thank * my God always alPet.1.2. 6 Rom. 1.8. name of Jesus Christ. To call upon the name of any person, in Scripture language, is to call on the person him- self. Comp. Notes on Acts iii. 6, iv. 12. The expression ' to call upon the name ' (tTruxhcu/u.ivoig'), to invoke the name, implies worship, and prayer ; and proves, (1.) That the Lord Jesus is an object of worship; and (2.) That one characteristic of the early Christians, by which they were known and distin- tirhguished, was their calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus, or their offering worship to him. That it implies wor- ship, see Note on Acts vii. 59 ; and that the early Christians called on Christ by prayer, and were distinguished by that, see the Note on Acts vii. 59, and com- pare Note, Acts i. 24, also Acts ii. 21 ; ix. 13 ; xxii. 16. 2 Tim. ii. 22. 1 Both theirs and ours. The Lord of all — both Jews and Gentiles — of all who pro- fess themselves Christians, of whatever country or name they might have origi- nally been. Difference of nation or birth gives no pre-eminence in the kingdom of Christ, but all are on a level, having a common Lord and Saviour. Comp. Eph. iv. 5. 3. Grace .'ie unto you, &c. See Note, Rom. i. 7. 4. / thanrv my God, &c. No small part of this epistle is occupied with reproofs for the disorders which had arisen in the church at Corinth. Before proceeding, however, to the specific statement of those disorders (ver. 10, seq.),the apostle commends ihem fox the attainments which they had really made in divine knowledge, and thus shows that he was disposed to concede to them all that he could. It was no part of the disposition of Paul to withhold com- mendation where it was due. On the contrary, as he was disposed to be faith- ful in reproving the errors of Christians, he was no less disposed to commend 15 on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; 5 That in every thing ye are them when it could be done. Comp. Note, Rom. i. 8. A willingness to commend those who do well is as much in accordance with the gospel, as a dis- position to reprove where it is deserved ; and a minister, or a parent, may fire- quently do as decided good by judicious commendation as by reproof, and much more than by fault-finding and harsh crimination. ^ On your behalf. In respect to you ; that God has conferred these favours on you. ^ For the grace of God. On account of the favoure which God has bestowed on you through the Lord Jesus. Those favours are specified in the following verses. For the meaning of the word grace, seo Note, Rom. i. 7. 5. That in every thing. In every respect, or in regard to all the favours conferred on any of his people. You have been distinguished by him in all those respects in which he blesses Ina own children. t Ys are enriched by him. Comp. Note, Rom. ii. 4. The meaning of this expression is, 'you abound in these things ; they are con- ferred abundantly upon you.' By the use of thi^ word, the apostle intends doubt- less to denote the fact that these bless- ings had been conferred on them abun- dantly ; and also that this was a valua- ble endowment, so as to be properly called a treasure. The mercies of God are not only conferred abundantly on his people, but they are a bestowment of inestimable value. Comp. 2 Cor. vi. 1 0. ^ In all utterance. With tho power of speaking various languages (\v ttavt) Koya). That this power was conferred on the church at Corinth, and that it was highly valued by them, is evident from ch. xiv. Comp. 2 Cor. viii. 7. The power of speaking those languages the apostle regarded as a subject of thanksgiving, as it was a proof of the divine favour to tltem. So<3 16 L CORINTHIANS. LA. D. 59. enriched by him, in all utterance, '^ and in all knowledge ; a 2Cor.8.7. ch. xiv. 5 22. 39. ^ And in all know- kdi^e. In the knowledge of divine truth. They had understood the doc- trines which they had heard, and had intelligently embraced them. This was not true of all of them, but it was of the body of the church; and the hearty commendation and thanksgiving of the apostle for these favours, laid the foundation for the remarks which he had subsequently to make, and would tend to conciliate their minds, and dis- pose them to listen attentively, even to the language of reproof. 6. Even as. K^tS-w?. The force of this expression seems to be this, * The gospel of Christ was at first established among you by means of the miraculous endowments of the Holy Ghost. Those same endov^'ments are still continued among you, and now furnish evidence of the divine favour, and of the truth of the gospel to you, even as — i. e. in the same measure as they did when the gospel was first preached.' The power to speak with tongues, «Scc. (ch. xiv.) would be a continued miracle, and would be a demonstration to them then of the truth of Christianity as it was at first. 1 The testimony of Christ. The gospel. It is here called "the testi- mony of Christ," because it bore witness to Christ — to his divine nature, his miracles, his messiahship, his character, his death, &c. The message of the gospel consists in bearing witness to Christ and his work. See ch. xv. 1 — 4. 2 Tim. i. 8. 1 Was confirmed. Was established, or proved. It was proved to be divine, by the miraculous attesta- tions of the Holy Spirit. It was con- firmed, or made certain to their souls by the agency of the Holy Spirit, sealing it on their hearts. The word translated confirmed Qi^i^JtJ^»), is used in the sense of establishing, confirming, or demonstrating by miracles, &c. in Mark xvi. 20. Comp. Hcb. xiii. 9. Phil. i. 7. ^In you (iv Cf/iv). Among you as a 6 Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you. 7 So that ye come behind in people, or in your hearts. Perhaps the apostle intends to include both. The gospel had been established among them by the demonstrations of tlie agency of the Spirit in the gift of tongues, and had at the same time taken deep root in their hearts, and was exerting a practical influence on their lives. 7. t So that. God has so abundantly endowed you with his favours. ^ Ye come behind (va-n^ua-^Ai). You are not wanting, or deficient. The word is usually applied to destitution, want, or poverty ; and the declaration here is synonymous with what he had said, ver. 5, that they abounded in every thing. f In no gift. In no favour, or gracious endowment. The word used here (;^c/gi«7-/en why the cross should be made ;!, prominent an object. It must m»^an tb^<^ Christ was crucified for the sir/s of men, as an atoning sacrifice in the place of sinners. ' We proclaim a crucified Messiah as the only redeemer of lost men.' ^ To the Jews a stumbliyig-hlock. The word stumb- ling-block (mavSaiXcv) means properly any thing in the way over which one may fall ; then any thing that gives offence, or thaft causes one to fall into sin. Here it means that to the Jews, the doctrine that the Messiah was to be crucified gave great offence ; ex- cited, irritated, and exasperated them ; that they could not endure the doctrine, and treated it with scorn. Comp. Note, Rom. ix. 33. 1 Pet. ii. 8. It is well known that to the Jews no doc- trine was more offensive than this, that the Messiah was to be put to death, and that there was to be salvation in no other way. It was so in the times of the apostle&, and it has been so since. , block, « and unto the Greeks foolishness ; a Isa.8 14. iPel.2.8. They have, therefore, usually called the Lord Jesus, by way of derision iiSn Tolvi, the man that was hanged, that is, on a cross; and Christians they have usually denommated, for the same reason, 11*70 nay Abdai Tolvi — servants of the man that was hanged. The reasons of this feeling are obvious. (1.) They had looked for a magnificent temporal prince ; but the doctrine that their Messiah was crucified, dashed all their expectations. And they regarded it with contempt and scorn, just in pro- portion as their hopes had been elevated, and these high expectations cherished. (2.) They had the common feelings of all men, the native feelings of pride, and self-righteousness, by which they rejected the doctrine that we are de- pendent for salvation on one who was crucified. (3.) They regarded Jesus as one given over by God for an enor- mous attempt at imposition, as having been justly put to death; and the object of the curse of the Almighty. Isa. liii. 4, "We did esteem him stricken, smitten OT God." They endeavoured to convince themselves that he was the ob- ject of the divine dereliction and abhor- rence ; and they, therefore, rejected the doctrine of the cross with the deepest feelings of detestation. f To the Greeks. To the Gentiles in general. So the Syriac, the Vulgate, the Arabic, and the ^thiopic versions all read it. The term Greek denotes all who were not Jews ; thus the phrase, " the Jews and the Greeks" com- prehended the whole human family, ver. 22. ^ Foolishness. See Note on ver. 18. They regarded it as folly, (1.) Because they esteemed the whole account a fable, and an imposition; (2.) It did not accord with their own views of the way of elevating the con- dition of man ; (3.) They saw no efficacy in the doctrine, no tendency in the statement that a man of humble birth was put to death in an ignomini- ous manner in Judea, to make men 33 I.CORINTHIANS. [A.D. 59 24 But unto them which arc Christ the "» power of God, and called, both Jews and Greeks, the wisdom of God. better, or to receive pardon. (4.) They had the common feelings of unrenewed human nature ; blind to the beauty of the character of Christ, and bUnd to the design of his death ; and they therefore regarded the whole statement as folly. We may remark here, that the feel- ings of the Jews and of the Greeks on this subject, are the common feelings of men. Everywhere sinners have the same views of the cross ; and every- where the human heart, if left to itself, rejects it, as either a stumbling-block, or as folly. But the doctrine should be preached, though it is an offence, and though it appears to be folly. It is the only hope of man; and by the preaching of the cross alone can sinners be saved. 24. But unto them which are called. To all true Christians. Note, ver. 9. t Both Jews and Greeks. Whether originally of Jewish or Gentile extrac- tion, they have here a common, similar view of the crucified Saviour, f Christ the power of God. Christ appears to them as the power of God ; or it is through him that the power of salva- tion is communicated to them. Note, ver. 18. 1 And the tvisdom of God. The way in which God evinces his wisdom in the salvation of men. They see the plan to be wise. They see that it is adapted to the end. They see it to be fitted to procure pardon, and sanctification, and eternal life. It is God's wise plan for the salvation of men ; and it is seen by those who are Christians, to be adapted to this end. They see that there is a beauty in his character ; an excellency in his doc- trines ; and an efficacy in his atone- ment, to secure their salvation. — We may remark on this verse, (1.) That when men become Christians, their hearts are changed. The views of Christians are here represented as dia- metrically opposite to those of other men. 'I'o one class, Christ is a stum- bling-block ; to others, folly ; to Chris- tians he is full of beauty. But those views of the Christian, can be obtain- ed only by a change of heart. And the change from regarding an object or being as foolishness to regarding it as full of beauty, muat be a radical and a mighty change. (2.) All Christians have similar views of the Saviour. It matters not whether they were Jew or Greek ; it matters not whether they were born in a northern or southern clime — " whether an Indian or an African sun has burned upon them ;'* whether they speak the same or differ- ent languages ; whether they were born amidst the same or different denomina- tions of Christians ; whether in tho same or different countries; or whethei they are men in the same or different Christian communities, they have the same views of the Saviour. They see him to be the power and the wisdom of God. They are united in him, and therefore united to each other ; and should regard themselves as belonging to the same family, and as bound to the same eternal home. (3.) There is real efficacy in the plan of salvation. It is a scheme of power. It is adapted to the end, and is admirably fitted to accomplish the great effects which God designs to accomplish. It is not a scheme intended to show its own im- becility, and the need of another and an independent agent to accomplish the work. All the etTocts which the Holy Ghost produces oi^ the soul, are such, and only such, as the truth of the gospel is adapted lo produce in the mind. The gospel is God's plan of putting forth power to save men. It seizes upon great elements in human nature ; and is adapted to enlist them in the service of God. It is just fitted to man as a being capable of reason- ing and susceptible of emotion ; as a being who may be influenced by hope and fear ; who may be excited and im- pelled to duty by conscience, and who may be roused from a stito of lethargy A.D. 59.J CHAPTER I. n 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men ; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. and sin by the prospect of eternal life, and the apprehension of eternal death. As suck it should always be preached — as a system wise, and adapted to the great end in view — as a system most powerful, and " mighty to the pulling Jown of strong holds." 25. Because the foolishness of God. That which God appoints, requires, commands, does, &c., which appears to men to be foolish. The passage is not to be understood as affirming that it is really foolish or unwise ; but that it appears so to men. — Perhaps the apos- tle here refers to those parts of the di- vine administration where the wisdom of the plan is not seen ; or where the reason of what God does is concealed. ^ Is wise?' than men. Is better adapted to accomplish important ends, and more certainly effectual than the schemes of human wisdom. This is especially true of the plan of salvation — a plan appa- rently foolish to the mass of men — yet indubitably accomplishing more for the renewing of men, and for their purity and happiness, than all the schemes of human contrivance. They have ac- complished nothing towards men's sal- vation ; this accomplishes every thing. They have always failed; this never fails, t The weakness of God. There is really no weakness in God, any more than there is folly. This must mean, therefore, the things of his appointment which appear weak and insufficient to accomplish the end. Such are these facts — that God should seek to save the world by Jesus of Nazareth, who was supposed unable to save himself (Matt, xxvii. 40 — 43) ; and that he should expect to save men by the gospel, by its being preached by men who were without learning, eloquence, wealth, fame, or power. The instruments were feeble ; and men judged that this was owing to the weakness or want of power in the God who appointed them. 26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not " many wise men after the flesh, not a Zeph.3.12. Jno.7.48. f Is stronger than men. Is able to accompUsh more than the utmost might of man. The feeblest agency that God puts forth — so feeble as to be esteemed weakness — is able to effect more than the utmost might of man. The apos- tle here refers particularly to the work of redemption ; but it is true every- where. V/e may remark, (1.) That God often effects his mightiest plans by that which seems to men to be weak and even foolish. The most mighty revolutions arise often from the slightest causes ; his most vast operations are often connected with very feeble means. The revolution of empires ; the mighty effects of the pestilence ; the advance- ment in the sciences, and arts, and the operations of nature, are often brought about by means apparently as little fitted to accomplish the work as those which are employed in the plan of re- demption. (2.) God is great. If hig feeblest powers put forth, surpass the mightiest powers of man, how great must be his might. If the powers of man who rears works of art ; who levels mountains and elevates vales , if the power which reared the pyra- mids, be as nothing when compared with the feeblest putting forth of divine power, how mighty must be his arm ! How vast that strength which made, and which upholds the rolling worlds ! How safe are his people in his hand ! And how easy for him to crush all his foes in death ! 26. For ye see your calling. You know the general character and condi- tion of those who are Christians among you, that they have not been generally taken from the wise, the rich, and the I learned, but from humble life. The design of J;he apostle here is, to show that the gospel did not depend for its success on human wisdom. His argu- ment is, that in fact those who were blessed by it had not been of the ele- 34 f. CORINTHIANS. [A. D. 59. many mighty, not many noble, are called : \ated ranks of life mainly, but that God had shown his power by choosing those who were ignorant, and vicious, and abandoned, and by reforming and pu- rifying their lives. The verb " ye see" (^KiTTiTt), is ambiguous, and may be either in the indicative mood, as our translators have rendered it, ' ye do see ; you are well apprised of it, and know it,' or it may be in the imperative, ' see ; contemplate your condition ;' but the sense is substantially the same. — Your calling (tjjv KKiia-fv) means ' those who are called' (ver. 9) ; as " the circum- cision" means those who are circum- cised. Rom. iii. 30. The sense is, * look upon the condition of those who are Christians.' t ^ot many wise men. Not many who are regarded as wise ; or who are ranked with philoso- phers. This supposes that there were some of that description, though the mass of Christians were then, as now, from more humble ranks of life. That there were some of high rank and wealth at Corinth who became Chris- tians, is well known. Crispus and Sosthenes, rulers of the synagogue there (Acts xviii. 8. 17, comp. 1 Cor. i. 1) ; Gaius, a rich, hospitable man (Rom. xvi. 23) ; and Erastus the chan- cellor of the city of Corinth (Rom. xvi. 23), had been converted and were members of the church. Some have supposed (Macknight) that this should be rendered * not many mighty, wise, &c. call you ,- that is, God has not employed the wise and the learned to call you into his kingdom.' But the sense in our translation is evidently the correct interpretation. It is the ob- vious sense ; and it agrees with the de- sign of the apostle, which was to show that God had not consulted the wis- dom, and power, and wealth of men in the establishment of his church. So the Syriac and the Vulgate render it. 1 According to the Jicsh. According to the maxims and principles of a sen- sual and worldly policy ; according to 27 But God " hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to aPs.8.2. JVIaU.11.25. the views of men when under the in- fluence of those principles ; i, e. who are unrenewed. The flesh here stands opposed to the spirit ; the views of the men of this world in contradistinction from the wisdom that is from above. t Not many mighty. Not many men of power ; or men sustaining import- ant offices in the slate. Comp. Rev. vi. 15. The word may refer to those who wield power of any kind, whether de- rived from office, from rank, from wealth, &c. ^ Not many noble. Not many of illustrious birth, or descended from illustrious families — ^vyⅈ, well' born.— In respect to each of these classes, the apostle does not say that there were 7io men of wealth, and power, and birth, but that the mass or body of Christians was not composed of such. They were made up of those who were in humble life. There were a few, indeed, of rank and property, as there are now ; but then, as now, the great mass was composed of those who were from the lower conditions of socie- ty. The reason why God had chosen his people from that rank is stated in ver. 29. — The character of many of those who composed the church at Corinth before the conversion, is stated in ch. vi. 9 — 11, which see. 27. But God hath chosen. The fact of their being in the church at all was the result of his choice. It was owing entirely to his grace. *! The foolish things. The things esteemed foolish among men. The expression here re- fers to those who were destitute of learning, rank, wealth, and power, and who were esteemed as fools, and were despised by the rich and the great. ^ To confound. To bring to shame ; or that he might make them ashamed ; t. e. humble them by showmg them how little he regarded their wisdom ; and how little their wisdom contributed to the success of his cause. By thus overlooking them, and bestowing his favours on the humble, and the poor A.D. 59.] CHAPTER I. confound the wise ; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to confound the » by choosing his people from the ranks which they despised, and bestowing on them the exalted privilege of being called the sons of God, he had poured dishonour on the rich and the great, and overwhelmed them, and their schemes of wisdom, with shame. It is also true, that those who are re- garded as fools by the wise men of the world are able often to confound those who boast of their wisdom ; and that the arguments of plain men, though unlearned except in the school of Christ ; of men of sound common sense under the influence of Christian principles, have a force which the learning and talent of the men of this world cannot gainsay or resist. They have truth on their side; and truth, though dressed in a humble garb, is more mighty than error, though clothed with the brilliancy o£ imagination, the pomp of declamation, and the cunning of sophistr)\ 1 And the weak things. Those esteemed weak by the men of the world. ? The mighty. The great ; the noble ; the learned. 28. And base things of the world. Those things which by the world are esteemed ignoble. Literally, those which are not of noble, or illustrious birth {to. ayr/Yi). ^ Things which are despised. Those which the world re- gards as objects of contempt. Comp. Mark ix. 12. Luke xviii. 19.' Acts iv. 11. f Yea. The introduction of this word by the translators does nothing to illustrate the sense, but rather enfeebles it. The language here is a striking in- stance of Paul's manner of expressing himself with great strength. He desires to convey in the strongest terms, the fact, that God had illustrated his plan by choosing the objects of least esteem among men. He is willing to admit all that could be said on this point. He says, therefore, that he had chosen the things of ignoble birth and rank — the base things of the world ; but this did not fully express his meaning. He things which are mighty ; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are had chosen objects of contempt among men ; but this was not strong enough to express his idea. He adds, there- fore, that he had chosen those things which were absolutely nothing, which had no existence ; which could not be supposed to influence him in his choice. 7 And things which are not (to. juH ovra). That which is nothing, which is worthless ; which has no ex- istence ; those things which were be- low contempt itself; and which, in the estimation of the world, were passed by as having no existence ; as not having sufficient importance to be es- teemed worthy even of the slight no- tice which is implied in contempt. For a man who despises a thing must at least notice it, and esteem it worth some attention. But the apostle here speaks of things beneath even that slight notice ; as completely and totally disregarded, as havmg no existence. The language here is evidently that of hyperbole (corap. Note, John xxi. 25). It was a figure of speech common in the East, and not unusual in the sacred writings. Comp. Isa. xl. 17. All nations before him are as nothing, And they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity. See also Eom. iv. 17, "God, who — calleth those things which be not, as though they were." This language was strongly expressive of the estimate which the Jews fixed on the Gentiles, as being a despised people, as being in fact no people ; a people without laws, and organization, and religion, and pri- vileges. See Hos. i. 10 ; ii. 23, Rom. ix. 25. 1 Pet. ii. 10. " When a man of rank among the Hindoos speaks of low-caste persons, of notorious profli- gates, or of those whom he despises, he calls them alla-tha-varkal, i. e. those who are not. The term does not refer to life or existence, but to a quality or disposition, and is applied to tljose who are vile and abominable in all things, ' My son, my son, go not among them 36 I. CORINTHIANS. despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are ; VjJio are not.^ ' Alas ! alas ! those people are all alla-iha-varkaV When wicked men prosper, it is said, * this is the time for those who are not J ' Have you heard that those who are not are now acting righteously V Vulgar and indecent expressions are also called, ' words that are not.' To address men in the phrase are not, is provoking be- yond measure." — Roberts, as quoted in Bush's Illustrations of Scripture. «| To bring to naught. To humble and sub- due. To show them how vain and impotent they were. ^ Things that are. Those who on account of their noble birth, high attainments, wealth, and rank, placed a high estimate on themselves and despised others. 29. That no Jlesh. That no men ; no class of men. The word Jiesh is often thus used to denote men. Matt. xxiv. 22. Luke iii. 6. John xvii. 2. Acts ii. 17. 1 Pet. i. 24, &c. 1 Should glory. Should boast. Rom. iii. 27. 1[ In his presence. Before him. That man should really have nothing of which to boast ; but that the whole scheme should be adapted to humble and sub- due him. On these verses we may ob- serve, (1.) That it is to be expected that the great mass of Christian con- verts will be found among those who are of humble life — and it may be ob- served also, that true virtue and ex- cellence ; sincerity and amiableness ; honesty and sincerity, are usually foimd there also. (2.) That while the mass of Christians are found there, there are also those of noble birth, and rank, and wealth, who become Christians. The aggregate of those who from elevated ranks and distinguished talents have become Christians, has not been small. It is sufficient to refer to such names as Pascal, and Bacon, and Boyle, and Newton, and Locke, and Hale, and Wilbe-force, to show that religion can command the homage of the most illus- trious genius and rank, (3.) The rca- [ \. D. 59. 29 That « no flesh should glory in his presence. 30 But of him arc ye in ^ a Rom.3.27. b eCor.o.l?. Ei11i.l.3,10. sons why those of rank and wealth do not become Christians, are many and obvious. (a) They are beset with peculiar temptations. (6) They are usually satisfied with rank and wealth, and do not feel their need of a hope of heaven. (c) They are surrounded with objects which flatter their vanity, which minister to their pride, and which throw them into the circle of alluring and tempting pleasures, {d ) They are drawn away from the means of grace and the places of prayer, by fashion, by business, by temptation, (e) There is something about the pride of learning and philosophy, which usually makes those who possess it unwilling to sit at the feet of Christ ; to acknowledge their dependence on any power ; and to confess that they are poor, and needy, and blind, and naked before God. (4.) The gospel is designed to produce humility, and to place all men on a level in regard to salvation. There is no royal way to the favour of God. No monarch is saved because he is a monarch ; no philosopher because he is a philo- soj)her ; no rich man because he is rich ; no poor man because he is poor. All are placed on a level. All are to be saved in the same way. • All are to become willing to give the entire glory to God. All are to acknowledge him as providing the plan, and as fur nishing the grace that is needful fof salvation. God's design is to bring down the pride of man, and to pro- duce everywhere a willingness to ac- knowledge him as the fountain of blessings and the God of all. 30. But of him. That is, by his agency and power. It is not by phi- losophy ; not from ourselves ; but by his mercy. The aposllo keeps it pro- minently in view, that it was not of their philosophy, wealth, or rank that they had been raistd to these privi- leges, but of God as the author \ \rc V.D. 59.] CHAPTER I. Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us " wisdom, and aEph.1.17. Col.2.3. ye. Ye are what you are by the mercy of God. 1 Cor. XV. 10. You owe your hopes to him. The emphasis in this verse is to be placed on this ex- pression, " are ye." You are Chris- tians, not by the agency of man, but by the agency of God. f In Christ Jesus. Note, ver. 4. By the me- dium, or through the work of Christ, this mercy has been conferred on you. 1 Who of God. From God (dTro B-av). Christ is given to us by God, or ap- pointed by him to be our wisdom, &c. God originated the scheme, and God gave him for this end. ^ Wisdom. That is, he is to us the source of wis- dom ; it is by him that we are made wise. This cannot mean that his wis- dom becomes strictly and properly ours ; that it is set over to us, and reckoned as our own, for that is not true. But it must mean simply, that Christians have become truly wise by the agency, the teaching, and the work of Christ. Philosophers had attempted to become wise by their own investiga- tions and inquiries. But Christians had become wise by the work ofj Christ ; that is, it had been by his in- structions that they had been made acquainted with the true character of God ; with his law ; with their own condition; and with the great truth that there was a glorious immortality beyond the grave. None of these truths had been obtained by the inves- tigations of philosophers, but by the instructions of Christ. In like man- ner it was that through him they had been made practically wise unto salva- tion. Comp. Col. ii. 3, " In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." He is the great agent by which we become truly wise. Christ is often represented as eminently wise, and as the source of all true wisdom to his people. Isa. xi. 1. Matt. xiii. 54. Luke ii. 40. 53. 1 Cor. i 24 ; iv. 10. " Ye are wise in Christ." Many com- 4 righteousness, ' and redemption : b Isa.4o.24. Jer.23.o,6. Rom.4.25 19. dEph.1.7. 37 sanctification, * c Jno.17. mentators have supposed that the beau- tiful description of wisdom, in Prov. viii. is applicable to the Messiah. Christ may be said to be made wisdom to us, or to communicate wisdom, (1.) Be- cause he has in his own ministry in- structed us in the true knowledge of God, and of those great truths which pertain to our salvation. (2.) Because he has by his word and spirit led us to see our true situation, and made us "wise unto salvation." He has turned us from the ways of folly, and inclined us to walk in the path of true wisdom. (3.) Because he is to his people now the source of wisdom. He enlightens their mind in the time of perplexity ; guides them in the way of truth ; and leads them in the path of real know- ledge. It often happens that obscure and ignorant men, who have been taught in the school of Christ, have more true and real knowledge of that which concerns their welfare, and evince more real practical wisdom, than can be learned in all the schools of philoso- phy and learning on the earth. It is wise for a sinful and dying creature to prepare for eternity. But none but those who are instructed by the Son of God, become thus wise. ^ And right- eousness. By whom we become right- eous in the sight of God. This decla- tion simply affirms that we become righteous through him, as it is affirmed that we become wise, sanctified, and redeemed through him. But neither of the expressions determine any thing as to the mode by which it is done. The leading idea of the apostle, which should never be lost sight of, is that the Greeks by their philosophy did not become truly wise, righteous, sanc- tified, and redeemed ; but that this was accomplished through Jesus Christ. But in what way this was done, or by what process or mode, is not here stated ; and it should be no more assumed from this text that we became 38 I. CORINTHIANS. [A. D. 59. righteous by the imputation of Christ's righteousness, than it should be that we became wise by the imputation of his wisdom, and sanctified by the imputa- tion of his hoUness. If this passage would prove one of these pc^nts, it would prove all. But as it is absurd to say that we became wise by the im- putation of the personal wisdom of Christ, so this passage should not be brought to prove that we became right- eous by the imputation of his righteous- ness. Whatever may be the truth of that doctrine, this passage does not prove it. By turning to other parts of the New Testament to learn in what way we are made righteous through Christ, or in what way he is made unto us righteousness; we learn that it is in two modes, (1.) Because it is by his merits alone that our sins are pardoned, and we are justified, and treated as right- eous (see Note, Rom. iii. 26, 27); and (2.) Because by his influence, and work, and spirit, and truth, we are made personally holy in the sight of God. The former is doubtless the thing in- tendedNhere, as sanctification is specified after. The apostle here refers simply to the fact, without specifying the 7nude in which it is done. That is to be learned from other parts of the New Testament. Comp. Note, Rom. iv. 25. The doctrine of justification is, that God regards and treats those as right- eous who believe on his Son, and who arc pardoned on account of what he has done and suffered. The several steps in the process may be thus stated. (1.) The sinner is by nature exposed to the wrath of God. He is lost and ruined. He has no merit of his own. He has violated a holy law, and that law condemns him, and he has no power to make an atonement or repa- ration. He can never be pronounced a fust man on his own merits. He can never vindicate his conduct, as a man can do in a court of justice where he is unjustly accused, and so be pronounced just. (2.) Jesus Christ has taken the sinner's place, and died in his stead. He L IS honoured a broken law ; he has rendered it ccnsistent for God to pardon. By his dreadful sufferings, endured in the sinner's place, God has shown his hatred of sin, and his willingness to forgive. His truth will be vindicated, and his law honoured, and his government secured, if now he shall pardon the offender when penitent. As he endured these sorrows for others, and not for himself, they can be so reckoned, and are so judged by God. All the benejits or results of that atonement, therefore, as it was made for others, can be applied to them, and all the advantage of such substitution in their place, can be made over to them, as really as when a man pays a note of hand for a friend ; or when he pays for another a ransom. The price is reckoned as paid for them, and the benejits flow to the debtor and the captive. It is not reckoned that they paid it, for that is not true ; but that it was done for them, and the benefit may be theirs, which is true. (.3.) God has been pleased to promise that these benefits may be conferred on him who believes in the Saviour. The sinner is united by faith to the Lord Jesus, and is so adjudged, or reckoned. God esteems or judges him to be a believer according to the promise. And so believing, and so repenting, he deems it consistent to pardon and justi- fy him who is so united to his Son by faith. He is justified, not by the act of faith ; not by any merits of his own, but by the merits of Christ. He has no other ground, and no other hope. Thus he is in fact a pardoned and justified man ; and God so reckons and judges. God's law is honoured, and the sinner is pardoned and saved ; and it is now as consistent for God to treat him as a righteous man, as it would be if he had never sinned — since there is as high honour shown to the law of God, as there would have been h-ad he been personally obedient, or had he personally suffered its penalty. And as, through the death of Christ, the same results are secured in upholding God's moral government as would be by his condemnation, it is consistent and proper for God to forgive him and treat A. D. 59.] 31 That, CHAPTER 1. according as it is n Jer.9.23,21. him as a righteous man ; and to do so accords with the infinite benevolence of his heart. 1 And san^tijication. By liim we are sanctified> or made holy. This does not mean, evidently, that his personal hoUness is reckoned to us, but that by his work applied to our hearts, we become personally sanctified or holy. Comp. Eph. iv. 24. This is done by the agency of his spirit apply- ing truth to the mind (John xvii. 19), by the aid which he furnishes in trials, temptations, and conflicts, and by the influence of hope in sustaining, elevat- j ing and purifying the soul. All the truth that is employed to sanctify, was taught primarily by him ; and all the means that may be used are the pur- chase of his death, and are under his direction ; and the Spirit by whose agency Christians are sanctified, was sent into the world by him, and in an- swer to his prayers. John xiv. 16; xv. 36. ^ And redemption (u-TcK-JT^a>c-i(). For the meaning of this word, see Note, Rom. iii. 24. Here it is evidently used in a larger sense than it is commonly in the New Testament. The things which are specified above, "justifica- i tion and sanctification," are a part of , the work of redemption. Probably the j word is used here in a wide sense, as denoting the whole group, or class of influences by which we are brought at last to heaven ; so that the apostle refers not only to his atonement, but to the work by which we are m fact redeemed from death, and made happy in heaven. Thus in Kom. viii. 23, the word is applied to the resur- rection, " the redemption of the body." The sense is, ' it is by Christ that we are redeemed ; by him that an atone- ment is made ; by him that we are par- doned ; by him that we are delivered from the dominion of sin, and the power of our enemies ; and by him that we shall be rescued from the grave, and raised up to everlasting life.' Thus the whole work depends written, " He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. on him ; and no part of it is to bo ascribed to the philosophy, the talent, or the wisdom of men. He does not merely aid us ; he does not complete that which is imperfect ; he does not come in to do a part of the work, or to supply our defects ; but it is all to be traced to him. See Col. ii. 10, "And ye are complete in him." 31. J.5 it is written. This is evi- dently a quotation made from Jer. ix. 23, 24. It is not made literally ; but the apostle has condensed the sense of the prophet into a few words, and has retained essentially his idea. % He that glorieth. He that boasts or ex- ults. ^ In the Lord. Not ascribing his salvation to human abilities, or learning, or rank, but entirely to God. And from this we see, (1.) That the design of the plan of salvation is to exalt God in view of the mind. (2.) That the design is to make us humble ; and this' is the design also of all his works no less than of the plan of sal- vation. All just views of the creation tend to produce true humility. (3.) It is an evidence of piety when we are thus disposed to exalt God, and to be hum- ble. It shows that the heart is changed ; and that we are truly disposed to honour him. (4.) We may rejoice in God. We have no strength, and no righteousness of which to boast ; but we may rejoice in him. He is full of goodness and mercy. He is able to save us. He can redeem us out of the hand of all our enemies. And when we are conscious that we are poor, and feeble, and helpless; when oppressed with a sense of sin, we may rejoice in him as our God ; and exult in him as our Saviour and Redeemer. True piety will delight to come and lay every thing at his feet; and whatever may be our rank, or talent, or learning, we shall rejoice to come with the temper of the iiumblest child of poverty, and sorrow, and want, and to say, " not unto us, not unto us, but unto thy <40 I. CORINTHIANS. [A. D. 59. CHAPTER II. AND I, brethren, when I came to you, came not * with ex- a ver.4,13. name give glory for thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake." Ps. cxv. 1. "Not to our names, thou only just and true, Noi to our worthless names is glory due ; Thy power and grace, thy truth and justice claim Immortal honours to thy sovereign name." Watts. CHAPTER II. The design of this chapter is the same as the concluding part of ch. i. (ver. 17 — 31), to show that the gospel does not depend for its success on hu- man wisdom, or the philosophy of men. This position the apostle further con- firms, (1.) ver. 1 — 5, By a reference to his own example, as having been suc- cessful among them, and yet not en- dowed with the graces of elocution, or by a commanding address; yet (2.) Lest it should be thought that the gos- pel was real folly, and should be con- temned, he shows in the remainder of the chapter (ver. 6 — 16), that it con- tained true wisdom ; that it was a pro- found scheme — rejected, indeed, by the men of the world, but seen to be wise by those who were made acquainted with its real nature and value, ver. 5—16. The first division of the chapter (ver. 1 — 5), is a continuation of the argument to show that the success of the gospel does not depend on human wisdom or philosophy. This he proves, (1.) By the fact that when he was among them, though his preaching was attended with success, yet he did not come with the attractions of human eloquence, ver. 1. (2.) This was in accordance with his purpose, not de- signing to attempt any thing like that, but having another object, ver. 2. (3.) In fact he had not evinced that, but the contrary, ver. 3, 4. (4.) His design was that their conversion should not appear to have been wrought by hu- man wisdom or eloquence, but to have cellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to been manifestly the work of God. ver. 5. 1. And I, brethren. Keeping up the tender and affectionate style of address. Tf When I came unto you. When I came at first to preach the gospel at Corinth. Acts xviii. 1, &c. ^ Came not loith excellency of speech. Came not with graceful and attractive elo- quence. The apostle here evidently alludes to that nice and studied choice of language; to those gracefully formed sentences, and to that skill of arrange- ment in discourse and argument which was so much an object of regard with the Greek rhetoricians. It is probable that Paul was never much distinguish ed for these (comp. 2 Cor. x. 10), and it is certain he never made them an object of intense study and solicitude. Comp. ver. 4. 13. Tj Or of wisdom. Of the wisdom of this world ; of that kind of wisdom which was sought and cultivated in Greece. 1 The testimony of God. The testimony or the wit- nessing which God has borne to the gospel of Christ by miracles, and by at- tending it everywhere with his pre- sence and blessing. In ver. 6, the gospel is called " the testimony of Christ ;" and here it may either mean the witness which the gospel bears to the true character and plans of God ; or the witnessing which God had borne to the gospel by miracles, &c. The gospel contains the testimony of God in regard to his own character and plans ; especially in regard to the great plan of redemption through Jesusi Christ. Several MSS. instead of "tes- timony of God," here read " the mys- tery of God." This would accord well with the scope of the argument; but the present reading is probably the cor- rect one. See Mill. The Syriac ver- sion has also nrysfcry. 2. For I determined. I made a ro A.D. 59.] CHAPTER II. 41 know any thing among you, save ] "Jesus Christ, and him crucified. a Gal.6.14. solution. This was my fixed, deliberate purpose when I came there. It was not a matter of accident, or chance, that I made Christ my great and con- stant theme, but it was ray dehberate purpose. It is to be recollected that Paul made this resolution, knowing the peculiar fondness of the Greeks for subtle disquisitions, and for graceful and finished elocution ; that he formed it when his own mind, as we may judge from his writings, was strongly inclined by nature to an abstruse and metaphy- sical kind of discussion, which could not have failed to attract the attention of the acute and subtle reasoners of Greece ; and that he made it when he must have been fully aware that the theme which he had chosen to dwell upon would be certain to excite deri- sion and contempt. Yet he formed, and adhered to this resolution, though it might expose him to contempt ; and though they might reject and despise his message, t Not to know. The word know here (iliiVJu) is used pro- bably in the sense of attend to, be en- gaged in, or regard. I resolved not to give my time and attention while among you to the laws and traditions of the Jews ; to your orators, philoso- phers, and poets ; to the beauty of your architecture or statuary ; to a contemplation of your customs and laws, but to attend to this only — making known the cross of Christ. The word (a/a) to know, is sometimes thus used. Paul says that he designed that this should be the only thing on which his mind should be fixed ; the only object of his attention ; the only object on which he there sought that knowledge should be diffused. Dod- dridge renders it " appear to know." % Any tiling among you. Any thing while I was with yoxi. Or, any thing that may exist among you, and that may be objects of interest to you. I resolved to know nothing of it, what- ever it might be. The former is, pro- bably, the correct interpretation. % Save Jesus Christ. Except Jesus Christ. This is the only thing of which I pur- posed to have any knowledge among you. 1 And him crucified. Or, ^ even (x-xi) him that was crucified.' He re- solved not only to make the MessiaJi the grand object of his knowledge and at- tention there, but etex a crucified Mes- siah ; to maintain the doctrine that the Messiah was to be crucified for the sins of the world ; and that he who had been crucified was i7i fact the Messiah. See Note, ch. i. 23. We may remark here, (1.) That this should be the re- solution of every minister of the gos- pel. This is his business. It is not to be a politician ; not to engage in the strifes and controversies of men ; it is not to be a good farmei, or scholar merely ; not to mingle with his people in festive circles and enjoyments ; not to be a man of taste and philosophj'-, and distinguished mainly for refinement of manners ; not to be a profound phi- losopher or metaphysician, but to make Christ crucified the grand object of his attention, and seek always and every- where to make him known. (2.) He is not to be ashamed anywhere of the humbhng doctrine that Christ was cru- cified. In this he is to glory. Though the world may ridicule ; though philo- sophers may sneer; though the rich and the gay may deride it, yet this is to be the grand object of mterest to him, and at no time, and in no society is he to be ashamed of it. (3.) It matters not what are the amusements of society around him ; what fields of science, of gain, or ambition, are open before him, the minister of Christ is to know Christ and him crucified alone. If he cultivates science, it is to be that he may the more successfully explain and vindicate the gospel. If he be- comes in any manner familiar with the works of art, and of taste, it is that he may more successfully show to those who cultivate them, the superior beauty and excellency of the cross. If he studies the plans and tUe employments 43 I. CORINTHIANS. [A. D. 59. 3 And I was v/ith you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. rf men, it is that he may more success- fully meet them in those plans, and more successfully speak to them of the great plan of redemption. (4.) The preaching of the cross is the only kind of preaching that will be attended with success. That which has in it much respecting the divine mission, the dig- nity, the works, the doctrines, the per- son, and the atonement of Christ, will 36 successful. So it was in the time of the apostles ; so it was in the refor- mation ; so it was in the Moravian missions ; so it has been in all revivals of religion. There is a power about that kind of preaching which philo- sophy and human reason have not. " Christ is God's great ordinance" for the salvation of the world ; and we meet the crimes and alleviate the woes of the world, just in proportion as we hold the cross up as appointed to over- come the one, and to pour tne balm of consolation into the other. 2. And I ic as until you Paul con- tinued there at least a year and six months. Acts xviii. 11. % In weakness. In conscious feebleness ; diffident of my own powers, and not trusting to my own strength. •[[ And in fear, and in much trembling. Paul was sensible that he had many enemies to encoun- ter (Acts xviii. 6.) : and he w^as sensi- ble of his own natural disadvantages as a public speaker. 2 Cor. x. 10. He knew too, how much the Greeks valued a manly and elegant species of oratory ; and he, therefore, delivered his message with deep and anxious solicitude as to the success. It was at this time, and in view of these circumstances, that the Lord spoke to him by night in a vision, and said, " be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace ; for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee ; for I have much people in this city." Acts xviii. 9, 10. If Paul was conscious of weakness, well may other ministers be ; and if 4 And my speech and preaching was not with ■ I or, persuasible. my en- Paul sometimes trembled in deep soli- citude about the result of his message, well may other ministers tremble also. It was in such circvimstances, and with such feelings, that the Lord met him to encourage him. — And it is when other ministers feel thus, that the promises of the gospel are mestimably precious. We may add, that it is then, and then only, that they are successful. Not- withstanding all Paul's fears, he was successful there. And it is commonly, perhaps always, when ministers ^o to their work conscious of their own weakness ; burdened with the weight of their message ; diffident of their own powers ; and deeply solicitous about the result of their labours, that God sends down his Spirit, and con- verts sinners to God. The most suc- cessful ministers have been men who have evinced most of this feeling ; and most of the revivals of religion have commenced, and continued, just as ministers have preached, conscious of their own feebleness, distrusting their own powers, and looking to God for aid and strength. 4. A7id my speech. The word speech here — if^ it is to be distinguished from preaching — refers, perhaps, to his more private reasonings ; his preaching to his public discourses, t ^ot with enticing words. Not with the per- suasive reasonings (jn'-^oii Myot^) of the wisdom of men. Not with that kind of oratory that was adapted to captivate and charm ; and which the Greeks so much esteemed. ^ But in demonstration. In the showing (a^rc- iit^u) ; or in the testimony or evidence which the spirit produced. The mean- ing is, that the spirit furnished the evi- dence of the divine origin of the reli- gion which he preached, and that it did not depend for its proof on his own reasonings or eloquence. The proof, the demonstration which the spirit fur- nished was, undoubtedly, the miracles A.D. 59.] CHAPTER II. tic'mg words of " man's wisdom, but in demonstration ' of the Spirit and of power : a2Pet.l.l6. 6 lThess.1.5. which were wrought; the gift of tongues ; and the remarkable conver- sions which attended the gospel. — The word Spirit here refers, doubtless, to the Holy Spirit ; and Paul says that this Spirit had furnished demonstration of the divine origin and nature of the gospel. This had been by the gift of tongues (ch. i. 5 — 7. Comp. eh. xiv.), and by the effects of his agency in re- newing and sanctifying the heart. If And of power. That is, of the power of God (ver. 5) ; the divine power and efficacy which attended the preaching of the gospel there. Comp. 1 Thess. i. .5. — The effect of the gospel is the evidence to which the apostle appeals for its truth. That effect was seen, (1.) in the conversion of sinners to God of all classes, ages, and condi- tions, when all human means of re- forming them was vain. (2.) In its giving them peace, joy, and happiness ; and in its transforming their lives. (3.) In making them different men — in making the drunkard sober ; the thief honest ; the licentious pure ; the pro- fane reverent ; the indolent industri- ous ; the harsh and unkind, gentle and Kind ; and the wretched happy. (4.) In its diffusing a mild and pure influ- ence over the laws and customs of so- ciety ; and in promoting human hap- piness everywhere. — And in regard to this evidence to which the apostle ap- peals, we may observe, (1.) That is a kind of evidence which any one may examine, and which no one can deny. It does not need laboured, abstruse ar- gumentation, but it is everywhere in society. Every man has witnessed the effects of the gospel in reforming the vicious, and no one can deny that it has this power. (2.) It is a mighty display of the power of God. There is no more striking exhibition of his power over mind than in a revival of religion. There is nowhere more ma- 43 5 That your faith should not * stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. nifest demonstration of his presence than when, in such a revival, the proud are humbled, the profane are awed, the blasphemer is silenced, and the profli- gate, the abandoned, and the moral — are converted unto God, and are led as lost sinners to the same cross, and find the same peace. (3.) The gospel has thus evidenced from age to age that it is from God. Every converted sinner furnishes such a demonstration ; and every instance where it produces peace, hope, joy, shows that it is from heaven. 5. That your faith. That is, that your belief of the divine origin of the Christian religion. ^ Should not stand. Greek, ' should not be ,•' that is, should not rest upon this ; or be sus- tained by this. God intended to furnish you a firm and solid demonstration that the religion which you embraced was from him ; and this could not be if its preaching had been attended with the graces of eloquence, or the abstrac- tions of refined metaphysical reasoning. It would then appear to rest on human wisdom. ^ In the power of God. In the evidence of divine power accom- i panying the preaching of the gospel. The power of God would attend the exhibition of truth everywhere ; and would be a demonstration that would be irresistible that the religion was not originated by man, but was from heaven. That power was seen in changing the heart ; in overcoming the strong propen- sities of our nature to sin ; in subduing the soul ; and making the sinner a new creature in Christ Jesus. Every Chris- tian has thus, in his own experience, furnished demonstration that the religion which he loves is from God, and not from man. Man could not subdue these sins ; and man could not so entirely transform the soul. And although the unlearned Christian may not be able to investigate all the evidences of religion ; although he cannot meet all the objec- 44 1. CORINTHIANS 6 Howbeit we speak Avisdom among them ° that are perfect : a Phil.3.15. tions of cunning and subtle infidels, although he may be greatly perplexed and embarrassed by them, yet he may have the fullest proof that he loves God, that he is dilferent from what he once was; and that all this has been accomplished by the religion of the cross. The blind man that was made to see by the Saviour (John x.), might have been wholly unable tb tell how his eyes w-ere opened, and unable to meet all the cavils of those who might doubt it, or all the subtle and cunning objections of physiologists, but of one thing he certainly could not doubt, that " whereas he was blind, he then saw." John x. 25. A man may have no doubt that the sun shines, that the wind blows, that the tides rise, that the blood flows in his veins, that the flowers bloom, and that this could not be except it was from God, while he may have no power to explain these facts ; and no power to meet the objec- tions and cavils of those who might choose to embarrass him. So men may know that their hearts are changed ; and it is on this ground that no small part of the Christian world, as in every thing else, depend for the most satis- factory evidence of their religion. On this ground humble and unlearned Christians have been often willing to go to the stake as martyrs — just as a humble and unlearned patriot is will- uig to die for his country. He loves it; and he is willing to die for it. A Christian loves his God and Saviour ; and is willing to die for his sake. 6. How be it. But {h). This commences the second head or argu- ment in this chapter, in which Paul shows that if human wisdom is want- ing in his preaching, it is not devoid of true, and solid, and even divine wisdom. — Blooirifield. t We speak wisdom. We do not admit that we utter foolishness. We have spoken of the foolishness of preaching (ch. i. 2 1 ) ; [A.D. 59. yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this and of the estimate in which it v/as held by the world (ch. i. 22—28) ; and of our own manner among you as not laying claim to human learning or eloquence ; but we do not design to admit that we have been really speak- ing folly. W^diiiave been uttering that which is truly wise, but which is seen and understood to be such only by those who are qualified to judge — by those who may be denominated " per- fect," tliat is, those who are fitted by God to understand it. By " wisdom" here, the apostle means that system of truth which he had explained and de- fended — the plan of salvation by the cross of Christ. ^ Among them that are perfect (sv tiIj TfAs/i/c). This word " perfect" is here evidently applied to Clnistians, as it is in Phil. iii. 15, " Let us, therefore, as many as be per- fect, be thus minded." And it is clearly used to denote those who were advanced in Christian knowledge ; who were qualified to understand the subject ; who had made progress in the know- ledge of the mysteries of the gospel ; and who thus saw its excellence. It does not mean here that they were sin- less, for the argument of the apostle does not bear on that inquiry, but that they were qualified to understand the gospel in contradistinction from the gross, the sensual, and the carnally mind- ed, who rejected it as foolishness. There is, perhaps, here an allusion to the hea- then mysteries, where those who had been fully initiated were said to be perfect — fully instructed in those rites and doctrines. And if so, then this passage means, that those only who have been fully instructed in the know- ledge of tlie Christian religion, will i)e qualified to see its beauty and its wis- dom. 'I'he gross and sensual do not sec it, and those only who are enlight- ened by the Holy Spirit are qualified to appreciate its beauty and its excellency. \ Not the wisdom of the vxrrld. Not A.D. 59] CHAPTER 11. 45 world that come to " naught : I hidden * wisdom, which God 7 But we speak the wisdom ordained before the world unto of God in a my.stery, even the o Ps.33.10. . our glory : b Eph.3.5,9. that which this world has originated or loved. ^- Nor of the princes of this world. Perhaps intending chiefly here the rulers of the Jews. See ver. 8. They neither devised it, nor loved it, nor saw its wisdom, ver. 8. ^ Thai come to naught. That is, whose plans fail ; whose wisdom vanishes; and who themselves, with all their pomp and splendour, come to nothing in the grave. Comp. Isa. xiv. All the plans of hu- man wisdom shall fail ; and this which is originated by God only shall stand. 7. But we speak. We who have preached the gospel. "J The luisdom of God. We teach or proclaim the wise plan of God for the salvation of men ; we make known the divine wis- dom in regard to the scheme of human redemption. This plan was of God, in opposition to other plans which were of men. ^ In a mystery, even the hidden wisdom (sv /uvTrx^tco tuv arro- Kix^v/ufxmv). The words "even" and " wisdom" in this translation have been supplied by our translators ; and the i sense would be more perspicuous if they were omitted, and the translation should be literally made, ' We pro- claim the divine wisdom hidden in a mystery.' The apostle does not say that their preaching was mysterious, nor that their doctrine was unintelligi- ble, but he refers to the fact that this wisdom had been hidden in a mystery from men until that time, but was then revealed by the gospel. In other words, he does not say that what they then declared was hidden in a mystery, but that they made known the divine wis- dom which had been concealed from the minds of men. The word mystery with us is commonly used in the sense of that which is beyond comprehen- sion ; and it is often applied to such doctrines as exhibit difficulties which we are not able to explain. But this is not the sense in which it is com- monly used in the Scriptures. See Note, Matt. xiii. 11. Comp. Campbell on the Gospels, Diss. ix. part i. The word properly denotes that which is conceal- ed or hidden ,• that which has not yet been made known ; and is applied to those truths which until the revelation of Jesus Christ were concealed from men, which were either hidden under obscure types and shadows or prophe- cies, or which had been altogether un- revealed, and unknown to the world. The word stands opposed to that which is revealed, not to that which is in it- self plain. The doctrines to which the word relates may oe in themselves clear and simple, but they are hidden in mystery until they are revealed. From this radical idea in the word mystery, however, it came also to be applied not only to those doctrines which had not been made known, but to those also which weie in themselves deep and difficult : to that which is enigmatical and obscure. 1 Cor. xiv. 2. 1 Tim. iii. 16. It is applied also to the secret designs and purposes of God. Rev. x. 7. The word is most commonly applied by Paul to the secret and long concealed design of God to make known his gos- pel to the Gentiles ; to break down the wall between them and the Jews; and to spread the blessings of the true re- ligion everywhere. Rom. xi. 25 ; xvi. 25. Eph. i. 9 ; iii. 9 ; vi. 19. Here, it evidently means the beauty and ex cellency of the person and plans of Je- sus Christ, but which were iJf fact unknown to the princes of this world. It does not imply, of necessity, that they could not have understood them, nor that they were unintelligible, but that, infactj whatever was the cause, they were con- cealed from them. Paul says (ver. 8), that had they known his wisdom, they would not have crucified him — which implies at least that it was not in itself unintelligible ; and he further ?ays, that 46 I. CORINTHIANS 8 Which none of the princes of this M^orld knew : for " had a Luke 23.34. this mystery had been revealed to Chris- tians by the Spirit of God, which proves that he does not here refer to that which is in itself unintelligible, ver. 10. " The apostle has here especially in view the all-wise counsel of God for the salvation of men by Jesus Christ, in the writings of the Old Testament only obscurely sig- nified, and to the generality of men utter- ly unknown." — Bloomfield. \ Which God ordained. Which plan, so full of wisdom, God appointed in his own pur- pose before the foundation of the world ; that is, it was a plan which from eter- nity he determined to execute. It was not a new device ; it had not been got up to serve an occasion ; but it was a plan laid deep in the eternal counsel of God, and on which he had his eye for- ever fixed. This passage proves, that God had a plan, and that this plan was eternal. This is all that is involved in the doctrine of eternal decrees or pur- poses. And if God had a plan about this, there is the same reason to think that he had a plan in regard to all things. \ Unto our glory. In order that we might be honoured or glorified. This may refer either to the honour which was put upon Christians in this hfe, in being admitted to the privileges of the sons of God ; or more probably to that " eternal weight of glory" which remains for them in heaven. 2 Cor. iv. 17. One design of that plan was to raise the redeemed to "glory, and ho- nour, and immortality." It should great- ly increase our gratitude to God, that It was a subject of eternal design ; that he always has cherished this purpose ; and that he has loved us with such love, and sought our happiness and salvation with such intensity, that in order to ac- complish it, he was willing to give his own Son to die on a cross. 8. Which none of the princes. None of those rulers who were engaged in the crucifixion of the Messiah, referring both to the Jewi-sh rulers, and the Ro- [A.D. 59. they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory man governor. ^ Knevj. They did not perceive or appreciate the excel- lency of his character, the wisdom of his plan, the glory of his scheme of salvation. Their ignorance arose from not understanding the prophecies, and from an unwillingness to be convinced that Jesus of Nazareth had been truly sent by God. In Acts iii. 17, Peter says that it was through ignorance that the Jews had put him to death. See Note on ■ this place. ^ For had they known it. Had they fully understood his character, and seen the wisdom of his plan, and his work, they would not have put him to death. See Note on Acts iii. 17. Had they seen the hid- den wisdom in that plan — had they understood the glory of his real cha- racter, the truth respecting his incarna- tion, and the fact that he was the long expected Messiah of their nation, they would not have put him to death. It is incredible that they would have cru- cified their Messiah, knowing and be- lieving him to be such. They might have known it, but they were unwilling to examine the evidence. They ex- pected a different Messiah, and were unwilling to admit the claims of Jesus of Nazareth. For this ignorance, how- ever, there was no excuse. If they had not a full knowledge, it was their own fault. Jesus had performed mira- cles which were a complete attestation to his divine mission (John v. 36 ; x. 25) ; but they closed their eyes on those works, and were unwilling to be convinced. — God always gives to men sufficient demonstration of the truth, but they close their eyes, and are un- willing to believe. This is the sole reason why they are not converted to God and saved, t They would not have crucified. It is perfectly manifest that the Jews would not have crucified their own Messiah, knowing him to be such. He was the hope and expecta- tion of their nation. AH their desires A, I). 59.] CHAPTER II. 9 But, as it is written, " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, a Isa.64.4. were centred in him. And to him they looked for deliverance from all their foes. ^ The Lord of glory. This expression is a Hebraism, and means ' the glorious Lord ;' or the ' Messiah.' Expressions like this, where a noun performs the office of an adjective, are common in the Hebrew language. — Grotius supposes that the expression is taken from that of " the King of glory," in Ps. xxiv. 7 — 9. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, Be ye lift up, ye everlasttng doors, And the Kins of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory ? Jehovah, strong and mighty ; Jehovah, niiiihiy in baii'le. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; Lift them up, ye everlasii'ng doors ; And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory ? Jehovah of hosts, he is the King of glory. God is called " the God of glory" in Acts vii. 2. — The fact that this appella- tion is given to Jehovah in the Old Testament, and to the Lord Jesus in the verse before us, is one of those inci- dental circumstances which show how the Lord Jesus was estimated by the apostles ; and how familiarly they ap- plied to him names and titles which belong only to God. The founda- tion of this appellation is laid in his exalted perfections ; and in the honour and majesty which he had with the Father before the world was. John xvii. 1 — 5. 9. But a^ it is written. This pas- sage is quoted from Isa. Ixiv. 4. It is not quoted literally ; but the sense only is given^. The words are found in the apocryphal books of Elijah ; and Origen and Jerome supposed that Paul quoted from those books. But it is evident that Paul had in his eye the passage in Isaiah ; and intended to apply it to his present purpose. These words are often applied by commentators and others to the future life, and are supposed by them to be descriptive of the state of the bless- td there. But against the supposition 47 neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which that they refer directly to the future state, there are insuperable objections. (1.) The first is, that the passage in Isaiah has no such reference. In that place it ig designed clearly to describe the blessed ness of those who were admitted to the divine favour; who had communion with God ; and to vvhom God manifest- ed himself as their friend. That bless- edness is said to be superior to all that men elsewhere enjoy ; to be .