£ m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/confessionoffOchur THE Confefsion of Faith Of the KIRK cf SCOT LAN D. S V B S C R 1 B E D By the Kings Majefiie and his Hou£ holde,in the yeare of God if 80, With a Defignationoffucb A Sis of Par lament > as are ex~ fedientjbrjujlejying the Vnfan^ after mentioned. And Subfcribed by the Nobles , Barrons , Gentle- men, Burgeffes, Mlnifters and Commons, in the yeare of God 1638. 388808880388*3^^ J o s h v a Chap. 24. verf.2 /> So lo jliua made a Covenant with tb* people the fame day 9 and gaVg them an Ordinance and Law in Sichem. 2 K IN g$ 11. 17. And Xehojada made a Covenant hetweene the Lord and the Kjng,and the people , that they fliouldbee the Lords people : li^ewtfe le~ twetne the King and the people. Isaiah 44. p One fhdUfay > t am the Lord : another fhall b e called by the name of laeoh 1 and another jhatl fabferibe with bfihand unto the Lord 9 &c. *3S*r^£*'P$* 4^^^^^^^^^^^^.,^^^^ S| T/k Kings LMajeflies Charge, to all C m wJF°ner$ and # ft iSrttnifterstWkhm this Realrne , in the yeare of Cjod ^ § ./8o. § l$ Q Eeing that Wee , unci our Houfholde , have Subfcribed 5 ^ O and given this publicke Confeflion of our Faith , to the ^ ^ good example of our Subjects : Wee commaund and Charge & ;*? ail CommiHi oners and Minifters , to crave the fame Con- % jg fefllon of their Parochinars , and proceed againft the refa- ? r$ fers , according to our Lawes and Order of the Kirk 3 de- & jj livering their names , and lawfull proces to the Minifters # & of our Houfe, with all hafte and diligence , under the paine *jk ^ of fourtie pound tbbe taken from their ftipend , that Wee, # # with the advice of out Counfell, may take orderwith kicfi & $ proud contemners of God and our Lawes. $j & Subfcribed ycitb om Hand, at Halyrudhoufe , i 580. |i ^ The 2.daj of tSWarch , the 14. jeare of our # § Ketone. fe The Confefsion of Faith , o F TheKirkt of SCOTLAND. The Confeffion of Faith , fubfcribed at fir ft by the Kings Majeftie and his Houshold , in the year of Cod I $-8 o„ Thereafter, by Terfons of all rankesjn the year e \$%\> By ordinance of the Lords of the Secret Qounfell > and Acis of the general! Affembly.Subfcrihed againehy all forts of Perfons in the yeare \ ^90 * *~By a MVp O1 'di- nance of Q>un fell >at the defire of the general! Ajfembly: With a generall 'Band for maintenance of the true %eli~ gion and the Kings Terfon. And no7& fubfcribed in the yeare 1 6 } 8. By Vs, Noblemen , ISarrons y Gentle^ men y l$ urge jfes, Minifters, and Commons \ nmder fub- fcribing : Together, Tbith our refolution and promifes for the caufes after fyecified , To maintaine the fay d true Religion , and the Kings Majeflie > according to the Confeffion forefayd 3 and Acts of Parlament. The Te- nor thereof heere follojpeth. E E All , and every one of Us underwritten J Proteft l that, after long and due Examination of our ovvne Confciences,in matters of true & falfe Religion, are now throughly refolved of the Trueth \ by t ' ie Word and Spirit of G o d, and therefore we believe with our hearts , confefTe with our mouths > fubferibe A 2 *' with ^ The Confejjion of Faith , with our hands , and conftantly aflfirme before God , and the whole World: that this onely is the true Chriftian Faith and Religion, pleafing God, and bringing Salvation to man, which now is by themercieof God revealed to the world , by the preaching of the bleffed Evangell. And received, believed,and defended, by many and fundry notable Kirkes and Realmes, but chieflic by the Kirk of Scot- land. the Kings M aje/lie^and three ejlates of this Kealme^asGods eter- nall Trueth , and onely ground of our Salvation: as more par- ticularlie is exprefTed in rheConfeflion of our Faith, ftabli- fhed, and publicklie confirmed by fundry Ads of Parliaments, and now of a long time hath beene openlie profefTed by the Kings Majeftie,and whole body of this Realme^both in Burgh and Land. To the which Confeffion and forme of Religion, wee willinglie agree in our confciences in all points , as unto Gods undoubted Trueth and Veritie , grounded onely upon his written Word. And therefore, wee abhorre and deteft all contrarie Religion , and Dodtrine : But chieflie , all kinde of Papifterie, in generall and> particular heads , even as they are now damned and confuted by the Word of God, and Kirkof Scot- land: but in fpeciall wee deteft and refufe the ufurped au- thoritie of that Roman Antichrift upon the Scriptures of God, upon the Kirk , the civill Magiftrate, and confciences of men. All his tyranous lawesmade upon indifferent thingsagainft ourChritHan libertie. His erroneous Do&rine , againft the fufficiencie of the written Word, the perfe&ion of the Law, the office of Chrift, and his blefled Evangell. His corrupted Dodrine concerning originallfinne, our naturall inabillitie & rebellion to Gods Law , our Iuftification by Faithonely , our imperfed: San&ification and obedience to the 1, aw ,the nature, number and ufe of the Holy Sacraments. His five baftard Sa- craments, with all his Rites, Ceremonies, and falfe Do&rine, added to the miniftration of the true Sacraments without the Word Of we K>4 of Scotland. / Word of God. His cruell judgement againft Infants , depar- ting without the Sacrament : his abfolute neceffitie of Bap- tifme : his blafphemous opinion of Tranfubftantiation,or reall prefenceof Chrifts body in the Elements,and receiving of the fame by the wicked, or bodies of men. Hisdifpenfations with folemne Oathes , Perjuries , and degrees of Marriage forbid- den in the Word : his crueltie againft the innocent divorced: his divellif h Maffe : his blafphemous Priefthood : his profane Sacrifice for the finnes of the dead & the quicke : his Canoni- zation of men, calling upon Angels or Saints departed, wor- f hipping of Imagerie,Reli&s, & Crolfes, dedicating of Kirks, Altars , Dayes , Vowes to creatures ; his Purgatorie , Pray- ers for the dead • praying , or fpeaking in a ftrange language , with his Proceflions and blafphemous Letanie, and multi- tude of Advocates or Mediators : his manifold Orders, Auri- cular Confefli on: hisdefperate and uncertaine Repentance; his generall and doubtfo me Faith ; his fatisfadtions of men for their finnes: his Iuftification by works, ofm cperatum, works ofSupererogation,Merits, Pardons, Peregrinations, and Sta- tions : his holy Water , baptifing of Bells , conjuring of Spi- rits, croffing, faning, anointing, conjuring, hallowing of Gods good creatures , with the fuperftitious opinion, joyned there- with : his worldlie Monarchic, and wicked Hierarchie: his three folemne vowes, with all his fhavellings of fundrie forts, his erroneous and bloudie decrees made at Trent , with all the fubferibers and approvers of that cruell and bloudie Band , conjured againft the Kirk of God : and finallie, wee deteft all his vaine Allegories , Rites , Signes, and Trad itions, brought in the Kirk , without , or againft the Word of God , and Do- <3rine of this true reformed Kirk 3 to the which wee joyne our felveswillinglie, inDo&rine, Faith, Religion , Difcipfine s and ufe of the Holy Sacraments , as lively members of the fame, inChrifl our Head : promifing,and {wearing by the A 3 * great 6 The Confejfion of Faith, £jfr Great Name of the Lord our q D , that wee (ball contSue ia the obedience of the Do&rine and Difcipline of this Kirk, * and {hall defend the fame according to our Vocation and Po- wer, allthedayes of our lives , under the paines contained ii^the Law , and danger both of Body and Soule, in the day of Gods fearefull ludgement : and feeing that many are ftir- redup bySathan,and that Roman Antichrift, to promife, fweare, iubfcribe, and for a timeufe the holy Sacraments in theKirk,deceitfullie, againft their owneconfciences, mind- ing thereby, firft, under the externallcloakeof Religion, to corrupt and fubvert fecretlie Gods true Religion within the Kirk, and afterward, when time may ferve, to bccomeopen enemies andperfecutorsof the lame, under vaine hope or the Popes difpenfation > devifed againft the Word of God, to his greater confufion, and their double condemnation in the day of the Lord lis vs, Wce 5 therefore , willing to take away all fufpition of hy pocrifie,andof fuch double dealing with God and his Kirk, Proteft , and call The Searcher of all hearts for witneife, that Our mindes and hearts, doe fully agree with this our Qonfef- Jion , Promlfe , Oath and Suhfatyiion^ fo that Wee are not moved for any worldlie refped, but are perfwaded onely in our Con- fidences, through the knowledgeand love of Gods true Reli- gion, printed in Our hearts , by the holy Spirit, as VVee fhall anfweerto him in the day, when the fecrets of all hearts fhall bee difclofed. Andbecaufeweeperceave, that the quietnes and ftabilitie of our Religion and Kirk, doth depend upon the fafetie and good behaviour of the Kings Majeftie, as upon a comfortable instrument of Gods mercie, graunted to this Countrey, for the maintaining of hisKirk.and miniftration of Iufticeamongftus, Wee proteft and promife with our hearts under the fame Oath, Hand- writ, and paines, that wee fhall defend his Perfbnand Authoritie , with our goods , bodies, and y„ Of the Ki>4 of Scotland. y and lives, in the defence of Chrift his Evangel], Liberties of our Countrie, miniftration of Iuftice, and puniihment of ini- quitie,againft all enemies within this Realme , or without,as wee defire our God to beea ftrongand mercifull Defender to us in the day of our death, and comming of our Lord Jefus Chrift : To whom, with the Father , and the holy Spirit , bee all Honour and Glorie Eternallie* LIKE as many Ads of Parfament not onely in gene all doe abrogate annulled refcind all Lawes, Statutes, A &s, Cpnftitutions, Canons 3 civillor municipall 3 with all other Or- dinances and practique penalties whatfoever , mide in preju- dice of the true Religion and Profeflburs thereof: Or 3 ofthe true Kirk difcipfine, jurifdi&ion, and freedome thereof: Or, in favours of Idolatrie and Superftition : Or , ofthe Papifti- call Kirk: As, otf#, 3.^.31. Varl. i.Aft. 23.ParL11.Aft. 1 14. 'Pari, 12. of King lames tkefixt , ThatPapiftrie & Superfti- tion may bee utterly fupprefied , according to the intention ofthe Ads of Parlament reported in the 5. Aft, Pari 20. K. James <5. And to that end they ordaine all Papifts & Priefts to bee punifhed by manifolde Civilland Ecclefiaftlca 1 paines 3 as adverfaries to Gods true Religion, preachedand by Law Cilabiifled within this Realme , t^dft* 2 4. ParL 1 % . K. lames 6 % as common enemies to all ChrifHan governement, Aft.- 18. Pari 1 6. K. James 6. as rebellers and gainftanders of our Sou- veraigne Lords Authoritie , Aft* 47. Pari. 3. K, lames 6. and as Idolaters , Aft. 104. Pari. 7. K. lames 6. bit alfo in particu- lar (by and attour the Confefifion of Faith) doeabolifh and condemne the Popes Authoritie and Iurifdi&ion out of this Land, and ordaines the maintained thereof to be punifhed, Ljisl. 2. Pari, i.Aft, 51. ParL 3. Aft. io6*ParLj. tslft-i iq.Pari i2*K,James6. doe condemne the Popes erroneous db&rine, tor any other erroneous do&mz repugnant to any of the Ar- tie!, s % The Qonfeffion of Faith , tides of the true & Chriftian Religion publikely preached, and by Law eftablilhed in this Realme : And ordaines the fpreaders and makers of Bookes or Libelles , or Letters or Writtsof that nature tobepunifhed>c-/*# # 46. iW.j. t^Acl. x o 6. Pari. 7 . Acl. 24. Pari. 1 1 . King lames 6. doe condemne all Baptifme conforme to the Popes Kirke and the Idolatrie of the Maffe , and ordaines all fayers , wilfull hearers , and con- cealers of the Mafle, the maintainers and refetters of the Priefts , IefuiteSjtraffiquingPapifts, to bee punilhed with- out any exception or reftriction , ^Acl. j.Tarl. 1 . Acl. uo.Parl. XiiASm 164. ParLij.isfcf.ips.ParUiq.Aft.i.ParLip.Aff.t;. Tarl.20. K James 6. doe condemne all erroneous bookes and writtes conteining erroneous doftrine againft the Religion prefentlie profelfed,or conteining fuperftitious Rites and Ce- remonies Papifticall, whereby the people are greatly abufed, and ordaines the homebringers of them to be punifhed, Acl m 25. Parl.u.K. lames 6. doe condemne the monuments and dregs of bygane Idolatrie , as , goeing to Croffes , obferving the Feaftivall dayes ofSain&s, and fiich other fuperftitious and Papifticall Rites , to the dishonour of God , contempt of true Religion & fettering of great errour among the people, and ordaines the ufers of them to bee punifhed for the fecond fault as Idolaters, AcJ.i 04. Pari j.K. lames 6. Like as many ads of Parliament areconceaved for mainte- nance of Gods true and Chriftian Religion , and the puritie thereof in Do&rine and Sacraments of the true Church of God, the libertie and freedome thereof, in her Nationall, Sy- nodall Affemblies , Presbyteries , Seffions > Pollicie 3 Difci- pline and Jurifdidtfon thereof, as that puritie of Religion and libertie of the Church was ufed,profe{red,exercifed 3 preached, and confefled according to the reformation of Religion in this Realme. As for inftancc, the 99. Acl. Tarl.j. Acl. 23. "farl.11.Acl.114tP.12.Acl.160Tarl.13. ofK. Iames6. Ratified Of the Xir\of Scotland. 9 fy the 4 KjiH. efK. darks. So that the 6. Aft. Path \.and(>%. Aft. Pari 6* efK. lames 6+ in the ycarc of God 1 579. declares the Miniftcrs of the blefTcd Evangell , whom God of his mercie had raifed up , or hereafter fhould raife, agreeing with them that than liued in Do&rine , and adrniniftration of the Sacra- ments* and the people thatprofefledChrift 5 ashe was than offered in the Evangell, and doth commurficate with the ho- ly Sacraments fas in the reformed KirkesofthisRealme they were prefentlie adminiftrate) according to the Confeflion of Faith, to bee the true and holy Kirk of Chrift Iefus within this Realme 3 and decernes and declares all and fundrie , who either gainefayes the Word of the Evangell, received and approved as the heads of the Confeflion of Faith , profciTed in Parla- ment,in they£are of God 1 560* Ipccified alfo in the firft Par- larnent of K. James 6. and rati.ied in this prefentParlament, more particulate doe fpecifie, or that refutes theadminiftra- tion of the holy Sacraments , as they were then miniftrated, to bee no members of the faid Kirk within thisRealme and trueReligion,prefentlieprofefled,fo long as they keep them- felues fo devyded from the focietieof Chriftsbody : And the fubfequent,vf#.6p. Parl.6 efK James 6. declares 3 That there is no other face of Kirk,nor other face of Religion, then was pre- fentlie at that time, by the favour of God, eftablifhed within this Realm, which therefore is ever ftyledGods trueReligion, Chrifts trueRcligion,the true & Chriftian Religion, & a per- fe<3 Religion.Which,by manifold a$s of Parlamet^all within thisR£aIme,are boud to profeffe to fubferibe the articles ther- ©f, the Confeflion of Faith, to recant all do&rine and errours, repugnant to any of the faid Articles,^^. and 9. Tarl. 1 . Aft. 4 j»4^47. Tad.i .Aft.ji. Pari 6. AftA06.ParL7.A8.24.Parl. I i.Aft. 123. TW.i 2, Aft. 194.^ 197* Pari 14.0/ K. lames 6. And all Magiftrates , Shircfs , Sec. On the one parte are or- dained to fearth, apprehend , and punifhall contraviners ,for B inftance, i o The Confejjion of Faith 9 inftancc, KAci. 5. Tarl. i.Aft. 104. Pari. 7. Acl t 2$. Pari. 11. K.lames 6. And that notwithftanding of the Kings Majefties licences on the contrane, which are difcharged and declared to bee of no force, in fofarre as they tend in any wayes 5 tothe prejudice and hinder of the execution of the Ads of Parla- rnent againft Papifts and adverfaries of true Religion, A3. jo6. Parl.j. K James 6. On the other part in thc^j.AcJ.P.^^K. lames <5. It is declared and ordained, feeing the caufe of Gods true Religion,and his highnes Authority are fo joyned,as the hurt of the one is common to both: & that none (hall be repu- ted as loyall & faithful fubje&s to our Soveraigne Lord, or his Autority, but be punifhable as iebellers & gaineftanders of the fame, who fhall not giue their Corifefli on , and make their profeffion of the faid true Religion , & that the$ who after de- fe<5Hon fhall giue the Confeffion of their Faith of new, they fhall promifeto continuetherein in timecomming,tomain- taine our Souveraigne Lords Authority , and at the uttermoft of their power to fortifie, aflifl , and maintaine the true Prea- chers andProfefTors of Chrifts Religion , againft whatsoever enemies and gaineftanderscf the fame : andnamelie, againft all fuch of whatfoever nation, eftate, or degree they bee of: that haue joyned, and bound themfelvcs, or haue affifted , or aflfifts tofet forward , and execute the cruell decrees of Trent, contrary to the Preachers and true Profeffors of the Word of God, which is repeated word by word in the Articles of Pa- cification at "Perth the 23 of Februar. 1572. approved by Parlamcnt the laftof Aprill 1 573. Ratified in Parlament 1 578 and related,///?. J23./W.12. of K. lames 6. with thisaddition, that they are bound to refill all treafonable uproaresand ho- ftiiities raifed againft the true Religion , the Kings Majeftie, and the true ProfefTors. Like as all liedges are bound to maintaine the K. Majefties RoyaJl Pcxfon, and Authority,the Authorise of Pai laments, without Of the Kir^ ofScothnd* M without the which neither any lawes or lawful! judicatories can beeftablifhcd,/4£.i30. Mi. 13 1. TarhS.K.Iames 6, &thc fubje&s liberties, who ought onely to Hue & be governed by the Kings lawes,the common lawes of this Realme allanerlie, .^#.48. Parly K. lames the firft. A£.j 9 .Tar 1.6. K. lames theq, repeated in the s~d&. 1 3 n Parl.%. K.lames 6. Which, if they bee innovated or prejudged, the comiflion anent the union of the two Kingdoms of Scotland & England 3 whkh is the fole A&. efihe 1 7, Pari o/K. lames 6. declares, fuch confufion would en- fue,asthisRealmecouldbeenomoreafree Monarchie, be- cauieby the fundamentall lawes, ancient priviiedges* offices and liberties of thisKingdome, not onely the Princelie Au- thority of his Majefties Royall difcent hath been thefe many ages maintained,but alfo the peoples fecuritie of their Lands, livings, rights, offices, liberties, and dignities preserved, and therefore for the prefervation of the laid true Religion, Lawes* and Liberties of this Kingdome, it is flatute by the 8. A8. f arl.i.repeatedinthegg Aft.ParLj. Ratified inthe i^AB.Tarl.n. and 114. 4fik ofK. lames 6. and 4, Aff. ofK. Charles. That all Kings and Princes at their Coronation and reception of their Princely Authoritic,fhall make theirfaithful promife by their iblemne oath in the prefence of the Eternall God , that, endu« ring the whole time of their Hues, they fhallferve the fame Eternall God , to the uttermoft of their power , according as he hath required in his moft holy Word,contained in the old andnewTeilaments. And according to the fame Word, {hall maintaine the true Religion ofChriftlefus, the preaching of his holy Wordj the due & right miniftration of the Sacramets now receaved and preached within this Realme (according to the Confeffion of Faith immediatelie preceeding) and fhall fabolif h and gainftand all falfe Religion contrarie to the fame, & fhall rule the people,committed to their charge, according to the will and command of God, revealed in his forefaid B 2 Word, t % The Confejjion of Faith > Word.and according to the lowable lawcs and conftitutions received in this Rcalme , no wayes repugnant tothefaidwill of th:EternallGod,and fhall procure , to the uttermoft of their power ,to the Kirk of God, & whole Chriftian people true and perfit peace in all time comming; and that they fhall bee carefull to roote ojt of their empire allHeretikes , and enemies to the true Worf hip of G >d , who fhal! bee convi- cted by the true Kirk of God T of the forefaid crimes , which was alfo obferved by hisMajeftie,at his Coronation in Eden- fargb^ 1633. asmaybefeene in the order of th£ Coronation. In obedience to the Commandcment of GOD, con- forme to thepra&ife of the godlie in former times, and accor- ding to the laudable example of our Worthy and Religious Progenitors, and of many yet living amongft us , which ws$ warranted alfo by a& of Counfell, commanding a generall band to bee made andfubferibed by his Majeftte&fubje&s of all ranks, for two caufes : one was, for defending the true Re- ligion , as it was then reformed, and is orprefTed in the Con- feflionof Faith, aboue writtin, and a former large Confc£ fion eftablifhed by fundric zSts of lawfull generali AfTem- blies, and of Parlament, unto which it hath relation fett downe in publike Gathechifmes , & which hath beenfor ma- ny yeareswixhableffiingfrom Heaven^preached,andprofeC- fed in this Kirk andKingdome,asGods undoubted trueth , grounded onely upon his writtin Word. The other caufe was, for maintaining the Kings Majeftie his Pcrfon andE- flate: the true Worf hip of God, and the Kings authoritie beeing fo ftraitlie joyncd, as that they had the fame friends and common enemies, and did fland and fall togither. And final- lie, beeing convinced in our mindes, and confeiling with our jnouthes, that the prefent& fucceeding generations in this Land, are bound to keep the forefaid nationall Oath and fub- fciiption inviolable. Wee Noblemen, Barrons , Gentlemenr, Bru~: Of the Kir^ of Scotland. l 3 Burgeffes, Miniftcrs, and Commons under fubfcribing, con- sidering divers times before, and efpecially at this time 3 the danger of the true reformed Religion, of the Kings honour, and of the publicke peace of the Kingdom : By the manifold innovations and evills , generallie conteined, & particularlie mentioned in our late Amplications , complaints , and protc- ftations : Doe hcereby profeffe, and before God, his Angels, and the World folemnelie declare : That , with our whole hearts wee agree and refblve all the dayes of oar life con- ftantlk to adhere unto, and to defend the forefaid true Re- ligion, and (forbearing the pra&ife of all novations , alreadie introduced in the matters of the worship of G O D, or apro- bation of the corruptions of the publike Governement of the Kirk or civil! places and power of Kirkmen, till they be tryed and alowedin free Affcmblies, and in Parlaments ) to labour by all meanes lawfull to recover the puritic and libertic of the Gofpell , as it waseftablifhedand profefTed before the forefaid novations : and becaufe after due examination, wee plainelie perceave i and undoubtedlie believe, that the Inno- vations & evils conteined in our Supplications,Comp!aints>, and Proteftations, have no warrant of the Word of God, are contrarie to the Articles of the forefaid Confeflions to the intention and meaning of the blefTed reformers of Religion in this Land, to the above written A<3s of Parlament, and doe fenfiblie tend to the re-eftablishing of the Popifh Reli- gion and tyrannie , and to the fubverfion and ruine of the true Reformed Religion, and of our Liberties, Lawes and^ Eftates. Wee alfo declare; that the forefaid Confeffions are to be interpreted , & ought to be underftood of the forefaid novations and evils , no lcffe than if every one of them had- beene exprefled in the forefaid confeffions, and that wee are obliged to deteft and abhorre them among ft other particular heads of Papiftrk abjured therein. And therefore from the B z, know* T 4 the Confejjion of Faith 3 knowledge and conference of our dutie to God, to our King and Countrey , without any worldly refped or inducement, fofarreas humane infirmitie will fufTer, wifhing a further meafure of the grace of God for this effeft. Wee promife , and fweare by the Great TS^ame of the Lord our GOD- to con- tinue intheProfeffion and Obedience of the forefaid Reli- gion : That we f hall defend the fame, and refill: all thefe con- trarie erroursand corruptions, according to our vocation, and to the uttermoft of that power that God hath put in our hands , all the dayes of our life : and in like manner with the fame heart, wee declare before God and Men, That wee have no intention nor defire to attempt any thing that may turne to the dif honour of God, or to the diminution of the Kings Greatneffe and Authoritie : Butonthecontrarie, wc promife and fweare, that wee (tall , to the uttermoft of our power , with our meanes and lives , ftand to the defence of our dread Souveraine , the Kings Majeftie, his Perfon and Authoritie, in the defence and prefervation of theforefeyd true Religion, Liberties andLawes of the Kingdome : As alio , to the mutuall defence and affiftancc, every one of us of another in the fame caufe of maintaining the true Reli- gk>m and his Majefties Authoritie,with our beft counfell,our bodies, meanes, and whole power againft all forts of perfons whatfoever. So that, whatfoeverf hall bee done to theleaft of us for that caufe , f hall be taken as done to us all in gene- rall , and to every one of us in particular. And that wee fhall neither dire&lie nor indireftlie fufTer our felves to bee devided. or withdrawen by whatfoever lug- geftion, combination, allurement , ortcrrourfrom thisblef- Jed and loyall Conjunction, nor fhall call: in, any let or impe- diment that may ftaye or hinder any fuch refolution as by common content fhall be found to conduce for fo go d ends. But on the contrarie, fhall by all lawfull meanes labour to fur- Of the Kirk of Scotland. i f further and promovc the fame, and if any fuch dangerous and divifive motion be made to us by Word or Writ, We, and every one of us , f hall either fupprciTe it , or if need bee f hall incontinent make the fame knowne,that it may be time- oufly obviated; neither doe wee feare the foule afperfions of rebellion, combination,or what elfeour adveriariesfrom their craft and malice would put upon us ,' feeing what wee doe is fo well warranted, and arifethfrom an unfained defire to maintaine the true worl hip of God, the Majeilie of our King, and the peace of the Kingdome, for the common happineiTe of our felves, and the pofteritie. And becaufe wee cannot looke for a bleffing from God upon our pro- ceedings, except with ourProfeffionand Subfciiptionwee joynefuch a life and conversation, as befeemeth Chriftians y who haue renewed their Covenant with God. Wee, there- fore, faithfullie promife, for our felves, our followers, and all others under us , both in publike , in our particular fami- lies and perfonall carriage, to endevourtokeepe our felves within the bounds of Chriftian libertie,and to be good ex- amples to others of all Godlineife , SobernelTe, and Righte- oufneffe, and of every deutie wee owe to God and Man, and that this our Vnion and Conjunction may bee obferved without violation, Wee call the living God, the Searches of our Hearts , to witnes , who knoweth this to bee our fincere Defire, and unfained Refolution, as wee frail anfwere to IE SVS CH^/J'T, in the gr£at day , & under the paine of Gods ever'afting wrath , and of infamie , and of ioiTe of all honour & refpetS in this World, Mcft humblie befeeching the LORV^io ftrengther, us by his holy Spirit for this end;*. & to bleffe our defires & proceedings with a happie fucceiTe^r that Religion & Righte vufnes may ft trrifb in the Land 5 to ifee glory of God, the honour o r oiK King,& peace fecotrifort rf us all. In witnes wheroi we hauefubferibed witho-ur-hancis all the premiffes 3 &c* I i *% \.*' m m,