THE 3 U I L D I N G THE TOWER O F SALVATION; BEING A Preparation Sermon^ By Mr. James Simson, late Miniiier of the Gofpel at Alrth. Luke xiv. 28. Vor y which of yon intending te build a Tower^ fitteth not down firfr and covnteth the Cofi^ whether fo hath fufficient to finifi it > &<% The Third Edition corre&ed Edinburgh, Printed in the Year 1723. ( 2) THE BUILDING THE Tower of Salvation, (jta Luke xiv. 28. For, which of you intending to build a Tower, fit teth not downfirfi and count- eth the Coft, whether he hath fvfficient tofinifi it ? &c. WE fhall give you the Senfe of the Words, and the Scope, which is this, That Perfons would be well refolded and determined about the Matters of their Salvation. When Chritt fays, that no Aim htiildeth a Tower, but he fir ft fitteth down and counteth tin Coft, whether he hath Efficient to finifh it j He holds ay, that Perfons would be well refolved and determined in and about the Matter of their Sal- vation, left they meet with a Beguile and a Difap- pointmenr. v We fliall give you only one Doctrine from the Ssnfe and Scope of the Words, which if, To make,: (( 3 ) believing Gtrifliam,jfuch as fhall be able to bring the Wirk of their Salvation to the head-ftone, and to finifh it: He tnuft Be at a folid Determination about the Bufmefs, to make a (olid Work. One that /hall be able to bring the Work of their Salva- tion to the Head-ftone, and to finifh it, he muft be at a folid Determination how he fball through that Work ; it is 'requifite that he fit down and count the Coft, that he ferioufly relolve with him- felf, whether he be able to bring the Work of his Salvation to Perfe&ion or not. That which we intend to fpeak a little to, in the fir ft Place, is, What it is for Folk to be folidly ahd ferioufly reckoning about the Expence of this Building? what it is for Folk folidly to reckon on the true Coft and Expence of this Building a- bout the Matters of their Salvation? In Anfwer to this, there are thtee Expences of that Building, as there is in other Buildings. F/>#, We would be reckoning about the true Expences of this Building. You uiuft fit down and fee what Religion will coft you. Secondly, You mult rec- kon with your felves, whether ye have a Heart to be at all this Coft and Expence, which you mutt be at, if ye build that Work. 7birdfy x Ye muft rec- kon with your Purfe if ye have fuffo cnt to be at all this Coft and Expence, which you mult be at, ere you through that Work. As to the Fvr ft of thefe, You would reckon well what Religion will coft. Folks that are about the Building of a Houfe ? ufe to reckon what it will coft them ere they finifh it ; and they ufe to rec- kon with skilful Folk, and fee what will do it. Now, it will not be unneedful to enquire at fome ef the Lord s People, what Religion will coft you ; A 2 For ( 4 ) For ye will not get (ufficient Knowledge of it from any Body, but them that have finifhed this Work^ therefore it is beft to confult with the mod skilful Men in Religion, what it will coft you. You would confult with the Great Matter of the Work ; for truly none can inform you but Himfelf. Con- fult with Him, and He will tell you : For Skill you fhould not doubt Him, for Faithfulnefs ye would not doubt Him, and He will tell you what Bxpence Religion will coft you,, and what it will fpeak to you. But there is another Way that ufes to inftruft Builders, and that is the Accounts of Builder?, the Extracts of their Experience : The Extract of the Accounts of thefe that have builded aud finifhed that Work, they will tell you what Col* Religion will fpeak to : There are many have builded and finifhed their Work, will tell you ; and feme of them have been at greater Ex pence, and fome of them at letter Expcnce, There is a Varie- ty L among the Expences of Builders, and lome of them has been at more Expenee than they needed, becimfe ef their Want of Skill in Building, Jon*b Was at much more Expences than he needed ; he Was, as it were, harled through Hell, which he needed not to have been, if he had taken the Way that G OD commanded him. And therefore ye would look the Accounts of Builders, and thefe will rell you what Religion will coft you. But ye may fay, Who will bring down the great Build- er*, Jihrahtm, lfaac yH and Jactb, and thole that hold their Houfe above, to give us an Account of their Expenee of the Building of their Salvation £ JBut they will tell you, that we have a more fure Wo r d of Prophecy, we have a more fure Word of Revelation than they had. Twenty four Hours Cor>| ( 5 ) Confutation of the Son of GOD, and the Troops of the glorified Saints ; we have the clear Mind of Chritt in the Scriptures, and the Records of all the Saints Experience, which will give us a full Ac- count what the Expence really willcoftus. You have the Great Matter's Count-book, that will tell you what it will coft you to build this Tower. We fhall only fpeak a Word to the Matter's Mind in this Compt Book : What is the Matters Mind in this Book i The firft Thing we would be* clear of, is the true Expence in building. And Firft, This Book it gives you an Account of the necefTary Charges and Expences that of Ne- cefllty ye mufi be ar, ere ye through this Build-* ing, the Work of your Salvation. And Secondly, It gives you an Account of other incident Charges and Expences which ye may readily be put to ; it both gives you an Account what the Expence of NecefTicy ye mutt be .at, ere ye through that Work; and alfo of the incident Expeaces that yc readily may be at, ere ye through this Work. And Firft,- As to the Expences that ye mutt of Neeeffity be at, if you be Chriftians : And here ye mutt, fir/?, Be at the Expences of redding the Ground well. Secondly, Ye mutt be at the Coft of laying the Foundation fure and well. Thirdly, Ye mud be at the Coft of a fuitable Superftru6hire. And, fourthly. Ye muft be at the Coft of con-, tinuing at it, fo long as your Days laft. And; Lastly, Ye muft be at the Coft of pulling any Thins down which is not rightly builded upor> this Foundation. Firft, Ye muft be at the Coft of redding the Ground ; And there are two Things in redding the Ground well. Firft, Ye muft be at the digging of the Ground, And Secondly, At ihooling ( 6 ) /haling of the Ground. Fir fa There irmft be a digging of the Ground. Ye muft digg your Hearts well. It is a Work of GonYi&ion upon the Spirit and the Mind, which we call a digging of the Ground, there mutt be a deep and through Convi&ion of thefe Things which belong to your Peace upon y qui Spirits. It muft be a Work of the Spirit that convinceth the World of Sin, of Righteoufnels, and of Judgment. Fir fa Ye mult , have a through Con virion of Sin: The Man muft be convinced that he is all in Sin, wholly pol- luted, and that Sin dwelleth in him, and no good Thing at all, and that Sin is greateft of all what- ibmever. Secondly, And if that Ground were well red, ye mutt be convinced that there is a Righ- teoufnefs, by which Men muft ftand righteous be- fore God, and where it muft be had. Ye muft be convinced that there is a complete Righteoufnefs 111 Chrift, *for the covering of all your Sins, and Provocations. Thirdly, The Man that reds the Ground well, he muft be convinced of judgment, he muft he convinced that he is under a judicial Sentence of Condemnation, by vertueof Sin, arid will certainly be execute, if he do not prevent it, by making TJie of Chrift for his Righteoufnels, and Abfolution from that dreadful Sentence. But in the next Place, The Ground muft be red by fhooling of it. I call this, as it is called in the Scripture, If any Man come after me, let him deny himjelf. There is a Self-Righteoufnefs that he muft lhool eff, or an Efteem of a Righteoufnefs within himfelf ; ye mutt fhool that away in point of Righteoufnels before God, and not only your Moral Righteoufnefs, and good Virtue { but even alfo your gracious Righteoufnefs, your Re* ';'■■ pentance, ( 7 ; . pentancf^ your Faith, and every Thing that is the Fruit of the Spirit working ; ye muft renounce all as a Foundation to build your Salvation on. And alfo, ye muft fhool away your Refolutions, and every Thing in that Nature, all your own good Purpofes and In tentions : Thefe are all good ; but ye muft make your own Ufe of them, they will do no good here in the Matter of your Juftification before GOD. Bur Senndly, Ye muft fhool the Ground of Self- ftrength $ ye muft not fay, As to the Time to come, 1 (hall mend my Life before GOP, I fhall dp tetter afterwards. We would have you at this Piece of Preparation this Day ; do not think that that will make up the Matter between GOD and you, that ye fball make a Vow, that ye {hall be better for the Time to come; if ye red the Ground well, ye muft renounce all Confidence of this Kind in your felves, and muft lay no Weight upon it in the Matter of your Righteoufnefs and Juftification before GOD. But in the next Place, Ye muft be at this Piece of Coft, to lay a fuicable Foundation, after ye have ted the Ground well ; ye muft lay the Foun- dation well alio, if ye would build and finiflh this Work or Tower. Now to lay the Foundation, it is to clofe withChrift entirely, as ^e is deGgned and fet apart of GOD for the Salvation and Hap- pinefs of the Eleii* ye muft be unite to Jefus Chritt bj[ Faith .; ye muft lay hold upon him, and clofe with him by Faith, 3s he is defigned of God, and as your Need of him requires. Bur, truly there are many that are ignorant of Faith : How few are there that know really what Faith is! JYe fuppofe that their Number be but very few (I I few. But, if ye would take up the Objeft o[ it, ye mutt take if lip under thefe four Confidera- tions. You have them in the i Cor. i. 30. where it is held forth, That GOD the Father gave Chritt to the Eleft, to be Wifdom, Righteoufnefs, Sah<5li- fication, and Redemption. Now thefe that believe in him, and lay this Foundation well, they clofc with him under thefe Confideratibris. Firft, He comes to make you wife ; you muft apprehend him fo ; he is given to be Wifdorn to you. They fhall be al) taught of GOD, fays the Scripture. He came out of the Boiom of the Fa- ther to teach: If ye apprehend him right, you muft take him fo, for to make you wife, and to inftruft you in the whole Counfel of God, rela- ting to your Salvation. Secondly, You muft take him for Righteoufnefs ; you muft apprehend him for your Righteoufnefs before GOD, and your Acceptation with' him: Sicklike, if ye apprehend him right, you muft take him for San&ification ; if ye lay this Foun- dation right, you muft apprehend him to make you holy. And L*ftlj y You muft take him for complete Redemption, for the putting on of the Cop-ftone of your Salvation. If ye do not ap- prehend him under thefe Confiderations, and clofc with him intirely, as he is defigned and given of GOD to the Eleft, ye will never lay the Ground- work of your Salvation aright. But in the Third Place, Ye muft be at theBc- pence of a Superftrufture fuitablc to'the Foundation; therefore the Chriftian is called the Builder. Be- lievers muft build up themfelves on this Foundation. You know that a Foundation is to no purpofe lyithouc a fuitable SuperftrufturcNow, if yc would know know what this Superftruduic is, It is Firfl a Throne in the Heart for Chrift,- if ever ye refolve to come to Heaven, ye mutt build this Throne ; it is a Throne of Love, and it is a Throne of Subjecti- on in your Heart: Ye muft fet Him in the chiet Seat of your Affe&ions, and love Him above all Things under Heaven ; And alfo, Ye muft be (ubjed to Him in every thing which he has commanded you. Ye muft be obedient to Him in every Thing ; be- caufc it is a Marriage, as well as a Building. Ye muft compt this Piece of your Cott ; Ye muft be at all thefe Pieces of Expences, to give Him your Love, that there be none to him in refped or Love and Subje&ion; Ye muft be fubjeft to Him in all Things in all his Commands, and in all his Difpcnfations ; this is abfolutely neceffary, that he have a Throne in your Heart, and that he reign over you. A Second Piece of this Superftru&ure, ai:d it is an adorning of this Building, and this is Holinefs. Holinefs is a neceffary Pieceof Charges,if ye would intend to build this Tower, and not to come foul off. Holy ye muft be, or ye fhall never finiili this Work ; for, without it, no Man can enter into Heaven ; if ye intend to build without Holinefs, ye will but deform and deface this Building. Ho- linefs is a moft neceffary Piece of Super (Iructure to this Building. Thirdly, Obedience. Obedient ye muft be under the Dire&ion of Chrift as under a Father ; You muft have a Refpeft to all his Commandments, ab- itraded either from Reward or Punifhment, and as to all of them, and not to fome of them that funs their Humours beft, but to ail of them great and fmall ; you muft not break any of his Command- ments, but you muft have an universal Refpeft to them all 8 Fourthly, ( io ) Famhly, Ye muft be at the neceffary Expences of z\)c Crofs. Yotj muft be crofled of your Humours gither froip Nlen or from GpD $ it will not be as ye would, but it will often be as you would not. Ye ipuft ei)dure the profs ; In the World ye ftiall |iave Tribulation. fifthly, Ye mull rieceflarily be at the Expence of pioiuping over a pierced Saviour, Zech, 12.10, 4 fa] lhall lopk tjf him whom they have pierced, and ik*] fo4l piourriy & for an only Son, and At fir a Firft- fiorn ; fince you 'mutt have this on the Accoupt of fib being piprped by our Iniquities ? this is a necef- fary Piece of the Super ttrudture of this Building j Syhat eyer yoijt Sijas have been, ye muft be brought jto tjfjis, tq fuourp over them, for your piercing of fihritt fry them. Repentance is a moft neceflary |?iece of this Building; you mutt be at the Expence* cf it, elle ye will never firjifh this Work and 3T9WCT. Sixthly, If yc will know the Expence of this building, ye mutt be at the Colt of Incettine Wars. Jirjeipies at home within ; you muli fight againft $£)eip all; Every pr>e that is Chritt'Sjhath crucifie4 i$c JFlefh, >yith the Affe&ions and Lufts thereof Ye mutt be at all the Expences (I fay ) of inteftine ^ars ; Yc have all great and matttirful Lufts and Jineipies lyithin, vrhich you mutt fight againft andt pyercome. Pf ye (Kail never build this Tower : ^pil #iutt tajce up a Warfare againft Corruption WJtbin you ? jt ye refolye tobuild ? and alfo to finifh. ^911 jijay fhjnk to be Christians without Mortifi- p^ipPj but yoij Qiall kno>y ir, that yc (hall never feitf J4 3Rd ftiifb t ^ s T >V?* without it. Fight ye }}\\ii\, &£ yc (hall finifh this Tower. if\' ifrz next Place, Ye muft look the Matter's GSfflP^Jfe^fi Jl?5 B^k of A§s |f ill tell you, ~ l * * " There ~j There is feme incident Charges ye maybe pjif Wj it may readily cott you fome Things that ye think not of ( I fhould have ipoken to the othe* two, tut I pafs them, ( to wit, ) that a Man mult continue at this Work of Building the Tower ill his Days, till the latt Day, even till the Day of his Death, he muft never give it over : And alio,* he mutt be at the Cott to pull down Civility or feducatioft, or moral Horietty, or ; wliatfecyer it fee that hath been not rightly kuilded, mutt Be pulled down ; but I pals this* J And I fay* the Compt-Book tells you, that ye may be put to lems Pieces of incident Charges which ye know hot of* and I fhall give you them in thefe three Word** Firft, Ye may be put to this Piece of Charged and Expences, to have the great Part of the World iipon your Tops, and to have Contradictions and Reproaches from the Men in the Worl^I, yea, even from the greatett of Men ; ye mutt reckon that this may be a Piece of your Expences ere ye finifh this Building; and if ye mind to build and finifh your Building, .ye mutt relolve with this Piece. 6f Expence and Coft; you may meet with it* 1 fay,< with Reproaches and Contradictions froin the Men of the World : The Chriftian Guilder may meet with thefe. Secondly, The King's Book gives you this Ac- compt of it ; you may be put to build with very great Lofs, fueh as the Lofs of Father and Mother^ and the Lois of Wife and Children, and Land?,* and Lives ; it may be tfm ye be ptit to this Piece of Cott,- that ye (hall lole all$ ^zhd your very Life alfb, ere you ever can finifh this Building* Ye may be put to th$ Lofs of father's Favour^ and Mothers Favour, and the Favour of Church an& B 2 : ; u: ( 12 ; State : This may be a Piece of ycur Expcnccs, if ye intend to build and fintfh. Ye may refolve with your felves that ye may readily be put to build with the Lofs of the beft of your Enjoy- ments, yea, with the Lofs of your very Lives ; this is a Piece of Coft which many have been put to, ere they finifhed this Building. In the Third Place, A Chriftian may be put to this Piece of incident Charges, they may be put to build with many difcouraging Difad vantages : As Fir ft, Thou may be put to build in iuch a Cafe as there is none in it but thy felf, none to break the Ice before thee, and none to bear thee Company j this was Elijah's Grief and Complaint, that, there was none left in all IJrael but himfelf. It is an ordinary By-word among Folks in Du- ties, that they have no Heart to, that they would do them, if others would do them, with them ; but they have no Will to do them their alone :Buc remember, it may be thy Cafe to be put to build, and not one with thee, not one to bear thee Com- pany; and yet thou muft build, if thou intend to come fair off; But, Secondly, Ye may be put to build without the publick Ordinances, What in cafe this fhould be your Lor, to be put to build this Tower without the comforting and encouraging Ordinances, and yet it may be your Lot to be put to build with- out them : Ye may be put till it, to be Chrittians, and to be holy, and yet want the preaching of the Word, and to want the Sacraments and Sabbaths.- Now, what would ye be for Chriftians, if all thefe were away ? And yet, I fay, if ye count the Coft I right, yc muft conclude, that this may be your | Lot, to be put to build without Enjoyment or the j publick ©rdinances. It was David's Lot, he' was j de ( *3 ) deprived for a confidcrable Space of the encourag- ing and comforting Ordinances, which was very fad to him. So I fay, it may be your Difadvantage to want the Enjoyment of the precious Ordinances ( which was very fad to him : ) and yet, what mutt ye do? mutt ye give it over ? No, no, ye muft not give it over, you muft build (till, if ye intend to finifh, and not to come foul oft*. Thirdly , If ye be a Builder, ye may be at this Difadvantage with it, that ye and the Matter- Builders may be at a Variance about this Build- ing • this may be a Piece of thy Difcouragement, and a Piece of thy incident Lofs, to be at Variance with the reft of thefe that are building. You know the Church has been at this with it : The great Matter Builders have ken all on others Lugs about this Building, Mojes and A*ron % Paul and Barn/ibas ; ye fee what Variance and Strife was among thefe Matter-Builders about this Work. This is a Piece of incident Coft that ye may be put to,ere ye finifh this Work,you maybe at Strife and Variance with the reft of thefe that are building. Fourthly, I will tell you of another Piece of in- cident Charges,which ufeth to be very difcouraging to the Builders of this Tower, and it is this, To fee their Neighbours pull down what formerly they builded, and build what formerly they pul- led down. Would not this be very difcouragine; to a Builder, to fee his Neighbour upon the Wall pulling down what formerly he buildcd, and that very well ? yet ye muft build notwithttanding. This Was Paul's Lot, when he charges Peter, and reproves him for building that which he had deftroyed. I tell you, this may be your Lot alfo, to fee thefe who were your Fellow-Builders pull down what thcyfo rmcrly buildcd very well, and build that which ( 14 ) which they deftroyed. And what will yc do ? Vou mutt not give over, but muft build (till, not- withstanding of this Difcouragement. A Fifth difcouraging Difadvantage that ye may be put to, to build with, and it is. this, When ye have neither Heart nor Hands to build with. David (ays, My ffeart and Plefb fails me. Muft he give it over then ? Mo, he iuuft not give it over, but fee better to it than ever he did ; this is an incident Piece of Lofs, that ye may be put to build this Tower with, when yc have neither Heart tior Hand to Work. The Laft Piece of incident Lofs, that ufeth to be very difcouraging to the Chriftian in building this Tower, and it is this,Hemay be put to build in the Dark ; it is a very great Difcouragement to build and to be in Darknefs about his Intereft, and about his Duty, and about the Promifes. Fir ft, Thou may be called to build when thou art in the Dark about thy Intereft, not knowing that thou haft any Thing ado with Chrift, faving- ly ; thou not knowing tnat thy Perfbn is accepted* let be thy Performances; not knowing but all thou doft is caften at by GOD, and looked upon by him as thy Sin, and yet thou muft build: Yc mult reckon this Piece of Lofs with your felves, that yc may be brought to build in Darknefs about your Intereft. Secondly^ou maybe at this Difadvantage, to be in the Dark about thy Duty, and that in two Re- fpefts, Firft, Thou knowft not that the Promife that is made to the Duty belongs to thee ; I fay, thou may be put to Work and to Duty, and yet koow not whether or no thou haft a Right to the Promife that is made to that Work or Duty* Se- condly, Thoa knowft not to what Purpofe thy Vfotk ( *s ) Work is, and yet you muft work. Yet you muft go forward, although you fee not to what Purpofe your Work is. And Thirdly 9 Ye may be put to build in the Dark about the Promifes, not knowing that a Pro- mife in all the Word of GOD belongs to thee. Now, Sirs, if you intend to build and finifh this Tower, the Work of your Salvation, you muft reckon with your felves to meet wirh all thefe Pitces ofExpences both neceflary and incident; Lay your Account with them ; tor if ye do not ferioufly intend to be at all thefe Pieces of Expen- ccs, if ye be called thereto byG OD, ye will ne- ver builjl and finifti this Tower and Work. We come in the next Place to the (ccond Part of Reckoning, and it is this, The Man is now to count with himfelf, what Mind he has for this Work upon fuch Terms and Conditions. Firf} 9 The Man muft lay his Hand upon the Book, the Matter's Count-book of Rates, and rec- kon what Charges and Expenees the Building of this Tower will amount unto ; and then he mutt lay his Hand upon his Heart, and ask at his Heart, how it likes to build on fuch Terms and Conditions ? He muft fpear at himfelf, if he has a mind to this Work upon fuch Conditions. Would you build and not come foul oftV then, I fay, You muft reckon with your felves, whether or no ye have a mind to ware all this Coft upon it, which the Maftcrs Count- book tells you, you muft ware on it, if you intend to finifh this Work. I fhall tell you, if ye be minded, ye will find your Hearts iublcribing thefe Accounts in theie few In- ftances. Fir/?, Your Hearts will fubfenbe to the ReafonabIene{s of thefe Account?. He that counts the Coft right, and is content to be at all this " - - Cof:, ( ij ) Cofr, he fubfcribes to the Reafonablencfs of it ; lie fays in his Heart,thac it is very reafonable that he have the Ground well rid,and it is very reafonable that he lay the Foundation well,and that he have a fuitable SuperHru6ture ; and that, if the Lord call him to it, he be at every Piece of incident Lofs whatfomever : If ye reckon right, your Heart will fay, All is reafonable. Every Builder will not fub- fcribe with all thefe Accounts ; but he that counts right, will fubferibe with all his Soul to.the Rea- fonablenefs of them all ,• he will account them in his Heart every one reafonable. This will be a neceflary Piece of Preparation to you all this Day, before ye approach this Ordinance, to go through all thefe Pieces of Expences, and fee how your Heart joins with them : You would ponder and confider them with your Heart, if it thinks them reafonable Terms and Conditions. Secondly, Your Heart will fubferibe to the Dif- proportion that is betwixt the Building and the Expences ; but beware to think that Heaven is be- holden or obliged to any Body for any Thing that they can do or fuffer ; but ye are to think your felvcs the more obliged to the free Grace of GOD, that lias given you a Heart for it, and has helped you to be at all this Colt and Expences about it ; 1 fay, If your Hearts fubferibe aright to all thefe Accounts, it will lay, that the Expences are infi- nitely Abort of the 1 Building ; and ye will fay with the Apoftle, It is not worthy to be compared with the Glory that is to be revealed. Your Hearts will ab- hor and difdain fin a Manner J every Thing they can either do or fufter, as to be right, in Comparifon therewith. Thirdly, If ye count right, and your Hearts be well minded in this Matter, y^ur Mind? will (iib* r I? ; fobfcrfbe to thefe Accounts as defirable j that is to -fey, Your Souls will have an infatiable Defire to *ave Strengch to be at this Work : .Ye will fay, {although ye had never fo much Conviction of ■Your Inability) O if I had Gear for its Sake ! Your Hearts nil! be troubled for nothing, but for the fyVanc of what ye (tand in need of, in order to this "Bailding. If your Hearts be well minded for this 'Building, ye will fubferibe to all thefe Accounts as defirable j ye will think it your Glory to beat all this Coft. And Fourthly, If your Hearts be well minded "Ibrttois Building, ye will be refolute for it, thac ye wrill build at'all this Coft ; if ye can be able by any Arc of Heaven, ye will build, although ye fliould be at all Coft and Expences. Says David, I have jworn and 2 mil perform it, that I will leep thy righteous Statutes. If the Heart be right in this Matter, it will refolve to build, altho , it be at all this Coft that we have named j that muft be a Piece of Peremptforinefs, that ye will beChriftians, if you fhould fell all that is out of your Eye- "holes for it. This' was the Way of the wife Mer- chant, that fold all that he had, and bought the Field with the Pearl of great Price. The Man *who has a Mind for this Building, he will be re- fblved that he will do his Utmoft for the Accom: pliChmentofit. We (hall in the next Place come to the third Part of the Reckoning, and it is this. Ye muft now reckon with your Purfes, and fee if ve have fufficient there to bq at all the Coft, as I told you. You muft firfl lay your Hand upon the Book, the Matter's Cotjpt^book, the Book of Afls, 3nd lee there what it will coft. Secondly, You muft lay your Hand upon your Heart, and ask at it how it is C contest ( i8 ) content to be at all this Cott. And Thirdly, Ye muft look your Purfe, and fee whether ye have fuf- ficient to be at all this Cofr. Now ye iee what tht Expence is, and ye know what your Mind is : Now, what have you to build with ? Have ye fuf- ficienc for the Accomplifhing of this Building ? I fhall fpeak a little to this one Qiicftion, How (hall a Man know that he hath fufticient Furniture for this Work ? In Anfwer to which, Firft, Ye know a Man may be faid to have, if he have in his own Hand, or in a Friend's Hand. Secondly 9 He may be faid to have, if he have Money, or it he have Peny worths. Thirdly, He may be faid to have, if lie actually have it, or if he have for Incoming. Now I would in the Fir ft Place fay, that if ye can neither have in your felves nor in others, ye are not ftocked for Building ; if ye neither have it in your felves nor in Chrilt, ye are not fhffciently ftocked for this Building ; Forthefe that have nei- ther in themfelves nor in Chrifr, have nothing. Secondly, If thou thinks thou haft iufficiently in thy felf, thou haft nothing ; Thefe that look upon them- felves as being able to accomplifh the Work of their Salvation by what is in themfelves, they are able to do nothing in it at all. And Thirdly, If there be any Thing in thee, if thou think it is thy own, thou art dreadfully miitaken, for thou has nothing but what thou haft received. And F =r 2. r a n> g? 1 3 rf P^ i bo r * s» I? ^ CO I S3 It CO L 13 I. 2g g o* 5" >o 3 B. § «" fv S.' JJ g 3 n 2 S.S S " ,, l> 3 •"* O 2 D hr 1 £> o s jr- H *— so zr. o o o CO 3 oo ^"cl a* £ ^ *-* t> • 2 a n> n> q 2. s •rr so *^»-n >« ^ v-^ ^^ ~« tl 3" SB?**'* 2, a- 3 s? o 5* % C/5 w E-3-C W O G ^ sr. a 5* a ° 2 3 £" s o g ? s rO ^ (» » * 2cwcr £ r* S C O 5- p o ^ ^ ST a S cr. H ^^ - a ? 5' 3^ 3T o Sis o 5 g lr-»« "^ CO O.G i u o- O n^ rt M.J o SO 5" era o t m 2 3 o n> ^ 2 - gi 3 3 2 3 so ^ P rj ££ «-1- O .en W ^ 5 # a. 2L o w-^ CD ^-. co O x e o o cr O Q- o- B. ^ en n n ^ so CO D . o SO PT 3 tr n> o