7?S SCA- NS? /^ ^ J' / Timmik<^m ^Tmirs SOCIAL WRSHIP, ^ SELECTED J^N^odUk^Ai? l^^B ^ <^/„ .,UN*^ GK^ ^OOICAL 8^ suppZiXniiaoiT I>R. WATTS'S PSALMS AND HYMNS. BY ASAHEL NETTLETON. And the ransomed of tlie Lord shall return, and come ro SSion with soogs and everlasting joy upon their heads ;— SECOKD EDITIOSr. HARTFORD : PRINTED BY GOODWIN k CO. I824! ^ DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, SS. ••"****»• BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the fif- J L. S. ; teenth day of March, in the fortj-eiglith year of *%»««•*• ^^^ Independence of the United States of Amer- ica, CALVIN CHAPIN, of the said District, hath deposited in tliis office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following— to wit : '* Village Hymns for social worship, selected and original : " designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and " Hymns. By Asahel Nettleton. " And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come "to Zion with songs and ercrlasting joy upon their '* heads."— /joiaA. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the encouragement of learning, '< by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the *• Auttiors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times '* tha^n mentioned." CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. K h'UC cot>y of Record, examined and sealed by me. CHARLES A. INGERSOLL, Clerk of the District of Cormeeticut. PREFACE. WiTit great satisfaction and pleasure have 1 •ften heard the friends of the Redeemer express their unqualified attachment to the sacred poetry i ©f Dr. Watts. Most cordially do I unite with them in the hope, that no Selection of HymnS which has ever yet appeared may he suffered to take the place of his inimitable pi'oduction*. Deficiencies, however, he unquestionably has; Numerous have been the attempts to supply them Vut, hitherto, the judicious have been constrained to regret, that these attempts have succeeded onlj* in part. Whether the book here published will add something to that supply, is submitted to the decision of the religious community. The compiler does not overlook the valuable labors of those who have preceded him in this department ; while he concurs in the opinion, very generally adopted by his brethren in the ministry, that the various benevolent operations, and espe., cially the prc valence of revivals, which are so characteristic of the present day, demand a New- Selection of Hymns. In the year 1820, the Genei-al Association of Connecticut appointed a committee to devise measures for the prosperity of religion wilhin their l. PREFACE. limits. I well remember, that at a meeting of this committee, the fii-st item proposed was a New Selection of Hymns. Four years have nearly elapsed, and nothing has been done pursuant to their appointment. When, in the providence of God, I had the happiness of spending a short season, as a laborer for Christ, within the limits of the Albany Pres- bytery, the call for such a work in that region ; and, as I learned from the most respectable sources, very extensively in the West and South, was not less imperious and pressing, than in dis- tricts where I had been more particularly conver- sant. In personal experience, and discoveries of this description, originated the resolution to un- dertake the work. The compilation here pre- sented is the result. The task has occupied my attention much of the time for nearly two years. Especially has it cheered and comforted me, during the long continued retirement to which a severe sickness subjected me. The book, whatever may be its defects, is now most affectionately presented « To Zion's friends and mine." I anticipated difficulties, but am fully persuaded, that whoever undertakes a work of this kind will have to encounter many unforeseen embarrass- ments in the execution. I had hoped to find, in the style of genuine poetry, a greater number of hymns adapted to the various exigencies of a revival. Laborious J»REFACE. V. i-esearch has, however, led me to conclude, that not many such compositions are in existence. This volume contains a number of original hymns, which I esteem a valuable accession.— To their authors whose signatures are prefixed, or at their own request omitted, I tender my sincere thanks. I have obtained permission to insert a few of the originals from the Hartford Selection These, though already familiar to many, will yet be con- aulted M ith feelings of new interest, when associated with the names of Strong and Stewabd. The reader will find, inserted in this volume, a few of the psalms and hymns to which it is designed as a supplement. But he is desired to recollect, that Dwight's edition of Watts is in extensive circulation. In his edition, some of Watts's psalms and hymns were omitted ; and those which I have inserted are principally of this character. I have consulted all the authors and Collections of Hymns to which I could gain access. I have availed myself of their labors ; and have spent much time in attempts to remodel many of the materials thus collected. In all cases, excepting the hymns of established reputation, wherever abridgments or alterations were deemed conducive to the design of this volume, they have been made without hesitation. There is a numerous class of hymns which hav» been sung with much pleasure and profit in seasons ©f revival, and yet are entirely destitute of poetic / /Vi. PREPARE. merit. Some of my brethren, acquainted with this fact, will probably be disappointed when they find, that so many have been omitted. Others, unac- quainted with their beneficial effects at such seasons, would exclude the whole of this class. I am satisfied from observation, as well as from th« nature itself of such hymns, that they must be ephemeral. They should be confined to seasons of revival : and even here, they ought to be introduced with discretion ; for on this, their principal utility must depend. A book, consisting chiefly of hymns for revivals, however important in its place, would be utterly unfit for the ordina- ry purposes of devotion — as prescriptions, salutary in sickness, are laid aside on the restoration of health. With respect to the hymns of a lower grade, 1 fully unite in the opinion of a much respected correspondent : " That the safest course is t« leave them generally out — That the warm heart of a young convert will take a strong hold, and that with pleasure and profit too, of many things, from which, in a more ripened state, he would derive neither." After selecting a hymn, my first object has been to bring it into a form best adapted to be read or sung in meetings for religious pm-poses. With this view, some of them have been divided, and ©thers reduced to a stricter unity of thought. With respect to the an-angement, it has cost BBC much labor. After all, I liave not been able PREFACE. Vll. cutireJy to satisfy my own mind, i am aware that many of the hymns placed under different heads, might have heen arranged under the same ; and yet all these heads seemed indispensable. The Cliristian and the Convert, for example, might have been included under one head. But there are so many things peculiar to th^ commencement of the christian life, that it was deemed highly proper to collect a number suited to his case, and place them under the eye of the young convert. This part of my employment has been highly delightful ; and I cannot but indulge the hope, that among the many thousands who have commenced their christian course in the recent revivals, not a few of them will find this volume a pleasant and profitable companion on their way to tlie heavenly Zion. The character of some of the hymns is such, that with equal propriety they might have been differently arranged. I have, therefore, distributed them under the several heads where I thought them most needed — recollecting that the intrinsic value of the hymn vf&s not at all affected by the page which it might occupy. Where the title of a hymn is omitted, it will be found in the next pi'eceding, or in the running title. For the selection of tunes, I am chiefly indebted, to the Rev. Joshua L, Williams and Mr. Chandler. It is not expected that all who use this Selec- tion, will of eonrse adopt the music ; to many, VJU. PREFACE. however, a particular reference to suitable music may be useful. I am happy i» being able to say, that the demand for the former edition has exceeded my expectation. For the accommodation of singers, it is in contemplation to collect tunes for all the particular metres. These annexed to a few copies, it is thought, will add to the interest and utility of thfs. little volume. ITethers/ieldy June 92, 1824. VILLAGE HYMNS. GOD. HYMN 1. L. M. Watts. Rothwell, Luther's Hymn. 1 npHERE is a GOD, who reigns aboi X Lord of the heav'n, and earth ai seas: I fear his wrath, I ask his love, And with my lips I sing his praise. 2 There is a law which he has writ, ^ To teach us all, what we must do ; My soul, to his commands submit, For they are holy, just, and true. 3 There is a gospel rich in grace, Whence sinners all their comforts draw ; Lord, I repent and seek thy face, For I have often broke thy law, 4 There is an hour when I must die, Nor do I know how soon 'twill coma ; How many, younger much than I, Havg pass'd by death to hear their doom. A2 9 -"Z, GOD. 5 Let me improve the hours I have, Before the day of grace is fled ; There's no repentance in the grave, Nor pardon offer'd to the dead. HYMN 2. C. M. Watts. ^'W Colchester, St. Ann's. His condescejision. Isa. Ixvi. 2. HEN the Eternal hows the skie&. To visit earthly things; With scorn divine he turns his eyes From towers of haughty kings. ^e bids his awful chariot roll, 2 Far downward from the skies, \o visit every humble soul, 1 With pleasure in his eyes. A^hy should tlie Lord, who reigns above^ Disdain so lofty kings ? Say, Lord, and why such looks of love Upon such worthless things ? Mortals, be dumb ; — what creature darft» Dispute his awful will ? Ask no account of his aftairs, But tremble, and be still. All sovereign and all free ; C reat God, how searchless are thy ways ! How deep thy judgments be ! 10 GOD. O, 4. HYMN 3. C. M. Blacklock. Elgin, Maityr's, Chapel. Omniscience and Omnipresence, Ps. cxxxix. 1 T ORD, thou with an unerring beam JLJ Surveyest all my powers ; My rising steps are watch'd by thee, By theC; my resting hours. 2 My thoughts, scarce struggling into birth, Great God, are known to thee ; Abroad, at home, still I'm inclos'd With thine immensity. < 3 To thee the labyrinths of life In open view appear ; Nor steals a whisper from my hps, Without thy Hsiening ear. HYMN 4. C. M. Walsal, Plymouth. Prov. Ji:v. 3.— Heb. iv. 13. 1 n^HE eye of God is every where Jl To watch the sinner's ways ; He sees who join in humble prayer, And who in solemn praise. 5 One glance of thine, eternal Lord, Can pierce and search us through ; Nor hcav'n, nor earth, nor hell afford A shelter from thy view ! 5 The universe, in every part, At OHce before thee lies ; 11 5. GOD. And every thought of every heart Is open to thine eyes. 4 Prepare us, Lord, to pray and praise "VVith fervent, holy love ; -And fit us by thy word of grace To worship thee above. HYMN 5. CM. Watts. Cambridge, Swanwick. His glories in rtdemption. Isa. xlir. 23. 1 TT^ ATHER, how wide thy glory shines ! X How high thy wonders rise ! Known thro' the earth bj' thousand signs, By thousands thro' the skies. £ But when we view thy strange design. To save rebellious worms ; Where vengeance and compassion join In their divinest forms ; — 3 Here the whole Deity is known ; Nor dares a creature guess — Which of the glories brightest shone — The justice or the grace. 4 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heav'nly plains : Bright seraphs learn Emmanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. 5 Oh, may I bear some humble part. In that immortal song ! Wonder and joy shall tunc my heart. And lore command my tongue, 12 GOD. 6, 7. HYMN 6. C. M. Halifax, Braintree. 1 TNDULGENT Father, how divine, X How bright thy beauties are ! Thro' nature's ample round they shine, Thy goodness to declare. 2 But in thy nobler work of grace, What brighter mercy smiles In our benign Redeemer's face, And every fear beguiles I 3 Such wonders, Lord, while we survey. To thee our thanks shall rise, When morning ushers in the day. Or evening veils the skies. 4 When glimmering life resigns its flame, Thy praise shall tune our breath ; The dear memorials of thy name Shall gild the shades of death. 5 But oh, how sweet our song shall rise, When freed from feeble clay ; And all thy glories meet our eyes In one eternal day ! iJYMIS 7. C. 31. llruintice, Yoik. Love of God. 1 John iv. 3. CO ME. ye that know and fear the Lord, And lift your souls above ; Let every heart and voice accord, To sing, that God is love. 8. SOD. £ This precious truth his word declares, Aud all his mercies prove ; Jesus, the gift of gifts, appears To shew, that God is love. 8 Sinai, in clouds, and smoke, and fire, Thunders his dreadful name ; But Zion sings, in melting notes. The honors of the Lamb. 4 In all his doctrines and commands, His counsels and designs — In ev'ry work his hands have fram'd. His love supremely shines, ■) Angels and men the news proclaim. Thro' earth and heaven above. The joyful and transporting news, That God, the Lord, is love. HYMN 8. L. M. Doddridge. Antij'ia, Blciulon. God^s goodness^ Ps. cvii. SI. 1 "VTE sons of aien, with joy record jL The various wonders of the Lord ; And let his power and goodness sound, Through all your tribes the earth around. 2 Let the high heavens your songs invite, Those spacious fields of brilliant light ; Where sun, and moon, and planets roll, And stars, that glow from pole to pole. 5 But Oh ! that brighter world above, Where lives and reigns incarnate love ! 14 GOD. 9. God's only Son, in flesh arrayM, For man a bleeding victim made. 4 Thither, my soul, Avith rapture soar, There, in the land of praise adore ; The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day. HYMN 9. L. M. Medley. Bkndon, Tallis' Evening Hymn. Loving-kindness. Isa. Ixiii. 7, 1 A W.\KE, my soul, to joyful lays, J\. And sing the great Redeemer's praise ; He justly claims a song from me, His loving- kindness, Oh, how free ! 3 He saw me ruin'd in the fall, Yet lov'd me notwitstanding all ; He sav'd me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, Oh, how great ! 3 Tho' numerous hosts of mighty foes, Tho' earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, Oh, how strong ! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gather'd thick, and thunder'd loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving kindness. Oh, how good ! 6 Often I feel my sinful heart, Prone from my Jesus to depart; But though I have him oft forgot. His loving-kindness changes not 15 10, 11. GOD. 6 Soon shall I pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail ; Oh ! may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. HYMN 10. S. M. Watts. Peckham, Watchman, Pelham. Love and mercy. 1 ClING — how eternal love >0 Its chief Beloved chose ; And bade him raise our ruin'd race, From their abyss of woes. 2 His hand no thunder bears, No terror clothes his brow : No bolts to drive our guilty souls To fiercer flames below. 8 'Twas mercy fill'd the throne, And wrath stood silent by — When Christ was sent with pardon down, To rebels doom'd to die. 4 Now, sinners, dry your tears. Let hopeless sorrow cease ; Bow to the sceptre of his love. And take the ofler'd peace. HYMN 11. CM. Watts. Colchester, Braintrec. Trinity. Eph. ii. 18. 1 Tj^ATHER of glory, to thy name Jo Immortal praise we give, GOD. 12, Who dost an act of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease ; Our lives he ransom'd with his own, And dy'd to make our peace, 3 To thine Almighty Spirit be Immortal glory given, Whose influence brings us near to thee, And trains us up for Heaven. 4 Let men, with their united voice. Adore th' eternal God, And spread his honors and their joys, Through nations far abroad. 5: Let faith, and love, and duty join. One general song to raise : Let saints in earth and Heaven combine, In harmony and praise. HYMN 12. C. M. CowpER, Al)ridge, SW Ann's. The mysteries of Providence. OD moves in a mysterious way, •G'S is wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea. And rides upon the storm. a Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill. He treasures up his bright designs. And works his aov'reign will. r 13. GOD. S Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,, But trust him for his grace ; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. 6 Bhnd unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain ; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it ])Iain. HY3IN 13. C. M. Addison. Mear, Rochester. Servants of God ahcays safe. 1 TTOW are thy servants bless'd, O Lord , XX How sure is their defence ! Eternal wisdom is their guide. Their help. Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms, and lands remote, Supported by thy care ; Thro' burning climes they pass unhurt, And breathe in tainted air. 5 When by the dreadful tempest borne. High on the broken wave, 7 8 UNIVERSAL PRAISE. H- They know thou art not sk)\V to hear, Nor impotent to save. The storm is laid — the winds retire, Obedient to thy will : The sea that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. In 'midst of dangers, fears, and deaths, Thy goodness we'll adore ; We'll praise thee for thy mercies past ; And humbly hope for more. UNZVISRSAI. PRAISE. HYMN 14. 6, 4. Madan's Col. Trinity, St. Clemens. 1 r^OME, thou Almighty King, Vy Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise ! Father all glorious. O'er all victorious. Come and reign over us. Ancient of days. t, Jesus, our Lord, arise. Scatter our enemies. And make them fall ! Let thine almighty aid Our sure defence be made : Our souls on thee be stay'd : Lord, hear our call ! li 15. UNIVERSAL PRAISE. 5 Come, thou, incarnate Word, Gird on thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend ! Come, and thy people bless. And give thy word success ; Spirit of holiness, On us descend ! 4 Come, holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour ! Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in ev'ry heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of pow'r. 3 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be. Hence evermore ! His sovereign majesty, . May we in glory see, \Av\d to eternity Love and adore. HYMN 15. L. M. Watts- Wells, Old Hundred. God exalted above all praise. TERNALpower! whose high abode E Becomes the grandeur of a God ; In vain the tallest angel tries To reach thy height with wond'ring eyes. Earth, from afar, has heard thy fame, And worms have learn'd to lisp thy name ; 20 UNIVERSAL PRAISE. 16. But oh, the glories of thy mind Leave all our soaring thoughts behind. S God is in heaven, but man below : Be short our tunes, our words be few : A sacred rev'rence checks our songs, And praise sits silent on our tongues. HYMN 16. 5,6. MADAN'sCoifr Locke, Devonshire. God^s servants should praise him, 1 "Y^E serv^ints of God, X Your Master proclaim, And publish abroad His wonderful Name ; The name all victorious Of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious, And rules over all. 2 God ruleth on high, Almighty to save ; And still he is nigh, His presence we have : The great congregation His triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation To Jesus our King. S Salvation to God Who sits on the throne- Let all cry aloud A nd honor the Son : 21 17. UNIVERSAL PRAISE. Our Jesus' praises The angels proclaim ; Fall down on their faces And worship the Larab. 4 Then let us adore, And give him his right ; All glory and power, And wisdom and might : All honor and blessing, With angels above ; And thanks never ceasing, And infinite love. HYMN 17. S, 7. Tatlor. Sicilian Hymn, Northampton Chapel. 1 QAINTS, with pious zeal attending, ►5 Now a grateful tribute raise ; Solemn songs to heav'n ascending. Join the universal praise. 2 Round Jehovah's footstool kneeling, Lowly bend with contrite souls ; Here his milder grace revealing. Here his wrath no thunder rolls. 5 Every secret fault confessing, Deed unrighteous, thought of sin, Seize, O seize the proffer'd blessing, Grace from God and peace within. 4 Heart and voice with rapture swelling, Still the song of glory raise ; On the theme immortal dwelling, Join the Universal praise. £2 SCRIFTURES. 18, 19. HYMN 18. L. M. Doddridge. Portugal, Chatham, Bicester. GOD of my life, through all its days, My grateful powers shall sound thy praise ; The song shall wake with opening light. And warble to the silent night. \ When anxious cares would break my rest. And grief would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tuneful praise I'll raise on high, And check the murmur, and the sigh. r When death, o'er nature shall prevail, And all its powers of language fail, Joy thro' my swimming eyes shall break, And mean the thanks I cannot speak. \ But Oh ! when that last conflict's o'er, And I am chain'd to flesh no more, With what glad accentis shall I rise. To join the music of the skies 1 SCRIPTUllZSS. HYMN 19. CM. RiMON. Barby, Wareham. HOW precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine To guide our souls to heaven. 20, 21. SCRIPTURES. 2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light, and joy, it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. S This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. HYMN 20. CM. Steele. St. Ann's, Canterburj'. 1 TTiATHER of mercies, in thy wordj JL What endless glory shines ! For ever be thy name ador*d For these celestial lines. 2 Here, the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around ; And life, and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 3 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light ! 4 Divine instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou forever near, Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view ray Saviour there. HYMN 2i. CM. WATTi. Plymouth, Abridge. I T ADEN with guilt and full of fears, Xj I fly to thee, my Lord, 24 SCRIPTURES. 22. And not a glimpse of hope appears, But in thy written word. 2 The volutne of my Father's grace Does all my grief assuage ; Here I behold my Saviour's face Almost in every page. 3 This is the field where hidden lies The pearl of price unknown ; That merchant is divinely wise. Who makes the pearl his own. 4 This is the Judge that ends the stri Where wit and reason fail ; My guide to everlasting life, Thro' all this gloomy vale. HI. within; V HYMN 22. L. M. Watts J Angel's Hymn, Kent, Old Hundred. The power of the Gospel, 1 TESUS, thy witness speaks tJ The mercy which thy words reveal, Refines the heart from sense and sin, And stamps its own celestial seal. 2 'Tis God's renewing, gracious hand, Thatmouldsandformstheheartanew ; Transgressors can no more withstand, But bow and own his doctrine true. 3 The guilty wretch, that trusts thy blood, Finds peace and pardon at the cross ; The soul, that was averse to God, Believes and loves his Maker's laws. B 25 23, SCRIPTURES. 4 Let proud opposers cease their strife, And own, O Lord, the work is thine ; The voice, that calls the dead to life, Must be almighty and divine. HYMN S3. L. M. Beddome. Italy, Bicester, Trm-o. t fy OD, in the gospel of his Son, vT Makes his eternal counsels known ; ■ Tis here his richest mercy shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. ire sinners of an humble frame Jiy taste his grace and loarn his name ; fis w-rit in characters of blood, merely just, immensely good. lore Jesus, in ten thousand ways, lis soul-attracting charms displays, lecounts his poverty and pains, And tells his love in melting strains. Wisdom its dictates here imparts, To form our minds, to cheer our hearts ; Its influence makes the sinner live, It bids the drooping saints revive. Our raging passions it controls, And comfort yields to contrite souls ; Jt brings a better world in view. And guides us all our journey through. May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart, and near my eye, Till life's last hour my soul engage, And be my chosen heritage ! ■ 26 ALARMING. 24, 25. HYMN S4. C. M. CowpER. Abridge, Uarby. The glory of the ivord. 1 rpHE spirit breatlies upon the word. X And brings the truth to sight : Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. 2 A glorj^ gijds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun ; It gives a light to every age, It gives — but borrows none. o The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat ; His* truths upon the nations rise, They rise, but never set. 4 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine. With beams of heavenly day. HYMN ^5. S. M. NEWTojf. Wirifsworth, Orange. Few saved. Luke xiii. 23. 1 -pwESTRUCTlON'S dangerous road ±J What multitudes pursue ! While that which leads the soul to God, Is known or sought by few. 07 26. ALARMINC^. 2 Believers find the way Thro' Christ, the living gate ; But those who hate this holy way Complain it is too strait. 3 If self miist be deny'd, And sin no more caress'd, They rather choose the way that's wide, And strive to think it best. 4 Encompass'd by a throng, On numbers they depend ; They say, so many can't be wrong, And miss a happy end. 5 But hear the Saviour's word, " Strive for the heav'nly gate, Many will call upon the Lord, And find their cries too late," 6 Obey the gospel call, And enter while you may ; The flock of Christ is always small, And none are safe but they. 7 Lord, open sinners' eyes. Their awful state to see ; And make them, ere the storm arise, To thee for safety flee. HYMN 26. CM. DoBELL. Windsor, Buckingham, Lebanon. Matt. vii. 13, 14. 1 QINNERS, behold that downward road »o Which leads to endless wo ; 28 ALARMING. 27. What multitudes pf thoughtless souls The road to ruin go ! 3 But 3'onder see that narrow way "Which leads to endless bliss ; There see a happy chosen few, Redeem'd by sovereign grace. 3 They from destruction's city camS;, To Zion upward tend : The bible is their precious guide, And God himself their friend. 4 Lord, I would now a pilgrim be — Guide thou ray feet aright ; I would not for ten thousand worlds, Be banish'd from thy sight. HY3IN S7. L. M. Doddridge. Bath, Luther's Hj-mn. The sinner weighed and found ivanting, Dan. v. 27. 1 "D AISE, thoughtless sinner, raise thine XX eye ; — Behold God's balance lifted high ! There shall his justice be display'd, And there thy hope and life be weigh'd. 2 See in one scale his perfect law ; Mark with what force its precepts draw : Wouldst thou the awful test sustain ? — Thy works how light ! thy thoughts how vain ! 3 Behold the hand of God appears To trace in dreadful characters ; 29 ^O. ALARMING. " Sinner — thy soul ie wanting found, And wrath shall smite thee to the ground." 4 Let sudden fear thy nerves unbrace ; Let horror change thy guilty face ; Thro' all thy thoughts let anguish roll, Till deep repentance melt thy soul. 5 One only hope may yet prevail ; — Christ hath a weight to turn the scale,; . Still doth the gospel publish peace, And show a Saviour's righteoifiness. EPENT, the voice celestial cries, X\ Nor longer dare delay ; The wretch that scorns the mandate dies, And meets a fiery day. 2 No more the sov'reign eye of God O'erlooks the crimes of men ; His heralds are despatch'd abroad To warn the world of sin. 3 Together in his presence bow, And all your guilt confess ; Accept the offer'd Saviour now, Nor trifle with his grace. J Bow, ore the awful trumpet sound, And call you to his bar: For mercy k'nows th' appointed bound, And turns to vengeance there. 5 Amazing love, that yet will call, And yet prolong our days ! Our hearts, subdu'd by goodness, fall. And weep, and love, ; nd praise. HYMN 39. L. M. Pres. Davies. LiUhci-'s Hymn, Old Hundi-td. The wreck of nature. Isa. xxiv. 18 — 20. 1 XJOW c;;reat, how terrible that God, -mLjL Who shakes creation with his nod ! He frov.-ns — earth, sea, all nature's frame J^rink in one universal /lanio, ^0. ALARMING. 2 Where now> oh, where shall sinners seek For shelter in the general wreck ! Shall falling rocks be o'er them thrown ? See rocks, like snow dissolving down. 3 In vain for mercy now they cry ; In lakes of liquid fire they lie ; There on the flaming billows tost, f^orever — oh, forever lost ! 4 But saints, undaunted and serene, With calmness view the dreadful scene ; Their Saviour lives, the worlds expire ; And earth and skies dissolve in fire. 5 Jesus, the helpless creature's friend. To thee my all I dare commend ; Thou canst preserve my feeble soul. When lightnings blaze from pole to pole. HYMN 40. 7's. Newton. Middleton, Pleyers. Sinner, prepare to meet God, SINNER, art thou still secure ? Wilt thou still refuse to pray ? Can thy hear: or hands endure In the Lord's avenging day I 2 See, his mighty arm is bar'd ! Awful terrors clothe his* brow ! For his judgment stand prepar'd, Thou must either break or bow. 3 At his presence nature shakes, Earth affrighted bastes to flee ; .S8 ALARMING. 41 Solid mountains melt like wax, What will then hecome of thee ? 4 Who his advent may abide ? You that glory in your shame, Will you find a place to hide, When the world is wrapt in flame ? 5 Lord, prepare us by thy grace ! Soon we must resign our breath, And our souls be call'd to pass Through the iron gate of death. 6 Let us now our day improve, Listen to the gospel voice ; Seek the things that are above ; Scorn the world's pretended joySr HYMN 41. L. M. Lee. Surry, Putney. God angry with the wicked. Ps. vii. 1 1. 1 AN angry God — a Judge severe — x\_ How just, how holy is the Lord ! While christians hope with humble fear, Let sinners tremble at his word. 2 His law condemns the wicked now, And goodness seals their awful doom ; But wrath, tho' here unseen, and slow, Will burst, and burn beyond the tomb. 3 Then, how mayhope and peace be found? My trembling, anxiousheartinquires; — A hope secure on gospel ground. No phantom which the world inspires ? 89 4i% 43. ALARMING. 4 Dear Saviour, friend of sinners, he^r, And lift on me thy smiling face ; Chase from my soul each doubt and fear, And bid me taste thy cheering grace. HYMN 42. S. M. Hyde. Ouliiey, Wirksworth. Apostacy. 2 Pet. ii. 2£. 1 "VrE, who in former days, JL Were found at Zion's gate ; Who seem'd to walk in wisdom's ways, And told your happy state ; 2 But now to sin draw back, And love again to stray, The narrow path of life forsake, And choose the beaten way ; 3 Think not yOur hames abov« Are written with the saints ; The promise of unchanging love Is his who never faints. 4 Your transient joy and peace Your deeper doom have seal'd, Unless you wake to righteousness, Ere judgment is reveal'd. HYMN 43. 7, 6. Newtoi?. Briglithelmstone, Amsterdam, Margate. The Mann. 1 CiTOP, poor sinners, stop and think, ft Before you further go; Will you sport upon the brink Of everlasting wo ! ■;0 ALARMING. 43, On the verge of ruin stop — Now the friendly warning take — Stay your footsteps — ere ye drop Into the burning lake. 2 Say, have you an arm like God, That you his will oppose ? Fear ye not that iron rod With which he breaks his foes ?' Can you stand io that dread day, Which his justice shall proclaim, When the earth shall melt away Like wax before the flame ? 3 Ghastly death will quickly come, And drag you to his bar ; Then to hear your awful doooi, Will fill you with despair ! All your sins will round you crowd ; You shall mark their crimson dye ; Each for vengeance crying loud, And what can you reply ? 4 Tho' your heart were made of steel, Your forehead lin'd with brass ; God at length will make you feel. He will not let you pass ; Sinners then in vain will call, Those who now despise his grace, " Rocks and mountains on us fall, And hide us from his face." 41 44, 45. HYMN 44. C. M. Steele. Clifford, Bray, Herman. The Saviour's invitation. John vii. 37, 1 r¥lHE Saviour calls — let every ear -■- Attend the heav'nly sound ; Ye doubting; souls, dismiss your fear, Hope smiles reviving round. '2 For ev'ry thirsty, longing heart, Here streams of bounty flow, And life, iind health, and bliss impart To banish mortal wo. 3 Ye sinners, come, 'tis mercy's voice ; The gracious call obey ; Mercy invites to heav'nly joys — And can you yet delay ? 4 Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts; To thee let sinners fly, And take the bliss thy love imparts, And drink, and never die. HYMN 45. C. M. Medley. 1 /^H, what amazing words of grace. \J Are in the gospel found ! Suited to ev'ry sinner's case, Who knows the joyful soimd. ' 42- INVITING. 46. 2 Come then, with all your wants and w )unds. Your ev'ry burden bring ; Here love, eternal love abounds, A deep celestial spring. 3 This spring with living water flows, And living joy imparts ; Come, thirsty souls, your wants disclose, And drink with thankful hearts. HYMN 46. C. M. Watts. Wantage, Buckingham. 1 nn HERE is a voice of sovereign grace X Sounds from the sacred word ; " Ho ! ye despairing sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord." ■2. My soul obeys th' Almighty call, And runs to this relief ; I would believe thy promise, Lord, Oh ! help my unbelief. S To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly ; Here let me wash my spotted soul From crimes of deepest die. 4 Stretch out tliine arm, victorious King My reigning sins subdue ; Drive the old dragon from his seat, With his apostate crew. 5 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall ; Be thou my strength and righteousness My Jesus, and my all ! 43 I J 47, 48. INVITING. HYMN 47. 8, 7. NEWTOjf. Northampton-Chapel, Drummond. John iii. 14. IAS the serpent, rais'd by Moses, -^ Heal'd the burning serpent's bite ; Jesus thus himself discloses To the wounded sinner's sight. £ Hear his gracious invitation : " I have life and peace to give ; I have wrought out full salvation ; — Sinner, look to me and live. 3^ You had been forever wretched, Had I not espous'd your part ; ;^ow, behold my arms outstretched. To receive you to my heart. 4 Well may shame, and joy, and wonder, ^ All your inward passions move ; f: 1 could crush you with my thunder, t But I speak to you in love." m Dearest Saviour, we adore thee ML For thy precious life and death ; ffiMelteach stubborn heart before thee, H^ Give us all the eye of faith. HYMN 48. L. M. Kingsbridge, Darwent. Behold, I stand at the door. Rev. iii. £0. 1 TJEHOLD a stranger at the door ! ■ J He gently knocks, — has knock'd before ; INVITING. 49. Hath waited long — is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh, lovely attitude, he stands With melting heart and loaded hands ! Oh, matchless kindness ! and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes ! S But will he prove a friend indeed ? He will ; the very friend you need ; The friend of sinners— yes, 'tis He, With garments dy'd on Calvary. 4 Rise, touch'd with gratitude divine ; Turn out his enemy and thine, That soul-destroying monster, sm, And let the heavenly stranger in. 5 Admit him, ere his anger burn, His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit him, or the hour's at hand. You'll at his door rejected stand. A HYMN 49. C. M. Clarendon, Newmark. 1 A MAZING sight, the Saviour stands! \ J\. And knocks at every door ! '\W Ten thousand blessings in his hands To satisfy the poor. S " Behold," he saith, " I bleed and die " To bring you to my rest :— *' Hear, sinners, while I'm passing by, '• And be forever blest. 45 50. INVITING. S " Will you despise my bleeding love, " And choose the way to hell ? " Or in the glorious realms above, " With me forever dwell ? 4 " Not to condemn your wretched race " Have I in judgment come ; "But to display unbounded grace, " And bring lost sinners home. 5 " Will you go down to endless night, *' And bear eternal pain ? " Or in the glorious realms of light " With me forever reign ? 6 " Say — will you hear my gracious voice, " And have your sins forgiven ? '• Or will you make that wretched choice, " And bar yourselves from heaven?" HYMN 50. C. M. Steele. Springfield, Bray, Newmark. * AND will the Lord thus condescend To visit sinful worms ? Thus at the door shall mercy stand In all her winning forms ? Surprising grace ! — and shall my heart Unmov'd and cold remain? Has this hardTock no tender part? 3Iust mercy plead in vain ? Shall Jesus for admission sue — His charming voice unheard ? And this vile heart, his rightful due, Remain forever barr'd ? •16 INVITING. 51. 4 'Tis sin, alas, with tyrant pow'r, The lodging has possest ; And crowds of traitors bar the door Against the heav'niy guest. 5 Ye dang'rous inmates, hence depart ; Dear Saviour, enter in. And guard the passage to my heart, And keep out every sin. HYMN 51. C. M. CowFER, , Tunbridge, Keene. 1 IVTOW is the time, th' accepted hour, JLM O sinners, come away ; The Saviour's knocking at your door, Arise without delay. i Oh! don't refuse to give him room, Lest mercy should withdraw ; He'll then in robes of vengeance come To execute his law. 3 Then where, poor mortals, will you be, If destitute of grace. When you your iniur'd Judge shall see, And stanci before his face. 4 Oh ! could you shun that dreadful sight, How would you wish to fly ^ To the dark shades of endless night, From that all-searching eye ? 5 The dead awak'd must all appear, And you among them stand, Before the great impartial bar, Arraign'd at Christ's left hand, 47 52, 53. INVITING. 6 Letnot these warnings be in vain, But lend a listening ear ; Lest you should meet them all again, Wtien wrapt in keen despair. HYMN 52. C. M. Heginbothom. Walsal, Elgin, Windsor. He beheld the city, &cc. Lulce xix. 41, 42. 1 "TTNHAPPYcity! hadstthouknown- vJ Then were thy peace secure ; But now the day of grace is gone, And thy destruction sure." 2 Thus to the Jews the Saviour calls. As near their gates he stood, His eyes beheld their guilty walls. And wept a sacred flood. 3 And can mine eyes, without a tear, A weeping Saviour see ? Shall I not weep his groans to hear, Who groan'd and died for me ? 4 Blest Jesus, let those tears of thine Subdue each stubborn foe ; Come, fill my heart with love divine, And bid my sorrows flow. HYMN 53, C. M. Wctlnesbury, Dundee. I TESUS, Redeemer of mankind, tJ Thy saving power display ; Thy mercy now may sinners find, And know their gracious day. 48 INVITING. 54 2 Ah, give them, Lord, a longer space ; Nor suddenly consume ; — But let them take the proffer'd grace, And flee the wrath to come. 3 Open their eyes thy cross to view, Their ears to hear thy cries- Sinners, the Saviour weeps for you, For you he weeps and dies. 4 All the day long he meekly stands, The rebels to receive; And shows his wounds, and spreads his^ hands. Ana bids you turn, and live. HYMN 54. C. M. Steele. Springfield, Bray, Colchester. And yet there is room. Luke xiv. 22. 1 'VT'E wretched, hungry, starving poor, A Behold a royal feast ! Where mercy spreads her bounteous store. For every humble guest. £ See, Jesus stands with open arms : He calls, he bids you come ; Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms ; But see, there yet is room. 3 Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart; There love and pity meet ; ffor will he bid the soul depart, That trembles at his feet. ^ 49 55, 56. INVITING. 4 In him the Father, reconcil'd, Invites your souls to come ; The rebel shall be call'd a child, And kindly ^velcom'd home. HYMN 55. C. M. Watts. Barby, Wai-tham. 1 T ESUS, thy blessings are not few, o Nor is thy gospel weak ; Thy grace can melt the stubboni Jew, And heal the dying Greek. 2 Wide as the reach of Satan's rage, Does thy salvation flow ; 'Tis not confin'd to sex or age, The lofty or the low. 3 While grace is ofFer'd to the prince, The poor may take their share ; No mortal has a just pretence, To perish in despair. % €orae, all ye wretched sinners, come. He'll form your souls anew ; His gospel and his heart have room For rebels such as you. HYMN 56. H. M. BoDEK. Eagle Street, Bethesda. "E dying sons of men, Immerg'd in sin and wo, The gospel's voice attend, While Jesus sends to yon : Ye perishing and guilty, come, In Jesus' arms there yet rs room. 5f> Y' INVITING. 57. 2, No longer now delay ; No vain excuses frame ; He bids you come, to-day, Tho' poor, and blind, and lame : All things are ready, sinners, come ! For every trembling sou! there's room. 3 Compeli'd by bleeding love, Ye wand'ring souls, draw near ; Christ calls you from above — His charming accents hear ! Let whosoever will, now come ; In njercy's arms there still is room. HYMN 57. 8, 7, 4. Hart. Littleton, Joic'an. S{n7iers invited to Christ. Matt. xi. 28 — 30. 1 /^OME, ye weary, heavy laden, V^ Lost and ruin'd by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You >vill never come at all : Not the righteous — Sinnei^s Jesus came to call. 2 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness he requireth, Is to feel your need of him : This he gives you — 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam. 3 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ! 58. INVITING. On the bloody tree behold him ; Hear him cry before he dies, " It isjimsh'd ;" Sinners, will not this suffice ? 4 Lo ! th' incarnate God ascended, Pleads the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 5 Saints and angels, join'd in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb ; While the blissful seats of heaven, Sweetly echo with his name : Hallelujah !— Sinners here may sing the same. HYMN 58. L. M. Steele. Portugal, Bath. 1 I^OME, weary souls, with sins distrest, Ky Come, and accept the promis'd rest; The Saviour's gracious call obey. And cast your gloomy fears away. 2 Oppress'd with guilt, a painful load. Oh, come, and spread your woes abroad ; Divine compassion, mighty love, Will all the painful load remove. 3 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows, To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes; Pardon and life, and endless peace ; How rich the gift, how free the grace ! 52 INVITING. 59. 4 Lord, we accept, with thankful heart, The hope thy gracious words impart; We come with trembling, yet rejoice, And bless the kind inviting voice. c HYMN 59. 5, 6. Devonshire, Locke. OME, sinners, attend, And make no delay ; Good news from a friend, I bring you to-day ; Glad news of salvation Come now and receive ; There's no condemnation To them that believe. 2 I AM THAT I AM Hath sent me to you ; Glad news to proclaim, Your sins to subdue : To you, O distressed, Afflicted, forlorn. Whose sins are increased, And cannot be borne. S But still if yon cry. Oh, what is his name ? You have the reply, I \M TH\T I AM: Tho' blind, lime, and feeble, And h-lplesv you lie. He's willing and able. Your wants to supply. 5S 60, 61. INVITIJSG. 4 Then oniy believe, And trust in his name ; He will not deceive, Nor put you to shurae ; But fully supply you With all thiiiji;s in store ; Nor will he deny you Because you arc poor. HYMN 60. L. IVt. Blendon, Bath, Portugal. Luke XV. 20—24. 1 T O ! what a rapt'rous joy possest Mj The tenderparent's throbbing breast, To see his spendthrift son r«iturn, And all his former follies mourn ! 2 So Jesus never will despise The contrite heart for sacrifice ; The deep fetch'd sigh, the secret groan Will rise accepted to the throne. 3 He meets, with tokens of his grace, The trembling lip, the blushing face ; His bowels yearn when sinners pray, And mercy bears their sins away. HYMN 61. L. M. C. Wesley. St. Peter's, Portugal. 1 PiTNNERS, obey the gospel word, ^ Haste to the supper of your Lord : Be wise to know your gracious day, All things are ready, come away. 54 INVITING. 62. $ Ready the Father is to own And welcome his returning son, Ready the g:racious Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bieediug hands. 3 Ready the Spirit from above To till the broken heart with love, T' apply and witness Jesus' blood. And wash and seal you sons of God. 4 Ready for you the Angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate ; Tuning their harps by which they praise The wonders of redeeming grace. HYMN 62. L. M. C. Wesley. Surry, Warwick. 1 C| I N^NERS, approach your dying- Lord, lO And find yoiu' happiness restor'd : His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace : 2 A pardon written ^vith his blood, The favor and the peace of God ; The seeing eye, the feeling sense. The trembling joys of penitence : 3 The godly fear, the pleasing smart, The meltings of a broken heart ; The tears that tell your sins forgiv'n ; The sighs that waft your souls to heav'n. * Oh, quit this w^orld's delusive charms, i And quickly fly to Jesus' arms ; Wrestle, until your God is known, — ■ Till you can call the Lord your own. 55 63, 64. INVITING. HYMN 63. C. M. V/atts. Rochester, Braintree, Brighton. Isa. Iv. 1, 2. 1 1" ET every mortal ear attend, M A And every heart rejoice ! The trumpet of the gospel sounds, With an inviting voice. 2 Ho I all ye hungry, starving souls, Who feed upon the wind, — And vainly strive, with earthly toys. To fill an empty mind : — 3 Eternal wisdom has prepar'd A soul reviving feast ; And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Ho ! ye who pant for living streams^ AncJ pine away and die ; Here, yuu may quench your raging thirst, With springs that never dry. D The happy gates «jf gospel grace Stand open all the day : Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our war)ts away. HYMN 64. L. M. Bicester, China. 1 TTO' everyonethat thirsts, draw nigh, JLX 'Tis God invites the fallen race ; Mercy and free salvation buy. Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. &6 INVITING. 65, 66, 2 Ye nothing in exchange can give, Leave all ye have and are behind; Freely the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 3 Come to the living waters, come ! Sinners, obey your Maker's voice ; Return, ye weary wanderers, home, And in redeeming love rejoice. HYMN 65, L. M. Carthage, Sun-y. Compel them. — Luke xiv. 23, 1 /^OME, all ye souls, by sin oppress'd, Vy Ye weary wanderers after rest ; Ye poor and maim'd and halt and blind, In Christ a hearty w elcome find. 2 See him set forth before your eyes ; Behold the bleeding sacrifice ! His offer'd love with joy embrace, Bow to the sceptre of his grace. 8 This message from your God receive, Nor longer dare his Spirit grieve — Yield to his love's constraining pow'r And fight against your God no more, HYMN 66, 8s. Maxwell. Consolation, Lambeth, New-Jerusalem. Excellencies of Christ. 1 XTOW shall I my Saviour set forth ? J-X How shall I his beauties declare ? C2 57 67. INVITING. Oh, hoAV shall I speak of his worth, Or what his chief dignities are ? His angels can never express, Nor saints who sit nearest his throne, How rich are his treasures of grace ; — No ! this is a myst'ry unknown. £ In him all the fulness of God For ever transcendently shines ; Tho' oncf" like a mortal he stood, To finish his graciou*; designs : Tho' once he was uail'd to the cross, Vile rebels like me to set free ; His glor}' sustained no loss, Eternal his kingdom shall be. 5 O sinner, believe and adore The Savi(jur so rich to redeem; No creature can ever explore The treasures of goodness in him : Come, all ye, who see yourselves lost. And feel yourselves burden'd with sin, Draw near while with terror you're toss'd, Believe — and your peace shall begin. HYMN 67. L. M. Watts. Quito, Kint, Portugal. The wonderful love of Christ. 1 /^OME, let me love, or is my mind v_/ HardeuM to stone, or froze to ice ? I see the blessed fair one bend, And stoop t' embrace me from the skies! 2 Oh ! 'tis a thought would melt a rock-, And make a heart of iron move, 58 INVITIxNG. 68. That those sweet lips, that heav'nly look Should seek and wish a mortal love ! 5 I was a traitor doom'd to fire, Bound to sustain eternal pains ; He flew on wings of strong desire, Assum'd my guilt and took my chains. 4 Infinite grace ! almighty charms ! Stand in nmaze, ye rolling skies ! Jesus, the God, extends his arms, Hangs on a cross of love, and dies. J Did pity ever stoop so low, DressM in divinity and blood ? Was ever rebel courted so, In groans of an expiring God ? 6 A^ain he lives, and spreads his hands, Hands that were nail'd to torturing smart ; "By these dear wounds," says he ; and stands, And prays to clasp me to his heart. 7 Sure I must love ; or are my ears Still deaf, nor will my passions move ? Lord ! melt this stubborn heart to tears : This heart shall yield to death or love. HYMN 68. L. M. CoLLYER. Aimley, Surry. Jer. xxxi. 18—20. I TJ ETURN, O wanderer, return, X\ And seek an injur'd Father's face ; Those warm desiresthat in thee burn, Werft kindled by reclaiming grace. 59 69. INVITING. £ Return, O wanderer, return. And seek a Father's melting heart ; His pityinjg; eyes thy grief discern, His hand shall heal thine inward smart. S Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live ; Go to his bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. 4 Return, O wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear ; 'Tis God u ho says, " JNo lonj^er mourn," 'Tis mercy's voice invites thee near. HYMN 69. C. M. Fawcett. Miai-, PI) mouth, Bangor. Let the ivicked forsake, ^-c. Isa. Iv. 7. 1 QlWERS, the voice of God regard ; kJ His mercy speaks to day ; He cHJls yon l»y his sov'r«'ign word, Fi(»m sin's destructive way. 2 Like the rnii'^h sea that cannot rest, Vou live d Then bt us gather round the cross, That knowledge to obtain ; Not by the soul's eternal loss. But everlasting gain. HYMN 76. C. M. RiPPoN. Newmark, Colchester. 1 T ORDjshall we part with gold for dross, -Li With solid good for show ! Out live our bliss, and mourn our loss In everlasting wo ! 6D •c 11, INVITING. £ Let us not lose the living God, For one short dream of joy : With fond embrace cling to a clodj And fling all heav'n away. S Vain world, thy weak attempts forbear, We all thy charms defy ; And rate our precious souls too dear For all thy wealth to buy. HYMN 77. C. M. E. Jokes. Reading, Windsor. Resolve. Esther iv. 16. OME, humble sinner, in whose breast, A thousand thoughts revolve ; Come, with your guilt and fear opprest, And make this last resolve : " I'll go to Jesus, though my sin "Hath like a mountain rose ; "I know his courts, I'll enter in, " Whatever may oppose. *' Prostrate I'll lie before his throne, " And there my guilt confess, " I'll tell him, I'm a wretch undone " Without his sov'reign grace. "Perhaps he, will admit my plea,' " Perhaps will hear my pray'r ; "But, if I perish, I will pray, " And perish only there. " I can but perish if I go : " I araresolv'd to try: 66 INVITING. 78, 79, *'For if I stay away, I know '' I must forever die." HYMN 78. L. M. Lee. Bath, Carthage, Armley. Religion. Prov. iv. 7. TEACH us, O Lord, the great concern, To know tliy will, thy name to love .; Our duty from thy word to learn, And gain the wisdom from above. : Religion, richest blessing given, Fouiitain of all our joys below. Bids mortals lift their eyes to heaven, In scenes of darkness and of wo. 5 Religion must b*- all in all. Would we th' immortal prize obtain, Retrieve the ruins of the fall. And 'scape the death of endless pain. I: Send thy good Spirit, Lord, we pray. To sanctify and cleanse our heart : May we repent, believe, obey. And from thy service ne'er depart. HYMN 79. C. M. H. Chapd, AValsal. The woman of Samaria. John iv. I T IKE her who in Samaria's bound, -Li Beneath a sultry sky. Oft at the Patriarch's well was found, Her weary toil to ply :— 67,,- 80. INVITING. 2 Thus we our measur'd span employ, In labors, long, and vain — We try each boasted fount of joy, And drink — and thirst again. S O thou, who with a pitying heart, Didst hear her earnest tale. To us that living stream impart, Whose waters never fail. 4 So shall our broken cisterns here, By fickle dew-drops fed, No more awake the bitter tear. Or bow the sorrowing head — 5 A holy fountain in the soul, Eternally shall rise, Supplied by those pure streams that rol", Where pleasure never dies, HYMN 80. C. M. Newniark, Barby. 1 4 T Jacob's well a stranger sought Xjl His drooping frame to cheer: Samaria's daughter little thought That Jacob's (lod was near. 2 This had she known, her fainting; mind For richf^r draughts had sigh'd ; Nor had Messiah, ever kind. Those richer draughts deny'd. 5 The man, who came on earth to die, How few appj'ar to know ! The fi lend of sinners, passing by, Is still esteem'd a foe. 68 INVITING. 81, 82. 4 The sinner must the stranger know, Or soon his loss deplore ; Behold! the Hving waters flow ; Come — drinif, and thirst no more. HYMN 81. S. M. DoBELL. Durham, St. Thomas. The accepted time. £ Cor. vi. 2. 1 "IVTOW is th' accepted time, -L^ Now is the day of grace ; Now, sinners, come without delay, And seek the Saviour's face. 2 Now is th' accepted time, The Saviour calls to-day ; To-morrow it may be too late — Then why should you delay ? 3 Now is th' accepted time, The gospel bids you come ; And every promise in his word Declares there yet is room. 4 Lord, draw reluctant souls, And feast them with thy love ; Then will the angels clap their wings, And bear the news above. HYMN 82. L. M. DwiGHT. Psahn 88th, Carthage, Darwent. 1 "l^HIIiE li fe prolongs its precious light, ▼ ▼ Mercy is found and peace is giv'n ; But soon, ah soon ! approaching night Shall biot out ev'ry hope of heav'ij. 69 83. INVITING. t While God invites, how blest the day ! How sAveet the gospel's cbaraiinjj; sc^iind ! " Come, sinners, haste, Oh, haste away, While yet a pard'ning God he's found.'* S " Soon, borne on time's most rapid Aving, Shall death command you to the grave,^^ Before his bar your spirits biing, s And none be found to hear, or save." 4 " In thnt lone land of deep despair, No sabbath's heav'nly light shall rise ; No God regard your bitter pruy'r, Nor Saviour call you to the skies." HYMN 83. L. M. BJ*nd.>n, China. 1 rilO-DAY, if ye will hear his voice, A Now isthetimetoinakej'ourchoice; Say, will you to Mount Zion go ? Say, will you have this Christ, or no? 2 Ye wand'ring souls, who find no rest, Say, will you be forever blest ? Will you be sav'd from bin and bell ? Will you with Christ in glory dwell ? 5 Come now, dear y<»uth, for ruin bound, Obey the gospel's joyful sound; Come, go \\ ith us, and you shall prove The joy of Christ's redeeming love. 4 Once more we ask you in his name — For yet his love remains the same — Say,* will you to Mount Zi«ui go .^ Say, will you have this Christ, or no ? 70 INVITING. ^ Prostrate at thy feet I fall : Hear, oh, hear my ardent cry, Frown not, lest 1 faint and die ! 2 Vilest of the sons of men, Worst of rebels I have been ! 78 PENITENTIAL. 96. Oft abus'd thee to thy face, Trampled on thy richest grace ! S Justly might thy vengeful dart Pierce this bleeding, broken heart ; Justly might thy kindled ire Blast me in eternal fire. 4 But with thee there's mercy found, Balm to heal my every wound ; Sooth, oh, sooth tlie troubled breast, Give the weary wanderer rest. HYMN 96. S. M. Orange, Bridgeiwi-t. 1 T ORD, help me to repent — -Li With sin forever pait ; And to thy gracious eye present A humble, contrite heart — 2 A he irt with grief opprest, F.;r having griev'd thy love ;^ A troubled heart that cannot rest, Till cleansed from above. 3 Jesus, on me bestow The penitent desire ; "With true sinceiity of wo, 3Iy aching bieast inspire ; 4 With soft'ning pity look, And melt my hardness down ; Strike, with thy love's resistless stroke. And break this heart of stone. 97, 98. PENITENTIAL. HYMN 97. L. M. Surry, Darwent, V/arwick. 1 rFlRKMBLixG before thine awful throne, A O IjOid, in dust, my sins I own : Justice and Mercy for my hfc Contend ! — Oh, smile and heal the strife. 2 The Saviour smiles ! upon my soul New tides of hope tumultuous roll — His voice ]>roclaims my pardon found — Seraphic transport wings the sound. ?? Earth has a joy unknown in heaven — The new-born joy of sin forgiven ! Tears of such j)ure and deep delight, Ye angels! never dimurd your sight. — HYMN 98. L. M. Surry, Kiiigsbridge. 1 ■ORTEND of the friendlessand the faint ! JL Where can llodgr my deep complaint? Where, but w ith thee, w hose open door Invites the heli)le3s sinner, poor ! 2 Did ever mourner plead with thee, And thou refuse that mourner's pha r Does not the word still tix'd remain, Tiiat none shall seek th^\ face iji vain? 3 That were a grief I could not bear, D'dst thou not hear imd answer prayer :i O thou, prayer-heiM-in*:, answering God,, Take from iny heart this painlul load. 80 w PENITENTIAL. 99, 100. HYMN ^9. L. M. Surry, Kingshriclge, Carthage. ITH conscious guilt and bleeding heart, Nrar to thy throne of grace I fly ; ! friend of friendless sinners, deign To hear my penitential cry. ii My first, my only cry shall be, "Thy sanctifying grace impart, And form my soul alike to thee. And dwell forever in my heart." HYMN 100. L. M. Truro, Kent, Bath. Hosea xiv. l, 2, 1 ^ JESUS, full of truth and grace, \J More full of grace than I of sin ; 1 now would flee to thine embrace ; Open thine arms and take me in ! 2 The stone to flrsh do thou convert ; And all my guilt and sin remove ; Sprinkle thy blood upon my heart, And melt it by thy dying love.. 3 Give to mine eyes refreshing tears, And kindle my relentings now ; Fill all my soul with filial fears : To thy sweet yoke my spirit bow. 4 O, give me. Lord, the tender heart. That trembles at th' approach of sin ; A g<»dly fear of sin impart ; Implant, and root it deep within ! D2 81 101. PENITENTIALr HYMxN 101. L. P. M. T. R. Hai-liiigton, Katon. 1 in ATHER of mercies, God of love ! _L Oh, hear a humble suppJiant's cry ; Bend from thy loftj seat above. Thy throne of glorious majesty : Oh, deign to listen to my voice, Atid bid this drooping heart rejoice. 2 I urge no merits of my own. For I, alas, am all that's vile ; No — when I bow before thy throne, Dare to converse with God awhile. Thy name, blest Jesus, is my plea. That dearest, sweetest name to me ! S Within this heart of mine, I feel The weight of sin's oppressive load : Oh, help ! or else I sink to hell, Crush'd by thine arm, aveng^ing God ' Entomb'd within that dread abyss, And exil'd from the realms of bliss ! 4 But ah! the thought alone is hell — That prospect drives me to des|rair ; For who can 'mid those horrois dwell ? Or who those dreadful torments bear ? Where not a ray of hope appears, Or beam of joy the bosom cheers ! . 5 Yet, mighty God ! thy powerful arm Can snatch me from that dread al)ode j Can shield me from th' impending harm, And ease me of my heavy load : One pard'ninj; word can make me whole, And sooth the anguish of my soul ? 82 CHRIST. 102. Fatlier of Mercies, God of IjOvc ! Then, he^u-lliy humble su[»pliant'scry, Bend from thy lofty seat above, Thy thntne of *rl'Mi(>iis nn fjesty : Oh ! listen to a pufferer's voico, Then shall this bleeding heart rejoice! CHRIST. HYMN 102. C. M. Medley. Br;iint)-ee, Ctjlchestei-. His jYativiiy. 1 "lY'TORTA-LS, awake, with angels join, iVi .\nd chant the solemn lay : Joy. love, and gratitude, combine To hail the auspicious day. !i In heaven the rapt'rous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the siiinino; legions ran. And strung and tun'd the lyre. 3 Swift, through the vast expanse, it flew, And loud the echo roll'd ; The. theme, the song;, the joy was new, 'Twas more than heaven could hold. i Down through the portals of the sky Th' impetuous torrent ran ; And angels flew with eager joy, To b(;arthe news to man. 83 103. CHRIST. 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shouf^, And glory leads the sons : Good-will and peace are heard thro'out Th' harmonious heavenly throng. HYMN 103. C. M. Watts. Abridge, Barby. JlngeW song. Luke il. 8 — 14. 1 " Qhei^hf.rds, rejoice; lift up your eyes, 1^ " And send your f«>ars away ; "News from the region of the skies — " Salvation's born to day. l " Jksus, the God, whom angels fear, " Comes down to dwell Avith you ; "To-day he makes his entrance here, '- But not as monarchs do. 5 " No gold, nor purple swaddling bands, "Nor royal shining things ; "A manger for his cradle stands, " And holds the King of kings ! 4 " Go, shepherds, where the Infant lies, " And see his humble throne ; " With tears of joy in all your ej es, " Go, shepherds, kiss the Son." 6 Thus Gabriel sang — and straight around. The heav'nly armies throng : They tune their harps to lofty sound, And thus conclude the song : — 6 " Glory to God, who reigns above, " Let peace surround the earth ; 81 CHRIST. 104, 105. "Mortals shall know their Maker's love, " At their Redeemer's birth." HYMN 104. 7s. Rrtleniptiou, Hampton. 1 XT ARK !— the herald angels sing, XJ_ " Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcird," 2 Mild, he lays his glory by ; Born, that man no more may die; Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies. 3 '■ Glory to the new-born King" — Let us all the anthem sing — " Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcil'd." Repeat. HYMN 105. C. M. Doddridge. Ai-uncli i, St. Asaph's. The Redeemer's message. 1 XT ARK, the glad sound, the Saviour XjL comes, The Saviour, promis'd long ! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 On him, the Spirit, largely pour'd, Exerts his sacred fire ; Wisdom, and mif;;ht, and zeal, and love Mis holy breast inspire. 55 106. CHRIST. He comps, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray ; And, on the eyes, oppres's'd with night, To pour celestial day. Our g;lad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And iieaven's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. HYMN 106. L. M. Steele. Islington, Portugal. Our Example. ND is the gospel peace and love ? 'A Such let our conversation be ; The serpent blended with the dove — Wisdom and meek simplicity. 2 When'er the angry passions rise, And tempt our thoughts and tongue^ to strife ; To Jesus let us lift our ej'-es. Bright pattern of the christian life. 3 Dispensing good where'er he came, The labors of his life were love ; Then, if we bear the Saviour's name, By his example let us move. 4 O, how benevolent and kind ! How mild — bow ready to forgive I Be this the temper of our mind, And these the rules by which we live, 8fi CHRIST. 107, f08. HYMN 107. L. M. Watts. Bl-ndon, China, Luton. 1 1\'TY dear Redeemer, and my Lord; jJA. I read my duty in thy word ; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters. £ Cold mountains, and the midnight air, Witnebs'd the fervor of thy prayer : The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy vict'ry too. 3 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such def'rence to thy Father's will. Thy love and meekness so divine, I would transcribe, and make them mine. HYMN 108. L. M. Collier Moreton, Luton, Malmsbury. Transfiguration. Luke ix. 28 — 3L 1 f\^ Tabor's top the Saviour stands, V^ His alter'd face resplendent shines^ And, while he elevates his hands, Lo ! glory marks its gentle lines ! 2, Two heavenly form'; descend to wait Upon their suffering Prince below i But v^ hile they worship at his feft, They talk of fast approaching wo. S Amid the lustre if the scene, To Calvary he turns his eyes ; And, V. ith submission, all serene, He marks the future tempest rise. 109. CHRIST. 4 Then let us climb the mount of prayer, Where all his beaming glories shine ; And, gazing on his brightness there, Our woes forget in joys divine. 5 Oh, that on yonder heavenly hills, "Where now the risen Saviour stands, And peace, like softest dew, distills — 1 too may elevate my hands. HYMN 109. L. M. W.B.Tapfan. Munich, Arniley. Gethsemane, 1 'rpIS midnight — and on Olive's brow, X The star is dimm'd thatlately shone ; 'Tis midnight — in the garden now, The suff'ring Saviour prays alone. 2 'Tis midnight — and from all remov'd, Immanuel wrestles lone, with fears ; E'en the disciple that he lov'd Heeds not his Master's grief and tears. 8 'Tis midnight — and for others' guilt The man of sorrows weeps in blood ; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt, Is not forsaken by his God. 4 'Tis midnight — and from ether plains, Is borne the song that angels know ; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Saviour's wo. 88 CHRIST. 110, 111. IIVIVIN 110. L. M. Steele. AniiK-y, Bath. Sufferings and Death. 1 riTRETCH'Donthe cross, the Saviour ^ dies ; Hark ! his expiring groans arise : See from his hand^ his feet, his side, Runs down the sacred crimson tide. 2 But hfe attends the deathful sound, And flows from every I'let-ding wound ; The vital stream, how free it flows, To save and cleanse his rebel foes ! S Can I survey this scene of wo, "Wiiere mingling grief and wonder flow^ ; And yet my heart unniov'd remain, Insensible to love, or pain ? 4 Come, dearest Lord, thy grace impart, To warm this cold, this stupid heart ! 'Till all its pow'rs and passions move In melting grief, and ardent love. o HYMN 111. L. P. M. C.iolans, Hailii.gton. Claj.toii. The Lord of life hath dy'd for me ! The Father's co-eternal Son Bore all my sins upon tiie tree ; Th' incarnate God for me hath dy'd ; The Lord, my love, was crucifi'd. 2 Sinners, heboid, as ye pass by, The bleeding Prince of life and peace ; 89 112. CHRIST. Come, sinners, see your Saviour die, And say, was ever grief like his ? Come, feel with me his blood appli'd,, The Lord, my love, was crucifi'd : 3 Is crucifi'd for you and me, To bring us, rebels, back to God ; Salvation now for us is free ; His church is purchas'd with his blood Pardon and life How from his side ; The Lord, my love, is crucifi'd. 4 Then let us sit beneath his cross, And gladly catch the healing stream : All things for him account but dross, And give up all our hearts to him ; Of nothing speak, or think beside, The Lord, my love, was crucifi'd. HYMN 112. CM. Stennett. Buckingliam. Elgin, Plymontli. 1 'XT'ONDEll— amazing sight— I see X Th' incarnate Son of God, Expiring on th' acciu-sed tree, And welt'ring in his blood. H Behold the purple torrent run Do\vn from his hands and head ! The crimson tide puts out the sun ; His groans awake tiie dead. 3 The trembling earth, the darken'd sky. Proclaim the truth aloud ; And with the amaz'd centurion cry, "This is the Son of God 1" 90 CHRIST. 113. 4 So j^veat, so vast a sacrifice May well my hope revive ; If God's own Son thus bleeds and die^, The sinner sure may live. HYMN 113. 8,7,4. F. Littleton, Helmsley. // isjinished. John xix. 30. 1 XJAHK! the voice of love and mercy ' JLI Sounds aloud from Calvary ; See, it rends the rocks asunder — Shakes the eartli and veils the sky ! « It is finish'd !"— Hear the Saviour — dying — cry. £ It is finish'd ! — Oh, what pleasure Do these precious words afford ! Heav'nly blessings without measure, Flow to us from Christ, the Lord: It is finish'd !— Saints, the dying words record. 3 Finish'd — all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law ; Finish'd — all that God had promis'd ; Death and hell no more shall awe : It is finish'd !— Saints, from hence your comforts draw. 4 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, — Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All on earth, and all in heaven, Join to praise Immanuel's name : Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb ! 91 114, 115. CHRIST. HYMN 114. L. M. Stennett. Munich, Gtrraan. 1 5?'I^IS finish'd ! so the Saviour cried, -B- And meekly how'd his head and died; 'Tis finish'd— yps, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. 2, 'Tis finish'd— all that Heaven decreed, And all the ancient prophets said Is now ful/iU'd, as was design'd, In me, the Saviour of mankind. 3 'Tis finish'd — this my dying groan Shall sins of every kind atone : Millions shall be redeem'd from death, By this my last expiring- breath. 4 'Tis finish'd — Heaven is reconcil'd. And all the powers of darkness spoil'd : Peace, love, and happiness again Return, and dwell with sinful men. HYMN 115. L. M. Watts. Norfolk, Dresden. Dying, risinpr, and reissuing. 1 X¥E dies! — the Friend of sinners dies ! -iJ- Lo! Salem's daughters weep around I A solemn darkness veils the skies! A sudden trembling shakes the ground ! 2 Come, saints, and drop a tear or two, For him who groan'd beneath your load : He shed a thousand drops for you — k A thousand drops of richer blood. 9£ CHRIST. 116. S Here's love and grief beyond degree— The Lord of glory dies for men ! But, lo ' what sudden joys we see ! Jesus, the dead — revives again ! 4 The rising God forsakes the tomb ! Up to his Father's court he (lie^ ! Cherubic legions guard him home, And shout him welcome to the skies ! 5 Break off your tears, yo saints, and tell How high ourgreal Deliv'rer reigns ; Sins, how he spoil'd the ho=ts of hell. And led the tyrant, death— in chains. 6 Say, "Live forever glorious King, " Born to redeem, and strong to save !" Then ask—" O death, where is thy sting? And where thy victVy, boasting grave ?" HYMN 116. 7s. COLLTER. Hot ham, Epiphany. 1 T^ ^ ^^'^^- ^^^^^ where Jesus dies, -*- Where ray Lord resigns his breath ; Where affliction veils his eyes. Swimming: in the tears of death: Thither bringing all my guilt. From avenging wrath I flee, To the blood of sprinkling spilt — Spilt to set the sinner free. 2 'Mid convulsive agoniefs, Peace his quivering lips impart; Pardon se.-d'd by broken sighs Issuing from a bursting heart ; 117. CHRIST. Let me feel his healing power, Let this harden'd heart of stones Melt beneath the purple shower, From his body tiickling down. 3 On those temples, crown'd with thorns^ Suff'ring majesty appears ; Love that dying face adorns, Stain'd with blood and soiPd with tears Pierce the shadows of the heart, With the lightening of that eye ; Smiles of peace to me impart, Let me feel, or I must die ! HYMN 117. 7s. Gibbons. Redceiniiig Love, Hampton. Resurrection. 1 4 NGELS ! roll the rock away ! x\. Death ! yield up the mighty prey ; See ! he rises from the tomb. Glowing with immortal bloom. ^ 'Tis the Saviour ! angels, raise Fame's eternal trump of praise ! Let the earth's remotest bound Hear the joy-inspiring sound. 3 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes ! Now to glory see him rise. In long triumph, uji the sky — Up to waiting worlds on high. 4 Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs ! Praise, and sweep your golden lyres ! Shout, O earth, in rapt'rous song, Let the strains be sweet and strong! 94 1^ CHRIST. 11^ HYMN 118. 7s. Ma DAN. Middletoii, Epipliaiiy, Hothain. »^scens{on. 1 TTAIL, the day that saw him rise, A-i- Ravish'd from our wishful eyes ; Christ, awhile to mortals giv'n, Reascends his native heaven ; There the pompous triumph waits; "Lift your heads eternal gates! "Wide unfold the radiant scene, "Take the King of glory in !" 2 Him tho' highest heav'n receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves ; Tho' returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own : Still for us he intercedes, Prevalent his death he pleads ; Next himself prepares a place, Harbinger of human race. 3 Master, (may we ever say,) Taken from the world away, See thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing up to thee : Grant, though parted from our sight. High above yon azure height, — Grant our souls may thither rise — ^ FcjPwing thee beyond the skies. 4 Ever apward letus move. Wafted on the wings of love ; Looking when our Lord shall come — Looking for a happier home : 95 119. CHRIST. There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thy endless reign ; There thy face unclouded see — Find a heav'n of heav'ns in thee. HYMN 119. C. M. COLLYKR. ColclK'ster, Clarendon. Luke xxiv. 50, 51. 1 TT is the voice of love divine, X That strikes the list'ninsr; ear, Thatsooths his mourning folloAver's grief, And wipes the fiiUing tear : 2 ' Because I leave this world ' — he cries, ' Your weeping eyes o'erflow ; But tho' I seek my native skies. My heart remains below.' 3 'My Spirit shall descend, and rest Upon each faithful head, Till I, your Lord, return to call My servants from the dead.' 4 He said — and lifting up his hands, Pronounc'd his parting prayer ; ^"Vhen lo, a bright descending cloud Convey'd him thro' the air. 5 With solemn awe his followers view'd The splendor of the scene, While the unfolding gates of light Receiv'd the Saviour in. 6 Burning Avith holy zeal, they spread Thro' distant lands, his word ; 96 CHRIST. 120. And we, like them, with faith and joy Expect our risen Lord. HYMN 120. L. xM. Watts. Antigua, Portugal. Phil. ii. 8, 9. Col. ii. 15. 1 rilHE mighty frame of glorious grace, -■- That hng'htest monument of praise, That e'er the God of love designed, Employs and fills my lab'ring mind. 2 Begin, my soul, the heav'nly song, A burden for an angel's tongue : V>'hen Gabriel sounds these av\ fu! things, He tunes and summons all his strings. S Proclaim inimitable love ; Jesus, the Lord of worlds above, Puts oil' the beams of bright array, And veils the God in mortal clay. 4 He that distributes crowns and thrones Hangs on a tree, and bleeds and groans • The prince of life resig^ns his breath, The King of glory bows to death ! But see the wonders of his powerj He triumphs in his dying hour ; And, while by Satan's rage he fell, He dash'd the rising hopes of hell. Thus were the hosts of death subdu'd ; I And sin was drown'd in Jesus' blood ; Then he arose, and reigns above, And conquers sinners by bis love. 121, 122. CHRIST. HYMN 121. H. M. Stennett. Jubilee, Eagle-Street. i /^OMEj every pious heart ^L/ That loves the Saviour's name, Your noblest power exert To celebrate his fame : Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to him you owe. 2 He left his starry crown. And laid his robes aside ; On wings of love came down, And wept, and bled, and died: "What he endur'd, oh, who can tell ? To save our souls from death and hell. 3 From the dark grave he rose. The mansion of the dead ; And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led : tip thro' the sky the conqueror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour God. % Jesus, we ne'er can pay The debt we owe thy love ; Yet tell us how we may Our gratitude approve: Our hearts — our all to thee we give-: The gift, tho' small, do thou receive. HYMN 122. L. M. Steele. Kent, Bath. Interc€S3ion. Heb. vii. 25. -.^ TTE lives, the great Redeemer lives, XX (Whatjoythe blest assurance gives!) CHRIST. 123. And now, before his Father God, Pleads the full merit of his blood. S Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice arm'd with frowns appears ; IJut in the Saviour's lovely face Sweet mercy smiles, and all is peace. S Hencethen, ye black despairingthoughts; Above our fears, above our faults His powerful intercessions rise, And guilt recedes, and terror dies. 4 In every dark distressful hour. When sin and satan join their power, Let this dear hope repel the dart. That JESUS bears us on his heart. 5 Great Advocate, Almighty Friend — On him our humble hopes depend : Our cause can never, never fail. For JESUS pleads and must prevail. HYMN 123. C. M. Duncan. Harboruugli, Exeter. Coronation. Cant. iii. 11. LL hail the power of Jesus' name I Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown him — Lord of all. Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, "Who from his altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown hira — Lord of all. 99 ^A 124. CHRIST. 3 Hail him, ye heirs of David's line,, Whom David, Lord did call ; The God incarnate ! Man Divine ! And crown him — Lord of all. 4 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransom'd from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him — Lord of all. 5 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormtvood and the gall. Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him — Lord of all. 6 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball. To him all majesty ascribe. And crown him — Lord of all. HYMN 124. H. M. RiPPON. Triumph, Portsinoutli, Providence. His kingdom. Phil. iv. 4. 1 T> EJOICE, the Lord is king, XV Your God and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks, and sing. And triumph evermore : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. 2 Rejoice, the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love ; When he had purg'd our stains, He took his seat above : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye saints, rejoice. ioo (CHARACTERS OF CHRIST. 125. 3 His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heav'n; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus giv'n : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Kejoice aloud, 36 saints, rejoice. 4 He all his foes shall quell, Shall all our sins destroy ; And every bosom swell Wiih pur.^ seraphic joy : Lift up the heart, lift up the voice, Rejoice aloud, ye sainrs, rejoice. 5 Rejoice in glorious hope, Jesus, the Judge, shall come, And take his servants up To their etern;^l h«tme : We soon shall hear th' archangel's voice, The trump of God shall sound, rejoice. CHAHJ^CTEHS OP CHRIST. irf ALPriABETlCAL. ORDER. HY3IN 125. L. M. Steele. Surrj', Arnih y, Warwick. Jldvocate. 1 .'ohn. ii. 1. ■ 1 A/IT'^^ ERE is ray God ? — does he retire M T? Beyond the reachofhumblesighs? 1 Ar»- these weak breathintrs of desire ' Too languid to ascend the skies ? i 1 fit K 126. CHARACTERS 2 Look up, my soul, with cheerful eye, Soe where the greatRedeemer stands,-— The glorious Advocate on high. With precious incense in his hands ! S He sweetens every humble groan. He recommends each broken prayer ; The softest call before his throne, May rise, and find acceptance there. 4 Teach my weak heart, O gracious Lord ! With stronger faith to call thee mine ; Bid me pronounce the blissful word, My Father^ God, with joy divine. HYMN 126. 8, 7. Newton. Northampton- Chapfl, Sicilian-H. Fnend. Prov. xviii. 24. 1 ^^NE there is, above all others, V-^ Well deserves the name of Friend ; His is love, beyond a brother's, Costly, free, and knows no end. 2 Which of all our friends to save us. Could or would have shed his blood ? But this Saviour dy'd to have us Reconcil'd in him to God. 3 When he liv'd on earth abased. Friend of sinners was his name ; Now, above all glory raised. He rejoices in the same. 4 Oh, for grace our hearts to soften ! Teach us, Lord, at length to lore ^ 102 M'i OF CHRIST. 127, 128. We alas ! forget too often, What a Friend we have above. HYMN 127. CM. S. Cliflord, Spriugfield. Cant. V. 10. A JESTIC sweetness sits enthrou'd pon the Saviour's brow ; His head with radiant glories crown'd, His lips with grace o'erflcw. £ No mortal can with him compare Among the sons of men ; Fairer is He than all the fair Who fill the heavenly train. 3 He saw me plung'd in deep distress, Andfle-\v to my relief; For me He bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 Since from his bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be thine* HYMN 128. C. M. CowPER Tunbridge, St. Asapb's. Fountain. Zach. xiii. 1. 1 ry^HERE is a fountain fill'd with blood X Drawn from Emmanuel's veins ; And sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 103 129. CHARACTERS 2 The dying thief rejoic'd to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away. S Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its powV, Till all the ransom'd church of God Be sav'd to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream,. Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be— till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy povv'r to save ; When this poor, lisping, stamm'ringtonguc Lies silent in the grave. HY31N 129. L. M. Brewer. Cartbage, Armley. Hiding place, Isa. xxxii, 2. t TTAIL, sov'reign love, that first began _OL The scheme to rescue fallen man I Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace. That gave my soul a hiding place. 2 Against the God that rules the sky, P I foughl with hands uplifted high ; I ^ DespisM the offer.s f»f his grace, • ^Too proud to seelv a hiding place. 3 Enwrap'd in dark Egyptian night, And fond of darkness more than light, 104 OF CHRIST. 130. Madly I ran the sinful race, Secure without a hiding place. 4 But thus the eternal counsel ran : " Almighty love ! arrest the man ;*' — I felt the arrows of distress, And found I had no hiding place. 5 Vindictive justice stood in view ; To Sinai's fiery mount I flew ; But justice cry'd with frowning face : " This mountain is no hiding place." 6 But lo ! a heavenly voice I heard — And mercy's angel soon appear'd ; Who led me on a pleasing pace, To Jesus Christ, my hiding place. 7 On him Almighty vengeance fell. Which must have sunk a world to hell ; He hore it for his chosen race, And now he is my hiding place. HYMN 130. C. M. Newton. Clarendon, "VVareham. 1 TTE who on earth as man was known, XjL And bore our sins and pains, Now seated on th' eternal throne — The God of glory reigns ! 2 His righteousness to faith reveal'd, Wrought out for guilty worms, Affords a hiding-place, and shield, From enemies and storms. S When troubles, like a burning sun, Beat heavy on their kead, E2 105 131. CHARACTERS To this high rock liis people run, A»id find a pleasing shade. 4 How glorious He ! — how happy they !- In such a glorious Friend ! Whose love secures them all the way, And crowns them at the end. HYMN 131. S. M. Watts. St. Tbomas, Slnrlaiid. Lamh of God. John i. 29. 1 "JVrOT all the hlood of beasts, ±\ On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain 2 But Christ, the heav'nly Lamb. Takes all our sins away ; A sacrifice of nobler name. And richer blood than they. S My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine — "While like a penitent I stand. And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst bear, When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice To see the curse remove ; We bless the Lamb with cheerful volcc^ And sing his bleeding love. 106 OF CHRIST, 132, 133. HYMN 132. 8,7. UticaCol. Carlisle, Love Divine. Light. Isa. ix. 2. LIGHT ofthose whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death. Come, and by thy love's revealing, Dissipate the clouds beneath : The new heav'nand earth's Creator, In our deepest darijp.ess rise, Scatt'rin^ all the night of nature, Pouring eye-sight on our eyes. Still we wait for thine appearing ; Life and joy thy beams impart, Chasing all our fears, and cheering Every poor, benighted heart: Come, and manifest the favor Thou hast for the ransom'd race ; Come, thou glorious God and Saviour! Come, and bring the gospel grace, Snve us, in thy great compassion, O thou mild, pacific Prince ! Give the knowledge of salvation, Give the pardon of our sins; By thine all-sufficient merit. Every burden'd soul release ; Every weary, wand'ring spirit, Guide into thy perfect peace. HYMN 133. C. M. Steele. Parma, Spriugfield, Rochester. Pearl of great price. Matt. xiii. 46. YE glittering toys of earth, adieu ; A nobler choice be mine ; 10? 134. CHARACTERS A real prize attracts my view, A treasure all divine. 2 Beprone, unworthy of my cares, Ye specious baits of sense ; Inestimable worth appears, The pearl of price immense! 3 Jesus, to multitudes unknown, O name divinely sweet ! Jesus, in thee, in thee alone, Wealth, honor, pleasure meet. 4 Should both the Indies at my call, Their bo.st.'d stores resijz;n ; With joy I would renounce them all, For leave to call thee mine. 5 Should earth's vain treasures all depart, Of this dear jriCt possess'd, I'd clasp it to my .M>yful 'leart. And think myself most bless'd. G Dear sov'rein;n of my soul's desires, Thy l<»ve is bliss divine ; Accept the wish th;it love inspires, And bid hm* call thee mine. HYMN 134. L. 31. Stekle. Portngiil, Gtiniaii. Physician of souls. Jer. vi!i. £"2. 1 1~\EEP are the wounds which sin has JLJ madf ; Where shall the sinner fmd a cure ? In vain, alas, is nature's aid — The work exceeds all nature's pow'r. 108 OF CHRIST. 135. £ And can no sov'reign balm be found ? And is no kind physician nigh, To ease the pain and heal the wound, Ere life and hope forever fly ? 3 There is a great physician near, Look up, O fainting soul, and live ; See, in his heav'nly smiles, appear Such ease as nature cannot give! 4 See, in the Saviour's dying blood. Life, health, and bliss abundant flow 'Tis only this dear sacred flood Can ease thy pain and heal thy wo. HYMN 133. 7, 6. Newton. Biighthelrastone, Marcrate. 1 1IJ[OW lost was my conditi »n, XI. Till JESUS made me whole 1 There is but one physic ian, Cdu cure a sin-sic!< soul ! — The worst of all diseases Is liiiht compar'd with sin ; On Hv'ry part it scizrs. But rages most within. *2 From men great skill [trofessing, I t!)oiight a cui e to gj'.in ; But this prov'd mure distressing, And addt d to my pain — Some said that nothing ail'd me, Some gave, me up for lost, Thus every refuii;e fail'd nn'. And all my hopes were cross'd. 109 136. CHARACTERS 3 At length this great Physician- How matchless is his grace ! Accepted my petition, And undertook my case — Next door to death he fou ,d me, And snatch'd me from the grave ; To tell to all around me, His wond'rous power to save. 4 A dying, risen JESUS, Seen by the eye of faith, At once from danger frees us, And saves the so\)l from death — Come then to this Physician, His help he'll freely give. He makes no hard condition, 'Tis only — look — and live^ HYMN 136. 8,7. GctTisoniane. Noi-thampton-Chapel, Love-Llvine. Priest. •1 f^ REAT High Priest, we view thee \J stooping, With our names upon thy breast ; In the garden, groaning, drooping, To the ground with sorrow prest. 2 Weeping angels stood confounded To behold their Maker thus ! And can we remain unwounded. When we know 'twas all for us '- 5 On the cross thy body broken. Cancels ev'ry penal tie— 110 OF CHRIST. 137e Tempted souls, produce this token, All demands to satisfy. 4 All is finish'd, do not doubt it, But believe ycyur dyin;; Lord ; ?Jever reason more about it, Only take him at his word. Lord, we fain would trust thee solely. Since for us thy blood was spilt ; Gracious Saviour, take us wholly — Take, and make us what thou wijt. HYMN 137. C. M. Steele. St. Ann's, Baj-by. Saviour, John iv. 42. 1 rpHE Saviour! Oh,whatendIesscharms X Dwell in the blissful sound ! 1 s influence every fear disarms. And spreads sweet peace around. 2 Here pardon, life, and joys divine, In rich effusion flow. For guilty rebels,, lost in sin, And doom'd to endless wo. 5 Oh, the rich depths of love divine, Of bliss, a boundless store ! Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine ; I cannot wish for more. 4 On t^ee alone my hope relies, Beneath thy cross 1 fall ; My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviourj and my all. Ill 138, 139. CHARACTERS HYMN 138. L. M. H.K.White. Kent, Bleiulon. Star of Bethlehem. Matt. ii. 1, ?, 1 /^NCE on the raging seas I rode, V-/ The storm was loud, the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd, and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my found'ring bark. 2 Deep horror then my vitals froze. Death-struck, I ceas'd the tide to stem : When suddenly a Star arose, It was the Star of Bethlehem. S It was my guide, my light, my all, It bade my dark foreboding cease ; And thro' the storm and danger's thrall, It led me to the port of peace. 4 Now safely raoor'd — my perils o'er, I'll sing, first in night's diadem ; For ever and forevermore, The Star— the Star of Bethlehem. HYMN 139. L. M. Cennick. Poi-tiigal,BleiKloii. Way to Canaan, John xiv. 6. 1 T ESU S, my all, to heav'n is gone, tJ He whom I fix my hopes upon ; His track I see, and I'll pursue The narrow way till hira I view. 2 The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banishment, 112 OF CHRIST. 140. Tlie King's highway of holiness I'll go, for all his paths are peace. 3 This is the way I long have sought, And mourn'd hecause I found it not ; i My grief, my burden long has been, j Because I could not cease from sin. 4 The more I strove against its pow'r, I sinn'd and stumbled but the more, 'Till late I heard ray Saviour say. Come hither, soul, " I am the way." D Lo! glad I come, and thou blest Lamb, Shalt take me to thee as I am ; Nothing but sin I thee can give. Nothing but love shall I receive. C Then will I tell to sinners round. What a dear Saviour I have found ; ril point to thy redeeming; blood, And say, " Behold the way to God." HYMN 140. 8s. Newton. Uxbridge, New-Jerusalem. Matt. xxii. 42. John, xx. 28. 1 "WTH AT think ye of Christ?" is the ft test, To try both your state and your scheme ; You cannot be right in the rest. Unless you think rightly of him ; As Jesus appears in your view, As he is beloved or not ; So God is disposed to you. And mercy or wrath is your lot. 113 141. DOCTRINES. 2 Some call him a Saviour in word, But mix their own works with the plan ; And hope he his help will afford, When they have done all thatthey can : If doings prove rather too light— A little they own they may fail — They purpose to make up full weight. By casting his name in the scale. S Some take him a creature to be — A man, or an angel at most ; Sure these have no feelings like mc, Nor know themselves wretched and lost ; So guilty- so helpless am I, I could not confide in his u ord, Unless I could make the reply. That Christ is "My Lord and my God.'' DOCTHIZJSS OF THS GOSPEL. IN ALPHABETICAL ORDr-U. HYMN 141. L. M. Stennett. Portugal, Shoel. Adoption. John i. 12. I.John iii. 1. NOT all the nobles of the earth, Who boastthe honorsof their birth, Such real dignity can claim, As those who bear the Christian name. 114 DOCTRLXES. 142. » To them the privilego is giv'n To be the sons and lieivs of heav'n ; Sons of the God who reigns on high, And heirs of joys beyond the sky. \ His will he makes them early know, And teaches their young feet to go ; , Whispers instruction to their minds, And on their hearts his precepts binds. I When, through temptation, they rebel, His chast'ning rod he makes them feel ; I Then, with a Father's tender heart, ! He sooths tlie pain, and heals the smart. ') Their daily wants his hands supply, Their steps he guards with watchful eye, Leads them from earth to heav'n above, i And crowns them with eternal love. HYMN 142. L. M. Stennett. Suiry, Armky. Atonement. John xiv. 6. 1 XJOW ?hall the sons of men appear, XX Great God, before thine awful bar : How may the guilty hope to find Aiceeptance with th' Eternal mind ? 2 Not vows, nor groans, nor broken cries, Not the most costly sacrifice, Nor infant blood, profusely spilt, Will expiate a sinner's guilt. 3 The blood of Jesus Christ alone, Hath sov'reign virtue to atone ; 115 143. DOCTRINES. Here we will rest our only plea, When we approach, Great God, to thee. HYMN 143. C. M. CowPER. Elgin, Martyrs. Communion with God. Gen. v. 24. 1 d~\^ • for a closer walk with God, v^ A calm and heav'nly frame ; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb ? 2 Where is the blessedness I knew When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul refreshing view Of Jesus, and his word ? S What peaceful hours I once enj(»y'd! How sweet their mem'ry still ! But they ha%e left arj aching void. The world can never fill. 4 Return, O holy Dove, return. Sweet messenger of rest; I hate the hins that made tht e mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate'er that idol he, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God, Calm and serene my fran)e ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb, 116 ( DOCTRINES. 144, 145. HYMN 144. C. M* Watts. Bedford, Abridge. Job xxiii. 3. 1 /n^H, that I knew the secret place, V^ Where I might find my God? I'd spread my wants before his face, And pour my woes abroad. 2 I'd tell him how my sins arise. What sorrows I sustain ; How grace decays, and comfort dies, And leaves my heart in pain. 3 He knows what arguments I'd take To wrestle with my God; I'd plead for his own mercy's sake, And for my Saviour's blood. 4 My God will pity my complaints, And heal my broken bones ; He takes the meaning of his saints, The language of their groans. J Arise, my soul, from deep distress, And banish every fear ; He calls thee to his throne of grace, To spread thy sorrows there. r HY3IN 145. C. M. Walsal, Chapel. I /^Hj could I find from day to day, ^^ A nearness to my God : Then should my hours glide sweet away, And lean upon his word. 117 146. DOCTRINES. £ Lord, I desire with thee to live Anew from day lo day ; In joys the world can never give, Nor ever take away. S O Jesus, come and rule my heart, And make me wholly thine, That I may never more depart, Nor grieve thy love divine. 4 Thus till my last expiring breath. Thy goodn»'Ss I'll adore ; And when my flesh dissolves in death, My soul Shall love thee more. HY3IN 146. C. M. Watts. Canterbury, St. Ann's, Bedfoi*d. Decrees of God. 1 TjT" EEP silence — all created things, -IV And wait your Maker's nod: My soul stands trembling, while she sing? The honors of her God. 2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknowi Hang on his firm decree j He sits on no precarious throne. Nor borrows leave—- to be. 3 Chain'd to his throne, a volume lies, With all the fates of men : With ev'ry angel's form and size, Drawn by th' eternal pen. 4 His providence unfolds the book. And makes bis counsels shine : 118 DOCTRINES. 147. Each opening leaf, and ev'ry stroke, Fulfils some deep design. 5 Here, he exalts neglected worms To sceptres and a crown ; And there, the following page he turns, And treads the monarch down. G Not Gabriel asks the reason why, Nor God the reason gives; Nor dares the fav'rite angel pry Between the folded leaves. 7 In thy fair book of life and grace, Oh, may I find my name. Recorded in some humble place, Beneath my Lord — the Lamb. HYMN 147. L. M. Beddome. Warwick, Ai'mley. AIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will I ^W Tumultuous passions, all be still ! Nor let a murm'ring thought arise. His ways are just, his counsels wise. 2 He in the thickest darkness dwells, Performs his work, the cause conceals ; But tho' his methods are unknown, Judgment and truth support his throne. 3 In heav'n, and earth, and air, and seas, He executes his firm decrees ; And by his saints it stands confest. That what he does is ever best. 119 148. DOCTRINES. 4 Wait then, my soul, submissive wait, Prostrate before his awful seat : And 'midst the terrors of his rod, Trust in a wise and gracious God. HYMN 148. L. M. J. Steward. Bath, Leyden, Truro. Depravity. 1 f^ OD, from his throne, with piercing VJT eye, Naked does every heart behold ; But never, till we come to die. Will he to us the view unfold. 2 Sh<»uld sin, in naked form appear, Just as it rises in the heart, And others know and see it there In ev'ry feeling, every thought ; 3 The fire of hell must kindle soon, How envy and revenge would flame ! One heart would urge another on, Till rage and vengeance want a name ! 4 Sin in its nature would appear A living death, to form a hell ; The worst of mis'ries creatures fear. The worst of plagues the tongue can tell. 5 Unveil'd and naked ev'ry heart Before the judgment seat must stand. Sin act no more a double part, But meet a death from its own hand. 120 DOCTRINES. 149, 130. G The fiery lake must hotter grow From the fierce clash of sinful souls ; Each bosom like a furnace glow, Nor God the rage, or fire control. HYMN 149. L. M. J. Steward. Arniley, Shcerness. Sin and misery connected. 1 A H, wretched souls are they, who hear j\. With scorn, the sound of gospel grace ; For sorrow walks along with sin, Although they keep not equal pace. 9, How blindly sinners grasp their chains, And yet of freedom vainly boast ; They look for happiness and peace, Nor think by sin their peace is lost. 3 Approaching vice is deck'd in charms^ And smiles with promises of gain ; No sooner past — itsjoys are fled, And all its pleasures chang'd to pain. 4 Sinners may for a time rejoice — Till storms of threaten'd wrath arise— ^ Till justice grasp th' avenging sword ; And then the wretch, the sinner dies. HYMN 150. 7s. Mount Calvary, Montptlier. 1 XTE ARTS of stone, relent, relent, XX Break, by Jesus' cross subdu'd ; See his body, mangled — rent, Cover'd with a gore of blood ; F 121 151. DOCTRINES. Sinful sroul, what hast thou done ! | Murder'd God's eternal Son. ' 2 Yes, our sins have done the deed, Drove the nails that fix'd him there ; Crown'd with thorns his sacred head, Pierc'd him with a soldier's spear ; Made his soul a sacrifice. For a sinful world he dies. j 3 Will you let him die in vain, ( Still to death pursue your Lord : Open tear his wounds again, Trample on his precious blood r No ! with all my sins I'll part. Saviour, take my broken heart.. HYiMN 151. 11,8. K. Calne, Feversham, Salem. Election. Jer. xxxi. 3. 1 Cor. iv. 7. i TN songs of sublime adoration and praise ; -L Ye pilgrims, for Zion who press. Break forth and extol the great Ancient of days. His rich and distinguishing grace. !l His love from eternity fix'd upon you, — Broke forth and discover'd its flame. When each with the cords of his kindness he drew, Andbroughtyou to love his great name. 3 Oj had not he piti'd the state you were iuf Your bosoms his love had ne'er felt r DOCTRINES. 152. You all would have liv'd, would have dj'd loo in is\u, And sunk with the load of your guilt. 4 "What was therein you, that could merit esteem, Or give the Creator delight ? 'Twas '• Even so, Father," you ever must sing, " Because it seem'd good in thy sight." 5 Then give all the glory to his holy name, To him all the glory helongs ; Be yours the high joy still to souud forth his fame, And crow n him in each of your songs. riY3IN 152. C. M. JSewto,^. Mear, St. Martin's. The Lord's call. 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18. 1 X ET us adore the grace that seeks J. J To draw our hearts above ! Attend, 'tis God, the Saviour, speaks, And every word is love. 2 " Come forth," he says, "no more pursue The path that leads to death ; Look up, a bleeding Saviour view, Look, and be sav'd by faith. 3 " My sons and daughters you shall be, Thro' my atoning blood ; And y»u shall claim and find in me, A Father, and a God." 12S 153, 154. DOCTRINES. 4 Lord, speak these words to ev'ry hearty J| By thine Ahuighty voice ; ■ That we may now from sin depart, I And make thy love our choice. f HY3IN 153. C. M. Newton. Barby, Abridge. Grace reigning. Rom. v. 21. a 1 "FkrOW may the Lord reveal his face, 1 -L^ Aind teach our stamm'ring tongues To make his sov'reign, reigning grace, The subject of our songs I 2 Grace reigns to pardon crimson sins, To melt the hardest hearts ; And, from the work it once begins, It never more departs. 5 ' jwas grace that call'd our souls at first, :.V^y- grace thus far we're come, ^^d grace will help us thro' the worst. And lead us safely home. HYMN 154. S. M. Doddridge. Northampton, Shirland, Pelliam. Salvation bij grace. Eph. ii. 5. 1 /^ RACE ! 'tis a charming sound ; Vjr Harmonious to the ear ! HeavV'With the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 124 ' DOCTRINES. 155. '2 Grace first contriv'd the way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wond'rous plan. 3 Grace led my roving feet To tread the heavenly road ; jAnd new supplies, each hour, I meet, IThtle pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heav'n the topmost stone, ' And well deserves the praise. HYMN 155. C. M. NewtoxX, Arlington, Springfidd, Keene. 1 A MAZING grace ! how sweet the sound, J\ That sav'd a wretch like me ! I once was lost, but now am found — [ Was blind, but now I see. 12 'Twas grace that taught my h^^art to fear, And grace my fears leliev'd ; How precious did that grace appear, Thr hour I first beiiev'd. 3 Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come ; 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 And when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal Hfe shall cease ; 125 156. DOCTRINES. I shall possess within the veil, A life of joy and peace. HYMN 156. 7s. Newton. Plcytl's, Somerset. 1 ^OVREIGN ^race hath power alone |k^ To subdue a heart of stone ; And the moment grac^. is felt, Then the hardest heart will melt. 2 When the Lord was crucifi'd, Two transgressors with him dy'd ; One, with vile blaspheming tongue, Scoff 'd at Jesus as he hung. 5 Thus he spent his wicked breath In the very jaws of death ; Perish'd, as too many do. With the Saviour in his view. 4 But the other touch'd with grace, Saw the danger of his case : Faith receiv'd to own the Lord, AVhom the scribes and priests abhor'd. 5 ' Lord,' he pray'd, ' remember me, When in glory thou shalt be :' * Soon with me,' the Lord replies, *Thou shalt rest in paradise.' 6 This was wond'rous grace indeed, Grace bestow'd in time of need ! Sinners, trust in Jesus' name, You shall find hira still the same. 126 DOCTRINES. 157, 158. HYMN 157. C. M. Steele. Plymouth, Chapel, Windsor. Pardon, Jer. iii. '2t. Hos. xiv. 4. 1 XTOW oft, alas ! this wretched hearH JLJl Has wander'd from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word. ii Yet sov'reign mercy calls, "Return:" Dear Lord, and may I come ? My vile ingratitude I mourn ; Oh, take the wand'rer home. a And canst thou, Avilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? And shall a pardon'd rebel live To speak thy wond'rous love ? 4 Almighty grace, thy healing power How glorious, how divine ! That can to bliss and life restore So vile a heart as mine. 5 Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet. Dear Saviour, I adore ; Oh, keep me at thy sacred feet, fc And let me rove no more. HYMN 158. C. M. Stennett. Springfu Id, Windsor. The coiiverted thiif. Luke xxiii. 39—43. I 4 S on the cross the Saviour hung, xL And wept, and bled, and dy'd, He pour'd salvation on a wretch. That languish'd at his side, 127 159. DOCTRINES. 2 His crimes, with inward grief and shame^ The penitent confess'd ; Then turn'd his dying eyes to Christ, And thus his prayer address'd: S "Jesus, thou Son and heir of heaven, Thou spotless Lamb of God ! I see thee bath'd in sweat and tears, And welt'ring in thy blood. 4 " Yet quickly from these scenes of wo. In triumph shalt thou rise, Burst thro' the gloomy shades of death. And shine above the skies. f; "Amid the glories of that world. Dear Saviour, think on me, And in the vict'ries of thy death Let me a sharer be." ti His prayer the dying Jesus hears. And instantly replies : " To-day thy parting soul shall be. With me in paradise." HYMN 159. L. M. Gibbons. Cumberland, StivJing, Moreton. Luke vii. 47. 1 pORGTVENESS! 'tis a joyful sound X^ To anxious souls, condemn'd to die ; Publish the bliss, the world around ; Ye seraphs, shout it from the sky. 2 O'er sins unnumber'd as the sand, And like the mountains for their size, 128 DOCTRINES. 160, l-Gl. Tho seas of sov'roii^n grace expand, The seas of sov'reign grace arise. 8 For this stupendous love of lieav'n, What grateful honors shall we show ? Where much transgression is forgiv'n, Let love in equal ardor glow. HYMN 160. L. M. Watts. Arnile)-, Kiiigsbridge. • Perseverance. Phil. i. 6. 1 rpO God I cry'd, when troubles rose ; JL He heard me and subdu'd my foes ; He did my rising fears control, And strength diffus'd thro' all my soul.- 2 Amid a thousand snares I stand, Upheld and guarded by thy hand ; Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive. 3 Grace will complete what grace begins, To save from sorrows and from sins ; The work that wisdom undertakes, Eternal mercy ne'er forsakes. HYMN 161. lis. Kennady. Walsal, Idumea. Precious promises. £ Pet. i. 4. HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! F2 129 161. DOCTRINES. What more can he say than to you he hath said, Who unto the Saviour for refuge have fled : 2 "Fear not, I am with thee, Obenotdis- may'd, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ; 1 11 strengthen thee, hcip thee, and cause thee to stand, LTpheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. 3 " When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go, rhe rivers of sorrow shall not overflow ; Por I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, A.nd sanctify to thee thy deepest distress. I "When thro' fiery trials thy patliwav shall lie, ^ ^ Vly grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply ; rhe flame shall not hurt thee, I only design rhy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. > " E'en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sov'rei^n, eternal, unchangeable love ; Ind then, when grey hairs shall their tem- ples adorn. Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. " The soul that on Jesus hath lean'd for repose, : will not, I will not desert to his foes ; ' rhat soul, tho' all hell should endeavor to shake, '11 never— no never— no never forsake." ISO DOCTRINES. 162, 163. HYMN 162. L. M. Doddridge. Angel's H>iiin, Blendon. Christ, the Believer's ^rk. 1 Pet. iii. 20. 1 rpHE deluge, at th' Almighty's call, A In what impetuous streams it fell '. Swallow'd the mountains in its rage. And swept a guilty world to hell. 2 How dire the wreck ! how loud the roar \ How shrill the universal ory — Of millions in the last despair — Re-echo'd from the low'ring sky ! — 3 Yet Noah, humble, happy saint. Surrounded with the chosen few, Sat in his ark, secure from fear, And sang the grace that steer'd him thro'. 4 So may I sing, in Jesus safe. While storms of vengeance round me fall ; Conscious how high my hopes are fix'd, Beyond what shakes this earthly ball. 5 Enter thine ark, while patience waits, Nor ever quit that sure retreat; Then the wide flood, that buries earth. Shall waft thee to a fairer seat. HYMN 163. 7s. Madan's Cor. Redeeming Love, Bath- Abbey , Redemption. 1 l^OW begin the heav'nly theme, -L^ Sing aloud in Jesus' name ; Ye, who Jesus' kindness prove; Triumph in redeeming love. 131 164. DOCTRINES. 2 Ye, who see the Father's grace, Beaming in the Saviour's lace, As to Canaan on ye move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears. See your guilt and curse remove, Canceli'd by redeeming love. 4 Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing slaves of dt^ath and sin ! Now from bliss no longer rove. Stop, and taste redeeming love. !j Welcome, all by sm oppress'd — Welcome to his saci^^d rest: Nothing brought him from above, Nothing— but redeeming love. 6 Hither, then, your music bring. Strike aload each joyful stiirig ; Mortals, join the hosts above — Join to praise redeeming love. HYMN 164. C. M. Watts. Stadi'. Braiiitrte. 1 "pLUNG'D in a gulph of dark despair, X We wretched sinners lay — Without one cheerful beam of hope, Or spark of glimm'ring day ! a With pitying eyes the prince of grace Beheld our helpless grief ; He saw — and (Oh amazing love !) He ran to our relief. 132 DOCTRINES. 165. 3 Down from the shining seats above, With joyful haste he fled ; Enter'd the grave in mortal flesh, And dwelt among the dead. 4 He spoil'd the powers of darkness thus, And brake our iron chains ; Jesus has freed our captive souls From everlasting pains. 5 Oh, for this love, let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break ; And all harmonious, human tongues The Saviour's praises speak. HYMN 165. S. M. Newton. Canibridge, St. Tlionias. 1 p RE PA RE a thankful song i To the Redeemer's name ; Let his high praise employ our tongue, And every heart inflame. 2 He laid his glory by. And !)itter pains endur'd ; That rebels, such as you and I, From wrath mi;^ht be securM, 3 The Holy Ghost he sends, Our stubFjorn souls to move : To make his enemies his friends, And conquer them by love. 4 Assur'd that Christ our King, Will put our foes to flight ; We on the field of battle sing, And triumph while we fight. 133 166, 167. DOCTRINES. HYMN 166. C. M. HosKiNS. Bray, Dundee. Regeneration. John iii. 5, 7. 1 QlNNERS, this solemn truth iegard, iO Hear, all ye sons of men ; For Christ the Saviour hath declar'd, " Ye must be born again." 2 Whate'er might be your birth or blood, The sinner's boast is vain ; Thus saith the glorious Son of God, "Ye must be born again." 3 Our nature's totally depiav'd — The heart a sink of sin ; Without a change we can't be sav'd ; " Ye must be born again." 4 Spirit of life, thy grace impart, And breathe on sinners slain ; Bear witness, Lord, in cv'ry heart, That we are born again. HYMN 167. C. x\I. Watts. Brainti-ee, Irisli. 1 A TTEND, while God's exalted Son Xl_ Doth his own glories shew ; Behold, he sits upon his throne, Creating all things new. 2 Mighty Redeemer ! set me free From my old state of sin ; is; DOCTRINES. 168. Oh, make my soul alive to thee, Create new powers within. 3 Open mine eyes, unstop mine ears, And form my heart afresh ; Give me new passions, joys, and fears. And turn the stone to flesh. i Far from the regions of the dead, From sin, and earth, and hell ; In the new world that grace has made, I would forever dwell. HYMN 168. C. M, Windsor, Bangor. 1 /^AN aught beneath a power divine Vy The stubborn will subdue ? *Tis thine, eternal Spirit, thine To form the heart anew. £ 'Tis thine the passions to recal. And upward bid them rise ; And make the scales of error fall From reason's darken'd eyes. S To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live, A beam of heaven, a vital ray — 'Tis thine alone to give. 4 Oh, change these wretched hearts of ours;^ And give them life«divine ; Then shall our passions and our powVs, Almighty Lord, be thine. 1S5 169, 170. DOCTRINES. HYx>IN 169. C. M. Wallin. Mt-ar, Colcliester. Efficacious grace. Ps. xlv. 3, 5. 1 TTAIL ! mighty Jesus ; how divine JLL Is thy victorious sword I The stoutest rebel must resign, At thy commanding word. 2 Deep are the wounds thine arrows give; They pierce the hardest heart : Thy smiles of grace the slain revive, And joy succeeds to smart. S Still gird thy sword upon thy thigh, Come with majestic sway, Down from thy glorious throne on high, And make thy foes obey. 4 And when thy vict'ries are complete ; When all the chosen race Shall round the throne of glory meet, To sing thy conquering grace ; 5 Oh, may my humble soul be found Among that favor'd band I And I, with them, thy praise will sound As round the throne we stand. HY3IN 170. C. M. Watts Buckingham, Windsor. Sanctification and pardon, 1 TM rHERE shall we sinners hide our heads? f T Can rocks or mountains save ? . Or shall we wrap us in the shades Of midnight and the grave ? 186 1 LAW AND GOSPEL. 171. 2 Is there no shelter from the eye Of an avenging God ? Jesus, to thy dear wounds we fly, Bedew us with thy hlood. 3 Those guardian drops our souls secure, And wash away our sins ; Eternal justice frowns no more, And conscience smiles within. i We hless that wond'rous purple stream, That cleanses every stain ; Our souls are yet but half redeem'd, If sin, the tyrant, reign. J Lord, blast his empire with thy breath, That cursed tiirone must fall ; Ye flatt'ring plagues, that work our death, Fly, for w^e hate you all. LA'W AND GOSFBIi. HY3IN 171. L. M. Watts. Carthage, Green's Hundredth. T%e Law and Gospel. WHILE Sinai roars, and round the earth, Thunder, and fire, and vengeance flings — Jesus, thy dear, expiring breath. And Calvary, speak gentler things. 137 172. LAW AND GOSPEL. 2 Pardon, and grace, and boundless love,. Streaming along a Saviour's blood ; And life, and joys, and crowns above, Purchas'd by our redeeming God. 3 Hark!— howhe prays, (thecharmingsound Dwells on his dying lips) — forgivk ! And every groan, and gaping wound, Cries—" Father, let the rebels live !"— ■1 Go, ye that rest upon the law% And toil, and seek salvation there; Look to the flames that Moses saw, And shrink, and tremble, and despair. r> But I'll retire beneath the cross ; Saviour, at thy dear feet I'll lie : And the keen sword that justice draws. Flaming, and red, shall pass me by. HYMN 1 72. C. M. CDwrER. St. Ann's, Yoik. 1 XXOW long beneath the law^ I lay -»- J- In bondage and distress ! I toil'd, the precept to obey, But toil'd without success. £ Then, all my servile works were done, A righteousness to raise ; Now, freely chosen in the Son, I freely choose his ways. S To see the law by Christ fulfill'd, And hear his pard'ning voice, Will change a slave into a child, And duty, into choice. HOLY bPirax. 173, 174. HYMN 1 73. I.. M. Watts. Canliagf, BJendon. Power of the gospel. Rom. 1.16. 1 TTjTHAT shall the dying sinner do, ▼ T That seeks relief for all his wo ? Where shall the guilty conscience find Ease for the torment of the mind ? 2 How shall we get our crimes forgiv'n, Or form our natures fit for heav'n ? Can souls, all o'erdefiFd with sin, IMake their own powers and passions clean ? S In vain we search, in vain we try, Till Jesus brings his gospel nigh ; •Tis there that power and glory dwell, Which save rebellious souls from hell. 4- This is the pillar of our hope, That bears our fainting spirits up ; We read the grace, and trust the word. And find salvation in the Lord. HOLY SPIRIT. HY3IN 174. C. M. Doddridge. Btdford, Dundee. Insensibly withdrawn. Judg. xvi. 20. A PRESENT God is all our strength, And all our joy and hope ; When he withdraws, our comforts die. And every grace must droop. 1.39 175. HOLY SPIRIT. 2 But flatt'ring trifles charm our hearts, To court their false embrace, Till justly this neglected friend Averts his angry face. S He leaves us. and we miss him not ; But go presumptuous on, Till baffled, wounded, and enslav'd, We learn, that God is gone. 4 And what, my soul, can then remain One ray of light to give ? Sever'd from him, their better life, How can his children live ? 5 Hence, all ye painted forms of joy, And leave my heart to mourn : I would devote these eyes to tears, Till cheer'd by his return. 6 Look back, my Lord, and own the place. Where once thy temple stood ; For lo, its ruins bear the mark Of rich atoning blood. HYMN 1 75. L. M. Steele. Hinton, Moi-etou. His influences, John xiv. 16, 17. 1 ^JURE the blest Comforter is nigh, 1^ 'Tis he sustains my fainting heart ; Else would my hope forever die, And every cheering ray depart. 2 When some kind promi'se glads my soul, Do I not find his healing voice 140 HOLY SPIRIT. 176. The tempest of my fears control, And bid ray drooping pow'rs rejoice ? 3 Whene'er to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires ; Can it be less than pow'r divine, Which animates these strong desires ? 4 What less than thine almighty word Can raise my heart from earth and dust, And bid me cleave to thee, my Lord, My life, my treasure, and my trust ? 5 And when my cheerful hope can say, 1 love my God, and taste his grace. Lord, is it not thy blissful ray, Which brings this dawn of sacred peace ? 6 Let thy kind Spirit in my heart Forever dwell, O God of love. And light and heavenly peace impart, Sweet earnest of the joys above. HYMN 176. S. M. H. St. Thomas, Shiiland. Invocation to the Holy Spirit. LEST Comforter Divine ! Whose rays of heavenly love Amid our gloom and darkness shine, And point our souls above ; — 2 Thou— who with " still small voice" Dost stop the sinner's way, And bid the mourning saint rejoice, Though earthly joys decay ; — 141 B' / 177. HOLY SPIRIT. S Thou — whose inspiring breath Can make the cloud of care, And e'en the gloomy vale of death A smile of glory wear ; — 4 Thou— who dost fill the heart With love to all our race, Blest Comforter! — to us impart The blessings of thy grace. H13IN 177. C. M. Watts. Barby, Zion, Tuviu r. Breathing after the Holy Spijit. 1 /^OiME, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, Vy With all thy quickening pow'rs, — Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues. And our devotion dies. 9 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor, dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to thee. And thine to us so great ? 4 Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, With all thy quick 'ning ))Ow'rs, — Come, S'hed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 142 HOLY SPIRIT. 178. HYMN 178. 8,7. lugatestone, Tabernacle. To the blessed Spirit. 1 TTOLY GHOST, dispel our sadness, M.A. Pierce the clouds of sinful night: Come, thou source of sweetest gladness, Breathe thy life and spread thy light ; Loving SPIRIT, GOD of peace, Great distributer of grace. Rest upon this congregation ! Hear, Oh, hear our supplication. •Z From that height which knows no mea- sure. As a gracious sliower descend : Bringing down the richest treasure Man can wish, or God can send. O thou GLORY shining down From the FATHER and the SON, Grant us thy illumination ! Rest on all this congregation. 3 Come, thou best of all donations God can give, or we implore ; Having thy sweet consolations, We need wish for nothing more '. HOLY SPIRIT, heavenly DOYE; Now descending from above, Rest on all this congregation, 3Iake our hearts thy habitation. 145 179, 180. HOLY SPIRIT. HYMN 179. S. M. Hart. Shirland, Watclimaii. John xiv. 26. n1 I^OME, Holy Spirit, come, ^-/^ Let thy blight beams arise ; Dispel the sorrow from our minds — The darkness from our eyes. 2 Convince us of our sin ; Then lead to Jesus' blood ; And to our wond'ring view reveal The secret love of God. S 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart — To sanctify the soul — To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. 4 Revive our drooping faith ; Our doubts and fears remove ; And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. HYMN 180. 8s. RippoN. Consolation, Dismission. 1 -pwESCEND, Holy Spirit, the Dove, jLr And visit a sorrowful breast ; My burden of guilt to remove, And bring me assurance and rest ; Thou only hast power to relieve A sinner o'erwhelm'd with his load ; The sense of redemption to give, And sprinkle his heart with thy blood 144 HOLY SPIRIT. 181 3 With me, if of old thou hast strove, And kindly withheld me from sin ; Resoh'd by the strength of thy love, My worthless aflfections to win ; The work of thy mercy revive, Invincible mercy exert, And kei'p my weak graces alive, And set up thy rest in my he.art. S If when I have put thee to grief, And madly to folly return'd. Thy goodness h.is been my relief, And lifted me up as I mourn'd ; O spirit of pity and grace. Relieve me again and restore ; My spirit in holiness raise, To fall, and to grieve thee, no more. i If now I lament after God, And pant for a taste of his love, — If Jesus, who pour'd out his blood, Obtain'd me a man>i(»n above ; — Come, heav'nl} Comforter, come, Sweet witness of mercy divine! And make me thy permanent home, And seal me eternally thine. HYMN 181. L. P. M. Pres. Davies. f Eaton, Claybury, H^irlington. 1 "pTERNAL Spirit, source of light, Jji Enliv'ning, consecrating fire. Descend, and with celestial heat Our dull, our frozen hearts inspire : Our souls refine, our dross consume I Come, condescending Spirit, come ! G 145 182. HOLY SPIRIT. 3, In our cold breasts, O strike a spark Of the pure flame, which seraphs feel, Nor let us wander in the dark, Or !ie benumb'd and stupid still : Come, vivifying Spirit, come, And make our hearts thy constanthome ! 3 Let pure devotion's fervor rise ; Let every pious passion glow : let the raptures of the skies Kindle in our cold hearts below ! Gome, condescending Spirit, come, And make our souls thy constant home ! HYMN 182. L. M. C.Wesley. Surry, Arniley, Warwick. Take not thy Holy Spirit, Sfc. Ps. li. 11. 1 ^TAY, thou insulted Spirit, stay, 1^ Tho' I have done thee such despite, Cast not a sinner quite away, iVor take thine everlasting Hight : t Though I have most unfaithful been Of all, whoe'er thy grace receiv'd, Ten thousand times thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times thy goodness griev'd: S Yet Oh, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of my great High Priest ; Nor in thy righteous anger swear, 1 shall not see thy people's rest. A If yet thou canst my sins forgive, E'en now, O Lord, relieve my woes : 146 GRACES OF THE SPIRIT. 183. Into Ihy rest of lovo receive, And bless me with ihe calm repose. E'en now my weary soul release, And raise me by thy ;;tacious hand! Guide me into lliy perfect peace. And bring me to the promis'd land. GRACES OF THE SPIRIT. I\ ALPHABETICAL ORDER. HYMN 183. C. M. KiRSiiiA3i. Clarendon, Bray. Bearing the Cross. Mark viii. 38. 1 X'XlDST thou, dear Jesus, suffer shame, I 3 And bear the cross for me ? And shall I fear to own thy name, Or thy disciple be ? j^2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should dread ^' To suffer shame or loss ; ^ Oh, let me in thy footsteps tread, And glory in thy cross. 3 Inspire my soul Avith life divine, And holy courage bold ; Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal grow cold. 147 184. GRACES OF 4 Say to my soul, " "Why dost thou fear The face of feeble clay ? Behold, thy Saviour ever near, Will guard thee in the way." 5 Oh, how my soul would rise and run, At this reviving word : Nor any painful suff 'rings shun, To follow thee, my Lord. 6 Let sinful men reproach, defame, And call me what they will. If I may glorify thy name. And be thy servant still, HYMN 1 84. C. M. Barbauld. * Buckingham, Plymouth. Charity. LE ST is the man whose soft'ning heart Feels all another's pain ; To whom the supplicating eye Was never rais'd in vain : 2 Whose breast expands with gen'rous . warmth ^ A stranger's woes to feel ; ^ And bleeds in pity o'er the wound <^ He wants the power to heal. S He spreads his kind supporting arms To every child of grief: His secret bounty largely flows, And brings unask'd relief. 148 B IHE SPIRIT. 185, 4 To gentle offices of love His feet are never slow : He views, thro' mercy's melting eye, A brother in a foe. He, from the bosom of his God, Shall present peace receive — And when hf kneels before the throne. His trembling soul shall live. HYMN 185. CM. CowPER» Canterbury, Colchester. Comforts — true and false. 1 /^ GOD. whose favorable eye \^J The sin sick soul revives; Holy and heav'nly is the joy, Thy shining presence gives. 2 This hypocrites have ne'er believ'd, They judge with graceless hearts ; SwelI'd with their pride, they are deceiv'd By Satan's wily arts. 5 Unholy, selfish joys are theirs ; And while they boast their light, And seem to soar above the stars. They're plunging into night. 4 LuU'd in a soft and formal sleep. They sin, and yet rejoice ; Were they indeed the Saviour's sheep, They sure would hear his voice. 5 Be mine the comforts that reclaim The soul from Satan's pow'r ; 149 186. GRACES OF That make me blush for what I am. And hate my sin the more. 6 'Tis joy enough, my All in All, At thy dear feet to lie ; Thou wilt not let me lower fall, And none can higher fly. HYMN 186. 6. L. M. D. R. Carolau's, Cuniberlanil. Confidence in the Mediator. Heb. iv. 15. 1 ^MTHEN gath'ring clouds around I ▼ » view, And days are dark and friends are few, On him I lean, who not in vain, Experienc'd every human pain ; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears. £ If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heav'nly virtue's narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do. Still he who felt temptation's pow'r Shall guard me in that dang'rous hour. 3 When sorrowing o'er some stone I bend^ Which covers all that was a friend ; And from his voice, his hand, his smile. Divides me — for a liltje while, — Thou, Saviour, secst the tears I shed, For thou didst weep o*er Lazarus dead. 4 And Oh, when I have safely past Thro' every coriflicl — but the last, 150 THE SPIRIT. 187, 188. Still, Btill unchanging, watch beside My painful bed, — for thou hast died ; Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear away. HYMN 187. C. M. Ryland. Baiby, Bray. Delight in God. Ps. xxxvii. 4. 1 1^ RANT, Lord, I may delight in thee, ^"JS" And on thy care depend ; To thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only friend. i2 No good in creatures can be found, But all is found in thee ; I must be blessed and abound. While thou art God to me. .i Oh, that I had a stronger faith, To look within the veil. To credit what my Saviour saith, Whose word can never fail. 4 O Lord, I cast my care on thee, I triumph and adore ; Henceforth my great concern shall be, To love and please thee more. HYMN 188. C. M. CowpER. Plymouth, Walsal. Contrite heart. Isa.Ivii. ID. 1 rjlHE Lord will happiness divine J- On contrite hearts bestow^ ; 151 189. ©RACES OF Then tell me, gracious God, is mint A contrite heart or no ? 2 I hear, but seem to hear in vain, Insensible as steel ; If aught is felt, 'tis only pain, To find I cannot feel. 3 I sometimes think myself inclin'd To love thee, if I could ; But often fet 1 another mind, Averse to all that's good. 4 My best desires are faint and few, I fain would strive for more ; But, when I cry, *'My strength renew/" Seem weaker than before. 5 Thy saints are comforted, I know. And love thy house of pray'r ; I therefore go where otheis go, But find no comfort there. 6 Oh, make this heart rejoice or ache — Decide this doubt for me ; And if it be not broken, break. And heal it, if it be. HYMN 189. 8s. Hart. Lambetli, Uxbridgt-, Bethany. Faith conquerwg. Rom. i. 17. 1 rriHE moment a sinner believes, J- And trusts in his crucifi'd bod, His pardon at once he receives — Redemption in full tliro' his blood. 152 THE SPIRIT. 190. 'Tis faith that still loads us along, And lives under pressure and load, That makes us in weakness more strong, And draws the soul upward to God. 2 It treads on the world and on hell, It vanquishes death and despair : And Oh ! let us wonder to tell, It wrestles and conquers hy pray'r : Permits a vile worm of the dust. With God to commune as a friend ; To hope his forgiveness as just, And look for his love to the end. 3 It says to the mountains, "Depart," That stand between God and the soul ; — It binds up the broken in heart, And makes wounded consciences whole; Bids sins of a crimson-like dye Be spotless as snow, and as white ; And raises the sinner on high, To dwell with the angels of light. ^ HYMN 190. L. M. Watts. Portugal, Kent. Faith connected with salvation. 1 l\rOT the best deeds that we have -i-^ done. Can make a wounded conscience whole ; Faith is the grace, — and faith alone, That flies to Christ, and saves the soul. 2 Lord, I believe thy heav'nly word, Fain would I have my soul renew'd ; G2 153 191. GRACES OF I mourn for sin and trust the Lord, To have it pardon'd and subdu'd. 3 Oh, maj' thy grace its power display, Let guilt and death no longer reign, Save me in thine appointed way, Nor let my humble faith be vain. HYMN 191. L. xM. CowPER. Bath, Kent. .1 living and a dead faith. 1 nn HE Lord receives his highest praise, -i- From humble minds and hearts sincere ; While all the loud professor says, Offends the righteous Judge's ear. 2 To walk as children of the day. To marlv his i)reccpts' holy light. To wage the warfare, watch and pray. Shew who are pleasing in his sight. P> Not words alone it cost the Lord, To purchase pardon for his own : Nor will a soul, by grace restored. Rest in mere forms and words alone. 4 Easy indeed it were to reach A mansion in the courts above, If wat'ry floods and fluent speech INIight serve instead of faith and love. 5 But none shall gain that blissful place, Or Gdd's unclouded glory see ; Who talk of rich and sov'rf.ign grace, Unless from bin they are made free. THE SPIRIT. 192, 193. HYMN 192. C. M. Turner. Dundee, Colchester. The power of Faith. 1 i^.MTii adds new charms to earthly hliss, 3l And saves me from its snares ; Its aid in ev'ry duty brings, And softens all my cares : -Z Extinguishes the thirst of sin, And lights the sacred fire Of love to God and heavenly things, And feeds the pure desire. fi The wounded conscience knows its pow'r, The healing balm to give ; That balm the saddest heart can cheer, And make the dying live. 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds, Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids me seek my portion there, Nor bids me seek in vain. HYMN 193. C. M. Watts. Braintree, Arlington. Holy Fortitude. 1 4 M I a soldier of the cross, J\ A foU'wer of the Lamb ; And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Shall I be carri'd to the skie*, On flow'ry beds of case, 155 194. GRACES OF While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd thro' hloody seas ? 3 Are there no foes for me to face, Must I not stem the flood ; Is this vain world a friend to grace, To help us on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage, Lord, To bear the cross, endure the shame, Supported by thy word. 5 The saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, tho'they die ; They see the triumph from afar. With faith's discerning eye. IIY3IN 194. C. M. Taylou Bray, Bi-aiiiti-ee. Humble Gratitude. 1 qINCE we, and all our trea^iures too., O Are his who reigns above ; Then is there nothiiijr we can do. To prove our gr.iteful love ? 2 A broken heart he'll not despise — i It is his chief deli^rlit ; '• This is y luimble sacrifice. Well pleasing in his sight. 3 Tho' treasures brought before his throne ^ Would no acceptance find. He kin Yet I mourn my stubborn will, Find my sin a grief and thrall : Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at all ! 7 Lord, decide the doubtful case ! Thou who art thy people's Sun ; Shine upon thy work of grace, If it be mdeed begun. 3 Let me love thee more and more. If I love at all, I pray ; If I have not lov'd before. Help me to begin to-day. 170 \ THE SPIRIT. 213, 214. HYMN 213. C. M. Stennett. Clarendon, Springfield. TFithoutlove Iain nothing. 1 Cor. xiii. 1 — S. 1 T\ID I possess the gift of tongues, jlJ Great God, without thy grace, 31y loudest words, my loftiest songs Would be but sounding brass. 2 Tho'thoushould'stgive me heav'nly skilly i Each myst'ry to explain, Had I no heart to do thy will, My knowledge would be vain. 3 Had 1 so strong a faith, iny God, As mountains to remove. No faith could do me real good, That did not work by love. 4 Oh, grant me then this one request. And III be satisfied. That love divine may rule my breast. And all my actions guide. HYxMN 214. S. 31. ToPLADY, J W^atchmau, Froome. Christian Love. Gal, iii. 28. ^1 1" ET party names no mure ±^ The Christian world o'erspread ; Gentile and Jew-, and bftnd and free, Are one in Christ their head. 2 Among the saints on earth, Let mutual love be found ; Heirs of the same inheritance, With mutual blessings crown'd. 171 215. GRACES OF 3 Let discord— child of hell ! Be bauish'd far away ; Those should in strictegt friendship dwell, Who the same Lord obey. 4 Thus will the church below Resemble that above, Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And ev'ry heart is love. HYMN 215. C. M. Swain. Springfield, Newmark, Barby. 1 TTOWstveet, how heav'nly is the sight, XX When those who love the Lord, In one another's peace delight, And so fulfil his word : — £ When each can feel his brother's sigh, And with him bear a part : When sorrows flow from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart : — S When free from envy, scorn, and pride, Our wishes all above, Each can his brother's failings hide. And show a brother's love ! 4 Let love in one delightful stream, Thro' every bosom flow ; And union sweet, and dear esteem, In every acticwi glow. 5 Love is the golden chain that binds The happy souls above ; And he's an heir of heav'n who finds His bosom glow with love. 172 THE SPIRIT. 216, 217. HYMN 216. L. M. Heciwbothom. Winchester, Portugal. Peace of conscience. Arts xxiv. 16. 1 ^ WEET peace of consrience, heav'nly k5 guest ! Come, fix thy mansion in my breast ; Dispel my doubts, my fears control, Atid heal the ans^uish of ray soul. 2 Come, smiling; hope, and joy sincere, C'tme,makeyourionstani dwellinghere ; Stiil let your presence cheer my heart, Nor siu coiopel you to depart. 3 Thou God of hope, and peace divine, O, make these sacred pleasures mine ! Forgive my sins, my fears remove, And send the tokens of thy love. 4 Then, should mine eyes, without a tear, See death, with all his terrors, near ; My heart should then in death rejoice, And raptures tune my falt'ring voice. HYMN 217. 6,8. T. R. Bttlit-sda, Edwin's, OME, heavpniy peace of mind, 1 si^ih for ihy r« turn ; I seek, but cannot find The joys for which 1 mnnrn ; Ah! Where's the Saviour r-ow. Whose smiles I once poss«js8'd ? '17S C 218. GRACES OF Till he return, I bow, By heaviest grief oppress'd ; My days of happiness are ^one, And I am left to weep alone. 2 I tried each earthly charm — In pleasure's haunts I stray'd — I sought its soothing balm — I ask'd the world its aid ; But ah ! no balm it had To heal a wounded breast, And I, forlorn and sad, Must seek another rest ; My days of happiness are gone, And I am left to weep alone. 3 Where can the mourner go, And tell his tale of grief? Ah ! who can sooth his wo. And give him sweet relief ? Thou, Jesus ! canst impart, By thy long wish'd return, Ease to this wounded heart, And bid me cease to mourn ; Then shall this night of sorrow flee., And I rejoice, my Lord, in thee. HYMN 218. S. M. Doddridge. Dover, Peckham, Shirland. Rejoicing. Ps. cxxxviii. 5. 1 "T^OW let our voices join lAI To form a sacred song ; Ye pilgrims, in Jehovah's ways, With music pass along. 174 THE SPIRIT. 219. «a How straight the path appears ! How open and how fair ! No lurking gins tVntrap our feet, No fierce destroyer there. S But flowers of Paradise In rich profusion spring ; The Sun of glory gilds the path, And dear companions sing. 4 All honor to his name, Who marks the shining way, — To him who leads the wand'rers on To realms of endless day. HYMN 219. C. M. Beddome. Abridge, Barby. ResigJiation, 1 "jl/rY times of sorrow and of joy, -LyJL Great God, are in thy hand ; My choicest comforts come from thee, And go at thy command. 2 If thou should'st take them all away, Yet would I not repine ; Before they were possess'd by me, They were entirely thine. 3 Nor would I drop a murm'rinj^ word, Tho' the whole world were gone, But seek enduring happiness In thee, and thee alone. 175 220, 221. GRACES OF HYMN 220. C. M. YorNG. Chapi J, Georgia, Walsal. 1 /^UR hearts are fastened to this world V-^ By strong and niim'rous ties, And every sorrow breaks a string, And urges us to rise. 2 When heav'n would kindly set us free, And eartlrs enchantment end, It takes the most eifectual means, And robs us of a friend. 3 Resign — an.i all the load of life That moment you remove ; Its heavv tax, ten thousand cares Devolve on ONE above. HYMN 221 . C, M. Rippow, Bi-ay, Rochester. SeJf'dtnial. Mark viii. 34. 1 A ND mur,t I part with al! I have, J\ 31 y dearest Lord, foi thee ? It is but ri^^ht, since thou hast done Much more than this for me. 2 Yes, let it go — one look from thee Wil! more than make amends, For all ihe losses 1 sustain Of credit, riches, friends, 3 Ten thousand worlds, ten thousand lives, How worthless the\ appear Compar'd with thee, supremely good. Divinely bright and fair ! 178 i THE SPIRIT. 222, 223. 4 Saviour of souls, could I from thee A single smile obtain. Tho' destitute of all things else, I'd glory in my gain, HYMN 222. C. M. Watts. Barby, Abridge. Sincerity and Truth. Phil. iv. 8. 1 y ETthose who bearthe Christian name I A Their holy vows fulfil ; The saints, the foll'wers of the Lamb, Are men of honor still. 2 True to the solemn oaths they take, Tho' to their hurt they swear : Constant and just to all they speak, For God and angels hear. 3 Still with their lips their hearts agree, Nor flatt'ring words devise : They know the God of truth can see Thro' every false disguise. 4 From all deceit they swiftly fly. Whatever shape it wears, They love the truth — and when they die, Eternal life is theirs. P HYMN 223. C. M» CowpER. St. Ann's, Barby. Submission. 1 /^ LORD, my best desires fulfil, \J And help me to resign Life, health, and comfort to thy will. And make thy pleasure mine. H2 177 224. GRACES OF 2 Why should I shrink at thy command, Whose love forbids my fears ? Or tremble at the gracious hand That wipes away my tears ? 3 No, — let me rather freely yield What most I prize to thee ; Who never hast a good withheld, Or wilt withhold from me. 4 Thy favor, all my journey thro' Thou art engag'd to grant ; What else I want, or think I do, 'Tis better still to want. 9 Wisdom and mercy guide my way, Shall I resist them both ? A poor, blind creature of a day. And crush'd before the moth ! 6 But ah ! my inward spirit cries, Still bind me to thy sway ; Else the next cloud that veils my skies-, Will drive these thoughts away. HYMN 224. C. M. Chaptl, Walsal. Submission to Christ. 1 T ESUS once left his throne on high, J Left the bright realms of bliss. And came on earth to bleed and die — Was ever love like this ? 3 Is there a heart that will not bend To his divine control ? 178 THE SPIRIT. 225. Descend, O sov'reign love, descend, • And melt that stubborn soul. S Come, dearest Lord, we will confess Thy sweet, thy gentle sway : Our willing hearts, constrain'd by grace, Thy pleasing rule obey. — 4 Tho' we, for bounty so divine, No equal honors raise ; Yet, Lord, may all our hearts be thine, Our tongues proclaim thy praise. HYMN 225. C. M. Tate. Swauwick, Hanover. Trust and love God. Ps. xxxiv. 1 nn HRO' all the changing scenes of life — A In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliv'rance I will boast Till all who are distrest, From my example, comfort take, And charm their griefs to rest. 3 Oh, make but trial of his love — Experience will decide, How blest are they, and only they. Who in his truth confide. 4 Fear him, ye saints, and you will then Have nothing else to fear : Come, make his service your delight ; He'll make your wants his care. 179 226, 227. GRACES of HYMN 226. L. M. Steele. Bath, Luton, Wells. Trust in God. Hab. iii. 17, 18. 1 rilHE God of my salvation lives ; J- My nobler life he will sustain ; His word immortal vigor gives, JNor shall my glorious hopes be vain. 2 Thy presence, Lord, can cheer my heart, Tho' every earthly comfort die ; Thy smile can bid my pains depart, And raise my sacred pleasures high. 3 Oh, let me hear thy blissful voice, Inspiring life and joy divine ! The barren dessert shall rejoice ; Tis Paradise, if thou art mine ! HYMN 227. S. M. St. Thomas, Shirland. 1 r^ IVE to the winds thy fears ; yy Hope, and be undixmay'd ; God hears thy sighs, and c;»unts thy tears ; He shall lift up thy head. 2 Thro' waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears the way ; Wait thou his time ; so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. S Still heavy is thy heart ?— Still sink thy spirits down ^ — Cast off the weight, let fear depart^ And every care be gone. 180 THE SPIRIT. Z. 4 What tho' thou rulest not ! Yet heav'n, and earth, and hell Proclaim, that " God is on the throne, And ruleth ail things well." HYMN 228. 5, 6. Newtow. Newcastle, Devonshire. I will trust. Isa. xii.2. 1 -pEGONE, unhelief! J3 -My Saviour is near ; And for my relief Will surely appear: By pray'r let me wrestle, And he will perform ; With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. 2 Determin'd to save, He vvatch'd o'er my path, When, Satan's blind slave, I sported with death : And ling love hast told it, Needful 'tis for us to grieve — Son of God^ for thee we languish, Still thy absence ue bemoan, Overwhelm'd with g,rief and anguish, Poofj forsaken, and alone. 190 GHRISTIAN. 241. 5 Stript of that excessive pleasure, Fondly we the loss deplore, Till we find again our treasure, Find, and never lose thee more. Oh, cut short the night of mourning; May we glory in thy grace — Triumph in thy full returning — See again thy smiling face. HYMN 241. 8s. ToPLADY. Bethany, Lambeth. Faith fainting. I B^ ncompass'd with clouds of distress, tjA Just ready all hope to resign, I pant for the light of thy face, And fear it will never be mine ; Dishearten'd with waiting so long, I sink at thy feet with my load : All-plaintive I pour out ray song, And stretch forth my hands unto God', i U sometimes I strive, as I mourn, My hold on thy promise to keep, The billows more fiercely return. And plunge me again in the deep : While harrass'd and cast from thy sight, The tempter suggests with a roar, " The Lord has forsaken thee quite : Thy God will be gracious no more." 3 Shine, Lord, and my terrors shall cease ; The blood of atonement apply ; And lead me to Jesus for peace. The rock that is higher than L m 242, 243. CHRISTIAN. Almighty to rescue thou art ; Thy grace is my shield and ray tow'r ^ Come, succor and gladden my heart, Let this be the day of thy pow'r. HYMN 242. L. M. Watts. Arinley, Carthage, Warwick. Forsaken, yet hoping. 1 XXAPPY the hours, the golden days, J.1 When I could call my Jesus mine ; And sit, and view his smiling face, And melt in pleasures all divine. 2 Near to my heart, within my arms He lay, till sin defil'd my breast ; Till broken vows, and earthly charms, Tir'd and provok'd my heav'nly guest. S But now he's gone, (O mighty wo !) Gone from my soul, and hides his love ! I hate the sins that griev'd him so ; The sins that forc'd him to remove. HYMN 243. C. M. Newtoh. Cantcrbur>-, York. " that I were as in months past.^^ Job. xxix. 2. 1 rj WEET was the time, when first I felt (^ The Saviour's pard'ning blood Apply'd to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. 2 Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, His praises tun'd my tongue : 194 CHRISTIAN. 244'. And when the ev'ning shades prevail'd, His love was all my song. S In pray'r niy soul drew near the Lord, And saw his glory shine ; And when I read his holy word, I call'd each promise mine. 4 But now when ev'ning shade prevail*, My soul in darkness mourns ; And when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns. 5 My pray'rs are now an empty noise, For Jesus hides his face ; I read — the promise meets my eyes, But will not reach my case. 6 Rise, Lord, now help me to prevail, And make my soul thy care ; I know thy mercy cannot fail — Let me that mercy share. HYMN 244. L. M. Newtox. Portugal, Luton. Prayer answered by crosses. 1 T ASK'D the Lord, that I might grow X In faith, and love, and ev'ry grace • Might more of his salvation know, And seek more earncbtly his face. 2 'Twas he who taught me thus to pray, And he, I trust, h is answer'd pray'r ; But it has been in such a \\ ay. As almost drove me to despair. I 105 245. CHRISTIAN. S I hop'd tliat in some favor'd hour, At once he'd answer my request ; And by his love's restraining pon'r. Subdue my sins, and give me rest. 4 Insteadof this, he made me feel The hidden evils of my heart, And let the angry pow'rs of hell Assault my soul in ev'ry part. .■) Yeamo:-e, with his own hand he seem'd Intent to aggravate my wo ; Cross'd
LEST Saviour, by thy pow'rful word, MJ Once night was turn'd to day ; And thy salvation joy restor'd, Which I had sinn'd away. £ 'Twas then I wonder'd and ador'd To see thy grace divine ; I felt thy love, I prais'd the Lord, Who made such blessings mine. •^ Wilt thou not still vouchsafe to own A wretch so vile as I ? May I not still approach thy throne, And, Abba Father, cry ? 4 Lord, speak that gracious word again, And cheer my drooping heart ; .No voice but thine can soothe my pain. Or bid my fears depart. 196 ( lIRlSTIAxN. 248, 249. lIYiMN 248. S. M. Beddome. Orange, Wirkswortli. Luke xix. 41. 1 "T^ID Christ o'er sinners weep ? JlJ And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from ev'ry eye. 2 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder see ! Be thou astonish'd, O my soul, He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept, that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear : In heav'n alone no sin is found, And there's no ^veeping there. HYMN 249. 7s. Madan's Col. Finedon, Bloxham, St. John's. Jldieu to the vain world. 1 "V^ORLD, adieu thou real cheat ; T V Oft have thy deceitful charms Fill'd my heart with fond conceit, Foohsh hopes and false alarms : Now I see, as clear as day, How. thy follies pass away. 2 Vain, thy entertaining sights : False, thy promises renew'd ; All the pomp of thy delights Dots but flatter and delude : Thee I quit for heav'n above, Object of the noblest love. 197 250, 251. CHRISTIAN. 3 Let not, Lord, my wand'ring mind Follow after fleeting toys ; Since in thee aione I find Solid and substantial joys : — Joys that, never overpast, Through eternity shall last. HYMN 250. C. M. Watts. Warihaiii, Bniiiifrec. 1 "OfOW false this earth in all its forms, JTi How big with flatt'ring lies ! We seek to catch her airy charms, And straight the phantom dies. £ There's nothingroiindthese painted skies, Or on this earthly clod : Nothin;:;, my soul, that's worth tliyjoys, Or lovely as thy God. 3 'Tis heav'n on earth to taste his love, To feel his quick'ning grace : And all the heav'n I hope above, Is but to see his face. i No — 'tis in vain to seek for bliss, For bliss can ne'er be found. Till we arrive where Jesus is, And tread on heavVily ground. HYMN 251. L. 31. Watts. Bk'iidon, AiniU y, Morctoii. 1 TTJE \D be my heart to all below, JLJ To mortal joys and mortal cares ; To sensual bliss that charms us so. Be dark mine eyes and deaf mine ears. lOP. CHRISTIAN. 252. 2 All earthly joys aio. overweigh'd, ^Vitll mountains of vexatious care : And Avhere's the s\veet that is not laid, A bait to some destructive snare ? ij Lord, I renounce my carnal taste Of the fair fruit that sinners prize ; Their Paradise shall never waste One thought of mine, hut to despise. 1 Come, heav'n, and fill my vast desire? : My soul pursues the suv're.ig;n good : She was all made ofheav'nly fires, Nor can she live on meaner food. nY3IN 252. C. M. Stenuett. Clarendon, JBraintrce. Ps. iv. G. t TN vain the giddy world inquires-- X Forgetful of their God— '• Who will supply our vast desires, Or shew us any good ?" 2 Thro' the wide circuit of the earth, Their eager wishes rove, In chase of honor, wealth, and mirth, The phantoms of their love. P, But oft these shadowy joys elude Their most intense pursuit ; Or if they seize the fancied good, There's poison in the fruit. 4 Lord, from this world call offmyiove; ■Set my affections right : 199 253, 254. CHRISTIAN. Bid me aspire to joys above, And ^vaik no more by s-ght. HYMN 253. L. M. ^VAf^s. Evening-Hymn, Kingsbridge. Parting with carnal joys. Ir T SEND thp joys of earth away ; X Away, ye tempters of the mind, FaJse as the smooth dfH:eitful sea, And empty as the whistling wind. £ Your streams were floating me along, Down to the gulf of black despair ; And whilst I listen'd to your song, Your streams had e'en con vey'd me there. 3 Lord, I adore thy matchless grace, That warn'd me of that dark ahyss ; That drew me from those treach'rous seas, And bade me seek superior bliss. 4 Now to the shining realms above, 1 stretch my hands, and glance my eyes ; Oh. for the pillions of a dove. To bear me to the upper skies. HYMN 254. C. 31. Steele. Canterbury, Bedford. .'j| refuge from the storm. Deut. xxxiii. 27, 1 "^^EAll refuge of my wear}- soul, -E-^ On Ihee, when so'-rows rise, On th-e, when >\avcs of trouble roll^ My idiiit!!)g hope relies. CHRISTIAN. 255. 2 To thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel. 3 But O ! when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine ; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline. 4 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee ? Thou art my only trust ; And still my soul would cleave to thee, Tho' prostrate in the dust. HYMN 255. 7s. CowPER. Hothara, >fid(lleton. 1 TESUS, lover of my soul, J Let me to thy bosom fly, While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high : Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the storm of life be past ; Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last ! 2 Other refuge have I none, Lo ! I, helpless, hang on thee : Leave, Oh, leave me not alone, Lest I basely shrink and flee : Thou art all my trust and aid, All my help from thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of thy wing ! 12 201. 256. CHRISTIAN. 5 Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; Boundless love in thee I find : Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and load the blind. Just and holy is thy name ; I am all unrighteousness. Vile and full of sin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. i Plenteous grace with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep mc pure within. Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee : Reign, O Lord, within my heart. Reign to all eternity. HYMN 256. L. M. Stemvett. Portugal, Sterling. Our bodies God's Temple. 1 Cor. vi. 19. AND willth' ofifended God again Return and dwell w ith sinful men ! Will he williin this boson) raise A living temple to his praise ? \ The joyful news transports my breast, All hail ! I cry, thou heav'nly guest ! Lift up your heads, ye pow'rs within, And let the King of glory in. ; Enter with all thy heav'nly train, Here live, and here forever reign : SO? o CHRISTIAN. 257. Thy sceptre o'er my passions sway ; Let love command, and I'll obey. Reason and conscience shall submit, And pay Iheir homage at thy feet ; To thee I'll consecrate my heart, And bid each rival thence depart. HYMN 257. L. M. German, Annley , Kingsbridge. Prayer for grace. TH OU, to V; hose all-searchingsight, The darkness sbinclhasthe light. Search, prove my heart, and let it be Freed from these bonds andjoin'd to thee. £ AV ash out its stains, refine its dross. Nail my affections to the cross ! Hallow each thought ; let all w ithin Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darksome wild I stray, Be thou my light, be thou my way ; No foe?, no violence I Tea.", No fraud, while thou, ray God, art near. 4 AVhen rising floods my soul o'erflow, When sinking deep in waves of -wo, Jesus, thy timely aid impart. And raise my head, and ch^er my heart. 5 Oh, let thy hand support me still, And lead me to thy lioly hill ! AVheretoiland jrrief, and pain shallcease. Where all is calm, and all is peace. 20r3 258, 259. CHRISTIAN. HYMN 258. C. 31. Steele. Plympton, Buckingham. Pleasures unseen. 2 Cor. iv. 18. 1 ^^H, could our thoughts and wishes fly^ V-F Above these gloomy shades, To those bright worlds beyond the sky, Which sorrow ne'er invades ! I There joys, unseen by mortal eyes, Or reason's feeble ray, In ever blooming prospects rise, Unconscious of decay, 5 Lord, send a beam of light divine, To guide our upward aim ! With one reviving touch of thine, Our languid hearts inflame. { Then shall, on faith's sublimest wing. Our ardent wishes rise To those bright scenes, where pleasures spring. Immortal in the skies. HYMN 259. S. M. Heath. Watclimaii, Cambridge. Watch and pray. Matt. xxvi. 41. i IV/r Y soul, be on thy guard ; J_tjL Ten thousand foes arise ; \.nd hosts of sins are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray* The battle ne'er give o'er; £01 CHRISTIAN. 260, 261. Renew it boldly every day. And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the vict'ry won, Nor once at ease sit down : Thy arduous work will not be done, Till thou hast got thy crown. HYMN 260. C. M. Steele. Wantage, Windsor.. 1 4 LAS, what hourly dangers rise ! -i^ What snares beset my way ! To heav'n, Oh, let me lift my eyes. And hourly watch and pray. 2 O Lord, increase my faith and hope, When foes and fears prevail ; And bear my faintinj; spirit up. Or soon my strength will fail. 3 Oh, keep me in thy heav'nly way, And bid tlie tempter flee ; And let me never, never stray From happiness and thee. HYMN 261. S. M. Wirknvorth, Berkley. 1 O A VI OUR, we wait the day, ^ The awful day unka«>wn, To quit our hou^e, this tent of clay, And lay our bodies down. a Comfi, and our souls prepare For fiifich a solemn day ; J62, 26a CHRISTIAN. ^nd fill us now w ilh watchful care, And stir us up to pray — 3 Oh, may we all ensure A lot among the hlest ; ^nd watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest. HYMN 262. L. M. Watts. Richmond, Ricfstfr, Lejdcn. Crucifixion to the world. Gal. vi. 14. WHEN I survey the wond'rous cross, On which the Prince of glory dy'd, My richest gain I count but loss. And, mourning, weep o'er all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that chann me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. Sec, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow meet ; Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? "Were the whole realir. of nature mine, That were a present far too small : Love, so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, ni)' all. UYMTs 263. L. M. A'F.ATOxV. Virginia, Siiny, King>bridgo. HEN I the blest Redeemer see. All l)leeding on tlr accursed tree ; 206 \ CHRISTIAN. 264, Satan and sin no more can move, For I am all transform'd to love. 2 Histhornsandnailspiercetbro'my heart. In ev'ry {^roan I bear a part ; I view liis wounds with streaming eyes ; But see ! he bows his head and dies ! 3 Come, sinners, \iew the Lamb of God, Wounded and dead, and bath'd in blood ; Behold his side, and venture near — The spring of endless life is here. ■i Here I forget my cares and pains ; I drink, yet still my thirst remains ; Only the fountain head above Can satisfy the thirst of love. HYMN 264. C. M. NewtoiV. New Cambridge, Rochester. Christ precious. 1 Pet. ii. 7. 1 TTOWsvveetthenameof Jesus sounds XjL In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. .*? By him, my pray'rs acceptance gain, Although with sin defil'd ; Satan accuses me in vain, And I am own'd a child. 207 ibO, CHRISTIAN. \ Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my «rarmest thought ; But when I see thee as thou art, I'll praise thee as I ouglit, i 'Till then, I would thy love proclaim, With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. HYMN 265. 8, 7. Robinson. Love-Divine, Tabernacle. Sitting at Jesus* feet. I qWEET the moments, rich in blessing, i^ Which before the cross I spend ; Life, and health, and peace possessing,. From the sinner's dying Friend : Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears his feet I'll bathe ; Constant still in faith abiding. Life deriving from his death. I Truly blessed is this station — Low before his cross I'll lie ; While I see divine compassion Floating in his languid eye ; Here I'll sit — forever viewing Mercy streaming in his blood :• Precious drops, my soul bedewing, Plead and clai.n my peace with God. £08 CHRISTIAN. 266, 267. HYMiN 266. L. M. Fawcett. Armley, Warwick. The Christian Pilgrim. Deut. viii. 2. 1 nnHRO'this wide wilderness I roam, X Far distant from my blissful home ; My earthly joys are from me torn, And oft an absent God 1 mourn. 3, My soul with various tempests toss'd. Her fairest hopes and projects cross'd, Sees ev'ryday new straits attend, And wonders where the scene will end. 3 Is this, dear Lord, that thorny road. Which leads us to the mount of God ? — Art- these the toils thy pf;ople fenow, While in the wilderness bclo'vr ? 4 'Tis even so— thy faithful love Dolh ali thy children's graces prove ; 'Tis thus our pride and self must fall. That Jesus may be all in all. HYMN 267. C, M. Walsnl, Stand ish. Heb. xii. 2-2—24^. i g^ HiLDRE.N of God, who, travTiHg slow, Vy Your pilgrim path pursue. In strength, and weakness, joy and wo, To God's high calling true ; — Z Why move ye thus with lingering tread, A doubtful, mournful band ? Why fdinrly hangs the drooping head ? Why fails the feeble hand ? 309 Zby. CHRISTIAN. S Was the full orb that rose in light To cheer your early way, A treachVous meteor, falsely brij;ht, That hlaz'd, and pass'd away ? 4 Was therich vale that proudly shone Beneath the morning beam, A soft illusion, su iftlj"" ^one — A fair and faithless dream ? 5 Oh ! Tveakto know a Saviour's pow'r, To feel a Father's care : A moment's toil a passing show'r, Is all tJie grief ye share. HYM?J.§68. C. M. Part II. Kc-ejie, Abridge. 1 r|^HE Lord of light, tho' veil'd awhilt JL He hide his noontide ray, Shall soon in lovelier beauty smile, To gild the closing day : £ And, bursting Ihro' the dusky shroud That dar'd his pow'r invest, Ride thron'd in light o'er every cloud, Triumphant to his rest : 3 And there, beneath his beam renew 'd, That glorious vale shall shine, So long by trembling Hope pursu'd, And now forever thine. 4 Then, Christian, dry the falling tear ; The f^iithless doubt remove ; Redeem'd at last from guilt and fear, Oh I wake thy heart to love. 210 CHRISTIAN. 269,270. HYMN 269. L. M. Newton. Bath, Kent. 1 AS Avhen the woary trav'lor gains -^^ The height of some o'erhjokiiig hill, His heart revives, if, cross the plains, He eyes his home the' distant still ; £ So when the christian pilgrim views, By faith, his mansion in the skies ; The* sight his fainting strength renews. And wings his speed to reach the prize. S 'Tis there, he says, I am to dwell. With Jesus in the realms of day : Til en I shall hid my cares farewcl, And he will wipe my tears away. HYMN 270. 7s. CondolfHCf, Kotliam. 1 "piLGRIM, burden'd with thy sin, X Haste to Zion's gate to-day ; There, till mercy let thee in. Knock, and weep, and watch and pray, 2 Knock — for mercy lends an ear ; Weep — she marks the sinnei's sigh; Watch — till heavenly light appear ; Pray — she hears the mourner's cry. 3 Mourning Pilgrim ! what for thee In this world can now remain ? Seek that world from which shall flee Sorrow, shame, and tears and psin. 211 271, 272. CHRISTIAN. 4 Sorrow shall forever fly ; Shame shall never enter there , Tears he wip'd from every eye ; Pain in endless bliss expire. HYMN 271. L. M. Kent, Chatham. In thy light shall -we see light. Ps. xxxvi. 9. 1 "ClOUNTAIN of light, whose copious -T stream Supplies the sun with every beam ; Night fades before thy kindling ray, Till all within is perfect day. a A beam of life and light impart, To quicken and to warm my heart, And.bid the lucid current roll, Thro' all the channels of the soul ; — 3 Till to its source above the skies. The tributary stream shall rise ; And, ceasing in this world to be, Rejoice to lose itself in thee. HYMN 272. 7, 6. Newtow. Fairfax, Margate. 1 qOMETIMES a light sin'pri?es © The Christian while he sings ; It is the Lord who rises, / With healing on his win^s : /When comforts are declinmg, He grants the soul again A season of clear shining. To cheer it after rain» 212 CHRISTIAN, 273. ■'2 In holy contemplation, We sweetly then pursue The theme of God's salvation. And find it ever new : Set free from present sorrow, We cheerfully can say, Let the unknown to-morrow Bring with it what it may. 3 It can bring with it nothing, But he will bear us thro', — Who gives the lilies clothing, Will clothe his people too : Beneath the spreading heavens, No creature but is fed ; And he who feeds the ravens, Will give his children bread. 4 Tho' vine nor fig-tree neither, Their wonted fruit should bear, Tho' all the fields should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there ; Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice ; For while in him confiding, I cannot but rejoice, HYMN 273. C. M. Watts. Stade, Abridge. 1 r\ HAPPY soul, that lives on high, V-^ While men lie errov'lins- here ! While men lie grov'ling here His hopes are fix'd above the sky, And faith forbids his fear. 215 274. CHRISTIAN. 2 His conscience knows no secret stings While grace and joy combine, To forma life whose holy springs Are hidden and divine. 4 His God in secret sees Let earth b*^ all in arms abroad, He dwells in heav'nly peace. His pleasures rise from things unseen, Beyond this world of time, "Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb. He wants no pomp norioyal throne. To raise his figure here. Content and pleas'd to live alone. Till Cli^is^il^s life appear. HYMN 274; "^-C. M. Watts. Kdinburgb, CanttTbury. The hope of heaven our suppQrt. J]-} y N i can read my-.titie clear w I Hid farev. I to every fear, fV;id v' ny weeping eyes. Bbe^.Iti earth against my soul engage, And hellish darts bt* hurl d, Then I can smile at Satan s rage, An^ face a frowning world* X^et caves, like a wild deluge come, And storms of sorrow fall ; ^214 CHRISTIAN. 275. 3Iay I but safely reach my home, My God, my heav'n, ray all ; i JjUieie shall [ biithe my weary soul . V|ln seas of heav'niy rest ; \nd not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast. HYMN 275. C. 31. Doddridge. Clifford, York, Brainti-ee. The fear of God. Prov. xxiii. 17. 1 PTIHRICE happy souls, who, born of JL heav'n. While yet they sojourn here, Humbly begin their days with God, Aiid spend them in his fear. '2 So may our eyei with holy zeal Prevent the dawning day ; And turn the sacred pages o'er, And praise thy iiame aad pray. S Midst hourly cares may love present Its incense to thy throne; And^ while the world our hands employs, Our hearts be thine alone. 4 At night we lean our weary heads On thy paternal breast ; And, safely folded in'thine arms, Resign our powers to rest. ■J In solid, pure dehghts, like these, Let all my days be past; rsor shnll I then impatit-^t wish, Nor shall I fear the ladt. 276, 277. CHRISTIAN. HYMN 276. 8, 7, 4. Romxsos. Tarawoi-th, Littleton, Udmslcy The Pilg^rim''s Chiide. Ps. xlviii. 1 # 1 f^ UIDE me, O thou great Jeliova vJT Pilgrim, thro' this barren land ; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold rae with thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more. £ Open thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow : Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through : Strong Deliv'rer, Be thou still my strength and shield. S When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side : Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. HYMN 277. 7, 6. Whitefield. Amsterdam, Hymn 5ih. Pilgrim^s Song. 1 T3 ISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings, jtV Thy better portion trace ; Rise from transitory things, Tow'rds heav'n, thy native place* 216 CHRISTIAN. 277. Sun, and moon, and stars decay — Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepar'd above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course : Fires ascending; seek the sun. Both speed them to their source ; So a soul that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face ; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Fly me riches, fly me cares, While I that coast explore ; Flatt'rinj; world, with all thy snares, Solicit me no more. Pilgjrims fix not here their home. Strangers tarry but a night ; When the last dear morn is come, They'll rise to joyful light. 4 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize ; Soon the Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies: There we'll join the heav'nly train, Welcom'd to partake the bliss ; Fly from sorrow and from pain, To realms af endless peace. ^78. CHRISTIAN. HYMN 278. L. M. GiaB0.N5. Himon, Blendon, Shoel, Risi7ig to God. f I l\TOW let our souls, on wings sublime, -A-^ Rise from the vanities of time ; Draw back the parting veil, and sec The glories of eternity. ii Born by a new celestial birth, Why should we grovel here on earth r Why grasp at transitory toys, So near to heav'n's eternal joys ? 5 Shall aught beguile us on the road, When we are walking back to God ? For. strangers, into life we come, And dying is but going home. 4 Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge, That sets our longing souls at large ; Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell, And gives us with our God to dwell. 5 To dwell with God, to feel his love, Is the full heuv'n enjoy 'd above ; And the sweet expectatioii now [s the young dawn of heav'n below. *l^s WORSHIP. 279, 280. WOUSHIP. HYMN 279. C. M. DomiRiDGE. Windsor, Wantage. Private devotion. Matt. vi. 6. 1 T7ATHER Divine, thy piercing ej'e X Sees thro' the darkest night ; In deej) retireinent thou art nigh, With heart-discerning sight. 2 There may thy piercing eye survey INly solemn homage paid, With evTy morning's dawning ray, And ev'ry evening's shade. S Oh, let thy own celestial fire The incense still inflame ; - While my warm vows to thee a:ipire, Thro' my Redeemer's name. 4 So shall the visits of thy love My soul in secret bless ; So shalt thoii deign in worlds above. Thy suppliant to confess. HYMN 280. L. M. Doddridge. Gouldboura, Cunibeiland. 1 "O ETURN, my roving heart, return, it/ And chase these sharfowy forms no more ; ^ t... Seek out some soiitud^to mourn, And thy forsaken God implore. 219 28L ^ WORSHIP, 2 Wisdom and pleasure dwell at home t Retir'd and silent seek them there : This is the way to overcome — The way to break the tempter's snare. 3 And thou, my God, whose piercing eye Distinct surveys each deep recess, In these abstr.icted hours draw nigh, And with thy presence fill the place. 4 Through the recesses of my heart, My search let heav'niy wisdom guide, And still its radiant beams impart, 'Till all be search'd and purify'd. 5 Then with the visits of thy love, Vouchsafe my inmost soul to cheer ; 'Till ev'ry grace shall join to prove, That God hath fix'd his dwelling there. HYMN 281. C. M. Williams. Retirement, Clarendon. 1 "»T|rrHiLSTtheeIseek,protectingPower! ▼ T Be my vain wishes still'd ; And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be fill'd. £ Thy love the pow'r of tho't bestow'd — To thee my thoughts would soar : Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd ; That mercy I adore. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand 1 see ! Each blessing to my soul most dear, Because conferr'd by thee. =220 WORSHIP. 2b>^, 4 In every joy that crowns ray days, In every pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise, Or seek relief in prayer. 6 When gladness wings my favor'd hour, Thy love my thoughts shall fill ; Resign'd, when storms of sorrow low'r, AJy soul shall meet thy will. 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The gath'ring storm shall see ; My steadfast heart shall know no fear , That heart will rest on thee. HYMN 282. C. M. CowPER. Springfield, Chapel. 1 T?AR from the world, O Lord, I flee, X^ Fro'n strife and tumult far ; From scenes w here Satan wages still His most successful \Nar 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With pray'r and praisj- agiee : And seem by thy sweet bounty made, For those who follow thee. 3 Then if thy Spirit touch the soul. And giace her mean abode. Oh, with what pearo and jcsy and love, She there communes with iry lays : Nor asks a witoess of her song, Nor thirsts for human praise. 221 yS3, 284. WORSHIP. HYMN 283. C. M. Steele. St. Marj's, Walsal. The request. 1 T^ATHER, whaie'cr of earthly bliss, JO Thy sov'reign will deuies, Accepted at thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise : — £ " Give me a calm, a thankful heart, , From ev'ry murmur free ; The blessings of thj^ grace impart. And make me live to thee. 5 " Let the sweet hope that I ani thine. My life and death attend ; Thy presence thro' my journey shine, And crown my journey's end." HYMX 284. C. M. Clarendon, Ntwmark. 1 ^^OME, Holy Ghost, my soul inspire. ^^ This one great gift impart — What most I need — and most desire, A humble, holy heart. 2 Bear witness that I'm born again, M^ nany sins forgiv'n : Nor jet a gloomy doubt remain To cloud my hope of heav'n. 3 More of myself grant I may know, From sin's deceit be free, In all the christian graces grow, And live alone to thee. WORSHIP. 285,286. HYMN 285. C. M. B. Baiby, Plymouth. Evening lujiUghf. 1 T LOVE to steal awhile away X Frotii every cumb'ring care, And spend the hours of setting day^ In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear, And ?.ll liis promises to plead, Where none hut God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On him whom I adore. 4 I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes inheav'n ; The prospect doth my strength renew^ Vv hile here bj- tempests driv'n. 5 Thus, when life's toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be cairn as this impressive hour. And lead to endless day. HYMN 286. L. M. CowpsR. Armley, Bath. Social prayer, 1 M7HAT va^'ioushind'rancfjsv.-srr^pet, ' » In coming to a mercy seat I Yet who that knows the worth of pray'r, But wishes to be often there. $23 287. WORSHIP. a Pray'r makes the dark'ned cloud with- draw ; Pray'r climbs the ladder Jacob saw — Gives exercise to faith and love — Brings ev'ry blessing from above. 3 Restraining pray*r — we cease to flght ; Pray'r makes the Christian's armor bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4 Have you no words ? — Ah, think again ; Words flow apace when you complain, And fill your fellow-creature's ear, With the sad tale of all your care. 9 Were half the breath thus vainly spent. To heav'n in suppHcation sent — Your cheerful song would oft'ner be, " Hearwhatthe Lord hath done forme !'" HYMN 287. S. M. Newton. Durham, St. Thomas. Importunate. Luke xviii. 1 — 7. I TESUS, who knows full well J The heart of ev'ry saint, Invites usallour grirfa to tell, To pray, and uevpr faint. ^ He bows his gracious ear — We n^ver plead in vain : Then let us wait till he appear, And pray, and pray again. 9 Though unbelief sujrffest, *' Why should we longer wait ?'- WORSHIP* 288. He bids us never give him rest, But knock atnaercy's gate. 4 Jesus, the Lord, will hear His chosen when they cry ; Yes, though he may a while forbear, He'll help them from on high. 5 Then let us earnest cry, And never faint in pray'r : He sees, he hears, and from on high, Will make our cause his care. HYMN 288. C. M. Montgomery. Clarendon, Brigliton. Behold he prayeth. Acts. ix. 11, 1 "pRAY'R is the soul's sincere desire, X Utter'd or unexpress'd, The motion of a hidden fire That trembles in the breast. 2 Pray'r is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear ; The upward glancmg of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Pray'r is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try ; Prayer the sublimest strains that reach The majesty on high. 4 Pray'r is the christian's vital breath, The christian's native air. His watchword at the gate of death — He enters heav'n with pray'r- ^ K2 / 289,290. WORSHIP. 5 Pray'r is the contrite sinner's voice Returning from iiis ways, While angels in their songs rejoice And say, — " Behold he prays." HYMN 289. L. M. Hart. Cath, Bleudon. Pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. v. 17. 1 TpH,AY'R was appointed to convey JL The blessings (jiod designs to give ; Long as they live should christians pray, For only while they pray, they live. 2 If pain afflict, or wrongs oppress — If cares distract, or fears dismay — If guilt deject — if sin distress^ The remedy's before thee — pray. S 'Tis pray'r sup})orts the soul that's weak ; Tho' thought be broken — language lame: Pray, if thou canst, or canst n»)t speak, Butt pray with faith in Jesus' name. HYiVIN 290. L. M. Doddridge. Ti-iiro, Bath. Family worahip. Gen. xviii. 19. 1 T|7*ATHER of all, thy care we bless, X Which crowns our families with jjeace; From thee they spring, and by thy hand, They were and still shall be sustain'd. 3 To God, most w orthy to be prais'd, Be our domestic altars rais'd : £20 WORSHIP. 291. Who, Lord of heav'n, scorns not to dwell With saints, in their obstur^^st cell. 3 To thee may each united house, Morning and nij^ht present its vows ; Our servants there, and rising; race, Be taught thy precepts and thy grace. 1 Oh, may each future age proclaim The honors of thy glorious name ; While plens'd and thankful, we remove To join the family above. HYMN 291. S. M. HosKiJvs. Maryland, Little Marlboro'. Formal. Job. xxvii. 8. ELIGION'S form is vain. While we deny its pow'r ! What will the hypocrite obtain, In death's tremendous hour ? 2 Now he may credit gain, And in his affluence roll ; But all his profit will be pain, When God shall take his soul S Then, O what dread surprise. What horror and dismay, When death shall open wide his eyes, And tear his mask away ! 4 Lord, search and know my heart, And make my soul sincere ; And bid hypocrisy depart, And keep my conscience clear. 227 R 292, 293. WORSHIP. HYMN 292. C. M. DoDDRiDOK. Abridgt", Chnstmas. Ministers watch for souls. Heb. xi ii. 17. 1 T ET Zion's watchmen all awake, L.J And take tli' alarm they give ; Now let them, from the mouth of God, Their awful charge receive. 2 'Tis not a cause of small import The pastor's care demands ; But what might fill an angel's heart — It fill'd a Saviour's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heav'nly bliss forego ; — For souls, which must forever live, In raptures, or in wo. 4 May they that Jesus, whom they preach, Their own Redeemer, see ; And watch thou daily o'er their souls, That they may watch for Thee. HYMN 293. H. M. Doddridge. Bvtiicsda, EagU'-strt-et. A sweet savor. ^ Cor. ii. 15, 16. 1 "pRAlSE to the Lord on high, X^ Who spreads his triumphs wide I While Jesus' fragrant name Is breath'd on every side : Balmy and rich the odours rise, And fill the earth, and reach the skies. 328 WORSHIP. 294 2 Ten thousand dying souls Its influence feel — and live; ^ Sweeter than vital air The incense they receive : They breathe anew, and rise and sing Jesus, the Lord, their conqu'ring King. 3 But sinners scorn the grace, That brings salvation nigh : They turn their face away, And faint, and fall, and die. So sad a doom, ye saints, deplore— For Oh ! they fall to rise no more. HYMN 294. 8, 7, 4. Kelly. Tamworlh, Hclinsley. Cry aloud. Isa. Ivili. 1. 1 ]1 TEN of God, go take your station^ iYJL Darkness reigns throughout the earth ; Go, proclaim among the nations, Joyful news of heav'niy birth ; Bear the tidings Of the Saviour's matchless worth. 2 What tho' earth and h^^!l united, Should oppose the Saviour's plan ? Plead his caust*, nor be affrighted : Fear ye not the i^ca of man : Vain their tumult ; Stop his work they never can. 220 { o ^yO. WORSHIP. S When exposM to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend . Borne afar 'midst foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend: And his presence Shall be with you to the end. HYMN 295. L. M. Carthage, Armley. Prayer for a sick Minister. THOU, before whose gracious throne, We bow our suppliant spirits dowii ; Avert thy swift descending stroke, Nor smite the shepherd of the flock. ^ Restore him, sinking to the grave : '** Stretch out thine arm, make haste to save ; Back to our hopes and wishes give, And bid our friend and father live. 3 Bound to each soul by tend'rest ties, In ev'ry breast his image lies ; Thy pitying aid, O God, impart, Nor rend him from each bleeding heart 4 Yet, if our supplications fail, And pray'i'? and tears cannot prevail ; Be thou his strength, be thou his stay, And guide him safe to endless day. SSO WORSHIP. 296,297. HYMN 296. C. M. Doddridge, Buckingiiairi, Plymptou, Comfort under the loss of Ministers. 1 T/l/'HAT — tho'the arm of conquering ▼ ▼ death Does God's own house invade ; What— tho' the Prophet and the Priest Be number'd with the dead ! 2 Tho' earthly shepherds dwell in dust, The aged and the young ; The watchful eye in darkness clos'd, And mute the instructive tongue : 3 Th' Eternal Shepherd still survives, New comforts to impart ; His eye still guides us, and his voice Still animates our heart. 4 Then let our drooping hearts revive, And all our tears be dry ; Why should those eyes be drown'd in Which view a Saviour nigh ! HYMN 297. S. M. DwiGHT. Shirland, Watchman. Love to the Church. 1 T LOVE thy kingdom, Lord, X The house of thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer sav'd, With his own precious blood. 298. WORSHIP. 2 If e'er to bless thy sons, My voice, or hands deny, These hands let useful skill forsake. This voice in silence die. 3 If e'er my heart forget Her welfare, or her wo, Let everyjoy this heart forsake, And every grief o'erflow. 4 For her my tears shall fall ; For her ray pray'rs ascend ; To her my cares and toils be giv'n, 'Till toils and cares shall end. HYMN 298. 8, 7. Newton. Sicilian-Hymn, Northampton-Chapel, Declension lamented. 1 /^NCE, O Lord, thy garden flourish'd, yj Ev'ry part look'd gay and green ; Then thy word our spirits nourish'd, Happy season, we have seen ! 2 But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord, thy help is greatly needed, . Help can only come from thee. 3 Some, in whom we once delighted, We shall meet no more below ; Some, alas ! we fear are blighted, — Scarce a single leaf they show. 4 Dearest Saviour, hasten hither. Thou canst make them bloom again ; 232 woRSHir. 299, 30a Oh, permit them not to wither, t Let not all our hopes be vain ! HYMN 299. L. M. Leeds, St. Catharine's. 1 f^ SUN of lligjhteousness divine, V^ On us with beams of mercy shine, Chase the dark clouds of guilt away, And turn our darknebsinto day. 2 While mourning o'erour guilt and shame, And asking mercy in thy name, Dear Saviour, cleanse us with thy blood, And be our Advocate with God. 3 Sustain, when sinking in distress, And guide us thro' this wilderness ; Teach our low thoughts from earth to rise. And lead us onward to the skies. HYMN 300. C. M. Colchester, Clarendon. Isa. liii. 1. 1 XTOW few the word of God regard, JlJ. Or seek their Maker's face 5 In vain the gospel is proclaim'd, If not enforc'd by grace. 2 Almighty God, exert thy power, And melt the stony breast ; Then shall thy justice be ador'd, Thy mercy stand confess'd. d I ^ 301,302. WORSHIP. 3 The scorner then shall mourn in dust, And put his sins away ; No more resist his Maker's hands, But lift his own to pray. HYMN 301. L. P. M. Eaton, St. Helen's. I I" OSTinalahyrinthof sin, iJ Lon^ have we wander'd to and fro, The wilderness hath shut us in, And only fnith the way can show ; And only pray'r can lend the clue, And guide our weary footsteps through. -Z Jesus, thou sov'reign Lord of all, The same thro' one eternal day, Attend thy feeble followers' call. And Oh, instruct us how to pray : Pour out the supplicating grace, And stir us up to seek thy face. HYMN 302. C. M. Kfj.lv. Arlington, Bray. Amos vii. 2. 1 "OY whom shall Jacob now arise ? X3 F(»r Jacob's friends are few : And (what should fill us with surprise,) They seem divided too. 2 By whom shall Jacob now arise ? For Jacob's foes are strong, I read their triumph in their eyes, They think he'll fall ere long. 23 1 WORSHIP. 30o. 3 By whom sliall Jacob now arise ? Can any tell hy whom ? Say, shall this branch that wither'd lies, Again revive and bloom ? 4 Lord, thou canst tell — the work is thine, The help of man is vain — On Jacob now arise and shine, HYMN 303. L. M. Hyde. Moreton, Batli, Chatham. Prayer for the children of the Church. 1 T^EAR Saviour, if these lambs should jLI stray. From thy secure enclosure's bound, And, lur'd by worldly joys away, Among the thoughtless crow d be found ; 2 Remember still that they are thine, That thy dear sacred name they bear, Think that the seal of love divine, — The sign of cov'nant grace they wear. S In all their erring;, sinful years. Oh, let them ne'er forgotten be ; Remember all the pray'rs and tears, "Which made them consecrate to thee. 4 And when these lips no more can praj^ These eyes can weep for them no more. Turn thou their feet from folly's way, The wand'rers to thy fold restore. 255 304. WORSHIP. HYMN 304. L. M. NEWTaN. Bath, Armley. Wheat and tares. Matt. xiii. 37—42. 1 rpHO* in the earthly church below, JL The wheat and tares together graw; Jesus ere long will weed the crop, And pluck the tares in anger up. 2 Will it relieve their horrors there, To recollect their stations here ? How much they heard, how much they knew. How long among the wheat they grew ! 3 Oh ! this will aggravate their case ! They perish under means of grace ; To them the w.jrd of life and faith Became an instrument of death. 4 We seem alike whsn thus we meet, — Strangers might think we all were wheat ; But to the Lord's all st-arching eyes, Each heart appears without disjguise. 5 The tares are spar'd for various ends. Some, for the sake of praying friends ; Others, the Lord against their will, Employs his counsel to fulfil. 6 But tho' they gr »w so tall and strong, His plan will not require them long ; In harvest when he saves his own, The tares shall into hell be thrown. gS6 WORSHIP. 305, 306. HYMN 305. 8, 7, 4. Newton. Jordan, Littleton. Prayer for a Revival. Ps. Ixxxv. 6. 1 ^ AVIOUR, visit thy plantation : O Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ! All will come to desolation, Unless thou return again. Lord, revive us : All our help must come from thee. 2 Keep no longer at a distance ; Shine upon us from on high, Lest, for want of thine assistance, Every plant should droop and die, 3 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in pray'rs ; Let each one esteem'd thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares. 4 Break the tempter's fatal power ; Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from this good hour To revive thy work afresh. HYMN 306. L. M. Doddridge, Derby, Carthage, Darwent, Ezek. xxxvi. 37. 1 /^OME, sacred Spirit, from above, V^ And fill the coldest heart with love ; Soften to flesh the flinty stone, And let thy godlike pow'r be known. 237 307. WORSHIP 2 Speuk, Thou, and from the haughtiest eyes, Shall floods of pious sorrow rise ; While all their glowing souls are home, Toseekthatgrace which now they scorn. S Oh, let a holy flock await, Num'rous around thy temple gate, Each pressing on with zeal to be, A living sacrifice to thee. 4 In answer to our fervent cries. Give us t ) see lliy church arise ; Or, if that blessing seem too great, Give us to mourn its low estate. HJMN 307. L. M. Chatham, New Hundredth. 1 A S in soft silence, vernal show'rs J\. Descend and cheer the fainting flow'rs ; So in the secrecy of love. Falls the sweet influ'nce from abg^fe. 2 May we this heav'nly influ'nce find, In holy silence of the mind, ^ « And every grace maintain its bloom, Diffusing wide ttie rich perfume : 3 And lands beneath the burning sky, Which now are desolate and dry, Ere long the blest effusions share. long sud( And sudden greens and herbage wear. 238 WORSHIP. 308,309. HYMN 308. L. M. Doddridge. Limerick, Darwent, Arniley. Beholding transg^'essors, Ps. cxix. 158. t ^EK human nature sunk in shame ; ►^ See scandals pour'd on Jesus' name : The Father >vounded thro' the Son ; The world abus'd, the soul undone. 'Z See the short course of vain delight, Closing in everlasting night ; In flames that no abatement know. Kindled by sin the source of wo. S My God, I feel the mournful scene ; My bowels yearn o'er dying men ; And fain my pity would reclaim, And snatcli the lire-brands from the flame, 4 But feeble my compassion proves, And can but weep where most it loves : Thy own all-saving arm employ, And turn these drops of grief to joy. nfiviN 309. L. M. Doddridge. jto' Genera, Green's Huudredtli. risiohofthe dry hones. Ezek. xxxvii. S. 1 T OOKdoun,0 Lord, withpitying eye, I i See Adam's race in ruin lie ; Sin spreads its trophies o'er the ground, And scatters slaughter'd heaps around. 2 And can these mould'ring corpses live ? And can these perish'd bones revive ? — 259 310. WORSHIP. That, mighty God, to thee is known ; That wond'rous work is all thine own. 3 Thy ministers are sent in vain, To prophesy upon the slain ; In vain they call, in vain they cry, Till thine almighty aid is nigh. 4 But, if thy Spirit deign to hreathe, Life spreads thro' all the realms of death : Dry bones obey thy pow'rful voice ; They move — they waken — they rejoice. HYMN 310. C. M. Davis. Braintree, Barby, Rochester. Jls the Rain, ^c. Isa. Iv. 10, 11. 1 T>EHOLD the genial showers descend JLj Upon the fruitful field ; What blessings in their train attend, What kind effects they yield. 2 'Tis God himself the ground prepares, His Spirit sows the land ; And ev'ry pleasant fruit it bears, # Is nurtur d by his hand. 3 In vain the husbandman would toilj And scatter seed in vain ; Did not the Lord refresh the soil, With gentle show'rsof rain. 4 Spirit of influence ! now descend Like rain upon the ground ! Thro' the wide world the gospel send, And make its fruits abound. 240 WORSHIP. 311,31^. HYMN 311. L. M. Luther's Hymn, Nantwich. 1 /^ SUN of Righteousness, arise, V_/ With gentle beams on Zion shine ; Dispel the darkness from our eyes, And souls awake to Hfe divine. 2 On all around let grace descend, r^ike heav'niy dew, or copious show'rs, That we may call our God our friend; That we may hail salvation ours. HYMN 312. H. M. Scott. Alkrtoii, Eagle-street, Weymouth. 1 /~^ IRD on, great God, thy sword, vjr Ascend thy conqu'ring car. While justice, truth and love, Maintain the holy war ; Victorious thou, thy foes shalt tread, And sin and hell in triumph lead. 2 Make bare thy potent arm, And wing th' unerring dart, W^ith salutary pangs, To each rebellious heart ; Then dying souls for life shall sue, Num'rous as drops of morning dew. 3 Then shall the spa':ious earth Beneath thy sceptre bend ; And peace her olive-branch, And balmy wings extend : The dews of heav'n enrich the ground, And Paradise shall bloom around. 313. WORSHIP. HYMN 313. L. M. Stroivc. Kingsbridge, Armley. Prayer for opposers of revivals. 1 TILEST Lord, behold the guilty scorn -O Of those who hate and mock our praise ; Pity their state and make them turn, No more to walk in sinful vvajs. Z Anxious we see their wretcHed state, Who never think of heav'n or hell ; They lau?,h and sport and court the giatc, Which opes where endless terrors dwell. 3 Lead them to view a sinful heart, A soul all enmity to thee, Destroy'd, defil'd in every part, Too proud to bow, too blind to see. 4 Lead them to view a holy law, W^hich justly dooms to endless death, To feel that guilt which Jesus saw. And pra> 'd, * Forgive,' with dying breath. ;; Open their eyes, unstop their ears, To hear condemning justice sound ; Lord, change their hearts, and then their tears Will witness grief to all around. »> Once we were blind, like them we strove, Till sov'reign mercy chaug'd our ways ; Lord, bow their wills, and make them love. Then they will join our songs of praise. e42 WORSHIP. 314, 31o. HYMN 314. 8s. Uxbridgt', Laiiibi th. 1 4 LL glory to God in the sky, J\. And peace upon earth be iestor*d : O Jesus, exalted on high, Appear our omnipotent Lord ! Who, meanly in Bethlehem born, Didst stoop to redeem a lost race, Once more to thy creatures return, And reign in thy kingdom of grace. 2 Oh, -vvouldst thou again be made known, Again in thy Spirit descend, And set up, in each of thine own, A kingdom that never shall end ! Thou only art able to bless, \nd make the glad nations obey, And bid the dire enmity cease, And bow the whole world to thy sway, S Come then to thy servants again, Who long thy appearing to know ; Thy quiet and peaceable reign In mercy establish below : Appeas'd by the charms of thy grace, We all shall in aujity join. And kindly each other embrace, And love with affection Uke thine. HYMN 315. C. M. Newtow. St. Ann's, Barby. For christian Conference. 1 /^ LORD, our languid souls inspire, V^ For here we trust thou art ! 245 316. WORSHIP. Send down a coal of heav'nly fire, To warm each waiting heart. 2 Shew us some tokens of thy love, Our fainting hope to raise ; And pour thy blessing from above, That we may render praise. 3 Within these walls let holy praise. And love and concord dwell ; Here give the troubled conscience ease, The wounded spirit heal. 4 The feeling heart, the melting eye, The humble mind bestow ; And shine upon us from on high, • To make our graces grow. 5 May we in faith receive thy word. In faith present our pray'rs ; And in the presence of our Lord, Unbosom all our cares. 6 And may the gospel's joyful sound, Enforc'd by mighty grace, Awaken sinners all around To come and fill the place. HYMN 316. L. M. B . Portug;al, Blendou. Rom. viii. 14. 1 /^OME, gracious Spirit, heav'nly Dove, V> With light and comfort from abo\e, Be thou our guardian, thou our guide, 0'«r ev'ry thought and step preside. £44 ^VORSHIP. 317. ^2 Conduct us safe, conduct us far From ev'ry sin and hurtful snare ; Lead to thy word that rules must give, And teach us lessons how to live. 3 The !ig,ht of truth to us display ,- And make us know and choose thy way ; Plant holy fear in ev'ry heart, That we fron God may ne'er depart. 1 Leadus to holiness, the road That we must lake to dwell with God*; Lead us to Christ, the living way, Nor let us from his pastures stray. 5 Lead us to God, our final rest, In his enjoyment to be bless'd ; Lead ustoheav'n, the seat of bliss, Where pleasure in perfection is. HYMN 317. L. M. Fawcett, Portugal, Sabbaoth. Beginning of worship, 1 r¥l HY presence, gracious God, afford— ■i Prepare us to receive thy word ; Now let thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mixt with what \ve hear. 2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes above ; With food divine may we be fed, And satisfy'd with living bread. 3 To us thy sacred word apply, With sov'reign power and energy ; S45 318,319. woR-SHiF. And may we in true faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear. HYMN 318. L. M. Steele. IlLtliwoll, Wells, Sl»o:'l. Prayer for the presence of Christ. 1 T ORD, in the temples of thy grace, ■i.i Thy saints l>eho}d thy smiling face ; And oft hav e seen thy glories shine With pow'r and majesty divine : |2 But soon, alas! thy absence mourn. And pray, and wish thy kind return : Without thy life-inspiring light, 'Tisall a scene of ghiomy night. Come, dearest Lord, thy children cr\-, Our graces droop, our comforts die ; Return, and Ift thy glories rise Again, to our admiring eyes ; Till fill'd with light, and joy, and love, Thy courts below, like those above, Triumphant h dlelujahs raise. And heav'n and earth resound thy praise. 1IY3In319. cm. Steele. Bray, Colchester. ClOME, Lord, and warm each languid y hiMirt— Inspire each lifeless tongue; And let the joys of heav'n impart Their influ'nce to our song. 24G WORSHIP. 320, 321. S Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise In us thc^ heav'uly flame ; Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our hearts adore thy name. 3 Dear Saviour, let t!iy glory shine, A.nd fill thy dwellings here, Till life, and love, and joy divine A heav'n on earth appear. HYMN 320. L. M. W.B.Tappaa-. Ai-:uity, Durwent. 1 XTOLY he this, as was the place, JlJL To him of Padan aram I n »v.n, WhvM-ft Ahraoi's God reveal'd his face, And caught tfie pilgrim to the throne. 2 Oh, how transporting was the ^low Thatthrill'd hi.shosom, mix'd v. ithfear, " Lo, the Eternal walks below, The Highest tabernacles here !" 3 Be ours, when fait'i and hope grow dim, The glories w hich the Patriarch saw ; And when we faint, may we, like him, Fresh vigor from the vision draw. 4 Heav'n's lightning hover'd o'er his head, And flash'd new splendors on his view; Break forth, O Sun ! and freely shed Glad rays upon our Bethel too. HYMN 321. L. M. Part II. i 'f ff^IS ours to sojourn in a waste, ^ Barren and cold as Shinar's ground ; 247 322. WORSHIP No fruits of Eschol charm the taste, No streams of Meribah arc found.— •i But Thou canst bid the desert bud, With more than Sliaron's rich display ': But Thou canst bid the cooHng Hood, Gush from the rock and cheer the nay. 3 "We tread the path thy people trod, Alternate sunshine, bitter tears ; Go Thou before, and with thy lod Divide the Jordan of our fears. •t Be ours the song of triumph giv'n, Angelic themes to lips of clay ; And ours the holy harp of heav'n, Whose strain dissolves the soul away HYMN 322. L. M. Watts. Moreton, Portugal. 1 TJ^AR from my thoughts, vain world, -■- be gone. Let my religious hours alone : Fain would my ey«'S my Saviour see ; — I wait a visit, Lord, from thee ! 2 My heart grows warm with holy fire, And kindles with a pure desire : Come, my dear Jesus, from above, And feed my soul with heav'niy love. 3 Bles-s'd Jesus, wh.it delicious fare ! How sweet thine entertainments are ! Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace, and dyin^ love. JI48 I WORSHIP. 323,324. HYMN 323. C. M. HosKiNS. Bray, Newmark, St. Martin's. N thy great name. O Lord, we come To worship at thy feet ; Oh, pour thy Holy Spirit down On all that now shall meet. 2 We come to hear Jehovah speak, To hear the Saviour's voice ; Thy face and favor, Lord, we seek, Now make our hearts rejoice. 3 Teach us to pray, and praise — and hear, And understand thy word ; To feel thy blissful presence near, And trust our living Lord. 4 Let sinners now thy goodness prove, And saints rejoice in thee ; Let rebels be subdu'd by love. And to the Saviour flee. HYMN 324. L. M. NEWTOir. Sterling, Bath. 1 TTAPPY the saints whose lot is cast, JlJL Where oftisheardthe gospel sound; The word is pleasant to their taste, A healing balm for ev'ry wound. £ With joy they hasten to the ;)lace, Where they their Saviour oft have met, And while they feast upon his grace, Their burdens and their griefs forget, L,2 S49 325,326. WORSHIP. 3 This favor'd lot, my friends, is our&; M:vy we the privilege improve, And find these consecrated hours, Sweet earnests of the joys above. HYMN 325. L. M. Doddridge. Blendon, Leyden. On opening a place of worship. 1 r^ RE AT God, we to thy honor raise VJ These walls to echo forth thy praise; Do thou descending fill the place With choicest tokens of thy grace. 2 Here let the great Redeemer reign, With all the graces of his train, While power divine his word attends. To conquer foes and cheer his friends. 3 And in the great decisive day, W^hen God the nations shall survey, 3Iay it before the world appear, That crowds were born to glory here. HYMN 326. 8, 7, 4. Rippon. Littleton, Joi-dan, Tamworth. Dismission. I X ORD, dismiss us with thy ble^ing — a 1 Fill our hearts with joy and peace : Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace ; Oh, refresh us ! Trav'ling through this wildernes?f. :50 WORSHIP. 327,328. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For tby gospel's joyful sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound : May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 So, whene'er the signal's giv'n, Us from earth to call away ; Borne on angels' wings to heav'n, Glad to leave our cumb'rous clay, May we, ready, Rise and reign in endless day ! HYMN 327. L. 31. Hart. Chatham, Portugal. 1 ■r^ISMISSuswiththybles5ing,Lord-- JLI Help us to feed upon thy word ; All that has been amiss forgive, And let thy truth within us live. 2 Tho' we are guilty, thou art good— ^ Wash all our works in Jesus' blood ; Give ev'ry fetter'd soul release. And bid us all depart in peace. HYMN 328. 8s. Hart. Dismission , Lambeth. THIS God is the God we adore. Our faithful, unchangeable friend Whose love is as large as his pow'r And neither knows measure nor 'end ; 251 329,330. WORSHIP. 'Tis JesuSf the first and the last, Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home ; We'll praise him for all that is past, And trust him for all that's to come. HYMN 329. S. M. Hart. Cambridge, Sicily. 1 /^NCE more, hefore we part, V^ We'll bless the Saviour's name, Record his mercies, every heart ; Sing, every tongue, the same. 2 Receive his sacred word. And feed thereon and grow ; Go on to seek, to know tlie Lord, And practise what you know. HYMN 330. C. M. Colchester, Barby, Braiutree. Num. vi. 25, 26. 1 "pTERNAL Sun of Righteousness, J_i Display thy beams divine ; Now may the glory of thy face Upon our darkness shine. 2 Light, in thy light, Oh, may we see — Thy grace and mercy prove — Reviv'd, and cheer'd, and blest by thee, The God of pard'ning love, 3 Lift up thy countenance serene, And let each happy child Behold, without a cloud between, His Father reconcil'd. S5£ WORSHIP. 331 I On us the blessing now bestow, The joy of sins forgiv'n, Sweet peace and holiness below, And then the joys of heav'n. HY3IN ^31. 6,4. Hill's Col. * Bermondsey, Bridgeton. 1 f^ LORY to God on high, VJ Let heav'n and earth reply. Praise ye his name I Angf'ls his love adore, Who all our sorrows bore,. And saints sing, evermore, " Worthy the Lamb." 2 Ye, who surround the throne, Cheerfuhy join in one, Praising his name ! Ye, who have felt his blood, Sealing your peace with God, Sound his dear name abroad ; " Worthy the Lamb." j3 Soon must we change our place,. Yet will we never cease Praising his name ! Still will we tribute bring, Hall him our gracious King, And through all ages sing, " Worthy the Lamb." 332, 333. THE SINNER THS SIZTNER AVTAKSNED. HYMN 332. L. M. Strong. Kingsbridge, Arniley. 1 \ LAS, alas, how blind I've been, J\. How littb' of myself I've seen ! Sportive I sail'd the sensual tide, Thoughtless of God, whom I defy'd. 2 Oft have I heard of heav'n, and hell, Where bliss and wo eternal dwell ; Butmock'd the threats of truth divine, And scorn'd the place where angels shine, S My heart has long refus'd the blood Of Jesus, the descending God ; And guilty passion boldly broke The holy law which heav'n had spoke. 4 Th' alluring world control'd my choice ; When conscience spake, I hush'd its voice ; Securely laugh'd along the road, Which hapless millions first had trod. 5 But now, th' Almighty God comes near And fills my soul with awful fear — Perhaps I sink to endless pain, Nor hear the voice of joy again. HYMN 333. L. M. Hyde. Blendon, AiTnley, Warwick. J^y spirit shall not ahvuys stnver^ Gen. vi. 3. 'S AY, sinner, hath a voice within, Oft whisper'd to thy secret soul, 254 AWAKENED. 334. Urg'd thee to leave the ways of sin, And yield tliy heart to God's control ? 2 Hath something inetthee in the path Of worldliness and vanity, And pointed to the coming wrath, And warn'd thee from that wrath to flee? 3 Sinner, it was a heav'nly voice, — It was the Spirit's gracious call ; It bade thee make the better choice, And haste to seek in Christ thine aU. i Spurn not the call to life and light ; Regard in time the warning kind ; That call thou may'st not always slight. And yet the gate of mercy find. 3 God's Spirit will not always strive With harden'd, self-destroying man ; Ye, who persist his love to grieve, May never hear his voice again. 6 Sinner — perhaps this very day. Thy last accepted time may be ; Oh, should'st thou grieve him now away, Then hope may never beam on thee. HYMN 334. C. M. Walsal, Buckiugliani. ND does the Spirit kindly move To wake my drowsy heart; And shall 1 slight and giiere his love,^ And bid him hence dej)art? 255 A 335. THE SINNER 2 Shall I the tempter's voice believe, And still refuse to pray, And thus the Holy Spirit grieve, And bid him go his way ? — 3 This solemn warnin);, once receiv'd, I dare no longer slight ; The Holy Spirit often griev*d, May take his final flight. HYMN SSo. S. M. Hyde. Shirland, St. Thomas. Gneve not the Spirit. Eph. iv. 80. ND canst thou, sinner, slight •A' The call of love divine ? Shall God, with tenderness invite, And gain no thought of thine ? £ Wilt thou not cease to grieve The Spirit from thy breast, Till he thy wretched soul shall leave With all thy sins opprest ? 3 To-day, a pard'ning God Will hear the suppliant pray ; To-day, a Saviour's cleansing blood Will wash thy guilt away. 4 But, grace so dearly bought, If yet thou wilt despise, Thy fearful doom with vengeance fraught, Will fill thee with surprise. 256 AWAKEXED. 336, 337. 1IY3IN 336. C. M. Elgin, Martyr's, Aldridgt'. Hit at tnust I do 1^ 1 1\/|"Y conscious guilt is now so great, JjJL If I attempt to pray, Th" tempter tells me yet to wait, Or frights my soul awny. "i In painful doubt what course to try, — I fear this long delay, — And must I linger here and die, Asham'd to ask the ^vay ? 3 Ye Christian pilgrims, can ye tell A stranger to the ro»d. The May that leads to Zion's hill, To find a pard'ning God ? HYMN 337. C. M. Hi'DK Bangor, Windsor. 1 AH, what can I, a sinner, do, -L^ With all my guilt opprest ? I ft el th;: hardness of my heart. And conscience knows no rest. 2 Great God, thy good and perfect law Does all my life condemn ; The secret evils of my soul Fill me with fear and shame. 3 How many j)re.ciou3 Sabbaths gone, I never can recal ; And Oh, what cause have I to mourn, "VVho misimprov'd them all ! 257 338, 339. THE SINNER Of Jesus, and of heav'n ; Yet scarcely lisU'ii'd to his word, Or pray'd to be forgiv'n ! 5 Constrain me, Lord, to turn to thee, And grant renewinj; grace ; For thou this ilinty heart canst break, And thine shall be the praise. HYMN 338. C. M. Standish, Buckingham. Hardness of heart. 1 rjlHE voice, that bids us all repent, Jl I hear with terror oft : But never will this heart relent, Till Jesus make it soft. 2 The charming voice of bleeding love I hear from lips divine ; Yet melting strains can nevermore A soul so base as mine. S Almighty God, do thou renew This sinful heart of stone ; Sweetly my stubborn will subdue — Conform it to thy own. HYMN 339. L. M. Hart. li.iib, ISIoitton. 1 ^^H, for a glance of heav'nly day V>^ To take the stubborn stono away i And thaw, with beams of love divine, This heart, this frozen heart of mine. 250 AWAKENED. 340.. 2 The rocks can rend, the earth can quake ; The sea can roar, the mouiitains shake ; Of feeling;, all things show some sign, But this unfeeling heart of mine. S To hearth'^ sorrow thou hast felt, Dear Lord, an adamant would melt, Biit I can read each moving line. And nothing move this heart of mine. ^ 4 But pow'r divine can do the doed, And much to feel that pow'r I need ; — Come, Holy S})irit, and refine, And move, and melt this heart of mine. HYMN 340. C. M. Newto.v. Martyi's, Lucan. Belshazzar. Dan. v. 5, 6. 1 "pOOR sinners ! little do they think X Vvith whom they have to do ! Thev stand securely on the brink Of everlasting wo. i Chaldea's king, profanely bold, The Lord of hosts defy'd ; But vengeance soon hia boasts control'tl, And humbled all his pride. 3 He saw a hand upon the wall, And trembled on his throne. Which wrote his sudden, dreadful fall, in characters unknown. 4 His pomp and music, guests and wine, No more delight afford : 259 341. THE SINNER O sinner, ere this case be thine, Begin to seek the Lord. 5 The law, like this hand-writing, stands, And speaks the wrath of God ; But J« sus answers its demands, And cancels it with blood. HYMN 341. C. M. Strong, AVantage, Standish. The sinner^s complaint. 1 T ONG have I walk'd this dreary road, A^ Beset with darkness round ; Nor seen, nor heard a smiling God, Nor one bright moment found. £ Others, who once did join my ppeech, And mourn'd in painful lay, Now, mounting up with rapture, stretch To seize a heav'nly day. 3 Far left behind to feel my wo. With harden'd heart to groan, Eacli pray'r, each strug{i,le sinks me low, Each breath repeats my moan. 4 The lengthen'd day, the gloomy night, Draw fast th- bands of grief : Sometimes despair o'erclouds my sight, And says, "There's no relief." 5 Then conscience thunders, Sinai flames— I try again to rise ; The trial fails, and conscience blames My pray'rs, my tears, my cries. 260 AWAKENED. 342. 'Tis thusperplex'd, forlorn, and lost, I spend my weary «laya ; No Jesus comes, my hopes are crost, While others sing, and praise. HYMN 342. L. M. Strong, Lime-house, Wells. God^s answer. 1 ri INNER, behold, I've heard thy groan, lo I know thy heart, thy life I've known ; I've seen thy hope from grace proclaim'd, Thy trembling fear when Sinai flam'd. 2 To me, the mighty God, attend. In me, behold the sinner's fiiend ; 'Twas I who gave thy conscience voice, Thou hast oppos'd by sinful choice. S Think not to bribe my sov'reign grace, Nor move me by a sorrowing face ; 'Tis thine own heart makes grace delay, And hides a pard'ning glorious day. 4 Mov'd by thy fear, and not by love, Thy daily pray'rs are sent above ; Thou hast not wish'd my will to meet, Nor lain submissive at my feet. 5 Should thy proud v^ill at length submit, With holy sorrow deeply smit, Thy voice would be the first to say, I'm glorious in this long delay. 6 Stay, sinner, cease my grace to chide, Nor think thy moan such sin can hide, 261 343. THE SINNER AWAKENED. Delay no more, repent and live, Or meet the death my wrath must give. HYMN 343. H. M. r.agU-Strcet, Bethc«la. Who can tell ? Jonah iii. 9. 1 f^ RE AT God, to thee I make vJ My sitis and sorrows known ; And with a trembling heart Approach thine awful throne ; The' by ray sins deserving hell, 1 must repent—for who can tell ? — 2 O thou, who by a word My drooping soul canst cheer, And by thy Spirit form Thy glorious image there — My heart subdue, my fears dispel, I must repent — for who can tell ? — 5 While conscience thunders loud. To thee alone I fly — Fall down before thy face And mightily will cry — Tho' fears prevail that I shall dwell In endless flames — yet who can tell ? 4 God hath an ear to hear. While I've a heart to pray — To him I will submit, And give myself away : If he be mine, all will be well, Forever so — and who can tcU ? 262 CONVICTION. 344,345. HYMN 344. S. M. CuwPER. Bridgeport, Wirksworlk. Conviction. 1 IVrY former hopes are fled, lyX My terror now begins ; 1 feel, alas ! that I am dead In trespasses and sins. 2 Ah, whither shall! fly? I hear the thunder roar ; The law proclaims destruction nigh, And vengeance at the door. ' 3 When I review my ways, I dread impending doom ; But sure, a friendly whisper says, "Flee from the wrath to come.** 4 I see, or think I see, A glimm'ring frofti afar ; A beam of day that shines for me, To save me from despair. 5 Forerunner of the sun, It marks the pilgrim's way ; I'll gaze upon it while I run, And watch the rising day. HYMN 345. S. M. ToPLADY. Shirland, St. Thomas. The heart. Jer. xvii. 9. Matt.xv. 19. 1 A STONISH'D and distress'd, -^ I turn rajnc eyes within ; 263 346. CONVICTION. My heart with loads of guilt opprest. The seat of ev'ry sin. 2 AVhat crowds of evil thoughts, What vile affections there ! Distrust, presumption, artful guile, Pride, envy, slavish fear. 3 Almighty King of saints, These tyrant lusts subdue; Expel the darkness of my mind, And all my pow'rs renew. 4 This done, my cheerful voice Shall loud hosannas raise ; My soul shall glow with gratitude, My lips proclaim thy praise. HY3IN 346. L. M. Carthage, Darwent. 1 /^H, that my load of sin were gone ! \J Oh, that I could at last submit ! At Jesus' feet to lay me down — To lay my soul at Jesus' feet. 2 Rest for my soul I long to find — Saviour, if mine indeed thou art, GUe me thy meek and lowly mind. And stamp thine image on my heart. 3 Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit freii ; I cannot rest till pure within — Till I am wholly lost in thee. 261 CONVICTION. 347. HYMN 347. S. M. NEyfTOff. Guilford, Little Marlboro'. 1 f^ LORD, how vile am T, V-F Unholy and unclean ! How can I dare to venture nigh With such a load of sin ! 2 Is this polluted heart A dwelling fit for thee ? Swarming, alas ! in ev'ry part, What evils do I see I S If I attempt to pray. And raise my soul on high, My thoughts are hurry'd fast away, For sin is ever nigh. 4 If in thy word I look. Such darkness fills my mind, I only read a sealed book, But no reUef can find. 5 Thy gospel oft I hear. But hear it still in vain : Without desire, or love, or fear, Harden'd I still remain. 6 And must I then indeed Sink in despair and^die ? Fain would I hope that thou didst bleed For such a wretch as I. M 265 348,349. CONVICTION. HYMN 348. . C. M. Dundee, Barby. Duke vii, 37 — r)0. 1 "OEHOLD the tears that Mary shed— X> Her many sins forgiv'n ! Her doubts and darkness all are fled In peaceful hope of heav'n. 2 When o'er the Saviour's feet in prayV She pour'd a flood of grief, And dry'd them with her flowing hair, How soon she found relief ! 3 Say, burden'd soul, whose nuna'rous sins, fn dark aiTay are set ; What canst thou do to mitigate The terrors of thy debt ? 4 Canst thou not love the friend, who died That burden to assume ? Who shrunk not from the crown of thorns. The scourge — the cross— the tomb ? 5 If heavy is thy weight of guilt, Thy love must greater be — Then He, whose blood for man was spilt, Will shed his peace on thee. HYMN 349. C. M. HAWEifii St. Ann's, Tempest, God our hiding-place. Ps. xxxii. 7^ t -^TrTHEN low'ringclouds deform the sky, T ? And darkness thickens round. Sudden the forked lightnings fly, Loud thunders rock the ground * 266 CONVICTION. 350. £ The howling blasts, impetuous, sweep The desolated plain ; The frighted beasts to covert creep ; Home flies the trembling swain! 3 But louder thunders o'er my head, My heart with terror fill ; And storms of wrath divine I dread, Which soul and body kill ! 4 See, on the whirlwind's rapid wing, The King of terrors ride, And with him desolation bring ! Myself where can I hide ? 3 "Haste, sinner! haste," the Saviour cry'd, " Behold my wounded form ! The cleft of my dc.ep-pierced side Shall hide thee from the storm." HYMN 350. 7s. Magdalen, Pastoral Du^- Matt. xi. 28. 1 /^OME, ye weary sinners, came, v_> All, who feel your heavy load; Jesus calls the wand'rers home ; Hasten to your p;ird'ning God, Come, ye guilty souls o[>prest, Answer to the Saviour's call : '* Come, and ^ will give you rest ; Come, and I will save you all." 2 Jesus, — full of truth and love, Wc thy kindest call ©bey, 267 351. CONVICTION. Faithful let thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away, Weary of this war within, Weary of this endless strife. Weary of ourselves and sin, ^ Weary of a wretched life. 8 Burden'd with a world of grief, IJurden'd with our sinful load, Burden'd with this unhelief, BurdenM with the wiath of God, Lo, we come to thee for ease, True and gracious, as thou art ; Now our weary souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart. HYMN 351. 7s. Newton. Middleton, Hotham. Si7i bewailed, 1 /^OME, my soul, thy suit prepare, Vy Jesus loves to answer pray'r ; He himself has bid thee pray, Rise and ask without delay. 2 With my burden I begin ; Lord ! remove this load of sin ! Let thy blood for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from giiilt. 3 Lord ! I come to thee for rest, Take possession of my breast ; There thy sovereign right maintain, And without a rival reign. co^'VICTIo^. 352. 4 Shew mo what 1 have to do, Ev'ryhourmy strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith, Let me die thy people's death. HYMN 352. C. M. Newton. Windsor, Standisli. Prayer for spiritual healing, 1 rpHOU great Physician of the soul, JL To theti I hring my case ; My raging malady control, And heal me by thy grace. 2 Help me to state my whole complaint ; But where shall I begin ? Nor words, nor thoughts can fully paint That worst distemper — sin. 5 It lies not in a single part, But thro' my soul is spread ; And all th' affections of my heart By sin are captive led. 4 A thousand e\il thoughts intrude, Tumultuous in m.y breast ; Which indispose me for my food, And rob me of my rest. Thou great Physician, hear my cry, And set my spirit tree ; Let not a trembling sinner die, \^ ho longs to live to thee. S68 >53, 354. CONVICTION. HYMN 353, C. M. CowPER. York, Walsal. HEAL u?, Immanuel, here we stand, Waiting to feel thy ton«'h ; To wounded souls stretch fori; thy hand^ Blest Saviour, we are sucl . I Remember him who once a]>ply'd, With trembling for relief; " Lord, I believe," with tears, he cry'd, " Oh, help my unbelief." \ She too, w'ho touch'd thee in the press. And healing virtue stole. Was answer'd, " Daughter, go in peace, Thy faith hath made thee whole." [ Like her, with hopes and fears we come, To toucli thee if we may ; Oh, seird us not despairing home, Send none unheal'd away. MYMN 354. C. M. Brown. • Bangor, Wantage. Sinners pleading for mercy. LORD, at thy feet we sinners lie, And knock at mercy's door ; With heavy heart and downcast eye, Thy favor we implore. t Without thy grace, we sink opprest Down to the gates of hell ; Oh, give our troubled spirit rest, Our gloomy fears dispel. 270 CONVICTION. 355. 3 'Tis mercy, mercy we implore ; Oh, muy thy bowels move: Thy grace is an exhaustless store, And thou th)' self art love. 4 In mercy now, for Jesus' sake, Our many sins forgive ; Thy grace our rocky hearts can break. And breaking soon relieve. 5 Thus melt us down, thus make us bend, And thy dominion own ; Nor let a rival more pretend To repossess thy throne. HYMN 355, 8,7. Turner. Siciliau-Hymn, Love-Divine. 1 TESUS, full of all compassion, J Hear thy humble suppliant's cry ; Let me know thy great salvation, See, I languish, faint, and die, 2 Guilty, but with heart relenting, Overwhelm'd with helpless grief- Prostrate at thy feet repenting — Send, O send me quick relief! S Whither should a wretch be flying, But to him uho comfort gives ? Whither, from the dread of dying, But to him who ever lives .^ 4 Sav^d — the deed shall spread new glory Thro' the shining realms above ; Angels sing the pleasing story, All enraptur'd with thy love. £71 366,357. CONVICTION. HYMN 366. L. M. Parnell Brunswick, Putney. 1 XJiT'ITH kind compassion hear my cry, f ▼ O Jesus, Lord of life, on iiigh ! And on thy servant's drooping head, The dews of blessing sweetly shed. 2 Change all my sad complaints to easc^ To cheerful notes of endless praise ; A sense of pard'ning favor give, And raise my mind and bid me live. 3 My fears of danger while I breathe, My dread of endless hell beneath, My sense of sorrow for my sin, To springing comfort change within. 4 Be not to me a Judge severe, For so thy presence who can bear ? But Oh, regard my mournful cry. And look with mercy's gracious eye. 5 Then grant, O Lord, that I may buru To make my Saviour some return ; And be my heart inspir'dto rise. On wings of love to yonder skies. HYMN 357. L. M. Arm ley, Surry. A sinner submitting to God. I VITEARY of struggling with my pait, f T Hopeless to burst this sinful chain, At length I give the contest o'er. And seek to free myself no more» CONVICTION. 358. 2 From my own works at last I cease — God that creates must seal my peace ; Fruitless my toil, and vain my care, Unless thy sov'reign grace I share. d Lord, I despair myself to heal ; I see my sin but do not feel ; Nor shall I till thy Spirit blow, And bid th' obedient waters flow ; 4 'Tis thine a heart of flesh to give. Thy gifts I only can receive ; Here then to thee I all resign, — To draw, redeem, and seal is thine. HYMN 358. L. M. Crttttenden. Kingsbridge, Darwent. OWN my guilt, my sins confess ; I Can men or devils make them more ? Of crimes already numberless, Vain the attempt to swell the score. 2 Were the black list before my sight, While I remember thgu hast dy'd, Twill only urge my speedier flight, To seek salvation at thy side. S Low at thy feet I'll cast me down, To thee reveal my guilt and fear. And, if thou spurn me from thy throne, I'll be the first who perish'd there. M2 * 273 o59. CONVICTION AND HYMN 359. C. M. Strong. Wantage, Martyr's. " Slain and reviving. Rom. vii. 9. 1 QMOTE by the law, I'm justly slain ; O Great God, behold my case ; Pity a sinner fill'd with pain, Nor drive me from thy face. 2 Dread terrors fright my guilty soul — Thy justice, all in flames, Gives sentence on this hf;art so foul, So hard, so full of crimes. 3 'Tis trembling hardness that I feel ; I fear, but don't relent, — Perhaps of endless death the seal : Ohj that I could repent ! 4 My pray'rs, my tears, my vows are vile; ■ My duties black with guilt; On such a wretch can mercy smile, Tho' Jesus' blood was spilt ? 5 Speechless I sink to endless night, T see an op'ning hell : But lo ! what glory strikes my sight ! Su h glory who can tell ! 6 Enrapt in these bright beams of peace, I feel a gracious God : Swellvlweil the note : Oh, tell his grace ; Sound his high praise abroad! 274 CONVERSION. 360,361. , HYMN 360. 8, 7, 4. Tamwoi-tli, Joitlan, Liakton. The surrender. 1 ^T^rELCOME, welcome, dear Redeemer* ▼ ? Welcome to this heart of mine : Lord, I make a full surrender, Ev'ry powV and thought be thine, Thine entirely, Thro' eternal ages thine. 2 Known to all to be thy mansion, Earth and hell will disappear ; Or in vain attempt possession, When they find the Lord is near — Shout, O Zion ! Shout, ye saints, the Lord is here ! HYMN 361. L. M. LiviNGSTONiU Luther's Hj'mn, Bath. Conviction and conversioji. Ps. ctH. 17 — 20. 1 rWlHE sinner's flatt'ring dreams are fled, -■- Destruction hovers o'er his head ; And conscience throws her darts around, And poison rankles in each wound. 2 Despair and death his heart assail, And all his hopes of comfort fail ; Till, deeply humbled in the dust, He owns his punishment is just. 3 Then Penitence beside him stands, With brow severe, but healing hands ; The wounds she probes, the balm'applies, To heav'n directs the mourner's sighs. 275 362, 363. CONVICTION and 4 To heav'n his streaming eyes he rears, And Mercy's radiant form appears ; She whispers peace and hope within, His sorrows cease — his joys begin. HYMN 362. C. M. HosKiNS. Buckingham, Wantage. The Jailor. Acts xvi SO, 31. 1 " T17HAT must I do," the jailor cries, ▼ f " To save my sinking soul ?" "Believe in Christ," the word replies, " Thy faith shall make thee whole." 2 Our works are all the works of sin. Our nature quite deprav'd : Jesus alone can make us clean ; — By grace are sinners sav'd. ;S- Come, sinners, then, the Saviour trust, ' To wash you in his hlood ; To change your hearts, suKdue your lusf. And bring you home to God. HYMN 363. C. M. Newton. Barby, Mear. Heart taken. Luke xi. 21, 22. 1 rilHE castle of the human heart, .L Strong in its native sin. Is guarded well in every part, By him who dwells within. 2 For Satan there in arms resides, And calls the place his own ; 276 CONVERSION. 364. With care against assaults provides, And rules as on a throne. S Bui Jesus, stronger far than he, In his appointed hour, Appears to set his people free From the usurper's pow'r. 4 "This heart I bought with hlood," he criei, " And now it shall be mine ;" His voice the strong man aim'd dismays ; He knows he must resign. 5 In spite of unbelief and pride, And self and Satan's art, The gates of brass fly^open wide. And Jesus wins the heart. HYMN 364. S. M. S. St. Thomas, Dover. 1 "OE NEATH the pois'n^us dart -O Of Satan's rage I fell- How narrowly my feet escap'd The snares of death aud hell ! 2 Darkness, and shame, and gri«f Oppress'd my gloomy mind ; I look'd around me for relief, But no relief could find. 3 At length, to God I cry'd ; He heard my plaintive sigh ; He heard, and instantly he sent Salvation from on high. 4 Oh, may I ne'er forget The mercy of my God ! 277 SS5. CONVICTION AND Nor ever want a tongue to spread His loudest praise abroad. HYMN S65. 8, 7. Newton. Noitliarapton-Chapel, Sicilian H. Bartimeus. Mark x. 48. 1 « TyERCY, O thou son of David !» i-TX Thus the blind Bartim'us pray'd ; ^ " Others by thy word are saved, Now to me afford thine aid." 2 Many for his crying chid him, But he call'd the louder stiji ; Till the gracious Saviour bid him, " Come, and ask me what you will." 3 Money was not what he wanted, Tho' by begging us'd to live ; But he ask'd, and Jesus granted Alms which none but he could give. 4 " Lord, remove this grievous blindness, "Let my eyes behold the day !" Straight he saw, and won by kindness, Follow'd Jesus in the way. 5 Oh ! methinks, I hear him praising, Publishing to all around ; " Friends, is not my case amazing ? What a Saviour I have found ! 6 " Oh ! that all the blind but knew him, And would be advis'd by me ! Surely they would hasten to him, He would cause them all to see." &73 CONVERSION. 366, 367. HYMN 366. L. M. Newton. Blendon, Bath. The happy change. 1 TN sin by blinded passions led, X In search of fancied good we range ; The paths of disappointment tread, To nothing fix'd — but love of change. 2 But, when the Holy Ghost imparts A knowledge of the Saviour's love ; Our wand'ring, weary, restless hearts, Are then renevv'd, no mtire to rove. 3 Now a new principle takes place, Which guides and animates the will; This love, another rame for grace, Constrains to good and bars from ill. 4 By love's pure light we soon perceive Our noblest bliss and proper end ; And gladly ev'ry idol leave, To love and serve our Lord and Friend. HYMN 367. C. P. M. OcKiTM. Ganges, Chapel, Willoughby. 1 4 WAK'D by Sinai's awful sound, J\. My soul in bonds of guilt I found, And knew not where to go ; Et<'rnal truth did loud proclaim, " The sinner must be born again, Or sink to endless wo." 2 When to the law I trembling fled. It pour'd its curses on my head, I no relief could find ; £70 368. CONVICTION AND This fearful truth increased my pain, "The sinner must be born again," And \\hehn'd my tortur'd mind. S Again did Sinai's thunders roll, And guilt lay heavy on my soul, A vast, oppressive load ; Alas, I read, and saw it plain, "The dinner must be born again," Or drink, the w rath of God. 4 The saints I heard with rapture tell, How Jesus conquer'd Death and Hell, And broke the fowler's snaie ; Yet, when 1 found this truth remain, " The sinner must be born again," I sunk in deep despair. 5 But while I thus in anguish lay. The gracious Saviour pass'dthis way, And felt his pity move ; The sinner, by his justice slain, Now by his grace is born again. And sings redeeming love. HYMN 368. C. M. Colclitster, Barby. The Prodigal. Luke xv. 1 1 — 24. !• rpHANKLESS-the Prodigal receives JL The bounty of his Sire, Rejoicing only in the hope To have his own desire. 2 And far from home, in climes of vice. He joins the heedless throng ; 280 CONVERSION. 369. Begins in pleasure to rejoice, And chants the mirthful song. :3 But lo, the famine coming on, Now dies the song profane ; — The youth beholds his substance gone, And begs the husk in vain. 4 The terrors of the world to come Have struck his pleasures dead — And far from God— a.d far from home. His every friend has fled. HY3IN 369. C. M. Part TI. Wantage, Buckiiigliam. Returning. 1 rilTlE Prodigal, with streaming eyes, A From folly just awake, • Reviews his vvand'rings with surprise : His heart begins to break. £ I starve, he cries, nor can I bear The famine in this land ; While servants of my Father share The bounty of his hand. 3 With deep repentance I'll return And seek my Father's face; Unworthy to be call'd a son, I'll ask a servant's place. 4 Far off He suw him slowly move. In pensive silence mourn ; The Father ran with arms of love To welcome his return. 281 370,371. CONVICTION, &c. 5 Thro' all the courts the tidings flew, And spread the joy around ; The angels tun'd their harps anew ; " The Prodigal is found !" HYMN 370. C. M. Part III. H. Clarendon, Barby. 1 ]Vf Y" soul ! — thy hasty censure spare, J-*-l- Repress the bitter tone, — Forbear thy brother's faults to judge, — And watchful, scan thy own. 2 Hast thou th' unwearied gifts of heaven Beheld with thoughtless pride ? Ungratefully their blessings shar'd. Or madly misapply'd ? — 3 In the " far country" of thy sin, Flast thou perceiv'd with pain, The evils of thy wayward course, And sought thy God again ? 4 And was thy penitence receiv'd. And was the rebel lov'd ? — Then, with the Prodigal, adore The mercy thou hast prov'd. HY3IN 371. S. M. Sliirlantl, Grange, Wirksworth. The sinner cured. John v. 2 — 9. 1 TJESIDE the gospel pool, -■-' Appointed for the poor, From year to year a sinful soul Had waited for a cure. 282 THE CONVERT. 372. £ The voice of one unknown, Advancing where he lay, Bespoke him in a gentle tone, And thus it seem'd to say : S " Poor, sinful, dying soul, Ifhy linger here and die ? Only consent to be made whole, You need no longer lie. 4 " The Saviour passing by, Well knows your sinking state, And while the Saviour is so nigh, The sinner need not wait." 5 That voice dispell'd the charm, His fatal slumbers broke ; He saw his sins with fresh alarm. And fear'd the vengeful stroke. 6 Unable to endure, He call'd for aid divine— The great Physician wnmght the cure -; ' " That guilty soul was mine." THE CONVERT. HYMN 372. L. M. Tatlock. Sui-ry, Armley. 1 "OAR from thy fold, O God, my feet X Oncemov'd in error's devious maze Nor found religious duties sweet, Nor soughtthy face, norlov'dthy ways. 373. THE CONVERT. 2 With tend'rest voice thiou had'st me flee The paths which thou could'st ne'er approve ; And gently drew my soul to thee, With cords of sweet, eternal love. S Now to thy footstool, Lord, I fly, And low in self-abasement fall ; A vile, a helpl »ss worm I lie, And thou, my God. art all in all. 4 Dearer, far dearer to my heart, Than all the joj's that earth can give ; From fame, from wealth, from friends I'd part, Beneath thy countenance to live. 5 And when, in smiling friendship drest, Death bids me quit this mortal frame, Gently reclin'd on Jesus' breast, . My latest breath shnll bless his name. 6 Then my unfetter'd soul shall rise, And soar above yon starry spheres, .[oin the full chorus of the skies, And sing thy praise thro' endless years. HYMN 373. C. M. Newton. Cliiford, Bradford. Old things passed away, 2 Cor. v. 17, 1 T ET carnal rninds the world pursue, -L^ It has no charms for me ; Once, I admir'd its trifles too, But grace has set me free. THE CONVERT. 374. i Its fading charms no longer please, No more content afford ; Far from my heart be joys like these. Now I have seen the Lord. 3 As hy the light of op'ning day, The stars are all conceal d ; So earthly pleasures fade away, When Jesus is reveal d. 4 Creatures no more divide my choice— I bid them all depart ; His name, and love, and gracious voice, Have fix'd ray roving heart. 5 Now, Lord, I would be thine alone, And wholly live to thee ; But may I hope that thou wilt own A worthless worm like me 1 6 Yes, though of sinners I'm the worst, I cannot doubt thy will ; For, if thou hadst not lov'd me first, I had refus'd thee still. HYMN 374. L. M. CowPER. Kent, Bath, Truro. 1 1VTO more I ask, or hope to find, i^l Delight or happiness below : Sorr.>w may well possess the mind. That feeds where thorns and thistles grow. 2 The ioy that fades is not for me, I seek immortal joys above ; There, glory without end shall be The bright reward of faith and love. 375. THE CONVERT. 3 Cleave to the world, ye sordid worms, Contented, licU your native dust ; But God shall fight, with all his storms, Against the idol of your trust. HYMN 375. S. M. Hammond. Nativitj , Pt ckhara. Song, of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. xv. S 1 y4 WAKE, and sing the song -^ Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake, ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his dying love ; Sinjr of his rising pow'r ; Sing, how he intercedes above, For those whose sins he bore, S Sing, till we feel ourhearjt Ascending with our tongue ; Sing, till the love of sin depart. And grace inspire our song. 4 Sing on your heav'nly w ay, Ye ransom'd sinners, sing ; Sing on, rejoicing every day, In Christ, th' eternal King. 5 Soon shall we hear him say, " Ye blessed children come ;" Soon will he call us hence away, And take his wand'rers home. 6 Soon shall our raptur'd tongue His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. THE CONVERT. 376, 377. HYMN 376. C. M. Clifford, St. INIartin's. 1 i^H, for a thousand tongues to sing \J My dear Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread thro' all the earth abroad The honors of thy name. 3 JESUS, the name that calms our fears. That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music m the sinner's ears ; 'Tislife, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the pow'r of reigning sin, He sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean ; His blood avail'd for me. 3 Let us obey, we then shall know, Shall feel our sins forgiv'n : Anticipate our heav'n below, And own that love is heav'n. HYMN 377. C. M. Doddridge. York, St. Ann's. Returning to Zion . Isa. xxx v. 1 0. 1 riTNG, ye redeemed of the Lord, lo Your great Deliv'rer -sing : Pilgrims, for Zion's city bound, Be ioyfulin your King. 287 378. THE CONVERT. 2 A hand divine shall lead you on . Through all the blissful road ; Till to the sacred nnount ye risei And see your smiling God. 8 The garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on ev'ry head ; While sorrows, sighing, and distress. Like shadows, all are fled. 4 March on in your Redeemer's strength ; Pursue his footsteps still ; And let the prospect cheer your eye, While lab'ring up the hill. HYMN 378. 7s. Cennick. Pilgrim's Hymn, Somerset, Middleton. 1 /CHILDREN of the heav'nly King, Vy As ye journey, sweetly sing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod, They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock, and blest, You near Jesus' throne shall rest ; There your seats are now prepar'd, There your kingdom and reward. 4 Fear not, brethren, joyful stand On the borders of your land : Jesus Christ, your Father's son, Bids you undismayed, go on. 28« THE CONVERT. 379, 380. 5 Lord ! submissive make us go, Gladly leaving all below : Only thou our Leader be, And we still will follow thee. HYMN 379. L. M. Livingstone. Blendon, Portugal. Ps. ciii. 1 — 4. 1 "]\/rY soul, with humble fervor raise iVJ. To God the voice of grateful praise ; And every mental power combine. To bless his attributes divine. 2 Deep on my heart let mem'ry trace His acts of mercy and of grace ; Who, with a Father's tender care, Sav'd me when sinking in despair : S Gave my repentant soul to prove The joy of his forgiving love ; Pour'd balm into my bleeding breast, And led my weary feet to rest. HYMN 380. 8, 7. WiNGRovE. Sicilian, Love Divine. 1 TTAIL, my ever blessed Jesus, XI Only thee I wish to sing ; To my soul thy name is precious. Thou my Prophet, Priest, and King. i Oh, what mercy flows from heav'n. Oh, what joy and happiness ! Love I much ? — I've much forgiv'n — I'm a miracle of grace. N S»9 381. THE CONVERTe S Once, with Adam's race in rui», Unconcern'd in sin I lay ; Swift destruction still pursuing, Till my Saviour pass'd that way. 4 Witness, all ye hosts of heav'n, My Redeemer's tenderness ! Love i much ? — I've much forgiv'n--*- I'm a miracle of grace. 5 Shout, ye bright angelic choir ; Praise the Lamb entUron'd above ; While astonish'd, I admire God's free grace and boundless love. 6 That blest moment I receiv'd him, Fill'd ray soul with joy and peace ; Love I much? — I've much forgiv'n — I'm a miracle of grace, HYMN 381. L. M. Kellt. St. Catlmrjne's, Portugal. 1 T HEAR a voice that comes from far : J. From Calvary it sounds abroad ; It sooths my soul, and calms my fear : It speaks of pardon bought with blood. ^ And is it true, that many fly The sound that bids my soul rejoice ; And rather choose in sin to die, Than turn an ear to mercy's voice ! S Alas, for those ! — the day is near, When mercy will be heard no more ; Then will they ask in vain to hear The voice they would not hear before, 2G0 THE CONVERT. 382 4 With such, I own, I c^ce appear'd, But now I know how great their loss ; For sweeter sounds were never heard, Than mercy utters from the cross. 5 But let me not forget to own, That if I differ aught from those, 'Tis due to sov'reign grace alone, That oft selects its proudest foes. HYMN 382. C. M. COLLYER. St. Martin's, Cclchcster, Herein is love. 1 John iv. 10, 1 "\7"J^ saints, assist me in my song — 1 I^tall your passions move ; To Jesus ail the notes belong— I sihg redeeming love. 2 Opposhig spirits 'gaiast his cross, Their force united prove : But quit the field with mighty loss, Crush'd by redeeming love. 3 Around the circle of his friends His tender passions move ; And whTle he liv'd his constant theme Was still redeeming love. 4 Gently he rais'd his sacred hands, Before hislast remove : And the last whispers of his tongue, Sigh'd forth redeeming love. & Thro' life's wide waste, with weary feet, Iq darkness I may rove ; 291 383. THE CONVERT- But never can my heart forget Redeeming, dying love. 6 Oh, that before his sacred throne, I all its sweets may prove ; Still as my pleasures rise, my song Shall be redeeming love. HYMN 383. L. M. Portugal, Chatham. 1 qURROUNDED by a frightful gloom, O And dreading fiercer ills to come ; From chains of wo, and haunts of vice, To liberty and life we rise. 2 Thanks to the hand that set jis free; Eternal Spirit, thanks to thee ! Whose pou 'r resistless, unconfin'd, Subdues the passions of the mind. 8 Religion like a sun appears. And shines upon our dawning years ; We follow still the guiding ray. That kindles into perfect day. 4 Conducted safe along the road, That leads to peace—that leads to God^ With active feet, with ardent eyes, We seek our home above the skies. 5 Subdu'd by love, and taught of God, Rejoicing in redeeming blood. We press to find that happy shore, Where sin and sorrow reign no more. 292 THE CONVERT. 384, 385. HYMN 384. C. p. M. Chapel, Chilton, Abdy. The heavenly prospect. Num. xiii. 1 T> EJOICING nou in glorious hope, XL We stand, and from the mountain top, View all the land belu.ir Riversof milk and honey rise, And all the traits of Paradise In endless plenty flow. £ A land where sin shall ne'er invade. Nor doubt shall cast a gloomy shade, With evei-j blessing crown'd ; There dwells the Lord our righteou^ness., And keeps his own in perfect peace ; And all his praise resound. 3 May we this better land possess. When in this howling wilderness. No longer we shah rove — Lord, help us humhiyto rejoice, In hope we there shali hear thy voice^ HYIVIN 385. 5, 6, 9. Fevasham, Salem. 1 "tT^W hi^ppy are they -ti Who [he Saviour obey, And have !:'.id up their treasure above ! Oh, what to igue can express The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love ! 293 386. THE CONVERT. 2 'Tivas heaven below My Redeemer to know, And the angels could do nothing morie Than to fall at his feet, And the story repeat, And the lover of sinners adore. 3 Then, all the day long, Was my Jesus my song, And redemption thro' faith in his name y Oh, that all might believe, And salvation receive. And theirsong and their joy be the same. HYMN 386. L. M. CoLLYER. Chatham, Moreton, St. Cathai'ine's. 1 CJOFT be the gently breathing notes, O That sing the. Saviour's dying love : Soft as the ev'ning zephyr floats, Soft as the tuneful lyres above. 2 Soft as the morning dews descend, While the sweet lark exulting soars ; So soft to your Almighty Friend, Be every sigh your bosom pours : 3 Pure as the sun's enliv'ning ray, That scatters life and joy abroad ; Pure as the lucid car of day. That wide proclaims its Maker, God. 4 True as the magnet to the pole, So true let your contrition be — So true let all your sorrows roll, To Uim who bled upon the tree. THE CONVERT. 387, 388. HYMN 387. C. M. DwiGHT. Cliapd, Walsal. Deliverance from evil companions. 1 npHF. giddy world, with flatt'ring tongue, X Had charm'd my soul astray, And liir'd my heedless feet to death Along the flow'ry way. 2 My heart, with agonizing pray'r, Besought the Lord to save ; Unseen he s HOU only Sov'reign of my heart, -*- My refnj^e, my almighty Friend — " And can my soul from thee depart, On whom alone my hopes depend ? 2 Whither, ah ! whither shall I go — A wretched wand'rer from my Lord? Can this dark world of sin and wo, One glimpse of happiness afford ? d Thy Name my inmost pow'rs adore ; Thou art my life, my joy, my care ; Depart from thee ! — 'tis death — 'tis raoro, 'Tis endless ruin — deep despair ! 4 Low at thy feet my soul would lie ; Here safety dwells, and peace divine ; Still let me live beneath thine eye, -For hfe, eternal hfe is thine. HYMN 408. C. M. Standish, Bangor, Walsal. I fjlO whom, my Saviour, shall I go, JL If I depart from thee ? My guide thro' all this vale of wo, And more than all to me. Si The world reject thy gentle reign, And pay thy death with scorn ; Oh, they could plat thy crown again, And sharpen ev'ry thorn. .511 409. THE CONVERT. S But I have felt thy dying love Breathe gently thro' my heart, To whisper hope of joys above — And can we ever part ? 4 Ah, no, with thee I'll walk below, My journey to the grave : To whom, my Saviour, shall I go, When only thou canst save ? HYMN 409. S. M. CowPER. Orange, Wirksworth. 1 "pEWARE of Peter's word, J3 Nor confidently say, "I never tvill deny the Lord," But " grant I never may.'* 2. Man's wisdom is to seek His strength in God alone ; And e'en an angel would be weak. Who trusted in his own. S Retreat beneath his wings. And in his grace confide ; This iMore exalts the King of kings Than all your works beside. 4 In Jesus is our store ; Grace issues from his throne ; Whoever says, " I want no more," Confesses he has none. 312 THE CONVERT. 410. HYMN 410. L.M. Gregg. Portugal, Wells. jVot ashamed of Jesus, Mark viii. 38. 1 TESUS! and shall it ever be, •I A mortal man asham'd of thee ! Asham'd of thee, whom an}j;els ftraise, Whose glories shine thro' endless days, 2 Asham'd of Jesus ! — sooner far Let ev'ning blush to own a star : He sheds the beams of light divine, O'er this benighted soul of mine. 5 Asliam'd of Jesus I — ^just as soon Let midnight be asham'd of noon ; 'Tis midnight with my soul, till He, Bright morning Star, bid darkness flee; 4 Asham'd of Jesus !— that dear friend, On whom my hopes of heav'n depend 1 No ! when I blush, be this my shame. That I no more revere his name. 5 Asham'd of Jesus ! — yes I may — When I've no guilt to wash away— No tear to wipe — no good to crave- No fear to quell — no soul to save. 6 Til! then — nor is my boasting vain— r Till then I boast a Saviour slain ! And Oh, may this my glory be, That Christ is not asham'd of me i O Sl» 41 1, 412. THE CONVERT. HYMN 411. L. M. Bath, Kent, Wells. 1 ^HALLI, togain the world's applause, ►^ Or to escape its liaroiless frown, Refuse, my Lord, to plead thy cause, And make thy people's lot my own ? — 2 No ! let the world cast out my name, And vile account me if they will : If to confess the Lord he shame, I purpose to be viler still. fi And what is man, or what his smile ? The terrors of his anger, what ? Like grnss he flourishes awhile. And soon his place shall know him not. HYMN 412. L. M. Pres. Davies. ArmKy, Dai-went. Stlf- dedication to God, 1 "T ORD, I am thine, entirely thine, J_i Piirchas'd and sav'd by blood divine ; With full consent thine I would be, And own thy sov'reign right in me. 2 Grant one poor sinner more a place Among the children of thy grace ; A wretched sinner, lost to God, Butftmsom'd by Immanuel's blood. 5 Thee, ray new Master, now I call, And consecrate to thf^emy all ; Lord, let me live and die to the»— Ceithine thro*^ all eternity. 814 THE CONVEPxT. 413, 414. liYiMN413. L. M. M0-\TG03IERY. Chatham, Lwds, Rath. Social dedication to God. 1 TESUS ! our best beloved Friend, tl On thy redeeining name, we call ; Jesus! in love to hs d« scend, Pardon and sanctify us all. 2 Our souls and bodies we resign, To fear and follow thy commands ; O take our hearts — our hearts are thine, Accept the service of our hands. 5 Firm, faithful, watchii){r unto pray'r, Our Master's vuice will we obey, Toil in thy virieyjird here, and bear The heat and burden of our day. 4 Yet, Lord ! for us a resting place, In heaven— at thy ri?;ht hand prepare, And, till we see thee face to face, Be all our conversation there. HYMN 414. L. M. Steele. Kent, Portugal, Sterling. Tilt noUest resolution. Josh. xxiv. 15. 1 IV/T ^Y I resnh e with all rav heart, JJjL With all my pow'rs to serve the Lord ; Nor from his precepts e'er depart, Whose service is a rich reward. 2 Oh, be his service all my joy ! Around let my example bhii'ie, 3i5 415. THE CONVERT. 'Till others love the blest employ, And join in labors so divine. 3 Be this the purpose of my soul, My solemn, my deterniin'd choice, To yield to his supreme control, And in his kind commands rejoice. 4 Oh, may I never faint, nor tire, Nor wand'ring, leave his sacred ways ; Great God, accept my soul's desire, And give me strength to live thy praise. HYMN 415. 7s. MONTGOMERT. Hotham, Middletown. Ruth 1. 16—19. 1 -pEOPLE of the living God! JL I have sought the world around, Paths of sin and sorrow trod. Peace and comfort no where found r Now to you my spirit turns, Turns, — a fugitive unblest ; Brethren ! where your altar burns, Oh, receive me into rest. £ Lonely I no longer roam. Like the cloud, the wind, the wave, Where you dwell shall be my home, Where you die shall be my grave ; Mine the God whom you adore — Your Redeemer shall be mine ; Earth can fill my soul no more, Every idol I resign. Sl€ THE CONVERT. 416, 417. HYiMN 416. C. M. ^ Colchester, Stade. Hinder me not. Gen. xxiv 56. 1 -»wrHE> Jesus bade m«^ leave the world, T? My down \\ard steps retrace ; 'Twas thus I answer'd every foe, And fled to his embrace. 2 Stay, said the world, and taste awhile My e\'ry pleasant sweet ; Hinder me not, my soul reply'd, Because the way is great- 3 In all my Lord's appointed ways, My journey I'll pursue : Hindei me not- ye much lov'd saints,, For I must go with you. 4 Thro' duty, and thro' trials too, T go at his command ; Hinder me not, for I am bound To my Immanuel's land. HYMN 417. L. M. B. Bh udoi), Bath, Portugal. Wekome to young Converts. 1 "^^r.' LCOME, ye hopeful heirs of heav'n, ? 7 To this rich gospel feast r^f love — This pledge is but the prelude giv'n ' To that immortal feast above. 2 How great the blessing, thus to meet Around the sacramental board, 617 41 8. THE CONVERT. And hold by faith communion sweet, With Christ our dearand common Lord. 3 And if so sweet this feast helow, What will it be to meet above, Where all we see, and feel, and know, Are fruits of everlasting love ! 4 Soon shall we tune the heav'nly lyre While list'nin^ worlds the song approve ; Eternity itself expire, Ere we exhaust the theme of love. HYMN 418. L. M. Mortton, Blendon. Strong City. Isa. xxvi. 1,2. 1 ^i1 HE day, the gospel day draws near, A W hen siMerssliaM their voices raise, Sin^ the NeT*Songwith heart sincere. Triumphant in the land of praise. 2 Glory to God ! they all shall cry : Who is so great a God as ours ! We have a City strong and high. Salvation is for walls and tow'rs. 3 Secure from danger, as from dread, We never shall be put to shame, W^ho hither have for refuge fled j For Jesus is our City's name. 4 Open the gates, and open wide, Let every faithful sou! go in ; Open for all the justified, Who keep the truth that frees from sin, 318 THE CONVERT. 419. HYMN 419. C. M. MiLLEa. Colclioster, Clarendon, Washington. Fellowship. Col. ii. 2. 1 /^UR souls, by love together knit, V^ Cemented, mixt in one, One hope, one heart, one mind, one voicCj "Tis heav'n on earth hegun. £ Our hearts have often burn'd within, And glow'd with satred Are, While Je.sus spoke, ^nd fed, and blest, And fill'd th' enlarg'd desire. Pj Th^, little cloud increases still, The heav'ns are big with rain ; We haste to catch the teeming show'r. And all its moisture drain. 4 A rill, a stream, a torrent flows ! But pour a mighty flood ; Oh ! sweep the nations, shake the earth, 'Till ail proclaim thee God. 5 And when thou mak'st thy jewels up, And set'st thy starry crown ; When all thy sparkling gems shall shine,. Proclaim'd by thee thine own ; 6 May we, a little band of love, We sinners, sav'd by grace, From glory unto glory chang'd, Behold thee face to face. 319 420, 421. THE CONVERT. HYMN 420. L. M. Barbaulb. Chatham, Nantwieh. 1 J^^^^ ^^^^^ th« sacred tie that binds,- -■--*- In union sweet, according minds ! How swift the heav'niy course they run, ^^ hose hearts and faith and hopes are one ! ^ To each, the soul of each how dear ! What jealous h)ve, what holy fear ! How doth the gen'rous flame within Refine from earth, and cleanse from sin \ J5 Their streaming ey^fes together flow^, For human guilt and mortal wo ; Their ardent pravVs together rise, Like minglir*;; liames in sacrifice. 4 Together oft they seek the place, Where God reveals his awful face ; — At length they meet in realms a1)ove, A heav'n of joy — bec^se of love. HYMN 421. C. M. Doddridge. St Maitin's, Mcar. Asking the way to Zion. Jer. 1. 5. 1 TNQUIRE, ye pilgrims, for the way, , X That leads to Zion's hill, And thither set your steady face, With adetermin'd will. 5 Invite the strangers all around, Your pious march to join ; And spread the sentiments you feel Of faith and loYe divine. 820 THE CONVERT. 422. 3 Oh, come, and to his temple haste. And seek his favor there ; Before his footstool humbly bow, And pour your fervent pray'r ! 4 Oh, come, and join your souls to God In everlasting bands ; Accept the blessings he bestows, With thankful hearts and hands. HYMN 422. L. M. Kelly. Bath, Portugal. Heb. xiii. 14. 1 « TlfTE'VE no abiding city here"— f T This may distress the worldly mind ; But should not cost the saint a tear, Who hopes a better rest to find. 2 " We've no abiding city here" — Sad truth were this to be our home : But let this thought our spirits cheer, " We seek a city yet to come." 5 " We've no abiding city here" — Then let us live as pilgrims do ; Let not the world our rest appear ; But let us haste from all below. 4 " We've no abiding city here" — We seek a city out of sight : Zion its name — the Lord is there, It shines with everlasting light. O £ S£l 423, 424. REJOICING m HYMN 423. C. M. Barbaulj). Barby, Rochtsttr, Clareiitlon. 1 /~\UR country is Immanuel's p;round; \J NVe seek that promis'd soil : The songs of Zion clieoi* our hearts, While strangers here Ave toil. 2 Oft do our eyes Avith joy overflow, And oft are hath'd in tears ; Yet nought hut heav'n our hopes can raise;^ And nought hut sin our fears. 3 Our pow'rs are oft dissolv'd away In ecstacies of Uy\e ; --- And while oui hodies wander here, Our souls are fix'd al)ove. 4 We purge our mortal dross away, Refining as we run ; But while we die to earth and sense Our heav'n is here begun. TLUJOICING IN A REVIVAL. HYMN 424. L. Mi Newton. Batli, Moreton. 1 "^/I^HILE I to grief my soul gave way, »» To see the work of God decline, Melhought I board the Saviour say^— " Dismiss thy fears, the ark is mine. A REVIVAL. 425. 2 " Tho' for a time I hid my face, Rely upon ray love and pow'r : Still wrestle at the throne of grace, And wait for a reviving hour. 3 " Take down thy long neglected harp, I've seen thy tears and heard thy pray'r, The winter season has been sharp, But spring shall all its wastes repair." 4 Lord, I obey,— my hopes revive ; Come, join with me, ye saints, and sing ; Our foes in vain against us strive, For God will help and triumph bring. HYMN 425. C. M. Needham. Cliftbid, Clarendon. Luke XV. 10. 1 /^H, how divine, how sweet the joy, V-F When but one sinner turns. And with a humble, broken heart, His sins sind errors mourns ! 2 Pleas'd with the news the saints below, In songs their tongues employ ; Beyond the skies the tidings go. And heav'n is iili'd with joy. 3 Well pleas'd the Father sees and hears The conscious sinner's moan ; Jesus receives him in his arms. And claims him for his own. 4 Nor angels can their joys contain, But kindle with new fire : 82S 426, 427. REJOICING in "The sinner lost is found," they sing^ And strike the sounding lyre. HYMN 426. C. M. Clifford, Springfield. Great joy in that city. Acts. viii. 8. 1 T¥OW miichthedroopingheartsrevive J 1 Of those who fear the Lord ; When sinners dead are made alive By his reviving word ! 2 The ministers of Christ rejoice, When souls receive the word — When ransom'd sinners hear his voice, Return and love the Lord. 3 The church of God their praises join, And of SRJvation sing ; Tht-y gloiify the grace divine Ofthoir victorious King. 4 In heav'n ahove, th' an^ielic throng Around the throne rejiice ; But sinners sav'd should swell the song With loudest — sweetest voice. HYMN 427. C. M. RoclKSttr. Clanndon. 1 /^ONVINC'D of sin, men now begin V ^ To cull upon the Lord; Tre r.bling they pray, and mourn the day In which they scorn'd his word. 2 Young converts sing, and praise their King, And bless God's holy nanje ; 324 A REVIVAL. 428. While older saints leave theircomplaints, And joy to join the theme. 3 God's chariot rolls, and frights the souls Of those who hate the truth : Andsaintsinpray'rcry," Lord draw near, Have mercy on the youth : — 4 " From this glad hour exert thy powV, And melt each stubborn heart ; In those that bleed, let love succeed, And holy joys impart." Come, sinners, all, hear now God's call, And pray with one accord : Saints, raise your songs, with joyful. tongues. To hail th' approaching Lord. HYMN 428. 8, 7, 4. Tamworth, Helrasley, Littleton. 1 IVTOW we hail the happy dawning i-l Of the Gospel's glorious light. May it take the wings of morning, And dispel the shades of night ; Blessed Saviour, Let our eyes behold the sight, 2 Where, amid the* desert drenry. Plant, nor shrub, nor flowret grows, There refresh the wand'rer weary, With the sight of Sharon's Rose ; And its beauties " -To the longing eye disclose. 325 429. REJOICING IN S Where the beasts of prey are prowling, .\nd the murd'rous serpents hiss, There exchange the dismal howling For the pleasing calm of peace ; And for ever May destruction's empire cease. 4 Oh, let all the world adore thee — Universal be thy fame ; Kings and subjects fall before thee, And extol thy matchless name ; All ascribing Endless praises to the Lamb. HYMN 429. 8, 7, 4. Helmsley, Littleton, Isa. lii. 10. 1 "VTES ! we trust the day is breaking ; X Joyful times are near at hand : God, the mighty God, is speaking By his word in ev'ry land : When he chooses, ' Darkness flies at his command. 2 Let us hail the joyful season ; Let us hail the dawning ray : . When the Lord appears, there's reason To expect a glorious day : At his presence Gloom and darkness flee away. S While the foe becomes more daring ; While he enters like a flood : 52 fi A REVIVAL. 430. God, the Saviour, is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad; Ev'ry lanj^iiage Soon shall tell the love of God. 4 God of Jacob, high and glorious, Let thy people sec thy hand ; Let the gospel be victorious, Thro' the world in ev'ry land : And the idols Perish, Lord, at thy comipand. HYMN 430. L. M. Beddome. China, Luther's Hymn, Truro. 1 "T^EJoiCE, for Christ, the Saviourreigns; ji\j He spreads his triumphs all abroad ; And sinners, freed froni endless pains. Own hira their Saviour, and their God, 2 His sons and daughters from afar, Daily at Zion's gate arrive ; Those who were dead in sin before, By sov'reign ^race are made alive. 3 Oh, may his conquests still increase, And ev'ry foe his pow'r subdue ; While :uigels celebrrite his praise, And saints his growing glories show. 4 Loud halleinjrihs to the Lamb, From all bt'low, from all above; In lofty songs exalt his name ; — In songs as lofty as his Jove. S27 431. REJOICING IN HY3IN 431. H. M. Doddridge, Eagle-Street, Psalm 148th, Bethesda. Isa. Ix. 1. 1 f\ ZION, tune thy voice, V-^ And raise thy hands on high ; Tell all the earth thy joys, And boast salvation nigh. Cheerful in God, Arise and shine, While rays divine Stream all abroad. 2 He gilds thy mourning face With beams that cannot fade ; His all-resplendent grace He pours around thy head ; The nations round Thy form shall view, With lustre new Divinely crown'd. 3 In honor to his name Reflect that sacred light ; And loud that grace proclaim, Which makes thy darkness bright : Pursue his praise, Till sov'reign love In worlds above The glory raise. 4 There on his holy hill A brighter Sun shall rise, And with his radiance fill Those fairer, purer skies ; 5^ 432. A REVIVAL. While round his throne, Ten thousand stars, In nobler sph/^res His induence own. HYMN 432. H. M. ToPLADT. Eagle-Stieet, Bethesda, Jubike. LOW ye the trumpet, blow B The gladly solemn sound ! Let all the nations know To earth's remotest bound ; The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin atoning Lamb ; Redemption by his blood. Thro' all the lands proclaim. 3 Ye slaves of sin and hell. Your liberty receive ; And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live. 4 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pard'ning grace ; Ye happy souls draw near, Behold your Saviour's face. J Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonement made : Ye weary spirits rest ; Ye mournful souls be glad ! S2f 433. Rj:JoiciNG IN HYMN 433. L. p. 31. Doddridge, St. HelcH's, Eaton. Efficacy of God's jcord. Jer. xxiii. 29. 1 ^WTiTHrev'rend awe, tremendous T^ord, f T We hear the thunders of thy word ; The pride of Lebanon it hreaks, Swift the celestial fire descends, Tlic flinty rock in pieces rends, And earth to its deep centre shakes. 2 Array'd in majesty divinf, Here sanctity and justice shine, And horror strikes the rebel thro' ; While loud this awful \ oicemakes known The wonders which thy sword hath done. And what thy veng?3ance yet shall do. 3 So spread the honors of thy name ; The terrors of a God proclaim ; Thick let the pointed arrows ily ; Till sinners, humbled in the dust, Shall own the execution just. And bless the hand by which they die. 4 Then clear the dark temjtstuous day, And radiant beams of love display, Ench prostrate soul let mercy raise ; So shall the bh-edinj; captives feel. Thy word, that gave the wound, can heal, And change their notes to songs of praise. A REVIVAL. 434. HYMN 434. 8, 7, 4. Kelly. Littleton, Tamwovth. Isa. lii 7. 1 /^N the mountain's top appearing, V>F Lo, the sacred lierald stands ; Welcome newb to Zion bearing, Zinn long in hostile lands : Mourning captive, God himself will loose thy bands. 2 Has thy night been long and mournful, All thy friends unfaithful prov'd ? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmov'd ? Cease thy mourning, Zion still is well belov'd. 3 God, thy God, will now restore thee ! He himself appears thy friend : All thy foes shall flee before thee, Here their boasts and triumphs end i Great deliv'rance Zion's King vou-hsafesto send. 4 Peace and joy shall now attend thee, All thy warfare now is past, God, thy Saviour, shall defend thee, Peace and joy are come at last ; All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. 331 485. REJOICING IN HYMN 436. C. M. St. Ann's, Colchester, St. Martin's. Sinai and Calvary. 1 TLTARK ! how from Sinai's mount -■--*• proceeds The trumpet's awful blast ; While yet the heart with anguish bleeds, And sinks in wo at last. 2 Behold the sinner's fearless soul, Which love could ne'er arrest. With trembling hears the thunder roll, And death approaching fast. — 5 But lo ! — what sounds of heav'nly peace, Amid the storm I heir ; When howling winds a moment cease, And love succeeds to fear ! 4 Now, on the hill of Calvary, Where Jesus once was slain, Sweet peace, and love, and sympathy, There all unbroken reign. 5 Whene'er the tempest's vengeful voice, And guilt ray soul appal, I then in Jesus will rejoice. And mercy's gentle call. 6 And when by care and wo opprest, Or storms of sorrow fall, I'll flee to him and find a rest — Enjoy in him my all. 332 ^s A REVIVAL. 436, 437. HYMN 436. 7s. Plejel's Hymn, Hampton. The Utile cloud. 1 Kin^s, xviii. 44, AW ye not the cloud arise, ,^ Little as a human hand ! Now it spreads along the skies, Hangs o'er all the thirsty land. 2 Lo, the promise of a show'r Drops already from above ; But the Lord will shortly pour All the blessings of his love. 3 When he first the work begun, Small and feeble was his day ; Now the word doth swiftly run, Now it wins its wid'ning way. 4 Sons of God, your Saviour praise : He the door hath open'd wide ; He hath giv'n the word of grace ; Jesus' word is glorifi'd. HYMN 437. S. M. Cambridge, Silver-Street. Isa. Ix. 8. 1 rilHE day is drawing nigh, J- Still brighter far than this, When converts hke a cloud shall fly To seek the realms of bliss. 2 What rapt'rous scenes of joy Shall burst upon our sight, When sinners up to Zion's hill Like doves shall speed their flight. 83S L 438. REJOicma in S Beneath thy hahny Aving, O Sun of ri<^hteoiisness, These happy souls shall sit and sing The wonders of Ihy grace. HYMN 438. 0, 7. Whitefield. I.ove Divine, Tabtrnacle. OVE divine, all love excelling, Joy of hea\ 'n lo earth come down ! Fix in us thy humhie dneliing; Ail thy faithful mercies crown; Jesus, Ihou art all compassion, Pure, iinhounded love thou art : Visit us with thy salvation, Enter ev'ry trembling heart. 2 Breathe, Oh, breathe thy loving Spirit Into ev'ry troubled breast: Let us all in thee i-iherit, T^et us find thy promis'd rest ; Take away the love of sinning, Take our load of guilt away ; End the work of thy b. ginning, Bring us to eternal day. 5 Carry on thy new creation, Pure and holy may we be ; Let us see our whole salvation, Perfectly secur'd by Tiiee ; Change from glory into glory, 'Till in heav'n we take our place ; 'Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love aad praise. 834 A REVIVAL. 439, MY]>IN 439. 8, 7. Robinson. Love Divine, Good Shephtnl. Grateful recollection, 1 Sam. vii. 12. 1 ^0>IE, thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Vy Tun^^ my heart to sing, thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasiog, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung hy flaming tongues above : Praise the mount — I'm fix'd upon it-*- Mount of God's unchanging love. 2 Here I raise my Eben-Ezer, Hither by thy help I'm come ; And I liope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to ai rive at home. Jesus sought me ^vhen a stranger Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He to rescue me from danger, Interpos'd with precious blood. 3 O! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrain'd to be ! Let that 2;race now, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to thee? Pi one to wander, Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love — Here's my heart — O take and sea! it; Seal it from thy courts above. 355 440, 441. REJOICING IN HYMN 440. C. M. Logan. Braintree, Springfield, Clifford. Isa. Iv. 12, 13. 1 ]1/|-ESSIAH! at Ihy glad approach, ItJL The howling winds are still ; Thy praises fill the lonely waste, And breathe from every hill. 2 The hidden fountains at thy call, Their sacred stores unlock ; Loud in the desert, sudden streams Burst living from the rock. 5 The incense of the spring ascends Upon the morning gale : Red o'er the hill the roses bloom, The lilies in the vale. 4 Renew'd, the earth a robe of light, A robe of beauty wears ; And in new heav'ns a brighter Sun Leads on the promis'd years. b Let Israel to the Prince of Peace The loud hosanna sing ; With hallelujahs, and with hymns, O Zion, hail thy King. HYMN 441 . L. M. W. B. Tappan. Sliocl, Chatham, Sterling. 1 ttj-ark! from yon wilds is heard the strain Jrl Of joy and praise ascending high ; The song of Zion cheers the plain, The desert breathes the contrite's sigh> 33« A REVIVAL. 442, 443. k Now true Religion rears her throne, Where supersliiion darkly trod; And where his altar was unknown, Unnumher'd temples rise to God. 3 Raise yourj^lad songs, ye choirs, on high; Salvation t«) the hcathjni flows ; Let anthems roll along the sky ; The desert blossoms like the rose. HYMN 442. L. M. Moi-etoji, Kent, Lutlier's Hymn John iv 35. i T IFT up your eyes, ye sons of light, i A Behold the fields already white ! The glorious harvest now is rome ; See ransom'd sinners flocking home. 2 Mov'd hy the Spirit's softest wind, Their hearts are all as one inclin'd ; Their former sins and follies tDoura ; Thej' bow, and to ttieir Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive-free ; To take away transgression. And rule in equity. 2 He comes, with succour speedy, To those who suffer wrong ; 33!? 446. BAPTISM. To help the poor and needy, And bid the wepk be strong ; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light. Whose souls condemn'd and dying, Were precious in his eight. 3 He shall come down, like showers Upon the fruitful earth. And love and joy, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth : Before him, on the mountains. Shall Peace, the herald go, And righteousness in fountains From hill to valley flow. 4 For Him shall pray'r unceasing, And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kmgdom without end : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove : His name shall stand forever; That name to us is — Love. HYMN 446. L. M. Leyden, Sterling. Baptism. 1 I^BEDIENT to our Zion's King, V/ We to his holy laver bring These happy converts, who have known And trusted in his grace alone. 840 BAPTISM. 447 •2 Lord, in thy house they seek thy face : Oh, bless th(Mn with peeuliar grace ; Refresh their souls with love divine ; Let beams of glory round them shine. 3 Ye, who your native vih^ness mourn, And to the great Redeemer turn, Arise, liis gracious call obey, And be baptiz'd without delay. HY3IN 447. L. M. CoLLYER. Eatli, Ktnt. Household Baptism. 1 TT NITED prayVs ascend to thee, ij Eternal Parent of mankind ; Smile on this waiting family — TJiy face they seek, and let them find. 2 Let the doar pledges of their love. Like tender plants around them grow; Thy present grace, and joys above. Upon their little ones bestow. 3 Receive, at their believing hand. The charge which thej' devote as thine, Obediont'to their Lord's command — And seal with pow'r the rite divine. 4 To ev'ry member of their house, Thy grace impart, thy love extend ; Grant ev'ry good lliat time allows, With heav'nly joys that never end. 341 448, 449. BArnsM. HYMN 448. C. M. Doddridge. •St. Ann's, Arliiigtoii. Mark x. 1 i. 1 QKE Israel's gojitie Shopherd s^and O With all engaj^ing charms : Haik, how he calls the tender Lamhs, And folds them in his arms. 2 '• Permit (hem to approach," he cries, " Nor scrtrn their hunihle name ; " For ^twas to hjess sudi souls as these, *' The Lord of angels canie." 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands. And yield them up to thee ; Joyful that we ours( Ives are thine, Thine let our oflfspring be. 4 Ye little flock, with pleasure hear; Ye childr; n seekl)is face ; And fly with transports to receive The blessings of his grace. 5 If orphans they are left behind, Thyguar(Ji;in care we trust ; That caresh:>il heal our bleeding heart, If weeping o'er their dust. HYMN 449. C. M. Hyde. Baiby, Clanndon, Chapel. 1 o H KPHERD, who lead'?t with tender care, ,C^- The feeble of thy fold,— ■ Who dostiogard the weakest there, And alltlicir steps uphold ; S^2 R An ISM. ^^' '1 This little belplo?s lamb receive, In mercy, to lliy hreas^t; And let parental rondne.-s leave It safely tht-re to rest. 3 Surround it with thy ojuardian love, Thro' all life's dant^'rous way ; Ne'er lut it fioni thy pasturi^s rove, Nor be the lion's pr( y. 4 In thine eternal, boav'uly home, Oh, let it find a place; And be, when life and toils are done, A trophy of thy grace. HYMN 450. C. M. Doddridge. Barby, Btxlford, Canterbuiy. Practical Improvement. Ci>l. iii. t, 1 4 TTEND, ye children of your God, i\. Ye heirs of i^lory, hear ; For accents, so divine as, these, Might charm the dullest ear. 2 Baptiz'd into your Saviour's death, YiUir souls to sin must die ; With Christ, your Lord, ye live anew, With Christ ascend on high. 3 There by bis Father's side he sits Enthron'd, divinely fair ; Yet owns hunseif your Brother still, And y.iur Forerunner tliere. t Rise from the-e earthly trifles, rise On win;;s of faith and love ; Above, your cia..:o.-st treasure lies, And be vour hearts above. 34S 451,452. MONTHLY I IWCONTHLT CONCERT. HY3iN 451. L. M. Luton, Leeds, Chathain. Prayer for the spread of the Gospel. 1 rpHYpeopI*^, Lord, who trust thy word, JL And wait the smiiings of th)- face, Assemble i.mnd thy mercy seat, And plead the promise of thy grace. 2 We consecrate these hours to thee^ Thy sov'rei^^n mercy to entreat ; ^ And feel some animating; hope, We shall divine acccptatice meet. 5 Hast thou not pronjis'd to thy Son, That his dnminson shall extend, Till evVy tongie shall call him Lord, 'Andev'ry knee hefore him bend? 4 Now let the happy time appear. The time to favor Zion come ; Send forth thy heralds far and near,. To call thy banisli'd people home. HYMN 452. L. M. Lmht-rs Hymn, Portugal. 1 |-^TER'S AL God ! Almi-hty c'.;, and woilds un- known ; AD things aiv subject to thy l^iws. All hirjgs depend un thee alone. 844 CONCERT. 453, 454. 2 Spread thy great name thi-o' heathen lands ; Their idol deities dethrone ; Reduce tht, world to thy cotnmands ; And reign as thou art, God alone. HYMN 453. C. M. St. Ann's, Colchester, Bra)-. THOU great Monarch,in thy might o Fulfil the long desire ; A thousand ages in thy sight, Like yesterday retire. Oh. let thy diadem supreme, Its brightness now display, And o'er the dying nations beam With life's immortal ^ay. Then shall the desolations cease, And earth in sweetest strain, Thro' the long Jubilee of peace, Sing thy unbounded reign. HYMN 454. H. M. Eagle-street, Bethesda. SOV'REIGN of ^^ ©rids above, And Lord of all below, Thy faithfulness and love, Thy pow'r and mercy show : Fulfil thy word ; Thy Spirit give ; Let h»^athens live And praise the Lord. P2 S45 455. MONTHLY 2 On lands that lie beneath Foul superstition's sway, Whose horrid shades of death Admit no hfvtv'ui,j^' ray, Blest Spirit ! shine, Their hearts iiluiiic ; Dispel the trloom With light divine. -3 Father, Vs ho to thy Son Thy steadfast word hast giv'n. That thro' the earth shall run Tlie news of peace with ht^av'n, Extend his fame ; ' Thy grace diffuse j And let the news The world reclaim. 4 Few be the years that roll, Ere ail shall worship thee f The travail of his sou!, Soon let. the Saviour see ; O God of grace ! Thy pow'r employ, Fill earth with joy, And heav'n with praise. HYM?^ 455. S. M. St. 'J houias, Shlrlaiul, 1 ^"^ GOD of sovereign grace, V^ We bovv oefore thy throne And plead, for all the human race, The merits of thy Son. 2 Spread thro* the earth, O Lord, The knowledge of thy ways ; 346 CONCERT. 456, 457 And let all lands with joy record The great Redeemer's praise ! HYMN 456. C. M. Gibbons. Mtar, Duiitler. 1 f^ RE AT God, the nations oi'the earth \y Arc l)y creation thine ; And in thy works, by all hche'd, Tliy radiant glories shine. -2 Bnt, Lord, thy richer love has sent Thy pos-pel to mankind, Unveiling what rich stores of grace Are treasured in thy mind. S Lord when shall these ^lad tidings spread Th'.- spacious earth around, Till ev'ry tribe and ev'ry soul Shajl hear the joyful sound. 4 Smile, Lord, on each divine attempt To spread the gospel rays ; And build, on sin's demolish'd throne, The temples of thy praise. HYMN 457, . C. M. Part II. Kochester, BrA-hy. ,H, when shall Afric's sal)le sons Enjoy the heav'nly word ; And vassais, long ens'av'd, become The freem trown increase, /'ind strangers to thy footstool bring. 313 CONCERT. 460. 2 In one vast symphony of praise, Genlile and Jew shall then unite ; And infidelity, asham'd, Sink in th' abyss of endless night. 3 From east to west, from north to southj Immnnuel's king;dom must extend ; And ev Ty man, in ev'ry face, Shall meet a brother, and a friend. HYMN 460. CM. Fawcett. Colchester, Rochester, Bray. ^ The Desire of all J^ations. Hag. ii. 7. i TiVFIMTE excellence is thine, X Thou hivoly Prince of grace ! Thine uncreated beauties shine, With never fading rays. 2 Sinners frvom earth's remotest end, Come bending at thy feet : To thee their pray'rs and vows ascendj In thee their wishes meet. 3 Millions of happy spirits live On thy exhaiistless store ; From ttiee they all their bliss receive^ And still thou givt- st more. i Thou j'.rt their triumph and their joy— They find their all in thee ; Thy glories will their tongues employ, Thro' all eternity. 549 461,462. MONTHLY HYMN 461. L. M. China, Stirling, Trnro. The restoration of Israel. Ezok. xxxvi. 8. 1 fyrOUNTAINS of Israel, rear on high JJjL Your summits, crown'd with ver- dure new, And spread your branches to the sky, Kefulgent with celefitial dew. 2 Fresh cities bloom along the plain ; New temples to Jeiiovah rise ; The kindling voice of praise again Wings its sweet anthems to the skies. S The bloody sacrifice no more Fhall smoke upon the alfars high, But ardent hearts from hill to shore Send grateful incense to the sky. 4 The jubilee of man is near — 'Tis come, our God's unbor.nded reign 5 Our Jesus wipes tjje mourner's tear And Satan's wiles are all in vain. 5 Praise him, ye tribes of Israel, praise The King that ransom'd you from wo ; Nations! the hymn of triumph raise, And bid the song of rapture flow. HYMN 462. 8, 7. Newton. LovoDivini , Tabtrnacle. Pa. Ixxxvii. S. Isa. xxxiii. 20, 21. 1 r^ LORIOUS things of tliee are spoken, VX Zion, city of our God ; He, whose word cannot be broken, Form'd thee f»r his own abode : ?5f>© CONCERT. 463. s On the rock of ages founded — What can sli;ike thy sure repose ? "VVilh s;ilv;rtioD's walls surrounded, Thou may'st snule at all thy foes. See, the streams of living waters. Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want remove : Who can faint while such a river Evir flows ihy thirst t' assuage? Giace, which, JjKe the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. Round each habitation hov'ring, . See the cloud and fire appear! For a glory and a cov'ring, Shewing that the Lord is near; Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day, Safe they feed upon the manna Which he gives them wlien they pray. HYMN 463. L. M. H¥DE. Cbutham, New.H,(indrtilth, Bicester. Jcr. xxsi. 6. HE trump of Israel's jubilee Shall sound aloud from Calvary, And bid the w^and'ring exiles — *' Come, " And find in Zion still a home." 2 Israel shall hear — that thrilling sound Shall reach to earth's remotest bound, And gath*^- 1«» that holy phfce The fugitives of Jacob's race. 351 1 ^1^ 464, 465. MONTHLY S Their exil'tl tribes shall yet return, Shall come to Calvary and mourn ; And, bow'd beneath Messiah's sway, "With willing hearts his rule obey. HYMN 464. L. M. Kent, Bath, Wells. Isa. Ix. 2. HO' now the naticns sit beneath Tlie darkness of o'erspreading death, T On Zion's holy tow'rs to shine. 2 That light shall glance on distant lands, And heathen tribes, in joyful bands, Come with exulting haste to prove The pow'r and greatness of his love. S Lord, may the triumphs of thy grace Abound, while righteousness and peace. In mild and lovely forms, display The glories of the latter day. HYMN 465. L. M. H. New Hundredth, Shotl, Kent. T%e Anger s Jlight. Rev. xiv. 6. 1 fllHAT mighty angel, to whose hand JL The everlasting word is giv'n, Waves his broad wing o'er sea and land. And soaring, cleaves the vault of heav'n. 2 And say — shall aught oppose his flight? — Aughtdim with clouds his flamingscroll? No ! — not till truth with holy light Shall visit ev'ry heathen soul : S5^ rONCERT. 466, 467. 5 Nottili blest ]*cace shall spring; to birth; Till hatred shf ath his usek^^s sword ; Not till the nations of the earth Bticome the kingdoms of the Lord. HYMN 466. C. M. Clifford, Missionary, Kecne. ij "TJEMOLD, highinlhemidstofheav*tt, j -*-' A mighty angel fli Bid her departed light return. Thy holy splendor round her burn ; — From prostrate Judah's ruins raise A living temple to thy praise. HYMN 471. L. M. Na>Jtwic!i, T'ortiigal, Mon toi;. Prayer for ihe success of the gospel. i TNDULGENT God, to thee A\e pray ; X Be with us on this solemn day : Our brethren bless, their zeal approve, That zeal which burns to spread thy love. 2 With cheerful steps may they proceed, Where'er thy provideqce shall lead: Letheav'n and earththeir work befriend, And mercy all their paths attend. 3 Let nura'rous, solemn crowds be found, Anxious-to hear the gospel sound ; And rudv barbarians, bond ;md free, In suppliant throngs, resort to thee^ 3^6 CONCERT. 472, 473. 4 Where pagan altars now are built, And l»rutal hlood, or human, spilt, There may the bleeding cross be rear'd, And God, our God, alone rever'd. HYMN 472. L. M. Old Himditd, Bicester, Blendoii. 1 X--K THOU, who from thy glorious throne^ \ I >'ast sent thy servants to proclaim Salvation to a world undone. And sound thro' all the earth thy name ; £ Succeed their efforts who invite The wand'ring, wretched outcasts home ; And let thy sov'reign Spirit's might Compel the heathen world to come. 3 From Afric's burning, arid sands. And Asia's mild, resplendent sky; Let converts, from the heathen lands, As doves unto their windows fly. 4 With Europe may they join to bless The Saviour's name, his praise prolong; And Islands of the Southern seas Join with America the song. HYMN 473. L. M. Blendon, Truro. 1 ci o v'reign of wttrlds ! display thy pow'r, i^ Be this thy Zion's favor'd hour ; I3id the bright morning Star arise, And point the nations to the skies. 2 Set up thy throne where Satan reigns, On Afric's shore, on India's plains, 257 474, 475. MONTHLY On wilds and continents unlaiown ; And be the unhcrse thine own. 3 Speak! and the world shall iieartliy voice; Speak ! and the desert shall rejoice ; Scatter the fi;l<)om of heathen night, And bid all nations hail the light. HYMN 474. C. M. SpvingfiLld, lJarl>y, Si. Marthrs, Matt. XXV iii. IG. 1 f-^ RE AT Saviour, let thy pow'r divine \.> O'er all the earth be known ; Let all, to thee, their will resign, And make thy will their own. 2 Perversion marks the guilty way, AVhich heathens madly tread; From all thy laws they go astray, And hasten to the dead. 5 Thou, Saviour-God, hast pnw'r aloue To tmn their wand'ring feet, . To bend their souls before thy throne. Low at thy mercy seat : — 4 For all the pow'r, beneath, above, Thy wounded liands sustain ; Then sway the sceptre ot thy love, And let thy mercy reign. HYMN 475. L. M. Bath, ChaUiam. 1 -m ;|- 1 LLio.NS there are on heathen ground, It J Who never heard the gospel's sound; S58 CONCERT. 476, 477. . Lord, send it forth, ntid let it run, Swift and reviving as the sun. i Giwde ihou their lips, who stand to tell Sinners the way that leads from hell: To those who give, do thou impart A gen'rous, wise and tender heart. :i Lord, crown their zeal, reward their care-. That in tliy grace they all may share : And tho-ie who now in darkness dwell, Deliv'rance sing from guilt and hell. HYMN 476. L. M. Ktiu, Leycl'jii, Luton. 1 T OOK dov. n, O God, with pitying eye, 1_J And view thf. deH(»lations round ; St'e what wide realms in darkness lie. And hurl their idols to the ground. •i Lord, let the gospel-trumpet blow, Ar.d call the nations from afar ; Let all the isles their Saviour know, And earth's remotest ends draw neaK. ^. Let Satan's cruel kingdom shake, — The realms of darkness, and of sin ; Messiah now his empire take — In ev'ry soul his reign begin. HYMN 477. L. M. Blendfii, Bicester. Isa. li. 9. RM of the Lord, aw-ake, awake ! Put on thy strength — the nations shake, 359 A 47^. MOISTHLY And let the world, adorinj^, see Triumphs of mercy wrou?;ht by thee. 2 Say to tho heathen, froi:S thy throne, " I am Jehovah— (idd alone !" Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. S No more let human blood be spilt— Vain sacrifice for human guilt! But to each conscience be apply'd The blood that ilow'd from Jesus' side. 4 Almighty God, thj grace proclaim, In ev'ry 'land, of ev'ry name ; Let adverse pow'rs before thee fall, And crown the Saviour — Lord of all. HYMN 478. 8, 7, 4. Jordan, Tamworth. For the ivjluences of the Spirit. 1 TllfHO, but thou, almip;hty Spirit, YV Can the heathen world reclaim ? Men may preach, but till thou favor, Heathens will be still the same : Mighty Spirit ! Witness to the Saviour's name. 2 Thou hast promis'd by the prophets. Glorious light in latter days : Come, and bless bewilder'd nations. Change our pray'rs and tears to praise ; ProraisM Spirit ! Round the world diffuse thy rays. 360 CONCERT. 479. 3 All our hopes, and pray'rs, and labors Must be vain without thine aid: But thou Avilt not disappoint us — All is true that thou hast said : F''aithful Spirit ! O'er the world thine influence shed. HYMN 479. L. M. RiPPON. Luther's Hjinn, Kent, China. The latter day glory. 1 TlfHEN will the happy trump pro- * * claim The judgment of the martyr'd Lamb .5> When shall the captive troops be free, And keep th' eternal jubilee ! 2 Hasten it, Lord, in ev'ry land, — Send thou thine angels, and command ; " Go, sound deliv'rance— loudly blow " Salvation to the saints below !" S We long to have the day appear, The promis'd, great Sabbatic year; When, far from grief, and sin and hell, Israel in ceaseless peace shall dwell. 4 Till then, we will not let thee rest— Thou still shalt hear our strong request^ And this our daily pray'r shall be, Lord, sound the trump of jubilee. 480, 481. MONTHLY HYMN 480. C. M. W. B. Tapi-ak. Colchestei-, i iorence, "VVarcham. Arise, shine, — Isa. Ix. 1. 1 TT\RK ! 'tis the Prophet of the skies JLX Proclaims Redemption near ; The night of death and bondage (lies. The dawning lints appear. a Zion, from deepest shades of gloom, Awakes to glorious day ; Her desert wastes with verdure bloom, Her shadows flee away. iJ The glad'ning news, convey'd afar, Remotest nations hear ; To welcome Judah's rising Star, "The ransom'd tribes appear. 4 Fair Lebanon shall hear his voice, And lands where Jordan flows, With Sharon's desert shall rejoice, And blossom as the rose. HYMN 481. CM. Logan. Brainti-ee, New Cambridge, Keene. Mic. iv. 1—5. I ' TJEHOLD ! the mountain of the Lord, X) In latter days, shall rise Above the mountains and the hills. And draw the wondVing eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues, shall flowT "Up to the hill of God," they say. ' CONCERT. 482.' S The boams that shiiip on Zion's hill Shall li hten ev'ry land ; The Kinji; who reigns in Zion's tow'rs, Shall all the ut)ild command. 4 No lonj^er hosts cncount'iing hosts, Their millions slain deplore ; The}' hanIN 487. 7s. MONTGOMERT. Hotham, Mitldk-tc ii. Rev. xiv. 2, 9. 1 JIT ARK ! the song of Jubilee, A-S- Loud as mighty thunders roar, Orthf fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon t!ie shore :-~ Hallelujah ! for the Lord, God omnipotent, shall reign ; Halh'lujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 2 Ilallelujih ! hark ! the sound. From the depth unto the skies, Wakes above, In neath, around, All creation's harmonies: — See Jehovah's banner furi'd, Sheath'd his sword : h^> speaks-'tisdone; And the kingdoms (tf this world Are the kingdoms of his Son, .366 MISSIONARY MEETINGS. 488, .=5 He shajl reign from pole to pole With iliiinitable sway : He shall reij;n. whj^n like a scroll, Yonder heav'iis have pass'd away: — Then the end; — beneath his tod, Man's last enemy shall fall ; Halleliijali ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. -♦♦*©#®-"" IMEISSIONAHIT ]^i:£TIHGS. HYMN 488. L. M. CoLr.TER. I.iuhcf's rijmn, Lewis, Bath. For Missi'nary ^^ssocialLns. t \ SSEMBLEU at I'iv -re.at command, -^ Before thy face, dread Kim'^, we stand; The voice that marshaHM ev'ry star, Has cali'd thy people froui afar. 2 We meet, thro' distant lands to spread The truth f^)r whicii the martyrs bled ; Along thf^ line — to either pole — The th'inder of thy praise to roll. 3 First, bow our hearts beneath thy sway : Tnen give thy growino: em;)ire way, O'er wastes of sin — o'er fields of l)lood — Tiil all mankind shall be subdu'd. 4 Our pray'rs assist — accept our prai=p — Our hopes revive — our courage r.ii-p — S67 489,490. MISSIONARY Our counsels aid — and Oh ! impart The single eye — the faithful heart ! 5 Forth with thy chosen heralds come, Recal the wandVing s|)irit home : From Zion's mount s»'nd forth the sound To spread the spacious earth around. HYMN 489. L. M. VoKE. LeydeH, China, Leeds. 1 "OEHOLDth' expected time draw near, -»3 The shades disperse, the dawn appear; Behold the wilderness assume The beauteoifs tints of Eden's bloom. * The untaught heathen waits to know The joy the gospel wili bestow, The exil'd captive, to receive The freedom Jesus has to give. 3 Come, let ua with a grateful heart In the blest labor sliiirn a part ; Our pray'rs and off'rings gladly bring To aid the triumphs ot' our King. 4 Invite the world to come and prove A Saviour's condescending love ; And humbly fall before his feet, Assur'd they shall acceptance meet. HYMN 490. L. M. Ar.iiley, Luton. 1 TNDULGENT God of love and pow'r, A Be with us at this solemn hour ! Smile on our souls ; our plans approve, By which we se^k to spread thy love. 368 MEETINGS. 491,492, i Let each discordant thought be gone, And love unite our hearts in one ; Let all we have and are combine, To forward objects so divine. HYMN 491. C. M. Doddridge. Plymoutli, Buckingham. 1 fT^HE Lord on mortal worms looksdown X From his celestial throne; And, when the wicked swarm around, K«. well discerns his own. 2, He sees the tender hearts that mourn The scandals of che times. And join their efforts to oppose The wide-prevailing crimes. 3 Low to the social band he bows His still attentive ear ; And, while his angels sing aroand, Delights their Yoice to hear. HYMN 492. 7, 6. Bp. Hebee, Margate, Brighthelmstone. ROM Greenland's icy mountains, *F From India's coral strand ; Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They callus to deUver Theh land from error's chain. i93. MISSIONARY - What tho' the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Tho' ev'iy prospKjl pleases, And only man is vile ; In vain with! IV islj kindness ^ The gifis of God are strown ; The heathen in his lilindness Bows down to wood and stone. S Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to mm benighted Th»^ lamp of life deny ? Salvation! O Salvation ! The joyfu! sound jirorlaim. Till earth's remotest nation Has learn'd Messiah's name. 4 Waft, waft; ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Tin, like a sea of glory, It spreads from j)oIe to pole ,•; Till o'er our ransom'd nature, The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. HYMN 493. S. M. Yoke. ShirliiiicI, NorUianipton. Ordination and departure of Missionaries. 1 "VrE .Vlnssengers of Cl.Tist, JL Mis sov'reign voice ob«'y; Arise ! and folloAv where he h ads, And peace attend your way. ■ 370 MEETI?sGS. 494. 2 The Master, whom you sei'v<», Will needful strengtii hr-stow ; Depending on his pronns'd aid. With sacred courage go. S Mountains shall sink to plains, And hell in v;iin oppose ; The cause is God's, and must prevail, In spite of all his foes. 4 Go, spread a Saviour's fame : And t« 11 his matchless grace To the most guilty and deprav'd Of Adam's num'rous lace. 5 We wish you in his name, The n)ost divine success ; Assur'd that he >vho sends you forth "Will your endeavors bless. HYMN 494. L. M. N'ew Huiidrcdih, Cliatham, INIalrasbury. 1 /^ O, much lov'd brethren, haste and rear VT The gospel standard, •. old of fear: Go, seek with joy your destin'd shore, To view your 'native land no more. 2 Yes — Christian Heroes ! go, proclaim Salvation thro' Immanuel's name; To barren climes the tidings bear, And plant the Rose of Sharon there. 3 He'll sf'.ield you with a wall of firo, Wilh flaming zeal your breasts inspire, Bid raging winds their fury cease, And hush the tempests into peace. 371 495,496. MISSIONARY 4 And when our labors all are oVr, Then we shall meet to part no more ; Meet with the blood bought throng to fall And crown our Jesus L^rd of all ! HYMN 495. C. M. Colchester, Clarendon, Keene. 1 (^O and the Saviour's grace proclaim, ^J l^e messengers of God: ' Go publish, thro' ImmanueJ's name baJvation bought uith blood. 2 What tho' your arduous track may lie wi /''. 'f "'""^ ^=""'^' ^s death ; P -r ""u ^■^"'" ^"'^^' ""^'^ ^«^' to try, l^erils beset your path : S Yet with determin'd courage, go And arm'd with pon'r divine, lour God mil needful .id bestow, And on your labors sliine. 4 He who has call'd you to the war vvijj r«;rompense your pains; Before Messiah's conqu'ring car, Mountains shMJ! «ink to plains. 5 Shrink not tho' earth and hell oppose, Bu plead your Master's caused ' QK n''/'^ t'^"t '^'-n your n)ighty foes bhall bow before l^is cross HYMN 496. C. M. B. GYork, Braintree. O, messenger of love, and bear, 372 ^P"" ^^y S^»tJe win^, MEETINGS. 497. The song which seraphs love to hear, And angels joy to sing. 2 Go, to the heart with in opprest^ And dry the sorrowing tear ; Extract the thorn that wotinds the breast, The drooping spirit cheer. 3 Go, say to Zion, " Jesus reigns "— By his resistless pow'r, He binds his enemies with chains : They fail to rise no more. 4 Tell how the Holy Spirit flies, As be from heav'n descends — Arrests nis proudest enemies, And changes them to friends. HY3IN 497. 6, 4. Hymn to the Trinity. St. Ck uent's. \ QOUND, sound the trutn abroad^. S Bear ye the word of God Thro' the wide world ; Tell what '>nr Lord has done, Tell how the day is won, And from his lofty throne, Satan is hurl'd. 2 Far over sea and land, 'Tis our Lord's own command, Bear ye liis name ; Bear it to ev'ry sboie, Regions unknown explore, Enter at ev'ry dowr — Silence is shame. 373 498. - MlSSlOiVARY 3 Speed on the wings of love, Jesus, v\ho reigns above, Bids us to fly : They who his message bear, Should neither doubt nor fear j He will their friend appear; He will be nigh. 4 When on the mighty deep, He will their spirits keep, Stay'd on his word ; "VVhen in a foreign land, No other friend at hand, Jesus will by them stand- Jesus, their l4ord. 5 Ye, who forsaking all, At your 1 ov'd blaster's call, Comforts resign ; Soon will j^our work be done; Soon will the prizf be won ; Brijrhfer than yonder sun. Then shall ye shine. HYMN 498. 7s. J. Marsdex. Middletoii, Hotham. Mark xvi. 16. 1 f^ O, ye messengers of God, ^-^ Like the beams of morning fly Take the wonder-working rod, Wave the banner cross on high I 2 Go to many a tropic isle On the bosom of the deep ; 374 MEETINGS. 499. Where the skies forever smile, And the blacks forever weep. 3 Where the golden gates of day Open on llie palmy East, Wide the bleeding cross display, Spread the gospel's richest feast, 4 Visit.ev'ry heathen soil, Ev'ry barren, burning strand,— Bid each drer»ry region smile. Lovely as the prorais'd land. r> In yon wilds of stream and shade, Maiiy an Indian wigwam trace ; And with words of love persuade Savages to sue for grace. Circumnavigate the Ball- Visit ev'ry soil and sea ; Preach the cross of Christ to all ; Jesus' love is full and free. HYMN 499. 8, 7, 4. Baldwin. Tamworth, Littleton. Farewel to Missionaries, 1 /^ O, ye heralds of sal vatioi7, VX Go, proclaim ' Ri-deeming blood j Publish to that barb'rous nation, Pe.ice and pardon from our God : T«'ll the hs'athen, None but Christ can do them good. 2 While the gospel ti unip you're sounding, May thy Spirit seal the word, •' S75 500. MISSIt>NARY And, tfiro' sovVeign grace abounding, Heathen bow and own the Lord ; Idols leaving, God alone shall be ador'd. S Distant tho' oim- souls are blending, Still our facttrls are warm and true ; In our pray'rs to heav'n ascending, Brethren— we'll remember you ; Heav'n preserve you, Safely all your journey through. 4 When your mission here is finish'd, And your work on earth is done, May your souls, by grace replenish'd, Find acceptance thio' the Son ; Thence admitted. Dwell forever near his throne. 5 Loud hosannas now resounding. Make the heav'niy arches ring : Grace to sinful men abounding, Ransom'd millions sweetly sing ; While, with rapture, All adore their heav'nly King. HYMN 500. C. M. Steffani's, Braintree. The Missionaries^ farewel. 1 Wr INDRED, and friends, and native land, JV How shall we say farewel ? How, when our swelling sails expand, How will our bosoms swell .' 376 MEETINGS. 501. 2 Yes, nature, all thy soft delights, And tender ties we know ; But love, more strong than death, unites To Him that bids us go. 3 Thus, when our ev'ry passion mov'd, The gushing tear-drop starts ; The cause of Jesus more belov'd, Shall glow within our hearts. 4 The sighs we breathe for precious souls, Where He is yet unknown, Might waft us to the distant p jlcs. Or to the burning zone. 5 With the warm w ish our bosoms swell, Our glowing pow'rs expand ; Farewel, — then we can say, — Farewel, HYMN 501. L. M. Kingsbridge, Armley. FAREWEL! and what if next we meet In yonder world to which we haste," And join to cast at Jesus' feet Our crowns, while we his love shall taste. Should sorrow therefore nil our mind ? No ; let that hope our bosoms sv. ell, Then may we smiling look behind And say to friends and home — Farewel. 87' 502,503. COLLECTIONS. HOIN502. L.3I. Gibbons. Bostock, Bicester, Truro. Acts X. 38. ^ ^V^^^ "^^^"^ ^^"^'^'^^ '" mortal clay, * ^ What were his works from day to day But miracles of pow'r and grace, That spre;;d salvation thro' our race ? 2 Teach us, O Lord, to keep in vie\T Thy pattern, and thy steps pursue ; Lot alms bestow'd, let kindness done, Be witness'd by each rolling sun. S That man may last, but never liveSy Who much receives, but nothing ^ives, Whom none can love, whom none can thank ; Creation's blot, creation's blank. 4 B jt he, who marks from day to day, In generous acts his radiant way. Treads the sa«ie path his Saviour trod, Tiie path to glory and to God. HYMN 503. C. M. Doddridge. S;)rii!ftfitld, York, St. Aim's. The good Samaiitav. Luke x. 30 37. 1 "O VTHEB of mercies, send thy grace, -»- All pow'r.'ul from above, Tf» form in our obedituit souls Th^ image of thy love. 378 COLLECTIONS. 504- » O may our sympathizing breast That generous pleasure know ; Kindly to share in otlx-rs' joy, And weep for ollurs' wo. 3 When the most helpless sons of grief, In low distress are laid ; Soft be our hearts their pains to feel. And swift our hands to aid. t So Jesus look'd on dying men, AVhen thron'd above the skies ; And midst ih' etnbraces of thy love, He felt compassion rise. 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew To raise us from the ground ; And gave the richest of his blood, A balm for ev'ry wound. HYMN 504. 0, 7. Francis. Sicilian H. Xorthampton-Chapel. 1 1S;1THILE the heralds of salvation f T God's abounding grace piuclaim ; Let his friends of ev'ry station, Gladly join to spread his name. S May hi«i kingdom be promoted — May the world thf Saviour know ; Be n)y all to him devoted — To'iny Lr)rd my all I owe. 3 Piaise the Saviour, all ye nations — Praise him, all ye hosts above : Shout, with ioyful acci cclamaL ...?, His divine — victorious love. 379 505, 506. TIMES AND TIMES AND SBASON-g HYMN 505. C. M. Warehara, Florence. Morning. * W^^^ ^®' ^^^^ welcome slum ^ " press'd, Had clos'd our weary eyes, A povv'r unseen secur'd our rest, And made us joyful rise. 2 Numbers this night have doubtless m Their b)ng; eternal doom ; And lost the joys of morning light, In death's tremendous gloom. 3 But life to us its lignt prolongs, Let warmest thanks arise ; Gj-eat God, accept our morning songs Our wiHing sacrifice. HYMN 506. C. M. Steele. fiiaintree, Rocliestcr. * rf3^^^T'God,preservedbythineari ^*-^ I pass'd the shades of night ; Serene— and safe from ev'ry harm, And see returning light. 2 Oh, let the same Almighty care My wakeful hours defend ; From ev'ry danger, ev'ry snare, My heedless steps defend. 380 SEASONS. 507, 508. i Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days ; And let thy goodness fill nny soul With gratitude and praise. HYMN 507. C. M. J. Steward. Bray, Barby, Clarendon. 1 oHOULD God forbid the sun to rise, O \nd endless darkness reign, Justice would silence ev'ry rnouth, Nor let a thought complain. o Thus had the Sun of Righteousness Never arose and shone, The frowning heav'ns had flash d with wrath. For crimes which we have done. 3 Then had salvation ne'er appear'd. Nor angels sung of peace ; The anthem never had begun, Which now will never cease. 4 But, thanks to God, the nat'ral sun Does light and heat convey ; The Sun of Righteousness will shme, An everlasting day. HYMN 508. C. M. Bray, Colchester. Mark i- 35. J -ty/TY lovely Jesus, while on earth, iVi Arose before 'twas day ; ^^^ 509. TIMES AND And to a solitary place Departed, there to pray. 2 rii do as did my hlessed Lord— His footsteps I will trace ; T* *'i*\'"^*'^ ^^i'n i» tile grove, And view his smiling face. S Early I'll rise, and sing and pray, While I the light enjoy; . May this hless'd work, from day to day My heart and tongue employ. HYMN 509. 7s. PJejel's, RwleeiDing-Love. ' IV^xT^' ^^^. '^'^^'^ •'^ "'^'^t are gone • Lord, may I be thine to-day— Drive the shades of sin a.vay. 2 Fill my soul with heav'nly lio-ht Banish douht, and cleanse u?v si-ht • In thy service, Lord, to da3', ° ' Help me h.bor, help me pray. S Keep my hauglUy passions b„und - nave me from my foes around • Goingout and coming in, ' Keep me safe from evVy sin. 4 When my work of life is past. Oh ! rev-ei\e mo then at last ! Night of sin will be no more, When I reach the heav'nly shore. 382 SEASONS. 510,511. M\3IN 510. C. »I. Colchester, Barby. Evening. INDULGENT Father, by whose care, I've pass'd another day, Let me this night thy mercy share, And teach me how to pray. il Show me my sins, and how to mourn My guilt before thy fiice ; Direct me, Lord, to Christ alone, And save me by thy grace. 5 Let each returning night declare The tokens of thy love ; And ev'ry hour thy grace prepare My saul for joys above. 4 And when on earth 1 close mine eyes, To sleep in death's embrace, Let me to heav'n and glory rise, T' enjoy thy smiling face. HYMN 511. CM. H. K.WHitk York, Mear. 1 ^^ LORD, another day is flown, yj And we, a lonely band. Are met once more before thy throne, To bless thy fost'ring hand. 2 And wilt thou bend a list'ning ear To praises low as ours ? Thou wilt ! for ihoji dost love to hear The song which meekness pours. 383 512. TIMES AND 3 And, Jesus, thou thy smiles wilt deign, As we before thee pray ; For thou didst bless the infant train, And we are less than they. 4 Oh, let thy grace perform its part, And let contention cease ; And shed abroad in ev'ry heart Thine everlasting peace. HYMN 512. S. M. Yarmouth, Wiiksworth. 1 ^TIHE day is past and gone, "^^^ ev'ning shades appear ; Oh, may I ever keep in mind. The night of death draws near. 2 I lay my garments by, Upon my bed to rest ; So death will soon remove me hence. And leave my soul undrest. 3 Lord, keep me safe this night. Secure from all my fears ; May angels guard me while I sleep, Till morning light appears, 4 And when I early rise. To view th' unwearied sun, May I set out to win the prize, And after glory run : 5 That when my days are past, And 1 from time rem»ve, Lord, I may in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. ^4 SEASONS. 513, 514e HYMN 613. L. M. CoLLYER. Old Hiuidred, Kent. THE night shall hear me raise my song, And in her silent courts my tongue Shall pour the solitary lay, For all the mercies of the day. l^or will ray God disdain to hear The sigh I breathe — the fervent prayV j When, sinking to oblivious rest, I seek the pillovi^ of his breast. And when the hlushing morn shall rise, To tinge with gold ^he eastern skies.; With strength renewed, my thankful lay Shall hail the new-born beams of day. HYMN 514. 8s. ToPLADT. Bethany, Lambeth. INSPIRER and Hearer of pray'r, v Before whom a sinner m*ay bend ; My all to thy covenant care, I sleeping or waking commend. If thou art my shield and my sun, The night is no darkness to me ; And fast as my moments roll on, They bring me but nearer to theft.; From evil secure, and its dread, I rest, if my Saviour be liigh ; And songs his kind presence indeed,' Skall in the night season supply. R 885 515, 516. TiaiES and 4 He smiles, and my comforts abound ; His grace as the dew shall descend And walls of saltation surround The soul he delights to defend. HYMN 515. C. M. Clainidon, Bra>'. Saturday night. ] yiEGONE, ray worldly cares, away, JlJ Nor dare to tempt my sight ; Ijet me begin th' ensuing day, Before I end this night. 1 Yes, let the work of pray'r and praise Employ my heart and tongue ; Begin, my soul ; — thy Sabbath days Can never be too long. 3 Let the past mercies of the week Excite a grateful frame ; Nor let my tongue refuse to speak Some good of Jesus' name. 4 On wings of expectation borne» My hopes to heav'n ascend ; T long to welcome in the morn, With thee the day to spend.- MYMN 516. L. M. Stennrtt. Quircy, Poiiiieal, Bleudon. The Sabbath. 1 \ NOTHER six Hays' work is done, J\ Another Sabb;ilh is begun ; Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest — Improve the day thy Uod has bless'd. fiS6 SEASONS. 517. S, Come, bless the Lord, whuse love assigns So sweet a rest to wearii*d minds ; Provides an antcpast of heav'n, And gives this day the food of sev'n. 8 O, that our thoughts and thanks maj' rise, As grateful incense to the skies; And draw from heav'n that sweet repose, Which none, but he that feels it, knows. 4 This heav'nly calm, within the breast, Is tlje dear pledge of glonou? rest, AVhich for the church of God remains, The end of cares, the end of pains. 5 In holy duties let the day, In holy pleasures, pass away ; Hovv sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end ! HYM^ 517. C. M. Clarendon, CiiifoiJ, Springfitld. 1 "VITBEX, on the third auspicious day, f T While yet the blushing dawn Shed forth its earliest smiling ray To gild the rising morn ; 2 The " holy women" sought the place Where their belov'd was laid, And shininji angels preach'd the grace That rais'd him from the dead ; S They hasted from the hallow'd ground. Where his dear flesh had lain. To tell his mourning friends around, That Jesus lives again. S87 518, 519. TIMES AND 4 This4ay, as days of older timej Is one of heav'nly joy ; Good tidings reach to ev'ry clime, And ev'ry tongue employ. HYMN 518. C. M. Brown. Bavby, Mear, York. 1 TjiREQUENT the day of God returifj X^ To shed its quick'ning beams ; And yet how slow devotion burns ; How languid are its flames ! 2 Accept our faint attempts to love — Our frailties, Lord, forgive ; We would be like thy saints above, Aod praise thee while we live. 3 Increase, O Lord, our faith and hope, And fit us to ascend. Where the assembly ne'er breaks up, The Sabbath ne'er shall end ; 4 Where we shall breathe in hcav'nly air, With heav'nly lustre shine ; Before the throne of God appear, And feast on love di.ine, HYMN 519. L. M. DoDDRii)»E. Antigua, Winchester. The eternal Sabbath. Heb. iv. 9. 1 (TTHHiNE earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we lote X But there's a nobler rest above ; 388 SEASONS. 520. To that our longir)g souls aspire, With ardent pangs of strong desire. 2 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor hell shall reach the place ■; No groans to mingle with the songs, Which warble from imaiortal tongues. 5 No rude alarnasof raging foes ; No cares to break the long repose ; No midnight shade, no clouded sun, Obscures the lustre of thy throne. 4 Around thy throne, grant we may meet, And give us but the lowest seat ; ! We'll shout thy praise, and join the song' I Of the triumphant, holy throng. I HYMN 520. C. M. Springfield, Warehara, Barby. Winter, 1 CjEE, how rude winter's icy hand j kJ Has stripp'd the verdant ground ! But spring will soon his rage withstand, And spread new beauties round. £ My soul a sharper winter mourns ; And fruitless I remain ; W^hen will the gentle spring return, The graces grow again ? 5 Jesus, my glorious Sun, arise — This frozen heart remove : O, hush these storms, and clear my skies, j And let me feel thy love ! 389 ICOIIH 521, 522. TIMES AND HYMN 521. C. M. Newton. Co!cliester,Yoik. Spring, or return of joy. 1 4 Tlength thcMvish'd for spring has ( -t a. How alter'd is tiie scene ! The trees and shrubs are drest in bloom The earth array'd in green. £ I see my Saviour from on high, Break through the clouds and shine No creature now more blest than I, No song more loud than mine. 3 Thy word does all my hopes revive .; It overcomes my foes ; It makes my languid graces thrive, And blossom like the rose. 4 Dear Lord, a monument I stand, Of what thy grace can do ; Uphold me by thy gracious hand. Each changing season through. HYMN 522. L. M. Strong. OUl Hundred, Bath, Leeds. Summer^ or the great Harvest. Matt. xiii. 3S 1 rilHE summer harvest spreads the fielc JL Mark — how the whitening hills art turn'd ! Behold them to the reapers yield ; — The wheat is sav'd — the tares are burn'c 2 Thus the great Judge with glory crown'c Descends to reap the ripen'd earth ! i 390 SEASONS. 523. Angelic guards attend him down, The same who sang his humble birth. [3 In sounds of glory hear him speak, " Go search around the flaming world ; Haste — call my saints to rise, and take The seats from which their foes were hurl'd. 4 Go, burn the chaff in endless fire, In flames unquench'd, consume each tare ; Sinners must feel my holy ire, And sink in guilt — to deep despair." 5 Thus ends the harvest of the earth: — Angels obey the awful voice ; They save the wheat, they burn the chaflf; All heav'n approves the sov'reign choice. HYMN 523. L. M. Doddridge. Malaisbury, Spring, China. The Seasons. Ps. Ixv. 1 1. 1 ril HE flo w'ry spring at God's command, A Perfumes the air, and paints the land ; The summer rays with vigor shine. To raise the corn, and cheer the vine. 2 His hand in autumn richly pours. Thro' all her coasts, redundant stores : And winters, soften'd by his care, No more the face of horror wear. 3 Seasonsandmonths, and weeks, and days, Demand successive songs of praise ; And be the cheerful homage paid. With morning lijjht and ev'ning shade. S91 524, 525. TIMES AND 4 And Oh, mar each harmonious tongue In worlds unknown the praise prolong ; And in those brighter courts adore, Where days and years revolve no more. HYMN 524. C. M. Nbwtow. Lutaen, Bray. A*eu> Year. ^ 1\"^^' S''a*^>ous Lord, thine arm reveal, -i-^ And make thy glory known ; Now let us all thy presence feel, And soflen hearts of stone. f From ail the guilt of former sin, May mercy net us free ; And let the year we now begirt, Begin and end with thee. 5 Send dowh thy Spirit from above, That saints may love thee more ; And dinners now may learn to lov«, Who never lov'd before. 4 And when before thee we appear. In our etornal home, May growing i.u«)bers worship here, And praitje thee in our room. MYMN 525. C. M. CowPER* Cb-pcl, WalsaL 1 /^OME, Lord, and bless the rising race! Vv Make this a hyppy liour, According to thy richest grace, And thine abajighty pow'r. 59a SEASONS. i 2 Dear youth, we know your sinful statu— May God your hearts renew ! We would awhile ourselves forget, To pour out pray'r for you. 5 We see, tho' you perceive it not, Th" approaching, awful doom ! Oil, tremble at the solemn thought. And Hee the wrath to come I 4 Dear Saviour, let this new born year Spread an alarm abroad ; Ana cry in ev'ry careless ear, " Prepare to meet thy God !" HYMN 526. 3, 6. Har. Sacra New Year, Amesbui-y. 1 /^OME, let us anew, v^ Our journey pursue, Roll round with the year. And never stand still till the Master appear ; His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil. And our talents improve [love. By the patience of hope, and the labor of 2 Our life is a dream ; Our time, as a stream. Glides swiftly away ; And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. The arrow is flown. The moment is gone, The millenial year Rushes on to our view and eternity's near. R2 3»S ^r.327. TIMES AND 3 Oh, that each in the day Of his coming may say, " I havo fought my way through, i have finish'd the work thou didst give me Oh, that each from his Lord [to do !" May receive tlie glad word, " Well and faithfully done, i:^nter into mv joy and sit down on my throne!"' ■ HYMN 527. CM. DoDDRiDCE.- rarnia, Braintrcc, Cliflbul. Close of the year. Rom. xiii. 1 1. J A ^'^''AKE.yesaintSjandrair^eyoureyes, J.k. ^nd raise your voices high ; Awake, and prais*' that sov'reign love, That sliows salvation nigh. - On all the wings of time if flies, Each moment brings it hear ; Then welcome each declining day! Welcome each closing year ! 3 Not many years their rounds shall run, Nor jnany mornings rise, Ere a{l its gloiies stand reveal'd To our admiring eyes. 4 Ye wheels of nature, speed your course ; Ye mortal pow'rs, decay , Fast as ye bring the night of death, Yc bring eternal day. 394 SEASONS. 52'', ■ 'n^ HYMN 528. C. M. CiaiviKloii, Springfu'itl. Marriage. 1 ^INCE Jesus freely did appear ►^ To grace a man-ia?;e feast; O Lord, ueask thy presence here, To make a wedding guest. 2 Upon the bridal pair look down, Who now have pliglited hands ; Their union with thy fa\ or crown, And bless the nuptial bands. S In purest love these souls unite, ' That they with christian care, Ma}^ make domestic burdens light, By taking mutual share. 4 And when that solemn hour sliail come. And life's short space be o'ei' ; May they in triumph reach that home, Where the}' shall part no more. HY5IN 529. L. M. LiiE. Olnt) , Tnuo, Foitiigal. Mcnriage. I "^^ITII grateful hearts and turjefid lays* V Y \Y(; bow before th' Eternal throne, And offer u\y our humble praise, To him whose name is God alone. 3 On this auspicious eve, draw near, And shed thy richest blessings down ; Fill ev'ry heart with love sincere,.^ And ail thy faithful mercies CFOwn. 3d:) 530, 531. TIMES AND S Grant now thy presence, gracious Lor ^ And hearken to our fervent pray'r ; The nuptial vow in heav'n record, And bless the newly married pair. » Oh, oruide them safe, this desert througl Mid all the cares of life and love ; At length with joy thy face to view, In fairer, better worlds above. HYMN 530. L. M. PRotTD. Chatham, Sterling. Marriage. ' \/iriTH chearful voices rise and sing _^ ▼ The praises of our God and King -tor he alone can minds unite. And bless with conjugal delight. Oh, may this pair increasing find Substantial pleasures of the mind ; Happy together may they be, And both united, Lord, to thee. ' So may they live as truly one ; And Avhen their work on earth is done, Kise, hand in hand, to heav'n, and share ihe joys t.f love forever there. HYMN 531. L. M. Newto.v. Wells, Bath. JVelcome to christian friends. |>RETHREN,be}ov'd for Jesus' sake, -*-' A hearty welcome here receive • May we together now partake ' The joys which he alone can give ! S96 ^ SEASONS. 53';^. \ i May he, by whose kind care we me^ff Send his good Spirit from above ; Make our co nmunications sweet, And cause our liearts to burn with love ! ;5 Forgotten be each worldly theme, When thus we meet to pray and praise^ We only wish to speak of him, And tell the wonder:* of his grace. 4 We'll talk of all he did and said, His suff'rings and his dying love, The path he mark'd for us to tread, And how he tiiumphs now above. 5 Thus as the moments pass away. We'll love, and wonder, and adore ; Then hasten on the glorious day, When we shall meet to part no more* HYMN 532. C. M. Barby, Xewniark. ^t parting, 1 X ORD, when top:ether here we meet, J_i And taste thy heav'niy grace ; Thy smiles are so divinely sweet, We're loth to leave the place. i Bufr, Father, since it is'thy will, That we must part again ; Oh, may thy special presence stil]; With ev'ry one remairji S And let us all in Christ be one, Bound with the cords of love ; Till we, before thy glorious throne, Shall joyful meet above. 597 633. TIME3 AND 4 All sin and sorrow from each heart, ^ Shall then forever fly ; Nor shall a thought that we jr^ust part, Once interrupt our joy. HYMN 533. S. 31. Fawcett. Little Marlboro', Wirksworth. 1 T>LEST he the tie that hinds -*-' Our hearts in Christian love ; The ffe.'lowship of kindred minds, Is like to that above. £ Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent pray'rs ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. S We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still bo join'd in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; NVhile each in expectation liVes, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil and pain, And sin, we shall be free ; And perfect love and f.-iendship reign Through all eternity. 398 . ' ' SEASONS. 634, 635. HYMN 634. C. M. Spri.if^field, Barby, Newmavk. HRO' Christ when wetogetliercame. — Ill singlftness of heart, We met, O Jesus, in thy name ; And in thy name w« part. 2 We part in body, not in mind, Our minds continue one ; And each to each, in Jesus join'd, We happily go on. 3 Present in spirit still we are, And intimately nigh ; ,. ^ While on the wings of faith and pray r We Abba, Father ! cry. 4 Oh, may thy Spi;it, dearest Lord, In all our travels still Direct and be our constant guard To Zion's holy hill. 5 Oh ! what a joyful meeting there. Beyond tiiese changing shades ; White are the robes we then shall wear And crowns upon our heads. 6 Haste, Lord, and bring us to the day When we shall dwell at home ; Come, O Redeemer, come away; O Jesub, quickly come. HYMN 635. L. M. H. i. White. Luther's Hymn, Sterling. 1 /^OME, christian brethren! ere we pari Vy Join ev'ry voice and ev'ry heart, 536, 537. TIMES AND One solemn hymn to God we raise, One final song of grateful praise. 2 Christians, we here may meet no mor( But there is yet a happier shore ; And there, releas'd from toil and pain. Dear brethren, we shall meet again. HYMN 536. C. M. C. W. ' Bai-by, Newmark. 1 T>LEST be the dear, uniting love, -■-# That will not let us part; Our bodies may far off remove — We still are one in heart. 2 Join'd in one Spirit to our Head, Where he appoints we go ; And still in Jesus' footsteps tread. And shew his praise below. 5 Partakers of the Saviour's grace, The same in mind and heart, Nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place, Nor life, nor death can part. 4 But let us hasten to the day, Which shall our flesh restore ; When death shall all be done away, And christians part no more ! HYMN 537. L. M. Watts. Ai-mlt y, Danvent, Carthage. i -g^AREWEL, dearfriends,a shortfarewelj .1^ Till we shall meet again above In the sweet groves where pleasures dwell, And trees of life bear fruits of love. 400 SEASONS. ^^^' There glory sits on ev'ry face ;— There friendship smiles m ey'ry eye , There shall our tongues proclaim tne erace, That led us homeward to the sky. HYMN 538. CM. TAXLOB. Walsal, Chapel. Youth. [ i^ OME, let us now forget our mirth, Vy And think that we must die; ! What are our best delights on earth, I Corapar'd with those on high . l2 Our pleasures here will soon be past— Our brightest joys decay ; But pleasures there forever last, And cannot fade away. 5 Here sins and sorrows we deplore, With many cares distrest, ' But there the mourners weep no more, And there the weary rest. 4 Our dearest friends, when death shall call, At once must hence depart ; But there we hope to meet them all, And never, never part. $ Then let us love and serve the Lord, With all our youthful pow rs ; , And we shall ?ain this great reward, I ' ' This glory shall be our9> 539, 640. TIMES AND HYMN 539. CM. Loo.,». Brjghfon, Clarajdon. Job. xiv. 2. ^ Cr^rl '' thy morning ;-flalt'r[ng hop ^ Thy spnghtly steps attends^ i^ut soon the tempest howls behind, And the dark night descends ! 2 Before its splendid hour, the cloud Comes o'er the beam of light : A pilgrnu in a weary land, 3Ian tarries but a night i S De^ermin'd are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head ; The number'd hour is on the win^, -I hat lays thee with the dead. HYMN 540.^ S. M. St. Thomas, Sliiiland. 1 Chron. xxviii. 9. 1 ]^Y son, know thou the Lord, If 3. Thy father's God obey ; feeek his protecting care by ni-lit. His guardian hand by day. S Call, while he may be found, And seek him while he's near • Serve him with all thy heart and mind. And worship him with fear. 3 If thou wilt seek his face, His ear will hear thy crv • Then Shalt thou find his mercy sure His grace forever nigh. 402 *= SEASONS. 541,542. ^ i But if thou leave thy God, ^ Nor choose the palh t«» heav n ; Mien Shalt thou perish in thy sins, And never be forgiv n. HYMN 541. CM. DODDRTT^GE. Springfield, Colchester. Seek first the kingdom. Matt. v\. 33. -%TOW let a true ambition rise, ill And ardor fire our breast, To rei-n in worlds above the skies, In heav'nly glories drest. 2 Behold Jehovah's royal hand A radiant crown display, Whose -ems with vivid lustre shine, While stars and suns decay. 5 Away, each grov'ling anxious care, Beneath a christian's thought , Oh, spring to seize immortal joys, Which your Redeemer bought. 4 Ye hearts, with youthful vigor warm. The glorious prize pursue ; Nov shall ye want the goods of earth. While heav'n is kept in view. HYMN 542. C. M. Fawgett. Barby, St. Ann's. 1 T> ELIGTON is the chief concern iX Of mortals here below ; May 1 its great importance learn, Its sov'reign virtue know ! 543. TIMES AN» « More needful this, than glitt'ring wealtfci. Or aught the world bestows ; Nor reputation, food, or health, Can give us such repose. 5 Religion should our thoughts engage^ Amidst our youthful bloom ; 'Twill fit us for declining age, And for the awful tomb. 4 O may my heart by grace renew'd, Be my Redeemer's throne ; And be my stubborn will subdu'd. His government to own. 3 Let deep repentance, faith, and lov6, Be join'd with godly fear ; And all my conversation prove My heart to be sincere. HYMN 543. L. M. Newton. Bvookfield, Armlf^y. 1 nptlE God who once to Israel spoke, A From Sinai's top, in fire and smoke, In gentler strains of gospel grace. Invites us now to seek his face. 2 Hark ! how from Calvary it sounds ; From the Redeemer's bleeding wounds ; " Pardon and grace I freely ^ive, Poor sinner, look to me — and live." 3 What other arguments can move The heart that slights a Saviour's love ! 401 SEASONS. 544. Yet till almighty pow'r constrain, This matchless love is preach'd in vain. 4 O Saviour, let that pow'r be felt. And cause each stony heart to melt! Deeply impress upon our youth The light and force of gospel truth. 5 How will they else thy presence bear, When, as a Judge, thou shalt appear; When slighted love to verath shall turn, And the whole earth like Sinai burn! HYMN 544. L. M. Sterling, Leyden. } "VTE lovely bands of blooming youth, X Warn'dbythe voice of heav'nly truth, Now yield to Christ your youthful prime, [ With all your talents and your time. I 2 Think on your end — nor thoughtless say, " I'll put far off the evil day ;" Ah ! not a m.oment's in your pow'r, And death stands ready at the door. ' 5 Eternity ! — how near it rolls ! Count the vast value of your souls ! Beware ! and count the awful cost, What they have gain'd whose soulsare lost. 4 Pride, sinful pleasures, lusts and snares, Beset your hearts, your eyes, yourears — Take the alarm — the danger fly ! iMrd^ savi me, be your earnest cry. 1 ~ 405 545, 546. TIMES AND HYMN 545. L. M. CowPER, M'arwkk, Aniiley. Vdnitij of the ivoiid. 1 rjlHE joy that vain amusements give, Jl To him who thoughtless sports and sings, Is like the honey of a hive, Wlien guarded by a thousand stings. 2 'Tls thus the world rewards the fools Who live upon her trcach'rous smiles ; She leads them blindfold, by her rules, And ruins all whom she beguiles. 3 'Tis thus that thousands hasten dt)wn From pleasure into endless wo ; And with a long, despairing groan, Blaspheme their Maker as they go. 4 Warn'd by llieir woes, may we be wise, Delighting in.a Saviour's charms ; Then God will take us to the skies, Embrac'd in everlasting arms. HYMN 546. C. M. W. B, Tappajv. S])ringfiL-ld, Dorset. 1 V17E wander in a thorny maze, ▼ ▼ A vale of doubts and fears ; Anight, illum'd with sickly rays, A wildtrness of tears : We wander, bound t«» empty show, • The slaves of boasted will ; We wander, dupes to hope untrue. And love to wander still. -406 SEASONS. 547. 2 We wander— while unfading joy, We ne'er with zest approve ; The bliss, that sparkles to destroj', Secures our warmest love. Some syren leads our steps astray, But speaks no peace within ; We wander in a ilow'ry way, We wander, heirs of sin ! 3 Wo wander, but tho' oft we roam, Led by allurements strong ; Yet from* our heav'niy Father's home, We would not wander long! Cleanse us, O Saviour ! from this stain. In mercy's living flood ; Restore the lost, and bring again The wand'rers back to God. HYMN 547. C. M. DoDDRlDfiE. Criffoid, York. Prov. viii. \7, 1 "\7"E hearts with youthful vigor warm, X In smiling crowds draw near. And turn from ev'ry mortal charm, A Saviour's voice to hear. i He, Lord of all the worlds on high, Stoops to converse with you ; And lays his radiantglories by, Your friendship to pursue. 5 " The soul that longs to see my face, Is sure my love to gain ; And those that early seek my grace. Shall never seek in vain." 40T 548. TIMES AND 4 Whatobject,Lord,mysoul should move. If once compar'd with thee ? What beauty should cemraand my lovCj ' Like what in Christ I see ? 5 Away, ye false, delusive toys, Vain tempters of the mind ! 'Tis here I fix my histing choice, And here true bliss I find. HYMN 548. S. M. Fawcett. Watchman, Fioome. Prayer of a Youth. Ps. cxix. 9. 1 TlirlTH humble heart and tongue, t Y My God, to thee I pray ; Oh, make me learn while I am young, How I may cleanse my way. 2 Make an unguarded youth The object of thy care ; Help me to choose the way of truth, And fly from ev'ry snare. 3 My heart, to folly prone, Renew by pow'r divine ; Unite it to thyself alone. And make me wholly thine. 4 Oh, let thy word of grace My warmest thoughts employ ; Be this, through all my foll'wing days, My treasure and my joy. 5 To what thy laws impart, Be my whole soul inclin'd ; Oh, let them dwell within my heert, And sanctify my mind. 408 SEASONS. 549, 550. 6 May thy young servant learn, By these to cleanse his way ; And may I here the path discern That leads to endless day. HYMN 549. C. M. C. Wesley. Walsal, Buckingham. Middle Age* John ix. 4. 1 4 ND have I measur'd half my days, J\. And half my journey run, Nor tasted the Redeemer's grace, Nor yet my work begun ? 2 The morning of my hfe is past ; The noon is almost o'er ; The night of death approaches fast, When I can work no more. S O Thou who seest and know'st my grief. Thyself unseen, unknown, In mercy help my unbeUef, And melt my heart of stone. Regard me with a gracious eye, The long-sought blessing give, And bid me, at the point to die, Behold thy face and live. HYMN 550. C. M. MartjTs, Standish. Old Age. i "p TERN AL God! enthron'd on high ! X_i Whom angel hosts adore ^ S 409 551 TIMES AN& Who yet to suppliant dust art nigli, Thy presence I implore. 2 Oh, guide me down the steep of age. And keep my passions cool ; Teach me to scan the sacred page, And practice evVy rule. 3 My flying years time urges on, What's human must decaj' : My friends, my young companions, gone, Can I expect to stay ? 4 Ah ! no — then smooth the mortal hour, On thee my hope depends ; Support me with almighty pow'r, While dust to dust descends. HYMN 551. CM. Steele. Bangor, "Walsal. Public Fast. Joel i. 14. r QEKj gracious Lord, heforc thy throne, »0 Thy mourning people bend ! Tis on thy sov'reign grace alone. Our humble hopes depend. 3 Tremendous judgments, from thy hand, Thy dreadful pou'rs display ; Yet mercy spares this guilty land, And still we live to pray. 5 How chang'd, alas ! are truths divine, For error, guilt, and shame ! What impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the Christian name- 410 SEASONS. 552. O turn us, turn us, mij^hty Lord, By ihy resistless grjice ; Thi'ii s'aull our ht-avts olxy thy word. And humbly seek thy face. Then, should insulting foes invade, We shall not sink in fear ; Secure of never failing; aid, When God, our God, is near. ilYMN 552. C. BI. Newtobt, Reailiiig, Pl.MiJOiitli. .-IfflidiGns needful Heb. xii. 5—11. BREAK thro' the clouds, dear liord^ and shine, Let us percerve thee nigh f And to each mourning child of thine, These gracious words apply : "Let not my children slight the stroke, i f()i chastisement send ; Nor faint beneath my kind rebuke, For I am still their friend. "The wicked f perhaps may leave Awhile and not reprove; But all the children I receive, I scourge, because I love. " I see your hearts at present fill'd, With grief and deep distress ; But soon these bitter seeds shall yield The fruits of righteousness." 411 563, 554. TIMES AND HYMN 553, L. 31. Warwick, Armley. 1 T ONG unafflicted, undismayM, I A In pleasure's path, secure I stray'd ; When made to feel thy chast'ning rod, I straight return'd to thee, my God. 2 What tho' it pierc'd my fainting heart — I bless the hand that caus'd the smart ; It taught my tears awhile to flow, But sav'd me from eternal wo. 3 Oh, liadst thou left me unchastis'd, Thy precepts I had still despis'd, With daring rebels been the same, Or gone where mercy never came. HYMN 554. C. M. Plymouth, Standish. 1 TTIfHT should the Christian waste in sighs t ? The breath that God hath giv'n ; Whom ev'ry passing hour that flies Bears onward fast to heav'n ? 2 Why should he wish for perfect bliss, In this dark world forlorn ; Or seek, amidst the wilderness, A rose without a thorn. 3 Our Father God ! be ours the grief, Which to thy sons belongs ; And let us share in their relief. Their everlasting songs. 412 SEASONS. 555, 556. HYMN 555. C. M. Plymouth, Buckinghan). 1 TTfTERE once our vain debircs subdu'd; ▼ ▼ The heart resign'd — at rest ; In ev'ry scene we should conclude The will of heav'n is best. 2 Lord, we expect to suffer here, Nor would we dare repine ; But give us still to find thee near, And own us still for thine. HYMN 556. CM. ToPLADY. El^n, Plymouth. Jiffliction sweetened. Ps. civ. 34. 1 \^r7^'*EN languor and disease invade ▼ ▼ This trembling house of clay, 'Tis sweet to look beyond my pains, And long to fly away. 2 Sweet to look inn ard, and attend The whispers of his love ; Sweet to look upward to the place Where Jesus pleads above. 3 Sweet to reflect, how grace divine My sins on Jesus laid ; Sweet to remember that his blood My debt of suff'ring paid. 4 Sweet on his faithfulness to rest, Whose love can never end ; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend. 413 557. ' TIMES AND 5 S. 414 SEASONS. 558, 559. HYMN 558. L. M. CowPER. Qucrcy, Surry. The billows of temptation. 1 rpHE billows swell, the winds are high ; X Clouds overcast m}'^ wintry aky ; Out of the depths to the.- I call— My fears are great, my strength is small. 2 Dangers of evVy shape and name, Attend the foU'wers of the Lamb, "VVlia leave the world's deceitful shore. And leave it to return no more. 3 God of my life, to thee I call, Afflicted at thy feet I fall ; Do thou the pilot's part perform, And guide and guard me thro' the storm. HYMN 559. 8s. Lambeth, Uxbridge. Rev. xxi. *. 1 T^ISCONSOLATE tenant of clay, JLI In solemn assurance arise, Thy treasure of sorrow surve)'. And look thro' it all to the skies; That heavenly house is prepar'd For all who are sufferers here, And wait the return of their Lord, And long for his day U) appear. 2 There all the ttanpestuous blast Of bitter affliction is o'er ; The spirit is landed at last. And sorrow and shame are no more ; 415 560, 561. TIMES AND Temptation and trouble are gone. The trial is all at an end — And there I shall cease to bemoan The loss of my brother and friend. HYMN 560. C. M. C. W. Windsor, Staodish. The ParenV 8 prayer. John iv. 46 — 49, 1 TESUS, great healer of mankind, o Who dost our sorrows bear, Let an ajfflicted parent find An answer to his pray'r. 2 I look for help in thee alone, To thee for succour fly ; Come down and heal my darling son, Now at the point to die. 3 Jesus, if thou pronounce the word, The gracious answer give, My dying child shall be restored, And to thy glory live. 4 Oh, save the parent, in the son, Restore him. Lord, to me ; My heart the miracle shall own, And give him back to thee. HYMN 561. C. M. M. Chapel. Buckiiigbani. Light in darkness. Ps. cxii. 4. I £^ THOU who dry'st the mourner's tear, \J How dark this world would be, 416 SEASONS. 562. If, pierc'd by sins and sorrows here, We could not fly to thee ! £ The friends, who in our sunshine live. When winter comes, are flown ; And he who has but tears to give, Must weep those tears alone. 3 Oh ! who could bear life's stormy doom. Did not thy wing of love Come brightly wafting thro' the gloom Our peace-branch from above ? 4 Then sorrow touch'd by thee, grows - bright, With more than rapture's ray ; As darkness shows us worlds of light, We never saw by day. HYMN 562. C. M. Haweis Buckingham, Martyrs, Wantage. Think upon me. Neh. v, 19. 1 /^THou, from whom all goodness flows, \J I lift my heart to thee ; In all my trials, conflicts, woes, Dear Lord, remember me. 2 When groaning, on my burden'd heart My sins lie heavily ; My pardon speak, new peace impart ; In love, remember me. 5 If on my face, for thy dear name, Shame and reproaches be ; S2 417 j6S, times and I'll hail reproach, and welcome shame, If thou remember me. i The hour is near — consign'd to death. I own the justdecree; Saviour, with my last parting breath, I'H cry — remember me. HYMN 563. S. M. DwiGHT. St. Bi-idges, Orange. Sick bed reflections. 1 TUST o'er the grave I hung — J No pardon met my eyes, As blessings never greet the slain, And hope shall never rise. 2 Sweet mercy to my soul Reveal'd no charming ray ; Before me rose a long — dark night. With no-succeeding day. 3 Then— Oh J how vain appear'd The joys beneath the sky ! Like visions past— like flow'rs that blow When wint'ry storms are nigh. 4 How mourn'd my sinking soul The Sabbath's hours divine, The day of grace, that precious day, Consum'd in sense and sin. 5 The work — the mighty work Of life, so long dolay'd — Repentance yet to he begun Upon a dying bed. 418 SEASONS. 564. HYaiN 564. c. M. Springfield, Wareliam. 1 'npiS hard, from those we love, to go^ X Who Aveep beside our bed, "Whose tears bedew our burninp; brow, Whose arm supports our head : 2 When fading from the dizzy view, I sought their forms in vain ; The bitterness of death I iinew, And groan'd to live again. 3 'Tis dreadful when th' accuser's pow'r Assails the sinking heart, Recalling ev'ry wasted hour, / And each unworthy part. 4 Yet, Jesus, in that mortal fray, Thy blessed comfort stole, Like sunshine in an autumn day. Across my darken'd soul. 5 When soon, or late, this feeble breath No more to thee can pray. Support me thro' the vale of death, And in the darksome way. 6 When cloth'd in fleshly weeds again, I wait thy dread decree ; Judge of the world, remember then. That thou hast died for me. 419 565, FUNERAL. FUNSRAZ.. HYMN 565. CM. Martyrs, Ltbanon. Funeral of a faithful Miniskr. I "C^AR fi'om affliction, toil, and care, J- The liappy soul is lied ; The breathless cluy shall slumber here, Among the silent dead. 3 The {gospel was his joy and song, E'en to his latest breath ; The truth he had proclaim'd so long Was his su|)port in death. 5 Now he resides where Jesus is, Above this dusky sphere ; His soul was ripen'd for that bliss, While yet he sojourn'd here. 4 The Churches' loss we all deplore, And shed the falling tear ; Since we shall see his face no more, Till Jesus shall appear. 5 But we are hasting to the tomb ; Oh, may we ready stand ; Then, dearest Lord, receive us homxi, To dwell at thy right hand 420 FUNERAL. 566, 567. HYMN 566. L. M. CoiLYEH. Kingsbridge, Armley. Eccl. xii. 7. 1 TJ^ROM his low bed of mortal dust, A Escap'd the prison of his clay. The new inhabitant of bliss, To heav'n directs his wond'rous way. 2 Ye fields, that witness'd once his tears, Ye Avinds, that wafted oft his sighs. Ye mountains, where he breath'd his pray'rs, When sono w's shadows teil'd his eyes; 3 No more the weary pilgrim mourns, No more affliction wrings his heart ; Th' unfetttM-'d soul to (iod returns — For ever he and anguish part! — 4 Receive, O earth, his faded form, In thy cold bosom let it lie ; Safe let it rest from ev'ry storm — Soon must it rise no more to die J HYMN 567. L. M. Norfolk, Ai-mUy. The grave. Job iii. 17. 1 rilHE grave is now a favor'd spot, — J- To saints who sleep, in Jesus bless'd ; For there the wicked trouble not. And there the weary are at rest. 421 568. FUNERAL. 2 At rest in Jesus' faithful arms; A.t rest as in a peaceful bed ; Secure from all the djfeadful storms, W hich round this sinful world are spread. S Thrice happy souls, who're gone before To that inheritance divine ! They labor, sorrow, sigh no more. But bright in endless glory shine. 4 Then let our mournful tears be dry, Or in a gentle measure flow ; We hail them happy in the sky, And joyful wait our call to go. HYMN 568. L. M. Watts. Sicilian, Putney, Armlty. 1 TTNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb, VJ Take this new treasure to thy trust ; And give these sacred relics room. To seek a slumber in the dust. £ Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear Invade thy bounds. No mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept ; — God's dying Son Pass'd thro' the grave, and blest the bed ; Rest here, blest saint, till from his throne The morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn : Attend, O earth ! his sov'reign word ; Restore thy trust — a glorious form — Call'dto ascend and meet the Lord. 422 FUNERAL. 569. HYMN 369. Os. C. Wesley. Lambeth, Mitcham, Franklin. Death of a Brother. 1 XjrOW blest is our brother bereft JX Of all that could burden his mind ; How easy the soul that has left This wearisome body behind ! Of evil incapable thou, Whose relics with envy I see, No longer in misery now, No longer a sinner like me. ■2. This earth is affected no more With sickness, or shaken with pain ; The war in the members is o'er. And never shall vex him again ; No anger henceforward, or shame, Shall redden his innocent clay : Extinct is the animal flame, And passion is vanish'd away. 3 This languishing h-ead is at rest ; Its thinking and aching are o'er ; This quret, immoveable breast Is heav'd by affliction no more ; This heart is no longer the seat Of trouble and torturing pain : It ceases to flutter and beat — It never shall flutter again, 4 The lids he so seldom could close. By sorrow forbidden to sleep, Seal'd up in eternal repose, Have strangely forgotten to weep ; 438 570. FUNERAL. These fountains can yield no supplies— These hollows from water are free ; The tears are all w ip'd from these eyes, And evil they never shall see. 5 To mourn and to suffer is mine, While bound in a prison I breathe, And still for deliverance pine, And press to the issues of death. What now with my tears I bedew, Oh, shall I not shortly become ! My spirit created anew, Ere I am consign'd to the tomb ! HYMN 570. 8s. Mitcham, Uxbiidge, Franklin. Death of a Sister 1 ^^T^IS linish'd ! the conflict is past, -■- The heav'n-born spirit is fled ; Her wish is accomplish'd at last, Andnowshe'se-itomb'd with the dead. The months of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress ; We see her in anguish no more — She's gained her happy release. 2 No sickness, or sorrow, or pain. Shall ever digquiet her now ; For death to her spirit was gain, Since Christ was her life when below. Her soul has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above, To mingle with angels of light, And dwell in the kingdom of love* 424 FUNERAL. 571. 3 The victory now is obtain'd ; Slie's gone her dear Saviour to see ; Her wishes she fully has gain'd — She's now where she longed to be. Then let us forbear to complain, That she has now gone from our sight ; AVe soon shall behold her again, With new and redoubled delight. HYMN 571. C. M. Newton Mear, Baiby. 1 TN vain my fancy strives to paint X The moment after death ; The glories that surround a saint, When yielding up his breath. 2 One gentle sigh his fetters breaks, We scarce can say, " He's gone !" Before the willing spirit takes Its mansions near the throne. 3 Faith st/ives, but all its efforts fail, To trace the spirit's flight; No eye can pierce within the veil Which hides the world of light. 4 Thus much (and this is all) we know, Saints are completely blest ; Have done with sin, and care, and wo, And with their Saviour rest. 5 On harps of gold they praise his name, His face they always view. Then let us foll'wers be of them, That we may praise him too. 4^5 372, 573* FUNERAL. HYMN 572. S. M. Newto». St. Thomas, Dover. Balaam's ivish. Num. xxiii. 10. 1 XJ[OW blest the righteous are, -*-i When they resign their breath! No wonder Bahiain wishM to share, 111 such a happy deatli. £ " Oh ! Jet me die," said he, " The death the righteous do ; When life is ended, let me he Found with the faithful few."— 3 The force of truth, how great, When enemies confess ! None but the righteous whom they hate, A solid hope possess. 4 But Balaam's w ish was vain — His heart was insincere ; He thirsted for unrightoovis gain, And sought a portion here. 5 May we, O Lord most high, Warning from hence receive ; If like the righteous we would die. To choose the life they live. HVMN 573. C. M. Steele. Staiiiliih, Funeral H. Death of a young person. HEN blooming youth is snatch'd away By death's resisth'ss hand, ■w 42fi UNERAL. 574. Onr hearts the monrnful tribute pay, Whicli pity must demand. 2 While pitv prompts th<^. rising sigh, Oh, mav'ihis trail), iinpre.st "With awful pow'r -" I too must die — Sink deep in ev'ry breast. 3 The voice of this alarming scene May ev'ry heart obey ;, Nor be tlie'heav'nly warning vain, Which calls to watch, and pray. 4 Oh, let us fly, to Jesus fly. Whose pow'rful arm can pave ; Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er the grave. HYMN 574. C. M. Steele. Martyrs, Buckingham. 071 the death of a child. J fw^HEoneelov'd form, now cold and dead, 1. Each mournful thought employs: And nature weeps her comforts fled, And wither'dall her joys. ^ But wait the interposing gloom. And lo ! stern winter flies ; And,drestin beauty's fairest bloom, Ti>€ flow'ry tribes arise. 5 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time, When what we now deplore. Shall rise in full, immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. 427 o7^, FUNERAL. 4 Then cease, fond nature, cease thy teai's ; Religion points on higb; There everlasting spring appears, And joys which cannot die. HYMN 575. L. M. Newtojv. Putney, Darwent, SiKry. 1 I^FT as the bell, with solemn toll, V^ SpeaUs the departure of a soul, Let each one ask himself, " Am I Prepar'd, should I be call'd to die ? 2 " Only this frail and fleeting breath Preserves me from the jaws of death ; Soon as it fails, at once I'm gone, Andplung'd into a world unktiown. "} "Then, leaving all I lov'd below, To God's tribunal I must go ; Must hear the Judge pronounce ray fate, And fix my everlasting stale." 4 Lord Jksus ! help me now to flee, And seek ray hope alone in thee ; Apply thy blood, thy Spirit give — Subdue my sins and let me live. ■3 Then when the solemn bell I hear, If sav'd from guilt, I need not fear ; Nor would the thought distressing be, Perhaps it next may toll for me. 428 TIME AND ETERNITY. ^576. TI2VIE AITD ZSTXSRNITY. HYMN 576. C. M. HosKiNM. Elgin, Wantage, Martyrs. 1 Cor. vii. 29. * 1 npHE time is short ! the season near, JL When death will us remove To leave our friends, however dear, And all we fondly love. 2, .The time is short ! sinners beware, Nor trifle time away ; The word of great salvation hear, While it is call'd to-day. 3 The time is short ! ye rebels, now To Christ tlie Lord submit ; To mercy's golden sceptre bow, And fall at Jesus' feet. 4 The time is short ! ye saints rejoice — The Lord will quickly come : Soon shall you hear the Bridegroom's voice , To call you to your home. 5 The time is short ! it swiftly flies — The hour is just at hand, "When we shall mount above the skies, And reach the wish'd-for land. 429 577^678. TIME AND Pi The time is short ! — Iho moment near, When wc shall dwell above ; An£ATH AND HSAVEIT. HYMN 690. CM. Collier Elgin, Windsor, Standisli. 1 Sam. XV. 32. ' W^^^"^' ^^"^'"S o'erthe brink of life, " ■ My trembling soul shall stand, Waiting to pass death's awful flood, Great God, at thy command ! 2 When weeping friends surround my bed, And clos(^ my sightless eyes ; When shatter'd by the weight of ycarg This broken body lies ; S When ev'ry long lov'd scene of life Stands ready te depart : Uft HEAVEN. 591. When the last sip;h that shakes the frame Shall rend this bursting heart: 4 O, thou great Source of joy supreme, Whose arm alone can save, Dispel the darkness that surrounds The entrance to the grave ! 5 Lay thy supporting gentle hand Beneath my sinking head ; And, with a ray of love divine, lUume my dying bed ! 6 Leaning on thy dear faithful breast, May I resign my breath ! And, in thy fond embraces, lose " The bitterness of death !" HYMN 691. C. M. Hart. Eishopsgate, Chapel, Staiulish. Preparation for death. Matt. xxiv. 44. 1 "¥7"AIN man, thy fond pursuits forbear; V Repent ! — thy end is nigh ! Death, at the farthest, can't be far — Oh, think before thou die ! 2. Refle<;t — thou hast a soul t© save : Thy sins — how high they mount ! What are thy hopes beyond the grave ? How stands that dread account ? 3 Death enters — and there's no defence — His time, there's none can tell : He'll in a moment call thee hence, To heaven — or to hell ! T2 441 592. DEATH AND 4 Thy flesh, perhaps thy chiefest care. Shall crawling worms consume : But, ah ! deblruction stops not ther6 — Sin kills heyond the tomh. 5 To-da}'^, the gosj)el calls ; — to-day, Sinners, it speaks to you : Let ev'ry one forsake his way, And mercy will ensue. HYMN 592. L. M. Montgomery. Surry, Darwciil, Putney. The living know, S{c. Eccl. ix, 5. 1 ^^THEREarethedead?— Inheav'norhell V ? Their disembodied spirits dwell ; Their penr^hVl forms in bonds of clay, lieserv'd until the jndgiTient day. t Who are the dead ? — The sons of time In ev'ry age, and state, and clime ; Renown'd, dishonor'd or fiu'got. The place that knew them knows them not. 3 Where are the living ? — On liie ground W^here pi ay'r is heard and mercy found ; Where, in the compass of a span, The mortal makes th' immoital man. 4 Who are the living?- They whose breath Draws ev'ry moment nigh to death ; Of endless bliss or wo the heirs : Oh, what an awful lot is tlieirs I 442 HEAVEN. 593. 5 Then, timely warn'd, let us begin To follow Christ and flee from sin ; Daily grow up in him our head, Lord of the living and the dead. HYMN 593. S. M. MONTGOMERt. Slihlp.iid, Berkley. 1 /^H, Avhere shall rest be found, VJ' Rest for the weary soul I 'Twere vain the ocean's depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh ; •Tis not the whole of hfe to live, Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unmeasur'd by the flight of years — And all that life is love. 4 There is a death whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath : Oh ! w hat eternal horrors hang Around the second death. 5 Lord, God of truth and grace ! Teach us that death to shun : — Lest we be-drive"n from thy face. And evermore undone. 6 Here would we end our quest — Alone are found in thee The life of perfect love— the rest Of immortality. 44S 594, 595. DEATH AND HYiYLN 594. C. M. Steele., Sj)rjr)gfield, lldchester, Biay. Victory over death. 1 Cor. xv. 57. 1 T"\EAR Saviour, thy victorious love JLf Can all my fears control ; Can bid the pangs of guilt remove, And cheer the trembling; soul. 2 Victorious love ! thy wond'rous pow'r From sin and death can raise ; Can gild the dark, departing hour, And tune its groans to praise. 3 Then shall the joyful spirit soar To life beyond the sky, WJaere gloomy death can frown no more And guilt and terror die. 4 No more, O pale Destroyer, boast Thy universal sway ; To heav'n-born S(juls thy sting is lost — Thy night, the gate of day. HYMN 595. C. M. Spnngfii'ld, Keene. Celestial prospects. 1 PI WEET glories rush upon my sight, lO And ciiarm my wond'ring eyes ; The regions of itrimnrtal light, The beauties of the skies ! ■2 All hall ! ye fair celestial shores, Ye lands of endless day ; 444 HEAVEN. 596.. Swift on my view your prospect pours, And drives my griefs away. There's a delightful clearness now — My clouds of doubt are gone ; Fled is my former darkness too — My fears are all withdrawn. Short IS the passage — short the space Between my home andine ; There ! there behold the radiant place ^1 How near the mansions be ! Immortal w^onders! boundless things, In those dear worlds appear ! Prepare me, Lord, to stretch my wings, And in those glories share. HYMN 596. C. M. Watts. Colchester, Springfield. The everlasting song. EARTH hasengross'd my love too long! 'Tis time I lift mine eyes Upward, dear Father, to thy throne, And to my native skies. There the blest man, my Saviour, sits : The God ! how brigiit he shines ! And scatters infinite delights On all the haj)py minds. Seraphs, with elevated strains, Circle the throne around ; And move and charm the starry plains With an immortal sound. 4 4:; 597. DEATH AND 4 Jesus, the. Lord, their harps employs : — Jesus, my love, they sing ! Jesus, the Ufe of all our joys, Sounds sweet from ev'ry string. 5 Now let me mount and join their song, And be an angel too ; My heart, my hand, my ear, my tongue, Here's joyful work for you. 6 I would begin the music here, And so my soul should rise ; Oh, for some ht:av'nly notes to bear My passions to tUe skies. HYMN 597. 8s. COLLYER. I,ambetli, Uxbridge. The last covJHd. 1 T SOON shall accomplish my race, ' .1. And soar to the temple on high ; Dear Jesus, beholding thy face, I cheerfully yield me to die. Farcwel, my distress and my wo — The storms of existence are o'er ; Tho' fiercely the tempest may blow, Its fury appals mc no more. 2 More quickly and shorter I breathe — The dew is o'erspreading my cheek — I fee! the apj)roaches of death. My heartstrings beginning to break ; A struggle or two and 'tis done — From earth and its anguish I fly ; The palm of the conqueror won, I live by submitting to die, •446 HEAVEN. 598,599. HYMN 598. 8, 7. C. Wesley. Sicilian, Nortliampton-Cliapcl. l^he departing saint. 1 -rTTAPPY soul, thy days are ended, Jtl All thy mourning days below ; Go, by angel-guards attended, To the sight of Jesus, go ! Z Waiting to receive thy spirit, Lo ! the Saviour stands above, Shows the glory of his merit, Reaches out the crown of love. 3 Struggle thro' thy latest passion To thy dear Redeemer's breast, To his uttermost salvation, To his everlasti ng rest. i For the joy he sets before thep; Bear a momentary pain ; Die, to live the life of glory — Suffer, with thy Lord to reign. HYMN 599. 8s. M. De Fleurt. Uxbridge, Dismission. Panting for Heaven. 1 "JiT E angels, wlio stand r o und th e throne, X And view myApraanuel's face, In rapturous songs make hira known ; Tune, tune your soft harps to his praise: He form'd you the spirits you are, So happy, so noble, so good ; When others sunk down in despair, Confirm'd by his pow'r, ye stgod. 447 600. DEATH AND 2 Ye saints, who stand nearer than they, And castyour bright crowns at his feet, His grace and his glory display, And all his rich mercy repeat: He snatch'd you from hell and the grave — He ransom'd from death and despair : For you he was mighty to save, Almighty to bring you safe there. 3 Oh, when will the period appear, When I shall unite in your song ? I'm weary of lingering here, Andl to your Saviour belong! I'm fetter'd and chain'd up in clay ; I struggle and pant to be free ; I long to be soaring away, My God and my Saviour to see ! 4 I want to put on my attire, Wash'd white in the blood ofthe Lamb ; I want to be one of your choir, And tune my sweet harp to his name ; I want — Oh, I want to be there. Where sorrow and sin bid adieu — Your joy and your friendship to share — To wonder, and worship with you! HYMN 600. 7s. Hothara, Pastoral-Duet. Heaven. John xiv. 2. iTT IGH in yonder realms of light, JLX Dwell the raptur'd saints above, Far beyond our feeble sight, Happy in Immanuel's love .' 448 HEAVEN. 600. Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Once they knew, hke us belo^'. Gloomy doubts, distressing fears, Tort'ring pain and heavy wo. 2 Oft the big, unbidden tear, Stealing down the furrow'd cheek. Told, in eloquence sincere, Tales of wo they could not speak. But, these days of weeping o'er, Past this scene of toil and pain, They shall feel distress no more, Never — never weep again ! 3 'Mid the chorus of the skies, 'Mid th' angelic lyres above, Hark — their songs melodious rise. Songs of praise to Jesus' love ! Happy Spirits ! ye are fled, Where no grief can entrance find. Lull'd to rest the aching ho.nd, Sooth'd the anguish of the mind ! 4 All is tranquil and serene, Calm and undisturb'd repose — There no cloud can intervene — There no angry tempest blows ! Ev'ry tear is \vi])'d away, Sighs no more shall heave the breast i Night is lost in endless day — Sorrow — in eternal rest ! 419 BOXOLOGZZSS L. M. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Sphit, threp in one, Be honor, praise, and glory giv'n, By all on earth, and all in heav'n. CM. Let God the Father, and the Son, And Spirit be ador'd. Where there are worksto make him known Or saints to love the Lord. I S. M. He angels, round Ihe throne. And saints that dwell below, Vorsiiip the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. May the grace of Christ our Savioiu. And the Father's boundless love. With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above ! Thus may vve abide in union With each other and the Lord : And possess in sweet communion, Joys w hich earth cannot afford, 450 THE ABRANaSI^ENT^ I Hymn. GOD, ------- from 1 to 13 Universal Praise, ---- 14 18 Scriptures, 19 24 .'Alarming, ------- 25 43 Irwitimr, 44 85 Penitential, - 86 101' Christ, .1U2 124 His Birth, ----- 102 104 Life and 3Iinistry, - - - 105 109 Sufferings and death, - - 110 116 Resurrection, - - - - 117 Ascension, - - - - - 115 121 Intercession, - - - - 1S2 Dominion, - - * - - 123 124 Characters of Christ, in alpha- betical order, ,- - - 125 140 Doctrines of the Gospel, m alpha- betical order, -^V- 141 170 Lhw and Gospel, - - - - r. 171 173 Holy Spirit, tlis Influences, - '"174 182 Graces of, in alphabetical order, 183 230 The Christian, 231 278 Worship, 279 SSI Private, - - - - - - 279 285 Social, 286 £91 Ministers, 292 29C 451 ARRANGEMENT. Hymn. The Church, - - from 297 to 564 Prayer for a Revival, - - 305 314 Conference Meetings, - - 315 Dismission, ----- 326 The Sinner awakened - - - 332 Conviction and ----- 344 Conversion, ------ 361 The Convert, ------ 372 Rejoicing in a Revival, - - - 424 Baptism, - - -- - - - 446 Monthly Concert, ----- 451 Missionary Meetings, - - - - 488 Collections, - -- - - - 502 Times and Seasons, - - - - 505 Morning and Evening, - 505 Sabbath, 516 Seasons of the Year, - - 520 New Year, 524 Marriage, 528 ?>Ieeting and parting of Friends, - - - - 531 Youth, 538 Middle Age, Old Age, Fast, Affliction, ----- 552 Funeral Hymns, ----- 565 Time and Eternity, - - - - 576 Resurrection, ------ &8 1 Day of Judgment, - - - - 585 Death and Heaven, - - - - 590 452 A TABLE OF FIRST LINES. Hymn. AH, -what can I, a sinner, do, 337 Ah, who can speak the vast dismay, 35 Ah, why this disconsolate frame, 401 Ah, wretched souls are they who hear, 149 Alas, alas, how hlind Tve been, 332 Alas, and did my Saviour bleed, 86 Alas, what hourly dangers rise, . 260 Almighty Cod of truth and love, 94 All hail the power of Jesus' name, 123 All glory to God in the sky, , 314 All ye who laugh and sport with deatii, 29 Amazing grace ! how sweet the sound, 155 Amnzing sight ! the Saviour stands, 49 Am I a soldier of the cross, 193 An angry God, a Judge severe, 41 And canst thou, sinner, slight, 335 And does the Si)irit kindly move, 334 And have I measur'd half my days, 549 And is the gospel peace and love, 106 And let this feeble body fail, 557 Aod must I part with all I have, 221 And what am I ? my soul, awake, 237 And will the Lord thus condescend, 50 And will th' offended God a|^n, 256 Angels roll the rock away, ?*/ 117 Another six dav s' work is done, 51G Anxious I strove to find the way, 390 A present God is all our strength, 174 Arise, great God, and let thy gi-ace, 467 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, 477 Ascend thy throne, Almightv King, 483 453 A TABLE 01 As oucf the Saviour took liisseat. As on the cross the Saviour hung, Assembled at thy great command, As tiie serpt' nt rais'd by Moses, Astoiijsh'd and distress'd, As in spft silence vernal showers, As wlien the weary traveller gains. At Jacob's veil a btranger sought, At length the wish'd for spring has come, Attend while God's exalted Sou, Attend ye children of our God, Awnkc and sing the song, Awake, awake ray sluggish soul, Awak'd by Sinai's awful sound, A-.vjike my sou! lift up thine eyes, Awake'my soul to joyful lays, Awake ye saints and I'aise your eyes, BEHOLD a stranger at the door, Behold higii in the midst of heaven, lU'hold the expected time (h-aAv near, Behold the genial showers descend. Behold the glorious dawning briglit. Behold the mountain of the Lord, Behold the sons, the heirs of God, Behold the tears that Mary shed, Begone my worldly cares away, Begone unbelief, Beneath the poisonous dart. Beside the gospel pool, Bewai-e of Peter's word, Blessed Redeemer ' how divine. Blest be the dear uniting love. Blest be the tie that binds, Bli.'flt Comforter divine, Blestistiic man whose softening heait. Blest ivord behold the guilty scorn. Blest Saviour by th.y powerful word, Blow se the trumpet blow. Break thro' the clouds dear Lord and ahine, 454 FIRST LINES. Hymn, yi'olhren belov'd for Jesus' sake, 531 Brisjhl as the sun's meridian blaze, 484 By wiiom shall Jacob now arise, , 302 CI AN aught beneath a power divine, 168 ) Chilth-cn otthe heavt'uly King, 378 Children of God who travMing sIom', 267 Come, all ye souls by si^l opprcst, 65 Come, christiat) brethren, ere we part, 535 Come, evtry pious heart, 121 Come, gviicious Spirit, heavenly dove, 316 Come, heavenl} peace of mind, 217 Come, Hol\ Ghost, my soul inspire, 284 Come, Holy Spirit, come, 179 Come, Holy Spirit, V^^'t^i^^y dove, 177 Come, humble sinner in whose breast, 77 Coiiic, let me love or is my mind, 67 Co:>ie, let tisanew, 526 Conje, let us novv forget our mirth, 558 Conie, Lord, and bless the rising race, 525 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart, 319 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, 351 Come, sacred Spirit, from above, 306 Cone, sinners attend, 59 Come, thou Almighty King, 14 Come, thou Fount of every blessing, 4S9 Come, Aveary souls, wiih sins distress'd, 58 Come, we wlio love the Lord, 205 Come, ye that know and fear the Lord, 7 Come, ye wcaiy , heavy laden, 57 Come, ye weaiy siuuers, come, 550 Convinced of sin men now begin, 427 BEAD be my heart to all below, 251 Dear Jesus kt thy pitying eye, 246 Dear refuge of my weary soul, 254 Dear Saviour, if these lami s should stray, 303 Deal' Savioqr, thy victorious love, 594 Deep are the wounds whicli si'i has made, 134 Descend Holy Spirit, the Dovej 180 455 A TABLE OF Hjiun. Destruction's dangerous road, 25 Did Clirist o'er sinners weep ? 248 Did 1 possess the gift of tongues, 213 Didst thou dear Jesus suffer shame, 183 Disconsolate tenant of clay, 559 Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord, S27 IT> AllTH has engross'd my love too long, \i Encompass'd with clouds of distress, Eternal God, almighty cause. Eternal God, enthron'd on high. Eternal power, whose high abode, Eternal Spirit, source of light. Eternal Sun of Righteousness, Eternity is just at hand ! Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, Exert thy power, thy rights maintain, FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss, Farewcl, and what if next we meet, Earewel dear friends, a short fare"wel. Far from aHlictions, toil, and care, Far from my thoughts, vain world be gone, Far from the world, O Lord, I flee. Far from the utmost verge of day, Far from thy fold, O God, my feet, Father, divine, tliy piercing eye. Father how w itic thy glory shines. Father of all, thy care we bless, Father of faithful Abram heai'. Father, of glor} to thy name. Father of mei*cies, G(k1 of love, Father of mercies in thy word. Father of mercies, send thy grace. Father whate'er of earthly bliss. Forgiveness, 'tis a joyful sound. Fountain of light whose copious stream, Frequent the day of C returns. Friend of the fricudleb^, and the faint. From Greenland's icy mountains, From his low bed of moi dust, 4^ FIRST LINES. Hymn. ^~^ AY is thy morning, flattering hope, 539 fjff Gird on Givat God thy sword, 312 Give to the winds thy fears, 227 Glorious things of thee are spoken, 462 Glory to Gocf on high, 331 Go, and the Saviour s grace proclaim, 495 Go, messenger of love, ami bear, 496 Go, much lov'd brethren, luiste and rear 494 Go, ye hei-alds of salvation, 499 Go, yc messengv^rs of God, '■: 49S God "from his throne with piercing eye, 148 God in the gospel of liis Son, 23 God moves in a niystei-ious way, 12 God of my life, through all its days, 18 Grace, 'tis a charming sound, l54 Grant, Lord, I may delight in thee, ^ 187 Great God, preserved by thine arm, 506 Great God, tlie nations of the earth, 456 Great God, to thee I make, 343 Great God, we to thy honor faise, 325 Great High Priest, we view thee stooping, 136 fireat' Saviour, let t'.iy power divine, 474 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, 276 TryAD I a throne above the rest, 197 § f Hail mighty Jesus ! how divine 169 Hail ray ever blessed Jesus, 389 Hail sov'reign love that first began, 129 Hail the day that saw him rise, 118 Hail to the Lord's anointed, 445 Happy soul, thy days are ended, 598 Happy the heart where graces reigii, 207 Happy the hours, the golden days, 242 Happy the man who finds the grace, 229 Happy the saints, whose '»ot is cast, 324 Hark, a cry among the . ions, 486 Hark, from von wilds . ■ eard the strain, 441 Hark, hark, the notes of joy, 444 Hark, how from Sina'* mount proceeds, 435 Hark, the glad souno ^ Saviour comes, 105 U 457 A TABLE OF Hymu. Hark, Oie herald angels sitig, 104 Hark, 'tis the |)!-ophet of the skies, Hark, the song of Jubilee, H.irk, tlie voice of love and mercy. Hasten, O sinner, to be wise, Heal us, Iramauuil, here we stand, Hearts of stone, relent, releiit. He dies, the Friend of tinners dies. He lives, the great Redeemer lives, He who on earth as man was known, High in yonder realms of light, Ho ' every one that ihn'sts draw nigh, Holy be this as was the jilace. Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness. How are thy servants blest, O Lord, How j^est is our brother bereft How blest the righteous are. How blest tht sacred tie that binds, How false this earth in all its forms. How far, alas, in sinful ways, How few the word of God regard, How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, How great, how terrible that God, How happy are they, How long beneath thehiw) lay. How lost was my condition. How much the drooping hearts revive, How oft, alas, this wretched heart, How precious is the book divine. How shall I my Saviour set forth. How-shall the sons of men api)ear, •How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, How sweet the name of lesus sounds, Hffw tedious and tasteless the hours. How will my heart eodure, TASK'Dthe Lord that I might grow. If Go5 Lord, in the teroplisof thy grace, 318 Lord, shall we part with gold for dross, 76 Lord, thou with an unerring beam, . 3 Lord, when together here we meet, 532 Lost in a labyrinth of sin, 301 Love divine, all love excelling, . 438 Lo ! what a rapturous joy possest, 60 FESTIC sweetness sits enthron'd,* 127 ^^ \y I resolve with all ray heart, 41 4 >IeT?W^rfod, go lake your stations, 294 Mercy, O thou Son of David, 565 Messiah, at thy glad approach, 440 Methinks the last g^-eat day is corae, 589 Millions there art* on heathen ground, 475 Mortals, awake, with angels join, 102 Mountains of Israel, rear on high, 461 460 Mei?WRc FIRST LINES. Hymn. My banisai-c lull, my stores increase, 34 My conscious guilt is now so great, 336 My f!ear Redeemer, and my Lord, 107 My former hopes are tied, 344 My gracious Redeeiffer I love, 210 My lovely Jesus w hik- on earth, 508 My son, know thou the Lord, • k 540 My soul, be on thy guard, S'oQ My soul doth niapiity the Lord, 204 yiy soul, thy hasty censure spare, , 370 IMy soul, vriih humble fervor, raise, 379 >My soul woulil fain indulge a hope, 202 My times of sorrow and of joy, 21^ "T^ATURF. will raise up all her strife, ' 395 l\ No more I ask or hope to find, 374 Not all the blood of beasts, 131 Not all the nobles of the earth, l4l Not the best deeds that -we have done, 190 Now beg be heavenly theme, 163 Now, ^acious Lord, thine arm reveal, 524 Now, he who turns to God, shall live, 70 Now is the accepted time, 81 Now is the tin»e, the accepted hour, 51 Now let ;. ti-ue ambition rise, 54l Now let our souls on wings sublime, 278 Now let our voices join, 218 Novy nftay the Lord reveal his fnce, 153 Now the shufb s of night are gone. 509 Now we hail the happy dawning, 428 OBEDIENT' to our Zion's King, |?^W 44G (Ifall thcjoys we nortalsknow, '" 211 Oft as the bell with solemn toll, 575 O God ol sovereign grace, It5 O God. whose favorable eye, 185 Oh. i'nv a glance of heavenly (\ay, 339 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, 376 O happy soul, that lives on high, 273 Oh, could I find fi-oin day todiy, l*.** 461 A TABLE OF Hjmn. Oh, could I find some peaceful bower, 198 Oh, could ourthouj^hls and wishes fly, 258 Oh, for a closer walk with God, 143 Oh, how divine, how sweet the joy, 4-25 Oh, thiit I knew the secret jdace, 144 Oil, that my load of sin were i^one, 346 Oh, that the Lord would hear my cry, 92 Oh, the sharp pangs of smarting pain, 88 Oh, turn, gre^t Ruler of the skies, 93 Oh, Avhat amazing words of grace, 45 Oh, w hen sl.:.!l Africs sable sons, 457 Oh, where shall rest be found, 593 O Jesus, full of truth and grace, 100 O Lord, another day is flown, 511 O Lord, how vile am I, 347 O l>ord, my best desires fulfil, 2-^3 O Lord, our la.iguid souls inspire, 315 O I roving heart, return, 280 Return, O \sa>uk n r, return, 68 Rise, my soul, ar.d stretch thy wings, 277 rj AIXTS, with pious zeal attending, 17 ^1 Saviour, visit thy plantation, 305 Saviour, we wait the day, 261 Saw ye : ot the cloud arise, 433 Sav, sinner, liath a voice Aiihin, 333 See, from Zion's s:u-red mountain, 443 See, gri.c.ous Lord, before tliy throne, 551 See, how rude winter's icy band, 520 See, how the worthless bramble stands, 36 Sec human nature sunk in shame, 308 See Israel's gentle Sb.epherd stand, 448 See th' F.tcrnal Judge descendn)g, 587 Shall I, to gain thi world's applause, 411 Shepherd ef Israel thou didst lead, 46* 463 A TABLE OF Shepherd, who lead'st with tender care, 449 Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes, 103 Should God forbid the Sun to rise, 507 Sifice Jesus freely did appear, 528 Since we and all our treasures too, 194 Sing how eternal love, 10 Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord, 377 Sinner, art thou still secure, 40 Sinner, behold I ve heard thy groan, 342 Sinners, approach your dying- Lord, 62 Sinners, behold that downward road, 2G Sinnei-s, obey the gospel word, 61 Sinners, take the tViendly warning, 588 Sinners, the voice of God regard, 69 SinncrSj this solemn truth regard, 166 Sinners, will you scorn the mtssage, 71 Sniote by the law, I'm justly slain, 359 Soft be the gently breathing notes, 386 Sometimes a light surprises, 272 Sound, sound liie truth abroad, 497 Sovereign gracr hath power alone, 156 Sovereign of worlds above, 454 Sovereign of worlds, display thy power, 473 Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all, ' 95 Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay, 182 Stop, poor sinner, stop and think, 43 Stretch'd on the cross, the Saviour dies, 110 Sure die blest Comforter is nigh, 175 Surrounded by a frightful gloon), 333 Sweet glories rush upon my sight, 595 Sweet peace of conscienci,' heavenly guest, 216 Sweet the mo uents, rich in blessing, 265 Sweet was the time when first 1 ftli, 243 f g^EACH us, O Loid, the great concern, 78 IL Thankless, the [n'odigal receives, 368 Tl'.at awful day wHl surely come, 586 Tlut mighty angel to whose hand, 465 Tiie billo.vs swell, the winds ai*e higl), 558 The castle of the h»man heart, 36t> 4tj4 FIRST LINES. The christian voyager strikes the rock, The day is drawing nigh, The day is past and gone, Tlie day, the gospel day (h-aws near The deluge at th' Almighty's call. The eye of God is every where, The flow'ry spring, at God's command. The giddy world, with flattering tongue. The God of my salvation lives. The God who once to Israel spoke. The grave is now ajavor'd spot, Tiie happy in Jesus may sleep, The joy that vain amusements give. The Lord of life, the Saviour dies, The Lord of light, tho' veil'd awhile. The Lord on mortal worms looks down. The Lord receives his highest praise. The Lord will happiness ilivine. The Lord will not forget the grace. The mighty flood that rolls along, The mighty frame of glorious grace. The moment a sinner believes. The new-born child of gospel grace. The night shall hear me raise my song, The once-lov'd form now cold and dead. The prodigal, with streaming eyes. The ransom'd spirit to her home. There is a fountain fill'd with blood, There is a God who reigns above. There is a voice of sovereign grace. The saints who now in Jesus sleep. The Saviour calls, let every ear, The Saviour. Oh, what endless charms. The sinner's flattering dreams are fled. The sovereign Father, good and kind, The time is short, the season near. The trump of Israel's Jubilee, The Spirit breathes upon the word. The summer harvest spreads the field, Va, 465 A TABLE OF Hymn. The voice that bids us all repent, 338 The winter past, reviving flowers, 581 Thine earthl) Sabbaths, Lord, we love, 519 This God is tht God w. adore, 3'28 Tho' in the eartld.y church beloAV, 304 Tho' now ihe nations sit beneath, 464 Thou great Pliysi<;ian of tht.' soul, 352 Thou only Sovereign of my heart, 407 Thrice liappy souls, who born of heaven, 275 Thro' all the changing scenes of life, 2'25 Thro' Christ when we together caine, 534 Thro' sorrow's night and danger's path, 582 Thro' this wide wilderness i roara, 266 Thy [)eo[)Ie, Lord, wlio trust thy word, 451 Thj' presence, gracious God afford, 317 'Tis a point 1 long to know, 212 'Tis flursh'd, so the Saviour cried, 114 'Tis finished, the conflict is past, 570 'Tis first of all th} self to know, 236 'Tishard from those we love, to go, 564 ' fis midnight — and on Olive's brow, 109 'Tis ours to sojourn in a waste, 321 'Tis past— the dreadful stormy night, 402 To-day, if ye will hear his voice, 83 To God I cry'd when troubles rose, ICO To-morrow, Loroor leper's case 1 read, W^^hen Ave with welcome slumber press'd. When will the happy truiup prochtim. When with my mind devoutly press'd. Where arc the dead r" in heaven or hell. Wherefore should man, frail child of clay, W^here is my God ? doesh? retire, Where is now our boasted Saviour, Where shall we sinners hi5. 22. 134. Matthew. — — 356. — 135. ii. 1,2. 138 — — 365. xvii. 5, 6. 36. V. 3. 196 xi 20. 31. 9. 345. vi. 6. 279 xvi. 15. 498. xxiii. 29. 433. — - 280. Luke. xxxi. i. 1.51 — 10. 48.J. i. 46. 204. 6. 463 — —484. - 78 482. ^ ■ 8-90. 68. — 33. 541 ii. 8- -14. 103. Ezekiel. vii. 12. 206. — — 104. xxxvi. 8. 461 — 13,14- 26. vi. 19. 73. 37. 306. viii. 2, 3. 74. vii. 36 -50. 90. XXX vii. 3. 309. 24. 399 . 37 -50. 348. Daniel. xi. 28. 350 47. 159. V. 5,6. 310. — — 351. ix. 28 -31. 108. 27 27. — 28-30. 57. X. 30 -37. 503. Hosea. — 58. \i. 21 22. 363. xlv. 1,2 100. _ 59 xii. 16 -21. 34. 4 157. xiii. 39. 522. xiii. 23. 25. Joel. 37-42 304. _ 28. 587. i. 14. 551. 46 133 xiv. 17. 61. Amos. XV. 19. 4.V 22. 54. vii. 2. 302. xxii. 4-'. 140 — ^ — 55. Jonah. XXIV. 44. 591. — 56. Iii. 9. 343. xxvi. 41. 259. 23. 65. — r- — 260. XV. 10. 425- 470 OF TEXTS. Ch. ver. Hymn.lCh. vtr. Hymn.lCh. ver. Hymn. XV. 11-24. 3f.8. XX. 28. 140 xui. 5. 236. . 369 XXI. 15 212. — - 237. ,. 370 Acts. Galatians. 20-^^4. 60 viii. 8. 426 iii. 28. 214. xviii . 1-7. '287 ix. 11. 88 — — 215. xix. 41. 248 X. 38. 502 vi 14. 262. 42. 52 xvi. iO,31 36 .\ Ephesians. 42. 53. xvii 30. 58. ii. 5 154. xxd .39-43. 158 xxi^ -. 16. 216 — - 155. xxiv 50,51. Il9 Romans. — 18. 11. John. i. 16. 173 iv. 30. 335. i. 12. 141 _ 17. 189. vi. 13-17. 231. 29. 131 iii 16. 37. Phillippicins. _ S9. 7'J. V. 21. 15.5 i 6 160. iii. 5-7. 166 vii. 9. 359. ii. 8, 9. 120. viii. 14. 316. iv 4. 124. — 14. 47. X. 1. 467 . S. 222. iv. 79 . — - 46S Colossians. 8(. - 469. ii. 2. 419. — 35. 44-2 xiii 11. 527. — 15 1'20. 42. 137. I Corinthians iii, 1. 4.50. 4C-49. 560 ii. 9. 208 I ThessaloniaiiS. V. 2-9. 371 iv. 7. 151 V. 17. 289. vi. 67 ^'9 406 vi. 19. 256 Hebrews. — 407. vii 29 576 ••v. 7. 30. — 408 xiii 1,.3. 213 — 9. 519. vii. 37. 4+. 8. 207 — 13. 4. — - — 45 XV. 57 594 — 15 186. — — 4n. 2 Corinthians. vii. 25. 122. jx. 4. 85 ii. 15, 16. 293 xii. 5—11. 5.')2. — — 549 iv. 6. .,9.:'. — 22—24. v67. xiv. 2. 600 — . 18 25 s. 268. — . 6 139 V. 17. 37'^ xiii. 14. 422. — - 142. _ — 374 17. 292. — 16,17. 175. _ .- 404 James. — 26. 179 vi. 2 81. iv. 13,14. 84. — — ISO - 82 1 Peter. xix. 30. 113 — - 83 ii. 7. 264. ■—- — 114. — 17,18. 152. iii, 20. 162; 471 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ch. yer. Hymn. Ch. ver. Hymn. Ch. ver. Hymn. V. 8. 394. iv. 8. 7. XIV. 2, 3. 487. 2 Peter. — 10 382 . 6. 465. i. 4. 161. Revelation. — 466. i\. 22. 42. iii. 20. 48. XV. 3. 375. 1 John. — — 49. XX. 11. 32. ii. 1 125. — — 50. — . 12. 589- iii. • 1. 141. — — 51. xxi. 4. 559. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Absenee from God deprecat* d, 407. from Christ, 408. Accepted turn, 51, 81— 85. Adieu to the vain w orld, 249- 252. Adoption, 141. Advocate, Christ our. 122, 125. fictions needful, 552—555 resignation to, 219. 220, 223. sup|>ort under, 556-559,561. 186. swet-tened, 556. Age, middlf , 549. old, 550. Africa, prayer for, 457. Alarm, the, 43. Alarming, 25—43, 585—589 .<4// things ready, 61. Abnf, 502—504, 184. Angel flying, 465, 466. Angels ready to receive re- penting sinners, 61. Apostacy, 42. Ark for b< lievers, 162. Ancensior. of Christ, 118—121. Asfuimed, not of Christ, 183, 410,411. Atonement, 142, 262—265, 110 -JJ6, 131. Attributes of God, 3, 4. Awakened sinner, 332—343. 472 B. Backsliding, danger of. 409. and returning. 245—248. prayer to be kept from, 406 —409. Balaam''s wish, 572. Baptism, 446—450. adult, 446,450. household, 447, 448. infant, 4^8,449. Bartimeus, 365. liethteftem, Star of, 138. Bramble, 36. Brazen Serpent, 47. Broad aud nam w May, 25,26. Brotherly love, 214, 215, 419, 420, 531—537. C. Call, the Lord's, 15J. Calvary, 111—114. voice from, 381. sind Sinai, 435. Canaan, way to, 139. Carnal joys parted with, 253, 373. Characters of Christ, 125-140. Charity, 184. Children, baptized, 448, 449. of the church prayer for ,303 death of, 574. Christ. 102—140. advocate, 12S. ark for believers, 162. I^DEX OF SUBJECTS. Christ, ascension of, 118, 121. \ChrUtian bidding adieu totbt ashaiiud ol' not, 1 83,4 10,4 1 chaiacuis ot, 125—140, coroiiUtiun of, 123. crucifiul, 110—112. death aiul lesiiirtction of, 110—116. desire of all nations, 460. exanipic, lOfi, J07. excelltncits of. 68. finishing his work, 113,114 fountain, 128. 443, friend, 123, 127. inGethseiuane, 109. hiding-place, 129, 130, 349. intercession of, 122. inviting sinners, 44—46. kingdom of, 124. kinsrdoni of, prayed for,314. 483,484. knocking at the door, 4S-5 1. lamb of God, 131. light, 132. love to ^—212. niessai?. of. i j5. my Lord and my God, 140. nati^ itv of, 102. pt arl of great j)rice, 133. physician, 73, 74, 134, 135, 352, 35% 371. pri cious. 2'34. pri St, I3r5. }>ri.ice of peace, 485. red-emer. 164, 165, 167. reigning, 115, 444, 445, 486, i\ 'Pfc from the stonn, 254 resurrection of, 117. Saviour. 137. Star jlEeihlehem, 138. submission to, 224. sufferings of, 110-116. traiisligurationof, 108. trust in. 228. way to Canaan, 139. weeping, 52, 53, 248. .Christiau, backsliding and re tm-mng, 245—247. > a i n w v)r Id , 24iJ— 252, 273 , 274, body of, Goil's temple, 256. criicifiLd to the world, 262, 263. in darkness, 238—240. encouraged, 200, 201. enjoying light, 271—273. esteeming Christ pncious, 264. examining himself, 212,236, 237. his faith fainting, 241. feai-iiig God, 275. forsaken, yet hoping, 242. hope of, 199. inviting sinners, 54, 56—59. has joys unseen. 258. journeying to heaven, 423. "mariner, 399, 400. mourning on account of sin, 234, 235. parting with carnal joys,253 pilgrim. 266— 270. praying fisr grace, 257. to be guided, 276. ' his refuge from the storm, 254. 255. rejoicing in a revival, 424 — ■445. rising to &,d,278. singing, 277. sitting at Jesus' feet, 2%5. supportetl by the hope of heaven, 2 4. trembling. 202. watching and praying, 259 — 2*11. Christian lore, 214, 215, 419, 420, 531—537. fritnds welcomed, 531. parting, 532—537. Church, love to. 297. pray(r fur, 483,484,314,302. cliildnn of. prayed for, 303. lattu- da V glory of, 479—482, 4S6, 487. wheat and tares in, 304. ■Sfeetings, 303, 305-107. 475 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. City, of God, 462. of ri-fuge, 418. no aliding, 422. wtpt ovtT, 52. Collectiom. 502—504, 184. Come ai}fJ see, 72, Comfort, of forgiveness, 159, 97, 379. from hope of heaven, 274. true and false, 185. CommiiTHun, with God, 143— 145. with saints, 419,420,214,215 Company^ evil, deliverance from, 387. Conrert, monthly, 451—487. Conference, :i\ 5— 3 14. Cnnfesiwn, 86—101. Confdence, in Christ, 185, Conscience, peace of, 2 16, 273, 131. prayer for peace of, 217. tendir, 04, Con^r.Ve, heart, 96, 183. Coniributhns, 502—504, 184. Conversion, 361—371, efftctcd h} divine power,366 gives Joy to saints, 425,426. ncc ssitv of, 3'37. Convert, 372—423. in d ;rkness, S'U- 39V. hiUT»bled, 389, 390. true, 404,405, Conmction, 344—361. and coJivi rsio)i, 361—371. Corf.hotion. of Clu-ist, 123. Cros-, oj'Cli'hl, 110—116. niir I'lory. 183. crucifixion to the world b\ it, 262, 26 ?. D. iJ^nire;- of delay. 33, 51. ofdrafl). 8?: ofh. II. 23.29. Darkness, christian in, 238— 240 new convert in, 391—397. light in, 561. .©ay of .lodgment. 535—589. of glory to tbe diui'ch, 479 474 I Death, approaching, 85- of a child, 574, ofChrist, 110— 115. of a brothtr, 569. of men, 565—575. preparation for, 591. of a minister, 296, 365, 566, of a saint, 571, 572. of the sinner, 37. of a sister, 570. of a young jH-rson, 573. victory ov r, 594. Denih and heaven, 590, 600. Derlerision lamented, 298-302. Decrees oi'C^cA, 1-46,147. Oedtcwion of ourselves, 412, 413, Delay, danger of, 33, 51. deliverance from evil cora- paniom, 387, 388. Satan, 363. sin, 364. temptiition, 388. Depravity, 148—150,308,309, 345. Desert, wandering in. 394. /Je.y^)«r^/(/n,escaping from.26. multitiulesin i!)e wayof, 25. Devotion, seen t, 279, 280. Doctihies. 141 — 170. Door, Clu-ist knocking at, 4& —51. R. Efficacious gv.ice, 169. Election, \5\,\ ',2. Eii'-mty. 579.580. Ev,fning, 510—514. and morning, ft, ' twili-jrl'.t, 285. Saturday, 545. Salibath. 518. E.taminntton, self, 212, 235, 237. EyAimpk ofChrist, 106, 107. F. Faith cor.tiectetl with salva- tion, 190. conquering, 189. fainting, 241. living and dead, 191-. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Fail/i, power of, 192. in suffr ring, 308. i77//of man, 308.309. Fnnvly irors/j/p, 290. Fast, public. 5^1, 343, 308,309, 66—101,68. Fathers, \vbtrc, 577. fear of God, 275. Feast of the gospel, 54. invitation to. 63. FeUcnvilii;) -with ehristians,2l4 215,410,420, 531—537. F«r saved, 25, 2>. Fields white for harvest, 442. Fig-tree, 3i. Finishing of Christ's werk or. earth, 113, 114. Flood, 162. Forgiveness of sin. 380. joy of, 97, 370. 159. Forni.1 vain without love, 291. 213. FortirtuJe. holy, 193. Fountain of living water, 79. 80, 204. opt n- fl for sinni rs, 128. it) Zion. 443. Fraillu of lift . 57-7, 5'^9, 584. Fr.eniJ. Christ our, 126, 127. 48 Friciuls, chnstian. welcomed. .531. part, d with. 532—537. Funeral Hvnins, 82, 84, 85. • 565—575. of ministers. 565, 296, 566. of a saint. 516, 571. of a chilrl. 574, of a youth, 573. G. Ca'c/fr7o''Gtth'.emave,109,136 GOD. 1-13. aner) with the wickH, 41, COiTiiiunion with, 143—14.' 187. CO' (1 scmsion of. 2. tlfcrets of. l-:6. 147. dtdication to, 412—114. deliglit in. 187. ettmal and exalted abov ail praise, 15. GOD, fear of, 275. fountain of light, 271. 272. glorifiL-d in redemption, 5-6 goodness ai.d nu-rcv of, 8. love to, 207—209, 225. love and mercy ol, 10. is love, 7, 8. loviiig-ktndness of, 9. omniscience and onuiipres- enct , 3, 4. people of, 415. pilgrim's guide, 276. praised, 16—18. providence, mysteries of, 12 risiiig to, 2"?. servants of, always safe, 13. temple of, our bodies, 256. trinity, 11. trust in, 226—228, 272. waitins: on, 273. Goj/if/, doctrines of, 141, 170. exc. llence of, 23. and law, I'l— 173. free offtr of, 64. power of, 22, 173. pool, 371. prayi r for spread of, 451— 459. 464.471 — 177. suited to the wants of all, 45. 55. G/r/ff, ( fRcacious. 169. and nature, conflict of, 395. iRCessity of, 300. pr.i>er for, 257. r igning, 153. salvation b% . 154—156. sovei-eign. 156. Graces of the Spirit, 183—230. Groti/ude. humbl< . 104. Grnvf, the. 567. 558. Gravity ai d d cency, 195. H. Haftpines\ in Gocr for, 407—469. restoration of, 461, 463, 470. Jacob, by whom sliall he arise, 302. Jailor, 362. Jerusalem, Cfn-ist weeping over it, 52. Jesus, (see Cbiist.) Jeivs. (see Israel.) Joy in sorrow, 557. 176 \Judgment day, 32, 39, 40, 522, 585—589. Justice and equity, 206. K. Kingdom of Christ, 124. love to, 297. prayed for, 3l4, 483, 484. triuiiiphanl, 479—482, 486, 487. Knocking at the door, 43—51. Knowledge vain w ithout love, 213. L. Lamiof God, 131. La7t' and Gospel, 171-173,435. Leper healed, 74. L'J'e, the accepted time, 82. L/ghr, Christ the, 132. indarknrss, 561. Living and dead faith, 191. Lvrd''s Slipper, 417, (see sa- cramental.) Low of God, 10, 7. to God, 207—209, 225. to the Church, 297. to Christ, 210—212. nothing wiiliotit, 213. to Christiai.s, 214, 215, 419, 420. redt eming, 382. divine. 111, 433. Loving-kindnc?s, 9. M. Mariner, 13. 1'8, 399, 403. Marriage. 528—530, 420, 316. Maj'y anoiiitjig Christ, 90. Meeping, 348. Mercies gratefully remember- ul. 439. Werrr/ of Goil, 10. , i)rayer for, 354 —356. mes-age of, 71. Messiah, his reign, 440, 441. Midwghi, 109. Millenium, 479-437. Ministers watching for souls, 292. comfort under the loss of. 29«. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Ministers, a sweet savor, 293. sick, prayt-i- for, 295. ivjoicing, -426. thtir work, 29 J. funeral ol'. 5'5. 296. Misery aiul sin connected, 148 —J 50. Missiotiaijf meetings, 488— 501, 29-4. coll. ctions, 502—504. Misciu-.uiiici, oi-dination of. 493—498. departure of, 493—498. fare\\tlof,500, 501, to, 499, Monthly concert, 451—487. Morning, 505—500, 275. and evening, 6, 275. Multitude in titr road to de struciion. 25, 26. N. Nnrrmv way, 26. N'n/i/i-f and grace, 395, 396. Neiv birth, 373. n< cessity of. 367. coinert hnnible- kt pt from backsliding, 4,y,_409, for the influences of the Spirit. 478. to the Holy Spirit. 176— 182, 316. for light, sanctification, and guidance, 299. for deliverance from sin, 9-1. of a parent, 560. for peace of mind, 217, to be remenibertd, 562. for a revival, 305— 312. for oppostrs of revivals, 31.1, for ivpeiitance, 96. for iiiercy. 354—356, 365. for the spread of the gospel, 451—459, 4*^4, 471—477. for spiritual healing, 352, for sinners, 300. for the Jews, 467— 46«. 477 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Prayer,and watchfulness, 259 |/?jc/(ej, danger of, 34—36. -2(51,270. Pride, lolly of, 203, PriCii, Clii ist oiir, 135, Prince of ptace, 485. Prodii^aL 3oS, 370. nturiiing, J6-), 60. Profession, false, 31. Proniines, precious, -lei. Prospect of heaven, 384. Providence, 12. R. Redeeming love, 382, 163, Pedenipfiun by Chrisi, 163-165 exliibits thr glories of Gotl, 5 Redeemer, his ni< ssage, 105. Reflections upon a sick bed, 563, 564. Refuge fioni the storm, 254 255. city of, 418. Regeneration, 166—168. Rejoicing, 218. on the way to heaven, 377. 378. in a revival, 424 — 445. Religion the great concern, 78, 542. tnjoying a revival of it, 424, 445. revival of,prayid for, 305— 314. triumph of, 441. vain without love, 213. its support, 274. Repentnnre, sinners exhorteil to, 38, 86—05. Resignation. 219, 220. 223. ResoliUton, noblest, 414. Resolve, 77. Rcm-rertion. 581—584. of Christ, 117,120,121. Returning sinner, 372. backsllder.245^«i. to Zion. 3-m Mevivrd rfrelisaon, 42451-1445, prayetl for, wfl— 31^:j ' beginning. 427-432^86,437 eiiio>ejg— 403. Sidvation. by grace, 154—156. coiau cted w ith faith, 190. Snnctifration and pardon, 170. Samaria, woman of, 79, 80. Satan subduetl, 3(j3. Saturday night, 515. Saviour, (see Christ.) Sriiff'er addressed, 29. Scriptures. 19—24. varietv and excellence of, 21,20. a lamp, 19. ghu-y of, 24. attended with the Spirit, reveal Christ, 23. holiness and comfort froil the, 21. Sea^ons, Si3, ' Secret devotion, 279—285. Se>f-denial.22\. Scf-exnminntiun, 212, 236, 237,'2'12. Servants ^/'Cix/, always safe,l3 , should praise him, 16. Set pent raised by Most s, 47. Sirk-hed It flections. 563, 564. Simerity and truth, 222. Sinai, 171. and Calvary. 435. 5'/»» bewailed, 3.M. and misery coimi ctt^, 1' —ISO Vffecis of it, 352.308,309. ibrgivcn, 97, 379. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 9iVi, hatred of, 107, 198. iii-tlwtlliuij, luiiuikud, 234, 235. yiinitr addressi^, 26—30, 38. 40, 43, «6— ''2, awiikuned, 332—343. burdtntd, inajing for re- lief, 346, 350. complaint of, 341. coiifossiiig his sin, 50. convicted, 344—348. coudtinnttl, 41. ciirtd, 371. in dar.ger by delay, 51. expostulation «ith, "1. forgiven, 379. 38J. friend of, 126,127. Gotl's answer to, 342. hiding place for, 349. invited by Christ, 48-52, 44 to Christ, 45—74. by Christians, 54. 56— i9. in the hour of d( ath, 33, 37 iii the day of judgment, 39 51. looking back, 42. lamenting, 532, 334, 336 337. — — the hardness of his h-art, 339, 345. 347. mourning, invited, 73. must bt born again, 367. prayer of a penitent., 92 95, 350—356. prepare to meet God. 40. prayr to Clirist for, 53. rept!iti;>g, 86— 91. resolving to go to Christ, 77. returning, 372. rejoicing in the conversion of, 42=:, 426. requested to stop and think. 43. slain and reviving 359. submitting ro God, 357, 358 trembling. 340, 34 i. 344. urged not to grieve tin Spirit, 333. 335, Sitting at Jesus' ftet, 265, rSong, the pilgi im's, 277. of Muses and tin Lamb, 375. Son(/iv,joy in, 557. Soul, its worth, 75, 76. S/Jine, Holy, his influences, 306, 307,309,310. S/n-iVg, 521. Siar of Bt-thlthiin, 138. Storm at S a. 13. hushed, 402. refuge from, 254, 255, 349. Siibmis.iort, 223, 219, 220. to Christ. 224. S ffiringi and death of Christ, 110—116. faith in, 398. Summer, 522. Suiienckr, the, 360. 1. Temfjtntion.'i, delivered from, 388, Cemptation, billows of, 558. re;j6/i( r-conscieiice, prayer for 93. 94 TlianL-,y iving. 439, 523, 379, 6, 8. 18, 194,375,376,158. Tlikf. 123. stanza 2, 'I'-ieve-u the two, ^6. r/?u/i*/-, 349, 433,171. Ti)iu and Ef. rnit) , 576—580. Times and Seasons, 505— 564. Co-day, 30,81,83—85. the accepted time, 81, 83-35 ro-morrw, 84. Tian figuration oThrist.lOS. Trnvcller, 13. 267,268,275,277 Trinity. 11,14, T)Ust in Christ. 223. God. 225— 227. ■ — for a revival, 424 True wisdoiii, 229. Truth and sincerity, 222. Twilight. 285. U. Unbelief. 528. Universal praise, 14 — 18. (Qu0en pleasures. 2; 8. W v.. iranity of the worW, 545. yiswn of dr>' bouts, 309. 479 INDEX OF SUBJECT^. w. 7F«/ei-oflife,79,80. M^anderer, 546. invited to return, G8. rtstored, 439. Wwfare, the christian, 231— 233, 335, 396. JVatch and pray, 259—261. and knock, 270. Watching for souls, 292. IVicked, God angry with, 41. way ol", 69. fVTieat and tares, 304. Winter, 520. IVisdttin, true, 229. Who can tell, 343. Woman of Samaria, 79, 80. WovdofGoA, its efficacy, 443 World, crncitiid to, 262, 263. end of, 39. not our home, 422, 423. vanity of, 54.'^. Worldlinif, 34—36. WorshijK 279— 331. private, 279— 285. family, 290. social, 286—289. public, 317—331. opening a place ofsi'Za, 318 —321. beginning of, 3l7, 320,323,4, IVorship, preparation for, 322. delightful, 322, 324. formality in, 291. dismission of, 326— 329, 71, 587, 588. rr;o^/i coming on the wicked, 41. IVreck of nature, 29, Y. Tear, New, 524—526. seasons of, 523, 520—522, 527. Tulith, 538— 5:8. prayer for, 303. '-— of, 548. invitations to, 83. death of, 573. Z. Zeal, true and false, 230. Zion^ gate of, knocking at,270. returning to, 377. pilgrims asking the way to, . 421. restored, 434. fotuitain in, 443. prospi cts of, 479. glorious things spoken of, 462. called upon to arise and shine, 480. 180 i li^v: U^-::- K^,-.