.;:0rGfpmmo}~ ] BR 1610 .T3 1836 Taylor, Jeremy A discourse of the liberty of prophesying jAmI:M I I',u7raveJ h' JMoUi. JUmEMT TAYILQIE. /y7J^yy?i'y /^ r '/y.7.7 n/.^y/.-.y //- r.^:.j/ :y>ii^^z4^ re- moved him to Oxford, and placed him in Univer- sity College, in order that he might carry on and complete his studies without interruption. Of this society he became a fellow, in the year 1636. In the great national struggle which followed, Taylor attached himself devotedly, from taste and princi- ple as well as gratitude and regard, to the cause of the monarchy and the hierarchy. He was among the first to join the king at Oxford; he aftervrards attended the royal army in his capacity as chap- lain ; and on the final ruin of the king's cause, he shared in the calamities which now fell upon the loyal part of the nation. Deprived of his preferment, he retired into Wales, and having no other resource, engaged, for the support of his family, in the irksome labours of a school, at a place called Newton Hall, in Carmarthenshire. The remoteness of his retreat, however, did not screen him from molestation : he was several times imprisoned, and only released through the generous exertions of his friends, and by the connivance of some persons of influence XVlll INTRODUCTORY ESSAY, among' the ruling party. "But that he" (writes the eloquent divine, in the Epistle Dedicatory, originally prefixed to the present Treatise*) '' who stilleth the raging of the sea, and the noise of his waves, and the madness of his people, had pro- vided a plank for me, I had been lost to all the opportunities of content or study. But I know not whether I have been more preserved by the courte- sies of my friends, or the gentleness and mercies of a noble enemy." Who the noble enemy alluded to was, is not known ; but the friends who chiefly consoled the period of his adversity — and he had domestic sorrows to distress him, besides the loss of property and preferment — were the Earl of Carbery and his lady, whose residence was at Golden Grove, in Taylor's neighbourhood. In the bosom of this family he continued for many years to enjoy the delights of friendship, and the com- fort of administering the rites of religion, according to the proscribed forms of the national church ; it was here also that many of his most admirable works were composed, particularly the Life of Christ, the most popular, and, in many respects, * As this Dedication is very long, and consists chiefly of a recapitulation of the arguments brought forward in the Treatise itself, it has been deemed consistent with the design of the pre- sent publication to omit it. Some of the facts adduced in it, however, have been transferred to the present essay, and several of the most interesting passages preserved to the reader in the quotations. INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XIX the noblest of his writings, the Holy Living and Dying, and the greater part of his Sermons. It was, however, in all the freshness of recent afflic- tion, while poverty and apprehension reigned within his household, and the crash of the falling throne and broken altar was loud without, deprived of books and leisure, that the work was written, of the design of which it now remains to give some account — a work truly wonderful, as having received its birth under such untoward circum- stances, and which demonstrates how little was required by its accomplished author for the pro- duction of the noblest results of literary exertion, besides his own powerful intellect, and the un- rivalled stores of secular and ecclesiastical learn- ing with which his memory was furnished. The general principle advanced in the Liberty OF Prophesying, is this : that as truth on all minor dogmas of religion is uncertain, and of small moment in its bearings upon the conduct of men, while peace and charity are things of un- doubted certainty and importance, our desire to obtain the former ought to yield to the necessity of securing the latter; and every one, for the good of the community at large, ought to tolerate the dif- ferences of all others, while in turn he receives toleration for his own. But as it is indispensable somewhere to draw the line — as some standard of truth must be acknowledged, unless men were to XX INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. rush into boundless anarchy, or sink into mere indifference, of opinion, he proposes the confession of the apostles' creed, as the test of orthodoxy, and condition of union and communion among Christians. A test so liberal and comjorehensive, though we might not jDerhaps have expected to meet with its advocate in one conversant in that sphere of arbi- trary prerogative, to which the author had so long been attached, was worthy of the pure and bene- volent nature of Jeremy Taylor, and naturally enough suggested by the peculiar circumstances under which this splendid treatise was composed : that Taylor's mind was utterly averse from all harshness in the exercise of authority — that his temper was not only tolerant but tender towards all men, is sufficiently apparent to all who are in any degree acquainted with his moral and prac- tical writings ; yet, had he still continued the ad- mired orator of an arbitrary court, and the caressed favourite of a prelate, whom the coarse irritations of factious religionists, as much as his own disposi- tion and principles, hurried into harsh and cruel measures, it is little likely the world had ever beheld the Liberty of Prophesying. From the melancholy experience of the past, the present miserable wreck of all which he regarded as most dear and venerable, and the gloomy uncertainty which overhung the future, he sought refuge in the INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXI depths of his own generous pity for the weaknesses, and errors, and in his respect for the rights, of his fellow-citizens. "I was determined," he says, '^by the consideration of the present distemperatures and necessities, by my own thoughts, by the c[ues- tions and scruples, the sects and names, the inter- ests and animosities which at this day, and for some years past, have exercised and disquieted Christendom ; — being very much displeased that so many opinions and new doctrines are commenced among us, but more troubled that every man that hath an opinion, thinks his own and other men's sal- vation is concerned in its maintenance, but most of all that men should be persecuted and afflicted for disagreeing in such opinions which they cannot with sufficient grounds obtrude upon others neces- sarily, because they cannot propound them infal- libly, and have no warrant of Scripture to do so.'' The person of the king had now been transferred from the custody of the parliamentary commis- sioners to that of Cromwell and the army — from the hands, that is to say, of the most, to those of the least intolerant, of the great sectarian jjarties ; and he was accordingly treated with more indul- gence and respect. The author of the Liberty OF Prophesying, therefore, may have cherished a hope of promoting an accommodation between the captive sovereign and his victorious subjects, which, however slender, sufficed to rouse the zeal of a mind equally imbued with loyalty to his king c XXll INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. and regard for the happiness of his fellow-subjects. Taylor's experience of the temper of the parties must indeed have forbidden the indulgence of any very sanguine expectation, as to the effect of his arguments in softening their mutual animosities and dislikes. On the part of the king, scarcely any thing remained to be conceded ; while, had further concession been in his power, such a rooted opinion prevailed of Charles's insincerity in his engagements, as must have rendered a cordial reconciliation impossible. On the other hand, the arrogance of the Presbyterians, and the extent of their demands, had increased in proportion to their success ; nor did the indignation with which they reo^arded the host of wild sects, which, encourao^ed by their example, had now grown to be thorns in their sides, divert any portion of their settled hatred from the royalists and episcopalians. The fluc- tuations of Taylor's own mind, between his earnest desire to do something towards promoting the peace of the king and the safety of the country, and the fears he could not conceal, lest the mild arguments of enlightened moderation should be utterly thrown away amid the raging factions of the time, are thus powerfully expressed in the Dedication already quoted : " However," says he, " there are some exterminating spirits who think God to delight in human sacrifices, — yet if they were capable of cool and tame homilies, or would hear men of other opinions give a quiet account INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXUl without invincible resolutions never to alter their persuasions, I am very much persuaded it would not be very hard to dispute such men into mercies, and compliances, and tolerations mutual ; such, I say, who are zealous for Jesus Christ ; than whose doctrine never was any thing more merciful and humane, whose lessons were softer than nard, or the juice of theCandian olive. Upon the first appre- hension, I designed a discourse to this purpose, with as much greediness as if I had thought it pos- sible with my arguments to have persuaded the rough and hard-handed soldiers to have disbanded presently ; for I had often thought of the prophecy, that, in the Gospel, Our swords shall he turned into ploughshares, and our spears into pruning-hooks ; I knew that no tittle spoken by God's Spirit could re- turn unperformed and ineffectual, and I was cer- tain, that such was the excellency of Christ's doc- trine, that if men would obey it Christians should never war one against another. In the mean time, I considered not, that it was predictio concilii, non eventus, till T saw what men were now doing, and ever had done, since the heats and primitive fer- vours did cool, and the love of interests swelled higher than the love of Christianity ; but then on the other side, I began to fear that whatever I could say would be as ineffectual as it would be unrea- sonable ; for if those excellent words which our blessed Master spake, could not charm the tumult of our spirits, I had little reason to hope that one c 2 XXIV INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. of the meanest and most ignorant of bis servants could advance the end of that which he calls his great, and his old, and his new commandment, so well as the excellency of his own Spirit and dis- courses could. And yet since He who knew every event of things, and the success and efficacy of every doctrine, and that very much of it to most men and all of it to some men w ould be ineffec- tual, yet was pleased to consign our duty that it might be a direction to them that would, and a con- viction and testimony against them that w^ould not obey, I thought it might not misbecome my duty and endeavours, to plead for peace, and charity, and forgiveness, and permissions mutual, although I had reason to believe that such is the iniquity of men, and they so indisposed to receive such im- presses, that T had as good plough the sands or till the air, as persuade such doctrines, which destroy men's interests, and serve no end but the great end of a happy eternity and w hat is in order to it. But because the events of things are in God's disposi- tion, and I knew them not; and because, if I had known my good purposes would be totally ineffec- tual as to others, yet my own designation and pur- poses would be of advantage to myself, w^ho might from God's mercy expect the retribution which he is pleased to promise to all pious intendments ; I re- solved to encounter with all objections." To us it appears from the general tone of this great work, that although its gifted author was will- INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXV ing to take advantage of the least chance that re- mained of bringing back the minds of the leading persons, on all sides, to a friendly and charitable temper, yet his real hope of a termination to the suf- ferings and distractions which the nation laboured under, rather reposed upon the good sense and right feeling of the people, generally; and that to them it is therefore to be regarded as mainly addressed. Those religious disputes, which had nearly brought the country to the brink of ruin, had no reference to matters essential to salvation, but were confined to points indifferent or of secondary moment. " For my own particular," he exclaims, " I cannot but expect, that God in his justice should enlarge the bounds of the Turkish empire, or some other way punish Christians, by reason of their pertinacious disputing about things unnecessary, undetermin- able, and unprofitable, and for their hating and persecuting their brethren, which should be as dear to them as their own lives, for not consenting to one another's follies and senseless vanities. And in these trifles and impertinences men are curiously busy, while they neglect those glorious precepts of Chris- tianity and holy life, which are the glories of our religion, and would enable us to a happy eternity." The impropriety of such disputes therefore, and the necessity of mutual forbearance in regard to the points in question, it is his object to make appa- rent, not only by proving their general uncertainty, as compared with those essential articles of the faith XXVi INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. in which all Christians are agreed, but further by showing at length the utter fallibility and incom- petence of the means by which men arrive at their so confident conclusions, and the authorities to which they ajDpeal with so much boldness. He alleges the difficulty of expounding Scripture in regard to speculative points, — the uncertainty of traditions, — the fallibility of popes, councils, fathers, and even of the church in its diffusive capacity, as being all liable to those innumerable causes of error and mistake, to which the human mind is ever exposed, — the innocency of theoretical error and invincible ignorance, — the force of inveterate pre- judice, and the almost equal liability of all men alike, not excepting the wisest and the best, to be mistaken, — as grounds and incentives to general charity towards others, and motives to humility in each man's estimate of his own opinions; while yet the work cannot in general be fairly charged with any tendency to extenuate the criminality or danger of such dogmas, justly branded with the mark of heresy, as are subversive of morality in in- dividuals, and of the good order of society. Though accomplished, even beyond his contem- poraries, in an age abounding in learned theolo- gians, in the use of every weapon of polemical warfare, the mind of Jeremy Taylor w as not formed for controversy ; and when he engaged in it, it was never for the triumph of an opinion, but for the extension of truth and the promotion of godliness. INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXVll Nevertheless, ennobled as every subject was to his conception by the grand general views which his heavenward eye, even in the midst of discussions on inferior questions, ceased not to rest upon, he is seen to most advantage in those works where the wealth of his most affectionate heart, and the im- passioned sublimity of his imagination, could be fully displayed. The reader who would become acquainted with what this celebrated writer truly was, as well as he who would seek from his works the highest profit which can he derived from the study of the uninspired labours of the human mind, must pass unread the Ductor Dubitantium, — though the favourite of its author himself, — and hasten through the pages even of the Liberty OF Prophesying, in order to luxuriate amid the holy thoughts and glowing imagery, which abound in his devotional and moral writings — in the Great Exemplar, or Life of Christ — the Holy Living and Dying, and his truly wonderful Sermons. As far, however, as the nature of the following work admitted the peculiar endowments of the author to appear, they will in every page be recognised. Its various and minute learning, its logical pre- cision, the majestic march of its eloquent lan- guage, but especially its unequalled tone of mode- ration and candour, present a combination, which, together with the ever fresh interest of the subject, enables it to maintain its place, notwithstanding the celebrity of some others, and especially of that XXVIU INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. of Locke, as the most distinguished treatise on Re- ligious Liberty in our language. While, however, we glory in the perfect can- dour and Christian mildness which appear in the following pages, as being truly in the spirit of the best times of that church of which its author is so remarkable an ornament, we feel that it would scarcely become us, on presenting our countrymen with an edition intended for the widest and most general circulation, to forbear pointing out one or two instances in which the singular goodness of his heart and his extreme desire of peace are thought to have carried him somewhat too far. In his observations, here and elsewhere, on the peculiar tenets of the church of Rome, there is nothing to dis- approve : they exhibit the principles of our reform- ers, softened and mellowed by time and those reviv- ing charities which would naturally reappear, when all occasions for irritating collision between the two churches were removed. That he was less judi- cious in his laboured apology for the principles then professed by the Anabaptists, we have his own acknowledgement, in the fact that he afterwards wrote a tract to explain himself more at large on this head, in consequence of the offence taken at the laxity of his language. This was added to the subsequent editions of the work;^- it was * This addition is not reprinted in the present volume, from a wish to avoid exhausting the attention of the general reader, by unnecessarily confining it, through so many pages, to the minute details of a question of no great interest m our times. INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXIX followed likewise by a treatise in favour of in- fant baptism, a further qualification of the cele- brated nineteenth section, afterwards incorporated into the Great Exemplar, of which beautiful work it forms the sixth discourse. Perhaps we may also venture to add, that less indulgence would have been shown towards those opinions, the origin of which may be traced to the heresy of Arius, had the ex- cellent writer lived to see the period when the doc- trines to which we allude, at that time scarcely acknowledged by a small and obscure party, came to be received with favour in the high places of the church. It has been brought as a charge against Taylor, in relation to the argument of this work, that he bases his scheme of toleration on the weaknesses of mankind, which present a moral claim to tender- ness and indulgence, rather than on the indefea- sible right of every human being to the free exercise of his own thoughts and opinions. The diflference results more from different views of men's capa- cities to enjoy freedom, the consequence perhaps of more or less experience of human life, than from any want of sympathy with their just claims, on the part of those who adopt the former method. That the soul of Taylor took a generous interest in every noble struggle of humanity, and responded to every sentiment inspired by the love of justice, will scarcely be called in question by any one fami- liar with his various writings of an ethical and XXX INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. practical character. But there was, in his days, no need of the voice of such an advocate to swell the clamorous cry for immunities, which every man eagerly demanded for himself, and as eagerly de- nied to his neighbour. He had had a long and painful experience, how little individual impa- tience of restraint tended to secure equal tolera- tion for all ; and it was natural that in seeking that object he should follow an opposite course. Be- sides, the extent of natural right must ever be matter of debate and uncertainty, and its asser- tion liable to dangerous abuse, whereas it is evident to all that the limits of charity towards our bre- thren cannot be pushed too far, and that the freest use of it is consistent with the safety of all parties. Again, the claim of right can be a ground, at best, only for negative toleration ; it vindicates the liberty of the individual, but provides him with no sphere for its exercise ; the toleration, on the con- trary, contemplated in the subjoined treatise, is positive and active. Its author recommends some- thing more than a strenuous assertion of our own freedom, with merely a cold acquiescence in that of others : he proposes the practice of the greater, as best securing the less — that opposing parties should not only refrain from interfering with each other, but should mutually hold forth the right hand of fellowship, and, though differing invin- cibly on speculative articles, should communicate in the profession of the same essentials, and in INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXXI the reciprocation of all the brotherly and becoming charities of life. In his seclusion at Golden Grove, or in its neigh- bourhood, Taylor continued to reside until the year 1658, when, at the earnest instance of his friends, he removed to Lisburn, near Portmore, the seat of the Earl of Conway, in the north of Ireland, where he accepted a lectureship under the patronage of that nobleman. At the period of the Restoration, he chanced to be in London ; and thus, as one of the tried and valuable friends of monarchical and episcopal government, he imme- diately fell under the favourable notice of the King, and was shortly after nominated to the bishopric of Down and Connor, to which the small adjacent see of Dromore was subsequently added. It was fortunate for Bishop Taylor's peace, though not for the church's advantage, that the remoteness of his dioceses placed him far from the sphere of the profligate court of the second Charles, and se- cured him from any share in the public measures of his reign. This was one of the few periods — and the last — over which the filial admirers of the Church of England may desire to draw a veil. The age of the cruel persecutions in Scotland, and of the perfidious severities practised towards the nonconformists at home, — when the Church of England stooped to copy, against the Presbyterians, the worst parts of their own intolerant conduct, when the door of reconciliation was closed in the XXXll IxNTRODUCTORY ESSAY. wantonness of power, and the foundations of mo- dern dissent laid upon an ever-widening basis, — presents a spectacle, to which we still revert with sorrow not unmixed with shame. What, then, must have been the pain with which it was con- templated, at the time, by the zealous advocate of fraternal and enlightened toleration ? He found his consolation, we may hope, in the careful discbarge of his episcopal functions, in occasion- ally adding to the list of his invaluable writings, in the employments of a devotion as impassioned and seraphic, as is consistent with the salutary equilibrium of the faculties of the human mind, and, doubtless, in the reflection, which must ever attend the authors of those distinguished works of genius, whose object is the promotion of God's glory and the honour and welfare of his creatures, that though the work through which, in the prime of his mature faculties, he had endeavoured to instil into his divided country the wisdom of for- bearance and Christian love, had as yet produced no visible fruits, it had not been " cast upon the waters" in vain; but would in due time be found, though *' after many days," to have been concur- ring with other causes to secure for posterity the permanent blessings of religious peace. We have alluded with all plainness to the errors of the governors of our church, in periods when exemption from such errors was not the rule, even among Protestants, but the singular exception ; INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. XXXlll and thus, as her fearless and affectionate children, we feel we maybe allowed to speak. For, (to adopt the language of a contemporary writer,) ''why should a clergyman of the present day feel inte- rested in their defence ? Surely it is sufficient for the warmest partisan of our establishment, that he can assert with truth, — when our church persecuted, it was on mistaken principles held in common by all Christendom. We can say, that our church, apostolical in its faith, primitive in its ceremonies, unequalled in its liturgical forms ; that our church, which has kindled and displayed more bright and burning lights of genius and learning, than all other Protestant churches since the Reformation, w^as least intolerant, when all Christians unhappily deemed a species of intolerance their religious duty; that bishops of our church were among the first that contended against this error; and finally, that since the Revolution, when tolerance became general, the Church of England in a tolerating age, has shown herself eminently tolerant." It is not long since we witnessed the erasure from our statute-books of the only remaining acts of the legislature which could be regarded as restraints upon the most perfect liberty of conscience; and cor- dially shall we, for our part, rejoice in their removal, should the event prove, that sufficient care has been taken for the preservation of that venerable estab- lishment, in which the deeply reflective writer just cited, " sees," he tells us, " the greatest, if not the XXXIV INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. sole safe bulwark of toleration," We cannot, how- ever, shut our eyes to the fact of danger to be apprehended from the existence, in our times, — not indeed of a sect or party, but — of a multitude of persons, whose declared opinions place them beyond the pale of all parties and sects alike, who wilfully mistake for toleration, a licence to overleap and lay waste all the defences of the public faith. Yet even here we are willing rather to hail a motive to exertion, than to acknowledge a ground of dis- couragement ; inasmuch as out of even this perni- cious error we look to find the beneficent hand of the Supreme Ruler of events extracting good : for his Providence has supplied the means of cure in the very excess of the evil, which in hurting some, oflfending and rousing many, and endangering the comfort of all, will be the means of bringing men back to reflection, and thence to a peaceable sub- mission to such sober and reasonable regulations for securing the full efl'ect of Christianity upon this great nation, as will be found equally conducive to the welfare of the individual, and to the progres- sive improvement of the human race. R. C. London, December, 1833. A DISCOURSE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. INTRODUCTION.— Page 1. SECTION I.— Page?. Nature of Faith. SECTION II.- Page 25. Of Heresy and the nature of it, and that it is to be accounted according to the strict capacity of Christian faith, and not in opinions speculative ; nor ever to pious persons. SECTION III.— Page 81. Of the difficulty and uncertainty of arguments from Scrip- ture, in questions not simply necessary, not literally determined. SECTION IV.— Page 101. Of the difficulty of expounding Scripture. SECTION v.— Page 115. Of the insufficiency and uncertainty of Tradition to expound Scripture, or detennine Questions. SECTION VI.— Page 141. Of the uncertainty and insufficiency of Councils Ecclesiastical to the same purpose. XXXVIU CONTENTS. SECTION VII.— Page 175. Of the fallibility of the Pope, and the uncertainty of his ex- pounding Scripture, and resolving Questions. SECTION VIII.— Page 213. Of the disability of Fathers or "Writers Ecclesiastical, to determine our Questions with certainty and truth. SECTION IX.~Page229. Of the incompetency of the Church in its diffusive capacity to be judge of Controversies, and the impertinency of that pre- tence of the Spirit. SECTION X.— Page 234. Of the authority of Reason, and that it proceeding upon best grounds is the best judge. SECTION XL— Page 243. Of some causes of error in the exercise of Reason which are exculpate in themselves. SECTION XIL— Page 262. Of the irmocency of error in opinion, in a pious Person. SECTION XIII.— Page 270. Of the deportment to be used towards Persons disagreeing, and the reasons why they are not to be punished with death, &c. SECTION XIV.— Page 289. Of the practice of Christian Churches towards persons dis- agreeing, and when Persecution first came in. CONTENTS. XXXix SECTION XV.— Page 300. How far the Church or Governors may act to the restraimng false or differing opinions. SECTION XVI.— Page 304. Whether it be lawful for a Prince to give Toleration to several Religions. SECTION XVII.— Page 310. Of Compliance with disagreeing Persons, or weak consciences in general. SECTION XVIII.— Page 316. A particular consideration of the opinions of the Anabaptists. SECTION XIX.— Page 349. That there may be no Toleration of Doctrines inconsistent with Piety or the public good. SECTION XX.— Page 353. How far the Religion of the Church of Rome is tolerable. SECTION XXL— Page 370. Of the Duty of particular Churches in allowing Communion. SECTION XXII.— Page 373. That particular men may communicate with Churches of different persuasions, and how far they may do it. d2 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. INTRODUCTION. The infinite variety of opinions in matters of reli- gion, as they have troubled Christendom with inte- rests, factions, and partialities, so have they caused great divisions of the heart, and variety of thoughts and designs amongst pious and prudent men. For they all, seeing the inconveniences which the dis- union of persuasions and opinions have produced directly or accidentally, have thought themselves obliged to stop this inundation of mischiefs, and have made attempts accordingly. But it hath hap- pened to most of them as to a mistaken physician, who gives excellent physic but misapplies it, and so misses of his cure. So have these men : their at- tempts have there fore, been ineffectual; for they put their help to a wrong part, or they have endea- voured to cure the symptoms, and have let the dis- ease alone till it seemed incurable. Some have endeavoured to reunite these fractions, by pro- pounding such a guide which they were all bound B 2 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. to follow ; hoping that the unity of a guide would have persuaded unity of minds ; but who this guide should be, at last became such a question, that it was made part of the fire that was to be quenched, so far was it from extinquishing any part of the flame. Others thought of a rule, and this must be the means of union, or nothing could do it. But supposing all the world had been agreed of this rule, yet the interpretation of it was so full of va- riety that this also became part of the disease for which the cure was pretended. All men resolved upon this, that though they yet had not hit upon the right, yet some way must be thought upon to reconcile differences in opinion ; thinking, so long as this variety should last, Christ's kingdom was not advanced, and the work of the gospel went on but slowly. Few men in the mean time considered, that so long as men had such variety of principles, such several constitutions, educations, tempers, and dis- tempers, hopes, interests, and weaknesses, degrees of light, and degrees of understanding, it was im- possible all should be of one mind. And what is impossible to be done is not necessary it should be done ; and therefore, although variety of opi- nions was impossible to be cured, (and they who attempted it did like him who claps his shoulder to the ground to stop an earthcjuake,) yet the in- conveniences arising from it might possibly be cured, not by uniting their beliefs, — that was to be desjDaired of, — but by curing that which caused these mischiefs, and accidental inconveniences of their disagreeings. For although these inconve- niences, which every man sees and feels, were con- sequent to this diversity of persuasions, yet it was but accidentally and by chance; inasmuch as we INTRODUCTION. 3 see that in many things, and they of great concern- ment, men allow to themselves and to each other a liberty of disagreeing", and no hurt neither. And certainly if diversity of opinions were of itself the cause of mischiefs, it would be so ever, that is, regularly and universally, (but that we see it is not:) for there are disputes in Christendom con- cerning matters of greater concernment than most of those opinions that distinguish sects and make factions; and yet because men are permitted to differ in those great matters, such evils are not consequent to such differences as are to the un- charitable managing of smaller and more inconsi- derable questions. It is of greater consequence to believe right in the question of the validity or in- validity of a death-bed repentance, than to believe aright in the question of purgatory ; and the con- sequences of the doctrine of predetermination, are of deeper and more material consideration thun the products of the belief of the lawfulness or unlaw- fulness of private masses ; and yet thc^e great con- cernments, where a liberty of prophesying in these questions hath been permitted, hath made 120 dis- tinct communion, no sects of Christians, and the others have, and so have these too in those places where they have peremptorily been determined on either side. Since then if men are quiet and cha- ritable in some disagreeings, that then and there the inconvenience ceases, if they were so in all others where lawfully they might, (and they may in most,) Christendom should be no longer rent in pieces, but would be redintegrated in a new Pente- cost ; and although the Spirit of God did rest upon us in divided tongues, yet so long as those tongues were of fire not to kindle strife, but to warm our B 2 4 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. affections and inflame our chanties, we should find that this variety of opinions in several persons would be looked upon as an argument only of di- versity of operations, while the Spirit is the same; and that another man believes not so well as I, is only an argument that I have a better and a clearer illumination than he, that I have a better gift than he, received a special grace and favour, and excel him in this, and am perhaps excelled by him in many more. And if we all impartially endeavour to find a truth, since this endeavour and search only is in our power, (that we shall find it, being ab extra, a gift and an assistance extrinsical,) I can see no reason why this pious endeavour to find out truth shall not be of more force to unite us in the bonds of charity, than his misery in missing it shall be to disunite us. So that since a union of persuasion is impossible to be attained, if we would attempt the cure by such remedies as are apt to enkindle and increase charity, T am confident we might see a blessed peace would be the reward and crown of such endeavours. But men are now-a-days, and indeed always have been, since the expiration of the first blessed ages of Christianity, so in love with their own fancies and opinions, as to think faith and all Christendom is concerned in their support and maintenance ; and whoever is not so fond and does not dandle them like themselv^es, it grows up to a quarrel, which be- cause it is in materia theologi^ is made a quarrel in religion, and God is entitled to it ; and then if you are once thought an enemy to God, it is our duty to persecute you even to death, we do God good service in it; when, if we should examine the matter rightly, the question is either in materia non reve- INTRODUCTION. 5 lata, or minus eviclenti, or non necessarid, either it is not revealed, or not so clearly, but that wise and honest men may be of different minds, or else it is not of the foundation of faith, but a remote super- structure, or else of mere speculation, or perhaps, when all comes to all, it is a false opinion, or a mat- ter of human interest, that we have so zealously contended for ; for to one of these heads most of the disputes of Christendom may be reduced; so that I believe the present fractions (or the most) are from the same cause which St. Paul observed in the Corinthian schism, ' When there are divisions among you, are ye not carnal ?' It is not the dif- fering opinions that is the cause of the present rup- tures, but want of charity; it is not the variety of understandings, but the disunion of wills and af- fections; it is not the several principles, but the several ends that cause our miseries : our opinions commence and are upheld according as our turns are served and our interests are preserved, and there is no cure for us but piety and charity. A holy life will make our belief holy, if we consult not humanity and its imperfections in the choice of our religion, but search for truth without designs, save only of acquiring heaven, and then be as care- ful to preserve charity, as we were to get a point of faith : I am much persuaded we should find out more truths by this means; or however (which is the main of all) we shall be secured though we miss them ; and then we are well enough. For if it be evinced that one heaven shall hold men of several opinions, if the unity of faith be not destroyed by that which men call differing religions, and if an unity of charity be the duty of us all even towards persons that are not persuaded of every 6 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. proposition we believe, then I would fain know to what purpose are all those stirs, and great noises in Christendom ; those names of faction, the several names of churches not distinguished by the division of kingdoms, the church obeying the government,* which was the primitive rule and canon, but dis- tinguished by names of sects and men. These are all become instruments of hatred; thence come schisms and parting of communions, and then per- secutions, and then wars and rebellion, and then the dissolutions of all friendships and societies. All these mischiefs proceed not from this, that all men are not of one mind, for that is neither necessary nor possible, but that every opinion is made an ar- ticle of faith, every article is a ground of a quarrel, every quarrel makes a faction, every faction is zeal- ous, and all zeal pretends for God, and whatsoever is for God cannot be too much. We by this time are come to that pass, we think we love not God except we hate our brother ; and we have not the virtue of religion, unless we persecute all religions but our own : for lukewarmness is so odious to God and man, that we, proceeding furiously upon these mistakes, by supposing we preserve the body, we destroy the soul of religion ; or by being zealous for faith, or which is all one, for that which we mis- take for faith, we are cold in charity, and so lose the reward of both. All these errors and mischiefs must be disco- vered and cured, and that is the purpose of this discourse. * Ut ecclesia sequatur imperium. — Optat. B. iii. SECTION I. Nature of Faith. First, then, it is of great concernment to know the nature and integrity of Faith : for there begins our first and great mistake. For faith, although it be of great excellency, yet when it is taken for a habit intellectual, it hath so little room and so narrow a capacity, that it cannot lodge thousands of those opinions which pretend to be of her family. For although it be necessary for us to believe whatsoever we know to be revealed of God, — and so every man does, that believes there is a God, — yet it is not necessary, concerning many things, to know that God hath revealed them; that is, we may be ignorant of, or doubt concerning the pro- positions, and indifferently maintain either part, when the question is not concerning God's veracity, but whether God hath said so, or no : that which is of the foundation of faith, that only is necessary ; and the knowing or not knowing of that, the be- lieving or disbelieving it, is that only which, as to the nature of the thing to be believed, is in imme diate and necessary order to salvation or damna- tion. Now, all the reason and demonstration of the world convinces us, that this foundation of faith, or the great adequate object of the faith that saves us, is that great mysteriousness of Christianity which Christ taught with so much diligence ; for the cre- dibility of which he wrought so many miracles ; for 8 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the testimony of which the apostles endured per- secutions ; that which was a folly to the Gentiles, and a scandal to the Jews, this is that which is the object of a Christian's faith : all other things are implicitly in the belief of the articles of God's ve- racity, and are not necessary in respect of the con- stitution of faith to be drawn out, but may there lie in the bowels of the great articles, without dan- ger to any thing or any person, unless some other accident or circumstance makes them necessary. Now the great object which I speak of, is Jesus Christ crucified. ' I have determined to know no- thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him cru- cified ;' so said St. Paul to the church of Corinth. This is the article upon tlie confession of which Christ built his church, viz. only upon St. Peters creed, which was no more but this simple enun- ciation, * We believe and are sure that thou art Christ, the Son of the living God :'* and to this salvation particularly is promised, as in the case of ]\Iartha's creed, Jolm, xi. 27. To this the Scripture gives the greatest testimony, and to all them that confess it; 'For every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God :' and, ' Whosoever confesseth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God I'f the believing this article is the end of writing the four Gospels : ' These things are written, that ye might believe, that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God :' % and then that this is sufficient follows : ' and that be- lieving,' Viz. this article (for this was only instanced in) 'ye might have life through his name! This is that great article which, as to the nature of the things * IMatt. xvi. 19. + ] John, iv. 2, 15. % John, xx. 31. NATURE OF FAITH. 9 to be believed, is sufficient disposition to prepare a catechumen to baptism, as appears in the case of the Ethiopian eunuch, whose creed was only this, * I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God,' and upon this confession (saith the story) they both went into the water, and the Ethiop was washed, and became as white as snow. In these particular instances, there is no variety of articles, save only that in the annexes of the se- veral expressions, such things are expressed, as besides that Christ is come, they tell from whence, and to what purpose : and whatsoever is expressed, or is to these purposes implied, is made articulate and explicate, in the short and admirable myste- rious creed of St. Paul, Rom. x. 8. 'This is the word of faith which we preach, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.' This is the great and entire complexion of a Christian's faith ; and since salvation is promised to the belief of this creed, either a snare is laid for us, with a purpose to deceive us, or else nothing is of prime and ori- ginal necessity to be believed, but this, Jesus Christ our Redeemer; and all that which is the necessary parts, means, or main actions of working this re- demption for us, and the honour for him is in the bowels and fold of the great article, and claims an explicit belief by the same reason that binds us to the belief of its first complexion, without which nei- ther the thing could be acted, nor the proposition understood. For the act of believing propositions is not for itself, but in order to certain ends ; as sermons are to good life and obedience ; for (excepting that it 10 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. acknowledges God's veracity, and so is a direct act of religion) believing a revealed proposition hath no excellency in itself, but in order to that end for which we are instructed in such revelations. Now God's great purpose being to bring us to him by Jesus Christ, Christ is our medium to God, obedi- ence is the medium to Christ, and faith the medium to obedience, and therefore is to have its estimate in proportion to its proper end, and those things are necessary which necessarily promote the end, without which obedience cannot be encouraged or prudently enjoined : so that those articles are ne- cessary, that is, those are fundamental points, upon which we build our obedience ; and as the influence of the article is to the persuasion or engagement of obedience, so they have their degrees of necessity. Now all that Christ, when he preached, taught us to believe, and all that the apostles in their sermons propound, all aim at this, that we should acknow- ledge Christ for our Lawgiver and our Saviour; so that nothing can be necessary by a prime necessity to be believed explicitly, but such things which are therefore parts of the great article, because they either encourage our services or oblige them, such as declare Christ's greatness in himself, or his good- ness to us. So that although we must neither deny nor doubt of any thing, which we know our great Master hath taught us ; yet salvation is in special, and by name, annexed to the belief of those articles only, which have in them the endearments of our services, or the support of our confidence, or the satisfaction of our hopes, such as are — Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, the crucifixion and re- surrection of Jesus, forgiveness of sins by his blood, resurrection of the dead, and life eternal ; because NATURE OF FAITH. 11 these propositions qualify Christ for our Saviour and our Lawgiver, the one to engage our services, the other to endear them ; for so much is necessary as will make us to be his servants, and his disciples ; and what can be required more ? This only : sal- vation is promised to the explicit belief of those articles, and therefore those only are necessary, and those are sufficient; but thus, to us in the formality of Christians, which is a formality superadded to a former capacity, we, before we are Christians, are reasonable creatures, and capable of a blessed eter- nity ; and there is a creed which is the Gentiles' creed, which is so supposed in the Christian creed, as it is supposed in a Christian to be a man, and that is, " he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.'' If any man will urge farther, that whatsoever is deducible from these articles by necessary conse- quence, is necessary to be believed explicitly, I answer : It is true, if he sees the deduction and coherence of the parts ; but it is not certain that every man shall be able to deduce whatsoever is either immediately, or certainly deducible from these premises ; and then, since salvation is pro- mised to the explicit belief of these, I see not how any man can justify the making the way to heaven narrower than Jesus Christ hath made it, it being already so narrow, that there are few that find it. In the pursuance of this great truth, the apostles, or the holy men their contemporaries and dis- ciples, composed a creed to be a rule of faith to all Christians, as appears in Irenaeus, Tertullian,* * Apol. Contr. Gent. c. 47. De Veland. Virg. c. 1. 12 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. St. Cyprian,* St. Austin,f Ruffinus^ and clivers others ;§ which creed, unless it had contained all the entire object of faith, and the foundation of religion, it cannot be imagined to what purpose it should serve ; and that it was so esteemed by the whole church of God in all ages, appears in this, that since faith is a necessary predisposition to baptism in all persons capable of the use of reason, all cate- chumens in the Latin church, coming to baptism, were interrogated concerning their faith, and gave satisfaction in the recitation of this creed. And in the east they professed exactly the same faith, somethinsr differing- in words, but of the same mat- ter, reason, design, and consequence ; and so they did at Jerusalem, so at Aquileia. This was that "correct and blameless faith, proclaimed by the holy catholic and apostolic church, without any mixture of novelty or innovation. "j| These articles were *' the instructions delivered by the holy apostles and tJieir fellow-labourers, to the holy churches of God. "^ Now, since the apostles and apostolical men and churches in these their symbols, did recite parti- cular articles to a considerable number, and were so minute in their recitation, as to descend to cir- cumstances, it is more than probable that they omitted nothing of necessity ; and that these arti- * In Exposit. Symbol. + Serm. v. de Tempore, c. 2. i In Symbol apud Cyprian. § All the orthodox fathers maintain that the creed is of apostolic origin — Sext. Senensis. lib. ii. Bibl. vide Genebr. lib. iii. de Trin. II "OpeSrii K, aixMjxrjTOQ ttitic, yvirep KrjpvTTei v ayia tov 9fov KCL^^oXiKr) K) aTTOToXt/c?) tKKXrjcria kut' ovdeva rpoTTov Kaivi(T[xbv ce^afikvt]. % Ta TU)v ayiojv o.tto'^oXojv icf rcjv fitT fKtiviov Siarpvipdv- T(t)v Iv rcug ayiaig Qtoii i.icK\7](riaig diSdyiiara. — Lib. v. Cod. de St. Trin. et. Fid. Cath. cum. recta. NATURE OF FAITH. 13 cles are not general principles, in the bosom of which many more articles equally necessary to be believed explicitly and more particular, are infold- ed ; but that it is as minute an explication of those fundamental principles of belief I before reckoned, as is necessary to salvation. And therefore Tertullian calls the creed, "the rule of faith, by vi^hose guidance, whatever appears ambiguous or obscure in Scripture may be inves- tigated and explained."* "The seal of the heart, and the oath of our warfare,"f St. Ambrose calls it: " the comprehension and jDerfection of our faith," j as it is called by St. Austin, Serm. 115: "the confession, declaration, and rule of faith," § generally, by the an- cients. The profession of this creed v/as the exposi- tion of that saying of St. Peter, 'the answer of a good conscience towards God :' for of the recitation and profession of this creed, in baptism, it is that Ter- tullian says, *' the soul is not consecrated by the water, but by the truth professed."|| And of this was the prayer of Hilary, " Regard this expression of my conscience, that I may always hold fast the profession which I made by baptism, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, in token of my regeneration." 5[ And according to * " Regulam fidei, qua salva et forma ejus manente in suo ordine, possit in Scrip tura tractari et inquiri si quid videtur vel ambiguitate pendere vel obscuritate obumbrari." f " Cordis signaculum et nostras militige sacramentum." — Lib. iii. De Velandis Virgin. X " Comprehensio fidei nostras atque perfectio." § " Confessio, expositio, regula fidei." 11 " Anima non lotione, sed responsione sancitur." — De Resur. Carnis. ^ '' Conserva hanc conscientise nieae vocem, ut quod in regene- rationis meas symbolo baptizatus in Patre, Filio, Spir. S. pro- fessus sum semper obtineam." — Lib. xii. de Trinit. 14 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the rule and reason of this discourse, (that it may appear that the creed hath in it all articles primo et per se, primely and universally necessary,) the creed is just such an explication of that faith which the apostles preached, viz. the creed which St. Paul recites, as contains in it all those things which en- title Christ to us in the capacities of our Lawgiver and our Saviour, such as enable him to the great work of redemption, according to the predictions concerning him, and such as engage and encourage our services. For, taking out the article of Christ's descent into hell, (which was not in the old creed, as appears in some of the copies I before referred to, in Tertullian, Ruffinus, and Irenseus; and indeed, was omitted in all the confessions of the eastern churches, in the church of Rome, and in the Nicene creed, which by adoption came to be the creed of the catholic church,) all other articles are such as directly constitute the parts and work of our redemption, such as clearly derive the honour to Christ, and enable him with the capa- cities of our Saviour and Lord. The rest engage our services by proposition of such articles, which are rather promises than propositions ; and the whole creed, take it in any of the old forms, is but an analysis of that which St. Paul calls the word of salvation, whereby we shall be saved ; viz. that w^e confess Jesus to be Lord, and that God raised him from the dead ; by the first whereof he became our Lawgiver and our Guardian ; by the second he was our Saviour : the other things are but parts and main actions of those two. Now, what reason there is in the world that can enwrap any thing else within the foundation ; that is, in the whole body of articles simply and inseparably necessary. NATURE OF FAITH. 15 or in the prime original necessity of faith, I can- not possibly imagine. These do the work, and therefore nothing can, upon the true grounds of reason, enlarge the necessity to the inclosure of other articles. Now, if more were necessary than the articles of the creed, I demand, why was it made the charac- teristic note of a Christian from a heretic, or a Jew, or an infidel ? Or to what purpose was it com- posed ?* Or if this was intended as sufficient, did the apostles, or those churches which they founded, know any thing else to be necessary ? If they did not, then either nothing more is necessary, (I speak of matters of mere belief,) or they did not know all the will of the Lord, and so were unfit dispensers of the mysteries of the kingdom; or if they did know more was necessary, and yet would not insert it, they did an act of public notice, and consigned it to all ages of the church, to no purpose, unless to beguile credulous people by making them believe their faith was sufficient, having tried it by that touch- stone apostolical, when there was no such matter. But if this was sufficient to bring men to heaven then, why not now ? If the apostles admitted all to their communion that believed this creed, why shall we exclude any that preserve the same entire ? Why is not our faith of these articles of as much efficacy for bringing us to heaven, as it was in the churches apostolical ? — who had guides more in- fallible, that might without error have taught them superstructures enough, if they had been necessary. And so they did : but that they did not insert rv * Vide Isidor de Eccles. Offic. lib. i. cap. 20. Suidam, Tumcbum, lib. ii. c. 30. advers. Venant. For. in Exeg. Symb. Feuardent. in Iren. lib. i. c. 2. 16 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. them into the creed, when they might have done it with as much certainty as these articles, makes it clear to my understanding-, that other things were not necessary, but these were ; that whatever profit and advantages might come from other ar- ticles, yet these were sufficient; and however cer- tain jDersons might accidentally be obliged to be- lieve much more, yet this was the one and only foundation of faith upon which all persons were to build their hopes of heaven ; this was therefore necessary to be taught to all, because of necessity to be believed by all. So that although other per- sons might commit a delinquency in a moral prin- ciple, if they did not know, or did not believe, much more because they were obliged to further disquisitions in order to other ends, yet none of these who held the creed entire could perish for want of necessary faith, though possibly he might for supine negligence or affected ignorance, or some other fault which had influence upon his opinions and his understanding, he having a new super- vening obligation from accidental circumstances, to know and believe more. Neither are we obliged to make these articles more particular and minute than the creed. For since the apostles, and indeed our blessed Lord himself, promised heaven to them who believed him to be the Christ that was to come into the world, and that he who believes in him should be partaker of the resurrection and life eternal, he will be as good as his word ; yet because this article was very general, and a complexion rather than a single pro- position, the apostles and others our fathers in Christ did make it more explicit ; and though they have said no more than what lay entire and ready NATURE OF FAITH. 17 formed in the bosom of the great article, yet they made their extracts to great purpose and absolute sufficiency, and therefore there needs no more de- ductions or remoter consequences from the first great article, than the creed of the apostles. For although whatsoever is certainly deduced from any of these articles made already so explicit, is as cer- tainly true, and as much to be believed as the arti- cle itself, because nothing but what is true can flow from truth,* yet because it is not certain that our deductions from them are certain, and what one calls evident, is so obscure to another, that he believes it false ; it is the best and only safe course to rest in that explication the apostles have made ; because, if any of these apostolical deductions were not demonstrable evidently to follow from that great article to which salvation is promised, yet the authority of them who compiled the symbol, the plain description of the articles from the words of Scripture, the evidence of reason demonstrating these to be the whole foundation, are sufficient upon great grounds of reason to ascertain us; but if we go farther, besides the easiness of being de- ceived, we relying upon our own discourses, (which though they may be true, and then bind us to fol- low them, but yet no more than when they only seem truest,) yet they cannot make the thing certain to another, much less necessary in itself. And since God would not bind us upon pain of sin and punishment, to make deductions ourselves, much less would he bind us to follow another man's logic as an article of our faith ; I say much less another man's, for our own integrity (for we will * " Ex veris possunt nil nisi vera sequi." c 18 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. certainly be true to ourselves, and do our own busi- ness heartily) is as fit and proper to be employed as another man's ability. He cannot secure me that his ability is absolute and the greatest, but I can be more certain that my own purposes and fidelity to myself is such. And since it is neces- sary to rest somewhere, lest we should run to an infinity, it is best to rest there where the apostles and the churches apostolical rested ; when not only they who are able to judge, but others who are not, are equally ascertained of the certainty and of the sufficiency of that explication. This I say, not that I believe it unlawful or un- safe for the church or any of the ecclesiastical rulers, or any wise man to extend his own creed to any thing which may certainly follow from any one of the articles ; but I say, that no such deduc- tion is fit to be pressed on others as an article of faith; and that every deduction which is so made, unless it be such a thing as is at first evident to all, is but sufficient to make a human faith, nor can it amount to a divine, much less can be obliga- tory to bind a person of a differing persuasion to subscribe under pain of losing his faith, or being a heretic. For it is a demonstration, that nothing can be necessary to be believed under pain of damnation, but such propositions of which it is certain that God hath spoken and taught them to us, and of which it is certain that this is their sense and purpose : for if the sense be uncertain, we can no more be obliged to believe it in a certain sense, than we are to believe it at all, if it were not cer- tain that God delivered it. But if it be only certain that God spake it, and not certain to what sense, our faith of it is to be as indeterminate as its sense ; NATURE OF FAITH. 19 and it can be no other in the nature of the thing, nor is it consonant to God's justice to believe of him that he can or will require more. And this is of the nature of those propositions, which Aris- totle calls Oeaeig, to which, without any further pro- bation, all wise men will give assent at its first publication. And therefore deductions inevident, from the evident and plain letter of faith, are as great recessions from the obligation, as they are from the simplicity and certainty of the article. And this I also affirm, although the church of any one denomination, or represented in a council, shall make the deduction or declaration. For unless Christ had promised his Spirit to protect every par- ticular church from all errors less material ; unless he had promised an absolute, universal infallibility even in the most trifling matters ; unless superstruc- tures be of the same necessity with the foundation, and that God's Spirit doth not only preserve his church in the being of a church, but in a certainty of not saying any thing that is less certain ; (and that whether they will or no too ;) we may be bound to peace and obedience, to silence and to charity, but have not a new article of faith made : and a new proposition, though consequent (as it is said) from an article of faith, becomes not therefore a part of the faith, nor of absolute necessity. " What did the church ever aim at doing by the decrees of her councils, but to make what was believed before, believed afterwards more firmly ?"* said Vicentius Lirinensis : whatsoever was of necessary belief before is so still, and hath a new degree added, by reason * " Quid unquam aliud ecclesia conciliorum decretis enisa est, nisi ut quod antea simpliciter credebatur, hoc idem postea diligentius crederetur ?" — Contra HEeres. cap. 32. c 2 20 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. of a new light or a clear explication ; but no pro- positions can be adopted into the foundation. The church hath power to intend our faith, but not to extend it; to make our belief more evident, but not more large and comprehensive. For Christ and his apostles concealed nothing" that was neces- sary to the integrity of Christian faith, or salvation of our souls : Christ declared all the will of his Father, and the apostles were stewards and dispen- sers of the same mysteries, and were faithful in all the house, and therefore concealed nothing, but taught the whole doctrine of Christ ; so they said themselves. And, indeed, if they did not teach all the doctrine of faith, an angel or a man might have taught us other things than what they taught, without deserving an anathema, but not without deserving a blessing for making up that faith entire, which the apostles left imperfect. Now, if they taught all the whole body of faith, either the church in the following ages lost part of the faith, (and then where was their infallibility, and the effect of those glorious promises, to which she pretends, and hath certain title ? — for she may as well introduce a falsehood as lose a truth, it being as much pro- mised to her, that the Holy Ghost shall lead her into all truth, as that she shall be preserved from all errors, as appears, John, xvi. 13,) or if she re- tained all the faith which Christ and his apostles consigned and taught, then no age can, by declaring any point, make that to be an article of faith, which was not so in all ages of Christianity before such declaration. And, indeed, if the church,* by de- * Vide Jacob Almain. in 3. Sent. d. 25. Q. Unic. Dub. 3. " Patet ergo, quod nulla Veritas est catbolica ex approbatione ecclesiae vel Papa;.'" — Gabr. Biei. in 3. Sent. Dist. 25. q. Unic. art. 3. Dub. 3. ad finem. NATURE OF FAITH. 21 daring an article, can make that to be necessary which before was not necessary, I do not see how it can stand with the charity of the church so to do, (especially after so long experience she hath had, that all men will not believe every such deci- sion or explication,) for by so doing, she makes the narrow way to heaven narrower, and chalks out one path more to the devil than he had before, and yet the way was broad enough when it was at the narrowest. For before, differing persons might be saved in diversity of persuasions ; and now, after this declaration, if they cannot, there is no other alteration made, but that some shall be damned, who before, even in the same dispositions and belief, should have been beatified persons. For, therefore, it is well for the fathers of the primitive church, that their errors were not discovered ; for if they had been contested, (for that would have been called discovery enough,) either they must have relinquished their errors, or been expelled from the church.* But it is better as it was; they went to heaven by that good fortune, whereas, otherwise they might have gone to the devil. And yet there were some errors, particularly that of St. Cyprian, that was discovered, and he went to heaven, it is thought; possibly they might so too for all this pretence. But suppose it true, yet whether that declaration of an article of which with safety we either might have doubted or been ignorant, do more good than the damning of those many souls occasionally, but yet certainly and foreknowingly, does hurt, I leave it to all wise and good men to determine. And yet, besides this, it cannot enter • " Vel errores emendassent, vel ab ecclesia ejecti fuissent." — Bellar. de Laicis, lib. ill. c. 20. § Ad primam Confirmationem. 22 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. into my thoughts, that it can possibly consist with God's goodness, to put it into the power of man so palpably and openly to alter the paths and inlets to heaven, and to straiten his mercies, unless he had furnished these men with an infallible judg- ment, and an infallible prudence, and a never-failing charity ; that they should never do it but with great necessity, and with great truth, and without ends and human designs, of which I think no arguments can make us certain what the primitive church hath done in this case : I shall afterwards consider and give an account of it, but for the present, there is no insecurity in ending there where the apostles ended, in building where they built, in resting where they left us, unless the same infallibility which they had, had still continued, which I think I shall hereafter make evident it did not. And therefore those extensions of creed which were made in the first ages of the church, although for the matter they were most true, yet, because it was not certain that they should be so, and they might have been otherwise, therefore they could not be in the same order of faith, nor in the same degrees of necessity to be believed with the articles apos- tolical ; and therefore whether they did well or no in laying the same weight upon them, or whether they did lay the same weight or no, we will after- wards consider. But to return. I consider that a foundation of faith cannot alter ; unless a new building be to be made, the foundation is the same still : and this foundation is no other but that which Christ and his apostles laid — which doctrine is like himself, yesterday, and to-day, and the same for ever : so that the articles of necessary belief to all, (which NATURE OF FAITH. 23 are the only foundation,) they cannot be several in several ages, and to several persons. Nay, the sen- tence and declaration of the church cannot lay this foundation, or make any thing of the foundation, because the church cannot lay her own foundation : we must suppose her to be a building, and that sho relies upon the foundation, which is therefore sup- posed to be laid before, because she is built upon it; or (to make it more explicate) because a cloud may arise from the allegory of building and foun- dation, it is plainly thus : the church being a com- pany of men obliged to the duties of faith and obedience, the duty and obligation being of the faculties of will and understanding, to adhere to such an object, must presuppose the object made ready for them ; for as the object is before the act in order of nature, and therefore not to be pro- duced or increased by the faculty, (which is recep- tive, and cannot be active upon its proper object,) so the object of the church's faith is in order of nature before the church, or before the act and habit of faith, and therefore cannot be enlarged by the church, any more than the act of the visive faculty can add visibility to the object. So that if we have found out what foundation Christ and his apostles did lay — that is, what body and system of articles, simply necessary, they taught and required of us to believe — we need not, we cannot go any further for foundation, we cannot enlarge that system or collection. Now, then, although all that they said is true, and nothing of it to be doubted or disbelieved, yet as all that they said is neither written nor delivered, (because all was not neces- sary,) so we know that of those things which are written some things are as far off from the founda- tion as those things which were omitted, and there 24 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. fore, although now accidentally they must be be- lieved by all that know them, yet it is not neces- sary all should know them ; and that all should know them in the same sense and interpretation, is neither probable nor obligatory : but, therefore, since these things are to be distinguished by some differences of necessary and not necessary, whether or no is not the declaration of Christ and his apos- tles, affixing salvation to the belief of some great comprehensive articles, and the act of the apostles, rendering them as explicit as they thought conveni- ent, and consigning that creed made so explicit, as a tessera of a Christian, as a comprehension of the arti- cles of his belief, as a sufficient disposition, and an express of the faith of a catechumen, in order to bap- tism, — whether or no, I say, all this be not sufficient probation that these only are of absolute necessity, that this is sufficient for mere belief in order to heaven, and that therefore whosoever believes these articles heartily and explicitly, as St. John's expres- sion is, ' God dwelleth in him,' I leave it to be considered and judged of from the premises : only this, if the old doctors had been made judges in these questions, they would have passed their affir- mative ; for to instance in one for all, of this it was said by Tertullian : " This symbol is the one sufficient, immovable, unalterable, and unchange- able rule of faith, that admits no increment or de- crement; but if the integrity and unity of this be pre- served, in all other things men may take a liberty of enlarging their knowledges and prophesy in gs, ac- cording as they are assisted by the grace of God."* * *' Regula quidem fidei una omnino est sola immobilis et irre- formabilis, &c. Hac lege fidei manente caetera jam discipline et conversationis admittunt novitatem correctionis, operante scil. et proficiente usque in finem gratia Dei." — Lib. de Veland. Virg. 25 SECTION II. Of Heresy and the nature of it, and that it is to be accounted according to the strict capacity of Christiayi faith, and not in opinions speculative ; nor ever to pious persons. And thus I have represented a short draught of the object of faith, and its foundation ; the next consi- deration, in order to our main design, is to consider what was and what ought to be the judgment of the apostles concerning heresy ; for although there are more kinds of vices than there are of virtues, yet the number of them is to be taken by account- ing the transgressions of their virtues, and by the limits of faith ; we may also reckon the analogy and proportions of heresy, that as we have seen who was called faithful by the apostolical men, we may also perceive who were listed by them in the cata- logue of heretics, that we in our judgments may proceed accordingly. And first, the word Heresy is used in Scripture indifferently — in a good sense for a sect or division of opinion, and men following it ; or sometimes in a bad sense, for a false opinion signally condemned. But these kind of people were then called anti- christs and false prophets more frequently than heretics, and then there were many of them in the world. But it is observable that no heresies are noted with distinct particularity in Scripture, but such as are great errors practical — such whose doc- trines taught impiety, or such who denied the com- 26 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. ing of Christ directly or by consequence, not remote or wiredrawn, but prime and immediate : and there- fore, in the code De S. Trinitate et Fide Catholica, heresy is called " a wicked opinion and an ungodly doctrine."* The first false doctrine we find condemned by the apostles, was the opinion of Simon Magus, who thought the Holy Ghost was to be bought with mo- ney. He thought very dishonourably to the blessed Spirit; but yet his followers are rather noted of a vice, neither resting in the understanding, nor de- rived from it, but wholly practical. It is simony, not heresy, though in Simon it was a false opinion, proceeding from a low account of God, and pro- moted by his own ends of pride and covetousness : tlie great heresy that troubled them was the doc- trine of the necessity of keeping the law of Moses, the necessity of circumcision ; against which doc- trine they were therefore zealous, because it was a direct overthrow to the very end and excellency of Christ's coming. And this was an opinion most pertinaciously and obstinately maintained by the Jews, and had made a sect among the Galatians, and this was indeed wholly in opinion; and against it the apostles opposed two articles of the creed, which served at several times, according as the Jews changed their opinion, and left some degrees of their error : ' I believe in Jesus Christ, and I be- lieve the holy catholic church;' for they therefore pressed the necessity of Moses's law, because they were unw illing to forego the glorious appellative of being God's own peculiar people; and that salva- tion was of the Jews, and that the rest of the world * 'Aai^TjQ So^a, 19 dOkfiirog didafficaXia. OF HERESY. 27 were capable of that grace no otherwise but by- adoption into their religion, and becoming prose- lytes. But this was so ill a doctrine, as that it overthrew the great benefits of Christ's coming; for 'if they were circumcised, Christ profited them nothing ;' meaning this, that Christ will not be a Saviour to them who do not acknowledge him for their Lawgiver ; and they neither confess him their Lawgiver nor their Saviour, that look to be justified by the law of Moses, and observation of legal rites ; so that this doctrine was a direct enemy to the foun- dation, and therefore the- apostles were so zealous against it. Now, then, that other opinion, which the apostles met at Jerusalem to resolve, was but a piece of that opinion ; for the Jews and proselytes were drawn off from their lees and sediment by- degrees, step by step. At first, they would not en- dure any should be saved but themselves and their proselytes. Being wrought off from this height by miracles, and preaching of the apostles, they ad- mitted the Gentiles to a possibility of salvation, but yet so as to hope for it by Moses's law. From which foolery when they were with much ado dissuaded, and told that salvation was by faith in Christ, not by works of the law, yet they resolved to plough with an ox and an ass still, and join Moses with Christ; not as shadow and substance, but in an equal confederation; Christ should save the Gen- tiles if he was helped by Moses, but alone Christi- anity could not do it. Against this the apostles assembled at Jerusalem, and made a decision of the question, tying some of the Gentiles (such only who were blended by the Jews as fellow-country- men) to observation of such rites which the Jews had derived bv tradition from Noah, intending by 28 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. this to satisfy the Jews, as far as might be, with a reasonable compliance and condescension ; the other Gentiles, who were unmixed, in the mean- while remaining free, as appears in the liberty St. Paul gave the church of Corinth, of eating idol sa- crifices, (expressly against the decree at Jerusalem,) so it were without scandal. And yet for all this care and curious discretion, a little of the leaven still remained : all this they thought did so concern the Gentiles, that it was totally impertinent to the Jews; still they had a distinction to satisfy the letter of the apostle's decree, and yet to persist in their old opinion; and this so continued, that fif- teen Christian bishops, in succession, w ere circum- cised, even until the destruction of Jerusalem, un- der Adrian, as Eusebius reports.-^ First, by the way, let me observe, that never any matter of question in the Christian church was de- termined with greater solemnity, or more full au- thority of the church, than this question concerning circumcision : no less than the whole college of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, and that with a decree of the highest sanction : * It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us.' Secondly, either the case of the Hebrews in particular was omitted, and no determination concerning them, whether it were necessary or lawful for them to be circumcised, or else it was involved in the decree, and intended to oblige the Jews. If it w^as omitted, since the ques- tion was concerning what was essential, (for 'I Paul say unto you, if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing,') it is very remarkable how the apostles, to gain the Jews, and to comply • Euseb. lib. iv. Eccles. Hist. c. 5. OF HERESY. 29 with their violent prejudice in behalf of Moses's law, did for a time tolerate their dissent even in what was otherwise essential, which I doubt not but was intended as a precedent for the church to imitate for ever after: but if it was not omitted, either all the multitude of the Jews, (which St. James, then their bishop, expressed by " many my- riads:"* *Thou seest how many myriads of Jews that believe, and yet are zealots for the law;' and Eusebius, speaking of Justus, says, he was one " of the infinite multitude of the circumcision, who be- lieved in Jesus, )"f I say all these did perish, and their believing in Christ served them to no other ends, but in the infinity of their torments to up- braid them with hypocrisy and heresy ; or, if they were saved, it is apparent how merciful God was, and pitiful to human infirmities, that in a point of so great concernment did pity their weakness, and pardon their errors, and love their good mind, since their prejudice was little less than insuperable, and had fair probabilities, at least it was such as might abuse a wise and good man (and so it did many) they did err with a good intention. And, if I mis- take not, this consideration St. Fault urged as a reason why God forgave him who was a persecutor of the saints, because he did it ignorantly in unbe- lief; that is, he was not convinced in his understand- ing, of the truth of the way which he persecuted ; he in the meanwhile remaining in that incredulity, not out of malice or ill ends, but the mistakes of humanity and a pious zeal, therefore ' God had * Acts xxi. 20. ■f- " Ex infinita multitudine eonim qui ex circumcisione in Jesum credebant." — Lib. iii. 32. Eccles. Hist, i 1 Tim. i. 30 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. mercy on him/ And so it was in this great question of circumcision ; here only was the difference, the invincibility of St. Paul's error, and the honesty of his heart caused God so to pardon him as to bring him to the knowledge of Christ, which God there- fore did because it was necessary, as an interme- diate step. No salvation was consistent with the actual remanency of that error ; but in the question of circumcision, although they, by consequence, did overthrow the end of Christ^s coming, yet because it was such a consequence, which they, being hin- dered by a prejudice not impious, did not perceive, God tolerated them in their error, till time and a continual dropping of the lessons and dictates apostolical did wear it out. And then the doctrine put on its apparel, and became clothed with ne- cessity ; they in the mean time so kept to the foun- dation, that is, Jesus Christ ciucified and risen again, that although this did make a violent con- cussion of it, yet they held fast with their heart what they ignorantly destroyed with their tongue, (which Saul before his conversion did not,) that God, upon other titles than an actual dereliction of their error, did bring them to salvation. And in the descent of so many years, I find not any one anathema passed by the apostles or their successors, upon any of the bishops of Jerusalem, or the believers of the circumcision ; and yet it was a point as clearly determined, and of as great neces- sity, as any of those questions that at this day vex and crucify Christendom. Besides this question, and that of the resurrec- tion, commenced in the church of Corinth, and pro- moted, with some variety of sense, by Hymenaeus and Philetus in Asia, who said that the resurrection OF HERESY. 31 was past already, I do not remember any other heresy named in Scripture, but such as were errors of impiety in moral practice ; such as was, particu- larly, forbidding to marry, and the heresy of the Nicolaitans, a doctrine that taught the necessity of lust and frequent fornication. But in all the animadversions against errors made by the apostles in the New Testament, no pious person was condemned, no man that did invincibly err, or with a good intention; but something that was amiss in the principle of action, was that which the apostles did redargue. And it is very consi- derable, that even they of the circumcision, who in so great numbers did heartily believe in Christ, and yet most violently retain circumcision, and without question went to heaven in great numbers, yet of the number of these very men, they came deeply under censure, when to their error they added im- piety : so long as it stood with charity and without human ends and secular interests, so long it was either innocent or connived at ; but when they grew covetous, and for filthy lucre's sake taught the same doctrine which others did in the simplicity of their hearts, then they turned heretics, then they were termed seducers ; and Titus was commanded to look to them, and to silence them : * For there are many that are intractable and vain babblers, seducers of minds, especially they of the circum- cision, who seduce whole houses, teaching things that they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.' These indeed were not to be endured, but to be silenced, by the conviction of sound doctrine, and to be re- buked sharply, and avoided. For heresy is not an error of the understanding, but an error of the will. And this is clearly in- 32 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. sinuated in Scripture, in the style whereof faith and a good life are made one duty, and vice is called opposite to faith, and heresy opposed to holiness and sanctity. So in St. Paul : * For (saith he) the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned;'* a quibus quod aherrarunt quidam, from which charity, and purity, and goodness, and sincerity, because some have wandered, they have turned aside unto vain jangling. And immediately after, he reckons the oppositions to faith and sound doc- trine, and instances only in vices that stain the lives of Christians, ' the unjust, the unclean, the uncha- ritable, the liar, the perjured person ;' these are the enemies of the true doctrine. And therefore St. Peter, having given in charge, to add to our virtue patience, temperance, charity, and the like, gives this for a reason : * for if these things be in you and abound, ye shall be fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ' So that knowledge and faith is part of a good life.f And St. Paul calls faith, or the form of sound words, * the doctrine that is ac- cording to godliness,' 1 Tim. vi. 3. And to be- lieve in the truth, and to have pleasure in unright- eousness,J are by the same apostle opposed, and intimate, that piety and faith is all one thing : faith * 1 Tim. i. t " Quid igitur credulitas vel fides ? Opinor fideliter homi- nem Christo credere ; id est, fidelem Deo esse : hoc est, fideJiter Dei man data servare." " "What then is belief or faith ? It is, in my opinion, faith- fully to believe in Christ ; that is, to be faithful to God : in other words, faithfully to keep his commandments." — So Salvian. X Ev(jti3))c tS)v ^^'ptTiai/wi/ S-pz/crKt/a; that is, "our re- ligion, or faith; the whole manner of serving God. — C de sum- via Trinlt. et Fide Cathol. OF HERESY. 33 must be entire and holy too, or it is not right. It was the heresy of the Gnosticks, that it was no mat- ter how men lived, so they did but believe aright : which wicked doctrine Tatianus, a learned Chris- tian, did so detest, that he fell into a cjuite contrary: " It is of no consequence what a man believes, but only what he does."* And thence came the sect of the Encratites. Both these heresies sprang from the too nice distinguishing the faith from the piety and good life of a Christian : they are both but one duty. However they may be distinguished, if we speak like philosophers; they cannot be distin- guished, when we speak like Christians. For to believe what God hath commanded, is in order to a good life ; and to live well is the product of that believing, and as proper emanations from it, as from its proper principle, and as heat is from the fire. And therefore, in Scripture, tiiey are used promiscuously in sense, and in expression, as not only being subjected in the same person, but also in the same faculty; faith is as truly seated in the will as in the understanding, and a good life as merely derives from the understanding as the will. Both of them are matters of choice and of election, neither of them an effect natural and invincible or necessary antecedently. f And, indeed, if we re- member that St. Paul reckons heresy amongst the works of the flesh, and ranks it with all manner of practical impieties, we shall easily perceive, that if a man mingles not a vice with his opinion, if he be innocent in his life, though deceived in his doctrine, his error is his misery, not his crime ; it makes him * '' Non est curandum quid quisque credat, id tantum curan- dum est quod quisque faciat." -|- " I^^ecessaria ut fiant, non necessaria facta." D 34 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. an argument of weakness and an object of pity, but not a person sealed up to ruin and reprobation. > For as the nature of faith is, so is the nature of heresy, contraries having the same proportion and commensuration. Now faith, if it be taken for an act of the understanding merely, is so far from be- ing that excellent grace that justifies us, that it is not good at all, in any kind but naturally, and makes the understanding better in itself^ or pleas- ing to God, just as strength doth the arm, or beauty the face, or health the body; these are natural per- fections indeed, and so knowledge and a true belief is to the understanding. But this makes us not at all more acceptable to God ; for then the unlearned were certainly in a damnable condition, and all good scholars should be saved, (whereas I am afraid too much of the contrary is true.) But unless faith be made moral by the mixtures of choice and cha- rity, it is nothing but a natural perfection, not a grace or a virtue; and this is demonstrably proved in this, that by the confession of all men, of all inte- rests and persuasions in matters of mere belief, in- vincible ignorance is our excuse if we be deceived, which could not be, but that neither to believe aright is commendable, nor to believe amiss is re- provable ; but where both one and the other is vo- luntary and chosen antecedently or consequently, by prime election or ex post facto, and so comes to be considered in morality, and is part of a good life or a bad life respectively. Just so it is in heresy ; if it be a design of ambition and making of a sect, (so Erasmus expounds St. Paul, aiperiKov dj/^pw7rov;)* if it be for filthy lucre's sake, as it was in some that * " Alieni sunt a veritate qui se obarmant multitudine." — Chryst. OF HERESY. 35 were of the circumcision; if it be of pride and love of pre-eminence, as it was in Dioirephes ; or out of peevishness and indocibleness of disposition, or of a contentious spirit ; that is, that their feet are not shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace ; in all these cases the error is just so damnable as is its principle, but therefore damnable not of itself, but by reason of its adherency. And if any shall say any otherwise, it is to say that some men shall be damned when they cannot help it, perish without their own fault, and be miserable for ever, because of their unhappiness to be deceived through their own simplicity and natural or accidental, but in- culpable infirmity. For it cannot stand with the goodness of God, who does so know our infirmities, that he pardons many things in which our wills indeed have the least share, (but some they have,) but are overborne with the violence of an impetuous temptation ; I say, it is in- consistent with his goodness to condemn those who err where the error hath nothing of the will in it, who therefore cannot repent of their error, because they believe it true, who therefore cannot make compen- sation, because they know not that they are tied to dereliction of it. And although all heretics are in this condition, that is, they believe their errors to be true; yet there is a vast diflference between them who believe so out of simplicity, and them who are given over to believe a lie, as a punishment or an effect of some other wickedness or impiety. For all have a concomitant assent to the truth of what they believe; and no man can at the same time believe what he does not believe, but this assent of the understanding in heretics is caused not by force of argument, but the argument is made forcible by d2 36 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING, something that is amiss in his will ; and although a heretic may peradventure have a stronger argu- ment for his error than some true believer for his right persuasion, yet it is not considerable how- strong his argument is; (because in a weak under- standing, a small motive will produce a great per- suasion, like gentle physic in a weak body;) but that which here is considerable, is, what it is that made his argument forcible. If his invincible and harm- less prejudice, if his weakness, if his education, if his mistaking piety, if any thing that hath no venom, nor a sting in it, there the heartiness of his persuasion is no sin, but his misery and his excuse ; but if any thing that is evil in the principle of his conduct did incline his understanding, if his opi- nion did commence upon pride, or is nourished by covetousness, or continues through stupid care- lessness, or increases by pertinacity, or is con- firmed by obstinacy, then the innocency of the error is disbanded, his misery is changed into a crime and begins its own punishment. But, by the way, I must observe, that when I reckoned obsd- nacy amongst those things which make a false opi- nion criminal, it is to be understood with some dis- cretion and distinction. For there is an obstinacy of will which is indeed highly guilty of misde- meanor ; and when the school makes pertinacity or obstinacy to be the formality of heresy, they say not true at all, unless it be meant the obstinacy of the will and choice ; and if they do, they speak imperfectly and inartificially, this being but one of the causes that make error become heresy. The adequate and perfect formality of heresy is what- soever makes the error voluntary and vicious, as is clear in Scripture, reckoning covetousness, and OF HERESY. 37 pride, and lust, and whatsoever is vicious, to be its causes; (and in habits or moral changes and pro- ductions, whatever alters the essence of a habit, or gives it a new formality, is not to be reckoned the efficient but the form ;) but there is also an obstinacy, (you may call it,) but, indeed, is nothing but a reso- lution and confirmation of understanding, which is not in a man's power honestly to alter ; and it is not all the commands of humanity that can be argument sufficient to make a man leave believing that for which he thinks he hath reason, and for which he hath such arguments as heartily convince him. Now, the persisting in an opinion finally, and against all the confidence and imperiousness of human com- mands, that makes not this criminal obstinacy, if the erring person have so much humility of will as to submit to whatever God says, and that no vice in his will hinders him from believing it. So that we must carefully distinguish continuance in opi- nion from obstinacy, confidence of understanding from peevishness of aflfection, a not being convinced from a resolution never to be convinced upon hu- man ends and vicious principles. "We are ac- quainted with some jDersons who are unwilling to relincjuish what they have once believed ; nor can they be easily convinced, but still persist in retain- ing the notions they have once adopted, though in the spirit of peace and charity ; in which case we neither use compulsion nor authority," saith St. Cy- prian.* And he himself was such a one ; for he * '' Scimus quosdam quod semel imbiberint nolle deponere, nee propositum suum facile mutare, sed salvo inter collegas pacis et concordice vinculo quasdam propria quae apud se semel sint usur- pata retinere ; qua in re nee nos vim cuiquam facimiis, aut legem damus." — Lib. ii. Ep. I. 38 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. persisted in his opinion of rebaptisation until death, and yet his obstinacy was not called criminal, or his error turned to heresy. But to return. In this sense it is that a heretic is avTOKardicpiToc, self-condemned, not by an immediate express sen- tence of understanding, but by his own act or fault brought into condemnation. As it is in the canon law, Js^otoi'iiis fercussor clerici is ipso jure excoin- inunicaie, not per se7itentiam latam ab homine, but d jure. " A man who strikes a clergyman, is excom- municated by his own conscience, not so much by a public verdict as by right." No man hath passed sentence from a judgment-seat, but law hath de- creed it by express enactment : so it is in the case of a heretic. The understanding, which is judge, condemns him not by an express sentence ; for he errs with as much simplicity in the result, as he had malice in the principle : but there is sententia lata a jure, his will which is his law, that hath con- demned him. And this is gathered from that saying of St. Paul, 2 Tim. iii. 13. ' But evil men and se- ducers sliall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.' First they are evil men ; malice and peevishness is in their wills : then they turn heretics and seduce others, and while they grow worse and worse, the error is master of their under- standing; they are deceived themselves, 'given over to believe a lie,' saith the apostle. They first play the knave, and then play the fool ; they first sell themselves to the purchase of vain glory or ill ends, and then they become possessed with a lying spirit, and believe those things heartily, which if they were honest they should, with God's grace, discover and disclaim. So that now we see that a hearty persuasion in a false article does not always make OF HERESY. 39 the error to be esteemed involuntary ; but then only when it is as innocent in the principle as it is confident in the present persuasion. And such per- sons who by their ill lives and vicious actions, or manifest designs (for by their fruits ye shall know them) give testimony of such criminal indisposi- tions, so as competent judges by human and pru- dent estimate may so judge them, then they are to be declared heretics, and avoided. And if this were not true, it were vain that the apostle com- mands us to avoid an heretic : for no external act can pass upon a man for a crime that is not cog- nizable. Now every man that errs, though in a matter of consequence, so long as the foundation is entire, cannot be suspected justly guilty of a crime to give his error a formality of heresy ; for we see many a good man miserably deceived ; (as we shall make it appear afterwards;) and he that is the best amongst men, certainly hath so much humility to think he may be easily deceived ; and twenty to one but he is, in something or other ; yet, if his error be not voluntary, and part of an ill life, then because he lives a good life, he is a good man, and therefore no heretic : no man is an heretic against his will. And if it be pretended that every man that is de- ceived, is therefore proud, because he does not sub- mit his understanding to the authority of God or man respectively, and so his error becomes a he- resy; to this I answer, that there is no Christian man but will submit his understanding to God, and believe whatsoever he hath said ; but always pro- vided he knows that God hath said so, else he must do his duty by a readiness to obey when he shall know it. But for obedience or humility of the un- 40 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. derstanding towards men, that is a thing of another consideration, and it must first be made evident that his understanding must be submitted to men ; and who those men are, must also be certain, before it will be adjudged a sin not to submit. But if I mistake not, Christ's saying, ' Call no man master upon earth/ is so great a prejudice against this pretence, as I doubt it will go near wholly to make it invalid. So that as the worshipping of angels is a humility indeed, but it is voluntary and a will- worship to an ill sense, not to be excused by the excellency of humility, nor the virtue of religion ; so is the relying upon the judgment of man an hu- mility too, but such as comes not under that obe- dience of faith which is the duty of every Christian, but intrenches upon that duty which we owe to Christ as an acknowledgment that he is our great Master, and the Prince of the catholic church. But whether it be or be not, if that be the question, whether the disagreeing person be to be determined by the dictates of men, I am sure the dictates of men must not determine him in that cjuestion, but it must be settled by some higher principle : so that if of that question the disagreeing person does opine, or believe, or err bond fide, he is not there- fore to be judged a heretic, because he submits not his understanding ; because, till it be sufficiently made certain to him that he is bound to submit, he may innocently and piously disagree ; and this not submitting is therefore not a crime, (and so cannot make a heresy,) because without a crime he may lawfully doubt whether he be bound to submit or no, for that is the question. And if in such cjues- tions which have influence upon a whole system of theology, a man may doubt lawfully if he doubts OF HERESY. 41 heartily, because the authority of men being the thing- in question, cannot be the judge of this c^ues- tion, and therefore being rejected, or (which is all one) being questioned, that is, not believed, cannot render the doubting person guilty of pride, and by consequence not of heresy, much more may parti- cular cj[uestions be doubted of, and the authority of men examined, and yet the doubting person be humble enough, and therefore no heretic for all this pretence. And it would be considered that hu- mility is a duty in great ones as well as in idiots.* And as inferiors must not disagree without reason, so neither must superiors prescribe to others with- out sufficient authority, evidence, and necessity too ; and if rebellion be pride, so is tyranny ; both may be guilty of pride of understanding, sometimes the one in imposing, sometimes the other in a cause- less disagreeing ; but in the inferiors it is then only the want of humility, when the guides impose or prescribe what God hath also taught, and then it is the disobeying God's dictates, not man's, that makes the sin. But then this consideration will also intervene, that as no dictate of God obliges me to believe it, unless I know it to be such ; so neither will any of the dictates of my superiors engage my faith, unless I also know, or have no reason to disbelieve, but that they are warranted to teach them to me, therefore, because God hath taught the same to them ; which if I once know, or have no reason to think the contrary, if I disagree, my sin is not in resisting human authority, but divine. And, therefore, the whole business of sub- mitting our understanding to human authority * Mean, or illiterate persons. 42 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. comes to nothing; for either it resolves into the direct duty of submitting to God, or, if it be spoken of abstractedly, it is no duty at all. But this pretence of a necessity of humbling the understanding, is none of the meanest arts whereby some persons have invaded and usurped a power over men's faith and consciences; and therefore we shall examine the pretence afterwards, and try if God hath invested any man, or company of men, with such a power. In the mean time, he that submits his understanding to all that he knows God hath said, and is ready to submit to all that he hath said if he but know it, denying his own affec- tions, and ends, and interests, and human persua- sions, laying them all down at the foot of his great master, Jesus Christ, that man hath brought his understanding into subjection, and every proud thought unto the obedience of Christ ; and this is the obedience of faith, which is the duty of a Chris- tian. But to proceed. Besides these heresies noted in Scripture, the age of the apostles, and that which followed, was infested with other heresies; but such as had the same formality and malignity with the precedent, all of them either such as taught prac- tical impieties, or denied an article of the creed. Egesippus, in Eusebius, reckons seven only prime heresies, that sought to deflower the purity of the church : that of Simon, that of Thebutes, of Cleo- bius, of Dositheus, of Gortheus, of jNIasbotheus. I suppose Cerinthus to have been the seventh man, though he express him not : but of these, except the last, we know no particulars, but that Ege- sippus says, they were false Christs, and that their doctrine was directly against God and his blessed OF HERESY. 43 Son. Menander, also, was the first of a sect; but he bewitched the people with his sorceries. Cerin- thus's doctrine pretended enthusiasm, or a new reve- lation, and ended in lust and impious theorems in matter of uncleanness. The Ebionites* denied Christ to be the Son of God, and affirmed him mere man, begot by natural generation, (by occa- sion of which and the importunity of the Asian bishops, St. John wrote his Gospel,) and taught the observation of Moses's law. Basilides taught it lawful to renounce the faith, and take false oaths in time of persecution. Carpocrates was a very bed- lam, half-witch, and quite mad-man, and practised lust, which he called the secret operations to over- come the potentates of the world. Some more there were, but of the same nature and pest ; not of a nicety in dispute, not a question of secret phi- losophy, not of atoms, and undiscernible proposi- tions, but open defiances of all faith, of all so- briety, and of all sanctity ; excepting only the doc- trine of the Millennaries, which in the best ages was esteemed no heresy, but true catholic doctrine, though since it hath justice done to it, and hath suffered a just condemnation. Hitherto, and in these instances, the church did esteem and judge of heresies, in proportion to the rules and characters of faith. For faith being a doctrine of piety as well as truth, that which was either destructive of fundamental verity, or of Christian sanctity was against faith, and if it be made a sect, was heresy ; if not, it ended in per- sonal impiety and went no farther. But those who, as St. Paul says, not only did such things, but had • Vide Hilar, lib. i. De Trin. 44 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. pleasure in them that do them, and therefore taught others to do what they impiously did dog- matize, they were heretics both in matter and form, in doctrine and deportment, towards God, and to- wards man, and judicable in both tribunals. But the Scripture and apostolical sermons, hav- ing expressed most high indignation against these masters of impious sects, leaving them under pro- digious characters, and horrid rep resentments, as calling them men of corrupt minds, reprobates concerning the faith, given over to strong delusions, to the belief of a lie, false apostles, false prophets, men already condemned, and that by themselves, anti-Christs, enemies of God ; and heresy itself, a work of the flesh, excluding from the kingdom of heaven; left such impressions in the minds of all their successors, and so much zeal against such sects, that if any ojDinion commenced in the church not heard of before, it oftentimes had this ill luck to run the same fortune with an old heresy. For because the heretics did bring in new opinions in matters of great concernment, every opinion de novo brought in was liable to the same exception ; and because the degree of malignity in every error was oftentimes undiscernible, and most commonly indemonstrable, their zeal was alike against all; and those ages bemg full of piety, were fitted to be abused with an over-active zeal, as wise persons and learned are with a too much indifferency. But it came to pass, that the further the succes- sion went from the apostles, the more forward men were in numbering heresies, and that upon slighter and more uncertain grounds. Some footsteps of this we shall find, if we consider the sects that are said to have sprung in the first three hundred years, OF HERESY. 45 and they were quick in their springs and falls; fourscore and seven of them are reckoned. They were indeed reckoned afterward, and though when they were alive, they were not condemned with as much forwardness, as after they were dead; yet even then, confidence began to mingle with opinions less necessary, and mistakes in judgment were oftener and more public than they should have been. But if they were forward in their censures, (as sometimes some of them were,) it is no great wonder they were deceived. For what principle or criterion had they then to judge of heresies, or con- demn them, besides the single dictates or decretals of private bishops ? for Scripture was indifferently pretended by all ; and concerning the meaning of it, was the question. Now there was no general coun- cil all that while, no opportunity for the church to convene; and if we search the communicatory letters of the bishops and martyrs in those days, we shall find but few sentences decretory concern- ing any question of faith, or new-sprung opinion. And in those that did, for aught appears, the per- sons were misreported, or their opinions mistaken, or at most, the sentence of condemnation was no more but this : such a bishop who hath had the good fortune by posterity to be reputed a catholic, did condemn such a man of such an opinion, and yet himself erred in as considerable matters, but meeting with better neighbours in his life-time, and a more charitable posterity, hath his memory pre- served in honour. It appears plain enough in the case of Nicholas, the deacon of Antioch, upon a mis- take of his words whereby he taught to abuse the flesh, viz. by acts of austerity and self-denial, and mortification; some wicked people, that were glad 46 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. to be mistaken and abused into a pleasing crime, pretended that he taught them to abuse the flesh by filthy commixtures and pollutions : this mis- take was transmitted to posterity with a full cry, and acts afterwards found out to justify an ill opi- nion of him. For by St. Jerome's time it grew out of Cjuestion, but that he was the vilest of men, and the worst of heretics :* accusations that, while the good man lived, were never thought of, for his daughters were virgins, and his sons lived in holy celibacy all their lives, and himself lived in chaste wedlock ; and yet his memory had rotted in perpetual infamy, had not God (in whose sight the memory of the saints is precious) preserved it by the testi- mony of Clemens Alexandrinus, f and from him of Eusebius and Nicephorus.t But in the catalogue of heretics made by Philastrius, he stands marked with a black character, as guilty of many heresies ; by which one testimony we may guess what trust is to be given to those catalogues. Well, this good man had ill luck to fall into unskilful hands at first; but Irenasus, Justin Martyr, Lactantius, (to name no more,) had better fortune; for it being still extant in their writings that they were of the mil- lennary opinion, Papias before, and Nepos after, were censured hardly, and the opinion put into the catalogue of heresies ; and yet these men never suspected as guilty, but, like the children of the captivity, walked in the midst of the flame, and not so much as the smell of fire passed on them. • "Nicolaus Antiochenus, omnium immunditiarum condi- tor, chores duxit fcemineos." — Ad Ctesiph. And again : " Iste Nicolaus Diaconus ita immundus extitit ut etiam in prassepi Domini nefas perpetrilrit." — Epist. de Fabiano lapso. f Lib. iii. Stromal. :;: Lib. iii. c. 26, Hist. OF HERESY. 47 But the uncertainty of these things is very memo- rable in the story of Eustathius, bishop of Antioch, contesting- with Eusebius Pamphilus: Eustathius accused Eusebius for going about to corrupt the Nicene creed, of which slander he then acquitted himself (saith Socrates);* and yet he is not cleared by posterity, for still he is suspected, and his fame not clear. However, Eusebius then escaped well; but, to be quit with his adversary, he recriminates, and accuses him to be a favourer of Sabellius, rather than of the Nicene canons : an imperfect accusa- tion, God knows, when the crime was a suspicion, proveable only by actions capable of divers con- structions, and at the most made but some degrees of probability, and the fact itself did not consist in any particular, and therefore was to stand or fall, to be improved or lessened, according to the will of the judges, whom in this case Eustathius, by his ill fortune and a potent adversary, found harsh to- wards him, insomuch that he was for heresy de- posed in the synod of Antioch. And though this was laid open in the eye of the world, as being most ready at hand, with the greatest ease charged upon every man, and with greatest difficulty acquitted by any man, yet there weve other suspicions raised upon him privately, or at least talked of afterwards, and pretended as causes of his deprivation, lest the sentence should seem too hard for the first offence. And yet, what they were no man could tell, saith the story. But it is observable what Socrates saith, as in excuse of such proceedings :f * It is the * Lib. i. c. 23. i* Tovro de Itti TravTiov eiojSracri tu)v Karaipovf.iei'UJV ttouTu ct iTrirXKOTTOi, Karrjyopovpreg fxkv Kai dcrelSii XeyovTsgj tclq de alriag rijQ wejSeiag ov \kyovai. — Lib. i. c 24. 48 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. manner among the bishops, ivhen they accuse them that ure deposed, they call them ivicked, but they publish not the actions of their impiety.' It might possibly be that the bishops did it in tenderness of their reputation : but yet hardly ; for to punish a person publicly and highly is a certain declaring the person punished guilty of a high crime ; and then to conceal the fault, upon pretence to preserve his reputation, leaves every man at liberty to con- jecture what he pleaseth, who possibly will believe it worse than it is, inasmuch as they think his judges so charitable as therefore to conceal the fault, lest the publishing of it should be his greatest punishment, and the scandal greater than his de- privation.* However, this course, if it were just in any, was unsafe in all, for it might undo more than it could preserve, and therefore is of more danger than it can be of charity. It is therefore too probable that the matter was not very fair, for in public sentence the acts ought to be public ; but that they rather pretend heresy to bring their ends about, shows how easy it is to impute that crime, and how forward they were to do it. And that they might and did then as easily call heretic as after- ward, when Vigilius was condemned of heresy, for sayinc;^ there were antipodes; or as the friars of late did, who suspected Greek and Hebrew of he- resy, and called their professors heretics, and had like to have put Terence and Demosthenes into the Index Expurgatorius. Sure enough they railed at them pro condone ; therefore, because they under- stood them not, and had reason to believe they * " Simpliciter pateat vitium fortasse pusillum, Quod tegitur, majus creditur esse malum," — Martial, OF HERESY. 49 would accidentally be enemies to their reputation among- the people. By this instance, which was a while after the Nicene council, where the acts of the church were regular, judicial, and orderly, we may guess at the sentences passed upon heresy, at such times and in such cases, when their process was more private and their acts more tumultuary, their infor- mation less certain, and therefore their mistakes more easy and frequent. And it is remarkable in the case of the heresy of Montanus, the scene of whose heresy lay within the first three hundred years, though it was represented in the catalogues afterwards; and possibly the mistake concerning- it is to be put upon the score of Epiphanius, by whom Montanus and his followers were put into the catalogue of heretics, for commanding absti- nence from meats, as if they were unclean and of themselves unlawful. Now the truth was, Mon- tanus said no such thing-; but commanded frecjuent abstinence, enjoined dry diet and an ascetic table, not for conscience' sake, but for discipline ; and yet, because he did this with too muoh rigour and strictness of mandate, the primitive church mis- liked it in him, as being- too near their error, who, by a Judaical superstition, abstained from meats as from uncleanness. This, by the way, will much concern them who place too much sanctity in such rites and acts of discipline ; for it is an eternal rule, and of never-failing truth, that such abstinences, if they be obtruded as acts of original immediate duty and sanctity, are unlawful and superstitious. If they be for discipline, they may be good, but of no very great profit : it is that bodily exercise which St. Paul says profiteth but little; and just in the E 50 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. same degree the primitive church esteemed them, for they therefore reprehended Montanus for urg- ing such abstinences with too much earnestness, though but in the way of discipline ; for that it was no more, Tertullian, who v.as himself a Montanist, and knew best the opinions of his own sect, testifies : and yet Epiphanius, reporting the errors of Mon- tanus, commends that which Montanus truly and really taught, and which the primitive church con- demned in him, and therefore represents that he- resy to another sense, and affixes that to Montanus which Epiphanius believed a heresy, and yet which Montanus did not teach. And this also, among many other things, lessens my opinion very much of the integrity or discretion of the old catalogues of heretics, and much abates my confidence to- wards them. And now that I have mentioned them casually in passing by, I shall give a short account of them; for men are much mistaken : some in their opinions concerning the truth of them, as believing them to be all true; some concerning their purpose, as thinking them sufficient not only to condemn all those opinions there called heretical, but to be a precedent to all ages of the church to be free and forward in calling heretic. But he that con- siders the catalogues themselves, as they are col- lected by Epiphanius, Philastrius, and St. Austin, shall find that many are reckoned for heretics for opinions in matters disputable and undetermined, and of no consequence ; and that, in these cata- logues of heretics, there are men numbered for he- retics which by every side respectively are acquitted; so that there is no company of men in the world that admit these catalogues as good records or suf- OF HERESY. 51 ficient sentences of condemnation. For the churches of the reformation, I am certain they acquit Aerius for denying prayer for the dead, and the Eusta- thians for denying invocation of saints. And I am partly of opinion, that the church of Rome is not willing to call the Collyridians heretics for of- fering a cake to the Virgin Mary, unless she also will run the hazard of the same sentence for offer- ing candles to her ; and that they will be glad with St. Austin (l.vi.DeHffires. c.86) to excuse theTer- tullianists* for picturing God in a visible, corporal representment. And yet these sects are put in the black book by Epiphanius, and St. Austin, and Isidore respectively. I remember also that the Osseni are called heretics, because they refused to worship toward the east ; and yet in that dissent I find not the malignity of a heresy, nor any thing against an article of faith or good manners ; and it being only in circumstance, it were hard, if they were otherwise pious men and true believers, to send them to hell for such a trifle. The Parerme- neutae refused to follow men's dictates like sheep, but would expound Scripture according to the best evidence themselves could find, and yet were called heretics, whether they expounded true or no. The Pauliciani,f for being offended at crosses; the Pro- clians, for saying, in a regenerate man all his sins w^ere not quite dead, but only curbed and assuaged, were called heretics, and so condemned; for aught I know, for affirming that which all pious men feel in themselves to be too true. And he that will consider how numerous the catalogues are, and to what a vo- lume they are come in their last collections, to no less * D. Thorn, i. Contr. Gent. c. 21. -|- Euthym. part i. tit. 21. Epiphan. Hjeres. 64. E 2 52 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. than five hundred and twenty, (for so many heresies and heretics are reckoned by Prateolus,) may think that if a retrenchment were justly made of truths, and all impertinences, and all opinions, either still disputable or less considerable, the number would much decrease ; and therefore that the catalogues are much amiss, and the name heretic is made a bugbear to affright people from their belief, or to discountenance the persons of men, and disrepute them, that their schools may be empty and their disciples few. So that I shall not need to instance how that some men were called heretics by Philastrius, for rejecting the translation of the Seventy, and follow- ing the Bible of Aquila, wherein the great faults mentioned by Philastrius are, that he translates Xpi'^ov Qeov not Christum, but tnictum Dei, the Anointed of God ; and instead of Emanuel, writes Deus nobiscum, God with us. But this most con- cerns them of the primitive church, with whom the translation of Aquila was in great reputation : it was supposed he was a greater clerk, and under- stood more than ordinary. It may be, so he did : but whether yea or no, yet since the other trans- lators, by the confession of Philastrius, when com- pelled by urgent necessity, did pass by some things, if some wise men, or unwise, did follow^ a translator who understood the original well, (for so Aquila had learnt amongst the Jews,) it was hard to call men heretics for following his translation, especially since the other Bibles (which were thought to have in them contradictories, and, it was confessed, had omitted some things) were excused by necessity ; and the others' necessity of following Aquila, when they had no better^ was not at all considered, nor a OF HERESY. 53 less ci'ime than heresy laid upon their score. Such another was the heresy of the Quartodecimani ; for the Easterling-s were all proclaimed heretics, for keeping Easter after the manner of the east ; and as Socrates and Nicephorus report, the bishop of Rome was very forward to excommunicate all the bishops of the lesser Asia, for observing- the feast according to the tradition of their ancestors, though they did it modestly, quietly, and without faction ; and although they pretended, and were as well able to prove their tradition from St. John, of so observing it, as the western church could prove their tradition derivative from St. Peter and St Paul. If such things as these make up the cata- logues of heretics, (as we see they did,) their ac- counts differ from the precedents they ought to have followed ; that is, the censures apostolical; and therefore are unsafe precedents for us; and unless they took the liberty of using the word heresy in a lower sense than the world now doth, since the councils have been forward in pronouncing ana- thema, and took it only for a distinct sense, and a differing persuasion in matters of opinion and minute articles, we cannot excuse the persons of the men : but if they intended the crime of heresy against those opinions, as they laid them down in their catalogues, that crime (T say) which is a work of the flesh, which excludes from the kingdom of heaven, all that I shall say against them is, that the causeless curse shall return empty, and no man is damned the sooner because his enemy cries ' Oh, accursed !' and they that were the judges and ac- cusers might err as well as the persons accused, and might need as charitable construction of their opi- nions and practices as the other. And of this we 54 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. are sure, they had no warrant from any rule of Scripture, or practice apostolical, for driving so furiously and hastily in such decretory sentences. But I am willing rather to believe their sense of the word heresy was more gentle than with us it is, and for that they might have warrant from Scripture. But, by the way, I observe that although these catalogues are a great instance to show that they whose age and spirits were far distant from the apostles, had also other judgments concerning faith and heresy than the apostles had, and the ages apostolical; yet these catalogues, although they are reports of heresies in the second and third ages, are not to be put upon the account of those ages, nor to be reckoned as an instance of their judg- ment; which, although it was in some degrees more culpable than that of their predecessors, yet in re- spect of the following ages it was innocent and mo- dest. But these catalogues I speak of were set down according to the sense of the then present ages, in which as they in all probability did differ from the apprehensions of the former centuries, so it is certain there were differing learnings, other fancies, divers rep resentments and judgments of men, depending upon circumstances, which the first ages knew and the following ages did not; and therefore the catalogues were drawn with some truth, but less certainty, as appears in their differ- ing about the authors of some heresies; several opinions imputed to the same, and some put in the roll of heretics by one, which the other left out ; which to me is an argument that the collectors were determined, not by the sense and sentences of the three first ages, but by themselves, and some cir- cumstances about them, which to reckon for here- OF HERESY. 65 tics, which not. And that they themselves were the prime judges, or perhaps some in their own age together with them ; but there was not any suffi- cient external judicatory, competent to declare he- resy, that by any public or sufficient sentence or acts of court had furnished them with warrant for their catalogues. And therefore they are no argu- ment sufficient that the first ages of the church, which certainly were the best, did much recede from that which I showed to be the sense of the Scripture and the practice of the apostles ; they all contented themselves with the apostles' creed as the rule of the faith, and therefore were not forward to judge of heresy but by analogy to their rule of faith ; and those catalogues made after these ages are not sufficient arguments that they did other- wise, but rather of the weakness of some persons, or of the spirit and genius of the age in which the compilers lived, in which the device of calling all differing opinions by the name of heresies, might grow to be a design to serve ends, and to promote interests, as often as an act of zeal and just indig- nation against evil persons, destroyers of the faith, and corrupters of manners. For whatever private men's opinions were, yet, till the Nicene council, the rule of faith was entire in the apostles' creed; and provided they retained that, easily they broke not the unity of faith, how- ever differing opinions might possibly commence in such things in which a liberty were better suf- fered than prohibited with a breach of charity. And this appears exactly in the question between St Cyprian, of Carthage, and Stephen, bishop of Rome, in which one instance it is easy to see what was lawful and safe for a wise and good man, and 56 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. yet how others began, even then, to be abused by that temptation, which since hath invaded all Chris- tendom. St. Cyprian rebaptized heretics, and thought he was bound so to do ; calls a synod in Africa, as being metropolitan, and confirms his opinion, by the consent of his suffragans and bre- thren, but still with so much modesty, that if any man was of another opinion, he judged him not, but gave him that liberty that he desired himself: Stephen, bishop of Rome, grows angry, excommu- nicates the bishops of Asia and Africa, that in divers synods had consented to rebaptization, and, without peace and without charity, condemns them for heretics. Indeed, here was the rarest mixture and conjunction of unlikelihoods that I have ob- served. Here was error of opinion with much mo- desty and sweetness of temper on one side ; and on the other, an over-active and impetuous zeal to attest a truth. It uses not to be so, for error usu- ally is supported with confidence, and truth sup- pressed and discountenanced by indifferency. But that it might appear that the error was not the sin but the uncharitableness, Stephen was accounted a zealous and furious person, and St. Cyprian,* though deceived, yet a very good man, and of great sanctity. For although every error is to be opposed, yet, according to the variety of errors so is there variety of proceedings. If it be against faith, that is, a destruction of any part of the foundation, it is with zeal to be resisted; and we have for it an apos- tolical warrant, ' Contend earnestly for the faith : ' but then, as these things recede farther from the foundation, our certainty is the less, and their ne- * Vid. St. Aug. lib. ii. c. 6. De Baptis. contra Donat. OF HERESY. 57 cessity not so much ; and therefore it were very fit that our confidence should be according to our evi- dence, and our zeal according- to our confidence, and our confidence should then be the rule of our communion ; and the lightness of an article should be considered with the weight of a precept of cha- rity. And therefore, there are some errors to be reproved, rather by a private friend than a public censure, and the persons of the men not avoided, but admonished, and their doctrine rejected, not their communion : few opinions are of that malig- nity which are to be rejected with the same exter- minating spirit, and confidence of aversation, with which the first teachers of Christianity condemned Ebion, Manes, and Cerinthus : and in the condem- nation of heretics, the personal iniquity is more considerable than the obliquity of the doctrine, not for the rejection of the article, but for censuring the persons ; and therefore it is the piety of the man that excused St. Cyprian, which is a certain argu- ment that it is not the opinion, but the impiety that condemns and makes the heretic. And this was it which Vincentius I^irinensis said, in this very case of St. Cyprian : '' Strange as it may appear, we judge the catholic authors and the heretics that fol- lowed, to be of one and the same opinion. We excuse the teachers, and condemn the scholars. They who wrote the books are the inheritors of heaven, while the defenders of these very books are thrust down to hell."* Which saying, if we confront against the * '• Unius et ejusdem opinionis (mirum videri potest) judi- camus authores catholicos, et sequaces haereticos. Excusamus magistros, et condemnamus scholasticos. Qui scripserunt libros sunt hjeredes coeli, quorum librorum defensores detruduntur ad jnfernum." — Adv. Hares, c ii. •58 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. saying of Salvian, condemning the first authors of the Arian sect, and acquitting the followers, we are taught by these two wise men, that an error is not it that sends a man to hell, but he that begins tlie heresy, and is the author of the sect, is the man marked out to ruin ; and his followers escaped, when the heresiarch commenced the error upon pride and ambition, and his followers went after him in simplicity of their heart ; and so it was most commonly: hut on the contrary, when the first man in the opinion was honestly and invincibly deceived, as St. Cyprian was, and that his scholars, to maintain their credit, or their ends, maintained the opinion, not for the excellency of the reason persuading, but for the benefit and accruments, or peevishness, as did the Donatists, who, as St. Austin said of them, indulged themselves in their lusts, upon the supposed authority of Cyprian ; then the scholars are the heretics, and the master is a ca- tholic. For his error is not the heresy formally, and an erring person may be a catholic. A wicked person in his error becomes heretic, when the good man in the same error shall have all the rewards of faith. For whatever an ill man believes, if he therefore believe it because it serves his own ends, be his belief true or false, the man hath an heretical mind ; for to serve his own ends, his mind is pre- pared to believe a lie. But a good man, that be- lieves what according to his light, and upon the use of his moral industry he thinks true, whether he hits upon the right or no, because he hath a mind desirous of truth, and prepared to believe every truth, is therefore acceptable to God ; because no- thing hindered him from it but what he could not help, his misery and his weakness, which being im- OF HERESY. 59 perfections merely natural, which God never pu- nishes, he stands fair for a blessing of his morality, which God always accepts. So that now, if Stephen had followed the example of God Almighty, or retained but the same peaceable spirit which his brother of Carthage did, he might, with more advan- tage to truth, and reputation both of wisdom and piety, have done his duty in attesting what he be- lieved to be true ; for we are as much bound to be zealous pursuers of peace, as earnest contenders for the faith. I am sure, more earnest we ought to be for the peace of the church, than for an article which is not of the faith, as this question of rebap- tization was not; for St. Cyprian died in belief against it, and yet was a catholic, and a martyr for the Christian faith. The sum is this, St. Cyprian did right in a wrong cause; (as it hath been since judged ;) and Stephen did ill in a good cause. As far, then, as piety and charity is to be preferred before a true opinion, so far is St. Cyprian's practice a better precedent for us, and an example of primitive sanctity, than the zeal and indiscretion of Stephen : St. Cyprian had not learned to forbid to any one a liberty of prophesying or interpretation, if he trans- gressed not the foundation of faith and the creed of the apostles. Well, thus it was, and thus it ought to be, in the first ages, the faith of Christendom rested still upon the same foundation, and the judgments of heresies were accordingly, or were amiss; but the first great violation of this truth was, when general councils came in, and the symbols were enlarged, and new ailicles were made as much of necessity to be be- lieved as the creed of the apostles, and damnation 60 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. threatened to them that did dissent ; and at last the creeds multiplied in number, and in articles, and the liberty of jirophesying began to be something restrained. And this was of so much the more force and efficacy, because it began upon great reason, and in the first instance, with success good enough. For I am much pleased with the enlarging of the creed, which the council of Nice made, because they enlarged it to my sense ; but I am not sure that others are satisfied with it ; while we look upon the article they did determine, we see all things well enough ; but there are some wise personages con- sider it in all circumstances, and think the church had been more happy if she had not been in some sense constrained to alter the simjilicity of her faith, and make it more curious and articulate, so much that he had need be a subtle man to understand the very words of the new determinations. For the first Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, in the presence of his clergy, entreats somewhat more curiously of the secret of the mysterious Trinity and Unity ; so curiously, that Arius* (who was a sophister too subtle as it afterward appeared) misunderstood him ; and thought he intended to bring in the heresy of Sabellius. For while he taught the unity of the Trinity, either he did it so inartificially or so intricately, that Arius thought he did not distinguish the persons, when the bishop intended only the unity of nature. Against this Arius furiously drives; and to confute Sabellius, and in him (as he thought) the bishop, distinguishes the natures too, and so to secure the * Socra. lib. i. c. 8. OF HERESY. 61 article of the Trinity, destroys the Unity. It was the first time the question was disputed in the world ; and in such mysterious niceties, possibly every wise man may understand something, but few can understand all, and therefore suspect what they understand not, and are furiously zealous for that part of it which they do perceive. Well, it hap- pened in these as always in such cases, in things men understand not they are most impetuous ; and because suspicion is a thing- infinite in degrees, for it hath nothing to determine it, a suspicious person is ever most violent ; for his fears are worse than the thing feared, because the thing is limited, but his fears are not ; so that upon this grew conten- tions on both sides, and tumults, railing and revil- ing each other;* and then the laity were drawn into parts, and the Meletians abetted the wrong part, and the right part, fearing to be overborne, did any thing that was next at hand to secure itself. Now, then, they that lived in that age, that under- stood the men, that saw how quiet the church was before this stir, how miserably rent now, what little benefit from the question, what schism about it, gave other censures of the business than we since have done, who only look upon the article determined with truth and approbation of the church generally since that time. But the epistle of Constantine to Alexander and Arius,f tells the truth, and chides them both for commencing the c^uestion; Alexander for broaching it, Arius for taking it up : and although this be true, that it had been better for the church it never had begun, yet, being begun, w^hat is to be done in it P Of this, also, in that admi- * Id. lib. i. c. G. t Cap 7- 62 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. rable epistle, we have the emjDeror's judgment; (I suppose not without the advice and privity of Hosius, bishop of Corduba, whom the emperor loved and trusted much, and employed in the delivery of the letters;) for first he calls it, *' a certain vain piece of a question, ill begun and more unadvisedly pub- lished ; a question which no law or ecclesiastical canon defineth ; a fruitless contention, the product of idle brains; a matter so nice, so obscure, so intri- cate, that it was neither to be explicated by the clergy, nor understood by the people ; a dispute of words; a doctrine inexplicable, but most dangerous when taught, lest it introduce discord or blas- phemy ; and therefore, the objector was rash, and the answerer unadvised ; for it concerned not the substance of faith, or the worship of God, nor any chief commandment of Scripture, and therefore, why should it be the matter of discord ? For though the matter be grave; yet, because neither' necessary nor explicable, the contention is trifling and toyish. And therefore, as the philosophers of the same sect, though differing in explica- tion of an opinion, yet more love for the unity of their profession, than disagree for the difference of opinion ; so should Christians, believing in the same God, retaining the same faith, having the same hopes, opposed by the same enemies, not fall at variance upon such disputes, considering our understandings are not all alike, and therefore, neither can our opinions in such mysterious arti- cles : so that the matter being of no great import- ance, but vain, and a toy, in respect of the excellent blessings of peace and charity, it were good that Alexander and Arius should leave contending, keep their opinions to themselves, ask each other forgive- OF HERESY. 63 ness, and give mutual toleration." This is the sub- stance of Constantine's letter, and it contains in it much reason, if he did not undervalue the ques- tion ; but it seems it was not then thought a ques- tion of faith, but of nicety of dispute ; they both did believe one God, and the Holy Trinity. Now, then, that he afterward called the Nicene council, it was upon occasion of the vileness of the men of the Arian part, their eternal discord and pertinacious wrangling-, and to bring peace into the church ; that w as the necessity ; and in order to it was the determination of the article. But for the article itself, the letter declares what opinion he had of that, and this letter was by Socrates called " a won- derful exhortation, full of grace and sober counsels;" and such as Hosius himself, who was the messen- ger, pressed with all earnestness, with all the skill and authority he had. I know the opinion the world had of the ar- ticle afterwards, is quite differing from this cen- sure given of it before ; and therefore they have put it into the creed (I suppose) to bring the world to unity, and to prevent sedition in this question, and the accidental blasphemies, which were occasioned by their curious talkings of such secret mysteries, and by their illiterate resolutions. But although the article was determined with an excellent spirit, and we all, with much reason, pro- fess to believe it ; yet it is another consideration, whether or no, it might not have been better deter- mined, if with more simplicity ; and another yet, whether or no, since many of the bishops who did believe this thing yet did not like the nicety and curiosity of expressing it, it had not been more agreeable to the practice of the apostles, to have 64 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. made a determination of the article by way of ex- position of the apostles' creed, and to have left this in a rescript, for record to all posterity, and not to have enlarged the creed with it ; for since it was an explication of an article of the creed of the apos- tles, as sermons are of places of Scripture, it was thought by some, that Scripture might, with good profit and great truth, be expounded, and yet the expositions not put into the canon, or go for Scrip- ture, but that left still in the naked original sim- plicity ; and so much the rather, since that explica- tion was further from the foundation, and though most certainly true, yet not penned by so infallible a spirit, as was that of the apostles, and therefore not with so much evidence as certainty. And if they had pleased, they might have made use of an admirable precedent to this and many other great and good purposes ; no less than of the blessed apostles, whose symbol they might have imitated, with as much simplicity as they did the expressions of Scripture, when they first composed it. For it is most considerable, that although, in reason, every clause in the creed should be clear, and so inop- portune and unapt to variety of interpretation, that there might be no place left for several senses or variety of expositions; yet, when they thought fit to insert some mysteries into the creed, which in Scripture were expressed in so mysterious words, that the last and most explicit sense would still be latent, yet they who (if ever any did) understood all the senses and secrets of it, thought it not fit to use any words but the words of Scripture, particu- larly in the articles of Christ's descending into hell, and sitting at the right hand of God, to show us, that those creeds are best which keep the very OF HERESY. QQ vv ords of Scripture ; and that faith is best which hath greatest simplicity ; and that it is better, in all cases, humbly to submit, than curiously to inquire and pry into the mystery under the cloud, and to hazard our faith by improving our knowledge : if the Nicene fathers had done so too, possibly the church never would have repented it. And indeed the experience the church had after- wards, showed that the bishops and priests were not satisfied in all circumstances, nor the schism appeased, nor the persons agreed, nor the canons accepted, nor the article understood, nor any thing right, but when they were overborne with authority, which authority, when the scales turned, did the same service and promotion to the contrary. But it is considerable, that it was not the article or the thing itself that troubled the disagreeing persons, but the manner of representing it: for the five dissenters, Eusebius of Nicomedia, Theog- nis. Maris, Theonas, and Secundus, believed Christ to be very God of very God ; but the clause of ofiooixjiog they derided, as being persuaded by their logic, that he was neither of the substance of the Father, by division, as a piece of a lump, nor deri- vation, as children from their parents, nor by pro- duction, as buds from trees ; and nobody could tell them any other way at that time, and that made the fire to burn still. A.nd that was it I said ; if the ar- ticle had been with more simplicity, and less nicety determined, charity would have gained more, and faith would have lost nothing. And we shall find the wisest of them all, for so Eusebius Pamphilus^ 18. 66 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. was esteemed, published a creed or confession in the synod; and though he and all the rest believed that great mystery of godliness, ' God manifested in the flesh/ yet he was not fully satis- fied ; nor so soon of the clause of * one substance/ till he had done a little violence to his own under- standing ; for even when he had subscribed to the clause of ' one substance/ he does it with a protes- tation, that "heretofore he never had been ac- quainted, nor accustomed himself to such speeches/' And the sense of the word was either so ambiguous, or their meaning so uncertain, that Andreas Fri- cius* does, with some jDrobability, dispute, that the Nicene fathers, by oixoovcriog, did mean likeness to the Father, not unity of essence.f Sylva, iv. c. 1. And it vras so well understood by personages dis- interested, that when Arius and Euzoius had con- fessed Christ to be Deus verhum, without inserting the clause of ' one substance,' the emperor, by his letter, approved of his faith, and restored him to his country and office, and the communion of the church. And a long time after, although the ar- ticle was believed with nicety enough,! yet when they added more words still to the mystery, and brought in the word viroaraaig, (hypostasis,) saying there were three hypostases in the Holy Trinity, it was so long before it could be understood, that it was believed therefore, because they would not oppose their superiors, or disturb the peace of the * Socrat. lib. i. capo 2G. -j- " Patris similitudinem, non essentiEe unitatem." J '" It was no injudicious application that some one made of the saying of Ariston, the philosopher, to the nice exposition of this mystery : ' Black hellebore cleanses and heals, if it be taken in a state of consistence ; but when bruised and broken small, it suffocates.' " OF HERESY. 67 church, in things which they thought could not be understood: insomuch that St. Jerome writ to Damasus : " Pray determine, for I shall not hesi- tate to speak of three hypostases, if you com- mand me:" and again: ''I implore thee, by the Saviour of the world and the United Trinity, that thou wouldst authorize me, by thy letters, either to speak or to be silent on the subject of the hypostases."* But, without all question, the fathers determined the question with much truth; though I cannot say the arguments upon which they built their de- crees were so good as the conclusion itself was certain ; but that which in this case is considerable, is, whether or no they did well in putting a curse to the foot of their decree, and the decree itself into the symbol, as if it had been of the same necessity. For the curse, Eusebius Pamphilus could hardly find in his heart to subscribe : at last he did ; but with this clause, that he subscribed it because the form of curse did only ''forbid men to acquaint themselves with foreign speeches and unwritten languages," whereby confusion and discord is brought into the church. So that it was not so much a magisterial high assertion of the article, as an endeavour to secure the peace of the church. And to the same purpose, for aught I Imow, the fathers composed a form of confession, not as a prescript rule of faith, to build the hopes of our salvation on, but as a tessera (mark) of that com- munion, which by public authority was therefore * " Discerne, si placet, obsecro ; non timebo tres hypostases dicere si jubetis. — Obtestor beatitudinem tuam per crucifixum mundi Salutem, per bnoovniov Trinitatem, ut niihi epistolis tuis, sive tacendarum sive dicendarum hypostaseon detur authoritas." f2 68 THE LIBERTY Of PROPHESYING. established upon those articles, because the articles were true, though not of prime necessity, and because that unity of confession was judged, as things then stood, the best preserver of the unity of minds. But I shall observe this, that although the Nicene fathers, in that case, at that time, and in that con- juncture of circumstances, did well, (and yet their aj^probation is made by after ages ex post facto,) yet, if this precedent had been followed by all councils, (and certainly they had equal power,, if they had thought it equally reasonable,) and that they had put all their decrees into the creed, as some have done since, to what a volume had the creed by this time swelled ! and all the house had run into foundation, nothing left for superstruc- tures. But that they did not, it appears, first, that since they thought all their decrees true, yet they did not think them all necessary, at least not in that degree ; and that they published such decrees, they did it declaratively, not imperatively ; as doc- tors in their chairs, not masters of other men's faith and consciences. Secondly, and yet there is some more modesty or wariness, or necessity, (what shall I call it?) than this comes to; for why are not all controversies determined ? but even when general assemblies of prelates have been, some con- troversies that have been very vexatious, have been pretermitted, and others of less consequence have been determined. Why did never any general council condemn, in express sentence, the Pelagian heresy, that great pest, that subtle infection of Christendom ? and yet divers general councils did assemble while the heresy was in the world. Both these cases, in several degrees, leave men OF HERESY. 69 in their liberty of believing- and prophesying. The latter proclaims, that all controversies cannot be determined to sufficient purposes; and the first declares, that those that are, are not all of them matters of faith, and themselves are not so secure but they may be deceived : and therefore, possibly, it were better it were let alone ; for if the latter leaves them divided in their opinions, yet their communions, and therefore probably their charities, are not divided ; but the former divides their com- munions, and hinders their interest; and yet for aught is certain, the accused person is the better catholic. And yet, after all this, it is not safety enough to say, let the council or prelates determine articles warily, seldom, with great caution, and with much sweetness and modesty : for though this be better than to do it rashly, frequently, and fu- riously, yet if we once transgress the bounds set us by the apostles in their creed, and not only preach other truths, but determine them magisterially as well as exegetically, although there be no error in the subject-matter, (as in Nice there was none,) yet if the next ages say they will determine another article, with as much care and caution, and pretend as great a necessity, there is no hindering them but by giving reasons against it : and so, like enough, they might have done against the decreeing tlie article at Nice ; yet that is not sufficient ; for since the authority of the Nicene council hath grown to the height of a mountainous prejudice against him that should say it was ill done, the same reason and the same necessity may be pre- tended by any age and in any council, and they think themselves warranted, by the great precedent at Nice, to proceed as peremptorily as they did : but 70 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. then, if any other assembly of learned men may possibly be deceived, were it not better they should spare the labour, than that they should, with so great pomp and solemnities, engage men's persuasions, and determine an article which after ages must rescind ? For, therefore, most certainly in their own age, the point, with safety of faith and salva- tion, might have been disputed and disbelieved : and that many men's ftiiths have been tied up by acts and decrees of councils, for those articles in which the next age did see a liberty had better been preserved, because an error was determined, we shall afterward receive a more certain account. And therefore the council of Nice did well, and Constantinople did well; so did Ephesus and Chalcedon; but it is because the articles were truly determined (for that is part of my belief) : but who is sure it should be so beforehand, and whether the points there determined were necessary or no to be believed or to be determined ? If peace had been concerned in it, through the faction and division of the parties, I sujjpose the judgment of Constantine, the emperor, and the famous Hosius of Corduba, is sufficient to instruct us; whose authority I rather urge than reasons, be- cause it is a prejudice and not a reason I am to contend against. So that such determinations and publishing of confessions, with authority of prince and bishop, are sometimes of very good use for the peace of the church ; and they are good also to determine the judgment of indifferent persons, whose reasons of either side are not too great to weigh down the pro- bability of that authority: but for persons of con- fident and imperious understandings, they on whose OF HERESY. 71 side the determination is, are armed with a preju- dice against the other, and with a weapon to affront them, but with no more to convince them; and they against whom the decision is, do the more readily betake themselves to the defensive, and are engaged upon contestation and public enmities, for such articles which either might safely have been unknown, or with much charity disputed. There- fore the Nicene council, although it have the advan- tage of an acquired and prescribing authority, yet it must not become a precedent to others, lest the inconveniences of multiplying more articles, upon as great pretence of reason as then, make the act of the Nicene fathers, in straitening prophesying, and enlarging the creed, become accidentally an inconvenience. The first restraint, although, if it had been complained of, might possibly have been better considered of; yet the inconvenience is not visible, till it comes by way of precedent to usher in more. It is like an arbitrary power, which, al- though by the same reason it take sixpence from the subject it may take a hundred pounds, and then a thousand, and then all, yet so long as it is within the first bounds, the inconvenience is not so great ; but when it comes to be a precedent or argument for more, then the first may justly be complained of, as having in it that reason in the principle which brought the inconvenience in the sequel; and we have seen very ill consequents from inno- cent beginnings. And the inconveniences which might possibly arise from this precedent, those wise personages also did foresee; and therefore, although they took liberty in Nice to add some articles, or at least more explicitly to declare the first creed, yet they then 72 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. would have all the world to rest upon that, and go no farther, as believing that to be sufficient, St. Athanasius declares their opinion :* " That faith, which those fathers there confessed, was sufficient for the refutation of all impiety, and the establish- ment of all faith in Christ and true religion." And therefore there was a famous epistle written by Zeno the emperor, called the 'Ev(OTiK6v,-\- or the Epistle of Reconciliation, in which all disagreeing interests are entreated to agree in the Nicene sym- bol ; and a promise made, upon that condition, to communicate with all other sects ; adding, withal, that the church should never receive any other symbol than that which was composed by the Nicene fathers. And however IJonorius was condemned for a Monothelite, yet, in one of the epistles which the sixth synod alleged against him, (viz. the se- cond,) he gave them counsel that would have done the church as much service as the determination of the article did ; for he advised them not to be curious in their disputings, nor dogmatical in their deter- minations about that question; and because the church was not used to dispute in that question, it were better to preserve the simplicity of faith, than to ensnare men's consciences by a new article. And when the emperor Constantius was, by his faction, engaged in a contrary practice, the inconvenience and unreasonableness was so great, that a prudent heathen observed and noted it in this character of Constantius, " That he mixed the Christian reli- gion, pure and simple in itself, with a weak and * "H yap sv civrij Trapa tmv Trarepiov Kara tclq Bfiag ypatpaq OjjLoXoyrjBeiaa TTtVic, dvTapKr]Q £Ti TrpoQ civaTpOTrrjv fiev 7rd(Tt]Q d(7e(3eiag, av^cKXiv de Tijg evrre^eiac Iv X|0i<7<^ TTi^-fwc. — Epist. ad Epict. f Evag. lib. iii. c. 14. OF HERESY. 73 foolish superstition, perplexing to examine, but useless to contrive ; and excited dissensions which were widely diffused, and which were maintained with a war of words, while he endeavoured to regu- late every sacred rite by his own will." * And yet men are more led by example than either by reason or by precept ; for in the council of Constantino j)le one article, wholly new, was added ; viz. " I believe one baptism for the remission of sins :" and then, again, they were so confident that that confession of faith was so absolutely entire, and that no man ever after should need to add any thing to the integrity of faith, that the fathers of the council of Ephesus pronounced anathema to all those that should add any thing to the creed of Constantinople. And yet, for all this, the church of Rome, in a synod at Gentilly, added the clause of " Filioque" to the article of the procession of the Holy Ghost; and what they have done since all the world knows. All men were persuaded that it was most reasonable the limits of faith should be no more enlarged ; but yet they enlarged it themselves, and bound others from doing it ; like an intemperate father, who, because he knows he does ill himself, enjoins temperance to his son, but continues to be intemperate himself. But now, if I should be questioned concerning the symbol of Athanasius, (for we see the Nicene symbol was the father of many more, some twelve or thirteen symbols in the space of a hundred * " Christianam religionem absolutam et simplicem anili superstitione confudit. In qua scrutanda perplexius quani in componenda gratius, excitavit dissidia quae progressa fusius aluit concertatione verborum, dum ritum omuem ad suum tra- here conatur arbitrium." ^4 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. years,) I confess I cannot see that moderate sen- tence and gentleness of charity in his jDreface and conclusion, as there was in the Nicene creed. No- thing there but damnation and perishing everlast- ingly, unless the article of the Trinity be believed, as it is there, with curiosity and minute particu- larities, explained. Indeed, Athanasius had been soundly vexed on one side, and much cried up on the other ; and therefore it is not so much wonder for him to be so decretory and severe in his cen- sure; for nothing could more ascertain his friends to him, and disrepute his enemies, than the belief of that damnatory appendix ; but that does not jus- tify the thing. For the articles themselves, I am most heartily persuaded of the truth of them, and yet I dare not say, all that are not so are irrevocably damned, because m ithout this symbol the faith of the ajDOstles' creed is entire, and he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; that is, he that be- lieveth such a belief as is sufficient disposition to l>e baptized, that faith with the sacrament is suffi- cient for heaven. Now the apostles' creed does one ; why, therefore, doth not both entitle us to the promise ? Besides, if it were considered concerning Athanasius's creed, how many people understand it not, how contrary to natural reason it seems, how little the Scripture* says of those curiosities of ex- plication, and how tradition was not clear on his side for the article itself, much less for those forms and minutes; how himself is put to make an an- swer, and excuse, for the fathersf speaking in favour * Vide Hosium de Author. S. Scrip, lib. iii. p. 53, et Gor- don. Huntlaeum. torn. i. controv. i. de Yerbo Dei, cap. 19. + Vide Gretser. et Tanner, in colloq. Ratisbon. F.usebium fuisse Arianum ait Perron, lib. iii. cap. 2, contra Jacobum OF HERESY. 75 of the Arians, at least so seemingly that the Arians appealed to them for trial, and the offer was de- clined ; and after all this, that the Nicene creed itself ^vent not so far, neither in article, nor ana- thema, nor explication ; it had not been amiss if the final judgment had been left to Jesus Christ, for he is appointed Judge of all the world, and he shall judge the people righteously, for he knows every truth, the degree of every necessity, and all excuses that do lessen or take away the nature or malice of a crime; all which I think Athanasius, though a very good man, did not know so well as to warrant such a sentence. And put case, the heresy there condemned be damnable, (as it is damnable enough,) yet a man may maintain an opinion that is in itself damnable, and yet he, not knowing it so, and being invincibly led into it, may go to heaven; his opinion shall burn, and himself be saved. But, however, I find no opinions in Scripture called damnable but what are impious in their effect upon the life, or directly destructive of the faith or the body of Christianity; such of which St. Peter speaks ;* ' bringing in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them : these are the false prophets, who out of covetousness make mer- chandize of you through cozening words.' Such as these are truly heresies, and such as these are certainly damnable. But because there are no de- grees either of truth or falsehood, every true pro- Regem. Idem ait Orighiem negasse Divinitateni Filii et Spir. S. lib. ii. c. 7? de Euchar. contra Duplessis. Idem, cap. 5, observ. 4, ait, Irensemn talia dixisse quae qui hodie diceret, pro Ariano reputaretur. Vide etiam Fisher, in resp, ad 9 Quaest. Jacobi Reg. et Epiphan. in Haeres. 65. * 2 Pet. ii. 1. 76 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. position being alike true, that an error is more or less damnable, is not told us in Scripture, but is determined by the man and his manners, by cir- cumstance and accidents ; and therefore the cen- sure in the preface and end are arguments of his zeal and strength of his persuasion ; but they are extrinsical and accidental to the articles, and might as well have been spared. And, indeed, to me it seems very hard to put uncharitableness into the creed, and so to make it become as an article of faith, though perhaps this very thing was no faith of Athanasius,* who, if we may believe Aquinas, made this manifestation of faith, non per modum symhoU, secI per modum doctrines; that is, if I un- derstood him right, not with a purpose to impose it upon others, but with confidence to declare his own belief; and that it was prescribed to others as a creed, v* as the act of the bishops of Rome ; so he said ; nay, possibly it was none of his. So said the patriarch of Constantinople, IMeletius, about one hundred and thirty years since, in his epistle to John Douza : " We do not scruple plainly to pro- test that the creed is falsely ascribed to Athanasius, which was corrupted by the Roman pontiffs."f And it is more than probable that he said true, because this creed was written originally in Latin, which in all reason Athanasius did not, and it was translated into Greek; it being apparent that the Latin copy is but one, but the Greek is various, there being three editions, or translations rather, expressed by Gene- brard, lib. iii. de Trinit. But, in this particular, who list may better satisfy himself in a dis^jutation * D. Tho. 22as. q. i. artic. 1 . ad 3. i" " Athanasio falso aclscriptum symbolum cum pontificum Rom. appendice ilH adulteratum, luce lucidius contestamur." OF HERESY. 77 De Symholo Athanasii, printed at Wertzburg, 1590, supposed to be written by Serrarius or Clencherus. And yet I must observe, that this symbol of Atha- nasius, and that other of Nice, offer not at any new articles ; they only pretend to a further explication of the articles apostolical ; which is a certain confir- mation that they did not believe more articles to be of belief necessary to salvation : if they intended these further explications to be as necessary as the dogmatical articles of the apostles' creed, I know not how to answer all that may be objected against that; but the advantage that T shall gather from their not proceeding to new matters, is laid out ready for me in the words of Athanasius, saying of this creed, "This is the catholic faith;" and if his authority be good, or his saying true, or he the au- thor, then no man can say of any other article, that it is a part of the catholic faith, or that the catholic faith can be enlarged beyond the contents of that symbol ; and therefore it is a strange boldness in the church of Rome,* first to add twelve new arti- cles, and then to add the appendix of Athanasius to the end of them, "This is the catholic faith, without which no man can be saved." But so great an example of so excellent a man hath been either mistaken or followed with too much greediness; for we see all the world in factions, all damning one another; each party damned by all the rest ; and there is no disagreeing in opinion from any man that is in love with his own opinion, but dam- nation presently to all that disagree. A ceremony and a rite hath caused several churches to excom- * Bulla Pii quart! supra fomia juramenti proress"cnis fideij in fin. Cone. Trident. 78 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. municate each other ; as in the matter of the Satur- day fast and keeping Easter. But what the spirits of men are when they are exasperated in a ques- tion and difference of religion, as they call it, though the thing itself may be most inconsiderable, is very evident in that rec^uest of Pope Innocent the Third, desiring of the Greeks, (but reasonably a man would think,) that they would not so much hate the Roman manner of consecrating in unlea- vened bread, as to wash and scrape, and pare the altars, after a Roman priest had consecrated. No- thing more furious than a mistaken zeal, and the actions of a scrupulous and abused conscience. When men think every thing to be their faith and their religion, commonly they are so busy in trifles and such impertinences in which the scene of their mistake lies, that they neglect the greater things of the law, charity, and compliances, and the gentle- ness of Christian communion ; for this is the great principle of mischief, and yet is not more perni- cious than unreasonable. For, I demand, can any man say and justify that the apostles did deny communion to any man that believed the apostles' creed, and lived a good life ? And dare any man tax that proceeding of remiss- ness, and indiiferency in religion ? And since our blessed Saviour promised salvation to him that be- lieveth, (and the apostles, when they gave this word the greatest extent, enlarged it not beyond the borders of the creed,) how can any man warrant the condemning of any man to the flames of hell, that is ready to die in attestation of this faith, so expounded and made explicit by the apostles, and lives accordingly ? And to this purpose it w^as ex- cellently said, by a wise and a pious prelate, St. OF HERESY. 79 Hilary,* " It is not tliroiigli thorny questions that God invites us to heaven : our way to eternal life is clear and easy: — to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God, to confess him to be the Lord," &c. These are the articles which we must believe, which are the sufficient and ade- quate object of that faith which is required of us in order to salvation. And therefore it was, that when the bishops of Istria deserted the communion of Pope Pelagius, in causa frium capitulorum,\ he gives them an account of his faith by recitation of the creed, and by attesting the four general coun- cils, and is confident upon this that no question or suspicion can arise respecting the validity of his faith : let the apostles' creed, especially so expli- cated, be but secured, and all faith is secured ; and yet that explication too, was less necessary than the articles themselves; for the explication was but ac- cidental, but the articles, even before the explication, were accounted a sufficient inlet to the kino-dom of heaven. And that there was security enough, in the simple believing the first articles, is very certain amongst them, and by their principles who allow of an im- plicit faith to serve most persons to the greatest purposes; for if the creed did contain in it the whole faith, and that other articles were in it impli- citly, (for such is the doctrine of the school, and particularly of Aquinas,) then he that explicitly believes all the creed, does implicitly believe all the articles contained in it ; and then it is better the * " Non per difficiles nos Deus ad beatam vitam qusstiones vocat, &c. In absoluto nobis et facili est seternitas ; Jesum suscitatum a mortuis per Deum credere, et ipsum esse Dominum confiteri, &c." — Lib. x. De Trin. ad finem. -j- Concil. torn. iv. edit. Paris, p. 473. 80 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. implication should still continue, than that, by any explication, (which is simply unnecessary,) the church should be troubled with questions, and un- certain determinations, and factions enkindled, and animosities set on foot, and men's souls endangered, who before were secured by the explicit belief of all that the apostles required as necessary ; which belief also did secure them for all the rest, because it implied the belief of whatsoever was virtually in the first articles, if such belief should by chance be necessary. The sum of this discourse is this : if we take an estimate of the nature of faith from the dictates and promises evangelical, and from the practice aposto- lical, the nature of faith and its integrity consists in such propositions which make the foundation of hope and charity, that which is sufficient to make us to do honour to Christ and to obey him, and to encourage us in both ; and this is completed in the apostles' creed. And since contraries are of the same extent, heresy is to be judged by its proportion and analogy to faith, and that is heresy only which is against faith. Now, because faith is not only a precept of doctrines, but of manners and holy life, whatsoever is either opposite to an article of creed, or teaches ill life, that is heresy ; but all those pro- positions which are extrinsical to these two consider- ations, be they true or be they false, make not heresy, nor the man a heretic ; and therefore, how- ever he may be an erring person, yet he is to be used accordingly, pitied and instructed, not con- demned or excommunicated : and this is the result of the first ground, the consideration of the nature of faith and heresy. 81 SECTION III. Of the difficulty and uncertainty of Arguments from Scripture, in Questions not simply necessary, not literally determined. God, who disposes of all things sweetly, and ac- cording to the nature and capacity of things and persons, had made those only necessary which he had taken care should be sufficiently propounded to all persons of whom he required the explicit belief. And therefore all the articles of faith are clearly and plainly set down in Scripture, and the Gospel is not hid, excepting to them that are lost, saith St. Paul ; " for there we find the encourage- ment to every virtue, and the warning against every vice," saith Damascen;* and that so manifestly, that no man can be ignorant of the foundation of faith without his own apparent fault. And this is ac- knowledged by all wise and good men ; and is evi- dent, besides the reasonableness of the thing, in the testimonies of Saints Austin,f Jerome,! Chrysos- tom,§ Fulgentius,|l Hugo de Sancto Victore,5[ Theo- doret,* Lactantius,f Theophilus Antiochenus,t Aquinas, § and the latter schoolmen. And God * Ii.d(jr]C, ytip apsTrjQ irapaKkriaiv, Kai KaKiag cnrdffrjg rpoTTijv ev TcivraiQ kvpiuKoiifv. — Orthod. Fidei. lib. iv. c. 18. t Super. Psal. 88, et de Util. Cred. c. 6. X Super Isa. c. 19, and in Psal. 86. § Homil. 3, in Thess. Ep. ii. |1 Serm. de Confess. k\ Miscel. ii. lib. i. tit. 46. * In Gen. ap Struch. p. 87- f Cap. 6. + Ad Antioch. lib. ii. p. 918. ^ Par. i. q. i. art. 9. G 82 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. hath done more ; for many thmgs which are only- profitable, are also set down so plainly, that, as St. Austin says, " every one may partake, if he come in a devout and pious spirit :"* but of such things there is no question commenced in Christen- dom; and if there were, it cannot but be a crime and human interest that are the authors of such disjDutes; and therefore these cannot be simple errors, but always heresies, because the principle of them is a personal sin. But besides these things, which are so plainly set down, some lor doctrine, as St. Paul says, that is, for articles and foundation of faith, some for in- struction, some for reproof, some for comfort, that is, in matters practical and speculative of several tempers and constitutions, there are innumerable places, containing in them great mysteries, but yet either so enwrapped with a cloud, or so darkened with lunbrages, or heightened with expressions, or so covered with allegories and garments of rhetoric, so profound in the matter, or so altered or made intricate in the manner, in the clothing, and in the dressing, that God may seem to have left them as trials of our industry, and arguments of our im- perfections, and incentives to the longings after heaven, and the clearest revelations of eternity, and as occasions and opportunities of our mutual cha- rity and toleration to each other, and humility in ourselves, rather than the repositories of faith and furniture of creeds, and articles of belief For wherever the word of God is kept, whether in Scripture alone, or also in tradition, he that con- siders that the meaning of the one, and the truth * " Nemo inde haurire non possit, si modb ad hauriendum devote ac pie accedat." — Ubi supra de Util. Cred. c. 6. OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 83 or certainty of the other, are things of great ques- tion, will see a necessity in these things, (which are the subject matter of most of the questions in Christendom,) that men should hope to be ex- cused by an implicit faith in God Almighty. For when there are, in the explications of Scripture, so many commentaries, so many senses and interpre- tations, so many volumes in all ages, and all, like men's faces, exactly none like another, either this difference and inconvenience is absolutely no fault at all, or, if it be, it is excusable, by a mind pre- pared to consent in tltat truth which God intended. And this I call an implicit faith in God, which is certainly of as great excellency as an implicit faith in any man or company of men. Because they who do require an implicit faith in the church for articles less necessary, and excuse the want of ex- IDlicit faith by the implicit, do require an implicit faith in the church, because they believe that God hath required of them to have a mind prepared to believe whatever the church says ; which, because it is a proposition of no absolute certainty, whoso- ever does, in readiness of mind, believe all that God spake, does also believe that sufficiently, if it be fitting to be believed ; that is, if it be true, and if God hath said so ; for he hath the same obedi- ence of understanding in this as in the other. But, because it is not so certain God hath tied him in all things to believe that which is called the church, and that it is certain we must believe God in all things, and yet neither know all that either God hath revealed or the church taught, it is better to take the certain than the uncertain, to believe God rather than men ; especially since, if God hath bound us to believe men, our absolute submission G 2 84 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. to God does involve that, and there is no inconve- nience in the world this way, but that we impli- citly believe one article more, viz. the church's au- thority or infallibility, which may well be pardoned, because it secures our belief of all the rest, and we are sure if we believe all that God said expli- citly or implicitly, we also believe the church impli- citly, in case we are bound to it; but we are not certain, that if we believe any company of men, whom we call the church, that we therefore obey God, and believe what he hath said. But, how- ever, if this will not help vis, there is no help for us, but good fortune or absolute predestination ; for by choice and industry no man can secure him- self, that in all the mysteries of relio-ion taus^ht in Scripture he shall certainly understand and expli- citly believe that sense that God intended. For to this purpose there are many considerations. I. There are so many thousands of copies that were writ by persons of several interests and per- suasions, such different understandings and tem- pers, such distinct abilities and weaknesses, that it is no wonder there is so great variety of readings both in the Old Testament and in the New. In the Old Testament, the Jews pretend that the Christians have corrupted many places, on purpose to make symphony between both the Testaments. On the other side, the Christians have had so much reason to suspect the Jews, that when Aquila had translated the Bible in their schools, and had been taught by them, they rejected the edition, many of them, and some of them called it heresy to follow it. And Justin Martyr justified it to Tryphon, that the Jews had defalked many sayings from the books of the old prophets, and amongst the rest he OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 85 instances in that of the Psalm, Dicite in natlonihus quia Dominus regnavit a ligno. The last words they have cut off, and prevailed so far in it, that to this day none of our Bibles have it ; but if they ought not to have it, then Justin Martyr's Bible had more in it than it should have, for there it was ; so that a fault there was, either under or over. But, however, there are infinite readings in the New Testament; (for in that I will instance;) some whole verses in one that are not in another; and there was, in some copies of St. Mark's Gospel, in the last chapter, a whole verse, a chapter it was anciently called, that is not found in our Bibles, as St. Jerome ad Hedibiam, q. 3. notes. The vv^ords he repeats. Lib. ii. Contra Polygamos : " They confessed, saying, that it is the essence of iniquity and unbelief, which does not allow the true power of God to be appre- hended by unclean spirits ; therefore now display thy righteousness."* These words are thought by some to savour of Manicheism ; and, for ought I can find, were therefore rejected out of many Greek copies, and at last out of the Latin. Now, suppose that a Manichee in disputation should urge this place, having found it in his Bible, if a catholic should answer him by saying, it is apocryphal, and not found in divers Greek copies, might not the Manichee ask, how it came in, if it was not the word of God, and if it was, how came it out ? and at last take the same liberty of rejecting any other authority which shall be alleged against him, if he can find any copy that may favour him, however * " Et illi satis faciebant dicentes, seeculum istad iniquitatis et incredulitatis substantia est, quae non sinit per immvmdos spiritus veram Dei apprehendi virtutem, idcirco jam nunc revela justitiam tuam." ^ 86 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. that favour be procured ? And did not the Ebio- nites reject all the epistles of St. Paul, upon pre- tence he was an enemy to the law of INIoses ? In- deed, it was boldly and most unreasonably done ; but if one title or one chajDter of St. Mark be called apochryphal, for being suspected of Manicheism, it is a plea that will too much justify others in their taking and choosing what they list. But I will not urge it so far ; but is not there as much reason for the fierce Lutherans to reject the epistle of St. James, for favouring justification by works, or the epistle to the Hebrews, upon pretence that the sixth and tenth chapters do favour Novatianism ; especially, since it was by some famous churches at first not accepted; even by the church of Rome herself ? The parable of the woman taken in adul- tery, which is now in John viii. Eusebius says, was not in any gospel, but the Gospel according to the Hebrews; and St. Jerome makes it doubtful, and so does St. Chrysostom and Euthimius, the first not vouchsafing to explicate it in his homilies upon St. John, the other affirming it not to be found in the exacter copies. I shall not need to urge, that there are some v.ords so near in sound, that the scribes might easily mistake. There is one famous one of serving the Lord* which yet some copies read serving the time ;f the sense is very unlike, though the words be near, and there needs some little luxation to strain this latter reading to a good sense. That famous precept of St. Paul, that the women must pray with a covering on their head, cia TovQ rtyyeX^C} 'because of the angels,' hath brought into the church an opinion that angels are present * Kvpi(^ dsXevovTsg. -f Kaipip dnX(V0VT€g. OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 87 in churches, and are spectators of our devotion and deportment. Such an opinion, if it should meet with peevish opposites on one side, and confident hyperaspists on the other, might possibly make a sect : and here were a clear ground for the affirma- tive ; and yet, who knows but that it might have been a mistake of the transcribers to double the y ? for if we read, did rove dyeXsQ, that the sense be, ' Women in public assemblies must wear a veil, by reason of companies of the young men there pre- sent," it would be no ill exchange, for the loss of a letter, to make so probable, so clear a sense of the place. But the instances in this kind are too many, as appears in the variety of readings in several copies, proceeding from the negligence or ignorance of the transcribers, or the malicious en- deavour of heretics,* or the inserting marginal notes into the text, or the nearness of several words. Indeed there is so much evidence of this particular, that it hath encouraged the servants of the vulgar translation (for so some are now-a-days) to prefer that translation before the original; for although they have attempted that proposition with very ill success, yet that they could think it possible to be proved, is an argument there is much variety and alterations in divers texts ; for if they were not, it were impudence to pretend a translation, and that none of the best, should be better than the original. But so it is, that this variety of reading is not of slight consideration ; for although it be demonstrably true, that all things necessary to faith * Graeci corruperunt Novum Testamentum ut testantur Tertul. lib. v. adv. Marcion. Euseb. lib. v. Hist. c. ult. Irenge. lib. i. c. 29. Allu. Heeres. Basil, lib. ii. contr. Eunomium. 88 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. and good manners are preserved from alteration and corruption, because they are of things neces- sary ; and they could not be necessary, unless they were delivered to us, God in his goodness and his justice having obliged himself to preserve that which he hath bound us to observe and keep ; yet, in other things, which God hath not obliged him- self so punctually to preserve, — in these things, since variety of reading is crept in, every reading takes away a degree of certainty from any proposition derivative from those places so read : and if some copies (especially if they be public and notable) omit a verse or title, every argument from such a title or verse loses mucli of its strength and repu- tation ; and we find it in a great instance. For when in probation of the mystery of the glorious Unity in Trinity, we allege that saying of St. John, ' There are three which bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Spirit, and these three are one ;' the anti-trinitarians think they have an- swered the argument, by saying, the Syrian transla- tion and divers Greek copies have not that verse in them, and therefore, being of doubtful authority, cannot conclude with certainty in a question of faith. And there is an instance on the catholic part : for when the Arians urge the saying of our Saviour, ' No man knows that day and hour, (viz. of judgment,) no not the Son, but the Father only,' to prove that the Son knows not all things, and therefore cannot be God, in the proper sense ; St. Ambrose thinks he hath answered the argument by saying those words, ' no not the Son,* were thrust into the text by the fraud of the Arians. So that here we have one objection, which must first be cleared and made infallible, before we can be OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 89 ascertained in any such question as to call them heretics that dissent. .11. I consider that there are very many senses and designs of expounding Scripture, and when the grammatical sense is found out, we are many times never the nearer ; it is not that which was intended; for there is, in very many Scriptures, a double sense, a literal and a spiritual; (for the Scripture is a book written within and without, Apoc. V.) and both these senses are subdivided. For the literal sense is either natural or figurative ; and the spiritual is sometimes allegorical, some- times anagogical ; nay, sometimes there are divers literal senses in the same sentence, as St. Austin excellently proves in divers places ;* and it appears in divers quotations in the New Testament, where the apostles and divine writers bring the same tes- timony to divers purposes ; and particularly St. Paul's making that saying of the Psalm, ' Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee,' to be an argument of Christ's resurrection, and a designa- tion or ordination to his pontificate, is an instance very famous in his first and fifth chapter to the He- brews. But now, there being such variety of senses in Scripture, and but few places so marked out, as not to be capable of divers senses, if men will write commentaries as Herod made orations, Kara TToWrig (pavracriag, with a mind inflated with vanity, what infallible criterion will be left, whereby to judge of the certain dogmatical resolute sense of such places which have been the matter of ques- tion ? For put case, a question were commenced * Lib. xii. Confess, cap. 2G. Lib. ii. de Civit. Dei. cap. 9. Lib. iii. de Doctrina Christ, cap. 2(?, 90 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. concerning the degrees of glory in heaven, as there is in the schools a noted one. To show an inequality of reward, Christ's parable is brought, of the reward of ten cities, and of five, according to the divers improvement of the talents ; this sense is mystical, and yet very probable, and understood by men, for aught I know, to this very sense. x\nd the result of the argument is made good by St. Paul : ' As one star difFereth from another in glory, so shall it be in the resurrection of the dead.' Now, suppose another should take the same liberty of expounding another parable to a mystical sense and interpretation, as all parables must be ex- pounded ; then the parable of the labourers in the vineyard, and though differing in labour, yet having an equal reward, to any man's understand- ing, may seem very strongly to prove the contrary; and as if it were of purpose, and that it were the main design of the parable, the lord of the vine- yard determined the point resolutely, upon the mutiny and repining of them that had borne the burthen and heat of the day, ' I will give unto this last even as to thee ;' which, to my sense, seems to determine the question of degrees ; they that work but little, and they that work long, shall not be distinguished in the reward, though accidentally they were in the work ; and if this opinion could but answer St. Paul's words, it stands as fair, and perhaps fairer than the other. Now, if we look well ujDon the words of St. Paul, we shall find he speaks nothing at all of diversity of degrees of glory in beatified bodies, but the differences of glory in bodies heavenly and earthly : ' There are,' says he, ' bodies earthly, and there are heavenly bo- dies : and one is the glory of the earthly, another OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 91 the glory of the heavenly ; one gloiy of the sun, another of the moon, &c. So shall it be in the resurrection ; for it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption.' Plainly thus, our bodies in the resurrection shall difter as much from our bodies here, in the state of corruption, as one star does from another. And now, suppose a sect should be commenced upon this question, (upon lighter and vainer many have been,) either side must resolve to answer the other's arguments, whe- ther they can or no, and to deny to each other a liberty of expounding the parable to such a sense, and yet themselves must use it or want an argu- ment. But men use to be unjust in their own cases; and were it not better to leave each other to their liberty, and seek to preserve their own charity ? For when the words are capable of a mystical or a diverse sense, I know not why men's fancies or understandings should be more bound to be like one another than their faces : and either, in all such places of Scripture, a liberty must be indulged to every honest and peaceable wise man, or else all argument from such places must be wholly declined. Now, although I instanced in a question, which by good fortune never came to open defiance, yet there have been sects framed upon lighter grounds, more inconsiderable cjues- tions, which have been disputed on either side with arguments less material and less pertinent. St. Austin laughed at the Donatists, for bringing that saying of the spouse in the Canticles, to prove their schism, ' Tell me where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon.' For from thence they concluded, the residence of the church was only in the south part of the world, only in 92 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. Africa.* It was but a weak way of argument ; yet the fathers were free enough to use such mediums, to prove mysteries of great concernment ; but yet again, when they speak either against an adversary, or with consideration, they deny that such mystical senses can sufficiently confirm a question of faith. But I shall instance, in the great Cjuestion of rebap- tization of heretics, which many saints, and mar- tyrs, and confessors, and divers councils, and al- most all Asia and Africa did once believe and practise. Their grounds for the invalidity of the baptism by a heretic, were such mystical words as these : ' Thou hast covered my head in the day of battle,' Ps. cxl. ; and, ' He that washeth him- self, after the touching a dead body, if he touch it again, what availeth his washing "^^ Ecclus. xxxiv. ; and, ' Drink waters out of thine own cistern,' Prov. V. ; and, ' We know that God heareth not sinners,' John ix. ; and, ' He that is not with me is against me,' Luke xi. I am not sure the other part had arguments so good ; for the great one of ' one faith, one baptism,' did not conclude it to their understandings who were of the other opinion, and men famous in their generations ; for it was no argument that they who had been baptized by John's baptism should not be baptized in the name of Jesus, because ' one God, one baptism ;' and as it is still one faith which a man confesseth several times, and one sacrament of the eucharist, though a man often communicates; so it might be one baptism, though often ministered. And the unity of baptism might not be derived from the unity of the ministration, but from the unity of the religion * Jerome, in Matth. xi. OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 93 into which they are bajDtized : though baptized a thousand times, yet, because it was still in the name of the holy Trinity, still into the death of Christ, it might be ' one baptism.' Whether St. Cyprian, Firmilian, and their colleagues, had this discourse or no, (I know not,) I am sure they might have had much better to have evacuated the force of that argument, although I believe they had the wrong- cause in hand. But this is it that I say, that when a question is so undetermined in Scrip- ture, that the arguments rely only upon such mys- tical places whence the best fancies can draw the greatest variety, and such which perhaps were never intended by the Holy Ghost, it were good the rivers did not swell higher than the fountain, and the confidence higher than the argument and evidence : for, in this case, there could not any thing be so certainly proved, as that the disagreeing party should deserve to be condemned, by a sen- tence of excommunication, for disbelieving it ; and yet they were ; which I wonder at so much the more, because they who (as it was since judged) had the right cause, had not any sufficient argu- ment from Scripture, not so much as such mystical arguments, but did fly to the tradition of the church ; in which also I shall afterwards show, they had nothing that was absolutely certain. III. I consider that there are divers places of Scripture, containing in them mysteries and ques- tions of great concernment ; and yet the fiibric and constitution is such, that there is no certain mark to determine M^hether the sense of them should be literal or figurative : 1 speak not here concerning extrinsical means of determination, as traditive in- terpretation, councils, fathers, popes, and the like j I 94 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. shall consider them afterward, in their several places ; but here the subject-matter being concerning' Scrip- ture in its own capacity, I say there is nothing in the nature of the thing to determine the sense and meaning, but it must be gotten out as it can ; and that therefore it is unreasonable, that what of itself is ambiguous should be understood in its own prime sense and intention, under the pain of either a sin or an anathema : I instance, in that famous place from whence hath sprung that question of transubstantiation, ' This is my body.' The words are plain and clear, apt to be understood in the literal sense ; and yet this sense is so hard as it does violence to reason ; and therefore it is the question, whether or no it be not a figurative speech. But here, what shall we have to determine it ? What mean soever we take, and to what sense soever you will expound it, you shall be put to give an ac- count why you expound other places of Scripture, in the same case, to quite contrary senses. For if you expound it literally, then, besides that it seems to intrench upon the words of our blessed Saviour, ' The words that I speak, they are spirit, and they are life/ that is, to be spiritually understood ; (and it is a miserable thing to see what wretched shifts are used to reconcile the literal sense to these words, and yet to distinguish it from the Caper- naitical fancy ;) but besides this, why are not those other sayings of Christ expounded literally, *I am a vine, I am the door, I am a rock ? ' Why do we fly to a figure in those parallel words, * This is the covenant which I make between me and you ? ' and yet that covenant was but the sign of the covenant; and why do we fly to a figure in a precept, as well as in mystery and a proposition ? 'If thy right hand OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 95 offend thee, cut it off:' and yet we have figures enough to save a limb'. Tf it be said, because rea- son tells us these are not to be expounded accord- ing to the letter; this will be no plea for them who retain the literal exposition of the other instance, against all reason, against all philosophy, against all sense, and against two or three sciences. But if you expound these words figuratively, besides that you are to contest against a world of preju- dices, you give yourself the liberty, which if others will use when either they have a reason or a neces- sity so to do, they may perhaps turn all into alle- gory, and so may evacuate any precept, and elude any argument. Well, so it is that very wise men have expounded things allegorically, when they should have expounded them literally.* So did the famous Origen, who, as St. Jerome reports of him, turned paradise so into an allegory, that he took away quite the truth of the story, and not only Adam was turned out of the garden, but the gi^rden itself out of paradise. Others expound things literally, when they should understand them in allegory ; so did the ancient Papias understand Christ's millenary reign upon earth {Apocal. xx.;) and so depressed the hopes of Christianity, and their desires to the longing and expectation of temporal pleasures and satisfactions; and he was followed by Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Lactantius, and indeed the whole church generally. * Sic St. Hierom. " In adolescentia provocatus ardore et studio Scripturarum allegorice interpretatus sum Abdiam pro- phetam, cujus historiam nesciebam." De Sensu Allegorico S. Script, dixit Basilius, 'Qq KeKoi.i-iptVf.di'ov j^iev rov \6yov aTTooe^^OjUtS'a, dXij^r] ^£ elvai ov ircivv otocrojixev. — Lib. xxii. de Civit. Dei. c. 7. Praefat. lib. xix. in Isai. et in c. 36. Ezek. - 96 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. till St. Austin and St. Jerome's time; who, first of any whose v/orks are exant, did reprov^e the error. If such great spirits be deceived, in finding out what kind of senses be to be given to Scriptures, it may well be endured that we, who sit at their feet, may also tread in the steps of them whose feet could not always tread aright. IV. I consider that there are some places of Scripture that have the self-same expressions, the same preceptive words, the same reason and ac- count, in all appearance, and yet either must be expounded to quite different senses, or else we must renounce the communion, and the charities of a great part of Christendom. And yet there is absolutely nothing in the thing, or in its circum- stances, or in its adjuncts that can determine it to different purposes. I instance in those great ex- clusive negatives for the necessity of both sacraments : ' Except a man be born of water,' &c. ' Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.* Now, then, the first is urged for the absolute, indispensible necessity of bap- tism, even in infants ; insomuch that infants go to part of hell if (inculpably both on their own and their parents' part) they miss of baptism ; for that is the doctrine of the church of Rome, which they learnt from St. Austin : and others also do, from hence, baptize infants, though wdth a less opinion of its absolute necessity. And yet the same manner of precept, in the same form of w ords, in the same manner of threatening, by an exclusive negative, shall not enjoin us to communicate infants, though damnation (at least in form of words) be ex- actly, and in every particular, alike appendant to the neglect of holy baptism and the venerable eu- OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 97 cliarist. If ' except ye be born again/ shall con- clude against the anabaptist for necessity of bap- tizing infants, (as sure enough we say it does,) why shall not an equal, ' except ye eat,' bring infants to the holy communion ? The primitive church, for some two whole ages, did follow their own princi- ples, wherever they led them ; and seeing that upon the same ground equal results must follow, they did communicate infants as soon as they had baptized them. And why the church of Rome should not do so too, being she expounds, ' except ye eat,' of oral manducation, I cannot yet learn a reason. And, for others that expound it of a spi- ritual manducation, why they shall not allow the disagreeing part the same liberty of expounding ' except a man be born again,' too, I by no means can understand. And in these cases no external determiner can be pretended in answer : for what- soever is extrinsical to the words, as councils, tra- dition, church authority, and fathers, either have said nothing at all, or have concluded, by their practice, contrary to the present opinion ; as is plain in their communicating infants by virtue of ' except ye eat.' 5. I shall not need to urge the mysteriousness of some points in Scripture, which, from the nature of the subject, are hard to be understood, though very plainly represented : for there are some mys- teries in divinity,* which are only to be understood by persons very holy and spiritual, which are rather to be felt than discoursed of; and therefore, if per- adventure they be offered to public consideration, they will therefore be opposed, because they run * Secreta Theologise. 98 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the same fortune with many other questions; that is, not to be understood ; and so much the rather, because their understanding, that is, the feeling such secrets of the kingdom, are not the results of logic and philosophy, or yet of public revelation, but of the public spirit privately working, and in no man is a duty, but in all that have it, is a reward ; and is not necessary for all, but given to some; pro- ducing its operations, not regularly, but upon occa- sions, personal necessities, and new emergencies. Of this nature are the spirit of obsignation, belief of particular salvation, special influences and com- forts coming from a sense of the spirit of adoption, actual fervours and great conplacencies in devo- tion, spiritual joys, which are little drawings aside of the curtains of peace and eternity, and antepasts of immortality. But the not understanding the perfect constitution and temperof these mysteries, (and it is hard for any man so to understand as to make others do so too that feel them not,) is cause that in many questions of secret theology, by being very apt and easy to be mistaken, there is a ne- cessity in forbearing one another; and this con- sideration would have been of good use in the question between Soto and Catharinus, both for the preservation of their charity and explication of the mystery. 6. But here it will not be unseasonable to con- sider, that all systems and principles of science are expressed so, that either by reason of the univer- sality of the terms and subject-matter, or the infi- nite variety of human understandings, and these perad venture swayed by interest, or determined by things accidental and extrinsical, they seem to di- vers men, nay to the same men upon divers occa- OF ARGUMENTS FROM SCRIPTURE. 99 sions, to speak things extremely disparate, and some- times contrary, but very often of great variety. And this very thing happens also in Scripture, that if it were not in a sacred subject, it were excellent sport to observe, how the same place of Scripture serves several turns upon occasion, and they at that time believe the words sound nothing else; whereas, in the liberty of their judgment and abstracting from that occasion, their commentaries understand them wholly to a differing sense. It is a wonder of what excellent use to the church of Rome, is tibi dabo claves, ' I will give thee the keys.' It was spoken to Peter and none else, (sometimes,) and there- fore it concerns him and his successors only ; the rest are to derive from him. And yet, if you ques- tion them for their sacrament of penance, and priestly absolution, then * I will give thee the keys' comes in, and that was spoken to St. Peter, and in him to the whole college of the apostles, and in them to the whole hierarchy. If you question why the pope pretends to free souls from purga- tory, * I will give thee the keys,' is his warrant ; but if you tell him, the keys are only for binding and loosing on earth directly, and in heaven conse- quently ; and that purgatory is a part of hell, or rather neither earth nor heaven nor hell, and so the keys seem to have nothing to do with it, then his commission is to be enlarged by a suppletory of reason and consequences, and his keys shall unlock this difficulty; for it is the key of knowledge, as well as of authority. And these keys shall enable him to expound Scriptures infallibly, to determine ques- tions, to preside in councils, to dictate to all the world magisterially, to rule the church, to dispense with oaths, to abrogate laws: and if his key of h2 100 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. knowledge will not, the key of authority shall, and 'I will give thee the keys' shall answer for all. We have an instance in the single fancy of one man, what rare variety of matter is afforded from those plain words, ' I have prayed for thee, Peter,' Luke, xxii. ; for that place, says Bellarmine,* is otherwise to be understood of Peter, otherwise of the popes, and otherwise of the church of Rome : and ' for thee' signifies, that Christ prayed that Peter might neither err personally nor judicially; and that Peter's successors, if they did err person- ally, might not err judicially; and that the Roman church might not err personally. All this variety of senses is pretended, by the fancy of one man, to be in a few words which are as plain and simple as are any words in Scripture. And what then in those thousands that are intricate ? So is done with *Feed my sheep,' which a man would think were a commission as innocent and guiltless of de- signs, as the sheep in the folds are. But if it be asked, why the bishop of Rome calls himself univer- sal bishop, 'Feed my sheep' is his warrant. Why he pretends to a power of deposing princes, ' Feed my sheep,' said Christ to Peter, the second time. If it be demanded, why also he pretends to a power of authorising his subjects to kill him, ' Feed my lambs,' said Christ, the third time: and 'feed' (pasce) is teach, and ' feed' is command, and * feed ' is kill. Now if others should take the same (unrea- sonableness I will not say, but the same) liberty in expounding Scripture, or if it be not licence taken, but that the Scripture itself is so full and redun- dant in senses quite contrary, what man soever, or * Bellar. lib. iv. de Pontif. c. 3. § Respondeo primo. DIFFICULTY OF EXPOUNDING SCRIPTURE. 101 what company of men soever shall use this prin- ciple, will certainly find such rare productions from several places, that either the unreasonableness of the thing will discover the error of the proceeding-, or else there will be a necessity of permitting a great liberty of judgment, where is so infinite variety without limit or mark of necessary determination. If the first, then, because an error is so obvious and ready to ourselves, it will be great imprudence or tyranny to be hasty in judging others; but if the latter, it is it that I contend for : for it is most un- reasonable, when either the thing itself ministers variety, or that we take licence to ourselves in va- riety of interpretations, or proclaim to all the world our great weakness, by our actually being deceived, that we should either prescribe to others magiste- rially, when we are in error, or limit thsir under- standings, when the thing itself affords liberty and variety. SECTION IV. Of the Difficulty of Expounding Scripture. These considerations are taken from the nature of Scripture itself ; but then, if we consider that we have no certain ways of determining places of difficulty and question, infallibly and certainly; but that we must hope to be saved in the belief of things plain, necessary, and fundamental, and our pious endeavour to find out God's meaning in such 102 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. places, which he hath left under a cloud, for other great ends reserved to his own knowledge, we shall see a very great necessity in allowing a liberty in prophesying, without prescribing authoritatively to other men's consciences, and becoming lords and masters of their faith. Now the means of ex- pounding Scripture are either external, or internal. For the external, as church-authority, tradition, lathers, councils, and decrees of bishops, they are of a distinct consideration, and follow after in their order. But here we will first consider the inva- lidity and uncertainty of all those means of ex- pounding Scripture, which are more proper and internal to the nature of the thing. The great masters of commentaries, some whereof have un- dertaken to know all mysteries, have propounded many ways to expound Scripture ; which indeed are excellent helps, but not infallible assistances, both because themselves are but moral instruments, which force not truth from concealment, as also because they are not infallibly used and applied. 1. Sometime the sense is drawn forth by the con- text and connexion of parts : it is well when it can be so. But when there is two or three ante- cedents, and subjects spoken of, what man or what rule shall ascertain me, that I make my reference true, by drawing the relation to such an antecedent, to which I have a mind to apply it, another hath not ? For in a contexture where one part does not always depend upon another, where things of dif- fering natures intervene and interrupt the first in- tentions, there it is not always very probable to expound Scripture, to take its meaning by its pro- portion to the neighbouring words. But who de- sires satisfaction in this, may read the observation DIFFICULTY OF EXPOUNDING SCRIPTURE. 103 verified in S. Gregoi-y's Morals upon Job, lib. v. c. 29. and the instances he there bring-s are ex- cellent proof, that this way of interpretation does not warrant any man to impose his expositions upon the belief and understanding of other men too confidently and magisterially. 2. Another great pretence of medium is the conference of places, which Illyricus calls *' a mighty remedy, and a very happy exposition of holy Scrip- ture ;"* and indeed so it is, if well and temperately used ; but then we are beholding to them that do so, for there is no rule that can constrain them to it; for comparing of places is of so indefinite ca- pacity, that if there be ambiguity of words, variety of sense, alteration of circumstances, or diflference of style amongst divine writers, then there is nothing that may be more abused by wilful people, or may more easily deceive the unwary, or that may amuse the most intelligent observer. The anabaptists take advantage enough in this proceeding, (and indeed so may any one that list,) and when we pretend against them the necessity of baptizing all, by authority of * unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit,' they have a parallel for it, and tell us, that Christ will ' baptize us with the Holy Ghost and with fire,' and that one place ex- pounds the other; and because by fire is not meant an element, or any thing that is natural, but an allegory and figurative expression of the same thing, so also by water may be meant the figure signifying the efl^ect or manner of operation of the Holy Spirit. Fire in one place, and water in the * " Ingens remedium et fcelicisbimam expositionem sanctae Scripture." 104 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. other, do bat represent to us, that Christ's baptism is nothing else but the cleansing and purifying us by the H(^ly Ghost. But that which I here note as of greatest concernment, and which, in all reason, ought to be an utter overthrow to this topic, is an universal abase of it among those that use it most ; and when two places seem to have the same expression, or if a word have a double significa- tion, because in this place it may have such a sense, therefore it must ; because in one of the places the sense is to their purpose, they conclude that therefore it must be so in the other too. An instance I give in the great question between the Socinians and the Catholics. If any place be urged, in which our blessed Saviour is called God, they show you two or three where the word God is taken in a depressed sense, for one like God ; as when God said to. Moses, 'I have made thee a god to Pharaoh ;' and hence they argue, because I can show the word is used for a false god, therefore no argument is sufficient to prove Christ to be true God, from the appellative of God. And might not another argue to the exact contrary, and as well urge that Moses is the true God ; because in some places the word God is used for the eter- nal God ? Both ways the argument concludes impiously and unreasonably. It is a fallacy to conclude affirmatively from a possibility to a re- ality; because breaking of bread is sometimes used for an eucharistical manducation in Scripture, therefore I shall not, from any testimony of Scrip- ture affirming the first Christians to have broken bread together, conclude that they lived hospitably and in common society. Because it may possibly be eluded, therefore it does not signify any thing. DIFFICULTY OF EXPOUNDING SCRIPTURE. 105 And this is the great way of answering all the ar- guments that can be brought against any thing that any man hath a mind to defend ; and any man that reads any controversies of any side, shall find as many instances of this vanity, almost, as he finds arguments from Scripture : this fault was of old noted by St. Austin, for then they had g-ot the trick, and he is angry at it : * " We ought not," says he, " to take it for granted, that because, in a particular place, a thing has a certain signification, it always signifies the same.^* 3. Oftentimes Scriptures are pretended to be ex- pounded by a proportion and analogy of reason ; and this is as the other, if it be well it is well. But unless there were some universal intellect, fur- nished with infallible propositions, by referring to which every man might argue infallibly, this logic may deceive as well as any of the rest. For it is with reason as with men's tastes; although there are some general principles which are reasonable to all men, yet every man is not able to draw out all its consequences, nor to understand them when they are drawn forth, nor to believe when he does understand them. There is a precept of St. Paul, directed to the Thessalonians, before they were ga- thered into a body of a church, 2 Thes. iii. 6, *To withdraw from every brother that walketh disor- derly :' but if this precept were now observed, I would fain know whether we should not fall into that inconvenience which St. Paul sought to avoid, in giving the same commandment to the church of * " Neque enim putare debemus esse praescriptum, ut quod in aliquo loco res aliqua per similitudinem significaverit, hoc etiam semper significare credamus." — De Doctri. Christian, lib. iii. 106 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. Corinth, 1 Cor. v. 9 : 'I wrote to you, that j e should not company with fornicators ;' and, ' yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, for then ye must go out of the world :' and therefore he restrains it to a C|uitting the society of Chris- tians living ill lives. But now that all the world hath been Christians, if we should sin in keeping- company with vicious Christians, must we not also go out of this world ? Is not the precept made null, because the reason is altered, and things are come about, and that the ' many,' 6i ttoXXoi, are the brethren, aceXa Kayii) TreTroiSfojg a> ddiaicpircog, Tvepl u)V d^iolg KfXevsiv fioi. — Epist. ad Athanas. apud Athanas. torn. i. page 42. Paris. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 183 but that the g-ood pope was ignorant that either * Feed my sheep' was his own charter and prero- gative, or that any other words of Scripture had made him to be infallible; or if he was not ignorant of it, he did very ill to compliment himself oat of it. So did all those bishops of Rome that, in that troublesome and unprofitable question of Easter, be- ing unsatisfied in the supputation of the Egyptians, and the definitions of the mathematical bishops of Alexandria, did yet require and entreat St. Am- brose'^ to tell them his opinion, as he himself wit- nesses. If ' Feed my sheep' belongs only to the pope by primary title, in these cases the sheep came to feed the shepherd; which, though it was well enough in the thing, is very ill for the pretensions of the Roman bishops; and if we consider how little many of the popes have done toward feeding the sheep of Christ, we shall hardly determine which is the greater prevarication, that the pope should claim the whole commission to be granted to him, or that the execution of the commission should be wholly passed over to others : and it may be, there is a mystery in it, that since St. Peter sent a bishop with his staff to raise up a disciple of his from the dead, who was afterwards bishop of Triers, the popes of Rome never wear a pastoral staflf, except it be in that diocess, (says Aquinas, )f for great rea- son, that he who does not do the office should, not bear the symbol ; but a man would think that the pope's master of the ceremonies was ill advised, not to assign a pastoral staflf to him who pretends the commission of ' Feed my sheep' to belong to him by prime right and origination. But this is not ^ business to be merry in. * Lib. X. Ep. 83. + M. iv. Sent. Dist. 24. 184 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. But the great support is expected from, 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church/ &c. Now, there being so great difference in the ex- position of these words, by persons disinterested, who, if any, might be allowed to judge in this ques- tion, it is certain that neither one sense nor other can be obtruded for an article of faith ; much less as a catholicon instead of all, by constituting an authority which should guide us in all faith, and determine us in all questions ; for if the church was not built upon the person of Peter, then his succes- sors can challenge nothing from this instance. Now, that it was the confession of Peter upon which the church was to rely for ever, we have witnesses very credible ; St. Ignatius,* St. Basil,t St. Hilary,: St. Gregory Nyssen,§ St. Gregory the Great, [| St. Austin,^[ St. Cyril of Alexandria*, Isidore Pelu- siot,f and very many more. And, although all these witnesses concurring cannot make a proposition to be true, yet they are sufficient witnesses, that it was not the universal belief of Christendom that the church was built upon St. Peter's person. Cardinal Perron hath a fine fancy to elude this variety of exposition, and the consequents of it; for (saith he) these expositions are not contrary or exclusive of each other, but inclusive and consequent to each other : for the church is founded causally upon the confession of St. Peter, formally upon the ministry of his person ; and this was a reward or a conse- quent of the former. So that these expositions are both true, but they are conjoined as mediate and * Ad Phikflelph. f Seleuc. Orat xxv. J Lib. vi. De Trin. § De Trin. advers. Judaos. li Lib. iii. Ep. 33. 5[ In 1 Eph. Joann. tr. 10. * De Trin. Ub, iv. f Lib. i. Ep. 235. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 185 immediate, direct and collateral, literal and moral, original and perpetual, accessory and temporal ; the one consigned at the beginning, the other intro- duced upon occasion : for before the spring of the Arian heresy, the fathers expounded these words of the jaerson of Peter ; but after the Arians troubled them, the fathers, finding great authority and energy in this confession of Peter, for the establishment of the natural filiation of the Son of God, to advance the reputation of these words and the force of the argument, gave themselves licence to expound these words to the present advantage, and to make the confession of Peter to be the foundation of the church ; that, if the Arians should encounter this authority, they might, with more prejudice to their persons, declaim against their cause, by saying they overthrew the foundation of the church. Besides that this answer does much dishonour the reputa- tion of the fathers' integrity, and makes their inter- pretations less credible, as being made not of know- ledge or reason, but of necessity and to serve a present turn, it is also false; for Ignatius* ex- pounds it in a spiritual sense, which also the liturgy attributed to St. James calls sttI Trerpav riig TriVtwc* ''upon the rock of the faith:'* and Origen ex- pounds it mystically to a third purpose, but exclu- sively to this : and all these were before the Arian controversy. But if it be lawful to make such un- proved observations, it would have been to better purpose, and more reason, to have observed it thus : the fathers, so long as the bishop of Rome kept him- self to the limits prescribed him by Christ, and in- dulged to him by the constitution or concession of the church, were unwary and apt to expound this * Epist. ad Philadelph. in c. 16. Mat, Tract. 1. 186 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. place of the person of Peter ; but when the church began to enlarge her phylacteries, by the favour of princes and the sunshine of a prosperous fortune, and the pope, by the advantage of the imperial seat, and other accidents, began to invade upon the other bishops and patriarchs, then, that he might have no colour from Scripture for such new pretensions, they did, most generally, turn the stream of their expositions from the person to the confession of Peter, and declared that to be the foundation of the church. And thus I have requited fancy with fancy : but, for the main point, that these two ex- positions are inclusive of each other, I find no war- rant; for though they may consist together well enough, if Christ had so intended them, yet, unless it could be shown by some circumstance of the text, or some other extrinsical argument, that they must be so, and that both senses were actually in- tended, it is but gratis dictum, and a begging of the question, to say that they are so ; and the fancy so new, that when St. Austin had expounded this place of the person of Peter, he reviews it again, and, in his retractations, leaves every man to his liberty which to take ; as having nothing cer- tain in this article : which had been altogether needless, if he had believed them to be inclusively in each other, neither of them had need to have been retracted ; both were alike true, both of them might have been believed. But I said the fancy was new, and I had reason ; for it was so unknown till yesterday, that even the late writers, of his own side, expound the words of the confession of St. Peter, exclusively to his person, or any thing else, as is to be seen in Marsilius,^ Petrus de Aliaco,\ * Defens. Pads, part. ii. c 28. + Recommend. Sacr. Script. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 187 and the gloss upon Dist. xix. Can. ita Dominus, § 2it supra, which also was the interpretation of Phavo- rinus Camers, their own bishop, from whom they learnt the resemblance of the word ukvpog, (Peter,) and irkvpa, (a rock,) of which they made so many gay discourses. 5. But, upon condition I may have leave, at ano- ther time, to recede from so great and numerous tes- timony of fathers, T am willing to believe that it was not the confession of St. Peter, but his person upon which Christ said he would build his church; or that these expositions are consistent with and consequent to each other ; that this confession was the objective foundation of faith, and Christ and his apostles the subjective — Christ principally, and St. Peter instrumentally ; and yet I understand not any advantage will hence accrue to the see of Rome; for upon St. Peter it was built, but not alone, for it " was upon the foundation of the apostles and pro- phets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner- stone ;" and when St. Paul reckoned the economy of hierarchy, he reckons not Peter first and then the apostles, but first apostles, secondarily prophets, &c. And whatsoever is first, either is before all things else, or at least nothing is before it : so that, at least, St. Peter is not before all the rest of the apostles ; which also St. Paul expressly avers : ' I am in nothing inferior to the very chiefest of the apostles;' no, not in the very being a rock and a foundation : and it was of the church of Ephesus that St. Paul said, in particular, it was ' the pillar and ground (or foundation) of the truth;' that church was, not excludmg others, for they also were as much as she : for so we keep close and be united to the corner-stone, although some be master 188 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. builders, yet all may build ; and we have known whole nations converted by laymen and women, who have been builders so far as to bring them to the corner-stone. * 6. But suppose all these things concern St. Peter, in all the capacities that can be with any colour pre- tended, yet what have the bishops of Rome to do with this ? For how will it appear that these pro- mises and commissions did relate to him as a par- ticular bishop, and not as a public apostle ? since this latter is so much the more likely, because the great pretence of all seems in reason more propor- tionable to the founding of a church than its con- tinuance : and, yet, if they did relate to him as a particular bishop, (which yet is a further degree of improbability, removed further from certainty,) yet why shall St. Clement, or Linus, rather succeed in this great office of headship than St. John, or any of the apostles that survived Peter ? It is no way likely a private person should skip over the head of an apostle. Or why shall his successors at Rome more enjoy the benefit of it than his successors at Antioch, since that he was at Antioch and preached there, we have a divine authority ; but that he did so at Rome at most we have but a human. And if it be replied, that because he died at Rome, it was argument enough that there his successors were to inherit his privilege, this, besides that at most it is but one little degree of probability, and so not of strength sufficient to support an article of faith, it makes that the great divine right of Rome, and the apostolical presidency was so contingent and ^ * Vid. Socrat> lib. i. c. 19, 20. Sozom. lib. ii. c. 14. Niceph. lib. xiv. c. 42. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 189 fallible as to depend upon the decree of Nero ; and if he had sent him to Antioch, there to have suf- fered martyrdom, the bishops of that town had been heads of the catholic church. And this thing pres- ses the harder, because it is held by no mean per- sons in the church of Rome, that the bishopric of Rome and the papacy are things separable ; and the pope may quit that see and sit in another : which, to my understanding, is an argument, that he that succeeded Peter at Antioch, is as much supreme by divine right, as he that sits at Rome ; * both alike ; that is, neither by divine ordinance : for, if the Ro- man bishops, by Christ's intention, were to be head of the church, then, by the same intention, the suc- cession must be continued in that see ; and then, let the pope go whither he will, the bishop of Rome must be the head ; which they themselves deny, and the pope himself did not believe, when in a schism he sat at Avignon ; and that it was to be continued in the see of Rome, it is but offered to us upon conjecture, upon an act of providence, as they fancy it, so ordering it by vision, and this proved by an author which themselves call fabulous and apochryphal. f A goodly building which relies upon an event that was accidental, whose purpose was but insinuated, the meaning of it but conjec- tured at, and this conjecture so uncertain, that it was an imperfect aim at the purpose of an event, which, whether it was true or no, was so uncertain that it is ten to one there was no such matter. And yet, again, another degree of uncertainty is, to whom * Vid. Cameracens. Qu. vespert. i* Under the name of Linus, in Biblioth. P. P. de Passione Petri et Pauli. 190 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the bishops of Rome do succeed ; for St. Paul was as much bishop of Rome as St. Peter was : there he presided, there he preached, and he it was that was the doctor of the uncircumcision and of the gentiles ; St. Peter, of the circumcision and of the Jews only ; and, therefore, the converted Jews at Rome might, with better reason, claim the privilege of St. Peter, than the Romans and the churches in her communion, who do not derive from Jewish parents. 7. If the words were never so appropriate to Peter, or also communicated to his successors, yet of what value will the consequent be ? w^hat pre- rogative is entailed upon the chair of Rome ? For, that St. Peter was the ministerial head of the church is the most that is desired to be proved by those and all other words brought for the same purposes and interests of that see. Now let the ministerial head have w hat dignity can be imagined, let him be the first; (and in all communities that are regular and orderly, there must be some- thing that is first, upon certain occasions where an equal power cannot be exercised, and made pomp- ous or ceremonial;) but will this ministerial head- ship infer an infallibility ? w ill it infer more than the headship of the Jewish synagogue, where clearly the high-priest was supreme in many senses, yet in no sense infallible ? will it infer more to us than it did amongst the apostles ? amongst whom, if for order's sake St. Peter was the first, yet he had no compulsory power over the apostles; there was no such thing spoke of, nor any such thing put in practice. And, that the other apostles were, by a personal privilege, as infallible as himself, is no reason to liinder the exercise of jurisdiction, or any FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 191 compulsory power over them : for, though in faith they were infallible, yet in manners and matter of fact as likely to err as St. Peter himself was ; and certainly there might have something happened in the whole college that might have been a record of his authority, by transmitting an example of the exercise of some judicial power over some one of them : — if he had but withstood any of them to their faces, as St. Paul did him, it had been more than yet is said in his behalf Will the ministerial head- ship infer any more than, when the church, in a com- munity or a public capacity, should do any act of ministry ecclesiastical, he shall be first in order ? Suppose this to be a dignity to preside in councils, which yet was not always granted him ; suppose it to be a power of taking cognizance of the major causes of bishops, when councils cannot be called ; suppose it a double voice, or the last decisive, or the negative in the causes exterior ; suppose it to be what you will of dignity or external regimen, which, when all churches were united in commu- nion, and neither the interest of states, nor the en- gagement of opinions had made disunion, might better have been acted than now it can ; yet this will fall infinitely short of a power to determine controversies infallibly, and to prescribe to all mens' faith and consciences. A ministerial headship, or the prime minister, cannot, in any capacity, become the foundation of the church to any such purpose. And, therefore, men are causelessly amused with such premises, and are afraid of such conclusions which will never follow from the admission of any sense of these words that can with any probability be pretended. 8. I consider that these arguments from Scrip- 192 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. ture are too weak to support such an authority, which pretends to give oracles, and to answer infallibly in questions of faith ; because there is greater reason to believe the popes of Rome have erred, and greater certainty of demonstration, than these places can be that they are infallible, as will appear by the in- stances and perpetual experiment of their being deceived, of which there is no question, but of the sense of these places there is : and, indeed, if I had as clear Scripture for their infallibility as I have asfainst their half-communion, against their service in an unknown tongue, worshipping of images, and divers other articles, I would make no scruple of believing, but limit and conform my under- standing to all their dictates, and believe it reason- able all prophesying should be restrained. But till then I have leave to discourse, and to use my rea- son ; and, to my reason, it seems not likely that neither Christ nor any of his apostles, St. Peter himself, nor St. Paul, writing to the church of Rome, should speak the least word, or tittle of the infalli- bility of their bishops ; for it was certainly as con- venient to tell us of a remedy, as to foretell, that certainly there must needs be heresies, and need of a remedy. And it had been a certain determination of the question, if when so rare an opportunity was ministered in the c[uestion about circumcision, that thej^ should have sent to Peter, who, for his infallibi- lity in ordinary and his power of headship, would, not only with reason enough, as being infallibly assisted, but also for his authority, have best determined the question, if at least the first Christians had known so profitable and so excellent a secret; and, al- though we have but little record, that the first council at Jerusalem did much observe the solem- FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 193 nities of law, and the forms of conciliary pro- ceedings, and the ceremonials, yet so much of it as is recorded, is against them ; St. James, and not St. Peter, gave the final sentence ; and, although St. Peter determined the question in favour of liberty, yet St. James made the decree and the assumenlum too, and gave sentence they should abstain from some things there mentioned, which by way of temper he judged most expedient, and so it passed. And St. Peter showed no sign of a superior authority, nothing of superior jurisdiction, '' but entreated him, that every thing might be determined by jDub- lic decision, and nothing by any person's mere au- thority a«d command."* So that ir this question be to be determined by Scripture, it must either be ended by plain places, or by obscure : plain places there are none, and those that are with greatest fancy pretended, are expounded by antiquity to contrary purposes. But if obscure places be all the av^ivria, (authority,) by what means shall we infallibly find the sense of them ? The pope's interpretation, though in all other cases it might be pretended, in this cannot ; for it is the thing in question, and therefore cannot determine for itself: either, therefore, we have also another infallible guide besides the pope, and so we have two foundations and two heads, (for this, as well as the other, upon the same reason;) or else (which is indeed the truth) there is no infallible way to be infallibly assured that the pope is infal- lible. Now, it being against the common condi- tion of men, above the pretences of all other gover- • 'Opa de avTOV fierd KOivrjg ttcivtu ttoiovvtu yviofirjQf ovSev dv^evTiKug ovd' dpxiKuig. — S. Chrysost. Horn. iii. in Act. Apost, O 194 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. nors ecclesiastical, against the analogy of Scrip- ture, and the deportment of the other apostles, against the economy of the church, and St. Peter's own entertainment, the presumption lies against him; and these places are to be left to their prime intentions, and not put upon the rack, to force them to confess what they never thought. But now, for antiquity, if that be deposed in this question, there are so many circumstances to be considered, to reconcile their words and their ac- tions, that the process is more troublesome than the argument can be concluding, or the matter considerable : but I shall a little consider it, so far, at least, as to show either that antiquity said no such thing as is pretended, or if they did, it is but little considerable, because they did not believe themselves ; their practice was the greatest evi- dence in the world against the pretence of their words. But I am much eased of a long disquisi- tion in this particular, (for I love not to prove a question by arguments whose authority is in itself as fallible, and by circumstances made as uncer- tain as the Cj[uestion,) by the saying of ^Eneas Sylvius, that before the Nicene council every man lived to himself, and small respect was had to the church of Rome; which practice could not well con- sist with the doctrine of their bishop's infallibility, and, by consequence, supreme judgment and last resolution, in matters of faith ; but especially by the insinuation, and consequent acknowledgment, of Bellarmine,* that for one thousand years to- gether, the fathers knew not of the doctrine of the pope's infallibility; for Nilus, Gerson, Almain, the • De Rom. Pont. lib. iv. c. 2, § Secunda Sententia. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 195 divines of Paris, Alphonsus de Castro, and pope Adrian VI„ persons who lived fourteen hundred years after Christ, affirm that infallibility is not seated in the pope's person, that he may err, and sometimes actually hath ; which is a clear demon- stration that the church knew no such doctrine as this : there had been no decree, nor tradition, nor general opinion of the fathers, or of any age before them ; and therefore this opinion, which Bellar- mine would fain blast if he could, yet in his con- clusion he says, it is not properly heretical. A de- vice and an expression of his own, without sense or precedent. But if the fathers had spoken of it and believed it, why may not a disagreeing person as well reject their authority when it is in behalf of Rome, as they of Rome, without scruple, cast them off when they speak against it ? as Bellar- mine, being pressed with the authority of Nilus, bishop of Thessalonica, and other fathers, says, that the pope acknowledges no fathers, but they are all his children, and, therefore, they cannot depose against him ; and if that be true, why shall v/e take their testimonies for him ? for if sons depose in their father's behalf, it is twenty to one but the adverse party will be cast ; and therefore, at the best, it is but suspicious evidence. But, indeed, this discourse signifies nothing but a perpetual uncertainty in such topics, and that where a violent prejudice, or a concerning interest is engaged, men, by not regarding what any man says, proclaim to all the world, that nothing is certain but Divine authority. But T will not take advantage of what Bellarmine says, nor what Stapleton, or any one of them all say ; for that will be but to press upon personal persuasions, or to urge a general c^uestion with a 02 196 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. particular clefailance, and the question is never the nearer to an end ; for if Bellarmine says any thing that is not to another man's purpose or persuasion, that man will be tried by his own argument, not by another's. And so would every man do that loves his liberty, as all wise men do, and therefore retain it by open violence, or private evasions : but to return. An authority from Irenaeus in this question, and on behalf of the pope's infallibility, or the au- thority of the see of Rome, or of the necessity of communicating with them, is very fallible; for, besides that there are almost a dozen answers to the words of the allegation, as is to be seen in those that trouble themselves in this question with the allegation, and answering such authorities, yet, if they should make for the affirmative of this ques- tion, it is an affirmation contrary to fact.* For Irenaeus had no such great opinion of pope Victor's infallibility, that he believed things in the same degree of necessity that the pope did ; for there- fore he chides him for excommunicating the Asian bishops a^p6h)Q, all at a blow, in the question con- cerning Easter day ; and in a question of faith, he expressly disagreed from the doctrine of Rome; for Irenaeus was of the millenary opinion, and be- lieved it to be a tradition apostolical : now, if the church of Rome was of that opinion, then why is she not now ? where is the succession of her doc- trine ? But if she was not of that opinion then, and Irenaeus was, where was his belief of that church's infallibility ? The same I urge concern- ing St. Cyprian, who was the head of a sect in • Protestatio contra factum. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 197 opposition to the church of Rome, in the question of rebaptization; and he and the abettors, Firmilian, and the other bishops of Cappadocia, and the vi- cinage, spoke harsh words of Stephen, and such as became them not to speak to an infallible doctor, and the supreme head of the church. I will urge none of them to the disadvantage of that see, but only note the satires of Firmilian against him, because it is of good use to show that it is possible for them, in their ill carriage, to blast the reputa- tion and efficacy of a great authority : for he says that the church did pretend the authority of the apostles, "when, in many of its religious ordi- nances, it departed from the apostolic rule, and from the practice of the church of Jerusalem, and even defamed Peter and Paul as authorities."* And a little after, says he, " I disdain the open and manifest folly of Stephanus, by which the verity of the Christian rock is annulled."f Which words say plainly, that for all the goodly pretence of apostolical authority, the church of Rome did then, in many things of religion, disagree from divine institution ; (and from the church of Jeru- salem, which they had as great esteem of, for reli- gion sake, as of Rome for its principality ;) and that still, in pretending to St. Peter and St. Paul, they dishonoured those blessed apostles, and destroyed the honour of the pretence, by their untoward pre- varication ; which words, I confess, pass my skill to reconcile them to an opinion of infallibility ; • *' Cum in multis sacramentis divines rei, a principio dis- crepet, et ab ecclesia Hierosolymitana, et defamet Petrum et Paulum tanquam authores." — Epist. Firmiliani, contr. Steph. ad Cyprian. Vid. etiam Ep. Cypriani ad Pompeium. •f- "Juste dedignor apertam et manifestam stultitiam Stephani, per quam Veritas Christianae petrae aboletur." 198 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. and although they were spoken by an angry per- son, yet they declare, that in Africa they were not then persuaded as now they were at Rome : " For Peter, who was chosen by the Lord, did not vainly and proudly arrogate to himself a claim to pre-emi- nence."* That was their belief then, and how the contrary hath grown up to that height where now it is, all the world is witness. And now I shall not need to note concerning St. Jerome, that he gave a compliment to Damasus that he would not have given to Liberius : Qui tecum non colligit spargit ; *' He who gathereth not with you, scattereth." For it might be true enough of Damasus, who was a good bishop, and a right believer ; but if Liberius's name had been put instead of Damasus, the case had been altered with the name ; for St. Jerome did believe, and write it so, that Liberius had sub- scribed to Arianism.f And if either he, or any of the rest, had believed the pope could not be a heretic, nor his faith fail, but be so good and of so competent authority as to be a rule to Christen- dom, why did they not appeal to the pope in the Arian controversy ? Vv hy was the bishop of Rome made a party and a concurrent, as other good bishops were, and not a judge and an arbitrator in the question ? Why did the fathers prescribe so many rules, and cautions, and provisos, for the discovery of heresy ? Why were the emperors at so much charge, and the church at so much trouble, as to call and convene in councils respectively, to dispute so frequently, to write so sedulously, to * " Nam nee Petrus, quern primum Dominus elegit, vendi- cavit sibi aliquid insolenter, aut arroganter assumpsit, ut diceret se primatum tenere." — Cyprian. Epist. ad Quintum Fratrem. •f- De Script. Eccles. iii Fortunatiano. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 199 observe all advantages against their adversaries, and for the truth, and never offered to call for the pope to determine the question in his chair ? Cer- tainly no way could have been so expedite, none so concluding and peremptory, none could have convinced so certainly, none could have triumphed so openly over all discrepants as this, if they had known of any such thing as his being infallible, or that he had been appointed by Christ to be the judge of controversies. And, therefore, I will not trouble this discourse, to excuse any more words, either pretended or really said to this purpose of the pope; for they would but make books swell, and the cjuestion endless. I shall only to this pur- pose observe, that the old writers were so far from believing the infallibility of the Roman church or bishop, that many bishops, and many churches, did actually live and continue out of the Roman com- munion ; particularly St. Austin,* who, with two hundred and seventeen bishops, and their successors, for one hundred years together, stood separate from that church, if we may believe their own records : so did Ignatius of Constantinople, St. Chrysostom, St. Cyprian, Firmilian, those bishops of Asia that separated in the question of Easter, and those of Africa in the question of rebaptization : but, be- sides this, most of them had opinions which the church of Rome disavows now, and, therefore, did so then, or else she hath innovated in her doctrine ; which, though it be most true and notorious, I am • *' Ubi ilia Augustini et reliquorum prudentia ? quis jam ferat crassissimae ignorantije illam vocem in tot et tantis Patribus ?" — Alan. Cop. Dialog, p. 76, 77. Vide etiam Bonifac. II. Epist. ad Eulalium Alexandrinum. Lindanuni Panopl. lib. iv. c. 89. in fine Salmeron. torn. xii. Tract. 68, § ad Canonem. Sander. de visibili Monarchia, lib vii. n. 411. Baron, torn. x. a.d. 878. 200 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. sure she will never confess. But no excuse can be made for St. Austin's disagreeing, and contesting, in the question of appeals to Rome, the necessity of communicating infants, the absolute damnation of infants to the pains of hell, if they die before bap- tism, and divers other particulars. It was a fa- mous act of the bishops of Liguria and Istria, who, seeing the pope of Rome consenting to the fifth synod, in disparagement of the famous council of Chalcedon, which, for their own interests, they did not like of, they renounced subjection to his patri- archate, and erected a patriarch at Acquileia, who was afterwards translated to Venice, where his name remains to this day. It is also notorious, that most of the fathers were of opinion that the souls of the faithful did not enjoy the beatific vi- sion before doomsday : whether Rome was then of that opinion or no, I know not ; I am sure now they are not; witness the councils of Florence and Trent ; but of this I shall give a more full account afterwards. But if to all this which is already noted, we add that great variety of opinions amongst the fathers and councils, in assignation of the canon, they not consulting with the bishop of Rome, or any of them thinking themselves bound to follow his rule in enumeration of the books of Scripture, I think no more need to be said as to this particular. 8. But now, if after all this, there be some popes which were notorious heretics, and preachers of false doctrine, some that made impious decrees, both in faith and manners ; some that have deter- mined questions with egregious ignorance and stu- pidity, some with apparent sophistry, and many to serve their own ends most openly; I suppose then the infallibility will disband, and we may do to him FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 201 as to other good bishops, believe him when there is cause; but if there be none, then to use our con- sciences. " For it cannot be sufficient for a Chris- tian, that the pope constantly affirms the propriety of his own command ; he must examine for him- self, and form his opinion by the Divine law."* I would not instance and repeat the errors of dead bishops, if the extreme boldness of the pretence did not make it necessary: but if we may believe TertuUian, f pope Zepherinus approved the pro- phesies of Montanus, and upon that approbation granted peace to the churches of Asia and Phry- gia, till Praxeas persuaded him to revoke his act : but let this rest upon the credit of Tertullian, whe- ther Zepherinus were aMontanist or no ; some such thing there was for certain, j Pope Vigilius § denied two natures in Christ ; and in his epistle to Theo- dora, the empress, anathematized all them that said he had two natures in one person: St. Gregory himself permitted priests to give confirmation; which is all one as if he should permit deacons to consecrate, they being, by divine ordinance, an- nexed to the higher orders; and, upon this very ground, Adrianus affirms, that the pope may err in his definition of the articles of faith. || And that we may not fear we shall want instances, we may, to secure it, take their own confession : " For there are many heretical decretals," says Occham, as he is cited by Almain, " which," says he, for his * " Non enim salvat Christianum quod pontifex constanter affirmat prsceptum suum esse justum, sed oportet illud exami- nari, et se juxta regulam superius datam dirigere." — Tract, de Interdict. Compos, a Theol. Venet. prop. 13. ■f- Lib. adver. Praxeam. J Vid. Liberal, in Breviario, c. 22. § Durand. iv. dist. 7. q. 4. |1 Quae, de Confirm, art. ult. 202 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. own particular, " I firmly believe ; but we must not affirm contrary to what is decreed." * So that we may as well see that it is certain that popes may be heretics, as that it is dangerous to say so ; and therefore there are so few that teach it. All the pa- triarchs, and the bishop of Rome himself, sub- scribed to Arianism, (as Baronius confesses ;f) and Gratian affirms that pope Anastasius II. was stricken of God for communicating with the heretic Photinus. | I know it will be made light of, that Gregory VIT. saith, the very exorcists of the Roman church are superior to princes. But what shall we think of that decretal of Grego- ry III. who wrote to Boniface, his legate in Ger- many, " That they whose wives refused them con- jugal rights, on account of some bodily infirmity, might marry others ?"§ Was this a doctrine fit for the head of the church, and infallible doctor? It was plainly, if any thing ever was, " the doctrine of devils," and is noted for such by Gratian, caus. xxxii. q. 7. can. Quod proposuisti ; where the gloss also intimates, that the same privilege w as granted to the Englishmen by Gregory, " on the ground of their being but newly converted." And sometimes we had little reason to expect much better ; for, not to instance in that learned discourse in the canon law, de majoritate et ohedientid, \\ where the pope's su- premacy over kings is proved from the first chapter • " Nam multae sunt decretales haereticee, et firm iter hoc credo ; sed non licet dogmatizare oppositum, quoniam sunt determi- natae." — 3 Dist. 24, q. unica. t A. D. 357. n. 41. :|: Dist. xix. c. 9. lib. iv. Ep. 2. \ " Quod illi quorum uxores infirmitate aliqua morbidae debi- turn reddere noluerunt, aliis poterant nubere ?" — Vid. Corranz. Sum. Concil. fol. 218. Edit. Antwerp. II Cap. per venerabilem — qui filii sint legitimi. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 203 of Genesis ; and the pope is the sun, and the em- peror is the moon, for that was the fancy of one pope perhaps, though made authentic and doc- trinal by him ; it was (if it be possible) more ridi- culous, that pope Innocent III. urges, that the Mosaical law was still to be observed, and that upon this argument saith he, " That by the very word Deuteronomy, or second law, it is shewn, that what is there determined ought to be observed in the New Testament." * Worse yet ; for when there was a corruption crept into the decree, called Sancta Ro- mana, f where, instead of these words, Sedulii opus heroicis versibus descriptum, "■ The work of Sedu- lius, written in heroic verses," all the old copies, till of late, read licereticis versibus descriptum, " written in heretical verses;" this very mistake made many wise men, (as Pierius says, t ) yea, pope Adrian VI., no worse man, believe that all poetry was heretical, because (forsooth) pope Gelasius, whose decree that was, although be believed Sedulius to be a good catholic, yet, as they thought, he concluded his verses to be heretical. But these were ignorances ; it hath been worse amongst some others, whose errors have been more malicious. Pope Honorius was condemned by the sixth gene- ral synod, and his epistles burnt; and in the se- venth action of the eighth synod, the acts of the Roman council under Adrian IT. are recited, in which it is said, that Honorius was justly anathe- matised, because he was convict of heresy. Bel- larmine says, it is probable that pope Adrian and * " Sane cum Deuteronomium secunda lex interpretetur, ex vi vocabuli comprobatur, ut quod ibi decernitur in Testamento Novo debeat observari." ■f- Dist. XV. apud Gratian. :{: De Sacerd. barb. 204 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the Roman council were deceived with false copies of the sixth synod, and that Honorius was no here- tic. To this I say, that although the Roman synod, and the eighth general synod, and pope Adrian, altogether, are better witnesses for the thing than Bellarmine's conjecture is against it, yet, if we allow his conjecture, we shall lose nothing in the whole ; for either the pope is no infallible doctor, but may be a heretic, as Honorius was ; or else a council is to us no infallible determiner ; I say, as to us, for if Adrian, and the whole Roman coun- cil, and the eighth general, were all cozened with false copies of the sixth synod, which was so little a while before them, and whose acts were transacted and kept in the theatre and records of the catholic church, he is a bold man that will be confident that he hath true copies now. So that let which they please stand or fall, let the pope be a heretic, or the councils be deceived and palpably abused, (for the other, we will dispute it upon other in- stances and arguments, when we shall know which part they will choose,) in the mean time, we shall get in the general what we lose in the particular. This only, this device of saying the copies of the councils were false, was the stratagem of Albertus Pighius, * nine hundred years after the thing was done ; of which invention, Pighius was presently admonished, blamed, and wished to recant. Pope Nicholas explicated the mystery of the sacrament with so much ignorance and zeal, that, in condemn- ing Berengarius, he taught a worse impiety. But what need I any more instances ? It is a confessed • Vid. Diatrib. de act. vi. et vii. Synod. Praefatione ad Lec- torem et Dominicum Bannes, xxii. q. 1. a. 10. dub. 2. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 205 case by Baronius, by Biel, by Stella, Almain, Occham, and Canus, and generally by the best scholars in the church of Rome,* that a pope may be a heretic, and that some of them actually were so; and no less than three general councils did believe the same thing, viz., the sixth, seventh, and eighth, as Bellarmine is pleased to acknowledge ; f and the canon si Papa, dist. 40, affirms it in ex- press terms, that a pope is judicable and pu- nishable in that case. But there is no wound but some empiric or other will pretend to cure it ; and there is a cure for this too. For, though it be ti'ue that if a pope were a heretic, the church might depose him ; yet no pope can be a heretic, — not but that the man may, but the pope cannot, for he is ipso facto no pope, for he is no Christian : so Bellarmine :% and so when you think you have him fast, he is gone, and nothing of the pope left. But, who sees not the extreme folly of this evasion ? for, besides that out of fear and caution he grants more than he needs, more than was sought for in the question, the pope hath no more privilege than the abbot of Cluny; for he cannot be a heretic, nor be deposed by a council ; for, if he be manifestly a heretic, he is ipso facto no abbot, for he is no Chris- tian; and, if the pope be a heretic privately and occultly, for that he may be accused and judged, said the gloss upon the canon si Papa, dist. 40. And the abbot of Cluny and one of his meanest monks can be no more, therefore the case is all one. But this is fitter to make sport with than to interrupt a * Picus Mirand. in Exposit. theorem. 4. + De Pontifice Romano, lib. iv. c. 11. Resp. ad Arg. 4. X Lib. 11. c. 30, ubi supra, § est ergo. 206 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. serious discourse.* And, therefore, although the canon Sancta Romana approves all the decretals of popes, yet that very decretal hath not decreed it firm enough, but that they are so warily received by them, that when they list they are pleased to dis- sent from them ; and it is evident, in the Extrava- gant of Sixtus IV. Com. de Reliquiis ;f who ap- pointed a feast of the immaculate conception, a special office for the day, and indulgences enough to the observers of it : and yet the Dominicans were so far from believing the pope to be infallible and his decree authentic, that they declaimed against it in their pulpits so furiously and so long, till they were prohibited, under pain of excommunica- tion, to say the Virgin INIary was conceived in original sin. Now, what solemnity can be more required for the pope to make a cathedral determi- nation of an article ? The article was so concluded, that a feast was instituted for its celebration, and pain of excommunication threatened to them which should preach the contrary. Nothing more solemn, nothing more confident and severe : and yet, after all this, to show that whatsoever those people would have us to believe, they will believe what they list themselves ; this thing was not determined de fide, saith Victorellus. Nay, the author of the gloss of the canon law hath these express words : *' With regard to the feast of the conception, nothing is said, because it is not kept, as it is in many places, and especially in England ; and the reason is, that the Virgin was conceived in sin, as were the other • Vide Alphons. a Castr. lib. i. adv. Haeres. c. 4. f Vid. etiam Innocentium, Serm. 2. de Consecrat. Fontif. act. vii. viii. Synodi. et Concil. 5. sub Symmadio. Collat. viii. can. 12. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 207 saints. * And the commissaries of Sixtus V. and Gregory XIII. did not expunge these words, but left them upon record, not only against a received and more approved opinion of the Jesuits and Franciscans, but also in plain defiance of a decree made by their visible head of the church, who (if ever any thing was decreed by a pope with an in- tent to oblige all Christendom) decreed this to that purpose.! So that without taking particular notice of it, that egregious sophistry and flattery of the late writers of the Roman church is in this instance, be- sides divers others before mentioned, clearly made invalid. For, here the bishop of Rome, not as a private doctor, but as pope, not by declaring his own opinion, but with an intent to oblige the church, gave sentence in a question which the Dominicans still account undetermined. And every decretal recorded in the canon law, if it be false in the matter, is just such another instance. And Alphon- sus a Castro says it to the same purpose, in the instance of Celestine dissolving marriages for he- resy : " Neither ought this error of Celestine to be imputed to negligence alone, so that we may say he erred as a private individual, and not as a pope ; because such a decision as this of his is found in the ancient decretals, in the chapter concerning the conversion of infidels which I myself have seen * " De festo Conceptionis nihil dicitur, quia cslebrandum rvon Kt, sicut in mulds regionibus sit, et maxime in Anglia ; et haec est ratio, quia in peccatis concepta fuit sicut et cseteri Sancti."— De Angelo custod. fol. 59. de Consecrat. dist. 3, can. pronunci and gloss, verb. Nativit. + " Hac in perpetuum valituni constitutione statuiraus," &c. — De Reliquiis, &c. Extrav. Com. Sixt. IV. c. I. 208 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. and read."* And, therefore, it is a most intoler- able folly to pretend that the pope cannot err in his chair, though he may err in his closet, and may maintain a false opinion even to his death ; for, besides that it is sottish to think that either he would not have the world of his own opinion, (as all men naturally would,) or that if he were set in his chair, he would determine contrary to himself in his study, (and therefore to represent it as possi- ble, they are fain to fly to a miracle, for which they have no colour, neither instructions, nor insinua- tion, nor warrant, nor promise,) besides that it were impious and unreasonable to depose him for heresy, who may so easily, even by setting himself in his chair, and reviewing his theorems, be cured ; it is also against a very great experience : for, besides the former allegations, it is most notorious, that Pope Alexander III., in a council at Rome of three hundred archbishops and bishops, A. D. 1179, condemned Peter Lombard of heresy in a matter of great concernment, no less than something about the incarnation ; from which sentence he was, after thirty-six years abiding it, absolved by Pope In- nocent III. without repentance or dereliction of the opinion. Now, if this sentence was not a cathe- dral dictate, as solemn and great as could be ex- pected, or as is said to be necessary to oblige all Christendom, let the great hyperaspists of the Roman church be judges, who tell us that a par- * " Neque Caelestini error talis fuit qui soli negligentiae im- putari deb eat, ita ut ilium errasse dicamus velut privatam per- sonam et non ut papam, quoniam hujusmodi Cselestini definitio habetur in antiquis decretalibus, in cap. Laudabilem, titulo de conversione infidelium ; quam ego ipse vidi et legi." — Lib. i. adv. Haeres. cap. 4. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 209 ticular council, with the pope's confirmation, is made oecumenical by adoption, and is infallible, and obliges all Christendom ;* so Bellarmine ; and therefore, he says, that it is " rash, erroneous, and bordering on heresy,"f to deny it : but whether it be or not it is all one, as to my purpose ; for it is certain that in a particular council, confirmed by the pope, if ever, then and there the pope sat him- self in his chair ; and it is as certain that he sat besides the cushion, and determined ridiculously and falsely in this case : but this is a device for which there is no Scripture, no tradition, no one dogmatical resolute saying of any father, Greek or Latin, for above one thousand years after Christ ; and themselves, when they list, can acknowledge as much.t And, therefore, Bellarmine's saying, I perceive, is believed by them to be true, that there are many things in the decretal epistles which make not articles to be de fide. And, therefore, " We are not implicitly to believe whatever the pope de- crees,"§ says Almain. And this serves their turns in every thing they do not like; and, therefore, I am resolved it shall serve my turn also for some- thing; and that is, that the matter of the pope's in- fallibility is so ridiculous and improbable, that they do not believe it themselves. Some of them clearly practised the contrary ; and although pope Leo X. hath determined the pope to be above a council, yet the Sorbonne to this day scorn it at the very heart. And I might urge upon them that scorn * Lib. ii. de Concil. cap. 5. •\ " Temerarium, erroneum, et proximum haeresi." X De Pontif. Rom. c 14, § Respondeo. In 3 sent. d. 24. q. in con. 6. dub. 6, in fine. § '' Non est necessario credendum determinatis per summum pontificem." P 210 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. that Almain truly enough, by way of argument, alleges.* It is a wonder that they who affirm the pope cannot err in judgment, do not also affirm that he cannot sin : they are like enough to say so, says he, if the vicious lives of the popes did not make a daily confutation of such flattery. Now, for my own particular, I am as confident, and think it as certain, that popes are actually deceived in matters of Christian doctrine, as that they do pre- varicate the laws of Christian piety; and, there- fore, Alphonsus a Castro calls them " impudent flatterers of the pope,"f that ascribe to him infalli- bility in judgment, or interpretation of Scripture. But, if themselves did believe it heartily, what excuse is there in the world for the strange un- charita-bleness or supine negligence of the popes, that they do not set themselves in their chair, and write infallible commentaries, and determine all controversies without error, and blast all heresies with the word of their mouth, declare what is and what is not de fide, that their disciples and con- fidents may agree ujjon it ; reconcile the Francis- cans and Domicans, and expound all mysteries? For it cannot be imagined, but he that was en- dued with so supreme power in order to so great ends, was also fitted with proportionable, that is extraordinary, personal abilities, succeeding and de- rived upon the persons of all the popes. And then the doctors of his church need not trouble them- selves v\^ith study, nor writing explications of Scrip- ture, but might wholly attend to practical devotion, * De Authorit. Eccles. cap. 10, in fine. -|- " Impudentes papas assentatores." — Lib i. c. 4. ad vers. Hffires. edit. Paris, 1534. In seqq. non expurgantur ista verba, at idem seiisus manet. FALLIBILITY OF THE POPE. 211 and leave all tbeir scholastical wranglings, the dis- tinguishing opinions of their orders ; and they might have a fine church, something like fairy land, or Lncian's kingdom in the moon. But, if they say they cannot do this when they list, but when they are moved to it by the Spirit, then we are never the nearer ; for so may the bishop of Angouleme write infallible commentaries when the Holy Ghost moves him to it ; for I suppose his motions are not in- effectual, but he will sufficiently assist us in per- forming of what he actually moves us to : but, among so many hundred decrees which the popes of Rome have made, or confirmed and attested, (which is all one) I would fain know in how many of them did the Holy Ghost assist them ? If they know it, let them declare it, that it may be certain which of their decretals are de fide; for as yet none of their own church knows. If they do not know, then neither can we know it from them, and then we are uncertain as ever : and, besides, the Holy Ghost may possibly move him, and he, by his igno- rance of it, may neglect so profitable a motion; and then his promise of infallible assistance will be to very little purpose, because it is with very much fallibility applicable to practice. And, therefore, it is absolutely useless to any man or any church ; because, suppose it settled in Thesi, that the pope is infallible, yet, whether he will do his duty, and perform those conditions of being assisted which are required of him, or whether he be a secret Simoniac, (for if he be, he is ipno facto no pope,) or whether he be a bishop, or priest, or a Christian, being all uncertain ; every one of these depending upon the intention and power of the baptizer or ordainer, which also are fallible, because they de- p2 212 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. pend upon the honesty and power of other men, we cannot be infallibly certain of any pope that he is infallible ; and, therefore, when our questions are determined, we are never the nearer, but may hug ourselves in an imaginary truth ; the certainty of finding truth out depending upon so many fallible and contingent circumstances. And, therefore, the thing, if it were true, being so to no purpose, it is to be presumed that God never gave a power so im- pertinently, and from whence no benefit can accrue to the Christian church, for whose use and benefit, if at all, it must needs have been appointed. But I am too long in this impertinency. If I were bound to call any man master upon earth, and to believe him upon his own affirmative and authority, I would, of all men, least follow him that pretends he is infallible and cannot prove it. For that he cannot prove it, makes me as uncertain as ever; and that he pretends to infallibility makes him careless of using such means which will morally secure those wise persons, who, knowing their own aptness to be deceived, use what endeavours they can to secure themselves from error, and so become the better and more probable guides. Well ! thus far we are come : although we are secured in fundamental points from involuntary error, by the plain, express, and dogmatical places of Scripture, yet, in other things, we are not, but may be invincibly mistaken, because of the obscu- rity and difficulty in the controverted parts of Scripture, by reason of the uncertainty of the means of its interpretation ; since tradition is of an uncer- tain reputation, and sometimes evidently false; councils are contradictory to each other, and there- fore, certainly, are equally deceived many of them. INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 213 and therefore all may ; and then the popes of Rome are very likely to mislead us, but cannot ascertain us of truth in matter of question ; and in this world we believe in part, and prophesy in part ; and this imperfection shall never be done away, till we be translated to a more glorious state ; either we must throw our chances, and get truth by accident or predestination, or else we must lie safe in a mutual toleration, and private liberty of persuasion, unless some other anchor can be thought upon, where we may fasten our floating vessels, and ride safely. SECTION VIII. Of the Disability of Fathers or Writers Ecclesiastical, to determine our Questions, with certainty and truth. There are some that think they can determine all questions in the world by two or three sayings of the Fathers, or by the consent of so many as they will please to call a concurrent testimony. But this consideration will soon be at an end ; for, if the fathers, when they are witnesses of tradition, do not always speak truth, as it happened in the case of Papias and his numerous followers, for almost three ages together, then is their testimony more improbable when they dispute or write commenta- ries. 2. The fathers of the first ages spake unitedly 214 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. concerning divers questions of secret theology, and yet were afterwards contradicted by one personage of great reputation, whose credit had so much in- fluence upon the world, as to make the contrary opinion become popular : why, then, may not w^e have the same liberty, when so plain an uncertainty is in their persuasions, and so great contrariety in their doctrines ? But this is evident in the case of absolute predestination, which, till St. Austin's time, no man preached, but all taught the contrary ; and yet the reputation of this one excellent man altered the scene. But, if he might dissent from so general a doctrine, w hy may not we do so too, it being pretended that he is so excellent a prece- dent to be followed, if we have the same reason ? He had no more authority nor dispensation to dis- sent, than any bishop hath now\ And therefore St. Austin hath dealt ingenuously; and as he took this liberty to himself, so he denies it not to others, but, indeed, forces them to preserve their own li- berty. And, therefore, when St. Jerome* had a great mind to follow the fathers in a point that he fancied, and the best security he had w as, Patiaris me cum talibus errare, " You may allow me to err with such men," St. Austin would not endure it, but answered his reason, and neglected the autho- thority. And therefore it had been most unrea- sonable that we should do that now, though in his behalf, which he, towards greater personages, (for so they were then,) at that time judged to be un- reasonable. It is a plain recession from antiquity, which w as determined by the council of Florence, " that the souls of the saints are received imme- * Sess. ult. INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 2l0 diately in heaven, and clearly behold God himself, three in one ;"* as who please to try, may see it dog-- matically resolved to the contrary by Justin Martyr, f Iraeneus,t byOrigen,§ St.Chrysostom,|| Theodoret,5[ ArethasCaesariensis,* Euthymius,f vvhomay answer for the Greek church; and it is plain that it was the opinion of the Greek church, by that great difficulty the Romans had of bringing' the Greeks to subscribe to the Florentine council, where the Latins acted their masterpiece of wit and stratagem, the greatest that hath been till the famous and superpolitic de- sign of Trent. And for the Latin church, Tertul- lian t St. Ambrose,§ St. Austin,|j St. Hilary,f Prudentius,* Lactantius,f Victorinus Martyr,t and St. Bernard § are known to be of opinion that the souls of the saints are in ahditis receptaculis, et ex- terioribus atriis, " in secret receptacles and outer courts," where they expect the resurrection of their bodies, and the glorification of their souls; and though they all believe them to be happy, yet they enjoy not the beatific vision before the resur- rection. Now, there being so full a consent of Fathers, (for many more may be added,) and the decree of pope John XXTI. besides, who was so * " Piorum animas purgatas, &c. mox in coelum recipi, et intueri clare ipsum Deuin trinum et unum sicuti est." -j- Q. 60, ad. Christian. J Lib. v. § Horn. vii. in Levit. II Horn, xxxix. in I Cor. ^ In c. 1 1, ad. Heb. * In c. 6, ad Apoc. t In 16, c. Luc. X Lib. iv. adv. Mar. § Lib. ii. de. Cain. c. 2. 11 Ep. iii. ad Fortunatianum. 5[ In Psal. 138. * De exeq. Defunctor. + Lib. vii. c. 21. :{: In c. G, Apoc. § Serm. iii. de Om. Sanctis. Vid. enim St. Aug. in Enchir. c. 108, et lib. xii. de Civit. Dei. c. 9, et in Ps. 36, et in lib- i. Retract, c. 14. Vid. insvxper testimonia quae collegit Spala. lib. V. c. 8- n. 98, de Repub. Eccl. et Sixt. Senen. lib. 6, Annot. 345. 216 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. confident for his decree, that he commanded the university of Paris to swear that they would preach it and no other, and that none should be promoted to degrees in theology that did not swear the like, (as Occham,* Gerson,f Marsilius,t and Adrianus § report.) Since it is esteemed lawful to dissent from yll these, I hope no man will be so unjust to press other men to consent to an authority which he himself judges to be incompetent. These two great instances are enough ; but if more were ne- cessary, I could instance, in the opinion of the Chiliasts, maintained by the second and third cen- turies, and disavowed ever since; in the doctrine of communicating infants, taught and practised as necessary by the fourth and fifth centuries, and detested by the Latin church in all the following ages; in the variety of opinions concerning the very form of baptism; some keeping close to the institution and the words of its first sanction, others affirming it to be sufficient, if it be administered in nomine C/ir?s^/;|| particularly St. Ambrose, pope Nicholas I. V. Bede^J and St. Bernard,* besides some writers of after ages, as Hugo de S. Victore, and the doctors generally, his contemporaries. And it would not be inconsiderable to observe, that if any synod, general, national, or provincial, be re- ceded from by the church of the later age, (as there have been very many,) then, so many fathers as were then assembled and united in opinion, are esteemed no authority to determine our persuasions. Now, suppose two hundred fathers assembled in * In Oper. nonag. dierum. + Serm. de Paschat. X In iv. sent. q. 13. a 3. § In 4, de Sacram. Confirmat. II De Consecrat. dist. 4, c. a quod in Judeo. i[ Inc. 10, Act. * Ep. 340. INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 217 such a council, if all they had writ books and authorities, two hundred authorities had been al- leged in confirmation of an opinion, it would have made a mighty noise, and loaded any man with an insupportable prejudice that should dissent : and yet every opinion maintained against the authority of any one council, though but provincial, is, in its proportion, such a violent recession and neglect of the authority and doctrine of so many fathers as were then assembled, who did as much declare their opinion in those assemblies, by their suffrages, as if they had writ it in so many books ; and their opinion is more considerable in the assembly than in their writings, because it was more deliberate, assisted, united, and dogmatical. In pursuance of this observation, it is to be noted, by way of instance, that St. Austin, and two hundred and seventeen bishops, and all their successors,*' for a whole age together, did consent in denying appeals to Rome ; and yet the authority of so many fathers (all true catholics) is of no force now at Rome, in this question; but if it be in a matter they like, one of these fathers alone is sufficient. The doctrine of St. Austin alone brought in the festival and vene- ration of the assumption of the blessed virgin, and the hard sentence passed at Rome upon unbaptized infants, and the Dominican ojjinion concerning predetermination, derived from him alone, as from * Vid. Epist. Bonifacii II. apud Nicolinum, torn. ii. Concil. pag. 544, et exemplar precum Eulalii apud eundem, ibid. p. 525. Qui anathematizat omnes decessores suos, qui, in ea causa, Roma se opponendo recta fidei regulam praevaricati sunt ; inter quos tamen fuit Augustinus, quem pro maledicto Caelestinus tacite agnoscit, admittendo so. exemplar precum. Vid. Doctor. Marta. de Jurisdict. part. iv. p. 273, et Erasm. Annot. in Hieron. praefat. in Daniel. 218 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. their original; so that if a father speaks for them, it is wonderful to see what tragedies are stirred up against them that dissent, as is to be seen in that excellent nothing of Campian's ten reasons. But if the fathers be against them, then " tlie fathers have, in some things, mistaken in no slight degree, and some of them most egregiously,"* says Bel- larmine; and it is certain, the chiefest of them have foully erred. Nay, Posa, Salmeron, and Wadding, in the question of the immaculate con- ception, make no scruple to dissent from antiquity, to prefer new doctors before the old; and, to justify themselves, bring instances in which the church of Rome had determined ai>-ainst the fathers. And it is not excuse enough to say that, singly, the fathers may err ; but if tliey concur they are certain testi- mony : for there is no question this day disputed, by persons that are willing to be tried by the fathers, so generally attested on either side, as some points are which both sides dislike severally or conjunctly : and therefore, it is not honest for either side to press the authority of the fathers, as a concluding argument in matter of dispute, unless themselves will be content to submit, in all things, to the testimony of an equal number of them ; which I am certain neither side will do. 3. If I should reckon all the particular reasons against the certainty of this topic, it would be more than needs as to this question; and therefore I will abstain from all disparagement of those worthy personages, who were excellent lights to their several dioceses and cures. And therefore I will * " Patres in quibusdam non leviter lapsi sunt ; constat, quos- dam ex preecipuis." — De '\''erb. Dei, lib. iii. c. 10, § dices. INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 219 not instance, that Clemens Alexandrinus* taught, that Christ felt no hunger or thirst, but eat only to make demonstration of the verity of his human na- ture ; nor that St. Hilary taught that Christ, in his sufferings, had no sorrow ; nor that Origen taught the pains of hell not to have an eternal duration ; nor that St. Cyprian taught rebaptization ; nor that Athenagoras condemned second marriages; nor that St. John Damascen said, Christ only prayed in appearance, not really and in truth : I ^vill let them all rest in peace, and their memories in ho- nour. For if I should inquire into the particular probations of this article, I must do to them as I should be forced to do now : if any man should say that the writings of the schoolmen were excel- lent argument and authority to determine men's persuasions, I must consider their writings, and observe their defailances, their contradictions, the weakness of their arguments, the mis-allegations of Scripture, their inconsequent deductions, their false opinions, and all the weaknesses of humanity, and the failings of their persons, which no good man is willing to do, unless he be compelled to it by a pretence that they are infallible, or that they are followed by men even into errors or impiety. And, therefore, since there is enough in the former in- stances to cure any such mispersuasion and preju- dice, I will instance, in the innumerable particulari- ties that might persuade us to keep our liberty en- tire, or to use it discreetly. For it is not to be denied but that great advantages are to be made by their writings, et probahile est quod omnibus, quod pliiribus, quod sapient ibus videtur ; if one wise man says a thing, it is an argument to me to believe it in its * Strom, lib. iii. et vi. 220 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. degree of probation ; that is, proportionable to such an assent as the authority of a wise man can pro- duce, and when there is nothing against it that is greater ; and so in proportion, higher and higher, as more wise men (such as the old doctors were) do affirm it. But that which I complain of is, that we look upon wise men that lived long ago, with so much veneration and mistake, that we reverence them, not for having been wise men, but that they lived long since. But, when the question is con- cerning authority, there must be something to build it on ; a Divine commandment, human sanction, excellency of spirit, and greatness of understand- ing, on which things all human authority is regu- larly built. But, now, if we had lived in their times, (for so we must look upon them now, as they did who, without prejudice, beheld them,) I sup- pose we should then have beheld them as we, in England, look on those prelates who are of great reputation for learning and sanctity : here only is the difference ; when persons are living, their au- thority is depressed by their personal defailances and the contrary interests of their contemporaries, which disband, when they are dead, and leave their credit entire, upon the reputation of those excellent books and monuments of learning and piety which are left behind : but beyond this, why the bishop of Hippo shall have greater authority than the bishop of the Canaries, ceteris paribus, I under- stand not. For did they that lived (to instance) in St. Austin's time, believe all that he wrote P If they did they were much to blame, or else him- self was to blame for retracting much of it a little before his death : and if, while he lived, his affirmative was no more authority than derives INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 221 from the credit of one very wise man, against whom, also, very wise men were opposed, T know not why his authority should prevail further now ; for there is nothing- added to the strength of his reason since that time, but only that he hath been in great esteem with posterity. And if that be all, why the opinion of the following ages shall be of more force than the opinion of the first ages, against whom St. Austin, in many things, clearly did op- pose himself, I see no reason ; or whether the first ages were against him, or no, yet that he is ap- proved by the following ages is no better argu- ment ; for it makes his authority not to be innate, but derived from the opinion of others, and so to be precarious, and to depend upon others, who, if they should change their opinions, and such examples there have been many, then there were nothing left to urge our consent to him ; which, when it was at the best, was only this, because he had the good fortune to be believed by them that came after, he must be so still ; and because it was no argument for the old doctors before him, this will not be very good in his behalf. The same I say of any com- pany of them ; I say not so of all of them ; it is to no purpose to say it, for there is no question this day in contestation, in the explication of which all the old writers did consent. In the assignation of the canon of Scripture, they never did consent for six hundred years together ; and then, by that time the bishops had agreed indifferently well, and but indifferently, upon that, they fell out in twenty more; and except it be in the apostles' creed, and articles of such nature, there is nothing which may, with any colour, be called a consent, much less tradition universal. 222 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. 4. But I will rather choose to show the uncer- tainty of this topic, by such an argument which was not in the fathers' power to help ; such as makes no invasion upon their great reputation, which I desire should be preserved as sacred as it ought. For other things, let who please, read Mr. Daille, " On the true Use of the Fathers ;" but I shall only consider, that the writings of the fathers have been so corrupted by the intermixture of heretics, so many false books put forth in their names, so many of their writings lost which would more clearly have explicated their sense ; and, at last, an open profession made, and a trade of making the fathers speak, not what them- selves thought, but what other men pleased ; that it is a great instance of God's providence, and care of his church, that we have so much good preserved in the writings which we receive from the fathers, and that all truth is not as clear gone as is the certainty of their great authority and reputation. The publishing books with the inscription of great names, began in St. Paul's time; for some had troubled the church of Thessalonica with a false epistle, in St. Paul's name, against the incon- venience of which he arms them, in 2 Thess. ii. I, : and this increased daily in the church. The Arians wrote an epistle to Constantine,* under the name of Athanasius, and the Eutychians wrote against Cyril of Alexandria, under the name of Theodoret; and of the age in which the seventh synod was kept, Erasmus reports, *' That books, under the assumed name of illustrious men, were * Apolog. Athenas. ad. Constant. INCONSISTENCIES OF THE FATHERS. 223 everywhere to be met with."* It was then a public business, and a trick not more base than public : but it was more ancient than so, and it is memora- ble in the books attributed to St. Basil, containing thirty chapters " concerning- the Holy Spirit," whereof, fifteen were plainly added by another hand, under the covert of St. Basil, as appears in the difference of the style, in the impertinent di- gressions, against the custom of that excellent man, by some passages contradictory to others of St. Basil, by citing Meletius as dead before him, who yet lived, three years after him,t and by the very frame and manner of the discourse ; and yet it was so handsomely carried, and so well served the purposes of men, that it was quoted under the title of St. Basil by many, but without naming the number of chapters, and by St. John Damascen, in these words : " Basil, in a work containing thirty chapters, to Amphilochius;"| and to the same purpose, and in the number of twenty-seven and twenty-nine chapters, he is cited by Photius, § by Euthymius, by Burchard, by Zonaras, Balsamon, and Nicephorus; but for this, see more in Eras- mus's preface upon this book of St. Basil. There is an epistle goes still under the name of St. Jerome, to the virgin Demetrias, and is of great use in the question of predestination, with its ap- pendices, and yet a very learned man,i| eight hun- dred years ago, did believe it to be written by a * " Libris falso celebrium virorum titulo commendatis scaterc omnia." — Vid. Baron, a.d. 553. -|- Vid. Baron, in Annal. J " Basilius in opere triginta capitum de Spiritu S. ad Am- pliilochium." — Lib. i. de Imagin. Orat. 1. § Noraocan. tit. i. cap. 3. li V. Beda de Gratia Christi. adv. Julianum. 224 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. Pelagian, and undertakes to confute divers parts of it, as being high and confident Pelagianism, and written by Julianus Episc. Eclanensis ; ^- but Grefforius Ariminensis, from St. Austin, affirms it to have been written by Pelagius himself. I might instance in too many. There is not any one of the fathers who is esteemed author of any considerable number of books, that hath escaped untouched : but the abuse in this kind hath been so evident, that now, if any interested person, of any side, be pressed with an authority very pregnant against him, he thinks to escape by accusing the edition, or the author, or the hands it passed through, or, at last, he therefore suspects it, because it makes against him : both sides being resolved that they are in the right, the authorities that they admit they will believe not to be against them ; and they which are too plainly against them shall be no authorities : and, indeed, the whole world hath been so much abused, that every man thinks he hath reason to suspect whatsoever is against him, that is, what he please ; which proceeding only produces this truth, that there neither is, nor can be any certainty, nor very much prolmbility, in such allegations. But there is a worse mischief than this, besides those very many which are not yet discovered, which like the pestilence destroys in the dark, and grows into inconvenience more insensibly and more irremediably ; and that is, corruption of par- ticular jDlaces, by inserting words and altering them to contrary senses ; a thing which the fathers of the sixth general synod complained of concerning the * Greg. Arim. in ii. sent. dist. xxvi. q. 1. a. 3. OF THE FATHERS. 225 constitutions of St. Clement, " in which certain corruptions of the true faith are introduced by per- sons heretically inclined, which have obscured the beauty of the divine decrees:"* and so also have his recognitions, so have his epistles been used, if, at least, they were his at all; particularly the fifth de- cretal epistle, that goes under the name of St. Cle- ment, in which community of wives is taught upon the authority of St. Luke, saying, the first Chris- tians had all things common ; if all things, then wives also, says the epistle : a forgery like to have been done by some Nicolaitan, or other impure person. There is an epistle of Cyril extant, to Suc- cessus, bishop of Diocsesarea, in which he relates, that he was asked by Bud us, bishop of Emessa, whether he did approve of the epistle of Athanasius to Epictetus, bishop of Corinth, and that his answer was : " If the copies you have are not cor- rupted, for many are found to be so by the enemies of the church." f And this was done even while the authors themselves were alive; for so Dionysius of Corinth complained that his writings were cor- rupted by heretics, and Pope Leo, that his epistle to Flavianus was perverted by the Greeks : and in the synod of Constantinople, t before quoted, (the sixth synod,) Macarius, and his disciples, were convicted " of garbling, or corrupting, the writings * " Quibus jam olim, ab iis qui a fide aliena sentiunt, adul- terina queedam etiam pietate aliena introducta sunt, quae divino- rum nobis decretorum elegantem et venustam speciem obscura- runt." — Can. ii. •\ " Si haec apud vos scripta non sint adultera ; nam plura ex his ab hostibus Ecclesias deprehenduntur esse depravata." Euseb. lib. iv. c. 23. X Act. viii. vid. etiam Synod, vii. act. 4. 226 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. of the saints." * Thus the third chapter of St. Cy- prian's book, " On the Unity of the Church," in the edition of Pamelius, suffered great alteration. These words, primafus Petro datiir, "the primacy is given to St. Peter," wholly inserted; and these, super caihedram Petri fundata est ecclesia, " the church is founded upon the chair of St. Peter:" and whereas it was before, super unum mdijicat eccle- siam Christus, "Christ builds his church upon one ; ' that not being enough, ihey have made it super ilium unum, ''upon that one." Now, these addi- tions are against the faith of all old copies before Minutius and Pamelius, and against Gratian, even after himself had been chastised by the Roman correctors, the commissaries of Gregory XIII. ; as is to be seen where these words are alleged, Decret. c. 24, q. 1. can. Loquitur Dominus ad Petrum. So that we may say of Cyprian's works, as Pamelius himself said concerning his writings, and the writ- ings of other of the fathers; saith he : "Whence we gather, that the writings of Cyprian, and others of the fathers, are in various ways corrupted by the transcribers." f But Gratian himself could do as fine a feat when he listed, or else somebody did it for him ; and it was in this very question, their be- loved article of the pope's supremacy ; for he quotes these words out of St. Ambrose : " They do not hold the inheritance of Peter, who do not pos- sess the seat of Peter :"j jidem, " faith," not sedem, * " Quod sanctorum testimonia aut truncarint aut deprava- rint." -f- " Cypriani scripta ut et aliorum Veterum a librariis varie fuisse interpolata." — Annot. Ciprian. super. Concil. Carthag. n.l. :!: " Non habent Petri heEreditatem, qui non habent Petri sedem." OF THE FATHERS. 227 "seat," it is in St. Ambrose; but this error was made authentic by being inserted into the code of the law of the catholic church ; and considering how little notice the clergy had of antiquity, but what was transmitted to them by Gratian, it will be no great wonder that all this part of the world swallowed such a bole, and the opinion that was wrapped in it. But I need not instance in Gratian any further, but refer any one that desires to be satisfied concerning this collection of his, to Au- gustinus, archbishop of Tarracon, in Emendafione Graiiani, where he shall find fopperies and cor- ruptions, good store, noted by that learned man : but that the Indices Expurgatorii, commanded by authority, * and practised with public licence, pro- fess to alter and correct the sayings of the fathers, and to reconcile them to the catholic sense, by putting in and leaving out, is so great an imposture, so unchristian a proceeding, that it hath made the faith of all books and all authors justly to be sus- pected. For considering their infinite diligence and great opportunity, as having had most of the copies in their own hands, together with an un, satisfiable desire of prevailing in their right, or in their wrong, they have made an absolute destruc- tion of this topic; and when the fathers speak Latin, f or breathe in a Roman diocess, although the providence of God does infinitely overrule them, and that it is next to a miracle, that in the * Vid. Ind. Expurg. Belg. in Bertram, et Fland. Hispan. Portugal. Neopolitan. Romanum, Junium in prefat. ad Ind. Expurg. Belg. Hasenmusserum, p. 275. Withlington, Apo- log. mim. 449. t Videat Lector Andream Cristovium, in Bello Jesuitico, et Joh. Reynolds, in lib. de Idol. Rom. q2 228 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. monuments of antiquity there is no more found that can pretend for their advantage than there is, which, indeed, is infinitely inconsiderable; yet, our questions and uncertainties are infinitely mul- tiplied, instead of a probable and reasonable deter- mination. For since the Latins always complained of the Greeks, for privately corrupting the ancient records, both of councils and fathers,* and now the Latins make open profession, not of corrupt- ing, but of correcting their writings, (that is the word,) and at the most it was but a human autho- rity, and that of persons not always learned, and very often deceived; the whole matter is so unreason- able, that it is not worth a further disquisition. But if any one desires to inquire further, he may be sa- tisfied in Erasmus; in Henry and Robert Stephens, in the prefaces before the editions of Fathers, and their observation upon them; in Bellarmine, de Script. Eccles. ; in Dr. Reynolds, de Libris Apocry- phis ; in Scaliger ; and Robert Coke of Leeds, in Yorkshire, in his book de Censura Patrum. * Vid. Ep. Nicolai ad jMichael. Imperat. 229 SECTION IX. Of the incompetency of the Church in its diffusive capacity to he judge of Controversies, and the im- pertinency of that pretence of the Spirit. And now, after all these considerations of the se- veral topics, tradition, councils, popes, and ancient doctors of the church, I suppose it will not be ne- cessary to consider the authority of the church apart ; for the church either speaks by tradition, or by a representative body in a council, by popes, or by the fathers : for the church is not a chimaera, not a shadow, but a company of men believing in Jesus Christ, which men either speak by them- selves immediately, or by their rulers, or by their proxies and representatives. Now, I have consi- dered it in all senses but in its diffusive cajjacity ; in which capacity she cannot be supposed to be a judge of controversies, both because in that capa- city she cannot teach us, as also because if by a judge we mean all the church diffused in all its parts and members, so there can be no contro- versy; for if all men be of that opinion, then there is no question contested : if they be not all of a mind, how can the whole diffusive catholic church be pretended in defiance of any one article, where the diffusive church being divided, part goes this way and part another ? But if it be said, the greatest part must carry it; besides that it is im- 230 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. possible for us to know which way the greatest part goes, in many questions, it is not always true that the greater part is the best ; sometimes the contrary is most certain, and it is often very probable, but it is always possible. And when paucity of followers was objected to Liberius, he gave this in answer: " There was a time when but three children of the captivity resisted the king's decree."* And Athanasiusf wrote on purpose against those that did judge of truth by multi- tudes; and indeed it concerned him so to do, when he alone stood in the gap against the numerous armies of the Arians. But if there could, in this case, be any distinct consideration of the church, yet to know which is the true church is so hard to be found out, that the greatest questions of Christendom are judged be- fore you can get to your judge, and then there is no need of him. For those questions which ai^e concerning the judge of questions, must be deter- mined before you can submit to his judgment; and if you can yourselves determine those great c[ues- tions, which consist much in universalities, then also you may determine the particulars, as being of less difficulty. And he that considers how many notes there are given to know the true church (no less than fifteen by Bellarmine) and concerning every one of them, almost, whether it be a ceitain note or no, there are very many questions and un- certainties ; and when it is resolved which are the notes, there is more dispute about the application of these notes than of the UpioroKpiiwix^vov, (ori- ginal question,) will quickly be satisfied that he * Theod. lib. ii. c. \G, Hist, f Tom. la. OF THE CHURCH. 231 had better sit still than to go round about a difficult and troublesome passage, and at last get no fur- ther, but return to the place from whence he first set out. And there is one note amongst the rest, — holiness of doctrine ; — that is, so as to have nothing- false either in faith or morals, (for so Bellarmine explicates it,) which supposes all your contro- versies judged before they can be tried by the au- thority of the church ; and when we have found out all true doctrine, (for that is necessary to judge of the church by, that as St Austin's council is, " We should look for the church in the wordsof Christ;")* then we are bound to follow because we judge it true, not because the church hath said it : — and this is to judge of the church by her doctrine; not of the doctrine by the church. And, indeed, it is the best and only way; but then how to judge of that doctrine will be afterwards inquired into. In the mean time, the church, that is, the governors of the churches, are to judge for themselves, and for all those who cannot judge for themselves. For others, they must know that their governors judge for them too, so as to keep them in peace and obedi- ence, though not for the determination of their pri- vate persuasions ; for the economy of the church requires that her authority be received by all her children. Now this authority is divine in its origi- nal, for it derives immediately from Christ ; but it is human in its ministration. We are to be led like men, not like beasts: a rule is prescribed for the guides themselves to follow, as we are to follow the guides; and although, in matters indetermina- ble or ambiguous, the presumption lies on behalf * " Ecclesiara in verbis Christi invest! genius." 232 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. of the governors; (for we do nothing for authority, if we suffer it not to weigh that part down of an indifferency and a question w^hich she chooses ;) yet if there be a manifest error, as it often happens, or if the church governors themselves be rent into in- numerable sects, as it is this day in Christendom, then we are to be as wise as we can in choosing our guides, and then to follow so long as that reason remains for which we first chose them. And even in that government which was an immediate sanc- tion of God, I mean the ecclesiastical government of the synagogue, where God had consigned the high priest's authority, with a menace of death to them that should disobey, that all the world might know the meaning and extent of such precepts, and that there is a limit beyond which they cannot command, and we ought not to obey ; it came once to pass, that if the priest had been obeyed in his conciliary degrees, the whole nation had been bound to believe the condemnation of our blessed Saviour to have been just ; and, at another time, the apostles must no more have preached in the name of Jesus. But here was manifest error; and the case is the same to every man that invincibly, and therefore innocently, believes it so. ' Obey God rather than man,' is our rule in such cases. For although every man is bound to follow his guide, unless he believes his guide to mislead him, yet when he sees reason against his guide, it is best to follow his reason ; for though in this he may fall into error, yet he will escape the sin — he may do violence to truth, but never to his own conscience; and an honest error is better than an hypocritical profession of truth, or a violent luxation of the un- derstanding ; since, if he retains his honesty and OF THE CHURCH. 233 simplicity, he cannot err in a matter of faith or abso- lute necessity. God's goodness hath secured all honest and careful persons from that — for other things he must follow the best guides he can, and he cannot be obliged to follow better than God hath given him. And there is yet another way pretended, of in- fallible expositions of Scripture, and that is, by the Spirit : but of this I shall say no more, but that it is impertinent to this question. For put case, the Spirit is given to some men, enabling them to ex- pound infallibly ; yet because this is but a private assistance, and cannot be proved to others, this in- fallible assistance may determine my own assent, but shall not enable me to prescribe to others ; be- cause it were unreasonable I should, unless I could prove to him that I have the Spirit, and so can se- cure him from being deceived, if he relies upon me. In this case I may say, as St. Paul, in the case of praying with the Spirit : ' He verily giveth thanks well; but the other is not edified.' So that, let this pretence be as true as it will, it is sufficient that it cannot be of consideration in this question. The result of all this — since it is not reasonable to limit and to prescribe to ail men's understandings, by any external rule in the interpretation of diffi- cult places of Scripture, which is our rule ; since no man, nor company of men, is secure from error, or can secure us that they are free from malice, in- terest, and design ; and since all the ways by which we usually are taught, as tradition, councils, decre- tals, &c. are very uncertain in the matter, in their authority, in their being legitimate and natural, and many of them certainly false, and nothing cer- tain but the divine authority of Scripture, in which 234 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. all that is necessary is plain, and much of that that is not necessary, is very obscure, intricate, and involved ; either we must set up our rest only upon articles of faith and plain places, and be in- curious of other obscurer revelations; (which is a duty for persons of private understandings, and of no public function;) or, if we will search further, (to which, in some measure, the guides of others are obliged,) it remains, we inquire how men may determine themselves, so as to do their duty to God and not to disserve the church, that every such man may do \^'hat he is bound to, in his per- sonal capacity, and as he relates to the public as a public minister. SECTION X. Of the Authority of Reason, and that it proceeding upon best grounds is the best judge. Here then I consider, that although no man may be trusted to judge for all others, unless this person were infallible and authorised so to do, which no man nor no company of men is, yet every man may be trusted to judge for himself; I say every man that can judge at all; (as for others, they are to be saved as it pleaseth God ;) but others that can judge at all must either choose their guides, who shall judge for them; (and then they oftentimes do the wisest, and always save themselves a labour, but then they choose too;) or if they be persons of greater understanding, then they are to choose for THE AUTHORITY OF REASON. 235 themselves in particular what the others do in gene- ral, and by choosing their guide : and for this any man may be better trusted for himself than any man can be for another : for, in this case, his own interest is most concerned ; and ability is not so necessary as honesty, which certainly every man will best preserve in his own case, and to himself; (and, if he does not, it is he that must smart for it ;) and it is not required of us not to be in error, but that we endeavour to avoid it. 2. He that follows his guide so far as his reason goes along with him ; or which is all one, he that follows his own reason, (not guided only by natural arguments, but by divine revelation, and all other good means,) hath great advantages over him that gives himself wholly to follow any human guide whatsoever; because he follows all their reasons and his own too: he follows them till reason leaves them, or till it seems so to him, which is all one to his particular; for, by the confession of all sides, an eiToneous conscience binds him, when a right guide does not bind him. But he that gives himself up wholly to a guide, is oftentimes (I mean, if he be a discerning person) forced to do violence to his own understanding, and to lose all the benefit of his own discretion, that he may reconcile his reason to his guide. And of this we see infinite inconveniences in the church of Rome; for we find persons of great understanding oftentimes so amused with the au- tliority of their church, that it is pity to see them sweat in answering some objections, which they know not how to do, but yet believe they must, because the church hath said it. So that if they read, study, pray, search records, and use all the means of art and industry in the pursuit of truth. 236 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. it is not with a resolution to follow that which shall seem truth to them, but to confirm what before they did believe ; and if any argument shall seem unanswerable ag^ainst any article of their church, they are to take it for a temptation, not for an illu- mination, and they are to use it accordingly ; which makes them make the devil to be the author of that which God's Spirit hath assisted them to find, in the use of lawful means, and the search of truth ; and when the devil of falsehood is like to be cast out by God's Spirit, they, say that it is through Belzebub, which was one of the worst things that ever the Pharisees said or did. And was it not a plain stifling of the just and reasonable demands made by the emperor, by the kings of France and Spain, and by the ablest divines among them, w hich was used in the council of Trent, when they demanded the restitution of priests to their liberty of marriage, the use of the chalice, the service in the vulgar tongue ; and these things not only in pursuance of truth, but for other great and good ends, even to take away an infinite scandal, and a great schism ? And yet, when they themselves did profess it, all the world knew these reasonable demands were denied merely upon a politic consi- deration ; yet that these things should be framed into articles and decrees of faith, and they for ever after bound, not only not to desire the same things, but to think the contrary to be divine truths, never was reason made more a slave, or more useless. Must not all the world say, either they must be great hypocrites, or do great violence to their un- derstanding, when they not only cease from their claim, but must also believe it to be unjust? If the use of their reason had not been restrained by THE AUTHORITY OF REASON. 237 the tyranny and imperiousness of their guide, what the emperor, and the kings, and their theologues would have done, they can best judge who consi- der the reasonableness of the demand, and the un- reasonableness of the denial. But we see many wise men, who, with their optandum esset ut ecclesia licentiam daret, ^c, proclaim to all the world, that in some things they consent and do not consent, and do not heartily believe what they are bound publicly to profess; and they themselves would clearly see a difference, if a contrary decree should be framed by the church ; they would, with an in- finite greater confidence, rest themselves in other propositions than what they must believe as the case now stands ; and they would find that the authority of a church is a prejudice as often as a free and modest use of reason is a temptation. 3. God will have no man pressed with another's inconveniences in matters sjDiritual and intellectual — no man's salvation to depend upon another ; and every tooth that eats sour grapes shall be set on edge for itself, and for none else; and this is re- markable in that saying of God by the prophet : ' If the prophet ceases to tell my people of their sins, and leads them into error, the people shall die in their sins, and the blood of them I will require at the hands of that prophet.'f Meaning, that God hath so set the prophets to guide us ; that we also ?ire to follow them by a voluntary assent, by an act of choice and election. For, although accidentally and occasionally the sheep may perish by the shepherd's fault, yet that which hath the chiefest influence upon their final condition, is their own * " It were to be wished, that the church allowed, &c." + Ezek. xxxiii. 238 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. act and election; and therefore God hath so ap- pointed guides to us, that if we perish it may be accounted upon both our scores, upon our own and the guides' too; which says plainly, that although we are intrusted to our guides, yet Vv e are intrusted to ourselves too. Our guides must direct us ; and yet, if they fail, God hath not so left us to them, but he hath given us enough to ourselves to dis- cover their failings, and our own duties in all things necessary; and for other things we must do as well as we can. But it is best to follow our guides, if we know nothing belter ; but if we do, it is better to follow the pillar of fire, than a pillar of cloud, though both possibly may lead to Canaan ; but then, also, it is possible thrit it may be other- wise. But I am sure, if I do my own best; then, if it be best to follow a guide, and if it be also necessary, I shall be sure, by God's grace and my own endeavour, to get to it; but if I, without the particular engagement of my understanding, fol- low a guide, possibly I may be guilty of extreme negligence, or I may extinguish God's Spirit, or do violence to my own reason. And whether intrust- ing myself wholly with another be not a laying up my talent in a napkin, I am not so well assured : I am certain the other is not. And since another man's answering for me will not hmder, but that I also shall answer for myself; as it concerns him to see he does not wilfully misguide me, so it concerns me to see that he shall not, if I can help it; if I cannot, it will not be required at my hands : whether it be his fault or his invincible error, I shall be charged with neither. 4. This is no other than what is enjoined as a duty. For since God will be justified with a free THE AUTHORITY OF REASON. 239 obedience — and there is an obedience of under- standing- as well as of will and affection — it is of great concernment, as to be willing- to believe what* ever God says, so also to inquire diligently whether the will of God be so as it is pretended. Even our acts of understanding are acts of choice ; and there- fore it is commanded, as a duty, to ' search the Scriptures, to try the spirits, whether they be of God or no, of ourselves to be able to judge what is right, to prove all things, and to retain that which is best.'* For he that resolves not to consider, resolves not to be careful whether he have truth or no, and therefore hath an affection indifferent to truth or falsehood, which is all one as if he did choose amiss ; and since, when things are truly propounded and made reasonable and intelligible, we cannot but assent, and then it is no thanks to us; we have no way to give our wills to God in matters of be- lief, but by our industry in searching it, and exa- mining the grounds upon which the propounders build their dictates. And the not doing it, is often- times a cause that God gives a man over eig vovv dSoKiiJiov, into a reprobate and undiscerning mind and understanding. 5. And this very thing (though men will not un- derstand it) is the perjDetual practice of all men in the world, that can give a reasonable account of their faith. The very Catholic church itself is ra- tionahilis et ubiq. diffusa, saith Optatus, 'reasonable, as well as diffused every where.' For, take the prose- lytes of the church of Rome — even in their greatest submission of understanding they seem to them- * Matt. XV. 10 ; John, v. 40 ; 1 .John, iv. 1 ; Ephes. v. 17 ; Luke, xxiv. 25 ; Rom. iii. 11, i. 28; Apoc. ii. 2; Acts. xvii. 240 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. selves to follow their reason most of all : for if you tell them. Scripture and tradition are their rules to follow, they will believe you when they know a rea- son for it ; and if they take you upon your word, they have a reason for that too : either they believe you a learned man, or a good man, or that you can have no ends upon them, or something- that is of an equal height to fit their understandings. If you tell them they must believe the church, you must tell them why they are bound to it; and if you quote Scripture to prove it, you must give them leave to judge whether the words alleged S23eak your sense or no, and therefore to dissent if they say no such thing ; and although all men are not wise, and proceed discreetly, yet all make their choice some way or other. He that chooses to please his fancy, takes his choice as much as he that chooses prudently. And no man speaks more unreasonably than he that denies to men the use of their reason in choice of their religion : for that T may, by the way, remove the common pre- judice, reason and authority are not things incom- petent or repugnant, especially when the autho- rity is infallible and supreme ; for there is no greater reason in the world than to believe such an authority. But then w^e must consider, whether every authority that pretends to be such, is so indeed : and therefore, Deus dixit, ergo hoc verum est, " God hath said it, therefore it is true," is the greatest demonstration in the world for things of this nature. But it is not so in human dictates ; and yet reason and human authority are not ene- mies: for it is a good argument for us to follow such an opinion, because it is made sacred by the authority of councils and ecclesiastical tradition. THE AUTHORITY OF REASON. 241 and sometimes it is the best reason we have in a question, and then it is to be strictly followed ; but there may also be, at other times, a reason greater than it that speaks against it, and then the autho- rity must not carry it. But then the difference is not between reason and authority, but between this reason and that, which is greater; for authority is a very good reason, and is to prevail, unless a stronger comes and disarms it, but then it must give place. So that in this question, by reason, I do not mean a distinct topic, but a transcendent that runs through all topics ; for reason, like logic, is instrument of all things else ; and when revela- tion, and philosophy, and public experience, and all other grounds of probability or demonstration, have supplied us with matter, then reason does but make use of them : that is, in plain terms, there being so many ways of arguing, so many sects, such differing interests, such variety of authority, so many pretences, and so many false beliefs, it concerns every wise man to consider which is the best argument, which proposition relies uj^on the truest grounds: and if this were not his only way, why do men dispute and urge arguments, why clo they cite councils and fathers, why do they allege Scripture and tradition, and all this on all sides, and to contrary purposes ? If we must judge, then we must use our reason; if we must not judge, why do they produce evidence ? Let them leave disputing, and decree propositions magisterially: but then we may choose whether we will believe them or no ; or, if they say we must believe them, they must prove it, and tell us why. And all these disputes concerning tradition, councils, fa- thers, &c., are not arguments against or besides R 242 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. reason, but contestations and pretences to the best arguments, and the most certain satisfaction of our reason. But then all these coming into c{uestion, submit themselves to reason; that is, to be judged by human understanding, upon the best grounds and information it can receive. So that Scripture, tradition, councils, and fathers, are the evidence in a question, but reason is the judge ; that is, we being the persons that are to be persuaded, we must see that we be persuaded reasonably. And it is unreasonable to assent to a lesser evidence, when a greater and clearer is propounded : but of that every man for himself is to take cognizance, if he be able to judge; if he be not, he is not bound under the tie of necessity to know any thing of it. That that is necessary shall be certainly conveyed to him : God, that best can, will certainly take care for that ; for if he does not, it becomes to be not necessary ; or, if it should still remain necessary, and he damned for not knowing it, and yet to know it be ncft in his power, then who can help it ? there can be no further care in this business. In other things, there being no absolute and prime neces- sity, we are left to our liberty to judge that way that makes best demonstration of our piety, and of our love to God and truth ; not that w ay that is always the best argument of an excellent understanding, for this may be a blessing, but the other only is a duty. And now that we are pitched upon that v/ay which is most natural and reasonable in deter- mination of ourselves, rather than of questions, which are often indeterminable, since right reason, proceeding upon the best grounds it can, viz. of divine revelation and human authority and uroba- CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 243 bility, is our guide ; and supposing the assistance of God's Spirit, (which he never denies them that fail not of their duty in all such things in which he requires truth and certainty,) it remains that we consider how it comes to pass that men are so much deceived in the use of their reason and choice of their religion; and that, in this account, we distinguish those accidents which make error innocent, from those which make it become a heresy. SECTION XL Of some Causes of Error in the exercise of Reason ivhich are exculpate in themselves. 1. Then I consider that there are a great many inculpable causes of error, which are arguments of human imperfections, not convictions of a sin. And first, the variety of human understandings is so great, that what is plain and apparent to one, is difficult and obscure to another ; one will observe a consequent from a common principle, and another from thence will conclude the quite contrary. When St. Peter saw the vision of the sheet let down, with all sorts of beasts in it, and a voice, saying, ' Rise, Peter, kill and eat,* if he had not, by a particular assistance, been directed to the meaning of the Holy Ghost, possibly he might have had other apprehensions of the meaning of r2 244 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. that vision ; for to myself it seems naturally to speak nothing but the abolition of the Mosaical rites, and the restitution of us to that part of Chris- tian liberty which consists in the promiscuous eating of meats ; and yet, besides this, there want not some understandings in the world, to whom these words seem to give St. Peter a power to kill heretical princes. Methinks it is a strange under- standing that makes such extractions, but Bozius and Baronius did so. But men may understand what they please, especially when they are to ex- pound oracles. It was an argument of some wit, but of singularity of understanding, that haj^pened in the great contestation between the missals of St. Ambrose and St. Gregory. The lot was thrown, and God made to be judge, so as he was tempted to a miracle, to answer a c^uestion which them- selves might have ended without much trouble. The two missals were laid upon the altar, and the church door shut and sealed. By the morrow mattins, they found St. Gregory's missal torn in pieces, (saith the story,) and thrown about the church, but St. Ambrose's opened and laid upon the altar in a posture of being read. If I had been to judge of the meaning of this miracle, I should have made no scruple to have said, it had been the will of God that the missal of St. Ambrose, which had been anciently used, and publicly tried and approved of, should still be read in the church, and that of Gregory let alone, it being torn by an angelical hand, as an argument of its imperfection, or of the inconve- nience of innovation. But yet they judged it otherwise ; for by the tearing and scattering about, they thought it was meant, it should be used over all the world, and that of St, Ambrose read only CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 245 in the church of Millain. I am more satisfied that the former was the true meaning, than I am of the truth of the story; but we must suppose that. And now there might have been eternal disputings about the meaning of the miracle, and nothing left to determine, when two fancies are the liti- gants, and the contestations about probabilities hinc hide. And I doubt not this was one cause of so great variety of opinions in the primitive church, when they proved their several opinions, which were mysterious questions of Christian theo- logy, by testimonies out of the obscurer prophets, out of the Psalms and Canticles, as who please to observe tlieir arguments of discourse and actions of council shall perceive they very much used to do. Now although men's understandings be not equal, and that it is fit the best understandings should prevail, yet that will not satisfy the weaker understandings; because all men will not think that another understanding is better than his own ; or, at least, not in such a particular in which, with fancy, he hath pleased himself. But commonly they that are least able are most bold, and the more ignorant are the more confident : therefore it is but necessary, if he would have another bear with him, he also should bear with another ; and if he will not be prescribed to, neither let him prescribe to others. And there is the more reason in this, because such modesty is commonly to be desired of the more im- perfect; for wise men know the ground of their persuasion, and have their confidence proportion- able to their evidence ; others have not, but over- act their trifles : and therefore I said, it is but a reasonable demand, that they that have the least reason should not be most imperious; and for 246 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. others, it being reasonable enough, for all then- great advantages upon other men, they will be soon persuaded to it ; for although wise men might be bolder, in respect of the persons of others less discerning, yet they know there are but few things so certain as to create much boldness and confi- dence of assertion. If they do not, they are not the men I take them for. 2. When an action or opinion is commenced with zeal and piety, against a known vice, or a vicious person, commonly all the mistakes of its proceeding are made sacred by the holiness of the principle, and so abuses the persuasions of good people, that they make it as a characteristic note to distinguish good persons from bad ; and then, whatever error is consecrated by this means, is therefore made the more lasting, because it is ac- counted holy ; and the persons are not easily ac- counted heretics, because they erred upon a pious principle. There is a memorable instance in one of the greatest questions of Christendom, viz. con- cerning images. For when Philippicus had espied the images of the six first synods upon the front of a church, he caused them to be pulled down : now he did it in hatred of the sixth synod ; for he, being a Mo noth elite, stood condemned by that synod. The catholics that were zealous for the sixth synod, caused the images and representments to be put up again ; and then sprung the question con- cerning the lawfulness of images in churches.* Philippicus and his party strived, by suppressing images, to do disparagement to the sixth synod ; the catholics, to preserve the honour of the sixth * Vid. Paulum Diaconum. CAUSES OF ERROR IxN REASONING, 247 synod, would uphold images. And then the ques- tion came to be changed, and they who were easy enough to be persuaded to pull down images, were overawed by a prejudice against the Monothelites ; and the Monothelites strived to maintain the ad- vantage they had got, by a just and pious pretence against images. The Monothelites would have se- cured their error by the advantage and consocia- tion of a truth ; and the other would rather defend a dubious and disputable error, than lose and let go a certain truth. And thus the case stood, and the successors of both parts were led invincibly : for when the heresy of the Monothelites disbanded, (which it did in a while after,) yet the opinion of the Iconoclasts, and the question of images grew stronger. Yet, since the Iconoclasts at the first were heretics, not for their breaking images, but for denying the two wills of Christ, his divine and his human ; — that they were called Iconoclasts was to distinguish their opinion in the question con- .cerning the images ; — but that then Iconoclasts so easily had the reputation of heretics, was because of the other opinion, which was conjunct in their persons ; which opinion men afterwards did not easily distinguish in them, but took them for here- tics in gross, and whatsoever they held to be heretical. And thus, upon this prejudice, grew great advantages to the veneration of images; and the persons at first were much to be excused, be- cause they were misguided by that which might have abused the best men. And if Epiphanius, who was as zealous against images in churches as Philippicus or Leo Tsaurus, had but begun a public contestation, and engaged emperors to have made decrees asrainst them, Christendom would have had 248 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. other apprehensions of it than they had when the Monothelites began it : for few men will endure a truth from the mouth of the devil, and if the person be suspected, so are his ways too. And it is a great subtlety of the devil so to temper truth and falsehood in the same person that truth may lose much of its reputation by its mixture with error, and the error may become more plausible by reason of its conjunction with truth. And this we see by too much experience; for we see many truths are blasted in their reputation, because per- sons whom we think v.e hate, upon just grounds of religion, have taught them. And it was plain enough in the case of Maldonat,* that said of an explication of a place of Scripture, that it was most agreeable to antiquity, but because Calvin had so expounded it he therefore chose a new one : this was malice. But when a prejudice works tacitly, undiscernibly, and irresistibly, of the person so wrought upon, the man is to be pitied, not con- demned, though possibly his opinion deserves it highly. And therefore it hath been usual to dis- credit doctrines by the personal defailances of them that preach them, or with the disreputation of that sect that maintains them, in conjunction with other perverse doctrines. Faustus,t the Manichee, in St.' Austin, glories much that in their religion God was worshipped purely, and without images. St. A ustin liked it well^ for so it was in his too ; but from hence, Sanders concludes, that to pull down images in churches was the heresy of the Manichees. The Jews endure no iraao^es; therefore Bellarmine makes * In cap. G, Johan. t Lib. XX. c. 3, Cont. Faustum Man. Lib. i. c. ult. de Imagin. CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 249 it to be a piece of Judaism to oppose them.* He might as well have concluded against saying our prayers, and church music, that it is Judaical, be- cause the Jews used it. And he would be loath to be served so himself; for he that had a mind to use such arguments might, with much better probability, conclude against their sacrament of extreme unction ; because, when the miraculous healing was ceased, then they were not catho- lics but heretics that did transfer it to the use of dying persons, says Irenoeus ; t for so did the Va- lentinians : and, indeed, this argument is something better than I thought for at first, because it was in Irenseus's time reckoned among the heresies. But there are a sort of men that are even with them, and hate some good things which the church of Rome teaches, because she who teaches so many errors, hath been the publisher, and is the practiser of those things. I confess the thing is always un- reasonable, but sometimes it is invincible and in- nocent ; and then may serve to abate the fury of all such decretory sentences as condemn all the world but their own disciples. 3. There are some opinions that have gone hand in hand with a blessing, and a prosperous profes- sion ; and the good success of their defenders hath amused many good people, because they thought they heard God's voice where they saw God's hand ; and therefore have rushed upon such opinions with great piety, and as great mistaking. For where they once had entertained a fear of God, and ap- prehension of his so sensible declaration, such a fear produces scruple ; and a scrupulous conscience * De Reliq. SS. lib. ii. c. 6, Sect. Nicolaus. t Lib. i. c. 8, Adv. liter. 250 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. is always to be pitied, because, though it is seldom wise, it is always pious. And this very thing hath prevailed so far upon the understandings even of wise men, that Bellarmine makes it a note of the true church : which opinion, when it prevails, is a ready way to make that, instead of martyrs, all men should prove heretics or apostates in persecution ; for since men in misery are very suspicious, out of strong desires to find out the cause, that by removing it they may be relieved, they apprehend that to be it that is first presented to their fears ; and then, if ever truth be afflicted, she shall also be destroyed. I will say nothing in defiance of this fancy, although all the experience in the world says it is false ; and that, of all men. Christians should least believe it to be true, to whom a perpetual cross is their certain expectation ; (and the argument is like the moon, for which no garment can be fit ; it alters according to the success of human affairs, and in one age will serve a papist, and in another a protestant;) yet, when such an opinion does pre- vail upon timorous persons, the malignity of their error (if any be consequent to this fancy, and taken up upon the reputation of a prosperous heresy) is not to be considered simply and na- kedly, but abatement is to be made in a just pro- portion to that fear, and to that apprehension. 4. Education is so great and so invincible a pre- judice, that he who masters the inconvenience of it is more to be commended than he can justly be blamed that complies with it. For men do not always call them principles which are the prime fountains of reason, from whence such consequents naturally flow, as are to guide the actions and dis- courses of men ; but they are principles w hich they CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 251 are first taught, which they sucked in next to their milk; and, by a proportion to those first principles, they usually take their estimate of propositions. For whatsover is taught to them at first they believe infinitely, for they know nothing to the contrary : they have had no other masters whose theorems might abate the strength of their first persuasions. And it is a great advantage in those cases to get possession ; and before their first principles can be dislodged, they are made habitual and com- plexional; it is in their nature then to believe them, and this is helped forward very much by the advantage of love and veneration which we have to the first parents of our persuasions; and we see it in the orders of regulars in the church of Rome. That opinion which was the opinion of their patron or founder, or of some eminent personage of the institute, is enough to engage all the order to be of that opinion ; and it is strange that all the Domi- nicans shall be of one opinion in the matter of pre- determination and immaculate conception, and all the Franciscans of the quite contrary ; as if their understandings were formed in a different mould, and furnished with various principles by their very rule. Now this prejudice works by many princi- ples ; but how strongly they do possess the under- standing, is visible in that great instance of the affection and perfect persuasion the weaker sort of people have to that which they call the religion of their forefathers.* You may as well charm a fever asleep with the noise of bells, as make any pre- tence of reason against that religion which old men * " Optima rati ea quae niagno assensu recepta sunt, quorumq. exempla multa sunt; nee ad rationem, sed ad similitudinem viviinus." — Sen. Vid. Minut. Fel. octav. 252 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. have entailed u^^on their heirs male so many gene- rations till they can prescribe. And the apostles found this to be most true in the extremest diffi- culty they met with, to contest against the rites of Moses, and the long superstition of the Gentiles, which they therefore thought fit to be retained, be- cause they had done so formerly ; ' proceeding as things uere or had been, not as they ought to be,'* and all the blessings of this life which God gave them, they had in conjunction with their religion, and therefore they believed it was for their religion, and this persuasion was bound fast in them with ribs of iron ; the ajDostles were forced to unloose the whole connjuncture of parts and principles in their understandings, before they could make them malleable and receptive of any impresses : but the observation and experience of all wise men can justify this truth. All that I shall say to the pre- sent purpose is this, that consideration is to be had to the weakness of persons when they are prevailed upon by so innocent a prejudice; and, when there cannot be arguments strong enough to overmaster an habitual persuasion, bred with a man, nourished up with him, that always eat at his table, and lay in his bosom, he is not easily to be called heretic ; for, if he keeps the foundation of faith, other articles are not so clearly demonstrated on either side but that a man may innocently be abused to the con- trary. And therefore, in this case, to handle him charitably, is but to do him justice ; and when an opinion in minoribus articiilis, " in points of in- ferior moment," is entertained upon the title and stock of education, it may be the better permitted * Pergentes non quo eundum est, sed quo itur. CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 253 to him, since upon no better stock nor stronger arguments, most men entertain their whole religion, even Christianity itself. 5. There are some persons of a differing persua- sion, who, therefore, are the rather to be tolerated, because the indirect practices and impostures of their adversaries have confirmed them, that those opinions which they disavow are not from God, as being upheld by means not of God's appointment, for it is no unreasonable discourse to say, that God will not be served with a lie, for he does not need one, and he hath means enough to suj^port all those truths which he hath commanded ; and hath sup- plied every honest cause with enough for its main- tenance, and to contest against its adversaries. And (but that they which use indirect arts will not be willing to lose any of their unjust advantages, nor yet be charitable to those persons whom either to gain or to undo they leave nothing unattempted) the church of Rome hath much reason not to be so decretory in her sentences against persons of a dif- fering persuasion ; for if their cause were entirely the cause of God, they have given wise people reason to suspect it, because some of them have gone to the devil to defend it. And if it be re- membered what tragedies were stirred up against Luther, for saying the devil had taught him an argu- ment against the mass, it will be of as great ad- vantage against them that they go to the devil for many arguments to support not only the mass, but the other distinguishing articles of their church ; I instance in the notorious forging of miracles, and framing of false and ridiculous legends. For the former, I need no other instances than what hap- pened in the great contestation about the immacu- 254 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. late conception, when there were miracles brought on both sides to prove the contradictory parts; and though it be more than probable that both sides played the jugglers, yet the Dominicans had the ill luck to be discovered, and the actors burned at Berne. But this discovery happened by Provi- dence ; for the Dominican opinion hath more de- grees of probability than the Franciscan, is clearly more consonant both to Scripture and all antiquity, and this part of it is acknowledged by the greatest patrons themselves, as Salmeron, Posa, and Wad- ding; yet because they played the knaves in a just question, and used false arts to maintain a true proposition, God Almighty, to show that he will not be served by a lie, was pleased rather to dis- cover the imposture in the right opinion than in the false; since nothing is more dishonourable to God than to offer a sin in sacrifice to him, and nothing more incongruous in the nature of the thing, than that truth and falsehood should support each other, or that true doctrine should live at the charges of a lie. And he that considers the arguments for each opinion, will easily conclude, that if God would not have truth confirmed by a lie, much less would he himself attest a lie with a true miracle. And by this ground it will easily follow, that the Fran- ciscan party, although they had better luck than the Dominicans, yet had not more honesty, because their cause was worse, and therefore their argu- ments no whit the better. And although the argument drawn from miracles is good to attest a holy doctrine, which by its own worth will sup- port itself, after way is a little made by miracles ; yet of itself, and by its own reputation, it will not support any fabric ; for instead of proving a doc- CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 255 trine to be true, it makes that the miracles them- selves are suspected to be illusions, if they be pre- tended in behalf of a doctrine which we think we have reason to account false. And therefore the Jews did not believe Christ's doctrine for his mira- cles, but disbelieve the truth of his miracles be- cause they did not like his doctrine. And if the holiness of his doctrine, and the Spirit of God by inspirations and infusions, and by that which St. Peter calls * a surer word of prophecy,' had not at- tested the divinity both of his person and his office, we should have wanted many degrees of confidence which now we have upon the truth of Christian religion.* But now, since we are foretold by this surer word of prophecy, that is, the prediction of Jesus Christ, that Antichrist should come in all wonders and signs, and lying miracles; and that the church saw much of that already verified in Simon Magus, ApolloniusTyaneeus, and Manetho, and divers heretics ;f it is now come to that pass, that the argument, in its best advantage, proves nothing so much as that the doctrine which it pre- tends to prove is to be suspected, because it was foretold that false doctrine should be obtruded under such pretences. But then, when not only true miracles are an insufficient argument to prove a truth, since the establishment of Christianity, but that the miracles themselves are false and spurious ; it makes that doctrine in whose defence they come, justly to be suspected, because they are a demon- stration that the interested persons use all means, * Vide Baron. A. D. 68, n. 22, Philostrat. lib, iv. t. 4ao. Compend. Cedren, p. 202. t Stapelton, Prompt. JMoral. pars .Estiva, p. 627. 256 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. leave nothing unattempted, to prove their proposi- tions ; but since they so fail as to bring nothing from God, but something from the devil for its justification, it is a great sign that the doctrine is false, because we know the dev il, unless it be against his will, does nothing to prove a true proposition that makes against him. And now, then, those persons who will endure no man of another opinion, might do well to remember how, by their exor- cisms, their devils' tricks at Loudun, and the other side pretending to cure mad folks and persons be- witched, and the many discoveries of their juggling, they have given so much reason to their adver- saries to suspect their doctrine, that either they must not be ready to condemn their persons who are made suspicious by their indirect proceed- ing, in attestation of that which they value so high as to call their religion, or else they must con- demn themselves for making the scandal active and effectual. As for false legends, it will be of the same consi- deration, because they are false testimonies of mi- racles that were never done; which differs only from the other, as a lie in words from a lie in action. But of this we have witness enough in that decree of pope Leo X., session the eleventh of the last Lateran council, where he excommunicates all the forgers and inventors of visions and false miracles, which is a testimony that it was then a practice so public as to need a law for its suppression ; and if any man shall doubt whether it were so or no, let him see the Centum Gravamina of the princes of Germany, where it is highly complained of. But the extreme stupidity and sottishness of the inventors of lying stories is so great, as to give occasion to some per- CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 257 sons to suspect the truth of all church story ;- witness the Legend of Lombardy, of the author of which the bishop of the Canaries gives this testi- mony : " You will oftener read in this book mon- strous prodigies than real miracles ; he who wrote it was a shameless and dull fellow, and far enough from being of a serious and judicious mind."t But, I need not descend so low; for St. Gregory and V. Bede themselves reported miracles, for the authority of which they only had the report of the common people ;t and it is not certain than St. Jerome had so much in his stories of St. Paul and St. Anthony, and the fauns and the satyrs which appeared to them, and desired their prayers. § But T shall only, by way of eminency, note what Sir Thomas More says, in his epistle to Ruthal, the king's secre- tary, before the dialogue of Lucian (Philopseudes ;) that, therefore, he undertook the translation of that dialogue, to free the world from a superstition that crept in under the face and title of religion. For such lies, says he, are transmitted to us with such authority, that a certain impostor had persuaded St. Austin, that the very fable which Lucian scoffs, and makes sport withal in that dialogue,|| was a real story, and acted in his own days. The epistle is worth the reading to this purpose : but, he says, this abuse grew to such a height, that scarce any life of * Ta yap jxi) doi]fxkva eK€ia!!,6[.ievoi, icj rci dtidrojg iipri[uva VTroTTTevstrOai TrapacrKEvZsrnv. — Isid, Pelus. •f " In illo enim libro miraculorum monstra ssepius qviam vera miracula legas. Hanc homo scripsit ferrei oris, plainbei cordis, aniiTii certe parum severi et prudentis." + Vide lib. xi. loc. Theol. cap, 6. § Canus, ibid. II Viz. De duobus spurinis, altero decedente, altero in vitam rsdeunte post viginti dies ; quam in aliis nominibus ridet Lu- cianus. Vide etiam argumentum Gilberti Cognati, in Annotat. in hunc Dialog. S 258 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING, any saint or martyr is truly related, but is full of lies and lying wonders ; and some persons thought they served God, if they did honour to God's saints by inventing some prodigious story or miracle for their reputation. So that now it is no wonder, if the most pious men are apt to believe, and the greatest historians are easy enough to report such stories, which, serving to a good end, are also con- signed by the report of persons otherwise pious and prudent enough. I will not instance in Vincentius his Speculum, Turonensis, Thomas Cantipratanus, John Herolt, Vit(B Patrum,* nor the revelations of St. Bridget, though confirmed by two popes, Martin V. and Boniface IX. : even the best and most de- liberate amongst them, Lippoman, Surius, Lipsius, Bzovius, and Baronius, are so full of fables, that they cause great disreputation to the other monu- ments and records of antiquity, and yet do no ad- vantage to the cause under which they serve and take pay. They do no good, and much hurt; but yet, accidentally, they may procure this advan- tage to charity, since they do none to faith ; that, since they have so abused the credit of story, that our confidences want much of that support we should receive from her records of antiquity, yet the men that dissent and are scandalized by such proceedings should be excused, if they should chance to be afraid of truth that hath put on gar- ments of imposture ; and, since much violence is done to the truth and certainty of their judging, let none be done to their liberty of judging : since they cannot meet a right guide, let them have a charitable judge. And, since it is one very great ar- * Vide Palseot. de Sacra Sindone, part i. Epist. ad Lector. CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 259 gument against Simon Magus and against Mahomet, that we can prove their miracles to be impostures, it is much to be pitied if timorous and suspicious per- sons shall invincibly and honestly less apprehend a truth which they see conveyed by such a testi- mony, which we all use as an argument to reprove the Mahometan superstition. 6. Here also comes in all the weaknesses and trifling prejudices which operate not by their own strength, but by advantage taken from the weak- ness of some understandings. Some men, by a proverb or a common saying, are determined to the belief of a proposition, for which they have no argument better than such a proverbial sentence. And when divers of the common people in Jeru- salem were ready to yield their understandings to the belief cf the Messias, they were turned clearly from their apprehensions by that proverb, " Look and see, does any good thing come from Galilee ?" and this : ''When Christ comes, no man knows from whence he is;" but this man was known of what parents, of what city. And thus the weakness of their understanding was abused, and that made the argument too hard for them. And the whole seventh chapter of St. John's Gospel is a perpetual instance of the efficacy of such trifling prejudices, and the vanity and weakness of popular understandings. Some whole ages have been abused by a definition, which, being once received, as most commonly they are, upon slight grounds, they are taken for cer- tainties in any science respectively, and for prin- ciples ; and upon their reputation men use to frame conclusions, which must be false or uncertain, ac- cording as the definitions are. And he that hath observed any thing of the weaknesses of men, and s 2 260 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the successions of groundless doctrines from age to age, and how seldom definitions which are put into systems, or that derive from the fathers, or ap- proved among school-men, are examined by per- sons of the same interests, will bear me witness, how many great inconveniences press hard upon the persuasions of men, who are abused, and yet never consider who hurt them. Others, and they very many, are led by authority, or examples of princes, and great personages : ' Have any of the rulers believed on him ?'* Some, by the reputation of one learned man, are carried into any persuasion whatsoever. And, in the middle and latter ages of the church, this was the more considerable, because the infinite ignorance of the clerks and the men of the long robe, gave them over to be led by those few guides which were marked to them by an emi- nency, much more than their ordinary; which also did the more amuse them, because most commonly they were fit for nothing but to admire what they understood not; their learning then was in some skill in the master of the sentences, in Aquinas or Scotus, whom they admired next to the most intel- ligent order of angels. Hence came opinions that made sects and division of names — ^Thomists, Scot- ists, Albertists, Nominals, Reals, and I know not what monsters of names ; and whole families of the same opinion, the whole institute of an order being engaged to believe according to the opinion of some leading man of the same order; as if such an opinion were imposed upon them as a proof of holy obedi- ence. But this inconvenience is greater when the principle of the mistake runs higher, when the * John. vii. CAUSES OF ERROR IN REASONING. 261- opinion is derived from a primitive man and a saint ; for then it often haj^pens, that what at first was but a plain, innocent seduction, comes to be made sacred by the veneration which is consequent to the person, for having lived long agone; and then, be- cause the person is also since canonized, the error is almost made eternal, and the cure desperate. These, and the like prejudices, which are as various as the miseries of humanity, or the variety of human un- derstandings, are not absolute excuses, unless to some persons; but truly, if they be to any, they are exemptions to all, from being pressed with too per- emptory a sentence against them ; especially if we consider what leave is given to all men, by the church of Rome, to follow any one probable doctor, in an opinion which is contested against by many more. And as for the doctors of the other side, they being destitute of any pretences to an infalli- ble medium to determine questions, must, of neces- sity, allow the same liberty to the people, to be as prudent as they can in the choice of a fallible guide ; and when they have chosen, if they do fol- low him into error, the matter is not so inexpiable for being deceived in using the best guides we had, which guides, because themselves were abused, did also, against their wills, deceive me : so that this prejudice may the easier abuse us, because it is almost like a duty to follow the dictates of a pro- bable doctor ; or, if it be over acted, or accidentally pass into an inconvenience, it is therefore to be ex- cused, because the principle was not ill, unless we judge by our event, not by the antecedent probabi- lity. Of such men as these it was said by St. Austin, " The common sort of people are safe, in their not inquiring by their own industry, and, in 262 THE LJBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the simplicity of their understanding, relying- upon the best guides they can get."* But this is of such a nature, in which, as we may inculpahly be deceived, so we may turn it into a vice or a design, and then the consecjuent errors will alter the property, and become heresies. There are some men that have men's persons in admira- tion, because of advantage ; and some that have itching ears, and heap up teachei*s to themselves. In these and the like cases, the authority of a per- son, and the prejudices of a great reputation, is not the excuse but the fault : and a sin is so far from excusing an error, that error becomes a sin by reason of its relation to that sin, as to its parent and principle. SECTION XII. Of the innocency of Error in opinion, in a pious Person. And, therefore, as there are so many innocent causes of error as there are weaknesses within, and harmless and unavoidable prejudices from without, so, if ever error be procured by a vice, it hath no excuse, but becomes such a crime, of so much ma- lignity, as to have influence upon the effect and consequent, and, by communication, makes it be- * " Caeteram turbam non intelligendi vivacitas, sed credendi simplicitas tutissimam facit." — Contr. Fund. cap. 4. And Gre- gory Nazianzen, 2w,^£t TroXXciKig rbv Xabv to 'ci^aadvi'^ov. — Orat. xxi. INNOCENCY OF ERROR IN OPINION. 263 come criminal. The apostles noted two such causes, covetousness and ambition ; the former in them of the circumcision, and the latter in Diotrephes and Simon IMagus ; and there were some that were ' led away by divers lusts:'* they were of the long- robe too; but they were the she disciph , upon whose consciences some false apostles had intluence, by advantage of their wantonness ; and thus the three principles of all sin become also the principles of heresy — the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. And in pursuance of these arts, the devil hath not wanted fuel to set awork in- cendiaries, in all ages of the church. The bishops were always honourable, and, most commonly, had great revenues, and a bishopric would satisfy the two designs of covetousness and ambition ; and this hath been the golden apple very often con- tended for, and very often the cause of great fires in the church. " Thebulis created great distur- bances in the church, because he could not obtain the bishopric of Jerusalem," said Egesippus, in Eusebius. Tertullian turned Montanist, in discon- tent for missing the bishopric of Carthage, after Agrippinus; and so did Montanus himself, for the same discontent, saith Nicephorus. Novatus would have been bishop of Rome; Donatus, of Carthage ; Arius, of Alexandria ; Aerius, of Se- bastia : but they all missed, and therefore all of them vexed Christendom. And this was so com- mon a thing, that oftentimes the threatening the church with a schism, or a heresy, was a design to get a bishopric: and Socrates reports of Asterius, that he did frequent the conventicles of the Arians, • 2 Tim. ill. 264 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. "for he aimed at some bishopric." And setting aside the infirmities of men, and their innocent prejudices, Epiphanius makes pride to be the only cause of heresies; vQpig kj TrpoKpiaLg, pride and preju- dice cause them all, the one criminally, the other innocently. And, indeed, St. Paul does almost make j^ride the only cause of heresies; his words cannot be expounded, unless it be at least the principal : ' If any man teach otherwise and con- sent not to sound words, and to the doctrine that is according to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings.'* The sum is this ; if ever an opinion be begun w ith pride, or managed with impiety, or ends in a crime, the man turns heretic ; but let the error be never so great, so it be not against an article of creed, if it be simple, and hath no confederation with the personal iniquity of the man, the opi- nion is as innocent as the person, though, per- haps, as false as he is ignorant ; and therefore shall burn, though he himself escape. But in these cases, and many more, (for the causes of deception increase by all accidents, and weak- nesses, and illusions,) no man can give certain judgment upon the persons of men in particular, unless the matter of fact and crime be accident and notorious. The man cannot, by human judgment, be concluded a heretic, unless his opinion be an open recession from jjlain, demonstrative, divine authority, (which must needs be notorious, volun- tary, vincible, and criminal,) or that there be a * 1 Tim. vi. 3, 4. INNOCENCY OF ERROR IN OPINION. 265 palpable serving of an end, accidental and extrin- sical to the opinion. But this latter is very hard to be discerned ; be- cause those accidental and adherent crimes which make the man a heretic, in questions not simply fundamental or of necessary practice, are actions so internal and spiritual, that cognizance can but seldom be taken of them. And therefore, to instance, though the opinion of purgatory be false, yet to believe it cannot be heresy, if a man be abused into the belief of it invincibly ; because it is not a doc- trine either fundamentally false or practically im- pious, it neither proceeds from the will, nor hath any immediate or direct influence upon choice and manners. And as for those other ends of uphold- ing that opinion, which possibly its patrons may have ; as for the reputation of their church's infal- libility, for the advantage of dirges, requiems, masses, monthly minds, anniversaries, and other offices for the dead, which usually are very profit- able, rich, and easy, these things may possibly have sole influences upon their understanding, but whether they have or no God only knows. If the proposition and article were true, these ends might justly be subordinate, and consistent with a true proposition. And there are some truths that are also profitable ; as the necessity of maintenance to the clergy, the doctrine of restitution, giving alms, lending freely, remitting debts, in cases of great necessity : and it would be but an ill argument that the preachers of these doctrines speak false, because, possibly, in these articles, they may serve their own ends. For although Demetrius and the craftsmen were without excuse for resisting the preaching of St. Paul, because it was notorious they resisted the 266 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. truth upon ground of profit and personal emolu- ments, and the matter was confessed by them- selves ; yet, if the clergy should maintain their just rights and revenues, which by pious dedications and donatives were long since ascertained upon them, is it to be presumed, in order of law and charity, that this end is in the men subordinate to truth, because it is so in the thing itself, and that therefore no judgment, in prejudice of these truths, can be made from that observation ? But if in any other way we are ascertained of the truth or falsehood of a proposition respectively, yet the judgment of the personal ends of the men cannot ordinarily be certain and judicial, because, most commonly, the acts are private and the purposes internal, and temporal ends may sometimes consist with truth ; and whether the purposes of the men make these ends principal or subordinate, no man can judge ; and be they how they will, yet they do not always prove that when they are conjunct with error, the error was caused by these purposes and criminal intentions. But in c|uestions practical, the doctrine itself, and the person too, may with more ease be re- proved, because matter of fact being evident, and nothing being so certain as the exjjeriments of hu- man affairs, and these being the immediate conse- quents of such doctrines, are with some more cer- tainty of observation redargued, than the specula- tive ; whose judgment is of itself more difficult, more remote from matter and human observation, and with less curiosity and explicitness declared in Scripture, as being of less consequence and con- cernment, in the order of God's and man's great end. In other things, which end in notion and TNNOCENCY OF ERROR IN OPINION. 267 ineffective contemplation, where neither the doc- trine is malicious, nor the person apparently ci'i- minal, he is to be left to the judgment of God; and as there is no certainty of human judicature in this case, so it is to no purpose it should be judged. For if the person may be innocent with his error, and there is no rule whereby he can certainly be pronounced that he is actually criminal, (as it happens in matters speculative,) since the end of the commandment is love out of a ' pure con- science, and faith unfeigned;' and the command- ment may obtain its end in a consistence with this simple speculative error; why should men trouble themselves with such opinions, so as to disturb the public charity or the private confidence ? Opi- nions and persons are just so to be judged as other matters and persons criminal ; for no man can judge any thing else : it must be a crime, and it must be open, so as to take cognizance, and make true human judgment of it. And this is all I am to say concerning the causes of heresies, and of the distinguishing rules for guiding of our judgments towards others. As for guiding our judgments, and the use of our reason in judging for ourselves, all that is to be said is reducible to this one proposition. Since errors are then made sins when they are contrary to charity, or inconsistent with a good life and the honour of God, that judgment is the truest, or, at least, that opinion most innocent, that, first, best promotes the reputation of God's glory, and, se- condly, is the best instrument of holy life. For in questions and interpretations of dispute, these two analogies are the best to make propositions, and 268 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. conjectures, and determinations. Diligence and care in obtaining the best guides, and the most con- venient assistances, prayer, and modesty of spirit, simplicity of purposes and intentions, humility and aptness to learn, and a peaceable disposition, are therefore necessary to finding out truths, be- cause they are parts of good life, ^vithout which our ti'uths will do us but little advantage, and our errors can have no excuse; but with these disposi- tions, as he is sure to find out all that is necessary, so what truth he inculpably misses of, he is sure is therefore not necessary, because he could not find it when he did his best and his most innocent en- deavours. And this I say to secure the persons, because no rule can antecedently secure the propo- sition in matters disputable. For even in the pro- portions and explications of this rule, there is in- finite variety of disputes ; and when the dispute is concerning free will, one party denies it, because he believes it magnifies the grace of God, that it works irresistibly ; the other affirms, because he believes it engages us upon greater care and piety of our endeavours. The one opinion thinks God reaps the glory of our good actions, the other thinks it charges our bad actions upon him. So in the question of merit, one part chooses his assertion, because he thinks it encourages us to do good works ; the other believes it makes us proud, and therefore he rejects it. The first believes it increases piety, the second believes it increases spiritual presumption and va- nity. The first thinks it magnifies God's justice, the other thinks it derogates from his mercy. Now then, since neither this, nor any ground can se- cure a man from possibility of mistaking, we were INNOCEiNCY OF ERROR IN OPINION. 269 infinitely miserable if it would not secure us from punishment, so long- as we willingly consent not to a crime, and do our best endeavour to avoid an error. Only by the way, let me observe, that since there are such great differences of apprehension concerning the consequents of an article, no man is to be charged with the odious consequences of his opinion. Indeed, his doctrine is, but the per- son is not, if he understands not such things to be consequent to his doctrine; for if he did, and then avows them, they are his direct opinions, and he stands as chargeable with them as with his first propositions ; but if he disavows them, he would certainly rather quit his own opinion than avow such errors or impieties, which are pretended to be consequent to it; because every man knows that can be no truth, from whence falsehood naturally and immediately does derive; and he therefore believes his first propositions, because he believes it innocent of such errors as are charged upon it, directly or consequently. So that now, since no error, neither for itself, nor its consequents, is to be charged as criminal upon a pious person, since no simple error is a sin, nor does condemn us before the throne of God, since he is so pitiful to our crimes, that he pardons many de toto et integro, in all makes abatement for the violence of temptation, and the surprisal and invasion of our faculties, and, therefore, much less will demand of us an account for our weaknesses ; and since the strongest understanding cannot pre- tend to such an immunity and exemption from the condition of men, as not to be deceived and con- fess its weakness ; it remains, we inquire what de- portment is to be used towards persons of a differ- 270 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. ing' persuasion, when we are (I do not say doubt- ful of a proposition, but) convinced that he that differs from us is in error ; for this was the first in- tention and the last end of this discourse. SECTION XIII. Of the Deportment to he used towards Persons dis- agreeing, and the Reasons why they are not to be ■punished ivith Death, ^c. For although every man may be deceived, yet some are right and may know it too, for every man that may err does not therefore certainly err; and if he errs because he recedes from his rule, then if he follows it he maj^ do right ; and if ever any man upon just grounds did change his opinion, then he was in the right and was sure of it too ; and, al- though confidence is mistaken for a just persuasion many times, yet some men are confident, and have reason so to be. Now when this happens, the question is, what deportment they are to use to- wards persons that disagree from them, and by con- sequence are in error. 1 . Then no Christian is to be put to death, dis- membered, or otherwise directly persecuted for his opinion, which does not teach impiety or blasphemy. If it plainly and apparently brings in a crime, and himself does act it or encourage it, then the matter of fact is punishable according to its proportion or TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 271 malignity ; as, if he preaches treason or sedition, his opinion is not his excuse, because it brings in a crime, and a man is never the less traitor because he believes it lawful to commit treason ; and a man is a murderer if he kills his brother unjustly, al- though he thinks he does God good service in it. Matters of fact are equally judicable, whether the principle of them be from within or from without ; and if a man could pretend to innocence in being seditious, blasphemous, or perjured, by persuad- ing himself it is lawful, there were as great a gate opened to all iniquity as will entertain all the pre- tences, the designs, the impostures, and disguises of the world. And therefore God hath taken order, that all rules concerning matters of fact and good life shall be so clearly explicated that, without the crime of the man, he cannot be ignorant of all his practical duty. And therefore the apostles and primitive doctors made no scruple of condemning such persons for heretics that did dogmatise a sin. He that teacheth others to sin is worse than he that commits the crime, whether he be tempted by his own interest, or encouraged by the other's doc- trine. It was as bad in Basilides to teach it to be lawful to renounce faith and religion, and take all manner of oaths and covenants in time of perse- cution, as if himself had done so ; nay, it is as much worse, as the mischief is more universal, or as a fountain is greater than a drop of water taken from it. He that writes treason in a book, or preaches sedition in a pulpit, and persuades it to the people, is the greatest traitor and incendiary, and his opinion there is the fountain of a sin; and therefore could not be entertained in his under- standing upon weakness, or inculpable or innocent 272 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. prejudice : he cannot, from Scripture or divine re- velation, have any pretence to colour that so fairly as to seduce either a wise or an honest man. If it rests there and goes no further, it is not cogniza- ble, and so scapes that way ; but if it be published, and comes, a stylo ad machceram, (as Teitullian's phrase is,) " from the pen to the sword," then it becomes matter of fact in principle and in persua- sion, and is just so punishable as is the crime that it persuades. Such were they of whom St. Paul complains,* who brought in damnable doctrines and lusts. St. Paul's, ' I would they were even cut off,' is just of them; take it in any sense of rigour and severity, so it be proportionable to the crime, or criminal doctrine. Such were those of w hom God spake in Deut. xiii. : ' If any prophet tempts to idolatry, saying. Let us go after other gods, he shall be slain.' But these do not come into this question. But the proposition is to be understood concerning questions disputable as matter of opi- nion, w hich also, for all that law of killing, such false prophets were permitted with impunity in the synagogue, as appears beyond exception in the great divisions and disputes betw-een the Pharisees and the Sadducees. I deny not, but certain and known idolatry, or any other sort of practical im- piety, w ith its principiant doctrine may be punished corporally, because it is no other but matter of fact ; but no matter of mere opinion, no errors that of themselves are not sins, are to be persecuted, or punished by death, or corporal inflictions. This is now to be proved. 2. All the former discourse is sufficient argu- * Gal. V. TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 273 ment how easy it is for us, in such matters, to be deceived. So long- as Christian religion was a simple profession of the articles of belief, and a hearty prosecution of the rules of good life, the fewness of the articles and the clearness of the rule was cause of the seldom prevarication. But when divinity is swelled up to so great a body, when the several questions, which the peevishness and wantonness of sixteen ages have commenced, are concentered into one, and from all these ques- tions something is drawn into the body of theology till it hath ascended up to the greatness of a moun- tain, and the sum of divinity collected by Aquinas makes a volume as great as was that of Livy, mocked at in the epigram, " Quern mea vix totum bibliotheca capit, — " * it is imjiossible for any industry to consider so many particulars, in the infinite numbers of ques- tions as are necessary to be considered before we can with certainty determine any. And after all the considerations which we can have in a whole age, we are not sure not to be deceived. The ob- scurity of some questions, the nicety of some arti- cles, the intricacy of some revelations, the variety of human understandings, the windings of logic, the tricks of adversaries, the subtlety of sophisters, the engagement of educations, personal affections, the portentous number of writers, the infinity of authorities, the vastness of some arguments, as consisting in enumeration of many particulars, the vmcertainty of others, the several degrees of pro- bability, the difficulties of Scripture, the invalidity * " A work which shelves like mine can scarce contain." T 274 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. of probation of tradition, the opposition of all ex- terior arguments to each other, and their open contestation, the public violence done to authors and records, the private arts and supplantings, the falsifyings, the indefatigable industry of some men to abuse all understandings and all persua- sions into their own opinions, — these, and thou- sands more, even all the difficulty of things, and all the weaknesses of man, and all the arts of the devil, have made it impossible for any man, in so great variety of matter, not to be deceived. No man pretends to it but the pope, and no man is more deceived than he is in that very particular. 3. From hence proceeds a danger which is con- sequent to this proceeding; for if we, who are so apt to be deceived and so insecure in our resolu- tion of questions disputable, should persecute a disagreeing person, we are not sure we do not fight against God ; for if his proposition be true and per- secuted, then, because all truth derives from God, this proceeding is against God ; and therefore this is not to be done, upon Gamaliel's ground, lest per- adventure we be Ibund to fight against God, of which, because we can have no security (at least) in this case, we have all the guilt of a doubtful or an uncertain conscience. For if there be no security in the thing, as I have largely proved, the con- science, in such cases, is as uncertain as the ques- tion is : and if it be not doubtful where it is uncer- tain, it is because the man is not wise, but as con- fident as ignorant; the first without reason, and the second without excuse. And it is very dispro- portionable for a man to persecute another cer- tainly, for a proposition that, if he were wise, he would know is not certain, at least the other per- TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 275 son may innocently be uncertain of it. If he be killed he is certainly killed ; but if he be called heretic it is not so certain that he is an heretic. It were good, therefore, that proceedings were accord- ing to evidence, and the rivers not swell over the banks, nor a certain definitive sentence of death passed upon such persuasions which cannot cer- tainly be defined. And this argument is of so much the more force because we see that the greatest persecutions that ever have been were against truth, even against Christianity itself; and it was a prediction of our blessed Saviour, that persecution should be the lot of true believers : and if we compute the experience of suffering Christen- dom, and the prediction, that truth should suffer, with those few instances of suffering heretics, it is odds but persecution is on the wrong side, and that it is error and heresy that is cruel and tyrannical, especially since the truth of Jesus Christ, and of his religion, are so meek, so charitable, and so mer- ciful. And we may, in this case, exactly use the words of St. Paul : ' But, as then, he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the spirit ; even so it is now ;' and so it ever will be till Christ's second coming. 4. Whoever persecutes a disagreeing person, arms all the world against himself,* and all pious people of his own persuasion, when the scales of authority return to his adversary and attest his contradictory ; and then what can he urge for mercy for himself, * " Quo comperto illi in nostram perniciem licentiore audatia grassabuntur." — St. Aug. Epist. ad Donat. Procons. et Contr. ep Fund. " Ita nunc debeosustinere et tanta patientia vobiscum agere quanta mecum egerunt proximi mei cum in vestro dogmate rabi- osus ac ccecus errarem." T 2 276 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. or his party, that showeth none to others ? If he says, that he is to be spared because he believes true, but the other was justly persecuted because he was in error, he is ridiculous ; for he is as confi- dently believed to be a heretic as he believes his adversary such ; and whether he be or no, being the thing- in question, of this he is not to be his own judge ; but he that hath authority on his side will be sure to judge against him. So that what either side can indifferently make use of, it is good that neither would, because neither side can, with reason sufficient, do it in prejudice of the other. If a man will say that every man must take his adventure, and if it happens authority to be with him, he will persecute his adversaries ; and if it turns against him he will bear it as well as he can, and hope for a reward of martyrdom and innocent suffering; besides that this is so equal to be said of all sides ; besides that this is a way to make an eternal dis- union of hearts and charities, and that it will make Christendom nothing but a shambles, and a per- petual butchery ; and as fast as men's wits grow wanton, or confident, or proud, or abused, so often there w ill be new executions and massacres ; — besides all this, it is most unreasonable and unjust, as being contrarient to those laws of justice and charity, whereby we are bound with greater zeal to spare and preserve an innocent than to condemn a guilty person : and there is less malice and in- iquity in sparing the guilty than in condemning the good ; because it is in the power of men to re- mit a guilty person to divine judicature, and for divers causes not to use severity, but in no case is it lawful, neither hath God at all given to man a power to condemn such j^ersons as cannot be TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 277 proved other than pious and innocent ; and there- fore it is better, if it should so happen, that we should spare the innocent person and one that is actually deceived, than that, upon the turn of the wheel, the true believers should be destroyed. And this very reason he that had authority suf- ficient and absolute to make laws, was pleased to urge as a reasonable inducement for the establish- ing of that law which he made for the indemnity of erring persons. It was in the parable of the tares mingled with the good seed, in the Lord's field ; the good seed (Christ himself being the interpreter) are the children of the kingdom, the tares are the children of the wicked one ; upon this comes the precept, * Gather not the tares by themselves, but let them both grow together till the harvest,' that is, till the day of judgment. This parable hath been tortured infinitely to make it confess its mean- ing, but we shall soon dispatch it. All the diffi- culty and variety of exposition is reducible to these two questions : what is meant by gather not, and what by tares? That is, what kind of sword is forbidden, and what kind of persons are to be tolerated ? The former is clear, for the spiritual sword is not forbidden to be used to any sort of criminals, for that would destroy the power of excommunication : the prohibition therefore lies against the use of the temporal sword in cutting off some persons ; who they are is the next difficulty. But by tares, or the children of the wicked one, are meant, either persons of ill lives, wicked persons only in re practicd, (in conduct;) or else another kind of evil persons, men criminal or faulty in re intellectuali, (in understanding.) One or other of these two must be meant — a third I know not. 278 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. But the former cannot be meant^, because it would destroy all bodies politic, which cannot consist without laws, nor laws without a compulsory and a power of the sword ; therefore, if criminals were to be let alone till the day of judgment, bodies politic must stand or fall ad arhitrium impiorum, " according to the pleasure of evil men ;" and no- thing good could be protected, not innocence itself; nothing could be secured but violence and tyranny. It follows then, that since a kind of persons which are indeed faulty are to be tolerated, it must be meant of persons faulty in another kind, in which the Gospel had not, in other places, clearly esta- blished a power externally compulsory ; and there- fore, since in all actions practically criminal a power of the sword is permitted, here, where it is denied, must mean a crime of another kind, and, by consequence, errors intellectual, commonly cal- led heresy. And, after all this, the reason there given con- firms this interpretation,* for therefore it is forbid- den to cut off these tares, lest we also pull up the wheat with them, which is the sum of these two last arguments. For, because heresy is of so nice consideration and difficult sentence, in thinking to root up heresies we may, by our mistakes, f de- stroy true doctrine ; which, although it be possible to be done, in all cases of practical question, by mistake,'yet, because external actions are more dis- cernible than inward speculations and opinions. * Vide St. Chrysost. Horn, xlvii. in cap. 13, Matt, et St. August. Qu^est. in cap. 13, Matt. St. Cyprian. Ep. lib. iii. Ep. 1. Theophyl. in 13, 3Iatt. •\ S. Hieron. in cap. 13, IVIatt. ait, " Per hanc parabolam sig- nificari, ne in rebus dubiis prseceps fiat judicium." TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 279 innocent persons are not so easily mistaken for the guilty, in actions criminal as in matters of inward persuasion. And upon that very reason St. Mar- tin was zealous to have procured a revocation of a commission granted to several tribunes, to make inquiry in Spain for sects and opinions : for under colour of rooting out the Priscillianists there was much mischief done, and more likely to happen to the orthodox : for it happened then, as oftentimes since, " a heretic was sometimes discovered rather by his pallid countenance and his dress than by his creed."* They were no good inquisitors of heret- ical pravity, so Sulpitius witnesses. But, secondly, the reason says, that therefore these persons are so to be permitted as not to be persecuted, lest, when a revolution of human affairs sets contrary opinions in the throne or chair, they who were persecuted before should now themselves become persecutors of others, and so, at one time or other, before or after, the wheat be rooted up, and the truth be persecuted. But as these reasons confirm the law and this sense of it, so, abstracting from the law, it is of itself concluding by an argument ab incom- modo, (from inconvenience,) and that founded upon the principles of justice and right reason, as I formerly alleged. 5. We are not only uncertain of finding out truths, in matters disputable, but we are certain that the best and ablest doctors of Christendom f * " Pallore potius et veste quam fide hsereticus dijudicari so- bat aliquando per tribunes Maximi." •f- '' lUi in vos saeviant, qui nesciunt cum quo labore verum inveniatur, et quam difficile caveantur errores. Illi in vos SEBviant, qui nesciunt quam rarum et arduum sit carnalia phan- tasmata piae mentis serenitate superare. Illi in vos sgeviant, qui nesciunt quibus et suspiriis et gemitibus fiat ut ex quantula- 280 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. have been actually deceived in matters of great concernment ; which thing is evident in all those instances of persons from whose doctrines all sorts of Christians, respectively, take liberty to dissent. The errors of Papias, Irenaeus, Lactantius, Justin INIartyr, in the millenary opinion ; of St. Cyprian, Firmilian, the Asian and African fathers, in the question of rebaptization ; St. Austin, in his decre- tory and uncharitable sentence against the unbap- tized children of Christian parents; the Roman or the Greek doctors, in the question of the proces- sion of the Holy Ghost, and in the matter of images, are examples beyond exception. " The errors that attach to the minds of men are number- less."* Now, if these great personages had been persecuted or destroyed for their opinions, who should have answered the invaluable loss the church of God should have sustained, in missing so excellent, so exemplary, and so great lights ? But, then, if these persons erred, and by conse- quence might have been destroyed, what should have become of others whose understanding was lower, and their security less, their errors more, and their danger greater ? At this rate all men should have passed through the fire ; for who can escape when St. Cyprian and St. Austin cannot ? Now, to say these persons were not to be perse- cuted because, although they had errors, yet none condemned by the church at that time or before, is to say nothing to the purpose, nor nothing that cunque parte possit intelligi Deus. Postremo illi in vos sasviant, qui nullo tali errore decepti sunt, quali vos deceptos vident." — St. August. Contr. Ep. Fund. * "AfjKpi c' 'avBptJTTWv (ppeaiv '«ji{7rXoK-i«t 'avapi^fxriToi Kpsfiavrai. TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 281 is true. Not true, because St. Cyprian's error was condemned by pope Stephen, which, in the present sense of the prevailing party in the church of Rome, is to be condemned by the church. Not to the purpose, because it is nothing- else but to say that the church did tolerate their errors ; for since those opinions were open and manifest to the world, that the church did not condemn them, it was either because those opinions were by the church not thought to be errors, or if they were, yet she thought fit to tolerate the error and the erring person. And if she would do so still it would, in most cases, be better than now it is. And yet, if the church had condemned them it had not altered the case as to this question ; for either the persons, upon the condemnation of their error, should have been persecuted, or not. If not, why shall they now, against the instance and precedent of those ages who were confessedly wise and pious, and whose practices are often made to us arguments to follow ? If yea, and that they had been persecuted, it is the thing which this argument condemns, and the loss of the church had been invaluable in the losing or the provocation and temptation of such rare per- sonages; and the example and the rule of so ill consecj[uence, that all persons might, upon the same ground, have suffered ; and though some had escaped, yet no man could have any more security from punishment than from error. 6. Either the disagreeing person is in error or not, but a true believer ; in either of the cases, to persecute him is extremely imprudent. For if he be a true believer, then it is a clear case that we do open violence to God, and his servants, and his truth. If he be in error, what greater folly and 282 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. stupidity than to give to error the glory of mar- tyrdom, and the advantages which are accidentally consequent to a persecution ? For as it was true of the martyrs, Quoties morimur toties nascimur ; * and the increase of their trouble was the increase of their confidence and the establishment of their persuasions, so it is in all false opinions ; for that an opinion is true or false, is extrinsical or acci- dental to the consequents and advantages it gets by being afflicted. And there is a popular pity that follows all persons in misery, and that com- passion breeds likeness of affections, and that very often produces likeness of persuasion ; and so much the rather, because there arises a jealousy and pregnant suspicion that they who persecute an opinion are destitute of sufficient arguments to confute it, and that the hangman is the best dis- putant. For if those arguments which they have for their own doctrine were a sufficient ground of confidence and persuasion, men would be more willing to use those means which are better com- pliances with human understanding, which more naturally do satisfy it, which are more human and Christian, than that way which satisfies none, which destroys many, which provokes more, which makes all men jealous. To which add, that those who die for their opinion leave in all men great arguments of the heartiness of their belief, of the confidence of their persuasion, of the piety and innocency of their persons, of the purity of their intention and simplicity of purposes ; that they are persons to- tally disinterested and sejDarate from design. For no interest can be so great as to be put in balance * " As often as we die, so often do we begin to live." TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 283 against a man's life and his soul, and he does very imprudently serve his ends who seeingly and fore- knowingly loses his life in the prosecution of them. Just as if Titius should offer to die for Sempronius, upon condition he might receive twenty talents when he had done his work. It is certainly an ar- gument of a great love, and a great confidence, and a great sincerity, and a great hope, when a man lays down his life in attestation of a proposi- tion. ' Greater love than this hath no man, than to lay down his life,' saith our blessed Saviour. And although laying of a wager is an argument of confidence more than truth, yet laying such a wager, staking of a man's soul, and pawning his life, gives a hearty testimony that the person is honest, confident, resigned, charitable, and noble. And I know not whether truth can do a person or a cause more advantages than these can do to an error. And therefore, besides the impiety, there is great imprudence in canonizing a heretic and consecrating an error by such means, which were better preserved as encouragements of truth and comforts to real and true martyrs. And it is not amiss to observe, that this very advantage was taken by heretics, who v/ere ready to show and boast their catalogues of martyrs; in particular, the Circumcellians did so, and the Donatists ; and yet the first were heretics, the second schismatics. And it was remarkable in the scholars of Priscil- lian, who, as they had their master in the reputa- tion of a saint while he was living, so when he was dead they had him in veneration as a martyr ; they with reverence and devotion carried his, and the bodies of his slain companions, to an honour- able sepulchre, and counted it religion to swear by 284 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. the name of Priscillian. So that the extinguishing of the person gives life and credit to his doctrine, and when he is dead he yet speaks more effectually. 7. It is unnatural and unreasonable to persecute disagreeing opinions. Unnatural ; for understand- ing being a thing wholly spiritual^ cannot be re- strained, and therefore neither punished by cor- poral afflictions. It is in aliend republicd, a matter of another world ; you may as well cure the colic by brushing a man's clothes, or fill a man's belly with a syllogism : these things do not communicate in matter, and therefore neither in action nor passion ; and since all punishments, in a prudent govern- ment, punish the offender to prevent a future crime, and so it proves more medicinal than vin- dictive, the punitive act being in order to the cure and prevention ; and since no punishment of the body can cure a disease in the soul, it is dispropor- tionable in nature ; and in all civil government, to punish where the punishment can do no good, it may be an act of tyranny, but never of justice. For is an opinion ever the more true or false for being persecuted ? Some men have believed it the more, as being provoked into a confidence and vexed into a resolution ; but the thing itself is not the truer ; and though the hangman may confute a man with an inexplicable dilemma, yet not con- vince his understanding ; for such premises can infer no conclusion but that of a man's life; and a wolf may as well give laws to the understanding as he whose dictates are only propounded in violence and writ in blood. And a dog is as capable of a law as a man, if there be no choice in his obedience, nor discourse in his choice, nor reason to satisfy his discourse. And as it is unnatural, so it is TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 285 unreasonable that Sempronius should force Caius to be of his opinion, because Sempronius is consul this year and commands the Lictors ; as if he that can kill a man cannot but be infallible : and if he be not, why should I do violence to my conscience because he can do violence to my person ? 8. Force in matters of opinion can do no good, but is very apt to do hurt ; for no man can change his opinion when he will, or be satisfied in his rea- son that his opinion is false because discounte- nanced. If a man could change his opinion when he lists, he might cure many inconveniences of his life : all his fears and his sorrows would soon dis- band, if he would but alter his opinion, whereby he is persuaded that such an accident that afflicts him is an evil, and such an object formidable; let him but believe himself impregnable, or that he re- ceives a benefit when he is plundered, disgraced, imprisoned, condemned, and afflicted, neither his sleeps need to be disturbed, nor his quietness dis- composed. But if a man cannot change his opi- nion when he lists, nor ever does heartily or reso- lutely but when he cannot do otherwise, then to use force may make him an hypocrite but never to be a right believer ; and so, instead of erecting a trophy to God and true religion, we build a monu- ment for the devil. Infinite examples are recorded in church story to this very purpose ; but Socrates instances in one for all ; for when Eleusius, bishop of Cyzicum, was threatened by the emperor Valens with banishment and confiscation if he did not subscribe to the decree of Ariminum, at last he yielded to the Arian opinion, and presently fell into great torment of conscience, openly at Cyzicum recanted the error, asked God and the church for- 286 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. giveness, and complained of the emperor's injus- tice, and that was all the good the Arian party got by offering violence to his conscience. And so many families in Spain, which are, as they call them, new Christians, and of a suspected faith, into which they were forced by the tyranny of the In- quisition, and yet are secret Moors, is evidence enough of the inconvenience of preaching a doc- trine in m ore gladii cmentandi, at the point of the sword. For it either punishes a man for keeping a good conscience or forces him into a bad ; it either punishes sincerity or persuades hypocrisy ; it per- secutes a truth or drives into error ; and it teaches a man to dissemble and to be safe, but never to be honest. 9. It is one of the glories of Christian religion, that it was so pious, excellent, miraculous, and per- suasive that it came in upon its own piety and wisdom, with no other force but a torrent of argu- ments, and demonstration of the Spirit ; a mighty rushing wind to beat down all strong holds, and every high thought and imagination ; but towards the persons of men it was always full of meekness and charity, compliance and toleration, condescen- sion and bearing with one another, " restoring per- sons overtaken with an error, in the spirit of meek- ness, considering lest we also be tempted." The consideration is as prudent and the proposition as just as the precept is charitable and the precedent was pious and holy. Now, things are best con- served with that which gives it the first being, and which is agreeable to its temper and constitution. That precept which it chiefly preaches, in order to all the blessedness in the world, that is, of meek- ness, mercy, and charity, should also preserve itself. TREATMENT OF PERSONS IN ERROR. 287 and promote its own interest. For, indeed, nothing will do it so well ; nothing- doth so excellently insi- nuate itself into the understandings and affections of men, as when the actions and persuasions of a sect, and every part and principle and promotion are univocal. And it would be a mighty dis- paragement to so glorious an institution, that in its principle it should be merciful and humane, and in the promotion and propagation of it so inhuman ; and it would be improbable and unreasonable that the sword should be used in the persuasion of one proposition, and yet, in the persuasion of the whole religion, nothing like it. To do so may serve the end of a temporal prince, but never promote the honour of Christ's kingdom; it may secure a de- sign of Spain, but will very much disserve Christen- dom, to offer to support it by that which good men believe to be a distinctive cognizance of the Maho- metan religion from the excellency and piety of Christianity, whose sense and spirit is described in those excellent words of St. Paul, 2 Tim. ii. 24 : ' The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, in meekness instructino; those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging the truth.' They that oppose themselves must not be stricken by any of God's servants ; and, if yet any man will smite these who are his opposites in opinion, he will get nothing by that; he must quit the title of being a servant of God for his pains. And I think a distinction of persons secular and ecclesiastical will do no advantage for an escape ; because even the secular power, if it be Christian and a servant of God, must not be * a striker ; the servant of the Lord must not strive.' I mean in those cases where 288 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. meekness of instruction is tbe remedy, or if the case be irremediable, abscission by censures is the pe- nalty. 10. And if yet in the nature of the thing it were neither unjust nor unreasonable, yet there is nothing under God Almighty that hath power over the soul of man so as to command a persuasion, or to judge a disagreeing. Human positive laws direct all external acts in order to several ends, and the judges take cognizance accordingly ; but no man can command the will, or punish him that obeys the law against his will : for, because its end is served in external obedience, it neither looks after more, neither can it be served by more, nor take notice of any more. And yet, possibly, the understanding is less subject to human power than the will, for the human power hath a command over external acts, which naturally and regularly flow from the will ; and at most, suppose a direct act of will, but always either a direct or indirect volition, primary or accidental ; but the understanding is a natural faculty, subject to no command but where the com- mand is itself a reason fit to satisfy and 23ersuade it. And therefore God commanding us to believe such revelations, persuades and satisfies the under- standing by his commanding and revealing ; for there is no greater probation in the world that a proposition is true, than because God hath com- manded us to believe it. But because no man's command is a satisfaction to the understanding, or a verification of the proposition, therefore the un- derstanding is not subject to human authority. They may persuade, but not enjoin where God hath not ; and where God hath, if it appears so to him, he is an infidel if he does not believe it. And, PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 289 if all men have no other efficacy or authority on the understanding but by persuasion, proposal, and entreaty, then a man is bound to assent but according- to the operation of the argument, and the energy of persuasion ; neither, indeed, can he, though he would never so fain ; and he that, out of fear and too much compliance and desire to be safe, shall desire to bring his understanding with some luxation to the belief of human dictates and authorities, may as often miss of the truth as hit it, but is sure always to lose the comfort of truth, be- cause he believes it upon indirect, insufficient, and incompetent arguments ; and as his desire it should be so is his best argument that it is so, so the pleasing of men is his best reward, and his not being condemned and contradicted all the posses- sion of a truth. SECTION XIV. Of the Practice of Christian Churches toivards Per- sons disagreeing, and when Persecution first came in. And thus this truth hath been practised in all times of Christian religion, when there were no col- lateral designs on foot, nor interests to be served, nor passions to be satisfied. In St. Paul's time, though the censure of heresy were not so loose and forward as afterwards; and all that were called heretics were clearly such, and highly criminal ; yet as their crime was, so was their censure, that is, spiritual. They were first admonished, once at u 290 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. least, for so Irenseus,* Tertullian,-]- Cyprian,! Am- brose,§ and Jerome, || read that place of Titus iii. But since that time all men, and at that time some read it, ' after a second admonition' reject a heretic. Rejection from the communion of saints, after two warnings, that is the penalty. St. John expresses it by not eating- with them, not bidding them God speed ; but the persons against whom he decrees so severely, are such as denied Christ to be come in the flesh, direct antichrists; and, let the sentence be as high as it lists, in this case all that I observe is, that since in so damnable doctrines nothing but spiritual censure, separation from the communion of the faithful, was enjoined and pre- scribed, we cannot pretend to an apostolical pre- cedent, if in matters of dispute and innocent ques- tion, and of great uncertainty and no malignity, we should proceed to sentence of death. For it is but an absurd and illiterate aro-uing, to say that excommunication is a greater j^unish- ment, and killing a less ; and, therefore, whoever may be excommunicated may also be put to death; (which, indeed, is the reasoning that Bellarmine uses;) for, first, excommunication is not directly and of itself a greater punishment than corporal death ; because it is indefinite and incomplete, and in order to a further punishment, which, if it happens, then the excommunication was the inlet to it ; if it does not, the excommunication did not signify half so much as the loss of a member, much less death. For it may be totally ineffectual, either by the iniquity of the proceeding or repentance of the person ; and, in all times and cases, it is a me- * Lib. iii. c. 3. + De Prsescript. t Lib. ad Quirinum. § In hunc locum. || Ibidem. PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 291 dicine if the man please ; if he will not, but perse- veres in his impiety, then it is himself that brings the censure to effect, that actuates the judgment, and gives a sting and an energy upon that which otherwise would be xfTp uKvpog, " an authority without force." Secondly, but when it is at worst, it does not kill the soul, it only consigns it to that death which it had deserved, and should have received independently from that sentence of the church. Thirdly, and yet excommunication is to admirable purpose; for whether it refers to the person cen- sured or to others, it is prudential in itself, it is ex- emplary to others, it is medicinal to all. For the person censured is by this means threatened into piety, and the threatening made the more energe- tical upon him because, by fiction of law, or as it were, by a sacramental rep resentment, the pains of hell are made presential to him; and so becomes an act of prudent judicature and excellent dis- cipline, and the best instrument of spiritual go- vernment: because the nearer the threatening is reduced to matter, and the more present and cir- cumstantial it is made, the more operative it is upon our spirits while they are immerged in mat- ter. And this is the full sense and power of ex- communication in its direct intention : consequently and accidentally other evils might follow it, as in the times of the apostles the censured persons were buffeted by Satan ; and even at this day there is less security even to the temporal condition of such a person whom his spiritual parents have anathe- matised. But, besides this, I know no warrant to affirm any thing of excommunication, for the sen- tence of the church does but declare, not effect the final sentence of damnation. Whoever deserves v2 292 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. excommunication deserves damnation ; and he that repents shall be saved, though he die out of the church's external communion ; and if he does not repent he shall be damned, though he was not ex- communicate. Bnt suppose it greater than the sentence of cor- poral death, yet it follows not because heretics may be excommunicate therefore killed ; for from a greater to a less, in a several kind of things, the argument concludes not. It is a greater thing to make an excellent discourse than to make a shoe ; yet he that can do the greater cannot do this less. An angel cannot beget a man, and yet he can do a greater matter, in that kind of operations which we term spiritual and angelical. And if this were concluding, that whoever may be excommu- nicate may be killed, then, because of excommu- nications the church is confessed the sole and en- tire judge, she is also an absolute disposer of the lives of persons. I believe this will be but ill doctrine in Spain : for in Bui fa Cannes Domini, the king of Spain is every year excommunicated on Maunday Thursday. But if, by the same power, he might also be put to death, (as upon this ground he may,) the pope might, with more ease, be in- vested in that part of St. Peter's patrimony which that king hath invaded and surprised. But besides this, it were extreme harsh doctrine in a Roman con- sistory, from whence excommunications issue for tri- fles, for fees, for not suffering themselves infinitely to be oppressed, for any thing : if this be greater than death, how great a tyranny is that which does more than kill men for less than trifies; or else how inconse- quent is that argument which concludes its pur- pose upon so false pretence and supposition !^ PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 293 Well, however zealous the apostles were against heretics, yet none were by them or their dictates put to death. The death of Annanias and Sapphira, and the blindness of Elymas the sorcerer, amount not to this, for they were miraculous inflictions; and the first was a punishment to vow-breach and sacrilege, the second of sorcery and open contest- ation against the religion of Jesus Christ ; neither of them concerned the case of this present question. Or if the case were the same, yet the authority is not the same ; for he that inflicted these punish- ments was infallible, and of a power competent; but no man at this day is so. But, as yet, people were converted by miracles, and preaching, and dis- puting ; and heretics, by the same means, were re- dargued, and all men instructed, none tortured for their opinion. And this continued till Christian people were vexed by disagreeing .persons, and were impatient and peevish, by their own too much confidence, and the luxuriancy of a prosperous for- tune ; but then they would not endure persons that did dogmatize any thing which might intrench upon their reputation or their interest. And it is observable, that no man nor no age did ever teach the lawfulness of putting heretics to death, till they grew wanton with prosperity. But when the re- putation of the governors was concerned, when the interests of men were endangered, when they had something to lose, when they had built their esti- mation upon the credit of disputable questions, when they began to be jealous of other men, when they overvalued themselves and their own opinions, when some persons invaded bishoprics upon pre- tence of new opinions — then they, as they thrived in the favour of emperors, and in the success of 294 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. their disputes, solicited the temporal power to banish, to fine, to imprison, and to kill their ad- versaries. So that the case stands thus : — In the best times, amongst the best men, when there were fewer tem- poral ends to be served, when religion and the pure and simple designs of Christianity were only to be promoted ; in those times, and amongst such men, no persecution was actual, nor persuaded, nor allowed, towards disagreeing persons. But as men had ends of their own and not of Christ's, as they receded from their duty, and religion from its purity; as Christianity began to be compound- ed with interests, and blended with temporal de- signs, so men were persecuted for their opinions. This is most apparent, if we consider when perse- cution first came in, and if we observe how it was checked by the holiest and the wisest persons. The first great instance I shall note, was in Pris- cillian and his followers, who were condemned to death by the tyrant Maximus : which instance, although St. Jerome observes as a punishment and judgment for the crime of heresy, yet is of no use in the present question, because Maximus put some Christians of all sorts to death promiscuously, ca- tholic and heretic, without choice ; and therefore the Priscillianists might as well have called it a judgment upon the catholics, as the catholics upon them. But when Ursaeus and Statins, two bishops, pro- cured the Priscillianists' death, by the jDOwer they had at court, St. Martin was so angry at them for their cruelty, that he excommunicated them both. And St. Ambrose, upon the same stock, denied his communion to the Itaciani. And the account that PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 295 Sulpitius gives of the story is this : " The example was worse than the men. If the men were heretical the execution of them, however, was unchristian."* But it was of more authority that the Nicene fathers supplicated the emperor, and prevailed for the banishment of Arius ;f of this we can give no other account, but that, by the history of the time, we see baseness enough, and personal misdemeanour, and factiousness of spirit in Arius to have deserved worse than banishment,! though the obliquity of his opinion were not put into the balance ; which we have reason to believe was not so much as consider- ed, because Constantine gave toleration to differing ojDinions, and Arius himself was restored upon such conditions to his country and office, which would not stand with the ends of the catholics, if they had been severe exactors of concurrence and union of persuasions. I am still within the scene of ecclesiastical per- sons, and am considering what the opinions of the learnedest and the holiest prelates were concerning this great question. If we will believe St. Austin, (who was a credible person,) no good man did allow it. '' No good men approve of inflicting death upon any one, though he be a heretic." § This was St. Austin's final opinion ; for he had first been of the mind that it was not honest to do any violence to * " Hoc modo homines luce indignissimi pessimo exemplo necati sunt." t Sozom. lib. i. c. 20. X Socrat. lib. i. c. 26. cont. Crescon. Grammat. lib. iii. c 50. Vide etiam Epist. Ixi. ad Dulcilium, et Epist. clviii, et cxcix. et lib. i.e. 29. cont. tit. Petilian. Vide etiam Socrat. lib. iii. c. 3, et. 29. § " NuUis tamen bonis in catholica hoc placet, si usque ad mor- tem in quenquam, licet haereticum, saeviatur." — Lib. ii. cap. 5. Retractat. Vide Epist. 48, ad Vincent, script, post Retract, et Epist. 50, ad Bonifac. 296 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. mispersuaded persons; and when, upon an acci- dent happening in Hippo, he had altered and re- tracted that part of the opinion, yet, then also he excepted death, and would by no means have any mere opinion made capital. But for aught appears, St. Austin had greater reason to have retracted that retraction than his first opinion : for his say- ing, of nullis bonis placet, " no good men approve of it,^' was as true as the thing was reasonable it should be so. Witness those known testimonies of TertuUian,* Cyprian,t Lactantius,! Jerome,§ Sul- pitius Severus,|| Minutius,5[ Hilary,* Damascen,f Chrysostom,t Theophylact,§ and Bernard,|| and divers others, whom the reader may find cjuoted by the archbishop of Spalato.^f Against this concurrent testimony my reading can furnish me with no adversary nor contrary in- stances, but in Atticus of Constantinople, Theodo- sius of Synada, in Statins and Ursaeus, before reck- oned. Only, indeed, some of the later popes of Rome began to be busy and unmerciful, but it was then when themselves were secure, and their in- terests great, and their temporal concernments highly considerable. For it is most true, and not amiss to observe it, that no man who was under the ferula did ever think it lawful to have opinions forced, or heretics put to death; and yet many men, who themselves have escaped the danger of a pile and a faggot. * Ad Scapulam. + Lib. iii. Ep. 1. Epist. X Lib. V. c. 20. § In cap. 13, Matt, et in cap. 2. Hos. II In Vit St. Martin. ^ Octav. * Cont. Auxent. Arr. + 3 Sect. c. 32. + In cap. 13, Matt. Horn. 47. § In Evang. Matt. || In verba Apost. fides ex auditu. % Lib. viii. de Rep. Eccles. cap. 8. PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 297 have chang-ed their opinion just as the case was altered ; that is, as themselves were unconcerned in the suffering. Petilian, Parmenian, and Ganden- tius,* by no means would allow it lawful, for them- selves were in danger, and were upon that side that is ill thought of and discountenanced : but Gre- gory f and Leo, i popes of Rome, upon whose side the authority and advantages were, thought it lawful they should be punished and persecuted, for them- selves were unconcerned in the danger of suffering. And therefore St. Gregory commends the exarch of Ravenna, for forcing them who dissented from those men who called themselves the church. And there were some divines in the Lower Germany, who, upon great reasons, spake against the tyranny of the inquisition, and restraining prophesying, who yet, when they had shaked off the Spanish yoke, began to persecute their brethren. It was unjust in them, in all men unreasonable and un- charitable, and often increases the error, but never lessens the danger. But yet, although the church, I mean in her dictinct and clerical capacity, was against destroy- ing or punishing difference in opinion, till the popes of Rome did super-seminate, and persuade the contrary, yet the bishops did persuade the em- perors to make laws against heretics, and to punish disobedient persons with fines, with imprisonment, with death and banishment respectively. This, indeed, calls us to a new account : for the church- men might not proceed to blood, nor corporal in- * Apud. Aug. lib. i. c. 7i cont. Epist. Parmenian. et lib. ii. c. 10, cont. tit. Petilian. t Epist. i. ad Turbium. $ Lib. i. Ep. 72. 298 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. flictions, but might they not deliver over to the secular arm, and persuade temporal princes to do it ? For this I am to say, that since it is notori- ous that the doctrine of the clergy was against punishing heretics, the laws which were made by the emperors against them might be for restraint of differing religion, in order to the preservation of the public peace, which is too frequently violated by the division of opinions. But I am not certain whether that was always the reason, or whether or no some bishops of the court did not also serve their own ends, in giving their princes such un- toward counsel ; but we find the laws made severally to several purposes, in divers cases, and with diffe- rent severity. Constantine the emperor made a sanction, " that they who erred might enjoy the blessing of peace and quietness equally with the faithful." * The emperor Gratian decreed, " that every one might follow what religious opinion he chose, and that all might come to the ecclesiastical conventions without apprehension ;" f but he ex- cepted the Manichees, the Photinians, and Euno- mians. Theodosius the elder made a law of death against the Anabaptists of his time, and ba- nished Eunomius, and against other erring persons appointed a pecuniary mulct ; but he did no exe- cutions so severe as his sanctions, to show they were made in terrorem only. % So were the laws of Valentinian and Martian, § decreeing, contra omnes * " Ut parem cum fidelibus ii qui errant pads et quietis frui- tionem gaudentes accipiant." — Apud. Euseb. de Vita Constant. -f- " Ut quam quisque vellet religionem sequeretur ; et con- ventus Ecclesiasticos semoto metu omnes agerent." + Vide Socrat. lib, vii. c. 12. § Vid. Cod, de Haeretic. L. INIanidiees. et leg. Arriani, et 1. Quicunque. PRACTICE OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. 299 qui prava docere tenent, " who persisted in teaching heretical opinions," that they should be put to death; so did Michael* the emperor, but Justi- nian only decreed banishment. But whatever whispers some politics might make to their princes, as the wisest and holiest did not think it lawful for churchmen alone to do exe- cutions, so neither did they transmit such persons to the secular judicature. And therefore, when the edict of Macedonius, the president, was so am- biguous, that it seemed to threaten death to here- tics unless they recanted, St. Austin admonished him carefully to provide that no heretic should be put to death ; alleging it, also, not only to be un- christian, but illegal also, and not warranted by imperial constitutions ; for before his time no laws were made for their being put to death; but, how- ever, he prevailed that Macedonius published ano- ther edict, more explicit and less seemingly severe. But in his epistle to Donatus, the African procon- sul, he is more confident and determinate: " We are impelled by necessity rather to perish by them, than to rush upon those who are devoted to de- struction by your decrees." f But afterwards, many got a trick of giving them over to the secular power, which at the best is no better than hypocrisy, removing envy from them- selves, and laying it upon others; a refusing to do that in external act which they do in council and approbation ; which is a transmitting the act to ano- ther, and retaining a proportion of guilt unto them- selves, even their own and the others' too. I end this * Apud Paulum Diac. lib. xvi. et lib. xxiv. -|- " Necessitate nobis impactu et indicta, ut potius occidi ab eis eligamus, quam eo§ ocgidendos vestris judiciis iiigeraraus." 300 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. with the saying of Chiysostom : '' We ought to re- prove and condemn impieties and heretical doc- trines, but to spare the 7nen, and to pray for their salvation."* SECTION XV. How far the Church or Governors may act to the restraining false or differing Opinions. But although heretical persons are not to be de- stroyed, yet heresy being a work of the flesh, and all heretics criminal persons, whose acts and doc- trine have influence upon communities of men, whether ecclesiastical or civil, the governors of the republic, or church, respectively, are to do their duties in restraining those michiefs which may liappen to their several charges, for whose indem- nity they are answerable. And therefore, accord- ing to the effect or malice of the doctrine or the person, so the cognizance of them belongs to several judicatures. If it be false dostrine in any capacity, and doth mischief in any sense, or teaches ill life in any instance, or encourages evil in any particu- lar, ^n liri'rof.iiZeiv, these men must be silenced ; they must be convinced by sound doctrine, and put to silence by spiritual evidence, and restrained by authority ecclesiastical; that is, by spiritual cen- * " Dogmata impia, et quae ab haereticis profecta sunt ar- guere et anathematizare oportet, hominibus autem parcendum et pro salute orum orandum." — Serm. de Anathemate. DUTY or ECCLESIASTICAL GOVERNORS. 301 sures, according' as it seems necessary to him who is most concerned in the regimen of the church. For all this we have precept, and precedent apostolical, and much reason. For by thus doing the governor of the church uses all that authority that is competent, and all the means that is reasonable, and that proceeding which is regular, that he may discharge his cure and secure his flock. And that he possibly may be deceived in judging a doctrine to be heretical, and, by consequence, the person ex- communicate suffers injury, is no argument against the reasonableness of the proceeding. For all the injury that is is visible and in appearance, and so is his crime. Judges must judge according to their best reason, guided by the law of God as their rule, and by evidence and appearance as their best instrument, and they can judge no belter. If the judges be good and prudent, the error of pro- ceeding will not be great nor ordinary ; and there can be no better establishment of human judica- ture than is a fallible proceeding upon an infallible ground : and if the judgment of heresy be made by estimate and proportion of the opinion to a good or a bad life respectively, supposing an error in the deduction, there will be no malice in the conclusion ; and that he endeavours to secure piety according to the best of his understanding, and yet did mistake in his proceeding, is only an argument that he did his duty after the manner of men, pos- sibly with the piety of a saint, though not with the understanding of an angel. And the little incon- venience that happens to the person injuriously judged, is abundantly made up in the excellency of the discipline, the goodness of the example, the care of the public, and all those great influences 302 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. into the manners of men vvliich derive from such an act so publicly consigned. But such public judgment in matters of opinion must be seldom and curious, and never but to secure piety and a holy life ; for in matters speculative, as all deter- minations are fallible, so scarce any of them are to purpose, nor ever able to make compensation of either side, either for the public fraction or the particular injustice, if it should so happen in the censure. But then, as the church may proceed thus far, yet no Christian man, or connnunity of men, may proceed farther. For if they be deceived in their judgment and censure, and yet have passed only spiritual censures, they are totally ineffectual, and come to nothing ; there is no effect remaining upon the soul, and such censures are not to meddle with the body so much as indirectly. But, if any other judgment pass upon persons erring, such judgments whose effects remain, if the person be unjustly censured, nothing will answer and make compensation for such injuries. If a person be ex- communicate unjustly, it will do him no hurt; but if he be killed, or dismembered unjustly, that cen- sure and infliction is not made ineffectual by his innocence, he is certainly killed and dismembered. So that as the church's authority in such cases, so re- strained and made prudent, cautelous, and orderly, is just and competent; so the proceeding is reason- able, it is provident for the public, and the incon- veniences that may fail upon particulars so little, as that the public benefit makes ample compen- sation, so long as the proceeding is but spiritual. This discourse is in the case of such opinions, which, by the former rules, are formal heresies, and DUTY OF ECCLESIASTICAL GOVERNORS. 303 upon practical inconveniences. But, for matters of question which have not in them an enmity to the public tranquillity, as the republic hath nothing- to do, upon the ground of all the former discourses, so, if the church meddles with them where they do not derive into ill life, either in the person or in the consequent, or else the destructions of the foundation of religion, which is all one; for that those funda- mental articles are of greatest necessity, in order to a virtuous and godly life, which is wholly built upon them, (and therefore are principally neces- sary) — if she meddles further, otherwise than by preaching, and conferring, and exhortation, she becomes tyrannical in her government, makes her- self an immediate judge of consciences and persua- sions, lords it over their faith, destroys unity and charity; and, as he that dogmatizes the opinion becomes criminal, if he troubles the church with an immodest, peevish, and pertinacious proposal of his article, not simply necessary; so the church does not do her duty, if she so condemns it pro tribunaU, as to enjoin him and all her subjects to believe the contrary. And as there may be perti- nacy in doctrine, so there may be pertinacy in judg- ing, and both are faults. The peace of the church, and the unity of her doctrine is best conserved when it is judged by the proportion it hath to that rule of unity which the apostles gave, that is, the creed for articles of mere belief, and the precepts of Jesus Christ, and the practical rules of piety, which are most plain and easy, and without controversy set down in the gospels and writings of the apostles. But to multiply articles, and adopt them into the family of the faith, and to require assent to such articles, which (as St, Paul's phrase is) are of 304 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. doubtful disputation, equal to that assent we give to matters of faith, is to build a tower upon the top of a bulrush ; and the further the effect of such proceedings does extend, the worse they are ; the very making such a law is unreasonable ; the in- flicting spiritual censures upon them that cannot do so much violence to their understanding as to obey it, is un j ust and ineffectual ; but to punish the person with death, or with corporal infliction, in- deed it is effectual, but it is therefore tyrannical. We have seen what the church may do towards re- straining false or differing opinions; next I shall consider, by way of corollary, what the prince may do as for his interest, and only in securing his peo- ple, and serving the ends of true religion. SECTION XVI. Whether it be lawful for a Prince to give Toleration to several Religions. For upon these very grounds we may easily give account of that great question, whether it be lawful for a prince to give toleration to several religions ? For, first, it is a great fault that men will call the several sects of Christians by the names of several religions. The religion of Jesus Christ is the form of sound doctrine and wholesome words, which is set down in Scripture indefinitely, actually con- veyed to us by plain places, and separated as for the question of necessary or not necessary by the DUTY OF PRINCES. 305 symbol of the apostles. Those impertinencies which the wantonness and vanity of men hath com- menced, which their interests have promoted, which serve not truth so much as their own ends, are far from being distinct religions ; for matters of opinion are no parts of the worship of God, nor in order to it, but as they promote obedience to his command- ments ; and when they contribute towards it, are, in that proportion as they contribute, parts and actions, and minute particulars of that religion to whose end they do, or pretend to serve. And such are all the sects and all the pretences of Christians, but pieces and minutes of Christianity, if they do serve the great end, as every man for his own sect and interest believes for his share it does. 2. Toleration hath a double sense or purpose: for sometimes by it men understand a public license and exercise of a sect ; sometimes it is only an in- demnity of the persons privately to convene and to opine as they see cause, and as they mean to an- swer to God. Both these are very much to the same purpose, unless some persons whom we are bound to satisfy be scandalized ; and then the prince is bound to do as he is bound to satisfy. To God it is all one. For, abstracting from the offence of persons, which is to be considered just as our obligation is to content the persons, it is all one whether we indulge to them to meet publicly or privately, to do actions of religion, concerning which we are not persuaded that they are truly holy. To God it is just one to be in the dark and in the light ; the thing is the same, only the circum- stance of public and private is different, which can- not be concerned in any thing, nor can it concern X 306 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. any thing but the matter of scandal and relation to the minds and fantasies of certain persons. '3. So that to tolerate is not to persecute. And the question, whether the prince may tolerate divers persuasions, is no more than whether he may law- fully persecute any man for not being of his opi- nion. Now, in this case, he is just so to tolerate diversity of persuasions as he is to tolerate public ac- tions; for no opinion is judicable, nor no person punishable, but for a sin ; and if his opinion, by reason of its managing or its effect, be a sin in itself, or becomes a sin to the person, then, as he is to do towards other sins, so to that opinion or man so opining. But to believe so, or not so, when there is no more but mere believing, is not in his power to enjoin, therefore not to punish. And it is not only lawful to tolerate disagreeing persua- sions, but the authority of God only is competent to take notice of it, and infallible to determine it, and fit to judge; and therefore no human autho- rity is sufficient to do all those things which can justify the inflicting temporal punishments upon such as do not conform in their persuasions to a rule or authority which is not only fallible, but supposed by the disagreeing person to be actually deceived. But I consider, that in the toleration of a differ- ent opinion, religion is not properly and imme- diately concerned, so as in any degree to be en- dangered. For it may be safe in diversity of persuasions, and it is also a part of Christian reli- gion,* that the liberty of men's consciences should * '' Humani juris et naturalis potestatis, unicuiq. quod pu- taverit, colere. Sed nee religionis est cogere religionem, quae suscipi sponte debet^ non vi." — Tertul. ad Scapulam. DUTY OF PRINCES. 307 be preserved in all things, where God hath not set a limit and made a restraint ; that the soul of man should be free, and acknowledge no master but Jesus Christ; that matters spiritual should not be restrained by punishments corporal ; that the same meekness and charity should be preserved in the promotion of Christianity, that gave it founda- tion, and increment, and firmness in its first pub- lication; that conclusions should not be more dog- matical than the virtual resolution and efficacy of the premises ; and that the persons should not more certainly be condemned than their opinions confuted ; and lastly, that the infirmities of men and difficulties of things should be both put in balance, to make abatement in the definitive sen- tence against men's persons. But then, because toleration of opinions is not properly a question of religion, it may be a question of policy : and al- though a man may be a good Christian, though he believe an error not fundamental, and not directly or evidently impious, yet his opinion may acci- dentally disturb the public peace, through the over- activeness of the person, and the confidence of their belief, and the opinion of its appendant necessity ; and therefore toleration of differing persuasions, in these cases, is to be considered upon political grounds, and is just so to be admitted or denied as the opinions or toleration of them may consist with the public and necessary ends of government. Only this : as Christian princes must look to the interest of their government, so especially must they con- sider the interests of Christianity, and not call redargution or modest discovery of an established error, by the name of disturbance of the peace. For it is very likely that the peevishness and im- X 2 308 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. patience of contradiction in the governors may break the peace. Let them remember but the gen- tleness of Christianity, the liberty of consciences which ought to be preserved; and let them do justice to the persons, whoever they are that are peevish, provided no man's person be overborne with prejudice. For if it be necessary for all men to subscribe to the present established religion, by the same reason, at another time, a man may be bound to subscribe to the contradictory, and so to all reli- gions in the world. And they only who by their too much confidence entitle God to all their fancies, and make tbem to be cjuestions of religion and evi- dences for heaven, or consignations to hell, they only think this doctrine unreasonable; and they are the men that first disturb the church's peace, and then think there is no appeasing the tumult but by getting the victory. But they that consider things wisely, understand, that since salvation and damnation depend not upon impertinencies, and yet that public peace and tranquillity may; the prince is in this case to seek how to secure govern- ment, and the issues and intentions of that, while there is in the cases directly no insecurity to reli- gion, unless by the accidental uncharitableness of them that dispute; which uncharitableness is also much prevented when the public peace is secured, and no person is on either side engaged upon re- venge,* or troubled with disgrace, or vexed with punishments by any decretory sentence against him. It was the saying of a wise statesman, (I mean Thuanus:)f "If you persecute heretics or * " Dextera prsecipue capit indulgentia mentes, asperitas odium sEBvaque bella parit." -|- " Pleeretici qui pace data factionibus scinduntur, persecu- ione uniuntur contra remp." DUTY OF PRINCES. 309 discrepants, they unite themselves as to a common defence : if you permit them, they divide them- selves upon private interest;" and the rather, if this interest was an ingredient of the opinion. The sum is this : it concerns the duty of a prince because it concerns the honour of God, that all vices and every part of ill life be discounte- nanced and restrained ; and therefore, in relation to that, opinions are to be dealt with. For the un- derstanding- being to direct the will, and opinions to guide our practices, they are considerable only as they teach impiety and vice, as they either dis- honour God or disobey him. Now all such doc- trines are to be condemned; but for the persons preaching such doctrines, if they neither justify nor approve the pretended consec^uences which are certainly impious, they are to be separated from that consideration. But if tliey know such conse- quences and allow them, or if they do not stay till the doctrines produce impiety, but take sin before- hand, and manage them impiously in any sense ; or if either themselves or their doctrine do really and without colour or feigned pretext disturb the public peace and just interests, they are not to be suffered. In all other cases, it is not only lawful to permit them, but it is also necessary that princes and all in authority should not persecute discre- pant opinions And in such cases, wherein per- sons not otherwise incompetent are bound to re- prove an error, (as they are in many,) in all these, if the prince makes restraint he hinders men from doing their duty, and from obeying the laws of Jesus Christ. 310 SECTION XVII. Of Compliance with disagreeing Persons, or weak Consciences in general. Upon these grounds it remains that we reduce this doctrine to practical conclusions, and consider among the differing sects and opinions which trouble these parts of Christendom, and come into our concernment, which sects of Christians are to be tolerated, and how far ; and which are to be restrained and punished in their several propor- tions. The first consideration is, that since diversity of opinions does more concern public peace than reli- gion, what is to be done to persons who disobey a public sanction, upon a true allegation that they cannot believe it to be lawful to obey such consti- tutions, although they disbelieve them upon insuf- ficient grounds ; that is, whether in constituta lege disagreeing persons or weak consciences are to be complied withal, and their disobeying and disa- greeing tolerated ? 1 . In this cjuestion, there is no distinction can be made between persons truly weak, and but pre- tending so. For all that pretend to it are to be allowed the same liberty, whatsoever it be ; for no man's spirit is known to any but to God and him- self; and therefore pretences and realities, in this case, are both alike, in order to the public tolera- tion. And this very thing is one argument to per- OF COMPLIANCE WITH WEAK MINDS. 311 suade a negative. For the chief thing in this case is the concernment of public government, which is then most of all violated, when what may pru- dently be permitted to some purposes may be de- manded to many more, and the piety of the laws abused to the impiety of other men's ends. And if laws be made so malleable, as to comply with weak consciences, he that hath a mind to disobey is made impregnable against the coercitive power of the law by this pretence. For a weak conscience signifies nothing in this case but a dislike of the law upon a contrary persuasion. For if some weak consciences do obey the law, and others do not, it is not their weakness indefinitely that is the cause of it, but a definite and particular persuasion to the contrary. So that if such a pretence be excuse sufficient from obeying, then the law is a sanction obliging every one to obey that hath a mind to it, and he that hath not may choose ; that is, it is no law at all ; for he that hath a mind to it may do it, if there be no law, and he that hath no mind to it need not for all the law. And therefore the wit of man cannot prudently frame a law of that temper and expedient, but either he must lose the formality of a law, and nei- ther have power coercitive nor obligatory, but by the will of inferiors, or else it cannot, antecedently to the particular case, give leave to any sort of men to disagree or disobey. 2. Suppose that a law be made, with great rea- son, so as to satisfy divers persons, pious and pru- dent, that it complies with the necessity of govern- ment, and promotes the interest of God's service and public order, it may be easily imagined that these persons, which are obedient sons of the church. 312 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. may be as zealous for the public order and disci- pline of the church, as others for their opinion against it, and may be as much scandalized, if dis- obedience be tolerated, as others are if the law be exacted ; and what shall be done in this case ? Both sorts of men cannot be complied withal, because, as these pretend to be offended at the law, and by consequence, (if they understand the consequents of their own opinion,) at them that obey the law; so the others are justly offended at them that unjustly disobey it. If, therefore, there be any on the right side as confident and zealous as they who are on the wrong side, then the disagreeing persons are not to be complied with to avoid giving oflence; for if they be, offence is given to better persons, and so the mischief which such complying seeks to prevent is made greater and more unjust, obedience is discouraged, and disobedience is legally canonized for the result of a holy and a tender conscience. 3. Such complying with the disagreeings of a sort of men, is the total overthrow of all discipline; and it is better to make no laws of public worship, than to rescind them in the very constitution; and there can be no end in making the sanction but to make the law ridiculous, and the authority contemptible. For, to say that complying with weak consciences, in the very framing of a law of discipline, is the way to preserve unity, were all one as to say, to take away all laws is the best way to prevent diso- bedience. In such matters of indifferency, the best way of cementing the fraction is to unite the parts in the authority ; for then the question is but one, viz. whether the authority must be obeyed or not ? But if a permission be given of disputing the OF COMPLIANCE WITH WEAK MINDS. 313 particulars, the questions become next to infinite. A mirror, when it is broken, represents the object multiplied and divided ; but if it be entire, and through one centre transmits the species to the eye, the vision is one and natural. Laws are the mirror in which men are to dress and compose their ac- tions, and therefore must not be broken with such clauses of exception, which may, without remedy, be abused, to the prejudice of authority, and peace, and all human sanctions. And I have known, in some churches, that this pretence hath been no- thing but a design to discredit the law, to dis- mantle the authority that made it, to raise their own credit, and a trophy of their zeal, to make it a characteristic note of a sect, and the cognizance of holy persons; and yet the men that claimed ex- emption from the laws, upon pretence of having weak consciences, if in hearty expression you had told them so to their heads, they would have spit in your face, and were so far from confessing them- selves weak, that they thought themselves able to give laws to Christendom, to instruct the greatest clerks, and to catechise the church herself. And which is the worst of all, they who were perpetu- ally clamorous that the severity of the laws should slacken as to their particular, and in matter adia- phorous, (in which, if the church hath any autho- rity, she hath power to make laws,) to indulge a leave to them to do as they list, yet were the most imperious amongst men, most decretory in their sentences, and most impatient of any disagreeing from them, though in the least minute and parti- cular ;. whereas, by all the justice of the world, they who persuade such a compliance in matters of fact, and of so little question, should not deny to 314 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. tx^lerate persons that differ in questions of great difficulty and contestation. 4. But yet, since all things almost in the world have been made matters of dispute, and the will of some men, and the malice of others, and the infinite industry and pertinacy of contesting, and resolution to conquer, hath abused some persons innocently into a persuasion that even the laws themselves, though never so prudently constituted, are super- stitious or impious, such persons who are otherwise pious, humble, and religious, are not to be destroyed for such matters, which in themselves are not of concernment to salvation, and neither are so acci- dentally to such men and in such cases where they are innocently abused, and they err without purpose and design. And therefore, if there be a public disposition in some persons to dislike laws of a certain quality, if it be foreseen, it is to be con- sidered in lege dicendd, (in the framing of a statute ;) and whatever inconvenience or particular offence is foreseen, is either to be directly avoided in the law, or else a compensation in the excellency of the law, and certain advantages made to outweigh their pretensions: but in lege jam dicta, (in a sta- tute already enacted,) because there may be a ne- cessity some persons should have a liberty in- dulged them, it is necessary that the governors of the church should be entrusted with a power to consider the particular case, and indulge a liberty to the person, and grant personal dispensations. This, I say, is to be done at several times, upon particular instance, upon singular consideration, and new emergencies. But that a whole kind of men, such a kind to which all men, without possi- bility of being confuted may pretend, should at OF COMPLIANCE WITH WEAK MINDS. 315 once, in the very frame of the law, be permitted to disobey, is to nullify the law, to destroy discipline, and to hallow disobedience; it takes away the obliging part of the law, and makes that the thing enacted shall not be enjoined, but tolerated only ; it destroys unity and uniformity, which to preserve was the very end of such laws of discipline ; it bends the rule to the thing which is to be ruled, so that the law obeys the subject, not the subject the law ; it is to make a law for particulars, not upon general reason and congruity, against the prudence and design of all laws in the world, and absolutely without the example of any church in Christen- dom; it prevents no scandal, for some will be scandalized at the authority itself, some at the complying, and remissness of discipline, and several men at matters and upon ends contradictory : all which cannot, some ought not, to be complied withal. 6. The sum is this : the end of the laws of disci- pline is in an immediate order to the conservation and ornament of the public, and therefore the laws must not so tolerate, as by conserving persons to destroy themselves and the public benefit ; but if there be cause for it, they must be cassated ; or if there be no sufficient cause, the complyings must be so as may best preserve the particulars, in con- junction with the public end, which, because it is primarily intended, is of greatest consideration ; but the particulars, whether of case or person, are to be considered occasionally and emergently by the judges, but cannot antecedently and regularly be determined by a law. But this sort of men is of so general pretence, that all laws and all judges may easily be abused 316 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. by them. Those sects which are signified by a name, which have a system of articles, a body of profession, may be more clearly determined in their question concerning the lawfulness of per- mitting their professions and assemblies. I shall instance in two, which are most trouble- some and most disliked; and by an account made of these, we may make judgment what may be done towards others, whose errors are not appre- hended of so great malignity. The men I mean are the anabaptists and the papists. SECTION XVIII. A parficidar consideration of the Opinions of the Anabaptists. In the AnabaptistsI consider only their two capital opinions, the one against the baptism of infants, the other against magistracy ; and because they produce different judgments and various effects, all their other fancies, which vary as the moon does, may stand or fall in their proportion and likeness to these. And first, I consider their denying baptism to infants : although it be a doctrine justly condemned by the most sorts of Christians, upon great grounds of reason, yet possibly their defence may be so great as to take off much, and rebate the edge of their adversaries' assault. It will be neither un- pleasant nor unprofitable to draw a short scheme CASE OF THE ANABAPTISTS. 317 of plea for each party, the result of which possibly may be, that though they be deceived, yet they have so great excuse on their side that their error is not impudent or vincible. The baptism of in- fants rests wholly upon this discourse. When God made a covenant with Abraham, for himself and his posterity, into which the gentiles were reckoned by spiritual adoption, he did, for the present, consign that covenant with the sacrament of circumcision. The extent of which rite was to all his family, from the viajor domo, (the head or pa- triarch,) to the proselytus domicilio, (the proselyte amonghis servants,) and to infants of eight days old. Now the very nature of this covenant being a co- venant of faith for its formality, and with all faith- ful people for the object, and circumcision being a seal of this covenant, if ever any rite do super- vene to consign the same covenant, that rite must acknowledge circumcision for its type and prece- dent. And this the apostle tells us, in express doc- trine. Now the nature of types is to give some proportions to its successor, the antitype ; and they both being seals of the same righteousness of faith, it will not easily be found where these two seals have any such distinction in their nature or pur- poses, as to appertain to persons of differing capa- city, and not equally concern all ; and this argu- ment was thought of so much force by some of those excellent men which were bishops in the primitive church, that a good bishop writ an epistle to St. Cyprian, to know of him whether or no it were lawful to baptize infants before the eighth day, because the type of baptism was ministered in that circumcision ; he, in his discourse, supposing that the first rite was a direction to the second. 318 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. which prevailed with him so far as to believe it to limit every circumstance. And not only this type, but the acts of Christ which were previous to the institution of baptism, did prepare our understanding by such impresses as were sufhcient to produce such persuasion in us, that Christ intended this ministry for the actual advantage of infants as well as of persons of un- derstanding. For Christ commanded that chil- dren should be brought unto him, he took them in his arms, he imposed hands on them and blessed them ; and, without question, did, by such acts of favour, consign his love to them, and them to a capacity of an eternal participation of it. And possibly the invitation which Christ made to all to come to him, all them that are heavy laden, did, in its proportion, concern infants as much as others, if they be guilty of original sin, and if that sin be a burthen, and presses them to spiritual danger or inconvenience. And it is all the reason of the world, that since the grace of Christ is as large as the prevarication of Adam, all they who are made guilty by the first Adam should be cleansed by the second. But as they are guilty by another man's act, so they should be brought to the font to be purified by others, there being the same propor- tion of reason, that by others' acts they should be relieved who were in danger of perishing by the act of others. And therefore St. Austin argues excellently to this purpose : " The church fur- nishes them with the feet of others that they maj'^ come, with the heart of others that they may be- lieve, with the tongue of others that they may make confession ; in order that, as they are dis- eased in consequence of another's sin, so being CASE OF THE ANABAPTISTS. 319 made whole by another's confession, they may be saved."* And Justin Martyr: '' The children of pious parents are accounted worthy of baptism, through the faith of those who bring them to be baptized. "f But whether they have original sin or no, yet take them in their state as they are by nature, they cannot go to God, or attain to eternity, to which they were intended in their first being and creation : and therefore, much less since their naturals are impaired by the curse on human nature procured by Adam's prevarication. And if a natural agent cannot in its state of nature attain to heaven, which is a supernatural end, much less when it is loaden with accidental and grievous impedi- ments. Now, then, since the only way revealed to us of acquiring heaven is by Jesus Christ, and the first inlet into Christianity and access to him is by baptism, as appears by the perpetual analogy of the New Testament, either infants are not persons ca- pable of that end which is the perfection of human nature, and to which the soul of man, in its being made immortal, was essentially designed, and so are miserable and deficient from the end of human- ity, if they die before the use of reason ; or else they must be brought to Christ by the church doors, that is, by the font and waters of baptism. And, in reason, it seems more pregnant and plausible, that infants, rather than men of under- * " Accommodat illis mater ecclesia aliorum pedes, ut veni- ant ; aliorum cor, ut credant ; aliorum linguam, vit fateantur : ut quoniam, quod fegri sunt, alio peccante prcegravantur, sic cvim sani fiantalio confitente salventur."— Serm. x. de Verb. Apost. f 'A^iovvTciL de tS)v did rov (3a7rTi(TnaTOQ dya^Mv rd l3pe(pT} ry ttiV^i tG)v 7rpo(r(pep6vT(oi> dvrd toj l3cnrTiersons ; for a Christian is no more a subject than a Jew is; the prince hath upon them both the same power of life and death, so that the Jew by being no Chris- tian is not for is, or any more an exempt person for his body or his life than the Christian is. And yet in all churches where the secular power hath temporal reason to tolerate the Jews, they are tole- rated without any scruple in religion ; which thing is of more consideration, because the Jews are di- rect blasphemers of the Son of God, and blasphemy by their own law, the law of Moses, is made capital, and might with greater reason be inflicted upon them who acknowledge its obligation, than urged upon Christians as an authority, enabling B B 370 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. princes to put them to death who are accused of accidental and consequentive blasphemy and ido- latry respectively, which yet they hate and disavow with much zeal and heartiness of persuasion. And I cannot yet learn a reason why we shall not be more complying with them who are of the house- hold of faith ; for at least they are children, though they be but rebellious children; (and if they were not, what hath the mother to do with them any more than with the Jews ?) they are in some rela- tion or habitude of the family, for they are con- signed with the same baptism, profess the same faith delivered by the apostles, are erected in the same hope, and look for the same glory to be revealed to them, at the coming of their common Lord and Saviour, to whose service, according to their understanding, they have vowed themselves : and if the disagreeing persons be to be esteemed as heathens and publicans, yet not worse, ' Have no company with them,' that is the worst that is to be done to such a man in St. Paul's judgment: * yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.' SECTION XXI. Of the Duty of particular Churches in allowing Communion. From these premises we are easily instructed con- cerning the lawfulness or duty respectively of Christian communion, which is differently to be DUTY OF PARTICULAR CHURCHES. 371 considered in respect of particular churches to each other, and of particular men to particular churches: for as for particular churches, they are bound to allow communion to all those that profess the same faith upon which the apostles did give communion; for whatsoever preserves us as members of the church, gives us title to the communion of saints; and whatsoever faith or belief that is to which God hath promised heaven, that faith makes us members of the Catholic church. Since, therefore, the judicial acts of the church are then most prudent and reli- gious when they nearest imitate the example and piety of God, to make the way to heaven straiter than God made it, or to deny to communicate with those whom God will vouchsafe to be united, and to refuse our charity to those who have the same faith, because they have not all our opinions, and believe not every thing necessary which we over- value, is impious and schismatical ; it infers tyranny on one part, and persuades and tempts to uncha- ritableness and animosities on both ; it dissolves societies, and is an enemy to peace ; it busies men in impertinent wranglings, and by names of men and titles of factions it consigns the interested parties to act their differences to the height, and makes them neglect those advantages which piety and a good life bring to the reputation of Christian religion and societies. And therefore Vincentius Lirinensis, and indeed the whole church, accounted the Donatists heretics upon this very ground, because they did imperi- ously deny their communion to all that were not of their persuasion ; whereas the authors of that opi- nion for which they first did separate and make a sect, because they did not break the church's 372 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. peace, nor magisterially prescribed to others, were in that disagreeing and error accounted Catholics. " Division and disunion makes you heretics, peace and unity make Catholics,"* said St. Austin ; and to this sense is that of St. Paul : ' If I had all faith and not charity I am nothing.' He who upon con- fidence of his true belief denies a charitable com- munion to his brother, loses the reward of both. And if j^ope Victor had been as charitable to the Asiatics as pope Anicetus and St. Polycarp were to each other in the same disagreeing concerning Easter, Victor had not been TrX^/jcn/cwrfpov KaraTi^dimvoCj so bitterly reproved and condemned as he was for the uncharitable managing of his disagreeing, by Polycrates and Tren^us.f True faith, which leads to charity, leads on to that which unites wills and affections, not opinions.! Upon these or the like considerations the emperor Zeno published his ivwTiKov, in which he made the Nicene creed to be the medium of Catholic com- munion ; and although he lived after the council of Chalcedon, yet he made not the decrees of that council an instrument of its restraint and limit, as preferring the peace of Christendom and the union of charity far before a forced or pretended unity of persuasion, which never was or ever will be real and substantial ; and although it v>ere very conve- nient if it could be had, yet it is therefore not ne- cessary because it is impossible ; and if men please, whatever advantages to the public would be conse- quent to it, may be supplied by a charitable com- * '■' Divisio enim et disunio facit vos haereticos, pax et unitas faciunt Catholicos." + Euseb. lib. v. c. 25, 26. X " Concordia enim quee est charitatis effectus est unio vo- untatum non opinionum." — Aquin. 22 se. q. 37, a. 1. DUTY OF INDIVIDUALS. 375 But then men would do well to consider whether or no such proceeding's do not derive the guilt of schism upon them who least think it; and whether of the two is the schismatic, he that makes unneces- sary and (supposing the state of things) inconve- nient impositions, or he that disobeys them because he cannot, without doing violence to his conscience, believe them : he that parts communion because without sin he could not entertain it, or they that have made it necessary for him to separate, by re- quiring such conditions which to man are simply necessary, and to his particular are either sinful or impossible. The sum of all is this : there is no security in any thing or to any person, but in the pious and hearty endeavours of a good life; and neither sin nor error does impede it from producing its propor- tionate and intended effect ; because it is a direct deletery to sin, and an excuse to errors, by making them innocent, and therefore harmless. And, in- deed, this is the intendment and design of faith ; for (that we may join both ends of this discourse together) therefore certain articles are prescribed to us, and propounded to our understanding, that so we might be supplied with instructions, with motives and engagements to incline and determine our wills to the obedience of Christ. So that obe- dience is just so consecjuent to faith, as the acts of will are to the dictates of the understanding. Faith therefore being in order to obedience, and so far ex- cellent, as itself is a part of obedience or the pro- moter of it, or an engagement to it, it is evident that if obedience and a good life be secured upon the most reasonable and proper grounds of Chris- tianity, that is, upon the apostles' creed, then faith 376 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. also is secured. Since whatsoever is beside the duties, the order of a good life cannot be a part of faith, because upon faith a good life is built; all other articles, by not being necessary, are no other- wise to be required but as they are to be obtained and found out, that is, morally and fallibly, and humanly: it is fit all truths be promoted fairly and properly, and yet but few articles prescribed magisterially, nor framed into symbols and bodies of confession ; least of all, after such composures, should men proceed so furiously as to say all dis- agreeing, after such declarations, to be damnable for the future and capital for the present. But this very thing is reason enough to make men more limited in their prescriptions, because it is more charitable in such suppositions to do so. But in the thing itself, because few kinds of errors are damnable, it is reasonable as few should be capital ; and because every thing that is damn- able in itself, and before God's judgment-seat, is not discernible before men, (and questions dis- putable are of this condition,) it is also very rea- sonable that fewer be capital than what are damn- able, and that such questions should be permitted to men to believe, because they must be left to God to judge. It concerns all persons to see that they do their best to find out truth, and if they do, it is certain that let the error be never so damnable, they shall escape the error or the misery of being damned for it. And if God will not be angry at men for being invincibly deceived, why should men be angry one at another ? For he that is most displeased at another man's error, may also be tempted in his own will, and as much deceived in his understanding ; for if he may fail in what he can choose, he may DUTY OF INDIVIDUALS. 377 also fail in what he cannot choose ; his understand- ing is no more secured than his will, nor his faith more than his obedience. It is his own fault if he offends God in either ; but whatsoever is not to be avoided, as errors which are incident oftentimes even to the best and most inquisitive of men, are not offences against God, and therefore not to be punished or restrained by men. But all such opi- nions in which the public interests of the com- monwealth, and the foundation of faith, and a good life are not concerned, are to be permitted freely : ' Let every one be fully persuaded in his own mind,' was the doctrine of St. Paul, and that is argument and conclusion too ; and they were ex- cellent words which St. Ambrose said in attestation of this great truth : " The civil authority has no right to interdict the liberty of speaking, nor the sacerdotal to prevent speaking what you think."* I end with a story which I find in the Jews' books : — When Abraham sat at his tent door, ac- cording to his custom, waiting to entertain strangers, he espied an old man stooping and leaning on his staff, weary with age and travel, coming towards him, who was an hundred years of age ; he received him kindly, washed his feet, provided supper, and caused him to sit down ; but observing that the old man eat and prayed not, nor begged for a blessing on his meat, asked him, why he did not worship the God of heaven ? The old man told him that he worshipped the fire only, and acknowledged no other God ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent, and exposed him to all the evils of the * " Nee imperiale est libertatem dicendi negare^ nee sacer- dotale quod sentias non dicere.''' 378 THE LIBERTY OF PROPHESYING. night and an unguarded condition. When the old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was ? he replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship thee : God answered him, I have suffered him these hun- dred years, although he dishonoured me, and couldst thou not endure him one night, when he gave thee no trouble ? Upon this, saith the story, Abraham fetched him back again, and gave him hospitable entertainment and wise instruction : " Go thou and do likewise," and thy charity will be rewarded by the God of Abraham. THE END. RicLerby, Printer, Sherboiun Lane. 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