''^(?: BP9D5 » C 78 CHRISTIAN (?) SCIENGE X-RAYED BY A. REILLY COPELAND Author of "EVOLUTION THEORIES UNCOVERED" And Others. Price 50 Cents Per Copy, Postpaid. Specfal Prices in Quantities. DENTON, TEXAS, U. S. A. tihvavy of Ithe ^theological ^eminarjc PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Del avail L. Pier son G7S SI TOs:^ CHRISTIAN (?) SCIENCE X-RAYED BY A. REILLY COPELAND. S. T. D. Pastor and Bible Teacher Author of "EVOLUTION THEORIES UNCOVERED" Other Books to Follow Are: The Bible and Science," "Modernism and Scripture," "Religions vs. Chris- tianity," "Bible Soul-Winning," "Bible Preaching" and "Bible Prophecy." Order From the Author, DENTON, TEXAS, U. S. A. A TEST FOR THOSE FLIRTING WITH ERROR "The Living Church" (Episcopal) has a story of a rector who, when solicited by a woman member of his church for a letter to a Christian Science Church, sent her a renunciation of her church to be signed, which she never did. This story suggests a practical test for pastors and people to make with those who are tinctured with the virus, and are flirting with the devi: Renunciation of My Church Vows: Having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son arid of the Holy Spirit, and having been admitted into the fellowship of the Church, and having taken the vows of allegiance to Jesis Christ, and faithulness to my church and having accepted the teaching >f Mrs. Mary Baker Patterson Eddy as set forth in her book, "Science and Healh with Key to the Scriptures," I do hereby certify: That I renounce my baptism; That I do deny that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh; That I do repudiate the doctrine of sin; That I do reject the doctrine of the forgiveness of sin through the shed blood of that same Jesus Christ; That I do renounce the doctrine of the Trinity, and will no longer worship the same; ' That I refuse to participate in the observance of the Lord's Supper ( That I hereby abandon the faith of the Church and authorize you to erase my name from your membership recoi^ds, and make my choice to be a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Late Signature. Witness This will settle the matter with most of the flirts and bring them to their senses. If they refuse to sign this, it evidences their insincerity. If they do sign it, it proves that they never were true believers in the shed blood of Christ, but purely church members. "My sheep hear my voice; a stranger will they not follow, but will ilee from him; for they know not the voice of strangers." Try this method with some of your Christian Science friends and let us know the results.— T. C. H. (The King's Business.) _2— PREFACE Dr. J. E. Conant, evangelist, preached a sermon on the subject, "Will Christian Scientists Go to Heaven?" during a revival meeting he conducted for Central Presbyterian Church, Denton, Texas. The Denton Record- Chronicle reported the sermon. Someone sent the paper to Mr. Brigman C. Odom, a defender of Eddyism of Dallas, Texas. He replied through the Chronicle to Dr. Conant's sermon and denounced it as false. As the evange- list had left for Chicago, I replied to Mr. Odom's criticism. He came back v/ith a second article in criticism of mine. I replied to his second criticism shortly after. The Record-Chronicle then announced that the series were closed as we had had two articles apiece. Mr. Odom, not satisfied with the discussion in that stage, came back with a third article in the form of column advertise- ment. I replied to this with a 70-inch paid article. By this time the Dallas rf«an was getting a bit uncomfortable, it seemed. True to form, however, he came back v/ith another ad, but said it was his last, no matter what I wrote. Desiring to not disappoint the many enquiries, I answered the Dallas critic's fourth and final article, which made us four apiece. The public manifested so much interest in these discussions I felt it would be worth while to put them in book form just as they were written. Each article is a separate chapter. There are eight of them with some ad- ditional matter. The reader will bear in mind the newspaper style of pre- sentation. Popular diction seems to appeal more to the general public. Dis- cussions always vary quite a bit in form and substance on any subject, hence the freehand formation of this series. I am happy to siiy that there is no personal feeling whatever in my heart toward any living human. What has been written in this volume is purely for the sake of exposing a system which to me is unbiblical, unscientific and unphilosophical. I have given proof for every statement made by giving source of authority. The readers can investigate for themselves. Too, be- fore final judgment is passed, the reader can also investigate Christian Science on the merits of its own claims by one of its able defenders. This is the only book published with this feature, hence a unique styled entirely. No one can rightfully accuse the author of being unfair as he gives facts just as they were written in the daily newspaper. It has been the author's privilege to turn the Xray of truth on Christian Science ever since he became a Christian. He is happy to give the full pic- ture to the public in the present volume. Any Christian that reads the as- lounding statements of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, chief scribe of the book, "Science and Health," cannot help becoming both amused and righteously indignant. For instance on page 231 Christ is defined as "Divine ^Science." Page 242 says: "There is but one way to heaven and harmony and Christ, Divine Science shows us the way." This claim equals those of Buddha, Mo- hammed, Confucius, Joseph Smith or any other false prophet of history. Mrs. Eddy does not stop, however, in her sweeping claims of divinity until she places herself above the deity of Jesus Christ. She claims to have d.>ne more for the world than He. On page 147 she says: "Our Master heal- -. ed the sick, practiced Christian healing and taught the generalities of its \> Divine principle to His students, but He left no definite rule for demonstrat- O iiip: the principle of healin;:: and preventing disease. This remained to be /"^liscovered through Christian Science." One can readily see by this state- / ment that she claims to have given the world truth that Jesus did not know. / This is awful. Can you beat it? Mrs. Eddy goes on and on in her claims to supernatural powers of supremacy. She said that no one else can take her place. I have been to Wednesday evening Christian Science church meetings and all of their testimonies give no uncertain sound in exalting Mrs. Eddy and her teachings. Any religious system that magnifies man's wisdom instead of glorifying '/Christ is a dangerous cult. — 2 John 7-11. To all who love the truth, and especially to Dr. J. E. Conant, evangelist, ?nd Mr. C. A. King, singer, this book is dedicated. THE AUTHOR. Denton, Texas, March 1, 1921. // FOREWORD True to form Christian Science cannot stand reason. This is plain, tlie doctrine will not stand logical weights. We have often been accused of being unduly harsh and prejudiced against Christian Science. Scientists often send us literature on different phases of the subject. In 11'19 a professed admirer of Mrs. Eddy sent me the following corrective poem entitled, DON'T BE A KNOCKER Don't criticise other's faults No matter what they do; Don't ridicule the masses or Malign the chosen few. Don't think yourself a censor for The silly human flock. And just remember as you go That any fool can knock. Don't laugh at those who make mistakes And stumble on the way, For you are apt to follow them And almost any day, Don't think the others shifting sands While you are solid rock. And don't forget, for heaven's sake. That any fool can knock. Don't be a puller down of fame, On other men conferred. Don't give a parting kick to one Who fell because he erred. Don't think that you are perfect and The only size in stock. And now, once more, just bear in mind THAT ANY FOOL CAN KNOCK." We immediately replied with the following poem: _4— CHRISTIAN (?) SCIENCE Versus COMMON SENSE He was a Christian Scientist with a mild, benij^nant air, And for unwary victims he set a cunning snare. From out the ''rural districk" an old backwoodsman came, His steps were slow and feeble, for he was o>J and lame. He heard of Christian Science, and, as he thought it o'er He said, "I guess I'll get some, my jints is stiff and sore." So, to the portly healer, who sat in self -content With plump hands idly folded, the good old farmer went — Said he, "This way of healin' is quare, I swan it is, 'N' I want a dose of science to cure my rheumatiz.*' The great man eyed his caller, and sat in thought awhile. Then leaned back in his arm-chair and said with placid smile — '*My friend, there is no suffering — to think so is to sin, Remember you are God's child, and let his presence in. Since God is AH, forever, what is there then to heal? God surely cannot suffer, and matter cannot feel. With truth and goodness present, how then can sickness stay ? For good is never evil, as night is never day. So, when you think you're suffering (which really you are not), The cure is very simple— just change your sinful thought, And if you should be tempted to have a pain some day, Let good o'ercome the evil, and drive such thoughts away. Now this belief of lameness, good thoughts will soon dispel, And when friends ask 'How are you?' just answer, 'I am well.' And mind shall conquer matter, and thought shall reign supreme These bodies are but shadows, this world is but a dream. Then live in perfect harmony and discord quickly flees; Consider yourself painless — five dollars if you please." The farmer stared in silence and slovvly scratched his head; "So this is Christian Science! Wall, I'll be blest!" he said. "Perhaps you call this healin', but I don't just the same; My back is jes as cricky, my legs is jest as lame. Your lingo may be Science, it kinder sounds that way, But where the Christian part is, I swow, it's hard to say. It sorter riles my temper and makes my sperTt rise To hear you mixin' sermons v/ith scientific lies. It's lucky I ain't chipper, or you might have to hop; I'd turn things topsy-turvy in this old science shop. A sin to suffer, it is? (Of all the cranky stuff) Wall, then, you'd be a sinner if I was strong enough! I'd give ye a temptation to ache in many a spot, 'N' then I'd set and tell you to change your sinful thought You say that good aint evil — wall, I don't say it is, *N' I don't say the Almighty has got my rheumatiz. It is in my old body — and gives me many a jar! 'N' taint no make b'lieve nuther, for when it's thar, it's thar! I never had much larnin', but still I got a brain, 'N' I cal'c'late I know enough to ache when I'm in pain. I may not be an angel, I guess we all have sin. But I get an honest livin,' and don't take poor folks in. 'N* I don't tell a feller his pain is in his mind, 'N' gobble onto money for saying suthin kind. Now if my plaguey lameness should disappear some day, Ef it was God as done it why should you want the pay ? 'N' I should say five dollars was a little dear for sand, So I'm obliged to tell you your little bill must stand, 'N' if your thought's so mighty, just think you've got your pay, I don't pay cash to shadders — so I'll jes say good-day." (Author unknown to us). A RHYME OF PURE REASON A Christian Science Proselyte Alone upon a mountain height Was pondering upon the vain Belief in non-existent Pain. How Nervous Dread of any kind Was an illusion of the Mind. When, coming down the mountainside, A dreadful lion he espied. The Proselyte said, "Mercy Me!" And quickly scuttled up a Tree. Next morning at the rise of sun There came an Unconverted One. Who saw the Proselyte at bay. And drove the hungry beast away. The Cynic said, "Aha! I see. Your claim has got you up a Tree." "Your judgment," said the Proselyte, "Arises from Imperfect Sight. "A Lion to a soul refined Is an illusion of the Mind." "If that's the case." the Cynic said, "Why show these human signs of Dread ? "Why pass the night, secure from harm. In yonder Elevated Paltn?" "P>iend," said the Saint, "if you but knew! This Tree is an Illusion, too. When in a Jungle, far from Home, Where purely mental Lions roam. "It puts one more at ease to be Up some imaginary Tree." "How great is Mind!" the Stranger cried, And went his way quite Eddy-fied. (The King's Business) —6— IN HER OWN PLAY YARD I did not know what I should have known, My eyes are not quite so good As they used to be, I am free to own; That ought to be understood Before I am blamed for the thing at all. And the wailing wild outburst; There were yellow-jackets against the wall — And you got to them first. My eyes should have seen their hidden nest Where the thick rose bushes grow, And I should never have taken rest — But, dearest, please don't cry so! I know that that is an aching spot — No wonder you roused the town! A yellow-jacket is awful hot When it backs up and sits down. And you supposed they were honey-bees? And you wanted to pet them? Dear! And you just gave one a little squeeze — I didn't know what to fear Wlien your voice tore through the silence so — I hadn't a way to tell — Why, all of agony — all of woe — And grieving — ^was in that yell. And you were trying to just be kind, And that's what you got, you say? I'm older, dear, than you are, and find That life is a lot that way; However, they are a sign of spring. In the rose bush by the wall, And blooms will come and the birds will sing, And you will forget it all. What's that you say — this is your play-yard, And all that is in it, too? And that "bee oughtn't've kicked so hard?" That is absolutely true! But I have kissed it and made it well, As well as it used to be; And you'll forget what a grief befell, And come to the store with me, JUDD MORTIMER LEWIS. (Houston Post, Feb. 5, 1921.) INTRODUCTION About the time of the close of our discussions through the Record-Chron- icle, a Denton business man came to me and said that many of his kinspeople were Christian Scientists and he desired to relate an incident to me in which he thought I would be interested. He said while in Atlantic City, N. J., sum- mer of 1917, he took violently sick with acute indigestion while out on the pier. After finally getting into bed in hotel, a Christian Scientist practi- tioner offered her healing advice. —7— In the meantime the sick man's gentleman friend who had stepped down town, retiimed from the drug store and slipped a little vial into the patient's hand under the cover and whispered, "Take it all." In about ten minutes the patient told the practitioner that he was feelin?; better and sleepy. She said, "Yes, I knew you would get better. That is just the kind of effect this Science has on one. You are just doing fine. I am so glad you are sleepy. Take your rest now. There is nothing ailing you." Of course the narcotic killed the sense of pain and made the patient drowsy. After the night of sleep the patient rose to his daily routine of life as is often the case in attacks of that nature. The great joke of it is, the woman healer told everybody about her wonderful demonstration of mind over matter in healing this man's disease. He said that Christian Science papers gave great prominence to the report. This is a sample of their proofs for so-called cures one hears so much about these days. (Through coui-tesy \/e withold gentleman's name. If necessary, we can give it). OVERDOSE OF EDDYISM Los Angeles, California, September 4th, 1919. To Whom it May Concern: — In March, 1919, when my sister-in-law, who died a few weeks later, was taking Christian Science treatments, a nurse from a local hospital, told me in my home, the following incident: "I was made special nurse on the case of a local Christian Science Prac- titioner, who died of the inflenza during the epidemic. Six hours before he died he said to me: "I am a Christian Science Practitioner. I have made my living as a Practitioner for the last eight years, and I want to tell you it is *the bunk.' I owe it to Christian Science I am here, I sat on my front porch readinic 'Science & Health' with a temperature of 104 which caused my relapse'." (Signed) Mrs. C. E. — Name and address at this office. (The King's Business, Los Angeles, Calif.) EDDYISM In the Church Herald of recent date appears an editorial under tiio above heading, in which was incorporated a letter sent them by Brother C. B. Mc- Williams, who has recently lost a daughter. She had tuberculosis, and some time since took the influenza on Saturday and died on Monday. She had been in touch with Christian Science, and after her death this letter, which had been addressed to her by a Christian Science practitioner, was found in her room. It read as follows: "Dear Mrs. Andrews: The victory for truth was won Saturday night and Sunday morning, and was due to your changing your mind ;».bout the seeming lies of mortal mind. Your continued improvement will be due to your refusal to accept the different lies of sense — testimony as they present themselves. I want you to say mentally and vigorously, 'You are a liar, and I know you are one', to each discordant manifestation, and say it not once, but as often as necessary. In saying it you are stating the truth, and that is why your assertion will be helpful. Please remember we are not trying to cure a material body, but are engaged in rooting false beliefs or lies out of your consciousness — a process of mental purification, as I told you. When consciousness is purified the body is compelled to function normally and har- moniously. Study the definition of Man, page 475, sentence by sentence, every day for a week, and try to realize that you are that man now. Keep yourself out of the everyday life of your home as much as possible all the week, and don't talk with any one about your condition, except Mr. Andrews. Deny that you ever had a cough. Get that lie out of your thinker. The real man never had anything but infinite good. I will come to see you when necessary. "Yours sincerely, The Herald editor says: "Brother McWilliams has had a number of copies of the letter made, and we give this just as it came to us. It seems to us that such a letter to one dying would have less of consolation and help in it than a dose of sawdust. But this error is spreading rapidly, and we are out to cry against it." — The King's Business. EDDYITES ACCUSED OF MURDER The "Examiner" of May 5th tells the story of a father and mother of a nine year old child, ill with diphtheria, who refused to call a physician. The child died and the parents are on trial for murder. The charge against them reads "They by force and arms did kill and slay."^ We are glad to know that there is a growing tendency to deal with de- luded parents who permit their children to suffer and sometimes die for want of the needed treatment. We have societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Why not a society to prevent such cruelty to children Vv/ho when they are sick are told that they are not sick, and when they are in pain are told that there is no pain and to "forget it?" If some dose could be given to such parents that would produce a real case of colic and their children could gather around them and tell them to "forget it" and "hold the thought," it would help to make nil the nonsense of the Eddyites. Pity the children who are being raised in these homes, and pity these deluded dupes, and pray that the Lord may deliver many from the power of Satan V/ho are now following these cunningly devised fables. If we cannot help the parents, then for the sake of these poor, helpless children who are not rrsponsible for coming into the world and who did not choose brainless par- ents, let us do something to help the little ones. — rr. c. H. (The King's Business). LOOKING TO THE LOBSTER "All disease is wholly mental. What is termed disease does not exist." So says Mrs. Eddy. "Sickness is a growth of error springing from man's ignorance of Christian Science. Sufferings are not the penalty for having broken a law. Any supposed information coming from the body is illusion of mortal mind. Nerves are a part of a belief that there is sensation in matter." In proof of this contention Mrs. Eddy tells us that "cold empurpled the cheeks of our ancestors but they never indulged in inflamed bronchial tubes because they were ignorant of the existence of such things as tubes and lungs." (We wonder how she knows.) But she gives an even more convinc- ing argument when she says, "When the unthinking lobster loses its claw it grows again. If Christian Science was understood, the human limb would be repJaced as readily as the lobster's claw. The less mind there is mani- fested in matter the better." (It is true that lobster's claw will grow again, but she forgot that a cat's tail if cut off will not replace itself. Evidently lobsters make better Christian Scientists than cats, the latter having too P'Uch intellect for their own good.) —9— Now if all of this is true, then the only hope for a one-legged man is to become either a lobster or a lunatic. "The less mind there is manifested in matter the better." Instead of recognizing the reality of matter, sin, sick- ness and death and looking to Jesus Christ for overcoming strength, we should look to the unthinking lobster and go and do likewise. Strange, is it not, that Mrs. Eddy is compelled to scrape down amidst the crags and rocks of the ocean bottom for a perfect example of her doc- trine when we have in the high heavens One Who patiently suffered and "left us an example that we should follow in His steps." If lobsters could only understand, they might well swell with pride at the number of people in the world who are trying to follow in their footsteps as the result of the free advertising given their virtues by Mrs. Eddy. Now you will understand why some people are called lobsters. It is a genteel epithet for an ignoramus. — K. L. B. (IThe King's Business.) DELIVERED FROM THE CASTOR OIL BOTTLE A friend of ours, a few Sundays ago, stopped a small boy on the street and asked him what Sunday School he was bound for. He replied that he was going to the Christian Science Sunday School. "Do you like to go there?" he was asked. "Yes," repMed the boy. "And why?" our friend asked. "Because," said the lad, "I don't have to take castor oil any more." This may sound to some like a joke, but the boy was in dead earnest, and there is a point that wise people will not miss. Why is it that the boy is no longer compelled to take the simple remedies that any child occa- sionally needs? Is it because Christian Science now serves the purpose — or because his foolish mother cannot now consistently recognize the medic- inal value of the oil? This lad, like many other children of Eddyite parents, may be left to die for the want of one of the simple remedies that God has put in the earth for man'e use. One of the most appalling things about this false system is the suffering that is caused to innocent children, simply because their parents have been duped. Doctors and nurses in almost every city and town can tell the awful story as it has been seen again and again, w^^ere. as a last resort, they have been called to Christian Science homes. — K. L. B. (The King's Business). IT WOULDN'T GO DOWN The little girl came running in to her mother with a woeful countenance and a hopeless story. "My dolly is sick," she said, "and I don't know what to do about it. I g-ave her water and she can't swallow that; sister gave her a pill and she can't swallow that." "Well," said her mother, who leaned a little that way herself, "don't you think you had better try Christian Science for her?" "We have tried it," said she, "and she can't swallow that." (The King's Business). CAN YOU BEAT IT? Here's a story that "takes the cake," but it must be true for it is recorded in the Christian Science Sentinel of May 10, 1919. Under the heading of *' Testimonies," a contributor says: —10— "One morning while I was using an alcohol lamp a fire broke out on my table. Several inflammable articles were near and the blaze was quite high. I left the room to get water but could find nothing in which to fetch it. On returning I found that the flames had increased. The window curtains were near, and my fear was intense, for I was alone in a stranger's house. I cried out. What shall I do? and the answer came: There is but one way. Turn to God. I stood and faced the flames, knowing that matter cannot burn, for all is infinite Mind. They immediately went out. 1 had used no material means and proved that 'perfect love casteth out fear,' for on page 586 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy has interpreted fire as *fear'." From this we see that it may be possible shortly to do away with our fire departments by simply recognizing that fire cannot bum. If we could have Christian Science practitioners as chiefs for our fire departments, we might be saved millions of dollars. But someone may ask, "How can this writer prove the truth of her statements? Would she be willing to demonstrate again?" It is something like Mrs. Eddy's story about the apple tree she caused to blossom in mid-winter by simply centering her thought upon it. Mone ever saw it but herself and she never offered to blossom out another tree to substantiate her claim. (The King's Business.) A LITTLE SCRAP BUT NOTHING TO IT The Christian Scientists do believe in matter after all, — and behold how great a fire a little financial fire hath kindled. The estate of Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy is reported to have been robbed of from $25,000 to $30,000 a year by some of her followers. There has been a scrap among the trustees, so says a Boston dispatch. The poor lady, by dint of strict economy, the sale of spoona and books, and the conduct of classes in advanced scientific word- juggling, scraped together about two and one-half millions, and now some of the naughty boys who were appointed to look after her interests after she passed over (or under) are fighting in the courts. Shame on you, naughty boys; didn't Mother tell you that money was only an error of mortal mind and now you have gone and spoiled it all by scrapping like other people do who have never been taught that; "there is no matter and God never created matter." It is enough to cause Mother Eddy to rise up from her so-called grave and come back to spank some of you directors for directing attention to this matter which does not exist. Well, never mind, boys, you know what she said — "The nothingness of nothing is nothing" and maybe there is just nothing the matter with the matter after all! — T. C. H. (The King's Business). CHAPTER I. Christian Scientist Replies to Dr. Conant's Criticisms To the Record-Chronicle. In your issue of October 5th appeared some criticisms on Christian Science, by Dr. Conant, which are unfair to Christian Science and to Mrs. Eddy, its founder and discoverer. The quotations which the speaker attrib- utes to Mrs. Eddy are generally not in the language of Mrs. Eddy as given in her works. The unfairness with which most critics of Christian Science strike their blow is recognized by intelligent thinking persons, and conse- quently their criticisms have little weight. The statement that Christian Science is "an ancient philosophy that denies the existence of matter, and a religion that denies every fundamental teaching of the Bible," is wholly false. The truth is, Christian Science teaches nothing in common with any "ancient philosophy," and it is in harmony with all the fundamental teachings —11— of the Bible. Indeed, Christian Scientists look to the spiritual interpreta- tions of the Scriptures for direction and guidance in all things. Mrs. Eddy's teaching in regard to matter is nothing novel or shocking, when looked at intelligently. She refers to it as a human concept, as like- wise she would treat disease, sin, etc. Even physicists do not accept what is termed matter for what it seems; they reduce it to force or energy, and no one is amazed at this theory. That the testimony of the material sense cannot be relied upon for what it tells one, all will readily agree. The horizon and the sky appear to meet out there in the distance, but this is not true. Th© airplane at a great height appears as a small bird, although it is just as large up there as if it were on the ground near the spectator. Christian Science does teach that God is All, the only Creator. "I am the Lord, and there is none else; There is no God beside me." It also teaches tliat God is good; that He is Love, and that He does not cognize evil. "Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity." God's creation, including man made in God's image and likeness, as Christian Sci- ence teaches, is perfect, eternal. "And God saw all that He had made and behold it was very good;" "All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made." Christian Scientists do not deny that sickness and sin exist as sense phenomena, but they do deny that they are real in the sense of being God- ordained; they see them as illusions of the human senses, as false beliefs, and God's law rightly understood, which is the true idea of life, destroys them. There are no contradictions or inconsistencies in Mrs. Eddy's writings to one who understands these writings. The only evidence that these teachings are understood is the ability on the part of the student to heal disease and sin through this understanding. It is cltearly obvious tnen, that any one who has not this healing ability as a result of an understanding of God's Word as interpreted in Christian Science, is not an authorized critic of the sub- ject. Many Bible passages, if not correctly interpreted, would appear to be directly in opposition one to the other. Christian Scientists do not claim to work miracles, as the term miracle ' generally understood; they do, however, claim to heal the sick and reform the sinner by the same means and methods as did the Master. Because the sick n :vr ' r '.ise' up and given a new lease on life without the aid of material remedies, the modus is not regarded as miraculous by Christian Scientists, but is looked upon by them as divinely natural, and as in keeping with the statement of Jesus, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." BRIGMAN C. ODOM. Dallas, Texas, Oct. 16, 1920. CHAPTER II. Dr. Copeland Replies to Christian Scientist's Criticism. To the Record-Chronicle. First of all I wish to say that Dr. Conant was absolutely fair in his ex- posure of Mrs. Eddy's absurdities, as he quoted the exact words from Science and Health, which is the Christian Scientist's key to the Scriptures. ' t-'ave studied Christian Science (so-called) in this country and ot^^f^' and I have this moment before me the often-changed book, Science and Health, copyright 1917. We will let the public judge whether Dr. Conant and I are misrepresenting this cult. Mrs. Eddy did not discover Christian Science — In Christian Science Journal, June, 1887, she says before her visit to Dr. Quimby, in 1862, she kne nothing of the science of mind healing. In Boston Post March 7, 1883, she says, "We made our first experiment in mental healing in 1853." In Re- —12— trospection and Introspection, P. 38, she says, "It was in Massachusetts in February, 1866, that I discovered the Science of definite and metaphysical healing-, which I afterwards named Christian Science." In Science and Health, edition 1875, she says, "We made our first discovery that science mentally applied would heal the sick in 1864." Ei.a-hteen sixty two, 1853, 1866, 1864— which date please? Who discovered Christian Science? As a fake religion, Mrs. Eddy is the sole proprietor and no one disputes her claim, but as a metaphysical healing not one tittle belongs to her. Ac- cording to the decision of the courts, as proceedings are given in the book "Life of Mary Baker Eddy," printed by Doubleday, Page & Co., she stole her stuff from one P. P. Quimby's manuscript, title, "Extracts from Dr. P. P. Quimby" of Maine state healing fame, which system he called Christian Science as far back as 1863. Lawsuits seemed a popular pastime with Mrs. Eddy, but she never won one. The only thing she proved consistently was her inability to tell the truth. Horace Wentworth possesses the Ms. from which Mrs. Eddy copied her doctrine. This was also proved in the suit she made against McClure's Magazine when they so mercilessly exposed her to the American public. Mr. Mesmer, author of mesmerism in Paris inocculated Charles Poyen with his teachings and he came to America in 1836. His followers were A. J. Davis, Fox Sisters, Laroy Sunderland and P. P. Quimby, all of which except Quimby went off into spiritism, and he was imposed upon by Mary Baker Eddy adopting his methods and passing them off as her own. Proof: See McClure's court records. Pscychotherapy is known to be as ancient as the Egyptians and Chald- eans. The Egyptian art of healing by mental suggestions is spoken of by "Eber's Papyrus," which dates back to 1552, B. C. This system of healing was also used by Asclepiades, the well known physician of Rome who "in- duced trance" to perform certain cur^s. Plato called it "m,ind cufe." Pomponatius, Van Hehnont, Fludd and Maxwell and numerous others prac- ticed mental healing. India has always practiced it. The Gnostics of Greece in the second century B. C, claimed to have discovered the "science o^ the un- iverse." If any one doubts these facts I have a library full — come over. The Bible or Science and Health — which? S. H. p. 23 denies the atonement — "One sacrifice, however great, is in- sufficient to pay the debt of sin." Bible, "He put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." Heb. 9:26. S. H., p. 46, "Jesus did not die." Bible, "Christ both died and rose again." Rom. 14:9. S. H., p. 83. "Miracles are impossible in science." Bible, "Many believed on His name when they saw the miracle that he did." John 2:23. S. H., p. 335. "God never created matter." Bible, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1-1. S. H., p. 266. "Man co-exists with God." Bible, "God created man." Gen. 1:27. S. H., p. 291. "Heaven is not a locality." Bible, "I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2. S. PL, p. 280. "Matter is unknown in the infinitude of mind." Bible, "He is the Savior of the body." Eph. 5:23. S. H., p. 280. "Man has a sensationless body." Bible, "She felt in her body that she had been healed." Mk 5:29 S. H., p. 311. "In reality there is no evil." Bible, "Abhor that which is evil." Rom. 12:9. S. H., p. 468. "The soul cannot sin." Bible, "The soul that sinneth it shall die." Ezk. 18:4. S. IL, p. 201. "No final judgment awaits mortals." t^"^^H b^^oilv^^^^^"^^^ ""^^ ^^^ ^"^® ^^ ^^^' ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^is the judg- —13— These are only a few of the multiplied thousands of absolute absurdities of the Eddyites' Bible known as Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures. If anybody in Denton doubts these statements I will be pleased to g-ive page for page and let them read from Science and Health while I quote God's verse in opposition. It is a matter of choosing the Bible given of God or accepting a cult from an ignoramus woman who never graduated from a public school. Why did Christian Scientists all over Los Angeles and elsewhere call physicians thru the flu epidemic? Was it because they had pain in their matter or a conception of what might happen if they relied on their faith in Science? This, is hypocrisy personified, yes, amazing. Mrs. Eddy teaches that God is a principle — not a person. The writer in Monday's Record- Chronicle says C. S. teaches that God is "creator." Creator of what, since paragraph two of said article states plainly that there is no matter? and asks us not to be amazed at the theory. I am amazed at such logic or rather at such twaddle. Odom mentions the fact of an airplane flying thru air. How could there be an airplane if there is no matter? The writer intimates that most people who oppose Christian Science lack intelligence and fair-mindedness. I am just wondering if the pastors of Denton are thought to be ignoramuses by their respective churches because they oppose C. S. If anybody that knows reason from hallucination will be square I can show them almost as many contradictions in Mrs. Eddy's writ- ings as she makes paragraphs. Scientists blow up like bubbles when one throws the light of reason on their arguments. Mrs. Eddy and many of her followers do claim to work miracles and I have their statements to this effect, both by hearing and the printed page. Yes, C. S. does claim to heal the sick and reform the sinner, but Jesus ''raised the dead" and told Nicodemus that "he must be bom from above." John 3:3-5. Why does C. S. claim to work healings like the "master" and tiien relegate that master to the scrap heap of their own silly fancies ? Why not be a clean mental sport? Why put out such dope, friend Odom, that is fairly odorous with inconsistencies that would pain a grammar school essay- ist? Come again. The water is fine. I am rearing to go. I want the public to judge between the truth, the Bible and the C. S. delusion. ANTONIO REILLY COPELAND, Pastor Central Presbyterian Cliurch Denton, Texas, Oct. 19, 1920. CHAPTER III. Mr. Odom Replies to Mr. Copeland To the Record-Chronicle: The article by Dr. Antonio Reilly Copeland, denouncing Christian Science and its discoverer and founder, Mary Baker Eddy, which appeared in the October 19 issue of your paper, was brought to the attention of the v/riter some days ago. On account of other pressing duties it has been im- possible to make an earlier reply. No attempt will be made to answer in detail the assertions of Dr. Cope- land, for what he has written are only assertions, not facts. The declarations of the Denton Critic are based upon Mark Twain's ebullitions on Christian Science and the McClure Magazine articles. To those who are informed it is well known that Mark Twain and the McClure Magazine were both the avow- ed enemies of Christian Science and Mrs. Eddy, and any fair-minded person Vv'ill grant that it is impossible to gain a true estimate of the character and life work of any reformer through that reformer's enemies. The McClure Magazine articles concerning Mrs. Eddy are in no sense true, but wholly unjust and malicious. ThosQ who are interested and wish the truth as to —14— the life and character of Mrs. Eddy are referred to the Life of Mary Baker Eddy by Sibyl Wilbur, now Sibyl Wilbur O'Brien. This book is published by the Concord Publishing Company, New York. The critic says he has studied Christian Science in this country and in other countries. So have infidels read and studied the Bible, but we are sure he would not accept their interpretation of the Bibl'e. For the correct teaching* of Christian Science the inquirer is asked to read the latest revisions of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy and her other works. The correct dates of the several revisions of Science and Health are as follows: 1890, 1804, 1901, 1902, 1906. In these revisions no material changes were made only such re-arrangement of form as seemed expedient and such slight modification of phraseology as would convey a clearer sense of the author's meaning. It is certainly noth- ing to the discredit of an author that his book is revised. Many books un- dergo revision now and then, and no one objects to it. The life of Mrs. Eddy just referred to and all her other works may be read in Christian Science Reading Rooms, wherever Christian Scientists are organized as churches or societies, or they may be purchased at the same places. There is nothing in common between Christian Science and mesmerism. In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy devotes one whole chapter to denouncing Mesmer's theory. In this chapter she makes the distinct cleavage between the workings of the unbridled human will or mesmerism and the prayer of faith or spiritual understanding. It is impossible, therefore, that Christian Science could have been discovered by Phineas P. Quimby, who was the dis- ciple of Mesmer and that Mrs. Eddy stole her teachings from Quimby, as the critic avers. It is true that Mrs. Eddy did enter some suits at law, when it was just and right to do so, but so far as the writer's memory serves him, she was Victorious in every case in which she was a party. It was necessary for her to appeal to the law to protect her copyrights. In the "next friend's" suit a few years prior to her passing the decision was in Mrs. Eddy's favor. Her will was contested in the courts and the contestants lost on every point. Any logical thinker detects at once the futility of the attempt to give one a clear idea of any subject by quoting detached sentences here and there from its text book. This method is unfair and misleading. Such is the manner of criticism our brother has made on Christian Science. The charge of the Reverend Mr. Copeland that "the only thing that Mrs. Eddy proved consistently v/as her inability to tell the truth" is as unkind and cruel as it is untrue; and that the epithet "ignoramus," as applied to a woman of Mrs. Eddy's intellect and dignity is unfitting and ill-ciiosen is shov/n by the fol- lowing testimonial of the Reverend Enoch Corser, who for many years was pastor of the Congregational Church at Tilton, New Hampshire, of which church Mrs. Eddy was a member. Speaking of Mrs. Eddy when she was a girl, he said that she was "bright, good and pure, aye, brilliant." He fur- ther said, "I never before had a pupil with such depth and independence of thought. She has some great future; mark that. She is a natural and spirit- ual genius." Speaking of her early studies, Mrs. Eddy writes, in Retrospection and Introspection: "At ten years of age I was as familiar with Lindley Murray's Grammar as v/ith the Westminster Catechism, and the latter I had to repeat every Sunday. My favorite studies were Natural Philosophy, Logic and Moral Science. From my brother, Albert, I received lessons in tlie ancient tongues. Hebrew, Greek and Latin. In First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, she says: "All my father's daughters were given an academic education sufficiently advanced so that all taught school acceptably at va- rious times and places. My brother Albert, was a distinguished lawyer. In ; addition to my academic training I was privately tutored by him. He was a —15— member of the New Hampshire Legislature and was nominated for Congress but died before the election." The following editorial comments show the veneration and regard felt toward Mrs. Eddy by the unbiased, unprejudiced thinkers of her day. Speak- ing of her the Baltimor(^ Sun says: "Her place in history as one of the really extraordinary women of her day, is secure." The Philadelphia Public Ledger states: "To create such a church and to inspire a following so numerous and so devoted, Mrs. Eddy must have been a woman of altogether extraordinary personal endowments." The Chicago Tribune writes: "Mrs. Eddy has not swept into her church myriads of the unthinking and unedu- cated. On the contrary her teachings have appealed to the higher classes, and the level of character of the Christian Scientists is every where high. Many more such statements from the press might be given, evidencing the high esteem in which Mrs. Eddy was held by her contemporaries. BRIGMAN C. ODOM. Dallas, Texas, Nov. 2, 1920. CHAPTER IV. Mr. Copeland Again Replies to Mr. Odom. Nov. 8, 1920. To the Record-Chronicl.e. Thanks to the American turn of mind which does not accept pleasing, pious, ponderous platitudinous sophistries for facts without investigation or at least some reasonable line of argument for a religion whose author claims divine revelation even tho her divine writings were often revised. Mrs. Eddy repeatedly claimed divine inspiration. Does God need a revision ? If not then Mrs. Eddy did need to revise her writings and did it each time to her own liking. Mr. Odom himself admitting this fact — accidently. Revelation cannot be improved upon. If God gave Mrs. Eddy C. S. as she emphatically declared, don't you see that every revision made reflects on God's character? My Bible tells me that God is unchangeable, Mai. 3:6, and that Christ my Savior, is also unchangeable, Heb. 13:8. Why blindly follow a book that the author saw fit to change at will? The Bible needs no revision. Isa. 40:8. The writer attempts to divert the readers' minds from the facts by say- ing that he would not attempt to answer in detail the "assertions" of Dr. Copeland, when I gave authority for everything that I wrote. Does Mr. Odom back up a single statement by facts in either of his ar- ticles? Well, I am willing to let the public judge. First of all Mr. Odom blunders about Mark Twain's writing. I quoted nothing from him. Second, he denies court procedure and cries "enemy." Tins reminds me of Pat's crying in court, crying because he was afraid the Judge would give him justice. Is it persecution to tell the truth? Mr. Odom says that you cannot get a true estimate of a reformer thru their enemies when everybody knows that I gave Mrs. Eddy's own words from her divine (?) book revision extra. Sybil Wilbur's book on Mrs. Eddy is recommended by Mr. Odom. I am wondering if he isn't a bit like the old farmer that put on green spectacles and then thot his wife and child- ren had all turned green, because he was looking at them from a hig)hly colored view-point. Yes, I have studied C. S. here and elsewhere and I have also studied what infidels say about the Bible and I reject what they say along with what Mrs. Eddy and her devotees say, for both reject the Christ of the Bible and the atonement made for man's sin by the Christ of the Bible, S. H. p. 23. "One sacrifice, however great, is insufficient to pay the debt of sin." See Heb. 9:26. Anyway what did Mrs. Eddy ever reform? Most of her followers —16— are ex-church members. A true church makes its own converts. A false church steals them. C. S. claims to make her followers very happy and largely free from the ordinary ills of life. They all get angry when you argue with them, and if you get the best of it thru facts they cry persecution. As to sickness — I have been with them on the Atlantic, Mediterranean and English Channel and we all leaned over the rails alike to feed the sharks. Probably it was to them — just mind — but it sounded like "matter" to the ordinary un- initiated, matter of fact sort of a chump like myself. Mr. Odom says my statements concerning Mrs. Eddy as a reformer are unjust and malicious and in no sense true, yet he hasn't the courage or rather lacks the brain or facts in the case to disprove one thing said about her. I have the very latest revision of Science and Health to which Mr. Odom refers— saying one could get a correct view of her teaching in it. Well, here goes— 1917 model with 1906 revision, self-starter, plus a tail light, minus back fire with keenest patent on revelation. Marriage: Mrs. Eddy teaches that Generation Without Marriage Is Possible in Science. S. H. p. 68. "Pro- portionately as human generation ceases the unbroken links of eternal har- nionius being will be spiritually discerned." Christ says that marriage is the foundation of society. See Math. 19:3-6. Again Mrs. Eddy says on p. 64, "Until it is learned that God is the Father of all, marriage will continue." Christian Science teaches that mar- riage is "synonymous with legalized lust." See Christian Science Sentinel, June 16, 1906, also Christian Science Journal, July, 1906. Mrs, Eddy seemed to have enjoyed the lust experience as she was thrice married. Two of her hubbys died or rather thot they died and took a celestial vacation and to date have not returned. One of her husbands, an itinerant dentist, Mr. Patterson, beat it while the beating was good, and gave Mrs. Eddy a divorce before she changed her mind, for fear she might back out. So far as I know, no mar- riage has ever been solemnized in a Christian Science church. Mrs. Eddy calls children "sensual and mortal beliefs." P. 561, 75th edition revised. This is an insult to every virtuous mother in Denton and in all the world. Again this "fake" reformer says: "Until it is learned that generation rests on no sexual basis, let marriage continue." P. 274, 75th edition revised. Can anybody show greater blasphemy in any heathen religion than in Christian Science so-called? In 1890, Mrs. Woodbury, a noted follower of Mrs. Eddy, gave birth to a son which she claimed was a result of an Immaculate Conception therefore an exemplification of Mrs. Eddy's theory of "mental generation " Mrs Woodbury made the son call her husband "Frank." She named the child Prince of Peace" and baptized him at Ocean Point, Maine, in a pool which she called Bethsaida. Later Mrs. Eddy and Mrs. Woodbury fell out as no one got on well with Mrs. Eddy very long. The whole thing was exposed. It developed that Mrs. Eddy taught that "women could become mothers by a supreme effort of their own minds." God deliver American homes from such teachin"- This is a charming doctrine for respectful people to accept isn't it? "Christian Science as a Philosophy" never passed the kinderp-arten stage For instance, "Cold" Mrs. Eddy says is a "thing of the imagination." P. 78, 164th edition. Why did she wear furs ? "Thirst " she says "is only imaginary." P. 383, 164th edition. Why did she drink? "Sight" she says "is not a thing of the eve; the eye is a delusion rnd its disease a vain imagination." P. 250, 164th edition. Why did she v/ear glasses? Hold Your Breath — She says "Christian Science is warranted to "grow teeth at ninety." P. 143, 164th edition. Who paid her dentist bills? "Food," she declares, "neither strengthens nor weakens the body." P 118 lt;4th edition. I wonder why she ate three squares daily. Absurdity personified— Listen, she declares that C. S. is able to replace —17— a man's lost leg, "not with an artificial one, but with a genuine one." P. 4S5, 164th edition. Personally, this sounds more like the ravings of a lunatic than knowledge coming from one whom Mr. Odom says could read Greek, Latin, Hebrew, etc. She says there is no power in a drug but only in the belief about the drug. P. 177, 164th edition. Why should strychnine kill a dog that has no belief about such matter? Mark Twain, Bill Nye and Josh Billings at their best never excelled Ma Eddy's writings as a specimen of horse play joking. Much of the "Glossary" in Science and Health would furnish suitable material for a comic paper, yet Christian Scientists commit it to memory as tho it were valuable knowledge, Mr. Odom included among them. If Mr. Odom's article wasn't so much like "Aunt Mandy's Spectator" which proved to be a "rotten potato." I would unravel more of his potato bed. Now as to whether I am unkind, and cruel and untrue in calling Mrs. Ilddy an "ignoramus" as Mr. Odom accuses me of being, I will let the public decide in the light of facts — not "hot air." Now as to proof so called — cited by Mr. Odom concerning Mrs. Eddy's belated dignity and postmortem learning, I will say that if people can swallow such bunco as she put out and as- I have quoted from her writings, giving page, etc., then it should be no trouble for the Chronicle Editor to prove consistently that "hell is an iceberg." It is certain that Mrs. Eddy never studied logic or else she failed to give any evidence of it in her writings. Judging the logic of her defenders it is still an unknown text among her devotees. Truth seems scarce and hon- esty at a premium when facts are wantonly ignored, such as have been given in Chronicle concerning this spurious religious cult. You cannot judge a cult by its founder. If so Mrs. Eddy compared with Mohammed is a pigmy. Edu- cation doesn't win salvation. Salvation is by grace, Eph. 2:8-9. "The world by wisdom knew not God." 1 Cor, 1:21. Christianity is the only true religion, because it is the only religion that bases its claim of acceptance on the "resurrection of its founder — Christ." Mrs. Eddy is dead but she hasn't risen from the dead yet, neither has Moham- med, Confucius or any others. If there is occasion to write again I shall be j.ieased to expose C. S. on the basis of Science and see whether it is Scien- tific as we have clearly seen that it is wholly unbiblical, unchristian and un- philosophical. In conclusion I suggest that Mr. Odom read Job. 15:2, "Shall a wise man utter vain knowledge and fill his belly with the east wind?" A. REILLY COPELAND, Pastor, Central Presbyterian Church. CHAPTER V. Replies to Criticisms of Christian Science To the Record-Chronicle. DALLAS, Texas, November 15, 1920. — Thanks are due the Denton critic of Christian Science and of Mrs. Eddy for his application of the term "pious" to our reply to his last attack. Since piety is the order of things his minis- terial labors are intended to promote, it must be gratifying to the minister that even a Christian Scientist has manifested this much-coveted quality of divine intelligence. Piety implies the absence of cheap wit, vitriolic abuse, slang phrases, ridicule, and, as it were, "playing to the galleries" in a dis- course on religious questions. It was practiced by Mrs. Eddy, and also en- joined upon her followers in these statements: "If you are stoned from the pulpit, say in your heart as the devout St. Stephen said: 'Lord, lay not this sin to their charge' "(1900 Message, p. 14). "However despitefully used —18— and misrepresented by the churclies or the press, in return employ no vio- lent invective, and do good unto your enemies Vv^hen the opportunity occurs" (Manual, p. 41). Mrs. Eddy lived the spirit of these words, thereby ex- emplifying ii "salvation that is by grace." Christian Scientists never at- tack, either from their pulpits or through the press, the religious teachings of their neighbors, but are willing that all theories in regard to God be put to the test of demonstration and rise or fall on their own merit. Religious sects of today, in their attitude toward each, other, might profitably exercise the spirit of tolerance expressed by the Pharisee Gamaliel in the first cen- tury. Speaking of the teaching of our Master, he said, "If this counsel, or this work be of men, it will come to naught, but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it." Christian Science accepts the Bible teaching that God is unchangeable, yea, without "shadow of turning" (James 1:17); that God is Truth (Deut. 32:4). Mrs. Eddy says, in Science and Health, p. 109, "The revelation of Truth in the understanding came to me gradually, and apparently through divine power." Because this Truth unfolded to Mrs. Eddy gradually it was necessary for her to revise her book in order to give accurate expression to this clearer concept of Truth, God. God does not change, nor does His truth, but mortals do gain spiritually clearer views of Him by utilizing His truth in healing sickness and sin in Christ's name. It was this clearer knowledge of God that Mrs. Eddy was constantly striving to reveal to a suffering, sin- sick world as a panacea for its woes. That the world recognized its need for an interpretation of Jesus' teaching that would heal the sick, is shown by the reception the world has given to the Christian Science text-book so rid- iculed by our friend. In spite of (or perhaps on account of) criticism from the pulpit of the nature of those recently appearing in the columns of the Record-Chronicle, the text-book of Christian Science has the largest circula- tion of any book in the world except the Bible. It has been translated into German and French, and has a wide circulation in Germany and France; it is to be found in the public libraries of the principal cities, colleges and universities of America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Greece, Japan, India and China; in the Oxford University and Victoria Institute; in the Academy of Greece, and in the Vatican at Rome; it is also to be found in state prisons everywhere. Its influence is already observed on the sermons, Sunday School and literature of every country where the teaching is dis- seminated. This wide circulation of Science and Health is due to the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have been healed of so-called incurable diseases and vicious habits through the understanding and application of its teachings. Jesus said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." In Science and Health, p. 110, Mrs. Eddy writes: "No human pen nor tongue taught me the Science contained in this book. Science and Health, and neither tongue nor pen can overthrow it." Christian Scientists are con- stantly having proofs of the truth of these words. Every uncalled-for as- sault, such as the one in question upon Christian Science, serves to awaken an interest in its teachings, redounds to the good of the cause, in that it cr.uses fair-minded people to desire a consecutive reading of a world-famed book, which critics are endeavoring to overthrow by superficial criticism. If the book were not transforming the religious thought of the era these efforts would not be made to drown its message with the dragon's roar. Sibyl Wilbur'3 viewpoint, in writing the Life of Mrs. Eddy, was entirely unbiased. She was not interested in Christian Science when beginning her research for the facts concerning Mrs. Eddy, but through learning these facts became so impressed by the remarkable character of its founder that she became a devout student of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy has given the facts concerning her own life in an autobiography entitled "Restrospection and Introspection." Thes3 two sources of information have as yet not been utilized by our critic, who has seemed to prefer a source antagonistic to Christian Science (McClure's Magazine) for his so-called data. Those who —19— wish the true historj' of Mrs. Eddy are referred to these two books. Christian Scientists do not proselyte; they make no effort to gain mem- bers from other churches. They only strive to live godly, Christian lives, gaining by degrees greater immunity from sickness and sin than they have known before. If by this means their friends become interested to know the cause of their transformed lives they gladly share with these friends the good news of the healing Christ. If two farmers have adjoining pastures, one of which is well kept, green and inviting, while the other is barren, poorly watered and sere, surely the farmer with the poor grazing should not con- demn his neighbor if his own cows should break the fence to enjoy the neighbor's better-kept pasture. Christian Scientists do not claim complete immunity from sickness or sin; they claim merely that Christian Science has made them better physically and morally than they were before learning and applying its truths. The grounds upon which Mrs. Eddy procured the divorce from Dr. Pat- terson was adultery. I have read the affidavit of a man with whom Dr. Pat- terson boarded after the divorce, in which the man states that Dr. Patterson always spoke of his wife as a pure Christian woman, saying that the cause of the separation was v/holly his fault, and that if he had lived rightly he could have had a pleasant, happy home. The purpose of the chapter on marriage in Science and Health is to lift haman thought to a more spiritual sense of marriage relation, in which the spiritual dominates the animal, thereby producing an improved progeny, greater chastity, purity, health and harmony in homes, greater fidelity to the marriage covenant, lessening the frequency of divorce and bringing about a greater stability in society. Surely no one would deny that there are cir- cumstances in v/hich marriage is synonymous vv'ith legalized lust, such con- ditions being largely responsible for the horrible home relations sometimes existing, and the divorce scourge menacing our nation. In regard to the Woodbury matter, these are the facts: On nccount of Mrs. Woodbury's claim and experience she was sternly rebuked by Mrs. Eddy and excommunicated from the Christian Science church. In Science and Health, p. 68, Mrs. Eddy says: "The perpetuation of the floral species by bud or cell division is evident, but I discredit the belief that agamogenesis applies to the human species." And again, on page 57, ''Marriage is the legal and moral provision for generation among human kind." Christian Scientists wear furs, have fires, eat, drink, go to dentists when necessary just like other people. This does not at all conflict with Christian Science teaching, inasmuch as the truths of Christian Science are demon- strated by degrees. One does not expect a< pupil in the rudiments of the science of mathematics to solve problems in Euclid^ neither should the be- ginner in Science of Life, God, be expected to demonstrate all of this Science in a day. In Science and Health, p. 254, we read: "To stop eating, drinking, or being clothed materially before the spiritual facts of existence are gained step by step, is not legitimate." Christian Scientists are grateful for having less fear of food, air, water, exposure, germs, for better digestion, for being able to take less thought for their body, what they shall put on, etc., in consequence of the little they have learned so far of the Science of Life, and rejoice in the hope of greater free- dom in the day of perfect understanding. "It would be foolish," writes Mrs. Eddy, on page 388 of Science and Health, "to venture beyond our present un- derstanding, foolish to stop eating until we gain perfection and a clear com- prehension of the living Spirit." The charge of our friend that both Mrs. Eddy and lier devotees reject "the Christ of the Bible" and the atonement made for nrm's si!i h\r "tho Christ of the Bible," is fully answered throughout all Mrs. Eddy's writings. These statements alone in Science and Health, page 497, stron'.^fy refut- the critic's contention, on the points just mentioned: "We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; —20— the PToly Ghost of divine Comforter; and man in God's image and likeness." "We acknowledge Jesus' atonement as the evidence of divine, efficacious Love, unfolding man's unity vi'ith God through Christ Jesus the Way-shower; ?nd we acknowledge that man is saved through Christ, through Truth, Life and Love as demonstrated by the Galilean Prophet in healing the sick and overcoming sin and death." The names Christ, Jesus, Jesus the Christ, and Christ Jesus are honored by all Christian Scientists, and they accept the teachings of the Christ as given in the Bible and endeavor to put them into practice daily. BRIGMAN C. ODOM, 606 American Exchange Bldg., Dallas, Texas. CHAPTER VL Christian (?) Science vs. Piety and Common Sense To the Record-Chronicle. Denton, Texas, December 3, 1920. Once upon a time a "pious" possum bit a green persimmon which proved to be neither savor nor savory to his gustatory saliva, hence his indulgent wife humored his feeble whims to an abnormal degree, thus prolonging brother Possum's peeved disposition into a state of sull, giving to us the old proverbial "playing possum." The world war gave us a new version of playing possum and called it "camouflage." We have always had "moral camouflage" and "religious camouflage." The Pharisees gave us a demonstration of the latter and called it "piety." Everybody knows however that their "pretended piety" was double barrel hypocrisy. Now comes along a modern pharisaical bugler playing a syncopated, hypnotizing, mesmerzing, minor wail rag-time which we will call "Odam's Pious Goosestep." This reminds me of Pat and Mike. Pat knew Mike was a "great good MON" because he admitted it so freely. Christian Scientists as a rule must be "very pious" since Odom himself is shouting it from the house- top thru the press. Talk about "playing to the galleries" if this isn't "gallery stuff" with exclusive rights I have missed my guess. Mr. Odom squirms over the fact of my failure to take Christian Science and its founder seriously. To be consistent as a minister I must necessarily take the whole thing as a joke since none of them are consistent only in in- consistency. To practice and teach Mrs. Eddy's writings one would neces- sarily be compelled to do "cork screw" reasoning. However I do not blame her devotees since everything to them is "all mind" and no matter. It is perfectly safe to wager on this fact namely — that Christian Scientists do not have a corner on the "mind market" Ma Eddy not excepted, even tho she and her followers do claim "divine intelligence," "supreme piety," "extreme happiness," "patent revelation" and other wares. By the way I notice on page 8 of The Dallas' Morning News, Nov. 30, that Christian Science leaders are still waging an old warfare among them- selves over so-called international control of Church. If my memory serves me correctly this "pious row" all started over a little old "matter" known to the uninitiated as plain dollars and cents. In other words this lawsuit which is now raging in Boston seems to date back over a number of years and is all over Mrs. Eddy's vast estate which she garnered together in her life time from the gullible that paid her so dearly for little bits of kindness, healing advice, etc. Said healing and advicei o'f course emanating from Mrs. Eddy's pious heart solely as a result of her mag- nanimous spirit. Evidently this big law suit will cause a slump in the C S '•piety" market. —21— Doc Odom reminds me that "piety implies the absence of cheap wit, vitrolic abuse, slang phrases and ridicule." May I also remind him that "piety" is at least a positive virtue and certainly implies the truth and in- telligent consistency to say nothing of devout reverence for God. We will turn on the light and see whether Christian Science is pious, truthful, con- sistent, or even kind and benevolent. Now don't back up on your leader, friend Odom. You quoted Mrs. Eddy as saying "do good unto your enemies when opportunity occurs." Did she do it? Let's see what a charming angel Ma Eddy was in "doing good" unto her enemies and other lovey dovey stunts attributed to her by the Dallas Practitioner in his attempt to divert the truth from the public eye. Everyone that ever incurred Mrs. Eddy's displeasure became a marked victim of her evil machinations. Her entire history shows her up as a tyrant when her will was conflicted by another. Some moral leader she was. She was incor- rigble as a girl both in her home and in the public school which she- never finished. To give proof as I go, your attention is hereby called to Mrs. Eddy's "mental assassination" theory. She says "One of the greatest crimes prac- ticed in, or known to the ages is mental assassination and declares that any person who practices it should be hung or electrocuted. After calling this one of the greatest crimes of the ages Mrs. Eddy brings just damnation upon herself by stooping to practice this very thing — See Christian Science Journal, Feb., 1889, in which she says, "The time has come for instructing human justice so that these secret criminals shall tremble before the omnipotent finger that points them out to the human executioner." This is a sample of Eddy "piety," Eddy "kindness" and Eddy "consis- tency." This is great moral stuff for sensible people to tolerate. A person would have to wear moral shock absorbers to accept such a lovely doctrine as "assassination" in any form, to say nothing of both accepting and defending the originator of the so-called mental assassination theory. Anyway where is the Christian spirit in such belief? Did Mrs. Eddy learn murder from Christ? It appears to me that she got a dose of Satan instead of a bless- ing from Christ. Christian Scientists seem to know so little about the doc- trine which they preach and pretend to practice, to say nothing of their abso- lute ignorance of the Bible, I feel it my duty to be perfectly frank with them r.rid the public and raise the lid a little higher on this much vaunted system of pretended religious healing. Listen — Mrs. Eddy says. "It was years after we were personally attacl:- cd before w^e taught our students self-defense." This so-called "self 'd?fense" consists in hurling back upon the enemy whatever he is attempting by mental power to inflict upon his victim, whether it be cancer, consumption or any other foul disease, This doctrine has only one sequel in history. I refer you to the German atrocities in the late war. The Bible says, "return p-ood for evil." Did Eddy do it? Where did she get this* doctrine ? Evidently from Satan whom she denies. The worst is yet to come. Mrs. Eddy gathered her students about her in the parlor after meals and mentally took up the enemy treatin*/ them so as to cause their "old beliefs" (former diseases) to return and prostrate them. For example she would say. "Treat Kennedy" (one of her former friends and practicing partners). "Say to him your 'sins have found you out. You are affected as you wish to affect me. Your evil thourrhts react upon vou. You are bilious, you are consumptive, you have "liver trouble. You have b'^en poisoned by arsenic." Just to show you further into the heart of this dear idol of the Eddyit^^ m order that you may see her pretended "piety" tho professed by her and advertised for her as real by all of her admirers, I call vour attention to the followmg facts. Mrs. Eddy had a row with D. TI. Spofford which resulted in a law suit over some tuition, she claimed he was due her for teaching him (domg good to him?). She also brought suit against Mr. Spofford" as a —22— practitioner of "Malicious Animal Man-netism" but the jud<;-e threw out the Ci'se. Failing- in this she fired "mental bullets" at Spofford. These "mental bullets'' failing- to hurl disease into the invulnerable Spofford she it seems at least attempted to murder him outright. Whether Mrs. Eddy was implicated or not I cannot say. Her husband, Asa G. Eddy, was indicted for conspiracy to murder the said D. H. Spofford. Any one can procure a copy of this in- dictment from the court records, reading- that with E. J. Ahrens, he "hired one, James L. Sar^:ent, for a certain sum to-v/it: five hundred dollars" to kill and murder the said D. H. Spofford. Some "piety" this is. A great family record also for such celebrities. Odom plays martyr role for Mrs. Eddy and compares her with Stephen by quoting her as saying when persecuted, "Lord lay not this sin to tjheir charge." What nonsense and absurdity. Note the inconsistency of her saying, "lay not this sin to their charge" in one place and then hear her openly deny the existence of sin in another place. She says, "Man is incapable of sin." See Science and Health, page 475, Ed. 1904. Mrs. "Piety" at least ought to value "truth" enough as to not contradict herself on almost every page of her divine book which Odom says was "gradually" revealed to her and then revised it as the author saw fit. "This is Revelation a La Carte Eddy." The fact is, Mr. Odom, your book "Science and Health" must have been in an av/ful mess when first dished out to Ma Eddy. If she revised it all these years as you say and then it is still full of absurdities as I am showing in all my articles then there is only one conclusion, Mrs. Eddy got her book from the Devil instead of by "gradual revelation" from God". And even if she got her stuff from the Devil he certainly must have been on a drunk and not up to his usual standard for even Christ credits Satan with being a "consis- tent liar." See John 8:44. La la, Mrs. Eddy and friend Odom, you will never make me believe such bunco as contained in Science and Health. If you would teach reverence for God and bless the world in a permanent way first remem- ber this one thing, TRUTH never has to apologize for inconsistency, REVEL- ATION needs no revision. Odom claims Christian Scientists never attack from their pulpits or thru the press the religious teachings of their neighbors in their theories about God. Well you knov/ the Kaiser played that kind of a role. He v.hispered "brother," "peace," "disarmament, etc.," twelve years before 1914. Let's see whether or not Christian Scientists are calm and peaceful wnth their neighbors and never attack their views of God. First of all Odom says Science and Health lias the widest circulation in the world outside the Bible. Will you please note what this^ wonderful book of theirs says about Godi 'God IS not a person. Principle and idea are one and this one is God. God IS an impersonal being. God is divine principle." This out Herods Herod. It is a direct attack upon the Christian's God. 11} is an absolute insult to Christianity for an ignoramus woman of Ma Eddy's caliber to make such blasphemous statements denying the personailtv of God. And worse still, for her followers to come along and pretend thev never attack others from' their pulpita or thru their press, when everybody knows that Christian Scientists are working night and day to propagate just such rottenness as I have mentioned— namely— attempting to make God a sort of a "blessed nobody." Friend, if this is the best argument you have you had better re- cuperate your stock or blow off the hounds. For Mr. Odom's enlightenment, I will tell him a few ways resorted to bv Christian Scientists in attacking Christianity. First of all they beo-in by finding fault with the Church, the ministers, the doctors and humanity in general. As most of them are ex-church members they first be^-in to earn their "ex" by ceasing to attend the regular church services and of course the mid-week meeting was "ex-ed" long since. As soon as they get a mental ballast of C. S. then they begin to work on the members of their families- neighbors preferred— and church member neighbors especially. Say, Odom, —23— come clean now and shell out the corn, is it not a fact that you used to belong to an evang-elical denomination as a church member? I have had several Christian Scientists to attempt to intimidate me from lecturing on Eddyism by threatening- severe measures. One 200 pounder once threatened to mop up the dust if I made certain statements about C. S. Well the statements were made and rubbed in and I never lost any dust outside the bath tub. The Lord called me to preach the gospel, fight sin, (not sinners) and expose false religions. I have no personal grudge against any Christian Scientist in the world; I love their souls. I do however abomi- nate the system of Eddyism which is blinding people to Jesus Christ as an atoning savior by blood for their sin sick souls. I was lecturing in a little town once on Eddyism and an Eddyite was present and she created such a disturbance that her own husband threatened to take her out of the house. In the presence of some of my audience she said, "It's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie," about everything that was being said, but her "mental bullets" failed to penetrate, as the Lord gave the speaker unusual liberty that day. Christian Science is absolutely unfair as a system of healing. I with many others know of case after emse where G. S. devotees meddled with Doctors' patients by telling the patients not to take medicine. One of the saddest men I almost ever met was recently in an oil city. IThis gentleman had lost his wife and he told me that nothing in the world cause it but a lot of C. S. fanatics in Kansas City where his wife was supposed to be in the hospital. These C. S. folk talked her out of taking the medicine and auto- intoxication set up which caused her death. The hospital was not responsible because the C. S. coaxed her away. And they were getting all the money they could for their services. My attention was also called once to a lady of my audience whose sister was in one of the large insane asylums of New \ ork' state as a direct result of going "nutty" over Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy claimed to have made cures of cancer, tuberculosis and other incurable maladies but she never did prove one case. Neither can Odom or any other Scientists show a case of any consequence where C. S. healed them. Any nut can see why Christian Scientists boost their healing wares so much — there is money in it for the healers. (Practitioners so-called). As a religion Christian Science denies every fundamental doctrine of Christianity. For instance Eddy says the Trinity "suggests heathen Gods," S. H. page 256, Ed. 1902. She denies the Holy Spirit "The comforter I understand to be Divine Science" S. H. p. 55, Ed. 1902. She denies sin, "Soul cannot sin." S. H. p. 468. She denies the forgiveness of sin. "Sin is not forgiv- en; we cannot escape its penalty," S. H. p. 311, 75th Ed. revised. This brilliant roasoner turns right around then and says "No final judgment awaits mortals," S. H. p. 291, Ed. 1902. She denies Christ's resurrection, "Jesus' students not sufficiently advanced to understand their Master's Triumph did not perform any wonderful works until they saw Him after His crucifixion and learned that He had not died." S. H. p. 45. Eddy says, "A lie is all the Satan there- is." S. H. p. 84, 85, Ed. 1902. She says, "God never created matter." S. H. p. 335, Ed. 1902. She denies man's creation. "Man co-exists with God." S. H. p. 266, Ed. 1902. She denies the second coming of Christ. "The second coming of Christ is unquestionably the spiritual advent of the advancing' idea of God in Christian Science." — Autobiography, p. 76. The Bible says, "This same Jesus shall so come again in like manner as ye have seen him go." Acts 1:11. Christ's second coming does not mean Christian Science nor the Holy Spirit because Paul and John both tell us that He is coming — and this a long time after the event of Pentecost. See 2 Tim. 4:1; Pleb. 9:28; 1 John 2:28; 3:2, 3; Rev. 1:7; Rev. 22:12, 20. Christian Science absolutely denies the "deity of Christ" because they cater to orthodox Jews and everybody knows that Jews are Christ rejectors as well as many Gentiles. Nobody has to accept Jesus as supreme Lord to join the C. S. church hence you see their sham in pretending to believe iii Jesus and the Bible that condemns their hollow system. —24— SLakk-^ Christianity is the only true reli^-ion because it is the only relioion that bases its claim of acceptance on the resurrection of Christ. Christ's resur- rection is the climax proof of His deity, hence no man can be a true Christian iicceptable to God, unless he has accepted Christ, as his risen Lord. How can A Christian Scientist accept Christ and the Bible and hold to Science and Health at the same time when that book flatly denies Christ's resurrection? See page 45. It also denies Christ's atonement, see page 23. Christ's atone- ment and resurrection are inseparable. The Bible everywhere teaches Christ's death for sin. His resurrection for power in life and service. See Rom 4:25: 5:10, 11. 2 Cor. 5:21. In the light of these facts Odom is either wholly ignorant of the Bible and Science and Health or else he is guilty of hypocrisy even beyond the ex- pression of Shakespeare. I take the more charitable view and refer you to his last article as proof of his ignorance of God's word. Any system of religion that leaves out Christ's atonement (all do but Christianity) is un- v/orthy of the Christian because it seeks to undermine Christianity. No sys- tem IS more guilty of this than Eddyism, hence my deliberate exposure of it. All the statements I have given from Science and Health are only ai few links in the long chain of contradictions. Not only does Eddy contra- dict the Bible, philosophy, true science and reason, but she contradicts her- self over and over. The only conclusioi^ is she was an incurably insane v/oman or else she was the greatest deceiver that has marked the world's history. Facts show the latter view. Odom seeks to explain these absurd contradictions by saying that God revealed "gradually" His will to Mrs. Eddy, hence her revisions. May I ask why all these contradictions I have mentioned are in her revised volume also ? The fact is, I have quoted almost all of her statements from her latest revision, I see no difference in any of her rubbish. When any person attempts to defend such trash, the result is inevitable. They can only make them- selves ridiculous to right thinking people. Yes friend, Mrs. Eddy's revelation did come so "very gradual" that it seems to have slipped thru her mind like sand m the sun dial. "Gradually" slipped away entirely. Yes dear, it seems very "gentle and gradual" like teacher like pupils (practitioners). Yes Mrs. Eddy is heralded as an angel of mercy bv all of her dupes. She seemed so anxious to help (?) a "sin sick world." I am" wondering why she charg- ed the "sin sick" world at the rate of $300.00 for 12 lessons. Later cutting the lessons down to 7 but didn't cut the price a penny. She says "God im- pelled me to set a price on Christian Science. I was led to name $300 00' as the price for each pupil. I shrunk from asking it but was finally led by a sirange Providence to accept this fee." Just imagine this bird shrinking from asking this price. Imagine again if you can, what an awful time God had in coaxing this fake reformer to accept the price. He fixed $42 per lesson. Who led her to name the first price? If God did, why did He twice change His mind to the value of the information. Blasuhemy! Rank deception! M:rs. Eddy claimed to have taught 4,000 pupils in 7 years. Well at $300 per pupil she realized the handsome sum of $1,200,000. No won- der she stuck on the job. This reminds me of Charles Ponzi's "get rich' ouick" scheme in Boston. Ponzi got 5 years over the road. Mrs. Eddy raved on. The world has always been more lenient with women grafters than with men. Practically all of the leading cults of today were found- ed by women. They appeal especially to women and many "petty coat" men. Some good people have been entangled in Christian Science. I prav the Lord for their deliverance. Mr. Odom you say that Mrs. Eddy like Jesus blessed a "sin sick" world. May I ask you a direct question. Did Jesus ever* make a charge for heal- ing a single soul? If not then why did Ma Eddy stick on such exorbitant fees? In what way did Mrs. Eddy exemplify the Master'' Name one please. As a holy practitioner of a Divine (?) Science why do you stick —25— the price on your visits so much per blessing? You say Mrs. Eddy exemp- lified salvation by grace, then why do you and all of her followers exemp- lify salvation (healing) by cash? How long would you continue to per- form your so-called wonderful healing and blessing if it did not pay .big dividends? Suppose I was stranded in Dallas, dead broke with a pain in my "saw dust" and should send for you with this explanation — would you come? Oh boy! I would prefer a gasfitter outright. Any way how can you claim to be like Jesus ini your little so-called healings and charge a fee if Jesus did not? Why do Christian Scientists knock on Medical Doctors and then send for these doctors in cases of childbirth, pneumonia, influ- e/iza, typhoid, contagion, broken limbs and other ailments that require 'real science" instead of "fake science" practitioners for instance? If you are at all sincere Mr. Odom in what you believe you will answer these questions in detail. The public would like to know these things. When Mrs. Eddy first started out she advertised on a "no cure no pay'* basis. Of course this plan was not profitable. She switched to a "pay in advance" basis. Since then all of her following little "toy practitioners" seem to have caught those little old "silver dust germs." As your last article says "By their fruits ye shall know them." It seems that there are very few C. S. foot prints under a poor fruit tree (poor folk). Oh consis- tency thou are a jewel most precious. Christian Scientists do not cater to the poor. Christ did. See Luke 4:18. If Christian Scientists are so Christ-like, good, merciful, benevolent and kind may I ask you some questions that the public would like to know? Where are your orphan's homes, insane asylums, homes for aged, schools for poor, schools for blind, hospifajs, charity boards, or any other kind of benevolent institution? Name one please. If you are not a "four flusher" you will be glad to answer these questions in detail. Your Gamaliel logic is moth eaten. Gamaliel was a Pharisee. They were in the majority; were they right? Mohammed has more followers than Christ, who is right? Your argument that Science and Health has the widest circulation no more proves C, S. is right than the Kaiser's larger a^-my proved that "might was right." Besides all this Jesus Christ will judge every living human that has not accepted Him as the risen Lord at His second coming. See Mt. 25:31; 2 Thes. 1:7-10. If you would study your Bible more your articles would not sound so much like the philosophy of Prof. P. Nut Hazed, Pres. Pecan University. From Genesis to Revelation God exhorts people to read the Bible. Not once is there mentioned a "KEY to the Scriptures." Neither does the Bible ever hint that a grammar school woman philosopher would be raised up in the last days to enlighten poor erring mortals like myself and other ignorant preachers and their hallucinated sessions, boards and kymen. The Bible does mention the fact that a false religion would appear in the last davs and pretend to be a "Religious Science." Read 1 Tim. G:20, 21; with 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 2 Tim. 4:1-3. Since JesiSB is tli{e "only way" of "Sal- vation" and not the "way shower" as you say. I suggest you read John 14:6. "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE. No man can come to the Father, but by me" (Christian Scientists and practitioners not ex- cepted). Since the Bible is God's "only book," I suggest that you "read it." It is a sure cure for ignorance. The most "extravagant" statement I ever heard from a C. S. practitioner. Pie says "Christian Scientists do not proselyte." Why is it then that nearly i:\\ of them are ex-church members? I have never met a C. S. worker that I thought wouldn't proselyte. That is your means of growth. You achnitted this fact in your last article. You could have mentioned this truth if you would also, that you take advantage of people in sorrow and affliction by sending them a lot of your rubbish when they are in such a state of weak raind. I have had them write me. Oh boy! one time satisfied them. It's a poor hawk that can't tell when to quit. You make the church members your dumping ground. I have had them proselyte my members. In fact I have —26— caught them in the very act. All ministers know these statements are typical of your stock in trade. You refer me to Eddy's book on "Retrospection and Introspection" as the last word of authority on Dear Mary's life and work. This time I will t>!ve the public one sample of this "bull." On page 38 she says that she discovered Christian Science in 1866. In Science and Health Ed. 1875 she says she discovered C. S. in 1864. In Christian Science Journal June, 1887, Eddy says she discovered C. S. in 1862. In Boston Post March 7, 1883, Eddy says she discovered C. S. in 1853. Here are four separate and distinct dates given, 1853, 1862, 1864, 1866. Only one of these dates can be correct even if Mrs. Eddy was the discoverer of Christian Science. Three dates or 75 per cent of her own statement is necessarily a lie. The court records show that she was not the discoverer of Christian Science at all, hence this makes her claim 100 per cent a lie. Now this is a sample of her book on which Odom pinned high hopes or he would never have referred me to "Retrospection and Introspection." This reminds me of the utter break down in German diplo- macy. Christian Science reasoning compared with plain facts, is like a run down "tin lizzy" compared with a 12 cylinder Locomobile, with apology to the "tin lizzie." Laying all jokes aside Mr, Odom, I believe you have swallowed a lot of C. S. dope without investigation. If you are a philosopher, practioner and teacher of Christian Science, then "heaven help" the rank and file of Eddy- ites. You know the old darkey that read the prescription "take the whole box," well he did. But he had to wait until the lid came off of those pills before he got his money's worth. Personally I believe you are a right nice fellow, but in the wrong boat as a newspaper writer. Your article impresses me that several "divine minds" are working together on them. If so I recom- mend to all of you a "Hoover Vacuum Cleaner." Brain dust is a great hind- rance to facts, reason, truth, logic and light. See Col. 2-8. A. REILLY COPELAND, Denton, Texas. CHAPTER VIL Reply to Rev. Copeland's Criticism on Christian Science Tlie Denton Record-Chronicle. Dallas, December 15, 1920. The Denton preacher in his last attack on Christian Science expresses surprise that any one should take Christian Science seriously. It seems to liave been a serious issue to him to call forth such persistent endeavor tf) submerge the true sense of it in a flood of ridicule. Christian Science has flourished for half a century under the lash of intolerance, prejudice and bigotry and will survive all such future attacks because it possesses the in- herent vitality of demonstrable spiritual truth. If it were what the preacher would mislead the public to believe it would have lapsed into oblivion before the close of the first decade of its history. But it is still here, and here to sray. No modern historian of repute fails to accord it its rightful place as a potent factor in the religious life of today. A rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church writes in the North Ameri- can Review for December. 1913, as follows: "The denunciation by many ministers reveal a lack of thought and kindness, which raises a suspicion that fear of losing members, rather than the love of truth may account for their hostility. Through the New York American of January, 1908, two years prior tr. Mrs. Eddy's passing, Clara Barton states: "I can say that I look upon Christian Science, as I understand it, as the most ideally beautiful, yet the most practical and comforting of beliefs, Mrs. Eddy, should have the respect, admiration and love of the whole nation, for she is its greatest woman ='= * *" —27— "Love," she said, "permeates all the teachmgs of this great woman — so great, I believe, that at this perspective we can scarcely realize how great, and locking into her life history we see nothing but self-sacrifice and selfless- ness." What a contrast between these broad, fair-minded estimates and the matter which has recently appeared in the Record-Chronicle. Mrs. Eddy was not the originator of the theory of mental assassination, nor did she practice it. The theory is as old as time itself, being illustrated in the necromancy and witch-craft recorded in the Bible, the Black Art ( tlie Middle Ages, on down through the centuries to the mesmerism, hypno- tism and occultism of today. Mrs. Eddy discovered that this mental method was being practised upon her by malicious students, and used no other weapon than divine love for self-protection from it. Mrs. Eddy has taught her students no other method of self-defense from directed malice than the armor of good. In her 1901 message she writes: "Christian Science gives neither moral right nor might to harm either man or beast." Instead of the "hurling back" method, illustrated by the minister in his last by quoting from McClure Magazine history, Mrs. Eddy has recommend- ed to her followers as a means of protection against malicious mental at- tack, "never to return evil for evil, but to know the truth." (Manual, page 42). The charge of conspiracy to murder D. H. Spofford, against Asa G. Eddy and E. J. Arens, while a matter of court record, proved to be no case at all, for it was summarily dismissed by the judge. The case was built upon per- juries, and collapsed" without a hearing. It was worked up through malicious i>itent to injure the standing of the Eddys, the prime instigator of the plot being an ex-convict and saloon keeper. As witnesses there appeared this man's sister, who kept a house of ill-fame and several inmates of this house. Ihese people, with two detectives, were the type of individuals to appear sgainst Mr. Eddy and Mr. Arens in the case. After its dismissal one of the accomplices in the plot to injure these men made affidavit to the fact that lie had been drilled to swear lies at the approaching trial by the- man who had concocted the diabolical scheme. Also by affidavits of certain other persons, it was established that both men were absent from the spot at the time when the conspiracy was falsely testified before the grand jury to have been formed. No one who is acquainted with the facts attaches any importance to such efforts as the above plot to blacken the character of the husband of a woman experimentally justified by works of benevolence and charity. Such spurious history as the foregoing is due to the unscrupulous misrepresentations of McClure's Magazine. To depend upon a bitterly antagonistic SDurce such as tiiis for an unbiased estimate of Mi^. Eddy v;ould be like applying to the ]olitical enemies of Woodrow Wilson for a just resume of his life and work. The claim of the minister that there are no charitable institutions main- tained by Christian Scientists is fals?. There is a very lar'?:e benevolent institution for the sick in Boston, provided through the voluntary' contribu- tions of Christian Scientists throughout the world. There are also smaller homes for the sick in other cities, and a probability of such institutions be- coming numerous, as the demand for them increases. The church services are institutions for healing. Many are liealed through attendance upon them as well as from the study o^' Christian Science literature in reading rooms. All of these channels are open to rich and poor alike. Christian Scientists give freely to charitable purposes both within and without their church activities being careful always to "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." Jesus said, in sending forth his disciples to heal and preach, "The laborer is worthy of his hire." Does the minister apply this truth to his own spirit- ual labors and deny the right of others to do the same, even though their interpretation of the Scriptural teaching differs in some essential points from his own? The statement that Mrs. Eddy never healed a malignant form of disease —28— would be very difficult for the minister to establish. It would necessitate his having' been present during her every effort in this direction and having seen that effort fail. This is a specimen of the recklessness of the statements cntained in the series of attacks on Christian Science appearing in the Fecord-Chronicle. I number among my friends many persons, given up by physicions as hopeless, who have been healed through Christian Science study and treat- ment. I also know many other persons diagnosed by materia medica as in- curable without operations, who are now well and happy as a result of turn- ing to Christian Science. Those who are really informed have long since ceased to deny that these healing works are of common occurrence. The minister claims that the converts of Christian Science were formerly members of orthodox churches, and goes on to say that these proselytes are made by sending Science and Health to prisons, etc. The prison is the last place on earth one would expect to find church members, nevertheless, par- don is hereby asked for these encroachments. The claim is also made in the article in point that Christian Scientists interfere with the practice of physicians. Mrs. Eddy has given her followers special gidmonition against such interference, recognizing it as unethical. If iiistances have occurred where Christian Scientists have been guilty of such interference it is because they have been unmindful of her instructions. The assumed illiteracy of the Leader of Christian Science seems to be giving our critic unnecessary concern. Her fitness as a spiritual leader and organizer is already well established by her accomplishment. If Jesus, the Christ, were physically on earth today he too would likely be discredited by bigotry and ecclesiasticism on the basis of his "never having learned." The litigation in Boston is not primarily an issue involving mere dollars and cents, as is alleged by the preacher. While there are property rights involved, the main issue is one of Principle. The leading matter to be de- termined is whether or not the Directors of the Mother Church are to be the supreme authority in all affairs pertaining to church government, as provided in the Church Manual. The writer hereby announces that no further reply will be made to criticisms on Christian Science that may he made by the Denton critic at this tim.e. We feel that so many false statements have already been refuted that the public has formed a iust estimate of the unfair and unauthoritative status of this so-called information in regard to Christian Science and its founder. Any further volleys, therefore, will go unchallenged and be allowed to fall of their own putrid weight. BRIGMAN C. ODOM, 606 American Exchange Building, Dallas, Texas. CHAPTER VIII. Christian Science vs. The Swan Song To the Denton Record-Chronicle: Denton, Texas, December, 22, 1920. From the goose step to the Swan Song. From the Swan Song to the philosophical graveyard of mental oblivion. Now, a brief walk through the garden of "inherent vitality of demonstrable truth" so called by the Dallas word artist. As a feeble resort, the Dallas critic's final article brands all my former statements as false and says they will fall of their own putrid weight. As most of my statements were quotations from Mrs. Eddy's writ- ings his mental olfactory nerves seem highly trained in detecting putrid matter. This isn't my fault if I offered him a rose and he preferred putre- faction. Like the old lady that kissed her cow, everybody to their own tastes. The public knows that the Dallas writer originated the cause of these i discussions by firing a volley of criticism at Dr. Conant's back after he had —29— left the city of Denton, denouncing as false all the statements of his sermon. I merely replied through fairness to Dr. Conant. Then the Dallas critic came back like a thousand brick and I followed his tirade of raillery wilh another article. This made us equal in opportunity, with two articles apiece. The Chronicle editor then announced that the series were closed. Frue to form the Dallas critic came back with paid advertisement. I then Kave him a hyperdermic shot of 70 inches of paid ad. in order to help quiet the brain- storm which had been entertaining the public. Now, as our Dallas friend says he has enough I am perfectly willing to take a rest for the holiday. Hence I wish him and all other Christian Scientists a ''Merry Christmas" and a "Joyous New Year." My greetings are a full stocking and a fat basket for 1921. Nothing I have said was meant to cast a reflection upon the personal char- acter of the Dallas Scientist or any other person of that faith. I presume that Christian Scientists are as upright in business dealings and in per- sonal cleanliness and otherwise as anyone else. Their zeal for a religious system of creeds not founded on Christ and not supported by the Bible, facts, and reason makes it mighty awkward for any of them to attempt to defend their position. This is especially true when such attempt is made by a series of discussions through a daily newspaper. I did not attempt to turn Scientists from the error of their way as most of them are hopelessly entangled. My object was to let the public in on some things I felt it would like to know. From the many enquiries made to me here and elsewhere I feel confident t}:at my object will be fully realized thru these articles in Chronicle, Those who have read my articles know that the main theme was to exalt the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the atonement. Nobody denies these two great fundamentals of Christianity more than Mrs. Eddy did. It will be safe to offer a good house and lot with clear title in the City of Denton to any Christian Scientist in America or elsewhere that could show just one place where Mary Baker Eddy's writings ever admitted the "DEITY OF CHRIST and THE ATONEMENT by BLOOD." To deny one is to deny both. To deny either is to deny every fundamental doctrine of Christianity because it is built on the risen Lord. The Bible everywhere exalts Jesus Christ as God. Jesus Himself said He was God. See John 10:30 3G, 14:6. 9, 17:1-3. The Disciples said He was God. See John 1:29, 34. G:6S, 13:13, 20:2S. Col. 1:19, 2:9. 1 Tim. 3:16. 6:14, 15. 2 Tim. 4:1-8. Heb. l;6-8, 13;8. It is not a question of difference between me and the Dallas critic. It is not a question of difference between me and any other so-called Christian Scientist. The crux of the whole matter is whether Jesus Christ is the risen Lord or whether Mrs. Eddy is the true prophet. Whether man must be saved by accepting the Lord Jesus as a personal Savior or whether one must accept Mother Eddy as their true guide for salvation. There is absolutely no middiv' ground. Either Jesus Christ is the Lord or Mrs. Eddy is the true prophet. If a person accepts one he must necessarily reject the other. God accepted Clirist's atonement by raising Him from the dead. Mrs. Eddy denies both the resurrection and the atonement. She says Christ never died. "Jeous students not sufi"iciently advanced to understand their Master's triumph did not per- form any wonderful work until they saw Him after His crucifixion and learn- ed that He had not died." I copied ttiis statement from the latest revision of Sr'ience and Health, Page 45, I showed it to the editor of the Record-Chronicle. If anyone doubts this ask him. Now who is false? The Bible makes Christianity answer for its very life on the basis of the blood atonement and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. See 1 Cor. 15. Mrs. Lddy, in unmistakable terms denies the atonement. She says: "The atone- ment requires constant SELF-IMMOLATION on the sinner's part. That C;o(l's wrath should be vented upon His b':'loved Son in DIVINELY UNNAT- URAL. Such a theory is MAN MADE." Was there ever greater blasplie'vv than this? A self-appointed woman attempting to tell God how to run Hi;^ business. I copied her statement from page 23 Science and Health's kites • revision. I also showed the book to the Editor. If any one dotibts it, ask hiju. —30— Now who is puUinft- out putrid maltor?. The Dallas critic appears to bo i:bout as hard up for truth as the old stingy ranchman was for honey. He crossed his bees with the lightning bugs so they could work at night. Christ- ian Science is about as practical as the old man who owned the cat with ten kittens. He cut eleven holes in the front door to facilitate exit and entrance troubles. Where is the Christian part of it anyway if Christ is left out? I wish to ask the public this question: If Jesus Christ, Christianity and tiie Bible are true, can Mrs. Eddy and Christian Science be right? Let's see what a Christian Scientist has to believe in order to be a real follower of Mrs. Eddy. Of Jesus Christ she says: "The virgin mother conceived this idea of God and gave to her ideal the name Jesus. Jesus was the off -spring of Mary's self-conscious communion with God. This is awful for anybody to accept. God named Him Jesus and says He was conceived by the Holy Ghost. See Mt. 1:18-25. She plunges farther into blasphemy and says of Christ: "To accommodate Himself to immature ideas of spiritual power Jesus called the body flesh and bones. These utterances show the concessions He was willing to make to popular ignorance." This statement makes Jesus deceiver, liar and imposter. Deceiver, because He accommodated Himself to false ideas. Liar because He wilfully misrepresnted his body and failed to correct the popular ignorance. Imposter, because He accepted worship from those whom He had deceived and lied to. Mrs. Eddy beats the Pharisees in deceiving people and they put Christ to death. Just to show the public that I have not attempted to mislead them as the Dallas critic says I have done, I am going to give further proof from Mrs. Eddy's own words about the Lord Jesus. She says "Christ is the im- personal Savior." This makes Him a sort of a blessed nobody. She says "Christ is a divine ideal." I suppose she was the "married ideal." She says "Jesus Christ is not God as He is said to have declared." Jesus says "I and My Father are one." John 10:30. These are only a few of the many gross misrepresentations of the Lordship of Jesus Christ made by this woman who heralds herself as an "apostle of light." Well, she with other so-called apostles of light are very much like the old colored lady that always wasted a bushel of words in a spoonful of thought. Also somewhat like Mutt and Jeff's fifty-fifty pie — one rabbit and one mule. The Dallas critic raves about my unnecessary concern over Mrs. Eddy's literary standing. And he compares her with Christ's being discredited by bigotry and ecclesiasticism on the basis of His "having never learned." Why then did Mrs. Eddy so constantly discredit Christ by denying His Lordship? No system is more guilty of bigotry and ecclesiasticism than Christian Science. They deny the funda- mentals of Christianity by repudiating Christ's atonement and other cardinal truths as has been shown in all my articles. Can you beat it? The Dallas critic; says "the statement that Mrs. Eddy never healed a malignant form of disease would be very difficult for the minister to es- tablish." What I really said was that Mrs. Eddy claimed to have cured con- sumption, cancer and other violent diseases and that she never in a single in- stance submitted proof of her claims. Our Dallas friend says he numbers among his friends many persons given up by physicians as hopeless yet he fails to submit a single proof of his friends who have been healed. The day has passed when people accept mere statements as proofs. This is especially true in scientific matters. Recently a man who had read my third article in The Chronicle called me up by phone and represented himself as being from New York City and said he wanted me to know that Christian Science had healed him of tuberculosis. He never submitted any proof whatever. I v/ould be a plain fool to accept mere statements from a stranger on matters of that kind. If he or you have the proof why was it not given? Name and address of three doctors that pronounced the disease incurable. Name and address of practitioner that effected the cure and then give names and addresses of three doctors that pronounced the disease as cured. This is business, mere words don't prove a claim. Such claims of cures without proof is characteristic of the Christian —31— Scientists. Mrs. Eddy claimed that Christian Science was warranted to grow teeth at ninety. ' See her book "Science and Health," page 143, 164th edition. This is great stuff isn't it? Where is the proof? Mrs. Eddy says if it were not for mortal mind, "You may gash the body with an ax, pound it to a pulp with a club and experience no more pain than a wounded tree." See S. H., page 485, 164th Ed. Do you wonder why the Dallas gentlemen is ready to quit? To defend stuff like this one would have to sleep in a round house and sop syrup with a corkscrew. She says Christian Science is able to replace a man's lost leg "not with an artificial one but with a genuine one." See S. H., page 485, i64th Ed. Such bunk as this reminds me of the 12- year-old boy, Rube Tincannon from Baregrass town, drinking his first soda pop at the county fair. His mother refused to share the new found joy in bottle goods. Holding the sparkling scarlet liquid aloft he said: "Oh, mama, do take some! It's just sweet wind." The apostle Paul warns us against windy doctrines; Eph. 4:14 and philosophical balloons. Col. 3:8. The Dallas critic should not blame me for bursting his toy balloon. He stuck it under my nose. I merely stuck a pin of truth in it to see if it were solid. Sweet wind may taste good and look beautiful but it is not a good fat producer. "BOOM." The Dallas critic says he is willing for the public to judge the merits of Christian Science based on these articles. This is fair enough and it cer- tainly suits me. He did his best considering his handicap and that's all Liza could do when she fought Rastus over an argument as to whether Sambo was the 16th child or the 21st. They finally compromised and decided he was the 28th. I hereby extend a hearty invitation to Mr. Brigman C. Odom and all Christian Scientists and to the reading public to worship with us at their convenience at Central Presbyterian Church, Denton, Texas. A. REILLY COPELAND, Pastor. December 22, 1920. NOTE — Some worldly minded church members expressed sympathy for tlie author concerning these discussions for fear he would lose friends. He publicly acknowledged it and in turn expressed his pity at such consummate ignorance of perhaps sincere yet deluded people. FRIENDSHIP (?) "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that tlie friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." — Jas. 4:4. PROTECTOR— "What shall we then say to these things ? If God be for us, who can be against us?" — Rom. 8:31. SAFETY — "The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." — Prov. 29:25. MAN — "Cease ye from, man whose breath is in his nostrils; for wherein is he to be accounted of ?"— Isa. 2:22. READ your Bible.— Isa. 8:20. CHAPTER IX. Does Christian Science Lead to Heaven? Christian Science — a knowledge of Christianity systematized and classi- fied: That sounds good to the heart that feels its sins and desires to ujider- stand God's plan of salvation, a plan that provides a Savior, the God-man, who bore man's sins to the Cross and by His precious Blood made a fuH and eternal atonement for them, and thus opened the door to Heaven. But as we read the pages of the book, "Science and Health; with Key to the Scriptures," which sets forth the system called Christian Science, the shadows seem to fall upon our understanding, and while our heads whirl we wonder whether the author of the book and the founder of the system, Mrs. —32— Mary Baker Eddy, has lost her reason, or whether we are losing ours, and vve close the woman's book and walk out under the sky with the Book of God in our hand, and with its Life-giving words before us we can only con- clude that Mrs. Eddy's system is neither Christian nor scientific, and that if believed in and followed it will engulf its votaries in darkness and eternal misery. We ask our readers therefore to carefully follow us as we present some of the strange and peculiar vagaries of this soul-destroying movement. FIRST: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE / Christian Science is a system of philosophy which bears the name of Christ while denying His person and His work; it claims to be derived from the Bible, but in reality it is only metaphysical speculation which has bor- rowed some Biblical names. Its fundamental idea is that God — Mind, Spirit, Good — is all-in-all; therefore the opposite of God — matter, sin, sickness, and death — are nothing, do not exist. In Mrs. Eddy's expositions of Scripture she ignores the natural meaning of words, and forces this one idea into it by allegorical and "Spiritual" interpretations, which the natural sense never suggested and never could suggest. 1. The Creation is Denied. At the very outset, Mrs. Eddy's theory denies the reality of the material creation; therefore she empties the first chapter of Genesis of all its refer- ences to this subject, by saying — "The creation consists in the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities." The light is, "The revelation of truth and spiritual ideas." The firmament is, "Spiritual understanding by which human concep- tions, material sense, is separated from truth." "And God said, Let the water be gathered together," means, "Spirit, God, gathers unformed thoughts into their proper channels and unfolds these thoughts." "And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness," is explained thus: "As the reflection of yourself appears in the mirror, so you, being spiritual, are the reflection of God. Man and woman as co- existent and eternal v/ith God forever reflect in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God." ("Science and Health," Edition 1914, Pages 502, etc.) 2. Sin and Its Origin are Denied. The second and third chapters of Genesis record that God made Adam out of the dust of the earth and that he disobeyed God; and we read in Romans 5:12, "By one man sin entered the v/orld, and death by sin." But in Science and Health," Page 310, Mrs. Eddy claims that there is no human soul that sins; and on Page 182 of her "Miscellaneous Writings," she states, "Man was never lost in Adam, since he is and ever was the image and likeness of God, good;" and again, "The great spiritual fact must be brought out, that man is, not shall be, perfect and immortal." iThus she contradicts and sets at naught the plain statements of God's Word. 3. The Scriptures are Changed. I If words do not suit Mrs. Eddy, she alters them to answer her pur- I pose; as the following quotations from her book plainly show: i "In Science we learn that it is material sense, not soul, which sins, and it t Vv'ill be found that it is the sense of sin which is lost, and not a sinful soul. t When reading the Scriptures, the substitution of the word 'Sense' for 'Soul' gives the exact meaning in a majority of cases." Page 481. "With his stripes (rejection of error) we are healed." Page 20. "The spirit (error) cried, and rent liim sore, and came out of him " Page 398. I -33- Jesus cast out devils (delusions). Pag^e 348. Angels are God's thoughts passing to men. The devil — evil, a belief in sin, sickness and death. Flesh — an error in physical belief. Hell— mortal belief, error, lust, remorse, hatred, sickness, death, etc. Holy Ghost, Comforter — "Divine Science." Lamb of God — the spiritual idea of love, sacrifice, self-immolation. Lord Jehovah — "A physical name of God as finite and corporeal; from this follows idolatry and mythology." Resurrection — material belief yielding to understanding. ''Science and Health," Pages 581, etc. Nothing is too sacred to escape her perverting hand, and she empties the Bible of all meaning. By such a method of interpretation it can be v/arped to fit any grotesque or wicked doctrine; it loses its authority, and ceases to be a sure guide. Kind words are spoken of the Bible, but it must be read with ''Science and Health" for one's eyes, "Science and Health" for one's brain, and "Science and Health" as the final criterion of truth, SECOND: THE FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Science rests upon the authority of Mrs. Eddy, nothing more. She says — "You do not deny the mathematician's right to distinguish the correct from the incorrect among the axamples on the blackboard, nor disbelieve the musician when he distinguishes concord from discord. In like manner it should be granted that the author understands what she is saying. If one of the statements in this book is true, every one must be true." Pages 453, 547. Her assertions are not self-evident truths, for they contradict both ex- perience and common sense. And they are not proved, for they deal with matters beyond the range of human discovery, and rest only on metaphysical sophistry. Yet this mere woman — who has already paid her debt to nature and gone to death like any common mortal — expectea us to unquestioningly accept her authority and teachings; and her numerous followers continue U: make the same claims. THIRD: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DOCTRINES. 1. Mind versus Matter — the Great Opponents. "Spirit, God, has created all in and of Himself. Spirit never created matter. There is nothing in Spirit out of which matter could be made." Page 335. God is mind, and God is infinite; hence all is mind." Page 492. "The three great verities of Spirit, omnipotence, omnipresence, omni- science — Spirit possessing all power, filling all space, constituting all Science — contradict forever the belief that matter can be actual." Page 10:). "Mind and matter are opposites; if one is real, the otlier must be unreal." Page 270. "God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter." How does Mrs. Eddy know that Spirit never created matter, or that God could create nothing without using His own Essence as the material? How does she know that mind and matter are so oppi.^site that both cannot be real? Ifow does she know that the omni-presence of Spirit precludes the reality of J. latter? She denies that man is both mental and material, asserting that mind cannot be in matter. We see a piece of soft iron one moment dead and cold, and the next moment pervaded in every atom by a mysterious, subtle, power- ful something we call electricity, and straightway that dead inert mattt-r becomes a powerful thing that picks up heavy weights and moves the wheels of factories. Some one presses a button and the iron is inert again. How does Mrs. Eddy know that mind, spirit, cannot in like manner permeate matter? —34— The fact is, man has never discovered the nature of matter, nor com- prehended the beinji' of God throuy-h metaphysics. It is presumptuous to say the least, for a mortal to make such assertions, and it is foolish to believe them. We are told that — "The divine metaphysics in Christian Science like the method in niath- ematics proves the rule by inversion. For example: There is no pain in truth, and no truth in pain; no nerve in mind, and no mind in nerve; no mat- ter in mind, and no mind in matter; no matter in life, and no life in matter; no matter in good, and no good in matter." Page 113. By inversion we could also prove, that because there is no sleep in good, there is no good in sleep; or no onion in odor, and no odor in onion. 2. The "Mortal Mind"— the Great Scapegoat. To account for the material things of which we are sensible, Mrs. Eddy invented "Mortal mind." This is defined as — "A false sense of matter, a false belief that mind is in matter and is both evil and good." Pages 103, 399. Our mortal existence — living in a material body is but a dream of "Mortal mind," as unreal as the dreams of sleep. Page 18S. Sickness, health, pain, and sin are only beliefs of "Mortal mind." "Mor- tal mind" alone causes weariness, for a wheel does not grow weary. "Mortal mind" alone gives drugs their effects, and if a person swallows arsenic by mistake, the belief of the vast majority of human beings that arsenic is poison, causes death, even though he was unaware that he had swallowed it. Page 178. "Mortal mind" causes the blacksmith's arm to grow large through use, while the hammer is not enlarged by use, as nobody believes that mind is producing such a result in the hammer. Page 199. "Erring, mortal, misnamed *Mind' produces all the organism and action of the mortal body." Page 108. If the consensus of "Mortal mind" were to agree in thinking that man has three legs, we suppose that straightway he would have three legs. "A dislocation of the tarsal (ankle) joint would produce insanity as per- ceptibly as would congestion of the brain were it not that 'Mortal mind' thinks that the tarsal joint is less intimately connected with the mind than is the brain. Reverse the belief and the results would be perceptibly different." Page 408. "Mortal mind" alone makes people grow old, and die. Pages 245, 75. And finally we learn that "Mortal mind" itself has no reality, but is a myth, to be destroyed by denying its reality. Page 296. A wonderful thing, "Mortal mind!" yet Mrs. Eddy has not a word to say as to where i% came from! Her abstract philosophy, reasoning about things the human mind knows almost nothing about, concludes that there is no reality to matter and to mortal existence; therefore she asks us to believe that the material world with the humanity that fills it is but the illusion of a mentality that is itself an illusion! 3. Evil— the Great Unreality. In the same way she reasons about evil. "Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nor thing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense." Page 71. 1 God says that evil is a state of heart and of will, and that it is found in j! men. I "All reality is in God. That which He creates is good, and He makes all I that is made. Therefore the only reality of sin, sickness or death is the I awful fact that unrealities seem real to human erring belief until God strips ( off their disguise." Page 472. These wicked statements that evil has no reality, are samples of the miserable metaphysical sophistry of the whole system, and disclose the pit from which it had its source. Evil only an illusion? Would God it were true! 4. The "Unreal Man"— the Great Sinner. As to man, Christian Science teaches — The real man is the reflection of God, eternal, co-existent with God, in- capable of sini for the soul or mind of the real, or spiritual man, is God. Pages 204, 475, 477, 347. "Mortal mind" is the only evil doer. Pages 71, 105. "There is no human soul that sins and is spiritually lost, but it is a sense of sin, and not a sinful soul, that is lost." Pages 310, 311. There is no final judgment, no devil, and no hell. Pages 291, 469, 266. In other words, this system claims that the real man has been covered up by an unreal man which we call ourselves, and this unreal man is the author of all our evil deeds; having no reality, it simply disappears when properly denied, leaving the real man, which was always perfect. That is to say, there is no guilt incurred in wrong-doing, no accountability for wrong-doing, no punishment hereafter for wrong-doing. What would the enemy of souls like to have men believe more than this! But the Scriptures thunder: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked." "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselVes and the truth is not in us. If we say that we have not sinned we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us." 1 John 1:8, 10. "Who will render to every man according to his deeds: tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil." Rom. 2:6, 9. "The Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." Jude 14, 15. 5. The Healing of Sickness — the Great Bait. Does the healing of the sick prove Christian Science to be "Absolute and divine" as Mrs. Eddy claims? It does not. God has warned us in His Word that wicked doctrines will appear, supported by miracles and wonders. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some sliall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Tim. 4:1, 2. "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lyin^^ wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might bo saved." 1 Thess. 2:8-10. And we learn in Revelation 13:13-14 of one who is to appear, d >inp- orojit wonders and deceiving them that dwell on the earth by means of those mi- racles which he had power to do. None of us like to suffer and be sick, and we readily grasp at nnvt!n'nf>- that promises relief. Many persons have embraced Christian Science for the sake of healing, who have not understood tlie real nature of its trfachin^s. But some things are worse than pain and sickness, and one o^' them is, to be well at the risk of the soul. 6. Happiness and Serenity — the Great Aim. It is sometimes objected that Christian Science cannot be so bad be- cause it makes people so happy and serene, and develops in them such beau- tiful character. But their serenity comes from the persuasion tliat evil is un- real; sorrow, causeless; death, nothinti-; sin, a myth; judgment, a fiction; and everything lovely — if we will but think so. It is a fool's paradise, from which will come a terrible awakening. As to produciuT lovely c laractor. it may take the "Grouch" out of a man, or render a fretting, impatient woman more calm and agreeablie, but it fails to produce sympathy, compassion and self-sacrificing love that denies itself and bleeds in the service of others. —36— Tlioro is no true loveliness of character without this. Christian Scientists may believe that this mortal life is a dream, and matter an illusion, but they take plenty o^ pains to see that it shall be a pleasant dream. FOURTH: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE IS SATANIC AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. It teaches that God is only a principle, inseparable from and non-exist- ing* apart from the universe. Pag'es 470, 477, 502. Jesus was only a man, not God incarnate in the flesh. Page 473. Jesus did not really die. Page 44, 45. The atonement is the exemplification of man's unity with God. Page 18. One sacrifice, however great, is insufficient to pay the debt of sin. Page 23. **He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son." 1 John 2:22. Christian Science combines Rationalism, Unitarianism, New Theology, and the Pantheistic philosophies of the past and present; it robs its ad-' herents of the Word of God, and destroys the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the essence of Satanic and Antichristian religion. The human mind is erring at best, and metaphysics is a slippery, winding path that never leads to the knowledge of God. Why do men cling to a sys- tem that robs them of a Savior, makes His cross of none effect, and tramples under foot the precious Blood that can alone cleanse from sin; thereby be- guiling them into the sweet but fatal dream that there is no sin, no devil, no death, no judgment, and no hell? Why will they hang the destiny of their souls upon the devil-inspired sophistry of this woman, instead of the sure Word of the Gospel, — Christ crucified, the wisdom of God and the power of God? Her teachings are obscrue, abstruse and confusing, and give the lie to the conscience and consciousness of man, as well as to the Scriptures, v/hile the Word of God is so plain that a child can understand it, and even a fool need not err therein, for it makes wise the simple. Christian Science is naught but quicksand; God's Word is the Rock of Ages. Believing that Christian Science leads to confusion of mind and a de- parture from the Truth of God, rather than to Heaven, we do implore the help of our God as we— SOUND THE ALARM! (Gospel Union Publishing Co., Euclid and 7th St., Kansas City, Mo.) (In tract form.) CHAPTER X. Christian Science Xrayed. A writer in "The Biblical Review" analyzes Mrs. Eddy's cunning plan to have herself Deified as the Messiah in second coming. She says, "The first Messiah was a man, Jesus of Nazareth, but the Messiah came again and the Revelator shows us a woman!" "Jesus," she goes on to say, *'had His day and went away. Now the new Christ, a woman, is come!" If providence had al- lowed her a little more rope, she would have gone on to ask actual worship of herself as a god. Her death, that she never expected, cut short much oi cunning scheming. — (The King's Business.) We'll have to hand the banner to the ladies for one thing anyway — they comprise 85 per cent of the membership of the Christian Science churches, ac- cording to latest statistics. In the evangelical denominations, there has been a great proportionate gain of men, the figures being 43 per cent men and 57 per cent women. Either more men are joining the evangelical churches or a lot of women have gone over to "Mother Eddy." — (The King's Business.) An Eye to Business Did Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy Frye have an eye to busi- ness? Read what she wrote in her 1902 edition of the Christian Science Manual. — (!The King's Business.) —37— The Bait Falsehood is never so successful as when she baits her hook with truth. No opinions so fatally mislead us as those that are not wholly wrong; as no watches so effectually deceive the wearer as those that are sometimes right. — Colton. (The King's Business.) Flower Beds of Ease. M. E. Wilson says: "One of the keenest observers of America has made the remark that the reason so many isms are constantly springing up is be- cause the old gospel is so hard to live. People are looking for a comfortable life here and an easy way to heaven. They are scanning earth and sky for a royal road. The fight with sin which the gospel demands is a fierce and bit- ter fight and many men and women are anxiously searching for a way of .< cape, desiring to be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease. It is this de- sire that lies at the basis of Eddyism. Its fundamental principle is that sin has no existence. It may be banished by a process of thought." — (The King's Business). The Godness of Good Among the many perversions and distortions, the Name of God has suf- fered with the rest. The false and anti-Christian systems of the day know not God, nor can they spell His Name. They are attempting to put an extra "0" in the name of God. — Instead of G O D, they are spelling it "good." They have made a God out of good. It is quite true that God is good, but good is not God, and we cannot accept it as a substitute. These false philosophies speak of the "Godness o"* good," but never of the goodness of God. There is a vast difference be- tween the so-called "Godness of good" and the goodness of God. To know the "Godness of good' is to be deceived and deluded by a philosophy which is not only vain, but profane. The Godness of good is the summary of a satanic, subtile and so-called scientific, propaganda. In our judgment there is noth- ing scientific, and to be sure it is not Christian. The "Godness of good" is nowhere to be found in the Scriptures but the goodness of God is found tlirougliout the pages of the Holy Book. — .Tucker. (The Kin.t:;''R Biisinor.s). Our "Unscientific" God When a dog overeats, it has sense enough, by a God-given instinct, to take recourse to the purgative properties of certain kind of grass. At the same time it gives its stomach a rest from food and in a short lime is re- stored to natural health. If Christian Science is the God-appointed science of keeping the body in health, it is rather strange that God has given animals in His creation an instinct that immediately recognizes sickness and takes curative measures. Is it not a pity that there is no way of communicating to the dumb creatures this new and better way of denying disease? How ut- terly unscientific our Lord Jesus must have been when He cured diseases by first recognizing them and then castin hungry, I could not help asking questions, for I could make nothing out of Mrs. Eddy's writings. "Mrs. Eddy says," the practitioner replied, "Jesus did not die and His death means nothing to a Christian Scientist." But praise God, His death means ETERNAL LIFE to me now. Regarding the resurrection I was told that "Christ's resurrection was simply spiritualization of thought — material belief yielding to spritual under- sT-anding" — whatever that is. But praise God I now know Jesus as the "re- surrection and the life" (Jno. 11:25) and I know that believing in Him, even though I die, yet shall I live. I knev,' Christian Science had failed in my wife's case and knew it was failing to keep me from sin. Evil was ever present with me. I longed to be good and to do good. As much as I was told that I was mcapable of sin, my consicence kept witnessing to the fact that I was a miserable sinner. I was a miserable man. About this time someone placed in my mail box some announcements of the rrorrey meetings. With this v/as some literature entitled, "The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error," setting- forth briefly the teachings of the cults as contrasted with Scripture verses. I became intensely interested and began lookmg up the passages. I found I could read the Bible without Mrs. Eddy's "key" much better than I could with it. I resolved to o-o and hear Dr Torrey and settle the matter then but it was not God's will to wait to do His work of grace in my heart when I was in the presence of Dr. Torrey and the people who thronged to hear him. for on January IG, '19, God spoke peace to my soul as I took Him at His word in childlike faith. The moment I saw Christ as more than a mere man, I saw mys:^lf as a hopeless sinner, separated from God. The moment I realized that Jesus' blood was shed for me, un- speakable joy flooded, my being. Old things passed away. All things be- came new. I found myself able to do things I never could have done in my own strength. I found a love for things I had never before desired I knew I was "born again." Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. 0, what a foretaste of g-Iory divine. Heir of salvation, purchase of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. (Name and address can be furnished by the Editor.) (The King's Business.) Another Rescued From C. S. The following account of how the Lord has In answer to prayer de- livered one more from the clutches of Christian Science will be of interest. Tiie name and address of the party who writes tlie letter can be furnished at this office: "Some time ag:o two women, only one of whom I knew, began to offer persistent prayer to God that I might be delivered from the clutches of Christian Science. I knew nothing- of their praying, I was quite satisfied with my religion — that is, as much as one could be with a false religion. But through those weeks the Lord was strangely leading me. No outside in- fluence was brought to bear on me except that of prayer. I was one night alone in my room. All was quiet. Suddenly I seemed to be conscious of an unseen power in the room. I was greatly afraid and was about to go out for a walk to escape the feeling. Something caused me to kneel in prayer — a very strange thing for me to do, never having done it before in my life. Despite the seeming efforts of something to hinder me, I knelt and asked God 10 deliver me from the peril, whatever it was. Immediately I became con- scious of another power. It was no longer God, the great Creator far away as He always had been to me, but it seemed to be Jesus the Redeemer. When 1 arose from my knees, I had a peace 'which passeth all understanding'. The Lord had won the victory. Turning around, my eyes fell on my text-book, 'Science and Health'. Instantly I realized it was all wrong— absolutely con- trary to God's will for me and to His Word. From that moment to this I have opposed Eddyism at every opportunity. Needless to say I consigned the literature to the flames. It was only the power of God, in answer to prayer, that showed me in this miraculous way how Eddyism was the devil's trap.' May God move Christian people everywhere to pray that souls in the grip of these errors might be similarly delivered." (The King's Business.) Irresistible Logic "In Christian Science there are no discords nor contraditions, because its logic is as harmonious as the reasoning of an accurately stated svllogism cr of a properly computed sum in arithmetic. Truth is ever truthful, and can tolerate no error in premise or conclusion" (p. 129). Here are a few samples of this logic: The divine metaphysics of Christian Science, like the method in mathe- matics, proves the rule by inversion. For example. There is no pain in Truth, and no truth in pain; no nerve in Mind, and no mind in nei*ve; no matter in Mind, and no mind in matter; no matter in good and no good in matter (p. 113). Such logic is irresistible. It might be continued indefinitely as follows: There is no ice in water, and no water in ice; no rainbow in beauty, and no beauty in a rainbow; no Science and Health in Truth, and no truth in Sci- ence and Health; no Mrs. Eddy in Honesty, and no honesty in Mrs. Eddv; no Christian Science in Good, and no good in Christian Science. This is the' type of logic of which it is said, "Truth is ever truthful, and can tolerate no 'er- ror in premise or conclusion." — Rev. Albert C. Wychoff. (The King's Business.) Planting Mortal Thoughts We have come upon some information which may be of value to the farmer and gardener. Mrs. Eddy says: "It is a self-evident error to suppose that there can be such a reality as ; organic animal or vegetable life, when such so-called life alwavs emh in ; death" (p. 309). "The plant grows, not because of seed or soil, but because growth is the eternal mandate of Mind. Mortal thought drops into the ground, but the immortal creating thought is from above, not from beneath. Because Mind riakes all, there is nothing left to be made by a lower power" (p. 520). This may all be true, but in actual experience Christian Scientist farmers and gardners give as much attention to seed and soil as though there were —45— till something *ieft to be made by a lower power," and the "'mortal thoughts" /hich they drop into the ground are as carefully selected from seed cata- :>gues as though they had some essential contribution to make a success of lanting. — Rev. Albert C. Wychoff. (The King's Business.) The High Price of Eddyosity A Canada minister tells of being summoned to a hospital to see a re- timed major who was ill. A friend who has been (or thought he had been) ealed by Christian Science had been urging him to try Science. The major [lid he would much like to please his friend as well as to recover, and asked be minister what he would advise. "I think there is a very good chance of your being restored if you try Christian Science," was the unexpected reply. "Then would you advise me to try it?" asked the major. "Yes," said the minister, "but I would advise also that you consider the rice one has to pay." "Price — what is price to getting one's health back?" asked the major. Then the minister explained. "You might be healed by Science," he uid, "but you would have to give up the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal avior. Christian Science denies evil, Satan and sickness as realities and ence has no need of an atoning Savior, If you care to pay the price, you lay well try Eddyism." The major had been brought up to believe on Christ as the Eternal Son f God and Sin-bearer of the world, through the prayers of a godly father — nd he decided the price of Science was too much. He has since been healed irough the prayers of Christian friends. The above method of dealing with this ism is wortTi trying. We believe ; would be more effective than discussing Mary Baker Eddy plus her num- rous husbands. Draw up a statement embodying the great fundamentals f Christian faith as taught by the Bible and closing it with the statement, I am now ready to cast on the scrapheap all these Bible doctrines in order 3 embrace Eddvism," and ask vour friends if they are willing to sign. — K. L. B. (The King's Businerss). Latter Day Delusions, the Supreme Effort of Satan The Biblical prophecies indicate that in the last days of the at>e in which 'e are living, we are to expect an intensified apostasy, to be manifested alon/'- riree distinct lines, namely — infidelity, heresy and fanaticism. The infidel as already come, and in many cases has found his wav behind the pulpit. He as induced thousands to reject the authority of the Bible. Thp heretics also re with us in numbers never before known. Hundreds of stran^.:^ doc+^rinps re exploited, each bolstered up with scattered passages from the Bible. Inch of these manages cleverly to shroud the very heart of the Gospel, if not ))enly abhor the doctrine of the Cross and scorn thos'^ who "hanq- their souls n such a barbarous tragedy as the crucifixion." On top of these two classes f delusions, we are also witnessing an increasing number of fanatics who ush thousands beyond the bounds of common sense or Bible authority, all naware that in their extremism they are being used of the devil as much as ^e infidel or heretic. The infidel appeals to the worldly minded: the heretic gets the inqui- itive-minded ones: the fanatic captures the emotional ones. J. Hudson Ballard points out that Scripture defines three loadine char- tteristics of latter dav delusions. (1 ) Great pov/er. 2 Tim. 3:8: Mt. 24:24. :22, 2.3; 2 Thes. 2:9. The devil oils the tonjrues of his servants, charp-es them ith Satanic magnetism and gives them power over the minds of whole bodies f men. (2) Great deception. Rev. L3:14; 2 Thes. 2:10: Mt. 24:24. Sntan is; prince of deceivers and in these days he is calling forth all the depths of treacherous cunning- that are in him. Some of his servants carry Bibles under their arms, have it at their tongues' end and apparently quote it with reverence. They have the right bait for every case. (3) Great success, the natural result of great power and great deception. Mt. 24:11; 2 Thes 2-3- 1 Tim 5:1; 2 Tim. 3:3; 2 Pet. 2:1-2. People have an idea that the success "of a teaching is the evident mark of God's favor and they resent one's makinc any attack upon them, saying, "If it be not of God it will come to nought." Dent forget, however, that the success of FALSE TEACHINGS is clearly prophesied for the days just prior to the second coming of Christ, and the great strides of these modem religious movements which have parted com- pany with the fundamentals of Scripture, are therefore only an indication of their infernal origin. What shall we do in days like these? Whose doctrine shall we accept? S™!J?^!J ^^ ^^^P ^^^^ ^^i"^ swept off our feet? "TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY.'; Take God's Word from the pure stream. No filters are needed. A real revival of Bible study is the only hope of the church. Not only that, but we must, in connection with the completeness of God's Word know God Himself through prayer. Well may we tremble if we do not walk with God and search His Word. "My soul be on thy guard. Ten thousand foes arise. The hosts of sin are fighting hard To keep thee from the skies." — K. L. B. (The King's Business.) The Religious Press A denominational weekly gives us a splendid editorial on "Uses and Abuses of the Press. ^u u ^^ ]^ H ^f lamented that the power of the press is to a great extent in the hands of the enemies of God," says the editor. "Whv has the Christian church failed m this respect? Christian Science can edit big dailv news- papers. Why cannot the church do the same thing? Few realize the tre- mendous influence which the press is able to wield. The press is mightier nltl J. ''^il'^' /* ^^^fh^l^oj^ Peopl? and goes where so often man can never go. Therefore et Christians write. Let not those whom God has given the gift to use the pen cover their talent in a napkin." These are timely words— but what surprises us is the wav this ve^^' editor eniploys the space in his own magazine. What is true of his magazine is true of scores of other religious papers. They have no real food for the souls of their subscribers. Here is the actual list of topics in the paper referred to-an illustration of what thousands of people are pavhic? for thinking they are getting "religious" literature. ' 4 tL ll^'J^^'^'?^' n?- Sh^^o^^ Eddy on Japan. 3. The New Social Era. F«S ^^^cfi^^^^^s IP^^.SS 5 The Cummings Railroad Bill. 6. Agricultural Fairs. 7. Sherman Anti-Trust Law. 8. Army Bills and Issues. 0. The Postal Zone Law. 10. War Debts. 11. Royalties for Artists. 12. The Diamond Monopoly. 13 Hatred Boomerangs. 14. Helping Europe. 15. Labor Con ZZ7 /«^'r^' Industrial Upheaval. 17. First American Commission ?o Poland. 18. General News Summary. (We look in vain for a passa«^e of Scripture in the whole magazine). pai>.sa,^e oi We want the readers of The King's Business to pray that we mav be ^?il-r.*^^' P^^^^ I: .^^y ^r^"^ ^'^^^^"^^ be ours in the compiHng of^our (The King's Business.) It is a False Press That Does It Dr. David S. Kennedy at the World Conference on Evangelism remarked: —47— "There is not a form of error in this age that hasn't its printing- press, and putting thousands and thousands of dollars into it to send forth a propaiianda if possible into every heart. Your children are reading it when you do not know it. You ministers have people reading this error when you are not aware of it, and you find them losing interest in your work and in the cause, and you do not know what did it. It is a false press that did it, and if you are to get the work out of the press that you would like, you must come to the support of the evangelical press, that comes to back you up and help you to do a work you cannot do, and to spread the influence which you are intensifying and establishing." (The King's Business.) And What Have We Done? Christian Science Propaganda is carried on with a zeal worthy of a more intelligent faith. The yearly report of the church says that "in the past year 250,000 pieces of our literature have been carefully distributed in Boston alone. Over two hundred literature distribution boxes have been placed and cared for by various groups in the city." (The King's Business.) The Christian Fundamentals League, with headquarters in Los Angeles (Room 207 Van Nuys Building) and of which we wrote at length in our/ February issue, has lined up to its support some of the leading ministers of the country who are highly pleased with the plan of action to be taken in combatting the false cults. Its constructive program appeals to sensible men and the literature being put out by the League for distribution and for plac- ing in its literature racks is conceded to be the strongest obtainable. Some very fruitful meetings have been held in Southern California by speakers representing the League, and literature racks are being manufactured fast enough to supply the demands. We trust many of our subscribers will give their names to Mr. Robert Hadden, General Secretary ofl the League, that he may send them circulars setting forth the plans for meeting the false teachings everywhere. (The King's Business,) HOW ARE ISMS PROPAGATED? Not by Logical and Eloquent Sermons, but by the Printed Page Well Circulated. If you want to see the Christian Scientists, the Russellites and the fol- lowers of other cults getting their recruits, sit up late nights and get up early in the morning. You'll see them putting out their literature. And What is the Church Doing? Just sitting like a bump on a log, watching the process. Do you know that the followers of most of the cults are instructed to pass on to others any literature they have (including their magazines), just as soon as they are through with it? Thousands are caught in this way. They read the literature so kindly given them by neighbors — they cannot discern the error — and because the ideas expressed tickle the carnal nature they rush into the cults. We Want to Wake Up a Lot of Christian People. We want them to pass on their copies of "The King's Business." We want them to get the habit of investing some of the Lord's money in spread- ing the message of this magazine. Subscribe for a friend. Send us a dollar or two that we may put the magazine into the hands of those we are constantly learning of, who would appreciate the magazine but cannot afford it. We have a waiting list of missionaries and country pastors. We would like one new subscriber from every present subscriber. If you will send us one, stating that you have done so as the result of reading this advertisement, we will send you either one of the charts showing the teachings of all the isms — or — a chart showing the teachings of Roman Catholicism (your choice.) THE KING'S BUSINESS. RELIGIOUS TRACTS The practice of placing the very best and most interesting evangelistic tracts in literature bags about the city has been followed for the past ten months by the Central Presbyterian church, and because of its very rapid growth, it is occasioning much favorable comment in Denton and elsewhere, and there are now, in town, fourteen places where this literature can be secured. These tracts are non-sectarian and are compiled by people of all denominations. The stories and Bible truths are gripping and appealing- The service is free to everybody, and is supported by free will offerings by Presbyterians and interested friends. The work will be extended further over the city as the church is able to do so. That these tracts are creating a wide interest is indicated by the letters which the church's pastor, Rev. A. R. Copeland has received from points in Texas and Oklahoma, from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pasadena and San Eernadino, Cal., New York, Toronto, Kansas City and Milwaukee commend- —49— inp: the work. The wife of a prominent pastor in Milwaukee wrote Rev, Copeland and asked for instructions for carrying on such work. Others wrote that reading this literature led to their conversion. It is the opinion of the pastor, and one which he has successfully proven since he began the practice in 1912 that this is a most economical and effective form of evan- gelism. Literature bags are now to be found in the following places, and these bags are refilled with a hand bag of literature every week; court house, depot, Oatman and Black hotels, South Side and Orear's barber shops, Arkan- sas Mill, Denton Cafe, Central Presbyterian church and Sunday School annex, first State bank, telephone office, gas office and light office. In adddition to this form of evangelism, the Presbyterian church is headquarters for good literature. In the church there are two book shelves from which one can select books and leave the money in the plate. There is a table in the vestibule loaded with books that are free to anyone that cares to take them. These books are out of the ordinary and are written by some of the world's fore-most scholars of leading denominations. — (Denton Record-Chronicle.) NOTE — Anyone desiring to help forward this work, may send their con- tributions to E. Hugh Egan, Chairman of Tract Work, Denton, Texas. BIBLE CONFERENCES Conducted Anywhere By Rev. A. Reilly Copeland, S. T. D., Bible Teacher, With Any Church. Ask For a Bulletin of This Work — Denton, Texas. BOOK STALL Anyone desiring- any book on any religious or moral subject may order from us. Just name the book and author. We have a splendid assortment on hand. Can get you anything. Address order to A. R. Copeland, Denton, Texas. TRACT DLSTRIBUTION Anyone desiring to begin tract work may write us for information con- cerning it. We will cheerfully give you the benefit of our experience in this niost valuable form of evangelism. Address A. R. Copeland, Denton, Texas. >i^ > ^'4r '■M&3 :m; Date Due