lIBRARYOrrRINCaCPi AUG 1 1 ?noo THEOLOGICAL SEhmmf" BV2570 .P723 1858 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School), Board of Domestic Missions. Annual report of the Board of Domestic Missions ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIK %mxh d §mu£t ^§kim PRESENTED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Ih/Lsty^ leso. FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL EEPORT]^ j^cq ^ ^992 BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS OF THE OF THE Otncral ^secmblg OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. PRESENTED MAY, 1858. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD. 1858. CONTENTS OF THE ANNUAL REPORT, 1858. PAGE. Table showing the number of Missionaries in each Presbytery. . . 4 Table showing the States in which the Missionaries have laboured, 4 Officers of the Board, 5 Members of the Board, 6-7 Resolutions of the General Assembly, May, 1858, 8 Report of the Board, 9-38 Statistical Table, 40-71 Treasurers' Reports, 72 State of the Treasury, 73 Financial Statement, 74 Thirteenth Annual Report of the Western Executive Committee, 75-77 Bequests, 77 Notice to Applicants for Missionary aid, 78 Notice to Churches and Presbyteries applying for Missionary aid, 79 Clothing for Missionaries, 79-80 Principles upon which the work of Domestic Missions is conducted, 80-81 Action of the General Assembly on Discretionary Powers of the Board, 81 Charter of the Board of Domestic Missions, 82 Honorary Members of the Board, 83-93 Table exhibiting the Receipts from Churches, from March 1st, 1857, to March Ist, 1858, 94-104 Times and places of the meetings of the Board, Committees, and Trustees, with form of Bequest, {See cover, 4th page.) TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MISSIONARIES IN EACH PRESBYTERY IN COMMIS- SION DURING THE YEAR. Salt-sburg 1 Sangamon 1 Schuyler 9 Sidney 6 Sioux City 5 South Alabama 4 South Carolina 5 St. Clairsville 2 St. Louis 6 St. Paul 8 Stockton 3 Susquehanna 6 Transylvania 3 Troy 2 Tuskaloosa 7 Tuscumbia 3 Upper Missouri 7 Vincennes 4 Washington 5 Western District 1 West Hanover 3 West Jersey 3 West Lexington 4 Western Texas 8 White Water 4 Winchester 6 Winnebago 14 Wooster 3 Zauesville 3 Not settled 14 Albany 5 Elizabeth town 2 Mohawk Allegheny 4 Erie 5 Montgomery Allegheny City 2 Fayetteville 3 Muhlenberg Arkansas 4 Findlay 5 Muncie Baltimore 11 Florida 6 Nashville Beaver 2 Fort Wayne 7 Nassau Bedford 3 Genesee Eiver 4 New Albany Benicia 1 Georgia 1 New Brunswick Bethel 1 Greenbrier 1 New Castle Blairsville 2 Highland 2 New Lisbon 2 Brazos 2 Hocking 3 New Orleans 3 Buffalo City 4 Holston 1 New York 10 Burlington 1 Hudson 3 Now York 2d 3 Carlisle 1 Huntingdon 2 Newton _ 6 Cedar 16 Indianapolis 1 North Mississippi 1 Cent'l Mississippi 1 Iowa 13 North Eiver 2 Central Texas 3 Kaskaskia 8 Northumberland 7 Cherokee 2 Knoxville 2 Ogdensburg 2 Chicago 13 Lafayette 2 Ohio 2 Chickasaw 4 Lake 4 Orange 6 Chillicothe 4 Lake Superior 3 Oregon 6 Cincinnati 7 Lexington Ouachita 3 Clarion 4 Logans23ort Oxford 1 Columbus 2 Londonderry Paducah 1 Concord 8 Long Island Palestine 5 Connecticut 4 Louisiana Palmyra 6 Coshocton 2 Louisville 3 Passaic 1 Council Bluffs 4 Luzerne 10 Peoria 14 Crawfordsville 2 Madison 3 Philadelphia 12 Dane 9 Marion . 2 Philadelphia 2d 6 Desmoines 8 Maumee 4 Potosi 5 Dubuque 13 Memphis 6 Raritan 2 East Hanover 3 Miami 5 Redstone 5 East Mississipp 2 Michigan 7 Richland 3 Eastern Texas 4 Milwaukee 4 Rochester City 4 Ebenezer 3 Missouri 2 Rock River 12 TABLE SHOWING THE STATES AND TERRITORIES IN WHICH THE MISSIONARIES HAVE BEEN IN COMMISSION DURING THE YEAR. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia 1 Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana 13 Iowa 59 North Carolina 17 11 Kentucky 17 Ohio 53 6 Louisiana 4 Pennsylvania 73 3 Maryland 12 Rhode Island 1 2 Michigan 9 South Carolina 6 ^1 Mississippi Missouri 8 Tennessee 9 5 27 Texas 16 5 New Hampshire 1 Virginia 31 62 New Jersey 16 Wisconsin 33 42 New York 46 Kansas 6 Minnesota 7 Nebraska Ter'ry 3 Oregon Ter'ry 4 Washington Ter. 2 610 BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Kev. John McDowell, D. D., President. Rev. Henry Steele Clarke, Vice-President. Rev. Gr. W. Musgrave, D. D., Corresponding Secretary. Rev. R. Happersett, I). D., Associate Secretary. Matthew Newkirk, Recording Secretary. Samuel D. Powel, Treasurer. William Nassau, Sen'r, "^ Matthew Newkirk, 1 . ■,. Charles Macalester, f Au in o ^i Examination Nco '^^S (^^eo^-■(^« CO a Months of Labour e* a* com (N— ' (NOiO (Ncd'm Performed. — '-' _^— _^ __ M Si ^^ 1 <5 ° 5 i o pa (J :e -i § 1 -a <£^ 1 ^ II ^ 1 i KH 1 1 1^ 1 1 1 ^ ^^rii I > tl oil J ^ -dtliil if l!t| IJJII1W 1 s ill III Nlsil^i^sij i ft i 1 I g 15 i i 1 a < o 1 «■ ^ § f=^*K ^ i ^.^^% it w ^ 1-^^ ^ 'W ft hs h, o ^ ^ a a WW ?Sw WWWOitr. Sjoocn t-J c-i CO Tf iQ o i>^ 00 ai o ^ ^m' CO -f' lo BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 41 CD §-5 ^ .^.g oil ^-g N C) kkS ^cK<4:a^-5« ixMK--S=r^> <1<1 za ^:^M q ^a ^ a z ^ zzz a a d a 00 n P5 n t^ CO CO eo in — 05 « n CO <£> i- S:r CO § a* - -, CO •* N t»- M e* to M CO ^ 00 <7i ^ Oi ■"t 2*2 - w -^ ^ I • c -2 .-2 ^a <, ^ «;« > = O "1 Ch ^ » °--> . o ^ - - - - " - - - sax -ja ta^gg g SLoS OH B u^ 2: < (» O O < fa ^ H BS f> , John T. , A. R. Y, John, 55 M P • S Bi- H 3 ^ 6 M J < t3 <) g iii H Q Z a! BS BS Z P g Bi s ^ii !z; a a ij ;5 z BJ tti ci Bi Bs H >- 5 S a z ^ S iJ S u S WM PMM w P3P3pap5 ttp:«?2pqpq pq WP5P w PQ CC C5 Sr^^i CO ^ .no r- OOClOr^tMCO Tt^ """• ^"^ C< C-l Cl C-l Cl C< n ^coQooc 5.: 11 Certificate. O 2 " CO CD 00 CO Examination 0> CD C* >* oo O N Months of Labour Performed. 2 2^22 2°°2z!22 p4 § o CO p Seventh street church, Washington City, D.C. Ninth church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Park church, Erie, and Harbour Creek, Pa. Rocky Springs church and two stations, Va. Lavaca and Green Lake churches, Texas. Bethlehem and Union, Mo. Versailles and Woodford, Ky. Mechanicsville and Lisbon, Iowa. First church, Gloucester City, N. J. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Yorkville church. New York. Manchester, New Hampshire. Solon and Gawyer's Ferry, Iowa. Bethesda and CarroUton churches, Alabama. Leon, Garden Prairie and Prairie City, Iowa. 40. Bittinger, B. F. 41. Black, James, 42. Blackburn, W. M. 43. Blain, John S. 44. Blair, W. C. 45. Blanke, Henrt, 46. Blanton, L. H. 47. Boag, R. 48. BoARDMAN, William E. 49. Boozer, John I. 50. BoTSFORD, E. C. 51. Bowman, George A. 52. BoTD, Alexander, 53. Bradshaw, Fields, 54. Bringle, J. P. BOAKD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 43 ■§ s? i I 5 i I I ,;i o ^1 2.2 -s I * 5 S IN CO o ec*d ^*m C O C OJ o — o -^ 4&" ;^ "^ oT i~ N .Sis 3 N ^ ^ — - "^ ^' ,^ .Si, ^- .S _: . «... *«P.!-.fii:ii*i! .felt.!P.ii g|Sg- S.2|:= a.S ^^-|-^^S|SS oS S-§S|g-S|g|g 5 ^ CD o I- en to = § iO 5?§ •* s Tj. r:< t^ a o t, CO 03 « N - - ia n O t> — ^ l« W 1^ ■* - Ift c* <>» (M - »* '^ (M Si 00 o> o 2 N N ' OJ oo (N - (S^io .2 '^ i .i c|§ -SSI S ^ :r « — 5 ji -^Sh — -^S'i I— i,oa ,, ^^c — 0)'"' "C O.oS 3 c^'-iUj3 111 ill flill ll ll f-J- i^51^g, iii.N| iiiii 11 11 iHim^n bi .^h^HH* . PSm2«P - oo O BSZo.. fcJ SOCO O COOtdZ BJ(!S ;2j 3 JSSKWS ?! pqpqpqpq pq pj^papqpQW p;m oo o oooooo o O r- OD ci o .-< ci M -+' «o O t-^ OC O O .-J C-i M -f o o t-^ O O >0 "O O O O O O O O O O O t~ t^ t- 1- t^ l~ I- t- 44 ANNUAL KEPORT. 1 8 S 1 i Dom. Miss. $21 77. For. Miss. $21 75. Other objects, $12. No Report. Dom. Miss. $12. Education, $5. For. Miss. $7. Publication, $4. Church Extension, $9. Other objects, $20. Five coloured communicants. Dom. Miss. $2 50. Education, $6. For. Miss. $12 92. Publication, $4 22. Church Ex- tension, $4. Other objects, 15. No Report. Dom. Miss. $13 75. Education, $15. For. Miss. $15 50. Publication, $6. Church Extension, $5. Other objects, $400. Dom. Miss. $9. For. Miss. $13. Education, $3. Other objects, $132 50. Dom. Miss. $7. Other objects, $3. Two churches organized. No Report. Two churches organized — Sioux City in Iowa, and " Dakota," in Nebraska Ter. Dom. Miss. $15. Education, $6. For. Miss. $20. Publication, $6. Church Extension, $6. Paid towards church debt and repairs, $700. Total in Commu- nion. lO 00 eo m <£> t~ Si a a* c* o Mon I ths of Labour erformed. e* — — N N jS'n (^ ift e^ M e* P5 O o 3 Galesburg church, Illinois. Six Miles church, Sibley, Mo. Oakland and Cambridge churches, Wis. Little Mount and Varennes churches and Flat Rock station, S. C. Middle Creek church and several stations, 111. Laurel, Clay and Rock Castle counties, Ky. La Grange and Fawn River churches and Union Mills station, Ind. First African church, Philadelphia, Pa. First church, Brownsville, Texas. Owatonna, Dodge City, East Prairie, &c., Minnesota Ter. Rosedale and Fox Lake churches. Wis. Ashviile and Swannanoe churches, N. C. Sioux City and vicinity, Iowa. Hartford church, Connecticut. < § 78. Candee, D. D., Isaac N. 79. Canfield, J. W. 80. Cargen, William, 81. Carlile William, 82. Carson, W. P. 83. Carter, Thomas M. 84. Cathcart, William, 85. Catto, William T. 80. Chamberlain, IIiram, 87. Chapin, Hervey, 88. Chapman, L. W. 89. Chapman, D. D., R. H. 90. Chesnut, Thomas M. 91. Childs, Thomas S. BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 45 ill i ami n. i^m^ ini fc :£ o tf ^ ^. S .^ S ^ J )S -S t; tf t^ S o .i s-i ?g .,jiiis.PiP,i»j|iii:i«ii5iii«ii^^ r: S^-i-c J25P-i cJs o ct^w f:;^"C- — K c— si=^,^ c " r: r^ -^u: '-^ c o o |2 g o <35 § OS 05 o CO CO n O T^ ff» * -- - ^. CO - i^ t^ CO Z! ^ c* ^ ^ 4 f - 1 ??^ _: c " Mi ■t^x .- ^c o a, ^ ^1^ ^js a S 8 "S^ " U ! — to — '■^ - 'i^^ S "S ?^ 2 ^ 2 .* S i, "3 § 3 O E.H^ >> C^ !B Q Cu < > C .2 - .. u 'o i^l ^ o ^ ^ 1 .- cT -g "S a n -'3^" I 5 2-2-g I S Si ^ -g - 5 S = 0'-- -^ s .2cs 1 '-S c g- S -2 .2 = 5 £ o;<; Kaaaa a 3 3 g:i!z;z l> >-. S:^.-^ . ■^. yr, o O ci:iS >^J 00000 o o o 0000 o o 000 oo 00000 00 o 0000 o o 060 9i ii Z^'d '-^ t: ^ '^ '^ ^ c-i M •*■ o o r~ cc ri o C". Oi cyi oi Oi e<5 - Examination IT* ^S - - Months of Labour Performed. rt (?» cc -m -*t N N W '^ O - -< CO (T* 2 «» M d a. Q. &. o.: K CC 2i K EC es « o o o o o ^Z;z ^^^iZQ gpa^ O O O J- o o ^'^ o 3 J2 : " o -S m Q) « _ QO in 05 cs 00 lO in 00 « CO o> in £~ CO N •^ ■* S ^ o 1- N in - - N 05 N - N d N - « eo in 2 o Cf> M t~ C ~' , c§ a 3 s es ^ 3 J3 5 =2 3 O J3 1 Texas. rove churches, low. lurches, Iowa, n. Union, i3ethel. "i a > 2 1 03 P3 11 S.I § 1 J 1.^ Hsil < s .i2 1 '3 c >>« "^ ■y t ^-1 S - = "K J "3 Milford and vicini Unity and Round Liberty and Unity Barbourville, Lon tr,. 3 n ■111 • g « O 3 < 1^ •- 1 c ^_ e £ 5 C5 = ? 3 eg — ^^ » /,« ^3 J ? - <1 o ^ ^„ .a g ^ ^ Pi ;^ j^ - ^^ Q O O CO CO-ICO P OQ M fi Pi ftp PPSWW H WW P^ ci O r-j' ci 48 ANNUAL REPORT. fotal in Commu- nion. o ^ §5 to o CO 05 05 CO w (r< J> Certificate. f* - N Tji Z T)< N r- CO Examination 00 - 05 to •* lO - N Its -, VIonths of Labour Performed. C» N M 2 2 (M a -H w o N CO -H CD 1^ e< to S . c w .2 u C .r 1° ..|5i ooS r So 3 d CO =^ o c o N (5© o — s s o o CO '.-JUUO^^OOOOO ; n, Q. 1 u V I as M 2 S cTO o 5g ^ go, s a sj O O O '*' oao fe .2 20 o ^4i& d-g ^ ^ a. 3 ca O 0- Q nli J o -6 " £' a 0) e ti S 5 ^.^j^fS o: ^ I -s 1^1 s Oi li^ CU - 1.5 fe- X w > g is- >5 ;?; ;<5 fe: ^ « w i. tf« CO . . -« fe ^ w « m S ft h:; J U a 2 5 S S 2 S cq Q p 3 w -< ►J J s t> WWHW Hfq H HP>^p^f^ PmI^h^P^^ PmPi^&^ o O 1— ( c0 CO t-oo o o— • O lO >o >o I— 1 r-lT-l i^ lO lO o CO CO CD CO BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 49 . o -5 _ O g, ^ ^ 2 U ^ ^ c- u- J g ■o S-?.H C5 W o .Oh aj t^ § ^ 01 s S § 2S «5 CO CO n C<5 ■<* N M CO 05 J> J> 2 « 00 CO e< c* ■* CO lO l>; CO ■* - CO - 2 IM CO 2 00 e< 2 ^ ^ 2 2 2 M 2 2 a. OH dS ^2§ ^ ; 'I g "S . a ^ ^ I ^ -g := £.-g !s mg^.-_ O j3 Ctnca CC " a o " a ^>:3 0-3 o ^ ;^S 0< fa:j o aa ^ ^ fij r§ '^ a .4 S S§ tfO ^^W t>- C5, faS^ fa< OOO OC5 00 0000 50 ANNUAL REPORT. " a, TS d 2 in o § lo o- c* C4 ^ a. ^ r. .2 § ■5S o ■§* 05 si to oT o o OS?; o p S i2 . o o , O -§ ^ w; S 3 io £ K ■gS » ^ d ■s -g « d 2 -fi ^ .2,'* ;i§|::)o|.|l ■r^ i^^ 1 i o HO CQQ^ Total in Commu- nion. ^ ■* Examination Months of Labour Performed. M © to « k^ > rr ^ > -^ j; 3 o -a "-, »i c . 3 _o o ea 3 ^ 1^ of f^^ ^ ^'il &, bo a. a> (^6^ w H . s S^ -< ^ o -^ >j C/3 w dS oo pq Id . H ^;^_&q *-; ^ ^ ?■ a" i/tQ >; p4' «1 < H . O Z K a > >" —( _l r-^ ^ (M Ol CI CI f;o g ^ ;5 . l^-gj >Ba|; I g 5 .s -s; .s § : o S " « >>W 1, o o >» t> > a: J hJ > •il h4 n Ellis, Jesse L John S Seth, , Alcan c23 3^ 1 WELL, WELL, WELL, WELL, WSLEY o o o o o WW w WW wwwww ^•^1 CO ^'lO o 1-: 00 d o* C^ ^ t) ti wwwww W W ^■^■^J^"^' ii ^' c o-3»>B mS U-:3 II 11 =11 ^ 1^:^ SS jS Sii^W ^ &:o o 5« cQ mQ6&: OH i-^ ^^. S.I S fe Boo !5 ta .6 ^' ^ H r. !5 a '^ .wo o i^" 1 11 o fc IZ s^ 2 z H >-' ■* J J is a H 5 9 !5 '-s'-s »-5 '-5'-3 •-5 iiii^'^i^ ci o ^ CI CO Tt! lo oi^ 00 O o C-ICI (N ClOJ oo .-I CI CO-* «oot- ^ ITS lO u^ lO lO " ' '~ 3< ta i- - ■* n n -* '<' "^ - 2 N o ■a o ■^ 05 N M N « N CO 00 OJ CD e* ■5 . (a >-. >^ Ipll ! Hi IS I I &1112 ^ i w w ?, u f^ ,' a - .J >- " r " r-r 3 ? o -j o s'. -^^ z Kl^nJ^^r^^ h:5hJ^3 ^Jh:^ J a h4 ►-; h^ hJ -:; ^ J h^ S i.-^ t-^ oc ci o --H (M o Tj? ic o t^ oD C-* o" -^ c-i CO -f o o r-^ QCococ xoi.oci S^cjci cr^CT. o o c:c:oooc;o o o C^ C^ d CJ 0» C< (N ; S ■£ c •- o a §W £ oj c8 £: 'O s ^ ^ . • i = c rc " o - 2 = H 03 S tB tj ^ O C9 iir ^6 ffl M h- 1 G o III o c -S S 002 "5 bS 1^ 2 2 . 0) o af .S s .a IE O Z fc- fcn PS Ph t» ^ 03 QJ ■— I - o a ^ 0) u *- i> • - -2 1 S--e S M w ^ .'^>: - P5 oT ^:2.i s^-gg2 --^ o 6= 2 • < . ^ ►-? f^ pa ,- o o c cy cy K m GO t< 2 'rt^ .a® -^'^ i^^co ^'5^-2 g.2'^.^^OSS§SS.2^;25g"SJiS;2cuS jSg;2g§S.2 0oo c|€&|«L^oo^oo§'»ioSOo§Woi«^-S 5-5^oo'^-oi'»^ t ag Q ^^pqg^Q QZfa ^Q ^Q PQ Q ZQ ^Q Sr: ^ M N § §5 § ^ § - N CO -^ 00 CO OO e* ;d IM - - - Tj< ■,o O-^H'-'^aS OS'S" « 3 o^ I |°--.-t.^ Ill :=! ^; M^ot I s H .H ^ C 3 c c ■ p |K«-i=«| i§ Zf o CL, j3 o pq *; I £ " s I J 5 'g ^ I £ .-£ I. § 5 ^ ^ -s ^ .= 2 - g i &, S CL, iJj 0? Z m 1-3 OS face OCQ <^6h OCL, 5 a "c8C^oo-_rec "c« dd d ddsHsa III §8 §8 888 l§ §§ coco CO C'OCOCOCOCOCO -^-f-* -rt*-* Tti-:f -rf-r-* luOuO UOO coco CO cocococococo cococo coco coco cococo coco coco 6 58 ANNUAL REPORT. n -^ d i^ ,G JS 'i II fSo o CO 1^ i g i i in ,1 Is . 9&CO *" -* «& CO . » d . •li t 1 il . G eo .2 il .Si. eT •If SI 3 5 o ¥. co-g 1 !i 1 11 i| -^ d — . ^ --? °d JdOj 3 m 11.2 MM CO S II ^ 2"! .2 g,-2 5 Ik s-s ^0-30 CO si ^2 II 2 S 'rt .« ' Q Q Q ^w^; ^Q Q ^.^C^Q Q eq Total in Commu- M 00 ^• 0: O) to nion. «D CO c« CO to (N (» m Months of Labour N i> fr» •^ •* (N 00 c» eo t^ d c^ 2 '^ Performed. '~' "" f-l r-< _i, 'o" o =a g (^ . f cj a o 3 1 1g -J 'S <1 . 43 0" a .1 G ^ 1 1-q 1 G M a 2 G 05 a G 'i O CO j3 S 1 i 1 1 . 11 1 G 4 c i ^ £ Jill 5 -- s •■? S It 3 '^ 1 fll w ^ CO 00 •S 1 1 1 W2 < to li. =^- i < i p4 1 1-3 i 1 5 N 1 1 eT - , u S i s sss SS S s ssss S 1^ Tl? kC o 1-Ioda^ di-H 0 lO to CO <0 ■^ to to to CO oo CO 000000 CO 00 CO CO eo 00 CO 00 00 00 . ^ i I BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 59 irig JS d ^iajg c'S aS c'c 5 i»^ O in ^J3° oc ujs ocs x: § .^S ^5:2 || |o II 5 -•"^ ^ifg gS= Ho ^-g W^ ^ 9 m-Ss CO .2 5 i> =5 -£ S S W „• S to ^ d .2 ^ ■rj logcoi a d^-i2^;:!§d gs^si^^gj^si «i ii = Oooo ooiP^SsWs°i"o-«i^S§-5og^-gog« a QP aaa ^g^Q Q Q Q Q O Q 1^ CO o in 00 i^ i S s in oo - lO e< C* CO CO 2 ^ o in - -H -^ ■■i' OS - -< CO M 00 CO N M 2 2 -^ 00 M t 2 N o N - W o i> O S>H .o -^ fcH 03 2 OJ u -^ - & -5 f^ 3 S ."S I— I Qj m u 0! S §c4 .^^ m <1 Q ^ . J'B "S 2 (B f^ ^ -c -c ill llinir I I II Hi rl r s W.2 o "3 C §S c -^ S „- > C •S " o o o| I, -5 a ^ S J3 £<2 ^ ^ Eb w c« a ►J a;zM ^ < ^ ^ z ts «eici fd t; ,1 w« OOO OM&UPO J<1- ^ t: o o9i to O i i w 6& O £ » m 3 S I 2 a, o § ^ . 2 . ©a g-^ S-^ s^ o o c 3 ® "3 o-S C CO &, '^ B S c o c S ^■£-2 2 to - 3 to ■^ g . .'^n oj ^ 'j^ J? P5 D O pq .M < S >A >H Cm fe O ^ 03 P ii 1-:! H ■3 » g =■ O GO ■O m (U i; e >- H^ o s ^ <=- &, - ^.-o & ■S pi C aj a 'O as 1^ -C S bCTJ O O "^ fl ' a o *i G o CO J^ od cr. o r-I<^i 05 oo CO CO CO CO O'J CO CO CO •^ -^ BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 61 OS «>e<9 Sic. S -b-;- > 0^ A ^ -2, Eh . . »^ i2 t: 3 <" sod ^* «• S o li < 43 00 io -S o .£,2 S-P^ • = 1 lis.ii.ijj|i . ill ,,.,.lumi2 S -SS » g-ISS g-o'^'tj .S a, ^^S g- £- S" g- g-"© S g.^ t^ .2 3 S o JSo'^ooooco^u'^o o o®o oooooS"oo^-"3 § -^ 01 s e* lO to 03 s (M U5 g? ^ - - '^ Tj< CO >o 00 w -^ •<* :: w e* N e^ : e* s« - 00 e< ■«* 2 rt N N CO ^ 2 2 c & -- c; « 5 „r .'o -i ^\'^ > ^ ^=^=-5)3 "-SoPh-^^ ji ,s.-g5'2^: •?: .^t°..=^ ^^i-'^i S 2 w HM wIsSooo 3 o es S h i, i^ ^ < < < < < ^ 12;^ ^^)^^^^ 00000 OOOC^Ph^ P^Ph M -^'in or-^ooa5 0r4 c4 n o t-adoo— 1—1 >-< i-t "—I .— it-H.— ICICIIM C1(M Tti -"^ -^ T^ Tji ^ -^ T}< Ttl T^ "^l -^ Tf Tj< -^ '^ ^ Tf -^ •<:f -^ -^ 62 ANNUAL REPORT. S Aha of di s o 3 -Q d o ^ *« .2 o -s lO n3 3 lO i S 3 -3 1-3 S 2 o d '^ in w |ll CO « -^ 3„: ■3 ja Certificate. •£> - t2 • i- «.^ 1 .5 S 13 51 P^ p 03 J 3 a §1 |i 1. ^1 o 3 1 w g bo i 1 1 g O 3 si §2 ■2s I'l. 11 It li II » -, si i g O 1 J Bloomingdale church, N. Y. Memphis Third church, Tenn. Tipton and Red Oak, Iowa. Stockton, Byrens and Montgome White Haven, Clifton, Rockport Pa. Kingwood and Frenchtown chur Morris City and South station, II Maquoketa church, Iowa. Lyons, Clinton and vicinity, low Vermillion church, Wheatland, and Aftun, Minnesota Ter. K M 0? CO n ^ i" f^'o ^ -3 = Kg <5 «5 H W Pi o ij Pi ^ 6 § op S fe § ^ g fi w o o O £ g pT pT pf pT pT CO «h? K Pi Pi" CO < ^ ^ W k^ M w w w Www CO ^i ►q 3 s H frH EH H t^ H H "A & « PS Pi Pi M Pi H s M s 3 >^ O O O O O O O o « Ci^ Ph Ph PhPh P^ PhPhPhPhPh P^PhPh PWPh o j^ 00* od ^• c-i CO -t lo o t-^odci 2:ij (M CM ^ 2 O S || If if »| I ^^ coS ^ LS ^ a^y^-' ,^ — ; tll'^ fff-" I'ii "^J N W QJ UJ '^ W o CO Ut: o in o OS «o Ol o SJ o CO in (M « lO £» OJ - N «5 irt w -^ 1^ a 00 CS c* •* 2 2 M 2 2 2 CO lo" " e* 2 2 e< :S^S> ." S2=E 5» 'g1s;;« -H^l^ ^ s& ^i-^.sT cl IS 'a ; ^-3 fr) >» o a eu > fcn iij ci S o SQ oQ « !> pa S o 32 •^ Q 1 - -js 08 O CS .H Cm .a S S 99= O O o ;2U^ o o as . ill 11 o -o " o _ S .fa :S o 13 J3 Wo o -^ fa[S ^ 59& II 5 J d a S 9. •2 SS S S S ■" o o ^fek .a - m o O m i" '^ 2 o o 0) S •?i» o " ® o o S Total in Commu- nion. S Certificate. Examination Months of Labour Performed. M (M 05 e* o o « O 6 o -S " o o C to "^ 03 OJ SiO C 3 Cu" 3 « O ' Q 02 S £ S 8 I ■" <9 S 2 s » I § a> O li-^t^ ^ 5 M tf W fe P W ^ l> ^g PhPhMMCC OQW ^ o to r^ CO CJO CO ■« O O «0 -* ■^'* "* T}< -^-Th >* 1^ o - pa < o g^. BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 65 •- M U 05 IB- I— I Oj n ^:2 si S I if 6 2 -5 1 . _'oJ ^^ -a ^ t S ° c e* J2 .o- S S ,„- 5 W H ^ « »^4sS .•.!.» .«-sll ."S*... .»l|*li! B-S S u -s .2 c 0.2 ^ S,.2 a.:^ g .2 •-= 1 d o-g „'S ^ !^ o.;^ S " "3 «^"-5^SgSKj5-5DsS Kp^cg-pc'o«pOajK«„-2cb=«*S5 ^O a ^qzw^;q o ^;.q Q ^ ^ a q ea o 00 ^ CO in 00 us lO 5 CO 05 00 oc 1 N CO e« o o e« N 2 CO CO <^ c > w & o rs £3 QJ O O o •D > to'-' So ouoC .S LT" E^^ O < S Q- Q O O fa SO fe fc- 5 d'"^ "1 O .m <1 ^^ §&■« - 12; ^p4 sT 64" 1-4 ii ^ s H p ►J ;a l> o c5 -a w w H w o « a H M a S23 COM COM 02 CO CO COM CO CO COM COTt* »o o t--^ QO ci O— 4 Cl eo-t< vo 00 GO Ci O O 05 ■* -^^ ■*■* Tf ■* -^ rf-^ ■* a :w l"iii i =o ^ ;r^ -il' il t— I &y « « <■ 2 W I 5 « ( QQ ANNUAL REPORT. &'^ ^ ^ s ^ SI ^ S O 00 Total in Commu- nion. (M O Examination !«■ N (MM .- qT " S » -fi " 'O 3 05 3 O U £ Eu a, -3 OD CQ ^1 5^^ X ^1 .E S > CUD »^ 33 a) ft !x Eh dH^t^>-' K^- P g w w" ta' tT '^ t. E < •< a H s a a a ^ 2 2 Cm mmvimm mm coco CQ 06 d rH* * -* 10 kC >o 10 lO kO lO 10 ^ s BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 67 O a 2i -S?2 e^if 1 g*^« i «© ,WcS ..• Sii M-^-"^ ^ '^ g-3 .2 -^ S -: ^ ^ . ^ ^ « . • «5 2§22^oo|° ^'^^^coS § ^2 2^ ..„ •n 00 5 ** 00 g ^ § 2 ^ 2 S §5 e* e 00 (N 00 o 00 00 CO c< - ■^ -* j> 2 2 "* 2 m 2 i^ N N N (?< 00 M in CO N N N « 'S is t ll ll 3 111 3 s l=.i If = .„ o -f.-c-g ^ "^S ^.s ^e" -S^ Cm 3 h fM Ph t-5 .^ a OS Is H El a 55" fe fe g «2CC M moi MM M MMM H Tf uo o nIoo oio :r) sid-t lO lOiO m oo kO lO u-:) »o m lO HHH r^ GO o c; ci CI 10 o 68 ANNUAL REPORT. WW 3 O J2 CO Cu W «3 o o w 5 3 "-^ -^ |o o • O *S iiw1« Q S C " -w d g o o S -r Q- <=- ^2; Total in Commu- 11 ff» m o lo s< QO ^ (M ■I ^ - s a a a M N 50 M n •;,- ^5 B 1 2 2 ,/■ eT Ph N ci c6 "* 10 o t^ oc cJ o i-H ci ro -rtJ o co t- oc ci o 70 ANNUAL REPORT. 1 1 in 00 II -£3 s A H if 1 i ^ . O 3 o H o § s 1 % 1 S Is J3 C s 1 O S2 in - CO .5 s < II O :2 — lO d .2 2. s-g s 1^ 8 §?j 1 s ^ o; 3 Is- Z^ o €©= in 1 £ < A i .2 -5 1 t iigi ill O 5 - § IB Q Q H 03 Q ^ Q t> ^Q M 5Q Q . Total in Commu- o O O N « •* ■>* o> ^ «o nion. § Tl< ■<*< rt lo lO 2 lO t- 11 Certificate. o> M ■<* N - eo 2 c< P Examination I- -H -^ w CO Months of Labour 2 N (M « W 00 «5 N o ^ « N N o> o «* Performed. > 1 I 1 1 p4 § o p 03 Oh « i Oh o 3 1 .7 .a! ^. ■g 1 ° gl i 3 s| l^'^ -^ N 0*0 ^ pa > OS 1 1 1 41 ^ .1-g Ifli ll^l 2 ^^ 1 1 1 \ \ 1 i % 1 i D I II « 1 1 1 : 1 -3 ■^ ■g .'• a 1 o 1 < ^0 . ill S Fh HI ^ . H aJ ;z H n, .2; . w M s J J ^ s; -^ ^ o j" H m ^ H S 'h^ o 1 I < o til H i O o H s s a < < < 3 3 3 ^ lJ L] a 3 1 a 3 < W W W W H W tH W S 3 3 s ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ci ^0 "* lO O t-^ 00 oi d^' ci CO '+' lo" JS fe t~ t^ t^ r, t^ [^ t^ 1^ t~ OC CO QO CC 00 CXI CO 00 O O O lO o o o o o »o o o »o ic >o lO 10 BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 71 ■ So o .22 w. 5 m — O ,10 fcl C ^ CO c W ^ w I ^ = f CO I.S W o O !> ~ eao^^'-3.£ Oc2 = -c te. = ^§-j Sue s^'-'f^JO lO in P O Ig^E-'Q ^Q Q QQ OO O O tJ^ ^ Q ^Q p >j ^ Q ? s ^i s Hi P5 t- O Til § s CO o ss « « «o -^ c« ■>* ■* •* 03 N - - J^ ^ - m - -H N "^ N N 00 in - W 2 N OC (N iO N o e* a> e< O N W « ff* ;: o I ** N ^ M Pi € I!: I i il 11 I s ^ . ft B I a = >^ ^ C5 -^ = i -M^ -1111 il £ iltM^ fi -§55-1 S CD '^ ;> :> H S oa « o t~ 00 oj d iC»0 lO to o VO O lO »o «o o o ooo oo ooo--^ <© ocso oo oooo 72 ANNUAL KEPORT. TREASURERS' REPORTS. Samuel D. Powel, Treasurer, in account with the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Fresbyterian Church. 1857. DR. March 1. To balance in the Treasury at this date, .... $15,956 01 1858. March 1. To cash received from March 1, 1S57, to date, from churches, individuals, and legacies, 81,337 59 97,293 60 1858. CR. Feb. 27. By cash paid Missionaries, and current expenses this year, 80,448 69 Balance, $16,844 91 Philadelphia, Pa., March 1, 1858. S. D. POWEL, Treasurer. The undersigned, having examined the account of Samel D. Powel, Treasurer of the Board of Domestic Missions, and compared the different items with the vouchers, find the same correct; and that there is in the Treasury a balance of sixteen thousand eight hundred and forty-four dollars and ninety-one cents, ($16,844.91.) M. Newkirk, I ^,,^,v_„ John M. Harper, j ^^'i'^^^^- TREASURY AT LOUISVILLE. The General Assembly's Board of Domestic Missions, in account with A. Davidson, Treasurer. 1858. r>R. March 1. To cash paid Missionaries, and sundry expenses since March, 1857, $16,441 08 Amount of goods forwarded to Depot, 2,064 42 Balance on hand, 1,394 19 $19,899 69 1857. CR. March 1. By balance on hand at this date, . . . $461 61 Cash received from various sources, from March, 1857, to March, 1858, . . . _ . _ . 17,373 66 Amount of goods acknowledged as received in Depot, 2,064 42 $19,899 69 A. DAVIDSON, Treasurer. The undersigned have examined the Treasurer's account, of which the above is a true abstract, and find vouchers for every expenditure. William P'^atheu, j ^^^,.^.,,^ Committee. Samuel Casseday. BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. 73 STATE OF THE TREASURY. From March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1858. At Philadelphia. Balance on hand March 1, 1857, ..... $15,956 01 Receipts from March 1, 1S57, to March 1, 1858, .... *81^337 69 At Louisville. Balance on hand March 1, 1857, . . . . . 461 61 Receipts from March 1,1857, to March 1, 1858, . . , 17,373 66 West Hanover Presbytery. Balance on hand March 1, 1857, . . . . . 716 69 Receipts from March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1858, ... 696 57 East Hanover Presbytery. Balance on hand March 1, 1857, ..... 33 44 Receipts from March 1, 1S57, to March 1, 1858, . . 1,637 03 Deduct amount sent to and acknowledged in Philadelphia Treasury account, . . . . . . 200 25 1,436 78 Concord Presbytery. fBalance on hand March 1, 1857, ..... 529 19 Receipts from March 1, 1S57, to March 1, 1858, . . 1,286 59 Deduct amount sent to and acknowledged in Philadelphia Treasury account, . . . . . . 70 00 1,216 59 Orange Presbytery. fBalance on hand March 1, 1857, ..... 1,026 83 Receipts from March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1858, . . 883 34 Deduct amount sent to and acknowledged in Philadelphia Treasury account, . . . . . . 10 00 873 34 Louisiana Presbytery. Balance on hand March 1, 1857, ...... 211 17 Receipts from March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1858, ... 590 11 South Carolina Presbytery. fBalance on hand March 1, 1857, . . . . , 325 46 Receipts from March 1, 1857, . . . . . . 299 64 South Alabama Presbytery. Receipts during the year, ....... 685 13 Deduct amount sent to and acknowledged in Philadelphia Treasury account, ....... 139 88 Tuskaloosa Presbytery. Receipts during the year, ...... 958 09 Deduct amount sent to and acknowledged in Philadelphia Treasury account, ....... 50 00 Available resources for the year, ... The payments during the year have been Leaving in all the Treasuries a balance of . . Of this sum there is due the missionaries Unexpended balance, ..... 17,835 27 1,413 26 $121,637 92 104,153 67 ),3S4 25 ,871 44 $8,512 81 * This includes $600 drawn from West Hanover Presbytery, and $296 30 cents drawn from Orange Presbytery. t The difference between the balances here given (from the, books of the Board) and those reported by the different Treasurers, is the amount of drafts drawn on them and unpaid. 8 7* ANNUAL REPORT. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. OFFICE AT PHILADELPHIA. Salary of the Corresponding Secretary, " " Associate Secretary, Less relinquished on account of absence " " Treasurer and Book-Keeper, Clerk, . Rent of Rooms, Postages, Books and Stationery, Printing and Binding Expenses of removing and fitting up Stoves, pipe and fuel. Care of Rooms, Other office expenses. in California, $300 new Rooms, MISCELLANEOUS, Printing Annual Report of last year and postage " " Sermon of last year " " . Altering Honorary Membership plate Home and Foreign Record — proportion of deficiency . Iron safe, including expense of putting in, $219, less dona- tion of Manufacturers, $30, Expenses on Missionary Clothing, Travelling expenses of the Corresponding Secretary, " " " Associate Secretary, $1800 00 $2000 00 1—1500 00 1500 00 900 00 291 67 180 01 65 62 119 75 241 20 74 95 42 50 17 26 $6,932 96 $591 97 164 13 26 00 230 15 189 00 42 16 293 08 373 75 $1,910 24 PITTSBURGH AGENCY. Salary of Receiving Agent, .... Expenses of " " attending Synod, &c. Postages, ...... Stationery, . . . • • Discounts on uncurrent money, [. Expenses on Missionary Clothing, $250 00 6 63 4 76 1 00 22 74 14 00 $299 13 COMMITTEE AT LOUISVILLE. Salary of Secretary, .... Postage and Stationery of Secretary, Office Rent, Fuel and attention to Secretary's Office, . Travelling expenses of Secretary, Salary of the Treasurer, Postage and Stationery of Treasurer, Books, &c., for Treasurer, Printing and mailing Circulars, Salary of Agents for keeping Clothing Depot, Expenses of Agents, .... Freight on money and Missionary Clothing, Discount on drafts and uncurrent funds. $400 00 35 00 50 00 25 00 13 00 150 00 25 00 6 50 11 00 128 13 28 14 13 55 101 24 — $986 56 $10,128 89 APPENDIX THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE WESTERN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS. The Western Executive Committee, in presenting their accustomed Annual Report to the Board, feel called upon again to express their gratitude to God for the success with which he has crowned their efforts to extend his cause in the field committed to their care, during another year. The past has been a year of disaster and failure in almost every department of labour, where money was necessary to carry it on. In the commercial world, men's hearts failed them for fear; and not a few who, at the beginning of the year, counted their possessions by the thousands, not to say millions, are now hopelessly bankrupt. At such times, all benevolent associations, dependent upon the voluntary contributions of the people for their support, are usually the first to feel the pressure. Many good men, when com- pelled to retrench their expenditures, begin the work of retrenchment just where it ought to end — in the amount which they contribute to promote the cause of Christ in the world. This Committee, in obedience to a suggestion of the Board, and in accordance with the dictates of their own judgments, when the pecuniary pressure commenced, immediately set about curtailing their liabilities in every way possible, without inflicting serious injury upon the missionaries already in the field, and dependent on the Board for the support of themselves and their families. All new and expensive missions were declined, unless they promised a speedy return for the money and labour expended upon them; and all old commissions were narrowly scrutinized, to see if they would not bear reduction before they were renewed. The prospect at one time was, that the receipts into the treasury would fall so far below their accustomed amount, and the wants of the Board, that we would not be able to meet promptly the payments to the missionaries as they fell due. This dark and gloomy prospect, however, has vanished, and a brighter one taken its place. The urgent appeals sent out to the churches were met with promptness by them, so that your Committee has been able, with the liberal aid extended by the Board, at the close of the year, to pay off every missionary who has reported, and leave a small balance in the treasury, to pay others who have yet to report. THE STATE OF THE TREASURY. The Committee have had no travelling agents in the field during the year, having thrown the whole work of collecting funds on the pastors and church sessions. The Corresponding Secretary has visited as many of the Presbyteries and Synods as he could conveniently reach in person, and through circulars, and the newspapers, has 75 76 APPENDIX. kept the churches informed as to the condition and wants of the Board; and occa- sionally has visited churches, and taken collections; but, with these slight excep- tions, the whole work of raising funds has been accomplished by the pastors and sessions. The Committee felt bound to give the Plan of Systematic Benevolence, inaugurated by the General Assembly, a fair trial. They are happy to add, that as far as it has been carried out by the churches, in their field, it has worked quite as well as its warmest advocates anticipated. Many of our churches have not yet adopted it, but those which have done so, and carried it out, have raised more money, almost universally, than they ever did before. The amount on hand in the Treasury on the first of March, 1857, was $461.61 cents. The amount received since that date was $17,373.66 cents. To which is to be added the amount of goods received into the depot, $2,064.42, making a total of $19,899.69. Of this sum only $21 1 was received from legacies, all the remainder being the annual contributions of churches and individuals. It is $146.17 cents less than was received from the same sources last year, and is $668.55 more than was received from those sources during the year ending April 1, 1856, and is $4,251.03 more than was received during the year ending April 1, 1855. During the years ending in 1855 and 1856, the Committee had collecting agents in most of the field under their charge, whilst in those ending in 1857 and 1858, they had none, and yet the last years have yielded the largest results, if we count only the annual contributions from the churches. If then we take into consideration the pecuniary condition of the country during the past few months, we think all will admit that the dispensing with collecting agents has been a wise movement. Whilst the collections have not increased, as the merits of the cause, the growth of the churches and the wants of the Boards have demanded, they have not fallen oflf, as it was feared they would do, when the pressure of the agency system was removed from the churches. MISSIONARIES IN COMMISSION. On the first of March, 1857, there were one hundred and ninety missionaries in commission in our field, and of these one hundred and thirty have been recommis- sioned. Twenty-six missionaries, whose commissions had expired previous to March 1, 1857, have been recommissioned, and fifty-two new men have been added. This gives a total of two hundred and sixty-eight missionaries, who have been in commission during the whole or a part of the year. Last year there were two hundred and fifty-five men in commission. This shows an advance within the year of thirteen in the number of missionaries, notwithstand- ing the efforts of the Committee during the last half of the year to curtail its operations. SELF-SUSTAINING CHURCHES. The efforts of the Committee have been steadily and constantly aimed at inducing the aid-receiving churches to become self-supporting, and be transferred to the aid- giving class. These efforts have not been as successful as your Committee hoped they would be. Many churches which promised at the beginning of the year to be able to sustain themselves without further aid, have felt so pressed by the revulsion in pecuniary matters as to ask aid again. The reports of the distress which has come upon the missionaries, from the failure of the people to pay their small sala- ries, have induced the Committee to continue aid in many in.stances where they had rest Ived to withhold it hereafter. Notwithstanding all the pressure, we are able to eportover thirty churches which have become self-sustaining, A few of these are now giving their pastors larger salaries than they received formerly from both the Board and the people. APPENDIX. 77 The Committee would again express their belief that many churches are asking and receiving aid from the Board, which, with proper effbrls and self-denial on the part of their members, might sustain themselves. The Presbyteries are to blame in all such cases, as without their sanction no such church could apply for aid. They should see to it that every church has exerted itself to sustain its own pastor or supply, to the extent of its ability, before it receives their sanction to apply to the Board. Nothing more eflectually dries up the benevolence of the aid-giving churches, than the apprehension that their contributions will be bestowed upon churches which are able, but too penurious to help themselves. This in fact is the only objection to the Board of Domestic Missions, which cannot be made to ap- pear so absurd, that no reasonable mind will for a moment entertain it. The Pres- byteries can remove it by withholding their sanction fiom all applications for aid, where the churches can help themselves. It was stated above, that we had paid all the missionaries who have reported up to this date, and have a small balance in the treasury. It ought to be added, how- ever, that had all the missionaries in our commission reported to date, we would owe them $5,773.20, which would exhaust our balance, and leave us largely in debt. To meet this debt, enlarged contributions will be demanded during the ap- proaching summer. In conclusion, the Committee would record the fact, that at no time since their organization, has the blessing of God attended so richly and copiously the labours of the missionaries commissioned by them, as within the past few weeks. Scarcely a report reaches us from any quarter, but speaks of increased interest and enlarged congregations. In many cases the Spirit of God has descend- ed in copious effusion upon the churches. The people of God are rejoicing over new born souls, and sinners are asking in large numbers what must we do to be saved. The labours of ministers are in great demand. The self-denying mission- aries are wearing themselves out in trying to meet this demand, and are crying to us to send them recruits to enable them to gather in the glorious harvest. The work is thus growing upon our hands. New fields are daily opening, which have been hitherto closed against the Presbyterian Church. It is for the churches to say whether the Board shall be supplied with the means to enter into these openings of Providence. All we can do, is to stand and cry to them from our watch-tower of observation, "Ye men of Israel, help." "The har- vest truly is great, but the labourers are few." L. J. HALSEY, Chairman. W. W. HILL Corresponding Senctarij, BEQUESTS. The General Assembly which met in 1840, authorized their Board of Domestic Missions to apply to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for an Act of Incorpora- tion: this application was made, and a charter obtained, and the Board have now an incorporated Board of Trustees, entitled, " The Trustees of the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United Slates of America." To this body, all legacies or bequests for the Board of Domestic Mis- sions should now be given. The State laws difTer so much, that no one form will answer in all the States but in every case it is essential to give the right cobpohate name. Tf APPENDIX. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR MISSIONARY AID. Applicants for missionaries and missionary aid, are respectfully and earnestly requested to pay particular attention to the following rules and regulations of the Board : EuLE 1. Regular form in which applications are to come up to the Board, as often as made. AjDplications to the Board for Missionary appointments and pecuniary aid, and also for the re-appointment of Missionaries, should ahoays be made by the Elders of the church, through the Pre.'ibytery, or the Corresponding Executive Committee of the Presbytery to which the church applying for assistance belongs — accompanied with a recommendation from said Presbytery or Committee, of the Missionary to be appointed, and a specification of the amount of aid indispensably necessary. It' there be no Corresponding Executive Committee in the Presbytery, the appli- cation must be fully sanctioned by two neighbouring ministers, connected with the Presbytery to which the church belongs. Rule 2. Of the Board, in relation to renewing, dating, and ante-dating Commissions. Passed March lOth, 1851. In consequence of the constantly repeated applications of Presbyteries to ante- date Commissions, some for three, others for six, and some even for twelve mouths, and without any apparent reason, other than want of attention and prompt action on the part of Presbyteries and Committees of Presbyteries on Mis- sions, thereby embarrassing the business of the Board, and depriving the Board of an accurate knowledge of the expenses of our Missions, for which provision must be made weekly, therefore, 1. Resolved, That the Presbyteries and Committees of Presbyteries on Missions be respectfully requested to have Commissions of their missionaries renewed before the expiration of their time of service, if practicable to do so; and in all cases to state definitely the time when they wish the Commission to be dated. 2. Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of May, 1851, the Board will ante- date no Commission beyond two months from th& time of the reception of the applica- tion at the Mission Rooms, either in Philadelphia or in Louisville. 3. Rules of the Board in relation to careful examination of applicants : — to informa- tion requested of Presbyteries by the Board, to assist it in its action:— and to churches able to support the gospel for themselves. "On motion, 1. Resolved, That the Committees of the Board, in Philadelphia and Louisville, be directed to examine carefully into the propriety and justice of every applica- tion for new Commissions, or for renewal of old ones; and whenever the sums applied for may be reduced, that the reduction may be made. 2. Resolved, That the Presbyteries be requested to state the amount raised by the churches or congi-egations forming missionary fields, in support of their pas- tors or missionaries, when they apply for Commissions from the Board for them, in order to enable the Board to act more intelligently on the applications. 3. Resolved, That before a Presbytery entertain the application of any organized church or missionary field, it be requested to inquire whether said church or field has any reasonable prospect of becoming self-sustaining; and whether said chui'ch or field may not jiroperly and profitably be united with some contiguous church or churches, and the labour of a missionary, and the expense of his sup- port, be saved to the Board, agreeably to the recommendation of the General Assembly. 4. Resolved, That all churches which have been long upon the Board, and are able to support the gospel of themselves, have their appropriations reduced; and that they be discontinued by the Board as soon as possible, in order that the Mis- sionary funds of the Church may be husbanded, and more liberally and exten- sively applied to fields that are purely missionary, and in which the Church may expand and grow." APPENDIX. 79 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PRESBYTERIES AND CHURCHES APPLYING FOR AID. It has always been regarded as the duty of churches applying for aid, to inform the Board, through the Presbyteries by which their applications are recommended, of the amount of salary they promise to pay to their pastors, or stated supplies, in order that the Presbyteries and the Board may be able the better to judge whether the amount of aid asked for is reasonable and necessary. From some cause or other, this salutary custom has gradually fallen into disuse, at least so far as the Board is informed, and the information so obviously necessary is very generally withheld. In order to obtain this needed information in future, the Board adopted unanimously the following resolution, viz. "Resolved, That the Executive Committees of the Board be, and they hereby are instructed to defer acting upon applications for missionary aid until they ascertain, if practicable, what amount of salary the churches applying for assist- ance from the Board have promised, or are willing to promise, to their ministers." In view of this resolution of the Board, we respectfully request all the churches desiring aid, to inform their respective Presbyteries of the amount of salary they have promised, or are willing to promise, their ministers; and we also respectfully request all the Presbyteries and Presbyterial Committees on Missions, to furnish this information to the Executive Committees of the Board when applications for aid are recommended. This will prevent delay and trouble, as the Executive Committees, under the instruction of the Board, will of course defer acting upon all applications until they obtain, if practicable, the information required. This rule is so obviously proper, and indeed indispensable to the judicious dis- bursement of the Missionary Fund of the Church, that we confidently trust it will be cheerfully complied with by all the jiarties interested. CLOTHING. Boxes of Clothing for Missionaries. — For the information of those who may wish to furnish clothing, or other articles, for the comfort of our missionaries and their families, we publish the following. Boxes of clothing, when sent directly to the office of the Board, without any particular designation, will be forwarded to such missionaries as are known to be the most needy; and the missionaries, to whom a box from any congregation or association is sent, will be requested to write to the donors, acknowledging the receipt. In some instances, we are asked at the office to designate some missionary, and give particular information in regard to his circumstances, his family, etc.. This information is not ahoays in our power to give; and not unfrequently difficulties arise from selecting particular missionaries in that way. As a general rule, then, we would say, as the result of our own experience in this matter, that if the donors have no special reasons for designating a particular missionary, the distribution of these boxes had better be left to the officers of the Board at the office. Our decided impression is, that a more equitable and judicious distribution will in this way be made, and the object of the benevolent donors be more completely gained. We ask particular attention to the following directions for forwarding boxes. 1. In every box that is sent, put a list of all the articles, with an estimated value of each article; put on the same paper the name of the individual, congregation or association from whom the box comes; also the address of the person to whom 80 APPENDIX. a letter of acknowledgment is to be sent. Let this paper be put in the box, where it will readily be seen on the box being opened. A copy of this list, with a letter, should also be sent to the office of the Board, in which letter information should be given of the time when the box was sent, and by what conveyance, and any other things connected with the donation which it may be desirable should be known at the office. 2. The box should be fully and plainly marked, "Mission Rooms, 910 Arch Street, Philadelphia ;" and the place from which it comes should always appear on the outside. The articles should be carefully put up in strong and tight boxes, well nailed, and secured against rough handling, on a long voyage. 3. It is important that all boxes of clothing, designed more especially for the West, should be at the office as early as the first September, that they may reach their destination before the navigation closes. Clothing Distributed Gratuitously. — Boxes of clothing form no part of a mis- sionary's regular appropriation — the Board, therefore, need the same amount of funds to meet their engagements, as if no boxes were forwarded. It is very important this should not be overlooked. These boxes are of great value to the missionaries, and they need all that is sent to them; but we should be careful not to sufl'er these acts of kindness to lessen our pecuniary donations to the cause. The cause cannot admit of this without loss, and serious loss. Thus far there has been no pecuniary loss, but rather a gain, by the interest which has been excited in the preparation of these boxes. We fondly hope it will continue to be so, and that the interest in this cause will continue to increase, until our whole land is supplied with gospel privileges. Contents of Boxes. — As to what is to be put into these boxes, we are willing to leave that matter to the judgment of our good ladies, who so well know what is wanted in a family. Scarcely any article in common use will come amiss. Knives and forks, spoons, scissors, thread, yarn, silk, needles, pins, tape, buttons, etc. etc., in addition to articles of substantial wearing apparel, will be thankfully received. Flannel, muslins, calicoes, etc., not made up, are very acceptable. Garden seeds, medicines, etc. PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH THE WORK OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS IS CONDUCTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Resolved, That the Assembly would re-affirm all the principles upon which it has heretofore carried on its Domestic Missions — principles which have been exhibited in a review of all the published minutes, acts, and doings of the Church in her highest judicatories, from the beginning; and which are drawn up and set forth in order in the Report of tlie Board of Domestic Missions, May, 1862. Resolved, That the great work undertaken for so long a time by the Assembly, is the expansion and full establishment of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by his own Spirit and power, over all our vast country. And it is purely a missionary work; missionary in this respect, that ministers are sent out by the Assembly, and means furnished for their support, in whole or in part, while they are preaching the gospel, and gathering and establishing churches. So soon as individual churches, or groups of churches, are established, and are able to support all the institutions of the gospel for themselves, they are no longer missionary in character, but immediately cease their connection with the Board, and fall into line with the great body of self-sustaining and contributing churches, and go to add to the solid material and power of the Presbyterian Church. Now, the principles upon which the General Assembly conducts its Domestic Mission- ary work, are these: 1st. It is in the sense defined, a missionary work. 2d. The funds contributed for it are mi.Hsionary funds. 3d. The men employed in preach- ing the gospel are, in their fields, mvi.nonary men. 4th. All the churches and fields aided and supplied, are missionary churches and fields. 6th. The funds supplied are funds for temporary assistance, and not for entire nor permanent sup- port. The people aided are to help themselves, be it ever so little, from the APPENDIX. 81 beginning, and are to go on to independence. 6th. The grand end and aim of the Assembly is to establish self -sustaining churches and fields, as fast and as far as possible, and so to increase the solid material and power of the Church, and accu- mulate strength to go forward expa^iding. 7th. Ministers and means are to be dis- tributed according to the relative importance and pro»iise of different fields, and in view of the necessities of the whole field, that there may be equality, and" no partiality. 8th. The Assembly conducts this' work through a Committee, or Board, responsible to itself alone, under its advice and control, and which Board is required to exercise its sound discretion and judgment in deciding upon, and in conducting the busi- ness entrusted to it. 9th. No debt to be incurred in carrying forward the mission- ary tvork. The Assembly always acted upon this just and only safe principle, and a principle which has always been adhered to by our Church; and in the Assembly of 1803 the following resolution was passed: ''That there ought to be no anticipation of the funds in future; or, in other words, that appropriations ought not to be made in any year beyond the amount which the funds arising in that year will be sufficient to satisfy." P. 208. ]Oth. And finally, agents for visiting the churches, and collecting funds for the work, may be employed by the Board. Resolved, That the Board be directed to go forward and conduct the work entrusted to its care on these principles, as heretofore, and that they be commen- ded to the attention and observance of all Presbyteries and churches, in their applications for aid, and that the Board be also instructed to pay, as heretofore, due regard to the recommendations of Presbyteries. That all pastors and stated supplies be requested to take pains to circulate the Report when published, and diiJ'use more information on the subject of Domestic Missions among their people. — Minutes of the General Assembly, held at Charleston, South Carolina, May 2^>th, 1852, p. 215. ACTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON DISCRETIONARY POWERS OF THE BOARD. Ox Applicants. — In answer to the questions propounded by the Presbyteries of Union and French Broad, the Assembly would say, that though they do not recognize in the Board of Domestic Missions the authority to sit in judgment upon the orthodoxy or morality of any minister who is in good standing in his own Presbytery; yet, from the necessity of the case, they must exercise their own sound discretion upon the expediency or inexpediency of appointing, or withholding any appointment, from any applicant, holding themselves amenable to the General Assembly for all their official acts. — Minutes, 1830, p. 16. On the Distribution of Funds.— Overture No. 13, a memorial from the Presby- tery of Logansport, desiring the Assembly to say, whether the Board of Domestic Missions has the power to reduce the amounts recommended to be given in aid to any ch\irches, under the care of any Presbytery, without consulting such Presby- tery; and if so, whether the Board has not an equal right to take away the whole amount so recommended in any case. It was Resolved, That while the Assembly expects the Board of Domestic Missions to pay groat respect to the advice of the Presbyteries, touching missionaries labour- ing within their bounds, yet, in the distribution of its funds, the action of the Board must be controlled by the state of its treasury, and the relative importance of the various missionary fields under its care. — Minutes, 1852, p. 221. Feeble CHuncnES to be Combined.— i? That each Presbytery in our communion be recommended to discourage the sundering of feeble churches now united in support of the gospel, and generally to combine together such feeble churches in appropriate fields of labour, that the Board of Domestic Missions may be relieved from the need of a large allowance in such cases, and, where practica- ble, from the need oi any allowance in aid of ministerial suj)port. — Minutes, 1846, p. 206. 9 82 APPENDIX. CHARTER of the BOARD OP DOMESTIC MISSIONS. To all to whom these presents shall come. Know ye, That whereas the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America have a Board of Domestic Missions, composed of Ministers and Laymen, members of the Presbyterian Church, the design of which is to afford aid to feeble Presbyterian churches in the support of pastors, to form new churches, and to supply destitute settlements with the stated ministry and gospel ordinances; and whereas, the aforesaid Board of Domestic Missions labours under serious disadvantages as to receiving donations and bequests, and as to the management of funds entrusted to them for the purposes designated in their Con- stitution, and in accordance with the benevolent intentions of those from whom such bequests and donations are received; Therefore, William Brown, William Nassau, Sen., Matthew Newkirk, Solomon Allen, Alexander Symington, Ashbel Green, Cornelius C. Cuyler, William A. McDowell, and Thomas Hoge, citizens of the United States, and of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, and their successors, are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate, which shall henceforth be known by the name of "The Trustees of the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America," and as such, shall have j!lferpetual succession, and be able to sue and be sued in all courts of record and elsewhere; and to purchase and receive, take and hold, to them and their suc- cessors for ever, lands, tenements, hereditaments, money, goods, and chattels, and all kinds of estate which may be devised, bequeathed, or given to them, and the same to sell, alien, demise and convey; also to make a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at their pleasure; and also to make such rules, by-laws, and ordinances, as may be needful for the government of the said Corporation, and not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State: Provided always, that the clear yearly value of the real and personal estate held by the said Corporation, shall not at any time exceed the sum of two thousand dollars. The Trustees above named shall hold their offices one year from the date of their incorporation, and until their successors are duly qualified to take their places, who shall be chosen by the aforesaid Board of Domestic Missions at shch times, and in such way and manner as shall be prescribed by the said General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, provided not more than one-third of the Trustees shall be removed in any one year. The Trustees hereby incorporated, and their successors, shall, subject to the direction of the said Board of Domestic Missions, have full power to manage the funds and property committed to their care, in such manner as shall be most advantageous, not being contrary to law.* ^ 6 ^ ASHBEL GREEN, President of the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. WILLIAM A. McDowell, Corresponding Secretary and General Agent of the Board of Domestic Missions. * By an Act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1857, the word "Domestic" haying been inserted in the corporate title of the Board of Trustees, we have inserted the word in the above copy of the ori^jiuul Charter. APPENDIX. 83 HONORARY MEMBERS §oiirb of Jlomcstic fissions* Constituted previous to March, 1857, bj/ the contribution of Fifty Dollars andvpwards. Adams, Johnston, Pittsburjch, Pa. Adams, Mrs. Martha W., Washington, III. Adams, Hon. T., Piqua, Ohio. Adams, Rev. W. T., Washington, lU. Asrnew, D., Pennsylvania. Aiken, Rev. William, McConnelsville. Ohio. Alexander, D. D., Rev. J. W., New York City. Alexander, Rev. Thos., Waco Village, Texas. Allen, David, Pittsburgh, Pa. Allen, Mrs. Eluta Steel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Alien, Hiram S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Allen. Rev. John, Bamhill, Ireland. *Allen, Michael, Pitisburgh, Pa. Allen, Rev. William G , Uniontown. Ky. Allen, Rev. Richard H., Jeffersonville, Ind. Allen, Rev. Robert W., Lexington. Ky. Allen, Rev. Wm., Rockville. Ind. Allison, Rev. James, Sewickly, Pa. Allison, Mrs. Mary, Huntingdon, Pa. .\llison. Rev. Matthew, Mifflintown, Pa. Alsworth, John, Clinton, Miss. Anderson, Rev. John, New York City._ Anderson, Rev. James, Lexington, Ohio. Audersou, D D., Rev. W.C, San Francisco, Cal Anderson, Mrs. W. C, San Francisco, Cal. Anderson, Wm. Kyle, Owensboro', Ky. Annin, Rev. John A., Cedarville, N.J. Armstrong, Samuel Henry, Ashwood,Tenn. Armstrong, Mrs. S.Henry, Ashwood, Tenn. Armstrong, Mrs. Susannah, Trenton, N.J. ♦Arnell, Rev James M., Ashwood, Tenn. Arnell, Mrs. James M., Ashwood, Tenn. Atchison, H., Lexington, Ky. Aten, Rev. A., Ripley, Ohio. Atkinson. Rev. Jos. M., Raleigh, N. C. Atkinson, Mrs. Lucy Ann, Henderson, Ky. Axson. Rev. I. S. K., Savannah. Ga. Backus, D. D., Rev. John C, Baltimore, Md. Buckus. D D., Rev. J. T., Schenectady, N. Y. Backus, Mrs. J. T.. Schenectady, N. Y. Bailey, F.G., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bailey, Mary Ann, Pittsburgh, Pa. Baird, Rev. James H., Lock Haven, Pa. Baird, George, Washington, Pa. Baird, Rev. Samuel J., Woodbury, N. J. *Baker, D. D., Rev. Daniel, Huntsville, Texas. Baker, Rev. J. W., Dalton, Ga. Baker, John, Cincinnati, Ohio. Baker, Nathan, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bakewell, William, Pittsburgh, Pa. Baldwin, Rev. John A., New Providence, N.J. ♦Baldwin, Rev.M.. Scotchtown, N.Y. Bannard, Rev. William, New York City. BantA, John W., Franklin, Ind. Bantii, Marv A., Franklin. Ind. Banta, Peter J., Franklin, Ind. Barbour, Miss Lucy P., La Grange, Ky. Bardwell, Rev. J., Aberdeen, Miss. Barker, Rev. S. A., McConnelsville, Ohio. Barnaby, James, Yaphank, N. Y. Barnes, D. D., Rev. J. C. Hustonville, Ky. Barnes, Mrs.J.C, Hustonville. Ky. Barnes, Isaac, East Hampton, N. Y. Barnet, James, Dayton, Ohio. Baruum, Ruissel, Sing Sing, N.Y. Barrett, Rev. Myron. Newtown, N. J. Barrow, Rev. E. S., Cazenovia, N. Y. Barton, Andrew BI., Ohio. Barton, Rev. W. B., Woodbridge, N. J. Barton, Mrs. Eliza, Woodbridge, N.J. Bartlett, Mrs. Nancy, Stillwater, N. Y. Bassett, H. D. Bates, Rev. J. H., Antrim, N. H. Batterman, John, New York. Baum, Mrs. Ann, Terre Haute, Ind. *Bayless, A., Louisville, Ky. Bayless, Rev. J. C, Ashland, Ky. Bayless, J. C, Louisville, Ky. Bayless, jr., John, Louisville, Ky. Bayless, Wm. Niven, Louisville, Ky. Beattie. Rev. Robert H., Salisbury Mills, N. Y. Beatty, D.D., Rev.C.C, Steubenville, Ohio. Ileatty, Mrs. Ellen Adair. Bebee, Thomas H., Chicago. 111. Beedle, Rev.Elias R., Hartford, Ct. Beer, Addy, Pittsburgh, Pa. Beers, C. E., New York City. Belcher, M. D., William N. Bell, Miss Annie Garvin, Louisville, Ky. Bell, Wm. Garvin, Louisville, Ky. Bell, Mrs. Mary Jane, Louisville, Ky. Bell, Miss Sarah Frances, LouLsville, Ky. Bergen, Rev. George, Springfield, 111. Bergen, Rev.G. P., Omaha City, Nebraska. Bertron. Rev. S. R., Port Gibson, Miss. Berr)hill, Rev. Franklin, Belbrook, Ohio. Bias, Cesario, Memphis, Tenn. Billings, Rev. Silas, Morgantown, Va. Birnie, William, Charleston, S. C. Birnie, Rogers, Taneytown, Md. Bishop, Rev. Noah, Springfield, III. Bla<-k, Mrs. Emily W., Connellsville, Pa. Black, Rev. James, Connellsville, Pa. Blacker, Miss Elizabeth A., Chicago, 111. Blackburn, A.. La Porte. Ind. Blackburn, William, Grandview, 111. Blackwood, D. D., Rev. Wm., Philmlelphia, Pa. *Blain, Rev. Wm., Canaan Centre, N. Y. Blair, Andrew, Carlisle, Pa. Blair, Jane, Pittsburgh, Pa. Blair, Rev. R. J., Beech Island. S.C. Blake, Rev. James, Indianapolis, Ind. Deceased. Note.— Should any error or omission be discovered in the of Honorary Members, it will considered a favour if made known at the office. jgS' Where the post office address has not been given, a copy of the Report cannot be sent. 84 APPENDIX. Blake, .Tames B., Indianapolis, Ind. Blake, Mrs. Eliza, Indianapolis, Ind. Blake, Mrs. Eliza A., New York. Blake, James R., Waterford, N.Y. Bland. Rev. P. R., Bellmonte.Tenn. *Blatchford, Mrs. Alicia, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Blauyelt, Rev. Wm.W., Lamington, N.J. *Blythe, D.D., Rev. James S., Hanover, Ind. Bond, Rev. Lewis, Plaiufield, N. J. Bootright, Mrs. Thomas, Palestine. 111. Botsford, Rev. C. E., New York City, N. Y. Boughton, Jiis., Carlisle, N. Y. Bound, Joseph, Milton, Pa. Bowman, D. D., Rev. Francis, Way's Station, Ga. •Boyd, Rev. Abraham, Tarentum, Pa. Boyd, George, Baltimore, Md. Boyd, Rev. James R., New York. Boyd, John, Schenectady, N.Y. Boyd, J., Albany, N. Y. Boyd, John S., Albany, N. Y, Boyd, John S., Kentucky. Boyd, Robert, Albany, N.Y. Bracken, Rev. Newton, Portersville, Pa. Bracken, Mrs. Martha H., Canonsburg, Pa. Brady, Jasper E., Pittsburgh, Pa. Brainerd, Rev. T. G., Halifax, Mass. Bran, Mrs. Margaret, Brooklyn, N.Y. Breckinridge, D. D., Rev. W. L., Louisville, Ky. Breed, John B., Elizabeth, N J. Breed, Rev. Wm. P., Philadelphia, Pa. Breed, Mrs. Wm. P., do. do. Brewer, Mrs. Magdaline, Franklin, Ind. Brewster, Henry, Shirley-^burg, Pa. *Brewster, Mrs. Nancy, do. do. Brewster, Nathaniel, Coldenham, N. Y. Brewster, John D., Franklin, Ind. Brice, Jonathan K., Truro, Ohio. Bright, Rev. J. E., Trenton, Teun. Brown, D. D., Rev. Alex'r B., Cannnsburgh, Pa. Brown, D.D., Rev. D. Ashwood, Tenn. * Brown, D. D., Rev. Matthew, Canonsburgh, Pa. Brown, Rev. James C, Valparaiso, Ind. Brown, Rev. J. H., Lexington, Ky. Brown, Rev. F. T., Cleveland, Ohio. Brownson, Rev. J. I., Washington, Pa. Bryan, Rev. Edward D., Rye, N. Y. Bryan, Joseph, Mount Zio'n, Ga. Bryant, A., Buffalo, N.Y. Buchanan, Mrs. S. A., Columbus, Miss. Buck, Rev. J. J., Jewett, N. Y. Bullions, Rev. Alexander B. Troy, N. Y. Bullock, John, Williamsboro', N.C. Bullock, D. D., Rev. Joseph J., Lexington, Kv. Bullock, R., Mobile, Ala. *Burbridge, Mrs. Ellen L., Pittsburgh, Pa. Burwell, Miss Susan G., Winchester, Va. Burwell, Rev. R., Hillsboro', N. C. Brush, John R., Huntingdon, N. Y. Bushnell, Rev. W., Newcastle, Pa. Butcher, Miss Eliza, Alexandria, Pa. Butler, Benjamin F., New York City. Caldwell, Miss Ann, Alexandria, Pa. Caldwell, James, New Geneva, Pa. Caldwell, James, Newburyport, Mass. Caldwell, Rev. J. C, Stillwater Miu. Caldwell, Mrs. Mary v., do. do. Caldwell, Mrs. Sarah, Newburyport, Mass. Caldwell, Samuel, Buffalo, Pa. Callen, Rev. James H.,Tamaqua, Pa. Camden, J. B., St. Louis, Mo. Cameron, Alexander. Campbell, D. D., Rev. A. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. Campbell, Rev. D.R., Wintersville, Ohio. Campbell, D. D., Rev. J. N., Albany, N. Y. Campbell, Rev. James. Campbell, Archibald, New Brunswick, N. J. Campbell, Robert, Augusta, Ga. Campbell, Col.D.C, Milledgeville, Ga. Campbell, Mrs. Caroline E., Milledgeville, Ga. Campbell, Joseph, Milton, Pa. Campbell, Rev. P., Florida, N. Y. Campbell, Rev. R.andolph, Newburyport. Mass. Campbell, Miss Rebecca, Hunterstown, Pa. Campbell, Robert, Ligonier, Pa. Campbell, Mrs. Sarah, Jackson, Tenn. Candor, Robert, Milton, Pa. Canfield, Wra. Quin, Hayesville, Mo. Carrell, Rev. Benjamin, Clover Hill, N.J. Carpenter, Rev. Hugh S., Brooklyn, N.Y. Car.^on , Rev. I., Oskaloosa, Iowa. Carson, Mrs. Elizabeth, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Caruthers, Rev. John, Mahoning, Pa. Casbee, J., Amsterdam Village, N. Y. Cassatt, Mrs. Mary, Gettysburgh, Pa. Casseday, Samuel. Louisville, Ky. *Cas.'5eday, Mrs. Eliza, do. do. Castleman, E., Lexington, Ky. Cazenove, A. C., Alexandria, Va. Chambers, James, Pittsburgh, Pa. ♦Chambers, Rev. J. H., Steubenville, Ohio. Chapman, D. D., Rev. Robert Hett, A.shTille, N. C. Chauncey, Miss Elizabeth C, Philadelphia, Pa. *Chauncey, Miss Hannah, do. do. Cheeny, Rev. S VV., Shelbyville, Ky. Cheeseman, D. D., Rev. Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa. Chesuut, Rev. Thos. M.. Sioux City, Iowa. Chester, D. D., Rev. A. T., Buffalo, N. Y. Chester, Miss Sarah, Philadelphia, Pa. Chevalier, Rev. N. W., Christiansburg, Va. Childness, Thomas, Florence, Ala. Childs, Harvey, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chipman, Mrs. Ann, Lansingburgh, N.Y. Christian, Rev. L. H., Philadelphia, Pa. Church, Harvey, Trov, N. Y. Chute, Cbas. Richard, Fort Wayne, Ind. Clancey, Rev. John, Charlton, N.Y. Clark, Rev. A. B., Altoona, Pa. Clark, Rev. David D., McVeytown, Pa. Clark, Rev. Frederick G., New York City. Clark, D. D., Rev. James, Philadelphia, Pa. Clark, Rev. Joseph, Chambersburgh, Pa. Clark, Robert, Carlisle, Pa. Clark, T. M., Newburyport, Mass. Clarke, Rev. Henry Steele, Philadelphia, Pa. Clarke, Samuel, Beech Island, S. C. Cleland, Rev. Samuel, Pleasant Ridge, 111. Clingan, Thomas, Lewisburg, Pa. Coburn, Daniel G., Londonderry, N. H. Cochran, Rev. Thos. N., New Providence, N. J. Cocke, Mrs. Louisa, Fluvianti, A\a. *Coe, D D.. Rev. James, Blue Ball, Ohio. Cogswell, D. D., Rev. Jon., New Brunswick, N.J. Cogswell, Mrs. .Jane E., do. do. Cogswell, A. Kirkpatrick, do. do. Cogswell, Lois, New York City. Coleniau, D. D., Rev. Lyman, Philadelphia, Pa. *Colhoun, Rev. A., Elizabeth, Pa. Colt, Rev. Samuel F., Pottsville, Pa. Comingo, Miss I. W. C, Pittsburgh, Pa. Comstock, Mrs. Margaret, Stillwater, N.Y. Condit, Rev. T. B., Stillwater, N.J. Condit, Rev. J.H., Washington, Ky. Condit, Mrs. Louisa, do. do. Couklin, Joseph, Woodbridge, N.J. Cook, Elias, Trenton, N. J. Cook, Sr., Samuel, , Ohio. Cooley, Rev. Eli F., Trenton, N..T. Coolridge, Rev. E. D., Milledgeville, Ga. Coon, David, Logan's Ferry, Pa. Coon, Rev. Jacob, Union Grove, 111. Coons, Rev. George W., Augnsta, Kj'. Cooper, Daniel, Pittsburgh, Pa. APPENDIX. 85 Cooper, John C. Somerville, Tenn. Copelaud, Williaul B. Corbin, P. M.. Troy, N. Y. Core, II. W., Georges Creek, Pa. *Core. Rev. John. Curlsville, Pa. Cornelius, Mrs. Sarah. Philadelphia, Pa. Co.sby, Kev. J. B., Bardstown, Ky. Cotton, Miss Jane E. Coulter, Rev. John, Coulter.sville, Pa. Covington, Rev. J. M., Farmington, Mo. Cowan, Rev. A. M., Urbana. Ohio. Cowan, Kev. John E., Washington, Mo. Cowan, William, Pa. Coy, Kev. , Broadalbin, N.Y. Craft, .Mr.^J.C. B., Terre Haute, Ind. Craig, Miss II. Matilda, Pittsburgh, Pa, Craig, Miss Mary A., New Lisbon, Ohio. Craig, M. D., William. Danville, Ky. Cramer. Mrs. Hannah, Waterford, N. Y. *Crauiey, .lames. New York. *Crane. Rev.K. W., Jamaica. N.Y. Crane, Walter B., Rondout, N.Y. Crane, Carso, Phelps, N.Y. Crane, Mrs. Eliza F , Rondout, N. Y. Crane, Mrs. Mary Ann, Phelps, N. Y. Craven, Rev. Elijah R., Newark, N, J. Crawford, Holmes, Chambersburgh, Pa. Crawford, Rev. Josiah. Polk Run, Ind. CrawforJ. Rev. Thomas M., Slate Hill, Pa. Creigh. D. D., Kev. Thomas, Mercersburgh, Pa. Creverling, John A. Critthlow, Kev. B. C, New Brighton, Pa. *Cross, Kev. John. Crowe. Rev James B., Crawfordsville, Ind. Crowell, Kev. James M., Philadelphia, Pa. Crowell, William, Rah way, N. J. *Culbin-tson, Kev. James. Cummiugs, Rev. Charles P., Brookville, Pa. Cummings, Kev. D. H., Mountain, Tenn. Cummings, D. D., Rev.Chas., Mu.scatine, Iowa. *Cunningham, Rev. John K., Wooster, 0. Cunningham, Rev. \Vm. M., La Grange, Ga. Curry, Washington, Brownsville, Tenn. Gushing, Mrs. Elizabeth, Newburyport, Mass. Cuyler, Rev. Theodore L., New York City. Dalzell, James M., Davenport, Iowa. Dalzell, K. Pittsburgh, Pa. Daniel, Miss Cath'rineS., Oakland College, Miss. Daniels, .Mrs. Dana, D. D., Rev. W. C, Charleston, S. C. Dana, D. D., Rev. Daniel, Newburyport, Mass. Davidson, D. D., Rev. Kob't, N. Brunswick, N.J. Davis, Daniel, Guilderland. N.Y. Davis, Mrs. !•:., Allegheny City, Pa. Davi.s. Kev. James, Blairsville, Pa. Davis, Rev. J. B., Titusville, N. J. Davis, Rev. John K., Troy, N. Y. Davis, D. D., Rev. S. S., Augusta, Ga. Davis, Rev. Thomas, Blairsville, Pa. Davis, Rev. Thos.K., Carlisle, Pa. Davis, Rev. W. P., Bethlehem. N. Y. Davison, Rev. I.saac S., New York City. Dawson. Capt. Wm. Deare, Miss Mary, Lawrenceville, N. J. Decker, P. G. M., Rondout, N. Y. De Grath, Wm. H., do. do. *Denny, Kev. David, Denny, Mrs. E. F., Pittsburgh, Pa. Denny, .Mrs. Margaret. Paint Lick, Ky. Derniaree, Sus.anna, Waveland, Indiana. *Deruelle, Rev. Daniel, Princeton, X.J. Deruelle, .Mrs. Alice, do. do. Deruelle, Daniel, Jr., do. do. Dewing, Kev. Jared, New York City. Dewing, Mrs. Julia Ann, do. do. Dej crman, Alexander, New Geneva, Pa. Dice, Eli, Albion, Ind. Dick, David K., Mount Carmel. Ohio. Dickey, .Mi.«s Alice Ann. Petersburg, III. Dickey, Miss Elizabeth S.. do. do. Dickinson, Mrs., Plaijuemine, La. Dickson, Francis, Louisville, Ky. Dick.«on, Rev. Hugh S.. Utica, N. Y. Dickson, Sen'r, John, Pa. Dill, D. D., Kev. E. W., Ireland. Dilworth, Mrs. Elizabeth. Pi tsburgh. Pa. Dilworth, Rev. Robert, Enon Valley, Pa. Dinsmore, Kev. James II., Sbclbyville. Ky. *Dinwiddie. Kev. J. L. Didwiddie, Mrs. Mary, La Porte, Indiana. Uisbrow, Benjamin S., Trenton, N. J. Dixon, Rev. Wm. E., Esperance, N.Y. Dobbins, Bepjamin B., Louisville, Ky. Dobbins, Francis J., Franklin, Indiana. Dobbins, Mrs. J., Louisville, Ky. Dobbins, Rev. Robert, Pleasantville, III. *Dodd, D. D., Rev. Cephas. Amity, Pa. Dodge, Rev. J. V., Springfield, 111. Dodge, Rev. Nehemiah, Mt. Joy. Pa. Dodge, Rev. R. V., Springfield, 111. Dodge, Mrs. S. V., Terre Haute, Ind. Doll, Mrs. Susan Jane, Louisburgb, N.C. Donaghey, Joseph. Taylorstown, Pa. Donaldson, Kev. A., Olivet, Pa. Donaldson, Rev. Wilson M , Bluffton, Ind. Dool, Kev. W. S., Hope Dale, Ohio. Dorman, 0. .M., St. Augustine, Fla. Downer, Kev. Edwin. Mt. Hope. N. Y. Downing, John, West Manchester, Pa. Du Bois, George, Rondout, N. Y. Du Bois, Kev. K. P.. New London X Roads, Pa. Duncan, II. T., Le.tington, Ky. Duncan, Kev. John R., Moundsville, Ta. Duncan, Miss Mary, Uniontown. Pa. DunUass. Kev. J. R., Middle Sandy, Ohio. Dunkle, William, Delphi, Indiana. *Dunlap, Kev. Robert, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dunn, Kev. Robinson P., Providence, R. I. Dye, Chas. B., Yale College. New Haven, Conn. Eagleson, Rev. John, Buffalo, Pa. Eagleson, Mrs. Mary G., do. do. Earles, Jacob, Guilderland, N.Y. Eastman, Rev. John C, South Hanover, Ind. Eaton, Kev. Wm., Clarksburg, Va. Edgar, Itev. E. B., Westfield, N. J. Edgar, D. D., Kev. J. T., Nashville, Tenn. Edson, M. D., Freeman. Scottsville, N.Y, Eels. Kev. Wm. W., Carlisle, Pa. Eels, B. F., Dayton, Ohio. Eels, Mrs. B F., do. do. Eldridge, Ahira, Cambridge, N. Y. Elliot, Kev. George, Alexandria, Pa. Elliot, Mrs. Henrietta G., Philadelphia, Pa. Elliott, Kev. John, Williamsburgh, Pa. Elliot, Samuel, Dayton, Ohio. Ellmaker, Mrs. Hannah, Philadelphia, Pa. Elmer, Henry W., Bridgeton, N.J. Elmer. Jr., Wm. do. do. *Ely, Rev. Geo., Hamilton Snuare. N.J. Ely, Rev. S. R., Koslyn, L. I., N. Y. Enders, Robert Mortimer. Erskine, Rev. Ebenezer, Stirling, 111. Krwin, Wm.. Waynesburg. Pa. Espty, II., Monongahela City, Pa. Evans, Mrs Marv, Goshen, N. Y. Ewart, David, Cohiuibia. S. C. *Ewing, Kev. A., Morristown.Ohio. Ewing. Hon. N., Uniontown. Pa. Kairchild. D. D., Rev. A.G., Smithfield, Pa. Kamilton, Rev. Karis, Kev. John M., Steubenville, Ohio. Fartiuhar, Rev. John, Lower Chanceford, Pa. 86 APPENDIX. *Farris, David, Triadelphia. Va. Fearns, Georpe, Jackson, Mis<. Ferguson, Rev. Wm. M.. Washington, Ohio. Ferrier, Rev. Andrew. Uniontown, Ky. Ferrill, Rev. George W.. Tally-Ho, N. C. Fife, Robert, Pittsburgh, Pa. Finney, John. F'inney, Mrs. Margaret, Churchville, Md. Finney, Robert. Finney, Rev. W., Churchville, Md. Finney, Mrs. William, do. do. Fisher, Miss Ann, Alexandria, Pa. Fisher, Mrs. Mary, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Fithian, M. D., Joseph, Woodbury, N. J. Fleming, John, Bellville, Pa. Flinn, Kev. William, Milledgeville, Ga. Ford, J. R.. Danville. Ky. Forman, T. L., Upper Canada, Brit. Prov. Forman, Rev. E., Richmond, Ky. For.syth, A. K., Greensburgh, Ind. Fort, Gerret, Ljinsingburgh, N. Y. Fowler, H., Albany, N.Y. Fox, Mrs. Martha W., N. Y. Frame, Rev. Reuben, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Frame, Mrs. Reuben, do. do. Francis, Rev. A.. Bridgehampton, N. Y. Francis, Mrs. S. II., do. do. Franklin. S., New Orlean.s, La. *Fridge, Alexander, Baltimore, Md. Frierson. Joshua B., Columbia, Teun. Fry, Daniel, Albany, N. Y. Fuller, Albert Cotton, Trenton, N. J. Fuller, E. B., do. do. Fuller, Mrs. Elizabeth C, do. do. Fuller, Henry, Trenton, N.J. Fulton, Henry, Monongahela City, Pa. Fulton, Rev. John M., Burlington, Iowa. Fulton, Joseph, Phelp.s, N. Y. Fulton, Mrs. Isabella, Phelps, N.Y. Fulton. Rev. Samuel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fyffe. John, New York City. Galbraith, Rev. W. M.. De Graff, Ohio. Gale, Caroline De F., Troy, N. Y. Galloway, Rev. J.S., Springfield, Ohio. Gamble, J. W., Louisville, Ky. Gamble, Hon. Hamilton, St. Louis, Mo. Gamble, Rev. James, Summerville, Ga. Gardiner, Rev. Abraham, Cold Spring, N. Y. Garrett, George H., Philadelphia, Pa. Garrett, Mrs. Margaret, Philadelphia, Pa. Garvin, William, Louisville. Ky. Garvin, Miss Ann Eliza, Louisville, Ky. Garvin, Miss Jane 0., do. do. Garvin, Miss Lucy T., do. do. Garvin, Mrs. Sarah, do. do. Garvin, Miss Sally E., do. do. Garvin, Wm. Emmett, do. do. Gaston, Kev. Daniel, Philadelphia, Pa. Gaston, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lan.-.ingburgh, N. Y. Gazzam, Mrs. Elizabeth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gerrish, Miss Elizabeth, Newburyport, Mass. Gettys, Rev. John, Belleville, Pa. Gibson, D. D., Rev. Wm J., Walker, Pa. Gilbert, Rev. Cyrus, Stillwater, N. Y. Gilchrist, Rev. John, Dunlapsville, Ind. Gildersleeve. Miss Ellen, Elizabethtown, N. J. Gill, Rev. J. R., AVest Liberty, Ohio. Oillett. Rev. Noah H., Latrobe, Pa. Gimmell, Mrs. M.. Alexandria, Pa. Glass, Matthew, Jeffer.son co.. Pa. Glen. Rev.Wm.R., German Valley, N.J. Godfrey, Mrs. Matilda, Tremont, Pa. Goldsmith. Jenny Lind, Stockholm, Sweden. Goodale, Rev. M.S., Amsterdam, N.Y. Gordon, Rev. George. Gordon, Rev.ThosTp., Terre Haute, Ind. I Gould, A., Albany, N. Y. Gould, Jesse P., Huntington, N. Y. Goulditlg. Mrs. Ann C, Columbus, Ga. 1 Graham, Rev. James, Beulah, Pa. j Graham, Rev. James R., Winchester, Va. Graham, Mrs. Fanny B., Winchester, Va. Grav, D. D., Rev. John, Easton, Pa. Gray, Kev. Wm. A., Ripley, Miss. *Oreeu, Caleb S., Lawrence vil I e, N.J. Green, D. D., L. W., Hampden Sydney, Va. *Green, Rev. Jacob, Bedford, N. Y. *Green. Rev. J. F., Little Rock, Ark. Green, Mrs. Mary H., Bedford, N. Y. Green, D. D., Rev. W. Henry, Princeton, N. J. Greenleaf, Rev. Jonathan, Brooklyn, N.Y. Greenleaf, Miss Mary C, Newburyport, Mass. Greenlee, A., Fredericktown. Ohio. Greenlee, James. Rockhill, Ohio. Gregory, Hon. Dudley S., Jersey City, N.J. Grier, John C, Danville, Pa. Grier, Rev. John 11., Jersey Shore, Pa. Grieve, Col. Miller, Milledgeville, Ga. Griggs, Daniel, Newton, N.J. Grundy, D. D., Rev. R. C. Memphis, Tenn. Gurley, Mrs. E. E., Washington City, D. C. Guthrie, H.6., Barter Brook, Va. Guthrie, Kev. James. Hair, Rev. Samuel, Oxford, Ohio. *Haitchcock, Henry, Mobile, Ala. Hale, Rev. Geo., Pennington, N.J. Hall, D.D., Rev. A.G., Rochester, N.Y. Hall, D. D., Rev. John, Trenton, N.J. Hall, Rev. W. W., Paris, Ky. Halliday, Rev.D. M., Peekskill, N.Y. Halsey, D. D., Rev. Luther, Amboy, N.Y. Halstead, Thaddeus M., New York City. Hamill, Rev. Robert, Boalsburgh, Pa. I-Iamill, Rev. Hugh, Lawrenceville, N. J. Hamilton, Esq., James, Carlisle, Pa. Hamilton, Rev. J. J., Antistown, Pa. Hamilton, Mrs. Margaret, Monongahela, Pa. Hamilton, Rev. W., Allegheny co.. Pa. Hamilton,D.D., Rev. W.T. Hand, Rev. A. H., Bloomsbury, N. J. Hauua, Mrs. Agnes, Shelbyville, Ky. Hanna, John, Allegheny City, Pa. Hanna, Rev. A.. Dalton, Ohio. Hanna, Elizabeth M., Shelbyville, Ohio. Hanna, W. T., do. do. Hapgood, Miss Sarah M., Tunbridge, Vt. Harmer, John, Pittsburgh, Pa. Harper, Rev. James, Shippensburg, Pa. Harris, Miles G., Mount Zion, Ga. Harris, Elijah, Palestine, 111. Harris, Rev. Oscar, Wells' Corners, N. Y. Harris, Mrs. Sophia, Augusta, Ga. Harrison, D. D , Rev. Ellas, Alexandria, Va. Harrison, D. D., Rev. Jeph., Burlington, Iowa. Harrison, Rev. Wm. A., Gallatin, Tenn. Harrod, Capt. Benj., Newburyport, Mass. Harrod, Miss Phebe, do. do. Harshe, Rev. Wm. P., Monticello, Mo. Hart. Miss Susan, Troy, N.Y. Hartley, Esq., Thomas, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hartley, Mrs. Sarah, do. do. Haslet. Rev. J. W., Carrick, Pa. Hassey. M.D., C.G., Pittsburgh, Pa. Hastings, Rev. J.M., Wilkinsburgh, Pa. Ilaswell, Jos. M., West Troy, N. Y. Haswell, Mrs. Margaret, West Troy, N. Y. Hatch, Rev. L. D., Greensboro', Ala. Hawes, Rev. L., Madison, Ind. Hawkins, Kev. John. Hawkins, Charles, Washington, Pa. Hawkins, Mrs. Charles, do. do. Hawkins, Miss Mary, do. do. APPENDIX. 87 Hayes, Isaac N., Shippensburg, Pa. Hayes, Robert, Milton, Pa. *Hays, Mrs. Dr., Philadelphia, Pa. Hays, Hannah, Marietta, Pa. Hays, Mrs. Kebeeca H., Shippensburg, Pa. Heacock, Jesse, GloTersTille, N. Y. Heacock, Kev. Jos S., Gloversville, N. Y. Heacock, Lemuel, Kingsboro', N. Y. Heacock, Willard, Gloversville, N. Y. Heacock, ^V. J., Kingsboro', N. Y. Helm, Kev. James J., Princeton, N.J. Henderson, Littlejohn, Germantown, Pa. Henderson, Rev. Thoma.'J. Henderson, Joseph, Washington, Pa. Hendricks, D.D., Rev. J.T., Clarkesville,Tenn. Hendricks, Rev. A. T., Petersburgh, Ind. Henry, Rev.E., Big Bend, Pa. *Henry, Rev. Robert, Greensburgh, Pa. Henry, Rev. James V., Jersey City, N. J. Herron, D. I)., Rev. Francis, Pittsburgh, Pa. Herron, Rev. Robert, Archer, Ohio. Hervey, Kev. Henry, Martinsburgh, Ohio. Hervey. .Mrs. Jane, Triadelphia, Va. Hervey, D. D., Rev. James, Triadelphia, Va. Higgins, D. D., Rev. Samuel, Columbus, Ga. Hill, John M., Nashville, Tenn. Hill, John P., Rondout, N. Y. Hill, D. D., Rev. W. W., Louisville, Ky. Himmisk, Alexander. Hinsdale, H., Oyster Bay, N. Y. Hodge, Rev. C. W., Oxford, Pa. Hodges, Albert G., Frankfort, Ky. Hoge, A. H., Chicago, 111. Hoge, Mrs. Elizabeth, Philadelphia, Pa. Hoge, D. D., Kev. James, Columbus, Ohio. Hoge, Rev. J. M., Mount Holly, Ark. Holmes, D. D , Rev. James, Jackson, Tenn. Holt, M.D., Leroy, Columbus, Ga. Hood, Peter, Schenectady, N. Y. Hopkins, Kev. E., Northampton, Mass. Hopkins, James S., Danville, Ky. Hornblower, Kev. VVm. H., Paterson, N.J. House, John, 'Waterford, N. Y. Houston, Nancy, Clark co., Ky. Howard, D. D., Kev. Wm. D, Pittsburgh, Pa. Howard, Mrs. Adelaide, do, do. Howard, E., ClarkesvUIe, Tenn. Howe, Samuel. Chicago, 111. Howell, John, Cedarville, N.J. lloyt. Rev. J W., Smyrna Depot, Tenn. Hudson, Rev. John, West Liberty, Iowa. Hughes, Rev. Watson, West Newton, Pa. Hughes, Mrs. Martha, do. do. Hughes, Mrs. Amanda, Logansport, Ind. Hughes, Mrs. Mary D., Fayette Co., Pa. Hughes, Rev. Levi, Logansport, Ind. Hughes, Kev. D. L., Pacific City, Iowa. Hughes, Kev. J 11., Bellevernon, Pa. *Hume, Rev. Jes.'se. Hummer, l{ev. James, Waveland, Ind. Humphrey, D.D , Kev. E. P., Danville, Ky. Humphrey, C. D., Ky. Hunt, Rev. Thomas, Two Ridges, Ohio. Hunt, Rev. Thomas P., Wyoming, Pa. Hunt, R. T., Penn.sylvania. Hunter, Rev. William, Clinton, Pa. Huntington, D. D., Rev.E. A., Albany, N.Y. *Hutchinson, Rev. John, Mifflintown, Pa. Hyatt, Edward, Charleston, S. C. Imbrie, Rev. Charles K., Jersey City, N.J. Irish, Amanda, Auburn, N.Y. Irwin, J. M. C, Lexington, Ky. Irwin. Rev. Robert, Monticello, Ind. Jacobs, Z., Wheeling, Va. Jacobus, D. D., Kev. M. W., Allegheny City, Pa. Janeway, Rev. John L., Flemingtou, N. J. Janeway,D.D., Rev. Thomas L., Kingston, N. J. Janvary, A. M., Maysville, Ky. Jardine, Rev. A., McCoysville, Pa. Jeffrey, D. D., Rev. Wm., Herriottsville, Pa. Jenkins, Lemuel, Albany, N. Y. Johnson, Ellen Gray, New York City. Johnson, Jacob M., Philadelphia, Pa. Johnson, John, Columbus, Ga. Johnson, Esq., Robert. Johnson, Wm. H., Newburyport, Mass. Johnston, Alexander, Connellsville, Pa. *Johnston, Kev. Cyrus, Charlotteville, N.C. Johnston, Mrs. Jane G., Gettysburgh, Pa. *Johnston, D. D., Rev. John, Newburg, N.Y. Johnston, Mrs. Mary, Charlotteville, N. 0. *Johnston, Rev.M. E., Carlisle, Pa. Johnston, Rev. Kobt., New Castle, Pa. Johnston, Rev. Robert, Peoria, 111. Johnston, Robert. Bethel. Pa. Johnston, Rev. Robt. A., Lancaster, Ky. Johnston, Rev. Wm., Brownsville. Pa. Jone.s, jr., Chas. Colcock, Savannah, Ga. Jones, M.D, Joseph, do. do. Jones, Mrs. Mary, Kiceboro, Ga. Jones, Paul T., Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Kev. Wm. E., Caledonia, X. Y. Jukes, Rev. C, Amsterdam, N. Y. Jukes, Mrs. C, do. do. Junkin, D. D., Rev. David X., Hollidaysbur g, Pa Junkin, .Mrs. Jane, do. do." Kay, Mrs. Mary A., WoodhuU, Mich. Kay, Rev. Richard, do. do. Kean, Rev. Wm. F., Freeport, Pa. Kee, Hon. John, Huntingdon, Pa. Keen, Samuel, Urbana, Ohio. Kellogg, C. H., Lansingburgh, N. Y. Kelso, James, Shippensburg, Pa. Kemper, Rev.C. A. B., Dayton, Ohio. Kemper, Mrs. F. L., Paris, Ky. Kemper, Kev. J. S., do. Kennedy, Rev. Duncan, Troy, N. Y'. ♦Kennedy, Rev. J. H., Cauonsburgh, Pa. Kerr, Mrs. Ann Blackwell.Monongahela City, Pa. Kerr, Miss Eliza, Newville, Pa. Kerr, Kev. H. M., Purdy, Tenn. *Kerr, Rev. J., Cadiz, Ohio. Kerr, Rev. John, Monongahela City Pa. Kerr, Mrs. Margaret, Cadiz, Ohio. Ketcham, Zophar, Huntingdon, L. I., N. Y. Keyser, Kev. Wm. Kiddo, Joseph, Monongahela City, Pa. *King, Kev. David, Stillwater, N.Y. King, Frederick, Rahway, N. J. King, Kev. C. Barrington, Savannah, Ga. King, M.D., James, Pittsburgh, Pa. King, John, Madison, Indiana. Kirk, Mrs. Ann, Philadelphia. Kirk, Rev. William Henry, I'hiladelphia, Pa. Kirk, Mrs. Charlotte, Fitch, do. Kirkpatrick, D.D., Kev. David, Poke Run, Pa. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Eliza, do. do. Kirkpatrick, Rev. J. H., Pcnn's Run, Pa. Kirkpatrick, D. D., Kev. Jacob, Ringoes, N.J. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Rev. Jacob, Trenton, N. J. Knickerbacker, Mrs. C. A., Lansingburg, N.Y. Knickerbacker, Mrs. Eve V., do. do. Knickerbacker, Miss I. do. do. Knowlson, Anna Stewart, Troy, N. Y. Knowlson, jr., J. S., do. Knowlson, Wm. Henry, do. Knowlson, Jane E., do. Koonts, Miss M., Washington, Pa. Lacy, Rev. Drury, Davidson College, N.C. Lacy, Kev. William S. Ladd, Kev. Franci.s D., Philadelphia, Pa. *Laird, Rev. Francis, Locust Dale, Pa. 88 APPENDIX. Laird, Samuel, Lexington, Ky. Lauborn, Mrs. Harriet. Lane, Rev. Prof. C. W., Milledgeville, Ga. Lansing, Cornelius, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Lansing, Mrs. Margaret, New Yorli. Lapsley, Rev. James T., Louisville, Ky. Lapsley, Mrs. E. L.„ Perryville, Ky. Laughliu, J. M., McConnellsville, Ohio. Laughlin, Mrs. Mary Ann, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lawrence, James H., Memphis, Tenn. Lawrence, Mrs. S. A., Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Lawrence, Rev. Samuel, Milroy, Pa. Laws, W. W., Louisville, Ky. Lawson, James Sanderson, Milton, Pa. Lawson, Margaret S. S., do, do, Lawsou, Wm. C, do, do. Lea, Mrs. Sarah E., Tulip, Ark. Lee,' Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Leadbetter, Rev. A., Bethany, Conn, Leaman, Rev. John, Easton, Pa. Ledyard, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lee, Gen. James, Hickory, Pa. Lee, Rev. L. H., Waterford, N. Y, Lee, Thomas, Albany, N. Y. Leech, Malcolm, Pittsburgh, Pa. Leech, Mrs. Mary, do. do. Leggett, Rev. J. H., Middletown, N. Y. Lowers, Rev. S. B., Laurens C.H., S. C, Lewis, Mrs. Abby P., Dubuque, Iowa. Lewis, Rev. David, Blairsville, Pa. Lewis, M., Albany, N. Y. Lewis. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Leyburn, D. D., Rev. John, Philadelphia, Pa. Leyburn, Mrs. Mary L. S., do. do. Likens, Rev. John G., LaGrange, Ga. Lilly, Rev. R. L., Palestine, HI. Lindsay, Sr., Thomas, St. Charles, Mo, Linn, D.D., Rev. James, Bellefonte,Pa. List, Mrs. Susan, Franklin, Ind. Littell, Rev. Luther, Mount Hope, N. Y. Little, D. H., Cherry Valley, N. Y. Little, William, Connellsville, Pa. Little, Mrs. Mary, do. do. Livingston, L. R., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lock, Wm. W., Goshen, Ky. Locke, Miss Lucy P., Harmony Landing, Ky. Locke, James D., do. do. Lockhead, Rev. W., Cherry Valley, N. Y, Logan, Mrs. Logan, James, Moreland, Ky. Logan, Rev. J. H., Shelbyville, Ky, Logan, John T., Pittsburgh, Pa. Logan, Rev. S. C, Cincinnati, Ohio. *Longmore, D. D., Rev. David, Gloucester, N. J. Loomis, Luke, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lord, D. D., Rev. Willis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lord, D.D., Rev. John C, Buffalo, N.Y, Lorenze, Catharine, Pittsburgh, Pa. Love, Rev. S.J., Swope's Depot, Va. Lower, Samuel B.. Waynesburg, Pa. *Lowrie, M. B., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lowrie, Hon. Walter H., Pittsburgh, Pa. Loy, John F., do. do. Lunt, Ezra, Newburyport, Mass. Lyman, M. D., George, Troy, N, Y. *Lyou, Geo. A., Carlisle, Pa. Lyons, Rev.D. W., Hardin, Iowa. Maclay, M.D., Samuel, Pcrr>sville, Pa. Maddox, J. W., Vincennes, Ind. Magill, Chas. Beatty, Steubenville, Ohio. *Magill, Rev. Thomas F., Urbana, Ohio, Magor, John, Mount Pleasant, Ohio, Mahon, Rev. Joseph, Shippensburg, Pa. Main, Wra., Philadelphia, Pa. Mair, Rev. Ilugh, Johnstown, N. Y. Major, .Mrs. Sarah B., Hunterstown, Pa. Mallard, Mrs. Mary S., Walthourville, Ga. Mallard, Thomas, Midway. Ga. Manderville, Mrs. Abby, Waterford, N. Y. Mann, Alex'r, Grand View, 111. Manson, Silah, Cazenovia, N.Y. March, Rev. Wra. G., Canfield, Ohio. Marks, Rev. R. T., White Sulphur Springs, Ga, Marr, Rev. Phineas B., Lewisburg. Pa. Marshall, Rev. Wm, Port Chester, N. Y, Marshall, D. D., Rev. George, Upper St. Clair, Pa. Marshall, B., Troy, N.Y. Marshall, J., do. Marshall, Mrs. Matilda, Pittsburgh, Pa, Martin, Mrs. A., Monongahela City, Pa. ♦Martin, Mrs. Annie, Pittsburgh, Pa. Martin, Claude E. B., New Albany, Ind. Martin, M.D., John. Marvin, John, Albany, N.Y. Mason, Rev. James D., Davenport, Iowa. Mason, Mrs. Jane, Urbana, Ohio. Mateer. John, Dillsburg, Pa. Matthewf?, D. D., Rev. W. C. Shelbyville, Ky. Maurice, C. F., Sing Sing, N. Y. Maxwell, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Maybin, J. A., New Orleans, La. Means, II. H., Memphis, Tenn. Meaux, Mrs. Jane, Nicholasville. Ky. Meeks, Rev, John A., Findlay, Ohio. Mershon, Rev. S. L., East Hampton, N. Y, Messick, Samuel. Kentucky. Metcalf, Rev. Alien D., Macon, Tenn, Millard, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, Charles Huntingdon, Pa. Miller, Rev. L. M., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Miller, Rev. 0. H., Hope church. Pa. Milligan, Henry R. W. Milligan, James, Rockhill. Ohio. Milligan J., Waveland, Ind Milliken, Rev. S. J., Bainbridge. Ga. Mills, Geo. B., Beach Island, S. C. Millspaugh, Samuel, Scotchtown, N.Y. Milne, Rev. Chas., Broadalbin. N. Y. Mitchell, Rev. Benjamin, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. Mitchell, Mrs. Elizabeth, do do. Mitchell, Rev. Andrew D., Harrisburg, Pa, Mitchell, Rev. James C, Greensboro', Ala. Mitchell, D. D., Rev. Wm. H., Florence, Ala, Moir, Mrs. Marianne, New York City, MoUineaux, Mrs. Elizabeth A., Oxford, Ohio. Monfort, Mrs. Ann W.atts, Indiana. Monfort, D.D., Rev. David, McComb, 111. Monfort, Rev. David, Knightstown, Ind. Monfort, Rev. F., Grepnsburgli, 1 nd. Monfort, Mrs. Hannah, do. do. Monfort, Mrs. Harriet N , Sand Cnek, Ind. Monfort, Isaac P., Franklin, Ind. Monfort, Rev. J., Liberty. Ind. Monfort, D. D., Rev. Jo.=eph G.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Montgomery, Rev. John, Harrodsburg, Ky. Montgomery, Rev. James Clarion. I'ii. Montgomery, Mrs. Martha J. D., Petersburg, 111. Montgomery, S. M , Jackson, La. Moody, Mrs. M.argaret Ann I)., Ashland, Ohio, *Moody, D. D., Rev. John, Shippensburg, Pa, *Moody, Rev. Samuel, Ashland, Ohio. Moore, David, Monong.ahela City, Pa. Moore, Miss Frances, do. do. Moore, Rev. John, Pleasant Valley, Pa. Moore, M.D., J. R., Louisville. Ky. Moore, Narcissa N. D., Petersburg, 111. Moore, Thos. B , Ilollidaysburg, Pa, Moorhouse, John. Dayton, Ohio. Morgan, Rev. Gilbert, Greensboro', N. C. Morris, Rev, George, Slechanicsburg, Pa. Morris, Rev. Robert D., Newtown, Pa, *Morri8, George, Baltimore, Md, APPENDIX. Morrison, Rev. James R., Providence, Ta. Morrow, Miss Jane, Pittsburgh, Pa. Morss, Joseph, Newburyport, Mass. Morton, Anderson, M., Shelbyville, Ky. Morton, Mrs. Anna A., do. • do. Morton, Alex"r L., do. do. Morton, Charles J., do. do. Morton, Mrs. Eleanor, do. do. Morton, Mrs. Klizabeth A., do. do. Morton, Miss Elizabeth A., do. do. Morton, Mrs. Elizabeth M., do. do. Morton, Francis R., do. do. Morton, Henry T., do. do. Morton, John S., do. do. Morton, Joseph v., do. do. Morton, Quin, do. do. Morton, Miss Selina, J., do. do. Morton, M. D., Wm J., do. do. Morton, Wm. Q., do. do. Morton, Master Wm. Q., do. do. Morton, Rev. Geo., Ebenezer, Pa. Mott, Rev. George S., Rahway, N. J. Munson, Rev. A., Apple Creek, Mo. Murdock, John, Oakland College, Miss. Murphey, Mrs. Martha, Pittsburgh, Pa. Murphey, Mrs MatUda T., Pittsburgh, Pa. Murphy, Hon John, Clairbourne, Ala. Murphy, Rev. Thomas, Frankford, Pa. Murray, Mrs. Eliza Jane, Sharpsburgh, Pa. ♦Murray, Rev. John W., do. do Murray, John, Milton, Pa. Murray, Rev. Joseph A., Dillsburg, Pa. Murray, D.D., Rev. Nicholas, Elizabeth town, N.J. McAboy, Rev. L. R., Wexford, Pa. McAleese, Rev. D. M., Montgomery, N. Y. McArthur, Rev. John, Oxford, Ohio. McCalla, Rev. W. L. McCalla, Gen. John, Washington, D. C. McCampbell, Samuel, Charlestown, Ind. McCandlish, Rev. Wm. Quincy, 111. McCandless, M. D., A. G., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCanless, Mrs.S. S., Stewardsville, Pa. McCauley, Rev. Thos. Huntington, L.I., N. Y. McCay, Rev. David, Callensburgh, Pa. McCay, Mrs. Sarah Jane, do do. McCord, Chas. Wm., Smithfield. Pa. McClellan, Wm. 6., Upper Strasburg, Pa. McClelland, Geo. W., Philadelphia, Pa. McClelland, John, Upper Strasburg, Pa. McClelland, W., Canfield, Ohio. McClelland, Robert. McClintock, Washington, Pittsburgh, Pa. McClung, Rev. Samuel, Cross Roads, Pa. McClung, Mrs. Nancy, do. do. McClure, Miss Betsey, Clarksville, Tenn. McClure, Archibald, Albany, N.Y McClure, Archibald, jr., do. do. McClure, Mrs. Archibald, do. do. McCluskey, D. D., Rev. J., Hartsville, Pa. *McCombs, Rev. W., Salem, Ohio. McConnell, Mrs. Ann, Washington, Pa. ♦McConaughey, D. D., Rev.D., Washington, Pa. McCord, Anna B., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCord, Thomas, Paris, 111. McCord, Rev. Wm.J., Tribes Hill, N.Y. McCorkle, Miss C. E., New York. McCormick, Miss Eliza Jane, HoUidaysburg, Pa. McCoun, John, T., Troy, N.Y. McCoun, Mrs., Albany, N.Y. McCown, Rev. Burr U., Goshen, Ky. McCown, Mrs. do. do. McCoy, Rev Robert. McCready, Rev. A., New Wilmington, Pa. McCready, Mrs. C, do. do. McCurdy, John. ♦McDowell, D.D., Rev. Wm.A., Philadelphia, Pa. McDowell, Mrs. Jane H., Pluckemin, N. J. *McDonald, Rev. D. K., Cincinnati. Ohio. McDonald, Rev. Samuel H., Belleville, Pa. McDougall, Rev. James, Freeport, L. I., N. Y. McElwuin, Rev. A., Indiana, Pa. McElwain, Mrs. A. McGill, D.D.,Rev. A. T., Princeton, N. J. Mcllheny, Mrs. Maria, Hunterstown, Pa. Mcllvaine, Mrs. Margaret M., East Liberty, Pa. Mcllvain, Rov.Wm.B., Wilkins, Pa. Mclntyre. Archibald. Albany, N. Y. McKaig, Rev.C. V., Candor, Pa. McKeag, John, Clarksville, Tenn. McKee, Rev. James A., Franklin, Ind. McKee, John, New Bloomfield, Pa. McKee, John, Pittsburgh, Pa. McKee, Mrs. Maria J., Madison, Ind. McKee, Reddick, San Francisco, Cal. McKee, Mrs. Sophronia, Franklin, Ind. McKelly, Miss Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. McKennan, Rev. J. W., West Liberty, Ta. McKinley, Mrs. Mary, Dickinson, Pa. McKinney, Abraham Smith, Shippensburg, Pa. McKinney, Rev. John, Oswego, 111. McKinney, Rev. C, Rising Sun, Ind. McKinney, D. D., Rev. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. McKowen, John, Jackson, La. McLain, Benjamin, Pittsburgh, Pa. McLain, Rev. W. W., Mount Pleasant, Pa. McLaren, Rev. Donald, Caldonia, N. Y. McLaren, D.D., Rev. J. F., Allegheny City, Pa. McLaughlin, J., Connellsville, Pa. McLean, D. D., Rev. John, Princeton, N. J. *McLeod, Rev. R. B. E., Doanesburg, N. Y. McMasters, Samuel, Pittsburgh, Pa. McMaster, D. D., Rev. E. D., New Albany, Ind. McMillan, Wm., Charleston, Ind. McMurray, Rev. Jos., Newportville, Pa. McNair, Rev. Daniel, Natchez, Miss. *McNair, R. H., New Orieans, La. McNair, Rev. AVm. W., Eau Clare, Wis. McNutt, Miss M. A., Louisville, Ky. McNutt, Rev. S.-vmuel H., Rockville, Ind. NcNut, Robert Randle, do. do. McPhail, Rev. G. W., Easton, Pa. McQueen, George, Schenectady, N. Y. Neff. Mrs. Mary W., Alexandria, Pa. Neill, D. D., Rev. Wm., Philadelphia, Pa. Nelson, Rev. A. K., St. Thomas, Pa. Nelson, Mrs. Mary, Newburyport, Mass. Nesbit, John, Lewisburg, Pa. Nevin, D. D., Rev. Alfred. Philadelphia, Pa. Nevin, T. II., Allegheny City, Pa. Nevius, Rev. J. H., North Henderson, 111. * Newbury, Rev. Thomas J., Raleigh, Tenn. Newton, Rev. E. H., Cambridge, N. Y. Nichols, James, Milledgeville, Ga. Nichols, James, Nashville, Tenn. Nichols, Rev. James, Geneseo, N. Y. Nimmo, Rev. Joseph, Islip, N. Y. Nisbit, William, St. Louis, Mo. Nisbit, Miss Mary S., do. do. Nisbit, Robert, do. do. Nixon, Rev. J. Howard, Cambridge, N. Y. Norman, James S., Columbus, Ga. North, Mrs. Olivia M., Louisville, Ky. Norton, Benjamin, Newton Hamilton, Pa. Xott, D.D., LL D., Rev. E., Schenectady, N.Y. Oakey, Rev. P. D., Jamaica, N.Y. Oakey, Mrs. Nancy, New York. Officer, Robert. *Ogden, Rev. Benjamin. Ogden, Rev. E., Glade -Mills, Pa. Olcott, E. K., New Orleans, La. Orr, Mrs. Eliza Ann. Orr, James, Washington, Pa. ■ Decease!. 10 APPENDIX. Osterhoudt, Stephen, Rondout, N. T. Owen, Kev. Thomas, Washington, N.C. Paine, Rev. James, Somerville, Tenn. Park, Mrs. AramintaJane, Charlestown, Ind. Parke, Samuel, Slate Hill, Pa. Parker, D. D., Kev. Joel New York City. Parmelee, Mrs. Eleanor, Lansingburg, N. Y. Parmelee, Mrs. Fanny, do. do. Parsons, Elnathan, Glen'.s Falls, N. Y. Parsons, L. H., Jacksonville, Ala. Patillo, James A., Tulip, Ark. Patterson, D. D., Rev. A. 0., Oxford, Ohio. Patterson, Mrs. R. L., Pittsburgh, Pa. Patterson, Robert, Burgettstown, Pa. Paul, Mrs. Mary T., Pittsburgh, Pa. PauU, John, Carlisle, Ohio, Paull, Mrs. Mary, Carlisle, Ohio. Paxton, Mrs. Caroline S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Paxton, Mrs. Hester, Pittsburgh, Pa. Paxton, Rev. Wm. M., do. do. Paxton, D. D., Rev. John D., Princeton, Ind. Paxton, Rev. Wm. N., Greencastle, Pa. Pearce, Rev. S. J., Oxford, N. C. Pease, Frederick F., Albany, N.Y. *Peebles, Rev. John, Huntingdon, Pa. Penick, Rev. D. A., Pioneer Mills, N. C. *Penland, Rev. N. A., Woodville, Texas. Perkins, John, Natchez, Miss. Perry, Mrs. Sarah C, Bridgeport, Conn. Petrie, James, Jersey City, N. J. Petrie, Rev. G. H. W. Petrie, Laurens, Davidson College, N. C. Pettingell, Moses, Newburyport, Mass. Phelon, Miss H. Maria. Phelps, Mrs. S. C, Philadelphia, Pa. Phifer, George L. Phillips, Dr. James. PhUlips, Mrs. Mary C, Rondout, N. Y. Phraner, Rev. Wilson, Sing Sing, N. Y. Pickins, Mrs. Margaret, Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Pillsbury, Rev. Ithamar, Princeton, 111. Pindell R., Lexington, Ky. Pinneo, Wm. W., Elizabeth, N. J. Pinney, Rev. J. P., New York City. *Platt, Annanias, Albany, N. Y. Piatt, Mrs. Elizabeth, Rossville, Ind. Piatt, Rev. Joseph, do. do. Piatt, Rev. J., Paris, in. Piatt, Rev. Joseph, Palestine, 111. Plumer, D.D., Rev. Wm. S., Allegheny City, Pa. Pomeroy, Rev. J. S., Fairview, Va. Ponce, Mrs. Isabella, Mount Zion, Ga. Pond, M. D., Asa, Columbus, Ga. Pope, Curran, Louisville, Ky. Porter, E. II., Memphis, Tenn. Porter, Rev. J. J., Buffalo, N. Y. Porter, John, Alexandria, Pa. Potter, Henry, Pittsburgh, Pa. *Potts, D. D., Rev. Wm. S., St. Louis, Mo. Powel, Samuel D., Philadelphia, Pa. Power, jr., John, Monongahela City, Pa. Praig, J. G., Louisville, Ky. Price, Rev. Jacob F., Lexington, Ky. Price, Daniel, Newark, N. J. Price, Mrs. Charity B., Newark, N. J. Price, Mrs. Phoebe, Eliz.ibeth, N. J. Pritchard, Wm., Newburyport, Mass. Prime, Rev. E. D. G., New York City. Proctor, Rev. D. C , New Haven Conn. Proctor, Mrs. D. C, do. do. Proudfit, D. D., Rev. J., New Brunswick, N. J. *Quay, Rev. A. B., Rochester, Pa. Quay, Mrs. Catharine, do. do. Quillin, Rev. Ezekiel, Wellsburg, Va. Ralston, Rev, James Grier, Norristown, Pa. Randolph, Joseph, Rahway, N. J. Rankin, John, Rockhill, Ohio. Ray, Mrs. E., Indianapolis, Ind. Ray, James M., do. do. *Rea, D. D., Rev. John, Cadiz, Ohio. Redd, W. A. *Reddick, Rev. John, Slate Lick, Pa. Reed, Mrs. Mary J., Erie City, Pa. Reed, Rev. Villeroy D., Lansingburgh, N. Y. Reeside, John, Shippensburgh, Pa. Reeves, John, Philadelphia, Pa. Reid, Rev. Alex'r. Eagletown, C. N. Ark. Reid. D.D., Rev. Wm. S., Lynchburg, Va. Reinhart, Rev. Edwin II., Elizabethport, N.J. Reynolds, Rev J. V.,Meadville,Pa. Rhea, Matthew, Somerville, Tenn. Rice, Wilbur, Theol. Seminary, New York City. Richards, Rev. James, Richardson, Mrs Eliza J., Louisville, Ky. Richardson, Wm , do. do. Richardson, Wm. A., do. do. Richardson, Rev. Richard H., Marengo, 111. Riddle, D. D , Rev. D. H., Jersey City, N. J. Riggs, Rev. C. C, West Newton, Pa. Rittenhouse, Rev. Jos. M.. Bart., Pa, Robertson, Rev. W. W., Fulton, Mo. Robinson, Rev. David, Calcutta, Va. Robinson, David, Princeton, 111. Robinson, Mrs. Jane, Saltsburg, Pa. Robinson, John, do. do. Robinson, Rev. J.. Ashland, Ohio. Robinson, Mrs. Mary, do. do. Robinson, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Robinson, Rev. Wm. M., Newark, Ohio. Rodgers, Rev. R. K., Boundbrook, N. J. Rogers, Rev, Amos II., Waynesville, 111. Rolf, Ebenezer, Newburyport, Mass. Root, Lyman, Albany, N.Y. Rose, Mrs. Jane, Philadelphia, Pa. Ross, Rev. John, Muncie, Ind. Ross, Rev. John B., Frederick, Md. Rosselter, Miss E. D., St. Charles, Mo. Rowland, Rev. L. P., Patterson, Mo. Ruffner, Rev. Wm. Henry, Harrisonburg, Va. *Russell, Rev, A. K., Newark, Del. Russell, J.-imes, Philadelphia, Pa, Russell, Mrs. E., Albany, N. Y. Russell, D. A., Danville, Ky. Russell. Samuel, Louisville, Ky, Russell, Rev. Moses, Clifton, Ohio. Ryerson, M. D., Thos., Newton, N. ,T. Sample, Rev. Robert F., Bedford, Pa, Sampson, Geo. L., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sanborn, Mrs. Harriet, Newburyport, Mass. Sanderson, James P., Milton, Pa. Sanderson, Mrs. Margaret, Milton, Pa. Sanford, James, Mobile, Ala. Sanderson, Rev. Joseph, New York City, Saunders, Rev. J. M., Bloomfield, Ky. Sayre, D. A., Lexington, Ky. Schenck, Rev. Wm. E., Philadelphia, Pa. *Schenck, Mrs. Jane Torrey, do. do. Schonmakcr, James, Waterford, N. Y. *Scott, Rev. George M., Hookstown, Pa, Scott, Rev. II. B., Indian Village, La. Scott, Mrs. Mary, Waterford, N.Y. Scott, Moses, Monongahela City, Pa. Scott, Robert, Pittsburgh, Pa. Scott, M.T., Lexington, Ky. Scott, Mrs. Thomas, Waterford, N. Y, *Scovel, D.D., Rev, Sylv'r, South Hanover, Ind. Scovel, Mrs. H.C., do, do. Scovol, H. Gould, Nashville, Tenn. Scovel, Mary E., New Albany, Ind. Scovel, Henry Spencer, do. do. Scovel, J. Matlack, Loui.sville, Ky. Scovel, S. Fithian, do. do. APPENDIX. 91 Scovel, Sarah, New Albany, Ind. Scovel. Harriet Ann, do. do. Scovel, Harriet Jane, do. do. Scovel. Anna Catharine, New Albany, Ind. Scovel, Ashly, Albany, N. Y. Scovel, Isabella Nisbet. New Albany, Ind. Scudder, Caleb, Indianapolis, Ind. Scudder, Mrs. M., do. do. Seelye, Rev. Edward E., Sandy Hill, N. Y. *Seelye, Seth, Lanslngburgh, N. Y. *Shafer, D. D., Rev. Joseph L., Newton, N. J. Shaiffer, Rev.George W., Shirleysburg. Pa, Shaiffer, Mrs. Mary Linn, do. do. Shaw, Jos. G., Sing Sing, N. Y. Shaw, W. D., Alexandria, Pa, Shaw, Thomas, Brownsville, Tenn. Sheddan, Rev. S.S., Rahway, N.J. Shelby, Gen. James, Lexington, Ky. Shelby, W. Hall, do. do. Shepard, Joseph H., Brooklyn, N. Y. Short, Dr. Slbly, Mrs. M., St. Charles, Mo. Simpson, Capt. Paul, Newburyport, Mass. Simpson. Rev. J., Ireland. Simrall, Rev. J. G.. Lexington, Ky. Skidmore, Irad Hawley, New York City. Skidmore, Lucy Ann H., do. do, Skillman, A. G. Skillman, Mrs. H. T. Slagell, J., Washington, Pa. Slawson, A., Troy, N. Y. Sloan, D.D., Rev. James, Dunningville, Pa. Sloan, Mrs. Margaret, do. do. *Sloan, Rev. Wm. B., Greenwich, N.J. Smiley, Wm., Buffalo, Pa. Smith, D. D., Rev. B. M., Hampton Sydney, Va. Smith, James, Uollidaysburg, Pa. Smith, D.D., Rev. James. Smith, Rev. James M., Tarentura, Pa. Smith, Rev. J. F., Richmond, Ind. Smith, J. W., Monongahela City, Pa. Smith, D. D., Rev. Joseph, Greensburgh, Pa. Smith, Rev. Josiah D., Columbus, Ohio. Smith, Mrs. Mary B., Pittsburgh, Pa. Smith, R. B., EastGalway, N.Y. Smith, Rev, Reuben, Beaver Dam, Wis. Smith, Rev. R. C, Milledgeville, Ga. Smith, Rufus, Newburyport, Mass. Smith, Samuel Hulbert, Clarksville, Tenn. Smith, Susan A., Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa. Smith, Miss Susan B., Abington, Pa. Smith, Rev. WUliam D.. Springfield, Ohio. Snodgrass, D. D , Rev. W. D., Goshen, N. Y. Snodgrass, Mrs. W. D., do. do. *Snodgrass, Rev. James, Hanover, Pa. *Snowden, Gilbert T., Columbia, S. C. Snowden, F., Harmony Landing, Ky. Snowden, Mrs. Lav., do. do. Soutter, James T., Astoria, N. Y. Sparrow, D. D., Rev. P. J., Pensacola, Fla. Spencer, Mrs. Annie, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spottswood, D. D, Rev. J. B., New Castle, Del. Sprague, D.D., Rev. W. B., Albany, N. Y. Sprague, Mrs. W. B., Albany, N. Y. Starboard, A. P., Louisville, Ky. Stead, Rev. Benjamin F., Astoria, N.Y. Stearns, Rev. Timothy, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Stearns, Rev. J. F., Newark, N. J. Stearns, Mrs. Anna S^ do. do. Steel, Rev. John A., Grandview, 111. Steel, Rev. Richmond, Auburn, N. Y. Steel, D. D., Rev. Robert, Abington, Pa. Steele, Mrs. Margaret J., Grandview, 111. Steele, Rev. Richard, Charleston. N. Y. Steele, Rev. R. H., Ballston Spa, N.Y. Sterrett, Rev. David, Carlisle, Pa. Stevenson, John, Cambridge, N. Y. Stevenson, Rev. Thomas, Rock Spring, Pa. Stevenson, Rev. Ross, Johnstown, Pa. Steven.son, Rev. Jos., BcUefontaine, Ohio. Stevenson, Robert, do, do. Stevenson, Thos. Marquis, do. do. Stevenson, Rev. P. E , Madison, N. J. Stewart, D. D., Rev. R., Broughshane, Ireland. Stewart, Mrs. Catharine. Rushville, Ind. Stewart, Bryce, Clarksville, Tenn. Stewart, Rev. David M., Rushville, Ind. Stewart, Mrs. E., Waterford, N. Y. Stewart, William, Clarksville, Tenn. Stiles, Rev. J. C. Stiles, Mrs. Rebecca B., Henderson, Ky. Stocking, Thomas B., Buffalo, N, Y. Stockton, Rev. Benjamin B., Phelps, N. Y. Stockton, Mrs. Olivia B., do. do. Stoddart, Alex., Cranberry, N. J. Stoneroad, Rev. Joel, Woodvale, Pa. Strahan, Rev. F. 6., Hopklnsville, Ky. Stratton, Rev. W. 0., North Benton, Ohio. Stratton, Rev. Daniel, Salem, N. J. Stribling, Cornelius, Georgetown, D. C. Strother, Rev. J. W., Brownsville, Tenn. Stryker, James D., LambertvlUe, N.J. Strykcr, Peter. Stuart. Rev.D.T., ShelbyvlUe, Ky. Studdlford, D. D., Rev. P. 0., Lambertville, N.J. Sturdevant, Rev. Charles, Springfield, Ohio. Sturdevant. Mrs. Sarah, Somerfield, Ala. Sturges, M.D., Charles, New Y'ork. Sutton, Mrs. Rebecca, Indiana, Pa. Swaney, Rev. Alex'r, Carrolton, Ohio. Sweetland, Walter H., Cazenovla, N.Y. Sweetman, Rev. Joseph, Charlton, N. Y. Swift, D.D.jRev.E.P., Allegheny City, Pa, *Symlngton, Alex'r, Philadelphia, Pa. Syrames, Rev. John H., Cumberland, Md. *Tait, Rev. Samuel, Mercer, Pa. Talbot, Rev. W. K., Osceola, Ark. Talmage, Rev. Peter S., Malta, N.Y. Tarrar, M. D., S. C, Jackson, Miss. Taylor, John, Connellsville, Pa. Taylor, H. W., Lexington, Ky. Taylor, Rev. Rufus, Manchester, Mass. Taylor, John, Wesley, Tenn. Taylor, R., Salem, Ky. Tenbrook, Mrs. Jane C, Paris, 111. Terbell,H.S., New York. *Terbell, Jubal, do. Terbell, Henry S., do. Thomas, Hon. Grlgsby Esteridge, Columbus, Ga Thompson, Rev.G., Yorktown, N. Y. Thompson, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thompson, Mrs. Mary V., do. do. Thompson, Robert D., do. do. Thompson, Wm. Hanna. Thornton, Joseph, Browns, Pa. Thorp, George W. Thorp, Mrs. Anna G., New York City. Titus, Nathaniel R., Pennington, N.J. Tod, Rev. David S., Canton, Miss. Todd, Samuel, Newburyport, Mass. Todd, Geo. W., City, N.Y. Todd, W. F., Lexington, Ky. *Torbcrt, James, Mount Pleasant, Ohio. Townsend, Mrs. H.. Albany, N.Y. Tucker, Aaron, Rahway, N.J. Tucker, John C. Tucker, Mrs.J.C. Tudehope, Rev. Archibald, Philadelphia, Pa. Turner, M. D.. John J., Levering, Ohio. Turner, Mrs. Harriet A., do. do. Turner, Ralph, Rising Sun, Ind. Turner, Joseph, Richmond, Ky. 92 APPENDIX. Tustin, D. D , Rev. S., Washington, D. C. Tustin, Mrs. S., do. do. *Twitchell, Rev. Jerome. Underwood, Mrs. Eliza, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Vail, David T., Troy, N.Y. Vail, Mrs. D.T., do. Vail, Jane Eliza, do. Vail, R. P. Hart, do. Vail, Townsend M., do. Vallandigham, Rev. J. L , Newark, Del. Van Artsdalen, Rev. G. *Van Court, Rev. Alex'r, Florence, Ala. Vance, Mrs. Susan P., Harrodsburgh, Ky. Vance, Samuel, Washington, Pa. Van Eman, Rev. George, Florida, Mo. Vaneman, Rev. George, Van Buren, Ohio. Vandever, Mrs. Jane A., Dubuque, Iov?a. Van Dyke, Rev. Henry J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Vandyke, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Van Gelder, Geo. II., Camden, N. J. Vanhorn, Mrs. Mary. *Vanmeter, M. D., James, Salem, Ky. Vanmeter, J., Clark co., Ky. Vanmeter, Isaac, do. do. *Vanmeter, John, Louisville, Ky. Vannuys, Isaac, Franklin, Ind. Vannuys, Mrs. Ellen, Franklin, Ind. Vanvoorhis, Isaac. Vanvorhis, Isaac, MonongahelaCity, Pa. Veech, R. S., Louisville, Ky. Vermilye, Rev. A. Green, Newburyport, Mass. Vermilye, Mrs. Ellen L., do. do. Vincent, Rev. W. R., Uniontown, Ohio. Vosburgh, Isaac W., Albany, N. Y. Vosburgh, Margaret, do. Vosburgh, Mrs. Sarah Jane, Albany, N.Y, Vowell, Miss Sarah H. Wadsworth, Rev. Chester, Carlisle, N. Y. Wadsworth, D. D., Rev. Cha.s., Philadelphia, Pa. Walbridge, Mrs. Martha, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Walker, Mrs. Jane, Paint Lick, Ky. Walker, Rev. R. B., Plain Grove, Pa. Wall, Rev. Edward, Kingsboro', N. Y. Ware, M. D., Robert A., Columbus, Ga. Warner, E., Albany, N. Y. Wardlaw, James, Lexington, Ky. Warren, Hon. William L. F. Waters, William, Shelbyville, Ky. Watkins, Mrs. E. F., Milton, N. C. Watkins, Harriet. Watkins, Samuel, Milton, N. C. Watson, Mrs. Margaret L., Milton, Pa. Watson, Wm.W., Buck P.O., Pa. Waugh, Robert M., New London, Pa. Way, Mrs. Rebecca G., Charleston, Ind. Weed, D. D., Rev. H. R., Wheelin?, Va. Welch, Rev.Thos. R., Helena, Ark. Welsh, Rev. M., Plastow, N. H. Welsh, Jacob, German Valley, N. J. Wells, Rev. John, D., Williamsburgh, N.Y. West, D.D., Rev. Nathaniel, Philadelphia, Pa. Westervelt, Mrs. Catharine, Laporte, Ind. White, Rev. N. Grier, McConnelsburgh, Pa. White, Rev. Robert B., Tuscaloosa, Ala. White, M. D., Samuel G., Milledgeville, Ga. White, D. D., Rev. W.S., Lexington, Va. *White, Rev. R., Platte, Va. White, Hon. J. J. White, Julius. Whitlock, Sarah Louisa, New York City. Wier, James, Lexington, Ky. Wiloy, Jr , J., do. do. Wiley, D. D., Rev. Wm , Newark, Ohio. Wilking, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Williams, E. S. Williams, Edwin Howard, Pittsburgh, Pa- Williams, Emma C, do. do. Williams, J. D., do. do. Williams, J. P., do. do. Williams, F. J., Wappinger's Creek, N. Y. Williams, Rev. Louis W., Fannettsburgh, Pa. Williams, Benjamin. Williams, Rev. M. Allen, San Francisco, Cal. Williams, Rev. M. D., Louisville, Ky. Williamson, Rev.S. M., La Grange, Tenn. Williamson, Miss Isabella, Stanford, Ky. Williamson, Mrs. Mary J., Somerville, Tenn. Willingford, Mrs. Eliza, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilson, Dr. Alexander. Wilson, Alex'r, Monongahela, City, Pa. Wilson, Mrs. A. Maria, Dunlap's Creek, Pa. Wilson, Mrs. Ann Maria, Merrittstown, Pa. Wilson, David. Upper St. Clair, Pa. Wilson, Hon. Edgar C, Morgantown, Va. Wilson, George, Tulip, Ark. Wilson, D. D., Rev. H. N., Uackettstown, N.J. *Wilson, Hanse, Steubenville, Ohio. *Wilson, Mrs. Jane, do. do. Wilson, J., Milton, N. C. *Wilson, Rev. J. C, Tinkling Spring, Va. Wilson, Joseph. Monongahela City, Pa. Wilson, Mrs.Penolope, Milton, N.C. *Wilson, Rev.R.G., Chillicothe, Ohio. Wilson, Rev. Samuel, Norwich, Ohio. Wilson, Rev. Samuel, Dunlap's Creek, Pa. Wilson. Rev. Thos. B., Xenia, Ohio. Wilson, William, New York. Willson, Rev. William, Lecompton, Kansas. Wilson, William, Pennsylvania. Wolf, Rev. Jacob. Coesse, Ind. Wood, Rev.Benj.F., Franklin, Ind. Wood, George T., Munfordsville, Ky. Wood, D. D., Rev. James, Philadelphia, Pa. Wood, Miss Margaret, Dickinson, Pa. Woodhull, Smith, Huntington, L.L, N.Y. Woodend, Rev.W.W., Saltsburgh, Pa. Woods, Joseph, Dickinson, Pa. Woods, Miss Martha Jane, Dickinson, Pa. Woods, D. D., Rev. James S., Lewistown, Pa. Woods, Robert, Nashville, Tenn. Woods, Duke, Wheeling, Va. Woods, Mrs. Elizabeth, Paint Lick, Ky. Work, James, Buffalo, Pa. Wray, Mrs. Mary, Saltsburgh, Pa. Wray, John, Princeton, N.J. Wray, M. D., Robert. Wray, Esq , Wm. H., Saltsburgh, Pa. Wright, Rev. E., White Plains, N. Y. Wright, Mrs. E, White Plains, N.Y. Wright, Rev. Edward W., Delphi, Ind. Wright, Nathaniel, Albany, N. Y. Wurtz, Rev. Edward, Ashwood Landing, La. Wylie, Mrs. Harriett B. Newark, Ohio. Wylie, Mrs. Mary, Stillwater, N. Y. Wynkoop, Mrs. Aurelia, Wilmington, Del. Wynkoop, Rev. S. R., Wilmington DeL Wynn, Rev. John, Midway, Ga. Wynn, Rev.T. Sumner, Rioeboro', Ga. Yandell, M. D., L. P., Louisville, Ky. Yeatman, James E. Yeomans, D. D., Rev. J. W., Danville, Pa. Yerkes, Rev. S., Lexington, Ky. Youce, M. G., Danville, Ky. Young, M. D., B. F. Young, Rev. Loyal, Butler, Pa. *Young, D. D., Rev. John C, Danville, Ky. APPENDIX. HONORARY MEMBERS Of the Board of Domestic Missions, constituted during the year ending February 28, 1858, by the payment of fifty dollars and upioards. Agnew, David, Kinzer's P. 0., Pa. Agnew, James F., Agnew's ^Mills, Pa. Agnew, Rev. .John R., Steubonville, Ohio. Agnew, Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. Ashley, Mrs. Mary W. W., Little Rock, Ark. Bacon, Mrs. M., Iowa. Banks. Rev. A. R., Tulip, Ark. Biggs, Rev. H. W., Morgantown, Ta. Blain, Rev. Wm. J., Canaan, Centre, N. T. Brooks, Mrs. Eliza B , Pittsburgh, Pa. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, Greencastle, Pa. Brown, Jas. M., Greencastle, Pa. Calhoun, J. D., Mount Carmel, Tenn. Chambers, Hon. George. Chambersburg, Pa. Childs, Mrs. Jane B., Pittsburgh, Pa. Collins, Rev. Charles Jewett, Danville, Pa. Collins, Mrs. Margaret, Quarryville, Pa. Corning, Ephraim L., New York City. Corning, H. K., New York City. Cruse, Isaac, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cummings, A. P., New York City. Davidson, J. D., Steubenville, Ohio. Denise, Denise, Dubuque, Iowa. Dickson, Miss Margaret, Hunterstown, Pa. Doolittle, Rev. Henry L., MUl Hall, Pa. Edwards, M. D., L. A., Washington, City, D.C. Elmer, Macomb Kean, Bridgeton, N.J. Fellows, Mrs. M. F., Dubuque, Iowa. Forbes, Wm. D.alton, Ohio. Fuller, Rev. Henry. Grier, M. C, Danville, Pa. Greenleaf, Miss Anna, Philadelphia, Pa. Heckman, Rev. Geo. C, Portage City, Wis. Hepburn, M. D., Andrew, Williamsport, Pa. Hill, Mrs. Martha J., Louisville, Kv. Hollister, E. H., Rochester City, N. Y. Hoover, Rev. Thos. D., Cranberry, N.J. Horback, Mrs. Mary, Manchester P. 0., Pa. Howe, Rev. AVm., Londonderry, N. H. Jagger, Rev. S. H., Marlborough, N. Y. Janes, Mrs. Sarah, Pittsburgh, Pa. Janeway, Miss Mary G., New Brunswick, N. J. Jennings, Miss Elizabeth B., Pittsburgh, Pa. Johnson, J. Gumming, Memphis, Tenn. Johnston, Miss Valley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kerr, William, Boalsburg, Pa. Leech, Miss Maria, Pittsburgh, Pa. Loomis, Mr.s Jane, Pittsburgh, Pa. Lowrie, Rev. John M., Fort Wayne, Ind. Lowrie, Rev. Samuel T., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lyon, John, , Pa. Masters, Rev. F. R., Matteawan,iN. Y. Meeker, David, Sacramento, Cal. Mellsop, John, Philadelphia, Pa. Mollison, Gilbert, Oswego, N. Y. Mustin, Mrs. F. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCarter, Mrs. Eliza. Newton, N.J. McCarter, Thos. N., Newton, N.J. McClelland, Rev. A. C , Peru, Ind. McCombs, Mrs. Elizabeth M., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCorabs, John, Pittsburgh, Pa. McCord, Miss Jane M., Pittsburgh, Pa. McCurley, Robert, Milton, Pa. McKelley, Miss E. H., Pittsburgh, Pa. McKnigiit, Mrs. Margaret K., Pittsburgh, Pa. McLain, Mrs. S. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Neely, Maj. J. B., Denmark, Tenn. Norton, Annie C, Phelps, N. Y. Palmer, Rev. E. P., Marietta, Ga. Pardee, Myron, Oswego, N. Y. Patterson, Arthur, Princeton, Iowa. Patterson, Wm. David, Mercersburg, Pa. Patterson, Miss Elizabeth J'., Mercersburg, Pa. Patter.son. Jas., Agnew, Mercersburg, Pa. Paxton, Mrs. Maria, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pears, Mrs. R. C, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pelton. Gideon, Montgomery, N. Y. Pennell, Wm. F., Harford Furnace, Md. Pennock, Rev. P. T., Concord, N. C. Perry, Maria, Windsor, Mass. RaEfensperger, Rev. E. B., Bellftfontaine, Ohio. Ray, Edward, Rochester City, N. Y. Rea, Sen., James, Bedford, Pa. Reid, Rev. Alex. M., Steubenville, Ohio. Rensha, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rhoads, Mrs. Mary, Mercersburg, Pa. Rowan, Mrs. Sarah, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sampson, Sirs. Letitia, Manchester, P. 0., Pa. Scarborough, Rev. Wm. B., Taneytown, .Md. Sherman, Lemuel, Cambridge, N. Y. Shouse, Mrs. Charity, Monongahela City, Pa. Skidmore, Jos. R., New York. Smith, Mrs. Eliza A., Philadelphia. Smith. John P., Blonmsbury, N. J. Sprole, D. D., Rev. Wm. T., Newburgh, N. Y. Sproul, Mrs. Margaret, Pittsburgh, Pa. Stevenson, Mrs. Mary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Stewart, D., , Pa. Stratton, Mrs. Mary A., Frankford, Pa. Swift, Mrs. Eliza D., Allegheny City, Pa. Thompson, Wm., Boalsburg, Pa. Van Gelder, Miss Jane, Camden, N. J. Vanvoorhis, Mrs. Mary, Monongahela City, Pa. Watkins, Henry T., Milton, N.C. Wells, John W., Newburgh, N. Y. Wilson, Mrs.E.CMcKeesport, Pa. Wilson, George, Belleville, Pa. Wilson, Jas. M., Upper Saint Clair, Pa. Wilson, Rev. R. F., McKi-esport, Pa. Wilson, Hon. Wm., Lambcrtville, \. J. Wray, Mrs. Harriet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Young, And. N., Montgomery, N. Y. 94 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS BY THE BOARD OF DOMESTIC MISSIONS, From March 1st, 1857, to March 1st, 1858. SYNOD OF ALBANY, Pby of Londonderry. Antrim church $39 00 Londondery 27 00 Ply of Troy. Cambridgo 56 00 LansiuRburgh 150 00 Sandy Hill 30 21 Stillwater 45 52 Troy, Park 72 73 Troy 2d 252 26 Troy Second St 146 75 Waterford 202 42 955 89 Ply of Albany. Albany 1st 10 00 do 2d 470 00 do 3d 29 18 Amsterdam Village 40 00 Ballston 21 50 Ballston Spa IS 18 Bethlehem 12 00 Carlisle and Esperance 41 84 Charlton 48 50 Jewett 74 12 Kin^sboro' 73 50 Little Falls 25 00 New Scotland 8 00 Northampton 15 00 Eockwell's Falls 13 00 Saratoga Springs 120 03 Schenectady 180 00 Tribes Hill 32 36 West Milton 19 S4 Windsor 10 00 1268 05 PbyofMohmvJc. Durhamville 6 00 Oneida Valley 10 74 Oswego Ist 210 56 Utica, Westminster 84 50 310 80 SYNOD OP BUFFALO. Pby of Ogdensburg. Hammond 8 50 Le Ray 1st 5 00 Morristown 25 00 Oswegatchie 1st 134 00 do 2a 21 00 Kossie 1st 20 00 213 50 Pby of Genesee River. Bath 1st church $175 00 Caledonia 42 50 Moscow 6 00 Oakland 14 00 Portageville 10 00 Seottsville 1st 10 51 Sparta 1st 15 00 Tuscarora 5 00 30 03 308 04 Pby of Buffalo City. Bethany Centre 6 00 Black Rock 1st 15 00 Buffalo Central 124 75 do Delaware Street 86 48 East Aurora 1st 21 00 Pendleton and Wheatfield 12 00 Tonawanda Ist 6 00 271 23 Pby of Michigan. Bennington 7 00 Freemont and Meridian 7 00 Independence 1st 20 00 Oakland 8 00 Plymouth 1st 15 00 do 2d 9 00 Pontiac 1st 19 00 85 00 Pby of Rochester City. Charlotte 10 00 East Bethany IS 39 East Williamson 21 50 Port Byron 25 00 Rochester 3d 153 59 do Calvary 30 S3 do North State St 33 50 do St Peters 75 50 Vienna 1st 72 20 440 51 SYNOD OF NEW YORK. Pby of Hudson. Deer Park : Florida : Goodwill 1( floshen ■ Hamptonburgh ! Hempstead ! Hopewell ; Middletown ( Mil ford : Monroe Scotchtown ! White Lake Pby of North River. Bethlehem church $28 15 Ilughsonrille 6 00 Kingston 24 00 Marlboro 67 97 Matteawan 175 00 Newburgh 1st 114 00 do (Calvary) 56 06 New Hamburg 10 00 Rondout 60 00 Smithfield 24 00 Wappinger's Falls 10 00 574 18 Personal 15 00 589 IS Pby of Bedford. Bedford 150 37 Croton Falls 74 85 Mount Kisco 32 92 North Salem 5 00 Patterson 16 81 Port Chester 21 00 Poundridge 25 00 Red Mills 37 00 Rye 60 80 South East Centre 15 00 South Greensburgh 31 90 South Salem 142 50 White Plains 123 77 Yorktowu 14 00 760 02 Pby of Long Island. East Hampton 52 00 Fresh Pond 20 00 Huntington 79 00 Islip and Huntington "( oa nn South *■ ^^ "^ Middletown Moriches Sag Harbor Smithtown Southampton Speonk Sweet Hollow Pby of New Tori: Bridgeport 1st Chelsea Greenbush Jersey City New York 1st do 5th . do do do do 82 77 100 00 18 00 420 14 3345 00 5th Av. & ( „„, , ,„ 19th St. i 30W-t^ 7 th Avenue 10 00 42d Street 156 84 84th Street 118 94 Brick 1322 53 APPENDIX. 95 New York German ch $10 34 I Fby of Kew Brunsvnck. do Madison Av. 45 00 Boundbrook church $140 00 do KutgersSt 360 00 Cranberry 1st »-^. -- do University! j^gg -J I ^q 2d Place / Dutch Neck Nyack 22 00 Freehold 1st Throg-s Xeck ' 20 00 ^o Village Xorkville 30 00 Jamesburg Lawrence 10,545 69 MiJlstone 1st Personal 60 00 Ke^ Brunswick 1st I Pennington 10,595 69 Princeton 1st Fhy of New Tork 2d. Princeton 2d Hamden Jersey City, Scotch Mount Washington New York Canal St. do Scotch Peekskill Sing Sing 10 00 ^^'^ Bank 11 00 i Shrewsbury 28 4' ' '"luan Village 10 00 ^'""7'"e ^ Trenton 1st do 3d 932 50 63 00 115 00 92 73 : Fby of Nassau. Astoria Brooklyn 1st do 2d do Central Freeport Hempstead Jamaica Kewtown Oyster Bay Wallabout ae WiUiamsburg Ainslie St. 17 do S. 3d St. 105 12 60 51 45 119 46 31 00 89 55 5 00 183 00 45 00 130 00 10 00 44 00 16 12 12 00 35 00 185 14 94 51 1426 83 Pby of West Jersey. Ply of Susquelianna. Athens church 136 10 Monroeton Orwell Home and Ilerrick Silver Lake Sullivan Towanda Troy TTarren Wyal using do 2d 820 00 21 SS 15 35 15 25 2 00 4 00 7 00 34 66 10 00 11 06 25 35 13 00 179 06 Blackwoodtown Bridgeton 1st do 2d 504 06 Camden 548 47 Cape Island 1st 169 10 I Cedarville 6 00 Deerfield 40 00 FislervUle 92 32 , Greenwich 59 00 ^ May's Lauding 35 00 I Pittsgrove 00 I Salem 36 WUliamstown 1,666 34 Fby of Connecticut. Deep River 10 00 Hartford Ist 15 00 25 00 SYNOD or NEW JERSEY. Fby of Elizabethtovm. Baskingridge Elizabethport Elizabethtown 1st Lamington Liberty Corner Kew Providence Kew Vernon Perth Amboy Plainfield Pluckamin Jlahway 2d Westfield Moodbridge Ist 15 00 305 00 66 00 32 25 10 00 39 00 85 00 5 00 50 00 30 00 28 50 30 00 26 00 721 75 25 00 Fby of Passaic. Chatham Village Chester Connecticut Farms PJanders Morristown Ist do 2d Mount Freedom Mount Olive Kewark 3d Paterson iGerman) Springfield Fby of KevjUm. Belvidere church Blairstown Danville Fox Hill German Valley 60 00 ! Greenwich 17 83 ' Hackettstown Hardwick Hope Knowlton Lower Mt Bethel Mansfield 1st Mansfield 2d Marksboro Middle Smithfield MuBconetcong Valley Newton 1st Oxford Shawnee Stewartsville Stillwater 1st to ^^ Stroudsburg f? 2? I Upper Mount Bethel 18 Dl ' 40 00 15 00 217 35 67 00 15 00 20 00 176 86 2 00 I 451' 00 86 00 25 00 40 00 30 00 15 00 12 00 52 00 40 00 30 00 50 00 897 83 50 00 25 00 10 00 10 (JO 43 63 68 00 40 00 33 00 9 00 10 00 31 76 109 50 7 25 24 65 fi 00 10 00 104 00 13 50 10 00 48 00 29 00 19 i;o 20 78 Fby of Luzerne. Conynijham 15 00 Filraore 5 00 Hazleton 19 00 Kingston 74 00 Mauch Chunk 71 25 Mehoopany Creek 5 00 Newton 18 00 Northmoreland 4 09 Pittston 20 00 Plymouth 13 82 Port Carbon 40 75 Scranton 1st 37 00 Summit Hill 50 00 Tamaqua 63 50 Tunkhannock 30 00 Wilkesbarre 180 00 Wyoming 38 00 684 41 Fby of Burlington. Allentown 20 00 Columbus 7 31 Mount Holly 17 09 44 40 8TN0D OF PH1L4DE1PHIA. Fby of F/iiladelphia. Fby of Raritan. Amwell 1st Clinton Kingwood Lanibertville Milford Pleasant Grove Charlestown Chester Great Valley Philadelphia 2d do. 4th 6th 7th 9th loth l.Jth /.rch St Belmont Central 2 43 16 14 31 68 386 50 50 00 221 15 24 00 135 27 668 52 13 00 387 50 11 00 337 50 Kensington 40 00 North 265 87 Penn 44 18 Bichmond 12 75 Scots 228 61 South 31 02 S. Western 9 00 Sp. Garden 210 32 Westminster 29 00 Personal 74 00 35 00 11 "3 3065 43 '*4 69 Pby of F/nlaMpMa : 10 00 Abington 65 GO Allen Township and ) „. „„ 195 42 1 Calasaque J '5 00 96 APPENDIX. Bensalem church Bridesburg Bristol Chestnut Hill Conshohocken Doylestown Easton 1st do. Brainerd Frankford German town Holmesburg Neshaminy Newtown Norristown 2d Norriton & Providence Port Kennedy Pottstown Koxborough Slatington $18 00 30 56 22 00 40 00 10 00 30 69 100 00 36 44 50 00 226 30 24 89 98 16 12 01 9 00 6 61 10 97 19 00 5 41 30 00 919 04 Ply of New Castle. Doe Run & Coatsville 30 50 Fagg's Manor 61 63 Forks of Brandywine 80 50 Green Hill 14 33 Lower Brandywine 3 05 New Castle 100 00 New London 50 00 Oxford 98 00 Penniugtonville 5 00 Rock 2 00 Rockland 2 77 White Clay Creek, Head") of Christiana, and [-38 00 Newark. j Wilmington 1st 100 00 Zion 15 00 Fby of Donegal. Cedar Grove Chanceford Chestnut Level and \ Little Britain J Harmony Lancaster 2d Marietta Middle Octorara Mt Joy New Harmony Pequea Waynesburg Wrightsville 78 V 55 00 5 00 35 00 25 00 59 02 10 84 7 00 35 00 151 00 9 10 450 96 Pby of Huntingdon. Alexandria 69 Altoona 72 Bellefonte 84 East Freedom 5 Fruit Hill 10 lloUidaysburg 144 Huntingdon 60 Lewistown 58 Lick Run 19 Little Valley 30 Lower Tuscarora 362 Middle Tuscarora 25 Mifflintown & Lost Creek 65 Milroy 49 Moshanuon and Morris 5 Pine Grove 17 Shaver's Creek 10 Shirleysburg church Sinking Creek & Spring ) Creek J Sinking Valley Spruce Creek 1st West Kishacoquillas Williamsburg Presbyterial $11 00 178 25 72 00 407 29 87 53 41 48 25 50 5 00 1917 Pby of Northumberland. 17 00 9 00 6 00 47 00 27 40 30 00 19 00 40 00 Bald Eagle and Nittany Berwick Brier Creek Buffalo Chillisquaque Derry Hartleton Jersey Shore Lycoming Centre and 1 Pennsdale J Mahoning do. North MifHinburg Milton Mooresburg Muncy New Berlin 1st Orangeville Rohrsburg Sunbury Warrior Run Washingtonville WUliamsport 20 00 50 00 100 00 24 12 95 00 8 60 21 00 34 00 10 00 4 75 12 00 50 00 56 00 53 00 SYNOD OF BALTIMORE. Pby of Baltimore, Annapolis 40 Baltimore 1st 1365 do. 2d ICO do. 3d 14 do. Govane Chapel 76 do. Madison St 22 do. South 20 do. Westminster 130 Bel Air 5 Ellicott's Mills eo Frederick 37 Georgetown, Bridge St 230 Monokin 50 Mt Paran 4 Nealsville & Darnestown 10 Snow Hill & Pitt's Creek 20 Springfield 16 Taneytown 165 Washington City 2d 18 do. 7th Street 75 Wicomico 37 Less exchange Pby of Carlisle. Bedford 75 00 Burnt Cabins 6 51 Carlisle 2d 171 50 Chambersburg 143 50 Cumberland church $130 Dickinson 50 Fannetsburg 1 Fayette ville 12 Gettysburg 18 Great Conewago 78 Green Castle 44 Hancock 7 Lower Marsh Creek 30 Lower Path Valley 22 Middle Spring 168 Middletown 58 Millerstown 35 McConnellsburg 38 Newport 3 Newton Township 1st ) ,-„ (Big Spring) i "^ Petersburg 28 Rocky Spring 16 Sherman's Creek.Mouth") of Juniata and Bloom- >-70 field Shippensburg Silver's Spring St Thomas Upper Pa' h Valley Well's Valley WUliamsport 123 60 10 115 17 34 1740 84 5 00 Pby of Winchester Alexandria let 95 00 Berryville 13 45 Bloomery 7 00 Charlestown 60 00 Falling Water 20 00 Front Royal 5 91 Gerardstown 25 00 Harper's Ferry 4 90 Lewinsville 13 60 Lovettsville 75 Martinsburg 28 50 Moorefield 49 25 Mount Bethel 8 07 Mount Hope 16 00 North River 2 00 Piedmont 14 00 Prince William Ist 2 42 Romney 35 00 Salem 12 33 Stone 3 31 Tuscarora 8 00 Warronton 30 00 Washington 6 85 Winchester 175 65 8TN0D OP PITTSBURGH. Pby of Blair svUle. Beulah Blairsville Congruity Cross Roads Ebenezer Kbensburg Fairfield Gilgal Harrison City Ligonier Livermore 70 75 85 75 36 10 11 50 5 00 32 50 10 00 15 00 4 06 38 29 10 00 APPENDIX. 97 Murrraysville church New Alexandria New Salem Poke Run Salem Union Unity Pbt/ ofSaUshurg. Bethel Cherry Run Concord Crooked Creek & Ap-1 plehy Manor J Currie's Run East Union Ebenezer Elderton Elder's Kidge Gilgal Glade Run Indiana Kittanning Leechburg Mount Pleasant Plum Creek Rural Valley Saltsburg Warren West Lebanon $7 00 29 00 30 00 76 00 17 20 8 05 78 00 25 00 8 00 13 00 10 00 21 00 1 50 37 00 7 00 U 75 15 00 23 75 56 25 145 00 12 82 5 00 22 25 12 00 73 00 8 75 12 21 523 28 Pby of Redstone. Brownsville Connellsville Dunlap's Creek and) New Salem J Fairmont George's Creek Greensburgh Kiiigwood Laurel Hill Long Run Morgantown Mount Pleasant McClellandtown McKeesport New Providence Petersburgh Kehoboth Round Hill Sandy Creek Sewickly Tent Tyrone Uniontown West Newton Pby of Ohio. Bethany Bethel Canonsburg Centre Chartiers East Liberty Hopewell Lawrenceville Lebanon Miller's Run Mingo Monongahela City Montours 30 00 136 50 26 65 12 00 16 00 18 18 6 00 69 52 63 66 70 61 32 85 23 50 70 00 53 00 2 50 67 75 25 00 2 03 14 25 32 75 12 76 80 80 26 25 95 90 40 00 67 50 57 25 46 19 14 40 54 50 25 00 43 00 2-i 15 lUO Ol» 55 84 Pittsburgh Ist church $710 90 do. 2d 400 00 do. 6th 15 00 Racoon 64 80 Pby of Clarion. Academia Beechwoods Bethesda Callensburg Clarion Concord Greenwood Leatherwood Licking Mount Pleasant New Rehoboth Perry Richland 5 00 21 50 28 50 6 00 9 00 23 00 42 25 7 00 46 87 14 00 5 00 SYNOD OF ALLEGHENY. Pby of Allegheny. Amity Brady's Bend Buffalo and Glade Run Butler Centreville Clintonville Concord Freeport Harrisville Leesburg Mount Nebo Muddy Creek New Salem Plain Grove Pleasant Valley Scrub Grass Slate Lick Tarentum & Bull Creek Union Zelienople & Harmony 9 25 13 00 4 00 15 00 2 50 10 00 16 16 6 00 4 50 7 00 12 00 10 00 19 00 6 50 10 00 22 50 35 60 8 00 9 00 Mercer church Mill Creek Sturgeonville Washington Pby of Beaver. Beaver Clarksville Little Beaver Neshanoek New Castle Newport North Sewickly Pulaski Sharon Slippery Rock Westlield West Middlesex Pby of Erie. Conneautville Cool Spring Erie, Park Fairfield Fairview Franklin Georgetown Ilarmonsburg Meadville 11 309 76 2 50 21 00 5 00 21 00 7 40 3 00 13 70 20 00 10 00 212 85 23 00 15 on 60 00 12 00 16 00 15 00 23 00 5 00 75 00 $64 66 10 00 16 00 5 00 329 66 Pby of Allegheny City. Allegheny City 1st 221 07 do. Central 40 00 Bridgewater 27 00 Fairmount 12 00 Glasgow 4 65 Sewickly 63 58 Sharpsburg 24 00 SYNOD OF WHEEUNG. Pby of Washington. Allen Grove Bethel Burgettstown Claysville Cove Cross Creek Cross Roads Elizabethtown Fairview Hookstown Lower Buffalo Lower Ten Mile Mill Creek Mount Prospect Pennsboro' Pine Grove Sistersville Three Springs Unity Upper Buffalo Upper Ten Mile Washington Waynesburg Wellsburg M'est Alexander West Liberty Wheeling 1st do. 2d do. 4th do. Forks of Wolf Run 8 75 5 00 13 22 32 00 13 00 97 88 58 91 6 25 S3 78 15 50 3 00 24 00 10 00 29 25 2 00 5 00 10 00 12 00 11 00 76 25 15 00 231 69 12 00 21 66 37 00 15 00 219 63 100 00 38 00 35 00 2 00 1193 Pby of St. Clairsville. Bealsville Beech Spring Cadiz Concord Crab Apple Grandview Martinsville Mount Pleasant New Ca.«tle Nottingham Rock Hill St. Clairsville Woodsfield 22 00 33 35 26 66 13 10 62 50 9 00 19 46 63 57 4 50 23 50 66 90 61 00 10 00 395~6i Pby of Steubenvilk. Bacon Ridge 9 00 Centre Unity 20 00 Cross Creek 19 00 East Springfield 10 00 Island Creek 22 00 APPENDIX. Oakridge church Steuben ville Ist do. 2d Two Ridges rhy of Neio Lisbon Alliance Bethel Bethesda Brookfield Canfield Clarkson CoitsTille Deerfield Hanover Hubbard Liberty- Long's Run Madison New Lisbon Newton Poland Yellow Creek BTNOB OF OHIO. Phy of Columbus. Amanda Blendon Circleville Columbus 1st Dublin Hamilton Lancaster Lithopolis & Groveport Mifflin Mount Pleasant Worthington Sundry churches per Treas'r of Presbytery Pby of Marion. Bueyrus Chippewa Crestline Eden Iberia Kingston Liberty Marseilles Badnor Richland Sunbury Union Upper Sandusky York rhy of ZanesvilU. Bethel BrownsTiUe Buffalo Deerfleld Duncan's J'alls Madison Marietta Mount Pleasant McConnellsville Newark Norwich Oakfield $25 22 74 00 114 53 60 50 354 25 9 00 24 75 10 00 7 00 23 50 5 35 2 50 16 00 8 00 16 25 8 62 15 00 13 00 30 00 5 00 13 00 9 17 33 00 249 04 4 00 11 32 48 22 115 48 5 00 9 73 19 00 21 30 7 20 41 00 13 50 62 35 358 10 6 00 8 50 2 00 2 00 11 00 7 00 7 90 11 00 6 50 2 50 1 00 3 00 5 00 4 00 77 40 5 00 18 00 23 00 7 00 4 20 24 00 10 00 6 37 5 18 6 00 13 00 2 00 Pleasant Hill church Rush Creek Salt Creek Washington Zanesville 1st do. .2d $21 00 5 00 5 00 34 50 53 58 5 63 Pby of RiclOand. Ashland 31 71 Belleville 4 22 Bladensburg 10 82 Bloomfield 87 Blooming Grove 3 33 East Union 2 00 Fredericktown 6 50 Harmony 4 00 Hayesville 10 00 Jeromeville 13 28 Lexington 16 17 Martinsburg 4 30 Milford 9 00 Millwood 15 00 Mount Pleasant 7 33 Orange 11 56 Perrysville 9 00 Savannah 24 65 Shelby 8 00 Waterford 4 00 195 74 Pby of Woosler. Bedford 4 00 Canal Fulton 11 75 Cleveland (Westminster 90 03 Congress 10 16 Guilford 12 00 Jackson 15 25 Lafayette 9 00 Northfield 24 00 Springfield 8 00 Sugar Creek 15 00 Wooster 1st 40 73 Less, bad money Pby of Apple Creek Berlin Boliver Clark Coshocton East Hopewell Jefferson Linton Millersburg Mount Eaton Nashville Unity Wakatomika West Carlisle Pby nf Uocking. Alexander and Milfield Athens Barlow Decatur East Plymouth Gal li polls Rutland Sutton 14 50 27 68 5 00 1 65 ri 78 7 60 3 00 1 00 62 11 BYNOD OF CINCntNATI. Pby of Chillicothe. Bainbridge church $i Bethel ! Bloomingburgh IJ Brush Creek i Chillicothe 1st 14^ EckmansviUe i French i Greenfield 3' Greenland 1( Hillsborough 1 Manchester 1'. Mount Leigh li New Market 11 Pisgah 1£ Red Oak 1( Salem ( Union 2( Washington I'l West Union Wilmington 1( White Oak I Pby of Miami. Clifton Dayton 1st Dick's Creek Harmony; Lebanon Middletown New Jersey Pleasant Valley Springfield 371 19 41 00 219 01 50 54 35 38 05 12 00 34 47 13 70 159 00 572 08 J%y of Cincinnati. Bethel Cheviot Cincinnati 1st do 5th do 7 th Cumminsville Feesburg Glendale Hopewell Loveland Munroe Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Run Reading Somerset Springfield Walnut Hills 1st Williamsburgh Pby of Oxford. Beaula Bethel Camden Hamilton Harrison Oxford Riley Salem Seven-Mile Somerville Venice 3 15 69 00 4 00 80 70 18 00 1 00 20 00 4 00 20 00 13 00 APPENDIX. 99 Phy of Skhiey. Bellefontaine church $20 Buck Creek 44 Cherokee and Belle Centre 18 Newton 2 Piqua 1st 32 Sidney St. Mary's Stony Creek TJrbana West Liberty Zanesfield Fby of Maumee. Brvan Delta Denmark Gilead Hicksville Union Unity West Bethesda Pby of Findlay. Findlay Kalida Mount Blanchard Otowa Kiley Creek Kockport Truro Van Wert & ShanesvUle West Union 16 49 7 51 2 30 5 00 6 00 2 37 4 75 10 00 54 42 49 23 8 20 6 00 7 00 4 00 5 00 15 00 30 00 SYNOD OP INDIANA. Pby of New Albany. Charlestown Corydon ' Jeffersonville Livonia New Albany 1st do (German) Orleans Owen Creek Paoli Pby of Vincennes. Bruceville Carlisle Claiborne Hopewell Petersburg Princeton Rockport Scaffold Prairie Sullivan Upper Indiana Washington 21 00 35 00 6 00 8 50 91 25 9 09 5 40 12 45 22 35 2 10 19 09 5 50 8 60 5 00 38 83 8 00 Presbyterial Pby of Madison. Graham church Hanover South Jefferson Lexington Madison 1st New Washington Pleasant Township $4 00 30 80 2 00 17 00 37 40 12 00 18 73 121 93 Pby of Indianapolis. Bethany 12 00 Bloomington 17 00 Franklin 15 00 Indianapolis 3d 150 00 Knightstown 26 40 New Prospect 10 50 New Providence 7 00 Shiloh 3 00 Pby of White Water. Cambridge City Connersville Ebenezer Greensburgh Hopewell Lawrenceburgh Mount Carmel Ripley Rising Sun Sand Creek Sardinia Versailles 5 00 14 00 7 50 34 50 7 00 15 00 87 20 9 00 17 00 15 00 9 87 1 00 222 07 Pby of Palestine. Bethel Charleston Darwin Grand View Lawrenceville Marshall Mount Carmel Okaw Paris Pisgah Pleasant Prairie Richland Union York STNOD OF NORTHERN INDIANA- Pby of Logansport. Bethlehem Delphi 1st i'rankfort Lexington Lo;j;ansport Monticello Peru 7 00 i20 00 10 00 5 00 44 20 20 00 29 30 9 00 144 50 Pby of Lake. Goshen church La Porte Rolling Prairie Salem Sumption's Prairie Tassinong Valparaiso Pby of Fort Wayn^^ Albion Bluffton Columbia City Decatur Fawn River Port Wayne Haw Patch Highland Kendalville La Grange New Lancaster New Ville North Henderson Pleasant Ridge Warsaw Personal 60 00 210 16 Pby of Crawfordsville. Bethany 26 00 Covington 1 00 Crawfordsville 27 40 Eugene 5 00 Rockville 18 00 Waveland 33 00 110 40 Personal 25 00 Pby, of Munde. Clermont Dunlapsville Indianapolis 1st Muncie New Castle Prospect Union Winchester 135 40 1 50 16 33 281 13 33 5 55 2 00 5 00 2 00 Synodical SYNOD OP ILLINOIS. Pby of Kaskaskia, Carlyle Chester Edwardsville Galum Golconda Greenville Liberty Nashville Pleasant Ridge Shawnee town Sugar Creek 100 APPENDIX. Phy of Sangamon. Decatur church $13 25 Petersburg 70 00 Springfield 1st 53 16 136 41 Phy of Peoria. Bloomington 125 70 Brimfield 7 00 Canton 20 00 Crane Lake 9 00 Crow Meadows 3 00 Delavan 4 00 Essick 2 07 Farm Ridge 5 00 French Grove 9 00 Galoway 1 35 Henry 20 25 Lewistown 90 00 Mackinaw 10 00 Mansfield 9 25 Peoria Ist 143 60 do. 2d 163 00 Prospect 19 25 Quiver 8 00 Randolph's Grove 6 60 Reading 1 93 Eeeder 50 Salem 15 50 Toulon 6 00 Union Grove 8 74 Van Doren 2 50 Waynesville 5 00 West Jersey 20 85 8TN0D OP CHICAGO. : Pbi/ of Chicago. Chicago North do. South Earlville Genoa Lane Mendota Middle Creek Morris Oswego Rockford 1st Troy Grove Willow Creek Woodstock 1st Pl7j of Rock River. Albany and Newton Dixon Freeport Galena, German do. South Lower Rock Island Maiden Middle Creek Princeton Rock Island 1st Rock Run Union Grove 55 10 30 00 13 00 15 00 173 52 15 65 12 00 2 50 52 .50 91 51 23 00 9 00 492 78 Pby of Schuyler. Altoona Bushnell Camp Creek Chili Doddsville Edwards church Ellington Fountain Green Galesburg Hopewell Ipava John Knox Millersburg Monmouth Mount Sterling New Maysville New Providence North Henderson Oquawka Pope"s River Prairie City Quincy (Westminster) Shiloh Union Personal Presbyterial $3 00 7 OS 20 70 32 92 10 70 12 25 12 00 37 00 11 00 5 00 1 25 8 00 18 00 4 00 21 00 22 65 33 10 6 00 323 96 IS 25 Synodical SYNOD OP WISCONSIN. 11 50 2 50 27 00 5 12 2 50 Phy of Dane. Belville 4 19 Blue Mounds 6 50 Decatur 14 00 Hazel Green 5 45 Madison 9 85 Mineral Point (West-) minster) J 91 00 Oakland & Cambridge 12 00 Oregon 3 06 Platteville 5 75 do. German 1 50 Richland City 10 00 Small Pox 3 50 166 80 Phy of Milivaukee Grafton 5 17 Janesville 5 77 Milwaukee (North) 95 00 Port Washington 10 40 Waukesha 36 00 162 34 Phy of Winnebago. Dekorra and Caledonia 5 00 De Pere 38 60 Neenah (Winnebago ) nn no Rapids) j "=" "" Newport 1st 22 00 Oxford 6 00 Plover and Stevens' Point 3 97 Portage City 50 00 Weyauwega 8 00 Winneconne 5 00 157 57 Pby of Lake Superior. Superior 1st 5 00 SYNOD OP IOWA. Phy of Iowa. Bentonsport 24 00 Birmingham 26 50 Fort Madison 10 00 High Prairie church $4 00 Keosaqua 10 .30 Liberty 3 00 Lowell 3 00 Middletown 12 00 Mount Pleasant 1 50 Muscatine 1st 28 00 do German 7 00 New London 3 50 Oakland 4 00 Round Grove 5 50 Round Prairie 7 23 Trenton 6 00 Unity 15 27 Washington 7 00 Westminster (Keokuk) 52 00 West Point 8 00 237 80 Pby of Cedar. Blue Grass 8 50 Cedar Rapids 47 15 Iowa City 58 75 Linden 1 20 Linn Grove 6 60 Lisbon 6 17 Rock Creek 1 00 Salum 2 33 Solon 8 35 Sugar Creek 1 00 Toledo 2 00 Vinton 5 70 Walcott 18 00 West Liberty 5 40 Wintersett 3 00 175 15 Personal 4 00 179 15 Phy of Counca Bluffs. Clarinda 6 00 One hundred and Two 3 00 Pleasant Valley 3 00 Sidney 5 00 Twelve Mile 3 00 20 00 Pby of Des Moines Fairfield 32 00 Kirkville 6 34 Knoxville 10 75 Leon 6 20 Ottumwa 6 00 61 29 Phy ofDuhuqm Andrew 9 40 Barclay 3 60 Dubuque 1st 114 00 do German 41 40 Farmer's Creek 3 00 Frankville 27 25 Hopkinton 3 25 Maquoketa 23 25 Ozark and Canton 8 15 Pleasant Grove 9 10 Scotch Grove 20 50 262 90 Personal 60 00 APPENDIX. 101 Phr/ of St. Paul. Hudson 1st church $12 00 Owatonna 7 00 Pleasant Grove 8 00 Saint Paul, Central 55 00 Saint Peter 60 00 Stillwater 2d 11 24 143 24 Pby of Sioux City. Algona 5 00 SYNOD OF MISSOURI. Pby of Missouri. BoonTllle 35 95 Concord 8 40 Fulton 44 45 Jefferson City 15 00 Round Prairie 10 00 113 80 Pby of St. Louis. Bethel 52 00 Bethlehem 9 00 Carondelet 24 30 Creve Coeur 7 30 Dardenne 7 00 Des Peres 5 00 Maline Creek 2 00 St Charles 80 55 St Louis, Central 115 50 do Park Avenue 10 00 do Pine Street 10 00 Washington 24 08 Pby of Palmyra. Auhurn Big Creek Des Moines Ebenezer Etna Lick Creek Memphis Mt Horeb Pleasant Hill South Fork PhyofPotosi. 353 53 12 00 27 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 7 00 16 20 11 30 6 00 103 50 5 00 Pby of Lafayette. Apple Creek 17 GO Brazeau 30 25 Clark's Creek 5 55 Jackson - 7 35 New Madrid 8 60 Pleasant Hill 10 20 Potosi 13 00 White Water 11 15 103 10 Phy of Upper Missouri. Athens 9 30 Howell 15 00 Liberty 25 00 Mirabile 17 00 Pisgah 12 no Ridgely 1 00 Sampson's Creek 5 00 Saint Joseph 64 00 Hopewell church Independence Iowa and Sac Lexington Mt Vernoa $15 00 Prairie SYNOD OF KENTUCKY. Pby of Louisville' Big Spring Cloverport Elizabethtown Goshen Louisville 1st do 2d do Chestnut St. Middletown Mulberry New Castle Owensboro Pennsylvania Run Shelbyville Taylorsville 42 00 14 50 16 25 41 10 760 00 156 05 538 00 22 00 55 00 5 00 111 75 25 00 362 00 12 00 Pby of iMiknburg. Bowling Green Caseyville Greenville Henderson Ilopkinsville Mt Pleasant Mt Zion Oakland Olive Branch Salem Uniontown 33 55 4 70 17 00 49 35 73 15 4 05 7 20 13 50 6 25 7 00 7 35 223 10 7 17 Pby of Transylvania. Bethel Columbia Danville 1st do 2d do Theol. Sem'y Ebenezer Edmunton Glasgow Greensburg Hanging Fork Harmony Harrodsburg Hustonville Lancaster Laurel Lebanon Munfnrdsville New Providence Paint Lick I'isgah Richmond Shiloh Silver Creek 13 00 6 00 15 00 550 00 111 55 13 00 12 00 11 20 20 00 9 00 7 30 45 00 5 00 2 50 5 00 30 57 6 00 37 75 45 00 14 13 45 50 2 00 6 00 Springfield church $47 60 Stanford 7 50 Pby of West Lexington. Beard 16 80 Cherry Spring 13 00 Frankfort 72 00 Georgetown 26 20 Horeb 31 40 Lexington 2d 353 00 Mt Sterling 33 00 Pisgah 20 00 Salem 25 00 South Carrollton 33 00 Walnut HiU 31 10 Winchester 24 00 678 50 Pby of Ebenezer. Ashland 17 10 Augusta 5 00 Burlington 50 00 Carlisle 20 50 Concord 4 00 Covington 1st 125 84 do. 2d 36 25 Crittenden 16 00 Ebenezer 12 00 Elizaville 23 00 Greenup Union 12 30 Lebanon 3 00 May's Lick 8 00 Maysville 1st 150 00 Morefield 25 35 New Hope 25 16 Paris 113 75 Sharpsburg 19 00 Washington 35 00 701 25 Personal 25 00 Presbyterial 20 50 746 75 Pby of Paducah Columbus and Ken- tucky City 20 25 Freedonia 3 00 Marion 10 00 Paducah 50 00 83 25 SYNOD OF VIKGINIi Pby of Greenbrier Centreville 10 00 Frankfort 15 00 French Creek 5 00 Lewisburg 21 39 Point Pleasant 62 63 114 02 Pby of Lexington Augusta 5 00 Ben sal em 17 00 Bethel 45 00 Bethesda 36 00 Central Union 2 00 Fairfield 5 00 102 Goshen church Hebron Lebanon Lexington Mount Carmel Mossy Creek New Bethany- New Monmouth New Providence Old Oxford Pisgah Kocky Spring Shemariah Staunton Timber Ridge Tinkling Spring Warm Springs Waynesboro' Windy Cove Churches — names not given Presbyterial $6 00 25 00 5 00 126 50 20 00 18 34 2 00 14 00 75 00 4 00 3 00 6 17 25 12 5 00 15 00 100 00 4 00 64 81 7 00 103 25 Fby of West Hanover. Bethesda 4 Bethlehem Briery 2 CharlotteviUe 2 Concord Cub Creek Cumberland Diamond Hill Farmville Finney wood Halifax C.U. do Providence 10 00 Lower Providence Lynchburg 1st Mercy Seat New Concord Scottsville South Plains Trinity Village Walkers Legacies 63 00 Presbyterial 88 81 ♦Draft on Treas. of Pby. 600 00 Phy of East nanover. Augusta Fredericksburg Norfolk Nottoway Petersburg 1st do 2d Portsmouth Richmond 1st do 2d Churches — names not given 15 65 407 00 168 63 144 00 248 60 5 00 23 00 100 00 272 00 200 00 APPENDIX. Phy of Montgomery, Big Lick church $35 00 Beaver Creek (Walnut Grove) }l7 68 Chatham Hill 3 00 Covington 18 92 Falling Spring 46 30 Fincastle 34 85 Grove, Roanoke, South ) Fork, and Walker's U25 Creek J Jacksonville 20 00 Locust Bottom 8 00 Blount Pleasant 1 00 Salem 85 00 WythevUle 25 00 Churches— names not given 311 65 Presbyterial 615 55 27 05 SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA. Pby of Orange. Alamance Ashboro' Bethel Bethesda Bethlehem Buffalo Clarksville Greensboro' Hillsboro' Lexington Little River Madison Milton Newbem New Hope Nutbush Oxford Speedwell Spring Garden Spring Grove Spring HUI Washington Yanceyville Presbyterial Personal *Draft, Treas. of Pby. Phy of Fayetteville. Antioch 49 00 6 00 7 00 72 50 43 00 9 00 74 26 66 00 28 11 13 00 2 00 46 44 69 22 64 00 7 00 8 00 20 00 5 00 14 50 14 00 24 70 118 00 60 00 33 61 40 00 Bethel Bethesda Big Rockfish Black River Chapel Bluff Brown Marsh Buffalo Centre China Grove Cypress Elizabethtown Euphronia Fayetteville Harmony Hopewell Keith 14 10 9 50 15 30 7 20 25 11 10 00 26 78 3 05 40 65 39 00 39 00 3 84 28 00 20 00 15 67 5 70 13 38 14 25 Laurel Hill church Long Creek Lumber Bridge Macedonia Montpelier Mount Edwards Mount Horeb Mount Pisgah Philadelphus Rockfish Sandy Grove Sardis Sharon St. Paul Tirza Wilmington Exchange off 9 73 40 00 91 08 597 77 10 38 596 46 Phy of Concord. Asheville 67 00 Back Creek 15 13 Bethany and Tabor 16 30 Centre Charlotte College Concord Concordtown Duncan's Creek Fourth Creek Fifth Creek Franklin Goshen & New Hope Hopewell 22 Lenoir 171 Long Creek 8 Mallard Creek 28 Marion 9 Morganton 39 Paw Creek 18 Poplar Tent 32 Prospect 13 Providence 29 Ramah 14 Rocky River 54 Rutherfordton and \ -.r. Little Britain j Salisbury 28 Sharon 20 Shiloh 8 Siloam 5 Steele Creek 10 Sugar Creek 20 Taylorsville 7 Third Creek 23 Thyatira 22 Unity and Machpelahl gg (Lincoln) Unity (Rowan) WUkesboro' Synodical 15 1286 1 SO * Note.— From collections acknowledged the previous year. APPENDIX. 103 PhyofHolstm. Leesburg church $10 00 New Providence 39 .10 49 50 Phy of Maury. Hopewell 10 00 Pby o/NashviUe Centre 8 00 ClarksviUe 211 00 Gallatin 76 60 Harpeth 14 00 Mount Vernon 4 50 Nashville 1st 100 00 do 2d 259 25 Shiloh 77 00 Smyrna 21 00 771 35 Personal 5 00 776 35 Phy o/Knoxville. Knoxville 1st 25 00 Madisonville 12 60 Pby of Tuscumbia. Whitesburg 20 00 Presbyterial 101 65 STNOD OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Phy of South Carolina. Presbyterial 239 54 Pby ofBethd. Allison's Creek 5 00 Bethel 40 00 Bethesda 63 00 Bullock's Creek 17 00 Concord 6 00 Ebenezer 4 50 Fair Forest 17 00 Fishing Creek 55 00 Mount Olivet 10 00 Pleasant Grove 35 00 Purity 20 00 Salem 7 00 Zion 3 00 282 50 Phy of CharUslon. Charleston 2d 184 59 do Glebe St 25 00 209 59 6TN0D OF GEORGIA. Phy of Georgia. Darien and Harris Neck 25 97 Pleasant Grove 48 00 St Mary's 14 60 Walthourville 78 00 Waynesville 52 40 Pby of Sopcwell. Macon church $225 00 MilledgevJUe 101 25 Washington 57 00 Treas. of Pby. churches 1 ,.„„ „„ not given |