21 f which he had manifefted in his /battering them abroad. The Difhonours done the Lord, and his righteous Difpleafure upon account thereof, cannot but go very near the Heart of one that defires to fear his Name. In the Glpfe of the Verfe we have a Prayer for his gracious Return, turn thyfelf to us again, as that which he in the Name of the Church earneftly defires ; be- ing indeed perfuaded that it is this would mend Matters with them. As it is his being provoked B " to C 4 3 to depart, that is at the Bottom of all the Scat- terings that take pl^ce ; fo it is his Return that would put another Face upon Affairs, and bring them into Order again, uniting us to him, and to one another in him. He proceeds in a Back-look to their former lad and low Cafe, #2.3. The Lord had made the Earth to tremble ; had broken it; had /hewed his People hard Things ; and made them to drink the Wine of AJlonijhment. This may perhaps have a Reference to the Confufions during the Reign of Saul, and the Struggle between David and him ; not excluding the many Onfets they met with from the Philiftines, and others their evil Neighbours ; which were too often attended with renting Divifions among themfelves, which caufed fad Thoughts of Heart, Judg. v. 15. In the Cloft of jr 2. we have a Prayer in a Suit- ablenefe to this Lamentation, for the healing of their Breaches ; pointing out, that there were ftill melancholy Things among them, and that any begun Deliverance needed to be further car- ried on. Under all our fcattered and broken Cafes, we had need to have our Eyes only to the Lord as the great Healer. And when he is j pleafed to anfwer his People's Prayers, and grant any Deliverance, it is very proper Exercile then to call to Remembrance the former fad Situation I we were in before he inrerpofed : For hereby we may fee more clearly the Lord's Goodnefi, in feafonably relieving us ; and it is a Mean, by the Lord's Bleffing, to prevent our turning fe- cure, left we fhould be again put into th.e Fur- nace. In this Verfe, after the raoifrnful Lamenta- tion, ■ C 5 3 tion, a thankful Acknowledgment is made of the Lord's Goodnefs unto them, in ^what he had wrought : Thou haft given a Banner to them that fear thee; that it may be difplayed becaujb of the Truth. In which Words we have feve- ral Things obfervable. ifl y A certain Clafs of People are characteri- zed, in thefe Words, them that fear thee. This is the Chara&er of the Church and People of God, who are the only Fearers of his Name ; they are the People that are of a contrite and humble Spirit, who tremble at his Word. They are fo denominated, not from an unbelieving flavifh Fear of God ; but from that filial reve- rential Fear of him, that is put in their Hearts f that they may not depart from him. This Cha- racter, in a ftrift Senfe, is only applicable to the true invifible Church, that have had the Expe- rience of the Day of Chrift's Power : But in a more large Senfe, it may point out the vifiblc Church as contradiftinguiftied from the World z who, adhering to the Doctrines contained in the Lord's Word, and as to their outward Conver- fation walking according to the Rule therein laid down, do profefs to fear his Name. But we in- tend not to infift upon this at prefent. idly, We have a certain Privilege conferred upon the People thus characterized ; a Banner is given them : Thou haft given a Banner to them that fear thee. Some by the Banner underftand David's Government, according to God's Pro- mife of giving him the Throne ; which was in- deed a ftrong Encouragement to them that fear- ed the Lord, and a Token for Good of his do- ing great Things. And if we fliould confifler B 2 the — t 6 3 the Words as having literally a Refpeft to thk; we muft view David in his Government as on- ly a Type of Chrift the Son of David, upon Tvkofe Shoulders the Government is laid; of whom it is faid, he /hall /land for an Enftgn of the People, If. xi. 10. In the Doftrine of the Gofpel does Chrift ftand as an Enfign-to the People ; in him, as the Centre of their Unity, are all Believers, the Army of the Lamb, ga- thered together into one ; to him they do feek, and in him they glofy. But as at this Time the Lord had (pirited a Number in Ifrael to appear againft the Syrians and Edoraites, thele Enemies of his Work and People ; and had blefTed them with Succefs, and thu^givefi a Breathing to his People, enabling them to improve the Opportu- nity by appearing for him and his Caule ; we know not but this may be underftood by the Banner given. The Lord, notwithftanding of awful Things threatened, and in righteous Judg- ment inflifted upon a People, fometimes puts a Banner of a Teftimony for his Caule into the Hands of a Remnant, as his Witnefles that he is God ; and not only in his Providence gives them an Opportunity, but by his Grace enables them to improve the fame, in a way of display- ing it becaufe of the Truth. 3dly, We may notice by whom this Privile is beftowed : Ihou ha/l given a Banner ; th^ that caft us off, and fcattered us ; thou tha made/l the Earth to tremble, that ha/l broken it ihou that haft /hewed thy People hard Things, and caufed them to drink Wine of Aftoni/hment .thou haft given a Banner. When the Ene?n icomes in like a Flood \ it is the Spirit of the Lor thai L 7 J thai lifts up a Standard again/} him, If. lix. 19! The Lord had in Tome meafure maintained his Caufe all along among Ifrael ; and now when the Enemy comes in like an Inundation, he fpi- rited them to appear for him, to fight his Bat- tles wherein his Truth was £6 much concerned, and made their Attempts fuccefsful, giving them Occafion of Triumph ; and thus he gave them a Banner to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth. So are his little Army ftill enabled, under the Influence of his Spirit, to oppofe their Enemies ; and by his BlefTmg made fuccefsful, in a Way of difplaying their Banners. 4thly, The End of the Banner's being given is declared : It is that it may be difplayed. It is put into their Hands, and Opportunity is given them, that they may difplay it, and not fit ftill, indifferent and ina&ive, neutral and fecure; but may beftir themfelves like- Men valiant for the Truth upon the Earth. $thly, The Reafon of the Banners being gi- ven and difplayed is adduced : Becaufe of the Truth. "Which may either have a Refpeft to the giving of the Banner, and then it is becaufe of the Truth of God's Promife ; or to the dis- playing of it, and then it points out that we are to difplay the Banner in behalf of the Truth, viz. the whole of the Lord's Caufe, which h»s "Witnefles and Soldiers are to bear Teftimony unto and fight for, all thofe Truths revealed in his AVord ; for zue can do nothing agahifl the Truth , but for the Truth, 2 Cor. xiii. 8. 6th!y, This is here brought in as Matter of Praife, after the mournful Commemoration of their former low Cafe; when the Lord feemed to Z « 3 to fiave cafl them off, and had fleiued them hard Things j that yet he had given them a Banner, to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth. The Verfe is concluded with Selah ; which, according to ma- ny, points out a Paufe in finging: But as it is generally placed at fome remarkable PafTage, it may denote, that what is recorded is worthy of our fpccial Attention and Remembrance, The doftrinal Propofition we lay down from the Words, to be conlidered a little, is this fol- lowing, viz. That a Banner given to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth, it Matter of Praife to all the Well- ivi/hers of Truth. Thou haft given a Banner to them that fear thee; that it may be difplayed becaufe of the Truth. On this Account the Church of Clirift does join in a Song. In difcourfing this Propofition a little, wc would efTay the Profecution of the following Method,, viz. i. To confider the Banner given. 2. The difplaying of this Banner. 3. The Reafon of its being given and dif- played, becaufe of the Truth. 4. To confirm the Do&rine ; or (hew, that a Banner given to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth, is Ground and Matter of Praife. 5. To deduce fome Inferences for Application. All as the Lord fliall be pleafed to direft and affift. We return then, through .divine Affiftance, to the firfl Thing propofed. HEAD C 9 3 HEAD I. I. To conflder the Banner given, to be dif played becaufe of the Truth. A Banner is a warlike Enfign ; and the giving it to the Church, fpeaks forth her being here ia a militant Condition. She has many Enemies to oppofe, Sin, Satan, and the World. And how do the Church's Enemies oppofe her ? It is in a Way of fetting themfelves againft the Truths, the Caufe of Chrift, againft the Word of their Teftimony. But whatever Oppofition be thus made, it is not without Contradi&ion from them, in a Way of making a Stand for Truth ; for there is a Banner of a Teftimony given them, put into their Hands, that it may be dilplayed becaufe of theTruth. Concerning which it may be obferved, that, i/?, A Banner is of ufe for Unity among the Soldiers ; it is to this they gather, and are as one Body under one Standard or Banner. So we read of a gathering to the Enfign, If.xi. 12. He Jhall Jet up an Enfign for the Nations^ and /hall ajfemble the Outcafls of Ifrael, and gather iogether the Difperfed of fudah, from the four Corners of the Earth. The Lamb's Army are gathered together about Chrift the great Stand- ard-bearer, and inlifted under his one Banner ; and thus are united among themfelves. Some indeed talk, as if the lifting up of the Standard and difplaying the Banner were the Way to mar Unity in the Church : But fuch miftake the Na- ture of that Unity that is required in the Church, among the Army of the Captain of Salvation. The Unity that is to take place in the Church, is the C Jo 3 the Unity of the Spirit: Eph. iv. 3. Endeavour^ ing to keep the Unity of the Spirit. But this cannot be, but in a Way of endeavouring to difplay the Banner becaufe of the Truth ; for the Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. It is an Unity that bears fbme Refemblance to that eflential Union between the Father and the Son, John xvii. 2 1. 22. That they all may be one, as thou, Father , art in me, and I in thee ; that they aU fo may be one in us ; 4 hat they may be one> even as we are one : Which therefore muft be a holy Union, an Unity in the Truth; as God is the God of Truth, and his eternal Son is not only the Way, but alfo the Truth. The Unity the Apoftle exhorts the Philippians ta, Phil i. 27. is to ftand faft in one Spirit, being of one Mind, firiving together for the Faith of the Gofpel : Not of one Mind at any rate, though it fhould be at the Expence of Truth; but of one Mind 1 in ft riving, that is, in contending earneftly for the Faith of the Gofpel. All which (hew, that true Unity in the Church is founded upon the Truth. God, in revealing an Abundance of Truth to his Church, reveals alfo an Abundance of Peace: And the Way to maintain this Uni- ^ ty, is to be faithful in difplaying the Banner be- caufe of the Truth. It was a Saying of Lu- ther, — Rather than any thing fhould fall of the Kingdom of Chrift and his Glory, let not only Peace go, but let Heaven and Earth go too. 2d/y, A Banner is of ufe for animating the Soldiers : It is heartlefs in the Battle, when the -Standard falls. If x. 18. the Lord reprefents the Difpiritednefs of the Aflyrians, when he would rife to plead with thejp, by this, Itfhall C " 3 be as when a Standard-bearer fainteth. This difpirits the whole Army, and puts all into Confufion. But it is encouraging while they fee the Banner (landing, to fight left it fhould fall into the Enemies Hands, and give them Occa- Ifion of Triumph. So a Banner given to be dif- iplayed becaufe of the Truth, tends to animate and encourage the Soldiers of the Lamb : They \fhall fear the Name of the Lord from the Weft, i and his Glory from the riftng of the Sun : When \the Enemy fh all come in like a Flood, the Spirit \ of the Lord (hall lift up a Standard again ft him, If. lix. 19. When they fee the Standard lifted up, they will be encouraged to join under if, # and to appear boldly in defence of it. How heartlefs are Chrifl's Soldiers, when his Standard in their Apprehenfion is like to fall ; when his Strength is delivered into Captivity, and his Glory left in the Hand of the proud Enemy ? But when the Lord appears, giving them a Banner to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth, how does this encourage them ? and then, in a Dependence upon his Grace, they are bold, laying, In the Name of the Lord will we difplay our Banners, Pfal. xx. 5. ^dly, A Banner is of ufe for ftriking the Ad- verfaries with Terror. It is a fearful Sight to the Enemy, to fee their Opponents regularly dis- playing their Banners. If. xxxi. 9. it is faid of the Aifyrian, — And he Jhall pafs over to his Jirong Hold for Fear, and his Princes floall be afraid of the Enfign, faith the Lord, whofe Fire is in Zion, and his Furnace in Jerufalem* When the Church looks forth fair as the moon f and clear as the Sun, fhe is terrible as an Ar- ts my I la 1 . my with Banners, Cant, vi ia When the Lord makes any Appearance for his People's De- liverance, as was the Cafe at this Time in Ifrael, and enables them to improve it by ap- pearing for his Caufe, this is indeed a fearful Sight to their Opponents ; fo that it may be laid of them, They faw it, and fa they, mar- velled, they were troubled y and hafted away ; Fear took hold upon them there, and Pain, as of a Woman in Travail, Pfal. xlviii, 5. 6, When the I Church overcomes, it is by the Word of their Teftimony, Rev. xii. n. And if they would v appear formidable to their Enemies, and expeft 5 to gain Ground againfl them ; they muft hold it faft, in a Dependence upon the Grace that is j in Chrift Jefus, the Captain of our Salvation* j In a Word, 4thly, A Banner is of ufe for letting the Soldiers know their Side. It readily has the King's Arms upon it, and fome Motto or In- lcription declarative of that Caufe for which it is difplayed. So is this Banner given to them that fear him : It is the Standard of Truth ; it has all the Truths of Chrift infcrrbed upon it. If you would know the Lamb's Side, then look to the Banners difplayed : And that Banner upon which Truth is infer ibed, is the Banner of Zion's King ; it is the Standard that he is the great Bearer and Supporter of, who is the En- fign to the People, and the faithful Witnefs : And that Banner you are called in your Stations to difplay. Where you fee a Banner with Er- ror inferibed upon it, id what Hands foever it is, it is the Enemy's Side ; .and you had need to keep back from it : It is the contrary Side from Chrift's ; E 13 1 Chrift's ; for there the Banner is difplayed %e* caufe of the Truth. Or where you lee a Ban- ner, which, though it has fome of the Truths of Chrift infcribed upon it, yet wants many of them, many of them that are prefently denied and run down; leaving them as Matters of In* differency, not worthy to be fought for, to be earneftly contended for; that is the Enemy's Side alfo : For, fays Chrift, He that is not wit h me j is againft me, Luke xi. 23. Matth. xxviii. 20. Teaching them to obferve all Things what* fiever I have commanded you. But you may know Chrift's Side, by the Banner there di£ played, its having all the Truths of Chrift in* fcribed upon it ; and particularly the prefent Truth , the Word of his Patience, Rev. iii. 10. And wlvere-ever you fee -that, as the Lord is making a Proclamation, — Who is on the Lord's Side P thither you fhould gather without Delay ; no longer fitting ftill among his Oppofers, left you ihare in their Judgments. The Lord's Call is, Wherefore come out from among them, and ie ye feparate, and touch not the unclean Thing; and 1 will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye /hall be my Sons and Daugh- ters, faith the Lord Almighty, 2 Cor. vi. 17. 18. And the Echo back to his Call, from all the Wellwifhers to the Truth, — to the Caufe of Chrift, will be, Let us go forth therefore unto him without the Camp, bearing his Reproach, fteb.xiii. 13. I go on, through divine Affiftance, HEAD II. I II. To conftder the difplaying of this Banner a it is given, that it may be difplayed. C % It C 14 1 It is to be remembered, that it is to be di£ - played by every one in their Stations. Private , Chriftians, as well as others, are with the Lamb, as his Soldiers, to fight his Battles, Rev.xvu. 14. They, as well as others, are his Witnejfes that he is God, If. xliii. 12. But the Banner is in a fpecial manner to be difplayed by Church- ■ officers? this is particularly committed to their Truft. And here it may be obferved, that, 1/?, The Banner is to be difplayed doftrU , ttally, by every Minifter of the Gofpel ; accord- ing to our Saviour's Direftion, Matth. xxviii. 19. 20. Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, ^—teaching them to obferve all Things what/b- ever I have commanded you. Every Truth is to be preached ; fo as Minifters may have it to lay, We have not Jhunned to declare unto you the whole Counfel of God. They are not to keep back any Part of the Truth, to pleafe Men ; but faithfully to bear witnefs to the whole of it, particularly the prefent Truth, without regarding their Feud or Favour : For do we now perfuade Men, or God? or do we feek to pleafe Men ? for if we yet pleafed Men, vje fhould not be the Servants of Chrifi, Gal. i. 10. Minifters are fet as Watchmen to the Houfe €>f Ifrael, and are to hear the Word at the great Watclmian 's Mouth, and give them Warning from him, Ezek. iii. 17. And that Minifter who is enabled to Faithfulnefs in thus difplay- ing the Banner for Truth, is moft likely to do Good by his Miniftry: 1 Tim. W. 16. Take heed unto thyfelf, and unto thy Doflrine ; con- tinue in them: for in doing this, thou fh alt both five thyfelf y and them that hear thee. And he is C '5 3 is mod likely not to be confounded, when call- ed to give his Account. Therefore fhould we ftudy to /hew our/elves approved unto God, (whofe Judgment is according to Truth, little regarding whether Men approve of us or not), workmen that need net to be afhamed, rightly di~ viding the Word of Truth, 2 Tim. ii. 15. idly, The Banner is to be difplayed judi* daily, by the Judicatures of the Church, The Church Representative is the Pillar and Ground of the Truth, 1 Tim. iii. 15.; which- no way imports, that the Truth, or our Faith of it, is eftablifhed upon the Authority of the Church ; this depends only upon the Authority of God, the Author of it. But as Pillars or Stays are of ufe for underpropping or holding up another Thing, — fo the Church is the Pillar, the Bafis, or Seat of Truth, (as the original Word im- ports) ; as by it the Truths of God are publifli- ed, Supported, and defended, and in it they are only to be found as in their proper Seat or Place. And as Pillars were of ufe in old Times, to faften upon themany public Edift which Princes wanted to have expoled to the View of all ; fo in the Church of Chrift are the Truths of God declared, and expofed to open View, that all may know them. It is Said, Pfal. exxii. 4. 5. concerning Jerufalem, Whither the Tribes go up, the Tribes of the Lord, unto the Teftimony of JfraeL~For there are fet Thrones of Judg* ment. There were there, it would Seem, not only the civil, but alfo the ecclefiaftical Sanhe- drim, whofe Bufinefs it was to defend and Sup- port IfraeVs Teftimony. So in the Jerufalem of the Gofpel-church, there are Thrones of Judg- ment C 16 ] rnent let, even the Judicatures of the Lord ChrifVs Appointment ; to whom it belongs to difplay the Banner becaufe of the Truth, and who are thus to lay themfeives out for the Maintenance of the Tejlimony of JJraeL Efpe- cially when Truth is oppofed, and a Banner difplayed againfl it, — then it belongs to Church- judicatures, having fuch a Truft as divine Truth, to difplay the Banner becaufe of the Truth : Which they are to do, by judicially condemning Error, and judicially afferting Truth, in Terms oppofite to thole in which it is oppofed, thus giving a certain Sound ; and by faithfully cenfuring them that oppofe the Truth, either by venting of, or adhering to erroneous Doftrines, or by walking contrary to the Truth in their Lives and Converfations. We -find the Churches of Pergamos and Thy- atira reproved, Rev* ii. forfufftring the Erroneous to feduce the hordes Servants, and * for having them among them ; they having been lax in the Exercife of Difcipline, not cutting off thefe Troublers by the fpiritual Sword. There arc fome that hurt God's WitnefTes, to whom he gives Power to prophefy, clothed in Sackcloth; and how do they hurt them ? it is by oppofing the Word of their Tejlimony, that Truth which they difplay the Banner for. But what is to be- come of fuch, you fee, Rev. xi. 5. And if any Man will hurt them. Fire proceedeth out of their Mouth, and devoursth their Enemies ; and if any Man will hurt them, he muft in this Man* tier be killed : As they have the Power not only of the Key of Doftrine, whereby the Minifters of Chrift doftrinally denounce Judgments upon the C '7 2 the Oppofersof the Truth; but alfo the Key of Difcipline and Government, whereby they Jhut Heaven, bind, and retain Sins, in a ! Way of inflifting Genfures upon fuch Oppofers, as the Lord Chrift, the great Standard-bearer, has directed them ; as well as they open Heaven, looje, and remit Sins, by taking oft thefe Cen- fures upon Repentance. In this refpett does the Lord make, in the Gofpel-days, the Go- vernors of Judah like a Hearth of Fire among the Wood, and like a Torch of Fire in a Sheaf: : that they may devour all the People round about, on the right hand and on the left ; that Jeru- falem may be inhabited in her own Place, even injerufalem; as is promifed, Zech. xii. 6. So the Banner is to be difplayed, both doftrinally and judicially. We go on, through the Lord's Affiftance, to the next Thing propofed in the Method, viz* HEAD III. III. To confider theReafon of the Banner's being given and difplayed : — Becaufe of the Truth, As was hinted in the Explication of the Words, this may be confidered as having a re- fpeft either to God, or to us ; to the giving of difplaying of this Banner. i/?, It may be confidered as having a refpeei to God's giving of this Banner : Thou haft gi- ven a Banner becaufe of tfe Truth ; and then we muft view it as refpedting the Truth of his Promife unto his Son, — wherein he has engaged that he fhall have a Church, a Number of Wit- neffes to appear for him and bis Caufe, a Com- pany r 18 ] pany of Soldiers to fight under his Banner, in all Ages, and that in fpite of all that Hell and Earth can do to the contrary: Pjal. xxii. jo. 31. A Seed Jhall ferve him, it Jhall be accounted to the Lord for a Generation : They [hall come, and Jhall declare his Righteoufnefs to a People that Jhall be horn, that he hath done this. They will not only betake themfelves by Faith to his Rigb- teoufnefi, and declare it to God as the GroiHid of their Confidence ; bnt alfo declare it to o- thers, even the People that Jhall be born: Pfal. xlv. 17. I vAll make thy Name to be remembered in all Generations r Therefore Jhall the People praife thee for ever and ever. They will re- member it believingly ; and praife him, in a Way of putting in their Mite for having the Remembrance of it kept up in the Ages to come: Pfal. Ixxii. 17. His Name Jhall endure for ever ; his Name Jhall be continued as long as the Sun : And Men Jhall be blejfed in him ; all Nations ft) all call him blejfed. Other Names will rot, will be forgotten : But this Name, fiys Jehovah, flmll endure for ever; it fhail be la- voury among his Retinue, his Army ; and from one Generation to another it will be fpoken of with Honour, and a Banner be difplayed in de- fence of the glorious Prerogatives that belong to him, ivhoje Name Jhall lajt like the Sun. So If lix. 21. the Father fays to his eternal Son, j4s for me, this is myCovenant with them, Jait h the Lord; my Spirit that is upon thee, and my Words which I have put in thy Mouth, Jhall n r A depart out of thy Month, nor out oj the Mouth of thy Seed y nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed's Seedy faith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever. C *9 3 — Holdfafi the Form of found Words, 'which thou haft heard of me, in Faith and Love ivhi• for C 26 1 for he flail bear their Iniquities. Where it is evident, that it was their Iniquities he bore who are juflified by his Knowledge / that is, by the Knowledge of him, or Faith in him; and that there is a certain infallible Connection be- tween Chrift's fuftaining the Perfons of any in bearing their Iniquities, and the Justification of their Perfons through his perfect Righteouf- nefs. Though in fome Scriptures there are very univerfal Terms ufed, with refpeft to the Obje&s of Chrift's Death ; yet thefe muft be viewed according to the Connexion in which they ftand, and compared with other Scriptures relative to the fame Subject; from which it will evidently appear, that it is the Univerfality of the Eleft of that World of which they fpeak. As there are univerfal Expreffions in Scripture, with refpeft to the Atonement in ChrinVsDeath, and the Purchafe of Redemption thereby ; fo there are as univerfal Expreffions refpeftingirs Application ; as when it is faid, And I, iff be lifted up from the Earth, will draw jilt Men i+nto me, John xii. 32. Bfthe Right eo^ufnefs of one, the free Gift came upon all Men to Jufti- fication of Life, Rom. v. 18. In Chrijl fhall all be ?nade alive, 1 Cor. xv. '21. And if there be a Neceffity of underftanding the univerfal Expreffions with refpeft to the former, of all Mankind, — there is the fame Neceffity with re- ipeft to the latter; and fo we (hall not only have an univerfal Redemption, but an univerfal Salvation, which they that ftand up for uni- verfal Redemption themfelves will not maintain. And indeed, unlefs it could be maintained, that Chrift died for all Men fo as to fave them, — that i C v 3 that Do&rine of univerfal Redemption, or of Chrift's having died in fome Senfe for all, is but a heartlefs Do&rine, bearing nothing of Comfort in it to periflilng Sinners. And be- fides, it rauft land us in the grofleft Abfurdi- ties ; while it muft lead us either to a frujirated Redemption, and to fay that Ghrift (bed his Blood in vain and to no Purpofe, as to the moft Part for whom he laid down his Life, — who are to be eternally fatisfying Juftice in Hell for their Sins, notwithftanding of Chrift's having fatisfied for them : Or it muft lead lis to a con- ditional Redemption ; and fo the whole Armi- nian Doftrine of Man's Free-will, fo oppofite to the Doftrine of God's free Grace, muft be introduced. Or if both thefe fhould be denied, then we muft, according to this Scheme, in- evitably land in alledging that Ghrift died inten- tionally to bring the moft Part of thofe he died for under a greater Condemnation, and that in this he fees the Travel of his Soul; and fo make his Death, as to the greateft Part of its Obje&s, to flow from the greateft Hatred inftead of the greateft Love. Than which nothing is more contrary to the Word of God : For God fent not his Son into the World to condemn the World; but that the World through him might be faved, John iil- 17. It was bepaufe Chriji loved the Churchy that %e gave him/elf fcr it> Eph. v. 25. And the Travel of his Soul is feen, not in the Condemnation of any, but in rhe Jujlification of many by his Knowledge, If. liii. 11. The Banner is to be difplayed for the Truth refpefting the Adminiftration of the Covenant to Sinners of Mankind, in the everlafting Go- E fpel ; i i as 5 /pel ; wherein ChrJft is fet forth as a fufficlent Saviour, fuitable to the Cafe and Neceffities of loft Sinners,— as clothed with all faving Of- fices, being the Prophet, Prieft, and King of God's anointing and appointing, — and as fuch is offered to Mankind-finners without Excep- tion, to every one that hears the joyful Sound : John III. 1 6. For Codfo loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever be- Jieveth in him, Jhould not ferifh, but have ever- lajling Life. If. xlv. 22. Look unto me, and be, yefaved, all the Ends of the Earth ; for I am God, and there is none elfe. Chap. lv. i. Ho, evfry one that thirfleth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money ; come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price. Rev. xxii. 17. Whofoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. And here the "Warrant to Mankind- finners to believe, is founded. It is not found- ed upon the Deftination of the Death of Chrift for any in God's Decree, nor upon any Inten- tion of his as to the Objetts thereof in giving this Satisfa&ion; but upon the infinite Value of the Price paid by a divine Perfon in the hu- man Nature, in which refpeft he ftands equally related to the Family of Mankind, being God In their Nature ; and upon the Exhibition of this Saviour and his Salvation to Mankind-fin- ners as fuch in the Goipel, as fufficient for them, and fuitable to their Cafe ; with the di- vine Authority in the Command, obliging them to receive him and believe on him for their Sal- vation ; together with abfolute Promifes of Life and Salvation through Chrift to Mankind- finners C 29 1 finners as fuch,— the PofTeffion of which Blefled- nefs is to be obtained in the "Way of believing. Thus it was that Peter's Hearers founded their Faith, Afts ii. while they were not told of any Deftination of Chrift's Death for them, but thafc this fufficient Saviour and his Righteoufnefs was exhibited to them in the Word of Grace and Pro- mife, ^38.39.41. Repent y and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jefus Chrifi : — Far the Promife is unto you, and to your Children y and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God /hall call. Then they that gladly received his Word, were baptized. Thus the Apoftle founded his Faith, 1 Tim. i. 15. This is a faithful Saying, and worthy of all Ac- ceptation, that Chrifi Jefus came into the World to fave Sinners, of whom I am chief. It is God's revealed, not his fecret Will, that founds the Warrant for our Faith. But as to the Objefts of God's ele&ing Love, or thdfe for whom. Chrifi: died, which is the fame Thing, that be- longs to his fecret Will ; and fecret Things be- long unto the Lord our God, but thofe Things which are revealed belong unto us, Deut. xxbe. 29. As a Traveller's Warrant to make ufe of the Provi- flon brought to his Hand, is not founded upon its being deftinated for him, and prepared with a View to him, and his knowing fo much ; but upon this, that Provifion of an exaft Suitable- nefs to his Need is let before him, and he is in- vited to make ufe thereof: So neither is our Warrant to improve Chrifi and his RighteouP- riefs, founded upon this Righteoufnefs being wrought out in our room and ftead,; but upon this, that unto us a Son is given, whofe Name E 2 is C 30 H h the Lord our Righteousness; that in the Gofpel he brings near this Righteoufnefs, that we may by the Hand of Faith take hold of it, and put it on, #Txlvi. 13. The Banner is to be difplayed for theDo&rine concerning the Neceffity of Faith for clofing with Chrift, and fo becoming interefted in him, and the Bleffings purchafed by his Death : For ive are faved through Faith, Eph. ii. 8. ; and without Faith it is impojfible to pleafe God, Heb. xi. 6. It is Faith that lays hold upon the Perfon of Chrift, that matches with the Heir of Hea- ven*; and fb it is in V the Way of believing we are interefted in that Inheritance of which Ghrift is the prime Heir as God's Firft-born. The Fruits of Chrift's Death cannot be intermeddled with, but by Faith. As it is by Faith only we are inflated in the Covenant of Grace, fo there- by only can we receive Bleffings as coming through the Channel of that Covenant ; but the Fruits of Chrift's Death can be conveyed in no other Channel but the Channel of this well-or- dered Covenant. All Mankind are under one of the two Covenants. They that are Strangers to Ghrift are under the Covenant of Works ; and fo even the good Things they enjoy come to them with the Curie of that broken Cove- nant : Jobyixiv. 18. the wicked Man's Portion is faid to be curfed in the Earth, But nothing that Chrift hath purchafed, can be conveyed ■with the Curfe upon it : So that none out of Chrift can partake of the Fruits of Chrift's Death ; nor can ever any pofTefs them, but in the Way of believing, and' of enjoying Chrift himfelf; C 3* 3 himfelf ; for Chrift and his Purchafe can never be divided. The Banner is to be difplayed for the Truth concerning the Neceffity of a Day of Power in order to work Faith in us, and thereby unite us to Chrift: John vi. 44. No Man can come to me, except the Father which hath fent me, draw him, The Truth concerning our Juftification by Faith in the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, without the Works of the Law, Rom. v. 1. Gal. ii. i6, i A'nowing that a Man is not juflified by the Works of the Law, but by the Faith of'Jefus Chrift. A&s xiii. 39. By him all that believe are jufli- fied from all Things , from which ye could not be juflified by the Law of Mefes, The Truth concerning our San&ification by the Operation of the Spirit of Chrift ; the Beginning and Progrefs of which is the fure and infallible Evidence of the Perfon's Juftification : 1 Cor. vi. n. Ye are wafhed, ye are fanftified, ye are juflified, in the Name of the Lord Jefus, and by the Spirit of our God. Rom. viii. 1. they to whom there is no Condemnation, that is, are juflified, being in Chrift Jefus , — do evidence it by walking not after the Flejh, but after the Spirit. The Truth concerning the Influence that the Doftrine of the Grace of God in Chrift believed, has upon the Soul for its Sanffification: For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation, hath appeared to all Men ; teaching us, that denying Ungodlinefs, and worldly Lufls, we fhould livefoberly, right eoufly, and gedly in this prefent World, Tit. ii. 1 1. 12. The Do&rine concerning the Neceffity of Ho- linefs in Heart and'Life, without which no Man th all fee the Lord, Heb. xii. 14. Its Neceffity, not [ 3* 3 not as a Condition, or any meritorious Caufe of our Salvation ; but as an Evidence of our Grati- tude unto God, and as a great Part of that Sal- vation obtained by his Grace : and fo, the Ne- ceffity of experiencing the Power of the Dottrine of the Gofpel, as indeed a Doffrine according to Godlinefs. But we cannot infift upon the various Doc- trines to be believed, for which the Banner is tQ be difplayed, All the Dofrrines revealed in the "Word, are Truths for which the Banner is to be difplayed ; ail the Doftrines concerning the Nature, Perfe&ions, and Works of God; con- cerning the great Ruin by Sin, and the great Relief by Chrift ; concerning the Contrivance, Purchafe, Application, and Confummation of Redemption, through our Lord Jefus. (2.) There are Truths refpe&ing the Worfhip to be received and obferved in the Church, for which the Banner is to be difplayed. For the Truths refpefting the Matter of our Worfhip : That God is to be worfhipped by the Ordinan- ces of his own Inftitution in the Word; fuch as Prayer, Praife, reading, preaching, and hear- ing the Word ; difpenfing and receiving the Sa- craments of his Appointment ; religious Swear- ing, and the like ; none having Power to ap- point Ordinances or Means of Worfhip, but the Lord himfelf, — who alone is our Judge, our Lawgiver, our King, and will favs us, If. xxxiii. 22. And not only for the Truths re- fpe&ing the Matter, but the Manner of our AVorfhip alfo : That he is to be worfhipped with Grace in the Heart, by a Mediator, in fuch a Manner as he himfelf has appointed for going about t 33 3 about the Duties of his Worfhip ; reje&ing all the Inventions of Men, either as to the Matter or Manner of our Worfliip, as being nothing bat Will-worfhip : In vain they do worfhip me f teaching for Doctrines the Commandments cf Men, Match, xv. 9. To admit what they call fignificant Ceremonies of Mens Invention into the Worfhip of God, is to deny that Chrift has dealt prudently in the Ordinances he has infii- tuted, and the Diredtions he has given as to our Worfhip, as the great Lawgiver of the Church. It is obfervable, that, in the Reafons annexed to the fecond Commandment, God declares the Breakers of this Command men tfuch as hate him, which ExprefTion we find not in any other of the Commandments; while yet they pretend the greateft Love to God, and Regard for his Ho- nour ; alledging, their inventing and propofing the Oblervance of fuch and fuch Things in our Worfhip, is for the greater Decency, Reve- rence, or the like. But as the Banner is to be difplayed for the Purity of Doctrine, Co alio for the Purity of Worfhip. (3.) There are Truths refpefting- the Govern- ment and Discipline to be exercifed in the Church, for which the Banner is to be difplayed. For this Truth, that Ghrift is the alone King and Head of his Church : If. ix. 6. Unto us a Child is born y unto us a Son is given, and the Government /hall be upon his Shoulder. Pfal. ii. 6. Yet have I Jet my King upon ?ny holy Hill of Z'zon. Eph. i. 22. And gave him to be the Head over all Things to the Church. And therefore he is the alone Foun- tain of all Church Power and Authority; from him alone it is derived : As my. Father hafhfent [ 34 ] me, even fo fend I you, Johnxx. 21.- For this Truth, that Chrift, as King and Head of his Church, .has appointed Office-bearers in his Houfe : i Cor. xii. 28. And God hath fet fome in the Church, firft Apoflles, fecondarily Pro~ phets, thirdly Teachers, after that Miracles, then Gifts of Healings, Helps, Governments, Diverfities of Tongues. Eph. iv. 11. And he gave fome, Apoflles; and fome, Prophets ; and fome, Evangelifts ; and fome, Paftors and Teach- ers. The extraordinary Officers are ceafed ; but there are ordinary Officers, who are to continue in Succeffion in the Church till the End of the World, and who may expeft his Prefence in the Difcharge of their Offices in all Ages: Matth. xxviii. 20. Lo, I am with you al- iv ay, even unto the End of the World. Amen. And thefe are Paftors or Teachers, (there being no Handing Office fuperior to that in the Church •of Chrift's Inftitution) ; and alfo Ruling Elders, and Deacons ; as appears from the Scriptures above cited, compared with 1 Tim. v. 17. where there is an Elder fpoken of, as an Officer in the Church diftindl from the Paftor or Elder that la- bours in Word \and Doclrine ; and A&s vi. where we fee the Deacon's Office alfo is of divine In- ftitution, and a ftanding Office in the Church. For this Truth, that Chrift hath given to Church-officers the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: Matth. xvi. 19. and xviii. 18. And I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven ; and whatfoever thou fhalt bind on Earth, fhall be bound in Heaven ; and ivhatfo- ever 'thou floalt loofe on Earth,' Jhall be loojid in Heaven. And that this was not fpoken to Peter - only, E 35 3 only, but alfo to the reft of the Apoftles equally with him, appears from the other Place cited, Verily I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye Jhall bind en Earth, Jhall be bound in Heaven ; and what- foever ye Jhall loofe on Earth, Jhall be loofed in Heaven. There is no Word of giving thi* Truft to the Civil Magiftrate ; but it is given to Church-officers, the Apoftles and their Succefc fors in Office to the End of thfc World, even the ordinary Office-bearers in the Church. Nor is it given to the Community of the Faithful; for then all were Rulers, and where were the Ru- led ? but to certain Officers of the Lord's Ap- pointment, to bear Rule over them. There is the Key of Doftrine, which every Paftor has the Power of; having Authority to preach the Word, to difpenfe the Sacraments, and jointly to determine Matters of Faith : Matth.xxviii. 20. Co teach all Nations, baptizing them, &c 1 Cor. xi. 23. And there is the Key of Government and Difcrpline, to be exercifed by the Officers of the Church in collegio, Minifters and Elders met together in Chrift's Name: Matth. xviii. 17. 18. 20. If he neglefl to hear them, tell it unto the Church. Verily I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye Jhall bind on Earth, Jhall be bound in Heaven ;-#* For where two or three are gathered together ift my Name, there am I in the mi&Ji of them. So the Apoftle (peaks of a Power given to us for Edification, 2 Cor. x. 8. And fo for this Truth, that there are Courts of Judgment ap- pointed by Chrift to meet in his Name, for or- dering th€ Affairs of his Houle, particularly for •the Exercife of Government and Difcipline; as Seffions, Prelbyteries, and Synods provincial, F national, C 3* 3 national, or oecumenical, in a due Subordina- tion : Which may be gathered from the Confi- deration of the Churches of Jerufalem, Anti- och, Thou Jhalt love thy Neighbour as thy/elf. On thefe two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets, Matth. xxii. 37. — 40. The Law points out both our Duty to God, and to our Neighbour; and the Banner is to be displayed r or Truth, in a Way of pointing out to Church- members thole Duties required of them. And particularly it is to be difplayed for thefe Truths jpon this Head. That the leading Duty re- quired is Faith in the Son of God, which can lever mifs of Influence upon both Heart and onverfation : This is the Work of God, that ye Relieve on him whom he hathfent, John vi. 29. This is his Commandment, that we believe on the Name of his Son Jefus Chrijl, 1 John iii. 23. x is the leading good Work, without which wc f 2 cau C 38 3 can do no Work that is good and acceptable in the Sight of God. Faith unites to Chrift, frorc whom our Fruit is found ; Faith matches witt this one Hufband, that we may bring forth Fruii unto God, Rom. vii. 4. For this Truth, thai our Works and Duties muft fpring from a ney Nature ; for if the Tree is not good, neither an the Fruits : And fo from a Principle of Faith ir Chrift, and Love to God,— and not from thi Principle of Self-love; for while our Dutiei Ipring from this, we are but empty Vines, bring ing forth Fruit to ourftlves, Hof. x. 1. Fo: tjiis Truth, that they muft be direfted to thi Glory of God as their End, — feeking to havi him exalted, and his declarative Glory advan ced ; for if the Eye is not /ingle, however ftri£ the Profelfion be, and however moral and blame lefs the Conyerfation, the whole Body is but fm cf Darknefs. Though a Work be materiall; good, ar*d commanded in the Law ; yet it i not properly a good Work, unlefs it Ipring fron & right Principle, and be directed to a right End An unrenewed Man's Duties are but fo man; Jplendid Sins : The Prayer of the Wicked is a Abomination to the Lord, and fo are all his fa crifices, Prov. xxi. 27. and xxviii. 9. » Fq this Truth, — that in going about the Dutie which the Lord requires of us, either in the firi or fecond Table of the Law, either toward Gpi or toward our Neighbour, we muft depend up on the Grace of Chrift for our Affiftarice, — an upon the Righteoulhefs of Chrift as the alon Ground of the Acceptance, both of our Perfon and Performances, even the beft of them, P/a* lkxi.i6, EpbX'6. TheChurcb, particular 1^ C 39 3 ly Church-officers, are to be concerned to have found Do&rines maintained, a pure Worfhip obferved, and a ftrift Difcipline exercifed in the Church ; and to lay themfelves out for having Holinefs promoted among Church-members : faithfully difplaying the Banner becaufe of all the Truths refpe&ing each of thefe, both doc- trinally and judicially ; and being ready to cen- fure fuch as deviate from them in Principle or Pra&ice, according as the great Lawgiver hath appointed ; having in a Readinefs to revenge all Difobedience y when their Obedience is fulfilled^ 2 Cor. x. 6. So the Banner is to be difplay- ed for all Truth. But it was further obferved, that, 2. The Banner is to be difplayed, particular- ly for the prefent Truth. We read of the pre- fent Truth, 2 Pet. i. 12. and of the Word of Chrift's Patience, Rev. ill. io. That Truth which is prefently oppofed ar>d run down, is the prefent Truth ; which we are called, in a particular Manner, presently to aflert, maintain, and defend, to difplay the Banner for. That is the Word of his Patience ; as thofe who ad- here to it are expofed to fuch Trials, that they need much Patience for fuitably bearing them. Whatever is the prefent Truth, that fhould the Church efpeciafly difplay the Banner for : Be it ChrifVs being the true Meffiah, as in the Days of his Flefh; be it his fupreme Deity, as was the Cafe when the Arian Herefy prevailed, and as was the Cafe in this Land of late,— when it was impugned and denied ; be it Chrift's alone Headfhip over his Church, and the Government of his Houfe, — as was the Cafe in the late per- fecting t 4o ] fecuting Times in this Land, (and is much the Cafe at this Day ; as Chrift's alone Headfhip is denied, and the Government of his Houfc run down) ; be it the People's Right to chufe their own Office-bearers ; be it the objective Extent of Ghrift's Death, as at prefent: Whatever Truth it be that is prefently controverted and oppoled, that fhould we be efpecially eftablifh- ed in ; and that fhould be efpecially contended for. The Banner is moft vigoroufly to be dis- played, and there the Army are to take moft ipecial Care to ftand their Ground, where the Oppofition is hotteft from the Enemy ; left they fhould prevail. When Truth is oppofed, what are the Oppofers doing ? They are eflfaying with ail their Might to have the Church robbed of her Trealure, of her Jewels, the Truths of Chrift; but then efpecially are they to hold faft what they have, — and to evidence that this Character belongs unto them, the Nation that keepeth the Truth } If. xxvi. 2. I go on, HEAD IV. IV. To confirm the Dotirine; or, to Jhew, that a Banner given to be difplayed becaufe of the Truthy — Is Matter of Praije to all the Well- wijbers of Truth. And that it is fo, and that they will improve it as fuch, may appear from rhefe following Confiderations, viz. . i/?, Confidering, that it is an Evidence of the Lord's being among a People, being yet in a Land, where a Banner is given to be difplay- ed becaufe of the Truth. The Lord has taken up C 41 3 up his Dwelling in his Church ; he has faid of 2ion, — This is my Reft, here will I flay, for I have defired it: And how fhall we know where his Church is ? it is where the Banner is din- played for Truth. Though the Enemy come in like a Flood, yet when he meets with Oppofi- tion and Con tradition, the Standard of a TefH- mony being lifted up, it is a Sign that the Lord is there by his Spirit; for it is the Spirit of the Lord that fhall lift up a Standard againfl him, If. lix. 19. When a Church departs from Truth, that provokes the Lord to depart from them : If. lix. 2. Tour Iniquities have fepar ate d between you and your Cod ; and among others of their Iniquities that had provoked him to leave them, this is one, j? 14. Truth is fallen in the Street, and Equity cannot enter. But where Truth is maintained, where the Faith once delivered to the Saints is earnefily contend* ed for, that is a Sign that the Name of that City, that Place, is Jehovah-Shammah, The Lord is there ; he is there, pleading the Caufe that is his own. And what Ground of Praifc is this, when there is any Evidence given that the Lord is yet in the midft of Jfrael; and that Judah hath not besn forfaken of her God, the Lordof Hofls, though their Land was filled with Sin againfl the holy One of If r a el ? 2dly, Confidering, that this is for the Glory of God, that the Banner be difplayed becaufe of Truth. It is for the Glory of the Father, for he is the God of Truth, and his Eyes are upon the Truth, Jer. v. 3. and upon all ProfeH- ,fors, to fee how they ftand affe&ed to, and how they lay themfelves out for the Advance- ment I 42 ] ment of Truth. It is for the Honour of Chrift, his eternal Son, who is the Truth; every Truth being as a Line drawn from himlelf the Centre of divine Truth, — that, as has been hinted, we cannot let go the Faith without de- nying his Name. It is for the Glory of God the Holy Ghoft, who is the Spirit of Truth, and is fent into the Church to lead her into all Truth. So that the Glory of the Three-one God is concerned in this. All the Wellwifhers of Truth have the Glory of God much at Heart ; it is the Thing they chiefly defire, to have the Burden of his Praife lifted up ; they muft furely then look upon it as Matter of Praife, and im- prove it as fiich, when a Banner is given to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth. *$dly y Confidering the ineftimable Value of divine Truth. How precious, how valuable the Truth is, cannot be told ; it is fo valuable, that we fhould buy it at any Rate, and fell it at no Rate, Prov. xxiii. 23. And fo we are com- manded to contend earneftly for the Faith, Jude y- 3. ; to contend as one in an Agony, dri- ving for that which is of the utmoft Value, the Lofs of which would inevitably impoveridi him. The Truth is the greateft Treafure that can be in a Land, among a People ; (b that it is the worft Thing that can fall out in a Land, to let Truth go : It is the worft Bargain a Peo- ple can make, to fell it ; whatever Riches, Ho- nours, and pretended Peace they Jhould get in exchange for it. But it is indeed a happy Thing, when there are found to take if by the Hand ; when in a Land there is to be found a Nation which keepeth the Truth, ' among whom t 43 3 a Banner is to be found difplayed for Truth. And this cannot but be viewed as Ground of Thankfgiving, by all that love the Truth, and Zion's righteous Caufe. 4th/y, Gonfidering, that hereby there is a . faithful T^ftimony for Chrift's Caufe tranfmit- ted to Pofterity. It is the Duty of the prefent Generation to have the rifing Generation, the fucceeding Race, upon their Heart ; and to be laying out themlelves for handing down to them the Truths of God : Pfal. lxxviii.5.6. 7.8. For he eftablijhed a Teftimony in Jacob, and ap- pointed a Law in Ifrael, which he commanded our Fathers , that they Jhould make them known to their Children : That the Generation to come might know them, even the Children which Jhould be born ; who Jhould arije, and declare them to their Children : That they might Jet their Hope in God, and not fojrget the Works of God; but keep his Commandments : And might not be as their Fathers, a Jlubborn and rebel- lious Generation ; a Generation that fet not their Heart aright, and whofe Spirit was not Jiedfajl with God. So the Command is, Pfal. xlviii. 12, 13. Walk about Zion, and go round about her : Tell the Towers thereof. Mark ye well her Bulwarks, confider her Palaces : And wherefore all this Diligence ? That ye may tell it to the Generation following. And the Pro- mife is, Pfal. xxii. 31. They Jhall declare his Righteoufnef, to a People that Jhall be born. They are norFriends to Pofterity, that are E- nemies to the Caufe of Chrift, and the difplay- ing a Banner becaufe of the Truth ; as they are denying them the Means of the Knowledge G of ■I C 44 3 of Chrift's Caufe, and doing what they can,, that they may be brought up in Ignorance of the Truth, and of what great Things the Lord hath done for us. But furely it is Ground of Praife, when the Lord enables his Remnant fo to aft,— as they may tell Pofterity about his "Works, his Caufe ; fo as they may tell them, that this God is our God for ever and ever ; that, by the Lord's bleffing the Means, a Race may be raited up to praife him when we are gone. And however many fhould confent, for their Part, that the fucceeding Generation be kept Ignorant of thefe Things ; yet we have Ground to rejoice, that the Lord will have them inform- ed, will have the Teftimony tranfmitted : And no fear he want Inftruments ; the Promife fhall be accompliftied, This Jhall be written, or upon IRecord, for the Generation to come ; and the People which fhall be created, fhall praife the Lord, Pfal. cii. 18. $thy y Confidering, that a Banner given to be displayed becaufe of the Truth in a Land, — is not only an Evidence that the Lord is in that Land, but a Token for Good that he will not leave it. It is true, famous Churches have had ' their Houfes left unto them defolate; and we vdare not be too pofitive, but the Lord may yet unchurch us, as he has done others. But yet are there not fome^To kens for Good ; fome En- couragements to hope, that however the Lord may fhake us in thefe Lands, and dafh us one againft another, becaufe of our Sins, — that he will not utterly caft us off for all that ? While we confider the early Grant made to Chrift, even from of old, from everlafting, of the Hea- then t 45 3 then for his Inheritance, and the utmofl Ends if the Earth for his Pq/fejfion, Pfal. ii. 8. ; and his early taking Infeftment and Pofleflion of them, in fb foon enlightening them with the glorious Gofpel, and early bringing them into Covenant with himfelf : When we confider his maintaining his Gaufe in them amidfi: the dark- eft Times, that there were ftill fome Veftiges of his Work among us, fomething of a Stand- ard lifted up, a Banner difplayed, fomething of ContradL&ion to the Burial of his Gaufe ; which he has been pleafed to revive Time after Time, when brought very low, — many Time delivering us. And add to all this, the fervent Prayers of his Saints, of his Wreftlers in thefe Lands, that he would not utterly reject us and caft us off: For he will regard the Prayer of the Defliiute; he will not defpife their Prayer 9 Pfal. cii. 17. And feeing it is fuch a Token for Good, furely the Wellwifhers of Truth will look upon it as Matter of Praife, when a Ban- ner is given to be difplayed becaufe of the Truth, I proceed, HEAD V. V. To make fome Application of the Subject, and that in a few Inferences. From this Do&rine, we may fee, 1/?, That true Ifraelites are of a public Spirit : They are not only taken up about themfelves and their own Salvation, but alfb about God's declarative Glory, about the Gaufe of Truth. Indeed true Religion begins at home, with a What Jhall I do to be faved ? But where Grace is really implanted and led forth into Exercife, G 2 that C 46 -] that Perfon will not be neutral and indifferent about the public Caufe : Wo to them that are at eafe in Zion,-^that are not grieved for the Afflic- tions of Jofeph, Amos vi. 1. 6. Rithtly-exer- cifed Chriftians will indeed be grieved, when Truth fuffers, — and when they that are minting to appear for It in a Way of dilplaying their Banners, are fuffering : They are forrowful for the folemn Affembly, to them the Reproach there- of is a Burden, Zeph. iii. 18. And they re- joice when Truth keeps the Field, when the Banner is fupported and maintained ; eflaying to caft in their Mite for lifting up the Burden of his Praife, In the Name of the Lord we -will Jet up our Banners, Pfal. xx. 5. idly. We may hence infer, that the Lord will fee to his own Work. Thou haft given a Banner ; it is the Lord that gives it, that Sup- ports it, that gathers his Army about it, and enables to difplay it. The Work is not left in the Hands of Inftruments, or it would foon ceaie; howeafily would they be let and hindered in it, by the Oppofition and Contradiction they meet with ? But I will work, (fays Jehovah), and who fh all let it? If. xliii. 13. He defies the Devil and all his Agents, however formi- dable they may appear, however many Banner! they may difplay, — to let and hinder his Work: The Hand of Jehovah holds up the Standard. A Trinity of Perfons are with the Church, to carry on the good Work there : Hag. ii. 4. 5 Be Jlrong and work ; for I am with you, faith the Lord of Hofts : According to the Word which I covenanted with you, when ye came out o J Egypt 7 fo my Spirit remaineth among you : Fear ye C 47 1 ye not. Thefe Words, according to, in the Beginning of f 5. are a Supplement; and without them it reads, I am with you faith the Lord, the Word which I covenanted with you, (which may point out Chrift, often called the Word in Scripture), fo my Spirit remaineth a- mong you. The God and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift is in the Church ; for the Name of the City is, The Lord is there. Chrift the Head of the Church is there ; for Zion's King is in her, her Counfellor is not perijhed ; he is there, the Standard-bearer among ten thou/and; there to work, — for my Father worketh hitherto, and I work, John v. 17. And the Spirit is there; for, fays Chrift, The Spirit of Truth, he (hall abide with you for ever. And feeing the Lord is in the Church, no doubt but he will maintain the Banner given, to the Terror of his Adverfaries ; making his Army victorious, while their Enemies fhall faint and fall before him : If. x. 17. And the Light of Ifrael fhall be for a Fire, and his holy One for a Flame : And it Jlmll burn and devour his Thorns and bis Briers in one Day. And, ^18. They /hall be as when a Standard-bearer fainteth. As the Pillar of Cloud, when it removed behind Ifrael, and fo was between them and the Egyptians, was a Light to Ifrael, and Darknefs to their Enemies the Egyptians ; fo when the Lord is a Light to his Ifrael, to his Army, to dirett them and comfort them in his Work, — he will be as a Fire and Flame to burn up their Enemies, who are to him as Briers and Thorns before a devouring Fire. And the Work will be all his, and appear to be fo; that it fhall from that Time [ 48 1 Time be /aid of Jacob and of Ifrael, What hath Cod wrought ? 2dly 9 Hence fee the Duty of the Watchmen upon Mount Ephraim, of Office-bearers in the Houfe of God. They in a fpecial Manner are to difplay a Bannerbecaufe of the Truth, to de- fend it, to contend for it. And particularly, when any Truth is oppofed, and that not only when grofs Error in oppofition thereto is plain- ly vented, but when in a more deceitful Way it may be fecretly thruft at ; then it becomes the Watchmen to give Warning from their glorious Captain, unto the Army of the Lamb, of their Danger, — and to fet about a vigorous difplaying of the Banner becaufe of the Truth prefently flruck at and oppofed. Herefies ordinarily creep in unawares, and under plaufible Pretences too ; as if the admitting this and the other Notion would tend more to folve this and the other Dif- ficulty : And the Truth is, Error cannot well fet up its Head without afluming fome Drefs of this Nature, becaufe it cannot, like God's Truth, abide the Light. But when it is introduced un- der fuch Shams, and timely Notice is not taken by the Watchmen, and timely Warning given ; the Lamb's Army are ready to be broke hi up- on, and many are ready to fail a Prey to De- vourers. And feeing this is our Duty, as Office- bearers in the Lord's Houfe, to difplay the Ban- ner for Truth ; there are feveral Things we had need to feek Acquaintance with, in order to our being fitted for the Performance of this our Duty. i. We had need to feek the Knowledge of the Truth, as it is in Jefus ; and for this End to be about Ghrift's Hand for his own teaching ; If fi be E 49 3 be (fays the Apoftle) that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the Truth is in Jefus, Eph. iv. 21.; and, fays Chrift, John viii. 32. Ye /hall know the Truth, and the Truth Jhall make you free. We cannot fuitably teftify for what we do rfbt know. And in order to this, our main Study fhould be the Truth, as it is contained in the Volume of God's Book, the Scriptures of Truth ; daily fearching them, and trying the Spirits by them : And witbal feeking fuch a Knowledge of the Truth, as will have Influence upon our Hearts and Converfations. 2. "We had need to feek the Faith of the Truth, without which we cannot well appear for it. There is a receiving of the Truth that ive may befaved, which we had need to be ac- quainted with. If we have the Faith of the Truth, we will fee its Glory and Excellency ; fuch a Value and Precioufnefs of the Truth, as we will be ready to lofe all rather than let it go. Mens light Thoughts of the Truth, flow from their Want of Faith. 3. We had need of Love to the Truth 1 There is to be a receiving the Love of theTruth f 2 ThefT. ii. 10. Love to Chrift is very neceflary in his Minifters, and to the Truth as it is in Je- Jus. We are exhorted to love the Truth and the Peace, Zech. viii. 19. We are to love God's Truth, and cleave unto it at all Hazards ; to love Jerufalem's Peace, and purfue it, in fuch a Way as may evidence our Love to the Truth. 4. We had need of Zeal for the Truth : And according to our Meafure of Faith of and Love .to the Truth, will be the Meafure of our Zeal for it. Our Lord exhorts a coldrife lukewarm Church, t so 1 Church, Rev. iii. 19. Be zealous therefore, and repent. The Want of Zeal is complained of in the People of old, They are not valiant for the Truth upon the Earth, Jer. ix. 3. The Apo- itle tells us, it is good to be zeahujly affecled in a good Caufe ; and a better Caufe never can be than the Caufe of Truth. But in order to all this, 5. We had need to feek the Spirit of Truth. Need we the Knowledge of the Truth ? Then he is the Spirit of Wifdom and Revelation, in the Knowledge of Chrifi, Eph. i. 17. ; and it is pro- mifed of him, he fhall teach you all Things. Need we the Faith of the Truth ? Then he is the Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. iv. 13. We having re- ceived the Spirit of Faith, have believed, and therefore Jpoken. Need we Love to the Truth ? Then he is the Spirit of Love, and of a found Mind, 2 Tim. i. 7. ; he kindles the Fire of Love in the Soul to Chrift and his Truth. Need we Zeal for the Truth ? Then he that kindles the Fire of Love in the Heart, makes it flame in a holy Zeal. He is the Spirit of Power, as in the forecited Scripture, 2 Tim. i. 7. ; and Magnani- mity, to enable us to make a zealous and bold Appearance forChrift's borne-down Caufe : And a? we may lay our Account with Trials in a Way of cleaving to the Truth, we need the Spirit as a Comforter to fupport and carry through, in a Way of rejoicing in Tribulation. Well, ar we need the Spirit, it is Ground of Encouragement that he is promifed, and the* Accomplidiment of the Promife may be expect- ed: John xiv. 16. 17. / will pray the Father, and he /hall give you another Comforter, that he may I si 3 may abide with you for ever ; even the Spirit of Truth. He dwelleth -with you, and /ball be in you. Chap. xv. 26. 27. When the Comforter is come, whom I will fend unto you from the Fa- ther, even the Spirit of Truth, which proceedetk from the Father, he /hall teftify of me : And yc alfo /hall bear witnefs. Chap. xvi. 7. 13. If I depart, I will fend him unto you. When the Spi- rit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all Truth. Athly, Hence fee the Warrantablenefs of the Contendings of a Remnant & this Day for Truth. When the Caufe of Chrift was buried in the Land, and Grave-flones of Afts of Parlia- ment and of AlTemblies were rolled to the Door of the Sepulchre, and all Means for reforming them proved abortive ; what a fad Situation had we been in, had not the Lord led out a Remnant in his Providence, without the Camp, bearing his Reproach, to take Truth by the Hand ; and given them a Banner, enabling them to make fome Mints at difplaying the fame becaufe of the Truth ? And the Lord has been leading them on to appear for Truth, from Time to Time, when oppofed upon different hands ; for the Do&rine, the Worfhip, the Difcipline and Go- vernment of the Lord's Houfe, — to the Mainte- nance of which thefe Lands are folemnly fworn, however they have broken the Bands, and caft away the Cords. And the Lord's thus maintain- ing a Teftimony for him, while it is the Butt of the Malice of the Generation, and Chrift and his Caufe efpoufed by a Remnant, — is a Sign that is fpoken againft ; this is a Sign that the Lord is loath to give us up, and a Token for H good Z 5* 1 good that he will keep by the Land, that he will turn again, and have Compaffion upon us, — «, though notwithftanding the Land /ho u Id be laid defo late for the Fruit of our Doings. Sthly, Hence fee Ground for Exhortation, both to them that are deftitute of the Truth, and to the Wellwifliers of Truth. i. As to the firft, — we exhort fuch to feek Acquaintance with Chiift, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life ; for if ye have not Ac- quaintance with him, you but live in Error, and muft go down to the Grave with a Lye in your right Hand. We exhort you to believe the£ Truth of the Threatenings of the Law, wherein God is (peaking awfully to you ; fb as to fly in- to Chrift, in whom you will fee the Truth of thefe Threatenings evidently manifefted, in their having been executed upon him, as the Surety of the Covenant, — to the full. Believe the Truth of God's Words of Grace and Promife in the everlafting Gofpel, which are publifhed to you as a Ground for your Faith and Hope. By re- jecting the Grace of God, and misbelieving his Record, his Words of Promife, which are to you and to your Children, you will come to know to your fad Experience the Truth of his awful Threatenings ; as you muft lie under the Curfi of a broken Govenant eternally : He that belie- veth not, Jlmll be damned. O then believe this Truth, that thou hafl deflroyed thyfelf; that thou canft not help thyfelf, that all the Creation of God cannot help thee. Believe this Truth, that God hath given his only begotten Son, that whofoevtr believeth in him Jhould not perijh, but have everlajiing Life: that he hath given to you in r 53 3 !o the Word of Salvation eternal Life, and this Life is in his Son. Mint, in a Dependence up- on the Grace that is in the Promife, at receiving an offered Cbrift ; and refting upon him alone for Salvation, as he is fully and freely offered to you in the Gofpel. 2. As to them that are Wellwifliers to Truth, we would exhort fuch, (i.) Seek to know more and more of the Power of divine Truth belie- ved, for the cleanfing and purifying of your Hearts and Conversions. Many detain the Truth in Unrig hteoufnefs ; they have the Truth in their Understandings by a Head-knowledge of it, — but it is incarcerate there, it is held and detained there as in a Prifon, incompaffed with Vk Guard of corrupt Affe&ions, — that it has not Entrance into the Heart, and fo has no Influ- ence for changing the Heart and Conversation. jThe Truth received into the Heart, will have \\ purifying, a fan&ifying Efficacy thereupon : Sanfli/y them through thy Truth ; thy Word is Truth, Johnxvii. 17. And this will appear in he Life, by a walking in the Truth ; and fo fommending Religion to others, bringing up a $ood Report of Chrift and his Caufe to your Neighbours about you : Let your Light fo JhinG efore Men, as others feeing your good IVorks nay glorify your Father which is in Heaven. 2.) We exhort you to be valiant in your Sta- ions for the Truth. Ydu are called to affemble bout the Starfdard of Zion's King, to appear pr Chrift and his Caufe ; putting in your Mite >r keeping up his Remembrance, and tranfmit- ng to Pofterity a Teftimony for the Truths of hrift : Stand faft in the Faith, quit you like H 2 Men. t 54 3 Men, be ftrong, iGor.xvi. 13. (3.) Keepyoui Eye upon the great Standard-bearer, the Lor Chrift, the Captain of the Lord's Hofts ; wh appears with his Sword drawn in his Hand ; who is poflefTed of infinite Wifdom to direct hi: Aimy, and of infinite Power to protect them and will undoubtedly bring them off the Fiel