^^yw^yy ^^m ^u^,m ^g^O^ U^}XH umm^. i^y88ga^^«Sy9^:' 0^ ^ V'. ,1 fV /W- . I: ^S 1 ('jIIhI ^fijm^^^^^s^ w-Wi ■'\».Wi>* ;H^k .U^ . ;UyW^y, 'mM^^M^mj^mm^:^ ^y^^mu. mM^^ TTTl KWmmr^ jytiayy ^^«P^3«a; Ipg^plf /W^Wi^. v^yyw ^WV'Y'^,V>£/ ,: , • «. ^ /wwyi^f * t il iL J |2M! Snnffiim! /©W^^^^si V/V;yi;V\^\' mMm \-Jyi^Maffi,Wi-J WWWw.^iUUffi^ '^,,V;V/W \5i^ ^wygj «Myiiii •4»MI I^WVV^: iWWWttiii©^ MiMiiisMiM^^: WSKuyi ywwiiK« *w';''--i-4* ^ . _^z^^^v :2^ /o^(.2H- AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF SOME OF THE ARTICLES IN CHURCH FURNITURE, Clerical Robes, &c. MANUFACTURED BY ONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BII^MINGHAM, AND No. 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, (OPPOSITE THE BRITISH MUSEUM,) LONDON. Forty-Eighth Edition, with many new Dejigns. JONES AND WILLIS, In fubmitting the following Lift of Articles and Prices, requeft a clofe perufal and comparifon ; and they would beg to obferve that ALL Goods are subject to the fluctuations of the market. SENT FREE on application ; or J. & W. will be happy to wait on Clergymen, Churchwardens, Architefts, and others interefted in the Ereftion and Reftoration of Churches and Parfonage Houfes with Patterns and Defigns, which certainly, for any important work, will be defirable ; and likewife, to facilitate the due execution of Orders, J. & W. will feel obliged if all Corres- pondents on a Line North of BRISTOL, WOLVERTON, and PETERBOROUGH, will addrefs to the Manufaftory, BIRM- INGHAM ; and thofe South of the above places, to the LONDON BRANCH, which is under the Management of Mr. Willis, Jun. (^adc of ^anmcnt. The Amount can be paid through any Bank to the Joint Stock Banks in Birmingham or London, or to any of the Bank of England Branches, in account with MelTrs. Jones and Willis, Birming- ham ; or by Poft Office Order to the Firm. The loweft Scale of Payment is adopted, and, as it will be feen, their Parcels are fent per Railway, Carriage Free, J. and W. re- fpedlfully requeft prompt attention to the notice under this head. Sent Free of Carriage to any Town fituated on the various Lines of Railway, and forwarded from thence as requefted. * * There will be found a few exceptions, as refpeds very heavy and cheap Goods, under the different heads, to this rule. Stitrahurtinii ta tlje fml €Mm. PUBLISHED 1846. CHURCH FURNITURE AND CLERICAL ROBES. *' Let all things be done decently and in order." /'"^^^^^^^T has been juftly ftated, that while changes are continually occurring in the conduft of V^^N^ the various Eftablifhments in whofe modes of doing bufinefs the interells of the greater 0<^~:^ portion of the community are involved, yet comparatively little alteration has taken place in tiie charges of thofe Articles which are required for the ufe of the Church, competition having been fcarcely awakened, in confequence of the fmall demand in any particular locality. Thus, while in other branches of bufmefs, Manufadlurers and Retailers have alike depended upon fmall profits and increafed returns, it is notorious that the prices of Clerical Robes and Church Furniture have continued almoft without alteration. In the hope of bringing this branch of trade to the level of others, and extending it far be- yond the Midland Counties, Messrs. Jones and Willis, at the fuggeflion of diftinguiihed indi- viduals, have opened a Depot for Church Furniture and Clerical Garments in Birmingham, where Clergymen and Churchwardens may be fupplied with fuitable articles having appropriate dellgns. The Homily for the repairing, keeping clean, and comely adorning of Churches, very properly admonifhes us, by the care we take with our own houfes, of the care we ought to take of the Houfe of God. to fee that it is properly furnifhed and appropriately decorated. " It is a com?non cuftom ufed of all men, when they intend to have their friends or neighbours to come to their houfes to eat or drink with them, or to have any folemn afetnbly to treat or talk of any matter, they will have their houfes, which they keep in continued reparations, to be clean and fine, left they ft:!ould be counted ftuttif? or little to regard their friends and neighbours ; how much more, then, ought the HOUSE OF GOD, which we commonly cail the CHURCH, to be fufficiently repaired in all places, and to be honourably adorned and garnified, and to be kept clean and fweet, to the comfort of the people that pall refort thereto P This fhould certainly teach us that for the Furniture of the Church, the " Holy Table," the "Fair Linen Cloths," and other articles " confecrated" or "feparated" to the worfhip of God, it is indecorous to make ufe of any ordinary material, bearing no emblem of having been dedicated to the fervice of the Lord. In enteiing more extenfively into this department of their bufinefs, it will be their great objeft to fupply fuitable Church Furniture and Attire, at as fmall a cofl as, and even in fome inftances, at a lower price than is given for ill-adapted articles. Simplicity, combined with ftrift propriety, will be conftantly k^t in view in their ornamental defigns. To fecure excellency and durability, the greateft attention will be given to the manufafture of the Articles, and thus they hope to obtain the approbation of thofe who may favour them with their orders. PREFACE. Ill ifTuing this, the 48th Edition of their Illustrated Catalogue of Ecclefiaftical Furniture, Decorations, Robes, &c. beg gratefully to acknowledge the very extenfive patronage and the many kind expreffions of appreciation they have received fince their commencement ; and they alTure their Patrons, that with the affiftance of the beft Artifts, their productions will be found in keeping with the increafed knowledge of Ecclefiaftical Art. In confequcnce of the great demand in the various de- partments of their Trade, and with a view to facilitate the better execution 'of their London Orders, Jones and Willis have t^iken New and Extenfive Premifes, No. 43, Great Russell Street, (oppofite the Britifti Mufeum) and thirty doors from their late place of bufinefs. Jones and Willis, recognifmg the principle on which they opened, in 1846, their Church Furniture Eftablifhment, of ^^ fmall profits' and increafed returns y' adopt the loweft fcale of charges poffible. ^^^^B«^0>^ O. ALL .,r,o.^^ ^^^^ CHURCH CAR PETS, HA NGINGS, EPISCOPA L ROBES JURY AWARD. ne only AWARD for Church Decorations colkaively. ~ — -<^i=*^;|55^a=^). — ^ ,^t^^ ^is^TlONAL EXHiBITlo/v JURY AWARD. 1 86 " Church Furniture and Decoration, for excellency of Workmanship." The only PRIZE MEDAL for Church Furniture in general. iLLisfSMii eimi drontmunioii J^mcii ©"lofljs. Jones and Willis beg to obferve, that the Damafk Linens are of the befl Fabric, and their own Manufadrure. Wtx^ fine JDouIrfe ®amash J^riim @"Iof[j. No. 1. ri>l^iiyA-ii:^"VV This fine Linen Cloth is intended to cover the top and fides only, and fringed at the ends 7s.6d. per yard, the Fringe inclufive. No. 2. Shows more distinctly the device of No. i. 8 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, :^hmx ^Rim :mmm iMloik No. 3. This Cloth is made of the finest quality, without any device ; it is intended to cover the top and fides only, and fringed at the ends ; 8s. per yard. The Fringe measured inclusive at the fame price. li- Embroidered with five CroiTes or any other device, 53. to 15s. extra. No. 4. This Cloth is the fame quality as No. 3, and intended to be used with a Super-Altar. 27 inches wide, 5s. 6d. per yard. If Embroidered with five CrofTes, ar any other device, 5s. to 155. extra. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, Oiliest y2)oub[c ;iS)umiTsk ^Ineit <^loih. No. 5. In this Gloth no expenfe has been fpared in producing the fineft and moil beautiful 'fabric ; it is intended to cover the top and fides only, and fringed at the ends, and ufed as No. 3. 36 inches wide, 9s. per yard ; the Fringe meafured inclufive at the fame price. No. 6. This Cloth is the fame device as No. 5, and ufed with a Super- Altar. 27 inches wide, 6s.6d. per yard. The above can be had 2 yards wide, z^ yards long, 30s. ; 3 yards, 38s. ; 3I yards, 45s, This fliows more dillindlly '^m the Devices of Nos. 5 and 6. JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, rmv J2lxmn ®"ommiinton CSTlotlj. Exhibition Medal, 1862. 27 nclics wide, 63. 6d. ; 36 inches, 9s. ; 2 yards by 2^, 40s, ; 2 yards by 3, 48s. ; 2 yards by 3I, 56s. ^-carge "^Cxils or ^li^aphins, Toco\cr the Confccratcd Elements afier the Communion, 27 inches fquarc. To corrcfpond with Xo. I and 2 Cloth, price 6s. od. each ,, ,, 3 and 4 ,, ,, 5'^. 6d. ,, „ „ 5 and 6 ,, „ 6s. 6d. „ „ „ 7 „ ,, 6s. 6d. „ No. 7, 36 inches fqunre, I is. Napkins, 24 to 33 inches fquire, cm be mnde from Linen or French Cambric, and Embroidered in white, and Fringed. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. To fpread upon the Altar, for the VefTels to be placed upon for the Confecration. Thefe are made about 2 feet fquare, plain, 5s.6d. each. If Embroidered, 8s.6d. Of fine Cambric, delicately Embroidered in White, and about 20 inches fquare, 25s. ■^ \'/' 4 M;^^>t X!r v;^ 4 With more limple Croffes, Sec. from los. 12 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Of fine Cambric, Embroidered in White, and about 12 inches fquare, iis.6d. Other Defigns and prices can be fent. Of fine Linen, about 1 4 inches fquare. Plain, from is.3d. — Embroidered Crofs, is.6d. to 3s. extia. all, In fine Linen or Cambric, about 6 inches fquare Plain, from is. Embroidered Crofs, 3s. extra. From I, 3, or 5 Linen, and Fringed, 5s. — If Embroidered, js. to ids. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 13 " m\\\\ W^W or ~Wi\ For the Chalice and Paten, fhould be of the fame colour as thofe of the Altar Frontal in ufe, and may be Embroidered to any extent in Gold and Silk. In Silk as above. Embroidered Crofs and Silk Lace, 34s. uurse. To correfpond, in colour and material, with the above Veil, from I2s.6d. ** Other Defigns can be furnHhed. For attending Sick Communicants, In Sets, Embroidered, I2s.6d. ; made of Linen, Nos. i, 2, 3, or 5, 8s. 14 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, KmIjrotbtr([tr M^hwn ^ttigs. No. I.— Cloth, 7s.6d.— Silk Velvet, ios.6d. No. 2.— Cloth, ios.6d.— Silk Velvet, I3s.6d. No. 3.— Cloth, i2s.6d. — Silk Velvet, I5s.6d. No. 4. — Silk Velvet, 25s. No. 5.— Ribbed Silk, i7s.6d.— Silk Velvet, 21s. No. 6.— Silk Velvet, 175 6d. *,* Other Defigns can be fupplied at proportionate prices. Plain, without Embroidery or Fringe, in Cloth, 25. to 5s. ; Silk, 6s. to 9s. ; Silk Velvet, 7s. to i2s. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 15 .^Itar Sobers Are ftrongly recommended to be made up as in Fig. B ; this is the ancient, correfl, and by far the moft beautiful way. The flowing Unes of drapery in Fig C. are practically inconvenient, and not in harmony with the ftraight lines of the architefture of our Churches ; whilst a Frontal made up as A. has a very great air of poverty. Separate Frontal, Super Frontal, t^c. Looje Cover. Tight Cover. fig. A. Fig. B. Fig. C. To facilitate the ordering of their Made-up Covers, Jones and Willis fubmit the prices of the Plain Cover in three different fizes and fliapes, without Embroidery, Fringes, &c. As they are given feparately at pages 19 to 34, a calculation can be made by adding to the Plain Cover the different articles required. .roatr ©"lotlj ©"o tiers, Two yards wide, without Seam. — In Crimfon, White, Green, or Bifliop's Purple. For a Table 4ft. 6in. long, 2ft. loin. wide, and 3ft. high, and for every additional 9 inches in the length of the Table, \ yard extra Cloth and \ yard of Shalloon will be required. If the Altar is 7ft. or more long, 2ft. 9in. wide, and 3ft. 2in. in height, which is the fize recommended, the price will be extra in proportion. Fig. A. z\ Cloth, I OS I 5 o 5 Lining, i8d. ...076 Making ...050 For 5ft. 3 in. long ... 2 For 6ft 2 17 I 4 Fig. B. z\ Cloth, los I 7 5^ Lining, i8d. ... © 8 Making o 5 For 5ft. 3in. long... 240 For 6ft 2 7 6 Fig C. 3I Cloth, los 115 o 7 Lining, i8d. ... o 10 6 Making o 5 o For 5ft. 3in. long... 213 9 For 6ft 2170 i6 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 2. — 14s. per yard. Fig. A. For 4ft. 6in. long ... 2 8 „ 5ft. 3in. „ ... 2 II „ 6ft, „ ... 2 15 Fig. B. 2 12 2 15 2 19 Fig. C. 3 4 6 3 9 9 3 12 o J^dxn -^ujjcrfiiu If^roatr ©'lotlj. No. 3. — 18s. per yard. Fig. A. Fig. B. Fig. C. For 4ft. 6in. long ... „ 5ft. 3in. „ ... „ 6ft. „ ... 2 17 3 I 3 3 6 320 366 3 10 6 • ■ - . . . 3 16 6 406 426 The colour, quality, and fubftance of this Article has been taken from an Antient Frontal, and has been much approved. No. 4. — 24 inches wide, los. per yard. — In Crimfon, Green, or Bifliop's Purple. For a Table 4ft. 6in. long, and for every additional 9 inches in the length, f yard of Velvet and ^ yard more of Shalloon will be required. Fig. A 7|- Utrecht, los. .. 5 Lining, i8d. .. Making For 5ft. 3in. long... „ 6ft. „ .., 3 15 o 076 050 476 416 o 5 5 o Fig. B. 8:^ Utrecht, loj. ... 4 2 6 5 1 Lining, i8d. ... o 8 3 Making 050 4 15 9 5 I 6 5100 Fig. C. 1 05 Utrecht, los.... 550 7 Lining i8d. ... o 10 6 Makmg 050 606 690 6 17 9 AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 17 Fig. A. For 4ft. 6in. long ... 510 o „ 5ft. 3in. ,, ...606 ,, 6ft. ,, -.. 611 o No. 5. — 13.S. per yard. Fig. B. 5 17 ^ 680 6 18 6 Fig. C. 712 o 826 8 13 6 This Article obtained the Medal in the Paris Exhibition, and the fale has fincc been fecured by J. & W. JM^^ixR ^xtl^ ;R,ibbctr Milk, Jones and Willis have introduced the following extra ftout quality ofRibbed Silk, 28 and 48 inches wide, 23s. and 48s. per yard, for Embroidering upon, where the Frontals are more or lefs covered. In Green, Crimfon, Bifliop's Purple, and White. No. 6. — 27 inches wide, 23s. per yard. — 48 inches, Crimfon, 48s. For 4ft. 6in. long, and for every additional 9 inches in length, ^ yard more Silk and Shalloon. Fig. A. y^ 2jm. Ribbed Silk 869 5 Shalloon, 2id. .. o 8 9 Making o 5 o 906 Fig. B. 7i- 23s 8 12 6 5i 2id 097 Making 050 9 7 I Fig. C. lof 23s 12 7 3 7 2id 012 3 Making 050 '3 4 The 48 inch will prevent a Seam on the Super-Frontal. Ribbed Silk, 18 inches wide, can be had from 7s. to 8s. 6d. per yard ; 24 inches wide, i8s. 6d. FOR CHASUBLES AND OTHER VESTMENTS. JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 7. — 24 inches wide, 27s. 6d. per yard. To obviate the ill appearance of the feam, which is caufed hy the ufual width of Velvet, Meffrs. Jones and Willis have fet up Looms for the manufadlure of Velvet 24 and 48 inches wide, of the richest quality. As the increafed width diminifhes the number of breadths, it very decidedly improves the appearance. For a Table 4ft. 6in. long, 2ft. loln. wide, 3ft. zin. high, and for every additional 9 inches in the length, ^ yard of Velvet and Shalloon. Fig. A. 7} Velvet, 27s. 6d. 5 Shalloon, 2 id. Making o 5 j Fig. B. 9 19 4^- I 8 at 27s. 6d II 9 I 55 at 2id o Making o For 5ft. 3 in. „ 6ft .. 7ft 10 13 I.} 11 7 9 12 2 4 13 I 10 11 14 7 12 9 2| 13 8 10 H 3 4 Fig. C. lof at 27s. 6d. ... 14 15 71 7 at 2 id o 12 3 Making ... o 5 o 15 12 10} 16 7 6 17 2 1 I 7 18 No. 8.-24 inches wide, 35s. per yard. For a Table 4 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet 2 inches high. Fig. A. 7 J Velvet, 3 5,s. ... 12 13 9 5 Shalloon, 2 id. ... 089 Making o 5 o 13 7 6 For S ft. 3 in 14 4 o „ 6ft 15 I o „ 7ft 15 18 6 Fig. B. 8 at 35s. , 1400 5f at 2id o 8 3 Making 050 H 13 3 - ^S 9 ° 16 4 9 17 5 9 Fig. C. io| at 35s 18 16 3 7 at 2ld 012 3 Making o 5 o 19 13 6 20 12 o 21 9 o 22 6 o And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 19 Xxdmi ®cnoH Wilh ^W^dhd. No. 9. — 48 inches wide, 84s. per yard. Fig. B For 4ft. 6in. . . „ 5ft- 3in. .. „ 6ft. »> 7ft. 8 ft. Li this article no cxpcnfe has been fpared in prodiicin quahty has been much approved. £. s. d. 17 9 6 «9 5 6 22 8 23 10 25 4 6 g the choiceft Fabri c, which for colour and ~!Kicb 'ilh ct. No. 10. — 48 inches wide, 63s. per yard. Fig. B. £. s. 4ft. 6in. ... 13 6 6 5ft. 3in. ... 14 10 6 6ft. 16 13 6 7ft 17 II 8ft. 19 3 9 No. 1 1. May be had 1 8 inches wide 20 22 24 27 I OS. to I 5s. 17s. to 25s. 25s. to 303. 30s. to 38s. 3is.6d. to 42s. In Violet, White, Green, or Red, for Euchariftic Veftments, Altar Falls, Stoles, Sec. 22 inches wide, ios.6d. to 15s. per yard. From iH. per yard and upwards. For Chasubles, &c. — Alb Apparels, Gibdles, &c. 20 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, JONES AND WILLIS fubmit a few Devices in Crosses, Monograms, Flowers, Stars, &c. numbered for reference. Many others can be forwarded for feledion, or they can work from Architcd's Drawings, and Eftimates given. The mort fimple are the leaft expenfive. The prices on this and following pages vary from 35s. to 70s. and 18 to 23 inches high, or about i/8th fcale. No. I No. 2. The above Crolles can alfo be made to any fizc for Dolfels, and No. 1, 2, and 3 in Applique work. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No ir- No. I And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. No 19. . No. 20. 23 No. 21. No. 23. No. 22. No. 24. i 24 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, 14 to 18 inches high, or about i-8th Scale —Prices varying from 30s. to 45s 3 iN i^i) 10 l^r^. u AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 25 From 4 to 9 inches high, fuitable for any fmall Work, fuch as The prices vary from 2s.6d. to 15s. — Other defigns can be fent. 12 3 4 **^^ 10 18 •At JyL fe^ ■';:5>' II I 16 19 26 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, For Frontals, Super-Frontals, Super-Altars, and Doflels. From 3 to 9 inches high, and from 3s. to 7s.6d. each. 2345 10 ^, From 3 to 7 inches high. — The prices vary from 3s. to 12s. 6d. each. \^ll 1^ AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 27 From 3 to 7 inches high, and from 4s. to 15s. each. — Other defigns at fimilar prices. ^^ M 10 11 28 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Beft Gold, from 3s. to 7s. 6d. per yard. Bell Gold Surface, from is.6d. to 4s. per yard. Beft Silk, IS. to 7s. per yard, according to width. In all cafes it may be obfeived, that very much of the efFeft of a good Altar Frontal depends upon the richnefs of the Fringes. Beft Gold, 2in. wide, 13s.; 2^in. 15s.; 3in. i8s. ; 3|in. 21s.; 4in. 25s, per yard. Beft Gold Surface, 2in. 6s.; 2iin. 8s 3d.; 3in. gs.6d.; 3^in. iis.6d. ; 4in. I3s.6d. per yard. Silk Fringe, plain or mixed alternately in colours, 4s. to 8s. per yard. Worfted, with Silk Heading, is. to 2s. per yard. Ditto, lod. to 2od. per yard, according to width. Fringes are manufaftured by Jones and Willis in great variety. It is always defirable to work up the colours which predominate in the Frontal, and the arrangement of the colours may be varied to an almoft infinite extent. A fmall mixture of Gold much increafes their beauty, at a fmall expenfe. In Rich Silk Velvet, 8s. ; Crimfon, Blue, Purple, and Green Velvet, i is. EmbolTed Edges, 3s extra. I €^iirlis. From 5S.6d. to 30s. the Set. — In ordering, pleafe ftate the length in inches, the colour or colours required, the quantity for each Book^ and if plain or embroidered. ^ny of the Materials enumerated in this Catalogue can befupplied to thofe who wtjh to make up their own Altar Front a Is, Covers, &c. ALSO GOLD THREAD AND EMBROIDERY SILK. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 29 No. I . — With Crofs and Fringe, elevated on a Foot Pace. The above can be made in Broad Cloth, from 5/. to 8/. ; in Ribbed Silk or Utrecht, 9/. to 13/. Silk Velvet, 18/. to 23/. No. 2. — With Monogram and Border, and Powdered Super-Frontal, Super-Altar, &c. In Broad Cloth, 9/. to 14/. ; Ribbed Silk or Utrecht, 14/. to 18/. ; Silk Velvet, 24/. to 30/. No. 3. Powdered Cover. The above has been taken from an old Illamination formerly in Siddington Church, Gloucefter- fhire, and' can be made up in Silk Velvet, from 24/. to 30/. j in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, from 1 4/. to 1 8/. ; or Broad Cloth, from 9/. to 1 4/. ^r The Super-Frontal is always better in Crimfon Velvet. The Frontals may vary in colour according to the Seafon, and need not be of the fame material as the Super-Frontal. 3© JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 4. The above Embroidered Cover can be made in bell Broad Cloth, from 10?. to 14/. ; in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, from 16/. to 21/. ; and in rich Silk Velvet, from 24/. to 33/. No. 5. Can be made in beft Broad Cloth, from 20Z. to 28A ; in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, from 2SI. to 33/. ; and Silk Velvet, from 35/. to 44/. No, 6. Can be made in belt Broad Cloth, from 20I. to 28/. j in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, from 29/. to 34/.; and Silk Velvet, from 36/. to 46/. The above Three Devices obtained the Jury Award in theM85i Exhibition. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 31 No. 7. The above Embroidered Cover can be made in Cloth, from 16/. to 20/. ; extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, from zzl. to 27/. ; and rich Silk Velvet, from 28/. to 35/. No. 8. The above embroidered Cover can be made in Cloth, from 17/. to 21/. ; in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, 23/. to 28Z. ; and in rich Silk Velvet, from 29/. to -i^dl. No. 9. The above embroidered Cover can be made in Cloth, from 17L to 20/. ; in extra Ribbed Silk and Utrecht Velvet, 20/. to 25/, ; and in rich Silk Velvet, from 27/. to 35/. 32 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ^^.pplirm ©"obtrs. No. lo. In Cloth, 5/ to 7/. according to the quahty of Cloth and fize of Altar. No. 1 1. In Cloth, 5/. los. to 7/. los. according to quality of Cloth and fize of Altar. No. 12. In Cloth, 5/. to 7/. according to quahty of Cloth and fize of Altar. .^ The above Three Covers have no ends to the Frontal. The Frontals can be made for Rods or Laths ; like wife for the Embroidered ones at pp. 25 to 29. fit Super-Altars can be embroidered to fuit any of the Covers when required. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 33 m fc, « b o 'o fl -u ^ P >N W -a _:^ o T-) o^ XI Ti g -c; O -a c •s ■n 05 o C O o (Jh .2 -:= -^ -^ w •= [^ Ch '-' > <: ^ E^ 34 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, i7t 1 >N 1-. -T-f _Q f ) rt >^ 13 1-^ t3 O 'S o O ^ n-t J3 Pi •::; -S -J^! « ^ H ^ And 43. GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 35 '^. ^ fe U CL, O PL. > — I u Oi 36 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW^HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, « k .. m « 0-, ^ U h k O^ oi cs t; > o u tlH ^ o^ s •\ o > -5 U > c> flj _!a: c w oo .^ CO 1-3 •^ Th Oi -1 < o Ph ~^ ffi ro CO I— 1 i- tt^ '^: < Ph AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 37 mxmxB. No. I. 4ft. by 2ft. 4in, In Silk and Applique Work, 3/. I2j No. 2. 4ft. 6in. by 2ft. 3in. In Silk and Applique Work, 3/. los. 38 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 3. No. 5. 3 ft. by I ft. loin. » In Applique Silk, 55s. to 65s. ^ft, by zft. 4.1x1. Painted 48s. to 55s. ^ In Applique 60s. to 75s. 3 ft. by I ft. loin. In Applique, 50s. to 60s. Banner Painted on Silk, 45s. to 50s. The white fpaces acrofs Nos. 4 and 5 are left for the Names of Churches, Schools, &c. A variety of other defigns can be fubmitted, in Silk, Bunting, &c. St. GEORGE'S BANNER, UNION JACKS, &c. Beft Bunting, from 3 yards to 5 yards long -, from 15s. to 63s. each, according to fize and kind. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 39 'arrets, Jpla|3xts, i't. The Patterns generally adopted being too much affociated with domeftic ufe, Jones and Willis have prepared fuitable Ecclefiaftical Deiigns. 27-inch Bruffels, 6s. ; 27-inch Velvet-pile, richeft quality made, 12s. No. I. The above is made in an extra quality of 3-thread Bruffels Carpet, 27 inches wide, 6s. per yard. Richeft Velvet-pile, i 2s. per yard. In an Ingrain Crimfon Ground and Ruby device, and Bifhop's Purple and Blue Ground and Gold device. No, 2. The above is made in an extra quality of 3-thread Bruffels Carpet, 6s. per yard, iw a Crimfon Ground and Ruby device. Richeft Velvet-pile, 1 2s. per yard. 4° JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No, 3. Is made in Blue with'Gold device. Gold and Scarlet device, and Crimfon and Rwby device ; BrulTels, 6s. ; Velvet-pile, 1 2s. Is made in Crimfon and Ruby, and Crimfon and Gold, Green and Gold, and Blue and Gold, 27 inches wide, BrulTels, 6s. per yard, and extra Velvet-pile, i zs. per yard. No. 5. m^'^m -^m^^m .* si?#© w#© ®<4'© ®, AAA A. Is made in the fame colours, width, and prices as No. 4 ; alfo in Crimfon, Green, Gold, and White. No. 6. Is a plain ground Crimfon, Blue, Purple, or Green Carpet, without any pattern. It is well adapted to form a centre to the fubjoined Borderings. It is made in a 3-thread Bruflels, 6s. ; and richeft Velvet, 1 2s, per yard. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 41 No. 7. Is an extra quality 3-thread BrufTels Carpet, 27 inches wide, 6s. ; in Crimfon and Ruby, Blue and Gold, Crimfon and Gold, and Green and Gold. No. 8. Can be made 27 inches wide, 6s. per yard ; Velvet-pile, 12s. ; in Crimfon and Ruby, and Crimfon Ground, and Gold and Green device. No. 9. Can be made in Crimfon and Ruby, or any colour, in Bruffels, 27 inches wide, 6s, per yard; Velvet-pile, 1 2s. per yard. 42 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. lo. ^-t^H"^ — ^'^\~.- In Bruffels, 27 inches, 6s. per yard ; Velvet-pile, 12s. ; in Crimfon and Ruby, or any five colours. No. 1 1. In BrufTels 2"7 inches, 6s. per yard ; Velver-pile, 12s.; in Crimfon and Ruby, or any five colours. This Wood-cut fliows more diftindly the device of No. 1 1. Nos. 10 and II, International Exhibition, i852. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 43 ^orbcrs. Is made 4^ inches wide, in an extra BrufTels, is.4d. per yard ; Velvet-pile, 2S.8d. ; and is adapted for any of the Carpets. No. 13. Can be made 6in. wide, in extra Bruffels, is.gd. per yard ; Velvet-pile, 3s. 6d. per yard. Li Crimfon and Ruby, Blue and Gold, Crimfon and Gold, and Green and Gold. No. 9. ^^i3^^>g^ Is made to correfpond with No. 4 Carpet, and in the fame colours, 6 inches wide. In Bruffels, is.8d. per yard, and extra Velvet- pile, 3s, 2d. per yard. No. 14. ^^^M^j^^ji^ji^tj^iS^ gin. Bruffels, 2s.6d ; Velvet-pile, 5s. I Sin. Bruffels, 4s. 6d. ; Velvet-pile, 9s. To fuit No. 8 Carpet. f^nc^lmg (ETarpcts for ©"ximmunicitnts. No. 21. In Bruffels, I2in. 3s. 6d. ; Velvet-pile, 7s. per yard. If Stuffed, 8s. per yard. No. 5. In Bruffels, !2in. 3J.6d. ; 14in.4s.3d. per yard. Velvet-pile, I2in. 7s.; I4in. 8s.6d. per yard. No, 6. In Bruffels, i 2in. 3s. 6d. ; Velvet-pile, 7s. In Crimfon and Ruby, or any five colours. 44 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, 1 2 inches fquare, without Borders, in Crimfon and Ruby, White, Red, Green, and Gold. No. I. No. 2. Bruflels Carpet, fluffed Flock, 3s. ; Horse-hair,'3s.9d. Velvet-pile Carpet, fluffed Flock, 4s. ; Horse-hair, 5s. No. 15. WHEN THE 'SANCTUARY IS LAID WITH ENCAUSTIC TILES. No. 16. Are made in the rirheft Velvet-pile Carpet, in Crimfon and Ruby, 27in. by i6in. 6s.6d. ; 27in. by 2oin. 8s.6d. ; 36in. by 27in. I2s6d. ; 36in. by 45in. los.dd. 36in. by 63in. 27s. ; 36in. by 72in. 33s. ; 36in. by 9oin. 39s. FOR THE ALTAR, SEDILIA, AND COMMUNION RAILS, WITHIN THE SANCTUARY. No. 18. Is made in Crimfon and Ruby, and Red, Gold, White, Green, Blue, and Purple, i 8 inches wide. In Bruffels, 4s. 6d. per yard, and extra Velvet-pile, 9s. per yard. It can be made any length. No. 19. In Bruffels, 18 inches wide, 4s. 6d. ; Velvet-pile, 9s. per yard, Alfo as a Border for Nos. 10 and 1 1, and made in the fame colours. No. 20. In the fame colours, width, and price, as No. 18. AND 43, GIIEAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 45 Extra Quality, 4s. per yard. Jones and Willis beg to obferve, that they have discontinued their 2-yard wide printed Cloth, and fubftituted a lefs expenfive and more endurable material in Kidderminiter Carpet, the colours of which are more permanent, and the pattern the fame on both fides. They have pre- pared the three fubjoincd patterns. No. 22. Is made in a Ruby ground and Crimfon device, 4s. per yard. The defign is fuited to a limited fpace. No. 23. In Ruby and Crimfon, Blue and Gold, Crimlbn and Gold, and Green and Gold device, 4s. per yard. The above is made in a quality fuitablc for Door Hangings, No. 24. The above is made in a Ruby ground and Crimion device ; alio in Green and Black, 4s. per yard. 46 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ^M^tbbcrminstcr ©"arpct, for ^Joor of Meats. No. 25. ;2|in. wide, 2s.iod. per yard. lair i^itrpcis. No. 26. — To correfpond with Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, and 7, in Bruffels, i8in. 4s. 6d. ; Velvet-pile, 9s. per yard. Bell Kidderminiler, 2s.9d. to 3s. 6d. per yard. Patterns of the foregoing Carpets can be forwarded if required. The above Carpets can be made up ready for ufe if correcSl dimenfions and other particulars are given. mm @"ar|jct @'0btrs. No. I. In Crimfon and Drab, 3 yards wide, 4s.iod. per yard. No. 2. In Crimfon and Drab, 3 yards wide, 5s.3d. per yard. The above devices have been manufaflured in a heavy Linen Cloth, for covering expenfive Carpets. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 47 ©"arpets not in ^toch. In addition to Carpets at pp. 38 to 46, Jones and Willis manufafture the following, which have appeared in previous Catalogues. They are not in Stock, but can be made to order in ten to fourteen days. No. ic. No. 2C. Can l^e made in Crimfon and Ruby, or in any colour, in BrulTels, zjin. wide, 6s. 3d. per yard ; richeft Velvet-pile, 12s. 6d. per yard. Can be made in an extra quality of 3 -thread BrufTcls Carpet, 6s.3d. per yard, in Crimfon and Ruby; and richeft Velvet-pile, 12s. 6d. per yard. No. ^c. Can be made in Crimfon and Ruby device ; alfo in Blue, Scarlet, Gold, and Green device ; BrulTels, 6s. 3d, & Velvet-pile, 12s. 6d. per yard. No. 4c. ^. L...^ Can be made in Crimfon and Ruby, or in any colour, in Bruffels, 27in. wide, 6s 3d. per yard ; Velvet-pile, I2s6d. per yard. JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 5c. Can b<: made in Crimlon and Ruby, or in any colour, zjin wide, in Bruffels, 6s. 3d. and Velvet-pile, 12s. 6d. per yard. No. 7. Can be made in Crimfon and Ruby, or any five colours, ayin. wide, in Bruffels, 6s. 3d. and Velvet-pile, I2s.6d. per yard. No. 6. Can be made in Crimion and Ruby, or in any colour, ajin. wide, in Bruflels, 6s 3d. and in Velvet-pile, 12s 6d per yard. No 8, Can be ma^^c lu ciic unic coiours, vvjdtli, and prices as No 7. j^tiiir ^nx^ttB- No. 9. fCl^ljP'PJ^I Can be made in Crimfon and Ruby, or in any colour, 27in. wide, in Bruffels, 6s 3d. and in Velvet-pile, I2s.6d. per yard. No 10. Can be made in Crimlon and Ruby, or in any colour, I Sin. wide, in Bruffels, 4s 9d and in Velvet -pile, 9s. 6d. per vard. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 49 ;®0rb£rs. No. II. Is made in BrulTcls, 6 inches wide, 2S. per yard ; in Crimfon and Ruby, Blue and Gold, and Blue with Gold and Scarlet device. No. lo. Is made in extra Bruflcls, 1 3 inches wide, 3s. 6d. per yard, & Velvet-pile, 7s ; in Crimfon and Ruby, and Blue and Gold. It correfponds with No. 2 Carpet, and is alfo fuited to No. 6. No. 12. Is made in BrulTels, 10 inches wide, 3s.3d. ; Velvet-pile, 6s. 6d. per yard ; in Ruby and Crimfon, or any colour. No. IIA. Is made in BrufTels, 8 inches wide, 2s.6d. ; Velvet-pile, 5s. per yard ; in Ruby and Crim- fon, or any colour ; J^itnbrixs. Woollen Cloths, in every colour, 2 yards wide Ingrain Crimfon Moreen . . Romfey, or plain Plain Turkey Damafk Utrecht Velvet, 24. inches Crimfon Drugget, extra quality, 3 yards wide from I OS. IS gd. to 2s 6d. 2s. to 3s. 2s.6d. to 3s. 9d. 9.S. to 13 s. 7s. to 8s. 6d. Welting Cords, Fringes, Laces, and every requifite Article. 5© JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, mdmc^ Bi^ssocks for <§)pcit ^cats. gru00cf. 3 inch bigh 4 inch high ; inch high 6 inch h igh £. /. d. £. s. d. JC. /. d. i'. s. a. 1 2 in. by 7 in. 1 1 13 per dozen 12 » 8 12 14 16 17 >> H >y 8 13 015 6 18 19 „ 15 }} 10 14 16 6 19 I >' iiamoud S^^n (J^ainjei 12 » 7 8 086 >f 12 w 8 8 6 10 10 6 12 „ H j> 8 10 1 1 1 1 6 15 " •5 j> 9 II 13 ^updii gutclt. 14 16 " 12 jj 7 13 6 15 6 )> 12 » 8 14 6 17 1 1 7 » H » 8 18 19 I 3 I 9 )i 15 it \o I I 3 I 6 I 10 » Si(I(l([rminf)kr O^arpi 12 j> 7 13 15 6 „ 12 J> 8 14 6 17 I I I 8 6 )> H j> 8 I 19 I 3 6 I 10 6 j> 15 » 10 I 2 I 3 I 6 6 I 12 • 12 >» 6 12 13 6 *> 12 » 7 13 015 j> 12 » 8 14 17 18 1 „ H » 8 15 6 018 19 1 I » IS j> 10 17 19 6 I I 2 »> *:■:* The above Low Prices have been fubmitted to induce the more general adoption of ])roper and fuitabJe Kneelings in our Churches, confequently ti^e Carriage ca7inot be paid, unlefs the Order amounts to Five Pounds, or is accompanied with other articles to that amount. HASSOCKS, in Super-Dutch Carpet, I2in. by 6in. by lin. 9s. ; Diamond Flax, 6s. per dozen. LONG KNEELINGS for School Children, made of the Dutch Carpet, one inch deep and fix inches wide, 6d. to 9d. j Cocoa Nut, 6d. to 8d. j and Diamond Flax, 4^d. to 6d. per foot. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 51 i^cqistercir "Eflasfioths. BEST KIDDERMINSTER CARPET. No. I 12 by 8 by 3, 13s 6d. per doz. ; StufFcd Flock, i6s.6d. per dozen. BRUSSELS CARPET. No, 3. 12 bv 8 by 3, 28s ])cr dozen. 14 by 8 by 5, 39s. UNION —No. 5 12 by 8 by 3, ios.6d. per dozen. 14 by 8 by 5, 14s. 6d. „ BEST KIDDERMINSTER CARPET. No. 2. 14 by 8 by 5, 21s. per dozen ; Stuffed Flock, 27s.6d. per dozen. FELT.— No. 4. 12 by 8 by 3, 12s. per dozen. 14 by 8 by 5, 1 8s. DIAMOND FLAX OR HEMP. No. 6. 12 by 8 by 3, 8s. per dozen. 14 by 8 by 5, iis.6d. „ To correfpond with the Carpets, ])ages 39 and 40, 14 by 12, and 6 to 8 inches high. In Kidderminfter Carpet, 5s, ; Bruflels, 8s ; Pile, 12s. 6d. ; Utrecht Velvet, 14s. p gr>sOr^jj>fXC>-''^3^-j International Exhibition Award, 1862, for each of the above. 5i JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, B[RMINGHAM, j^ilh mxti '^M'ool p^am;tsh, for .^ctnctuarD '^WAi^, Il>os5cIs, i'c. No. 12. Is made in Wool and Silk, in Red, Green, and Gold ; Ruby, Green, and Gold ; and Ruby, Blue, and Gold, 54 inches wide, 2 5s.6d. per yard. International Exhibition Award, 1862. No. 3A. 72in. wide. Broad Cloth, any colour, with Silk Embroidered Powderings, from 28s. to 35s. per yard. 72in. „ „ „ Gold „ „ „ 50s. to 75s. 24in. „ Utrecht Velvet, Silk „ „ „ 15s. to 25s. „ 24in. „ „ „ Gold „ „ „ 25s. to 35s, „ Clergymen's and Architefts' own Defigns, in detached Patterns, at the above prices. jPtppltqiu ^'lotbs, for Ji>osseIs anb .^ibc "OfViiucfijiigs, From 5/. to 10/. according to defign and amount of work. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 59 atui ^I^umash "Hiiuirjings, for ^©ossils. No. 13.' Is made in the richeft Satin Damask, in Crimibn ground, and Gold, Blue, and Green device ; also in a Blue and Green ground, 27 inches wide, 29s 6d. per yard ; Border, ios.6d per yard. Exhibition of All Nations Award, 1851. No. 14. Is made in Green and Gold, 22 inches wide, I7s.6d. per yard. 6o JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ©^trman FHapcsinr. No I. Is made in Rubv ground, and Crimlbn, Green, and Gold device; and Green ground, and Crimfon, Blue, and Gold device; 54 inches wide, i6s.6d. per yard. No. 2. eiSiiEi mMM Same colours and prices as above. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 61 No. 3. Is made in Ruby, Crimfon, and Black Ground and Gold device; and Green and Black Gronud and Gold device, 66 inches wide, I9s.6d. per yard. ^lahi Jris Capcstm* No, 4. Is made in plain Woollen Repp, extra quality. Green Ground and Crimfon and Gold Border ; and in Crimfon Ground and Gold Border; 54 inches wide, 21s. per yard. 6z JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Border. No. 5. No. 7. 7 inches wide. 54 Riches wide, in plain Green, 14s. per yard. 3s. 3d. per yard. SILK DAMASK. No. I. In plain Crimfon, 21 inches, ~i.gd. per yard. Jones and Willis have Mediaeval and other devices, in various qualities and prices, of Hangings, Carpets, &c. for Parfonage Houfes, Patterns of which can be fent upon application. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 63 (I^Uriral djlothing, fiolr^s, ^itiiplira, ti}Btmi}nte, &l Great attention has been paid to the Collar and Sleeves of this elegant and firnple Vefture. Made in Irifh Linen, i6s. 20s. 25s. 30s. 35s. 40s. 45s. „ ,, Linen Lawn, 30s. 35s. 40s. 45s. 50s. If Embroidered, 7s. 6d. extra. Irifli Linen, for Chorillers : — Men's, 1 6s. 1 8s. 20s. Boys', I OS. 12s. 14s. 16s. The above prices for Chorillers depend upon the fize and quality. Lawn, 25s. 30s. 35s. 40s. 45s. 50s. It has been found that the Lawn now in ufe is not durable, therefore Jones and Willis have manuFaftured an article of fuperior texture, equally light in appearance. In ordering, it will be requifite only to ftate the height of the wearer, price, fabric, and if to be worn over the Caflbck or Coat. ®'irtular j^'urjiUces. * The Shape is a complete circle ; there is no feam or opening in front. The Sleeves are a semi- circle the full length of the fkirt, and the Collar is without flit or button, which gives an entirety to the whole Surplice. In confcquence of its taking confidcrably more materials than the ordinary Surplice, it is re- commended in Linen Lawn, as being a light fabric. The price will be 35s. 40s. 45s. 50s. PATTERNS of materials fent by Poft if required. 64 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, The greateft care will be taken that none but the beft articles will be ufed, charged at the loweft remunerating price, and accurately made. B.A. M.A. OR PREACHER'S. /. s. /. s. d. Princefs StufF and other Woollen Materials .1 5 to 2 o o Extra double Bombazeen, Silk and Wool . 2 2 to 215 o Irifh Poplin . . . . . .440 Rich Gros Royal, very durable . . .440 Extra „ „ . . . . 4 15 o Rich Velour Silk, made by Jones and Willis, warranted not to fray . . . . .500 Superior „ „ . . . . 6 10 o Extra „ „ . richeft article made 715 o For Meafurement, fee page 70. ^■assotks, toitb- ^clts. Full Skirt. Plain Skirt. Woollen Backs /. J. d. /. s. d. /. s. d. Princefs StufF and other Woollens 25/. to 2 Extra Double Bombazeen . 2 2 Iriih Poplin . . . - • 3 3 2 15 2 10 Rich Gros Royal Silk • 3 3 2 15 2 10 Extra „ „ . . . . 3 10 3 2 15 Rich Velour Silk • 3 15 3 5 3 Superior „ . . . . 4 10 3 10 3 3 Extra „ . . . • 5 15 4 10 4 The Full Skirt differs in the back from the Plain Skirt in general ufe. Any fubftance of Woollen Material can be ufed, and Patterns fent by Pofl. For Meafurement, fee page 70. . ^0r i\t J^hibg, ^t. Made to button from the Cravat downwards, or at the Sides Stout Woollen Material .... Mohair, all Wool, very durable . . Woollen Cloths, &c. . For Meafurement, fee page 70. I 5 to I 15 2 to 3 2 6 to 3 10 AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 65 "'^llntrcr ©"rabtiate's ©"ofons. OXFORD COMMONERS. Best Woollen StufF ..... From 15s. CAMBRIDGE PENSIONERS. Best Woollen StufF ..... 30s. to 40S. „ „ for Trinity College 30s. to 40s. „ „ for Caius College 40s. to 55s. 1 Best Woollen StuiF ..... 25s. to 35s- j^partes* ^oixins. Stout Woollen StufF, Plain .... 25s. „ „ with Trimmings and Facings 30s. „ „ Silk Velvet Collar and Facings 45s. drijaplains' .Scarfs. Richest Armazeen .... from i 7s. 6d to 25s. The height of the wearer is required. J^j^jtclj (Mhnx J[#atoit ^aitbs. Finest quality, los. per doz., or is. per pair. Silk Cases, 2S. each. .^tnlcs. Richest Gros Royal 3iin. wide (fringed) 7s. 6d. „ „ device .... I OS 6d. Extra Velour Silk, made up, and with Fine Cord Fringe, 3, 3|, and 4in. wide 9s. I OS. I IS « „ with expanded ends, 3, 3 J, and 4in. wide I IS. I2S. 13s Embroidered Ends . 3s. to 5s. extra. The height of the wearer is required. ^*^ Stoles may also be made of any degree of richness, with Embroidery, and any c olour, &c. 17s. 6d. 20s. 25s. 20s. 17s. 2 IS. 17s 12s. I OS. Regent, 30s. 35s- „ 30s. . 25s. 30s. 24s. • 15s. . 13s. 66 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, OXFORD, DUBLIN, OR DURHAM. M.A. Richest Armazeen or Velour Silk „ „ Extra Irish Poplin B.A. „ Armazeen or Velour Silk, with Fur „ „ Tabbinet .... „ „ Bambazeen .... „ Woollen StuiF .... CAMBRIDGE. M.A. Richest Velour Silk . . Non Regent, 23s. ,, „ Extra Irish Poplin . . 20s. B.A. „ Armazeen or Velour, with Fur „ „ Tabbinet „ „ Bombazeen „ „ Woollen Stuff In the Order the University should be stated. Enquiries having been repeatedly made why their Cambridge Hoods are charged more than the Oxford, Jones and Willis beg to ftate, that what are sent from their Estab- lifhment are made from old examples, and the recognifed fhapes of each feparate Univerfity, and confequently, as the Cambridge Hood takes more material to be the full corredl fhape, the price must neceflarily be higher, their objeft being to charge every article its relative value. Best Cloth, with TalTels, 6s. and 7s. — School Caps, without Talfels, from 48s. per dozen. Size round the Head is required. priests' ©"aps. Armazeen Silk, Square, Triangle, or Skull, 6s. 6d. ; Cafhmere and Cloth, 3s. to 5s. ^crmoiT ©*ascs. In Rich Silk Velvet, 8s.; Crimson, Blue, Purple, and Green Velvet, lis. EmboiTed Edges, 3s. extra. From 5s. 6d. to 30s. the Set. In ordering, please ftate the length in inches, the colour or colours required, the quantity for each Book, and if plain or embroidered. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. (>! £Il}lltllllI Contfi, f ^J)tr5, k% JONES and WILLIS can with confidence recommend the quality of the articles in this de- partment ; and to insure good work and accuracy of fit, none but Ikilful hands are employed. No. I. Clerical Coat with Fall Collar. No. 2. Clerical Coat with fmall Lappels, and Single-breailed Veil: buttoning to the Cravat. No. 3. Single-breafted Surtout Coat, and Single-breafted open Veil. No. 4. Clerical Coat with Hand Collar and Caffock Veil. to ^'oitts. Stuff and Tweed, in the above fhape, from 21s. to 30s. In fuperfine West of England, Single and Double-milled Cloths, from 35s. to 65s. Summer Materials, from 27s. to 42s. Sketches of other Shapes of Over Coats fent, with patterns of materials, port free. 68 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, / s. d. Imperial Weft of England . . . . .2126 »> 5> » • • . . .2180 Superior „ „ Luftre Body and Facing . . -35 o Silk 3 12 o Luftre Coat and Light Summer Material, from 30s. to 40s. No. I Shape, much worn by the Clergy, is made to fit clofe in front to the body and cravat, and may be worn buttoned or otherwife. Clergymen, by referring to the Diagram No. I, will fee the great difference in refpedl to the Coats made by tailors whofe bufinefs is with the Laity. No. 2 turns one hole and buttons to the top if required. No. 3 has a broader turn-down Collar in front. No. 4 fits clofe in front as No. i, and has a Calfock-fhaped ftand Collar. This Collar is fometimes made with a fall and retains the fame fhape. J. d^ I. s. d. 17 6 to I 2 6 12 6 to 15 15 6 12 6 10 6 to M CASSOCK-BREASTED, TO BUTTON ON ONE SIDE. Extra Velour Silk, warranted not to fray, manufafturcd by J. & W. o Superfine Caflemere Cloth . . . ,0 Patent Britifli Cachmere .... Patent French ditto ..... Alpaca and Woollen Stuffs . . . ,0 If made to button on both fides, 2s.6d. extra. No. 2 Veft buttons to the cravat, and the fpace between the collar will admit the bands. No. 3 Veft is a clerical drels, and can be made alfo to button to the neck if required. No. 4 is Caffock-fliaped. This difficult but beautiful Veftment is produced by a peculiar fyftem, the refult of many years application and experience. It is cut without the feam in front, and fits clofe to the cheft and cravat, avoiding the unfeemly fulnefs and falling below the cravat in front, — a neceffary confequence of thofe made by any other method. An accurate circumference of the neck, taken clofe over the ftock or cravat, will enfure a fit feldom obtained in this fhaped garment. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. I'jl^Irofos^rs. IN BLACK OR OXFORD MIXTURE. /. S. d. /. s. d. Tweeds and Elaftics . . . .0160 to I 3 Superfine Cloth . . . • 1 2 Extra Superfine Weft of England I 5 J, „ Kerfeymere . . .140 to I 8 „ „ Doelkin . . .150 to I 10 For Diredlions for Self-Meafurement for any kind of the above articles, fee page 70. Patterns fent by Poft if required. 69 ^° Clergymen accuftomed to ride will find Jones and Willis's material and make well adapted, the Cloths being elaftic, and felefted with this view fiom firft-clafs Weft of England Houfes only. Checked, Corded, or plain Muflin, los. I2s.6d. and i 5s. per dozen. In ordering, it is neceffary to have the length from point to point, and the depth for folding. Plain, ios.6d. ; Half Tie, 13s.; Full Tie, I5s.6d. per dozen. With ends to tie as a Cravat, 15s. per dozen. Jones and Willis have introduced a plain Stifi"ened Stock, made in fine Quilting, i6s.6d. ; Irifh Linen, 14s.; Corded Muflin, I2s.6d. per dozen. The above arc made to avoid the ufual difficulty in wafhing. In ordering, the width is required. 70 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. From I downwards for the required length, the height of the wearer, and if to be worn over the CafTock or Coat. From I downwards for the required length, from 4 to 5, and 5 to 6 for elbow, round the breaft at 8, the height of wearer, the Univerfity and degree. From I to 2 and downwards for the required length, from 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 for elbow, and on to 7 for fleeve length, round the arm at 5 and 6, and wrift at 7, round the breaft at 8, and wairt at 2 for belt, thefe two laft under the coat, height of the wearer, exaft fize round the cravat, and developement of the cheft. The fame as Clerical Coat, except the breaft and waift meafure, which fl^ould be taken over the coat, and required length. From I to 2 and on to 3 for full length, 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6 for elbow, and on to 7 for fleeve length, round the arm at 5 and 6, and wrift at 7, round the breaft at 8 clofe under the arms, and waift at 2 under the coat and developement of cheft, whether promi- nent or otherwife. Short Clerical, Surtout, or Drefs Coats, fame meafure, except the re- quired length. From I over the flioulders to Veft length in front, with breaft and waift meafure as in- ftanced in the coat, alfo from the cravat to the extreme length in front, exaft fize round the cravat, and develoiiement of cheft, whether prominent or otherwise. Full length from the top to B, from A to B for length between the legs, round the bottom as preferred at B. The circumference of waift and wideft part of hips and thigh, taken mo- derately tight, but width of knee and bottom as fize required. '^ And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 71 WOOD AND METAL WOI^K 72 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Wood and Metal Work. ^WMES&^mms IN the following portion of their Catalogue, beg to call attention to the many new Defigns they have introduced. Thefe Defigns have been efpecially prepared with a due regard to economy, fimplicity, and truthfulnefs. Elaborate and rich ornamentation has been generally avoided, as MefTrs. J & W. deem, they would be ftepping out of their province, and attempting to interfere with the duties of the Profeffional Architeft, by introducing into their Catalogue a coUeftion of indifcriminate ornament, which, when ufed in the Cliurch, might ill accord with the other purpofely defigned portion of the building. But the following Defigns may fafely and with propriety be felefted for the generality of our Churches, as they are fimple in charadler, and yet of fufiicient folidity to produce a good effect, and in moft cafes, if preferred, they are capable of further ornament and enrichment. Where it is defirable to have the Fittings very rich and ornamental, they fliould be fpecially defigned for the purpose, and as Meflrs. Jones and Willis have always a ftafF of experienced Gothic Workmen, they can confidently undertake to prepare the moft elaborate ftyle of work in the beft manner. ^° T^he Carriage of the following Goods cannot be paid by the Firm. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 73 CARVED WOOD WORK. ars. In Oak, 6ft. to 7ft. long, 3 ft. 3in. high, and 2ft. pin. wide. — Prices of other Sizes in proportion. No. I. — Oak, from 4 to 5/. — Pine, 2/. los. to 3/. loj-. ^ ■— 1 1 \i ^ No. 2. — Oak, 6/ to 7/. — Pine \l. \s. to 5/. i__r No, 3. — Oak, 7/. xos. to 8/. 10/. — Pine, 4/. los. to 5/. 5s. 74 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 4. — Oak, 6/. los. to 8^. — Pine, 4/. 10s. to 6/. No. 5. — Oak, 9/. to I of, — Pine, 6/. to yl. No. 6. — Oak, 10/. to 12I. — Pine, 61. 6s. to jl. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 75 No. 7. — Oak, 11/ to 12/. — Fine, 6/. los. ro 7/. No. 8.— Oak, 11/. to 12/.— Pine, 7/. 7s. to 8/. 10s. No. 9.— Oak, 10/. to 12/.— Pine, 7/. js. to SI los. 76 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. lo. — Oak, lol. to 12/. — Pine, 7/. to 8/. los. No. II. — Oak, 11^. to 13L — Pine, 7/. ys. to 8/. 10/. No. 12. — Oak, 18/. to 25/ Pine, 10/. los. to 13/. -^* The variety in the Prices is caufed by the difFerent fizes of the Ahars AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. n ^lastonbwrw &i\m%. No. 1.— 33^- No. 2. — \is. No. 3. — zjs.Sd. No. 4. — 6 3 J. No. 5. — 20s. No. .6 — 60/. ">^ ©"otljic ^■^^airs tit ®ak. No. I. — 2/. 5s. No. 2. — 4/. No. 3. — 5/, — Pine, 3/. 10/. 78 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No, 4. — 3?. 3i — With Arms, 4?, 4/. No. 5.-3/. 15/. No. 6.— 61 i6s. Gd. No. 7. — 4^. 10/. No. 8.— 10/. No. 9. — 7/. 10/. No. 10.— 4/. 1 5 J. No. II. — 5/, 10s. No. 12. — 6/. 10/. Any of the Chairs can be made in Pitched Pine at proportionate prices. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 79 .^cbilhrs. No. I — Oak, lo/. — Pine, 6/ lo; No 2.— Oak, 8/.— Pine, 5/. No. 3.— Oak, 10/. I5i.— Pine, 7/. No. 4.^0ak, 16/. — Pine, 10/. No. S.— Oak, 7/.— Pine, 5/. 10/. ' No. 6.— Oak, 8l. i8s. 6d. The Ends can be carved and enriclied if required. 8o JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ^"talls anb ^ciub JHjibs. No. I. — Oak, 2 5 J. -Pine, \js. No. 2. — Oak, 22s 6/-Pine, 15; 6//. No. 3. — Oak, 2ij.-Pine, 151. Moulded End. ^ Carved End. Plain End. Can'-ed End. No. 4. — Oak, 6is.-Pine, 42^. No. 5. — Oak, i8i.6d.-Pine, izs. No. 6. — Oak, 75J-Pine, 50J. No. I. — Oak, 50/. — Pine, 33Z. loj. No. 2. — Oak, 55/. — Pine, 36^. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. Philip its. No. I.— Oak, 17/. 10^.— Pine, ill. i^s. No. 2. — O.ik, 18Z. 10/. — Pine, 12/. izs. No. 3.— Oak, 17Z. 17/. — Pine, 13/. 13/. No. 4.— Oak, 27/. 10/.— Pine, 18/. iS< JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BLu!pit ^^oarbs. MU'-"-ia t No. I -il 15J. No 2. — 12s. 6a. No. 3. — 2/ sj No. I. — Oak, ijs 6J. No 2. — Oak, 2ji.6d. lecture ^cshs. No. 3. — Oak, 2: No. I. — Pine, jl. 5/. No. 2. — Pine, 61. ^s. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 83 FOR ^ ITOEPOOR^I < No. 1 — 25/. ^ims J^o^es. No. 2. — 25s. No. 3. — 30;. No 4. — 15^-. No. 5. — 25s. No. 6. 18/, — Legend, 2zs. No. 7. — i/. I IS. 6i. No. 9.-2/. 8/. No. 8. — 24s. 84 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Joints J3o^'CS. No. 1 0.-3/. 19s. No. II.— i/. 15J. No. 12.— 27s. 6./. No. 13. — 3/. 15/. IN CARVED WALNUT WOOD OR OAK. No 1. — 5J. No. 2. — -is.td. No. 3.— 15J No. 4. — 30J. No. 5. — 24/. V No 6.— 21S. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. ABOUT SEVEN FEET LONG. 85 No. I. — Oak. 4Z. — Pine, zl. 15s. No. 2.^0ak, 4Z. 10s. — Pine, 3/. ^ I No. 3. — Oak, jl. — Pine, 4/. No. 4. — Oak, 6/. 6s. — Pine, 4Z. No. 5. — Oak, 4J. I OS. — Pine, 3/. No. 6. — Oak, 7/. — Pine, 3L 15s. No. 7.— Oak, 4Z. I OS — Pine, 3/. No. 8. — Oak, 5/. los.— Pine, 3Z. 15s. 86 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, J[^tttnm, No. I. — Pine, 2I, 2s. No, 2. — Oak, 4?. los. Oak, 3/. 3s. No. 3.— Oak, 61 6s. No. 4— Oak, gl 9s. ^^Ss^ No. 5. — Oak, 5/. 1 09. No 6, — Oak, 10^. los. No 7.— Oak, 61. 10. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 87 No. 8,— Oak, 30/. No. 9.— Oak, 28Z. No. 10. — Oak, Walnut, No. n. — Oak, 61. 6s. Deal, \l. 4s. and Brair, i'l i lis. No. 12. — Oak and Walnut, Anift /^/Y~ JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ©"nbcna ^nbks mxii ^rackets. IN OAK. No. I. — 15s 6d. No. 2. — 30s. No. 3. I2S. 6d. No. 4. — 42s. No. 5. — 5/. 15s. No. 6.-38. No. 7. — ^ ^ No. 8.-3?. 5s. No. 9. — r j / . lO Sr- AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. ^0nt &o^x^, hx ©ah m\& Wxon. No. 1. — 2/. 2S. No. 2. — il. i8s. No. 3. — zl. No. 4. — 4Z. 1 8s. No. 5.-3/. No. 6.-2/. 18/, No. 8. — From 5/. to lo^ No. 7. — yl. The above prices vary according to fize., _ No. 9 — 6/. 90 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ucbanstrtair. No. I.— With Knife, 8s. 6^. No. 2. — Without Knife, 5s. ©"arkb ^K^mclings, in ©ah. mf No. I. — From 20s. to 27/, No. 2. — From 15;-. to 21s. No. 3. — From lys.Sd. to 25/. No. 4. — From 15/. to 21s. No. 5. — From 25/. to 35s. No. 6. — From 23/. to 30; No. 7. — From lyj. to 23J. No. 8. — From 15/. to 21s. No. 9. — From 7^.6^' to 12s. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 9' ^rnpci" ^©t'iks. No. I. — Oak, 3/. I OS. — Pine, 2/. 2/. No 2. — Oak, 3/. 3J-. — Pine, i/. i8j. No. 3. — Oak, 5^. 5J.-Pine, 3/. 3/. No. 4.— Oak, 8/. 8i.-Pine, 5?. 5: No. 5.— Oak, 61. 6/.— Pine, 4/. No. 4.— Oak, 7/.— Pine, 4/. 15/. 92 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, IN OAK, 2ft. 6in. to 3ft. high. No. I. — 2/. 10/. No. 2. — 4/. 4s. No. 3. — 3/. 15/. No. 4. — 2/. 12/. 6d. No. 5. — 6/. loj. No. 6.~-2l. lOS. No. 7. — 2/. I 5j. No. 8. — 4/. 14.;. 6a. No. 9.— 3Z. 3s. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 93 METAL WOI^K. &h'dlm mttr ^Htcirs. No. I. — All Silver, 7/. los. No. 2. — All Silver, 10/. 10/. Eleftro, 3 5 J. Eleftro, ^2s.6d. No. 3. — All Silver, 12/. 12s. Eledlro, yos. FOR THE VISITATION OF THE SICK. Eleflro, 2gs6d. Silver, 5/. 'No, 4. — All Silver, Enamelled and Jewelled, Large Size, 20I. — Eledlro, 8/. According to fize and weight, 5 to 71 inches, in Silver, from 50J. to 80s. — Eleftro, i 8.s. to 30/. Other Devices can be forwarded. 94 JONES ANd"wILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, '.ia^ons, No. 1. — Silver, i8Z — Eleftro, 4/. los. No. 2. — En Knelled, 25/, Enamelled and Parcel-gilt, 9/. gs. No. 3.— Silver, 21/.— Eleftro, 4?. 18/. Other Devices can be forwarded. No. 4.— Silver, 15/. los. Eleftro, 3/. I2s. 6d. — Plain, 42 j. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 95 i^^lms J^isfjcs. No. I. Brafs, as Sketch, 30s. Eleftro-plated, 50s. gin plain, from 7s. 6d. Witli Legend, 15s. No. 2. Brafs, beaten centre, 30s. Elcftro-plated, 60s. I I in. plain, from 9s. 6d. With Legend, 17s. No I or 2, I5in. diameter, 55s. to 60s. No. I. No. 2. (oi\Der No. 3. 7"; ;iscs. No. 4. Plain, I2S. 6in. high, plain, 6s. 5in. high, 5s.6d, Plain, 8s. 6d. Enamelled, 17s. Enamelled, 98. ji'm. „ 6s 6d. Enamelled, 14s. gin. „ gs.Sd. A variety of other Defigns can be fent. No 5. I2^in. high. Enamelled, 30s. 96 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, ®Enblcsticks. Kft^^rt^ No. I. — 2s.6d. to 7s. No. 2. — 8s. 6d. No. 3 —Plain, 8s. No. 4. -Enamelled, No. 5. — I4in. 9s. loin. 20s., I4in. 30s £<__ cia. No. 6. — i8in. i8s. No. 7. — 2oin. 25s. No. 8. — i8Jn, 20s. No. 9. — 2oin. 36s No. 10. — 65s. No. II. — 24in. 5/. No. 12. — Enamelled, 65s. No. 13 — Enamelled ^ and Jewelled, 70s. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 97 No. I — piin. high, 5s. 6d. No. 4. — 6/. I OS. 15 lights. Braittljes, '&c. No. 3.— 4Z. 4s. No. 2. — 2iin. 2C No. 5. — 2Z. I OS, 3ft. 3 in. high. 7 lights. 98 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, jP^ltar ©"rossts. 14^15=-^ No, I. — 2ft. loin. high, 4/. 4s. No. 2. — 2ft. high, 3'. 17s. 6d. No. 3. — ift. 6in, high, 30s. 2ft. „ Zl. 3s. 2ft. „ 40s. ENAMELLED, ENAMELLED. ENAMELLED, No. 4.— 2oin. high, 4/. No. 5.— 2ft. 4in. high, 5/. los. No. 6. — 3ft. higli, 8/. 8s. I4in. „ 2/. 53. 3ft. „ 7/. 17s, 6d. "^ 2ft. „ 6/. 6s. And 43. GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 99 .^.Ihx ®ooh j^tanbs. No. I. — 42s. No. 2. — 35s. No. 3.— 50s, No. 4. — 55s. No. 5. — 50s. No. 6. — 35s. baptismal .^fjells. As Iketch, 7s. 6d. Ditto, filver handle, from 1 8s. For Private Ba])tisms. In Silver and Eleftro-plate, as iketch, in oak cafe, il. I OS. jf Silver, in Morocco cafe, from 2/. 10s, Other Designs can be sent. lOO JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, JSicctevus AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 101 xilpit J^igljts. No. I. — Iron and Brafs, 9s. ; Brafs, lis. 6d. each. No. 2. — Brafs, 2/. each. No. 3. — Iron and Brafs, 12s. ; Brafs, 15s. each No. 4. — Brafs, 28s. 6d. each. No. 5. — Brafs, 15s. each. No. 6. — Brafs, 2I. each. A 2 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Iron and Brafs, los. 6d. Brafs, 1 3s. 6d. each. All Brafs, 45s. each. No. 9. — All Brafs, 7s. 6d. each. No. II. Iron, parti-colour, 42s. Brafs, 60s. each. Can be made as a Wall Bracket, fame prices. No. 10. — Brafs, i8s. each. A variety of other Patterns for Gas or Candles. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 103 J^amps. No. I. — 4 Lights, 60s. ; 6 Lights, 843. No. c. No. 3.— 70s. No. 4.-Brafs, 12s. 6d. Patent Limp and Globes, complete, 3/. I04 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. I. In Iron and Brafs Sconces, 50s. <^0r0na?. Plain Coronass for 3 Lights, in Iron, and Iron and Brass, from 25s. <.. . 20 in. No. 2. All Brafs and Enamelled, 6 Lights, 6/. Other Devices can be for- warded. No. 3.— All Brafs, 8 Lights, \il. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 105 ^taiibar^s m Wxon mxH ^rass. No. I. No. 2. y^M^ No. 3. Iron, painted, 28s. Iron and Brafs, from 20s. to 25s. Lights, Iron, with Brafs Foliage, in Brafs, 34s. Foliage, 40s. Brafs Head, Iron Standard, 6$$. B 2 io6 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. ^ Iron and Brafs, 3Z. All Brafs, 3Z. los. Iron and Brafs, 2?. los. All Brafs Head, Iron Standard, 3/. "^w iy/^ No. 7. — 3s. to" 5$. If Iron and Brafs, 5/. 5s. All Brafs, 6/. And 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 107 -iein^ No. 8. — Iron and Brafs, 45s. No. 9. — Iron and Brafs, 28s. No. 10. — Iron and Brals, 45s. No, II. — Iron & Brafs, 75s. All Brafs, 5/. i No. 13. Iron and Brafs, 55s. No. 12. — Iron and Brafs, 12s. io8 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. 14. AH Iron, parti-colour, 45s Brafs, 65 s. No. 15. 3 Lights, all Brafs, 61. 6s. 4 Lights, jl. 17s. 6d. No. 16. All Iron, parti-colour, 33s. Brafs, 48s. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 109 No. 17. No. 18. All Iron, parti-colour, 55s. All Brafs, 73s.6d. All Iron, parti-colour, 78s. All Brafs, 61. 6s. no JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, No. I. No. 2. Iron and Brafs, 15s. each; No. 3. Iron painted, 1 8s. ; Gilt Foliage, 249. No. 5. Iron painted, 26s. ; Gilt Foliage, 33s. No. 7. ^^S^^ Iron painted, 25s.; Iron and Brafs, 32s, No. 4. Iron painted, 15s. ; Gilt Foliage, 20s. No. 6. Iron painted, 38s.; Gilt Foliage, 453. No. 8. Iron painted, 30s. ; Gilt Foliage, 383 Iron painted, 28s. ; Gilt Foliage, 36s. Oak Rails, is. 6d. to is. gd. per foot extra. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. ^xomx^, ^L 112 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, Painted in Oil ; i inch Scale. ■jl. I OS. per pair — Railings, 50s. per yard. 15/. per pair. — Railings, 4/. los. per yard. atlinqs. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. "3 unmrs far ^©tcoratbns. Li Bunting Illuminated, from 7s.6d. to 21s. — Silk ditto, from 30s. to 55s. — Applicjue, from 40s to 80s. *^* The plain parts are intended for Legends, &c — Poles charged extra. 114 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, J^tnc Strolls for ]]©Korations, ift. iiiiiiiii iiii!!!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiit'iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii:iiiiiiiiii:ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiii!,ii m I Prices given according to required dimenfiotts. AND 43, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON. 115 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. Abridged Opinions of the Prefs. Jones and Willis have feledled a few from the many criticifms that have appeared in the many influential pubUca- tions in reference to the articles manufactured by them. From the ^larterly Review, July, 1862. " In the International Exhibition, 1862, Mediaeval Art is not only difplayed in a furprifing v^ety of forms, but alfo in a Court arranged by the Ecclefiological Society, out of which we fhould name fome meritorious Embroidery and Woollen Work of rich colours well con- trafted, by Messrs. Jones and Willis, of Birmingham and London, under Mr. Street's infpiration." From a Chapter by Dr. Owen, F.L.S., F.E.B.S. bV. ov the Developement of Ornamental Art in the International Exhibition, 1862. " In the Mediaeval Court of the Ecclefiological Society, Messrs. Jones and Willis, of Birmingham and London, exhibit, on the South Wall, examples of Embroidery in two Altar Frontals, of great merit." Jrom the Ecclejtologift, June, 1862. " We are able to fpeak in terms of warm commendation of the improvement both in the execution and defign of moft of the textile or embroidered fabrics of Ecclefiaftical charafter here exhibited. Beft of all are the Hangings, Altar Veftments, Church Linen, Pall, Carpets, &c. fent by Messrs. Jones and Willis, of Birmingham and London. We believe the de- fign of thefe excellent works is due to Mr. Street." ii6 JONES AND WILLIS, TEMPLE ROW HOUSE, BIRMINGHAM, INDEX. PAGE Altar Crosses 98 „ Book Stands 82-99 Alms Boxes 83 „ Dishes 84-95 „ Bags 14 Altars, Oak 73 Altar Covers 15 „ „ Embroiclered .... 29 „ ,, Applique 32 ,. Vestings 29 ,, Rails 85-110 Banners 37-113 Baptismal Shells 99 Fonts 99 Book Marks 66 Bands, French Lawn G5 Bench Ends 80 Broad Cloth 15 Burses 13 Chairs, Rush 52 „ Oak 77 Cushions 51 Chalice 93 Cushions and Mats for Open Seats, &c 52 Cocoa Nut Matting 52 Candlesticks 9G Cravats 69 Cassociis 64 Caps, t^ollege and Priests' .... 66 Coronas 1 05 Corporals 11 Credence Tables 88 Crosses -0 „ Processional Ill Croziers Ill Cloths, Communion Linen .... 7 PAGE „ Plain Satin Linen .... 8 ,, Fine Dble Damask Linen 9 ,, Fair Linen Communion 10 Carpets 39-49 „ Kneeling 43 Carpet Borders 43 „ Staii 46 „ Cover 46 Cottas 63 Coats, and Over Coats 67 Desks 112 Flagons 94 Flowers 27 Font Covers 89 Fringe 28 Gates, Iron 112 Gowns, College, Clerks', and Ap- paritors 65 Hoods 66 Hassocks 50 „ Registered 51 ,, Kneeling, for Open Seats52 Hangings for Sanctuary Walls, . 55 „ for Dossels 58 „ Embroidered 8 ,, for Doors and Sci'eeiis 53 „ Tapestry 60 Introduction 3 Kneelings for Chairs 90 Lecterns 86-100 Lace 28 Lamps 1 03 Lecture Desks 83 Maniples 12 Monograms 24 Mats, Small Pede 44 Measurement, Directions for . . 70 PAGE Napkins 10 Orphreys, Lace 28 Preface 5 Parcels 2 Payment, Mode of 2 Prayer Desks , 91 Palls 12 ., Funeral 35 Patens 93 Powderings 26 Pulpits 81 Pulpit Boards 82 ,, Lights 101 Purificators 12 Robes 64 Silk, Rich Ribbed 17 Standards 105 Stocks 69 Surplices 63 „ Circular 63 Scarfs 65 Sermon Cases 66 Sedilias 79 Sedilia & Celebrants' Kneelings 40 Scrolls 114 Stars 26 Stall Ends 80 Stoles C5 Sundries 49 Terms 2 Testimonials 110 Tapels , 39 Trowsers . . 69 Veils, Chalice 11 „ Paten II Vests 08 Velvet 10 Vases, Flower 95 To 'prevent mistakes as regards Materials, Designs, Prices, t^T. it is particularly requested that when this (the Forty- Eighth Edition) is not used, the li' umber of the Catalogue referred to he invariably given. ^ / Jryy f f ■ " '/ ' ' ' in^o'^' o^^«^^R^^:(s; ^^f\^ff^ u ^^^^■^'^hjf , ^ii^SA^' ffil: .{^i^8«^ '.^nni^. mmmmmi ^ ^ :-^^^flnMo^ ■^A/^i^^«n^^#^^^^^^ "now ''"m/-^^^^^": ' 'r\' i'^^l^^^^ ^'^^"-. ^r A'. 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