THE MENACE OF I MM O R AL I T Y IN CHURCH Am smrE JOHN ROACH STRATON ^^jiSToTPRWCf}^ HAY <3?*iigiOPi ^''^ :S ■ ■'*a>iSta».-i.,^„. .__ BV 610 .S77 1920 Straton, John Roach, 1875- 1929. The menace of immorality in ,\r., ■,-.-. ~.U ^^^ -^m~ THE MENACE OF IMMORALITY IN CHURCH AND STATE REV. JOHN ROACH STRATON, D.D. tJ- THB »gf? TPWC tya^ ICKPAT. AWm. t^_^ff^ mm^M.bll\iMkL PROTESTANT UUS. «' ■t.VAXDESBlL'r. (taimui) CATHOLIC mis. V. K. vAyDmiLT. n. Ckuaui JEWISH (MKS SIDVEV CUrn. BOBCttain ^r THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL MONDAY EVENING, MAY FIFTH AT TEN-THIRTY O'CLOCK "Their Help Oftei\ Proves to be the Turning J*ointJnjtbeLiv^ of Thousands of ChiWren" CHILDREN'S COURT e S« ^ncn Tbnr c j^; wrrrtiiijij iti (iiniMi mil ■■>■ A" B llifiiuili i|«i II niafpr.uBc litvc torPT cWdkMd. Uk £« StBtcr •oncK B' a Ibe chueir (or ■ brirh'-M'. cteuwr ud TUkrr Ur W*n^. -bUr.— It u «iM)tr fackrud^cffirwtit u>d frankLuj cyUbe ho^t. PATRONESSES ^RMS^UNC. l«S M CUfrTOt BMXKtftS ftOSEfll BAKtK. MB OOMX I ^ LA<4>. tits ] 'CLSOS CERARD ^«tS MM^ • dELTi- caUNTESE CECnCM A Dance and Entertainment to EsUblish a'PERMAVENT Fund to Be Used in Bettering tne Physical. M^r-u.. and Moral Condition ol Cnudrm lOirls Especialb^* Brw^t Before the Children's Court. FVom This Fund Will Be Delrayed U»c Expenses of Remo\-ing Famil*« I« B.?tter Surroundings. Securing Positions for Parents Out of Bn- plo>Tnent. ProndrngOothing^nd Other Necessities, Suggesting U«difal Attention Wnere Nece&sao. Adjusting MarriAges. Civii and ReUg>oua,Taking Cases of Non-wip- port to Higher Courts, eta - THERE ARE THREE DIVISIONS OF THIS ORGANIZ ATION-PROTESTANT.CATHOLIC AND JEWISH —And Moneys are Oistnbuted and Relief Granted Irrespective of Creed The 'Bal Bl«" wiB be marked b> unusuil fticuret of «nt«Runment eontribu'id by Mr. Florenz ZiegfeW. Jr.. from his'Midnighv Frolic pioductwn. Inqludin^T the Initial Appearance of the English and French Stage Beauties Recenlly selected «J>road^.by Mr. Ned W.ybum. Mr.'Irviiig Berlin hiiS.»Trtttii a special number, dedicated to the 77lh Di\-ision. '^inich will be sung for the first tirce on this occasion. In addition. Mr. Ben AJi Haggin haf prepared a unique senea of Ubleaux \-ivant5itnich will enlist tbe beauty and*per8onal distinction ofanumber of distinguishwl women ofeociety. TickeU of Admauon, $5.00 \ Supper, $3.00 MRS. CHABLES DANA GIBSON. Treuurer.UIFIflb AreniM RITZ.CARLTW<.VANDERBILT and PLAZA HOTELS THE BIG SISTERS' SHOP 6*2 Fifth A.tnue Table ReiervaiuMft: IM.M and Ui.¥>. Diaimr BWi i2SM, Fo) r-- i>i the -vo'ld- Yet. frori the time America entered the war— April, 1917, to "September, 19ia— 2,295,000 days of service were lost to the American Array through venereal diseases. Of these diseases, only one-sixth were contracted after enlistment. In New York Sute at least 270,000 men who registered in the first draft and who were not called were suffering from venereal diseases. Thus, the problem is and has been a problem for civilian communities. Because the problem has been ignored, the Army and Navy were seriously handicapped throughout the war. The conditions indicate that the vitality of the nation is impenled. This is evidenced by the large percentage of adults who have venerwl disease during life. Out of 770,000 males reaching maturity yearly, it is stated that 450,000 of them, or mere than 60Tc, are infected. This condition of affairs must not continue. Deiiiobihza,.ion is .n j.i ogress and the American fighting man must enter into his readjustment to civil life with a clean bill of health. Our soldiers returning from overseas are coming back principally by way of New York, where these diseases are too prevalent. These men must be protected. The way to protect them is to look the evil squarely in the face and to attack it ope^y. How should the problem be met? First, by enlightening the public as to the seriousness of venereal in- fections. Secondly, by immediate steps to provide prompt and effective treatment for those afflicted.. To these ends, clinics have been established at the following locations : The Bronx Dent °r Hnltk CJsk (lUtt BSTCB), Itttb M. Manhattan (E*it Sulc) De Mt:t TyirvfntAn. ^JT-e Bl- t roartii at«. >ii EiTi.i Hctpiixi. nun »re. k leKh rt. E«h l»r£«l UosptlAl. Jefferson * Cherry l^Dox HIU Hoepltcl, LeitnFtca * *' 4 Er«*k ftve * TTtk St. _ 4 S7lh K. CoDd SamArttkn Dispens&r7- Broome 4 Ees«x «!■. Cornell DlspejMaTT. Flril Broddyn m- Uark'a BoFr^ral. 1T7-1T» &*cc.d^ ave. 6t. BanholomeWs HDvplial. 215 E- 42»d it. Flower Ho«rpll&l. «3rt at. A Ave. A. Povt-Gre4uate Honilial. Seoasd av«. A 2*th at. nerlem H<»pllal, Lraox are. * llfiib I>«pt. 9t Hea:tb Olalc. P1« •ve. A lltth at. V. 8. PuUlc Bcattb Serrlcc Cllotc. >n £. I9th at- MalB CUbIc (I>epl. of Health). ]» Cemr« at. (Wat Side) VutVrbllt Cllnle. Amrterd&ni a^C- ft t9th aL New Yortt rMapcDaarr. S« Eprlng »t. West SIdfl 31* W. 42iid at. Ne* loric Ho«pll*.l, e-14 W. ISih »L PreiKrh Hoepltai. 4 SO W. ttlh rl. DcF'.. U BeaiO) CUnlc, 121 PriKC at. ^^^^<^.^-/32^^ »»rff«r" enteral, V. 8. P»¥bc i/eoUX Service. Brsoklj-n H««pftal rMapeaiarr. De K»lb ara. A RajTBond ri- Polbcmca ^L. I C ) Baapltal. Heary ft Kmlxy aia. Wjrckofr Helchta HoayftaJ. Et. Nlcfaolu avc. * 8t&nbope at- Je-Rlsh Hospital. Clusen ft £t. IXaiir'a avea. Dept- of Heaiih Olck. M Ptans^lvanla are. Dept, of Health Clinic, Fleet ft wnicueWiy at*- Dett. o( Heaim CIlslc. }M S. »ik si Queens Depc. af He&llli. STI-JT* FtJtoa i RiciuDond Der' ^ He&Uh. B47 ft ET.Iz^bctb at3^ Eaap.« /-^^-Z CraaUu>M