OSES Scientific m^: i>:'\i.A W'S:- ^ K^#^ ^t ttit molagimt ^ %: PRINCETON, N. J. ^4j % Presented by \ X~'(2y5\C\(2/Y~\'V \ c7\-V\-p'r\ BS 651 .K56 1893 KIPP, P. E. 1847-1900. IS Moses scientific'? Is Moses Scientific? First Chapter of Genesis Tested by Latest Discoveries of Science REV. p. E. KIPP XO /p "Thy word is true from the beginning "Ps. iig; 160. ''Let all the nations be Rathered together, and let the people be assembled; who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them hear, and say — It is truth" Is. 43:9 New York Chicago Toronto Fleming H. Revell Company Publishers 0/ Evangelical Literature, Entered according to Act of Conress, in the year 1893, by Fleming H. Revell Company, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. TO MY FATHER PREFACE. The apology tor this book is the crisis of the times. The Old Testament, and especially the Pentateuch, is now receiving the brunt of battle, which thirty or forty years ago was waged against the New Testament. There seems to be such confusion and smoke, that the common people begin to fear there mast be more mistakes in the Bible, than it is to the interest of Christian scholars to let them know. If so much is told out loud, how much more must be concealed? If the books of the Old Testament are unau- thentic and unhistorical, the foundations of their faith seem slipping away, and they are left in bewilderment to know whether anything can be firmly believed. The age is passing through a peaceful revolu- tion; old methods of living, traveling, working, thinking, believing are undergoing change. If we could read the history of our own times, as it shall be written fifty years hence, we could not believe that we had been on the stage when such great revolutions were in progress. In the religious world, as elsewhere, it is a 8 PREFACE time of crisis; old faiths need to be restated; old truths need to be set in new relations; old theology needs to be rearranged around new centers. The greatest care should be exercised, lest in proving all things, we should not hold fast that which is good. Re-adjustment does not mean relaxation; restatement does not mean rejection. If on the one hand, we find that our old diamonds need new setting, let us be careful that we shall not have the setting, with- out the diamonds. And if on the other hand, the old tree is sloughing off the effete bark, it is because it is so healthy and vigorous, but let us not clutch after the cast off wood, and despise the new growth. The people need to be assured that there is no more danger to the old Book than there is danger to the tree, when Spring splits off the old bark. The old truths are not going to be given up for they are embedded in the life of the world; like the granite rocks, they underlie all our beautiful civilization which grows above them. But at just this time, when doubts are raised and controversies fill the air to suffocation, it was thought opportune to look at the bul- warks which have been thought most easily assailed. PREFACE 9 The Pentateuch is most violently attacked, but if any part is exposed to the hard facts of rigorous science, it is the first chapter of Genesis. There, if anywhere a deadly battle can be fought; there, if anywhere science is sure of its ground and can make a strong attack. Much that is put forth as historical criticism is mere speculation. Much of Vv^hat is hurled against the Pentateuch are missiles that are forged out of fancy and imagination. The mist in which the long distant past is enveloped; the clouds which obscure most of what we call earliest history, have been rolled up into airy cannon-balls and hurled against the beetling rocks of the Bible. But in the first chapter of Genesis, this is not so; here positive science comes to the front; here she stands on rock and speaks of what she knows. On somethings in that chapter, science can speak with as much assurance as can revela- tion. If there be a conflict here, it will not be conducted with missiles of mist, but with the cold steel of well tempered facts. So that if anything be the matter with the Bible, here is the place to find out. Science has picks and bars with which she can lay bare the foundations of Scripture to show us upon what it is founded. 10 FREFACt The excuse for this book is, therefore, the need of the times. The attempt has been made to bring cut the whole truth of this chapter of Genesis and the whole truth of science upon the same sub- jects, and place thern side by side. If Scripture be true, it must be willing to be tried by the most rigorous tests, wherever such tests can be applied; it must ask for no favor and no screen. Truth should always be willing to stand forth naked and she need not blush. If we ask for one concession for the Bible; if we attempt to cloak its errors; if we apologize for its untruth by the specious plea that the Bible was not given to teach science, we are no friends of Truth. Truth scorns human cloaks; it cannot abide human patronage; it is but fettered when we would throw around it the arms of our protection. If it cannot stand out in the glaring light, it is not Truth, but a half truth, which is the worst counterfeit of all. On most of the subjects of Revelation, Science is not competent to speak, because the facts relate to a realm where she cannot enter; but on this first chapter, she can speak with authority. If we run to hide our Bible from her keenest search; if we piteously beg for quarter, where we fear it is vulnerable, we impeach our own faith. About the contents PREFACE 11 of this chapter, Revelation and Science are both positive; if they come into conflict, the battle must be fought out and the sooner we learn the issue, the better for us. The writer does not claim to be a scientist. On this side he has taken for his authority such men as Principal Dawson of McGill College Montreal; Prof. Dana of Yale; the late Prof. Winchell of University of Michigan; Prof. War- ring of Poughkeepsie; the late Prof. Guyot of Princeton; Prof. Wright of Oberlin; Prof. Le Conte of the University of California, and others equally eminent who have brought the story of science down to date. On the other side the writer has taken the record in the original language and with Hebrew lexicon and concordance has at- tempted to learn what it really does say. He has relied on no tradition nor even trans- lation, but has sought to know what each word means in its derivation, and in the use that is made of it in other passages of Scripture. No reconciliation has been attempted between Rev- elation and Science, for reconciliation implies enmity; what we want is fullest agreement, or nothing. Perhaps the confession should be frankly 12 PREF/ICE . made that this special study was begun with considerable trepidation, lest wide differences should be met where the two could not be brought into fullest accord. Many men of eminence, who believe in the inspiration of this record, have yet apologized for the un- scientific statements which this chapter was thought to make on minor points. If this be the case, then the record is not scientific, and we had better not advance the claim. But the increasing delight, and astonishment as the points of difference disappeared by a close study of the record, cannot be told. As the angel conducted John through heaven, so Science seems to walk through this garden of Revelation to point out its marvels and sur- prises, and then explain them in a language familiar on earth. Condensation has been studied. The age no longer reads voluminous works; it requires of him who would preach or teach, that he shall gather from a wide range, but shall put it within a small compass, for "Art is long and time is fleeting." Technical discussion and terminology have been avoided as far as possible. It was for some time a question whether ref- erences to the scientific authorities should not PREFACE 13 be constantly made by foot-notes; but it was found that these would be so frequent as to be confusing, for often the same sentences would have a reference to several authors, and it would have necessitated an entire change of style, which is now more of a story from the side of science, illustrating the great truths of the text. The question of authorship, has not been en- tered upon. Popular use, and even the authority of Christ, have assigned the name of Moses to this part of Scripture, and no change has been made in this respect. It may be objected that Moses himself, or whoever else was the author, never dreamed of what is supposed to be found in this chapter. It is not meant that this chap- ter is scientific, in the sense of a text book, nor that its terms and classification are those of modern science; but that it contains the germs, which in the future should develope into a tree of knowledge, as the acorns, once scattered over the ground, have developed into the great forest. Moses did not himself realize what his word contained, because they contained expansive ideas, which should mean more to him who knows more about the subjects to which they relate. And this is proof of the inspiration 14 PREFACE of this chapter, in that it contains more than any one of that early day could possibly have known, and requires all the science of today to unfold. If this be a revelation, it should be expected as a matter of course, that far more was contained than could be comprehended by any man, for the communication was maJe, not to his understanding, but to his faith. If this be God's truth, it should mean more to an advanced age than it could mean to one of less knowledge, just as the heavens, which have always declared the glory of God, must tell more of that glory to the age which has telescopes than to that age which had none. But the depths of this wonderful chapter have not yet been sounded; it will mean far more to the next generation than it can mean to us, if that generation be more enlightened in the wis- dom of God. Cleveland, rSpj TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter I. — Prologue. Conflict between science and revela- tion, here if anywhere; Draper's test; the chapter could have existed in writing before Moses; Guyot's cosmogony; con- tent of tirst verse; data for estimating lapses of time; the four geologic ages: bara — to create, three times used, and just where science requires pp 1 5-38 Chapter II. — Primitive Condition of Matter. Nebula hy- pothesis; three scientific statements of second verse, earth nebulous, a fluid filled all space, and vibratory motion origi- nally imparted by Spirit of God; clock of universe running down; Encke's comet; twelve scientific principles in first two verses pp. 39-55 Chapter III. — First Creative Day. The two decalogues; Guy- ot's analysis; creation successive, in obedience to law; com- mand to light correct in itsorder; good light immediately; di- vided from darkness by earth no longer self-luminous; "even- ing was, morning was, day one"; ten more scientific state- ments pp. 56-67 Chapter IV. — Second Day. "Firmament" a mistranslation; the story told by science; perfect agreement with Moses; water formed after earth ceases to be luminous; no divine commendation: this day the Azoic age; five more scientific statements, yet no conflict with science pp. 70 83 vi T/1BLE OF CONTENTS Chapter V. — Third Day. Mountains, the wrinkles of cool- ing earth; Will is the only originating force; sea "in one place"; no perspective; no conflict as to first appearance of vegetation; life first appears in era of matter; law applies to life as well as to matter; new power of reproduction; coal measures; highest forms of vegetation pp, 84-115 Chapter VI. — Fourth Day. Purpose of the luminaries, not their creation given; mere clearing of clouds unworthy of a whole day; six months of darkness unsuitable to growth of highest vegetation, earth's axis must then have received its inclination; negative accuracy in no allusion to week or month: not intended to explain all the purposes of sun and moon; equilibrium of heat and moisture carefully maintained. pp. 116-132 Chapter VII. — Fifth Day. Earth's crust Nature's herbarium; animate creation the temple of life; Dana's chart; creeping and flying invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, birds; Huxley's chart. PP- 133-155 Chapter VIII. — Sixth Day. Marine preceed laud animals by a whole creative day; herbivora, reptiles, carnivora; man appears on same day; preparation for him; raised far above other animals by endowment of spiritual nature; divine com- mendation not pronounced upon man; extinction of ferocious species; most hopeful of all the statements yet made pp. 156 -183 Chapter IX.— Seventh Day. Human era of geology; no evening mentioned; education by discipline; God's rest not cessation from moral work; a free moral being capable of choice; science too knows something wrong in the world, which revelation calls sin; sabbath to be sanctified pp. 184-198 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Chapter X. — Method of Creation. Appearances need to be translated; translation by science always received by fright- ened protest; individuals now created by evolution; God's plan always the same; meaning of evolution; Moses does not contradict evolution, but seems to require it.. . .pp. 199-215 Chapter XI, — Antiquity of Man. Conflict between so-called Bible chronology and geology; gap decreasing from both sides; Scripture genealogies not successive; about ten thous- and years for age of man required by historical argument; same required by geology pp. 216-232 Chapter XII. — Conclusion. God's Word tested by time, ex- perience, history, science, worthy of fullest confidence pp. 233-239 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? CHAPTER I. PROLOGUE. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The first chapter of Genesis is prophecy turned backward. It cannot be history, for it reaches back before man was, before the earth was, yes before time itself began to be. On such adventurous flight, imagination would not venture forth alone. The trembling seer must have been encouraged and borne across the measureless distances by other than human power. These twinkling points, which he shows us in the depths of the past and which form this galaxy of Genesis, are they real stars, or are they only the after-glow of the distant fires kindled by some sagacious man primeval.-' We are children of eternity; we are soon going out into the limitless spaces and we want to 15 IC IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? know whether we can trust prophecy turned forward. And these other hghts twinkhng in the depths of the future and forming the far more brilliant galaxy of the Apocalypse, which closes our Bible, are they too, real stars by which we can guide our course, or are they only the phos- phorescence of human genius? We are going out where living man has never been, where earth shall not be, yes where time shall be no more. All that we have to relieve the darkness of the two eternities is this Word. Does it tell us true what shall be ? We can better trust it, if it be shown that it told us true of what has been. The first chapter of Genesis is necessary to the last chapter of Revelation, How dare we believe in the river of life and the city that hath foundations, if we cannot believe what the Word has told us of the beginning, the light, the air, the earth and its peopling? It is not sufficient that the first chapter of Genesis be fairly true; true in a general way; we require that all its statements shall be wholly accurate. Is Moses scientific? does his record square with what science can vouch of the past? So far as science can follow him, we dare not relieve PROLOGUE \1 him of the strictest accountability. He has gone out of his way to tell us of things which in no vva}' concern our salvation; things which should not have been told unless absolutely true; but science is true, and therefore he has no right to ask to be screened from the responsibility of scientific accuracy. These facts could not have been known by the writer; they cover ground which human knowledge had not then begun to traverse; if known at all, it must have been by divine inspiration. While the language may be liable to the imperfections of a human vehicle, yet the great facts themselves should not need the slightest apology, for this would not be a question of human, but of divine errancy. This cosmogony involves the credibility of the Book which has disclosed to us the way of life, and we insist upon having everything connected with our salvation so sure, that nothing can sug- gest a doubt. It is not sacrilege then that we should ask science to remove the soil so that we may see if the foundations are built upon the bed rock. The places on which rest the two ends of the rainbow will not bear scrutiny, but the viaduct to heaven should not fear to allow science to lay bare the base and examine the pier on which its earth-end is secured. 18 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? This record can claim to be divinely inspired only because Its statements are scientifically true; if they are partly true and partly false it can be nothing more than a shrewd speculation. "It is a flippant remark to make in this con- nection," says Principal Dawson, *'to say that Scripture was not given to teach science." While this is true, it does not apply here; the information here offered is wholly gratuitous; not necessary "to make thee wise unto salva- tion," so that we have a right to expect it shall be accurate information. In his "Intellectual Development of Europe," Dr. Draper tells us what a revelation should be able to do. He is speaking of the Koran, and says: "Considering the asserted origin of this book, indirectly from God himself, we might justly expect that it would bear to be tried by any standard that man can apply, and vindicate its truth and excellence in the ordeal of human criticism. As years pass on and human science becomes more exact, more comprehensive, its conclusions must be found in unison therewith. When occasions arise, it should furnish us, at least the forshadowing of the great truths dis- covered by astronomy and geology, not offering for them wild fictions of earlier ages, the inven- tions of the infancy of man." PROLOGUE 19 Though intended as a back thrust at the Bible, by setting up a test which he thought could not be fulfilled, we will accept this as a just demand, and we are willing to test the first chapter of Genesis by it, and admit that if it cannot meet it, then this chapter has no right to ask us to believe it is inspired. If this be a part of God's Book, it must be true, and truth asks no favors at our hands; we need not run to hide it from the severest investigation by whomsoever made. If there be a conflict between Revelation and Science, Truth cannot be on both sides; it must be on the one side or the other, "And truth the day must win To doubt would be disloyalty; To falter would be sin." If Revelation and Science be antagonists, a conflict is inevitable; by all the efforts of the friends of either side such conflict can no more be avoided than it can between light and dark- ness. In this chapter Revelation has deliberately come down into the domain of science, and so has made this a legitimate field where they may meet, nay must meet. Here they must fight to the death if they be foes; but if it be found that their supposed differences have been false accu- 20 75 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? sations brought by the indiscreet followers of each against the other, they will come forth from the meeting firmer and faster friends, because of their mistaken enmit}'. Even so eminent a scientist as Dr. Draper insists that there is such an enmity, and he has written a "History of the Conflict between Re- ligion and Science." If however we insist upon the definition of terms, we shall see that no such conflict is possible. Religion is the fulfill- ment of our obligation to God and to man, and to this, science can make no opposition. No, it is answered; it is not with religion that science has a conflict, but with the Bible. If we again insist upon bringing the charge down from its cloudy vagueness, and ask where that conflict lies, we shall find that it is not with the Bible either, but with the church, or theology, or tradition, or superstition. But the church is not the Bible, for it has often misrepresented the Bible; theology has often made a conflict when none existed; tradition may be wrong. Like Job's three friends, these may have gotten the cause they championed into a false position, and yet the Bible be true, as the heavens have always "declared the glory of God" even though astrology and many theories of the heavens were wrong. PROLOGUE 21 "Science interpreted is theology; science pros- ecuted to its conclusions, leads to God." The place therefore where the relations be- tween Revelation and Science, will be strained, if anywhere, will be on the field opened by the first chapter of Genesis; we are to enter this field and see if even here they do not dwell in complete accord. Whence came this chapter? Higher Critjcism thinks it finds evidence that it was written by a different hand than that which wrote the second chapter. This conclusion may be correct, for it is probable that Moses found this record already to hand, and he had but to incorporate it into the body of his writing. Whether this revelation was made to Moses or Abraham or Noah or even to Adam and handed down by oral tradition, matters not; it has been incorporated into the sacred writings, and Christ has given to it the authority of Moses' name. That this document could have been handed down in writing from even a much earlier age, is now quite certain, for writing is known to have been in existence long before the time of Moses. In a recent article Prof. Sayce of Oxford de- scribes what he calls the "romance of archae- ology." Dr. Flinders Petrie has discovered at ]S MOSES SCIENTIFIC? Tel-el-Amarna in Egypt, tablets which give us a gimpse of the social and political life in Canaan, a century before the Exodus, Among these letters written in the cuneiform characters of Babylonia, was one from Zimrida, the governor of Lachish in Palestine, to Pharaoh. Two years ago Dr. Petrie undertook excavations in an artificial mound in southern Palestine, called Tel-el-Hesy, Called away himself, he left the work to be prosecuted by Mr. Bliss, who unearthed at the very close of the work, a small clay tablet also in cuneiform characters similar to those of the letters which had been exhumed down in Egypt, at Tel-el-Amarna. When this tablet was read it was found to contain the name of this governor Zimrida, who had written the letter to the king of Egypt, and it refers to a time a hundred years and more before the Exodus. For more than 3,000 years the letter which Zimrida had addressed to Pharaoh, and the let- ter which he had read at home, had been lying beneath the ground, the one on the banks of the Nile, and the other on the desolate site in Southern Palestine, and now they are brought together, and found to be the two halves of this correspondence, a veritable romance of PROLOGUE 23 archaeology. In these we have conclusive de- monstration that writing was common several hundred years before the time of Moses, so that this document containing the first chapter of Genesis, could have been handed down in writing, which Moses had but to embody in his own history. But we have proof also that writing existed even before the time of Abraham, so that the first chapter may have been written as early as then, and handed down in a more correct form than by oral tradition. Tablets giving an account of the Flood from an Assyrian standpoint have been exhumed from the ruins of Nineveh. Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, reigned at Nin- eveh about 673 B. C. ; he was the grandson of Sennacherib, and known to the Greeks as Sar- danapalus. Having inherited a royal library of clay tablets, he determined to enrich it; enjoying political repose, like Ptolemy Philadelphus at Alexandria, he sent out scribes to transcribe for him the literature of other peoples. These scribes ransacked the record chambers of the oldest temples in the world. — Babel, Erech, Accad, Ur, and made copies of their tablets. The orig- inals, from which these Nineveh copies were 34 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? made, were very old, claiming to have dated as much as i,6oo years before the time of Assur- banipal. That would show that writing existed two hundred years before the time of Abraham, and how much earlier we cannot as yet know. This Assyrian account of creation, the fall of man and the flood, which have been translated for us, may have been copied from the temple archives of Ur, where Abraham lived, who may have himself read the originals. That Abraham was a scholar and an astrono- mer, we know; that he was familiar with writing which had existed in his own city at least for two hundred years, was probable; it is therefore at least possible, and even probable that this first chapter of Genesis was in the form of writ- ing in the time of Abraham. But whoever the author, this record takes a bold step; it makes certain statements on scien- tific subjects, commits them to writing, binds them up with a religious ritual of which the people will be very tenacious, and so preserved, it hands them down the centuries, which it challenges later science to disprove. "Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," and if this chapter be only the spec- ulation of a learned man, it may have its little PROLOGUE 25 day, but it will surely be soon shoved aside and thrown into the waste basket of science. The theories which have been advanced on the great subjects here propounded, cannot be coun- ted; they have had their day, and soon have given place to others that in turn lived no longer than their predecessors. Prof. Henry Drummond tells us that a text book on science is obsolete in ten years; how then will this record be able to survive centuries and prove the one exception to everything that has ever been written on scientific subjects? Here is a whole cosmogony, covering the vast period, during which all the changes on the earth took place, from the "beginning,'*to the comple- tion of creation. It is liable to error on a thousand points. Whoever started this adven- turous bark, sailed on unknown seas; there were a thousand Syllas and a thousand Charybdises on which it must surely be wrecked. If it had been content to make one or two statements, we should not fear so much,'but it has been so indiscreet as to hazard all. With all its vast inheritance from the past, science has not yet presumed to speak the last word on these great subjects. How dared any man or any age in the long ago, before 36 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? there was any science; how dared they commit themselves so positively and presume to make a record that will admit of no correction? Time is a sieve which ruthlessly separates the wheat from the chaff; the gleanings which have been preserved from the past are very few; ancient books which pretend to give us knowl- edge on scientific subjects, are discarded, every one. But here is a record of scientific facts which is the one single exception; it has not only sur- vived and is still read, but that it is in agree- ment with present knowledge is shown by this incident. Prof. Guyot tells us that he was preparing at Neufchatel, a course of lectures on General His- tory, he being then professor of History in the Swiss University, and thought to commence it with an introductory lecture on Cosmogony, or the world before Man, for which astronomy, biology and geology afforded facts. He worked out the order of events without a thought of the first chapter of Genesis. When his cosmogony, thus deduced, was complete, it flashed upon him, he says, that it set forth essentially the same order of events as the cosmogony of the Bible. He then took up Genesis for careful study, and found the two so much alike that the explana- PROLOGUE 27 tions of the first chapter which he haspubhshed, is the result. Before entering upon its careful investigation, let us be sure that we rid our minds of every- thing which we have learned about it from other sources than the chapter itself. It is not what others have said that Moses said, but we want to ask what the record itself says. We may have been told that Moses says the world was suddenly called into existence; Moses himself does not say so. We may have understood Moses to say that the earth was created a solid globe; he nowhere says so. Tradition may have taught us that creation was finished in six days of twenty-fours each; Moses does not say so. All this is but the reading into the record of the false science of the past ages. . The word "day" is used in four different senses in this record, and therefore it would be unfair to pledge it to the one period of twenty four hours only. In the first creative day, "God called the light rt'rtr, and the darkness He called night;" that could not have been a solar day, because the sun is not spoken of until the fourth creative day. "And God said — let there be lights in the tS MOSES SCfENTlFIC? firmament of the heaven — and let them be for signs and for seasons and for c^aj/s and years;" these were days of twenty-four hours each. "And God made the two great lights, the greater to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night;" this day could consist of only twelve hours, or the time when the sun was shining. "These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven;" here day covers the whole creative period. Re- membering the length of God's creative day, Moses wrote in the 90th Psalm — "For a thousand years in thy sight are as yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night." Let us be careful to put away all bias or pre- conceived notions, while we come to study this matchless condensation of scientific facts, which forms one of the three great mount- ain peaks of Scripture. As we scan the horizon of Revelation, the three Alpine summits which pierce the sky, are the first chapter of Gen- esis, the ten commandments, and the sermon on the mount. All these are evidently not arti- ficial mounds of human erection, but are the work of divine hands. If the apostles of science should attempt to PROLOGUE 29 prepare a creed of creation, they could not equal this masterpiece of Moses; this first chapter of Genesis is the "Apostles' Creed" of science. It begins large and in a way worthy of a divine author. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." That first verse, contains five universal terms ■ — God — heaven — earth — creation — beginning, "It is the weightiest sentence ever uttered; it covers all past time, all conceivable space, all known things, all power, all intelligence, and the most comprehensive act of that intelligence and power. It tells of the origin of things, names the originator, states the time of the origin, and coordinates all into one great system. This first verse is a statement on nearly all the great problems which now exercise scientists and phil- osophers — God, creation, the whole, eternity, cause, time, space, infinity, force, design, intelli- gence, will, destiny, universality. There is in it the germ of the the whole Bible, as well as the germ of all science and philosophy. Compare this first verse, with the first verse of any history, or biography, or any work of man. These begin with a date, tell the author's ancestors, or some trivial matters. The first verse of Genesis be- gins very differently; if nothing else in the Bible I 30 is MOSES SCIENTIFIC^ is worthy of God, this first verse is certainly worthy of Him. Had the world met at the Almighty's feet to hear Him speak, it could have heard Him utter no sentence worthier of Him, in tones of thunder from His infinite throne!' Here is the first word of history, for it begins with the beginning. Here is the first word of philosophy, for we cannot go beyond the first cause. Here is the first word of science, for we cannot go beyond the heavens and the earth. This is a sentence of great beginnings — the be- ginning of the world, the beginning of history, the beginning of force, the beginning of revela- tion, the beginning of religion, the beginning of science; the beginning, in short of the whole course of things which has come down to the present. This sentence declares there is a God, and at once settles the greatest question known to man — is there a God? yes there is, and He created all things. At once polytheism is over- turned; all these which pagans worship, the sun, the moon, trees, animals, stones, — these were all created by the one God. It settles the ques- tion of creation; matter was not by spontaneous generation, — not a blind working out of force; there was an Intelligence which made and planned all. A great free will is the first cause. PROLOGUE 31 the beginning of the chain of cause and effect; matter is subject to will, to thought; thought is not the effect of natural, molecular action. It settles the unity of God. God made all; He is alone, not one of man}' gods; if everything was made by Elohim, there is no place for any other. It teaches too, that Nature is a unity — it is one great system. Here is the foundation of uni- versal law, the continuity of law, and all those great principles which science is now establishing so firmly. This sentence is a philosophy in itself. From the very dawn, philosophy has been work- ing on this verse, yet in this nineteenth century it has gotten no farther. The scientific world is still engaged on the first verse of Genesis, which has furnished nearly all its current prob- lems that are as fresh to-day, as they were in those days, and that are still pressing for a solu- tion. "When God here spake, He spake prob- lems for all time. For He spake so clearly that all can understand. He spake so grandly that none can fully comprehend." "In the beginning," when was that.'' Tradi- tion has said — six thousand years ago, but the Bible does not say so. Some data, from which to estimate what lapses of time have been since *'the beginning," may be found in the "Great 32 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC American Desert." For the most vivid descrip- tion of the geology of this forsaken region, we are indebted to Dr. Newberry, the geologist of Ives' Colorado Expedition under the General Government. This region is a vast plateau, stretching for hundreds of miles in either direc- tion. Far in the hazy horizon may be seen the bold wall, which rises to a more elevated table- land, composed of overyling strata. These higher strata were once continuous over the surface of the lower plateau, but have here been worn away by the action of water. Still farther in the horizon, looms up another gigantic terrace, rising to the upper plateau of the desert. The traveler, journeying across this apparently monotonous plain, finds himself suddenly stand- ing on the brink of a precipice. Down, far down into the gloomy chasm at his feet, he en- deavors to cast a look; it is a vertical rent through the strata to the appalling depth of more than a mile. Far down at the bottom, winds the stream which has executed this tremendous piece of engineering, quiet now as a lamb, but in the spring time roaring and destructive as a lion. This is the Colorado river. The great Black Canon of the Colorado, is a gorge with perpendicular walls of rock three hundred miles PROLOGUE 33 long, and from three thousand to six thousand feet high. All this vast tunnel has been exca- vated by the slow action of the water; how long must it have taken? What aeons must have rolled by while this unparalleled work was in progress? And yet this work must have been limited to the later ages, since the gorge cuts through cretaceous strata, which were deposited in the last period of Mesozoic time. Man was yet an idea of the Creator in the far distant future, and lazy reptiles held dominion of the fair domain. Vast then as was the work, and vast as must have been its duration, its com- mencement dates back to but the middle of geological time. Reflect what this means as to the time since "the beginning." Here is a river which has cut its channel through solid rock to a depth of more than a mile; a thousand feet of that depth was through hardest granite; how long must the in- appreciable action of water have taken to do this vast work? And yet, long, immeasurably long as it must have been, the river began that work not earlier than the last period of Mesozoic time. The life of the earth has been divided into four great periods — the Azoic, or lifeless age; the 34 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC Paleozoic, or oldest age of life; the Mesozoic, or middle age of life; Cainozoic, or recent age of life. And the Colorado began its work, not earlier than the last of the middle period. When then must have been the "beginning?" Geolog- ical periods increase in length as we go back- ward. Dana estimates the ratio for the Paleo- zoic, Mesozoic and Cainozoic periods to be I2;3;i; that is, the Mesozoic is three times as long as the Cainozoic, and the Paleozoic is four times as great as the Mesozoic; how many times greater was the Azoic, we cannot tell. But this river work began in the last of the periods rep- resented by the ratio — 3. Let us try to estimate the immensity of time since the "beginning" in another way. There is a crust of stratified rock, twenty-five miles in thickness, resting upon the original foundation which is commonly granite. Now stratified rock is that which has been formed in layers under water. Its materials have been gnawed off from the previous rocks by the action of water, carried off by the violence of the waves, by the action of streams, or held in solution, and have then been deposited in layers, the heaviest at the bottom, the lightest and finest material at the top; then crystallization by heat, or chemical PROLOGUE 35 action, or else by pressure has solidified this material into rock. But how was sufficient material secured to form a crust of twenty-five miles in thickness of stratified rocks? The driv- ing storms and the ceaseless erosion by the waves and streams, actually ground up all this vast supply from the old granites which lie at the bottom of this pile. This vast thickness of twenty-five miles, is built up out of the ruins of older formations. The ruthless tooth of time, even as now, silently and slowly gnawed away in this work of disintegration, and then the re- morseful waters sought to atone for the deed by building the ruins up again into stratified rock. Hoary ruins they are! compared with them what are the marbles of Nineveh, or the columns of the Parthenon.'' Many of the palaces of modern Rome are built of the stones of which the old amphitheatre has been robbed by vandal hands. These stratified rocks are the modern structures, built up of the materials which the vandal Time has stolen from Nature's primeval walls. But how long must that slow, very slow process been going on.' The first and lowest great sys- tem of strata — the Laurentian — is in Canada thirty and forty thousand feet thick, or nearly five miles. How enormous a bulk of solid rocks was 36 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? ground to powder to furnish materials for these Laurentian strata alone, may be imagined, when we realize that the average elevation of North America is about twelve hundred feet above the level of the sea; and if the entire continent were ground to powder down to the ocean's level, and distributed over an equal area of the ocean's bottom, it would afford a bed of strata not one twentieth the thickness of the Laurentian system alone. But the Laurentian is not one fifth of the thickness of the whole crust of stratified rock. How long must it have taken for the waters to grind up in its voracious maw enough material to build up again so vast a monument to the immensity of Time? "How long, O, Lord; how long?" And yet, and yet even this does not carry us back to the beginning of which Moses speaks. It is the beginning of time itself, the very beginning of matter, out of which future worlds were to be formed. Between "the be- ginning" and the present, there yawns a chasm so great that not mathematics itself can fling even an imaginary arch across it. These v^^ords are big with meaning; they try to tell of space, of worlds, of the original con- dition of things —new wine in old bottles. Three times in this chapter occurs the word — dara "to PROLOGUE 37 create," and those three times are just where science too comes in and admits there must have been a creation of something out of nothing. "In the beginning" God — bara — called into being what had not existed before. After this absolute creation of original matter, this word does not occur again until the first animal life is called into being; then again God — bara — created the great stretched-out sea monsters; He called into being what had not existed before, viz sentient, volitional life. Once more God — bara — created man in his own image; called into being what had not existed before, viz. spiritual life. Bara is thus reserved for marking the first introduction of each of the three spheres of existence, the world of matter, the world of life and the world of spirit. Wearied with her long efforts to dis- cover whence came matter, what is life, what is spirit ; with spent breath and aching brow, science puts down the problem and confesses that at these three stages there must indeed have been an original creation. At these points she says the best statement that can be made is — bara Elohim — God created. Matter is not eternal ; God created the cosmic dust, that plastic mate- rial out of which our own and other worlds were moulded. 38 Is MOSES SClENTinC? This great fact of a beginning science fully sustains. "All portions of science, and especially that beautiful one the Dissipation of Energy, point unanimously to a beginning" (Tait) "All modern science seems to point to the finite dura- tion of our system in its present form"(Newcomb). If matter was created, there must have been a First Cause; the original material must have been called into being by some one; Revelation says it was — God. Far back in the hazy past, yet not lost in the bosom of eternity; somewhere within the limits of time, that original creation must have taken place; Revelation says it was "in the beginning." This is enough ; this is all we can understand; no need of anything more deffinite, for finite mind can stretch its utmost thought no further. There must have been a First Cause; there must have been an original creation; there must have been a commencement in time. All this is grandly and correctly summed up for us in the first article of the creed of science— "In the be- ginning God created the heavens and the earth." CHAPTER II. PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF MATTER. ^''Aiid tJic earth was emptiness aud desolate- ness ; and darkness zvas upon the face of the abyss; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the fluids La Place's nebula hypothesis is now generally accepted by scholars. It is emphatically a speculation and cannot be demonstrated by ob- servation or established by mathematical calcu- lation. Yet it is sustained by all the evidence that is attainable; it satisfies the conditions of our solar system, and is corroborated by the phases through which other systems are now seen to be passing. There are very remarkable features in the solar system which point unmistakably to a common origin of all its members. These features are the following, first — the sun rotates on its axis in a certain direction; second, all the major and minor planets numbering more than two hundred, revolve around the sun in the same direction; 39 40 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? third, the planets also rotate on their axis in that same direction; fourth, the satellites revolve around their planets, also in that same direction, with the exception of the satellites of Uranus; fifth, all these bodies, with one exception, which can otherwise be explained, have their orbits on nearly the same plane, instead of flying about the sun in every possible plane as we might have expected. To put it in another way, so that the uni- ty of the system may be the better appreci- ated — two hundred planetary bodies revolve on nearly the same plane; these are all going the same way,— the satellites revolve around their planets in the same direction that the planets revolve around the sun; the planets revolve around the sun in the same direction as they rotate on their own axes; and they rotate on their own axes in the same direction as the sun rotates on his axis. Could all this be by chance? It has been demonstrated that the probability of this happening by chance is as the ratio of one, to a number containing sixty figures. There must therefore be some explanation for this uni- formity. La Place supposed that all the material in our planetary system once formed one vast central PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF MATTER 41 mass, and according to the law of the Dissipa- tion of Energy, that mass must have been at a temperature very much higher than that of the present sun. This stupendous nebulous mass had a revolu- tion on its axis. As time passed, this nebula cooled and contracted; but the outer rim, owing to its immense diameter, at least as large as the diameter of the orbit of the outermost planet, — this outer rim was whirling so rapidly that its centrifugal force overcame the contracting force, and a ring of nebulous matter flew off and went on spinning around the sun in the same direction it had been going before. If this ring had cooled and contracted evenly, it would have remained a ring like those still spinning around Saturn, but the outer surface radiated its heat into space, while the inner surface of the ring continued to receive heat from the central sun, so that it cooled unevenly. Contraction was therefore irregular; a strain began to be exert- ed which at last became so great that the ring was broken up and thrown into a revolv- ing spiral, that finally settled down into a globe, which became the outer planet. This planet continued to cool and contract just as the sun had done, until it too, threw off a ring which 12 IS MOSBS SCIENTIFIC? settled down into its revolving satellite. Another ring was thrown off from the sun in the same way, which became the next planet, which, also in turn, evolved its satellites. Thus the process went on, until the sun became so far reduced in size that it was able to hurl off no more rings. This theory of La Place is also confirmed by the solar spectroscope, which shows that the sun contains in fusion the same elements which are found on our earth, thus indicating a com- mon origin. And it is still further confirmed by approach- ing the subject from the opposite direction. It is known that the sun's diameter is shortening at the rate of four miles per century, and yet owing to another law, which need not be dis- cussed here, the sun is not sensibly losing heat. When Columbus discovered America, the sun was twenty miles larger in diameter than now; at the time of Christ, it was eighty miles larger. Carry back this reckoning, say to the time when the Colorado river was beginning to cut its im- mense channel, and the sun's diameter must have been vastly larger than now. Carry it still farther back, and the sun must have been as large as the whole diameter of the orbit of Mercury, and that planet must then have been in the bosom PRIMITII^E CONDITION OF MATTER 43 of its parent. Carry it still farther back, and the sun's size equalled the whole orbit of Venus, and that planet was still unborn. So this reasoning will carry us back to the far ago, when the sun must have included the whole space within the orbit of the outermost planet, and all the bodies of our solar system were parts of that central mass, at a vastly higher temperature and in a far more rarified condition. This hypothesis of La Place is still further corroborated by actual observation of the heavens. By means of his great telescope, Sir William Herschell has found faint, thin nebulae in the condition, in which the sun is supposed to have once been; he has found other nebulae where there seems to be a faint nucleus, and still others where the nucleus is a brilliant star- like point. Herschell thought he was thus able to view the actual stages through which our sun passed from a mass of glowing vapor, until it had condensed down to a star. The verdict of science is thus expressed by Prof. Newcomb of Washington Observatory — "At the present time we can only say that the nebula hypothesis is indicated by the general tendencies of the laws of nature; that it has not been proved to be inconsistent with any fact; that it is almost a 41 IS MOSRS SCIENTIFIC? necessary consequence of the only theory by which we can account for the origin and con- servation of the sun's heat." Accepting now the truth of the nebula hypoth- esis, which Prof. Mitchell says "is the boldest thought ever conceived by the human mind," we ask — is there any conflict between it and the record of Moses.-* The record now proceeds to make three pro- foundly scientific and far reaching statements; first — that the earth was originally in just that condition contemplated by the nebular hypothe- sis viz. it was — "tohuvabohu — desolateness and emptiness." Second — but to go still farther back, "before the mountains were brought forth or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the (starry) world" — then, only a fluid filled the abyss of space, and this fluid was quiescent and therefore dark. Third — original motion was im- parted to this universal, etherial fluid by the Spirit of God. These are profoundly scientific utterances, let us see how they are expressed in the record, and how fully they are corroborated. There are no words in the abrupt and practi- cal Hebrew that could better describe that nebulous condition of the earth than — "tohu va bohu." In Is 4i;29 "tohu" is translated— PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF MATTER 45 "confusion;" 4419 — "vanity." In Is 34; 11 "tohu va bohu" are translated — "And He shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion and the stone of emptiness.'''' Confusion and emptiness, or emptiness and desolateness was the first con- dition of the earth, says Moses. La Place him- self could not have described that condition more accurately. The earth was then in the bosom of the sun at an exceedingly high temperature, and consequently so attenuated as to be \\ell expressed by "vanity" or "confusion;" so far from its present solid condition, that it could not be better described than by "emptiness" or "desolateness." If the nebular hypothesis satis- fies the conditions of our solar system, much more does it satisfy the conditions expressed in "tohu va bohu." The second statement describes a condition of things even still farther back. Says Moses — tohu va bohu was the first condition of the earth, but there was a time long anterior to this when there was no earth, and nothing but a "fluid" filled the abyss. The word translated — "waters" is from a root meaning — "to be fluid." Of course the most common form of fluid was water, and so the word ordinarily came to mean — water; but the 46 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? record is going down to the foundations of things, and to get at the meaning we must learn the very roots of the words. It could not have meant "waters" here, for the earth's temperature was such that no water could have formed. "The deep," upon which the darkness rested, could not have meant the ocean, because the ocean was not formed until the second day; nor could it have meant our visible heavens, because all was dark; it was the abyss of space, which as yet contained only fluid matter. Now giving to the words their root meaning, read again the record. "And darkness was upon the face of the abyss; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the fluid." The second scientific statement is therefore, that etherial fluid filled all space, and before the Spirit of God gave to it its motion, it was in a quiescent state, and therefore dark. Is this pregnant statement born out by science? Was matter once quiescent, without motion.? According to the law of the Dissipation of Energy, just that condition of matter must have existed; there must have been a time when there was no motion, because energy is being con- stantly dissipated, force is being used up and therefore could not have been eternal. We V know that the clock of the universe is running PRIMlTiyE CONDITION OF MATTER 47 down; the heavenly bodies are losing their motion and sometime will have wholly lost it; the rate of the earth's rotation has been much more rapid than now; the friction of the tidal wave will in time stop the diurnal motion of the earth; the sun is slowly losing its heat. How- ever small these retarding forces or however small the loss of heat, yet if they had operated from eternity, the momentum of the earth and the heat of the sun would have been exhausted long ago. This retarding influence is seen most conspic- uously in the case of Encke's comet which has fallen behind in its revolution two days and six- teen hours since 1789. This quantity looks small for a whole century, but a small fraction of loss will amount to much, in the course of long ages. In 23,000 years, this comet will have lost half of its velocity. Similar retardation has been fully established in the cases of at least three other comets. The consequences of this admission are stupendous beyond conception ; it records the de- cree of doom upon our solar system. Watson says — "If we grant that the retardation of the comets arises from the existence of an etherial fluid, the total obliteration of the solar system is to be the final result." Helmholtz says: — "A 48 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? time will come when the comet will strike the sun, and a similar end threatens all the planets, although after a time, the length of which baffles our imagination to conceive it." Winchell says — "Not for perpetuity, is written upon every lin- eament of the solar system. We contemplate the matter of the system aggregated into a cold and blackened mass at the center; no more sun, no more planet, no more satellite, no more comet or metonte or zodiacal luminosity, but win- ter, and the silence of death, and the darkness of Nature's midnight, penetrated only by starlight, whose maternal source may have been blotted out — a solitary grave upon a distant plain in the midst of the howling desolation of an arctic winter.'' If mortality is stamped upon every thing; if there must be an end of all, there surely must have been a beginning; there must have been a time when there was no motion, and this first clear intimation of scripture of the primitive condition of matter must have been true. At once the laws of physics step in and assure us, if that first statement was true, then the second also was true; if there was no motion, then "darkness was upon the face of the deep," for light is the result of motion. Moses tells us in PRlMlTiyE CONDITION OF MATTER 49 the next verse, that after motion had been im- parted to this fluid by the Spirit of God, then Hght began to be, and no physicist could have stated it more scientifically. But as yet he is speaking of an earlier time; then light could not have been, but darkness only, for there was no motion. The qualities of matter had not yet been imparted; there was no chemical action, no attraction, no electricities; all was lifeless and still as the grave, before activity had been given to dead matter, and all was dark. But whence came original motion? Ask science and she remains dumb; ask revelation and she promptly answers — "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the fluid." The Spirit of God is the source of all power, natural and super- natural. When the Spirit of God came upon the waiting disciples, then came upon them — not faith, not joy, but the promise was — "Then shall ye receive power, diiteY that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." And likewise, after that the Holy Spirit had come upon the waiting fluid matter, the same miracle again — and what stu- pendous results! Then universal motion; then atom approached atom and attraction began ; then coalescence of atoms and chemistry began; then attraction and repulsion, and electricity 50 75 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? began; then accelerated motion and heat began ; then persistence and increase of motion, and light began. Then the vast, vast universe, whose wheels had not begun, had its great belt connected with the fly-wheel of original power, and all that universe of God began to be alive, and to hum with busy activity. Here is the origin of power; the source of motion is not within rnatter, for the dead cannot make itself move and live; the Spirit of God, in natural as in supernatural realms, comes upon its subjects, and power is the result. Now notice how care- fully the record is worded. It does not say that the Spirit of God moved in matter, or was im- manent in matter, for that would mean panthe- ism; but the explanation is rigidly accurate. The Spirit of God moves fel penay) "upon the faces of the fluid," for He is outside of and above matter; He moved upon it from without, just as the disciples were to "receive power /;>'^;« on higJi.'^'' But we must study these wonderful words more closely still; if there is not verbal in- spiration here, it looks very like it, for the words have been chosen with a scien- tific accuracy which no man, of any period previous to this scientific century, could have PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF M/ITTER 51 chosen. What kind of motion did the Spirit of God impart to the original fluid matter? We must look elsewhere to learn what Moses meant. The word "moved," describing this act of the Spirit, in Jer. 2319 is translated— "All my bones shake ; I am like a drunken man and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord and because of the words of his holiness." See a drunken man trembling, every nerve quivering with the stimulant of alchohol; it is this quiver- ing motion says Moses which the Spirit of God imparted to the fluid. But better yet, it is used in Deut. 32; 11. "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fliittcrctli over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings &c." What kind of motion would be imparted to the atmosphere by the fluttering wing of an eagle which hovers over her nest to incite her brood to venture forth and try their own wings? No figure could better suggest vibratory motion than this; the air would vibrate by the impact of her wings, and Moses says it was this quivering, vibrating motion which the Spirit of God imparted to original matter. Now let science open wide her eyes in astonishment and ask, as the Jews asked concerning Christ — "Whence hath this man this wisdom?" What could Moses have known of vibratory motion, 53 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? when this is the great discovery of this age, and wasnot fully accepted until after the middle of this century? The diagram will explain the latest known of vibratory motion. All energy is trans- mitted by vibrations. The lower vibrations, those affecting the ear and producing sound, are transmitted through air and other ponderable bodies. For the faster waves of electricity, heat, and light, it is necessary to assume the existence of ether — which may now be consid- ered fairly proved. No sound, that is produced by less than i6 vibrations per second, is audible to the human ear; 4000 vibrations per second constitute the upper limit of music ; 38, 000 vibra- tions bound the upper limit of sound. The form of energy produced by the next higher number of vibrations is electricity, but as Hertz has shown, we have no sense to correspond with this. Prof. De Motte has measured the number of vibrations which produce electricity, and finds them to be ninety-five millions per second. The ladder now takes a large step before we reach the next form of energy of which we are cognizant, which is heat. Between the upper limit of sound and electricity there must be many forms of energy, as well as between elec- cc o . UJ S £• a UJ '3> o a a> o 'c >■ 0. =3 O o 3 1— m < a. oc c £ '■5 o > o o u < 54 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? tricity and heat, but we have not senses enough to correspond with them. Dark heat is formed by one hundred trilHons of vibrations, and is detected by the sense of touch. As the vibra- tions rise in number, hght is produced with which we correspond by the sense of sight. So we find that all energy is caused by vibra- tion. That initial vibratory motion which was imparted to original matter, says Moses, was by the Spirit of God. Here again is a philosophy as profound as the universe. Original motion was imparted by the Spirit of God, and it was vibratory. It was stated so quietly and simply, that only this scientific age saw it, just as uni- versal gravitation had been expressed and illus- trated by all that the eye of man could rest upon, but it was not detected nor understood until the progress of the ages had produced a Newton. This surprise of the nineteenth century has been anticipated by Moses for more than 3, 500 years; in a few strokes of his inspired pen, he traces a whole galaxy of science and philos- ophy. It is not to be supposed that Moses knew all this, nor ever even knew that vibratory motion existed at all; only the inspiring Spirit could have led him to choose the exact scientific word which would describe the motion which PRIMlTiyB CONDITION OF MATTER 55 the spirit of God impressed upon matter. Let us now stop to recapitulate what we have already found and ask whether Moses is so far, rigidly scientific? He tells us that there was a First Cause, His name is Elohim; that matter is not eternal, but had a beginning; that matter is not self originating, God created it; that the true order is "the heavens and the earth," for the earth is not the center of the system as was supposed; that the earth was originally "desolateness and empty- ness," as contemplated by the nebular hypothe- sis; that matter was at first in a fluid form and filled the abyss; that there was no motion, but all was quiescent, as required by the law of the Dissipation of Energy; that therefore "darkness was on the face of the abyss;" that motion did not originate itself; that the Spirit of God is the source of all motion and force; that this force was not immanent in matter, but "moved upon the face of the fiuid" from without; that the motion imparted to matter was vibratory, like that imparted to the air by the fluttering wing of an eagle. Here are twelve profoundly scien- tific utterances in two verses, which are funda- mental to all that is to follow; they are as far- reaching as time, as wide as space, as reliable as 56 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? truth. They are the very core of philosophy; they are the working theories, which science may take and use in endless application. We might suppose that one or two of these great principles could have been discovered or guessed by some genius, like those who have shone out through the long dark past, like a star of the first magnitude; but by all the chances of probability, it would have been impossible for any man or any single age, to have discovered a whole constellation of scientific truths like those which form the galaxy of these two verses. Indeed it has taken all the ages since the world began until now, to have wrought out, so as to clearly state, most of these scientific doctrines which are embraced in the opening sentences of the Bible. The world has not until now been able even to read them, though they have been here expressed in words since the record left the pen of the inspired writer. ^ CHAPTER III. FIRST CREATIVE DAY. "And God said — let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light that it was good; and God divided between the light and betweefi the dark- ness. And God called the light — day, and the dark- ness He called — night; and the evening was, and the morning was — day one. The first chapter of Genesis contains the material decalogue, as the twentieth chapter of ; Genesis contains the moral decalogue; in the one are the ten commandments for nature, and in the other are the ten commandments for man. Ten times God "spake and it was done, He com- manded and it stood fast;" ten times occurs the phrase — wayomer Elohim — "And God said." The Jews still call this chapter — "The ten words of Jehovah." These two decalogues contain the germs of all natural law and of all moral law. Jurists, statesmen, legislators, moralists find the seed of all moral and ethical law in that grand epitome which begins with the same phrase that announced the law to nature — ^^And God 5? 58 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? Spake all these words, saying I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other gods before me." Likewise philosopher and scientist are finding the seeds of scientific law — in that other grand epitome — "And God said Let there be — and it was so." The first chapter of the Bible, and the last chapter of the Bible cast a level beam of light over vast and unnumbered ages, the one over the darkness of the past, the other over the darkness of the future. At one end stands one inspired seer and looks back, far back to the beginning, where time itself shades off and melts into eternity ; at the other end stands the- other mspired seer and looks forward, far forward to the end when "time shall be no more," and again shades off and melts into eternity; and between the beginning of the one and the end of the other, occur all that relates to the history of the world and of man. As will be seen by reference to the chart, the first chapter divides itself into two trilogies, the one giving the history of inorganic creation, the other giving the history of organic creation. The respective days in each division correspond to each other in a general way. On the first and iourth days, light appears; the one is univer- FIFTH CRE/ITiyE DAY 69 60 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? sally diffused, cosmic light, the other is solar light radiated from the luminary; on the second day the expanse of heaven appears, in which the birds of the fifth day are to fly, and the waters form the sea, in which the animals of the fifth day are to live, for these are aquatic. On the third and sixth days, two works are performed, each corresponding to the other, and both days intro- duce life, the one natural, the other spiritual. God is here calling into being, by His own free, almighty will, things which before had no existence. Let us not fail to notice how the persons of the Trinity at once appear and per- form their respective works; Elohim expresses the absolute, unconditioned; the creative act is manifested by the Word and executed by the Spirit, as in all the purposes of grace. This creation is successive — carried on through the six days; it is progressive, beginning with the lowest element — matter, and continuing by plant and animal hfe, until it terminates in man, made in the divine image. At each successive stage, there is a new divine impulse, but this is exerted each time on materials already existing; the forces of nature already at work, had their part in bringing about the end desired. Matter itself is created out of nothing, but FIRST CREATIVB DAY CI beginning with that as a basis, each step is an advance, and the materials already formed, assist in producing the next higher results. The fluid matter existing, the Spirit gives it a new impulse, and vibratory motion is the result; vibratory motion existing, from it the command is, to produce light; the dry land existing, anew impulse is given and plants are produced; waters existing, a new impulse is given and fishes come forth. This is progressive and rigidly scientific; from the lower to the higher, from the simpler to the more complex, this is the order of Moses, and this science has discovered to be the universal law. And everywhere government by law, becomes prominent. Every part of creation has its own specific function to fulfill; the light is to divide the day from the night; the expanse is to sep- arate the waters above from the waters below; the luminaries are to be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years; the herbs are to be for food for man and beast. The command assign- ing their functions once given, are never re- peated; their law is permanently fixed, from which nothing can transgress. There is no blind groping after its proper office; everything falls into its place and so continues. This too is 62 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? highly scientific; the prevalence of law through- out every department of nature is the best established of all the large generalizations of science. The great principle of subordination of the lower to the higher is also most completely rati- fied by science; each step in creation is upward as well as onward. When the successive stages receive the divine commendation — "and God saw that it was good" — it is not for itself alone that it receives this seal, but especially is it good as a preparation for the next higher step. Light is good, not only in itself but as a preparation for all that is to follow; earth and sea are good as a preparation to their being inhabited. The thing first needed is created first, because there is everywhere a principle of dependence of the later and higher, upon the earlier and lower. Animals depend upon the plants for food and not the reverse; plants depend upon the soil; plants and animals alike depend upon the atmos- phere. And last of all, man appears when all necessary preparation has been made for him, for he is the crown of creation, the apex up to ^ which this great pyramid has been shaping. And all things are subordinate to him; they are all placed under his dominion. Nothing can be FIRST CREATINE DAY 63 more scientific than this principle of subordina- tion of the lower to the higher, which runs throughout the entire record, for the universe is one organized whole, in which every member depends upon that below, and is a preparation for that above. And even when we reach the apex, we still find that man has not come to rest ; while he is to use all things for his purpose, yet he himself is not to live for a selfish enjoy- ment, but for a use above himself. Nature now receives her first commandment — "And God said — Let there be light, and there was light." Let us recall what was said at the close of the preceding chapter. The Spirit of God has just imparted motion to this f^uid mass which fills the abyss of space; we saw that it was vibratory motion which had been given; now ask science what would necessarily follow.? She replies, after motion there would be first heat and then light, according to the great modern discovery of the law of the correlation of Forces: "and it was so." We must give the author credit for the mis- takes which he avoids, as well as for the scientific truths he pronounces. How easy it would have been to have slipped in the sentence — "and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the fluid" 64 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? — AFTER the command to the hght, but if he had done so, he would have been immediately con- victed of error. He places the creation of light after vibratory motion, and what is just as re- markable, three whole days before the account of the sun. How could any one, unacquainted with latest science have known that there could be light without the sun? The first evidence that creation had really begun, was a flash of comical light darting through the black abyss; afterward nebulte would form to condense into revolving suns. And now occurs another statement that could not have been known by man until the last half of this century. Not until the spectroscope had been invented could any one have said — "and God saw that it was good." How could light be good and adapted to its purpose, until the sun had appeared.-* This is a statement of pure science, for light is found to be good the moment it appears. The spectroscope shows that light, proceeding from a nebula or cloud of fire mist, has the actinic qualities and properties of solar light. And still another scientific accuracy appears where no one but an inspired man or a modern scientist could have made it. Light is called FIRST CREATIVE DAY 05 good, before it is said that "God divided the light from the darkness." Ancient philosophy regarded light and darkness as distinct sub- stances, as the Persians regarded good and evil to be two distinct powers, whose demons Ormuzd and Ahriman were ever contending. Any one else would have understood the dividing the light from the darkness, as separating the good from the bad, straining out the darkness from the light, and so leaving it good, and would therefore have reserved the divine commendation until after that dividing process had been completed. But Moses says the light was good, before God h ad divided it from the darkness, and he is scientifically correct. But is the statement that "God divided be- tween the light and between the darkness," correct at the point where it is introduced.'* Let us recall La Place's nebula hypothesis, and see how fully it corroborates this statement. When first thrown off from the sun, the earth was a luminous body itself; it was a burning star, like the sun, but much smaller. Its satellite, the moon received most of its light and heat from the earth, as the earth now does from the sun. Being much smaller, the earth cooled far more rapidly than the sun, so that in course of long 66 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC. time, it ceased to be a luminous body; its fires flickered and died out; a solid crust formed over the glowing interior, and the earth became a spent star, no longer visible by its own light. Right there, when the earth had lost its lumin- osity and began to be a dark opaque body, the Creator actually did divide between the light and the darkness; day and night did then begin. Of course the earth had always rotated on its axis since it had come forth in the sun's birth pangs, but as the side of the earth opposite from the sun, still shone with its own luminosity, there could be no night. But as soon as the crust had formed and the earth was no longer giving out light from its own fires, then there was night on the side that was turned away from the sun, as now, and day and night did begin. "And God called the light — Day, and the dark- ness He called — Night;" Moses is correct in assigning the beginning of day and night to that first creative day, that is, to the time when the earth had so far cooled as to lose its own lumin- osity. The next creative act, the clearing away of the expanse so as to form the open starry heaven, could not have occurred until this cooling had taken place as we shall see in the next chapter. FIRST CREATINE DAY 67 What was meant by the expression — "and the evening was and morning was — day one"? This could not mean a natural day, for that would have been expressed by night and day, instead of evening and morning. It could not refer to the result of the earth's diurnal rotation, for that had already been stated and correctly named. Evening is the natural close of a day's work; morning is the opening of another day's work. The evening and the morning therefore, were simply the marking off of God's creative periods; this was the announcement of periodic cessation from labor between each of the creative days, as a whole day of rest from creative work followed the six days. Man should need not only a whole day in seven for rest from labor, but a period of rest between each one of those six days, and here God sets the example to him who was to be created in the divine image. Whether geology will ever be able to identify these periodic rests from labor, or not, cannot be foretold, but it is not necessary that it should, any more than it is necessary that geology shall tell us how long God's creative days were. The first product of the creative work is light. Let the Spirit of God come in contact with matter, and light is the result, good light. The 08 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? same great marvel and miracle takes place in the moral world when the Spirit of God comes in special contact with our race. Said the angel to Mary — "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the pov/er of the Highest shall overshadow thee, therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God." The result of the Spirit's special contact with our race, was the great moral light, "The Light of the World." In both instances the quickening influence of the Spirit of God produces the same result. Once more let us sum up the facts so far enumerated. In this chapter we have found — that creation is successive, not instantaneous; that it is progressive, from lower to higher; that government by law is universal; that there is subordination of the lower to the uses of the higher, because each advancing step is an upward step; that light results from vibratory motion; that it is good light, even though nebulous; that light long precedes the appearance of the lumi- naries, the sun and moon; that it is good, even before light is separated from the darkness, be- cause the earth ceases to be luminous; that daily rest was inaugurated from the beginning, as well as a weekly rest of a whole day. Here FIRST CREATURE DAY 69 we have ten more great statements to add to the previous twelve, in all of which we have not met one challenge from science, but on the contrary the most hearty and astonished agreement. CHAPTER IV. SECOND CREATIVE DAY. "And God said — Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let it separate the waters from the tvaters. And God made the expanse, and separated the waters which are under the expanse from the waters which are over the expanse; and it was so. And God called the expanse Heaven. And the eve- ning was, morning was, day two. " In the second creative day we find ourselves almost on historic ground, compared with the ageless depths from which we have just emerged. Matter, having received motion, swirled into one immense nebula; this broke up into countless suns, all still revolving, according to Maedler, around one common center, situated in the region of the Pleiades. Our own sun has thrown off its rings, which have settled down into as many planets, with satellites which they in turn threw off, revolving around them. At last our earth has became a settled planet and has thrown off its ring, which has cooled down into the now dead cold moon. The crust has formed on the cool- 7l> SECOND CREATIVE DAY 1\ ing earth and the successive steps of preparation for the abode of man, have begun. The time that has elapsed from the first form- ation of its crust until now, computing by the rapidity of the radiation of its heat, has been estimated by Sir W. Thompson as from one to two hundred millions of years. Prof. Guthrie Tait, on the other hand, argues that from ten to fifteen millions of years would be sufficient, while Lockyer suggests a longer time even than that of Thompson. The gasses that filled the atmosphere, have sufficiently cooled to form chemical combina- tions; two atoms of Hydrogen unite with one of Oxygen, and vapors of water begin to appear, for all the water which now fills sea and river, then existed in the form of hot gasses, which were prevented from uniting to become com- pounds, by the excessive heat. The translation — "firmament" is most unfort- unate, and is another instance where the trans- lator read into the record the science of his age. The translators of our authorized version, were misled by — firmamentum — by which the Vulgate translated the Greek — stereoma — of the Sep- tuagint. Stereoma and firmamentum, both mean something solid or fi.rm, by which the n Is MOSES SCIENTIFICP heavenly bodies were thought to be upborn. It would be most unfair to convict Moses of a mistake, because of a mistransalation in our version; yet Prof. Huxley accused Moses of being unscientific because he uses the word — firmament, when Moses does no such thing. The Hebrew word used is — rakiach, and means something expanded or beaten out; it radically refers to the work of a metal worker when he has beaten his metal out into thin leaves. The idea is correctly expressed in Is. 42; 5 — "thus saith the Lord, He that created the heavens and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth;" referring to an extent of landscape. Ex. 39;3 "And they did beat the gold into thin plates" — simple extension. Job. 37; 18 "Hast thou with Him spread out the sky etc.".-' The idea therefore which is expressed, was sim- ply that of extension, without reference to solidi- ty. A more correct translation of the word is "ex- panse," instead of firmament. That it could not have meant anything solid is perfectly clear from the record itself, which says a few verses below, that the birds are to "fly in the open firmament of heaven." Before following Moses any farther, we shall turn to science, and ask her to tell us the story. SECOND CREATll^E DAY IZ We have accepted the nebula hypothesis. According to this, the earth was once a self luminous body as fiercely hot as the sun itself. All that is now solid must then have been in a liquid form, and the more volatile substances were gaseous. All the carbon in the world was then carbonic acid gas, all the sulphur was sul- phuric acid, all the water was then invisible steam. All that we now behold must have been represented by a glowing liquid nucleus, en- veloped in a dense atmosphere of burning acrid vapors. The sun was then shining as now, only larger, and possibly earth has thrown off its ring to roll up into a globe of fire, but being so small, soon cooled down into our dead moon. The fiery glance of the sun was met by a fiercely burning glance from the earth, where reigned chaos terrific. Here was death and confusion, upon which the uncreated alone looked down and saw order and life and beauty germinating in the heart of universal discord. Radiation of heat went on through the slow ages, also con- traction. The least fusible elements began first to crystallize; when the temperature had suffi- ciently lowered, a solid film formed over the surface of water. The earth was then rotating as now; sun and /S MOSES SCIENTIFIC? moon, then as now, reached forth their attract- ing influences to solicit the tides of the fiery sea. But the film was quickly broken up by the tidal waves, just as now the ocean's tides break up the ice which may have formed. In time how- ever, the crowding, jostling fragments began to congeal permanently, as the broken ice of the Arctic seas, after being worried by winds and currents, seizes an interval of calm to consolo- date into a vast rugged floe. The rock floe of this fiery ocean, formed at length a rough and jagged crust; the granites were then laid as the foundation, on which long afterward, the water- formed rocks were to be deposited. These jammed and rugged scoriae of crystalline rocks were to be ground up through the succeeding milleniums; the granite grist was again deposited as stratified rocks beneath the water; these were again to be reground.and the mass worked over and over, as a woman works her dough, to form the soil, on which the long distant future should see life blossoming with verdure and beauty. Of course no water could then have fallen on the parched and blackened earth, for all was too hot; all the present waters of ocean, lakes and rivers was then an invisible gas. At length the time arrived when the remoter regions of the SECOND CREATiyE DAY atmosphere had been so far reduced in temper- ature, as to cause condensation to begin; vapor began to appear on the far off edges. Clouds formed and grew and thickened and darkened, till a pall of impending gloom enwrapped the earth, and the light of sun and moon and stars were shut off for another geological age. Parti- cle drew particle to itself, and rain drops began to precipitate themselves through the lower strata of the fervid atmosphere. In their descent they were scorched to evaporation again; the vapors hurrying back to the bosom of the cloud, were again sent forth, to be again consumed. At length rain-drops reached the fervid crust, only to be exploded into vapor and driven back to the overburdened cloud, which had an ocean to transfer to the earth. The clouds poured the ocean continually forth, and the seething crust continually rejected the offering. The field be- tween the cloud and earth was one stupendous scene of ebullition; ten thousand Niagaras poured into as many Etnas. The descent of the rains and the ascent of the vapors disturbed the electricities of the elements; in the midst of this contest between fire and water, the voices of heaven's artillery were heard; lightening darted vivid through the 76 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? Cimmerian gloom, and world convulsing thunders echoed through thickest darkness. It was a battle of the elements.* Let us realize that three fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water, which is sufficient to cover the whole globe to the depth of 12,000 feet. At that time all the water was in the atmosphere, so that the pressure on the hot surface must have been enormous, no less than 6,000 pounds to the square inch, from that cause alone Now we know from the laws of chemistry that great pressure will force vapor into a liquid, long before the steam has lowered to the point of liquefaction. There must have been therefore a sea of immensely hot water,long before the temperature had been sufficiently lowered for steam to condense into water, of its own accord; a boiling sea below, was prevented from escaping back into steam by the enormous pressure, and a sea above held in the form of vapor all the rest of the present waters. Consider what vast amount of water can now be held suspended in the atmosphere! In many storms the fall of rain will exceed two inches, but the amount of water on an acre to the depth of one inch will weigh 100 tons. The * Figuier and Winchell. SECOND CRE^TiyE D^Y 77 city of Cleveland covers an area of about eight miles by four, or thirty-two square miles. If rain should fall upon this area to the depth of two inches it would mean that four million tons of water had been held in suspension over this city during a single rain storm. All the rivers are simply the overflow of the vast reservoir of our atmosphere; the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Niagara and all the rivers of the world are carrying away the excess of water which the atmosphere once held, but can hold no longer. But at the time under review, the atmosphere was intensely hot, and therefore capable of hold- ing vastly more than now; there was truly an ocean above, and an ocean below. Now let us turn to Moses to see whether he has given a correct account from his side. "And God said — Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." At this point there was water only both above and below, for the hot vapors rested directly on the hot sea. Radiation goes on slowly, and the vaporous atmosphere requires a long time to cool sufficiently to make a clear- ing. Finally the clouds become thinner at the surface of the earth ; the dense fogs begin to lift and something like a clear atmosphere opens out 78 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? into a growing expanse, which does Hterally divide between the waters which were above and the waters which were below. Still the clearing went on; the clouds float higher and grow thinner, until a faint ray struggles through the gloom. At last the whole expanse is cleared, and God called it — Heaven. The account of Moses agrees exactly with that of science, and still we find no hint of the dreaded conflict. But to get at all its meaning, we must care- fully study the words of this record. Recall therefore that the Hebrew word translated — firmament, is rakiach. Lexicographers tell us that it is an onomatopoetic word, that is, one whose sound represents its meaning, as buzz of bees, crackle of burning thorns. Some maintain that all words had their origen in this way. Rak^h is such a word, and refers to the din and terrible racket of a gold- beater's or metal- workers' shop, and could almost be translated — racket; if one goes into a boiler shop where the sheets of iron are being hammered, he will un- derstand the meaning of this word. Now see how accurate is this description of what took place as the clearing was forming. The electricities were disturbed, as described a few pages before; the fearful lightenings shot out SECOND CREATIVE DAY 79 their angry flames, terrific thunders almost sounded the crack of doom. It was a racket indeed; an expanse seemed to be beaten out by some titanic hammers, whose claps shook the earth. In one word, Moses has told us a fact and its method of formation, which science can tell us only in many pages. Still more; there was onl}' water below the expanse, according to Moses; in the succeeding day when the dry land emerges, the positive state- ment is made that there was then a universal sea, that covered the whole earth. No state- ment is more abundantly corroborated than this. What mean the strata of rocks which every- where overlay the earth, in some places twenty- five miles in thickness, but that water had once covered the whole surface of the earth, for strati- fied rocks can be formed only beneath water. Winchel says — "A thousand years of storm and lightning have passed, and the primeval tempest is drawing to a close. The waters are now permitted to rest on the surface. By de- grees the clouds are exhausted, and sunlight filters through the thinned envelope. As the morning of another geological epoch dawns, it reveals the change of scene; the surface which in the pre- ceding age was scorched and arid, is now a uni- versal sea of tepid waters." IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC.^ The action of water was essential for the great work of preparation and purification, before the earth should be fit to receive life. The hard and bare rocks must be ground up and worked over and over; the high temperature enabled the water to dissolve many substances which are not soluable in cold water, and which are needed for the future soil. No living man had seen a uni- versal sea, and so improbable a fact could not have been guessed until the leaves of rock on which the fact had also been written, was opened by the geologist, but both Genesis and Geology agree in their testimony that the surface' of the earth was covered with water. Notice also how scientific is the order of these events. The clearing of the atmosphere comes a/Ur God had divided between the light and the darkness, that is, after the time when the earth had so far cooled as to be no longer luminous with its own heat. If this clearing of the atmos- phere had been placed before the division into day and night, there would have been a great scientific blunder detected at once, for Moses would have asserted that water existed ata time when the earth was still so intensely hot as to be self-luminous, which would have been absurd. The components of water are known to be in SECOND CRE/iTlVE DAY 81 the sun, for the spectroscope shows that hydro- gen and oxygen are there, but the heat will not permit these atoms to unite to form water. So while the necessary ingredients were present upon the burning earth, there could be no water formed until the crust had so far cooled as to be dark, when night would occur on that part which was turned away from the sun. So it is after that time that Moses correctly puts the formation of water. Another position, eminently scientific, Moses unhesitatingly assumes, in the fact that he here witholds the divine commendation. In the first day, he told us that the nebulous light was "good," and the spectroscope fully sustains that statement; but on the second day, he does not add the word of commendation; the atmosphere is not said to be "good." This seems like a great oversight, and there- fore the translators of the Septuagint undertook to correct this mistake of Moses, by adding — "and God saw that it was good." But science comes in to sustain Moses, and declares most positively that the atmosphere was not good at that early time. The oxygen had been burned out and the atmosphere was full of carbonic acid gas which was mimical to life; even plants could not live 82 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? in an atmosphere so overcharged with carbonic acid, and it would not be fit for respiration for many a century. Not until the carboniferous period, when plants flourished most luxuriantly, absorbing the carbonic acid and replacing it with oxygen, — not until then could animal life exist, nor would the atmosphere be good. The appearance or absence of this certificate of the Creator, testifying that the work was or was not adapted to the function it was intended to ful- fill, is highly scientific, as we shall have reason to notice as we proceed. This second creative day corresponds to the Azoic period of geology. The crystalline rocks have been formed, the waters have begun their long and slow work of disintegration to produce new rocks, but no life has as yet appeared. This was a period of preparation; to none but to the eye of the Infinite Himself, could any prospect of what should be, have appeared then, even in dimmest suggestion. The work to be done was great, and the time needed would be long; but no; this is incorrect to say, for great and long are only relative terms, to be used by finite creatures, but not by the Infinite. Again we have found five m.ore, wide reaching statements, all of which are fully borne out by SECOND CREATIVE DAY 83 modern science. First — there was a sea below, owing to the enormous pressure at the surface of the earth; second — the expanse, or clearing away of the vapors, was literally "in the midst of the waters; third — there was at first a univer- sal ocean; fourth — the dry land did not appear until another geological era had passed; fifth — the atmosphere was so full of carbonic acid gas, that it was not fit for breathing either by plant or animal; it was not "good." In the twenty- seven steps so far taken by the Mosaic record, it is accompanied by science, which walks by its side in perfect agreement, without one word ot discord. CHAPTER V. THIRD CREATIVE DAY. ^'A?id God said — Let the ivaters under the heavefis be gathered into one place, and let dry land appear ; and it was so. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters called He seas; and God saw that it was good. And God said — Let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit trees yielding frtdt after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its ki?id, and trees bearing f-uit, wherein is the seed thereof after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And evening was, and tnorning zvas — day three. ' ' The thought must not escape our minds, that Moses is giving in one chapter, what would have required vast libraries, filled with countless volumes to have fully described. He has given a sketch in largest outline, only one rapid sweep of the inspired pen across the geologic ages. We may not therefore ask — has he told us what we think should have been told, but only — is he correct in what he has said? And if his pen was 84 THIRD CREATINE DAY 85 inspired, let us expect that much will be found which does not appear on the surface. He has brought us down to the time where the water that had been held in the atmosphere in the form of vapor, has been precipitated upon the cooled crust and has formed a universal sea. Contrary to what he could himself see, contrary to all human experience, he yet persists in telling us that water covered the whole suface of the earth, and that the land afterward emerged from beneath the waters. We turn again to science to ask if that was so.-* she answers promptly — "it was so." Radiation of heat had been going on for untold ages; as the earth cooled, it contracted and finally the crust became hard and firm. On this crystalline crust the waters were deposited until they covered the whole earth, and in them the vast piles of stratified rocks were formed. But still the radiation of heat went on, but more slowly as the crust thickened; and still the earth con- tracted. At first the crust rested on the surface of the molten interior, as ice rests on the surface of the water. As the contraction still continued, the interior withdrew its support, as the water leaves the ice suspended when it has sunk away into the ground. For a time the crust could 86 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? support itself notwithstanding that it did not rest solid at every point, but finally it was com- pelled to crumple up and adjust itself to the smaller interior. This it could do only by fold- ing itself into wrinkles, as a garment will wrinkle if too large for tne person. These wrinkles of the earth's crust are the mountains, which appeared above the water at the divine command. Very large wrinkles, we may think, but the fact is, they are very small compared to the size of the earth on whose surface they have formed. The diameter of the earth is nearly eight thou- sand miles; a wrinkle ten thousand feet high would be like a paint blister raised one tenth of an inch on a house thirty-five feet high. But the mountain ranges hardly average three thousand feet in height, which compared to the size of the earth, would be like a wrinkle on an apple, so small that it could not be seen without a magnifying glass. So the dry land obeyed the creative command, in the way and at the time indicated in the record. "But a new agency soon began to work, an agency of terrific power; volcanic outbursts of fearful extent took place. As the wrinkles would crack in some places and form great rents in the crust of the earth, the cooled surface THIRD CREy4TIFE DAY 87 water would pour through the openings, and coming in contact with the internal molten fire, would cause explosion after explosion, upheaval after upheaval; vast stretches of earth's surface, hundreds of miles in extent, would be pushed up above the ocean, amidst the most terrific thunderings and awful crashes. We all know how disastrous to a red-hot boiler is the sudden inlet of water turning to steam; it exerts a force that bursts the strongest bands of iron. Imagine vast masses, millions of tons of water, suddenly precipitated through the gaping earth upon the molten rocks and liquid fires beneath. It is impossible for us to conceive the awfulness of the scene, but monuments of that age of thunder exist, which speak to us of its terrific forces. The Andes, the Himalayas, the Alps, and other vast mountain ranges, are the upheavals of this period of the world's history, and standing mon- uments of the day when the Lord said — Let the dry land appear." The objection will doubtless be raised, that it was not by divine command that these results were brought about, for science teaches that they were accomplished by the laws of nature. That phrase — "laws of nature," is misleading; it is often used as though law contained a power IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? in itself to effect results. Law is only the metJiod of action, in which works a force outside of itself; the laws of nature are only grooves, through which some mighty force moves. What is the force? Not nature, for nature is a result, not a cause. It is not inherent in matter, for science has proved that there is no self- originating nor self-perpetuating force in matter, because matter always tends to come to rest, unless it is moved upon from without. The only originating force of which we are cognizant, is will; this alone can originate force and direct it to an intelligent end. Therefore back of the laws according to which nature is compelled to move; back of nature itself, which cannot orig- inate action or motion, but can only carry out that which has been impressed upon it; back of all, there must be a mighty Will, if we may be permitted to reason from the seen to the unseen. Moses says it was Will that caused all these effects, and its name is God; "and God said — let there be, and it was so;" and science offers no objection. These original wrinkles formed the outlines of the future continents; again and again the crust had to double up and compress itself together to conform to the shrinking interior, and so the continents gradually grew. HIRD CREATURE DAY 80 Prof. Guyot has shown in a beautiful and con- vincing way, a unity of design in all the great mountain systems, which form the skeletons on which the respective continents are built. The systems all run from north-west to south east, or from north- east to south-west, and the contour of the continents is formed by these boundary masses, as will be readily seen by the study, of a map of the world. The same system also runs through the oceans, for the islands of the sea are only the tops of such mountain ranges, and their general direction is the same. These lines of crumpling are all arranged in great circles of the earth, tangent to the polar circle. There is therefore a uniformity in the arrangement of the whole mountain system of the earth. Thus science shows that not only were the creative commands carried out in exactly the way described, but that one great system is ap- parent in all the ranges which marked out the boundaries of the future continents, showing that it was one directing Will that was obeyed. "And these wrinklings of the earth's crust are still proceeding at the present, though not as formerly, because the crust is becoming thicker as the cooling still goes on. Some countries are gradually rising above the ocean, while others 90 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? are being depressed. Norway and Sweden, for instance seem to be situated upon the convex side of one of these wrinkles; marine beaches are found hundreds of feet above the present sea level; and by careful observation it has been found that a gradual upheaval of perhaps four feet a century, is still taking place. In almost every country, marine shells are found on the top of the highest mountains. Each upheaval necessitates a corresponding depression; thus along the east coast of England, there is a de- pression of the land, and the ocean is slowly encroaching. Once England was so high that there was no English Channel, but it was joined to the continent, and no channel existed between it and Ireland," These changes are not percep- tible to us, because our lives are so short, but for many centuries they have been proceeding. Areas have been raised above the sea, and then depressed as some other elevation took place elsewhere; they were again raised and again de- pressed, for whole continents thus oscillate. South America has along its western coast, what are called parallel roads, which are nothing but sea beaches, that have been raised one after another, and the eastern coast has been corre- spondingly depressed. But these changes do not Third creative day 91 always go on so quietly, even now. Occasionally we read of fearful earthquakes which entirely alter the configuration of the whole country. Land is forced up where no land had existed, and the waters of the ocean are hurled in a mighty wave against the opposite coast line, overwhelming cities and villages. But how must it have been in the earlier ages of the world's history, when all these forces waged a thousand fold power? Geologists are agreed that the Devonian era was one of fearful volcanic dis- turbance. How marvellously the Psalmist describes the wonders of this age of thunder in the 104th Psalm — "The waters stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. They go up by the mountains, they go down by the vallies, unto the place which Thou hast founded for them." The next statement is also thoroughly accurate, but wholly impossible for any uninspired man to make — "Let the waters be gathered together into one place." In his Manual of Geology, Dana expresses this fact in almost the same words, though without any reference to Genesis; "while the continents are separate areas, the oceans occupy one continuous hasiny Exactly; but 92 rS MOSES SCIENTIFIC^ how could the author of this order have known that the waters on the earth was one vast body, while the continents were isolated islands? Think of the situation; had the writer looked upon the Mediterranean sea to the westward, and the Red sea or perhaps the Arabian Gulf on the south? Had he doubled the Cape of Good Hope to find that both were one and the same bodies of water? But even then, he would have known nothing of the Atlantic stretching west from the Pillars of Hercules, and still west until it joined its waters with those of the Pacific, which in turn would carry on the connection until it had traversed the round earth and had joined again the waters of the Red Sea. No one could have known that, until after Columbus had made his great discovery three thousand years after the time of Moses. Until the world had been circumnavigated by Magellan, not a scientist living on the earth could have made that statement which is advanced so boldly, that "the waters under the heaveii were gathered together into one place." One might have said — the waters under the southern heaven is one body; or perhaps the waters under the western heavens; but for three thousand years after this statement had been made, science could but place herself THIRD CREATIVE DAY 03 squarely against Revelation, and insist that here is a geographical mistake. How did this old record get a three thousand year start of science? The divine approval is again given to the work that has so far proceeded on the third day; "the earth and seas are pronounced good." Does geology bear out this statement? Certainly not, if it is meant that the dry land was good, as soon as it had emerged from the water. At first it was only black lava, and this would require many ages before it had been ground up and worked over to produce soil; this material needed to be enriched by lime taken from the sea, beneath which geology finds the land has been submerged again and again; it needed to be enriched by carbonaceous matter from the de- composition of plants and animals, before it was capable of sustaining vegetation, and could be called "good." At first, the sea also was unfit for life; vast qantities of lime, silica and other impurities held in solution, had to be removed by marine vegetation, which took up the excess of mineral mater and carbonic acid, before the sea could be called "good." Is there then a conflict here? Not unless we believe the arrangement in verses was inspired. The clause expressing the divine approval is Oi is MOSES SCIENTIFIC? placed in the tenth verse, and so makes it appear that it was given immediately after the dry land and seas had been separated. This was another reading of the science of the day into the record, and so making it false. But place this clause at the beginning of the eleventh verse, instead of at the end of the tenth and all is correct. "And God saw that it was good; and. God said — let the earth bring forth grass, etc." When was the approval given.-* Moses does not tell us when; but geology says long, very long after the emergence of the dry land, did it become "good." All that Moses says on the subject is, that the commendation was given before the next step was taken; it was "good," before the earth was commanded to bring forth vegetation, and this is perfectly correct. We must not read these statements, which describe the events of, no one knows how many, ages, as though they immediately followed each other. The few facts here given are like the tops of mountain peaks, along whose range we are looking; all these peaks seem to lie close together, owing to the lack of perspective, but when we come close to them we find that they are separated by wide intervening vallies. These facts may seem to lie close together, THIRD CREATINE DAY 95 because the narrative gives no intervening spaces between them ; imperfect science used to read them as though they followed each other imme- diately. But now that science is able to walk over the same ground, it finds that while the great facts are true, yet there are immense gaps between them in regard to time. There is an immense gap between the emergence of the dry land, and its being good, though from our view point we can not see it. We now approach a difficulty which has made Revelation seem to be in hopeless conflict with science. "And God said — let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit tree bearing fruit after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the earth; and it was so." But geology says that this was not the first vegeta- tion, for marine vegetation had existed long be- fore land vegetation appeared; indeed marine vegetation helped to prepare the soil on which land vegetation could live. Likewise on the fifth day the record tells us — "And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, etc. ," while geology again insists, that living creatures had existed in the sea, long ages before the time of the fifth creative day. How shall we reconcile these two author- ities on these points.-* 96 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? There needs to be no reconciliation. The difficulties arise because we have not expected this record to be scientific, and therefore we have not read it with that care with which we would read a book of science. Every statement of science we expect will be both inclusive and exclusive. For instance, if a scientist speaks of vertebrates, we understand him to carefully t'n- cliide all the animals which have a spinal column, but also exclude just as rigidly all which do not have a spine. If now we would read this record in this way, we should be relieved at once of many supposed difficulties. The charge is that geology says that a marine vegetation came into existence first, while Moses speaks first of land vegetation. Now the truth is, that Moses has not chosen to speak of marine vegetation at all; it may have existed for ages before the dry land brought forth grass, but Moses is confining himself exclusively to land vegetation. He tells us plainly that it was to the EARTH to which God spake to bring forth grass, and of course it brought forth what it was commanded to do. There is no conflict what- ever here; geology says marine vegetation came first into existence. Very well; it may have been so, for all that Moses says to the contrary; THIRD CREATIVE DAY he has simply said nothing about marine vege- tation, but warned us that it was of land vege- tation of which he was speaking, and in this he was perfectly correct. Likewise the difficulty of the fifth day will also disappear, if we read the statement with rigid attention. Geology tells us that animal life existed long ages before the time of which Moses speaks. Protozoans had already swarmed in the sea for many centuries. Chalk is now found to be the remains of the shells of minute sea animals, which absorbed the lime from the water and converted it into chalk and limestone formations. The chalk deposits are so vast that along the English Channel they tower up in cliffs one thousand feet and dazzle the eye with their brilliant whiteness, giving to England the name of Albion. This chalk formation extends across the continent of Europe for more than eleven hundred miles in length, and eight hun- dred miles m breadth. But these animals that inhabited the chalk shells, lived long before the fifth creative day. But now read the record with that care which would be exercised in reading a scientific state- ment, and the apparent conflict disappears. "And God said — let the waters brine forth 98 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC/ abundantly the moving creature that hath life etc." What kind of creature is Moses speaking of which appeared on the fifth day? It is the '"''tnoving creature^ But these earlier protozoans, of which geology tells us, were not "moving creatures;" many were what may be called agglutinative creatures; animals which builded themselves fast to each other, as the corals now do; they could not "move," but were stationary, and so it was not of them at all that Moses was speaking. These were rigidly excluded by the careful terms he used — "moving creatures." The Spirit did not propose to tell us about protozoans, and other inferior animals which could be seen only with a microscope; what He gave Moses to say, was that the class of creatures carefully described as "moving creatures," appeared on the fifth creative day. Likewise of the introduction of marine vegetation, the record does not speak; this is one of those unseen vallies which inter- vene between the mountains, whose peaks have alone been brought into sight by the light of inspiration, which has illumined them. Again there is no conflict between Revelation and Science, for they are speaking of different kinds of life, and both are true. It is on the third day that vegetation is THIRD CREATIVE DAY 99 created, but not until the tifth day that animal life appears, and here again is enunciated a great scientific truth which is abundantly corroborated, viz, that plant life precedes animal life. Carbonic acid gas, with which the atmosphere was laden, was propitious to the growth of plants, but inimical to the existence of animals. The vege- table and animal kingdoms are complementary to each other; the plant absorbs carbonic acid and exhales oxygen, while the animal reverses this process and absorbs oxygen but exhales car- bonic acid. In this way the atmosphere is pre- served pure, and fit for both plants and animals, for what is used by the one is produced by the other. At first however, the plant alone could exist, which must prepare the atmosphere and the soil for the introduction of animal life, and the order of their introduction given by the record is correct. Geology has found fossils of plants and animals in the same rocks as though their introduction was contemporaneous, and it had to depend upon its own reasoning to prove that the plant must have preceded the animal. In late years, however, graphite, from which lead pencils are made, and which is found in igneous rocks, has been proved to be of vegetable origin, and so the rocks too, add their testimony to the 100 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? reasoning of the geologist, and confirm the order given by Moses, in which the plant has the pre- cedence of the animal. This order is rigidly scientific also for another reason. The plant lives upon inorganicinatter, but the animal lives only upon organic matter. The function of the plant is to take the inor- ganic and convert it into organic, and so furnish food for the grade of life next above itself; the plant stands as the connecting link between dead matter and the living animal. It is one of the miracles of nature, com- mon, yet none the less a miracle, that the par- ticle of rock that has been broken off from the mountain by the hammer of frost and washed down to the valley by the freshet, can be seized upon by the rootlets of the plant, and elements extracted which are or- ganized into living material. This material is handed on by the plant to the ox which feeds in the meadow; the ox lays down its life for the life of man and passes on these elements until they are incorporated into a human body; per- haps they go to nourish the brain, by which thought is evolved, which flies out to grapple with the secrets of the stars. Here is a miracle indeed! the rock of the mountain has some con- THIRD CREATURE DAY 101 nection with the thought that calculates the orbits of the stars, Soniehow, the rock becomes a wing, by means of which thought flies to the Pleiades. The plant takes dead matter and organizes it into living material, upon which alone animal life can subsist. Therefore the plant must have preceded the animal in the order of its introduction upon the earth, just as the Bible record gives it. But the time of this introduction is also to be noted from another point of view. We saw in chapter III, that the six creative days divide themselves into two great classes; the first three constitute the era of matter, the last three con- stitute the era of life. But let us notice carefully that life is introduced not in the era of life, but in the era of matter; this forms the second act of the third day, instead of being performed, as we might have expected, on the fifth day. Is not this an inconsistency.-* Has not Moses made a mistake in introducing life before its time.' Guyot says "this is profoundly philo- sophical," but its philosophical aspect will be reserved to be discussed when we study its counterpart on the sixth day, for there too, a second act takes place; it is the introduction there too of life, but this time a spiritual, as 102 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? that introduced on the third day is natural. And the spiritual life seems again to have been introduced before its time, viz, in the era of natural life; whereas we should again have ex- pected that spiritual life would not have been introduced until the era of the spiritual had arrived, viz, in the seventh period. But this will be considered more fully later. Let us ask science whether it is proper thus to introduce a new creation by sending forward a forerunner to announce its coming. We have seen a John Baptist run before the chariot of his King to announce his appearance; we have seen angels herald the birth of the Savior, but this is in another realm altogether, and we thought sending scouts in advance was a peculiarity of the spiritual kingdom only. Winchell tells us — "Nature has always issued her bulletins. It is a most interesting fact in the history of the animal creation that Nature advertised her plans in the very earliest creative acts. Nature had her plans, and these were mature in the very beginning. All possible con- tingencies being foreseen, no amendments or modifications have been necessitated by the growth of successive populations and the march of human improvement. The outlines of THIRD CRE/tTIt^E DAY 103 Nature's grand methods were announced in her initial creative efforts. It was thus in the plan of continental development ; it was thus in the plan of the animal creation. It is only in the infinite flexibility of her plans, and in the inex- haustible richness of the filling up, that Nature transcends all the possibilities of human expec- tation." Here is one of those bulletins announcing what was to come on the fifth and sixth creative days, by making the introduction of the lowest form of life the second act of the third day. Moses plants the tree of life on the third day, so that it may strike its roots deep down in the in- organic period, while it is to develope and pro- duce its fruit all through the next period, the era of life. Guyot says: "The striking fact that Moses, though fully recognizing the great difference between the two works of the third day, and importance of the vegetable kingdom, did not assign to it a special day but left it in the age of matter, is full of meaning. The plant is not yet life, but the bridge between matter and life, the link between the two ages. Placed within the material age of creation, it is the harbinger and promise of a more noble and better time to come. It is the root of the living 104 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? tree, planted in the organic globe and destined to flourish in the age of life." But we are asking, "Is Moses scientific?" Is it scientific thus to introduce life, not in its own, but in a previous age? Dana says, "The be- ginning of an age will be in the midst of a pre- ceding age. We naturally look for precursors of every age. There were Mammals before the age of Mammals, Reptiles before the age of Rep- tile, Acrogensand Gymnosperms before the age of coal-plant." And likewise Moses says there was life before the age of life. Moses and Dana agree. If the reaoer will turn forward to the chart on page 1 39 this thought will be made clearer, and he will see again how scientifically correct Moses is in thus introducing life, in a way which at first sight seems to us inconsistent. It will there be seen, according to Dana, that the various classes of life follow each other through the geologic ages and reach their culmination, in a period which is named for the species which then flourishes. The first age is that of invertebrates ; next above is the age of fishes, the age of reptiles, of mammals and of man. Now notice that these various orders of life, began, not in their own age, but each began in the age preceding. THIRD CREATINE DAY 105 Fishes flourished in the age named for them, but began in the previous age. Reptiles began not in their own, but in the previous age of fishes. Mammals began not in their own, but in the previous age of reptiles. But this rule does not hold in the case of man, The mean- ing of all this is, that each order of natural life began in the age preceding to that in which it flourished. And this agrees exactly with Moses. Dana tells us that each of the subdivisions of natural life flourished in one age, but had its origin in the preceding; Moses tells us that the same law is true of life in general; that it too flour- ished in one age, but had its origin in the age preceding. If Moses had told us that life began in the fifth day, where we would have expected it to begin, he would have placed himself in positive conflict with science. If he had re- corded — "And God said — let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed etc," and entered it on the fourth or fifth day, somewhere within the era of life, he would have shown that he was neither inspired nor scientific. But the chart of Moses precisely agrees with the chart of Dana. Still another great scientific principle appears. Life is a new thing in the earth; hitherto all 1C6 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? had been lifeless; the inorganic alone had ex- isted, and had at once been placed under the dominion of law. How will it be when life appears? Moses tells us, each form of this new principle is at once placed under the dominion of law also. That is — it is God working still, as much in preserving these species of life as in creating them, but He works according to an unchangable method from the beginning. Hence- forth there is to be no more special creation, but the plants are endowed with the power of per- petuating themselves. The herbs bear seeds, the trees yield fruit which enclose their seed, and each species henceforth is to go on reproducing — "after his kind." Life enjoys a new property unknown before — -that of reproduction; con- formity to type was impressed upon life from the first says Moses. No law is more abundantly confirmed than this; different species reproduce themselves continually — "after his kind." There is capacity of unlimited improvement of kind; the wild rose of the wayside little looks like the progenitor of the American Beauty or Jacque- minot. The great luscious clusters bursting with purple blood, are a vast improvement of the wild grape of the forest. Improvement always — "after his kind," as Moses declares. Artificial THIRD CREyiTIVE DAY 107 generation can force different species to unite and produce hybrids, but if left to themselves they will invariably return again to their original stock according to the law of conformity to type. "After his kind," is one of the command- ments written on nature's decalogue recorded in this first chapter of Genesis, and nature obeys her ten commandments better than does man. The divine commendation is again received ; "and God saw that it was good." Not only was vegetation good in itself, but especially as it was fitted to the purpose for which it was then intro- duced. It was "good," in that it immediately set about removing the excess of carbonic acid from the atmosphere and so prepare for higher forms of life, for which the earth was not yet fitted. It would be interesting to follow geology as it traces the forms of vegetable life, especially as it describes for us the carboniferous period, when vegetation was most luxuriant, and the carbon was taken from the atmosphere and stored away in the coal measures, which like the first promise in the garden was a most suggestive prophecy and promise of great blessings as yet in the far future. If there is anything that can prove a divine plan and providence, it is the existence of coal. Certain conditions had to be fulfilled 108 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? which could occur once and never again. Not only was excessive carbonic acid gas necessary, as food lor vegetation, but also the heat and moisture which existed only in the earlier ages. It was also necessary that there should be rapid changes in the earth's surface; when great forests had grown up rapidly under these favor- able conditions, it was necessary that the surface of the land should be depressed beneath the water before wood had decayed, because the wood can be converted into coal only by a slow oxydation under water, or under some covering sufficient to protect it from the action of atmos- pheric air. Then the land must rise again to receive new forest growths, and again be de- pressed to lay down a new coal seam, so that sufficient quantities should be stored in any one place. The amount of vegetable matter in a single coal-seam six inches thick, is greater than the most luxuriant vegetation of the present day would furnish in twelve hundred years, as seventy- five per cent of the weight of the wood is lost by its transformation into coal. Boussingault cal- culates that luxuriant vegetation at the present takes from the atmosphere about half a ton of carbon per acre annually, or fifty tons per acre in a century. But fifty tons of coal spread evenly THIRD CRE/ITiyE Dy4Y 109 over an acre of surface, would make a layer of less than one third of an inch. But suppose it to be half an inch, then the time required for the accumulation of a seam of coal three feet thick — the thinnest which can be worked with advantage — would be seven thousand two hundred years. If the aggregate thickness of all the seams of coal in any basin amount to sixty feet, the time required for its accumulation would be one hun- dred and forty-four thousand years. In the coal measures of Nova Scotia are seventy-six seams of coal, one of which is twenty-two feet thick, and another thirty-seven. The "Mammoth Vein" at Wilkesbarre, Penn,, is twenty-nine feet thick. Thus the Infinite not only removed the car- bonic acid from the atmosphere and so prepared for the coming of man, but He prepared in a still more remarkable way, by storing up for his future use that which should be the very cause and means of his christian civilization. It will be seen on the slightest reflection that this marvel- ous century could not have become what it is, without the use of coal. That wonderful genie, more wonderful and powerful than any of myth or story, which is evoked from the impassive water, would not have come forth in such no IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? strength and continuance to turn all the wheels of industry, and push our steamers, and print our books, unless nature had filled her cellars with the black food on which steam can feed. But who told nature that such a being, who could use coal, was to be born in the far-off centuries? And who told nature, that thousands of years after man had appeared, necessity should arise for this carbon which, was worse than useless in the then atmosphere ? Nature is never provident, she is wastful; nature is never thoughtful, but pursues her wonted way unconcerned of what may be thousands of years hence. In the pro- vision of coal there is as certain proof of kindly care, as there is in the dinner which the hungry child finds has been made ready for it when it returns from school. The coal was as much planned and provided for the nineteenth century, as the timbers which are cut and sawed in the far-away forest, were planned for the ship that is building down on the sea-board. And we who can look back upon all the work which was then transpiring, and who know what vegetation was then preparing for us, can join heartily in the divine commendation and say — "it was good." But now candor compels us to acknowledge a difficulty, which has not as yet been satisfacforily THIRD CREATINE DAY 111 removed. Moses says that the highest forms of vegetable life appeared on the third day, while geology says that there are no fossils of these highest forms such as the fruit tree and other exogens, until long after the time indicated in the record. The question at issue is — did fruit trees, and trees whose seed is enclosed within covering, appear at so early a date? Moses says yes, geology says no. Different suggestions have been made to reconcile the two. Guyot suggests that Moses means to describe vegetation as a whole, and not the particular forms which appeared at different times; he describes the system of plants in full outline, as it has been developed from the lowest to the most perfect in the succession of ages, for he will not speak of the subject again in the remainder of the narrative. What Moses has to say about plants he will say then, but he does not mean that all, of which he speaks, appeared at that particular period. Dawson on the contrary, says that higher forms of life than we think, may have flourished in the earlier ages ; the progress of improvement has not been con- tinuous and uninterrupted; the fact that a cer- tain order of plants or animals lived in one age, is no proof that a better state of things may not 112 JS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? have existed in a previous age. The conditions for plant hfe were certainly much more favora- ble then than now, and therefore, even higher forms of plant life than any that we are familiar with may then have existed. The fact that they do not exist now signifies nothing, for we know that whole races of animals have been swept out of existence, leaving no successors. Furthermore, we know that each form of life reached its highest development in the period when it was dominant. For instance, when fishes reigned supreme, they reached greater propor- tions than at any subsequent period. Reptiles were the monarchs in the period named for them, and were then much larger and more ferocious than at any time since; so of land animals. Now if that be true of animal life, why may it not be true of vegetable life, that not only did the highest known varieties of plant life exist in the period mentioned by Moses — fruit trees and all trees whose seed is enclosed within its fruit, but even higher forms than any that have survived, because then was the period of special plant development.? And yet, it must be said on the contrary, that the rocks show no such fossils, as they ought to do if these had existed. There cer- THIRD CRE/ITiyE DAY 111] tainly is a difference between the testimony of Revelation and Science on this point, and it is only right that we frankly acknowledge it, and then wait until more light upon the reading of the Book or of the rocks, shall bring them into perfect agreement. We want no plausible recon- ciliation, this suggests that the two have been en- emies; we shall be satisfied with nothing less than the perfect agreement and concord of life-long friends. All that the Book contains has not yet been learned, and surely all that God has writ-^ ten upon the rocks has not been deciphered. More and more as the two have been studied in the past, have they been found to be in perfect accord; if one more point remains on which they have not yet been read alike, we have the right to expect from all the history of the past, that this point also will melt away, if we patiently wait for more light. Some day science will flash such light upon this passage as will make it stand out bright and luminous; somewhere in the archives of nature, is hidden the illustration which will fully explain this, as yet, dark pas- sage. All of us remember when geology was supposed to contradict Genesis at almost every point. One by one, these points of disagree- ment have disappeared by the labors of sincere 114 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC/ and reverent scholarship; more and more the wonders of this chapter are coming out to aston- ish the world; depth beyond depths is found in this record, as one age continues after another to explore its contents. And this proves it to be the work of God. The telescope, the micro- scope, the scalpel, the retort find inexhaustible depths of meaning where previous ages saw nothing; if this first chapter of Genesis be the work of God, we should expect the same of it. And we do find it so. This age has found far more in it than has any previous age; the next age, if it be studious and reverent, shall yet dis- cover more than have we. We have not yet read all. And if there be still an apparent dis- agreement between the Bible and our Science, let us acknowledge that the error must be, where we have found the errors of previous ages were, not in the Book but in our reading of it, or in our interpretation of nature. On this point therefore, viz, the early introduction of the highest forms of plant life, we will frankly admit that more needs to be known, before we can read the two testimonies alike. But let it be remembered, that in the great scientific principles which have so far been discovered in the record, there has been found to be perfect agreement in all, until THIRD CREATINE DAY 115 we come to this. Perfect agreement on all the other points, most plausible reconciliation on this; but as reconciliation is not agreement, we prefer to let the divergence stand unreconciled, until the dawn of perfect accord shall shine upon it to melt away the mist. CHAPTER VI. FOURTH CREATIVE DAY. And God said — /ei luminaries be in the expanse of the heaven to divide between the day and between the night, and let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years; and let them be for light in the expanse of the heaven, to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made tivo great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the expanse of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness ; and God saw that it was good. " Here too, as everywhere in this chapter, we must read carefully what Moses has written. As translated in the Authorized Version, it might seem that the command was that' the luminaries should now appear for the first time; but the Hebrew gives no such meaning. Liter- ally it reads— "And God said — let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, for the separating between the day and between the night;" that 116 FOURTH CREATiyE DAY 117 is, it is not the fact of their creation or of their appearance which is stated; but simply the pur- pose, which those luminaries are to fulfill. In- deed the creation of the sun and the moon, as of marine vegetation and of protozoan life— all this is not touched upon at all. Moses, like the United States survey corps, has simply indicated a few salient points, from which to trian°juLite and give the general bearings, but has left the intermediate spaces to be surveyed by those who shall follow after to fill out the details of his great map. It is with the earth wholly and the things that are upon it, with which the record has to do after the prologue; it is not giving any astronomy of the heavens, nor of any biology of by-gone orders of life. Far back in his narrative, Moses told us that motion was imparted to the etherial fluid, which filled all space, by the Spirit of God, and accord ing to the laws then imposed, the nebula hy- pothesis explains how the luminous matter con- centrated into constellations and suns and plan- ets and satellites. That Moses could not have meant to refer to the creation of the sun and moon, might have been seen at once, if students had regarded him as scientific; this would have been out of line with the rest of his record, for he 118 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? is confining himself wholly to the earth. What took place on the fourth creative day, could therefore not have been something up in the heavens at all, but something upon the earth. What was this change.^ It has been thought by many, that up to this time the earth had been enswathed in dense clouds since the hot steam had begun to con- dense into vapor, which entirely cut off the light of the sun and moon and stars; gradually those clouds thinned out, until at the time of the crea- tion of the plants on the third day, there was enough light that could struggle through, to minister to the necessities of plant life, as on a cloudy day at present. But now, on the fourth day, the clouds at last broke away and the sun and moon and stars appeared in the sky. But would so small a matter as the breaking up of the clouds, be worthy of a whole creative day? Besides, the highest forms of plant life, such as the fruit trees, could not have thriven without the direct rays of sunlight. And further, simply the clearing away of the clouds and bringing in of the light of the sun and moon, could not possibly be the cause of the seasons, of days, or years. Up to this time, the record seems to imply there had been no seasons, and whatever the change FOURTH CREATiyE DAY 119 which now took place, it was tor the purpose of creating seasons. Neither could the mere absence of clouds, create any signs by which the years could be marked off. So small a cause as the cleanng off of the clouds, is not adequate to such great effects as were to be produced on the fourth day. Just here Prof. Warring argues elaborately, and to the mind of the writer, most convincingly, that a great change took place in the earth itself. Remember what was to be accomplished — to divide between the day and between the night, and to arrange for seasons, and create signs whereby the seasons and days and years should be known. All this could be produced, says Warring, only by the inclination of the earth's axis. Let us here recall what we learned at school. The days, we know, are caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis, so that for half of the time one hemisphere is brought into the light of the sun, while the other is turned away and is therefore in darkness. The years are caused by the revolution of the earth in its orbit around the sun; it takes 36^34^ days for the earth to make this circuit and return again to the same spot in the heavens. But neither the earth's rotation nor revolution can cause the 120 IS MOSFS SCIENTIFIC? seasons. If only these two motions affected the earth, there would be no change in the climate throughout the whole year, and there would be no difference in the length of the days and nights. In our latitude, it would be per- petual Spring, and the days would all be of the same length, as also the nights. There would be no signs, by which we could know when one year closed and another began, if there were no seasons, and we should have to depend upon astronomers to tell us when to measure off an- other year; we shoultf soon lose account of dates, and chronology would be impossible. But what causes all this beneficent change, without which life would stagnate.'' It is the inclination of the earth's axis, because instead of being per- pendicular to the plane of its orbit, it is inclined at an angle of 23^^ degrees. Because of this inclination, our northern pole is for a part of the year turned toward the sun, so that the sun's rays fall upon the northern hemisphere more directly, the days are longer, and we receive more heat; it is then summer with us, while it is winter in the southern hemisphere. Six months from that time, the north pole is turned away from the sun, the rays fall upon us more obliquely, the days are shorter, we receive less FOURTH CREATINE DAY 121 heat, and it is winter with us, but summer at the antipodes. Half way between these two points is Fall on the one side and Spring on the other. Thus we have the changes which make our seasons ; make the difference in the length of days and nights, and we have the signs by which every one knows when the new year begins, and ac- curate chronology is possible to all. Now recall once more, that we have accepted LaPlace's nebular h\pothesis, as do scholars gen- erally. The earth was thrown off from the sun in the form of a ring which broke up into a spiral, that finally settled down into a great globe, revolving upon an axis of its own. But this axis must at first have been parallel to the axis of the sun, and if so it must have been per- pendicular to the plane of its orbit. Mathe- matical demonstration proves that the earth must have started off on a perpendicular axis, that is, one exactly parallel to that of the sun; it could not have been otherwise. The motion which the earth received from the sun, must have been in exactly the same direction which the sun itself had, because the sun could impart no other, and the earth could not of itself change it; the earth had to continue as it began, until some great cause should come in to produce a 123 is MOSES SCIENTIFIC? change. But that motion must have been a revolution on an axis perpendicular with the plane of the orbit around the sun. We find however, that the earth is not now revolving upon a perpendicular axis, but upon an inclined axis. A great change has taken place sometime between the beginning of its separate existence and now, for it is now inclined at an angle of 23^^ degrees; when did that change take place? On the fourth creative day, says War- ring, for then Moses declares took place those ef- fects which this inclination alone can produce; it is this inclination which causes the seasons, which makes the difference in the length of the days and nights, and which gives us the signs, by which all can know when the old year ends and the new begins. But if the nebula hypothesis be true, it is mathematically impossible that this incli- nation could have existed at the beginning of the earth's existence. This view is corroborated by geology. Geol- ogy finds that up to a certain period in the earth's history, "there were no zones of climate;" the fauna and flora were not confined to certain belts, as now, but the same plants thrived at Spitzbergen, which is almost the northernmost land discovered, and which is now covered with FOURTH CREATIVE DAY 123 immense glaciers, and where a few diminutive plants spring up and mature in a month or six weeks of the summer, whose mean temperature of its three summer months, is only two degrees above the freezing point; — the same plants once thrived in Spitzbergen as did in Florida. Dana says "The coal beds of the Arctic, are evidence of a profuse growth of vegetation; through the whole hemisphere, and we may say world, there was one uniform type of veg- etation, and there were genial waters." The conditions of life in latitude 70^ to 80^ were the same as those in latitude 30^ and 40^; that is, the climate of the mast northern boundaries of Greenland, was like that of the United States between Illinois and Texas. Now consider what all this means! It means that a great change has occurred between that time and now, a change in the cause of climate. What is the cause of climate.^ The ice and snow of upper Greenland do not produce the cold, but are produced by it. What makes this extreme cold? It is the long night of four months of darkness with two more months of twilight, during which there is no heat received from the sun And what makes that long night of nearly six months? Of course it is the inch- 124 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? nation of the earth's axis, which causes the north pole to be turned away from the sun, so as to receive none of its direct rays during half of the year. But there was a time when it was not so, for the plants and animals which can live only in warm climates, then lived far up to the north. At that time there could have been no long cold night of six months, as now, be- cause these tropical plants and animals could not have lived under such conditions. But if it be said, that it was the earth's own internal heat which raised the temperature sufficiently high, yet the long nights of six months would still make it impossible for these flora and fauna to survive. If the axis had then been inclined as now, there could not have been the luxuriant growth of forests to produce the excellent coal which is found at Spitsbergen, for such forests could not have grown where six months of the year are night, and where for two more months the sun is but a small distance above the hori- zon. So that by the demonstration of science as well as from mathematical deductions from the nebula hypothesis, there must have been a time when the earth did rotate on per- pendicular axis; but it is not so rotating now; a great change must have taken place. When? On the fourth creative day. FOURTH CRE/tTIVE DAY 125 Then God spake, and some causes for tipping the earth must have conspired either rapidly, or, as we usually find, slowly through the long centuries. When the axis had been so inclined, then the sun and moon would do as commanded to do in the fourth day; then they would be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years. Then for the first time, the seasons would regu- larly follow each other; then they would divide the time between the days and between the nights, giving the most now to the day, and now to the night; then they would give the signs which were necessary, so that we might mark off the years, which otherwise would glide away as unseen and unknown as the pre- cession of the equinoxes. Then too, the plants and animals, which could have existed in the upper latitudes while the earth was revolving on perpendicular axis, must have perished, as we now find them to have done, and all would be cold and still, covered only by immense glaciers. "And it was so." Our observation con- firms the record, and we find it is so. Now life ceases to be one continuous and monotonous existence, as it would have been if the axis of the earth had not been inclined. The 2ist of 126 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? March would have stretched on monotonously until it met the 21st of September; all would have been unvarying Springtime with us, with- out summer or winter; the days would have been exactly equal, and so would have been the nights; no long days of summer in which to watch the gorgeous sunsets and enjoy its pleas- ures; no long evenings of winter, with their blazing fires and the happy fireside; no vigor- ous growth and rich fruitage of summer, and no tonic and recuperation from the winters cold. But now the inclination of earth's axis has taken place, and our life is varied and full of change, and consequently vigorous and active. A negative accuracy occurs right here which must not be overlooked. This record has com 3 down to us through the hands of Jews, for whom it was first prepared. But with the Jews, the most important measures of time were the week and the month. Every week brought them back their holy Sabbath day of rest, when all work was prohibited. The month brought them their festivals and feasts, which were faithfully ob- served. But strange to say, as the ancient Jew must have reasoned, there is no mention of their most important time measures. Days, years and seasons are mentioned; why did not Moses em- FOURTH CREATINE DAY 137 phasize the most important periods of all — the week and the month? Because, he wou|d then have been most unscientific. The seasons, and days, and years are measured off by the earth itself, but not the weeks and months. If he had yielded to his Jewish prejudices, he would have committed the first scientific blunder in the record, and so have brought it into discredit; but here the same accuracy is found in what is omitted, as in what is given. But Moses goes still farther. He has just said what the luminaries were for, but the ques- tion will surely arise — who made them? Were the sun and moon self-originating, if so they are worthy objects of worship. Fire-worship- ers and pantheists will surely make them the objects of divine homage. No, says Moses, they are not self originative ; they are not gods; the one God made them, Elohim is his name; wor- ship Him. "He made the stars also;" do not cast the horoscope; do not consult the stars as to your future, for they cannot foretell events. "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in than is." Great perplexities have arisen from adding to what the record gives, which has then made it seem full of errors; but the fault is then, not 128 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? of the record, but of the additions which have been gratuitously made. It has been supposed, for instance, that Moses intended to say that the sun and moon were created on the fourth day, when the fact is that he has said nothing whatever about their creation. Sometimes the translators have made these additions which have lead the English readers astray. In the 14th verse, the translators have added the word — "there" — which is not in the original at all; "and God said — let t/iere be lights in the firma- ment of the heaven," and this has led to much confusion. If we will read the account as given, no difficulty will be met. Moses simply intends to assign the purpose, which these luminaries are to fulfill, viz. to divide between the day and be- tween the night, etc., and so the record reads, if we will adhere closely to what has been writ- ten. "And God said — let luminaries be in the expanse of the heaven for the dividing, between the day and the dividing between the night, etc. ;" not their creation, but their object and purpose are here given. And likewise in the i6th verse, another gratuitous difficulty has been made, as though it was stated absolutely, that "God (then) made two great lights," whereas the purpose only is given, viz, to rule the day FOURTH CRE/lTlyE DAY 129 and the night, and this is clear, if read connect- edly — "and God made two great lights, the greater to rule the day, the lesser to rule the night." But what about the stars? "He made the stars also." Most of the difficulties with the chapter, have risen from reading into it what is not there, or from failing to note care- fully what is said, and so the words have been robbed of their precise meaning. But is the purpose which the sun and moon were to fulfill, worthy of so great a creation? "And God set them in the expanse of the heaven to give h'ght upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness." Can it be possible that all that the sun and the moon were created for, was to serve this little earth of ours,when ours is not by any means the most important planet in the system? Our planet receives only one two millionth of the sun's rays of light and heat, and so far as we are concerned, all the rest are lost. It seems therefore that a scientific mistake has here been made, for it cannot be conceived that God would create the sun for a purpose which causes the loss of nearly all its benefit. But this objection again reads into the record what is not there. It assumes that Moses is in- 130 is MOSES SCIENTIFIC? tending to tell us all that the sun and moon were created for, when the truth is that he has carefully explained all along, that he is describ- ing only what concerns the earth. The author has not undertaken to tell us about the heaven, except as this concerns the earth ; he has told us nothing concerning the sun, neither the manner of its creation, nor the time, only as it relates to that which is being fitted to become the abode of man. So far as Moses has said to the contrary, the sun may have a thousand other purposes to fulfill toward the other planets, and the starry heavens. All that is here given, is what the sun does for the earth, and that is to give light and therefore heat; to divide between the day and between the night ; to be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and to rule over the day. What other purpose does the sun accomplish in relation to the earth.'' If Moses was giving us a treatise upon astronomy, we might easily convict him of error; but when he is confining himself strictly to what relates to the earth, what mistake has he made either in assertion or in omission? "And God saw that it was good." How good this arrangement is, may be somewhat realized upjn a little reflection. Whatever was caused FOURTH CREATiyE DAY 131 to begin on this fourth day, whether the change in the earth's axis or something else, this cer- tainly did begin according to Moses, viz, the seasons. But the seasons include not only the variety of conditions, so that life shall be more agreeable, but also the change in temperature and moisture. To sustain life on the earth, it is necessary that there shall be relatively the same amount of heat every year to produce and ripen our harvests, and the same amount of rainfall, which in this section o^f the country is about 40 inches annually. It could be easily imagined how greatly this equilibrium could be disturbed; indeed it is one of the proofs of the direct, preserving care of God, that the amount of our annual heat and rain are so even and regular. The heat at the sun, mounts up to a hundred thousand degrees; the space between the sun and the earth, has a temperature hun- dreds of degrees below zero. But the tempera- ture on our earth must be confined within the very narrow limit of a hundred degrees. To maintain life herq, the temperature must not generally range above 135, nor below 35. A few degrees more or less of heat, or a few inches more or less of rainfall, would seriously interfere with our harvests, and completely demoralize 132 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? all our operations. That we may live at all, and especially live happily, it is necessary that the nice balance of heat and moisture shall be care- full}' preserved. And this is done by the seasons. The thermometers and measures are carefully and constantly consulted by nature, and the general average maintained. If we stop to con- sider that our present environment must be strictly and invariably preserved, that our lives may pass smoothly and peacefully, we can but reaffirm the divine commendation and say — it is good. CHAPTER VII. FIFTH CREATIVE DAY. "And God said — 'let the waters swarm with living creatures that creep, and let fliers fly above the earth, on the face of the expanse of heaven; a?id God created great sea monsters, and every living creature that crawls, with which the waters swarm, after their kind, and every winged flier after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas; and let the fliers multiply in the earth. " The earth's crust is a bound volume, having as many leaves as there are strata. This volume is nature's great herbarium, in which she has preserved either the fossils themselves, or their imprint upon its pages. The leaf or grass fell in the soft mud; the fish, animal or bird laid down its body, which the waters reverently buried, and then the coffin was turned into rock and became the sarcophagus, where these remains have been safely buried and preserved, until the geologist opens that sarcophagus with his ex- ploring hammer, or the quarryman irreverently 133 ]34 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? blows up this sealed tomb with his dynamite, and there are the skeletons, or their imprint to show us what kinds of life prevailed on the earth at the time when these several strata were deposited. It only remams now to deter- mine the relative time, when those strata were laid down, and we can easily read backward this accurate and illustrated history of the earth's past. Often, instead of the skeleton itself will be found the footprint of the animal which had stepped on the yielding soil to seek its prey or indulge in its clumsy gambols, or where the bird had walked on the muddy beach, whither it had come to drink or bathe. Like the clay tablets found in the ruins of Nineveh, on whose soft surface the strange hieroglyphics had been im- pressed, which were then baked so that these records still read to us the events of the long past, so these tablets of nature also preserve for us the hieroglyphics, by which we can read the history of the life which then prevailed, and be- fore they passed away, left their biographies for us in the rocks. Dana says, geology applies only to the last of the third creative day, to the fifth, and to the sixth. Guyot says — "The fifth and sixth days offer no difficulties, for they unfold the succes- FIFTH CREATIVE DAY 135 sive creation of various tribes and animals which people the water, the air and the land, in the precise order indicated by geology." We should have expected just what Guyot tells us, for we have seen that the record, thus far has given us the events in the precise order indicated by science in general. We are now approaching the great temple in which Life is to be enshrined — the temple for which the earth has been preparing through all the previous ages. The beautiful portico we entered on the third creative day; now we are to cross the threshold and stand in the presence of that wonderful, mysterious thing we call sentient, volitional Life. At first, it will be in the outer temple into which the fifth day will introduce us, where the Levites of the lower orders stand, and minister, and furnish forth the table with the bread, and fill the lamps with oil. On the sixth day, we shall enter in still farther, where the higher orders of priests serve, and finally we shall enter the holiest of all, where the High Priest of nature — Man — passes behind the veil, to worship and commune with his God, but yet not without blood, "the blood of a Lamb, without blemish and without spot." This great creation of sentient, volitional life, 136 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? is also described with the word — bara. Three times we meet this suggestive word, in this chapter, first when original matter was called into existence out of nothing; second, when animal life which is the first and lowest form of real life, is put forth on the earth; third when man is made in the image of God, and is en- dowed with a spiritual nature, the breath of the divine Spirit. Far back in the record, when motion was to be imparted to matter, the Spirit of God — "moved upon the face of the fluid;" but when man is to be endowed with something, which mere matter cannot have, with something more than motion, even a moral nature, then it was by the breath of God. Plant life is only half life; it has the power of organization, as distinguished from the power of crystallization, but it has no motion, no volition, no brain; the plant is therefore only the perys- tyle to this temple, and the word "bara," is not applied to it. "Bara" indicates original creation, something called into being which had not ex- isted before. Matter is not eternal, but is called into existence by the command of God; therefore "bara" is used. There is no such thing as sponta- neous generation; life cannot be evolved out of non-living; God created it, and again — "bara." FIFTH CREATINE DAY 13? Man cannot be evolved out of the lower creation; the human spirit is not a development of the animal soul; the endowment of a nature in the image of God, is not reached from below, but is a new creation of God, and is again expressed by — "bara." It is remarkable that these three instances in which this special word is used, are exactly the points where science acknowledges that it knows nothing to the contrary, and can know nothing Science assumes a basis of a creation; it must have a starting point, and after that, it can proceed step by step; but of that starting point it can assert nothing. That starting point is described by this mysterious word — "bara." Again science finds a gulf which it cannot pass, at the point where "bara" is again used, viz, at the introduction of life. Many and repeated attempts have been made to obtain a spontaneous generation, where even the slightest and lowest form of life shall come forth directly from non-living matter, Some physicists have at times thought they had been able to accom- plish it, but Mr, Huxley acknowledges that where the water has been carefully boiled so as to destroy all possible germs of life, and where the experiment has been hermetically sealed, sothat the atmosphere could communicate no living IS MOSES scientific:' germs, every such attempt has proved most con- clusively that spontaneous generation is impos- sible. At this stage, Moses brings in the direct creation from non-existence by "bara," And at that still more mysterious point, where animal life joins on to divine life; where a moral nature is discovered, where a conscience feels the sense of — "ought," where right can be distinguished from wrong, where the happy possessor of this nature can pray, can hold intercourse with the invisible world, — at that point again, science steps back and bows in the presence of this mys- tery, but can explain nothing; and this also is described by "bara." The origin of matter, the origin of volitional life, and the origin of a moral nature, are all a direct and new creation of God; and this Moses indicates by his triple use of — "bara." The record now tells us not only of the intro- duction of animated life into the world, but of the order of its introduction. Here will be the crucial test; can Moses successfully meet it.? On the question of the order of the mtroduction of life, geology can speak with positiveness; it knows precisely what species came first and what last. On the next page is a chart giv- ing the known order, which was prepared t'lFTH CREATIVE DAY 139 with no thought of this first chapter of Genesis; if Moses does not agree with Dana, then so much the worse for Moses, because Dana is correct. According to geology, the first order of life that was introduced was the general class of invertebrates, which includes the three sub- orders of mollusks, radiates and articulates. The CHART THE INTRODUCTION OF LIFE. MOLLUSKS From Dana's Manual of Geology. next class was that of fishes, then of reptiles, mammals, and lastly man. Birds, which are not given on the chart, were introduced between the age of reptiles and that of mammals, but birds and insects did not reach their culmination until the age of man. The horizontal bands on the chart represent the ages m succession; the ver- tical, which are black, correspond to different 140 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? groups of animals, and give the relative time of their introduction, as also the periods of their culmination. Does the chart of Moses agree with this? It will now be necessary that we learn exactly what Moses means in his classification, and we must read him with the same rigorous precision as we do a geologist. It will be necessary there- fore, that we examine his terms very closely and get at their root meaning, as well as the meaning which they have elsewhere. Literally the 20th verse reads — "And God said — let the waters creep with creeping things of life, and let winged creatures upon the earth, wing upon the surface of the expanse of the heavens." By the first is of course understood that the waters shall be full of these creeping creatures, or swarm with them, but the root idea is that they creep. In Lev. II: 20-30 various kmds of these are given, but it must be noticed that they all creep, and are those which are exceedingly prolific, as for instance — grasshoppers, locusts, lizzards and snails. Now Moses says that it is the waters which bring forth these creatures in such swarms and not the land or the air. The class, which he says first came forth, had three charactersitics — they were water animals; they swarmed in FIFTH CREATIVE DAY 141 such swarms as to make the water fairly "creep" with them; and they creep or crawl. Science has a more specific name for the animals that first appeared, and calls them — invertebrates. But these also were water animals; they were exceedingly prolific, but the first invertebrates did not creep. As will be remembered from what was said in Chapter V. the first creatures that appeared were the protozoans — first livers, — but these did not creep, they were what might be called aggluti- native, for like the corals, they glued their shells fast to the shells of others, and so built up the chalk formations for instance, and many lime- stone formations. However after the protozoan, says science came the other invertebrates, which do creep, and have power of motion, and these ha-ve all the characteristics of the animal, which Moses so carefully describes; they were water animals, they were swarmers, and they creep. Here then is perfect agreement between Genesis and science as to the class of invertebrates which appeared in due time. Both say that the first class was the invertebrate; but science says those which appeared the very first, did not creep. Very well, says Moses, I am speaking of invertebrates too, but I am not speaking of 142 is MOSES SCIENTIFIC? the first class that ever appeared; I liavc not descended to these particulars, for lain not fix- ing a text book on zoology, but am giving a rapid sketch of the history of the earth. The order of the introduction of life was first invertebrates, but the subdivision to which 1 refer, was not those minute animals which have no power of motion; the first subdivision of invertebrates with which I begin, is that immense class which do have the power of motion, the creeping creatures. We can see at once why Moses in- serts that discriminating word — "creeping," for if he had not done so, he would not have been scientific. The protozoans had long preceded even the rise of the dry land above the ocean; they are supposed to have begun in the later part of what is called the Azoic age, that is the age which was lifeless except for these minute animals. It is of the fifth day animals of which Moses is speaking, and if he had not inserted that qualifying word, but had said that animal life in general began at this period, he would have been found to have been in error by later science. The animals which began life on this fifth creative day were invertebrates, but they were distinguished from those minute forms which preceded them by having true power of FIFTH CREATIVE DAY 143 locomotion. Put in the word which Moses in- serts, and he is exactly in agreement with science; but overlook the scientific value of — "creeping," and you bring Moses into conflict with science. The invertebrates, thus introduce the great order of general animal life on the earth. But there is a general class of life, also animal, which is not strictly on the earth, but above it. Moses says the command was to the winged, as well as to the creeping creatures, to come forth; and it was so. This 20th verse therefore is a general introduction of creeping life, and of winged life, both appearing on the same day, but the creep- ing before the winged, which is perfectly correct. What these winged creatures were, the record does not tell us, but biology says they were not birds, for these appeared later. Moses is labor- ing at a greater disadvantage than modern scientists; he has no strict and scientific nomen- clature at his command. The word he used, is simply one that expressed something that flies, whether a vertebrated bird, or insect or even a flying reptile. Next after the water swarmers, which science specifies as invertebrates, are fly- ing things, and this is perfectly correct as seen by the table of Mr. Huxley on page 147. 144 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC/ After the invertebrates, says science, came fishes and reptiles; and Moses says the same — "and God created great sea-monsters and every creature that crawls, with which the waters swarm." Still the creatures are water animals, but of a higher order. This class has been sub- divided, for convenience into the two orders of fishes and reptiles, but so closely are they as- similated, especially back in the beginning of animated life on the earth, that it is often diffi- cult to tell which is strictly a fish and which a reptile. Dana says — "These early fishes have strong reptilian characteristics, and they were thus comprehensive types, foreshadowing the class of reptiles afterwards created." Confirming what Moses said, that the fishes were — "great sea-monsters." Dana, speaking of the fishes of the Devonian age, says — "The earli- est species, therefore, instead of being the lowest of fishes, belong to the highest of the three great divisions; moreover, instead of being small, some of them were twenty or thirty feet long; one class — the Selachians, is the highest among fishes, even in modern seas." So that the record is correct in the order of the introduction of these species of life, and it is also in describing them as — "great sea-monsters." The Icthyosaurs, for instance, FIFTH CRFATIl^E DAY 145 "were gigantic animals ten to forty teet long, having paddles somewhat like the whale, long head and jaws, numerous (m some species 200) stout teeth, and an eye of enormous dimensions; more than thirty species are known to have ex- isted in the Reptilian age." The Plesiosaur had a long snake-like neck, a small head, short body, very like that of a swan, and from twenty -five to thirty feet long. In the great central sea which then covered the plains of Kansas, swam a species of great sea-monsters which attained a length of eighty feet and more. Dinosaurs sometimes reached a length of fifty to sixty feet. The Iguanodon was an herbivorous Dinosaur, and had the habits of a Hippopotamus; it was thirty feet long and of great bulk. In this age, the reptile approached the bird form, as the Pterodactyls, were immense bat-like creatures, measuring as much as twenty-five feet from tip to tip of wing. Could Moses have been more correct in his description, than by saying — "and God created great sea-mosters and every living creature that crawls," for what distinguishes a reptile from a fish, is that the former crawls while the other can only swim. And Moses says that those which crawl came after the great sea- monsters. And further, all these are as yet 146 JS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? marine animals, or as the record puts it — "with which the waters swarm." "Up to the time of the carboniferous formations, nearly all life was marine, or if not entirely so, required the ocean or some inland sea for its development and ex- istence. But toward the time when the Permian strata were being deposited, a marvelous change took place; the earth and rivers and seas swarmed with reptiles, and the air was darkened by huge flying monsters, half reptile, half bird. It was as if the sea had poured out upon the shores its store of life. So prolific was this period with saurians, lizards and reptiles, as evidenced by the fossil remains, that geologists have called it "the great Reptilian era." After this comes again, according to the record, the "winged flier." The nomenclature is not scientific, nor does Moses enter into the de- tails, or give subdivisions; he is only tracing general outlines and leaves it to science to fill them out in the future ages. Science is a true interpreter, and so she explains that, while the expression — "the flier that flies" in the former verse, meant insects, it now means birds and pterodactyls. A most remarkable confirmation of the scien- tific accuracy of Moses is given by so competent 148 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIO' » ::: o ir.^rt^ 2 ;:; !;! o - . ir. c 2 S ^ "TJ^n't" " o ra n 3 ^- to >— en '-t CD ^- fc >-< O ft) O N O O N O o 2.0- < < ^ o sr ^ g, o S - c? /^ —• ^ .- e fD 9 y _ „ _ f^ _ a> _ < ra £j :^ err; cri^ 3 « !=;■ 2- p^ ^ v> '3 r^ ^1^ 2; > w n 5:d 1— 1 Z p^ — H H 71 X 2 a z X r > ►13 M > ?3 > z n (T^TS 3iuT Siv:o H" S G- o ^ ^ 2 >_M. O "^ "-^ tr;5 era: ^ c/) D I W S" : 3 fO s : * -^i U FIFTH CREATINE Dy4Y 14!) an authority as Prof, Huxley, which is all the stronger because it is undesigned. Mr. Huxley is conducting a controversy with Mr. Gladstone in a series of articles in the "Nine- teenth Century," in which his purpose is to show that the first chapter of Genesis is in conflict with science. Instead, however of asking what Moses really did say, he accepts the inaccurate translation, and the false conclusions which unscientific centuries have read into the record, and for these he holds Moses responsible; then easily showing that these are untrue, he claims that Genesis is untrue. Afterward he proceeds to show what is the correct order of life, as learned from the earth's strata, and puts it in the form of a table as given on opposite page. Mr. Huxley explains — "The series of the fossiliferous deposits, which contain the re- mains of the animals which have lived on the earth in past ages of its history, and which can alone afford the evidence, required by natural science, of the order of appearance of their different species, may be grouped in the manner shown in the left-hand column of the ac- companying table, the oldest being at the bottom. In the right-hand column, I have noted the group of strata, in which, according to our 150 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? present information, the land, air and water populations appear for the first time." Now if we take this table, whose design is inim- ical, and compare it carefully with what Moses did really say, as shown in the third column, we shall see, that so far from being in conflict, Huxley and Moses are in complete concord. So far from accomplishing what was intended, the table most wonderfully confirms Genesis, and as this is the testimony of an unwilling and even hostile witness, its weight is all the greater. It will be seen however that Mr. Huxley does not give a complete table of animal life, but only as far as the purpose of his argument requires; all the herbivora and carnivora, as well as man, are not included. "These empires, named for the species that were then monarchs, rose upon the earth and crumbled in succession to decay, a thousand ages before the foot of man had yet pressed the soil of the garden of Eden. A series of dynasties flitted like shadows over the face of our planet, and disappeared beneath the dim horizon of the past, while the empire of man, was yet but an idea in the mind of the Creator. Here were morning and evening, invigorating sunlight, cooling dew, softly wooing breeze and fierce- FIFTH CREATIVE D/tY 151 ly maddened tempest, springtime and au- tumn, weeping clouds and placid evening sky, ocean sui^ges waging everlasting battle with the rocky shore — and God alone the spec- tator of the progress of the mighty work which was then being accomplished. How the imagination halts and faints and falters in the effort to traverse those dim and distant ages! The ignoble mollusk held dominion in the sea, through all the morning twilight of animated ex- istence; the mute fish reared his empire on the ruins of that of the mollusk, in turn the dynasty of the fishes was superseded by that of the reptiles." But all these changes went on in exactly the order portrayed by Moses; the chart of science has followed precisely the chart of revelation, for the record on the rocks must agree in all things with the record made in the Book, for both are true. Again is added the expression of the divine approval — "and God saw that it was good." This does not mean that these grades were the highest and best, or were to remain, for at the close of the Carboniferous age, there was a complete extermination of all the then living species, which made way for higher forms. The divine commendation signifies that the new work 152 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? which had just been completed, was good in view of the function it had to perform. As crea- tion proceeded, everything looked forward to- ward a great end; all these forms of life, pointed as with index finger — saying something better is to come, something better is yet to come; we are but the advance guard in ascending grades, to announce the coming of our king. Not only in the preparation of his kingdom, but in bony structure and in advancing grade of life, each one rising higher than the last, there was an anticipation of man. As all the converging lines of a rising pyramid plainly prophesy of the time when the top-stone shall be reached, so all the stages of creation clearly prophesied of the time when the top-stone of this pyramid too should be brought forth, amid the acclaim of the morn- ing stars and the congratulatory song of all the sons of God. For the first time God blesses this new work of his hand, because only life that has sensation can appreciate a blessing. The blessing contained not only the power of fruit- fulness and multiplication, but there was in it the capacity and the permission of enjoyment. The Creator, did not intend that life should mean simple existence, but He endowed anima- h^lFTH CREATt^E DAY 153 ted life with sensation, and this was to be gratified. That his blessing has been fulfilled is clearly seen, not only in the fact that the sea has been filled with life, and the air with flying things, but also in the very manifest enjoyment which all these creatures seem to have in life. The fish are as sportive as the lambs; the in- sects respond to the enticing warmth and sun- shine and give themselves up to delightful grat- ification and enjoyment. All through the record, there have been glimpses of something which seems to be strug- gling to come to the surface, or perhaps we should rather say — we have almost caught sight of a something, which the inadequacy of our light or imperfection of our vision has prevented us from clearly distinguishing. From the very first, the record has said what it had to say, but men could not understand it until astronomy, and especially the telescope and spectroscope, until geology and biology gave us the eyes to see, and the ears to hear what had been there all along. This principle, which now almost sug- gests itself plainly, and now eludes us, is the method of creation; was it all by direct and special act of God, or was it by evolution? At each step in the record is the suggestive state- 154 IS MOSES scientific:' ment — "and God said let there be, and it was so," Does this mean, not what it appears to say, not that God used co-operating causes; but when God said — "let there be light;" "let the earth bring forth;" "let the waters bring forth abundantly," does it mean that God did it Him- self directly; that God created vegetation Him- self, without the earth as a co-operating cause; that God created the animal Himself, without the co-operating cause of the waters? Does it mean that the command was really, not to the earth to bring forth the first plants, not to the waters to bring forth the first animals, but the command was only to Himself? Reproduction was to be "after his kind;" but when the addi- tional blessing is added to "multiply and fill" does this mean multiplication only in numbers, but not in species? Does this mean nothing more than reproduction "after his kind", over again? The method of creation — just how God did it, seems to be struggling to reveal itself; have we as yet reached the point where we can read clearly and understand its meaning? This suggestion is more clearly made in the fifth creative day than elsewhere, and especially in the different expression used with regard to man in the sixth day, so that it can no longer be FIFTH CREATIVE DAY 155 avoided, but its fuller discussion will be reserved for a special chapter. CHAPTER VIII. SIXTH CREATIVE DAY. And God said lei tJie eartJi bring forth animals after their kind, the herbivora, the reptiles, the car- nivora after their kind; and it was so. And God made the carnivora after their kind, and the her- bivora after their kind, and every land-reptile after its kind; and God saw that it ivas good. And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the herbivora, and over all the land, and over every land-reptile. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them. And God blessed them, and God said — be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every animal that creepeth tipon the earth. And God said behold J have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the earth, aud every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be food. And to every animal of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every living thing that creep- eth upon the earth, I have given every green herb for 156 SIXTH CREATINE DAY 157 food: and it was so. And God saw everything that He had made: and behold it was very good; and evening ivas, morning was sixth day. The fifth creative day describes to us the creation of marine animals, in exactly the order which Mr. Huxley says science knows to be correct; the sixth day gives the description and order of land-animals and man, and here too the record is in perfect agreement with science. But the marine animals preceded land animals by a whole creative day, says Moses; is that correct? It is correct, says geology, for the lower animals appeared in the Secondary period, but the mammals did not appear until the Ter- tiary. Speaking of this sixth day, Dawson says — "It is almost unnecessary to say that this period corresponds with the Tertiary or Caino- zoic era of geologists. The coincidences are very marked and striking, for though in the Secondary period of geology, when these lower orders prevailed, there were great facilities in the strata then forming, for the preservation of mammals, yet only a few small species of the humblest orders have been found. But at the very beginning of the Tertiary period, all this was changed; most of the gigantic reptiles had disappeared and land mammals of large size and 158 75 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? high organization had taken their place. Per- haps no geological change is more striking or more remarkable, than the sudden disappearance of numerous species of large mammals, and this, not in one region only but over both continents." We set out with the determination to study, not traditions, nor even translations, but the record in its own original language, so it will be seen that the rendering of what took place during the sixth day, at the head of this chapter, differs somewhat from the authorized translation. Moses says there were two kinds of land animals which now appeared, and the distinction between them must be learned from their use elsewhere. Bhema, translated — cattle, in our English ver- sion, is used in a few instances as a general term for animals, but in distinction from chaytho- eretz, as here, it means domestic animals as dis- tinguished from the wild beasts. In Lev. 1:2, Bhema refers only to the herds and flocks — "Ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd and of the flock." In Lev. 11:22-27, the bhema are mentioned which could and could not be used for food, and these are strictly her- bivora, while the carnivora which were also un- clean, are described by chaytho-eretz, and this distinction is observed wherever these two words SIXTH CREATINE DAY 159 occur together. Principal Dawson also translates the two words as above — viz, herbivora and carnivora. Now if we will turn back to page 139 and look once more to Dana's chart, we shall find that the order of life as given by Moses is precisely that given by Dana, for herbivora and carnivora are both mammals. Dana speaks of the two in the general class of mammals, while Moses gives the two separately, and says that the herbivora precede the carnivora; is this correct.-' Dana says — "The quadrupeds did not all come forth together. Large and powerful herbivorous species ^rj-/ take possession of the earth, with only a few small carnivora. These pass away, and other herbivora with a larger proportion of carnivora next appear; these also are extermi- nated and so with others. Then the carnivora appear in vast numbers and power, and the her- bivora also abound. Moreover these races attain a magnitude and number far surpassing all that now exist, as much so indeed on all the conti- nents, as the old Mastodon twenty feet long and nine feet high, exceeds the modern buffalo." Here is no reconciliation, but perfect agreement. Moses wrote his order of mamalian life centuries a;5o, while Dana wrote his from the stand-point 160 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? of pure science, with no reference to Genesis. Between the herbivora and carnivora Moses speaks once more of creeping things as he had done on the fifth day, and again he is correct, for a new species of reptiles now appear. Dana tells us — "the first snakes have been found in the Eocene; a species twenty feet long was discovered in the Brackelsham beds; half a dozen species, related to the common black snake occur in the Miocene." The Eocene — literally, "the dawn of the new" is the first, and the Miocene is the middle division of the Tertiary period, which corresponds to the sixth day of Genesis. The order is again perfectly scientific herbivora, reptiles, carnivora. A difficulty however occurs here which must be honestly acknowledged, for views which de- pend upon ignoring uncomfortable facts can- not be reliable. In the 24th verse the order is that of science — herbivora, reptiles, carnivora, but in the next verse, this order is changed to carnivora, herbivora, reptiles. An explanation may be that the first gives the true order of creation, while the second gives the order of rank, the carnivora being larger and stronger than the herbivora, while the herbivora rank above the reptiles. But if this be not the explanation, we may be SIXTH CRE^TI^E D/IY \(\\ sure that some one will come along to give us tlie explanation, and we shall tind, as usual that the record is right. And now the top-stone of the pyramid is "brought forth with cryings — grace, grace unto it." Man appears next, on the same day with the higher orders, but raised far above them by the endowment of a moral nature. These three facts are very suggestive, and the first two are fully corroborated by geology, \'\z, that man appeared last, and on the same day with the higher animals, but on the third point — that he has the endowment of a- new nature, geology is not competent to speak. Says Dana — "As the mammalian age draws to a close, the herbivora and carnivora of that age all pass away, except- ing, it is believed, a few that are useful to man. New creations of smaller size peopled the groves; the vegetation received accessions to its foliage, fruits trees and flowers, and the seas brighter forms of life. This we know from com- parisons with the fossils of the preceding mam- malian age. There was at that time no chaotic UPTURNING, but only the opening out of creation to its fullest extent; and so in Genesis, ;/ Galileo is an atheist, if he assert the contrary. When science explained that the world was sustained, not directly by the finger of God, but by the power of gravitation, again the opposition was great, for it seemed that then God would be removed from the course of nature. When science explained that the antiquity of METHOD OF CREATION 203 the earth exceeded 6,000 years, again it was violsntly assailed, because it contradicted the Bible. And when science established the fact that man has lived upon the earth, much longer than was supposed by deducing a chronology from the Bible, again the opposition was up in arms. But truth must prevail; and afterward it was found that the authority and credibility of the Bible were in no wise impeached, but were rendered more secure than ever. This opposition to whoever or whatever ap- proaches our citadel of Truth, is proper and natural. No one must come within our defense except he can give the password and comes as a friend; we s'nall firmly hold to the old, until the new has proven itself better. Our education, traditions, and beliefs held from childhood, are very dear and will not easily be given up. So that when science once more comes to perform the part of interpreter and tell us how God cre- ated, it will be hard for us to give up our heredi- tary beliefs, and science will again be resisted. But if this last interpretation be thoroughly es- tablished in truth, we shall find that our dear old Book will not suffer here, any more than it did in the other instances when science took from men their false views, and gave them true ones. 204 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? It is not the Book which needs to be corrected, but our interpretation of it. What is God's method of action now? Science finds that God does not now accomplish results directly, but always by the use of means; there is always a natural cause to produce a ceitain effect, as well as a divine cause. We do not now see species created, but we see that indi- viduals are always produced by evolution from previous material. The seed, by means of the powers with which God has endowed it, devel- opes into the root, the stalk, the leaf, and finally the fruit. From the egg is evolved the embryo, the chick, and then the air-breathing fowl. A man becomes what he is by a slow process of evolution from a microscopic spherule of proto- plasm, and yet this does not in the least interfere with our belief that God made him. Individuals, everywhere and always have been created by evolution; as at the first, so still, God speaks to co-operating natural causes and says — let there be, and there is; it is God working, but never alone; He contributes the power, but that other cause uses it. This is God's method of working in all those instances where we can follow Him, and the question is, did He use a different method in METHOD OF CREATION 205 those instances where we cannot follow Hinri? This is His way of producing individuals, did He have a different way of producing species? His method has always been from the lower to the higher; from the simple to the more com- plex; to previous material He imparted a new power, and this material thus endowed, then became the cause to produce the next higher, as explained in the record. When life came forth, God gave to each form the power of repro- duction — "after his kind;" but does that mean, that kind shall be no better than before? If the parent is coarse, does reproduction "after his kind," mean that the offspring shall be equally as coarse? if rude and ugly, the offspring shall be the same? If this were the law of reproduc- tion, there could be no improvement. Under better conditions improvement is possible, and still reproduction is "after his kind." If under this law there is a possibility for improvement for present individuals, why could there not have been such possibility of improvement for individuals of long ago, yes as far back as you wish to carry thought? If that were so, it would be hard to find first individuals, for the creation of life would be, as the record tells us, was the creation in the first three days. We could not 206 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? tell when light began to be, for it was slowly evolved from vibrating matter, we could not tell when the firmament began to be, for the ex- panse was slowly evolved from the cloud ; we could not tell when dry land began to be, be- cause the top of earth's wrinkles would appear above the water and the next moment be over- flowed again; now it would be above the tide, and now be beneath the tide. Now if this same method of evolution which prevailed on the first three creative days, prevailed also during the last three days, then all individuals which are now conveniently classed together to form species began alike, viz, by a slow process of evolution. In the first three days of creation, the phrase — "and God said — let there be," science has ex- plained, mean that God made nature a co-operat- ing cause, and these two causes, the super- natural and the natural, produced all the results. In the last three days, where the record tells of life, we find the same phrase, but does it mean there the reverse of what it meant before? There it meant that God produced light, firma- ment, dry land by means of a co-operating cause ; here can the same phrase mean that God pro- duced vegetation and animals, through all the ascending grades, without a cooperating cause ? METHOD OF CREATION 207 In the first half of creation God adopted one method, but in the second half did He adopt another, when both methods are described by the same phrase? This would make Him the God of confusion, a changeable God. But it is time to ask — what is evolution? This is a word of such bad associations, that it still is dreaded, as a child dreads a chamber which she has been told was haunted, even after she knows there are no ghosts. "Evolution is the divine method of creation, as gravitation is the divine method of sustentation." God supports worlds in space, not by holding them on his fingers, but by tying them to each other by the cables of gravity; so God creates worlds, not by moulding with his own fingers, but by working through natural causes. This is theistic evolution, which differs from materialistic evolution, as theistic philosophy differs from materialistic philosophy. It will not do to deny theistic evolution, any more than it will do to deny theistic science. Of course there are atheistic scientists, agnostic scientists and deistic scien- tists; but we must not therefore conclude that science cannot be theistic. There are too many Christian men, who believe in a personal God, a divine revelation, the divinity of Jesus Christ, 208 tS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? the personality of the Holy Spirit, the efficacy of prayer, but who yet believe in the creation of the world after the manner of evolution; there are too many of these sincere, and evangelical believers, for any one to brand evolution with the mark of Cain, and turn it out of the house- hold of faith. Three views of the creation of man have been held; the first is that of the pious child who believes that God made it of dust, just as itself makes a man out of snow. The second is that of Topsey,who ^says — "I wasn't made, specs I growed;" this is the view of the materialist, who believes that God had no hand in the making of us. The third is the view of- the christian evolutionist, who says — God made me, and I growed too; God and nature co-operated in my creation. All christians believe that the latter is true of known individuals, and theistic evolu- tionists believe it was also true of all individuals first, last or middle. That there was a first man and woman, all christians believe, for it was a single man into whose nostrils God breathed the breath of life, so that man became a living soul; but that the body of that first man was immediately formed out of the dust of the ground, as the child makes its snow man, the evolution- METHOD OF CRE/ITlOh] 200 ist does not believe, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." But when did God form man of the dust of the ground? Was it the very moment before He breathed into him the breath of life? Did He form man immediately of dust, when all else He formed mediately? Was it necessarily unorganized dust which He then took up and shaped into a human form? God formed my body of the dust of the ground too, but He did not form it in that way; it was by a long process and that not directly, but through other co-operating causes. Why should it be thought strange that He formed the first body into which He then breathed the breath of divine life, just as He has continued to form all other bodies of the dust of the ground. The record does not tell us of the method, but has left it to science to come and interpret the ways of God in crea- tion, by the study of the ways of God in preser- vation, which is but another name of continued creation. The difference in the belief of an evolutionist and a direct creationist, is not whether it was God who created or not, but simply as to the method of his creation. The latter believes that 210 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC}' God alone created each species directly, and without any intermediate causes, while the former believes that God proceeds in all his work according to the same universal method; as He creates individuals now, so He created the whole race, by means of lower and co-operating causes. Theistic evolution is as christian and scriptural in its views, as is direct-creation; one interprets God as adopting the same method in all his works, the other interprets Him as adopting two methods, one for the first pair of individuals, and the other method for all other individuals. Geology finds that whole species have been ex- terminated and new ones have taken their place; species have changed many times in the course of geological ages, but how did they change? Evolutionists say — they were transmuted; direct creationists say — they were replaced. The one class say — as conditions of life change, the species change too, so as to correspond with the new environment; those which did not change had to die, but those which changed to meet the new conditions lived, and so what we call new species came into being. But the other class of interpreters say — as one species died out,others were created at once and off-hand to take their place. The one say, God and Nature constantly METHOD OF CREATION 211 and consistently co-operate together to create, as well as to sustain; the other say — life is contin- ued on earth by the alternation of supernatural and natural processes, now by the direct and now by the indirect action of God; in the in- troduction of the first pairs, God acted directly, but in the introduction of all subsequent pairs, God acted indirectly. The one say— God has but one method of operation in creating new species as in perpetuating them, and in replacing old ones with new; the other say — God has two methods of operation, and reports now to one method and now to the other method, and again to the first, and then again to the second. The difference therefore is only as to method, not as to fact. The agency of God in evolution may be illus- trated by the use of the word — manufacture. Etymologically, the word means, hand-made, and originally it was applicable. The f^ax was sowed by hand, was reaped, hatcheled, spun, and woven by hand, and the product was liter- ally a manufacture. But now this product is made altogether by machinery; the seed is sown by machinery, reaped, cleaned, spun, and woven by machinery entirely, and still we call it a man- ufacture. But is the. agency of man eliminated 312 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? by machinery, because linen is not now literally a manufacture? Man stands now one remove back from the result, but is the result any the less his? Does not the machinery, by which such results are secured, prove the agency of man all the more, even though the result is not now first-hand? Says Le Conte — "Evolution not only, is not identical with materialism, but to deep thinkers it has not added a feather's weight to the probability or reasonableness of materialism. Evolution is one thing, material- ism is quite another thing; now and always, there has been the alternative — theism or materialism, God operating nature, or nature operating itself." Says Dr. McCosh, e.x-President of Princeton College — "There is, or was a widespread idea that the doctrine of development is adverse to religion; this has risen mainly from the circum- stance that it seems to remove God altogether, or at least to a greater distance from his works, and this has been increased by the circumstance that the theory has been turned to atheistic purposes. But it must be emphatically declared that we are to look on evolution, simply as the method by which God works. It is forgotten that when Newton proclaimed the law of gravi- tation, it was urged that he thereby took from METHOD OF CREATION 213 God an important part of his works, to hand it over to material mechanism. The time has now come when people must judge of a supposed scientific theory, not from the faith or unbelief of the discoverer, but from the evidence in its behalf. They will find that whatever is true is also good, and will in the end be favorable to religion. Because God executes his purposes by agents, which it should be observed, He has himself appointed, we are not therefore to argue that He does not continue to act, that He does not now act. God acts in his works now, quite as much as He did in their original creation. The effects follow, the product is evolved, because He wills it, just as plants generate only when there is light shining on them. I am not pre- pared to prove that evolution is the best way in which God could have proceeded, or that there are no other ways equally good in which He acts in other worlds. All that I profess to do, is to show that the method is not unworthy of God; that it is suited to man's nature; that it accom- plishes some good end. It is to this extent that I would justify the way of God to man." But suppose now that evolution shall become as thoroughly established as is gravitation, what will become of the record of Moses? This 214 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? chapter is not written to argue the cause of evolution, but to state in the most incomplete way, some of the grounds on which this view is based, and to show that still there will be no conflict between Revelation and Science, for the record in first chapter of Genesis can easily bear the interpretation which evolution would put upon it. Indeed the frequent expression "and God said — let be" seems to require evolution, for it implies that God did not create immedi- ately, but through co-operating causes; that at the beginning as now, many influences conspired to produce the results. There is the evolution of Lamarck which is materialistic; that of Dar- win which is agnostic, and that of McCosh, Le Conte, Wright and many other christian thinkers, which is theistic. If evolution is true, it must prevail, but still our old Book cannot suffer; it will but shine out with new and better meaning, and its divine inspiration will be more firmly established than before. Evolution itself has not yet been completely evolved; the final word has not been said in its defense, indeed hardly more than its first word. Until it has been completely wrought out, or completely over- thrown, believers in the Bible can wait with perfect calmness, indifferent which side shall METHOD OF CREATION 215 be victorious, for only the true can survive, and the true is in perfect agreement with Reve- lation. CHAPTER XL ANTIQUITY OF MAN. How long has the human race existed on the earth? Upon this answer, too, there has been supposed to be an irreconcilable conflict between Revelation and Science. Man has lived 5509 years before Christ according to the Byzantine era; 5 199 years according to Eusebius and Bede; 4004 years according to Archbishop Ussher; 3984 according to Kepler. On the contrary, the uniformitarian school of geologists, under the lead of Sir Charles Lyell, dated the origin of life upon the globe back to a period of hve hundred million of years, though the last, or human period, would of course be far less. In his first edition of the "Origin of species, "Darwin estimates the time for certain erosions to have taken place as jo6,662,400 years, and this he regards as "a mere trifle" which can be allowed for establishing his theory of the origin of species through natural selection. How much of these vast periods would be assigned to the human 216 ANTIQUITY OF MAN 217 period, we do not know, but very much more than that assigned by those who deduce their estimates from Scripture. In his "Antiquity of Man," Lyell estimates the human period at no less than 224,000 years, and adds "the advent of man in Europe would be sufficiently remote to cause the historical period to appear quite insignificant in duration, when compared to the antiquity of the human race." So that there would certainly be a wide difference between the estimates of Biblical and scientific chronol- ogists, and here we should have an irreconcilable conflict if both parties read their texts correctly. But again, as alvva3S, such a conflict is caused by misreading the Bible on the one side, and Geology on the other. Astronomy has now taken up the question, and shown the estimates of the earlier geologists to be greatly in error, for Sir. Wm. Thompson, and Prof. Tait of Eng- land, and Prof Newcombe of Washington Naval Observatory, have demonstrated that the radia- tion of heat from the sun is diminishing at such a rate, that ten or twelve millions of years ago, it must have been so hot upon the earth's sur- face as to vaporize all the water, and thus render the beginning of geological life impossible until a much later period. Mr. Wallace, estimating IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? the time required for the deposition of the strati- fied rocks, that are open to inspection on the surface of the globe, finds that twenty-eight million years are all the time required for the formation of the whole geological strata, and of course the beginning of life, must have been far within that period. Mr. Prestwich and others, bring all the phenomena of the Glacial period within the limits of thirty or forty thousand years, but the human era did not begin until near the close of the Ice Age. These general conclusions of later science, have thus very much restricted the extravagant claims of those who based their estimates on the insufficient data of earlier geology. In this way, science is herself lessening the gap which was supposed at first to exist between its conclusions, and those based on the records of Genesis. On the other hand, a deeper study of scripture has shown, that the choronology which was based upon the supposition, that the genealogies of the fifth and eleventh chapters of Genesis were suc- cessive, is built upon sand. The problem seemed very simple; here are two tables of genealogy, one extending from Adam to Noah, the other from Shem. the son of Noah, down to Abraham. They each contain ten generations, in which, is ANTIQUITY OF MAN 219 given in the case of each individual the age when his son was born, and how long he lived after- ward. Now all that needs to be done seems to be, to add these amounts together, and we shall have a scripture chronology, from Adam to Abra- ham, at which period authentic history dawns, when' we can arrive at chronology from other sources. These results would be perfectly satis- factory, if we were sure that the Bible intended to teach the science of chronology, while we agreed at the outset that its purpose was not to teach science at all. In an elaborate article in Bibliotheca Sacra for April 1890, Prof. Green of Princeton Theologial Seminary says — "There is an element of uncer- tainty in a computation of time which rests upon genealogies, as the sacred chronology so large- ly does. Who is to certify to us, that the ante-diluvian and ante-Abrahamic genealogies have not been condensed in the same man- ner as have the post-Abrahamic? Our cur- rent chronology is based upon the prima facie impression of these genealogies. But if the recently discovered indications of the antiquity of man shall, when carefully inspected and thor- oughly weighed, demonstrate all that any have imagined they might demonstrate, what then.? 220 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? They will simply show that the popular chronol- ogy is based upon a wrong interpretation, and that a select and partial register of ante-Abra- hamic names, has been mistaken for a complete one." Prof. Green then shows that these chapters of Genesis were not intended to be used, and cannot be used for the construction of a chronology. Bible genealogies are fre- quently abreviated by the omission of unim- portant names; abridgement is the rule and not the exception. The intention seems to be, not so much to give a complete register, but rather the line of descent, by mentioning a few princi- pal names, as in Matt. i;i the whole genealogy of Christ is summed up in two steps, "the gen- eration of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." But Christ was not the im- mediate son of David, nor was David the imme- diate son of Abraham. From verse 2 follows a more lengthy line of descent from Abraham down, in which we know that several names have also been omitted; they seem to have served as way- marks to indicate the road of de- scent, and not all the steps in it. In I Chron. 26; 24 we read, in a list of ap- pointments made by King David, that "Shebuel, the son of Ghershom, the son of Moses was ruler ANTIQUITY OF MAhl 221 of the treasures;" here the genealogy of five hundred years is reduced to two names. The genealogy of Ezra is given in the book which bears his name; but in another passage, in which the same line of descent is given, it has been abridged by the omission of six consecutive names. In Ezra 8; 1,2 we read — "These are now the chief of their fathers, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. Of the sons of Phineas-Gershom ; of the sons of Ithamar-Daniel; of the sons of David-Hut- tush." If no abridgement of the genealogy be allowed, we should have a great-grand son, and a grand son of Aaron, and a son of David coming up with Ezra from Babylon, an event which took place at least nine hundred years after the birth of the first two, and five hundred years after the last mentioned. The line of descent of Gershom, Daniel and Hattush could only have been intended, and not their complete genealogy. Many other instances might be given to show that there is great abridgement in the genealogical lists, by the omission of unim- portant names, because space would not permit of a full register, which was kept in another place. The idea of the Hebrew word, translated IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? — son, would be better expressed to us by being translated — descendant, as in Matt. i;i "Jesus Christ, the descendant of David, the descendant of Abraham," But to make the period of time from the crea- tion of man to the birth of Christ, just 4004 years, it is necessary to suppose that Gen. 5 and 1 1 contain full registers of all the generations that intervened. In each case there are only ten names given, and that fact alone would lead us to suspect that the author did not mean to give a full register, for it is quite improbable that there were exactly the same number of genera- tions between the creation and the Flood, as were between the Flood and Abraham. It is much more likely that the author selected ten names of representative men, simply to indicate the line from Adam to Noah, and from Shem to Abra- ham. The analogy of Scripture is against the assumption that here a complete register is given; the series seems to afford us a conspectus of individual lives. They exhibit, in these selected examples, the term of human life in those two periods — what it was before the Flood, and how it narrowed down after. But to do this, a continuous genealogy was not nec- essary, but only a number of specimens, the yiNTIQUlTY OF MAN 223 same in both periods, with the appropriate num- bers attached. But to base a chronology upon these specimen Hsts of ten each, and learn there- from how long Adam lived before the Flood, and how long Abraham lived after, would use the record in a way that it was not intended to be used, and would certainly bring us in error. And then, if we insist that this chronology is based upon Scripture, so that the Bible becomes responsible for it, we bring on another conflict, when it is proved from scientific data, that man did live longer than 4004 years before Christ. Dr. Green concludes "that the Scriptures furnish no data for a chronological computation prior to the life of Abraham, and the Mosaic records do not fix, and were not intended to fix the precise date either of the Flood or of the creation of the world." So that from the Scripture side, we also approach the position of science, and lessen the gap v/hich seemed at first to be fixed between the two. So far as the Bible is con- cerned, it neither contradicts nor affirms any reasonable age of man upon the earth. Historical evidence requires a longer period for man, than that usually assigned in the gen- erally accepted chronology. The Egyptologists 224 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? Mariette and Brugsch find high civilization on the banks of the Nile seven thousand years ago; they would make the civilization of Assyria on the Euphrates as old. Considering the length of time for the languages of these and other peoples then living, to have differentiated so much as to make them totally distinct tongues, though derived from the same stock, a conser- vative estimate would require perhaps three thousand years more, if we believe in the unity of the race. We find language is still changing, so that the Romanse languages of Southern Europe, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, though derived from the same stock, are wholly different now. It requires a certain time for language to change so completely as to drift entirely away from another, which has come from the same source. Here are the Assyrian and Egyp- tian tongues, so completely changed from each other seven thousand years ago, yet both came from the original stock; a large allowance must therefore be allowed for this change to have taken place. Ten thousand years for the age of man on the earth would not be too great to satisfy historical demands. But we have more exact time measures of the ANTIQUITY OF MAN 225 age of man on earth in geology. The earliest evidence of man is found at the close of the Glacial Period, in the Post Tertiary. It was not very long ago, as geology counts time, that a large portion of North America and of Europe were covered by an ice sheet, like that which still covers the interior of Greenland. As Robin- son Crusoe, knew by the footprints, that there was another human being beside himself on the sand, so geologists can follow the course of the glaciers, by the abundant prints which they have left in the moraines of debris, in the isolated boulders that have been carried by the ice far from the place where such rocks alone appear on the surface, in grooves ploughed by the moving ice, and the parallel scratches which the advanc- ing mass has written on the stones. From these and other evidences of glacial work, we know that four million square miles in this country, and two millions in Europe have been covered by an ice sheet at least a mile in thickness. The southern boundary of the glaciated area ran across our continent from the eastern end of Long Island, through New jersey a little north of Trenton, thence north westerly to a point near Buffalo, thence south west through the Ohio valley to Cincinnati, throwing a great 226 75 MOSES SCIENTIFIC tongue down the Mississippi far into Louisiana, and from Cairo north westerly through middle Dakota and Montana, and thence to the Pacific coast. Vast quantities of water poured forth from this melting ice, and as the mass began to re- treat under the influence of a rising temperature, the water often dug out new channels, when the old river beds had been filled in ; or finding itself dammed up, it made new lakes, and pouring forth in great freshets, it carried vast amounts of sand and gravel which it deposited in embank- ments or spread over new areas. The first evidence of the existence of man on the earth is in connection with the retreat of this ice sheet; human remains and stone implements are first found buried beneath these glacial de- posits of earth and gravel. The first discovery of human relics clearly connected with glacial desposits in America and of the same age with them, was not until 1875; up to that time the age of man could be connected with the Glacial Period, only by the discovered fossils of animals which were known to be contemporaneous with him. So that the very earliest time when we can know positively that man existed, was not earlier than the close of the Ice-age. If now, ANTIQUITY OF MAN 227 we can determine when these glacial deposits were made, we shall have some definite data by which to estimate the length of the human period. We have such self-registering chronometers in some of the rivers which are known to have begun since the ice disappeared. It will be noted that the water-falls of this continent are north of the southern boundary of the Ice sheet, and the reason is very plain ; those rivers which were pre-glacial have had time sufficient to wear away their channels down to the level, and any falls which might formerly have existed, have long since been eroded, while post-glacial streams have not yet had the time to finish their work. Many of the lakes, which dot the glaci- ated area, are also due to the fact that their outlets have not had time enough to lower their beds, sufficiently to drain off the water. Lake Erie is one of those post glacial lakes, formed by the damming up of the river which formerly ran through a channel at its bottom, and which found its outlet through the lower part of the valley of Grand River in Canada, and entered Lake Ontario at its western extremity. Lake Michigan in pre-glacial times had its outlet to the south and emptied into the Mississippi. 228 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? The old outlet of Erie river becoming closed by the debris deposited by the ice sheet on its recession, the water found itself dammed up, and rose to form the present Lake Erie, which then had to find a new outlet that finally be- came the Niagara river, which is wholly a post- glacial stream. All who have visited Niagara, will remember that the water, after leaping over the falls, rushes through a deep gorge, that has been cut through solid rock, until it reaches Lewiston, about eight miles below. This rock gorge of the Niagara, therefore is an accurate chronometer by which to measure the time that has elapsed since the retreat of the ice, because it has been entirely cut by the action of the water, since that time. All that is necessary, is to ascertain the rate of recession of the falls, the distance from Lewiston to its present posi- tion, and divide the latter by the former, when the quotient will give us the length of time that this post-glacial stream has continued to flow. We find that the falls are slowly wearing back- ward, and when Sir Charles Lyell visited Niagara with State Geologist Hall in 1841, they estimated that the rate of recession could not be greater than one foot a year, which would make the time required about thirty-five thousand years. Yet ANTIQUITY OF MAN 229 Lyell thought this rate of recession was probably three times too large, so that he favored extending the time to one hundred thousand years. Before this, the eminent French geologist Desor, had estimated that the recession could not have been more than a foot a century, which would throw the beginning of the gorge back more than three million years. But these were only guesses of eminent men, that were not based on well ascer- tained facts. Soon after. Prof. Hall had a trig- onometrical survey made of the falls; since then, three other surveys have been made, from which it is found that the rate of recession has been about two and a half feet per year for the last forty-five years. But in the central parts of the curve, where the water is deepest, the Horseshoe Fall has retreated at the rate of more than twenty feet per year, during the last eleven years. If now, we suppose that the falls have been worn backward at a uniform rate since the Niagara river first began to flow, the whole period cannot be more than seven thousand years. But there are evidences to show that the waters of Lake Erie did not immediately begin their work of cutting a channel through the Niagara, so that a longer period must be allowed since the foot of the ice sheet melted 330 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? away from that region. Prof. Wright estimates that three thousand years more, will fully cover all the conditions, so that the close of the glacial period cannot be more distant than about ten thousand years. A second noteworthy glacial chronometer is found in the gorge of the Mississippi River, ex- tending from the Falls of St. Anthony, at Min- neapolis, to its jimction with the pre-glacial trough of the old Mississippi, at Fort Snelling, a distance of about seven miles. The known rate of recession of the falls, would give the total length of time required for the formation of the gorge, of a little less than eight thousand years, or about the same as that required for the for- mation of the Niagara gorge. The same impres- sion of recent age is made by examination of the outlets of almost any of the lakes which stud the glaciated area; the time during which this process of lowering the outlets has been going on, cannot have been many thousand years. The same impression is also made by the study of the vallies that have been dug out by post- glacial streams. The streams constantly carry away the earth from their banks and bottoms and tend to enlarge their troughs. If we meas- ure the cubical contents of these eroded troughs, ANTIQUITY OF MAN 231 and divide the amount by the average amount of transported sediment which they carry every year to the sea, we shall have again nearly the same results obtained from the study of the recession of post-glacial water-falls. Calcula- tions based upon the amount of sediment de- posited since the retreat of the ice-sheet point to a like moderate conclusion. From these and similar investigations, that have been carried on since geology has been able to ascertain rigid facts, upon which to base its estimates, science has very m ich modified its conclusions, which in for- mer years it had so hastily made, especially under the lead of men, who would very much like to bring the Bible into discredit. For while, we have found that estimates of time based upon genealogical lists, which it is clearly seen could not have been meant to be complete, must be incorrect, yet the study of the Bible certainly gives the impression that the human period upon the earth has not been long. While the extension of the time to ten or even twelve thousand years, if science should require so much, would spoil the fancies of many theorists, who like to build airy castles out of the Bible, yet such an amount of time would not at all 232 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? conflict with anything that the Bible itself has to say, for the reason that it says simply nothing at all. The ten selected names of men who lived before the Flood, which seem to have been given to show the length of human life then, and the ten selected from those who lived after, in whose time human life had greatly narrowed — these would not prohibit our supposing ten times ten generations in both periods, if it were necessary, so that there certainly cannot be made a conflict between Revelation and Science on the length of the human period, because Revelation declines to say anything, but leaves this to her sister and interpreter to determine, while she herself hastens to speak of more im- portant things of which science can tell us nothing. Again the two have approached each other. The wide chasm which seemed to yavv'n between them has entirely disappeared, because scientists now acknowledge that they mis-read nature in making the human period too great; and Bible students acknowledge that they mis-read the inspired record when they made the human period too small. If we assign from seven to ten thousand years to the human period both revelation and science will not withhold their consent. CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION "The word of the Lord is tried," says the Psalmist; through the centuries it has been tested, so that it comes into our hands with an authentication which it did not bring to the gen- erations before us. There are four great and rigorous tests to which it has been subjected, out of which it has come with a vast increase of authority. The first test which the Bible has successfully passed is — time. Nothing but truth lasts; everything materiable is perishable. "The everlasting mountains" is only a figure of speech, for geology shows that the mountains change and pass away. But of all things, the most perishable are the creation of men; literature is ephemeral and lasts but for a day. Of the three millions of volumes in the library of Paris, only a few thousand are what may be said to be alive, while the vast numbers are buried in the dust of oblivion, and are mouldy with neglect. But contrary to the universal law, time has but 233 231 /5 MOSES SCIENTIFIC? polished the Bible as the ceaseless waves polish the pebbles, and it is to-day brighter and more resplendent than it has been in all the thirty- five centuries of its existence. It has never been so universally studied, never so widely circulated, and never so generally accepted as now. Time has tested it and proved it true. The second great test by which the Bible has been tried is — experience. "Are these things so?" men ask. The answer is — "Come and see." "O, taste and see; "Handle me and see!" Like a ready reference volume of medical practice for home use, the Bible makes certain prescriptions for the ills of human life, the correctness of which can be proved only by experience. It promises relief from the sense of guilt and deliverance from the power of sin; it offers perfect peace and fullness of joy; it professes to have a secret by which life can be lived under unfavorable condi- tions, and yet can be serene and happy ; it claims to be able to tell us how perfect mastery may be obtained over self, victory over temptation, and power over the world; it furnishes an equip- ment for service, so that one who tried it, ex- claimed— "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me;" it professes to open a means of communication between God and CONCLUSION 235 man by prayer, so that our requests may be known unto Him, and direct answers shall come to us; it tells of divine help for human infirmi- ties by an indwelling Spirit, so that a new life shall result, and divine fruits shall be produced; it promises that all things shall be so directed that individual sanctification shall follow, and men shall be more and more delivered from the evil, and made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light. It promises much more than this, but all of these are practical and can be experienced in this life ; these are as much within the range of experiment as anything material and visible. Multitudes of men have accepted the Bible's challenge to "taste and see;" they have complied with the necessary conditions, and their universal testimony is that in all these respects, it is true. But just here, men who are not themselves willing to comply with the prescribed conditions, yet complain that the testimony of christians is not trustworthy, because that testimony does not agree with their own experience: they have not themselves found it so. But just as well might laymen refuse the testimony of a chemical expert, who declares that water is composed of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. Ah, but 236 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC? argues the objector, hydrogen and oxygen are gases, whereas water is not a gas but a fluid; your testimony contradicts my experience. The answer is — your experience has not been under proper conditions. On all other points which are to be established by testimony, we rely most upon the testimony of experts. If the subject be the effect of medicine, we ask for the testimony oti medical experts; if it be electrical, we require the testi- mony of electrical experts. Why then should we not most rely upon the testimony of spiritual experts, where the subject is a spiritual one.^ These matters of which the Bible mostly speaks are spiritual; if we seek for proof of its trust- worthiness, we should ask, not of those who have had no experience in the matter, but of those whose experience has been so large that they may be called spiritual experts. There are thousands of these now in the world; millions have already passed away, who have put the Bible to a practical test on these spiritual things, and they unanimously testify that it is true. The third test is history. Here too the Bible is more and more vindicated; as ancient history, archaeology, ethnology, the study of comparative languages, lay their results before us, we find CONCLUSION 237 this record more abundantly confirmed. Many a statement of the Bible has been rejected as untrue by historical students in the past, and has been adduced as proof of its error, but it has now been completely confirmed, as ancient monuments have been exhumed, rolls and tablets have been deciphered, historic places have been unearthed, and mummies have come forth from their long forgotten tombs with scrolls in their withered hands. Numerous and wonderful instances could be cited, if this were the proper place. The vigorous test to which history has subjected the Book, has only the more clearly disclosed its truthfulness. And the fourth test is that produced by modern science. This is a search light which could be thrown upon the "word of the Lord" only in these last days. Geology is a compara- tively new science; biology is still in its infancy; ethnology, archaeology, cosmogony, comparative languages and religions are all of the last few decades. But as this electric light is turned on the diirk places of the Bible, these do not prove to be caverns whence superstition drew myth and fable, but they are found to be deep mines, where are found rare and beautiful jewels. And as the sun rises higher in our intellectual 238 IS MOSES SCIENTIFIC.^ heavens, the fog banks are rolled back, and what seemed frowning and hostile battlements, where revelation was entrenched on the one side and science on the other, are now seen to be parts of the same great mountain mass of truth, touched and gilded by the light of heaven. The mercy of the Bible and the truth of science have met together; they have looked each other in the face and found that they were daughters of the same great Father; the righteousness brought in the hand of the Bible, and the peace brought in the hand of science, have kissed each other. No longer with the jealousy and petulance of ignorance, keeping each her own book to herself. Revelation and Science now, like two loving and beautiful sisters, sit down together, and study their books together, and ask each other's aid. Revelation turns over the leaves of the Bible and asks Science to help interpret its teachings to men; and Science turns over the rocky leaves of Nature, and when she has deciphered the hieroglyphics which the divine finger has written upon them, she is surprised and rejoices, when revelation shows that they are but pictured illus- trations of the same truths contained in the written word. CONCLUSION 239 By time, by experience, by history, by science, the Word of the Lord has been tried, and the results have been for its confirmation. But the work is not yet all done. There remain more difficulties to be explained, more seeming con- flicts to be harmonized. If we shall not see it all accomplished in our day, we will not with- hold our faith. So much has been done already, that we cannot but expect that the good w^ork will go on; more light will break forth from the written word, and more light will break forth from the material word of God. But all light, from whatever source is one. The results thus far are all in the same direction, and we cannot but believe that they will continue in that same direction for all future time. "Lord, I believe, help Thou mine unbelief." Upon the truth of the written word of the Lord, we are willing to build our hope for eternity, and we "know that we shall not be ashamed," THE END. a selection from Fleming H. Revell Company'i catalogue. 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