:^ L WWlWHrtlllWll^H' ^^ i\\t MtoUgkitt J f ^"^ s:^^ %i ^ PRINCETON, N. J. \iAji^ti) \jC-un^tA^ k ulf. /a/jo Shelf. BV 3785 .M3 MS 1876 Macpherson, John, 1847-1902 Life and labors of Duncan Matheson, the Scottish LIFE AND LABORS OF Duncan Matheson, C5e ^cottifi^ ©banffelifit BY THE REV. JOHN MACPHERSON. 'REALITY IS THE GREAT THING: I HAVE ALWAYS SOUGHT REALITY. NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER AND BROTHERS, 530 Broadway. 1876. CAMBEIDGE : ST. JOHNLAND PKESS OF STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, JOHN WILSON A SON. SUFFOLK CO., N. X. PREFACE, During Ms last days on earth Duncan Matheson, in accordance with the wishes of his friends, set himseK to write an account of his own life. The effort proved too much for his enfeebled health, and his autobiographic notes, stopping short at the beginning of his evangelistic course, were left in no fit state for publication. The facts recorded by his own hand have, however, been embodied in the present memoir; and the narrative of hi8 conversion, by far the most valuable portion of his hastily written notes, has been given in his own words. The cases of conversion described in illustration of the work of grace and the success of our evangelist are matters of fact of which I have the fullest knowledge, most of the individuals concerned being personally known to me; but I have deemed it best not to give their names. On similar grounds I have also in several instances withheld the names of localities. Many of the incidents narrated I learned from the lips of my lamented friend ; in fact, a great part of the volume has been derived from my recol- lection of the man and the work. The best narrative of his evangelistic labors, I have reason to believe, was contained in his letters to his wife ; but these have been destroyed. Vexed at the too hasty and too loud trumpeting of results on the part of some, and convinced that thereby the Holy Spirit was grieved and discredit cast upon the work, he set his face against even the appearance of what he regarded as a great evil, and for several years wrote at the foot of every letter giving account of his labors, "Destroy this." The stern decree was only too faithfully obeyed. In this way, doubtless, he preserved a full consciousness of the purity of his motives— no Ught matter truly to a servant of Jesus Christ; and however we may regret the loss of the letters, we cannot but admire the self-denying spirit of the man who thus deliberately sacrificed his own name at the shrine of his Master's glory. This tribute to the memory of my truly noble friend I humbly commend to the Holy Spirit; at the same time earnestly entreating my Christian readers to pray that the book, as an echo of the evangelist's voice, may prolong his extraordinary ministry, and be the means of saving many souls. CONTENTS. Birth and Boyhood 5 11. His Youth and Conversion .... 28 III. Spiritual Discipline 46 IV. His Evangelistic Apprenticeship ... 65 Y. His Mission to the Crimea .... 80 VI. Days of Revival 174 VII. The Diocese of Open-air . . . .214 VIII. His Manner of Living and Mode of Working . 284 IX. Some Sheaves from the Harvest-field . . 320 X. From the Furnace to the Sea of Glass Min- gled with Fire 337 LIFE AND LABORS DUNCAN MATHESON CHAPTER L BIRTH AND BOYHOOD. Duncan Matheson was born at Huntly, in Aber- deenshire, on the 22d day of November, 1824. This little inland town, some of my readers may not know, is the capital of Strathbogie, a district now famous in the ecclesiastical history of Scotland as the scene of a fierce conflict, some thirty years ago, between the church and the civil power. The fame of that struggle has sounded far beyond the shores of Scot- land, and its issues are constantly growing more mo- mentous with the revolving years. Neither the village nor the adjacent country pre- sents features very striking or interesting. The soil is not of a generous nature ; but its sons have devel- oped the sturdiest manhood in its subjugation and cultui-e. The climate, rigorously stern, is often in winter of arctic severity ; but the keen biting winds 6 His Parents, seem only to have sharpened the people's wits ; the gloomy sky if it has made them dour has helped to make them sober-minded, and battling with storms and drifting snows has proved a good training for the battle of life. Bannocks of oatmeal and bickers of porridge, together with early and successful con- tendings with that great army of strong truths whose leader presents to every young Scot this memorable challenge, "What is the chief end of man?" have contributed not a little in raising up generations of strong, free men, able to push their way and hold their own anywhere in the world. In fact, hard work, coarse but wholesome fare, a severe climate, the Bible, the church, the school, and the catechism, have conspired to develop in them the tougher elements of the Scottish character. The inhabitants of that north-eastern province are as hard as their native granite, as stern as their own winter, and of a spirit as independent as the winds that play on the summit of their lofty Benachee. In short, the people of Huntly are Aberdonians of the most Aberdonian type. Shrewd, hard-headed, rough-grained, having ever a keen eye to the main chance, and not to be overcome by force or over- reached by fraud, they are a people pre-eminently canmj and Scotch. In one of the plain homely dwellings, of which the Huntly of that day was almost entirely composed, the subject of this memoir first saw the light. His parents belonged to that better class of the common His Parents. y people whose intelligence, industry, thrift. God-fear- ing uprightness, and honest pride, have contributed so much to the prosperity and glory of their country. From his father, a Ross-shire man, connected with a family of some note in that county, young Matheson inherited the Celtic fire which fused all his powers into one great passion ; whilst from his mother he seemed to derive the strong good sense, the irre- pressible wit, and boundless generosity, that were among his chief characteristics. To his mother, in- deed, as in the case of many other men who in their day have been powerful workers of good and uncom- promising enemies of evil, the boy, the man, and the Christian, owed more than pen and ink can set forth. Her loving and fervent spirit, her wise and gracious ways, impressed and captivated the warm-hearted and ingenuous boy ; her prayers issued in his conver- sion after her gentle head had been pillowed among the clods; and her lovely memory glowing in his fancy became a force, not the less mighty for its gen- tleness, throughout his life. So true-hearted mothers often live in their strong sons, the little quiet rivulet somehow begetting the great broad river. Strong- willed and even wayward as was the boy, he loved and reverenced his mother with singular devotion. The father, who for nearly thirty years occupied the humble but honorable post of mail-nmner be- tween Huntly and Banff, enjoyed but a slender in- come ; and it needed all the diligence and thrift of the mother to keep the house and five little children 8 Incidents of Early Life, above want. They had their pinching times ; but pinching times have done much, under God, to de- velop the real strength of Scottish character. In after years, when Duncan Matheson had taken up his father Colin's business of mail-runner, with this difference, that the son carried letters for another King, even Christ, and ran upon a longer line than the Banff and Huntly road, olten did he remember how "his poor dear mother used to sit till midnight mending and making their clothes, and yet the beg- gar was never sent empty from the door." Some- times the brave little heart gave way, and the child covering his face with the bedclothes would sob, and long for the time when he should be able to aid his mother in the struggles of life. One day coming into possession of a small piece of money, earned by running a message for a neighbor, he took his stand at the window of a little shop, which seemed to embrace in its contents all that was de- sirable on earth, and there meditated a purchase. The ginger-bread men riding on ginger-bread horses did not much tempt him ; nor was he overcome by the little shining clasp-knife, so dear to the heart of boys. Kemembering his mother, he invested his money in tea. Hastening home, he secretly depos- ited his purchase in the cupboard, and watched till he obtained a fall reward in the glad surprise of his parent on finding her empty store thus unexpect- edly and mysteriously replenished. The lad was sent early to school, where he made School and the Schoolmaster. 9 rapid progress, his love of books being fostered by frequent contact with the teacher, who lodged in the house of the Mathesons. In those days there were two schools in Huntly, the parish school and an adventure school, between which there was a perpetual feud. Almost daily the boys met in bat- tle, and young Matheson, whose martial spirit was thus early stuTcd, took an eager part in the fray. The school of that time wore an air of awfiil stern- ness and solemnity. The thong was real master. The impression made by the opening prayer was too often sadly undone by impression of the leather^ as it fell with unmitigated severity on the tortured fingers of some little rebel. Strange scenes, the re- sult probably of that undue severity of government, were sometimes witnessed in the school of those days. A stream of water having been turned one day from a neighboring lane into the schoolroom, the master proceeded as a matter of course to find out the author of the mischief Young Matheson was unjustly charged, the real criminal having turned false witness ; and loud protestations of innocence notwithstanding, Duncan must be flogged. Here the authority of the master failed. The lad's sense of innocence, stimulated by some other feeling not quite akin to innocence, roused him to self-defence ; and amidst the cheers of the whole school the scholar beat the master, and reduced him to the necessity of a truce. The master, who was an earnest Christian and a 10 Moderatism and its Teachings. preacher of tlie Gospel, did his duty faithfully and well ; and Duncan Matheson never ceased to speak of him with feelings of deepest gratitude and estee-m. The pains taken by the teacher to polish that rough but genuine Cairngorm were not thrown away. In the matter of religion it was not a good time in those northern parts. Moderatism^ which means a religion without earnestness, a form without life, and a Gospel without grace, cast its deadly shadow over many a parish. Light, indeed, was beginning to dawn, the spirit that moved Chalmers was abroad, and when rare opportunity afforded men were Hsten- ing to the ancient story of the cross as if it were a new thing. As yet, however, it was only dim dawn. Strange doctrines were given forth from the pulpit of many a parish church. One taught the people that if they paid their debts and lived a quiet life they were sure of reaching heaven. His brother in the neighboring parish declared, on the other hand, that nobody can attain to assurance of salvation until the day of judgment, and that the children of God generally die under a cloud — a doctrine he clenched with the scripture, "Whom the Lord lov- eth He chasteneth." A third publicly stigmatized praying people as hypocrites. A fourth acknowl- edged his dislike of preaching by calling Sabbath "the hanging day." Another apologized to his au- dience for having once used "that offensive and unpolite expression hdiy Several of these pastors were famous for their skill in agriculture ; but while Moderatism and its Teachings. ii they kept a well-stocked farm-yard, their scanty supply of sermons grew more dry and mouldy year by year. The preaching was no more likely to awaken a slumbering congregation, than was the chirping of sparrows in the hedge to arouse the still, sad sleepers in the neighboring kirkyard. A clear, full statement of "the finished work" of Jesus, as the one only and all-sufficient substitute and sin- bearer, was seldom heard. As for the grace of the Holy Spirit the people were no more taught to ex- pect comfort from His fellowship than from the wind howling among the forest trees. In a certain parish contiguous to the district in which our missionary labored, the minister was one day catechising the people, and put to a woman, noted for the then rare qualities of earnestness and zeal, the question, "How many persons are there in the Godhead?" To the astonishment of all present she repHed, "There are two persons in the Godhead, the Father and the Son." Again the minister put the question, and this time with a caution. The same answer was given. "You see," said the parson, turning pompously to his elders, and glancing round upon the people, "you see what comes of high-flown zeal and hyp- ocritical pretence. This woman thinks to teach others, and herself is more ignorant than a child. What gross ignorance I Woman, don't you know that the correct answer is, ' There are iliree, persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,' " etc. " Sir," replied the woman, " I ken verra 12 Moderatism and its Teachings. weel that the catechism says sae. But whether am I to beheve, the catechism or yersel' ? We hear you name the Father, an' sometimes, but nae aften ye mak mention o' the Son ; but wha ever heerd you speak aboot the Holy Ghost? 'Deed, sir, ye never sae muckle as tauld us whether there be ony Holy Ghost, let alane oor need o' his grace." The minis- ter stood rebuked ; and the people went away home to discuss and think. The Lord's flock was scattered on the dark moun- tains. Some were wandering in a wilderness of perplexity; some were sticking fast in the quag- mire of earthliness ; some were ready to perish in deep pits of deadly error ; and sad were the bleat- ings of the sheep and the lambs as they pined away in want. Meanwhile the description of unfaithful shepherds given by the prophet Isaiah was realized to the letter. "His watchmen are blind; they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot under- stand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink ; and to-morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant" (Isaiah Ivi. 10-12). But amidst the Egyptian darkness there was a people who had light in their dwellings. These were chiefly Seceders and Independents. Amongst George Cowie. 13 the godly Dissenters there arose at this time a notable preacher, Mr. George Cowie, gi'and-uncle of Duncan Matheson. He was a man of rare hmnor, great force of character, and mibounded zeal; quali- ties in which his relative, the subject of this memoir, strikingly resembled him. Cowie was both pastor and evangelist. When he began his work in Huntly, where he was ordained as pastor of the Secession Church, he received a baptism of reproach and per- secution. The haters of evangehcal truth mobbed and pelted him ; but he took all meekly, and though well-nigh blinded by showers of dirt and rotten eggs, he turned to his little band of followers and bravely said, " Courage, friends, courage ! Pray on ; the devil is losing ground." Many who thirsted for the Gospel came from dis- tant parishes to hear this bold witness for the truth. On Sabbath morning you could see them gather on their way to Huntly ; one from yonder turf cot in the mid-st of a wilderness of peat moss, where the only sign of life is the smoke curling to the sky ; another from a little farm recently reclaimed from a marshy waste which anywhere out of Scotland would be regarded as an eternal morass ; and a third from down a lonely glen where silence is sel- dom broken save by the cry of the wild bfrd. Thus they gather from their native mists in search of light — broad-shouldered men with blue bonnet and plaid, thoughtful matrons with Bible and Psalm- book wrapt in clean white handkerchief, and neatly- 14 Worship in Nature s Temple, dressed maidens, light-stepping but modest; and as they journey together they talk of the things that concern the King. Reaching a little well at the way- side they sit down and refresh themselves. They need this rest, for they have come a long journey, some five miles, some ten, and some even fifteen. A drink from the well is followed by a draught of the pure water of life. With the blue heavens for a canopy, the green earth for a carpet, and the little birds for a choir, they worship God in that great temple of nature in which the religion of Scotland has oftentimes been baptized with the blood of her children. They sing the twenty-third Psalm. In grave, sweet melody their hearts go up to heaven in mingled exercise of faith, hope, and charity, as they repeat the most familiar of Scottish household words : "The Lord's my shepherd ; I'll not want : He makes me down to lie In pastures green ; He leadeth me The quiet waters by." To some of those God-fearers the song is a mat- ter of faith rather than of feeling. To others it is a spring of hope and expectation, whilst in some hearts it stirs joy and love.- There are those too who as yet knowing not conscious faith, or hope, or love, or joy, dimly discern the beauty of this holy, blessed, childlike worship, and secretly desire, al- most without perceiving in themselves the desire, A Highlanders Prayer. 15 to know the happiness of that people whose God is the Lord. When the Psalm is sung all heads are bent and a prayer follows — such a prayer as we have heard among the heather on a hill-side: "0 God, oor souls are jist as dry as the heather : oor herts are as hard as the granite stane : but Thou that gi'est the draps o' dew to the heather, gie us the drappins o' thy grace this day, and let thy ain love licht upon oor hard herts like the birdie sittin' singin' on the rock yonner; an' fill the souls o' thy fowk this day wi' peace and joy till they're rinnin' o'er like the water- spout on the brae. Lord, it'll be nae loss to you, an' it'll be a grand bargain for us, an' we'll mind ye on't tae a' eternity. Amen." The Haldanes were at this time engaged in their noble evangelistic labors. Mr. Cowie permitted James Haldane to occupy his pulpit, whilst him- self remained at the door to listen. At the close of the service the minister, convinced that God was with the lay-preacher, rushed into the church and invited the people to return in the evening and again hear the stranger. For this encouragement given to an evangelist manifestly heaven-sent, Cowie was thrust out of the Secession. But he was not the man to be silenced. His faith and zeal rose to the occasion: he went on preaching and laboring for souls as he had never done before, and the result was the formation of an Independent Church. The light spread. The torch was rudely shaken, but the 1 6 Rowland Hill. flame rose upon the night, and many afar off won- dered and came to see. In barns and out-of-the- way places meetings were held; and often in the open air the manly voice of George Cowie was heard calling sinners to the Saviour in terms he loved to repeat — "There is life for a look! there is life for a look!" This faithful servant of God was consumed with zeal. He was sometimes so overpowered with a sense of the value of souls that he needed to be supported by the elders as he went from the vestry to the pulpit. Blessed, surely, are such ministers, and highly favored the people who enjoy their min- istry! Speaking of preaching, Mr. Cowie used to say, " Go direct to conscience, and in every sermon take your hearers to the judgment-seat." One day a preacher, who occupied his place, spoke as if the Holy Spirit was not needed by either saint or sinner. At the close of the service, Cowie stood up on the pulpit steps, and solemnly said, " Sirs, haud in wi' your auld freen, the Holy Ghost, for if ye ance grieve Him awa, ye'll nae get Him back sae easy." Here Mr. Rowland Hill used to preach with all his wonted dash and power. At a diet of catechis- ing, a method of teaching to which some of the most valuable and characteristic elements of the old Scot- tish religion were due, the English evangelist was present and put a few simple questions. The an- swers were promptly and correctly given with the superadded request of an old man, " Gang deeper, Wise to Win Sozds. 17 sir, gang deeper." Mr. Hill having expressed his satisfaction with the results of the examination, the aged inquirer asked and obtained permission to put a question. " Sir," said he to Mr. Hill, " can ye rec- oncile the universal call o' the Gospel wi' the doc- trine o' a particler eleck?" In reply Mr. Hill frank- ly admitted that while he held both the doctrine of election and the universal call, he was unable to solve the theological problem proposed by the gray- headed inquirer. Mr. Cowie exhibited fine tact in dealing with men. " One of his attached hearers was the wife of a wealthy farmer, who, after weeping and praying in vain for her imgodly husband, brought her grief before her pastor, whose preaching she could by no persuasion induce him to hear. After listening to the case, Avhich seemed quite inaccessible, he in- quired, ' Is there any thing your good man has a liking to?' 'He heeds for nothing in this world,' was the reply, ' forbye his beasts and his siller, an' it be na his fiddle.' The hint was enough: the minister soon found his way to the farm-house, where after a dry reception, and kindly inquiries about cattle and corn, he awoke the farmer's feel- ings on the subject of his favorite pastime. The fiddle was produced, and the man of earth was astonished and charmed with the sweet music it gave forth in the hands of the feared and hated man of God. The minister next induced him to promise to return his call, by the offered treat of a finer in- 2 1 8 Influence of Traditions. strument in his own house, where he was deHghted with the swelhng tones of a large viohn, and needed then but sHght persuasion from his wife to accom- pany her and hear his friend preach. The word took effect in conviction and salvation; and the grovelling earth-worm was transformed into a free- hearted son of God, fall of the lively hope of the great inheritance above."* This good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, loved and honored over a wide extent of country, died and left behind him the precious legacy of many spiritual children bearing the likeness of his own hearty, thorough, downright Christian charac- ter. Thousands followed his body to the grave, and on his tombstone were inscribed the words of the prophet Daniel, "They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever." In after years his grand-nephew, Dun- can Matheson, when newly ushered into the mar- velous light of the Gospel, used to kneel beside the grave in the silence and solitude of night, and cry mightily to heaven, praying that the mantle of his venerated relative might fall upon him, and that the words of the prophet might be illustrated in him also. That prayer was abundantly answered. We are strangely linked to the past; its tradi- tions, especially such as come to us through the * Life and Letters of Elizabeth, last Duchess of Gordon. By the Rev. A. Moody Stuart. Duncan's Early Convictions of Sin. 19 channel of flesh and blood, go far to make ns what we are. Though the Matheson family were con- nected with the Established Church, they had strong leanings to the godly Dissenters ; and in his early life Duncan drank in the story and teaching of his uncle from his mother's lips. The banner which dropped from the hands of George Cowie was taken up and nobly sustained by Mr. Hill, the pastor of the Independent Church, and ]\Ir. Millar, the minis- ter of the Secession, faithful servants of Jesus Christ, whose indefatigable labors prepared the ground for the wider sowing and richer harvest of our time. One day the worthy pastor of the Independent Church laid his hand upon the head of the boister- ously frank and manly boy as he romped on the street, and bestowed upon him a prayerful blessing. Did the man of God see in young ^latheson a sec- ond George Cowie, and even then separate the lad unto the Gospel of Christ by the laying on of be- lieving hands? There are foretokens of a man's future that find no place in our philosophy. At any rate the susceptible heart of the boy was thus impressed, and he used to follow the godly minister upon the street with a cinious and wondering rev- erence. Throughout life he never forgot the gen- tle hand laid upon his head — the blessing and the prayer. From infancy up through boyhood the good an- gel of conviction never ceased to follow Duncan Matheson. Sometimes there is a lull of unholy 20 One Who Cared for His Soul. peace ; then comes a disturbed period when the gra- cious Spirit strives with the rebel heart. Now he seems near the kingdom of God; suddenly a back- wave of temptation carries him anew into the deep. Frequently he is all but overcome by drawings of invisible love; but as yet young flesh and blood prove too strong for these gentle touches of grace. One evening he is passing along the street and hears the sound of praise issuing from a cottage where a prayer-meeting is in progress. A good impulse carries him to the window. Peering in at a chink, he sees the faces of the company brightened up by no ordinary radiance, and as he listens he hears their glad voices singing, " greatly bless' d the people are The joyful sound that know ; In brightness of thy trice, Lord, They ever on shall go," His heart is touched ; he wishes he were amongst them to share their joy; but like one who would purchase a pearl were it not for the greatness of the price, he goes away with nothing but vague long- ings and hesitating resolves. These feelings do not last long ; they are but the morning cloud and early dew. Next day he is a very ringleader in perse- cuting the children of the saints, whom he mocks and calls by opprobrious names. A special interest was taken in young Matheson's spiritual welfare by James Maitland, an aged Chris- One Who Cared for His Soul. 21 tian and a convert of Mr. Cowie's. This old disciple was always ready in his own quaint and homely way to testify to the truth and grace of God. When a shallow theorist one day attempted to make the way into the kingdom of heaven easy to the flesh, James said, " I ken verra weel that a human faith can re- ceive a human testimony ; but, man, dinna ye ken it needs a divine faith to receive a di^nne testimony." To another who paid him a compliment for his Chris- tian worth, he replied, " I sometimes wonner if I'm a Christian at a' ; for ye ken we ocht to lay doon our lives for the brithren, but I can hardly bring mysel' to like the cross-grained anes." He kept an eye on the young people of the place, and his wise, loving counsels were not in vain. To a lad about to leave the town he said, "Young man, you are like a ship going to sea without compass or helm." These words led to his conversion. Maitland's heart was much drawn to Duncan Matheson, in whom he could dis- cern not a little of the natm-al character of his min- ister and spiritual father. Duncan strove hard to keep out of the old man's way, but being sent on an errand one day to ^laitland's house he was fairly caught. James shut the door on himself and the boy, and began to tell him the story of ]\Ir. Cowie's conversion. This done he brought the conversation to a practical bearing by asking the lad about his soul's case. The answer was unsatisfactory. Then followed homely, tender words about " God's wonderfu' love to sinners," and " the warm hert o' 22 His Mother s Instruction. Jesus yirnin' to save," and "the kind Spirit strivin' wi* a' his micht," with solemn remonstrance as well as touching appeal, not without effect, since conscience was all on James's side. Duncan went away very unhappy. The hour of decision had not yet arrived ; but one gun on the rampart of unbelief had been spiked. The impression made by Maitland's faithful words and tender dealings was never wholly lost. Speaking of this period he says, " My conscience often pricked me, and if the thunder rolled I went to prayer. I knew only the Lord's prayer, and used it as an incantation to ward off evil. If I saw a funeral I trembled, and thoughts of judgment pressed hard upon me." One evening his mother, who instead of always speaking directly to her childi'en about sal- vation, wisely followed the method of reading aloud from some interesting book, had fallen upon a well- known illustration of the endlessness of eternity. Suppose a little bird comes once in a thousand years and carries away a particle of dust from yon lofty mountain, how vast a number of years must elapse ere the huge mass has been entirely removed ! And yet when those countless myriads of years have come and gone, eternity will be no nearer an end than it was at first. What, then, will be the misery of the lost in the place where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched? Such was the impres- sion made upon tlie boy's mind that he could not sleep, and spent a great part of the night in weep- ing. The germ of truth thus lodged by a mother's Dread of Future Punishment. 23 hand in the heart of her son was not lost. It did not indeed result in his immediate conversion, but it took hold of his spirit, and by the blessing of God became a great power in his soul ; for throughout his entire Christian course one thought was never absent from his view, one motive never ceased to work mightily in his heart, one argument never failed to drop from his lips with amazing power on the ears of thou- sands, and that was the endlessness of eternity. Lit- tle did that mother dream of the great work she was doing as she read the simple illustration in the hear- ing of her boy. Little did she imagine the vast har- vest to be reaped fi^om that seedling, and the mighty forces that were being set in motion by so gentle a touch. The dread of future punishment held him in check, even in his most lawless days. "The eternity of it," he says, " more than any thing else, awed me, and if I could have persuaded myself that after thousands of years the torments of hell should cease, I would have given full swing to my evil heart, and more madly than I was even then doing would have rushed on to eternal death." The death of his sister Ann, " a sweet, holy child, who talked of Jesus with her latest breath," drew the furrows of conviction fresh and deep in his al- ready well-ploughed heart ; and as he stood by the grave, " the dull, muffled sound of the clods drop- ping upon the coffin-lid seemed to ring into his conscience this one word, Eternity." 24 One Step Towards the Light. Sickness followed : it was another gentle messen- ger from Him whose name is Love. Many thorns now vexed his pillow ; it was sovereign grace arous- ing him from his dangerous sleep. A host of evils seemed to surround him; it was a host of angels sent to shut him in and chase the wanderer home. As yet he saw not the Saviour; he saw only the clouds that are about his throne. The darkness which he imagined revealed the Avenger con- cealed his Eedeemer, and the sounds that seemed to his awakened conscience to be the roll of the chariot wheels of death, were but the echoes of ap- proaching salvation. Sometimes he would bury his fears in the grave of good resolution, and write upon the tombstone, "By and by;" but from the dead his convictions would arise with ghastly hor- ror, and then his wretchedness, overflowing its banks, would pour itself out in wrathful torrents, making the whole house unhappy and even afraid. They knew not the terrible conflict that raged in his breast; they saw not the misery of the mad- dened spirit wrestling with the Almighty, and heard not the despairing cry, " Would God I had never been born?" Before his mind's eye one great truth now began to appear in hazy outline. The absolute necessity of being born again was beginning to take hold of his thoughts. It was a point gained — one step towards the light. Not seldom did he pray God to convert him, though, like Augustine, he was fain Disrtiption of the Chtirch. 25 to add "not yet." Some friends perceiving his talents advised him to enter the University, and offered him a bursary on condition of his studying for the ministry — a course which his parents ear- nestly desired him to follow ; but he refused, saying with characteristic frankness, "A minister ought to be a converted and a holy man. I am not that. I cannot do it." When he and two companions were urged to become menlbers of the church, straightforward as usual, he replied, "I am not con- verted, and you know it. G is not converted, nor is D . We are on the brink, and you would push us over. You would have us go to the Lord's table in our sins, and then on Sabbath evening you would pray for the unworthy communicants." Turn- ing to his companions he said, "Come away;" and as he went out of the minister's presence he said to himself, "The whole thing is a sham. I may as well be an infidel." In all this there may have been a lack of courtesy, and a little pride ; but he had noticed the unfaithfulness of certain pastors in the admission of young communicants, and the sad effect on the communicants themselves, who made a pillow of the Lord's table for thek deadly slum- bers, and his honest spirit rebelled against what he believed to be an unholy sham. The disruption of the Church of Scotland with its stirring events drew near. Patronage was doing its evil works. The conflict between the Church and the civil power was becoming more fierce and 26 Preaching of Robert M'Cheyne. •ancompromising. A minister was thrust into the parish of Marnoch against the will of the people. Duncan Matheson was present at the forced settle- ment, and, young though he was, warmly sympa- thized with the Christian flock, whose rights were thus trampled under foot. The scene made a deep impression on his heart. But not until he submit- ted himself to the Lord Jesus did he rightly under- stand the great question of the time — ^the indepen- dence of the Church, and the Crown rights of the Saviour as her sole King and Head. At this time able and faithful ministers of the Gospel were sent down to Strathbogie, the scene of conflict. The word was with great power. On one occasion Mr. Moody Stuart preached a sermon on the strait gate, which Duncan Matheson says was blessed to many souls. On another occasion the Lord's Supper was dispensed by Mr. Cumming, of Dunbarney, and Mr. M'Cheyne, Dundee. The people met in the open air and sat upon the grass listening to the word. In the afternoon the sky darkened, and the thunder pealing overhead added an awful solemnity to the service. In the evening Robert M'Cheyne preached with "Eternity stamped upon his brow." "I think I can yet see his seraphic countenance," says Mathe- son, "and hear his sweet and tender voice. I was spell-bomid, and could not keep my eyes off him for a moment. He announced his text — Paul's thorn in the flesh. What a sermon! I trembled, and never felt God so near. His appeals went to my Grieving the Spirit. 27 heart, and as he spoke of the last great day in the darkening twihght, for once I began to pray. At the close he invited all those who were anxious to re- tire to the chapel. Here began a tremendous strug- gle in my heart, a struggle I can recall as if it had been but yesterday. I looked to see if my special friend D. McP was going in, but I could see him nowhere. He afterwards told me he was look- ing for me with a like desire. Were he to go in, I Avould. Were he to be a Christian, I would. Slow- ly I went through the darkness, and reached the chapel, with the words, 'Quench not the Sphit,' ringing in my ears. I looked in at the window and saw many there I knew. I hesitated : I approached the door and looked in. Hastily I turned back. The die was cast. The tempter whispered, ' Anoth- er time.' Alas! alas! ' I chose the world and an endless shroud. ' Oh the long-suffering of God ! Then and there how justly might God have said, 'Let him alone.' I de- served it. I was near the kingdom : I stood trem- bling on the threshold : I did not enter in. My case should lead no one to presume, not one in thousands, perhaps, in such a state as mine was — trifling with God — is ever saved. It is a solemn thing to say to- morroio when God says to-day / for man's to-morrow and God's to-day never meet. The word that comes from the eternal throne is noio^ and it is a man's own choice that fixes his doom." 28 DuncarHs Choice of a Calling. After this grieving of the Holy Ghost, Duncan Matheson tried hard "to forget all about eternity, and took to novel-reading." For a season he seemed to be too successful: he was intoxicated with the vanities of fiction, and plunged into all but utter oblivion of God. It was probably owing to this sad experience that he never ceased to deplore the inju- rious effect of novel-reading on the minds and hearts of the young, and to denounce in no measured terms the conduct of Christians and ministers who give too great encouragement to indulgence in the sensa- tional literature of our day. He once found a trashy work of fiction on the pillow of a dying person. No marvel, then, if he spoke strongly of the evil. From Dreamland into Eternity — what a transition ! CHAPTER n. HIS YOUTH AND CONVERSION. The time had arrived when Duncan Matheson, now sixteen years of age, must decide as to his future calling. His education was good for his years, his talents were of a superior order, and he might have entered the University with the fairest prospects. But fond as he was of learning, and ambitious of rising in the world, the conditions Apprenticed as a Stone-Ctitter. 29 attached to his enjoyment of a college education were such as he could not accept. He was uncon- verted, and he would not be a minister because he could not be a hypocrite. His novel-reading had set him a dreaming; he would become a sculptor. The mallet and chisel were his fascination ; Eome and the ancient masters rose before the eye of fancy ; and visions of success and glory dazzled his view. But how is he to climb so lofty a steep V He boldly resolves to plant his foot on the lowest possible round of the ladder : he will begin his career of fame as a stone-cutter. His genei:al talents, and in particular his turn for mechanics, seemed to mark him out for the occupation of a builder. Accordingly he was apprenticed to a master, and sent to hew his native sandstone at Kildrummie, where he wrote his first letter to his friends at Huntly. Here, as he tells, romance is quickly changed for reality. At the end of six months the stone-hewing is exhausted, and his master sends him to the quarry. This is going down the ladder, not up; and here his ap- prenticeship ends. From Kildrummie he goes to Banff, where his quick parts procure him employ- ment in the building of a bank. He saves all he can of his wages ; and although his mother needs not his aid, his affectionate heart finds an unspeak- able joy in sending her all his savings. Whilst he is hewing stones the Divine Worker is busy with mallet and chisel of sharp conviction and providential dealing upon his rough granite nature. 30 Leaves Home for Edinburgh. He would be a sculptor, a builder, a worker of great works. The Master of all masters had another de- sign, a better way, and was even now rough-hewing this proud spirit, and training the young tradesman to be a sculptor of souls and a builder of God's tem- ple. There is no rest in the young man's spirit ; he will not have religion, and yet he cannot do without it. He goes to hear the late estimable minister of Banff, Mr. Grant. The subject of discourse is "A good man." Matheson is convinced by a clear state- ment of the truth that no man can be really good, good in the sight of God, who is not regenerate. He next goes to hear the venerable John Murker, min- ister of the Independent Church in the same town. The preacher is that day reasoning, like Paul, on temperance, righteousness, and judgment to come. Trembling under the word, the young stone-cutter goes away resolved to hear the faithful preacher no more. He then turns his steps to the neighboring town of Macduff, and listens for a season to Mr. Leslie, the late earnest and devoted minister of the Free Church ; but in vain. What he really sought for, though he did not know it, was a Gospel that would give him rest without repentance, and sal- vation without a sacrifice of self Work failing he returned home, bade farewell to his father's house, and carrying Avitli him the coun- sels and prayers of his mother, who was then in de- clining health, he went to Edinburgh. Here he lodged with a godly couple, who he says did all His Fellow-Workmen. 31 they could for his soul. The providential hammer and chisel were again at work, and the Spirit of grace plied him in various ways. He must needs sit under the most faithful ministry he can find, and accordingly goes to hear Mr. Moody Stuart. No sooner is he seated than a lady enters the same pew, and leaning her head on the book-board engages in secret prayer. Matheson is self-condemned ; con- science upbraids him for his prayerlessness. He is now at the preacher's mercy; the truth spoken with faithful plainness and holy fervor deepens his unrest into anguish, and he goes away saying to himself, "I cannot bear this; if I am to come here, I must be converted." The evil spirit of unbelief triumphed; he resolved to return to that church no more. During the rest of the summer he entered no place of worship, but spent his Sabbaths in walk- ing abroad and in novel-reading. He dared not open the Bible; the very sight of it pierced his heart with an indescribable pang. He tried hard to avoid every thing suggestive of eternity. Daily did he flee from the presence of the Lord; and often did he rebelliously banish from his mind the thoughts by which the Holy Spirit was striving to draw him to the Saviour. His fellow-workmen were for the most part God- less, drunken, and dissipated in the extreme. But he was preserved from joining in their follies; he never once could be induced to enter a public-house ; and he was often shocked and saddened at the ter- 32 The Never-failing Monitor. rible miseries which these free-thinkers and free- livers were constantly bringing on themselves. If the fear of God did not restrain him, he remembered the prayers, the counsels, and the tears of his mother. When about to err, her gentle reproof sounded in his ear. In his sleep he seemed to see her beckoning him to the way of righteousness ; and when all else failed, one monitor never failed effectually to warn him away from the gates of evil ; that monitor was the remembrance of his mother's hollow and ominous cough. It is told of Simon Peter that throughout his life the hearing of a cock crow at any hour, and under all circumstances, caused him to burst into tears. Such was the power of that one look of love that melted the sinning disciple's heart and re- claimed the wanderer. By how little a thing can God hold fast a strong man, and accomplish a great work ! From the day he parted with his mother till the day of his death, Duncan Matheson, manly and brave-hearted though he was, could never hear the cough of the consumptive without being deeply moved. The cords of love twined by a parent's hand around his heart he could not undo ; and it may be safely asserted that except the grace of God nothing is more powerful than the wise affection of a mother. One night he was induced by his fellow-workmen to go to an infidel meeting; but just as he was about to enter the room he remembered that the eye of God was upon him, he seemed to hear his His Mothers Death. 33 mother s counsel, and her dying cough. It was enough. He suddenly stopped, turned back, fled from the place, and went home. When, many years afterwards, he sought for his former companions in toil, he found that " most of them filled a drunkard's grave; not one of them was known to have turned to God." AVell might he exclaim, as he did, " Oh, the wondrous grace of God to me ! " Although careful of his morals, he hated all close dealing about his soul. This was the sore part which could not bear to be touched. On one occa- sion he met a faithful Baptist minister, who put the "one thing needful" plainly before him; but young Matheson adroitly shifted the ground by raising the question of Infant Baptism, which proved a too suc- cessful diversion from the great question. In October, 1845, he was called home to see his mother die. The last year of her life was the brightest; she had reached Pisgah and could see the Land of Promise. She spoke to her son of Christ; entreated him to follow the Saviour; and charged him to meet her in heaven. Taking his hand in hers she bade him farewell, and then gen- tly fell asleep in Jesus. Again, in the hour of grief divine love assailed the stubborn heart, but as yet the only result was a resolution to arise and seek the Lord. The noblest affections of om- nature, and the bitterest sorrow of life, alike and unitedly fail to bring sinners to the Saviour. 3 34 To Die or be Converted. After building a house for his fatlier and the family, he returned to Edinburgh with a strange impression, of which he spake to his fiiends, that either he should die or be converted there. Thus the all-wise and gracious Spirit condescends to seek admission into our evil hearts by the lowest door. By putting before us the alternative of death or life, he appeals to our self-interest and our fears, if by any means He may obtain a footing within us for the furtherance of his merciful design. In Edinburgh he strove to forget his good resolu- tions, and went on much as before, guarding his morals, shutting out conviction, and making no sur- render to the Lord Jesus. Bent on professional suc- cess, he gave himself to the study of drawing and the acquisition of useful knowledge, with praise- worthy diligence improving his mind. To keep his thoughts occupied, and his heart quiet, he resorted to Freemasonry, which, as he acknowledged, did his conscience no good; for he found the freedom not such as he needed, and the secret no substitute for the mysteries of the kingdom of God. One day a discussion on the evidences of the truth of Christianity arose among the stone-cutters. Dun- can Matheson was the champion of the Bible. The leading sceptic, beaten in argument, assailed reli- gion through the inconsistencies of its Mends, declar- ing that Matheson was the only consistent Christian he had ever met. This compliment to his external morality, instead of pleasing his vanity, aroused his Self-Accusation, 35 conscience, and he secretly charged hhnself with sheer hypocrisy in defending the truth, to whose divine power he felt in his heart he was an utter stranger. Another day, seeing a fellow-workman look sad, he expressed his sympathy, and found the man was distressed about his sins. Matheson took him aside, and although himself ignorant of the righteousness of God, and justification by faith in the Lord Jesus, directed him as best he could to the path of life. But this act recoiled on himself, and his conscience, now constantly awake, began to up- braid him. " You're a hypocrite," said he to himself. " You point others to Christ, and all the while you are treading the way to hell yourself" Then fol- lowed a fierce struggle between light and darkness ; his soul was tortured almost to madness — a crisis was at hand. His state at this time is by no means uncommon. On the one hand his conscience enlightened by the law of God suffered him not to plunge into the pleasures of the world, whilst on the other hand he knew not the peace of God. He could not forget God, and when he remembered God he was troubled. Poised between heaven and earth, as it were, he had religion enough to make him careful and sad, but not enough to make him holy and happy. Into infidelity he dared not plunge. Two convictions, like two unseen hands, held him fast. The one, firm belief in regeneration as a great fact essential to salvation ; the other, an undoubted consciousness 36 MatJiesons Ozvn Story that he was not born again. As yet, however, re- generation, if an acknowledged necessity, seemed a dark and uninviting mystery. Thorns and briars of the wilderness were now to be his teachers. He was to learn the way of salvation in a fire that con- sumes every thing but truth. Let us hear his own story. "On Thursday, 25th Oct., 1846, being the fast- day before communion, I attended Lady Glenor- chy's church, where I heard Mr. A. Bonar, biogra- pher of M'Cheyne, preach on the portion of the wicked in Psalm xi., 'Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire, and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.' I felt as he proceeded as if all were to myself. I dreaded the portion I was about to receive. I knew I deserved it. I left the church weeping, but tried to hush my fears by fostering in my mind a pur- pose of being converted that day twelve months. I had the notion that I could be converted when I liked: I had only to begin praying, and reading, etc., and then all would come right. Fatal delu- sion! There are gales of mercy, there are tides of grace, which do not always wait for us. It will always be man's inconvenient season when it is God's convenient time. I was afraid to return to the church in the evening. Satan furnished me with a pillow on which to sleep. It was this : ' If you are to be converted you will be converted; If not, you cannot help it.' I took the opiate of His Conversion. 37 greedily, and was rocked to sleep in the devil's cradle. "Many strike on this rock; many a noble ship has been dashed to pieces here. This is not Calvin- ism, but fatalism. Can the husbandman expect to reap if he does not sow, or the sailor reach the port if he does not spread the sail to catch the breeze ? What sick man would say, ' If I am to get well I shall, no matter though a physician be not called or medicine taken.' Of all preachers of election, Satan is the worst. He distorts that glorious truth, the first link in the golden chain of man's salvation. He hides the blood of Christ through which sinners should behold it. He keeps out of sight the only decree with which sinners have to do, viz., 'He that believeth not shall be damned.' 'You are not elect,' said the adversary to a sorely-tried Christian. 'Elect!' replied the man of God. 'Have you seen the book of God? Liar, get you hence; I have had more than ye ever had — an offer of Jesus Christ, and I have taken Him.' "Next day I was sad, and unable to smile; but I tried to conceal my state. Sermon after sermon rose to mind, and my dying mother's counsels flashed into my heart. When the church bells began to ring on Saturday, two fellow-workmen, G. T. and M. T., in- fidels, began to curse and swear, blaspheming espe- cially the Lord's Supper. Shocked, I could have fled from the place ; and the prayer came into my heart, ' Father, forgive them ; for they know not what they 38 Matheso7i' s Ozvn Story do.' Then a voice seemed to say, 'How do you take the name of Father into your lips, seeing you reject Christ ? Your hell will be deeper than theirs ; for you know, and do not. God is not your Father: Satan is.' "I could work no more, and I went home to pon- der and weep. The arrow was driven home ; and this time I did not seek to withdraw it. On Sabbath morning I was early astir, and, Bible in hand, was the first at church. In serving a table, Mr. Bonar said, 'This is a feast of love, the deepest love.' A voice seemed to ask me, 'Why are you not at it?' My heart was thrilled. I looked round, and saw no one. The question drove me from the church, and I rushed home. Even in this solemn hour I dared dally with my convictions, and went to see a friend, resolved to shun the church lest I should be tormented afresh. My heart was too full to con- ceal my thoughts, and I began to speak about re- ligion. The topic being manifestly disagreeable, I left the house with feelings of wounded pride. Eeaching the Calton Hill, I looked down upon the city, with its thousands of gleaming lights, and upward to the stars, which seemed to shine most sweetly upon me. I felt inwardly urged to go to church. I went with reluctance, and almost not knowing what I was doing, or whither I was going. I became desperate and passed the church door, but returned as if some invisible power moved me against my will. Again, when I was about to en- of His Co7iversion, 39 ter, I tore myself away. Two powers seemed to be lugging me hither and thither. Again I returned, and with a bound crossed the threshold, and mount- ing the gallery stairs took my seat in the passage. I felt I was a poor, miserable castaway. The ser- mon was nearly finished. One showed me the text : 'The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty' (Ex. xxxiv. 6, 7). Mr. A. Bonar was preacher, and had come to the words, 'will by no means clear the guilty.' In a moment I felt the burning, piercing eye of God upon me. A mountain of wrath seemed to crush me down ; and hell was opened beneath me. All round about me seemed to be on fire. Louder than the loudest thunder came the words: 'By no means clear the guilty ; ' and, ' Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them.' The congregation was dismissed; the people departed; but I remained fixed to the spot. Some as they passed gave me a look of pity. At last I rose and reeled home to my lodgings, real- izing with awful vividness God, heaven, hell, judg- ment, and eternity. Falling on my knees I uttered my first real prayer, ' God be merciful to me, a sin- ner.' I was now thoroughly awakened, but I was not saved. " When the eyes are opened by the Holy Ghost, 40 His Own Story. how differently are all things seen : they stand forth then in then- true light. I saw the mass around me hurrying unsaved to eternity. I wondered they could laugh. It seemed to me like the condemned dancing on the scaffold. The heavens seemed as if clothed in sackcloth. Wherever I went I felt the burning eye of God upon me; and the threatenings of the Word came like peals of artillery in quick suc- cession. I feared I should drop into hell at every step, and, like most other awakened sinners, I began to work for life. The language of my heart was, * Have patience with me, and I will pay Thee all.' How I did pray, and agonize, and suffer ! I was on the wrong track, and did not know that '"Doing is a deadly thing, Doing ends in death.' I began to read many chapters, thinking that would do me good. I prayed all day long, but I was no better. If a tear started to my eye I felt proud of it, and thought surely now Jesus will regard my case. I had a long stair of seventy steps to climb to my room : at every step I uttered a prayer. Like Luther as he ascended the steps in the church at Kome, I groaned out a petition for deliverance ; but no voice came to me saying, 'The just shall live by faith.' I labored to make of my works a ladder to heaven. I put my anxiety in place of Christ; and instead of seeldng the One to be believed in, I set out in search of faith. Many a weary hour I spent A Mistaken Gtiide. 41 trying to discover what faith is. I read all the books I could find, and searched the Word of God. Faith! faith ! faith ! was still my cry. Oh, if I had faith ! The Star of Bethlehem was shining brightly before me. Jesus was standing near. He was uttering hia voice, ' Look unto Me, and be ye saved.' But I passed Him by. " I went to a minister in Edinburgh, who began to tell me how good a thing it was to be awakened, and with a view to my being comforted applied pas- sages of Scripture that belong only to the people of God. He urged me to hope, instead of bidding me believe. Thus many are led to hope they may be saved, and rest there, instead of obeying the com- mand of God to 'believe on Him whom He hath sent.' The effect was, I became proud of my convictions ; my fears were hushed ; for some days I felt great self- satisfaction ; and, thinking that He who had begun a good work would carry it on, went smoothly. " Some days after this I was startled by finding my heart beginning to love things I had forsaken, and then came the terrible question, What if this is false peace ? I felt I had not taken hold of Christ, and something said. Now or never ! noAv or never ! Make sure work for eternity ! " How few can deal with anxious souls ! Here was a good man settling me on my lees, taking the children's bread and giving it to a dog. He had no right to give me any promise addressed to the chil- dren of God. The promises are all yea and amen, 42 Conversation with Christopher Anderson. but only in Christ Jesus. From Genesis to Revela- tion the promises belong to the Christian : they are his in Christ. Many have gone down to hell, pillow- ing their head on a promise, but not taking Christ. The good man was wrong in applying to me the text, ' Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ ' (Phil. i. 6) ; for it refers to the work of sanctification, and as yet I was not justified. " Mr. Cowie used to say, ' Some get such a fright at Sinai that they are in danger of running past Jerusalem ; ' that is to say, the very depth of their convictions may prevent them from entering the kingdom, for fear their peace may not be right. So it was with me. Fearing lest I should come short of eternal life, I cared not what happened if only I might be really saved. "I sought my old friend John Cameron, who wept in his sympathy with me, and took me to his minister, Christopher Anderson (Baptist), author of the 'Annals of the English Bible.' This devoted man listened to my story, told in a romantic style ; for I spoke of my sufferings as if I was passing through purgatorial fires. He saw I was lifted up, and said, ' Young man, were I to say I am pleased with you, you would go down that stair in a happy frame, but you are yet far from the kingdom of God. You have never yet dealt with the justice of God. His justice in condemning you for breaking Dawning Light. 43 Ms law has never yet entered your thouglits. I see you are angry with God for not giving you salva- tion as the reward of works. But it must be grace from first to last.' After a few words he told me to go. I thought it very harsh. I seemed cut off from all hope. I reeled to the door, and when I readied the street I felt shut up to God and alone with him, and exclaimed, ' God, it shall hence- forth be Thee, and Thee alone.' After this I desired that every thing might be settled between God and myself, and I prayed that every truth might be burnt into my heart by the Holy Ghost. "Wearied and anxious, I left for home. A great change was seen in me. My fierce temper was checked : the lion had thus far become a lamb. All the town heard of it, and pitied the poor lad who had, as they thought, gone mad. Old companions who I feared would hinder me never came near me. Faith was still the prevailing question. The doc- trine of the imputation of Adam's sin I could not see, and I rebelled against the sovereignty of God, and thought He dealt hardly with me. Slow- ly the truth in regard to imputation was opened up. Dimly I began to see that I had nothing but unholy thoughts, words, or deeds, and that for these I must die. I saw that Jesus only had holy thoughts, words, and deeds, and that these were placed to my account the moment I believed. I wanted a righteousness in which I could appear before God, and slowly Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord 44 Salvation. Himself oiir Eigliteousness, shone forth in all his gloiy. " I was standing on the 10th December, 1846, at the end of my father's house, and meditating on that precious word which has brought peace to comitless weary ones ; ' God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoso- ever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life' (John iii. 16). I saw that God loved me, for I was one of the world. I saw the proof of His love in the giving of His Son Jesus. I saw that ' whosoever ' meant any body and every body, and therefore me^ even me. I saw the result of believing — that I would not perish, but have everlasting life. I was enabled to take God at his word. I saw no one, but Jesus only, all in all in redemption. My burden fell from my back, and I was saved. Yes, saved ! That hour angels re- joiced over one more sinner brought to the Saviour, and new songs rang through the courts of that city to which I had now got a title, and of which I had now become an heir. Bunyan describes his pilgrim as giving three leaps for joy as his burden rolled into the open sepulchre of Christ. I could not con- tain myself for joy. I sang the new song, salvation through the blood of the Lamb. The very heavens appeared as if covered with glory. I felt the calm of a pardoned sinner ; yet I had no thought about my safety. I saw only the person of Jesus. I wept for my sin that had nailed Him to the cross, Telling the Glad Story. 45 and they were tears of true repentance. Formerly I had set np repentance as a toll between me and the cross ; now it came freely as the tear that faith wept. I felt I had passed from death unto life — that old things had passed away, and all things had become new. " I wondered I had stumbled at the simplicity of the way. I saw every thing so plain that I longed to go and tell all the world. I felt as if I could at once convince the most sceptical and the most hardened ; and that if I met a thousand Manassehs I could say, 'Yet there is room.' I went every- where, telling my glad story. Some even of the saints looked incredulous. Others, like the elder brother in the parable, did not like the music and the dancing. They had never left their Father's dwelling; they had never been sin-sick, and knew not what it is to be healed ; no fatted calf had been killed for them. These warned me against enthu- siasm, and exhorted me to be sober-minded. One old man told me 1 was on the mount, but would soon be down again. Another said I needed great humility ; but I went on singing my song. Prayer had given place to praise, and night and day for more than three days I continued to thank God for ' his unspeakable gift.' I longed to die that I might sin no more, and discover more fully the height and the depth, the length and the breadth of that love which I now knew 'passeth knowledge.'" 46 Shadows. CHAPTER III. SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE. "He knoweth the way tliat I take ; when He hath tried me, I shall com© forth as gold."— Job xxiii. 10. " I asked the Lord that I might grow- In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of His salvation know, And seek more earnestly His face. " 'Twas He who taught me thus to pray. And He I trust has answered prayer; But it has been in such a way As almost drove me to despair." You have seen a bright week of too early spring. The sun has suddenly poured down an unusual warmth. The brooks and streams emancipated from the frost begin to babble afresh. The little birds are full of joy, and warble a welcome to the genial year. The buds are swelling, here and there a flower peeps out, and the first tint of greenness is upon the earth. Unexpectedly the sun, as if he had but mocked, with- draws his smiling favors ; frost, as if he had lain in ambush, returns with his cruel bonds ; the more ad- venturous flowers are ruthlessly slain; the birds are dumb with amazement and sorrow; and all the voices of nature are again hushed. Life and death are now fiercely struggling ; but the former, though for a while overborne, at length wins. A Season of Bondage. 47 To this the spiritual world is not without its par- allel. So it fell out in the experience of Duncan Matheson. His few days of enlargement and joy were followed by a weary season of bondage and misery. His song of triumph was quickly followed by the burning thirst of unsatisfied spiritual desire, the bitter waters of a ]\Iarah experience, and all the anguish and travail of the wilderness. It was as when the sun has just arisen upon some benighted traveller, and he is making his escape from ffearful dangers amidst dazzling floods of light. Suddenly again it becomes pitch dark, and night without a star overshadows his path. During those years the young Christian's joy, if not also his faith, suffered an eclipse. Like a lamb bleating for its lost mother, he went about during those weary months bemoan- ing himself with piteous lamentations and sorrow. But a fighting faith is as precious as a resting faith, though not so pleasant ; and stern battle is the way to victory. "Gradually," he says, "my joy began to abate. I had been soaring on the eagle wings of praise, but now my song failed. At any rate, I thought, I am free of sin ; but, alas, I soon discovered that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. I could see two distinct principles at work in me — the flesh and the Spirit. To an old Christian of experience I com- plained that I was dead. " ' Dead 1 ' said he, with a curious twinkle in his eye; 'you are a curiosity. I never heard a dead 48 /;/ the Wilderness. man speak before. There comes nae a sigh frae a coffin, and they never cry feich in the grave. Ye're nae dead, but feehn' deadness. After having been dandled on the knees of consolation you must be weaned, and go and fecht the battles of the Lord.' This gave me a little comfort, but only a little. " Young converts live more by sense than faith, and they must be taught that Jesus Himself, and not the comforts He gives, is their life. The wean- ing time is a critical period; then it is a man's Christian character is stamped. Skilful teachers are needed to show the workings of nature and grace, to separate the precious from the vile, so that he who begins in the Spirit may not be led away to seek perfection in the flesh. I was now in a wil- derness, sorely tempted of the devil. The fountains of the great deep were broken up, Satan came down on my soul like a sweeping avalanche, and I was tempted to curse God and die. I staggered beneath my burden day and night for nearly two years. Terrible were the fiery darts with which I was as- sailed. Horrible and unutterable thoughts of God, of the Holy Ghost, and of Jesus, were injected into my mind. If I began to sing, the very note seemed to be changed into a blasphemy on the tip of my tongue, and many a time have I had to put my fingers in my ears and my hand on my mouth. These bolts of hell caused me indescriba- ble anguish and sorrow, and never till I saw they Two Years of Conflict. 49 were not mine but Satan's did I get deliverance from them. "Sometimes he tortured me about election; some- times he suggested that my former joy was only the joy of the stony ground hearers ; sometimes that I had fallen away, and that according to the Word of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews, chap. vi. 4-6, it was impossible for me to be renewed unto repent- ance. The dread of apostasy hung over me like a sword from which I could not escape. The journal of my spiritual life I burned, that there might be no record of my apostasy left behind me. Above all, I was tempted to believe I had cominitted the unpar- donable sin — the sin against the Holy Ghost. ' You have blasphemed,' said the tempter one day. *Go and take your fill of the world ; mercy is not for you.' I left the house, but had only gone a little way when I was compelled to return. Taking up the ' Pilgrim's Progress,' I read a note, which said, 'If you have any desire to be saved, if you wish you had not sinned against the Holy Ghost, you have not done it.' I was somewhat relieved, and began afresh. "When I struggled, Satan said it was of no use; when I rested, he taunted me with sloth, and said, ' How can you get the blessing when you are sleep- ing? ' Sometimes he said, ' Where is your joy ? Are not wisdom's ways ways of pleasantness ? Her paths are paths of peace.' I was tempted to Atheism, to Unitarianism, and was continually urged to take life away. Oh the agony of those months! I suf- 4 50 The Cross and the Crown. fered till my frame was sadly reduced. Often did . hmTy to the hill-side, and oftener to the banks of the river, and my weary wail, ' Oh that I knew where I might find Him ! ' mingled with the flow of the dark waters. But never was I desirous of giving up. Eternity was stamped on my eyeballs. I had seen a sight which dimmed the glory of all else. ♦* 'The cross, the cross ! the Christian's only glory, I see the standard rise ; March on, march on ! the cross of Christ before thee; That cross all hell defies. *• ♦ The cross, the cross ! redemption's standard raising, I see the banner wave ; Sing on the march, salvation's Captain praising; 'Tis Christ alone can save. " 'The crown, the crown ! Oh, who at last shall gain it? That cross a crown affords; Press on, press on with courage to obtain it; The battle is the Lord's.' *'I had now and again sweet, short tastes of com- ing glory. I felt as if I could have struggled cen- turies to reach the goal at last. ' I was persecuted, but not forsaken ; cast down, but not destroyed.' Though for the most part I groaned out, ' wretch- ed man that I am ! who shall deliver me from the body of this death ? ' yet there were moments when I could say, ' I thank God through Jesus Christ ou»* Lord.' Dark indeed was the night, and starless th( sky, but hope bore me up, and I felt an unseen hand supporting me; and when the dark vail was for Extracts from His Diary. 5 1 a little drawn aside, I could realize the verse of Cowper — " * God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants liis footsteps on the sea, And rides upon the storm. ' A portion of the diary mentioned above escaped the fire. A few extracts from it will serve to illus- trate his state of mind, and the fiery conflicts through which he was then passing. Perhaps it will en- courage some poor struggler to hold on his way through fire and Avater till he gets into the "wealthy place." "January 2d, 1847. When I awoke in the morn- ing, all my thoughts were evil and good mixed; evil thoughts preponderating. Alas ! what are my thoughts but evil? what my prayers but sin? what my desires but mixed with self? Were I left to my own heart I would perish. Throughout the day I have thought awful thoughts, hard, wicked, unbe- lieving thoughts of God. Satan has been raging like a lion, seeking to devour me, my own heart helping him. When I think of these thoughts I can well say that God for one of them could justly cast me off. Prayed much for the Holy Sph'it, with- out whose aid I can see and do nothing. Tried to rest all my thoughts on Jesus, but it is hard to do so. I am always running after something of my own. More settled just now (evening). Very much 52 Prayer for Help. in need of a humble heart; clearer views of Jesus; a heart to acknowledge God in all things. May the Holy Spirit open the eyes of my understanding, lead me and guide me aright ; for left to my own heart I would go astray. Enable me to cast my care and burden on Jesus, who can save me. "January 3d. Sabbath morning. Very much tor- mented with awful thoughts which I shudder at. I have a fearful heart that would dictate to the Creator of the universe. Very much tormented by Satan, who fills my tongue and imagination with curses and blasphemies. May God for Jesus' sake, on whom I would rely, disappoint him. "Went to church, my thoughts wandering, and very wicked thoughts rising up. Heard a discourse from Ps. xix. Set my secret faults before my face. Mr. Millar spoke well on presumptuous sin. Alas! how many have I committed even since the Spirit awakened me. It is of mercy I am not cast off. Truly God is long-suffering. "Prayer-meeting in the afternoon. Thoughts away, but rather better staid than in the forenoon. " Evening. Mr. Hill on Psalm xvii. The poor commit their way to God. Very good discom^se. I would commit my way, guilty, weak, and unworthy as I am, to God through Jesus. O guide me, and give me grace to support me under every trial. Give me thy Spirit. Impart thy love, dear Lord Jesus, to my heart. "January 4th. When I awoke, my mind con- A Great Conflict. 53 fused, my imagination going after every evil. Tru- ly the thoughts of the heart are only evil, and that continually. My mind throughout the day was a chaos of evil and good. How terribly fallen I am, for my mind is enmity against God. Awful thoughts were in my heart against Him. A great conflict going on in my mind, and I am unable in myself to submit my will to God. Oh that He would in mercy give me a humble heart, to see and acknowledge Him in all my ways, and to submit my will to his ! I find it a very difficult matter to subdue self, my mind even taking pleasure in confessions. Give me, Lord, the heart to ascribe glory, honor, and praise to Thee ; for I have a heart that would say or think every evil. I would, guilty as I am, put my trust in Jesus. May his love shine into my heart, that I may be humbled and have true sorrow for sin. " A few moments this evening of awful interest. Satan or my own heart is always putting much to my prayers, thus dictating to God. What a heart ! how rebellious! Teach me humility, Lord. Give me a meek and lowly heart. "January 5th. Confused thoughts, wicked in the extreme. Yet self-sufficiency. I cannot check my wicked thoughts, and my heart is very unwilling to acknowledge God. No human reason, no learning on earth can give me peace. Alas, my wisdom is a stumbling-block to me ; my thoughts are so wicked, that at times they overwhelm me. Trying to trust all in Jesus, but I see it must be a divine faith, for 54 Sjfggestions of Satan. a human faith can give no peace. Went to prayer- meeting, but found no good; yet resolved to follow on to know God. Lord, give me thy Holy Spirit to reveal thy dear Son to my soul. Give me a hum- ble, broken heart. " ' O may tliy Spirit seal my soul, And mould me to thy will, That my weak heart no more may stray, But keep thy precepts still. ' " 30th. The worst day I have ever had with the suggestions of Satan. Yet God has saved me. I need to be humbled at the foot of the cross. I have resolved in the strength of Jesus to be his. . . . Eternal life is worth strugghng for. Lord, make me thine; bend my proud heart by thy Holy Spirit. "31st. Sabbath. Thoughts mixed — good and evil. . . . Temptations and suggestions of Sa- tan. Heard a sermon on the joys of heaven ; was benefited, and quickened to go forward. Tempta- tions are my grievous lot, but what are they all con- pared with the joys laid up for those that are tried and faithful? "February 4th. Seeing more and more of my heart every day. Oh that I had faith to lean on Jesus. " 7th. Went to church ; but oh, what corruption — what sin ! How many idle thoughts. Nothing but sin in my heart. Meditation on the Avords of Jesus, 'Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Realities. 55 me.' This should strip us of all self-righteousness. O Lord, give me a heart to love Thee above all earthly things." Thus far the journal of the conflict. During this dreary period Duncan Matheson was learning the most difficult of lessons — "the just shall live by faith." Mark the goodness of God. He was re- freshed at the well before he began to ascend the Hill Difficulty. Ere he entered that dark Valley of Humiliation and engaged in fierce conflict with ApoUyon, he was girded with truth and clad in mail. In his worst thnes he could remember the Lord from " the land of Jordan and of the Hermon- ites, from the hill Mizar ; " the memory of his three happy, triumphant days, sustained him, and al- though deep was calling unto deep, he could still hope in God. Sometimes, indeed, the tried saint is kept from utter apostasy and atheism by the memory of a sweet experience on the Mount of Communion. As yet it was only the dawn of grace. Night was passing arid the day was coming in, though slowly and with clouds. In rude but majestic outline, in- visible things were coming to view. He sees God; God is real. He is dealing with God, but God in his holiness rather than God in his love. He sees Jesus ; but it is not so much Jesus revealed in the glass of the Word that he sees, as the image of Jesus faintly reflected on the troubled waters of his own heart. The Holy Ghost is real ; but he marks his own griev- ing of the Spirit, rather than the Sphit's graciousness 56 The School of Christ, to him. Satan has become real, near, and terrible; but he is not yet seen as vanquished in the cross. Sin in its guilt and power is now to him a gigantic Upas, on whose branch his harp is hanging, and under whose shadow he seems doomed to sit, and weep, and die. Mark how the valiant struggler divides his charges between the devil and his own heart, giving to each a fair portion of the blame. He who knows sin knows also the devil ; fools, knowing neither, make a mock of both. When a man is pass- ing through this stage of religious experience, an awful, eternal importance attaches to the minutest element of his existence. He weighs his thoughts in a balance. He measures his feelings, affections, and motives by the broad standard of divine perfec- tion. His words are not mere empty sounds, but winged messengers going before to judgment ; and all his steps leave their impress on conscience one by one. Those two years were spent on the hardest bench in Christ's school. That lowly seat of spiritual dis- cipline has been occupied in turns by all the most distinguished servants of God. During the years preceding his conversion, he had been taught the mad and desperate opposition of the natural man to the grace of God. Now he learned how the flesh lusts against the Spirit ; how legalism counterworks grace in the believer's heart ; how it fetters the liber ty, mars the joy, hinders the progress, disfigures the character, and lessens or even destroys the usefulness God's Schools. 57 of the Christian. To one who was to teach mnlti- tudes the true way, all that painful experience was of prime importance. His mistakes shonld save many from similar errors ; his miseries should dimin- ish the misery of others. Om* bitterest trials are our best lessons. Joseph studied statesmanship in prison. Moses found a Divinity Hall in the back side of the desert. Forty years in the wilderness made Joshua one of God's greatest soldiers, one of his bravest heroes. Saul's persecution did more to make David the king he was than Samuel's sacred oil. Elijah learned the Gospel in its " still small voice " in a cave. Jonah graduated in the whale's belly. Peter got his best lesson in evangelistic theology when he went out in the dark night to weep bitterly for his great sin. Paul was not conferring with flesh and blood during the time spent in Arabia. John Avent to the highest class in Patmos. The long agony of Luther has lessened the sorrows of millions. John Bunyan called more pilgrims into the King's high- way from his dungeon than ever he did from his pulpit. And so of thousands more. To the Christian and the preacher of Christ, a thorough knowledge of sin is of the highest impor- tance. This knowledge, bitter but Avholesome, Dun- can Matheson was now learning. " I have found original sin in the Bible," said a student to Haldane. "Well," replied the latter: "but have you found it in your own heart ? " Few know what it is to see all the terrible hell of man's depraved nature. To be 58 A Common Mistake. let down into tliat abyss with the candle of the Lord in your hand, to see its bottomless depths of pride and passion, its tumultuous risings against law and holiness, its desperate rage against God, its Satanic challenges of the Divine Sovereignty, its insane athe- isms, its blasphemous horrors, its cloud-covered de- lusions, its ambushed hosts of armed iniquities, and its infinite capability of engendering evils enough to waste the fairest world of God, and people many hells — ^to see all this and far more than words can convey, is not merely to learn the doctrine^ but to know tlie reality of sin ^ so that the sense and memory of its nature, criminality, power, and destiny, are branded as with a red-hot iron upon the soul for- ever. This knowledge is beyond the ken of short- sighted professors and stone-blind hypocrites. When such an one, like Luther, goes about for weary months or years bemoaning himself and cry- ing piteously, "Oh, my sin! my sin I" shallow Chris- tians and evil-doers ask, "What great crime has he committed? Surely he is living in gross sin." All the while the man is living a holy life, waging war against the very thought and possibility of evil ; but "a sword is in his bones," and his "soul dwells among lions." The young convert was pursuing holiness as a ^an runs for his life, but he was partly in error. 'I can see," he says, "looking back on that period of my history, where exactly I stood. I had begun in the Sphit, and I wanted to be made perfect in A Scrjipiiloiis Conscience. 59 he flesh. My spirit was most legal ; I prayed con- Knually, and if I lost a moment I tried to make it up as a man pays a debt. I had a scrupulous conscience, which brought me great torment. My eyes were fixed withm myself, and my comfort was drawn from my frames. The Spirit's work in me was the ground of my peace and hope, rather than the work of Christ in our room. I did not see Jesus as my sanctification as well as my justification. I did not then know the meaning of this word as de- scribing the secret of progressive holiness: 'We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the 'Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord.' Al- though I drew comfort from the person and work of Jesus, I did not live on Him. I was continually analyzing my feelings, drawing comfort from what I tliought was divine, and rejecting what was nat- ural. Hence my hope rose and fell like a barom- eter. I remember one day going out to the Castle Park, expecting I should audibly hear a voice from heaven assuring me that all my sins were forgiven. When in this attitude, the word came with power to my heart, 'Except ye see signs and wonders, fe will not believe.' Indescribable pangs tore ray ,ieart at that moment, and I almost felt I had rather be lost than go on in the way of believing. Imme- diately another passage of Scripture took forcible hold of me : ' See that ye refuse not Him that speak- eth: for if they escaped not who refused Him that 6o Pa7'do7i and Holiness, spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven'" (Heb. xii. 25). From Huntly he went to Edinburgh, and wan- dered from church to church saying, "Saw ye Him whom my soul loveth?" — "They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him." In vain his search. Back again to Huntly he took his way for the purpose of celebrating the Lord's Supper, and showing forth the death of Jesus; but no relief came. "Never did criminal stand on the scaffold with more rueful countenance," he says, "than mine was as I sat at the Lord's table that day." He trembled lest his "blood should be mingled with his sacrifice." This "service was the service of the slave, not of the free." By and by, however, he came to know that justification realized is the great vantage ground in striving after personal holiness, and that a happy consciousness of acceptance in the Beloved is the great incentive to true obedience. He who joys in God his Saviour cannot fight against his divine Friend. The blood of Jesus brings purity in bringing peace. Grasping pardon you grasp ho- liness. He who receives Jesus receives his Spirit. Love springs from faith ; and he who realizes most assuredly his standing in grace, walks most steadily in fellowship, works most cheerfully in obedience, and lives most freely in the liberties of holy joy. This lesson ]\Iatheson now learned. The two years' tempest shook the tree but did not uproot it. If the As stir mice. 6 1 storm damaged the brandies it strengthened the roots. The young Christian unlearned frames and learned faith. He learned to lean on the word of God, the bare word, and nothing but the word. He was taught to trust not in the Christ of his heart, but Christ in the Word. He was taught to "be strong" not in the grace in himself, but "in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." At length realizing that God was his salvation tln'ouadi his oneness with Jesus he could say : iD' *'So nigh, so very nigh to God, More near I cannot be; For in the person of His Son I am as near as He. So dear, so very dear to God, More dear I cannot be : The love wherewith He loves His Son, Such is His love to me." Having been brought clearly to see the standing of the believer in Christ, he quickly attained a well- grounded assurance of salvation. He had given diligence to make his calling and election sure ; but he had sought assurance in vain because he had sought it mainly by searching himself This price- less jewel he found where all good is to be found, at the foot of the cross. Henceforth, although he did not cease to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling, he could always say, " I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto 62 Gathering Precious Seed. Him against that day." This happy confidence in . the Lord fitted him for the work of an evangehst, and sustained him amidst many labors and trials. Tlie joy of the Lord was his strength, and true of him were these lines : " There are in this loud and stunning tide Of human care and crime, "With whom the melodies abide Of the everlasting chime; Who carry music in their heart Through dusky lane and wrangling mart, Plying their daily task with busier feet. Because their secret souls a holy strain repeat." During this period, in his insatiable hunger for the truth, he read incessantly, and devoured large and substantial meals of the good old Puritanic the- ology. Owen, Baxter, Howe, and the other divines of that age were his delight. Thus he laid in a good store for days to come, and treasured much precious seed to be afterwards scattered broadcast over Scotland. In the course of his reading, he stumbled on the writings of Huntington, and for a season was led away into the dreary wilderness of hyper-Calvinism, where some poor souls seem doomed to wander all their days, perhaps as a punishment for their hair-splitting or their spiritual pride. For a time he was bound in the strait jacket of this form of fatalism. He dared not speak to every one of the love of God, lest he should give encouragement to one who was not elect. After a while he discov- Good Results of the Conflict. 63 ered his error, and was led to see that to close the door of the universal call of the Gospel is to close the door of salvation against the elect themselves, since the only warrant to believe is simply the gen- eral invitations addressed to sinners of mankind. ^ He noticed that these ultra-Calvinists are generally unpractical, and much given to preaching in their prayers. When one of this class was leading the devotion by an elaborate theological discussion, some one, as Matheson used to tell, probably enough himself, touched the sleeve of the pious theorist, saying, "Ask something from Him." With brusque, quaint irony he was wont to say, "Ah! I see you have taken the divine sovereignty under yom- spe- cial patronage and care, but I have no time for chopping logic with you; I want to win souls." The insight he obtained into the subtle workings of the human heart during his long conflict pre- pared him for the work of an evangelist. He could discover at a glance the whereabouts of an inquirer. He was taught to distinguish between mere blind alarm and genuine conviction. If the inquirer was seeking more conviction, instead of seeking Christ, he could point out the error in a word. Pride, pretence, legalism, fear of man, and unbelief in its varied forms, he could clearly expose, and so remove stumbling-blocks out of the way. To the despairing he could say, "I was once where you are now;" and from his own experience he could speak wisely and lovingly to those deeply afflicted 64 Lessons Taught by the Holy Spirit. ones who think they have sinned the unpardonable sin. During this period of discipHne he learned to pray without ceasing. In company, on the street, in the railway train, in the bustle of business, amidst the solemn fervors of his preaching, and in the very torrent of his own quaint, racy, picturesque talk in social life — in short, everywhere and in all things, his faith went up to heaven in quick, pointed, battle- like cries. When others were preaching we have often heard him praying thus, "Help, Lord, help! Give the blessing, and save many ! " Such, then, were some of the lessons taught him by the Holy Spirit during those two hard and bitter years. A thorough knowledge of sin, of the work- ings of the human heart, and of the devices of the devil ; a clear view of the ground of the believer's standing before God, victory over his adversaries, assurance of salvation, and the habit of praying al- ways — these were precious fruits in his own expe- rience and through his work as an evangelist seeds of blessing to others, which he scattered far and wide. Prcparatio7i for His Work. 65 CHAPTER IV. HIS EVANGELISTIC APPRENTICESHIP. " Son, go work to-day in my vineyard."— Matt. xxi. 28. "Why stand ye here all the day idle ? " This ques- tion could not have been appropriately addressed to Duncan Matheson at any period of his Christian life. Immediately on his conversion he began to labor for the salvation of souls. At first his light was small ; but he kept trimming his lamp both for his own and others' good, and the flame increased. Every efiort of faith and sacrifice of love seemed to add live coals to his altar of fire. For twenty years the flame of zeal was never suffered to expire ; no, not for a single day. Night and day, in season and out of season, he strove with all his might to win souls. His first attempt was at Burntisland, where the minister of the Free Church kindly gave him the use of the school, and otherwise encouraged him. He began by wisely conjoining the temporal with the spiritual, making the former subservient to the latter. Having acquired proficiency in drawing, he off'ered gratuitously to teach his fellow-workmen. The class was opened and closed with prayer and reading of the Word. His interest in the temporal well-being of the workmen was genuine ; but he cared chiefly for then* souls. While they were learning to draw sketches, he was striving to save 5 66 His Philanthropy, sinners; while they studied architectural plans, he was brooding over plans for their salvation. Here he reaped one of the less pleasant fruits of doing good. One of the class obtaining the use of Mathe- son's drawing instruments, disappeared with the ill- gotten spoil, and the benevolent teacher was left at a great loss. He was vexed, but nothing daunted. Throughout his life he invariably set himself to pro- mote in every possible way the earthly welfare of his fellow-men; and this he did not merely as a means to the highest end, the saving of souls, but becausp it was his duty and his joy. Frequently, when he had spent all his earnings in charity, did he go about and solicit aid for the poor. Sometimes he was known to go amongst the neighbors and beg a scuttleful of coals, carry them to the cheerless home of the destitute sick, with his own hands make a fire, and then prepare the " cup that cheers but not inebriates," procured at the expense of his own last shilling. Only after the poor, forlorn, bed- ridden, solitary one was refreshed did he take his Bible from his pocket to read, and pray, and speak of Jesus and salvation. " I never believed," he says, " in speaking sweet words and honeyed counsels to starving people. If you want to do them good, go to them with a loaf in one hand and the Bible in the other. Actions speak louder than words." About this time he succeeded in preventing a strike. His sympathy with the men, liis manly frankness, his judicious counsel and weight of char- His Call to Preach the Word. 6/ acter, were, by the blessing of God sought for in prayer, entirely successful. He felt he obtained his reward in the evils thus averted and in the harmony restored between masters and men. He found the Gospel to be the true remedy of every woe. Jesus is indeed Jehovah -rophi. Eeturning to Huntly, he began with all his ener- gy and enthusiasm to make known the Saviour he had found. Every hour was spent in visiting the sick and distributing tracts. His eiforts were not confined to his native town. Everywhere in the neighboring parishes he sought his way with more or less success. Hitherto he had confined his evan- gelistic services to prayer, reading the word and con- versation ; but the time had arrived when he must take a step in advance. One day Miss Macpherson, a devoted Christian, who had been his friend, coun- sellor, and good angel throughout the period of his protracted spiritual conflict, requested him to ad- dress a company of aged women whom she had gathered together. IMatheson declined the invita- tion. He "could not preach." Miss M. reasoned, urged, and entreated ; but all in vain. Finally, de- manding what he would answer at the great tribu- nal for a neglected talent, she charged him not to refuse lest souls should perish in consequence. This was more than he could bear. He went to the meeting, though with the greatest hesitancy and fear. Opening the Bible at Isaiah xxxii. 11, "Trem- ble, ye women that are at ease ; be troubled, ye care- 6S Solemn Events. less ones," he spoke with great freedom and power. Both the text and matter of his address seemed to be laid to his hand ; and such were the results that he felt assured the Lord was calling him to this work. The Christian lady, who by her wisdom and faithfulness was instrumental in calling into exer- cise a gift of inestimable value, little knew at that time the greatness of the service she was rendering to the Church and the world. From this time onwards to the end of his days he found at once his greatest labor and his chief joy in preaching Christ. In a short space of time he estab- lished a great many cottage meetings, which he Car- ried on with uncommon vigor and success. Solemn events occurred. One night our evangelist ad- dressed a meeting on the parable of the ten vir- gins. A woman deeply impressed, went home, and S]3ent a night of sleepless anxiety. Early in the morning she called her neighbor to go and fetch Duncan Matheson. As the messenger left the house a great crash was heard: the anxious inquirer had dropped dead. " While they went to buy, the Bride- groom came." A man, in whose house Matheson held a meeting, taking offence at the word, informed the evangelist that the next meeting would be the last under his roof The "young servant of Christ was deeply grieved, and prayed much for an appropriate sub- ject of final address. One text took hold of his mind, and he could not get rid of it. Accordingly he Employed by the Duchess of Gordon. 6g preaclied on tlie solemn and touching words of the Lord Jesus: "If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace? but now they are hid from thine eyes." At the close the evangelist shook hands with the master of the house, and said, " Prepare to meet thy God." The ark of the Lord was thrust out, and the ark-bearer with it. Next day the man, when drink- ing with his companions in the public-house, sudden- ly fell dead. These providential visitations served to deepen the impression made by the word. Great power accompanied the preaching, the people were seen running home from the place of meeting in a state of great alarm. The Duchess of Gordon, hearing of young Mathe- son's zealous and successful labors, sent for him and offered to employ him as missionary at a salary of forty pounds a year. Hitherto he had maintained himself; but his means were now exhausted. His worldly prospects were indeed bright. His skill as a builder, his energy, enterprising spirit, business talents, and moral integrity, held out the promise of position and wealth ; but he cheerfully turned his back on honor and gain, and betook himself amidst opposition and scorn to build the walls of Jerusalem. Being now fully possessed by the great passion of his life, the saving of souls, worldly considerations were with him of small account. The offer of the Duchess was accepted. He went to work with all his might. Although he never received more than ^o Visiting Aged Christians. the small salary named he spent a large proportion of it in the purchase of tracts, and in the relief of the poor; and this noble and generous practice he fol- lowed whilst he lived. His strength was great, and he often worked six- teen hours a day. Sinners were converted, and he was filled with joy. Often, however, no success at- tended his labors ; but although cast down and led to humble himself at the sight of souls perishing in their wilful rejection of Christ, he learned many a useful lesson. Some men, he observed, concealed a hard heart beneath " a thick coat of evangelical var- nish." They assented to all he said, but repented not. He watched them at the last hour of life, and saw them die without giving one sign of grace. There were no bands in their death ; their strength was firm. He concluded that there is no more dan- gerous delusion than the confidence begotten by a mere "head knowledge," or intellectual faith. He frequently visited the old Christians who had been disciples of Mr. Cowie, and in his intercourse with them learned several useful lessons. One of these pilgrims was Isobel Chrystie, then upwards of ninety years of age. "Come awa, my son David," said Isobel to the missionary one day as he entered her humble cot. "Perhaps," was his reply, "the hands are the liands of Esau, but the voice is Ja- cob's. How do you know that I am not a hypo- crite?" "Ah," said she, "d'ye think I dinna ken the breath o' a true Christian?" The Kose of Sharon Dying Saints. 7 1 may lie hid in the beKever's bosom, but its fragrance cannot be concealed from others. "We ocht to lay down our lives for the brithren ; an' hoo could we dee for them if we dinna ken them ? " So thought Isobel Chrystie. When in the course of conversa- tion allusion was made to the salvation of the dy- ing thief, she rattled her little staff on the floor and said, "That was a ^^j trophy to gang throw the gowden gates o' heaven. I'm thinkin' there was a ^Qj steer amo' the angels ; but nane o' them would try to pit him oot. Na, na; Christ brocht him ben." When Isobel lay dying she was unable to recog- nize minister, missionary, friend, or neighbor. To each inquiry she still replied, "I dinna ken you." At last the question was put to her, "Isobel, d'ye ken Christ?" The countenance of the dying saint brightened at the sound of her Saviour's name. Looking up with a smile she promptly replied, "That I do, but nae sae muckle as I would like, and will do by an' by." That night the aged be- liever went to be with Him whom she remem- bered and knew when all others were forgotten and unknown. A dying saint of the same generation gave him this pithy advice: "Hand in wi' Christ; whatever happens, aye think weel o' God; and tak' care o' yersel'; for, ye ken, a breath dims a polished shaft." Another Christian, ere passing away, charged him to warn the behevers against "razing the foun- dations." "I often did it," she said; "I rashly de- ^2 Experience in Gospel Work. nied tlie Spirit's work in my soul, and I have paid dearly for it." This she said in reference to the excessive and morbid retrospection in which some ,' Christians indulge, to the hurt of their souls and the ' discredit of the Gospel. They pull up faith by the roots to see if it is growing. They pluck out their eyes to see if those eyes are genuine. Peace and joy depart from them. Dark suspicions of God, as if He watched for their halting, overshadow their hearts, and they are plunged into misery. Growth in grace becomes impossible; for, as one has said, "kindly thoughts of God lie at the root of sanctifi cation." Self-examination is important; but surely not less important is faith. Looking into the heart and look- ing out to Christ should go together. The pilot at once keeps his eye upon the compass and his hand upon the helm: if he neglected either he would speedily lose his course. "Keeping the heart" must be coupled with "holding the Head." "Examine thyself" should never be separated from "looking unto Jesus." The best way of testing the pitcher of our faith is by dipping it often in the Well of Life and drawing its fill for constant use. In the journal of his missionary labors he kept a minutely detailed account of every visit and con- versation, and his impressions of the people. This record, large enough to fill a volume, was written with perfect accuracy and fastidious care, and serves to illustrate the thoroughness that always character- ized the man and his work. Plainly too it appears Two Classes. 73 from this diary that in simphcity and godly sincer- ity did he bring before every man, woman, and child, the things of their peace. As usnal, he found two classes, viz., the few that are open to conviction, and the many that entrench themselves behind their own righteousness. One refuses to make any sign in regard to personal religion, and he is silenced by silence. The candle will not burn for want of air. Another agrees with every thing the missionary says, and in that panoply of perfect formalism no joint is found. The candle burns, but it is in the presence of the dead. A third " will not speak of his religion to any man, because it is a matter be- tween himself and God ; " to which the missionary bluntly replies that if he htid true religion it would make him speak, for he would seek communion with men of like mind, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Some men con- ceal their rehgion as they would a scab. Eloquent about the merest trifle, they have nothing to say for Christ. These are the devil's dummies. Anoth- er, a middle-aged matron, receives him kindly, but is at first shy and reserved. His quaint, ingenuous, spirit-stirring talk quickly unlocks the good wom- an's heart, and she begins to tell him that she "fears she is mair o' a hypocrite than a Christian, for she canna see hoo a child o' God could hae sae muckle indwallin' sin as she has: but still she daurna deny that she canna do without prayer, that she has a ^(sj likin' to God's Word, an a warm hert to God's chil- 74 III Labors Abundant. di-en, and a terrible fear o' sin, though she is some- hoo aye sinnin' an' sinnin' for a' that." The mission- ary takes up the case, and by the help of his own experience so sets forth the truth of the Gospel, that the inquirer enters into light, freedom and joy : and ever afterwards he is to her as an angel of God, and she is to him a ''daughter of the King." Sometimes he held as many as seventy prayer- meetings in three months. In his reports he com- plains of scanty fruit in the fewness of conversions. At one time he feels nothing but " formalism " and "leanness of soul" in discussing solemn truths. Again, he goes to the meeting in great fear, and finds the stone rolled away from the mouth of the sepulchre; instead of "darkness, guilt, confasion arising from self-sufficiency," he enjoys enlargement and blessing. " I have seen impressions made, yet soon after I have seen the last trace of them effaced. I have been helped to set a gracious soul a step up the ladder, yet on going back I have found them ten steps down. What I have longed, and prayed, and sought for has been conversion unto God, and any hope or comfort I have had in seeking this has arisen from this very truth, that He works as seemeth good in his sight, and calleth whom He will." Not satisfied with the efforts of his voice, he de- vised means for the circulation of tracts on the widest scale. Means failing him, for he had spent his last penny in the work, he began to cry to God for aid. One night in prayer, the thought came into his Praying for a Printing- Press. 75 mind, " If I could get a printing-press I could make as many tracts as I could use." On this he began to pray for a printing-press, and for several months continued to supplicate this gift from his God. The prayer was unexpectedly answered. Accidentally discovering that an old printing-press was for sale, he made inquiries as to the terms, although he did not possess the means of purchase. Much to his astonishment, the person whose property it was let him have it, with a set of old worn types, at a merely nominal price. Never did warrior bear away the trophies of victory with deeper joy than he felt in carrying the old printing machinery to his father's house. On reaching home, he wrote upon it, FOR GOD AND ETERNITY; and then, hastening to his closet, "fell upon his knees, and asked the needed skill to work it." Noth- ing daunted by his ignorance of printing, he set him- self to learn " the divine art," his only instructors the two great teachers of all heroic souls and successful workers, to wit, Failure and Perseverance. Appren- tice and master, printer and publisher, missionary and philanthropist, all in one, he ascended by the slow and painful steps of experience struck out of repeated failure, like fire flashing from the smitten eye of Mitijw^^lio runneth in the dark, till at length he reached the summit of his fondest wish, and un- aided could send forth thousands of tracts like leaves from the tree of life. 76 First Attempts at Printing. His first attempts at printing ended in failure and chagrin. Whole nights were spent in ineffectual efforts; but never despairing, he cried to God for help, and went to work again. Often for hours the work of "composing" goes on, till at length his eye rests with complacence on a page of type, when sud- denly the whole falls down into what printers call "pi," and his mortification is complete. Falling again upon his knees, he prays for patience and help. The sight of his own inscription, " For God and Eternity," inspires him with fresh zeal, and although oftentimes "the lumbering press goes all wrong," he perseveres till at length success comes to him, as Jesus came to the disciples upon the sea at the latest watch of the night. " I went on," he says, " till I managed to print two thousand four- page tracts a day. How I did toil, and sweat, and pray at it ! Some nights I never slept at all, but went on composing. My constitution was strong, and night after night was spent at the work." The tracts brought him no money, and his own slender means were speedily exhausted. His benev- olent labors excited little sympathy in his native town ; the only contribution to his tract enterprise he ever received in Huntly was half-a-crown, brought him by a poor widow. Falling short of paper and money, what was he to do ? Give up the unprofit- able business, and leave an ungrateful people to themselves? Never. Not in that way are souls won for Christ, and the glory of God advanced. Original Tracts, 77 Again he betook himself to prayer, and the same gracious Master who provided the printing-press provided the paper also. Certain Christians in Lin- colnshire, whom he had never seen, fell in with one of his tracts, and pleased with its spirit and contents wrote for a supply. He could not supply them for want of paper. This led to further correspondence, and the supply of means to procure paper from time to time. One tract, entitled "The Lord's Supper Profaned," called forth not a little opposition. After printing it, he went round and with his own hand left a copy in every house in his native town. For the professors who have but a name to live it was too searching; hence it gave deadly offence. It was blessed of God, however, in the conversion of several persons, and is still in circulation in the Stirling Series of tracts. Mr. Drummond, Avho has done so noble a work of the same kind, reissued the faithful tract, and sev- eral others also of Mr. Matheson's. Another tract, entitled "The Origin of the Chinese Bible Fund," intended to further the circulation of the Scriptures in China, found its way into the Koyal Palace, and thus afforded an illustration of Solomon's saying. "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings ; he shall not stand before mean men." In addition to original matter, our evangelist took extracts from Boston, Edwards, Flavel, and other favorite authors, and went on printing, till at length 78 A Hundred TJiousand Messengers. in an incredibly short space of time he had by his own unaided efforts thrown off and put into circu- lation a hundred thousand little Gospel messengers, the voice of whose quiet but powerful testimony cannot have been m vain. He was now sowing what many years afterwards he was destined to reap. That young man, with his immense capacities for earthly promotion and enjoyment, turning his back on all the ambitions and pleasures of the world, and after a long day of sorest toil, spending the silent watches of night in so great a labor of disin- terested love, was surely a pleasing sight to the angels of God. Toil, privation, ingratitude, oppo- sition, scorn, disappointment and failure, neither weakened his hands nor discouraged his heart. He endured as seeing Him who is invisible; and bravely did he march forward in his lofty mission of self-sacrificing love to souls, ever affording prac- tical illustration of his own motto, " For God and Eternity." Feeling that his work would soon be done in Hunt- ly, he labored night and day to win souls ; and ere he left his native place for other fields, he could say in truth he had warned every sinner and testified the grace of God to every soul. Of all the rare privileges enjoyed by Huntly during a day of merciful visita- tion extending over the last thirty years, not the least has been the faithful testimony and apostolic labors of her own brave and much-enduring son Desires to go to China. 79 Duncan Matlieson, whose name will be an honor to his native town whilst Christianity lives within her borders, and whose example of untiring energy, heroic perseverance, and Christ-like love of souls will stir the hearts of the ingenuous youth in future gen- erations, and kindle noble aspu*ations in the bosoms of many yet unborn. At this time the perishing millions of China lay heavy on his heart, and he longed to go forth and preach the Gospel in the land of Sinim. ]\Iuch did he "sigh and cry" about the heathen, and often did he say in his inmost heart, "Lord, here am I; send me." During the last months he spent in Huntly, as he went from house to house pleading with men to receive Christ, the words of Heber's hymn were constantly sounding in his ear : " Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation, salvation, The glorious sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Hath learnt Messiah's name." 8o Prepared for His Work. CHAPTER V. HIS MISSION TO THE CRIMEA. " Also I heard tlie voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I : send me."— Isa. vi. 8. His evangelistic apprenticeship was now at a close. He had obtained "a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." Even if he had accomplished little he had learned much. By constant and prayerful study of the Scriptures and the best divines, he had greatly increased his intel- lectual and spiritual stores. His mind was braced by severe discipline, his judgment matured by deep reflection, and his gift of utterance developed by ex- ercise. His knowledge of the truth kept pace with, his growing insight into human nature ; and the fre- quent rebuffs he met taught him to add tact to straightforwardness in dealing with men. His faith, like his person, was sturdy, stalwart, and full of ro- bust health ; his assurance was as clear and calm as a summer morning ; and his consecration to God was entire. In his consuming zeal for the salvation of men he was willing to go anywhere or do any thing at the Master's call. Born a soldier, every inch of him a man of war, he was not the less fitted for camps and the rougher scenes of life, now that he stood clad in the whole armor of God, "a good soldier of Jesus Christ." The man of prayers and tears, and love to Eastward. 8 1 souls, had his humble part to play in the gathering of the armies of the nations ; and though that part nobly performed finds no place in the annals of the Crimean struggle, the record of the missionary's cam- paign is on high, and its results, when disclosed in the last great assembly of the human race, will doubt- less receive a nobler reward than the perishing lau- rels of earthly fame. Our evangelist happening to witness the departure of soldiers for the Crimea in 1854 was deeply moved by the sad farewells. This changed the current of his thoughts and sympathies ; and although he did not cease to pray for the perishing millions of China, his heart went with the soldiers, and he began to lay the matter before the Lord. The more he thought of the peculiar circumstances of a soldier's life, its hardships, its snares, its constant risk and peril, its need of counsel and of the cross, the more he prayed and longed to go as a herald of mercy to the camp, the field, and the hospital, in the distant East, to share his joy with the weary, the wounded and the dying. How this could be brought about he had no idea. His desire was known only to God; but he believed in the Hearer of prayer, and continued to wait at the throne of grace. The call for which he was praying came from an unexpected quarter, and it came stamped with the broad seal of a special providence. It happened in this way. One day he received a letter, which in substance ran thus: "If you are still in the mind to 6 82 A Special Providence. go to the East, reply by return of post, and please say when you could start." The letter was from the Kev. J. Bonar, convener of the Colonial Committee of the Free Church — a gentleman whom Duncan Math- eson had never seen, and did not know. Surely he thought as he read Mr. Bonar's note, there is some mistake here. Yet he felt as if the hand and voice of God were in it, calling him to the scene of con- flict. He went and told the Duchess, saying that there was clearly a mistake, but that he was will- ing to go. '' How strange ! " exclaimed her Grace ; " I have been praying that God would incline you to go, and others have been praying also. If there is a mistake, I will send you myself" He wrote to Mr. Bonar, and ascertained that the letter was in- tended for another of the same name, a Gaelic-speak- ing licentiate of the Free Church, who had been employed for some time among the navvies. The Countess of Effingham desirous of sending a mission- ary to the Highland Brigade, had requested Mr. Bonar to find a suitable agent for the work. Mr. Bonar wrote to the Eev. D. Matheson ; but the let- ter going astray, a clerk in the post-office had writ- ten on it, "Try Huntly," and so it came into the hands of the wrong D. Matheson, according to the proposing of man, but the right D. Matheson, ac- cording to the disposing of God. Mr. Bonar, glad to find a fit man ready to undertake so arduous a mis- sion, requested him to come up to Edinburgh and arrange for taking his departure for the East, in 1 At Beckeitham. 83 connection with the British and Foreign Soldier's Friend Society. He whose "kingdom ruleth over all," and who "holdeth the seven stars in His right hand," overruled the mistake of the post-office for the accomplishment of a great purpose. With characteristic decision he went up to Edin- burgh the day after he received Mr. Bonar's letter, and without an hour's delay, entered into engage- ments with the Society to go to the East as a Scrip- ture-reader. At the same time he received a com- mission from the Free Church Colonial Committee, and a recommendation " to their brethren at Con- stantinople or other places where Providence may cast his lot." The following scrap was found in his room after his departure; "I surrender father, sister, brothers, myself — all, all that concerns me, into thy hands, my God. For the past, I bless Thee. For the present, I praise Thee. For the future, I trust Thee. My feet shall stand within thy gates, Jerusalem. Nights end. Partings close. I am thine, Lord, wholly thine. — Nov. 8th, 1854." This was counting the cost. At the quiet rectory at Beckenham, a green spot to him ever after, he was received with unbounded kindness ; and the parting blessing of the venerable servant of Christ, Dr. Marsh, was fresh on his heart to his dying day. In contrast to this was the dis- couraging language of certain ministers of the Gos- pel, who, meeting him at another stage of his jour- 84 Longing for His Work. ney, warned him against speaking to the soldiers abont conversion. " You will be expelled from the camp, if you do," said they. He replied, that he Avas going to the Crimea for the very purpose of telling the unconverted soldiers that they needed to be born again, and by the grace of God he would do it, be the consequences what they might. In this way he experienced light and shade. TO HIS SISTER. " London, 11th Nov., 1854. " I have met with kindness such as I never felt on earth, and have met with some of the Lord's dear family in the highest ranks of life. Surely goodness and mercy follow me. I feel it — I know it. My heart is stayed on the Lord; it is truly humbling and cheering. Letters come daily from persons I have never seen. My destination is in the meantime Scutari. My whole energies will be devoted to my dear countrymen I long to get to my work. I feel no shrinking. I commit my way to the Lord. I go his errand. I seek his glory; it is enough. Do seek to rejoice that He counts me worthy to go. I am calmly resting on his arm. 1 feel no fears. Truly I am not alone. He bears me up. Clouds, trials, darkness may come ; yet all works for good. Dear father and sis- ter, be of good courage, for I am forever the Lord's." "London, 15th Nov., 1854 " I long for my work. I see the need great and On the Way. 85 pressing. I seek no rest till I get it on high. I know to his own God will be a Shepherd, gently leading and guiding them. Never did I feel so much as now the power, the deep sustaining power of grace. Ah, dear sister, it is sweet to be passive in the Lord's hand; to know his grace, to enjoy his smile. I offer myself to the Lord. I may meet rough tossing, billows heaving, seas swelling; yet the throne, the crown, the kingdom on high — that is our goal — that is enough for me." " Off Cape St. Vincent, 22d Nov., 1854. " My Dear, Dear Jessie. — How I shall write you just now I know not, the motion of the steamer is so great. Still I am anxious to send you a few lines as we expect to be in Gibraltar to-morrow. . . . . It seems as if the Lord were giving me such displays of His goodness as to compel me to say, ' This God is my God forever and ever ; He will be my guide even unto death.' On getting aboard the steamer, I saw my luggage safely put away, and was then conducted to my berth by the steward. I knelt down in it, and committed my- self, you, father, friends, and all on board to the Lord. Felt deeply and calmly reposed. And here I mark his hand — I got a cabin to myself, whilst the other passengers were placed two and two to- gether. The scene as we steamed down the Mer- sey was truly exciting to most; to me it was not. My thoughts were on my work, home, the need of 86 A Sabbath Afloat. close walking with God; all these pressed on me. I walked the deck alone, yet not alone. I write a note to yon. The pilot left us. The wind fresh- ened and we sped onward. Night settled on us, and still I was on deck. Oh, it was strange, pass- ing strange to me ; and most of all to watch the phosphorous light dancing on the crest of every wave far behind. I went below as night stole on, and committing all to the Lord, fell calmly asleep. '^ Sabbath morning dawned, and with it a raging sea, rolling mountains high ; each wave as it broke on the vessel's side made her quiver from one end to the other ; but the wind was favorable and on we sped. I felt that there was no Sabbath on board. All was bustle and confusion. The light-hearted gaiety of souls without God. I had tracts and Bibles with me; these I went and gave the poor sailors, who had none. Never did 1 see such gratitude ex- pressed; it saddened my inmost heart. Once and again I have asked to be the means of saving souls in this vessel, and it may be the Lord's will to do it. How solemn a matter to be saved ! How deeply momentous the issues that hang on not being saved. Not saved, though the Bible is read, the Spirit strives, sermons are preached, providences are sent — solemn thought ! Shutting myself in my cabin, I hope I had something of the real Sabbath-keeping spirit. Yea, I dare not question it, for I felt borne up and calmly stayed upon the Lord. "We had one fearful day going through the Bay ''His Ways are in the Sea^ 87 of Biscay. Most of the passengers were sick. I felt rather qiiahnish; but kept on deck, for 1 was anx- ious to see the ocean in all its fury — and certainly the Bay of Biscay is the place to see this. Now and then as a wave broke on the vessel, the noise resem- bled thunder, but I felt no fear ; for ' He holdeth the sea in the hollow of his hand,' ' His ways are in the sea ' was forcibly opened up to me. Who would look for a path in the sea ? And yet so strange are his dealings (and to me they have been so) as to look like the opening of a way m the sea. " My one grand desire is to go and tell of Clmst and Him crucified, looking for the descent of the Holy Ghost to own the word for the conversion of souls. I am compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses. The eye of Israel's Shepherd is upon me. Months, years, glide on; eternity seems at hand. For a while, earth has been losing much of its attractions for me; and heaven with its un- dimmed purity, its endless pleasures, its streams of bliss, its unAvithering crown, and its blessed God, grows sweeter and sweeter." At Constantinople he was received with much kindness by Messrs. Thomson, Turner, and McKutch- eon, of the Free Church IMission to the Jews. Bitter was his disappointment on finding that military law strictly forbade his going to the Crimea, and it only remained for him to retiu*n home, as other missionary agents had done. That night was spent in prayer; 88 The Crimea in Sight. towards dawn, as he tells, he felt in his heart as if God had heard his cry, and would open up his way. Next day accompanied by Mr. (now Dr.) Thomson, he applied to Admiral Boxer for permission to go to the scene of strife ; and contrary to all expectation that officer at once granted him his request. Great was his joy and gratitude, and cordially did he praise God for "having touched the Admiral's heart." Losing no time, he embarked on board a transport conveying soldiers, and quickly found himself steam- ing up the Bosphorus, and entering the Black sea. By order of the Admhal, he was entitled to share cabin accommodation with two chaplains ; but when night came these gentlemen, forgetting the law of love, thrust him out. A kind-hearted engineer gave him his berth in the forecastle, but he could not sleep. The condu*ct of the soldiers and sailors was more than he could endure; it was like "hell let loose," and he was glad to escape on deck, where under the starry vault of heaven he spent the night, thinking of heaven and home, praying for needed grace, and feeling assured that the unslumbering eye of Israel's Shepherd would watch over him, and all would be well. At break of day on 5th De- cember they sighted the Crimea, and when they reached Balaklava, the troops were ordered on shore at once, as an attack was expected from the army ofLiprandi. "All was mirth and excitement. We could distinctly hear the booming of the cannon, not in mere holiday salute, but in deadly earnest. The State of the Army. 89 Wliat a tide of feeling rushed through my mind, as I thought of mothers weeping for their sons, wives for their husbands, and sisters for their brothers, whom they should see no more, and of the brave men fallen in battle, their bodies buried in the com- mon pit near the field of strife, and their spirits pass- ing from the roar of battle into the immediate pres- ence of God. Turning to my text for the day, I was cheered when 1 found it was, ' The Lord pre- serveth those that love Him.' I felt I was nerved for whatever might befall me ; and stranger though I was — knowing no one, as a messenger of peace, with a lion heart I stepped on Crimean soul. "Alma had been fought, and Inkermann won. The thin red line had been formed on the plains of Balaklava, and the grand death-charge had been made. But the very elements had risen in arms against us. It would be impossible to describe the state of the army at this time. The hospitals were crowded; many were dying. Day after day, ship after ship with its load of suffering was despatched to Scutari. Many of those you met were in rags. ]\Iost were emaciated and smitten witli hungrer. Some were almost shoeless ; many had biscuit-bags instead of trousers, whilst others had newspapers tied round their legs ; and often such was the wretch- edness that you could not distinguish officer from man, or recognize the best known." Matheson, with characteristic generosity, imme- diately gave away all the clothes he could spare, 90 Preaching to Sick Soldiers. and then began to distribute his spiritual stores in the shape of tracts and Bibles, of which latter there was a great scarcity in the camp. The books and especially the Bibles were received with tlie great- est eagerness, and read with wonderful earnestness. Some 25,000 tracts, selected by the Tract Society, by Mr. Drummond, of Stirling, and by Miss Marsh, were quickly put into circulation. "January 25th, 1855. How shall I describe the scenes I hom-ly see. I shrink from it ; they are truly appalling. The condition of our army is sad. Yes- terday 600 were brought sick from Sebastopol, and conveyed on board ship. I took my stand in the midst of them, and spoke to them of the only all- sufficient Saviour. IMany listened with interest, and at last the gushing tears told a way had been found to the heart. My heart was like to break. Oh, I have often felt since coming here that the one thing needed is the Holy Ghost. All looked haggard and worn. Death is thought nothing of I had a long conversation with an officer yesterday. He speaks of the demoralization of the army as truly awful, and says swearing and ungodliness are increasing. Since I came here I have not gone ten paces with- out hearing profane swearing. And yet there are hopeful appearances. . . . The taking of Sebas- topol is no easy task. There seems as yet no recog- nition of the Lord's giving the victory. The men are greatly dispirited; yet, strange to say, long for nothing so much as a battle. I can, and do at this Hector Macpherson. 91 moment, hear the roll of the cannon. At every shot my heart leaps, for usually some one is hurried into eternity. happy peoj)le whose God is the Lord. Truly I feel it, and can really say thoughts of heaven are growing sweeter and sweeter every hour. I long for rest, yet am resigned to his will. O how fondly my affections twine around home and friends ! Huntly ! I cannot, I will not forget it. I see other scenes; I possess other friends; but the dear saints in Huntly and in Scotland have the largest place. ... I feel there is nothing I more need than the prayers of all who love the Lord. I cannot tell what I may have to undergo. All is in the Lord's hands. I need a close, calm, and holy walk with him. One needs to be always ready here, for it is a death-stricken scene. My comfoi-t in my work is, ' He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.' Come, Lord Jesus : come quickly. Amen." Mr. Matheson was not slow in seeking out men of his own spirit in the army. His first acquaint- ance was Hector Macpherson, drum-major, Ninety- third Highlanders, a soldier both of his country and of the cross, of whom our missionary used to tell the following story : One day a chaplain, newly arrived, called on the sergeant, and asked his advice as to the best method of conducting his work. "Come with me," said Hector, "to the hill-top. Now, look around you. See yonder the pickets of Liprandi's army. See yon batteries on the right, and the men 92 Prayer in the Ravine, at the guns. Mark yon trains of ammnnition. Hear the roar of that cannon. Look where you may, it is all earnest here. There is not a man but feels it is a death struggle. If we don't conquer the Eus- sians, the Kussians will conquer us. We are all in earnest, sir ; we are not playing at soldiers here. If you would do good you must be in earnest too. An earnest man will always win his way." Such was the advice of Queen Victoria's servant to the ser- vant of Jesus Christ. Hector and Duncan on the first Sabbath after the arrival of the latter retired to a ravine, and there amid the deafening roar of cannon, which the mis- sionary thought was always worse on the Lord's day, they read, and prayed, and sang together the old battle-song of David and Luther : " God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aid ; Therefore, although the earth remove, We will not be afraid. " LTere making intercession for their friends at home, for their country, and for the army, they found a Bethel; and for a moment almost forgot that they were in the presence of one of the great- est woes of earth. "Thus we had many a pleasant hour together," says our missionary; "and the only strife we ever had was about the soldiers' scanty meal which we divided between us, each insisting that the other should have the larger share. Our First Interview with Macpherson. 93 watchword without which we never met or parted, was 'The Lord reigneth.'" Mr. H. Macpherson, writing of his friend says, "Onr first interview took place on a ridge within the entrenchments of the 93d Highlanders, which ran along the north side of the plain of Balaklava, opposite the harbor, and abont a mile from the vil- lage, and which formed the key of the base of the siege operations of the British army. I was stand- ing watching the movements of the Eussian forces, who appeared as if designing to threaten our posi- tion, when I noticed a stranger in the attire of a civilian approaching, who from his clean white breast and respectable dress, contrasting with our rags, I concluded was a minister or lay-missionary, newly arrived. This supposition led me to resolve on ex- ercising caution as to committing myself to him, feeling that unless he was a man of God, and had thoroughly counted the cost, resolving in depend- ence on promised grace to throw his whole soul into the work, he would neither gain the attention nor win the heart's affection of British soldiers ; for car- rying their life in their hand, they are above every class of men prejudiced against and opposed to mere official piety and ecclesiastical hirelingism. As these thoughts were passing through my mind, the stran- ger advanced, and in his own unreservedly frank and manly way introduced himself, saying with real feeling, 'Oh, Hector, man I am glad to see you. How are you?' Suspicions quickly vanished, and 94 The Soldier's Friend. I felt grateful to the Disposer of every event that in the thick of deadly strife on the plain of Balaklava, I first met Duncan Matheson, who became my fond, fast friend for life. The report I had received from a worthy minister of the Gospel in Scotland, of Mr. Matheson's character, I found to be in no degree exaggerated, and I reckon it one of my most highly- prized privileges on earth that ever I became ac- quainted with such a man. Since that day many a happy and profitable hour have I spent in his company ; and it has been my rare privilege to be associated with him in evangelistic labors in many towns, villages, and rural parishes of Scotland. I could not fail to respect him for his great ability ; I admired his sterling worth ; his unwearied, self-de- nying devotedness in the cause and service of God, his manly frankness and unflinching courage, and his large-hearted sympathy with distress, all tended to endear him to me in the bonds of closest friend- ship. Never had the British soldier a more true, loving, and devoted friend than Duncan Mathe- son. I believe there is not a British soldier now alive, who served in the Crimea, but would heartily subscribe to my testimony in his favor ; for all, both officers and men, knew, and loved, and respected him. As to the fruit of his labors in the Crimea, the day of God will declare. My own conviction is that he labored more abundantly, and accomplished more real good among the troops, than all the others, with the exception of the Eev. J. W. Hayward, a The Ninety-third Psalm. 95 noble minister of the Church of England, who de- voted his time, his talents, and his fortune, to the promotion of the temporal and spiritual benefit of the soldier. With this zealous and faithful servant of Christ, Mr. Matheson Avas most intimately asso- ciated ; they were daily together, and went hand in hand in all labors of love. "Happening to mention to my friend, just after we made each other's acquaintance, that the first clause of the first verse of the 93d Psalm had been a comfort to my soul, Mr. Matheson, feeling the power of the truth m his own heart, and realizing its appropriateness in the circumstances in which we were placed, seized it as a watchword ; and ever after, wherever and whenever we met, 'The Lord reigneth' became the password between us. " Wherever I met my dear liiend I was sm-e to find him, like his Master, going about doing good; sometimes laden with Bibles, sometimes with tracts and other suitable books, and seldom without some temporal comforts for the sick and wounded. Many of the sick, wounded, and worn-out soldiers, was he the means of relieving, and who, but for his devoted, kind, and sympathizing efforts, would have sunk into the cold embrace of death. He was the trusted friend of all, French, Turks, and Italians, as well as his own countrymen. Soldiers of every grade and nationality looked on him as their special friend. How he managed to procure in a time of famine so many comforts for the starving soldiers was a mys- 96 Procuring Supplies for the Suffering. tery; but none knew better than.be, 'Where there is a will there is a way.' His tact and genial frank- ness made him a favorite with the captains of the mercantile steamers employed by the Government, some of whom were truly Christian men. By the graphic and touching descriptions of the destitution and sufferings of the soldiers in the entrenchments, backed by his own evident sympathy, he reached the warm hearts of the seamen ; and the never-failing re- sult was a thorough searching of the vessels for every thing that could be spared for the benefit of the suf- fering soldiers. " Entering the encampment of the 93d Highland- ers one" icy cold winter day, he observed our desti- tution of fuel either to cook our rations or warm our persons. The great majority of us were clothed in rags ; some without shoes ; others without a cap to cover their heads from the pelting of the pitiless storm ; and some of us with more mud than cloth- ing attached to our bodies. After a few words of loving sympathy he said, ' Hector, I must try and help you.' But what could he do in such a case? Why, next day he returned, and informed me that he had made an effort and succeeded in procuring several tons of coals fi'om the different steamers in the harbor of Balaklava, which were conveyed to the camp as soon as possible. This is one instalment of many noble acts of kindness done to the sufferers in that terrible winter. For the relief of the men who were exposed not only to the hail of the enemy's In Season and ozit of Season. 97 fire, but to the fierce blasts of winter, almost with- out a rag to cover tliem, he labored incessantly, and unweariedly, until his gigantic efforts broke his con- stitution down. " But what he chiefly aimed at was the spiritual and eternal welfare of his fellow-men. The soldiers understood this ; and whenever he spoke to them of salvation they listened with respectful attention. They knew he was no mere official hireling, but a man who loved their souls; and not a few through his instrumentality, by God's almighty and distin- guishing grace, have been prevented from going down to an unblest eternity. In his love to souls he forgot himself Often have I had to make a cup of coffee to relieve his fainting frame, after a weary day's tramping through the mud, laden with pro- visions for the benefit of others, whom he deemed in more absolute need than himself A more un- selfish man I never knew. With the exception of the late Eev. W. C. Burns, I never knew one so en- tirely devoted to the good of others. The amount of mental and physical labor he went through in the Crimea was truly marvellous, and was enough to break down the most robust constitution. However wet or cold, or however Adolent the storm, he was always on the move, and always with a special and important purpose. On one of the most tempestuous and piercingly cold nights I ever experienced in the Crimea my regiment received orders to move eight or ten miles to the south of our entrenched position, 7 98 Lodging in a Stable, •under cover of the darkness of the night, to dislodge a body of the enemy from a threatening position they held Tinder the covert of a high ridge. We were ab- sent till mid-day following. Matheson was informed of this expedition, and such was his sympathy with others, that although, had he chosen to consult his own ease and comfort, he could have secured pro- tection from the inclemency of the weather, he re- mained exposed in our original position until our return. I shall never forget the joy he manifested when he saw us all safely return without a single casualty, with the exception of some of the men's ears having been bit by the frosty wind. "Mr. Matheson was well fitted by personal expe- rience, and much owned by God, in encouraging, comforting, and strengthening the Christian soldier in the Crimea, both officers and men. It was a spe- cial evidence of his own living Christianity that he was a sincere lover of all in whose spirit, temper, and deportment he could discover the impress of Christ's image, without distinction as to sect or creed." For a time he lodged on board ship ; afterwards he took up his abode on shore. There he found a wretched lodging in an old stable, of which he took possession with right good cheer, remembering that his Master was born and cradled in as mean a place. It was too well ventilated, for the fierce wind blew in at a hmidred crevices in wall and roof, and often as it whistled through the crannies overhead it Defeatiiig the Rats. 99 seemed to mock the shivering missionary. In an nnoccupied corner he erected a rude and comfortless bed, on which at the close of each day's overwhelm- ing labor he laid him down to rest, but more fre- quently to pray than sleep. To increase his dis- comfort the stable was infested with rats, and not a night passed but whole armies invaded his couch and rendered him sleepless and miserable. But "necessity is the mother of invention;" our mis- sionary, whose wits often began where other peo- ple's end, found means of relief Amongst the stores lying in one end of the stable he discovered an im- mense quantity of lucifer matches, which the Brit- ish Commissariat in its wisdom had laid up here. Taking a large supply to his bedside our Scripture- reader drops asleep with a box in one hand and a bundle of matches in the other. By and by, in the silence and under cover of night, the hungry Russian hordes stealthily issue fi'om their entrenchments, and attack the person of the hapless foreigner. The not unexpected sortie awakens the slumber- ing Scotchman, who instantly fires his rare artil- lery ; and amidst the horrid noise, the phospho- rescent blaze, and the sulphureous stench, enough to put the Cossacks to flight, the enemy scamper off in all directions, leaving the missionary, for the present, master of the field. Yet in this rude dwelling he was contented and thankful ; and even feared it was too- good to last long. "My room," he says, "is quite a sight. I 100 Daily Life in the Crimea. have paper for glass in the wmdows; in some of them not even that. My furnitnre consists of a bed, which also serves for a chair, a Kussian chest of drawers, and the hay for Mr. W 's cow. A jelly jar, a brown earthen basin, and a Turkish jar are my dishes. I have a sort of lamp for making my coffee. My pocket knife cuts my bread, and it also serves for eating my ^^^ with ; a stick serves as a spoon to stir the sugar with ; and a bottle serves for a candlestick. I rise early, light my lamp, make my coffee, clean my boots, sweep my room with a few Turkish feath- ers, and I can tell you I was never happier in my life. I have a perfect palace, and I have decorated the walls with copies of the ' Illustrated London News.' I fear it is too good to last, but it is in the Lord's hand. How contented I feel with all, and how well it is that I learned when young to help myself I am happy as a king, yea ten thousand- fold more so than one without grace." From his journals and letters it is not difficult to form some conception of his daily life in the Crimea. Eising early he prepares his breakfast, and seeks refreshment to his spirit in meditation and prayer. Whilst he intercedes for all, the Sardinian army lies upon his heart like a prophet's burden. Having thus renewed his strength, he carefully selects tracts and books for distribution. His next step is to visit the harbor, Avhere his loud, hearty voice wakens the echoes in many a Ijluff, kind response on board ship. Humor and pathos are keys to open the heart of /;/ tJie Hospitals and Camp. loi Jack, and the missionary is master of both. A sick soHier is in the crisis of disease, and he succeeds in procm^ing some dehcacy for the prostrate war- rior. Another whom he met the day before suffers from a threatening cough ; an old woollen shu't may save the poor fellow's life. Away he goes with his cargo of stores, temporal and spiritual, and trudges through unfathomable mud till he reaches the camp. In the hospitals he ministers to the sick and womided with the skill and tenderness of a woman ; and when by gentle touches of humanity he has smoothed the sufferer's pillow, he tries to point to Jesus, and allure to heaven. As he passes through the camp he hails every body, and is hailed hi turn ; for his is the pecuhar gift of knowing every one, and making himself known to all. Now you hear him talking in his broadest Doric to some countryman, and anon he is jabbering in broken French or Italian. Under cover of a cool, easy, off-hand exterior he conceals an uitense desire to say some good, strong thing bearing on eternity; and rarely is the opportunity missed of making the home-thrust right under the fifth rib. Sometimes he is repulsed, but he knows conscience is on his side. Sometimes he is answered with a smile, and "Ah, sir, that is all very well, but it won't do here." This is a good opening for the missionary's heaviest shot. " But death is here, and how are you going to meet God?" Occasionally he is met with a raking fire of profanity, and is put to grief and silence. He tries 102 III the Market. all bis keys into the locked heart. Perhaps the man was once at the Sabbath-school ; perhaps he has a mother, the traces of whose love even sin can hardly obliterate. He finds an opening at length, and the man who met him with swearing and laughter goes away in tears. Onward amidst the tents the mis- sionary holds his way, a strong sower scattering good wheat npon the waters — the folly of reason, and the wisdom of faith. Sometimes his heart faints within him ; but he quickly renews his strength in fellow- ship with some one of his godly friends. After a hard day's work he makes his way to the market at Kadi Keni, to "forage" for dinner. Here too he often does some business for his Master. Fre- quently, indeed, he stands for hours amidst a crowd gathered out of many nations, and endeavors to find an entrance for the word of life. On returning home, he cooks his meal only to find that his appetite is gone. But dinner or no dinner his day's work is not yet done. The last hours of the day are spent in writing his journal and in attending to a vast correspondence by letter. Many write him from all parts of the three kingdoms, inquiring about their relatives and friends in the army. Not one scrap is neglected, and an answer is duly sent. Commissioned by the sick and wounded, he writes on their behalf to wife, or mother, or sister, or affianced one, far away. Besides all that he must prepare his quarterly report, and noi forget the claims upon his pen of his numer- Abundant Labors. 103 oils friends, whilst the public ear must be gratified by stirring letters in the newspapers and religious periodicals. His writing is not done in an easy chair and slippers ; it is subject to frequent interi'up- tion by visitors from the allied camps, for whom the old stable begins to have rare attractions. Be he soldier or navvy, Sardinian or Turk, officer or man, the missionary is at his visitor's service. The pen is laid aside for the employment of his most effective weapon — frank, genial, copious, and forcible speech. His words are often quaint in the extreme, but they are as nails fastened in a sure place. The oddity of his sayings may provoke a smile; but he is a wise fisher of men, and knows how to bait his hooks. Such then is his daily life in the Crimea; and ere the last sand of the glass has seen him rise fi-om his knees to creep into his corner for the night, it is no more than truth to say that the work of two days has been pressed into one. A few extracts from his published journals may be here given : "April 10th. At Sebastopol. A sheet of fire as it were encircled it; the engines of death poured forth their deadly volleys — the sun shone forth brightly, marking forth each embrasure in bold relief in the devoted city. It was a trying sight, and finding no opportunities of usefulness, owing to the excitement prevalent, I retired early to my quar- ters, anxious that the day might soon arrive when 104 Parting with Friends, the alarm of war should be heard no more, and the din of battle be forever hushed. "April 14th. Took farewell of the Hospital Ship, where for nine weeks I had been living. My work on board was pleasant and painful — far more pleas- ant th.an painful ; for I sought to know amongst them nothing else 'save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.' I had spoken to many of them about their souls — had prayed by their sick beds, and given them many tracts, and the result of all the judgment of the great day shall bring to light. May it be found that the arrow of conviction had reached some heart, and that souls there had been 'born again to God.' "April 16th. On board Transport No. to visit the soldiers invalided for England. Many a poor sick man seemed to revive at the prospect of once again meeting those he loved in his native land. The scene could not be described ; it was pleasure mingling with pain; they Avere going home, yet leaving many friends behmd. They had high hopes yet many fears. I had known most of them during the winter, and the most devoted of all my friends and the best loved was amongst them. Gladly was I welcomed each day. I went on board ere they started, and the supply of tracts given for the voy- age was highly valued. To each I gave a Testament for reading on the voyage, the gift of Colonel L , and had, to remind them of the Crimea, to write my name in each. I parted with them with much sor- row, which I believe was mutual. As I saw the A Halloiuing Hoiir. 105 vessel leave the harbor a tumult of feelings filled my heart. These veteran sick soldiers were lea\4ng the land where they had known so many trials — met so many difficulties — seen such deadly ^vork. I could only commend them to the care of Him wdio holdeth the winds in the hollow of his hand, and who could guide them safely to then* own father- land. "April 18th. I am distributing tracts on the wharfs — met a soldier wdio had been long confined to hospital. I had met him before, and had gained his confidence. He asked me to go aside and talk with him. I did so, and his first inquiry was for a Bible : he said he had never read it, or had one to read, being deeply opposed to it, now he felt the need of reading it for himself I had much conversation with him about the need of spiritual religion, and commending the Lord Jesus to liim and giving him my last Bible, bade him for the present farewell, as he had to go to his battery on the following day. "April 20th. Spent the afternoon with Colonel , sick on board ship. Rarely, if ever, have I spent such a hallowing hour. He told me much of the Lord's kind dealings with him, and the marvel- lous way He had led him since called by his Spirit to be a partaker of the glorious Gospel of the ever- blessed God. He has done much for the spiritual welfare of his men, and returns to England beloved by all, yet his loss is deeply regretted. Before leav- ing he made me a present of several copies of the io6 Balaklava. Scriptures in all the languages of tlie East, and a goodly number of English and French Testaments. " April 22d. In the evening with the Rev. Mr. G , railway chaplain ; held open-air service ; the attendance was good, most being soldiers. It was sweet to sing songs of praise on the outskirts of Bal- aklava, and pleasant to hear the voice of prayer amidst the round of oaths and blasphemy from the huts around. " In the front, at battery, met one of the most pleasing trophies of grace it has been my privilege to witness, in the case of bombardier . Truly the meeting was a joyous one to both. He has charge of the hospital attached to the battery, and every good influence he brings to bear on the invalids. It has been his custom, in case he should be taken prison- er, to carry his Bible in his breast with him to the trenches or on the march — as he remarked, ' if taken prisoner he should at least have one to speak to him.' Yes, and I believe he hears and follows the voice as few, very few soldiers are found to do. We walked long together, and next day he visited me, and we had prayer and reading the Word. A pleas- ing trait in his character is, he supports an aged fa- ther in the Highlands of Scotland, and that very day gave me seven sovereigns to transmit for him. " A Russian officer, taken prisoner a few days ago, called on me, and through an interpreter asked for a Bible. I presented him with one, for which he seemed very grateful. An opportunity of giving the I Wounded Soldiers. 107 Eussian Testaments now and tlaen presents itself, and it is embraced. "April 29tli. A good few were wounded last night in the trenches by a sortie made from Sebas- topol. They were brought to hospital to-day, and to those not seriously hurt I gave a Testament. Poor fellows ! they seemed much softened and melted. I was, and have often been, much struck by their calm endurance of pain, and their unwavering fortitude. " A corporal of artillery called on me for tracts and books, for himself and a few comrades attached to the siege-train. They have not the same time many others have, and it was the more pleasing to see their desire for reading. " Visited Mam Guard, and presented each soldier on guard with a Bible. I found confined a soldier transported for life. In a fit of intoxication he had seized a musket and fired it, wounding a man. I spoke kindly to him of his condition as a sinner in the sight of a holy God, and tried to open up the heart-cheering, soul-comforting, soul-saving truth — ' It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all accepta- tion that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners — even the chief: ' the strong man was un- manned and bowed to the dust. It seemed deeply to touch his heart — the message of mercy carried to him, and the kindness in visiting him. I pre- sented him with a Bible, which in his solitary con- finement he promised to read, and took farewell of him, to see him no more on earth — in the earnest io8 The Evening Fnneral. hope that he might yet be a trophy of redeeming love — a diadem in Immanuel's croAvn, in the day when lie maketh up his jewels. It seemed on leav- ing as if I could sing with a joyous heart : '* ' There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins, And sinners plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. ' " Presenting a Testament to a sailor, he said, ' It's of no use to offer me that ; I hate my work and every thing else ; my life is a torment to me ; and, alas, it's all one thing.' Argued with him, if this was so bad a world, would it not be wiser to seek a better one to come ? and urged on him the necessity of doing so. He took the Testament with the prom- ise of reading it. " Visited by Quarter-master-sergeant. We spent the afternoon together in reading and prayer. " Attended and took part with the Kev. G. G , at the funeral of a man killed by accident ; it was a heart-touching scene. In the evening, just as the sun had sunk, we moved beyond the lines ; the grave was already made, and the busy hum of voices could be distinctly heard in the camp. As we stood in prayer around the grave, the gentle breeze bore the sound of the cannonade distinctly towards us. The company gathered were select and numerous, and I believe every one felt as we stood by the open grave, we were in the midst of strangers — far from Cholera. 109 home, friends, and country. As tlie address pro- ceeded, marked impressions were made, and I be- lieve I am right in saying, the Lord was with iis of a truth. " Visited by a sergeant of the at three o'clock P.M., and by ten he was dead. Whilst with me I could see symptoms of cholera on his countenance, but little, ah, little did I think, when speaking to him, he would be so soon in eternity. This terrible scourge has again broken out in our army. We are surrounded on all hands- by death and disease, and life is felt to be most uncertain. How solemn to see the mighty mass hurrying to the grave — how solemnizing to see such crowds marching to eter- nity. Even during my stay in this land I can look back and see tents recrowded, but not by those I had known ; ranks filled, but not by those to whom dice and again it had been my privilege to address the Gospel message of salvation. Thousands have passed away, as the leaves in autumn or the snow- flakes before the sun. Often when sinking, at heart, have I wished I could cry in the ears of God- taught souls at home, ' What meaneth thy sleep ? Are you girding yourselves for the conflict? Are you wrestling with the God of Jacob and prevail- ing ? ' Ay, and it has come with deeper force, as I have seen the Lord during the last few months gathering home His children from the army, and leaving it well-nigh forsaken of those who fear His name. no A Friend in Need. " All tilings at present speak loudly, and urge to instant, deep, believing, persevering prayer for the descent of the Holy Ghost, that waters may break out in the wilderness, and streams in the desert : *♦ * Then shall the earth yield her increase; God, our God, bless us shall. God shall us bless ; and of the earth, The ends shall fear Him all.' " In Mr. Hayward, an English chaplain and de- voted minister of Christ, he found a true friend. In all his troubles Mr. Hayward came to his help. When about to be evicted from his humble dwell- ing, the good chaplain interfered, and he was al- lowed to remain. When the priest at Balaklava attempted to stop the distribution of tracts, his faith- ful friend withstood the priest, and the work went on. They labored much together. Laden with ma- terial and spiritual comforts, they often sallied forth in company to visit the sick, the wounded, and the dying. Sometimes they did their cooking together, the Kev. chaplain trying his culinary skill in mak- ing a pudding of biscuit, while the lay missionary washed a few potatoes which he had been fortunate enough to procure about the ships. At every junc- ture in the war they retired to a lonely spot to pray ; and never could Matheson forget the impression made upon his heart when as they knelt Hayward would raise his noble countenance toward heaven, and amidst the thunder of the cannon plead with a Sad Sio^hts. m "e. voice full of emotion, " Lord, prepare those that are appointed to die." They organized a service in which, besides prayer, praise, and preaching, Hay- ward introduced the practice of reading all round. This gave additional interest to the meeting ; and it was pleasing to see a general and a navvy read- ing each his verse in turn. The devoted chaplain spent his private means in promoting the good of the soldiers. At length, exhausted by his great labors, he fell ill, and was obliged to leave. In his last sermon — a memorable one — he told his audi- ence he had changed his mind in regard to the apostolical succession ; he now believed that all who brought souls to Jesus were of the true apostolical succession. His friend, our Scripture-reader, as- sisted in conveying him on board ship, and they laid him gently down upon the quarter deck beside other sick ones, to whom the afflicted chaplain be- gan to speak of Christ. There ]\Iatheson and Hay- ward parted, with such pangs of sorrow as large and true hearts only feel. The two faithful soldiers of the cross now worship and serve where the d'in of war is hushed forever, and the weary are at rest. Sad were the sights witnessed by the Scripture- reader every day. Hundreds of sick and wounded were brought down to Balaklava — famished, ema- ciated, clothed in rags, many a noble form, a total wreck from lack of timely aid. He wept at the sight. The sufferers fixed then- eyes on him in touching appeal, and many uttered a piercing cry 112 Dying Soldiers. for water. He did what lie could. Some of tliem he saw die on the wharf On board many lay hud- dled together under the open hatchway. Some lay on bags of biscuit — anywhere, anywhere in the hur- ry and helplessness. " Scotland I'll never see again," was the heart-piercing lament of a poor Scotch sol- dier laddie. Ah, no ! Poor boy, he never did see Scot- land again. A Lincolnshire lad whom he sought and found was unable to speak a word. "Your mother bade me seek you," said the missionary. At this word the dying soldier suddenly revived, and ex- claimed, "My mother! my mother!" It was the last flicker of the candle. He said no more, and died. The last tender throb of his heart was given to her who had knoAvn its first gentle beat. Suffering does not necessarily soften and refine. Feelings and affections are tender plants: unless care is taken, rough winds blight and kill them. A heart-hardening process in the army was only too apparent. One day the missionary, marking the conduct of a burying party who had cast the dead into a pit with no ordinary levity, admonished them with much feeling and impressiveness. A party of soldiers was one fine day seen playing at cards in the trenches. A shot laid one of them low. In- stantly they rose, and carrying the dead man away, returned in a few minutes and resumed the game. Despite all this callousness of heart, the missionary often succeeded in making an impression even to tears. In particular, he knew how to reach the Burial of Dead Tracts, 113 hearts of his coiintiymen, and not seldom did he unseal the fountains of emotion by an allusion to Auld Scotland, the scenes of boyhood, the parish school, a question in the Shorter Catechism, or the 23d Psalm, "The Lord's my Shepherd; I'll not want," learned at a mother's knee. He was very careful in respect of the matter con- tained in the tracts he put into circulation. By whomsoever issued he cared not, provided only they contained the truth as it is in Jesus. A great heap of Popish trash, full of Mariolatry, coming into his possession, he was at a loss how to dispose of them. By the help of a party of soldiers, lie dug a deep trench. "There," he says, "we gave them de- cent burial;" adding with grim humor, "We read no burial service over them, and dropped no tears ; but quietly said in our hearts, ' Let the memorj'' of the wicked rot. ' " Such was the bm^al of dead tracts. Another heap, "all about schism, and not at all about Christ," he thrust into a Russian furnace, at which he and a friend warmed their toes. In all con- science they knew enough already about schism in the Crimea ; what they needed was union with Christ and peace. A third parcel of rubbish he took out in a boat, and cast the dangerous lies into the sea. "We put poison out of the way of children," says he. This, verily, was soldier-like work. One night, weary and sad, he was returning from- Sebastopol to his poor lodgings in the old stable at Balaklava. He had labored all day with unflag- 8 1 14 Sweet Thoughts of Rest. •ging energy, and now his strength was gone. He was sickened with the sights he had seen, and was depressed with the thought that the siege was no nearer an end than ever. As he trudged along in the mud knee-deep, he happened to look up and noticed the stars shining calmly in the clear sky. Instinctively his weary heart mounted heavenward in sweet thoughts of the "rest that remaineth for the people of God," and he began to sing aloud the well-known Scriptural verses : •• How bright these glorious spirits shine ! Whence all their white array ? How came they to the blissful seats Of everlasting day ? *'Lo ! these are they from sufferings great, Who came to realms of light, And in the blood of Christ have washed Those robes which shine so bright." Next day was wet and stormy, and when he went out to see what course to take, he came upon a sol- dier standing for shelter below the veranda of an old house. The poor fellow was in rags, and all that remained of shoes upon his feet were utterly insuffi- cient to keep his naked toes from the mud. Alto- gether he looked miserable enough. The kind- hearted missionary spoke words of encouragement to the soldier, and gave him at the same time half a sovereign with which to purchase shoes, suggest- ing that he might be supplied by those who were k A Soldier Saved from Stiicide. 115 burying the dead. The soldier offered his warmest thanks, and then said, "I am not what I was yester- day. Last night, as I was thinking of our miserable condition, I grew tired of life, and said to myself, Here we are not a bit nearer taking that place than when we sat down before it. I can bear this no longer, and may as well try and put an end to it. So I took my musket and went down yonder in a desperate state about eleven o'clock; but as I got round the point, I heard some person singing 'How bright these glorious spirits shine,' and I remembered the old tune and the Sabbath-school where we used to sing it. I felt ashamed of being so cowardly, and said, Here is some one as badly off as myself, and yet he is not giving in. I felt he had something to make him happy of which I was ignorant, and I began to hope I too might get the same happiness. I returned to my tent, and to-day I am resolved to seek the one thing." "Do you know who the singer was ? " asked the missionary. "No," was the reply. "Well," said the other, "it was I;" on which the tears rushed into the soldier's eyes, and he requested the Scripture-reader to take back the half sovereign, saying, " Never, sir, can I take it from you, after what you have been the means of doing for me." He says he did not find many real Christians in the army. There were a few stars of the first mag- nitude, and they shone conspicuous in so dark a sky. Our lay missionary was not long in discover- ing those who feared the Lord ; and he found in them Ii6 Hedley Vicars. true friends. The first time lie entered the tent of Capt. Hedley Vicars, he observed that although the officer was absent at the time, his Bible lay opened upon a sort of table made of an old box. Thus the godly Vicars showed his colors, the open Bible in- timating to all who entered on what terms they might have his fellowship. "His manliness and whole-heartedness," says Mr. Matheson, "struck you at once. There was nothing morose or gloomy about him ; nothing to repel. He retained the fresh- ness of boyhood with wisdom above his years. \\. our first meeting my heart was glued to him at once." In his journal he writes: "March 19th. AtSebasto- pol. Met with Dr. Cay and Major Ingram in Vicars' tent. We had prayer and reading the Word to- gether. It was to us all a well in the desert, a bright spot amidst surrounding gloom. We blessed God on hearing that a day of national humiliation and prayer was appointed. Cay and Vicars accom- panied me on my way. After Cay left us Vicars and I stood on the plateau above Sebastopol, the doomed city, as it was often called, lying in its beauty before us. The sky was without a cloud; the sea was as calm as a pond. It was on one of those sweet evenings you never can forget. Our conversation was on the purity, blessedness and endless peace of heaven, where the din of battle shall never be heard, nor the strifes of earth be known. We expressed to one another much long- ing to reach it. Speaking of some who had gone, Bombardier APL. 117 we remembered Peden at the grave of Cam- eron exclaiming, '0 to be wi' Ritchie!' and our feehng was the same. AVe could hardly part. He agreed to meet and spend a day with me at Bal- aklava." On the day fixed for the meeting Hedley Vicars was taken home to his God. Matheson was over- whelmed with grief, and could only exclaim, ' Dear, dear Vicars ! " As he stood beside the grave on the day of burial he felt in his inmost heart as if " an- other link had been snapped on earth, and another bond formed in heaven." One of his best friends was Bombardier M'L., a warm-hearted Highlander and a Christian. Just as the alarm was sounded and the men were called to arms, Mr. Matheson on entering the bombardier's tent found him buckling himself for the fight and putting his Bible into his bosom, saying, "If I fall, it will be there : and if I am taken prisoner, it will speak to me, and I can never be weary with such a companion." One day when they had retired to a quiet spot for prayer and reading of the Word of God, a shell dropped at their feet. On this they went a little further off; but again the exercises were dis- turbed by another terrible invader which fell be- side them, shaking the very ground beneath them. "Never mind," said the soldier, "it is only the devil trying to spoil our enjoyment: let us go on." They had just resumed when whiz, whiz, with a loud fall a thnty-two pound shot lay beside them. The mis- ii8 Nari'ozv Escapes. sionary was alarmed, but the soldier calmed his fear by quietly saying, ' ' Not a shaft can liit Till the God of love sees fit." This brave man Matheson used to tell, once stood alone by his gun in the midst of an assailing Russian host, and in a hand-to-hand encounter maintained his ground till the enemy was driven back, one of the Russians with whom he grappled falling dead at his feet. The missionary, peaceful though his part of the business Avas, occasionally experienced danger, and had his narrow escapes. One day, when conversing with a godly officer in a retired spot, the latter said, "We have been long enough here, let us move aAvay." No sooner had they removed than a 13- inch shell dropped and burst on the very spot where they had been standing. " God had cared for us," he says, " and we were safe." "At Sebastopol during the unsuccessful attack on the Mamelon. It was a fearful night. Thousands were hurried into eternity, and yet our soldiers marched cheering to the trenches, and seemed total- ly unconcerned. The mail had arrived just ere they marched, and you could see them reading the letters from home. Two hours after, they were dead or dy- ing. There seemed to reign an utter recklessness of life, and I could hear the wild oaths as they marched bandied about in the ranks. 1 had an opportunity Going to the Slaughter, 119 of speaking a few words to some of them, and dur- ing part of the night remained with the outlying sentries, in one of whom I felt special interest. At midnight went to the tent of Bombardier , and had prayer with him. In the morning all was calm, save now and then shot from some heavy gun, and the wounded were carried away in great numbers. It is in such scenes as these one can truly appreciate the reign of righteousness yet to arise on this be- nighted world, and long and pray for its speedy advent." One day, 17th June, we find him speaking about the "one thing needful" to "a large draft for the Rifles, mostly boys," newly arrived. On landing they are drawn up and ranged, before " marching to the front ; " and as he slips out and in among them, giving them Testaments and speaking in his own hearty, affectionate way about home, and battle, and death, and eternity, he is pleased to mark unwonted signs of emotion, and remarks that " it seemed as if their hearts had got tender when brought so near the seat of conflict." These boys were going to be butchered on the morrow at the Redan. "Next day," he adds, " I was at Sebastopol, and some of these very men were carried past wounded, whilst others had been killed in the fight." " Attended and took part in the meeting, specially with reference to the expected assault on the mor- row. The worthy chaplain's address was most sol- emn, aflTecting, and impressive. It was indeed a 120 Attack on the Redan. night of deepest feeling, and much of tlie Lord's presence was enjoyed." In reference to the disastrous attack on the Eedan, he writes in his jonrnal: "June 18th. Early in the morning went to Sebastopol. I trust higher and holier motives than those of mere curiosity led me. Was eye-witness to all the proceedings of the fatal morning. It produced feelings that cannot be ex- pressed ; to hear and see the deadly conflict, and be witness to the dead and dying carried past, endur- ing their sufferings with calm fortitude and unmur- muring silence. Spoke words of kindness to a few ; and sought, as able, to tell others the lesson to be learned, viz., to seek the Lord, who only could grant victory, and put no confidence in an arm of flesh. When the fury of the storm had passed, and some- thing of a depressing calm was felt, looked in at • Hospital, but could not stand the sight. Some had limbs amputated; others hands off; and many were suff'ering from unextracted bullets. There are events in every man's history he can hardly forget, and through grace, I should like to retain the many lessons taught me on the 18th of June, before Se- bastopol." He was well received by the sailors in the harbor of Balaklava. When not admitted on board he left a parcel of carefully selected tracts to be distributed among the men. One day a soldier refusing a tract, a sailor with the wonted frankness and good humor of Jack stepped up and said, "If he won't, I will," Work Among the Navvies. 12 1 adding for the encouragement of the missionary, "Thank ye, sir ; I hke a good yarn." Captain T , master of a transport, used to hoist the Bethel flag on his ship, and Matheson held service on board. He was also called to minister to the navvies of the Army Works Corps, among whom cholera had broken out. As early as five in the morning he was astir with his Bible and his medicine. His counsel and aid were in great demand, for the navvies had taken it into their heads that no medicines w^ere so effective as his. Something, no doubt, was due to " the effectual fervent prayer " which " availeth much." This opportunity of usefulness was seized with his usual promptitude and good sense ; but the work sometimes proved more than even his strong frame could bear. Mr. Gymgell, chaplain of the Army Works Corps, being taken ill of cholera, our missionary watched him till he died. Through the long weary hours of his last night on earth, Matheson sat by his bedside ministering to him, till at length, as it drew towards the dawn, the faithful chaplain, breathing out faith and hope, peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. On the Scripture-reader devolved the last offices of friend- ship, and keen were his feelings in transmitting the sad tidings to the widow and children far away. Just as the sun was setting they bui'ied him in a quiet spot near the grave of Admiral Boxer, and Matheson addressed all those present with more than ordinary impressiveness and power. He felt as if 122 Illness — Trip to Trebizond. tlie disease had fastened on himself, and he spoke with the Hght of a near eternity in his soul. Utterly prostrate, he reeled home to the old stable, and crept into his comfortless bed, where he lay sick, helpless, and alone for three days and three nights. Growing worse hour by hour, he was at length no longer able to rise for his only comfort — a drink of water ; and despairing of hfe he turned his face to the wall to die. This the hour of his extremity was God's opportunity. The Lord sent an angel to min- ister to him in the person of Mr. Medley, a gentle- man in the Commissariat, who had formerly been a London city missionary. Happening to come to the door, he discovered the forlorn condition of the Scrip- ture-reader, ran to his relief, and never left him till he began to recover. " It was the sound of Mr. Med- ley's voice singing psalms," said our missionary, *'that first brought me to myself, and from that mo- m.ent I began to get better." For the benefit of his health he took a trip to Trebizond, of which he speaks in a letter to his sis- ter. " I wrote you that I was going to Trebizond. I did go, and was absent a week. I cannot tell you how much better I was for the trip. It was in the ' City of Aberdeen ' I went, and the passage was beau- tiful. It would be impossible for me to describe the beauty of Trebizond and the adjacent country. I hardly thought such gorgeous scenery was to be seen on earth. Should I be spared to return I may be able to convey some idea of it to you. I was Jczv and Gentile. 123 most taken up about its spiritual condition, which is sad in the extreme. Of 60,000 inhabitants there is only one Englishman, the British Consul. The Americans have a missionary there doing a good work; but as he had gone to Constantinople I chd not see him. I left a letter for him and some books. Some of the converts I saw and was much pleased with them. I felt, how deeply ! the want of know- ing their language ; for as I walked through the city given up to idolatry, I wished I had been able to preach 'Christ and Him crucified.' The sight of so many thousands believing a lie gives one an inter- est in missions such as many speeches could not give. The Tui'ks in Trebizond I found to be most invet- erate against Christianity ; but their days are num- bered. . . . Although only a week absent I had many friends wearying for me, and once again I was glad to see them and enter on my work. All friends here, however, must be held very loosely, for they soon remove or are taken away." The market-place, Kadi Keni, situated about a mile from Balaklava, was a stirring spot. English, French, Italians, Tm-ks, Jews, Maltese, and others, assembled here. The Jews were extremely debased, but the Maltese, if possible, were more wicked still ; for they were sometimes caught in the act of spoil- ing the dead. The market was just the place for our Scripture-reader : here he did much business for his Master. No Jew was more bent on making gain 124 '^^^^ Sardinian Army. than lie was on winning souls ; his constant cry was, " Who will buy the truth? " At Kadi Keni he met officers and soldiers of the Sardinian army, and made their acquaintance. "From the day that the compact, brave, accom- plished, and well-behaved Sardinian army set foot on Crimean soil," he writes, " my heart was set on doing them good, and I prayed that God would en- able me to spread the Word among them. Know- ing that God could bless one text as well as a thou- sand, I committed to memory from the Italian New Testament that Gospel in miniature in John iii. 16: *For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' I went out, and standing amongst them repeated the pas- sage, and then passed from group to group with my little Gospel message. Then I took the New Testa- ment and Avent out reading it as best I could, till a deep interest to possess it was called forth, and the time had come for its distribution." Cholera, too, came to clear the way for the ser- vant of the Lord Jesus. Many soldiers of the Sar- dinian army were taken ill : there was a lively de- mand for the medicines, of which Mr. Matheson had a large store, and very soon his services were held in as high repute by the Italians as by the English navvies. He saw the door of access opening; he felt assured the Lord was answering his prayers; and so incessantly and lovingly did he labor among Distribution of New Testaments. 125 them, that he came to be named, "The Sardinians Friend." His kindness won a way into their hearts ; prejudices gave way ; he became a universal favor- ite, and many of the Itahans received the Word of God at his hands, when they would have rejected it at the hands of any others. In his journal of June 1st he writes: "Began the distribution of Italian New Testaments in fear and much trembling. Opening after opening presented itself, and the avidity with which many received them was remarkable, Avhilst others sternly refused them. One officer asked for a copy, and assisted me to supply all his company, remarking, ' A better book they could not possess.'" Again, June 2d, " Took a large bag full of Italian New Testaments to market-place. Kadi Keni. ]\Iet many Sardinians, and on presenting them with the Word was offered by nine tenths payment for them. Some sternly re- fused. The joy of others was great." Day after day the interest increased. One walked five miles in tlie darkness of night to knock at the old stable door and get the Word of God. Another came begging the whole Bible, because he had found the New Testament so good. " I have a great treas- ure now," said another, as he put the book in his bosom, and went away. At five in the morning the missionary is aroused by Sardinian soldiers seek- ing the Word of God. They were going to join the advance, and feared losing their only opportunity of procuring a copy. A Waldensian corporal lying iU 126 Biter est in the Word. at tliis time, in answer to the kind inquiries of tlie Scripture-reader, said, " The source of all true cour- age is, whilst the body is on earth, the soul is in heaven," — a truly Waldensian and martyr-like view of the matter. " Spoke to the Sardinian guard," Matheson writes in his journal, " and told them of the only Saviour of sinners, and gave each of them a New Testament. They said they would take them home to Italy. Visited by seven Sardinian officers, who wished to have Bibles. As an army of reserve, they said they had much time for reading, and would take their Bibles home as a memorial of Eng- lish affection and of the Crimea." Two Tuscans, burning with zeal for liberty and Italy, enlightened and able to speak English fluently, visited the sta- ble, and heard the good old story of freedom through Jesus Christ. A Tyrolese, of noble countenance, who had fought under Garibaldi at Rome, and shared the perils of his flight, received a copy of the Word, and became attached to the missionary. Thus the work went on day by day, despite all the efforts of the priests, who did their utmost to stop it. Duncan's frank, genial disposition, and intense sympathy with the Italians in their aspirations for national liberty and unity, were largely instru- mental in opening the door for the Word of God among the Sardinian troops. God gave him favor with the officers. Dr. S , who could speak Eng- lish, became his friend. That gentleman had been led to embrace Protestantism by reading the Bible, "77^^ Sardinians' FriendP 127 and comparing the religion of Rome with the truth. He introduced Mr. Matheson to other officers, who invited him to dinner. The missionary made a speech, Dr. S. being interpreter. After depicting in glowing colors what he firmly believed would be the future of a free and united Italy, whose flag should one day be unfui'led on the Capitol of Rome, he proceeded to speak of the Gospel as the greatest glory of a nation, and Jesus Christ as the only true liberator of men. His sincerity and enthusiasm carried all their hearts as by storm, and thenceforth "The Sardinians' Friend" enjoyed all but unbounded liberty and respect in carrying on the work of the Lord in the Italian army. Thus his field of labor was constantly widening, and knowing that the day of opportunity would soon close, he pressed into every breach with in- domitable courage and unquenchable zeal, till at length in the capture of Sebastopol he saw a certain indication of the end of his mission. His account of the final bombardment and assault deserves a page. "Balaklava, 10th September, 1855. "The din of battle has been hushed for a time, and I have found a little leisure to write. I hardly know where to begin, and I do not for a moment conceive I shall be able to give you any right idea of the transactions of the last few days. My last told you of the mighty preparations going silently and mechanically on for the final assault. For days 128 A Ship on Fire. and days nothing was seen but the transit of am- munition, and the transport of gabions, etc., for the front. The fire for some time back every night had been truly terrific. It seemed the Kussians well knew how oui' works were coiling themselves around their devoted city, and if they could not prevent this, they seemed determined to annoy us. What was often thought to be the reopening of the bombardment was only meant to allow the French at the Malakoff and us at the Redan to finish the works under cover of it. On the morning of the 6th it seemed as if all batteries had opened. Gun after gun sent forth its deadly charges, and during the whole day nothing else was heard but the whiz of shells as they fiew through the air. The accuracy of our aim was remarkable. In one minute you could count nine shells bursting upon the parapet of the Redan, and the Malakofi* seemed entirely shrouded in a sable covering of smoke and dust. Thus it continued during the day, and as evening had settled on us, one of the Russian ships in the harbor was seen to be on fire. Slowly the flames flew up the rigging, and soon the burning fragments were scattered around. It was a bril- liant sight. The dark night — the horizon lighted up for miles — the city seen as if by day — the sound of the rifles, as they went off, pop, pop, in the ad- vanced works — the heavy cannonade' — and the star- like fuses of the shells, as they rolled through the air, made it all awfully imposing. For hours the Incessant C annonadmg. 129 ship burned, and when morning broke you could see the hulk burned to the water's edge, and the other vessels lying lazily in the spot where they have so long been. "If the fire of the 6th was heavy, it was as noth- ing to the fire which opened on the 7th. Every spot seemed to possess a gun, and from every side the smoke, fire, and noise were terrific. It seemed as if all the guns and mortars in the French left went oJBF at one moment. Volley after volley shook the air, and the Avhole seemed as made of living fire. For a short time it seemed as if they had spent their fury, and as if the work were done. The guns were only cooling. In a little while they burst forth with greater fury than before. Thus during the whole day it continued. There seemed no slackening, no flagging, no wearying. Now and then the Kussians replied, but it was feeble and faint — not one shot for the thousand given. Thousands of spectators, chiefly, yea, almost all, soldiers, crowded the heights, where a passing glimpse could be had as the smoke cleared away. It was touching to see them in little groups discussing tlie probability of an attack, and their remarks were often of a mellowing cast. Gray- haired soldiers felt certain of it, though all was kept profoundly silent, and it sent a strange thrill through the heart to see some of the young, only joined a few days before, gambolling to the sound. During the niglit there was no cessation, and the rockets flew at intervals, kindling the city in various places. 130 Weeping Wives, Sleep was far from our eyes. The night seemed long and dreary, and the sighing of the wind on the fierce blast seemed to sound in the ears like sighs deep and loud from a sepulchre. At length morning broke, cold and cheerless. The sun now and then seemed ready to shoot forth, but kept back, as if afraid of shining on the work of the bloody day. The wind was strong, and carried the dust in whirling eddies through the camp. It blew well-nigh a hurricane, and seemed ready to carry all before it. We ap- proached Cathcart's Hill and found the whole line guarded by our dragoons. One could scarcely stand for the cold, and yet the interest of the moment ab- sorbed every thought. The cannonade seemed still fierce, and now and then through the strange min- gling of smoke, fire, and dust, you could catch a glimpse of the two spots of interest — the Malakoff and the Eedan — greatly battered, and only now and then firing a sohtaiy shot, as tokens of being yet unsubdued. "By seven a.m. the Light Division had marched. By eleven the other divisions had assembled, and marched to their respective posts. They wound down the various ravines in good order, and seem- ingly knowing the desperate nature of the work they were to do. I saw several soldiers' wives weep- ing after them as they went. Each man carried for- ty-eight hours' provisions. Their advance could not be seen, for the wind canied the dust and smoke in darkening columns, shrouding all well-nigh in mid- The Malakoff Taken. 131 niglit darkness. It was blowing into our works, and straight away from the Eussians. A large building burned in Sebastopol, and yet it was scarcely no- ticed, so eagerly did all look for twelve o'clock. It came. We heard the crack of musketry at the Malakoff, and the cannonade still went on. In a few minutes the report, ' The Malakoff is taken,' reached the camp. The 3d Division in reserve gave three hearty cheers, which could be distinctly heard through the camp above the din of all. The oppo- sition at the Malakoff was faint. In ten minutes the eagles of France floated on it. It seemed un- expected. The French works were so near it — one bound, and it had fallen. All eyes turned to the Re- dan. Here, in a moment, the battle raged. Such hot musketry has rarely been seen. Our men mounted its parapets, and were hurled into the ditch below. Man after man ascended, and one officer, mounting the parapet, waved his sword and cheered them for- ward. He Avas soon laid in the dust. Mass after mass pressed forward, and, over the dead bodies of their comrades, got within. They had gained it, but the dense mass of Russian infantry poured in countless thousands upon them, and one battery within, miseen, played hard. The Russian force, in leaving the Malakoff, poured into the Redan, de- termined to make it the final settling-ground. The few of our soldiers that got a footing made a noble stand, but they were as a drop in the sea, or a leaf in the forest, compared with the dense masses that 132 Final Attack on the Redan. came against them. They had to retire, and yet time after time they rushed to the assault, and kept the enemy from gaining one inch of ground. Be- tween the Malakoff and Kedan the contest fiercely raged. Victory seemed to hang tremblingly in the balance, and moments passed as hours — so deep was the suspense. At three o'clock the wounded began to be carried up. It was a sad and melan- choly procession. The Woronzoff road was one con- tinuous stream — officers and men all alike. Some walked themselves, limping, whilst the blood oozed from their wounds, and now and then, as the wind threw the cloak or covering a little aside, you saw the pale cold face of some one who had gone from the battle to the judgment-seat. As I stood mark- ing the sickening sights, three soldiers' wives rushed down the ravine, asking after their husbands, and presenting a dreadful spectacle of misery and grief. A ball from some of the Kussian batteries fell close beside them, and they had to run with all speed to the rear. The wind still blew, and the cold contin- ued intense. Now and then it lulled for a moment, and the sun burst brightly forth. All was silent along the French right, and only our batteries and tlie French left kept up the fire. The mark was still the Eedan. It was evident the Kussians were losing heart. "Night closed on the scene, and the wind died away. The reserves Avere marched ofi" for the work of the coming day. The town was on fire in sev- Retreat of tJie Russians. 133 eral places, and the shipping seemed without a gun. Explosion after explosion took place. At two o'clock — one louder than the rest. Part of the Redan had been sprung. The Highlanders, who behaved nobly, held in reserve for the next assault, entered, and found it evacuated. The Russians had fled, and, whatever else may be said, made a masterly retreat, displaying the most consummate generalship. As they went, they fired all behind them, and our men were not allowed to follow, which was well, for yes- terday explosions were taking place the whole day. In the night they had sunk their shipping, so long the terror of the Allies, and the cause of so many deaths. The eye had got so long accustomed to the sight of these mighty vessels, and now it is cheer- less to see the waves gently cresting over the spot where they were, and to glance at the large bay without a speck, save a few harmless steamers cow- ering under the guns of the opposite shore. "Yesterday, we had our first quiet Sabbath in the Crimea. How pleasant, how calm, how refreshing it dawned upon us ! Before, all used to be bustle, and the cannonade kept no Sabbath, and had re- spect to no commands. Not a gun was now heard. The stillness of death seemed to reign, and the deep- est interest to be felt in knowing who had or had not survived. Many a sad blank was found, and I had to weep specially over one friend who had only arrived from England two days before, and who fell at the first attack. He was an officer of the Rifles, 134 T^Ji-^ Fallen. and if honored with a tombstone, the epitaph truly may be, 'He walked with God.' Only a few en- tered the town yesterday, and om- troops moved cautiously, there being so many mines springing. It is all mined. Not a building remains uninjured. Shot and fragments of shell pave every spot. Build- ings have been scattered in ruins, and what has been left the flames have devoured. It has a desolate, di-eary aspect, and the wind howls hideously through its deserted streets. The dead lie all around, and heap upon heap meets the eye at the various points of sharpest contest. Yesterday and to-day, the last offices are performing for the dead, laying them in graves on the spot where many of them fell. The stern tide of war has mercilessly swept them away, and left many to deplore their loss. Friend and foe lie together, and Sebastopol is in the possession of our army. " It has been got at a dear rate, and the price of it has been much blood. How many thousands, yea, tens of thousands, have found their graves before it, there to await till the trump of God shall summon the sleepers to arise ! When I think of the mingled joy and weeping the sound of this victory shall produce at home, my soul is filled with deep- est feeling. I feel greatly it will be laid to the bra- very of our army, and to the skill of our command- ers; but those whose hearts are filled with divine light, and who know any thing of the tremen- dous difficulties overcome, and the magnitude of Letter to Mr. Peter Drummond. 135 the struggle, will give all the glory to the Lord, to whom it belongs." The following letter to Mr. P. Dmmmond, Stir- ling, will furnish some idea of his work, and the free course of the word of God in the Crimea : "Balaklava, Sept. 20th, 1855. "My Dear Mr. Drummond: Now that the town of Sebastopol has fallen, and the din of battle for a time has ceased, I have found a little leisure to write to you. And first I desire to thank you very sin- cerely, in my own name and that of others, for the many kind grants of tracts you have sent from time to time, since December last, and to assure you all have been widely scattered, and in many cases grate- fully received. I also enclose you a thank-offering from a few friends of £7 10s., to help you forward in your work. The silver and the gold are the Lord's, and as such we cast it into His treasury. "I hardly knew from what point to start to let you know of my work since entering this field of death and bloodshed. It has been an eventful, thrill- ing, soul-trying time ; and yet in the midst of all, much of the seed of the kingdom has been scat- tered — seeing since the fourth of December last I have given away — tracts, 52,000 ; Bibles, 622 ; Tes- taments, 1,477; French Testaments, 770; Bibles, 32; Italian Testaments, 4,300; Bibles, 200; Welsh, Rus- sian, and German Testaments, 173; books for offi- cers, 450. 136 Gambling and Drunkenness. " The work has now and then been pleasant, yet seldom has a joyous heart been known, seeing so much abounding iniquity and such an utter reck- lessness to the things of eternity. You cannot think what a vast wilderness of ungodliness our army is. You cannot move a step without hearing that name, dearer to you than all others, continually blas- phemed. Gambling has been carried on in the hos- pital, the camp, the trenches, to an amazing degree ; and the curse of our country, drunkenness, is wide- spread indeed. The sufferings of last winter were not overdi-awn, nor was the lesson to be taught ever learned. Judgment hung heavy on us, and it passed away unheeded. The Lord had a few holy witnesses in our army, but most of these were taken away by death, the bullet, or removed to England. No widespread blessing has ever descended, and tens of thousands have passed to the judgment-seat. The sins of our nation were punished in our army : and a slumbering church started for a moment to sink into a deeper sleep than before. Often when ready to faint have I been sustained by the blessed truth, ' All that the Father hath given shall come ; ' and some measure of faith in the omnipotent power of the Holy Ghost has revived the drooping heart, and enabled me more urgently to present Christ and Him crucified to dying men. Few have cared for the soldier's soul ; an exception here and there with joy may be made — but Popery and Puseyism have had it much their own way. The means to meet War has no Sabbath. 137 the wants have been totally inadequate, and every barrier has been thrust in the way of those that would. Evangelism has met with little favor, and Kome has plied her arts with untiring assiduity. What has tended much to demoralize our army has been the almost total extinction of the Sabbath. The Crimea has, I may say, known no Sabbaths. True it is, for a few minutes the form of parade-ser- vice has been gone through, and the men instantly hurried to fatigue. Let those who would like to see what Britain would be without Sabbaths visit the Crimea, and they will see the soul-destroying effects of it. The poor soldiers long for it to recruit their over-worked systems, but the demands of man can- not afford it, and the ceaseless toil must go on. I wish to draw a vail over much that I have seen in the Crimea these ten months. The scenes witnessed, and the dark pictures presented, often make the blood run cold, and draw tears from the eyes. Sure am I if it were really known at home by those who know the value of thcK own souls, they could not but cry, weep, pray, beseeching the Lord to open the windows of heaven and pour down a great and an abundant blessing. One cannot but admire the calm endurance of our army, and stand amazed at their contepapt of danger, and the unflinching bra- very ever manifested ; and oh, how well it were if a real deep and abiding awakening took place ! then it would be bravery drawn from a right som*ce, and endurance of suffermg the result of right principle. 138 Work among the Sardinians. Much prayer ought to be made for our neglected army, for it is high time to know the real spiritual state of it, and to awake out of sleep regarding it. " You are aware, in the end of May, the Sardin- ian army landed here. Hearing of its coming I had sent for thousands of Italian Testaments, not know- ing but the Lord would open a way for their distri- bution. I began the work with much prayer, yet in great fear and trembling. At first it went on slowly. Many prejudices had to be removed, and much wisdom to be evinced. Cholera broke out among them, and many hundreds died. It soft- ened them much; soon group after group called on me for the Word, sometimes thirty in one day. Since the 1st of June it has continued; one brought his companion, and another his brother, till 1,500 have so visited me. I cannot give you any idea of their eagerness to possess the Word. I have known many come miles for it ; and never have I seen such joy as they manifested while gazing on the precious gift. Had I time it would be pleasing to me to send you more details, for it has been a glori- ous, cheering work. Time after time I have gone through their camp, and seen some in little groups reading it, others in their tent ; and in the hospital nothing else is read. Many officers have visited me, written me, or sent for Bibles ; and in some regiments every officer, from the colonel downwards, has got a copy, while most of the medical staff have also been supplied. A spirit of earnest inquiry is at work Italy Opening to the Word. 139 with, some, and an apparently anxious desire to know the truth by most. Wondrous are the ways of God. Italy, loMg shut, is opening; Popery is losing its power; the mask is being torn; light thrown around; and who can tell the amount of blessing the 4,700 copies of God's Word given to the Sardinian army may be the means of accomplish- ing ? It is touching to hear them say often, ' My father, my mother, or my sisters, possess not this, and if I return they shall have it.' Those that have been invalided and sent home carried it with them ; and, as they embarked, have held it up to me, say- ing, 'This is my memorial of the 'Crimea.' The work is still going on, and I expect, if the door is still open, to circulate 1,000 more. Opposition was at one time greatly threatened. A IMaynooth priest in our army tried to stir the Sardinian priests against the work, but ere his plans were fully mature he fell sick, and had to leave. One thing is clear, Sar- dinia is lost to the Pope, and every fresh bull ful- minated is making the breach wider and wider. Oh for living men for Italy to preach the everlast- ing Gospel, and for the descent of the Holy Ghost from on high to call the dead to life ! It presents a glorious field. It is ripe for the harvest. Who will enter in and raise the standard of the cross, so long trampled in the dust; yea, buried under forms, traditions, and soul-destroying ignorance? "I cannot find time to tell you of the progress of the truth in Turkey. The only ray of hope is in the 140 The Crescent Waning. 'American Mission amongst the Armenians, wliich is greatly prospering. The Turk is what he was. There is no more opening of his mind to receive the truth. His enmity to Christianity is as deep as ever, and the effect produced by the presence of the Alhes is bad indeed. As a nation tiiey are dying out ; evi- dently doom is written on Mahomedanism, and it is well. Gladly would I see the Crescent prostrate in the dust, and a Christian state raised on the ruins. The time is fast hastening on ; the night is pass- ing ; the day breaketh. Soon the cry shall be heard throughout earth's millions — 'Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.' "Wishing you all success, and seeking for you much of the hallowing, humbling grace of the Eter- nal Spirit, I am, in much haste, your affectionate friend, " Duncan Matheson." From September till the winter set in he continued his labors — not, however, without frequent interrup- tions from sickness and prostration. " Many say, rest; take things easier," he writes at this time. "1 cannot rest, for it is a mighty graceless army, and needs most tremendous exertions. Oh that I might be the means of saving souls ! " Much did he feel the loss of Christian friends. " Captains Craigie, Vic- ars, and Beaufort are gone. Lieut. Wemyss died on his way to England, and has his grave in the waters of the Bosphorus. I feel it much — keenly, deeply. Illness. 141 Oil liow cheap is life here ! You sorrow for one, for many, and next day you sorrow for more, till the mind gets quite hardened. ]\Iany talk of hundreds dying as if it were nothing. Most look not into eter- nity, and know not the value of souls. I often think it is well I counted the cost ere coming here. I have not been disappointed. It is useless to think of tri- als, if the Lord prosper you in your Avork. You and others fear for me. I alone fear not for myself Am I not in the Lord's w^ork? Can any thing happen without his permission? If I live, let it be to his glory. If I die, may it be for his glory. I am not my own. I know there is victory through the blood of the Lamb ; and what after all is death ? The entrance to eternal rest — the door to God's right hand." Again and again he is smitten down by tlie com- bined effects of fatigue, exposure, and want of mate- rial comforts. In a letter he says : " Since I last wrote you I have known what it is to be laid low. Indeed, when I wrote you I felt rather unwell, but thought I should rally, as I have often done. I was seized with violent diarrhoea, accompanied with fe- ver, which continued nearly eight days, live of which I was totally confined to bed. A few days after I took ill my kind friends, Drs. Derriman and Brown, pitched a tent for me at their hospital, and their at- tention to me was unremitting. Through the mercy of God, I am restored again, and in my own house, and at my work. ]\Iany of the poor Sarduiians called 142 Privations. on me during my illness, and I had to liand them copies of the Word of God from my bed. Indeed every one was exceedingly kind. Most of those who sought to labor are now either dead or left. The doctors say I ought not to remain another winter here on any account, as those exertions I have through grace been enabled to make must recoil on the system. This is in the Lord's hands." His privations were often well-nigh past endur- ance. Often had he suffered the gnawings of hun- ger, till at length he lost his appetite entirely. "How gracious the Lord is," he says in a letter to his sister; "the last two days I had the delicious pleasure of being hungry." Again, " I am getting sorely out of clothes. Last week I got a present of a new pair of boots sent from England. Next day they were stolen. I had my last shirt on. I could not find another ; but a staff doctor called, and made me a present of one yesterday. So the Lord provides." At length his failing health compelled him to leave the Crimea, and return to Scotland, where he arrived about the end of the year. After spending six weeks at home, he set out again for the East, rejoicing, and counting himself more highly honored than if he were the ambassador of a king. His connection with the Soldiers' Friend Society had ceased on his return home ; but, liber- ally aided by the Countess of Effingham and others, he went forth absolutely his own master, and with Stores for Distribution. 143 an eye single and full of light. Feeling assured that he was called by the great Master to seize an oppor- tunity such as might never recur, he girt up his loins, and at once prayerful as well as self-reliant, cautious as well as enthusiastic, he took his way to the scene of his former labors and sorrows. His stores of Christian Hterature for gratuitous distribution were immense, varied, and judiciously selected. Besides Bibles, tracts, and other books in the several languages of the East, he carried with him a considerable number of copies of the Shorter Catechism with proofs, in Italian, under the title of "Compendium of Christian Doctrine," and also Pa- leario's "Benefits of Christ's Death," in the same language. His own countrymen were not forgotten. At Gibraltar, Malta, and almost everywhere a slow lumbering voice would be heard asking, " Hae ye ony Bibles wi' Psaums?" Knowing and sympathiz- ing with the likings of his countrymen, he was fully prepared to supply honest Sandy's want. It may be worth while to notice that his services were eagerly sought at this time by more than one Missionary Society or Committee. The "Jews' Con- version Committee " offered to " employ him as an assistant missionary of the Committee at Constanti- nople, at a salary of £150 a year." At the same time the Free Church Colonial Committee desired to secure his services for the East ; but fearing lest he should be trammelled in his work, he declined every offer, in order that he might be free to carry out his 144 ■^^' Joh^i Bonar. own peculiar mission in his own way. Dr. John Bonar, Convener of the Colonial Committee, again wrote him in noble, generous words of encourage- ment. " You go," he writes, " to unfurl the Lord's banner in the sight of assembled nations. You go to breathe words of peace from the Prince of peace amid the din of war. You go to sow the incorrupt- ible seed of the Word, which liveth and abideth for- ever, amid the very things which beyond all others show the vanity and uncertainty of all earthly and human things. You go to speak to men of their souls and of eternity, in the midst of the very things which may summon them to that eternity while you yet speak. You go to give the word of life to those to whom it is a sealed fountain at home ; and, in a word, to do good to aU as you have opportunity. Going on such an errand, and called to fulfil so im- portant a mission, we bid you God speed." LETTERS TO HIS SISTER. " London, March 6th. " I long much to get away. I have got every thing for my mission I could desire. To-day I have been at Beckenham. I have got forty copies of Cap- tain Vicars' Life. Mr. Moody Stuart went to the Edinburgh Bible Society, and got £25 for me for French Bibles. Mr. Learmouth has paid for 1,000 Bibles for me." "March 14th. " At sea, off the Spanish coast. We are nearing Meeting Old Friends. 145 Gibraltar, and on getting ashore I expect to post this letter for yon, that it may relieve any anxiety yon may feel. . . . To be united to Jesns is the one great thing. What is all else beside ? A dream — a shadow — nothing. To-day I was led to think of my awakening and after-life. What a miracle of mercy it has all appeared. To be used at all by the Lord is truly wonderful. Yea, it is all His grace — His own peculiar dealing. I long for nothing more than spiritual life. It seems to me, looking at the work to be done and the greatness of eternal things, as if I had not yet really begun to live. What an amount of time have I lost. How little it has been really occupied for the Lord. How little accom- plished. Life, life, the endless life of grace, is all I need, and all I want It is difficult to write with the motion of the vessel. We speed on our voyage. Such is life. Yes, we are passing along. How soon shall it be all done here." After touching at Malta, where his soul was vexed at the sight of the Popish mummeries of Good Friday, he reached Constantinople on the 31st March. Here he began the work of Scripture distribution at the Sardinian Hospital at Yenikoi, where there is a great rush on the part of the Italian soldiers to obtain copies of the Word of God. Doctors, officers, and men are waiting for him, and their joy is great on seeing their old friend with his precious stores. Day after day he passes, and the work seems to grow. 10 146 Return to the Crdmea. He again proceeds to the Crimea. "Crimea, June 16th. "I do not anticipate staying long in the Crimea. All will depend on my entrance amongst the Kussian soldiers. In all my previous journeys the Lord has graciously prospered me, and I hope in this I shall be able to sing the same song, and talk of the same goodness. Since my arrival it has been an inces- sant whirl. I would I could get rest! But it cannot be. The doors are too open, and the readiness to receive so great, that it must be "now or never." I expect a thousand French Bibles soon from Lon- don. I have already given above five thousand copies of the Word in all languages. Oh for the breath from on high ! My heart is set on the Lord. I love his service. I seek grace to glorify Him. Soon all will be done. It is passing away." In the arduous work of Scripture distribution in the Sardinian army he received no small help from an Italian priest, who had been favorably impressed by the dying testimony of his nephew Paolo, a young soldier converted by reading a copy of the New Tes- tament given him by Mr. Matheson. When coun- selled by his uncle to confess, Paolo replied that he had confessed his sins to Jesus Christ, and having received forgiveness, he needed not to confess to man. His beautiful death touched the heart of the priest, who appears to have been a quiet, kind- hearted man. opposition of Priests. 147 Early in 1856 some of the Sardinian officers had written to the principal newspaper in Turin, and challenged the priests to come to the Crimea, if they dared, and stop the circulation of the Scriptm-es. On this an accomplished Jesuit was sent, who on his arrival threatened to have the fellow hanged who was, contrary to all law and order, spreading heresy and Bibles among the good soldiers of Italy, and the children of the Pope. Matheson providentially dis- covered the Jesuit and his scheme, and informed certain officers (his friends), who outwitted the priest and he was obliged to sneak away as he came. One day he found his spiritual stores exhausted. A ship with a fresh stock of books was seen for days in the offing; but stormy weather prevented all ac- cess to the vessel. Becoming impatient he got a boat, manned by several stout Aberdonians, and taking the tiller himself, he put off to the ship. In the face of a tremendous sea they endeavored to make way to the vessel ; and when all but baffled, the missionary, in his bluff, hearty style, cheered them on saying, "Eow, boys, row; I'll, may be, tell this yet on the Castle-gate of Aberdeen." They suc- ceeded in reaching the vessel, got the books, and returned to the harbor in safety. In the report of the Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, Mr. Matheson, in reference to his work among the Sardinian soldiers, says : "My house at Terrikoi was literally besieged, and day after day I had to return to Constantinople for fresh supplies. 148 Soldiers Seeking Bibles. On the retTirn of tlie steamer many were awaiting me on the qnay, and sometimes all my books were gone before I could reach the Locanda. Many fresh invalids, scarcely able to walk, applied to me there ; and instead of any opposition being thrown in my way by those in command, I Avas greatly aided by them ; indeed they were the first to ask for Bibles. In six days I had given away 500 Bibles — 46 of these to ofiicers. At Terrikoi I did not offer one copy ; all were asked for ; and pleas- ing indeed it was to bestow it on one and another and another, who remarked, ' I was robbed of mine at Milan;' or, 'I have long desired one to take home, seeing that m my distant village it cannot be found.' "The work being completed there, I hastened to the Crimea ; and if the interest at Terrikoi was great, it was far transcended by that manifested on my arrival here. Soon the object of my mission ran like wildfire through the camp, and singly, in couples, in groups, yea, in masses, I was visited. In one day / seven hundred thus came to me, and were supplied. Ofiicers of all grades called for Bibles ; and I have in my possession very many letters sent me by some of them in higli standing for the Word. It was per- fectly agonizing to have to send away hundreds without it; and I have known soldiers Avalk six miles, four or five times in succession, for Bibles. Now and then small supplies arrived, and many, in the very act of embarking, came running breath- Expressions of Gratitiide. 149 lessly for that which to them had now become ' more precious tlian gold.' The new edition was indeed the more highly valued; and many were the expres- sions of gratitude sent to friends in England for the noble gift. Had I had ten times the number they could have been distributed, as over and over again, when all were gone, many, I hear, offered all they had for a copy. And surely it is pleasing to think of 1,000 Testaments and 674 Bibles of this edition being amongst them, and now in Piedmont. Of the 674 Bibles distributed, 250 were given to officers who called for them. " A nobler army than that of the Sardinians can- not be found. Many, very many of them, are men of great intellect ; and it is no unusual thing to meet with men in the ranks who are classical scliolars, and who would adorn any society in any country m the woi^d. They have left this land for the land to which they so fondly cling — and whose emanci- pation from spiritual thraldom they long to see fully consummated — loved by all, and with an affection deep-seated and sincere. What most gladdens the heart is, that few return home witliout the book of God, the record of eternal life, the Gospel of Christ, In faith we look for mighty results. Piedmont is rising among the nations. She has taken a noble stand. Let but the Word of God be scattered there in rich abundance, in copies of the faithful version of Diodati, the only translation, save in a few in- stances, I have ever been asked for ; nor let it ever 150 Cossack Affection. be forgotten that they, and they only, are free whom the truth makes free." At length his work was finished in the Crimea. One result was that eighteen thousand copies of the Word of God were carried into priest-ridden Italy in the knapsacks of the soldiers. He was sent to read the Scriptures to his own countrymen, which he did, and at the same time sent a host of Scripture- readers into the dominions of the Pope. After the proclamation of peace, the Eussian sol- diers came freely into the camp of the Allies. Our missionary's heart was stirred anew : a fresh field pre- sented itself; he was not slow to embrace the oppor- tunity; and he met with no small encouragement among the Eussians. Sometimes he was awakened at the dawn of day by a Cossack on his shaggy steed, come to beg a copy of the New Testament. "My friends the Cossacks," he says in" a letter, "showed me much kindness, and I had to submit once and again to the embrace of Eussian soldiers, smelling strongly of onions ! " The beautiful mon- astery of St. George, situated on a high perpendic- ular rock on the sea-side between Balaklava and Kamiesch, he found occupied by seventeen monks, with their superior. Thither he repaired with a bag of Eussian New Testaments, and, with the assistance of his friend Dr. C , presented each of the monks with a copy, which they received most gratefully, and with earnest request for the entire Bible. The missionary, as he passed from cell to cell, offered Departure of the Allied Armies. 151 fervent prayer that God would bless each and all of those peace-loving dwellers in St. George with the saving knowledge of His glorious name. It was a touching sight to behold, as oui* mission- ary did, the former dwellers returning to seek in vain their once happy homes. So changed was every thing by the desolation of war, that often did the poor people, on looking around upon the scene of their former habitations, lift up their voices and weep ; and my reader will not marvel when I tell him that the tender-heai-ted man of God wept with them. The allied armies took their way back to the set- ting sun. Our missionary waited till almost the last man had embarked. "Going to the top of a hill, I looked abroad upon the desolate scene. Miles of huts were left standing without a solitary occu- pant. Not a human voice was to be heard. Here and there a Russian might be seen prowling through the deserted camp. On my right lay Inkermann and the beautiful valley of the Tchernaya, with the Rus- sian cavalry grazing on its field of battle. A little beyond, in sweet repose, was spread out the plain of Balaklava, scene of heroic daring unsurpassed in the world's history. Sebastopol reposed in calm beauty, rendered more touching by its ruins. Fur- ther off the Black Sea looked in the rays of the set- ting sun like a mirror of glory. Wherever I turned my eye the hill-sides were covered with graves, and every ravine was like a charnel-house. With burst- 152 At 'Constanti7iople. ing heart and streaming eyes I thought of the many friends I had lost, and the myriads of broken hearts and bereaved homes far away. All alone I went to ' take my farew^ell look of Vicars' and Hammond's graves. Thought upon thought, quicker than the lightning, flashed through my mind as I said to my- self, What an army shall arise from these graves on that great day ! Each spot will be instinct with life. What a different scene from that once witnessed here, when man girt on his armor to meet man, then fought and Conquered, or laid them down to die! These men will rise from the dust of death to face not man but God. At the blast of the archangel's trump the sleeping warriors shall awake. But what an awaking to those who were wrapped in a Christ- less shroud and laid in a hopeless grave ! And how shall the dead in Christ arise with joyous songs of triumph as they shout, ' death, where is thy sting ? grave where is thy victory?' They shall mount up 'to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall they ever be with the Lord.'" Eeturning to Constantinople in June, he plunged into the work of Bible distribution among the French and Turks. "Constantinople, 3d July. "Since my last I have been exceedingly busy. My labors have been entirely amongst the French and Turks. I gave 190 Bibles in one day to the French, besides a large number of tracts and books. Work among the Turks. 153 I wish miicli silence kept regarding my work among the Turks, though in some cases it has oozed out. Scarcely a day passes without some Turkish officers calling for the Bible. With Mr. M'Kutcheon I have given 300 copies already. Since my arrival here 6,600 copies of the Scriptures, in all languages, have been distributed What a picture our poor countrymen give of Christianity here. You hardly see any one di'unk but an Englishman or a Scotchman; and English oaths are the first thing many learn here. The cursed drink, how it ruins the soul, how it hinders the Lord's work. The Church at home countenances it, and the ruin of thousands must lie at the door of professed Chris- tians who support it and lend it their influence." In the midst of his incessant and absorbing labors his own vineyard was not neglected; nor was the spiritual welfare of his friends and native place for- gotten, as the following letter will show : — " Constantinople, 5th July, 1856. "My Dear Christian Friend: How quickly the time rolls past. Its tide is ceaseless. Its current is often unmarked. Its fllling up as it drifts along presents a solemn history. Done with it aU, how soon! Yes, done with it to enter eternity. The prospect is often solemn, and well-nigh makes, in view of it, the heart cease to beat and the soul to be still. I am a deathless being ; I am marching to the world of sphits ; I shall soon be unclothed. Of that , 1 54 Recollections of Huntly. world I know but little. The certainty of its being mine to spend my forever with Jesus is my only concern. Lord, more grace ! more grace ! more grace ! that the thought of this may swallow up all others. Make me to feel the gilded things of earth nothing, and lead me to see a glory in the things of holiness surpassing in brightness, splen- dor, and endurance all else besides. " Five months have passed since I took farewell of Huntly, the scene of many a sorrow, the field of many a conflict, the spot of glimpses and of sweet- est communion. When, oh when, shall the day of visitation appear ? When shall the clouds break ? When shall the pall of death that has hung so long above them be rolled away ? Lord, soon ! soon ! soon ! Li memory 1 look at the blanks that have been made — sad blanks for us certainly. One saint after another has been called away. Our little com- pany has been lessened, and Death seems to say to the rest of us in no doubtful voice, ' Be ready ! be ready 1 be ready ! ' "Since leaving I have been preserved in deaths oft. Twice have I visited the Crimea, and endured misery enough to crush the stoutest. That dark scene I have bidden likely a last farewell. I can- not tell you my feelings as I gazed from the ves- sel's deck on the sun setting behind its hills, and casting its retiring rays on its rugged shore. I had escaped. His word had had free course. I was safe. I longed for some one to help me to praise, for I Hcart-scarcJiiiig. 155 could not. Alas! I still earned a diseased soul, a corrupt heart; and hour by hour well may I say, 'If I had only hope in this life, I were of all men the most miserable.' I need no uncommon trials to keep me lowly. I need much grace to keej) me at his feet. Daily do I get deeper and deeper discov- eries of my own heart, and the past seems to have only been a mere touching of the edge — a mere glance at the surface. I would often seek to hide in some desolate wilderness, and there seek to cry for the only thing I need — mercy ! mercy ! mercy ! I hope it is better with you. How well to be at his feet. How well to be soured of earth. How well to he shut lip to salvation through Jesus. Weak as this hope of mine often is, I cannot yield it. It has out- lived many a storm; it has upheld me in furious tempests ; it has twinkled in solemn, trying hours. A religion of reality how rare. Far clearer than be- fore I see the current religion hollow and insecure. It is the fruit of no trial, the result of no divine fire, the product of no omnipotent power. The spark shall go out at last. Thy searching, God, give me. Thy work let it be mine. I would seek to find my all in Thee. To find our all in God, how high the thought ! how exalting the prospect ' how humbling the immense distance from its posses- sion! One day it may come. The night shall cease. What is impossible with God ? Alas ! that this fickle heart of mine should ever wander away. Alas! that it should ever seek at the cisterns what 1 56 Constantinople. it can only find in the fountain. Pray for me. You can have no concejotion of the state of this city. I never walk its crowded streets or look on the dark cypresses marking the place of sepulture, but I sigh and am sad. It lies heavy on me. One day it shall be the Lord's. Little is doing, and things seen per- sonally are very different from what is seen through reports at a distance. " To all the friends I send my Christian love and affection. Mrs. F seems often as if with me. Is poor M , or I , or B yet fleeing from the wrath to come? H , M , C , all, I hope, remember me. How precious time is here. I often long for the rest of one hour, but I cannot find it. May the grace of the Lord Jesus rest on you. Uprightness of heart and integrity of soul I feel I need much. What a place integrity has in the Word! Divine leading and integrity go together. Surely, one day we shall sing in the heights of Zion. What hinders it? We deal with an unchanging God. I hope to hear soon from you. In much haste. "Yours in Christian bonds, "Duncan Matheson." "Constantinople, 16th July, 1856. "I have very lately bidden the Crimea and all its many scenes and trials farewell. Scarcely one soldier, Englisli, French, or Sardinian, is left in it. A few connected with the commissariat may be ; of Exodus of the Tartars. 157 the line not one. The winding up was a scene of constant bnstle and mnch hilarity. iVll were glad to be off, and the cheers of the soldiers were much heartier on leaving than on entering. "I was witness of many touching scenes, but the saddest of all was the exodus of the Tartars. Such a scene I never witnessed. The old men raised their hands and wept as they took their last look from the vessel's deck, and the poor women buried their faces in their hands, scarce daring to cast a look upward. Many of our soldiers I saw deeply affected; and yet the great mass of the Tartars thanked God that they had the prospect of getting from under Russian oppression, and smoked, laughed and chatted as if nothing was wrong. They are a poor race, and strong in their afiection for Mahom- edanism, much stronger than many of the Turks are. I fear a strange tale may yet have to be told of them under Turkish rule, and breathing the air, the deadly tainted air, of the Dobrudscha. " My object in going to the Crimea w_as accom- plished. I had been asked to come, carrying the Word of Life to the Sardinians. My arrival was known to a few, and soon it ran as wildfire through the camp. In one day seven hundred soldiers and officers visited me, asking for Bibles; and ere the last soldier had left the scene of their trials and tri- umphs I had given 2,347 Italian Bibles, 1,230 Italian Testaments, and upwards of 3,400 books and tracts. I did not offer one copy, I did not present one tract. 158 A False Story. All were asked; and 250 officers of all ranks either called or wrote for Bibles. It was all done in open day. It was known to thousands. There was no disguise, and no efforts to proselytize. They asked for God's Word — who would withhold it? They had it; and pleasing is the fact, that 18,000 copies of it have entered Piedmont during the last twelve months. Noble men, they deserve well at Britain's hand ! They entered the struggle when all looked dark and gloomy. They have fought well, and sus- tained the honor of Italy ; and their conduct has been such as to call fortli universal admiration. I never met a republican in their army. All love their king and country, and long — how evidently long no other can tell — for the emancipation of fair yet down-trod- den Italy. " A story once appeared in our leading journal, copied into all the other papers, of a complaint and prohibition being made against the giving of the Bible. We believe the then correspondent (not Mr. Eussell, whose accounts I have ever seen truthful and correct) was deceived. No prohibition was ever ut- tered ; and if complaints were made, they were not heard of The whole army were implicated. What could be done ? Generously they were left to their own convictions, and General Delia Marmora and our own generals deserve the thanks of all who love and value the Bible. To the friends in and around Huntly I send my hearty thanks for generously help- ing me in this work.. The Wrongs of Italy. 159 " I am no politician; but I cannot but feel that a solemn time is at hand regarding Italy. It is im- possible to keep such a noble people long in slavery, or under the iron heel of despotism; and I know there is not one man in the Sardinian army but has felt anxious for the time when he shall be called to the field to unfurl the banner, and strike the blow. They have learned much in this struggle. They have been inured to hardship, and trained to the vicissitudes of a camp ; and in the next war of Ital- ian independence, we believe Piedmont shall be the rallying-point round which all Avill cluster. States- men stand aghast at the wrongs of Italy, and know not how to interfere. Its regeneration is a question sun'ounded by many difiiculties; yet the solving will one day come. Naples has her crowded pris- "ons; the ftiir plains of Lombardy are trodden by the Austrian vassal ; Tuscany seeks to stifie the truth ; Kome is kept by the soldiery of France. The ques- tion of Italy is closely connected with the East. If war should arise there, the nations of Eui'ope will be more or less involved. Then comes the time for Kussia to strike ; for no one here believes her preten- sions are finally laid aside, and are led to feel that Turkey, drained and inert, can form no bulwark against either Eussian diplomacy or arms, if left alone in the conflict. "No one can credit the hatred existing between the Muscovite and Turk. Their enmity to us will soon subside : for in the Crimea I had much inter- i6o State of Turkey. course with the Eussian soldiery, having had the privilege of giving them 480 copies of the Scrip- tures. These I found them very ready to receive, and many were the expressions of their gratitude. In few countries is the censorship of the press so strict as in Southern Russia, and there is well-nigh a total lack of literature of any kind. In the city of Simpheropol, there is not one bookseller's shop, and not a page of literature is sold. For years not a copy of the Russian Scriptures has entered Odessa, and the Russian prisoners who had received them were deprived of them on landing. From all quar- ters they came visiting ruined Sebastopol, and it was often painful to see them looking in blank as- tonishment and sorrow over the place where their houses had been, and trying to fix the boundary of their lot. There seems a servility in the Russian soldier not to be found in the English or French. AVhat may be done, now the Crimea is their own again, no one can tell. It is supposed tourists will have no liberty of inspecting, and the terms of the treaty may not be carried strictly out. " As to Turkey, its real condition is not known. Its exchequer is exhausted — its resources unexplored — its army much wasted — its progress just where it was. They are generally far from grateful for the help we have rendered, and feel the same contempt for the Giaour as before. The prejudices of some of the higher classes are exploded, and some have got the length of thinking attempts at reformation are Intcrcotirse with the French. i6i necessary. At home things regarding Turkey have been much exaggerated. The promulgation of the new law has excited high hopes, and been hailed with joy, as well it may. But who is to carry it out? Turkey makes laws and then is powerless in putting them into effect. With many it is a ques- tion if she really means it ; but we believe the time is drawing on for great reforms, and sweeping changes cannot be made in any nation in a day. Good laws may be made, but a people needs to be created to value them, or carry them out. Christian- ity for Turkey is only what can save her, and give her a place among the nations of Europe far greater than she can ever have under the reign and rule of the Koran. Serious disturbances are apprehended, but they may come to nothing ; and Britain will, we hope, demand the carrying out of those reforms to obtain which the flower of our army have found graves in a foreign soil, many of our homes have been left desolate, and our resources drained. "I have had much intercourse with the French since March here and in the Crimea, having along with a friend given them 2,000 copies of the Scrip- tures, in very many cases asked. In some cases they came for miles for them. Glad are they to get home. The East has lost its attractions, and in their real character they look and long for something new. They have extended their influence immensely in the East, and one would often think it is dominant. No effort has been spared for its becoming so, and 11 1 62 opening Doors. the study of the French language in the Turkish colleges has greatly helped it forward. A little time will be necessary ere the bearing of things can be clearly seen. Every thing at present is at a stand- still, and of trade there is little. On Saturday the English sovereign was less in value than it has been for years. "I had intended to give you an account of the missionary operations here, but I have not time at present. Doors are opening on every hand. A spirit of inquiry is abroad. The sleep of many years has been broken by the stirring events of the war. Every thing is in motion. Now is the time for the Word to be scattered, and to let the nations that have so long been in darkness have the sound of the glorious Gospel, whose message is 'Peace on earth, and good will to men.' "Duncan Matheson." In Constantinople he devoted much of his time and attention to the French, by whom he was treated with the greatest consideration and kind- ness. When he went to Sweet Waters, where a French division was stationed, the officer in com- mand ordered out his men, and when they had fallen into rank, the missionary was permitted to go the round and present each man with a New Testament, tract, or book. His heart was set on doing something for the Turks. In the ancient temple of IMahomedanism Attacked by a Mob. 163 chinks were opening through which silvery rays of Gospel truth were quietly stealing. Matheson, hav- ing picked up a little Turkish, used to frequent the burial-places, and wait there for hours, praying that God would open some Mahomedan mourner's heart to hear the truth concerning one Jesus. Never did the prayer remain unanswered. Some sorrowing one, standing or sitting by the grave of their dearly- beloved, would listen to the stranger telling in his few blundering Avords about Him who is the resur- rection and the life. This indiscriminate distribution of the holy Scrip- tures was not unattended by the evils of waste and abuse. Yet there were not wanting instances of good springing out of this very evil. A Turkish lady one day received from her grocer a parcel wrapped in a leaf of the Bible. The leaf Avas read, an interest in the strange book was awakened, and the lady sent a member of her household to inquire if the merchant could send her another leaf of the same kind. All that remained of the precious vol- ume was carried home, and who can tell but the interest awakened may have deepened, under the Spirit's teaching, into faith and salvation? An intense longing to put a copy of God's Word into the hands of a pasha or some other Turk of influence was gratified in a curious way. One day, when distributing the Scriptures at Sweet Waters, he was attacked by an infuriated mob of Greeks, whose religious antipathies had been thorouglily 164 The Pashas Apology. aroused. To escape their wrath he took refuge in a ship. Next day a gentleman, brother of a cer- tain pasha, called at his lodgings to convey the re- grets of the great man at the ill-treatment the mis- sionary had received from the Greeks, at the same time requesting for the pasha's use a copy of the Word of God. My readers will not forget that at this time an Englishman was held in peculiar honor by the Turks, hence the pasha's apology. The mis- sionary, of course, did not fail to send the book of God to the pasha, nor did he forget to praise God for this answer to his prayer. On the Greeks he sought revenge by endeavors to disseminate among them the glad tidings of great joy that are for all people ; but his success was small. One family of Greeks appeared to derive benefit from his labors ; but for the most part the way was not prepared for the entrance of the Word of God among them. As winter drew near he prosecuted his enterprise with redoubled energy. Daily did he take his stand at the Golden Horn, and distribute his books to the thousands crossing to the other side on their way to all parts of Asia. "The work gets harder," he writes. "The Turks and Greeks get more prejudiced. Yet the Lord reigneth, and all his purposes shall be ac- complished. . . . How soon all wanderings here shall close. Life's sand is running fast. We hear the summons daily. Oh to hear it indeed, and pre- pare to meet God ! I look daily forward to this, to be with Him and like Him." Illness. 165 "Constantinople, Nov. 5th. " Since I last wrote you I have been very ill and confined, bnt I am better, and at work again. I was so weak that one day when I tried to rise I fell, and have got one eye bruised. I suppose I must have fainted." "Constantinople, Nov. 18th. "I feel weak indeed, and have had medical advice. There is no danger, but I must cease work, and when called to do so I am like a chained lion. The total lack of any comfort has been much against me. Many a day almost without food, and have had to be contented with food of any kind. . . . Since March I have been enabled to distribute nearly 10,000 copies of the Scriptures — 1,000 of them to Turks — and 60,000 tracts and books in all languages. The value of all has been about £1,000, and truly I may say the Lord has provided. ... I had a letter from Piedmont lately. The work is going on nobly there. Perhaps I may get 'The Knowledge of Sin,' by William Burns, translated into Armenian. Dr. Dwight is examining it at present. Truly he is a godly man." Entirely prostrated, he lay for some time at the point of death. During this period he was tenderly watched by his friend Mr. M'Kutcheon, of the Jew- ish Mission, and to him, under God, he believed he owed his life. As soon as he was able to rise, he settled his affairs and left Constantinople for Egypt. 1 66 To Egypt, From Egypt he sailed for Italy, where he visited his friends : Italy, 1857. "My Dear Sir: In my last I gave you some ac- count of matters in the East, which I hope you duly received. Since leaving Constantinople I have vis- ited Egypt, ascended its pyramids, drunk of its river, and gazed with deepest horror on the spiritual state of its inhabitants. I have heard the groans of the oppressed Sicilians, and seen the gloomy prisons of Naples, its blinded devotion and its down-trodden condition. I have walked the streets of Eome, ad- mired its palaces, entered its catacombs, once the refuge of oppressed Christianity, and talked amidst its ruins to its enslaved people, and every day has convinced me we know little of Popery at home, and deal far too lightly with such a soul-destroying sys- tem. As it is in Italy no one can portray, no mind can fully conceive, and no language can express. Every eye is turned towards it, and every Christian heart utters the cry, 'How long, Lord?' In Sicily the people sigh for freedom, but still cling to the system that has chained them. It is a fair and lovely land, but it is blighted. The number of priests in it is incredible, and the education of the young is wholly in their power. I saw here a brazen head of John the Baptist in a charger carried from door to door, every one placing money in the charger; and in many streets you meet a man demanding money, having Rome and Naples. 167 on a box carried for the purpose the words, 'For the souls in purgatory.' ' ' At Naples it is worse. On e veiy church you read, ' Indulgences granted ; ' and you see at every step men and women prostrated before the picture of the Virgin ; and at one column raised in her honor it is written, ' An indulgence of fifty days granted to all praying here.' I saw on the Grand Square more than one thousand people prostrate before the Host, and asked one what it was. To which he replied, ' It is Jesus Christ.' Terrible is the condition of Naples. Terror is marked on every face; and I could hardly get one to speak to me, because every third person in the streets is a spy. Many shops are shut, and you feel the very atmosphere oppressive ; whilst cannon is to be seen pointing down its prin- cipal thoroughfares. Naples is a land where few Bibles have yet entered, and the people are deeply sunk in ignorance, and bound to Komanism more than any other people in Italy. Political and spir- itual freedom are the results of Protestantism, and go linked together. Naples knows neither. . . . Bibles! there are no Bibles in Eome. I entered every bookseller's shop in it, and could only find two — one in Latin, the other in Italian. Preach- ing ! there is none in Rome. The glory of the cross is darkened, and the way of salvation through it is never proclaimed. You have relics — Madonnas, holy altars, indulgences, by thousands, and masses for living and dead ; but no pointing to the Lamb, 1 68 Rome and Romanism. no inviting of weary sinners; no justification by faith. Christian hterature ! truly you may say there is none. You have heaps of lying legends of lives of saints, of flimsy novels ; but the Index Expurga- torius excludes all works worth the reading; and sprinkling Avith holy Avater is considered more safe than unloosing the mind and giving scope to the intellect. Freedom! ah, it is not in Eome. Ask the inquisitors, and they will tell the price of seek- ing it, and as you ask, listen to the music coming from the Pope's dragoons. Commerce, trade, agri- culture — alas ! a withering blight is on the land, and the fairest portion of God's earth is left untilled. So true is it, that wherever Popery has most potently maintained herself, there life has become extinct, and prosperity and morality have disappeared, as if under the influence of some mysterious malediction. The worship of Italy is the worship of Mary — pic- tures of Mary — statues of Mary — churches to Mary — columns to Mary — songs to Mary — prayers to Mary, in every spot. Idolatry ! where is it, if you see it not 'in Eome? Go to the church of Ara Coeh, and there you will see a small image of Jesus, with many kissing its feet, and crossing themselves before it. Wait for a little. The priests take it up, enter a coach, and drive — that the sight of it may cure some dying person ! Yes. Startle not. The priests told us it had performed many miracles; and the people prostrating themselves before it is a proof that they believe it. Common is it to see written Infidelity in Rome. 169 over many altars — ' Specially privileged ; ' ' For the dead ; ' ' Every mass said at this altar frees a soul from purgatory.' And in large gilded letters you often read — ' Plenary indulgences granted by spe- cial favor of the Pope.' Where is the Luther to cry with trumpet-tongue, and proclaim the vicious na- ture of such Pagan Christianity to its blinded devo- tees, pointing them only to Him who is the Way, the Truth, the Life ? Sadly deserted are the churches of Eome, and most of the educated have become in- fidels. They asked for bread, but got a stone. The craving for something better could not be met ; for the Gospel was buried, and Christ was not named. It is the natural result of such training, and sad is the account to be rendered by the authors of it. Pleasing was it to go from all this to the gloomy catacombs, and see engraved tombs of the early Christians — the calm, sublime hopes which they en- joyed! Simple are the inscriptions, yet what so cheering? — 'In Peace;' 'In Christ.' Eome has nothing there to favor one of her doctrines. They knew them not. "Need I tell you, Italy knows no Sabbaths. Feast-days have more authority; and the people look astonished when you tell them God has com- manded all His day to be kept holy. It is their day of greatest enjoyment. Every theatre is opened in Rome ; and if any one had witnessed the Sabbaths of the Carnivals now ended, they would go home resolved to keep it inviolate, and be led to bless God I/O The Gospel in Italy. they lived in a land where in great measure the keeping of the Sabbath is known. In this matter — and it is well it should be known — the Protes- tants on the Continent — ministers and people, are very lax. They do not look on it with the same sacredness that we do. The evil effects of such views daily appear, and almost universally our own countrymen leave keeping of Sabbaths at home. One fact is worth mentioning : I have never yet seen one in Italy drunk, and during the days of the Car- nival thousands met every day, "And now you will be ready to ask. What is do- ing in Italy for the spread of the truth, and how does the work succeed? The question, for many reasons, is difficult to answer. I can say nothing of Kome, but that I believe many of the people would hail the Bible, if it were put within their reach. Throughout all Italy there is a preparation in the people's minds for this, and in many instances far, far more. They desire to see the Book which is kept from them. Tens of thousands of them have their eyes open to the evil of Papacy. This is well, but it goes no far- ther. In the case of thousands — yea, millions, at- tachment to the Romish religion, if not to Pope and priests, is as strong as ever. Even in Piedmont this is the case ; and in the case of others, here and there saving conversion has followed the reading of the Word through the divine blessing. This is espe- cially true of Tuscany, where every effort is made to keep it from them, and where the surveillance is TJie Word in Piedmont. 171 stricter — ranch stricter than ever it was before. Tns- cany is the tool of Austria, and yet the work goes on the more it is tried to crush it, and souls are born to God. Here and there small companies meet for worship, and in wondrous ways the truth finds en- trance. Many are Protestants in name, though not apparently savingly converted; but there are un- doubted trophies of grace, and much, very much, to cheer and encourage to prayer. I have no hesita- tion in saying, if liberty were granted, thousands, many thousands, would hail the Gospel, and the de- mand for the Word would be so great it could hardly be supplied. In Piedmont — the only free country in Italy, and on which the hearts and affections of so many are set — the work goes on in some places rap- idly. We must now separate the political from the spiritual. One party — ^the greatest — seek political freedom, and others seek to know the truth. A re- markable advance has been made. The Word is finding entrance by thousands, and is read. Men here and there, knowing the truth themselves, are boldly declaring it, and the Lord is giving testimony to the Word of his grace. One case has reached us of the Bible given in the Crimea having been blessed. A soldier brought one home, and gave it to a farmer near A . He began to read it with his wife and family, and all became deeply interested. His neigh- bors also came to hear it read, and joined with the farmer and his family in sending for a Waldensian Evangelist ; and thus a small church is formed in 172 TJie Light Risin^ ' the midst of a dark corner of Piedmont, which may yet extend wider and wider, till many be embraced in its fold. I do not know what may be the future of Italy. I cannot say how soon revolution may shake it from one end to another. I believe it is not far distant. Endurance has its limits, and men may be made slaves only for a time. The light is beginning again to rise on it. Its progress we should watch with fear and trembling, being neither too sanguine nor depressed. We cannot estimate the value of one soul. God has lighted a light — shaded for a time it may be — but out it cannot be put, nei- ther by popes nor princes — neither by the hres of martyrdom nor the bolts of a prison. Our duty is clear, our path open, our command plain. Prayer, much prayer, must be made, and specially for God to raise up men fitted to carry on his work, and in their devoted, earnest, holy lives to exemplify the doctrines they teach. We know his truth shall tri- umph, and triumph gloriously, and that even now the first streaks of light on the horizon are but the prelude of the full flood of light which shall yet arise on this sin-blighted world. " Ever your affectionate friend, "Duncan Matheson. "Mr. P. Drummond." "Turin, March 13th. " I have not had a minute to write you till now, for I have been intensely occupied. I arrived at Genoa on the 6th, and remained three days. I could Among the Waldenscs. 173 hardly walk a step without soldiers running and saluting me, etc. I had much joy in the presence of some of them, and on meeting some English friends. On Sabbath I addressed a meeting in the Free Church, and felt greatly assisted. On Monday I came here, and immediately started for the A¥al- densian valleys. Yes, I have seen them, and truly every spot is full of interest. At La Tor I visited the college, church, and schools. What a simple, intelligent people ! How can I tell you of the scenes here ! It is like the march of a conqueror. I can- not move a step without being accosted. Sixty sol- diers have been round me in a circle at once. Hun- dreds have shaken hands with me. Poor fellows! they are deeply, deeply grateful. I feel a deep, very deep, interest in them. To-day I have been in the Parliament House with Mr. Milan, the Vaudois dep- uty, and was much and deeply interested. Truly freedom is here. Do forgive my brevity. Every moment is occupied. I was in Florence since writ- ing you, and escaped, though carrying eight copies of the Word into it. This is a wonderful field, and I expect much to be done here. The Lord has helped me to set many things in motion since my arrival. To Him be the praise." In March, 1857, he brought his stay in Italy to a close. This visit was in reality the accomplishment of a great Christian work. He had been enabled to make his mark on a vast number of the Italian offi- 174 Return Home. cers and soldiers. "The Sardinians' Friend" is not yet forgotten ; and, while his memory is treasured in many a brave heart, there can hardly be a doubt that he was the divinely-chosen instrument of enshrining the Word of God in the affections of thousands who, but for his gigantic exertions, would have returned to their native land to live and die in worse than Egyptian darkness. That the fruit of this wide and prayerful sowing of the seed, at the first blush of Italy's spring, will be glory to God in the salvation of many souls we cannot but believe. Passing rapidly through France, he reached home ere yet the sun of the northern summer had waxed hot. To rest, to tell his story, and prepare for new labors, needed a breathing-time. CHAPTER VI. DAYS OF REVIVAL. His native air speedily restored his health. Not one day was wasted in needless rest. Often at this period did he at public meetings tell his Crimean story amidst torrents of tears ; but he always took care, when the fountains of emotion were stirred, to cast the bread of truth upon the waters, in the hope of finding it after many days. Invited by the min- ister of the Free Church at Insch, he occupied the pulpit for the first time. Here he held the first in- In Cinnberland. ly^ quirers' meeting, which was attended by a few, and among the rest an old man who said, "I've come that ye may search me weel. Oh, dinna scruple to try me, as it wad be a fearfu' thing to be deceived for eternity. Noo, sir, begin." "John," said the evangelist, " do you love the Lord Jesus ? " "I dinna doot that," was the reply, " but I wad like mair." The old disciple was still inquiring. Dur- ing his three months' labor at Insch several persons were awakened. One of these afterwards became an elder in a Free Church, and another, a young woman, became the wife of a missionary, and was instrumental in winning souls. In October, 1857, he went to labor as an evange- list in Whitehaven, at the request of a minister of the Church of England, who was desirous of pro- moting the spiritual welfare of his native place. Pie found the soil of Cumberland stiff; but his labors were not wholly in vain. It was a sowing-time rather than a harvest. Then he began to preach every day, a practice he followed throughout the rest of his active ministry. "To this place," he says in a letter, "I have almost done my duty. Surely, if I go home I shall get a little rest. Best did I say ? Nay, truly, whilst health is granted. The days pass swiftly. Soon all will be gone. Since I came here I have not got half an hour to take my dinner at a time, and the door is widening on every hand." Here he resorted agam to the press. When lying at the point of death in the East, he had prayed that i;6 " The Herald of Mercy r ten years might be added to his life, and vowed that if spared he would publish a testimony for Christ. The prayer was answered, and the vow duly per- formed. The testimony for Jesus took the form of a little monthly periodical, which he entitled, " The Herald of Mercy." After much prayer he issued the first number at the close of 1857. "I had no money to advertise it with," he tells, " but I trusted in God, and cried to Him to spread and bless it for his own glory." Under his editorship it held on its way till it reached a circulation of 32,000 a month. It was declared by many to have been the herald of mercy to their souls. Its aim was the awakening and con- version of sinners. It was not designed or specially adapted for the edification of saints, excepting so far as it kept before the eye of believers the Avorth of souls and the realities of the eternal world. Never did the trumpet give a more certain sound than in the mouth of " The Herald of Mercy." It recognized nothing on earth but soiils: souls in sin, and souls in Christ: souls going to heaven, and souls going to hell. Every article, paragraph, and sentence, orig- inal or selected, bore directly and plainly on the great truths- — ruin, regeneration, and redemption. The little messenger was owned of God, as a few facts will show. A stranger came to Mr. Matheson one day in Crieff, and asked him if he remembered a " Herald of-Mer- cy " with an article headed, " Quench not the Spmt." "That," said he, " was the means of my conversion." The Harvest. 177 An English lady, resident in Constantinople, for whose spiritual welfare much had been done in vain, received from a friend a copy of the " Herald." The reading of it resulted in her conversion. A tradesman in Berwickshire one day finding a fragment of paper on the floor, picked it up, and as a matter of curiosity, began to read. It proved to be part of the " Herald of Mercy," being a brief article, headed, "Are you converted?" It was an arrow from the King's own bow. Conversion followed. Two young men stood side by side at an open-air meeting. One of them held in his hand a copy of " Special Herald," with hymns ; but while they sang the eye of his companion wandered from the verses to a little paragraph put in to fill a vacant corner. It was enough : both eye and heart were fixed. The little article spoke with divine power, and brought him to Jesus' feet. The young man is now a min- ister of the Gospel. A herd-boy was sitting at the wayside, when some one passing put a " Herald of Mercy" into his hand. As he tended the cattle he read, was awakened, and brought to Christ. He is now known as a devoted follower of Christ. Invited by Lady Pirrie, he went to Malvern in the autumn of 1858, and labored there for a short time. Here on the hill-side he held his first open- air meeting, and felt he received a special call to this kind of work in the blessing that attended the service. Henceforth he gave himself to preaching 12 178 His Marriage. in the open air. By day, by night, beneath the summer sun, out in the drenching rain or piercing cold of winter, in the remote glen amidst the bleat- ing of the sheep, at the sea-side, where the singing of David's psalms mingles with the still more an- cient harmonies of the great ocean, on the crowded street, in the noisy fair, beneath the shadow of the scaffold, in the face of the raging mob — everywhere, in short, as far as in him lay, he strove to preach Christ to perishing men. In this way his voice reached many who otherwise would never have heard the glad tidings of salvation. From Malvern he retraced his steps to Cumber- land, and for a while labored at Workington. Here by invitation of the people he occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church, and combined the offices of pastor and evangelist. His preaching excited no ordinary interest. Crowds flocked to hear him, and not a few were impressed. On February 2d, 1859, he was married at Weston- super-Mare to Miss Mary Milne, a Christian lady whom he ever regarded as an invaluable gift be- stowed upon him in answer to prayer. Not one day was withdrawn from labor. Exuberantly social and tenderly affectionate though he was, the winning of souls was to him infinitely more than the most endearing relationship or the most hallowed earthly joy. " We'll get settled up yonder in the Father's house," he said; "meanwhile let us work and win souls." Expecting a Blessing. 179 In the spring of 1859 Mr. Matlieson returned to Scotland, and took up his residence in the city of Aberdeen. The great reHgious awakening of that period was just beginning. Tidings of the work of grace in America and Ireland stirred the hearts of Christians, and many were in expectation of a sim- ilar blessing. The spirit of grace and supplication was poured down, and many a blessed scene was now witnessed. The winter was indeed past, and the time of the singing of birds come. The beginning and progress of the work were everywhere char- acterized by a real faith in the efficacy of prayer, and the power that attended the testimony of Chris- tians to Christ. In answer to prayer the treasured petitions of years seemed to be granted in one day. The simplest utterances of even babes in Christ were instrumental in converting sinners. In fact, the tes- tifying of believers and its effect was a marked feat- ure of the work. In teaching, the truth is set forth simply on its own merits. In preaching, there is an authoritative, herald-like proclamation of the Gospel in the King's name. In testifying, the speaker bears witness to matters of fact of which he is personally cognizant. The best preacher, doubtless, is teacher, herald, and witness, all in one. But testifying has its place and power. Many were saying, "Christ is dead; Christianity is dead," when suddenly thou- sands arose, and with one voice declared, "Christ is not dead. He lives, and the proof is this. He has saved us : He has raised to a new life us who were i8o Prcachinor at Abei^deen. 0> dead in trespasses and sins." "The Lord gave tlie word, and great was the company of those that pubhshed it." It is worthy of remark that the work began, at least in its more striking manifestations, in the fish- ing village of Ferryden, and quickly extended to the numerous little towns that dot the north-eastern coast. It reminded many of the beginning of the Lord's ministry in the fishing villages of Galilee; and the recent gracious visit of the Lord Jesus to our own Galilean regions seemed to some like the return of an old love. In Aberdeen Mr. Matheson occupied the pulpit of Blackfriars Street Independent Chapel. Joining his friends, Mr. Eadclifi*e and Mr. Campbell (minis- ter of Free North Church), he threw himself heart- ily into the work. Not satisfied with ordinary effort, they set themselves to carry the war into the very camp of the enemy by open-air services in the streets and elsewhere. In writing to a friend, he says : "I have only time for a few words, and my ob- ject in writing is specially to ask your prayers that at this time the Lord may greatly bless me in the ingathering of souls. Yesterday was one of the most remarkable days I have spent in my life. Mr. F , the godly man who brought me to Aberdeen, was well yesterday morning. He went at two o'clock to the meeting in the County Buildings; read 16th of John, sang a psalm, engaged in prayer for the outpouiing of the Spirit, sat down, cast his eyes to Wo7'k of Grace in Aberdeen. i8i heaven, gave a deep sigh, and in a moment his spirit was with Jesus whom he loved. At eight o'clock Mr. Campbell and I preached to thousands in the open air. What a night ! We had over and over again to preach. The crowds had to be divided, for they were too large. We could not till nearly eleven o'clock get away from the awakened. Mr. Eadclilfe was unable to speak. Pray, pray for us. The Lord is doing great things. I believe almost every time one speaks souls are brought to Christ. Pray for me — for humility. The Lord bless you. I am weary. "Yours in Him, "DuNCAif Matheson." Speaking of the work of grace in Aberdeen, in a letter of date 17th August, 1859, he says: "After a residence of nearly five months in this city, and having come in contact with the work in all its phases, I have no hesitation in saying that a great and glorious work of grace has been felt here, and that it is still going on. It is impossible to esti- mate its extent, or gather up one half of the results. More, far more, has been done than is apparent ; and yet it is a fact that numbers have been more or less influenced by the truth, and that many, very many, manifestly have been brought to Christ. There can be no doubt of this, and as yet I have not met one case of any truly awakened returning to the world. The Lord has given a visible stamp to not a few, and the zeal, love, affection, prayerfulness, and humility 1 82 TJie Young Meeting for Prayer. of many of the young converts is remarkable. I never during my life saw more deep concern for souls tlian I have seen here, and the close clinging to each other, though in different churches, is re- freshing — most refreshing. Groups of the young are to be found here and there throughout the whole city meeting for prayer ; and one thing has struck me almost more than any thing — the holy boldness in confessing Christ, and acknowledging what He has done for their souls. Another striking thing is this, that few have found Christ themselves, but they have been instrumental in the awakening of others. Many instances of this have come under my notice. A leading feature in the prayers of the young converts is the prayer offered up for the Christian ministry. One would often think they were burdened with the care of the ministry ; and a high, deep respect for the ministers of the Gospel, in so far as they are owned of God and devoted to His work, is manifest. We have had the revival, and the fruits are apparent to all who have min- gled in the work. Often has it pained us, many going away and saying, 'I saw none.' Nay, and liow could they, if they did not go where it was, and if they did not ask those who do know it? "The grace of God has been much displayed in not a few instances that have come under our notice, of parties coming to spend a Sabbath in the city, going away to their homes deeply awakened, or re- joicing in Jesus, and becoming centres of blessing spread of the Awakening. 183 where tliey lived. I have passed through many parishes in the country, and found here and there anxious souls; and one thing is undeniable, that never was there a time when so many were thirst- ing for the Word, and that w^here ministers have taken advantage of this, and entered with intensity into this new state of things, there a blessing has descended. At Chapel of Garioch, Banchory, etc., the Lord has been working, but with much power at Chapel of Garioch ; and I believe that there is not a parish around it but has its awakened ones. The truth that above all others seems to be owned is — ' You are lost. A Saviour has been provided. It is your duty to accept Him now' Ruin by the fall, righteousness by Christ, and regeneration only by the Holy Ghost, are the leading truths of every ad- dress. They are uttered in much simplicity, from loving hearts (I speak of ^Ir. Radcliffe and the min- isters well known engaged in the work), and in much dependence on the Holy Ghost, and the bless- ing does descend. We can convince no one if they will not believe. Hearts leap for joy, and songs of holy triumph are sung. The Spirit is breathing ; the Holy Ghost is working; the gale is blowing; the tide has risen and is still rising. Blessed they that take advantage of it, and girding themselves for the battles of the Lord, go forth to preach Christ, ** ' As dying men unto dying men.' But how sad to awake and find the opportunity 184 Awakening in Garioch. gone, and hear, in the looks of hardened smners, powerless sermons, and unheeded warnings, the voice, deep and solemn — ' Thou Itadst a day.'' God bless you evermore." From Aberdeen he went frequently to the country, and found many of the rural parishes awakening as out of a deep sleep. Let us follow him to two or three places of interest. An awakening took place in the Free Church of Garioch in August, 1859. Mr. Matheson was present when the work began. " The prominent characteristic which ever attracted most our love for Mr. Matheson," writes Mrs. Bain, wife of the esteemed minister, "was his devoted and con- tinual watching and working for the salvation of eouls. I noticed thi^ at my first rneeting with him, which occurred in a stage-coach about 1848, on which occasion I was greatly refreshed while listen- ing to a conversation in which I found my two fellow-travellers engaged when I entered the coach. One, an elderly man, was making objections to the doctrine of sovereign grace. The other, a young man, although evidently suffering under severe toothache, was using the opportunity to plead for truth Avisely and lovingly. I felt so interested as to be constrained to inquire on reaching our journey's end after his name, and found it was Duncan Mathe- son, then said to be a stone-cutter, but evidently be- ing prepared to use skilfully the hammer of the Word of God in polishing living stones for the great temple. Some years afterwards, being employed in Reginald Radcliffe. 185 missionary work in and around Huntly, he was asked to address a meeting here, which, I think, was almost the first of his evangehstic labors beyond his native district. From that occasion onward to his last visit, alter his illness was far advanced, many were his kind and stirring visits to ns and among us, and many have cause to bless God for them. " Mr. Matheson was engaged to preach here on the evening of August 4th, 1859, Mr. Bain being then in Ireland, drawn over by the great -revival there. Some days before I received an intimation from Mr. Radcliffe of his willingness to come and ad- dress oui* people, and spend some time here, which being accepted, Mr. Matheson's previous engage- ment proved a very gracious arrangement in prov- idence for leading him to be present, and giving his most valuable assistance on that remarkable night of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the people gathered from the surrounding district, his previous knowledge of not a few of them giving him an ad- vantage in dealing with the many souls awakened on that memorable occasion. "After the market-preaching began, Mr. IMatheson came to us for several years on the Sabbath nearest the Whit-sunday and Martinmas terms. These visits were looked forward to with desire, and much prized by our people. On one of these Sabbaths the power of God was manifest upon the souls of many, espe- cially in the afternoon. ]\Ir. Bain being absent, I 1 86 Prized Visits, was called out of church after the close of the first service, and while a prolonged meeting was being held on account of the agitated state of some young persons. I found at the church door a lad who had long been in my Sabbath Bible-class, and who up to the morning of that day had been, as far as I could see, entirely hard and careless, answering questions with perfect ease and indiiference, so that I found it necessary, in order to keep him in his own place, to frame questions of some difficulty for him. My amazement was great to see his usually hard face pale, his whole frame trembling. And when I asked the cause, he could only gasp, 'My sins! my sins ! ' I brought him and his sister, also awakened, to the Manse, and advised them, after other efforts to help them, to cry to God. 'I cannot pray,' he said, in great distress. I left them a little, and then returned, when I found- him wrestling in an agoniz- ing way to find the words which were gradually coming out of his lips. Mr. Matheson took much interest in this case, which, after some time of deep distress, appeared to isssue in a new birth and con- sistent profession. The young man having left this neighborhood, I have not seen him for several years. "Mr. Matheson's influence over the people here was great, as may be judged from the fact that, after the revival in 1859-60, he one day threw out while preaching a suggestion that the young men of our congregation should agree to support a native Chi- nese evangelist under Mr. Wm. Burns. A few took Mathe son's Preaching Attractive. 187 lip the idea, and ever since the yearly salary has been gathered, although he who suggested and some who began the work now rest from their labors. "Mr. Matheson's preaching was wonderfully at- tractive in most places to some whose position and previous training would not have led one to expect a Scottish lay-evangelist to be listened to with plea- sure. But I believe the secret of his power lay in his deep heart-yearning over souls, and dealing with God in secret for them in connection with the sanc- tified wisdom and tact with which the JNIaster gifted him as a fisher of men. " He was engaged in this work in season and out of season, in secret and in public. On one occasion, while walking alone in this neighborhood, a lady passed on horseback, whose general bearing and talents had led him to feel interested in her while yet a stranger to saving grace. He retired into a wood, then and there knelt down, and cried to God for her conversion ; and I doubt not this was one of the links in the appointed chain of circumstances by which ere long she was drawn by the cords of divine love to God, and became for a few years, till called to the home above, a bright Christian." Towards the close of 1859 he began to extend his evangelistic itineracy to Banfi'shire, preaching for the most part in the towns and villages along the coast. His labors were specially blessed in the burgh and seaport of Cullen. This little town is situated on the brow of a hill looking full in the 1 88 Visitin(r Cullen ^> face the blue waters of the Northern Sea, where it begins to narrow into the beautiful Frith of Moray, whose ample tide is bounded on the southern shore by wild, picturesque, and caverned rocks ; whilst the lofty mountains of Sutherland and Caithness rise far upon the deep, like giant warders of the northern coast. Beneath the burgh proper lies the fishing village in a tumult of houses upon the beach, where the storm often breaks with Arctic fury, casting clouds of spray high into the air, and sometimes in- vading the cottages that line the shore. Early in 1860 the whole place was moved as by an earthquake. Fear took hold on the sinners in Zion; trembling seized the hypocrites. Careless ones, whose shadow had not darkened the door of God's house for many years, found their way to church or chapel ; and even worldly men talked to one another about the great question upon the streets. At first the awful shadow of an angry God coming to judgment fell on many, and it seemed as if there was one dead in every house. Awakening was followed by conversion. The thun- der of Sinai gave way to the peaceful sunshine of Calvary. Christians who had never known the liberty of the Gospel were suddenly delivered from the spirit of bondage, and ushered into the joyful assurance of acceptance in the Beloved. Our evangelist visited Cullen just as the work of grace was becoming manifest, and preached fre- quently in the Free and Independent churches, re- i A Powei'ftd Sermon. 189 ceiving from the pastors a cordial welcome. On one memorable night he preached to a crowded congre- gation in the Free Church. The subject of his dis- course was "The Barren Fig-tree." From the be- ginning of the service a deep solemnity rested on the people, and the minds of many were in a state of strange expectancy. Unveiling the truth, the preacher describes a community favored with the light and privileges of the Gospel. Privilege after privilege is enjoyed. Sabbath follows Sabbath in peaceful succession. Opportunity after opportunity occurs, and sermon on sermon. Mercy presses on the heels of mercy, like the bright days of summer chasing time to its wintry close. The sharp dispen- sations of the providential pruning-knife come again and again. But all is in vain. The sunshine and the rain have been to no purpose; the digging and the dunging have been in vain. The Father's love has been to them as nought. The blood of the Son has been despised. The grace of the Spirit has brought forth no fruit in them. Forbearance and intercession have yielded no result but failure. After the resources of the Godhead in the Gospel of Christ, what then? The people know that He is drawing their portrait with unmistakable resemblance. Feel- ing they are found out among the trees of the gar- den, they tremble and listen with breathless atten- tion. The sonorous voice of the preacher grows thrillingly solemn and tender as he proceeds, till at length he pours out his last warning in a torrent of IQO ^^ Remember Lot's WifeT compassionate feeling. His eye glances with an awful light, as if he is looking into eternity, while he lifts his hands and pronounces the sentence with a mighty and judgment-like voice, " Cut it down ; why cumbereth it any longer the ground?" Never did woodman aim a better stroke. God is in the Word. Old rotten trunks are crashing beneath the blow. One and another are saying with irrepressi- ble alarm, "It is I! it is I ! God be merciful to my soul ! " The results are with Him who knoweth all things; but there is reason to believe that some of the audience will remember that night and the fell- ing of the barren fig-tree amidst the songs and joys of eternity. On another memorable occasion he preached in the Independent Chapel. The little meeting-house is crowded to the door. The night is intensely cold and dark. The frost having rendered the ordinary lights unavailable, the darkness is made visible by a single candle which the preacher holds in his hand. His text is "Remember Lot's wife." The narrative receives a graphic handling. The clear sky of early morn suddenly darkens, a cloud of appalling black- ness throws the shadow of approaching judgment upon the cities of the plain. Then a gleam of more than lightning vividness kindles all the air, a whirlwind of fire sweeps down upon Sodom and wraps its four corners, its every street and suburb, its every house and chamber, its every man and woman, in the very winding-sheet of hell. Ah ! now His Success in Ctillen. 191 the inhabitants of the doomed city wake to find that their damnation shimbereth not. But a Httle band of four escapes. An angeHc saviour leads them on. Well may they hasten, for the devouring fire sweeps fast along the plain. One of the four lingers, only a little ; but a little is at this awfal moment decisive of much. God's wrath is abroad. Is this a time to trifle? The fiery tempest suddenly closes her round, and there she stands under an eternal arrest, a pillar of salt. Some such picture is before the eye of the people's imagination as the preacher proceeds to the more important part of his discourse — its application to the consciences of the hearers. God enters by lit- tle, lowly doors into men's hearts. The Spirit uses little things to make and deepen impressions of the unseen and the eternal. The darkness of the place ; the solitary candle throwing a dim, pale light on the preacher's countenance, and giving it a strange weird look; the deep silence, broken only by a sigh or a sob, and the solemn tones of a voice speaking, as it were, out of the invisible, and warning every trifler with the soul and with God to "remember Lot's wife," conspired, in the hand of the Holy Spirit, to bring about one of those supreme moments of crisis when souls must and do decide their destiny for eternal weal or eternal woe. Our evangelist made his mark on the young men of the town. His broad, free, genial manners capti- vated their hearts ; his talents, magnanimity, and up- rightness commanded theu' respect. Many of them 192 James Wilson. were converted at this time ; and it was pleasing to see the finest youths of the place sitting in a com- pany round about their father in the faith, and re- ceiving his counsels as from an angei of God. For the young men he had a pecuhar love: they were his joy, and as his very life. He cared for their in- terests as a father for his children, and cherished them as a nurse cherishes a babe. He guided them with skill, warning them against the errors of his own early Christian days; and having won their confidence, he strove to lead them to the highest idea of the life of faith. In particular, he ever urged upon them entire consecration. "Be out and out for Christ," he would say; "nail your colors to the mast; labor for God, and live for eternity." In this way he succeeded in stamping upon them the im- press of his own decided and energetic character, and through the grace given him inspired them with an intense longing to win souls. One of them is now an ordained missionary in China ; another labors in Turkey; a third preaches the Gospel at home; a fourth is preparing to take the field as a medical missionary; and others are occupying their talent in the quiet corners of the vineyard. An instance of the way in which the fire was then spreading may be here given. James Wilson, a na- tive of Cullen, and an accomplished classical scholar, was at that time master of a school at Aberfeldy, in Perthshire. Hearing of the work of grace in his native town, he was deeply moved. Previous to Ti'tidging Through Rain and Snow. 193 this he had regarded earnestness in rehgion as a mere extravagance; but now "the name to hve whilst dead" satisfied him no longer. The work of God began in the village, and the minister of the Free Church was frequently assisted by Mr. Mathe- son. The teacher was led to take a decided stand for Christ, and thenceforth all his learning and in- fluence were given to the work of the Lord. His school became a nursery for the church and the di- vinity hall. Remarkable success attended his labors among the youths, some of whom, after a brilliant academic career, have entered on the work of the ministry with much promise of usefulness. The course of the devoted teacher was terminated by an early translation to glory. Cullen lay much on the heart of the evangelist. For years he continued to visit it, laboring to win its inhabitants to Christ. On his Avay thither many a weary mile did he trudge, often amidst the rains and snows of winter, receiving no pay and seeking no reward but " souls." Divining his motives, the shrewd fishermen said, "That man fishes by the cran ; " that is to say, he is no mere hireling : he labors not for a comfortable living, but finds his re- ward in the number of souls saved. Often was his stentorian voice heard ringing from the centre of the toAvn to its circumference in the quiet of the even- ing, when the deepening shades added solemnity to the preacher's word; and strong men were known to tremble at their own fireside as the question fell 13 194 Memorable Scenes. upon their unwilling ears, "Who shall stand before this holy Lord God?" In most of the villages that stud the Banffshire coast, a stranger in those days had but to signify his willingness to preach the Gospel, when suddenly, as if by magic, the whole population, men, women, and children, would assemble to hear the Word of God. To see the great crowd kneeling reverently on the grass amidst the deepest silence broken only by a groan, a sob, a loud cry for mercy, to be followed by fond, enthusiastic demonstrations of love and hearty songs of praise, characteristic of these impulsive chil- dren of the sea, was a sight impressive beyond de- scription, and never to be forgotten. From such scenes Duncan Matheson, like one refreshed with the new wine of the kingdom, was wont to come away singing his favorite Psalm — ♦* When Zion's bondage God turned back, Like men that dreamed were we; Then filled with laughter was our mouth, Our tongue with melody." The landward parishes were not overlooked by the great Redeemer as He marched along the sea- coast in glorious majesty : from His bountiful hand the blessings of His grace were now being scattered far and wide. The reapers on the field, from the master to the gleaner, were known to lay aside at noonday the urgent labors of the harvest to attend to the more pressing business of the soul. Jesus was Seizing Opportunities. 195 gathering golden sheaves into his garner. IMathe- son at this period, strong to reap rather than patient to sow, lent his powerful aid in every place. Few in all that region missed hearing the jubilant voice of our sturdy reaper, and seeing the gleam of his sharp sickle among the yellow corn. Prompt in word and deed, skilful above most men to strike the iron while it was hot, brooking no restraints of mere policy or empty form, and impetuous almost beyond measure, he was in his proper character an Arab in the service of the King. Hungering after great re- sults, having capacity for work and fatigue enough for two men, and withal possessing that rare and dangerous power of will by which strong souls can indefinitely postpone the season of rest, the un- wearied spirit keeping the wearied flesh up to its own high mark, our evangelist moved from one place to another with the rapidity of a courier in the crisis of battle. Seizing the opportunities that will not tarry for the timid or the too cautious, he launched on the full tide when others were laying- down canons for discussing the conditions of its ebb and flow. The very air seemed full of elements deeply solemn and heart-touching. A divine pres- ence rested everywhere, and men were compelled for a time to breathe the atmosphere of eternity. Doors that might soon close were opening on every side, and the energetic lay-preacher Avas not slow to enter in. Pushing along the coast as far north as Moray and Nairn, he bent his steps into the mte- 196 The Evangelist at Dnndee. rior, and visited Dufftown, Tomintoul, and Braemar. Sweeping southward to the counties of Forfar and Perth, he gradually extended his circuit until it embraced the whole country from John o' Groat's to the English border. To follow him into every town and parish is impossible : we can only seize on a few points. In the gracious visitations of this period Dundee was not passed by. In the many evangelistic ser- vices then held in this town Mr. Matheson lent fre- quent and effective aid. He preached in churches of various denominations, and his voice was often heard in the open air. One winter he remained here three months, every day and night of which was spent in exhausting but fruitful toil. One Sab- bath evening early in 1860, he addressed a crowded congregation in Hilltown Church. An unwonted solemnity, deepening as the service proceeded into a feeling of awe, seemed to rest on the audience. The preacher discoursed from Matthew xxv. *46: "And these shall go away into everlasting punish- ment : but the righteous into life eternal." In words most telling and pictures most vivid he described the sinner s going away — away from the fair scenes of nature, from the warbling of the birds and the mur- mur of the brooks, from the smiling of the summer sun and the rich glow of autunni — away from every lovely sight and every pleasant sound — away from friends and home and social joys, of every thing dear to the heart of man upon the earth — away from the I A Hcart-mclting SccJte. 197 peaceful Sabbath, with its hallowed services and its heavenly calm, to hear the sound of the Sabbath bell and the song of praise no more Ibrever — away from the affectionate efforts and touching appeals of the faithful preacher, and from the sympathies and prayers of Christian friends — away from the Bible, with its beautiful stories, its comforting promises, and its heavenly truths, like God's windows, letting down light upon a dark world — away from all the peace and purity and hope of the Gospel — away from God, whose mercy they reject, forever — away from J esub, whose blood they trample beneath their feet — away from the gracious Spirit to whom they have done so great despite — away from all joy and blessing and good, for evermore. To render the truths more vivid, he described a heart-melting scene he had witnessed in the East in the depart- ure of a weeping crowd of Circassian exiles, whose loud and agonizing wail told the love they bore to their fatherland, from which they were being driven by the scourge of war. As he went on in his own pathetic manner, with a certain grandly plaintive music as of eternity in his voice, to describe the de- parture of the woe-stricken exiles of sin and despair into the blackness of darkness forever, speaking as feelingly as if he saw them disappearing in that dis- mal and unknown night, the heavy sigh, the stifled sob, and the pallor on many a face, revealed the all but uncontrollable emotion of the people. At the close of the service the session and vestry were 198 '*/ Have Found Himr crowded with the awakened. The place was a Bo- chim. The first person that obtained dehverance started up, saying, "I have found Him! I have found Him ! I never saw the way before ! " and be- gan to praise and glorify God. This only pierced the hearts of the others with a keener sorrow. Fearing lest they should be left in their sins, they began to charge themselves with unpardonable hardness of heart, and to prostrate themselves before God in the most affecting manner. To one after another came peace and joy in believing, and quickly, the weep- ing was changed into songs of praise. Such scenes as these were afterwards renewed with blessed fre- quency; and the gracious character of the work came out in holy lives, patient sufferings, and tri- umphant deaths. In the autumn of the same year open-air meet- ings were held in the Barrack Park in this town. On the second day several of the ministers and others, fearing lest there should be no blessing, re- tired, on the suggestion of ^latheson, in great heavi- ness of spirit to pray. Kneeling on the grass, we continued in intercession for nearly two hours. It was one of those seasons of agonizing prayer which seem ever to precede a remarkable display of divine grace. It was the slumbering spouse arousing her- self with painful effort at the call of her Lord ; the laborious undoing of the bars of the everlasting gates to let the King of glory in. By the end of the pray- ing the darkened sky began to pour down torrents The Divine Presence. 1 99 of rain, and the mass of the people, with most of the speakers, were dispersed. The voice of Duncan Matheson was heard calHng aloud, " Perhaps God is trying us by the rain; let us wait a little." Gid- eon's three hundred remained, and continued in prayer and praise. Mr. Campbell (Aberdeen), whose labors were so signally owned amongst us at that time, together with his friend our evangelist, and another, leading the services amidst descending tor- rents. Just as the smi was beginning to shine out again and the rain was ceasing, an extraordinaiy sense of the Divine Presence fell upon the whole as- sembly. Suddenly the Christians were filled with great joy. Simultaneously many of the anxious found the Lord, and began to break forth in songs of praise. Every one began to speak to his neigh- bor of the Saviour he was seeking or the Saviour he had found. On passing through the whole com- pany, we did not find one who was not either re- joicing in Christ or seeking Him with intense ear- nestness. The cloud of glory rested there for a season; and no visible signs or miraculous gifts could have added to the blessed consciousness and most veritable certainty of the immediate presence and gracious working of God. Till memory fails or the more "excellent glory" of the unveiled face of Immanuel obliterates the remembrance of faith's brightest visions on earth, it is impossible for us to forget the awful nearness of God at that time, the overpowering sense of blended majesty, love, and 200 Believers Sealed Anew. holiness, the solemn gladness, and the soft, pure radiance of a Eedeemer's face that chased the dark shadows of doubt and sin away from many a soul. "We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only be- gotten of the Father, full of grace and truth ; . . . and of His fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." Many of the believers, if not all, were then sealed anew, and they began henceforth to testify to the grace of God with great freedom and boldness. Some Christians who had never known assurance were then ushered into the full light of the Gospel; their bonds were loosed, and they en- tered into the liberty of the Sons of God. Many sought and found the Lord upon the spot. The door of salvation then seemed to be peculiarly near, easy of entrance, and inviting. Whilst you were pray- ing with an inquirer, he would break out, " Oh, I have found Him!" or "I see! I see!" And then followed the new song. Often, as we sung the opening verses of the fortieth Psalm, the light broke in upon the distressed soul, and peace followed. After this the work went on prosperously ; num- bers were found awakened at the close of every meeting. Many thousands attended the open-air services, and great power accompanied the word. The way in which many were converted, stamp the movement as the work of the Holy Sphit. A young man entered a church from sheer curiosity, and stood near the door in order that he might the more conveniently retire if aught should offend his ear, \ I Remarkable Conversions. 201 He heard the text, and heard no more. That led to his conversion. Another young man was retmii- ing from business one evening, when a serious thought took hold of him. Entering his room, he opened the New Testament at the tenth chapter of the Gospel according to John. " Seeing the open door," he said, " I slipped in, and now I find Jesus to be the Way." "When I saw that my sister was so changed and so happy," said another, " I was afraid lest I should be left, and in my alarm I sought the Lord and found Him." " One shall be taken, and another shall be left," was a preacher's text at an open-air meeting. A woman whose husband had been recently converted hearing that word was pierced to the heart, and thus brought out of dark- ness into the "marvellous light." Another was carelessly passing by, and hearing the preacher sol- emnly repeat the question, " How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation ? " was arrested and brought to the Lord. A man was sitting at his fire- side, when his wife returned from a meeting. Some- thing in her manner cut him to the heart ; the re- sult was his conversion. A young woman scoffed and swore she would never attend re^dval meetings. Her wicked vow recoiled upon her. She feared she had sold herself to the devil. After a season of mental anguish, she obtained forgiveness, and led a new life. A young man came with his companion to an open-air service for the purpose of scoffing. He was awakened and enabled to receive Christ, 202 A Cry for Mercy. at which his friend went away in a rage. " I won- dered why they were so happy," said another, in reference to the joy of the Christians. " I was re- solved to get at the bottom of it, and had no rest till I found out the secret for myself" One day, about the time the work began, a piercing cry for mercy was heard in a church. That cry was the voice of God to several persons, who dated either their first conviction or their conversion from that day. It was thus, they said, things unseen and eternal were made real to them. A company of men were one night carousing in a public-house in the outskirts of Dundee, when the sound of voices was heard singing a spiritual song. It was a little band of Christian young women on their way home from a religious meeting, and they were giving expression to their joy in the Lord by singing — " One is kind above all others, Oh, how He loves ! " The words of the hymn fell with a strange power upon the ear of a young man sitting at the tavern table. The others seemed not to hear the voice of the singers as they passed : to him it was the voice of God. He was arrested by the Holy Spirit, and became dumb with silence. His companions were astonished. They thought he had suddenly gone mad. In vain they questioned him, in vain they jeered. He rose and left the house. As he paced the street in the darkness of night, the words of the Diversities of Operations. 203 hymn kept ringing in his ears. He thought of the love of that Saviour wliom he had hitherto rejected. The thought pierced his heart, and he burst into tears. I shall never forget his subdued and grieved look as he made his way into my study and told me how God had smitten his heart in the public-house, and turned his pleasures into wormwood and gall. He seemed to see his sins in the light of Christ's love. In answer to his eager inquiries about the way of salvation, I did not fail to preach Christ to him, and not in vain, I trust, as he entered at once on a new course of life. As contrasting with this case and illustrative of the variety of means employed by the Holy Spirit to awaken sinners, the following instance may be given. A young man, well known to the writer, was living without God and without hope in the world. He was not conscious of a single thought respecting a future state, and did not so much as believe in the being of a God. His Sabbaths were spent in worldly recreation and pleasure. One Lord's day in summer he was rambling in the fields. The sun was shining brightly, and nature was clad in her most beautiful array. As he looked on the smil- ing landscape, suddenly and for the first time the thought arose in his mind. All this must have had a beginning: whence and how did it begin? A long train of thought led him to the conclusion that the world must have had a Maker. Then came the ques- tion, Who is He ? What is He ? Again he launched 204 Converted by Logical Reaso7iing. out on a sea of speculation, and once more readied firm ground in the belief that the world's Maker must be a living, personal Being, very great and very glorious. By this time he had lost sight of the beauties of the landscape, and felt as if he was alone with the Creator. Now another question arose: What am I to this glorious Being, and what is He to me? On this line of thought he entered with great reluctance, for he felt a misgiving as to the result, and feared He would discover things fitted to render him unhappy. But he dared not, he could not turn back. He felt he was like a man waking up in a dark cave with a solitary ray of light com- ing from afar. If he is to emerge under the open heavens he must follow the light. He tries, he stum- bles, he is stunned, but he rises, and again spying the glimmer of distant day, he holds on his doubtful course. He now said to himself. If there be such an one as God it concerns me to know as much as pos- sible about him. He then and there resolves to use all means to find out about God. He went home and betook himself to reading, meditating and rea- soning. The next stage arrived at was the painful conviction that he had never acknowledged this God, or done his duty to Him, and had in fact poured con- tempt upon Him by his negligence. As soon as a- sense of guilt thus fastened on him, he felt he could ramble no more on the Lord's day. Thenceforth he began to pursue his inquiries by prayer as well as reading and thinking. The light grew ; his trouble Testimony of a Dying Man. 205 increased. He would now see what Christians had to say in the matter; and accordingly began to at- tend the ordinary and special services of religion at a time when remarkable power accompanied the preaching of the Word. Here he found God. He found Him in Christ. He found Him at the cross. Now, this young man's religious experience has al- ways seemed to me to be a good practical illustration of the text, "We shall know, if Ave follow on to know the Lord," and also of Christ's word, " If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God, or whether I speak of my- self" He seemed to act up to his light, yielding to the force of truth, truth in its own native energy with the superadded force of the Holy Spirit, in whose light alone we can see light. The logical faculty is strongly developed in him ; and by that door the Holy Spirit saw fit to enter into his heart. He still goes on reasoning out every thing. The other day I found he had just proved to himself on logical grounds these two things ; first, that a Chris- tian ought to be filled with hmnility and love; and, secondly, that no religion but the religion of Christ can make a man truly luimhle and loving. After his couA^ersion, he found recreation on the Lord's day in teaching a class in the Sabbath-school. He is now prosecuting a course of study preparatory to the ministry of the Gospel. Listen to a dying man. " Five years ago I was a drunkard, a profane swearer, an infidel, and httle 2o6 A Daughter Saved. better than a beast. I heard the Gospel in the street. The Lord arrested me and turned me to Himself. He has kept me ever since, and I am saved. I am going to be with Christ, which is far better. Help me to praise Him." So saying, he began to sing, '* Kock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; " and he literally sang out his last breath and died. Look at yon gray-haired mother, whose heart is beginning to know joy for the first time these many years, as she clasps to her bosom her only daughter recovered from a life of folly and sin. " my An- nie ! my Annie ! my ain lost Annie ! I never thocht I wad hae seen you mair. But the gude God has been better to me than a' my fears. Are we ever gaun to pairt again, Annie?" "Never, mither, never I Jesus has saved me Himsel', an' He has promised to keep me, an' He will never brak His word. We'll never pairt, mither ; na, by His grace, never, never? " Nor did they ever part till the Lord Jesus came and took Annie away. I saw her de- part, and in the truth she went home as a bride adorned for her marriage. The daughter's recovery led to the mother's salvation. A young man was one night awakened at a meet- ing, and began to inquire the way of life. Night after night passed; he was constantly present, but; no peace came to his heart, and he grew worse. One evening Duncan Matheson took him aside into i A Lost Son Found. 207 the anteroom of the hall, and said to him, " Now, are you really willing to have this awful business settled? Christ is willing, are you ? " The young man replied that he was willing. They knelt to pray. As they prayed light and peace suddenly dawned, and the young man started to his feet in a tumult of joy and praise. Several of us, and among the rest the father of the young man, who was great- ly alarmed at the son's despair, entered the room at that moment. Addressing the father, a Cln-istian man, the evangelist introduced the son, saying, "Sir, this thy son was dead, and is alive again ; was lost, and is found." As the son rushed into the arms of his affectionate and overjoyed father, the heart of every one present was deeply moved. A woman, mother of a large family, was one day awakened, and so heavily did the terrors of the Lord press upon her spirit, that she tied the house of God. She could bear preaching to sinners, she said, but when the people of God were addressed, it was too much for her. Some can hear the law who will not hear the Gospel. She became worse and worse, till at length reason seemed to be giving way. She dreaded to enter a place of worship because she was so wicked. At this juncture Mr. Matheson, who had frequently spoken to her, as a sort of last resource, said, "Well, I can say no more to you than this: do you as one poor soul did, who said, ' I will just lie doon here till the Lord lift me up.'" Curiously enough this proved to be the grand turning-point. \ 2o8 Reality. She said to herself, " I will just do so." In short, she ceased from her vain efforts of self-help, and cast herself on the Lord. Great was her joy. She was a wonder to her neighbors, who had witnessed her previous " madness," and, better still, she has these many years maintained a thoroughly Christian pro- fession, and one after another of her family has through her instrumentality been turned to the Lord. One evening a young lady of great intelligence and personal beauty, who was perfectly thoughtless and gay, was induced, as a matter of curiosity, to enter a certain place of worship. There was noth- ing ncAV or striking in the service, she thought; "It is just the old thing," she said to herself One thing, however, struck her as the service proceeded, and that Avas the solemnity of the preacher. "The thing lA^J is evidently real to him," she said to herself; and she could not but listen to him, although she imag- ined she knew all he had to say. The solemnity of the preacher impressed her. This impression was the opening of her heart, and by this gate the King of glory entered in. Her subsequent life was sin- gularly beautiful. She seemed to walk beneath an unclouded sky. Always trusting, always hopeful, always rejoicing, always ready for every good work — a most rare instance of childlike, progressive blessed discipleship. Her bright career was short. After a few years she took ill and died. A sharp conflict with the great adversary befell her in her last days ; but she came up from that valley of hu- A Phai'isee Changed. 209 miliation "more than conqueror through Him that loved us," and she felt assured, she said, Satan would never assail her any more. In her communion, which was singularly close and elevated, she seemed to speak to her Lord face to face. Her path from first to last was indeed as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. "I was fairly in the devil's grip," said a working man, in his homely, graphic way, as he told me the story of the Lord's merciful dealings with his soul. " But Christ cam' to me when I was little expect- in' Him, an' took a hand o' me. Syne the deevil pulled me ae way, an' Christ He pulled the ither way, an' I had a sair time o't. But I cam' to ken that Christ is far stronger than Satan, an' that was weel for me." I was witness so far to this pulling, which seemed well-nigh to rend the poor soul in pieces. It was, doubtless, the tug of war — Imman- uel laying siege to the city of Mansoul. Let a different sort of witness speak — a gentle- man of the most accomplished type. " Several years ago I was, I regret to confess, a Pharisee of the Pharisees. From my infancy I was taught to re- spect religion, and despise every thing vidgar and coarse. Accordingly I attended the house of God, maintained a fair reputation, fancied I was a good man, and had the best chance for heaven. Unex- pectedly God opened my eyes. This he did by means of the merest trifle — a petty act of mean- ness done to a friend, which somehow took posses- 14 210 A Drimkard's Conversion. sion of my thoughts, tormented me, put me off sleep, and led me to look deeper into my heart than I had ever done. Thus I was led to discover what I had never really seen before — my native depravity, and proud hostility to God. I saw that my own righteousness, to use the common phrase, was only filthy rags. I saw that my very religion was full of sin, and that, in fact, I had been going to church and to the Lord's table just to patronize the Al- mighty and honor myself I was now in a measure humbled, and was not ashamed to make my appear- ance at the revival meetings, where fresh light awaited me. You know the rest. I became indeed a new creature. So completely was my mind rev- olutionized, that the very hymns I used to hate as being exaggerated, Methodistic, and ranting, now expressed the deepest feelings of my heart. But the change was more than one of mere sentiment. Had I previously died I should certainly have perished." "Sir," said a woman to me one day whom I hap- pened to meet, " I am happier than I was on my marriage day." Some time previous to this she had been brought to Christ at one of the evangelistic meetings when Mr. Matheson was assisting us. Her husband, a drunkard and scoffer, was maddened by her conversion, and gave her no peace night or day. Her godly ways were intolerable to him. He beat her till her life was in danger; but she bore this brutal treatment with true Christian fortitude Robert Ajinaii. 21 1 and meekness, rendering good for evil, and praying for his conversion without ceasing. " I am happier than I was on my marriage day. God has heard my prayer ; my poor husband is converted. He is Hke a lamb, and thinks he cannot do enough to please me. Oh, sir, if you had but seen him the other night holding family Avorship for the first time! It was like heaven upon earth! There wasn't a dry eye in the house ; and our little lassie looked up in his face and said, 'Father, ye'll win to heaven noo. An' I'll gang wi' you; an' we'll a' be there. I never thocht I wad like to gang to heaven afore.' " Grace, mercy, and peace seem since that day to have rested on the house. Yonder, at the corner of Ann Street, early on Sabbath mornings, you can see a fierce, tiger-like young man going about among the loungers, and begging a feAv pence to procure the diamkard's in- dispensable dram. A few years pass, and the same young man is seen at the same street corner at the same hour on Sabbath mornings; but what a change! With his Bible in one hand, whilst the other is stretched out towards his hearers, he be- seeches them with tears to beheve on that Saviour who has delivered his soul from the lowest hell. The preaching may be poor enough, but the man himself is a sign and a wonder. "I knew the two Bobert Annans,'' said one to me; "and when I re- membered the wild profligate begging a dram, and saw him now so meek and Christian-like, nothing 212 Answer to Prayer. ever impressed me so much, and I began to feel for the first time there must be a reahty in reKgion." * There were many striking answers to prayer. One of the most remarkable I may here give. A young woman who had found the Saviour at one of the meetings when Mr. Matheson was with us, requested special prayer one night on behalf of her brother, a sailor, who had not been heard of for a long while. Prayer was offered for the conversion of the wanderer. Some three months afterwards the young woman appeared at a meeting, and in- troduced her brother in a state of religious concern. Strange as it may appear, he had been awakened at sea on the very night on which prayer had been offered on his behalf His own account of the mat- ter was this : He was pacing the deck in the still- ness of the night, when a thought about his soul took hold of him, and the more he strove to put it away from him the worse he grew. He had no peace until he returned home. We, of course, preached Christ to him. Why should we reckon such things incredibly strange? Does not our Fa- ther in heaven answer the prayers of his children every day? Has he promised, and will he not per- form ? Where is our faith ? In many ways our evangelist rendered important service to the cause and Avork of God in this town. When the movement had nearly reached its limit, * See "The Christian Hero: the Life of Eobert Amian." Same aiithor. Night of Hinniliation and Prayer. 213 and it seemed as if the hand of the Lord was being withdrawn, Mr. Matheson, ever fertile in resources, and panting after greater things, suggested that a whole night should be set apart for humiliation and prayer. With his wonted energy and promptitude he arranged the details, and cleared the obstacles away. Accordingly a goodly company of praying men assembled in Euclid Street Chapel, and spent \ the night, from nine or ten o'clock till six next-^ morning, in intercession. That night was to many present one of the most memorable seasons of their life. The sense of the majesty and immediate pres- ence of Jehovah rested on every soul. In the aw- ful stillness of the night watches we realized eter- nity. The fact that thousands of our fellow-citizens were sleeping on the verge of hell seized our minds with overwhelming vividness, and the whole com- pany were bathed in tears. Dundee! Dundee! how hast thou been exalted unto heaven in the compassionate cries and anguished pleadings of those that loved thee even when they were hated by thee ! May thy repentance turn away from thee the judgment of Capernaum ! That night of prayer was followed by most striking displays of saving power. Instances of conversion sufficient to fill a volume could be here given ; but I must forbear. Of the converts, some are now in the ministry, some are missionaries, evangelists. Scripture-read- ers, elders, deacons, students. Sabbath-school teach- ers, and district visitors ; while a still greater num- 214 A Field-day of the Gospel. ber are embraced in tlie less known, but hardly less useful, rank and file of the King's army. Some of all those classes were converted through the instru- mentality of Duncan Matheson. To his sword, in- deed, which seemed seldom to return empty, ever fell a full share of the spoils of this glorious war. CHAPTER VII. THE DIOCESE OF OPEN AIR. The Huntly meetings played an important part in connection with the work of grace in the north of Scotland. They had their origin in a thought of Duncan Matheson's, and to him under God they owed no small part of their success. One day, pondering the best means of promoting the good work, the thought of gathering the people from the surrounding country for a great field-day of the Gos- pel in the Castle Park flashed across his mind. After prayerful consideration of the scheme, he mentioned it to his fellow-laborers, Mr. AA^illiamson and Mr. Bain, as they were all three returning from Cullen feeing market, where they had been preaching. They resolved to lay the matter before the Lord. There and then, wearied though they were, they be- took themselves to the throne of grace, and as the train was speeding on its way, they cried to God for I The Duchess of Gordon. 215 light to guide tliem. Light was not withheld : the scheme was settled at the mercy-seat. The use of the Castle Park, with suitable aid in other respects, was freely accorded by the Duchess of Gordon, and preparations were made, the burden of which mainly rested on Mr. Matheson and his pastor. The labor thus entailed was extremely great, and our evange- list was Avell-nigh crushed beneath the load of re- sponsibility and care. After a sleepless and prayer- ful night on the eve of the Huntly meetings, he said to me, " I feel as if I were breaking down. I have been putting up blood, and feel very ill. Sometimes Satan tempts me to take it easier, and do less for isouls : he whispers when I am speaking in the open air, ' You had better take it easier, or you'll burst a blood-vessel.' But 1 just reply, ' Never mind if 1 do ; I could not die in a better cause.' " The object of these meetings was stated in a print- ed request for special prayer. "We do not believe," said the pastor and the evangelist, " in any special virtue in meetings in the open air. We put no con- fidence in any peculiar form of address, neither in any instrument. But we do believe in the power of prayer : we believe ' the hour is coming and iixyw is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live.' We believe it a good thing and ground of hope to see a number of the Lord's people met together ' with one accord in one place.' And we most firmly believe that the God of all grace may be expected to honor such 2i6 open-air Meetings at Huntly. meetings and efforts, when preceded and accom- ' panied by earnest and united prayer for the out- pouring of his Spirit. " We, therefore, most earnestly ask secret, social, . and united prayer, that the arm of the Lord may be revealed ; that Jesus may be lifted up, and draw all men unto Him ; and that throughout eternity many may have cause to bless God that they were present at these meetings and found salvation." The first meetings were held on the 25th and 26th July, 1860, and were renewed for three succes- sive summers. Many thousands assembled year by year in the Castle Park, with its hoary ruins tow- ering amid the softest scenes of sylvan beauty. Here of old the Gordon clan were wont to gather in prep- aration for some distant and bloody raid. Now another clan assembles for very different ends. The children of Zion gather themselves together to meet their King ; the soldiers of the cross rally around the standard of Christ. The coming and goin^ of the people to serve God amidst the loveliest retreats of nature reminded one of the conventicles of the Cov- enanters in some remote glen or dewy hollow, and of the still more memorable scenes when multitudes gathered round the Prince of open-air preachers by the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Here nature and grace embrace each other in true fellowship, and the works of God throw a peculiar charm around his word and worship. The lofty canopy of heaven reminds you of the true tabernacle which God hath A Suggestive Scene. 217 pitched, and not man. The fair landscapes on every side picture heavenly things to the sense, and shadow forth in natural form and hue the invisible glories of the spirit-world. The grassy plains suggest the green pastures where the Good Shepherd feeds his flock, and makes them rest at noon. The sighing of the wind among the trees, and the warbling of the birds, seem like the rustling of angels' wings, and the stir of ministering spirits sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation. The pure air comes to wearied pilgrims like deep, refreshing draughts from the Creator's wine-cup. The sweet sunshine is to faith but the visible radiance of the Redeemer's face ; and the alternations of light and shade are like the mys- terious comings and goings of our God in his sanc- tuary. The very sound and shock of the falling rain carry into the believer's heart symboled thoughts of grace far more true to nature than the peal of organs or the swell of pompous choirs. Altogether there is a naturalness, a simplicity, and a freedom more akin to the spirit and privilege of new-covenant service than is often realized in those dull artificial caverns in which custom and the rigors of climate compel us to worship. Sitting under the shadow of cum- brous roofs and dingy walls, and too oft fettered by form, truth, love, joy, and praise, pine away like caged birds; but out in the open, unbounded ex- panse, where form is simplest and sense is purest, worship is the more free and unrestrained. It was pleasing to witness the assembling of the 2i8 The Assembly in the Castle Park. people in tlie Castle Park ; old and young, rich and poor, master and man are there. Yonder the hon- est cotter, with his wife and bairns in the rude cart consecrated to the service of God, it may be for the first time, jogs cheerfully along not far behind the gig of the well-to-do farmer, whose wife and daugh- ters are looking forward to the ongoings of the day with deeper and stronger feelings than any they ever felt on their way to kirk or market. Some are trudging on foot, and all are talking with more or less personal interest in the great event of the time — the Eevival. Listen to yon knot of plough- men and farm-lads. One wonders "what it's gaun to come tae." Another " kens weel aneuch what it's gaun to come tae, for lie has fan't in his ain heart ; it has brocht him to Christ, an' it'll bring him to heaven." A third admits that "a wonderfu' change has come o'er Jake Tamson ; for there was na a rocher chiel in a' the country side, an' noo he's as hairmless as a stirk, an' sings an' prays inste.ad o' swearin' an' fechtin' as he used to do." "Eh, mon," says a half- grown lad, "gin ye only heard my brither Jock! he prays like a minister ; in fack, his prayer is ilka bit as gude as the pairish minister's prayer on the Sacrament Sunday." "Do you ever take God's name in vain?" asks a minister of the Gospel of one of these herd laddies. "Na, na, sir; God's children never sweer." "You are one of his children, then? When did that come about?" Somg of the Converts. 219 "Weel, sir," says the lad, "it was at the IMerti- miss term last year, when I gaed hame to see my father's fouk. I wonnert when I saw a' things sae sair changed. My father was changed, an' the hoose was changed-like. An' my father, he prayed afore the supper an' after the supper, an' he never used to say a grace at a'. An' syne he said, ' Fesh ben the buik ; ' an' he read, an' he sang, an' s}T:ie they a' gaed doon upon their knees, an' I never saw that afore. An' my father he prayed, an' I grat, an' we a' grat, an' I Avas convertit that nicht. That was Mertimiss last year, ye ken, an' I never could sweer sin' syne." The full meaning of all this can be comprehended only by those who know what a northern bothy used to be. There, if anywhere on earth, Satan was wont to have his seat; now, however, to some extent the "strong man" has been displaced by a stronger than he. The greater number came by rail, which, in this way serving God as well as man, seemed to antici- pate the day when "holiness to the Lord" shall be upon the bells of the horses, and doubtless also on the whistles of the engines. In one carriage prayer is being offered for a special blessing on the meet- ings. In another the Word is read with comments, homely enough, but well seasoned with a devout spirit and a gracious experience. In a third a dis- tressed soul is being lovingly dealt with ; difficulties are cleared away, and the cross lifted up before the 220 TJie Voice of Song on the Train. eye of the afflicted sinner. High over all, and above even the din of the train, is heard the voice of holy song. One group is singing "Kock of Ages, cleft for me ; " in another part of the train you can hear the splendid burst of the ancient church, "All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice." A traveller who has left his religion at home — per- haps because it was scarcely worth the carriage — is to be pitied, for in escaping from one compartment to another he finds that he is only out of the pan and into the fire. It would be a curious turning of the tables if some day this poor foolish Avorld should be so filled with purity, goodness, and the love of God, that the few remaining sinners, to escape the gentle persecution of light and grace, should flee for refuge to dens and caves of the earth. Then, indeed, the church would be "fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners." The services were characterized by the fervor and simplicity of the prayers, the heartiness and jubi- lance of the praises, and the variety, directness, and power of the addresses, full as these were of the richest truths of the Gospel, and fragrant with the perfumes of tlie one great Name. In love, joy, and unanimity, the believers seemed to anticipate the general assembly of the Church of the first-born in heaven, and the triumj)hant services before the throne. On the other hand, the deep shadows of I Testimony of an Eye-witness. 221 eternal verities seemed to rest on the minds of the unconverted, not a few of whom found Him whom they sought after, and sometimes, ere the tears were dry on their cheeks, were beginning to "rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." The testimony of an eye-witness, a venerable min- ister of Christ, may be here given. " During each day," he writes, " numbers Avere personally spoken with and sj^ecially prayed for, in every stage of re- ligious concern. Not a few were awakened for the first time during the time of the meetings, princi- pally by witnessing the great earnestness manifested in prayer in behalf of the unconvert-ed, as well as by listening to the pointed and soul-searching appeals addressed to the various classes. Others, who had previously been under great spiritual distress, had come some of them twenty and even thirty miles, as well as lesser distances, seeking relief to a con- science ill at ease. In the case of others who came under our notice, former convictions that had well- nigh died out were revived with double power. The superficial observer could form no correct esti- mate of the amount of impression by merely look- ing at the appearance of the assembly; for there was comparatively little manifestation of emotional excitement ; nor by simply looking at those in the tent and marquee, who professedly took their place among other inquirers. We found numbers of the most interesting cases of this class at a distance from the crowd, either holding intercourse with God 222 Interesting Cases. alone, and breathing into his ear their noiseless grief; or in some by-corner holding close conversa- tion with some godly friend who sympathized with them ; or in the midst of little groups among the trees, where spiritual things were freely talked over by those with open Bibles in their hand, following up conversation with prayer. We conversed with several persons, some of them considerably advanced in years, upon whose minds something like the dark shadow of despair had been brooding for months. They could distinctly tell what was the matter with them, and what they needed; but somehow they stumbled at the simplicity of entering upon the way of life as sketched in the charter of human salva- tion. Of the above-mentioned cases a considerable number, before they left the meetings, were enabled to leave their sins and their sorrows within the shadow of the mercy-seat at the foot of the cross, and went home in possession of a good hope through grace. All who took pains to make themselves ac- quainted with what we have stated are firmly per- suaded, and on good grounds, that in connection with these meetings, 'to Satan many captives were lost, and to Christ many subjects were born.'" The meetings were held for two successive days every summer, from 1860 to 1863 inclusive. Dun- can Matheson was the presiding genius of the ar- rangements : he was everywhere and in every thing. Here speaking to an afflicted soul, there encourag- ing a young Christian ; now pouring out his quaint, TJie Bow of Promise. 223 spirit-stirring speech amidst a group of youths, and a moment after gravely settKng some deep ex- perimental question with an aged pilgrim. Almost at the same point of time he is providing lodgings for his friends, and making suggestions of the most sagacious character as to the programme of reli- gious services. Now he is leading the devotions of the great assembly in his own impressive and Elijah- like manner, and in less than five minutes he is in the outskirts of the crowd, endeavoring by wise, kind words to hush some rising controversy. At every juncture he knows what to do. When the people were hurr^dng away on account of a thun- der-storm, he stopped them by reminding them that the Covenanters could stand a shower of bullets, and that God can stay the rain in answer to prayer. Prayer was offered, and the rain ceased. " Look! " exclaimed the evangelist. ' ' Behold the bow of prom- ise spanning the heavens! emblem of God's good- will to earth." All eyes were turned to look on the rainbow, " like unto an emerald around the throne of God." Revealing itself just as the thunder-torrent swept over the horizon of the distant hill, as if chased away by the sudden outburst of sunshine, it symbolized to many the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, in whose cross mercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other. ]\Iany who have forgotten the preach- ing, remember the lesson of the evangelist, who, with hand uplifted to heaven, bade the vast multi- 224 Results of the Work. tude read the Gospel in the sky, and see the beauty of Jesus in the bow with its matchless hues. It was a good work to bring together so many thousands of Christians to sing the same song, to mingle faith, hope, and charity in the same prayer, and to encourage one another in the common Lord. It was the gathering of all the live coals into one great fire, whose flames were bright enough to illu- minate no small part of Scotland. In this way the evils of sectarianism were mitigated, and the bonds of Christian brotherhood strengthened. Young con- verts, suffering from isolation and the lack of fellow- ship, were refreshed and sent on their way rejoicing. The poor starved sheep of Christ's flock were fed on green pastures and strengthened to endure. Perse- cuted believers, reproached by friends, scorned by neighbors, cast off by companions, and frowned upon by carnal pastors, were emboldened to fight the good fight of faith. ]\Iany who were halting between two opinions, being uncertain as to the nature and tendencies of the great movement of the time, had their doubts and fears cleared away. Many earnest and faithful ministers of the Gospel went home from those happy scenes to labor in their own quiet vineyards with a still holier zeal, live- lier hope, and deeper joy. Many saints returned to walk more closely with their God; and some whom we knew received at the Huntly meetings a double meal, like Elijah in the wilderness, in the strength of which they went, and came even to the Double Grace. 225 momit of God. To many it was the starting-point of their pilgrimage to Zion, and the sweet memories of those gracious espousals and first loves will merit and inspire "nobler songs above." In short, thou- sands live to praise God for the open-air meetings in the Castle Park, and similar meetings elsewhere, of which the gathering at Huntly was at once the parent and the broad, distinct pattern. Thus the little germ of thought arising in the mind of our evangelist bore choicest fruits in mar- vellous abundance. It was part of the arduous and honorable work assigned him by his Master. A double grace was bestowed upon him in it — grace to do the work faithfully and well, and the grace of abounding success. For this kind of work he was pre-eminently well qualified. His power- ful physique, his cheerful countenance, his exultant voice, his overflowing humor, his innocent, and childlike egotism which carried in it something of the charm of genius, his practical sagacity and swift decision, his fertility of resource and power to grasp a multitude of details, his keen-eyed intuition of human character, his ability to inspire and com- mand, his invincible ardor in the presence of dif- ficulties, his great faith, largeness of heart, and Christian self-sacrifice, combined to fit him in an extraordinary degree for the masterly and success- ful management of a great undertaking such as this really was. There were many witnesses to the grace and truth of Christ at the Huntly meetings, minis- 15 226 Conference on the Azvakcning. ters of every name, learned professors, eloquent di- vines, lawyers, physicians, lords, land-owners, mer- chants, officers of the army and navy, and many others down to the fisherman and the butcher, who said, "I canna write my ain name, but it has been written by the finger o' Anither — written in blood in the Lamb's book o' life," one of the truest and noblest of them all was the old stone-cutter, Dun- can Matheson. His it was not merely to speak for Christ, but to gather up this great united testimony, which illustrated the unity of the true faith as it has seldom been illustrated in our own day or in our fathers. His it was to concentrate as in a focus the scattered rays of the glorious sun that was then pouring his golden floods upon our favored land, alike on hill and dale, on barren moorland and fruit- ful field. At a "conference on the subject of the present religious awakening," held in the Free South Church, Aberdeen, on August 15th, 1861, we find our evan- gelist saying: "Revival is an established fact. It is a great fact. Thousands, many thousands, have felt the power of God in their own souls. I do not, per- haps, know of one place in the county of Aberdeen where there are not living witnesses to the power of God's grace and the might of his Spirit. There is one thing that has always struck me with won- der : it is this — Why should we think it a strange thing to see a work like this work of revival? If we believe God's Word at all, we must believe that Mr. Mathesoii's Address. 227 He is able, willing, and mighty to save. Why Avon- der, then, that He is saving so many? Might we not rather expect that He will do far greater things ? A man said to me, 'Are you in the revival?' 'No, sir,' 1 replied, 'the revival is in me ; it is in my heart.' I believe that many of God's people feel this. We never did feel so much joy, and blessedness, and gladness, as since these blessed days when the Lord has been pouring out his Spirit — planting flowers in his garden that will bloom through an endless eternity. I could hardly tell you where I have not seen God's work. I have been wandering for nearly four years — north, south, east, and west — and the Lord is doing great things every^vhere. We see the sheaves being gathered to God's harvest-home ; and what can we do but say, ' Our God reigns ; verily we have seen the salvation of Israel ; verily we have seen answered the prayers of the men whose blood was shed in defence of our faith — the witnesses whose souls have been crying under the altar.' And we have only seen the beginning ; the end is at hand. Why, I ask again, should this be thought a strange thing ? What is the great end of the Chris- tian ministry? There is no antagonism between us and the ministry ; we go as breakers-up of the way and God has been pleased to own us. We do not interfere in the least with the constituted ministry ; for I believe, as solemnly as I do in any part of God's Word, that He has appointed a ministry for the con- version of souls, and the upbuilding of his people ; 228 Near the Gates of Heaven. and the cry of our heart day by day is, ' Oh, would that all the Lord's people were prophets ! ' We look and see day by day souls going down to perdition ; and if we believe in a heaven and hell, in an unend- ing eternity, Ave will go forth like men going to quell fire, sa}dng, 'Stop, poor sinner! come with us, and we will do thee good ; for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. ' I might tell in this meeting what I have seen in many places. I might speak of what I witnessed in S during the last few days ; of the awful solemnity upon our spirits, when it seemed as if we felt the immediate power of God in our hearts ; and we were almost afraid to speak, as if one felt very near the gates of heaven. Some of us felt so at S . And when we saw the Lord working and the slain so many, we lifted up our hearts and sang, "Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.' "One thing I have seen, and I have thanked the Lord for it ; it has done immense good ; it is the de- liverance of the last Free General Assembly on this great and glorious work. The results from that de- liverance, the good it has done, we cannot estimate. I have seen members of the Free Church lifted up in their souls, and thanking God for that noble tes- timony. Since it was issued it has given a great impetus to the work. It has been true, and always will be true to the end, ' Them that honor Me I will honor.' I have seen the objections of many scat- tered to the winds since it was given. And since Mr. Turner, of Peterhead. 229 it was read from the pulpits of tlie cliiirclies, I have seen a manifest blessing upon the ministry and the people. Let me remark this other thing — that some people always find fault. Well, we cannot help it; and we admit that there are very many things that . we ourselves cannot prevent, that yet we do not de- sire. A great many things have been said about inquiry meetings. I look upon these as the most solemn part of the work — -just dealing with souls face to face. It is of great importance that all who thus speak to the anxious should be known — that their \^ real state and character before God should be tested. We should know also that they have something of that wisdom that cometh down from above. I be- lieve there are many of God's people Avho fail in this work. I have seen them giving the comforts of God's children to the anxious. I have heard godly persons sa;y^ng to such, 'Wait God's time ; ' and, 'You are in a very hopeful state,' just strangling their con- victions. Oh, if there is one part of the work in which we need more than in another the aid of the Holy Spirit, it is in dealing with anxious souls. " Mr. Eoss has spoken about the coast. I know a great deal about the coast, and upon this coast no one has been more honored than Mr. Turner, of Peterhead. That man's footsteps, speaking after the manner of men, I have been able to trace all romid the coast. Look at Banff — what a work he has done there ; and at Portknockie, Buckie, Portgordon. You see the Lord taking that instrument and using him ; 230 Sound Teaching. he was used for a time, and then put aside. It is a solemn thing when God uses a man for a time, and then puts liim aside. It is not the opposition of man we fear. I was never able to do any thing till I was opposed, and so it has been with others. I would remark, in closing, that I have always seen the work produce greatest fruits under the soundest teaching. An old Highland minister said, 'It is a dangerous thing for a child to get bad milk ; ' and you gener- ally see where there is not sound teaching they are like the young thrushes, ready to eat mud if given to them. They have no discernment. But where there is sound teaching they grow up like calves in the stall; the grace of God is in them, and we see it shining. There is just this in it — the good old doc- / trines will stand the test, for they are built upon the / Kock of Ages. Oh, may we hold them fast; and when we depart hence, leave behind us 'footprints on the sands of time,' or, rather, on the shores of eternity." Not content with scouring his native country, he sometimes crossed the border, and everywhere the strong voice and steady hand w^ere raised to point men to the cross. In the autumn of 1862 he visited his old friends, the soldiers, at Aldershot, and de- scribed his visit in the following letter, which ap- peared in Tlie Revival : * "My Dear Friend: Swiftly has the time passed * A weekly periodical now incorporated with " The. Christian." His Visit to Aldei'shot. 231 since I came here, and never throughout eternity- shall I forget my visit to this place. There is not a spot in Britain around which such interest clings, and for which more prayer has been offered up. " My heart thrilled as I saw a camp once more, heard the strains of martial music, and gazed on the red coats, either singly, or in groups, or regiments marching along. The past was brought vividly be- fore me, but the contrast could hardly be realized. In the Crimea, day and night, nothing was heard but the roar of the cannon, or the din of battle ; and during a long dreary winter, nothing seen but mis- ery, that made the heart bleed, borne with calm en- durance and heroic valor, giving English history a page it never had. It is true that at Aldershot the bugle sounds, but it calls only to parade, or to take part in mimic fights. Kegiments march, biit not to battle. The gun fires, but only to mark the hours as they pass along. The scene is bust- ling but peaceful, and order reigns in the camp supreme. " I have met few old friends, for death has done his work, and the heroes of Alma, Inkermann, Se- bastopol, have passed away — yes, away like the snow-flakes before the summer's sun, or the leaves of the forest before the wintry blast. In the lone graveyard here, on the bleak moor side, lie many who escaped unscathed amidst the iron showers and the deadly pestilence. With constitutions impaired, they returned to die, leaving as an heir-loom in many 232 Description of the Work There. a home the medal and its bars of glory, worn but for a little, and then laid aside forever. Sic transit gloria mundi. "It is estimated that during the summer from 15,000 to 18,000 men are stationed here, and the in- fluence of such a mass on the town of Alder shot is of the most ruinous kind. Much has been written about it, and yet it is impossible to make the pic- ture too dark, or to bring out in relief its degrading aspects. Just think of upwards of seventy public- houses outside the camp, and you will realize in some measure the seething mass of iniquity behind. The camp has made the town what it is, and the town sends back to the camp the curse intensified it has given. Many a daughter comes here to die, over whom a mother, it may be in the far north of Scotland, is weeping day and night. One was asked lately if she had a mother ; and, as if stung by a serpent, she fled out of sight. Another says she is dying fast, but asks what she can do. A third laughs ; but it is hollow, coming from a heart torn with anguish, from burning fires within, fed by the memory of home and days gone — never more to come back again. "Blessed be God, all is not dark. The cloud has a silver lining ! There is much to quicken and cheer ; for the great God is visiting the camp, and drops of blessing have descended. Witness after witness is being raised, and the prayers, so long lying on the altar, are being answered. Hardly a week passes Mi's. Daniell. 233 but there is an accession to the Kttle army, and twelve prayer-meetings are held weekly by the men themselves. At some of these I have seen sixty men and a few officers present. What songs from yom-s 'Hymns of Prayer and Praise' they sang! With what a heart did they peal out 'Eest for the weary,' and with what holy pleading did they cry for their comrades diifting to perdition ! The leaven is work- ing ; the seed is springing up ; and many are halting — lingering at the gate. "Mrs. Daniell, so well known for her labors in the cause of Christ, has founded a mission for Aldershot, and forty officers and men have come forward as volunteers to help her on. The United Presbyterian Church is organizing a congregation, and will, I doubt not, succeed. May God speed them, and may their chiu^ch be the birth-place of many a soul. May He also bless the labors of the chaplains and Scripture-readers, whose work is so arduous, and who need more than common wisdom and zeal. Night after night I preached outside the camjD in the open air, with a body-guard of Christian soldiers around me, some of w^hom, with much feeling, have ad- dressed their comrades passing by. " What noble missionaries these soldiers, if con- verted, would make ! How would their influence tell amongst the heathen abroad! What a sight to see Britain sending forth an army of living men displa}Hng a banner for the truth ! " I feel assured there is many a Hedley Vicars, 234 R^v. H. M. Williams 07t's Recollections Hammond, Vandeleur, Marjouram amongst them, and that God, by His Spirit, will soon bring them out. Aldershot is the cradle of the British army. The fire here is kindled. The work has begun. The Prince of Peace is saving souls, and God is calling on his people to bestir themselves. England, Scot- land, Ireland, your sons need help. Will you cry for the army, and forget not Aldershot ? " Yours in the Lord, " Duncan Matheson, " Late Soldiers' Missionary in the Crimea." The Eev. H. M. Williamson, Belfast, who was at once the pastor and fellow-evangelist of Mr. Mathe- son, writes: " Confining myself to what I have witnessed, I would like to give you a brief sketch of his labors in the north of Scotland. He used to map out a dis- trict, and arrange for an evangelistic tour, extending over six or eight days. I frequently accompanied him on such expeditions. Starting perhaps on a Monday, we were accustomed to preach generally twice each day, holding meetings in all conceivable places — in barns, on the squares and streets of vil- lages, under the trees of the woods, sometimes in various churches placed at our disposal. He thor- oughly knew the feelings, habits, and prejudices of his countrymen, and with singular sagacity he em- ployed that knowledge to gain the attention of his hearers and a favorable hearing for the Gospel. He of Work witJi Mr. Matheson. 235 was never at a loss, and full of hope ; he had a rem- edy for every difficulty, and was ready for every emergency. Let me give you as an illustration a scene which occurred on one of our preaching ex- peditions. We had arranged to hold a meeting in the streets of a certain village. The place was drowned in drink, and consequently spiritually dead above most places. At the appointed hour we made our appearance, and having made our way to the square of the village, and having borrowed a chair for a pulpit, we were prepared to proceed; but audience there was none, save two or three ragged children, who gathered round and stared at us as a curiosity. It was certainly a situation exceedingly trying to flesh and blood, and one that gave ample room for the exercise of faith. Matheson by the grace of God, was equal to the occasion. I think I hear his cheery Avords, as he said to me, speaking in his broadest Doric, 'Haud on, baud on, Mr. Wil- liamson, for a wee bit as weel as ye can, an' I'll fetch out the folk wi' the help o' God.' He started off, leaving me on the chair — no envied position, I assure you — with the children for my audience. He started off, and beginning at the extreme end of the village, he knocked at every door, and cried aloud as he could cry, 'Come awa' out, come awa' out; the Gospel is come to the town ; ' and using at the same time, with his usual sagacity, the children he met as his agents, he said, ' Kin, laddie rin ; and tell yer mither to come aw a' to the square, and hear the preaching.' We had 236 Remarkable Incidents. a meeting — a successful meeting — Ave adjourned in the evening to a church in the village; and I have good reason to believe that redeemed souls in eter- nity will bless God for that meeting. "There are few parishes in Aberdeenshire and Banffshire in which the name of Duncan Matheson is not known and loved, and very few in which he has not preached the Gospel. The extent of the blessing which rested upon his labors shall only be known on that day when the secrets of all hearts are made manifest. I regret exceedingly that the account of all these labors is now lost forever. Had he been spared to give it, it Avould have been a record of the Lord's doings of thrilling interest, and well fitted to strengthen every laborer in the Lord's vineyard. Many incidents attending his work were of a very remarkable nature, and if they had been recorded would have been pregnant with instruction and encouragement. I remember while holding a meeting one night in a certain place an occurrence which made a deep impression upon me at the time, and which I had occasion to mark afterwards. The meeting was crowded, and better still, it Avas full of spiritual poAver. Many souls were deeply wounded under tlie sharp strokes of the Holy Ghost. Some smitten ones Avere crying out, ' What must we do to be saved ? ' " While we were going about among the anxious, seeking as we were enabled to point them to the Lamb of God, the individual Avho had control over Conference at Hnntly Lodge. 237 the place of meeting began to urge the people to go home, and to crown his advice he proceeded to pnt out the lights. I think I hear Matheson as turning to me he said, 'Mr. Williamson, mark my words, you will see something happen to that man — the Lord will put out his candle ! ' Matheson, though pretending to no spirit of prophecy, knew how dan- gerous it is to meddle with the work of the Holy Spirit. And so it came to pass. Matheson lived to see that man disgraced and dishonored, and driven from his position. But if I persevere in call- ing up the events of these years of blessing my let- ter will swell into a volume. "The great gatherings for Christian fellowship and for preaching the everlasting Gospel with which Scotland, and especially in the northern parts, was favored in past years are closely connected with Duncan Matheson. " Shortly after the work of the Spirit began to be manifest in the awakening and conversion of sin- ners in Aberdeenshire in the years 1858-9, a confer- ence of ministers was held at Huntly Lodge, under the auspices of the late Duchess of Gordon. That conference brought out the fact, that the work of God was much more extensive and thorough than any one had supposed. The work still made prog- ress under opposition of various kinds and from all sources. Matheson traversed almost every parish of Aberdeenshire and the district around, everywhere preaching the Gospel, and much blessing was added. 238 The Gathering at H^intly " Keturning from one of these preaching expedi- tions, he proposed to me the idea of a grand gath- ering at Huntly, seeking the aid of men of all churches, both lay and clerical, whom God had honored in the work of revival. The proposal took shape. It was approved of by the Duchess of Gor- don, and by others whose good judgment, spirit- uality of mind, and zeal for the cause of God we could trust. The whole arrangements of the meet- ings were put into Matheson's hands, and the re- sults were great and blessed. Multitudes of believ- ers from every corner of the land were refreshed and strengthened, and multitudes of the unsaved brought to Jesus. "He had a singular gift for organizing such meetings. He thoroughly knew the people, as I have stated, — their mode of life, their habits, their prejudices on religious subjects, their wants, and then* religious position. And with all this knowl- edge, when the meetings were assembled, he ar- ranged accordingly with wonderful tact — he put the right man in the right place. He aimed at the conversion of sinners as the great end of the meet- ings, and in carrying out this end he exhibited marvellous spiritual instinct in selecting the right speaker at the right time to give, under the Holy Spirit, the message which would bring about the blessed end. He knew too the men that were mighty in prayer, and endeavored to keep them, with praying companions, lifting up holy hands Proposed and Organized. 239 without wrath and doubting. And in this matter he suffered no respect for persons to -interfere. The men he beheved were hkely to be the instruments in the hands of the Spirit to do the work needed at any particular time in the services, these he brought forward. "You and I have seen, in other cases and at sim- ilar gatherings, the whole work marred, and the fruit almost completely lost, because those who con- ducted such meetings deemed themselves bound to put forward speakers in a prescribed order, because of their social position or ministerial standing in church connection. "Matheson never for a moment allowed such considerations to influence him. The result corre- sponded. As he sought to honor the Holy Spirit, and keep a single eye on the great end, the salva- tion of souls, much fruit appeared. " His efforts in preaching the Gospel in the feeing markets of Aberdeenshire were also attended with a very abundant blessing. It is a question upon which, perhaps. Christian men form different opin- ions. I think it admits of no controversy with all who are taught of God, that whenever men are willing to hear the Gospel, then the Gospel should be preached to them. Now, it is also a fact beyond dispute, that for some years the Lord poured such a spirit of hearing upon the people that they were willing to hear ; and this also I may add, I have seen as marked and manifest fruits of the Spirit's presence 240 The Scattered Laborers. and power attending these market-preacliings as I have ever witnessed on the Sabbath and in the most solemn assembly. This market-preaching was a de- partment of labor for which Matheson was in many ways singularly fitted. Ready for every emergency, and with a tact which usually disarmed opposition, with a courage that never faltered, and with a voice like the tongue of a trumpet, he labored in this field most laboriously, and in it I feel persuaded reaped many sheaves of the harvest of the Lord. I have met many in later years who have testified that they would have cause to bless God forever for these market-preachings. " Alas, the band of laborers in that field are now widely scattered ! What sweet and solemn memo- ries of these days and of the beloved fellow-laborers who wrought in this work with us ! The saintly Macgregor and the good soldiers of Jesus Christ, Colonel Ramsey and Major Gibson, and the fearless Matheson — a prince of evangelists — all gone to their rest and their reward. The devoted pastors. Bain and Forbes, and Fullarton and Campbell (tried and true helpers), Tytler, and Macpherson, and Anderson still with us, and many other beloved brethren who have never been ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. " But this letter is drawn out far beyond what I intended, and yet I feel as if I had said almost noth- ing concerning the labors of our departed friend. Let me add, he was one of the most unselfish of men ; he would and often did share his last shilling The Gospel at Village Fairs. 241 with a poor saint. He was ever ready to commend the Gospel to the careless and the scoffer by deeds of generosity and liberality. What the Church owes to Matheson has never been acknowledged. His share in elevating the standard of religious profes- sion in the land, and especially in the northern part, has never been justly estimated. But his reward is on high. 'They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and An important part of our evangelist's mission was the preaching of the Gospel in village fairs. The fee- ing market, at which farmers engage their servants from one half year to another, is a long-established institution in the northern counties of Scotland. It is usually held in the street or neighborhood of some little town or village. Early in the morning of the market-day there is a wonderful stir in the erection of refreshment-tents, booths for the sale of sweets, trinkets, and all things dear to a ploughboy's heart, shows, and all the other paraphernalia of a village fair. Soon after breakfast the market is crowded by farmers and their wives, ploughmen, female ser- vants, and all who have business to do. Besides these there is a general assembly of all the idlers and neer-do-iveels in the country-side ; tramps, tink- ers, ballad-singers, fiddlers, rogues, beggar-women with starving babies, the man who is " out of employ- iG 242 Descriptio7i of the Fair. ment" because he will not work, the shipwrecked sailor who never was at sea, the veteran soldier who has seen no service but the devil's — in short all the scoundrels within a radius of thirty miles. No time is lost ; the whole machinery of the mar- ket is set a-going. All the animal spirits of half-a- score parishes and callages are now crowded into one place. There is no restraint ; universal freedom reigns. Wild hilarity, roaring frankness, outrageous demon- strations of friendship, characterize the scene, and a tumult of varied sounds fills the air. Underneath all this, however, there is an eye to business. Yonder in the open air, at the end of a tent, a fat, red-faced dame is piling up a blazing fire of peat, over which a huge pot is boiling Avith the farmers' broth. Close by a master is higgling with a ploughman about five shillings more or less of half-yearly wages ; and the bargain, after an immense deal of manoeuvring as if both were perfectly indifferent to the matter, is set- tled in the good old Scotch way of "splitting the dif- ference." Then follows the indispensable dram. A young swain has just spent his "arles" in treating his sweetheart with rude demonstrations of atta ch- ment. Another, already drunk, is dancing and caper- ing to the wretched strains of a fiddle. Sailor Jack moves along with a curious limp as he sings his favorite ditty. The showman is doing his best to entertain the people and obtain their pence. Cheap John, with incredible generosity, insists on enriching the public to his own certain ruin, mixing his jokes Di'Mikcnncss and Rioting. 243 and lies in due measures to meet the tastes of the gulHble portion of market-goers. A recruiting ser- geant is describing to a knot of young men the glory and blessedness of a soldier's life. On the outskirts of the fair a crew of drunken carters are bargaining with an unscrupulous horse-dealer for an old nag, which is being trotted up and down at the utmost speed possible to his wooden limbs. A tall, villainous, one-legged speculator in human simplicity tempts to a game of chance, which is yet no chance to him- self; whilst his one-armed brother offers to teach the young idea how to shoot by means of bow and arrows which Tell himself could not have shot straight. A hundi'ed voices are crying then wares. As the day advances men and matters become more and more lively. Suddenly the crowd begins to surge to and fro, everybody knocking into his neighbor, no one knowing why. There is a fight; strong drink is master of the situation. A score of voices are raised with a score of hands; hard blows are dealt; but the greatest sufferer is the poor old woman whose "sweetie stand" is overturned in the scuffle, all her gingerbread cakes and colored sweets are scattered in the mud. The same commander-in-chief is mar- shalling his hosts in a neighboring tent, where a fierce conflict rages around the rude board. You can see the whole afiair from without by the mov- ing of hostile heads and arms against the canvas, which at length gives way, and the entire taber- nacle of Satan, with a loud crash of bottles and 244 Difficulty of the Work. glasses, rolls over upon the ground. Still the busi- ness of the fair goes on as before, its very life being in noise, excitement, and uproar. Towards evening 'the more respectable people take their way home- wards, carrying with them all sorts of useful house- ihold articles purchased at the fair. Among the re- maining portion the drinking and quarrelling go on apace ; coarseness, profanity, and violence increase, till at length the deepening shades, not a moment too soon, cast the mantle of God over a very hell of riot, charged witli all the elements of misery and ruin. It was a bold idea to introduce the Gospel here. It was like David's attempt to save the lamb by attacking the lion and the bear. For men of fine feelings to stand upon a box or barrel, occupying as it were the same platform with all that is coarse, sordid, and villainous, and amidst the bawling, the laughing, the blaspheming, the singing, the fiddling, the fighting, the ribaldry of mockers, the rage of the ungodly, and in the very atmosphere of black- guardism, to raise the "still small voice "of the Gos- pel and speak to men heated with every passion, of "righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come," was a work of the most trying kind. Sometimes they were made to feel that it were easier to face an armed host than bear the calumny and the shame. Often were they threatened, often assailed, and some- times well-nigh put to silence ; but they trusted in Him who hath all power in heaven and on earth ; A Prince of Market-prcacJicrs. 245 and sometimes, when tliey tlioug'lit the Word was only hke water spilt upon the gromid, they were amazed and overjoyed to discover rough, burly ploughmen breaking down under the truth, weep- ing like children, and asking what they must do to be saved. All over the north-eastern counties you come upon strong, hard-headed, tender-hearted, God- fearing men, who tell you that they were "brocht tae the Lord " at such and such a market, giving you place and date of their second birth. Besides that, the general improvement in morals, particu- larly m the matter of sobriety, decency, and order, at some of the feeing markets, was so marked as to draw forth expressions of wonder and admiration from even men of the world. If a sufficient num- ber of suitable laborers were found for this work, a thorough reformation should be effected, as the ex- periment proved ; but men possessing the necessary courage and zeal appear to be few, and such gigan- tic labors exhaust or kill them. Nature and grace conspired to make Duncan Matheson a prince of market-preachers. His hand- some, well-knit form impressed the sons of the soil with a sense of his great strength ; his frank, straight- forward manner commanded their respect ; his ready wit captivated a people whose genuine humor is pro- verbial ; his voice, rising above the din, summoned them as with a trumpet to listen ; his manifest supe- riority to all fear made him a hero in their eyes ; and the grace of the Holy Ghost with the truth as it is in 246 His Felloiv- Lab overs. Christ Jesus, did the rest. In this rough, self-deny- ing work he was nobly assisted by several ministers of the Gospel and other right-hearted servants of Jesus Christ. Sometimes when a hearing could not be obtained, and further prosecution of the work seemed an utter waste of energy and time, Duncan would start up and begin thus — " I will tell you a thing that hap- pened when I was in the Crimea." Immediately there is a respectful silence ; the audience seem as if spell-bound while the preacher proceeds to tell his story, which is only an introduction to the Gospel. In a certain town a gentleman well known in the place came up to him as he was preaching in the market, and mockingly said, " Well, what is the word of the Lord to-day?" Our preacher turned with a piercing glance of his eye, and promptly re- plied, " earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord ! " Shortly afterwards that same scoffer lay at the point of death in a room right over the corner where he had assailed the servant of God. He had been suddenly seized with what he believed were the pains of death ; and in his alarm he cried, " I am dying — run, run for Mr. ; get a Bible — quick, quick ! " But ere human aid was procured, or the Bible brought from the shelf where it lay neglected, the accomplished scoffer had passed to his final ac- count. This incident, with others of a similar char- acter, tended to lessen the hostility at first shown to The Battle Won. 247 preaching in the market, and to pave the way for a respectful hearing of the Gospel. In another town the preachers were one day furi- ously assailed and subjected to much personal in- dignity and violence by a mob, led on by paid agents of tavern-keepers, whose profits were diminished by the effective preaching of the Gospel. For hours the preachers maintained their position in the out- skirts of the market ; towards the close of the day, led on by Matheson, they pushed their way into the centre of the fair. Here they were set on by the entire rascality, hired and unhired, of the town; but a shower happening at that crisis, the stento- rian voice of our evangelist was heard high above the clamor shouting, "Off hats, men, and let us thank our Father in heaven, who sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust, for this refreshing shower, instead of fire and brimstone to consume us." The effect of this appeal was striking. Every voice was hushed, and every head uncovered, and one who was present describes the prayer of the evange- list as overwhelmingly touching and solemn. The battle was now turned to the gate, and the preach- ers carried all before them. On another occasion the showman of a penny theatre, finding that his sarcastic merriment did not shame the preachers into silence, challenged them to come up to his platform, and see if they could speak there. The challenge, contrary to the expectations of the showman, was accepted, and our 243 special Call for Prayer. evangelist accompanied by Mr. Hector Macpherson took possession of the stage, to the astonishment of the whole market. Mr. Matheson began ; the show- man was put to silence, and went away, leaving the evangelists in possession of his platform, from, which they addressed an immense crowd with re- markable effect. Prudence and tact were needed as well as cour- age. Sometimes he deemed it right to buy up the showmen; by giving them a fair day's custom he procured their silence. In a "Special Call for Prayer," he says: "These markets are fields of deepest trial. For long they have been left in the power of the wicked one, and thousands of souls have been ruined for eternity. Surely, we shall not ask for prayer in vain; and when the banner of Christ is unfurled shall there be one living soul found shrinking from the fight, or re- fusing to cry from the depths of their hearts, 'Awake, awake, put on strength, arm of the Lord'?" The "special call for prayer" was accompanied by the use of other means, such as the following advertisement in a newspaper : "MAKKET PKEACHING. "If the Lord permit, the Everlasting Gospel will be preached at Longside, Ellon, Aberdeen, Turriff, Inverury, and other feeing markets. "a solemn question. " How long do you think it would take you to count a billion ? A billion is a million of millions ; Duration of Eternity. 249 and if you were to count at the rate of two hun- dred a minute, it would require more than nine thousand years to finish it. Now, you must Hve a bilhon of years either in heaven or hell, and when that billion of years is past, you must live another billion of years, and then another; and another; and even then your life will only be, as it were, beginning. You must live forever^ lohether you will or no. Is it not an awful thought that you are an immortal being, and that there is no escape into nothingness? Dear friend, you are making an aw- ful blunder if you are living for this world only ; and, if you die unsaved, it is a blunder that can never be remedied. Jesus offers to save you now. He died to save; and if you come to Him as you are — no matter how great a sinner you may be — He will save you; for He says, 'Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.' The time is short, your soul is precious, and eternity is near. "D. M." Mr. Matheson frequently assisted his friends in preaching at the Dundee annual fair. In those days this fair was held in a quarry-pit in the centre of the town, and for crowds, excitement, dissipation, and ruin to the souls of the gay and thoughtless rev- ellers, was equal to forty country markets. Here, as we too well know, many of the young tasted for the first time the devil's sweets. Here receiving their first great impulse hellward, they went bound- 250 Preaching at the Fair. ing down tlie steep of dissipation until they disap- peared amidst the darkness of a Hving death, or were wrapped in the deep shades of a premature grave. Here I have known the girl of fourteen disappear; and no tongue could tell the father and the mother's agony as they prosecuted for days and nights the saddest search on earth, in the hope of plucking from the jaws of ruin some fragments of their lost child's humanity. In this very place, where Folly was scattering wide the seeds of death, handfuls of the good Word of God were cast in, not without yielding fruit. To preach here seemed mad enough to many, and use- less enough to most. Amid such sounds and scenes it was hard to sustain the voice and maintain com- posure of spirit; but exhaustion, loss of voice, vio- lent opposition, occasional peltings with stones and other missiles, mockery and scorn, only served to inflame zeal, deepen compassion, and rouse every energy in the interests of the divine glory and of the souls of men. The pains thus taken were amply rewarded in the snatching of brands from the fire. "Let us raise the banner once more," our evangelist used to say. Accordingly, after much prayer, we sal- lied forth with joyful hearts, and, surrounded by a little band of singers, we continued preaching, prais- ing God, and praying till the latest hour of night. We were often assailed by "lewd fellows of the baser sort;" but in the most tumultuous moment of danger prayer never failed, and frequently at ''Prepare to Meet thy God'' 251 tlie worst a sense of the Lord's presence suddenly filled our hearts with joy, so that we spake the word with boldness. On one occasion a burly Yorkshireman attempted to stop the preaching by driving his horses and car- avan in amongst us. Matheson, who was speaking at that moment, turned his face to the adversary, and in his solemn way, thundered out these words, "Prepare to meet thy God!" The showman drew up his horses, listened for a few minutes, and then turning deadly pale, quickly beat a retreat. One night a showman, thinking we had taken our stand in too close proximity to his tabernacle, fetched his magic bottle, and with a significant glance in our direction, said, "Talk of revivals! Here is some- thing that will revive you!" Shouts of derisive laughter followed. We paused a moment, then be- gan to sing the twenty-third Psalm. As we sung, the people began to leave the showman, and come to our side: there was a charm for them in King David's song. Prayer was offered : more of the peo- ple came over. A simple exposition of the Psalm followed: the larger portion of the showman's audi- ence left him to hear about the green pastures and the still waters. Ere we finished the show was well- nigh deserted, and we could see the tears trickling down the cheeks of some as they listened to the story of the Good Shepherd coming into the wilder- ness of this world to seek and to save the lost. Patience and love always prevailed. One Sabbath 252 -A Struggle. evening, at the time of the fair, we were resting our- selves in the house after a service in the open air. Suddenly four young men, maddened with strong drink, rushed into the room, and furiously assailed us, while a fierce and numerous reserve remained at the door. The object of their wrath was the person of the writer, who had reproved them in the street for scoffing. A violent struggle followed. Mathe- son interposed, and seizing the ringleader by the arm, said, " Let us pray." We both dropped upon our knees, and fervently entreated God to bless and save the young men. For a moment they were par- alyzed by astonishment or fear. Again and again, for nearly two hours, the battle was renewed; again and again we resorted to prayer, striking no blows but those of faith and love. At last the victory re- mained with us ; the young men became as quiet as lambs. We preached the Gospel to them, and ere they went away we formed an alliance of peace and friendship that has never been broken. Such inci- dents were not infrequent, and the result often illus- trated in a striking manner the sovereignty of the grace of God. ]\Ien who were at one time leaders of the mob in their most violent attacks on us in the open-air meetings are now, as the writer can tes- tify, ranked among the peaceful disciples of Jesus, and distinguished for their zeal in the cause of the Gospel. One night at Perth, while we preached in the street we were set on by an infuriated crowd. We A Memorable Night. 253 sang the hymn, "There is rest for the weary;" but as we sang matters grew worse and worse. Not contented with hooting and yelHng, they rushed upon lis, and gathering the dirt of the street, be- spattered us freely. Matheson, who never lost his self-possession, frequently whispered in my ear, "Never mind; perhaps a soul will be saved." We continued to sing until we reached the door of the hall where a meeting was being held. Our strength exhausted, our pride in the dust, we turned to ad- dress a word of affectionate entreaty to our victori- ous assailants, when suddenly the Spirit of God fell upon us and upon all those people. Our hearts were filled with a new and Avonderful joy, heaven seemed to be opened above us, the awful verities of eternity were disclosed with soul-piercing vividness, and with bleeding hearts we besought them all to re- pent and believe the Gospel. At the same moment the great crowd ceased its fiendish rage and mock- ing ; the stillness of death followed ; and as we urged them to tiee to Jesus from the wrath to come, many burst into tears. The people seemed ready to cast themselves at our feet as we preached Christ to them. It was a memorable night, the issues of which are with the Lord. Thus we learned that Satan rages when his kingdom shakes and his vic- tims are about to escape. One night at the fair in Dundee a young man bent on folly stopped for a little to hear the preaching. Stung by the truth, and angry lest he should lose 254 ^ Drunkard' s Wife. his pleasures, he tore himself away, and rushed into the next street, saying, " Now I've got rid of them." Scarcely had he turned the corner, however, when he came upon another preacher, was arrested, and brought to the Saviour. A policeman on his rounds stood for a moment to hear " what in all the world those preachers could have to say in the fair," when suddenly a ray of light shot through the darkness, and he too was converted. Two young women, bent on pleasure, stopped as they pressed through the crowd to hear the singing of the hymn — *' happy day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad." "Come away," said the one to the other; "we'll be too late." "I dare na gang," was the reply. They strove, and parted; the one going to the pleasures of death, the other remaining to seek the protection of Jesus, and to join the society of His people. A poor woman, a drunkard's wife, steeped in poverty and clothed in rags, was coming along the street with a babe in her arms. Happiness had for- saken her long ago ; desperate struggles with want made her weary of life ; hope, that most patient of angels, had disappeared in the clouds ; and all her days and nights seemed but steps to deeper woe. A voice strange to her fell upon her ear. The one utterance that fell like dew upon her weary heart The Voice of Jesus . 255 was the word of the Lord — " Come iiiito Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." She stood still upon the pavement, far off from the preacher; and as she listened, the voice seemed to come nearer and nearer to the heart. "Rest!" she said to herself, as the preacher went on to explain rest in the Lord Jesus — " rest ! that is what I want." Jesus heard the groaning of that oppressed spirit, and came to her relief There and then she believed on Christ ; there and then she en- tered on the rest of the Gospel. Peace and joy, like birds of Paradise, began to sing in her soul. She carried the blessing home, and the light that filled that mother's heart illuminated the drunkard's house, and transformed it into a Bethel. Years have passed ; she still hearkens to Jesus, and still hears Him say- ing, " Come unto Me, and rest." "I hear the voice of Jesus say, ' Come unto Me, and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon my breast.' " I came to Jesus as I was. Weary, and worn, and sad; I found in Him a resting-place. And He has made me glad." These are a few instances out of many ; the day alone will declare all the results. To the wise and prudent the preachers might appear to be fools ; but the Gospel was preached to the poor, evil was pre- vented, good was done, souls were saved, and God 256 Some of His Helpers. was glorified. From strange quarters, and in ways too strange to find an explanation in the philosophy of the rigidly systematic Christian, God gathers his elect. It does seem meet, that from amidst those scenes where Satan has his seat, and those on-goings where the destroyer of souls enjoys his proudest triumphs, the Kedeemer should gather the trophies of his matchless grace. When in glory the ransomed shall tell each his strange story of a Saviour's love ; and one shall say, "He found me in the nursery;" and another, "He found me in the school;" while others tell how they were found in the house of prayer, the sick bed, the workshop, or the field; one will say, " He found me mad upon my idols, amidst the revels of the fair — there He cast the charm of his love around me, and thence He drew me to Himself" Several of the Christian helpers in this work have gone to be with the Lord. Mr. Johnstone, pastor of a Methodist Church, fell like a true soldier at his post, and passed from the hallowed services of the Lord's day on earth to the joys of the everlasting Sabbath in heaven. He was mighty in prayer, and it was the practice of our evangelist to ask at the commencement of his meetings, " Is Johnstone here to pray?" Eobert Annan, the stoutest of street- preachers, is also at his rest. Dan Collison, a young man of remarkable faith, said one night as he left the fair, " I am gaun' hame to tell my Faither," meaning that he was going to spend the midnight ^'■The Litckjww Hero^ 257 hour in prayer. In a few hours afterwards he reached the Father's house of many mansions. When charged, hke Paul, with madness, Dan was wont to say, " If I'm mad, I'll get heaven for an asylum." " The Lucknow Hero," a Christian soldier of gigan- tic stature, who had fought in the Indian mutiny, used to assist in these services by marching in front to clear the way. He could not preach, but he could help in his own way. Drawing himself up to his full height between the preachers and their op- ponents, he seemed to say, "If you dare meddle with these men, you see what you have to en- counter." He also has received the palm of victory. Mr. Nairn, merchant, an unwearied helper in the work of the Lord, is also numbered with those who have crossed the flood. Amidst the ravings of the fever that closed his earthly career, he spoke only of the Saviour whom he loved. Others, whose chief part was not to speak or act, but to watch and pray, we have accompanied to the border-laiid, and have seen them depart, leaning on the arm of their Eedeemer. Dr. W. P. Mackay, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Hull, who accompanied Mr. Matheson to the feeing markets and assisted in the work, writes as follows: "Among the very first times I spoke with him was at a railway station. We had been speaking of entire consecration to the Lord, and the noble work of preaching Christ and getting souls saved. My mind was not very clear as to my own 17 258 Testimony of Dr. Mackay. path. I was seeking light as to my future course — whether I should give myself entirely up to preach the Gospel or enter a professional course. Many young men are similarly placed, and often require an encouraging word when all around seems doubt- ful or dark. We had to go in different directions, He crossed over to the other side of the platform, and his last words before our trains came up were in his manly accents, ' Go and read George MuUer, of Ashley Down.' I had never heard the name be- fore, but I put it down in my memory. On the first opportunity I read his history, and for the first time in my life saw the meaning of practical every- day faith. I had known about faith to save my soul, but this opened up quite a new aspect of God's glorious truth. "Time wore on. I was often in his company, and always felt in his presence, There is a man in real earnest, and his one word is 'Eternity.' He used to say to me, ' Stick by what God has blessed to your own soul. Every evangelist has a some- thing that God has given him as a great reality, and God uses the evangelist to carry home that truth to do his own work. One, for instance, has this word, God is love; anotlier is used to impress on his audience, It is ivritien; a third has to preach Oneness with Christ; and a fourth. Believe and live; and so on, just as God has bm-ned the truth into their own souls.' 'Well, Duncan,' T said, 'What is yours?' 'Ah mine is plain. Deaths Judgment^ and The Feeing Market Campaign. 259 Eternity; and by God's grace I mean to hold by it.' And so he did. "Well do I remember my first introduction to the feemg market campaign under his guidance. It was in May, 1862. On the 13th we went to Ellon, in Aberdeenshire. Here, supported by a number of earnest pastors, we preached till night- fall the words of eternal life, Duncan's voice reach- ing well over the whole fair in an earnestness all his own. Next day we went to Potarch market, up Dee- side, and there we met with strong opposition. A goodly number of laborers, pastors, and evangelists — several of whom, as Major Gibson and Colonel Ramsay, are now with the Lord — drove down to the fair. This was about as hard a battle-field as we were on in all the campaign. We had had much prayer about it, but the opposition, or rather indif- ference, was very marked. We could hardly get a dozen at a time to listen. But Duncan was deter- mined they should hear. 'Come,' said he, 'let us blow the rams' horns outside the city.' We all went to the outskirts of the crowd, and knelt round in a circle, and began to pray to God, as we felt we had no power with men. Many of the men inflamed with drink came round and looked at the rare spec- tacle. There were more than a dozen uncovered heads of kneeling men, who were entreating God to have mercy on those Avho had no mercy on them- selves. As the spare gray locks of several of the veterans waved in the summer breeze, and the tones 26c Unfurling the Banner. of entreaty went up to tlie throne, there was some- thhig that seemed calculated to calm the wildest op- poser ; but Satan appeared let loose. They danced, and whooped, and yelled round the chcle of prayer like so many fiends. One coarse fellow deliberately came beside Major Gibson and spat in his face while / he was praying. The gallant soldier merely took out his handkerchief, wiped his face, and prayed for the poor sinner. We rose from our knees. 'Now,' said Duncan, 'let us again unfurl the banner,' and turning to me, he said, 'Strike up "Kest for the weary," and let us in to the centre of the camp.' Then we got an audience indeed, and the word seemed to be with power. I spoke at least to two who were stricken with great conviction of sin. Duncan would not stop preaching even when the horses were being yoked to drive us from the fair, but from the conveyance preached, exhorted, and entreated sinners to come to Christ. On Friday, the 16th, we went to Insch, where there seemed many attentive hearers, several of those who had been converted under Duncan and other laborers rallying round us. On the Monday following we were at Alford, where constant preach- ing went on all day, many dear brethren from Aber- deen and elsewhere taking part. I have letters in my possession from those who profess to have been benefited for eternity from this day's work, besides having seen several who had been brought to the truth at former preachings there. On Wednesday Cheap John. 261 we went on to Huntly, where such wonderful things had been seen in years gone by, when Duncan, EadchfFe, and others, gathered by the Duchess of Gordon, were so owned of God in the market. Here, assisted by other brethren, the Gos- pel was proclaimed, and there were many atten- tive listeners. " On the following Friday we went to Elgin. In the train, as Duncan and I took our seats, a man sat down beside us, whom we recognized as a very prominent Cheap John in the fairs, and who we supposed was going to Elgin. He recognized us also, and said, in a very hoarse voice, 'Are you go- ing to Elgin?' 'Yes,' said Duncan. 'Like ourselves, you seem to be very hoarse ; here is a lozenge for you. But, man, if you would use that splendid voice of yours in the service of our Master instead of the service of Satan, it would be worth living for.' He was about the smartest in the whole of the markets, and he smiled at us as he took out a handful of pound notes and shook them before us, saying, 'Ay, but you could not bring me that with your preaching.' 'No,' said Duncan; 'but what shall it profit you, if you gain the whole world, and lose your soul ? Ah, Jack, perhaps you had a pray- ing mother, who took you to her side as she knelt and taught you "Our Father," and who prayed that she might meet you in heaven. Shall we not see you preaching in the markets yet? When God converts you, send for me, and I'll join you, wher- 262 A Rare Gift. ever it is.' The poor fellow seemed quite solem- nized, and took it all in the spirit in which it was given ; but the Searcher of hearts knows if Duncan's desire was realized. "A week after this we went to a fair in the south, upwards of a hundred miles from where we parted with Jack, and no sooner had we taken our stand than the first man we saw was our railway friend. He immediately recognized us. He had his large hand-bell ready to begin operations, when Duncan said, 'Let us pray.' The man stopped his bell, bowed his head until the prayer was done, and then began to scatter coppers to draw a crowd. Coppers were, of course, more attractive than the Gospel of eternal life, and so he gathered the large crowd, and we the small; but Jack, noticing this, and, as if not to interfere with our work, wheeled his platform away to the furthest end of the fair, and left us undisturbed. "Duncan had a rare gift of getting respect from even the unconverted by his manly, open-faced manner. The lame sailors, with their shipwreck picture before them, and other itinerant beggars, lifted their hats to him as he gave them a word of warning and Gospel. "From Elgin we went to Turiff, and met with considerable opposition, but also considerable atten- tion to the Gospel preached. In private we had a meeting on our knees here, that brought us so closely into the presence of the Master, and showed Nothing Else but Christ. 263 •Qs the worthlessness of all flesh, that it will never be forgotten by many of us. "These scenes happened eight years ago, and it is difficult to recall particulars ; but many will have to thank God through eternity for having raised up Duncan Matheson, who with living voice and his Special Herald carried salvation home to their souls. It is a noble and fruitful work. One man came to us saying, ' I at least hear the Gospel once a year, and that is at the fair.' Another said, rather from sarcasm than any thing else, 'Your sermons here seem to have nothing in them but Christ. It seems to me that you can speak of nothing else but Christ — Christ from beginning to end. Ye let us hear more about Christ than we get in a whole year.' "Duncan used often to say, 'Keep the Word at them;' and when he could scarcely be heard in a continued discourse he launched out short, pithy, telling texts of Scripture. As a man would be pushing his merchandise, he would sound in the ears of buyer and seller, who were thinking of prof- its, 'What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?' He would come in front of a man being weighed for a penny, and in his solemn tones and earnest manner, making the man tremble all over, he would say, 'Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.' " Many other places we visited in company dur- ing the happy years I had the privilege to labor with him ; but I have no doubt you have fuller in- 264 ''Rest for the WearyT formation than J can give. His warfare was no easy warfare. He never thought of rest. ' Eest 1 ' said he, ' no, I can't. Eternity ! eternity ! I'll rest there ; and you can gather the northern converts, and over my grave sing, " Rest for the ivearyy ' Often he got the opposite of a kind reception, of course, as did his Master. At one place we were going to get our tea at a temperance hotel. A woman came after us, saying, 'You shall not go there as long as I have a house ; ' and she did give us a hearty reception. He was too independent of men's smiles or frowns to be universally acceptable. He rejoiced to do God's work in God's way. The water of life flows as a river, not as a canal ; and many men quench the Spirit by determining the exact shape, depth, and width of the canal, instead of taking the winding, irregular river as God sends it. " The life of Duncan Matheson may well stir us all up to live more in the light of eternity, working to please but One, working to gather souls to that glorious One, and build them up in the knowledge of Him who is the light of eternity." For two or three years — from 1862 to 1865 — there was a slight and natural reaction in many places where a real work of grace has been wrought. This lull was not pleasant, but it was profitable. Heaps of stones having been gathered from the quarry, the work of selection and rejection, polishing and build- ing, had to be carried on. Reaping, with its sun- We Must Not Loivcr the Standard. 265 shine and its songs, is delightful work ; but after it comes the work of the barn, with its din, its dust, and its stern process of separating the chaff from the wheat. At the same time new fields were opening to the indefatigable evangelist; slumbering com- munities here and there were moved by the voice of the awakening Spirit. During those years his labors were without ceasing. " We must not lower the standard " was his constant sa}dng. If the field was ever widening, his power for work seemed to grow in equal measure. Wherever a religious interest was awakening he hastened to render help. Where no work was wrought and no testi- mony raised, true captain of the forlorn hope as he was, thither he bent his steps, and there to use his own martial style, he " unfurled the banner." He was seldom at home. One evening, before a meet- ing, he said to his wife, " Mary, this is a royal night with you. How long is it since you took tea with me on a Sabbath evening?" "Just three times the last three years," was her reply. Solemnly and ten- derly he said, " There will be plenty of opportunity in eternity to speak together." At another time he said, "Wife and children must be nailed to the cross; I must go and preach the Gospel." In carrying on the work he was opposed on vari- ous grounds. A minister of the Gospel in a certain town was accustomed to offer prayer for a revival of religion. The great awakening in America took place; but it was "too American," and the minister 266 An Opposing Minister. went on praying as before. The work of grace in Ireland followed; but it was "too Irish," and he went on praying as before. Kemarkable move- ments occurred in various parts of Scotland; but it was "wild-fire, and he would have none of it." The Spirit of God began to work in his own town, very much through the instrumentality of our evangelist ; but in the opinion of the minister the instruments were contemptible, and the whole thing of doubtful tendency, and he now began to pray for a tri(£, revi- val. At length members of his own congregation were converted under the preaching of Mr. Mathe- son, who said to them, " Go and tell your minister what the Lord has done for your souls ; it will cheer his heart, and do him good." They went; some to ask direction, and some to acknowledge grace re- ceived. The minister was angry. Next Sabbath he said it was all excitement and delusion, and he stamped with his foot as if he would stamp out the spiritual rinderpest. The excitement and delusion seemed to be all his own. His prayer had been an- swered ; but he would not accept the answer in God's way. The work of grace stood before him, but he knew it not. Jesus came to his own, but his own received Him not, because his visage was so marred. The Holy Spirit came to the minister, but the min- ister disowned and rejected Him because He came in a garb of humiliation offensive to human pride. A work of grace without a flaw must be an impos- sibility so long as God is pleased to work by means An Offender for a Word. 26^ of imperfect tools on the coiTupt material of human hearts and lives. The minister would accept no re- vival but one according to his own ideal. What a pity that ministers should go a-dreaming when the world is perishing ! Some opposed the work because they had no scru- ples of conscience, and others because they had too many. Certain religious people have more scruples in their conscience than conscience in their scruples. To those who in effect said, "Sermons, sermons are our business," his reply was, "Souls, souls are mine." His constant cry, " Eternity ! eternity ! souls are per- ishing ! " was a cutting rebuke to mere sermon-mak- L\A^-~ ers and sermon-hearers. He did not practise trum-'' pet-blowing for a bit of bread. His was not the soft serenading of lovers, but the sounding of shrill battle blasts. He refused to say, " Peace ! peace ! " when he ought to cry, " Fire 1 fire ! " To gratify carnal tastes, he would not put the devil's butter on God's bread. In this way he offended both the lullaby players and the lullaby lovers. Moreover, his zeal sometimes car- ried him beyond the bounds of prudence ; and Mr. Perfectly Small — the same who is denounced in an ancient prophet for making a man an offender for a word — could not tolerate the evangelist on account of his blunders. Does he never blunder himself? No; no more than a periwinkle blunders. Small, heartless men do not usually blunder so much as men of much feeling and soul. Heartless people keep to the arithmetic of every thing. But love, 268 A Handsome Offer. zeal, courage, feeling, lieart, soul, rise above vulgar- fraction rules of mere carnal policy. Some men can gauge the tear of penitence, and weigh as in a balance the breath of a dying saint. There is a crow's nest in the great oak; therefore, hew down the tree. There is a cobweb in a cornice; rase the temple to its foundation. The watch-dog barks out of season ; slay him. There is a crook in the furrow ; hang the ploughman. Let a man live a holy life ; let him toil for the good of others till life is shortened by his self-denying labors ; and let the broad seal of heaven be stamped upon his work; yet one word amiss shall, in the estimate of some, outweigh the whole. Shall a single particle of dust outweigh and render of no value a hundi'ed talents of fine gold? Well, shall the warrior stop the battle be- cause the grasshopper is chirping? I trow not. So this soldier of the cross went on. At this time a handsome offer was made him by the Presbyterian Church in New Zealand. They proposed to ordain him as their first missionary, with the status of a minister in the Presbytery, and offered him a suitable salary. This offer he de- clined. Ordination by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery he did not despise ; and although to a high spirited-man, such as he in the best sense was, with an increasing family, a stated income was to be preferred to his uncertain and precarious mode of living, with its inevitable humiliations, he could not leave his own country, where his labors were so A Milling Village. 269 much blessed, and over whose spiritual necessities his j)atriotic and Christian spirit brooded with a singular love. "So long as God is blessing my la- bors here in the conversion of sinners," he said, "I j cannot on any account go away." During the rest of his active ministry his work, both in its character and results, was very much of a piece. A few facts, therefore, in illustration will suffice. To gather the people in obscure and out of the way places, he procured a hand-bell, which he was not ashamed to ring up and down the streets, announcing to the astonished inhabitants that he, the bell-ringer, was going to preach at the cross or market-place. Curiosity brought many to hear him ; and frequently those most unlikely, in man's esti- mate, to come under the power of the Gospel were awakened and saved. The bell-ringing and simi- lar devices he felt to be a humiliation, and he some- times said, "I never knew I had so little grace till I began to do that." One summer evening the quiet little mining vil- lage of Stevenston, in Ayrshire, is startled from its centre to its circumference by a strange voice, whose loud sonorous tones waken the echoes and compel men to ask. What is this ? The people rush to their doors; a hundred windoAvs are thrown open, and the heads of eager listeners are thrust out. Even the public-house is emptied of the drunkards, who come out in stark amazement. The stranger, like Jonah in Nineveh, has come no one knows whence. 2/0 Infidel Mockers. He stands alone, calm, bold, and solemn, as if he had just come out of eternity. With prophet-like authority, he cries, "Prepare to meet thy God!" As night falls, the voice waxes louder and louder, and many of those rough miners tremble. The ser- vice closes with an appeal to the great I Am, and the people somehow feel they are in the presence of God as they have never been. The preacher then takes his way along the street, and improves the awakening interest by speaking of Christ and eternity to every man, woman, and child, as they stand at their doors. Coming to the public-house, he goes up and says with great tenderness, "Ah, men, prepare to meet your God ! " Words cannot describe the feelings of the villagers that night. The whole affair is so novel, so unexpected, so con- science-moving. It was as if God had suddenly come to the village, as He was then coming to many a village in the land. What was too httle consid- ered. He was come not to stay but to pass on. In another mining village, known to the writer, he was violently opposed by a band of infidel mock- ers, Avho came to the meetings for the purpose of turning the evangelist and the work into ridicule. For a time, it seemed as if they should carry every thing their own way. Strong in the hardness of their hearts and their unholy league, they laughed and jeered. The evangelist marked their conduct, and having offered prayer for theu' conversion, drew his bow at a venture. One of the scoffers was ar- A Sinall Congregation. 271 rested and turned to Christ. Henceforth he sepa- rated hnnself from his companions, who only seemed to grow more profane. Next night they retm-ned to the meeting to scoff. Again one of those high- handed sinners was prostrated by grace, and the mocker began to pray. Again and again was this advanced guard of Satan thinned by the sword of the Spirit, till at length only one remained, and he the worst of all. It seemed as if he would hold out. At last, however, the thought took possession of him, " Am I to be left to go to hell alone ?" That led to his conversion. This triumph of grace made a pro- found impression on the unconverted people of the district, and the work of God made remarkable prog- ress at that time, the fruits of which are strikingly apparent at the present day. He found his way into places where gates were barred against all evangelistic effort. " You need not attempt to go there," said his friends, speaking of a certain country town in the north. "The min- isters have told the people that the revival is a delu- sion ; nobody wants you, and you will get none to hear you." Not discouraged by the failure of at- tempts made by others, he resolved to go. After praying for a blessing, he went, hired a hall for a week, announced his meetings, and commenced at the appointed hour. Not a soul appeared: undis- puted victory seemed to remain with spiritual apa- thy. Most men would have looked on the empty hall as an mtimation of the will of God to depart 2/2 Extraordinary Power. and seek a more promising field ; but our evangelist opened his book, and saying, " Let us praise God," sang one of David's psalms, with someAvhat of Da- vid's spirit. Thereafter he said, " Let us pray," and proceeded to pray aloud, as if all the town Avere there, As the prayer was closing, a little boy dropped in, and sat doAvn AAath all a child's Avonder and simpli- city. The Word Avas read, the text announced, and the sermon preached, the great voice ringing and reverberating strangely in the empty hall. Ere the close, tAvo or three men came stealing in from sheer curiosity, to see " a man preaching to nobody," and sat as near the door as they could. The serA^ce ended, and the preacher announced that having made an engagement Avith the great God to meet Him for prayer, praise, and preaching of his Gospel in that hall on every night of the week, he Avould be there, God helping him, at the same hour on the following evening, come Avhat might, come who may. Next night more came from curiosity, and ere the week closed the hall Avas croAvded by an at- tentive, and in some instances aAvakened audience. Faith triumj)hed. Bolts and bars of triple steel gave way before the invisible artillery of believing prayer. Our evangelist once more realized our Sa- viour's words — "All things are possible to him that belie veth." In another part of the country, the name of Avhich I forbear to mention, an extraordinary power at- tended the Avord one night. The distress of the David Sandeman and James Allen. 273 awakened was exceeding great, and the individual who presided at the meeting, becoming alarmed, or- dered the people to retire to their own homes. It seemed a hard case for those weeping inquirers to be sent away without an opportunity being afforded them of stating their difficulties and hearing an an- swer to the great question then and there. The meeting-house was cleared, and as the key turned heavily in the lock, these unsophisticated children of the soil stood about the door and wept. " Go home," it was said to them. " Go home! " they ex- claimed. "We are going down to hell; and what are we to do ? " Seizing the arm of the evangelist and his companion, they begged them as servants of Jesus Christ not to leave them. That night the woods resounded with their cries to God for mercy as they went away. Duncan's labors were much blessed at Hillliead, a mining district near Glasgow, where there was a considerable movement in 1865. This place has been singularly favored of the Lord. Here that Christ-like missionary, David Sandeman, preached and prayed and wept for souls. Sometimes he tar- ried at the throne of grace all night, and towards dawn he could be heard saying, "The whole district, Lord — the whole district! I cannot ask less." "He made every body love him," say the people still. Here too James Allen, who, like David Sandeman, went to an early rest with Jesus, preached with Baptist-like solemnity and power. Of him the peo- 18 274 From South to North, pie say, " He brocht eternity doon about us." It was Matheson's privilege largely to reap what these faithful men and other earnest laborers still living had sown in the unpromising soil of Billhead. Night after night he continued the services there amidst striking displays of divine grace. At the close of the meetings, often near the hour of mid- night, when he tore himself away from the group of men in the agony of conviction, he trudged his weary way for miles through the deep snow to the neighboring city of Glasgow, where necessity com- pelled him to lodge. Next night, however, invari- ably found him back at his loved work as cheery as ever. His circuit was now a very extensive one. At one time — July, 1864 — we find him preaching at Dover, where several officers of the army are converted, and ere the month is out he is in the extreme north labor- ing amongst the Highlanders at the herring-fishing at Wick. Now he is raising his voice on Glasgow Green, where during the last ten or twelve years many a soul has been saved ; by and by he is rang- ing the lonely glens of Sutherland in search of the lost sheep. Here the proclamation of free grace is blessed. " I have heard that Mr. Matheson was rid- ing very high, that he was preaching assurance to the people of ," said a pastor, who seemed to think that the Christian is safe only under the shadow of Doubting Castle. "Is it not a matter about which we should be sure?" was the reply. Nezv Years Address. 275 " Oh, you women ! " was all the good man had to say in defence of his system of ultra-Calvinistic exclusiveness. In 1856, when lying at the point of death on the scene of his exhausting labors among the soldiers in the East, he had asked from his God ten years more of life to preach the Gospel and win souls. He was now entering the tenth and last year ; and as if con- scious that his more active career was about to close, he inserted in a newspaper the following address : 1866. NEW year's address. Dear Eeadee: The sand-glass is running out. Another year is gone ! Three hundred and sixty-five days past ! How silently — yet how quickly again — has grain after gTain, particle after particle, hour after hour, dropped in this glass. Deathless hours they are ; uncounted, unnoted, and for- gotten it may be by man, but every falling grain has been noted by God. The busy pen of Heaven has been mark- ing every moment. Ask thyself the searching question, "Has it been with me a happy year ? It has brought me nearer Eternity; but has it brought me nearer God? Does it find me better fitted for Heaven, with more of the pilgrim spirit than I had when the year began ! " What a time for serious thought ! Another new year summons thee to a Pisgah-Mount — from the top of one of life's memorable eminences solemnly to review time past — ■ consider time present — and prepare for time to come. Cast, then, thine eye on the past year's journey, and how fuU of impressive recollection is the retrospect ! God has been dealing with thee individually, and speak- ing to thee surely, in language not to be misunderstood. 2/6 New Years Address. Hearest tliou not tlie rustling wings of the Angel of Death ? Have not his arrows been flying fast and thick, and thou- sands made his victims ? Look back ! Seest thou that crowd of fresh-made graves ? — they are silent preachers to thee! and this is their silent text and sermon, " 5e ye also readi/." Many of those who slumber underneath these sods were cut down without a note of preparation. One was busied in the market-jDlace; the Angel of Judgment met him thei^ey and before evening he was dead! Another was seated at his fireside, planning bright thoughts and schemes for the future — he never saw the morrow's sun. Another was in company, loud in godless merriment, and breathing out his blasphemies — a few hours more, and he was arraigned at the bar of God! Another flung himself prayerless on his nightly pillow — next morning he awoke — but it was — in Eteknity ! And, reader, has He spared thee ? What ! cut down others and left thee to count in the review of a past year — fig-tree after fig-tree blighted and fallen — and yet thyself, the most ''barren " of all — a fruitless cumberer — still '■'■spared! " Canst thou calculate on another year ? Let these green graves answer. Another year ? Thine own grave may be among the number of these silent preachers on another anniversary. Who can tell but the summons may even now be on the wing, " Get thee up and die ! " Thou mayest this time next year be reading to others the solemn lesson now read to thyself, ' ' The race is not to the swift, nor the bat- tle to the strong." Dear reader, if this be Si possible thing, take one look for- ward. If the arrow of death were indeed during this com- ing jyear to mark thee out, how would it fare with thee ? Couldst thou say with exulting Paul, when he had the pros- pect of death before him, "I am now ready? " (2 Tim. iv. 6.) Are you at peace with God? Are you resting your eternal In the Highlands. 277 all on Lis dear Son? Are you in that blessed state of lioly weanedness from this world, and holy preparedness for another and a better, that "living or dying" you can say and feel that "you are Christ's "? Would the angel summons, "Behold! the Bridegroom Cometh, "find you exclaiming in joyous rapture, " Even so! come Lord Jesus! come quickly"? Would you be ready to pass from a death full of hope to a judgment divested of all terror — a God reconciled — an immortahty of endless glory? These are solemn things and solemn thoughts ! Answer them on thy knees — with the solemnities of the past year hehind thee — an unseen God above thee — a great eternity before thee. Answer them speedily ! And as ye begin to descend the mount and commence the journey of a new year, let the feeble voice of the old one whisper its dying accents in thine ear, ' ' Seek ye the Lord while He may be found: call ye upon Him wliile He is near; " for He who testifieth these things saith, ' ' Behold I come quickly ! " "Time is earnest, passing by; Death is earnest, drawing nigh : Sinner, wilt thou trifling be ? Time and death appeal to thee 1 Christ is earnest, bids thee ' Come ; ' Paid for man a priceless sum ! Wilt thou spurn the Saviour's love Pleading with thee from above ? " Insekted by D. Matheson. Perth, Jan. 1, 1866. Early in the year we find him in the north-west Highlands, whence he writes : "Balmacara House, Lochalsh, January 5th, 1866. I am here ! What a place of beanty, yet of tempest and storm ! I left Dingwall yesterday in an open gig, 278 All Uncomfortable C/ncrch. and came on here tlirongh a range of mountains covered all the way with snow. Now and then it was grand going along lake sides and then down mountain steeps. It was very cold, and we had at the end of our journey very heavy showers. I am none the Avorse. I think we came sixty -five miles in an open gig. When I reached, the thunder was rolling and lightning flashing. The rain fell in tor- rents. In summer it must be a glorious place. The peojDle are scattered, and my work is laid out for next week. IMay the Lord guide ! Captain , his wife, her sister, and daughter, are here. They are kind to me. He is a good, good man. My work will not be amongst large companies, for few under- stand English. Pray that the Lord may bless my eff'orts. I have a meeting to-night, and to-morrow, Sabbath, here. "Balmacara House, January 8th. Yesterday Mr. Colville joined us. We drove to church — a most uncomfortable one. No plaster, no roof — only the bare boards, no flooring. The minister is a good man. It was a good sermon. We drove back, sing- ing all the way till the very hills rang again. At Ave we dined, and at seven we met in a shed. It was packed with people, some having come six or eight miles. I preached first, and then Mr. Colville. The people were intensely interested, and about twenty waited after the meeting. At ten o'clock we left. We meet there to-night again. It is a poor, poor country, but very beautiful to look upon. At Plockton. 279 You see nothing but green mountains and moun- tains covered with snow. I am to be very busy. I wish you were here. I always Hke you to see any thing that is grand. "January 9th. We are working away. The peo- ple seem very dead. It is a lovely spot ; but how sad to see people going down to hell unmoved ! I feel deeply for the people, but as yet have no power. . . . Oh for a blessing ! Life is ebbing fast away. Eternity is near. Pray for me. "January 10th. At 4 p.m. yesterday we started with the carriage over the hills. It was a grand drive. Now and then we had to come out and walk, as the hills were so steep. Coming to a ferry, we crossed, singing all the way in the boat. In a vil- lage on the other side we got a school, and held a meeting, Mr. C and Captain with me. I preached ; and, blessed be God, I had great freedom and power. The Lord helped me. I was happy in my soul. Mr. C followed. In the second meet- ing we saw awakened souls. "January 13th. I have to go some six miles over the hills to Plockton, the place of my father's birth. I have seen some poor Highland girls here. It would be a good thing to get places for them ; they are so faithful and trustworthy. Poor things, I feel for them. In the snow many of them have no shoes. I am glad I am come to this place. I have seen much of the country and people. It shows me the value of my work among the Highlanders." The 28o Prayers for Forfar. work to which he here refers was chiefly the reli- gious books which he was getting translated into Gaelic, and circulated freely, or sold at a mere nom- inal price, throughout the Highlands. In course of the summer we find him in Nairn, Inverness, Koss, Sutherland, and Caithness. Ke- tuming south, he preaches at the fair in Glasgow; and from that city he proceeds to Laurencekirk, Bervie, Kirriemuir, and other places in the eastern and central counties. On Aug. 4th he went to Forfar, whence he writes : "I have only fifteen minutes, passing through. A¥e had good meetings last night, open-air and indoors. I hope God blessed the word ; but the place is hard, and the people sadly indifferent. The whole land seems at ease. Few are seeking God; few are car- ing for God. I often feel it deeply. Cholera is not apparently decreasing. The voice is loud and solemn. Nothing, however, will do but the Holy Ghost. For Forfar he had often prayed. Frequently, as he passed it by rail, he raised his voice in prayer for the salvation of its people. "When I die," he said, "you will find Forfar written on my heart." "If God would only bless Forfar," he said, character- istically, " I would be content to stand and hold Har- rison Ord's hat while he preached." His prayers were now to be answered, and his longings in measure gratified. Early in September he went to Forfar, took lodgings, obtained the use of a school- Prayer Anszvercd at Forfar, 281 room for liis meetings, and commenced in the open air and within doors. For paying the necessary ex- penses means were hberally furnished by Christian gentlemen whose sole interest in this town was the salvation of the lost. "Forfar, Monday, September 10th, 1866. Praise the Lord, He has begun his work. We commenced at seven on the street on Saturday. A great crowd gathered round. They listened breathlessly. It was a blessed meeting. I have seldom seen such a sol- emn meeting on the streets. At eight we went to the school. A good company were present. At close some waited in anxiety to be spoken Avith. We did not leave till ten. "Yesterday Hopkins, Boswell and I went through the streets giving tracts and speaking. We had sol- emn talk with the people. At six we met on the green. About one thousand were present. God helped us all wondrously. He gave a very solemn address. The people hung on our lips. We then went to church. About four hundred came. It was a very solemn meeting. Earely did I ever feel such power at a meeting. About a hundred remained to the second meeting. Some ten or twelve were really anxious. We could hardly get the church cleared. Mr. C , who had been preaching in a village, came and had a meeting for the anxious in the street. Some one asked them in. He had to speak till eleven o'clock. Some evidently found the Lord. Is it not blessed? I praise the Lord. The 282 A Blessed Meeting. Lord send floods. It is sweet to see such fruit at first. "September 13th. What a night we had last night. I shall never forget it. We met at one o'clock, and spoke in a small street; at seven H. Ord at the Cross, and Hopkins and I took another place. We then collected all into a school. It was packed. At close, going out, they laughed, swore, and mocked. Within we spoke to anxious souls, a few ; and outside I tried to control the rabble. Oh, how obscene they were ! It seemed as if the devil had entered into them. At ten o'clock we could hardly get the gate shut. We go to Mr. M'Phail's church to-night, as the school is too small. This is a fearful place. No tongue can tell its sin. I do pray that God may convert many. Nothing is too hard for Him. "September 14th. The work goes on. God will work here yet, I do believe, wondrously. We wait, we long, we pray. "September 18th. We had good meetings last night. We only want more power — more power from on high. A breath would fan much that is now smouldering into a flame. We had some anx- ious ones last night. Pray for me, and very spe- cially for Forfar. The time is short. It is passing away. It will soon be done. Some thirty attend our daily prayer-meeting at noon. " October 3d. We had a blessed meeting last night. I was very ill yesterday, but to-day am Preparation for the Orkneys. 283 quite well. It was a very solemn meeting, and sev- eral were brought to peace at close. One, a farm- er's daughter, was a very decided case. All yester- day I had much freedom. The work here is truly a very decided one. We find every night some new cases. It is a great thing to get something to cheer. Oh, rejoice in the blessing descending ! We have trial, but we have many blessings. We shall have a kingdom yet and a crown of glory. " October 15th. We had a very remarkable night at the Cross on Saturday. About one thousand came to hear. We went to the school at eight o'clock. Last night (Sabbath) was a great night in the church — great every way. I had much freedom. Truly the Lord spoke through me. / never left a •place ivith such regret, never in twenty years. The work seems only beginning." In November he went north to the feeing mar- kets, and on his return visited Forfar, to find pre- cious and abundant fruits of his trying labors there. The end of the year found him at home, making preparations for an evangelistic journey to the Orkneys. 284 His Manner of Living CHAPTER VIII. HIS MANNER OF LIVING AND MODE OF WORKING. During the last years of his active life our evan- gelist prosecuted his work with unflagging zeal. He never rested save when he slept. He was often weary ; but the more he was spent in the service of Jesus, the more he loved the work. Indecision never brought him to a stand-still. The silken cords of sloth never detained him. Every minute was an opportunity, and every opportunity was seized with an almost stern promptitude. Through the grace given him he could say, " I do not know that ten minutes of my life ever pass without thinking of the salvation of souls." His motto was, " Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest." Often, when exhausted and sick, did he say, " Ah, I know the deep meaning of those words, ' There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God ; ' " and the hope of that rest roused him, weary and ill though he was, to fresh efforts in the work of the Lord. Let us see how he spent his days. The first part of the morning was given to prayer and reading the Word. Thus he refreshed his own spirit, and found a portion for others. To Christians he happened to meet he was wont to say, " Here is and Mode of Working. 285 a sweet morsel for you — I have been rolling it like candy-sugar in my mouth all the day." The por- tions of Scripture in which he found comfort were sometimes such as would not readily occur to others. For example, he would say, " I cannot tell you how much comfort I have found in this word, ' If the righteous scarcely be saved.' I find it so hard for me to be saved that I often fear I will never get into the kingdom ; but then when I read that those who are saved are saved with difficulty, with just such a struggle as I have, I feel encom-aged." In the earlier years of his course he spent part of the morning in sketching or writing fully out his sermons and addresses. A specimen of his outlines may be given ; FOLLOWING AFAR OFF. "But Peter followed Him afar off, "—Matt. xxvi. 58. I. Point out those that follow Christ afar off. 1. Those who have some love, but grace is weak. 2. Those who are ashamed to confess Christ before men. 3. Those who walk inconsistently. 4. Those who do not heartily promote Christ's cause. II. The causes of following Christ afar oif. 1. Weakness of faith. 2. Fear of man. 3. Attach- ment to earthly things. 4. Self-confidence. III. The sin and danger of following Christ afar ojff. 1. It is not honorable. 2. It is not reasonable. 3. It is not comfortable. 4. It is not safe. Part of his time was daily occupied in letter-writ- 286 His Publications. ing. A beniglited soul needs direction, a young con- vert needs warning, a persecuted Christian needs encouragement, a backslider needs healing, a poor saint needs money, a fellow-laborer needs succor: short, incisive, business-like notes winged with light are quickly on their way. In one letter he pleads the case of a neglected and poverty-stricken sufferer whom he has discovered in some out of the way hovel. In another he offers to find means for build- ing a bridge over a Highland stream far away in the north, and as he m-ges the prosecution of the work with the greatest earnestness, you would fan- cy, if you did not know the man, that the erection was a matter of pecuniary interest to him, instead of being, as it was, an affair of pure benevolence. In all his letters he seems to breathe the air of eter- nity. "Oh, how near eternity seems!" is his con- stant exclamation. Death, judgment, heaven, and hell are realities never lost sight of; and in the fore- front of every epistle, however brief, stands the name of the Master, too dear to be ever forgotten by the fond disciple — Jesus Christ, Saviour of sinners. It is not too much to say that by his letters, so prompt, wise, affectionate, full of the Spirit and of eternity, he was instrumental in conveying light and comfort to thousands. His publications, and the circulation of books and tracts, formed part of his daily care and work, both at home and in his evangelistic journeys. When- ever or wherever you met him, you found him bring- ''The Two Roads r 287 ing out or putting into cii'culation some fresh tract or book. He studied the signs of the times. None knew better than he the tastes of his countrymen and the wants of the day. For instance, he brought out a cheap edition of Hoge's " Bhnd Bartimeus," and got it chculated in many thousands dm'ing the wide- spread awakening of 1859-61. He took the pains, and risk too, of getting it translated into Gaehc ; and " BKnd Bartimeus " was sent up many a Highland glen, and into many a sequestered nook, to tell of Him who openeth the eyes of the blind, and saith in his love to every needy child of man, " What wilt thou that I should do imto thee ? " His edition of Brooks's " Cabinet of Choice Jewels " was seasona- ble and useful. For example, it was instrumental in the conversion of a young man who is now a zeal- ous Sabbath-school teacher and elder in the Free Church. At one time we find him printing and circulating 300,000 tracts ringing with the genuine truth of the Gospel. Of this kind of literature, in fact, he circulated whole tons. He procured the translation into Gaelic of many little books which were gratuitously distributed, or sold at a merely nominal price. To bring the Gospel before the eyes of careless men he frequently devised new methods. For in- stance, immense placards with "The Two Koads" described, being the substance of a discourse on the wide and strait gates, met your eye everywhere in town and country. I have seen it on the wall of a 288 Scraping Down the Devils Songs. populous town in the strange company of quack advertisements and theatre bills, and have heard one passer-by say to another, " Stop, Jim, here's a new style o't." They stopped, and read the old Gos- pel in a new style. I have seen it hanging up in a saw-mill in the corner of a dense wood in a wild Highland glen, where all who trafficked in timber read its sharp, soul-piercing truths amidst the dust and noise. It found its way into the ploughman's bothy. "What are you doing?" said one to a couple of ploughmen in F shire, who, with hoe in hand, were scraping the walls of their bothy. "Ou, sir," was the reply, "we're just scrapin' aff the deevil's sangs, and we're gaun to put up Christ's in their place." At this juncture the foreman making his appearance angrily forbade their proceeding fur- ther in the ornamentation of the walls, but the men stoutly made reply, " Deed, you never said a word again' oor swearin' and singin' coorse sangs, and surely you'll nae hinner's frae worshippin' and prais- in' God ! Na, na ; we'll dae naething o' the sort as stop. We'll hae doon the deevil's sangs, and put up Christ's." " The Two Roads," with sundry hymns and spiritual songs were then pasted in the most con- spicuous places. He was watchful against the spread of error. Of all he ever published it would be difficult to find a sentence that could be fairly construed to mean error, or be held as likely to mislead a soul. Every little book had its mission ; every tract was a messenger I Visitations. 289 sent in the name of God. One was to awaken and alarm; another was to warn and reprove; a third was to persuade and win ; a fourth summoned to de- cision ; a fifth was fitted to comfort and sanctify ; and all wore sent forth in the name of Christ to seek and save the lost. Taking into account the quality and quantity of the seed, the breadth of deeply-fur- rowed soil that was sown in those days, when God's great ploughshare was running sharply through the fallow ground and virgin soil of Scotland amidst sweet April-like alternations of sunshine and shower that then gladdened our happy land, it may be safe- ly affirmed that the fruits could have been neither few nor small. All the profits of the publishing business went to the gratuitous circulation of the particular tract or book then in hand. Although the entire burden lay on himself, his admirable business capacity and methodic habits enabled him to keep his accounts with perfect accuracy, and thus amidst a multitude of affairs to avoid confusion, if not also loss. It was but a subordinate part of his evangelistic work. The risk, indeed, was considerable, and the labor im- mense ; but he sought no recompense save the re- ward that shines afar, and shines only to the clear eye of faith. A portion of the day was invariably spent in visit- ing the sick, the aged, and the friendless. For this kind of work he possessed a peculiar fitness, and in it he found a peculiar joy. "You will miss your 19 290 His Conversation. friend Mr. Matheson," I said to a Christian couple of feeble health and straitened circumstances. " Deed, sir," was the reply, "we'll miss him sair. He had a gey traffic wi' us, an' he was aye sae cheery. An' mair than that, his hand was aye as ready wi' hia ain siller as his tongue was wi' God's promises. Mony a time he cam' in an' got's greetin,' an' he wag sure to leave's laughin." Hes past the mournin' noo ; he's weel hame, an' we a' maun try an' win hame tae. But 'deed, sir, we'll miss him sair." Into many a garret and cellar he carried the sunshine of an unclouded cheerfulness. His divinity was always served out with much humanity. Rare humors of fancy mingled with his spiritual sayings, and seemed no more out of place than children playing under the shadow of a great cathedral, or birds singing in a churchyard. As playful winds, seemingly of little use in nature, precede the genial rain, so his droll- eries prepared the way for those tender touches of the deeper heart that call forth tears. Heavenly thoughts arrayed in symbols of the earth imparted interest to his talk. His conversation — proverbial, quaint, suggestive, always genial and often power- ful — was scarcely less useful than his preaching. To a timid young Christian he said, "Be what God meant you to be — a man." To one whom he deemed unpractical he said, " Be real." To a flighty one, "The Lord will clip your wings some day." To a newly-married couple, "Mind this; A man can- na grow in grace unless his wife let him." To Good Advice, 291 students preparing- for the ministry, "Lads, tak' a guid grip o' God;" an advice which some of them appear to have laid to heart. To warn them against the deadening effect of classical studies he said, "Mind, Christ was crucified between Greek and Latin." To a student who seemed to him to be in danger of intellectual pride he said, " W , irdd- lectis the rock you'll split on." If that student, now in a high position in the church, has not made ship- wreck, his safety may be in measure due to the ad- vice of his outspoken friend. To a preacher who had crotchets he said, "B , preach Chrwt.'" To one who was becoming a separatist : "You are doing the very thing Satan desires. If he cannot destroy a child of God, he will cripple him and destroy his usefulness." To a Baptist disposed to make too much of the water he said, "Labor to bring sinners to the blood.'" To a Christian complaining of coldness: "You are cold because you are going away from the fire: keep nearer to Christ'''' To young converts he would often say, "Keep about Christ's hand." "Few Christians shine; be you a shining one." "If you wish to get far hen in heaven, keep near Christ on earth." "You'll aye get what you go in for," was his 'homely way of stating an important principle of the divine administration. To a desponding believer he said, "What would you sell youi' hope for?" "I would not sell my hope for worlds," was the reply. "Well, then," 292 Fear of Being a Hypocrite, said lie, "you are very rich, and need not droop." "Oh, but I am so dead!" said another. "I never heard the dead complain in that way," was his reply. "A lady, an earnest Christian worker, whose creed is summed up in these three articles, "I believe in heaven, I believe in hell, and I believe in the third chapter of the Gospel according to John," said to him one day, "Ah, Mr. Matheson, I have lost my peace and my hope; I fear I am going to perish." His reply was characteristic: "What! you perish? I tell you, woman, if you went to hell, the devil would say, 'AVhat is that woman doing here, aye speaking aboot her Christ? Put her out, put her out, put her out ! ' " Curiously enough, that reply brought a relief to her mind which much reading, prayer, and conference with ministers and other godly friends had failed to supply. To young religious professors he said, with much feeling and solemnity, "I often fear lest I turn out at the judgment day to be nothing but a hypocrite." That was his way of warning them, and in some cases I know it took eifect. More than one of those young Christians, awe-stricken, went home to search and abase themselves before God, and so were saved from the perils of self-confidence, if not also from delusions that ruin the soul. The fear of being a hypocrite, I firmly believe, was the only fear Duncan Matheson ever knew. His Godly Jealousy. 293 He had no idea of the uneducated lay-preacher affecting to be the fine gentleman or the clergy- man. Meeting two young lay-evangelists, he said, "So you have become grand gentlemen," glancing at the same time at their new and finely-polished walking canes. "Away with these showy things, and be like your Master." To another he said, "L , when did you become a minister?" "I am not a minister," was the reply. "Well, then," said he, "put away your white necktie, and just be what you are, no more, no less." Then thrusting a piece of gold into the young evangelist's hand, he said in his kindliest tone, "This is to help to pay your expenses. I am not able to preach, and I must be doing something for Jesus." These are little matters, but they serve to show with what godly jealousy he watched over his younger brethren, and how keen was his eye to discern the first step of pilgrims into Bye-path Meadow. In a certain place where evangelistic meetings were being held, the lay-preachers, among whom was Mr. Matheson, were sumptuously entertained at the house of a Christian gentleman. After din- ner they went to the meeting, not without some difi*erence of opinion as to the best method of con- ducting the services of the evening. "The Spirit is grieved; He is not here at all, I feel it," said one of the younger, with a whine which somewhat contrasted with his previous unbounded enjoyment of the luxuries of the table. "Nonsense," replied 294 Preachers and Preaching'. Matheson, wlio hated all wliining and morbid spir- ituality ; "nothing of the sort. You have just eaten too much dinner, and you feel heavy." He had learned how to abound and how to suffer want; and he once said, "I have observed during all those years of evangelistic labor, that invariably when I have enjoyed most blessing in the work, I have suffered the greatest hardships; and, on the other hand, when I have been dined, and feasted, and carried shoulder high, there has been little good done." He who is to be instrumental in gathering in the elect of God must taste of Geth- semane and Calvary. Christ's tools are tempered in a hot furnace and sharpened on a hard grind- stone. Luxury and ease are bad oils for the chariot wheels of the Gospel. Speaking of the encouragement given by the Master to a young evangelist who was rejoicing in his first success, Matheson said, "The Lord gives these young soldiers victory without a wound ; but when ive are leaving a place we get a shot in the back to keep us humble and remind us that the glory belongs to Him." He was very tolerant of the faults of young converts. "The Lord winks at their blunders and foibles because they don't know better," he would say. "Let them sing away; God Himself will teach them other tunes." "There is no use in your coming here," it was said to him in a certain place; "for the people won't come out to hear the ministers themselves." Preachers and Preaching. 295 "Well, then," was his reply, "if they will not come out to hear broadcloth, I will put on fustian." He was right. Of pointless and unfaithful preaching, however pleasant to the ear or agreeable to the intellectual taste, he always said, "It is just Nero fiddling when Kome is burning." "That was an excellent discourse," said he one day, after hearing a sermon, "but the meshes were too wide, and the fish would all get through." On hearing a certain preacher praised as being a fine speaker, he said, "Ay, but has he teeth?" He often quoted a saying of the celebrated divine, Dr. John Owen, to the effect that no preacher was ever successful who had not a certain " tartness," pungent power, in dealing with the conscience. Of those preachers who by a skilful management of the voice make pretence of emotion, and as it were iveep to order^ he said, "They mimic the Holy Ghost: what presumption ! " To a minister he said, " Preach hell. Few ministers preach it, and few people be- lieve in it; but it is a great reality.'''' "Some good preachers," he said, "are much too long in their dis- courses. They put me in mind of a man who, after driving a nail home, keeps hammering at its head till he has broken it and spoilt his own work." He had no patience with ignorant lay -preachers, and often said to the young men, " Lads, sink the shaft deeper." On one occasion a man, imagining he had a gift, requested permission to address Mr. Mathe- 296 Genuine Friends. son's meeting. This granted, the resnlt was a sad display of ignorance, whereupon our evangehst, tap- ping him on the shoulder, stopped him, saying, "That'll do, John," quaintly and significantly add- ing, " Man, don't you know the Shorter Catechism is a splendid book for learners ? I would advise you to study it a good while before you speak in public." He was a good deal tried by the fickleness of friends, and he would often say of such as were not likely to stand in the day of trial, " He is nae to ride the water wi'," adding, " I expect to have no more than two or three genuine friends when I come to die." Once, when he was fiercely assailed for the Gospel's sake, a man addressed him in terms of warmest friendship, saying, " Mr. Matheson, I will stand your friend." Matheson, casting a penetrat- ing glance at his new patron took his measure, and replied, " Aye, aye. You will stand by me when I am right; but will you stand by me when I am wrong ? When I am right I don't need my friends : I can stand on my own feet then. It's when I am down that I need my friends. Man, will you help me when I am in the mire ? " " When I preached at W ," he was wont to tell by way of illustrating a weak point in the friend- ship of some, " and gave away my books gratuit- ously, the people were my warm friends, and used to shake my hand very cordially ; but when I stood at a corner with a clothes-basket full of books which I offered at half price, the good people did not recog- Pithy Sayings. 297 nize me. In fact they had suddenly become star- gazers, and passed by without once seeing me." On hearing one tell with apparent self-compla- cency of a Christian who had fallen, he said with a tenderness of feeling that made the reproof all the more telling, "Ah, it's him the day, an' me the morn." When shown a calumnious statement made against him in a newspaper, he said joyfully, " Man, I do like a little dirt cast upon me for the dear Master's sake. I think Gabriel would shake hands with me and say, 'I never had such an honor.'" "Suffering persecution for righteousness' sake," he would say, " is far better than a hundred dying testimonies of those who never did or suffered any thing for Jesus." "Mrs. died without giving any testimony," said one of whom he stood in doubt. " What of that?" was his reply; "you had the testimony of her Christian life for forty years. If that be not enough to convince you, then hear my dying testi- mony just now : ** 'I'm a poor sinner, and nothing at all; But Jesus Christ is my All in all. ' Do you believe that ? " He knew how to make a ploughshare of an ene- my's sword. "This is no time for preaching," said one angrily to him in a market. " Look here, friend," he replied, "you believe in the Word of God?" "Yes." "Well," said Matheson, "it is written, 'Be instant in season and out of season.' You say this 298 Men of Strong Passions. is out of season. Well, we are just doing as we are commanded: we are preaching out of season." "These are men of strong passions," was the sneer- ing remark of another in reference to our evangelist and his fellow-laborers. "Thank God," said Mathe- son, "we are men of strong passions. He has made us of strong passions that we may be strong in his service." Nothing gave him greater pain than a blow dealt by a fellow-Christian. "An offended child of God gives the keenest blow," he used to say ; "he knows a Christian's tenderest part." Yet even in this case he had his answer ready, "Now, just lay your finger on the commandment I have broken, and I will thank you. Which of the ten is it?" In one place, where for a while he discharged the duties of a pastor, some who were sick complained that he had not paid them a visit. "Did you send for the doctor?" he asked. "Yes." "Why, then, did you not send for me? Is it because you care more for your body than your soul?" Another in similar circumstances said, "You might have missed me out of church." "You are mistaken," was his reply. "I go to the house of God as a worshipper and a preacher, not as a c?e- ^ec^we." When the managers of a congregation among whom he had labored with every token of success for some time intimated to him that his services would be no longer required, as they could secure a preacher for ten shillings a week, he said, "Do Without Money. 299 you think you will get the worth of your money?" To this sarcastic question no answer was given. "Do as you have a mind," he went on to say; "but I have a little money at present, and can preach for nothing. God is blessing my labors here, and I dare not leave the place. I will take a hall, and preach there." On hearing all this, the congregation ral- lied around him. He was requested to remain, and his meetings were more crowded than ever. His reproofs were often so sweetened with humor that no oftence was given. Seeing several persons coming into a meeting too late, he said, "In the north a minister observing that a certain woman, though lame and scarcely able to walk, was always first at church, asked her how she managed to come so early. 'Sir,' she replied, 'the hert gangs first, and the feet follow.' " Those who come late, or for some insufficient reason never come at all, have been well named "the devil's cripples." Matheson did not spare such, and sometimes asked if any one knew how they always grow lame every seventh day. One day a gentleman called on him, and inquired if he knew a preacher who could suitably occupy a vacant pulpit in a certain large city. After some conversation, in which the evangelist endeavored to ascertain his visitor's ideal of a good minister, Matheson said, "By the bye, do you know Mr. , a preacher somewhere in your neighborhood ? How would he do with you?" "I know him," was the 300 An Astotindcd Visitor. reply. "We have heard him preach repeatedly, but he would not do with us at all." " Why so ? " " Oh, he preaches damnation and frightens every body. This is not the time of day for that sort of thing. He would never do, sir." At this point the evan- gelist brought down his fist upon the table with a tremendous blow, and as if addressing the absent preacher, exclaimed with his loudest voice, "Bravo! M , bravo ! my old friend. Thank God, you are still alive, and faithfully warning sinners of their danger." Matheson's visitor was astounded, and remembering he had an engagement at that mo- ment, took up his hat and bade the evangelist good morning. In this way he stood by his friends, and this too he did at all hazards, as the following in- stance will show. A minister preaching in a mar- ket being assailed by a man under the influence of drink, Mr. Matheson interposed, and drawing him- self up to his full height said, "If you strike this man of God it must be through my body." At the sight of so formidable a barrier, the drunkard quailed and slunk away. In the course of his itineracy he once found himself in a strange, out of the way region with out a friend, without lodging, and without means. It was drawing towards night, and he knew not where to go. Seeing a boy crossing a field, he called to him, and said, "Are there any godly peo- ple here about?" "Na, na," replied the lad, "there is nae sic fouk in this pairish." "Are there any The Greatest Hypocrite. 301 believers?" asked the evangelist. "Bleevers!" ex- claimed the boy; "I never heerd o' sic things." "Any religions people, then?" "I dinna ken ony o' that kind ; I doot they dinna come this road at a'." "Well, then," said the missionary, making a last attempt, "are there any who keep family wor- ship?" "Family worship," replied the lad, with a bcAvildered look; "fat's that?" The boy, having taken his last stare at the curions stranger, was abont to go. Matheson was at his wits' end, when a happy thought struck him. " Stop ! " he cried ; " are there any hypocrites hereabout?" "Ou, aye," re- plied the youth, brightening into intelligence; "the fouk say that 's Avife is the greatest hypocrite in a' the pairish." "Where is her house?" "Yon- ner by," said the lad, pointing to a house about a mile distant. Having rcAvarded his guide with a penny, the last he had, he made his way to the dAvelling of " the greatest h;y^30crite in the parish," and knocked at the door as the shades of the night were falling. The door was opened by a tidy, cheer- ful, middle-aged matron, to whom the stranger thus addressed himself; "Will you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet, and you'll not lose your re- ward?" She smiled, and bade him welcome. The hospitalities of that Christian home were heaped upon him, and he spent a delightful evening in fel- lowship. In this way a lasting friendship began, and, what was better, a door of usefulness was opened to him. 302 Striking Rebukes. Talking one day to liis fellow-passengers in a rail- way train about the concerns of the soul, he was called a hypocrite. On this he took five shillings from his purse, and said to his assailant in the hear- ing of all tlie rest, "I'll give you this if you wdll tell me what a hypocrite is." The man was silent. "You don't know," continued the evangelist; "but I will tell you. A hypocrite is one whose deeds are not consistent with his words and professions. Now I will give you ten shillings if you will point out wherein my actions are inconsistent with my profession." There was no reply, and Matheson proceeded to improve the advantage thus gained by making solemn and pungent remarks with man- ifest impression on all present. His practical good sense and ready wit were al- ways at hand to help him. Some were objecting to receiving money for religious purposes from uncon- verted persons and people of the world. " I have no objections whatever," was his reply. ^^ God's people spoiled the Egyptians^ Sometimes his rebukes were very striking. To a lady, whose life was not in keeping with her light and privileges, he one day said, " It has cost you, madam, more trouble to get thus far on the Avay to hell than it has cost many to get to heaven." Startled, she exclaimed, "Explain yourself" "Con- sider," he replied, "how many barriers you have crossed; a mother's prayers, a father's godly life, the remonstrances of conscience, heart-piercing ad- spiritual Conversation. 303 dresses and faithful warnings ; and above them all, and in them all, the loving arms of the Saviour. These have stood between you and hell, but you have overleaped every barrier ; you have thrust the outstretched hand of mercy aside, that you might pursue the way to death. Tell me, are you now at ease?" The lady burst into tears, and requested him to pray. " How is it," said another lady jestingly, " that you godly folks have more trials than other people ? " "Madam," he replied, "the godly have all ilieir hdl upon the earth, just as you have all your heaven here ; but when the redeemed are entering on their eternal happiness, you will be beginning your ever- lasting misery." "How can you bear up amidst so many trials? " it was asked of him. " I will answer that question," said he, "in the language of an author I was reading the other day. 'A child of God may be tossed by reason of corruption and temptation on a troubled sea ; but that ship shall never be wrecked, whereof Christ is the Pilot, the Scriptures the compass, the promises the tacklings, hope the anchor, faith the cable, the Holy Ghost the winds, and holy affections the sails.' No fear of our bearing up and getting through ! " He constantly endeavored to give the conversa- tion everywhere a spiritual turn ; and this he could do in an easy and natural way. A Christian lady having got a sewing machine, he said, " Now I hope 304 Revival -mad. that, as the Lord gives you strength, you will use it in sending missionaries to the heathen, or in help- ing the Lord's work in some way." Calling when very weary at a certain house, the hospitable mis- tress prepared for him a cup of tea, with which he was a good deal refreshed. "When I get home above," he said, "I will tell Him, 'I was an hun- gered, and ye fed me.'" On visiting friends who had removed to a larger house, he said, "Ay, you have got a big house, but I have a mansion up yonder." One asked him if he had ever been wounded while at the Crimea. "No," he said; "but many a time by the enemy of souls." On hearing of a family who were interested in the Lord's work, and counted by the world revi- val-mad, he said, " Oh, tell them from me to bite every body they meet." Just as he was parting with certain friends at A , the clock struck the midnight hour, on which he said with great solem- nity and power, " The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." As they were about to leave the house of a Christian family where they had been hospitably entertained, his companion made some allusion to the reward promised those who gave a disciple a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, on which he said in the hearing of all, "Oh, they have the best bargain!" On a similar occasion, as he Living Above Self. 305 and his two companions were going away, he said, "You may not be aware who your guests are: you have been entertaining tliree, Mngsy One day as he sat in a railway train he sang a hymn, on which a fellow-traveller said to him, "You seem a happy man." "Yes," he repHed, "I cannot be but happy ; I am safe for time, and safe for eter- nity." This led to fm^ther conversation, with which the gentleman was so much pleased that he invited Mr. Matheson to K , where he resided, to preach the Gospel there. His happiness was a powerful and effective sermon. By word, by look, and by deed, he was constantly testifying to the goodness of his God. "The Lord has been very, very kind to me," was his frequent saying, and his cheerfulness was often more powerful to win than words of persuasive eloquence. But he did not overlook the other aspect of the Chri^ tian's hfe. "How hard it is to live for eternity^'' he would say. " Living above self and for God," he added, "is real living for eternity." It was the custom of our evangelist to hold a meet- ing for prayer either at noon or in the evening. This was preparatory to the evangelistic service which he invariably conducted at the close of the day. Here he refreshed his own spirit and renewed his strength : here too the Christians were provoked to love and good works. An open-air service frequently pre- ceded the meeting within doors. The singing and praying, the loud voice and bold manner of the lay- preacher, arrested the attention of the passer-by, and 20 306 TJie Tide Turned. many who liad never darkened a church door w€Te thus induced to enter the place of meeting. Scenes of violence were not mfrequent on the street, and the preacher received many a blow. At Forfar the roughs began one night to throw stones at the evangelist and his friends. "The devil is got weak now," said Matheson, "when he's throwin' gravel." Turning to his companions, he said, "Cheer on! the enemy is at his worst, and Christ will soon triumph." So it was. The tide turned ; and a remarkable work of grace followed. "You need not go there," said one who deemed preaching Christ on the occasion of "an execution" of no use; "the devil has such power there." "The more need, then," was his reply, "for his being put down." "We won't protect you," said the police at a race-course. "A higher arm than yours will pro- tect me," was his brave but meek reply. After a fierce assault made upon him, a Christian began to express sympathy with him; but he said, "Oh, what about iliat? They crucified Him''' His meetings within doors were conducted in the usual way. His addresses were characterized by great fulness and variety. He could speak to the edifying of saints. With jubilant tones and a cheery pilgrim-like air he often preached from the text, " We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you : come thou with us, and we will do thee good ; for the Lord hath spoken good con- cerning Israel " (Num. x. 29). With swelling emo- Happy at all Times. 307 tions, and in sentences full of the music of his own joy, he loved to describe the happiness of that people whose God is the Lord. "Yes," he was wont to say, "they are happy when they look hack and remember the time when Jesus met and drew them to Himself in wondrous love. Happy when they look forward and see the pillar-cloud guiding them by a right way. Happy wheA they look doivn and reflect that they might have been weeping and wailing in the outer darkness instead of singing, ' He took me from a fear- ful pit, and from the miry clay.' And happy when they look up and think of the exceeding and eternal weight of glory that awaits them. Happy, indeed, is that people whose God is the Lord." But his speech was mainly directed to men in their sins. Some as they advance in their ministry preach less to sinners and mor-e to saints. The reverse was true of him. "They say Duncan Matheson is nae growin' ; he is aye preachin' death and judgment," were his own words; "but," he added in self-defence, "these are arrows I have often shot, and I have found them effectual; why change them? " "The children of God," said he quaintly, "will waggle through ae w^ay or anither ; but sinners are in danger every mo- ment, and so I keep at them." " Lord, stamp eternity upon my eyeballs," was his frequent prayer. As the light of eternity was ever growing more clear and piercing in his soul, his heart bled with an increas- ing compassion for the perishing. He was careful in discriminating between the saved and the lost, 308 The Knock at the Door. between saint and sinner. He would no more have assumed that all his hearers were true Christians than that all the pebbles on the sea-shore are dia- monds, or all the birds in the hedgerows night- ingales. The almost-saved had their sad history and too probable end set forth in the description of a noble ship crossing the wide ocean, surviving many a storm, and then becoming a complete and hopeless wreck at the harbor mouth. " Near the kingdom," he used to say, " is not in it. You may perish with your hand on the latch of heaven's gate." To the careless, he often said, " There is a ques- tion which none in heaven can answer, and none in hell: can you? It is, 'How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation V ' " Many a time did the formalist and hollow pro- fessor quake as he heard himself described in a dis- course from the text, " I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy ; and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done " (Eccl. ix. 10). Powerfully and affectionately did he plead with men on Christ's behalf as he spake from the touch- ing words, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock," using homely illustrations of the truth. " A little boy, hearing his father read that passage aloud," he was wont to tell, " rushed away from the window where he was playing, and looking with wondering and eager eyes into his parent's face, said feelingly. The Child's Question. 309 'But, father, did they let Him in?' Friends, you have heard the knock in some powerful sermon, some faithful warning, or when your cheeks ran down with tears and your very heart-strings were breaking as they lowered the little coffin with your dear babe into that cold grave. But did you let Him in? Perhaps you say, 'I fain would, but can- not' A minister once knocked at the door of a poor, aged, and lone woman ; but he received no answer. Louder, and louder still, he knocked. At length, as he kept his ear close to the door, he heard a feeble voice, saying, ' Who is there ? ' ' It is I, the minis- ter,' was the reply. 'Ah, sir,' said the woman, 'I am lying very ill, and cannot rise to let you in ; but if you would come in, just lift the latch and open the door for yourself The good man cheerfully com- plied, and went in to comfort the dying suiferer with the consolations of the Gospel. Now, my hear- ers, you say you cannot open the door yourselves. I well believe you. But there is a remedy for your helplessness ; ask the Lord Jesus to open the door for Himself and come in. And He will come in. Believest thou this? Some of you who once heard the knock of Christ, hear it not now. Well do I remember being startled and kept awake by the boom of the cannon when I went to the Crimea. After a time, however, I grew accustomed to it, and could sleep amidst the roar of the artillery. So it is with many. Jesus knocks at your door in vain. His knocking does not trouble you now as once it 310 The Second Birth. did. In vain He pleads with yon, telling yon that His locks are wet with the dews of night. He is ont in the cold, dark, wet night ; bnt yon care not. He is threatening to depart and leave you to perish ; bnt you are too drowsy to listen or to care. To- night He may go away forever. The last knock will be given. This may be the last one. What then? oh! what then?" Eegeneration by the Holy Ghost formed a large and prominent part of his teaching. He had dwelt long beneath the awful shadow of this great mys- tery of grace, and he often said, " I have always been afraid to preach on that text, ' Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'" Yet he continually and most emphatically announced the necessity and explained the nature of the second birth. "Who made you a Christian?" he would ask. " Some are made Christians by their parents, some by their Sabbath-school teachers, others by their ministers and pastors, and many are made Christians by themselves. But man-made Chris- tians cannot enter the kingdom of God. Friend, were you made a Christian by the Holy Ghost? They get their salvation from man, not from God. The sons of God are born ' not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.' ' That which is born of the flesh is flesh ; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.'" This great truth of the Gospel he proclaimed with The Twofold Remedy. 311 no less skill than power, on the one hand avoiding the danger of making it a stnmbling-block to the sincere inquirer, and on the other hand taking care that it should not jostle responsibility out of the field, and set men asleep on the damning excuse, " I cannot make myself a new creature ; I must wait, and do nothing, till the Spirit comes." The sovereignty of God in the salvation of man, the sinner's need of the Spirit's grace, the helpless- ness, folly, and infatuated wickedness of the human heart, were truths written as by a pen of iron and the point of a diamond upon his innermost heart ; and he always spoke as he believed. One day a friend referred in conversation to the errors of a low Arminianism that leaves no room and no need for the work of the Holy Spirit or the election of grace. Suddenly stopping, he said, " It won't do, J ; the truth is, you and I would be damned, if it were not for election. But that grips," he added in a decided tone, at the same time clenching his fist. "Yes," he continued, "that is true," and suit- ing the action to the word, he added, "I know that if I had one foot in heaven, and Christ were saying to me, ' Put in the other,' I would not do it." Stating clearly the sinner's guilt and wickedness, the evil conscience and the depraved heart, with equal clearness and force he proclaimed the twofold remedy — the blood of Christ and the all-powerful grace of the Holy Ghost. After setting forth the utter ruin of man, it was his manner to say, "Here 312 A Full Christ for Empty Sinners. is the sinner, and there is 'the blood:' the great question is, 'How may these two be brought to- gether?' The answer is, 'The Holy Ghost: He only can do it.' " The Alpha and Omega of all his addresses, whether to saints or sinners, was Jesus Christ. "A full Christ for empty sinners" was ever his cry. "This man receiveth sinners" was a favor- ite text, from which he feelingly discoursed of the love, pity, and tenderness of the Lord Jesus in deal- ing with sinners. The Saviour whom he loved to preach was He whose great heart gave way, like the heart of a little child, when on the mount of Olives He burst into tears at the sight of the doomed city. The Redeemer whom he proclaimed was that Holy One who bore so rare a friendship for publicans and sinners. The Christ whom he held up to admiration was the same who took little babes in his arms to bless them, and received old sinners, like Zaccheus, into the same bosom, and saved them. He preached Jesus as able to save to the uttermost ; whose arm of grace reacheth to the lowest depth of man's misery and the farthest bound of man's wickedness. It was Christ always ; Christ more and more to the last ; it was "Jesus only." His preaching was but an echo of the announcement made by the heavenly host on that memorable night when the plains of Beth- lehem were aglow with a softer, sweeter light than the light of moon or stars, and all the woodland rang with a music that ravished the shepherds' Meetings with Inquirers. 313 hearts, and woke the sheep from their gentle slum- bers, as those nightingales of another world — the angels — sang, "Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men." In short, Christ and Him crucified, Jesus risen and exalted to be a Prince, a Saviour, the Lamb of God, Substitute, Surety, Eedeemer, the power of God and the wisdom of God to every one that believeth — ^this was all his theme. And there are tens of thousands who will recall the image of the brave, outspoken, and genial preacher, asking with equal point and feeling the question he never wearied ask- ing, " What think ye of Christ? " "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. "It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul. And to the weary rest. "Jesus ! my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring." At an early period of his course as an evange- list, Mr. Matheson was led to follow the practice of meeting with inquirers at the close of every ser- vice. " He came to preach at Stirling in 1858," 314 Drawing in the Net. writes the Eev. W. Eeid, editor of the British Her- ald^ " when two meetings were got up for him, and at the close those who were anxious were requested to remain to be spoken to personally in the pews — a thing unknown before in Scotland. We remember how shy our dear departed friend looked when one said to him, ' Will you speak to those in that pew ? ' He did so with some hesitation; he said nothing about it at the time, but years afterwards he re- ferred to it, and said it was the first time he had seen or done such a thing, ' and I thank God that it was forced upon me, and the neck of the thing was broken, and that I was no longer content to fire at long range, but to come face to face with souls.' He found it, he said, one of the steps by which the Lord prepared him and led him on in his work, and it was no strange thing for him ever afterwards, as long as he lived, to come into personal contact with awakened souls." Being a true fisher of men, he not only let down the net for a draught, but drew it up again to see if any were caught. Some may be too hasty in search- ing for results ; but even a little impatience of zeal is better than the dozing indolence of those who, under pretence of honoring divine sovereignty, make no inquiry, and cannot so much as tell whether their net has enclosed minnows or monsters. The meet- ing for directing inquirers was a necessity of the sudden and widespread awakening; and, notwith- standing its occasional abuse or mismanagement, The Crisis. 315 has served important ends in the work of God and the salvation of souls. Many Christians will remember with gratitude and joy the first time they were brought face to face with a soul grappling with the tremendous realities, sin^ eternity^ and God. Tt forms an epoch in the life of a pastor, or of any Christian. You feel you are in the presence of an immortal spirit in the very crisis of its being. You see the battle, the agony, the portentous despair of a soul wrestling with in- visible powers of overwhelming might; and you tremble as you behold the fainting spirit toiling be- twixt wisdom and madness to roll back the rising billows of infinite sorrow and ill. You know you are in the presence of the Divine Worker, and you seem to feel upon your own spirit the very breath of the Life-giver as He breathes on the dry bones, and evokes a fairer form than Adam's from poorer, sadder dust than the freshly bedewed soil of Para- dise. Wise and patient dealing with inquirers is to a well-instructed believer one of the choicest means of grace. Not many Christians, however, are qualified for this difficult work. During the period of religious awakening there was more or less patching of old garments and filling old bottles with new wine. The wound was sometimes too slightly healed, and comfort was given where blows were needed. If that old piece of legalism was abandoned, " Go home and read your Bible, and use the means of grace," 3i6 His Wisdom and Skill which, in effect is to say, " Go and work yonrself into a state of grace," there was a rush to the oppo- site extreme in a species of bribing simpler ones into saying they beheved, the great question being not answered, but hushed up. " Only just believe ; just believe." Very good; but what am I to believe? What is it to believe ? How am I to believe ? There is often an anchor in the deep that binds the strug- gling soul to the shores of sin and death. Not every Christian can grapple in the depths for the myste- rious hinderance that binds the awakening spirit in unbelief Some are gifted by the Holy Ghost for this part of the work. In dealing with inquirers Mr. Matheson always took care to discriminate between those who, as he was wont to say, "had only a scratch" and those who were deeply wounded. To the former he would speak a word fitted to deepen conviction and pass on ; to the latter he never failed to preach Christ. He also found two very different classes who spoke the same language, both declaring they had no con- viction. One of those classes had indeed little or no conviction of sin, and he dealt with them accord- ingly. The other class were penetrated with a sense of sin, but could see nothing in themselves but utter hardness of heart. These often prove to be the best cases. He never failed to bring inquirers to the Word of God and the cross of Christ. His own ex- perience was ever of great use in giving direction and encouragement. A full, free, and present salva- in Dealing with Inquirers. 317 tion in the Lord Jesus was held out to every soul. If they were sinking in deep waters, Jesus was at hand to help them. If they had no right conviction of sin, as they said, they had the greater need to come at once to Christ to receive conviction, pardon, holiness, and every blessing freely from Him. Christ is the good Physician, and can deal effectually with broken hearts and unbroken hearts, hard hearts, proud hearts, fickle hearts, and all kinds of wicked hearts. " I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh," is the gracious and true word of Him who came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance. "There was once," said our evangelist, "a little bird chased by a hawk, and in its extremity it took ref- uge in the bosom of a tender-hearted man. There it lay, its wings and feathers quivering with fear, and its little heart throbbing against the bosom of the good man, whilst the hawk kept hovering over head, as if saying, 'Deliver up that bird, that I may devour it' Now, will that gentle, kind-hearted man take the poor little creature that puts its trust in him out of his bosom, and deliver it up to the hawk ? What think ye? Would you do it? No; never. Well, then, if you flee for refuge into the bosom of Jesus, who came to seek and to save the lost, do you think He will deliver you up to your deadly foe? Never! never! never!" In dealing with inquirers, his power lay not so much in the clear, terse way in which he stated the 3i8 The Good Physician. plan of salvation, as in his homely, genial manner of applying, like a kind and skilful physician, the balm to the wound. Not seldom, when others rea- soning out of the Scriptures failed, he would come and try his easy, off-hand method, in which there was profound knowledge of human nature and true Christian wisdom, without any show of either. A young man of talent, now a devoted follower of Jesus, found himself at the close of a meeting in deep distress. " Downcast and sad," he says, " I was stealing away from Mr. Matheson, whom I did not wish to meet. Wonderful love of Jesus! who marks our wayward steps, and still in tenderness and love calls after us, 'Come unto Me,' I was unexpectedly confronted by Mr. M., who introduced me to a min- ister. Hesitatingly I began, in answer to kind in- quiries, to state my case, when Mr. M. laying his hand on my shoulder, said, 'Oh, I know what's wrong wi' James. I know what James is wanting. It was a' settled eighteen hundred years ago ; but James is not satisfied with that, he would like some- thing more. Isn't that it now ? But that's enough, man. Let that suffice for you.' In this way he held up the finished work of Christ, and relief followed." Such was the manner of his life and work. It was a life full of toil, weariness, and sorrow ; it was also full of truth, and wisdom, and goodness. It was strangely checkered. One day we find him associ- ated with the noblest in the land, who do him I Souls and Eternity. 319 honor as a man of original character and apostolic virtue : next day he is out of sight in some obscure village, where he is despised and shunned by all save a faithful few. Now he stands up to speak by the side of the eloquent Guthrie, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Free Church, who is not ashamed to acknowledge the evangelist and to share in his work. Many days have not elapsed when he is rejected by a little town for whose salva- tion he had labored with heroic endurance : for his too pointed rebuke of sin he is driven forth amidst a tornado of odium so fierce, that not one of his Chris- tian friends has the courage to stand up and say, "God bless him!" But whether honored here or dishonored there, feasted one day or starved the next, he held on his way with one noble end in view — ^the salvation of souls. In the midst of the world, with its huge, overbearing materialism, its gorgeous mammon-worship, its fascinating sensu- ousness, its carnal intoxications, its choice delights of godless pleasure, he saw nothing but souls^ and spoke only of eternity. Men everywhere mad upon their idols he confronted in the name of the invis- ible God. To the intoxicated worshippers of Time he constantly presented the dread realities of eter- nity, demanding of them the sacrifice of a delicious, heart-ravishing present, and the acceptance of Christ and everlasting life, or the peril of hell's pains for a refusal. With unconquerable long-suffering he thus held on his way to the end. 320 His Spiritual Children. CHAPTER IX. SOME SHEAVES FROM THE HARVEST-FIELD. **As streams of water in the south, Our bondage, Lord, recall : Who sow in tears, a reaping-time Of joy enjoy they shall. "That man who, bearing precious seed, In going forth doth mourn ; He doubtless, bringing back his sheaves, Rejoicing shall return." They that wisely and steadfastly set their hearts on winning souls are usually favored with abun- dant success. They delight themselves in God, and in terms of the promise He gives them the desire of their hearts. For many years Duncan Matheson prayed for a wide-spread revival of true religion. The great awakening at length took place, and he was honored above most men in reaping its fruits. "Give me children, else I die!" was the spirit of all his prayers; and, if facts be of any value, his prayers were abundantly answered. Several of his spiritual children are already able preachers of the Gospel; some are successful mis- sionaries at home; and some have gone forth to preach among the heathen the unsearchable riches of Christ. A considerable number are useful elders and deacons; others are earnest Sabbath-school teachers and valiant street-preachers ; while many Fruits of His Labors. 321 more distribute tracts, visit the sick, the outcast, and the perishing. Hundreds are quietly doing that noblest and most difficult kind of Christian work — training up their children in the fear of the Lord. A multitude live to preach the most eloquent of sermons — carrying a cross for Christ ; and sing the grandest psalm sung out of heaven — living a holy life. With well-authenticated instances of conver- sion it would not be difficult to fill a volume. Let us take a few from amongst many. "I find the fruits of his labors in the various dis- tricts which I visit," is the testimony of a venerable servant of the Lord Jesus Christ on his returning from a recent evangelistic tour. "His footprints will long remain fresh and warm all over the North. I spoke to an interesting young sailor in a railway carriage some time ago. He was an Englishman and a warm-hearted Christian. He told me that, years ago, when his ship lay in the harbor of Mac- duff, he went ' to hear a man called Duncan Mathe- son in the Free Chm'ch on a week evening, and the Lord apprehended him.' " A thoughtless young man at C went one night to hear him preach, and came aAvay with an arrow in his conscience; but having promised to attend a ball, he went to the gay assembly in the hope of ridding his mind of anxious thoughts amidst the music and the dance. Not thus was his wound to be healed. In the midst of the dance the thought of eternity seized upon him, and he rushed out to 21 322 Interesting Cases. seek Christ in the darkness of the night. He did not seek in vain. The Hght of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ dawned upon his soul. He now abandoned the gaieties of the world, and after a brief career of faith and holiness fell asleep in Jesus. Another young man, a mason by trade, was awakened, and went frequently to hear Matheson. For a while he could find no rest to his soul. The terrors of the Lord followed him to his work ; and when the thought of judgment to come arose in his mind, he would begin to hammer the stones with furious energy. His fellow-workmen were aston- ished; and when they asked him what ailed him, he made no reply, so entirely was he absorbed in his endeavors to stifle conviction. "The more I hammered," said he, "the worse I grew." Heav- ier and still heavier fell the blows of the Spirit's hammer, till at length, reduced to self-despair, he dropped into the arms of Jesus and found rest. On one occasion when he was preaching on the links at Aberdeen, "a gay and godless young man," as he describes himself, was passing by. An arrow guided by the Spirit pierced the conscience of the youth. He was converted and studied for the min- istry. Last year he was ordained as a missionary to Madagascar. As the evangelist passed away to his rest, the young missionary stood up amidst the solemn services of his ordination at Aberdeen to tell the audience that the voice of Duncan IMatheson Incident at Perth. 323 had been the trumpet of God to his ear, calHng him into the fellowship of grace, and the ministry of the Lord Jesus. The standard had just di'opped from the hands of the brave standard-bearer as he fell; but bravely was it caught up by his own son in the faith to be planted on the high places of the field, where even now scenes of surpassing glory are wit- nessed in the triumphs of the cross. In the labors of the foreign missionary it is permitted us to hope that the voice of the home evangelist will find a powerful echo among the falling idols of that dis- tant island, and result in gathering a multitude of the heathen to Christ. Thus not in vain did he sow beside all waters. The little winged seeds, not visi- ble to every eye, dropping from the branches amidst the blasts of northern winter are being wafted on the breeze of providential circumstance to the prepared soil of the sunny south. "This also cometh from the Lord of hosts, who is wonderful in counsel, and ex- cellent in working." At Perth, when special services were in progress. a young man from Glasgow happened to call at the house of Mrs. S., where Mr. Matheson was staying. AVhen the evangelist was informed that J\Ir. had been at the door, he said, " Perhaps he has been brought here at this time to be converted and saved. Let us pray for him." Prayer was offered as follows (I quote this from the journal of Mrs. S.): "0 God, if Thou hast brought him to this house, to this town, and to this hall, to save his soul, it will be a won- 324 A Word in Season. derfnl thing. Do it, Lord, do it." The young man went to the meeting in the hall, was awakened and converted. His own testimony is this: "I was a member of an influential Presbyterian Church, a Sabbath-school teacher, and a tract-distributor, but up to that night I was a dead soul. Then I was brought to see I was dead ; and then by grace I passed from death unto life through faith in Jesus." At Kirriemuir a young woman newly awakened was urging her companion to remain to the second meeting, " Never mind," said Mr. IMatheson, " let her go her own way; she is determined to perish." This word, accompanied by a look of piercing ten- derness, went to the heart of the thoughtless girl. "Yes, yes," she said to herself, "I am going my own way, and that way is to death." The arrow was from the bow of the unerring marksman; and the same invisible hand that shot it drew it out, and healed the wound with the balm of his peace-speaking blood. After two years of a holy life that young believer calmly fell asleep in Jesus. At Forfar, as Avas his wont in a strange place, he made the children his friends, and sent them to tell their fathers and mothers to come and hear a stran- ger preaching. " Mither," said a little boy, "there's a new man come to the toon to preach; gang and hear him." Thinking it strange to be asked by her boy, she resolved tliough Avith some reluctance to go. How to conceal from her neighbors her going to a revival meeting Avas her difficulty. Nicode- '' Yell no Need the BasketT 325 mus went to Jesus under cover of night : this wo- man took her market-basket on her arm as if she was going to make the usual daily purchase, and thus screened herself from the observation and jeers of her neighbors. Day after day she appeared at the meeting with the basket. At length she was brought to the Lord. "Ye'U no need the basket any more," said the evangelist to her with a signifi- cant twinkle of his eye. The basket was laid aside : she boldly avowed the Saviour, and became signally useful in bringing others of the same class. A woman residing in the country, impelled by curiosity, went to Forfar to hear the lay-preacher. Deeply impressed, she resolved on taking the fullest advantage of the meetings, and took lodgings in the town with the view of attending every service. The result was her conversion. She went home, walked with God, testified for Christ, and after a short time fell asleep in Jesus. She knew the day of her merciful visitation. Such is the work of grace. One day he is standing at a street corner in Perth, and is singing — "Nothing either great or small, Nothing, sinner, no: Jesus did it, did it all, Long, long ago." A young man passing by was arrested by the words of the hymn, which seemed to convey a new truth. He listened a moment. A light he had 326 A Station-master s Testimony. never seen before dawned upon his heart, and as he stood there on the pavement he became a new creature in Christ Jesus. "Never shall I forget the first time I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Matheson," writes a sta- tion master on a northern railway. "I was then a stranger to grace and to God. Much against my will I was induced to listen to God's message through him, and for the first time in all my life I was convinced that I was without God, and with- out hope in the world. His text, 'Escape for thy life,' was brought home to my heart with power and demonstration of the Spirit. I was in due time, thank God, brought out of darkness into His mar- vellous light, and from the power of Satan unto God. Oh, then, extol the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." Take another — a young man. " I was induced by a friend to go to W Free Church on a Sun- day afternoon. The preacher was Duncan Mathe- son. His text was, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock," etc. The word came with power to my soul ; so much so that, although very reluctant to give way, I could not refrain from shedding tears. This being noticed by Mr. M. he came and spoke, and invited me to the vestry. I afterwards went to the open-air meeting, where my convictions were deepened. For six weeks I continued in great dis- tress; and all the more that many who appeared not so anxious as I was were obtaining liberty from Another Testimony. 327 their burdens. In order to be alone I went in tlie darkness of night to the hill and knelt to pray, but was often disturbed by the sound of footsteps, as I fancied, but no one appeared. At this time I was looking for a mysterious revelation of the Lord Je- sus, with conscious freedom from my burden and for joy. I had been urged to receive the Lord Jesus into my heart; and in church I kept calling in- wardly faster than tongue could express it, ' Come in. Lord Jesus ! come in ! come in ! ' thinking that if I continued long enough the Lord would come in ; but all in vain. I went home and threw myself on my knees with the intention of praying till I got the blessing. I continued with strong cries and tears until, as I was afterwards told by the rest in the house, the people in the street were standing to listen. When I thought I was about to obtain de- liverance, it was suggested to my mind that by earnest prayer I could get it any time; and, stop- ping, the Spirit was grieved for a time. I felt I was relapsing, and went again to hear Mr. M. in H Free Church, and at the close of the service went with other inquirers into the vestry. Here he ad- dressed us very solemnly, and ended by asking three times, 'Who is for Christ?' My heart responded, 'Me, me.' The moment of my deliverance was come, and the third time the question was put, I sprang to my feet, and exclaimed, 'I'm for Christ!' On second thoughts I was afraid I had committed a great sin ; but the words, ' Believe on the Lord 328 The Strait Gate. Jesus, and thou shalt be saved,' were open and ap- plied to my heart by the Holy Ghost as they had never been ; and I was filled with peace. I ran to my office, but could not work, and went on praying and singing alternately. I felt an unspeakable love to my employer, and thought as he sat beside me I could do any thing for him." Years have passed, and this young man has gone on and prospered, being now an elder in a Free Church, and an inde- fatigable worker in the vineyard of the Lord. " I had convictions and the strivings of the Spir- it," writes another young man, " from my very in- fancy. Fears of perishing often possessed my little heart, especially at night, and I endeavored to ob- tain peace by repeating my prayers. As I grew up, I became reckless and even profane. Happen- ing to be from home on a visit to my friends at M , I went to hear Mr. Matheson, who was that night in the village. His text was, ' Strive to en- ter in at the strait gate ; for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.' Every word he uttered fell with power upon my heart. Conviction of the truth flashed upon me. I felt as if I were the only one in the church, and that every word was directed to me. I was most miserable. I saw I had been rejecting Christ and trifling with God, all the time He had been seeking to lead me to Himself Mr. Matheson said that people sought to enter in and were not able, because they would not take Christ as then- all. I felt I was doing that. Deliverance. 329 He spoke also of the Saviour standing by the side of the broad way, and stretching out his hand to stop the sinner in his hellward course, and the sinner pushing aside that gracious hand and hastening on to destruction. I saw I had been doing so. I never was in such an agony. It was terrible work now with me. The church was surrounded with woods, and oh, how I longed to get out and hide myself in them ! I thought I should wrestle with God until I found Christ. I felt as if I could have given life itself to be reconciled to God : I could not bear the thought of being His enemy any longer. It was life or death with me ; and I felt that I must either now be saved or plunged into despair. At the close Mr. Matheson took me by the hand and looked me in the face, and I burst into tears. We knelt down and prayed. As I was crying to God, the Lord sent me deliverance. The light flashed in upon my mind. Christ must be my all, and none but Christ : Christ to trust, Christ to love, Christ to obey. It was no mere feeling, but a clear seeing of the truth. I saw that Christ received me, and that I was re- ceived by God in Him. I was enabled to cast my- self entirely upon Him, and receive Him as my all ; and rose from my knees saying, 'Christ for me! none but Christ for me ! ' Peace now possessed my heart, the peace that passeth all understanding. I felt as if I could not contain it. Mr. Matheson came forward, and proposed singing the first verses of the fortieth Psahn, ' I waited for the Lord my God,' 330 Helping a Soul to Christ, etc. I sang this with all my heart, for I knew I had just been taken up out of the horrible pit and miry clay, and my feet were set upon the Rock. At the door a company of believers joined me, and we were not afraid to awaken the echoes with songs of praise. Next day I spoke to a relative about her soul, and induced her to attend the meeting. This issued in her conversion. Thus the Lord made me instrumental on the first day of my life in Christ in helping to bring a soul to Him. Would that every day since that had been so successful. But amid many vicissitudes of experience, and many short- comings of heart and life. He has kept me till now, and has never permitted me altogether to lose my confidence in Jesus. I have never had a shadow of regret that I chose Christ, and, if I may judge from the past, I never will. And as I witnessed to his name at the first, so I have, though with many shortcomings, done since ; and so I trust I will be enabled to do until I am called away to join in the song of the redeemed on high." This young man is a student and a missionary, whose labors have already been blessed in the conversion of sinners in three several spheres in different parts of Scotland. The case of another young man, now an ordained missionary to the heathen. "Reports of the work of God's Spirit in America and Ireland interested several of us, and we began to meet for reading and prayer. I was specially struck with the earnest joy that the work appeared to create in the hearts of ^^TJie Broad and Narrozv Waj/" 331 those wlio shared in it; and I remember wishing it should visit ourselves. Mr. Matheson visited our town, and preached on 'the broad and narrow way.' Some were impressed ; but I felt only the old vague desire. Next time Mr. M. preached, he said, 'There are some of us here that can lay our heads peace- fully on our pillow to-night, in the assurance that if we should next awake in eternity we should be with Christ. Friend, can you?' The question was for me, and went like an arrow to my soul. I felt that that was what I could not do ; that I was not at peace with God ; that to me to awake in eternity would be to awake in hell ! The words remained with me. From that time I set myself earnestly to seek the one thing needful ; but as to the way of finding it I was as yet quite in error. I thought there was a vast amount of performance lying to my hand before I could be accepted of God. Full pardon seemed to lie beyond great hills and wastes, which must be crossed with toilsome steps if ever I was to attain it. All day in school I used to pray, and when school was over I went home and prayed through the afternoon. I remember one day that my 'doing' received a special humiliation. A boy, younger than myself, provoked me so much that one of my old sinful expressions rushed out against him. I was sorely pierced ; for then my case seemed hopeless, and all my past endeavors were nullified. Mr. M. and others had warned us solemnly against entertaining any false ground of comfort ; and that 332 Coming to Jesus. I might be preserved from this was always a special petition in my cries for pardon. For several weeks I continued to pray and read, but no light seemed to arise. One afternoon, when Mr. M. was preach- ing, he came upon the expression, 'Coming to Jesus.' 'But,' said he, 'some of you are at a loss to know what coming to Jesus means. I will explain it.' My heart acknowledged its own darkest difficulty; and oh, how eagerly did I listen for the explana- tion ! I thought that now at length I was to learn the way to be saved. But, alas! no. Seeking for something to do, I did not receive the message of the Gospel, that to loo\ to trusty was to live. In this state of ignorant legality I continued, though the Gospel of a 'present free forgiveness had been often declared to me, till one afternoon, whose happy date is fixed forever in my memory, I was reading James's 'Anxious Inquirer,' when I came upon these two precious words — 'Come unto Me,' etc. (Matt. xi. 28), and, ' Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," etc. (Acts xvi. 31). Often had I read them before, but never till now did I realize them. The blessed Spirit in that hour testified their truth in my heart, and I could not refrain from exclaiming, ' And is this ready all I have to do ? is the work really finished? and have I but to receive it and be saved ? ' I wondered that I could have read these words so stupidly before, they seemed so clear now. Falling on my knees, I thanked God over and over for such a Saviour and so free a salvation. With From Darkness to Light. 333 joyous impatience I ran along to the lodging of a yonng man who had been one of the first awakened in our company; and when I met him, I told him with an overflowing heart how I saw it all now, and how my heart was filled with peace. That first view of Jesus in His glorious grace can never fade from my recollection. Often since that afternoon has my assurance been clouded; but I have always found, that the only way of peace was to come again, as I did then, in the character of a helpless sinner to an Almighty Saviour. How deeply since that time I have wronged the free love of God only Himself can know ; but to the praise of His grace I must de- clare, that there is all the former efiicacy in the blood of Jesus to remove the consciousness of guilt. Nor do I look on sin now with the same regard as once. I can sincerely say, that in my most essential character a complete revolution has been efiected by the faith of Jesus, and that now the attainment of likeness to the holy Son of God is my reigning desire. How sweet is the believer's assurance that the sinful heart he now bewails will soon be removed forever. To serve Christ in love, that my soul de- sires above all other things. To win other hearts for Him, or to hear of others wirming them, is my joy of joys. May the passion grow ! To Him be all the glory. Amen." One more instance must suffice; it is that of a young man, now a preacher of the Gospel, and a successful home missionary. "I had heard of the 334 ^ M^^^ i^^ th^ Pulpit. revival work; and being unhappy, I had serious thoughts of becoming reKgious and good. I went to hear Mr. Matheson. The place of meeting was crowded, and I could find a seat only near the pul- pit. The stranger entered. His manner at once attracted and ri vetted my attention; it was alto- gether so novel to me. Never till then had I seen a raajn in the pulpit — only a minister. In his whole bearing there was such a striking absence of all stiffness and formality. His prayer touched me: no introduction, no formal conclusion; it was brief, pointed, direct. It was so solemn, yet so tender. Hearing such correspondence with the living God I was deeply solemnized. The text was Matt. vii. 13. He spoke of the work of grace in other places, of sinners convinced, of souls saved. I was moved. But when the hand was pointed towards me in the first pew, when the eye was fixed on me, when the appeal was made to me as to the state of my soul, then the arrow, swift and sharp from the hand of Jehovah, pierced my heart. I trembled. I saAv it at once, suddenly, clearly — I was lost, lost, lost. Inquirers were requested to remain. I meant to do so, but a young man, who was unimpressed, pushed me out. Another, a working man, said to me, 'Are you going in?' 'Ye — es,' I replied, and we went in together. Mr. M. laid his hand tenderly on my shoulder and spoke to me kindly. His ten- derness was too much for me ; it touched my mis- erable heart. I felt that God was in righteousness Born Again. 335 against me, and that I had been in sin against God. The hght that gives conviction and condemnation was shining in on me. I was standing out in pain- ftil nakedness and sohtariness: 1 was friendless, hopeless. The first kind touch, the first kind Avord, burst the floodgates of my soul. Giving vent to my surcharged feelings I burst into tears. They were the first I had shed for my soul. We were addressed, and each received a copy of ' The Herald of Mercy.' But I found no rest. Next night he preached on Rev. iii. 20. Others were awakened: many wept : I trembled still the more. Five weeks of agonizing struggle followed. It was a long pain. At one time I resolved not to rise from my knees till I had obtained salvation, but my exliausted body failed me. Again I vowed and vowed that if God would only relieve me, I should serve Him better in the future. It was a long, bitter, agoniz- ing search for peace without reference to atonement in Christ Jesus, during which there was now and then pride of conviction and new-gotten religious- ness. The grace of God through righteousness in Christ began now to dawn, softly and dimly at first Mr. M. returned to preach ; and the word was with power. One evening the peace of God that passetb all understanding filled my soul. I felt it was the sunrise of an eternal day. Floods of light fell on me — light stretching up, far up to the throne of God — light falling down from His face upon my heart. 'God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.' 336 Despisers. There was no fear, no shadow, no bondage. I was intensely happy. I saw the work finished, the rec- onciHation abeady made, and reahzed my own in- terest in it. Eighteonsly in Jesus I entered into the presence of God ; and graciously I was accepted and blessed. I believed in Jesus, believed in God, saw grace righteously and freely offered, and my heart was full of it. Heaven lay about me. Earth afford- ed no comparison. It was a glorious calm. Old things had passed away. I knew I had entered the kingdom; I was new-born." The evangelist was not always a savor of life unto life. Incidents of a solemn and affecting char- acter occurred, two or three of which may be here narrated. One day a woman began to pour contempt on the word of God, and shut her door in order that she might not be disturbed by the voice of the preacher. He spoke to her, and warned her; but in vain. Some time afterward she took ill, and lay dying. Remorse seized her, and in the agony of her spirit she spoke of Matheson, and cried out, " He told me that God would laugh at my calamity, and mock me when my fear came; and it is all true." No light came. She was a terror to all who saw her die. She went into eternity in her despair. A man of violent passions and avowed hatred to godliness opposed the evangelist with much bitter- ness. One day he fell a cursing of Duncan Mathe- son, and died with the oath on his lips. From the Furnace to the Sea of Glass. 337 A joung woman heard him preach from the text, "These shall go away into everlasting punishment." Somewhat impressed at the time, she afterwards re- sisted the Spirit, and returned to vanity. Death came unexpectedly, and knocked at her door. She was unprepared. She remembered the despite she had done to the Spirit of grace, and as she died ut- tered with a melancholy voice the dreadful words, "These shall go away into everlasting punishment." Such facts as these are as marginal notes written by the finger of Providence on the borders of revela- tion. We may not be able to interpret them. None but fools will despise them. CHAPTER .X. FROM THE FURNACE TO THE SEA OF GLASS MINGLED WITH FIRE. «• Brief life is here our portion; Brief sorrow, short-lived care; The life that knows no ending, The tearless life is there. ♦♦ Oh, happy retribution ! Short toil, eternal rest; For mortals, and for sinners, A mansion with the blest. " And now we fight the battle, But then shall wear the crown Of full and everlasting And passionless renown. 22 338 Visit to St. Andrew's, *' But He whom now we trust in Shall then be seen and known; And they that know and see Him Shall have Him far their own." Towards the close of 1861 Duncan Matheson found himself m floods of trouble, arising from his fearless stand for vital godliness and his faithful reproof of lukewarm religion. Exhausted by gigantic labor-#rs, he sighed for rest, yet held himself ready for new fields of toil, and longed to win fresh trophies for his great Master. He was persecuted, but not for- saken; cast down, but not destroyed. "Come," said he one day to a " companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ," "come, and let us visit St. Andrew's, and see the place where the old Scottish heroes fought their good fight; it will stir and cheer us, and perhaps God will give us of their martyr spirit." Accordingly they went and saw the place where George Wishart was burned to be a light to Scotland to the end of time; where Knox thundered defiance to Rome, and proved him- self a match for mail-clad hosts ; and where saintly Rutherford, pattern- witness for the truth not less in his sound teaching and masterly logic than in his rapturous piety and blameless life, labored, and prayed, and suffered, and fell asleep, saying, " Glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel's land." After they had visited every spot of historic interest, they laid them- selves down on the grave of Rutherford, and all alone with their faces on the dust they wept and prayed, Rutherford's Grave. 339 praising God for all He has done for Scotland, and entreating for their dear country with many suppli- cations, and tears, another and a complete reforma- tion in tlie awakening of the churches, and the con- version of all the people in the land. Here too, with the tears dropping from their eyes upon the grass, they consecrated themselves anew to the service and glory of God their Saviour, begging with heart- breaking earnestness for grace to be faithful even unto death. Here too they sang praise. The words of the psalm were joyfully recalled — "For sure the Lord will not cast off Those that his people be, Neither his own inheritance Quit and forsake will he : But judgment unto righteousness Shall yet return again, And all shall follow after it That are right-hearted men." As they sang "Eock of ages, cleft for me," they realized at once their security in the great Cove- nant-Head, and their oneness with redeemed men of every age: and on the spot where saints and martyrs repose so calmly they could sing, "There is rest for the weary" Avith unwonted joy. Thus they were strengthened for the sore toil and travail that still awaited them. Some may feel disposed to set this down as sen- timentalism. But if fellowship with God and with his saints be sentimentalism, if sympathy with Christ 340 Scottish CJiristianity. in his blood-baptized cause, and with those that suffered for the love they bore Him be sentimental- fism, if prayers and tears for a lost world that still goeth on in its mad way of cursing and casting out its best friends be sentimentalism, then I say, Heaven send us more of it. Scotchmen are said to have hard heads: but triply hard is the heart of that Scotchman who can drink at the springs of his country's greatness and not be filled as with new wine. The ashes of the martyrs never grow cold ; and dull must the Christian spirit be that is not fired with new zeal at the sight of those hallowed spots whence flamed up to heaven and far out upon the world's night Scotland's testimony to Christ, which is our country's truest glory. Happily the echoes of that testimony linger about ten thousand hearths, and come back with strange power on ten times ten thousand hearts; nor will the sweetly solemn reverberations of those martyr-voices die till they merge in the sounds of the last trump. This incident marked an epoch in the life of our evangelist. Scottish Christianity has been charac- terized by the pre-eminently high and holy place assigned by it to the crown rights of the Lord Jesus as the Church's sole Head and King. Duncan Matheson was thoroughly of that spirit. His mar- tial, loyal, heroic nature must needs love, serve, fight, and suffer for a King. Fondly and unceas- ingly as he preached the atonement of Jesus, and thus recognized the Priest and the one great Sacri- *'/ Am Going to See the Kingr 341 fice for sin, the chief enthusiasm of his personal devotion to the Lord, in all the labor and turmoil of his life, seemed to take rise scarcely so much in the love he bore his Saviour as in the passionate loyalty he felt for his King. And this noble affec- tion grew more and more intense to the end of his life: it was still to the last, "the King! the King!" When the last campaign was over, and the end drew near, one of his frequent utterances was, " I am going to see the King." After that last and fullest consecration of himself to God at the grave of Samuel Eutherford, a remark- able change was noticed in him by his more inti- mate friends. His faith now took a higher flight. Henceforth he spoke everywhere and always of "going home." "0 how near eternity seems," he was ever saying: "We'll soon be home." "That man breathes the very atmosphere of heaven," said some who met him. When a young man he had a presentiment that he would not live long : middle life, he said, would see his sun set. The hope of the Gospel now taught him to think of the sun rising in another sphere rather than of its setting in this. " Heaven will literally be a rest to me," was his fre- quent saying. In consequence of his incessant, fatiguing, and often most painful labors, his mind naturally enough contemplated heaven as a rest. All the spiritual songs of the coming glory c/ere now peculiarly sweet to his heart. But the if eling did not evaporate in mere singing or in thr indul 342 An Unbroken Day of Toil. gence of pleasant thoughts. It was in him, as all his beliefs were, a most powerful motive to work for Christ and win souls. "You are hurting your- self," we said to him. "Souls are perishing," was his invariable reply. "But you should take rest." " Nonsense ! we'll rest in heaven." Some may think he carried this too far : but he had no idea of what is called "settling in life." A mighty power was working in him. How could he rest? His soul was in the agonies of travail. And till disease struck liim down the years that elapsed were one unbroken day of toil for the saving of the lost. Towards the close of his more active life, although he did not abate one jot of his manly frankness, his uncompromising faithfulness, and his fearless testi- mony, a mellowing influence was clearly at work in him. His prayers grew more childlike and tender ; his addresses, whilst not less searching and faithful, were more deeply solemn, and more tearfully com- passionate ; and the big heart of the man, like an overflowing well, gushed out in streams of genuine kindness and Christian love. Little did we imagine, when he stood up on a gloomy November night in 1866, in Hjlltown Fr^e Church, where his voice had often been accompa- nied with more than human power, that we were listening to his last addi'ess in Dundee. His text was " Remember Lot's wife." Lot's wife, he said — I here' give not his words, but the spirit of them — Lot's wife had many privileges, but she perished. His Last Address in Dundee. 343 Lot's wife had a godly hiisband, but she perished. Lot's wife had often been prayed for, but she per- ished. Lot's wife had a good example set her, but she perished. Lot's wife had been warned by God, but she perished. Lot's wife saw her danger, but she perished. Lot's wife was led by angels out of Sodom, but she perished. Lot's wife was nearly saved, but she perished. Lot's wife only looked round, and she was damned for that look. She lingered when she should have made haste, and God left her. Mercy drew her, but she grieved Mercy, and Mercy forsook her. Where IMercy left her, Justice found her, and Destruction seized her. She loved Sodom, and would love Sodom, and God gave her her bad love to the full. The Lord took her out of Sodom, but she took Sodom out of Sodom with her. "Let me get a last look at my idol," she said ; and she got a Icisi look with a vengeance. " She is joined to her idols," said the jealous God: "Let her alone;" and she was let terribly alone: she became a pillar of salt. Sodom was more to her than her daughters, her husband, her soul, or God. In judgment she was wedded to her evil choice: she entered eternity in fellowship with those that suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Ah, friends, you see how near being saved you may be, and yet never know salvation. Privileges and means of grace may be yours, and yet you may never enter heaven. You may sit at the Lord's table and sing of salvation, and after all be cast away. 344 Zd?/'j Wi/e. You may feel the strivings of the Spirit, and yet be lost. You may break off from some sins and do many things, and in the end go down to destruc- tion. You may be all but saved, and at last find that from the very gate of heaven there is a path to hell. Anxious inquirer, you are out of Sodom, but not out of danger ; you are on the plain, but not in the place of refuge. Flee to Christ. Es- cape for thy. life. Backslider, you are just where Lot's wife was when the devouring fire overtook her. She was looking back; so are you. Remem- ber Lot's wife. " If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him " (Heb. x. 38). Pro- crastinator, you are trifling with your soul and with God. There is no fear of judgment, you think. How do you know? The sin of Lot's wife is your sin: take heed lest her fate be yours. You may die to-night: what then? And if you live, God may give you your own way and let you alone. Let alone, left behind by the merciful God ! To be fixed in sin, to be a pillar of salt, a soul encrusted with judicial hardness, as good as damned, how terrible ! " There is a time, we know not when, A point we know not where, That marks the destiny of men To glory or despair. " There is a line by us unseen,' That crosses every path ; The hidden boundary between God's patience and his wrath." Preaching at the Fair. 345 With heart, voice, and eye overflowing with tenderness, he plead with his hearers to flee to the refuge — to Jesus. The people were deeply moved, and some of them, among the rest a man who is now a zealous office-bearer in a church, have a blessed remembrance of that night, as the time when they entered the ark and for them God shut the door of covenant security in Christ. In the same month, November, he went to the feeing markets in Aberdeenshire. At Ellon his sufferings were such as he never recovered from. Here, drenched with ceaseless showers, and shiver- ing in fierce hail-blasts of no ordinary violence, he stood all day in the mud, and delivered his last testimony for Christ amidst the din and strife of the fair. " We must not lower the standard," said he, in reference to his trying work. Nor did he lower the standard, for the standard-bearer fell in the very front of the battle. On returning south he revisited Kirriemuir, Alyth, and other places, spending the last night of the year with the Chris- tians in Forfar, whence he writes to his wife : "Forfar, January 1st, 1867. A happy New Year to you, my dearest M. The Lord bless you very abundantly. As the clock struck the knell of the departing year I was praying for you. My heart was with you all. Ah, my beloved, we may sing, sweetly sing. The Lord hath done great things for us. We may raise our Ebenezer. Now we know not what may be before us this year; but 346 His Failing Health. never mind, all will be well. The Lord will break up our way. He will lead us aright. He is our own God. Give each of our pets a New Year kiss from father. I may be able to come and give it myself to them to-morrow. If I am with you by 11 A.M. you will see me; and if not, it will be be- cause of the work. I will try at any rate, but must return at night. We had a blessed time last night. We met at nine, and separated at half-past twelve o'clock. It was very, very solemn. I took the superintendence of the meeting. Very seldom have I seen such a meeting — so much power and evident blessing. A great cryjbr help comes from many places. I do trust that 1867 will be a year of greater blessing than any before it." About the middle of January he set out for Ork- ney ; but in consequence of a severe snow-storm, it was only after making extraordinary efforts that he was enabled to reach Aberdeen. There he was arrested by the disease, diabetes, which ultimately carried him to the grave. With the sentence of death in him he returned to- Perth, and thence without delay went up to Edinburgh, where he sought advice from the late eminent physician. Sir James Simpson. Little hope of recovery was held out to him ; nevertheless, the ruling passion stirred in him, and he addressed a meeting, ill as he was, in the house of Mr. Barbour. On returning home he suddenly grew worse, and in his fevered condi- tion fell into unconsciousness. But whilst reason At Limpley Stoke. * 347 slept, the gracious heart was all awake, and his talk was constantly of Jesus and souls and eternity. Fancying that he was addressing the students of the New College, Edinburgh, he cried out, "Young men, young men, down with books and up with Christ! Souls are perishing! souls are perishing! Up, and aim at saving sinners." Noble spirit, in thy very wanderings wise and good ! On recovering a measure of strength, he went in April to Limpley Stoke, near Bath, where he sought rest and restoration in the hydropathic establish- ment. A few of his letters will be read with interest : "Limpley Stoke, near Bath, 13th April, 1867. "My Dear Mrs. B , I cannot tell you how glad- dened I was by your kind letter. Away from home, among strangers, sick, one likes to see old friends have not forgotten them. I knew neither you nor Mr. B. would, nor many of the flock to whom I have so often spoken, and to whom if it please God, I hope to speak again — though not this Whit-Sun- day — after Turriff market. Markets, I fear, if I should be spared, must be left now to others. My day, I fear, is done with them, and with much rough work besides. It has been a trying time. I cannot tell you all I have passed through for three months, nor recount to you the loving kind- ness of our God. Oh, how good He has been! How tenderly He has watched over me! How bounteously He has provided for me ! I have been 348 ^'Even so, Father^ treading the banks of the river, and Hstening to its flow as it rolled along, but all has been peace with- in. All has been calm, unruffled. I have had no fears, and at the worst was helped to say, "Even so. Father," etc. " A greater trial than even leaving my beloved wife penniless on a cold world, and children loved with tenderest affection, was the thought of leaving the loved work of bringing souls to Jesus. Away from it — dumb, one sees its greatness, and heaven, hell, God, salvation, eternity, stand out as great realities. I had long battled with the storm, long tried to do something on the field, and God saw fit to put His hand on me even when success in His work was at its highest. We shall know all one day; the web is rapidly weaving, and in glory its finish will be bright, shining in perfect holiness. Hallelujah! I have been six weeks from home. How wondrous the Lord's raising up Mr. J M , of London, to keep me here. He has been as a brother, and I lack nothing, as he is paying all costs. There was no hope of my getting better at home, and I can say it has been good to be here. I cannot tell you exactly how I am. My general health is better, but as yet the disease is apparently not touched. It is greatly kept under, and I am not without hope, in answer to much prayer offered and ofi'ering up, I may be so far cured as to be able to preach. It is a strange, mysterious disease, but the Lord can heal it. I am not allowed to preach, read, In a Nezv School. 349 or write, though I cannot refrain from sending this to you. To-day I feel strong. To-morrow I may be weak. I often think of you all, and am with you in spirit. May the dew of heaven be on your beloved husband and his flock. It is a dying scene. All around this death reigns. Poor, poor England ! Highly favored Scotland ! If I could preach I would. Revival all around this is unknown. ]\Iy wife left three days ago for home, going to see Miss M on her way. Amidst all her watching, etc., she has been greatly supported. Give my love to Mr. B , Miss F , and all friends. Pray for me. I do hope there is room to encourage faith in my better condition for the last week. I commend you to the Lord. It is long since we met, going to Aber- deen in the ' Defiance ' coach. How many are gone since ! We too shall soon go. Blessed be the Lord, it is home. There is sweet rest in heaven. God bless you. " Yours in Jesus, Duncan Matheson." TO MRS. J. s. " Limpley Stoke, near Bath, 18th April, 1867. " My Dear Friend : Many, many a time I think of you and of all the S s of that Ilk. You are often very near my heart, and the prayer for blessing on each has often gone up from me here where I am living, at the back of Horeb. " Like an old hulk disabled, I lie passive — no easy thing for a restless Bedouin like me. I am in a new 350 The Banks of the Dark River. school, and if I learn my lessons well I may be able yet to comfort many and give them a lift Zionward. Eutherford says : ' Oh, how much I owe to the file and hammer of the dear Lord Jesus ! ' Can we not say the same ? " Tenderly, lovingly, and in a fatherly way, has the Lord dealt with me. How gently He has held the cup to my lips ! How much of mercy (yea, it's all mercy) has been mingled with my lot ! I have been standing by the banks of the dark river, and have listened to its flow, and yet have not been afraid. I have been on the verge of eternity, and could sing for joy. Ah, there is no god hke our God ! no rock like our Rock ! " Right glad was I to meet Mrs. C on my way here. I could scarcely credit it. Short as my inter- view was, it sent me along more cheerfully. My heart was much set on coming to see you all; but the Lord arranged diflerently. . . It is a strange and fickle disease, and if I should be ever again as before, it will be a special forth-putting of divine power. I long for the loved work of bringing souls to Jesus. I long to be on the battle-field. I long to sing over the slain of the Lord, and shout ' victory ' because He has done it. Sometimes I hope I shall. All is in his hands. The sheep in the wilderness I feel for. The lambs' bleating goes to my heart. I pity the lost. It is only at times we can realize sin, salvation, heaven, hell, eternity, as great realities. How soon shall all have passed here \ Life ought to Longing for the Children, 351 be an earnest matter, seeing we have only one. . . And now I must close. May all blessing rest on you and yours. We are under the shadow of His wings. We are safe in His arms. We move along the rugged pathway to that land where no sigh is heard nor sorrow known, where not a cloud darkens the sky. Ah, we shall soon know about the palms, harps, crowns of glory ! Forever ivith the Lord ! Once again I pray for blessings on you all. " Ever yours in a loving Lord, "Duncan Matheson." TO HIS WIFE. "Limpley Stoke, May 13th. "Another morning dawned, my beloved M- and another week begun. How they do glide away ! How quickly they run! Soon all will be done, all will end. The vast eternity lies before. Many in heaven ! many in hell ! No day there ! no star of hope! no rest! no rest! no rest! Saved from hell, we should sing all the way. We should never mur- mur. Ah, how the thought should still be, ' I shall never be in devouring fire ! I shall never lie down in everlasting burnings ! ' As the song of heaven shall never end, neither shall the wail of hell. May the Lord save our children ! I long to see them in the ark. They will be brought. Don't let us ever doubt it for a moment. We had a blessed day yes- terday — a sweet word from Mr. T . . The Lord 352 In Jersey. can restore me fully; but patience must have her perfect work." "Limpley Stoke, May 15th. "How few realize the solemnity of eternity! I feel for the people. They are dying, perishing, going to destruction ! Oh that God in infinite love would save! I long to be in the field again, but must possess my soul in patience. I am glad I do feel as I do. It's joy to be able to do some little work for God. I cannot express it. My whole sys- tem feels as if it partook of joy. If not able to preach, I may for some time be able to get tracts ready, and many things. I hope Lizzie is getting on with her spelling and reading. She will try and be able to read to me the 90th Psalm when I come home. How I do long to see them (the chil- dren), and yet the Lord keeps my mind at rest. It has been all love." Leaving Limpley Stoke in May, he went to Jer- sey. He is charmed with the scenery, praises God for all he beholds of the divine glory on land and sea, and often wishes his wife were by his side to share his delight. "But we shall see grander sights," he adds: "we shall see the King in His beauty, and the land that is afar off." But the sce- nery is not the great thing ; it is the souls of the perishing. In a certain town he sees the walls cov- ered with placards announcing that Dean this and In Nonnandy. 353 Eev. that will lectm-e on Shakespeare, etc., and his heart bleeds. From Jersey he proceeds to St. Sei^an, in Nor- mandy; but the disease has fastened on him, and will not let him go. Not a breath of murmur escapes his lips. He is full of comfort, and often writes to cheer the beloved partner of his life, whose heart droops on his account. Often he breaks out in praise. " Oh praise the Lord, my soul. How wondrous His love ! At times it quite overpowers me. Oh for grace, grace to love His Holy Name ! When I think of others I am humbled. Poor and his family several times last winter had only meal in the house. He told me so. Oh, how good the Lord is!" TO MRS. J. S. "St. Servan, Normandy, France, 27th May, 1867. "My Dear Christian Friend: Your kind letter reached me at Limpley Stoke I con- gratulate you on the bii-th of another son. The Lord bless him, and early implant grace, that, if spared, he may be a great blessing. We can take our chil- dren to Jesus and not be rejected. They are dear to Him. I like to grasp the promise, 'To thee and to thy seed.' Our charge, our responsibility, is great; but the great burden-bearer will take all. Oh, how He loves ! The height, depth, breadth, we cannot fathom. The length we may have some dim idea of, but cannot understand. 23 354 Alone in a Strange Land. "I left Limpley some time ago better of my so- journ there. I do feel stronger, but the disease still remains. It seems to have got firmly intrenched; but the Lord can remove it, and no one else. The more I see of doctors, the more do I see they know little of it. As yet its seat is a mystery. Some days I think it is almost gone ; and next day I feel great weakness. But all is in a Father's hand, and such a Father too 1 I would not it were otherwise than He chooses. " I long to get home, and may in course of a fort- night. My dear wife and children I have not seen for long now. They are well. She longs to meet you all. We shall see if it can be arranged her meeting me at Edinburgh, and both coming on. We shall see as the Lord directs. "I am all alone in this strange land, unknown to any, and knowing no one. Poor, poor France ! You can have no idea of the perfect despotism that reigns. No happy smile seems to light up the people's coun- tenances. There is a restlessness and a yearning after something — they know not what. Alas, alas ! no Gospel is preached, no salvation made known, and, so far as can be seen, no souls saved. I often almost weep as I see the masses here rushing on to eternity, not knowing that ' God so loved the world, that He gave his only-begotten Son.' God will not forget the prayers of many a martyred Huguenot. The soil of France was drenched with their blood. The cry, 'How long, Lord, how long,' has gone up ChateaubriancT s Grave. 355 from those beneath the altar. Many a time on en- tering the churches here, and seeing the mummery on every side, have I prayed, ' Lord, send thy Hght forth and thy truth ;' and often have I blessed God Scotland had a Knox, a Cameron, a Cargill, and a Peden. " I was looking to-day at the grave of the great Chateaubriand, who is buried on a small island off this place, and asking what now is all the glory he had? All has perished. Only shall the righteous be had in everlasting remembrance. Ah ! my be- loved friend, ours is a glorious hope, ours is a great reward. ^\niat things are in the light of eternity, and that alone, is worth, and ought to be looked at. To live for Christ, our motto noAV, To be with Him — what shall it be? I do long to go forth again. Had I been in health, I would have been speaking to masses with God's blue sky overhead and his presence realized. Open-air preaching is glorious, though hard work. I hear from Kirriemuir and For- far that the converts go well on. Cullen still retains the blessing. I long to hear of Melrose and Little Darnick. It will come. Let faith be strengthened. What God is doing in other places. He can do with you. My kindest love to your beloved J , to Mrs. C , and all the S s. Kindly omit no one. To Mr. and Mrs. B and A , etc., etc. Now I must finish, as I have a good deal to do. I send you Psalm cxxi. 6 and Deut. xxxii. 9. We are marching home. Every march shall yet become 356 Return to Scotland. an Elim. He will take the stumbling-blocks out of the way. He will lead and guide. His everlasting arms are around and underneath. He keeps us as the apple of his eye. Hold ! is it not enough ? "Ever yours in Christ Jesus, "Duncan Matheson." In July he returned to Scotland, and for a while stayed at Bervie, where he set up a daily prayer- meeting. From Bervie he went to Braemar, and from Braemar to Aberdeen, still seeking to recover health and win souls. Health was denied him ; souls were given him. From Aberdeen he went to Duff- town, which had been much laid on his heart in prayer. The weak man was strong to bear this burden before the Lord. His prayers were marvel- lously answered. Here God began to work by him, and several were added to the Lord. At a social meeting held on the evening of the first day of the following year, he delivered an address of extraor- dinary power, and a considerable number were con- verted. From Dufftown he retraced his steps to Aberdeen. His soul is on fire. "I would gladly give all 1 have," he writes to his wife, "to be once more out preaching Jesus. It is a great and glorious work. I bless God I was called to it. The work done is done for eternity. All other things will soon end. . . . Tell Lizzie I long to hear of her becoming a child of God, a lamb in Christ's fold. Tell her I At Darnlee. 357 long very much. Tell Duncan I wish him to cleave to Jesus. Tell Mary I long to know she has a new heart. Tell them I wish them all to be in heaven with us to praise forever. I feel being away from them, but it is the Lord, and all is well." In the beginning of 1868 he went to reside for a few weeks with his Christian friends at Darnlee, in the south of Scotland. Here again the fire burned. He could not rest. Gathering together the people of Darnick, a village in the neighborhood, he in- dulged once more in the luxury of preaching Christ. Immediately there was a sound and a stir among the dry bones. The Spirit of God began to work gloriously among the dead. The movement, though confined within the narrow limits of the village and adjacent country, was a remarkable one: men and women were brought to the Lord. Happening to meet him at this time, I asked how he, who was suffering from a terrible malady, could do so much work. His reply was characteristic. "Ah!" said he, "the Lord saw that I was very weak, and just worked all the more Himself" In spring he went to Carlsbad, Bohemia, for the benefit of the waters. On his way to the Continent he writes from Tmibridge Wells to Miss M : " My Dear Friend : Mary has sent me your note here. I left Perth about ten days ago, and have been in Hampshire and London. I went to see Ma- jor Gibson. He is very ill. I am here for a few days in a palace. The proprietor, Mr. E , is a 358 ''Keptr man of God. I scarcely ever was in a house like it. ' Holiness unto the Lord ' is stamped upon it. I am going to Carlsbad in Austria on Tuesday (d. v.). The doctors have ordered a trial of its baths, and God has sent plenty of money to take me. It is a strange, wandering life, in quest of health. Yet all is well. I have been rather worse lately. The dis- ease has been very active. All is in the Lord's hands. I feel leaving all at home. I shall be away about five weeks. Pray for me that I may be useful, and if the Lord sees fit, get health for his work. I do desire greatly to see you. I long for it. Had I not been going to the Continent I would have come at once. AU^ all, ALL is love. God can do nothing amiss. All but Mary Jane are well at Perth. We are kindly treated. We have all things richly to enjoy. You would wonder what the Lord does for us. If I come back by London I may get to see you. Will you not be with us this summer? What a welcome you will get! I must close, as I have a good deal to do. There are many changes, but Je- sus lives and Jesus reigns. We shall soon be home. It is a sweet prospect — Home ! " A dear saint of God when dying asked them to put his simple name on his tombstone, and ''Ize^V under it. We may do the same. 'Duncan Matheson. Born, . Died, . In Bohemia. 359 J McP . Born, . Died, . "In Jesus, yours, "Duncan Matheson." In Carlsbad he found means of distributing some 600 copies of the Word of God. Unable to speak the language, he would turn up his favorite text, "God so loved the world," etc., and by gestures and the use of such terms as he could command he man- aged to introduce himself and the Gospel to a good many of the people. By and by they began to know him, and hail him as a friend. Here he made the acquaintance of a German Christian, who had charge of the Bible Depot. An attempt being made by the burgomaster, instigated by the priest, to stop the Bible selling and distribution, and the agent being ordered to leave the house, with the view to his be- ing thrust out of the place altogether, our evange- list took up the case, wrote to a friend in London, through whose instrumentality the priest's design was foiled, and the Bible distribution went on as before. Still panting to be useful, Mr. Matheson undertook to give instruction to the two Jewish girls who attended him in his lodgings. His own clildren were never forgotten. In all his labors and wanderings he found time to write little letters to them. Out of a heap let us take one very much of a piece with the rest : 360 Letter to His DaiigJiter Lizzie. TO HIS LITTLE DAUGHTER LIZZIE. " Carlsbad, 4tli May, 1868. " My own Deak Lizzie : I often tliink of you, for I love you very much. I often pray for you, for I long to see you safe in Jesus' fold. Many a time when wandering alone in the woods here, I wonder what you are doing, and what kind of a scholar you are getting. You must get on very fast at school, as likely you will one day have to earn your bread through the education you have got. I expect great progress before I return. This is a very beautiful country. The town of Carlsbad is very pleasant, built on both sides of a little river about the size of Bogie at Huntly. The boys and girls are very much like what they are in Perth. I see some with knick- erbockers like Duncan's. They have balls, and mar- bles, and hoops, as the children have in Scotland. But alas ! dear Lizzie, they hear not about Jesus as you do. I give some of them copies of the Gospel of John, and if you saw how pleased they are ! Some of them begin to know me now, and as I pass smile and take my hand. I love all children ; Jesus did so very much. I gave a man a copy of the Gospel, and, poor fellow, he was so grateful, he asked me to come at night and get wine and coffee from him. "There are a good few Jewish boys and girls here. I feel deeply for them. They hate the very name of Jesus. Oh, my own Lizzie, if you were really con- verted you would pray for them. We should love the Jews. We got the Bible through the Jews, and ''Rest is a Szveet Word'' 361 Jesus was born a Jew. Once He was a little boy, running about the streets of Nazareth. " Would it not be grand if God would send me back to Perth to you all healed? Would I not, as Duncan says, pack up my things, and be off to preach ? The waters are very nice, boiling up from the earth. One is very great. I am up every morn- ing long before you now. You must write me a long letter some day. I will try to send a letter to Duncan, and Mary, and George soon. Will you, dear Lizzie, take Jesus to be your Saviour? Oh, do ! It would give mother and me more joy than any thing in the world would. "Your own dear father, "Duncan Matheson." TO MISS G. " Carlsbad, Bohemia, 11th May, 1868. " My dear Miss G : How are you all, and es- pecially your dear mother? I do hope you are all well. The larks will be singing sweetly now in S , and I hope the time of the singing of birds (spiritual) has also come. Thank God for droppings on the parched ground. Thank God for saved ones. The little one shall soon, I trust, become a thousand, and many a sweet flower be planted among your hills that shall bloom and blossom up yonder where the weary rest. Rest is a sweet word. Even a child knows its meaning. My third child Mary is very delicate. One day she came in tu^ed, and in her 362 Sunday in Carlsbad. artless way said, 'Mother, will tliere be chairs in heaven to sit down on?' Oh, yes, there will be thrones, and crowns, and palms. How we shall make the courts re-echo with the sweet name of Jesus I How we shall shout Hallelujah! Hallelu- jah! You see, I am far from home in a land of strangers, I know no one. All the time I have been here, I have been the only Englishman. I have met only one Christian, a German Protestant. It is a dark, dark land. No Sabbath here. It is the chief market day. The theatre is open, and almost every shop. The priests have it all their own way. I wish Mr. M and others were here one day. After that they would cease tearing the lambs, and speaking against revival. What a terrible doom theirs will be that go to hell from Scotland ! Tell W to flee for his very life. Were he here he would have no one to tell him. I love W , and my heart wanders at times from this earthly para- dise to the bleak strath. I long to hear glorious tidings from it. I hope M , ' Greatheart,' has visited you again. God bless him, and give him mighty strength. I was very poorly when I left Scotland. I am drinking the mineral waters, and taking the baths. Thank God, I am feeling a good deal better, but as to whether it may touch the root of the disease remains to be seen. Pray for me. Tell your dear mother to ask healing for the work's sake, if the Lord sees fit. I hope to leave this in three weeks, and may come home by Switzerland. Distribution of Six Hundred Bibles. 363 I enclose this in a letter to Mr. Matheson, London. He will post it for you. "I feel it sweet to lean on Jesus here. I can speak to Him though I can to no one else. He heareth j^rayer. My church is the woods alone on the Sabbath day. I have no one to go to. The Lord bless you all. I would like to see you once more. What if my sun is to set at noon? Yet I long to preach Jesus. He must reign. He shall reign. We shall soon see Him as He is. We shall be like Him. " Ever yours in Him, "Duncan Matheson." The following letter appeared in Tim Bevival: "My dear Brother: I am about to leave this land, and I am sorry to do so. Circumstances, however, compel me ; and if my work is done in it, I would joyfully say, ' Thy will be done.' " Since my last, a great door has been opened for the dissemination of the Word of life. I have bought at full price from the Bible Society nearly 600 copies, and scattered them abroad. My main efforts have been directed to the peasantry, as the most hopeful and most needy field. The poverty of many of them is such that they cannot purchase a Bible, and they need it to be brought to their very homes. " Many a weary mile I have walked, and many a scorching sun has shone upon me. Day after day 364 ''No Light r I have waited on the highway, some distance from the town, and, accosting the travellers passing along, have made all who could read John iii. 16. I felt God could make one text as effectual as a thousand; and especially that one on which so many have rested their all for eternity. It has undoubtedly been the most interesting work in which I was ever engaged. Many had never seen the Book; and many even did not know its name. This is true of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in the Austrian empire. " One day, shortly after my arrival, I gave a copy of John's Gospel to an old man. He took it to his home. In a few days he came to the depot and bought a Bible. Time after time he has come for copies for his neighbors, and now he has become a self-appointed colporteur. Last week the police in- terfered with him, but he has since got a regular license from a magistrate, and from love to the truth pursues his calling. " I have had a fine opening amongst the soldiers here in hospital, some of whom had been in Mexico with the unhappy Maximilian. One poor fellow, who has lost his eyesight, asked his comrades what I was doing. On telling him, he said, with a voice choked with emotion as he pointed to his sightless eyeballs, ' No light, no light.' " One day I came upon an old man sitting by the wayside reading a copy I had given. He smiled on seeing me; and, pointing to heaven, and then The Bible in Austria. 365 to John xiv. 2, repeated with much emphasis, ' In my Father's house are many mansions,' and added, 'Yes, and one for me.' "It is work needing the greatest caution; for there is the greatest danger of over-driving and attracting notice. One false step might injure for long to come, as, though there is a measure of lib- erty, yet the priestly power is very great. The work will go rolling along, but not so fast as we may anticipate, or would from our hearts desire. " To get one Bible into Austria almost baffled me when in the East; and now the Bible Society have an unlimited field, a field the extent of which no one can conceive. Fourteen years ago, 50,000 copies of the Word were sent across the Austrian fi'ontier guarded by dragoons. Now they have returned, and a thousand times more will follow. A bill has lately passed the Hungarian Assembly giving fi-ee toleration ; and now the colporteur may go from one end to another unmolested. Colportage is the spe- cial agency needed. Men of God must be found. The Word must be carried to the cottages of the poor, and the palaces of the rich. Men and money ! men and money ! The Lord send that with his bless- ing; for the fields are ripening, and 'the breaker- up' (Micah ii. 13) is going before. Half-hearted effbi-ts will not do. The opening has been made, the prayer of years has been answei'ed, and the responsibility is not realized. Something more is needed than thundering applause at great meet- 366 The Bohemian Protestant Chnrck. ings, when some well-turned sentence is uttered. Something more is needed than singing — (( < WTere the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.' " God does not want what we have not to give. The whole realm of nature belongs to Him. He has, however, given money to some, and He expects that his cause shall be supported, and that with lib- eral hand. "I have gleaned much information about the Bohemian Protestant Church, and have met with some of its pastors. Looking abroad on Bohemia, you are reminded of Ezekiel's visions. The valley is full of bones, and they are very dry. Can these dry bones live? Yea, Lord, we believe they can. Only breathe, and it is done ! Only command, and it shall stand fast ! IMany of the Protestants live too much on the past. It is well to speak of the suffer- ings, trials, and triumphs of those who have gone before. It is well to unroll the scroll of martyred lives, and speak with hallowed breath of the names so gloriously written there. But nothing will do in the place of a crucified, living, coming Jesus, and the forth-putting of the Spirit's power. "Bohemia fills a noble niche in history's page; but as one reads it, how sad the thought, that what faggot and exile could not do a Christless form ac- Appeal for Help. 367 complished ! Eevival is a thing unknown, and few- think of the hving power. If they can hold their own, they are satisfied. Efforts for the conversion of others are almost unknown. They have been sadly isolated, and now when they breathe the air of freedom, and the opening is made, no one is ready to enter on it. One said to me yesterday, 'We need evangelists. If God were to raise up a Spurgeon amongst us, the fuel is ready for the kindling.' Only let the cry be heard, 'Bohemia for Christ ! ' and many would rally round the stand- ard. On its plains the battles of 1866 were fought, which have made a way for the truth never known before. "I am deeply anxious to get 'The Blood of Jesus.* by Mr. Reid, and a selection of M'Cheyne's sermons, such as I got into Gaelic, translated into the Bo- hemian language, spoken by three millions. I have so far made arrangements for the translation, and also to have articles taken from the Herald of Mercy monthly, and inserted in periodicals published in Prague. Will your readers help ^vith money ? It would be but little for some of them to do it alto- gether. It would be a great privilege. I ask it in the name of Him whose they are, and whom they serve. It may be of infinite consequence having it done soon. Time is passing quickly, and masses are on the march to an eternal hell. "A gentleman from London has been laboring quietly, and putting the Gospel before many here. 368 Leaves Bohemia. He has great advantages, speaking tlie German as well as English. "Farewell, Bohemia! The dark shadows which so long have hung over thee may soon be chased away. A bright morning may soon dawn upon thee. Resurrection-life may be felt in thy scattered hamlets, along thy mountain sides, and in thy crowded cities. I bid thee farewell ! and as I do, I breathe out the prayer that God may soon say, 'Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee ! ' " Ever yours in Jesus, Duncan Matheson. "Carlsbad, Bohemia, June 2, 1868." After making arrangements with a Bohemian pastor for the translation of Bonar's "Memoir of M'Cheyne," Eeid's "Blood of Jesus," and his own "Herald of Mercy," into German, he took his de- parture from Carlsbad. Passing through Switzer- land, he spent a few days at Mannedorf, the scene of Dorothea Triidel's healing labors, where he was received with the greatest kindness by Pastor Zeller. "All here," he writes, "is love." Ever bent on win- ning souls, he sought the means of reaching at least one poor heart. A lady, who had lived a gay life, was deeply impressed by his faithful words as he spoke to her of Christ. Hastening home, he reached Perth in a state of utter exhaustion; and it was only too evident to all his friends that the earthly tabernacle was passing rapidly to decay. At the Perth Conference. 369 At the Perth Conference, in September, 1868, he dehvered the following addi-ess on co-operation in the work of the Lord : "We live in stirring times. The old order of things in Church and State is rapidly breaking up, or if not breaking up, great changes are taking place in both. "A few years ago there was no need of introduc- ing such a subject as this, for evangelists did not occupy the places they now do, and the work which the great God has on the wheels had not then ap- peared. Whatever may be thought, this subject is a momentous one, and demands instant attention. It is pregnant with infinite results, and affects the destiny of many a soul. " God has raised up not a few evangelists who go hither and thither. I call the majority of them ir- regulars, free lances, knowing no church, under- standing nothing of parochial divisions, subject to no master but Christ, and, it cannot be denied, wielding a mighty influence on not a few. "There is much in their freedom of action fitted to help on the work, and also snares which only grace can deliver from. It is likely their numbers will be greatly increased ; and if the Lord shall use them as sharp sickles for gathering in souls, surely every Christian will, from the inmost soul, bid them God-speed. "With such of them as have a single eye in seek- ing the salvation of the lost (and I think life is nobly 370 Words to Evangelists, spent if spent for this), living ministers can have no dijfficulty in working. Co-operation with the dead on either side is out of the question; co-operation with the living is to be sought after by every possi- ble means. " Usually evangelists go to places to which they have been invited by one or more living souls. Their work is to 'preach the gospel.' With all my heart I protest against what I have known — men received with all warmth of simplicity, and quietly leadiQg unsuspectiQg ones away to their pecuhar views, leaving afterwards a leaven of division inju- rious in its results. Let men be honest. They have a fair field, and the sacred rights of conscience no man has a right to invade. I have preached in many lands, and in this dear land of ours I have proclaimed salvation in its crowded cities, lowly hamlets, by the side of its wimpling burnies, and on its mountain sides, and no one dare charge me with making one proselyte to my views, or spend- ing my time on aught else but the one theme. " I stand to-day and with my eye fixed on the lost^ I plead with evangelists to keep at the one thing. With the vision cleared by heaven's lamp, they will see the crowd rushing on to destruction, sporting with death, indifi'erent to Calvary, laugh- ing on the way to hell. When there are no souls to save, turn to teaching. William Bums, that man of God now in glory, was once asked by a lady many things as to how he felt when preaching to the mil- '■^Bear and Forbear P 371 lions of China. After a pause, and fixing his eye on her — an eye that was always full of pity — he said, ' I never think but of one thing — the lost and a Christ for them ! ' "I have been told that it is a sacrifice preaching always to the unsaved. I grant it. We lose much joy in always dwelling about the temple door, and not rising to proclaim higher truths, in which our souls would luxuriate. But if we speak of sacrifices, let us think of the tears wept over Jerusalem, of the sore agony in dark Gethsemane, of the dying love on the cross, and then say if life itself is not worth the giving, if we may but win one jewel for Im- manuel's crown. "Bless God for Scottish caution; but it is often at fault. When an evangelist comes to a place, there ought at first to be a 'trying of the spirits.' Stand- ing on etiquette must be laid aside. Evangelists, if full of power, need not to be patronized. Earnest ministers are not to be ignored. They meet on a common platform. They serve the one Christ. "Stereotyped modes of action, if need be, must be laid aside, and the ministry of the Spirit must be recognized. "In my younger days there was a very current advice common amongst the people — ^Bear and forbear' There will ever be need of doing both. Essentials must be held by both as with a death- grip; but non-essentials may be scattered to the winds. In one sense neither must act the gentle- 372 Watching the Tide. man. Both should toil and sweat as laborers. The fnrrows turned up by both should be so joined that when the seed S23rings the furrows may be hid un- der the golden grain ripening for the harvest-home of heaven. " I only returned a few days ago from the sea-side. In my weakness I used to sit and mark the ebbing and flowing tide. When it was out every inequal- ity in the shore could be seen, hidden rocks were laid bare, and the tangle-covered bottom exposed. When in, all was covered. There was nothing to be seen but the blue sea — the one great ocean. So, when the Holy Ghost shall put forth his almighty power, a subject such as this will not be raised. The waves of salvation rolling along shall put all out of sight, as ministers and evangelists — like men rescu- ing the drowning from a wreck, almost sweating blood as they do it ; or saving the inmates of some burning home — run with hell pursuing and heaven beckoning onward, holding up the cross, and in thrilling tones cry aloud — *' 'There is life for a look at the crucified One, There is life at this moment for thee ; Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved, Unto Him that was nailed to the tree. ' "There is nothing comparable to the loss of a soul. God, heaven, hell, salvation, are awfully solemn real- ities. The shadows of eternity are falling on the path of some of us. They are not dark, but light- ened by the glory that shines from the better land. The Riding Passion, 373 I know not how it may soon be with me. A Fa- ther can heal if He pleases. I leave it in His hand. It is sweet to know that we toil only for a little. That sowing in tears, we shall reap in joy. Let us seek the welding heat of heaven. We can only do valiantly as we receive power from on high. That power will not be withheld, and blessing will come. With all the earnestness of a dying man, and with my eye fixed on the judgment-seat, I would affec- tionately urge all who love the Lord to pray, labor, and live for the lost. Lift up Jesus and 'Jesus ONLY,' for — " ' His name forever shall endure: Last like the sun it shall ; Men shall be blest in Him, and Bless' d All nations shall Him call. " 'And blessed be His glorious name, To all eternity; The whole earth let His glory fill: Amen: so let it be.' " For the rest of his time he was seldom able to preach. But the ruling passion was strong in him to the last. Although not a murmur escaped his lips, he longed for the old freedom and joy in pro- claiming the glad tidings of salvation, and some- times seemed like the imprisoned lion thrusting him- self with a noble violence against the bars of his cage. One day on hearing that three persons had been converted through the instrumentality of his *' Herald of Mercy" he said, "I thank God for this; 374 ^^^^ Intense Earnestness. but after all there is nothing like the living voice for carrying the truth to men's souls." Now and then he indulged in the luxury of preaching, and never at this period without marked results. There was now a marvellous intensity and tenderness in his words. He really poured out his soul in his ad- dresses. It appeared to need more than human ob- duracy of heart to listen to him without being melted and drawn. In several places sinners were converted at the little meetings. Now, however, that the living voice was all but hushed did he labor to publish salvation through the press. And the grace and kindness of his Divine Master were strikingly displayed in the remarkable blessing that now rested on his publications. Every week, and sometimes indeed every day, brought him tidings of sinners converted by means of his periodical or special issues. The blessed results of the labor of former years were also constantly and providentially coming to light, and he was both cheered and humbled. "Oh, how good a God He is! " was his frequent exclamation. "Oh! if I were better," he often said, "I would preach Christ more than ever. I would warn men more than ever. I would speak of eternity more than ever." As he was about to start for the south of Eng- land in quest of health, the dying evangelist took up the railway map to examine the route, but forget- ting his immediate purpose he began to ponder the spiritual condition of the region, and looking up The Ministry of Suffering, 375 said, "These three counties are c?eac? — utterly dead T^ Compelled by the inroads of the fatal disease to avoid the excitement of conversation, he invented various devices to supply the place of personal deal- ing with fellow-travellers, or other strangers whom he happened to meet. Knowing the reluctance of many to read religious tracts or books, he printed in large type on little neat cards pointed and sol- emn truths, with which he sought to awaken the world's heavy sleepers. For example the following: "There is A God Who sees thee ! A Moment Which flies from thee! An Eternity Which awaits thee ! A God whom you serve so ill ! A Moment of which you so Httle profit! An Eternity you hazard so rashly I Eeader, Where will you spend Eternity? In Heaven or Hell? Which?" His was now a new and even more Christ-like ministry. The ministry of activity, of valor, of ex- hausting toil, and of heroic perseverance had been fully accomplished. It was now the ministry of suf- 376 Instant in Prayer. fering : and holy suffering is most like the ministry of the Son of God. It is the ministry of the crushed sandal-tree which yields its perfume to the wood- man's axe. The ministry of the alabaster box which must needs be broken that the aroma of the oint- ment may fill the house. We saw the breaking of the box, and the richness of the fragrance tempted us to ask, Why this waste — why this premature break-up of that goodly form ? We might as well ask why the angel of the covenant maimed Jacob just as he obtained victory and blessing. God's Israels have strange experiences; out of weakness they are often made strong. It was at this period he attained his greatest power in prayer. He now ascended to a summit of faith that few Christians ever reach. "I have been all night," said he to a Christian friend, "between Gethsemane and Cal- vary, between the manger and the cross." Many a night was now spent on the mount of intercession. It was not merely the prayer of faith : it was also the prayer of love. As the glory of love is its dis- interestedness, so one of the noblest qualities of true prayer is disinterested love. He seemed to lay his will alongside of the will of God, and the answer admitted not of doubt. Often did he rise from his knees in a flood of tears, but they were tears of joy. And we have seen a whole assembly moved till every eye was wet, whilst with child-like simplicity and holy tenderness he entreated his God — " Lord, take us to-day to Calvary, and show us afi'esh thy TJie Tabernacle in Ridns. 377 pierced hands and feet, thy thorn-crowned brow. Give us at the cross a new baptism of thy Holy Spirit. Send us to tell the unsaved that we have seen the Lord. jMake us weep over them, as Thou didst over Jerusalem. Show us the moving mass on their march down to the pit. Show us the city : let us walk its golden streets. We are in it by faith to-day. Show us its jasper walls, and above all Him that is its light." Thus he prayed: and it is added by the narrator, "he wept as he rose from prayer." Often as he plead for the salvation of Scotland, and of the whole Avorld, he said, like one of our an- cient worthies, " Take long strides, Lord, take long strides." The summer of 1869 found him in a dying state. Many prayers had been offered for his recovery, but he grew worse. All known remedies had been employed ; for the same generous friends who had aided him in his numerous schemes of Christian usefulness, lovingly ministered to him of their sub- stance during his long illness. But all means were in vain ; the disease obedient to the great Master's will went on in its stern course, till at length every pin was unfastened, and the tabernacle lay in ruins. In July of that year he went to Bruar in the High- lands, where he remained till within a fortnight of his death. Although in a condition of extreme prostration, he employed much of his time in pre- paring various matters for the press. " The Herald of Mercy'' was got ready for the rest of the year; 3/8 The ^^Good Tidings^'' etc. and after lie was gone it was touching enough, to see his httle periodical appear month after month just as he had prepared it; it was hke a voice speaking out of eternity. He also prepared a little book entitled "Things Worth Knowing," and papers called "Good Tidings" and "New Year's Gift," hun- dreds of thousands of which were printed and put into circulation. One of these papers, it may be Btated on the authority of a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus, was instrumental in the conversion of two persons some three months after the hand of this unwearying sower of the truth had lost its cunning in death. Another instance of blessing on those last labors appeared in " I^Ae Christian'' of Sept. 15th, 1870: "H.M.S. Hihernia, Malta. — ^Towards the end of last year I received a large bundle of tracts, books and 'New Year's Gifts,' from an unknown donor. They were addressed to Mr. Hodges, Koyal Na- val Scripture-reader (my predecessor). Soldiers' and Sailors' Institute, Burmala, Malta, who kindly sent word that I might distribute them amongst the men for whom they were intended. This I did as follows: Hymn-books, Burmala and Valetta Insti- tutes, books amongst the soldiers and children; *New Years Gifts' one in each mess of every ship on the station, some twenty-four vessels; and the tracts have been given away in various ships, regi- ments, hospitals, and prisons. Now all these have not only greatly strengthened my hands during Last Addresses. 379 the past ten months, bnt a rich manifest blessing has attended their widespread circulation. Tlie ''New Years Gifts,' and ' Good Tidiiigs' caused quite a revival of true religion in several quarters. One remarkable case I will mention. To the reading of a 'New Year's Gift,' one of the crew of the Bellerophon owes his direct conversion. This man is a genuine disciple of the Lord ; so that if he was the only case of blessing, the person who kindly- sent them is richly rewarded. 'That day' will declare all the good done. I ought to mention that, after W received the blessing himself, he sent the little messenger home to his aged mother and friends, there to be a further blessing, we trust. I should be very happy to receive another similar bundle ere this year closes, and we will look for- ward with increasing joy for a greater blessing on them, and to that happy hour when sower and reaper shall rejoice together in our home above. Mr. G. Brown, Sick Bay, Steward H.M.S. Crocodile, Portsmouth, will receive any parcels for me, and see them safely delivered. — Charles Briber." On Sabbath evenings Mr. Matheson addressed a meeting in a room of the house where he lodged. To this meeting he literally crept, so weak was he ; and from the last one he was all but carried to his own room. In vain did friends entreat him to spare himself He knew his time was very short ; he sev- eral times told his wife he would be removed about the middle of September ; and he begged to be in- 380 His Return to Perth. dulged in the luxury of preaching Christ once more. These services were deeply impressive, his last text being, "What think ye of Christ?" As he lay looking out on the hills he said, " Very, very soon these eyes shall be gazing on the ever- lasting hills. . . . Soon I shall be beholding fairer scenes than those. ... I shall soon see the King in his beauty, and the land that is very far off." On September 3d he returned to Perth; and on reaching his house he called his whole family to- gether, that together they might offer thanks for the great goodness of the Lord to him and them. He then calmly set his house in order, not overlook- ing the most trivial matter. "Give my clothes to the poor," he said to his wife ; it was almost the only legacy he had to leave. To his friends at parting he spake words of joy and triumph. To Dr. A. S he said, "Resurgam." To Mr. M , an evangelist, "You are going to speak of the King, but I am going to see Him." To his old Crimean friend, Mr. Hector Macpherson, whose emotion at parting Avas too strong for even the soldier's firm- ness, he said, "Do not weep for me: I have only to die once that I may live forever." To another, who found him making arrangements for a series of evangelistic services to be held at Hillhead, near Glasgow, he said, "I should like to die planning revival services." The services then planned by him were in progress at the time of his death : the word '"Jesus OnlyT 381 was in demonstration of the Spirit, and a consider- able number of persons were converted. To another friend he said, "I got the victory long ago — when the Lord first forgave my sins. . . . You have nothing now to ask for me but tliat I may have an abundant entrance." To Mrs. Sandeman, Springland, he said, "It's all love — it's all well. Beality is the great thing — I have always sought reality I have served the Lord for tAvo and twenty years ; I have sought to win souls — it has been my passion — and now I have the fruit of it. One of my spiritual chil- dren went the other day as a missionary to China, and many others of them are preaching the Gospel. . . . Well, at least you can say you have seen the vanquished the conqueror." When alone, he was often heard saying to him- self with a quiet jubilance of tone, "Victory!" and often too, in soft, rapt whispers, "Jesus only! " From day to day he fed on the good word of grace. One day it was, "Ye are complete in Him." Another day it was, " Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that belie veth." Again it was, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness : by whose stripes ye were healed." Near his end he triumphed in those words, " The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." Shortly before his departure he was fiercely assailed by the great adversary. 382 His Hinnility. The conflict was sharp but short, and victory re- mained with the soldier of the cross. Grasping the sword of the Spirit, he was enabled to contend till at length the enemy left the field and returned no more. Curiously enough, the Scripture by which he was enabled through grace at this time to over- come was the memorable passage inscribed on his grand-uncle's tombstone, " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for- ever and ever ! " More than twenty years before he had knelt upon the grave and consecrated himself to the service of Jesus, transcribing with prayers and tears into his innermost heart the words of the prophet. They had been the helm of his subsequent career, the guiding star of his extraordinary minis- try. To these words his thoughts naturally reverted ; and now when clouds gathered upon the sky, his star shone calmly down upon him, and he was guided through the storm. To use his own saying, lie was now getting what lie had gone in for. There are many lights in the firmament of the Word ; and it may seem meet to God in his wisdom to guide through the darkness and the tempest some keen-eyed mar- iner of faith by a star too remote for your eyes or mine to discern. "I have not been wise," he said with unfeigned humility to his wife. "Yet God has used me in turning many to righteousness, and 1 know," he added, with an eye rekindled as the dark- ness passed away before the light of coming glory Awaiting the Summons. 383 now streaming into Ms soul, "I know He is true, and I shall be with Him forever." To his children he spoke of Jesus, and of the chariot coming to take him to glory. He charged them each one to meet him in heaven. To his wife he frequently addressed words of comfort: "You will have your trials," he said, "but the Lord will bear you through them, and the trials will make you shine the brighter." He assured her again and agam that the Lord would liberally supply all her and their children's needs. " Mary," said he to her, " I have another text to give you to-day. It is this: 'A Father of the fatherless, and a Judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation ' " (Ps. Ixviii. 5.) To his sister he said, " Oh, Jessie, isn't it infinite love that I should not be suffering ? " He abounded in thanks- giving, and often asked Mrs. Matheson to assist him in singing praise. Psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs were the latest efforts of his voice. Two hymns, "Awaiting the Summons," and "Soon to be with Jesus," he frequently repeated; and as they seemed most fitly to express his thoughts and feel- ings during his last hours, one of them may, in part at least, be given here : AWAITING THE SUMMONS. " Away from the wilderness-state My spirit would thankfully flee ; And yet in the patience of hope I would wait. Till Thou, my Lord, callest for me. 384 Filled with the Spirit of Glory. *' why should I tremble or dread At whatever may hai^pen around, While I cling unto Thee, the life-giving Head, In whom all true nourishment's found? " Thou dost not allow me to quail. Though keen the blasts oftentimes blow; For Thou art my refuge, that never can fail, Though all things are failing below. •' With a conscience at peace with my God, And a heart from anxiety free, I pray that the rest of my path may be trod In happy communion with Thee." " Mary," lie said to his wife, " this room is filled with the heavenly host. Had I strength, how we would sing!" On this he repeated the last three verses of the 72d Psalm in metre, coming back with rapt delight on the last four lines — " And blessed be His glorious name To all eternity ! The whole earth let His glory fill: Amen: so let it be !" He now appeared to be filled with the Spirit of glory and of God; and as if already triumphing amidst the heavenly host, his voice gave out with exultant tones the words of Psalm Ixviii. 17 — '* God's chariots twenty thousand are. Thousands of angels strong; In's holy place God is, as in Mount Sinai them among." As night came on — the last brief period of dark- ness to him forever — he said, with characteristic joy- fulness of faith, "Light all the lights; and let not ''Preach Christ!'' 385 this be a charnel-house." It was to him not death but Hfe; not sorrow, disaster, or defeat, but joy, honor, and victory. It was not a time to mourn, but a festive season ; and he would go to the mar- riage-supper of the Lamb with a garland of praise in his hand to cast at the feet of the King. It was in the same jubilance of faith that he often said, " Be not sorrowful at my burial. Praise God as ye carry me to my grave. And when you lay me down, sing — " ' There is rest for the weary.' " Yet amidst all this triumph, nothing could be more striking than the increasing trustfulness with which he clung to the cross. The scriptures he chiefly dwelt on were those bearing on the death of Jesus in the room of sinners. To an evangelist who came to bid him farewell, he said, with death-like earnest- ness, " Preach Christ." Not long before he had said to a young minister — one of his own converts — "If I were to live I would preach substitution more than I have ever done." His peace was now neither coming nor going, but flowing on like a river ; and he frequently repeated these lines — • ' In peace let me resign my breath, And thy salvation see; My sins deserve eternal death, But Jesus died for me." He had now but one want — " the coming of the King." " How is it the King tarries," he said, in a 25 386 Bidding His Friends Farewell. tone of intense longing, " when the chariot- wheels are so very near ? " Then he seemed to hearken for a Httle to the inaudible voice of the King, and after the pause said, " Ah, but He has a purpose in this ! " It was said to him, " Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are." "Yes," he replied; "and He is doing it for me." His suffering was great, but at the worst he said, in his own hopeful way, * ' Beyond tlie sighing and the weeping I shall be soon." At this time, a few hours before he died, he said that many of his old friends were passing before his mind. His ardently affectionate heart was summon- ing them up for a last embrace. Mentioning the names of one after another, he said, " Give them my undying love." Every prayer seemed to be answered and every wish gratified. He longed to see his sister, and she came unexpectedly from Huntly. He desired to see his former pastor and fellow-laborer in the Gospel, j\Ir. Williamson, and providentially his well-tried friend came in after a long journey. He earnestly desired once more to see the writer of these pages, and it was my privilege to be with him during the last hour of his life. On entering his room I was struck with his appearance. He was singularly elevated, and yet profoundly calm. His intellect possessed all the vigor of his best days; his eye Resting on the Sin-bearer. 387 was clear and softly lustrous ; his voice liad recov- ered its manliness and power, and his lion-like feat- ures seemed to repose in the sense of victory. I saw at a glance that he was on the threshold of glory, for the very light of heaven was on his face. Yet all was so natural and unaffected that I could not help saying to myself, "He is the same man, the very same man, Duncan Matheson and no other." Even a touch of the old humor was there. Taking a few whiffs of a cigar to relieve his mouth of the painful sensations caused by disease, he said, refer- ring to the morbid pietism which his manly spirit had never liked, "If some people saw me at this, they would think it was not very like reading ' Thomas a Kempis.' " Particularly and tenderly he inquired about the welfare of all his friends. As of old, he asked espe- cially about the work of the Lord, praising God when he was told of prosperity, and saymg sol- emnly in reference to certain who temporized, "Never mind them. 'What is the chaff to the wheat?' saith the Lord." Then he began to tell me that he was resting on the Sin-bearer, at the same time quoting the Scriptures that were yield- ing his soul peace and rest. He said, "I am weary, and I am waiting. . . . Heaven will literally be a rest to me." He seemed like a man returning from the harvest-field with the last golden sheaf upon his shoulder. Pacing wearily along the stub- ble in the clear, crisp air of an autumnal evening, 388 The Last Scene. suddenly the countenance of the worn-out reaper brightens, and his step is instinctively quickened as his ear catches the first sound of the merry-making and the harvest-home ; and all his weariness is for- gotten as he anticipates .... " The shout of them that triumph, The song of them that feast." As he talked of Christ and glory, he said, " It may be a few days yet before I get home, or only a few hours." Perceiving the emotion I could not con- ceal, he said, with the tear of fond, but manly affec- tion in his eye, " You cannot come with me. You have more work to do, and you must wait a while. Ah ! dear Macpherson," he added, with much feeling, as he called to mind the former days, "you and I are like two war-ships" — the old warrior spirit stirred in him to the last — "meeting far out at sea, and one of them is going down in mid-ocean." "Not so," I replied; "rather it is this: one of them is about to enter the haven of peace, while the other is left to toss upon the uncertain deep." Then, as if girding up his loins, he said bravely, "I have cast my ^nq fatherless children upon the Lord, and all shall be well." His heart now began to stir again with longings to depart, and with the high praises of his God. When we had prayed together, he said in his old familiar way, " Man, I don't get singing enough. I want to sing : will you help me ? " I agreed to sing with him the hymn, " Shall we gather at the Lifes Last Hours. 389 river ? " But before singing he insisted, with that warmth of genuine hospitahty that characterized him, on my partaking of refreshment. Just then he was seized with cramp. We seemed to hear a voice saying, " The Master is come, and calleth for thee." Quickly his wife and sister were by iiis side. " Our friend is in deep waters," said his kind Christian physician whom I ran to fetch. So in- deed it was : but his feet were firm upon the rock. The everlasting arms were underneath him. " Lord Jesus, come quickly ! Oh, come quickly ! " he several times exclaimed. Quickly the Lord Jesus came and took him. Our hymn was not sung. He went to sing by the river : and we were left to Aveep. On the 16th day of September, just as the sun was going down, Duncan Matheson disappeared from our view to shine in another sphere. Thus de- parted a right brave and great-hearted man — the man who above millions had lived for God, the man who above most men had labored for souls and for eternity. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from henceforth : yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors: and their works do follow them." In accordance with his own wish the funeral was a private one. On the 21st September a few friends, not witliout prayers and praises, and tears and sore pangs of grief, quietly carried him to the new burial place at Scone, and laid him down in a pleasant spot chosen by himself His friend, the minister of the 390 His Epitaph. Free Church at Scone, having oiferecl prayer by the grave, the company joined in singing, "There is rest for the weary," two of the evangeHst's own con- verts, a preacher and a student, both devoted to the work of the Lord, leading the praise. So we left him there to rest, and truly he sleeps well. His grave is marked by a plain monument on which is inscribed, as prepared by himself, the fol- lowing epitaph: "In Memory of Duncan Matheson, Editor ' Herald of Mercy,' and Evangelist. Bom at Huntly, Nov. 22d, 1824. Born again, Oct. 26, 1846. Died Sept. 16tli, 1869. "And they that be -wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever pan. xii. 3)." Keader, if you are not in Christ, ponder, I pray you, "the path of your feet." As we part, I will leave the Scottish evangelist at his old post, with his hand pointing you to the way of life. You re- member the words of the Lord Jesus in which He describes the wide and strait gates (Matt. vii. 13, 14), and by a few master-strokes portrays the char- acters, ways, and eternal destinies of the two classes of men, the saved and the lost. This was our evan- gelist's great burden, and never did he preach on the broad and narrow ways, as we heard him tell, with- A Finger-post. 391 out seeing fruit. The substance of that discourse, so marvellously owned of God, he printed in a conspic- uous form, which he held up everywhere to catch the eye of travellers to the judgment-seat. Here then, as we mark the last footprint of this faithful servant of the Lord, let us erect his finger-post of THE TWO THE BKOAD. Its gate is wide Matt. vii. 13. Its way is dark Prov. ii. 13. Its paths are false Prov. xiv. 12. It is crowded by those who forsake God Isaiah i. 4. who do iniquity Isaiah lix. 3. who serve the devil. .John viii. 44. It leads to Misery Rom. ii. 9. Death Eom. vi. 21. Judgment . . Matt. xii. 36. Its end is hell, where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matt. xiii. 42. ROADS. THE NAKROW. Its gate is strait Matt. vii. 14. Its way is light John viu. 12. Its paths are truth Ps. xxv. 10. It is trod by those who forsake sin IPe. iii.10,11. who do the will of God Matt. vii. 21. who serve the Lord Christ Col. iii. 24. It leads to Happiness. .Ps. Ixiv. 10. Life Matt. vii. 14. Eternal Glory. I Peter v. 10. Its end is heaven, where there is fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore Ps. xvi. 11. READER, Mark ! On this side you have And on this side you find Death ! Damnation I LefeI Salvation I Satan ! God ! Along which of these roads are you hastening ! for in one or the other you most certainly are. Are you in the way to God and Heaven? or Satan and Hell? A mistake, if continued to the end, will be fatal. " For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark viii. 36). 392 Eternity. Jesus Christ says: " I am the way, the truth, and the Hfe: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me" (John xiv. 6). "He that beheveth on Me hath everlasting hfe" (John vi. 47). "Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out" (John vi. 37). "I came not to call the righteous, but sin- ners to repentance" (Mark ii. 17). "The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke xix. 10). Where will tou spend eternity? "For God and eternity." SCOTCH BOOKS AND SCOTTISH AUTHORS. PUBLISHED BY KOBEET CAETER AND BROTHERS, NEW YORK. 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