A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/truesouldiersconOObrid 33 &a GO us &3 m S3 OS fV« 1 GS S3 7#* *ra O Lord we entreate thee, giue us good munition or good prouifion, or (that which the world calleth the nerues of wairej giue us money, but as if he would fliew that Gods prefence is moil definable to ^army 3 §cthat clods' preleceis their munition and provifion and containeth all things, he faith Gods peoplefhould go forth to prayer Firjt y god himfilfe hath ma- ny enemies 3 Let none wonder at this 5 nay rather wonder that God hath any frkndes in the world it is fo wicked, the Scripture is full for it,inthatPfal.8.*ver£2. Out of the mouthes of babes and Suck- lings hajl thou Qrdainedjlitngth A be- Obf ReaP i. 8 1 The true Souldiers Convoy. becaufe of thine, enemies. Ffal 3 7*2 0. But the wicked /hall per if h and the enemies of the Lord fhall be as the fan of lamhes.Pfal.74:4. Thine ene- mies roan , &c. Ye know the P/al. For loe thine enemies Lord^forloe thine enemies. Rea i . Thofe that are in league and covenant one with ano- ther 3 haue common friends & common enemies. Gods chil- dren are in covenant withGod, and therefore they having ene- mies,Godhath enemies, 2 There is a fpecial contrariety betweene God & the world* the Jiesh lufteth againjl the Jpirit ani the fpirit againB the fleshy for they > are contrarie : take but this one inftance in this matter of contrariety, to fee how contrary God and the godly are to the Deuill and the Reafi. qal 5. *7« The uueSouldierss Convoy. the wicked. Let a thing be ne- ver fo bad 3 God and the godly will turne it to good and Gods honour: Let a thing be never foe good, the Deuill and wic- ked men will turne it to bad and Gods dishonour : now en- mity being nothing els but en- livened contrariety , and there being fuch a contrariety be- tweene God and the world y it cannot be but that Godfhould haue many enemies, 3 . That which maketh a thing fo , is more fo,ifa man loath a bea- ker or vefTell becaufe phifick hath been in it , he loatheth the phifick much more 3 and if the world hate the godly becaufe they are godly , then they hate Godmuch more^now the god- ly haue many enemies and that for this reafon becaufe they are godly, therefore Godhimfelfe A j hath io Re a. The true Souldiirs Convoy . \ hath more. j Further when two are at a great; diftance and neither doe yeeld '■ buckle nor comply to , or; with one another 3 there muft needes be a greate enmity: now faith our Sauiour CThrift you cannot Ioue God and Mammon , you muft loue the . one and hate the other, God I will haue no complying : and \ for this rcaibn the Senate ot j Rome 5 as the Hiftorians giue | it 3 would not acknowledg Jefus Chrift to be a God , becaufe he is fuch a one, ((aid theyj as if we acknowledg him to be God,he will not let us acknowledge other Gods , other Gods will comply & be content we fhall acknowledg others alfo ,but for this Chrift 3 if we acknowledge him we muft acknowledge none other 3 now t God done good unto his ene- mies ? God hath many ene- \ mies, and what hurt hath God ! done them? Haue you ene- mies/Gcd hath foe: Haue you many enemies/ God hath foe: Haue' you many falfe e- nemies (/od hath foe : remember this dofirine; Gcd hiaifelfe Objt Anf. M J. off Tf.4* t. Xing it. 27* The true Souldiers C anv{> J' I himfelfe hath many enemies: j. the fecond obferuatiori is, As the Lord hath manyent- , mie$ , foe he is pleafed for a time tojleepe unto his enemies: j he fleepeth,therefore it is f ude ( here arife : arifmg is oppofed : to fleeping , Lord why flee- pert thou.>butwtttt isthat'not . that we should underftand it I literally , for fo the Prophet derided Baals Priefts ; cry aloud it miy be your God fleepeth: but underftand it metaphorically.' A man is faide to be a flcepe when he is fo , intenfe about one bufines that , hcedoth not regard another, j that bufines which tee doth not meddle with he is faide to be a fleepe to: foe now when God shall haue fflkinV enemies , and they shall blaP pheme his name and mule his people the true Soutdie rs Convoy. people 5 and hinder his ordi- nances: andGod shall be deafe to all their blasphemies reui- lings.and all their wickednefle when they shall perfift in evill and bring their wicked devifes topalTe, and yet ^odshalbe as it were blmde to all their dealings , then Cod fleepeth to the enmi- ty of his enemies t would you know the reafons > Firft of all, it may be the enemies are not yet great e- r-ough for God to contend with: the Eagle doth not hunt after flies, and a lyon doth not h?rnefle himfelfe to bat- tajle againft a poore worme : it may be the malice of the enemy is not yet great enough a & (be is not a fitt ob- ject for the greate indignation of the greate God, aiuf there- fore ■R"j The true Souldiers Qonvoj. fore God fuffereththem , to go on that itmight be a greater and a more full object to beare his indignation. Againe, therefore Godfcf- fereth this and feemeth to fleepe for a time : becaufe his people are not provoked e- nough againft their enemies, as it was with the childre of If- raelthat wentagainftBehiamin & fell before the twice 5 if Ifrael had overcome them the firft time , they would not haue beene foe provoked againft them j to haue cutt them all of as they were 3 but being beaten by them twice : thereby they were provoked to their deitru&ion , fo God fuffereth his enemies to pre- vaile andfleepeth to the cafe of his peopleforatime,becaufe the harts of his people aienot ftirred The trite Souldiers convoy. *7« ftirred enough againft their enemies to cutt them of folly when that is done then God a- waketh* Again fbmtimes God flee- pethbecaufe his people fleep tohmvandlay arife to fbme- thing els , Th zy fleep to him. It was the fpeech of an Empe- rour when he was in prifon^ Oh (liudehej when I was in my pallace, I hoped foe much in men that I negledted truft- ing in God: but now I am in prifon,X may hope lefle in me j mdtruft more in God : fo'j it may bee there is al time when Gods people doeft!! aileepeto God: hope: to much in men , and not j enough in God : Now faith j the Prophet ; Woe to him thai \ faith to the ft me ari/e , shall Godarifeto his people when B * thev Reaft 3* Hah. 19* i8. Reaf.4, The true Souldiers Convoy. ' — i« they fay to the ftone, anie? Shall God arife for his people when they lit dc wne , and rife not up themfelues' Brethren faith is prayer in the coales , & prayer is faith in the fUe : now j it may be mens faith doth not burne out enough, it burneth dark,they pray 3 but are not hot in prayer, they liue 5 but they do not Hue out of themfelues in God enough, wherefore that God may awaken his people, he fleepethhimfelfe. Ffltfr^/^fomtimesit is for ! th ; s end , bccaufe the pit of his j enemies is not yet digged: j confiderthat?*. Pfal. 12, 1?. Blejpdis the man whomethou chaftenejl Lord , and teachejl him out cfthy law that thou mayefl giuehim reft from the dayes of adverjity 3 tint ill the\ ptt be digged for the wicked^ j thei> The true Soul diersCono vy. there is a time when the pitt of the wicked is digging, and all that timeGods people maybe infiiffering,God fuffereththe wicked to run away with the baite 5 and doth not yet draw them,becaufe they are not full onthehooke, but when they haue fwallowed the hooke, then he will draw them. Hence we may fee what the reafon is many times why there is fo much evill in the Churches , and why the ene- mies preuaile fo much,fb long God is the ftrength of the Churches , and our ftrength fleepethfomtimes upon allthe afflictions of the Churches, we are apt to be muchdifcouraged like the difciples who whileft our Saviour was in the ftorme a deep : they came running in all haft to him, faying, careft 19 B thou VJ*. vft. Obfl The true Souldiers convoy, thou not that we pcrishcfo it is many times when a ftormsri- fcth upon the Church 3 God fe- mcth to fleepejand wee run in haff to God , and ar eapt to charge God: Lord careft thou :iot that we perish, but peace peace^hc flecpeth only,he will i vvake shortly, you shall fee it, Ind th^y shall feele it , for the third point tels us that. though Cfodfeem to flee p^ & his e. :emies prevaile ,yet there is a time when they shall be fiat tered , and when (jod arifeth they ■ are flattered : there are twoparts in thisdo&rine, } will handle them fcvcrally. Fh ft. Though the enemies of the Lord do prcvaile^and God feemethtofleepei yet there is atime when they shallbe fcat- tered:Inthat*J. Pflah /. You hauethe fame words tha: are | here The true Souldiers Convoy* here.* Let God arife \ let h $ ene- mies be fc altered^ in the follo- wing part of rhePfaime, \"0l verf, it is fit d^K i rigs of armies did flee apace , inthe Hebrew it is they fled th ey fled , fled is twice 5 why foe .* That is, they did flee very haftily , and they fled moft confufedly 5 they fled alwaies, they fled , they fied 3 noting the greatnefle of the flight. Reafons: Firft If it were not fo how should God be honoured in the world : God is refolded to recover his honour , his truth 3 and his juftice out of the hands of the world :&i?h the Pftlmift He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked 5 fo that a man shall fay verily there is a • reward for the righteous^ verily he is a god that judgeth in the earth : But did they not know B 3 it T/aLs* IB, 21 Tf68.il The true Sonldiers Convoy. it before that God ruleth in the earth ? True, But men will not fay al that for God alwaies which their hearts know; and the glut of profperity often doth quench their knowledge, but when Gods judgements are abroad then men shall fay (Tie doth not fay godly men; but then men shall fayj though they be but bare me they shall fay&c. Ohitisafweete time when ungodly men shall own their owne principles 5 and if you look into the Pfalme, you shall find when the enemies of the Church are deftroycd 5 that God hath many prechers made that doe teach his praifes, faith thePfalmiftver. 12. The Lord gaue the word great e was the company ofthoje that published it : Kings of armies did flee a- pace^ and she that tarried at home The true Souldieirs Convoy, home a 'evicted the fpoile. 1 he words in the oiiginall are very fignificant and doe note two things :Firftthe word which you read company; in the He- brew it is Army : great was the army of preachers ; an ar- my of Preachers is a greate matter , nay it is a great matter to haue kvcn or eight good pjeachers in a great army , but to haue a whole army of prea- chers, that is glorious: Secon. It doth note out the heartines of this preaching Army 5 for the word ( Nephesh foulej is to be underftood as in that place of Ecclejiaftes , it is faid there he wordes or book oft he Prez- cher. which being in the femi- nine gender doth fuppofe Ne- phesh and as if hee should lay (asVatablus hath it)the words or booke of him that hath a preaching foule or hart 5 or the B 4 words / 22J I, Scd.it, H The true Souldiers Convey- Rea, 2. of a preaching fculc or hai :t, fo herewherc it is laid great is the the army of preachers, the word bei g in the feminine gender, it is as if he should foy 3 great is the army of preaching ioules 5 whofevci\ hea:ts with in them shall preach of the Lords workes , now my bre- thren it is much to haue a prea chirgaimy, but if this army shall with hart & fcule pi er.ch of^odspraife^Oti^tisa blef kd thing : yet thus shall it bee when the enemies of God shall be deftroyed, and there- fore feeing God wiil not loofe all thofefermons of his owne prayfes>induetime the ene- mies of the Church shalbc fcattered. All the plots and projects of <7ods enemies ly under a curfe The true Sotddiers Qonvoj. -5 curfe^now the curfe fcartereth, and the bltffing gathereth, Avhen God blcikd, then the people were gathered, when | God curfeth^then they are feat- \ tered : you know when Jacob \ was to blefle his children , in ■ fteade ofbleffmg Levi, he fee- |meth to pronounce a cuife u- pon them, that fey should be ; (cattered in Ifrael, furely it is ! | a part of the curfe to be fcatte- ! red, and the enemies of God I and of his people arealwayes ! under the curie-.and (asalear- j ned holy divine of your owne \ hath it ) they are never prayed I for y but looke as it is with fome graile that groweth the houfe ge.49*7 upon topp< | though it bee higher then that which growes in the field, yet noe -man prayes font* or no *5 The true Souldiers Qonvoy. ! Rea, 3> *3 33 j-> 33 33 *3 33 3> 3> 3> 3* 33 5- Pfa. S9< noc man faith, the Lord blefFe it D but the grafle and corne that growes in the field , the men that come by fay; there is a good crop of corne the Lord blefle it , foe though wicked men and the enemies of the Church doe perke up higher then the reft/ yet they are ne- ver under prayer, but alwayes under the cur fe; and therefore no wonder though they bee fcattered : God will lay menswayes upon their owneheades/the fish shall be boyled in the wa- ter it lived in, and men de- ftroyedby the fame way they walked in ? therefore T/al. S9* you shall fee how fin is anfwe- red with the like punishment, the Pfalmift fpeaking con- cerning his enemies ver. 6.7. They relume at evening they mak* The true Seuldiers Convoy, ma ke a noife like a dog andgoe roundabout the city ^behold they belch out with their mouthy Jwordes are in their lippes, that is , they revile, they jeare and j fcorn at thegodly there is their fin , now looke into the latter end of the Pfalme at the 14. verf. you shall fee their anfwe- rable punishment 5 ^And at evening they shall returne and make ano'fe like a do? , and £0 about the citie, let them wander up and downe for me ate and grudge if they be not fatisfyed as they went about the citie barking and making a noif like dogs ib shall they go about the city howling like dogs, thus God will anfwer men in their ownekind : was not x^Adoni- bezek punished in his owne kind * Egipt in its own kinde ? And the Iewesofold in their owne Jud.i The true Souldters Convoy, now kincPthis is (7ods method ftill, and therefore if you com- pare the 8 Rev. and?. cha. with the 1 6 of the Rev. You shall fee that the trumpets and the vialls are a like 5 &fome take them to be all one ; but the trumpets note out the time when the fins are commitcd, and the vialls the time when the punishments are infli&ed, but the evils mentioned in both are much alike*, becaufe God proportioned^ mens pu- nishment to their owne fins, now the eneies of the Church hauc fcatterd themfclves up & down to clo mi{chiefe,howare the jefuits & the locufts of our timefcattered up and downe in all places / they hane fcatte - red Gods people and they feat - ter their owne finnes where- ibever they become . there- i fore . I 1 'be true Soiudier s Conv oj . fore thei c mirft come a frattc- ring time for themfclues alio forthatisequall. You will fay doe wee not fee the contrary / our eyes are witneffes of the contrary., wee fee the people of God are fcattered * but wee doc not fee the enemies are fcattered. It is true * now it is in the Mattering of the Saintes, though they be Mattered into divers places, yet they are made thereby a bleffing to many countries : hereby The true Souldiers Convoy. hereby they carry truthes into other places ; hereby they are cleanfed from their own filthi- neffe 3 herby they learn to walk more Humbly 3 herby they learn to dye daily to the world and outward comforts,herby they are weaned from their freinds and all naturall engagements; hereby they are made more conformable to jelus Chrift, who was a ftranger upon earth hereby they meete with many I experiences , hereby they fee 1 many promifes fullfilled 3 here by they enioy the ordinances | of God in a purer manner then 1 before > fo that all their (batte- rings are bleffings to them. 1 Though the people of ^od be fcattered yet they are ga- thered againe. For great shaU be the day ofje^reef. yet more fully ler 2 3 2 $ 4^ h erf ore thus faith Hof. I.j 11 The true Souldiers Qonvoy. fait by Lordgodoflfrael againfl the Faflors that feed my people^ ye have flattered my flock & dri i ven the away er haue not vfted them , Behold ) will vijit vwn j you the evill of your doing* faith j t y. Lord y ^And J will gather I the remn vit ofmyflnke out of. all countries whether I hane dri l vsnthew, and will brin[ them i agihie to their foldes , and they I shall hee f nit fall and increafe y • an J Iwillfel up shtihards over \ them which shall feed the m^and , they shall fe are no more nor bee j d fnayed, neither shall they bee ! lacking ^ faith the Lord. Yea j rh?y arc therefore (cartefed j rh ?t they may be better ^ithe- 1 ¥4&.3Jt.£z?&: iui 7. Thus faith \ the Lord, Qod , 8*?0U levzn I j jp/// hothfiarche my sheepe and \ f.ekethem out as a s->epheard fieketh out hk'fiocke-in'theddy that t b$ true Souldiers C onvo y* ^ "" "^ ^ — ' I I III L that beets among his sheep that are fcattered , thns faith the Lor d God ^ behold 1 iudge be- 1 tneene catteli and catteli \be- tweene the rammes a ndthe hee goates* before their fcattering the goates were mingled with the flock;upon their gathering, the goates were leparated: a good garment may be rip- ped into pieces,that it may be better fewed , good is that fpeech of Auguftine , He that kilieth confldereth not how he flasheth and rendeth,but he thatcutrcthto cure, conflde- reth how h -t cutteth , or thus, Suppofe a man. be to cat two riven} the one to care him, the | othet to kill him } that man which he cutteth to care, he confldereth how he cut- teth him , bat he taketh no care how he flasheth him G whom 33 ®*i tru cidat noncon- Jiderat quomo- mo do la niaty ghii cu- rat con- Jiderat auomo* do fit at. the true Souldiers convoy. » 1 r — i i l m m < m i ■ whom he intendeth to kill , fo doth God deale in the cuttings and fcatterings of his own children 3 and the vile world : or thus 3 an army you know, may be fcattered two waies, The Souldiers when they come from their trenches, every one goeth to his hutt, and the whole army is in fome meafure fcattered and devi- ded 3 but in order, this is an or- derly fcattcring : but when they are routed,that is another fcattering , wherin there is no ordcr, that is more greyious , it is fome griefd to be flaine before thofe that cannot help : but to haue helpftandby and not help,' that is moft bitter , fuch is (Thrift, he is our help, he is our mercifull high Prieft > and yet he faith, As for thofe mine enemies which would not that 1 should reign over them 3 bring hither and jlay them before me^ oh what a fad thing it is to be I Gods enemy. ^uesl. But who are thofe enemies / i^Anfw. You will all fay thus 5 that if a man feeth the j picture of another^and affoon j as! the tme,Sou!diersconuoy. as lice feeth it 5 bee falleth a tearing of it, and the more like the pi&ureis to the man, the more hee teareth it : fuiely this man was atv enemy to him whom the pi&ure is like unto, fb-when men shall fall a tea- ring of Gods people v and therefore becaufe they are 'godly, are not they enemies to God? ■ Secondly. Confider ■ r P/vL t8.2i. ther is a plain place to shew you who are Gods enemies , faith the Pfalmift, But (jod /tall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy fcalp offuch an one as goes on Jiillmhis-tre/paJJes. Such, as go on Ml in their trefpaffes, are which ^od hath on foot in the world \ thefe are enemies and none : but ene- mies The true Souldiers Convoy. miesynow God is and hath been working of many great workesin the world; if any mans heart tell him that he hath thus taken up armes a- gainft God ^ let him lay down his weapons 3 and humble himfelfe 5 for God will be a- boue him , God is greater 3 and will break him s The fecond part of the dodrine folio w- txh.vi^. Th t thefe enenmies^when God ariieth 3 are (cattered; Gods rijfing is the eaule of their fcattering. Firft. When God arifeth* then all his hoft arifeth ; , when a man rifeth , then all his cloathesarife : when the fiib- je& arifeth 3 all the accidents rife; when the Prince in the Field arifeth , all his Souldiers arifej when God arifeth/hen all 4* rf. 68. Juit: Pjd'SS* Hofii, 3- Tie true Souldiers Convof. all his followers arifc , and when they arifc the enemies fly , and (b are fcattered. Secondly Confider but the nature of his enemies as they are defcribed in Scrip- ture , they are compared to waxe before the fire, though waxe may lye a while there and not melt whileft the fire is not blown up, yet when the fire flameth,the waze melteth; they are compared to the waues of the Sea, that roare whileft they arc in the Sea, yet when they come to the shore, they break; they are compa- red to fmoak , which though it rife like a dark cloud ? yet is foon fcattered and confu- raed by the puffc of the wind; they are compared to vapors, mifts and clouds : which though they may feem to threaten The true Souldiers Convoy, threaten the earth with feme great ftcjm 3 yet vhen the fun arifeth in its full heat, then are they featt ere ck fuch wsxe fuch waues 5 fuch fmoake 3 fuch vapours ard mifts are the Loids enemies ; foon there- fore Mattered when he arifeth. Obietf. But though it may be eafyf in regard of. Gods power) to fcatter the enemies of the Churches ,• yet when we look upon the condition of the Churches 3 as they are in themfelues > their delive- rance is very difficult, it is an unlikly thing that the diftreff- cd Churches should be deli- vered as the matter now ftan- dethwith them, when were the enemies of the Church more prevailing then now they are ? jinfw. So it muft be; what is I / jeremy and 22* The true Souldiers C on voy. is more unlikely , then that a dead man who lieth upon the graues mouth, should be rai- fed up to- life, and to fuch life as to afccnd J and go up to heaven ; yet fuch is the delive- rance of the Church when, it cometh ,-; # . thofe which are as i women , shall befet ; pafleand beleaguer thofe that are ftrong and valiant men 3 but wc that weak as 3 incom- The true Sonlaters Convoy. we fee no likelyhood might they fay of this , No, it may be fo > b at faith God, /#/'// d o a new thing: but there is no meanes. lAnfw. It mattereth not, J will create a new thing : I that drew once the world out of nothing , will draw the delive- rance of the Churches alfo out of nothing: I will be a creating God to the Churches though they be never fo low, was it not an unlikly thing for Peter to be delivered that very night when he was to die the next day;Firft he was in clofe prifon, Secondly h^ was fad in chaines I Thirdly h: was there kept ! with Soaldiers. Fourthly hi ; hid rough keepers to keep | the prifoi d>ores. Fifciy he had to go through the firft and fee onJ watch. Laftiy he was The true Soul diers convoy. was to paffe the iron gate that leadeth into the citie, yet prayer conveyed him through all thefe parties of oppofition, the Church pray eth and Peter commeth , but what is this to us/ wemaynotexpeft mira- cles now. Anf. yes , we even we are commanded to com- mit ourfoules into the hands of god in well doing , as unto a faithfull creator : not as unto a redeemer only, but of a cre- ator, who hath promifed his creating ftrength to fupplyus inourdifhefles, andtherforc faith, into the hands of a faith- full creator ,- well then,though the afflictions of the Churches be never fo great, let us not mourne asthofethatarewith- outhope, for God can do it with eafe, and much facility : he is our creator he will doit inj 4 8 Rev. 9. 2 2 The true Souldiers convoy. in truth , and in much faith- fulneflfe for he is our tatthfull creator \ into whofe hinds we are to commit our felues and the condition of all the Churches. Thirdly. When God ari- feth , then God appeareth ; now the enemies of God can- not endure the fight of God; When lohn the beloved difci- ple of Chrift ( who had the honour to be trufted with the \ book of the Revelation^ faw 5 butone Angell. Rev. 22- 8. he fell downe and trembled: lohn was a good mm, he hid not a guilty Confcience, yet when an Aigelldid bur ap- peare : John fallerh down, hdw shatmbn tremble when the great God shall appearand diey shall appeare before him in alt th*ir guilcin^Gfej furely they The true Souldiers convoy. they will tremble and fear? then,and that their fearewill end in feathering. Beloved we may fee what an eafy thing it is for God to lcatter the enemies of the Church, though the affli&i- ons of the Church be never fo greate, and the condition of the Saintes beneuer fomeane. Is it not an eafy thing for a ftrong man to rife when hee is free and healthy : is it not an eafy thing for fire to difTolue the wax:Is it not an eafy thin^ for a lion to teare the caull of a mans heart. What is more ftrong then a lion, what more thin then the caull of a man s heart. AndGbd hath faid it : / will rend the cawle of their heart and there will I devote them like a lion: was it not an afy thing for Samfon in all his ftreiwh ufe. Hofi 5 8. Iud*. 14. 9 . 5o The true Souldiers fynvoj* ftrength to breake thofc cords and withs where with he was tycdjlefus Chriftis our fpiri- tua11Samfon,and though his, body the Church be bounds with the withs and cords of the Philiftims, yet he can eafi- lyarife,cracke , and breake, them in pieces, though they be never fo ftrong, Is it not an eafy thing for a man to open* his hand, God openeth his handand wee are tatisfied 5 Is it not an eafy thing fo* a rnan to fet his face againftanother' God only fetteth his face a~ aainft his enemies and they , m fcattcrcd 3 with what infi- 1 nite facility can God helpe thechurch: ifhisfetvants had noe credit with him, or if hee could not help them but with much difficulty, there were room for oui difcouragments, bu t The true Sou/diersCo nvoy. but it is not fo he f peaketh the word only , hiffeth, ftampethi rifeth and wee are helped. In rhe Second place Hence fee what a neceffity there is that wee should ponder, and obierue the workes of God ; and the iiidgments of the Lordjinthefe great volums, wee may read much of God ; when God arifeth , then God is to bee feene 3 and feene e- fpecirily>when Gods enemies are fcatteredj then hee arifeth: Now there are three forts of people that are too blame here, as concerning the obfer- uationof the Lords workes, and his great Judgments, the firft are thofe that the prophet compilings of. when the hand of the Lord h lifted up on high they will not behold his Maief y An other are thofe that the D 2 Pfalmift 5i vfi. l/a. I I 5* X The true Souldiers conv oy, Pfalmift (hikes at in the 2 pfa 1 o verf: Be wife therefore Oyee Kings verfe 12 kjfe thefonne leaf hee bee angry andye perish in the way , who feeing and obferumg God fetching his ftroke at a land or people, will notftand out of Gods way 3 J and reach 5 the third forte are J thofe that degrade the workes J of (jo<\ and nickname them, faying they are none of Gods workes but workes of Satan, like the jewes and Pharifcs who when Lazarus was raifed from the graue by a miracle would haue killed Lazarus out of fpight to Chnft, lb thefe men when God hath wrought glorioufly for the convcrfion of apoore tinner, or the deftrudiion of his vile enemies, doe what they can to put Gods worke to death, I calling j The true SouldiersConvo' 53 calling that hipocricy which is Gods grace, that obftinacy which is good conscience, and that chance which is Gods glory ; But let all thele con- fident hat one place in the Pf.j 28.5. becaufe they regard not; the workes of the Lord nor 1 the operation of his hands he! ' shall deftroy them , and not! build them up there is more in it then wee are aware of; who doth not defire to be build vp ^wherefore do many men of knowledg and learn- ing ftudy and take fo much paines wearing out their flesh, but that they may be built vp in name and credit^ wherefore doe you trade vp and downe 1 the world but that you may \ be built up in your eftate,and what is- that which men feare more then deftru&ion; de- D 3 ftrudion 54 Rev. 15 3- 4* The true Souldiers Convoy. ftrudionis finall mine, now my brethren if the great workes of the Lord bee done before ycu and yon do not obferue them.,ycu cannot be built upland if you will not at- tend the operation of the Lords hands you shall be de- ftroyed ; Gods judgments will take hold on thefe that* will not giue heed to his judg- ments, a man may be deftroy- ed for not obftrving anothers deftnifSion 5 it is a fearfull iudgment to haue no judge- ment 3 and he hath no judge- ment that doth not minde the Lords judgment , it is made the Character pf the Saintes in the latter tirpes of the world, that they are able to fing the fong of Mofes the ftrvant of God and the fbng of the Lamb faying, (yreat & marvelous are tky The true Souldiers (^onvoy. thyworkes Lord God Almighty > iuji and true are thy w aies thou King ofSaintes ' who shall not fear thee Loid and glorify thy Name , for thou onely art holy, for all Nations shall come and worship before thee , for thy Judgments are made mani- fest. Quefl, But fuppofe evill befall other men > it may bee that it falleth out by com mon providence, how shall Ifiy that^odisrifen D &tobe feen, &£een fpeciaHy in a judgment, and when may a judgment I be (aid to come in way of a judgment. ^Anfw. Firft when wic- ked men are fnared in the workes of their own hands, then Cod is feen, and Feene ap- parently Tfal. p. i6 p The Lord is known by the- judgment D 4 hee m 9uefti, ^Anjw. Pf-9-i* 5* 7 he true Souldiers Convoy. thatbeexecttteth , the wicked is fnared in the worke of his own hands. Eiggajon Se/ah : there is not fuch a claufe again, in all the whole fcripture that 3 rr member, you haue Selah in many places > but you haue notthofetwowordes Higga- jonSeiah in any other place: the word Higgcijon commeth from the Hebrew word Hagah that fignifieth to meditate,and Higgajon is &A edit andum a- liquid, a thing worth our me- ditation 3 or as much as if he should fay , this is a matter of fpeciall meditation , that <7od is to be known by the judge- ment that he executethjwhen the wicked are fnared in the work of their own hands 5 whe therefore wicked men begin a work againft the people ol <7od 3 and it wheeleth about 1 upon The true Souldiers Convoy. upon their own heades y info- much as they are taken and (feared in their owne pra&ifes, then <7od is feen fpecidly 3 and known by the judgment thatheexcecuteth. Higgajon Selah . <^nfw. 2. Then God is fpecially to be feen . when the judgment lyeth ; beyond the reach of fecond caiiles > and is greater then the ftock of the fecond caufe en beare , Sam- fonsftrengrhwas a judgment to the Philiftines 3 How was God to be feen in that ? yes, forSamfbn was the ftrongeft man that e\ er was , yet his mother ('when she was bree- ding him) was commanded to drink no wine,orJirong diink^ nor to eat any uuclean thing : (which alfo did include ftrong meat^ £od would not haue Samfbns 57 AnJ. £. ludget The true So welters Qonvoy. Samfons ftrength imputed to the ftrength of fecond caufes, out of the weak came ftrong, the fecond caufe was not able to bear fo ftrong effeft , ahis ftrength was their iudgment, their vexation > their fcourgc* and this their judgment lay beyond the reach of the fe- cond caufe , therefore was God feen herein apparently: where theft! is any thing of Gods cresting power, there is (rod plainly to be feen , now ; where the effect lieth beyond I the bounds of the fecond j caufe , Gods creating power is feen for to raife that , and therefore if in any evils, which befall the children of men, the ftrengvh of the fecond caufe cannot reach them, there you may fay : Oh my foule here is Gods judgment^Gods plague, Gods the true Souldiers convoy. Gods hand , here is God feen , and feen fpecially 3 here God is rlfen* t-dnfxv. 3. When Gods judgments for mens fin* do fo find them cut , as they are I their owne blabs 3 their Gwne accufers, their own condem- ned, and fomti me their own executioners , then Gcd is t.o be feen , and feen especially : fo with Judas 5 and many others it is written of Iulian the apo- ftata, (who railed an army a- gainft the Perfians, in the fight he was ftrucken^whether with an arrow or otherwife j fay not 3 butj being forely woun- ded , he took a handfull of his own blood, and flung it into the aire, faying: Vicijli G Ali- ke 3 thou haft overcome mee O Galilean : you haue many ftorics to this purpofe in the book 5? 02/? fa The true Souldiers Qonvoy. 11 book of Martirs , recorded by Maifter Foxe : J will name but that one , of that vile wretch, who dealt fo injurioufly with the Manir James Abbes , who after all his bafe ufage of that good man > was taken with a ftrangkind ofPhrenzy 3 and cryedout lames Abbes is fa- ved and I am damned 3 lames Abbes is faved and I am dam- ned , and fo died : others were not privy to all his injuries 5 but his owne guilt made him his own blab , fo now when a mans iin commeth , and areft- eth him,and his heart and con- fcicnce is upon the rack conti- ally,he burfting out into hide- ous outcries,being his own ac- cu(er 3 his own condemner, or his owne executioner, there God is feen, and feen appa- | rently. ! Anfwer 4 The true Souldiers Convoy. Anfw. 4. Further when the woike of the Lord is carri- ed with fuch a ftrong hand , as cannot be refilled \ there God is feen: IwtUworke y and who shall let faith god. MJvp. 5. Then a judgment commeth in way of a judg- ment , when it maketh way to a further judgments when Godgivethin mercy, he gi- veth that he may giue,fo when he fmiteth injudgment,he fmi- teth that he may fmite 5 he m^k- erhway to his angei ,when he is angry indeed, and when you iee this ; then fay, here is God feene and feene efpecially, now God is rifen * BlefTed are all they that truft in him. ^uesJ. But how shall we raife God., that he may be feen " of the 61 Anjw.. IB Anfw* $ in the world, for the good 61 the true Souldiers cdnuoy, the Churches/ Anfw* The next point tel- lcthus:w£ Our prayers doe excite, raife , and ftir up God to the fcattering and deftru&i- on of our enemies ; I will not fpend much time in the proof of thri you all know the para- He of the unjuft judge, and you all know the promife of the j ufl God, to heare prayer : Brethren, is God able to fcat- ter his enemies/ Is God migh- ty ? Is God alKufficient/ Hath God power enough to do it/ God is pleafcd to make over; his power 5 his wifdome; his j mercy to our prayers , who , doth not know what credit prayer hath in heaven 5 and ; what ftrength in earth , the j ( truth is 3 prayer may do any j , thing that is reafonable with I \ God; And if you aske prayer j i b yj The tme 9 ? •illisrs coiv) y* { 6$ v what authority it doth all , it will shew you its commiffion in that place : 2. Chron, 7.1.2 compared with 2* Chron. 6. Where God wrought a mira- cle , to shew that he would anfwer prayer* JgtieB. But you will foy 3 can any piaycr do this , ex- cite 5 ftirre up and awaken goAi d4nfi>. p No ; But it muft be a crying prayer, if vi- olence be offered to a man in his houfe , and he doth not cry for helpe, hclpe commeth not in presently, but if there betheeuesinthehoufe > and he putteth his head out at win dow, and cry murder,murder, men will breake up the doi es, andcome in prefently, Anfw. 2. Befides, they j* ^ \ muft be felfwakcning prayers, J that ■€«* ^Anf. 1 64 Exo to: 3* 14* The true Souldters convoy. that prayer will neuer waken God 3 that doth not waken your fclues, and that prayer will neuer ftirre and raife God that do not ftirre and raife your owne foules. Thirdly Itmuftbe a felfe de- nying prayer, you know the cafe betwene Mofes,and Ifrael Ifrael had prouoked God, Gbd fayes to Mofes , that hee would confume lfrael^and raife up him j to bee a greate people. Mofes lay es by all that, andhe goes to God in prayer, and what arguments doth hee ufe, his prayer was but short, a id all the arguments were fetched from God, and the covenant, remember thy co- I venant with Abraham , and thou art a mercifull God >Jlow to anger. &c. not a word of him- feife,it was a felf-denying pray- er the true Souldi ersQonvoj, ^ g j er,and was heard prefcntly> in prayer 5 thofe arguments take mod with God 5 that are from God. Fourthly Refides it muft be a continued prayer: as Col: 4: 2: prayers are the Saints fact- ors, and negotiate for them in heauen, therefore they muft ly by it. Fifthly it muft be where the man abideth in Ghrift , and Chrift in him 15. Iohn. Ifye 3^hn 1$ abide in met) and my words a~ bide inyou^yee shall afke what you will y and it shall hee done unto you: he doth not fay if you abide in an tauerne or in an alehoufe , or in fiich a vile courfe, but If ye abide in mee > and my wordes abide in y on f hen ye shall aske. Sixthly Reforming prayers are m'oft preuailing Virtutes fmt E oraUonis 66 Ifa. 6. The true Souldiers convoy. oratidnis fundament a there is i no energy in thofe prayers that are not ftrengthned with re- formation 3 either your prayers will eat up your fins , or elfe f your fins will make a hand | of your prayers Ifai. 58. 6. 5 S I Loofe the bands of nicked- I nes &c. Then shaft thou call j and the Lord shall anfwer, thou sh alt cry ^ and he shall fay here \ am I-Jfthou &c. Though the j lefibn be never fo good, yet if 1 theinftrumentbeout of tune, j there is no harmony , and har- monious prayer is very fpee- ! ding therefore. j Laftly jt muft be joynt ! prayers ? when the Church ' prayed ; Peter was delivered, itistrvethat their prayer w$s very urgent in it felfe , for according to the Originall h lis, they continued in oui-ftret- I ched the trUe Soxldiers convoy, ched prayer , it was holding prayer, for they continued, if wasfeafonable, for it was the night before his appointed I death, yet withall the Church prayeth , and Peter commeth, one firing doth not make the harmony 5 and the word is, If two or three of you shall \ make a Symphony Mat. Is. if It shall be done for you : God that is overcome by none, firf- ferethhimfelfto be overcome by prayer , but your prayer muftbefullofhimfelfe, pref- fing and a clofe leaguer, wher- foreallyou lie perdue, keep CentineH,or tofpeak in Scrip- mrephrafe//^^. *. 7. All you th it are watchmen upon the wals of Ierufalem >all the day and all the night continu- ally , ceafe not , ye that are miadfull of the Lord , keep e E 2 xi t & *Maf. it. i6» H)eus quinul* lis con~ trafeftt perari potefi precihm \ fupera* tur Hieron 6% Vfi. The true Souldiers convo) . not 5 ye that are mindefull of the Lord, keepe not filencc, And giue him no reft, till he repaire , and untill he fct up Ierufolem the praife of the Lord. Vfe Will prayer do it ? Will prayer raife God, for the fcattering of the enemies of the Churches i j befeech you in the name of God , let us confider where to lay the fault , and the blame of much of that evill , which is come upon the Churches, in thefe latter times when the defcatc was lately before Antwcrpc there was fault laid on fuch a man , and fuch a man , when we confider the afflidions of Germany ,we are ready to fay, if fuch a King or country had ftepped in , all this evill had I been prevented, the Palatinate reftored The true Soitldiers Convoy. reftored, and peace fetled, but may we not rather fay } if our prayers had fteppedin. This word telleth us, that our pray- ers do awaken God,and when God is awakened , then the enemies are deftroyed, we fee then in truth where the fault lyeth 3 our prayers haue not come in full enough, where- fore the leffe we haue prayed before , the more let us pray now , pray in your clofets, pray in your families , pray in the aflemblies , pray alone, pray in company , pray for all | the Churches 3 prayfor Ger- I many , the firft place of refor- J mation,pray for Holland your J hiding place , and in all your ] prayers forget not England, j ftUl pray for England > takej fome motiues, Firft You are unnaturallj E 3 - if 69 75 I The true Souldiers Coivoy, if you pray not; it is repor- ted of Croefus his fonne, that h ee was dumbe : and fee- ing one about to kill his fa- ther, though he had been al- waies dumb before, yet then he burft forth into this fpeech, what will you kill Croefus i If you be in thrift , the Church ofChriftismoreto you then many CroefufTes ; your grace doth not extinguish nature, but advance it, helpe, and not hinder, a gracious heart can- not be unnaturall though jtloveth to be fupernaturall. Secondly It is the proper- ty of a good Chriftian, and of true grace , to obferue what worke God is doing, and to helpe on that worke : what \ God is doing in theworld,and to help that on, what God is doing upon his own heart,and to The true Souldiers Convoy to helpe that on , Oh Lord faith the foule, helpe mee, I will help thee; I will put my shoulder unto thy worke , as thou art pleafed to put thy hand to my dutyy now the great work which God is do- ing in thefetimes 3 is the pow- ring out of the feven vials, Rev. 16. and if you look into the Rev. 5.8. You shall finde that the faints prayers are their vials y help forward then Gods vials, with your viall, vigil doth call for viall. Thirdly Either good and deliverance will come unto the Churches or els it will not; if it do not 5 you had need pray that your hearts may be fup- ported in all and fetled y prayer is a compofing duty 3 and fully fetling, if it doe come, you had neede pray that you may E 4 haue 7 he true Souldiers Convoy. haue the comfort of it 3 when it commeth,or els that you may not envy at thofe that haue prayed 3 for it is a hard thing for one that ftandeth Idle, not to envy at him that wor- keth. Fourthly Youdonotloue the Churches if you doe not pray for them : he that loveth lerufaUm^rayeehfor the -peace ofjerufalem : Doe you lcue EnglardV Doe you lcue Ger- many/ Do ye lcue Holland/ Doeyculoue the Churches, and your friends/ He thatlo- veth Ierufalem 3 prayeth for it, and if you doe not pray for them, you haue no lcue to them, Fiftly You cannot prefper if you do not pray , they shall profperthat lcue thee : hew lcue thee / in praying for thee, you The true Sonldiers Convoy, you cannot profper if you pi ay not for the Churches 3 will you not pray then / Sixthly you are not Gods feruants 5 if ycu doe not pray for his fervarts,- you are not Gcds children, if you pray not for his children 3 if you mark that of the Pfalmift ; it is made an r there (lock is great, if your ftock go I not in y you cannot haue a part with them, and that is evill. Eightly If you pray not for the Churches your own felfe- ish prayers will be bootleffe, when a man shall pray much for his owne family, his own name, or eftate, his owne child that lieth a dying , and will not pray for the dying Churches > this is a felf-ish du- ty the trite Souldiers ccuzoj. ty 3 a carnall felf e-ish fpiiit is veiy loathlbjmein what is fpi- rituall, and what arc ycu the better for your rich cabbin^ your warme cnbbin , your neate cabbin 5 if ycur y our liberties,to your liberties , all your welfares, and to your welfares your lives , yet you may goe with- out it y now it may bee had at this good rate , will you not take this good commodity whileft it is offe- red to you i Tenthly jt may be the bu- fineffe of theChurches ftayeth upon your prayer* if that mid- wife would come away, the woman 78 t£U. Ufij si The true Sou/diers Con voy. i woman would be delivered,! Rev. 7. Foure Angels were fentoutto punish the world, and after that a fift Angel is commiflioned'togobid them hold their hand, till the Ser- vants of the living God are fealed in their forehead es: An- gels work muftftay, till they be (baled faith Hezekiah. If 7, 7 3 . This day is a day of trouble^ and of rebuke , and of blafpbe - my y for the children are come to the birth , and there is not ft rength to bring forth. So fay I brethren, it may be the I orcf your God will hear the words of all Rabfliafcahs, whom the c- nemies of the Church haueeiri ployed" to reproach the living (Tod & will reproue the words, which the Lord your God hath heard, wherefore lift up your prayer for the remnant that the true Souldieri Convoy. that are left . God faid to Mofes.,let me aione,but to you otherwife, why doe you let me alone, Iftayforyou, if you pray eameftly , I will come quickly. Laftly. I put you but this difjunftion , either oh Iacob thou haft thy brother Elau to meet withall > or elfe thou haft not; if not, what mea- neththyfeares. If thou art to meet with rough Efau, then remember what one nights (wearing in prayer did , how it firft obtained the face of <7od , then of Efau , the promife is made to you, jf every promife is a new foot- ftep for prayer 3 wherefore you that ever prayed , pray now , nay you that never prayed , pray now, now is 3 praying time, anditisgood pulling. I ^ 1 1 Gen. 3fa. 26. 8o ^uiH Anf The true Souldiers convoy. pulling whileft G'od is com- ming, begging whileft God is giving , and hath God dealt out nothing to the Ch.,rchcs Doc but way tlic in thefe laft time obferue which wheele turneth 3 in thelc latter dayes. Jguejl. But why doe you exhort us to pray $ we are here purpofely , and come to pray. ^slnfip. True , we arc fo 3 but we mud pray at other times too 5 we are here this day to pray 5 that we may pray hereafter 3 that wee may kt wheeles of prayer on going, prayer doth tit for prayer 3 but yet pray for the prefent, and fo we come to the fift note- Obfer. s When thepeople of the land go forth to warre, the people of : The true Souldiers Convoy* 81 of the Lord should go forth to prayer , when the Arke re- moved > then laid Mofes* Arife O Lord &c. our prayers are to lead Armies into the field, i . Iosh. 1 7. fee how the people lead forth Ioshua, Ac- cording as we hearkened unto M ofes in all things , fo will we hearken unto thee > only the Lord thy ^od be with thee, as he was vvith Mofes.you know the prayer of Afa , Iehosha- phat , Hezekiah * and other worthies , to this purpofe, reafons of it , are thefe especi- ally. Reaf. 1. Every bufinefTe | Zeafi ** is to be led forth by prayer, ! prayer is a leading duty , to all 1 our duties , and the greater I any bufinefle is , the more ' prayer is to be made , the bufineiTe of wtoe is a great F bufines 82 Objett. ^Anfw, loshua 5- 2 The true Souldiers Qonvoy. bufineffe, aImoftmiractilous> when I fee an Army , me- thinks I fee a company of walking Townes 3 it is a great matter , and will you not hauefo great a bufineffe led on by prayer. oljecl. But if a man feme a bufineffe to do 5 which re- qnireth haft , by attending to prayer , he may loofe his bufinelie. ^Anfw. For that purpofe, confider but that one place, in anfvvcrto this , Iosb. ;. 2. Inthe forGgoing chapter the children of Ifrael went through Iordan and came in- to their enemies country , and in thisverfe the Lord faid unto Joshua 5 Mate thee sharpe ! knives, andcivcumcifi againe the children ofjfraelthefecond time^ now upon their circum- cifion the true Souldiers convoy. cifionthcy were fore, wher* foreverf. g. it is faid. They abode in their places in the camp , till they were whole. Now bein^ come through i /ordan , and lying before i Iericho, among all their ene- I mies, the natiues could not but heare that they were cir- ! cumcifed , and how fore they i were , inibmuch as the chil- dren of Ifrael might haue ob- jected and Cud, Oh Lord, if we be circumcifed, we shall [hinder our defignes, weaken our felues , advantage our enemies, that they may fill upon us in our trenches, but 3s the Lord commanded, fo" did they , they were circum- ifed, neither did this ad of Religion hinder their bufi- leife , and therefore let none ay , If I flay upon prayer, F 2 m« i«T &eaf 2 . Ecclef.3 /. //. ffal 32 6. The true Souldiers Qonvoy. my bufinefle will take defpair. No no , precedent prayer will make it profper , truft Cod , and you will finde it. Reaf. 2. Salamon faith, Cslll things are beautiful! in their fe of on : there is a time for all things : thcrfore a time for prayer, and though wee are to pray continually , yet there is fomtime , wherein we are efpecially to draw near to God ; faith the Pfalmift : For this shall every one that is godly y fray unto thee y in a time that thou maiejlbefonud^ Grace maketh one pray , the wifdome of grace maketh one know the occaiion •> feafon, and time of pray- er. Firft Fearing times , are times of praying , faith the Pfalmift. The true Souldiers Convoy. $? Pfilmift; At what time I am afraid , j will truft in thee 3 and true faith fbon worketh it felfe into prayer. Secondly Tropicall uncer- taine times are times of pray- er: Zeph. & f. Seek ye the Lord all ye meek of the earth, if fb be that ye may be hid in the day of the Lords wrath, &c. when the world labou- reth under uncertainty , then should the Saintes labour in prayer , Again the morning time is a time of prayer. Pf- j. £. Mj> voice shah thou hear in the morning , Lord in the morning will 1 direft my prayer unto thee. There is a morning | of every yeere , afwell as a ! morning of every day : there \ is a morning to every bufi- j neffe, afwell as a morning to | every day • now is the yeeres I F 3 morning i 2. Tf.5 S6 Re a/ .3 the true 5 ouldiers connoj. Pfal 7 6 1. morning , now is the mor- ning of our great buf neflc, wherefore now up in the morning of this great workc, let us dired our prayers to the Lord 3 and looke up , pray now my brethren , for now it isfcafonable. Reaf. Thirdly ; As the promifeis the only hold that we haue on God, fo prayer is the only eds that we haue of our enemy : Beloved the ene- mies haue moft commonly ' the outward advantage of, I Gods people , look upon j ! both 3 and you shall find^that I outwardly they haue much ■ odds 3 either more men, more j j money , or more munition, ! ! what shall weigh downe this I odds but prayer ? Many times j prayer doth more then the whole Army ,confidcr Ffy 6 . s 7 We the true Sou/diers Convoy. 8? 1l here brake hethi arrow es of j the bow, the sheild , the/word^ \ andthebattaile : where/ fill Salem 5 Jn Sion 3 He doth not I verf. 2 fay in the field, the arrowesj are firft broken in the affem- blies by the Saintes prayers, after that in the field by the Lords Souldiers 3 It is faid of Archimeder being a Mathe- matician y that he did more by drawing his lines 5 then any other Souldier did by his va- lour, fo Gods people may do more by the lines they draw , and the prayers they make , then others can do any other way ? prayers are the Saintes fcaling ladders where- with they leap over wals 5 and their ftrtngth whereby they break through hoftes v you know dually there is muchl diforder in Armies; the Soul- \ F 4 diers I 88 The true Souldiers convoy. diershauemuch evill and fin among them , though the Souldiers be outwardly ftrong yet many of them are inward- ly weak , and prayer com- meth in to gather np the weak forces, Numb. 12. 15. you m ay fee how that for the fin of one woman , the whole hofteofjfrael was (hide, and could not march on , her fin hindred their march, shee was hut one , and a woman 3 it may feem therfore ftrang that the whole body of the Army should ftay upon her 3 yet (0 it was 3 and they could not remoouetlll prayer came in : verfl 13. sMqfis cryed to the Lord faying , heale her now God Jbefeech thee. Then she was healed, and the people iourneyed , thus prayer orde- reth the rankes, fetcheth up the The true Souldiers Convoy. I g p ■the weak forces; lcadeth on the Army upon tha enemy, and commeth in the reare, without prayer then ,« there is no footing, we are not fit to ftrike till our armes be in ioynt , and prayer iointeth us, wearenot fit to be exalted, till we be humbled , and pray- er humbleth us, and if it be fo, then by way of ufe. Vje You may fee what worke we haue to do this day, we are to lead forth this well .formed Army , as you heard ! in the mandate, fent unto us by the States, of a well- formed leaguer, under the command of that Noble and worthy Generall , the Prince of Orange, and mee-thinks he doth as it were put prayer in office , and faith , I will not be m The true Souldiers Convoy . be commander , prayer shall, j will be only Lieutenant unto prayer , let prayer goe firft, let prayer ftrike the firft ftroke mce-thinkeslheara dialogue and conference betweene him and the country , wee defire you Sir to take the care of this great Army, wee commit it to your wifdome 5 goe and profper, but faith he D I dare not goe untill prayer goe^ j am under prayer 9 giue mee prayer firft, and then i will go , firft lixute with your pray- ers, and then wee will fmite with onr weapons, fmiting prayers arc now expc&ed,and though there are divers mo- tiucs which I haue ufed to ftir up your heartes , to pray for the Churches in generally yet take three or foure more, which may haue fomc fpccialJ relation! The true Saddlers convoy. relation , unto this people and you amongft them. Firft The enemies which you pray again ft are the meft wicked enemies that (Ted hath of all enemies thofe are mcfi wicked that are moft crafty, the artificial finrier is the worft finner, ( as the naturalized grace is the moft gracious) fuch are the Antichriftian ene- mies of the Church , for as (^Gregory obfeivethitj Ieius Chrift did chufe limple poore j pUct-s men to preach the tiuth, Co I -Atf/- Antichrift chufeth thofe which are crafty y fiibtili to diiperfe errors 5 of all enemies thofe are meft vile ? which are meft ciuell 3 and thofe are meft ciuell unto the ChurcheMhat jhaue once made proftffion of thetruth.& psovedApoftateSj the Scripture pointcth at three especially Pi i. Sit ut \paupe- Jesfph: trso* fimpli- ces m predz candiirr elegit, it a aft? tcsetdu chrrjlus adfalfi- tatis pre dicatid- nem of- fumet, Greg The true Souldiers convoy. efpecially in this particular, the Devill , the lewes , and Antichrift, the Deuill is cruell unto mankind, he is the grand Apoftate, the lew is cruell unto all Chriftians , he is a vile Apoftate , Antichrift is cruell to all the prefent Chur- ches , and he is a greate Apoftate 3 yea not onely an Apoftate, but Apoftacy in the abftraft. 2. TheJJ. 2. 3. and therefore cruelty it felfe> in the book of the Revelation, Rome and the Antichiiftian party is called Sodome, it is called Egypt , and it is called Babilon : you know the un- kindneffe of Egypt , the cru- elty of Babilon, and the vilany of Sodome vnto <7ods people, why should Rome and the antichiiftian party ftand under all thefe names , but becaule they the true Soufdiers Qonvoj. they are guilty of all their evils., and the worfer they are, the more hold you haue on them to pray againft them, Arrius was a vile enemy to the Churches 5 and vcrv ciuell 5 ) et hewasdeftroyed, how lb ? Hiftorians tell us, Oratioxes c- pus fuit y nonmorbis his death was the work of prayer, not of his difeafe , fuch ctfeds may you i prayers haue, what ftub- ble can ftand before the flame of prayer , Oh that our heartes were much inflamed in this gi eat fer vice. Secondly confider you are here in your pofTeflfions, in your lot , hidden when others of your brethren are not ccme to their lot , mark that place in the 3 Deut. Reubcn^Gad^ and the half tribe of Manaffeh were a me into their lot, and infaeritatvp 2 3. The true Souldiers Qonvoy. 1 nheritance , before the reft j of the Children of Ifrael , j What then , should they fit downe quietly ^ No , at the ! 1 8 verf. they were not id fit downe , but they were to paffe over armed before their j brethren , fo God haueing I provided for you , before \ many of your deare brethren, ' and his good people , you are not now to fit downe quietly in your own lot , but to go up armed before the reft of Gods people,and prayer is your beft harneffc. Thirdly You are here on purpofetopray, it is the end why you are come hither, that you might haue liberty to pray , j am loath to (peak it , I (would I might not , you had [praying liberty denied to you> when any met together in pri- vat The true Souldiers Convoy m \ 93 | — ■ — ■ vate to pray ,* you know it was theirs and your reproach, this place is your Gilgall, wherin I the Lord hath rowled away | that reproach from you , Oh that your liberty might not | degenerate into licence, 1 you haue now praying liberty j and if this be the thing yon are j I come for , and now you haue J I fuch an opperuinity , will you j notimproueit, ifamanleaie ' one place of trading, that hee may fet up his shop with more freedomein another, and in the fecond place money be I bi ought unto him > will hee ! refufetotake money/ this is] your cafe , you could not haue I Co free a trade for heaven as j you defired, here you haue J leaue to open your shops, and behold this day a praying op- pertunity,wbich I call money, is 96 The true Souldiers Convoy. is put into your hands , will yourefufe it, Confider you are come on purpofe to pray. Laftlyinall likelyhood this country shall be hidden , and you shall not loofe your pray- ers > I will tell you what Mr. Brightman faith , whofe me- mory is fweet and precious.he ftveth , there are three forts of reformed churches, the firft the German , the fecond , the French, the Sweedish the Scottish , and Holland , the third the English, which are all different , for the English is ruled by prelates * the French, the Scotish, Swedish and Hol- land is turned by presbyters the German hold confubftan- tiation , and other things which other reformed Chur- ches do not, Germany there- fo The true Soitldiers Convoy 'ore he compared to Sardis* and thence foretold all the e- | villsthit haue come upon it. Holland^Swethland^Stotland, and the French he compared to Philadelphia 5 and fayeth though they haue but a little ftrengrh , and the Houre of temptation shall come , and ibme shall labour to shut their doore, yet none shall shut it, it is the rather to'bee conside- red, b^caafe he foretold the evils that came upon Germa- ny, aid why miy he not fpeak frue in this alfo , and then who w3uld'not pray for this peo- ple, feeing that he may not lofife his pr iyers ? wherefore I intreat you in the Name of G3d 5 nowup and be doing, arife; O daughter of Sion, arife O he vets of the people of God that G )i might arife , and his G eiemies 97 98 Rev 8. 7f 4 The true Sonldien Couvoy. enemies might be fcattered 3 awake 5 awake, and now up to prayer. Queft. You will fay to me ;we ztc agreed wce muft go to prayer, both now and at home ; but what shall wee (peak , that ,^od may arife and that his enemies may be (cat - tercd. Eh ft Bring forth the Lords engagements , and tell him how much hee is engaged to helpethe Churches , the Lord faith in his word \ that Babilon shall foil, for ftrong is that Cod ! that hath condemned her: ■tie Urn faith, Be never -Jkm~ hreth -nor feepeth , the Lord chron ' iliy ah in his words Ifhispeo- S pie praj when they goe forth to warn b he will hear and nain- | taine their caufe, goe and tell God- Lord thou haft faid thus and 12 I The true Souldiers Convoy. and thus, thou haft faid thou wilt neither' slumber 5 no r sleepe, thou haft faide thou wilt maintaine thycaufe. Oh then, arife O Lord, and let thine enemiesbefcattcred, In the fecond place. Tdl the Lord how long hee hath feemed to fleep ; and that the time appointed for the Chur- ches deliverance is now at hand, faith the Pfalmift, Jtit time for thee Lord to work , for they haue made void thy Lavp> and again , Blue mercy ^oH Zioriyforthe timet o favour her y yeathefet time is come y for thy fervants take pleafure in her Jiones , and favour Jthe duft [thereof: this is the reafon why ""the time rs come/o goto God and tell him; Lord th6u haft flood ft'ill a greate'whik , oil now the time is come , ^men G 2 have W Pf. n 9 126. '3- 102 14- he tyue ZavJdias Co % n haue madevoidthy law, the Saintes pitty the duft..sr d trk c pleafureinthe Acres of the wafte d churches , it is time fd thte to rik.j4r/fe Lord. &c. Further, Tell the Lord that the enemies are up alrerdy a- bundantly 5 tell him that ere long he will rife though ycu do not pray 5 l.oidif wee should never pray, wculcft net thou helpethe Churches ? rrd wilt notthcuariiea little the fec- ner for cur piayers/whcrefcre ^Arife Lord&c Laftty Tell the Lcrd that all thiugs are row racy , it is an argument thatGcd moveth us with to cce in to him 5 Lcrd we ufe thjne cwne argument 3 Lord Arife all things are new ready 3 when the wind is geed, & whenthe fervants of the ship are ready , andhaue got their h The trueScuIdiers ccrirj tacHirgallic^Y, cxAxlxm^ chcrisup, crely the iivf a is not ccme into the ship, they will fend one to tell him , Sh the wind is gcod 5 ycur fervar t < are ready > and the ship is «n- der fayle, we pray yen ccme away , to tell the Lord that all his people are up at prayer joe* j peding him 5 and all the pray- j ers of Gods people are fpread; j and their heartes under fiyle, f and nothing can be done till the Matter ccme ; untill God himfelfe come; come j therefore O Lord; come away;j4ri/e. ! Lo/d & let thine enemies he \ fcMtered. Artcr rbs Sermon began to be prinred , fom thing was added, the reft was taken by Ch.irad- cr.'.whikftitwaspreaehed. touts e»< rpcc:i,u.c riimu g. -^ *fe ,./.*>• read.Thfi.- £.***>*• M "8 that read hut p.tS.LS. r.flamt r. p. a ». '. 5 ,-. «> « >■ rjiemetb.p. *£*?• f. Mehng. p. **. ; '• r- «»*' *• f *• * £ r - rhreh.p^^.l^.r.wax^p. 4 S -'»the TP ar«e,>tfor<-lf, », «*,«**, '" 5?* *?»^ i)t a^dowp.6,.l>4-r.r n ee.&l.tSr. « tmeikpM- 1- 1 r fundamental- 6j.L ij r.youthatdyp^^^^yethataremmd. iuV oftbelcrd ieepe tot pence hut once.p, ., / ,9 r or.e anoiher.l 76. iHtbetnargent rfu^mial. f 7 W r.fo^tenthty eleventh. up* ,,./ «* UotoetjrpnJ. n.r.firftr. ul, r people oJtbeUrJps* hi 'prayer. 1 i7 I tor Archimedes p tt. I '*. r. gather i,p.irL,4.rflr*nge.p9°l>7ro U rp.fi inthemanent jorfpmtisr.fphttus & for ;aihnisp.Sr/-'>-V**>r°;r n,tnlty ' h 9 *. I. 20. rfii ■ turned governed. i .,.., -ar.it fw«<: Ya»ki»cueU tu»-L ^>*^j *nd lie that l^JSif^fcg fbefote rV v^ot^frj it fUngeraus. Xa> ine tree, I ftretched o*t mv dcrlhndip'^.'Vk^^ »*''*; the. at. the btttcbes of ho- eow^^ >*^*M!£3 mghr I forth plrafant fsnour, ibuitof honour and riches, •oi hire lone, andfeare.andi ;opc, I thfiefote being eter- my children, which are 1 n*« ,wn« ill yec that bedefiroiucf :h my fruits. ..M illit ' fweetf r then !> nthe honey cor b,' I re e (hall yetbe^u abide i" «» e •etbetb .10 will /..full.willlend to hisneghbourj treoghteneth bis hand, keeptth fementi. rhy neighbour in time of h'S " need, « Deut, zbd pay tnou thy neighbouragaine in due feafon. ij. 8. sKtepethy word.anddeale faithfully with him, tawt.J4** and chouftuk alwaiesfind the thingthat is nt- 1oMo5» ceffary for thee. . , , . 4 Many.when a thing was lent them, reckoned ittobefoeau>aa)dputthtmtO trouble, that helped /Sill he hath rectiued,be will hiffe a maw hano*, and for his neighbors money he will fpeake tub. r ', . ,- and for nis neieiiDonrs money nc «*■«» >r— -— Xlb \, . ^tearero "ffely -.but when he Iheald repay he willprolong pjm^sndements^dbem^ ml ^ ^^ wot. -cch.andthefttongecrhcy JW mote they wilbeenfUrned, :nti»nh>ndUth »fire,and anha Uci^itOjaUbn^tifth- oyed many that were at peace. k> tongue hath difqmeted many. r^., natbn to nation, ftrongci- l downe, and ouerthrowne the ^"tongue hath caft out vertuous ft them of their labours '£ left tby money for thy brother and thy friend, and let it not ruft vnder a ftone to be loft. U « LaytP thy treafere according to the com- * Da „. 4 , mandemetso'f the moftHiglbadditflkal bong thee a4t more profit then gold. . • «*° •'«/« 12 -Shutvpalmes in thy ftore-hoofe* . eod u ir>4 i.& (hall delmer thee itom all affliction. ». J J. u It {hall fight for thee agaiaft thine enemieii ,ft.i»,4. iSd them of their labours. * £. h fllield aod ft ro ng ipe«e« . a.tim.tf. »keneth vnto it, Qiall muer find ^'^^Ln is foretyfor his neigbJN*: ,«,,,. -ill quietly. , . . K„rh* that isimpudencwill|forfake him. «lob.4.»s »{ the whi^makethmarkes. nthe bu ^ h V Q h l C e noTthefriendlh'pcfthyfurety'.forhe ^ pkeo::heto nS u,.eakeththe ^ 7 n ; 8 n . ls llfefnrthe e. |0r.M» fallen by the edge of the J< 1 fmner wUlouerthrow the S oodeRaCe ofh.s ( fo many as haae fairen hy the ^"^j,^^ i, f anvnthankefull mind.wiU • iCljd efen^om^ £ hle^ S ^ * the vyfc«* thereof, who hath jJ^JJ^j, aw «eof the fea:tnighty men '^^Wh beenebonpd "Jftjte-rt^ ^ h(jUfcSjfetlttt thcy wan . ?V%e dtlie '^rSKSfsingtheCc^mand, S He plthyriignbonraccordingtathvpowir. drttt. * Proii. iu« nciicnot the repteac& f6e« IVeahfi, «z, HttltbandUft *rc(hortncaBfgriif < MEe* thatlouethhisioa, caufeth him oft to feelttUctaJfthdCbemay haac ioy of hinjia (bt (t]d. a H« that chaftifeth his fooncfiiallbue J ioy in . 'srie ft *4 Eauyatjdw Tieifc b:i:-}gethag*b:for ► »5 rAdwerefnl) an? fefniaraeat,in-i :''•• .c h a p.: xx: r Ofthiitftrt cfru^r- txttjfcinJiin'ag, or & iiiciv£ »/* WAtefcing feH- "-riches, too"! thecisf thertofdrtHth i 2 Watclwsg carfi^ll not let's a fore dnea'e braktVi-Qtev-- ! X^e neb hath. £ bisd'^iacts. chvsth jindwneB *'"*+* him,and fnall reioyce of hirs»,among his I acqilain. *?.'}. Ka'Si"' 3 *"Hethaeteachethhisfoime,gtfaiethtbe y , . , my.* ana before his friends he fhall reioyce of him.' A" /* Though his father die,yec he is as theugh he *n. \, Were noC a«tn-f^W_kajh left one behind himj ' that is like hjmfelfeT^ — — — $ While he littedjhc *faw and" reioyced in Him % 'and whenhe dyed hewas not fomi^fiill. 6 He left behind him anauenger againft his ens. fties, and one that fliall requite kindncife te his friends. 7 Hethat makethtoo much el his foace, /hall bind vp hiswounds,asdhisbo.vels will be troubkd ateueiy cry. 8 Anhorfenot broken beeommeth head-flrong: and a child left to himfelfejwiU be willfull. 9 CecktrthychildjSDdhe fhall make thee | a. fraidjplay wklihim,aa(ihe will bring thee to heanimiTe. 1 «. Laugh not with him , l:ft Enoa bsue for- row with h : m, and left theo gaafii thy teeth in eheend. 11 *Giaebira no liberty in bis youth, amitvinke roc at his foUies. ii» Bawiownthisneckewhileheisyeung, and brat hiai on the fides while lite is a. child, left bee wase flubborne,and be diftteJientynto thce,and to bring fonow to thine beart, i? Chaftifetnyfisn, afrdheddhim tolabonr,left hslew^behanrenr be 31: offence" ynto thee". 14. Better is the poore being fou.id and ftrongof ^eonfxittjtion,then a rich map taacis afrli&edinhis Qfkthh body. 15 Health and goodftate of bofy are srboue all' M,anda ftrongbady sboie infinite wealth. I iiS There is no riches aboueafendd bodyi tad ire ?oy abcue the io? of the'heart, ' 17 Death is better tberr-a bitter life, brebfltinu- all fickrrfle. 18 Oflieates pow.red vp?n amonth (hat vp,are a> /meffesofineat fc&ivpOD ijexjAiti:' t 19 What geo.Ucacl:. thTo II.. .f Bnt- hflihpr ran ip-»3fnarffm »Deut, «.7. *Pfal lag. \Or t efiQ< ♦Chap. 7*h E ^offeririg vnfo ss idols' fmtlls fo ishs tiiat/ii 4 The poore hbouretli is hi whenheltauethoffhe.is ftiUne f Hetbuloaethgold,(hall he that foilowtthcortRptioa thereof. 6 *Go'a !:ith bfene the tuia^l ^eftruftion was prefent. 7 It i» a Rumbling blocke vnt vnto it, and enery foolc fhalbe t<#H 8 *Bieircd is the rich that is .il . mifli, andhach not goneafcer g .• p Whoisht'and we willc-i vvondertulltbi'Bgsbath fae'donfl *• Who hath beene tryedtb«/j fefilThen let him glory-» : Wi.j hath not offeiidec',Brd^ neeas!- 11 His good t fhalbe er}abli(fi> gatibttfli.il declare hisaltref. ia Iftheafitacabountifullr I dy vpon it 3 and f Tay ner.Thri? 1 1| 13 Remember that a wicked- 5 andwhacis created mort •<:':■ therefore it ^eepet'B | vpo 14, Stretctaot thine haai vv? i fcetb.andthrnftithotwi 15 ludgeofthy neighbemb'i difcreet in euery pjirrt. . 1* Bate as it becoinraeth H which-arefet before thee: ac then be hited. J7 teaueoffSrftfor fatiable lefi thoo offend, 18 * W6*-thoH ficteftV.n^ thine han^kfirft of all^i v 19 AVfCylittleisfufncienn turcd, J and hefetthethuothir bed. 1 rifetht^Iy, and hiswits are r pjine af witchingandcboUefi' {• ire with anj-iifatiable mar. Ctt 'And if thou halt' breris"-&> fc©f t fijVomi t,a nd t rreuibi $ii Myftsjheare me^andj laft thonfhalt £aa as I to!. be'cjaicke,fb dial thereao 1 foeikE *elUf hinwi ther