BV 4315 .K55 1911 Kerr, Hugh Thomson, 1871- 1950. Children's story-sermons 7>^ children's Story-Sermons WORKS BY HUGH T. KERR, D.D. Children! s Mission ary - Story- Sernions. 12 mo, cloth, net i.oo Told in simple, yet engrossing fash- ion, the story of missionary heroism be- comes in his capable hands a realm of veritable romance in which deeds of knightly valor are done in the name of the great king. Children's Story-Sermons. i2mo, cloth . . . net i.oo " The story sermons are so attract- ive, so simple, so full of action, and in- terest and incident, that they are not only good to read aloud, but the child will be glad to read them again and again by himself." — Sunday School Times. / Children's Story-Sermons By , HUGH T. KERR Pastor of The Fullerton Avenue Preshperian Churchy Chicago New York Chicago Toronto Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 191 1, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 125 North Wabash Ave. Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street To My two Chums ANNA and THOMSON Foreword The Story-Sermons contained in this book have all been told from the pulpit of the Ful- lerton Avenue Presbyterian Church, Chicago, to the children who unfailingly attend the Sunday morning service. They are pub- lished at the earnest request and urgent solicitation of the children and the children's friends. The greatest work in the world is the in- terpretation of God to the soul of the child. The new emphasis which child culture is re- ceiving calls for increasing effort on the part of the pastor, to care for the children of his church. The Sunday-school is insufficient. The atmosphere of the church service is es- sential for the true religious development of the child. The pastor, the teacher, and the parent must be workers together with God. If any apology were needed for the publi- cation of another volume of children's story- sermons, it can be found in the now familiar words of Dr. Stanley Hall, *' Of all the things that a teacher should know how to do, the most important, without any exception, is to know how to tell a story." 7 8 Foreword All that the present collection of Story- Sermons claims to do is to bear testimony to the fruitfulness of a method that has been tested and tried. Little that is original will be found here, but much that is familiar will be met with, and there is some satisfaction in knowing that while many dry-as-dust and discursive sermons have been forgotten, many of these innocent looking sermons have been remembered and have borne fruit that is worth while. After all, the Story-Sermon is the Master's method, for " the kingdom of heaven is like unto " I wish to express my indebtedness to my friend Prof. Thomas C. Blaisdell, Ph. D., of the Michigan Agricultural College for his many helpful suggestions. H. T. K. Chicago, III, Contents ,„*.-^he Story of Eager-Heart (A Christmas Story) . '3 A Boy Who was a Hero .... i8 X5od Wants Our Best A Boy Who was a Minister 21 24 '>r A Man Who Forgot His Own Name • 27 ^.^-What Bradley Owed • 30 Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep . 32 >r The Boy Who Made Soap • 35 Michael Angelo and the Child . . 38 A Lion Story-Sermon . 40 A Little Boy's Hard Questions . . 42 ^ Mendelssohn and the Organ • 45 " ril Take What Father Takes '* • 47 A Great Christian Soldier . /^ h Story of a Powder Mine . 50 . 52 Not Ashamed of His Mother . ■ " God and Me " . . 54 . 56 A Little Girl's Prayer . 58 A Story About Prayer . 60 Hector and His Little Boy . 62 A Missionary Story . . 64 A Boy Who was a Bridge . 66 The Copper That Became Gold 68 The Scholar's Prayer 70 Tongues and Ears .... . 72 "^A Lion and a Little Dog . 9 • 74 lO Contents Beware of the Camel's Nose 11 A Little Lost Lamb . 80 A Rich Lady's Dream 83 The Story of a Bad Boy . 85 The Hidden Ring . 89 A Little Lost Bird . 91 ^he Tree on the Chimney Top '' A Child Who was a King 94 96 Writing With Ink . 98 A Boy Hero . . . . 100 Little Shadi's Prayer 102 The Three Golden Apples 104. The Broken Vase . 106 ^Who Is the Prettiest Girl ? *''^^^^>