COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY [NO OH RAN IAN SERIES Volume VI Division ?K£°n \ .cm Section Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 THE NYAISHES OR ZOROASTRIAN LITANIES COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY I N DO-I RAN I AN SERIES EDITED BY A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON PROFESSOR OF INDO-IRANIAN LANGUAGES IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Volume VI Neto ¥otft THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1908 All rights reserved V A vr e. isp u humat u 12 huxt u 13 hvarst u (aey karpak vabidunam 15 ). bard slkunisnlh 19 yehabunam harvisp dusmat u 17 duzUxt 18 u 19 duz- varst 20 (as y vinas la vabidunam ). 3 Sanskrit, prakrstam staomi sumatani ca suktani ca sukrtani ca manasd ca vacasa ca karmana ca. adhikam grahanam karomi 9 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 3 2 Avesta. Propitiation unto Ahura Mazda. ... I praise right- eousness. 2 Pahlavi. [May there be] propitiation unto Ormazd. ... I praise righteousness. 2 Sanskrit. I pay respect to the Lord that has Great Knowl- edge. ... I praise righteousness. 2 Persian. I propitiate Ormazd. ... I praise righteousness. 2 Gujarati. I propitiate Ormazd . . . and I praise rectitude. 3 Avesta. I praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds and those that are to be thought, spoken, and done. I do accept all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. I do renounce all evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds. 3 Pahlavi. With [my] thought and word and deed I fully praise good thought and good word and good deed. I uphold all good thoughts and good words and good deeds (that is, I practise righteousness). I give up all evil thoughts and evil words and evil deeds (that is, I do not commit sin). 3 Sanskrit. I praise in full measure good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, by [my] thought, word, and deed. I make full i- 3- KHURSHED NYAISH IO samastanam sumatanam siiktanam sukrtanam. ca. parityagam karomi samastanam durmatanam duruktanafn duhkrtanarn ca. 3 Persian, faraz sitayam nek menu u nek guftar u nek kardar ra menisn u gavisn u kunisn. awar glrisnl dehorn harvlsp humat u huxt u hvarst ( ya'ni kirfah kunam). bah hilisnl dehorn harvlsp dusmata u duzuxta u duzvarsta ( ya'nl gunah nakunam). 3 Gujarati, ghanl tcirif karu nek naiatnl ane nek bolvanl ane nek kam karvani {mahari) nek naiat ane bolve ane karve karl. ane upar pakdu ( iane akhatiar karfi) tamam nek 7nanasnl ane nek goftar ane nek kerdarne (iane savabna kam karu). ane mukl deu. (iayic dur karu) tamam burl naiat ane buru bolvii ane bura felne ( iane gunah nahl karu). 4 Avesta. fora vd rahi Amos a Sponta yasnomca vahmomca ford matianha ford vacanhd ford syao&and ford atohuyd ford ta?ivascit x°ahyd ustanom. staomi asom. 4 Pahlavi. frdz val 1 lakum ratcnam mavan 2 Amahraspandan 3 haziBet i yazisn 5 ( dsnak 6 ) u 7 nyayisn 8 ( ostafrlt 9 ) frdz pavan menisn frdz pavan gowisn frdz 10 pavan kunisn frdz 11 pavan ax v i 12 men- isriik 13 frdz pavan 14 tan u 15 zak-c 16 i 17 nafsB . 18 jan 19 (ae 7 tan pavan 20 x v eslh 21 i 22 lakum yaxsenunam. pavan ofeslh 23 i 24 lakum dastan 25 hand ae 7 hat-am tan 26 ruvan 27 rde 28 bard 29 apayet yeha- biintan 30 bard 31 ycliabunam). stayem ahrdkzhf 4 Sanskrit, prakrstam yusmabhyafn daksinayami (kila daksinl karomi) he Amisdspinta ijisnim ca namaskrtim ca prakrstena 1 1 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 4 acceptance of all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. I make renunciation of all evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds. 3 Persian. I praise forth good thought, good word, and good deed [by my] thought, word, and deed. I uphold all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds (that is, I practise merit). I discard all evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds (that is, I do not commit sin). 3 Gujarati. I praise much the good thinking and good speaking and good doing (with my) thinking and speaking and doing. And I uphold (that is, I adopt) all good thinking and good speak- ing and good doing (that is, I practise religious merit). And I give up (that is, I renounce) all evil thinking and evil speaking and evil doing (that is, I do not commit sin). 4 Avesta. I proffer unto you, ye Archangels, sacrifice and prayer, with thought, with word, with deed, with [my] being, with the very life of my body . 1 I praise righteousness. 4 Pahlavi. I bestow upon you, who are Archangels, the (mani- fest) sacrifice and praise (consecration) forth with [my] thought, forth with [my] word, forth with [my] deed, forth with [my] consciousness, forth with [my] body, and even that which is my own life (that is, I keep [my] body for your ownership. To keep for your ownership is this, that, if it becomes proper for me to give up [my] body for the sake of [my] soul, I will give [it]). I praise righteousness. 4 Sanskrit. I offer in full measure (that is, I make dedication) unto you, who are Archangels, sacrifice and homage with I. 4- KHURSHED NYAISH 12 manasd prakrstena vacasd prakrstena karmana prakrstena uhena ( kila prajnonmesena). prakrstam tanosca nijam jlvavi ( kila saktaih svadhinataya yusmakam dharayami. svadhinataya yusmakam dharanam evam kila yadi datum yogyani tat visesena dadami). staomi punyam. 4 Persian, faraz stand rad hastam kih Amsasfandan hastand izisn u nyayisn fardz pa menisn faraz pa gavisn faraz pa kunisn fardz pa ahu fardz pa tan fardz pa an xes jan (ya‘ni tan bah xesl suina daram. bah xesl suma dastan ay bahod ya'nl agar tan ravdn ra babayad dadan bah dehoni). sitayam asahi. 4 Gujarati, ane tamo bujorag Amsaspandone ijasne ane nlaesnl sakhdvat karu bulatid nek naiate buland nek bolve buland nek kam karve bulatid delna nek andesae buland tane ane potdna jive karl ( iane mdlidru tan rovanne vaste apvu pade to khasusan apu). ane tarlf karu rdstlnl. 5 Avesta. nomo Ahurai Mazdai. no mo Amosaeibyo Spontaeibyd. no mo Midrai vouru.gaoyaoitbe. nomo Hvaro.xsactai aurvat.aspdi. nomo dbyd doi&rabyo yd Ahurahe Mazda, nomo Gbus. nomo Gayelie. nomo Zara&ustrahe Spitamahe asaono Fravasoe. nomom vlspayd Asaono stois liaidyaica bavaidyaica biisyqidyaica. 13 LITANY TO THE SUN -i- 5 [my] full thought, word, deed, and excellent understanding (that is, with the manifestation of intelligence). And in full [do I offer unto you] my own life of the body (that is, I hold it at your disposal [lit. I keep it devoted with self-dependence on you]. Holding it at your service [is] in this manner, that, if it [becomes] proper to give, I shall absolutely give it). I praise righteousness. 4 Persian. I offer unto you who are Archangels sacrifice and prayer, forth with [my] thought, forth with word, forth with deed, forth with intellect, forth with [my] body, forth with my own life (that is, I hold [my] body at your disposal. To hold at your disposal is this, that if I need give [my] body for [my] soul I [will] give it). I praise righteousness. 4 Gujarati. And I bestow upon you venerable Archangels sacrifice and praise, along with good thinking, along with good speaking, along with good doing, along with the heart’s desire, along with the body, and with my own life (that is, if it becomes necessary to give my body for the sake of [my] soul, I will cer- tainly give it). And I praise rectitude. 5 Avesta. Homage 1 unto Ahura Mazda. Homage unto the Archangels. Homage unto Mithra, the lord of wide pas- tures . 2 Homage unto the Sun, the swift-horsed. Homage unto these 3 two eyes that are of Ahura Mazda. Homage unto the Bull. Homage unto Gaya [Maretan], Homage unto the Guard- ian Spirit of the righteous Zarathushtra, the Spitaman. Homage unto the whole creation of the Righteous One , 4 that is, that is coming into being 5 and that will be. i. 5- KHURSHED NYAISH 14 Havani Gah Voliu uxsya Mancmlul Xsa&rd Asaca usta tanum. Rapid win a Gah ima raocd barozistom bar3zimanq.n1. U z ay cirina Gah yahml Sp 3 ntd Swd Mainyu urvaese jasd. 5 Pahlavi. namaz 1 o 2 Ohrmazd 3 (zz 4 Ohrmazd guft 3 acy nya- yisn o li yal 6 kart yehvunet mavan 7 saplran 3 fravartartum sarl- tardn 9 zatartum 10 ). namaz 11 o Amahraspandan (zz 12 Amahras- pandan grift acy nyayisn d 13 lend . 14 vald 15 kart yehvunet mavan patmanlk 16 vastamunet u 17 patmanlk daret 18 u 19 kold-c 20 i 21 min 22 patman 23 bard 24 parlzet 25 val 26 saplran u 27 arzdnlkan yehabu- nct 28 ). namaz 22 o Mitr i 30 frdx v gdyot 31 {Mitr 32 i 33 frdxfgdyot 34 gift acy nyayisn o li valet 25 kart yehvunet 36 mavan 37 Mitr z 38 ruvan 39 i 40 nafsB xup yaxsenunet 41 ce 42 amat-as 43 Mitr 44 madam 45 ruvan i 46 nafsd. xup 47 dast yehvunet as hamdk 48 dam i Ohrmazd xup dast yehvunet 12 ). namaz 50 o X v arset 51 i 52 arvadasp 53 (zz 54 X”arsct 55 i 66 arvadasp 57 gift 58 <2^7 nyayisn 59 5 60 li valB 61 kart yehvunet mavan 62 ranj 63 pavan kar 64 karpak vabiduntan 65 meka- dr unyen 66 /z? pavan ranj 3-1 yaxsenunet vid. li-c 68 z/zvzc! 69 rzw z 70 /z n yaxsenunam 72 ydtunam 73 vazlunam la pavan ranj 74 yaxsenunam) . namaz 75 o 76 Maya 77 Doisr i 78 Ohrmazd dat ( menuk 79 Ardvisur 80 Kzszz/ hucasmlk , 81 Doisr 82 z' 83 Ohrmazd dat gift acy nyayisn 84 5 85 /z 86 vald 37 kart yehvunet 88 mavan 89 hamdk 90 dam 21 i 22 Ohr- mazd pavan hucasnuh madam niklret u 93 hie ais pavan duscasmlh madam la niklret u 2 i hixr 95 val may a 22 la ye dr unit 97 ). namaz 98 d 99 Tor a u 100 namaz 101 val 102 Gayomart 103 (zz 104 Tor a u 105 Gayo- mart 106 guft acy 107 nyayisn 108 z/zzVz 109 7W0 ! 110 saplr 111 mekadru- nem 112 mavan 113 mas ben kas lu u kas ben mas viclr xavltunet 115 kartan amat 116 brat i 117 ben brat i 118 wzzj vinas vabidunyen 119 ax 120 z 121 mas ax 122 z 123 bard dmurzet). namaz 124 < 5 125 Zara- tust 126 z 127 Spitdman 128 z 129 ahrav 130 Fravahr 131 (zz 132 Zaratust 133 guft 134 zzz’7 135 nyayisn min 136 val 6! 137 sapir 133 mekadrunam 139 mavan i5 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 5 At the Havani Gah. Further the body through Vohuman , 6 Khshathra, and Asha in accordance with [my] desire. At the Rapithwina Gah. [Unto] these lights, the highest [light] of the high. At the Uzayeirina Gah. At which end 7 Thou [i. e. Ahura Mazda] wilt come with Thy Holy Spirit. 5 Pahlavi. Homage unto Ormazd (and Ormazd said ‘he will have offered praise unto me — he who [is] the greatest nourisher of the good and the greatest smiter of the wicked) .’ Homage unto the Archangels (and the Archangels said ‘ he will have offered us praise — he who eats in moderation and holds [his possessions] in moderation, and whatsoever is left from the [practice of] mod- eration, he shall give unto the good and worthy).’ Homage unto Mihr of wide pastures (Mihr of wide pastures said ‘he will have offered praise unto me — he who keeps well Mihr unto his own soul ; whoso keeps well Mihr unto his own soul, he will have well preserved all creatures of Ormazd).’ Homage unto the swift- horsed Sun (and the swift-horsed Sun said ‘he will have offered praise unto me — he who undergoes trouble for meritorious work [but] does not regard it as trouble, since even I come and go in my proper way and do not regard it as [any] trouble).’ Homage unto the Water, the Eye, made by Ormazd (the spiritual Angel Ardvisur of good eyes. The Eye made by Ormazd said ‘ he will have offered praise unto me — he who looks upon all creatures of Ormazd with a good eye and does not look upon any with an evil eye, and does not carry impurity to water).’ Homage unto the Bull and homage unto Gayomard (and the Bull and Gayomard said ‘ we gladly accept praise from him who knows how to discern between small and great, great and small, [e. g.] when a younger brother does wrong unto an elder brother, the elder brother for- gives the younger brother).’ Homage unto Spitama Zartusht of i- 5- KHURSHED NYAISH 16 pavan denol 140 Den 2 141 sapir 142 Mazdayasn 143 vis 144 veh 145 yeka- vimunet 146 zak 147 min Den 148 pctak 149 vis 150 menet vis gowet vis kunet 151 ). namaz 152 o 153 harvisp 154 zak 155 i 156 ahravan getih 157 mav- an-c 158 ait mavan-c yehvunt 159 havdd mavan-c 160 yehvund. 161 Bamddt sapir -(anif^ vaxsinae 163 menisn 164 X v atde 165 (ae^-am m frardntar menisn 167 bara vabidun 168 ). u 169 mavan-c 170 ahrakih ( kar u 171 kar- pak m zyam kart yekavimunet m ) newakih-c 174 d 175 tan-{am yeha- bun 176 ). Nemroc deuU-(m 177 ruvdn m 5 179 zak 18 °) rosnih 181 i 182 bdlist 183 balen 184 (band 785 ) (ac^-am 186 ruvan 187 bard d X v arset payak yehamtunat ). Asparak pavan 188 Lak madam 189 Awziinik Maiiik 190 vartisn 191 yehamtunat (ae 7 192 ben zamdn Ristaxiz min 193 saritarih 194 o 195 sapirih ( Tan z 196 Pasin 197 ). amat m laxvdr an ham yehamtunam 199 af-am pavan venisn Lak arzanik 200 bard vabidun 201 ). 5 Sanskrit, namah Sv amine Mahajhanine. namo Amarebliyo Gurularebhyah. namo Mihiraya nivdsitaranydya. namah Sur- ydya tejasvine vegavadasvaya. namah tebliyo Locanebhyo yani Sv amino Mahdjiianinah. namo Gomurtaye ( prdksrstaye ). namo Gaiomardaya (adyapurusdya'). namo Jarathustrasya Spitamaput- rasya muktdtmano Vrddliaye. namah samagrdyai muktatmanam srstaye vartarndnanam ca atitdnam ca bhavisydndm ca. Ha liana uttamam vardhaya manah Svdmin {kila me ma?iah saddcd- ritaram kuru) punydt ca subham tanoh (kila kdryam punyamca yan mayd krtam asti tasmat ca subham vapusi me deld). LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 5 righteous Guardian Spirit (and Zartusht said ‘ I well accept homage from him who remains very steadfast in this good Mazdayasnian Religion, and thinks more, speaks more, and does more that which is manifest from the Religion).’ Homage unto the whole world of the righteous, that is, has been, and will be. At the morning time. Further (my) good thought, O Lord (that is, make my thought more straightforward). (Give) also the goodness unto (my) body (for whatever meritorious work is done by me) through righteousness. At mid-day. [May] this (soul of mine) [attain] (to that) light which (is) higher than the high (that is, may my soul reach the stage of the Sun). At the evening time. Through Thee, O Bountiful Spirit, the change will come (that is, at the time of the Resurrection, from evil to good (the Final Body). Make me worthy of Thy vision, when I return after that [event]). 5 Sanskrit. Homage unto the Lord of Great Knowledge. Hom- age unto the Very Venerable Immortal Ones. Homage unto Mihr, the forest-residing. Homage unto the Sun, the brilliant and swift-horsed. Homage unto these two Eyes, that are of the Lord of Great Knowledge. Homage unto the form of the Bull (of the former creation). Homage unto Gayomard (the first man). Homage unto the Guardian Spirit of the righteous Zartusht, son of Spitama. Homage unto the entire creation of the righteous, present and past and future. Ha van . Further the best mind, O Lord (that is, make my mind more virtuous) and through righteousness the welfare of body (that is, the deed and the merit which have been done by me, even on account of that do thou give welfare unto my body). i. 5- KHURSHED NYAISH 18 Rapithvin ayam ( atma tasmin ) tejasi yat uhcanam uhcam ( kila me atmd prapnotu). Uj aieirina Tv ay a Gurutara Adrsyarupin paribhramata prapnoti ( nikrstata - yah uttamatam ) ( tanoh aksayatam ). 5 Persian, namaz an Hormazd Xudal ( Hormazd guft kih nyayis man oi kardah bed kih veh farvartcir u badtaran zadartar). namaz an Amsasfandan ( Amsasfandan guft kih nyayis ma oi kardah bed kih paimanah xurld u paimanah darld u harcih az u paimanah oi vc han u ar zany an dehld'). namaz an Mihr fragavyuld ( Mihr frdgavyuld guft kih nyayis ma oi kardah bed kih Mihr ravan xes xub darld). namaz an Xursed rayomand tez asp ra. namaz an har do Casm Hormazd Xudal ra. namaz Gav fardum afrldah ra. namaz Gayomard fardum afrldah ra. namaz Zartust Sfan- taman asavan Farohar ra. namaz harvlsp asavan dahisn ra hastan budan bedan ra. Ha van bayafzal menisn rd ay Hormazd (ya‘nl menisn mard faraz u tez bakuii) az kirfah xubl tan ra. R ap i$ win In ( ravan b-an) rosnl kih az bald baldtar (ya‘nl ravan man bah Xursed pay barasad ). Uzirin bah Tu ay Afzun Menu bargastagan barasand (az badl bah nekl Tan Pas in). 19 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 5 R a p i t h w i n . [May] this (soul) [go] into (that) glory which is higher than the high [lit. high of the high], (that is, may my soul attain to the exalted stage of the Sun). U z i r i n . Through Thee, O Very Venerable Invisible One, the revolution will come [lit. comes] (from evil to good) (the imperishableness of the body). 5 Persian. Homage unto Ormazd, the Lord (Ormazd said ‘ he will have offered prayer unto me — he who [is] the nourisher of the good and smiter of the more wicked).’ Homage unto the Archangels (the Archangels said ‘he will have offered prayer unto us — he who shall eat in moderation and owns in moder- ation and will give whatever [is left] from moderation unto the good and worthy).’ Homage unto Mihr of wide pastures (Mihr of wide pastures said ‘he will have offered prayer unto me — he who keeps Mihr well unto his own soul).’ Homage unto the Sun, the radiant, the swift-horsed. Homage unto those two Eyes of Ormazd, the Lord. Homage unto the first created Bull. Homage unto Gayomard, the first created. Homage unto the Guardian Spirit of Spitman Zartusht, the righteous. Homage unto the entire creation of the righteous, that is, has been, and will be. H a v a n . Further the mind, O Ormazd! (that is, make my mind enlarged and quick) [and] through merit the excellence of body. R a p i t h w i n . [May] this (soul) [reach] that light which [is] higher than the high, (that is, may my soul reach the stage of the Sun). Uz i r i n . Through Thee, O Bountiful Spirit, the distressed ones will reach (from evil to good, [in] the Final Body). i. 5- KHURSHED NYAISH 20 5 Gujarati, namuc Hormajdne ( dadar Hormajde farmavlu che ke je sakhas nek lokone tatha parejgdrone ghand pale ane parvaras kare ane bur a lokone sajd die te sakhase goea mdhdrl nicies kldhl). namuc Amasaspandone ( Amasaspandoe kahlii che je andaje klide ane andaje rakhe ane andaja kartd jlada rehe te clj nek tatlid aso lokone bakhses kare te sakhse goea maharl nlaes kldhi). namuc Meher Ijad jangalmd pdsbanl karnarne ( Mcher Ijade farmavlu che je maharl nicies tene kldhl ke jene potana rovdn upar maea ane meherbanl rakhl ke te sakhase goea Xudaenl khalak upar maea ane rakhi). namuc Khursed tej ghodana sdhebne {Khursed tej ghodana sahebe farmavluc ke maharl nlaes tene kldhl ke je savabnii kam karvama ranj ane mehenat kabid kare ane tehene ranj karlne nahl gane ane nek kamthl pacho nahl hate), namuc Hormajdna ( pc da kldhela) je Panina Casma che tehene (jane Arduisur Banune). namuc Gaviodadne Jiamuc Gaiomaradne ( Gav - lodad te gaene kclieche ke je gdene Khoddetalae roje avalma khalaknl dbddanine vaste de dunlama mokli hatl. Gaiomarad te Khoddetalae pehelii insdn e dunlanl dbadlne vaste mokaleu hatii tehne keheche ke e tamdm insanano bap tatha morabl che e Gaio- maradne Pehelavlmo Gclsdhd tatha Avastdma Gaiehe tatha Gaiehe Marethan keheche. e Gaviodad tatha Galomarade far- mavluc kc mdhdrl nlaes e sakhase kldhl ke je sakhas potathi vada admlno andajo rakhe ane tehend martabdne jane ane nadhlo bhai potathi mohta bhaino adab rakhe ane kabl jo nadhla bhaithl kai cuk thai hoe to tcheno vado bhai meherbdn thdi mdf kare). namuc Jarto'st Aspantamanna aso Faroharne (Jartoste farmavlu che je goea mdhdrl nlaes tene kldhl je e bhall Majdlasnl Din upar besak beguman atie ustavdr rehe ane je kai Dinma hukam farmavelo che te paramane ghanu nek vamdse ane ghanu tick bole ane ghanu nek kam kare). namuc tamdm asovono tolo je hamana che ane thdi glo ane thdse tehene. 21 LITANY TO THE SUN -i* 5 5 Gujarati. I do homage unto Ormazd (the creator Ormazd has ordained that the man who protects and nourishes much the good and the pious, and punishes the wicked, that man offers [lit. has offered], as it were, praise unto me). Homage unto the Archangels (the Archangels have said that that man offers, as it were, praise unto me, who eats within meas- ure and keeps [his possessions] within measure, and bestows the thing left in surplus through the practice of moderation, unto the good and the righteous). Homage unto the Angel Mihr, the protector in the forest (the Angel Mihr has or- dained that he who offers praise unto me has been loving and kindly to his own soul, since that man has, as it were, been affectionate and kind to God’s creation). I do homage unto the Sun, the lord of swift horse (the Sun, the lord of swift horse has ordained that he offers praise unto me who agrees [to un- dergo] toil and exertion in the performance of meritorious deeds, and does not consider it as toil, and does not fall back from the good deed). I do homage unto that Spring of Water which (is created) by Ormazd (that is, unto the Banu Ardvisur). I do homage unto Gavyodad, I do homage unto Gayomard (Gavyodad is the name of the cow whom the Lord God sent into this world on the first day for the prosperity of creation. That human being is called Gayomard whom the Lord God sent for pros- perity of this world, he is the father and head of all mankind; this Gayomard is called Gelsaha in Pahlavi and Gaiehe and Gaiehe Mare&an in Avestan. This Gavyodad and Gayomard have ordained that that man offers praise unto us who would keep due regard for his elders and acknowledge his position and that the younger brother would respect his elder brother, and in case some fault is done by the younger brother, the elder brother would kindly forgive him). I do homage unto the righteous Guardian Spirit of Spitman Zartusht (Zartusht has ordained that that man offers unto me praise, as it were, who would be without doubt and without hesitation and would remain steadfast in the good Maz- dayasnian Religion, and think much good, speak much good and I. 6- KHURSHED NYAISH 22 Hdvan e Sdheb ( mahari ) bhah manasnine jldde kar [idne ghani nek kar). ane savdbne badle ( mahara ) tanane nekl {ap). R apithwin e {maharu rovati) bulandlthl bulandtar rosanltna {iane Khursed pcled Behestma pohoco). Uzirin e bujorag mino Hormajd Tu thakl faravii pohoco ( iane rasatak- hejand vakhatma burai tallne nekine pohocad ). 6 Avesta. Hvars.xsaetdin aims 9m raem aurvat.aspjin yazamaide. Mid r 3 in vouru.gaoyaoitlm yazamaide ars. vacanhjm vyaxamm hazanra.gaosom hu-t astern baevarj.casmamm bsrozantom pyrjdu.vaehayanjm surein ax* af 113 m ja^aurvdnlum. 6 Pahlavi. [• • •] Mitr 1 i 2 frax° goyot 3 izam 4 z 5 vast goivisn 6 z 7 haujainanik 8 liazar 9 gfis 10 z 11 hutaslt 12 z 13 bevar casm z 14 buland 15 z 16 pur akds 17 ( pavan 18 kar z 19 dena 20 u 21 ^zzj ben x°eskdrlh 22 ) u 23 awzar 24 zz ax v ab 25 (zz^y-zzi 26 bus asp v lfat rs ) u 29 {ay aw drill 30 yedrunisn ) jlgdrp 23 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 6 do much good in accordance with that precept which is prescribed by the Religion). I do homage unto the group of all righteous ones, which is, has been, and will be. At the Havan Gah. O Lord! promote (my) good thought (that is, make it very good) and (give) goodness unto (my) body in return for [my] merit. At the Rapithwin Gah. May this (soul of mine reach) the light which is more exalted than the exalted (that is, the Paradise of the Solar mansion). At the Uzirin Gah. O Great Spirit Ormazd ! may the final change come through Thee (that is, at the time of Resurrection, removing evil, bring forth goodness). 6 Avesta. We sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. We sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures. Whose word is true, who is of the assembly, Who has a thousand ears, the well-shaped one, Who has ten thousand eyes, the exalted one, Who has wide knowledge, the helpful one, Who sleepeth not, the ever wakeful . 1 6 Pahlavi. [. . .] I sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures, the truth- speaking, of the assembly, of a thousand ears, well-formed, of ten thousand eyes, the exalted one, fully cognizant (in regard to the affairs of the law and in his own function), [possessed of] re- sources, and sleepless (that is, he has no sleep), and prompt (in rendering help). i. 6- KHUKSHED NYAISH 24 6 Sanskrit. [. . .] Mihirarii ( maitri-adliipatim ) nivasitdranyam aradhaye satyavacam hahjamanikam sahasrakarnam (tasya sahasrakariiata ca evam kila sahasram Iajdanam samam anena niyuktam asti te ca Mihiram. prati bruvanti yat idarii ca srnu idam ca srnu) sughataru path dasasahasralocanam ( asya dasasahasralo- canala ca evam kila dasasahasram Iajdanam samam anena niyuk- tam asti te ca Mihiram prati bruvanti yat idam ca pasya idam ca pasya) mahattaram sampurna-vettaram ( karyanyayanam ) sadha- kam anidram balisthabhujam. 6 Persian. [. . .] Mihr sardar mahabbat rd basandah dastahd rd buzurg daram rast guftar anjamanl hazar gus ( yalnl hazar gust ancanan kill hazar Izad b-u havalah kardah estand esan pes Mihr guyand kill In basnav u an basnav an hamah rd dar yak lahaza basnav ad) nek paidd kardah dah hazar casm {urd dah hazar casm in ayinali ya'nl dah hazar Izad bah u havalah kardah estand esan pes Mihr guyand kill In bah bln u an ham bah bln an hamah rd dar yak lahaza bah binad) bulandtar tamdm danandali ( kdr ‘ ddil ) * azmati bedar zur bah bdzu darad. 6 Gujarati. Kliursed bemarag ane khales tej ghodand sahebne arddhu. Meher Ijad jangalnd pasbanne aradhii rastl bolndr anajumanno karnar hajar kanno sdheb ( hajar kanno te Meher Ijadno kalab che. sabab e je e Meher Ijadmo e kkubi ane ejmat che ke hajar kane je vato nalii sablill sakhae te potand bee kane sablile che. vail lakheche je hajar fare’sta Meher Ijadne liavale dadar Hormajde kidhela che. te laghlavo e Meher Ijadne ekbdragl ekta thdine vato keheche te laghldvonii tarat sablill sakheche) nek peda kldhclo ane das hajar aklino {das hajar akhno te Meher Ijadno kalab che ke j diene pak Parvardegare te khubl ane ejmat bakhsi 25 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 6 6 Sanskrit. [. . .] I propitiate Mihr (the lord of friendship) the forest-residing, the truthful, belonging to the assembly, with a thousand ears (his having a thousand ears is even in this manner, that a thousand of the Angels are directed by him and they speak unto Mihr: ‘both listen to this and listen to that [lit.' this]’), of well-shaped form, of ten thousand eyes (his having ten thousand eyes is even in this manner, that ten thousand of the Angels are directed by him and they speak unto Mihr : ‘ both look at this and look at that [lit. this]’), the very great, fully cognizant (of acts of justice), efficient, sleepless, [and] with most powerful arms. 6 Persian. [. . .] I venerate Mihr (the lord of friendship) the forest-residing, the truth-speaker, of the assembly, of a thousand ears (that is, his having a thousand ears is in this manner, that a thousand Angels are waiting upon him ; they address Mihr : ‘ listen to this and listen to that ’ ; he hears them all instantane- ously), the well-created, of ten thousand eyes (his having ten thousand eyes is in this manner, that ten thousand Angels are placed under his charge ; they address Mihr : * see this and see that’; he sees them all instantaneously), the more exalted, fully knowing (the acts of justice), the magnificent, wakeful, having strength of arms. 6 Gujarati. I praise the immortal and pure Sun, the lord of swift horse. I praise the Angel Mihr, the protector in the forest, the speaker of truth, the maker of assembly, the lord of a thousand ears (‘ of a thousand ears ’ is the epithet of the Angel Mihr. The reason is this, that there is this virtue and wonderful gift in this Angel Mihr, that he hears with his two ears what cannot be heard by a thousand ears. They also write that the creator Ormazd has a thousand Angels given into his charge. They all at once con- jointly speak unto him, he is able to hear them all at once), the well-created and of ten thousand eyes (‘ of ten thousand eyes ’ i- 7- KHURSHED NYAISH 26 che ke das hajar akhe karl je cljo dekhl nahl Sake te 2 akhthi e Mcher Ijad ck lehcjamd joi sakeche ) ghano buland ane ghano khabardar tathd ejmatl ane bekhoab (idne hamese jagto) jora- var bajnno. 7 Avesta. Mi&rjm vispanqm daliyunqm daihhu.paitlm yazamaide yim frada&at Aliuro Mazda x v aronanuhastonmn mainyavanqm Yazatanqm. tat no jainyat avanhe Midra Ahura borszanta. Hvaro. xsaStom amssam raem aurvat.aspom yazamaide. 7 Pahlavi. Mitr x i 1 liarvistln mataan 3 dehupat 4 yezbexunam 5 mavan 6 fraz 7 ychabunt 8 Olirmazd gadU havdltum 9 min menu- kan xo Yazatan. xx zak n valB 13 laid, ychamtunat pavan 14 ay aw drill 15 Mitr 16 x l 'atde 17 i Xi buland. X v arset amark rayomand 19 arva- dasp 20 izamA 7 Sanskrit. Mihirarh sarvesam gramanam rajanam aradliaye yam pradadat Svami Mahajhani srimattam adrsyarupebhyo Iaj- debhyah. tad asmakam cki sahayatdyai Mihira ca Svamin maliat- tara. Siiryam tejasvinam amarain suddhimantam vegavadasvam aradliaye. 7 Persian. Mihr tamam sahran padisah ra buzurg daram an ra kill buland dadah Hormazd Xudal niirmand az menu an Izadan. an mara rasad bayarl Mihr xudal mihtar. Xurscd niirmand bemarg xalistar tez asp ra buzurg daram. 2 7 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 7 is the epithet of the Angel Mihr upon whom the holy Almighty has bestowed that virtue and wonderful gift that this Angel Mihr is able to see those things in an instant with two eyes, which could not be seen with ten thousand eyes), very great and very vigilant, as well as wonderful and sleepless (that is, ever awake). 7 Avesta. We sacrifice unto Mithra The lord of all countries, Whom Ahura Mazda created 1 the most glorious Of the spiritual Angels. So may there come unto us for aid Both Mithra and Ahura, the two exalted ones. We sacrifice unto the immortal, Radiant, swift-horsed Sun. 7 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto Mihr, the lord of all cities, whom Ormazd made most glorious among the spiritual Angels. May he come unto us for help — Mihr, the exalted lord. I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. 7 Sanskrit. I propitiate Mihr, the king of all villages, whom the Lord of Great Knowledge made most glorious among the in- visible Angels. So come to our help, O Mihr, and Thou more than great Lord. I propitiate the brilliant, immortal, bright, swift-horsed Sun. 7 Persian. I venerate Mihr, the king of all cities, whom the Lord Ormazd made [most] exalted [and] brilliant among the spiritual Angels. May that Mihr, the lord more than great, come unto me for help. I venerate the brilliant, immortal, more than pure, swift-horsed Sun. i* 7 - KHURSHED NYA1SH 28 7 Gujarati, (ane) tamam seherono padsaha Mcher Ijadne aradhii ke jehenc Hormajde bijd mlno Ijado karta ghano bujorg nurmand peda kidho. te Mcher Ijad buland sahcb mdhdri madade polioco. Khurscd bcmarag khales tcj ghodana khavandne aradhii. 8 Avesta. Tistrim drvd.casmansm yazamaide. Tistrim yaza- maide. Tistryaenyo yazamaide. Tistryo raevd x°ar3nauuhd yazamaide. Vanantsm star 3m Mazda. 8dt3in yazamaide. Tistrim starsm raevantom x v ar3namihant3m yazamaide . dwassm X v a8dt3»i yazamaide. Zrvamm Akaransm yazamaide. Zrvarmn Darsyo- X”a8dtjm yazamaide. Vat3m spsntsm hu8hnham yazamaide. razistqm Cist am Mazda.8atqm asaonim yazamaide. Daenqm vamihim Mazda.yasnim yazamaide. Pa&qm x v astditim yaza- maide. zaranumantsm surjm yazamaide. Saokjntsm Gairlm Mazda.8a.t3m yazamaide. 8 Pahlavi. Tistr 1 dr 11st 2 casm 3 ra yezbexunam ? Tistr 3 ra 6 izam (ae 1 manazil i 8 varan), varisnik 9 Tistr star 10 ra izam? 7 Tistr 12 star 1S rayomand 14 gadUomand 13 yezbexunam , 16 Variant star 77 z 18 Ohrmazd dat 19 yezbexunam? 3 Tistr 21 star 22 i rayomand gadBomand 23 izam. Spas 24 z ’ 25 X T adat 26 yezbexunam. 27 Zaman 28 z 29 Akanarak 30 izam. 31 Zaman 32 i 33 Dirang 3 * X v atae 35 izam? 8 Vat 37 i 38 awzunik 39 hudak 40 izam? 7 razistak 42 z 43 Frazanak u z ’ 45 Ohrmazd dat ahrav izam 46 (aey i7 Den Vazat). Den z ' 48 sapir i 49 Mazdayasn 50 yezbexunam? 7 Ras 32 i 53 sapir libbemB 54 rawisnih 55 izam 33 (aey 57 z Vahist ). zarindmand awzar ra izam 38 ( mavan 59 may a z ’ 60 sabnam z 61 vaharik 62 min 33 azir zamik 64 laid 33 bard ydtunet pavan ras 66 z 67 valB). Sokant Kof 68 z 69 Olir- mazd dat izam. 29 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 8 7 Gujarati. I praise the Angel Mihr, the king of all cities, whom Ormazd created greater and more glorious than other spiritual Angels. May that Angel Mihr, the great lord, come for my help. I praise the immortal, pure Sun, the lord of swift horse. 8 Avesta. We sacrifice unto Tishtrya of sound eyes. We sacri- fice unto Tishtrya. We sacrifice unto those attendants 1 on Tish- trya. We sacrifice unto Tishtrya, the radiant [and] glorious. We sacrifice unto the star Vanant, made by Mazda. We sacrifice unto the star Tishtrya, the radiant [and] glorious. We sacrifice unto the Sky that follows its Own Law. We sacrifice unto the Boundless Time. We sacrifice unto Time, that follows its Own Law for the Long Period. We sacrifice unto the Wind, the holy [and] beneficent. We sacrifice unto Wisdom, the most upright, righteous, made by Mazda. We sacrifice unto the good Maz- dayasnian Religion. We sacrifice unto the Path 2 leading to the good state. We sacrifice unto the golden shaft . 3 We sacrifice unto Mount Saokanta, made by Mazda. 8 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto Tishtar of sound eyes. I sacrifice unto Tishtar (that is, the constellation of rain). I sacrifice unto the rains of the star Tishtar. I sacrifice unto the star Tishtar, the radiant and glorious. I sacrifice unto the star Vanant, made by Mazda. I sacrifice unto the star Tishtar, the radiant and glo- rious. I sacrifice unto the Sky that follows its Own Law. I sacrifice unto the Boundless Time. I sacrifice unto Time, Lord of Long Duration. I sacrifice unto the Wind, the beneficent and good-giving. I sacrifice unto the most upright Wisdom, made by Ormazd (that is, the Angel Den). I sacrifice unto the good Mazdayasnian Religion. I sacrifice unto the longed-for Path (that is, the Path of Paradise). I sacrifice unto the golden in- I. 8- KHURSHED NYAISH 30 8 Sanskrit. Tistaratarakasya rupavatlm drstim aradhaye. Tis- taratarakam aradhaye {Tistar am iti vrstinaksatrani). Tistaratara- kasya vrstlh aradhaye. Tistaratarakasya suddhlh sriyasca arad- haye. Vanantarh tarakam Mahajnanina dattam aradhaye. Tistaratarakam suddhimantam srlmantam aradhaye. Subhacak- ram Svayarn santisthamanam aradhaye. Kalam Anantam arad- haye. Samayam Dlrgharajanam aradhaye. Vatam mahattaram uttamadaninam aradhaye. suddham Nirvanajnanitam Mahd- jnanina nirmitam punyatmanlm aradhaye. Dlnim uttamdm Majdaiasmm aradhaye. Panthanam abhilasinam aradhaye. suvarnamayam sastram aradhaye ( kila Saokantaparvatopari prthivlnmlad arabhya suvarnamayanalika nirmita asti tena chid- rena prthivltalastham udakam akase arohati tat ca vatahatam sarvatra prasarati ataeva tusarodakam jayate tat ca sastram suvarnamayam aradhaye'). Saokantam Girim Mahajnanina dat- tam aradhaye. 8 Persian, nurmand dldar Tistar sitdrah rd buzurg daram. Tistar sitdrah rd buzurg daram ( ya'ni manzil bdrdui). barisnl Tistar sitdrah rd buzurg daram. xalisl u nurdnl Tistar sitdrah rd buzurg daram. Vanant sitdrah Hormazd dadah rd buzurg daram. xalisl u nurdnl Tistar sitdrah rd buzurg daram. xub Carx bah Xudl istadali rd buzurg daram. Zamdnah Bekinarah rd buzurg daram. Zamdnah Dcr Padisah rd buzurg daram. Bad militar nekl dahandah rd buzurg daram. xalisl Dur binandah kar Hormazd dadah kirfahgar rd buzurg daram. Din bill Mdz- dayasnl rd buzurg daram. Rah dilerl rd buzurg daram. zarln dlat rd buzurg daram ( ya'nl bar Koh Sokant az tali zamln zarln 3i LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 8 strument through whose medium the waters of the dew of springtime come up from below the earth). I sacrifice unto Mount Sokant, made by Ormazd. 8 Sanskrit. I propitiate the clear vision of the star Tishtar. I propitiate the star Tishtar (Tishtar, that is, the constellation of rain). I propitiate the rains of the star Tishtar. I propitiate the brightness and glory of the star Tishtar. I propitiate the star Vanant made by Ormazd. I propitiate the bright and glorious star Tishtar. I propitiate the Self-stationed bright Horizon. I propitiate the Boundless Time. I propitiate the Period, the King of Long Duration. I propitiate Vata, the very great [and] good-giving. I propitiate the pure, holy, emancipating Wisdom made by Him whose Knowledge is Great. I propitiate the ex- cellent Mazdayasnian Religion. I propitiate the wished-for Path. I propitiate the instrument of gold (that is, a golden pipe begin- ning from the root of the earth is constructed above Mount Sokant, the water that is at the surface of the earth rises through this orifice to the sky, and it, being struck by the wind, spreads in all directions, for this very reason, the water of the dew is produced; just that golden weapon I propitiate). I propitiate Mount Sokant made by Him, who has Great Knowledge , 8 Persian. I venerate the brilliant vision of the star Tishtar. I venerate the star Tishtar (Tishtar means the constellation of rain). I venerate the rains of the star Tishtar. I venerate the purity and brilliance of the star Tishtar. I venerate the star Vanant made by Ormazd. I venerate the purity and brilliance of the star Tishtar. I venerate the Self-stationed excellent heavenly Sphere. I venerate the Boundless Time. I venerate Time, the King of Long Duration. I venerate Vata, the more than great, the giver of good. I venerate the pure, meritorious, Farsight given by Ormazd. I venerate the excellent Mazda- yasnian Religion. I venerate the Path of valor. I venerate the I. 8- KHURSHED NYAISH 32 alat suraxdar paida kardah ast bah an siirdx db tah zamin bar dsrndn bald savad u an az bad zarb xiirdah bahar jd baravad u an kar rd db sard bahdrl paida savad. an alat zarin rd buzurg ddram). Koh Sokant Hormazd paida kardah rd buzurg ddram. 8 Gujarati, daru'st casamno Testar setaro che. tene aradhii. Testar (idne varsatna nakhetar) ne aradhii. Testarna varasvane aradhii. Testar setaranl khalesi tatha nurne aradhii. Hormajdno pedd kidhelo Vanant setaro che. tene aradhii. ( Vanant setaro te ek motd setaranfi ndm che ke je setaro Dojakli iipar mavakal che. dojakhi rovano e setarana nurthi dseas pamechc). nurmand khales Testar setardne aradhii. Asamdnno Carakh Potdnl mele farto che ( tene ) aradhii. Bekendre Jamanane aradhii ( Bekenare Jamano te Ja 7 nd- ndnU ndm che ke je dadar Hormajdne taluk che. kaeje te Pedand karnar Sdhebnii dgaj (te saru thavu) ane anjam (te akher thavu) koine malum nathi ke te Saheb kevare pedd tliaeo ane kahasudhl rehese). Der Khuda Jamanane aradhii (Der Khudd Jamano te varas 12,000 na jamanane keheche ke je jamano hamna caleche'). neklno apnar bujorag Vda (idne Guvad Ijad ) ne aradhii. Hor- majdno pedd kidhelo rast dana (ane) aso (Din Ijad) ne aradhii. behetar Majdiasni Dinne aradhii. dclpasand Rdhdne aradhii (idne Behestand Mdragne) aradhii. ejamati sunana nalne aradhii. Hormajdnd pedd kidhela Sokant Pahadne aradhii. 9 Avesta. vispomca asavamm mainyaom Yazatom yazamaide. vis pome a asavanom gaS&im Yazatom yazamaide. haom urvdnem yazamaide. havqm Fravasim yazamaide. jasa me avanhe 33 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 9 golden instrument (that is, a golden pipe is constructed from the bottom of the earth over Mount Sokant, the water below the earth rises to the sky through that orifice [lit. hole] and it, being struck by the wind, spreads on all sides, and it is owing to this that the dew is formed. I venerate that golden instrument). I venerate Mount Sokant made by Ormazd. 8 Gujarati. There is the star Tishtar of sound eyes. I praise him. I praise Tishtar (that is, the constellation of rain). I praise the raining of Tishtar. I praise the purity and glory of the star Tishtar. There is the star Vanant, created by Ormazd. I praise him. (The star Vanant is the name of a great star, that is the vicegerent over Hell. The hellish souls feel alleviation through the glory of this star.) I praise the glorious, pure star Tishtar. I praise the sphere of the Sky, that revolves by Itself. I praise the Boundless Time (‘the Boundless Time’ is the name of the Time which appertains to the creator Ormazd. Because the beginning (that is, the commencement) and end (that is, the termination) of the Lord Creator is not known to anybody, as to when that Lord originated and how long he will be). I praise Time, the Lord of Long Duration (the period of twelve thousand years, that is the present time, is called ‘ Time, the Lord of Long Duration ’). I praise Vata, the giver of good, the great one (that is, the Angel Vata). I praise the true, wise, (and) righteous (Angel Den) created by Ormazd. I praise the excellent Mazda- yasnian Religion. I praise the longed-for Path (that is, the Path of Paradise). I praise the wonderful golden pipe. I praise Mount Sokant created by Ormazd. 9 Avesta. We sacrifice unto every righteous Angel of the spi- ritual world. We sacrifice unto every righteous Angel of the material world. We sacrifice unto our own soul. We sacrifice i. 9- KHURSHED NYAISH 34 Mazda. asaunam vanuhis sura s pant a Fravasayo yazamaide. Hvara.xsaetam aims am raem aurvat.aspani yazamaide. 9 Pahlavi. harvisp 1 ahrav 2 Vazat 3 i* menuk yezbexunam 3 harvisp 6 ahrav 7 Yazat 3 z 9 getlh 10 yezbexunam 11 (ae n Yazat 13 i 14 getlh cigdn 15 Atas 16 u Mayd z 17 Ardvlsur 18 u Vat z 19 awzunik 20 zz X v arset u Mali u Zamlk. dcuot 21 hama 22 Yazat i 23 getlhomand mavan 24 ansutaan pavan casm 25 tuvan dit 26 zz zak Yazat 27 z menuk la tuvan dit 28 ). ruvan 29 z 30 nafM ra lzam. 3X Fravahr 32 z 33 na/sU ret IzamF bar a 35 yehamtUn a 36 ay aw drill 37 z 38 /z 39 Ohr- mazd. ahrav an saplran 40 awzaran 41 awzunlkan 42 Fravahr 43 lzam. u X v arset z 45 amark 46 rayomand 47 arvadasp 48 izam . i9 9 Sanskrit, samagram ca punyatmakam paralokacarinam Iaj- daganam aradliaye. samagram ca punyatmakam prthivlcdrinam Iajdaganam aradliaye. svlyam atmdnam aradhaye. sviydm. Vrddhim aradliaye. elii me sahdyatdydi Mahajndnin . . . Suryam tejasvinam amarahi suddhimantam vegavadasvam arddhaye. 9 Persian, tamam asavdn mend basandagan Izadan ra buzurg daram. tamam asavdn basandagan getlan Izadan ra buzurg ddram. ravan xes ra buzurg daram. Farohar xeS ra buzurg daram. bar as mar a bayarl ay Hormazd. Farohar asavdn vehan ‘ azmat darandagan afzunyan ra buzurg daram. Xursed bemarg nurmand tez asp rd buzurg ddram. 9 Gujarati, te jehannd tamam aso Ijadone aradhu. e jeliannd tamam aso Ijadone aradhu.. (c jehannd tamam aso Ijado te Aftab Mahdtab Ava Arduisur tathd Atasne keheche. vail e dunlama je 35 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 9 unto our own Guardian Spirit. Come to my help, O Mazda. We sacrifice unto the good, helpful, holy Guardian Spirits of the righteous. We sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. 9 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto all the spiritual Angels. I sacrifice unto all the corporeal Angels (that is, the corporeal Angels [are] such as Fire, the Waters of Ardvisur, the beneficent Wind, the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth. All these are the corporeal An- gels, whom man can see with his eyes ; and the spiritual Angels cannot be seen). I sacrifice unto my own soul. I sacrifice unto my own Guardian Spirit. Come to my help, O Ormazd ! I sacrifice unto the good, efficient, beneficent Guardian Spirits of the righteous. I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift- horsed Sun. 9 Sanskrit. I propitiate the entire group of the righteous Angels that move in the world beyond. And I propitiate the entire group of the righteous Angels moving on the earth. I propitiate my own soul. I propitiate my own Guardian Spirit. Come to my help, Thou of Great Knowledge. ... I propitiate the brilliant, immortal, bright, swift-horsed Sun. 9 Persian. I venerate all righteous spiritual Angels. I venerate all righteous corporeal Angels. I venerate my own soul. I venerate my own Guardian Spirit. Come unto me for help, O Ormazd! I venerate the good, wonderful, increasing Guardian Spirits of the righteous. I venerate the immortal, brilliant, swift- horsed Sun. 9 Gujarati. I praise all righteous Angels of yonder world. I praise all righteous Angels of this world. (The Sun, Moon, Aban Ardvisur, and Fire— all these are called the righteous I. IO- KHURSHED NYAISH 36 je ddaniio nek kamnd karnar che tevonnebl e dunlana Faresta keheche). potana rovanne aradhu . . . pohoc mdhdrl iarle e Hor- majd. behetar jiadatlna karnar aso Faroharone aradhu. Khursed betnarag khales tej ghodana sahebne aradhu. 10 Avesta. fravarane . . . Ahura.tkaSsd. \_Gdh.] Hvara.xsae- talie amjsahe raevahe aurvat.aspahe xsnaodra . . . frasasta- yaeca. yadd Aha vairyo . . . vihvd mraotu. 10 Pahlavi. franamam . . . Ohrmazd Datistan. \_Gdh.] X°arset 1 i 2 amark rdyomand arvadasp pavan sndyenltdrlh . . . frac dfrlnakdnlh. clgdn Ahu ka?nak . . . danisnlk yemalelunam. 10 Sanskrit. prabravlmi . . . Hormijdanyayavatlm. [Gdh.] Suryasya tejasvino ‘marasya suddhimato vegavadasvasya ananda- ndya . . . prakd'sanaya. yathd Svdminah kdmah . . . vijnaya bravimi. 10 Persian, baxanam . . . Hormazd ‘Adi. \_Gdh.~\ XurlSd betnarg nurmand tfz asp rd xusnild kunam . . . dskdr kutiam. can nturdd Xuddi . . . bah bulandih mard bagiii. 10 Gujarati, . . Hormajdno hokam. \Gahl\ Khursed bemarag khales tej ghoddna khavandne khushal karvdne 37 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. IO Angels of this world. Again, those men are likewise called the Angels of this world, who are the doers of good deeds in this world). I praise my own soul. . . . Come unto me for help, O Ormazd ! I praise the excellent, wonderful, beneficent, righteous Guardian Spirits. I praise the immortal, pure Sun, the lord of swift horse. io Avesta. I proclaim ... of Ahurian Faith. [Gah according to the period of the day.] Propitiation . . . glorification unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. As [he is] the Lord that is to be chosen ... let one who knows it pronounce it unto me. io Pahlavi. I proclaim ... of the Law of Ormazd. [Gah ac- cording to the period of the day.] For the propitiation . . . benediction of the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. Thus through generosity ... I speak with knowledge. io Sanskrit. I proclaim ... of the Law of Ormazd. [Gah ac- cording to the period of the day.] For the propitiation . . . manifestation of the bright, immortal, brilliant, swift-horsed Sun. As [is] the desire of the Lord ... I speak eminently for [our] understanding. io Persian. I announce ... of the Law of Ormazd. [Gah ac- cording to the period of the day.] I propitiate . . . manifest unto the immortal, bright, swift-horsed Sun. As is the desire of the Lord . . . speak unto me loudly. io Gujarati. I recite with exaltation ... of the commandment of Ormazd. [Gah according to the period of the day.] For the propitiation ... I celebrate unto the immortal, pure Sun, the KHURSHED NYAISH I. II- 38 vdste . . . mashur karii. je misale Hormajdni khaes . . . e rave'se khabar kahiic. 1 1 Avesta. Hvar3.xsa.ct3m amsssm raem aurvat.aspsm yazamaide. aat yat Hvaro raoxsne tapayeiti aat yat Hvara raoco tdpayeid hil- tsnti mainyavdnhd Yazathnlio sat 3 me a hazanrsmea. tat x'arsnd hanbarayeinti. tat x v ar 3 nd niparayeinti. tat x v ar 3 nd baxsanti zqm paid Ahura.hatqm frahadca asahe gaed ei fradatica asahe tanuye frdhatica Hvara yat amsssm raem aurvat.aspam. 1 1 Pahlavi. X v arlet 1 amark rayomand 2 arvadasp 3 yezbexunam} adin 5 amat 6 X v arset 7 rdsn 8 tape t 9 [ae 7 10 laid ydtUnet). adin n amat X2 X v arset n rdsn 14 tapet {xadulnak 15 ) yekavimiind 16 menuk 11 Yazat 18 satakdnak 19 u 20 hazarkanak. 2X eton 22 zak 23 gad's, ham 24 yedrund 25 (val ae 26 jlvak) u 27 zak 28 gadS bard 29 ranlnd 30 ( pavan 31 evakartakih) u 32 zak 33 gadS xelkund 34 pavan zamlk madam 35 i 36 Ohrmazd dat pavan 37 fradahismh 38 zak z' 39 ahrakih 40 gehan 41 pavan fradahisnih 42 zak 43 z 44 ahrakih 45 tan (ae< y 46 vad 47 bard azvzdyat 48 ) pavan 49 frddahisnih 50 X v arset mavan 61 amark rayomand 52 arvadasp. 52 1 1 Sanskrit. Suryam tejasvinam amaram suddhhnantam vega- vadasvam aradhaye. tato yat Suryah rocisman tapate (kila urdhvam eti ) yat Suryasya parivesah tapate tisthand adrsyah Iajdah satadhd ca sahasradha ca. tatah sriyam sammelayand ( ekatra ). tatah sriyam pracalayand (va ekahelaya). tatah sriyam varsanti jagatydm upari Ahurmijdadattdyam ( Svdminirmitdydm ) vrddhidatya ca punydtmakdyah prthivivibhfiteh vrddhidatya ca 39 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. I I lord of swift horse. As is the desire of Ormazd ... so I an- nounce. II Avesta. We sacrifice unto the immortal Radiant, swift-horsed Sun. When the Sun warms with its light, when the sun-light gives warmth, there stand the spiritual Angels, a hundred and a thou- sand. They gather together this glory. They distribute this glory. They bestow this glory upon the earth made by Ahura, with the furtherance of the world of righteousness, with the furtherance of the material existence of righteousness, with the furtherance 1 of the Sun that [is] immortal, radiant, swift-horsed. ii Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. At the time when the Sun shines bright (that is, comes high up), at the time when the Sun shines bright (in that man- ner) there stand the spiritual Angels, a hundredfold and a thousandfold. They bring together that glory (in one place) and they (all together) spread abroad that glory and they bestow that glory upon the earth given by Ormazd for the furtherance of the world of righteousness, for the furtherance of the material existence of righteousness (so that it may increase), for the furtherance of the Sun that is immortal, radiant, swift-horsed. ii Sanskrit. I propritiate the brilliant, immortal, bright, swift- horsed Sun. At the time when the bright Sun shines (that is, comes high up), when the orb of the Sun shines, there stand at hand the invisible Angels, a hundredfold and a thousandfold. Then they bring together the glory (in one place). Then they set the glory in motion (verily, all at once). Then they shower down the glory upon the earth given by Ormazd (created by I. II- KHURSHED NYAISH 40 punyatmakandm sarlrinam vrddhidatya ca Suryasya yak amarah suddhiman vegavadasvah. II Persian. Xurscd bcmarg nurmand tez asp rd buzurg daram . an zaman kih Xurscd rosan tabcd ( ya'ni bald dyad) an zaman kill Xursed nur tabcd hastand menuydn lzada?i sadakan hazarakan. esan nur baxsand ( yakbar ). csdn nur ravaj dahand ( yakbarah ). esan nur babarand bar zamln Hormazd dad zyadah dadan xubl In jahan an cih bd kirfah bdsad zyadah tanumand kirfahgardn zyadah dadan Xurscd kih bemarg xalis tez asp bdsad. 1 1 Gujarati. Khursed bemarag khales tej ghodana sahebne aradhu. je vakhat rosan Khursed tapec jevdre rosan Khursednil nur tapec tevdre mlno Ijado soogana tatha hajargand e duniani asoinl varad- hlne vdste ane tannl paklnl varadhme vaste Khursed bemarag khales je tej ghodano sdiheb che tenl jiadatine vaste ( Khursednl sdthe) ubhd rehec ane te tamam nurne ekthd lai jaec tamam nurne calavec ane te tamam nurne Hormajdnl peda kldhell janiin iipar bakhsec. 12 Avesta. dat yat Hvaro uzuxsyeiti bvat zqm Ahura.6atqm yaozdadnm apdm tacintqm yaozdddrom apem xayanqm yaoz- dd&rom apom zrayanqm yaozdddrem apdm aromaestqm yaoz- daftrsm. bvat dqma asava yaozdadrsm yd honti Spjntake Mainyoul. 4i LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 12 the Lord), both with a [consequent] furthering of the pros- perity of the world of righteousness, and with a furthering of the righteous corporeal beings, and with a furthering of the Sun who [is] immortal, bright, [and] swift-horsed. ii Persian. I venerate the immortal, brilliant, swift-horsed Sun. At the time when the bright Sun shines (that is, rises), at the time when the light of the Sun shines, there appear the spiritual Angels by hundreds and by thousands. They at once distribute the light. They at once spread abroad the light. They bestow the light on the earth made by Ormazd, in order to give further- ance to the goodness of this world that is possessed of merit, in order to give furtherance to the meritorious corporeal beings, [and] in order to give furtherance to the Sun that is immortal, pure, [and] swift-horsed. ii Gujarati. I praise the immortal, pure Sun, the lord of swift horse. At the time when the bright Sun shines, at the time when the light of the bright Sun shines, there stand the spiritual Angels, a hundredfold and a thousandfold, for the increase of the righteousness of this world, and for the increase of the purity of body, for the increase of the immortal, pure Sun that is the lord of swift horse; they stand (with the Sun) and they collect all the light, they spread all the light and bestow all that light upon the earth created by Ormazd. 12 Avesta. When the Sun rises up, purification 1 comes unto the earth made by Ahura, purification unto the flowing waters, puri- fication unto the waters of the wells, purification unto the water of the seas, purification unto the water that is standing. Purifica- tion comes unto the righteous creation, which is of the Holy Spirit. I. 12- KHURSHED NYAISH 42 12 Pahlavi. adln amat 1 X v arset 2 laid awzayet 3 (ae 7 4 laid yd til- net *) yelivunet 6 zamlk 7 Ohrmazd dat yozdasr 8 zak 9 ahok- Snihi zyas 10 pavan sap 11 .fe/a 12 madam 13 gomlxt 14 ) may a 13 1 16 tacdk 17 ydzdasr 18 may a i 19 xanlk 20 yozdasr 21 may a i 22 zray 23 yozdasr may a z 24 armest 23 yozdasr. yelivunet 26 dam i v ahrav 18 yozdasr mavan liavBd Spenak Menuk 29 (ae’7 30 zWc! 31 nafsd havdd). 12 Sanskrit, Suryah urdhvam arohati bhavati prthivl Hormijdadatta pavitratara ( tasmat kutsitat [ kuthitaf\ yat ratrau Devah upari ksipanti) udakam pravahdnam pavitrataram udakam kupakdnam pavitrataram udakam samudranam pavitrataram uda- kam sthavaranam pavitrataram ( tadagadlnam ca). bhavati srstih punyatmaka pavitratard yd asti Gurutarasya Adrsyamurteh Svaminah. 12 Persian, an zamdn kih Xursed bald dyad balad zamln Hor- mazd afridah paktar (az dn palldl kih Divan dar sab and az and) db karezahd pak savad ab calia pak savad ab daryaha pak savad db estadah ( talabha ) pak gardad. basad paidais nek pak kih hast dn Buzurgtar Menu, Xudal. 12 Gujarati, ane jevdre rosan Khursed bulandima uco avec tevdre Hormajdnl peda kidheli jamin ( Devo je ratne vakhat palidi nakliec tethi) pak thaec karanjana panl pak tlidec kuvdna pant pak thaec dariana panl pak thaec taldvna panl pak tlidec. ane bujorag mlno (. Hormajd ) ni je aso pcddes die te pak thaec. 43 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 12 12 Pahlavi. At the time when the Sun rises (that is, comes high up), pure becomes the earth made by Ormazd (from that defile- ment which the Demons mix up with it during the night), pure the flowing waters, pure the waters of the springs, pure the waters of the seas, pure the stagnant waters. Pure become the righteous creation, which is of the Holy Spirit (that is, which is his own). 12 Sanskrit. At the time when the Sun rises high up, purer becomes the earth made by Ormazd (from that defilement which the Demons cast upon [it] during the night), purer the water of the streams, purer the water of the wells, purer the water of the oceans, purer the water of the standing (ponds and so forth). Purer becomes the righteous creation, which is of the Great Invisible Lord. 12 Persian. At the time when the Sun rises, more than pure becomes the earth created by Ormazd (from that defilement which the Demons throw upon [it] during the night), pure be- comes the water of the canals, pure becomes the water of the wells, pure becomes the water of the oceans, pure becomes the standing water (of the ponds). Pure becomes the good creation, which is of the more than Great Spiritual Lord. 12 Gujarati. And when the bright Sun comes high up, pure becomes the earth created by Ormazd (from the defilement which the Demons throw during the night), pure become the waters of the fountains, pure become the waters of the wells, pure become the waters of the oceans, pure become the waters of the ponds. And pure becomes the righteous creation, which is of the Great Spirit (Ormazd). I. 13- KHURSHED NYAISH 44 13 Avesta. yeihl zl Hvaro noit uzuxsyeiti aha Daeva vispd moran- cinti y a hanti haptd.karsvohva. navacis mainyava Yazata anhava astvainti paitidrqm noit paitistqm vlhanti. 13 Pahlavi. rrid , 1 aniat 2 X’arleD la 4 lala vaxsae 5 (ae 7 6 hambun-c 1 zanian 8 arlktar 9 yatunde 10 ) adin 11 Seda 12 harvisp 13 murncend 14 mavan havctd 15 pavan 16 haft 17 kisvar . 18 la ais me?iuk Yazat ax’ 2 19 astomand madam 20 darisnih 21 22 22 madam 23 estisnlh u xadltunae ( la-c-san 25 mekadrfoiqnd 26 amat-c-san 27 mekadrunqnd 28 luc-san 29 dastan 30 tuvan haiiSe 31 ). 13 Sanskrit, yato yadi Suryah no urdhvam udeti ( kila kiyanma- tram api kalam ced vilambayati) tato Dev ah sarvanapi vinasayanti yani santi sapta dvlpani. na kecana sunyacarino Iajdah bhuva- nasya srstimatah uparidharanayai na ca uparisthitaye drsyante ( kila te na pratikurvanti. atha kecit pratikurvanti te ca na dhartum sakta bhavanti). 13 Persian. Xursed na bala ayad (ya‘m agar andak zaman ham ta' xir kunad ) Divan tamam haft kisvar zamln tabah kunand. na hie kas menu basandagan Izadan jahan slj- mand nigah dastan ra dldah mlsavad ( ya'nl qabul kunand. u agar kasl qabiil kunad az u bar das t na savad). 13 Gujarati, agarjo Khursed bulandima fine a nahl ave to tchej vela tamam je hapta kesvar jamin che tehene Dcvo kharab kare. nahl koi mino Ijado (. Khursed vagere) e dunlane kaern ane negaha rakhvl kabul kare ( agarjo kabul kare to tethl bardast nahl theii sake . ) 45 LITANY TO THE SUN -i- i3 13 Avesta. If indeed the Sun were not to rise, then the Demons would kill all things that are in the seven regions. Not at all would the spiritual Angels find support 1 and stability in the material world. 13 Pahlavi. Since if the Sun were not to rise high up (that is, if he delays even for a little time) then the Demons would de- stroy all things that are in the seven regions. None of the spiritual Angels would be seen upholding and upholding the corporeal world. (None would even accept [to do] so, but even if they did accept, none whatsoever would be able to uphold it). 13 Sanskrit. Since if the Sun were not to rise high up (that is, if [he] were to delay even for a little time) then the Demons would destroy absolutely all the seven regions. Neither would any Angels moving in the void be seen for the upholding nor for the upkeeping of the world with its creation (that is, they would not undertake it. In case some should undertake it, they would certainly be unable to maintain it). 13 Persian. Since if the Sun were not to rise (that is, if he delays just for a little time) then the Demons would destroy all the seven regions. None of the spiritual Angels would be seen for the preservation of the perishable world (that is, they would [not] undertake it. But if some one should undertake it, it would not be sustained by him). 13 Gujarati. If the Sun were not to rise high up, the Demons would at once destroy all the seven regions. None of the spiritual Angels (Sun and so forth) would undertake to preserve and protect this world; (if they did undertake it, they could not sustain it). I. -14 KHURSHED NYAISH 46 14 Avesta. yd yazaite Hvara yat amasam raem aurvat.aspam paitistatae tamanhqm paitistatae ta masci&ranq in Daevanqm paitis- tdtae tayunqmca hazasnqmca paitistatae ydtunqmca pairikanqmca paitistatae i&yejcmho marlaonahe yazaite Ahuram Mazdqm yazaite Amasa Spanta yazaite haom urvanam. xsnavayeiti vlspe mainyavaca Yazata gaedyaca yd yazaite Hvara yat amasam raem aurvat.aspam. 14 Pahlavi. mavan Izet 1 X°ar$ct 2 z 3 amark i* rayomand 5 i 6 arvadasp 7 pavan 8 apac 9 estisnih 10 i n tamikan 12 pavan apac 13 Sstisnih 14 i 16 tam toxmakan 16 Sedaan 17 pavan apac 18 estisnih 19 i 20 duzdan u 21 staxmakan 22 pavan 23 apdi u estisnih 25 i 26 yatukan 11 27 parlkdn pavan apac 28 estisnih 29 z 30 sdz 31 z 32 nihan 33 rawisn 34 af-as^ yezbexfint 36 yehvunet 37 Ohrmazd of -as 33 yezbexunt 39 Amahraspandan 40 af-as 41 yezbexunt 42 zak z 43 nafSU 44 ruvan af-as 45 snayenet yehvUnet harvisp 46 mavan 47 havdd 48 mcnuk 49 u 60 mavan 51 getlk . 52 14 Sanskrit, yah aradliayati Suryam amaram suddhimantam vegavadasvam anyathd-sthityd timiraudhanam vina-sthitya tamo- bljanam Devanam vina-sthitya caurandhi ca balatkarinahi ca vina-sthityd sdkinlnam ca Maharaksaslnam ca vina-sthitya mrtyoh guptacarinah sa aradliayati Svdminam Mahdjndninam sa arad- hayati Amaran Gurutaran ( kila saptamurtih Svdminah ) ra arad- hayati svlyam atmanam sa sanmanayati samagran sunyacarinasca Iajdan prthivlcdrinasca. 47 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 14 14 Avesta. Whoso sacrifices unto the Sun that is immortal, ra- diant, [and] swift-horsed, in order to withstand darkness, to withstand the Demons, the progeny of darkness, to withstand the thieves and robbers, to withstand the sorcerers and the en- chantresses, to withstand death that creepeth on, He sacrifices unto Ahura Mazda, He sacrifices unto the Archangels, He sacrifices unto his own soul. He propitiates all heavenly and earthly Angels, who sacrifices unto the Sun that is immortal, radiant, swift-horsed. 14 Pahlavi. Whoso sacrifices unto the immortal, radiant, and swift-horsed Sun in order to withstand darkness, in order to withstand the Demons, the progeny of darkness, in order to withstand the thieves and tyrants, in order to withstand the sorcerers and the fairies, in order to withstand destruction coming secretly — he has sacrificed unto Ormazd, he has sacri- ficed unto the Archangels, he has sacrificed unto his own soul, he has sacrificed unto all the Angels that are spiritual and unto those that are corporeal. 14 Sanskrit. Whoso propitiates the immortal, bright, swift- horsed Sun, for withstanding the host of darkness, for resisting the Demons who are the progeny of darkness, for withstanding the thieves and doers of violence, for withstanding the fairies and Arch-female-demons, and for withstanding death, secretly- moving — he propitiates the Lord, who has Great Knowledge, he propitiates the very Venerable Immortal Ones (that is, the seven forms of the Lord), he propitiates his own soul, he honors all the Angels that move in the void and move on earth. I. 14- KHURSHED NYAISH 48 14 Persian, liar kih buzurg darad Xursed kill bemarg nurmand tfz asp ast baz dastan tarlkl ra baz dastan tarlkl tuxm Divan ra baz dastan Divan u duzdan u rahzanan ra baz dastan jadavan u paridn ra baz dastan marg nihan ayandah ra u buzurg dastah Hormazd ra u buzurg dastah Amsasfandan ra u buzurg dastah ravdn xiid ra u xusnud kardah tamam Izadan menuan u tamam Izadan getian ra. 14 Gujarati, je koi ke Khurshed bemarag khales tej ghodana sahebne aradlie tethi pachu. rehe (jane dur thae) andharu ( ane ) andhari tokhamnd ( iane dojakhi) Devo dur thae ane coro ane vatpada dur thae jadugaro latlui pario dur thae ane chupiu avnar mohot dur thae. jene aradlieo Kliursedne tene aradheo Hor- mazdane tene aradhea Amsaspandone tene aradheii potana rovanne ane tene te jehannci tathd e jehannd tamam Ijadone khuslial kidha. 15 Avesta. yazai Midrsm vouru.gaoyaoitim hazatzra.gaohm bae- var3.casman3in. yazai vazrdm hunivixtsm kamzrjhe paid Daevanam Midro yd vouru.gaoyaoiiis. yazai haxjhrjmca yat asd hax>hranqm vahisdm antars Mhnlwnca Hvarsca. 15 Pahlavi. mavan 1 yezbexunt 2 X v arset 3 i* amark i 5 rayomand 6 i 1 arvadasp 8 as 9 yezbexunt 10 Mitr i 11 frdx v gdydt 12 z 13 hazar 14 go's i n bdvar casm 16 (af-as 17 frax 0 goyotih 18 ae 19 ae 7 amat 20 evatak 21 pavan 22 dalt 23 sdyet 24 yatuntan u 25 vazluntan 26 pavan ras i Mitr 49 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. is 14 Persian. Whoso venerates the Sun that [is] immortal, bril- liant, swift-horsed, to hold back the darkness, to hold back the Demons of the progeny of darkness, to hold back the Demons, the thieves and robbers, to hold back the sorcerers and fairies, to hold back death, secretly-approaching — he venerates Ormazd, he venerates the Archangels, he venerates his own soul, he re- joices all the spiritual Angels and all the corporeal Angels. 14 Gujarati. Whoso praises the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun, far from him becomes (that is, disappears) the darkness, (and) there disappear the Demons of the progeny of darkness (that is, hellish), and there disappear the thieves and robbers, there disappear the sorcerers and fairies, and there disappears the secretly approaching death. Whoso praises the Sun, he praises Ormazd, he praises the Archangels, he praises his own soul, and he propitiates all the Angels of this and the next world. 15 Avesta. I shall sacrifice 1 unto Mithra, the lord of wide pas- tures, who has a thousand ears , 2 ten thousand eyes. I shall sacrifice unto his mace, well aimed 3 Against the skulls of the Demons — Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. And I shall sacrifice unto that friendship , 4 which is the best of friendships, [namely] that between the Moon and the Sun. 15 Pahlavi. Whoso sacrifices unto the immortal, radiant, swift- horsed Sun, he sacrifices unto Mihr of wide pastures, of a thou- sand ears, ten thousand eyes (his being of wide pastures is this, that coming and going alone in the forest is owing to Mihr ; his I. 15- KHURSHED NYAISH 50 af- as 27 hazar 28 go silt™ hand 30 aey-as 31 hazar 32 Yazat levatU 33 gomart 34 yekavlmund 35 mavan 0 36 Mitr™ yemalelund 38 <2^7 39 denU-c 40 vasmamun 41 « 42 zak-c 43 vasmamun 44 -M'/r 45 zzzzzz talln gos hamdk 46 vasmamunet 47 48 bevar casmlh 49 hand 60 aey-as 61 bevar Yazat leva tU 52 gomart 53 yekavlmund 64 mavan 0 55 Mitr 56 yemalelund aey denU-c 57 xadltun 58 zz 59 zak-c 60 xadltun 61 Mitr 62 min talln casm hamdk 63 xadltunet 64 hand 65 z-az’ hazar gos u bevar casm gift yekavlmunet) af-al 66 yezbexunt 67 vazr 68 z hunixam pavan kamdr 69 madam z 70 Sedaan 71 z 72 Mitr™ z 74 frax v gdydt™ (ae 76 hunixdmih 77 <2^ 78 zzry bastdn 79 eton 80 yaxsenunet menuklhd bard 81 vindskdran 82 patifras 83 bard 84 vabidiind 85 u 86 menuklhd 87 laxvar 0 88 kantlr yezbexunam 89 hamxak 90 Mitr 91 Yazat 92 zzz"7 93 zzz/ 94 zzzzzz 95 hamxakan 95 pallium 97 mavan 98 andark Mali u X v arset 99 100 rawisn 101 gas-as 102 tamdi). 15 Sanskrit, yah aradhayati Suryam amaram suddhimantam vegavada'svam sa aradhayati Mihiram nlvasitdranyain sahasra- karnam dasasahasralocanam sa aradhayati vajraih suniyuktam mastakopari Devanam Mihirasya yo nivasitdranyah ( sarvada eva evam vuladhati yat adrsyarupataya prayati papakarminam nigra- ham kurute). aradhaye mitrain ca (. Mihiram Iajdaiii) yam asti mitr ebliy all parataram antasCandrasya ca Suryasya ca ( kila asya pravrttih Candrasuryayoh antardle asti). 15 Persian, kill buzurg darad Xursed bemarg nurmand tez asp ra u buzurg darad Mihr dast sardar hazar gus dah hazar casm ra u buzurg dasta gurz xub nihadah bar sar Divan kill Mihr sardar jalha ( a hamcanln nihadah darld kill az ghaib bay ay ad gundligaran ra l azab kunad). buzurg daram dustl Mihr Izad ra kih hast az dustan bar tar andar Xursed u Mali ( ya‘nl raftar u dar miydn Xursed u Mali hast). 5i LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 15 having a thousand ears is this, that a thousand Angels are entrusted to his care, who speak unto Mihr: ‘just listen to this and listen likewise to this’; Mihr listens to all with [his] two ears; his having ten thousand eyes is this, that ten thousand Angels are entrusted to his care, who speak unto Mihr: ‘just look at this and look likewise at that’; Mihr looks at all with [his] two eyes; for this reason he is called ‘ of a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes)’ — he sacrifices unto the wide-pastured Mihr’s mace, which is well directed at the skulls of the Demons (i. e. its being well- directed is this, that he always holds it [the mace] so that it comes out unseen [lit. spiritually], inflicts punishment upon sinners, and returns back to [its] socket). I sacrifice unto the friend, the Angel Mihr, that is, he is the best of friends, whose course is between the Moon and the Sun (that is, his place is there). 15 Sanskrit. Whoso propitiates the immortal, bright, swift- horsed Sun — he propitiates Mihr, the forest-dweller, of a thou- sand ears, of ten thousand eyes, he propitiates the forest-dweller Mihr’s mace, which is well directed at the skulls of the Demons (he always so manages it that it goes out in an unseen form [and] punishes sinners). And I propitiate the friend (the Angel Mihr) — who is better than other friends — [who is] between both the Moon and the Sun (that is, his course is in the inter- mediate space between the Moon and the Sun). 15 Persian. Whoso venerates the immortal, brilliant, swift- horsed Sun — he venerates Mihr, the chief of the desert, of a thousand ears, of ten thousand eyes, he venerates the chieftain Mihr’s mace, which is well levelled at the heads of the Demons (he always levels it in this way that it comes invisibly and pun- ishes sinners). I venerate the friendship of the Angel Mihr — which is better than that among [any] friends — between both the Sun and the Moon (that is, his course is in between the Sun and the Moon). I. 15- KHURSHED NYAISH 52 15 Gujarati, jene Khursed bemarag khales je tej gliodano khavand che tehene aradheo tene aradheo jangalno pasban hajar kan ane das hajar akhna saheb Me her (. Ijad ) ne tene aradheo je jangalno pasban Mehcr (Ijad') che tend gorajne je Devona sar iipar khulo mnkelo che (em keheche je Mehcr Ijadna gorajne Devona sar iipar dekhaito mukelo che tenia hevi ejmat che ke jevare dojaklil rovano iipar andajatlu jiade Devo ejab ane julam kare teare te dojakhl rovano pokar karec teare e Meher Ijadno goraj Cinvad Pulthl ekaek Devona sar upar jai padec. tethi Devo te gorajna jakhamni dehesat khaine te rovdnnd gunaha karta jiade ejab dei sakhta nathl teare te goraj pacho Cinvad Pul iipar aveche ). je dosto karta buland dost Meher (Ijad) che tenl dostlne aradhu ke jeheni Aftab tatha Ma- hatabne darmean (cal ane takhat che). 16 Avesta. ahe raya afarmanhaca tom yazai surunvata Yasna Hvaro.xsaetom amosom racm aurvat.aspom zaodrabyo. Hvaro . xsaetj in amosom raim aurvat.aspom yazamaide liaomayo gava barosmana hizvo danhanha Man&raca vacaca syaod-naca zao&rabyasca. ars. uxhacibyasca va^zibyo. yenhe hatq.m aat Yesne paiti vanhd Mazda Ahurd vacdd dsat haca ydnliamcd tqscd tdsca yazamaide. 53 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 16 15 Gujarati. Whoso praises the immortal, pure Sun that is the lord of swift horse, he praises the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the forest, of a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes, he praises the mace of the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the forest, the mace which is well laid on the skulls of the Demons (it is thus said that the mace of the Angel Mihr is placed visibly over the skulls of the Demons; there is such a wonderful efficacy in that mace that when the Demons torment and oppress the hellish souls beyond measure, and the hellish souls cry aloud, then the mace of this Angel Mihr suddenly falls from the Chinvat Bridge upon the skull of the Demons. When the Demons, frightened at the injury caused by that mace, become incapable of tormenting the souls more than their sins deserve, the mace then returns back to the Chinvat Bridge). I praise the friendship of the (Angel) Mihr, who is greater among friends, (whose course and throne is) in be- tween the Sun and the Moon. 16 Avesta. For his radiance and his glory I will sacrifice unto him, the immortal, Radiant, swift-horsed Sun With the audible Yasna-sacrifice and with oblations. We sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant Swift-horsed Sun With milk provided with Haoma, 1 with the Baresman, With skill of tongue, and with the Spell, And with word, and with deeds, and with oblations, 2 And with rightly spoken words. Of whomsoever among male beings and of whichsoever fe- male beings Ahura Mazda knows [lit. has known] the excellence [lit. something better] in Yasna-sacrifice in accordance with right- eousness, unto both these males and these females we sacrifice. i. 16- KHURSHED NYA1SH 54 16 Pazand. [Addition.] Hormazd i X v adae i awazunl mardum mardum sardagq hama sardagq ham bayast i vehq. oem veil Din i Mazdayasnq again astvqnl neki rasqndt. edun bat. 16 Pahlavi. pavan zak i 1 valU 2 ray u gadU 3 X v arset i (aSy-am 5 ray u 6 gadU i 7 X v arset s ayawar 9 yehvundt 10 ). yezbexunam 11 pavan zak i 12 nigosisnomand 13 Yazisn 14 (pavan 15 Den 16 Dasta- bar 17 ) X°arset 18 i 19 amark 20 rayomand 2X arvadasp . 22 pavan zohr 23 X°arset 24 i 25 amark 26 rayomand arvadasp 27 Izam 28 pavan Horn 29 bisrya 30 u 31 Barsm 32 u 33 hizvan 34 danakiha 35 u 36 Mansr 37 (gowisn Avastak 38 ) kunisn 39 (kar 40 byen Yazisn ae iX zohr i2 asnak 43 ) zak-c 44 gowisn , 45 mavan 46 ditan 47 eton pavan Yazisn madam saplr (aey 48 zak saplr 49 Ohrmazd X v atae vabidunyen 6n ) Ohrmazd akas min ahrdklh 51 apakih 52 cikamcae 53 kar u 64 karpak pavan 55 56 patdahisn akds yehabunct. hanjamanlkdn zakaran u 57 vaka- dan izam 58 ( Amahraspandan 59 ). Ohrmazd 6n X v atae 61 awzunlk vabiduntak ansuta 62 ansiita 63 sar- takdn 22 64 lianiak 65 sartakan rd 66 (mavan 97 io sartak havold) kamak 68 saplr an rd 99 valU 70 Awe? mavan 71 saplr an 72 i 73 Den i 74 Mazdayasndn 79 havUem 79 akdslh 77 u ostav drill 78 u avigumanih 79 u 80 newaklh yehamtunat. eton yehvundt (cigon 81 amat 82 afrlnam 83 ). 16 Sanskrit. 2^# suddhayd sriyd ca enam aradhaye 'sruyamdna- ijisnya Suryam tejasvinam amaram suddhimantam vegavadas- vam (suddhayd sriyd ca Suryasahayinyd sruyamdna-ijisnyd gurumukhena). prandih Suryam tejasvinam amaram 'suddhiman- tam vegavadasvam aradhaye Homavrksena gavd Barasmanena jihvayd daksataraya \_jihvdydh daksatayd\ Mdnthravacandih 55 LITANY TO THE SUN -i. 1 6 16 Pazand. [Addition.] Ormazd the lord ! the increaser of man- kind, of the species of mankind, of all species, and of all good ones! May he cause intelligence, steadfastness, and goodness, unto me [who am] one of the good Mazdyasnians. So be it. 16 Pahlavi. Owing to his radiance and glory [I sacrifice] unto the Sun (that is, may the radiance and glory of the Sun be my help). I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice [performed] (by the Dastur of the Religion). I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun, with oblations, with Horn, with meat, with Barsam, with the wisdom of the tongue, with the Manthras (with the Avestan formulas) with the deed (the act which [is] in the midst of the Yasna-sacrifice, that is, the manifest oblations), as also with the true speech. Whosoever among the existing ones are good in this man- ner for the Yasna-sacrifice (that is, offers sacrifice unto the good lord Ormazd), Ormazd, knowing with the help of righteousness, gives reward and grace in accordance with (?) the deed and merit, whatsoever it be. I sacrifice unto the assembly of the male and female (Archangels). Ormazd the lord [is] the increaser of man and the species of men, and of all species (who [lit. men] are of ten species), and of all good ones. May there come intelligence, steadfastness, and doubtlessness, and goodness unto those of us who are the good followers of the Mazdayasnian Religion. So be it (even as I bless). 16 Sanskrit. Owing to his brightness and glory, I propitiate him, the brilliant, immortal, bright, swift-horsed Sun, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice (with the radiance and glory which attend upon the Sun, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice through the mouth of the teacher). I propitiate the brilliant, immortal, bright, swift-horsed Sun, with oblations, with the Horn tree, i. 16- KHURSHED NYAISH 56 {A vistdva n lb hi It) karmand ca {kdryam yat antarijisnau) jyorena ( kila pranena udakasambhutena) satyoktabhisca vanibhih. ye vidyamanebhyah cvarn Ijisnya upari uttamasya Mahajndninah Svaminah ( kila ijisnih Ahuramajdasyarthe pracurah kurvanti) vettuh punyam yat kimcit ( kila yat kimcit punyaprasadam Aliu- ramajdo vetti). samavayikan tan [tanscaj tasca aradhaye. {kila narastrlakrtln A misaspintan). [•••]' 1 6 Persian, bah nur u xalisl u ham ura buzurg daram bah sani- dah Yazisn Xursed yarl ra {sanldah Yazisn az dahan Dasturan) bah zur Xursed nurma7id bemarg xalis tez asp rd buzurg daram bah daraxt Horn bah gav bah Barsam bah zaban danatar bah Man- sahr suxun {ya‘ni suxun Avasta ) bah kirdar {kari kill dar Yazisn has ad) bah zur {ya'tii zur ab bar avardali) bah rast guftar guftan. kih az has tan bar tar Yazisn vih Hormazd {ya‘nl Yazisn barai Hormazd zyddahtar kunand) danandah az kirfah {ya'nl muzd kirfah Hormazd danad) anjuman naran u narlan rd buzurg daram {ya'nl nar surat u narl suratha Amsasfatidari). [Version of the Pazand.] Hormazd Xudai [. . .] aidun bad. 16 Gujarati, tehenl {idne Kliursednl ) khalesl ane nure karl tehene aradhu. {Dlnna Dasturthi) Ijasne sab hline. Khursed bemarag khales tej ghodana sahebne jore kari. Khursed bemarg khales tej ghodana 57 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 16 with cow’s milk, with Barsam, with a very skilled tongue, with the words of the Manthra (with the Avestan formulas) and with the deed (act which [is] in the midst of the Yasna), with the oblation (that is, with an oblation produced from water) and with the truly-spoken words. Whosoever among the existing ones in this manner are best in Yasna-sacrifice unto the Lord that has Great Knowledge (that is, they make abundant sacrifices for the sake of Ormazd), He who knows [lit. the Knower] their righteousness whatsoever [it be] (that is, Ormazd knows grace for [their] righteousness whatsoever [it be]) ; those males and those females combined I propitiate (that is, the Archangels of male and female forms). [ . . . ] 16 Persian. On account of his brightness and purity, I venerate the help of the Sun, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice (with the audible Yasna-sacrifice through the mouths of the Dasturs). I venerate the brilliant, immortal, pure, swift-horsed Sun with obla- tions, with the Horn plant, with cow’s milk, with Barsam, with a more than wise tongue, with the words of the Manthra (that is, Avestan words) with the deed (the act which is in the [perform- ance of] the Yasna sacrifice), with the oblation (that is, the oblation extracted from water), and with the utterance of true speech. Whosoever among the existing ones are good in Yasna-sacri- fice unto Ormazd (that is, who make more sacrifices for Or- mazd) he is the knower of [their] merit (that is, Ormazd knows the reward of [their] merit) . I venerate the assembly of the males and females (that is, the Archangels of male forms and female forms). [Version of the Pazand.] Ormazd the lord ... So be it. 16 Gujarati. I praise him for his (that is, the Sun’s) purity and brilliance with the audible Yasna-sacrifice [performed by] (the Dastur of the Religion). [I praise] the immortal, pure, swift- i. 16- KHURSHED NYAISH 58 bdhebne Home karl jivame karl ane Barsame karl ane dana jobane karl ane ( Avastana ) kalame karl ane nek kalam karve karl ane jore karl ane rast bolve karl aradhu. ke e ravese blja ( ' Ijado ) kart a Ijasne Dadar Hormajdnl bidandtar ane behetar che ke nekithl harjagoma Hormajd khabar apeche ( iane savabno badlo Dadar Hormajd janec ane apec). narnl suratna ane madam suratna (Farcstavona) anjumanne aradhu ). [Version of the Pazand.] e Hormajd saheb admlo ane admlonl jatnl ane tamam jatnl vardhlno karndr tamam Dinna sank bliala lokone ane hu je bhall Majdlasnl Dinno cheu te mahane ( Dinnl ) khabar tathd besak begumanl ane ustavarl ane nekl pohocado ane ehej ravese thao ( jemke me doa kldhi). 17 Avesta. yasnomca . . . afrinami Hvar? . x sac take amosahe raevalie aurvat.aspahe. 17 Pahlavi. yasisn . . . afrlnam val x X"arsct 2 i s amark rayo- ma7id arvadasp. 1 7 Sanskrit. jisnim ca . . . asirvadayami Suryaya tejasvine amaraya suddhimate vegavadasvaya. 17 Persian, dual yazisn . . . Xursed nurmand bemarg xalis tez asp ra. 17 Gujarati, ijasne . . . dovakaru Khursed bemarag safal bliarela tej ghodana khavandne . 59 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 17 horsed Sun, with oblations. I praise the immortal, pure, swift- horsed Sun, with Horn, with cow’s milk, with Barsam, with a wise tongue, with the (Avestan) formulas and with good formulas, and with oblations and with true speech. The Yasna-sacrifice unto the creator Ormazd is thus greater and better than that of other (Angels), that Ormazd through goodness gives intelligence everywhere (that is, Ormazd knows and gives the reward of merit). I praise the assembly of the (Angels) of male forms and of female forms. [Version of the Pazand.] O Lord, Ormazd ! the creator of man and mankind, and of all species, thou increaser, give knowl- edge (of the Religion), freedom from doubt, steadfastness, and goodness unto all good followers of the Religion and unto me who am of the good Mazdayasnian Religion. So be it, (as I bless). 17 Avesta. I bless the sacrifice . swift-horsed Sun. 1 7 Pahlavi. I bless the sacrifice . swift-horsed Sun. 1 7 Sanskrit. I bless the sacrifice . bright, swift-horsed Sun. of the immortal, radiant, for the immortal, radiant, for the brilliant, immortal, 1 7 Persian. The blessing of the sacrifice . . . [be] upon the brilliant, immortal, pure, swift-horsed Sun. 1 7 Gujarati. I bless the sacrifice . . . unto the immortal, pure Sun, the lord of swift horse. I. 18- KHURSHED NYAISH 6o 18 Avesta. Ahuranis Ahurahe vahistdbyo zaodrabyo sraestabyo dahmo.pairmharstabyo zaodrabyo ahmai raesca . . . yada dfrlnami. hazawrom . . . baevare baesazanqm. jasa me avanhe Mazda . . . Zrvanahc Daro r yd.X v ahdtahc. [Pazand.] korbd muzd . . . yada dfrlnami. 18 Pahlavi. Ahuranae 1 Ahurae 2 pavan zak i 3 pahlum zohr 4 (z ' 5 toraan ) pavan zak z 6 newak 7 zolir 8 pavan 9 zak z 10 dahman 11 niklrlt 12 zohr 13 ( alt 14 mavan 15 dahmdn 16 palut 17 yemalelunet 18 ). mavan tan am yehvuyiat . . . ben derid. afrln. hazar bar . . . bevar besazisn. bard yehamtun tan o ayawarlh i li Ohrmazd . . . Zaman i Derang X v ata. karpak mizd . . . cigon afrln vabi- dunam. 18 Sanskrit. [The sentence beginning with Ahuranis does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] asmakam iuddhayah . . . yatha aslrvadayami. sahasram . . . da'sasaliasram arogyatanam. ehi me sahayatayai Mahajnanin . . . Samayo Dlrgharajd. [. . .] . . . yatha aslrvadayami. 18 Persian. Xuddi Xudai bah bar tar zur gav an u nek zur bah an nek mard xub muhdfazat kardah (dldaJi). mardnUr . . . canancih afrln mlkunam. hazar . . . dah hazar tandurustl ra. baras mard bayarl ay Hormazd . . . Zaman Der Xuda. baray muzd kirfah . . . canancih afrln mlkunam. 18 Gujarati, e sahebond Sdheb buland jore karl nek jore karl ane nek negalid kldhele jore karl Tune arddliu. khdlesi hamune . . . 6i LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 18 18 Avesta. [Whoso sacrifices unto] the Ahurian waters 1 of Ahura with most excellent oblations, with fairest oblations, with oblations filtered by the pious man, [give] unto that man radi- ance ... as I bless. A thousand . . . ten thousand of the healing remedies. Come unto me for help, O Mazda ! ... of the Time of Long Duration. [Pazand.] The reward of merit ... as I bless. 18 Pahlavi. Unto the Ahurian waters of Ahura with the best oblations (of the cow), with the good oblations, with the obla- tions beheld by the good man. (There is some one who says ‘filtered by the good man’). Unto you be courage ... in this blessing. A thousand times . . . ten thousand of the healing remedies. Come unto me for help, O Ormazd ! ... of Time, the Lord of Long Duration. The reward of merit ... as I offer my blessing. 18 Sanskrit. [The sentence beginning with Ahuranis does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] Unto us [be] brightness ... as I bless. A thousand . . . ten thousand remedies. Come to me for help, Thou who hast Great Knowledge . . . unto the Period, the King of Long Duration. [ . . . ] ... as I bless. 18 Persian. [I venerate] the Lord of lords with better oblations of the cow, with good oblations that are well-guarded (seen) by the good man. [Give] unto me brightness ... as I offer my blessing. For a thousand . . . ten thousand healing reme- dies. Come unto me for help, O Ormazd ! ... of Time, the Lord of Long Duration. For the reward of merit ... as I offer my blessing. 18 Gujarati. O Lord of lords ! I praise Thee with the great oblation, with the good oblation, and with the well-beheld obla- I. 18- KHURSHED NYAISH 62 jem m2 dod kidhi. hajarganl . . . dashazdrgarii tandarustl. pohoc marl iyarie e dana Hormajd . . . Der Khuda Jamano. savabna badlane . . . jemke me doa kidhi. 19 Pazand and Avesta. roz nek nqm roz pak nqm roz mubarak (falq) mahe mubarak (falq) gahe ( falq ) ?iamaz i dadar i gehq dqmq. xsnaohra . . . staomi asem. gurz x°reh awazayat X v ars3t i amarg i rayomand i aurvandasp amawand p5rdzgar amdwandl pjrozgarl. dat Din vaha Mazda- yasnq dgahl rawdl vafrlnganl bat haft kasivar zami. edan bat. man ano awdyat Sudan. Dadar i gehq Din i Mazdayasnl Dat i Zar&ustri. njmasa te asaurn saviste Aradvl Sure Anahite asaone. narno Urvaire vataidii Mazda. &dte asaone. Hvara.xsaetam amasam raem aurvat.aspam yazamaide. X v arsat amarg rayomand aurvandasp be rasdt. 19 Pahlavi. yum 1 ( namdn ) u blld 2 ( namdn ) u z gas (naman). namaz yedrunam zak i Lak Ddtar (ae 7 4 petak vabiduntak getlh u datak ncwaklli). snayenltdrlli . . . ahraklh Izam. buzurglh u rosnlh awzun 5 yehvunat 6 X v arset amark rayomand arvadasp 1 X v arset 8 amavand u perdzkar alt ( buzurglh 9 valU 10 awzun yehvunat'). amavandlh 11 u 12 perozkarlh 13 1 1 dat Den 14 1 15 saplr Mazdayasn 16 rd. akaslh 17 u 18 rawaklh 19 godfrlnganlh 20 63 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. I 9 tion. [Give] unto us purity ... as I blessed. [May there be] a thousandfold . . . ten thousandfold healing remedies. Come for my help, O wise Ormazd! ... of Time, the Lord of Long Duration. For the reward of merit ... as I blessed. 19 Pazand and Avesta. Homage unto the creator of the creatures of the world, on the day (Nor M) of good name, of holy name, of auspicious name, of the month (N or M) of auspicious name, of the period (N or M) of the day. Propitiation ... I praise righteousness. May there be an increase in the lustre and glory of the im- mortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun, the courageous, victorious in courage and victory. May the knowledge, promulgation, and glory of the good Mazdayasnian Law and Religion be in the seven regions of the earth. So be it. I must go thither [i. e. the next world] . [Homage] unto the Creator of the world, unto the Mazdayas- nian Religion, the Law of Zartusht. Homage unto thee ! O righteous Ardvisura Anahita, most profitable, thou righteous one. Homage unto thee, good Tree, thou righteous one, created by Ormazd ! We sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. [Hither] may reach the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. 19 Pahlavi. Day N or M, month N or M, and the period of day N or M. I bring homage unto you, O Creator (that is, Creator of the world and giver of goodness). Propitiation ... I pro- pitiate righteousness. May the greatness and light of the immortal, radiant, swift- horsed Sun increase. The Sun is courageous and victorious (may his greatness increase). May the courage and victory and justice KHURSHED NYAISH I. 19- 64 yeltfjunat. ben haft kisvar zamlk item yehvunat. li ra tam'd, apayet vazluntan. (namaz 21 ) Datar (ae 7 datak petals) gctlh ra 22 (namaz 23 ’) Den i 24 Mazdayasu 25 ra 26 mavan 27 dat Zaratust 28 ait. namaz 0 lak ahrav 29 sutomand Ardvlsiir anast ahrav. naslm zak i Urvar saplr Ohrmazd dat i 30 ahrav ra. X v arscl 31 amark rayomand arvadasp 32 Izani. X v arset 33 amark rayomand arvadasp 34 bar a yehamtunat. 19 Sanskrit. [The paragraph does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] 19 Persian. [The paragraph does not occur in the Persian version.] 19 Gujarati. [. . .] dunlanl khalakna peda karnar Dadarne namuc. khushal kariic Hormajdne . . . tanf karii rastinl. Khursed bemarag khales tej ghodano saheb hematdar ane fateh- mandnl bulandl ane nnr jiada thao ane bchetar Majdlasnl Dlnno insaf ane hemat ane fatehmandl jiada thao ane ehej ravese hafta kesvar jamlnma (Dlnni) khabar tatha (Dinnu) jarl tlmvu tatha masahurl thao. mahne te jago (iane te jehanma) javu saja- var che. ane jehanno peda karnar Dadarne ane Majdlasnl Din je Jar- tostne apt die tehna insafne ane tuu pak faedanl cahanar asone nomaj kariic. ane Hormajdna peda kidhela behetar Urvarone nomaj kariic. 65 LITANY TO THE SUN -I. 19 of the good Mazdayasnian Religion [increase]. May its knowl- edge and propagation and fame increase. So be it in all the seven regions. I needs must go there [*. e. to the next world] . (Homage) unto the creator (that is, the giver of creation) of the world. (Homage) unto the Mazdayasnian Religion, which is the Law of Zartusht. Homage unto thee, O righteous Ardvisur Anahita, full of gain, thou righteous one ! Homage unto thee, O Tree, good, righteous, created by Ormazd ! I sacrifice unto the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. [Hither] may come the immortal, radiant, swift-horsed Sun. 19 Sanskrit. [The paragraph does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] 19 Persian. [The paragraph does not occur in the Persian ver- sion.] 19 Gujarati. [ . . . ] I do homage unto the creator of the crea- tures of the world. I propitiate ... I praise truth. May the greatness and glory of the immortal, pure, swift-horsed Sun, the brave, victorious, [increase] ; and may the justice and valor and victory of the excellent Mazdayasnian Religion in- crease, and likewise may there be the knowledge (of the Religion) and continuation (of the Religion) and fame (of the Religion) in the seven regions of the earth. It befits me to go to that place (that is, into that world). And I do homage unto the Creator, the maker of the universe, and unto the justice of the Mazdayasnian Religion, which [Ormazd] has given to Zartusht, and I do homage unto thee [Ardvisur] the holy, the well-wisher, the righteous one. And I do homage unto the excellent Trees, created by Ormazd. [ . . . ] 2* O — 66 2. Mihr Nyaish Avesta, Pahlavi, Persian, and Gujarati Texts [The Sanskrit version of this Nyaish is missing.] o Avesta. [The passage does not occur in the Avestan text.] o Pazand. pa nam. i Yazda. Hormazd i X v adae i awazunl gurz x v arahe awazdydt. Mihr i fragoyot i dawar i vast ba rasat. az hamd gnnah . . . pa patit horn. o Pahlavi. pavan 1 sem i Yazdan Ohrmazd X v aia 2 awzunlk. buzurglh 3 u rosnih 4 Mitr frdx°gdydt 5 databar * i 1 rast 8 awziin yehvunat. min hamak vinos . . . pavan patet havB.m. o Persian. [The passage does not occur in the Persian version.] o Gujarati, {saru karuc) Iajda danci saheb pote potani mele peda thaelo vardJnno karnar che tehend name karl. Meher ( Ijad ) jan- galno pasbdn che tenl vast davarni bulandi ane rosnl jiada thao ( ane te maJiarl madade') pohoco. hii tamam gundhthl . . . toba karl paclio faru clicu. 1-9 Avesta. nomas a Te Ahnra Mazda . . .jasa me avanhe Mazda, asaunqm vamihls surd sponta Fravalayo yazamaide Midram vouru .gaoyaoitlm yazamaide. 6 7 - 2 . 9 2. Mihr Nyaish English Translation of the Avesta, Pahlavi, Persian, and Gujarati Versions [The Sanskrit version of this Nyaish is missing.] o Avesta. [The passage does not occur in the Avestan text.] o Pazand. In the name of God. May the majesty and glory of Ormazd, the beneficent Lord increase. [Hither] may come Mihr, the lord of wide pastures, the true judge. Of all sins . . . I repent. o Pahlavi. In the name of God Ormazd, the beneficent Lord. May the greatness and light of Mihr of wide pastures, the true judge, increase. Of all sins ... I am penitent. o Persian. [The passage does not occur in the Persian version.] o Gujarati. (I begin) in the name of God, the wise Lord, the self-created, maker of increase. May the greatness and bright- ness of the (Angel) Mihr, the true judge, increase (and may he come for my help). From all sins ... I turn back with repent- ance. i“9 Avesta. Homage unto Thee, O Ahura Mazda . . . come to my help, O Mazda. We sacrifice unto the good, helpful, holy Guardian Spirits of the righteous. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. 2 . 9 - MIHR NYAISH 68 1-9 Pahlavi. namaz yedrunam d Lak Ohrmazd . . . bara yeham- tun o ayawarlh i li Ohrmazd. ahravan saplran awzaran azvzu- nikan Fravahr izam. Mitr i frax*gdydt izam. 1-9 Persian, namaz Tura ay Xudai Mih Dana . . . baras mara bayarl ay Hormazd. Farohar alavan vehan ‘azmat darandagan afzilnyan ra buzurg daram. Mihr balandah dastaha ra buzurg daram. 1-9 Gujarati, namiic Tune e Hormajd . . . pohoc maharl iarle e Hormajd. behetar jiadatlna karnar aso Faroharone aradhu. Meher (//ad) jangalna pasbanne aradhu. io Avesta. fravarane . . . Ahura.tkaeso. \Gali/\ Midrahe vouru.gaoyaoitdis hazanra.gaosahe baevar3.casmand aoxtd.namand Yazatahe Ramano X v astrahe xsnaodra . . . frasastayaeca. ya&a Aha vairyo . . . vlBvd mraotu. io Pahlavi. franamam . . . Ohrmazd Datistan. [Gah.~\ Mitr 1 frax v gdydl i iooo goS bivar casm guft sem Yazat (aSy-as sem pavan dend. Den guft yekavlmun?f) Ramisn X"arum (ae 4 Ramisn X°arUm dend . 5 acy zak 6 Menuk mavan 7 ansuta 8 pavan xfarisn 9 micak xavltunet pavan ras i 10 vald u ). pavan snayenltarlli . . . frac afrlnakanlh. clgon Ahu kamak . . . danismk yemale- lunam. 69 LITANY TO MIHR -2. IO i-9 Pahlavi. I bring homage unto Thee, O Ormazd . . . come to my help, O Ormazd. I sacrifice unto the good, efficient, benefi- cent Guardian Spirits of the righteous. I sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures. i-9 Persian. Homage unto Thee, O Lord Thou Great Wise One ! . . . come unto me for help, O Ormazd. I venerate the good, wonderful, increasing Guardian Spirits of the righteous. I ven- erate Mihr of wide pastures. 1-9 Gujarati. I do homage unto You, O Ormazd . . . come unto me for help, O Ormazd. I praise the excellent, wonderful, bene- ficent righteous Guardian Spirits. I praise the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the forest. io Avesta. I proclaim ... of Ahurian Faith. [Gah according to the period of the day.] Propitiation . . . glorification unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, who has a thousand ears, who has ten thousand eyes, the Angel who is invoked by name, [and] unto Rama Khvastra. As [he is] the Lord that is to be chosen . . . let one who knows it pronounce it unto me. io Pahlavi. I proclaim ... of the Law of Ormazd. [Gah ac- cording to the period of the day.] For the propitiation . . . benediction of Mihr of wide pastures who has a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes, who is the Angel of announced [lit. spoken] name (that is, his name is distinguished [lit. mentioned] in this Religion), [of] Ramishn Khvarum (know that Ramishn Khvarum is that spirit through whom man knows the taste of food in proper way). As is the desire of the Lord ... I speak with knowledge. 2 . IO- MIHR NYAISH 7 o IO Persian. [The passage does not occur in the Persian version.] 10 Gujarati, bujorgithi padhii . . . Hormajdno Hokam. \_Gah.~\ Meher [If ad) jatigalno pas ban hajar kan tat ha das hajdr akhno sdheb kahea narnno Ijad ( iane Dtnmd ehenu nam ghani jagoe kahlii che) tehene ane ramasnl tatha asanino apnar ( Ram Ijad) ne khusal karvane vaste . . . mashur karii. je misdle Hormajdni khaes . . . e ravese khabar kahuc. II Avesta. Midram vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide ars.vacanham . . . jaydurvdnlum. Midram aiwi.dahyiim yazamaide. Midram antara.dahyum yazamaide. Midram d.daliyum yazamaide. Midram upairi.dahyum yazamaide. Midram ahairi.dahyum yaza- maide. Midram pairi.dahyfim yazamaide. Midram aipi.dahyum yazamaide . 1 1 Pahlavi. Mitr i frax°gdydt izam i rasl gowisn . . . jig dr. Mitr 1 peramun 2 mata izam. Mitr 3 andar 4 mata izam. Mitr 5 ben din'd, mata izam. Mitr azpar 6 mata izam. Mitr aBari 7 mata 8 izam. Mitr 9 levin ( kola 10 ) mata izam. Mitr 11 pas 12 mata izam. 1 1 Persian. Mihr [sardar mahabbat ra) basandah dastaha ra buznrg daram rdst guftar . . . ziir bah bazii darad. Mihr peramun sahrhd ra buzurg daram. Mihr kill dar miyan sahrhd ast 7 * LITANY TO MI HR -- 2 . 1 1 IO Persian. [The passage does not occur in the Persian version.] IO Gujarati. I recite with exaltation ... of the Commandment of Ormazd. [Gah according to the period of the day.] For the propitiation ... I celebrate unto the (Angel) Mihr, the protec- tor in the forest, the lord of a thousand ears and ten thousand eyes, the Angel of announced name (that is, his name is mentioned in Religion in many places), and unto the (Angel Ram), the giver of joy and comfort. As is the desire of Ormazd ... so I announce. ii Avesta. We sacrifice unto Mithra of wide pastures, whose word is true . . . the ever wakeful. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is around the country. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is within the country. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is in the country. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is above the country. We sacri- fice unto Mithra, who is under the country. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is before the country. We sacrifice unto Mithra, who is behind the country. ii Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures, the truth- speaking . . . and sleepless. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is round about the country. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is within the country. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is in this country. I sacri- fice unto Mihr, who is above the country. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is under the country. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is before the country. I sacrifice unto Mihr, who is behind the country. ii Persian. I venerate Mihr (the lord of friendship), the forest- residing, the truth-speaker . . . having strength of arms. I ven- erate Mihr, who is round about the city. I venerate Mihr, who 2. I I- MIHR NYAISH 72 urd buzurg daram. Mihr kill dar in sahr ast urd buzurg daram. Mihr kih baldi sahr ast urd buzurg daram. Mihr kih bazir sahrha mimanad urd buzurg daram. kih pel har Sahr ast urd buzurg daram. Mihr kih pas har sahr ast urd buzurg daram. 1 1 Gujarati. Meher ( Ijad ) jangalnd pasbanne aradhu. rasti bolnar . . . jordvar bajuno. Meher (Ijad) scheme as pa's che tehene aradhu. Meher (Ijad) scheme andar che tehene aradhu. Meher e seherma che tehene aradhu. Meher seherne upar che tehene aradhu. Meher seherni nice che tehene aradhu. Meher seherni dgal che tehene aradhii. Meher Seherni pachvade che tehene aradhii (jane seherni dgal tatha pachvade tatha nice tatha upar tatha d'spds ane andar che heni samaj e je dgal pachvade tatha nice upar Meher Ijad negehebanino kamdr che). 12 Avesta. Midrjm Ahura barazanta avlyajanha asavana yazamaide. Strdusca Manhamca Hvaraca urvard paiti Barysmanyd. Midram vispanqm dahyunqm damhu.paitim yazamaide. 12 Pahlavi. Mitr x v ata 1 buland mavan- amark u 3 ahrav ait 4 valU ra izam. Star-c 5 u Mali u X v arset 6 pavan 7 zak 8 i urva- rdn 9 Barsm . 10 Mitr harvisp 11 mataan dehupat 12 izam. 12 Persian. Mihr sahib buland kih pusidah mirasad u aso hast urd buzurg daram. Sitdrah u Mali u Xursed u Urvar kih Bar- sam az an bastah sudah ast. Mihr kih sardar tamdm sahrha ast urd buzurg daram. 73 LITANY TO MIHR - 2 . 12 is in the midst of the city. I venerate Mihr, who is in this city. I venerate Mihr, who is above the city. I venerate Mihr, who remains under the cities. I venerate Mihr, who is before every city. I venerate Mihr, who is behind every city. ii Gujarati. I praise the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the for- est, the speaker of truth . . . the sleepless. I praise the (Angel) Mihr, who is around the city. I praise the (Angel) Mihr, who is within the city. I praise Mihr, who is in this city. I praise Mihr, who is above the city. I praise Mihr, who is under the city. I praise Mihr, who is before the city. I praise Mihr, who is behind the city (that is, the explanation of ‘ he is before and after, under and above, around and within the city ’ is this, that the Angel Mihr is the guardian, before and behind, under and above). 12 Avesta. We sacrifice unto Mithra and Ahura, The exalted, imperishable, righteous ones. And the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun, By means of trees yielding Baresman. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord Of all countries. 12 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto him, Mihr the lofty lord, who is im- mortal and righteous. [Unto] the Stars and Moon and Sun through the Barsam of trees. I sacrifice unto Mihr, the sovereign of all countries. 12 Persian. I venerate Mihr, the great lord, who approaches cov- ertly and who is righteous. [Unto] the Stars and Moon and Sun and the tree from which the Barsam is bound. I praise Mihr, who is the lord of all cities. 2. 12- MIHR NYAISH 74 12 Gujarati, ghano bnland sdheb bemarg aso Mehcr ( Ijadne ) tathd Setdrd ane Mdhatab and Aftdbne aradhu. ( ane ) urvarnl Bar- same karl tamam seller ono pad's ah {iane pasban) Meher ( Ijad ) ne aradhu. 13 Avesta. ahe raya x° armanhaca tarn yazai surunvata Yasna Mi&rem vourugaoyaoitnn zao&rabyd. Midrain vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide rdnia.sayamm hu.sayanam Airyabyo damhubyd. 13 Pahlavi. pavan zak z 1 valB . 2 ray u gadU z 3 Mitr 4 (aey-am 5 ray zz 6 gadcl Mitr aydwar yehvunat 7 ) pavan 8 zak i 9 nigosisno- mand 10 Yazisn 11 ( pavan Den 12 Dastabar ) Mitr frdx v gdyot 13 pavan zdhrB Mitr 15 frax"gdydt 16 Izam. {lend , 17 bard yehamtundi). rdmisn 18 manisnih 19 u humdnisnih 20 ( yehvundt 2I ) Eran 22 inatddn 23 (az'7 24 ia/zr Dendn 25 ). 13 Persian. /Wz zzzzr u rosnl u ura buzurg ddram bah sanldah Yazisn (az zaban Dasturan). bah zur Mihr sahib sahr ham sahib sahr ra buzurg ddram. ramisnl asoi nekl sadi. 13 Gujarati, tehcnl {iane Meher Tjadni) klidlesl ane nure kari tehene aradhu {Dinnd Dasturothi) Ijasne sabhllne jangalna pasban Meher {Ijadne'). jore kari jangalna pasban Meher {Ijad) ne 75 LITANY TO MIHR -2. 13 12 Gujarati. I praise the (Angel) Mihr, the very great lord, im- mortal, [and] righteous, and [I give praise] unto the Stars and Moon and Sun. (And) I praise the (Angel) Mihr, the king of all cities (that is, the protector) with the Barsam of trees. 13 Avesta. For his radiance and his glory Unto him will I sacrifice with audible Yasna-sacrifice, Mithra of wide pastures with oblations. We sacrifice unto Mithra of wide pastures, who gives an abode of joy, and a good abode unto the Aryan countries. 13 Pahlavi. For the radiance and glory of Mihr (that is, may the radiance and glory of Mihr come [lit. be] unto me) [I sacri- fice unto] Mihr of wide pastures with oblations through the audible Yasna-sacrifice [performed] (by the Dastur of the Re- ligion). I sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures. (May he come unto us). (May there be) a joyful abode and a good abode in the land of Iran (that is, of the good Religion). 13 Persian. For his glory and brightness, I venerate him with the audible Yasna-sacrifice (through the tongues of the Dasturs). I venerate Mihr, the lord of the city, the lord of all cities, with oblations. [May there be] joy, righteousness, goodness, and happiness. 13 Gujarati. For his (that is, of the Angel Mihr) purity and brightness, I praise him, the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the forest with the Yasna-sacrifice heard (from the Dasturs of the MIHR NYAISH 2 . 13 - 76 aradhu. Iran seherna (Jane bhali D'mna loko) ne ramasninu rehevu ( ane ) neklnu rehevu (thao). 14 Avesta. aca no jamyat avanhe aca no jamyat r avanhe aca no jamyat rafnanhe aca no jamyat marzdikai aca no jamyat bacsazai aca 710 jamyat vorodra^nai aca 7id ja7nyat havanhai aca no ja77iyat asavastdi wyro aiwidurd yasnyo vahmyo anaiwi.druxto vtspamdi anuhe astavaite Midrd yd vouru.gaoyaoitii. 14 Pahlavi. zak-c 1 i 2 laid ychamtunat pavan 3 ay aw drill} zak-c 5 z® lend yehamtunat rayomandih ? zak-c 8 z' 9 lend ychamtunat pavan 10 ramisn. zak-c 11 i 12 lend yehamtunat pavan 13 amurzisn. zak-c 14 z 15 le7id yehamtunat pavan 16 besazenitarih . 17 zak-c 18 z 19 lend yehamtunat pavan 20 perdzkarih. zak-c 21 z 22 lend yehamtunat pavan 23 huax^ih™ zak-c 25 i 26 lend yehaiiitunat pavan 27 ahravlh 28 cir u aparvez 29 yazisnomand 30 u nyayisnomand adruzih (ae > y druzlh 31 lull) harvisp 32 patman 33 ax" i astomand 34 Mitr frax T goyot . 35 14 Persian, dncih mard bar as ad bar ay yarl. dncih mar a bar as ad bardy nur bakhsl. dncih i>iard barasad bardy ramisnl dadan dncih mard barasad bardy murad (ya‘m har cih bax v dha77i liar kas ra bamurdd ramisn bakunanain). dncih kill mard barasad 77 LITANY TO MIHR -2. 14 Religion). I praise Mihr, the protector in the forest, with obla- tions. (May there be) a joyful living (and) a good living unto the people of the land of Iran (that is, the people of the good Religion). 14 Avesta . 1 And may he come to us for help, And may he come to us for freedom, And may he come to us for joy, And may he come to us for mercy, And may he come to us for healing, And may he come to us for victory, And may he come to us for well-being, And may he come to us for sanctification — He, the mighty one, overpowering, worthy of sacrifice, Worthy of prayer, the undeceived one In all 2 the material world — Mithra, who [is] the lord of wide pastures. 14 Pahlavi. May he also come to us for help. May he also come to us for radiance. May he also come to us for joy. May he also come to us for forgiveness. May he also come to us for healing. May he also come to us for victory. May he also come to us for good life. May he also come to us for righteousness — he, the valiant one, heroic, full of sacrifice and full of praise, the undeceived one (that is, there is no deceiving [him]), the norm of the whole material world — Mihr, the lord of wide pastures. 14 Persian. May he also come unto me for help. May he also come unto me for the bestowal of glory. May he also come unto me for the giving of joy. May he also come unto me for [the fulfilment of] my desire (that is, [in order that] I may 2. 14- MIHR NYAISH 78 bardy tandurustl. ancih kih mara barasad bardy flruzi. ancih kih mara barasad bardy nek andesl. ancih kih mara barasad bardy asoi ghalib u zyadah himmati sazavar buzurg dastan u sazdvdr nyayis kardan u hargiz ?ia azardan { ya'ni azar na bay ad dadan ) tamam Mah bayastad kih Mihr sahib dastaha ast. 14 Gujarati, ane te ( Meher Ijad ) amone pohoco madadgarlne vaste. te amone pohoco rojini farakhlne vaste. te amone pohoco ramasnlne vaste. te amone pohoco bakhses karvane vaste. te amone pohoco tandarustlne vaste. te amone pohoco fatehemandlne vaste. te amone pohoco nek andeslne vaste. te amone pohoco pak parahejgdronl tdrif karvane vaste galeb hematno khavand {ane galebo kartane ) ghano galeb Ijasne ( tatha ) nlaes karvane Ideknd {Meher Ijadne ) ajurde nahl karu ane jangalno pasban ane tamam dunlano anddjo je Meher {Ijad) che. 15 Avesta. tom amavantom Yazatom surom damohu sovistom Mi&rem yazai zao&rabyo. tom pairi.jasdi vantaca nomanhaca tom yazai surunvata Yasna Midrom vouru.gaoyaoitlm zaodrdbyo. Midrom vouru.gaoyaoitim yazamaide. Haomayo gava . . . ars. uxSaeibyasca vdyzibyo. yeiohe hatqm . . . tqscd tdscd yazamaide . 79 LITANY TO MI HR -2. 15 cause joy to anybody with [my] desire in whatsoever manner I choose). May he also come unto me for health. May he also come unto me for victory. May he also come unto me for good thinking. May he also come for righteousness — he, the trium- phant and more than brave, worthy to revere and worthy to praise, and never to be displeased (that is, he should not be dis- pleased) — all being Moon ( !) — Mihr, who is the lord of the desert. 14 Gujarati. And may that (Angel Mihr) come unto us for help. May he come unto us for the increase of daily bread. May he come unto us for joy. May he come unto us for bestowing. May he come unto us for health. May he come unto us for victory. May he come unto us for good thinking. May he come unto us for praising the holy, righteous ones — the lord of overpowering bravery (and) more overpowering (than the over- powering ones) ; I shall not displease (the Angel Mihr), who is deserving to be revered (and) praised, and [unto] the (Angel) Mihr, who is the protector in the forest and norm of the whole world. 15 Avesta. With oblations will I sacrifice unto him, The Angel Mithra, the strong. Helpful, most beneficent among the creatures. Him will I approach 1 with love 2 and homage. Unto him will I sacrifice with the audible Yasna-sacrifice and oblations. Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. We sacrifice unto Mithra, the lord of wide pastures. With milk provided with Haoma . . . And with rightly spoken words. Of whomsoever . . . unto both these males and these females we sacrifice. 2. 15- MIHR NYAISH 8o IS Pahlavi. zak 1 amavand Yasat awzaromand 2 daman * ra sut x°astdy Mitr 4 izam pavan 5 zohrl zak 7 Mitr li ra bar a 8 yeham- tiinat pavan 9 ayawarlh 10 u nyayisn. pavan zak i n nigdsisndmand u YaziSn 13 {pavan 14 Das tab ar 15 z ' 16 Den 11 ) Mitr 18 frax v gdyot . 19 pavan 20 zohr 21 -M'/r 22 fraxvgdyot 23 Izam. pavan Horn bisrya . . . zak-c rast gowisn. mavan min altan . . . hanjamanikan zakaran u vakadan izam {Amahraspatidan). 15 Persian, an himmatl Izad ‘ azmatl xud sud x v astar paidais Milir ra buzurg daram. bah ziir an Mihr. bar an bah rasam baray sikastan dusmanan u namaz burdan. ura buzurg daram bah sanldah Yazisn {az zaban Dasturan). bah ziir Mihr {Izad) ra buzurg daram bah daraxt Horn bah gav . . . bah rast guftar guftan. kih az hastan . . . anjuman naran u narian ra buzurg daram {ya‘nl nar surat u narl suratha Amsasfandan). 15 Gujarati, te ghano hematdar ejmatl Ijad khalakne faedano cahanar Meher Ijadne (inahare) jore kari aradhu. {ane) dusma- none todvane va’ste ane nomaj karvane vaste tehene pohocu. ane tehene aradhu {Dlnna Dasturothi) Ijasne sdbhltne jangalna pasban Meher Ijadne. jore karine jangalna pasban Meher {Ijadne) arddhu. Home kari jivame karl . . . ane rast bolve karl aradhu. ke e ravese bija {Ijado) karta Ijasne dadar Hormajdnl bulandtar ane behetar che . . . tiarnl suratna ane madam suratna {Farestdvona) anjumanne aradhu. 8i LITANY TO MI HR -2. 15 15 Pahlavi. I sacrifice with oblations unto the strong, resourceful Angel Mihr, [who is] the wisher [lit. intercessor] for gain on behalf of the creatures. May that Mihr come unto me for help and praise. [I sacrifice] unto Mihr of wide pastures, through the audible Yasna-sacrifice [performed] (by the Dastur of Re- ligion). I sacrifice unto Mihr of wide pastures with oblations. With Horn, with meat ... as also with the true speech. Whom- soever among the existing ones ... I sacrifice unto the assem- bly of the male and female (Archangels). 15 Persian. I venerate that brave Angel Mihr, the wonderful, himself the intercessor of gain unto the creation. [I venerate] Mihr with oblations. I approach him in order to defeat the enemies and offer praise. I venerate him through the Yasna- sacrifice [performed] (by the tongues of the Dasturs). I vener- ate the (Angel) Mihr with oblations, with the Horn plant, with cow’s milk . . . and with the utterance of true speech. Whoso- ever among the existing ones ... I venerate the assembly of the males and females (that is, the Archangels of male forms and female forms). 15 Gujarati. I praise with (my) oblations that very brave, wonderful Angel Mihr, who is the wisher of profit unto the crea- tion. And I approach him in order to rout the enemies and offer homage. And I praise the Angel Mihr, the protector of the forest, with the Yasna-sacrifice heard (from the Dasturs of the Religion). I praise the (Angel) Mihr, the protector in the forest, with oblations, with Horn, with cow’s milk . . . and with true speech. The Yasna-sacrifice unto the creator Ormazd is thus greater and better than that of other (Angels) ... I praise the assembly of the (Angels) of male forms and of female forms. 3- o- 82 3. Mah Nyaish Avesta, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Persian, and Gujarati Texts o Avesta. [The introductory passage does not occur in the Avestan text.] o Pazand. pa nqm i Yazdq. Hormazd i X c adae i awazUnl gurz x'arahe awazayat. Mah boxtar Mah Izad bo rasdt. az harna gunah . . . pa patit horn. o Pahlavi. pavan x sem i Yazdan Ohrmazd X'ata awzumk. buzurglh 71 rosnih i Mali boxtar awzun yehvunat u zak Mali Yazat bard ayawarlh i lend, bard yehamtunat. min hamak vinas . . . pavan patet havobn. o Sanskrit. [. . .] samastebhyah pdpebhyah . . . pascataptena asmi. o Persian, bah nam Izad. Hormazd Xudai ruz afziin buzurgl u rosnl dar afzayisn bdd. Mali xdlis baxsandah ruzi kill Mah Izad barasad. az tamam gunah . . . bah patit hastam. o Gujarati, [saru karilc) Iajda dand Saheb pote potanl mele pedd tliaelo varadhino karnar che tend name karl. bulandl ane rosnl Mahd bokhtarnl jiada thao ( ane te mahdrl madade') pohoco. hu tamam gundhthl . . . tobd karl pacho faru. cheu. 83 -3- o 3. Mali Nyaish English Translation of the Avesta, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Persian, and Gujarati Versions o Avesta. [The introductory passage does not occur in the Avestan text.] o Pazand. In the name of God. May the majesty and glory of Ormazd, the beneficent Lord, increase! [Hither] may come the purifier Moon, the Angel Moon. Of all sins ... I repent. o Pahlavi. In the name of God Ormazd, the beneficent Lord. May the greatness and splendor of the purifier Moon increase, and may that Angel Moon come for our help! Of all sins . . . I am penitent. o Sanskrit. [. . . ] Of all sins ... I am penitent. o Persian. In the name of God. May the greatness and glory of the beneficent Lord Ormazd increase! [Hither] may come the Angel Moon, the pure, giver of daily bread. Of all sins . . . I am penitent. o Gujarati. (I begin) in the name of God, the wise Lord, self- created, increaser. May the greatness and splendor of the purifier Moon increase (and) may he come (for my help) ! From all sins ... I turn back with repentance. 3- i- MAH NYAISH 84 I Avesta. nomo Ahurai Mazdai. mmo AmAaeibyo Spsntaeibyd. tidtno Mdtohai Gao.cihrai. ns mo paiti.dltai. nomo paiti.dlti. I Pahlavi. namaz 1 0 2 Ohrmazd (X v atde 3 * * * ). namaz* o s Ama- hraspandan* namaz " 1 < 5 8 Mah z 9 gospand 10 tdxmak. n {ae 12 gos- pand 11 toxmakih 14 an 15 ae 7 16 Vahuman 17 u 18 Mah u 19 Gosurun 20 kola j gospand 21 toxmak 22 havBd , 23 zak 24 z 25 mavan 26 Vahuman meniik z 27 avenak 29, zz 29 agriftar. u 30 z«z;z Vahuman bar a Mah taset 31 32 pavan 33 venakih 34 zz 35 agriftarih , 36 zz 37 wzzz Mah bar a 2 * Gosurun 39 z'aizV 40 pavan venakih 11 zz griftarih . 42 zz 43 hama 44 z&zzo! 45 z/a;« zz 46 dahisn rdyinisn 47 pavan 48 gospand 49 toxmakih . M zz 51 gadU 52 z 53 tor dan 54 zz 55 toxmak 66 panddn 57 bard 58 Mali payak yekavlmune t 59 ). namaz 60 pavan apar tl venisnih zz 62 namaz pavan apar nikirisnih 63 (zzz’ 84 amat K nikiram 66 af-at 67 xaditunam 68 at 69 bard mekadrunam 70 af-at namaz 71 yedrunani). I Sanskrit, namah Svdmine Mahajhanine ( Aliurmajdaya ). namo Amarebhyo Gurutarebhyah ( Amisaspantebhyah ). namas Candraya pasubijaya. (asya pasubljata evam yat Gvahmanas Candrasca Gorupam ca trayo 'pi pasubijani santi. Gvahmanah sunyamurtih adrsyo agrdhyasca. Gvahmanacca Candro ghatitah asti drsyataya agrahyatayd ca. Candracca Gorupam ghatitam asti drsyatayd grdhyatayd ca. samagra iyam srster datesca pravrttih pasubija- tayd. srisca gavam pasunam Candrapadena asti). namah upari- darsanatayd. namah upari niriksanataya (kila pasydmas tvam niriksaydmah. pratikurmah tvam. namas kurmahe ca). LITANY TO THE MOON -3* i 85 1 Avesta. Homage unto Ahura Mazda. Homage unto the Archangels. Homage unto the Moon that has the seed of the Bull. Homage [unto the Moon] when looked at. Homage with the look. 1 Pahlavi. Homage unto Ormazd, (the Lord). Homage unto the Archangels. Homage unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle. (Know that its having the seed of cattle is this, that Bahman, the Moon, and Gosh, all three are of the seeds of cattle. Bahman [is] the invisible and intangible spirit. And from Bah- man is formed the Moon, the visible and intangible [lit. with visi- bility and intangibility]. And from the Moon is formed Gosh, the visible and tangible [lit. with visibility and tangibility]. And the continuity of this entire animate and inanimate creation is through the medium of its seed-possessing nature of cattle. And the glory of Bull and the seed of cattle rest at the Lunar Man- sion). Homage unto [thy] on-looking, and homage with [my] upward look (that is, when I look at thee, I see thee, I accept thee, [and] I do homage unto thee). 1 Sanskrit. Homage unto the Lord that has Great Knowledge (Ormazd). Homage unto the more than Venerable Immortal Ones (Archangels). Homage unto the Moon, having the seed of cattle. (His having the seed of cattle is in this manner that Bahman and the Moon and the form of the Bull, all three are [possessed of] the seeds of cattle. Bahman [is] formless, in- visible, and intangible. From Bahman is made the Moon, the visible, yet intangible [lit. with visibility and intangibility]. From the Moon is made the form of the Bull, visible as well as tangible [lit. with visibility and tangibility]. The whole continuity of creation and distribution is through the instrumentality of the seed of cattle. The glory of herds and flocks of cattle is through the Lunar Mansion). Homage with our upward look. Homage with our gaze upward (that is, we see thee, we gaze at thee. We acknowledge thee and do homage unto thee). 3- i- MAH NYAISH 86 I Persian, namaz Sahib mihtar dand ( ya‘ni Hormazd rd). namaz bemarg u buzurgtar Amsasfandan rd. namaz Mali gus- fand tuxm rd. ( incanin kill Bahman u Mdh u Gos in har sih gusfand tuxm hast, bah Bahman ghalbl kill didah na savad u giraftah na savad u az Bahman Mdh rd paida kardah ast kill didah savad u giraftah na savad u az Mdh gusfand paida kar- dah ast kill didah savad u giraftah ham savad. tamdm karubdr in jahan rd ravaj dadan bah gusfand tuxm. u nur u xdlisl gav u gusfandan bah Mdh Payah dastah ast.) namaz kill az bald mibl- nad. u namaz kill mlbinam (u az bald qabul mlkunl turd namaz kunani). i Gujarati, namuc Hormajdne. namuc Amsdspa ndone. ane namuc Mdliatab gospand tokhmlne. ( gospand tokhml tehene keheche je Beheman Amsaspand tathd Mahd Ijad tatha Gos Ijad e tarande Farestanl kalab gospand tokhml kahlche sd vaste je gdu gospandnu tokham ane nur rosnl Mafia Pae Behcstathl che). ane namuc tu u par till dekhec tehene. ane namuc hu nlcethl tune de- khuc tehene. 2 Avesta. xsnao&ra Ahurahe Mazdd . . . staomi assm. frava- rdne Ahura.tkaesd. [Gdk.] Man hah c Gao.chJrahe. Gousca aevo.datayd. gjusca pouru.sarjSayd xsnaodra . . . frasastayaSca- ya&d Aim vairyo . . . vihvd mraotu. 87 LITANY TO THE MOON ~3- 2 I Persian. Homage unto the Lord who is the more than great, wise one (that is, unto Ormazd). Homage unto the immortal and more than venerable Archangels. Homage unto the Moon, having the seed of cattle. (In this wise that Bahman and the Moon and Gosh, all the three are [possessed of] the seed of cattle. Unto Bahman [is] invisibleness, who cannot be seen and cannot be felt, and from Bahman is created the Moon, that can be seen and not felt, and from the Moon are created the cattle that can be seen and likewise be felt. The giving of currency to the entire transaction of this world is through the seed of cattle. The splendor and purity of cattle and kine are held at the Lunar Mansion). Homage when thou lookest from above. And hom- age when I look [at thee] (and [since] thou acceptest from above, I do homage unto thee). i Gujarati. I venerate Ormazd. I venerate the Archangels. And I venerate the Moon that has the seed of cattle. (Its having the seed of cattle is this, that the Archangel Bahman and the Angel Mah and the Angel Gosh — the epithet of all these three Angels is ‘ having the seed of cattle ’ for the reason that the seed of the kine and cattle and [their] glory and light are through the Paradise of the Lunar Mansion). And I venerate thee, who lookest from above. And I venerate thee, whom I look at from below. 2 Avesta. Propitiation unto Ahura Mazda. ... I praise right- eousness. I proclaim ... of Ahurian Faith. [Gah according to the period of the day.] Propitiation . . . glorification unto the Moon that has the seed of the Bull. Unto the sole-created Bull. Unto the Bull of many species. As [he is] the Lord that is to be chosen ... let one who knows it pronounce it unto me. 3- 2- MAH NYAISH 88 Pahlavi. franamam 2 Indyenltarih i Ohrmazd . . . stdyem ahraklh. . . . Ohrmazd Batistan. [Gahi\ Mali 1 i 2 gospand toxmak? Tor a 3 4 i h evakdatl' u 7 gospand 8 i 9 pur sartak. w snaye- nitarlh . . . frdc afrlnakanlh . . . cigon Ahu kamak . . . danis- riik yemalelunam. 2 Sanskrit. [The Sanskrit version omits the paragraph.] Persian. 2 [The Persian version omits the paragraph.] 2 Gujarati, khushal kariic Hormajdne . . . ane tarif karu rastinl. bujoraglthl padhii . . . Hormajdno Hokarn. [Gah.~\ Mahatab gospand tokhmlne ane Gavlodadne ane tamam jatna gospandone khushal karvane vaste . . . mashur karu. je mlsale Hormajdnl khaes . . . e ravese khabar kahuc. Avesta. 3 nomo Ahurai . . . nsmo paiti.diti. Pahlavi. niklrisnlh. 3 namaz d Ohrmazd . . . namaz pavan apar 3 Sanskrit, namah Svdmine Maliajhanine . . . natnah upari niriksanalayd. 3 Persian, namaz Sahib mihtar dand . . . namaz kih miblnam. 89 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 3 2 Pahlavi. [May there be] propitiation unto Ormazd. ... I praise righteousness. I proclaim ... of the Law of Ormazd. [Gah according to the period of the day.] For the propitiation . . . benediction [of the] Moon that has the seed of cattle. [Unto the] sole-created Bull. And [unto the] cattle of every species. As is the desire of the Lord ... I speak with knowl- edge. 2 Sanskrit. [The Sanskrit version omits the paragraph.] 2 Persian. [The Persian version omits the paragraph.] 2 Gujarati. I propitiate Ormazd . . . and I praise rectitude. I recite with exaltation ... of the Commandment of Ormazd. [Gah according to the period of the day.] For the propitiation ... I celebrate unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, unto Gavyodad and unto the cattle of all species. As is the desire of Ormazd ... so I announce. 3 Avesta. Homage unto Ahura Mazda. . . . Homage with the look. 3 Pahlavi. Homage unto Ormazd. . . . Homage with [our] upward look. 3 Sanskrit. Homage unto the Lord that has Great Knowledge. . . . Homage with our gaze upward. 3 Persian. Homage unto the Lord, who is the more than great, wise one. . . . And homage when I look [at thee]. 3 - 3 - MAH NVAISH 90 3 Gujarati, namuc Hormajdne ... hit nlcetlu tunx dekhuc tehene. 4 Avesta. kat Ma uxsyeiti. kat Ms narafsaiti. panic a. das a Ms uxsyeiti. panca.dasa Ms narafsaiti. yS he uxsyqstStd ts narafsqs- tstd. ts narafsqstStd yS he uxsyqststascit. ka yS Ms uxsyeiti narafsaiti dwat. 4 Pahlavi. clgon amat 1 Mali vaxset. clgon 2 amat 3 Msli nirfset. 15 * amat 5 Mah vaxset. 15 6 amat 7 Mali nirfset? (/j 9 yum min getiksn 10 ksr u 11 karpak mekadrilnet 12 u 13 min meniikSn 14 mizd u 15 pStdahisn 18 u 17 ij yilm val u menukSn kSr u 19 karpak 20 apaspSret 21 val 22 gctlkan mizd u 23 pStdahisn. newaklh Msh i 2i perozkar 25 min 1 vad 15 26 yum 27 min 28 menukSn newaklh u frSx°ili 29™ u 31 min 15 32 vad bundaklli 33 i 3Za jo yum pavan getiksn 34 xelkunetf u 36 min zak 37 1 38 yum amat 39 nok bars 40 awzun pavan Msh yehvunet 41 vad bundaklli z 42 jo yum rosnlh 43 u 44 newaklh min menukSn mekadrilnet 45 u 46 val getiksn 47 apaspSret mizd u 48 pStdahisn 49 ). amat 50 7W0 ! 51 vaxset 52 estisnlh 53 ( mavan Msli) valBsSn 54 nirfsisn estihilh 55 ( mavan 56 apsxtarlk™ haz'cld 5 * aey 59 pavan estisnlh 60 apstaxss 61 yehvund). amat 62 rn/cl nirfsisn 63 estisnlh 64 (mavan 69 Msh) valdsSn vaxsisn 86 estisnlh 67 (mavan apSxtarlk 68 hai'Ud 69 ae 7 pavan x°cskSrlli 70 tuvSniktar 71 havctd clgon liaftorang 72 u 73 Vanand u 74 Salves 75 u 76 Tistr 77 ). min 78 mavan amat 79 Msh vaxset u nirfset 80 z’ 81 Lak Olirmazd , 82 (af-as 83 viclr u pavan 85 Dsmdst™). 4 Sanskrit, katham Candrali pravardhate. katharn Candrah ksayati. pancadasa Candrah pravardhate . paheadasa Candrah 9i LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 4 3 Gujarati. I venerate Ormazd . . . Whom I look at from below. 4 Avesta. How does the Moon wax? How does the Moon wane? Fifteen [days] does the Moon wax. Fifteen days does the Moon wane. As long as [is] her waxing, so long the waning. So long [is] the waning, even as the waxing. Who [is it] through whom the Moon waxes [and] wanes, [other] than Thee? 4 Pahlavi. How does the Moon wax? How does the Moon wane? Fifteen [days] does the Moon wax. Fifteen [days] does the Moon wane. (Fifteen days it accepts deeds and merit of the earthly beings, and the reward and recom- pense of the heavenly beings; and fifteen days it consigns the deeds and merit to the heavenly beings, and reward and recom- pense to the earthly beings. From the first to the fifteenth day the good victorious Moon accepts goodness and abundance from the heavenly beings, and from fifteenth to the completion of thirtieth day it bestows [them] unto the earthly beings. And from the first day, when the new Moon waxes, up to the end of the thirtieth day, it accepts light and goodness from the heavenly beings, and consigns reward and grace to the earthly beings). When it (which is the Moon) waxes, they wane (that are the northern planets, that is, they become [lit. are] non-ruling in their stations). When it wanes (which is the Moon), they wax (that are the northern planets, that is, they become [lit. are] more powerful in their own function; such as Haftorang, Vanant, Satves, and Tishtar). Through whom O Ormazd, does the Moon that is Thine wax and wane? (The decree of this [is] in the Damdad). 4 Sanskrit. How does the Moon wax? How does the Moon wane? Fifteen [days] does the Moon wax. Fifteen [days] does 3 - 4 - MAH NYAISH 9 2 ksayati. ( paficadasadinani prthivlcdrinam karyani pmiyani ca pratikaroti paralokinam ca prasadan paficadasadinani paralo- kibhyasca karyani punyani ca sampadayati prthivlcdribhyasca prasadan). yah asya vrddhlnam sthitayah (kila yds Candrasya) tesam avrddhlnam sthitayah ( ye avakhtarlnam pratlpah santi yathct Haptoiringa- Vananta-Satauesa- Tistaraprabhrtayah kila sthityd ardjano bhavanti). avrddhlnam sthitayo yd asya ( kila yds Candrasya ) tesam vrddhlnam sthitayah (ye avakhtarlnam pratlpah santi kila satkaryataya balav attar d bhavanti). kebhyah yat Candrah pravardhate ksayati ca. Te Ahuramajda. (asya vicaro Damdadena). 4 Persian, cun Mdh afzayad u cun Mali kahad. pdnzdah Mali afzayad u pdnzdah kahad. (pdnzdah ruz kar u kirfah In jahan basandagan rd qabul kunad u muzd an jahan rd u pdnzdah ruz kar u kirfah an jahan rd dar Bahist separad u muzd an jahan In jahan basandagan rd dar In jahan baxsad). kill u afzun manad (ya ( nl Mali) esan dar kastan bamanad (kill muqdbil u axtardn kill bad sitaragan hast cun Haftorang u Vanant sitarah u Satvas u Tistar vaghayrah ya'nl bar asm an hast and ba be zur and), u cun bakahad (ya'nl Mali) esan dar afzunl basand (kill muqdbil u axtardn ast ya'nl bah nekl zurmand basand). az kill Mdh afzayad [ . . . ] ay Hormazd. (by an u dar Damdad hast). 4 Gujarati, kem Mdhdtdb vadhec ane kem Mahatab ghatec. pandar dan Mdhdtdb vadhec ane pan dar dan Mdhdtdb ghatec. jcvare Mdhatdbnl varadhl thaec tevdre tehenanl (jane avdkhtarl 93 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 4 the Moon wane. (Fifteen days it [lit. he] accepts the acts and meritorious deeds of the earthly beings, and the grace of the heavenly beings; and fifteen days it causes the acts and meri- torious deeds to pass unto the heavenly beings, and the grace unto the earthly beings). Those that are the stages of its waxing (that is, of the Moon) [the same] are the stages of the waning of those (who, like Haftorang, Vanand, Satves, and Tishtar, are opposed to the northern planets ; that is, they become non- ruling through their position). The stages which are of its wan- ing (that is, the Moon’s) are the stages of waxing on the part of those (who are opposed to the northern planets ; that is, they become stronger through good deed). Through whom does the Moon wax and wane? [It is] for Thee, O Ormazd. (Dis- cussion of this [is] in [lit. through] Damdad). 4 Persian. When does the Moon wax (and) when does the Moon wane? Fifteen [days] does the Moon wax (and) fifteen [days] does it wane. (Fifteen days it accepts the acts and meritorious deeds of the inhabitants of this world and the reward of [those of] the next [lit. that] world; and fifteen days it com- mits the acts and meritorious deeds of this world to Paradise and bestows the reward of the next world on the inhabitants of this world in this world.) When it remains waxing (that is, the Moon), they remain waning (who, like Haftorang, the star Vanant, Satves, Tishtar, and so forth, are adversaries of the northern planets that are the evil stars ; that is, they become unrul- ing in heaven). And when it wanes (that is, the Moon) they remain waxing (who are the adversaries of northern planets, that is, they become powerful through righteousness). Through whom does the Moon wax, [ . . . ] O Ormazd? (Description of it is in Damdad). 4 Gujarati. How does the Moon wax and how does the Moon wane? Fifteen days does the Moon wax and fifteen days does the Moon wane. When there happens the waxing of the Moon, 3 - 4 - MAH NYAISH 94 setarani) ghatatl thaec. (avakhtari Retard te cear chc. lend nam Testar, Satues, Vanant ane Haptorang che. e cearo setarani kalab che). jevare Mahatab ghatato jaec tevare tehenanl ( idne avakh- tarl setarani) varadhl thaec. e Hormajd tdharo Mahatab sa thaki vadhec ane ghatec. ( eheno javab Damdad Nasakma che). 5 Avesta. Mdnhsm Gao.cidrwi asavansm asahe ratum yaza- maide. tat Mdnham paiti.vaemm. tat Mdnham paiti.vlssm. raoxlnzm Mhnham aiwi.vaenam. raoxsnsm Mdnhdm aiwi.visam. histanti Armsd Spsnta x v arsno darayeinti. histjnti Anidsd Spsnta x'arjno baxbnti zqm paiti Ahura.hatqm. 5 Pahlavi. Mah z 1 gospand 2 toxmak 3 * ahrav i* ahrakih rat izam 5 . zak 6 Mali pavan madam 7 venisnih 8 zak 9 Mali pavan madam 10 patirisnlk . 11 rosnlh 12 z 13 Mali pavan 1 * apar 15 venisnih rosnlh 16 i 17 Mali 19 pavan apar 19 patlrisnlh . 20 yekavlmund 21 Ama- hraspandan 22 gadS 23 yaxsenund. 2 * yekavlmund 25 Amahraspan- dan 26 gad's, xelkund 27 pavan zamlk 28 madam 29 Ohrmazd dat {ben zak 30 zaman 31 amat 32 ndk 3 Sanskrit. Candram pasubljam punyatmakam punyagurum aradliaye. taya Candrasya upari nirlksanataya taya Candrasya upari pratikaranataya dlptimatas Candrasya upari nirlksana- tayd dlptimatas Candrasya upari pratikaranataya. tisthanti Amara Gurutarah sriyam grhnanti. tisthanti Amara Gurutarah 95 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 5 there happens the waning of them (that is, of the northern stars). (The northern stars are four. Their names are Tishtar, Satves, Vanant, and Haftorang. These four stars have this epithet). When the Moon wanes, there happens the waxing of them (that is, of the northern stars). Through what, O Ormazd, does your Moon wax and wane? (The reply to this is in the Damdad Nask). 5 Avesta. We sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the righteous and master of righteousness. Now I look at the Moon. Now I present myself to the Moon. Now I behold the brilliant Moon. I present myself to the brilliant Moon. There stand up the Archangels, they hold the glory. There stand the Archangels, they bestow the glory upon the earth created by Ahura. 5 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the righteous, master of righteousness. [Unto] the Moon with the upward look, the Moon with its acceptance from above. [Unto] the brightness of the Moon with its upward look, the brightness of the Moon with its acceptance from above. There stand the Archangels, they hold the glory. There stand the Archangels, they bestow the glory upon the earth given by Or- mazd, (at that time when [the Moon] becomes new). 5 Sanskrit. I propitiate the Moon that has the seed of cattle, which is the soul of righteousness, the master of righteousness. [Homage] through the looking above at the Moon, through the acceptance above of the Moon, through the looking above at the shining Moon, through the acceptance above of the shining Moon. There stand the Immortal, more than Venerable Ones, [and they] lay hold of the glory. There stand the Immortal, more than Ven- erable Ones (Archangels), [and they] shower the glory upon MAH NYAISH 3 - 5 - 96 ( Amisaspintah ) sriyarn varsanti prthivyam upari Ahurmajdadat- tayam ( antas lasmin samaye yada navanavataro bhavati). 5 Persian. Mah giisfand tuxm kirfahgar u az kirfah buzurg ra busurg daram. vaqti kilt Mali as bald blnad u vaqtl kih Mali qabfil kunad vaqti kill rosan Mali nigirad u vaqtl kih rosan Mali qabul kunad basand Arnsasfandan u nur girand basand Amsasfandan u nur baxsand bar jahan Hormazd paida kardah {an zaman kih nu, u nutar bed). 5 Gujarati. Mdhatdb go’s p and tokhmi a so asoie karl bujorag che teliene aradJiu. jevare Mdlidtdbnu uparthl jovu. thaec jevdre Mdhdtdbnii uparthl kabul karvu thaec jevdre rosan Candarmahnu, uparthl jovu thaec ane rosan Candarnidlinii uparthi kabul karvu thdec tevdre Amsdspando ubha rahine {Mdhatdbna) nurne sanghrec ane Amsdspando ubhd ralii te nurne Hormajdni pedd kldheli janiln upar bakhsec. 6 Avesta. dat yat Mdnlmn raoxsne tdpayeiti misti urvaranqm zairi.gaonanqm zaramaem paid zorndha uzuxsyeiti. antaro.- manhdsca par and. mdnh&sca vlsapta&dsca. antara. mdiaham asa- vanam asahe ratum yazamaide. parano.mdnliam asavanani asahe ratum yazamaide. vlsapta&am asavanam asahe ratum yazamaide. 6 Pahlavi. adln amat 1 Mali rdsn tapet mesak urvar zaren 2 {ae 7 tar 3 ) ( mavan 4 ) pavan zarmay pavan 5 madam 6 zamik laid vax- send 1 . pavan 8 andarmah u 9 purmah 11 10 Vlsaptas u . andar- 97 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 . 6 the earth created by Ormazd, (at the very time that it becomes ever more new). 5 Persian. I honor the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the meritorious and great through merit. At the time when the Moon looks from above and at the time when the Moon accepts, at the time when the bright Moon looks and at the time when the bright Moon accepts, there stay the Archangels and seize the light, there stay the Archangels and bestow the light upon the world created by Ormazd, (at the time when it becomes new and more than new). 5 Gujarati. I praise the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the righteous, the great through righteousness. When the Moon’s looking from above takes place, when the Moon’s accepting from above takes place, and the bright Moon’s looking from above takes place, and the bright Moon’s accepting from above takes place ; then there stand the Archangels and collect the light (of the Moon), and there stand the Archangels and bestow that light on the earth created by Ormazd. 6 Avesta. When the Moon warms with its light, then the golden- colored plants always 1 grow up together from the earth in the spring. [We sacrifice unto] the new-moon days, the full-moon days, and the intervening seventh day. We sacrifice unto the new-moon, the righteous, master of righteousness. We sacrifice unto the full-moon, the righteous, master of righteousness. We sacrifice unto the intervening day, the righteous, master of righteousness. 6 Pahlavi. At the time when the Moon shines bright, ever green (that is, moist) [become] the trees (which) grow up on earth in spring. Unto the new-moon, full-moon, and Vishaptatha. 3 - 6 - MAH NYAISH 98 mall i 12 ahrav 13 ahraklh rat Izam 14 ( pancak Xi fratum 17 saplr). purmah 18 ahrav 19 ahraklh 20 rat izam 21 {pancak z 23 ditlkar 2i saplr' 11 ''). Vlsaptas 26 z 27 ahrav 28 ahraklh rat izam 29 {pancak 30 z 31 sitikar 32 Saplr 33 ). 6 Sanskrit, tato yat Candrah dlptiman tapate sadaiva vanas- patayo haritavarnah {kit a sardratara) vasantamase upari prthivyam unmllanti. antaracandro vd {paiicakasya yah prathamasya uttamasya) sampurnacandro vd {paiicakasya dvitlyasya utta- masya) Visaptatho vd {paiicakasya yah trtlyasya uttamasya). antaracandram punydtmakam punyagurum aradhaye. sampurna- candram punydtmakam punyagurum aradhaye. Vlsaptatham punydtmakam punyagurum aradhaye. 6 Persian, dn zaman kill Mali rosan tabad hamlsah dar u daraxt sabz rang bah zaman bahdr bar zamln tabad. andarmah {kill panj ruz auwal bihtar) u purmah {kill panj riiz dlgar bihtar) u Vlsaptah- tah Mali {panj ruz sadlgar bihtar). andarmah kirfahgar kirfah buzurg ra buzurg daram. purmdli kirfah ravdn kirfah buzurg rd buzurg daram. Visaptalitah kirfah ravdn kirfah buzurg ra buzurg daram. 6 Gujarati, ane jevare rosan Mdhdtab {khub) rosnl afec tevare tamdm jdhad hamcse sabaj rangna (lane Ilia rehec). ane bdhdrnl rutma andarmaha {te sud 1 till te sud 5 laglna Candarmahane kehcche) ane purmaha {te sud 6 till sud 10 laglna Candarmahane keheche) ane Vlsapetatha Maha {te sud 1 1 tin te sud 15 laglna Candarmahane keheche) till jamln iipar {jahadnl) varadhl thaec. e jehevo andarmahd aso asoie karl bujarag che tehene aradhii ane LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 * 6 99 I sacrifice unto the new-moon, the righteous, master of righteous- ness (the first five good [days]). I sacrifice unto the full-moon, the righteous, master of righteousness (the second five good [days]). I sacrifice unto Vishaptatha, the righteous, master of righteousness (the third five good [days]). 6 Sanskrit. At the time when the bright Moon shines, the green- colored (that is, the very moist) trees always unfold on earth in the months of spring. Either the new-moon (that of the first-best five) or the full-moon (of the second-best five) or the Vishaptatha (that of the third-best five). I propitiate the new-moon that has the soul of righteousness, [which is] the master of righteousness. I propitiate the full-moon that has the soul of righteousness, [which is] the master of righteousness. I propitiate the Vishap- tatha that has the soul of righteousness, [which is] the master of righteousness. 6 Persian. At the time when the bright Moon shines, the green plants and trees always grow on earth in the time of spring. The new-moon (that of the first better five days) and the full-moon (that of the second better five days) and Vishaptatha (the third better five days). I honor the full-moon, the meritorious, the great, through merit. I honor the full-moon, of meritorious soul, the great through merit. I honor Vishaptatha of meritorious soul, the great through merit. 6 Gujarati. And when the bright Moon gives (much) brilliance, then all trees always remain of verdant color (that is, green). And in the spring-season from the new-moon (the Moon from the first to the fifth day is so called) and the full-moon (the Moon from the sixth to the tenth day is so called) and the Moon Vishap- tatha (the Moon from the eleventh to the fifteenth day is so called) — from [these] there happens an increase of trees on the earth. I praise the full-moon, the righteous, the great through 3 - 7 - MAH NYAISH IOO purmdha aso asoie kari bujarag cite tehene aradhu ane V Isapatatha (Mafia) aso asoie kari bujarag chc tehene aradhu. 7 Avesta. yazai Mdnham Gao.Hdram bayam raevantam x v ara- nanuhantam afnamihantam tafnanuhantam varacamihantam xsta- v ant am istavantam yaoxstavantam saokavantam zairimyavantam vohvavantam bayam baesazam. 7 Pahlavi. yezbexunam 1 Mah i 2 gospand 3 toxmak 4 bay z 5 rayomand z 6 gadUdmand i 1 awromand (aey 8 amat 9 awr 10 madam 11 y atunet 12 pavan rds i 13 vafd) i 14 tapisnomand 15 (acy 16 garniak 17 ) varcomand 18 ( acy 19 danak 20 ) i 21 xstaomand 22 zi/- omand 23 (aey 2i bar i 25 gospandan 26 ychabunet) i 27 nicodisnomand 28 (kdr 29 z 30 dena 31 ) sutomand (aey bar z 32 may a 33 urvar 34 yeha- bunSt M ) sabzomand 36 37 ,svz<5i 38 vabidundak 39 zamik 40 #^7 41 zamlk 42 tar 43 yaxsenunSt 44 ) veh 45 dpdtlh 46 datar i 47 &Z7 z 48 fofa- zenltdr 49 ( liamak 50 dpdtlh z’ 51 izz/zr yal 32 yehabunet 33 ). 7 Sanskrit, aradhaye Candram pasubljam vibhaktaram sud- dhimantam srimantam abhravantam (kila abhrani ayanti pra- bhavena asyd) tdpavantam (kila usmagunayuktam ) kriyavantam (jnanitaram ity art hah) laksmlvantahi laksmlvantahi (kila rddheh pasundm datarahi) vicaravantam (kdryanydydnahi) Idbhavantahi (kila phalapdkasya jalavanaspatlndhi datarahi) haritavarnavan- tahi (kila prthivihi sardratarahi karoti) uttamasamrddhimantam vibhaktaram drogyatdkaram. 7 Persian, buzurg daram Mali gusfand tuxm baxsandah rayomand xurahmana ra abrmand (ya'nl abr ayand tab a 1 a u) db IOI LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 7 righteousness. And I praise the full-moon, the righteous, the great through righteousness. I praise (the Moon) Vishaptatha, the righteous, the great through righteousness. 7 Avesta. I will sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the bestower, radiant, glorious, possessed of water , 1 pos- sessed of warmth, possessed of knowledge, possessed of wealth, possessed of riches, possessed of discernment, possessed of weal, possessed of verdure, possessed of good , 2 the bestower, the healing. 7 Pahlavi. I sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the bestower, full of radiance, full of glory, full of clouds (that is, cloud comes in its proper way through [it]), full of warmth (that is, heat), learned (that is, wise), full of wealth, full of riches (that is, it gives fecundity to cattle), full of skill (in deeds of judgment), full of profit (that is, it gives fruition to water- plants), green (that is, it makes the earth moist, that is, it keeps the earth moist), giver of good prosperity, the bestower, the healer (it does give good prosperity unto all). 7 Sanskrit. I propitiate the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the dispenser, bright, glorious, possessing clouds (that is, clouds come through its lustre), possessing warmth (that is, endowed with the quality of heat), possessing activity (more wise, that is the meaning), possessing riches, possessing fortune (that is, giver of prosperity to [lit. of] cattle), discerning (the laws of duty), possessed of gains (that is, giver of the ripening of fruit unto the water-plants), possessing green color (that is, it makes the earth more moist), possessing excellent affluence, the distributor, the healer. 7 Persian. I honor the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the bestower, the brilliant, the glorious; possessing clouds (that is, 3 - 7 ~ MAH NYAISH 102 darandah ( ya'ni garni xaslat ) tadabbar ( ya'nl danatar in m'anl) nur darandah xizanadar ( ya'nl nur gusfandan ra dahandah ) andesa nek darandah ( kar u l adl) sudmand (ya‘ni pur puxtan ra u db dahandah daraxtan) sabs rang (ya'ni jahan sar sabs kunad ) nek ganj darandah u ham baxsandah tandurustl dahandah. 7 Gujarati, ane Mahatdb gospand tokhml bakhsesno karnar ( rojina ) hisano apnar ane khales ane nurmand ane vadalmand (te Mahabokhtarno elkcib cite ane em kehche je tamam vadal je avec ane jaec te Mahabokhtdrnl madadgarlthl che ) tatha tabesmand (iane garani) ane dcina ane jebai bharelo lakhasmlno saheb ane nek andesano karnar ( insafna kamma) ane faedemand ( jamlnne ) till raklindr nedmatno apnar rojlno bakhasnar ane tandarustlno apnar che tene aradlm. 8 Avesta. alie raya x v ardnanhaca tsm yasai surunvata Yasna Mtinhsm saodrdbyo. Mhnhsm Gao.cidrjm asavanam asahe ration yazamaide Haomayo gava . . . ars. uxhaeibyasca va^sibyd. yehlie hatqm . . . tqsca tdsca yazamaide. 8 Pahlavi. pavan sak 1 i 2 valcl 3 ray u 4 gad o! i 5 Mdh 6 ( amat - am 7 ray u gadB. i 8 Mali 9 ayazvar yehvundt 10 ). valB yezbe- xunam 11 pavan sak i 12 nigosisnomand 13 Yazisn 14 pavan 15 Den 16 Dastabar 17 tkah z 18 gospand toxmak. pavan zohr 19 Mdh 20 z ' 21 103 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 - 8 the coming of the clouds is under his control), keeping lustre (that is, the quality of warmth), the deliberate (more wise, that is the meaning), keeping light, the treasurer (that is, giver of glory unto the cattle), keeping good consideration ([in] action and justice), possessing gains (that is, giver of full ripening and water unto the trees), green (that is, it makes the surface of the earth green), keeping good affluence and bestower (of the same), the healer. •7 Gujarati. And I praise the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the bestower, the giver of the portion (of earnings), and pure, any bright, and possessed of clouds (that is the epithet of the Moon, and they say that it is through the help of the Moon that all clouds come and go), and possessed of heat (that is, warm), and wise, and full of honor, lord of fortune, and discriminative (in the acts of justice), possessed of gain, keeping (the earth) green, giver of affluence, bestower of earnings, and healer. 8 Avesta. For his radiance and his glory I will sacrifice unto him, the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, With the audible Yasna-sacrifice and with oblations. We sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the righteous, master of righteousness, With milk provided with Haoma . . . And with rightly spoken words. Of whomsoever among male beings . . . unto both these males and these females we sacrifice. 8 Pahlavi. Owing to his radiance and glory [I sacrifice] unto the Moon (so that the radiance and glory of the Moon may be my help). I sacrifice unto him, the Moon that has the seed of cattle, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice [performed] (by the 3 - 8 - MAH NYAISH 104 gospand toxmak 22 i 23 ahrav i 24 ahrdklh 25 rat yezbexunam 24 pavan Horn bisrya . . . zak-c rast goivisn. mavan min altdn . . . hanjamanikan zakardn u vakadan izam ( Amaliraspandan ). 8 Sanskrit, asya suddhaya sriya ca enam aradhaye sruyamana- ijisnya Candram pasubljam {suddhaya sriya ca Candrasahayinya sruyamd?iaijisnya gurumukhena). prandis Candram pasubljam punyatmakam punyagurum aradhaye Homavrksena gava . . . satyoktdbhisca vdnlbhih. ye vidyamanebhyah . . . samavayikdtt tan [tdnsca~\ tdsca aradhaye. {kila narastrlakrtln Amisdspintan). 8 Persian, bah ray u xurah ura buzurg daram bah sanidah Yazisn. Mali giisfand tuxm ray u xurah Mali ydri u sanidah Yazisn {bah dahan Dasturdn). bah zur Mali gusfand tuxm kirfah ravan kirfah buzurg ra buzurg daram bah daraxt Horn bah gav . . . bah rast guftdr guftan. kill az hastdn . . . anjuman naran u ndrlan ra buzurg daram {ya'ni nar surat u nan suratha A msdsfandati ) . 8 Gujarati. [The paragraph does not occur in the Gujarati version.] 9 Avesta. yasmmca . . . afrindmi Mduluihe Gsusca aevo.datayd gdusca pouru.sarjhayd. 105 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 . 9 Dastur of the Religion). I sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the righteous, master of righteousness, with obla- tions, with Horn, with meat ... as also with the true speech. Whomsoever among the existing ones ... I sacrifice unto the assembly of the male and female (Archangels). 8 Sanskrit. Owing to his brightness and glory, I sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, with the audible Yasna- sacrifice (with the brightness and glory which attend upon the Moon, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice through the mouth of the teacher). I sacrifice unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, of righteous soul, the master of righteousness, with oblations, with the Horn tree, with cow’s milk . . . and with the truly-spoken words. Whosoever among the existing ones . . . those males and females combined I propitiate (that is, the Archangels of male and female forms). 8 Persian. On account of his righteousness and purity, I vener- ate him with audible Yasna-sacrifice, — the brightness and purity and help of the Moon that has the seed of cattle, with the audible Yasna-sacrifice (through the mouths of the Dasturs). I vener- ate the Moon that has the seed of cattle, of meritorious soul, the great through merit, with oblations, with the Horn plant, with cow’s milk . . . and with the utterance of true speech. Whoso- ever among the existing ones ... I venerate the assembly of the males and females (that is, the Archangels of male forms and female forms). 8 Gujarati. [The paragraph does not occur in the Gujarati version.] 9 Avesta. I bless the sacrifice ... of the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, of the sole-created Bull, of cattle of all species. 3 - 9 - MAH NYAISH 106 9 Pahlavi. yaziin . . . afrinam Mali 1 i 2 gospand toxmak Tor a 3 menuk 4 i 6 evakdat 6 gospand pur sartak. 9 Sanskrit, ijisnlmca . . . aslrvadayami Candraya pasubljaya Gave ca Alodataya pasubhyasca sampurnajatibliyah. 9 Persian, du'a'i yasisn . . . Mali gusf and tuxmrau Gavyodad rd u gusf and taman sardah rd. 9 Gujarati, ijasne . . . dova karu Mahatdb gospand tokhmlne a tie Gaviodadne ane t amain jatnd gospandone. io Avesta. dasta aimni voroftraynomca dasta gjus x v d&ro.nahiin dasta narqm pourutditom stdhyanqm vyaxananqm vanatqm avanymnanqm ha&ra.vanatqm hamyrydo hadra. vanatqm dus. mainyul ste rapatqm cidra. avanham. io Pahlavi. af-aman 1 yehabunet 2 amavandlh 3 u perdzkarili 4 . af-aman yehabunet 5 bisryd u 6 xfatsurlh (aey mdn 7 lamd 8 bat af-aman min 9 mandavam i 10 nafsB, yelivundt n ). af-aman yeha- bilnct 12 zak n z 14 gabrddn pur raivisnih 15 . ( frazand 16 ) i 17 kabed stayltdr (aey esdn newak xavltunct stayltan 18 ). hanjamanlk 19 (aey 20 lianjaman 21 newak xavltunct 22 kartan “) vanltdr 24 Ssan 25 avanltdr 26 aes 27 val 3 28 pavan hakanln vanltar 29 dusmanan 30 io7 LITANY TO THE MOON -3. IO 9 Pahlavi. I bless the sacrifice . . . for the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the sole-created Bull, the cattle of all species. 9 Sanskrit. I bless the sacrifice . . . for the Moon that has the seed of cattle, the sole-created Bull, the cattle of all species. 9 Persian. The blessing of the sacrifice . . . [be] upon the Moon that has the seed of cattle, Gavyodad, and the cattle of all species. 9 Gujarati. I bless the sacrifice . . . unto the Moon that has the seed of cattle, and Gavyodad, and the cattle of all species. 10 Avesta. Give strength and victory. Give a satisfactory supply 1 of cattle. Give a multitude of men, Steadfast, belonging to the assembly, Vanquishing, not vanquished, Vanquishing adversaries at one stroke, Vanquishing enemies at one stroke, Of manifest 2 help unto the blessed. 10 Pahlavi. Give unto us courage and victory. Give unto us meat and our own [earned] meal (that is, may there be bread unto me; may [it] be from my own thing [i. e. earned by self- exertion]). Give unto us fully developed men. [Give unto us] (offspring) that is a great thanks-giver (that is, who knows well how to praise), who is of the assembly (that is, who knows well how to form an assembly), vanquishing others [but] none van- 3 - 10 ~ MAH NYAISH 108 {do 31 do amat 32 pavan / bar yehamtund 33 as stub 34 tuvan yehvund 35 kartati) pavan 36 hakarun vanltar 37 dusmanan {ae aner 38 39 mavan handcand 4,1 yemalelunct 41 ). amat * 2 yeham- tunct d ayawdrlh i 43 esan as petakenet ramisn 44 {ae^-as 45 pavan jlvak rdmisn i 46 min sak mandavam 47 bard nikizet 48 ). io Sanskrit. [The paragraph does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] io Persian, mard. dehad himmat u flruzl u mara dehad gav u an cih nan ( ya‘ni mard x°es bad ya‘ni hamlsah bad), u mard deliand pur rosnl mardan ( ya‘ni farzand) kill bisyar sitayis kunand {u anjuman bakunad kill anjuman ra ham nek basitayad u anjuman xub kardan danad) u dusmanan zadar ( agar hast vas dusman baguyad kill md hastam tavana bazadan dusmanan) sikandah dusmafian ( ya'nl esdn rd bah asoi x v es slkand) slka?iandah dusmanan u haniistdrdn u bah yakbaragl sikanandah dusmanan. kih barasand bah ydrl kih esdn rd paidd bakunad ramisnl {baliam- anjd ramisnl az esan barasad). io Gujarati, (e Mahabokhtdr) mahane dp hemat ane fatehemandl ane mahane dp mdharl halal mehenattlil {pedd. kldhelu) klianu tathd rotl ane ghand betand farjand tdrifne laeknd anjumanna karnar ane {dusmanone) tdlndr ane nahl todndr {aso lokone) ane ekbaracrl tdlndr dusmanone ane ek martabe todndr bad naiatnd <_> • dusmanone ane {nekoni) madade pohocnar ane ( nekone ) jdher ramasnl pedd karnar ( ehevd farjando mahne dp). 1 1 Yazata pouru ,x° ar?nanha Avesta. 109 LITANY TO THE MOON - 3 * ” quishing him, at once vanquishing the enemies (when two [ene- mies] come at a time they are [not] able to paralyze him), at once vanquishing the enemies (that is, the ill-disposed ones; there is some one who says several). When he comes to the help of others it manifests joy unto him (that is, he at once beholds joy from that thing). io Sanskrit. [The paragraph does not occur in the Sanskrit version.] io Persian. Unto me may it give strength and victory, and unto me may it give cattle and that which is bread (that is, may it be of my own ; that is, may it always be). And unto me may it give full manifestation of men, (that is, an offspring) that praises much, and forms an assembly, (that likewise praises the assembly, and knows well to form an assembly), and [is] the smiter of enemies (if there are many enemies, even then he is able to say, ‘I am capable of smiting the enemies’), conqueror of enemies, (that is, he conquers them through its own righteousness), con- queror of enemies and adversaries and conqueror of enemies at once. Who would come for help, and would cause joy unto them (joy may come unto them in all places through them). io Gujarati Give unto me, (O Moon), courage and victory and give unto me food and bread (procured) by my honest labor, and many male offspring, worthy of praise, makers of assembly, and remover (of the enemies) and non-smiter (of the righteous people), and at once remover of the enemies and smiter of wicked enemies at a stroke, and helper of the righteous, and manifester of joy (unto the righteous) — (give such children unto me). II Avesta. Ye Angels full of glory! 3* ii- MAH NYAISH I IO Yazata pouru.baesaza cidra vd buy tins mastinti ci&ra vd zavand.savd ci&nm boit yuzomcit x°arono yazomnai tipd dtiyata. 1 1 Pahlavi. Yazat pur gad's, Yazat 1 pur besazenittirlh 2 pcttiklh 3 i 4 lakum yehvuntit 5 (acy lakum-c 6 pettiktar 7 ychvunct 8 ). pavan 9 pcttiklh 10 lakutn pavan 11 karitunisn n sutlmand 13 (amat 14 dcnU mandavam eton vabidunyen 15 ) pavan pcttiklh ychvunct 16 laktim 17 . gadcl 18 mayti 19 yehabunct. tin 20 gadU rti yezbexunam (ae F 2 , B pref. namaz 6 X^arset arvandasp se bar snayinam Ohrmazd; K nisadd; L 12 adds a; M 3 pref. pavan sem i datar Ohrmazd sapir i mavan awzdyisn min datar ves aey-as ddt sem datar X v arset v as i s n bun ; Mf 3 , Mr 2 give the same at end of the paragraph. 2 U 4 , K, F 2 , B om. 3 U 4 , F,, B pavan levin nydyisn daman for levin . . . ddman. 4 K om. BUjOmfe; K valdsdn. 6 U 4 , F 2 , B nydyisn ; K nisadd ; M x pref. u. 7 Mf 2 , U„ 2 > 3> D, M x , 2 ,„ Mr 2 vald ; Mf 3 val. 8 Mf x , Ljj om ; U 4 , F 2 , B add mavan. 9 U 4> F 2 , B °spandet and adds from Ys. 65.11 zak i mas newakih . . . bard dwas kart havdt. 10 U x om ; K 192 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI KHURSHED NYAISH vistin; U 4 , F 2 , B om. rest of the paragraph and have namaz X v arset arvandasp. 11 U, °kdmaki; D, K °kamlh; A, Mr, °kdmi; M, °kamakih; M a kamak; Mr, kamak. 12 Mf,, om ; D, K, M, pavan. 13 Corrected. All MSS. give ham- dahisn; om. ham; M, adds newakih. 14 Mf„ ,, U«, F a , B om. rest of the paragraph ; etdn and gives the rest of the paragraph in the margin. 16 L 11> M, om. 16 Lu rasat; A, Mr, om. et ; M, °tiindt. 17 K gives the rest of the paragraph in the margin; om. 18 K adds bard yehamtiinet ; etdn rasat; M, pref. u and adds yehamtiindt. 19 Amesaspant. 20 K adds bard yeham- tiinet ; M, pref. u and adds yehamtiindt. 21 U», D, K, M, om an; all MSS. except Mi give Fravdhrdn. 22 M, pref. u and adds yehamtiindt. 23 U„ D, F* B om ; M, adds Yasat. 24 U 2 , », K, M 2 , 3 , Mr 1( 2 X v atde. 25 M, aey. i- 3 1 Mf s , U 2 , 3, Luj, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 , add i. 2 U 2 , L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr, stiyem. 8 Mf a , U„ , 4 , F 2) B om. 4 Mf a , U 4 , D, F 2 , B om. 6 D adds ra. 6 Mf 2> U 4 , F a , B om. 7 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 8 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B bard; Mf 3 , U 1( 3 , D, M, bard madam. 9 M, om. h. 10 Uj, M 2 , Mr a give ddbiinam with da in Av. characters. 11 U,, ,, M 2 , Mr, °vist ; Mf 3 , U 3) D, L^, M 3 °vist ; K °vistin. 12 Mf 2 , U„ 4 , F 2( B, A om. 13 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, A om ; U, as. 14 U 3 hvarest. 16 D kunam. 16 Mf, om. ih. 17 Mf 2 , U 4 , F a , B, M, om. 18 MSS. have dushiixt ; A. om. x. 19 Mf 2 , U 4 , F a , B om. 20 MSS. give dushvarst. I. 4 1 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F a , Bo. 2 U 4 amat. 3 Mf„ ,, s TT 4 , F a B °spandet ; K °spandanan ; Un 2 . ». D, L u , M„ 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 om. an. 4 Mf„ 2 , s , U 4 , K. F 2 , B om ; L, a pref. hand; M, °vdt. 5 M, pref. pavan. 6 Mf,, K, M, om. 7 Mf a , U 4 , K, F 2 , B, L^, om. 8 L, a om. 9 Mf 2 astafrit ; D adds frdz val lakiim ratih vabidiindak aitiim mavan Amahraspand havact and gives yasisn u nyayisn below ratih; M, om. 10 U 2 , M a , 3 , Mr 2 pref. u. 11 Mf, om. 12 Mf 2 , U 4 , F a , B, M, om. 13 Mf a adds *; Mf,, U 4 , M, om. ik ; D menisnih. 14 Mf 2 , U 4 , F,, B om ; M, repeats. 16 Mf„ U,, ,, D, U. om. 16 U„ A, Mr, °ic. 17 Mf a , A, M„ Mr, om. 18 Mf, adds c. 19 U 2 , A, M,, 8 , Mr,, 2 add sem ruvan bun pavan x v dst i hand hast ; M, xayd. 20 Mr, om. 21 Mf 2 , M,, nafsdih; Mf 3 , U 2 , K, L^,, M,, s , Mr„ a °ih. 22 So Mf,,,, ,, U 2 , D, K, M, ; rest om. 23 U 4 , F 3 , B, M, nafsdih ; Mf 3 , U, ( K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ a , °ih. 24 U a , 4 , F 2 , B, M., Mr,, 2 om. 25 Mf, yaxsenuntan. 26 U„ 2 , ,, D, K, L, 2 , A, M,, „ ,, Mr„ , add min. 27 Mf 2 ruan ; M 2 pref. bahar but below the line. 28 U, om ; U, om. and inserts in margin amat tan ruvan rde ; D gives bahar i ruvan for ruvan rae and has aey amat tan ruvan rde bard apayet ; M, gives bahar i ruvan for ruvan ra; L, 2 om. 29 Mf, om. 30 U 2 , M a , Mr. dabiintan with da in Av. char- acters. 31 U 2 , M. biin. 32 Mf, ahraih. i- 5 1 Mf, pref. se bar ; F„ B om. namds . . . satartum. 2 Mf 2 zak i; M, val. 3 M, adds xvata. 4 Mf,, a , M, om ; U 4 , F a , B om. the gloss. 6 Mf a om. 6 Mf,, 2 void; M, om. 7 Mf s , U,, s , D, K, L„ om. 8 Mf 3 , K om. dn. 9 Mf,, ,, K, M, pref. u ; U s saritardn. 10 U s zatartartum but gives the correct form in the margin ; D adds namaz e Ohrmazd u Ohrmazd guf aey nyayisn li zak COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 193 ati kart mavati saplrdn rd fravaret u sarltardn rd bard zanet aey tojisn kunet. 11 So Mf x , 2, U„ 4 , F 2 , B ; Mf 3 , K nisada; rest naslm. 12 Mf,, ., U x , 3 , Mi om ; U4, F-, B om. the gloss. 13 Mj om. 14Mf 2 /e«m. 15 A om. 16 D °mdnih. 17 U 3 , om. 18 Mfi, 2 , 3 , D, M x yaxsenunet. 19 Mf 2 , 3 , 3 , D, K, Lj., A, M 3 , Mr x om. 20 Mf u 2 kola ini. 21 Mf x , 2 , U x , K, M 2 om. 22 Mf 2 bard; U x bun; K adds zak 23 U 1( 3 , D, M 3 add Ik. 24 U 2 min; M x om. 25 Mf 2 pardlzet. 26 Mf-, A 6; Mf 3 , Uj, s. D, K, Lj-, 2 , 3 , Mr 2 vald; Mr x vald i. 27 Mf 2 , 3 , U 2 , 2 , 3 , D, L u, M„ 3 , Mr u 2 om. 28 U 3 , 3 °at; D adds Amahraspanddn guft aey nydyisn lend zak ais kartak mavan patmdnih xiiret u patmdnih yaxsenunet u kold-c min patmdnih bard parlzet val saplrdn arzdnlkdn ddt. 29 So Mf x , U x , 4. F-, B; rest nisada; K, M 2 nisada; rest naslm. 30 Mf s , U 1( D, L^, M x om. 31 Mf 2 0 gdyet ; Mf 3 , K, A, M,, Mr, fragoydt ; Uj, 3 , D frdegdydt i; U-, L,., M-, 3 , Mr 2 frdgdyot i. 32 XJ 4 , F-, B om. the gloss ; D pref. u. 83 Mfj, 2 , U 1( ., D, M„ Mr 2 om. 34 Mf x ° gdyet; Mf 2 fraxgoyot i; Mf 3) U 2 , 3 , D, K, L^, A, M x , 3 , Mr x , - frdgdyot; U x om. goydt. 35 M x om. 36 M 2 °vunt. 87 Mf x om. 38 M x madam. 39 Mf 2 man; K adds Ik. 40 Mf x , K, A, Mr x om. 41 U x yditunet ; D adds in the margin yditunet ; K ° sunet ; M x °sund. 42 Mf x md ; D, A, M x , Mr x om ; Mf- om. ce . . . nafsd xiip dost yehvunet. 43 M x mavan-as. 44 U 2 , Mr- add i Mitr i; U 3 , L i: , M* add i; A, Mr x add Mitr i. 45 Mf„ 3> U-, K, M-, Mr x , 2 i; A om. 46 A, M x om. 47 U x , 2 , 3, D, K, Lj-, M x , 3 , Mr 2 om. 48 Mf,, U x , s hamd; Mf 3 , U-, K, Lj,, A, M-, 3 , Mr x , 2 hamde. 49 K, L,- om. 60 So Mf x , 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M x ; K nisada; rest naslm. 51 Mf x X v arxset. 52 All except Mf x , 3 , U 2 , 3 , K, Li-, M 3 om. 53 So Mf x ; rest arvandasp. 64 Mf x , 2 , Uu s, Lu, M x om ; U 4 , F-, B om. the gloss. 55 Mf x X v arxset. 66 Only in Mf x , 3 . 57 MSS. arvandasp ; Mf 2 arvand sits id. 58 M x yemalelunt. 59 Mf- pref. namdz o vald kart yehvunet and has min vald saplr mekadrunam mavan ranj i pavan kar karpak val gerdn mekadriinyen instead of o li . . . karpak vabiduntan ; U 2 gives min vald . . . gerdn mekadrunyen in the text, but o li . . . karpak vabiduntan in the margin ; A gives both renderings ; M x , -, Mr, give both with Xi'arset arvandasp guft prefixed to o li vald . . . ; M 3 adds nydyisn min vald . . . val gerdn mekadrunyen at the end of the paragraph after rds i li yaxsenunam yatunam vazliinam Id pavan ranj yaxsenunam. 60 M x om. 61 M x val. 62 U 2 , 3 , K, Lj,, A, M 3 , Mr x , 2 om. mavan ranj i. 63 Mf x , U x , D add i. 64 All except Uj, -, D, M-, Mr, add «. 65 Mf x , D kartan. 66 U 2 , Mr- °riinam; A, Mr x °rund. 67 All except Mf 3 , D, Lj-, A, M x , 3 , Mr x , , add i. 68 Mf- adds pavan ; U x adds pavan and has li-c in Av. characters ; M x om ; M- changes li-c into ranj pavan. 69 M x min. 70 Mf x aey; U-, D, M- om. 71 Mf-, D om. 72 Mfj, U 2 , L^, A, M-, 3 , Mr x , , om. 73 Mf-, K om. 74 Mf„ U x , 3 , K, L 12 add i. 75 So Mf x , ,, U x , 4 , F2, B, M x ; K, M x nisadd ; rest naslm. 76 M x vald i. 77 Mf 3 , Uj, 3 , K, Lu om; D, A, Mr, add i. 78 U x , 2, 3, M x om. 79 Only Mf-, U 4 , D, F-, B, Mi, 3 have menuk . . . hucasmlk. 80 U 4 Arkdvlsiir ; D, F 3 B Arkdvisiir ; M s om. d. 81 D, F-, B casml ; M x °ak; M 3 °lh and adds mayd n s I m i h mayd a I n m n I h mayd amat Ohrmazd yehabiint. 82 Mf- pref. tnayd i; U 4 , F-, B om. the gloss; D, M x pref. mayd; A, Mr x pref. u. 83 Mf-, U x , D, M x om. 84 Mf. namdz. 85 M x om. 86 Mf- om. 87 Mf 2 adds val. 88 M- °vunast. 89 A, Mr x om. 90 Mf- harvispln. 91 Mf- daman dahisn; M x ddmak. 92 Mfj, 2 M x om. 93 Mf x , M x om ; Mf- om. u hie . . . niklret. 94 Only 194 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI KHURSHED NYAISH in Mf 2 , D, A, Mx, Mr,. 95 Mf 2 hixr ; Mf, hier with hixr in the margin; A, M„ Mr, hier; rest have hler. 96 M, adds u Atas. 97 Mf 2 yedrund ; Mf,, U 2 , 8 , D, K, L^, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 add nasim. 98 So Mf„ 2 , U„ „ F 2) B, M, ; K nisada; rest nasim. 99 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 100 U 2 , 3 , 4, K, F 2 , B, Lt,, A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 om. 101 So Mf,, 2 , U,, 4 , F 2 , B; K nisada; rest nasim. 102 Mf,, U,, D, A 0 , Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 103 Mf 3 , M, Gdyokmart ; rest Gdyomart. 104 Mf 2 , U„ F„ B om. the gloss ; U„ 3 , D, K, L^, M, om. 105 U„ 2 , A, M 2 , t , Mr„ , om. 106 MSS. Gdyomart. 107 U 2 , K, L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr. om. 108 Mf, adds ». 109 Mf„ U,, M, lend; D 0 lend; L, 2 mavan. 110 Mf,, 3 , U,, D, M, add kart yehviinet; A, Mr, an. Ill Mf, adds t; Mf,, U 3 , K, L^, M, veh; U,, D om. 112 So A, Mr, ; U 3 , D, M, °yen ; rest have °rund. 113 M, mavan mekadrunyen for mekadrun mavan. 114 M 2 kas. 115 Mf,, 3 , U,, 2 , ,, L^, M., s , Mr 2 °tunt ; K xavdtunt i. 116 A, Mr, mavan; M, om. rest of the paragraph. 117 Mf„ U 2 , A, M., Mr„ , om. 118 Mf„ U 2 , 3, K, Lu, A, M 2 , 3, Mr„ 2 om. 119 Mf, a diinet. 120 Mf, brat; Mf, brdt written under ax. 121 Mf„ U 3 , M, om. 122 Mf, brat; Mf, brat written under ax. 123 Mf,, U,, M 3 om. 124 So Mf,, 2 , U„ 4 , F 2 , B ; K, M, nisada; rest nasim. 126 Mf 2 i; U 4 , F 2 , B om. 126 All except Mf,, , have Zartuhast ; M. Zartuista. 127 Only in F 2 , B, L^,, A. 128 Mf 3 , U„ K, Mr, Spit- man. 129 Only in U 4 , F 2 , B. 130 U„ , ahravdn ; om. 131 MSS. Fravdhr. 132 Only in D, A, M„ Mr,; Mf, om. u . . . aey ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the gloss. 133 U 2 adds i; M 2 Zartuist; M 3 Zartuhast Spitaman; Mr 2 Zartuhast i; rest have Zartuhast. 134 om ; M, yemalelunt. 135 Only in A, M,, Mr,. 136 U„ M, om. 137 Mf, o; U,, ,, K an; U 2 , A, M 2 , ,, Mr,, 2 pref. 5; D adds 0 ; M, adds i kart yehviinet mavan min li 6. 138 Mf, adds t; Mf,, U„ ,, K, Lu veh; U 2 , D, A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 pref. vis. 139 So D; Mf, patirad ; A °runem; rest °riint. 140 M, hand. 141 Mf„ U„ K om. 142 Mf, adds i; U„ M, om ; D veh. 143 Mf,, M, Mazdistdn ; U,, K Mazdastdn; U, Mazdiyasn ; D Mazdayasnan; rest Mazdasndn. 144 A vis. 145 Mf, sapir i; M, sapir. 146 Mf, yekimiindt. 147 Mf, u zak i; U,, 3 add i; A an; M, pref. u. 148 Us, L^, M, add i; K adds pavan. 149 M, adds ait. 150 M, pref. mavan. 151 U, vabidiinet. 152 So Mf,, 2 , U„ 4 , F 2 , B, M, ; K nisada; rest nasim. 153 Mf 2 val t. 164 U 4 , F 2 , B °vist. 155 U 4 , M, om. 156 So in M 2 , ,, U 2 , D, K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 ; rest om. 157 So Mf 2 ; M, getik ; rest geti. 158 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. c; K adds i. 159 So U 4 F 2 , B; Mf, havdd ; Mf 2 yehviinet havdd ; D yehviint; Mf, yehviinet mavan-c yehviint havdd; rest yehviinet for yehviint havdd. 160 Mf 3 , M, add i. 161 Mf, °vunt. 162 Mf 2 om. 163 Mf 2 , F 2 B vaxsdnde ; K vaxsin ; L , 2 om ; M, vaxsinih. 164 U„ 2 , „ L, 2 , M„ 2 , „ Mr„ 2 add i. 165 Mf,, U„ 2 , „ 4 , D, M„ X v ata; L, a X v atan. 166 U„ s , L, 2 , M, om ; D K aey. 167 Mf, changes frarontar into frdron menisntar ; Mf 2 , U 2 , 4 , F 2 , B, A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 frdron menisntar for frarontar menisn ; Mf 3 , U,, 8 , D, K, Itj, M, frarontar. 168 Mf„ 8 , U„ 2 , 8 , L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr, 0 diinyen; Mf 2 diind. 169 Mf 2 , U,, 2 , 8 , D, A, M„ 2 , Mr„ 2 om. 170 Mf 2 adds frdron menisntar; U, om. c; U 2 , 8 , Lt., M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 mavan ce ; U„ F 2 , B min-c. 171 Mf 2 , U„ 3 , D, A om. 172 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 kapak. 173 U 2 , M 2 , Mr, pref. yehviinet; yehviinet; A, Mr, pref. yehviint. 174 Mf, om. h; Mf 2 , s add i. 175 U, an; U, zak; M, val. 176 U 3 y ehabiinam. 177 Mf„ U,, 8 , D, K, Lt,, M,, Mr 2 om. m. 178 Mf 2 ruan. 179 D, K, M, om. 180 Mf 2 , U, om ; U 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 rosnih zak for zak rosnih ; D adds t. 181 Mf„ U„ 8 , K, L,, ; M, COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 195 rosn. 182 Mf 2 , U 1( A, M„ Mr 2 om. 183 Mf,, 3 , U„ 2 , 3) D, L, 2) A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 ballst; K o ballst, M, bdlistan. 184 Ui, 3 , D, M, balindn ; A balinet. 185 U,, 3 D, A, M, om. 186 M, gives the gloss thus : aey lend ruvdn buland u bulandtar pavan rosnlh yehamtundt ae y X v arset pde. 187 Mf 2 rudn. 188 M, ae for pavan Lak madam. 189 U 4 , F 2 , B om. 190 Mj adds Ohrmasd min lak ; Mr, adds Ohr- mazd. 191 Mf 2 , M 3 give pavan rasisnih vartisnih i Tan Pasln instead of vartisn yehamtundt ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 add pavan rasisnih vartisnih Tan Pasln; U 4 , F 2 , B give pavan laxvdr yehamtiinisnih i vartisn i Tan i Fasln; D adds after saplrlh Tan i Pasln, min daftar i zakae : pavan lak Awsunlk Menuk pavan laxvdr yehamtiinisnih vartisn Tan Pasln. 192 Only M, gives aey . . . Ristaxlz. 193 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. min sarltarlh . . . Tan i Pasln ; U 2 , A, M 2 , 3> Mr„ 2 give this sentence after hard vabid-un. 194 U 3 sarltarlh. 195 M, u. 196 So Mf a U 2 , K, Mo, 3 , Mr„ 2 ; rest om. 197 A pasln. 198 Mf„ 3 , U,, 3 , K, L 12 , M, om. the rest; U 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 mavan. 199 U 4 , D, F 2 B °tiinlm. 200 So Mf 3 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B; U 2 , Mo, 3 arzanlh; A, Mr,, 2 harvisp us. 201 D adds in the margin, min Lak ae Buzurg Menuk vartisnih yehamtundt min sarltarlh pavan newaklh i Tan Pasln. All except Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, give at the end of this paragraph asem vohu se guftan u pavan kola evak gam hanxetuntan u pavan kola evak namaz zufr yedruntan ; U„ 3 , D further add u pavan kola evak asem vohu roesd frottar vabiduntan. i. 6 1 Mf„ 2 , 3 , A, M 3 , Mr, pref. X v arset amark rayomand arvandasp yezbexutiam. 2 U„ M, om. 3 Mf„ 2 frehgoyot ; Mf 3 , U„ 2 , 3 , K, L, 2 , A, M„ 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 frdgdydt ; U 4 , F 2 , B frdx v gavydt; D frdgdydt. 4Mf, M 3 yezbexunam ; U 4 , F 2 , B alzam. 5 So U 4 , Fo, B ; M, mavan; rest om. 6 Mf 2 om. o. 7 So Mf 2 , 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B; rest om. 8 M, om. Ik. 9 So Mf,, 2 ; rest 1000 in numerals; U 4 , F„ B om. hazdr . . . buland. 10 Mf 2 adds Ih. 11 Mf 2 D om. i. 12 U,, 3 , L, 2 , M 3 °tastet. 13 Mf,, o, Mr, om ; M, u. 14 Mf 2 , U„ D, M, om. 16 M, adds aey kabed buland. 16 So Mf 3 , U 2 , 3 , L,o, A, Mo, 3 , Mr„ 2 ; rest om. 17 U 3 , M 3 akas. 18 Only in 'D ; Mf 3 , U,, 2 , 3 , K, L^, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 have u. 19 Only in D ; Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B have u. 20 Mf„ 2 ddtistdn ; Mf 3 , K denak ; U„ 3 , L u , M 3 denlh. 21 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om ; M, om. u zyas ben x'>esk drill. 22 L,,, M 3 x^askdrlh. 23 Mf, om. 24 U, adds i. 25 Mf 2 advab ; M, ax^lh. 26 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the gloss. 27 Mf 3 , U„ 2 , 3 , L, 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, busasp. 28 A om. it. 29 All except Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 30 Only U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 give aydwarih yedriinisn. 31 Mf„ U 4 , F 2 , B jikdr; Mf 2 jiigdr ; U„ D jlgar ; U 3 jigar but jigar in margin; K jigard; M, jikdr and adds vdza aey-as zurdmand baza. i- 7 1 A m is missing. 2 D, M, om. 3 Mf 3 matdn. 4 Mf, dehupatdn but an scratched out; Mf a , U„ 2 , K, A, M 2 , Mr, add an; U 3 , L, 2 , M 3 add ydn. 5Mf, yezbexmnam ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B alzam. 6 Mf 2 pavan; A, M 3 add t; M, min. 7 Mf 3 om ; U 2 , M 2 , Mr, in Av. characters. 8 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 dat ; M, °bunet. 9 A, Mr, havatum. 10 Mf 3 , U, om. u. 11 So A, Mr, ; rest Yazdan. 12 Mf„ 2 , 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B, L u om. rest of the paragraph; U„ 3 , A, M 3 , Mr, add i; K adds s. 13 K om. 14 K om. 15 K adds t. 16 A, Mr, add i. 17 U„ D, K X v ata. 196 COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI KHURSHED NYAISH 18 U lf A, Mi, om. 19 U 8 , M 2 , 3 reydmand ; D, K om. a. 20 U„ „ D, K, A, Mu s , Mr, arvandasp ; U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 arvandast. 21 M 3 yezbexunam. i. 8 1 Mf 2 Tistr-c i; U 4 , F 2 , B Tistr-c. 2 Mfj drustih ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B druset; Mf,, Ui, 2> 3 , D, K, Lj 2 , M 2i 8 , Mr 2 drustih i. 3 Mf, casmih ; U 4 , F 2 , B cismak. 4 U lt 3, 4 , D, F 2 , B team ; M, izam and adds acy Tistr stdrak rd. 5 Mf 1( 3 , L u om. Tistr . . . varisnik Tistr star rd izam; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B pref. Tistr i star i rayomand gadaomand aizam. 6 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B i. I Mf 2 om. ae . . . varan. 8 Only in K, A, M,, Mr x . 9 Mf 2 om. varisnik . . . izam ; U s> M 3 add i; U 4 , F 2 , B give Tistr Sind for varisnik Tistr star; A, Mr, om. ik. 10 U 2 , D, A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 stdrak; M, om. 11 M 3 yezbexiinam. 12 Mf a adds i; U 2) D, K, A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 have rayomand gadaomand Tistr stdrak rd yezbexunam for Tistr . . . yezbexunam; U 4 , F, B om. the sentence. 13 Mfj star i; Mf 2 , M, om. ; Mf 3 , Us, Lu star; M 3 stdrak. 14 Mf,, 3 add i. 15 M, adds rd. 16 Mfj °bexamnmd ; M: 2i 3 , Uj, 3, Lj 3 izam. 17 Mf,, 3 , U 4 , K, F 2 , B star ; Mf 2 kukbd; D, A, M„ Mr 1( 2 stdrak. 18 Mf 2 , U„ K, A, Mr„ 2 om. 19 Mf 2 om. 20 Mf, °bexamnam ; Mf 2 , U,, A izam. 21 Mfj, 2 , 3 , M 3 om. the sentence ; K gives the sentence before Vanand . . . yezbexunam. 22 U 2 , D, A, Mj, Mr, stdrak for star i. 23 A gadad ; Mj pref. u; Mrj, 2 pref. i. 24 Mf, Spehir; Mj Spas. 25 U t , F-, B, Mj om. 26 Mf 2 adds i. 27 Mfj °bexamnam; Mf 2 , U„ 4 , K, F 2 , B izam; U 3 °bexun. 28 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B Zrvdn ; A, Mr, Zamdnak ; M 2 a in Av. characters. 29 U 4 , F,, B, A, Mr t om. 30 Uj Akanar. 31 Mfj, M 2 yezbexunam. 32 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B Zrvdn; A Zamdnak; M 3 gives the sentence after Vat . . . izam. 33 A om. 34 U 3 , M, der. 35 Mfj, D X^atd; U 3 X^ada. 36 Mfj, M 1( , yezbexunatn. 37 Mfj, 2 , 3, U 4 , F 2 , B, Lu om. the sentence ; Mj pref. u. 38 U 2 , A, M 2 om. 39 A, Mrj om. K. 40 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mrj, 2 °ddt; Mj °dahdk. 41 U 3 repeats Zamdn i Dirang X^atae izam; M 3 yezbexunam. 42 Mfj om. z; Mf 2 , K rdstak ; M 3 razist. 43 Uj, D, Mj om. ; K a. 44 So Mf 3 D ; rest Frazdnik. 45 Only in Mf 1( U 4 , F 3 , B. 46 Mfj, M 3 yezbexunam. 47 Only Mj gives the gloss. 48 Mf 2 , Uj, K, M, om. 49 So in Mfj, 2 , s , U 2 , K, A, M 3 , Mrj, 2 ; rest om. 50 Mf 1( 3 , Uj, 2 , M 2 Mazdastdn ; Mf. Mazdasitdn i; U 3 , h u , A, M l( 3 , Mrj, 2 Mdzdastdn ; U 4 , F 2 , B Mazdasitan; D Mazdayasnan; K Mdzdastdn i. 51 Mf 2 , Uj, K, A, Mj izam. 52 Mf„ 2 , 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B, Ljj om. the rest of the paragraph ; U 2 , s , K rds. 53 Uj, D, K om. 54 K om. 55 U 2 , 3 , M 2) 3 , Mr 2 add i; A, Mrj om. ih. 56 M 3 yezbexun. 57 Only Mj gives the gloss. 58 M 3 yezbexun. 69 U 3 , M 3 min; K om. the gloss; M, acy nayutak. 60 Uj om. ; M, mavan min. 61 So Uj, 2 , s, M., 3 , Mr 2 ; rest om. 62 D baharik ; M, bdrik. 63 A, Mrj om. 64 Mr 2 om. i. 65 U 3 , M 2 d in Av. character. 66 U 3 rds with a in Av. character ; M 3 ras. 67 Uj, D om. 68 U., A, M., Mr,, 2 Koh with h in Av. character. 69 M, om. 70 M 3 yezbexunam. I. 9 1 Mf 2 adds c; U„ 8) L 12 , A, M 3 °vist; D. K °vistin; Mf 3 , U 2 , M,, Mr„ 2 °vist. 2 Mf,, 2 , Lj., add i. 3 D menuk Yazat for Yasat i menuk. 4 Mf 2 , U„ 4 , F 2 , B, M, om. 5 U„ M, izam ; U 4 , F 2 , B aizam. 6 Mf 2 adds c ; Mf 3 , U 2 , M., Mr„ , °vist ; Uj, 3 , D, A, M 3 °vist; M, pref. u. 7 Mf., s , U 2 , 8 , D, K, L 12 , M., 8 , Mr„ . COLLATION OF THE PAH LAV I MANUSCRIPTS 197 add i. 8 Mfj getlh Yazat for Yazat i getlh; Lj, ora. 9 Mf 2 , U 2 , 4 , F 2 , B, L^, A, Mu 2 , Mr,, 2 om. 10 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B getihd. H Mf 2 , 3) U„ 2) M, Izam; U 4 , F 2 , B aizam. 12 This gloss is found only in D, M lt 3 ; M, has ae 7 . 13 M, getlh Yazat for Yazat i getlh. 14 M 3 om. 16 M, pref. hand. 16 MSS. Aids. 17 M, om. 18 M, om. 19 M, om. 20 M, om. 21 M 3 hand. 22 D hamde ; M, hamak. 23 Mj om. 24 D amat. 25 M, ainman. 26 M, xadltunet. 27 M, menuk Yazat for Yazat i menuk. 28 M, xadltunet. 29 Mf,, 3) Ljj om. from here to the end of the paragraph ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B give the sentence thus : zak i nafsa ruvdn Izam ; U 2 , K, A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. 0 . 30 So in U 3 , D, A, M 2 , s , Mr,; rest om. 81 K Iz ; remainder cut off in binding ; M 3 yezbexunam. 32 Mf 2) U 4 , F 2 , B zak i nafsa. Fravahr Izam; for Fravahr i nafsa. rd Izam; A, Mr, pref. zak; Mj pref. u; M 2 , Mr 2 pref. 0 ; all except M, have Fravahr. 33 U,, 2 , K om. 34 K cut off in binding ; M 3 yezbexunam. 35 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the sentence ; U 2 , A, M„ 2 , Mr,, 2 give bard; rest om. 36 U 1( K add vala ; U 3 , D, M 3 give the sentence thus 0 vala li aydivarlh Ohrtnazd; M, li aydwdrih dhrmazd. 37 K cut off in binding. 38 K, M 3 , Mr„ 2 om. 39 U,, K om. 40 Mf 2 adds i; U, sapiran. 41 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B add i; K cut off in binding. 42 Mf 2 adds i; U 2 , Mr 2 pref. u. 43 All except Mf 2 , M, Fravahr ; K cut off in binding. 44 M 3 yezbexunam. 45 So Mf 2 , U 2 , 3 , 4 , D, M 2 ; rest om. 46 K cut off in binding. 47 A ralyomand. 48 Mf 2 arvand- siisld; all except U 2 arvandasp ; K arvad cut off in binding. 49 U 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 yezbexunam ; A pref. rd. I. IO 1 Mf, Xvarxset; U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 om. the sentence. 2 Only in Mf 3 , U 3 , L^, M 3 . I. II 1 Mf, Xvarxset ; Mf 3 , U 2 , 3 , L 12 , M 2 , 3 add i; Mr 2 om. the sentence. 2 Mf 2 adds Ih ; U, adds gadaomand ; A raylomand. 3 So Mf 3 , U 2 , rest arvandasp ; A adds rd. 4 U„ 4 , F 2 , B, M, Izam ; A pref. rd. 6 K adln-as. 6 U„ M„ mavan. 7 Mf,, U 2 , M 2 X v arxset; 1^, X v areset. 8 Mf, om. 9 U 3 xaduinak. 10 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B ; rest amat ; M t xaduinak in place of the gloss. H Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. adln . . . tdpet. 12 M 3 mavan. 13 Mf 2 Xvarxset. 14 K roc i. 15 M 2 amat laid yatunet ; M 3 pref. cigon. 16 Mf 2 yekatlmund ; U! °munet ; K y ekavlmtand. 17 Mf 2 adds an; K adds u menuk; M 3 pref. levata. 18 K adds i. 19 U 4 , F 2 , B 100 kdnak. 20 U 4 , F 2 , B, Ljj, M 2 , 3 om. 21 Mf x adds i; U 4 , F 2 , B 1000 kdnak. 22 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 23 Mf s , U 2) K, 1^., M,, Mr,, 2 add t. 24 Mf 2 , U 4 , F s , B bard; only D, M„ 3 give ham; rest om. 25 Mf 3 , M, °yen. 26 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B hand; D, M, zak; A, Mr, dena. 27 Mf 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M, om. 28 Mf 2 , U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 add i. 29 All except Mf„ 2 , 3) U 4 , F 2 , B om. 30 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 . B satunlnd; K rdnetet. 31 D om. 32 Mf 2 om. 33 Mf 2 , Mr 1( 2 add i. 34 Mf 3 °kunt ; A °kunet. 35 Mf 2 mada ; U, om. 36 Mf 2 , U 2 , „ D, K, A, M„ „ Mr, om. 37 U 2) A, M,, Mr,, 2 om. 38 Mf, om. ih. 39 Mf,, TJ„ 2 , D, M„ 2 , Mr, om. 40 Mf, om. k; Mf 3 , U 3 , L u , M 3 add i; Mr 2 ahraet. 41 Mf, om. a. U, om. e. 42 Mf, om. ih; U* M 2 fraedahisnlh ; U 4 , F 2 , B fraedahisnlh i. 43 Mf, om. 44 Mf,, U,, 4 , D, F 2 , B, M,, Mr, om. 45 Mf 3 om. rd; U, om. klh ; U 3 , M 3 add i; K om. k. 46 M, om. the gloss. 47 Mf 2 om. 48 So Mf 3 , U„ 2 , 3 , K, L 12 , M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 ; rest awzayet ; U 4 , F 2 , B repeat pavan fradahisnlh zak i ahraklh gehdn . . . 198 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI KHURSHED NYAISH awsdydt. 49 Mf, 2 , 8 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the sentence; D pref. u; om. the sen- tence but has fradahisnlh Xvarset amat added above the line. 60 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 om. ih. 61 Ui, a, M 3 amat; U 2> M 2 , Mr, amat X v arset for Xvarset mavan; M, sak X v arset; Mr, mavan X v arset. 62 M 2 , Mr,, , add t. 63 All except U 2 , M,, Mr, have arvandasp ; D adds fradahisnlh sak ahraklh gehdn rde u fradahisnlh ahraklh i tan rde u fradahisnlh i X v arset mavan amark rdyomand u arvandasp ait. I. 12 1 M, om. 2 Mf„ U 2 , K, L u , Mr 2 Xvarxset ; Mf 2 adds i; M 2 X v arxsast. 8 U a azvsat ; L 12 , M 3 arvsyet. 4 Mf 3 , U 2l A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. ae ; U 2 , 3 , D, K, L u , M 3 ae. 6 M, °tiind. 6 U,, 3 , D, K, L 12 , M 3 om. ; M, °viind. 7 U 4) F 2 , B, A, Mr, add t. 8 MSS. give ydsdasr throughout the paragraph ; K adds i. 9 Mf 2 adds i. 10 Mf 2 as. 11 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, lelayd. 12 U 4 , F 2 , B Sedan; M, Seddd. 13 Mf„ 3 om. ; M, adds samik. 14 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B yedrund; Mf„ gives yedrund in the margin. 16 K has mayd i xdnik pdk ydsdasr i mayd i tacdk ydsdasr i for mayd tacdk . . . xdn ydsdasr. 16 Mf,, 2 , U„ 2 , 4 , D, F 2 , B, M„ 2) M 2 om. 17 Mf„ 3 om. k; U„ 3 , D, K, L^. xdnik; U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 d in Av. characters. 18 Mf„ adds aey pdk; Mf 3 pdk; U„ 3 , D, prei.pak; K pref. pdk and adds i. 19 Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B pavan; Mf 3 adds pavan ; U,, M, om. 20 Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B, M 3 om. ik ; U,, 3 , D, L u bild; K tacdk. 21 Mf 3 , U„ 3 , D, L u pref. pdk ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 pdk and add mayd i bild pdk ydsdasr; D writes in Pers. as dlgar ketdb and adds mayd tacdk ydsdasr mayd i xdn ydsdasr; K adds i; M 3 adds aey bild. 22 Mf,, 2 , A pavan; Mf 3 , U 2 , K, M 2 , Mr,, 2 add pavan; U,, 4 , F 2 , B, L u , M, om. 23 Mf 2 srayk ; U,, 3 , M 3 add t. 24 Mf,, 2 , U, ( 4 , F 2 , B, L n , M, om. 25 Mf, amrest ; Mf 3 , U 2 , K, L, 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 add i. 26 M, °vund. 27 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 28 So Mf,, 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M, ; rest ahravdn. 29 All except Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B add dam; M, adds daman. 30 Mf, om. 31U, yal ; A, Mr, add i. I- 13 1 Mf, madam. 2 U„ K mavan; M, pref. hat. 3 Mf, Xvarxset. 4 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B laid Id for Id laid. 6 So Mf„ U 4 , F 2 , B; Mf 2 vaxslnae ; M, vaxset ; rest vaxsyde. 6 M, has aey laid la yatund vad sak samdn Sedadn for aey hambun-c. ... 7 U 4 , F 2 , B °bun-ic. 8 K daman i. 9 Mf 2 dertar ; U 3 , L^, M 3 arlkltar ; U 4 , F 2 , B derltar. 10 D, A, Mr, °tunet; Mf, insert here the gloss Id-c-sdn . . . tuvan havae. 11 A, Mr, pref. ae. 12 U 2 , A, L u , M 2 , Mr, Seddd. 13 Mf„ 2 °vist ; U 4 , F 2 , B add i; M, adds daman. 14 Mf 2 , U 4 , F-, B murncenend. 15 Mf- hand. 16 Mf 2 , U 4 , K, F 2 , B, M, om. 17 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B 7 in numerals ; D hafft. 18 A adds rd. 19 Mf 3 , U„ 2 , 3 , K, L, 2 M„ 3 , Mr„ 2 om. 20 M, gives pavan nikds ddrisn mekadrunyen u hat nikds darisn mekadriint hac-san Id tuvan yehvunt for madam darisnih. ... 21 Mf, om. ih. 22 Mf, la; U 4 , F 2 , B om. 23 Mf, ms. 24 So Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, A; rest estinisnlh. 25 Mf, om. Id; Mf, om. c ; A, Mr, pref. u. 26 So U 4 , K, F 2 , B ; Mf, °runlman; Mf 2 °riind; Mf 3 °riinyen; U, mekrunt ; rest °runt. 27 Mf, J 2 , 3 , D, L, 2i M,, 3 , Mr, pref. u; Mf 2 , H om. ; Mf 3 u mavansdn ; U, mavancsdn; D pref. u and adds in margin paspanih. 28 So Mf 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, ; Mf, °runlman; U„ M 3 °riint; U 2 , A, Mr,, 2 °rund; U 3 , D, L, 2 °runt and add COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 1 99 u amat-c-sdn mekadrunand ; K om, 29 Mf, pref. u amat ; Mf 2 adds i; K c-sdn. 30 Mf,, s, U„ 3 , D, K, L, 2 , M s yehvuntan ; U 2 changes ddstdn into yehvuntan; U 4 , F 2 , B is tan; A, M 2 , Mr 2 add yehvuntan ; Mr, adds yehvunt. 31 U 4 , F 2 , B pref. yehvunt; D adds aey la ais menuk Yazat dena. ax^ i astomand roe pdspanih tuvdn kart an aey mavan hat zak menuk Yazat pdspanih dena. gehan bard la mekadriinet hat-c mekadriinet hic-sdn pdspanih Id tuvdn yehvunt havae ; K hand. i. 14 1 Mf 2 yezbexunet ; U 4 , F 2 , B izd ; M, yezbexund. 2 Mf, Xvarset ; K pref. d. 8 So Mf 3 , U 2 , L 12 , M 2j 3 ; rest om. * So U 4 , F 2 , B; rest om. 6 Mf 2 rdiybmand. 6 All except Mf 3 om. 7 So Mf 3 , U 2 , K, L^., M 2 , Mr 2 ; rest arvandasp ; D adds mavan kola, amat izet X v arset amark rayomand arvandasp rd ; M, adds rd. 8 Mf 2 om. pavan . . . tamikan. 9 M, zak laxvar. 10 U 4 , F 2 , B om. ih; M 4 yaxsenunt. 11 M, om. 12 U 3 , pref. tam ; D om. ikan. 13 Mf 2 laxvar; M, zak laxvar. 14 M, yaxsenunt ; Mr, om. t. 16 So in U,, 2 , D, A, Mr,; rest om. 16 So F„ B; Mf, tam tamikan; U 3 , D, tam tomakan; rest tam tomikdn. 17 Mf,, U 2 , M 2 , Mr, add extra a; Mf 2 , U 3 , 4 , F 2 , B, L u , M 3 Sedan ; D Sedan and adds min bdhar i apdc estisnih aey min bdhar i dur kartan i tdrikih u min bdhar i dur kartan i tam toniakdn Sedaan rd. aey mavan tdrikih petah kunet. 18 Mf 2 laxvar; M, zak laxvar. 19 M, yaxsenunt. 20 So in U,, 2 , D, A, M 3 ; rest om. 21 Mf 2 , U 3 , 4) F 2 , B, M 3 om. 22 D scratches out staxmakdn and gives hazalan in the margin. 23 Mf„ 2 , 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B, om. pavan . . . parikdn. 24 M, pref. zak. 25 M, dast. 26 All except U 2 , D, A om. 27 U„ K om. 28 M, zak laxvar. 29 M, yaxsenunt. 30 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 31 Mf 2 , U, sez. 32 All except Mf„ 2 , 3 om. 33 U,, 3 , D, M 3 niihdn ; M, nihdan. 84 M, rawisnih. 35 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B; rest as; D gives Kola amat yezbexunet Ohrmazd rd instead of af-as . . . Ohrmazd. 36 Mf 2 , U 4) F 2 , B lit; A. M„ Mr, °bexiinet ; Mr, °bexunam. 37 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 38 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B; rest as; Mf, us with u in Pers. characters; A, Mr, pref. u. 39 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B ist; Mf 3 , U 2 , M 2 add yehvunet; A, Mr, °bahiinet and adds yehvunet; M, om. ; Mr 2 °bexunam and adds yehvunet. 40 U, °spaddn. 41 Mf,, U„ M, as. 42 Mf, om. b; Mf 2 , U 4 , F,, B ist; Mf 3 hast; A, Mr, °bexunet and add yehvunet; M, om. 43 Mf„ D, M, om. 44 Mf 2 x v es. 45 M, as. 46 Mf, °vist ; Mf 2 °vist; Mf 3 °visp. 47 Mf„ 2 min; D om. 48 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 49 Mf, adds i. 60 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, om. 61Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B add c. 52 MSS. getih ; Mf 2 , F 2 , B getihd; U 3 , 4 om. i- i 5 1 D pref. kola ais. 2 Mf 2 °bexunam ; U 4 , F 2 , B izd ; K, M, °bexunet. 8 Mf,, U 2 , K, L, 2 , M 2 X v arxset. 4 So in Mf 3 , U 3 , K, L, 2) M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 ; rest om. 5 All except Mf 3 , U 2 , M 2 om. 6 Mf, om. ; Mf 2 adds gaddidmand. 7 All except Mf 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M,, Mr, om. ; U 4 , F 2 , B add gaddomand i. 8 So Mf,, 3 , ; rest arvandasp. 9 Mf 2 om. ; U 4 , F,, B af-as. 10 Mf 2 , U 2 , A, Mr,, 2 °bexunam ; U 4 , F 2 , B ist; M, °bexiinet. H So Mf 2 , 3 , K, A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 ; rest om. 12 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B; D frdgayot; rest fragoyot. 13 U 2 , D, M, om. 14 U 4 , F 2 , B give iooo in numerals. 15 Mf 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M, om. 16 M, adds f. 17 Mf„ 3 , U,, K, om. the sentence; U 2 , M„ Mr„ 2 pref. ae ; D gives the sentence 200 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI KHURSHED NYAISH after guft yekavimunet ; M, gives the sentence after hamak xaditunet; A ae as; M, om, 18 So U 4 , F 2 , B; Mf a om. ih; Mi fragoyot ; rest frdgdyotih. 19 D hand; M, hand ait. 20 So Mf 2 , U 3 , 4 , F 2 , B, M 3 ; D, M, om. ; rest mavan. 21 M 2 , Mr,, , a in Av. characters. 22 Mf 2 om. 23 M, adds i. 24 D tuvan ; M 2 , Mr, d in Av. characters. 25 All except D, M,, 2 , , om. 26 U 2 , Mr 2 °lunet. 27 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B ; Mi om. ; rest ae. 28 U 4 , F* B give iooo in numerals. 29 Mf, gosi; Mf 3 , M, gos. 80 Mf 2 ind; U,, „ L, ,, M 3 an; A, Mr t ae. 31 Mf 3 aey-as i; U 4 , F 2 , B aey-as ; rest aey. 32 So Mf 3 , U, ; Mf 2 has 500 in numerals; rest give 1000 in numerals. 33 M, om. 34 Mf 2 pref. havdid levatd. i. 35 U b ’ D, A °miinet. 36 Mf 2 vald. ; U, zak ; U 4) F 2 , B val; D an i. 37 A adds rd. 38 Mf 2 one stroke short; U, °tunet. 39 K om. 40 Mf 2 , U 4) F 2 , B zak-c ; M, om. c. 41 M, °munet. 42 Mf„ 2 , Uj, 3 , 3 , K, L 12> M,, 2 , 3 , Mr, om. ; A om. u . . . vasmamun. 43 U„ 3 , M 3 zak-ic. 44 M, °mund. 45 Only D, M, give this sentence. 46 D hamde. 47 M, °miind. 48 D om. ; K pref. u; M, u. 49 M, om. ih. 50 Mf,, 3) U 3 , K, L^, M 3 ae; U„ 2 , M,, Mr 2 an. 51 U„ D, K, M, aey. 52 M, om. 53 K adds i. 54 Mf 2 , U„ D °mdnet; Mf 3 °munt. 55 Mf 2 val i; U, zak; U 4 , F 2 , B val; D an i. 66 A adds rd. 57 Mf„ M 3 om. c; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 B zak-c. 58 A adds i; M, °tiinet. 59 So Mfu U 4 , D, F 2( B, Mj ; rest om. 60 U 1( A, Mr 3 zak-ic ; U 2 , 3 , K, L^,, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 add i. 61 Mf 2 om. ^ra; °tund. 62 Only D, M 4 give this sentence; D adds Yazat. 63 M 4 om. 64 M 4 °tiind. 65 M 3 om. the rest. 66 Mf 2 om. ; D pref. u. 67 Mf 2 , A “bexiinam ; U 4 , F 2j B ist; K izt. 68 Mf 2 om. vazr i. 69 A, Mr 3 add i. 70 So Mf^ 3 , U 1( 2 , 3 , K, L 12 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, ; rest om. 71 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2) B, M 3 Sedan; M 2 Seddadn. 72 Mf 1; D, K, A, M„ Mr 3 om. 73 M 3 gives vazr i hunxan hand instead of Mitr . . . hunxdmih. 74 So Mf 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B, A, Mr,; rest om. 75 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B; rest frdgdyot ; U, adds i. 76 Mf 2 om. ae ... ae aey. 77 U,, 3 , D, L-&, M 3 hunixamin; U 4 , F 2 , B add i. 78 U 4 , D, F 2 , B hand. 79 Mf, gives jivdk below bastdn. 80 Mf„ 8 , U 2 , Lu, A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 om. eton yaxsenunet ; D gives yatunet below yaxsennnet. 81 Mf 3 °liint. 82 Mf 2 om. vandskaran . . . vabidunyen ; U 2 , M 2 vanakardn rd; Lu vandkaran with first a in Av. character; A, Mr,, 2 vanahkdran rd ; M 3 pref. u. 83 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 a in Av. character. 84 U 4 , F 2 , B om. 85 So U 4 , F 2 , B ; rest 0 diinyen. 86 Mf 2) U 3 , 4 , D, K, F 2 , B om. 87 U 3 menuikihd ; U 4 , F a B om. 88 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2> B val. 89 Mf 2 , K izam; M, °bexdnet. 90 So Mf a> U 4 , F a , B; Mf, hamsd and gives hamsak above the line ; M, hamya. 91 K adds i. 92 Mf, om. 93 Mf, has aey with mavan in red ink written above the line; M, mavan. 94 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B add aey; U, hast. 95 U 2 , Mr,, 3 mavan; A om. 96 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B ; Mf, hamsaan and gives hamsayan above the line ; K adds i; M, hamsayan. 97 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 add mavan hamxd rawdn ; A, Mr, add mavan hamxd i rawdn ait. 98 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B ae. 99 Mf,, U 2 , L^, M a Xvarxset. 100 Mf,. 101 Mf 2 rawdn. 102 Mf„ 2 gds-as ; U„ 3 , D, M 3 gds-as, Lu gds-as. I. l6 1 M, om. 2 A, Mr, add i. 8 Mf,, 3 add i; Mf 2 adds havaitum ray u gaddi. 4 Mf„ U 2 , L n , M 2 , Mr, X v arxsct ; M, adds yezbexunet. 5 Mf,, A om, acy-am . . . X v arset. 6 U 4 , F 2 , B om. 7 All except Mf„ 3 , D, om. 8 Mf,, 3 , U 2 , K, L u , M,, Mr, Xvarxset. 9 Mf, adds ih. 10 Only in U 4 , F 2 , B, M,. H Only in U 4 , COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 201 F 2 , B ; Mf 2 vald xzam. 12 U„ 2 , «, D, L^, M„ 2 , 3 , Mr 2 om. 13 MSS. nigohsisnomand ; A, Mr, repeat go. 14 Mf 2 , U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 add i; Mf 3 adds in the margin: Yazisn i pavan Dastabar ; K, L, 2 om. ; M, pavan Yazisn for Yazisn pavan. 15 D om. 16 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F s , B om. ; rest add i. 17 Mf 2 adds xhd; U„ M 3 Dastiir; M, adds aey yezbexunet. 18 Mf„ U 2 , K, L, 2 , M 2) Mr 2 X v arxset; U 4 , F 2 , B pref. u. 19 All except Mf 3 , Mj om. 20 Mf 2 adds i. 21 Mf 2 om. 22 All except Mf 3) U 3) M 3 arvandasp ; Mf 2 , K, Mr 2 add i; Mf 3 , M 2 pref. u and add i; U 2 pref. u; D adds rd. 23 Mf 2 , F 2 , B add i; U 4 zor and adds i; L u om. zohr . . . arvadasp ; M, zor. 24 Mf,, 3 , U 2 , K, M 2) Mr 2 X v arxset; Mr 2 adds arvandasp. 25 All except U 4 , F 2 , B om. 26 Mf 2) U 4 , F 2 , B add t. 27 So U 3 , 3 , M 3 ; rest arvandasp ; D adds rd; M, om. asp and adds ra. 28 Mf, yezbexunam ; Mf 3 , U 1( 2 , 3) K, A, M 2 , 3) Mr,, 2 pref. pavan. 29 Mf 3 adds u zohr u; U 2 adds u zohr; U 2l K, M 2 , Mr. add zor; U 3 , L^, M 3 add u zor ; D adds u zdhr i; A, Mr, add zohr ; M, adds u zor u. 30 Mf 2 gost ; U 4 , F 2 , B gost. 31 Uj, 2 , 3 , F 2 , B, A, M 2 , s , Mr 2 om. 32 Mf 3 , U 3 , 1^. Barstn. 33 Mf 2> U 4 , F 2 , B om. 34 Mf 2 om. o. 35 All except Mf 2 , U 1( 3 , 4 , D, F 2 , B, h a , M lf 3 pref. i; M 2 danak. 36 Mf 2 , U 2 , 4 , F 2 , B, A om. 37 Mf S) U 2 , Ljj, M 2 , Mr. Mesr. 38 Mf 2 pref. u; L,. Avdstdk. 39 M 3 adds i; Mr, pref. u. 40 Mf„ K pref. u; U 4 , F 2 , B add i. 41 So Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B; U 2) M 2 om. ; D, M 2 u; rest i. 42 U 2 , M 2 zor; U 4 , F 2 , B add u. 43 M 2 om. 44 Mf 1( U 2 zak-xc ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B zak i; D zak-c i ; Mj om. 45 All except Mf s , U 2 , 3 , D, K, L^, M 2) 2 , 3 add x bisdmrutxk ; M 2 adds milaya. 46 Mf 2 om. the paragraph. 47 U 2 , D hastan ; U 2 , M 2 he tan. 48 All except Mfj, 3 , U 1( 8 , D, M 4 , 3 om. the gloss. 49 Mf 1( 3 add i; D adds mavan; Mj veh. 50 Mf 2 °dunam; Mf 3 °diina; M 3 °diind. 51 Mf 3 , U 2 , M 2 ahrdih ; L, 2 om. kx. 52 U 2 , 3 , D, Ljj, M 3 add c. 53 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, Lj, repeat cikamcae ; Mf 3 , U 2 , D, K, A, M 2) 3) Mr 2 , 2 add i. 54 Mf 1( U 2 , 3 , D, A, M 3 om. 55 Mf 2> M t om. 56 A, Mj, Mr x om. 57 All except Mf 2 , D, A, M u Mr 2 om. 68 Mf 2 yezbexunam. 59 U 2> 3 , M 3 add mavan zakar i vala Yazdan sapir havdd; K, L 12 om. 60 AH except D, A, M 1( 3 , Mr 2 , 2 om. the paragraph ; M 4 pref. ae. 61 So A, Mr 2 ; rest x v ata. 62 D, M 3 , Mr. add an. 63 A, Mr 2 martum. 64 D, Mr 2 rd. 65 M 3 hamd. 66 Only in D, Mr.. 67 A, M,, 3 , Mr, om. the gloss. 68 M 3 hamde. 69 So D, Mr. ; M, u. 70 M, om. 71 M 3 om. 72 So D, M 3 ; rest om. an. 73 Only in D, M 3 . 74 So D, A, Mr 2 . 75 D, M, Mazdistan ; A, M 3 , Mr, Mazdastan. 76 A, Mr,, . axtum ; M, alt; all except M, add lend rd. 77 A, Mr,, 2 om. xh. 78 M 3 a in Av. character. 79 D vxgumdnlh ; A, Mr„ . besakih ; M,, 3 avlgumanxk. 80 A, Mr,, 2 om. 81 A, M,, 3 , Mr, om. the gloss. 82 Mr 2 mavan. 83 D afrlnxnam. i. 1 7 1 Mf 3 , U 2 , 4 , F 2 , B, A, M., Mr,, 2 give this paragraph ; rest om. ; U 4 , F., B, A, Mr, om. val. 2 U 2 , M., Mr. Xvarxset. 8 All except Mf 3 om. 4 So U., M., Mr. ; rest arvandasp. 5 U 2 , M 2 , Mr. add peroz yehvunat gadd i sapir Den x Mazdayasn. i. 18 1 Mf„ U 2 , L,., Mr 2 om. the paragraph ; Mf. adds i; M, Ahuranl. 2 Mf 2 om. ; M, Ahur; M. Hurlh. 3 D, M, om. 4 U„ K, A, M„ 3 zor. 5 Mf 2 u; U,, 4 , D, K, F 2 , B, Mj, 2 om. 6 Mf 3 , D, M, om. 7 Mf 2 nezvam. 8 Mf. om. ; M„ 2 202 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MIHR NYAISH sor. 9 Mf 3 , D pref. u. 10 D, M, om. 11 Mf a dahmdmdn; all except U„ K, M a give dahtnan. 12 So U 4 , F a , B ; D nikirtak ; M, nlklrlt ; rest nikirit. 13 D adds in the margin: lak rde yesbexunam ; K sor zohr ; M,, a sor. 14 U,, K hast; U«, F a , B om. the gloss. 16 D om. 16 So U„ K, M a ; rest dahtnan. 17 Mf 3 , K have two strokes in place of a. 18 Mf a yekavlmund; U,, K pref. sak ; M, °lund; M a pref. sak and has one stroke less. i. 19 1 All except D, A, Mr, om. the whole paragraph. 2 A, Mr, mdh. 8 A, Mr, om. 4 A, Mr, give the gloss thus : petals getlh datar ae aey yehvunltak. 6 A, Mr, om. 6 A, Mr, om. 7 MSS. arvandasp ; D adds rd. 8 A, Mr, om. 9 A, Mr, om. the gloss. 10 D adds val. H A, Mr, om. 12 A, Mr, om. 13 A, Mr, add yaxsenunet. 14 D pref. u. 16 A, Mr, om. 16 D Masdistan; A, Mr, Masdastan. 17 D om. Ih. 18 A, Mr, om. 19 D om. Ih. 20 A, Mr, vdfrlgdnlk. 21 A, Mr, om. 22 A, Mr, om. 23 A, Mr, om. 24 D om. 25 D Masdistan; A, Mr, Masdastan. 26 A, Mr, om. 27 A, Mr, om. 28 D Zartuhst; A, Mr, Zartuhstlh. 29 A, Mr, om ; MSS. add yedrunam. 30 D om. 31 D om. the sentence. 32 MSS. arvandasp. 33 D om. the sentence. 34 MSS. arvandasp. 2. Mihr 1 Nyaish 1 Mf,, 2 , j, U„ F a , B, Lu om. the whole Nyaish. 2. O 1 M, om. the paragraph. 2 fj,, A, Mr, X v atae. 3 U 2 , M a , Mr a °ih. 4 D °ik. 6 MSS. give fragoydt. 6 U 3 om. r. 7 Only in D. 8 U 2 , D, M a , ,, Mr„ a add yum; U 3 , K, A add dena. 2. IO 1U„ M a , Mr a mavan ; A adds i; M, om. the whole paragraph. 9 MSS. give fragoydt. 3 U„ a om. v. 4 K om. ae Ramisn X^drum. 6 D, K hand. 6 U,, a , Mr„ a add i. 7 U, amat ; D pref. alt. 8K has ben x*>arisn ansutadn for ansutd pavan x^arisn. 9 U„ 3 , M 2 , , add i; U 2 , Mr, x^drisn i; A, Mr, x v drisn. 10 Only in K, M, ; rest om. U D adds sak Yasat rd x^asnut vabidunam ; K adds sak Yasat rd snayenitdrlh kunam. 2. II UJ, mavan; K adds Yasat. 2 U, permiin i; U a perllmun ; U 3 , D, M s add i; K perlmun i; A perlmun; Mr, perlman. 3 K adds Yasat rd. 4 U„ „ », D, K, A, M a , 3 , Mr,, a andarg. 6 A adds rd. 6 U, asvar ; U a , ,, M a , Mr, add » madam; D, K add i aey madam; A, Mr, add i; M, apar; M 3 apar i. UJ^ M 2 , Mr,, a pref. madam; D, K, M, aslr; A pref. madam i. 8 U 2 om. 9 A adds rd. 10 U, om. 11 A adds rd. 12 D adds i; M, dxar. COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 203 2 . 12 1 A xvatae. 2 M, u. 3 K, A, Mr„ a om. 4 U, hast. 5 U„ Mi om. c. 6 D adds rd Izam. UJj, K om. pavan zak i; M, madam. 8 D, M„ 3 om. zak i. 9 U, om. an and adds u; D Barsm i urvar for urvardn Barsm. 13 So M,; rest Barsmen. 11 MSS. have °vistln. 12 U„ 2 , „ M 2 , Mr„ a add an; D adds rd. 2. 13 1 U 2 , K, M, om. 2 A adds i. 3 All except D om. 4D vala rd izam; Mx adds izam. 6U Sl M 2 om. am; M, om. the gloss. 6 K om. 7 Only in K. 8 K u. 9 K om. and has Mitr ra. mavan; M lP Mr t om. 10 MSS. have nigohsisnomand; K om. nigd. UK om. 12 A, M„ Mr, add i. 13 MSS. have frdgoyot ; K adds rd; A fragdt. 14 U 2 , A, M,, 2 Mr„ 2 zor ; K adds i lend nafsd. 15 K pref. zak; Mx pref. u. 16 K, A, M, add rd. 17 U„ D, K, A, M„ Mr, om. the gloss. 18 U„ K add ih. 19 U a , M, om. ; K has newak satih mdnisn for manisnih u humdnisnih. 20 U, newak satih for humanisnih ; M, om. ih. 21 U, om ; M 3 one stroke less. 22 U, pref. an. 23 U 1( D, K add rd. 24 U, om. the gloss. 25 U 3 , D, M 3 add ae ramisnih u newak satih 6 Bran matddn rd; K, Mj add rd. 2. 14 1 K, A, Mr,, zak-ic. 2 U,, A, M 1( Mri om. 3 Mr, om. 4 K adds u madad ae y bahar i ayawdrih u madad; Mr, om. 5 U 3 dn-c ; K, A zak-ic; M t pref. u; Mr, zak. 6 U 1( A, M, om. 7 K bahar i rayomandih u frdx^ih. 8 K, A, Mr, zak-ic ; M, pref. u. 9 U 1( A, M, om. 10 K has bahar i satih u ramisnih for pavan rdmisn ; M, om. UK, A, Mr, zak-ic. 12 U,, A, M, om. 13 K gives bahar i amurzisn apatih for pavan amurzisn; A om. 14 K, A zak-ic ; M, pref. u. 15 U„ A, M, om. 16 K gives bahar i besazenitdrih tan for pavan besazenitdrih. 17 M! besazisn. 18 K, A zak-ic ; M, pref. u. 19 U„ A, M, om. 20 K bahar i. 21 D, M, pref. u ; K, A zak-ic. 22 U„ A, M, om. 23 K bahar I. 24 D newak andesih ; K adds aey newak andesih ; Mj newak and leaves some blank space for the word. 25 K, A zak-ic ; D, M, pref. u. 26 U,, A, M, om. 27 K bahar i. 28 D, K, M 1( 3 add stayih. 29. Mr, om. v. 30 A om. Yazisndmand u nyayisnomand. 81 D om. ih; M, ben zak kadbaih. 32 U, °vistin. 33 K man ax v . 34 U„ A, Mr, aitomand. 35 MSS. give frdgoyot; K adds ait. 2. 15 1 U 2 , 3 , D, K, M 2 , 3 add i. 2K om. omand and pref. u; M 2 °dmdt. 8 D, K, M, pref. u. 4K pref. zak and adds Yazat rd; A adds rd. 5K gives u zohr li nafsd madam zak Mitr yahamtunam for pavan zohr. 6 U 2 , A, M„ 2 , Mr„ 2 zor. 7 M 2 , Mr 2 add i. 8 K om. 9 U 3 om ; K bahar i. 1° K adds dusmandn vanitdr u bahar i nyayisn; A adds i. 11 K om. and has Mitr Yazat ; M, om. and has vala izam. 12 U„ A, M, nigohsisnomand ; U 2 , 3 , D, M 2 Mr„ a nigoksisnomand ; K, M 3 nigoisisnomand. 13 M, pavan Yazisn for Yazisn pavan. 14 Mr, om. 15 U 2 , A, Mr, Den i Dastabar for Dastabar Den ; M, Den Dastabar. 16 Only in D. 17 K adds aey zak Mitr rd min hizvan Den Dastabar nigdsisn izam. 18 All except U„ K, A om. the sentence. 19 MSS. 204 COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI MAH NYAISH have fragoyot; K adds ra; A adds izarn. 20 K min. 21 K adds i; A sor. 22 K pref. u. 23 MSS. have fragoyot except U, frdgot; K, A add ra. 3 . Mah 1 Nyaish 1 Mf s om. the whole Nyaish. 3- o 1 All except D om. the paragraph ; U, gives the following sentence, Mah boxtar bard yehamtundt. 3- 1 1 U,, 2 , 3 , D, A, Lji, M 2 , Mr 2 nasim; K. M 3 nisada. 2 Mf„ U 2 add i; Mfj, M, val ; K adds val. 3 Mf, om. and adds se bar guftan u se bar namaz yedruntan ; Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B, M, om. ; X^atdn; A, M 3 Xvatd ; Mr, Xvatae i. I Mf 2 nasim; D, L 12 , A, M b Mr, pref. u. 5 Mf„ U 2 , Mr, add i; Mf 2 , M, val; U 4 , F 2 , B vala. 6 Mfj °spaddn. 7 Mf 2 , U,, 3 , D, L^, M, nasim; U 4 , F 2 , B nisakadd ; M 3 namaz in Av. characters. 8 Mf, adds i; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, val. 9 Mf 2 , U 3 , 4) K, F 2 , B, M, om. 10 Mf 2 gospanand. H Mf 2 tomak. 12 Mf, gives the gloss in paragraph 3 ; U 4 , F 2 , B om. the gloss ; M, u. 13 Mf 2 gospa- nand. 14 Mf,, K, M 4 om. Ih ; Mf 2 om. x; D, A om. k. 15 Mf, ae ; Mf 2 , A, Mj, Mr, hand, lb Mf 2 °as. 17 U, Vahman. 18 All om. except U 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,. 19 All om. except U 2 , K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,. 20 Mf 2 Gosrnn; L,, Gosorund ; MSS. have Gosorun. 21 Mf 2 gospanand. 22 Mf 2 tomak. 23 Mf, havdm. 24 Mf 2 , M, om. 25 Mfj, 2 , Uj, D, M, om. 26 Mf„ 2 , M 4 om. 27 Mfj, 2 , Uj, „ D, L^,, M„ 2 om. 28 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mrj, 2 avend. 29 Mfj, 2 , Uj, 2 , 3 , D, K, Lj* A, M„ 2 , 3 om. 30 Mf 2 mavan for u min; M, om. it min . . . agriftdrlh. 31 Mf 2 toxset. 32 Mf 2 , Uj, Mrj °munnet; M 3 °manet. 33 M t om. 34 Mfj om. Ih ; A, Mr, venalh. 35 Mf 2 om. 36 A °talh. 37 A, Mj, Mrj om. 38 Mf 2 , Mj pavan; Uj, 3 , D om. 39 Ljj °urund; all MSS. with the exception of Mf 2 have Gosorun. 40 K one stroke less; Mj °mund; M 3 °munyen. 41 Mfj om. Ih; Mj avenak. 42 Mf, adds here pavan hamak gospandan Mah pdyak yekavlmunet ; D om. Ih; L , 2 agriftdrlh ; M, agriftdr and repeats min Mah . . . agriftdr. 43 Mf,, 2 , D, M, om. 44 Mf, om. ; Mf 2 , M, hamak. 45 M, hand. 46 Mf 2 dena; Uj, 2 » 8 > Ljo, Mj, 2 » 2 » ^fr 2 om. \ A, Mr, i. 47 U,, L ,2 om. ; U 2 , K, A, M 2 » s» Mr,, 2 rayanisn. 48 Mf 2 om. ; M, it. 49 Mf, gospanand. 50 Mf„ M, om. Ih ; A om. k and adds alt; Mr, adds alt. 51 A, M, om. 52 Mf, gadm. 53 Mf,, 2 , U,, D, K, A, M,, Mr, om. 54 L,, adds rayanisn pavan gospand. 55 Mf 2 , M 3 om. 56 Mf„ 2 , K, M, om. 57 Mf, 0 panantan. 58 Mf,, U„ 3 , K, om. ; Mf 2 , D, M, pavan. 59 Mf, repeats ae 7 Vahuman it Mah it Gosorun kola 3 .. . avenak it agriftdr ; M, °miind ; Mr, one stroke less. 60 Mf 2 nasim niklrisnlh. 61 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B inverting the construction give madam niklrisnlh nisada. pavan madam venisnlh ; K madam. 62 U,, 3 , A, Mr,, 2 om. 63 U,, M,, Mr 2 veniklrisnlh. 64 Only in Mf 2 , U 4 , F,, B ; rest om. 65 D, A, Mr, mavan. 66 U„ 3 , 4 , D, K, 1^,, A, M,, 3 , Mr, °em. 67 L , 2 af. 68 U„, F,, B °lm. 69 M 2 alt. 70 U 4 , F 2 , B, A, Mr, °lm. 71 Mf, nasim; U 4 , F,, B nisakda. 72 Mf 2 °an. COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI MANUSCRIPTS 205 3- 2 1 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the paragraph. 2 U„ s , D, K, M, om. 3 A, Mr, toxm; M, tdxmih. 4 Mf, tordk ; A om. d; M, pref. u. 5 Only in U 3 , K, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 . 6 D, A, Mr, om. k. 7 Only in Mf„ U„ D. 8 M, hamak sartak gos- pandan for gospand . . . sartak. 9 Only in U 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr,. 10 U 2 , D, M,, 2 add rd. , 3- 4 1 U,, M, mavan. 2 Mf,, U,, D, M, pref. u. 3 U„ M, tnavan. 4 M, adds yum. 5 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. ; A mavan. 6 M, pref. u and adds yum. 7 Mf„ 2 , U„ 3 , t , K, F 2 , B, L^, M 3 om. ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr 2 mavan. 8 M, °set. 9 Mf 2 re- peats. 10 U 2 pref. a. 11 Mf,, U„ 2 , D, A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 om. 12 Mf„ U,, 2 , 3 , D, K, L^, M,, 3 , Mr 2 °riinyen; A, Mr, °rund; M 2 °run. 13 Mf 2 , U„ F„ B val for u min; D om. 14 Mf 2 adds kdr karpak mekadrunet. 15 U 2 , 3 , D, K, L u , A, M 2 , 3> Mr„ 2 om. 16 K, L^,, M 2 , 3 , Mr, add i. 17 All except Mf 2 , U 4) D, F 2 , B om. from here to patdahisn. 18 Mf„ Do; Mf 2 om. 19 Mf„ 2 , D om. 20 Mf 2 om. 21 D pref. bard. 22 Mf 2 adds i; M, gives the rest thus: min menukdn mizd getlkdn yansegund vala mizd patdahisn. 23 D om. 24 So in Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B, M, ; rest om. 25 Mf 2 °ih; M, gives for newakih . . . min 1 vad as follows, newaklh vala. bard getlkdn yehabunet. 26 Mf 2 om. 15 yum . . . u min; M, pref. aey. 27 Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B om. 28 Only in Mf„ U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M,. 29 A, Mr, frdronlh ; M, frdx v lh. 30 So U 4 , F 2 , B; rest °yen. 31 U 2 , 4 , F,, B, Mr,, 2 om. ; M, Mah. 32 M, adds ySm. 33 D om. n; M, om. III. 33a So U 2 , 3 , Lto, A, M 2i 3 , Mr,, 2 ; rest om. 34 U 4 om. t. 35 Thus Mf„ U 4 , F 2 , B ; M, °iind; rest °yen. 36 Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B om. ; M, gives the rest thus: clgon mavan 1 yum Mah nok bard awziin yehvund. 37 Mf 2 , M 3 add i ; D adds 0. 38 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F,, B om. 39 A mavan. 40 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B add yehvunet. 41 Mf. om. 42 So Mf,, M,, 3 , Mr, ; rest om. 43 U 4 , 3 , D, K, L^, A, M, om, Ih. 44 All except Mf,, K, M, om. 45 So U 4 , F 2 , B ; Mf 2 °rund; rest °runyen. 46 So Mf,, D, M, ; rest om. 47 Mf, extra a. 48 Mf, om ; U., 3 , K, L,,, M„ 2 , 3 , Mr, add pavan ; A, Mr, pavan. 49 Mf, om. pat. 50 U„ 3 om. 51 A adds i. 52 Mf., U 4 , F,, B vaxsisn. 53 Mf., U 4 , F,, B yekavlmunisnlh. 54 Mf, val i; U 4) F 2 , B vala. 55 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B yekavlmunisnlh. 56 K min; A om. 57 U„ A, Mr, °rlh; U 3 , L u °rl; K om. x. 58 U, hava. 59 M, om. the gloss. 60 K, 1^., M., 3) Mr 2 om. Ih. 61 Mf, apdltaxsd; Mf 2 apdtdrlk ; U 2 , 3 , K, L^, A, M., 3 , Mr„ 2 apatsa. 62 A mavan. 63 U. °set; A °sisn. 64 Mf 2 yekavlmunisn ; U 4 , F,, B yekavlmunisnlh. 65 So in Mf., U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M,. 66 Mf, vaxsdn ; Mf., M, °lh ; U, pref. aey pavan; U 2) M., Mr, Sedaadn ; K, L^, A, Mr, Sedaan. 67 Mf,, U 4 , F 2 , B yekavlmunisnlh. 68 U„ A, Mr, °rlh; K om. x. 69 K hand. 70 U, om. Ih. 71 Mf„ U„ 2 , 3 , D, K, L^, M„ 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 0 girtar ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B 0 gir ; A °aktar. 72 K, Mr 2 °reng. 73 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, A om. 74 F 2 , B, A, M s , Mr, om. 75 U, Satvakes ; U., Mr. Sates ; D Satvakes; L,., M 3 Sates; A, Mr, Satvakas. 76 K, M., 3 , Mr, om. 77 So Mf,, U 4 , F,, B ; rest give the word after Hafto- rang. 78 U,, 3 , L,,, M, om. 79 All om. ; except Mf,, U 4 , F,, B. 80 M, prefixes mavan Mdh and has s for j. 81 So in Mf,, U 4 , F,, B ; rest om. 82 All except Mf„ ,, U 4 , F., B add zak saplr sutlh. 83 M 3 om. as. 84 K, om. viclr pavan Ddmddt ; A vicir i; M 3 adds ih. 85 Mf, om. pavan Ddmddt. 86 U„ M 2 add 206 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MAH NYAISH petak ; U 2 , A, Mr, add nusk framayet; U 4 , F 2 , B give yehabiint for ddt ; M, pref. nusk ; Mr 2 adds nosk framayet in Av. characters. 3 - 5 1 Mf„ 2 , U 3 , 4 , D, F 2 , B, M„ s om. 2 Mf 2 °panand. 3 Mf 2 adds i. 4 U„ 4 , D, F 2 , B, A, M„ Mr, om. 5 Mf, yezbexiinam ; U 4 , F 2 , B team. 6 Mf 2 , U s , K, M 3 add i. 7 Mf,, D apar. 8 U„ 2 , L, 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 rasisnih; U 3 rasisnih, but gives apar venisnih on the margin; K rasisn. 9 Mf 2 , K, M 3 add i; M, pref. u. 10 Mf„ U 2) D, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 apar. 11 U 4 , F 2 , B mekadrunisnlh. 12 Mf, om. ih. 13 Only in D, K, M s . 14 Mf, pref. i; A i. 15 U 4 , M, madam. 16 Mf, om. ih. 17 Only in D, K, M 3 , Mr,, 2 . 18 Lu om. ; A adds i. 19 Mf 2 , U,, 3 , 4 , Fj, B, L u , M, madam. 20 Mf, patirisnih; Mf 2 patirisni. 21 U„ 2 , M, °munet; K °miinyen. 22 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. an. 23 Mf„ U 2 , 4 , K, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 pref. u; D adds i. 24 U,, A °niinet. 25 U,, 2 , A, M, °net ; U 3 pref. u; Mr 2 om. v. 26 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. an. 27 A °net. 28 Mf 2 adds i. 29 Mf, adds i. 30 M 3 adds i. 31 U 4 , F 2 , B vadnd. 32 U„ D mavan ; A, Mr, om. ; M, adds Mdh. 3 - 6 1 U„ M„ Mr, mavan; A om. 2 U„ 3 , Lu add i. 3D adds gon ; M, adds gonak. 4 Mf 2) U 4 , F 2 , B om. ; U 2 amat. 5 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 6 Mf,, U,, 3 , K, L, 2 om. 7 U 2 °et; U,, 3 , D, Lu °and; A, Mr,, 2 °nind; M 3 °td. 8 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 9 U 2 , K, Lu, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 om. 10 U 2 , K, L u , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 om. 11 Mf„ 2 tas; U„ M, Visaptas ; U 4 , F 2 , B °tes ; D adds c; A Visaptas and adds Mdh; Mr, Visaptas and adds Mdh. 12 U„ 4 , D, F 2 , B, M, om. 13 Mf„ U 3 , D, K add i. 14 Mf, yeebexiinam; U 4 , F 2 , B, M 2 , Mr. izam. 15 U,, A pane; M, pref. ae y. 16 So in U,, 3l K, L u ; rest om. 17 U 2 , 4 , K, F 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 add i. 18 Mf 2 om. ; U 2 , A, M,, 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. u. 19 U 3 , K, L, 2 , M 3 add i. 20 Mf, om. ih. 21 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B yezbexiinam; M 2 , Mr 2 izam. 22 U„ K pane; M, pref. ae y. 23 Mf,, 2 , D, M, om. 24 Mf, adds i; K ditikar. 25 Mf 2 om. ; U 2 , A, M„ 2 , Mr,, 2 veh; U 3 , K, L,., M 3 i veh. 26 Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M 2 , Mr,, 2 Visaptas; U 2 Visaptas; D pref. u; A pref. u and Visaptas; M, u Visaptas. 27 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M, om. ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, , add Mah. 28 Mf,, 2 , U 4 , K, F 2 , B add i. 29 Mf, yezbexiinam; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B aizam ; M 2 , Mr 2 izam. 30 u,, 2 , K pane; U 4 , F 2 , B pref. u ; M, om. k and pref. ae y. 31 Mf,, 2 , D, K, L, 2> M, om. 32 Mf,, 2 , U 2 , 3 , M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 add i; K sitikar i. 33 D veh. 3 - 7 1 U 3 , L, 2 , M 2 add i. 2 So in Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, A, Mr,. 3 A om. d. 4 A adds rd ae y; Mr, adds rd. 5 M, aey bahar i u. 6 All except M 3 om. ; D, M, «. 7 Only in M 2 , Mr 2 . 8 Mf 2 om. 9 So Mf„ U 2 , 3 , 4 , F 2 , B, L, 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, ; rest mavan. 10 All except Mf 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M, om. H Mf„ 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, Lu om. 12 U 3 °tunet. 13 Mf 2 , U,, D om. 14 Only in Mf, ; M, u. 15 Mf„ U„ 2 , 3 , D, K, Lu, M 2 , 3 , Mr. om. d; A, Mr, tapisnmand. 16 So M, ; Mf„ 2 , U 2 , K, Lu, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 rest om - 17 Mf, °ak; all except Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B garm. 18 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B varcanand. 19 Only in K, M,. 20 M, dand. 21 Mf 2 , D, Lu, COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 20J M lt Mr x on. 22 Mf 1; U,, 2 , 3, D, A, L u , M 3 , Mr 3 xsatasomand ; Mf 2 , U«, K, F,, B, Mj, 2 om 3. 23 Mf 2 , Ut add yokstomand. 24 Mf 4 om. the gloss. 25 Uj, 2 , s, K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr 1; 2 add an; anan. 26 Mf 2 om. an. 27 So Mfj, U 4 , F 2 , B; rest om. 28 A, Mr 3 , 2 om. d. 29 U„ 3 , D, L^, Mj pref. aey; K pref. i. 30 Only in A, Mi, Mr 3 ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B have u. 31 Mf 3> 2 datistdn; D denak. 32 U 4 , F 2 , B om. 33 M 4 om. 34 Mfj, 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B pref. u; Uj, M 2 pref. ben; U 3 , K, Lj 2 , M 3 , Mr 3 , 2 pref. i; M 3 urvaran. 35 Mf 3 det and in red ink det y'ani yehabunet; U 2 , 3 , K, L^, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 det. 36 Mf 4 om. ; Mf 2) U 4 , F 2 , B zarenomand; M 3 om. d. 37 Mf 3 om. ; Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the first gloss. 38 So Ui, 3 , D, K, Lj 2 , M 3 ; rest tar. 39 Mf 3) U 3 , Lj, °diindih; Ui °diinyen. 40 Mj urvar. 41 Mf 1; Ui, 3 , L^, om. the gloss ; D pref. in Pers. az digar ketab and adds in Phi. characters zarenomand; M 3 u. 42 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr l( 2 om. 43 K adds u tazak. 44 K adds u vabidiinet ; M 3 °sund. 45 Mf 1; 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B sapir. 46 Mf 2 pref. i; U 2 , 3 , D, K, Lj,, A, M 2 , a , Mr^ 2 add i. 47 Only in Mf 2 . 48 U 3 , 2 , a, L 12 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mrj, » om. ; M 3 it. 49 Mf 2 adds ih. 60 So in Mf 3 , 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, M 3 ; rest om. k. 61 All except Mf 2 , U 2 , 4 , D, F 2 , B om. 62 U 4) F 2 , B om. 63 Mfj, U„ 3 , K, L 12 , M 3 det. 3 . 8 1 U 2 an. 2 Mf 1( U 2 , 4 , D, Fj, B, M t , 2 , Mr 2 om. 3 A adds i. 4 So Mfj, 2 , Uj, 4 , D, F 2 , B, M 3 ; rest om. 6 So Mfj, U 3) D, K, L^, M 3 , Mr 2 . 6 Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. 7 M 3 mavan-am. 8 All except Mf 3> U 2 , D, K, M 3 , Mr 2 om. 9 Mf 2 , U 4 , D, F 2 , B add Yazat. 10 Only in U 4 , D, F 2 , B, M 3 . H Mf 2> U 4) K, F = , B Izam; M 2 om. am. 12 So Mf 3 , U 3 , 3 , 4 , K, F 2 , B, Ljj, M 3 ; rest om. 13 Mfj k for x ; U 4 , F 2 , B add i; Mj Yazisn nigdsisnomand for nigdsisnomand Yazisn. 14 Mfj adds i; Uj, 3 , izam; D pref. pavan; K, M 3 izd. 15 U 3| 3 , D, L 12 om. 16 Only in A, Mj, Mr 3 . 17 Uj, A, Mr 3 pref. i. 18 All except Mf 2 , K, A, M 2 , S1 Mr t om. 19 U 2 , A, M 3 , 2 , Mr 2 zdr. 20 All except Mfj, U„ D pref. u; U 4 , F 2 , B pref. i. 21 Only in Mf 2 , A, L 12 , M., 3 , Mr 3 . 22 Lj, om. 23 Only in U 4) F 2 , B. 24 So Mfj, U 3 , 4 , K, Lj., M 2 , 3) Mr 2 . 25 F,, B, Lj,, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 add i. 26 Mf 2 , U 1( A, M lf Mr 3 izam. 3. 9 1 All except Mf 2 , U 4 , F 2 , B, A om. the paragraph. 2 Only in A. 3 A om. ra. 4 A om. 5 Mf 2 , A om. 6 A om. k. 3. IO 1 Mfj, L 12 om. the remaining part of the Nyaish. 2 K om. et. 3 K pref. ae Mah. 4 M 3 , Mr 2 has an extra i. 6 U 3 det; K om. et. 6D i; K om. 7 Mfj tan. SMj/amdfe. 9 Mj pref. p avan. 10 Mj, Mr 2 om. 11 Mf 2 bat; K adds aey af-aman yehabun bisrya u lama x^risnih aey af-aman x^risnih lama levatd bisrya yehvunat min x^eskarih li petak kartak yahviinat. 12 K om. et. 13 Uj, K om. 14 Uj, D, A om. ; K om. and gives ae Mah. 15 Mf 2 om. ih ; K adds aey lend min frazandan frazandan yehviind. 16 K has it zak frazandan cigonan yehabiin amat for frazand i. 17 U 3 , D, A, Mr 4 om. ; it. 18 Mf : kartan ; all except U 4 , F 2 , B have stayit ; K adds it kabed stayis vabidunik. 19 Mf 2 208 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI ABAN NYAISH om. hanjamanlk . . . xavitunet kartan; U 2 here repeats aey esan nezvak xavitunet stayet hanjamanlk ; D pref . u ; M 3 om. 20 M! om. 21 D, K add ik ; A, M 2 , Mr 2 add i. 22 M x °tund. 23 A, Mr t vabidiintan. 24 K adds i. 25 U 4 , F„ B add i; K dusmanan. 26 K n m i n iitdr ; A pref. u; M 3 om. ; Mr 4 adds i and pref. u. 27 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 aes ; D adds i mavan ; K ahrdkih for aes vala; A, Mr 3 add i; M t om. 28 D adds i ahrav yehvunet; M 2 om. 29 Mf 2 , U 1( 2 , s> D. A, M 2 , a, Mr 1( 2 add ih ; M x adds Ih i. 30 U, diismbn ; D pref. 6. 31 M 2 gives only as staiib kartan aey anderdn rd for amat pavan . . . yema- lelunet. 32 U 1( A mavan. 33 A °et. 34Mf 2 om. b. 35 D °et; A, Mr 4 om. 36 \J U 3 writes pavan hakanin twice ; K has pavan i hakanln pavan hakanln. 37 A, Mr 4 add ih. 38 Mf 2 , U 3 , 4 , D, K, F 2 , B, M 3 ander ; Mr 2 reads andar ; A, Mr 2 bard andar. 39 U 4 hast; U 4 , F 2 , B om. 40 Mf 2 , Uj, M, cand ; M 3 pref. cand. 41 Mf 2 , Uk «, D, F 2 , B, M x pref. ait ; K ait. 42 A mavan. 43 Mf 2 , Uj, 2 , M 3 om. 44 U 2 , Mr 2 valoisdn ; Mr 2 om. a. 45 U 3 aey. 46 M t om. 47 A adds i. 48 K adds aey min zak esan nevuakdn vala. frazandan rd rdmisnih yehamtiindt. 3- ii 1 All except U 4 , K, F 2 , B, A, Mr lt 2 pref. u. 2 U 4 , F 2 , B, M 4 om. ih. 3 U 4 , F 2 , B pref. u; M 4 om. ih. 4 So U 2 ; rest om. 5 Except U 4 , F 2 , B, M 4 others have °et; M 3 yehamtiinet. 6 U 1( K, M 4 om. c. 7U„ F 2) B °takih; K Yazat lend petdk. 8K °dt and adds lakum petaktar yehvunet; M 3 °dt. 9 U 4 , F 2 , B insert pavan petakih . . . sutimand after eton vabidunyen ; Mf 2 does the same but has evak for pavan; A om. 10 Mr t om. k and adds i. H A, M 1( Mr lf 2 om. 12 D kamak. 13 U 3 adds siitimandih havdet min karitunisn lend petak yehvunat min zak bn; K has the same but adds aey lakum before sut i- mandih; A, Mr 4 om. i; M t om. 14 A, Mr 4 mavan. 15 So U 4 , F 2 , B; rest °dund. 16 U 1( K add aey eton vabidunet mavan lend petak yehvund. 17 Ui lak ; A adds rd. 18 Mf 2 , Ui, 3 , K, M lt 3 add i. 19 U 1; K mesak gada lakum lend yehabunat for mayd yehabunet ; D mas; M, mesak mas; M 2 mesak and adds in the margin gada mesak u gadd lakum lend. 20 Mf 2 , U 1( 4 , F 2 , B om. an gadd . . . Dditik ; U 4 u zak rde i; D, M, zak; K it zak rde it. 21 U t mas and om. aey . . . Dditik; U 3 , D pref. mas; K mas; A om. 22 K, M 3 om. 23 All except D have Dditih; K adds rd. 4 . Aban 1 Nyaish lMf„ 2 , 3. U<, F 2 , B, Ljj om. the whole Nyaish. 4. O 1 U 2 , A, M 2 , 3, Mr 4 , 2 give the paragraph as follows : Apan Ardvisur Baniik bard yehamtiindt ; D, K om. pavan . . . Yazdan. 2 U 3 om. 3 U 3 om. 4D om. 5 K om. 4. I 1 U 2 , D, K, Mj, Mr 4 om. 2 A Ohr. 3 U 4 Arkdvisur ; U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 Ardvyusyiir ; U 3 Ardvisur; K Ardvyuisur ; A, Mr t Ardvyusur. 4 U 2 om. 5U,, 2 , D om. COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 209 6 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mi - !, 2 ahravan; Mi rd. UJj, 3 , D om. 8 U, haman ; M„ Mr, harivisp. 9 U 2 , D om. 10 U, om. ; M, rd. HD. K om. 12 U, haman; K adds i. 13 D adds i. 14 D adds evakartakih ; M, adds rd. 4 . 2 1 U, pref. eton and om. s; A om. s. 2 U, adds aey ; D adds vala i li mavan; A, M„ Mr, add val. 3 U„ 2) M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 Spitmdn. 4 MSS. have Zara- tuhst; D adds havdm; U s , M, add rd. 5 U, om. yezbexiinih . . . Zaratust. 6 U 3 pref. i; D pref. zak. 7 U 3 zak Ardvissur ; D om. 8 D om. 9 D om. 10 M 2 , 3 Spitmdn. H MSS. Zaratuhst ; M 2 , Mr 2 Zaratuhst. 12 U, yezbexiinam; D, K, M, om. 13 D, M, om. 14 D amat; K om. ; M, mavan. 15 So D, M, ; U 3 Ardvissur; D adds i; K Ardvyuisur; rest Arkdvisur. 16 U 2 , A, M, havad ; U 3 rd. 17 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 om. i; U 3 pref. af-as and om. s; D pref. ae ; K aey mayd zak anast havdt u sem i valoi Ardvyuisur banuk havdt for anastihs . . . pavan anaslih. 18 U 3 dena ; M, om. 19 A, Mr, om. 20 M, om. s. 21 U 2 an; K u vala; M, pref. hand. 22 U„ M, add pavan; K adds dakyd; U 3 adds aey man i. 23 U, °pay; U 3 adds i; Mr 2 °pddk. 24 M, °mund. 25 U, adds ae. 26 D, K, M, add pavan. 27 U,, 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 pref. i. 28 M 3 one stroke less. 29 Only in U, ; K, M, u. 30 D adds kola above the line. 31 U 2 , 3 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, add i. 32 D, M, om. ; K rd. 33 K besaz yaxsenunet. 34 Only in M,. 35 U 3 , D Sedaa. 36 U 3 , M, Sedaa; M 3 Sed. 37 U 2 Datdstdn. 38 U, Dendk ; all except U„ D, M, add i. 39 Only in U„ D ; K cigon. 40 So in M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 ; rest om. 41 D adds ben; M, pref. ben. 42 D, M, ax®. 43 All except D, M, om. 44 U„ 3 aitomand ; U 2 °amand; K adds aey ben dena getih pataxsa Yazisn kartan. 45 M, om. the gloss. 46 D, K, A om. 47 All except U 3 , D om. ; K, M, u. 48 K adds havad. 49 M, ben. 50 D, M, ax®. 51 All except U„ D, M, om. 52 XJ„ 3 aitomand; U 2 °amand; K adds aey pataxsa ben dena getili nyayisn kartan. 53 M, om. the gloss. 54 K ydtakigdwih. 55 U, °yen; D, K °dunt. 56 U„ 3 , D, K, M, om. 57 M, om. ve. 58 U, pref. i; U 3 , D, M 3 pref. martum; K aey xayd rd drazih xelkuniyar ahrav for min x v dstak ; M, om. min x^astak. 59 A, Mr, add fraxVenitdr ahrav min xvdstak. 60 U„ a, M, u ; D, K om. ; A min. 61 M, om. ve. 62 U, adds i; Mr, adds min. 63 U 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , Mr, martum; D adds i; K adds aey ramak ansiitadn awzunik vabidunik ahrav aey gabrddn ahravan zivisn der vabidunik aey gabraan ahravan ramak awzunik yehabiinik ; M, om. 64 U„ 2 , D, K, A om.; U 3 , M, u. 65 M, om. ve. 66 U, adds i; K adds gabrddn ahravan mulk awzunik kunandak ; A, M, add min. 67 M, om. 68 U, frdx v enitar x v astak for x v astak fraxVenitdr ; U 3 , K, M,, 2 , 3 , Mr, pref. u; A, Mr, om. x v dstak frax^enitar. 69 M, om. ve. 70 U s martum; K aey gabrddn ahravan rd x v astak awzunik jar pavan evakar- takih for x v dstak huziistdn; M, om. 71 huziistdn ; U 3 adds aey ramak i go- spanddn; M, om. 72 U„ D, K om. ; U 3 , M, u. 73 M, om. ve. 74 U„ Mr, add i; K adds aey Ardvyuisur satr u mata ahrav rd awzunik u apatih vabiduntik. 75 K, M, om. 76 U 3 evckartarih ; K, M, om. 4 . 3 1 U,, A, Mr,, 2 °vistin; r«st °vispin. 2 U„ M 3 an; U 3 pref. 0 . 3 U„ M„ 3 om. ; K adds an. 4K suidr. 5 MSS. ydsdasrih ; U,, A, M„ 2 , Mr,, 2 om. ih. 210 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI ABAN NYAISH 6 So Uj, j, M, ; rest °bund. 7 U 1( A, Mr, mavan ; K, M, om. 8 U s dakyaih; A, Mr, pdk. 9 U 3 has yehabund for u xiip ; M, gives yaxsenund for u xiip. 10 Only in U 3 . U A om. 12 A om. 13 U„ M 3 add ae. 14 U 3 , M 2 , Mr 3 ras. IS U 2 , D om. 16 A, Mr, add i. 17 All except D, A, Mr, om. 18 U, °vi stin ; rest °vispin. 19 U 3 adds zarndn. 20 U„ 3 om. Ih. 21 M, om. 22 M, om. 23 U I( A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 om. ih. 24 D °biind. 25 U„ D, A, M, mavan. 26 K ditikar for bar i tanid. 27 M, om. 28 U 2 , K, A, M 2 , Mr, om. 29 U„ M, vala. 30 U, °vistin; rest °vispin. 31 U, adds ih. 32 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 om. xi. 33 K adds pavan ras vala. 34 K om. the gloss ; M, gives the gloss as follows : ae y mavan ben zamanak zdyisn frdron x v arih yehabunet pavan ras i vala. 35 U lf A mavan ; U 3 frazand. 36 Mr, om. «. 37 U 2 , s , D, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 om. 38 U, pref. ae. 39 U 3 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, om. 40 Only K gives this gloss ; K hamde. 41 MS. has Ardvyuisur. 42 U 3 zak i; D gives it after harvisp ; A, Mr, om. 43 U„ a, D, K, M 3 °vispin; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 °vistin. 44 U 2 , D, M„ Mr, om. 45 M, pref. ras i. 46 U s u. 47 M, adds aey xelkund. 48 Only K gives this gloss. 4 . 4 1 U 2 , Mr 2 mas; U 3 mastar; K om. 2 U, u; A om. 3 U„ A, M 3 , Mr, Arkdvisiir; U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 Artdvisur ; U 3 Ardvyusiir; K Ardvyuisur. 4 U„ D, K, M, om. ; U 3 mavan. 6 U 3 adds frac raftdr; M, om. 6 U 3 om. s. 7K adds i. 8 D pref. pavan; K arik. 9D adds 10 So U 3 ; rest ° lunet ; D, K, M, yehamtunet. 11 All except K om. the gloss. 12 K Ardvyuisur. 13 M, mavan zakde for aey-as . . . harvisp. 14 U 3 an; D adds i. 16 U,, s , M, havad. 16 U 2 , D, Mr, masih; U 3 mastarih. 17 U, adds harvisp. 18 U, om. ; K °vispin. 19 M, madam dena. 20 M, min. 21 A tacet. 22 U 2 , D, A havad; U s hav a; M, ait. 23 So D; K Ardvyusiir; rest Arkdvisiir; M, gives min zak mayd Ardvisiir mayd ait instead of Ardvisur . . . amdvandih frac tacet. 24 K zakde. 25 U 2 , D, K, A, Mr, add i. 26 U 2) 3 , M 2 , 3l Mr„ 2 om. 27 U 2 , „ A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 om. 28 U 3 aey; A, Mr„ 2 om. 29 U 3 , D Arang. 30 U, min. 31 So D; U 3 Arkdvisiir; K Ardvyusiir; rest Arkdvisiir. 32 U 3 jivdk liiit aey Arkdvisiir yuit yekavimiinet instead of u Ardvisur . . . vaxdiint yekavimiinet. 33 So D ; K Ardvyusiir ; M 3 Ardvisur ; rest Arkdvisiir. 34 M 3 om. 35 A adds rosn. 36 All except U„ 3 om. ih; U 3 adds i banafsa. 37 K adds aey min dena Ardvyusur kabed zuhromand u draz u frax v u mas u mas rut tacdk ait u Ardvyusiir min amdvandih nafsa kabed arik tacetak ait. 38 U 3 pref. kof. 39 U 3 sem. 40 U 3 adds ait; M, ben. 41 U, an; M, om. 42 U,, D, K, M„ 2 om. 43 D, M, om. 44 K adds aey min Hukar i sent i kof laid hast min zak kdf frot dptad madam zray i Frax^kart aey sem i damdamya ait; M, om. x and adds pavan amavand frac tacend. 4 - 5 1 U s adds aey bard payvandet. 2 M, om. 3 D, K, M, om. 4 M, om. x. 6 U 3 tacet. 6 U, t 3 zak i. 7 MSS. °vispin. 8 U 3 om. 9 U, adds i; M, maydnak zray. 10 U 2) Mr 2 dazet. HU, om. the gloss. 12 K vazliinet ; M, sdtunet. 13 U, amat an ; U 2 , 3 , A, M 3 add an ; M, gives mavan zak Ardvisur anast madam zakde mayd frac tacet mavan zak Ardvisur madam zak mayd COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 21 I frac recet evakartakih instead of mavan d . . . Ardvisiir anast. 14 U, zak ; U 2 , A om. ; D, K zak i. 15 U 3 om. 16 U 3 recet. 17 U, amat. 18 U, zak i an. 19 D Arkdvlsiir ; K Ardvyiiisur; rest Arkdvisiir. 20 K adds aey dena. min madam jivdk maya zakde raft yekavlmunet zak andak yekavlmunet min zak maya, dena. Ardvyiiisur amar mas ait u vazurg. 21 U 3 , M, pref. u. 22 U, dpxdh ; U 3 apxayih ; A, Mr, dpxahak ; M, may aha. 23 U,, 2 an ; D, K add i. 24 U 3 mdnnd; D om. 25 M 3 xdnak. 26 U, dpxde ; U 3 apxayih; M, may aha. 27 D adds i. 28 A, Mr, om. i. 29 U 3 om. 30 So M,; D Arkdvisiir; K Ardvyiiisur ; rest Arkdvisiir. 31 U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 hast. 32 M s om. mavan . , . yemalelUnet. 33 D adds i; K, M, om. 34 U 3 , K, A, Mr, add i. 35 D, K, M, add bard satiind ben zray Varkas yemalelUnet. 36 Only K gives this gloss. 37 MS. gives Ardvyiiisiir. 38 M„ 3 , Mr, katarca. 39 M„ 3 mavan. 40 M, adds evak var u. 41 U 2 , M„ 2 , 3 , Mr 2 katarca. 42 K om. ; M, katarca. 43 U, apxa- han; U 3) D, K, M 3 apxahan ; M, may aha. 44 U, om. ; M, gives evak maya. cigon i mas ait mavan huasp savdr gabra vad 40 yiim ben vala. min 4 kostak rehatiintak a s a a d n barih ben min bara satiind mavan asp bard satiind aey bard tag min kostak kola hamde kostak bard tag u ar k p o gv i Id yehamtund aey kandrak yehamtund; instead of aey doi . . . min kostak. 45 So U 3 , D, K, M 3 ; rest om. 46 A, Mr, om. 47 U„ 3 amat; M 3 madam. 48 U, f 3 an; K om. ; M 3 adds i. 49 U 3 adds i. 50 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 yedriinisn. 51 K adds zak. 52 So U 3 , D, A, Mr,; rest kdsti. 53 U 2 , M : , Mr 2 hast; U 3 om. 64 U,, 3 hamd; rest hamde. 55 So U 3 , D, A, Mr,; rest kost. 56 U 3 adds aey bard doi harkiz o doi Id yehamtund aey kandrak Id yehamtund ; K one stroke less and adds cigon mavan ben zak var u apxdhak gabra madam tez raftdr siisyd u avar yehviintdk min evak kostak ayow cahar kostak bard rehatiinand zak avar vad 40 yiim xup bard rehatiinand vad kostak vala. min saxtih bard yehamtund. 4. 6 1 U, zak; M, gives the sentence as follows: min zak may aha evak maya li madam vala. harvisp haft kisvar zamik. 2 U 3 maya. 3 U 3 , D, K apxayih; A dpxdhakdn ; M 3 apxdih ; Mr, apxahakan. 4 U 3 a in Av. character; A, Mr,, 2 om. 5 M 3 °tund. 6 U,, M, om. aey tarih. 7K vala. 8 U, °vist. 9 U, adds mavan y; U 3 adds zamik; K adds aey zak li evak maya pavan dpxaak yehamtiinet bahar i xavit andar haft kisvar zamik. 10 U, om. ; M, gives the sentence as follows : zak min mayaan evak maya li ben hamin « zamastan evatak 6 ham yedrunyen aey yehamtiinet. UK om. 12 U 3 dpdn ; Mr,, 2 m a a n a n. 13 U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 om. 14 U 3 xahih. 15 A, Mr, mavan. 16 U 2 , A, Mr,, 2 dotum. 17 M 2 om. 18 U,, K, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 hamin. 19 U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 z ami st an ; K adds aey tar a k andar hamin u zamastan yehamtiinet. 20 U, zak zak i ; U 3 zak i. 21 U„ 3 , M s pref. gusnan ; D adds gusnan ; K pref. gusn ; M, mayaan. 22 MSS. y osdasrinet. 23 U 3 adds ih ; A, Mr, pdk. 24M, °nund. 25 U, repeats zak; M, om. 26 A, M,, Mr, om. 27 M, susr i gusnan for gusnan susr. 28 U 3 adds rd. 29 U, zak zak i; M, u; Mr, u an. 30 A adds i. 31 U 3 adds rd. 32 U, repeats zak; U 3 an; K gusn; M, om. 33 U 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 add o; U 3 om. ; M, u. 34 A adds i. 35 U 3 , M, add rd; K adds aey zak li mayd dak yd vabidiind aey anast yaxsenunet susr i gusn martuman u gawr nisoidn pem nisoLan rd. 212 COLLATION OF THE PAH LAV I ABAN NYAISH 4 - 7 1 U 3 , D, K, M 3 pref. mavan; A pref. an mavan. 2 U x bard jivak i for an li; K zak; A, Mr x , 2 om. ; M, dena. 3U, om. HJ, om. 5 U x , A, Mr 1( a om. tar; K pref. madam; M x pref. min. 6 U x om. 7U„ M x om. 8 U 3 burda- ham in Pers. characters ; M x y ditunam. 9 From here up to the end of the paragraph U x gives the Persian version in the text and the Phi. version in the margin ; U 3 gives the sentence as follows : zak Ardvisur buland xanak frdx^etdr vis frax v etar zand frdx v etdr matd frax^etdr ait. 10 K om. 11 So Uj, 3 , K, M x ; rest om. 12 U x an. 13 U X) D, K, M x om. 14 U 2 , K vis. 16 D adds i. 16 U 2 , 3 , D, K, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 an. 17 All except U 3 , D, A, Mr x om. 18 U x , A, M 2 , 3) Mr„ 2 om. ; K u. 19 U 2 , 3 , D, K, M 2) 3 , Mr 2 an. 20 All except A, Mr, om. 4 . 8 1 U x pref. mavan min zak ; D pref. mavan ; K pref. zak ; M 2 stayisn. 2 U 3 zak i. 3 So K, M x ; D Arkdvisur; rest Arkdvisur ; K adds ae y pataxsd kartan stdyis Ardvisur havdd. 4 U 3 , K, M x pref. u. 6 U 3 zak i. 6 So K, M x ; D Arkdvisur ; rest Arkdvisur. 7 All except U 3 , K, M x om. 8 U 2 Ahunar ; U 3 pref. min. 9 U 3 stiidan for sravomand. 10 K adds aey min Ahunvar dskdrak guftan stdyis kartan pataxsd ait. 11 U 3 zak i. 12 So K, M x ; K Arkdvisur and adds ait; D Arkdvisur; rest Arkdvisur. 13 Only in M x . 14 U 3 pref. min buland. 15 U 1( 3 om. 16 U 3 hugowisn. 17 U 3 om. ; A, Mr x dwdyisn. 18 U 3 ait ; K adds aey milayd ahravih guftan awdyisnihomand. 19 U 3 om. 20 U 3 u. 21 Uj, 2 , M 2 , s , Mr 1( 2 Arkdvisur; U 3 om. ; D Arkdvisur. 22 Only in K, M,. 23 K, A, Mr x om. ; M x sapir. 24 So K, A, M x ; U 3 om. ; D Arkdvisur ; rest Arkdvisur. 25 M, om. 26 MSS. have yosdasr ; M 3 adds vabidiind havad an li Arkdvisur. 27 U 3 , D, K, A, M x , 3 bard; U 3 gives the following for bun srav . . . vabidunik rd: kart rd u kold mavan Avastdn dena. Ardvisur stayisn u nydyisn vabidiind vala rd levata gowisn Gasan bard 28 U 2> Mr 2 Gdsnan. 29 D pref. an. 30 K stdyis. 31 K adds kold aes mayd Ardvisur dakya sapir rd stayisn kunand u yezbexund. 32 A om. ; Mr 1( 2 an. 33 Mj mavan. 34 U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 Gasisn. 35 U 3 adds i. 36 U 2 om. 0 ; U 3 adds i. 37 U 3 om. 38 U x , 3 , D, M, om. 39 U 3 kartak hast. 40 U 3 °tiind. 41 U a gives the sentence as follows : bard yehabund li Arkdvisur kamak karjdd rd, 42 U 2 , A, M 1( ,, Mr„ 2 °biint. 43 K, M x om. 44 U x , 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr x , 2 Arkdvisur ; D Arkdvisur; M x om. 45 K om. 46 K rabmd ; M x om. 47 K pref. u; M x om. 48 K aydwdrih i vala yehamtunet for yehamtunet ayawdrih. 49 D om. ih; M, om. 4 - 9 1 U 2 , M,, Mr x om. 2 U 2 , D om. 3 M x adds i. 4 U 3 om. 5 So K, M, ; D Arkdvisur ; rest Arkdvisur. 5a U 3 vala rd izam for aey- am . . . aydwdr. 6 So U 3 , K, Mi ; D Arkdvisur; rest Arkdvisur. 7 Only in K, Mj. 8U,, M 1( , om. ; U 2 vala; A vala i; M 2 adds vala. 9 MSS. nigohsisn; K om. go. 10 U 3 pref. ben. H U 3 min. 12 U 2) 3 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mrj, 2 add i. 13 U 3 om. ; K zak. 14 U 3 bard zak i; M, zak. 15 U 3 om. ; A, Mr, kartak. 16 U 3 , Mj om. 17 U 3 dar. 18 Uj om. 19 U 3 bard hemmunisn lend rd; K pref. lend min; Mj xahisn. COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 213 20 pavanat. 21 Only in U 3 . 22 U s newak ; K pref. lena. and adds newak. 23 MSS. give °xunih; A one stroke less. 24 Ui om. the remaining sentence; K, Mi Ardvisur ; D Arkdvisiir ; rest Arkdvisur. 25 U 3 adds ahrav. 26 U 3 bard. 27 U 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 zor. 28 So K, M 3 ; D Arkdvisur; rest Arkdvisur. 29 U 3 adds ahrav. 30 U 3 ahrakih rat. 31 U 2 om. ; A, Mr 3 izam. 5 . Atash 1 Nyaish 1 Mf 3 , U 4 , F 2 , B om. the whole Ny. 5- O 1 All except Ul 3 , D, K om. the paragraph. 2 U 3 om. Ohrmazd . . . rosnih. 3 Uj om. one stroke ; K pref. i. 4 U 3 gurz gada. awzdyat for buzurgih u rosnih. 5 Uj Atrs; D, K Atahs. 6 U 3 Vardhram. 7 Ui fard for vazurg . . . yehviindt ; U 3 buzurg. 8 U 3 adds ik. 5- I 1 Mf 2 , Mj give the first three paragraphs at the end of the Nyaish ; om. paragraphs 1-6. 2 Mf 3 , Mj om. ; Mf 2 adds lak. 3 Mf x has resitdrih written above the line; Mf 2 , K restdr ; Ui extra e after re. IMf 3 written upturned, and pref. aey. 5 Only in U 2 , 3 , A, Mi, 2 , Mrj, 2 ; Mf 2 u. 6 D, K, M, om. 7 U 3 adds vabidiin; K adds ae Ohrmazd li min Ahrman bestar bojae vabidiin u li bulandih yehamtiindnd. 8 Mf 2 om. 9 Mf 3l Ui, K, M lt 3 tdhisn ; U 2 °sinisn; A, add i. 10 U 3 , A, Mri °bun; M! °bund. H M 3 a in Av. characters. 12 U 3 , D, K, A, Mi, Mr t havam ; M 2 havaanim. 13 D, K give zak bard li yehabunae for pavan zak dahisn. 14 Mf 2 , U 3 om. ; M 3 adds li. 15 Mf 2 aey. 16 A, M 1( Mr 3 add i. 17 Mf 2 adds as. 18 Mf 2 *. 19 M t val. 20 Mf* U», K, M! om. 21 U 3 adds al ; K adds i. 22 Mf 2 , U 2 , Mi havad ; U 3 yehviindt; K adds aey ahrdkili cir u amavand ait madam staxmak Ahraman. 23 Mfi, U 2 , D, K, Mj, 2 , Mr 2 om. 24 K adds min newak u dak yd menisnih ostawar yehvunam. Mi om. ih ; Mr t t for d. 5- 2 1 Mj mavan.. 2 Mf 2 adds i. 3 Mfj casan mavan; Mf 2 casend ; U 2 cdsand; U 3 casan; A casisn i; Mr t strikes out casisn and gives cdsand. 4D bard. 6 Mf,, Ui, 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, om. y; A apayet. 6 U 3 adds ih. 7 U 3 bard. 8 Mf 1( U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr^ 2 °yen; U 3 vabidiin; D vabidunqnd and adds pavan zak Vahu- man sardarih ; M 3 vabidunqnd. 9 YL °biinde . 10 Mj has zak pavan for o li. 11 U 3 , Mr t muzd. 12 A, M x om. 13 U 3 mavan. 14 U 3 om. 15 Mfj, Mj om. 16 K lak. 17 Mf, om. bard pavan . . . Datistdn i Lakiim ; U 3 om. 18 K, M, om. 19 So A, Mj, Mr t ; Mfj, Uj, 8 , D, K om. ; rest «. 20 U 3 , K, A, M„ Mrj om. 21 K lak. 22 U 2 pref. pavan. 23 U 3 °net; K °viind; M t om. 24 K pref. zak. 25 K °biinde; M t °biind. 26 Mf, adds i; U 3 , K om. ; A, Mrj pavan zak for zak pavan ; Mi has zak sardarih mavan madam framdnburtardn sapir menisn havistdn pdtaxsaih yehabiind. 27 U 3 patiikih. 28 U 3 ae ; D, K om. 29 U 3 om. 30 Mfj, U 2 , Mi add pavan. 31 Mf 2 hum. 32 U 3 , Mj °kas; K °kas. 33 Mfj hidvest; Ui havistdn; U 3 has aey sapir menisnih ait havistdn. 34 D, K add 214 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI ATASH NYAISH zak sarddrih mavan madam framdn burtar i sapir menisn havistan pataxsaih yal li yehabiin. 35 U 8 afrdc. 36 U 3 adds aey madam zamlk bundak menisnih ; K adds bundak menisnih. 37 Mf, one curve less ; U 3 om. ; D om. and has af-am yehabiin. 38 Mf 2 om. o; U 8 adds ben. 39 U 2 adds i; D pref. u; M, u kdr Den li. 40 Mf 2 °dn; U 2 daxsenen ; D, K, M, daxsak bard vabidiin. 41 D, K gives the gloss as follows : aey -am ben ahrdkih u Den daxsak li pavan newakih bard vabidiin; M, om. the gloss. 42 Mf, om. 43 Mf 2 frdrdnihd. 44 U 3 om. 45 Mf, °dund. 5 - 3 1 M, pref. litama. 2 M, om. 3 U 3 adds vadidunam ; M, adds aey bard yehabiinam. 4 M, pref li. 3 All except Mf,, 2 , U 2 , A have Zaratuhst. 8 So Mf,, 2 , U„ M, ; rest zak-ic. IK, A om. 8 Mf, jdn; K adds aey eton rdlih vabidiinam li mavan Zaratuhst aitam mavan li tan xayd nafsa; M, jdn rd. 9 Mf,, U, °biint ; M, om. 10 M, levin. H M, om. 12 Mf, pesan yih ; U„ , pcs an payih; U 2 , D, K, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 pesan pdyih; A, Mr, pesan payih ; M, om. 13 Mf 2( M, om. ; U„ 2 , D, K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 o; U 3 pavan. 14 U 3 sapir menisn ; M, adds Amahraspand rd. 15 Mf 2 , U 3 om. ; M, ae. 16 U 3 om. c and adds rd; D, K add litama. eton rdtih kunam aey bard yehabiinam li amat Zaratuhst havam tan u zak-c nafsa. jdn rd pavan pes rawisnih Vahuman Amahraspand rd ae Ohrmazd; M, om. c and pref. ae. 17 M, gives the sen- tence thus : pavan kunisn ahrdkih vabidiinam mavan ahrdkih Asavahist basim yatiind. 18 Mf 2 , U 3 , D om. ; K adds lakiim mavan. 19 Mf 2> D om. ; U 3 ahrdkih; K adds rd basim ait. 20 Mf, aey-am ; Mf 2 , D om. ; K om. the gloss. 21 Mf 2) D, M 2 om. 22 Mf 2 , U, add i; U 3 pref. eton; M, ahrdkih vabidiinam mavan ahrdkih Asavahist basim yatiind for zak apayet; M 2 om. 23 Mf 2 °dund; M 2 om. 24 Mf„ 2 , U 3 , A, Ma, Mr„ 2 om. ; D mavan. 25 D Artavahist and adds rd; A °vahistd; M 2 om. 26 U 8 adds xsnut yehviint. 27 Mf 2 , D, K om. ; M, gives the sentence as follows : u milayd eton yemaleliinan mavan Xsatravar apayet aey pdtaxsdh pasand. 28 Mf 2 om. ; D adds t. 29 So U„ M 2 ; Mf, nigohsisnih; rest nigoksisnih. 30 U 3 adds vabidiinam aey. 31 U 3 adds apayet. 32 U 3 , D, K om. evak . . . tanid. 33 Mf 2 om. 34 Mf 2 tanid srismriitik gowisn. 35 Only D, K give this gloss. 5 - 4 1 Mf, snayisn; Mf 2 om. paragraphs 4-6; A om. sndyenitdrih . . . X v atae ; M, xvasniit vabidiinam Ohrmazd for sndyenitdrih . . . Xvatae, and gives the paragraph at the end of the Nyaish. 2 All except U,, 3 , D, K, M 2 , 3 , Mr, om. 3 Mf, Xvatd; U,, 2 , 3 , D, K, M 2 , 3) Mr„ 2 om. 4 All except Mf„ U, give nasim. 5 Mf, val ; U, adds rd hand; U 2 om. 6 MSS. have Atahs; M 2 p for t. 7 Only in D. 8 Mf, xxatdydn hudahisn Yazat for herd . . . Yazat; U, ddt ; M 3 om. 9 Mf, pref. Xvatae ; U 3 , K, M 3 pref. Ohrmazd; all MSS. have huddhak except U, which gives hudahisn; M, has ae Atahs Ohrmazd lak huddhak mahist Yazat ait zak lak rd for hudak . . . Yazat; M 3 pref. Ohrmazd. 10 U„ 3 add rd; K adds maxan newakih u xiip yehabunik rabd Yazat havdd ae Atas namaz lak rd. 11 MSS. have Atahs; M, om. from here up to the end of the 6th paragraph. 12 Only in Mf,. 13 Mf, pus; U 3 adds rd. 14 MSS. give Atahs. COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 215 15 Mfi Ohrmazd bera for bera i Ohrmazd; A, Mr, i Ohrmazd bera for bera. i Ohrmazd. 16 K om. 17 U 3 adds rd ; K adds rd ae lak Atahs Ohrmazd bera. eton gada Ohrmazd alt. 5 . 5 1 Mf, gives the sentence twice ; MSS. have Atahs. 2 Only in Mf„ U 3 . 3U 8 adds;-d; K adds rd nasim. 4 Mf,, K om. 6 Mf„ K om. ; U 8 Froba. 6 Mf„ K pref. u. 7 Uj, 3 , K, A, Mr, om. 8 U 8 adds rd; K adds rd nasim. 9 Mf, Erdn- vez ; U 2 , s , M 2 , 8 , Mr„ 2 om. the sentence; K adds ae y matd i Eranvez. 10 U 1( U, K, A om. 11 K adds rd namdz. 12 Mf„ U 8 pref. u. 13 Only in Mf,, Un M 2 , 8 , Mr 2 . 14 U 3 adds rd u erpat gada. Ohrmazd dot rd; K adds rd ae y rdy u gada Kydn i pdtaxsd Ohrmazd dat rd. 16 Mf, om. the gloss ; U 3 , D, M 3 pref. af-as kdr i dsronih an i ae y pavan zak kostak asronan danaktar n kartdrtar yehvund pavan rds i vala zak mavan levata Dahdk patkdr kart vala yehvunt, and repeat Atas Ohrmazd bera rd . . . u Kydn gad a Ohrmazd dat rd; U„ 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 give af-as kdr i dsronih . . . levata Dahdk patkdr kart vala yehvunt with slight variations, instead of sem i dena Atas Atr Frobag . . . levata Dahdk patkdr kart vala yehvunt; U 8 has dena Atas Atr Frobd sem for sem i . . . Frobag. 16 MSS. have Atahs. 17 K, M a Froba. 18 MSS. have Atahs. 19 M 8 one stroke less. 20 U 3 , D, M 8 u. 21 U 3 Mago- patdn u Dastabardn for Dastabaran u Magopatan. 22 M 3 °padan. 23 U 8 , M 8 u ddndkdn. 24 U 3 , K om. 25 U 8 , M 3 vazurgih. 26 K gada. 27 K hand. 28 MSS. have Atahs. 29 U 3 , M 3 om. 30 U 3 om. 31 U 3l D, K, M 3 pavan rds i vala. 32 MSS. have Atahs. 33 Only in Mf,, 2 , D, A. 34 K adds rd. 35 Mf 1( K om. Atr Gosasp ; U 3 Atr Gosasp sem ait. 36 K om. 37 U 3 pref. pdtaxsd and adds rd. 38 Only K gives this gloss. 39 U 2 , 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , 8 , Mr 1; 2 om. 40 U 2 , A, M 2 , 8 , Mr,, 2 om. 41 Mf„ U, ( 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 om. 42 Mf, Xhusrav ; Mr, om. 43 Only K gives this gloss ; U„ 2 , D, A, M„ 3 , Mr,, 2 have i pavan Atrpatkdn; U 3 i pavan Atrpatkan satr petdk kart. 44 Mf,, D pref. it. 45 K adds rd. 46 Only K gives this gloss. 47 MSS. pref. u; U 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, Cecist; U 3 Cecistak ; D adds i; K Cecastak. 48 K adds rd. 49 Mf, om. the gloss; K om. ae min ... 4 frasang. 50 U„ D, A mavan ; U 3 om. 51 U„ 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr, Cecist; U 3 Cecistak. 52 U 2 , M 2 , Mr, vala; D pref. i; Mr, om. 53 U 3 om. 54 Only K gives this sentence. 56 Mf„ U 3 , D, A, Mr, pref. u. 56 Only in Mf,. 57 D adds rd; K adds rd ae y malkutdn i Kydn gada 11 Ohrmazd dat i rd. 58 Mf, om. the gloss ; U 3 , D, M 3 pref. af-as kdr i artestdrih an i aey pavan kostak Artpdtkdn artestdr teztar tc takiktar yehvund pavan rds vala yehvunet, and repeat Atas Ohrmazd bera rd u Kexusrii rd ... 4 frasang ait; U„ 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 give af-as kdr i artestdrih . . . pavan rds vala yehvunet instead of sem i dena Atas Atr Gosasp . . . dena Atr Gosasp yehvunt. 59 MSS. have Atahs. 60 MSS. have Atahs. 61 D, K, M 3 add i. 62 K perdzih. 63 M 3 om. 64 M a om. 65 MSS. have Atahs. 66 U 3 , M 3 om. 67 U 3 pes. 5 . 6 1 MSS. have Atahs; U,, 2 , 3 , D, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 pref. Atr Burzin ; U s pref. Atr Burzin Mitr ; K Atr. 2 Only in Mf,, D, A. 3K adds rd. 4 Mf, it 2l6 COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI ATASH NYAISH ray oman d ; D rayomand. 5 K om. 6 K adds rd. 7 Only D, K give this gloss. 8 Uj, 2 . K, M 2 , s , Mr 2 om. 9 Mf, adds c. 10 Only in Mf„ D. 11 K adds ra. 12 Mf, om. the gloss ; only D, K give this sentence ; D pref. az digar kitab in Pers. characters and repeats Atahs i Ohrmazd berd ra u Revand Gar . . . Kyan gada Ohrmazd ddt ra. 13 MS. has Atahs. 14 U,, 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , 8 , Mr,, 2 give the gloss with slight variations, as follows : af-as kdr vastryosih u vastryosih hand aey vastryos pavan apar satr toxsdtar varzisnihtar u sost jdmaktar havdd pavan rds vala zak mavan levatd Vistasp patkart vala yehvunt ; D gives two renderings, in addition to the rendering given in the text it gives also the variant rendering given above. 15 K om. a. 16 MSS. Atahs. 17 K om. 18 MSS. Atahs. 19 U l( 3 , D, M 3 om. ; K om. dend petdk . . . druz laxvdr dastan. 20 U 3 om. 21 So D ; rest kola. 22 Mr, hast. 23 U„ D, M 3 give the rest thus : asnak af-asan artestar druz menuk zatan af-asan vdstryosih pihn saxtan asan artestarih asnak af-asan asronih yast kartan af-asan vastryosih zen awzar saxtan arastan vastryosih vastrydsan asnak af- asan dsron visp yast kartan af-asan artestarih Devik u druz laxvar dastan; U 3 has the same from asnak to pihn saxtan. 24 A, Mr 3 pref. u. 25 A, Mr, u vastrydsan ; M 2 om. y. 26 U 3 has u artestaran af-asan artestarih asnak af-asan vastryosih zen awzar saxtan u arastan af-asan artestar Seda u druz laxvar dastan. Kyan gada. Ohrmazd dat ra instead of asnak asronan . . . druz laxvar dastan. 27 A pref. u , M 2 om. an. 28 U 2 an. 29 A yasn. 30 M 2 om. y. 31 A, Mrj pref. u. 32 A, Mr 3 add ra; M 2 om. r. 33 Mf 3 om. the sentence. 34 Only in D. 35 U s adds ra; K adds ra namaz kunam. 36 MSS. have Atahs; Mf 3 om. Atas . . . pur besazenitar ; D om. ; K Atr. 37 All except U 3 , D add th ; K adds further aey aratestaran awzunik kunik. 38 K, A, Mr 3 pref. u. 39 Mf 1( K om. the gloss. 40 U 3 repeat art. 41 Only in D. 42 U 3 , A, Mrj om. ih. 43 U 2 gaddidmandih. 44 D om. 45 U 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 besazatarih; U 3 om. «t. 46 M 2 menukih. 47 Mr 2 ahokenisn. 48 Uj hast. 49 MSS. have Atahs; U 3 , Mr 2 om. 50 Only in D, A, Mr x . 51 U 1( D, M 3 add e; U 2 , Mr, darae; A, M 2 , Mr 2 darae. 52 MSS. Atahs. 53 Only in D. 54 K adds ra namaz. 55 Mf, °vistin; rest °vispin. 66 All except U 2 have atahsan ; K adds namaz. 67 Mf, x^atae ; U„ D, K, M 3 x^atayih. 68 Mf, pref. mavan and adds omand. 59 Mf,, Uj, M 2 , Mr 2 om. y ; A om. e. 60 Mf, om. the gloss; A as. 61 D, M 3 x*>atae ; A, Mr, x^ataih i. 62 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 om* 63 U 2 , 3 , D, Mo, 3 , Mr,, 2 xVatchyan ; K, A xvataan. 64 A, Mr, u dut. 65 U 3 azatan. 66 U 3 , Mr, pref. u; A om. 67 U 3 apat. 68 U, om. ih ; U 3 srayisnan ; M 3 srayisnih. 69 K rayamand. 70 Only in D. 71 U 3 om. k. 72 U 3 min. 73 A, Mr, add t. 74 All except K om. the rest. 75 MS. has pataxsan. 76 MS. has Atahs. 5 - 7 1 D adds kunam. 2 L^, om. 3 D adds kunam ; M, nyais and adds vabidii- nam. 4 Mf,, U„ 3 , D, K, L,,, M„ 3 om. zohr ainm ae. 5 Only in M,. 6 M, om. 7 Only in Mf„ U 3 , M,. 8 Mf 2 pahrez. 9 U 2 om. ih and adds hand pdhrez ; A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 add hand pdhrez. 10 Mf„ M 2 add ih. H Mf„ U„ 3 , D, K, L,j, M„ 3 om. 12 Mf. dfrininam. 13 Mf 2 val i; U 3 om. 14 MSS. have Atahs. 15 Only in U 3 , M 3 . 16 Mf, isnak. 17 Mf 2 , U 2 , K, L^, M : , 3 om. 18 L, 2 , COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 217 M 3 nlyayisn. 19 U 3 repeats 0 . 20 Mf„ D, K, A pref. u; M 3 om. nih. 21 Only U 3 , A, M„ Mr,; M, adds mavan. 22 U 3 , A, Mr, add i. 23 Mf„ 2 yehabuntan ; D adds over the line aey boi baslm ; L^, M 2 , 3 dat ; M, baslm yehabuntan. 24 Only in M,. 25 Mf, dpdtdkih; Mf 2 u apdtlh; U 3 hand dpdtanlk. 26 M, om. 27 U„ M 3 pandkih; D dpdtanlk; A, Mr, pref. hand; M, hand mavan. 28 K, L ,2 om. ; M, vabiduntan. 29 So U,, 3 , A, M„ Mr,. 30 Mf, adds ih; Mfj adds ih ydtakgowih kartan aydwdrih. 31 U 3 pref. hand; A, Mr, hand; M, hand mavan. 32 So Mf„ 2 , M, ; U,, 3 hamd ; A, Mr, om. ; rest hamae. 33 U 2) M 2 , Mr, rds; A om. 34 U, om. ih ; U 3 , M, pref. i; A, Mr, om. 35 Mf 2 , A, Mr, om. 36 D adds on the margin Atahs; K, A, Mr 2 om. k. 37 Mf 2 adds aydwdrih. 38 K yazisnlmand ; M s ninmand. 39 Mf 2 om. 40 Mf 2 , U s , D, M, pref. u; U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 pref. « and add havae; A pref. u om. omand and adds havae. 41 M, pref. aey. 42 Mf 2 adds u nydyisn; M, havae. 43 Mf 2 pref. nydyisn ae ; U 2 , A, Mr, pref. u and add yehvunae ; U 3 , D, M, pref. u; M 2 adds havae yazisnomand yehvunae nydyisn- omand yehvunae; Mr 2 adds yehvunae. 44 Mf 2 , D, K, M, om. 45 Mf 2 , U, martumdn ; U 3 dpdtanlk i martumdn. 46 Mf 2 p for k. 47 U 2 om. y; K sdtayisn. 48 Mf,, M,, Mr, pref. u; Mf 2 om. ; U 2 , M 2 , Mr, evak-c. 49 Mf 2 om. 50 Mf, adds yehvunat mavan. 51 Mf, lak ; A adds i. 62 U, adds newak yehvunat; all except Mf 2 add vala gabrd newak yehvunat. 53 M 2 min. 54 M, om. 65 U 2 in Av. characters. 56 Mf 2 izet ; U„ D, K, L^. izae ; U s °xund; A, M 2 , 3 > Mr„ 2 °xunat; M, izi. 57 Mf,, U 2 asman. 58 U 3 , M, pref. u. 59 U 3 , M, pref. u. 60 U 3 pref. u ; M, pref. aey. 61 M, gives the gloss after Hdvan yada. 62 Mf 2 patdsl; U,, 3 , D, K, A, Mr, patvdsl ; U 2 , Mr, pdvdsl; L^,, M 2 , 3 pavasi. 63 A one stroke less. 64 Mf, om. n; U 3 kold dlatak yazisn vabidund ; D adds on the margin kold mavan 6 lak yezbexund zak gabrd newak yehvunat. 5 . 8 1 U 2 asman. 2 U 3 °vunat; M, °viind. 3 Mf,, M, pref. u; 4K bdik. 5 U 3 °vunat; M, °vund. 6 Mf„ M, pref. «. 7 Mf^ U,, 2 , s , K, Mr, pisn. 8 Mf 2 om. ; U 3 °vunat ; M, °vimd. 9 Mf„ M, pref. u; Mf s adds i. 10 Mf, apasisn ; Mf 2 pesn. 11 U 3 °viindt and adds aey piistlh yehvunat; M, °viind. 12 U 2 , Mj, 3 purna. 13 U,, 3 , ID, L^, M,, 3 vunat . 14 Mf,, U 2 , K, L, 2 , A, ?vf , , 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 pref. u; all except U 3 , K, M, have dahman. 15 U, sardadr. 16 Mf 2 adds ma yehvunet amat puma sardar rd dahm sarddr ; U, °viindt; U 3 at and adds aey gusn gabradn yehvunet aey newak gabrd yehvunt mavan vala rae Yazisn vabidund; D, h u , M, °vunat ; M 3 adds madam yehvunet mavan puma sarddr rd dahman sarddr. 17 MSS. have Atahs; U 3 , M, pref. ae ; D adds t. 5 - 9 1 MSS. have sdcdk. 2 Mf 2 , U 3 °vundt; M, °viind. 3 M, pref. u. 4 Mf, soc; rest sdcak. 6 U 3 °vunat; M, °viind. 6 Mf, adds aey hamae eton yehvu- nih. 7 M, pref. u. 8 U 3 0 vunat; M, °viind. 9 Mf 2 denm. 10 Mf,, M, pref. u; Mf 2 vaxsak ; U 2 vdxsak. 11 Mf 2 om. ; U 3 0 vunat and adds aey pustlh yehvunat; M, °vund. 12 Mf 2 , M, denm. 13 All except Mf,, U„ 3 , D, K, L I2 , M, add aey-at awziin yehvunet. 14 Mf 2 , U,, D, K, M,, 3 om. aey . . . yehvunae. 218 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI ATASH NYAISH 16 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 hamdk. 16 Mf 2 val ; U, liana; U 8 at. 17 U 3 om. 18 U», A, Mi om. 19 Mf, derag; Mf 2 derag. 20 Mf 2 pref. madam i; U 2 , M„ 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. madam ; K adds on the margin : amat val awzar saplr awzar saplr hand aey awzar Yazisn Fraskart vabidiinet aey vad Ristdxez dena man rosn yehvunae. 21 Mf„ U 3 , D, K, L^, A, M,, Mr, om. ; U, i; M 2 md. 22 Mf„ U„ 3 , D, K, Lu, M, om. 23 K, L^, M, om. 24 Mf 2 , U„ K, L„, M, om.; U 3 adds madam ; D madam. 25 M, om. 26 Mf„ 2 , U„ M, om. 27 Mf 2 om. and adds ben 57 sant; U 2 kardarlh and adds ben 57 sant; D gives the sen- tence thus : amat val levatd awzar saplr Fraskart vabidiinet aey vad Ris- tdxez ben dend man rosn yehvunae; A, M 2 , a , Mr,, 2 add ben 57 sant. 28 Mf 2 om. the sentence ; om . ; M, mavan val awzar saplr Fraskart vabidiinik for vad . . . saplr. 29 U, zak i. 30 Mf,, L,, om. kart. 31 U 3 , A, Mr„ 2 om. 32 U s adds rosn yehvundt. 5- IO 1 Mf, °biin; Mf 2 yehviin ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 °biinet; M, °biind. 2 MSS. have Atahs. 3 Only in Mf,, U 2 . 4 Mf 2 berd Ohrmazd for Ohrmazd herd. 5 K adds i. 6 K, L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr, add i. 7 Mf 2 , M, pref. u. 8 All except U,, D, L , 2 om. ih ; U a om. nih. 9 Mf 2 , M, pref. u. 10 So U„ 3 , D; Mf„ A, M„ Mr, zayisn ; Mf 2 zaisn; rest zdisnlh. HD, A, M,, Mr, pref. u. 12 U 2 , K, L,„ M 2 , 3 , Mr, add i. 13 Mf 2 om. ; M, pref. u. 14 Mf, om. ; all except U„ D om. ih. 15 Mf 2 , M, pref. u. 16 So U s ; Mf„ U,, D, A, M„ Mr, zayisn ; rest zaisn. 17 MSS. give the word in Av. characters. 18 Mf„ U, v for a. 19 Mf,, , om. ; A, Mr, mavan ; M, om. amat . . . kabed yehabun. 20 Mf, om. f; U„ K, man. 21 D kabed. 22 So U 3 , K, L^, M 3 ; Mf„ 2 yehabun; U, yehvunae; U 2 , D, A, M,, Mr,, , °bundt. 23 U„ K, L u man; D om. af-mdn . . . yehabun. 24 Mf„ 2 , U,, 3 , K, L^,, M 3 om. 25 Mf, °biind; U, yehvunae; U 3 , L„ °bunae. 26 U 3 pref. mas; M, frazanikih. 27 Mf 2 1 . 28 Mf,, M, have mandavam newak xavltunam for i kdr . . . xavitiinam ; U, om. and has menuk newak; A, M 2l 3 , Mr„ 2 add mandavam i newak. 29 Only in A; all except U 2 , 3 , D, A, Mr,, 2 have u. 30 Mf, ddtistan ; U„ 3 , K om. k; A a in Av. characters. 31 U 2 , M 2 °tiinem; A, Mr, one stroke less. 32 U, awziinlkhd ; U,, K, L,„ A, M 2 , 3 , Mr, pref. u ; U 3 pref. u and om. ih ; D awzunih. 33 M, om. 34 All except Mf 2 , U 2 , D, M„ 2 , Mr,, 3 pref. i. 35 Mf„ Lu, A, M 2 , Mr, °tiinam. 36 Mf, pref. u. 37 Mf, vad-am for vad man. 38 Mf, hizvanlh ; D h in Av. character. 39 So A; all except U,, 2 , 3 , D, M„ Mr, have «. 40 Mf,, U 2 , L^, M,, 2 , 3 , Mr 2 om. k ; Mf 2 ddstdn. 41 U, om. e. 42 Mf, om. ; U 3 °vunet. 43 Mf 2 om. v; U 3 pref. u. 44 Mf, vad-am for vad man. 45 U 3 °vunet. 46 U 3 , A pref. u. 47 Mf, om. 48 Mf 2 vad-am for vad man. 49 Mf 2 adds aey vad-am us. 50 Mf„ U,, 3 , D, K, L^, M, om. pavan . . . fraxv yehvundt ; M 2 gives pavan . . . fraxv yehvundt after gas yehvundt. 51 All except A, Mr,, , om. kdr . . . fraxv yehvundt ; U 2 lias Dena fraxv. 52 Mf 2 u; U 2 , M 2 , 3 , Mr,, , om. 53 Mf 2 , U 2 om. k. 54 A freh. 55 Mf, vldna and adds frdx v ; M, gas. 56 U 3 °viinet; M, adds pavan kdr fraxv yehvundt. 57 Mf, om. xrat dxar . . . sdyet yedriintan; U 2 , A, M., 3 , Mr,, , give the same after 0 kdr yaityund ; U 3 pref. u; A, Mr, add i; M 3 om. x rat dxar yemaleliinam. 68 A one stroke less. 59 Mf„ K, L,, i mas i for COLLATION OF THE PAH LAV I MANUSCRIPTS 219 a by-am . . . saplr; U,, K give aey-am . . . kdr sayet yedruntan on the margin. 60 Mf 2 , U 2 , t , A, M 2 , Mr x , 2 °biin; M, bund. 61 U s , M 3 om. ; A, M 2 mas. 62 Mf 2 , U„ Mj, j, Mr x , 2 i; U x , K i u; U s om. 63 All except Mf 2 , U 2 , a , D, K give do bard ... la sayet after o kdr yaltund. 64 Mf 2 , U x , 2 , K, M 2) t ddndklha; U 3 repeats i; Mi ddnalhd. 65 U 3 , M x om. 68 U 3 om. as. 67 U 8 om. 68 K et cut off in the margin ; M, °mund. 69 M, kart. 70 M x u. 71 Ui ben; U 3 , M, om. 72 A, Mr x dsnet ; M, dsn i. 73 Mf 2 om. petdk . . . petdk dsn xrat. 74 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. u; M, om. 75 U 3 , K, A om. ; M, u. 76 D, A, M, om. a. 77 K k cut off in the margin. 78 Mf,, U 2 , A, M x , 2 , Mr^ 2 om. ih ; M 3 om. y. 79 M„ 2 mavan. 80 D om. d. 81 A adds alt gosan. 82 K om. 83 Mf 1( L la pref. xrat dxar yemalelunam i; Mf a om. mas . . . 0 kdr yaityund ; U x , K add i; U 2 , A, M 2 , 3) Mr x , 2 xrat dxar yemalelu- nam aey-am yehabun mas u saplr; M, pref. u. 84 M, om. d. 85 U 3 om. ; A, Mr x ae ; M, xrat. 86 U 2 , M 2 , 3 pref. ae ; A, Mr a , 2 ae. 87 So D, A, Mr x ; Mf x , U 2 , Lij, M 2i 3 , Mr 2 °lunt; K °nam; M, °liind; Mr 2 lut. 88 K min. 89 M a °mund. 90 U 1( 2 , s , D, K, L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 add i; saxn. 91 M a °tund. 92 U 3 pref. la; A, M 1( Mr t °lunet. 93 A two strokes less; Mj °liind. 94 om. 95 U 2 , K, Lj-, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr^ 3 om. as. 96 M a °mund; Mr a re- peats yekavlm. 97 A adds mavan; M a °vund. 98 M : , 3 pref. u. 99 U 2 an. 100 M a °viind. 101 Only in U 3 , D, Mj. 102 All except U 3 , D om. 103 u 3 °diint; U 3 °dunet. 104 A, Mrj pref. u. 105 K, L^, M-, 3 , Mr a add i. 106 M a °vund. 107 Only in U„ D, M a . 108 All except U 3 , D om. 109 A, M 1( Mr a pref. u. 110 Mr 2 adds i. Ill M x °viind. 112 Only in U 3 , D, M a . 113 All except U 3 , D om. ; M 2 u. 114 A om. 116 So Mf x ; A ydltunt ; ydtiind ; rest yaityund. 116 Mf x , Ui, K, om. the rest of the paragraph ; U 3 has xrat manad for ae . . . xrat. 117 All except U 3 , D, M 3 , Mrj add t; Mj adds zak. 118 °viind. 119 Mf;. om. mavan zamanak . . . sndslk zak yehvunet. 120 D, M x , 3 on. 121 M x °vund. 122 U 3 , D, M 3 add i; A pref. pavan. 123 M x om. 124 U 3 danand. 125 U 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr x> 2 om. k ; M x u sndslh. 126 All except U 3 , D, A, M x , Mr x add t. 127 M x °vund. 128 U x , 2 , pref. i. 129 So U 2 , A, M x , 2 , Mr, ; U 3 , M 3 zlnan ; rest zyan. 130 D awzunlh. 131 U 3 , D, M s dn. 132 M x °viind. 133 U 3 om. 134 Only in D, M x . 135 All except D, M„ Mr x add i. 136 U 3 , M 3 danand ; D, Mj xavltund. 137 Only U 3 , D, M 3 give this sentence ; D om. ae. 138 MSS. have Atahs. 139 D om. 5- II 1 MSS. give this sentence in the 10 th paragraph; Mf 2 om. c; U x , 2 , 3 , K, Lj 2 , M 2 , 3) Mr a pref. «; D pref. the sentence thus: u zak-ic laldtar dusman ae y ben dusman vdnet martan ben dusman tabrunastan martlh yehabunae dxar hammartdzaklh patuklh pavan kdr dendk ; A, Mrj u zak-lc. 2 Mj, Mr, om. 3 U,, 2 , K, Lj 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 martan; U 3 martanaklh yehabund ; M, ben dusman vdnltan martumdn. 4 Mf 2> U 3 hamartdzaklh ; M, pref. dxar. 6 Mfj, Ui, K, Lj 2 , M„ 3 om. ; U 2 , A, M a , Mr,, 2 give the word after dend; U 3 pref. aey. 6 U 3 pref. tuvdnaklh; M, pref. u. 7 So Mr,; all except U,, A, M, have «. 8 Mf 2 ddtistan; U 3 denak yehabund; A, Mr, denak. 9 Mf„ M, stenag ; Mf a stenaglh. 10 Mf a om. 11 U 3 tuvan alt; D tuvdn yehvunat. 12 Mf 2 , U 2 , A, M a , 3 , Mr,, 2 add tuxsaih tuvdn yehvunat kartan. 13 Mf,, 2 220 COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI ATASH NYAISH axvaih; U„ 3 , D, K ax^'ab ; U 2 , L, 2) M,, 3 , Mr„ 2 om. ; M, u axavih. 14 M, aey-am. 15 Mf 2 repeats min Denik. 16 U„ D, M, pref. ves. 17 Mf 2 adds in red ink: cigon min Den denti kalam newak frajam pctak ait. 18 Mf 2 sriisiitak ; U 2 , 3 , L 12 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 srisiitak ; M, gives aey ben yum u lelaya min srisiitak ves Id xelmunam for srisiitak . . . xelmunam. 19 U 3 , D, K om. 20 Mf, °miinet; Mf s °munt. 21 Only D gives this gloss. 22 Mf,, 2( U,, L, 2 , M a gasih; M 2 gas. 23 Mf 2 om. 24 U 2 , L^, M 2( 3 , Mr„ 3 Biisasp. 25 M, om. 26 A, M, om. at. 27 Mf„ U 2 °vunet; U, but; A °viindt yehvunt. 28 Mf„ K, L, 2> M, add x v es raves; Mf 2 ae x drub u i s res ; U„ D add x v ahris with x ves raves on the margin; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 add xd raves I rde ; M 3 adds x^es raves rde. 29 Mf„ U 2 , D u jikdrdz ; Mf 2 u jigdrih ; U, u jikdrdz i with jigdrih on the margin ; U 3 u jikar aey ziir basu hiisyddrih for u jigar and has ziir basil in Pers. characters; K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mrj, 2 u jikaryds ; Lj 2 jikdrdz i. 30 U 2 , A, M 2 , 2 , Mr,, 2 om. 31 Mf x pref. u. 32 Mf 1( A, M 1( Mr t om. S3 Mf 2 om. nam burtdr i. 34 U 2 , 3 , D, K, A, M 2 om. 35 Mfj, U,, 3 , D, K, L u , M, om. 36 D asnuitak ; M, dsnitak. 37 K, M 2 , 3 pref. u. 38 So in Mf 2 , U 2 , K, A, M 2 , 3 , Mrj, 2 . 39 M„ 3 vird. 40 Mf 2 , A, Mr,, 2 om. 41 U 3 adds bard yehabund; M, om. ik. 42 U 1; M t hurost ; U 2 om. ; U 3 has hudanak u huvir aey apayisnih pur snasak pavan zak i dxar axar apayet hud r u s p newak roi aey xiip cihr i hudb aey newak abrii yaxsenund u min tangih bojenet aey min Dosax'o bojenet aey ahrakih vabidiinet kartan ddndkih zak mavan kdr i Tan Pasin yehviinet for hamrost . . . apayet kartan; D hurost and adds hu mavan newak roi xiip cihr i hudb aey newak abrii; L a om. hamrost . . . Dozaxx. 43 Mf 2 om. a; D om. x^dpar . . . boxtar ; M, om. r ; M 3 gives in red ink on the margin aey newak abrii yaxsenund. 44 U„ M, om. 45 So U,, M, ; D, Lj 2 add ih; rest boxt. 46 U lt M, om. 47 U„ M, om. ; D adds bojenet aey ahrakih vabidiinet. 48 Mf 2 hvir ; D pref. u; K hamvir but huvir on the margin. 49 Mf t , U 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 add i; U t apayisnih. 60 U, adds i; D ddndkih; A, Mr,, 2 sndsi. 51 A, Mr, zak pavan for pavan zak i. 52 D, M„ 2 om. 53 M, om. 54 D adds ddndkih o mavan kdr pasin danet. 65 U 3 om. 56 Mf 2 5; U,, 2 , 3 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr 1( 2 add i. 67 U, fradahndt ; U 3 adds frasand ; K fraxnat ; fredahnat ; M, °venet. 58 Mf,, U 2 , 3 , M,, 2 , Mr,, a ves. 59 U 2 rotistak ; U 3 adds eton frasand nam burtdr bard li yehabun ; D adds eton frasand nam burtdr bard li yehabiinde ; A, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 rotastak. 5 - 12 1 Mf 2 °biint. 2 All except Mf, have Atahs. 3 Mf 2 , U 2 , K, M,, 3 om. 4 Mf 2 bera i Ohrmazd for Ohrmazd beroi. 5 Mf 2 mavan zak for zak mavan; U, an; D, K, M 3 add t. 6 Mf, adds i; M, adds aey yehvitnd. 7 Mf,, U 3 , K frac; L, 2 brae; M, aw. 8 Mf„ U 3 , A add ih ; U 3 adds aey Id sazdih. ®D om. c. 10 Mf 2 , U 3 , D, M, om. 11 Mf 2 val; U 3 adds vad. 12 Mf„ 2 repeat; U, hama; U 2 hamak ; U 3 adds hamd; M, hamd hama. 13 Mf 2 adds zak i; U 3 ra twice. 14 Mf 2 , U 3 , D, M,, 3 om. 15 Mf, om. an. 16 Mf 2 , U 3 , D, M, om. 17 U 2 adds ih. 18 U 2 , 3 , D, A, M„ Mr, om. 19 Mf 2 , U„ M, hamd; U 3 , D, K, L, 2 , A, M 2 , 3 , Mr,, 2 hamae. 20 U 3 , D add aey ben Vahist jivak lena. yehviindt. 21 Mf,, U, °vund ; U 3 °viinam and adds aey arsdnik yehviinam ; D, M, °viinam. 22 Mf 2 zak i; D zak. 23 U 3 fsd. 24 Mf„ °diind; COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI MANUSCRIPTS 221 U 3 , D, M, ° dunam. 25 Mf„ U 8 , D, Mj, 2 om, 26Mf a adds i; U 8 om. i. 27 U 3 fa. 28 Mf,, 2 , Uj, K om. 29 Mf 2 c; U 8> Lu, A, M, om. 30 U„ 2 , Lu, M 2) 8 , Mr, ° sraviih ; A °srav i. 31 Mf„ D pref. i. 32 Mf,, U 8 pref. u ; Mf 2 om. ; U lt L la , A, M a , 8 , Mr lt 2 zak-ic ; U a , K add i. 33 Mf,, a , U 2) 8 , K pref. i; U 8 , D, M a om. c. 34 Mf 2 val o; U,, 8) D, L^, A, M, om. 35 D gives newak xvatdih below the word; L u huaevih. 36 Mf„ a “ doisrih; U a , A, M a , Mr„ 2 pref. newak delih i; U 8 vatartan ; M, pref. u; M 3 u doisrih in the margin. 37 Mf a om. n; U a , M a , 3 , Mr 2 pref. i; D min zak. 38 D adds puhl ; A Casodarg ; M, Cinvatarag. 5- 13 1 MSS. °vistin; Mf a val harvispin. 2 Mf a lak ; Mf a yedrund. 3 MSS. have Atahs. 4 Mf a , U 2 , 3 , D, A, M„ 2 . Mr„ 2 om. 5 Mf a adds val vald mavan Atahs pavan xdnak hucasmayan val vald; U 8 adds pavan hama esan dend gowisn yemalelunet ; D adds aey pavan hama esdn dend goivisn yemalelunet bard valdsan gowisn yemalelunet. 6 Mf 2 pref. pavan; U 2 om. 7 Mf 2 , D om. 8 Mf 2 om. ; U 3 adds i tak. 9 U 3 , D add x v d e t. 10 U a daham and explains it in Pers. by nek. 11 Mf 2 adds i and om. zak Atas . . . Atas min; D adds i. 12 MSS. have Atahs. 13 U 3 om. 14 Mf 1( M a om. 15 M 3 yatblnunet. 16 U 3 anj rdmisnlh xvaet; A adds c after an. 17 D, K add i. 18 MSS. have Atahs; U 2 , A, M a , s , Mr 1( 2 add Ohrmazd. 19 MSS. °vistln; Mf 2 af-as har- vispin. 20 Mf a kdmdk; U 2 , L^, A, M a , 3 , Mr a , 2 add aey-as apdyet. 21 Mf a om. ; Mf 2 Atahs Ohrmazd aey-as apdyet ; U 2 , Ljj, A, M a , 3 , Mr 1( 2 om. 22 Mf 2 om. Ih ; U 3 huvarisnih; D, M x pref. mavan. 23 Mf a , A, Mj, Mr a , 2 om. 24 Mf a gives Spitaman Zaratust for the remaining part of the sentence ; Mr a om. 25 Mf a adds ih; U 3 adds i; Mr a om. a. 26 M a om. bard . . . dend. 27 Mf 2 , Uj, M a ndmcastlk. 28 Mf a adds ben. 29 M 3 om. 30 Mf a , om. ; Mf 2 om. the gloss. 31 Uj, D, K mavan; U a , M a , Mr 2 dend; U 3 adds md ; M t adds mavan; Mf 1( L la , M 3 om. 32 Mf a , om. ; U 2 , Mr, madam; U 3 , M 3 add i; M a , Mr, madam i. 33 Mf,, L^, om. ; U,, M, yehabiintan; M 3 adds dend. 34 So in U 2 , 3 , M 2 , Mr 2 . 35 U 2 barslh. 36 So U 3 , A, Mr,; U 2 , M a , Mr 2 dend; M, adds mavan; rest om. 37 M, gumbad. 38 Mf,, K, om. 39 So U 2 , 3 , A, M„ 2 , Mr,, 2 ; rest om. 40 Mf, adds ih. 41 M, om. ih. 42 Mf,, U„ D, K, L 12i M 3 om. ; U 3 , A, Mr, hand; M, hand mavan. 43 Mf,, U„ 3 , D, K, L, 2 , M 3 om. 44 U,, D Spitmdn. 45 Mf,, U,, D, K, L u om. ; MSS. have Zaratuhst. 5. 14 1 Mf, zak i. 2 Mf 2 °vispin; rest °vistin. 3 U 3 gabra ; D, M, om. 4 Mf, martuman ; D repeats a. 6 MSS. have Atahs. 6 Mf, o; U„ D, K, L, 2 om. ; U 3 , M, madam. 7 Only in M 3 , Mr,, 2 . 8 U„ A, Mr, nikiret. 9 U 3 , D, M 3 give this gloss. 10 U 3 , M 3 pref. mavan. 11 MSS. Atahs. 12 M 3 om. 13 U 3 , D, M 3 satunet. 14 M 3 nikiret. 15 D yaityunt. 16 U 3 om. w; D, M 3 i ait for ayow la. 17 D cigon ; M a , Mr, add md aey. 18 Mf, md but madam above the line; U 2 , M a , Mr, add aey madam; D mavan; A, Mr, add ae madam; M 3 madam. 19 Mf, hamsdk ; Mf 2 om. ; U„ 3 , K, L, 2 hamae ; M, hamyd; U 2 , D, A, M 2 , 3 , Mr„ 2 hamxak. 20 Mf,, K, add vald i; Mf„ 222 COLLATION OF THE PAH LAV I ATASH NYAISH om. ; U,, 3 add vald ; D zak vald ; M, adds la. 21 Mf,, K hatnsdk ; Mf 2 om. ; U 3 hamxd; M, hamyd ; rest hamxdk. 22 Mf 2 om. ; U,, 2 , 3) D, K, L^, M 2 , 3 , Mr 2 bardt ; A, Mr, burt ; M, °rund. 23 Mf, pref. aey; M, hamcigon min zak for dost d dost; M 3 adds bardt. 24 Mf 2 val vald. 25 Mf 2 adds yedrundt. 26 M, raftdran. 27 Mf 2 , M, add an; Mr„ 2 ansutar. 28 Mf 2 om. the rest; M, zak. 29 Mf, vald-c ; Mf 2 val zak. 30 Mf„ U„ 3 , D, M, om. ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 add raftdr Atahs. 31 U 2 armastat ; U 3 armasdt ait and adds cigon mavan Atahs min levin raftdran boi basim bavihunet; D armestdr. 32 So Mf„ U,, 3 , D, K, Lu, M, ; rest om. 33 Mf 2 om. the rest; U 3 pref. min; M, u. 34 M, adds c. 35 D gives on the margin az digar kitdb in Pers. and adds cigon mavan hamxdk vald levin i hamxdk u brat levin brdt sdtunet u min bdhar i hamxdk mandavam i baret hamcigon Atas i Ohrmazd min levin raftdran boi basim bavihunet ; M, °lund; M 3 adds on the margin cigon mavan Atahs min levin raftdran boi basim bavihunet. 36 MSS. have Atahs; A om. Atas . . . yemalelunet. 37 M, «. 38 M, °liind. 39 U a pref. aey; D tan; M, aey tan i. 40 U, armesdt. 5- 15 1 A adds i. 2 Mf 2 , M, om. ; U 3 madam. 3D, A burt. 4 Mf, adds i; U, asm; U 3 pref. frdc. 6 Mf, frdc yedriinyen ; Mf 2 , M, frac yedrund ; U, °riind; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 frdc yedriinet ; U 3 °runyen; D adds aey kola aes mavan min ahrakih esm esm madam Atahs hanxetunt. 6 Mf,, 2 , U, om. 7 M, om. 8 Mf 2 , U 3 , D, K, A, M„ Mr, om. 9 U 3 , D, M 3 add aey kola aes mavan Barsm min ahrakih bastak Atahs rd yezbexund ; M, vistard. 10 Only U 3 , D, M,. 11 Mf 2 adds c. 12 Mf,, U 3 om. 13 U 3 adds aey urvar huboi madam o Atahs yezbexund urvar i hadanpdk ; D adds aey urvar i huboi hanxetunt i yezbexund ; M 3 adds aey kola aes mavan Barsam min ahrakih bastak Atahs rd yezbexund u urvar hadanpdk aey urvar aey urvar hu boi madam hanxetund yezbexund. 14 Mf 2 adds i vald; U„ 3 , K add i; D has Atahs Ohrmazd berd eton madam zak i 0 gabrd dxar afrin vabidiint aey kold mavan eton yezbexunet dxar madam vald Atahs i Ohrmazd afrin kunet for zak dxar ...» Ohrmazd. 15 M, vald. 16 So Mf 2 , D, A, M„ Mr, ; rest dfrininet. 17 Only in U„ A, M 3 , Mr,. 18 U 2 , M 2 , Mr, add vald; K om. ; A, Mr, mavan 6. 19 U 2 °nutd; M, °niid yehvunat. 20 Mf 2 mavan vald; M 3 pref. mavan vald. 21 Mf„ 2 , U,, D, A, M 3 , Mr,, 2 abist ; M, abis. 22 U 2 , M 2 , Mr,, 2 om. 23 U 3 , D, M 3 add yehvunat. 5- l6 1 U 3 pref. laid; D laid; M 3 pref. lal. 2 Mf, 6; Mf 2 val; M, vald. 3 Mf,, 2 , U 2 , M, om. 4 Mf 2 yehamtundt ; U 3 yehvunat. 5 Mf,, M, om. 6 U 3 adds toxm aey. 7 Mf,, U„ 3 , D, K, 1^, M 3 om. the gloss. 8 Mf,, D pref. «. 9 Mf„ U 2 , M„ 2 om. 10 Mf„ 2 , U„ 3, D, K, M,, Mr, om. HD om. ih; K barisnih. 12 Mf,, 2 gabrd; D om. ; M, aey gabrd. 13 Mf 2 , U,, 3 , D, K, M, om. 14 U s adds ae ramak gospandan u ansutaan kabed yehvunat; D om. and gives aey ramak toraan u gospandan u kabed gabradn gusn ben bita u dutak lak awziin yehvunat ae berd i gusn ; M 3 adds aey ramak ansutaan u gospandan kabed COLLATION OF THE PAH LA VI MANUSCRIPTS 223 yehvunat ; A, Mr,, 2 gusndn. 15 Mf, pref. u; Mf 2 om. madam . . . vast yehvu- ndt ; U 3 pref. laid. 16 So Mf,; rest vala; A vala i. 17 U,, 2 , K, L^, M 2 , ,, Mr„ 2 add i; A om. 18 A om. 19 A om. 20 Mf,, U„ D, K, L^,, A, M 3 om, 21 Mf„ U,, K, add i. 22 U„ om. 23 Mf, adds i; U 2 , A, Mr,, 2 apdyet. 24 A, M,, 2 , Mr, om. 25 M, om. 26 Only D gives this sentence. 27 U„ pref. pavan ; K gives the remaining part of the paragraph at the end of the Nyaish ; M, pavan zak hurvdxmanih. 28 Mf 2 xaiya; M, xaya. 29 Mf 2 zivad ; U 3 pavan ramisn zivet ; A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 ziv a c ; M 3 zlv pavan ramisn zive. 30 Mf 2 t. 31 Mf 2 , K add i. 32 Mf„ M 2 , Mr 2 add i; Mf, sap. 33 U 3 zivet. 34 Mf 2 , U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 give pavan ramisn zive; D has aey min Der Xvatd vad der zive; M, aey vad zak zaman ham eton zive yehviind. 35 A adds ih. 36 Mf 2 , U 3 om. ; U 2 , M 2 , Mr„ 2 pref. u; A u. 37 U 2 , M 2 , Mr, aevik ; U 3 atukik ; A, Mr, adudiik. 38 Mf 2 , K, M 3 ziv; U 3 zivet. 39 D, M, pref. eton. 40 M, om. 41 So in Mf„ 2 , U,, 3 , K, L 12 , M 3 . 42 MSS. have Atahs. 43 Mf, adds i. 44 Mf 2 adds avizak i an i; U 2 , M 2 add avik u zak i; A, Mr„ 2 add az-as u zak. 45 Mf 2 , M, °dund; D adds vad zak lelaya mavan lak zive vad zak zaman u hangdm Ohrmazd min lak x v asniit yehvunet ham eton zivandak yehvunih eton den a Atahs dfrin bastan yal vabidunyen. 46 Mf 2 , U„ D zak i; A zak. 47 A, M 3 add t. 48 Mf 2 esam yedrunet ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr„ 2 °runet; U 3 pref. madam. 49 Mf 2 om. ; U, asm. 50 Mf 2 , U„ 3 , K, L, 2 , M,, 3 om. 51 Mf 2 , U„ D, A, M„ Mr, om. 52 U, nikiritak ; D nikiritak. 53 Mf, adds dusarm; Mf 2 pref. pavan; U„ D pref. dusarm i; U 3 pref. min; M 2 adds i. 54 U 3 pref. dusarm min ahrdkih; K, L, 2 pref. dusarm i ahrdkih ; M,, 3 pref. dusarm rd ahrdkih. 55 Mf„ U„ 3 , M 3 i. 56 Mf,, U„ 3 , D, K, M„ 3 om. ; U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr,, 2 add i. 57 Mf,, U,, 3 , D, K, L,,, M„ 3 om. 58 L 12 om. 59 So Mf„ D; Mf 2 , Mr, u. 60 Mf„ U 2 , K, L, 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 add i. 61 Mf, adds i; K, Lu om. 62 MSS. ydsddsr. 63 Mf 2 , U 2 , M 2 , Mr 2 add pavan. 64 K pdk yehvunet. 5 - 1 7 1 Mf 2 , L^, om. the paragraph. 2 U,, A an. 3 U„ M, om. 4 All except M 2 have Atahs. 5 U 3 has i Ohrmazd ozomand u tuvdnak ait for ozomand Ohrmazd ; D, K, A, M, » Ohrmazd ozdmand for dzomand ohrmazd ; M 3 i ozomand u tuvand ait. 6 U, om. 7 K om. ; A adds i. 8 U 3 adds ansutaan rd; K, M, om.; M 3 adds ansiitdan. 9 U 3 , M 3 add ait. 10 M 2 aey. 11 U 2 , M 2 om. i. 12 M 3 adds i. 13 U 3 , M 3 add yehvunet. 14 U,, 2 , 3 , D, K, M 2 , Mr,, 2 u; K, A, M 3 om. ; M, mavan. 15 U 3 om. 16 U 3 adds ih. 17 M 3 adds i. 18 D adds eton Atahs i lak Ohrmazd ozomand a tuvand ait mavan ben martuman ahrdkih min vala. i x v arsand ait; K adds eton lak Atahs bulandtar ait ae Ohrmazd u zak pavan ahravih xvarsand ait aey vala. x^arsandih zak zaman cigon mavan kar ahrdkih kabed yehviind sardar var aey Vahist lena. sarddr ait; M, °miind. 19 D gives this gloss. 20 D, M, om. 21 D u; M, om. 22 U 2 , A, M 2 , Mr, om. n. 23 MSS. have Atahs. 24 Mf,, M 2 pref. u. 25 U 3 , D, M 3 add kabed tez u amdvand ait dena. Atahs u kola aes mavan aydwarih Atahs vabidiinet Atahs madam vala awar rdmisnih petakenet ; K adds kabed tezdmand 1 < kabed amdvand vala. Atahs u vala. yehavimunet andar aydwarih ait aey ben aydwarih yehabundak kdem ait u petak rdmisnih yehabund. 26 Only U 3 , D give the gloss. 27 U 3 , M 3 kartan dena.; D pref. kartan. 28 U 3 , M 3 ddstan. 29 U 3 zak i Ohrmazd zak 224 COLLATION OF THE PAHLAVI ATASH NYAISH for Ohrmasd zak i. 30 U x an. 31 Mf 1( Ui, M 2 om. 32 Mf, adds Ih; M 2 adds an. 33 U 1( D, A, M 2 , s > Mr 2 x v dy isnlh ; U 2 x^dyisn. 34 K om. et ; A one stroke less. 35 K adds eton ae Ohrmazd zak azar yehbiindak ait levata vala. xvdhis ken vabidun. 36 Only U 8; D, M 3 give this gloss. 37 MSS. have xvdyisnlh. 3 D om. 39 MSS. Atahs. 40 M 3 adds i. NOTES MOTES I, Khotshed Myajsh * Massmeript D girss Sat PereSaai three nsasawis for tneriflSa* the KBanrefiisfl JJyaisbu the Sows deBSrere tlbree sw^agre ©£ Ckseoazd ewsry day tt® vesaMaxS, 1® tbe fire#, ®r ttbe atseasage ®ff ttbe imvaimg, Orsssard desires that wsw&smd be zeaB©cas in d®Sn* rsserittari®#!® deeds, s® that ttbeSr miadStlS®® m ttBcii* vmvM may be sssade fiagttter by G®d Mmse&L Sxaaswdfly at ssmm, rase® am rmmmded tt® marry assd have cMUdrem; assd am likewise esdterited tt® empesate mstk eaeb ®tBser m doing good deeds tba# will ipwere®# ABsrifflsa® assd Ms BarcaM tmm freeia* ttbesssssBres ©art ®f fosrodage tmtfiH ttbe day ®f l&sswiirsstii®®. Vm tfibe third, ®r ereatsa* message, mlliy are msssmded tt® sepesst of sons ttbsy may bare taroe®ffl*s»®o(^ly ©©ustmMtHte^ as m tfib at ease they wffllll Bae fow^re®, Tbe nsaaittsserijpt sftattes that rinis tssSamsai&m ss derived from the PabSari Batasfc^, bout dees m©t #re the s®8ir©e, A seardls ttbs®mgb P aUsBaeS bteratme do®wsd usse that the copyist had m rnmd a passage m ttbe <&aatjj4 SBnayagsun, II s$$-n$y (Bombay, tM$J, I* O t The jasrtieai begSemie* tram st&em, *\ praise,' tt® toarm&H MM, “be tMtfflwsaat ao end/ is a Hatter addSttS©®, as it d©e$ to®# ®mar Sat ttbe Pazassd Ssatowdonsfleiry prayers tt® the ether Wyasshes and Yasbfls. Besides, ttbe paragraph e®®tta£®$ aisaaiy Arabs© w®rds, wSsieb Ss n©t the ease wfittfia the pxttareSy Pazassd teats. C©sssp®re, f®r Smstanee^ xSMq, msxlfty, Mr ask, qMir, ysM, yMlm, "MSI, *Tbe sssaaitisseriptts bare olosok instead ®f airs irk a®d St Ss rendered Sant® PM, by rnSlH, 'foil' Sat aU tbe tscaattaismipts witb ttbe ea&a^ttS®® ®ff M& wbieb bas hamiSak, ' perpethtsal,' Tbe w gj we* dk, ‘wattes; in Persian dandas below (•fe W®>fldl 1 ® Y& iflsu 23, 17. 4 At. SityS is esmnectlly resadleired into PhL &y On£ aw^glbt fipe tefflspted to tUnimflc t inat translator took fifee follfowiifflg w «4 dditPra-, wtoteb is raw*a% transcribed into Pel. by doisr, S§ # tt$ 5 W§£f£lh@d f&tna of AradvieHra-, and was prompted to read the (Sp.), The two eyes of Ormazd mentioned here refer evidently to the Sun and Moon, Compare with this the somewhat similar Vedic idea of the Sun as the eye of Mitra and Varuna. For various references to this, see Bloomfield, A Vedic Concordance, p. 362, Cambridge, 1906. The conception that to look with a good eye upon the creatures of Ormazd is equivalent to paying homage unto the Eye of Ormazd, may be compared with the similar idea in Hosbang, West, Shikand-Gttmdnlk Vijdr, 1 , 56. Bombay, 1887, which gives PhL mavan vitp ddm i iaplr hulasmlha niklret casm i vala. casm i X*ariBt alt, Pa z. ke vitp dam i vahe hUiasmihi nigartt casm i oi casm i X^ariBt hast, Skt, yah samagrdm srstim uttamUm sulocanatayd nirlkste locanam any a locanam yat Stiryasya Oste, ‘ whoso looks upon the whole good creation with a good eye, his eye is [as if] the eye of the Sun.’ f Av. Asaono stois is rendered into different versions to mean * the world of righteousness.’ The grammatical construction does not favor this interpretation, for we should in that case expect the form aiaonyO in fern, to qualify sti-, which is of the feminine gender. It is more correct to render the word AJlaono by * of the Righteous One,’ as referring to Ormazd, in opposition to the phrase Drvato sldiJ, 1 the world of the Evil One,’ that is, of Ahriman. The sharp distinction between the good creation of Ormazd and the evil creation of Ahriman would be in accord with the dualistic teachings of Zoroastrianism. The tra- dition, however, is persistent in its rendering all throughout. For various passages where afatmn- and drvant- are used with sti-, see Bartholomae, Altiranisches IVdrterbuch, pp. 159a, 1593, Strassburg, 1904. 5 All versions use the past tense for Av. bavqiOyai, which is the pres, ptcpl. For further examples of a similar use of the verb fcfi- see Ys. 19. 22, ax. 7, 51. 2 (Sp.). In Ys. 34. 10, 43. 7, however, the fut. forms are used both by the PhL and Skt. for the pres, of the original. The mention of the present and future periods of time may have led the translators to take bavqidySi as representing the past. But the grammar is against such an interpretation. With the order of the periods given in the paragraph under discussion, may be compared the SHKEES 23 n rtwitftJ] andtor aff ffilrm mred l, wilm is iimaiiffiil 0a> ffiir tiHmr tite rnirrdl as waill as tite ttiD% aff: OH® sjggitettt. ’B'Ulte gpammgtfnafl cnmtaMidiinn aff tite aniigital is tnBt aannfflctiiy gm^swail tty tite ttnanttlldtaEs. Hite amgjirdl ii&a off trite; gaming aff (Qffnraedl am tite dtey aff Btoaim®ittiinn is dtoagipafl amfl (gnm^pmrilng; ailurngss an® imaite iin tite iirtlfflignataiinn. 3m. ntmaes s§, iin line,, is namlknmil iin tite mum. as tdte anrijjssti aff tite ffum, a£ sins,, wllicih is lUtewws® ttnsatteil as iiff iit won® a afl sit®. JL. HAw. ffaw&uiwdk-,, “ await®, ” is ttagteb' Bnansnriltefl into ffttll. tty jjttcQr,, jftiffir,, ifttfiK, jjigBiffii, ifig&r ftSsffi. TDte Mil. Onaigfettms often meHintt to tite mHtdtadl aff ttnansntiilitrffi tite® Aw. wandte wttiidh an® ®Mtar umhnailisjilite air aftsntn® to titerm. Hite*® Onansrogtdints to® often a mump aff dHffauily to IlfenyiHangto, wtt®, iin tite aitesra® aff a ttaitter IkniwifaffgE aff tite am® trail Asw^tai titan His gmdlaiB^Brs, tafe to ntate any mradteil imipiawnmartt upm tite (fttiiliftffitil rranifeniirgs aff tite ffdHtaitoi. TDte wandl iin tiiis gtotiimtar assn llaffm® tis is mnnilsKstl iitto Sttt. tty SaitMlatiHuajdh-,, ami! 1 % UMugptialtmmtt- iin 3 %.. 5. 113. TDte fftas. anS ©nii. wtteims ggiwee tite sat® ihttmgnstttoiiBn. IBistfte tite iiitei aff tite “^tmangili aff amis,” snn® nnaniHniintS ®iw® (flifejsstt mitanihy^ fEnr tite wandl. TDtais aann®tJ% esgikiinffi iit tty fftes. S mSOr,, “attate”;; 11® “mrarii- Stat.” mt, DU, Hie ltasMc /iat%®r„ “aautitms”;; gjiswts s&liitb (g&uatt,, “Umdl aff ■w@nr.” TL.J JUSJaO® ISteffe Ptamtpgfftfl ffnmn gn^Halbtt irretoall aff tite anmtantt Sta. Sran ftnftdtulh&t. JU % lAts. Tn&Mwam ttim, “tite anas ttrihn®h® to HlMlttat!’ is fihasliy nBantewrfl iin dll tite ttOTsints ® nsffamiing to tite tans, TUMltar Itefa® tite tain Ster. Slliit. “tite ffdih wlliirih is aff tite ggnnfl dtete” TDte wandl anmtns iin tite mrnt adltetaiixtn iin Sic. W.. $. a. Bn tite tettatit® nanriteiiii® “®nnfl Ste^” wdHidh H Him® adfagtafl tar .vU'SsiBitii,, H 11®® ttsaui ihffUttrmiHil tty tite ttediitmn wlliirili amtetsttanlk tft® “Bdib” to Ite tite Sdib ttttet ltadte to fftetalta. Stnr sirrilter dlltsixns to tite ffdili, w® m®y nairar to tite ffarrillter 3m. aSaw JFtmtBi 3 ® Mkdite awgpBsiBni afianitifni,, “tite an® Steih wdWirib is aff Kiyittamstt^, dll attorns to® mn gteilsr 3Es. jpu. nn;; dteo tite wdll H-rrcrvwn . vatsims torn® trite maud femn vant~„ “to dangtii^ti,” and inttntottK trite ij&a ®ff xatigtisitintf; trite MtenuMS. $. M&® Mtaus® $. , n^tsims ttnai^at^ ^ ifi sn&vmf&rii aid i&k oriter wsiftdl ffimms wsik im trite triJiirfl gismm. ffiutt trite gnartnta»r wmM oatt aflltw triKs. 1 Ihatc® mato smne smtt «ff atttKngft to ga^KiWK trite gjtannnaffi, tribnofih 11 crntS^ trite o^tflt is mat sari^aattm^i. IRrtr trite ifmMterratiit: Smnn Htumautnii me atornteK ®igftnattiani 4as awwnss Stem ©hem. lift SffiSBSfS tND <nm®t& awiali fete MSS. Fj* E,,, Ml** IL®,, at ami mmspawim© Hit wittli si® SaniJatiS: HmSmsihe® Swum «&wm- firaaa Sl« a®®S: ®ne> “S© Saw,” aeiBli itftft m®amHm© “Hat fflew,,’’ “pasa-