s FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D, BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLQG1CAL SEMINARY ScB HZ Dbirio£ Suction I £* 91 & THE / BOOKopPSA LM.S, / N METRE; from the Original, •COMPARED WITH MANY VERSIONS, IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, All things muft be fulfilled, which are written in the Law of Mofes, and in the Prophets, and in THE PSALMS, concerning ME. Luke xxiv. 44. For David fpcaketh concerning HIM. Ads ii. 35. n 3 y ?a u> rnoi yixn t)na pHK 1 ? ♦!¥ M, D C C, L X X X I V. PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR. SOLD BY JOSEPH JOHNSON, ST PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. LONDON. €ntcres in Stationers iDall, accoxoing to aft of Patliament. ( a ) Prefatory Notes. I. X HE Verfion chiefly adhered to in the following work, as by much the molt literal, is that which is at prefent ufed by the Efrablilh'd Church of Scotland ; which is never departed from, but where the meaning and fpirit of th£ Original Text, or the harihnefs of the Metre, feemed to require it. II. The words of that Verfion are frequently retained, even when not perfectly literal, where they exprefs fully the meaning of the parage. III. The great ftudy, however, of the Editor, in connection with his endeavour to improve the Metre; hath been to make the prefent Ver- fion as literal as poflible. IV. When it hath been found neceffary to fup- p!y words, not in the Original, either to an- • fwer the idiom of the Englifh language, or to complete the Metre, which is often unavoid- ably necefTary in a work of this nature; the expktory vords ufed for that purpofe, have been felecled with much caution, fo as to avoid as much as poilible the appearance of any pri- a 2 vats ( « ) vaU interpretation : and when, as -in many in~ fiances, the Editor hath taken the liberty, to depart from the fenfe of any pafTage, as expref- fed in the eftablifhed Profe Translation, he hath done fo on fuch authorities and grounds,. as he trufts will, on examination, fufSctefltly juftify fuch alterations ; which have not, even in the minuteft matters, been made wiffi a hafty : hand, V. Many words, which, at fir ft fight, do not appear to be in the Original, are not merely expktcry, but neceiiary to give the full force of the Hebrew expreilxon. VI. The name JEHOVAH, where it occurs in the Original, is in the prefent Verfion, where* ever it could be introduced, uniformly adopted, -inftead of LORD, or GOD, in the Old Ver- sions ; as being not only, in the higheft fenfe, a Proper Name y but alfoa moft expreilive one ; JEHOVAH, in the Hebrew, denoting the in- effable Beitifr of God, as « HE WHO JS, AND " WAS, AND SHALL BE." The nameJAH, (being a contraction of JEHOVAH) is like- wife uniformly retained, for the fame reafon. And for exprcffing the other names of the Deity which occur in the Psalms, the words uniformly adopted, are, for the name Adonai t ; LORD* and for Mlchim, El: ah, and El, GOD. VII. Tks ( v ) VII. The Editor hath in general, throughout the whole work, fludied as far as the nature of ir would admit, to exprefs the fame Hebrew words, in all places where they occur, by fanie Englifh ones; tinlefs where a dubioOfuefs Or variety of meamttg id 4he original e* fion feerned to fan&lun a gj eater latitude of interpretation, VIII. The diviHon of the P&Ims into Five Farts or Books, obferyed in the Orii ahb obferved in this Verfiori : And though, in a Tranltation, the diftinguUhiftg characters which mark the Pfalms com poled after the order of the Hebrew Alphabet (i.e. each fentence, verfe, or other divifion, beginning with one of the letters of that Alphabet in their order) are loft ; yet as this manner of compoiition fcems to denote a peculiar importance or excellency of matter in the Pfalms fo eoropofed, thofe Pfalms, being feven in number, are likewife particularly noted in the following work. IX. The Titles prefixed to the different Pfalms in the Original, are omitted ; both as in many inftances of dubious figniiication, and as not immediately necefury to be inierted in a metri- cal Verfion, however properly retained in the eftabliflied ProfeTranflation, which the Pxeader hath always accefs to confult. X. As C vi ) X. As there Ms generally underftood to be a meaning in the word Selah, drawing particu- lar attention to the pafTages where it occurs, thofe pafiages, being 71 m number, are there- fore pointed out in this Vernon, by the initial letter S. ; and in one of thofe paflages* Pfalm ix. 1 6. where, for a (imilar reafon, the word fiiggaion is prefixM to Selak, the initial letters of both words are retained, thus, 11. S. XL The manner of numbering the Pfahnsand' Verfes obferved in the now in ufe, is retained in the prefent work; chiefly f< more eafy comparifon with thofe verfions, by any who may be difpo^ed to take the trou- ble of making fuch comparifon. One devia- tion only occurs from this rule, in Pjnl. xcv. where the latter part of verfe 7 in our Profe o Translation, is, in this Verfion, joined to verfe 8.; according to the plain connexion eftablifhed by the Apofile in quoting that paf- fage from the Greek Verfion, Hebr. Hi. 7. and 8. and zV 7, — The words marked in the Original, and in our Profe Traoflation, as the 20th verfe of Pfalm Ixxii. are likewife verfified in this work7 as forming a significant part of the Text. XII. The Stile, and Verification, as necefiaryin a work intended for the perufal of Readers ( vii ) efall fertSy are plain and unadorned ; the em- bellifhments of poetry, though not defpifed, nor, it is hoped, altogether neglected, being yet always made fubfervient to the fimplic'ity of the fenfe. - And the Editor hath purpofely a- voidcd the increafe of expence, and fhow of learning, which would attend the crowding his pages with quotations and authorities in the learned, languages. He hath, however, with freedom, availed himfelf of the labours of the Learned, wherever he could find them to his pur pole ; and it might be deemed an omiffion, were he not to mention, that before committing thefe flieers to, the Prefs, he hath had the fatisfaction to fee and examine the va- rious readings contained in the late learned Dr Kennicott's Edition of the Hebrew Bible, ex- tracted fo far as concerns this Book ofPfalms, from 23^ Manuferipts, and 93 printed Edi- tions ; a work, in wJ- ich, among other valu- able articles, the Editor obferves with much. pleafure, the eftabliihmeiit of two important readings in Pfaim xvf. 10. and Pfalm xxxiv. 20. ii. demonib-.uiiigj as the learned Doctor lhows in the cleareft manner, the application of thole Pfalms to chat HOLY and JUST ONE, " of whom Moles in the Law, and " the Prophets, did write." ' XIII. ( viii ) XIII. The ordinary poetic meafurts or metres obferved in former Verfions, are likevvife followed in this work ; that is to fay, the verfes, or ftanzas, confift each of four lines, the lines containing either eight and fix fylla- bles alternately, or every line eight. This (implicity of metre feems to be well fuited to a work of this nature ; and any want of va- riety inthofe meafures, is fufficiently fupplied *aJ>y the variety of melodies, or tunes, to which y are adapted. There are only three in- stances in which the above general rule as" to meafure is not obferved, viz, in the fecond verfions of Pfalm cxviu and Pfalm cxxxvi, and in Pjalm cL all which are compofed wholly of lines of feven fyllables, adapted to the tune of what is called The Eafler Hymn, ufed by the Eftablifhed Church of England. THE T H E JB O O K of PSALMS. PART FIRST. 'Beginning with PsAl. I. — Concluding with Psal. XLL O PSALM I. GREATLY bleffed is the man who walketh not aflray In counfel of ungodly men, nor {lands in Tinners way ; Nor fitteth in the fcorners chair : ■2. but placeth his delight Upon JEHOVAH's holy law ; his law weighs day and night. .3. He fhall be like a tree that grows the flreams of waters nigh, Which in its feafon yields its fruit, whofe leaf doth never die ; A And % P S A L M I. And all he doth fhall profper well : 4. The wicked are not fo ; But like the empty chaff are they, which wind drives to and fro, 5. Th' ungodly, therefore, fhall not ftand when in the judgment try'd, Nor in th' aflembly of the jufl mail wicked men abide : 6. Becaufe the way of all the jufl is to JEHOVAH known ; Whereas the way of wicked men fhall quite be overthrown. PS A L M L Another Verfion. JL HESE are the bleflings of the man Who from the right path doth not ftray, The wicked's counfel to purfue, Nor ftandeth in the fmners way ; Nor fitteth in the fcornfuls feat ; 2. But placeth his fupreme delight Upon JEHOVAH's perfed law, Revolving his law day and night, 3. He fhall be like a tree that's fet Befide where ftreams of waters flow, Which P S A L M I. II. 3 Which ftill yields fruit,whofe leaf ne'er fades, Whofe fruits to full perfection grow. Not fo the evil workers are ; But like the very chaff are they, Which fuddenly, with rapid force, The wind before it drives away. The wicked, therefore, mall not ftand When in the righteous judgment try'd, Nor fmners lift their heads among Th' aiTembly of the juftify'd : Becaufe the juft JEHOVAH doth The way of all the righteous know ; But all the way of wicked men Shall down to fure perdition go. w. PSALM IL H Y rage the heathen ? why vain do thus the people mind ? [things 2. Kings of the earth, in league, Hand up, and rulers are combin'd Againft JEHOVAH, and his CHRIST ; and, thus confulting, fay, 3. " Come, let us break their bands from us, " and caft their cords away !" A 2 A. 4 PSALM II. 4. He in the heav'ns who fits, fhall laugh ; THE LORD fhall them contemn 5 5. Then (hall He fpeak to them in wrath, in fierce wrath trouble them. 6. — Yet, furely, I anointed have my King on Zion Hill, The Mountain of my Holinefs, and Him I rtahlifh will. 7. The fure decree I will declare, JEHOVAH's word to me— Thou art mine only Son, this day I have begotten Thee. 8. Aik me, and I for heritage the heathen will make thine ; For fure poifemon, I to Thee will give earth's utmoft line : 9. As with a weighty iron rod, fo (halt Thou rule them all ; And, like a potter's broken (herd, them dam in pieces fmall. 1 o. Be wife, then, now, ye kings ; be taught, ye judges of the earth ; 11. JEHOVAH ferve with rev'rent fear, and trembling join w r ith mirth : 12. Kifs ye THE SON, left in his ire ye perifh from the way j If PSALM II. III. If once his wrath begin to burn, bled all who on Him flay. PSALM III. J EHOVAH, how my foes increafe ! againft me many rife ; 2. For him, fay many, of my foul, in GOD no fuccour lies.— S, 3. Yet, Thou my Shield and Glory art, th' Uplifter of my head : 4. I cry'd ; and, from his Holy Hill, JEHOVAH anfwer made'. S. 5. I laid me down, I flept, and wak'd ; for GOD fuflained me ; 6. I will not fear, though thoufands ten camp'd round againft me be. 7. JEHOVAH! rife; my GOD ! me fave y for Thou, with pow'rful ftroke, Smot'ft on the cheek-bone all my foes ; — the wicked's teeth haft broke. 8. Salvation to JEHOVAH doth to Him alone pertain : O let thy gracious bleffing on thy people flill remain ! S. A 3 IV. o PSALM IV. PSALM IV, GOD of all my righteoufnefs ! hear, when I call on Thee : Have mercy, hear my prayer, for Thou in (traits enlargeft me : 2. How long, ye Sons pf men, will ye my Glory turn to fhame ? How long in vanity delight, and lying falfhood frame ? S. 3.— Yet know, JEHOVAH, for Himfelf, the Holy One doth choofe ; JEHOVAH, when I call on Him, to hear will not refufe. 4. Sin not in wrath, but prove your hearts on bed, and be ye (till : S. 5. Give righteous offerings ; truft in GOD, and ever do his will. 6. O, who will fhow us any good ? is what the many fay ; But lift, JEHOVAH, Thou, on us, thy gracious Face alway : 7. Upon my heart, beftow'd by Thee, more gladnefs 1 have found, Than they, in times when corn and wine did molt with them abound. 8. PSALM IV. V. I will both lay me down in peace, and quiet fleep will take \ For Thou alone, JEHOVAH, me to dwell fecure dolt make. PSALM V. (j-IVE ear, JEHOVAH, to my words ^ my meditation weigh ; 2. O hear my cry, my King, my GOD ! for I to Thee will pray. 3. At morn, JEHOVAH, hear my voice ! — at morn, I will dire£t My prayer to Thee ; and, looking up, an anfwer will expect. 4. For Thou art not a God who dofl in wickednefs delight ; The evil (hall not dwell with Thee, 5. nor fools fland in thy fight : Thou hat'ft ill-doers ; liars all 6. cut' ft off for evermore : The man of blood, and of deceit, JEHOVAH doth abhor. 7. But I, LORD, enter will thy Houfe,. in thine abundant grace \ ■ And. 8 P S A L M V. And in thy fear, I worfhip will toward thy Holy Place. 8. Becaufe of my infidious foes, who feek that I mould ftray, LORD, lead me in thy righteoufhefs, before me ftraight thy way. 9. For in their mouth there is no truth ; their inward part is ill y Their throat is as an open grave ; their tongue doth flatter (till. 10. O GOD, deftroy them! — quell'd let them with all their counfels be : Them, for their many fins, drive out, for they rebel 'gainft Thee. ii. But let all joy who truft in Thee, and fhout beneath thy Shade ! Let all who love thy bleffed Name, mod glad in Thee be made : 12. Becaufe, JEHOVAH, to the juft Thou wilt thy blefling yield ; With favour Thou wilt compafs him around, as with a Shield. PSALM o PSALM \'i. PSALM VI. IN thy indignation great, JEHOVAH chide me not ; Nor on me lay thy chaft'ning hand, in thv difpleafure hot : 2. JEHOVAH, lo, I feeble am; have mercy, then, on me ! JEHOVAH,' heal me ! for Thou know'fi my bones much troubled be. 3. Sore vex'd, JEHOVAH, is my foul ; how long wilt Thou forfake ? 4. Return, JEHOVAH, free my foul ; fave, for thy mercies fake. 5. Becaufe of Thee, in death, there mail no more remembrance be ; Who that remaineth in the grave fhall render thanks to Thee ? 6. I, with my groaning, waded am, and, all the long night through, My bed, in forrow, make to fwim ; — with tears my couch bedew : 7. By reafon of my poignant grief, my very eye doth fail ; It waxeth old, becaufe of all the foes who me afiail. — • 8. io P 3 A L M VI. VII. 8. But, hence ye evil workers all, depart from me away ; Becaufe JEHOVAH hath me heard, when I with tears did pray : 9. JEHOVAH, now, my plaintive cry hath heard, and me relieved ; JEHOVAH, with acceptance full, hath all my prayer recejv'd. 10. Let all be fham'd, and troubled fore, who en'mies are to me ; Let them recoil, and, fuddenly, afhamed let them be. P S A L M VIL JEHOVAH ! O my GOD ! in Thee my trufl do I repofe ; Deliver me, and fave from all my perfecuting foes ; Left, elfe, the enemy my foul mould like a lion rend, To pieces fiercely tearing it, while none can fuccour lend. My GOD JEHOVAH ! if indeed I have committed this ; Of, P S A L M VIL is Or, if 'tis fo, that, in my hands, there's any thing amifs ; 4. If evil I return' d to him who was at peace with me ; Yea, if my foe without a caufe, I did not fpare, and free : 5. Then let the foe purfue my foul, and make the fame his prey ; Down let him thrufl my life to earth, in dull my glory lay, S. €. JEHOVAH! in thy wrath arife, exalted highly be ; My foes againft me raging are ;— — thy judgment wake for me. 7. So fhall th' afTembled peoples all encompafs Thee around ; For their fake, then, return on high., with finifh'd judgment crown'd ! 8. JEHOVAH fhall the people judge ; my judge, JEHOVAH, be, According to my righteoufnefs, and uprightnefs in me. -9. O let the wicked's malice end ; but ftablifh Thou the juft : For Thou, juft GOD, the hearts and reins explorate wifely dofL 12 PSALM VIL 10. In GOD, who th' upright-hearted faves,, is all my Shield and Stay ; 1 1. GOD juftly judgeth ; GOD is wroth with finners all the day : — 12. And if he do not turn again, then, He his fword will whet \ His bow He hath already bent, and hath it ready fet ; 13. Yea, He prepared for him hath the inftruments of death ; Againfl the persecutors fierce, his arrows pointed hath. 14. Lo, he, as travailing in birth, iniquity hath wrought ; Pernicious mifchief he conceiv'd, and falfehood forth hath brought : .15. He made a pit, and digg'd it deep, that he 'might others take ; . But, down hath fallen in the ditch which he himfelf did make : 1 6. Back, on his own devoted head, fhall turn his mifchief all ; And, down, upon his own head's fcalp, his violence fhall fall. .17. I will, for all his righteoufhefs, JEHOVAH magnify ; And P S A L M VII. VIII. 15 And celebrate with fongs, the Name JEHOVAH, THE MOST HIGH ! H PSALM VIII. ,OW excellent in all the earth, LORD, our LORD, is thy Name ! Who haft thy Glory fet on high, above the ftarry frame. From babes and fucklings mouths Thou the ftrength of praife ordain, (aidft The raging, felf-avenging foe, to quiet, and reftrain. When I behold thy heavens high, the work thy fingers made ; The moon, and ftars, all fram'd by Thee, and orderly array 'd : O, what is wretched man, that Thou of him mould' ft mindful be ! The fon of earthy man, that he is vifited by Thee ! For Thou, a little lower, him haft than the angels made ; With glory, and with dignity, Thou crowned haft his head* B 6. i 4 PSALM VIII. 6. Lord of thy hand-works Thou him mad'ft ; ail at his feet did* ft lay, 7. Both Iheep and oxen, and the beafls that in the field do ftray: 8. The fowl and fifn, of th* air and fea ; all pafling through the fame : 9. How excellent in all the earth, LORD, ouxl LORD, is thy Name ! H PSALM VIIL Another Verfwn. .OW excellent in all the earth, Our LORD JEHOVAH, is thy Name! Who hail thy Glory rais'd on high, Above the heav'ns ethereal frame. From out of babes and fucklings mouths Thou didft fublimeft praife ordain, Becaufe of thy contemning foes, Th* avenging en'my to reilrain. When I behold thy heav'ns on high, The works which thine own fingers made ; The moon and (tars, with all their hofts, By Thee created, and array'd : O, what is wretched man, fay I, That he remember'd thus mould be ! Or PSALM VIII. IX. 15 Or what the fon of earth-born man, That he is viiited of Thee ! 5. For lower than the angels are, Thou, for a little, hall Him made ; With glory and with majefty, Thou haft encircled round his head. 6. Lord of thy hand-works Thou Him mad'ft > Beneath his feet did 5 ft all things lay, 7. Both fneep and oxen, all of them, And beafts that in the fields do ftray : 8. The fowl that in the heav'ns doth fly, The fifh in feas, and depths of fame : How excellent in all the earth, Our LORD JEHOVAH, is thy Name! T: PSALM IX H E E, LORD ! I'll praile with ali thy wonders all proclaim ; (my heart, 2. In Thee rejoice, in Thee exult, and fing, MOST HIGH, thy Name : 3. For, back my foes did, ftumbling, fall and perifh from thy fight ; 4. For Thou, enthron'd, me juftice didft, O Thou who judged right ! B 2 5. 16 P S A L M IX. 5. The nations Thou rebuked haft, the wicked overthrov/n ; Their very name hail blotted out, that it no more be known. 6. Thy defolations, now, O foe ! are all completely o'er ; The cities raz'd to raife thy fame, in mem'ry are no more. 7. But evermore, through ages all, JEHOVAH mall endure ; For judgment juft, his holy Throne He hath eflablifh'd fure. S. With juftice He mall judge the world, and final judgment give, In righteoufnefs and uprightnefs, to all therein who live. o. JEHOVAH alfo, (till will be a Refuge for th' oppreft ; A Refuge High, in times of need, to thofe who are diftreft: 10. And they who know thy precious Name, their trufl in Thee will place ; For Thou JEHOVAH, leaveft none who feek thy gracious Face. 11. O fing ye praifcs to THE LORD, who doth in Zion dwell ; And PSALM IX. ty And 'mong the nations far and wide, his glorious doings tell: 12. For He, th' Inquirer after blood, in mem'ry beareth them ; Th' afflicted He forgetteth not, who call upon his Name, 13. Have mercy, LORD! th' affliction fee that I from foes fuftain, O Thou who from the gates of death doft raife me up again ! 14. That I, in Zion's daughters gates, may all thy praife relate ; And that 1 ever may exult in thy falvation great. 15. The nations in the pit are funk, which they themfelves prepar'd ; And in the net which they did hide, their own foot faft is fnar'd. 16. JEHOVAH's by the judgment known which He Himfelf hath wrought ; In that fame fnare his own hands laid, the wicked one is caught. H. S* 17. The wicked turned into hell affuredly mall be ; The nations all, O Mighty God ! who lofe the fear of Thee : B 3 18. iS PSALM IX. X. *3. For, not forgotten evermore {hail be the needy one ; Nor mail the poor affli&ed's hope be ever loft and gone. jg. JEHOVAH rife ! let man not vaunt; judge Thou the heathen right ; That they may know themfelves but men, the nations, LORD, affright. S. y P S A L M X. j EHOVAH ! wherefore doit thou (land &», away irom us afar ? Why hide thyfelf thus, in the time when we fore troubled are ? The wicked, in his haughty pride, doth perfecute the poor ; In thofe devices they have fram'd, let them be taken fure. The wicked doth his foul's defire extol with boafling great ; He bleffeth him that's covetous, whom yet THE LORD doth hate: According to his pride of face, the wicked feeketh not \ Nor, PSALM X. 19 Nor, in the counfels of his heart, hath GOD at all in thought : 5. His ways polluted ever are ; thy judgments pafs his fig lit ! In haughty pride, at all his foes he puffeth with defpite : 6. Within his heart, fecure, he fay'th, I never mov'd (hall be ; But Rourifh, dill, in profp'rous peace,, from ev'ry evil free. 7. Dire curfe, deceits, and fraud, his mouth continually fill ; Beneath his tongue doth mifchief lie, and forrow-working ill. 8. Near villages he lies in wait ; the guiltlefs he doth flay : His eyes mark out the helplefs ones, who pafs along the way. 9. He, like a lion in his den, doth lurk the poor to take ; Within his net he draws the poor, and doth his prey him make : 0. He boweth low, and, crouching down, doth hide himfelf from fight, Upon th' afTembled helplefs ones, to fail with all his might. so P S A L M X. il. For farely GOD forgotten hath, within his heart fay'th he ; His countenance He from it hides, and never will it fee. 12. Arife, JEHOVAH, O my GOD ! lift up thy hand on high ; Forget not Thou th' afflicted -poor, who unto Thee do cry. 13. Why is it that the wicked thus, doth ever GOD defpife ? — Becaufe that Thou wilt it require, he, in his heart, denies. 14. Thou fee' ft; for mifchief, Thou, and fpite, behold'ft, and wilt repay : The helplefs leaves his caufe to Thee ; Thou art the orphan's flay. 1 5. Break Thou, with pow'r, the wicked's arm, the arm of th' evil One ; Search clofely out his wickednefs, until Thou fmdeft none. 16. JEHOVAH's King for evermore ; his kingdom firm doth ftand ; And all the heathen, ev'ry one, are perifh'd from his land. 17. JEHOVAH, Thou the meek's defire who doft benignly hear, Their PSALM X. XI. 11 Their hearts, in trouble, ftablifh (till, and, gracious, bow thine ear, To judge and fave the fatherlefs, and thofe opprefTed fore ; That forry man — the fprout of earth ! may them difmay no more. i PSALM XL IN JEHOVAH put my truft; how, to my foul, fay ye, Hence, as a bird for fafety now, up to your mountain flee ? 2. For, lo! the wicked bend the bow, their (hafts on firings they fit, That thofe who upright are in heart, they fecretly may hit. 3. — For all foundations are deftroy'd ; what hath the righteous done ? 4. JEHOVAH's in his Holy Place, in Heave's JEHOVAH's Throne : His eyes behold, his eye-lids try mens fons of all eflates ; 5. The juft JEHOVAH proves— his foul th' unjuft and fpoiler hates. 6. :: P $ A L M XL XII. 6. Snait ue, bra on iinners.He (hall rain ; : up, fhaii unto them pertain : ;. B lit iOVAH. his delir' in f$ doth And on the upright, He, well ple&s'd, graciou o P 5 A L M XII. HELP, JEHOVAH! for: And, fr : :,e fons of men, J truths decay : For, to his nei: ne I doth import ; p of flatt'ries fp-r a double heart. GOD ::.. ff all fiatt'ring E ton: Oui - n and. rd o'er / n of the poor, - i I P S A L M XII. XIII. 23 I wiD arlfc, JEHOVAH fcy'th, and fave thofe he defies. 6. JEHOVAH's words are words moft pure; they are like fiiver try' d In earthen furnace, feven times that hath been purify' d. 7. JEHOVAH, ever them preferve, and keep them from this race ! All round about the wicked walk, when vile men are in place. H P S A L M XIII. . OW long wilt Thou forget me, LORD! forever (hall it be ? O, how long wilt Thou turn away thy gracious Face from me ? How long take counfels in my foul, and heart-griev'd (hall I go ? How long exalted over me (hall be my deadly foe ? Behold, JEHOVAH, O my GOD! and anfwer to me make ; My clouded eyes enlighten Thou, left death's deep me overtake : 4- 24 PSALM XIII. XIV. 4. Left my oppreffing foe fhould fay, " againft him I've prevailed \" 1 tholf who hate and trouble me. rejoice that I am faiPd. 5. l:\vc I upon thy mercy truft, with confidence fecure; Mv heart within me mall exult in thy falvation fure. 6. I to JEHOVAH pralfe will fing ; for, bountifully, He, -According to my right eoufnefs, hath recompenfed me. PSALM XIV. ■ . .. HE fool, that there is not'a GOD, 1 1 in his heart conclude ; They are corrupt, their works are vile, there's none that doeth good. 2. From heav'n, JEHOVAH, on men's fons, did call: his eyes abroad, To fee if there were any wife, and reeking after GOD. 3. They, one and all, are filthy grown ; they all afide have gone \ . > There's PSAL M XIV. XV. 25 There's none of them that doeth good, no, not fo much as one. Have they no knowledge what they do, thofe evil workers all ? They eat my people up, as bread, nor on JEHOVAH call. —There fear'd they with exceeding fear I for GOD is with the juft ; Ye fhame the counfel of the poor, becaufe THE LORD's his Truft Let Ifr'eTs Help from Zion 'come ! let JAH his captives free ! His people Jacob, then, (hall joy, and Ifr'el glad (hall be. w, PSALM XV. ITHIN thy Tabernacle, LORD! who may abide with Thee ? And in thy High and Holy Hill, who fhall a dweller be? The man who uprightly doth walk, and righteoufnefs purfue ; Who fpeaks unfeign'dly with his mouth, what in his heart flands true. G 3- 2 6 PSALM XV. 3. Who doth not flander with his tongue, nor to his friend do hurt ; Nor yet againll his neighbour doth take up an ill report : 4. Who with contempt beholds the vile, but doth GOD's fearers prize ; Nor will, though to his hurt he fwear, , to change his oath devife : 5. Who ne'er at biting ufury, his money doth employ ; Nor takes a bribe, the innocent to harafs or deflroy. The man who thefe things doeth thus, fhall ever dwell with Thee ! Though earth's foundations be remov'd^ he fhall not moved be. PSALM XV. Another Verfioiu JEHOVAH! in thy Dwelling Place Who fojourn, only, may with Thee ? — Who in thy Hill of Holinefs, A lading dweller., then, fhall be ? a. The man who walks immaculate ; Who worketh righteoumefs molt pure ; Wh@ PSALM XV. XVI. 27 Who, with his mouth, doth fpeak the truth, And in his heart believes it fure : 3. Who doth not backbite with his tongue, Nor to his neighbour doeth hurt -, Nor lightly 'gainft his neighbour doth Raife up, or bear an ill report : 4. Who fcorns the vile, but high efteems All who JEHOVAH fear and ferve ; And, having to his neighbour fworn, Ne'er from his plighted oath doth fwerve. 5. Who lendeth not at ufury, Nor 'gainft the guiklefs takes reward : — He who doth thefe, mall ne'er be mov'd ; His righteoufnefs mall be his guard ! G PSALM XVI. OD fhield me ! for in Thee I truft ! 2. thus wa?, my foul, thy fpeech — JEHOVAH Thou rt my LORD! to Thee my gocdnefs doth not reach ; 3. But to the faints, earth's Exc'lent Ones, in whom my joy's all piac'd ; 4. Their forrows iliall be muitiply'd, to other gods who hafle. C 2 ©£ 2$ PSALM XVI. • Of their drink-offerings of blood, no off 'ring will 1 make ; Nor will 1 deign, within my lips, their very names to take : 5. Thou, of mine heritage and cup who doft the Part remain, Thou, O JEHOVAH 1 Thou alone my lot dofl firm maintain. 6* The lines have fallen unto me where fcenes delightful are \ Yea, I an heritage have got, all others pamng far ! 7. I'll blefs JEHOVAH ! Him my GOD who counfels me aright ; By whom my reins admonifh me in feafons of the night. 8. JEHOVAH I before me fet, as my eternal Stay ; Becaufe He at my right hand (lands, nought mall me move away. §. Becaufe of this my heart is glad, my glory doth exult ! My flefh mail alfo reft in hope, fecure of this refult ; 10. — That in the fep'rate ftate, at death, my foul Thou wilt not leave ; Nor p s a l m xvi. xvrr. 29 Nor wilt Thou give thine HOLY ONE corruption to perceive : Thou wilt me mow the path of life — delights and joys in (tore ! Full blifs with Thee ! at thy right hand ! for ever, evermore ! PSALM XVII. J EHOVAH ! hearken to the right, to my complaint give heed ; O hear my prayer, which doth not out from feigned lips proceed ; And from before thy Preience forth, do Thou my judgment fend ; To things which juft and equal are, let ftill thine eyes attend. Thou, vifiting, haft prov'd my heart ; by night Thou haft me try'd ; Yet nought haft found ; — my heart's refolve my tongue hath not bely'd. Concerning all the works of men, thy word hath taught me fo, That I have kept me from the paths wherein deft r oyer s go. C 3 5- 3 o PSALM XVII. 5. In thy plain paths, O keep me fafr r that mov'd my Heps mayn't be ; 6. I called have on Thee, O GOD ! for Thou wilt anfwer me. Incline thine ear, and hear my word ; 7. thy wondrous mercies fhow, Thou who fav'ft thofe that truft in Thee ! and fave me' from each foe. 8. Keep me as th' apple of the eye, in thy wings made me hide, 9. From my oppr effing deadly foes, fet round on ev'ry fide : 10. Pent in their fat, they proudly fpeak 1 ii. — our ileps they now clofe round; And 'gainft me they have fet their eyes, to bring me to the ground. j 2. He like a rending lion is that's greedy of his prey ; — A lion young, that doth on watch within the covert Hay. 13. Arife JEHOVAH ! him prevent, and make him down to bow ; From th' Evil one, who is thy fword, my foul deliver Thou : 14. From mortal men who are thy Hand, from worldly men me fave, Who PSALM XVII. XVIII. 31 "Who only in this prefent life their part and portion have ; Whole belly Thou doit amply fill with thy refer ved ftore : Their fons are filPd, and to their babes they leave remainder o'er. 15. But as for me, I thine own Face in rightecufnefs will fee ; And with thy likenefs, when I wake, well fatisfy'd fhall bej PSALM XVIII. HEEwillIlove,OLORD 5 my Strength-, and praife Thee all day long ! JEHOVAH is my Rock and Fort, and my Deliv'rer Strong ; My GOD, my Strength in whom I truft 3 a Buckler unto me, The Horn of my Salvation high, my Lofty Tow'r is He 1 Upon JEHOVAH, I, with praife, in deep diftrefs, did call ; And by his pow'r, was faved from mine adverfaries all. 3 2 PSALM XVIIL 4. The floods of Belial troubled me, death's pangs about me went ; 5. The pains of Hell did clofe me round ; death's mares did me prevent : 6. In anguifh, I JEHOVAH call'd, to GOD, my GOD, Mod High ; «My voice He from his Temple heard .; his ear receiv'd my cry. • 7. The earth, then, quaked all, and fhooL with fearful trembling feiz'd \ The hills foundations fhook throughout, ' becaufe He was difpleas'd. 8. Up from his noflrils rofe a fmoke, and from his mouth forth came Confuming fire, which burnt around, and kindled coals to flame. 9. He alfo bowed down the heav'ns, and thence He did defcend ; And blacknefs of thick darknefs did beneath his feet attend : 10. Upon the Cherub He did ride, yea, quickly did He fly ; Upon the fwift wings of the wind his flight made from on high. 11. In darknefs He his Secret fet ; for tent, around him were The P S A L M XVIIL 33 The dark obfcure of waters deep, and thiekeft clouds of th' air. But from the brightnefs of the light his Prefence brought to view, His thick clouds pafTed all away, and hail, and fire coals flew. JEHOVAH, then, throughout the heav'ns did thunder in his ire ; There, gave THE MOST HIGH forth his in hail, aad coals of fire. (voice His arrows He did fend abroad, and them difperfed all ; His winged light'nings forth He fhot j and, routed, made them fall. The waters channels, then, were feen* the world's foundations bare, At thy rebuke, thy wrath's fierce blaft, difclos'd, JEHOVAH; were! He fent from high — He caught me up-, and drew from waters great ; -Freed from my ftrong prevailing foe, and thofe who did me hate ! With malice they did me prevent in my afflictions day ; But, firmly, as a Staff of ftrength, JEHOVAH did me flay : 19. 34 P S A L M XVIIL 19. And to a fpacious place of room, He brought me by his might: He full deliv'rance wrought for me ; for I was his delight. 20. JEHOVAH, thus, my righteoufnefs rewarded unto me ; The fpotlefs cleannefs of my hands, thus recompenfe did He. 21. Becaufe JEHOVAH' s ways 1 kept,. nor from my GOI> did ftray ; 22. His judgments all I kept in fight j his laws put not away : 23. I per feci: kept me from my fin ; 24. and GOD did me requite, According to my righteoufnefs, my clean hands in his fight, 25. Thou with the gracious, gracious art ; with th' upright, upright (till ; 26. Pure with the pure ; but ftriv'fl with thofc who ftrive againft thy will. 27. The poor afflicted Thou wilt fave when they to Thee do cry, But wilt the countenance bring down of thofe whofe looks are high. 28. For me — though I afflicted am, Thou, yet, my lamp wilt light ; Thou PSAL M XVI1L 35 Thou wilt, my GOD JEHOVAH! make my darknefs mine mod bright. 29. For, I, by Thee, have broke thro' hofts, difcomfiting them all ; And, by my GOD, have overleap'd the flrong and fenced wall. 30. To mow that GOD's way per feci: is ! JEHOVAH's word is try'd \ He is a cov'ring Shield to all who do in Him confide. 31. For, but JEHOVAH, who is God? who is a Rock and Stay, 32. But Heour GOD! THE GOD my ftrengtL, who perfect makes my way! 33. —He made my feet like feet of hinds, and fet me high from harm ; 34. My hands taught war, that bows of ft eel are broken by mine arm : 35. The fhield of thy falvation fure, Thou did'ft on me beftow ; Thy right hand held me up, and great thy nurture made me grow : 36. The narrow path in which I-walk'd Thou widened' ft under me ; That I, fecurely, pafs'd along, my feet from Hiding free, 37- »6 PSALM XVIIL 37. Mine enemies I did purfue, and did them overtake ; Nor turn'd I back, 'till of them all a full end I did make. 38. 1 fmote them, that they could not rife ; they, at my feet, did fall : 39. Thou did'fi me gird with fir ength for war, and crulh my en'mies all ! 40. Thus, Thou, to me, had giv'n the neck of thofe who were my foes ; And I my haters have fupprefs'd, who up againil me rofe: 41. — They cried out, but there was none who would, or could them fave ; They to JEHOVAH cry'd aloud, but He no anfwer gave : 42. Then did I beat them fmall as dud before the wind that flies ; And pour'd them out as filthy mud upon the ftreets that lies. 43. Thou freed'ft me from the peoples flrife, the nations Head to be ; A people whom I have not known, are fervants now to me ! 44. At hearing they do me obey : the ftrangers fons fubmit 45- P S A L M XV11I. 37 45. With feigned words; and fear, and flrrink, in clofe holds where they fit. 46. JEHOVAH lives ! and bleft let Him my Rock for ever be ; Exalted highly be the GOD who thus hath faved me ! 47. The GOD who ample vengeances doth unto me repay, And all the many peoples, now, fubjeð to my fway. 48. My Saviour from mine en'mies all ! Thou lift'ft me 'bove my foes j -Safe from the man of violence, and all who me oppofe. 49. Thanks, then, O JAH ! I will Thee give, the nations tribes among ; And of thy Name the praifes high fhall ever fwell my fong. 50. He great falvation gives his King, and mercy doth extend To David his Anointed One, and his feed without end. D PSALM 33 PSAL M XIX. P S A L M XIX. HE Heav'ns GOD's glory do declare, the ikies his hand-work preach ; 2. Day utt'reth fpeech to day, and night to night doth knowledge teach : 3. There's not a fpeech nor tongue, to which their voice doth not extend ; 4. Their line pervades all earth, their word doth reach world's utmoft end. 5. In them He fet the Sun a tent, who, with a Bridegroom's grace, Forth iffues, as a man of might exults to run his race ! 6. From end to end of heav'n he goes, in circuit mod complete ; And nought on earth is hidden from his penetrating heat. 7. JEHOVAH's law mod perfeft is, the foul it fatisfies ; JEHOVAH's teflimony's fare, and makes the fimple wife : 3. JEHOVAH's ftatutes all are right, and joy of heart bellow ; JEHOVAH's great command is pure, and light to th' eyes doth fhow : , P S A L M XIX. 39 9. JEHOVAH's fear unfpotted is, and ever doth endure ; JEHOVAH's judgments all are truth and righteoufnefs moil pure. 10. They more than gold, than much fine gold, to be defired are ; Than honey, honey dropt from combs, their tafte is fweeter far ! 11. Moreover, they thy fervant warn how he his life mould frame ; And manifold reward there is in keeping of the fame. 1 2. Who can his errors under (land ? O cleanfe Thou me within : 13. From fecret faults thy fervant keep, — keep from prefumptuous fin : And fufFer Thou them not to have dominion over me ; Then, from the great trangreflion, I ihall clear and guiltlefs be : 14. The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts fent from my heart, Accept, JEHOVAH ! who my Rock and my Redeemer art. D 2 PSALM 40 PSALM XX, PSALM XX. JEHOVAH hear Thee, in the day when trouble draweth nigh ; The Name of Jacob's GOD defend, and fet Thee fafe on high : 2. Help Thee from his Mod Holy Place, from Zion' Thee relieve ; 3. Remember thy oblations all, thy facrihee receive ! S* 4. Grant Thee according to thy heart, all that thy lips do crave ; Accomplifh all thy counfel wife, — whatever Thou would' ft have. 5. In thy falvation we will fhout ; in our GOD's Name we will Difplay our Banner ! — all thy pray'rs JEHOVAH mall fulfil. 6. Now, know I, from his holy heav'a JEHOVAH will me hear ; To fave his own Anointed One, his right hand fhall appear. 7. In chariots fome their truft repofe ; J on horfes fome rely ; But, in our GOD JEHOVAITs Name, ourfelves we fortifv : PSALM XX. XXL 4 t We rife, and firmly flay ourfelves, while they bow down and fall ; JEHOVAH, fave ! O let the King give ear, and hear our call ! PSALM XXL J EHOVAH, in thy mighty ftrength the King fhall joyful be ; In thy falvation great, exult how veh'mentlv (hall He ! 2. Thou haft on Him beflowed all his heart defir'd to have ; And hail not from Him ought with-held of what his lips did crave. S. 3. With blemngs Thou prevented' ft Him of goodnefs manifold ; And Thou upon his head haft fet a crown of pureft gold. 4. For life to Thee He made requeft, and life Thou didft Him give ; — A never-ending length of days, that He fhall ever live ! 5. In that falvation wrought by Thee, his glory great is made \ D 3 With 42 PSALM XXI. With honour, and with royal flate, Thou haft Him round array' d ! 6. Forv Thou, for ever, haft Him bleft with blefiings of thy grace ; Thou haft Him made exceeding glad with brightnefs of thy Face : j*. Becaufe the King, with confidence, doth on JEHOVAH ftay; And, through the Higheft's mercy great, mail not be mov'd awav. S. Thy hand (hall furely find out all who en'mies are to Thee ; Thy right hand fearch out fliall, and find, all who thy haters be : q. like oven hYd, Thou fhak them make in day of thy fierce ire ; JEHOVAH's wrath mall fwallow them ; devour them fliall the fire : I o. Their fruit from th' earthThou fhalt deftroy, their feed from men among ; ii. For they, againft Thee, in their heart, do mifchief plot, and wrong : A crafty wicked purpofe they devifed have 'gainft Thee, 12. But fliall not it effectuate ; —-their plots fhall blafted be : For PSALM XXI. XXII. ' 43 For Thou (halt fet them as a butt, and (halt thine arrows place Upon the firings, in readinefs to fly againil their face. JEHOVAH, in thy mighty ftrengtli exalted highly be ; With praifes, then, thy mighty pow'r ihout forth, and fing will we I M PSALM XXII. . Y GOD, my GOD, O why, in wrath, haft Thou forfaken me r From my falvation — from my cry- why far, thus, wilt Thou be ? 2. By day, my GOD, I cry aloud, but Thou no ear dofl lend : By night I cry ; but (till, to me Thou doll: no refpite fend. 3. -Yet Thou art holy, Thou in whom doth center Ifr'el's praife ! 4. Our fathers hop'd — they hop'd in Thee, and help Thou did'ft them raife : 5. They cry'd to Thee, " and refcu'd were, when trouble on them came 5 Their 44 PSALM XXII. Their confidence they fix'd in Thee., and were not put to fhame. 6. But I — am as a very worm ; as no man I am priz'd ; Reproach of men, I counted am ; by all around defpis'd : 7. All they who fee me, feoff at me, moot out the lip do they ; They nod at me, and make the head, and, mocking, thus do fay : 8. He in JEHOVAH put his truft ; let, then, JEHOVAH fave ; Let Him deliver him, if He fuch pleafure in Him have ! 9. -Yet, Thou didft take me from the womb, and Thou my fafety wail 10. While at my mother's breafts ; — on Thee, I, from the womb, was call : Thou, from my mother's belly, art my GOD, Thou LORD alone! 11. Far be not off, for trouble's near, and helper there is none : 1 2. Bulls many, bulls of Bafhan ftrong befet me round each way ; 13. They gape on me, like lions fierce and roaring for their prey : 14. P S A L M XXII. 45 14. Like waters I am poured out ; my bones afunder part ; And 'inidft my bowels, like to warc, fo melted is my heart : 15. My ftrength is like a potfherd dry'd, my tongue cleaves to my jaws ; And, downward, to the duft of deaths my life in anguifh draws : 16. -For dogs have me encompafs'd round; yea, round about me meet Th' aflembly of the wicked ones ; — they've pierc'd my hands and feet ! 1 7. They all my bones may number o'er ; they gaze on me, and ifare ; 18. They for my veflure cad the lot ; my cloaths they 'mong them (hare ! 19. JEHOVAH, be net, now, afar; hafte,^ my Strength, to me ! 20. From fworu my foul, my lonely foul, fet from the dog's hand free : 21. From out the rending lion's mouth, do Thou me fhield and fave 5 And from the horns of umcon , let me deliv'rance have. 22. To thofe who are my brethren, then, 1 publifn will thy Name ; And, 46 PSALM XXII. And, in the midfl: of all the Church, thy praife I will proclaim. 23. JEHOVAH praife, ye who Him fear, Him, Jacob's feed, adore ; And, ye the feed of Ifr'el all, revere Him evermore : 24. Becaufe th* affli&ed's mis'ry He loath'd not, nor did defpife ; Nor hid from him his countenance, but hearkned to his cries. 25. Within the congregation great, my praife fhall be of Thee ; In fight of thofe who do Him fear, my vows performed fhall be. 26*. The meek fhall eat, and fhall be fuTd, and praife to GOD fhall give \ All ye who after Him do feek, your heart fhall ever live. 27. Earth's ends remember fhall, and turn, and on JEHOVAH call ; The nations kindreds all to Thee, in worfhip down fhall fall : 28. For to JEHOVAH, Him alone, the kingdom doth pertain ; And HE, among the nations all, doth Governour remain. 29. PSALM XXII. XXIII. 47 Earth's fat ones eat, and worfhip fhall ; all that to dud defcend Shall bow to Him ; — He who his foul from death doth not defend. A feed, through ages all, to Him fhall render homage free ; A generation to THE LORD it (hall accounted be : They fhall come forth, and fhew the praife his righteoufnefs hath won, Unto a people yet unborn, — that He the work hath done ! PSALM XXIII. HE LORD'S my fhepherd,ril not want; He makes me down to lie In paftures green ; He leadeth me the quiet waters by : My foul He doth reftore again, and me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteoufnefs, ev'n for his own Name's fake-: Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, yet will I fear none ill j Fo? 4 3 PSALM XXIII. For Thou art with me, and thy rod and ftaff me comfort flill. 5. My table Thou haft furnifhed in prefence of my foes ; My head with oil Thou doit anoint, my cup all overflows : 6. Yea, goodnefs fure, and mercy, fhall my life long follow me ; And, ever, in JEHOVAH's Houfe* my dwelling-place inall be. PSALM XXIII. Another Verfion. J EHOVAH my good Shepherd is, And therefore 1 fhall never need ; 2. In paftures green He makes me lie, By waters flill He doth me lead ; 3. My fainting foul He doth reftore, And in the paths that righteous be, He, for the fake of his own Name, To walk fecurely maketh me : 4. Yea, though in death's (hade's vale I walk, Yet flill no evil will I fear ; For even there THOU with me art; Thy rod and ftaff,- — thefe fhall me cheer. 5- PSALM XXIII. XXIV. 49 5. A table Thou haft fpread to me, In prefence of my foes around ; My head with oil Thou doit anoint ; My cup with blifs complete is crown'd : 6. And goodnefs thus, and mercy, mail Through all my life's days follow me ; 'Till in JEHOVAH's Houfe, at laft, My dwelling {hall for ever be. PSALM XXIV. H E earth itfelf JEHOVAH's is, and fulnefs of the fame ; The world, and they who dwell therein, He all as his doth claim : For He, upon collected Teas, its firft foundation laid ; And, firmly, on the floods to ftand, its banYHe hath made. Who, then, is he that mall afcend JEHOVAH's Mountain high? Who in his Holy Place fhall (land, before his piercing eye-? -The clean in hands, the pure in heart, he who to ought that's vain E Lifts 5 o P S A L M XXIV. Lifts not his foul, nor fwears in fraud his purpofe to obtain. - 5. He from JEHOVAH furely mail the bleffing have beftow'd, -The full reward of righteoufnefs from his falvation's GOD ! 6. This for the generation is, who after Him enquire ; Who feek,0 JACOB'S GOD, thy Face, with all their hearts defire. S. s 7. Ye gates, ye everlafting doors, lift, — lift your heads on high ; That fo the King of Glory may come in triumphantly ! 8. -But who of Glory is the King ? JEHOVAH great and ftrong ; JEHOVAH ! He to whom all might in battle doth belong. 9. Ye gates, ye everlafting doors, lift, — lift your heads on high ; That fo the King of Glory may, come in triumphantly ! 10. -But who of Glory is the King? who bears this Name as his ? JEHOVAH OF SABAOTH ! He the King of Glory is. S. PSALM PSALM XXV. PSALM XXV. The firjl Alphabetical P/alm. Each Verfe, in the Original, beginning with one of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in its order* O Thee, O LORD ! I lift my foul, 2. on Thee, my GOD, repofe •> O let me never be afham'd, nor triumph let my foes. 3. Yea, let none ever be afham'd, who do on Thee depend ; Let thofe be fham'd, who, without caufe, do treach'roufiy offend. 4. Thy ways, JEHOVAH ! O do Thou make me aright to know ; And in thy paths inftrucl me well, that I in them may go : 5. Lead me, and guide me in thy truth, and teach me all thy way ; For Thou art my falvation's GOD ; on Thee I wait all day ! 6. JEHOVAH, to remembrance, now, thy mercies great recall ; Thy tender mercies, which from old have been through ages all : E 2 7. 52 PSALM XXV. 7. My youth's fins, and my trefpafles,.. keep not' upon record : In mercy, for thy goodnefs fake, remember me, O LORD ! 8. JEHOVAH full of goodnefs is, and upright all is He ; To fmners, therefore, He will teach the way from error free : 9. The meek-afflicted he will make in judgments paths to go ; And,, to the meek-afflicted, He his way will clearly fhow. 10-. The path-ways of JEHOVAH all are truth and mercy fure, To thofe who do his cov'nant keep, and teftimonies pure. 1 1. JEHOVAH, for thine own NameYfake, behold my low eftate ; And pardon my iniquity ^ for it is very great ! 12. Howbleft'sthemanthatfearsTHELORD! — Taught in his chofen way, 13. His foul fhall ever dwell in good, his feed on earth mall flay. 14. The fecret of JEHOVAH is with thofe who do Him fear ; And PSALM XXV. 53 And clearly to enlighten them, his covenant is near. 15. My eyes, with expectation, are 'towards JEHOVAH fet; For He it is who mall releafe my feet from out the net. 16. O turn to me thy countenance, and mercy to me mow ; For defolately poor am 1, and humbled very low : 1 7. * The troubles of my heart increafe ! from anguifh fet me free ; 18. See my affliction, and my pain, my. fins all pardon me : 19. Behold my enemies, O LORD I who many are and great ; ' And, with malignity extreme, they caufelefly me hate. 20. Preferve my foul, deliver me from my opprefling foes ; O let me never be afnam'd, for I on Thee repofe. 21. Let perfeclnefs, and righteoufnefs, keep me who on Thee wait ; 22. Redeem, O GOD ! thy ISRAEL from out of ev'ry (trait. E 3 PSALM 54 PSALM XXVI. P S A L M XXVI. J| EHOVAH ! judge me, for my walk in uprightnefs I guide ; I in JEHOVAH put my truft, and therefore (hall not Hide. 2. JEHOVAH! fearch Thou me and prove, my heart and reins aflay ; 3. Thy mercy is before mine eyes, and in thy truth my way : 4. I with profane men have not fat, nor with dirTemblers gone; 5. The evil-doers haunt abhor ; the wicked's feat I fliun : 6. "My hands in innocence I'll warn, and, undefiled fo, Thine altar, O JEHOVAH ! I to compafs round will go ; 7. To caufe be heard on high the voice of thankful praifes there, And all thy works of wonder great., with gladnefs, to declare. 8. The Habitation of thy Houfe, JEHOVAH, love I well 5 The place of Tabernacle, where thy Glory, fhrin'd, doth dwell ! 9. PSALM XXVI. XXVII. S3 9. With finners gather not my foul, nor thofe who blood do fpill ; j 10. Whofe hands contrived mifchief hold, and bribes their right hand fill. 11. -ButT, ftill, in my uprightnefs, walk ever. LORD, with Thee ; do Thou, therefore, me redeem, and gracious be to me ! 12. My foot (lands fure in righteoumefs, and I {hall never fall ; 1 will JEHOVAH Weft, within the congregations all. P S A L M XXV1T. JEHOVAH is my Light and Health who then fhall me affray ? JEHOVAH is my life's Strong Hold-, who fhall me then difmav r When evil doers, who to me are adverfaries all, To. eat my flefh draw near to me, — they flumbled, and did fall ! Againfl me though an hoft encamp, my heart from fear is free , Though B 6 PSALM XXVIL Though rage of war againft me rile, in this I bold will be. 4. One thing I of JEHOVAH ail:, and will feek to obtain ; That, all my days, I may within JEHOVAH'S Houfe remain : That I JEHOVAH's placid Face may view (till, and admire ; And, ever, in his Holy Place, with rev'rent fear inquire : 5. For He, in his pavilion, me fhall hide in th' evil days ; Keep me in fecret of his Tent, and on a rock me raife. 6. -And now, ev'n yet a little while. my head mall lifted be Above all thofe my enemies, who round encornpafs me ! Then will I to his facred Courts, triumphant off' rings bring ; Then fing will I, yea, pfalms of praife I'll to JEHOVAH fing 1 7. Give ear, JEHOVAH, to my voice, when I to Thee do cry ; Show gracious mercy unto me, and anfwer from on high. 8, PSALM XXVII. & 8, To Thee my longing eye doth look, to Thee my heart doth fpeak ;■ Yea, thy bleiVd Face above all things JEHOVAH ! I will feek. 9. Hide not thy Face, nor turn in wrath thy fervant off from Thee ; But be, as Thou haft ever been, a helper unto me, O GOD of my falvation all, ne'er leave me, nor forfake ! 10. Though father, mother, — all me leave*. THE LORD me up will take. 11. Thy way, JEHOVAH ! teach Thou mej lead 'me the path that's right ; Becaufe of my fur rounding foes, who watch my fteps with fpite; 12. Yield me not to my foes defire, for up againfl me rife Falfe witneifes, each breathing out malicious, cruel lies. 13. -I fainted had, but that I hop'd, and ftili believ'd to fee JEHOVAH's goodnefs, in the land of thofe who living be. 14. Trull in JEHOVAH, courage take \ thy heart He ftrength mail fend ; Let 5 3 PSALM XXVII. XXVIII. Let on JEHOVAH all thy hope, with confidence, depend. T PSALM XXVIIL O Thee I call, O GOD, my Rock! turn not as deaf from me ; Left if Thou'rt filent, I like thofe who go to pit mould be. Hear, LORD ! my Amplications voice, when I to Thee do cry ; When, to thy Holy Oracle, I lift my hands on high. Draw not me out with wicked men, with finners to have part, Who to their neighbours peace do fpeak with malice in their heart. Give them according to their works, the evil works they do ; Give them according to their deeds, their retribution due. Becaufe JEHOVAH's work, and deeds, they pafs unheeded o'er, He, therefore, down mall break them all, and never build them more. 6. PSALM XXVIII. XXIX. 59 6. O ever bled JEHOVAH be ! for He, when I did cry, My fupplications voice did hear, and anfwer'd from on high. 7. JEHOVAH is my Strength and Shield! my heart upon Him ftay'd, And I am helped ; — -hence my heart, exceeding glad is made : And with my fong I will Him praife ; 8. JEHOVAH, He alone Is all their Strength! their Saving Strength is HIS ANOINTED ONE ! 9. Thy people fave, thine heritage with ampleft bleffings crown ; And feed them ever, and advance to glory and renown. G P S.A L M XXIX. IVE to JEHOVAH, ye the fons who of the Mighty be, Give to JEHOVAH ftrength divine, and glory render ye ; The glory to JEHOVAH give that to his Name is due ; In 6o PSALM XXIX. In beauty of his Holinefs JEHOVAH homage do. 3. JEHOVAH's voice is on the floods, the deeps obey his call ; The GOD OF GLORY, thund'ring,rulee the mighty waters all. 4. JEHOVAH's voice, with awful pow'r, doth from on high refound ; JEHOVAH's voice with majefty, and glory, doth abound : 5. JEHOVAH's voice doth, by its might, afunder cedars tear ; JEHOVAH doth the cedars rend that Lebanon doth bear : §, He makes them like a calf to leap ; — Mount Leb'non maketh He, And Sirion, like young unicorns, with fearful hade, to flee : 7. JEHOVAH's voice ftrikes flames of fife, 8. the defert it doth make ; JEHOVAH makes the defert wide of Kadefh all to quake : 9. JEHOVAH's voice makes hinds to calve, — it makes the forefts bare ; And, in his Temple, ev'ry one his glory doth declare! 10. PSALM XXIX. XXX. 6i io. JEHOVAH, at the flood, of old, fat ruling in his pow'r ; Enthron'd as King, JEHOVAH fits, and rales for evermore. JEHOVAH gives his people ftxength, and will their ftrength increafe ; -JEHOVAH will his people blefs with never-failing peace. PSALM XXX. Jehovah! Thee i win extol, for Thou, from depths of woes, Haft drawn me up ; nor haft me left a triumph to my foes. To Thee, JEHOVAH, O my GOD ! I in diftrefs did call, With ftrong cries lifting up my voice ; and, Thou haft beal'd me all ! My foul, O JAH ! Thou haft brought up, and refcu'd from the grave ; From thofe who to the pit go down, alive, Thou didft me fave. Sing to JEHOVAH fongs of praife, ye Saints, with one accord ; F And 61 PSALM XXX. And render grateful thanks, while ye his holinefs record. 5. For, but a moment, lafts his wrath, — life in his favour lies ; Tears for a fleeting night may lodge, but joy at morn doth rife ; 6. And, in my profp'rous (late, I've faid, I never mov'd fhall be ; 7. My mount, JEHOVAH, in thy love, Thouftablifh'dhafttome! Thy count'nance Thou didft from me hide, and I was troubled fore ; 8. To Thee, JEHOVAH ! I did call, —JEHOVAH did implore. 9. What profit is there in my blood, if down the pit I go ? Shall duft, O LORD, give praifeto Thee? fhall duft thy truth forth mow ? 10. O hear, JEHOVAH, when I cry, and gracious be to me ! JEHOVAH, in thy mercy great, to me a helper be. 11. -My grief to dancing Thou haft turn'd, my fackcloth haft unbound ; And with triumphant gladnefs, now, haft girded me around ! 12. PSALM XXX. XXXh 63 12. That fmg thy praife my Glory may, and never filent be ; My GOD JEHOVAH ! evermore I will give thanks to Thee. 1 PSALM XXXI. N Thee, JEHOVAH, do I truft, fham'd let me never be ; According to thy righteoufnefs, do Thou deliver me. 2. O bow thine ear down unto me, and refcue me with fpeed ; Be Thou my Rock, my Hold Secure, to fave in time of need. 3. Fov Thou, LORD! art my Rock of Might) my Fortrefs I Thee make : Lead me, and guide me, therefore, flill, for thy own great Name's fake. 4. And, as Thcu art my Fort of Strength, releafe me from the net, Which they for me, in fubtlety, and fecrecy, have fet. 5. My fpirit I to Thee commend - — in thy hand fafe to be *, F 2 O 64 P S A L M XXXI. OThou,JEHOVAH,GOD OF TRUTH, who haft redeemed me ! 6. I hate all thofe to vanities and lies who turn afide ; But in JEHOVAH, as a Rock, fecurely, I confide. 7. I'll in thy mercy gladly joy, for Thou beheld'ft my woe ; My foul in all its anguifhes, Thou gracioufly didft know : 8. Nor hail Thou fhut me up within the en'mies cruel hand ; But, fafely, in a place of room, haft made my feet to fland. 9. JEHOVAH ! mercy on me have, for trouble is on me ; My eye, my foul, and bowels all with grief confumed be. ic. Yea, fpent with forrow is my life, my years with fighs and groans ; My ftrength's decayed for my fin, and wafted are mv bones : ll. To all my foes I am a fcorn, a feoff to neighbours near ; And to my once familiar friends, a dread I am, and fear. 12. PSALM XXXI. 6 5 1 2. When, in the ftreet, they me behold* in hade they from me fly ; Like one long dead, — like veffel broke, forgot, and fcom'd am I. 13. For flanders I of many hear, all round me terrors rife, 'While they, in crafty counfel fet, to take my life devife ! 14. -But as for me, I all my truft on Thee, JEHOVAH, flay ; And I to Thee, " Thou art my GOD I" will confidently fay : 15. My times are wholly in thy hand ; do Thou deliver me From hand of all thofe who my foes and perfecutors be : 16. Thy gracious countenance to mine upon thy fervant make ; And fave me out of all diflrefs, for thy own mercy's fake. 17. JEHOVAH, let me not be fham'd, for caird on Thee I have ; Afhamed let the wicked be, and filenc'd in the grave : 18. Thus filence Thou the lying lips, which grievous things do fay, F 3 And 66 PSALM XXXL And fpeeches hard, in pride, and fcorn againft the jufl One lay. 19. How great's the goodnefs, Thou for thofe who fear Thee, keep* ft in (lore ! And wrought'ft for thofe who trufl in the fons of men before ! (Thee 20. In fecret of thy Prefence, Thou fhalt fcreen them from man's pride ; From ftrife of tongues, Thou clofely fhalt, as in a tent, them hide. 21. JEHOVAH be for ever bleft ; for, wondroufly, hath He, As in a city fortify'd, his mercy mown to me I 22. For, from thine eyes, cut down am I, (I, in my hafte, had faid ;) My voice yet heard'ft Thou, when to Thee I fupplication made. 23. O love JEHOVAH, all his faints ; becaufe JEHOVAH guards With tender care, the faithful all j —-and He the proud rewards ! 24i With courage fortify yourfelves, let nought your hearts difmay, All ye who do, with patient hope, upon JEHOVAH flay. PSALM o P S A L M XXXIL 67 PSALM XXXIL GREATLY bleft is he to whom is granted pardon free Of all the trefpafs he hath done, whofe fins all cover' d be ! Bleft is that man !— JEHOVAH doth impute to him no fin ; And in his fpirit is no guile r nor fraud beheld therein ! When I from fpeaking did refrain, my bones did wafte away, As with old age ; by reafon of my roaring all the day : For, on me, both by day and night, thy hand did heavy lie ; My moiflure all to Summer's drought was turn'd in me thereby. S» To Thee, JEHOVAH, then, my fin I freely did reveal ; And my iniquity, from Thee, in nothing did conceal 1 I faid,— I to JEHOVAH, now, my fins will open lay ; And Thou the (tain of all my guilt removedft clean awav ! S. 6, 68 PSALM XXXII. 6. For this, fhall ev'ry godly one his pray'r addrefs to Thee, In th' acceptable, hearing time, when found Thou mayeft'be. So as when floods of waters great fwell high up to the brim, They mall not overwhelm his foul, no — nor come near to him. 7. Thou art to me a Hiding Place > and malt from trouble free ; With fhoutings of deliv'rance great, Thou round malt compafs me ! S. 8. I will inflrucl, and make thee learn the way that thou fhould'il go ; And, with mine eye upon thee fet, will make thee counfel know : 9. Then, be not like the horfe or mule, that do not underftand ; Whofe mouth, that they come near to ferve, a bridle mud command. 1 o. The wicked many forrows have ; but round, with mercy free, He who doth in JEHOVAH truft, encompafled fhall be. 1 1. Ye righteous in JEHOVAH joy ; — exultingly rejoice ; And PSALM XXXII. XXXIII. 69 And ye who upright are in heart, with fhouts lift up your voice. Y PSALM XXXIIL E righteous, to JEHOVAH, ft ill, with fhouts your voices raife, For, well, all thofe who upright are, becometh thankful praife : 2, JEHOVAH praife ye with the harp, with fongs the pfalt'ry take ; And, with the ten-ftring'd inftrument, melodious concert make. 3« A new fbng fing, play well to Him, with loud triumphant found ; 4. For righteous is JEHOVAH's word,. his works in truth abound : 5. In righteoufhefs, and judgment juft^ He his delight doth place ; The earth throughout is filled with JEHOVAH's ample grace ! 6. The heaves did by JEHOVAH's word their fir ft beginning take ; And, by the fpirit of his mouth. He all their holt did make : 7< 70 PSALM XXXIIL 7. The waters of the Sea He brings together as an heap ; And layeth up in flore-houfes, th* abyfTes of the deep ! 3. Let all the earth, with rev'rence due, before JEHOVAH fear ; Let all the dwellers in the world with trembling Him revere : 9. Becaufe He fpake — -and ftraighr/ it was : He faid, — and it flood faft : 10. JEHOVAH doth the people's thoughts, the nations counfels blaft. 11. O ! but JEHOVAH's counfel doth remain for ever fure ! And of his heart, the purpofes from age to age endure. 12. Bled is the nation, truly bleft, whofe GOD JEHOVAH is, The people whom for heritage He chofen hath as his 1 13. JEHOVAH from the heav'ns beholds, and views mens fons full well ; 14. He eyeth from his dwelling-place, all thofe on earth who dwell : 15. Their hearts He all alike doth form, their works doth all obferve ; 16. PSALM XXXIII. 71 16. Great armies cannot fave a king, nor ftrength the flrong preferve : 17. A horfe, for fafety from the foe, is but a refuge vain ; -Yea, by the greatnefs of his might, none can dehVrance gain : 1 8. Behold, on thofe who do Him fear, JEHOVAH fets his eye ; Thofe who upon his mercy do with confidence rely : 19. From death to liberate their foul, in dearth-time, life to yield ; 20. Our foul doth on JEHOVAH wait, He is our Help and Shield ! 21. Since in his holy Name we truft, our hearts fhall joyful be ; 22. LORD ! let thy mercy reft on us, as we do hope in Thee. PSALM 72 PSALM XXXIV. PSALM XXXIV. The fecond Alphabetical Pfalm. Each verfe, in the Original, beginning with one of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in its order, as Pfalm 25. J EHOVAH I will all times blefs, His praife mail dwell upon my voice; a. My foul mall in JEHOVAH boaft ; The meek fhall hear, and mall rejoice. 3. O magnify JEHOVAH now ! Exalt his blefled Name with me : 4. I fought JEHOVAH, and He heard-, — From all my fears He fet me free. 5. They look'd to Him, and light'ned were ; Their faces were afham'd no more; 6. — This poor man cry'd, JEHOVAH heard., And fav'd from all his troubles fore ! 7. The Angel of JEHOVAH, 'camp'd, Doth round about encompafs thofe Who reverently do Him fear ; And refcues them from all their foes. 3. O tafle, and fee JEHOVAH's good; Who trufts in Him, is bled indeed ! 9- P S A L M XXXIV. 73 9. JEHOVAH fear, all ye his faints, None fearing Him (hall ever need, 10. The lions young may hunger feel, And famifh'd be for lack of food ; But they who do JEHOVAH fear, Shall not want any thing that's good, 1 u Come hither, children, unto Me, And hearken with attentive ear ; I will you teach, and make to know What truly is JEHOVAH's fear. 1 2. Who is the man that loveth life ? He that to fee good would live long ? 13. — Thy lips refrain from fpeaking guile, And from all evil keep thy tongue : 14. Depart from ill, do good, feek peace, And cultivate it, hull, with care ; 15. JEHOVAH's eyes are on the juft, His ears are open to their prayer : 1 6. But 'gainft all thofe who evil do, JEHOVAH's Face is hx'd in hate, That He their mem'ry from the earth, May totally annihilate. 17. The righteous to JEHOVAH cry, And, early, He doth hear their call, And by his pow'r deliv'reth them From out of their afflictions all. G ' 18, 74 PSALM XXXIV. XXXV. i3. To thofe who are of broken heart - JEHOVAH evermore is near:. To thofe of contrite fpirit, He With fall falvation will appear. 19. The troubles of THE RIGHTEOUS ONE In number great and many be ; But, from them all, JEHOVAH fhall Redeem, at lad, and fet Him free. 20. He keepeth all his bones with care 5 In all th' events that Him befal ; And, not fo much as one of tl m, Shall ever broken be at all. 2 1 . Ill furely fhall the wicked flay ; And they who do THE JUST ONE hate, Shall, as their retribution due, Be utterly made defolate. 22. But, from all ill, his fervants foul JEHOVAH doth with pow'r redeem; -Yea, none fhall defolated be, Who confidently trufl in HIM. PSALM XXXV. j EHOVAH, plead with thofe who plead, fight thofe who fight 'gainft me ; P S A L M XXXV. 75 2. Of fhield and buckler take Thou hold, Hand up my Help to be. 3. Draw, alio, out the glitt'ring fpear, (lop my purfuers way ; And to nay foul, in its diftrefs, " I'm thy falvation," fay. 4. Let thofe confounded be and fham'd, who for my foul have fought ; Turn'd back be they who plot my hurt, and to confufion brought : 5. Like let them be, the empty chafi that flies before the wind, The Angel of JEHOVAH them impelling hard behind. 6* Let all their way be darknefs thick, and let it flipp'ry be, JEHOVAH's Angel following, pur filing, as they flee. 7. For, cauflefsly, their net for me they in a pit did lay, Which, cauflefsly, they for my foul have digged ia the way. 3, DeftrucYion feize him unawares ! himfelf his own net take ; And let him fall, with ruin, in the pit his hands did make. 76 P S A L M XXXV. 9. My foul, then glory mall in GOD 1 -in his falvation free ! jo. My very bones (hall all cry out, JEHOVAH, who's like Thee ? "Who clod the poor-aiili&ed fave from him who is more ftrong ; The poor and needy, from the man who doth him fpoil and wrong, 1 r. Falfe witnefTcs againft me rofe, and things I knew not laid ; 12. Yea, ill for good, to fpoil my foul, they unto me repaid.. 13. But as for me, when they were fick,. in fackcloth fad I mourn'd ; My humbled foul did fail ;- — my prayer back on my bofom turn'd : 14. As for a brother, or a friend, I did myfelf behave ; I bow'd down fad, as when a fon mourns o'er his mother's grave. 15. -Yet, in my trouble, they rejoic'd, together then they met ; Yea, th' abjects vile, alfembling then, themfelves did 'gainft me fet : Unknown to me, they did me tear, and would not filent be ; 16. PSALM XXXV. 77 1 6. With fcoffing hypocrites at feafts, they gnafh'd their teeth at me. 17. How long, JEHOVAH, look' ft Thou on? -my foul free from their pow'r : O fave LORD ! that my lonely foul thefe lions mayn't devour. 1 3. Then, 1 to Thee will render thanks, within th' affembly great ; Amidft a mighty people, I thy praifes will relate. 19. Let not my foes rejoice o'er me, exulting in a lie ; Nor let my haters without caufe, thus wink with fcornful eye : 20. For peace they do not fpeak at; all, but plots devife, and war, Againfl all thofe within the land who meek and quiet are : 2 1 . With mouths fet wide, they 'gainft me hy y " Ha, ha, our eye doth fee 1" 22. -Thou feed, JEHOVAH ! be not CU, LORD, be .not far from me : 23. Raife up thyfelf in pow'r, and wake to do me judgement jufl ; To judge my caufe,my GOD! my LORD! my Everlaiung Truft L 73 PSALM XXXV. XXXVL 24, According to my righteoufnefs, fo let my judgement be, JEHOVAH ! O my gracious GOD ! nor let them boalt o'er me : 25, Let them not, in their heart, fay, " Ha! M our foul would have it thus !" Nor let him vaunt, with cruel joy> " He's fwallowed up by us !" 26, Sham'd and confounded be they all who at my hurt are glad ; Let all who boafl themfelves 'gainfl me r with fhame and fcorn be clad. qj. Let thofe who love my righteoufnefs, fhout, joy, and never ceafe To fay, "JEHOVAH be extoll'd who loves his fervant's peace !" 2S. And, then, my tongue thy righteoufnefs mall far and wide difplay ; And thy exhauftlefs, endlefs praife fhall utter all the day ! T PSALM XXXVI. H E wicked's trefpafs to my heart doth with conviction fay, No F S A L M XXXVI. 79 No fear of GOD before his eyes hath he in all his way : 2. Beeaufe, himfelf, in his own eyes, he, foothing on, doth go ; 'Till his iniquity, at lad, doth mod detefled grow. 3. His words are mifchief and deceit, in which he doth delight ; He ceafed hath to underfland, and do what's good and right,. 4. He, fecretly, upon his bed, iniquity doth plot ; He fets him in a way not good, and evil hateth not.. 5. -Thy mercy, LORD, is in the heav'ns ! thy truth doth reach the clouds ! 6. Thy juftice is like mountains great ! thy judgements deep as floods ! LORD, Thou prefervefl man and beaft y 7. how precious is thy grace ! In fnadow, therefore, of thy wings, mens fons their trim: fnall place. 8. They mall, with fatnefs of thy Houfe 2 be fully fatisfy'd ; And, irom the river of thy joys, Thou drink (halt them provide.. So PSALM XXXVI. XXXVIL 9. Became the Fountain-head of life is found alone with Thee ; And in the brightnefs of thy Light, we clearly light fnall fee. 10. Do Thou, to thofe who know Thee, 'frill, thy mercy, LORD, impart; And let thy righteo.umefs extend to all of upright heart. 11. O let not Thou the foot of pride come ever up 'gainft me ; Nor let the wicked's hand 'prevail to fever me from Thee. 12. -There! in their wicked nefs, behold the evil workers fall ! Thruft down they are, and never more fliall rife again at alL PSALM XXXVIL The third Alphabetical Pfalm. Every alternate or other Verfe in the Original, (with a fmall exception) beginning with one of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in its order. X? R E T not, though evil doers, now, be flourifhing and great ; . T PSALM XXXVII. ft Nor envy thou, by- any means, th' oppreffor's high eft ate ; 2. For, as the fading grafs, cut down, they foon (hall all decay ; And, as the. greennefs of the herb* they wither fhall away. 3. Tnift thou upon JEHOVAH, ftifl* and be thou doing good ; So in the land thou fafe fhalt dwell,, and verily have food : 4. Set on JEHOVAH thy delight, thy heart's wifh grant fhall He ; 5. Roll on JEHOVAH all thy way ; trult Him — it done fhall be. 6. -And, like refplendent light, He fhall thy righteoufnefs difplay ; Thy judgement then He fhall bring forth, like noontide of the day ! 7. Revere JEHOVAH, truft in Him, nor with impatience fret For him who, profp'ring in his way, in fm doth fuccefs get. 8. From anger ceafe, and from all wrath fee thou abflaineft ftill ; Fret not thyfelf, in any wife, that thou fhouldft practice ill ; 3 J PSALM XXXVII. 9. For, evil doers, foon cut off, (hall perifh in their way ; But they the earth inherit (hail who on JEHOVAH flay: 20. For, yet a little while, and lo, the wicked mall not be ; Thou (halt his place fearch o'er and o'er, but him thou fnalt not fee,: 11. But th' earth as their poffeflion fure,. the meek fhall heir of right ; And, in the multitude of peace, they mail themfelves delight. 12. The wicked plotteth 'gainft the juft, and gnafheth with his teeth ; 13. THE LORD in fcorn doth laugh at him: —bis day He coming feeth. 14. The wicked have unfheath'd the fword, and bent the bow have they, To fmite the poor and needy down, to kill the right in way : 1 5. But that fame fword which they have drawn, mail enter their own heart ; The^bow they bend mall broken be, and into pieces part. 16. The little thafthe juft man hath, is more, and better far, Than PSALM XXXVII. 83 Than all the wealth of many rich, who yet unrighteous are : 17. For Tinners arms mall broken be, but GOD the pit fuftains ; 18. JEHOVAH knows the uprights days; —their heritage remains : 19. They mall not be amam'd, when they the time of evil fee ; And, in the days of famine fore, they fatisfy'd mail be. 20. But perim mall the wicked all j -as fat of lambs decay; -JEHOVAH's foes (hall all confume j -as fmoke confume away! 21. The wicked borrows in deceit, and pays not back the loan ; But tender mercy hath the juft, and freely gives his own : 22. Becaufe the earth for portion fure, His bleifed ones mail heir ; But His accurs'd fhall be cut off, and have therein no ihare. 23. THE MAN's paths by JEHOVAH are all ordered aright \ And, in the way wherein he walks, He greatly doth delight: 24, J54 P S A L M XXXVII. £4. Although he fall, yet fhall he not for ever down remain ; Becaufe JEHOVAH, by his hand, with pow'r, doth him fuflain. 25. I have been young, and now am old, yet never have I feen The juft man left, and that his feed for bread have beggars been : 26. He's ever merciful, and lends, his feed is therefore bleft ; -27. Depart from evil, and do good, and ever dwell at reft : 28. Becaufe JEHOVAH judgement loves, — his faints forfakes not He - 7 Securely they are ever kept ; but finners flain fhall be. 29. The righteous furely fhall the earth for heritage obtain ; And, ever, as their dwelling-place, they fhall therein remain. 30. The juft One's mouth doth wifdom fpeak, and judgement guides his tongue ; 31. His GOD's law fix'd is in his heart, his fteps fhall not go wrong. 32. The wicked watcheth for the juft, and feeketh him to kill ; 33- P S A L M XXXVII. 3c 1 1. But in his hand GOD leaves him not, nor yet condemn him will. 34. Wait on JEHOVAH, keep his way, and earth's heir thou malt be ; When wicked men are clean cut oft', thou malt the vengeance fee. 35. I've known the wicked great in pow'r, fpread like a laurel green ; 36. But foon he pad, and was no more ; — when fought for, was not feen. 37. Obferve, and mark the perfect One, to th' upright well attend ; Becaufe of that man, quiet peace fliall crown the latter end : 38. But for tranfgrefTors — they (hall be cut off for evermore ; The latter end of wicked men, mall be deftruction fure : 39. But fure falvation to the juft doth from THE LORD proceed ; Their ftrength He proves in all diftrefs, in ev'ry time of need : 4c. With pow'r JEHOVAH fliall them help, free, refcue, and redeem, (From all the rage of wicked men, becaufe they truft in HIM. H PSALM 35 P S A L M XXXVIIL PSALM XXXVIIL o , IN thy indignation great, JEHOVAH, chide me not; Nor on me lay thy chaft'ning hand, in thy difpleafure hot : 2. For in me fail thine arrows flick, thy hand doth prefs me fore ; 3. And, in my flefh, remains no health, nor foundnefs any more : Becaufe thy fierce-rebuking wrath hath forth againft me gone ; And, in my bones, there is no reft, for fin that I have done : 4. Becaufe gone up, above mine head, my great trangreflions be ; And, as an over-burden's weight, too heavy are for me. 5. My (tripes wounds for my foolifhnefs, corrupt and putrid grow ; 6. I'm troubled much, and, bowed down, all day I mourning go ; 7. Becaufe malignant fore difeafe fo fills my loins with pain, That, in my weak and weary flefh, no foundnefs doth remain. 8. P S A L M XXXVIII. 87 8. Enfeebled all, and bruis'd I am ; I through my anguifh groan : 9. With Thee, LORD! is my whole defire,. and not a figh unknown : 10. My heart inceffantly doth pant, my ftrength doth quite decay, And, of mine eyes, the wonted light is gone from me away : 1 1. My loving friends, and intimates, ftand off all from my fore ; Yea, far off, now, (land thofe from me who were mod near before : 12. Thofe, too, who feek my life, lay fnaresj and they who feek my wrong, Speak mifchiefs, (till, and plot deceits againfl me, all day long. 13. But, as one deaf, I hear them not ; as dumb, my mouth is fhut ; 14. Like one who hears not, or like one who, filenc'd, anfw'reth not. 15. Becaufe, JEHOVAH, LORD my GOD! I hope, and wait on Thee ; 16. -Thou wilt me anfwer, yet, I faid, left they exult o'er me : Left, if my foot do once but Aide, they mould me triumph o'er ; H 2 17. 88 P S A L KI XXXVIII. XXXIX. iy. For I am near to halt ; — my grief u ever me before : 18. For my iniquity I own, my fin I do bewail ; 1 9. But ftrong and vig'rous are my foes 3 my haters LORD! prevail : 20. And they who ill for good return, as foes have me with-ftood ; For this — -that, unremittingly, I follow what is good. 21. JEHOVAH, do not me forfake, my GOD far never be ; ::2. Thou, LORD, who my Salvation art,- O hade to fuccour me! 1 PSALM XXXIX. SAID, I will obferve my ways, left with my tongue I fin ; Before the wicked, I my mouth with bridle will keep in : 2. With filence I as dumb became, -from fpeaking good I ceas'd ; But, then, the more by this reftramt, my trouble was increas'd. PSALM XXXIX. 89 3. My heart within me waxed hot *, — in meditation, long The fire did kindle in my bread: ! — then, fpake I with my tongue : 4. JEHOVAH ! teach Thou me the end and meafure of my days ; That I may know how frail I am, and ponder all my ways. 5. Lo, Thou my days an hand-breadth mak'ft y mine age is in thine eye As very nothing : — fure, at bed, all flefh is vanity ! S. 6. Surely in vain fhow walketh man ! — they vex themfelves in vain ; He heaps up wealth, and knoweth not to whom it mall pertain. 7. -And what, then, LORD! now wait I for ? on Thee my hope is ftay'd ; 8. Save me from my tranfgreflions all, nor let the fool upbraid. 9. Fm dumb, and open not my mouth, becaufe the deed's from Thee ; 0. But take from me thy heavy ftroke; — thy hand's blow endeth me ! 1. When Thou, for fin, doft chaften man, and thy rebukes apply ; H 3 Then 9 o PSALM XXXIX. XL. Thou waftes his beauty like a moth ; — fure, each man's vanity ! 12. JEHOVAH hearken to my pray'r, and to my cry give ear ; O be not filent, as if deaf, when Thou behold'fl my tear : A j>itgrim, as my fathers were, and ftranger, I'm with Thee ; 13. LORD fpare, and refpite me, e'er I pafs hence, and no more be. u PSALM XL, PON JEHOVAH, in diftrefs, long patient, waited I ; At length, his ear He bow'd to me, and hearken'd to my cry. He took me from the fearful pit, and from the miry clay ; And fet my feet upon a rock, eflablifhing my way : He put a new fong in my mouth, OUR GOD to magnify; This, manv mall behold, and fear, and on THE LORD rely. P S A L M XL. 91 4. Bleft is the man who all his hope doth on JEHOVAH (lay ; Refpecting not the fons of pride, nor thofe to lies who (tray. 5. My GOD JEHOVAH ! many are the wonders Thou haft wrought 3 Thy gracious counfels touching us, are marv'lous palling thought ! In order none recount them can •> would I them all declare, And fpeak them in their magnitude, — they pall exprelhon are ! 6. In facrifice, and ofPriiigs all, Thou found'lt not thy dehre ; Mine ears thou bor'dft: burnt off 'rings Thou and fin, didlt not require. 7. Then, thus faid I — Behold I come (thefe were my words to Thee,) As in the volume of the book, it written is of me : §. To do thy will I take delight, Thou my GOD who art! Yea, all thy holy perfect law 1 have within my heart. 9. Within the congregation great,. I righteoufnefs did preach ; Lc?j 92 P S A L M XL. Lo, Thou, JEHOVAH ! know'ft full well, I kept not back my fpeech : io. I never have, within my heart, thy righteoufnefs conceal'd ; I thy falvation have declar'd, thy faithful nefs reveal' d : Thy tender mercy, gracious LORD : conceal I never did ; Nor, from the congregation great, thy faithful truth have hid. 11. Thy tender mercies, then, from me do not Thou reftrain j JEHOVAH ! let thy grace and truth, {till fhield me, and fuftain : 12. For evils numberlefs aflail, and round about me rife ; My fins fuch hold upon me take, 1 cannot lift mine eyes : They more than hairs are on my head ; — hence, faints my heart difmay'd : 13. JEHOVAH, pleafe to refcue me ! LORD, haften to mine aid ! 14. Confounded be they all, and 'mam'd, who feek my foul to flay ; Turn'd back be all who love my hurt, with bluihing, and difmay : *5- PSALM XL. XLL 93 15. Yea, let them, for their fhame's reward,. all defolated be, With cruel feoffs, who mock and fay r Aha! ahal to me. 16. But let all joy and mout in Thee, who feek thy bleiied. Face ; Let all fay," GOD BE MAGNIFY'B, who love thy faving grace. 17. I'm poor and needy, yet THE LORD a care of me doth take ; My Help, my Great Deliverer ! my GOD, no tarriance make! 5? o PSALM XLL BLEST is he who wifely doth confider well the poor ; JEHOVAH him, in th' evil day, mall fend deliverance fure : JEHOVAH mail him keep, and cheer; on earth he bleft (hall live ; And to his en'mies foul-dehre, Thou wilt him never give : JEHOVAH him, when on the bed , of languor he doth mourn, Shall 94 PSALM XLL Shall pillow up ! — -yea, all his bed in ficknefs, Thou wilt turn. 4. -JEHOVAH ! in diftrefs, I faid, be merciful to me ; O, in thy mercy, heal my foul, for 1 have finn'd 'gainfl Thee. 5. My en'mies evil of me fpeak, and, thus, in hatred fay ; When fhall he die, that fo his name for ever perifh may ? 6. And when he comes to vifit me, then, fpeaks he, falfe at heart ; He heaps up mifchief, venting it, when forth he doth depart. 7. My haters 'gainfl me whifper all, and wickednefs devife ; 8. A mifchief, fay they, cleaves to him ; — he's fall'n, and (hall not rife i 9. Yea, my familiar bofom friend, in whom I did rely, Who ate my bread ! — ev'n he, his heel hath 'gainfl: me lifted high ! 10. But Thou, JEHOVAH ! gracious be, and up again me raife, That I to them may retribute according to their ways. 11 PSALM XLL 95 11. By this, I know with certainty, Thou art well pleas'd in me ; Becaufe Thou haft not let my foe triumphant o'er me be : 1 2. And me, in my integrity, Thou doft with pow'r maintain ; And fetteft me before thy Face, there, ever to remain* 13. O let JEHOVAH, ISR'EL's GOD, be ever bleffed then, From age to age, for evermore, Amen, yea, and Amen ! THE <)5 THE BOOK of PSALM S, FART SECOND. Beginning with Pf. XL 1 1. — Concluding with Pf.LXXII. A PSALM XLII. .S pants the hart for water brooks, my foul, GOD ! pants for Thee ; 2. My foul, with ardour, thirds for GOD, THE LIVING GOD to fee ! When fhall I come, and fee GOD's Face? 3. — behold, both night and day, My forrow's tears have been my bread, while " Where's- thy .GOD?" they fay. 4. Remembring this, my very foul I pour out in my moan ; I think of heretofore ! when with the multitude I've gone ; — Reforted PSALM XLIL 97 — Reforted with them to GOD's Houfe, with voice of joy and praife ; -A feftive throng ! to celebrate the folemn holidays, 5. But, why art thou bow'd down my foul ? why in me fo difmay'd ? Trufl GOD ; for I fhall praife Him yet j his Count'nance is mine aid ! 6. My GOD ! my foul's caft down in me ; yet think of Thee I will, From Jordan's land, the Hermonites, and from the Mizar hill : 7. At founding of thy water-fpouts, deep unto deep doth call ; Thy breakers all pafs over me, and rolling billows all ! 3. But yet JEHOVAH (hall command his mercy in the day ; And, in the night, his Song's with me! to GOD, my Life, Til pray : 9. 1*11 fay, my GOD, my Rock! why me hail Thou forgotten fo ? Why, through the foes oppreflion great, thus mourning do I go ? O. 'Tis as a fword within my bones, to hear my foes upbraid j . I With e>3 PSALM XLII. XLIIL With cruel fcoffing,' ' Where's thy GOD ?" to hear it daily faid ! 1 1 , — But whybow'd down and troubled thus, art thou my foul in me? Truft GOD, for I (hall praife Him yet 4 my Help, my GOD is He ! PSALM XLIIL J UDGE 'gainft th* unrighteous nation, and vindicate my plea ; (GOD ! From th' evil and deceitful man, do Thou deliver me : For Thou'rt the GOD of all my Strength! why thru (Is Thou off me fo ? Why, for the foes opprefhon great, thus mourning do I go ? O fend thy light forth, and thy truth ; let them be guides to me ; And bring me to thine Holy Hill, — to where thy dwellings be : To GOD's own altar, then I'll go, — to GOD ! my chiefeft Joy ; Yea GOD, my GOD, thy Name to praife, my harp I will employ! PSALM XLI1I. XL1V. 99 Why art thou, then, bow'd down, my foul, and troubled fo in me ? Truft GOD, for I fhall praife him yet 5 my Help, my GOD is He ! o P S A L M XLIV. GOD! we with our ears have heard, our fathers have us told ! The work Thou wroughted'il in their days, in th' ancient times of old. .2. Thy hand did drive the nations out, and plant them in their ftead ; The nations Thou afflicted' ft fore, but them mad' ft wide to fpread : 3. For, not their own fword got the land, nor did their arm them fave ; Thy right hand ,arm,and count' nance bright^ — thy Favour vict'ry gave. 4. Thou ! 'twas alone who faved them ; my GOD, my King, ev'n Thou ! For Jacob, then, in his diftrefs, command falvations now. 5. Thro' Thee, with might, we will pufh down all thofe who us diftrefs ; 1 2 We, too PSALM XLIV. We, in thy Name, will tread down all who rife us to opprefs. 6. For not, upon my bow, will I my truft for fafety have ; Nor fhall my fword be deem'd by me of any ftrength to fave : 7. But Thou malt fave us from our foes, and all our haters fhame : 8. In GOD we triumph all the day,. and ever praife thy Name ! S. 9. — But, now, we are caft off by Thee, to fhame Thou haft us brought ; And when our armies iffue forth, Thou with them goeft not : 10. Faint-hearted, from th' infulting foe, to turn Thou doft us make ; And, they who hate us, for themfelves,. our fpoil away do take : j 1. Like fheep for meat Thou giveft us, and fan'ft 'mong nations round : 1 2. Thy people Thou haft fold for nought y nor profit thence haft found : To all our neighbours a reproach Thou doft us ftill point out ; 13. A conftant taunt, and laughing ftock, tQ all thofe round about : 14. PSALM XLIV. idi 1 4. A by-word 'mong the nations all \ a nodding of the head ; 15. -All day my fhame before me is, with bluihing I'm o'erfpread : 16. For voice of him who doth reproach, and him who doth blafpheme j For terror of the cruel foe, — th' avenger's hate extreme ! 1 7. All this diflrefs hath on us come ; yet we forget not Thee, . Nor falfely 'gainft thy covenant demean'd ourfelves have we : 18. Back from thy path our heart turn'd not, our fleps no flraying made ; 19. Though broken in the Dragon's place, * and cover'd with death's (hade ! 20. If we GOD's Name forgotten have ; -to flr?nge Gods ftretch'd our hands : 21. Shall GOD not fearch this? — He who all hearts fecrets underftands ? 22. Yea, for thy fake, we're kill'd all day ; — mark'd out as (laughter fheep : - 23. Arife, O LORD! raife up Thyfelf ; awake ; why doft Thou fleep ? O do not call us ever off! 24. thv Face why hid'ft Thou thus ? I 3 In iqz PSALM XLIV. XLV, In anguifh, and opprefTion great, why, LORD! forget'ft Thou us ^ 35. Our foul is bowed down to duft ; our fiefh doth touch the grave ; a5. Rife our Full Help ! in mercy rife j and, for thy mercy, fave ! M PSALM XLV. Y heart brings forth a precious theme^. my works concern THE KING ; And, like -the pen of fwiftefl fcribe, my tongue his praife mall fmg. Thou'rt fairer far than fons of men ! grace fills thy lips in (lore : GOD, therefore, now, hath bleffed Thee for ever, evermore ! Gird on, OThou MOST MIGHTY ONE! thy fword upon thy thigh, In majefty, and glory great, and excellency high ; For meeknefs, truth, and righteoufnefs,. ride forth, and profp'rous be ; Thy right hand, then, things terrible fhall teach concerning Thee ! 5' P S A L M SLV. 103 5. Thine arrows fharp, down under Thee fhall all the people bring ; And pierce they fhall the hearts of all: the en'mies of the King. 6. Thy Throne, O GOD ! for ever doth through ages all endure ; Thy kingdom's fceptre is a rod of righteoumefs mod pure : 7. Thou ioved'ft right, and hated'ft ill 5: thy GOD hath therefore Thee With th' oil of joy, above thy peers, O GOD!. anointed Thee. 8. Of caflia, myrrh and aloes, thy robes the fragrance bear, From th' iv'ry palaces, to thofe who glad Thee, ev'ry where : 9. Kings daughters, in thy precious robes^ array'd before Thee ftand ; The Queen, in Ophir's hrighteil gold, is fet at thy right hand. 10. Give ear, O daughter, and regard, thine ear do thou incline ; Thy people, and thy father's houfe, forget, now, and refign. 11. So, of the King, thy beauty fhall defire.d greatly be 3 With 104 PSALM XLV. With rev'rence bow, and worfhip Him, becaufe thy LORD is He. 12. The daughter, then, of Tyre, with gifts mall thee fubmiflive meet ; With her, the'people's rich ones fhalL thy favour much intreat. 13. The great King's daughter is, within, all glorious to behold ! Ller clothing richly woven is with work of fmefi: gold :'. 14. She (hall be brought up to the King in robes of broid'ries wrought ; Her friends the virgins, following, mall all to Thee be brought : 1$. They mail be brought with gladnefs great, and joy on ev'ry fide, Within the palace of the King ; and, there, chey mall abide ! 16, Thus, in thy father's flead, (hall be the fons thou doft beget, Whom thou, as princes of renown, in all the earth malt fet. 17. Thy Name remember'd 1 will make through ages all to be ; And, therefore, mail the people give eternal praife to Thee ! PSALM G PSALM XLVL 105 P S A L M XLVL OD is our Refuge, and our Strength*. in (traits a prefent aid ; Although the earth, then, be remov'd, we will not be afraid : Though hills amidft the feas be caft ; though waters roaring make, And troubled be ;— yea, by their fwell* although the mountains fhake! S> A river flows, whofe ft reams make glad the city of our GOD; -The Holy place, the Dwellings, where THE HIGHEST hath abode! GOD dwelleth in the midft of her, and nothing mail her move ; To her, at dawning of the morn, GOD (ball an helper prove. The nations rag'd ; the kingdoms round were moved with difmay ; HE gave his voice,- — and lo, the earth for fear did melt away : JEHOVAH OF SABAOTH is for ever on our fide ; The GOD OF JACOB ever doth our Refuge High abide ! S* 8, io6 PSALM XLVL XLVIL 8. Come forth, and fee JEHO V AH's works, what wonders He hath wrought ! What marv'lous defoiations He upon the earth hath brought ! ^9. Far unto earth's remoteft end, their wars to peace He turns ; The bow he breaks, the fpear he cuts, in fire 'the chariot hums. 10. Be ftill, and know that 1 am GOD : among the nations I "Will be exalted as Supreme ! — on earth, exalted high. ii. JEHOVAH OF SABAOTH is for ever on our fide ; The GOD OF JACOB ever doth cur Refuge High abide ! S, Y PSALM XLVIL E people all, clap hands to GOD, fhout with triumphant mirth ; 2. For High is J AH! and Terrible! Great King o'er all the earth. 3. He mail, as into fold, with us, fubdue the people all ; And. PSALM XL VII. 107 And, bowing down beneath our feet, fhall make the heathen fall. He, furely, our inheritance fhall choofe for us aright ; Ev'n Jacob's Excellency Hig'o, in whom He doth delight. & GOD hath with fhouts— JEHOVAH hath gone up with trumpet's found ! PraifeGOD,fing praife, with joy fing praife, our Great King's praife refound : For GOD is King of all the earth ; with (kill, his praife make known : GOD rules the nations ; — GOD is fet upon his Holy Throne. Free-willingly affembled are the peoples princes all, Join'd with the people of the GOD who Abraham did call : Becaufe the fhields which fence the earth from violence, are His ; They all to GOD, OUR GOD belong ; *— HE high-exalted is ! PSALM ioS PSALM XLVIIL PSALM XLVIIL s UPREMELY great JEHOVAH is ! And greatly He is to be prais'd, Within the City of our GOD, Upon his Holy Mountain rais'd. £• In fituation, palling fair, The facred Mount of Zion Hands, Renown'd in fame through all the earth, 1 The joy and- glory of all lands ! 3. North, on her fides, the City is, Where fits The Great King on his Throne; GOD, in her lofty palaces, Is for a Refuge fure made known : 4. For, lo, the kings afTembled were \ — But quickly pad they all away ; 5. They faw ; and, at theTight, were fill'd With dread amazement, and difmay ! They troubled were ; — they fled in hafte ; 6. Yea, trembling feiz'd upon them there, As fudden travail feizeth her Who doth the throes of child-birth bear. 7. Confounded, and difcomfited, To fly with rout Thou didfl them make ; As with a furious eaft wind's force, The fhips of Tarmifh Thou doft break ! 8. PSALM XLVI11. 109 8. As we have heard, fo have we feen^ Within the city of OUR GOD, The city where the LORD OF HOSTS JEHOVAH, hath his hx'd abode : GOD furely will eftablifh her, That Hie (hall ftand for evermore : So 9. We, in thy temple there, O GOD! Revolve thy mercy, and adore. 10. According to thy Name, O GOD ! To earth's ends, fo extends thy praife ; Thy right hand, full of righteoufnefs, Thy glory through the world difplays. 11. Becaufe of all thy judgements right, Let Zion Mount rejoice throughout ; And, let Jehudah's daughters all With triumph high, exult, and fhout ! 12. Encompafs Zion, round her go, Her lofty Towers number well ; 13. Her Palaces, her Bulwarks mark, That ye the rifing race may tell : 1 4. For THIS GOD doth through ages all, For evermore, OUR GOD abide 5 And, over even death itfelf, He, as our Shepherd, will us guide. K - PSALM no PSALM XLIX. PSALM XLIX. H .O ! all ye people ev'ry where, to this incline your ear ; All in the changing world who dwell, attend to me and hear : 2. Both low and high, both rich and poor, together mark me well ; 3. My mouth fhall matchlefs wifdom fpeak, — my heart's deep knowledge tell : 4. To wifdom, in a parable, mine ear I will apply ; And on my harp, with facred fong, difclofe what hid doth lie. 5. — Why, when the days of evil come, mould I difmayed be, When all my heels iniquity fhall round encompafs me ? 6. They, in the greatnefs of their wealth, their confidence who pitch, And boaft themfelves, becaufe they are* become exceeding rich ; 7. Not one of them his brother can redeem by any way ; Nor, for his own redemption's price to GOD a ranfom pay j 8, P S A L M XLIX. m 8. (Their foul's redemption precious U y and this can never be !,) 9. That he fhould live for evermore, and not corruption fee : 10. For wife, and fools, and brutifh, all, to die he doth perceive ; And, perifhing, their wealth, when dead, to others they mull leave. — 1 1 . They think their houfe and dwelling place fhall Hand through ages all ; And, in their vanity, their lands they by their own names call ! 12. But man, though high in honour plac'd, away doth quickly fly ; And, like the beads that perifh, he doth in his folly die. 13. This brutifh folly plainly is their wifdom, and their way ; Yet, dill, their fucceffors approve of all they fondly fay. S. 14. Like fheep, they in the grave are laid, and death fhall them devour ; And, in the morning, th' upright ones fhall over them have pow'r : Their beauty in the grave fhall fade, when they their dwelling leave : K 2 15, ii2 P S A L M XLIX.L.' 25. But GOD my foul from death redeem?, and He fhall me receive. S. 26. Then, be not thou difmay'd, when one enriched thou doft fee ; No, — though the glory of his houfe increafed greatly be ; 17. For, nothing fhall he carry hence, when death his days doth end : Nor fhall his glory to the grave down after him defcend : 1 8. Although he may his own foul blifs, while he on earth doth live ; (And when thou to thyfelf doft weH, men will thee praifes give ;) 19. He to his father's race fhall go,. — they fhall not fee the light ; Manjhonour'dmanjwhen knowledge void., like beads doth perifh quite. PSALM L. HE GOD OF GODS, JEHOVAH, and calFd earth's utmoft ends, (fpake, From rifing of the eaftern fun, to where he down defcend s : PSALM L. 113 From Zion, where the perfect fum of beauty dwells enfhrin'd \ From thence, — from his own Holy Hill GOD hath in glory min'd ! OUR GOD, affuredly, mall come, nor filent more be found ; Before Him flaming fire mall wafte, and florins {hall rage around : He to the heavens from above, and to the earth {hall call ; That He his judgements may difplay^ before the people all, " -Now, unto Me, my faithful faints ct together gather ye ; " All thofe, who have, by facrifice, " the cov'nant feal'd with Me : — " -And, then, the heavens mall declare his righteoufnefs abroad ; For GOD Himfelf fhall judgement give ; none elfe is Judge but GOD ! S. Hear, O my people, and I'll fpeak, O Ifr'el hear thou Me ; I, GOD, thy GOD, will reafon, now, and teftify 'gainft thee. I will not chide thee for the want of facrifices more -, K 3 Nor H4 PSALM L. Nor for the lack of offerings burnt ; — thefe fmoke, dill, Me before : 9. No bullock, I, nor goats, will take from houfe or folds of thine ; 10. For wild beads, and the cattle .all on thoufands hills are mine : 1 1 . The fowls of all the mountains are to Me minutely known ; And all the (tore the fields do yield, I challenge as my Own. 1 2. Were I an hungry, I'd not fpeak of any want to thee ! For th' earth, and all its fulnefs too, of right belong to Me. 13. Think'ft thou, that I, in glory Thron'd, on flem of bullocks feed ? Or think'ft thou, that to quench my thirft the blood of goats I need ? 14. Nay rather, offer thanks to GOD, thy vows pay GOD MOST HIGH ; 15. In trouble call ; and, faved, then, thou fhalt Me glorify ! 16. But to the wicked — How fay'th GOD dar'ft thou my ftatutes name ? How dared thou, within thy mouth my cov'nant take for fhame ? *7* PSALM L 115 17. While, yet, thou doft inftruction hate, and cad my words. behind ; 1 8. .Thou feeft a thief, and run'ft with him ; — thou'rt with th' adult'rer join'd : 19. Thy mouth to evil thou doft give, thy tongue deceit doth frame ; 2 o. Thou fit'ft, and 'gainft thy brother fpeak'ftj thy mother's fon doit fhame ! 21. Thefe things thou wickedly haft done, and I have filent been ; Thou though t'ft that I was like thyfelf, and did approve thy fm : But I will iriarply thee reprove, and, forth will bring to light, \And 'gainft thee fet, as in array, thy fins before thy fight I 22. Mark this, then, ye who GOD forget^ and weigh it, now, with fear - % Left I in pieces tear you all, and none to help be near. 23. The Man who facrificeth praife, he glorifieth Me ; And he that's ftedfaft in this way, mail GOD's falvation fee ! PSALM n6 P S A L M LL PSALM LL o , IN thy loving kindnefs, GOD? have mercy when I call ; For thy companions fake, blot out my great tranfgreflions all ; 2. Warn me completely from my guilt, and from my fins cleanfe me ; 3. For, my tranfgreflions I confefs, my fin I ever fee. 4. 'Gainfl Thee, Thee Only ! have I fmn'd, and in thy fight done ill \ Thatv/henThoufpeak > {t,Thoumayflbejuft, - and clear in judging ftill. 5. Lo, I, in evil was brought forth ; — yea, while the womb within, My mother, ere I fnapen was, conceived me in fin. 6. Behold, Thou in the inward parts with truth delighted art ; And wifdom Thou malt make me know, within the inward part : 7. With hylTop fprinkle me from fin, and cleans'd I fhall be fo ; O wa(h Thou me, and then I mall be whiter than the fnow : 8. P S A L M LI. 117 8. Of gladnefs, and exulting joy, make mc to hear the voice, That fc the bones which Thou haft hruis'd, with triumph may rejoice. 9. O hide thy Face from all my fin&,. my guilt blot from thy view ; 10. A clean heart, GOD ! create in me, a fpirit right renew, 1 1 . Call me not from thy fight, nor take thy Spirit Bleft away ! 12. Reftore me thy Salvation's joy, with thy Free Spirit flay. 13. TranfgreiTors, then, 1 will in(lruc\ thy holy ways to know ; And finners, taught, (hall by my voice to Thee, converted flow. 14. O GOD! of my falvation GOD! from guilt of blood me free ; With fliouts, then, of thy righteoufnefs, my tongue mail filled be. 15. My clofed lips, LORD ! open Thou, for Thou canfl open them ; And, then, my mouth thy praifes mall abroad with joy proclaim. 16. For facriflce delights Thee not, elfe would I give it 1 bee ; Nor n8 PSALM LI. LII. Nor wilt Thou in burnt offerings well pleafed ever be : iy. The broken fpirit is of GOD the pleafmg facrifice ; The broken, and the contrite heart* Thou, GOD ! wilt not defpife. 1 8. In thy Good Pleafure, O do good to Zion thine own Hill ; The walls of thy Jerufalem, build up of thy good will ; 19. Then righteous off 'rings fhall Thee pleafe; — then, witli acceptance, they Burnt ofPrings, holocaufts, and calves, fhall on thine altar lay. PSALM LIL w. H Y boaftefl thou, O mighty man ! in evil fo fecure ? The mercy of ALMIGHTY GOD, for ever doth endure. Thy tongue, malicious calumnies- doth fubtilely devife ; Keen-cutting, like a razor fnarp, with its deceitful lies : P S A L M LII. 119 3. Thou loved evil more than good, 'bove truth, lov'ft fpeaking wrong ; S. 4. Thou loved all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue 1 5. GOD therefore thee (hall flay, and raze, and from thy tent expel : Yea, root thee ever from the land where all the living dwell. S« 6. The juft mall fee it, and mail fear ; — their laugh they mail him make : . 7. Behold the Mighty 1 who for flrength difdained GOD to take ; Who on th* abundance of his wealth, his confidence did flay, And vainly buoyed up himfelf in his own wicked way. 8. But, I, within the Houfe of GOD, am like an Olive Green ; My confidence for ever hath upon thy mercy been : And I, for this that Thou haft done, will praife Thee evermore ; And wait upon thy great, good Name, which all thy faints adore! PSALM V2o PSALM Lin. PSALM LIII. HE fool, that there is not a. GOD, doth in his heart conclude ; They are corrupt, their works are vile, there's none who doeth good. From heav'n, upon the fons of men, GOD call his eyes abroad/ To fee if any underftood, — if any fought for GOD, They all, as one, have filthy grown, they all have backward gone ; There's none of them that doeth good, no, not fo much as one. Do not they know what thus they do, thofe evil workers all ? — They eat my people up as bread ; — on GOD they do not call. There fear'd they much, where no fear was ! his bones who camp'd 'gainft thee GOD fcatt'redhath !-thou haft them fham'd, for fcorn'd of GOD they be. O that, now, Ifr'el's Saving Help - would out of Zion come ! From bondage when his captives all JEHOVAH mall bring home : With PSALM LIII. LIV. i2i With triumph, Jacob then (hall fhout, from all his en'mies free ; And Isr'el all, with joy of heart, exceeding grad fhall be 1 o PSALM LIV. SAVE me, GOD ! by thy great Name, and by thy Strength, judge me ; a. Hear, GOD ! my prayer, attend my words, — my mouth's requeft to Thee : 3. For they who fir angers are to Thee, do up againft me rife : Oppreflors feek my foul to flay $ and all GOD's fear defpife. S. 4. But GOD my pow'rful Helper is ! and therefore I am bold ; THE LORD Himfelf takes part withthofe who do my foul uphold. 5. He to my fpiteful en'mies all their evil fhall reftore ; -O, for thy truth's fake, cut them off, that they may rife no more. 6. I facrifice will give to Thee with off'rings of free-will j L Thy 122 PSALM LTV. LV. Thy Name, JEHOVAH ! for 'tis good, with praife, I'll honour ftill : 7. For He, from out of ail diftrefs, hath fafely refeu'd me ; And, on my fpiteful en'mies all, mine eye its fill doth fee ! G PSALM LV. OD hear my pray 'r! nor hide Thee from my fupplication's cry ; Attend and hear me ! — in my plaint, mourn fore, and moan do I : For th' en'mies voice, th' oppreiTion great of thofe who wicked be j Iniquity they on me call, and fiercely hate they me. My heart is in me travail-pain'd, death's terrors on me fall ; Difmay and trembling on me feize — dread overwhelms me all. — O, that I, as a dove, had wings ! faid I, with woe oppreft, That 1 might mount, and fly away, where I fliould dwell at red ! PSAL M LV. 123 7. Lo, then, I'd far take wandYing flight, and in the defert flay ; • S. 8. Swift, from the driving blaft and ftorm, I'd hafte to 'fcape away ! 9. O LORD, confume them -by thy pow'r, — with pow'r their tongues divide ; For, in the city, vi'Ient wrong, and flrife, 1 have efpy'd. 1 o. Thofe, day and night, as on the walls, eneompafs her around ; And mifchief, in the midft of her, and painful woe is found : 1 1 . Abounding wickednefs there dwells within her inner part ; And, from her ftreets, deceitful fraud . and guile do not depart. 12. For 'twas no foe that me reproach' d ; — from him I bear it might : Nor was't my hater threat'ned me ; — I'd hid me from his fight : 13. But thou ! the man held as myfelf ; my guide, and bofom friend : 14. -We join'cT fweet counfel ! — jointly we to GOD's Houfe did afcend ! ] 5. Let death, as due, upon them feize — quick let them go to hell ; L 2 Far 124 PSALM LV. For wickednefs, in midft of them, aboundeth where they dwell. 16. But I, in hope, will call on GOD ; and GOD fhall, yet, me fave : 3 f. Eve, morn, and noon, I pray'd, and cry'd, and He an hearing gave. 18. Yea, He my foul redeemed hath,. that it in peace might be, From all the battle 'gainft me fet ; — for many fought with me ! 19. But GOD fhall hear, and them afflict, (from old He hath abode;) S. Becaufe they never changes have, nor any fear of GOD. 20. Againft his peaceful-living ones, they forth have put the hand ; And, by tranfgrefhon, each of them his cov'nant hath prophan'd : 21. More fmooth than butter are his words, but in his heart is war ; His fpeeches fofter are than oil, but, yet, drawn fwords they are. 22. Thy burden on JEHOVAH cad, and He fhall thee fuftain ; . Yea, He fhall make the juft unmov'd for ever to remain. 23. PSALM LV. LVI. 12s 23. But Thou, O GOD ! malt thofe my foes in jultice overthrow ; And, in deftru&ion's deep-dug pit, at laft", fhalt lay them low. The men of blood, and of deceit, mail not live half their days ; But, with allured hope, on Thee Fwill depend always. H PSALM LVI. AVE mercy on me, O my GOD ! for man would me devour ; All day, he, warring 'gainil me, doth opprefs me by his pow'r : 2. Yea, daily, me to fwallow up, my adverfaries try ; For many fighters 'gainft me are, O Thou SUPREMELY HIGH ! 3. In Thee Fll truft, when Fm afraid ; 4. — in GOD Fll praife his word : I will not fear what flefh can do ; my Trufl is GOD, THE LORD ! 5. The whole day long, they wreft my words^ their thoughts all plot my ill - 7 L3 6, }26 PSALM LVL 6. They meet, they lurk, they mark my fteps, — on watch, my foul to kill. 7. But mail they for iniquity efcape thy judgment fo ? O GOD ! with indignation, down do Thou the people throw. 8. My wand'rings all Thou number'd hafl ? nor doll them overlook ; Put in thy bottle all my tears-; are not they in thy book ? 9. Back, when I call, my foes (hall turn ; — I know't, for GOD's with me : 10. In GOD I'll ever praife his Word ; GOD in his Word, prais'd be ! 11. In GOD, I truft; — I will not fear what man can 'gainft me do : 12. Thy vows, O GOD! upon me are, thy praife I forth will fhew. 1 3. Wilt Thou who fav'ft my foul from death, my feet from falls not free, To walk in GOD's fight, in the light of thofe who living be ? PSALM B PSALM LV1I. 127 PSALM LVIL E merciful to me, O GOD ! be merciful to me ; Becaufe my foul, for fafety, doth repofe her truft in Thee : Yea, in the fhadow of thy wings, I'll truft, Thou BLESSED ONE! 'Till thefe calamities fhsll all be over-pail and gone. To GOD who always heareth me, to Him THE ONE MOST HIGH! To GOD who perfects all for me, Ell caufe afcend my cry. From heav'ns He'll fend, and fave me from his fcorn who'd me devour : S> His promis'd mercy, and his truth, GOD forth mall fend with pow'r. My foul doth dwell 'mong lions fierce, I firebrands live among ; -Men's fons, whofe teeth are fpears and dartSj a fharp-edg'd fword their tongue ! Exalt thyfelf with pow'r, O GOD ! above the heav'ns in height ; And, over all the earth abroad, difplay thy glory bright 1 6. 128 PSALM LVII. LVIII. 6. They for my fteps prepar'd a net ; — -my foal verg'd tow'rds the fnare ; But down they fell in that fame pit, they did for me prepare ! S. 7. My heart is nVd, my heart is fix'd, GOD! Pll fing and praife ; 8. My glory wake ! harp, pfalt'ry wake ! 1 morning's dawn will raife. 9. I'll praife Thee 'mong the people, LORD! 'mong nations praife Thee high j 30. For great to heav'n thy mercy is, . tfiy truth doth reach the fky. 1 1. Exalt thyfelf with pow'r, O GOD I above the heav'ns in height ; And, over all the earth abroad, difplay thy glory bright ! D PSALM LVIII. O ye, indeed, fpeak righteoufnefs,. ye who in council be ? Do ye, indeed, ye fons of men, with equity decree ? -Nay, rather, from the heart, ye work deftru&ive evils, dill } And, P S A L M LVIIT. 129 And, coolly, weigh upon the earth your hands oppreflive ill. 3. The wicked, from the very womb, eflranged are in way ; Falfe from the belly — foon as bcrn, they, lying, go aftray : 4. Their poifon like the ferpent's is ; and flubborn they appear, In likenefs to the adder deaf, that clofely flops her ear ; 5. That will not hear the Charmer's voice, who fweetly charm her would ; No, not th' Inchanter's, though with ikill to charm the heart endu'd. 6. Their teeth,, O GOD! break in their mouthy JEHOVAH, by thy pow'r, The tufks of thofe young lions break, that they may not devour. 7. Unheeded let them pafs away, as waters downward flow ; And let his arrows be as flraws, when he doth bend the bow : 8. Yea, like a fnail, that melts away, fo fleeting let him be ; As is a timdefs birth* — as they the fun who never fee. 1 3 o PSALM LVIII. LIX. 9. Before your pots can feel the thorns, He them, with dire difraay, Both green and dry, in fury, fhall with whirlwind fweep away ! 10. The righteous fhall be joyful, when the vengeance he doth fee ; And, in the blood of wicked men, his feet, then, waft\ fhall he. 11. So fhall men fay — Now, verily, the righteous hath reward ; And, truly, there's a GOD, on earth who judgement doth regard ! F PSALM LIX. REE me, O GOD, from thofe my foes in wait for me who lie ; From thofe who up againfl me rife, O fet me fafe on' high : From thofe who work iniquity, let me deliv'rance have ; And from the cruel men of blood, do Thou with pow'r me fave : For, lo, they for my foul lay wait ; —the (Irong 'gainft me combine ; Not, PSALM LIX. 131 Not, O Jehovah 1 for my guilt, nor any fault of mine : 4. Without a caufe of fault, they run, and ready make 'gainft me ; Arife, and meet me with thine help, and my opprefTion fee. 5. Awake, JEHOVAH, GOD OF HOSTS! O ISR'EL's GOD awake ! And vifit Thou the nations all ; — fpare none thy laws who break. S. 6. At ev'ning, they go to and fro, like dogs, make howling found ; And refllefs, and unquiet, walk the city round and round. 7. Behold! they belch out with their mouth, and in their lips are fwords ; For who, fay they, with vaunting fpeech, — who, fav they, hears our w T ords ? 8. But Thou JEHOVAH! laugh'ft at them; Thou mock'ft the nations fpite : 9. While he's in pow'r, I'll wait on Thee, for GOD's my Tow'r of Might ! io. He of my mercy who is GOD, mall my preventer be ! GOD my defire on all my foes fhall furely make me fee. 11. r 3 2 PSALM LIX, ii. Slay them not, left my people, then, forget due fear to yield ; But fcatter them, and bring them down with pow'r, O LORD, Our Shield ! 12. Them for their mouths fin, for the words with which their lips are fraught, For lies, and curfing, in their pride, let them be furely caught : 1 3. In wrath confume Them, wafte thou them, and let them no more be ; That GOD in Jacob beareth rule, to earth's end, they may fee ! S. 14. -At ev'ning, then, they mail return, like dogs, make howling found ; And reftlefs, and unquiet, walk the city round and round ; 15. Yea, they (hall wander up and down, in fearch of food to eat ; And, howling, ihey mall pafs the night, unfatisfied with meat : 16. But I thy mighty pow'r will fing ; — at morn thy mercy praife ! For Thou my Tow'r, and Refuge waft, in my afflictions days. 1 7. With pfalms, O Thou my Lading Strength ! I will fing praiie to Thee ; For PSALM LIX. LX. 133 For God is my Sublime Defence, — a GOD OF GRACE to me ! o PSALM LX, GOD ! Thou haft rejected us, and fcatter'd us abroad ; 1 Thou juftly haft difpleafed been ; — yet, turn to us, O GOD ! 2. The earth to tremble Thou haft made ; — to rend Thou didft it make ; Heal gracioufly its breaches, now, for,, lo, it all doth make. 3. Hard things Thou haft thy people ftiown^ and heavy on them laid ; The wine of dread aftonifhment to drink Thou haft them made : ,4. -Yet, Thou a banner given haft to thofe who do Thee fear, That it, by reafon of the Truth, difplayed may appear ! S» 5. That thofe who thy beloved are may now deliver'd be, Save, by thy right hand's mighty pow'r, and anfwer make to me. M 6, i 3 4 s P S A L M LX. 6. GOD by his Holinefs hath faid, -—and his word fhall not fail, I will rejoice, I'll Schechem part, and mete out Succoth's vale. 7. The land of Gilead mall be Mine ; Manaffeh Mine mail be ; Ephraim my Heads Strength; -Judah, then, fhall give the law for me : 8. My wafhing-pot fhall Moab be ; with fcorn, my (hoe I'll throw O'er Edom ; — then, O Paleftine, in triumph o'er' me go ! 9. — But who fhall bring me, thus, within the city fenc'd and ftrong ? Who to the land of Edom, mail conduct me fafe along ? 10. Wilt not ev'n Thou, O God, Our God ! who didft reject us fo ? Thou, mighty GOD, who didft not forth before our armies go ? 11. From trouble O give Thou us help, for vain is mortals aid ; ■I 2. Through GOD we deeds of might fhall do, for down our foes He'll tread ! PSALM H PS-AL M LXL 135 PSALM LXI. EAR, GOD! my fupplicatlng cry, and to my prayers attend ; From earth's remoteft end to Thee, my cry for help 1 fend. When, overwhelm'd, my heart in me is ready ev'n to die ; Lead me, for refuge, to the Rock that higher is than I. For Thou haft my Afylum been by thy protecting pow'r ; And, from the face of ev'ry foe, a ftrong Defending Tow'r ! Within Thy Tabernacle, fafe, I ever will abide ; And under covert of thy wings, in confidence me hide : S* Becaufe the vows I made to Thee, Thou, gracious GOD, did'ft hear; And haft me giv'n the heritage of thofe thy Name who fear. A life prolong' d, for days on days, Thou to the King (halt give ; As age on age renew'd, fhall be the years that He fhall live ! M 2 7. 136 PSALM LXI. LXIL 7. In GOD's own prefence, evermore, He his abode {hall have ; • O LORD ! thy mercy, and thy truth, make ready Him to fave. 8. So I, with pfalms, (hall praifes fing for ever to thy Name ; That, having made my vows, I thus may daily pay the fame. Y PSALM LXIL E A, (till, afifuredly, on GOD, my foul doth wait indeed ! From Him doth my falvation all, from Him alone proceed : My Rock, and my Salvation fure, my High Defence is He ; In Him, with confidence, I truft ; and mov'd I fhall not be. How long thus plot ye 'gainft THE MAN? — but flain ye (hall be all ; Ye, as a fhatter'd fence, fhall be, and as a bowing wall. —Down from his excellency high, to cafl Him, plots they lay ! They PSALM LXII. 137 They love a lie ;-with mouth they blefs, but curfe within do they. S* 5. -Yet, dill, my foul, in quiet hope, do thou on GOD attend ; Becaufe on Him, on Him alone my hope doth all depend. 6. He only my Salvation is ; my Rock of Might is He ; He is my High, Secure Defence ! and mov'd I mail not be. 7. In GOD my glory center'd is, and my v falvation fure ; In GOD's the Rock of all my ftrength, my Refuge mod fecure : 8. On Him, ye people, at all times, with confidence rely ; Before Him pour ye out your hearts ' 7 — GOD is our Refuge High ! 9. Sure, mean men all are vanity ; — a lie the men of might : In balance laid, they all mount up, than vanity more light ! 0. Truft not, then, in oppreflive wrong, in rapine wax not vain ; Should wealth increafc^ yet fet not ye your hearts upon your gain. M 3 it| 138 PSALM LXII. LXm. 1 1. Once GOD from heav'n hath fpoken thus, — yea, twice I heard the {train ; That mighty pow'r to GOD MOST HIGH alone, doth appertain : 13, And mercy, alfo, doth to Thee belong alone, O LORD! For Thou, according to his work, doft ev'ry man reward. PSALM LXIII. HEE ! GOD, my GOD, Til early feek; — my foul doth third for Thee ; My flefh doth long, as in parch'd land, wherein no waters be ; 2. That I thy power may behold, and brightnefs of thy Face, As I have feen Thee, heretofore, within the Holy Place ! 3. Becaufe thy love doth life excel, my lips Thee praife fhall give ; 4. I in thy Name will lift my hands, and blefs Thee while 1 live. 5. As flli'd with marrow, and with fat, my foul lhaU fatiate be > And, P S A L M LXI1I. LX1V. 139 And, flill, my mouth, with joyful lips, fhall fhout forth praife to Thee I 6. When, in my wandrings, I on bed remember with delight, And mufe on Thee,ThouBLESSED ONE! in watches of the night : 7. -Becaufe Thou haft my Helper been, I'll joy in thy wings made ! 8. My foul, with ardour, cleaves to Thee - f — thy right hand doth me aid. 9. But fink to depths of th' earth fhall all who feek my foul to flay ; 10. They by the fword fhall be cut off, and fall, the foxes prey ! 11. Then mall the King rejoice in GODj and all bv Him who fwear, Shall glory with exceeding joy ! — when liars filenc'd are.. M PSALM LXIV. Y voice in pray'r to Thee, O GOD! do Thou attentive hear ; Preferve my life fafe from the foe, of whom I fland in fear : 140 PSALM LXIV. 2. From fecrct of the wicked ones, in fafety hide 'lhou me ; And from the fwelling rage of thofe •who evil workers be ; 3. Who whet their tongue with malice fharp, to cut me as a fword; And bend the bow, with arrow fet, to moot the bitter word : 4. That at the perfect One, they may in fecret point their fhot ; -Yea, fuddenly, they at him fhoot ; they fhoot, and fear at nought : 5. In evil they confirm themfelves, they plot clofe fnares to lay ', And, boafting in their evil deeds, who mail them fee ? fay they : 6. They fearch deflruclive evils out ; — a perfect fearch they make, Deep, as the inward thought and heart of each can undertake ! 7. But GOD at them a fhaft mail fhoot, — their wounds fhall hidden be ; 8. Their own tongue fhall themfelves confound, all feeing them fhall flee. 9. And, greatly, then, fhall all men fear, and of GOD's doing tell - 7 For PSALM LX1V. LXV. 141 For they his work of mighty pow'r fha!l, then, confider well. 10. The juft fliall in JEHOVAH joy, and truft in Him fliall place ; And all who upright are in heart, fhall glory in his Grace 1 PSALM LXV. JT RAISE waits for Thee inZion,GODl to Thee vows paid fhall be ; O Thou who Hearer art of prayer, all flefh fhall come to Thee ! Iniquities againft me have prevail'd with pow'rful fway ;. But Thou malt our tranfgreflions all purge thoroughly away. — O bleft's the man whom Thou doft choofe, and mak'fl approach to Thee, That he within thy Hallow'd Courts, a dweller ft ill may be ! We fhall be fully fatisfy'd with thine abundant grace ; Th' excelling goodnefs of thy Houfe, in thy Molt Holy Place ! i 4 2 PSALM LXV. 5. By fearful things in righteoufnefs, known through the world abroad, An anfwer Thou haft giv'n to us, O our Salvation's GOD ! So that the ends of all the earth, and they upon the fea, Within its iflands far remote, their truft repofe in Thee : 6. In Him ! who girded round with ftrength, with pow'r fets faft the hills ! 7. Who all the noife of feas, and waves, and peoples tumults flills ! 8. They in the utmoft parts who dwell, are at thy figns afraid ; Th' outgoings of the morn and ev'n to triumph Thou haft made ! 9. The drought-parch 1 d earth Thou vifiteft; — to fatiate it, mak'ft flow Rich dreams of GOD! — then, when pre- Thou mak'ft their corn to grow! (par'd, 10. Her ridges Thou doft water well, and all her furrows drefs ; With foft fhow'rs Thou refrefheft her, and doft her fpringing blefs ; 1 1. Thus, Thou, with lib'ral hand, the year doft with thy goodnefs crown ; And P S A L M LXV. LXVI. 143 And in abundance, all around, thy paths drop fatnefs down : 12. They drop upon the pafture grounds, within the defert wide ; And, pleafantly, the little hills rejoice on ev'ry fide : 13. With flocks the paftures clothed are, the vales with corn are clad ; And, now, they fhout and fing to Thee* for Thou haft made them glad ! o* A PSALM LXVI. XL earth to GOD, with joyful fliouts 5 aloft your voices raife ; Sing forth the honour of his Name, and glorious make his praife. How terrible, fay ye to GOD, in all thy works art Thou ! Through thy great pow'r, thy foes, to Thee, with homage feign'd, fhall bow. Yea, all the earth (hall bow to THEE ! — in fongs thy praife proclaim ; And fing in pfalms, with gladnefs great, the glory of thy Name ! S. 5- 144 PSALM LXVI. 5. Come, and the works which GOD hath with admiration fee ; (wrought, For, in his doing tow'rds mens fons, mod terrible is He ! 6. To dry-land He the fea did turn, —on foot they paflage had ; Straight through the river marching all ! — there we in Him were glad. 7. In mighty pow'r He ever rules, — the nations He doth eye : Then, let not the rebellious ones lift up themfelves on high. S. 8. O blefs OUR GOD, ye people all, the voice fhout of his praife ; 9. Our foul in life who fafe preferves, our foot from Aiding (lays ! xo. For Thou, GOD ! prov'd and try'd us haft, as men do filver try ; 1 1. Thou cWdft us in the net, and mad'ft bands on our loins to lie : 12. Thou caufed'ft men ride o'er our heads; — through fire and floods we pafs'd : But to a place of wealth indeed ! Thou haft us brought at laft. 13. -Burnt off' rings to thy Houfe I'll bring, my vows I will Thee pay ; 14* PSALM LXVL LXVII. 145 %4, The vows my lips and mouth pronounc'd, when trouble on me lay : 15. Burnt off' rings marrowfull, I will, with incenfe, offer there ; Of bullocks, rams, and goats, to Thee an offering will prepare. S. 16. Come, all GOD's fearers, hear me tell his doing for my foul ; 17. I with my mouth did on Him call, my tongue did Him extol. 18. If, in my heart, I look'd on fin, THE LORD would not me hear; 19. But, verily, GOD hath me heard ; — to all my prayer giv'n ear ! 20. For ever, and for ever, then, let GOD adored be, Who hath not turned back my pray*r 5 nor hid his grace from me. o PSALM LXVII GOD! be merciful to us, according to thy grace ; And blefs us, and caufe fhine on us the brightnefs of thy Face : N 146 PSAL M LXVII. LXV1IL 2. That fo thy way upon the earth may be to men made known ; And thy faivation, far and wide, 'mong all the nations fhown. 3. O let the people praife Thee, GOD ! let peoples all Thee praife ; 4.. Let all the nations round exult, and fhouts of gladnefs raife : For juflly Thou (halt peoples judge* and rule earth's nations all. — 5. The people, all the people, GOD ! with praife mall on Thee call. S. The earth (hall then yield her increafe ; GOD, OUR GOD, (hall us blefs : God (hall us blefs ; and all earth's ends (hall fear to Him exprefs. PSALM LXVIIL lET GOD ARISE ! and let his foes before Him fcatter'd be ; And let his haters, with difmay, before his Prefence flee ! — As fmoke is driv'n, fo drive Thou them > as fire melts wax away, So, PSALM LXVIII. 147 So, from before the Face of GOD, let wicked men decay. 3. But let the righteous all rejoice,. and triumph in GOD's fight ; Yea, let them be exceeding glad, and joy with all their might ! 4. O fmg to GOD, and praife his Name : extol Him with your voice; HIM who rides heav'ns by his Name J AH I before his Face rejoice. 5. The Father of the fatherlefs, the widow's Judge is GOD, Enthron'd within the Holy Place, where He hath his abode. 6. In fam'lies GOD the lonely fets, the chain'd He frees from bands ; But thofe all who rebellious are inhabit parched lands. 7. -OGOD! when Thou went'ft forth of old, before thy peoples view ; When, thro' the Howling Wade, Thou didft thy glorious march purfue ! S. &. The earth did quake, the heavens drop'd, when GOD did thus appear ; This Sinai fhook, when GOO from heav'n, when ISR'EL's GOD came near. N 2 9. ? 4 3 PSALM LXVIII. 9. Thou, GOD ! then, on thine heritage, fhow'rd'ft down a plenteous rain \ And, oft, when it mod weary was, refrefhed'fl it again. ic. In it, thy congregation made" their habitation there ; -And of thy goodnefs for the poor, Thou, yet, GOD ! doil prepare. 11. THE LORD Himfelfmall give the word, the word abroad fhall fpread \ And great the company fhall be t'announce the tidings glad : 12. The kings of armies, routed, then, fhall lwiftly flee away ; And flie who in the houfe remains, fhall portion out the prey. 13. Though'mong the pots ye long have lain, as doves yet fhall ye mine, Whofe wings the filver bright adorns, their plumes the gold molt fine. 14. Yea, when TIT ALMIGHTY, kings, in it, with rout fhall thus o'erthrow ; Then fhall it, on Mount Salmon, be as white as is the fnow ! 15. A mountain great Mount Bafhan is, Mount Bafhan' s great and high ! 16. PSALM LXVIII. 149 16. But why thus leap ye, mountains great ? why with Mount Zion vie ? — This is the mountain, which, for feat, GOD hath defir'd to take ; Yea, and in it, JEHOVAH will his dwelling ever make. 17. GOD's Chariot is, of Angels bright, ten thoufand thoufands ftrong ; THE LORD is in his Holy Place, as Sinai, them among. — 18. Thou haft afcended, LORD ! on high with heav'nly glory clad ; Captivity itfelf Thou haft in triumph captive led ! Thou haft received gifts for men, for fuch as did rebel ; Yea gifts for them ! that Thou, J AH, G OD in midft of them might dwell i 19. O ever blefted be THE LORD, of our falvation GOD ! Who, daily, with his bounteous gifts, us plenteoufly doth load. S. 20. He of Salvation is the GOD, who is OUR GOD Moft Strong! And to JEHOVAH— to THE LORD death's hTues do belong. N 3 2il 150 PSALM LXVIIL 2i. But furely GOD (hall wound the head of thofe who are his foes, The hairy fcalp of him who on in his tranfgrefhons goes. 22. THE LORD hath faid, From Bafhan I my people will recall ; Out from the feas devouring deeps, back will I bring them all : 23. That in the blood of thofe my foes thy foot embru'd may be ; And that the tongue, too, of thy dogs thou dip'd therein may'ft fee. 24. They, in the Sanctuary, GOD! have of thy goings feen ; The goings of MY KING, MY GOD! which have majeflic been. 25. Firft, went the fingers ; — then, went thofe on instruments who play ; On timbrels beating, next, 'mong them, the damfels took the way. 26. Within the congregations, now, blefs GOD with one accord ; % Ye who from lfr'eFs Fountain flow, O blefs, and praife THE LORD!— 27. There's little Benjamin, their prince ! and there, in council fet, Are PSAL M LXVIII. 151 Are Judah's princes, — Zeb'lun too, and Napht'li's princes met ! THY GOD commanded hath thy flrength : — GOD ftrengthen what is wrought^ And let thy glorious work for us, be to perfection brought ! — When at Jerus'lem, in renown, thy Temple rear'd mail be ; Kings, by its fame attracted, then,. mail prefents bring to Thee. The Spearmen's hoit, the multitude of bulls which fiercely look, With all the peoples fottifh calves, do Thou with pow'r rebuke ; 'Till each fhall low fubrriit himfelf, and filver pieces bring ; -The people who delight in wars, difperfe, O GOD, OUR KING ! Ambafladors, like princes, then, fhall come from Egypt's lands j Then, Ethiopia mall to GOD, with hafte ftretch out her hands.— Sing, O ye kingdoms of the earth, fing thankful praife to GOD ; The praife of Him, FHE LORD OF ALL, refound in pfalms abroad : S. 33- i 5 2 PSALM LXVIII. LXIX. 33. To Him who rides on heav'ns of heav'ns, which he of old did found ; Lo, HE his voice fends forth from high ^ his voice with pow'r doth found. 24. Afcribe ye mighty flrength to GOD ! — his Excellency High Is over Ifr'el evermore ; his Strength's above the fky ! 35. In grandeur terrible art Thou, O GOD, Thou iSR'EL's GOD! From out the Holy Places, where thy Glory hath abode. Strength to his people, mighty ftrength, and power, giveth He ; — O let OUR GOD, through ages all, for ever blefTed be ! o PSALM LXIX. SAVE me, GOD! becaufe the floods do fo environ me, That, penetrating to my foul, the waters enter'd be : Down in the miry gulph I fink, where (landing there is none ; I'm PSALM LXIX. 153 I'm into depths of waters come ; — the flood hath o'er me gone I I'm, with my crying, weary'd out, my very throat is dry ; Mine eyes do fail, while, for my GOD 3 I, waiting, look on high. More than the hairs upon my head, encreas'd in number be, They who, incens'd without a caufe,. do hatred bear to me : And mighty are my treach'rous foes who feek my foul to flay ! -Then, to the full, reflored I what I took not away. Thou know'fl, O GOD! my foollihnefs, — my fins efcape not Thee ; Let none who ferve Thee, be aiham'd, LORD GOD OF HOSTS ! for me : O GOD OF ISR'ELl let net thefe who fearch for Thee do make, -Let none who feek Thee, ever be confounded for mv fake. Becaufe, for Thee, I bear reproach, fhame doth my face e'erfhade ; To brethren — to my mother's fons an alien I am made : i 5 4 PSALM LX1X. 9. Becaufe the zeal I bear thine Houfe, hath me confum'd away ; And thy Reproachers all on me their foul reproaches lay. 1 o. -My tears and fafls t' airlift my foul, were turned to my fhame ; 1 1. And when, in grief, I fackcloth wore, their proverb I became : 12. They -who within the gate do fit, againfr. me evil fpake \ And they in ftrong drink who delight, their fongs of me did make. 13. But, in th' accepting time, my prayer, JEHOVAH ! is to Thee ; In thy falvations truth, O GOD ! in mercy hear Thou me : 14. Deliver me from out the mire ; from finking down me keep ; From thofe who hate me, refcue me,, and from the waters deep. 15. Let me not, by the ftreaming flood, at once o'erwhelmed be ; Nor let the gulf me fwallow up ; nor clofe the pit on me — 16. JEHOVAH! hear, and anfwer me, becaufe thy mercv's good ; O PSALM LXIX. 155 O turn thy Face, according to thy mercies multitude : 17. Nor from thy fervant hide thy Face ; — I'm troubled ; — hade, attend ; 18. Draw near my foul, and ranfom it, and from my foes defend. 19. All my reproach to Thee is known, my (hame, and my difgrace \ They who my adverfaries be, are all before thy Face. 20. Reproach hath broke my very heart ;— I look'd, grief-full, around, For fome to pity me ; — but none,-— — no comforters I found ! 21. And, then, did they for meat to me prefent me bitter gall ; And gave me vinegar to drink, when I in third did call. 22. -Let Thou their table prove their fnare! and, for requital, make Thatwhich mould for their peace have been* a trap themfelves to take : 23. Let Thou their eyes fb dark'ned be, that fight may them forfake *, And make their loins with feeblenefs, and terror, all to fhake. 24, 156 PSALM LXIX. 24. Thy indignation pour out thus, on thofe who me condemn ; And let the fiercenefs of thy wratk take fudden hold on them. £5. Let all their habitation wade and defolated be ; And let their tabernacles, void, a dweller never fee. 26*. Becaufe they Him do perfecute whom Thou haft fmitten fore ; And to thy wounded' s heavy grief, they add hull more and more* 27. Tor their iniquity, let them iniquity befall ; And let them to thy righteoufnefs no entrance have at ail : 2 8. Let them from out the book of life be blotted quite by Thee ; And let not Thou their names among the righteous written be. 29. For me — I am exceeding poor, and forrowful am I ; But thy falvation fure, O GOD ! fhall fet me fafe on high. 30. The Name of GOD, I, with a fong y exultingly will praife ; Ye PSALM LXIX. 157 Yea I, in giving thanks to Him, his Name will highly raife : 3*. -And this mall to JEHOVAH prove an offering better far, Than bullock, ox, and all the beads with horns and hooves that are. 32. The meek mall fee this, and to them it lafting joy fhall give ; All ye who after GOD do feek, your hearts fhall ever live. 33. Becaufe JEHOVAH hears the poor ; — his pris'ners fcorns not He : 34. Opraife Him, Heav'ns, and Earth and Seas, and all that in them be ! 35. For GOD will Judah's cities build, and Zion He will fave ; That they may dwell there, and the fame in fure pofTefTion have : 36. The feed of all his fervants, too, inherit fhall the' fame : And ever fhall they dwell therein, who love his bleffed Name. O PSALM i 5 5 PSALM LXX. LXXI. P S A L M LXX. M AKE hafle, O GOD! to refcue me; JEHOVAH! hafle mine aid; And let all thofe who feek my foul, be fliamed and difmay'd. Let thofe be turned back, and blufii, who in my hurt delight ; Turn'd back be all who fay Ha ! ha ! -—and thus their lhame requite. But let all thofe who for Thee feek, be glad and joy in Thee ; Let thy Salvation's lovers fay, « GOD MAGNIFIED BE !" For me, — I poor and needy am ; yet, am not I forgot : Hafle, GOD, my Help! my Saviour Sure! JEHOVAH, tarry not. i PSALM LXXI. N Thee, JEHOVAH ! do I trull; fharn'd let me never be ; In juftice free me, and releafe, give ear, and fave Thou me* PSALM LXXI. 159 3. Be Thou my Dwelling-Rock, to which 1 ever may refort : Thou gav'ft commandment me to fave, for Thou'rt my Rock and Fort ! 4. Free me, my GOD, from wicked hands, hands cruel and unjuft ; 5. ForThou'rt myHopeJEHOVAH LORD! — from cliildhood, all my Truft : 6. Thou, from the womb, haft held me up, O Thou who, then, didft me From out my mother's bbwels take ! — my praife is (till of Thee. 7. To many I a wonder am ; but Thou'rt my Refuge Strong : 8. Fill'd let my mouth be with thy praife, — thy honour all day long 1 9. Caft me not off, LORD ! at the time old age doth me o'ertake ; -Now,when my wonted ftrength doth fail, O do not me forfake. 10. For they who en'mies are to me, with malice 'gainft me prate ; And, they together counfel take, who for my foul lay wait. 11." GOD hath him left !-" purfue him now, " and take him ;" — they have faid : O 2 12* 160 PSALM LXXI. 12. -O GOD, depart not far from me; my GOD! hafte to mine aid. 13. Let thofe who to my foul are foes, ill am' d and confumed be ; Cloth'd with reproach and fhame be they- who evil plot 'gainft me. 14. But with expecting, patient hope, wait conftantly will I ; And, adding praife to praifes, (till, . I will Thee magnify : 15. Thy juftrce. and falvation great, my mouth all day fhall fhow ; For of their peerlefs glories all the fums I do not know ! 1 6. I, in THE LORD JEHO VAH's ftrength, will fledfaflly go on ; And will record thy righteoufnefs, thine LORD 1 and thine alone. 17. For, from my childhood, Thou, O GOD! haft nurtur'd me, and taught ; And, hitherto, I have declar'd the wonders Thou haft wrought : 1 8. Leave me not, now, GOD ! when I'm old, and hoary-headed grow ; 'Till to this age thine arm — thy pow'r to all to come I fhow. 19. PSALM LXXI. ioi 19. And very high's thy righteoufnefs ! and highly prais'd to be ; (done ! Thou GOD, who things mod grand had — O GOD ! who's like to Thee ? 20. Who great adverfities, indeed, and fore to me dolt mow, But quicken (halt, and bring me up from depths of th' earth below ; 21. My greatnefs, and my pow'r, Thou (halt increafe, and far extend ; On ev'ry fide, againfl all grief, Thou wilt me comfort fend. 22. Thee ! cv'n thy Truth ! on pfalt'ry, then, with thanks, my GOD, I'll praife, To Thee, O ISR'EL's HOLY ONE ! with harp I fongs will raife : 23. My lips, with joy, (hall fhout to Thee, when 1 thy praife refound ; My foul, which Thou redeemed haft, with gladnefs mail abound. >.}.. My tongue, thy righteoufnefs divine, fhall utter all day long ; For they're confounded,-they're afham'd^ who fought to do me wrong ! O * PSALM 1 62 PSALM LXXIL PSALM LXXIL o GOD ! thy judgments give the King., that He the fame may know ; And on the King's Beloved Son, thy righteoufnefs beftow : 2. Thy people, then, all judg'd by Him with righteoufnefs (hall be ; And to the poor-afflicted ones, He judgment mail decree. 3. The mountains, as their fruit, mall bring- to all the people peace; And peace, with righteoufnefs, the hills mall vield as their increafe. 4. The peoples poor ones He fhall judge, the fons of mis'ry fave ; And down in pieces break, all thofe who them opprelfed have. 5. -They ft;r Thee fhall, while fun and moon endure, through ages all ! 6. Like rain on mown grafs He mail drop, like fhow'rs on earth that fall. 7. The juft mall flourifli in his days, and profper in his reign ; He, till the moon exift no more, fhall plenteous peace maintain : 8. PSAL M LXXII. 163 8. His great and wide dominion fhall from fea to fea extend ; And, from the river, it fhall reach to earth's remotefl end : 9. The dwellers in the defert wade, to Him mall kneeling fall ; And, lick the very dull fhall they, who are his en'mies all. 10. The Kings of Tarfhifh, and the Ifles, (hall off' rings to Him bring ; The King of Sheba gifts fhall give, and fo mall Seha's King : 11. Yea, all the mighty Kings on earth before Him down mail fall ; And ferve Him fhall with rev' rent fear, the num'rous nations all. 1 2. For He the needy refcue fhall, who unto Him doth cry ; Th' afflicted -poor, and he to whom no faving help is nigh : 13. The wretched, and the indigent, in mercy He fhall fpare ; And fave alive, with pow'r, the fouls of thofe who needy are : 14. From fraud, and vi'lence, He their fouls fhall ranfom by his might ; And i6 4 PSALM LXXIL And precious, ever, {hall their blood be counted in his fight. 15. -Yea, He (hall live! and giv'n to Him, fhall be of Sheba's gold ; The caufe of pray'r, ftill, mall He be, and, daily, high extoll'di 16. A call of corn fown in the earth, on tops of mountains bare, Shall fhake with fruit, like Lebanon, — like trees that ruftle there 1 And they who of the City are, fhall fpring up all around, And fiourifh ever green, as grows the grafs upon the ground. 17. His Name (hall lad ! — lail like the Sun, through generations all ; In Him fhall men be blefl ; and blefl all nations fhall Him call. 18. To GOD JEHOVAH, ISR'EL's GOD, all blefTmg, then, proclaim ; 19. For He alone, doth wonders great: — blefl be his glorious Name ! And let the glory fill all earth of this ALL PEERLESS ONE ; 20. Amen, .Amen ! — thus end the pray'rs of Davids JeflVs Son> T H E THE BOOK of PSALMS, PART THIRD. "Btgnn'xng with PsAt, LXXW.— Concluding with Psau LXXXIX* PSALM LXXI1L _ JL ET, GOD is good to Ifr'el, SOI! to each pure hearted one. 2, For me — my feet had well nigh ilip'd ; my fleps almoft were gone : y For I did envy fools, when I the wicked's peace did fee ; 4. -Their ftrength is firm, and unto death they from all bands are free : 5. Mens toil they (hare not ; — -they no plagues like other men fuftain : 6. And, therefore, overweening pride clings round them as a chain: Stem j 66 PSALM LXX1II. Stern violence, as a robe, them clothes ; 7. — their eyes ftand out with fat ; They profper far above what, once, - their hearts thoughts grafped at ! 8. They are corrupt, oppreflion fpeak, and lofty is their talk ; 9. They fet their mouth againil the heav'ns, their tongue thro' th' earth doth walk! 10. For this, his people, hither, oft, repining, turn about ; When waters of a cup that's full, to them are wringed out : 1 1. And thus they fay ; — How can it be that GOD all this doth know? Or, can THE HIGHEST knowledge have of what doth pafs below ? X2. Lo, thefe the wicked clearly are! yet, have they profp'rous peace ; In fafe tranquillity they dwell ; — in riches they increafe. 13. In vain have I my heart kept clean, in vain my hands wafh'd pure; 14. For, day by day, I chaften'd am, each morn the rod endure. 15. -Yet, if this reas'riing of my heart, to fpeak 1 fhould intend ; Thy PSALM LXXIIL 167 Thy children's generation, then, 1 furely fhould offend. 16. I thought to know this, — but it feem'd unequal, (till, to me ; 17. Till ent'ring GOD's Mod Holy Place ; — then, I their end did fee ! 1 8. -AfTuredly, on flipp'ry grounds, Thou fet'ft them as in date ; And, quickly, mak'ft them down to fall, with defolation great. 19. How, in a moment, are they brought to ruin and decay ! -With fudden terrors make their end, and are confum'd away ! 20. Like the impreflion of a dream, when one from fleep doth rife ; So, Thou, O LORD ! when Thou awak'ft, their image fhalt defpife. 21. -Yet, leaven'd was my heart at fuchl my reins were griev'd in me : 22. I brutifh thus, and nefcient was — — as are the beafts with Thee. 23. Yet, am 1 with Thee ! — yet me fafe thy right hand's hold doth make ! 24. Thou with thy counfel wilt me guide, and, then, to glory take. — 25- 168 PSALM LXXIII. LXXIV. 25. Whom have I in the heavens high, but Thee O LORD, alone ? And in the earth, whom I defire, befides Thee there is none : 2 6. My fkfh, and heart, do faint and fail ; but GOD doth me fuftain : My heart's Rock, and my Portion fure. He ever doth remain : 27. For, lo, all they afar from Thee, fhall perifh from thy fight ; Thofe who from Thee a-whoring go, Thou fhalt extirpate quite. 28. But, furely, it is good for me that I draw near to GOD ; I in THE LORD JEHOVAH truft, to fhow thy works abroad ! o PSALM LXXIV. GOD ! why haft Thou caft us off, as if for evermore ? Why fmoketh, 'gainft thy pafture fheep, thine anger, thus, fo fore ? <2. Thy congregation bought of old, remember, yet, O GOD ! Thy PSALM LXXIV. 169 Thy ranfom'd Rod of heritage, — this Zion, thine abode. 3. To thefe old defolations, now, lift up thy feet with hade ; To all the ill thy foes have done, thy Holy Place to wafte: 4. Anridft thy congregations, fee ! thy adverfaries roar ; Their enfigns they fet up as figns of jriumph, us before ! 5. Each, as he lifts his ax againfl the thick beams, gains renown ; 6. -So, now, with ax, and hammers, they, the carv'd work all beat down. j> Thy Sanctuaries they have nr'd, — the place where dwelt thy Name 3 They to the earth prophaned have, by calling down the fame : 8. " Let us at once deftroy them all I'' — within their heart they fay : -GOD's fynagogues, within the land, all burnt in names have they ! Our figns we now behold no more— nor is there us among A Prophet more, nor any Seer, who knows the time how long ! P 10; 170 PSALM LXXIV. 10. How long, O GOD! (hall th' en' my, thus, reproaching Thee exclaim ? Shall th' adverfary evermore blafpheme thy holy Name ? 1 1. Why turned Thou away thy hand, thy pow'rful right hand fo ? O pluck it from thy bofom out, and terminate our woe! 12. -For, furely, GOD is yet my King, from th* ancient times of old, Still working, in the midft of th' earth, falvation manifold ! 13. Thou! by thy pow'r almighty, didft afunder cleave the Sea ; Thou brak'ft the heads of monfters ftrong, that in the waters be. 1 4. The head of great Leviathan in pieces Thou didft break ; And, to the defert's habitants, as food Thou didft him make : 1 5. The fountain, and the flood, Thou cleft'ft ; — great rivers dry'd'ft Thou quite : 16. Thine is the day! the night is thine! — Thou found'ft the fun and light : 17. By Thee, the limits of the earth were conftituted all : The PSALM LXXIV. 171 The fummer, and the winter, were created at thy call ! 1 3. JEHOVAH! now remember this, — the foe reproach thy Name ; The foolifh people, in their rage, with ipite blafpheme the fame. 19. O give not up thy turtle's foul to th' hofr. who me befet ; The congregation of thy poor, LORD! do not Thou forget! 20. But to thy cov'nant have refpecl:, — for earth's dark places, round, With holds of vi'lent, cruel wrong, do every-where abound. 21. O let not thofe who are oppreft, be turned back with fhame \ Let thofe who poor and needy are, _ fing praifes to thy Name. 22. Arife, O GOD ! to judgment rife, and plead Thyfelf thy wrong ; Remember how the fool doth, ftill, reproach Thee all day long : 23. Forget not Thou the voice of thofe thy enemies who be ; The tumult rifeth more and more, of thofe who rife 'gainfl Thee ! P 2 PSALM 1 72 PSA L M LXXV. P S A L M LXXV. O Thee, O GOD! we thanks do give; we render thanks to Thee! Becaufe thy marv'lous works declare thy Name moll near to be. 2U -When I th' appointed kingdom take,. I judgment will maintain : 3. The earth's diflblv'd^ and all therein; — its pillars I fuftain ! S* 4. O do not, then, deal foolifhly, — thus, to the fools, faid I ; And, to the wicked, — lift not up, 5. lift not your horn on high ; 6. Nor fpeak ye, thus, with haughty neck ;. for greatnefs doth not flow 7. Fromeaft, or weft, or fouthi-GOD's judge;. — He raifeth, He lay'th low ! 8. For, in JEHOVAH's hand, referv'd, there is a cup of wrath, Which, full of red wine ready mix'd, Himfelf prepared hath : And this He pours out from on high ; — on earth He makes it fall : Its dregs the wicked of the earth fhall wring, and drink them all. PSALM LXXV. LXXVI. 175 9. But I, for ever, will declare, —I JACOB'S GOD will praife ; 10. The wicked's horns I will cut off, but all the juft's will raife. G PSALM LXXVI. OD in Jehudz.h well is known, his Names in Ifr'el great ; 2. He dwells in Salem ; and his feat on Zion holds in ftate. 3. -There, tlV arrows of the bow He brake, the fhield, and fword, and war ! — S. 4. More glorious than the hills of prey, more exc'leni art Thou far ! 5. The flout in heart defpoiled are, — they ilept their ileep outright ; And none of thofe have found their hands., who were the men of might* 6. At thy rebuke, O JACOB's GOD! which forth againft them pad, Their horfes, and their chariots all, were in a deep fleep caff ! — 7. Thou, LORD!ev'nTHOU,arttobefear'd£: and, where's the mighty He P 3 Who 174 PSALM LXXVL LXXVIL Who may before thy Prefence Hand, if once Thou angry be ? (heard: 8* From heav'n Thou judgment mad'ft be — the earth was (Fill with fear ; 9. When, all the meek of th' earth to fave, in judgment GOD came near. S. 1 o. The very wrath of eanh-fprung man mail to thy praife redound ! -Thou to the remnant of his wrath, fet'fl thy reftraining bound ! 1 1. To GOD JEHOVAH, vow and pay, all ye who are Him near ; Bring gifts and prefents ev'ry one, to Him whofe Name's THE FEAR, 1 2. HIM, who the fprrits loppeth off, of thofe who princes be : And, to the Kings of all the earth, moil terrible is He ! 1 PSALM. LXXVIL WITH my voice, with earned voice, cry'd out to GOD MOST HIGH, And He his ear inclin'd to me, and liften'd to my cry. PSALM LXXVIT. 1^5 1. In my diftrefs I fought THE LORD ; my fore by night did run, And ceafed not ; — my grieved foul did confolation fhun. 3-. I thought on GOD, and troubled, then,' with moaning did complain ; I mus'd, and, overwhelmed in me, my fpirit did remain. 8* 4. The watches of mine eyes Thou held'ft, and did'ft me keep awake > With trouble fore-amaz'd 1 was y and fpeech did me forfake.— — 5. I calFd to mind the days of old, — yea, often thought I on The pieafing years of ancient times, now pail away, and gone! 6\ My fong, by night, I call'd to mind, my heart to talk did take ; And diligently queft'ning thus, my fpirit fearch did make. 7. -Tor ever will TH£ LORD call off?: is his good pleafure o'er ? iL For ever hath his mercy ceas'd ? — his word fail'd evermore ? 9. Is't fo that to be gracious, now, GOD quite forgotten hath ? Hath 176 PSALM LXXVIL Hath He his tender mercy all, fhut ever up in wrath ? S. 10. -This is my weaknefs, then, faid I ; — but I'll remember, frill, The years THE HIGHES T's right hand JAH's works record I will: (wrought! 11. Yea, I, in mind will ever bear thy wonders done of old ! *2. I on thy works will meditate, and all thy a&s unfold. 13. Within thy Sanduary, GOD! there ! is thy way all known : And what God great as OUR GOD is? 14. — Thou GOD haft wonders done! Thy ftrengthThou mad'fhhe nations know, ^5. and, by thine arm mod ftrong, Redeem'd thy people Jacob's fons, and Jofeph's, them among. S. 16. The waters, GOD I the waters, then, beheld, and pain'd, did fly : The depths all trembled, and the clouds ftream'd waters from on high ! 1 7. The fkies did found — thine arrows flew, — 18. — thy thunder Heav'n did fhake : Thy lightnings lighten'd all the world ; — the earth did move and quake. 19, PSALM LXXVI1. LXXVIII. 177 19. Thy way is in the mighty Sea! -—in waters great thy path : * Thy footfteps deep and tracklefs are !: — none knowledge of them hath. 20. Thou ied'ft thy chofen people forth, like to a flock of fheep ; By Mofes, and by Aaron's hand, Thou didft them fafely keep*. A PSALM LXXVIII, .TTEND, my people, to my law; Your ears, to hear my words, prepare ; 2. In parables, my mouth (hall fpeak ; Things hid of old, I will declare. 3. -The things which we have heard and known,. And which our fathers have us told, 4. We will not hide them from their fons, But will them faithfully unfold : Declaring to the race to come, JEHOV All's praifes grandly won ! TV Almighty flrength He hath difplay'd \ The works of wonders He hath done L 5. — In Jacob, He a Witnefs fet, A law He did in Ifr'el place y And> 178 PSALM LXXVIII. And, to our fathers, gave in charge To teach them to the rifing race ; 6. That th' after generation, thus, Might 1 earn the fame, and well them know ; Andfons, who fhould be born, might rife, And to their fons fons, dill them (how : 7. That they their fledfaft, conltant hope, Might fet on GOD, nor from Him fwerve j Nor e'er forget GOD's mighty works, But his commandments all obferve : 8. And might not, like their fathers, be A flubborn and rebellious race ; A race whofe heart was never right, Nor fpirit fledfaft in GOD's grace. — 9. The fons of Ephraim, though both arm'd, And fkuTd to fhoot the bow from far j Yet they, faint-hearted, turned back, Inglorious, in the day of war ! 10. GOD's cov'nant they did not obferve, And in his law refus'd to go ; 11. His works and wonders they forgot, Which He fo oft to them did fhow. 12. — He 'fore their fathers wonders did, In Zoan's field, in Egypt's land ! 13. He cleft the Sea,- made them pafs through, — the deeps made like a heap to ftarid 1 14* PSALM LXXVIIL 179 14. With cloud, by day, and, all the night, With light of fire, He did them guide j 15. The rock He in the defert rent, And drink, as from the deeps, fupply'd : 16. Yea. from the Rock, with mighty pow'r, He caus'd abundant dreams to flow j Like rivers, He the waters made Run down, and after them to go ! — 17. Yet, in the defert, more they fin'd, — Provok'd THE HIGHEST by midruft, 18. And, in their heart, they tempted GOD, By afking meat, there, for their luft : 19. Yea, daringly, they fpake 'gainft GOD! And, unbelieving, murmur'd thus, — Can GOD, indeed, a table, here, Within the defert, fpread for us ? 20. Behold He fmote the flinty rock, And gufhing dreams from thence did flow $ But, can He give his people bread ? Or, can He flefh on them beflow ? 2 1 . JEHOVAH heard, and wax'd mod wroth$ — 'Gaind Jacob kindled was a flame j And 'gaind all lfr'el.. for their fin, Indignant anger up there came. 22* Becaufe they did not GOD believe, Nor on his fure falvation day'd - 9 i£o PSALM LXXVIXI. 23. Though, from above he cali'd the fkies ; Though heav'ns doors He had open made : 24. — He rained manna down on them ! He gave them bread from Heav'n to eat: 25. Man, then, did eat the Mighties food ! He, to the full, did fend them meat. 26. He, in the heav'ns, an eafl wind rais'd, And brought a fouth with pow'rful hand, 27. And rlefh, as dud, upon them rain'd, The feather' d fowl as th' Ocean's fand ! 28. Amidft their camp, He made it fall, All round their tents where they did dwell; 29* .He gave them, thus, their own defire ; They ate, and they were filled well : 30. They from their luft were not eftrang'd, Their meat they, yet, had chewed not ; 31. WhenGOD's wrath rifmg flew their Chiefs, The choice young men of IiVel fmote! — 32. For all this, ftill, they finned more, His wonders yet, believ'd not they ; 33. -So, He, their days in vanity, Their years in wrath confum'd away. 34. Then, whenHe flew them, the) Him fought, Yea, turn'd to GOD with early cry ; 35. They minded, then, their 1\ ock was GOD, TheirgreatRedeemerGODMOSTHiGH! 3«- PSALM LXXVIII. i3r 36. -Yet, flatter'd they Him with their mouth, And with their tongue did lie anew ; 37. Their heart was never right with Him, Nor kept they to his covenant true : 33. But, full of tender pity, He Their fins forgave, nor did them flay ; Nor rous'd his indignation all, But, often, turn'd his wrath away. 39. For, that they were but fading flefh, He did to recollection call ; -A breath that fwiftly fleets away, And doth no more return at all ! — 40. How often, in the wildernefs, Did they to wrath provoke Him fore ! And in the defert, with their fins, How grieved they Him more and more ! 41. Yea, turning back, they tempted GOD, And limits to Him dar'd to fet ; -To HIM!— toISR'EL's HOLY ONE! And all his wonders did forget. 42. They thought not on his hand, the day When He redeem'd them from the foe ; 43. When He his figns in Egypt wrought, In Zoan's field did wonders fhow ! 44. How He their rivers turn'd to blood, And flreams that no one could them tafte ; Q. 45- i82 PSALM LXXVIII. 45. -Great fwarms of vermin fent which ate, And frogs which did corrupt and wade. 46. The caterpillar feiz'd their fruit, Their labour locufts made their prey ; 47. Their vines deflroy'd He all with hail ; Their fig-trees froft confumed away : 48. He to the hail their cattle gave, Their flocks to hail-ftones mix'd with fire ; 49. He burning anger 'mong them fent, -Th' exceeding fiercenefs of his ire : Yea, fending evil angels forth, Diftrefs He on them brought, and wrath: 50. He to his anger made a way !— Their fouls He faved not from death. To peft'lence He their lives fhirt up ; 51. And Egypt's frrft-born all did finite; -At once, throughout the tents of Ham, He flew the firft -fruits of their might ! 52. Then! He his people made, like fheep, To pafs out thence with joyful fpeed; And, through the defert, like a flock, He gently forward did them lead : 53. Yea, fafely, He did lead them on, -From ev'ry fear He fet them free ; And all their foes, before their eyes. Were overwhelmed in the Sea ! 54- PSALM LXXVIIL 183 54. He through the defert led them fafe, And to his Holy Border brought ; To this fame Mountain, which his hand, His right hand dearly for them bought! 55. The nations from their face He drove, And did their land by lot divide ; -The tribes of Ifr'el fafely made, Within their en'mies tents refide.— 56. Yetterrrptea they the MOSTHIGHGOD! And bitterly provok'd Him ftill ; His teflimonies kept they not, Nor walk'd according to his will : 57. But, like their fathers, turned back, Unfaithful proving ev'n as they ; And, like an erring, warping bow, Afide ftill turned from his wav. „ 58. They with their idols places high, To anger ftirr'd Him more and more ; And, with their graven images, To jealoufy did move Him fore.— 59. When GOD heard this, He waxed wroth, And much abhor'd He Ifr'el, then ; 60. The tent of Shiloh He forfook, The tent wherein He dwelt 'mong men ! 61. -Yea, He his Strength deliver'd up, In battle, captive-led to be ; q_ 2 His i8 4 PSALM LXXVIIL His Glory over to the hand Of his triumphant foe, gave He ! 62* -His people to the fword gave up y His heritage He did abhor ; 63* The fire confum'd their chofen youths, -Their maids infongs wereprais'd no more! 64, Their very priefts, exempt from war, Did by the fword in battle fall ; Their widows, alfo, callous grown, No lamentation made at all. — 6$. Then wak'dTHE LORD, as one from fleep! As with a Mighty's fhout, He rofe, 66. And fmote his haughty foes behind ; — To lafting fcorn did them expoie ! 6j. The tent of Jofeph He refus'd, N\ r chofe in Ephraim's tribe to dwell \ 68. But of Jehudah's tribe made choice, The Zion Mount He loved well : 69. And, there, his SanSuary built ! — Like places high, did found it fure \ Like to the earth He 'ftablinVd hath - For ever firmly to endure. 70. His chofen David, He, from folds, 7 1 . From tending pregnant ewes did bring, To feed his people, Jacob's race, His portion Ifr'el, as their King ! — So, PSALM LXXVIII. LXXIX. 185 — So, with integrity of heart, 72. He, as their Shepherd, did them feed \ And, by the prudence of his hands, Did wifely govern them, and lead. T PSALM LXXIX. H E nations, to thine heritage, O GOD I have inroad made; — Thy Holy Temple have defil'd, — on heaps Jerus'lem laid : Thy fervants carcafes have giv'n to fowls of th' air, for meat -, The flefh of thy beloved Saints, to earth's wild beads, to eat : Their blood, all round Jerufalem, like water, have they fhed ; And none remaining now is left, ev'n to inter the dead ! — We're to our neighbours a reproach , a feoff and fcorn are we To all who round about us are, — to all who do us fee. How long, JEHOVAH! (hall endure, for ever thus thine ire ? (^ 3 Hot? i86 PSALM LXXIX. How long fhall this thy jealoufy againfl us burn, like fire ? 6. Thy wrath pour on the heathen, LORD! who know Thee not at all ; And on the kingdoms which refufe upon thy Name to call : j. For Jacob they devoured have, and wade his dwelling laid -, Ev'n fo that now it wholly is a defolation made ! — 8. Remember not our former fins ! thy tender mercies mow ; O hade, and let them us prevent* for we're brought very low. 9. O GOD OF OUR SALVATION, help! thy glorious Name difplay ; Deliver us, and, for thy Name, purge all our fins away. 1 o. Whyfhould menfay ,' Where is theirGOD?' — known 'mong the nations be Thy vengeance for thy fervants blood ! —that it cur eyes may fee. 11. O let the pris'ners groans afcend before thy fight on high , \ . According to thy mighty pow'r, preferve thofe doom'd to die j 1 5. PSALM LXXIX. LXXX, 187 12. And, to our neighbours bofom, back returned fev'n-fold be Their hard reproach,wherewith,OLORD! they have reproached Thee. 13. So, we thy people. — we the fheep who of thy paflure fhare, From age to age, mail give Thee thanks^ and all thy praife declare ! H P S A L M LXXX, .EAR^fr'ersShepherdl-Jofeph'shofts who like a flock doll guide ! Shine forth, O Thou who doit between the Cherubims abide ! In Ephraim's, and in Benjamin's, and in ManaMeh's fight, Roufe up thy Strength, and come to us in all thy faving might ! — O GOD, OUR GOD ! turn us again, and yet on us vouchfafe To make thy Countenance to mine ; and fo we fhall be fafe. — HowlongJEHOVAH, GOD OF HOSTS! how long inflanVd fhall be i38 PSALM LXXX. Thy wrath that fmokes thus fiercely 'gainfl thy peoples pray'r to Thee ? 5. The tears of forrow, Thou, for bread, doft give to them to eat ; And tears for drink, in meai'ure great, Thou out to them doft mete. 6. A conflant ftrife Thou makeft us to all our neighbours near ; And in derifion, 'mong themfelyes, our adverfaries fneer ! 7. O GOD OF HOSTS ! turn us again y and yet on us vouchfafe To make thy Countenance to fhine ; and fo we fhall be fafe. — 8. A Vine from Egypt Thou didft bring by thine Almighty hand ; And didft the nations round expel, to plant it in their land : 9. The way before it Thou didft clear, to give it ample ground ; Thou didft it make deep root to take, and fill the land around : 10. Its fhadow cover'd, as a veil, the lofty mountains all ; And, by its goodly fpreading boughs, hid were the cedars tall : 11. PSALM LXXX. 189 1 1. Far, on the one fide, to the fea, its boughs it forth doth fend ; And, to the flood, its branches did on th' other fide, extend. 1 2. -Why haft Thou, then, now broke it down* and torn its hedge away ? That all the pafTers-hy do pluck, and make thereof a prey ? 13. The foreft-boar doth root it up, and wade it by his pow'r; The wild beafts of the field, its fruits with greedinefs devour. — 14. Return, now, Mighty GOD OF HOSTS! from Heav'n, behold and fee, And vifit this thy Vine, fo long forfaken thus by Thee ; 15. The Vineyard which thy right hand high hath planted in the land ; TheBranch which, for thy felf, Thou mad'ii in mighty pow'r to (land. 16. Burnt up it is with flaming fire, and to the root cut down ; -They perifh all before thy Face, thy fierce-rebuking frown ! 17. O let thy hand be ever on the Man of thy right hand, The igo PSALM LXXX. The Son of Man, whom, for Thyfelf, Thou madeft ftrong to (land : 1 8. So, henceforth, we will not go back, nor turn from Thee at all ; -O quicken Thou us, LORD ! and we upon thy Name will call. 29. LORD GOD OF HOSTS ! turn us again, and yet on us vouchfafe To make thy Countenance to fhine \ and fo we (hall be fafe. H PSALM LXXX. Another Verjion. EAR Intel's Shepherd! Hearken Thou Who like a flock dofl Jofeph guide ; Shine forth, O Thou who dofl between The glorious Cherubims refide ! In Ephraim's fight, and Benjamin's, And in Manafieh's, brightly mine ; Roafe up thy mighty Strength, and come And fave us by thy pow'r divine ! — O GOD, OUR GOD! turn us again ; A Vouchfafe our wretched date to fee ; Make, PSALM LXXX. 191 Make, yet, thy gracious Face to fhine ; And, then, we furely fav'd (hall be ! — 4. How long JEHOVAH,GOD OF H OSTS! Wilt Thou thus ceafe to hear and fpare? How long wilt Thou thus fmoke in wrath,. Againft thy humbled peoples pray'r? 5. With bread of deep affliction's tears, Thou, in difpleafure, haft them fed ; And, for their drink, in meafure great, Haft made them tears of for row fried : & Thou fet'ft us, for a caufe of ftrife, Among our friends and neighbours near; And, in contempt, among themfelves, Our foes all at us fcoif and fneer ! 7. O GOD OF HOSTS! turn us again; Vouchfafe our wretched ftate to fee ; Make Thou thy gracious Face to (hine, And, then, we furely fav'd (hall be ! — 8. A Vine from Egypt Thou didft bring, — The nations out before it caft ; 9. Thou plantedft it, — prepar'dft its way, And all its roots Thou rootedft faft : 10. -It fill'd the land!-the mountains great Were with its fpreading Ihadow veil'd ; And 'bove the growth of cedars high, Its lofty boughs in height prevail'd ; 11* i 9 2 PSALM LXXX, xi. Its branches far out to the Sea, Upon the one hand, it did fend ; On th' other hand, its fruitful boughs Did to the River great extend. 1-2, — Why haft Thou, then, forfaken it, And torn its hedges all away ? That all the paffers to and fro Defpoil, and make thereof a prey : f 3« The boar, forth rufhing from the wood, Doth fiercely root it up, and tear ; And all the wild beafts of the field Devour, and leave it wafle and bare. 14. Return, then, now, O GOD OF HOSTS! Thine ear to hear our prayer incline ; Look down from Heav'nl-behold and fee, And vifit this forfaken Vine ; *5* The Vineyard which thy right hand high Did plant the Sons of men among : The Branch which, for thy own delight, Thou mad'ft in pow'r to (land molt ftrong: 16. For, to the root, it is cut down, And burnt up with confuming fire j They perifh in it, every one, Before the fiercenefs of thine ire ! — 17. O let thy hand reft on The Man, On whom Thou doft thy right hand lay ; The PSAL M LXXX. LXXXI. in to The Son of Man, whom, for Thyfelf, Thou ftrong in pow'r haft made to flay : 1 8. So, henceforth, we, preferved fafe, Shall never backflide from Thee more ~ 7 O quicken us ! and, on thy Name, We will then call, and Thee adore — 1 9. Turn us JEHOVAH, GOD OF HOSTS ! Vouchfafe our wretched flate to fee : O make thy gracious Face to fhine ; And, then, we furery fav'd mail be ! o PSALM LXXXI. ! Shout with joy to GOD our Strength, with fhout triumphant fing 2. To JACOB'S GOD L— Take up a pfalm, — to Him the timbrel bring ; The pfalt'ry, too, and pleafant harp ; 3. — at new moon trumpets found : At each appointed time, — each day our folemn feaft comes round j 4. For, this a charge to Ifr'el was, ev'n JACOB'S GOD's command ; 5. -A teftimony, which He flx'd for Jofeph firm to Hand : R When, i 9 4 PSALM LXXXL When, 'gainft the land of Egypt, He in mighty pow'r did go ; Where I a barb'rous language heard, a fpeech I did not know: — 6. From burdens I his moulder took ; —from pots his hands fet free : 7. In trouble thou didft on Me call, and I deliver'd thee : I, in the thunder's fecret place, did anfwer to thee make ; And, at Meribah's waters, too, the proof of thee did take. & 8. Hear, O my people ! hearken now, and I will teflify ; To thee, O Ifr'el, if thou wilt thine ear to Me apply. 9. -Let no ftrange God retained be in midft of thee at all ; Nor, to a God thou knoweft not, do thou in worfhip fall : 10. I GOD, THY GOD JEHOVAH! AM, who thee from Egypt brought ; Ope wide then, now, thy mouth to Me$ — I'll fill it full, as fought ! 1 1. -But, (till, my people to my voice no ear nor hearing gave ; Yea, PSALM LXXXI. LXXXII. 195 Yea, Ifr'el whom I chofen had, he none of Me would have. 1 2. I, therefore, in their own hearts lufts did leave them to remain ; — " Still, let them wander on," faid I, " in their own counfels vain !" — 13. O, had my people heard my voice ! my ways had Ifr'el chofe ! 14. Soon, I their en'mies had fubdu'd ; — my hands turn'd 'gainft their foes ! 15. JEHOVAH's haters, foon, to Him fubmimon fhould have feign'd ; And as for them, — for evermore, their time mould have remain'd : 16. For food, He would have given them the fineft of the wheat ; -Yea, of the honey from the Rock, thy fill I'd made thee eat i G PSALM LXXXII. OD (lands in meeting of the Gods; — HE's Judge the Gods among ! How long the wicked's perfon, thus refpect ye, judging wrong ? S. R 2 3, ig6 PSA L M LXXXII. LXXXI1L 3. Defend the fatherlefs, and poor, the poor aggrieved redrefs ; 4. The poor and needy help, and free, whom wicked hands opprefs. 5. -They know not, nor will underftand ! — in darknefs they walk on ; The whole foundations of the earth wide out of courfe have gone ! 6. I faid, ye ev'ry one are Gods, THE HIGHEST's children all j 7. But, furely, ye fhall die like men, like other princes fall. — 8. Arife, O GOD ! judge THOU the earth : -. and all its wrongs redrefs ; For, Thou, as thine inheritance, all nations malt poflefs ! G PSALM LXXXI1L OD1 be not filent, — be not deaf r nor ftill, GOD! to my cry; For, lo, thy foes a tumult make, — thy haters heads are high ! They crafty counfel taken have, thy people to annoy j And, PSALM LXXXIIL 197 And, 'gainft thy hidden ones, confult, that they may them deftroy : 4. " Come, let us cut them off," — fay they, " from being any more ; M That all record of Ifr'el's name " may be for ever o'er !" 5. For, with one heart, they counfel take 5 -in league 'gainft Thee combine, 6. The tents of Edom, Hhm'el's race, and thofe of Moab's line 5 6. The Hagarenes, and Gebal, too, and Amnion, all confpire With Amalek, the Philiftines, and thofe who dwell in Tyre : 3. -Yea Affur, alfo, join'd with them in cov'nant, they have got ; And thefe have been an arm of ftrength, to help the fons of Lot ! — S. 9. As done to Midian, Sis'ra's hoft, and Jabin, do to them j 10. -At Kifhon's brook, and Endor flain r they dung for th* earth became ! 11. Like Oreb, and like Zeeb, make their nobles down to fall ; Like Zeba, and Zalmunna, fo make Thou their princes all : R 3 ** 198 PSALM LXXXI1I. LXXXIV. 12. -All thofe who fay, " Come let us now " GOD's houfes feize and take:" — 13. Like to a wheel — like chaff, my GOD 1 before the wind, them make : Y4. As fire doth fiercely burn the wood, as flames the mountains fire ; 15. So chafe, and fcare them, with the florin and tempefl of thine ire : IIS; With fhame, JEHOVAH ! fill their face, that they may feek thy Name ; 17. Confounded let them be, and vext, and perifh in their fhame : 18. That men may know, that Thou alone, to whom doth appertain The name JEHOVAH ! doft SUPREME o'er all the earth remain ! H PSALM LXXXIV. OW lovely is thy Dwelling-Place, O GOD OF HOSTS, to me 1 The Tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant, LORD, they be! My foul doth long, yea even faints, thy Hallow'd Courts to fee j Mi PSALM LXXXIV. 199 My very heart and flefli cry out, O LIVING GOD ! for Thee. 3. Behold ! the fparrow fmdeth out a houfe wherein to reft ; -The fwallow alfo, for herfelf, finds out a proper neft ; A place where fhe, in fafety, forth may all her young ones bring ; Ev'n ihine own altars, LORD OF HOSTS I O Thou, my GOD and KING 1 4. Bled are the Dwellers in thy Houfe I — they ever give Thee praife : S. 5. Bleft is the man whofe Strength Thou art 3 iu whofe heart are thy ways ; 6. Who, pafling thorough Baca's vale, dig wells of water there ; The rain doth alfo fill the pools^ and drink for them prepare : 7. So, they from ftrength unweary'd go ftill forward on to ftrength ; Until, before GOD*s Prefence, they in Zion ftand at length ! 8. LORD GOD OF HOSTS! my prayer hear, O JACOB'S GOD ! give ear ; 9. See GOD our Shield ! — lock on the Face of THINE ANOINTED dear : Kb aoo PSALM LXXXIV. i o. For, 'bove a thoufand, far excels one day thy Courts within ; I'd rather keep rny GOD's Houfe-door, than dwell in tents of fm : ii. For GOD THE LORD'S a Sun and Shield; He'll grace and glory give, And will no good with-hold from thofe who uprightly do live. 1 2. JEHOVAH, O Thou GOD OF HOSTS ! that man is truly bleft, Who, with affured confidence, on Thee alone doth reft. PSALM LXXXIV. Another Verfion. JEHOVAH, GOD of Heavens' Hoftsl How amiably pleafant are, The Tabernacles where Thou dwell' ft ; All things on earth excelling far ! 2. My foul, with ardour, longs and faints, JEHOVAH's Hallow'd Courts to fee ; My very heart and flefh cry out, O EVER LIVING GOD! for Thee. 3. O, to be as the fparrow, there ! That findeth out a houfe to reft \ Or, PSALM LXXXIV. 20* Or, like the fwallow, for herfelf That wifely doth prepare a neft ; A place where me, feeure from fear, Her young ones fafely forth may bring ; —The altars,whereTHY PRESENCE is, O LORD of Hods, my GOD! my KING! 4. Bleft are the Dwellers in thy Houfe ! For they for ever fmg thy praife ; 5. O bleft's the man whofe Strength Thou art 9 Whofe heart is fet upon thy ways ; — 6. — The paiTers thorough Baca's vale, To HIM who as their Well-fpring go ! The rain from heav'n that droppeth down, "With bleffings mall them overflow. 7. And, blefTed thus, they mail go on, From (Irength-to ftrength,ilill drawing near, Until, in Zion, they, at length, Before GOD's Prefence all appear, 8. LORD God of Hods! hear Thou myprayV, O JACOB'S GOD! thine ear incline; So 9. See GOD our Shield ! and let thy Face On^thy belov'd MESSIAH mine : 10.' For, in thy blefTed Courts, one day A thoufand elfewhere doth excel ; Fd in my GOD's Houfe keep a door, Before in tents of fin I'd dwell : C02 PSALM LXXXIV. LXXXV. ii. For GOD THE LORD's a Sun and Shield, He grace and glory will beftow ; No good will He with -hold from thofe Who on. in his perfection, go. 12. Obleft, JEHOVAH, GOD OFHOSTS! Supremely bleft that man fhall be, Who, with allured, patient hope, Doth all his truft repofe on THEE I PSALM LXXXV. JEHOVAH! Thou had favour mown to thy beloved land ; Thou Jacob's captives haft brought back, by thine Almighty Hand : 2. Thy people's guilt Thou hall forgiv'n, and cover'd all their fin ; S. 3. Thine anger fierce Thou haft withdrawn, and call'd thy fury in ! — 4. O GOD of our falvation! turn, and caufe thine ire aflwage ; 5. Shall thy difpleafure ever laft ? — thy wrath from age to age ? 6. Wilt Thou not turn, revive, and make thy people glad in Thee ? 7< PSALM LXXXV. LXXXVI. 203 7. JEHOVAH! fhow us mercy now, grant thy falvation free. — 8. I'll hear THE GOD JEHOVAH fpeak; for He will yet fpeak peace To all his people, and his faints, — that they from folly ceafe, 9* Nigh, furely, his falvation is to thofe who do Him fear^ That Glory, dwelling in our land, may vifibly appear ! — 1 o. See ! Mercy, now, and Truth, are met ; and Peace and Juftice kifs ! (nefs 1 1 . Truth fpringsfrom th'earth ; andRighteouf- from heav'n fmiles down on this : i 2. -Yea, GOD fhall give the promis'd Good t —our land fhall yield increafe ; 13. And Juftice, as his Harbinger, mall lead our fteps to peace! o PSALM LXXXVI. BOW, JEHOVAH! down thine ear, and hear me when I cry ; For, in affii&ion very great, and poverty, am I« %* 304 PSA L M LXXXV1. 2. Becaufe I'm holy, let my foul from wrath preferred be ^ O Thou, my GOD ! thy fervant fave^ who puts his truft in Thee. 3. All day, O LORD ! to Thee I cry ; — have mercy, hear my voice : 4. To Thee, O LORD! I lift my foul j — thy Servant's foul rejoice : 5. For, good, and ready to forgive, and rich in mercy free, Thou, O JEHOVAH ! ever art, to all who call on Thee, €. Give ear, JEHOVAH ! to my prayer, — to my requefts attend ; 7. In trouble's day, I'll on Thee call, for Thou wilt anfwer fend. — 8. LORD! There is none among the Gods, who may with Thee compare ; And, with thy works, no other works comparison can bear i 9. The nations all whom Thou haft made, fhall come with rev'rence nigh, And, bowing down before Thee, LORD! thy Name fhall glorify : EO. Becaufe Thou art exceeding great, and works by Thee are done Beyond PSALM LXXXVI. 205 Beyond expreflion grandeur-full ! Thou!-THOU art GOD ALONE. it. Thy way, JEHOVAH ! teach Thou me, and in thy truth Til go ; Unite my heart, that I thy Name, due fear may ever (how. 12. O LORD, my GOD! with all my hearty thy praife I will proclaim ; And I for ever, evermore, will glorify thy Name ! 13. Becaufe thy mercy, mown to me, in greatnefs doth excel ; And, Thou my foul deliver'd haft from out the lowed hell. — 14. The proud, O GOD! againfl me rife; — they meet, and 'gainft me plot ; The men of vi'lence feek my foul, and fet thy fear at nought. 15. But Thou, LORD! art a pit'ying GOD, and gracious evermore ; Long fuff'ringjboundlefs grace, and truth, all dwell with Thee in (lore ! 16. O turn thy gracious Face to me, and mercy on me have ; Give to thy Servant, now, thy ftrength ; thine hand-maid's Son, LORD! fave. S 1,7. ao6 PSALM LXXXVI. LXXXVIL 17. Show me a token fure for good ! — fham'd, let my haters fee That Thou, JEHOVAH I doft me help, and ever comfort' ft me 1 PSALM LXXXVIL IRM in the Holy Mountains fix'd, his fure Foundation ftands : 2. -JEHOVAH loveth Zion's gates above all Jacob's lands ! 3. Grand things, O City of OUR GOD, are fpoken of thy fame I S* i 4. 'Mong thofe who know Me, Rahab, I, and Babel, there, will name : Behold! now, Paleftine, and Tyre, where foes and ft rangers were, And Ethiopia's diftant land ; — lo ! this man was born there : 5. And this, and that man^ there was born! of Zion mail they fay ; And firmly, as upon a Rock, THE HIGHEST fliall her ftay: 6. When GOD the people doth enrol, He'll count " There born was He!" S. PSALM LXXXVII. LXXXVIII. 207 7. And, there, are they who fing and play^ — my fprings are all in Thee! T PSALM LXXXVIII. O Thee, LORD! my Sal vation'sGODi both day and night, I cry ; 2. O let my prayer before Thee come, and hear me from on high : 3. For, fill'd with troubles is my foul ; my life doth touch the grave ; 4» I'm mark'd as deflin'd for the pit, — as one whom nought can fave : 5. From life fecluded, 'mong the dead, — entomb'd, as lie the flam ! Who, by thy judgments hand cut off, ca(l out from Thee, remain ! — 6. Thou low haft laid me in The pit, — hid me in depths profound : 7. Thy wrath doth heavy on me lie : — thy waves all clofe me round ! So 8. My friends Thou far haft put from me, — as their difguft me fet ; On all fides, clofely, I'm (hut up, that forth I cannot get : S 2 9. 2o8 PSALM LXXXVriL 9. Becaufe of my affliction great, mine eye confumes away : To Thee, JEHOVAH! Thee, I cry, and fir etch my hands all day ! 1 o. Wilt Thou mow wonders to the dead ? {hall duft to praife Thee rife ? S» 11. Shall, in the grave, thy grace be told ? thy truth where death's pow'r lies ? 12. In darknefs mail thy work be feen ? thy righteoufnefs be known 'Mong thofe who to the land have pafs'd of deep oblivion ? — 13. But I to Thee, JEHOVAH! cry, — my pray'r prevents the morn ; 14. JEHOVAH, why leav'ft Thou my foul? thy Face why from me turn I 15. I, from my youth, afflicted am, and breathing out the ghoft , Thy awful terrors I fuftain ; — I'm in diftra&ion loft ! 16. The dreadful fiercenefs of thy wraths quite over me doth go ; -Thy fearful terrors cut me off, they overwhelm me fo ! 17. For, round about me, all the day, like waters thev do roll ; To- PSALM LXXXVIII. LXXXIX. 209 Together gathering, they, at once, rufh up againfl my foul ! 1 8. My friend, and him who loved me, Thou put'ft from me afar ; And all my known acquaintance, now, remov'd to darknefs are. PSALM LXXXIX. JeKOVAH's mercies I will fmg, . and ever on them dwell ! From age to age, I with my mouth thy faithfulnefs will tell. For, mercy mall be built, I faid, for ever to endure ; Thy faithfulnefs within the heav'ns, Thou wilt eilablifh fure. — Pve with my Chofen, cov'nant made ; to David fworn have I -, -Thy feed I ever flablim will ; and build thy Throne on high !— S. And then, the heav'ns, JEHOVAH! {hall thy work of wonder praife ; In congregation of thy Saints thy faithfulnefs always,— S3 &: aio PSALM LXXXIX. 6. For, with JEHOVAH, in the heavens, who may himfelf compare ? Who's like JEHOVAH 'mong the fon* of all the Mighty there ? 7, -Great, in th' aflembly of the Saints, and terrible is GOD, In fearful rev'rence held by all who round Him have abode! 8. Who,0 JEHOVAH, GOD OF HOSTS! can like to Thee be found ? Thou MIGHTY JAH! who cbmpaft art with faithfulnefs around ! 9, Amidft the raging of the Sea, Thou over it doft reign, And when its waves do highefl fwell, Thou ftlllefb them again ! 10. Thou Rahab haft beat down, as falls an wounded man in flight ; And all thy foes difperfed haft, by thy dread arm of might : — 1 1 . Thine' s he'av'n ! Thine's earth! Thou mad' ft and all that's in the fame ; (the world 1 2. Formd'fl north and fouth:-andTabor Mount and Hermon fhout thy Name! 13. An arm Thou haft that's full of power! ~— ftrong is thy hand of might j Thy PSALM LXXXIS. 2u | Thy right hand, LORD ! exalted is exceedingly in height ! 14. Of Juftice, and of Judgment fure, thy Throned the Dwelling-place ; And Mercy, hand in hand with Truth, mail go before thy Face. 15. -O greatly bleft the people are, the joyful found that know ! In brightnefs of thy Face, O LORD ! they ever on fhall go : 16. They, in thy Name, fhall all the day exult triumphantly ; And, in thy fpotlefs righteonfnefs, fhall be exalted high ! 1 7* Becaufe the glory of their ftrength doth center all in Thee ; And, in thy favour, fhall our hom exalted greatly be : 18. Becaufe JEHOVAH is our Shield, who doth us fafety bring ; THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, is our Almighty King ! — - 19. In vifion, of THY HOLY ONE Thou fpoken haft, and faid ; -I on One Strong,- A Chofen One the people's help have laid : 20. -212 PSAL M LXXXIX. 20. My Servant DAVID I have found,. One pleafing unto Me ; And, with my Holy Oil, have Him anointed King to be : 21. With whom my hand mail (table fiand 9 mine arm mall make Him ftrong ; 2 2. -On Him the foe mall not exact, nor fon of mifchief wrong. 23. His en'mies ail, before his face, I'll beat down ev'ry where ; And greatly will I plague all thofe who hatred to Him bear : 24. My mercy, and my truth, with Him, for ever keep will I ; And in my Name, his horn, with pow'r, mall be exalted high. 25. Far (hall his reign extend ! — his hand I'll fettle in the fea ; His right hand, in the rivers great, mall firmly itablim'd be : 26. My FATHER! GOD! and faving ROCK! He unto Me mall call ; 27. And I will Him my Firft-born make, high over earth's Kings all ! 28. Eternal grace 111 keep for Him, — my cov'nant mall be fure > 29. PSALM L XXXIX. 213 29. His feed for evermore, — his Throne, like heav'ns days mall endure : 30. His children, if they leave my law, and from my judgments fwerve ; 3L -If they my ftatutes mail prophane, nor my commands obferve : 32. Their fin I'll vifit with the rod, their guilt with {tripes repay ; 33. -But will not void my truth to Him, nor take my grace away. 34. My cov'nant I will never break, nor change my word will I ; 35. -In holinefs I once have fworn, nor will to David lie : 36. His feed, and throne, (hall, as the Sun, before Me ever lad ; 37. Like to the perfecl full-orb'd Moon ! -like heav'ns Bow, ftablifh'd fail. S, 38. Yet haft Thou cafl Him off, and loath'd! — 'gainft thine Anointed frown' d : 39. Thy Servant's cov'nant render'd void ; — his crown trod to the ground : 40. Thou all his hedges haft broke down ; his ftrong holds down haft torn ; 41. To all who pafs, He is a fpoil ; to neighbours near, a fcorn > 42. 2i 4 PSALM LXXXIX. 42. His en'mies right hand Thou had rais'd, —made glad his en'mies all ; 43. His fword's edge turn'd, and helplefs down in battle made Him fall : 44. His glory bright Thou haft put out, — his Throne caft to the ground ; 45. His youth's days fhorten'd,and with fhame haft cover'd Him around ! S* 46. How long, JEHOVAH! wilt Thou, thus, ftill hide thyfelf in ire ? How long (hall thy indignant wrath burn fiercely forth like fire ? 47. Remember now, how fhort a time, I (hall on earth remain - y Or, is it fo, that thou all men created haft in vain ? 48. Where is the man of might that lives, and death mall never fee ? And, from the grave's devouring pow'r, who can his foul fet free ? S» 49. Thy former tender mercies, LORD ! where are they now ? — Ah ! where Thy mercies fare; which in thy truth Thou didft to David fwear ? 50. Mind,LORD! thyServants much reproach; — remember how the fcorn Of PSALM LXXXIX. 215 Of all the mighty people, I have in my bofom born : 51. -The fcorn wherewith thy raging foes, wherewith, by fpite led on, The fteps, JEHOVAH ! they reproach of THINE ANOINTED ONE ! 52. O bleffed be JEHOVAH, now, and ever blefl be He, From age to age, for evermore, Amen ! — So let it be ! THE 2l6 THE BOOK of PSALMS, PART FOURTH. Beginning 'with Psal.XC. — Concluding His teftimonies they obferv'd, His ordinance they did not break : 8. Thou, O OUR GOD JEHOVAH! didft A gracious anfwer ever make ; A PARD'NING GOD thou wait to them! -Yet on their deeds did'ft vengeance take, 9. Exalt OUR GOD JEHOVAH, then, And w or (hip at his Holy Hill ; Becaufe OUR GOD JEHOVAH, doth Abide, as ever, Holy, llill ! PSALM C. OHOUT to JEHOVAH, all the earth, with loud triumphant voice ! JEHOVAH ferve with gladnefs great ; before Him, come, rejoice. Know that JEHOVAH, He is GOD ! — He, not ourfelves, us made : We are his people, ev'n the fheep within his pafture fed : a$6 PSALM C. 4. O enter, then, his gates, with thanks, and to his Courts with praife ; Adore ye Him ! and to his Name glad fongs of blefling raife : 5. Becaufe JEHOVAH's ever good, his mercy is moft fure ; His truth, through generations all, for ever doth endure ! A PSALM C. Another Verfion. LL people on the earth that dwell, Shout to THE LORD with chearful voices JEHOVAH ferve with gladnefs great, O come before Him, and rejoice ! Know that JEHOVAH's GOD indeed ! We all are His, — He did us make ; We are his people,-we're his fneep, Who of his paflure do partake. O enter, then, his gates with thanks, Approach his courts with grateful praife ; To Him confefhon freely make, And blefs his holy Name always. Becaufe THE LORD our GOD is good, His mercy is for ever fure \ His PSALM C. CI. 237 His faithfulnefs doth firmly (land, And fhall, from age to age, endure. 1 PSALM CI. MERCY will, and judgement, fing I — Til fing, O LORD! to Thee: 2. My way fhall be immaculate ! — O hade, and come to me. I furely in my Houfe will walk with pure, and perfect heart ; 3. On fin I will not lift mine eyes, nor have with finners part : The work of thofe who turn afide, I hate, and off Me throw ; 4. The falfe heart fhall depart from Me 5. — none evil will 1 know : 5. The fecret fland'rer of his friend, exterminate will 1 ; The proud in heart I cannot bear, nor him who looketh high : 6. Mine eyes are on the faithful let, that they may dwell with Me - f He in the perfect way that walks, he fhall mv fervant be ! 2 3 3 PSALM CI. CIL 7. The worker of deceitful guile, in my Houfe fhall not dwell ; Nor in my Prefence fhall remain the man who lies doth tell : 8. Yea, early, I will root out all the wicked of the land, That not an evil worker fhall within GOD's City ftand! PSALM CIL J EHOV AH ! hearken to my prayer, and let my cry find grace ; In day of my affliction great, hide not from me thy Face. O hearken to me when I call ! to anfwer me make hafle : -For as an hearth, my bones are burnt, my days like fmoke do wafte : My heart within me fmitten is, and like the grafs doth fade; -Through anguifh wither'd !-fo that I forget to eat my bread : By reafon of my wafting groans, to fkin and bones I'm worn j C. PSALM GIL 239 6. I'm like a mourning pelican in wildernefs forlorn ; I'm like an owl, that doth by night within the deferts moan ; 7. Like fparrow on the houfe-top left, 1 watch — and watch alone ! 8. My fpiteful en'mies, all the day, reproaches caft on me; And they who praife me to the face, yet fworn againft me be : 9. For, allies I do eat as bread, in my affliction deep ; And all my drink is mingled with the bitter tears I weep : 10. Becaufe of thy indignant wrath, — thine ire that burns amain ; For Thou, firft lifting me on high, haft caft me down again ! 1 1 . My days are like a fleeting made, which doth declining pafs ; And I am dry'd, and wither'd all, like blafted, faded grafs. L2. But THOU, JEHOVAH! ever ART, and thy memorial fure, From age to age, for ever, doth immutable endure, *3* 24o PSALM Cm 13. Thou (halt arife, and mercy have upon thy Zion yet I -The time to favour her is come, the time which Thou haft fet ; 14. For lo ! thy fervants, in her (tones and rubbifh, pleafure take ; And, to the very duft thereof, bear favour for her fake : 15. -Yea, and the heathen, yet, fhall fear JEHOVAH's holy Name ; And all the kings of all the earth thy glory, and thy fame. — 16. When Zion, by JEHOVAH's hand, built up again fhall be, In all his peerlefs Glory, then, mine brightly forth (hall He ! 17. The prayer of the deflitute, who low and wretched lies, With gracious ear He will regard ; nor will their pray'r defpife. 18. Down to the latefl ages, this fhall (land upon record ; And, J AH, by ruew Creations, thus, fhall ever be ador'd ! ■19. -For, from his Sanctuary's height He down hath call his eye j JE- P S A L M CII. %4i JEHOVAH, to the earth did look from Heav'n, his Throne on high : 2o. % To hear the wretched pris'ners groans, the fons of death to raife ; 21. In Zion to make known his Name, in Salem all his praife : 22. When many people, by his word, and kingdoms diftant far, To ferve JEHOVAH, as their LORD, in one all gather'd are ! — 23. My flrength He weaken'd, and my days He fhorten'd in the way ; 24. " MyGOD,"-faid I,-" In midft my days, " O take me not away.'' -Thy years through ages all endure ! 25. Thou earth's foundations laid'fl; And by thy hands almighty pow'r, the heav'ns Thou alfo mad'ft : 26. They perifh (hall; but Thou remain'ft! they garment-like all fade: Thou as a vefture fold'fl them up ; — and thus the change is made! 27. But THOU ftill ART!-thy years ne'er fail 5 2S. thy fervants fons endure ; And in thy fight, their feed, by Thee, maube'eftablifh'dfure. X PSALM 242 PSALM CIIL psalm air. B LESS ! blefs JEHOVAH, O my foul I and all my vital frame, Be ftirred up, with grateful praife, to blefs his holy Name. 2. Blefs thou JEHOVAH, O my foul, and not forgetful be Of all the gracious bounteous gifts, He hath beftow'd on thee : 3. Who thy iniquities doth all mod gracioufly pafs o'er ; Who thy difeafes all doth heal, and founded health reftore : 4. Who from the pit redeems thy life, that thou may' ft not go down ; Who thee, with loving kindnefs, doth and tender mercies, crown : 5. Thy mouth, with ample ftore of good, who to the full doth fill ; That, as the eagle's age, thy youth is frefh-renewed ftill ! 6. -JEHOVAH righteous judgement doth, for all who are opprefs'd ; 7. To Mofes, He his ways,- his a£ls to lfr'el's fons exprefs'd. 8. PSALM CIII. 243 8. JEHOVAH full of pity is, and grace in Him doth flow y In mercy He moil plenteous is, and unto anger flow : 9. He will not -evermore contend, nor keep his anger dill ; 1 o. He deals not with us as we fin, nor doth requite our ill * r ii. For, as the heaven, in its height, the earth furmounteth far ; So high to thofe who do Him fear, his tender mercies are ! 12. As far as th' Eaft is from the Weft, fo far away hath He Removed all our trefpaffes, — that they no more fhall be ! 13. Like as a father's bowels yearn towards his children dear ; So doth JEHOVAH's pity yearn to thofe who do Him fear : 14. For He remembreth we are dud ; our frame He well doth know : 15. -Frail man's like grafs!- he's like the flow'r, that in the field doth blow : 16. For over it the wind doth pafs, and it away is gone ! X 2 -And 244 PSALM CI1L -And even fo, he, in his place, fhall foon no move be known. 17. But unto thofe who do Him fear,. GOD's mercy never ends ;. Down to their children's children, ft3£ his righteoufnefs extends :. 18. To thofe who do his cov'nant keep, and do not from it fwerve ; But mindful are of all his laws, that they may them obferve. — 19. JEHOVAH hath his Throne prepaid, firm in the heav'ns to fiand 5 And over all that being hath, his Kingdom doth command. Co. JEHOVAH blefs, ye Mighty ones, his pow'rful angels all ! Who his commandment execute, obedient to his call : 21. JEHOVAH blefs and magnify, ye glorious hoils of His ! -His minillers, fulfilling all that his good pleafure is : 22. Blefs ye JEHOVAH, all his works, his whole dominions o'er ! Blefs thou JEHOVAH, O my foul, for ever, evermore ! PSALM B PSALM CIV. 245 PSALM CIV. LESSGODmyfoullOLORBmyGOD, Thou art exceeding great : With honour, and with majefty, Thou clothed art in flate ! — -Himfelf, with light, as with a robe, who covereth about ! And as a fplendid Canopy, the heav'ns wide-fpreadeth out. Who doth with waters, as with beams, vault round his chambers high ; Makes clouds his chariot, and, like light, on wings of wind doth fly ! Who doth his Angels fpirits make, his Minifters a flame : -Earth on its bafis He did found, that nought fhall move the fame ! Thou didfl it cover with the deep, as with a garment fpread ; The waters 'bove the mountains flood, 'till Thou the word hadft faid : But, at the voice of thy rebuke, then, fwiftly, fly did they ; They, at thy thunder's dreadful voice, did hade them fail away t x 3 * 24S PSALM CIV. 8. They, from the rifing Mountains high, down, by the vales around, Defcended to the very place which Thou for them didft found :. 9. A limit to them Thou did'ft fet, — and bounded they remain -, Nor fhall they ever more return, to flood the earth again. — 10. HE, in the vales, between the hills, the dreams to flow doth make ; 1 1 . -Thefe to all kind of beads give drink ; — their third wild afTes break : 3 2. By thefe, their little dwellings have the winged birds of th* air, Which 'mong the leafy branches fit,, . and fweetly warble there. 13. The mountains, from his chambers high, He wat'reth all, when dry'd ; The earth, with fruit of all thy works, is fully fatisfy'd ! — 14. Grafs for the cattle makes He grow! the herb for man to fpring : Yea, from the bofom of the earth, He food to him doth bring ; 1 5. And wine, that to the heart of man doth cheerfulnefs impart j And PSALM CIV. 247' And oil, that makes his face to fhine ; and bread that ftaffs man's heart ! — i6. The high trees of JEHOVAH, fill'd with native mcifture, (land ; The Cedars, which, on Leb'non, He . hath planted by his hand ; 17. Among the fpreading boughs of which, the birds their nefts do make ; The fir-tree alfo, which the fiork doth for her dwelling take : 18. The lofty mountains for wild goats, a place of refuge be ; The conies, wifely, to the rocks, do for their fafety flee. — 19. HE made the Moon, that Man by it the feafons might difcern ; From Him, the Sun his dated time of going down, doth learn : 20. Thou mak'ft it dark !-'tis night ;-and now, wild beads all creep abroad ; 21. The lions young roar out for prey, and feek their meat from GOD : 22. The Sun arifeth! — home they flock^ and in their dens lie down ; 23. MAN to his work, then, goeth forth r 'till Ev'n his labour crown! — 2£ 24* PSAL M CIV. 24. How manifold are all thy works, JEHOVAH ! our dread LORD ! In wifdom Thou had made them all j Earth's with thy riehes ftor'd.- — 25. - -And in this great capacious Sea, lo ! there, things creeping are, And living creatures fmall and great, all number pairing far ! 26. There go the Ships! — there makeilThou Leviathan to play ! 37. Thefe all on Thee, for timely food,, depend from day to day.. 28. Thou giveft them '.-they ev'ry one receive their proper food ; Thine hand Thou open'ft wide to all, and they are fill'd with good : 29. Thou hid'ft thy Face ;-they troubled are: their breath Thou tak'ft away ; -They die, and, to their native dud, at once, return do they. 30. Thy quick' ning Spirit Thou fend'ft forth* — and they created be ; And, then, the earth's decayed face renewed is by Thee: 31. The glory of JEHOVAH, thus, for ever is difplay'd y ]& 3- PSAL M CIV. CV. 249; JEHOVAH, Ml, rejoiceth in the works his hands have made. If otherwife, — and He but look'd, the earth mould quake for fear; If He the mountains touch'd, — they all like fmoke mould difappear ! 33. I to JEHOVAH, THE MOST HIGH,. will fing as long's I live; While I exift, I, to my GOD, will thankful praifes give: 34. Of Him my meditation (hall moft pleafant be to me ; Yea, in THE LORD JEHOVAH, I exceeding glad will be ! 35. Confum'd be fmners from the earth, — the wicked be no more ! Bids thou JEHOVAH, O my foul ; — for ever, J AH adore ! o PSALM CV. RENDER to JEHOVAH thanks, and call upon his Name ; Show men his deeds; fmg fongs, ring pfalnis, his wonders- all proclaim : 3- 25<3 PSALM CV. 3. With triumph, in his holy Name, exult, and glory ye ; Let all thofe who JEHOVAH feek r in heart mod joyful be. 4. Seek ye JEHOVAH evermore ; his Strength divine feek ye : Yea, let his Face, above all things, your fledfaft purfuit be. 5. His wonders, ligns, and judgements ally in glory that exceed, 6* Remember Jacob's fons, his chos'n, his fervant Abrah'm's feed ; 7. For He, whofe Name JEHOVAH is, HE is OUR GOD alone ; His judgements He through all the earth hath caufed to be known : I. His cov'nant He remember'd hath, — the word he did command, That it to tho-r.fand ages mould eflablifh'd firmly ftand : 9. The cov'nant He with Abrah'm ftruck, his oath to lfaac made, 10. Which He to Jacob, down by law, for greater furety laid ; To Ifr'el, thus, by cov'nant fure, for evermore to (land ; 11. PSALM CV. a 5 i n. Thus faying, " I, for heritage, " will give thee Canaan's land :" 12. Though they but men in number few, yea, very few, were then ; And did as (hangers in the land, and fojourners, remain. 13. From nation while to nation they, without fix'd home, did go ; From kingdom when to kingdom ftrange^ they wander'd to and fro ; 1 4. He fuffer'd none to do them wrong, — with threats did kings difarm ! 15. " Thofe my anointed touch ye not, " nor do my prophets harm." 16. He caird for famine on the land, and brake the ftaff of bread ; 17. Yet, He before them fent a Man, by whom they mould be fed ; Ev'n Jofeph, whom a flave they'd fold*! 1 8. — his feet were fetter' d fad ; 19. He lay in ir'ns;-GOD^s word him try'4* 'till His word came at laft : 20. Then! fent the King, and loofed himj — the Prince did fet him free ; 21. Lord of his Houfe, — of all he had, he made him Ruler be •> 22. 252 P S A L M CV. 22. That, at his pleafure, he might bind the princes of the land ; And make his wifeft fenators true wifdom underftand. 23. To Egypt, then, went Ifr'el down : — in Ham's land Jacob ftay'd ; 24. Where ftrong and num'rous'bove their foes his people ibon He made, 25. By this He turn'd their hearts, that they his people hated fore ; And fubtle plots againfl them laid; and crufh'd them more and more: 26. He fent his fervant Mofes forth, and Aaron whom He chofe ; 27. And they his figns and wonders fliowM in Ham's land, 'mong their foes. 28. He darknefs fent, and made it dark; — nought did Him difobey : 29. Their waters all He turn VI to blood, their fifties He did flay : 30. Frogs from their landguuVdout,asfpawn'd, in chambers of their king ; 31. His word did fwarms of flies, and lice, through all their borders bring : 32. For rain, He hail, and flaming fire, throughout their land did fend ; 33- PSALM CV. 253 33. Their vines and fig-trees He did fmite, and all their coafts trees rend : 34. He fpake, — and caterpillars, then, and lecufts, came with hade! 35. Thefe, numberlefs, ate up each herb ? and laid their ground's fruit wade : 36. Their firft-born He throughout the land, their ftrength's chief glory, fmote ; 37. Their tribes, with gold and filver, forth, without one feeble, brought — . 38. Glad Egypt was, when they went thence ! for dread did on them light : 39. -He fpread a cloud to (hade by day, a lire to guide by night : 40. They afk'd-and then He fent them quails; with heav'n's bread gave fupply ! 41. The rock He open'd ; — waters flow'd— - — a flood in deferts dry ! 42. For, on his holy promife, He, and fervant Abrah'm, thought : 43. With joy his people, — his el eel: exulting, forth He brought ! 44. The heathens land— their labour all, He gave to them in flore, To keep his flatutes, and his laws : O praife JAH evermore ! Y PSALM £54 PSALM CVI. PSALM CVI. o SING ye thankful praife to GOD! JEHOVAH's praife proclaim; For He is good !— for, evermore, his mercy lads the fame ! 2. Who can JEHOVAH's pow'rs exprefs, or fpeak his praifes due ? 3. O bled are they who judgement keep, who mercy ever do ! JEHOVAH ! with thy grace to thine, do Thou remember me j 4. O vifit me, and fatisfy, with thy falvation free : 5* That I may fee thy chofen's good, thy nation's joy partake; And glory with thine heritage, whom Thou mod glad doft make ! 6. We, with our fathers, all have fm'd ; — we, furely, ev'ry one, Perverfe iniquity have wrought ; — we wickedly have done. 7. The mighty wonders wrought by Thee in midit of Egypt's land, Our fathers, though they faw the fame, yet did not underfland : Thev P S A L M CVL 255 They thought not of thy mercies great in number that excel ; But at the Sea, the Red-Sea, They did grievoufly rebel. 8. Yet notwithstanding, fav'd He them, — fav'd for his own Name's fake ! That He his pow'r almighty known through all the earth might make, 9. The Red Sea, therefore, He rebukM, — and it became .dry land ; Through deeps, as through the wildernefs, they pafs'd at his command ! 10. From hand of him who hated them, his people He did fave ; And from the en'mies cruel hand, He them redemption gave. 1 1. The waters overwhelm' d their foes, — there did not one remain : 12. His words they, then, did well believe, and fang his praifes then ! 13. But, foon again, they all his works unthankfully forgot; And, for his counfePs full difplay, with patience waited not : 14. But, in the defert, lufted much, impatient of controul - 9 Y 2 15. 256 PSALM CVI. 1-5. And templed God !-He gave their wifh, but leannefs fent their foul. — 16. 'Gaind Mofes, alio, in the camp, their envy they did Ihow ; And Aaron, too, JEHOVAH's Saint, who did before them go : 17. The earth her mouth, then, open'd wide, and Dathan did devour ; And all Abiram's company, did cover that fame hour ! j &. Among their congregation, too, a fire was kindled then \ The hot confuming flame whereof burnt up thofe wicked men — 39. Upon the mountain Horeb, they an idol calf did frame ; Yea, they a molten image made, and worlhipped the fame : 20. And, thus, their GLORY, and their GOD, molt ftupidly, did they Change to the likenefs of an ox, , that eateth grafs and hay ! *i. TH' ALMIGHTY GOD they did forget, who had their Saviour been ; Who great things had in Egypt done, which their own eyes had feen ; PSALM CVI. 257 22. Yea, wonders in the land of Ham, and fearful things had wrought, When through the Red Sea, by his pow'r, their armies all He brought! 23. -Then fpake He of deftroying them! — but that He mould not flay, His chos'n Mofes flop'd the breach, and turn'd his wrath away. — 24. The pleafant land they did defpife, nor did his word believe ; 25. But, murmuring in their tents, did not JEHOVAH's voice receive : 26. He, therefore, in the wildernefs, to flay them lift his hand ; 27. 'Mong nations to o'erthrow their feed, and fan them in the land.— « zS. To Baal-peor, too, they clave, (their error to complete) y The Sacrifices of the dead, prophanely they did eat ! 29. Thus, they, by their inventions ftrange, to wrath did Him provoke; y' And therefore, fuddenly, like fire, the plague upon them broke : 30. Then, Phin'has rofe ! and judgment did : — fo ceas'd the plague to ragej Y 3 ' 31. S58 PSALM CVL jr. And that, to him, for righteoufnefs, fhall fland from age to age - 32. They at Meribah's waters, too, did Hini incenfed make ; And evil did enfue thereon, to Mofes, for their fake : 33. Becaufe they, there, his fpirit meek did bitterly provoke ; And, in his wrath, he with his lips, words imadvis'dly fpoke, 34. Nor, as JEHOVAH did command, did they the nations flay ; 35. But 'mong the heathen mingled dill, and learn' d of them their way : 36. And ferved, thus, their idols vain ! which to their fnare did turn. — 37. -Their fons and daughters, facrinVd to Demons, they did burn : 38. In their own children's guiltlefs blood their hands they did embrue, Whom to the idols of Canaan in facrifice they flew! -Thus was the land defil'd with blood : 39. their works ftain'd all their way ; And, with their own inventions vile, a-whoring they did ftray*. 40. PSALM CVI. 259 40. JEHOVAH's wrath did therefore burn againfl his people fore; Yea, fo, that his own heritage He did at lad abhor : 41. He gave them to the heathen up— » their foes did them command ; 42. Their adverfaries them opprefs'd, and crufh'd with pow'rful hand. 43. Oft-times did He deliver them ! but, with their counfel vain, They ftill provok'd Him ; — and for fin., were, thus, brought low again : 44. Yet, ever, when He heard their cry, — in flraits when they Him fought, 45. He look'd on their affliction, then, and on his cov'nant thought : According to his mercies great, repent Himfelf did He ; 46. And of their captive-leaders all, He made them pity'd be. — 47. Save, LOR.D, our GOD ! and gather us all nations from among, To blefs and praife thy holy Name, with glad triumphant fong. 48. O, bleft JEHOVAH, ISR'EL's GOD, for ever, ever be ! And let the people fay — Amen: — all praife to J AH give ye! 260 THE BOOK of PSALMS, PART. FIFTH. Beginning with Psal.CVII — Concluding with Ps A l . C £.« S PSALM CVII. ING to JEHOVAH thankful praife* for ever good is He ; For, (till, his mercy doth endure, and mall for ever be ! A, This let JEHOVAH's ranfom'd fay, 3. whom He from th* en'mies hand, Redeems from th' eaft ,weft, north, and fouth, and brings from ev'ry land,— 4. In folitude, and defert wafle, bewilder'd all they ftray ; And to a city of abode, difcover can no way : r S A L M CVII. 261 5. For hunger, and for thirft, their fouls within them fainting be : 6. -In (traits, they to JEHOVAH cry ; — from (traits He fets them free: 7. And by the right and certain way, doth lead them forth, and guide; 'Till they, at la(t, a city reach, where they at reft abide. 8. O! that for all his goodnefs, then, they would JEHOVAH praife, And for the wonders He among the fons of men difplays ! 9. For He the thirlty-longing foul doth amply fatisfy ; And, to the full, the hungry foul with goodnefs doth fupply. — 1 o. They who, (hut up in darknefs deep, in made of death remain, Whom fore affliction Strongly binds, and iron fetters chain -> 1 1. Becaufe againft the words of GOD rebellion they have wrought ; And have THE HIGHES T's counfel all contemn'd, and fet at nought ; 12. And, therefore, He with labour fore, their hearts hath, now, brought low ; They've- 262 PSALM CVIL -They've {tumbled in their way, and faFn and none can help beftow : 13. In ftraits, thefe to JEHOVAH cry; — from ftraits He frees them then, 14. From darknefs, and the made of death ! and breaks their bands in twain. 15. O! that for all his goodnefs, then, they would JEHOVAH praife, And for the wonders He among the fons of men difplays ! 16. Becaufe the mighty gates of brafsr in pieces He doth break, And doth the bars of iron ftrong, to fly afunder make. — 17. Fools, for their trefpafs, and their fin, in deep affliction lie ; 18. Their foul abhors all fort of food, to death's gates they draw nigh: 19. In ftraits, they to JEHOVAH call ; — from ftraits He doth them fave : 20. He fends his word, and healeth them, and brings them from the grave, 2i. Oi that for all his goodnefs, then, they would JEHOVAH praife, And for the wonders He among the fons of men difplays ! 22. PSALM CVII. 263 22. And let them offer ofFrings meet, — thanks to his bleffed Name ; With fhouting joy, declare his works, and fpread abroad his fame. — 23. They who in (hips go down to fea, on feas who traffick do ; 24. Thefe, in the deep, JEHOVAH's works, and mighty wonders, view : 25. For He commands,- and forth, in hafte., the (lormy temped flies ; And, then, the Sea, with rolling waves, aloft doth, foaming, rife : 26. They mount toHeav'nl-then, to the depths at once defcend again — Their foul within them melts away with terror, and with pain : 27. They're tofs'd about;- they reel as drunk} and all their wifdom ends ! 28. -In (traits, they to JEHOVAH cry; from ftraiis He refcue fends : 29. The ftorm He changeth to a calm, by his almighty will ; And, now, the waves which rag'd before* are all ferene and (till : 30. Then are they glad, becaufe at reft, and quiet now they be ; -So, s6* 4 PSALM CVII. So, to the haven He them brings, which they defir'd to fee. 31. Ol that for all his goodnefs, then, they would JEHOVAH praife, And for the wonders He among the fons of men difplays ! 3a. And let them, midit the people met, exalt his holy Name, And, 'mong th' affembled elders there, his praifes all proclaim. — 33. HE rivers to a defert turns, and fprings to arid lands ; 34. -The good land, for its dwellers fins, to barrennefs commands. 35. Again, the defert into pools of waters full He brings ; The land, parch'd up with thirfl before, He turns to water-fprings : 36. And, there, the hungry He doth fet, and makes to dwell in peace ; 37. -They fow the fields, and vineyards plant. which yield them good increafe : 38. He bleffeth them ; — they multiply ; their herds He lefs'neth not : 39. -Again, opprefs'd with grief and care, they very low are brought. 40, PSALM CVII. CVIII. 265 40. On Princes He doth pour contempt ; — in deferts makes them (tray : 41. The Poor, from mis'ry rais'd, He makes like flocks, in fam'lies flay ! 42. The righteous (hall the judgement fee, and triumph in the fame ; And all iniquity, abafh'd, fhall Hop her mouth for fhame. 43. Who's wife, all thefe things to obferve? and who, O who are they That will JEHOVAH's mercies all with underftanding weigh ? M PSALM CVIII. Y heart is nx'd;-I'll fmg, O GOD! my glory fhall fmg praife ; Awake, O pfalt'ry! \vake my* harp! myfelf Til early raife. 'Mong people, 'mong the nations, GOD! I'll fing thy praifes high ; For 'bove the heav'ns thy mercy's great, thy truth doth reach the fky. Exalted high be Thou, O GOD ! above the heav'ns in height j 2 And, 266 PSALM CVIII. And, over all the earth abroad, difplay thy glory bright ! 6+ That thofe who thy beloved are may all deliver'd be : Save by -thy right hand's mighty pow% and anfwer make tame. 7. GOD, in his holinefs, hath faid, — and his word mall not fail ; 8. I will rejoice ; — I'll Shechem part, and mete out Succoth's vale : The land of Gilead (hall be mine ; ManafTeh mine mail be ; Ephraim my head's ftrength;-Judah,then, fhall give the law for me : 9. My waming-pot fhall Moab be ; with fcorn my fhoe I'll throw O'er Edom all ; — o'er Paleftine in triumph 1 will go ! 10. But who fhall bring me, thus, within the city fenc'd and flrong ? Who fhall, to Edom's hoflile land, conduct me fafe along ? IN Wilt not ev'n i'hou, O GOD! who didft ere while reject us fo ? Wilt not ev'n TW O GOD! (till forth before our armies go ? 12. PSALM CVIII. CIX. 267 12. From trouble O give Thou us help, for vain is mortals aid; 13. Through GOD, we (hall do valiantly, for down our foes He'll tread. o PSALM CIX. THOU! the GOD of all my praife! be not as deaf to me; 2. For months of wicked, guileful men, againft me open'd be : With lying lips, they 'gainft me fpeak ; 3. they compafs me around With words of hate, and 'gainft me fight, though they no caufe have found: 4. Yea, for my love, they are my foes ! — but 1 to Thee do pray ; 5. They ill for good, and hate for love, do unto me repay. 6. -Set over him the Wicked One! yea, clofe at his right hand, Let Satan, the malicious Foe, permitted be to fland : 7. When judg'd, condemned let him be ; as fin his prayer make : Z 2 8. «68 PSALM CIX. 8. Few be his days, and in his room his charge another take : 9. .Let Thou his children fatherlefs, his wife a widow be ; 10. His children from their places wafte, as begging vagrants flee : 11. Let Thou th* unjuft Extortioner, catch all he hath away 5 Of all for which he labour'd hath, let Grangers make a prey : 1 2. Let him, and let his orphan feed 13. cut off unpity'd be; Let all their names, in one fhort age, be blotted out by Thee. 14. His father's wickednefs on him let alfo GOD purfue ; And let not Thou his mother's fin. be blotted from thy view : 15. Before JEHOVAH, let them be all fet, as in array, That He their mem'ry from the earth cut off for ever may ! 16. -Becaufe he mercy, in his time, to do remember'd not ; But vex'd the poor and needy one ; —the contrite* s death he fought. *?■ PSALM CIX. 269 17. As he in curfmg pleafure took, fo let it him befal ; And, as he bl effing never lov'd, 4b blefs him not at all. 18. As curfmg he like clothes put on, ev'n fo, let curfmg, (till, Like water through his bowels run, — like oil his bones all fill : 19. Like to the cloak that cov'reth him,, io let it him invert ; - And let it for a gridle be to gird around his bread.—* 20. Let this, as retribution juft, down from JEHOVAH fall On thofe who fpeak againft my foul j — my adverfaries all ! 31. But, for thy own Name's fake, O LORD JEHOVAH ! do to me ; Becaufe thy tender mercy's good, O hear, and fet me free : 22. For poor and indigent I am, — my heart is pierc'd throughout •, I pafs like a declining (hade, — like locufls toil about ! My knees, through failing, feeble are) my flefh doth from me fade ? Z 3 *$> *3- q 7 o PSALM QX. 25. I'm their reproach ; — when they me fee, they fhake at me their head. 26. Help, O my GOD, JEHOVAH ! help, in mercy fave Thou me : 27. Let them, JEHOVAH, know thy hand^ — that this is done by Thee ! £8. Let them curfe on, — but O blefs Thou 5 — do Thou me ne'er forlake : Let them rife up, and be afham'd \ but glad thy fervant make. 29. Let all my enemies, with fhame,. be clothed evermore \ Let their confufion cover them as with a mantle o'er. 30. But, as for me,-ril with my mouth JEHOVAH greatly praife ; And, midft a joyful multitude, to Him the fong will raife ! 31* For, at the right hand of the Poor He (tandeth ever nigh, To fave from thofe who, without caufe y would doom his foul to die. PSALM PSALM CX. ayi PSALM CX. HE LORD did fay thus to my LORD, Sit Thou at my right hand, Till I thy foes a footftool make, whereon thy feet may (land. JEHOVAH (hall from Zion fend the fceptre of thy might ; Rule Thou, 'midft thy fur rounding foes 3 in all thy glory bright ! A willing people, in thy day * * of pow'r, (hall come to Thee, In holy beauties !-frorn morn's womb, thy youth like dew d .all be. JEHOVAH fware, and from his oath- He never will depart ; " Of tfT order of Melchizedeck, " a Pried: Thou ever art !" The glorious and exalted LORD, who fits at thy right hand, Shall, in his day oi wrath, ftrike through. .kings that do Him withftand. Among the, nations He fhall judge, and fill earth with the dead : Of him who reigns o'er many lands, He, then, (hall wound the head. *j2 PSALM CX. 7. The brook that runneth in the way, with drink fhall Him fupply ; And, therefore. He, in triumph great y fliall lift his head on high ! PSALM CX. Another Verfion. J EHOVAH to MY LORD did fay, Thron'd at my right hand^ take thy feat, JJntil I make thine en'mies ail A footflool underneath thy feet. 2. JEHOVAH fhall from Zion fend, The rod of thy all-pow'rful fway ; Rule Thou in midft of all thy foes, And let all nations Thee obey. 3. Thy people, in thy day of pow'r, Subdu'd by thy victorious grace, Shall yield themfelves, as ofFrings free, Within the beauteous Holy Place ! From womb, — from morning of the day, When Thou exalted thus (halt be, The dew which mark'd Thee at thy birth, Shall in its fulnefs reft on Thee. 4. JEHOVAH plighted hath his oath, Nor will repent of what He fwore ; " Of PSALM CX. CXI. 273 " Of th* order of Melchizedeck, " Thou art a Pried for evermore." 5. THE LORD who at thy right hand fits, Enthron'd in pow'r and glory bright, In day of his avenging wrath, Shall kings, with dreadful flaughter, finite* 6. Among the nations He mall judge, And fill all places with the flain ; He unto death, mail wound the head Of him who o'er much land doth reign* 7. He, fTrfl:, mall drink of forrows brook, That deep acrofs the way doth lie ; And, then, for this, in triumph great, Shall lift his blerTed head on high 1 PSALM CXI. The fourth Alphabetical Pfalm. Each Sentence or Semi-verfe, in the Original, beginning with one of the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, in its order. O PRAISE ye JAHM from my heart, to GOD will raife the fong, In fecret meeting of the Juft, and midft th' aflembled throng. 2> 274 PSALM CXI. 2. The doings of JEHOVAH arc magnificent in might ! With diligence fought out by all who take in them delight. 3. His work moft honourable is, mod glorious all, and pure ! And his untainted righteoufnefs for ever doth endure. 4. His works of wonder He hath made to be remembered well; In grace, and in conrpamon great, JEHOVAH doth excel. 5. To thofe who fear Him, meat He gives as precious fpoil to fhare ; And, evermore, his cov'nant He doth in his mem'ry bear. 6. Th' excelling power of his works his people tje did (how, When lie the heathen's heritage upon them did beftow. 7. His hand-works Truth and Judgment are! — all his commands are fure ; 8. Made up of truth and righteoufnefs, they evermore endure. 9. His people He redemption fent ; — his cov'nant's fix'd with them : Mod PSALM CXI. CXII, 275 Mofl Holy and mod Rev'rend is his Venerable Name! 10. The fearing of JEHOVAH is, the firft of Wifdom's ways ; Sound judgment's theirs who do his words; -—for ever lads his praife. PSALM CXIL Tbejifih Alphabetical Ffalm. Each Sentence or Semz-verfe, in the Original, beginning with one of the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, in its order, as in the immediately preceding Pialm. JL RAISE! praife ye JAH!-Obleft's the who doth JEHOVAH fear; (Man In his commandments who delights, and holds them ever dear ! .2. An offspring mighty in the earth perpetuate (hall He ; The upright's generation fhall for ever blefled he. 3. Great wealth, and riches, in his houfe fhall treafur'd be in flore ; And &j6 PSALM CX1L And his unfpotted righteoufnefs endureth evermore. 4. Light to the righteous fpringeth up, when they in darknefs be ; Companionate, and merciful, and juft withal is He! 5. The good Man doth companion fhow,, and bountifully lend ; With judgment, He his matters all fhall order to the end : 6. Yea, nothing, furely, ever fhall by any means Him move ; The righteous Man's Memorial fhall to everlafting prove. 7. When He fhall evil tidings hear, He fhall not be afraid ; His heart is fix'dj-his confidence is on JEHOVAH ftay'd: $.' His heart eftablinVd firmly is j— afraid he fhall not be, Until, upon his en'mies all, He his defire fhall fee. 9. His bounty He difperfed hath ; — the poor He hath fupply'd; His righteoufnefs doth ever laft 5 — his horn is glorify'd ! io« PSALM CX1I. CA111. 277 lb. The wicked this fhall fee, and fret ; and gnafh their teeth (hall they : Yea, they fhall pine, and all their hope {hall perifh quite away ! PSALM CXIIL Jl RAISE J AH!- JEHOVAH's fervants all, JEHOVAH's Name adore ; 2. O bleffed be JEHOVAH's Name from henceforth, evermore. 3. From rifing to the fetting Sun, GOD's Name is to be prais'd ; 4. JEHOVAH's high 'bove nations all, 'bove heav'ns his glory's rais'd. 5. Who to JEHOVAH, thron'd on high, to OUR GOD peer'd may be ? 6. Himfelf who humbleth, things in heav'n, and things on earth, to fee ! 7. He from the duft doth raife the poor, who very low did lie ; And from the dunghill, lifteth up the needy one on high, 8. That He may greatly him exalt, and fet in royal ftate, A a - With 278 P S A L M CXIII. CXIV. With thofe who mighty princes are, — his peoples princes great. 9. The barren He in full Houfe fets, and maketh her to be A joyful Mother, bearing fons ! — JAH ever praifed be. w> PSALM CXIV. HEN Ifr'el out from Egypt came, "When Jacob's Houfe left barb'rous men, 2. His Sanctuary Judah was, And Ifr'el his Dominion, then ! 3. The Sea beheld, and fled away ; The river Jordan turn'd about ; 4. The Mountains, frighten'd, leap'd like rams ; The Hill s,like lambs, did make throughout. 5. O Sea ! why fleddeft thou away ? Why didft thou, Jordan, backward go ? 6. Why leapt ye Mountains, like to rams? Ye Hills, like lambs, why fhook ye fo? 7. -At prefence of JEHOVAH ! thou, O Earth, did'fl tremble thus for fear; • -Before the Face of JACOB'S GOD! Who, then, in glory did appear; ft, PSALM CXIV. CXV. 279 Who made the Rock become a lake, That dreams of waters forth doth bring ; Yea, by his mighty pow'r, did make The Rock of flint, a water-fpring ! N. P S A L M CXV. OT, O JEHOVAH! not to us ; —to THY NAME glory take, For thy excelling Mercy free, and for thy pure Truths' fake. 2. O, wherefore mould the heathen fay, where is their God now gone ? 3. -But OUR GOD in the Heavens is ; what pleas'd Him, He hath done ! 4. Their idols filver are, and gold, — all they mens hand-work be; 5. A mouth they have, but do not fpeak ; eyes, but they do not fee ; 6. Ears have they, but they do not hear; — their nofes favour not ; 7. Their hands and feet, nor feel, nor walk; — no found is in their throat : 8. And, like to them, fo, furely, are all they who do them make ; A a 2 Yea, 28o PSALM CXV. Yea, ev'ry one, who doth to fuch, for confidence betake. 9, O Ifr'el ! on JEHOVAH, (till, do thou thy truft repofe : ►He is their all-fufficient Help, and Shield from all their foes ! 10. Upon JEHOVAH, Aaron's Houfe! do thou thy truft repofe : -He is their all-fnmcient Help, and Shield from all their foes ! 11. Ye who JEHOVAH fear, and ferye! on Him your trull repofe : -He is their all-fufficient Help, and Shield from all their foes ! 12. JEHOVAH hath remember'd us, and He will blefs us, ftill ; The Houfe of Ifr'el He will blefs ; blefs Aaron's Houfe He will : 13. All thofe who fear JEHOVAH, He will blefs both great and fmall ; 14. JEHOVAH, bleffing, will you blefs, you, and your children all. 15. Ye bleffed of JEHOVAH are, who heav'n and earth did plan ! 16. The hea?n of heav'ns JEHOVAH's are, and th' earth — his gift to man. »7- PSAL M CXV. CXVI. 281 17. The dead, and filenc'd, praife not JAH j but we will JAH adore, From henceforth, and through ages all : — O praife JAH evermore i 1 PSAL M CXVI. LOVE JEHOVAH ! for my voice and prayer. He did hear ; 1. When 1, in days of trouble, call'd, He bow'd to me his ear. 3. The pangs, -the travail-pangs of death, encompafs'd me around ; The pains of hell took hold on me, — I grief and angttifli found. 4. Upon JEHOVAH's mighty Name, for help, then, called I ; " JEHOVAH! refeue Thou my foul, Cb O hearken to my cry."- — 5. JEHOVAH gracious is, and juft ; —with OUR GOD mercies be; 6. JEHOVAH fafe preserves the meek, — when low, He helped me. 7. Return, now, O ray foul, in peace, to thy own quiet reft ; A a 3 For, 2*2 PSALM CXVL For, bounteoufly, JEHOVAH hath his grace to thee expreft ! 8. For, my diftreffed foul from death deliver'd was by Thee ; Thou didft my mourning eyes from tears, my feet from falling free : 9. -From ev'ry evil, Thou to me doft full falvation give ; And I'll before JEHOVAH walk, in land of thofe who live ! — 1 o. I fure-believ'd, and therefore fpake ; affliction great I bare : 1 1 . I faid, while I did hade away, " Mankind all liars are i" 12. What to JEHOVAH can I give? —my gratitude how fhow, For all the gracious bounteous gifts He doth on me beftow ? 13. 1*11 of falvation take the cup, and on GOD's Name will call ; 14. My vows to GOD, I, now, will pay, before his people all! 15. Mod precious in JEHOVAH's fight, and, unto Him, mod dear, The death of all his people is ; ~his faints who do Him fear. 16. PSALM CXVI. CXVIL 2^3 16. JEHOVAH, I thy fervant am, — thy fervant prov'd, and try'd ; The fon of thine own Hand-maid, LORD! — my bonds thou haft unty'd ! 17. Thank-ofF rings I will offer Thee ; — 1 on GOD's Name will call : 1 3. My vows Til, now, JEHOVAH pay before his people all : 19. Within JEHOVAH's Hallow'd Courts^ within the midil of Thee O thou Jerus'lem, where He dwells ! — J AH ever praifed be ! A PSALM CXVIL LL ye nations ! fongs now raife. Triumph in JEHOVAH's praife; All ye people! Him adore, Blefs and praife Him, evermore : For to us, with pow'r divine, Grandly doth his Mercy fhine ; And JEHOVAH's Truth moll pure Doth eternally endure ! Hallelujah. PSALM 23 4 PSALM CXVII. CXVIIL PSALM CXVII. Another Verfion. Y E nations all! JEHOVAH praife ; Him all ye people, HIM adore ; 2. For, great his Grace to us-ward is ; His Truth endures for evermore i Hal/elujab. o PSALM CXVIIL PRAISE JEHOVAH ! for He's good : His mercy ever doth endure ;. Let thofe of Ifr'el all, fay, now, His mercy ever doth endure j Now, let the Houfe of Aaron fay,. His mercy ever doth endure ; Let all who fear JEHOVAH fay, His mercy ever doth endure. In my diftrefs, I calPd on JAH, And JAH did hearken to my cry : He brought me to a fpacious place ; -From trouble fet me fafe on high ! JEHOVAH's for me 1- I'll not fear: -What's all that man can, do to me ? P S A L M CXVUI. 285 7. JEHOVAH with my Helpers (lands, -Mine eyes my haters end fhall fee* 8. 'Tis better to depend on GOD, Than truft in man of frail eflate ; 9. 'Tis better to depend on GOD, Than truft in princes high and great ! io. The nations all did compafs me, To perfecute me, and annoy ; But in JEHOVAH's holy Name, I will them utterly deftroy. li. They compafs'd me,- they compafs'd me, With pow'r combin'd on me to fall \ But, in JEHOVAH's holy Name — Iwill exterminate them all. 12. They compafs'd me about as bees ; -They're quench'd like thorns fhort-living For by the root, I'll cut them off, (flame: Confiding in JEHOVAH's Name— 13. Sore haft thou thruft, that 1 might fall ! But, (till, JEHOVAH was my Shield ; j 4. J AH is my Mighty Strength, and Song, And doth me full falvation yield.. 15. Hark ! in the Juft's abodes, the cry Of joy, and of faTvation won ! " The right hand of JEHOVAH hath w Amazing deeds of valour done 1" 16. 18. Chaftifmg, J AH hath chaften'd me, But hath not giv'n me o'er to death* 19. Unfold the gates of righteoufnefs,. That in, by them, I enter may ; Triumphant to the Holy Place, And all JAH's praifes there difplay ! 20. This is JEHOVAH's Gate, by which The righteous all fhall enter in : 2i. Pll praife Thee, for Thou haft me heard, And haft my full falvation been. 22. That Stone is made the corner's Head, Which blinded builders did defpife ; 23. This of JEHOVAH's doing is, And marv'lous ever in our eyes I 24. This is the day JEHOVAH made ; — In it we'll joy with jubilee ! 25. Hofanna ! — now, JEHOVAH fave ! JEHOVAH, now propitious be 1 26. Bleft in JEHOVAH's Name be He Who comes with mighty pow'r to fave ; Wc PSAL M CXVIII. CXIX. 287 We from within JEHOVAH's Houfe In his great Name you blefled have. 27. THE GOD JEHOVAH forth hath fhin'd! — A feftive day now celebrate, With branches thick drown all the way* To th' altars horns, with gladnefs great ! 28. Thou art my GOD!-l'll Thee exalt j My only GODI-I'll Thee adore ; 29. O blefs JEHOVAH ! for He's good, — His mercy lafts for evermore. PSALM CXIX. The Sixth Alphabetical Pfahu Called by the Jews, The -Great Alphabet ; containing, in the Original, an equal number of Ogdoads (i e. Sections compos'd of eight verfes) with the num- ber of Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet ; each Ogdoad er Seclion, and every verfe of that Seflisn, beginning with one of thofe Letters in their order. O Sect. I. BLESSED are the undefiPd and perfect in the way, Who in JEHOVAH's holy law do walk, and do not ftray. 388 PSALM CXIX. 3. Bleft they, his teftimonies all who ftedfaftly obferve, Who Him with all their heart do feek, and Him alone do ferve! 3. Thefe do not fin ; — but, fearing GOD, in all his ways walk they : 4. •Thou haft commandment giv'n to us, thy precepts to obey. 5. O ! that thy ftatutes to obferve Thou would* ft my ways direct ; 6. Then (hall I not be fham'd, when I all thy commands refpedt. 7. Then, I, with uprightnefs of heart, will celebrate thy praife, When I thy judgments mall have learn'd, and all thy righteous ways ! $0 I, to thy ftatutes ev'ry one, moft earneft heed will take \ O do not Thou, then, utterly, thy fervant, LORD ! forfake. Sect. II. 9. By what means mall a young man learn to purify his way ? If he, according to thy word, thereto attention pay. 10. J. for 1 therein delight ; 36. O teach my heart, from av'rice wean'dj thy teftimonies right. 37. Avert mine eyes from vanity, and fix them upon Thee ; And in thy good and holy way, be pleas'd to quicken me. 38. Confirm to me thy gracious word which I did gladly hear, To me, who am thy Servant, LORD ! devoted to thy fear. 39. Turn Thou away my fear'd reproach, for good thy judgments be : 40. Lo ! for thy precepts I have long'd; in juftice quicken me. Sect. VI. 41. Let thy fweet mercies, alfo, come and vifit me, O LORD ! And thy falvation grant to me, according to thy word: 42, P S A L M CXIX. 293 42. So fhall I have wherewith I may return an anfwer juft, To him who now reproacheth me, that in thy word I truft. 43. O take not quite from out my mouth the word of truth divine ; For, on thy righteous judgments, I with ftedfaft hope recline. 44. -Yea, and I ever, ever will to all thy law adhere ; 45. I've fought thy precepts, and will walk at large fronvev'ry fear! 46. I'll fpeak to Kings, and not be fham'd, thy teitimonies right ; 47. And thy commandments which I've lov'd, mall, {till, be my delight. 48. To thy commandments which I've lov'd, I will lift up my hands ; And, evermore, will meditate on thofe thy dear commands ! Sect. VII. 49. Remember, to thy Servant, LORD! thy own mod faithful word, In which a folid ground of hope Thou did'lt to me afford, B b 3 50, 294 PSALM CXIX. 50. In my humiliation all, hence doth my comfort flow ; For, this thy word doth quicken me, when I am laid mod low. 5 1 . The proud, pufPd up with wealth and eafe, did greatly me deride ; But I, from thy mofi holy law did never turn afide. 52. I thought upon thy judgments, LORD I which Thou of old didft found ; And, hence, in my affliction great, my comforts did abound. 53. Dread feized me, for wicked men, who did thy law forfake ; 54. I, in my houfe of pilgrimage, my fongs thy ftatutes make. 55. I thought by night, LORD ! on thy Name, nor from thy law did fwerve; 56. Yea, this I ever had— that I thy precepts did obferve. Sect. VIII. 57. JEHOVAH L Thou my Portion art, and ever doft remain ; Hence, have 1 faid, that I thy word will facredly maintain. 5 8. PSALM CXIX. 295 58. With all my heart, I did entreat thy Face, and favour free ; According to thy gracious word, be merciful to me. 59. I thought upon my former ways., > and did my life well try ; And, to thy teftimonies pure my feet then turned I. 60. I did not, as the flothful do, long linger, and delay ; But, nattily, prepar'd myfelfy thy precepts to obey. 61. Bands of the wicked have me robb'd, yet I thy law ne'er brake ; 62. -I'll rife at midnight, Thee to praife, for thy jutt judgments fake. 63. A fure companion I'm of all who fearers are of Thee ; 64. Thy mercy, LORD, doth fill the earth 1 thy ftatutes teach Thou me. Sect. IX. 6$. Much good, JEHOVAH ! from thy hand ? thy Servant hath receiv'd ; 66. True knowledge teach me, for I have in thy commands believ'd. 67. 296 PSALM CXIX. 6j. Ere I afflicted was, I ftray'd ; but now I keep thy word : -68. Both good Thou art, and good Thou doft 5. teach me thy ftatutes, LORD ! 69. The proud, in their malignant fpite, have 'gainft me forg'd a lie j But I thy precepts to obferve, do all my heart apply. 70-. Their hearts, like greale, have waxed grofs> and thy commandments flight \ But I, in thy mod holy law place my fupreme delight ! 71. 'Tis good for me that I have born thy fore-afflicting hand, That I thy holy ftatutes all might fully underftand. 72. The law proceeding from thy mouth, more precious is to me, Than many thoufands, multiply' d, of gold, and filver be ! Sect. X. 73. Thy hands have made and fafhion'd me; O make me underftand ! That I may learn, and may obferve all things Thou doft command. 74- P S A L M CXIX. 297 74. So they who fear Thee, fhall be glad, when they fhall me perceive ; Becaufe, with firm unfhaken hope, I' in thy word believe ! 75. That all thy judgments are moft juft, I now, JEHOVAH! fee; And that in truth, and faithfulnefs, Thou hail airlifted me. 75. O, for thy Servant's comfort, fend thy mercies from above ! 77. -Thy promis'd grace! that I may live % for I thy law do love. 78. Let all the proud be filPd with fhamej for they, without a caufe, Have treach'roufly my ruin fought \ — but I mufe on thy laws. 79. Thofe who thy teitimonies know, and fear Thee, turn to me; 80. Sound in thy ftatutes make my heart, that fham'd I may not be. Sect. XL 81. My foul for thy falvation faints ; — Ion thy word attend ; 82. Mine eyes do fail for this thy word ; - — when wilt Thou comfort fend? ^8 P S A L M CXIX. 83. For, like a bottle I'm become, that m the fmoke is fet ; All black and parch'd with grief !-yet I thy ftatutes ne'er forget. 84. How many are thy Servant's days ? — when wilt Thou judgment do Againft the wicked, vi'lent men, who me with fpite purfue ? 85. The proud have digged pits for me,, repugnant to thy laws ; 86". For thy true laws fake, help Thou me ? purfu'd without a caufe. $j. -They fo confum'd me, that on earthy my life they fearce did leave ! Thy precepts yet forfook I not, but clofe to them did cleave. 88. O, in thy mercy, quicken me, and from my foes preferve \ The tedimonies of thy mouth* that I may, {till, obferve. Sect. XII. 89. Thy word, JEHOVAH ! ever {lands in heav'n eftablinVd fure ; 90. Thy faithfulnefs, through ages all, for ever doth endure. The P S A L M CXIX. 299 The earth irrevocably faft, abides as fix'd by Thee ; 91. All (land this day as Thou ordain' dft, for all thy fervants be ! 92. Unlefs my foul, in thy lov'd law, fupreme delight had found ; Then, verily, I perifh'd had, my grief did fo abound ! 93. Thy precepts 1 will ne'er forget, for life to me they brought ; 94. Lo, I am Thine! O fave Thou me, for I've thy precepts fought. 95. The wicked have laid wait for me, that they might me deftroy j But, dill, thy teftimonies true do all my thoughts employ. 96. Of all that is perfection call'd, I've feen, O LORD ! the end ; But thy command's exceeding broad 1 — who can it comprehend ? Sect. XIII. 97. O how I love thy holy law ! — it fills my foul all day ; 98. Thou mak'ft me wifer than my foes, thy laws fo with me flay. 99, 5 oo PSAL M CXIX. 99. More underftanding I poilefs than all my teachers far ; Becaufe, my meditation clofe, thy teitimonies are. 100. In fapient kng^vledge, I excel thofe who the Ancients be ; Becaufe thy precepts I obierve, — and thefe are guides to me. 1 01. My feet from ev'ry evil way I've ftay'd, to keep thy word ; 102. -I have not from thy judgments fwerv'd j for Thou haft taught me, LORD! 103. O how delicious to my tafte, are all the words from Thee ! Yea, more than honey to my mouth, they far, far fweeter be ! _ 204. True underflanding unto me thy precepts pure impart ; And, therefore, ev'ry way that's falfc, 1 hate with all my heart. Sect. XIV. 105, Thy word is to my feet a lamp, and to my path a light ; 106. Fve fworn, and will perform my oath, to keep thy judgments right. 1.7. PSALM CXIX. 301 107. In deep affliction I'm o'erwhelm'd, revive Thou me, O LORD ! According to the promife made in thy all-faithful word. 108. The free-will offerings of my mouth accept, I Thee befeech ; And itill, JEHOVAH! unto me thy righteous judgments teach. 109. My foul is ever in my hand! — yet 1 thy law ne'er flight, 1 10. Nor, through the wicked's fubtle fnare, err from thy precepts right. n 1. I, of thy teftimonies, have above all things made choice, As my eternal heritage, for they my heart rejoice. •112. My heart I to thy ftatutes all have moulded to attend, That I, inviolated, may obferve them to the end. Sect. XV. 113. I hate all thoughts of vanity, but thy law love, O LORD ! 114. Thou art my Shield and Hiding-place; —my hope is in thy word. C c 115: 10a PSALM CXIX, j 1 15. All ye who evil doers are, depart from me away, For I my GOD's commandments have determin'd to obey. 1 1 6. According to thy faithful word, uphold and ftablifh me, That I may live, and of my hope afhamed may not be. 117. Uphold me, and I mail be fafe, preferved by thy might, And will thy flatutes ever make -my care, and my delight. tewst 118. Thou tread'ft down thofe who break thy -their fajfe hopes them deceive! 119. Thou throw'ft the wicked out as drofs:- - hence to thy Truths I cleave. 120. For dread of Thee, my very flefh doth tremble, all-difmay'd ; And of thy awful judgments, LORD! my foul is much afraid. Sect. XVI. 121. I judgment have, and juflice, done to ev'ry one aright ; O do not, therefore, give me up to my oppreflbrs l'pite. 122. PSALM CXIX. 303 122. Do Thou, for never-failing good, thy Servant's furety be ; And let not my contemptuous foes oppreffion lay on me. 123. Mine eyes for thy falvation fail, ' and for thy righteous word ; 124. In mercy with thy Servant deal, — teach me thy flatutes, LORD! 125. I am the Servant of thy will ; do Thou inftruct me fo, That I thy teftimonies all, may in perfection know. 1 26. 'Tis time that Thou, JEHOVAH ! work, and caufe thy glory mine ; For they, by their traditions vain, make void thy law divine ! 127. And therefore love I thy commands 'bove gold, the gold mod pure ; 128. Thy precepts all, hold all molt right, and each falfe way abjure. Sect. XVII. 129. Thy teftimonies marv'lous are ! hence doth my foul them prize : 130. ( The entrance of thy word gives light ; — it makes the fimple wife. C c 2 131, 3^4 P S A L M CXIX. 131. My mouth I opened unto Thee, and panted with defire; While, after thy commandments all, 1, longing, did afpire. 132. O turn to me thy Countenance, and gracious be to me, As Thou, to thofe who love thy Name, art ever wont to be. 133. Direcl my footfteps in thy word, and let them firm remain ; Let no iniquity o'er me dominion ere obtain, 134. From man's oppreflion refcue me, thy precepts to obey ; 135. Thy Face make on thy Servant mine, — teach me thy ftatutes way. 136. My eyes with flreams of waters flow'd, when I the wicked faw Run on in fin with greedinefs, regardlefs of thy law ! Sect. XVIII. 137. JEHOVAH! Thou all-righteous art, — thy judgments juft and pure i 138. The teflimonies Thou command'!:, mod faithful are, and fure. »39l PSAL M CXIX. 305 139. My zeal for Thee confum'd me hath; becaufe my impious foes Thy holy words forgotten have y and thy commands oppofe. 140. Thy word's mod pure, and fix'd on it thy Servant's love is fet ; 141. I'm fmall, and much defpis'd, yet I thy precepts ne'er forget. 142. Thy righteoufnefs, is righteoufnefs which ever doth endure ; Thy holy law is Truth itfelf, — thy ev'ry word moil pure. 143. Diftrefs and anguifh have me found ; yet, in my trouble fore, Thy juft commandments my delight continue evermore. 144. Eternal righteoufnefs, and life, thy teftimonies be ; O grant me them to underftand, and 1 will live to Thee 1 Sect. XIX. 145. I, with my whole heart, cry'd to Thee, in my affliction deep ; JEHOVAH ! hear, and anfwer me, and Pll thy ftatutes keep, C c 3 146, yj6 PSALM CXIX. 1 46. Save me ! I cry'd, and I will keep thy teftimonies juft ; 147. My cry did morning's dawn prevent; — I on thy word did truft. 148. My waking eyes prevented have the watches of the night ; That I upon thy blefTed word, might ponder with delight. 149. O, in thy mercy, hear my voice, when I do call on Thee : According to thy judgment juft, JEHOVAH ! quicken me. 150. They who feek mifchief, near me draw; — they from thy law are far ! 151. But thou, JEHOVAH! nigh me art, and truth thy laws all are ! 152. This, of thy teftimonies all, of old I've known as fure, -That Thou haft firmly founded them, for ever to endure. Sect. XX. 153. My deep humiliation fee, and fpeedy refcue fend ; Foi\ I to thy moft holy law, forget not tQ attend. 154. PSALM CXIX. 3 o 7 154. For thy word's fake, defend, redeem, and quicken me with might : 155. -Salvation's from the wicked far, for they thy datutes flight. 156. JEHOVAK ! manifold and great thy tender mercies be ; According to thy judgments juft, do Thou quicken me. 157. My perfecutors many are, and foes 'gaind me combin'd ; Yet, from thy teiiimenies true, 1 never have declin'd. 158. The violators of thy word I grieved was to fee ; — 159. JEHOVAH ! I thy precepts love, in mercy quicken me. 160. The fum of all thy word is Truth, mod permanent and fure ; Thy righteous judgments, ev'ry one, for evermore endure. Sect. XXI. 161. The Princes did me perfecute, although no caufe they faw ; - But, (lill, of thy mod holy word, my heart doth dand in awe : 1 6" 2, 3 o3 PSALM CXIX. 162. I o'er thy word rejoice, as one who fmdeth fpoil in flore ; 163. I love thy law, but falfhood all I utterly abhor. 164. Sev'n times a day, it is my care to render praife to Thee, Becaufe of all thy judgments, LOPvD ! which true and righteous be. 165. Great peace have they who love thy law, and nought iliall them offend ; 1 66* On thy falvation, all my hope, JEHOVAH! doth depend. -And thy commandments 1 have done I 167. my foul, all things above, Hath held thy teftimonies dear; — I them fupremely love ! 168. Thy teftimonies I have kept, and all thy precepts right : This well Thou know'ft, for all my ways are open in thy fight ! Sect. XXII. 169. O let my cry come near to Thee, — inftrucl me by thy word ; 170. Accept my prayer, and refcue me, for thy word's fake, O LORD ! 171- PSALM CXIX. CXX. 309 171. My lips, with exultation great, {hall utter forth thy praife, When Thou thy ftatutes halt me taught* and all thy righteous ways. 172. My tongue fhall fpeak thy bleffed word* and fpread its praife afar ; For perfect, fpotlefs righteoufnefs, all thy commandments are ! 173. JEHOVAH 1 let thine hand me help; — thy precepts are my choice : 174. For thy falvation I have longM; I in thy law rejoice. 175. Live let my foul, and it fhall give eternal praife to Thee ; And let thy righteous judgments mine, in giving help to me. 176. I, like a loft fheep, flrayed have ; — thy Servant feek and find ; Becaufe thy holy, jufl commands, have ne'er been from my mind ! 1 PSALM CXX. N Araks, JEHOVAH I invok'd, and He gave ear to me \ 2. 3 io PSALM CXX. CXXL 2. From lying lips, and guileful tongue, my foul, JEHOVAH! free. 3. What fhall be giv'n, what done to thee, O thou deceitful tongue ? 4. -Fierce burning coals of Juniper, fharp arrows from the Strong. 5. Woes me ! that I, a fojourner in Mefhech (till remain ; That 1 fo long abide in tents to Kedar that pertain! 6. My foul with him who hateth peace hath long a dweller been : 7. I am for peace ; — but when 1 fpeak, for battle they are keen. PSALM CXXL A TO the Hills will lift mine eyes, from whence doth come mine aid: 2. My help doth from JEHOVAH come, who Heav'n and Earth hath made. 3. -Thy foot He never will let Hide, nor flumber, who thee keeps ; 4. Lo! He who lfr'el doth preferve, He llumbers not, nor lleeps. P S A L M CXX1. 311 5. TheLQRDthqekeeps! the LORD thy Shade doth at thy right hand Hay ! 6. The Moon, by night, thee fhall not fmite, nor yet the Sun by day. 7. JEHOVAH fhall preferve thy foul, and guard thee from all ill ; 8. Thy goings, henceforth, out and in ; GOD keep for ever will. S: PSALM CXXL Another Verfion. •HALL I for help look to the Hills ? How Should from thenee come faving aid? -My help doth from JEHOVAH come. From Him whoHeav'ns andEarth hath made! -He will not let thy foot be mov'd ; -He flumb'reth not who thee doth keep : Lo! He who ISR'EL's KEEPER is, He neither flumber knows, nor fleep. JEHOVAH keeps theel-HE, thy Shade, Stands at thy right hand in his might ; The Sun thee fhall not finite by day, Nor yet the baleful Moon by night. JEHOVAH keeps thee from all ill ; He to thy foul fhall fafety yield : 8. 3 i2 PSALM CXXI, CXXIL 8. JEHOVAH, thee, in all thy ways, Shall now, and ever, guard and fhield I i PSALM CXXIL JOY'D^vhen, toJEHOVAH's Houfe, they faid, " Let us afcend ;" 2. -Jerus'lem! foon within thy Gates, our feet (hall fafely (land ! 3. Jerus'leni's like a City built, with ftrength and order grac'd ; 4. To it the joyful Tribes go up, the Tribes of JAH do hafle!— To Ifr'el's Teftimony, they to praife GOD's Name, repair ; 5. For Thrones of judgment, glorious Thrones* for David's Houfe are there ! 6. Pray that Jerus'lem ever may in peace preferved be ; All they mod furely profper fhall who favour bear to Thee. 7. Peace, lading peace, within the walls of thy Strong Fort remain ; And ever may thy Palaces v profperity retain : 8, PSAL M CXXII. CXXIII. 313 $. Now, for my friends and brethrens fake, I peace to thee will fpeak; And, for OUR GOD JEHOVAH's Houfe, thy good will ever feek. PSAL M CXXIIL o THOU who dwelled in theHeav'ns! I lift mine eyes to 1 hee ; Behold, as th* eyes of fervants watch their Mailer's hand to fee, As hand-maids eye their Miftrefs' hand, fo do our eyes attend Upon OUR GOD JEHOVAH fix'd, 'till He us mercy fend. JEHOVAH! gracious be to us, O gracious to us be, For, filled with the foes contempt, exceedingly are we. Our foul, is fill'd with fcorn of thofe who at their eafe abide, And with the infolent contempt of thole who fwell in pride ! D d PSALM 314 PSALM CXXIV. PSALM CXXIV. H AD not JEHOVAH been our Help! — well, now, may Ifr'el fay; 2. Had not JEHOVAH been our Help, when men rofe us to flay ; 3. -Then, in their burning wrath 'gainft us, they had us fw allow' d whole! 4. The flood had, then, o'erwhelmed us, the flreams gone o'er our foul ! 5. Then, had the waters, fwelling high, made o'er our foul their way ! — 6. -O ! bled be GOD, whofe fparing grace deny'd their teeth this prey. 7. Our foul's - efcaped as a bird from fowler's fnare fet free : -The fnare in pieces broken is, and we efcaped be ! 8. Our fure and all-fufficient Help is in JEHOVAH'S Name ; The Name of Him, who Heav'n and Earth, and all their Hofl, did frame ! PSALM P S A L M CXXV. 315 P S A L M CXXV. HEY who upon JEHOVAH trnft, {hall be like Zion Hill, Which never can removed be, but flandeth ever ftill. 2. As round about, on ev'ry fide, the Hills Jerus'lem bound ; JEHOVAH, now and ever, fo, his people fhields around ! 3. For, on the juft's lot, fhall not reft the rod the wicked lay ; Left, elfe, to put their hands to fin, the juft be led aftray. 4. Do Thou ? JEHOVAH! to the good, and th' upright in their heart, Of that great goodnefs ftor'd in Thee, ftill, more and more, impart : 5. But thofe who to their crooked ways perverfely turn from Thee, With evil workers, LORD, lead forth : — but peace on Ifr'el be, D d 2 PSALM 3i6 P S A L M CXXVI. w, PSALM CXXVL HEN Zion's bondage GOD recalled, we were as men that dream ! •2. With laughter, then, our mouth was fuTd, our tongue with joy extreme ! 3. Great things, then, faid the Heathen round, the LORD for them hath wrought ! - Great things THE LO RD hath done for us 1 whence joy to us is brought. 4. As dreams, JEHOVAH ! in the fouth, fo back our captives bring ; — 5. They who in tears of forrow fow, at reaping time mall fmg. 6. The man who bearing precious feed ± in going forth doth mourn ; He doubtlefs, bringing back his (heaves, - rejoicing mall return ! P S A L M CXXVL Another Verjion. — A Pqraphrafe. w HENZion'scaptives from their bonds JEHOVAH did redeem, Tranfported with the glad furprife, we were as men that dream ! 2* PSALM CXXVI. 317 2. Our mouth with laughter, then, was fhTdj and on our joyful tongue, The praife of our Redeeming LORD* in rapt'rous accents hung 1 3. The nations round, with wonder ftruck, their wonder did exprefs ; " JEHOVAH grandly doth for them !" with fear they did confefs. -JEHOVAH grandly hath, indeed, his pow'r for us difplay'd ! And we, from all our foes fet free, exceeding glad are made. 4. As dreams of water in the fouth, JEHOVAH! by thy hand, The remnant of our captives bring to thy own promis'd land — 5. They who in patient hope do fow, though now they mourn and weep, Shall, when the day of harvefl comes, with joy exulting reap. 6. The Bearer of the precious feed, who going forth did mourn 5 He, doubtlefs, bringing back his fheaves, rejoicing fhall return ! D d 3 PSALM 3»8 PSALM CXXVII. E PSALM CXXVII. XCEPTtheLORD do build the Houfe* the builders lofe their pain; Except the LORD the City keep, the watchmen wake in vain ; In vain ye rife, in vajfti fit late, with anxious cares oppreft ; See! how to his beloved, He gives peaceful quiet reft ! — Lo! children are GOD's heritage, the womb's fruit his reward ; As arrows for the Mighty's hand, the youth's fons are prepar'd ; O happy is the man who hath his quiver nll'd with thofe * r They, unafhamed, in the gate, fhall fpeak with all their foes ! PSALM CXXVII. Another Verfion. — A Faraphrafe. u NLESS JEHOVAH build the Houfe, and by his pow'r fuftain ; The toil and care of thofe who build, all fruitlefs is, and vain : Unlefs PSALM CXXYII. 3 hj Unlefs JEHOVAH fhield and keep the City by his might ; In vain, the careful watchmen wake, and guard it, day and night. 2. In vain, at early morn ye rife ; in vain, with anxious care, Ye fit up late, and, comfortlefs, on bread of forrows fare : — Without your labour, furely He doth build, and blefs, and keep — Thus! fov'reignly, to his belov'd He giveth peaceful ileep. 3. Lo ! GOD as his inheritance, his many Sons doth heir ; -The womb's fruit to Himfelf He doth as his reward prepare: 4. As arrows fharp and forcible held in the Mighty' s hand, So pow'rful are thofe fons of youth the en'my to withftand : 5. Bleft is the Mighty who hath fill'd ^ his quiver with the fame , They in the gate (hall face their foes, and not be put to fhame. PSALM 320 PSALM CXXVin. CXXIX. PSALM CXXVIII. B -EST are they who JEHOVAH fear! Bled thou who walked in his ways! •a. For, of thy labour thou (halt eat, And well, and happy be always. 3. Thy wife fhall, like a fruitful Vine, Clofe by thy houfe's fides be found ; Thy children, like to Olive plants, About thy table planted round. 4. Behold ! thus blefTed fhall the man Who fears JEHOVAH, ever be ; 5. JEHOVAH (hall from Zion make His precious bleffing refl on thee. Thou, all the days thou Hv'ft, (halt fee Jerusalem's good, and rich increafe ; Thy childrens children thou malt fee, And Ifr'el dwelling all in peace ! o PSALM CXXIX. FT from my youth! may Ifr'el fay, my foes have me affail'd ; C. Oft, from my youth, have vex'd me fore : — yet have they not prevail'd : 3* ■J* PS.AL M CXXIX. CXXX. 325 The plowers plowed on my back, — their furrows long they drew % 4. But now the juft JEHOVAH hath the wicked's cords cut through ! 5. Let Zion's haters all be fham'd and turn'd back with difmay ; 6. Let them as grafs on houfe-tops be> which, ere grown, fades away : 7. Like that, whereof, to fill his hand, the mower cannot find ; Nor yet, to fill his bofom, he whofe work's the fheaves to bincL 8. Nor fay the courteous palTers by, " GOD's bieffing on you be ;" Nor hear they echo'd the reply, " Bleft of THE LORD be ye.'* P S A L M CXXX. X 4 ROM depths, JEHOVAH, Thee I call! — my plaintive voice, LORD ! hear j And to my ^application's cry, attentive bow thine ear. Should'ft Thou, JAH ! mark iniquities, —Ah, LORD! who then mould ftand? 4» 322 PSALM CXXX. CXXXL 4. But rich forgivenefs is with Thee, that doth thy fear command ! 5. I wait for GOD — my foul doth wait, my hope is in his word : 6. More than the watchmen watch for mom> my foul doth wait THE LORD. 7. Let Ifr'el all their ftedfaft hope upon JEHOVAH place; For with JEHOVAH mercy dwells* and never-failing grace : S. Redemption plenteous, alfo, is for ever found with Him : f And He from all iniquity, ihall ISR'EL all redeem ! M PSALM CXXXL Y heart not haughty is, O LORD! -mine eyes not lofty be 5 Nor do 1 deal in matters great, or things too high for me. I furely have behav'd myfelf with fpirit dill and mild, Like child from mother wean'dj-my foul is like a weaned child. — PSALM CXXXI. CXXX1I. 323 Upon JEHOVAH, let the hope of W el dill depend, From henceforth, and for evermore, all ages without end. PSALM CXXXI. Another Verjion. M Y heart, JEHOVAH! is not high 5 Nor do I look with lofty eye ; Nor deal in matters over-great j Nor things above me arrogate. With fpirit quieted and mikl. Like to a weaned little child, I furely have myfelf demean'd ; -My foul is like an infant wean'd ! Let Ifr'el all, with one accord, Repofe their truft upon THE LORD, Confide in Him, and Him adore, From this time forth, for evermore* R PSALM CXXXIL EMEMBER David, gracious LORD! and all his travail now j 3 24 PSALM CXXXII. 2. How to JEHOV \H he did fwear, to JACOBS MIGH FY! vow ; ' 3. Within my Houfe I will not come, nor" on my bed repofe ; 4. No ileep my eyes — no flumber fhall my eye-lids ever clofe ; 5. 'Till, for JEHOVAH, I a Place find out for an abode ; A Place of Habitation meet for JACOB'S MIGHTY GOD! 6. Behold! while in Fohratah's land, we heard thereof the fame ; And in the fields then, of the wood, we, foon, did find the fame. 7. We'll to his Tabernacles go, • , — we'll at his feet bow down ; 8. Rife to thy reft, JEHOVAH! Thon, and th' Ark of thy renown ! 9. Let all thy priefts arrayed be with righteoufneis around ; And let thy faints lift up their voice, and joyful fhouts refound. 10. O for thy fervant David's fake, deny not Thou this grace, Nor, of thine own Anointed One, turn Thou away the face. 11 P S A L M CXXXII. 325 11. JEHOVAH Truth to David fware, — nor (hall his oath prove vain ; I, of thy body's fruit, will make upon thy Throne to reign : 1 2. My cov'nant if thy fons will keep, and law to them made known, Their fons mall alfo, evermore fit ruling on thy Throne. 13. For Zion is JEHOVAH's choice; — there, He defires to dwell : 14. Here is my Reft! Here will I flay! for this doth pleafe me well : 15. Her food I with increafe will blefs, her poor with bread fupply ; 16. Her priefts with fure falvation clothe, — her faints (hall fliout on high ! 17. And bright will I make David's horn to bud in beauty, there ; I will, for Mine Anointed One, a burning lamp prepare. 1 3. With fhame, as with a garment fpread, I'll clothe his en'mies o'er ; But on his head, the crown He wears mall flourifh evermore ! E c PSALM *26 PSALM CXXXIIL B PSALM CXXXIII. EHOLD, how good a thing it is, and how becoming well, For thofe who join'd as brethren are, in unity to dwell ! -Like precious oil upon the head, that down the beard did flow ; Down Aaron's beard, that to the ikirts did of his garments go. -Like Herrrion's dew, the dew that doth on Zion's Hills defcend ; For, there, the bl effing GOD commands, life that (hall never end! H PSALM CXXXIIL Another Verficn. OW good it is ! how pleafing well! For brethren all in one to dwell ! Tis hke the Oil of Un&ion fhed Upon the confecrated head : -That good Oil on the beard that fell,- DirTufmg round its fragrant fmell ; That down on Aaron's beard did flow, And .to his Veftment's border go. 3 J' PSALM CXXXIII. CXXXIV. 327 Like dew on Hermon that diflills, That drops from lieav'n on Zion's Hills : For, there, JEHOVAH bleffing fends, -The life that never, never ends ! B PSALM CXXXIV. HOLD, blefs ye JEHOVAH, now, JEHOVAH's fervants all ; . Ye who within JEHOVAH's Houfe, fland ready at his call : Your hands lift in The Holy Place, and blefs JEHOVAH's Name ; Let all from Zion blefs THE LORD, who Heav'ns and Earth did frame ! -j PSALM CXXXIV. Another Verjlon, EHOVAH's fervants all behold ! And fongs of blefiing to Him raife ; Ye in his Houfe who nightly watch, O J ' With joy fhout forth JEHOVAH's praife: is. Your hands lift tow'rd The Holy Place, And blefs JEHOVAH's Hallow'd Name : Ee 2 JE- 328 PSALM CXXXIV. CXXXV. JEHOVAH thee from Zion blefs, ► He who the Heav'ns and Earth did frame! PSALM CXXXV. X RAISE J AH l-O praife JEHOVAH's JEHOVAH's fervants all, (Name, 2. WhoinGOD'sHoufe^inourGOD'sCourts, (land ready at his call : 3. Sing praife to J AH ! for He is good ; to Him with gladnefs fmg : Sing praifes to JEHOVAH's Name, for 'tis a pleafant thing. 4. For He THE LORD, whofe name is JAH, of Jacob choice doth make ; And for peculiar treafure, He his Ifrael doth take. 5. -And that JEHOVAH is Moft Great ! that do 1 know full well ; Yea, that OUR LORD, all Gods befide, in glory doth excel. 6. JEHOVAH, whatfoe'er He wills, that in the heav'ns doth He, And in the earth, the fpacious fcas, and all the depths that be ! P S A L M CXXXV. 329 7. HE from the end of th' earth, doth make the vapours to afcend ; The light'ning, rain, and wind He makes, and from his ilores doth fend. 8. The firfl-born He of Egypt fmote, and, figns and wonders grand, 9. On Pharaoh, and his fervants, did,, O Egypt, rhidft thy land ! 10. Yea, many nations did He finite, and kings prepotent flew •: ix. -He Sihon king of Hefnbon fmotc, Og, Bafhan's king, o'erthrew, And all the kingdoms of Canaan y 1 2. and into Ifr'ei's hand, For lot,- for lafting heritage, He gave up all their land 1 13. Thy Name, JEHOVAH! ever lafts; and thy Memorial fure, Troni age to age continued down, for ever (hall endure. 14. Becaufe JEHOVAH yet will judge, and mow his people grace ; He for his fervants will repent, who truft in Him do place. 15. The nations idols are Man's work! —they gold and filver be : E e 3 io\ 330 PSALM CXXXV, CXXXVL 16. A mouth they have, but do not fpeak ; eyes, but they do not fee : 17. Ears, but they hear not :-in their mouth no found or breath have they ! 18. -And like themfeives, their makers are, and all who on them flay. — 19. O lfr'el's Houfe! JEHOVAH blefs, — -blefs Him with one accord ; O blefs JEHOVAH, Aaron's Hcufe ! and worlhip Him as LORD : 20. Blefs ye JEHOVAH, Levi's Houfe ! who unto Him are near ; O blefs JEHOVAH, ev'ry one, who doth JEHOVAH fear I JEHOVAH bled from Zion be both now and evermore ; -THE GOD who in Jerus'Iem dwells! HIM, J AH OUR GOD adore. G PSALM CXXXVI, : 1VE thanks to GOD, for He is good his mercy ever doth endure : 2. Give thanks to Him, the GOD OF GODS ! his mercy ever doth endure : 3. GivethankstoHim,theLORDOFLORDS! his mercy ever doth endure : PSALM CXXXVI. 331 4. HIM who alone doth wonders great ! his mercy ever doth endure : 5. Who heav'n by wifdom did create ! his mercy ever doth endure : 6. Who (Iretch'd out th' earth upon the fea! his mercy ever doth endure : 7. Who made great lights in heav'n to be ! his mercy ever doth endure : 8. The Sun, by day, to mine moll bright ! his mercy ever doth endure : 9. The Moon, and Stars, to rule by night ! his mercy ever doth endure : 1 0. Who Egypt in their firft-bqrn fmote I his mercy ever doth endure : 1 1 . 1 And Ifr'el thence with flrong arm brought ! 12.3 his mercy ever doth endure : 13. HIM who the Red Sea did divide ! his mercy ever doth endure : 14. And Ifr'el through its midft did guide I his mercy ever doth endure : 3 5. But Pharaoh and his hod o'erthrew ! his mercy ever doth endure : 16. And led his own the defert through! his mercy ever doth endure : 1 7. Who mighty kings for them did finite ! his mercy ever doth endure : 18. 3 y* P S A L M cxxxvr. 18. And flew renowned kings in fight ! his mercy ever doth endure : 19. Who Sihon king of th'Am'rites flew! his mercy ever doth endure : 20. Og king of Baihan overthrew ! his mercy ever doth endure : 21. And for porTefTion gave their land ! his mercy ever doth endure : 22. Into his fervant liVel's hand! his mercy ever doth endure : 23. Who in our low ftate on us thought! his mercy ever doth endure : 24. And from our foes our freedom wrought! his mercy ever doth endure : 25. Who giveth food to all that live ! his mercy ever doth endure : 26. Thanks to THE GOD OF HEAVEN give! his mercy ever doth endure. PSALM CXXXVI. Another Verfion. p RAISE OUR GOD! for good is He ; For his mercies endlefs be ! Him, THE GOD OF ALL GODS, praife y For his mercy lads always! PSALM CXXXVI. 335 3. Him, THE LORD OF LORDS, adore; For his mercy's evermore ! 4. Him who wonders doth alone ; For his mercy's never done ! 5. Him who heav'n by Wifdom plan'd j For his mercy's ever grand ! 6. Founded th' earth upon th'Abyfs j For his mercy's fathomlefs ! 7. Him who lights in heav n did frame j For his mercy's ftill the fame ! And did flably them arrange ; For his mercy knows no change ! 8. Set the Sun to rule by day ;- For his mercies ever fway! 9. Moon and Stars, when day declines ; For his mercy ever mines ! 1 o. Him who Egypt's nrit-born fmote : For his mercy changeth not ! 1 1. And brought Ifr'el thence in peace ; For his mercies never ceafe ! -Ranfom'd them from all their foes \ For no end his mercy knows ! 1 2. With a ftrong and Itretch'd out hand ; For his mercies liable (land ! 13. Him who cleft the Red Sea through ; ' For his mercy's ever new ! 14* 334 PSALM CXXXVL 14. And made I fr* el through it go ; For his mercies ever flow ! 15. Him who in the Red Sea drown'd (For his mercies (till abound)! Pharaoh and his men of war ; For his mercies endlefs are ! 16. Him who did his people guide, For his mercies ftill prefide ! Through the defert's tracklefs path ; For no end his mercy hath ! 1 7. Him who Kings for them did fmite ; For his mercy's dill in fight ! 18. Kings renown'd for them did flay; For his mercies ne'er decay ! 19. Sihon king of th'Am'rites fmote ; For his mercy's ftill in thought ! 20. Og the king of Bafhan too ; For his mercy's ftill in view ! 2t. And their land to Ifr'el gave; For no end his mercies have! 22. In porTeflion firm and faft ; For his mercies ever lafl ! 23. Him who thought on our low ftate ; For his mercy's ever great ! 24. And from all our foes did free ; For his mercies boundlds be ! ft 5. PSALM CXXXVL CXXXVIL 335 25. Him who food to all Flefh. gives ; For his mercy ever lives ! .26. Praife THE GOD OF HEAVEN high; For his mercies never die ! B PSALM CXXXVIL Y BabePs ftreams we fat, and wept, when we on Zion thought ; 2. On willows, we in forrow hung the harps we thence had brought : 3. For, there, a fong required they who did us captive bring ; Our Spoilers call' d for mirth, and faid, " A fong of Zion fing." 4. Ah ! how (hall we JEHOVAH's fong refound in th' Alien's land ! 5. Jerus'lem ! if 1 Thee forget, — then fail let my right hand : 6. My tongue fail to my mouth's roof cleave^ if ere I Thee forget ! If 'bove the head of all my joy, I don't Jerus'lem fet — 7. Remember Thou, LORD! Edom's fons, when comes Jerusalem's day, Thofe 336 PSALM CXXXVII. CXXXVIII. Thofe who to its foundation down " Raze, raze it quite," did fay. 8. Ah ! Babel's daughter, thou who foon {halt defolated be, Bled: mall he be who all our wrongs fhall retribute to thee. 9. Yea, bleifed furely (hall he be, thy children who fhall take, And dafh them, then, agaiiift the Rock in pieces, for our fake ! PSALM CXXXVIII. HEE ! will I praife with all my heart — before the Gods Thee praife ! Towards thy Holy Temple, LORD ! I'll worfhip Thee always : 2. Yea. for thy Mercy, and thy Truth, 1 will adore THY NAME; For high, 'bove ail, Thou, in thy word, haft magnify'd the fame ! 3. Thou didft me anfwer in the day when 1 to Thee did cry ; And, in diftrefs, my fainting foul wiih ftrength did'fl fortify. PSALM CXXXV1II. CXXXIX. 337 4. The kings, JEHOVAH ! of the earth, (hail all give thanks to Thee, When, from thy mouth, they mall receive thy words that gracious be : 5. Yea, in JEHOV API's righteous ways, with gladnefs fmg mall they ; For, great the glory is, which, then, JEHOVAH mail difplay ! 6. Although JEHOVAH is MOST HIGH, yet He refpects the low ; But thofe who proud and haughty are, afar off He doth know. 7. I, though midft trouble now I walk, yet life from Thee (hall have ; Thou'gainft my foes fhallltretch thine hand, thy right hand mail me fave. 8. JEHOVAH pierfea lhall for me the work Himlelf hath wrought : Thy mercy, LORD 1 for ever lads ; thy hand-works flack lhou not. j P S-A L M CXXXIX. EHOVAHIThoumcprov'fl.andknow'ft; — well known to Thee, LOUD! are ' F f My 338 PSALM CXXXIX. My fitting down, and rifing up ; — Thou know'ft my thought afar ! 3. My footfteps, and my lying down, thy fanning eye furveys ; Yea, Thou mod intimately art acquaint with all my ways : 4. For, in my tongue, before 1 fpeak, there's not a word can be, But, lo, JEHOVAH! it is all already known to Thee. 5. Behind, before, Thou me befet'ft, and lay' ft on me thy hand ; 6. A knowledge marv'lous ! — far from me ! too high to underftand ! 7. Where, from THY SPIRIT, mall I go ? where, from THY PRESENCE, fly ? 8. Afcend 1 heav'n!— lo, THOU art there; — there, if in hell Pd lie : 9. Take I the wings of morning's dawn, and dwell beyond the fea ! 10. -Ev'n there thy hand mould, Mill, me lead, thy right hand feize on me. XI. Should I yet fay, " The darknefs, fure, mall fhroud me from his fight ;" -Then fhould the very night itfelf around me mine as light ! 12. PSALM CXXXIX. 339 12. Yea, darknefs darkneth not from Thee, but night as day fhines clear ; To Thee the darknefs, and the light, do all alike appear. 13. For Thou pofTefTed haft my reins, fmce nrft Thou cover'dfl me ; When, firft, within my mother's womb, I was inclos'd by Thee. 14. I'll praife Thee, LORD ! for fearful all and wondrous is mv frame ; Thy works are marv'lous — and full well my foul doth know the fame ! 15. Thou iaw'ft my Jubilance hid, when I was into being brought, And, in the lowed parts of th' earth, as with embroid'ry wrought : 16. Thine eyes my embryon did fee j — in thy books written were My members ail, as foon as fonn'd ; — yea, unform'd, they were there. 17. How infinitely precious are, O GOD, thy thoughts to me! How, in their fum, furpailing great and numberlefs they be ! 18. Should i recount them ; — they are more in number than the fand ; F f 2 When 34o PSALM CXXXIX* When I awake, I'm ftill with Thee, — I feel thy pow'r at hand. 19. The wicked Thou, O GOD! malt flay; — hence, then, ye bloody men : 20. Thy foes who 'gainft thee mifchief fpeak,, t and take thy Name in vain ! 2U Do I not, O JEHOVAH, hate thofe who thy haters be ? And am not I diftrefs'd and griev'd with thofe who rife *gainft Thee ? 22. -Yea, with abhorrence mod entire, I hate them, and oppofe - r I do efteem them ev'ry one as my own proper foes. 23. Search me, O GOD! who know' ft mealh> — explore my ev'ry part ; Prove me as gold and filver's try'd, and know my inmoft heart ; 24. And fee if any evil's there, to make me ftray from Thee y . And, in thy everlafting way, for ever lead Thou me! PSALM PSALM CXL. 341 PSALM CXL. J EHOVAH ! in thy mercy great, from th' evil man me free ; And, from the man of violence, in fafety keep Thou me ; From thofe who, in their evil heart, plot mifchief, ftill, and wrong ; And, gath'ring 'gainft me round about, ftir wars up all day long ! Their tongues they, like a ferpent, fharp with keeneft malice make ; And, underneath their lips, there lies the poifon of the make. S» JEHOVAH! from the wicked's hands preferve Thou me, and (lay, From vi'lent men, who purpos'd have to thruft my fteps away. The proud hide fnares and cords for me, — they fpread for me a net; Along the way in which I walk, they gins for me have fet. — S» But, miffing in JEHOVAH, ftill, " Thou art my GOD," faid I ; JEHOVAH! hearken to my voice, for 1 to Thee do cry ; 342 PSALM CXL. 7. JEHOVAH, LORD! with mighty ftrengtfc for my falvation crown'd ! Thou, in the day and din of arms, my head hait cover'd round : 8. O do not Thou the wicked One his with, JEH )VAH, grant; Nor let his crafty plot prevail, left they themielves fhould vaunt. 3, 9. Do Thou the gall return to thofe who round encompais me ; And, by the mifchief of their lips, let them o'ei whelmed be : 10. Let burning coals upon them fall, and call them in the flame ; In deep-dug pits, that they no more may rife from out the fame. 1 u Let not the man of evil tongue on earth eftablihVd be ; Let evil hunt the vi'lent man until run down he be. 12. I know JEHOVAH, judgment juft will for the poor ordain ; And that He ever will, with pow'r, the needy' s right maintain. 13. The righteous, furely, (hall thy Name with grateful praife adore j And PSALM CXL. CXLI. * 343 And in thy prefence, th' upright all (hall dwell for evermore ! PSALM CXLL X O Thee, JEHOVAH ! do I call, O hall en, LOid) ! to me; Incline thine ear, and hear my voice., when I do cry to Thee. As lweeteit incenfe, let my pray'r to Thee directed rife ; Th' upliiting or my hands accept as th' evening iacrihce ! Set watch, JFHOVAH, on my mouthy — my lips door keep in ward ; Incline not i hcu my heart from 1 hee ? ought evil to regard \ To pra&iie evil works with thofe to wickedneis who hafie; And let me never be allur'd their delicates to talte. Let him that righteous is me fmite^ — it mall for mercy be ; Let him rebuke me, — it fhall prove a precious oil to me ; Suck 344 PSALM CXLL Such fmiting (hall not break my head, for I the ftroke fhall bear j And yet, in their calamities, for them fhall be my prayV : 6. When, down, as by the Rock-fides caft, their judges are by Thee, Then fhall they liften to my words, for they all pleafant be! 7. About the grave's devouring mouth, our bones are fcatter'd round, As fplinters, when one cuts and cleaves,. lie fcatter'd on the ground : 8. But, LORD JEHOVAH ! I to Thee lift up mine eyes on high ; O leave not deftitute my foul, for I on 1 hee relv. 9. Keep me fecurely from the fnarc which they for me have laid ; From th' evil workers fubtle gin r grant Thou me faving aid. 10. In their own nets, together caught, let all the wicked fall ; While I, and thofe who are with me, together 'icape them all ! PSALM I PSALM CXLII. -345 P S A L M CXLII. TO JEHOVAH, with my voice, with load voice made requeft ; 2. -My plaint before Him poured out> — my trouble I expreft. 3. When overwhelmed my fpirit was, then Thou didft know my way : But, fecretly, they in my path a mare for me did lay. 4. I, on my right hand, look'd, .and view'd^ but none to know me were : All refuge from me perifh'd then ; none for my foul did care. — 5. But I to Thee, JEHOVAH, cry'd ; — Thou art. faid I, to me, My Hope, my Portion, in the land cf thole who livinr be i o 6. O hear my fupplicating crv, for I'm brought very low 7 ; Save me from my purfuers, LORD i for they prevailing grow : 7. My foul, to glorify thy Name, from prifon fet Thou free *, The ju'ft, with joy, mall round me throng, when Thou ihcw'ft grace to me ! PSALM 34<5 PSALM CXLIII. PSALM CXLIII. J EHOVAH! hearken to my pray'r, to my requeft attend ; And in thy truth, and righteoufnefs, do Thou me anfwer fend : 3. And into judgment bring not Thou thy fervant to be try'd ; For, in thy fight, no living man fhall, thus, be juftify'd. 3* The foe doth perfecute my foul, — my life to th' earth doth tread ; In darknefs he cloth make me dwell > like thofe for ages dead : 4. My fainting fpirit, overwhelm'd, is ready to depart ; And forely, in the midft of me, amazed is my heart ! 5. I call to mind the days of old, revolve thy doings o'er, And on thy hands work meditate, and ponder evermore : 6. My hands to Thee I fpread ; my foul as dry land thirfts for Thee : S. 7. JEHOVAH hear ! my fpirit fails ; — O hafle to anfwer me. Hide PSALM CXLIII. CXLIV. 347 Hide not thy Face, left I be like thofe that to pit defcend \ 8. At morn, let me thy mercy hear, for I on Thee depend : Teach me thy way, for I to Thee my foul lift up on high ; 9. JEHOVAH ! fave me from my foes ; — to Thee for made I fly. 10. To do thy will, for Thou'rt my GOD ! O do Thou me inftruct; Let thy Good Spirit to the land of th' upright me conduct. 11. Do Thou, JEHOVAH ! quicken me, for thy own great Name's fake j And in thy righteoufnefs, my foul from out all trouble take : 12. And, in thy mercy, end my foes, — my foul's affliclers flay ; For I, O LORD ! thy Servant am, who ever Thee obey. PSALM CXLIV. For ever bled JEHOVAH be, who is my Rock of Might - f Who 348 P S A L M CXLIV. Who doth my hands mftruft to war, my fingers teach to fight ; l> My Goodnefs, Fortrefs, and my Tow'r, my Saviour, ana my Shield ; He whom I trufl — who under me doth make my people yield ! i. JEHOVAH ! what is man that Thou dolt knowledge of him take ? The ion of wretched man, that Thou „ account of him doft make i i. Frail man is like to vanity ! the days he here doth flay, Are like an empty fleeting fhade, that pafleth foon away. — ;. JEHOVAH! bow thy heavens down 9 give ear when I invoke ; Come to my help — the mountains touch, • and they for fear fhall fmoke ; >. Cad out thy light'nings — fcatter them, and let them routed fall - y Thy winged arrows (hoot Thou forth, and thus deftroy them all. r . Send from on high, thy gracious handj —•redeem "J'hou me. and fave ; And draw me out from waters great, which over whelm' d me have : From PSALM CXLIV. 349 From out the fons ©f (hangers hands, 8. whofe mouth doth fpeak deceit ; Whofe right hand is a right hand falfe, with treachery replete. 9, A new fong I to Thee, O GOD ! with thankful voice will raife ; With pfalt'ry, ten-ftring'd inftrument, and pfalms, 1 will Thee praife. 10/ To Him 1 I'll fing — to Him who doth ' to kings falvation fend; Who doth his fervant David fafe from th' evil fword defend ! 11. Save rhe 3 and free from children firange, whofe mouth doth fpeak deceit, Whofe right hand is a right hand falfe, with treachery replete. 12. That, as the plants, our fons in youth may up in vigour fpring ; Our daughters fair, like corner Hones for palace of a King : 13. That full our garners Hill may be with ample (lore of meats - y Our cattle bringing thousands forth, — ten thoufands in our fireets : 14. That ftrong our oxen be for work , and that there may not be, G g Or 350 P S A L M CXLIV. CXLV. Or breaking in, or going out ; — our ftreets from out-cries free. 15. Bleft are the people in this Hate ! —yea, bleft that people is, Of whom JEHOVAH is the GOD, whom He accounts as HIS ! PSALM CXLV. The Seventh Alphabetical Pfalm. Each Verfe in the Original, (with a fmall exception) beginning with one of the Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet in its order, as Pfalms xxv. and xxxiv. JL HEE .I'll extol, my GOD,0 KING! thy blefled Name adore ; 2. Each day I'll blefs Thee, and thy Name praife. ever, evermore ! 3. JEHOVAH's great !-much to be prais'd; — his greatnefs fearch exceeds 1 4. Race unto race fhall praife thy works, and mow thy mighty deeds. 5. Thy Majefty and Glory great, which are beyond compare, And PSALM CXLV. 351 And all thy works, which wondrous are, 1 ever will declare ! 6. They, alfo, of thy dreadful acts the mighty pow'r mail tell ; And I thy greatnefs will unfold, and on its glory dwell. 7. The mem'ry of thy goodnefs great they largely (hall exprefs ; With fliouts of praife, they mail extol thy peerlefs righteoufn efs ! &. JEHOVAH ever gracious is; — in Him companions flow ; In mercy He is very great, and unto anger flow. 9. JEHOVAH richly unto all his goodnefs doth declare ; And all the works his hands have made, his tender mercies (hare. . 10. JEHOVAH ! Thee thy works all praife, and Thee thy Saints {hall blefs ; 11. Thy kingdom's glory they (hall fhow, and all thy pow'r exprefs : 12. To make the fons of men to know his matchlefs, mighty deeds, And all his kingdom's glorious grace, which utterance exceeds I Gg2 *3« 352 PSALM CXLV. 13* Thy kingdom mall for ever lafi, — thy reign through ages all ; 14. JEHOVAH ftraight'neth all bow'd down, \ and raifeth all that fall. 15. The eyes of all attend on Thee, the Giver of all good ; And Thou, in feafon due, on all beftow'ft their proper food : 16. Yea, Thou thine hand doll open wide> and, of thy bounty, give Enough to fatisfy the need of all on earth that live. 17. JEHOVAH's juft in all his ways ; his works all holy be ; 18. And near all thofe who on Him ceII, who call in truth, is He. 19. He will accomplifh the defire of thofe who do Him fear ; Their pray'r regard, and fave them all, when He their cry doth hear. 20. JEHOVAH guards all who Him love, that nought fhall them annoy ; But all the wicked, He, in wrath, will utterly deltroy. 21. My mouth for ever fhall with joy, JEHOVAH's praife proclaim ; And PSAL M CXLV. 3S3 And let all fiem, through ages all, adore his holy Name ! PSAL M CXLV. . Another Verfion, J EHOVAH! Thee, my GOD and KING, Thee ! will I magnify and praife ; To thy great Name, 1 ever will Triumphant fongs of bleffing raife. 2. Thee ! each returning day, I'll biefs, And praife thy Name, time without end \ 3. JEHOVAH's great beyond all praife, His greatnefs none can comprehend. 4. Race unto race thy works mall praife, And mall thy mighty acts declare ; 5. I'll fpeak of all thy glorious grace, And majefty beyond compare. Thy wondrous works 1 will record; 6. And much by men mall be extoll'd The might of thy amazing deeds, When I thy greatnefs all unfold. 7. They mail abundantly exprefs The mem'ryT)f thy goodnefs great \ And, with exulting fhouts of joy, Thy peerlcfs righteoufnefs relate ! Gg 3 8. 354 P S A L M CXLV. 8. JEHOVAH very gracious is ; -With Him companions boundlefs dwell ; To anger He is ever flow, But doth in plenteous grace excel. 9. Good is JEHOVAH unto all, His mercies all his works are o'er ; 1 o. Thy works, JEHOVAH! mail Thee praife, * Thy Saints mall blefs Thee evermore ! 1 1. Thy kingdom's glory they mall tell, And talk of all thy -pow'r divine ; 1 2* That men his mighty acls may know, His kingdom's grace that bright doth iliine! 13. Thy kingdom never hath an -end; For evermore endures thy reign : 14. JEHOVAH lifts the bowed down, The falling doth with pow'r iuftain. 1 5. The eyes of all attend on Thee, In whom they being have, and live ; And, in convenient feafon, Thou Sufficient food, to all doll give. 16. Yea, Thou thine hand doft open wide, And, to the full, O Thou MOST HIGH! The want of every living thing Munificently doll fupply ! 17. JEHOVAH, juil and holy doth In all his ways and works appear - 7 18. PSALM CXLV. CXLVI. 355 r 1 8: He's nigh to all who on Him call, Who in the truth to Him draw near. *9 The heart's flefrre He will fulfil, Of thofe who to bis fear apply ; In trouble He will anfwer them, And fave them when He hears their cry* 20. JEHOVAH thofe who do Him love, Preferves from ev'ry evil free ; But all who wicked workers are, Shall furely defolated be. 2 1 . My mouth (hall (peak JEHO V A H 's praife^ And tell his wonders o'er and o'er ; And let all item his holy Name Biefs henceforth, and for evermore 1 o P S A L M CXLVI. TRAISEyeT \H!-praifeGODmyfoul! 2. JEHOVAH I will praife As long's I live;-as long's I am, fongs to my GOD I'll raife. 3. Truft not in thofe who cannot fave, in Princes, — in Man's fon ; 4. His b?eath departs. — to dud he turns, — that day his thoughts are gone ! 5» 356 PSALM CXLVL 5. O happy is that man, and bleft, whom JACOB'S GOD doth aid ; Whole hope doth on JEHOVAH red, — upon his GOD is ftay'd ! 6. On Him! who made the Heav'ns and Earth, who made the fwelling Deep, And all that is contain' d therein \ — who truth doth ever keep: 7. Who executeth judgment jiift for thofe opprefs'd that be ; Who to the hungry giveth bread ; — GOD fets the pris'ners free ! 8. JEHOVAH gives the blind their fight, the bowled down doth raife ; JEHOVAH dearly loveth all who walk in upright ways : 9. The Stranger's Shield, the Widow's Stay, the Orphan's Help, is He ; But utterly o'erthrows the way of thofe that, wicked be. 10. JEHOVAH mall for ever reign : — for ever, evermore, Thy GOD, O Zion, mall bear rule: —J AH evermore adore i PSALM o PSALM CXLVII. 357 P S A L M CXLVII. PRAISE ye JAH ! for it is good pfalms to OUR. GOD to raife -> For 'tis a pleafant, comely thing, to render thankful praife. 2. JEHOVAH, by his mighty pow'r, Jerusalem's walls doth rear j He gath'reth Ifr'el's outcaits in, * and brings them to Him near : 3. Thofe who are broken in their hearts^ and grieved in their minds, He healeth, and their painful wounds all tenderly up-binds : 4. He counts the number of the ftars, — He names them ev'ry one : 5. Great is OUR LORD, and great in powV, none fearch his wifdom can ! 6. JEHOVAH HFteth up the meek, the wicked down doth bring ; 7. -Refponiive, fing JEHOVAH thanks, on harp his praifes fing : 8. Who o'er the heav'ns doth bring the clouds, and rain for th' earth prepare ; Who makes the mountains, by his pcw'r, % the budding grafs to bear : 353 PSAL M CXLVII. 9. Who doth the beafl of*ev'ry kind with timely food fupply ; Who feeds the ravens younglings all, that unto Him do cry ! 10. JEHOVAH's pleafure lieth not in what doth pleafe man's fight ; The Horfe's ftrength, the gait of Man, to Him yield no delight : 11. JEHOVAH his complacence hath in thofe who do Him fear ; Thofe who do in his mercy hope, and all his words revere. 12. Jerus'lem ! fmg JEHOVAH's praife; Thou Zion! GOD confers; 13. Thy GOD! who makes thy gates bars flrong, who doth thy children blefs : 14. Peace in thy borders He doth make, — with fined wheat thee feed ; 15. On earth He his commandment fends : — his word doth run with fpeed. 16. Hoar froft, like allies, fpreads He round; like wool, doth mow command ; 17. Like models, cafteth forth his ice; — who in his cold can Hand ? 18. He fends his word, and melteth them; — his wind He makes to blow ; And PSALM CXLVII. CXLVIII. 359 And fluent, then, the waters all, as formerly, do flew. The doctrine of his holy word to Jacob He hath mown ; His ftatutes, and his judgments all, to Ifr'el hath made known : 20. So, to no nation under heav'n, reveal'd Himfelf hath He, Nor have they thus his judgments known j J AH ever praifed be ! PSALM CXLVIII. JL RAISE, praife JEHOVAH from the on high his glory raife : (Heav'ns \ 2. All ye his Angels, praife ye Him; all ye his Hods, Him praife : 3. To Him give praife, ye Sun and Moon, praife Him, ye Stars of light ; 4. Give praife to Him, ye Heav'n of Heav'ns, and Floods above Heav'ns height : 5. Let them all praife JEHOVAH's Name, becaufe, at his command, They all were made, and ever fix'd : 6. —He fpake, and it (hall (land. 3 <5o PSAL M CXLVIII. CXLIX. 7. From Earth, JEHOV All's praifes fmg, ye Mongers, and all Deeps ; 8. Fire, Hail, and Snow, and Vapour thick, and Storm his word that keeps ; 9. -Ye Mountains, Hills, and fruitful Trees., ' and all ye Cedars high ; 10. Wild Beads, and Cattle, Reptiles all, and all ye Birds that fly ; 11. Kings, and all Nations of the earth, earth's Judges, Princes all, 5 2. Youths, Children, Virgins, and Old Men; — let all obey the call : 13. Let them all praife JEHOVAH's Name, for his Name's only great ; < His Glory 'bove the earth and heav'ns, advanced is in itate ! •14. And He exalts his people's horn: Him all his faints adore ; -All llr'el's feed — a race Him near : O praife JAH evermore ! o PSALM CXLIX. PRAISE ye JAH !-a glad new fong, high to JEHOVAH raife : In PSALM CXLIX. 361 In congregation of his Saints, eternise ye his praife. 2. Let Ifrel in HIS MAKER joy, and praifes to Himfing; Let Zion's children all exult, and glory in THEIR KING : 3. Yea, let them to his worthy Name give praifes in the dance ; Let them with timbrel, and with harp, in fongs his praife advance : 4. Becaufe JEHOVAH his delight - doth in his people place ; And will the meek all-glorious make with his Salvation's grace ! 5. In his Excelling Glory, then, let all his Saints rejoice ; Let them upon their beds, to Him, exulting, lift their voice : 6. Sound let their mouth G CD's praifes high with triumph, all the day ; And let them, in their right hand, {till, the two-edg'd fword difplay, 7. In readinefs to take revenge upon the nations all ; And make deferv'd rebukes, with pow'r, upon the people fall : H h 8* 362 PSALM CXLIX. CL. 8. With chains, as pris'ners, fail to bind their Kings who them command ; In iron fetters to confine the Nobles of their land ; 9. To execute upon them all the judgment on record ; This honour great have all his Saints) — -JAH ever be ador'd i s. PSALM CL, 'ING JAH's praifes evermore, Him THE HOLY GOD adore: Praife ye Him within the fky, Where in pow'r He dwells on high : 2. Praife Him for his deeds of might ; Praife Him for his glory bright : 3. Loud, with Trumpets, praife proclaim, On the Pfalt'ry, praife his Name. On the Harp, his praife exprefs ; 4. Him, with Timbrels, praife and blefs. Move to Him in facred dance, Thus his praife, ftill, to advance $ All PSALM CL. 363 All firing' d inftruments employ, To exprefs his praife with joy. Hymns on th' Organ to Him raife ; Sound, on Cymbals loud, his praife : With the Cymbals gladfome found, All his praifes high refound : All things breathing J AH adore, Praife ye JAH for evermore ! THE END. SI TIB I!— S AT MI HI. '¥