w^ It gives, but borrows none. 2 The hand that gave it, still supplier? The gracious light and heat ; Its truths upon the nations rise, Thoy ri&e, but never set. ^ Let endless thanks, O God ! '^^^ tin ,.. For such a bright di&pla ^ FSALMS AND HYMNS. Ab makes a world of darkness shinv With beams of heav'nly day. 4 ^^ ith steadfast zeal may we pursue The paths of truth and love ; Till glory break upon our view In brighter worlds above, Coi^pert IS. CM. The vegetable Creation, an Emblem o( the Resurrection of Man. 1 All nature dies, and lives again : The flowVs that paint the field. The trees that crown the mountain's brow. And boughs and blossoms yield. 2 Tliese, all resign their beauteous form, At winter's stormy blast ; And leave the naked leafless plain A desolated waste, S Yet soon reviving plants and flowVs Anew shall deck the plain ; The woods shall hear the voice of spring And flourish green again. 4 So to the dreary grave consigned, Man sleeps in death's dark glooui. Until th' eternal mt)rningwake The slumbers cff the tomb. 5 O may the grave become to us 'l*he bed of peaceful rest ; Whence we shall gladly rise at length. And mingle wiui the blest ! PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 Cheerd bv this hope, with patient mind We'll wait Heav'n's high decree ; Till the appointed period come When death shall set us free. Edinburgh Coll. 19. CM. Creation of Man. 1 A God, a God, the wide earth shouts ! A God ! the Heav*n's reply : He moulded in his palm the world. And hung it in the sky. 2 " Let us make man'- : — with beauty clad. And health in ev'ry vein ; With reason thronM upon his brow, Stepp'd forth majestic tian. 3 Around he turn'd his wond'ring eyes, All nature's works surveys ; Admires the earth, the skies, himself; And tries his tongue in praise. 4 Ye hills, and vales ! ye meads and woods ! Sun ! with o*erpowTin«; glare, Fair creatures, tell me, if ye can. From whence, and what ye are ? 5 What parent powl*, all great and good, Do tliese around me own ? Tell me, creation, tell me liow T' adore the vast unknow n ! Darwin. I^SALMS AND HVMKS, 20. s.M. Praise. 1 A jovful song to God, Now let our voices raise ; His wondrous works and boundless love Demand our highest praise. 2 He o:ives us wholesome food And richest draughts of wine ; And life, thro' Christ's redee«iing blood. Immortal and divine. 5 i^o let us sing his praise While life and being last ; Then taste those beatific joys Which cannot be express M. S. Strcc And bless the hand which made them shine. With various charms profusely gay. S For man and beas^here daily food, In wide diffusive plenty grow ; And there, for drink, the crystal flood. In streams sweet-winding gently flow. 3 By cooling streams and soft'ning shov> *rs The vegetable race are fed ; And trees and plants, and herbs and flow'rs, Their Maker's bounty smiling spread. 4 The flow'ry tribes, all blooming rise Above the faint attempts of art ; Their bright inimitable dyes Speak sweet conviction to the heart. 5 Ye curious winds, that roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er. Confess the footsteps of our God, And bow before him and adore. Mrs. Steelex ^ 24. L. M. God eternal and unchangeable. 1 All-pow'rful, self-existent God, Who all creation dost sustain ! Thou wast, and art, and art to come, And everlasting is thy reign. FSALlVfS AND HYMN 8. 2 Fix'd and eternal as thy days. Each glorious attribute divine, Through ages in^nite, shall still With undiminish'd lustre shine. 3 Fountain of b«ng ! source of good ! Immutable thou dost remain ; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign* 4 Nature h«r order shall reverse, Revolving seasons cease their round. Nor spring appear with blooming pride. Nor autumn be with plenty crownd, 5 Yon shining orbs forget their course, The sun his destin'd path forsake, And burning desolation mark Amid the worlds his devious track. 6 Earth may with all herpowVs dissolve, If such the great Creator's will ; But thou forever art the same, I AM, is thy memorial still. Walker's ColL 25. H.M. Kingdom of Christ. Dan. ii. 44. Psa. xxii. 27. Ixvii 3. 4. 1 All hail, redeeming Lord ! The wondrous things foretold Of thee in sacred v/rit. With ioy our eyes behold : Still does thy arm new trophies wear And monuments of glory rear. P5ALM5 AND HYMNS. 2J To thee the hoary head Its silver honours pays ; To thee the blooming youth Devotes his brightest days : And evTy age their tribute brings And bow to thee, all conqu'ring King. S h^ste, victorious Prince, That happy, glorious day, "When souls like drops of dew ^ Shall own thy gentle sway ! may it bless our longing eyes, And bear our shouts beyond the skies 1 4 All hail, triumphant Lord ! Eternal be thy reign ; Behold the nations sue To wear the gentle chain : ^Vhcn earth and time are known no more, Thy throne shall stand forever sure. Wesley's CoU. 26. CM. • Aspiiatioii after the Christian Temper. 1 Almighty Maker ! Lord of all ! Of life the only spring 1 Creator of unnumber'd worlds ! Supreme, eternal King I 2 Drive from the confines of our hearts Impenitence and pride ; Nor let us in forbidden paths With thoughtless sinners glide* > Whatever tliine all-discerning eye. 5?^es for thy creatures fit ; PSALMS AND HYMNSo We'll bless the good, and to th'e ill Contentedly submit. 4 With gen'rous pleasure let us view The prosp'rous and the great ; Malignant envy let us fly. And odious self-conceit. 5 Let not despair, nor fell revenge^ Be to our bosoms known ; O give us tears for other's woes. And patience for our own 1 6 Still let our days serenely pass. Without remorse or care ; And growing holiness, our souls For life's last hour prepare. Select Col! 27. L.M. Candour. 1 All-Seeing, God! 'tis thine to know The springs whence wrong opinions flow ; To judge, from principles within. When frailty errs, and when we sin. 2 Where is the man, gretit Lord of all ' Thy servant to his bar shall call ; Jud,ge him for modes of faith thy foe, And doom him to the realms oi wo r 5 Who w^ith another's eye can read. Or worship by another's creed ? Trusting thy grace, we form our own. And bov/ to thy commands alone. PSALMS AND HYMNS 4 If wron;j, correct ; accept, if right ; ^Vhile faithful we improve our light, — Condemning none, but zealous stiH, To learn and follow all thy will. 5 When shall our happy eyes behold All people fashion'd in thy mouUl ; And charity their lineage prove beriv'd from thee, O God of love ! Scott, 28. L.M. The Example of Christ. 1 And is the gospel peace and love f So let our conversation be : The serpent blended with the dove. Wisdom and meek simplicity. 5 Whene'er the angry passions rise. And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife. On Jesus let us fix our eye«. Bright pattern of the Christian life ! 3 how benevolent and kind ! How mild ! how ready to forgive ? Be his the temper of our mind. And his tlie rule3 by which we live. 4 To do his heav'nly Father's will Was his employment and delight : Humility and holy zeal Shone through his life, divinely bright ! 5 Dispensing good where'er became, The labors of his life v.ere love ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Then if we bear the Saviour's name. By his example let us move. Mrs- Steele. 29. CM Acquiescence in the Will of God* 1 Author of good ! we rest on thee ; Thine ever watchful eye. Alone our real wants can see, Thy hand alone supply. € let thy fear within us dwell. Thy love our footsteps guide ! That love shall vainer loves expel ; That fear, all fears beside. 3 And since, bj passion's force subdu'd, Too oft with stubborn will. We blindly shun the latent good, And grasp the specious ill : 4 Not what we wish, but what we want Luet mercy still supply : The good, unask'd, O Father ! grants The ill, though ask'd, deny. Merrick. 30. CM. Jesu^ owned Lord cf all. Isa. xi. 10. Hab. ii. 14. Rom. xi. 25, 26. 1 All hail the pow'r of Jes^is' name ' Let angels prostrate fall . Bring forth the royal diadem, And ov/Ti him Lord cf ilL PSALMS AND HYMNS. li Ye wand'rlng seed of Israel's race, A reiimant >\'^ak and small ; Praise him, who saves you by his grace^^ And own him Lord of all. 3 Ye gentile sinners, ne'er forget Tiie wormwood and the o;all ; Go — spread your trophies at his feet, And own him Lord of all. 4 Babes, men, and sires, who know his love^ ^Vho feel your sin and tlirall. Now joy with all the hosts above, And own him Lord of all. 5 Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribes On this terrestrial ball, To him all majiesty ascribe. And own him tord of all. 6 And when with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet^shall fall ! ^Ve*ll join the everlasting song^ And own him Lord of all. Rippon's CoH* 31. lls.M. *• Prepare ye the Way of the Lord." Luke iii. 4. 1 A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill : " The Lord is advancing : prepare ye the way I The word of Jehovah he'comes to fulfil, And o'er the dark world pour the splendor of day. : Bringdown the proud mountain, though tow'r- incr above, :^d be the low valley exalted on high ; 4 PSAtMS AND HYMNS. The rough place and crooked be smfoothen'd by love. For Zion ! your King, your Redeemer is nigh. 3 The beams of salvation his progress illume. The tone dreary wilderness sings to her God ! The rose and the niirtle there suddenly bloom, The olive of p^eace spreads its branches a- broad.'' Drumftiond. 32. L.M. Personal Virtues. 1 Awake, my soul ! rouse ev'ry powV, Thy native dignity display : Let lust and passion reign no more. No longer own their lawless sway. 2 Thy temper meek and humble be. Content and pleas'd with ev'ry state ; From dire revenge and envy free, And wild ambition to be great. 3 Confine thy roving appetites ; From this vain world withdraw thine eyes, Fix them on those divine delights, Reserv'd for saints above the skies. 4 With eager zeal pursue the prize ; Each fleeting hour of life improve ; This course will speak thee truly wise, 'Till call'd to yon bless'd world above, Bjrowafe, PSALMS AND HYMXSi, 33. CM. Zeal and Vigour in the Christian Race. Phil. n\A2y 14. 1 Awake, each soul ! stretch e\ Ty nerve. And press with vigour on : A heav'nly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crowa. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod. And onward urge thy \vay, S *Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis his own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye. 4 That prize, with peerless glory bright, \Vhich shall new lustre boast, When > ictors' wreaths and monarchs' gem? Shall blend inibnimon dust. 5 Then soul, with all thy waken'd powers. Survey th' immortal prize ; Nor let the glittVing toys of earth. Allure thy vvand'nng eyes. Djaddiidge. 34. CM. Thomph in Prosp'Jct of future Glory. Rom. xiii. 11 . 1 Awake, ye saints ! and raise your eye?. And raise your voices high : Awake, and praise that sovereign love. Which shows salvation nigh. PSALMS AND HYMNS. S On all the wings of time it flies ; Each moment brings it near : Then welcome each declining day, Welcome each closing year. 3 Not many years their round shall run, Not many mornings rise, Ere all its glories stand reveal'd To our admiring eyes. 4 Ye wheels of nature speed your course ; Ye mortal povv'rs decay ! Fast as ye bring the night of death. Ye bring eternal day. Dpddridge, 35. CM. The Condescension of God. 1 Amidst the heav'nly pow'rs sublime God's throne is fix'd on high ; And through eternity (he hears The praises of the sky. .2 Yet, looking down, he visits oft The humble, hallow'd cell ; And with the penitent who mourns, 'Tis his delight to dwell : 3 The downcast spirit to revive. The sorrowful to cheer ; And from the bed of dust, the man Of contrite heart to rear. 4 With him dwells no relentless wrath Against the human race : PSALMS AND HYMNS. The souls which he has form'd, shall find A refuge in his grace. Edinburgh Coll. 36. s.M. The living Sacrifice. 1 And will th' eternal King So mean a gift reward ? That off 'ring Lord ! with joy we bring. Which thy own hand prepared. 2 We own thy various claim. And to thine altar move, The willing victims of thy grace. And bound with cords of love. 3 Descend, celestial fire ! The sacrifice inflame ! So shall a grateful odour rise Through our Redeemer's name. Doddridge. 37. CM. Christian Zeal and Diligence. 1 Are not thy mercies sovereign stili. And thou a faithful God ? Wilt thou not grant us warmer zeai To run the heav'niy road ? 2 We need the influence of thy graw*. To speed us in thy v/ay. Lest we should loiter in'our race. Or turn our feet astray. 4* r^SALMS AND HYMNS. S Do not our hearts thy precepts love, Aud long to see thy face ? And yet how slow our spirits move^ ' Without enliv'ning grace ! 4 But we shall love thy gospel more. And ne'er forget thy word. When we have felt its quick'ning powV, To draw us near the Lord. Watts. 38. L.M. The happy State of the Christian. 1 As we advance in wisdom's ways. Thy love demands new songs of praise; Our pleasures, joys, and hopes increase. And all within is settled peace. It Our foes with weaker pow'rs assail ; With strength increasing we prevail ; Above our ev'ry tempter rise. And press with zeal towards the skies. 3 Look we at death ! 'tis with delight ; A gentle sleep, and short the night ; Angels support the feeble head. Our souls have nothing here to dread. 4 Think we of judgment! happy dayj[ Joyful the summons we oliey ; It is to meet the God we love, And take our glorious crowns above. 5 Transporting thought ! celestial state I For this we live) for this we wait i FSALMS AND HYMNS. And wliile we take the happy yoad, Our sotgs of praise ascend to God. Unknown. oy. Ts.M. six lines. Commencement of Public Worship. 1 At the portals of thy house, Lord ! we leave our mortal cares; Nobler thoughts our souls engage, Songs of piaise and fervent prayers^ Pure and contrite hearts alone, Find acceptance at thy throne. 2 Hapless men, whose footsteps stray From the temple of the Lord I Teach them Zion-s heav'nly way, To their feet thy light aiford : Let the world united join, To extol thy love divine. . J, Taylt)r. 40. H. M. The Lord's Day ^lorning. 1 Awake, our drowsy souls ! Shake ofTeach slothful band!. The wonders of this day Our noblest songs demand. Auspicious morn. Thy blissful rays. Bright seraphs hail. In songs of praise T 2 At thy approaching dawn, Reluctant death resigned The glorious Prince of life, Id Ui^ dark vault confin'd. PSALMS AND HYMNS. Th' angelic host Around him bends. And, midst their shouts, The Lord ascends- 3 All hail, triumphant Lord ! Heav'n with hosanna rings; While earth, in humbler strains, Thy praise responsive sings. Wortny art thou. Who once \vast slain, Thro' endless years To live and reign. 4 Gird on, great King, thy sword. Ascend thy conquMng car, WMiile justice, truth and love Maintain the glorious war. Victorious thou. Thy foes shalt tread, And sin and death In triumph lead, 5 Make bare thy potent arm. And wing th' unerring dart. With salutary pangs. To each rebellious heart. Then dying souls For life shall sue. Numerous as drops Of morning dew. Rippon'fi C©IL 41. CM. Hearing the Voice of Gad's Rod. 1 Attend each soul, with revVent awe. The dictates of thy God; Silent and trembling hear the voice, Of his appointed rod. 2 Now let us search and try ouj ways. And prostrate seek his face, Conscious of guilt, before his throhe In dust our souls abase. PSALMS AND HYMNS. ? Teach us, God ! uhat's yet unknown. And all our crimes forgive ; Those crimes we would no more repeat, But to thy honour live. 4 Our wither'd joys too plainly sliow That all on earth is vain ; In God our wounded hearts confide. True rest and bliss to gain. i) Father! we wait tiiy gracious calU To leave tliis mournrul land. And bathe in rivers of delight That flow at thy right hand. Dcddridg^* 42. CM. God tlic Refuge of the Afflicted. 1 Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave resounds to wave ; Thouj!;h o'er our heads the billows roll. We know the Lord can save. 2 When darkness, and when sorrows rose And pressed on evVy side, The Lord hath still sustain'd our steps, And still hath been our guide. 3 Perhaps, before the morning dawn. He will restore our peace; For he who bade tlie tempest roar Can bid the tempest cea:?e. 4 In the dark watches Qf tlie night We'll count hh mercies o'er : PSALIVtS AND HYMNS. We'll praise him for ten thousand past, And humbly plead for more. 5 Here will we rest, here build our hopes, Nor murmur at his rod ; He^s more to us than all the world. Our health, our life, our God. Cotton 43. CM. SwiouG Reflections on cnir iNToral Conditiorh-*- [For the close of the year.] 1 And now, my soul ! another year Of my short life is past : I cannot long continue here ; And this may be my last. 2 Part of my doubtful life is gone/ Nor will return again ; And swift my fleeting moments run — The few which still remain ! 3 Awnke, my soul ! with all thy care Thy true condition learn ; What are thy hopes, how sure, how fail'. And what thy great concern ? 4 Now a new space of life begins ; Set out afresh for heav'n : Seek pardon for thy former sins. Through christ, so freely giv'n^ 5' Devoutly yield thyself to God, And on his grace depend ; With zeal pursue the heavenly road, Nor doubt a happy end* Exetef Cdll FSALMS AND HYMNS- 44. L.M. The Christian Race. 1 AwA!tE, our souls ; away our fears ; Let every trembling thought be gone : Awake, and run the heav'nly race, And put a cheerful courage on ! 2 True His a straight and pleasant road ; Yet mortal spirits tire, and faint When they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of ev'ry saint : 3 The mighty God, whose powerful hand Has matchless works of w^onder done ; And shall endure, whilst endless years Their everlastiiig circles run. 4 From him, the overflowing spring, Our souls shall drink a rich supply; Whilst those who trust their native strength Shall melt ^v, ay, and droop and die. 5 Swift as an e^le cuts the air, We'll mount aloft to thine abode, On wings of love our souls shall fly. Nor tire amidst the heav'nly road. Waus 45. L.M. Praise for Divine Goodness. 1 Awake, each soul ! awake, each tongue^! Our God demands a grateful song: Let all our nobler pow'rs record The wundro'w mercv of the Lord. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Dmnely free, hts mercy flows. Forgives our crimes, allavs our woes; He bids approaching death remove^ And crowns us with indulgent love. 3 He fills our longing souls with good. Substantial bliss ! immortal food ! Youth smiles renew'd in active pnme. And triumphs o'er the pow'r of time* 4 In him the poor oppressed shall find A friend, almighty, just and kind ; His 2;h)i ir ever qucucli'd its sabred fire- PSALMS A\D UVM:.-. It died to sin, to woe, and caic ; Yet for a nuoment felt the rod ; Then springing on the viewless air Spread its light wings and soarM to God. 50. S. M. jI icii-L — ?ia. Ixviii. 4. ciii. 1, 4. 1 Awake, and sing the song. Of Moses and the Lamb, Walce ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of his saving love ; Sing of his rising pow'r ; Sing how^ he intercedes above. For those AvJio.se sins lie bore. 3 Sins: on vour heav^nlv wny, 1 e lansom d sinners smg ; Sing on rejoicing ev-rv day. In Christ jour coaqu'riilg king. 4 Soon shall ye hear him say, " Ye blessed children come ;*' Soon will he call you hence away, And take his waud'i;ers home. We5l''s Coll. 51. L. 31. As thy Day is, so shaii thy Strength be. Afflicted souls, to Christ draw near. Thy Saviour's gracious promise hear : r^ALMS AND HYMN«. Ihs faithful word declares to thee. That as thy day, thy strength shall be, '2 Let not thy heart despond and saj^ ** How shall 1 stand the trying day ?'' He hath engag-'d by firm decree. That as thy day, thy strength slmll be. 3 Tliy faith is weak, thy foes arc strong*; And if the conflict should be long. Thy Lord will make the tempter flee ^ For as thy day, tiiy strength shall be. 4 Should persecution rage and flkme. Still trust in thy Redeemer's name ; In fiVy trials tliou shalt see, That as thy day, thy strength shall be. 5 When call'd to bear the mighty crois. Or sore affliction, pain, or loss. Or deep distress, or poverty ; Still as thy day, thy strength shall be. 6 When ghastly death appears in view, Christ's presence shall thy fears subdue ; He comes to set thy spirit free, And as thy day, thy strength shall be. Unknown. 52. c. M. The Grace and Love of Christ. 1 Aloud w*e sing the wondrous grace, Christ to his murd'rers bare ; ^\ hich n^ade the torturing cross its throni^. And hung its trophies there. PSALMS AND IIY^FNS. 2 ^ Father forgive," hrs mercy cried, With his expiring breath. And drew eternal blessings down On those who wrought his death. 3 Jesus, this wondrous love we sing, And wliile we sing admire ; Breathe on our souls and kindte there. The same celestial tire. 4 SwayM by thy dear example, we For enemies will pray ; By love, their hatred, and their curse With blessings we'll repay — Unknown, o3. L. M. A general Ifymn of Praise. 1 Bk thou exaUed, O our God, Above the heav'ns where angels dwell ; Thy pow'r on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders telh \ With joyful voice well sound thj praise, (3 th^)u, from whem all beings came : Our hearts are lix'd, our tongues shall raise Immortal honors to thy name. 3 In thee, O God, are all the springs Of boundless love, and grace unknown ; The richest Wessings nature brings. Are gifts descending from thy throne. ^ High o'er the earth, thy goodness reigns^: And reaches to the utmost sky ; - 5'^ PSALMS AND HYMi^. Thy truth to endless jcavs remains, Though lower worlds dissolve and diii 5 Be thou exalted, our G*od, Abo\"e the heav-ns where angels dwell , Thv pow'r on eartli be known abroad. And land to land thy wonders tell. "Watte, 54. L. M. Praise from all Mankind. 1 Before Jehovah's awful throne. Ye nations I bow with sacred joy ; Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign pow'r, which all things made, Gave life to clay, and form'd us men ; And when like wand'ring sheep we stray-d. He Uiought us to his fold again. S We ure his people, we his care, He still supports our feeble frame ; What lasting honours shall we rear. Almighty Maker, to thy name ! 4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful S0Dg§, Hi2;h as the heav'ns our voices rais.e ; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 5 Wide as the w orld is thy command ; Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock* thy truth shall stand. When rolling years shall cea^e to move. Waits. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 55. 8, 8, 6 M. Praise from all Nature. Psalms cxlviil 1 Begin, my soul ! th' exalted lay; Let each enraptur'd thoug))t obey, And praise th' Almighty's name; Let heav*n, and earth, and seas, and ski^. In one melodious concert rise. To swell th' inspiring theme. fi Thou heav'n of heav'ns, his vast abode, Ye clouds, proclaim your Maker, God ; Ye thunders, speak his pow*r; Lo ! on tlie lightning's rapid wings, Li triumph rides the King of kings, Th' astonish'd worlds adore. 3 Ye deeps, whose roaring billows rise To join the thunders of the skies. Praise him, who bids you roll ; His praise in softer notes declare. Each whisp'ring breeze of yielding air. And breathe it to the soul. 4 WakQ, -all ye soaring tribes, and sing; Ye cheerful warblers of the spring. Harmonious anthems raise To him, vrho shap'd your finer mould, Andtipp'd your glitt'ring wings with gold. And tun'd your voice to praise. Let iiian, by nobler passions sway'd — • The feeling heart, the judg;ing head, In heav*nly praise employ; 1 PSALMS AND HYM?^. ' ■ \ Spread tlie Creator's name around, A| Till heav'n's broad arch ring back the sound, ^ The gen'ral burst of joy. 1 Ogilvie. i| 56. s. M. ^ The Book of Nature and Scripture. Psalms xi^* : 1 Behold ! the morning sun j Begins his glorious way; His beams through all the nations run. And life and light convey. 2 The darkness and the light, M'hose gen'ral voice i,s kn-own ; Proclaim Jehovah's boundless mighty The orders of his throne. 3 Ye christian lands rejoice ; To you his word is giv'n ; Nor are you left from nature's voice To learn the path to heav'n. 4 His statutes and commands Are set before our eyes; He puts his gospel in our hands. Where our salvation lies. 5 His laws are just and pure. His truth without deceit ; His promises forever sure, And his rewards are great. 6 While with the heart and tongue, We spread thy praise abroad. Accept the worship and the song. Our Saviour and our God. Watt?, alx'^ iSALMS AND HYMNS. 57. rs. M. I'Vceuoni fiOm Errors, Guilt, and Foliy. Ps. xix. IV. Iv 1 Bless'd Instructor I from thy ways, Who can tell how oft he strays r Save from error's growth the mind. Leave not. Lord! one root behind. '2 Purge us from the guilt that lies Wrapt within our hearts' disguise : Let us thence, by thee renew'd, Each presumptuous sin exclude:. 3 Let our tongues, from error free. Speak the words approved by thee ; To thine all -observing eyes, Let our thoughts accepted rise. 4 While we thus thy name adore, And thy healins^ ^race iiuplore, Bless'd Redeemer I bow thine ear ; Cheer- d by its beams, our soul- Shall run the heav'nlv wav : PSALMS AISD HYMNS. The path which Christ hath mark' tl and trod , AVill lead to eixlless day. Needham'. 60. L. M. Christ tl^ Light and Life of the World. 1 Behold the light ! now see it rise, How fast it spreads 1 fills earth and skies, AVhile night and darkness flee apace. Before the Savioiir^s day of grace. 2 The sun's bright beam shall now expire In brighter rays and warmer fire ; Nature, regenerate and pure. Shall rise to glory, and endure. 3 No winter shall these climes annoy. No chilling blasts young buds destroy ; The tree of life its"^ fruit shall yield. And dying man of death be heal'd. [ 4 Seraphic raptures swell tlie theme, And joys bewilder like a dream ; Then wait, each soul, the perfect day; Yet walk the bright, the shining way. nrBalloii.^ 61. L. M. The b€?tter Part. Luke x. 43. 1 Besft with snares on ev'ry hand, In life's uncertain path we\stand: Father, divine ! diffuse thy light. To guide our do^ibtful footsteps ri;;;lit' PSALMS AND HYMXS. £ Engage our roving treach-roiis heart. To choose the vise, the better part; To scorn the trifles of a day. For joys that neTerfade away. 3 Then. let the fiercest storms arise, L^t tempests mingle earth and skies; No fatal shipwrecks shall w^e fear. But all our treasures with us bear. 4 If thou, our Father, still be nigh. Cheerful we live, and joyful die ; Secure when mortal comforts flee. To fmd a thousand worlds in thee. DodAldge. 62. c. M. Christian Charity, 1 Behold, where, breathing love divine. Our dying Master stands ! His weeping foll'wers, gathering round. Receive' his last commands. 2 From that mild Teacher's parting lips What tender accents fell ! The gentle precept which he gave Became its author well. 5 BlessVl is the man, whose soffning hea^t Feels all another's pain ; To whom the supplicating eye Was never rais'd in vajn ; 4 l]^ spreads his kind supporting arn^s To ev'ry child of grief ; l^SALMS AND HYMNS. His secret bounty largely flows,, And brings uiiaskM relief. 5 To gentle ottice^ of love. His ieet are never slow : He views through mercy's melting eve, A brother in a foe. To him protection shall be shown ; And mercy from above Descend on those who thus fulfil. The perfect law of love. Mrs. Barba^Ji^ 63. c. M. The Example of Jesus. 1 Behold, where, in a mortal fornu Appears eacli grace divine ; The virtues, all in Jesus meet, With mildest radiance shine. £ To spread the rays of heav'nly lighi^ To give the mourner joy. To preach glad tidings to the poor, \Vas his divine employ. 3 Mid keen reproach and cruel scorn^ Patient and meek he stood ; His foes ungrateful sought his life ; He iabourd for their good. 4 To God he left his righteous cause. And still his task pursued ; "While humble prayV, and holy faith^ His fainting strength renewed/ 6 PSALMS AND HYMNIB. 5 In the last hoiir of deep distress. Before his father's throne, With soul resigned, he bow'd and said, " Thy will, not mine, he done !'^ 6 Be Christ our pattern, and our guide !, His image may we bear ! O may we tread his Iwly steps, m His joy and glory share ! 1 Enfie]d. n 64. c. M. Christ's Resttriection the Pledge of ours, 1 Pet. K 3 — 6\ 1 Bless'd be the everlasting God, The Father of our Lord ; Be his abounding liiercy projis'd. His majesty ador/d^ S When from the dead he raised his Son, And caird him to the sky, He gave our souls a lively hope That they sliould never die. 3 What though his uncontroll*<^ decree Comm^d our flesh to dust ; Since Chris^ our pledge and pattern, rose. So all his foll'wers must. 4 There's an inheritance divine. Reserved against that day ; 'Tis incorrupted, undefil'd. And fadeth not away. 5 ^Ve by thy pow'r, O God ! are kept Till this deliverance com% : PSALMS AND IIYMNS. We ".valk by fulth as strangers Iier^, Till thau shalt call us kome, Watts altjerejd^ 65. c. M. Confidence founded in the Fear of God. 1 Bless'd is the man who fears the Lgrd : His well establish'd mind. In ev'ry varying scene of life, Shall true composure find. 2 Oft through the deep and stormy &ea, The heavenly footsjteps lie ; But on a glorious world beyond. His faiih can fix its eye. 3 Though dark his pnesent prospects be, And sorrows round him dwell, Yet hope can whisper to his soul. That all shall issue well. 4 Full in the presence of his God, Through ev^ry scene he goes ; And fearing him, no other fear His steadfast bosom knows. 5 No dangers can his soul alarm, No gloomy views aftVight ; For faith assures his humble heart, Wliatever is, is right. E.^eter CoU. P-SALMS AND HYMXS. 66. H. M. The Gospel Jubilee. i Blow ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound ; Let all thii nations know. To earth's remotest bound, The year of Jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, jiome. 2 Behold the Son of God, ComniissionM from above, To all the human race. The messenger of love ; The year of Jubilee is come, Retum, ye ransomM sinners, homCc 3 The gospel trumpet sounds; Let all the nations hear, And earth's remotest bounds Before the throne appear ; The year of Jubilee is come, Return, ye rarisomM sinners, home. Rippon's Col^ 67. s. M. The Birth of Christ. Luke ii. l4^ 1 Behold ! the <^'ace appears, The blessiiig promised long ; Angels announce the Saviour near, In this triumphant song : £ "^ Glory to God on high, And heav'niy peace on earth. i^SALMS AND HYMXS. Good-will to men, to an2;els j/)y, At the Redeemer's birth I" 3 In worship so divine, Let saints employ their tongues ; With the celestial host we join, And loud repeat their songs, 4 Glory to God on high. And heavenly peace on earth ; Good-will to men, to ano;eis joy. At our Redeemer's birth I "Watt5. 68. s. M. vSupport in Death. Ps. xxiii. 1 Behold the gloomy vale, AVhich thou, my soul ! must tread. Beset with terrors fierce and pale, That leads thee to the dead. 2 Ye pleasing scenes, adieu ! Which I so long have known : My friends, a long farewell to you ! For I must pass alone. 3 But see I a ray of light, With splendour all divine. Breaks through these dreary realms of nighi. And makes their horrors shine. 4 Where death, where darkness reigns, Jehovah is my stay ; His rod my trembling feet sustains, His staft' defends my way. 6^ ^ 1SALM3 AND IIYM^ri3. 5 Great Shepherd ! lead me on ) My soul disdains to fear ; Death's c^loomy phantoms all are flo^^•il, Now life's great Lord is near. Doddridgpc 69. c. M. Faith in the Promise of Salvation. 1 B(5gin, our tongues, some heav'nly themej And speak some lofty thing ; The mighty works, or mighty name. Of our eternal King ! "^l Tell of his wondrous faithfulness. Or sound his pow'r abroad ; Sing the bless'd promise of his grace. And the performing God. 5 Proclaim salvation from the Loid, To sinful, dying men ; His hand has writ the sacred word^ With-an unerring pen. 4 Engrav'^d as in eternal brass. The gracious promise shines ; Nor siiall the hand of time erase Those everlasting lines. 5 Then why these doubts and sad complaints ? If Christ and we are one. This truth is provM by all the saints. Who humbly love the Son. 6 By faith in this our souls have liv'd. And pait of heav'n pos«p?sM ; PSALMS AXD HYMNS. We'll praise him then for grace received, ^nil trust him for the rest. "Watt?, 70. c. M. Praise to the Goxl of Nature. 1 Begin, each soul, the lofty strain ; In solemn accents sino; A sacred hymn of grateful praise To heav'n's Almighty King. 2 Ye curling fountains, as ye roll, Your silver waves along. Whisper to all your verdant shores. The subject of our song. 5 Retain it long, ye echoing rocks. The sacred sound retain. And froin your hollow winding cav£S, Return it oft again, 4 Bear it, ye winds, on all your wings. To distant climes away. And round the wide-extended world The lofty theme convey. ■5 Take the glad burden of his name. Ye clouds, as you arise, Whether to deck the golden morn Or shade the er'ning skies. 5 Whilst we, with sacred rapture fir'd^ The great Cfeator sing. And utter consecrated lays To heaven's eternal Kins;. Mrs. Rcvwe, i'^jALMS AND HVMKS. 71. S. M. Christ the Tree of Life 1 Behold the living tree, Th' inspired prophet saw ; Whose fruit is to all nations free. Unguarded by the law. £ No flaming swords defend The garden's sacred ground ; No dire denunciations rend The ear, witii piercing sound. 3 Come, and its fruit paiiake. Its healing leaves apply ; Its vii'tues will re-aniuiatc And raise your spirits high.- 4 'Tis for the nations' use To heal their ev'ry wound ; Its colours, and its balmy juice. Make health and life abound, 5 'Tis Jesus Christ the Lord, PrefigurM by the tree ; The gospel is the healing word, That sets the sinners free. Wailac^. 72. c. M. '^ He ^ve them Bread from Heaven to eat.*' Jobn vi. 1 Behold, what joy, through Israel's host. When first they manna view'd ; They labourM wlio should gather most, Ami thoughi it pleasant foocl; PSALMS AND HYxMNS. -2 But when they had it long enjoy'd^ Prom day to day the same^ Their hearts were by the plenty cioy'd^ Although from heav'n it came. 5 ThiUS gospel bread at first is priz'd. And makes a people glad ; But afterwards too much despi^'tb Vv'lien easy to be had. 4 But should the Lord, displeased, withhold Tne bread, his mercy sends ; To have our houses filFd wnth gold. Would make but poor amends. Sf How tedious would the week appear, Hov/ dull the sabbath prove ; Could we no longer meet to hear The precious truths we love \ 6 Nor could believing parents bear To leave their heedless youth, Exposal to ev'ry fatal snare. Without the light of truth. J. Xewton. 73. CM. The perfect Law of Liberty. 1 Er.HOLD that wise, that perfect law. Wiiich noblest freedom give^ : O may it all our souls refine. And sanctify our lives ! '2 Not with a transient glance sur^"ey*d, Anil in an hour forgot, PSALMS AND HYMNS. But deep ioscrib'd on evTj heart. To reign o'er ev'ry thought. r 3 Great Author of each perfect gift 1 Thy gracious pow'r display, That our ungrateful, wanplays ; Ami oft'er on thine altar, Lord, Our sacrifice of praise. Watts. 75. s. 31. Adoption. 1 Behold, what \vondrous grace The t'a.ther hath bestow-d On sinners of a mortal race. To call them sons of God ! 2 If in our Father's love We share a filial part. Send down thy spirit like a dove, To rest upon our heart. 3 We would no longer lie, Like slaves beneath the throne ; Our faith shall Abba, Father, cry. And thou the kindred own. Watts abridged 76. L. M. Charity rewarded. Psal. xli. Blest is the man, whose tender care Relieves the poor in their distress ; Whose pity wipes the widow's tear. Whose hand supports the fatherless. His heart contrives for their relief More ^ood thau his own hand can do PSALMS AND HYMXS. He, in the time of gen'ral grief. Shall find thfe Lord has pity too. 3 His soul shall live secure on earth, With secret blessings on his head ; When drought, and pestiknce, and dearth Around him multiply their dead. 4 Or if he languish on his couch, God will pronounce his sins forgiv'n ;. Will save him with a healing touch. Or take his willing soul to heav'n. Watts. 77. c. M. A ble&sed Goapel. Ps. Ixxxix. 1 Blessed are the souls who hear and know The gospel's joyful sound ; Peace shall attend the path they go. And light their steps surround. 2 Their joy shall bear their spirits up. Through their Redeemer's name ; His promises e%,a.\i their hopes. Nor Satan dare cond^emn. 3. The Lord our glory and defence. Strength and salvation giv^s ; Israel, thy King forever reigns. Thy God forever lives. Watts. •pSALMS A.\i) HY.M.\S. 78. " s. M. Brotherly Love. Ps. cxxxili. 1 Bless'd are the sons of peace, \> hose hearts and hopes are one ; Whose kind designs to serve and please. Through all their actions run ! il Bless-d is the pious house, W here zeal and friendship meet ; Their sono s of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. 3 Thus on the heav'nly hills The saints are blest above ; Where peafce like morning dew distils. And all the air is love. Watts, 79. L. M. Scriiiture Teachings, and their happy Consequences:.' 1 Bright source of intellectual rays ! Father of spirits and of grace ! O dart, w itii energy unknown. Celestial beamings from thy throne. 2 Thy sacred book we would survey, Enlighten'd with that heav'nly day ; And seek thine influence with the word, To teach our souls to know the Lord. J So shall our children learil the road. That leads them to their father's God ; And form'd by lessons so divine. Shall infant minds with knowledge shin^. T PSALMS AND HYMXS. 4 So shall the haughtiest soul submit. With children plac'd at Jesus' feet ; The noisy swell of pride shall cease. And thy sweet voice be beard in peace. Doddridge 80. s. M. Living by Faith. 1 By faith may Jesus dwell In our believing hearts ; "While he, that love, which none can t-eU, In streams of grace, imparts. 2 Then may we comprehend, With all the saints in light, And see his boundless grace extend. And know its depth and height. 3 Then fillM with ev'ry grace From strength to strength we'll go t While Jesus shews his smiling face. In ev'ry scene of wo. 4 Soon we shali victors be. And crowns of glory wear ; In endless peace our Captain see. And dwell iorever there. H. BaHoa- 81, 8, 8, 6 M. The Birth of Christ. 1 Behold that splendor ! hear the shout ; Heav'n opens ! angels hsue out. And throng the nether sky : What heav'nly tidings do they bring ? rSALMS AND IIYMN^S. Kapt at th' approach of Israel's King, They speak the monarch nigh. Whj docs the King approach our land ? Comes he with thunder in his hand, The merit of our criinf^s r Shepherds be glad ! lie comes with peace, Not wrath, but uni^^rsal o;race. To bless e'en distant climes. 3 vSee heav'n's great heir, the woman's son *. Behold a manger is his throne 1 Nay, see him born to die : Yours is the guilt, but his the pain : His are the sorrows, yours the gain : Then let his praise be high. 4 Come, mighty King ! the grace enhance, (A stable was thy palace once) Dwell in thes.e hearts of ours : Teach us to pi'ai^e the Father's love. Till bless'd, transported, fir'd above, "^Vesing with nobler pow'rs. Unkiiov.'ii. 82. L. 51. The Pharisee and Publican. St. Luke xviii. 10. 1 Behold, how sinners disagree. The Publican and Pharisee ; One doth his righteousness proclaim ; The other owns his guilt and shame. ?. This man at humble distance stands. And cries for grace v. ith lifted hands ; That boldly rises near the throne, And talks of duties he has done. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 The Lord their difF'rent language knows, And diff-rent answers he bestows ; The humble soul with grace he crowns. Whilst on the proud his anger frowns. 4 De^' Father, let us never be JoinM with the boasting Pharisee ; We have no merit of our own, But plead the merit of thj Son. Watte. 83. L. M. MiraciCs in the Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ, 1 Behold, the blind their sight receive ! Behold, the dead awake and live ! The dumb speak wonders ! and the lame Leap like the hart, and bless his name. Q Thus dothth' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of his Son ; The Father vindicates his cause, - While he hangs bleeding on the cros?^ 5 He dies ! the heav'ns in mourning stood ; He rises by the pow'r of God ! Behold the Lord ascending high. No more to bleed^ no more to die. 4 Hence and forever from my heart, I bid my doubts and fears depart ; And to those hands my soul resign, '^^'!Hch bear credentiah so divine. m| Watt<{. SALMS AND HYMXS. 84. L. 31. Types and Prophesies of Christ. 1 Bkhold the woman's promis'd seed ! Behold the great Messiah comes ! Jtehold the prophets all agreed To give him the superior room ! 2 Abram the saint, rejoiced of old, When visions of the Lord he saw ; Moses the man of God foretold, This great fultilier of tb£ law. 3 The types bore witness to his name, Obtain'd tlieir chief design and ceas'd ; Tlie incense, and the bleeding kmb. The ark, the altar, and the priest. 4 Predictions in abundance meet. To join their blessings on his head ; Jesus, we worship at thy feet. And nations own Uie piomis'cl Seed. Watr§: 85. c. M. Hope. 1 BoRNK o'er the ocean's stormy wave. The Beacon's light appears. When yawns tlie Seaman's wat'ry grave, And his lone bosom cheers. 2 Then, tho* the ra^ng ocean foam. His heart shall dauntless prove. To reach secure his cherish 'd home;> The haven of his love. 7'^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 So when the soul is wrapt in gloom, To worldly grief a prey. Thy beams, blest Hope, beyond the tomb. Illumes the Pilgrim's way. 4 They point to that serene abode Where virtuous faith shall rest; Protected by the suif rer's God And be forever blest. 5 Oh still, thro' sorrow's rayless night, O'ershade our worldly way — May pure Religion's holy light Shine witli o'erpow'ring ray. S3'-dney, 86. c. M. Sabbath Morning. Psa. 122. 1 Behold the rising dawn appear. Which calls our willing feet To tread thy courts, O God, and here Our solemn praise repeat. 2 Fair Zion's gates are our delight ; Within her walls we stand ; And all her happy gions unite In friendship's sacred band. 3 We love the place where Zion's Lord Is pleas'd to shew his face ; Here he proclaims his holy word. And here accepts our praise. 4 With rev'rend awe and godly fear, We bow before thy throne ; For thou the fervent pray'r wilt heaf Through thy beloved Son^ rSALI\iS AND HYMXS. 5 Peace he within tliis hallowM place And joy a constant guest ; "With holy gifts, and heav*nly grace Be her attendants bless'd. G Our soul shall pray for Zion still. While life oi breath remains ; For here our friends and bretliren dwell. And here our Saviour reigns. Watts Sz Menick, incited & varied 87. c. M. '' Behold the Man/- I 1 Beho^ th.e man I — thus Pilate spake. Reluctant to comply ; But all in vain, the clam'rous Jew- Demand that Christ shall die. 2 Come then, each ?oul, behold the man ' The silent suft* rcr see ; The pris'ner stands at Pilate's bar To get the nations free. i Behold the Saviour, f rown'd with thorny While cruel men deride ; Behold they nail him ie the ti-ee. And pierce his sacred sid6. 4 Amazing love ! he bleeds, he dies. Our sins his murd'rers were ! These were the scourge, the thorjis,the naib^ And these the pointed spear. i Bjit Jesus died that we might live, Hence pleasing thoughts arise ; PSALMS AND HYMN$^. y He ro6e a mansion to prepare. For us beyond tlie skies ! 6 And when we join th' cnraptur'd throng. We shall his beauties trace ; And sing the wonders of his love. The riches of his grace ! Unkncwt 88. c. 31. The SuiTe rings of Christ. 1 Behold the Saviour of mankind, NaiI'd to the shameful cross ; How vast the love that him inclin'd To bleed and die for us ! 2 Hark, how he groans ! while nations shake. And earth's strong pillars bend ; The temple's veil in sunder breaks, And solid marbles rend ! 3 'Tis done ! the precious ransom's paid, " Receive my soul,'' he cries I See where he bows his saaed head ! He bows his head, and dies ! 4 But soon he'll break death's envious chains. And in full glory shine : O Lamb of God ! was ever pain. Was ever love li^e thine ! Unknown. $9. C. M. Christ precious in Life g-nd Death. 1 Bless'd Jesus, when our soaring thoughts O'er all thy graces F©ve, PS^VLMS AND TlYMVSr. How are our souls in tra isport losl In wonder, joy, and love I 2 Not softest strains can charm our eais, Like thy beiove-l name ; Nor autrht beneath iho skies inspir^^. Our hearts withec^uai thvAO, 3 Where'er we look, our wond'ring eyes UnniimUer'd ble^?»i»ig:- see ; But what is life, with Al its bliss, ^>'hen once compar'd with thee. 4 Hast thoii a rival in our breast ? Search, Lord, for thou c.uist tell ; If aught can raise our passions thu^, Or please our souls so well. 5 No, thou art precious to our hearts ; Our portion and our joy ; Forever let thy boundless grace Our sweetest thoughts employ. 6 When nature fainfs around our bed, Let thy bright ^lories shine ; And death shall all his terrors lofe. In raptures so dh inc. Unknown. 90. L. M. Praise to God for his Goodiie's. Ps. 103. 1 Blfss, each soul, the living God, Call home each tliought that roves abroad Let ev*ry pow'r within us join, fs\ work and wcrrship so divine. I>SALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Bless, each soul, the God of grace, Itis favors claim oar highest praise ; J et uoi the wonders he hath ^vtought, Be lost in silence and forgot. 3 The \ices of the Blind he heals, Ard cures the pains that nature feels ; Redeems the soul from death, and saves Our wasting life from thrcat'ning graves^ 4 Out- youth decay'd, his pow'r repairs, Mis mercy crowns otir growing years ; Up satisfies our mouths with good, And fills our souls with heav'nly food. 5 His pow'r he show'd by Moses' hands, Ar.d gave to Israel his commands ; Bv.t makes his truth and mercy known To all the nations through his Son. Watts abridg-d;. 91. L. M. All Nations invoked topraise the Creator. 1 Cei \:sTi A L worlds ! your Maker's name Kesoiaid tl "oiigh ev'ry shining coast: Our 'joi i n<)bler praise will claim. When heunioi'ds his glories most. 2 Sr.i)jend()iis globe of flaming day, Piaisf- hini in thy suhlinie career ; Ke struck froi>; ni«ht thy peerless ray. Gave the^'. tliy patn, and guides thee there. 3 Ye starry lamps, to whom 'tis giv*n NigiU*s sable horrors to illume, PSALMS AND HYMNS. Praise him who hung you high in heav'n. With vivid fires to u-ild the o-Ioom. [ Lightnings, that round th' Eternal plav. Thunders, that from liis arm are hurl'ii, The grandeur of your God convey, Blazino; or bursting; on tlie world. I From clime to clime, from shore to shore, Be the Almighty God ador'd : He made the nations by his powV And rules them with hissov'reign word. WiUiams'Coil 92. s. 31. Solemn Call to Praise. Ps xcv, 1 Come, sound his praise abroad, And hvmns of glory sing 1 Jehovah is the Sovereign God, The universal King. 2 He form'd the deeps unknown ; He gave the seas their bound ; The wat'ry worlds are all liis own. And all the aolid ground. 3 Come, worship at his thro«e ; Come, bow before the Loi*d ; We are his work, antl his alone ; He formed us by his word. 4 To-day attend his voice. Nor more provoke his rod ; Come, majs.e his iieav'nly patiis your choice* And own your gracious God^ PSALMS AND hymns' i 5 Thus you the joys will shai'e-, AMiich from devotion rise ; And heav'nlj grace your souls prepare For bliss that never dies. Wattv 93. s. M. The Pleasures of Religion. 1 Come, ye who love the Lord ! And let your joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord. And thus surround the throne. 2 The sorrows of the mind Be banish'd from tliis place 1 "Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less. 3 God, your eternal Friend, No present good denies ; And when the scenes of time shall e^d^ \V ill call jou to the skies, '4 There shall you see his face. And never, never sin ; There, from the rivers of his grace, Dnnk endless pleasures in, 5 The sons of God have found. Glory begun below: Celestial Iriiits, on earthly ground, Fro'ii fnitli and hope may grov/. 6 Then let our sorrows cease^- And evVy tear be dry; PSALMS AND HYMNS. We're trav'lliiig throuj:h the paths of peace To fairer worlds ou high. Watts. 94. c, M. Christian Equity. 1 Come let us search our ways and try, Have MS AND IIVMNS. 95. c. 31. Christ's Invitation to Sinners, Mat xi, 28. — ^30* 1 Come unto me, all ye who mourn, With guilt and fears oppress-d; ReJiign to me the willing heart. And I will give you rest. 2 Take up mv yoke, and learn of me, A meek and lowly mind ; And ibus your weary troubled souls. Repose and peace shall find. J Forliglit and gentle is my yoke ; . Tlie burden 1 impose Shall ease the heart which groan'd before, Beneath a load of woes. Scotch paraphrase?. 98. 7s M. Christ's Invitation. Matt. x. 28. 1 Come ! said Jesus' sacred yoice, / €orp.e, and make my paths your choice t I will ii;uide you to your home ; Weaiy piigrin).-, hither come ! 2 Thou, who houseless, sole, forlorn. Long hast borne die proud world's scoi'iv. Long hast roam'd the barren waste, ) Weary pilgrim, hither haste ! 3 Ye, who toss'd on beds of pain, Seek for ease, but seek in vai.i ; Ye, wiiose weeping waiting eyes V>'atch ro see th-e morning rise : P-^ALMS AND HYMSS. 4 Ve, by fiercer anu:nish torn, In remorse tipr ii»ult wlio innurri, Here repcvse your lieavy care : \Vho the stinirs of i;iiilt can bear r J Sinners, come ! for here is found Balm that Hows for evVy wound ; Peacj? that ever shall endure, Rcit eternal, sacred, sure. Mi^. Barbaald. 97. rsM. 1 Children of the heav-nlv Kinir, As ve journey, sweetly sing; Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, ^ Glorious in his works and ways ! ■I Ye are trav'ling home to God^ In the ways the Fathers trod : They are hap|)y now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 5 O, ye banish'd seed, be glad ! Christ our Advocate is made ! Us to save, our flesh assumes, I>iother to our souls becomes. 4 Shout, ye little flock, and blessM, Vou on Jesus' throne shall re.>t . There your seat is noAv pieparM. There your kingdom and reward. '0 Fear not, brethren, joyful standi Oj^the b(»rders of vour land : PSALMS AND HYMNS. Jesus Christ, wur Father's Son, Bids >ou uiidismav'd go on. 6 Lord, obediontlv we go. Gladly kavin^ all below ; Only thou our leader be. And we >:u\\ vriil follow thee. Cennick^ 98. s. 31. The Resurrection of Christ. 1 Christians ! dismiss your fear, Let hope and joy succeed ; The welcome niws with gladness hear ^ The Lord is ris'n indeed ! 2 The shades of death withdrawn. His eyes their beams display : So wakes ^he sun, when rosy dawn. Unbars tlie gates of day. 3 Angelic hosts above. The rising Victor sing ; And all the shining seats of lore With loud hosannas ring. 4 Ye pilgrims, too, below. Your hearts and voices raise ; Let ev'ry breast with gladness glow. And ev'ry mouth b^ praise. Unkno'^\#i. 99. L. M. Instruction of Piety. Ps. xxxiv. 1 Chpldrex in years and knowledge young. Your parents' hcfpe, your parents' joy ! PSALMS AND UVMNS. Attend the counsels of my tongue ; Let pious thoughts Jour miiuls employ 2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state, "Refrain your feet from impious wa\s. Your lips from slander and deceit. 100. 8. rs M, Consolation of Israel. Isa. xlix. 13. Luke. ii. 25, 26 1 Come, thou Ions: expected Jesus, Born to set thy people i'vco: ; From our fears and sins release us. Let us find our rest iu tliee. 2 Israel's strength and consolati^y, Hope of all the ^aints thou art ; Dear desire of ev'iy nation, Joy of ev'ry lungiiig heiirt. By thine own eternal spirit. Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine all-sufficient merit, Kaise us to thy glorious throne. 1 1 an 101. L. 31. Acceptable Warship. 1 Come ! pay the worship God requires^ ^ Inflam'd with pune and holy iires. When love celestial warms the breast. Our homage, and our vov s, are blest. PSALMS AND HYMXS. S When pi^ty, and truth refin'd Possess the temple of the mind, "With grateftil flames the altars glow. And God will visit man below. Boycc/ 102. CM. Praise to God and the Lamb. 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne. Ten thousand thousand are th'eir tongues. But all their jojs are one. 2 " Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, '' To be exalted thus ;" " Wo: ihy the Lamb" our hearts reply, ** For he was slain for us." S Jesus is v/orthy to receive Honour and pow'r divine ; And blessings more than we can give. Be, Lord, forever thine. 4 The whole creation join in one, To bless the sacred name Of him that sits upon tiie throne, And to adore the Lamb Watt*. 103. c. M. Praise to the Redeemei", 1 Come, sound the trembling lyre once more* Attempt the Saviour's praise : Let echo wake from shore to shore. And aaswer to yoiir laya. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Bid cv'ry cavern 'd rock reply. With echo's sweetest voice, And woo the minstrels of the sky, To listen and rejoice. 3 Sweet notes unnumljcr'd angels swell, In the bright realms above : No ey6 hath seen, m) tongue can tell, Th' extent of Jesus' love. 4 He claims the heathen for his own, He lays oppression low ; He is our Father's eldest Son, To whom all knees must bow. ' Let ev'ry human tongue proclaim, The Saviour is our friend; He never changes, still the same, His mercy knows no end. U. Magazine-. 104. H. M. riie iCingfiom of Christ, and its attendant Glprie?, 1 Come, sing a Saviour's pow'r. And praise his mighty name ; His wondrous love adore. And chant his growing fame. Wide o'er the w^orld, a king shall reign^ And righteousness and peace maintain. 2 The sceptre of his grace, He shall forever wield ; His foes, before his face. To strength divine, shall yield. The conquest of his truth shall show What an almighty arm can do. PSALMS AXD HYMNS. S His alienated sons, By sin heguil'd, betray'd ; Shall then be born at once. And willing subjects made. Such numbers shall his courts adovm As dew drops of the vernal morn. 4 His realm shall ever stand. By lib'ral things upheld ; And from his bounteous hand, All hearts with joy be fiU'd. An universe with praise shall own The countless honours of his throne. Turner. 105. CM. Clod Worshipped as our Creator. Ps. c. 1 — o- 1 Come, serve the Lord with love and joy. And in his presence sing ; Cheerful your heaA'ts and tongues emploT. The Lord alone is King. 2 He forms his church by pow'r divine. The work is all his ow^n : Let us in holy praises join To God the Lord alone. 3 The holy gates we enter in, And in his kingdom stand ; Released from foes, and sav'd from sin. By ids almighty hand. 4 Ye sons of Zion, rise and sing, Who in his pastures feed ; Give praises to your sov'reign King, For he is God indeed. PSALMS AND HYM>'S. 5 We are his people, and his sheep. Our shepherd is the Lord ; He will oiu* ^uls in safety keep. And be his name ador'd. Proud. 106. c. M. Breathing after tlie Holy Spirit-. 1 Come holy spirit, heav'nly dove. With ail thy quick'ning pow'rs 5. Kindle a flame of sacred love. In these cold hearts of ours. S Look, how we grovel l>ere below. Fond of these trifling toys ; Our souls can neither ily nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise, Hosannas languish on our tongues. And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate ? '^ Our love so faint, s(» cold to thee. And thine to us sp great ? ^ Come holy spirit, h^v'nly dove. With all thy quickening pow'rs. Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love. And that shall kindle ours. Watts, rSALMS AND HYMXS. 107. L. M. 6 lines. Jesiis, who is the Christ. 1 Come, thou universal good ! Balm of the wounded conscience, come : The hungry, dying spirit's food ! The weary, wand'ring pilgrim's home ; Haven to take the shipwreck'd in, My ev^lasting rest from sin ! - £ Come, O my comfort and delight ! My strength, and health,and shield, and suu ; My boast, my confidence, and might, My joy, my glory, and my crown ; My gospel hope, my calling's prize, JVIy tree of life, my paradise. Uiikiiov.u* 108. L. M. The Gospel Feast. Luke xiv. 17. 18. ^1. 2% 1 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast. Let ev'ry soul be Jesus* guest ; Ye need not one be left behind. For God hath bidden all mankind. 2 " Have meexcus'd I*' why will you say From health, and life and liberty ; From all that is in Jesus giv^n. From pardon, holiness and lM?av*n. S Come then, ye souls, by sin oppressed. Ye weary wand'rers after rest. Ye poor and maimed, halt and blind. In C'lrist an heartv vrelco,me find. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 See him set forth before jour eyes 1 Behold the bleeding sacrifice I His boundless love doth all embrace, We freely i^)w are sav'd by grace. 5 Ye, who believe his record true, Shall sup with him, and he with you. Come to the feast, you're sav'd from sin, And Jesus waits to take you in. Unknown, 109. t. M. Before Sermon. 1 Pet. iv. 11, &c. 1 Come worship at our Father's feet ; See in his face, what wonders meet ! Words are too feeble to express His worth, his glory, or his grace. £ When shall we climb thosfe higher ski^s, AVhere storms and tempests never rise ! Where he unveils his fovely face. And shines and reigns the God of grace ? > Nor earth, nor air, nor sun, nor stars, Nor heav'n his full resemblance bears ; His beauties we can never trace, I'ill we behold him face to face- W hitfitld's Coil 110. L. M. The Heavenly Bridegroom. Ps. xxiv. 7 — 10. 1 Come in, thoa bkssed, honoured Lord, By earth, by heav^i, by all ador'd ; We hail thee welcome ; take thy throne^ ^Vnd in thy Zion reign atone. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Our only Lord and God thou art. Reign thou the sov'reign of the heart \ Thou King of glory, ever bless'd By angels and by men coiifes^'d. 3 Enter thy church, thou Lord divioe. And be the kingdom everthin^ ! We shout thee welcome to thy seat^ And lay our honours at thy feet. 4 O happy church, thy bliss how grea^^ Thy King, in all his heavenly state. With thee forever will reside. Thy husba?nd he, and thou the bride. 5 O God, our grateful hearts rejoice, Sii>ce thou hast made our so,uls thy choice : While here, our songs to thee shall rise, And join the chorua of the skies. Proud. 111. C. M. lutreating the Pieseruce o^f Christ in his Church.es. 1 Come, thou desire of all thy saints. Our humble strains attend. While with our praise* and complaints, Low at thy feet we beu^. 2 When we thy wondrous glories hear. And all thy suft'^rings frace. What sweetly awful scene^s appear ! What rich unbo^inded grace ! 3 How should our songs, like those above, With >yarm devot-ion rise * t^^ALMS AND HYxMNS. How should our souls on wings of love. Mount upward to the skies, 4 But ah ! the SKing, how cold it flows ! How lan2;uid our desire ! How faint tlie sacrad passion glows, Till thou the heart inspire. 5 Come, Lord, thy love alone can raise In us the heav'nly flame ; Then shall our lips resound thy praise, Our hearts adore thy name. 6 Dear Saviour, let thy glory shine. And fill thy dwellings here ; Till life, and love, and joy divine, A heav'n on earth appear. Mrs. Steeie. 112. 8,7s. M. Confidence in God. 1 Calm, my soul, behold thy Saviour ! This blest thought shall joy impart ; Though by all the world forsakeii. That he bears me on his heart. S What tiiQu^i all the world are preaciiing> " Dteath shall reign forever more ;-' We're instructed by his teaching. That its reign shall soon be o'er. S See in Christ all things created. This was God's eternal plan ; In him all are reinstated. Sacred head of ev'rv ma,n - Q FSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 for such transcendent goodn^s. May each soul in concert rise ; In melodious grateful anthems, Sound his praises to the skies. 113. C. M. Christ's Compassion, and Fulnese. 1 Christ, as our great physician, heals Our maladies within ; Relieves the pangs the conscience feelsj From recollected sin. 2 He sees our many pressing wants With a propitious eye ; And from his own abundance grants A free and rich supply. 3 He sympathizes with our grief ; He lends a gracious car To all pur groans ; and gives relief. Whatever we feel or fear. 4 He manages our best affair^ From his high throne above ; And soothes our sorrows and our car^ With his endearing love. 5 The soul with sacred rapture saith When Jesus is in view ; This is the object of my faith. And this its author too. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 114. L. 31. Invitation to praise God. 1 Come Zion's daughters, shout and singy Israel, thj thankful praises briii^, Jerusalem, lift up thy voice, And heav'n, and earth, in God pejoic.e. 2 The Lord Jehovah, mighty God, Removes the judgments of his rod ; Casts out our ev'ry hurtful foe. And doth liis great salvation slu)w, 3 The King of Israel, Christ the Lord, Doth in his church his name record ; Her faithful sons^shall faint no more. But rise to joy, and God adore. 4 To God the Lord be praises giv'n^ By all on earth and all in heav'n ng to briing. 2 'Twas mercy wak'd cfnr infant eyes. With light's all glad'ning ray, Mercy has fed our countless wants. Returning evVy day. S Each private comfort wt^ possess, By mercy is bestow'd , And all the sv/eets of social life From nievcy still have flow'd, 4 Pardon, of all our wan tr» the chief. By mercy's hand is gi v'n. PSALM.^ AND HV3L\-S. For mercy slied a Saviour's blood To make us heirs of heav'n. Uivknown. 117. L. M. *' Blessed are they that mourn/' 1 Deem not that they &re blessM alone, Whose days a peaceful tenor keep ; The God, who loves our race, has shown A blessing for the eyes that weep. 2 Tlie light of smiles shall fill again The liJs that overflow with tears. And weary hours of w^o and pain Are earnests of serener years. 3 O there are days of sunny rest For cv'ry dark and troubled night I Grief may abide, an evening guest, Bat joy shall come w^ith early light. 4 And thou, who o'er thy friend's low bier^ y.ieddest the bitter drops like rain, Hope tliat a brighter, happier sphere, Wul give him to thy arms again. 5 Nor let the good man's trust depart. Though life its common gifts deny ; Though with a pierc'd and broken heart. And spurn 'd of men, he goes to die. 6 For God hath mark'd each anguish'd day, . And numberVl ev'ry secret tear ; And heav'n's long age of bliss shall pay For all his children suffer here. D*' Unkpo>yB, PSALMS AND HYMNS, 118. c. M. Love to Chriit. 1 Do we not love tliee, our Lord: Behold each heart and see ; And turn each secret idol out^ IMiat dares to rival thee. 2 Do we not love thee from our souk Who came frou) realms above? Whose ;f^racc and truth to us unfold The motives otthj love. 3 Is not thy name melodious still To each att«itive ear? Doth not each pulse with pleastire bound, A Saviour's voice to hear ? 4 Thou knoj^v^St we love tliee, dearest Lord; But O, we long to soar Far from the sphere of mortal joys That we may love thee more. Unknown 119. L. M. Christian Privileges. i Dost thou thy children's namfe record Free of thy holy city, Lord ? And are we sinners, calPd to share The precious privileges there ? 2 Shall we receive this grace in vain ? Siiall we our great vocation strain r Away, ye works iu darkn'ess wrought, Av/av, each ;?ensi?a1, sinful thought ! P»ALM5^ AND HY3L\S. 2 Our souls, we charge them to exce^ in thinking riglit and doing well ; Deep let our searching pow-rs eiigage, UnbiasM in the sacred page. 4 Heighten the force of good desire, To deeds of sliining worth aspire 5 More firm in fortitude despise The world's deducing vanities. 5 Strong and more strong our passion^ ruTe, Advancing still in virtue''s school ; Contending still with noble strife. To imitate our Saviotir's life. Scou, 120. L. M. The one Liviiij^ and True God. 1 Eternal God ! Almighty cause Of earth, and seas, a,nd. worlds unknown i All things are subject to thy laws ; All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands. Of all within itself possessed ; By none control! 'd in thy commandsj And in thyself supremely bless'd . 3 Worship to thee alone bdongs. Worship to thee ^ilone we give ; Thine be our hearts and thine our songs. And to thy glory may we live. 4 Spread thy great name through ev'ry lanjj; In evTy heart erect thy throne ; PSALMS A^^D liYM>NS. Subdue the world to tliy command. And as thou art, reign God alone. Browne, alt*d- 121. L. M. Eternal Life. 1 Eternal life ! how sweet the sound. To sinners who in bondage sigh : t'ublish the bliss the world around ; Echo the joys, ye worlds on high.* 2 Eternal life ! how will it reign. When mounting from this breathless clod. The soul discharg'd from sin and pain, Ascends t 'enjoy its Father God ! 3 Eternal life ! how will it bloom In beauty on that blissful day, "Wlien rescu'd from i\y i^npris'ning tomb. The soul awakes to brighter rays. 4 Eternal life! how refin'd The joys! the triumjjh^i how divine! When we in body and in mind Shall in the Saviour*s image shine. 5 Holy and heav-nly is the soul, Wliere dwells an hope so bright as thi?, They wish and long erla*ting life, UnXiiov/n PSALMS AND HYJM>3«. Is legal pride, a fancy vain, And antichristian strife. When gospel grace inspires the breast. No legal strife is there ; But joy, and peace, and love, and rest. And h^av'nly praise and pray'r. S Had I a thousand souls Vd cj^t Them all on Christ my king; And had [ twice ten thousand tongues, They all his praise should sing. 4 Cease, O my soul, fwever ceas.e. From legal care and strife; Jesus forever is thy peace, Thy way, thy truth and life. Unknown. 123. c. M. Joy and Gratitude. 1 Etern'al love ! how large the sum Of blessings from thy hand ! To banish sorrow and be blest Is thy supreme command. 2 Joy is our duty, glory, health. The Sunshine of the souU The best return that we can make To him who plans the whole. 5 Whatever, Lord, of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies. Accepted at thy throne of grace Let this petition rise. PSALMS AND HYMNS. ' 4 Give us a calm, a thankful heart. From ev'ry murmur free; The blessings of thy grace impart. And make us live to thee. 5 Let the blessM thought that we are tlime. Our life and death attend ; Thy presence through our journej shine; And crown our journey 's end. Young & Rippoc- 124. L. M. Tiie Divine Blessing jmnlorcd. i Etekxvl source of life and thought ! Be all beneath thyself forgot. Whilst thee, great Parent-mind, we own.- In prostrate homage round thy tbroue. £ may we live before thy face. The willing subjects of thy grace ; And through each path of duty move With filial awe, and filial love ! Dodxirid^e 125. L. p. M. Lil'e, Death, and Resurrection. 1 Eternal God, how frail is man : Few are the hours, and short the span. Between the cradle and the grave i Who can prolong his vital breath? Who from the bold demands of death Hath skill to fiy or pow'r to save ? 2 But let no murmVing heart complain, That, therefore, man is made in vain. rSALMS AM) IIYMXS. Nor the Civntor-s jjrac.e distrust ; *" For thoii^li lus servants, day by day. Goto their graves, and turn to clay, A bright rewani awaits the just. 5 Jesus hath made thy purpose known, A new and better life Iwth shown, And we the glorious tidings hear : Forever blessed be the Lord, That we can read his holy word. And find a resurrection there. Watts. 126. c. 31. The Aged Christian's Reflections and Hopes. 1 Etkrxal Sire, enthron'd on high ! Whom heav'nly hosts adore ; ^Vho yet to suppliant dust art nigh : Thy presence we implore. 2 O guide us down the steep of age. And keep our passions cool ; Teach us to scan the sacred page. And practice ev'ry rule ! S Our flying years time urges on ; What's human must decay; Our friends, our youth's companions, gone> Can we expect to stay ? 4 Ah! no — then smooth the mortal hour; On thee our hope depends ; Support us with almighty pawer, While dust to du^^t descends, WiVUams' Coil, PSALMS AND HYMNS, 127. L. M. Tire Year crowned with Goodness. 1 Eternal Source of evVy joy ! Well may thy praise our lips employ. While in thy temple we appear. Whose goodness crowns the ciroling year. £ Wide as the wheels of nature roll, Thy hand supports and guides the whole; By thee the sun is taught to rise. And darkness when to veil the skies. 3 The fiow'ry spring at thy command. Embalms tlue air, and paints the land; The summer suns with vigor shine, To raise the coru and cheer the \ixi^. 4 Thyhaud in autumn richly pours Through all our coasts, redundant store? ; And winters soften'd by thy care. No more a face of horror wear. 5 Seasons and months, and weeks and daj§. Demand si^cessive songs of praise; Still be the cheerful homage paid. With morning light and ev'ning shade- 5 may our more harmonious tongues j Hereafter join in nobler songs; And in those brighter courts adore. Where days and years revolve no more. Dpddrk^^ rSALMS AND HYMNS. 128. L. M. Pieserving Goodness. 1 Eternal God, we bless thy name, The same thy pow'r, thy grace the same; The tokens of thy friendly care, Open and close and crown the year. 2 Supported by thy guardian hand, Amidst ten thousand deaths we stand ! And see, when we survey thy ways. Ten thousand monuments of praise. S Thus far thy arm has led us on. Thus far we make thy mercy known ; And whilst we tread this desert land. New mercies shall ^ew songs demand,' 4 Our grateful voice, on Jordan's shore. Shall raise one sacred pillar more ; Then bear, in thy blight courts above. Inscriptions of inipmortal love, Doddridge. 129. c. M. The Conc'escension of God. i Eternal pow'r, almighty God, Who can approach thy throne ? Accessless light is thy abode. To angel -eyes unknown. ^1 Before flie radiance of thin^ ey-e The heav'ns no longer shine. And all the glories of the sky Are but the shade of tliinei- 1-0 PSALIvIS AND HYMNS. 3 Great Gdd, and wilt thou condescend To cast a look below. To this vile world thy notice bend The^e seats of sin and woe ? 4 But Oh ! to shew thy smiling face, To bring thy glories near — Amazing and transporting grace, To dwell with mortals here ! 5 How strange ! how awful, is thy love ! With trembling we adove : Not all th' exalted minds above, Its wonders can explore. 6 While golden harps, and angel tongues Resound iirtmortal lays. Great God, permit our humble songs To rise and mean thy praise. Mrs. Steele. 130. L. M. Jesus Exalted as a Prince and Saviour. i Exalted Prince of life, we own The royal honoirs of thy throne : 'Tis fix'd by God's almighty hand And seraphs bow at thy command. 2 Exalted Saviour, we confess The sovereign triumphs of thy grace; Where beams of gentle radiance shine. And temper majesty divine. ^ Wide thy resistless sceptre swa^* Till all thine enemies obey : PSALMS AND HYMN8. Wide may thy cross its virtue prove, And conquer millions by its love* 4 Mi^lity to vanquish, and forgive ! Thine Israel shall repent and live ; And loud proclaim thy healing breath, VVhichworkstheir life, who wro't thy death Doddridge,- 131. C. M. Prayer for kind Affections. 1 Far from thy servants, God of grace, Th' unfeeling heart remove ; And form in our obedient souls. The image of thy love. 9. may our sympathizing breasts The gen'rous pleasure know ; Kindlv to share in others joy And weep for others woe. 3 Where'er the helpless sons of grief In low distress arc laid, Soft be our hearts their pains to feel, And swift cur hands to aid. 4 Under the gentle sway of love. Be ev'rv passion brou^^cht ; O be the law of love fulfil I'd In ^-'ry act and thought ! Ifl. Jeivi?, 132. 8, 8, G. M. Prayer for Peace. i Father of peace, O turn once more Thy looks of love along thy shore ; PSALM« AND HYMNS, Bejiold a people mourns ! To thee, the merciful, belong Glad incense and the grateful son^:. JNot agonizing groans. 2 Lest foreign hands sho'uld reap the soil, The husbandman forbears his toil, Lean famine hovers nigh : While m£n are hurried to the shades, Tlieir worJcs devouring flame invades. And towns in ruin lie. S The blossoms of our youth are she'd Afar upon the unblest beti, Which pain and want prepare ; Aloud the aged matrons sigh, And in ihj temples lift th^ir cry, '' Dur sons Jehovah spare." 4 When shall we bend our swords to shared. In joyful praise dissolve our pray'rs. And breathe a purer vow ; O send thine angel concord here, With halcyon win^, to wipe each tear. And wave the olive's bow. W. Taylor-. 133. c. M. Walking by Faith. 1 Faith builds upon the evidence Of things beyond our sight ; It pierces through the veil of sensB And dwelis in heav'nly light. dr It sets time past in present view. Brings distant prospects home : PSALMS AM) IIVMNS* Of things a thousaml years ago. Or thousand years to come. J By faith we know the world was made By God's omnific word ; And though their form and beauty fade^ They'll be again res tor 'd. 4 Abram gbey'd the Lord's command. From his own country driv'n. By faith he souglit a promised land. But found Ids rest in heav'n. 5 Thus through life's pilgrimage we stray^ The promise in our eye ; By faith we walk the narrow way. That leads to jovs on Inzh. Watt: 134. L. 31. Ordination of a Minist^. 1 Father of mercies I in thy house. We pay our homage and our vows ; While with a grateful heart we share These pl^^gcs of our Saviour's care. £ The Saviour, when to heav'n he rose. In splendid triumph o'er his foes, Scatter'd his gifts on men below. And wide his royal bounties flow. 5 H^nce sprang i\\^ Apostle's lionor'd name vSacred lieyond heroic fame ; Hence dictates the Prophetic sage, And hence the Evangelic page. RSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 In lower fojms to bless our ejes, Pastors from hence and Teachers rise ; Who, tliOiigh with feebler rays they shine. Still mark a long extended line. 5 So shall the bright succession run, Through all the courses of the sun ; Whilst unborn churclres, by their care^ Shall ri^e and flourish large and fair. 6 Jesus, our Lord, their hearts shall know, The spring wdience aU these blessings flow ; Pastors and people shout his praise, Through the long rouixd of endless days. Doddridge. 135. L. M. The Benefit of Afflictions. Ps. cxix. 7t. 1 Father, we bless thy gentle hand ; How kind was thy chastising rod ! That forc'd our conscience to a stand, And brought our w^and'ring souls to God ! 3 Foolish and vain, we went astray. Ere we had felt thy scourges Lord ; AYe left our guide, and lost the way ; But now we love and keep thy worc^. 3 'Tisgood for us to w^ear the yoke, For pride is apt to rise and swell ; 'Tis good to bear a Father ^s stroke, That we may learn his statutes well. 4 The law that issues from thy mouth. Shall bid our cheerful hearts rejoice ; I^ALMS AND HVM.NS, For we \mv^ trusted in thy Avord, Axnd nmde thy grace our only choice* 136. c. >t. Spiritual and E^rnal Joy. 1 From thei^, O God, our joys shall rise, Aitd run eternal rounds, Beyond tiwe limits of the skies. And all created bounds, 2 The holy trium|>lis of our souls Shifll cleath itself outbrave. Leave dull mortality behind. And fly beyond tb»e grave. 5 There where the blessed Si^vioiir rergTiR. In heav'n's unnieiitNurM s|»ice, We'll spend a long eternity In pleasure and in praise. 4 Millions of years our wondVii^ eycrv- Shall O'er thy beauties rove. And endless ages we'll adore The glories of tliy love. VvatVf. 131. L. M. ^'' -^Vrtat I do thOii kno\vej=t not now ; br.t tiioii siialt J^ao hereafter/' John xiii. 7. iriist in the G ood neg«^f Gcd. 1 Frail mortal man caTinot conceive Wliat for his future good is best > Why sftogld Ive daily mourn and grieve, And doubf that Pri>^vic>eiKe is ju.st ? I PSALMS AND HYMNS, 2 When all is wrapt in midnight gloom, And reason can no cause assign ; The SQ\}\ still finds sufficient room To trace the hand of love divine. 3 When God our earthly bliss removes, He lias some gracious end in view ; He always chastens those he loves, Yet makes them more than conq'rers tooi 4 Let this our ev'ry fear control. That all our Father's ways are ri«ht ; And as eternal ages roll,' Shall still unfold with new delight. 5 Peace, ev'ry rising murmur, then ; And let us dry our falling tears ; Trust in the love of heav'n again, And banish all our doubts and fears. Unknown 138. L. M. Delight in Public Worship. 1 Far from our thoughts vain world begone, Let our religious hours alone ; Fain would our eyes the Saviour see, And wait a visit, Lord, from thee. 2 Our hearts grow^ warm with holy fire. And kindle with a pure desb'e ; Conte, dear Redeemer, from above. And feed our souls with heav'jily love. 3 BlessM Saviour! what deli^inus fare, Hosv sweet tl)y entertainnieTits are I PSALMS AM) HYMNS. Never did angels taste above Redeeming grace, in J,esus' love. 4 Hail, great Imnianue!, all divine 1 In thee thy Fatlier's olofies sirme ; Thou brightest, sw^ete.^t, fairest one, That eves have seen, or angels kno\v n. 139. L. M. God's Omnisci^jice and Omuipr^seiice, 1 Father of all ! omniscient mind ! Thy wisdom w4io can comprehe^idr Its hHjhest point v/hat ey€ can find, Or to ite lo\\x34; depths descend ? 2 What cavern deep, what hill sublime, Beyond thy reac^, sJiall I pursue ? What dark recess, what distant clime, ShalUiide me fro;ii thy boundless view? 3 If up to heav'n's etherial height. Thy prospect to elude, I rise ; In splendour there, supremely brif>:]it, Thypresjence shall my sight sjurprise. 4 Thee, mighty God ! my wond'ring soul. Thee, all her conscious powers adoiT ; Whose being circumscribes the whole. Whose eyes tlie u inverse explore. :] Thine esscnjce fills this breathing frame, It glows in cv'ry vital part ; Lightship o^r souls with livelier flame. And fe^tk v^iih life each beating; heai t PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 To thee, from whom our being came, V-hose smile is all the heav'n we know, Inspii'd with this exalted theme, I'o thee our grateful strains shall flow. Blacklock- 140. L. M. Public Worship. Psa. Ixv. 1 For thee, O God, our constant praise In Zion waits, thy chosen seat; Our pnmiis dal^.a.s there we'll raise. And ail om zealous vows complete. 6 O tiiou, who to our humble prajr Di^Jst always bend thylist'ning ear, To thee shall all mankind repair. And at thy gracious throne appear. 3 Ot;r sins, though numberless, in vain To s^op thy flowing mercy try»f For thou wilt purge the guilty stain. And wriah away the crimson dye. 4 Blest is the man, who near thee plac'd, AMthin thy sacred dwelling lives; Whilst we at humble distance taste The vast delight thy worship gives. Tate. 141- L. M. Universal Praise. Psa. Ixvi. Rev. v. 19, 1 From all that dwell below the skies 1/ct the Creator's praise arise, Let the tiedeemer^s name be sung Through evYy land, by ev'ry tongu^ I PfiJALxMS AND HYMNS. 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; Eternal trulh attends thy word: Thy praise shall sound fr ^m shoi^ toshore> Till suns shall rise to set no mure. Wattft 142. 8, Ts. 31. Surrounding the Mercy 6eat. 1 Far from mortal cares retreating. Sordid hopes and fond desires. Here, our willing footsteps meeting, Ev'ry heart to heav'n aspires. From the fount of glory beaming, Light celestial cheers our eyes ; Mercy from above, proclaiming Peace and pardon from the skies. £ Who may share this great salvation ? Ev-ry pure and humble mind ; Ev'ry kindred, tongue and nation. From the dross of guilt re^n*d : Blessings all around bestowing, God withholds his care from none ; Grace and mercy ev^r flowing From the fountain of his throne. 3 Et'ry stain of guilt abhcrring. Firm and bold in virtue s cause, Still thy providence adorino:, Faithful subjects to thy laVs. Lord I with favour still attend us, Bless us wdth thy wondrous love ; Thou, our sun and shield, de^fend us; All Qun hope is frou^ above. /?hn Tajrloi. PSALMS AND HYMiVS. 143 L. M. Religion, w-ithout Superstition. 1 Far hence each superstition vain, \^ ilcl oftspring of tlie human brain i The truths that iBll thy hallow'd page, Our liippier choice, great Goert who keep the laws of God, His choicest blessings share; Or if he lifts his chast ning rod, 'Tis with a father's care. 5 His mighty pbw'r shall guard the just, His wrsdom point the way; His eye shall watch their sleeping dust. His hand rev^e their clay. 4 Begin, ye saints, the joyful task. His praise employ your tongjyie; And soon eternity will ask A more exalted song. HeginbothattJ. PSALMS AXD HYMNS. 147. L. M. liumiiity. 1 Folly builds high upon the sand » But iowiy let our basis be ; Firm as a rock our hope shall standi Deep founded in humility. 2 Content, when threat'iiing ills obtrude, Sweet meek-eyed patience arm our souls : And l.et a prudent fortitude Teach us our passions to control. 3 O Lord, we long to know thee still. To loKe and fear and trust thee more ; To live submissive to thy will. And whilst we feel thy grace, adore- 4 Our faith and love, obedient be, O J^^aviour, to thy just commands ! Our ardent sauls still follow^ thee. And trust their int'rest in thy hanc^. 5 Let love aud mercy all divii),e, Justice descending from the skies, Kindness and truth our hearts incline StiiLto forgiye our enemies. 6 Thus may we act the christian part,^ The social, humane and divine ; Whilst a wise zeal inspires each heart. And we arise to joys sublime. Smart ah"d. .PSALMS AND HYMNS. 148. CM. Universal Depravity. Ps. xiv. 1 Fools in their hearts believe and say, " That all religion's vain ; " There is no God that reigns on high, " Or minds th' affairs of men." 2 From thoughts so dreadful and prophane>v Corrupt discourse proceeds ; And by their impious hands are done Abominable deeds, 3 The Lord, from his celestial throne, Look'd down on things below, To find the men that sought his grace.. Or did his justice know. 4 He saw^ that all were gone astray. Their practice all the same ; That none did fear his great command, That none did love his name. 5 Their tongues are us'd to speak deceit, Their slandeas never cease ; How swift to mischief are their feet, Nor know the paths of peace ! 6 Such seeds of sin, that bitter root. In ev'ry heart are found ; Nor will they bear diviner fruit Till grace refine the ground. Watts. PSALMS AND IlYMNib. 149. L. M. The Lord's Prayer. 1 Father ! ador'd in worlds above, Thy glorious i],ame be hallow'd still -, Thy kingdom come with pov/'r and loye. And earth, like lieav'n, obey thy will. 2 Lord make our daily wants thy care ; Forgive the sins which we forsake ; And let us in thy kindness share, As fellow-men of ours partake. 3 Evils beset us ev'ry hour; Thy kind protection we implore : Thine is the kingdom, thine the powV; Be thine the glory evermore I Pope's CoL 150. c. M. The Lord's Prayer. 1 Fati^er in beav'n ! thy sacred name In hallow'd strains ^e siUig; Thy kingdom spread o'er all the earth ; Thy praise fill ev'ry tongile. ^ By happy spirits round thy throne, x\s thy commands are done So be thy perfect will obey'd By all beneath the sunl! 3 Our numerous wants are known to thqe. Who canst alone supply; O grant each day, our daily bread. Nor a^.iier good denv ! 11^ PSALMS AND HYMNS, 4 Forgive our sins, as we fordve The wrongs that others do; Nor let temptations press around^ Lest we those siijs renew. 5 Thou art our safety and defence. When dangers threatening stand ^ O turn aside impending ills. With thy almighty hand ! € Thy sceptre all creation sways ; Thy powV knows no control; Thy matchless glory shall endure, While endless ages roll. Liverpool (Paradise-st.) Coil 151. C. M. The Universal Prayer. 1 Father of all ! whose cares extend To earth *s reirotest shore, Through evVy age let praise ascend: Let ev'Tj clime adore. £ What conscience dictates to be done. Or warns us not to do, This, teach us more thari death to shun, That, more than life pursue. 5 If we are ric,ht, thy grace impart. Still in the right to sUy ; If we are wrons:. O teach our heart To fad the better way I 4 Save us alike from foolish pride^ Or impious discx)iitent ; PSALMS A^D HYMNS, At auglit tliy wisdom hath denied. Or aught thy goodness lent. 5 Teach us to feel another's woe, To hide the faults we see ; That mercy w^e to others show. Let us receive from thee. This day, be bread and peace our lot. But, all beneath the sun. Thou know'st if bestbestow'd or not; And let thy will be done. Pope. 152. L. M. Tlie Bounties of Providence acknowledged. Matt. iv. 45.^ 1 Father of light ! we sing thy name. Who kindlest up the lamp of day ; Wide as he spreads his golden fiame. His beams tliy powV and love display. 2 Fountain of good ! from thee proceeds. In copious drops, the genial rain. Which o'er the hills, and through the meads. Revives the grass and swells the grain. 3 Through the wide w orld thy bounties spread ; Yet thousands of our guilty race. Though by thy daily bounty fed, Neglect thy law, reject thy grace, 4 Not so may our forgetful hearts O'erlook the tokens of thy care; But what thy libVal hand imparts. Still own ill praise, still ask in pr.iy'n PSALMS AND HYMNS. § So shall our suns more gra-teful shine. And show'rs in richer drops shall fall, W l\en-^l our hearts and lives are thine. And tlipu, God ! enjoy 'd by all. Dodflridgefc 153, c. M. The Excellency of the Holy Scnpture?> 1 Father of mercies ! in thy word What endless glory shines ! Forever be thy name ador'd. For these celestial lines. £ Here, may tlie wretched sons Qf want Kxhaustless riches find ; Riches above what earth can grant. And lasting as the mind. 5 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows. And yields a free repast; Sublimer sv/eets than nature knows, Invite the longing taste. 4 Here, springs of consolation rise. To cheer the fainting mind ; And thirsty souls receive supplies, And sweet refreshment find. 5 may thy gospel ever be Our study and delight ; And still new beauties may we see. And still increasing light ! Mrs. Ste^e 1 rSALJIS AND HYMIjjs. 154. c. 31. V The Power of Faith. 1 Faith adds new charms to earthly bli&Sr And saves us fro in its snares ; Its aid in evTj duty brings, And softens ail our cares. - It quells the raging flames of sin. And ligfits the sacred fire Of love to God and heav'nly tilings. And feeds the pure desire. 3 The wounded conscience knows its pow'r. The healing balm to give ; That balm the saddest heart can cheer. And make the dying live. 4 Wide it unveils celestial worlds. Where deathless pleasures reign ; And bids us seek our portion there. Nor bids us seek in vain. 5 It shows the precious promise seal'd With the Redeemer's blood ; And helps our feeble hope to rest Upon a faithful God. 6 On that bright prospect may we rest. Till this frail body dies ; And then on love's triumphant wings, To endless glory rise. f^alisburv Coll. B*!k.LMS AND HYMNS. 155. c. 31. Trust in God through all the Changes in Life 1 Father divine ! before thy view. All worlds, all creatures lie; No distance can elude thy search. No action 'scape thine eye. £ From thee our vital tfreath we drew> Our childhood was thy care ; ^ And vigorous youth and feeble age. Thy Kind protection share. 3 Whate'er we do, where'er we turn, Thy ceaseless bounty flows ; Oppressed with wo, when nature faints, Thine arm is our repose. 4 To thee \v^ look, thou Pow'r supi-trae; O still our wants supply ! Safe in thy presence may w^e live, And in thy favour die. John Taylc.-. 156. c. M. The Vanity of Human Life. 1 Frail life of man — how sljort its stay. And varijoiLS as the wind ! Heedless we sport our hours away, Nor think of death behind. £ See the ftiir cheek -of beauty fade, Frail glory of an hour I And blooming youth with sick'ning head. Droop like the dying flowV. PSALMS AND HYMNS. S Wealth, pomp, and honour we beliolJ, . A\ itli an admiring eje, Like summer's insects dress'd in gold> That flutter, shine and die. 4 Then rise, our souls ! and soar away Above the thoughtless crowd, Abo^e tbe pleasures of the gay. And splendours of tiie proud ; 5 Where everlasting beauties bloom, And pleasures all divine ; Where w^ealth that never can consume. And endfess glones shine, Rev. Heriry^^fcor'e. 157. L. M. Acceptance with God. 1 From north to south, from east to wesl^ Advance the myriads of the bless'd ; From ev'ry clime of earth they come. And tind in heav'n a common home. 2 In one immortal thiwng we view. Pagan and Christian, Greek and Jew ; But all their doubts and darkness o'er, One only God thej nfow adore. 3 Howe'er di^*ided here below. One bliss, one spirit, now they know ; 1 hough some ne'er heard of Jesus' name^ Yet grace' ad^nita their iunnble ckaim. Butche'r. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 158. H. M. Divine Power and Grace, Ps. cxxxvi. 1 GtvE thanks to God most hi^, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings, And be his grace ador'd, His pow'r and grace are still the same ; And let his name have endless praise. 9. His wisdom fram'd the sun, To crown the day with light ; The moon and twinkling stars, To cheer the darksome night. Earth's utmost ends his pow'r obey : His glorious sway the sky transcends. o He doth the wants supply Of ev ry thing which lives. He hears affliction's cry, And pities and forgives. His mercies sure, just themes of praise. To endless days unchang'd endure. 4 He sent his only Son, To save us from our wo. From error, sin, and death. And ev'ry hurtful foe. While earth and sky declare his praise^. His saints shall raise his honours high^ L*^U 5 Give thanks aloud to God, To God, the heav'nly King, And let the spacious earth His works and glories sing. PSAL3IS A>D ilYMNS, His po^v'r and grace are still the same; ^ Aad let his name have endless praise. Watts alt*d. 159 L. M. Divine Power and Grace. Ps. cxxxvi. 1 Give to our God immortal praise, Mercy and truth are all his ways ; Wonders of grace to God belong : Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown. The King of kings with glory crown ; His mercies ever shall endure, "SVhen lords and kings are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fix'd the starry worlds on high ; AVonders of grace to God belong; : 1 • • • Repeat his mercies in your song. 4 He fills the sun with morning light He bids the mpon direct the night: His mercies ever shall endure, When sun and moon shall shine no mo;e. 5 He sent his Son with pow'r to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave ; "Wonders of grace to Gpd belong. Repeat his mercies in your song. 6 Through thi^ short life he guides oiy f^t^ And leads us to his heav'nly seat; His mercies ever shall endure. When time a^d death shall be no more, Watt^. r PSALMS AND HYMNS. 160. L. p. M. God the unfailing Sousce of Good. 1 Give to the Lord, in cheerful songs^ The praise that to his name belong?, ^V hose goodness still uncea^ng iioirs ; Repeat his name with grateful mind. Who ever good and ever kiad, Nor change nor variation knows. 2 Sovereign alone of earth and sky ! On thee, for ev'ry hour's supply, Thyvarious creatures all depend; Man, whom thy light hae giv'n to know The source whence all his blessings floiv. Views in his God ius kindest fhocd * 3 Yet still our notes we'll higher raise. To celebrate in ardent praise Eternal life through Jesus giv'n ; Thy gracious messexiger he came. Forever blessed be thy name ! A^d pointed out the way to heav'a. Exeter ColV 161. C. M. Sincerity a^id Hypocrisy 1 God is a spirit, just and wise. He sees our inmost mind : In vain to heav'n we raise oar cri^s. And leave our souls l>ehind. 2 Nothing but truth before his throne. j V» ith hongur can appear; j P6ALMS AND HYMNS. Th^ formal hypocrites :vre known 'ihrough the disguise tliey wear, 3 Their lifted eyes salute the skies. Their bended knees the grouud; But God abhcK'S the sacrifice Of pride, and empty sound. 4 LfOrd I search our thoughts, and try o.ur ways. And make our souls sincere ; Then niav we stand before thy fa(ie, And find acceptance tliere. Watts, 162. c. M. God the Creator and Preserver. 1 Great first of beino;s ! mighty Lord I We praise thy glorious name ; Produced by thy creating word. Arose this mighty frame. 2 Tliy voice sent forth the hi^ command ; ' Twas instantly obey-d ; And tiuough thy goodness all things stand, Which by thy skill were made. 3 By thee, through fields of azure, roll Cn number -d worlds above ; Thy mig^ty hand sustains the w*hole ; Each creature shares thy love. 4 By thee, the sun dispenses heat, At^d beams of cheering day: By thee, the stars, in order set. At night thy powT display. rSALMS AND HYMNS, r? By thee, the earth its products yieid.^, And countless myriads live ; And trees and plants adorn the fields, And their rich treasures give. u To thee, all -gracious Powt! we bow, And would ourselves resign ; Accept the praise, accept the vow. And make us wholly thine. Bro\vii alt'd, 163. L. p. M. The Works and ^yo^dofGofi. Ps. xix, i Great God. the heav'n's well order'd frame Declares the glories of thy name; There thy rich works of wonder shine : A thousand starry beauties there, A thousand radiant marks appear Of boundless povv-r and skill divine. 2 From night to day, from day to night. The datvning and the dying light. Lectures of heav"nly wisdom read ; With silent eloquence, they raise Our thoughts to the Creator's prais'e, And neither sound nor language need. 3 Yet their divine instructions run Wide as the circuit of the sun ; And ev'ry nation knows their voice The sun in robes of splendor dress'd. Breaks from the chambers of the east, Moves raund and makes the earth rejoice. 4 Where'er he spreads his beams abroad, He speaks the majesty of God : PSALMS AND HYMNS. All nature joins to show thy praise; Thus God in ev'ry creature shines, Brigiit in the book of nature's lines. But brighter in the book of grace. Watts. 164. L. 31. For the Lord's Day Morning. 1 Gre\t God ! this sacred day of thine. Demands our sDuls' collected pow'rs ; May we employ in work divide, 'i'hese solemn, these devoted hours ! 2 Hence, ye vain cares and trifles, fly; Where God r^id«s, appear no more: Omniscient God ! thy piercing eye Can ev'ry secret thought explore. 3 Thy word of life dispens'd to-day» Invites us to a heav'nly feast; May ev'ry ear the call obey, Be ev*ry heart an humble guest 1 4 'rliy gracious aid, God ! impart ; Omay thy word, with life divine, Eno:ao:e the ear and warm the heart ! 'iUen shall therday indeed be thine. Mrs. Steele 165. c. M. The Mystery and Benignity of Providepce. i God moves in a mysterious way, • His wonders to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea; And rides upon the storm. 12" FSALMS AND HYMNSw 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Oi never-failing skill. He treas-ures up his vast designs, And works his sovereign will. 5 Ye fearful souls i fresh courage take ; I he clouds ye so much dread A^ big with mercy, and will break In blessings on jour head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense. But trust him for his grace : Behind a frowning providence . He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast. Unfolding ev'ry hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the flowV. S Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan his work in vain ; But grace and truth unite their powT, To make his mercy plain. Cowper altM 166. s. M. Blessings of Providence and Grace. 1 Great God, at thy command Seasons in order rise : Thy pow'r and love in concert resign Through earth, and seas, and skies. 2 How balmy is the air. How warm the solar boams ! rSALMsj AND HYMNS. And to refre^i the ground, the rains Descend in gentle streams. S With grateful praise we own 'Fny prcrvidential hand. While grass for kine, and herb and torii. For m^n, enrich the land. 4 But greater still the gift Of thine incarnate Son: By him forgiveness, peace and joy, Thro' endles« ages run. Unknown 167. Ts M. Penitential. 1 God of mercy ! God of love ! Hear our sad repentant songs' ; Listen to thy suppliant rac^?, Thou to whom all grace belongs ! 2 Deep regret for follies past. Talents wasted, time mispent ; Hearts debas'd by worldly cares. Thankless for the blessings lent ; 5 Foolish fears and fond desires. Vain regrets for things as vain ; Lips too seldom taught to praise, Oft to murmur and complain. 4 These, and ev'ry secret fault, FiU'd with grief and shame we own^; -Humbled at thy feet we bov, Peeking pardon from thy throne. PSALMS AXD HYMNS. 5 God of mercy ! God of grace ! Hear cur sad repentant songs ; restore thy suppliant race, Thau to whom all grace belongs I J. Taylor. 168. c. M. God the Creator of Mankind. 1 God of our lives! whose bounteous care, First gave us powV to move; How shall our thankful hearts declare The wonders of thy love ! 2 While void of thought and sense v/e lay^ Dust of our parent earth, Thy breath iuform'd the sleep'Aig clay. And caird us into birth. 3 Thine eye beheld in perfect view The yet unfmishM plan ; Th' imperfect lines thy pencil drev/, And form'd the future man. 4 may this frame, which rising grew, Beneath thy forming hands, Be studious ever to pursue Whate'er thy will commands : Dodsley's Poems, alt'dj 169. s. M. Virtuous Desires. Ps. xxxv. 8, 9, 12, 520, 1 Gor, v/ho is just and kind, Will tliose who err instruct ; And in the patois of righteousness, Tlrcir wandVing steps conduct. l.SALlNrS AND IIYBIXS. iZ The humble soul he guides; Teaches the meek his way ; Kindness and truth he shows to all, Who him in truth obey. o Give us the tender heart. That mingles fear with love ; And lead us thro\igh w liatever pftllt Thy wisdom shall approve. 4 O, ever keep our souls From error, shame and guilt ■ Sor sufter tlie fair hope to I'ail, Which on thy tiuth is built. 170. c. H. Divine Providence, and the Folly of self-depcndejicfl* 1 God reigns ; events in order flow, Man's industry to guide ;, But in a different channel go^ To humble human pride. ^ The swift, not always in the race, Shall win the crowning prize ; Not always wealth and honour grace. The labours of the wise. 3 Fond mortals do themselves beguile. When on tiiemseives they rest; Elind is their wisdom vain their toil^ By thee, O Lord, unbless'd. 4 *Tis ours, the furrows to prepare. And sow the precious grain ; PSALMS AND HY>INS. ^Tis thine to give the 'sun and air. And send the genial rain. ^ Evil and good before tliee stand, Their mission to perform ; The sun shines tnight at thy command; Thy hand directs thie storm. 6 In all our way^, we humbly own Thy provide nti'al pow'r ; Intrusting to thy care alone, The lot (A ev'ry hour. Scott ah"d, 171. S. M. " By Grace are ye saved." Ephe?. ii. 5* 1 Grace — 'tis a pleasing sound. Harmonious to the ear; Ileav'n with the echo sh'all resound> And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contrived the way, To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display Which drew the \^ndrous plan. 3 Grace taught our wand'ring feet To tread the heavenly road ; And fresh supplies each hour we meet, NVhile pressing ofi t^ God^, 4 Gijace all the work shall crown, Through everlasting days ; It lays in heav-n the tonmost stone And well deserves the praise. Doddridgei 1 PSAL31S AND HYMNS. 172. L. M. Mutability qf the CieatioDj twid Immutability Of God, 1 Great Former of this various frame ! Our sou^s adore thlrce awQil name, And bow with rev'rence, while we praise The ancient of eternal days. 2 Beyond an angel's visio^i bright, Thou dweJPst in uncreated light; Which shin.QS with undiminish'd ray, AVhile suns and systems pass a\yay. 3 Our days a transient period run. And change \Vith ev'ry circling sun; And in the firmest state we boast, A moth can crush us into dust. 4 But let all nature fall around. Let death consign us to tUe ground, Let the last gen'ral fiame arise, Consume thp eartli, dissolve the skies : 5 Calm as the summer's ocean, we Can all the wreck of nature see : While grace secures us an abode. Unshaken as the throne of God. Doddridge altjd, 173. c. M. The eternal dominion of God. 1 Great God, how infinite art thou ! How w^k and frail are we! Let the whole race of creatjiires bow. And ho.mage pay to thee FSALMS AND HYMNS,. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere earth or lieav'n was made ; Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dea^L 3 Nature and time all open lie To thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky. To tl^ la^t awful day, 4 Eternity, with all its years. Stands present in thy view; To thee there's nothing old appears. Great God ! there's nothino; new, 5 Our lives through vacytng scenes are draiFii^, And vex'd with*trifliyg cares. While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed aSairs. 6 Great God I how infinite art thou ! How frail and helpless we ! Let the whole race of creatures bow. And glory give to thee. WattSy alt'd. 174. L. M. To the Unknown God. 1 Great God ! in vain man's narrow view Attempts to look thy nature through ; Our laboring powTS with rev'rence own. Thy glories never can be known. 2 Not the high seraph's mighty thought. Who countless y^ars his God has ^ughtj^ 1 PSALMS AND HYM^S. Such wondrous height or depth can find Or fully trace thy boundless mind. 3 Yet, Lord I thy kindness deigns to show- Enough for mortal man to know ; ^Vhile wisdom, goodness, pow'r divine. Through all thy works and conduct shine> 4 may our souls with rapture trace Thy works of nature and of grace ; Explore thy sacred name, and still Tress on to know and do thy will. Kippis. 175. c. M. The Omnipresence attd Providence of God. 1 Great God, how vast is thine abode ! Mysterious are thy ways! Unseen, thy footsteps in the air, And trackless in the seas. 2 Yet the whole peopled world bespeaks Thy being and thy pow'r, Mid the resplendent blaze of day, And awful midnight hour. 3 Nor all the peopled world alone. Rich fields and verdant pjains ; But lonely wilds by man untrod, AVhere silent horror reigns : 4 Tempests and winds that swefep the sky. Caverns and mountains bare, Eartl^uakes and storms,and swell ingwa^es^, Thy grandeur all declare, 13 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1 f 5 Through all creation's widc»^ range. The hand of heav'n is near i Where'er we wander in the worl^, Lo ! God is present there. Jervis, alt'd. 176. c. M. Prayer for the Spread of the Gospel. 1 Great God of grace ! arise and shine, ' With beams of heav'nl j light : From this dcft-k world of sin dispel The long and doleful night, 2 Let no inferior being share The honours due to thee ; May ev'ry natiih know thy name, And thy ^Nation see. 3 No more may persecution dare ^ • To lift her iron rod ; No longer shed the blood of saints. And plead a zeal for God. 4 With its own pure and natiye lights Lord, mav thy gospel shine ! May error rfy like noxious mists, Before this light divine. 5 White heav'n-born truth her charms r.evealg^ May love each breast inspire; Nor cHie base passion ever mix. To quench tjiis sacred fire. 'Needhani, PSALMS AND HYMNS. 177. c. M. God our constant Benefactor* 1 Great God I to thee our grateful tongu^ United thanks would raise-: Inspire our heafrts to raise the song Which celebrates thy praise. 2 From thine almighty forming hand We drew our vital pow'rs; Our time revolves at thj command. In all its circling houi*s., 3 Thy powV, our ever-present guard. From ev'ry ill defends ; While num-rous dangeips hover rounds Our help from tl^e descejids. 4 Beneath the shadow of thy wings. How sweet is our repose ! Thy ntorning light renews the springs From wlience our comfort tlows. 5 In celebration of thy praise. May we employ our breath ; And walking- steadfast in thy ways, \\'e-ll triumph over death. Flexman. 178. L. ^. Christian Zeal, tempered by Charity. i Gr^at God ! whose all -pervading eye Sees ev'ry passion in our soul; When sunk too low, or rais'd too high. Teach us those passions to control. PSALMS AND HYxMNS. 2 Temper the fervours of our frame ; Be charity then' constant spring; And let no unhallow'd flame Pollute the oiT'rino-s which we brina: - 3 Let love with pietj un^te To mend tiie bias of our will : While hope and heav'n-eyed faith excite And wisdom regulates, our zeal : 4 That wisdom which to meekness turnSj Wisdom descending from above ; And let our zeai, whene'^er it burns, Be kindled by the fire of love. Watt£. 179yL. M. The Kingdom of Christ. Ps. Ixxii. 1— -9. 1 Great God ! v/hose universal sway, The knov.n and unknov;n worlds obey ; Extend the kin'i,dom of thy Son, Till ev*ry land his rule shall own. 2 The sceptre well becomes his hands, And wise and good are his commands ; His laws protect the humble poor. And bid oppression reign no more. 3 They form to righteousness the mind. To all that s candid, gentle, kind ; Inspire with love the human breast. And stormy passions soothe to rest 4 As gentle rain on parching ground. His gospel sheds its influence round; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Its grace on fainting souls distils. Like heav'nly dew on thirsty hi}.ls. 5 The heathen lands that lie beneath The shades of darkness and of death. Revive at its first dawning light. And deserts blossom at the sight. 6 His throne immoveable shall stand, Upheld by thine almighty hand, Till all shall love thee and adore. And vrce and mi^'ry be no more. Watts. 180 c. M. Fruitful Seasons. Ps. Ixv. 1 God is the Lord, tiie heav'nly King, Who makes the earth his care ; Visits the pastures evVy spring. And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers rais'd on high. Pour out, at thy command. Their wat'ry blessings from the sky, To cheer the tliirsty land, 6 The soften 'd ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring ; The vallies rich provision yield, 'J'he grateful laborers sing. 4 The little hills on ev'ry sije Rejoice at falling show'rs ; The meadows, dress 'din all their pride. Perfume the air with flow'rs. PSALMS A^D HYMNS. 5 The barren clods, refreshed with rain^ Pro mi se a j o vfu I c vop ; The fields with verdure fill'd, again Revive the reaper ^s hope. 6 The various mouths thy goodness crowns, Ho;v bounteaus are thy ways ! The bleating flocks spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. Watts. 181. C. M. The Example of Christ. 1 God of our m^rcy and our praise, Thy glory is our song. We'll speak the honours of thy grace With a rejoicing tongue. ■: When Christ among the sons of men, In humble form was found. With cruel slanders, false and vain, They compass'd him around. S Their mis'ries his compassion mov*d, Their peace he still pursu'd : They render'd hatred for his love. And evil for his good. 1 Their malice ragM without a cause ; Yet with his dying breath HeprayM for murd'rers on his cro&s. And bless'd his foes in death. *' O may his conduct all divine, To us a model prove : PSALMS AND HVMXS. Like his, O God ! our hearts incline Our enemies to k've. 182. L. 31. The PIcc ciircs of Devotion, 1 God of our sti-ength I to ihee we cry; To ihee, our suftest refuge fly: C) may thy ll-ht atienti our way, Thy truth aftord its cheering ray. 2 Conduct us to thy hallow'd seat, AMiere wisdom, truth, and mercy meet; And there, in all their best array. Our hearts their richest gifts shall pay. 3 Thy mercies, to our h#arts reveai'd, A theme of endless transport yield ; Thy love does all our bosoms tire. Thy piaibe does all our songs inspire. 4 In all our cares, in all our woes, On God our steadfast hopes repose : To God our thanks shall still be paid, Dur sure defence, our constant aid. Merrick. 183. lOs. M. Devout Aspirations. 1 God, our kind Master, merciful and just. Knowing our frame, remembers man is dust : His ear is open to the softest cry ; His grace descends to m^et the lifted eve. PSALiMS AND HYMNS. 2 lie reads the language of the silent tear. And sighs are incense from an heart sincere , He marks the dawn of ev'ry virtuous aim, And fans the smoking flax into a flame. S O set us from all earthly bondage free ; Still evVy wish that centres not in thee : Bid our fond hopes, our vain disquiets ce^se. And point our path to everlasting peace. Mrs. Barbauld 184. L. M. Prayer for Assistance in Divine Worship 1 Grant us a visit, dearest Lord, In gentle streams of grace descend ; Open the treasures of thy \yord. From ev'ry sin thy church defend. 2 Thy branches bend, thou Living Vine, Clusters of fruit to us impart; O may our joys be all divine, May heavenly love fill ev-ry hfeart. 3 In unity may we abound. Thy wisdotn with our zeal combine ; Antl joyful sing on heav'nly ground, And keep the golden path divine, 4 O may our worship, Lord, to-day, Accepted be in Jesus' name; TV' he the r we preach, or sing, or pray, May love be all the sacred Same. F, Ballou, 1 PSALMS AND HYM.NS^ 185. rs. M. Praise lo the R^-d^emer. Grateful notes and numbers bring, \\'hiie Jehovah's praise we sing ; iloly, holy, holy, Lord, lie thy glorious name adoif d T CHORUS. Men on earth, and saints above, Sing the great Redeemer's lov^ ; Lord, thy mercies never fail,. Hail, celestial goodness, hail ! While on earth ordain'd to stay, Gu^rle our footsteps in t!iy way : Till we come to roiij;n with thee. And all thy glorious greatness see I Men on oarth, &c. Then, svi^h an^^els, we'll again Wake a louder^ louder strain : There, in joyful songs of praise, We'll our grateful voices raise. Men on earth, &*. I'liknown. 186. H. M. The House of Prayf^r. 1 Gkf.\t Father of mankind, We bless that wondrous grace, Which could for gentiles find. Within thy courts a place. How kind the care our God displays. For us to raise an house of pray "r I i PSALMS AND HYMXS. 2 Once we were strangers here. But 11 ov approach the throne ^ For Jesus brings us near, And makes our cause his own. Strangers no more, to thee we come } And find our home, and rfes,t secure. 3 To thee our souls we join. And love thy sacred name; Is more our own, ftut thine, We triumph in thy claim. Our Father, King, thy co^^'na^t grace,. Our s^ouls embrace, tiiy glories smg. 4 Here in thy house we feast On dainties all divine ; And whilst such food we taste, AMth joy our faces shine. Incense shall rise from flames of love> And God approve the sacrifice. 5 May all the nations throng. To worsliip in thy house; ^^'ilt thou attend the song, Ann hear their ardent vows ! Indiil^j^ent s^ill, till earth conspire To joiQ the choir, on Zion's hill. D'odclridge- ' 1S7. c. m. The Perfections of God. Ps. cxi. L Great is the Lord ; his works of might Demand our noblest songs ; Let his assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues. 1 PSALMS AND HYMNS, 2 Great is the mercy ot the Lord, He gives his children food ; And, ever mindful of lus \\K)rd, He makes his promise good. 3 His Son, the great Redeemer, came To seal his cov'nant supe; Holy and rev'rend is his name, His ways are just and pure. 4 They tl|it would grow divinely wise. Must luth his tear begin. Our fairest proof of knowledge lies In hating ev'ry sin. 188. L. M. Humble WoiLhip. 1 Great Kin^ of kings, eternal God, Shall mortal creatures dare to raise, Their songs to thy supreme Abode, And join with angels in thy praise? 2 Man, how far removed below I Wrapt in the shades of gloomy night, His brightest day can only show A few faint streaks of distant light. 3 But see ! t^e bright, the morning Star Rising, shall chase the shades away ; His beams, resplendent from afar. Promise a sweet immortal day. 4 To him our lodging eyes we raise. Our gui4e to thee, the great Unknowa,; PSALMS AND HYMNS. riirougli him, may our humble praise, Acceptex.! rise before thy throne. Mrs. Steele. 189. s. M. 1 Gosp.ei Worsliip and Order. Ps. xlviii. 1, 3, 1^, 13, 14. 1 Great is the Lord our God, And let his pi'aise be great ; He makes the church his blest abode^ His most delightful seat. S Far as thy name is known, The world declares thy praise ; Thy saints, O Lord, before thy throfie. Their songs of honour railse. 3 Let strangers walk around The city where we dwell ; Compass and view thy holy ground. And mark th« building well. 4 The- order of thy house. The worship of thy court, The cheerful song?, the -solemn vows, And make a fair report. 5 How decent and how wise ! How ^rloj-ious to behold ! Beyond the pomp that charms the ej^ And rites adorn-d with gold. 6 The God we woiship now. Will guide us till we die ; Will be our guide wliilst here below. Our God above the sky. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 190. s. M. The Spiritual Sense of the holy Word revealed. 1 Great God, we give thee praise For all thy wondrous grace ! Thy kind and condescending ways For our poor fallen race ! 2 Thou hast thy love reveal'd, Beyond what prophets knew ; The holy book of truth unseal'd To our astonish-d view. 3 We wander now no more. Where sons of darkness lead ; But truth in sacred light explore, And wonder while v.e read. 4 The letter of thy word. Before we hardly knew ; And in our awful darkness. Lord, Deem'd half the word untrue. 5 But now its inward sense Is open'd to the mind : We learn thy heav'nly doctrine thence, And living waters find. 6 Lord, we adore thy name. For light and truth divine ! From thee, the welcome mercies came, And be the glory thine I Pioud. 14 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 191. c. M. The God of Nature invoked. 1 Hail, jireat Creator, w ise and good ! To thee our songs we raise : Nature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. 2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, .] Fresh wonders strike our view ; And while we gjfze, our hearts exult, \\ ith transports ever new. 5 Thy glory beams in ev'ry star Which gilds the ^loom of night; Anddeckft the sn-.iling fiice of morn AVith ravs of cheerful li"ht. j 4 The lofty hill, the humble vale, A^'ith countless beauties shine : The silent grove, the awful shade, Piociaim thy powV divine. 5 Great nature's God I still may these scene:^ Our serious hours engage ; Still may our grateful hearts consult Thy works' instructive page ! 6 And while, in all thy wondrous works* Thy varied love we see ; Still may the contemplation lead Our hearts, O God ! to thee. Crentleman's M^sazirc PSALMS AM) HYMNS, 192. L. M. The Perfections and Provylcncc of Gou. High in the heav'ns, eternal God I Thv goodness in full «lorv siiines ; Thy truth sliall break through ev'ry cloud That veils and darkens tliy designs. Forever finn thy justice stands, As mountains their foundaticjiis keep ; Wise are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 15 Thy providence is kind and large ; Both man and beast thy bounty share ; The whole creation is thy charge. The righteous thy peculiar care. 4 O God ! how excellent thy grace. Thence all our hope and comfort spring : In fear, in trouble, and distress, We'll seek tiie shadow of thy wino;. 5 The living bread thy word bestow-, Will fainting souls with strensrth renew, There mercy like a river flows. And brings salvation to our view. f) Life, like a fountain rich and free. Springs from the goodness of the fiOrd ; \nd ir* thy presence, we shall see Tiie glories promis'd in t!vv word. W utts, al?-J« PSALMS AND HYMNS, 193. c. M. Heavenly Wisdom. Proverbs, iii, 13-^17. 1 How happy is the man who hears Instruction's warning voice ; And who celestial wisdom makes His early, only choice ! 2 Wisdom has treasures greater far Than east or west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are Than all the gain of gold, 3 In her right hand she holds to view A length of happy days ; Her left, the prize of bright renov/n. And boundless wealth displays. 4 She 2:uides the young, with innocence. In pleasure's path to tread ; A crown of glory she bestows Upon the hoary head. 5 According as her labours rise, So her rewards increase ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. Logan. 194. c. M. The Prospect of the Christian. 1 Happy the man whose wishes climb To p. mansions in the skies.! He looks on all the joys of time With undesiring eyes. PSALMS AND HYMXS. £ He knows that all these glittVing things Must yield to sure decay ; And sees on time s extending wings How swift t!iey flee away. 3 To iWngs unseen by mortal eyes, A beam of sacred lig'nt Directs his view, his pi'ospects rise, All pennanent and bright. 4 Kis hopes, still fix"d on joys to come. Those blissful scenes on high, Shall flourish in immortal bloom, When time and nature die. Mrs. Steele. 195. L. 31. Meekness. 1 Happy the meek, whose gentle breast, Clear as the summer's evening ray, Calm as the regions of the blessVi, Enjoys on earth ceiestiitl day. C His heart no broken friendships stin;c» No storms his peaceful teut invade ; He rests beneath th' Almighty's wing. Hostile to none, of none airuid. :3 Spirit of grace! all meek and mild, Inspire our breasts, oursoul^^ possess ; Repel each passion, rude and wdd. And bless us, as we aim to b!e-s. Scou, 1 PSALMS AND HYMNS- 196. c. M. The Mission of Christ. Luke iv. 18, 19. 1 Hark, the glad sound ! the Saviour comes, The Saviour promis'd long ; Let evVy heart a throne prepare, And ev'rj voice a song. 5 On him the spirit largely poured. Exerts its holy fire ; "Wisdom and might, and zeal and love^ His sacred breast inspire. 3 He comes the pris'ners to release, III wretched bondage held : The gates of brass before him burst. The iron fetters yield. 4 He comes, the broken heart to bind. The bleeding soul to cure; And with the treasures of his grace. Enrich the humble poor. 5 He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray ; And on the eyes oppressed with night To pour celestial day. 6 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace. Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heav'n's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name ! Doddridge, PSALMS AND iiYMNS. 197. c. M. The Lord's Day Morning. 1 Hail, happy morn I whose early ray Beheld the Savioiu' rise ; M'elconie again, auspicious day ! To our rejoicing eyes. Z On this bless'd morn, birth -day of hope ! Let not one soul be sad ; This is the day the Lord hath made. And bids his saints be glad. 5 Come, and the wonders of the day. In notes harmonious sing; Tell to the world the conquest's gain'd By your victorious King. 4 O happy souls, tliat feel the pow'r Of his attractive love! With him they die, with him they live. And seek the things above. Needham. 198. L. M. The Resurrection of Christ. 1 HosANNA ! let us join to sing The glories of our rising king ; Recount his victories, and tell How Jesus triumph'd when he fell. 2 Soon as the morning's earliest ray Brings on the third, th' appointed day. Behold an angel from the skies. Roll back the stone, and Jesus rise ! 1 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 With strength immortal, forth he comes. And pow'r and life from God resumes ; The days of pain and sorrow past, His triumph shall forever last. 4 Ye tribes of Adam ! raise the song, And with your noblest notes, prolong The triumphs of that day of grace, Which seal'd salvation to our race. 5 Salvation — joy -inspiring theme ! Best gift of iiim who reigns supreme. Sweet balm of ev'ry human wo. And source of boundless joy below. 6 Salvation — sons of men, record The glories of your risen Lord; The triumphs of the Saviour tell. Who died and conquer'd when he fell I Butcher. 199. s. M. The happy Change. i How bless'd is man, God I When first with single eye. He views the lustre of thy word, The day-spring from on high. 2 Through storms that veil the sky And frown on earthly things. The sun of righteousness breaks forth. With healing in his wings. 3 Stmck by that lights his heart, A barren soil no more. I PSALMS AXD HYMXS. Sends shoots of righteousness abroad Where follies sprung before. 4 The soul, so dreary once. Once misTy's dark domain, Feels happiness unknown before. And owns a heav'nly reign. Cowper, alt'J. 200. s. M. Reliance on God, a Remedy for Care. 1 Peter v. 6, 7, 10. 1 How gracious is our God ! How kind his precepts are ! " Come cast your burden on the Lord And trust his constant care." 2 Since he forever reigns. We may securely dwell ; That hand which bears all nature up. Shall guide his children well. 3 why shculd anxious thoughts. Oppress tlie sinkin» mind? Go fall before your Father's throne. And sweet relief you- 11 find. 4 Devoutly fear his name. And know no other fear. In ev'ry scene of life and death Your helper will be r.ear. Doddridge. 201. L. M. A Happy Life. 1 How happy is he born and taught. Who serveth not another's will ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. "Whose armour is his honest thought. And simple truth his utmost skill ! 2 Whose passions not his masters are, Whose soul is still prepared for death. Untied to this vain world by care Of public fame, or private breath : 3 Who hath his life from rumours freed. Whose conscience is his strong retreat : Whose state can neither flatt'rers feed>» Nor ruin make oppressors great : 4 Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace than gifts to lend ; W hose heart, as open as the day. Fears not to call his God his friend. 5 This man is freed from servile bands Of hope to rise, or fear to fall : Lord of himself, thouo;h not of lands.. He, having nothing, yet hath all. Sir II. Wot ton. 202. c. M. A Prospect of the Resurrcction- 1 How long shall death the tyrant reign And triumph o'er the just? How long the blood of martyrs slain Lie mingled with U^e dust ? 2 Lo I we behold the scattering shade-. 'i he dawn of heav'n appears ; The sweet immortal morning spreads its blushes round the spheres. tSALMS AND IlYxMNS. 5 We seethe Lord of glory come. And flaming guards around : The skies divide to make him room. The trumpet shakes the ground. 4 Hark ! hear the voice, "ye dead arise ;■* And lo ! the dead obey ; And waking saints, with joyful eyes. Salute til' expected day. 5 How wdl our joy and wonder rise. When our returning King Shall bear us homeward through the skie?, On love's triumphant wing I Watts. 203. c. M. God the Salvation of his People. Jer. iii. 23. 1 How long shall dreams of earthly bliss Our flatt'ring hopes employ ? And mock our fond, deluded eyes, Witli visionary joy ? 2 Why from the mountains and the hills Is our salvation soui>htr While our eternal rock's disown'd, And Israel's God forgot. 3 The living sprino; neglected flows Full in our daily view. Yet we with anxious, fruitless toil. Our broken cistern hew. 4 These fa 111 ill tiieir stations move, And cacii performs Ins part. In all the cares of life and love. "Willi sympathizing heart. 4 Form'd for the purest joys, By one desire possess'd, One aim the zeal of all employs 'I'o make each other bless'd. 5 No bliss can equal theirs, ^^ here such aftections meet: While mingled praise and mingled pray'rs Make their communion sweet. 6 ' lis the same pleasure fills The breast in worlds above ; \Miere joy like morning dew distils. And ail inn air is love- Watts. 206. lO&Us. 31. Tho unfailing Beneiicence of God. Ps. cxxxvi. 1. i ii oust: o i" u r G od , wi i\\ c h e e r f u 1 a n th em s ri ng, Wiiile all our lips and hearts his goodness sing; ^ lie op'ning year his bounties shall proclaim, ,\nu ail its days be vocal with his name. 'Hie I^ord is good his mercy never ending, His blessings in perpetual show'rs descending. 2 Thou earth, enlighten'd by his rays divine, Enricird with grass and corn, and oil and wine ; Crovvndvith his goodnesSjlet thy nations meet, And lay t'leir crowns at his paternal feet ; %Vith t^rateful love, thatlib'ral hand confessing, ^VhiclJl ihrop.gh each heart diffiiseth evVy blessing, 3*5 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 His mercy never fails ; the dawn, the shade. Still see new bounties through new scenes di» play'd; Succeeding ages bless this sure abode, Apd children lean upon their father's God, The deathless soul through its immense duratioD Drinks from this source immortal consolatiomf 1 i 4 Burst into praise, my soul I all nature join j] Angels and men, in harmony combine* While human years are measured by the sift Yea, while eternity its course shall run. His goodness in perpetual show'rs descending^ Exalt in songs and raptures never ending! 207. c. M. Christian Viitues- ' 1 Happy the man whose cautious steps Still keep the golden mean : A^ hose life, by wisdom's rules well forni^d, Declares a conscience clean, 2 Notof himself he higldy thinks, Nor acts the boaster-s part : His modest tongue the language speaks Of his still humbler heart. 3 Not in base scandaPs arts he deult^. For truth dwells in his breast : With grief he sees his neighbour's faults. And thinks and hopes the best. 4 What blessings bounteous lieav'n besU>w3i» He takes wi;h thankfui heart; PSALMS AXD HYMNS. AVith temp'rance he both eats ajid drinkg, And gives the poor a part. 5 Tt» sect or party his large soul Disdains to be confin'd ; The good he loves of ev'ry name, Ahd prays for all mankind. _ ^.ot on the world his heart is set, His treasure is above ; Nothing beneath the sovVeign good Can ciaim his highest love. Needharr; 208. L. 31. The Glory and Defence of the Church. 1 Happy the Church! thou sacred place. The seat of thy Creator's grace ! Thy holy courts are his abode. Thou earthly palace of our God. 2 Thy walls are strength, and at thy gates A guard of heav'nly angels waits; l^or shall thy deep foundations move. Built on the counsels of his love. 3 1 hy f(AC5 in vain designs engage, Au:iin»t thy walls in vain they rage : TJke nsing waves, w'ith anger roar, i iiat dash' and die upon the shore. 4 Then let our souls in Zion dwell, ?s or fear the pow'r of earth or hell ; ince God defends this happy ground. Like brazen bulwarks built around. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 God is our sun, God is our shield. Light and protection he will yield ; And we, beneath the genial rays, Will sing his love, and speak his praise. Wutts. 209. c. M. Love to God. 1 Happy the mind where graces reign. And love inspires the breast ; Love is the brightest of the train. And strengthens all the rest. 2 Knowledge, alas! 'tis all in vain. And all in vain our fear; Our stubborn sins will fight and reign. If love be absent there. 3 'Tis love that makes our cheerful feet In swift obedience move; Affliction's bitter cup is sweet. When mix'd with heav'nly love. 4 Soon as we drop this ml^rtal clay. And leave this dark abode. On wings of love we'll soar away, To see our father, God. 5 This is the grace that lives and sings, ^Vhen faith and hope shall ceaf^e ; 'Tis this shall itrike our joyful strings. In realms of endless peace. Watt., .Vd. FSAL'MS AND IIVMXS. 210. s. M. The Sound of the Gospel Trumpet to a perishing World, 1 Hear what a Saviour's vcMce, To sinners, does proclaim ; '* O all ye ransom'd souls rejoice, 111 jour Redeemer's name I'* 2 Where sin and death have reign 'd. And all their pow'r employ 'd; Tliere is his grace and truth maintain'd, And heav'nly light enjoy'd. 3 The needy, starving poor Are fill'd with living bread; 1 he op'ning of the prison door Proclaims the captive freed. 4 The thirsty, panting soul. That longs for springs of grace. Beholds celestial waters roll, And floods of righteousness. J Our God, our Saviour too, ^^e would thy love proclaim ; Partake of what is brought to view% And sing thy glorious4pame. Turner. 211. C. 51. Attendance on Divine Worship. Ps. cxxii. 1 How did our hearts rejoice to hear Our friends devoutly say. Within thy courts let us appear. And keep the solemn day. 15* • PSALMS AND HYMNSK 2 Our souls shall praj^ for Zion still, I While life or breath remains : [ There our best friends, our kindred dwell, There God our Saviour reigns. 3 Peace be within this sacred place. And joy a constant guest ; With holy gifts and heav'nly grace. Be her attendants blest. Watts. 212. c. M. At the Dedictition of Children. 1 How large the promise ! how divine. To Abrah'm and his seed ! " I'll be a God to thee and thine, Supplying all their need." 2 The words of his extensive love From age to age endure ; The angel of the covenant proves. And seals the blessing sure. 3 Jesus the ancient faith confirms. To our great fathers giv'n ; He takes young children to his arms. And calls them heirs of heav'n. 4 Our God, how faithful are his ways ! His love endures the same ; Nor from the promise of his grace, Blots out the children's name. PSALMS AND HYMN'S. 213. 6,6, 8. M. The Pleasures of Public Worship. 1 How does my heart rejoice 10 liear the public voice, ■ Come, let us seek our God to-day !*' Yes, with a cheerful zeal. We'll haste to Zion's hill, And there our vows and honours pay. C Zion, thrice happy place I Adorn'd with wondrous grace, '.nd walls of strength enclose thee round ; In thee our tribes appear, 1 pray, and praise, and hear The sacred gospel's joyful sound. S There God hath fix'd his throne, ' here makes his pleasure known. Reveals his grace and justice there. He bids .he saints rejoice, "While sinners hear his voice. And learn his holy name to fear, 4 May peace attend thy |ate. And joy within thee wait, To bless the soul of ev'ry guest ; The man who seeks thy peace. And wishes thine increase, A thousand blessings on hira rest. 5 My tongue repeat her vows, " reace to this sacred house,'* For here my friends and brethren dwell; PSALMS AND HYMKSc And since my glorious God Makes this his bless'd abode» My soul shall ever love thee well. TTatts: 214. c. M. Instruction tc the Young, from Scripture. How shall the young secure their hearts. And guard tiieir lives from sin ? Thy word the choicest rules imparts, To keep the conscience clean. When once it enters to the mind. It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find. And raise their thoughts to God, 'lis like the sun, a heav'nly light ; That guides us all the day; And through the dangers ot the night, A lamp to lead our way. Watts. 215. s. M. The Blessedness of Gospel Times. Isa. v. 2 — 7. 1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion's hill. Who bring salvation on their tongues. And words of peace reveal I 2 How charming is their voice, How sweet the tidings are! ** Zion, behold thy Saviour King! He reigns and triumphs here.^' I^SALMS AND HYMNS. 3 TIow happy are our ears, i'hat hear this joyful sound, IVhich kings and prophets waited for, And sought but never found I 4 How blessed are oiir eyes, Ihat see this heav'nly light; Prophets and kings desir d it long, But died without the sight. 5 1 he w^atchmen join their voice. And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs. And deserts learn the joy.' 6 The Lord makes bare his arm Through all the earth abroad; Let ev'ry nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. Watis. 216. CM. Pv-ich Treasure in earthern Vessels. II ow rich thy bounty, King of kings, ] iiy favours, how divine ! The blessings which thy gospel brings, liow splendidly they shine ! I! Gold is but dross, and gems but toys ; Sliould gold and gems compare, Uow mean ! wiien set a2;ainst those joys '] hy poorest servants share! S Yet all these treasures of thy grace Are lodo,'d in urns of clav. PSALIVIS AND H\3I.\i. And the weak sons of mortal race Ih' immortal gifts convey. 4 Feebly they lisp thy glories forth^ Yet grace thevict'ry drives; Quickly they moulder back to earth. Yet still the gospel lives. 5 Such wonders, pow r divine effects; Such trophies, God can raise; His hand from crumbling dust erects His monuments of praise. Salisbury CoiL 217. c. M. Message of Christ. 1 High let us swell our tuneful notes, And join th' angelic throng; For angels no such love have known. To wake a cheerful song. 2 Good-will to guilty mentis shown. And peace on earth is giv'n; For lo ! th' incarnate Saviour comes, \\ ith messages from heav'n. S Justice and grace, with sweet accord. His rising beams adoi ii : Let heav'n and earth in concert join i The promised child is born. 4 Glory to God in highest strains, In highest worlds be paid ; His glory by our lips proclaim'd, And by our lives display Mc PSALMS AXD HYMNS. 5 When shall we see those blissful realms, Where Christ exalted reigns; And learn of the celestial choir, Their own immortal strains ? Unknown. 318. L. M. Psalm cxxxiii. 1 How pleasing is the scene, how sweet ! AVhen kindred souls in friendship join; Whose joys and cares united meet In bands of amity divine, 2 Less fragrant was the ointment pour'd On Aaron's consecrated head, When balmy sweets profusely showerM, Down to his sacred vesture spread. 3 Not flow*ry Hermon e'er displayed, (Impearl'd with de^^) a fairer sight; Nor Zion's beauteous hills, array'd In golden beams of mornino; lig-ht. 4 'Tis here the liOrd indula:ent sheds His kindest gifts, a hea^^lly store; With life immortal crowns dieir heads. When earth's frail comforts please no more. Mis, Steele. 219. L. M. Christ our Intercessor. 1 He lives, the great Redeemer lives ; VN hat jcy the blest assurance gives ! And now before his father God, Pleads the full merits of his blood. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Repeated crimes awake our fears, And justice, arm'd with frowns appears , But in the Saviour s lovely face. Sweet mercy smiles, and all is peace. 3 Hence, then ye dark despairing thoughts 1 Above our fears, above*our faults, His pow'rful intercessions rise ; And guilt recedes, and terror dies, 4 In ev'ry dark, distressful hour. When sin and satan join their pow"r ; Let this dear hope repel the dart, That Jesus bears us on his heart. 5 Great Advocate, almighty Friend ! On him our humble hopes depend! Our cause can never, never fail, For Jesus pleads, and must prevail. Unknowr. 220. c. M. SalvatioB notofWoiks. 1 How Vast the benefits divine. Which we in Christ possess ; We're sav'd from guilt and evVy sta, And call'd to holiness. 2 'Tis not for works which we hiive douf., Or shall hereafter do. But i e of his abounding love Salvation does bestow. 5 The glory. Lord, from first to last is due to thpe alone : 4 PSALMS AND HYMNS. Aught to ourselves we dare not take, ^ Or rob thee of thy crown. ^ Our glorious surety undertook Redemption's wondrous plan; And grace was given us in him Before the world began. 5 [Safe in the arms of sovereign love We ever shall remain ; Nor shall the rage of earth or hell Make thy dear counsels vain.] Unknown. 221. c. M. Christ's Resurrection. 1 HosANNA to the Prince of light, Who cloth'd himself in clay ; Enter'd the iron gates of death. And tore the bars away. i2 Death is no more the king of dread, Since our Immanuel rose ; He took the tyrant's sting away And spoil'd our hellish foes. 3 See how the conqu'ror mounts aloft, And to his Fanier flies ; With scars of honour in his flesh, And triumph in his eyes. 4 Raise your devotion, mortal tongues, To reach his bless'd abode : Sweet be the accents of our songs. To our incarnate Lord* 16 rSALMb AND HYMNS. 5 Bright angels, s HV.MX.s. 223. 8, 8, 6 31. Contentment and Resignation. If solid happiness we prize, Within our breasts the jewel lies ; Nor need we roam abroad : The world has little to bestow ; From virtuous hearts our joys must flow. Hearts that delight in God. To be resigned, when ills betide. Patient, when favours are denied. And pleas*d with favors giv'n ; This is the wise, the virtuous part. This is that incense of the heart, Whose fragrance readies heav'n. Thus through life's changing scenes we'll go. Its chequer'd paths of joy and wo. With holy care we'll ti ead ; Quit its vain scenes without a tear, AVithout a ^'ouble or a fear. And mingle with the dead. For conscience, like a faithful friend, ^hall through the gloomy vale attend. And cheer our dying breath ; Jifliall, when all other comforts cease. Like a kind angel, whisper peace. And smooth the bed of death. PSALMS AND HYMKS. 224. L. M. *' The Mercy of God through Christ. Heb. iv 1 Immortal God ! on thee we call, The great original of all ; By thee we are, to thee we tend. Our sure support, our glorious end. 2 We praise thy free, thy heav'nly grace. Which pitied our revolted race. And Jesus, our victorious Head, The Captain of salvation made. S He, thine eternal love decreed. Should many sons to glory lead ; And rich supplies throuo;h him are giv'n Toj&t us for the joys of heav'n. 4 Jesus for us, gracious name ! Encountered agony and shame : Jesus the glorious and the great. By dreadful suif 'rings made complete* 5 A scene of wonders here we see. Worthy thy Son, and worthy thee ; This theme shall now inspire our tongues^ And raise in heav'n our noblest sono;s. Doddriuce.- 225. s. M. The Right and Duty of Private Judgment, I Imposture shrinks from light. And dreads the curious eye ; But sacred truths the test invite, They bid us search and try. ?SALMS AND HYMNS. S May we, Lord! maintain A meek inquiring mind ; AssurM we shall not search in vain, But hidden treasures find. 3 With understanding bless'd. Created to be free. Our faith on man we dare not rest. Subject to none but thee. 4 Give us the light we need. Our minds with knowledge fill ; From baneful error guard our creed, From prejudice our will. 5 The truth thou shalt impart. May we with firmness own ; Abhorring each evasive art, And fearing thee alone. Scott. 226. CM. Resignation to tlie Divine Will. 1 In all thy dealings, gracious God ! We own thy sov'reign pow'r; And humbly tiss thy chast'ning rod, Tn sorrow's darkest hour. £ For sore affliction's sharpest sting. In mercy oft is giv'n. Our thoughtless, erring steps, to bring The safest road to heav'n, 3 Alike thy providence supplies Each blessing which we share ; 16^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. Tliiough clouds obscure our morning skies, The ev'ning may be fair. 4 Since, then, our lot of good or ill Is sent with wise design, AVeMl bow submissive to thy will, And own thy pow'r divine. 5 To thee, God ! resigned we pray, Whate-er the path may be, O guide our feet that peaceful way, Which leads to heav'n and thee ! Exeter Col!. 227. CM. '* Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youih." Eccl. xii. 1. 1 In the soft season of thy youth, In nature's smiling bloom. Ere age arrive, and trembling wait. Its summons to the tomb; 2 Remember thy Creator, God ; For him thy powVs employ ; Make him thy fear, thy love, thy hope. Thy confidence, thy joy. 3 He shall defend and guide thy course Through life's uncertain sea ; Till thou art landed on the shore Of bless'd eternity. 4 Then seek the Lord betimes, and choose The path of heav'nly truth . The earth affords no lovelier sight Than a religious youth. Gibbons, PSALMS AND IIWINS. 228. c; 31. To be ashamed of Jesus, is absurd aivJ dangeroB*. I Is there on earth a nobler name Than Jesus to be found ? Who can assert a higher claim, Or more with truth abound r ^ The Son of God,adorn*d with grac^, CommissionM from above, lie bears to our rebellious race The messages of love. S Behold his gentle spirit feel The suff- rings o£ mankind ; And with a word the sorrows heai Of body and of mind. 4 How noble were the trutlis he taugii , How pure the life he led ! And shall another Lord be sought. And we disown our Head? 3 Forbid it. Lord I nor let us yield To this unworthy shame ; But each, with holy courage fiil'd. Rejoice in Jesus- name*. Exrtcr C 229. c. 3f. Praise to Goc|, as the First and the La?!^ 1 I AM the first, and I the last ; Time centres all in me : Th' Almighty God, who was, and is, And evermore shall be. PSALMS AND HYMNS- £ To him let evVj tongue be praise. And ev'rj heart be love ; All grateful honours paid on earth. And nobler songs above ! Edinburgh Coll. 230. c. M. Desire of all Nations. Hag. ii. 7. Job. xiv. 15. 1 Infinite excellence is thine. Thou lovely prince of grace ; Thine uncreated beauties shine With never-fading rays. 2 Sinners from earth's remotest end. Come bending at thy feet To thee their pray'rs and vows ascend. In thee their w ishes meet. 3 Thy name, as precious ointment shed, Delights the church around ; Sweetly the sacred odours spread Through all Immanuel's ground* 4 Millions of happy spirits live On thine exhaustless store ; From thee they all their bliss receive* And still thou givest more. 5 1 hou art their triumph and their joy ; They find their all in thee ; Tfiy glories will their tongues employ In vast eternity. Rippon's Coll. PSALMS AND iIYM:,'5. 231. s. 31. * As in Adam all die, even so in Christ sh.ill ail be maJe alive." 1 In God's eternity. There shall a day arise, When all that's boi-n of man shall be With Jesus in the skies. 2 As night before the rays Of morning flees away. Sin shall retire before the Waze Of God's eternal day. 3 As music fills the grove, Wheji sto^-niy clouds are past, Sweet anthems, of redeeming love. Shall all employ at last. 4 RedeemM from death and sin, Shall Adam's num-roiis race, A ceaseless song of praise bes^in, .And shout redeeminfi; ^lace. H. 3 alio a. 232. CM. Asking the Way to Zion. Jer. i. 5. 1 Inquire, ye pilgrims, for the way That leads to Zion's hill ; And thither set your steady face. With a determin'd will. ^ Invite the strangers all around. Your pious march to join ; \nd spread tho sentiments you feel Of faith and love divine.. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 3 Come, let us to his temple haste. And seek his favour there. Before his footstool humbly bow, And pour our fervent prayer. 4 Come, let us join our souls to God, In everlv'isting bands ; And seize the blessings he bestows .With ea«;er hearts and hands. 5 Come, let us prove vithout delay. The covenant of his grace ; No^' shall the years of distant life Its memory efface. 6 Thus may our rising offspring haste I'o see their father's God ; Nor e'er forsake the happy path Their youthful feet have trod. Doddridge. 233. L. M. The Pleasures of Public Worship. 1 In social temples here we meet. Our God to worship as we please: V/e find the blest occasion sweet. And happy in supreme degrees. 2 In this our highly favoured land. No civil pow'r cati interfere : Nor issue edicts of command To mar our sacred pleasures here. 3 ^Ve sit beneath the gospel vine. And. in its cooling shade repose ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Refresh our spirits with its wine And in the pleasure lose our woes. In it we have unfading health ; Our sins, our pains, our sorrows heal'd; It opens stores of boujidless wealth. In the eternal cov'nant seal'd. Then let us tune the joyful string; And speak of mercy in our song ; To God our thankful otf- rings bring. To whom our praises all belong. Wallace, 234. s. M. The Day of Rest. 1 In songs of highest praise, We shout the day divine ; Which, dawning nuw with heav'niy rays, Shall soon with lustre shine. 2 Dark clouds shall pass away, And light shall fast increase Till us, the pow'r of perfect day. From darkness skkll release. S This is the day of rest, Preiigur'd by the law ; This day shall make all nations blest. This day the prophets saw. 4 This day shall finish sin, (Ye saints, you voices raise) Shall gather all the outcasts in To iing eternal praise. H. Ballou. PSALMS AND HYMNb. ZifiO. H. M. God AU in All. 1 I sing the gospel day, "When Christ shall finish sin; His wondrous love display, . V And conquered rebels bring: They prostrate fall, and humbly own, That^od alone — is all in all. 2 The Saviour, Christ, must reign Till all his foes submit; And being freed from pain. Shall v/orship at his feet ; Shall prostrate fall, and humbly own. That God alone — is all in all. S Then death itself shall die. And life triumphant reign ; No more shall sinners sigh In darkness, guilt and pain. Prostrate they lall, and humbly own, That God alone — is ail in all. 4 Then Christ shall subject be To him who reigns above; And ev'ry creature see Complete in heav'nly love : Shall prostrate fall, and humbly own. That God alone— is all in all. Kneeland.. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 236. c. M. A Hymn of Praise. 1 Indulgent Father ! how divine. How rich thy bounties are ! Through nature's ample round they shine^ Thy goodness to declare, 2 But in the nobler work of grace. What sweeter mercy smiles, Reflected from the Saviour's face^ And ev'ry fear beguiles ! 5 Such wonders, Lord ! while we survey. To thee our thanks shall rise. When morning ushers in the day. Or ev'ning veils the skies. 4 When glim'ringlife resigns its flame, Thy praise shall tune our breath ; The sweet remembrance of thy nam« Shall gild the shades of death. 5 But how bless'd our songs sliall rise^ In sweet seraphic lay, When all thy glories meet our eyes Through an eternal day; Sowdgn, 237. CM. An Evening Hymn. 1 Indulgent God ! whose bounteous care O'er all thy w<>rks is shown, let our grateful praise and pray'r Ascend before thy throne ! 17 FfeALMS AND HYMNI5. 2 W'ljat mercies hath this day bestowM f How largely hast thou bless'd ! Our cup \\4th plenty overflow'd, ">\ ith cheerfulness our breast, 3 Now may sweet slumbers close our eyes. From pain and sickness free ; And let our waking thoughts arise To meditate oti thee. 4 So bless each future day and night. In their alternate round ; And after death, in realms of light, May we w ith Christ be found I Ge!itleman*s Magazine 238. L. M. Gofl our Father. 1 Is there a lone and dreary hour ^^'hen worldly ])leasures lose their pow'r ; Our Father I let us turn to thee. And set each thought of darkness free. 2 Is there a time of racking grief, AVhich scorns the prospect of relief; Great Fatlier I break the cheerless gloom, And bid each heart its calm resume, 3 Is there an hour of peace and joy. When hope is all our souls' employ — Kind Father ! still our hopes will roam. Until they rest with thee, their home. 4 The noontide blaze, the midnight scene. The dawn, or twilight's sweet serene, i»sal:\is and uy.m.ns. Tlie sick, nay, e'en the dyini^ Imu;-, Shall own a Father's gvACC aiul pow'r. Xnvnov.n. 239. L. M. Anticipations of Eteinity. Ix tluit great day, when Jesus comes To raise his children from their tombs. He'll take them to the seats ahovf, To dwell witix liim, ajid toel his love, i Sweet recollection will begin, How grace has sav'd them from their sla How mercy led them all the way, To the blest realms of endless day. 1 Then will they to perfection know. All they have waited for below ; F>ror and darkness then shall fly, And heav'n reveal a cloudlfss sky, 4 Then shall the sain4s with joy approve The paths of providential love: And, with united wonder, trace The methods of redeemins; They w^i 11 with pleasure then review The weary steps tJiey trod below ; And in celestial accents tolh, The Saviour hath done all things well 6 The flock w ill Jlien the shepherd ow n, And be his joy, and glorious cnu\ n, ^Vhile mutual love and friendship reign, And smile through all the haj^py train. IJjikno^'^: PSALMS AND HYMXS. 240 c. M. Christ, the Resurrection, and the Life. John xi. 24, 26. 1 '' I AM (saith Christ) your glorious liead, (May we attention give) The resurrection of the dead. The life of all that live* 2 "By faith in me tlie soul receives New life, though dead before. And he that in my name believes, Shall live to die no more, 3 " The sinner, sleeping in his grav-e^ Shall at my voice awake ; And vrheu I once begin to save, My work I ne'er forsake." 4 Fulfil thy promise, gracious Lord, On us assembled here ; Put forth thy spirit with the word. And cause the dead to hear. 5 Preserve the pow'r of faith alive. In those who love thy name : For sin and satan daily strive To quench the sacred flame. 6 To thee we look, to thee we bow. On thee for help we call ; Our life and resurrection thou, Oi>r lw)pe, our joy, our all. Unknown. PSALMS AND HYMX^. 241. L. M. Christ the Bright and Morning irtar. In glory bright the Saviour reigns, And endless grandeur there sustains; "NVe view lii« beams and from afar Hail him the bridu, the Morninf^-Star. \ Blest Star I where'er his lustre shines, He all the soul with grace refines t And makes each happy saint declare. He is the bright, tJie Morning- Star. Sweet Star 1 his influence is divine ; Life, peace, and joy attending shine ; Death, hell, and sin, before him flee ; The bright, the Moruiiig-star is he. Great Star I in whwn salvation dwells. His beam the thickest clouds dispels; The grossest darkness flies afar, Before this bright, this Morning-Star. Most glorious Star, be thou our guide, Nor from our souls thy splendour hide ; Let nothing thy sweet beams debar. Thou onlv brij:cht and Mornin2:-Star. Eternal Star ! our songs shall rise. When we shall meet thee in the skies ; And, in eternal anthems, there Praise thee, the bright, the Morning-Star. Unknown. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 242. c. M. The unceasing Goodness of our Heavenly Father. 1 Jehovah God ! thy gracious pow'r. On ev'ry hand we see ; O n:iay the blessings of each hour. Lead all our thoughts to thee, 2 If on the wings of morn we speed To earth's remotest bound, TliY hand will there our footsteps lead. Thy love our path surround. 3 Thy pov/V is in the ocean deeps. And reaches to the skies ; Thine ej ri of mercy never sleeps. Thy goodness never dies. 4 From morn till noon, tiU latest ere. The hand of God we see ; And all the blessings we receive. Pi jceed alone from thee, 5 In all the varying scenes of time. Or: thee our hope© depend ; Through evYy age, in ev'ry clime. Our father and our friend ! Thompson. 243. CM. The Coming ai^d Kingdom of Cfcrist. Ps. xcviii. 1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come ! Thi' long predicted King ; Let ev'ry heart prepare him room. And heav'n and nature sing. i'SALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Joy to the earth ; the Saviour reigns ! ^ Let men their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks,hills,an(l plains. Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sins and sorrows grow. Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make his blessings flow. To earth's remotest bound. 4 Thus God displays his truth and grace. And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness. And wonders of his love. Watts, alt'd.^ 244. L. M. Pi-aise to tlie God of the Seasons, 1 Jehovah bids the morning ray Smile in i\\^ east, and bn?ig the day ; He guides the sun's declining wheels Beyond the range of v/estern hills. 2 Seasons a^d times obey hisvpice; The ev'ning and the morn rejoice To see the earth ma-Ie soft vv^ith show^'rs. Laden with fruit, and dre- .vd with fl.ow'rs, 3 'Tis from his watVy stores on high. He gives t'le thirsty land supply ; His silent dews enrich the gro':nd. And shed the hopes of harvest round 4 The desert 2:rows a fruitful field ; Abunda^fe fruit the vallies yield ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. The vaUs resound with cheerful voice. Till distant hills repeat their joys. 5 His works pronounce his pow'r divine ; On evVy field his glories shine ; Through ev'ry month his gifts appear. And joy and goodness crowns the year. Dublin Coll. 245. s. M. The Love of our Saviour, prompting to Christian Love- 1 Jesus, the friend of man, Invites us to his board ; The welcome summons we obey, And own our gracious Lord. '^ Here we show forth his love. Which spake in ev'ry breath, Prompted each action of his life. And triumph'd in his death. 3 One faith, one hope, one Lord, One God alone we know ; Brethren we are ; let ev'ry heai't With kind affections glow. 4 Here let our powers unite, His honour'd name to raise ; Let grateful joy fill ev'ry m^nd. And ev'ry voice be praise. |Hi Warm'd with our Master's love. And thy unmeasur'd grace, Lord ! let our thankful hearts expand. And all mankind embrace. Watts, partly^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. 246. los. M. *'We shall be like hini, for we shall see him as he is.'' 1 John iii. 2. 1 Jesus, all hail I thou risen Saviour, hail ! At thy command, the till archangel sounds. The sun retires, the moon and stars turn pale. And seas,and earth,and skies no more are found. 2 Rous'd at thy word, the slumb'ring nations rise. The dead who live not till the trump be blown, Lift up to thee their supplicating eyes, And they who pierc'd thee, weep at mercy's throne : 3 On all their sins the cleansing fountain rolls. Their robes are wash'd in thine all -saving blood ; The fount of life supplies their thirsty souls, And evVy nation drinks the living flood. 4 Bath'd in the crimson stream of life divine, WitK tears of joy, iia ecstacy they cry ; " The east, the v.est, tiie south, tlie north are thine, From everlasting thine, we shall not die.-' 5 " All souls are mine ; all live to God in me. The first the last, the last the first proclaim ; Jew, G.entile, Greek, Barbarian, bond or free. Are one new man, and bear Immanuel's name." Unknown. 247. L. M. ~^ The Union of Chri.st and his Church. I Jtsus, thou everlasting King, Accept the tribute which we bring ; PSALMS AND HYMNS, Accept the well deserv'd renown. And wear our praises as thy crown. £ Let ev'ry act of homage be Like our espousals. Lord, to thee; Like the blest hour, when from above We first receiv'd thy pledge of love. 3 The gladness of that happy day. Our hearts would wish it long to stay; Let not our faith forsake its hold. Nor comfort sink, nor love grow cold. 4 May evVy minute, as it flies. Increase thy praise, improve ©ur joys; Till we are rais'd to sing thy name. At the great supper of the Lamb. Watt?, 248. c. M. Christ the Head of his Chur«h. 1 Jesus, we sing thy matchless grace. That calls such worms thy own : Gives us among thy saints a place, And brings us near thy throne. 2 When join'd to thee, our vital head. Our virtues grow and thrive ; From thee divided, each is dead, Though it may seem to live. ^Thy saints on earth, and those above. ^ All join in sweet accord ; The body one, in mutual love, And thou our common Lord. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 O may our humble faith receive Thj spirit with delight ! Then time amd death in vain shall strive The bond to disunite. Doddridge. 249. L. M. King of Nations. Ps. xlvii. G, 7. Ixxii. 10 — 14i 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journies run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore. Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 His truth shall endless glory shed, And praises throng to crown his head ; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With ev'py morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of ev'ry tongue, Dwell on his love with sweetest song : And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns. The prisoner leaps to loose his chains ; The weary find eternal rest. And all the sons of want are blest. 3 Where he displays his healing powV, Death and the curse are known no more ; In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost, t) Let ev'ry creature rise and bring Peculiar honours to their King: PSALMS AND HYMNS. Arfigels descend with songs again. And earth repeat the long Amen. Watu. 250. c. M. Christ precious to them that believe. Gal.iv.26. Rom.x.ll. 1 Pet. ii. 7. 1 Jesus ! we love thy charming name, 'Tis music to the ear ; Fain would we sound it out so loud. That earth and heav'n might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to o^ir souls. Our transport and our trust ; Jewels to thee are gaud j^ toys. And gold is sordid dust. 3 All our capacious pow'rs can wish. In thee doth richly meet ; Nor to our eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace shall dwell upon our hearts, And shed its fragrance there ; The noblest balm for all our wounds. The cordial for our fear. 5 We'll speak the honours of thy nanie With our last laboring breath ; * And dying, clasp thee in our arms. The antidote of death. Dedfllridge, FSALM.S AND HYALNS. 251. c. M. The Reign of Christ. Ps. Ixxii. 1 Jesus his empire shall extend ; Beneath his gentle sway, Kings of the earth sliall humbly bend. And his commands obey. £ From sea to sea, from shore to shore. All nations shall be blest ; We hear the noise of war no more, He gives his people rest. 5 As rain descends in gentle showVs In the returning spring. And calls to life each fragrant flow'r. Which makes the turtle sing : . 4 So Josu?, by his heav'nly grace. Descends on man below ; His blessings on the human race, In gentle currents flow. 5 Lon2: as the sun shall rule the day, Or moon shall cheer x\yd night. The Saviour shall his sceptre sway With uncontrolled mignt. J All that the reign of sin destroy'd The Saviour shall restore; And, from the treasures of the Lord, Shall i:\ye us blessings more. H. BaHou. 18 PSALMS AND HYMTfS. 252. L. M. Jesusj the Sun of Heaven, 1 Jesus, thou Sun of love divine, Thy rays through boundUss nature shine ; In thee with briglit eifulgence meet. Wisdom and love, and liglit and heat. 2 Through heav'n thy glory is display'd In one bright day without a shade : Angels from thee supremely prove The nameless, endless joys of love. 3 With thee they dw-ell iv. fervid light. Nor feel nor fear the shades of night ; Thy heav'nly beams will never fail. But one eternal ds^j prevail. 4 Be darkness known on earth no more, But truth display'd from shore to shore . Till men of ev'ry land shall see Thy glory, Lord, and worship thee. 5 'Tis done — -the Sun of love appears. The shades withdraw, tlie morning cles,rs: Now love and truth prevail again. And one eternal day shall reign. 253, c. M. "A King shall reign in Righteousness/' Isa. xxx;;. 1 — 3, 1 Jesus, our King, his sceptre sv^ays, In righteousness divine ; Princes, in judgment, 'tend his ways. And glories m him sVine. i nih inu:i shall be our hiding-place, A covert from the storm ; And by the riclies of his grace i5^ccure from evTj harm. As in a dry and barren place. Rivers of waters flow ; Jesus, the riches of his grace. Makes fainting mortals know. As shadows of a tow'ring ro«k In yonder weary land. Is Jesus to his fainting floG4i ; lie guards them with his hand. Clearness of light he will bestow. Our dimness take away ; And make us all his goodness know In an eternal day. The-e we shall hear the joyful sound. Salvation in the Lord ; And Oil the fiiii' celestial ground, Our thankOjl songs record. H. Ballou. 254. c. M. l'r-M?G. Join ev'ry he His wisdom, with resistless sway, Guides the vast moving frame While all the ranks of beings pay Deep rev'rence to his name. 18^ I'SAL-MS AND HYMNS. 257. s. M. The Influence of Love. 1 Love is the strongest tie That can our heart:* unite ; Love makes our service liberty. Our ev'ry burden light. 2 We run in God's commjinds When love directs the way ; With willing lieart , and active hands. Our Maker's will obey. S Love softens all our toil. And makes our bondage blest ; The gloony desert v;ears a smiie When love inspires the breast. 4 Let love forever grow. And banish wrath and strife : So shall we witness here below The joys of social life, 5 When we ascend the skies, And ^ee the Saviour's face. Love will to full perfection rise, And reign thro' all the plaice. :no;^4n. 258. c. M. God kind and merciful, P?a. cxlr. 1^1 — V-. Let evVy tongue thy goodness speak,. Thou sovereign Loid of all ! Thy sirength'ning hands uphold the weak^ And raise th^ '-f^r.^ ?^^t fa!!. 1»SALMS AND HVMXS. : When sorrow bows the spirit down, Or want assails the breast ; Thy love can smooth th' invader's fro\vn> And jiives the mourner rest. 3 The Lord supports our infant days. And guides our giddy youtli : Holy and just are all his ways. And all his words arc truth. lie knows the pflin his servants feel. He iiears his ciiildren cry ; And their best wishes to fulfil. His grace is ever nigh. 5 His mercy never will remove From men of heart sincere, From those, whose humble, fervent iove^ Is joiii'd with holy fear. Watts, alt'J. 259, rs. M. Praise to God the sovereign King. 1 Lift your voice, and joyful sing Praise* to your heav'nly King ; For his mercies far extend, And his bounty knows no end. 2 Honour pay to heav'n's high Lord, And his wondrous deeds record ; Through the various realms of earth. Praise nim all of human birth. 3 Him, whose wisdom thron'd on high. Built the mansions of the sky ; rSALMS AxND HVMXS. And the orbs that gild tlie pole Bade through boundless ether roll. 4 Him, who o'er this earthly ball, Looks with equal eye on all, And to ev'ry thing which lives. Rich supplies of blessings gives. 5 To the great eternal King Raise your voice, and joytul sing ; For his mercies ^vide extend. And his bounty knows no end. Merrick. 260. L. M. The House of God. 1 Lo ! God is here: let us adore, And humbly bow before his face ; Let all within us feel his pow'r, Let all within us seek his grace. 2 Lo! God is here: him day and night United choirs of angels sing: To him, enthron'd above all height, Heav'n's hosts their noblest praises bring. 3 Being of beings I may our praise Thy courts with grateful incense fill: Still may we stand before thy face. Still hear and do thj sovereign will. *" P=^ALMS AND IIYMXS, 261. c. M. Unprofitableness under Gospel Privileges. Long have we sat beneath the sound or thy salvation, Lord ! Yet Siill how weak our faith is found, And knowledge of thy word ! £ Oft we frequent thy holy place. And hear almost in vain ; ^^ hatfrint impressions of thy grace Our languid pow'rs retain. 5 How cold and feeble is our love I How negligent our fear ! How low our hope of joys above ! How few affections there ! 4 Great God I thy gracious aid impart To give thy word success ; Write all its precepts on the heart. And deep its truths impress. J speed our progress in the ^^y That leads to joys on high ; ^Vhere knowledge grows without decay. And love shall never die ! Watts. 262. 8,7s. M. The divine Blessing implored. Lord! dismiss us with thy blessing, Hope and comfort from above ; Let us, each thy peace possessing. Triumph in redeeming love. PSALMS AND UYMN5?. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospersjoytul sound ; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound. Topladj^'s ColL alt\i. 263. L. M. *' There r^maineth a rest for the people of God." 1 Lord of the Sabbath ! hear our vows, On this thy day, in this thy house ; And own, as grateful sacrifice, The songs, \riiich in thy temple rise. 2 Thine earthly sabbaths. Lord, we love ; But there's a nobler rest above; To that our longing souls aspire, With cheerful liope, and strong desire. 3 No more fatigue, no more distress, Nor sin nor death, shall reach tlie place ; No groans siiall mingle with the songs, Which dwell upon immortal tongues. 4 No gloomy cares shall tliere annoy. No conscious guilt disturb our joy ; Butev'ry doubt and fear shall cease, And perfect love give perfect peace. 5 When shall that glorious day begii;, Beyond the reach of death or sin ; Whose sun shall never more decline. But willi unfading lustre shine I Doddri<]-e. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 264. H. 31. Delight in Public Worship. Ps. Ixxxiv. Lord of the worlds above. How pleasant and how fair The dwellings of thy love. Thine earthly temples, are ! To thine abode each heart aspires. With warm desires to see our God* 0, happv souls that pray, ^^ here God appoints to hear I O happy men, that pay Their constant service there I They praise thee still ; and happy they, Who love the way to Zion's hill. They go from strength to strength. Through this dark vale of tears, i'ill each arrives at length. Till each in heav'n appears : O glorious seat, when God our king ^hall thither brin^-our willino; feet I Wattj. 265. c. M. Universal Goodness of God. Lord I thou art good ; all nature shows. Its mighty Author kind ; Thy bounty through creation flows, Full, free, and unconfin'd. Whate'er our eyes behold, proclaims TLine infinite good- will ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. It shines in stars, it flows in streams. And bursts from ev'rj hill. 3 It fills the wide extended main, And heav'ns which spread more wide ; It drops in gentle ghow'rs of rain, And rolls in ev'ry tide. 4 Long hath it been dififus'd abroad. Through years and a§es past ; And its rich stores, all bounteous God ! Forever still shall last 5 Through the vast whole it pours supplies ; Spreads joy through all its parts : O may such love attract our eyes, And captivate our hearts ! 6 High admiration, let it raise. And strong affections move ; Employ our tongues in songs of praise, And fill our hearts with love ! Browne, alt'd. 266. c. M. Jjastruction to the Young, from a Review of past Dk- pensations of Providence. 1 Let children liear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old ; Which in our younger years we saw. And which our fathers told. 2 He bids us make his glories known. His works of pow'r and grace ; And we'll convey his wonders down Through ev-ry risino; rac^- l»SALMS AND HYMNS. S Our lij)s shall tell them to our sons. Ana they again to theirs ; That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus shall they learn, in God alone. Their hope securely stands ; That they may ne'er forget his M'orks, But practice his commands. Watts. 267. L. M. The Properties of Christian Charity. 1 Let men of high conceit and zeal, Their fervour and their faith proclaim ; if charity be wanting still, The rest is but a sounding name. *•* Knowledge is apt to bloat the mind, And zeal to set the world on fire ; But charity is calm and kind. And gentle thoughts will still inspire. Patient and meek, she suffers long. And slowly her resentments rise ; Soon she fergets the greatest \n'ong, And rage retires, and malice dies. 4 She envies none their better state, But makes her neigliboiir's bliss her own ; Nor vaunts herself with mind elate, But still a modest air puts on. 5 This is the grace that reigns on high. And will forever brightly burn, 19 PSALMS AND HYMNS When hope shall in fruition die, And faith to sight triumphant turn. Bi owne- 268. s. M. Christian Unity. 1 Let party names no more The Christian world o'erspread ; Gentile, and Jew, and bond, and free,^ Are one in Christ their head. 2 Among the saints on earth Let mutual love be found, Heirs of the same inheritance. With mutual blessings crown'd. 3 Envy and strife be gone. And only kindness known, While all one common Father have, One common Master own. 4 Thus will the church below Resemble that above ; Where springs of purest pleasure rise, And ev*ry heart is love. Beddome 269. c. M. Fore-knowledge and Providence of God, Let the whole race of creatures lie Abas'd before the Lord ! Whatever his pow'rful hand has formxl. He governs with a word. . Ten thousand ages ere the skies Were into motion brought^ FSALMS AND HYMNS. All the long years and worlds to come, Stood present to his thought. 3 There's not a sparrow, or a worm, O'erlook'd in his decrees : He raises monarchs to a throne, Or sinks with equal ease. -I If light attend the course we go. 'Tis he provides the rays ; And 'tis his hand that guides the sun. If darkness cloud our days. 5 Trusting thy wisdom, God oi* love ! We would not wish to know What, in the book of thy decrees Awaits us here below. 6 Be this alone our fervent pray'r ; AVhate'er our lot shall be. Or joys, or sorrows — may they form Our souls forheav'n and thee ! Watt-. 270. CM. Devout CoDtemplation of Creation. 1 Look round, man ! survey this globe ; Think of cieatin<>:.pow'r; See nature give a d iff rent robe To evVy herb and flow'r. 2 See various beings fill the air. And people earth and sea ; What grateful changes form the year ; How constant nignt and day I " PSALMS AND HYMXS. S Now raise thine eye ; th' expanse above. A pow'r unbounded shows; See round the sun the planets move, And various worlds compose. 4 Then turn into thjself, man ! With wonder view thy soul ; Confess his pow'r who laid each plan. And still directs the whole. 5 And let obedience to his laws Tlij gratitude proclaim, To him, the first almighty cause ; Jehovah is his name, Liverpool, Old Coli. 271. c. M. The Goodness of God to those who love and trust in him. 1 Lord, how resplendent shines thy grace Through sorrow's darkest sky, To those who humbly seek thy face, And on thy love rely. 2 If wealth take wings and fly away. They still have stores divine; A treasure that shall ne'er decay, A pure exhaustless vnine. 3 When death has slain their earthly joys, Not hopeless th cy deplore ; They look to those eternal skies, Where friends shall part no more. 4 And when, with conscious guilt oppressed; They own their sins to thee ; PSALMS AND HYMXS. Thou dost revive the faintiug brea&t With pardon full and free. O Lord, to thee our hearts we'll bring, FixM in thy love and fear; Then shall our sorrows lose their sting. And dry be ev'ry tear. Liverpool, Paradise st. Coll. 272. L. M. God Omnipotent. Ps. cxxxix. 1 liOUD 1 thou hast search'd and seen us thro'. Thine eye commands with piercing view, Our rising and our resting hours, Our hearts and flesh with all their pow'rs. 2 Our thoughts, before they are our own. Are to our God distinctly known ; He knows the words we mean to speak, Ere from ourop'ning lips they break. 3 Within his circling pow'r we stand ; On ev'ry side w^ find his hand ; Awake, asleep, at home, abroad. We are surrounded ^till with God. 4 Amazing knowledge ! vast and great I What large extent ! what lofty height ! Our souls, with all the pow'rs they boast, Are in the boundless prospect lost. 5 O may these thoughts possess each breasr. Where'er we rove where'er we rest I 19* PSALMS AND HYMN S. Nor let our weaker passions, dare Consent to sin ; for God is there. Watu 273. L. M. Faith in God, in the Darkness of Providence. 1 Lord, we adore thy vast designs, Til' obscure abyss of providence ; Too deep to sound with mortal lines. Too dark to view with feeble sense ! 2 Now clouds obscure thine awful face, And gc^h'ring darkness hides thy smile ; Yet through the clouds w^e see thy grace, And trust in thy compassion still. 3 Through seas and storms of deep distress, We sail by faith, and not by sight ; Faith guides us in the wilderness. And faith can cheer the darkest night. 4 Father! if thou, with lifted rod. Resolve to scourge us here below. Still may we lean on thee, our God, And may thine arm support us through. Watts, alt'd. 274. c. M. God's gracious Regard to his frail Creatures. 1 Lord ! we adore thy wondrous name, And make that name our trust. Which rais'd at first this curious frame From mean and lifeless dust. PSALMS AND IIVMNS. i Awhile these frail machines eiiJure, The fab lie of a day ; Then know their vital pow'rs no niore, But moulder back to clay. 3 Yet, Lord ! whate'cr is felt or feai*'d This thought is our repose, Tliat he, by whom this frame was reai 'd, Its various weakness knows. 4 Thou dost behold w ith pitying eye, \Miile struggling witli our load ; In pains and dangers thou art nigh. Our father and our God ! 5 Gently supported by thy lo^. We tend to realms of peace ; Where ev*ry pain shall far remove. And ev'ry frailty cease. Doddridge. 275. c. M. Instruction and Consolation from the Scriptures. 1 Lord ! we would make thy word our jor. Our lasting heritage ; May this our noblest powVs e^iploy. Our warmest th mights engage. •3 Tis like the sun, a heav'nly lig^it, That guides us all the day; And, through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way. ? Thy precepts oft would w^e survey ; And keep thy laws in sigiit, PSALMS AXD HYMNS. Tlirough all the business of the day. To guide our actions right. 4 Thy truth's a lanxlof wealth unknown, AVhere sprin5!;s of life arise, There seeds of endless bliss are sown, There boundless glory lies. 5 The best relief that mourners have. It makes our sorrows bless'd ; It shows a home beyond the grave ; And an eternal rest. Watts, alt'd. 276. CM. The Man appi'oved of God. Ps xv. 1 LoiiD, who's the happy man that may^ To thy bless'd courts repair : And while he bows before thy throne, Shall find acce^^tance there ? S *Tis he, ^\ hose ev*ry thought and deed By rules of virtue moves ; Whose tongue disdains to speak the word His honest heart disproves. 5 Who never will a slander forge, His neighbour's fame to wound ; Nor hearken to a false report, By malice whisper'd round. 4 Who vice, though dress'd in pomp and pow'r . Can treat with just neglect ; And piety, when cloth'd in rags, Religiously respect. I'SALMS AM) IIVMNS. .1 Who, thougli he promise to I»is losfi, Has ever faitlit'ul prov save. Loud v.as tlie chorus of angels on high, The Saviour hath risjen, and man shall not die. 2 Glory to God, in full anthems of joy ; The being he gave us, death cannot destroy. Sad were the life we must part with to-morrow, If tears were onr birth-right and death were our end ; But Jesus hath cheerM the dark valley of sorrow, And bade us, immortal, to heaven ascend. Lift then your voices in triumph on high, P'or Jesus hath risen, and man shall not die. Christian Disciple. 279. CM. Human Frailty, i Life is a span, a fleeting hour ; How soon the vapour flies ! Man is a tender, transient flow'r. That e'en in blooming, dies. PSALMS AND ilYMXS. 2 The ojice-lov'd form, now cold and dead; Each mournful thought employs ; And nature weeps her comforts fled, And withered all her joys. 3 But wait the interposing gloom, And lo, stern winter flies ; And dress'd in beauty's fiiire:>L blooGi, • The flow'ry tribes arise. 4 Hope looks beyond the bounds of time. When what we now deplore. Shall rise in full immortal prime. And bloojn to fade no more. 5 Then cease, fond nature ! cease thy tears; Religion points on high ; There everlasting spring appears. And joys that cannot die. -»Ir3. Steel*., 280. s. M. The Promise is to you and your CluAtcu, 1 Lord, what our ears have heard. Our eyes, delighted, trace ; Thv love in lon^ succession showTi To evVy rising race. 2 Our children, thou dost claim ^ And mark them out for thine ; Ten thousand biasings to thy rjR.ue For goodness so djvirie. G Thee, l^t the fathers ow n. And thee, the sous ail u re ; FSALMS AND HYM.NS. JoinM to the Lord in solemn vow&j To be forgot no hiore. 4 Thy cov'nant may they keep. And bless the happy bands, Whigh closer still engage their hearts To honour thy commands. 5 How great thy mercies. Lord I Row plenteous is thy grace ! AVhich in the promise of thy love. Includes our rising race. 6 Our offspring, still thy care, Shall own their father's God, To latest times thy blessings share. And ^ound tliy praise abroad. Salisbury Coll, 281. c. M. The Blessings of Nature and Grace. 1 Let heathens to their iilols haste, And worship wood oi' stone ; Bat our delightful h>t is cast AVhere the true God is known. 2 In this enlighten'd, pleasant land, Our happy portion lies ; AVhere nature's ever bounteous hand All human want swpplies. 3 Therefore, our souls shall bless the Lord, Wh^se precepts give us light, And consolation still afford. In sorrow'^s dismal night. PSALMS AXD HYMNS, 4 We strive each action to approve '1 thine all -seeing eye ; No danger shall our hopes remove. For thou art ever nigh. 5 Thou shalt the paths of life display, \V hich to thy presence lead ; Where pleasures dwell without alloy. And joys that never fade. Watts and TatCi Taried, 282. c. M. Gospel Invitation. 1 Let evVy mortal ear attend, And ev'ry heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. 2 Rivers of love and mercy here, In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flows. Like floods of milk and wine. 3 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day ; Lord, we are come to seek supplies. And drive our w ants awav. Wfitts. 283. H. M. Christ cruci£ed. Let earth and heav'n agree. Angels and men be joiu'd. PSALMS AND HYMNft. I'o celebrate witli me. The Savioiu of mankind : To praise the -iil -atoning I^amb, And bless the sound of Jesus' name. 9. Jesus ! transporting sound ! The joy of ear :h and heav'n ; No other help is found. No other name is given, By whi'ih we can salvation have,- But Jesus came the world to save. S Jesus \ harmonious name ! If charms the hosts above ; They evermore proclaim , And wonaer at his love ; 'Tis all their happiness to gaze, 'lis heav'nto see our Jesus' face. 4 O, unexampled love ! O, all -redeeming grace ! How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race ; "What shall we do to make it known, AVhat thou for all mankind hast done ? 5 0, for a trumpet's voice, On all the world to call To bid their hearts rejoice ; In him who died for all ! For all, our Lord was crucified, For all, for all, our Saviour died ! Unknown. PSAT.MS ANT) HYMNS. 284. L. 31. Devout Piofession of Siuceriry. Let sorrow, Lord, o\ir bosoms fiii, Wluen impious me'n iransuress thy will ; 'leach us to mourn wlicn lips profane lake thvi*il-gloiious name in vain. i! With lone: forbearance may we tiCit The works of malice anil deceit ; And ever from their friendship lice, ^N no dare to scorn thy laws and thee. 3 Lord ! search our souls, try ev'ry thought, If our own hearts deceive us net Of walking in a vain disguise. We seek the trial of thine eyes. 4 Doth secret mischief lurk within ? Do we indulge some unknown sin ? O, turn our feet whent^er we stray. And lead us in thy perfect way. " Watts. 285. s. M. Devotion. 1 Let pure devotion rise. And Kindle to a flamt% Ascend like incense to the skies. In our Redeeaier'S name, 2 How perfect and !iow free Our heav'nly fother's love, He gave his only Son that we Might dwell with him above. PSALMS AND HYMNS 3 His word, like drops of dew. Descends on ev ry heart, Subdues and fashions us anew, Aiid bids our sins Uepart. 4 His grace our faith sustains, And dissipates our fear; Binds all our wouiids, abates our pains. And gives us con forts here. 5 He bids our willing; eyes Lool: through the >;loomy shade. To joys immortal in tlie skies. That never cloy, nor fade. Wallace. 286. c. M. Kingdom of Christ 1 Lo ! what a glorious sight appears To ouF- believiag eyes ! 1 ho earth and seas are pass'd away, Aiid the old rolling skies. 2 Frojr, rhe third heav'n where God resides, hat holy, happy place, Th'e New -Jerusalem couies down, Adorn-il with shining grace, 3 Att'^nding angels shout for joy,- And ihe b. ight armies sing. Mortals, behold the sacred seat Ot your descending King. 4 The God of glory down to men ivtuioves his blest abode ; P8\l:m.s and hymns. Men, the dear objocts of his grace, Aud he, tiie loving God. llis own soft hand shall wipe the tears From ev'ry weeping eve. And pviins and groans, and griefs, and feurs, And death itself shall die. » How long, dear Saviour, O how lona; • Shall this bright hour delr^v ? Fly swifter round ye w heels of time, Aij^d bring the welcome dav, 287. L, M. First anil Second Adam. Rom. v. 14. i Lord, what was man \rlien made at first, Adam, the oftsprinsi; of the dust, That thou should^it set him and his ^.ce, But just below an aftgel's place \ m" 2 That thou shouldst raise his nat-ire -o, And make him Lord of all brlov. ; Make ev'ry beast and bird subrai*, And lay the fishes at liis feet. 1 But ! what brighter glories wii^ To crown the second Adam's s^:U' : What honours shall thySonadGii\ Who condescended to be boin ! 4 See him below his ant^els made : See him in dust among the dead. To save a ruinM world from sin ; But he shall reig;n with dow r divin* 20^^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. The worU! to come, redeem'd from all 'ihf^* inlsTies th.U attend the fall, Kew made luid glorious, shall submit At our exalted Saviour's feet. Watts. 288. L. M. Gratitude. 1 Lord ! when our thoughts delighted rove Amidst the wonders oi thy love. Sweet hope revives each drooping heart. And bids our doubts and fears depart, 2 Be all our hearts and all our ways Devoted to thy fervent praise ; And let our glad obedience prove How much we owe, how much we love. ]VIrs. Steele. 289. L. ai. Thegreat Jubilee of Eternity. From sundry Scriptures 1 Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound. And spread the joyful tidings round : Let ev ry soul with transport hear. And hail the Lord's accepted year, % Ye debtors, whom he gives to know, Ti.at you ten-thousand talents owe, M hen humbled at his feet you fall. Your gracious God forgives them all. 3 Slaves, that have borne th^ heavy chain Of sin and hell's tyrannic reign, '1 o liberty assert your claim. And urge the great Redeemer's namr. PSALMS AND IIYMXS. 4 The rich inheritance of heav'n, Your joy, your boast, is freely giv'n; Fair Salem your arrival waits, ^Vith golden streets and pearly gates. 5 Her blest inhabitants no more Bondage and poverty deplore ; No debt, but love immensely great, The joy still rises with the debt. 5 O Happy souls, that know the sound! Celestial light their steps surround. And show the Jubilee begun, Which through eternal years shall run, Doddridge. 290. c. M. Message of the Angels. 1 Mortals, awake, with angels join. And chant the solemn lay; Joy, love and gratitude combine 1 hail th' auspicious day. 2 In heav'n the rapt'rous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran And strung and tun'd the lyre. 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout. And glory leads the song ; Good will and peace are heard throughout Th* harmonious heavenly throng. 4 With joy the chorus we'll repeat. Glory to God on high ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Good will and peace are now complete, Jesus was born to die. for a glance of h^av'nly love. Our hearts and songs to raise ; Sweetly to bear our souls above. And mingle with their lays. Unknown. 291. s. M. 1 he Power and Grace of God. 1 My soul, repeat his praise. Whose mercies are so great ; Whose anger is so slow to rise. So ready to abate. 3 High as the heav'ns are rais'd Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of his grace, Our highest thoughts exceed. 3 His pow'r subdues our sins ; And his forgivin* love. Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt femove. 4 The pity of the Lord, To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel ; He knows our feebly frame. 5 Our days are like the grass. Or like the morning flow'r ; If one sharp blast sweep o'er the field, It withers in an hour. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 But thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure ! And children's children ever find Thy words of promise sure. Watt/!. 292. s. M. Glad Tidings of the Gospei. 1 My fellow sinners, hear The words of truth and grace, 1 he jovful sound the gospel brings To all the human race. 2 This gospel, rich and fvee, To all mankind good news, It will extend to all our race ; Gentiles as well as Jews. 3 Th' apostles of our Lord Proclaim'd in language bold. The Saviour of the world is come. By prophets long foretold. 4 High let our praises rise, Up to the courts above. And join the anthems ia the skies Of universal love. Unknown, 293. 6. 6. 4. M. Praise. 1 M.\Y all our pow'rs of mind. To God our Father kind, An anthem rai^ie ; Whose cloud of glory bright, PSALMS AND HYMNS. With beams of heavenly light> Dispels the gloom of night ; O sing his praise. 2 The God of truth and grace Unveils his radiant face. And breaks the pow'r Of superstition's chain ; His grace shall ever reign. And righteousness maintain. While we adore. 3 As the blest morning ray Drives darkness far away. Behold his love Our night of sin illumes. Our hatred all consumes. Each heart with grace perfumes. In courts above. 4 All creatures sliall combine, To sing this giace divine, And sound his fame. Who saves the world from sin, And righteousness brings in ; O let us now begin, To praise his name 1 H. BaHou. 294. c. M. Progressive Virtue. 1 Mere human powers shall fast decay. And youthful vigour cease; But those who wait upon the Lord In strensith shall still increase. PSALMS AND HYMNS. f They with unweary'd feet shall tread The path of life divine ; With growing ardour onward move. With growing brightness shine. ^ On eagles' wings they mount, they soar; The wings of faith and love ; Till, past the cloudy regions here, They rise to heav'n above. Watts 295. H. M. The Resunection. 1 My life-s a shade, my days Apace to death decline ; My Lord is life, hie'll raise My dust again, e'en mine ; Sweet truth to me, I shall arise. And with these eyes my Saviour see. 2 My peaceful grave shall keep My bones, till that sweet day I wake from my long sleep. And leave my bed of clay, Sweet truth, &c. 3 My Lord, his angels shall Their golden trumpets sound ; At whose most welcome call My grave shall be unbound. Sweet truth, &c. 4 I said sometimes with tears, *' Ah me, I'm loath to die !'^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. Lord, silence thou those fears, My life's with thee on high. Sweet truth, &c, 5 What means my trembling heart. To be thus shy of death? My life and 1 sha'nt part, 1 hough 1 resign my breath. Sweet ti'uth, &c. 296. UaKnown. C. M. Delight in Ordinances. 1 My soul, how lovely is the place ' which thy God resorts ! '1 is heav-n to see his smiling face, Though in his earthly courts. 2 There the great Monarch of the skies His saving pow'r displays ; And light breaks in upon our eyes With kind and quick'ning rays. 3 With his rich gifts, the heav'nly Dove Descends and fills the place, While Christ reveals his \vondrous love. And sheds abroad his grace. 4 There mighty God, thy words declare I'he secrets of thy will ; And still we seek thy mercies there. And sing thy praises »ti!L Walts. PSAL-'MS AM) HV-M>J<. 297. L. M. The Greatness of God. 1 My God ! my King ! O may thy praise Fill all the remnant of my days ; Thy grace employ my humble tongue. And after death exalt my song I 2 May ev'ry op'nin;!; morning bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear; And ev'ry setting sun still see New works of duty done for thee ! Thy works with boundless glory shine. And speak thy majesty divine ; Let land to land aloud pioclaim The matcliless honour of thy name. 4 But who can speak ^hy wondrous deeds! f hy greatness all our thoughts exceeds; V'ast and unsearchable thy ways; Vast and inunortal be thy praise I Watt5. 298. c. M. A Liviiigand a Dead Faitli. 1 Mistaken* souls, that dream of heav'n. And make their empty boast Of inward joys, and sins forgiv'n, And yet are slaves to lust I Q. Vain are our fancies' airy flights, if faith be cold and dead ; Kaug;ht but a living pow'r unites To Christ ti;e living Head, 21 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 'Tis faith that purifiies the heart ; ' lis faith that wt)rks by love ; That bids all sinful joys depart. And lifts the thoughts above. 4 'Tis faith that conquers earth and hell. By a celestial pow*r, This is the grace that shall prevail In that decisive hour. 5 Faith must ol)ey our Father's will As well as trust his grace. And strive to keep his favoljr still. By growing holiness. Walts, aixV 299. H. M. The Efficacy of the Gospeh Isa. Iv. 10, r 1 Mark the soft -falling snow. And the dittVisive rain ! To heav'n^ from whence it fell, It turns not back again ! But waters earth through evTy pore. And calls forth all her secret store ^ Array M in beauteous green The hills and rallies shine. And man and beaet are fed By providence divine: The harvest bows its golden ears.. The copious seed of future year^^ 5 So, saith the God of grace. My gospel shall descend. PSALMS AND HYMXS. Aimiiihtv to effect The purpose I intend ; Millions of souls shall feel its powV, And bear it dowu to millions more. Doddridge^ 300. s. M. Obcdionce to God cur Father. - My Father ! I adort Tliat all-commanding name ; O may it virtue's strength restore. And raise devotion's flame ! 2 I bow at thy commands. And filial homage pay ; AVith heart and life, with tongue and hands, I'll cheerfully obey. 3 No more will I transgress. As I too oft have done ; But ev'ry sinful thought suppress. Each sinful action sliun. 4 My Father, thus I'll claim, And prove myself his son ; And while I bear the filial name. The filial duties own. 5 Do thou the strength impart. This purpose to fulfil : Lord, write thy laws upon my heart. That I may do thy will. Belknap's Coll. alt'd. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 301. CM. The Everlasting Covenant. 2 Sam. xxiu. 5. 1 My Gotl, the covenant of thy love Abides forever sure; And in its matchless grace Vv e feel Uur happiness secure. 2 ^Vhat though our liouse be not with thee, As nature could desire; To higher joys than nature gives. Our nobler views aspire. 3 Since thou, the everlasting God, Our Fatlier art become; Jesus our Guardian and our Friend, And heav n our final home; 4 We welcome all thy sovereign will. For all that will is love ; And when thv providence is dark. We wait tfie light above. 5 Thy cov'nant in tiie darkest gloom, Shall heav"nly rays impart ; And wlien our eyelids close in death, Shall cheer the trembl'ing heart. Doddad-r. 302. C. 31. The V>'ay and End of the Ftiul^.tcons and the "Wicked. P<. xxxvii. 1 My God, the steps of pious men Are ordered by thy vvill ; Though they should fall thev rir^e a^i*in, Thy liand supports them stiil. PSA1.MS AND 11 VMNS. 2 The Lord delights to see their ways; Their virtue lie approves : IJc'll ne'er deprive them of his grace. Nor leave the, men he loves. "^ Tl'.e heav'nly heritage is theirs, Their portion and their home ; He keeps them now, and makes them heiri; Of blessings lonj; to eome. 4 The haughf^y sinner have I seen. Not fearing man nor God ; Like princely laurel fair and green. Spreading its arms abroad; 5 And lol he vauishM from the ground. Destroyed by hands unseen ; Nor root, nor branch, nor leaf was found, Where all that pride Ixad been. ' But mark the man of rigliteousness. His sev*ral steps attend ; True pleasure runs thro' all his ways. And peaceful is his end. Watts. 303. L. 31. Things below, and Things above. I My soul, forbear on transient things Thy hopes and fond desires to place ; Their gain no solid comfort brings. And weary is the doubtful chase. 2 Let faith direct my longing eyes To realms of lasting good above, 21^ PSALMS AND IIVMS'^. ^Vhcre pleasures ever-bloomino; ri.->e. And all is peace, and joy, and love. 3 Thence sin, and pain, and death, and night, Far off forever shall retire; And from God's throne, the friendliest light Shall beam, and utmost.bliss inspire. 4 Compared with this, how fades a%vay The brightest scenes of earthly joj ! Mount up, my soul, to native day, Nor rest thy hopes beneath the sky. Browne, alt'd. 304 s. M. Obligation to Gratitude and Piaise. 1 My Maker, and my King! To thee my all I owe ; Thy sovYeign bounty is the J^pring, \\ iience all my blessings flow. 2 Thou ever good and kind ! A thousand reasons move, A thousand obligations bind My heart to grateful love. 3 Thy goodness, like the sun, Dawn'd on my early days, Ere infant reason had begun To form my lips to praise. 4 The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live : My God ! thy benefits demand More praise than life cxn give. rSALMS AND KYMNS. let thy ^race^ispire My scml with strength divine ; Jyt^t all my powVs to thee aspire. And all my days be thine 1 Mrs Steele, alt'd. 305. CM. BrcatkiHg after the Liberty of the Truth. 1 Maker of earth, shall man despise The riches o( thy grace ; And wild untutorM | assions rise. His glory to deface r 2 When shall the paw'r of love divine, Its light and heat display ; To make thy glories brighter shine, And bring the promised day ? 3 Vt'hen shall that monster of deceit Be bound with chains of light ; And truth and love in one agree To speak the Saviour's might ? 4 When shall thy gons in union join, And gospel armour wear; Gird on the sword of truth divine, And to the cross repair ? 5 Hasten, God, the happy day. When Adam's exil'd race Shall bow, and own, without delay. The sceptre of thy grace. 6 While seraphim surround thy throne, And saints that reign on high. FSALxMS AND HYMNb. Shall join with harps Ite choral song, In strains that never die. D. PickeriD; 306. CM. Praise to God in every Scer^e. 1 My soul shall bless thee, my God ! Through all my mortal days ; And to eternity prolong Thy vast, thy boundless praise. 2 In each bright liour of peace and hope. Be this my sweet employ ; Thy praise refines my earthly bliss. And doubles all my joy I 3 When gloomy care, or keen distress Invades my throbbing breast, My tongue sliall learn to speak thy praise. And soothe my pains to rest. 4 Nor shall my tongue alone proclsim The honoyrs of my God ; My life, witli all my active powers, ^all spread his praise abroad. 5 When death is past, in purer strai^is My grateful praise Til pay ; The theme demands a nobi^^ song. And an eternal day. Hnirbothd.nn, l^SALMS AND HYMNS. 307. c. M. rfieciicns on the past Circumstances of the Year. Mark how the swift-vvingM minutes fly. And hours stiii hasten on ! How sNvift the circlinii: months run round ! How soon the year is gone ! £ Let us indulge the serious thought; Tiie year that's past review : V>'hat good, what evil, have we wrought? What work have we to do? 5 How is our debt of love increased To that sustaining PowV, Who hath upheld our feeble frame, And brought us to this hour ! 4 For all thy favours, O our God ! Thy goodness we adore : Thou hast our cup >\ith blessings fiU'd, And made that cup run o'er. 5 For thy great mercy-s sake, forgive Tlie guilt that marks the year ; And may we more than ever strive To keep our conscience clear. 6 What shall befal in future life We would not. Lord ! inquire : To be prepared for all thy will, l>e this our chief desire. Kxeter CoU. PSALMS A^D HYMNS. 308. c. M. The Death of Kindred imptovcd 1 Must friends and kindred droop and die. Must helpers be withdrawn, AVhile sorrow with a weeping eye, Recounts our comforts gone ? 2 Be thou our comfort, mighty God ! Our helper and our Friend : Nor leave us in the dang'rous road. Till all our trials end. 3 may our feet pursue the way Our pious fathers led ; With love and holy zeal obey The counsels of the dead ! Watts. 309. L. M. Retirement and Meditation^ 1 My God ! permit us not to be Still strangers to ourselves and thee ; Amidst ten thousand thoughts we rove. Forgetful of oin* highest love. 2 AVhy should our hopes be fix'd on earth. And thus debase our heav'nly birth ? AVhy should we cleave to thin^^s below. And let our God and Father go? 3 Call us away from flesh and sense ; Thy gracious word can draw us thence ; AVe v.'ould obey the voice divine. And all inferior joys resign. PSALMS AM) HYMNS. Be oarth with all her scenes withdrawn; Lot vanity and noise be gone ; In secret silence of the irjnd, Our heav'n. and there our God, we find* Watts. 310. s. M. Prayer in Sickness. 1 My Sov'reign, to thy throne. With hum Si e hope I press ; bow thine ear, to hear the groan Of anguish and distress ! 2 My life bow'd down with pain, Mourns its decaying bloom ; J^ord, clothe these bones with flesh agalri, And save n\e from the tomb. 3 Without one murnrring word, '1 hy chastningl receive; ijut with submission ask, Loi?d ! A merciful reprieve. 4 ?4y supplicating voice. Unwearied I will raise : '^ay to thy servant's soul, ' Rejoice !•- Vnd fill my mouth witii praise. .■5C0tt. 311. C. M. Voluntary Obedience. I Not by the terrors of a slave, Do sal nt^ perform thy will ; But with t\\e noblest powTS they have., J hy blest conimand!^ fulfil. PSAL:MS and HYMNS; 2 They find access at ev'rj hour To Qrod within the veil ; Hence they derive a quick'ning power. And joys that never fail. 3 happy men ! O glorious state Of thy abounding grace ; To dwell so near their Father's seat, And see his smiling face ! Watt?. 312. c. M. " Wc are come to Mount Zion.*^ 1 Not to the terrors of the Lord, The tempest, fire and smoke, Not to the thunders of that word Which God on Sinai spoke. £ But we are come to Zion's hill, '1 he city of our God, Where milder words declare his wilL * And spread his love abroad. S Behold th' innumerable host Of an^iels cloth'd in li^ht ! Behold the spirits of the jtist, Whose faith is turn'd to siglit '. 4 Behold the bless'd assembly there. Whose names are writ in heav'n i And God, the Judge of all, declares Their vilest sins forgiv'n. ^ The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one communion make : r^ALMS AND HYMNS. All join in Christ the living head, And of his grace partake I ^ [/ 6 In such society as this, My weary soul would rest ; The man that dwells where Jesus is. Must be forever blest. Unknovpti. ^ 313. CM. Triumph over Xfiliction. 1 Now wc can read our title clear 'J'o mansions in the skies, We'll bid farewell to ev'ry fear, And wipe our weeping eyes. 2 Tiiouq;h death against our souls engage, And all its darts be hurl'd ; ' Still we can smile at satan's rage. And face a frowning world. J Should cares, like a wild deluge come, And storms of sorrow fall ; Yet we shall safely reach our home. Our God, our heav'n,our all. 4 There shall we bathe the weary soul In seas of heav'nly rest ; x\ud not a wave of trouble roll Across the peaceful breast. Watts. 314. L. M. Lca\'ing the Vanities of Time. I Now let our souls, on wings sublime. Rise from the vanities of time ; 22 PSALMS AND HYMNS. Draw back the parting veil, aiod see The glories of eternity. 2 Born by a new celestial birth, Why should we grovel here on earth ? Why grasp ftt transitory toys So near to heav'n's eternal joys ? 3 Should aught beguile us on the road. When we are walking back to God ? For strangers into life we come. And dying is but going home. 4 Welcome, sweet hour of full discharge. That sets our longing souls at large ; Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell. And gives us with our God to dwell. 5 To dwell with God, to feel his love. Is tlie full heav'n eiijoy'd above ; And the sweet expectation now. Is the young dawn of heav'n below. Unknown 315. c. 31. Submission in Aflliction. Job. i. 21. 1 Naked as from the eartli we came And enter'd life at first ; Naked we to the earth return. And mix with kindred dust. £ Whatever we fondly call our own. Belongs to heav'n's great Lord ; The blessings lent us for a day Are soon to be restjor'd. PSALMS AND HYMNfe. Tis God who lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave ; He ^ves, and when he takes away, He tAes but what he gave. 4 Peace, all our rebel passions then I Let each repining sigh Be silent at his sovereign willj And evTj murmur die. \nd everblessed be his name Whose goodness swell'd our store ! His justice but resumes its own. And we will still adore. Watts, alt*Q. 316. p. M. Angels proclaiming the Birth of Chris.t 1 No war nor battle's sound Was heard the world around ; No hostile chiefs to furious combat ran ; But peaceful was the night. In which the Prince of light His reign of peace upon the earth began. 2 The sheplierds on the lawn, Befor^ the point of dawn, In social circle sat ; while all around The gentle fleecy brood. Or cropp'd the now'ry food. Or slept, or sported on the verdant ground. 3 When lo I with ravish'd ears. Each swain delighted hears ^^veet music, offspring of no mortal hand ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Divinely warbled voice, Answering the stringed noise, With blissful rapture charm'd the listening band. 4 'i hey saw a glorious light Burst on their wond'ring sight. Harping in solemn choir, in robes array*d, 'i he helmed cherubim, And sworded seraphim. Are seen in glitt'ringranks,with wings display *d» 5 Sounds of so sweet a tone, Before were never known. But when of old the sons of morning sung V- hile God disposed in air Each constellation fair. And the well-balanc'd world on hinges hung. 6 Hail, hail, auspicious morn ! The Saviour Christ is born : (Such was th' immortal seraph's song sublime.) Glory to God in heav n ! To man sweet pea^e be giv'n. Sweet peace and friendship to the end of time • Milton, alt'd by Rev. Dr. GarJ'.^-r. 317. c. M. There ia no Peace to the Wicked. 1 No peace our starving souls can find, [n sin's deceitful wav ; No pleasant fruits to cheer the mind, Nor ligl^, a single ray. 2 A guilty conscience gnaws within, And we are drown'dwith «;rief ; rSALMS AND HYMNfe*. Our souls abhor that monster sin. Dear Saviour ! grant relief. 3 O, why should men in sin remain ? Why walk the tiresome way ? Lord, may each sinner grace obtain, And go no more astray. 4 Hast thou not promisM in thy word. That sin shall finished be r Fulfil thy testimonies, Lord, And set the sinner free. H. BaUou, 318. lOs. M. 6 lines. Idoiatf^r reproved. Ps. cxv. i Not to our names, thou only just and true. Not to our worthless names is glory due : Thy pow'r and grace, thy truth and justiee claim, Immortal honours to thy sovereign name ; Shine through the earth, from heav'n thy blest abode. Nor let the heathens say, where is your God ^ '-Z Heav'n is thy higher court ; there stands thy throne. And through the lower worlds thy will is done I God fram'd this earth ; the starry heav'ns he spread ; But fools adore the gods their hands have made : The kneeling crowd, with looks devout, behold Their silver saviours, and their saints of sold. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 Be heav'n and earth amaz'd ! 'Tis hard to say, AN'hich are more stupid, or their gods or they; (), christian, triistthe Lord ; lie hears and sees ; He knows thy sorrow, and restores thy peace; His worship does a thousand comforts yield ; He is thy help, and he thy heav'nly shield. Watts. 819. L. 31. All Things work together for Good to them that love Crod_ 1 Not from dark fate's relentless tomb, Nor from the dust our troubles come ; No fickle chance presides o-er orief. To cause the pain, or send relief. 2 Look up, and see, ye sorrowing saints ! The cause and cure of your complaints : Know, 'tis your heav'nly Father's will ; Bid evVy murmur then be still. 3 He sees we need the painful yoke ; Yet love directs his heaviest stroke : He takes no pleasure in our smart, But wounds to heal the broken heart* 4 Blest trials those that cleanse from sin. And make the soul all pure within, Wean the fond mind from earthly toys To seek and taste celestial joys. Bristol Coll. I'SALMS AND HYMNS. 320. L. M. Glory and Grac in Iinnianuel. 1 Cor. i. 31. 1 Now to the Lord a noble song! Awake, each soul ! awake, each tongue I liosanna to th' eternal Name, And all his boundless love proclaim. 2 See where it shines in Jesus' face, 'i he bri;i;htest i.na^e of his grace ; God, in t!^e persori of his Son, Uath all his former works out done. :> The vspacious earth, and spreading flood, Proclaim the wise, the pow'rful God, And thy rich glories from afar Sparkle iii evry rolling star : 4 But in his looks a g'ory stands, The noblest l^.bour of thy hands : The pleasing lustre of his eyes Outshines tiie wonders of the skies. 5 Grace, 'tis a sweet, a charminjr tlien:e ; Our thoughts rejoice at Jesus' nan ie ! Ye angels, dwell upon the sound ; Ye heav'ns. reflect it to the ^jround 1 6 O, may we live to reach the place Where he unveils his lovelv face; \Yhereall his beauties we behold, And sing his name to harps ufgold! Watts PSALMS AND HYMNS^. 321. s. M. Rejoicing in the Hope set before us. 1 Now let our voices join To form a sacred song ; Yepi'^^rims, in Jehovah's ways. With music pass along. 2 How straight the path appears. How open and how fair! No lurking gins t' entrap our feet ; No fierce destroyer there. 3 But flowVs of paradise In rich profusion spring; The sun of glory gilds the path.. And dear companions sing. 4 See Salem's golden spires In beauteous prospect rise ; And brighter crowns than mortals weai^ Which sparkle through the skies. 5 All honour to his name. Who marks the shining way ; To him, who leads the wand'rers on To realms of endless day. Doddridge. 322. L. M. Jesus hath done all Things well. Now shall our souls- with pleasure raise, To our dear Lord a song of praise : Well sing his love, his goodness tell, Our^aviour hath done all things welL PSALMS AND HYMNS. '2 W ifh pitvin;]^ eyes he viewM our case, And came to save our ruin'.l race ; lie conquerM sin and deatii and hell ; Our Jesus hath done all thiJr^s well. 3 He will accomplish his di^sl^n. And all thinos in himself cimbiae; Nor sin on earth forever dv/cll, For Jesius will do all things -well. 4 His work, how great I his plan, how vast But when it all appears at last, It will our highest praise excel ; For Jesus will do all things well. 5 When the creation is restorM, And God shall be by all ador\l, How loudly will the triumph swell, Oui Jesus hath done all things well. 6 Sin, death, and hell, will Christ destroy, And fill the universe with joy ; His love shall tiien each voice con»pel, To shout, " he hath done all thinirs well.'* Unknown. 323. L. 31. Now to the Lord who built the skies Let grrateful soncs of praise arise ; By all that dwell beneath t'ne sun, Now^ be his grace in concert sung. Far as the rolling: planers move He spreads his mercy and hh love : PSALMS AND HYMNS. 1 hro' ev'ry land, and ev'ry clime. His wondrous works of goodness shine. 3 So let his goodness be expressed, From njorth to south, from east to west. And ev'ry living thing adore His sacred name, forevermore. S. StreeteK 324. c. 31. God's tender Care of Zion. 1 Now let our inward joys arise, And hurst into a song ; Almighty love inspires our hearts, And pleasure tunes our tongue. 2 God on his thirsty Zion's hill Some mercy drops has thrown. And solemn oaths have bound his love To show'r salvation down. 3 Why do we then indulge our fears, Suspicions and complaints ? Is he a God, and shall his grace Grow weary of his saints r 4 Can a kind Mother e'er ftrget A tender infant son. And 'mongst a thousand roving thoughts. Her suckling have no room? 5 Yet, saith the Lord, should nature change, Aiid mothers monsters prove, Zion still dw^ells upon the thought Of everlasting Ipve. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 Deep on the pahiis of both my hands I have engrav'd her name ; My pow'r shall raise her ruin'd walls. And build her broken frame. Wattg. 325. L. M. A CaU to Thanksgiving and Praise. 1 Now to our God let praises rise, From all that dS^Tll below the skies ; Throughout the earth his love proclftiw. With joys eternal in Uis name. 2 Kn^w that the Lord is Qod alone. No rival fills th' eternal tlirone ; We are the creatures of his hand ; Our form and frame his praise demand. ^ We are the people of his care, His sheep who feed in pastures fair^ The objects of hi^ tender love. Supply 'd with blessings from above. 4 Into his earthly temple come, And raise the antliem and the song ; Let gratitude the lay inspire, The bos4)m glow with sacred fire. r? "For God in endless goodness reigns, And mercy, truth, and love maintains ; Nor time, nor years, novmeasur'd space. Confines the blessings of his grace. TurPer- Pa ALMS AND HVrvlJsS. 326. c. M. ••' Seei first the Kingdom of God." 1 Now let a pure ambition rise, And ardour fire our breast, To roipn in worlds above the skies, In heav'nly glories drest. 2 Behold Jehovah's royal hands, A radiant crown display. Whose ^ems with vivid lustre shine, AVhile suns and stars decay. 3 Then seek no more for transient good, Nor longer call it thine, But strive to gain superior joys. Immortal antl divine. 4 Ye hearts, with youthful vigour warm, The glorious prize pursue ; Nor shall ye want the goods of earth, \N hile hcav'n is kept in view. Doddridge 327. L. M. Image of the InvisinDle. Heb. i. 3 1 Now, in the form of Jesus, we God's bright displays of glory see ; Beaming with mild and heav nly rays. He all his Father's grace displays. 2 Blest image of th' eternal God, Here his rich glories shine abroad ; V ith purest lustre they combine Eis poVvT. his truth, and love divine- PSALMS AND HVMXS. S Of all creation the first-born ; Of all that heav'n's bright courts adorn. He as a Prince and Sovereign reigns, Almighty powT his throne sustains. ,4 It pleas'd the eternal Fulness well. In Christ the Lord alone to dwell ; From this rich Fountain freely flows Complete relief for all our woes. Peacock. 528. c. M. Blessings on bira that cometh in the Name of the Lord. 1 Now blessing, honour^ glo^y, praise, By angel hosts are sung ; The saints below their voices raise — 'J'heir harps with gladness strung. 2 Ador'dbe him, who comes to bless The nations with his love ; To shew his truth and righteousness, And ev*ry cloud remove. 3 How blest is he who comes to reign In Zion's happy land : Jerusalem is built again And shall forever stand. 4 No more this kingdom shall decay. No more the temple fall ; Here Jesus reigns with boundless sway, The King and Lord of all Proud. 25 PSALMS AND HYM5S, 329. CM. The universal Extent of Christ's Kingdom. Isa. ii. Z. 1 O'er mountain tops, the mount of God, In latter days snail rise Above the summits of the hills. And draw the wond'ring eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues shall flow ; Up to the mount of God they say. And to his house we'll go. 3 The beams that shine from Zion's hil! Shall lighten ev'rv land ; The King, who reigns in Salem's tow'rs. Shall the whole world command. 4 Among the nations he shall, judge l]is judgments truth shall guide: His sceptre shall protect the just, And crush the silmer's pride. 5 No war shall I'age, nor hostile strife. Disturb tliose happy years ; fsw^ords. To plough -shares men shall beat their To pruning-hooks their spears. 6 No longer hosts, encount'ring hosts. Shall crowds of slain deplore ; They'll lay the martial trumpet by. And study Avar no more. Scotch Paraphrase. PSALMS AND HVMXS. :^3o. c. M. Umvereal Praise. \ O FOR a shout of >acred joy To God the sov'*reio;n King! liCt ev'ry land their tongues employ, And hjnms of triumph sing. 2 AVhilst angels shout their lofty praise, Let mortals learn their strains; Let all the earth their voices raise. O'er all the earth he reigns. Rehearse his praise Nvith awe profound, Let kno\vled;ie lead the sons; ; Nor mock him with a solemn sound Upon a thoughtless tongue. 4 In Israel stood his ancient throne, He lov'd that ciiosen race ; But now he calls the world his own, .\nd heathens taste his grace, 331. CM. Praise. Ps. cvii. 8. Isa. xxxv. 3 — 6. 1 FOR a thousand tongues to sing The dear Redeemer's praise ! The glories ot our God and King, The triumphs of his grace ! '2 Jesus, the name that charms our fears. That bids our sorrows ceas^ ; 'I is music in the sinner's ears, •Tis life, and health, and peace. PSALMS AND HYxMNS. 3 He speaks, and, list'ning to his voices New life the dead receive ; The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, The humble poor believe. 4 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, Yourloosen'd tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come ; And leap, ye lame for joy ! Wesley's Cc-L 332. L. M. Opening of Service. 1 O God of g;race, before thy throne. Thy suppliants bow with holy fear; Those thou art pleasM to call thine own Invoke thy sacred presence here. 2 Kind Source of Light! thy blessing grant. Bestow on us thy cheering rays ; Supply ourvary'd mental want. And thus inspire our hearts to praise. 3 Send liiy good spirit from above, To dissipate the darksome gloom ; Sweet emanation of thy love 1 To these desiring bosoms come. 4 Give to thy word successful course, And spread the triumphs of thy name ; May truth exhibit all her force, Ana put the lying lip to shame, PSALMS AND HYMNS. '5 And while we worship at thy feet, Where veiled angels do adore, Give us in fellowship to meet, To sing thy grace, and speak thy powV. Turner, 333. s. 31. God*sdistinguishiiig Go«dness to Man. Ps. viii, 1 Lord ! our heavenly King I Thy name is ail divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er the heav'ns they shine, £ AA'hen to thy work« above We raise our wond-ring eyes, And see the moon, fair queen of night. In peerless splendour rise: 3 AVlien we survey the stars That fill the vaulted sky, Lord ! what is man, that he should stand In thy regard so high ? 4 Or what the son of man, That thou shouldst love him so r Next to thine angels is he placM, And lord of all beh^w. 5 Thine honours crown his head, "While subject beasts obey; And birds that cut the air with wings. And fish that cleave the sea. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 How rich thj bounties are! How wondrous are thy ways ! Of (lust and worms thy pow'r can framed A monument of praise. Watts. 334. c. M. Th» Times of refreshing. Isa. xxv. 6. 1 On Zion, his most holy mount, God will a feast prepare ; And Israel's sons, and Gentile lands. Shall in the banquet share. 2 Marrow and fatness are the food His bounteous hand bestows : Wine on the lees, and well refin'd,^. In rich abundance flows» 5 See to the vilest of the vile A free acceptance giv'n ! See rebels, by adopting grace, Transform'd, and heirs of heav'n ! 4 The pain'd, the sick, the dying now To ease and health restor'd. With eager appetites partake The plenties of the board. 5 But O, what draughts of bliss unknown, What dainties shall be giv'n, When, with the myriads round the throne. We join the feast of heav'n. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 6 There joys inuneasurablj high Shall overflow the soul, And springs ot life that nerer dry, A thousand channels roll. Rippon's Coll. 335. c. M. A Prayer. 1 THOU, whose pow'ii^he mountains form 'd, And made the sea his bed ; Who sat his raging waves their bound, And all his caverns hid. 2 The mountains thy commands obey. The seas thy pow'r confess ; Thou dost their caverns deep sui^vey, And ev'ry dark recess. 5 0*er mountains of our sins, O Lord, Wilt thou thy hand extend, And to thy gracious, pard'ning word Their lofty summits bend. 4 And o^er the raging seas of guilt, May thy rich grace abound. While in the blood which Jesus spilt. Each angry wave is drown'd. 5 In darkest caverns of the heart. Wilt thou thy light display ; And to the visual powV impart. Thy own eternal day. H. Ballon. PSALMS AND HYM-Ns. 336. c. M. ***^'*^ Prudence. 1 0, 'tis a lovelj' thing to see The man of prudent heart ! ^Vhose thoughts, and lips, and life agree To act a useful part. 2 When envy, strife, and war begin In little angry sJhls ; Mark how the sons of peace come in, And quench the kindling coals I 3 Tlieir minds are humble, mild and meek. No furious passions rise ; Nor malice moves their lips to speak, Nor pride exalts their eyes. 4 Their lives are prudence mix'd with love ; Good works employ their day ; They join the serpent w^ith the dove, But cast the sting away. 5 Such was the Saviour of mankind ; Such pleasures he pursu'd ; His manners gentle and refin'd, His soul divinely good. Watts. 337. s. M. Lord's Supper. Rom. xii. 4, 5. Luke xxiv. 1 Our heav'nly Father calls. And Christ invites us near ; With both, our friendship shall be sweet. And our communion dear. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 God pities all our griefs ; He pardfcns ev'ry day ; Almighty to protect our souls. And wise to guide our way, 5 Jesus, our living Head, We bless thy faithful care ; Our advocate before the throne. And our forerunner there. -I 4 Here fix each roving heart ! Here wait our warmest love ! Till the communion be complete In nobler scenes above. Doddridge. 338. H. M. Glory of the Church in the Latter Day, 1 O ZioN, tune thy voice. And raise thy hands on high ; Tell all the earth thy joys. And boast salvation nigh : Cheerful in God, arise and shine, While rays divine stream all abroad, 5 He gilds the mourning face With beams that cannot fade ; His all-resplendent o;race He sheds upon thy head ; The nations round, thy form shall view, With lustre new divinely crown'd. 3 In honour to his name Reflect that sacred light. And loud his grace proclaim Who makes thy darkness bright ^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. Pursue his praise till sovereign love In worlds above the glory raise. 4 There, on his holy hill, A brighter sun shall rise, And with his radiance fill Those fairer, purer skies; While round his throne ten thousand star^ In nobler spheres Jiis influence own. • Doddridge. 339. L. M. Immortal Praise due to God. • 1 O FOR a sweet inspiring ray To animate our feeble strains, From the bright realms of endless day. The blissful realms where Jesus reigns. 2 There low before his glorious throne, Adoring saints and angels fall; And witli delightful worship own His smiles their bliss, their heav'n, their all. 3 Immortal glories crown his head, While sounding hallelujahs rise, And love, and joy, and triumph spread. Through all the regions of the skies. 4 He smiles, and seraphs tune their song8 To boundless rapture, while they gaze ; Ten-thousand thousand joyful tongues Resound his everlasting praise. Unknown PSALMS AND HYMNS. 340. L. M. Prayei for Peace. 1 HASTE the time, thou Prince of peace. When war no more shall lift the shield ; But wrath and strife, and lust of spoil, To thee their sanguine trophies yield. 2 Repress the horrid waste of life. Destroy the warrior's trade in blood ; And say to all the tribes of earth. Be still and know that 1 am God. 3 Jehovah, speed the promised day. When love shall hold unbounded reign ; And union sheathe the flaming sword. That hangs o er desolation's plain. 4 Ah ! come, ye happy moments, come, When the whole earth shall own one Lord ; And thou tlie King, the God of peace. In peace forever be ador'd. XJnkjAOM'n. 341. c. »i. Victory over Death. 1 Cor. xv. 55, &c. 1 FOR an overcoming faith To cheer our dying hours. To triumph o'er the monster death. And all his frightful pow*rs. 2 Joyful with all the strength we have. Our quiv'ring lips should sing, '* ^^ here is thy boasted victory, grave I And where the monster's sting r" PSALMS A^D HYMNS. 3 If sin be pardon'd, we're secure \ Death hath no sting beside ; The law gives sin its damning pow'r ; But Christ our ransom, died. 4 Now to the God of victory Immortal thanks be paid. Who makes us conqu'rors when we die. Through Christ our living head. Watts, 342. c. M. Blissful Prospects beyond the Grave. 1 On Jordan's stormy banks we stand. And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land. Where our possessions lie. 2 the transporting, rapt'rous scene, That rises to our sight! Sweet fields array'd in living green. And rivers of delight ! 3 There gen'rous fruits that never fail. On trees immortal grow; There rocks, and hills, and brooks and vales, /With milk and honey flow. 4 All o'er those wide extended plains Shines one eternal day : There God the sun forever reigns^ And scatters night away. PSALMS AND HY3INS. No chilling wiuds, or pois'nous breath Can re-^ch that healthful shore : There sickness, sorrow, pain and deatli. Are felt and fear'd no more. Unkno^vn. 343. s. 31. Joy and Peace in Christ. 1 Christ, what o;racious words, Are ever, ever tliine; Thy voice is music to the soul, And life and peace divine. £ Good, everlastino; good, Giad-tidings full of joy, Flow from thy lips, the lips of truth, And flow without alloy. 3 The broken heart, the poor, The bruis'd, the deaf, tlie blind ; The dumb, the dead, tlie captive wretch. In ihee compassion find. 4 Lord Jesus speed the day, The promisM day of grace, To all the poor, the dumb, the deaf. The dead of Adam's race, 5 One song shall then employ The blessed, blessing whole ; And human nature shout thy name. The life of ev'ry soul. Unknown, 24 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 344. L. M. Universal Praise. 1 HOW transporting, how divine. When sweetest sounds in concord join. And hearts and harps unite to sing The praises of th' incarnate King. £ Might sinners only mourn and sigh Before the Majesty on high, And prostrate in his presence pleads 'Twould be a favour rich indeed* 3 But oh ! stupendous stoop of grace ? Hear and adore ye fallen race, For ye may hymn th' eternal King, I And of his great salvation sing. 4 O may this grace our hearts inspire With love's all-animating fire ! While in sweet sounds we spread the fam^ Of «ur adored Saviour's name. 5 Adoring praise 1 'tis heav'n's employ, Bright seraphs wish no higher joy ; Amidst the ever blissful throng, All, all is love, and sacred song. 6 Sav'd from the guilt and pow'r of sin. May we on earth ourheav'n begin. And join that choir in noblest strains. Where harmony forever reigns. rSALMS AND IIYM.NS. 345. S. M. The Grace and Love of Christ. I O THE transcendent love A sinless Saviour shows 1 For enemies his bowels move, His heart with pity glows. ^ Jesus invited near The vilest of our race ; He bids the greatest sinner hear Tlie gospel of his grace. 5 Let Pharisees exclaim, And all this grace despise ; But we w ill love the Saviour's name, 'Tis wondrous in our eyes. 4 Yes, to life's utmost end Thy sovereign grace we'll show, APxd own thee for the sinner's friend. And sin's eternal foe. Unknown. 346. s. M. Praise for spiritual and temporal Blessings. 1 BLESS the Lord, our souls 1 Let all within us join, A iid aid our tongues to bless his name. Whose favours are divine. 2 bless the Lord our souls ! Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in un thank fulness. And without praises die. PijALMS AND HYMNS- 3 'Tis he forgives our sins, 'Tis he relieves our pain ; *Tis he that heals our sicknesses, And gives us strength again. 4 He crowns Oiir lives with love, When rescuM from the grave ; He who redeems our souls from death. From ev'ry ill can save. 5 He fills the poor with good ; He gives the suffVers rest: The Lord hath judgments for the proud. And mercy for th' oppressed. 6 His wondrous works and ways He made by Moses knov;n ; But sent the world his truth and grace By his beloved Son. Wattf. 347. L. M. Praise to the One Supreme. 1 coMi:, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our almighty King ! For we our voices high should raise, When our Scilvation's rock we praise* 2 let us to his courts repair And bow with adoration there ; Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord our Maker fall. S For God the Lord enthron'd in state, Is with unrival'd glory great; PSALMS AND HYMNS. Ills mercy, hi5i;nest heav'n transcends. His truth, beyond the clouds extends. Be thou, God ! exalted high ; And cs tliy gh)ry fills the sky. So let i be on earth displayed Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. Tate, transposed, 348. L. 31. Acceptable Worship. \ HOW delightful is the road That leads us to thy temple, Lord 1 With joy we visit thine abode, And seek the treasures of thy word. 2 heavenly treasures! glorious light! From ancient sages long conceal'd ; Till Christ restored the feeble sight, And God's unchano-ins word reveal *d. 5 For thee, O Lord! our thoughts prepare The sacrifice thy love demands ; A soul repentant and sincere, A grateful heart, and llb'ral hands. J. Taylor. 349. p. M. Praise to the Sapreiue Ruler and Judge. 1 SING to the Lord a new song ! The universe join in the strain ; Each day the glad tribute prolong, His wonders, his glory maintain. 24 * PSALMS AND HYMNSc Let gratitude ble^s the kind powV From whom our salvation descends r How great is the God we adore I How rich are the blessings he sends I 2 In beauty of holiness bow : O worship with fear and with love ! How solemn his temples below! How glorious his presence above! Proclaim to the nations around, Our God, the omnipotent, reigns, Whose righteousness space cannot bound. Whose purpose unalter-d remains I 3 let the wide heavens rejoice, The earth with her myriads be glad! The ©cean shall join his loud voice And woods in rich verdure be clad; Rejoice ! for the Lord is at hand ; Prepare ! for his judgment is nig1\ : Before him all nations shall stand ; No guilt from his justice shall flv. J. Taylor. 350. L. >i. Divine Light and Guidance implored. I O SOURCE of uncreated light ! By whom the worlds were rais'd from night? Come, visit evTy sinner's mind ; Come, pour thy joys on human kind. ^ Plenteous in grace, descend from high. Rich in thy matchless energy: From sin and sorrow set us free, And make us temples worthy thee. PSALMS AND HYMNS. Chase from our path each noxious foe, 'nd peace, ihe Iruit of love bestow: And leat our feet siiould step astray, Protect and guide us in the way. Dryden, 351. c. M. Divine Condesceniion. Ps. viii. 1 Tifou to whom all creatures bow, VNithinthis earthly frame; Througii all the world how great art thou How glorious is thy name. 2 A>'hen heav'n, thy glorious work on high. Employs our wondering sight ; The moon that nightly rules the sky, ^^'ith stars of feebler light ; 5 Lord, what is man, that he is bless'd With thy peculiar care I AVhy on his off'springis conferr'd. Of love so large a share ! 4 Him next in pow'r thou didst create To thy celestial train ; Ordain 'd with dignity and might O'er all thy works to reign. 5 All, his imperial will obey : The beast that treads the plain; The bird that wings its airy way; rhe fish that skims the main. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 O thou to whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame ! Through all the world how great art thou ; How glorious is thy name I Tate, alt'd. 352. los. M. Divine Light implored. THOU, whose powT o'er moving worlds pre- sides! Whose voice created and whose wisdom iruides ! On darkling manVn pure effulgence shine, And cheer the clouded mind v/ith light divine ^ 'Tis thine alone to calm the pious breast With silent confidence, and holy rest; From thee, great God! we spring; to thee we tend ; Path, motive, guide, original, and end. Dr. Johnson 353. c. M. Petition. 1 God ! when we, to praise tliy name, AV'ith trembling souls aspire ; Imbue us with a heav'nly flame. And sanctity the lyre. 2 By day, thy bounteous sun reveals 1 he lace of nature fair — Then ev'ry eye with gladness sees Thy pow'r and goodness there. S The vault ofheav'n thou deck'st at night With stars of beauty rare : PSALMS AND HYMNS. We gaze, and fill'd \vit!i vast delight. Behold thy glory there. 4 When awful thunders rend the sky. And teinpests move the air; What sinful wretch would dare deny He hears thy footsteps there ! 5 We look into our souls, where dwelt The blackness of despair — And own with rev'rence, we have felt Thy wondrous mercy there. 6 O grant us (when our days are gone) Our hcaits' ambitious pray'r ; To kneel with rev'rence at thy throne. And worship ever there. D. Pepoon. 354. c. M. Confidence in our Heavenly Father. 1 O God ! on thee we all depend. On thy paternal care ; Thou wilt the Father and the Friend In ev'ry scene appear. • With open hand and libVal heart, Thou wilt our wants supply : Thy heav'nly blessings still impart, And no good thing deny. ^ Thou know'st, God ! what's good and fit. And wisdom guides thy love ; To thine appointments we submit. And evh^j choice approve. PSALMS AXD HYMNI^ 4 In thy paternal love and care, ^^ itH cheerful hearts we trust ; Thy tender mercies boundless are. And all thy thoughts are just. 5 \S'e cannot want while God provides ; What he allots is best ; And heaven, whate'er we want besides, Will give eternal rest. Browne. 355. L. M. Trust and Resignation implored. 1 God ! to thee we raise our eyes ; Calm resignation to implore ; O let no niunn'ring thought arise, But humbly, let us still adore ! "2 With meek submission may we bear Each needful cross thou shalt ordain; Nor think our trials too severe. Nor dare thy justice to arraign. 3 For though mystericjus now thy ways To erring mortals may appear, Hereafter v.e thy name shall praise, For all our keenest suffTin^-s here. 4 1 hy needful help, God ! afford. Nor let us sink in deep despair ; Aid us to trust thy sacred word, And find our sweetest comforts there^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 There faith unveils a brighter scene. Where all life's painful conflict* cease. Where no dark clouds shall intervene. Nor sorrows e'er disturb our peace. Exeter Coll. 356. L. M. Supplication to the Searcher of Hearls. 1 O HEAR US, Lord ! to thee we call, And prostrate at thy footstool fall : O Lord, our pray'r propitious hear. And bow to our requests thine ear ! 2 Searcher of hearts ; our thoughts review ! With kind severity pursue. Through each disguise, thy servants' mind, Nor leave one stain of guilt behind. 3 To thee our inmost heart is knowai : Regard us from thy lofty throne ; Nor e'er to our desiring eye 'I hy heavenly presence. Lord, deny. MerricU. 357. c. M. ** God is our B-efuge and Strength." Ps. xlvi. i On God supreme our hope depends, \N hose omnipresent sight E'en to the patliless realms extends Of uncreated light. ^ Plung'd in th' abyss of deep distress. To him we raisM our cry ; His mercy bade our sorrows cease. And fiird our hearts with joy. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 Though earth her ancient seat forsake. By pangs convulsive torn ; Though her self-balanc'd fabric shake, And ruin'd nature mourn : 4 Though hills be in the ocean lost. With all their trembling load ; No fear shall e'er disturb our trust. Or shake our faith in God. 5 Nations remote, and realms unknown. In vain resist his sway ; For lo ! Jehovah's voice is shown, And earth shall melt awaj. 6 Let war's devouring surges rise, And swell on ev'ry side ; The Lord of hosts our safeguard is, And Jacob's God our guide. Wetiej. 358. c. M, The Pilgrimage of Life. 1 Our country is ImmanueFs ground; We seek that promis'd soil : The songs of Zion cheer our hearts, W' hile strangers here we toil. 2 Oft do our eyes with joy overflow, And oft are bath'd \n tears ; Yet nought but heav-n our hopes can rais© And nought but sin our fears. 3 Our pow'rs are oft dissolved away Ixi ecstacies of love; PSALMS AND HYMNS. And while our bodies wander here. Our souls are fix'd above. 4 We purge our mortal dross away. Refining as we run ; And while we die to earth and sense Ourheav'n is here begun. Mrs. Barbauld. 359. L. M. 6 lines. Imploring divine Mercy. Ps. cxxx. 1 Out of tlie depth of sad distress. The gloomy mazes of despair, To heav'n we raise our warm address; Deign, O our God ! to hear our pray'r t O let thine ear indulge our grief, For thine indulgence is relief! C Shouldst thou, God I minutely scan Our faults, and as severely chide ; No mortal seed of sinful man Could such a scrutiny abide : But mercy shines in all thy ways. Bright theme of universal praise ! 3 With longing eyes we seek the Lord, Before his throne our souls attend : Firmly on his eternal word Our faith is fix'd, our hopes depend : On wings of love our souls shall rise In contemplation to the skies. 4 Ye pious minds ! on God rely ; With fwU assurance in him trust : 25 PSALMS AND HYMNS. He sends redemption from on high. And raises sinners from-the dust : He will forgive the contrite heart. And life, eterHal life, impart. DenhaiHj ah'd. 360. L. M. Waiting for Heavea. 1 O COULD we soar to worlds above, That bless'd abode of peace and lo^^ I How gladly would we mount and fly On angels' wings tojojs on high! 2 But ah ! still longer must we stay, Ere darksome night is chang'd to day; More crosses, sorrows, conflicts bear, ExposM to trials, pains, and care. 5 Then let th.*se troubles still abound. Let thorns and briars strew the ground; Let storms and tempests dreadful come Till we arrive atheav'n our home. 4 Our Father knows what road is best, And how to lead to peace and rest; To him w^e'il cheerful give our all. Go where he guides, and wait his call*. 5 When he commands our souls away, Not kingdoms then should tempt our stay» With rapture we shall w ake, and rise To join our friends above the skies. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 361. c. M. A Communion Hymn. 1 O God I accept the sacred hour Which we to thee havegiv'n ; And let this hallow'd scene havepow-r To raise our souls to heav'n. 2 Stillletus hold till life departs. The precepts of thy Son, Nor let our thoughtless, thankless heai ts Forget what he has done. 5 His true disciples may we live. From all corruption free. And humbly learn like him to give Our pow'rs, our wills to thee. 4 And oft along life's dangTOUs way, To smooth our passage through, Wilt thou, on this thy holy day. For us this scene renew. Unknown. 362. L. M. On the dangerous Sickness of a Minister. 1 THOU, before whose gracious throng We bow our suppliant spirits down ! Thou know*st the anxious cares we fei^]. And all our trembling lips would tell. 2 Thou only canst assuage our grief. And give our sorrowing hearts relief; In mercy then thy servant spare, Xor turn aside thy people's pray'r. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 3 Avert thy desolating stroke. Nor smite the shepherd of the flock j Restore him, sinking to the grave. Stretch out thine arm, make haste to save ^ 4 Bound to each soul by tender ties, In ev'ry heart his image lies ; Thy pit'ing aid, O God ! impart. Nor rend him from each bleeding heart. 5 But if our supplications fail. And pray'rs and tears cannot prevail. Be thou liis strength, be thou his stay : ., Support him through the gloomy way. 6 Around him may thine angels stand. Waiting the signal of thy hand. To bid his happy spirit rise, And bear him to their native skies. Rippon's Coll, 363. L. M. The Resurrection of Christ. 1 Our Lord is risen from the dead. Our Saviour is ijone up on high : The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal charriot waits. And angels chant their solemn lay : " Lift up your heads, ye heav'niy gates! Ye everlasting doors give way ! ' 5 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold th' etherial scene : The world and hell his pow'r overthrew ; And Jesus is tlie conqueror's name. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 Who is this King of glory ! Who ? The Christ, with God's own pow'r possessM ; And made our King and Saviour too ; Thanks be to God, forever bless'd ! Edward Taylor. 364. c. M. Morning and Evening Meditation. 1 Parent of life, in ev'ry age, Thy blessings we implore ; Thy goodness glows in ev'ry page Of nature, we explore. 2 Thy morning light and evening smiles. Conspire to make us blest; Thy word our solitude beguiles. And gives our spirits rest: 5 It points to realms of liglit and peace. Where saints immortal reign ; Proclaims the year of sweet release, And breaks the pris'ner's chain. 4 glorious rest ! from toil and pain, VVhere pilgrims meet in love, We'd sleep the sleep of death, to gain The mansion, far above. ■'' There ransom'd souls shall meet with joy, On that celestial shore ; And drink of bliss without alloy. And feel their sins no more. D, Pickoiing 25* PSALMS AX© HYMNS. 365. c. M. God's universal Blessings. 1 Parent of nature, God supreme, Thy works are great and good ! All nature manifests thy name, The sky, the earth, the flood, 2 Thine is the cheerful day, and thine The dark return of night ; Thou hast prepared the sun to shine, AndevVy feebler light. i By thee, each region of the earth In perfect order stands : The glowing south, the frozen north Obey thy fix'd commands. 4 At thy command, the solid rock Pour'd vvater from its side ; And thou didst lead thy chosen flock Through Jordan's parting tide. 5 If nature owns its sov'reign Lord, We would obey thy will ; And whilst we trust "thy faithful word, Wc sing thy praises still. Unknown. 366. c. M. Praise to the Redeemer. Plung'd in a gulph of dark despair We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheering beam of hope. Or spark of glimm'ring day. PSALMS AND HYMNS -2 With pit'ing eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld our helpless grief He saw, and (O amazing love 1) He came to our relkf. 3 Down from the sliining seats ab(w« With joyful haste he lied ; Entered the grave in mortal fiesh. And dwelt among the dead. 4 for this iove let rocks and hills Their lasting; silence break, And ail harmonious human tongues. The Saviour's praises speak. 5 Angels assist our miirhty joys, strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raise your highest note?. Kib love c-an ne'ei^ be told. \V atts. 367. L. M. Patience. 1 Patience, O what a grace divine, Sent from the God of peace and love I That leans upon its Father^s hand. As through the wilds of life we rove. 2 By patience we serenely bear The troubles of our moKtal state ; And wait contented our dischar«:e. Nor think our glorv comes too late. 3 Though we in full sensatioa feel The weight, the wounds our God ordains, We smile amidst our heaviest woes, And triumph in our sharpest pains. PSALMS AND KYMNiS» 4 for this grace to aid us on, And arm with fortitude the breast, Till life's tumultuous voyage is done, "We reach the port of endless rest ! 5 Faith into vision shall be brought, Hope shall in full enjoyment die ; And patience in possession ^nd In the bright world of bliss on high. Rippon's ColL 368. L. M. Psalm. cL i Praise ye the Lord ; let praise employ, In his own courts, your songs of joy ; Tlie spacious firmament around Shall echo back the joyful soundc S Recount his works in strains divine ; His wondrous works h.ow bright they shine i Praise him for his almighty deeds, A-S hose greatness all your praise exceeds, 3 Awake the trumpet's piercing sound. To spread your sacred pleasures round ; While sweeter music tunes the lute, The warb'ling harp, and breathing flute. 4 Ye virgin train, with joy advance To praise him in the graceful dance ; To praise awake each tuneful string, And to the solemn organ sing. 5 Let the loud Cymbal sounding high, To softer, deeper notes reply ; Harmonious let the concert rise, A?id feear the rapture to the skies FSALMS AND HYMNS- 6 Let all whom life and broiitli inspire, Attend and join the blissful choir ; Rut chiefly you who know his word, Adore, and love, and praiae the Lo-(i. Mis. Sttjeit 369. 8,7s. M. The Gcd of Mercy adoitd. i Praise to God, the great Creator, Bounteous source of ev'ry joy ; He whose hand upholds all nature, He whose word can all destroy ' Saints, with pious zeal attending. Now the grateful' tribute ral^e ; Soleuin songs to heav^i ascending. Join the universal praise. 5 Here indul2;e each grateful feeling ; Lowly bend with contrite v^ouU Here his niilder grace revealing, Mere no avvful thunder rolls : Lo I th* eternal pai>:e before us Bears the covenant of his love, Full of mercy to restore us, Mercy beaming from above. 5 EvVy secret fault confessing!;, Deed unrighteous, thoui^iit of^Tnu^ .Seize, O seize the proffer'd bles^inir, Grace from God, and peace within ! Heart and voice with rapture swelling, Still the song of glory raise ; On the theme immortal dwelling, Join the universal praise. J. Taylor. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 370. 8, rs. M. Universal Praise. 1 JpRAisii to thee, thou great Creator ; Praise to thee from evTy tongue ; Join my soul, with ev'ry creature, Join the universal song. £ For ten thousand blessings given. For the hope ofiiiture joy, Sound his praise through earth and heavert, Sound Jehovah's praise on high. Fawcet. 371. c. M. Inconstancy in Religion. Hos. vi. 4. 1 Perpetual source of light and grace 1 We hail thy sacred name ; Through ev'rj year's revolving round, . 1 y goodness is the same. 9. On us unworthy as we are, Its biessings still it pours ; Sure as tlie heav'n's establish'd course^ And plenteous as the show'rs. 5 Inconstant service we repay. And transient vows renew ; Fleet* no; too oft as morning clouds. And like the early dew. '-: Oar former follie-, Lord ! we moum^ --Vnd now thy grace implore To guide our often erring steps, That we may stray no more. PSALMS AND HYMXS. 5 Aided by energy divine, May we more steadfast prove ; And with detennia'd zeal press on To gain thy courts above. 6 So by thy pow'r the morning sun Pursues his radiant way, Brightens each moment in his race. And shines to perfect day. Poddrjdge, alt'd, 372. L. M, God the Confidence of the Good at all Times. 1 Praise, everlasting praise be paid To him who earth's foundation laid ; Praise to the God, whose sov*reio:n will All nature's laws and powers fulfil. 2 Praise to the goodness of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word ) Where faith contemplates his decrees, And ev'i y gracious promise sees. 5 There may the piou§, humble mind, Support in all its troubles find ; And on that reighty God may stay, Whose powV the earth and heav'ns display, 4 Whence then arise, distressing fears :' Why do we still indulge our tears r Or why without those comforts live Our God and Father waits to give ; 5 O for a strong and lasting fiith. To credit what our Father saith ; And, having done his will, to place A trust unbounded in liiii gi-i^^**! PSALMS AND HYMN 6. ) Should earth then to its centre shake And all the wheels of nature break ; Our steady souls should fear no more Than solid rocks when billows roar. Watts, altU 373 s. M^ The hope of Salvation through Christ, Baise your triumphant songs To an immortal tune ; Let the wide earth resound (he deeds Celestial grace hath done. Sing how eternal love Its well-beloved chose. And bade hmi raise our sinful race From tlieir abyss of woes. Pardon and peace from heav'n, Jesus proclaims abroad ; And brings to erring sinful man, i^uve mercy from his God. Now, sinners ! dry your tears ; Let hopeless sorrow cease ; Bow to the sceptre of his love And take the offer'd peace, Lord ! v/e obey thy call ; We lay an humble claim To the salvation thou hast sent, And bless and praise thy name. Watts, alt'd. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 374. c. M. Joy in believing. 1 RcjoicE, believer, in the Lord, Who makes your cause his own The hope that's built upon his word Can ne'er be overthrown. S Though many foes beset your road, And feeble is your arm : Your life is hid with Christ in God, Beyond the reach of harm. S Weak as you are, you shall not faint. Or fainting, shall not die ! Jesus, the strength of evTv saint, Will aid you from on High. 4 Though now unseen by outward sense Faith sees him always near, A guide, a glory, and defence ; Then what have you to fear ? 5 As Christ the conqu'rer overcame. And triumph'd once for you ; He'll raise you from your guilt and shame To triumph in him too. Unkngwn. 375. L. M. Communing with our Hearts. 1 Retuhn, each roving heart, return. And chase these shad'wy fonns no more ; Seek out some solitude to mourn. And your forsaken God implore. 26 PSALMS AND HYMNS. £ ^Visdom and pleasure dwell at home ; Retir d and si!ent seek them there; True conquest self to overcome, True strength to break temptation's snare. 3 And thou, O God ! whose piercing eye Distinct surveys each deep recess, III the.se abstracted hours draw nigh. And v\ ith thy presence fill the place. 4 Through all the mazes of our heart, The search let heav'nly wisdom guide ; And still its radiant beams impart, Till all be searched and purified. 5 Then, with the visits of thy love, Vouchsafe our inmo>t souls to cheer ; Till ev'rv grace shall join to prove, 'ihat God hath fix'd his dwelling there, Doddridge. 376. L. 31. FuLilir.ent of God's Proiiiises. Isa. Ixiii. 7. 1 Risk, ev'ry heart and ev'ry tongue. Prepare a sweet angelic song ; Surprising; mercies must require An angels lay, a seraph's fire. 5 See what the gracious God of heav'n Hath now to his own Israel giv*n ; No heart can feel, no tongue express. The wonders of his love and grace. o In ev'ry age the Lord was kind. And to his church reveal'd his mind ; PSALAIS VXD IIV.MXS. But we enjoy a wondroii?* store Thy powT almighty teach; PSALMS AND UYMNS. The plans thy forming wisdom laid. Through endless ages reach. 5 Thy mercies, far beyond the rqijnds Ot earth and heav'n extend ; Thy truth outlives the narrow bounds Where time and nature end. 4 I'hy righteousness maintains its throne, I'hough mountains sink to dust; Thy judgments are a deep unknown, Yet always wise and just. 5 Unbounded is thy goodness. Lord ! Jiow bright its wonders shine ! Of present, past, and future good, The glory all be thine. 6 Incline us. Lord ! as in thy sight. To keep thy holy ways ; And all our noblest powVs unite. To celebrate thy praise. Exeter CoU, 402. L. M. The ExceHency and final Success of the Gospel. Ps. xix» 1 The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord ! In ev'ry star thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold thy word, \Ve read thy name in fairer lines. 2 Sun, moon and stars, jGonvey thy praise Round the whole earth and never stand ; So when thy truth began its race, It touchMand danc'di on ev'ry land. PSALMS AND HYMXS. 3 Nor shall thy spreading gospel rest, Till throii2:h the world thv truth has run : Till Christ has all the nations bless'd That seAhe light, or feel the sun. 4 O may thy noon-da.y ^lorj rise, To bless the world with heav nly light ! Thy gospel makes the simple wise, Tiiy laws are pure, thy judgments right. 5 Thy richest mercy here we view, In souls renew'd, and sins forgiv'n ; Lord ! cleanse our sins, our souls renevt% And make thy word our guide to lieav'n. Watts. 403. c. M. God may be worshipped in eveiy Place. 1 The heaven of heav'ns cannot contain The nniver&al Lord ; Yet he in humble hearts wdll deign To dwell, and be ador'd. 2 Where'er ascends the sacrifice Of fervent praise and pray'r. Or on the earth or in the skies, The God of heav'n is there, S His presence is diffused abroad Through rcalms,through worlds unknown ; Who seek the mercies of our God Are ever near his throne. DiennaiL PSALMS AND HYMNS. 404. L. 31. i'lit V'uice of Nature proclaims the Existence of God, 1 There is a God, all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and seas, and skies ; See from the clouds his glor}^ breaks. When the first beams of morning rise ! 2 Tlie ri^^ing'sun, serenely bright, O'er the wide world's extended frame. Inscribes, in characters of light, His mighty Maker's glorious name. 5 Diffusing life, his influence spreads, And health and plenty smile around : 'i'he fruitful fields and verdant meads. Are with a thousand blessings crown *d, 4 The flow*ry tribes all blooming rise. Above the vain attempts of art ; Their bright inimitable dyes Speak sweet conviction to the heart. 5 \\ hat man that views creation round. Can lail to own almighty powT ? (.'onfe«s the God with awe profoun^l, ('Gme, bow before him, and adore ! Mrs. Steele, 405. c. M. The Majesty of God. 1 Thf T.oi d descended from above, Ahd bovv'd the heav'ns most high. And uiinerneath his teet he cast, I'hc uarknccs of the sky. PSALMS AND HYMNS* 2 On cherubim and seraphim Full royally he rode. And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad. 3 He sat serene upon the floods. Their fury to restrain ; And he as sovereign Lord and King, For evermore shall reign. Sternhoid- 406. L. M. 8 lines. The Voice of God in his Works. Ps. xix. 1— 6> 1 The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue etherial sky, And spangled heav'ns a shining frame. Their great original proclaim. Th' unwearied sun, from day to day. Does his Creator's powV display ; And publishes to ev'ry land. The work of an almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening sliades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale ; And nightly to the listening earth. Repeats the story of her birth : W hile all the stars which round her burn. And all the planets in their turn. Confirm the tidings as they roll. And spread the truth froni pole to pole. 3 Wliat though, in solemn silence, all Move round this dark terrestrial bail ; What though nor real voice nor jsOuikI, Amid their radiant orbs be found ; PSALMS AND HYMNS. In reason's ear they all rejoice. And utter forth a glorious voice ; Forever singing as they shine — '* The hand that made us is divine." Addison. 407. c. M. Divine aid implored. 1 Thine influence, mighty God ! is felt. Through nature's ample round ; In heav'n on earth, through air and skies. Thy energy is found. ^ Thy sacred influence. Lord I we need To form our hearts anew ; O cleanse our souls from evVy sin. And thy salvation shew I 3 Father of light I thine aid impart To guide our doubtful way; •tThy truth shall scatter ev*ry cloud. And make a glorious day. 4 Supported by thy heav'nly grace, We'll do and bear thy will ; That grace shall make each burden light. And ev'ry murmur still. 5 Cheer'dby thy smiles, v/e'U fearless frca<^. The gloomy path of death ; And with the liopes of endless bliss. To thee resign our breath. Salisbiirj Cnl!. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 408. CM. For the Lord's Day Morning. 1 This is the day the Lord hath made ; He calls the hours his own : Let heav'n rejoice, let earth be glad. And praise surround the throne. 2 This day arose our glorious head. And death's dread empire fell; This day the saints his triumph spread, And all its wonders tell. 5 Bless*d be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace ; AVho comes, in God his Father's name. To save our sinful race. 4 Hosanna! in the highest strains The church on earth can raise : The highest heav'ns in which he reigns. Shall give him nobler praise. Watts. 409. c. M. Providence ^^ind and bountiful. 1 Tht kingdom, Lord, forever stands, While earthly thrones decay ; And time submits to thy commands, While ages roll away. 2 Thy sovereign bounty freely glvc;^ Its unexhausted store ; And universal nature lives On thy sustaining pow'r. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 Holy and just are all thy ways; 'rhy goodness is divine; In all tny works, immortal rays Of pow'r and mercy shine. 4 Thy praise, God I delightful tlicme! fehall fill each heart and tongue : Let all creation bless thy name In one eternal song. Mrs. Steele. 410. CM. Supplication for the Divine Blessing on the Word. i Thy gracious aid, great God! impart, To give thy w^ord success ; . 'Write all its precepts on the heart. And deep its truths impress. 5 speed our progress in the way. That leads to joys on high, Where knowledge grows without decay, And love shall never die. Exeter Coll. 411. C. M. Praise to the God of the Seasons. Ps. Ixv. 1 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand God of eternal pow'r ! The seas grow calm at thy command. And tempests cease to roar. 2 Thy morning light, and cv-ning shade, Successive comforts brin^: Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad ; Thy flowTS adorn the spring. PSALMS AND HYMNS. ;^ Seasons, and times, and days, and hours, lieav'B, earth, and air, are thine : When clouds distil in fruitful shovv'rs The author is divine. 4 The thirsty ridges drink their fill. And ranks of corn appear : Thy ways abound with blessings still : Thy goodness crowns the year. Watts. 412. L. M. Praise for the Blessings given through Jesus. 1 To God, of ev'ry good the spring. The tribute of your praises bring. For grace and truth, through Jesus giv'n, Mercy, and peace, and hopes of heav'n. 2 Grateful the joyous news proclaim. Salvation is in Jesus' name ; Salvation — shout the glorious sound. Proclaim it to the world around. 3 Tell ev'ry fearful, trembling soul. That gospel grace will make them whole Invite the v/eary popr to come ; At Jesus' feast there still is room. 4 Jesus — that name shall calm their fears. Dispel their doubts, and dry their tears. Shall ease the anxious throbbing breast. And gi^e the v;eary mourner rest PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 Jesus — our Prophet, Saviour, King, — For Jesus, grateful praise we bring To tliee, from whom his blessings liow'd. To thee, our Father and our Go4 ! Exeter Coll. 413. L. M. The Triumphs of the exalted Savieur. Ps ex. 1 — 4, 1 Thus the eternal Father spake To Christ the Son : " Ascend and sit At niv ri2:ht hand, till I shall make Thy foes submissive at thy feet. 9 From Zion shall tliy word proceed ; Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand, Shall make the hearts of rebels bleed, And bow tlieir vtills at thy command. 3 Tliat day shall show thy pow'r is great. When siiints shall flock with willing minds. And sinners croud thy temple gate. Where holiness in beauty shines.** 4 blessed pow'r ! o;lorious day 1 What a large vict'ry shall ensue I And converts, who thy grace obey. Exceed the drops of morning dew. Watts. 414. c. M. A threefold Cord is not easily broken. 1 The Lord in pow*r and wisdom reigns. With everlasting might ; Unchanging love and truth maintains, And beams celestial light. 28* PSALMS AiND HYMNS, 2 No human mind can comprehend His vast, mysterious plan ; Nor angels, who before him bend, His boundless nature scan. 5 trust in God, each trembling soul ; Dispondency, away ! His blessings reach from pole to pole* A plenitude for thee. 4 Wisdom, for good, doth all controul. And love and pow'r agree ; This threefold cord, believe, my soul. Can never broken be. 5 Unite in praise, men, jour hearts. And strike the golden lyre ; Angels, attune your golden harps. And sound his praises high'r. S. Streeter 415. c. M. Christ's Invitation. 1 The Saviour calls ! let ev'ry ear Attend the heav'nly sound ! Ye doubting souls dismiss your fear ! Hope smiles reviving round. £ For ev'ry thirsty, longing heart. Here streams of bounty flow ; And life and health, and bliss impart To banish mortal woe. 3 Here springs of sacred pleasure rise To ease your ev'ry pain ] PSALMS AND HYMNS. immortal fountain ! full supplies I Nor shall jou thirst in vain. 4 Ye sinnei*s come, 'tis mercy's voice ; The gracious call obey ; Mercy invites to heav'niy joys. And can you yet delay? 5 Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts ; To thee let sinners fly, And take the bliss thy love imparts. And drink, and never die. Unkno'.vn. 416. c. M. These are they which came out of great Tribulatiori, Set.*' Rev. vii. 14. 1 ''These glorious mindsjhow blight they shine ! \A'hence all their white array? How came they to the liappy seats Of everlasting day ?'' 2 From tort'ring pains to endless joys On fiery ^y heels the>- rode, And strangely wash'd their raiment vs'.r.e In Jesus' dying blood. S Now they approach a spotless God, And bow before his throne ; Their warbling harps and sacred songs Adore the Holy One. 4 The unveil 'd trlories of his face Among his saints resiile, While the rich treasure of his grace Sees all their wants supplied. PSALMS AND HYMN«^. 5 Tormenting thirst shall leave their souls. And hunger flee as fast; The fruit of life's immortal tree Shall be their sweet repast. 6 The Lamb shall lead his heav'nly flock Where living fountains rise, And love divine shall wipe away The sorrows of their eyes. Watts. 417. L. M. Desire of Wisdom and Obedience. 1 Te\cii us, teach us, Lord ! thy way ; That to our life's remotest day, By thy unerring precepts led, Our feet thy heav'nly paths may tread. 2 Inform'dby thee, with sacred awe Our hearts shall meditate thy law; And with celestial wisdom fill'd, 'i thee a pure obedience yield. 3 Give us to know thy will ariglit, Thy will our glory and delight ; That, raisM above the world, the mind In thee its highest good may find. 4 turn from vanity each eye ! To us thy quickening strength supply; And with thy promis'd mercy cheer '] he heart devoted to thy fear. Merrick, '^ PSALMS AND HYMNS. 418. H. M. ^* Thanks be to God who giveth us the Victorr.*' 1 Thanks be to God, the Lord, The victory is auis ; And hell is overcome By Christ's triumphant powVsI The monster sin in chains is bound, And death has felt his mortal wound. 2 Oppressed with guilt and wo In darkness long we lay. Till Christ on earth appeared, 'i hen all was boundless day : AVith terror struck, the host of night Fled in despair, to shun the light, 3 Now O'er the vanquish'd tomb Behold his trophy blaze, The banner of the cross That pours its streaming rays ; To mark the path v/here Jesus trod ; ' And upward guide our steps to God. 4 Give thanks to God, the Lord, The victory is won ; And up the path to heav'n Our march is now begun : '] he hymn of joy exulting raise, And shout aloud the Saviour's praise. Drummond. PSALMS AND HYMXS. 419. CM. Prospect of the universal Spread af spiritual Blessings. 1 The common Parent, Lord of all. Who sits enthron'd above, AVith perfect wisdom rules the world. And with impartial love. £ Soon mav his name from shore tb shore Sound all the earth abroad ; / And distant nations know and love '1 heir Saviour and their God ! 3 The day will come, the happy day, Such his eternal will, AMien light, and truth, and grace divine^ The spacious earth shall all. 4 God will diffuse the blessings round. So richly scatter'd here; Till the creation's utmost bound, Shall see, adore, and fear. ^- Warts, altU 420. WM. The weeping Seed-Time, and joyful Harvest. 1 The darkened sky — how thick it low'rs! Troubled with storms, and big with show'rs ; No cheerful gleam of light appears, But nature pours forth all her tears. 2 Yet let the sonsofg:race revive; God bids the soul that seeks him, live; * And from the gloomiest shade of night. Calls forth a morning of delight. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 3 The seeds of ecstacy unknown, Are in these water'd furrows sown ; See the green Wades! how thick theynse, And with fresh verdure bless our eyes ! 4 In secret foldings they contain Unnumberd ears of golden grain ; And heav-n shall pour its beams around. Till the ripe harvest load the ground. 5 Then shall the trembling mourner come, And find his sheaves and bear them home ; The voice long broke with sighs shall sing. Till heav'n with hallelujahs ring. Doddridge. 421. L. M. The universal Providence of God. 1 The earth and all the heav'nly frame, 1 heir great Creator's love proclaim ; He gives the sun his genial powV, And sends the soft refreshing show'r. 2 The ground with plenty blooms again. And yields her various fruits to men ; To men, who from thy bounteous hand Receive the gifts of ev'ry land. 3 Nor to the human race alone Is thy paternal goodness shown ; The tribes of earth, and sea, uid air, Enjov thv universalis care. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 Not e-en a sparrow yields its breath. Till God permits tlie stroke of death : He hears the ravens when they call. The Father and the Friend of all ! Gibbons. 422. c. ai. The Instability of worldly Enjoyments. 1 The evils that beset our path. Who can prevent or cure ? We stand upon the brink of death. When most we seem secure. 2 If we to-day sweet peace possess, It soon may be withdrawn ; Some cliange may plunge us in distress. Before to-morrow's tfawn. 3 Disease and pain invade our health. And find an easy prey ; And oft, when least expected, w^ealth Takes wings and flies away. 4 The gourds from wliich we look for fruit. Produce us often pain ; A worm unseen attacks the root. And all our hopes are vain. 5 Since sin has filPd the earth with wo. And creatures fade and die ; Lord ! wean our hearts from things below. And fix our hjipes on high. Oiney HymnF: a PSALMS AND HYMXS. 423. c. M. Trust in God, in Prosperity and Adversity. 1 The Lord, how tender is his love ! His justice, how august ! Hence, all her fears my soul derives. There, anchors all her trust. 2 He show'rs the manna from above, To feed the barren waste ; Or points with death the fiery hail, And famine waits the blast. 2 He bids distress forget to groan. The sick from anguish cease ; In dungeons, spreads his healing wing And softly whispers peace. 4 His pow-r directs the rushing wind. Or tips tlie bolt with flame ; His goodness smiles in ev*ry breeze. And warms in ev-ry beam. 5 For us, Lord ! whatever lot The houi-s commission'd bring ; Do all our w ith'ring blessihgs die, Or fairer clusters spring ; 6 grant, that still with grateful heart Our years resign'd may ran I ^Tis thine to give or to resume. And may thy will be done I - '^_^-*. Darwin. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 424 c. M. Tho Word of God the best Guide of Tenth. 1 The morn of life, how fair and gay ! Hov/ cheering and how new ! What hopes illume each op'ning day. And brighten ev'ry view ! 2 Youth's ardent mind, with joy elate, Elastic and sincere. Suspects no ills that may await. Nor yields a thought to fear. $ But slipp'ry is the path they tread. In pleasure's dang'rous way ; A thousand snares around them spread. And oft their feet betray. 4 Kow shall they, then, their course pursue Through life's uncertain road ? What friendly hand will point their view To duty and to God ? 5 In God's own word the way is sure. And clear to ev'ry eye ; It lords us in a path secure i o brighter worlds on high. 6 be this word our constant guide. Our steadfast hope and trust I Tliis ne'er can fiiil, thouo:h all beside Shall mingle with the dust. Exeter CoIJ. i 425. 8,8,6s, M. The universal Providence of God. 1 The mighty God who rolls t'^e spheres, And storms, and lire, and hail prepares, And guides this vast machine. His pow-rful l.and our life sustains, And scatters all those joys and pains, That fill this chequer-d scene. 2 His piercing eye at once surveys, ^^ here thousand suns and systems blaze And where the sparrow falls: Wlule seraphs time their harps on high His ear attends the softest cry, When liuaian mis'ry calls. 3 Eternal God I who shall not fear, And trust, and love, with soul sincere, Tliine awful glorious name ! AVhile man, thy creature, swift decays. Time has no r^^easure for thy days ; Thou ever art the same. J. Taylor. 426. L. 31. Improvement of the Shortness of Life. 1 The short-liv'd day declines in haste ; The night of death approaches fast ; "NN ith rapid speed the moments run. In which the work of life is done. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 With willing hearts, and active hands. Lord ! may we practice thy commands. Improve the moments as they fly, And live as we would wish to die. Exeter Coll. 427. s. M. Light and Deliverance. 1 The trav'ller, lost in night, Breathes many longing sighs, And marks the welcome dawn of light, ^Vlth rapture in his eyes. 2 Thus sweet the dawn of day AVhich weary sinners find, When mercy with reviving ray Beams o'er the fainting mind. 3 To slaves oppress'd with chains. How kind, how dear the friend, Whose gen'rous hand relieves their pains. And bids their sorrows end ! 4 Thus dear that Friend divine, ^Mio rescues captive souls ; Unbinds the galling chains of sin, And all its pow'r controls. 5 God ! to gospel light Our dawn of hope we owe; Once, wand'ring in the shades of night, And sunk in hopeless wo. / PSALMS AND IIYMXS. 6 Thy hand redeem M the slave. And set the prisoner free : Be all ue are, and all we have, Devoted, Lord, to thee ! Mrs. Steele. 428. c. M. Prospect of Heaven. 1 There is aland of pure delight, AVhere saints immortal reiijn ; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There, everlastin^i: spring abides. And never-with'ring liow'rs; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heav-nly land from ours. 3 Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood. Stand dress\l in living; green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolFd between. 4 But tim'rous mortals start and shrink. To cross this narrow sea ; And linger s})iv'ring on the Drink, And tear to launch away. 5 could we make our doubts remove^ Those gloomy doubts that rise, And see the Canaan that we love. With clear unclouded eye© : PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 Could we but stand, as Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er. Not Jordan's streams, nor death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore ! Watts. 429, L. M. Diviue Mercy. Ps. cxxx. 1 There is forgiveness, Lord ! with thee. The humble penitent to cheer ; That all, who thy rich mercy see, jSIaj hope and love, as well as fear. 2 More welcome than the morning's face To those who long for breaking day. Great God I is that abundant grace AVhich thy kind promises display. 3 Our trust is fix'd upon thy word. Nor shall we trust thy word in vain : Let contrite souls address the Lord, And find relief from all their pain. Exeter Con. 430. c. 31. Earthl)^ and heavenly Treasures compared. Luke xii. 33. 1 These mortal joys, how soon they fade I How swift they pass away ! The dying flov/'r reclines its head. The beauty of a day. 2 Soon are these earthly treasures lost, We fondly call our own ; Scarce the possession can we boast, When straight we find thcra gone. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 But there are joys, which cannot die, With God laid up in store, Treasures beyond the changing sky, Brighter tlian golden ore. 4 The seeds, which piety and love Have scattered here below. In the fair fertile fields above. To ample harvest grow. Doddridge. 431. CM. Charity essential to the Christian Character. 1 Though ev'ry grace our speech adornM That flows from ev'ry tongue ; Though we could rise to loftier strains Than ever angels sung : £ Though with prophetic lore inspired. We made all myst'ries plain ; Yet, were we void of Christian love. These gifts were all in vain. 3 Though we dispense with lib'ral hand. Our goods to feed the poor ; Or, firm to conscience and to truth, A martyr^sfate endure: 4 Nay, though our faith, witli boundless pow'r Ki'en mountains could remove ; 'Twere all in vain should we be found Yet strangers still to love. Scotch Paraphrase^. PSALMS AsND HYMNS. 432. L. M. " Thou hast beea our Dwelling in all Generations." Ps.xc.t. 1 Thou, Lord I through ev'rj changing scene. Hast to thy saints a refuge been ; Through ev'ry age, eternal God, Their pleasing home, their safe abode* 2 In thee our fathers sought their rest; In thee our fathers still are blessM ; And, while the tomb confines their dust. In thee their souls abide, and trust, 3 Lo ! we are ris'n, a feeble race. Awhile to fill our father's place : Our helpless state with pity view. And let us share their refuge too. 4 Through all the thorny paths we trace In this uncertain wilderness. When friends desert, and foes invade. Revive our heart, and guard our head. 5 To thee our infant race we leave ; Them may their fathers' God receive. That voices yet unform'd may raise Succeeding hymns of humble praise ! Doddridge.. 433. c. M. Living habitually in the Fear of God. 1 Thrice happy men, who, born from heav'n^ While yet they travel here. Each day of life with God begin, And spend it in kis fear ! PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Midst hourly cares, may we present Our oft''rings to thy throne : And, while the world our hands employ. Our hearts be thine alone. 3 As sanctified to noblest ends, Be each refreshment sought; And by each various providence Some wise instruction brought* 4 When to laborious duties call'd> Or by temptations tried ; We'll seek the shelter of thy wings, L And in thy strength confide. 5 As dift'Tent scenes of life arise. Our grateful hearts would be With thee, amidst the social band. In solitude with thee. 6 In solid, pure delights like these. Let all our days be past; Nor shall we then impatient wish. Nor shall we fear the last. Doddridge. 434. L. M. Our Poiticn in Life appointed by God. 1 Through all the various shifting scene Of life's mistaken ill orgC'od, Thy hand, God I conducts unseen. The beautiful vicissitude. 2 Thou givest with paternal care, Howe'er unjustly we complain. PSALMS AND HYMNS. To all, their necessary share Of joy and sorrow, health and pain. 3 All things on earth, and all in heav'n. On thy eternal will depend ; And all for greater good were giv'n. Would man pursue th' appointed end. 4 Be this our care — to all beside Indift^'rent let our wishes be; Passion be calm, subdu'd be pride, And fix'd our souls, great God I on thee. Liverpool Old Coll. 435. c. M. God immutable. Ps. cii. 1 Through endless years thou art the same, ever blessed God ! Ages to come shall know thy name. And spread thy praise abroad. G The strong foundations of the earth Of old by thee were laid ; By thee the beauteous arch of heav'n, With matchless skill was made. 3 Soon shall this goodly frame of things, Form'd by thy powerful hand, Be like a vesture laid aside. And chang'd at thy command. 4 But thou, O God ! art still the same. And endless are thy days ; Thy bright perfections ever shiae With undiminished rays. PSALMS AND HYMXS. 5 Thy servant's children, still thy care, Shall own their fathers* God, To latest time thy favour share. And spread thy praise abroad. Tate, alfd. 436. L. M. Love to God and Man. Matt. xxii. 37 — 40. 1 Thus saith the first and great commaud, — Let all thy inward pow'rs unite To love thy Maker and thy God, AVith utmost vigour and delio-ht. 2 Then shall thy neighbour, next in place. Thy heart's sincere aiYection prove ; And let thy wishes for thyself Measure to him the debt of love. 3 But while these sacred truths we own, How cold remain our bosoms still ! Wake our best passions, God of love ! And mould our spirits to thy will. Wattfe. 437. c. M. The distinguished Goodness of God to Man. 1 Thy wisdom, powV, and goodness. Lord ! In all thy works appear ; But most thy praise should man record, Man thy distinguished care. 5 From thee the breath of life he drew ; That breath thy pbw'r maintains : Thy tender mercy, ever new, His brittle frame sustains. PSALMS AND HYM^iS. S Thy providence, his constant guard, Wnen threafnin^ ills impend, Or will th' impending danger ward, Or timely succours lend. 4 Yet nobler gifts demand his praise ; Of reason's light possess 'd ; By revelatlon^s brighter rays Still more divinely bless'd. 5 All bounteous Lord ! thy grace impart : O teach us to improve Thy gifts with ever grateful heart, And crown them with thy love ! Mrs. Steele. 438. CM. God the Source of Consolation and Health. 1 To calm the sorrows of the mind, Ourheav'nly friend is nigh, To wipe the anxious tear that starts. Or trembles iu the eye. 2 Thou canst, when anguish rends the heart. The secret wo control ; The inward malady canst heal. The sickness of the soul. 3 Thou canst repress the rising sigh. Canst soothe each mortal care ; And ev'ry deep and heart-felt groan Is wafted to thine ear. 4 Thy gracious eye is watchful still ; Thy potent arm can save PSALMS AND HYMNS. From threat'ning danger and disease. And the devouring grave. 5 Eternal source of life and health, And ev'ry bliss we feel ! In sorrow and in joy to thee Our grateful hearts appeal. - Jervis. 439. L. M. The Vanity of earthly Objects. 1 The trifling joys this world can give, A tliirsty s©ul can ne'er supply ; A soul, which hopes, through grace, to live in realms of bliss beyond the sky. 2 Yet, my God, I would not slight The smallest of thy gifts to me ; The least aftbrds me some delight. And shews thy mercy rich and free. 3 My friends, my health, my daily food — All blessings given here below, Proclaim aloud tiiat thou art good — Thy goodness all the world shall know. 4 But O, it is a greater joy. To feel my heart is reconcil'd ; To know thou wilt my sins destroy. And claim me as thy ransom'd child. 5 In thee, dear Lord, I stand complete. It is enough — I want no more ! Prostrate 1 fall before thy feet. And all thv boundless loVe adore. ^50 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 Hence then, ye trifling joys depart 1 Joys, transient as the fading flow'r ; Jesus the Saviour claims my heart, 'Tis his by purchase, love, and povv-r. S. Thompson. 440. L. M. _ Divine Love displayed in the Blessings of the Gospel - 1 To thee, our hearts, eternal King ! Would each a thankful tribute bring ; To thee their humble homage raise, In songs of ardent, grateful praise. 2 All nature shows thy boundless love» In worlds below, and worlds above ; But in thy blessed word, we trace , The richer glories of thy grace. 3 There, what delightful truths are giv'n ; There Jesus shows the way to heav'n ; His name salutes the listening ear. Revives the heart, and checks the fear. 4 There Jesus bids our sorrows cease, And gives the laboring conscience peace Raises our grateful feelings high, And points to mansions in the sky. 5 For love like this, may our song To-endless years thy praise prolong ; And distant climes thy name adore, lill time and nature are no more ! Exeter Coif. i PSALMS AND HYMNS. 441. L. 31. C hiist the Sun of Rij;hteousness. Ps. xxxvii. 1 To thee, God ! we homage pay, Source of the lii2:ht that rules the day ! AVho, while he t^ilds all nature's frame, Ueilccts thy rays, and speaks thy name. 2 In louder strains we sing that grace Which gave the Sun of righteousness ; Wiiose nobler liii;ht salvation brings. And scatters healing from his wings. if O may his glories stand confessed, From north to south, from east to west ! Successful may his gospel run Wide as the circuit of the sun ! 4 When shall that radiant sun arise. Where, fix*d on high in purer skies, Christ all his lustre shall display Through realms of never-ending day ! Doddridge. 442. L. 31. Divine Protection. Ps. cxxi. 1 To those bright realm* we lift our eyes ; Those realms of bliss beyond the skies, Whence all our help our soul derives ; There our almighty refuge lives. £ He lives, the everlasting God, AN ho built the world, who spread the flood ! The heav'ns, with all their host, he made, And the dark regions of the dead. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 He guides our feet, he guards our way ; His morning smiles bless all the day ; He spreads the ev'ning veil and keeps The silent hours while Israel sleeps. 4 His servants, thus divinely bless'd May rise secure, securely rest ; Their holy Guardian's wakeful eyes Admit no slumber nor surprise. 5 With grateful hearts his care we own ; Still may we go, and still return. Safe in the Lord ; still may his care Defend our lives from ev'ry snare ! Watts, alt'd. 443. c. M. The Power of God. 1 'TwAs God who form'd the rolling spheres. And stretch'd the boundless skies ; Who form'd the plan of endless years, And bade the ages rise. 2 From everlasting is his might. Immense and unconfin-d : He pierces through the realms of light. And rides upon the wind. S He darts along the burning skies ; Loud thunders round him roar : All heav'n attends him as he flies, A^d hell proclaims his powV. 4 He speaks, and nature's wheels vStand still ; They cease their wonted round : The mountains melt ; the trembling hills Forsake their ancient bound. PSALMS AND HYMXS. 5 He .-cutters nutions with his breath ; The «catter-d nations fly : Blue pestilence, and wasting death. Confess the Godhead nigh. G Ye worlds, with ev'ry living thing Fulfil his high command : Pay duteous homage to your King, And own his ruling hand ! Liverpool Old Coll. 444. L. M. The Prayer of the Dying Christian. 1 The hour of my departure's come ; I hear the voice that calls me home ; At last, O Lord I let trouble cease. And let thy servant die in peace. '2 The race appointed I have run ; The combat's o'er, the prize is won ; And now my witness is on high. And now my record's in the sky. 5 I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I hold so dear ; To heal their sorrows, Lord ! descend^ And to the friendless, prove a friend ! 4 I come, I come, at thy command, I yield my spirit to thy hand ; Stretch forth thine everlasting arms. And shield me in the last alarms. SO* PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 The hour of my departure's come, I hear the voice that calls me home ; Now, O my God ! let trouble cease ; Now let tliy servant die in peace. Logan. 445. L. M. Seed-Time and Harvest. 1 The rising morn, the closing day, Repeat thy praise with grateful voice ; Both, bounteous Lord ! thy pow'r display^ And laden w ith thy gifts' rejoice. 2 Earth's wide extended, varying scenes. All smiling round, thy bounty show ; From seas or clouds, lull magazines, Thy rich diffusive blessings flow. 3 Now earth receives the precious seed,. Which thy hidiilgent hand prepares ; And nourislies the future bread. And ansvvers all the sowers cares. 4 Thy sweet refreshing showVs attend. And through the ridges gently flow, Soft on the springing corn descend ; And thy kind blessing makes it grow. 5 Thy goodness crowns the circling year, Thy paths drop fatness all around ; The barren wilds thy praise declare, And echoing; hills return the sound. PftALMS AND HYMNS. -6 Ueve spreading flocks adorn the plain ; There plenty ev'ry charm displays; Thy bounty clothes each lovely scene, And joyful nature shouts thy praise. Mrs. Steele. 446. L. M. Th.e Institution of the Lord's Supper. 1 'TwAs on that dark and mournful night AVIien pow'rs of earth and hell arose Again?)t the Son of God's delight. And friend be tray M him to his foes. 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and bless 'd, and brake; AVhat love through all his actions ran; What wondrous words of grace he spake ! 3 " This is my body, broke for sin. Receive and eat the living food ; Then took the cup, and bless'd the wine, 'Tis the new covenant in my blood." 4 " In mem'ry of your dying Lord, Do this,'* said he, " till time shall end; Meet at my table, and record The love of your departed Friend." 5 Jesus, thy feast we celebrate. We show thy death, we sing thy name Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage-supper of the Lamb. Watts. I'SALMS AND HVMNS. 447. L. M. The Christian Farewell. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 Thy presence, ever-living God ! Wide through all nature spreads abroad : Thy watchful eyes, which never sleep. In ev'ry place thy children keep. 2 While near each other we remain. Thou dost our lives and pow'rs sustain ; And when apart rejoice to share Thy counsels, and thy gracious care. 3 To thee we now commit our ways. And still implore thy heav'nly grace ; Still cause thy face on us to shine, And guard and guide us still as thine. 4 Give us w^ithin thy house to raise Again united songs of praise. Or, if that joy no more be known. Give us to meet around thy throne. Doddridge. 448. L. M. God the Protector of Innocence. 1 Thine is the throne, beneath thy reign. Great King of kings I the tribes profane Behold their dream of conquest o'er. And vanish, to be seen no more. 2 What eyes like thine, eternal Sire ! Thro' sin's dark mazes can inquire ? What hand like thine, to virtue's foes Such awful judgments can oppose ? FSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 The meek observer of thy laws To thee commits his injurM cause : 111 thee, each anxious fear resigned The fatherless a father find. 4 Thou, Lord ! thy servant's wish canst read^ Ere from their lips the pray'r proceed : 'Tis thine, the drooping heart to cheer, To wipe away the starting tear ; 5 To vindicate the suffVer's cause, To rescue fiom oppression's jaws. To nni) the haughty tyrant's will. And bid the sons of pride be still. Merricl^ 449. s. M. The Saints Enjoyment of God. 1 The great Jehovah reigns Upon a throne sublime; And from his own eternity Sees tlie wide waste of time. 2 This great Jehovah's mine ! Each saint in rapture cries ; And to this everlasting rock The joyful spirit fiies. 3 From this immortal spring. Immense salvation flow^s ; And with the wonders of his love. The grateful bosom glow s* PSALMS AND IIYMJSS. 4 His name shall be our song, While life and breath are giv'n : And his unceasing praise shall run Through all the jojs of heav'n. Unknown. 450. c. M. ' Come unto me, all yc that labour and are heavy laden ; and I will give you rest." 1 Thus to believers, while below, Has God his love expressed ; J My presence still shall with you go, * And I will give you rest. 2 This as a comfort each shall know% The sweetest and the best; My presence shall with them abide. And I will give them rest. 3 Though with affliction's swelling tide You sorely are oppressed ; My presence shall with you abide. And I will give you rest. 4 When death with solemn call is near. Still lean upon my breast ; My presence shall support you there. And I will give you rest. 5 Then let his praise be our employ. Till we're of heav'n possess d ;• Till God imparts celestial joy. And gives us endless rest. Unknown. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 451. s. M. Preserving Grace. Jude 24, 25. 1 To God the only wise, Our Saviour and our King, Let all the saints below the skies, Their humble praises bring. 2 By his unfading love, His counsel, and his care. Displayed in mercy from above. He guards from evYy snare. S He will present our souls, Unblemish'd and complete. Before the glory of his face, \N ith joys divinely great. 4 There all his numerous sons Shall meet around his throne. Shall bless the conduct of his grace. And make his wonders known. 5 To God the only v.ise. All majesty belongs. And be his powV and grace ador*d In everlasting songs. Watts. 452. c. M. 1 he Mission of Christ. To God, the great redeeming cause. Let men and angels sing ; "Who sent liis Sou with powVand love. To conquer all our sin. PSALMS AND HYMNS. Z To raise the wretched by his grace. From their abyss of wo ; And make hi^ love to all our race. In gentle currents flow. 3 To reconcile the world to God, The Saviour left the skies ; And loud proclaimed the sacred word. Which bids our joys ariae. 4 His doctrine pure, his precepts just. In bright example shine ; Through all the ea.^th, his love and grace Proclaim a pow'r divine* 5 That pow'r shall conquer all his foes. And bring them home to God ; Shall ail hisboundJess love disclose — Hosanna to the Lord. D. Pickering. 453. c. M. The Love of Christ. 1 To our Redeemer's glorious name. Awake the sacred song I O may his love — immortal flame ! Tune ev*ry heart and tongue. 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach ! Wliat mortal tongue display I Imagination's utmost stretch. In wonder dies away. 3 He left his radiant throne on high. Left the bright realms of bliss. rSALiMS AND HYMNS. And came to earth to bleed and die ! Was ever love like this ? 4 Dear Lord, while we adoring pay Our aun.hle thanVs to thee ; May evTv heart with rapture say, " The vSaviour died for me." Unknown. 454. L. M. God, the Portion ©f his Saints. 1 The rifjhteous Lord, supremely great. Maintains his universal state ; O'e. all the earth his pow'r extends, Allheav'n before his footstool bends. 2 Yet justice still with pow'r presides. And mercy all his empire guides ; Mercy and truth are his delight, And saints are lovely in his sight. 3 No more, ye wise, your v/isdom boast. No more, ye strong, your valour trust; No more, ye rich, survey your store. Elate with heaps of shining ore. 4 Glory, ye saints in this alone. That God, your God to you is known ;^ lliat you have own'd his sovereign sway, Tliat you have felt his cheeriniz; ray. 5 Our wisdom, wealth, and pow*r we find, In one Jehovah all combined ; On him we fix our roving eyes. And all our souls in rapture rise. 31 PSALMS AND HYMNS. 6 All else which we our treasures call May in one fatal moment fall ; But nought their happiness can move Who trust in God's unbounded love. Unknown. 455. L. M. Remembrance of Christ. 1 " This do in mem'ry of your friend,^ Such was the Saviour's last request. Who all the pangs of death endur'd. That we might live forever bless'd. 2 Yes, we'll record thy matchless love, Thou dearest, tend 'rest, best of friends ! Thy dying love the noblest praise Of long eternity transcends. 3 *Tis pleasure more than earth can give, Thy goodness through these veils to see; Thy table food celestial yields, And happy they who sit with thee. 4 But oh! what vast transporting joys Shall fill our breasts, our tongues inspire, When, join'd with the celestial trai^. Our grateful souls thy love admire ! ^^ 5 When these vile bodies, all refin'd. Perfect and glorious as thy own, Unwearied shall our minds obey. And join in worship near thy throne. Dublin Con. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 456. L. M. Fast. Isa. Iviii. 6, ScC 1 This is the fast the Lord doth choose, Each heavy burtiieii to undo ; The bands of wickedness to loose. And let the captive freedom know. '2 Let ev'ry vile and sinful yoke Of servile bondage, and of fear, By mercy, love, and truth, be broke ; From sorrow's eye wipe ev'ry tear. 3 Yes, to tlie hungry deal thy bread. Bring to thine house the outcast poor ; O let the fainting soul be fed. Nor spurn the needy from thy door. 4 And when thine eyes the naked see. The needed garment fhen bestow^ ; To thine own flesh most tender be. To all thy charity must flow. 5 This did the Saviour of our race. Himself, the bread of life did give; Loos'd all our burdens by his grace ; The outcast poor in Jesus live. 6 We are his flesh ; he did not hide Himself from us, in all our wo; But freely gave himself, and died. That we his boundless love might know. H. Ballou, PSALMS AND HYM^S. 457. L. M. God dwelling with the Humble. 1 Thus saith the high and lofty One, '' I sit upon my holy throne ; My name is God, 1 dwell on high. Dwell in my own eternity. S But I descend to worlds below. On earth I have a mansion too ; The humble spirit and contrite Is an abode of my dehght. 3 The humble soul my words revive, I bid the mourning sinner live ; Heal all the broken hearts 1 find. And ease the sorrows of the mind. 4 When I contend against their sin, I make them know hov/ vile they've been ; But should my wrath forever Sinoke Their souls would &?nk beneath the stroke.'' 5 O may thy pard'ning grace be nigh, Lest we should fair!, despair ;ind die ! Thus shall our better thoughts approve The methods of thy chasi'ning love. Watts. 458. s. M. Praise to God from all Nations. Ps. cxvii. 1 Thy name. Almighty Lord Shall sound through distant lands; Great is thy grace, and sure thy word. Thy truth forever stands. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Far be thine honours spread ; Long may thy praise endure, Till morning light and ev-ning shade Shall be exchang-^d no more. ® ITT W atts. 459. c. M. Blessings of the Divine Presence. 1 Thy presence, Lord, gives pure delight. Our sorrows takes away. Dispels the darkness of our night. And spreads effulgent day. 2 Like water to the thirsty soul Are flowings of thy love, Thy spirit sways with soft control, And bears our thoughts above, 3 AVhy should we then decline from thee r In search of folly rove r Or strive to set our passions free From the soft bands of love. 4 Extend around thy loving arms. Infold us in thy breast. Where, captives to resistless charms, Our wav'ring souls may rest. 5 Raise in our breast aquick'ning zeal, That faith which works by love ; And to our strengthened eyes reveal Our life in Christ above. H. Ballou. 31* PSALMS AND HYMNS. 460. c. M. Blessings of Providence and Redemption. 1 Thy goodness. Lord ! our souls confess. Thy goodness we adore ; A spring whose blessings neyer fail, A sea without a shore* £ Sun, moen, and stars, thy love attest In ev'ry golden ray ; Love draws the curtains of the night, And love returns the day. S Thy bounty evVy season crowns With all the bliss it yields ; With joyful clusters loads the vine, With strength'ning grain the fields, 4 But chiefly thy compassions, Lord ! Are in the gospel seen; There, like the sun, thy mercy shines. Without a cloud between. Berridge. 461. L. M. Praise for Providence. Matt. v. 45. Acts. xiv. 17. 1 Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design, Are fram'd upon thy throne above. And e\^ry dark or bending line Meets in the centre of thy love. £ With feeble light, and half obscure. Poor mortals thine arrangements view, Not knowing that the least are sure, And the mysterious just and true. PSALMS AND HYMNS, 3 Thy flock, thine uwn peculiar. care. Though now thej soeni to roam uney'cU Are led or driven only where They best and safest may abide. 4 They neither know, nor trace the way ; But, trwsting to thy piercing eye. None of their feet to ruin stray. Nor shall the weakest fail or die. 5 Our favoured souls shall meekly learn To lay our reason at thy throne ; Too weak thy secrets to discern. We II trust thee for our guide alone. Rippon's Coll, 462. L. M. ■\Ve Walk by Faith, not by Sight. 1 'Tis by the faith of joys to come V. e walk through deserts dark as night ; Till we arrive at heav'n our home, Faith is our guide and truth our light. 2 The want of sight sli'^ well supplies ; She makes tlie pearly gates appear : Far into distant world 3 she piies. And brings eternal 'glories near. 3 Cheerful we tread the desert throu2,h, \» hdo faHh receives a heav'n; 7 lay, Tliough lix ns roar, a id tempests blow. And rocks and dangeisnli tiie way. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 So Abr'am, by divine command, Left his own house to walk with God : His faith beheld the promised land. And fir'd his zeal along the road. Watts, 463. c. M. Praise for the Gospel. Ps. xcvL 1. Luke iii. 5y6^ 1 To our Almighty Mak«r, God, New honours be address'd ; His great salvation shines abroad. And makes the nations blest. 2 He spake the word to Abr'am first. His truth fulfils his grace ; Thje Gentiles make his name their trust. And learn his righteousness. 3 Let the whole earth liis love proclaim^ With all her different tongues ; And spread the honours of his name. In melody aud songs. Watts. 464. H. M. Grateful Praise. 1 To your Creator God, Your great Preserver, raise, Ye creatures of his hand. Your highest notes of praise : Let ev'ry voice proclaim his pow'r. His name adore, and loud rejoice. PSALMS AND IIYMXS. 2 Thou source of li^ht and lieaf, Bright sov'rci^:n of tiie ilay, Disjiensina blessings round, With all diftusive ray ; From morn to night with. e\ 'rj beai^i, Record his name, who maile tliec bright. 3 Fair regent of the night, Witli all thy starry train, AViuch rise in silent hosts. To gild the azure plain ; VChh countless rays declare his name, Prolong the theme, reflect his jjraise. 4 Let all the creatures join. To celebrate his name, And all their various pow'rs Assist th' exalted theme. Let nature raise frou) ev'ry tongue A general song of graceful praise. 5 But oh ! from human tongues. Should noblei' praises flow ; And ev^T thankful lieart. With warm devotion glow ; Your voices raise, ye highly blest ; Above the rest, declare his praise. Mi>. Steele. 465. s. M. Benediction. I Thy benediction, L'^rd, Upon us now bestow ; O bless us with thy sacred v.ord, And light the path we go. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Impress upon each mind Thy truth, in mercy. Lord, And that we may salvation find. May each the same regard. 3 Now unto God on high. Be glory ever giv'n : fit our longing souls to fly. And dv/ell with thee in heav'n. Kneeland 466. h. M. The Grave destroyed. 1 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb. Take this new treasure to thy trust; And give these sacred relics room To slumber in thy silent dust. 2 No pain, no grief, no anxious fear Invade thy bounds ; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. Whilst angels watch its soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept ; God's dying Son Past through the grave and blest the bed; Here we may rest till from his throne 1 he morning break, and pierce the shade. 4 Break from his throne, illustrious morn ! Attend, grave, his sov'reign word ! Restore thy trust ; the glorious form Will then arise to meet the Lord. Watts. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 467. H. 31. God our Preserver in a sickly Season. Ps. cxxi. 1 Upward we lift our eyes, ^ From God is all our aid ; The God who built the skies. And earth's foundation laid : God is the tow'r to which we fly : His grace is nigh in ev'ry hour. 2 Our feet shall never slide. Or fall in fatal snares, Since God, our Guard and Guide, Defends us from our fears. Those wakeful eyes, tliat never sleep. Shall Israel keep, when dangers rise. 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of ev'ning air. Shall take our health away. If God be with us there. Thou art our sun, and thou our shade. To guard our head by night or noon. 4 Hast thou not giv*n thy word To save our souls from death? And we can trust thee, Lord ! 'I'o keep our mortal breath : V\'e"ri go and coiiie, nor fear to die. Till from on high thou call us home. PSALM3 AND HYMNS. 368. L. M. The Christian Sabbath. 1 We bless thee for this sacred claj, Thoi], who hast evjy blessing giv'n. Which sends the dreams of earth away. And yields a glin^pse of opening heaven; 2 Rich day of holy, thoughtful rest! May we improve thv calm repose, And in God's service truly bless'd. Forget the world, its joys and woes. 3 Lord, may thy truth, upon the heart Now fall and dwell, as heav'nly dew, And fiow'rs of grace in freshness start Where once the weeds of error grew. 4 May pray'r now lift her sacred wings, Contented with tliat aim alone Vf hich bears her to the Kin.ir of kings, And rests her at liis slieit'riiig throne. Uiiknov.ii. 469. c. M. The Perfections of God displayed in his Works. 1 We sing th* Almighty pow'r of God, Vv ho bade the mountains ri^e ; Who spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 We sing i\\e wisdom that ordain'd I'he sun to rule the day : The moon shines full at liis command, And all the stars obey. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 3 We sing the goodness of tlie Lord, Who tills the earth with food; Who form'd his creatures by his word. And then pronouucM them good, 4 Lord how thy wonders are displayed Where'er we turn our eyes, Whether we view the ground we tread, Or gaze upon the skies. 5 Creation, vast as it may be, Is subject to thy will: There's not a place where we can flee, But thou art with us still. 8 On thee each moment we depend; We live beneath thine eye : may we ne'er that God oflFend, Who is for ever nigh ! Watts, altM. 470. L. M. Patience. Isa. xxx. 18. 1 Wait on the Lord, ye heirs of hope ! And let his word support your soul : Well can he bear your courage up. And all your foes and fears control. 2 He waits his own well-chosen hQur His treasur'd mercy to display ; And his paternal bosom melts. While wisdom dictates the delay. $ Bless'd are the patient souls that bow With jYieek submission to his will ; 5^ psalMs and hymns. Though sorrows press, they firmly trusty And in the midst of storms are still : 4 Until their Father's well known voice Awakes their silence into songs; Then earth grows vocal with his praise, And heav'n the grateful shout prolongs. Doddridge, 471. CM. Human Frailty. 1 AVeak and irresolute is man : 'i he purpose of to-day, Woven with pains intoliis plan, To-morrow rends away. ^ Some foe to his upright intent Finds out his weaker part; Virtue engages his assent, But pleasure wins his heart. 3 Life leads in paths of doubtful leno-th Through dangers little known: A stranger to superior strennh, Man vainly trusts his own. 4 But oars alone can ne'er prevail To reach the distant coast; The breath of heav'n must swell the sail, Ur all the toil is lost. Cou-per. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 472. c. 31. Anxiety reproved. j We would not seek, with God our friend. With anxious care to know. Or how or when our live* shall end, Or ^what our lot below. 2 The same kind pow'r that irave us breath. Still holds us in his Iiand; And when he bids us sleep in death, All- wise is his command. 3 That powV whose watchful goodness feeds' The warblers of the air, And clothes with flow'rs the smiling meads, Shall we not be his care ? 4 If lengthen'd years our lives sluill crown Then be his prai*e express'd ; Or if in this he cuts us down, Still what he does, is best. 5 May we, thegood each hour supplier Re<:eive with grateful mind ; And when our fairest pleasure dies, Be humble and resigned. 6 How swift our moments steal away ! E'en while we speak they fly ; Then let us seize the passing\lay. And wait for joys on hi^'h. Monthly Anthology, ah*d. PSALMS AND HYMN*. 473. L. M. The Miracles of Christ. 1 What works of wisdom, pow'r and love. Do Jesus' high commission prove ; Attest his heav'n -derived claim. And glorify his Father's name I ^ On eyes that never saw the day. He pours the bright celestial ray; And d eaten M ears, by him unbound. Catch all the harmony of sound. 5 Lameness takes up its bed and goes Rejoicing in the strength that flows Through evVy nerve; and, free from pain. Pours forth to God the grateful strain. 4 The shattered mindrhis word restores. And tunes afresh the mental powVs; The dead revive, to life return, And bids affection cease to mourn. 5 How can our souls, these wonders trace. And not admire Jehovah's grace? Can we behold the Saviour's powV, And not the God of love adore ? Butcher, 474. L. M. God is Love. 1 When darkness long has veiPd the mind. And smiling day once more appears j Then, our Creator I then we find The folly of our doubts and fears. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 Straight we upbraid our wand'ring heart, And blush that we should ever be Thus prone to act so base a part. Or liarbour doubtful thoughts of thee. S O, let us then at length be taught AV^hat we are still so slow to learn! That God is love, and changes not, Nor knows the shadow of a turn. 4 Sweet truth, and easy to repeat! But when our faith is sharply tried, We find ourselves but learners yet. Unskilful, weak, and apt to slide. 5 But, our God ! one look from thee Subdues the disobedient will. Drives doubt and discontent away. And then rebellious man is still. Cowper. 475. c. M. The Supreme Good. 1 When fancy spreads her boldest wing*. And wanders unconfin'd Amid th' unbounded scene of things, Which entertain the mind : 2 In vain we trace creation o'er. In search of sacred rest. The whole creation is too poor To make us fully bless-d. 5 In vain should this low world employ Each flattVing, spe«ious wile ; 52' PSALMS AXD HYMNS. For what can yield a real joy But our Creator's smile ! 4 Let earth with all her charms depart, Unworthy of the mind ; In God alone this restless heart An equal bliss can find. 5 Great Source of all felicity. To whom our wishes tend ! Do not these wishes rise from thee. And in thy favour end ? Mrs. Steele, 476. c. M. The Comforts of Religion, 1 When gloomy thoughts and boding fears The trembling heart invade. And all the face of nature wears An universal shade ; 2 Religlon-s dictates can assuage '{ he tempest of the soul ; And ev'ry fear shall cease to rage. At her divine control. 3 Through life's bewildered, darksome way, Her hand unerrinj^; leads ; And o'er the path her heav'nly ray A cheering lustre sheds. 4 When feeble reason, here confin'd, Sinks helpless and afraid ; This bless'd supporter of the mind, Affords a powerful aid* PSALMS AND HYMNS. 5 may our hearts confess her pow'r. And find a sweet relief. To brighten ev'ry gloomy hour. And soften ev'ry griei. Mrs. Steele. 477. L. M. " But no man knoweth of his sepulcre." Deut. xxxiv, 6. 1 When he, who from the scourge of wrong, Arous'd the Hebrew tribes to fly, Saw the fair region promis-d long. And bow'd him on the hills to die ; £ God made his grave to men unknown, Where Moab's rocks a vale infold ; And laid the aged seer alone To slumber till the world grows old. 3 Thus still, whene'er the good and just Close the dim eye on life and pain, Heav'n watches o'er their sleeping dust Till the pure spirit comes again. 4 Though nameless, trampled, and forgot. His servant's humble ashes lie. Yet God has mark'd and seal'd the spot, To call its inmate to the sky. Unknown. 478. c. M. ** He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Ps. cxlvii. 3. 1 When reft of all, and hopeless care Would sink us to the tomb, What pow'r shall save us from despair, What, dissipate the gloom r PSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 No balm that earthly plants distil Can sooth the mourner's smart; No mortal hand with lenient skill, B,ind up the broken heart. 3 But One alone, who reigns above, Our wo to joy can turn. And light the lamp of life and love That long has ceas'd to burn. 4 Then, O my soul ! to that One flee. To God thy w^oes reveal ; His eye alone thy wounds can see, His pow'r alone can heal. DrummoRd. 479. L. p. M. The Excellency of the Gospel. 1 We love the volumes of thy word: What light and joy those leaves afford To souls benighted and distrest Thy precepts guide our doubtful way; Thy fear forbids our feet to stray ; Thy promise leads our hearts to rest. 2 From the discoveries of thy law. The perfect rules of life we draw : These are our study and delight : Not honey so invites the taste. Nor gold that hath the furnace past. Appears so pleasing to the sight. 3 Thy threat'nings wake our slumbVing eyes, Ann warn us where our danger lies ; But 'tis thy blessed gos^pel, Lord, PSALMS AND HYMNS. That makes the guilty conscience clean, Converts the soul, subdues our sin, And gives a free, but large reward. Wattst. 480. s. M. The Lord's Day. 1 Welcome, thou day of rest. That saw the Lord arise ; AVelcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes. £ The King himself comes near, To feast his saints to day ; Here we may sit, and see him here. And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst the place, Where Jesus is within. Is better than ten thousand da^'s Of pleasure and of sin. 4 Our willing souls would stay In such a frame as this, Till call'd of him we soar away To everlasting bliss. Watts, alt*d. 48L L. M. The promised Messiah. Welcome the hope of Israel's race. The Messenger of truth and grace ! Your hearts in rigliteousuess prepare ; Behold your wish'd redemption near! FSALMS AND HYMNS. 2 See glory, bursting from the skies. O'er Judah's land efTulgent rise. And fix amidst her coasts its seat, Where justice, truth, and mercy meet : 3 While faith and hope, their offspring dear. Attendant on their steps appear : And join'd in friendly compact move, Bless'd with philanthropy and love. 4 Truth in thy lands, earth ! shall spring. And righteousness her healing wing Expanding, downwards cast her eje, While heav'n's great Monarch from on high, 5 The heathen gloom shall chase away. And usher in a glorious day ; And from his own propitious will. The promised grace to man fulfil. Merrick, 482. CM. ** This mortal shaU put on immortality." 1 Cor. xv. 52 — 58. 1 When the last trumpet's awful voice This rending earth shall shake ; The op'ning graves shall yield their charge; And dust to life awake : S Those bodies that corrupted fell. Shall incorrupted rise ; And mortal forms shall spring to life. Immortal in the skies. S Behold ! what heav'nly prophets sung Is now at last fulfill d ; That death should yield his ancient reigHj And, vanquished quit the field. PSALMS AND HYMNS. 4 Let faith exalt her joyful voice. Let hope exulting sing : O ^rave ! where is tli y triumph now P O death ! where is thy sting ? 5 Our God, whose name be ever bless'd ! Disarms that foe we dread. And makes us conquTors when we die. Through Christ, our living Head. 6 Then steadfast let us still remain, Though dangers rise around. And in the work prescrib'd by God, Yet more and more abound. Scotch Paraphrase!^ alt'ti, 483. c. M. Comfort in Sickness and Death. 1 When sickness shakes the languid frame Each dazzling pleasure flies; Phantoms of bliss no more obscure Our long-deluded eyes. 2 Their frail support deceives no more When death his sceptre shows. And nature faints beneath the weight Of complicated woes. o The tutt'rirjs: frame ofmortdl life Shall crun^ble into dust ; Nature shall faint, but learn, each foul ! On nature's God to trust. 4 The man whose pious heart is fix'd On kis all-gracious GoJ, PSALMS AND HYMNS. In ev'ry frown may comfort find. And kiss the cliast'ning rod. 5 Nor him shall death itself alarm ; On heav'n his soul relies, With joy he views his Maker's love. And with composure dies, Heginbotham. 484. L. M. Humility. 5 Wherefore should man, frail child of clar, Who, from the cradle to the shroud, Lives but the insect of a day — ! why should mortal man be proud ? 2 His brightest visions just appear. Then vanish, and no more are found ; The stateliest pile his pride can rear A breath may level with the ground. 3 By doubt perplex'd, in error lost. With trembling step he seeks his way; How vain of wisdom's o;ift the boast I Of reason's lamp how faint the ray 1 4 Follies and crimes, a countless sum, Are crowded in life's little span : How ill, alas I does pride become That erring, guilty creature man. » God of our life ! Father divine! Give us a meek and lowly mind : In modest worth, may we shine, And peace and humble virtue find 1 Enfieli. J I'SALMS AND HVMXS. 485. c. 31. Habitual Devotion. 1 While thee we seek, protecting Pow'r I Be our vain wishes still'd; And inaj this cunsecrated hour With better hopes be fiU'd. Q Thy love the pow'rs of thought bestowNJ To thee our thoughts would soar : Tiiy mercy o'er our life has flow'd That mercy \re adore ! S In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand we see ! Each blessing to our souls more dear, Because confirmed by thee. A In ev'ry joy that crowns our days. In ev'iy paiu we bear. Our hearts shall find delight in pain. Or seek relief in pray'r. 5 When gladness wings a favourM hour, Thy love our thoughts shall fill : Resigned when storms of sorrow low'r, Our souls shall meet thy will. 6 Our lifted eyes, without a tear, l he gath'ring storm shall see ; Our steadfast hearts shall know no fear: But firmly rest on thee. Miss Williarag. PSALMS AND HY.MKS. 486. L. M. The one Thing needful. 1 Why should we waste, in trifling cares. The lives, divine compassion spaies. While, in the various range of thought. The one thing needful is forgot? 2 Shall God invite us from above, Shall Jesus urge his dying Love, Shall waken 'd conscience give us pain, And all these pleas unite in vain r S Not so, our ejes will always view The objects which we now pursue ; Not so, eternity appear. When death's decisive hour is near. 4 Almighty God ! thine aid impart To fix conviction on the heart : Thy pow'r can clear the darkest eyes. And make the haughtiest scorner wise. Doddridge, alt\t 487. L. M. Trust founded on the Divine Perfections. 1 Why sinks the weak desponding mind ? Why heaves tbe heart an anxious sigh? Can sov'rei":n "-oodness be unkind r Are we not safe, if God be nigh ? £ He holds all nature in his hand : That gracious hand on which we live. Does life, and time, and death command^ And has immortal joys to give. PSALMS AND HYMXress th}^ moral i nage upon tliine offspring man- and permit him tlie exalted privilege of addressing thee by the endearing appellation of Father. That thou hast implanted within us a spirit, bv which, throjgh the inspiration of the Aimight)-, we are h. to understand thy character and thy wiir. That thou ha- furnished us with minds, susceptible of social enj03'ment. and of moral improvement. That thou hast rendered u^ 'capable cf growing in the knowledge of thy pcifecticns, aii of obeying thy commnndr. We rejoice, and piaisc thy venerable imme, thet th.' hast spared us as I'Oiiuments of thy goodnest, and brougn us ia mercy to tht present hour. That the curtail. s of tir, love have been spread ever us, arid that a kind and watcJ: lul providence hath supplied out want£. And Wsi tha:- t PRAYERS. thep, O our Gocl, that the tokens of thy divine liberality arf; not confined to us, but are mercifully extended to all ou. race. " The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest Them their meat in due season : Thou openest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing." V^e would acknowledge before thee, the obligation of gratitude, for our civil and religious privileges ; that we are permitted to enjoy the pi asures of the sanctuary, and to worship the living God agreeably to the dictates of our own conscience. We thank thee for the extension of scientific knowledge in our land, and the rapid march of religious truth through all our borders. But above all, we desire to adore thee for the rich displays of thine unbounded mercy and grace, in the unspeakable gift of thy well-beloved Son," in whom we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins." That in this precious gift to the children of men, the inexhaustable treasures of thy grace are bestowed upon the 'children of thy creation, and the smiles of heavenly truth and love are made to revisit the plains of mortality and lime, to give the knov.'ledge of thj' g'ory, and to excite the blissful hope of immortality and eternal life. Tliat darkness and ignorance which have pervaded the empire of the human understand- ing, are fust teocxling before the efluigent rays of the Sun of right<»ousness, while the glorious gospel of a risen Saviour is proclaiming '' good tidings of great joy to all people.'' We rejoice to acknowledge the visits of thy love, which in smiles of grace divine have illuminated our hearts, and made us acquainted with the life-giving energies of thy truth. That this section of thiiie heritage hath been fa- voured with the ligiit and salvation of our God^ and through the tender mercies from on high, wc are permitted to convene (m thy sanchiari;, or, for thy icorship) to ac* kiiTv.ledge our dependence; ^ni\ the grateful sense we en- xcrtain of thy good ne^-s. Povmit us, almighty and eternal God, to bow with re- verence before thee, and while we call to remembrance '' '^ benefactions of thy mercy, may our heaits glow with veiit gratitude and pure devotion. Be pleased in in- :^ mn'^T-.^ion to smile frcin thy holy habitation, and PKAVERS. r<*ncR' uiit ) u? the token* of ihy faithfulness and love. In the ii^uic of J»^-as Chribt, thy Son, and our Redeemer, -tvitt thou nieicifully pardon the muliitiide of our transgres- sions: And O may thy grace descend upon us in copious eft'usion?, thnt by its sacred and benign influence, we may be enabled to worship thoe, the living God, in spirit and in truth. Wilt ihou impart unto us the blessings of thy wis- dom, to lead and guide us into all truth; and that our humble endeavours to glorify thy name may be rendered acceptable, may they be attended by the purest affections of our hearts. We entreat thee, most merciful and indulgent Father, to remove every cioud of darknrss from our minds, and to dis- sipate all our fears. Lead u?, w» beseech thee, into the way of life, nor leave us in the p;«th of temptation. Richly replenish our understandiniis with the knowledge of thy truth, and our hearts with thot evangelical faith which works by love. Be pleased to assist us in discharging the duties that are incumbent upon us at this time, and may we derive spiritual refreshment from thy word of life. O our Father, wilt thou comfort our hearts with thy grace, and may they be united by the sacred bond of christian love. May we rfralize how good and hov/ pleasant it is for breth- ren to uvell together in unity, and derive a mutual benefit from the promptitude of our obedience to thy commands. Cleanse us, O our God, frun all unrighteousness, and pre- serAC us in mercy to thy heavenly kingdom. Wilt thou, O Lord, our God, bestow thy propitious smiles upon Zion. May all her favoured sons be clothed with the whole ar- mour of righteousness and become the pinus ornaments of this lower creation. May all th se w^hom thou hast ap- pointed as watchmen upon her walls, be faithful and dili- gent in the administration of the gospel of eternal life, nor may they ever shun to declare m11 the counsel of God. May they be of quick understanding in thy fear, and be rendered instrum.ental of multiplying converts to the faith of the Lord Jesus, as drops of the morning dew. Regard, we humbi)' entreat thee, the condition of those who are visited with sickness and pain. Grant unto them thy kind supporting arm, and bless them with composure of PKAYEKS. rnind, and with lesignntion to thy will. Fiil their hearip, with the assurance of thy mercy, and reconcile them to whatever may await them in thy wise and unerring provi- dence. We would solicit thy benedictive smiles upon such of thy childi-en as are called to mourn. Wilt thou bind up their broken hearts, and comfort them wit^ the blissful hope of immortality, which i? brought to light by the gospel of a risen Saviour. And may all the subjects of.affliction, become the experimental children of thy grace. We would remember before thee, O God, those that are far from righteousness, who are wandering in darkness,alien- ated fiom thee, and enemies in their minds by wicked work?. Reclaim their hearts,we beseech thee, and turn their feet into thy testimonies. Redeem them from the paths of iniquity, and save them from the distress and misery attendant on transgression ; and lead them to prove by happy experienc*'. that the ways of wisdom alojie are ways of pleasantness, and that all her paths are peace and jay. Have mercy, we humbly pray thee, upon cur enemies, and bless them who in the darkness of their minds, despitefuUy use us, and per- secute us I Turn them from the error of their ways, to the wisdom of the just, and prepare tiiem for the enjoyments of thy kingdom. And will the Lord Almighty, in the plentitude of bb wis- dom, love, and grace, send the saving influence of heavenly Light and Truth through the whole earth, until '* all the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before tluee." And may all the ransomed creation, at length be brought to Kion, v.'ith songs and everlasting joy, and be raised upon the rainbow of thy covenant, to shout in pure immortal strains, with ^* every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and iftider the earth, and such as are in the sea, and, all that are irijthem — blessing and honour and gloiy and po-wer be unto him that sitteth upon the thjrcne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.** ' [^Here raay be added the Lord's Prayer.'] '' Our Fathev,*' etc. PRAYERS. AFTER SERMOX. ALMIGHTY and eternal God, the maker of heaven and earth, and the wise disposer of events. Me. desire again to boid in reverence before thy throne, and to oiler the gratitude of our hearts to thee, the giver of all oiir mercies. We devoutly thank thee, O our heavenly Father, for our creation, and the bestowment of our natural and moral powers — For the gifts and blessings of tliy provi- dence, upon which we have subsisted — For the condescend- ing tokens of thy spiritual mercy and grace, in permit- ting us to worship in thy presence ; and for the^gift, and labours, of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the opportunity which we have here enjoyed, be iiBto us a source of improvement, and a subjej;;t of grateiiil remembrance ; and saactif)' our hearts, we entreat thee, by the in-pouaings of thy spirit, and dismiss us from this place under thy propitious smiUs. Through the uneven journey of life, wilt thou direct our tjteps; and let tliy mercy and love attend us, aiul smooth our path to tJie close of time. In the lust alarms, wilt thou sooth our spirits by thy presence, sustain our fainting; lieartfiinthe valley of death — And finally, through the in- iinite riches of thy grace, conduct us, with the wliole in- telligent creation^ to the endless enjoyments of thy low, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FOR MORXLN'G, SUPREMELY great and glorious God : We adore thee for the revelation of thy nature, which i^love. We thani^ thy holy name, that thy kind and watchful providence hatii sustained us, and that the bounties of thy divine l^be^alit^' have been moot wisely and admirably adauted la all.ou'- wants, so that we are bound ingratitude to a-c knowledge that our hearts have been filled wkh i.x^H :»;in ..!>.J...... I'brough the chansiijig scenp^ atter. rtcnce, thou hast been one suppoxte tlie silent watches of tlie night, tho tonceless lives, and in the return of i •lessed us with a renew :t' ' :' ind benevolent Father, rteviiig of our movuiug £,.,...1 «.»<., . .IiiPi*. and l<»t tiie wrjkvnie reiuii. 3S PRAYERS. lis of our constant, obligation to love and obey thy com- mandments. Continue, we entreat thee, the benefactions of thy mercy, and direct our feet in the path of duty and enjoyment. May our lives be devoted to thy service ; and grant, we humbly beseech thee, that thy divine wisdom may direct our steps in all the duties of this day ; and in faithful obedience to the precepts of thy will, may we ^j.>cnd tlie residue of our lives. Graciously enable us to repent of a>l our sins, and to live soberly, righteously, and ^odly iufe^the world. Let thy compassion, we hum- bly ptay thee, be upon all "the children of thy creation, and po'j-r o-ut the spirit of thy grace upon all flesh ; until the earth shall be full of "the knowledge of God, and every tongue be made vocai with thy praise. And when our days shall %)e numbered and finished beneath the sun, wilt thou in mercy call us to enjoy the bliss of eternity ; and at last to join with anjt-ls^ aad all the ransomicd creation, in asciiptionsofunbouncipd glory to Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever. — [Here the Lord's pray tr may be added :] '^ Our Father^' things by the word .of thy power, and for thy good pie: Sure, they are, and were created. We rejoice that thy character is displayed in thy worV.5 and revealed in thy word of truth : For the heavens n - rlare the glory of thy Vvisdom and power, ajid' the inn' merable blessings of thy providence testify i« acccrdavir with the^yoiceof inspiration, that thou art geed unto a:' and tliy tender mercies are OAer all tiiy \rt»rks. In the day of prosperity thou hast tau5:ht-.us to rejoi - wji"? gratitude, and in tire hoar of acivcHsity.tc locik un thee for comfort and sup}>Gtt. - ♦ We ack\iw v. \ O \ ' ^ ' . " -nd all the LQiit to I/; PRAYERS. a^d grace ; and hast in mercy taught us, that although ii« affliction lor the present seemeth to be joyous, but griev- L?us ; yet nevertheless, it afterwards yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteousness to them that are exercised thereby. As dependent beings, we desire that thou wouldst suit- ably impress our minds with the solemnity of the present occasion, and seal instruction to our hearts by the dispen- sation in which thou art passing before us. Forbid, O most holy Father, that we should visit the house of mourning with cold indifference ; but may we be solemnh' impressed with a sense of our own frailty, and so liumber our days, as to apply our hearts unto wisdom, rvlay we be enabled to mingle our sympathies with tiie af- flictions of thy mourning children, and while we weep with them that weep, may the assurance of a future resurrection inspire us with the consoling hope, that the bond of socia,! affection will again be renewed and perpetuated in a hap- pier and better life. And, O most merciful God, wilt thou impart the rich consolations of thy grace and truth, to comfort the hearts of those bereaved friends, who are call- ed to drop afilictions parting tear over the silent remains of kindred dust, and to witness the certain destiny of all human glory, and the end of all our sublunary enjoyments. We beseech thee to sanctify this aiBictive dispensation of thy providence to their spiritual welfare, and render it subservient to their improvement in a life of virtue. Wilt thou reconcile them to thy will, and in nrercy prepare them for whatever may await them in the journey of life, and finally, through the infinite riches of thy grace, raise them to the enjoyment of the blissful society of their departed fiiends, in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We would remember before thee, O our God, the case of all that mourn, and of all that are ah/icted and oppressed. We pray that thou wouldst suit, out of thy tender mercies, those blessings and comforts best adapted to their respec- tive conditions, and prepare them and ourselves for all the changi?s of life : And when we are called to repose in the d reary recesses of the tomb, may our spirits find acceptance at thy throne, and with all the purchased possession, be raised to the everlasting enjoyments of thy love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. A TABLE, ro riND \XY PSALM oil HYMN BY THE FIRST LIM Again the Lord of life and light - - 1 Almighty Maker God - - - - 2 Again the cheerful beams of day - - 3 Again our weekly labours end - - - 4 Ail nature speaks, let men give ear - - 5 Absurd and vain attempt I to bind - - 6 Adieu, all earthly things ... 7 Abide with us, ilie ev'ning shades - - ft As showVs on meadows newly mown - T^ Arise, and hail the happy day - - - 10 Angels roll the rock away - - - 11 Awake the song that gave to earth - - 12 As the good shepherd gently leads - - 13 Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain - - 14 All nature feels attractive pow'r - - 15 Affliction's faded form draws nigh - - 16 A glory gilds tiie sacred page - - 17 All nature dies, and lives again - - 18 A God^ a God, the wide earth shouts - 19 A joyful song to God - ' - - - 20 Ail hail, mysterious King _ - - 21 All hail, victorious Saviour, hail - - 22 Almighty goodness, powV divine - - 23 AU-pow'rful, self-existent God - - 24 All hail, redeemia'; Lord - - - 25 Almighty Maker ! Lord of all - - 2G All-seeing God ! 'tis thine to know^ - - 27 And is the gospel peace and love - - 28 Author of good I we rest on thee - - 29 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name - - 30 A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill - 31 Awake, my aoul ! rouse ev'ry pow'r - - 32 Awake, each .^oul I stretch every nerve - - 33 Awake, ye saints ! and raise your eyes - '^r] Amidst the heav'nly pow'rs sublime 36* A TABLE. And will th' eternal King - - - 35 Are not thy mercies sovVeign still - - 37 As we advance in wisdom's ways - - 38 At the portals of thy house - - - 39 Awake, our drowsy souls - - - 4Q Attend each soul with revVent awe - 41 Affliction is a stormy deep - - - 42 x'Vnd now my soul, another year - « - 43 Awake, our souls ; away our fears - - 44 Awake, each soul ; aw ake, each tongue - 45 And will the great eternal God - - 46 Angther fleeting day is gone - - - 47 Awake, each soul ; and with the sun - 4H As the sweet flow'r, which scents the morn - 49 Awake, and sing the song ... 50 Afflicted souls, to Christ draw near - - 51 Aloud we sing the wondrous grace - - 52 BE thou exalted, O our God - - - 53 Before Jehovah'^s awful throne - - 54 Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay - - '55 Behold the morning sun - . - 50 Bless'd Instructor ! from thy ways • - - 57 Behold th' amazing sight - - . 53 Behold the Prince of peace - - - 59 Behold the light ! now see it rise - - 60 Beset with snares on every hand - - - 61 Behold, where, breathing love divine - - 62 Behold, where, in a mortal form - - - 63 Bless'd be the everlasting God - - 64 Bless'd is the man who fears the Lord - - 65 Blow ye the trumpet, blow - - - QQ Behoki! the grace appears - - - 67 Behold, the gloomy vale - - - 63 Beginj our tongues, some heav'nly theme - - 69 Begin, each soul, the lofty strain - _ 70 Behold the living tree - - - - 71 Behold, what joy through Israel's host - 72 Behold that wise, that perfect law - - - 73 Behold the Corner-Stone - - - 74 Behold, wdiat wondrous grace - - - 75 Blest is the man, whose tender care - - 76 A TABLE. T^lcss'H are the souls who hear and know - - 77 Hless'd are the sons cf peace - - - 7l> Bright source of intellectual rays - - - <9 By faith may Jesus d.vell _ - - 80 Behol(] th:tt splendour ! hear the shout - - 81 Behold, how sinners disagree - - ^'^ Behold, the l.Und their si^jht receive - - 83 Behold the woman's promised seed - - 84 Borne o'er the ocean's stormy wave - - 85 BehoM the rising dawn appear - - ^^ Behold ilie man ! thus Pilate spake - - 87 Behold the ^aviour of mankind - - 83 Bless'd Jesus, when our soarins^ thoughts - - 89 Ble'ts, O eacli soul, the living God. - - 90 CELES r lAL worlds 1 your Maker's name - 91 Come, sound his praise abroad - - ^2 Come, ye w ho love the Lord - - - 93 Come, let us search our ways and try - ^^ Come unto me, all ye who mourn r, - 95 Come ! said Jesus' sacred voice - - - 96 Children of the heav'nly King - - 97 Christians ! dismiss your fear - - - 9S Children in years and knowledge young - ^9 Come, thou long expected Jesus - - - 100 Come ! pay the worship God requires - 101 Come, let us join our cheerful songs - - 102 Come, sound the trembling lyre once more - 103 Come, sing a Saviours powV - - - 104 Come, serve the Lord v/ith love and joy - 10l» Come holy spirit, heav'nly dove - - - 106 Come, O thou universal good - - 107 Come, sinners, to the iiospel feast - - 108 Come warship at our Father's feet - - 109 Come in, ihou bk'ssed. honoured Lord - - 110 Come, tlioude=ire of all thy saints - - HI Calm, my soul, behold tny Saviour - - 112 Christ, a<: our great Physician, heals - 113 Come, Zion's daughters, shout and sing - - 114 Come ye that know and fear the Lord - H-^ Com«^ let our hearts on mercy muse - - H^ DEEM not that they are bless'd alone - H"^ 36*^ A TABLE. Do we not love thee, O our Lord - . - 118 Dost thou thy children's name record - 119 ETERNAL God I Almighty cause - - 120 Eternal life I how sweet the sound - - 121 Every attempt of man to gain - - - 122 Eternal love I how large the sum - - 123 Eternal Source of life and thought - - 124 Eternal God, how frail is man - - 12.5 Eternal Sire, enthroned on high - - 126 Eternal Source of evVy joy - » - 12 < Eternal God, we bless thy name - - 128 Eternal pow'r. Almighty God - - 129 Exalted Prince of life, we own - - - 130 FAR from thy servants, God of Grace - 131 Father of peace. O turn once more - - 132 Faith builds upon the evidence - - 133 Father of mercies ! in thy house - - - 134 Father, we bless thy gentle hand - - 135 From thee, O God, our joys shall rise - - 13o Frail mortal man cannot conceive - - 137 Far from our thoughts vain world begone - 138 Father of all! omniscient mind - - 139 For thee, O God, our constant praise - - 140 From all that dwell below the skies - - 141 Far from mortal cares retreating - - 142 Far hence each superstition vain - - 143 Far from these pcenes of night - . - 144 Father, how wide thy glory shines - - 145 Forsake, each soul the tents of sin - - 146 Folly builds high upon the sand - - 147 Fools in their hearts believe and say - - 148 Father I ador'd in worlds above - - 149 Father in heav'n I thy sacred name - - 150 Father of all I whose caies extend - - 151 Father of light ! we sing thy name - - 152 Father of mercies ! in thy word - - 153 Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss - - 154 Father divine I before thy view - - 155 Frail life of man — how short its stay - - 156 From north to south, from east to west - 157 GIVE thanks to God most high - - - 158 A TABLE. Give to our God immortal praise • - 159 Give to the Lord in cheerful songs • - 160 God is a spirit, just and wise - - 161 Great first of beings I mighty Lord - - 162 Great God, the beav'n's well ordered frame •• 163 Great God I this tacred day of thine - - 164 God moves in a mysterious way - - 165 Great God, at thy command - . - 166 God of mercy 1 Cod of love - - - 167 God of our lives I whose bounteous care - - 168 God. who is ju5t and kind - - -. 169 God reigns, events in order flow - - - 170 Grace — 'tis a pleasing sound • - - 171 Great Former of this various frame - - 172 Great God, how infinite art thou - - 173 Great God ! in vain man's narrow view - - 174 Great God, how vast is thine abode - - 175 Great God of grace! arise and shine - - 176 Great God I to thee our grateful tongues - 177 Great Goi I whose all pervading eye - - 178 Great God I whose universal sway - - 179 God is the Lord, the heav'nly King - - 180 God of our mercy and our praise - - 181 God of our strength I to thee we cry - - 182 God, our kind -Master, merciful and just - 183 Grant us a visit, «J«aiest Lord - - - 184 Grateful notes and numbers bring - - 185 Great Father of mankind - - - 186 Great is the Lord ; his works of might - 187 Great King of king?, eternal God - - - 188 Great is the Lord our God - _ - 189 Great God, we give thee praise - - - 190 HAIL great Creator, wise and good - - 191 High in the hen %*n5, eternal God - - - 192 How happy is tiie man who hears - - 193 Happy the rnan whose wishes climb - - 194 Happy the meek, whose gentle breast - - 195 Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes - 196 Hail, happ}- morn ! whose early ray - - 197 Hosanna ! let us join to sing , - - 198 How bless'd is man, O God - - - 19^ A TABLE. How gracious is our God • - - - 200 How happy is he born and taught - - 20i How long shall death the tyrant reign - - 202 How long shall dreams of eaithl)^ bliss - 203 How rich thy favoui-s, God of grace - - 204 How pleasing, Lord, to see - - - 205 House of our God, with cheerful anthems ring - 206 Happy the man whose cautious steps - - 207 Happy the Church, thou sacred place - - 208 Happy the mind where groces reign - - 209 Hear what a Saviour's voice . - - 210 How did our hearts rejoice to hear - - 211 How large the promise I how divine - - 212 How does my heart rejoice , - - 213 How :hall the young secure their heaits - - 214 How beauteous are their feet - - - 215 How rich thy bounty, King of kings - - 216 High let us swell our tuneful notes - - 217 How pleasing is the scene, how sweet - - 218 He lives, the great Redeemer lives - - 219 How vast the benefits divine - - - 220 Hosanna to the Piince of light - - 221 I'LL praise my Maker with my breath - - 222 If solid happiness we prize - - - 223 Immortal God I on thee we call - - - 224 Imposture shrinks from light - - - 225 In all thy dealings, gracious God - - 226 In the soft seasbji of thy youth - - 227 Is there on earth a nobler name - - - 228 I am the first, and I the last - - v. 229 - Infinite excellence is thine - - - 230 In God's eternity _ - - - 231 Inquire, ye pilgrims, for the way - - - 232 In social temples here vve meet - - 233 In songs of highest praise - - - - 234 I sing the gospel day - - - - 235 Indulgent Father ! how divine ... 236 Indulgent God I whose bounteous Care • 237 Is there a lone and dreary hour - - . 23o In that great day, when JeSus comes - - 239 ^»ra (saith Christ) your glorious head - - 240 A TAin.E. In glory bright the Siiviour rcij^ns yEkiOVAH Ciodl thy gracious pow'r Joy to the world, the Lord is come Jehovah bids the morning ray- Jesus, tlie friend of man Jesus, all hail 1 thou risen Saviour, hail Jesus, thou everlasting King - Jesus, we sing thy matchless grace Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Jesus I we love thy charming name Jesus his empire shall extend - Jesus, thou Sun of love divine Jesus our King, his sceptre sways Join ev'ry heart and cv'ry tongue - KIND Lord, before thy face Keep silence all created things LOVE is the strongest tie Let ev'ry tongue thy goodness speak Lift your voice and joyful sing Lo ! God is here ; let us adore Long have we sat beneath the sound • Lord ! dismiss us with thy blesshig Lord of the Sabbath ; bear our vows - Lord of the worlds above - Lord thou art good I all nature shows - Let children hear the might}' deeds Let men of high conceit and zeal Let party names no more - Let the whole race of creatures lie Look round, O man ! Eurvey this globe Lord, how resplendent shines thy grace Lord ! thou hast searched and seen us thro Lord, we adore thy vast designs Lord I we adore thy wondrous name Lord ! we would make thy word our joy Lord, who's tlie happy man tliat may Let songs of praise from ail below Lift your glad voices in triumph on high Life is a span, a fleeting hour Lord, what our ears have heard Let hratJiens to thtir i'^.oh haste A TABLE. Let v'iy movtal ear a I lend Let earth and heav'n agree Let sorrow, Lord our bosoms fill - Jjct pure dev'Oticii rise Lo ! what a glorious sight appears Lord, vxiiat was man when made at first Lord I when our thoughts delighted rcve L'.uul let the tuncfnl trumpet sound 5IOIITALS, awake, with angels join My sold, repeat bis praise My leilow sinners hear - - - IMay all ourpow'rs of ndnd - - ]\Terehur/ia!i pow'rs shall fast decay My life's a shade, w»y days My soul, bow lovely is the place My God I my King 1 O may thy praise Mistaken souls that dream of heav'n Mark the soft- falling snow My Father ! I adore - - - My God, the covenant of thy love My God* the steps of pious men My soul forbear on transient things My Maker, and my King Maker of earth, shall man despise My soul shall bless thee, O my God ?4ark how the swift-wing'd minutes f.y ?>lust friends and kindred droop and die My God permit us not to be - My Sovereign, to thy throne KOT by the terrors of a slave Not to the terrors of the Lord ^S'ovv- we can read our title clear Now let our souls, on wings sublime Naked as from the earth we came No war ror battle's sound No peticr our starving souls can find Not to our names, thou only just and true Not from dark fate's relentless tomb Now to the Lord a noble song • Now let our voices join -Vow shall our souls with pleasure raise A TABLE. Now to the Lord uho built the 5»kies Now let our inward joys arise Now to our Gmi let praises rise Now let a pure ambition rise Now in the form of Jesus, we Now blessing, honour, t^lorVf praise 0*E11 mountain tops, the rRount of God - O for a shout of sacred joy O for a thousand tongues to sing O God of grace, before thy throne O Lord I our heav'nly King On Zion, his most holy mount O thou, whose pow'r the mountains form'd O, 'tis a lovely thing to see Our heav'nly Father's calls O Zion, tune thy voice - • O for a sweet inspiring ray O haste the time, thou Prince of peace O for an overcoming faith On Jordan's stormy banks we stand O Christ, what gracious words O how transporting, how divine O the transcendent love O bless the Lord, our souls O come, loud anthems let us sing O how delightful is the road O sing to the Lord a new song O Source of uncreated light O thou to whom all creatures bow O thou, whose powV o'er moving worlds presid O God ! when we, to praise thy name O God I on thee wc all depend O God I to thee we raise our eyes O hear us, Lord ! to thee we call On God supreme our hope depend?. Our country is Immanuel's ground Out of the depth of sad distress O could we soar to worlds above O God ! accept the sacred hour O thou, before whose gracious throne OiXi Lord is risen from the d«ad A TABLE. PARENT of life, In ev'ry age Parent of nature, God supreme Plung'd in a guli of dark despair Patience, O what a grace divine Praise ye the Lord ; let praise employ Praise to God, the great Creator Praise to thee, thou great Creator Perpetual Source of light and grace Praise, everlasting praise be paid RAISE your triumphant songs Kejoice, believer, in the Lard Return, each roving heart, return Rise ev\y heart and ev'ry tongue Rivers from Jesus flow SING to the Lord, Jehovah'*s name Sing to the Lord, who loud pioclainis Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares Soon will our fleeting hours be past Sweet is the work, O God ! our King Salvation ! O the joyful sound ** See how he lov'd I" exclaimed the Jews Shine forth, eternal Source of light - Shine en our souls, eternal God Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord Supreme and universal light Supreme in wisdom, love, and grace Sweet is the friendly voice Sec Israel's shepherd stand See, from the ark, the mystic dove See I thebrjglit Monarch of the sky Shout I for the blessed Jesus reigns So did the Hebrew prophet raise So let our lips and lives express Send down thy blessing, gracious Lord Shout to God, in strains immortal TO God we'll raise an ev'ning song The glorious Lord, thy works proclaim The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord The heav'n of heav''ns cannot contain There is a God, all nature speaks A TABLE. • * The Lord descended from above - * 403 The spacious firmament on high - - 406 Thine influence, mighty God ! is felt - 407 This is the day the Lord hath made - - 408 Thy kingdom, Lord, forever stands - - 409 Thy gracious aid, great God impart - * • 410 'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand - 411 To God, of ev'ry good the spring • - -412 Thus the eternal Father spake • • 413 Tiie Lord in powV and wisdom reigns • - 414 The Saviour calls I let ev'ry ear - - 415 These glorious minds, how blight they shine - 416 Teach us, O teach us, Lord ! thy way - 417 Thanks be to God, the Lord - - - 418 The common Parent, Lord of all - - 419 The darkenM sky — how thick it lov/is - - 420 The earth and all the heav'nly frame - 421 The evils that beset our path - - - 42? The Lord, how tender in his love - • - 423 The morn of lifr, how fair and gay - - 424 The mighty God who rolls the spheres - - 425 The short liv'd day declines in haste - - 426 The traveller, lost in night - - • 427 There is a land of pure delight - - 428 'I here is forgiveness, Lord ! with thee - • 429 These mortal joys, how soon they fade - 430 Though ev'ry grace our speech adornVl - - 431 Thou, Lord ! through ev'ry changing scene • 432 Thrice happy men, w^ho, born fiom heav'n - 43Jf Through all the v a ncms shifting scene • -434 Through endless years thou art the sama - - 435 'ihus saith the first and great command • 436 Thy wisdom, powV and goodness. Lord - - 437 To calm the sorrows of the mind - • 438 The triflip.gjoys this world can give - 430 To thee, our hearts, eternal King - - 440 To thee, O God ! we homage pay - - 441 To those bright realms we lift our e3-es • 442 Twas God who formed the rolling spheres - 443 The hour of my departure's come - - 444. The rising morn, tire closing day - - 445 A TABLE. 'Twas on that dark and monrnful night Thy presence, ever»living God Thine is the throne, beneath thy reign The great Jehovah reigns Thus to believers, while below To God the only wise To God, the great redeeming cause To our Redeemer's glorious name The righteous Lord, supremely great " This do in mem'ry of your friend" This is the fast the Lord doth choose Thus saith the high and lofty One Thy name. Almighty Lord Thy presence, Lord, gives pure delight Thy goodness. Lord I our souls confess Thy ways, O Lord, with wise design 'Tisby the faith of joys to come To our Almighty Maker God To your Creator God - - - Thy benediction Lord UNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb Upward we lift ouv eyes - WE bless thee for this sacred day We sing the Almighty powV of God Wait on the Lord, ye heirs of hope Weak and irresolute is man ' - We would not seek, with God our friend What works of wisdom, pow'r and love When darkness long has veiled the mind When fancy spreads her boldest wings When gloomy thoughts and boding fears When he, who from the scourge of wrong When reft of all, and hopeless care We love the volumes of thy word Welcome, thou day of rest Welcome the hope of IsraeTs race When the last trumpet's awful voice When sickness shakes the languid frame Wherefore should man, frail child of clay While thee we seek, protecting Pow'r - Why should we waste, in trifling cares A TABLE. \ Why sinks tl'L- weak dcsjviiulinj mind - " 48/ "Willi Ood our liieiui, tlie radiant sun - * -^^'j "With FoiliiS and honours -Ov.Qding loud * 4i)'« Wesii^tliy meicy, Ood of love - * ^''^ When blooir.ing youth is snatcird away • - 401 Wheuin obedience to their Lord - * ^ *-^ With warm atteciioii let us view - - - 4. .> What heav'nly wisdom has bestowM - - 494 Whatbeautcous visions, clear and bright - - 4;^^ Withsacrcdioy we lilt our eyes - - 49ti Wbeu Ood revealM his gracious name - - 4j t When marshaliVl oji the ni;;htly plain - - 49o When Ttod descends with men to dwell - - 49'J When oji astonisli'd eyes behold - • ^^^ When wc survey this world - " " ^ When will the eyelids of that morn - - ^02 Vt'lieu -inners quit thi'ir wicked ways - - 50j Whil:- with remorse and woe oppress'd • 504 When we surve}^ the wondrous cross - - ^0^ WhiJi* thou«;hllcss sinners rlioosc - - '50t> Why are our hearrsso cold - - - 50 1 Why tlius dejected, O my soul - • 50u With erstaCy of joy - - - - •309 "Wait evVy boul your Maker's will - - olO Why do we mourn departing friends - - 511 Why should we start, and fear to die - - 512 YE uations round the earth rejoice • - 51J Yc sons of men, in sacred lays - - 514 Ye sons of men ! with joy record - - 515 Ye tribes ol' Adam join - - - 51 *> Te %%'ork5of God I on him alone - - 517 Ye :;ol(lcn lamps of heav'n farewell - - 518 Ye humble so^ls I who seek the Loril - - 519 Yet a few years, or days perhaps - - 520 Yft foU'wers of the Prince of peace - - 521 Ye favoured children of the Lord - - 522 Ye humble souls, approach your God - - 523 Ye humble souls, complain no more • » 524 ZEAL is that pure and heavenly ilame • 525 DOXOLOGIES. PRAISE ye the Lord with tuneful voice, J Aloud in Christ, the Son, rejoice : * Let angels join the solemn lay, ^ And shout an everlasting day. ^ C. M. j Praise ye the Lord in strains sublime» J Who dwells in boundless light ; f Whose grace and truth through ev'ry clime,^ Gives peace and pure delight. S. M. ^ Praise God, the sovereign King, For life's immortal word ; Let the redeemed shout, and sing Their Saviour and their God. H. M. Now to the God of love, Whose mercies still endure ; The Saviour from above, Who taught devotion pure ; Be endless praise, and glory giv'n, By all on earth, and all in heav n. 8, 8, 6 M. Praise God, whose love and mercy flow^ To all his creatures here below. Nor hides his smiling face : Let deathless honours crown his Son, And ev'ry harp to music strung, While saints admire his grace. 8, 7s M. Shout to God I tiie great Creator, Let his praise your tongues employ ; Chant high honors to the Saviour ; Strains of universal joy. 7s M. Praise, O praise the God of love ; Praise the Saviour from above ; Praise the Spirit of his grace ; Praise him, all ye raftfom''d race m k ' *^^'' mm^-: