mew* i t&< "V /™ wmm $km •".'v^ '£ ^ >. • 1 \t w& ' \i lrm\ I 1 " : '. • 11 M?^Mm*^ gm ^NK : W& ii 4 r -' r*\ff - i tii&^ \\. || llks) r* H rl\ | JiJW IFH II iHlni] illt ^tiPlill « S& MA v/tom V fC±(A~C~rWAs $CS*fcl»3t . sSf.rfdw***-*-? /T THE ^0£* SAINTs RECREATION UPON THE ES^FAT,E of GRACE- Containing and methodically delineating Christian's Progrefs, Privileges, Comforts and Duties; be- ginning at Gonverfion. Defcribing alfo the BleilTed Redeemer JESUS, both abfolutely and comparatively; in fpirknal Hymns and Songs : Together with a plain Paraphrafe upon the Margin, confirming all by Scriptures, and explaining Difficulties. Under the Following Heads, I. ChrhTs Expoflulation with a ftray- ing Sinner. II. The Door of Hope. III. The Pilgrims Panacea ; or E:.!m of G Head. IV. The holy Triplicify. V. The Bleifed Bethlchemite. VI. Typus Typornn. VII. The Saint's Delight, VIII. Honey-drops, or Chr dreams, containing a Bundle of precious Promiies. IX. The Path-way to Para X. Chriiiian Mementos. By Mr. William Geddes, Miniftcr of the Gofpol firft at Wick in Caithnefs, and after at Urqubart in Murray. The Second Edition, carefully corrected and revrfed. To which are added, A Supplement of fifteen feleft Poems, on divine Sub* jefts, from other approven Authors at the End. Col. ill - 1 6. Let the nvord ofChrifl divell in you richly, in all ixjif. dom ; teaching and admoniflnng one another in Pfalms and Hymns , and fpiritual Songs, &c. GLASGOW: Printed by J. Bryce and D. Paterso*, For George Park, School-matter in Glasc M D C C L I I I. The "PUBLISHER to the SUBSCRIBERS. The former Edition of this pious Book con- fitted of an hundred and twenty Pages, but the large- nefs of the Paper whereon this Edition is printed, has comprehended in an hundred Pages all that was compromifed in the printed Propofals, fave only the Table called TTTU S TTTORUM, which is done on an half Sheet of good writing Paper. I have added a Supplement of fifteen felecl: Poems on Divine Subjects, from other approven Authors, at the End ; and have not at the beginning ftuff'd it with Enco- miums of the Author, knowing what wife Solomon, in the laft Chapter and laft Verfe of "Proverbs, faith concerning a virtuous Woman, may alfo be faid of him, His own Works praife him in the Gates. That God may accompany the ferious Reading, Meditation and Perufal of this Book with a Bleffing* is the earned Willi, and fhall be the Prayer of him* who, to all his Subfcribers, fubferibes himfelf, Their vioft humble Servant, Glasgow, jipril*) 1 6th. 1 75 j. > George Park, Editor. L I SUBSCRIBERS NAMES WILLIAM ADAM John Aitken, Malt-man in Glafgow John Akken, Weaver there Matthew Aitken, Portioner in Lochwhin- noch Robert Aitken, Weaver in Chappel-yards Thomas Aitkenhead, Weaver in Glafgow James Alexander, Moulterer in Seedhill- Mills, Paifley James Alexander, Wright in Kilbarchan, 12 Copies John Alexander, Weaver in Tarboltoun David Allan, Hofier in Glafgow George All^n, Weaver in Shettleftoun John Allan, Weaver in Port-Glafgow John Allan, Weaver in Shettlefloun, Elder in Barrony Robert Allan, Labourer in Shettlefloun James Anderfon, Baxter in Glafgow John Andrew in Auehentiber, Parifh of Neil- ftoun Ifobel Angus in Bankell, Baldernock William Angus, Portioner of Balmore Patrick Arthur, Wright in Kilbarchan William Arthur, Mafon in Kilbarchan Adam Auld, Diftiller in Glafgow. B Alexander Baird, Labourer in Sandyhills James Baird, late Deacon at Light-burn Robert Baird, Weaver in Glafgow Matthew Bar, Farmer in the Parifh of Hou- ftoun Patrick Bar, Wright at Bridge of Weir John Barbour, Senr. Merchant in Kilbarchan John Barbour, Jun. Merchant there Andrew Baverie, Shoe maker in Glafgow William Bell, Farmer in Greenen Mains, Parifh of Maybole William Bell, Weaver in Glafgow John Biggart in Croft- head, Neilltoun Alexander Bilfland, Shoe-maker in Glafgow John Black, Weaver there Gavin Blackwood, Wright in Glafgow Robert Blair J.*mes Bogle, Coal-hewer at Shettieftoun John Bogle, Coal -hewer at Shettlefloun Thomas Bogle, Weaver in Glafiow Robert Bowie in Hill-head, Baldernock William Bowie, Weaver in Gorbals Andrew Boyd, Taylor in Glafgow David Boyd, Tobacconifl in Glafgow John Boyd, Rope-maker Port Glafgow William Boyd, Rope-makef there William Boyd, Land-labourer in BoeW ids John Brackenridge in Borland, Parifh of Craigie Jofeph Brafh, Weaver in Glafgow Claud Brock, Taylor in Glafgow James Brock, Hofier in Aucherfleak James Brock, Taylor in Kilbowie John Brock, Farmer in Balquhantan John Brock, Farmer in Kilbowie John Brock, Servitor in Balquhanran Robert Brock, Farmer m Barns of Clyde Walter Brock, Taylor in Glafgow William Brock, Shop- man in Auchenhak George Brown, Mafon in Kiibar maker in Glafgow Q SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. 5 James Galbreath, School-mafter in Glaf- gow James Gardner, Taylor in Particle John Gardner, late Deacon of the Gardeners in Glafgow John Gardner, Jun. Weaver in Port-Glaf- gow Michael Gardner, School-mafter in Kilbar- chan William Gardner, Flax-dreffer and Heckler in Edenbarnet John Gavin, Stay- maker in Glafgow Robert Gibfon, Weaver there William G.'bfon, Farmer in Drumley Alexander Gillies, Shoe-maker in Glafgow John Gillies, Town- Officer there James Glen in Gills-yard Richard Gold, Tanner in Glafgow George Goodale, Weaver there David Govan, Weaver in Pollock-fhaws Allan Graham, Taylor in Glafgow James Graham, Reed-maker there John Graham, Taylor there Robert Graham, Servitor there William Graham, Clerk to the Sugar-houfe Archibald Gray, Coal-hewer, Shettleftoun William GreenJees, Shoe-maker in Glaf;:cw Mr. John Grierfon, Heritor in Shettleftoun H James Hall, Weaver in Pollock-fhaws Jonn Hamilton in Greenfide James Hardie, Weaver in Gorbals Andrew Harvie, Farmer in Barhill George Harvie, School-mafter in Glafgow James Harvie, Weaver in Glafgow William Harvie, Hammer-man in Yolker Alexander Haltridge, S/nith in Nethertown •John Hay, portioner in Gartclafh John Hay, Stabler in Glafgow ^^ William Hay, Maltman there James Henderfon, Merchant in Glafgow James Henderfon, Elder in Barrony Parifli Robert Henderfon, Mariner in Glafgow John Hendry of Barrowftoun David Hill, Coal-hewer inLightburn William Hodgfon, Taylor in Glafgow James Holm, Portioner of Tandlemuir John Honeyman, Flax-dreffer in Kilbarchan James Hood, Feuar in Tarboltoun John Hood, Shoe-maker there William Hood, Feuar thefe Adam Howie, Clock-maker in Dullars, Rickardtoun parifa William Humphray, Feuar in Tarboltoun Hugh Hunter, Farmer in Barmuirhill fames Hunter, Servi^r $o Henry Ritfhie io Tongue William Hunter, Overfeer of Mr. Cameron's Coal- work John Hutchifon, Barber and Wig- maker in Glafgow John Jack, Weaver in Shettleftoun William Jack, Coal-Cutter there Archibald Jickfon, Farmer in Mid-Cotcs 5 Cambufung James fackfon, Wright in Gorbals Alexander Jamiefon, Shoe-maker in Glaf- gow Michael Jamiefon, Cooper in Port-GIafgow Patrick Jamiefon, Inn keeper in Tarboitoua William Jeffrey, Shoe-maker,in St. Ninians William Jeffrey, Baker in Glafcrow Janes Inglis, Merchant there Walter Johns, Taylor in Glafgow James Johnfioun, Smith at St. Ninians James Johnftoun, Weaver in Glafgow John Johr.ftcun, Wright in Port-Giafjow William Junkine, Mafon in Tarboltoun John Keir, Weaver in Glafgow Jofeph Keir. Weaver there Archibald Kennedy, Farmer in Crofthead, parifh of Air James Kay, Farmer in Croft-foot, parifh ot Dilgane Mr. William Kidflown, Student of D William King, Barber and Wig p., Glafgow Jam;s Kinnyburgh, Farmer in C ir > John Kinnyburgh, Grieve to the C there William Kirkland, Barber and Wigmaker in Glafgow Adam Kirkwood, Printer there James Kirkwood, Farmer in Bumtoun, p^ riih of Ayr Alexander Laird, Taylor in K'lbarchan. James Laird, in North Branch:!! John Lattie in Little Hills Claud Lang in Drumtocher George Lang, Maltman there John Lang, Miilner tture Robert Lang th^re James Laurie, Maltman in St. Ninians William Laurie, Weaver in Camfbarf'oa Archibald Leckie, Shoe-maker in K'lpatrick Patrick Lee'- ie, late Deacon of the Coopers in Glafgow John Leech man, Weaver in Glafgow William. Leechman, Hammer-man there David 6 SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. David Lees, Farmer in Loch-hill, parifh of Stair John Lees, Portioner in Milnburn, Tar- boltoun Samuel Lees, Farmer in Croft-head, Tar- bo Itoun Tames Lethem, School-mafter in Glafgow Jofeph Lightbody, Hat-maker there James Lindfay, Fiax drefier and Heckler in Houftoun William Lindfay, CiUenderer in Glafgow James Litfier, Wright in Kilbarchan Mrs. Nicola? Logan, Daughter of Walter Logan of Eaft Cameron Walter Logan in Blarneil William Logan, Kilmaronock parifh John Love, Labourer in Burntfhields Robert Love, Weaver in Glafgow Jofeph Lyon, School-mailer there. ^ M. Mr. James Main, Son to the Laird of Powes, in the parifh of Logie John MackAdam, Currior in Glafgow Qumtine MacAdam, Cooper there Charles MacArthur, Weaver there James MacArthur, Malt-man in Pollock- fhaws Gabriel M'Claren, Farmer in Balquhanran Daniel M'Donald, Weaver in Gorbals Finlay M'Echnie, Merchant in Glafgow William M'Echnie, Weaver there Malcolm M'Farland, Brick-maker in Kil- bowie Patrick M'Farland, Taylor in Glafgow William M'Farland, Taylor there. William M'Farland, Weaver there' Gilbert M'Hutchifon at Milliken William M'llquham, Wright in Little Mill John M'Intyre, Chirurgeon in Kinlochelvie ]>rres M'Kean, Merchr.nt in Glafgow Andrew M'Keun, Wright there William M'Keun, Hammer-man there Daniel M'Lachlan, Weaver there ]ohn M'Lachlan in Torwood Waller M'Lachlan, Weaver in Gorbals Andrew M'Lean, Merchant in Glafgow Dr-iuld M'Lean, Printer there Robert M'Lintock, Merchant there Alexander M'Murrich, Farmer in Auchen- 7 leak John M'Murrich, Farmer there John Sf Nab, Shoe- maker in Kilbowie John M'Nair, Weaver in Glafgow /f's' X' beft M'Nair, farmer in Barns of Clyde Neil M'Neil, Shoe-maker in Glafgow. George M'T??gart, Malt-man there | fires Msith.nd, Gardener there Pavid Maicojr, iji Stand-alone James Manfon, Weaver in Tarboltoun James Marfhal, Portioner of Balmore, Bal- dernock John Marfhall in Kilbowie Mrs. Marfhall in Anderftoun John Martin, Flefher in Tarboltoun William Martin, Farmer in Broom-Dyke, Neilftoun Alexander Matthie, Hammer-man in Glaf- gow Robert Matthie, Wright there John Maxwell, Weaver there Thomas Mearns William Menzies, Weaver in Lees Alexander Millar, Merchant in Glafgow Andrew Millar, Flax-Dreffer in Edenbarnet James Millar, Merchant in Kilbarchan John Millar, Baxter there John Millar in Sandyhills, Barrony Mrs. Miliar, Relift of Andrew Millar, Malt-man William Millar, Weaver in Glafgow Robert Milliken, Weaver there Thomas Mitchel, Labourer in Tarboltoun John Moffat, Weaver in Glafgow William Moffat, Labourer in Shettleftou* David Monro, Cooper in Port-Glafgow William Monro, Cooper there Hugh Moodie, School-mafter in Glafgow Andrew Morifon, Weaver there Andrew Morifon, Weaver there George Morifon, Farmer in Kilbowie James Morifon, School-mafter inCambuflang John Morifon, Farmer in Kilbowie Robert Morifon, Farmer there William Morifon, Farmer there John Morton, Weaver in Sandyhills, Bar- rony William Morton, Shoe-maker in Tarboltoun Margaret Mofsman in Holm, Cambuflang Andrew Motherwili, Weaver in Shettle- ftoun John Muir, Weaver in Sandyhills John Muir in Parifh of Coyltoun Thomas Muir, Currior in Glafgow James Murdoch, Weaver in Kilmarnock John Murdoch, Hammerman in Barfhegrie Thomas Murdoch, Weaver in Glafgow Zacharias Murdoch, Merchant in Glafgow Charles Murray, Barber and Wig-maker there John Murray in parifh oF Coyltoun John Murray, Weaver in Glafgow N Thomas Nairn, M. A. Student of Divinity William Napier, Cooper in Port Glafeow David Neil, Ditcher in Tarboltoun Jamc» SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. James Neil, Farmer in Nethertown of Al- laway, parifh of Ayr Allan Neilfon, IndwelJer in Glafgow James Nifbit, Merchant in Glafgow William Nifbit, Weaver in Sandyhills John Orr in Auchenhean John Orr in Little-hills John Orr Robert Orr, Farmer in Geven, Lochwhin- noch Robert Orr, Labourer in Bogfide, Tarbol- toun Robert Orr, Weaver in Kilbarchan Allan Oiburn, Kirk-Officer, Tarboltoun Mr. William Pagan, Matter of the Wefter Sugar-houfe, Glafgow Gabriel Park, Saw-wright there George Park, Meal-merchant in Partick Robert Park, Merchant in Glafgow William Park, Farmer in Kilbowie John Parker, Farmer in Torhill James Parland, Weaver in Glafgow David Paterfon, Printer there, James Paterfon, Shoe-maker there Peter Paterfon, Malt-man in Yolker Peter Paterfon, Mafon there Robert Paterfon, Wright there William Patrick, Weaver in Glafgow Alexander Patoun, Coal-hewer in Light- burn, David Patoun, Coal-hewer there James Patoun, Smith Tarboltoun John Penman, Deacon of the Coal-hewers at Lightburn Jafper Pennycook, Hofier in Glafgow James Perry, Farmer in Cairngillian John Pinkerton, Weaver in Anderftoun Walter Pinkerton, Mafon in Kilbarchan John Pollock, Portioner of Overtown, Loch- whinnoch James Porter, Coal-cutter in Shettleftoun John Porter, Weaver in Caitoun Andrew Pringle, Indweller in Tarboltoun Andrew Purdon, Labourer in Shettleftoun Mr. John Robifon of Boghall John Ramfay, Coal-hewer, Shettleftoun Thomas Ramfay, Reed-maker, Glafgow John Rankin, Tobacconift there John Rankin, Ballendroich, Balderncck George Reid, Merchant in Glafgow Robert Reid, Baker in Glafgow Thomas Reid, Weaver there ^^William Reid, MaTon and Wright in Kil- 1F- barchan Robert Renfrew in Backlug, Neilftoun James Reftoun, Weaver in Shettleftoun William Ritchie, Weaver in Glafgow James Rob, Farmer in Fail, Tarboltoun James Rob, Farmer in Shettleftoun, Bari rony Michael Rob, Gardner in Glafgow Gerfhom Robertoun, Weaver in Glafgow William Robertoun, Weaver there Andrew Robertfon, Printer there Andrew Robertfon, Taylor there Duncan Robertfon, Merchant rh*re James Robettfon in Slates, parilh of Neil- ftoun John Robin, Servitor to John Corfbie in Holm Hugh Rodger, M-.llner in Carmile James Rodger, Weaver in Glafgow John Rodger, Cartor there Thomas Rofs, Farmer in Shettleftoun HughRowand of Green-he2d, parifh ot Govan John Row3nd, Cooper in Port-Glafgow John Rowand, Weaver in Glafgow William P>.owand, Printer there David Ruflel, Merchant in Glafgow James Ruthven, Weaver there William Samfon, Farmer in Spierftoua, parifh of Ochiltree Andrew Scot, Officer of his Majefty's Exclfj George Scut, .Merchant in Glaftow John Scot, Rope-maker, Port Glafgow John Scot, Tanner in Glafgow William Scot in Mid Branchill James Shanks, Weaver in Shettleftoun John Shaw, Merchant in Glafgow Robert Shaw, School-maflar in Shettleftoun, i 2 copies William Shearer, Shopman in Sandy-hills William Sibbot, Wright in Glafgow Robert Simfon, Weaver there Mifs Peggie Simfon, daughter of John Sim- fon, Writer in Cannongate John Sinclair William Sloan, Farmer in Plot-Cock, pa- rifh of Ochiltree John Smellie, Farmer in Shettleftoun John Smellie, Weaver there Walter Smith, Merchant in Glafgow Robert Smith in Hillhead, Baldemook William Snodgrafs, Callenderer in G!al*?ow Archibald Speir, Portioner in Burntfhieids Robert Spier, Merchant at Bridge o.i Weir An- 3 SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Andrew Spreul in Caudon Muir, Neilftoun Robert Spreul in Hcu-Craigs, Neilftoun, James Steel, Weaver in Glafgow William Steel, Stay-maker in Saltcoats Robert Steuart, Landfman in Kilbarchan Thomas Steuart, Portioner of Barford, Loch- whinnoch parifti William Steuart, Shoe-maker in Glafgow William Steuart, Weaver in Shettleftoun Ebenezer Steven, Weaver in Glafgow Robert Steven, Church-officer, Baldernock Robert Steven, Indweller in Glafgow James Stevenfon, Weaver in Gocbals John Stevenfon in Caudon-hall, Neilftoun Robert Stevenfon, Copper- fmith in Glafgow Andrew Strathorn, Millner in Millnburn- milln David Strang, Shop-keeper in Glafgow Francis Strang, Copper-fmith there Robert Strang, School-mafter there Alexander Suttor, Wright in Glafgow William Templeton, Mafon and Carver Glafgow Robert Tennant, Mafon in Carmile George Thomas, Candle-maker in Glafgow Alexander Thomfon, School-mafter there James Thomfon, Tohacconift in Paifiey John Thomfon, Vintner at Bridge-end of Calder Peter Thomfon, Junr. Maltman in Glafgow William Thomfon, Portioner of Adam-hill in parifh of Craigie William Thomfon, Smith in Cotes, Cam- buflang John Tod, Weaver in Glafgow William Turnbull, Merchant there Alexander Tyler, Cooper in Port-GJafgow W David Wa3>4- Under God's wrath and curfe; and fo forlorn. Might'ft thou not been a monfter formlefs Creature? Whilft I have given a perfect comely feature ? IV. I did myfelf of royal robes diveft, And cloath'd me with thy nature for thy reft. I fcourged was, and crowned with the thorn, The crofs I bare, for thee I fuffered fcorn. V. The gofpel-light I gave thee to direct; A guard of angels ready to protect ; My Sp'rit to warn, and be thy gracious guide : Yet from my precepts thou doft ever Aide. VI. I gave thee food and raiment, health and peace. Myfelf I gave for thy poor foul's rcleafe ; AikI yet to me unkind thou ftill waft proving, And doft not labour to requite my loving. VII. $%Z?Z From Satan (g*. Thy SpYit I quench' d : thy rods when they have lighted, 1 did not hear their Voice ; nor mercies prized ; But I have doae what Satan hath devifed. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 13 V. My fins in number they are like the fand, Acknowiedg. y t1 . r i • t J mentofSin By breaking or thy righteous command; initsquan- For quality, atrocious, great offences : Kty,' -***" I finn'd with foul and the external fenfes. VI. My fins are many, yet no more than thou Canft freely pardon, O my God moft true! My fin is great, yet is thy mercy greater; I run to thee, there is no Saviour better. VII. God's in courfc there- to. Thou part by angels, and haft fent thy Son Extolling* In human nature, our poor fouls to win. des«Mre- Thou raifes up the foul that is dcje&ed, And thdu haft not the weary foul rejected VIII. Thy promife is to feek the foul that's loft : Thy promife is to comfort all that's croft. I've loft myfelf, come now, fwcet Lord, and fave me : I cleave to thee my God, O do not leave mc, IX. With blinks of mercy thou doll wretches view : Thy glory is, in weaknefs ftrength to fhew. Thy mercy is on thofe that have no merit, That heirs of wrath great glory may inherit. 14 The Saint's Recreation X. tJon of°the When multitudes I faw in the broad way, uxtuT 7 ' * to °^ delight with them to go aftray. example. Difdainfully thy precepts I did trample, Thy promife fweet, thy threats, and faints ex- ample. XL Vicious ex- tremities of s The many by-paths have my foul deceived ; the times. A nc j have me of my Saviour near bereaved ; Some not for peace, fome not for piety, Some not for truth, fome like the Pharifee. XII. Some live fo loofe, as minding not a judge, No God, no hell, no heav'n a foul to lodge; Some Laodicean like, they care not whether Religion fink or fwim, fools altogether ! XIII. Some feeming godly, yet they have no love No Chriftian works, their fruitful faith to prove : Some loyal (and good reafon) to great Caefar; But to ferve God, have neither time nor leafure. XIV. Some pious-like, and yet difown a king, As if rebellion were no hainous thing : Some place religion in their vain opinion, Some in debates about the beft dominion. XV. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 15 XV. Some place Religion in moft bafe reviling The men of God, their own poor Soul's be- guiling: Some in proud Korah's arrogant rebelling, And yet they fancy heav'n to be their dwelling. XVI. Sometimes I followed one, fometimes the other; Sometimes I jarr'd with father and with mother For trivial things : O poor diftrafted I ! And many things I did, I knew not why. XVII. I now perceive all thefe are finful themes, Impertinent, and vicious extremes. I'll now betake me to the good old way Of thy dear faints, and more I will not ftray. XVIIL I now perceive, Satan hath many wiles And fly devices which the foul beguiles; And that he may bereave me of my right, Sometimes * an angel feems to be of light. 14 XIX. I know now what the Lord of me defires ; Peace, truth and mercy, juftice he requires f, f Mk.6.». To be renewed in the inner-man, And bring forth fruits with all the ftrength I can. XX, i Cor. t 1 , 1 6 The Saint's Recreation XX. If to myfelf fevere, to others mild, Sweet, gentle, calm and harmlefs as a child : The fear of God, and loyalty to Ccejar: To all men love : in this he takes great plea- fure. XXL I purpofe, Lord, to live no more in fin ; I ftrayed long, but now I will begin To ferve the Lord with all my heart and ftrength ; That heav'ns blifs I may enjoy at length. XXII. Begone, then fin and Satan, worldly toys, You flop my Chriftian courfe, you marr my joys. Draw me, O Lord, and then 111 follow thee, I'll fing thy praifes to eternity. THE Upon the Eft ate of Grace. ij THE DOOR of HOPE; OR, A CORDIAL F O R A FAINTING SOUL. jiffording feme further Encouragement to draw near unto GOD, and to adventure on the fcepter of mercy, from the confederation of the fulnefs andfreenefs of 'GOD 's bounty and cle- mency, and from abfolute, and conditional pro- mifees, feuch, as poor Sinners can lay hold upon. I. BUT now {a) I find my foul revive, I find fome cordial Cheering my fp'rit, that I may live, Allaying bitter gall. Glad tidings I begin to hear, Si on doth mercy fing : (b) Sweet Jesus can me draw full near Unto Jehovah King. II. ^c) Thou art moft gracious, wife and ftrong, Thou King of Heav'n moft high, (d) Therefore I'll wait and not think long, Till thou fend fome fupply. (t°) A fupplicant thrown at thy feet, Thy mercy to implore : (f) I'll beg and knock till alms I get, I'll wait at heav'ns door. C III («») Some dawning or glimmering light of com fort to a fainting Sou! fro: i.. the con- fidcration of God's mercy. (i) Eph. 2. I*> IS- (fJOod's wif dom, power, and gcooiiefs are 3 great pil'ars of a ChnfoanV conf ck-r.ce. (a'j'Pfnlm 27. nit. Pfai.i 3 c. S\ 6. {e) The foul's reloiution to wait. (f) Mat. 7.7. 18 The Sainfs Recreation III. Neceflity makes me to wait ; I cannot find but here ; I will with humble fp'rit and meek Unto my God draw near. cl^enl C?) When I begin for to recount of God" trjefs ^y merc ^ es nianifold ; mercy. (Z>) In number they do far furmount ii—fbijv" What pen or tongue have told. IV. *' (J) They're high, they're deep, they're long and «""•** broad, (k) They reach the ftarry frame, They're over all thy works, O God, To magnify thy name. %7oiiS'% if) The freenefs of thy goodnefs great, V r;y ; T Makes me for to conceive, Bof. 144 . That fuch a wretch may mercy get; And this I humbly crave. 3 ' 4 ' 6 * It- is thy (m) glory to extend Thy mercy, where there is No merit; then thy mercy fend, And let me have the blifs. I'm fick in fin, (/*) both blind and lame, () Pfal. tc 3 . _., 3 1, 12. Ex. VI. Abfoiatcpro. (j> ) Thy treafure is fo full of grace, T. 1 sending Nothing can it impare : e Saviour. TllOU^ Miflry th« fitted o'ojefi of mercy. (n)Pfal. 5 f. 8.-38.*, J. («) Ifa. 3*. 5> 6. Rev. 3h ■5-. 2Tlm. 2. *6. Fu'ncfs of God's mercy. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 19 Thou ever gives and haft no lefs -, O, let me have a fhare. Thou fent a Mediator (q) good, ®i2£.* When man did not require, A Savior. fent Ev'n this MeffJas for his need, grate w W u. When none could give an hire. VII. Since thou haft fent, and he is come, Of meer free love and grace ; Oh, do beftow on me (r) a crumb $ A Of mercy for folace. of th^G*"* Thou fent (f) unto the Gentiles lighs, ««« ^'"s r- When they by fin mod vile, . ;4 . (VJ Had loft all intereft and right, *^Eph!i And under fad exile. i7 -> I3 « VIII. f/J Thou mad'ft the barren woman bear ':) «*. F4 f « More than the married wife ; (u) Thou gav'ftihe olive wild a fhare x;- .7 In promifes of life. Then I am one of Japhet's race, O do not me exclude; Give me a drop of faving grace, Though but a fpurious brood. IX - Thou promifeft the ftony (v) hearts ** >? To mollify, and then, "f*)^ To write thy law (iv) in inward parts v ?^ , Of worthlefs wretched men. * 6 - J - - • I find this pfomifc abfolute, ' To thole who have no grace: n r > v ,° Thou'rt found of thrx . 'ho fought thee notf*), *»U? (7) O peerlefs Prince of Peace. $ ? &?;;S; C 2 X. so The Saint's Recreation X. «w!° p ;f ' * If thcle be free, why fhall I then mifes. Myfelf from thence feclude ? (*)Ifa. 55. l # j Mu. 11. 29-. When God excepts no (z) mortal man, Gai.' I' II'. That's come of Adam% feed. pvL^L!! 1 " Their f ocean-fulnefs (a) can fupply 2 i*Rom.' ?; Al1 that * ftand in need : i2.ja.i.s. They're precious, (h) for they purchas'd be 2'. J?" (c) By Chrift's mod precious blood* (A) aPet.*.f. k y - ^ r (c)2Cor. I. YT The ground The freenefs of thy promises or comfort Breeds hope : their fulnefs fuits and waiting. t r A \ • • r r All my defects ; their preciouineis With all my wants it meets. an.jof.3t1! (V) Thy fovereign fupremacy pfai.46. 7. Makes me thee wait upon ; As well becomes a wretch to ly At thy feet while I moan. XII. (,)The«re»t- ( e ) Thou fay' ft thou'lt with thy people dwell, promife;, m And give thylelr to them: Egg 1 Thou'lt be their God, and then they mail Thy glorious works proclaim. Rev. 7. r 5, Jfu. 00. 1. Oh, what am I but duft and clay ? And wilt thou condefcend With me to lodge? O happy day! Come then thy mercy fend. XIII. (/) ifa. r7( (f) My heart thy houfe do thou prepare »j.~Go.4. p or t j iee that glorious gueft; For I have no delicious fare Por fuch a royal feaft* Cff)K* Upon the Eftate of Grace. (g) But uflier in thy {b) Sp'rit, and he Will give what may thee pleafe : Then, welcome, welcome fhall thou be ; This will my fpirit raife. XIV. O give then that good Sp'rit of grace, (/) In thy way to conduct ; (k) He to my confeience will give peace, (/) And plainly me inftruft. In Chrift the vine {m) he will me graff, («) And wholly me renew. (0) All fears and tears he will drive off, (j>J And be my feal moft true. XV. In midft of every (q) ftormy blaft Of fad vexation, AfTures me of my intereft In thy Salvation. Againft the fiery (r) ferpent's fting Of ftrong tentation, He me defends ; fo that I fing With confolation. XVL He'll give his Son, if that I call In truth and verity ; Who will to me prove f All in All, And cure my mifery. So fhall the bleiTed (f) Trinity Take me to be their own ; Henceforth no fin or mifery Shall my poor foul caft down. (g) Pro mi ft; of the Spirit. (fi) Joh. 14. 26.-16- 13. Lukexi. 13. ErTefts of the Spirit. (0 I. Direc- tion, John 16. „ J (k) 2. Paci- fication. Joh. 14. 27. (/) 3. Infor- mation, Joh. 14. 26. (m) 4. Spiri- tual Infition. J0.35-.-l5. 1. (») ). Reno vat'on. Ez. 36. 26. Eph. 4- 23, 24. («) 6\ Con- folation. Joh. 14. 26. (p) 7. Confir- mation and ratification. Eph. 4. 30. Eph. 1. 13. (?)Ro.8. , r , 16,17. 35-33, (r) 8. Protec- tion. Joh. 14. 26. --16. 13. Promife of his Son. Mat. 17. J. Joh. lC0r3.aj.22 r/;joh.i. ; 23, 26. XVII. 22 The Saint's Recreation XVII. chxtst's He'll wifdom (s) be, to give me tight: (1)100^1.36. He s rignteoulneis to clear ; Leaft divine juftice do me fright, He pay'd a ranfom dear. He is SANCTIFICATION, Me wholly to renue : He'll work me full Redemption, l£S£* For he's a Saviour true. drowned, is rjj^&M xviii. mtwiggt, on Into that gulf prepar'd of old, the bank of T , 1 r r 11 the river; fo liii ready for to rail : lS3£ * But of thefe twiggs I take fome hold, ;■ !cd bv the And yet for mercy call. coafideratioo Thou art that fweet Samaritan (j) f promife, and That cures a wounded foul. ^f^enir- Thou never did'ft rejeft that man cl , e % . (it) On thee his care did roll. [t Luke ic. \ J (a, lPet.5.7. XIX. pfai? y j. 3 2 7 2. The weary-laden (^) thou doft call, conditional That they may come to thee : [^Matix, Thou'lt eafe them of their burden all, »*■ And cure their mifery. {^;ir. 5 j.2, 5 .Xhou promis'd life to them (w) w r ho hear ; ' ifa. 5^1,^ (x) The hungry foul to fill. (jO.joh.3.3?. (j ) The thrifty foul with wine to chear, Of confolation ftill. XX. mI". 5 ^ 5, They're f av 'd, ^'ho call upon (z) thy name, Who knock at mercies gate : ' ( a ) They w ho believe, meet with the fame, And who their (b) fins do hate. Who XXIII. (/") But now I fee the day appear, The morning-ftar arife ; The fun of Righteoufnefs draws near, Fair (g) TImbus from the {kies. O fhine upon my filly foul, With warming beams of light ; On thee, my burden I do roll, O glorious King of might. (r)Pf.UB. I, Pfal. 50.3*: Upon the EJIate of Grace. 23 (r) Who in thy precepts way do go, By them, their life to fquare, Thou wilt to them falvation fhow : They ever bleffed are. XXI. I hear, I pray, I do believe, Lord help my unbelief: O do my filly foul relieve From all my pain and grief. I'm forry for my finful falls, Thy voice I will obey : I'll anfwer when on me thou calls : Alas ! too long I ftray. XXII. 'Tis by thy grace that I intend, To turn to thee again : 'Tis thy free grace that muft amend My converfation vain : (d) The will, the work is all of thee, My fp'ritual thoughts each one: ( 1. 42. n. ft."drmprion and Salvation rev frd, («}6eii.j.if< (*)Gen.i, 3, X. 16 The Saint's Recreation X. God frowns, good angels do forfake, The heav'n is ihut, tn infernal-lake Is ready to receive: and fo Nothing remains but wrath and wo. XL (/)Exod.i 4 . But he whofe (/) opportunity isa'm. ij. 26. Is wretches great extremity ; £ztk. 8 i6.4. 5> He who difpenfes every lot, ?>*?' r , (m) Is found of them that fought him not 2. A. XII. He calls for Adam, of free Grace, And preach'd fo him a bleifed peace. Come, Adam, thou haft greatly finn'd Yet with me thou may'ft mercy find. XIII. (,s C r * *7- Afflictions fharp thou (;/) rnuft endure, But thy falvation fhall be fure. ;c)g^:j$. I fnall thee fend a (0) hie (Ted feed. And he fhall bruife the Serpent' % head* XIV. (*) sejwe^i- This is the Covenant of grace, covenant of Which brings my foul fo fweet folace. wudhfSfo. There is (p) a gracious paction %^J* Betwixt the Father and the Son. the Son from the covenant XV >• betwixt And by the Son, with Adams race, by'rh^McdT- Who fhould repent, and feek his graces Imc& The Son unto the Father fpake, ground upon \ w n\ man ' s nature on me take* fuch fenp- turcsastbefe, VVT Upon the Eftate of Grace, * 27 XVI, I will myfelf a ranfom give, For the Elect that they may live : Come, Son, (quoth he) if thou do fo, They fhall be fafe from hell and wo. XVII. The Father to poor man he faith, If thou believe withfaving faith, In this my Son ; I'll give thee peace : Eternal love fhall thee embrace. XVIII. The Lord did pr omife ev'n the fame To faithful father (q) Abraham ; That in his feed all fhould be bleft, And get from him eternal reft. XIX. This promife grows more (r) full and clear Till that the full time did draw near : So that Meffiah's (f) time and (s) place The prophets told, I/raeis race. XX. [This bleffed feed who glorious is, Prefigur'd (t) was by {acrifice: |By types and fhadows («) many one, Ev'n to his Incarnation. XXL 'his feed is that Mejfias great ; Eternal God without all date : [ence doth my drooping foul vet live : Pgr he falvation \y) will me give. AQs. to. r?.. I Cor 6. :q. I Pet. 1. 18. A::? 23 rnrr.- pared with Pfal.2. 7. Set Dickfon'3 Thcr^ptutsca Sacra 1. i.e. fy TliePrnmffc ren wed toyrf- brsbam, ar»4 the MeJJiat rc-.V be Hence is my lire, my joy, my trealirre, r r ^ a'd tranfeendent (a) gifts (I know right well) ^H'ln J - c iiat k> m y *° u i to ^ ee p f ron) ^ e ^ f c*) coi. 1.19. XXVII. K»riv»V'' (0 O joyful tidings do I hear, j£ £* ?• At Bethlehem in a heav'nly quire : The angels fing and fhout for joy, Y/hcu Ckrift was born, that blelTed 2?0y, XXVHI, Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 29 XXVIII. To God be glory, (V) peace on Earth, Good will to men, O bleffed birth ! Go, fhepherds, go, and leave your tent, This day to you a Saviour s-km. XXIX. To Bethlehem' run and him behold, Of whom the prophets have foretpld. Ye fhall the great Meffiah fee, In whom all nations blefled be, XXX. The wonder firft (for to begin) A man is born quite free (V) of fin, (e) The like was not fince Adavis fall ; This cleanfes fin Original. XXXI. Another thing I do admire , That God Eternal comes fo near. My nature (f) frail he did affume ; This keeps me from a difmal doom, XXXII. If God and man, none can fo well, God and loft mankind (g) reconcile. This (h).Tbeanthropos only can Make peace for finful wretched man. XXXIII. Jf God, he cannot but (/') prevail: If man, (k) my brother will not fail To plead for me, that hainous crimes May not coudem,i>in judging times. XXXIV. « Luke i. »4> 15* Chr'st's immaculate ami wonderful conception, and union of the divine and human na- tures. () That is God-io,in in one Per (on. (Jhk tst's all fufneiency to remove all evil and vouchsafe all good. («7Heb,7<.3f. (*)Heb.z.l7, 36 The Saint's Recreation XXXIV. By fin, though I be quite undone, And there's no help below the moon ; (/)Mat. lxx. Yet Jefus Chr'tft he(/) can me fave, Who rofe triumphing from the grave. XXXV. (») ifa. i. 6. Though I be full of putrid (;;z) fores, SiL. y. 14!" My finful (w) nature good abhors ; (^Mat. 9 . Yet Chrjft is that phyfician (o) fure: **#*§■ His Tanacea will me cure. XXXVI. (j)Eph.*.x.i , m dead " ln fi n? (p") i cannot move, Nor fpeak or think of things above : But he'll come in with quickning grace, And will afford my foul folace. XXXVII. ( ? ) Eph. 2. 3. Though wrath (y) and curfe I do deferve, For many ways that I did fwerve ; (r)Cai.j.i3, Yet Chrifi the (r) curfe did bear forme; (/j coi. 2. 14. And nail'd my fins (f) unto a tree. XXXVIII. Though I deferve infernal pains ; Nothing in me but fin remains : (0 Rom. s.i. His painful death fhall me (s) relieve; (/;Mar.;o.i8. He did for me a (7) ranfom give.* XXXIX. ^ f«,D 3 n>9.s. Though I deferve eternal (it) fhame, For grofs profaning of his name : R0I/9. 3J' His ignominy (v) and difgrace, Keeps mc from a confounded face. XL. Upon the Eftate of Grace. 3 1 XL. Like (tars my fins (w) in number be, WRf-* Or like the drops of ocean-Jea ; Yet do his mercies far (#) tranfcend W pfal - I0 3- In number, for they have no end. XLI. Even crimfon-red (y) by fin am I ; f» Ha. 1. 18. My fins are of a double dye: Bur Chrift will make (z) me white as fnow : [*]oh.\]'??' Me to exalt, he came below. XLIL r> f jp g* i A transition For us poor tinners, ror our lakes to Christ-. Three offices he undertakes I cffices * Then joyfully I'll fay and fing, He is my Trophet^ Tri ejl and King. THE 32 •• The*Saint's Recreation T H £ HOLY TRIPLICITY; O R, A Defcription of CHRISTs three Of- fices, with the devout fours triumphing* Jong, upon the confederation of CHRIST s allfufficiency and expectation of perfect re demption by him. SECTION L I. I'M not an AJlrologue to gaze on the fkies, To talk much ofTrigons(a) and Triplicities] rtfw 1 ^ ^ or w ^ S reat W ^ythagore with fome fuper- earthy and ' fHtlOll WutrvTrigons. A r .« . . . ... .•A;pyth3gor 2S Alcnbing much virtue to numbers condition; Cfrtl^tow Yet clearly I fee, numbers. Without any lye, A myftery wrapped * in feven, and in three. II. Three Terfons there are in Effence divine : Of angelic orders, thrice three, that is, nine : Twice three the Creation-days did compleat, GOD then did all finifh he found to be meet. Four • Some things natural run by fevens, as feven planets, feven metals, &c. Some things political ; as the feven principal nations who have had the great- eft fway of government in the wr»rld, as Chaldean*, Perfians, Grecians, Ro- mans, Saracens, Goths, Turks, &c. Seven mountains whereupon Rome was built. Sev^n Governments in Rome, &c. Some things ecclefiaftic or theological, 2$ the feven day a Sabbath, the feventh year fabbatical j feven Sabbatifms make a J-jbilee. Seven bullocks oft ,n facrifices j feven angels, {even feals, U\zn trumpets, feven rials in the Revelation, &c. (c)Oar 'fho> Upon the Ejlaie of Grace. 33 Four threes are the twelve Tribes in Ifrael: So were the Apoftles in truth that cxcell. III. So Christ our Redeemer by offices three He purchas'd lalvation for me and for thee* He's king, and a prieft, a prophet divine : So brings he the Elect: in Glory to fhine, His own he refcucs, His foes he fubdues, Though Furies Infernal their forces combine. IV. Our woful (V) defects they call for the three ! We're blind and we know not howfavcd to be. ranc : , to i»« Eftranged from God, and children of wrath ; the prophetu Unable to purchafe a freedom from death. £*«n« e «nd U ' By prophet we fee ^ t™&% By prieft we draw nigh : the P re ' ,J y ' ^^ a n d ( > King Jesus gives furength, to God we may fly. - '--- fcue ourfelvcs Vhv 'he king:/ office. All thefe our defects, they call for fapply, Which Jesus my Lord vouchsafes unto me. I'm blind, and I cannot the way well defery ; But Chrifr is the prophet to teach me the way. His fpirit and word, Stall help me afford, From darknefs to light, I'm led by my Lord, VI. My fins make a diftance between me and God: For in his right path I have not abode. E His 34 T7;- The more I do praife, more reafon I find : For this finite veffel cannot comprehend, The glory that's there, That's free of all fear, [near. Come quickly, (r)Lord Jefu, and caufe me draw w Rev, 22. XI. ,7 ' 20 ' Then on my Redeemer I'll fweetly rely, With comfort repofing until that I dy : Difclaiming, denying the world and all, I'll give no repulfes , when he gives a call. And for every thing, I'll joyfully fing, h high hallelujah to Jefus my King. THE 38 The Saint's Recreation THE BLESSED BfiTHLEHEMITE, THE FOUNTAIN of LIFE 1 O R, CHRIST'S EX CELLENCY: Containing a farther description of* the hlefjed Meffiah, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, in his Types, Titles, Attributes, &c. Set down after the order of the Alphabet, with their Scriptures on the Margent, together -with the explication of difficulties, out of the foundefi, and mofl learned Interpreters* I. (^ Great joy JH ~^IS not for nought, that wife men fought in heaven and I th at tli earth at tt;e (a) To worfhip Chrifi new born : SAv,°ou R u . r Till by his blood (b) he had us bought, Mat. 2.^,2. We wretches were forlorn. i8,V' ' (c) The Heav'ns did ring, the angels finer, (0 Luke *. v y A J /i r • f r , 3 , , 4 . And lhout for joy to lee, That filly man, undone by fin, Is fred of mifery. II. rtifat>«.0 That ble{red Babe j Q Bethkhemhom, { zl ' Cor< I5 ' (*) ^ s a ^ * n a ^ to me i As in this holy alphabet Mod plainly you may fee. Then Upon the Eftatc of Grace, Then I'll begin to baniih fin, Contemning worldly toys : With wings I'll fly and foar on high, Seeking for heav'nly joys. III. I'll watch and pray, I'll mourn alway, For my tranfgreffions great. With faith, hope, charity will I Both read and meditate. The firft theme then that I will chufe For my inftru&ion ; Chrift's names and ftiles I will perufc, And meditate upon. 39 A Chwftians pious refola- tion upon th' thought; ;>: Christ. SECTION II. A I. HE's fecond * Adam who repairs What Adam did deftroy. (f) He's Advocate, to plead for me That fin may not annoy. Chrift's Alpha and Omega f bleft : Beginning and the end. (g) That golden Altar whereupon. Our prayers may afcend- II * The firft Adam being author of natural generation, derived into the world, fin, wrath and condemnation. Christ the fecond Adam, being the author of a fpiritual generation, by grace and free adoption, was the foun- tain of life, grace, mercy and eternal falvation. I Cor. ic. 45-. Rom. j. J 3, 19, &c. Heb. 7. 25-. f This is an allufion to the Greek Alphabet, whereof Alpha is the firft letter and Omega the laft : SoChrIst as God, is the I (.sinning of all chiags, effentially and originally, bring before all things {?..) P.Te&ively, as Crea- tor of all things, Heb 1.2. Jobn 1.3. So he is the end of all, firft, termina- tively, as the end and fcope of ail ; al! things being for his glory. 2. Conti- nuatively, for duration $ for after the deftruclion of fome things, and altera- tion of all, though all things (hould be annihilated, yet he ftiould continue ftill the fame, unchangeable God forever. Rom. o, 5. James I. 17. (f) 1 John 2. (g) Our pray- ers, praifes and al! Clui- ftian duties muft be of- fered up in his name ; for in and thro' him, for his merits, r.ghteoufncfi, and intercel- fions they muft be ac- cepted. Rer. 8. 3. Eprni, 6, 1 Pet. a.# 40 The Saint's Recreation II. * Amen, the truth of promifcs. . (*) Dan.7.2 2 . The (/j) Ancient of days. f The Angel of the covenant. J Anointed, us to raife. Of our profeffion he's the great (/)Heb. 3 .i. (;) Apoftle, above all. (A)cant.a.s.(£) Delicious Apple- tree that yields fteiter/re- The fruit moft cordial. freihment and the fweet TTT fruits of par- 111. peace, mercy, An * Ark wherein the richefl: ftore and ccnfola- /-^ r r 1 c i tiontohis Ur trealures may be round, elect, j^fe £ Qr my £ QU ^ j, t J iat j t ^ g n And wrath may not be drown'd. (/)Rom.5.n. Atonement (/) is to make my peace, And expiate my fin : WHeb.i2.2. Author (m) and finifher of faith That favour I may win. SEC- * Amen is an Hebrew word from Aman y which in the conjugation Hi- phil, fignifies to believe. It imports then, fidelity and ftedfaftnefs in Chrift, for the fulfilling of hi< promifes. Rev. 3 14. 2, Cor. I. 20. •f- The Revea'er, Me i t r, and foundation of the Covenant of Grace. Ifa. 63. 9. Heb. 8. 6.-9. I .---12 2; \ Furmflied with all qualifications fuitable to a Redeemer. Pfal. 45% 7, Acts 4 27. *i The A k of the Covenant wa<= a type of Chrirr, Heb.9. 4. For 1. A» in that ark was keeped pierk.ns monuments, fuch as, the Pot of Manna, the Tables of the Law ; &c. ' in Cbrifl is found ail fulnefs of incomparable excellencies, Col. 2. 9. And a<. they ever^-d the Tables nf the Law, fo doth Cbrifi by his Merits, Rignteonfnefs and Interceilions keep up the Law from bringing a Curfe and wrath uo:>n uj, Gil. 3. 13. f As the Ark of N vh prefet ved a Remnant, when the moll part periihed ) fo doth Cbrifi preserve the E^ecl from the deluge of Wrath, Upon the Ejlate of Grace-. ' 4! SECTION III. B. I. THat befled Babe in Bethlehem born For me his blood did fpend. Beloved (a) of the Father, hence W t P h - u 6 * Love doth to man defcend. The Bifhop of our (b) fouls, to watch (*)iPet. 2 . if . The filly ftraying fheep : In Gofpefs net our fouls to catch ; And in his ways to keep. II. The braved (c) Branch on Jejfes item, teiM, t* That ever on it grew. §•***•** The Brazen * Serpent, which me cur'd When fin and wrath me flew. That Bread (d) of life which whofo eats (ojoh.6.35. Shall not with hunger pine. **' ; '* The Bride-groom (e) of my foul, whofe loVe Cf) J oh 3- 2 ** Is better than the wine. III. The Bnghtnefs of the (/) Father's glore f, %$*?:?* In whom the Deity fhines. He's ocean (g) full of faving grace fa P»» ■. *p, More cordial then the wines. "7; - ' Then I'll begin to banifh fin, &c. * As the people of Tfratt were cured of the fHngs and biting! of fiery Ser- pents in the wildernefs by to' king on the Brazen Serpent, Num. 21, 9. So arc Believers cured from the Mings und wounds of fin and Sa:an by looking with the eye of faith on Jesus lifted up upon the pole of the Crofs. John 3- |4. f This is verified of Ch r : S t , firft, in his divine nature, having the fame effr. ice with tlu Father, fetondly, in his human nature, by hi» heavenly ieftrine and ftupendious miracles, F SEC- 42 The Saint's Recreation SECTION IV. C. I. W Heb.,.io. r~p He Capta . m ^ of fa { vatIon ftout . wcant.5.10. J^ Qf thou f ands ten fy the chie r (0 A a, 4 . 27 . A ^ ch; i dj yet champion focz to rout. And bring my foul relief. K>Cant.i.i4, A Clutter is of fweet (V) Camphire Full of foul faving grace. W ifa. 54. 4 . A kind ()ifa.9.a. T TE's (g) fairer than the fons of men: XI A faithful Steward he. Faithful in witnefs and in word (r)^ev.i.u. He's (r) fijrft and Jail: I fee. (/;Mat. 3 .u. With fire of grace (f) he'll me Baptize, To purge away my tin, And if need be affliction's fire Shall mortify my fin. II. £,y 15 ' CO Firft fruits of refjrreclion ; Fim in order j^ c > s ^ foundation fure. of time, nrft i l» • n for quality, (A The Fountain whence the living ftreams being chief, ^ y n r , ° as aifo being Do now, my ioul to cure. MdpuJ^of (») As Forerunner, he's gone before, o^refurrec- Thofe manfions to prepare, ir)Zech.i 3 .t. Where bleffed faints in perfeft dore- And eleft angels are. III. (v) joh,, (7;) The goodly G/// of God beftow'd On Adani% wretched race. (*p)i,uks2, (tv) The Gik/7 of his Ifrael : 52 ' And true pod for folace : (*)^u,;,He's my great (*) Governor and G#/V) Of David hath the key. Rev. 3. 7. IV. $ Ge "\ 28 - 12 A ftf) Ladder leading up to heav'n, ^»«£'s]adder v r-rn 1 n / ^ r f a type of The meekeft (rj Lamb of God. angds. an 1S A (f) Law-giver to frame and fend (r)jch ; i.z 9 . His ft atut es all abroad. Rev 21. 22. a (s) Leader, (t) Life and glorious (u) Light. (fl James 4. V ^ > V ' . & . W & 1*. A (y) Lilly white and fair. (!) John ii.6. Of JudaVs tribe the (w) Lyon ftout. (^cant'; 1 .': A living (x) ftone * and rare. (tu) Rev. 5-. 5. (X) I Pct.2.4. V. 0)Mat ; 7.2i. A Q^ Lor d of Lor ds : for other lords Have fmall fupremacy. C*;can. 5 .i6. Thou rt altogether (z) lovely, Lord, Therefore I'll follow thee, (*)Heb.*.i 7 .The (a) Man, reftoring man to life, 0}joh.6. ; .s. Sweet (b) Manna for my food. Wjoh.x3.13. My (c) Mafter to inftruct my foul, And teach me what is good. VI. * Christ Is a fpiritual Stone, lively in the fpiritual building of the Church, folid, durable, bruifing enemies, and the chief Cerner-flone to join Jew and Gentile into one church,, as alfo a moft precious Stjone full of tran~ fcendent virtues. Upon the Eft ate ofGrac?. 47 VI. The (d) Mediator for my fin The Father to appeafe. (e) Melchizedeck the righteous King, To give me reft and eafe. (/) Mejfiah the Anointed one, To be Trieft, Tropbet, King. The (g) MefTenger of Covenant, Glad tidings for to bring. VII. The (/;) Mercy-feat: he mercy gives, When merit I have none. (/) Moft Mighty, and he's (k) Minifter Of Circumcifion. (/) Of 'Myrrh a bundle to revive ; A Cordial for the faint. Though we were dead, he'll make us live For this his blood was fpent. {J) iTim,2.S. (*) Heb. ;. 6. r/;Dan. 9 .25. 26. (g) Mai. 3. 1. (*) Heb. 9. j. (OPfal.45.3. (i) Preaching falvationunto the circum- cifed Jews. (/) Cant. 1. 13. SECTION IX. N.O.T.Q.R, I. A (a) New and living Way to bring To Canaan above. A (F) Nazarite feparate from fin, Moft worthy of our love. As (c) Noah did an Ark prepare A remnant for to fave, When all the world was drown'd; hChrift Life to the world gave. (tf)Heb. 10.10. (JjMat.2.23. (c)Gen. 8. r. and chap. ?. II. 48 The Saint's Recreation II. By wo and wrath, fin, fhame and death Which make a fatal end, We all had perifh'd, but his blood. For ranfom he did fend. WjRom. 11. An (d) Olive, with the fap of grace For ever frefh and green. (e) cant. 1. 3. An (e) Ointment poured forth and full, Of odour and perfume. III. (f) icor.5.7. The (f) PafTover for me was flain ; The T afchal-Lamb for food : Our hearts by faith bedew'd muft be And fprinkled with his blood, That the deftroying angel may Pafs by and do not kill. t^n/'He is our (g) Peace, and (h) Pearl of price {h) Mat. 13' wi t h r i c hes us to fill. 26. IV. $™£,l A choice (/) Phyfician for my foul: (*) ifa. n- 2. a (k) Plant of great renown : ( tI% 4 c ?\L a CO poiifc'd ^ aft : Th . e W Pow ' r of GoD > hearts of re- To poll mine enemies down. bclUous fin- .._,*. rf» • ii 1 aers, either (// ) Tr : eit j, onering, and the altar too : ^mqvIUui. He is my (o) Prince of Peace, (*) 1 cor. 1. A ^ Propitiation good and true : cftfj 1 — A (^) Prophet full of grace. :>; -^j, (y) Luke 13. 3i- f Pried as Mediator O-d-man, rhr Sacrifice, in his human Nature, and the Altar in his divine Nature, fancVying the Sacrifice, giving it worth, merit, and value. Upon the Eft ate of Grace* 49 V. A (r) Quickning Spirit to revive roiCor.xs. A foul in fin that's dead. 4y> (f) Rabbi to teach, a (/) Ranfom for f/;joh.8. 49 * A foul that's captive led. wift.-54.-sw A 1 Lor. 1. 30. Ev'n my Redeemer with his blood. He's (t) Righteoufnefs to fave. A (//) Refurrection from the dead, (^joh.ii.2/. i-pi • 1 • t .1 Bei-ig thr au- Triumphing o er the grave. thorandwe borh of the "ITT fyiritual re- V *' furretriun Of (v) apes Rock impregnable, r * Jm &a > ™* »-t4i / \ t» r sv /T n thecorpcral The (wj i£o<^ or jejje itrong. refurreaioh The (x) Rofe of Sharon beautiful : day" 28 "* (j) He's Ruler us among.. $£■,•«£ Rev. 5. 5. SECTION X. if. SJ'Ki; I. A(fl) Sacrifice for all our fins. OOH b 9 .ao, A (£) Sanctuary fecure. , (*)*&.& 14. The true (V) Samari 'tan, my foul wwkric That's wounded for to cure. 33, {d) A Samfoftj thoufands to deftroy, Ww* t Of Tbiliflins prophane : and chap, 16, The gates of Gaza bare away, Death's gates for all his train* II. And in his Death, O wonderful ! The greateft victory He gets o'er fin, grave. Satan, hell, And routs them totally. G A 50 The Saint 1 s Recreation (0 john 4 .4i. A (/) Saviour my poor foul to fave. r/;Lev:t.i6. The (f) Scape-Goat for to bear ^Heb.6.3. My woful fins, his (g) Scepter brave Doth free my foul of fear. III. (b) phii. 2.7. A (h) Servant for our fouls he was: (/jGen.4$j 10. (/) Shiloh fent for our good: The Son eternal, heir of all : A Shepherd us to feed. (*)ife. 49 .M.(£) A Standard to the world dilplay'd: CO Num. 24. The (/) Star of Jacob bright : (/»:'i Pet. 2. 4 . A (?n) Stone moil precious, though refus'd (»)Mai. 4< 2. A (;;) Sun that's full of light. IV. A Sun of Righteoufnefs, I fay, To quicken and direct : From him's my comfort, light and life, He's furety for my debt. SECTION XL T. W. I. ^)Mat. 3 .*7. A (a) Tabernacle, where our fuits Have anfwers mod Divine. (*)john 2.19. (b) A Temple, where the Deity dwells : (0jnhni4.6* He's (c) truth to clear my mind. MVRer.2.7. ^ ie Tree (d) of life, far from all ftrife ? With meat and medicine, Shall me fupply and fitisfy, When paradife I win. IL section XII. r. z, Upon the EJlate of 'Grace. 51 II. His foul refrefhing cordial grace, Like (e) waters flow amain : (*) m. e S . *. The Way (/) conducing to that place 2 - The Father's (h) Wifdom, (I believe) w.cor.*.** a /.\i-it- r r 1 V (0 Sec en the A [j) Witnels tor releaie. woidf* III. The (£) Word of God effential ; ci)joba i.rf. The fubjeft, fcope and end Of Written-word, and (/) Wonderful wond^foi* Salvation to fend. 2SSLSSJ into one per- fon, i; of his offices, word*, w rlcs, and fafl I. TO Day and (a) Yeftcrday the fame, (*) Evn to Eternity, His Wifdom, power and goodnefs great, Are forthcoming to me. So (b) Zealous for the houfe of God, (*,'pf a i f 9 9 . ' That nothing could rcftrain Job****, Him from the fhedding of his blood, To ranfom them again. G 2 TYPUS [ 53 ] TYPUS TYPORUM, O R, A TABLE O F The feveral Types, Titles and Attributes of JESUS CHRIST according to the nature of the things them/elves, as in the former trea- tife, they were fet down after the order of the Alphabet. Advertijement anent the fcope, life and form of this Table, &c. THE ufe of this Table explained in the former fong, is manifold, as firft, for Information, to let us fee thefe matchlefs and incomparable excellencies that are in Jejlts Chrift our Lord. 2. For confolation: The heart of a fincere Chriftian cannot but be fil- led with ravifhing and tranfporting joys when it beholds fuch excellencies in Chrift) and then begins to find a title and intereft in them. 3. For fpiritual Devotion, every Type and Title almoft affording excellent compilations to Cbrijl, ground of confidence to draw near, maf» [ 54 3 matter of prayer and praife ; as for example, one in praying may fay, Lord, thou who art the King of Kings, fubdue my rebellious Spirit to thyfelf, by the Scepter of thy word and Spirit, <&c. that I may be of the number of thy willing people: preferve me powerfully from my fpiritual enemies, &c. Thou who art that vigilant Shepherd of Souls, protect me from the roaring Lyon Satan who is rea- dy to tear me, and lead me to the living Waters, &c. 4. For matter of Meditation: every Type or Title, <&c. affording hea- venly matter for the exercife of our fpiritual thoughts. J ^ II. As to the exaftnefs of it, it were eafy to J& make it more fcholaftick and reduce it all to Dichotomies, but I thought this fufficient for the moft of ordinary Christians. Here follows the Table, TYPUS TYPUS TYPORUM OR A TABLE OF THE NAMES, TYPES AND TITLES OF CHRIST, According to the Nature of the Things tbemfclves, as the lajl ivas after the Order of the Alphabet, ckc. i. Typical: as Adam, Enoch, Jonah, Jofeph, Jfliac, Melehizcdec, Nazarite, Jftta, Samfon, David, &c. f i . More general : as Anointed, Chief, Elcft, Firfr and Laft, Governor, Guide, High and Lofty One, Ploly One of If rael, Hope o£ Ifrael, Lovely, Man, Ruler, Shiloh, Wonderful, fee. Beloved, Fairer than the Sons of Men, fee. 2. Emblema- f fl. Conjugal; as, Flusband and Bridegroom of the Church, tical, and that i. Oeco- Peace- and thefe, ing to Rclati- l ons. ticaj Firft Fruits um- fl. ForReftauration; as Phyfician, Deliverer, Redeemer, Samaritan, Saviour, fee. j 2. For Protection, Provifion, Direclion and Promotion, fee. As King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Judge, Law-giver, Counfellor, Advocate, In- | able. L tcrceflbr, Mediator, Surety, Fore-runner, fee. 1 2, Martial; as Captain, Lord of Hofts, Commander, fee. molt Mighty, Leader, fee. Ecclefiafticaljps ApofUe, Doftor, Bifhop of Souls, Author and Finifher of our Faith, Firft Fi from the Deaffr Glory of Ifrael, Head of the Church, High Pricft, Meffiah, Miniftcr of Circ cifion, Prieit, Prophet, Rabbi, MeiTenger of the Covenant, fee. f I. Spiritual; as Confolation, Gift, Truth, Joy, To Day and Yefterday the fame, Zealous, fee, f 1. Cclclfial ; as Sun, Light, Morning-ftar, fee. f a ■ fi. Senfitive; as Lyon, Lamb, Eagle, fee. . Natural. \ 2. Sub- : l ' \ 2. Infenfitive and Vegetable; as Vine-tree, Apple-tree, Branch, Camphirc, Myrrh, Rofe or j celefti- i matC ' [ Sharon, Plant, Root of Jeffe, Tree of Life, fee. [si. j 2. Inanimate ; as Florn of Salvation, Stone precious, Corner-Hone, Pearl, Rock, Fire, I Milk, Wine, Oyl, Fountain, fee. . Ecclefiaftical; as Altar, Ark, Atonement, Tabernacle,- Temple, End of the Law, Offering, Mercy-feat, pitiation, Righteoufnefs, Refurrection, Sacrifice, Scape-goat, fee. ..Political; and that ) Cen. I. 26. (0 i Cor. 15 45* AH ranks of men, and firft kings. (*)-Pfal. 82.6. froblemrn* eourtiers, &C* (!)PfaJ*4ti Learned meft of all forts. X. Ye learned doctors with your books, High contemplations you do teach ; (ni) Your doclrine flows like muddy brooks, (*)xC*. x» The lhell of knowledge you but reach : What are ye ? &c. [preach. , (») When Chrift from heav'n doth wlfdom « j£M; XL Ye grave divines, ye ftars oi light, Ye watchmen, and the Rewards true, H Am- I Cor. I. z. D:vm:« '-I- 58 The Saint's Recreation AmbafTadors to God of light, (0) j er . i 7 . (0) The fubtile heart ye cannot knowf 9> IO - What are ye ? &c. ip) joh. 1, 9. (p) When Chrift comes down with glori- ^uW^ 4 6. ous fa yr m XII. pfcyficiass. y e great phyficans, who relieve The body from tormenting pain, Some ficknefs fore yourfelves doth grieve, And cannot life recall again: What are ye? <&c. [vain. ( ? )pfa]. 49 .9. (^j When death comes all your labour's XIII. Lawyers. Ye Jurifts that are vers'd in law, (r)£cc].i.f 5 . (/) Ye cannot reclify the ftatc, Nor one poor foul with pleading draw, From juftice throne, or ^Plato's gate": What are ye I &c. ijih?\'. 7 i! 5 " (f) Ch ri ft is the pleader, ye but prate. XIV. Mather™*, {s) Ye that prognoftick by the ftars, w 8 f&r ^he change of nature and of ftate, (5)ira.. l7 . Q m y C prevent tumultuous jarrs? Or can ye alter your own fate I What are ye ? &c. {t) Am 3 6 (/) When Chrift inverts both day and date. I Cor. 1. 19. Ifa. 29. , 4 . XV. ^Mien. Ye men of war with fword and Ihield, With mind heroick, ftrong and ftout> Like Alexander in the field To conquer ye do never doubt: What Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 59 What are ye? &c. (») He's valiant, that doth Satan rout. XVI. Ye navigators, that traverfe Remoteft Indies eaft and weft, With wings of Icarus commerce, And Eolus makes all your hafte : What are ye ? &c. Ye perifh by a ftormy {y) blaft. XVII. Merchants that compafs fea and land, The pirates you do oft bereave, \w) One foul from ^Pluto's cruel hand Though you be rich you cannot fave? What are ye 1 &c. LtCt me have Chrift no more I crave, (u) Eph 6, 12, 1>, &C. James 4 -7, Rom. 16.20. ^avigatora. WPH4X.7, Merchant?. (w) Fiom the pwwer of .Sji- Ian. PART II, Holding firth the emptinefs and vanity of all fublunary enjoyments •, by general arguments ta- ken from the common nature of all created com- forts^ with a tranfition to the next treat ije. I. HEalth, beauty, ftrength, ye are but flowVs, Soon withered with a ftormy blaft, Decrepit age and fiekncfs fhow'rs, To duft makes you return in hafte : What are ye ? &c, {x) Chrift is my choice, for he is beft. H z it T mpofhJ env ym« .•'.- . J." Pei endown externa:. MPWI.5.J. 6q The Sainfs Recreation II. 2. Pwrtperhr. you flattering fortune with your fmile. { y) Pfcl. JQi 6. (y ^ Whofc favour fil J cth aU my fa jj S) ptai J "V' ai ' f?) Your change will fhortly me beguile, I do not prize your profp'rous gales : What are you p &c. (*) Mat. 23. (a J Chrijl is the friend that never fails* III. 3. Riches. You glift'ring gold and (liver bright, Which mortal men Jo fodefire; You precious gems that fhine with light* You carbuncle, that's like the fire : , What are you : 8cc. It is for Chrijl that I afpire. IV. 4. Honouvs. Ye honours that do men advance, The ruitick fears your tbreatning rod; In orb of jftate ye give a glance, e, 7 . And ldohz d (b) as lr a God : (;)ira. 4 o.i;. { count you all (c) an atom fmall; If Chrijl with me make his abode. V. 5. Frieod-, You friends and favrites that are great, anii relations. T *11 LI" I will not on you much rely : at m!cA 4 s 6 : Ye love to day, (d) to morrow hate: And where's your help when that you dy : What are ye? &c. [cry, ^pfai. 2 ;.xo. [e ) W} len friends forfake, he'll hear my ■Herb. 1 2, j, ^ ' VI. (.QWit», Ye children are but pleafant toys Delighting parents when you prate, Some Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 6i Some flcknefs grieves, fome death deftroys, And fome of you do prove ungrate : What are ye ? &c. Ye're good, but yet inferior joys. VII. Ye fublime notions and acute, That reach both depth and tarry fky j ^Before the Judge ye're turned mute, (f) If grace do you not fanctify : What are ye ? &c. (g) Chrift is that wifdom from on high. VIII. You fumptuous fare, delicious wine, You Indian fruit that's bought fo dear : You flattering Venus fair and fine, That doth the vicious wanton cheer: What are you? &c. [near. (7;) When Sun of Righteoufnefs draws IX. You purple robes and cloath of gold, Whofe mother is the brute and drift: You're caft away, when you wax old : Your borrowed beauty foon doth ruft : What are you ? &c. (/) The wedding garment is my truft. X. Ye gilded trifles more or lefs, (£) Can ye your comforts eternize? (/) Can ye man's happinefs increafe, When man ye do not equalize, What are ye? &c. (m) Let me have Christ, he will fuffice. XI, 7. Wifdom and know- ledge. (/JlfiLig.** --33.18. I Cor. I. ac. Iccl. 1.17,18. (g) I G»r. 1. 30. 8. Senfual pleafures. (*;m.i. 4 . :• Juha 4. 14. 9. Apparel and orna- (!) Mat. 22, XI. 12. Common arguments. I. From their unconfbrcy, inutility and inequality to man. (k)'Ecd i.i.j. (/) Txc'i. 2.XJT, (m) t>hii. 3.3, 6z The Saint's Recreatieiy XL iw33L£ Then rl1 conclude with Solomon, cares and rex- Created comforts all I fee, ations. . n J Are empty trifles every one, C«) Ecci. i. (;;) Nothing but vexing vanity : ' ,2 ' 3, What are ye? &c When Christ appears in majefty, XII. 3.Emptmefs,j^ more than can a circle round being unfa- , !/••/• ti»faa ory . The lharp triangle fatisfy ; W Ecci. t. c. No more my heart, (o) all that's here found, -«-*. 10. But ^et-hlejfed Trinity. What are you ? &c. When Chrift comes with his rich fupply. XIII. 4 finite and t Iand arc They're finite things, that's here beW, temporal. My foul, it fues for more and more: A fpiritual object you muft fhow: And I muft have fome richer ftore. What are ye ? &c. When Chrift comes with his heav'nly glore. XIV. .enty Nothing abides in conftant frame, (p) Ev'n like to Troteus, or the air, ip. Like the Or changing moon, no hour the fame: fea ebbing n-l L J T and flowing. I hem to the dew 1 may compare : f;: 1 * 2,4 ' 10 What are your &c. When Chrift comes with his treafure fair. XV. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 63 XV. To morrow fick, to day in health, To day I'm bound, to morrow free ; To morrow poor, to day in wealth : To day I'm low, to morrow high. What are you ? &c. When joys come with eternity \ XVI. You crazy comforts are but mixt, fedioHnd With as great croffes at your befl ; ' rnixture - You're blazing ftars, and are not fixt; You're trifling toys that have no laft. What are you \ &c. (q) When Chrift comes with eternal reft; ^ Heb -4-9- XVII. But now the (r) Day-ftar doth appear, 2£?2£ Above th' horizon it doth rile : 8, iy. Make way for my folace? VIL fe)Pfaij4; 7 < Shall his brave (g) angels me furround, And guard me from all ill? O this great mercy hath no bound ! Sing praifes then I will. &) pfei. 103. then, (/;) my foul, let all thy ftrcngth . u n ls And faculties each one, the con- g e confecrate to God at length an of n ,. rt '■• & elm inco^- tor his ialvation. nfible VIII. Thy time and talent then beftow, His name to glorify I Who did to thee fuch mercy mow, Praife him mod: cheerfully. (/; pfoi. 103. But as this mercy's (/) great and free, So doth it ftill endure, rj*. Mod: firm and fure (k) t eternity, 23£T None fhall their foul injure. 'V of Coa's mercy. IX. ;/, if 2 4 g.rj. A woman (/) may forgetful be Of Infants to her born ; But Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 6y But though fhe would, yet will not God Me leave to be forlorn. The (;/z) mountains may removed be: $)i6.j 4 ,!Oi The day and night may change, The hills be caft (;/) into the Sea: («)Pfai. 4 6.2, Though heaven and earth do range. X. Yet fure will he, mod; tenderly, His precious faints embrace. In fpight (0) of hell, they fhall prevail, g-M^rf. And fee his glorious face. I'm grav'n (p) upon his palms, therefore (/>)ifa^.io. I'll not forgotten be j Though I were () rod, left thou deny Ncceiiftyof Thy God and covenant affliction. J II. Thou knoweft, this is the way I took, With all my fervants dear : As in the facred fcripture book, Thou mayeft both read and hear. Thou hear'ft that Abel, Mofes, Lot, David and Daniel, Did meet with perfecutions hot, But now they with me dwell. III. No faint Co pure, that wants all fin, And fin I always hate: (c) a*. 27. p. Then I muft purge him (c) from the tin And make him loath the bait. One. Upon the Eftate of Grace. One Son I (d) have, that never finn'd, Yet he muft bear the crofs : How think' ft thou then to be exeem'd That's full of finful drofs? IV. I'll either keep thee (e) from the pain, Or ftrengthen (fj thee to bear. Affliclion fhall not prove thy bane, The curfe (g) thou need'ft not fear. I'll fanftify to thee the rod, A bleffing it ('/>) fhall prove ; That thou may 'ft learn to fear thy God, And never from him move. V. One antidote (/) it is for fin A corrofive to cure; A purging (k) potion is therein, To make thee clean and pure. v I'll (/) wean thee from the world thereby, That clearly thou may'ft fee There is no happinefs, but I And heaven's felicity. VI. Afflictions (;w) fire muft thee refine, And try thy Chriftian grace : Therefore fee thou do not repine, If thou would fee my face.. Affliclion (n) makes thee mind thy God, Before thou went to ftray : O come thou then and kifs that rod, That leads in heaven's way. 6 9 (J) Christ free of fin, but not of furrow. t» Job j. 19. PfaJ. oi. 5. 6, 7. (f) 1 Cor. io. '3- (g) Rom. 8. 1. (Z>)PfaI.94.iz. Rom. 5. 4. 5, The pleafant fruit.* of afflic- tion to man himi'df. (;)Luke r>. 14. 16, 17 (*) Ila. 27. 9. (.'; Luktr;. 1 ft, &c. Pfal. 119. 57. («) 1 Pet. 4. («)Pfa3.II9. 67. 7*« VII. jo The Saint's Recreation VII. (o) iCor. n. This keeps thee (a) from the fire of hell, f^Lam.3.4©. This quickens (p) all thy grace : {^He^il: This makes thee (q) fympathize with all 2 ^ r - £* Who want their due folace. prod-gai, This puts thee forth to (r) read and pray, andManeffch, And watch againit thy lin ; This keeps thee f rom (fj a dreadful day;. aj phi 94 . That favour thou may'ft find. ii, 13. j VIII. (iMiHgaricn This makes thee (s) mercy more to prize. and fweetning . . •11 1 r 1 • ot'theafflk- And then with thankrul voice, 2 cor. 1.4 5. Thou'lt praifes to thy God devife, With all melodious noife. And even in midft of all thy tears, I will thee recreate With cordials, fo that all thy cares Shall quickly be delete. IX. r'nceVuVof When all this work is done, (f) then fure P®fnV My rod I will remove; joh. 16. uk. p or now performed is the cure In mercy much and love. («0 Heb. is. T j^' event ^ fhaU always prove full good, iCor. 4 . i 7 . The crown is by the crofs. Thou malt at laft find, that indeed . , Thou didft fuftain no lofs. (■^TheLord's \vifdom,pr.w- cr and good- jQ 9 re r s ?r? much gicnried, in j t f nj \ of darknefs can bring light : ordering, n.ea- *■ \ / o O f fur : ng, fane- of bitter I bring Lweet : tirying and " C*rst\ rt-movin b af- wUIl" fiidions. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. yi Confufions all (w) I order right, And do that which is meet. The chymift doth of ftones extracl, Liquors medicinal ; The fharpeft croffes I will make Ev n for thy good befal. XL My wifdom, pow'r and goodnefs great, My truth and juftice pure, By this they always glory get, Therefore thou mufl: endure. Caft thou (x) thy burden on the Lord, And he mail thee fuftain : O praife him all with one accord. His grace doth ftill remain. SECTION III. TPromifes offpiritual and eternal Blejfiugs, be- ing the principal pojitive mercies. L COme and admire the chryftal ftreams Of overflowing grace! Admire the radiant rays and beams Of this fair (a) T helms face ! He's (b) ocean-full : his treafure great Is inexhauftible ! The matchlefs mercies which I get, Are inexpreflible. II. He'll freely pardon all my fins, He will make up my peace ; My (iv) As in Jo- fepb\ afflicti- ons, Gen. 5-0. 20. And inthc crucifying of our Saviour, making all tend tu man's falvation. Acls 4. 12, a 7 , 28. Rom, 8. 28. (*)Pfal.;5. 22. (a) Christ the Sun of rightewufnefs.. Mai. 4. 2. (A) John 1.1 6» Cut. 1. ig. yi The Saint's Recreation Chriftian ITjSfica" M y blelTed Lord will favour win, ' tion. .2. Re- Through his abundant grace. 3 ! n Ado P tion. For honour, he'll adopt (c) me fure, %tuT To be the g reat Kin g's fon : K^gs-fordig-' Yea kings W and P riefts advanc'd mall be nity, majerty Believers every one. and victory : J and priefts for TTT purity and 111. f«0 Rev. 1.12. I'll be a (V) pillar in God's houfe: («&& A new name will he give, unloveable, And white ftone for abfolviture, asthetwopil- __, ' .ianin&/ - That I may ever live. T^LTjIcbin With gold (f) of grace he'll me inrich, ^affica- WItn robes °f righteoufnefs J/;r ^ e w *^ me c ^ oat ^' anc ' tn i s exce U s All filk and fattin drefs. IV. The man of fin he'll mortify, He'll wholly me renew : With his good fp'rit he'll fanftify, With grace he'll me endow. u) ,Ezek. 3 6. He >u take f rom me the f g j ftony heart,. A new heart will he give : So from his laws I'll not depart, And ever blefled live. V. Ren^vItL^f My (h) judgment he will fo renew, tlL'of t f he ul " That tiWI then difcern foul, the mdg- What e'er he in his word doth fhew; went, will, T /A Ml J 1* 1 1 confcienceand 1 {! ) Will delight tO leam. (OPfai.Tro. My will (hall to the beft incline : fed^S: M y confeience (*) (hall be pure : (*)Aasi>-. 9 . No« —24. 16. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. - 73 Nothing but objects all divine, My foul fhall then endure. VI. I'll ferve God (/) with a filial fear; I'll love (mj God and his way : His faints (n) to me fhall be moft dear* ' Who do his words obey. I'll mourn for fin, I'll hate the fame ; I fhall rejoice (0) to fee All men extolling God's great name, With zeal and fervency. VII. I will rejoice to find my Lord, For my great portion. My hope I'll fix upon his word, Which brings falvation. I'll blufh (p) t' offend my heav'nly King : My (a) anger's turn'd to zeal. I fhall oppofe each finful thing When grace it fhall prevail. VIII. Faith, hope, and charity will he Into my heart infufe ; . With righteoufnefs and piety, So his way will I chufe. The rubies (r) are but rubbifh, naught; The fapphire's not fo fine, As is the faint from heaven taught Adorn'd with grace divine. K IX. (/) Salifica- tion of the af- fed ions, as love, fear, grief, joy, &e« Hof. 2. ;. («) Mat. 22. 37- («) PfaJ. 16.3. (0) Num.M. ao. [p) trek. \G. 61. ( ?; Pful.6 9 . 9 . See more of fait&iticatiofij in the lo."g cs 'I.-vl the Path-way to Paradife. 74 *fbe Saint's Recreation IX. W5EL (D ^ I be blind and cannot fee, ^ d a i , J L u f^ His eye-falve mall me cure ; mines cured. If I be deaf, he'll open ears, His word and Sp'rit to hear; If I be lame, he'll make me go Into the ways of God ; r; pfa].2 3 .y. His fuppling (i) oyl keeps me from toil, And makes me walk abroad. X. If I be tongue-tyed he'll nnty My tongue, that praifes fing I may even to eternity, Unto Jehovah King. (0 1*0-5. 1. Both milk (7) and wine he will afford, '• e - All r r things necer. And Manna for my food: v2\ hfe. p '"" With chryftal-ftreams he'll me refrefh (v;pl,i. 3! .u, ni want («) nothing that's good, XL C v )Rom.s. So then with God, is made my (v) peace r (i)7 j r a i. 5 4.7. With men and angels (w) too; iS^icof. Each creature (x) then mail me embrace, "fvErh'^iS ^nd a ^ t ^ le ^ f erV ^ Ce C ' - -1. '2. Accefs I have (j) to throne of grace r WJ* u< jyjy prayer (z) he doth hear: C*)Pfai.4*6.The fmilings (a) of his bleffed face Doth all my fpirits cheer. XII. P\T°b 'vm. AfTurance (F) fills me fo with joy, Row.V.V/. That I cannot exprefs ; ^' I'm fure nothing can me annoy, No creature more or lefs. My Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 75 My burgefs bill (c) with heav'ns quill &J" £**< Is fo confirme'd to me; I«M-3*>3^ From Satan, fin, I'll fear none ill, Though they great tyrants be. XIII. The moral law with threat and frown, And with its rigid ftrain, Brings me no (d) condemnation, g) *•«.*■«■ No curfe, no pinching pain, jite.-6.V4> And for the (e) ceremonial rite, (<) A ^ *s> It never hath me ty'd €01.2.1^17, For Christ fulfilled all of it When on the crofs he dy'd, XIV, Indifferent things (f) they do not bind, m *°*»' ^ If there no fcandal be : iW*X I may, or not, if that I find No breach of charity. Pale death who is of terrors king Unto the reprobate, Christ hath of him bereav d (g) the fting, Cs) lCor - I fhall him foon defeat. 5 6. XV. Death's but to me a gate (/;) therefore, (frjkw.i*!^ And paffage unto reft, And harbinger to heaven, to glore > Which is of all the belt. So fhall I in that heav'nly (/') quire/ (') p, ' a ' *$-^* For ever bleffed live: Fulnefs of joy at his right hand For ever will he give, K 2 SEC- yd The Saint's Recreation SECTION IV. Blejfmgs temporal, with the Chrijiians confi- dence and holy refolution y upon the con (idem-* lion of all the] e gracious promijes* I. - ( fl )Pfai.i4.i. ' |"*He fpacious earth (a J is all the Lords, X And all that it contains, Whate'er the Univerfe affords, And all that there remains. ^)pra!.3.6. 1 11 make all (b) creatures ferve thy turn: For I'm their foveraign Lord, I'm Lord of Hofts why fhould'ft thou mourn, They all obey my word. II. Lev Pf 26. 91 ' Life, (c) honour, health with eafe, and wealth, Profperity and peace, Thou {halt enjoy, and ay endure, Thou and thy bleffed race. Here profit, pleafure, honour's joined, What more can any crave ? From grace to glory he'll conduct, And never he his leave. III. id) Rom. rf. I'll triumph (d) over hell and death, O'er fin and Satan fly: I'll truft in God, while I have breath, To have (he victory. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 77 My foes he'll trample all alongs, My fin he'll do away : My forrows he'll turn into fongs ; Faint fear fhall fly away. IV. My ways I'll mend : I'll blufh t'offend Againft fuch matchlefs love: I'll fuffer all, (e) though he me call (OAa.20.j4. 1 With martyrdom to prove. For when this clay (f) is part: away (/jiCor.j.n And turned into duft, To manfions high he'll make me fly, In him I'll ever truft. THE 78 The Saint's Recreatiw THE PATH-WAY to PARADISE, OR, THE POURTRAITURE of PIETY, By Patterns and Examples. Containing a Chriftian Direflory, how to come to CHRIST, fo as to find him, and eter~- nal Salvation by him. IN TWO PARTS. In the firft part of it, are exemplified all Chri- Jlian duties , as they were pra&ifed by the moft eminent, pious, and zealous people of God, as they are recorded in the Scripture of the Old and New Teftament. In the fecond part, are fet down the feveral du- ties themfelveSj both for matter and man- ner, <&c. The fir ft part of the be ft patterns or examples. 1.14.)^ I. INCE richeft treafures all (,)joh.i.i 4 . O In Chrift are (a) found, £!;^f- And I'm by Mains fall, Wretched and bound ; IS 16 ; 7,1 * I'll to (b) Immanuel, My fins and forrows tell, My woes I will bewail With mournful found* IL Upon the Eftate of Grace. II. I will go fearch and (c) try My former ways. With grief I'll mourn and pray For mifpent days. (d) Take off iniquity ; Receive me gracioufly; So will I render thee The calves of praife. III. I (e) will with Abel give The beft I have. (f) I will with Enoch live, Pious and grave. And though the world ftray ; (g) With Noah I will flay, And walk in perfect way ; Thou fhalt me fave. IV. And with good (h) Abraham^ That faithful man, Who from his kindred came To Canaan : I will ev'n at thy call, My comforts great and fmall (/) Difclaim : though IJaac fall, Faith conquer can. V. (£) With Jacob's prayer bold, I will addrefs, The Angel for to hold, Till he me blefs. 7? (c) Lam. 3. 40. 1 Cor. 13. 5. WHof.14,1 {<) Abel, libe- ral, fincere, faithful and cheerful in duty, Gen. 4. 4. Heb.11.4. (/) Enoch firictandholjr and was taken up to heaven alive Gen. 5. (g) Noah's Angularity, Gen. 6. 8. (^Abraham** faith and obe- dience in dif- penfing with all worldly comforts at God's call. Gen. 12. 1,2. S, 4, ;. &c. Heb. 11.8,9. 10,14.4;. {/) Gen. 2». CO (k) Jacob'* fervent and importunate prayer with abfolute de- pendance on Gcd,Gen,3^ With^" 5 " So .The Saint's Recreation 2jtfffi(0TO* J°fiP h fin ru fly. pubikk, a Va n d Though mortals do not fee: iianos oit a ( w ) For thy All-feeing eye ftainft ftrong * ' „ , f -\ - ^. ° •> alluring ten- Deholdeth thlS. tations.Gen. 39-9- T r t («r) Jer. 17.9. VI. 5, <$, 7 . s. («) With Job that great divine (1.) Job was V y • ,,, ^ , O « eminent for When he was prefr, ™' I# Til not at all repine: — 13. 15. Patience is beft. (OMofcs As Mofes (0) meeknefs had, own quarrel When he was hard befted : but^ery'zei- This way I will be led SofGod T ° heav'ns reft. Exod.32.26. *7- VII. * Ctf/) Thineas ftood not in awe, !£££? Sinners he trod, theveryaaofwhen his zea j waxed hot, whoredom _ ' aad therefore He flew and lpared not : fading prkft- For his reward he got, ^mX' A firm abode - VIII. Tf)iSam. i. With Samuel from a (cf) child s8.~3.19. I'll confecrate, With fpirit meek and mild, I'll feparate F All * Caleb and Jofhua they two only did not murmur or rebel agalnft God !n the wiMernefs : and therefore they only of all that came out of Egypt entered th« land of Canaan, Num. 14. 6. 7, 8.-26. 65. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. All I have for the Lord, What my foul can afford : As from his facred word Precepts I gat. IX. (r) With David I'll thee call My portion. In earth and heaven all Thou'rt He alone, Whom my heart doth defire; As with a flame of fire, Faith, love and zeal confpire, O matchlefs one! X. (j-) As chafed hart he pants, After the ftreams; So my foul when it wants The warming beams Of divine majefty : It thirfts exceedingly, Till it find fome fupply, Down from the heav'ns. 81 (r) David tfhoofingGod for his only portion : ea- gerly and im- patiently feeking after him, and de- lighting in him, Pfal.l6. c. Pfal. 119. 57. Pfal. 73. 2;. Phil.3.8. (j) Pfal. 42.1, -—63. 1, XI. f Long didft thou knock and call Both night and day : Oft did I thee repell, And drive away. (/) Juftly might'ft thou depart, And my poor foul defert, (r) Cant. 5.$. Mak- -f- The Spoufe in the Song of Solomon (reprefenting the Church) being a- waked from fecurity, indefa'tigably feeks after Communion with Christ the fpiritual bridegroom and undauntedly keeps it, Cant. 5. 1. 2, 3. Rev. 3. 20, 82 The Saint's Recreation Making me find the (mart, For I did (fray. XII. ( il C iT' 5 * 00 But now I know thy voice, Sweet Jefus ftay: (*■> cant. ;. ^ Thou art my only choice, Help now I pray. I'll fleep no more in fin, But now I will begin iJiT"- 1- C*0 And ftnvc that prize to win, Oh that I may! XIII. in'^^OO Though men me ftop and lett ma and a- And take my veil ; ftgetnents, " Though they this body beat, Cjnt ' * 7 * And make it quell. Though I mould wounded be, 00 m*.t$. Q] Though nail'd unto a tree, {* Ads so. ( z ) I'll ever follow the. 24. v / ._ I.M MANUEL. ,; . t- xiv. £2*£ 0) In & ck and fable ***** turning and Sad fiffhs I'll fdld. reforming, r^ n . « ? tr. . • Jer. 18. jr. r air with the A/nuvite, fa**. 13,14. My ways 1*11 mend.,, 9 . with Ephraim I'll bemoan, My fins with figh and groan* Trefpaffes every one ; Thou'lt favour lend* XV, Upon the Eft ate of Grace. XV. (b) Unworthy wretch sm I, That my poor roof Should thee lodge; but I'll pray, (c) Help unbelief; (d) So fhall humility Advance to dignity, When peevifh pride mult fly And (land aloof. XVI. (e) Give me faith, that I may But touch thy hem ; This will my grief allay, My blcedmg ftem ; This fhall me well reitore, From all my ficknefs fore ; And I wall then adore Thy glorious name. XVII. 1*11 with the (f) virgins wife My lamp prepare ; At midnight for to rife With loving care, To meet Chrifl who is mine With oyl of grace divine, (g-) Light of my works (hall fhine 6 Tb) That is Chi 1st the Sun of Righ- te< ufnefs, Mai. 4. 2. ' (/) Sivifon fweetly repot jr.g and con- tmtirg him- felf with Christ in life ami death, Luk.i. 28,29. 84 The Saint's Recreation , gtnonwhh" (£) 111 with the prodigal 532^ Turn, for my want doth call : turning to his ]y[ y p at ] ier pjj-y fa^H lather, Luke* J t . J 15. 17. &c. And lend reieaic. XIX. (./jThepuhu- With the poor (I) publican, can, humbly, T)1 < l reverently and I 11 mercy C^Ve, ffi^'A* a poor wretched man, Luke is. 13. Or as a flave. («)Lokeaz. I'll bring the widow's mite (;#), I'll knock at heavens gate, Christ will have mercy yet My foul to fave. XX. «)Zaccheus (;/) The contemplation-tree, anfwering v T .11 p j Christ's 1 Will aicend : ££- That I may Jefus fee Luke i 9 . 1, He'll me defend, Agamic the enemy, That is both fierce and file i The Dragon he'll defy, And fuccour fend. XXL Come down Zaccheus then, He will reply : Thou'rt a beloved man, I'll not deny: This day I'll with thee dine, I'll give to thee and thine Salvation : thou art mine, Hi with thee ftay,. XXII. Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 85 XXII. (0) What goods I purchas'd have By force or fraud : I will reftore again ; • Thou'lt me applaud. I'll give of what is mine To the faints who are thine. Such as in forrow pine, Thy name to laud. XXIII. (/>) With true Nathaniel That faint indeed, In uprightnefs I'll deal, So ihall I fpeed: For thou requires the heart, Which is that noble part ; O do not thou depart, My chiefeft good. XXIV. (^) With the Centurion, I'll faft and pray : Alms alfo will I join, Then I will fay : Do thou this offering take Though it perfection lack O do not me forfake, Nor cafl: away. (o) Non tollitur peccatum, ft nin reftituatur ahlatum* Auguft. (p) Nathaniel with iincerity and upright- nefs of heart. John 1. 47. Prov. 10. Q. ~2}. 20: (l) The godly Ccrjturion with rafting, prayer and alms, PART 86 The Saint's Recreation PART IL Containing efpecially the matter ', and gracious acceptable manner of performance tf/'Chriftian duties, viz. They muft flow from right prin- ciples of faith, fear and unfeigned love of God) together -with a perfetl deteftation and abhorrency of fin. 2. For the right end, to wit, the glory of GOD, the good of others and falvation of our own fouls. 3. In the right manner, to wit, with fincerity or uprightnefs, humility and felfdenyednejs y alacrity, readinefs, and cheerfulnefs, zeal and forwardnefs, conflancy and perfeverance : Jill which are partly delivered in the former examples or patterns ;■ but here again repeat- ed in precepts. H I. Ow fhall I thanks' requite For fuch a grace-? * Can what is infinite With grains encreafe ? {a)?h\.\6.2.(a) My goodnefs not to thee Extends, for why I fee Thou art (till giving me, ii.Eph.'^ (b) Yet haft no lefs. Jtom. 11.33. y f l Tim. 6. 1 j* , lct * God's effential glory, perfection and happinefs, being infinite, can neither be increa/ed or diminished, but his declarative glory may, as he is more cr lefs owned and ferved by his creatures. Vpn the Eft ate of Grace. $y II. Yet thou'rt pleas'd King of Kings To condefcend, Poor begger-underlings Thy favour lend ; (c ) Loft angels pafling by, W Hcb. », And choofing fuch as I, a p e t. 2. 4. Thy name to glorify, World without end. III. (/) Give then what thou requires, S^iJE It fhall be thine. Goi > ™ ft I'll do what thou defires, fore we can A J J 1* give to him. And not decline, f Myfelf I'll confecrate, To ferve without a date ; Then I'll at heav'ns gate, In glory fhine, IV. My heart I'll give to thee, (e) Thou lov'ft the fame ; WMat.t*.#, (f) My tongue fhall magnify 00 wu. 57P Jehovah's name. 7i ,9 ' (g) Adorning eyes behold i g J™£*l The fea and earthly mould, 28> *• The fhining ftars as gold, In ftately frame. > V. *f- 1. The firft thing commending our fervices and duties to God is uni- verfality both of the fubjett performing, and object performed ; firft, for the fubjeft, the whole man mwft be consented and devoted to God, Rom, u, 1. 88 TU Saint's Recreation V. I'll give my ears to hear Thy facred word ; All trivial toys forbear, That men afford. I'll give my hands to do All thy commands n>oft true, (£)iPet. 5 .2i. (/?) As my baptifmal vow- Binds me O Lord. VI. (/) tiniverfa- I'll to (7) thy precepts all lityoftheob- T i J J l L r jea, in ab- Have great reipect, tZXZ By thy grace never fhall, performing Thy laws neglect ; every duty, «• 11 pfai. 119.6. No duty tedious call ; No fin will I think fmall; But anfwer at a call, O Lord direcl. VII. Dutie« to God fhall be of my choice* God and man. ,_,. t • o. L* C The object: cnier. I'll hear my neighbour's voice,. And give relief. As myfelf I'll him love ; I'll aft for his behoof. My bowels for him move, <{*)Dutiesof That's Chriftian-proof. the firft table, towards God. VIII. tfDetttj -. j w jj| m yf e if (£) apply £& th r r (l) Thy name to knov* expofition of Myfelf I will deny, tne com- J • -. 111 laments And earth below. in the larger Catechifm. Upon the Eft ate of Grace* 87 I will have high efteem Of thee, and fear thy name. Of my fin 111 think fhame And not approve. IX. In God I will delight, The fin* T 1 » • • Command - in him reioice. ment. Call on him day and night, With weeping voice. I'll burn with fervent zeal ; Sing fweet as ^Philomel To his praife, I'll not fail With joyful noife. * X. When he beftows on me His precious things ; I'll make my praifes fly On foaring wings. And if his chaft'ning rod On me do make abode ; I'll fee the hand of God, As David fings. XI. With (??i) David I'll be dumb, wtm.^, It is thy hand; e ' Submiffive will I come, At thy command. With Job then will I fay (0) 'Tis thou who takes away, (») jobi.2*. Bleft be thy name for ay, In IJraeh land. M XII. men 99 The Saint" s Recreation XII. Tijcfccond- All Idols I abhor, meat. Thou do ft the fame ; I'41 with my heart adore The third i-pi 1 • command- I hy glorious name. mca« r ^|j w } iere | :) y t j lou art known' Shall be above my own; So fliall thou never frown ; Thou loves this frame* XIII. The fourth I'll keep thy Sabbath well: Command- t-r\\ i * *\ J 1 his is thy day. Thy wonders I will tell. My vows I'll pay. Thy word and facramenr All holy ordinance, With zeal I will advance? This is thy way. XIV. I will no man injure By force or flights Never fliall I endure To wrong his right. His life and fafety, His goods and charTiry, His name advance will I, ona As in thy fight. Jo mending dut fervke to XV. found pripci- Thou promifeft reward pies of faith, rr~* » *hS3j£Heirs fire thou haft prepar'3 V u G To terrify. \ : The Upon the Eft ate of Grace. 91 The firfl: is to allure, The other muft endure All, who are not found pure T' eternity. XVI. I'll not for meer (0) reward * Sent from above 5 Nor yet for hell prepar'd Sin difapprove. Thefe things fhall never be Prime motives unto me ; But I will follow thee, (/>) Out of pure love. XVII. Give me that gracious (^) oyl, I'll run thy way ; Serve without any toil, And never ftray. (r) I'll cheerfully go on, Thro' thy great ftrcngth alone : So that prize fliall be won, At judgment day. XVIII. If I be quite (s) profane, Without all grace $ If Laodiceas frame My heart poiTcfs ; Mi Thoult t*) Job i. r f WiTty.i.fl iq) Oy! of grace, Mat. 2,-. 4. Pui. 119. 32. (r) A third riqu fite 'n Cbriftian : n. ties is cIk- : - fulnels, rti- d nefs i 1 a ',- r cnty, Pot. 1. iCcr. foiwardn 's 01 fervency.. Rev. j.^6, 17.. 19. * *f°P e °^ reward and fear of pmiifhment may be motiva prima, the fi-fl initiating motives to obed'ence, (as human teftimony is to faith) bur they ihould not be tnoti-va primana, the chief motives : but love and fear of G-4 and eyeing his glory, &c. Qderunt peccare £;ni virtutis amre j Oderunt peccare maii for mi dint puna*, .St r.t>n Jit p&npj virtus tatn:n efftt bake&t. 92 The Saint's Recreation (0 c.Pru- Thou'lt never me receive, ££'£** But with the world kave : C retion,whi,h Fervent zeal I muft have excludes, firft ignorance, re- i^Iie llO lOlaCe. mifnefs and prepofterous VTV raflinefs, Pfal. AIX. (« (01 wM deal prudently (^joh.s.o.^ Inperfeftway: p S ter cutting For though I zealous be, off Malchus's -\- t n wr without i et 1 may itray; tt^JSr W As >mr in ignorance, ?°* in ,r\ 0*0 As Teters fword did glance, fence of C.mft z' \ A 1 „ ° (w) Luke 9 . (^j Or he and JV-w advance f&fyllrom When they did pray. heaven. (•*)6.Chriftian yy prudence is a- -*wV« g.inft unfea- j'}} r x } circumftantiate fonable and V ' prepofterous My fharp rebuke : rebukes, Pro*. / - N . riri 1 9.8.Mat. 7 .6. Cjood counlel men as that dence'd^in- In facred book. $!r2fc£ 0) V vi11 . difti . n g uifh wen > aisorftinda. -Twist circumftantial, mentals and a 1 iis. ■• t 1 circumftanti^ And * grounding truth, my zeal, fere^tninp So Will I look. in religion. Rom. 14. YYT (*) 8. Chri. AA1# itian prudence ( z ) External duties betwixt extern Mult give full place ; nr.i duties/'" Mercy not facrifice, SSXe Says love and grace. God too much J cannot too much love, &c y tweak « - 1 f chriftiaw j\or yet too holy prove i m?yrea ?' Weak pray and me- »* CaXW drat-, &c. to tha (ier>ru£r:on of tfc body, * To difijngijift betwixt sftatiali ar.d circumfiantials to «H$foa» Upon the Eft ate of Grace. (a) Weak bodies yet may move Imprudent pace. XXII. (b) All difputes frivolous I will avoid : (<:) Though I were righteous, I'll banifh pride. So prudence with my zeal, Thus will I temper well. And I will with thee dwell, O gracious guide. XXIII. This I take to be mean'd By Solomon ; When in his book he penn'd This caution ; Where men forbiddeth he f Too righteous for to be, But all profanity Hence and be gone. XXIV. So with prepared (d) heart (e) I'll watch and pray ; I'll not from thee depart By night or day. Till my Lord from the fky (f) With troops of aiigels fly {£) Then wo and mifery Shall fly away. * 93 (a) i Tim. 5-. 23-iTim. 4 .g. as in exceiiive reading, faft- ing, &c. {^9-Chriftiaa prudence (hun- neth all frivo- lous and vain iangiings and unneccllary difputes, i Tim. j. 6. -— 6.20. Col. 2 . 8. (f) We Should fhun aJl over- weening and Pharisaical conceit of our fclvcs, Job 9, K. Phil 3.9, Ifa. 64. 6. •j- Ecclef. 7. 16. No advantage here for profane Ruffians, for we are bound to love God with all our hearts, and endeavour after perfection in holinefsj Mmb.22. J7» Macule. Fhil. .3. JJ, (d) A fixth requ trite in dunes is con*- ftancy and pei fev« r.iure in all graces iiia Chrtftian, performances-j ? r d to be dih- ccnt in the ufc of all prefcrib'- ed means, luch as prayer, watchful- nst's, &c. Mat. '-5.4, 10. (e) Mat. 24. 44.-26. 4 i. CHRIt C/)Mat.^S3i, (£) I Cor. 15. j5.Rev.2c. I4, 94 CHRISTIAN Mementos, CHRISTIAN MEMENTOS, MEMORANDUMS, or MEDITATIONS. To be affixed to feveral parts of the houfe, as a help to mortification, watchfulnefs and continual communion with God# Deut. vi. 6, 7, 8, 9, And thefe words which I command thee this day, Jhall be in thy heart. J. And thou fait re- hearfe them continually to thy children, and thou jlmlt talk of them when thou tarriejl in thy houfe , and when thou walkejl by the way, and when thou lief down, and when thou rijefl up. 8. And thou fait bind them for a fign upon thine hand, and they Jhall be as frontlets between thy eyes. 9. And thou fait write them upon the pofs of thine houfe, and upon thy gates. MEMENTO I. A Memento to be affixed by the Door, and to be read before we go abroad about our fectdar employments. I. REmembcr, man, before thou pafs the door, That God hath granted thee another day. He gave thee health and peace the night before, Or, hellifh fiends had catch' d thy foul away. Mare Memorandums, or Meditations. 95 More time thou haft, thy talent to improve; Ev'n for his glory who thy Maker is : Let him then be the object of thy love; And let not tranfient trifles alter this. II. Thou'rt ftepping out into a world of fin, Where Satan file is ftill preparing fnares ; O then beware of his deceitful gin ; Left he by flight furprife thee unawares* No ftate, no calling, fex or age is free : No time, no place, but Satan feeks to ftain. And, ah, alas, too prevalent is he : Watch, watch and pray, that pure thou may'ft remain. III. Let thy God's glory, be thy chiefeft aim; His holy law the rule of all thy way: His faints thy fellows, then I may proclaim, Thou fhalt have peace and fuccefs all the day. But if thou do thy gracious God forget, And with loofe reins thou let thy fancy range, Then wonder not, if G o d thy labours lett : Thou meets a crofs, it is not very ftrange. IV. Thou'ltfee the broad way full of wretches vile, Toiling themfelves their own poor fouls to damn, Not minding death or judgment, heav'n or hell ; Nor yet the end why co the world they came. Some 96 CHRISTIAN Mementos, Some are profane, and locfe, fome bear a fhevr Of godlinefs, without the power of grace : Some hereticks, a vile erroneous crew ; Some with their factions trouble Ziori% peace. V. Some LaodiceanS) neither cold nor hot, They're neither friends, nor yet Christ's open foes: Into fuch ways, I pray thee enter not, And fo thou {halt efcape their dreadful woes. Commit thy way to God, he'll thee direct ; In all thy ways, fee that thou on him call ; And thus a bleflmg thou may'ft then expeft From God Almighty, comforts great and fmall. VI. In thy converfe with men, fee thou be jufl: ; Give thou offence to none by force or fraud. Lofe not thy God for gold, which is but duft: Or Christ in judgment will not thee ap- plaud. Spend all this day, as if thou hadft no more. Be ready always, when the Lord fhall call: Thou fhall be heir of everlafting glore : With joy and peace where Christ is all in all. IL Memorandums, or Meditations. 97 II. A MEDITATION or MEMENTO To be affixed on the Window, THe fun-light's glorious to our mortal eyes, When from the heav'n he doth dlfperfe his rays. If fuch a light the creature doth tranfmit, How glorious then is he who formed it? If heaven's pavement be fo richly deckt, With precious gems ; O what may we expeft In upper rooms, where is the dwelling place Of feraphims and faints ; O great folace ! Light of the word take thou to be thy guide, In light, for ever then thou flialt abide : Where Christ our light, our life, our joy and peace Shall with tranfeendent glory crown thy grace. III. Another MEMENTO or MEDITATION for the Window. T Here's light cethereal, * and there's light ,,^1! by art; J™** There's light of joy and knowledge in the «• Ji**V?«i- , b J J P J. Celcftial, heart: The God of light do thou with heart adore ; And he fhall bring thee to the light of glore. The works of dai knefs do thou ever Bee : And hellifh. darknefs fhall not trouble thee, N IV* 9 3 CHRISTIAN Mementos, IV. A MEMENTO or MEDITATION, to be affixed at the head of the Table. THou may'ft well know by thefe thy frefli fupplies, Thy body's brittle, and at laft it dies. This earthly food doth haftily decay : Seek for that meat, which doth endure for ay, That heavnly Manna which can thee revive, Tho' thou wert dead, and make thee ever live. V. A MEMENTO or MEDITATION tc be affixed on the Mufe or Study-houfe-door. Amice quijquis hue vents, Ant agiio panels, ant abi, Ant me laborantem adjuva. ("^ Ood friend, whene'er thou comes to me J Do not thy words then multiply ; But help my work, if that thou may ; Or elfe be gone and polt away. Our life is fhort, our work is great, Of our abode we have no date; Great need have we to watch and pray, And fix us for the latter day. VL Memorandums, or Meditations. 09 VI. A MEMENTO or MEDITATION For the Chimney. I F thou wouldft fhun the fire of hell : Then, feek the godly fire of* zeal * But let your zeal be attended with knowledge, V lit prudence and moderation. A MEMENTO To be affixed on the Bed, for nocturnal Medi- tations. I. THy bed's an emblem of the grave, Thy fleep refembles death : The bed-cloths like thy winding-fheet, When God doth cut thy breath. Thy lying down's interring like ; The darknefs like the fhade Of fepulchres, and fo the worms Like fleas about thy bed. II. The midnight's like fecureft times, Before the latter day; When mortals fhall increafe their fins, And zeal doth quite decay. Cock-crowing's like the trumpet's found, Which all the world fhall hear ; When faith on earth fhall fcarce be found, Then, judgment draweth near. N 2 III. ioo CHRISTIAN Mementos, &c. III. The dawning or the morning fky, Is like thofc lightfom figns, When Chnft our King is drawing nigh, Mai,*,*, With healing in his w T ings. The riling fun is like that time, When Chnft the King of glore, Shalj come with all his glorious train, And time fhall be no more. IV. Who (hall the godly then folace, And free them of their pains, And give them pleafure, joy and peace a Which evermore remains. But thofe who dally with their fins, And do God's law defpife, Their wo and torment then begins, They did not mercy prize. V. Then, enter not into thy bed, Let not thy foul take reft ; Till that with God thy peace be made: This is thy only beft. This night may be to thee the laft, Mind, mind mortality. Thy lleep may, ere the night be paft, With death continued be* PO- [ ioi ] POEMS ON SEVERAL DIVINE SUBJECTS. I. HOLY DREAD CAN I in truth believe a God to be, Without adoring his dread majefty ■ Reigns he exalted with almighty fway, And ftall I fearlefs be to difobey ? Tho' fenfe of danger did me not controul, A more ingenious force would move my foul ; And make me tremble to be bafe, tho' I Might be audacious with impunity. A parent's frown I never could fuftain ; A friend's difpleafure ever gives me pain ; Tow'rds God, then fhall I more effronted prove, Outbrave his terrors, flight hrs deareft love, 7 And, by a fenfelefs, daring licence, fhow, I neither gratitude, nor rev'rence know ? No no, my God, the mighty dread of thee Maintain'd and cherifh'd in my breaft fliall be : Collected round my heart, I'll keep it there An antidote againlt all other fear. Such fhining prints of excellence difplay'd Arc feen in all the works which thou haft made, That look I upward, downward, or around, I can't but thee regar4 with dread profound i But 102 T EMS on fever al But when, thy great perfections to defcry, I dart my thought beyond the vaulted fky; When midft celeftial hofts myfelf I place, To view the radiant glories of thy face, Ah ! how I faint, and fink beneath the weight Of daunting Majefty, and dazling light! And yet my mofl: affecting dread of thee Still is, my God, from perturbation free: It bends my fpirit with a pleafant load ! Ev'n heav'n would not be heav'n without the dread of God. II. HOPE. L HOPE is the bread:, by which fuftain'd I was in my firft tender years : Hope is the ftaff on which I lean'd, When firft I trode the path of cares. II. A daring infant, then a man, By hope made bold, with open eyes I ventur'd, and life's gantlop ran, And yet I'm fav'd to my furprize. III. Hope is to me a fun and fhield. Light and protection to me brings : When troops of danger fill the field, Hope to furmount them gives me wings. IV. DIVINE SUBJECTS. 103 IV. Hope is the chariot of my foul, In which, with lofty port, (he rides ; Up-hill her wheels as fwiftly roll, As down the torrent's rapid tides. ■ V. Yea, hope can mount above the fkies, And travel o'er the fields of blifs, And as fhe cafts all round her eyes, Say, Soul admire ! thy kingdom this ! VI. My daily food hope ftill has been, Each morning's manna frefh and good : , On hope I live, they little ken, Who fay that hope is airy food: VII. But hope I mean in God alone, For he the weight of hope can bear ; When other props we craft, they're gone, And we fink with them in defpair. VIII. Hope fix'd on Jesus and his grace, Jesus my never failing friend. Who holds the chain of promifes, And bids my hope on them depend. IX. O God, my God, the hope, and guide, Both of my youth and riper years, In thee I have, and will confide, Till hope me to fruition bears. III. 104 TO EMS on feveral III. CHRIST All in All. I. JESUS is my life and foul ; Jesus fills my heart with joy; Tides of pleafure through me roll, Love all my paffions does controul, If thoughts of Jefus me employ. II. Jp.sus darts his heav'nly rays Through my glad heart to give me light : If Jesus his fvveet face difplays, I'm bleft a thoufand namelefs ways; My heav'n I find in Jefus 1 fight in. Jesus is my dear fupport, When in diftrefs I humbl'd ly; With joys of the divined: fort Je/'iis does my foul comfort; Jefus raifes me on high. IV. Jesus by his facred beams , My black'ned foul makes white as fnow, I'm wafh'd, however odd it feems, My J ejus, by thofe purple ftreams Which gaining from thy fides did flow. V. Jesus did my peace procure, My peace maintain dear Jefus fhall, Jefus all my woes does cure ; Of heav'n my Jefus makes me fure ; Je/us is my All in All. IV. DIVINE SUBJECTS. ioj IV. Chrift the Subftance of the Levitical Triejihood. I. THE true MeJJiah now appears, The types are all withdrawn : So fly the fhadows and the ftars Before the rifing dawn. II. No fmoaking fweets, nor bleeding lambs, Nor kid, nor bullock flain ; Incenfe and fpice of coftly names Would all be burnt in vain. III. Aaron muft lay his robes away, His mitre and his veft, When God himfelf comes down to be The off'ring and the prieft. IV. He took our mortal flefh, to fhow The wonders of his love ; For us he paid his life below, And prays for us above. V. Father •, 4 he cries, forgive their fin^ For I myfelf have dyd; And then he fhows his open'd veins 3 And pleads his wounded fide. O V. iq6 TO EMS on fever al V. Godly, for row arlfing from the fujfe rings of Chrift. I. ALAS ! and did my Saviour bleed ! And did my Sov'reign die ? Would he devote that facred head For fuch a worm as I ? II. Thy body flain, fweet Jefts, thine, And bath'd in its own blood, While all expos' d to wrath divine, The glorious fufferer ftood ! III. Was it for crimes that I had done He groan'd upon the tree J Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! IV. Well might the fun in darknefs hide. And fhut his glories in, When God the mighty Maker dy'd For man the creature's fin. V. Thus might I hide my blufhing face While his dear crofs appears, DiiTolve my heart in thankfulnefs, And melt my eyes to tears. . DIVINE SUBJECTS. 107 VI. But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myfelf away, 'Tis all that I can do. VL RELIGIOUS DILIGENCE. WHat! flothful when your All's at ftakc When heav'n's the p rize you lofe or gain, ? What ! for one pleafant moment's fake The hazard run of endlefs pain ! Roufe, roufe my foul, thy pow'rs unite And bend them in the enterprize : Who conquer would, they firft muft fight; The road to heav'a is fteep and ftrait, Thorny, and up the hill it lies. II. On earth no paradife there's now, No rich, luxuriant, teeming foil, Where all things needful for us grow, Without our care, without our toil. Man's doom'd his daily bread to eat With ard'ous labour, painful ftrife, Nor muft he hope, nor is it meet, That without labour, without fvveat, He fhould obtain the bread of life. III. Heav'n is from us a diftant clime, And difficult our journey thither; Short 108 TO EMS on fever al Short and uncertain is our time, And rough the way, and rough the weather. One day in cradle, next in tomb ; What need we have to run, to fly, That tp our everlafting home We fafe and timeoufly may come, Before the dark'ning of our Iky? IV. What! fhall we think a heav'n of joys. Shall proftituted be to fuch Who value them lefs than the toys Which now they labour for fo much ? Shall yawning wifhes, faint effays, Be thought enough to merit blifs? Who e'er by fuch unlikely ways, His fortunes here propos'd to raife, And fhall a heav'n be got for lefs i V. Religion is a work of time, Of ard'ous labour, clofe purfuit; The tree of life we firft muft clime, Before we eat the pleafant fruit : For fince perfection is attain'd By rifing fteps, and growing grace, Hold faft we muft, what we have gain'd, In vie\v of the exalted end, And daily, hourly, mend our pace. VI. Immortal made, what fhould w r e hiind So much as immortality? Of beings, for a heav'n defign'd, What but a heav'n the care fhould be ? Roufe, DIVINE SUBJECTS. 109 Roufe, roufe, my foul, thy moments fly, Time bears thee on its wings away, Awful eternity is nigh ! Thy tafk purfue, th 7 occafion ply, Oh ! great's the lofs but of a day. VII. The Short nefs and Mifery of Life. I. OU R days, alas ! our mortal days, Are fhort and wretched too ; Evil and few *, the Patriarch fays Gen. 49. 9. And well the Patriarch knew. II. 'Tis but at beft a narrow bound That heav'n allows to men, And pains and fins run thro' the round Of threefcore years and ten. III. Well, if ye muft be fad and few, Run on, my days, in hafte ; Moments of fin, and months of woe, Ye cannot fly too fail. IV. Let heav'nly love prepare my foul, And call her to the fkies, Where years of long falvation roll, And glory never dies. VIII. no TO EMS on feveral VIII. The Law and Go/pel diftinguiflied. I. THe law commands, and makes us know What duties to our God we owe ; But 'tis the gofpel muft reveal Where lies our ftrength to do his will. II. The law difcovers guilt and fin, And fhews how vile our hearts have been ; Only the gofpel can exprefs Forgiving love, and cleanfing grace. III. What curfes doth the law denounce Againft the man that fails but once? But in the gofpel Chrifi appears, Pard'ning the guilt of num'rous years. IV. My foul, no more attempt to draw Thy life and comfort from the law; Fly to the hope the gofpel gives : The man that truft-s the promife lives. IX. DIVINE SUBJECTS. m IX. Moses, Aaron, and Joshua. I. ,r ir IS not the law often commands, X On holy Sinai given, Or fent to man by Mofes 1 hands, Can bring us fafe to heav'n. II. 'Tis not the blood which Aaron fpilt, Nor fmoak of fweeteft fmell, Can buy a pardon for our guilt, Or fave our fouls from hell. III. Aaron the prieft refigns his breath, At God's immediate will ; And in the defart yields to death Upon th' appointed hill. IV. And thus, on Jordan % yonder fide The tribes of Ifrael ftand, While Mofes bow'd his head and dy'd Short of the promis'd land V. Ifrel rejoice, now * Joftma leads, He'll bring your tribes to reft ; So far the Saviour s name exceeds The ruler and the prieft. • Jofhua the fame with Jefus, and Ggaifies. a Saviour. ii2 TO EMS on feveral God glorified in the GoJpeL I. TH E Lord, defcending from above, Invites his children near ; While pow'r and truth, and boundlefs love Difplay their glories here. IL Here, in thy gofpel's wond'rous frame Frefh wifdom we purfue ; A thoufand angels learn thy name Beyond whate'er they know. III. Thy name is writ in faireft lines, Thy wonders here we trace: Wifdom thro' all the myft'ry fhines, And fhines in Jefui face. IV. The law its beft obedience owes To our incarnate God ; And thy revenging juftice fhows Its honours in his blood. V. But ftill the luftre of thy grace Our warmer thoughts employs, Gilds the whole fcene with brighter rays, And more exalts our joys. XL DIVINE SUBJECTS 113 XL Miracles in the Life, Death, and Rejurreflion ^/Chrift. I. BEhold, the blind their fight receive ! Behold, the dead awake, and live ! The dumb fpeak wonders, and the lame Leap like the hart, and blefs his name! II. Thus doth th' eternal Spirit own And feal the million of his fon ; The father vindicates his caufe, While he hangs bleeding on the crofs, III. He dies; the heav'ns in mourning flood ; He fifes, and appears a God : Behold the Lord afcending high, No more to bleed, no more to die ! ~ IV. Hence and for ever from my heart I bid my doubts and fears depart ; And to thofe hands my foul refign, Which bear credentials fo divine. XII. Sight through a Glafs, and Face to Face, I. I Love the windows of thy grace Thro' which my Lord is feen, And long to meet^ny Saviour's face Without a glafs between. P Tt ii4 TO EMS m feveral II. Oh, that the happy hour were come, To change my faith to fight ! I fhali behold my Lord at home In a diviner light. III. Hade, my Beloved, and remove Theie interpofing days; Then fhail my paffions all be love, And all my pov/rs be praife. XIIL The Deceltfulnefs of Sin. I. SIN has a thoufand treach'rous Arts To pra&ife on the mind ; With fiatt'ring looks (he tempts our hearts, But leaves a fting behind. II. With names of virtue fhe deceives The aged and the young; And while the heedlefs wretch believes, She makes his fetters ftrong. III. She pleads for all the joys fhe brings, And gives a fair pretence ; But cheats the foul of heav'nly things, And chains it down to fenfe. IV. So on a tree divinely fair Grew the forbidden food ; Our mother took the poifon there, And tainted all her blood. XIV. DIVINE SUBJECTS. nj XIV. The Death of the Righteous. P Anting the good Theophilus did ly, Long time prepaid, and willing now to dy ; When, with a heav'nly brightnefs in his face. The filent triumph of his finifh'd race, He to his mourning friends his fpeech addrefs'd, And thus difclofs'd the raptures of his breaft ; " Kind, but miftaken, —grieve no more for me, c< Nor mourn the day, which I rejoice to fee. " Can you remaining on the fhore bewail, " That to a crown, tho' leaving you, I fail ? " Should tears unfecmly cloud one's nuptial " day, " Becaufe the bridegroom takes his bride away ? " Is this your kindnefs ?-would to God ye knew " What glorious fcenes now open to my \ iew ! " Immanuel's fair land, by its own light 4< Difcover'd, nor far diftant, charms my fight: " Thither to wing her flight my foul prepares, " Farewell all earthly joys, all earthly cares; " Farewell my friends, nor grudge that now " we part ; 14 Immortal pleafures rufh into my heart ! " I fink, I faint beneath the blifsful load ! , " I die, like Mofes, by the * kifs of God I " Dear Saviour, iffuch pledges nowaregiv'n, 14 Qh! what (hall be my everlafting heav'n!" XV, * *Ti$ a faying of the Jews on Ueut. xxxiv. ;. that Mofes died by the kifs of Cod, n6 TOE M S 7 &c. XV. A Death-bed Ejaculation. TJEyond mortality, my faith Defcries a glorious fcene, Where, ever new, and rapt'rous joye , My foul fhall entertain. A deep, and rapid ftream divides : Death is the name it bears ; But o'er it, Christ has laid a bridge For heav'nly paflTengers. O glorious city of my God, Which ftands on yonder fhore: My heart within me leaps, for joy To think of paffing o'er : O'er to the new Jerufalem, Where I with Christ may dwell; And ever hear his own dear lips His own dear ftory tell. Where, in his prefence, I fhall find The heav'n that I defire ; And the fweet glories of his face Eternally admire. Come welcome death, dilTolve the bands That hold me here from home. Come angels, come celeftial guard, Come Jesus, quickly come. ^ FINIS. C% ; N^v m ,:'■■ > . ,. -/ , V., ; , ^ .', ws vim km -, i i *s i|p5|,^;p ^ /'• V mm mm i k* •i •■ V VC'V v^:|w «S« tea sWSa^-o r l^'s. ". ^^