FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Q Section K * ° *— 00 o a CO —■ OJ ox *-* c c o • £ m a g 6 '35 -3 crt § P 9 Q;a 3 3 ** i >— > en i : B 3 L, £ X XQ. 246, WATER-STREET, H£W*£ORK> J. 800. 1-4-4-4- .f- 4-4-4-4-4-4-*- -*-fr-*-*^-fr-4-4--*-r-*-4»-J. DIVINE HY MNS, &c.' H Y M N i. A Son* of pralfci NOW In a fong of grateful praife, To my dear Lord my voice I'll :: With all the fa; ... 2 All worlds hia >nfefo, his works expfefs 3 r c what tongue can tell, My Jefua has done all things well. 3 How fov'reign, merciful and free. Has been his love to finfnl me ! He pluck'd me from the jaws of hi I efus lias done ail tilings '.veil. 4 I fpurn'd bis grace, I broke h is laws. And then he undertook my caufe ; To fave me though I did rebf 1, My Jefus has done all things well. 5 And finr Jove, What blef.~. rove ! Mercy which dc eel, My J . . ■ 6 Whene'er my S 4 DIVINE HYMNS, OR I know in all that has befel, My J.efus has done all things welj- 7 TV. i fl ■ fiery ciart:, Attempt their level at my heart ; With this 1 all my rage repel — My Jtuis has done ail things well. 8 Sg the Lord his face doth hide, To make me pray, and kill my Yet on my heart it ft ill doth dwell, • Jei'ua has done all things 9 Soon I this vale of death, . . . ath : Yet then a foul (hall tell, well. And when to thofe bright worlds I rile. the anthem with the flcies ; le reft, this note fhall fwell, My Jefus has done all things well. H Y M N 2. list the Apfpktree, lift my foul liath Teen, h fruit and always greet)*, ature fruitlefs be, . Chriil the a; 11 things excel, know, but ne'er can tell fi i now can [< letree. have fought, . ght j SPfKiftfKt SONGS, I mifs'd of all, but now I 3 Twas found in Chriit the appk'tree. 4 I'm wearied with my former toil, Here I will fet and t r the fhadow I will be Of Jefus Chrift the zp-.:c::;c. 5 With great delight I make my 9 There's m foul away j 3 of men I fee, .'s none like Chriit the appktree. It cheers my £< .. v ", . me, . the appletree. live ; 3, The gc :■ ; 1 From laud tc : to fea : And as I preach from place to pV I'll trufl: alone in God :ice> : and union dear J Like ftnV. about Biy :ft piay'r, more to narfe-**" q DIVINE' HYMN S, Till we dial! meet in worlds abc :led in eterr>al \ov:. 3 Farewell my earthly friends belo Tho' all fo kind and dear to me ; My Jefus calls and I muft go, To iound the gofpel jubilee. To found the joys and bear the To Gentile worlds and royal Jews. 4 Farewell ye people one and all : lie God mail grant me breath to bre I'll pray to the eternal all, That your dear fouls in Chrift rr: "' • . your dear fouls prepared may To reign in blifs eternal y. g Farewell to all below the f I pafs in tears below, jjjait my feet (hall ru keep me as I g-dUr keep me in his hand, Arid bring me to the promis'u land. 6 FateweH, farewell ! Hook above; jefus, my friend, to thee 1 call : : :,jjj my crown, my only love, My fafeguard here, my heavenly all . e to preach, my fong to ling, joy till death. Amen. H Y M N 4. t Savior's Merit, ► R, I do feel thy merit, redeeming I r troubled SPIRITUAL S0NGS. 1 am happy, While in thy dear arms I lie : Sin nor Satan cannot hurt me, . To nigh"; 2 Glory, glory, glory, glory, Glory be to God on high, Sing fiis pra; the (ky ; Glory to the Father give, Glory, glory, >ry, Sing his praiie^a 1 ! that iive ! 3 New I'll flng- my Savior's merit— „ Tell the world ear name, if any want his fpirit, He is dill the very fame. He that afketh fooa receiveth, He that feeka is fure to find : "oe'er on him believeth, He will never cad behind. 4 Now our advocate is pleading ■ h his father and our Goa : And for us is interce ' As the purchafe of his bIo©<3. • Now me thinks I hear him prayin . " Father! Save them— I have died >, :) And the Father anfwers, fay: <% They are freely justified." 5 Soon we hope to fin* more i^zzily, At tl^a Lamb, » btide is Irel i complete Fit to celebrate the fame ; All our I DIVINE HYMNS, O And in fvveet melodious finging, Loud Hi all echo thro* the iky. 6 Glory, honor and thankfgiving, Be unto the Lord our king ; O ! let every creature living, The Redeemer's praifes ting- Alieiujah ! Allelujah ! Now the Lord Jehovah reigns s /Jlelujah ! Allelujah ! Sing his praife in higheft drains. HYMN 5. The Hiding Place. vIL foyereign love, that firfc began The fcheme to refcue fallen man 5 bail, tnatchlefs free eternal grace, ^ave my foul a lading place. the God that'built the fky, I fought with hands uplifted high ; Defpis'd the manfions of his grace, Top proud to feek a hiding place, 3 En wrapt in daik Egyptian night, fond of darknefs more than lights ' / I ran the finfel race, Secure without a hiding place. the eternal council ran, Almighty love arrefts the man ; I felt the arrows of diftrefs, And found I had no hiding place, 5 Vindiciive juftice flood m vkw 3 To Sioiu-s fiery mount I flew ; SPIRITUAL SONGS. Q .- crv'.l irith fr i vnin » face, Tin's mountain is r.o hiding place ! ' :t lo ! a heiv'niy voice I hear ", Ard mercy's an . ppear'd : }ie led me on a pleating pace, To Jcfus Chrtft my hiding prace ! 7 Should itv'n fold florins of vengeance And (hake this globe from pole to ; No thunder-boh (hall daunt my face, While Jefu* is my liiding place 5 8 On him almighty vengeance :;i elfe had funk a world to hell ; He bare it for ]\:z ace, And thus becd ; place ! . thou fun, in r»] I bring me ift, ov'rei - Y M N 6. Th - Soldier. hope of perfect It ! . ; ; •lakes m.^ lents feall 2 The rfue, 2 ^O DIVINE HYMNS, ..or, wealth an J pleafures mcai t 1 neither have nor want. king on earth I call my own, r, to the world unknown 5 heir goods del'pife, I trample on their whole delight, . a country out of fight ; A country in the ikies ; 4 There is my 'houfe and portion fair^ My treafure and my heart are there ; A tid my abiding home ; I ■ me 1 - elder brethren ft A nd angels beckon me away, And Jefus bids me come. come, thy fervant, Lord, replies, I come to meet thee in the flcies, And claim my heavenly reft ; ;V-v let the pilgrim's journey end 9 , O my Savior, brother, friend. Receive me to thy breaft. TTtrf3B»^ HYMN 7. Tilyjlenes to be explained hereafter. John iiii. 7. RE AT God ! thy providence, thy ways i„JT Are hid from mortal fight ; Wrapt in impenetrable made, Or cloth'd with dazzling light. 3 The wondrous methods of thy grace| Evade the human eye ; . i^rer we attempt t\. , father off they fty* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 12 a Put in the world of blifs above, Where thou doft ever reign, Thefe myft'ries fhall be all unveil ? d And not a doubt remain. .4 The fun of righteoufnefs mall there His brighteft beams difplay, And not a hovering cloud obfeure That never-ending day. H Y M N 8- A warning to fmners to fee from the wrath tf come, HEN pity promps me to l©ok round Upon this fellow clay : See men reject the Gofpel found, Good God ! what fhall I fay ? 2 My bowels yearn for dying men 3 Doom'd to eternal wee ; Fain would I fpeak, but 'tis in vainj if God does not {peak loo. 3 O ! tinners, fmners, won't you hear ? When in God's name I come ! Upon your peril don't forbear, Left hell mould be your doc 4 Now is the time, the accepted hour, O ! finner come away ; The Saviour *i knocking at your door, Arife without deiay #J j O don't refufe to give him toom, Left mercy mould withdraw : JHe'll then in robes cf vengeance co:nr To ate his Iavr» 12 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 6 Then where, peer mortals, v\ ill you be, If deftitute of grace, When you your injured judge fhall fee, And ftand before his face ? 7 O ! could you fnun that dreadful fight, How would you wifh to fly To the dark fhades of endlefs night, From that all-fearching eye ? 8 But death and hell mud then give up Their deed, who will appear At the laft trumpet's awful found, Their endlefs doom to hear. 9 No, yearning -bowels — pity then Shall not affect my heart j No, I fhall furely fay amen, When Chrift bids you depart. to Let nor thefe warnings be in vain, But lend a liftening ear; J^eft you mould meet them all again # When wrapt in keen difpufr H Y M N 9. The Soldier cf the Crofi. Mia fcldier of the crofs, % A follower of the Lamb ? Why fi ould I fear to own his caufe, Or blufh to fpeak his name ? 2 Are there no foes for me to face 5 • ot ftem the flood ? Is th;H vair world a friend to gracCj help us unto Goo* ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. I3 3 Should I be carry 'd to the fkies, On flow'ry beds of eafe, While others fight to win the prize, And fail thro' bloody feas* 4 Yes I mu ft fight if I would reign, Increafe my courage, Lord, To bear thecrofs, incnre the fhame, Supported by thy word. 5 The faints all in this glorious war a Shall conquer tho' they die ; They fee the triumph from afar, And feize it with their eye, ® When that illuftrfous cay mail rife. And all their armies fhine, With robes of vi&'ry thro' the fkies, The glory fhall be thine. HYMN 10. The Grace of God ; or Divine Ccndefcenjioti* WHEN the Eternal bowra the ikies, To vifit earth"; Wit!) fcorn divfne he turns his eye*. From tower: of haughty kings : 9. He bids his . Far downward from the ikies, To v:fit every humble foul, With pleafarc i ! ould the Icr<3 that reigns above, . tin fo loft . B 14 DIVINE HYMNS, OR Say Lord, and why fuc.h looks of love, Uf on fuch worth Jefs things ? 4 Mf rtals be dumb ; what creature darf| Difpute h;.' awful v.iii ? Afk n© account ejf his • ffairs, Bur trfmble and be ftilL 5 J lid: like his nature is hie grace, . ii fov'rign and al! free ; Gieat God how fearchlefs sr? thy ways ! How deep thy judgments be ! H Y M N ii. The Juflice and Gocdnefs of Go P. GREAT God my maker and my kir.?- 9 Of thee I'll fpeak, of thee I'll ting? All thou hail done and all thou doft, Declare thee good, proclaim thee juft. 2 Thy ancient thoughts and firm decree*. Thy ihrcalnings and thy prcmifes, Joys of heaven, the frains of hell* What angels taftc, what devils feci, 3 Tl y terrors and thine a$ o^grace, Thy threatening rod, and fmiliog face* Thy wounding and thy healing word, A world undone, a world rtfloi'd, 4 While thefe excite thy fear and joy ; !e thefe my tuneful lips employ ; Accept G Loid, the huml k fong, The tribute of a trembling tongue, ;;al sc: M Y M N 12. An £r. rim \t 'HE riay ia p it. The evening (hades appear j O miy we all rem mber well, The night of death draws ri< 2 We lay otfr garments by, Upon our beds to reft ; So death fhall f^on all, Of what we here pofTcfs. 3 Lord, ke-fp u; fafe t li : 3 night, Secure from a ! ! out fears ; May angels guard us while we (be;, Till morning light appears. 4 And when we early rife, And view the unweary'd fun, May we fet out to win the prize? And after j^lorv run. 5 And when our days are paflf, And we from time remove, O may we m thy b>ff m rrft, The bofom of thy love. H Y M N 15. y^ Hymn for Young Co . ETHINKS I heat His pleafant voice doth fay, » { From tents of eafe, and fin, arid thrallj <: My fair one, corn: l6 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 2 God's fpfrit doth his faints adorn, Like cluiters on the vine ; O ! 'tis a bright and glorious morn, To fee their graces (nine. 3 Dear Savior, here I panting lie, And long to fee thy face ; Lord ! I pray do not deny A vifit of thy grace 4 Pear Savior come, fweet Jeftf3 comej- I I -rig- io hear thy voice ; Jefus ride or., thy power affume, And make thy faints rejoice. 5 How long fh'ill that bright hour delay, When will my Lotd appear ? 1 long to fee that happy day, When J — us will draw near, 6 O ! how I l>ng to take my flight, My foul is on the wing ; I long to fee my heart's delight, And be with Chrift rr.y king. 7 Moft gracious king, I love thy n?mc, I long for to adore, I long to found thy gracious fame, a the blifsful more. 8 Then let my foul abforbed be, While God doth me lurround, As a frnall drop in the vaft fea Is loft and can't be found. 9 I long thy coming to behold, Then (hall thy faints adore ; spiritual so:;c s. £fy ardent wifhes can't be toIJ , So I can fay no more. H Y M N i.u Tbe Heavenly Jerufakv^ JERUSALEM, my happy borne, J O how 1 long for thee ! n will my forrows have an end ? Thy joys when (hall I fee ? 2 Thy walls are all of precious (lone, Mull glorious to behold ; Thy gates are richly fit with pea I, 1 by itreets are p ; . old. 3 Thy garden and thy pleafant gn Though comely long have be Through darkning light, by ... 1 . .5 never yet been feen. 4 If heaven be thus glorious, L Why mould I fly from thence ? What folly 'tis that 1 mould dread To die and go from hence ! 5 Reach down, reach down thine arm And caufe me to afcend, Where congregation' ne'er breaks up, And fabbaths never end, 6 Jefua my love to glory's g^nc, Him will I go and fee, And all my brethren heie belov. Willfoon ccrr.e after me. 1 8 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 7 My friends, I bid you all adieu, I leave you in God's care : And if I never more fee vou, Go on, I'll meet you there. 8 There we ftiall meet, and no more part, And heav'n (ha!! ring with praife, While jefus* love on every heart, Shall tune the fong free grace, -) Millions of years around may run, Our fong mall Mill go on ; To praife the Father and the Son, And Spirit, three in our. jo When we've hern there ten thoufand years. Bright mining as the fun, We've no lefs nays to (trvc our Gc-d, 1'han when we firft begi un. H Y M N 15. The Heaven 'y Lover, TlfE dies the Heavenly lover dies, JL JL The tidings frrike a doleful found', On my poor heart -firings deep he lies, In the cold caverns of the ground* 2 Come faint? and drop a tear or two On the dear bofom of your God, He flbed a thoufand drops for yon, A thoufand drops of richer blood ! 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree. The Lord of glory dies for man S But lo ! what fudden joys I fee, Jcfusthe dead revives ag*in ! SPIRITUAL SONGS, 1 9 a. The rifing G>J for fakes his tomb, Up to his father's court he fiics ; Cherubic legions guard him home. And fhout him welcome to the ikies, HYMN 16. The Freenefs of the Go/pel. HOW free and boundlefs is the grace Of our redeeming God, Extending to the Greek and Jew, And men of every blood ! 2 The mightivft king and meaneit flave 3 May his rich mercy tafte ; He bids the btg^sr and the prince, Unto the gofpel feaft. 3 X^near= ex hided thence, bat t!iofc > Who do them". Ives exclude ; Welcome the learned and polite, The ignorant and rude. 4 Come then ye men of every nsme. Of every rank and tongue ; Whit you are willing to receive, Dolh unto you belong. II Y M N 17. Christ** Tnvlt ation, COME brethren and (liters that love my deatt Lord, I pray give attention and ear to my word ; What a wonder of mercies behold now I fee, What a tender, Savior has done for poor me. HO DIVINE HVLUS, % I was led by the devil ttil 1 >ft ■ i 1 X ', fVJ, I tho't chat in torfti'ins I Cyyn fh >uld be call, No peace to the wicked^ bin i n'fery, Till by faith Haw Jtfus hang . for naci 3 Oh finner, faid J fus, For you I have dy'd, 'AH glory to Jcfus my foul then reply'd : The guilt was rcirov'd my foul did rejoice, The blood was applied, the witnefs and voice: 4. On my low bending knees before God I did fall ? All glory to J-'-fus for he's all in all ; The heart of his rebel was bnrfted in tv A fight of Chriil Jefuson Calvary {lain. 5 There was peace now in heaven and upo* earth, The angds rejoice at a poor firmer'- . /our fins are forgiven, my Savior did fay, Oh ! witnefs, kind heaven, on this my birth -day'. 6 My foul it was humbled, 1 fell to the giofi 3 rime of refraining at length I have found, Oh Lord thou haft ravifrYd my foul with thy charms, Let nae die like Simeon with Chrift in my arms* HYMN 18. Chr'ijTian under darhnefs, HOW tedious and tafllefs the hours, When Jefus no longer I fee ; kweet profpe&s, fweet birds and fwcet flcw ; rc, Have loft z)\ their fweetnels to me. 3- The mild fummer fun mine but dim, Ths field* Uriye in vain to look gay s SPIRITUAL SONGS, SI But wh^n lam happy in him, December is pleafani as May, 3 His name yields the rfcheft perfume, And fw.eter than mufic his voice ; His prefence difp*erfes my gloom : And rmk^s ail within me rejoice.- 4 I always frnuM view him thus nigh, Have nothing to wifh or to fear : No monarch fo happy as I, My fu miner would la Pi all' the year, 5 Content with beholding has face, My all to hfs pleafure refign ; No changes of feafons or place Would make an/ change in my mind; 6 Wnile bled with the fenfe of his love, A palace of joy would appear, And prifons would palaces prove If jefiii would dwell with me there, 7 Lord if I indeed now am thine, And hou art my fun and my fong, Say way do I ianguifh and pise. And why id my winter fo lo- 8 O inve >hofe dark clouds from ihe iky } Thy foul cheering prcfence reltore, Or take me unto iliee on high, Where winter and clouds are no more. HYMN 19, The peace of a young Chriftlan's life and dea; LLS T door of bl if% to weary faints, Thou art, grira Death, become 5 DIVINE HYMNS, CT, Sccur'd as in a cabinet, Their dull is in th? tomb. 2 By death they enter on thofe joys Prepar'd for them above ; There they are ever iwalio wed up In endlefs life and love. 3 Lo ! there they fee as they are fcen,* With clear unclouded views : And here J hey hear of nothing elfe But joyful glorious news. 4 Anthem 1 ? of joy and praife are there, With hallelujahs fang : Who would be fond oi this vain world, This dfofs, this dirt, th 3 dung ? 5 The faints forever do beheld Their deareft Jcfus* face ; There always they admiring are Eternal boundlef? grace. 6 They're in the houfe not madf with I In heaven eternally They dwell, and with the rays of Chrifl They fliine moil glorioufly. 7 They're freed from labor, forrow, f.B,. From cumbrance, peril, pain : Then we (ball find what'er we did For Chriil, was not in vain. 8 Now HearVs work is her&'beguri^ The work of finging praife, The work and will of God in Chrifl 5 Which thftfl will laft always. SPIRITUAL SONGS. H Y M N 20. The Weary Travelltr. CtEail ye wear/ traveller*, Now let u&jc ; 't andfing The evtrlafting praifes Of Jefvis our great king. e had a .eclious journey, An I tirefome 'tis true ; But fee how m-ny dangers The Lord has brought ui through , 2 At fir ft when Jefus found us, He cailM us unto him, And pointed on; the danger Of falling into fin. The world, the fleuS, and Satan, Would prove a fatal fnare, Unlefs we did rejedt them xjy faith and humb-e pray'r, 3 But by our difobedience. With fo r ro w w e c o V/r have had long to wander, In a dark wiidernefs ; "Where we might long have feinted; In that enchanted ground) But now and then a duller Of pleafant grapes we fount), 4 The pleafant fruits of Canaan, Give life, and joy, and pe?ce, Revive our d- ooping fpirits, 1 ! >ve and ftrength increafe, :onfef« our Lord and matter, And run at hi ind, haften on our .'■/•: £4 DIVINE HYMNS, OU 5 With faith, ard hope, and patience, We're made for to rejoice ; And Jvius and his people Foreyei art our cfioicc^ In peace and tonfolation Wc now au going on, The pleating wgy to Canaan, Where Jeius Chrill is gone. 6 Sinners, why (land you idle, While we do march along ? Has coufcience never told y f, u, That you are going wrong, P»*n the btoad road to darknefsj To bear an endltfs curfe ! Fcrfake your ways of finning, And come and go wiih us. 7 But {( you will refufe it, We bid you all farewell ; We're on the load to Canaan^ And you the road to hell ; We're forry for to leave yon, We'diaiher you would £ ; Ccrnc, try a bleeding Savior, And lee the waitrt flow. 8 Now »o the king immortal Be everlafting praiie, For \n his no'y fervice We long to IpL-nd our days, ve an iv ■ at Cai I Uial world al ove, t vt rl: lling wonder, To praiie redeeming love. SPIRITUAL SONGS- 2£ H Y M N 21. The Enjoyments of Heaven. THINE earthly fabbaths, Lord, we love, But there's a nobler reft above ; To that cur laboring fouls afpire, With ardent pangs of ftrong defire, 2 No more fatigue,, no more diflrefs, Nor fin, nor hell ihail reach the place j No groans to mingle with thefongs Which warble frem immortal tongues* 3 No rude alarms of raging foes ; No cares to break our long repefej No midnight (hade, no clouded fun ?( lir.t facred light, eternal noon. II Y M N 22. A Morning Hynm* NOW the (hades of night are gone, N o\v the morning light is cone, Lord we would be thine to-day, Drive the (hade oi Cm away. lake our fouls ss noon-day clear s (h every doubt and fear ; In thy vineyard Lord to-day We would )ahor, we would pray, ep our haughty p.incuo bound, * up and iittirig denvu, ■ ng out and in, • u.3 iafe from every C £5 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 4 When our work of life is patf, O ! receive us then at laft ; Xsbor then will all he o'er, Night of f;n will be no more. HYMN 23. A Hymn for Bapltfm. COME ye redeemed cf the Lord, Come and obey his facred word ; He dy'd and rofe again for you, What more could the redeemer do \ 2 We to this place come to (how ', What we to boundlei's mercy ewe 5 The Savior's footiteps to explore, And tread the path he trod before. 3 Eternal fpirit, heavenly dove, On thefe baplifmal waters move ; That we through energy divine, '..:/. .: the fubftanqe with the fign* H Y M N 24, On the Siviftnefs of Time. Y days, my weeks, my months, rt! LYiL Fly rapid like the whirling fphercSj Around the Heady pole : Time like a tide its motion keeps, Till I (hall launch fhofe boti&dfcff . ages roll. 3 The grave h ritai tl c cradle fee? rid whifrcr as SONGS, . 1 remember thif, Thou, midft thy fiibitinfcry blifs, Muli groan, and gafp and die* 3 My foul attend the folemu call ; Thine earthly tent mult quickly L!' ; And thou mult take thy flight md the vail extenfive bluC| To love and fiag as angels do s Or fink in enrilefs night. 4. Eternal blifs, eternal wo?, Hangs on this inch cf time below £ On this precarious breath, The God of nature only know*, Whether another year fliall cloie, Ere I expire in death. 5 Long ere the fun (hall run fta rotftidfj I may be buried under ground, And there in rot ! Alas one hour my clofe the (bene And ere twelve months rosy roil between My name be ijflite f.?rgot. 6 But (hall my foul be then extinc"r, Or ceafe to live, or ceake to think ? It cannot, cannot Thou, my immortal, cannot die, What wilt thou do or whither fly, When death (hall fst thee free s 7 Will mercy iben its arms extend ? jefus be thy guardian fru And heaven thy dwelling place ? lall infulting jieoda appear 3 ag 1 :t down to dark 3 i>f arasa '1 2.3 DIVINE H'^MNS, OS S A heaven or hell, and thefe alone, Beyond this mortal life are known. There is no middle Rate ; To-day attend the call divine, To-morrow maybe none of thine, Or it may bo too late. 9 O ! do not pafs this life in dream •?, Vaft is the change, whate'er it feems, To poor unthinking men : X*ord, at thy foot (tool I would bowy Bid csnfcience tell me plainly now,- What it will teil me then. 30 If in deftru&ion's road I ftray, Help mc to choofe that better W3y,. Which leads to joys on high ; Thy grace impart, my guilt forgive,. I :t me ever dare to live, h as I dare not die. HYMN 25. A Profpefi of Christ's Church, BEHOLD a-lovely vine, Here in this defart ground ; The bloffoms (hoot and promife fruit, And tender grapes are found. 2 Its circling branches rife. And made the neighboring lands ; With lovely charms (he fpreads her arms,. Willi clutters in her hands. 3 This city can't behid 3 Its built upon a hill j. SPIRITUAL SOMGS. £9 The dazzling light it fnines fo bright, It doth the vallies fill. £. Ye trees, which lofty (land, And Mars with fparkling light, Ye chriftiana hear both far and nearj 'Tij joy to fee the fight. 5 Ye infects, feeble race, And filh that glide the ftrea n J Ye birds that fly feciire on high, Repeat the joyful theme, 6 Ye beads that kzd at home, Or roam the vallies round, With lofty voice proclaim the joyf, And join the plcafant found. 7 Shall feeble nature fing, And man not join the lays ? O ! may their throats be fwell'd with 8 And fiil'd with longs of praife.. % G'ory to God on high. For his redeeming grace ; The bleffed dove comes from above > To feal it to our race. H Y M N 25, 7hz QhrifttatC: Invitation and D.\ COME now poor Tinners mare a part,, And give the bleffed Chrid your her^j Come, we will take you by the hand, ie, go with us to Canaan's laiklv G .* QO DIVINE HYMNS, O-Ra 2 Leave all your carnal loves and toys, And feek with us thofe folfd joys ; For foon in glory we fliall rife, And there enjoy the lading prize. 3 But if with us ye will not go, And feek this Jefus for to know ; Then we mult bid you all adieu, £or by his grace we'll him purfue.. H Y M N 27. The prejjure of Sin, THAT my load of fin was gone, O that I could at laft fubmit, At Jefus' feet to Jay me down, To lay my foul at Jefus' feet. 2 When (hall mine eyes behold the Lamb?. The God of my falvation fee ? Weary Q Lord thou know'ft I am, Yet ftill I cannot come to thee, 3 Reft for my foul I long to find ; Savior of mine indeed thou art ;• Give me thy meek and lowly mind, And ftamp thine image on my heart; 4 I would (but thou muft give the pow'r) My heart were from its fins reiea&'d ; O let me fee that happy hour, 'Twill fill my foul with heav'nly peace,". 5 Come Lord the drooping finner cheer, Let not-my Jefus long delay, Appea. iii my poor heart, appear, My God, my bavior, come I pray* SPIRITUAL SONGS, ave died, e< My precious blood is fpilt ; •' Behold my flowing crimfen flreatn^ " To waili away your guilt." 2 1 My fears, and grief and gufit, Did inflantiy depart, Stiange and furprifingly I Ult 9 Wrapt in my favior's heart. 12 Strangely my ftate vvas chang'd, And I began to ting, AH glory to the God of love, \\ ho cloth fuch fweetr.efs bring. 13 I'll praife thee while I live, I'll praife thee wiicr. I die, I'll praife thee when I rife again. And to eternity. H Y M N 33- The Chriftian Enquiry, ?HT"IS a point I lor.g to know, it Oft it ( oui though JDo I kvc lie Lc>\\ or t Am I his t or am I n SPIRITUAL SONGS. 3^ £ If I love, why am I thus ? Why this dull and lifelcfs frame ? Kardly fure can they he worfe, Who have never heard his name. 3 Could my heart fo hard remain^ Pray'r a tafk and burden prove* Ev'ry trifle give me pain, If I knew a Savior*a love ? 4 When I turn miiae eyes within^ All is darknefs, vain and wild $ FillM with unbelief and fin, Can I deem myfelf a child ? 5 If I pray, or hear, or read, Sin is mix'd with all I do ; You that love the Lord indeed, Tell me — is it thus with you ? .6 Yet I mourn my ftubborn will, Find my fin a grief and thradl $ Should I grieve for what I feel, If I did not love at ail ? 7 Should I joy his faints to meet, Choofe the way I once abhor'd. Find at times the promife fweet, If 1 did not love the Lord ? 8 Lord decide this doubtful caic, Thou who art the people's fun 7 Shine upon thy work of grace, U indeed it be begun. D 38 DIVINE HYMNS, 0F> 9 Let me love thee more and more, If I love at all I'll pray : If I have not lov'd before, Help me to begin this day. M Y M N 34. Hymn to clofe Public Worfi\p % DISMISS us with thybleffing, Lord, Help us to feed upon thy word ; Ail that has beer amifs forgive, And let thy truth within us live, 2 Tho' we are eyil thou art good j Wafh all our work? in Jefus' blood s Give every fettered foul rtltafe, And bid us aii depart in peace, 3 O let a laftlng union join Our fouls to Chrift the living vine \ And faints below and faints above, Join'd by his fpirit and his love. HYMN 35. ? he Judgment Hymn, THE great tremenc "nous day's approach;*; jj That awful fecne is drawing nigh ; Was long fore' old by ancient prophets, Decreed from all eternity. 2 "Put O my fou! reflect and wonder ! That awful fecne is drawing rear, n you fhall fee tl at grrat tranfaflio*, Whtn Chrill in TudteincDt (hail ai [ SPIRITUAL SONGS. 39 | Sec nature (land all in amazement, To near the Ialt loud trumpet found* Arife ye dead and come to judgment ! Ye nations of this world around. 4 Loud thunder rumbling thro' the concave i Bright forked lightnings part the fkies ; The heavens a (halting, the earth a quaking, The gloomy tight attracts mine eyes', 5 The orbit lamps all veilMin fackclothj No more their mining circuits run ; The wheel of time J; opt in a moment 5 Eternal things are now begun, 6 Huge mafTy rocks and tow'riug mountains Over their tumbling bafis roar ; The raging ocean all in commotion, Is hovering round her frighted (here. 7 Green turfy grave-yards and tombs of marble Give up their dead both fmall and great 5 See the whole world both faints and tinners, Are coming to the judgment feat* 8 See Jefus on the throne ©f juflice, Come thundering down the parted fkies With courtlefs armies ot mining angels, 9 Bright mining dreams from his aw^u! prefence His face ten thoufand funs outfhine, Behold him coming in pow'rand glory, To meet Lira all his faints combine. 10 Go forth ye heralds with fpesd like lightning Call in your faints frorndiliant lands, 40 DIVINE HYMNS, OK Thofe that my blood from hell hath ranfom 5 ^ Whofe names in life's fair book do ftancL 1 1 O come ye blefi'ed of my father, The purchafe of my dying love ;. Receive the crowns of life and glory,. Which are laid up for you above, 12 For your dear fouls which have continu'd With me, arid my temptations bore, I have provided for you a kingdom, To leign with me for evermore. 13 There's flowing fountains of living water,. No (icknefs, pain nor death to fear ; No for row, iighing, no tears nor weepings Shall ever have admittance there. 14 But how will Tinners (land and trembl?, When Juflice calls them to the bar ; Thofe that rejedt his oiier'd mercy, Their everlafting doom to hear. 25 See Juftiee now with indignation, Calling aloud for finners' blood : Thofe that have flighted offer'd mercy*.' And cruciii'd the fon of God. 1.6 Depart from me ye curfed (inner I My face you never more mail fee : liiV 1 from my peaceful prefence, To endlefs woe and mifery* 17 Each guilry foul then ftrucfc with horrcr 3 And anguifh throbbing in their breatl, forever doom'd to endlefs forrow, And nevrr more to ho^e for reft* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4* l8 Come Tinners here's a faithful warning, Retain to Jefus while you may, For h* is ready to forgive you, Or eife you rauft depart away* H Y M N 36. GETHSEMANZ. GREAT high prieft, we view tb e ftoopfflgj With our names upon thy breaft ; In tlie garden groaning, drooping, To the ground with forrow pre ft. 2 Weeping angels Rood confounded} To behold their maker thus : And can we remain unwounded, When we know 'twas all far Us ? 5 On the crofs thy body broken, ^Cancels every penal tie, Tempted fouls protktce the token^ All demands to fa. 4 All is finifiVd, do not doubt it, But believe your dving Lord, Never reafon more about it, Only take him at his word. 5 Lord we fain would iruft thee fol 'Twas for us thy blood was fpilt ; Fraifed bridegroom, take us wholly, Take and make us what thou wilt« 6 Thou had borne the bitter fente P;ift on man's devoted race ; True belief and true repentance, Are thy gifts, thou God of grace, D 2 43 DIVINE HYMNS, Oa HYMN 37, The true Penitent. ARK ! hear the found on earth is found*, My foul delights to hear Of dying love that's from above, Of pardon bought fo dear, 2 God's miniflers like flames of fire Are palling thro' the land, The voice is here " repent and fear, •< King Jsfus is at hand." 3 God's chariots they no longer May, They're mounted on the truth ; The faints in pray'r cry Lord draw near, Have mercy on the youth. 4 Youngr converts fing and praife their king ? . And blefs God's holy name ; Whilft older faints true penitents, Rejoice to join the theme. 5 God grant a fhower of his great pow'r On every aching heart, Who fincerely to God do cry, That they may have a part. 6 Come lovely youth embrace the truth 9 Agree with one accord, And ufe your tongues while you are youngs In prailiug of the Lord. HYMN 38. A Hymn for Toung Converts* WHEN converts firft bcgia to fin-r, Their happy fouls are on the wir^ Their theme is all redeeming love, Efljifl would they be with G'unt above,. SPIRITUAL SONGS. g With admiration they behold, The love of Chrifl that can't be told, They view, thcmfelves upon the lhorc, And think the batde all is o'er. i They feel themfelves quite free from partly And think their enemies are /lain, Th«y make no doubt but all is well, And Satan is call down to hell. 4 They wonder why o'd faints don't frogj And make the heaveniy arches ring ; Ring with melodious joyful found, Becaufe a prodigal is found. s But 'tis not long before they feel "Their feeble fouls begin to reel, They think their former hopes are vain. For they are bound in Satan's chain. 6 The morning that did (hine fo bright, Is turned to the flbades of night ; Their harps that did with mufic ting, Are now untuu'd in ev'ry firing. 7 Oh ! foolifh child; why didd thou boafb In the enlargement of thy coal! r Why doit thou rhink to fly away, Before thou leav'ft this feeble uay ? 8 Come, take up arms and fzcz t\e fiel Come, gird on ha-i.f , {wc.-} and .VelJ, Stand fail in faith, fight for your king, And foon the vicVry you (hall win, 9 When Satan comes to tempt your miftffa} Then meet him with thefe blefled lines ; For Chn I our lord has fwept the fieldj And, we're deteimin'd not to yield, 44 DIVINE HYMNS, Oa HYMN 39, The UNION, FROM whence doth this union arlfe, That hatred is conqusr'd by love ? It faftens our fouls in fuch tits, That nature and time can't remove* 2 Tt csnnot in Eden be found, Nor yet in a Paradife loft ; It grows on Immanuels ground, And Jefus' dear blood it did coil* 3 My friends are fo dear unto me ? Our hearts all united in love ; Where Jefus is gone we fhall i>e, In yonder Weft manfions above* 4 O ! why then fo loth for to part, Since we fhall ere long meet again, EngravM on Immanuel's heart, A diftance we cannot remain* 5 And when we fhall fee that bright day, And join with the angel? above, JLeaving thofe vile Ixodies of clay, United with Jefus in love. 6 With Jefus we ever fhall reign, And all his bright glory fhall fee 3 Singing hallelujahs, amen, Amen, even fo Ut ft be. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 4§ HYMN 40* Christ's Refurrs3'ion. CHRIST our Lord has ris'n to-day Our triumphant holy way ; Who fo lately on the crofs, Suffer'd to redeem our Iofs. % In our pafchal joy and feaftf, Let the Lord of life be bleft, Let the holy three be praiVd, And to heaven our fongs be ra.Vdj 3. Chrill our lord has rifen to-day^ Chrift our light, our life, our way, The objedV of our Iovl- and faitbj. Who by dying conquer'd death. 4. The holy martyrs early came To weep o'er the Savior's tomb y Two bright angels did appear, Who faid Jefu3 is not here. 5 Where is he, O tell us where. His blefs'd refidence declare ; Jefus fcek among the dead, Far fromthefe dark regions fled. 6 Firft the facred place behold, In rapture your dear Lord unfold ; Then lift you eyes and raife your vofc?^ In fongs of praife we will rejoice. 7 Hade ye female- from the ugftfj Make to Gallilee your flighty And to his difciples fay, fefus Chrift is ris'n to-day-, 46 DIVINE HYMNS, OE § Heralds of our jr*y, to you Grateful thanks and love is due ; W'ch fong? to God and praifes high, We'll together magnify. 9 The crofs is pad, the crown is won, The ranfom paid and death's ixing gone \ Let us feaft and fing and fay, Jefus Chriit is ris'n to-day. HYMN 41. Christ's Suffering* THRO'OUTeur Savior'slife we trace Nothing but mame and deep difgraee No period elfe was feen, Til! he a fpotlefs vidim fell, Tafi-ing in foul a painful he!?, Caus'd by the creature Sin. £ On the cold ground methiuks 1 fee 1 My Jefus kneel and pray for me ; For this I'll him adore 5 Seiz'd with a chilly fweet thro'out, Blood drops did force their pafTage out, Thro'ev'ry opening pore. 3 A crown of thorns his temples borcj His back with lafhes all. was tore Till on* the bones might fee ! Mocking they pufh'd him here and there; Marking his way with blood and tears, Prefs'd by ftni heavy tree. 4 Thus up the lull he painful came, Hound him they mock and make their game ] SPIPvITUAL SONGS, 4| At length his crofs they rear j And can you fee the mighty God Cry cat beneath fin's heavy load, Wiihout one thankful tear ? 5 Thus veiled in humanity, He dies wnh anguifh on the tree ! What tongue his grief can tell? The fhuddVing rocks their heads decline^ The morninj fun refus'd >o fhine, When the redeemer fell. 6 Shout, brethren, fhout with fongs diving He drank the gall to give us wine To quench our parching rhirft : Seraphs advance your voices higb/r, 33ride of the lamb, untie the choir, To praife )our precious Chrift. HYMN 42. Original Sh ; or the jirfl and Jecond Adaui DAM, our father and our head, Tranfgrefs'd, and juftice doom'd us deac! ; The fiery law fpeaks all defnair, There*!) no reprieve nor pardon there. 2 Call a bright council in the flues, Seraphs, the mighty and the wife, Speak ; are /ou ftrong to bear the load, '1 he weighty vengeance of a God I 3 In vain we afk ; for ull around Stand filent thto' the heavenly ground ; There's not a glorious mind above, H33 half ;he ftrength, or half the love. 43 DIVINE HYMNS, 0& 4 But O ! unmcafurable grace ! The ttcrral fon takes Adam's place ; Down to our world the Savior Jflies, Stt etches lus naked armband dies. c; Amazmg work ! look down ye fkies, V> onder and gaze with all your eyes 5 Ye faints below and faints above, Ail bow to this rnyilerious love. HYMN 43. Running the Chrt/lian J\ace» — phil. hi. 12, 14, WA KE, iry foul, ftretch every nerve, l And prefs with vigor on ; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. % 'Tis God's all animating voice, 1 hat calls thee from on high ; ? Tis his own hand prefents the prise To thine afpiring eye. 3 A c'oud of witnefies around ? Hold thee in full furvey ; porget the fleps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 4 Blefs'd Savior, introduce by thee p Have we our race begun ; /iud crown'd with victory, at thy feet^ We lay cur laurels down. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 49 HYMN 44. Hymn for the Lord's Supper* "TESUS once for Tinner's (lain, ) From tke dead was rais'd again, And in heaven is now fet down, With his father on the throne, 2 There he reigns a king fupreme> We fnallalfo reign with him ; Feeble fouls he not difmay'd, Truft in his almighty aid. 3 He has made an end of fin, And his blood has wafh'd us clean ; Fear not, he is ever near, Now, e'en now, he's with us here. 4 Thus aflembling we by faith, Tiil he come (hew forth his death 5 Of his body bread's the fign, And we drink his blood in wine. 5 Bread thus broken aptly fhews, How his body God did bruife ; When the grape's rich blood we fec> Lord we then remember thee. 6 Saints on earth and faints above, Celebrate h:s dying love, And let every rarfom'd foul, f>ound his praife from pole to polc# 2 TO DIVINE HYMNS, OR H Y M N 45. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ* 'OME ye (inners poor and wretched, Weak and wounded, Hck and fore^ Jefus ready flands to fave yea, Full of pifyjoiVd with pow'r ; He is able, he is able, he is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify, True belief and true repentance, Ev'ry grace that brings us nigh ; Without money, without money, without ino:i:y. Come to Jeius Chrift and buy. 3 Let not confeience make you linger, Nor of fitnefs fondly dream j All the fitnefs he require?, Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you, this he gives you. this he gives yctfj 5 Tis the fpirit's rifing beams. 4 Come ye weary heavy laden, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall 5 If you tarry tiH you're better, You N/ill never come at all ; Not the righteous, not the righteous, not ths teouc, Sinners Jeftis came to call. 5 View him grov'ling in the garden, Lo your maker proftrat? lies ! r>n the bloody tree behold him, Hear him cry befove he dies, It is Imifh'd, it is finifn'd, it is Gm'fh'd \ zn will not thia fuffice. ? ml son::, 5 1 •3 Lo th* incarnate Qod afee Pleads the merit.; of 1 i ; Venture on him, venture wholly* Let no other I ... . , None but jeius, n we but j^ DIVINE HYMNS, OK 12 "To Father, Son, and Holy Gholt, What glory would redound ? How would the fpotlefs heavenly holt, Their golden trumpets found ? 33 " Mud I dcfpafr of future blifs, And fo withdraw my fuit ? No, God iorbid, iince mercy 15 Thy darling attribute. 34 «« My ardent cries (hall flillafcenJ 3 While I have power to fpeak, And if I perifh in the end, I'll dk beneath thy feet." 15 The roan that's brought to fuch 3 cafej God won't his fuit deny ; 3But he will give hini faving gracej And lift his foul on high* $6 The one in three, and three in c;?r> All glory is their due, From beings far above the fun, And human creatures too. HYMN 49. Views of Heavenly Glory, O pen can write that fvrcet delight, Nor human tongue exprefs ; There's none believes nor can cenceiVe That joy and happinefs : Z That great degree now mow to file, Of future joy and peace ; When they're reveal'd and not concealed My life doth almoft eeafs. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5/ 3 "Eternal fongs of praife belong To Chnlt my Savior dear ; And I ma\ fing to Chriit my king, And honor him with fear, 4 When I fit down to view that crown* Laid Lip for me above, To meditate and contemplate On God's eternal love. 5 My fonl doth leap to think how deep My Savior's love hath been ; I'm carry'd out in thought devout, On things that are unfeen. 6 This real view appears fo true. That Jefus is the man, That did agree with God for me, Before the world began 4 7 Lord when fhall we like angels be$ And travel through the air ; And all thy holt travel this coaft, And meet together there. M Y M N 50. Death and Eternity* Y thoughts that often mount the fkies, Go fearch the world beneath, Where nature all in ruin lies, And owns her fov'reign death. 2 The tyrant how he triumphs here, His trophi«« fpre.d around ! And heaps of duft and bones appear Through all the hollow ground. A B 1 7 I N E H Y fd N S, O R 3 Thefe fkulls; what gfeaftly figures now i How loathfome to the eyes ! Thefe are the heads we lately knew, So beauteous and fo wife. 4 But where the fouls, thofe deathlefs thingSj That left their dying cl?y ? My thoughts now ftretch ©ut all your wiftg0jj And trace eternity I 5 O that unfathomable fea ! Thofe deeps without a fiiore ! Where living waters gently play, Or fiery billows roar* 6 There we fhall fwim in feeawnly birr** Or fink in flaming waves, While the pale carcafs breathlefs lies Among the filent graves. 7 '* Prepare us Lordj for thy right hand, ti Then come the joyful day, Come death, and fome celeftial band, " To bear our fouls away." HYMN 51. The Loving Kindnefs of the Lord. IsA. lxiH, f a WAKE my foul in joyful lays, And fing thy great redeemer's praife j He juftly claims a fong from me, His loving kindnefs, O how free ! 2 He faw me ruin*d in the fa!!, Yet lov'd me notwithftanding all 5 He fav'd me from my loft elfcate, His loving kindnefs, O hew g'eat S Ci SPIRITUAL SONGS. £9 3 Tho* numerous hods of mighty foes 8 Tho' earth and hell my way oppofe, He fafcly leads my foil! along, His loving kindnefs, O how ilrong \ 4 When trouble like a glowing cloud, Kas gaiher'd thick and thunder'd loud 3 He near my foul has a'wayg ftood, His loving kindnefs, O how good { t Often I feel my finful hearty Prone from my Jefus to depart 5 But tho J I have him oft forgot. Hi loving kindnefs changes not* f> Soon (hall I pafs the gloomy vale. Boon all my mortal powers mull fail j Oh ! may my lalt expiring breath, His loving kindnefs fnig in death. 7 Then let me mount and foar away, To the bright world of endlefs day, And fing w;;h rapture and furprife, His loving kindnefs in the Hues, HYMN $V God's Love to his Saints, MY God above with fmiles of love, And blifaful words will fay, ** Thofe faints of mine -lid once incline^ " From my commands to ftray. 2 (i But Chrift my fon, my only one.j '* Was wounded for their fin ; ''- So for his fake I'll pity take, \?d pa^ke them welcome in* 6o DIVINE HYMNS, OU 3 u I'll make them htirs and give them (hares, " And they ft a)) livt with me ; " I'll give them crow ns inftead of frowns, ** And joys eternally." 4. I have a robe above this globe, Which Jefus gave to me ; ? Tis clean and white, it's pure and bright, And thus his gift was bee* 5 It cofl: him dear, but he was freer Than I was to receive ; ,And he's got more hid up in ftore, For all that wili believe. ft If any thofe fhould want to know Where Jefus gave me thit-, And afk if he elected me, Then I could tell them yes. 7 If Chrift made known unto his own, What they'll receive at death, There's not a faini but what would fjjint, And bnathe then eying breath. H Y M N 5$, Lending for Heaven end Glory, TTESUS I thirfl, and go I muff, I) I long to be above, 1 long to fing iv C brift my king, Where oceans flow with love. Z Ye happy fot;ls that always roll In love ; Once interrupt our joy. 6 And thus to all eternity, Upon the heavenly more, The great myftenous One in Thrce y Jehovah we'll adore. HYMN 6o. ANOTHER. OW, Lord tho' ws mutt part a \vhii?> Upon the facred road ; Yet let thy face upon us fmile 3 And keep us clofe to Gcd> 66 DIVINE HYMNS, OB, 2 And if again on earth we meet, Lord let us meet with thee ; And let thy gracious prefenee fweet, From bondage fet us free. 3 This only this we humbly ciave, While earth is our abode, That we with Cbrift and faints may hav? 2 Communion on the road. 4 For fince our fellowfhip below, Affords fuch joy and love, We long its full extent to know, When we [hall meet above, 5 And Lord let this excite us on, To keep the narrow way ; Tiil we mall meet around thy throne 3 To fpend an endleis day. 6\ Ctleftial dove, our fouls infpire, Maintain this flame or love ; Till we fhall meet that glorious choir Of worihippers above. H Y M N 6i- Advlceto Tout/., from Ecct. xn, 0\V is the time, O lovely youth, . To think on our creator God ; Attend the words of facred truth, While in the day of youthful blood, 2 This is the only way to find The paths of peace and endlefsjoy % . The way to More your youthful mind With pkai'ure that will never cloy^ SPIRITUAL SONGS. (f / 3 But if you foolifhly delay, An! hearkea to trie tempter's breath, To walk in thedeftru&ive way, Till age comes on or fudden death, 4 O think what dreadful rifle you run, You hazard your immortal foul, To be eternally undone, : And plung'd where eudlefs forrows roIL 5 Behold the wretch advane'd in years, And with his years grown old in l:n y No more repentance now appears, Than when his life did hrit begins 6 Lo ftill upon the horrid brink Of everlatting wrath he ijoes ; Anon with horror down to fink,. Into the gulf of endiefs woes. 7 Young Tinners then a warning take, Now in your precious days of youth $ All flattering vanities forfake, And take th' advice of facred truth. H Y M N '62.. A Hymn on the preciou/nsfs of ChrlJ}, THE name of Chrift, how fvreet it founds, How f'veec the mention of his wounds, How good, how excellently good, Is the dear name of Jefus' blood. 2 What makes is Co to me is this, All that's in ChWil my portion is j I'm his, and (hall forever be, And all he has is -mr,de to rns. 6-3- DIVINE HYMNS, OR 3 ! what a great eflate have I— A heaven to all eternity ; I'm rich, the Lamb hath made me fo, Nor can I greater riches know. 4 O Law, I dread thy threats no rnore^ My Savior yonder paid my fcore ; His blood 1 know has blotted all, The hand againft me on the wall. 5 The promifes I glad look o'er 9 And thankfully the Lamb adore y For when he dy'd he left his will, And thefc his legacies reveal'd. 6 What did my Savior at his death, To me, unworthy me, bequeath ? His life, his death, his wounds and blood? He left me, when he went to God. 7 His new eternal teftament, I read, and much fweet time is fpent, In fearching every verfe and line ; How much by Jefus' will is mine» 8 My dear teftator will I blefs, While wearing his pure righteoufnefs 5 He dy'd and left me this, Fll tell, Gr I had naked gone to hell. 9 His facred name I'll ftill adore, And praile my Jefus more and more ; My heart, my tongue his praife fhall prove, In earth below and heaven above. 10 O \ the vaft debt of love I owe, My foul in time can nt'er bcftow 5 Eternity, it has no bound, So let my uraife to founds SPIPxlTUAL SONGS. 6$ HYMN 63, On GRACE. EAVEKLY thoughts create my foRgy And fet my foul on fire, And glide my pleafing thoughts along, To join the heavenly choir. 2 While traveling thro' this defart Ian " ; My weary foul mall reft ; Guided by Jefus' gentle hand} To lean upon his breaft. 3 Here I will eafe my burden'd mindy And tell him all my grief ; From Jefus blood my foul mall find The dreams of fweet relief. 4 I'll lay me down within his arms, And view his lovely face ; As one o'ercome by fovereiga charms^ And loft in his embrace. 5 Here I'll behold, with joy divine;, The fprings of rifing blifs, And joy to fee that Chrilt is mine, And view that I am his. 6 The views of my dear bleeding king 9 Strike an immortal flame ; Raptur'd with joy, my foul mail fing The praife of Jefus' name. 7 Sh^ll fing I'ke the redeemed throngs Of my incarnate God ; His lo^e ihall be my ceafclefs foag, Who waih'd me in his blcod* f& DIVINE HYMNS, Ol4 $ High on the throne my Saviour reigns^ Angels adore my king ; In lofty, fweet feraphic ftrains, My Savior's praife they fing. 9 There I'll adore my dying Gocf, And bow before his face ; I'll fing of Jefus' wounds raid blood* And praiie victorious grace. 10 Amidft the eternal facred true^ Among the ftarry plains, My foul mall fing as angels 6o $ In fweet ceieftial ftrains, E i The heavenly flame fhall dill afpirCjj Before my Savior's throne ; His love fhall feed the facred fire, To praife the holy one. HYMN 64. A foul's view } or part eking of the Lord's Su$$&\ THE table fpread my foul there fpies, The vi&im bleeds, the favior dies, In anguim on the tree ! I hear his dying groans ! I prove His bleeding heart, his dying lovs. He dy'd, my foul, for thee. a The table's fpread— the royal food Is Jefus' facred flefh and blood, A feaft of Jove divine 5 His blerding heart ! his dying groans I His facred blood for fin atones— iitones, my foul,, for thine , SPIRITUAL SONGS. ft 5 The. featr is fpread with bleeding hands, iieckw'd wuh blcod ; and Io ! it ftancs To 511 the hungry mind ; 'Tis free, and whofoever will, I * Say to my foul why doft thou fear ' The face of feeble man? Behold thy heavenly Captain s nere f Btforc the; in the van. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 7 J 5 O how my foul would up and run, At this reviving word, I Tor any painful fuff'rings (hun, To follow thee my Lord, 6 For this let men reproach, defame j And call me what they will ; Lo ! I may glorify thy name, And be thy fervant (till, 7 To thee I cheerfully, And all thy pow'rs refign ; Let wifdom point out what is fit, And I'll no more repine. PAUSE, & I'll cheerfully take up the crofs, And follow thee my Lord, Submit to tortures, fhame and lofs, At thy commanding word* 9 But this I promife to fulfil, Through thyaffifting grace, For I am pow'rlefs and a weak will, I muft with fhame conic fs. 10 But let thy grace fufficient be, In ev'ry time of need ; Then Lord I'll boldly fight for thee 9 And ev'ry time fucceed. J HYMN 68. Tke rich provtfion of the Gofpeh ESUS thy bleffiugs are not few, Nor 13 thy gofpel weak 5 7§ DIVINE HYMNS, OR Thy grace can nclt the ftubhorn Jew, And heal the dying Greek, 2 Wide as the reach of Satan's rage ? Does thy falvation flow ; It's not confin'd to fex or age, The lofty or the low. 3 While grace is ofFerM to the prince? The poor may take their fhare ; No mortal has a juil pretence, To perii'h in defpair. 4 Come all ye wretched finners come s He'll form your fouls anew ; His gofptl and his heart have room For rebels fuch as you. 5 His do&rine is almighty love ; There's virtue in his name, To turn a raven to a dove, The lion to a lamb. 6 O could we raffe a fong of praife, Half equal to his love ; The heav'ns would ring, while wc fhould fingy Thro' all the courts above. HYMN 6g. A Pilgrim's Song;. CHILDREN oftheheav'nly king* As you journey fweetiy fing, Sing your favior's worthy praife,. Glorious in his works and ways. SPIRITUAL SOxN'GS; 7? 2 Ye aretrjv'ling home to GoJ, In the ways your fathers trod ; They are happy now, and ye Soon their happinefs fhail fee. 3 Oh ! ye banifh'd ^l\ be ghd, Chrift our advocate is made ; Us to fave our ftefh afTumes, Brother to our fouls becomes. 4 Shout ye little flocks and bhfs, You on Jefus' arms (hall reft ; There your feat is now prepar'd, There's your kingdom and reward. 5 O ! ye brethren, joyful (land, On the borders of your land j Jefus Chrift, your Father's fon. Bids you undifmay'd go on. 6 Lord obed'endy we'll go, Gladly leaving all below ; Only thou our leader be, And we ft ill will follow thee. HYMN 70. Celejlial watering. SAVIOR, Yifit thy plantation, Grant us Lord a gracious rain ; AH will come to diflblution, Unlefs thou return again* 2 Keep no longer at a distance, Shine upon us from on high j Left for want of thy afiillance, Ev'ry plant will droop and die* G 2 ^3 DIVINE HYMNS, OK 3 Surely once the garden flourinVd, Ev'ry part look'd gay and green ; There thy word our fpirits nourihYd, Happy feafons we have feen. 4 But a drought has fince fucceeded, And a fad decline we lee ; Lord thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee, 5 Where are thofe we counted leaders, Fir'd with zeai and love and truth; Old profefibrs tall as cedars, Bright examples to our youth ! 6 Some in whom our fouls delighted, We mail meet no more below ; Some alas, we fear are blighted, •Scarce a fingle leaf they fhow. 7 Younger plants to fight how pleafant^ Cover'd thick with blofioms ftood 5 33ut they caufe us grief at prefent, Frofl has nipt them in the bud. 8 Dearetl Savior, ha den hither, Thou canft make them bloom again £ O ! permit them not to either, .Let not all our hopes be vain, 9 Let our mutual love be fervent, Make us prevalent in pray'r ; Let each one efteem thy fervant, Shun the world's bewitching fnarc, 10 Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the ftony hearts to flefh ; Now begin from this good hour,. To revive thy work afcdb* SPIRITUAL SONGS. fg HYMN 71. Wonder: of Redeeming Love* NOW begin thy heavenly theme, Come, fing aloud in Jefus' name, Come, you who Jefus* kindnefs prove, Come, tiiumpii in redeeming love. 2 Come you, alas ! who e'er have been The willing flaves of death and fin ; Come now, from hlifs no longer rove, Stop, ftopand tafte redeeming love. 3 Come, mourning fouls, dry up your tea .-■:, And banifh all your guilty fears ; And fee the guilt fecure remov'd, 'Tis canceled by redeeming love. 4 Come, welcome, all by Cm oppreft, Come, welcome to this facred reft ; There's nothing brought him from abcvr 3 Nothing but true redeeming love. 5 'Tis he fubdues th* infernal powers, And his tremendous foes are ours j Our foes are from his empire drove, He's mighty in redeeming love- 6 Come hither and your mufic bring, Come, ftrike aloud your joyful firing j Come mortals, join the praife above, He's mighty in redeeming love, 7 Come you, who live in Babylon, Come, hear the voice of Chn'ft the fon j Arife, my fair one and my dove, O 1 come and tafte redeeming love, 0O DIVINE HVMNS, OK 8 The angels that before him ftani, They go and come at his command ; Tho J they are feated high above, Never will tafte redeeming love. 9 O ! ye bright angels, ft is true,, That I fhall furely oot-do yon ; When I fhall reign with him above 3 Then I mail fmg redeeming love- HYMN 72. The Fair Manfions* TE in this tabernacle mourn, For immortality ; Burden'd with fin, we daily groan, And Ions: to be fet free. o 2 We view tin's world not as our home, But fojourn in a vale ; We feek a city yet to come, Where joy (hall never fail* 5 We have an houfe above the ffcy, In heavVs unmeafur'd fpace ; Where we fhall dwell eternally, To fee our Savior's face. 4 Roll on, roll on our peaceful years, And bring ©ur fouls to reft ; Where troubles end, and doubts and fears No more difturb our bread. 5 Then we (hall bid a long farewell 9 To all thofe fleeting things ; Our clay in earth we leave to dwellj To mouat on fasted wings. SPIRITUAL SONGS, 8l 6 Swifter than thought we foar on high, Above thofc twinkling liars ; Pafs through the regions of the (ky, And all thofe rolling fpheres. 7 The fun ere long will dif3ppcar, And Tinners reel their lofs ; While we afcend thro' yielding afr> And iteer th* eternal courfe» 8 Now winged time is known no more? Eternity begins ; Our fouls have gain'd the heav'nly (hore ? And view the amazing fcenes. 9 Their fongs begin to found fo fweet, Our raptur'd fouls on fire, T© bow around our Savior's feet, And join the heav'nly choir. 10 Unnumber'd years fhall gently to\1 9 And each increafe their blifs ; When God fhall fay unto each foul, Come, dwell where Jefua is. ii Then will our bleflfed Jefus come, And bid the dead arife ; And call his weary children home, To manfions in the fkies. 2 2 Where fin and forrow all (hall ceafe> And tears be wip'd away ; And nothing (hall dillurb ourpcace> To one eternal day, 8£ D1YINE- HYMNS, OF, HYMN 73, Love to Jefus, ^"TPKEE will I love, my Lord, my towV, JL Thee will I love, my joy, my crown 5 Thee will I love with all my pow'r Or* mind and ftrength andjitart alone, 2 Thee will I love, my joy, my throne. Thee will I love, my Lord, my God 5 Thee will I love beneath thy frown, Thy fmiks, thy fceptre or thy rod. HYMN 74. Praife to redeeming Grace- DIFFUSE thy beams and teach my heart, Now with a genial warmth to glow ; For lo ! withour thy heavenly art, In vain m? lofty numbers flow. 2 Magnificent free grace arife, Out mine the tho'ts of (hallow man 3 Sov'reign, preventing all divine, To him that neither will'd nor ran, 3 Grand is the bofom whence thou flow'd, Kind as the heart that gave the vent j Rich as the gift that God beftow'd, Lovely and fo like Chrid be feint. 4. Grace by a righteonfnefs cloth reign. Wrought by the facred life of God ; Where fin i? fpoil'd, grace fhaH maintain Its right in JeTui* facred blood, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 83 1 Who counts the finds that bound the fea ? Not hiif his fins can number o'er ; And ah ! wh a millions ; yet but fee, Grace hath ten thoufand mercies more* 6 Infinite grace how full of God, In ev'ry work of thine — there glows Kew glories in thy facred blood, There life divine eternal flows, 7 We bowing fing thy death fo ftrong, Which all our foals food death defends ^ Shout ye redeem'd, for here your fong Begins &ad never — never ends. P Y M N 75. On Eternal Love* ETERNAL love, the darling fong. Well plealing to Jehovah's ear ; Attend ye fav 'd, ye pardon'd throng, With ail your graceful notes draw near? 2 'Tis yours to fing th* eternal date Of love divine and how it moves To helplefs men with gladnefs great, Sing loud, for God the foung approves, 3 Hail Bexhle'm ! Kail that ruddy morfip Whofe rays adorn the infant God 5 MefTiah, of a virgin born, A God, a man to die in blood, a. For us Salvation widedifplays Her ambient refreshing wing : Jr Jefuft' name that love we'll praife ? I all its peerlefa gloriea flag, 84 DIVINE HYMNS, OE r We £ng the garden and the tree, Red with the blood that cries for peace g Heav'n echos back, as pleas'd in thee To fhew its glories and its grace, 6 We fing a note that high prevails, Above the angels free from fin, Who cannot taite the love that heals, The fweets of conference thus made clears 7 Thy love O Jefus is the theme, The fong of faints fhall ever grow $ AH ages to the church proclaim, How fweetly doth their numbers flow. (8 Here fhall the guilty who has loft The divine favor by his fin, Find worth that he can fafely truft, A righteoufnefs to glory in. HYMN 76. Thefght of Faith. OMNIPOTENT Lord, my Savior and king, Thy fuccour afford, thy righteoufnefs brings Thy promifes bind thee companion to have, now let me find thee mighty to faye. 3 Rejoicing in hope and patient in grief, To thee 1 look up for certain relief ; 1 fear no denial no danger ] fear, Jslor Mart from the trial if Jefus is near, 3 I every hour in jeopardy {land, J3ut thou art my powY and holdeff. my hand ; I wait — I am calling— thy fuccour I feel, It faves me from falling, or plucks me ficrn hell. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 85 ^ On Jefus my Savior I then will rely, All evil before his prefence fhall fly ; When I gjid my Savior my fears fhall depart, And Jefus forever fhall reign in my heart. HYMN 77. To be fung before going into Public Worf/itf THE Savior meets his flock to-day, Shall I in floth abide at home ? Shall I behind the people ftay ? "When Jefus calls there (till is room. I'll go— it is a place of pray'r ; Who knows but God may meet me there? 2 To-day Immanuel feeds his faints, And here the Chiiftians find their king— They lay open their complaints, And here the Savior's ptaife they hngf Into their number Pil prefume, Since Jefus kindly bids me come. 3 How long did faithful Anna wait, And fought* the Lord full foiefcore years* Both day and night the. temple gate She watch'd, with many fighs and tears, And fcarcely left the hou'e of pray'r Till God vouchfaf'd to meet her there; 4 Dear Savior then pe r mit me pow'r, And like the fajiiti I'll watch for thee, Content till the appointed hour, When thou (halt be reveaPd in me 5 Drily my foul within thy gate, 11 fof thy gracioso ore! -.'.ice wait, * H DlVlKE HYMNS, ©& 5 Remove temptation, O my Lord, And let mine enemies be flam, Who would withdraw me from thy * And plunge rne in the world again • And when the bridegroom mall appear, P I may ray foul be found in prayer. HYMN 78. Guilt and d'tftrefs infeparahk companlcnj, IN is the fatal caufe of woe, The fpring from whence our troubles flow* Yet when we take a view Of thole who fin in every breath* Yet feel no check in life and dsath, We fcarcs believe it true. 2 Thoufands around feem highly blefoMj Who treat religion as a jell, A fable or a fong ; Down life's impetuous ftreams they glide. Favcr'd with canvafs, wind and tide. And fmoothly float alon^, 3 By pleafure's flow'ry bank they ileer ? h!o trouble fee! nor can they fear, But laugh and fing and play ; Till deep they plunge in endlefs night, Without one diop of fweet delight, Or glimpfe cf cp' day. 4 O fad exchange ! O wretched flate J Now they can ferl (when 'cis too late) What they have heard in vain : Defpair and anguiih dwell within, The bitter, bitter fruits of fin, And make tbcjn *°ar with pain { t RITUAL S V? i» .is guiit that cam'd And freely they confefs, The bitter pill was candy'd o'er, Twasall indulgence lull before, Bat now His uil diitrefs. 6 More they v/o\i\d own - , And quit thofe regions of defpair ; And now would a(k the faints, et If guilt be harmlefs, tell me why " Thofe trickling tears, that heaving fighy " And whence :li;fc fad complaints V. 7 When fin, that viper, you carefs, Striking remorfe and keen diitreis Speedily make you fmart ; ; Tis that which hides the Saviors face*- Incurs his fiowns, fufpends his graee, And wounds you to the heart. 8 Then griefs like mighty torrents roll^ Till the poor agonizing Lies bleeding on the r^ck ; The round of duty' .ill, But 'tis like labor." With mountain: en the back. 9 One guilty fcene fuck anguifh bring*. Clogs the poor .3 wingta And drags it from tl 'Till jefusdrefs'd in love appeari, Forgives the guilt and wipes the t From the beclouded eyes. ro O Chriitians ! ... teetj la pleafures finful ta v e:, But bhJ'thcnvaU ad! u ; 88 DIVIN35 HYMNS, ©& Stings from forbidden pleafures grow, At lead my foul hath found it fo, And owns th' afTertion true. f I Retraining grace dear Jefus grant, Make me like nature's nobleft plant, And may my fear be fuch, That when temptations lie in wait, 1 may difdain the gilded bait, And (hriaking, fhun the touch. HYMN 7$. Th: Sinner's call rejtBcd* COME all you've fpent your bloomiag day« In your own lulls and Satan's ways, Bow down to God, confefs your fin, JLeft you fhould never enter in — •2 In through the gate that is on high, Which leads to joyg above the fky ; Where all the faints their voices raife, Rejoice and fmg their maker's pvaife. 3 All who do wifli to pafs this gate^ Mull walk upright and very ftraight 5 If you fhould mifs this gate I knovr, Down to burning hell you'll go. 4 There endlefs forrow, endlefs pain, Without a hope of peace again ; Oh ! then your aching fouls will fay, « Why did we God fo difobey !" 5 His hand was ftretch'd forth all the day, We cannot have one word to fay ; For we have had many a call, And wc like fooU rejected all* SPIRITUAL SONGS. 6 One word of caution to the young, Who never had God's praifes fang ; Give up to Chrill before's too late, Or elfe in hell you'll have your fate. 7 Down with the heliifh devils there, Lock'd down in horror and defpair ; But Oh ! the formidable cries, That fill the earth and reach the ikies. 8* They turn their eyes to heaven and fee* Where all the righteous people be ; Look down into a gaping hell, See where the devil's hoft doth dwell. 9 This heaven is a happy place, Where ev'ry foul is nll'd with grace J This hell it is a place of fpite, Where forrows there are infinite* jo Come mind the words which 1 have per Left down to hell G.)d mould you fend : The place I will deferibe once mere, *Tis where -he devils always n HYMN fc> InviiatUn tofmftcl fouls to corns to jfefus jor n. COME fmners now approach your God 5 With new melodious fongs ; Behold the treafnrcs of his blood, Have cleans'd a num'rous thrcn^« z See Jefus fland with open arna3, Inviting you to come ; Hear how his mercy fweetly charity And tells you there is rJom* H-a- QO DIVINE HYMNS, OR 3 " But hark ! methinks I hear you fay, " I'm an unworthy foul, u p ve finn'f} m y d a y f g racc away, (i I hear his thunders roll. 4 " My fins are of a crimfon dye, " And I'm a captive led ; (t Can fuch a finful foul as I, « 4 Be from this bondage freed ? 5 " Now I deferve the loweft hell, " WhtHpurn'd his ofler'd grace j Poor finners the chief* £ O finners, give ear, What fulnefs is here ? P ! who would wo: corns t$ A Savior fo dear ? 7 He faw from his throne, Poor finners undone : And their lives to fan fern* He gave up his owa* SPIRITUAL SONGS. Q? 8 He came from above The caufe to remove : And yet fhall we flight fuch Unfpeakable love ? 9 If we like the Jews, His kindnef* rcfufe, 'Tis plain that deftruftioft We wilfully chufc ro But O ye epprefs'd, Whom fin hath diftrefs'd, Come, come unto Jefus, And you (hail have reft. % i Methinks one doth cry 3 " Such firmer am I, I dare nor, I dare not To Jefus draw nigh." II Chrifl: anfwers agafis, " Thy doubting refrain, Come, come unto nae, and I'll purge ev'ry (lain. 1% ** Whatever is thy cafe, Come now and tmbraee My precious falvation, And thou (halt have peace. 5 ' HYMN 88. The Wandering Pi/grim. T^CTANDERING Pilgrims, mourning Chrif- Weak and tempted lambs of Chrift, Who indtire £ttat tribulation, 98 DIVINE HYMNS, 0^ And with fins are much diftref&M j Chiift has feiit me to invite you, To a rich and coftly feaft ; Let no fiiame nor pride prevent yon, Come thefvveet provision tafie, 2 If you have a heart lamenting". And bemoan your wretched cafe^ Come to Jefus Chrift repenting, He will give you gofpel grace $ If yc u want a heart to fesir him, Love and fcrve him ail your day?, Only come to Chrift and afk him, He will guide your feet always, 3 Tf your heart is unbelieving, Doubting Jefus' pard'ning love, Lay hatd by Bethefda waiting, Till the troubled waters move ; If no mat* appears to help you, All their efforts prove but talk ; Jefus, Jefus he will clean fe you, Rife, take up your bed and walk* 4 If like Peter you are finking, In the fea of unbelief ; "Wait with patience, always praying, Chrift will fend you fwect relict j He will gi?e you grace and glory, All your wants frail be fupply'd, Cana'n, Cana'n lies before you, Rife and crofs the fweliing tide. e Dart) (haU not rleflroy your comfort, Chrift f 1 you thro' the gloom, I e'il fei il a heaVnly convoy To convey you to his home ; SPIRITUAL SONG^. 99 There you'll fpend your days in pleafure, Free from ev'ry want and care ; Come, oh ! come, my foleflfed Savior, Fain my frn'i it would he there. H Y M N 89. Thejlozv Traveller. |H ! happy foul how fafl you go 9 And leave me here behind ; Don't flop for me, for now I ice, The Lord isjuftand kind. 2 Go on, go on, my foul fays go, And I'll come after you ; Tho' I'm behind, yet I c&n find, I'll fing hofanna too. 3 God give you ftrcngth thst you may ran* And keep your foot Heps right ; Tho' fa ft you go, and I fo flow, You are not out of fight. 4 When you get to thofc worlds- above, And all their glories fee ; When you get home your work is done, Then look you out for me. 5 For I will come Fall as I can, Along the way I'll {leer ; JLord give me flrength, I (hall atknglti, Be one amongft you there. C There altogether we (hall be, Together we (hall fing ; ^Together we (hall praife our God, AcdeverlaJting king, IOO DIVINE HYMNS, OR H Y M N 90. An Invitation to Sinners, COME to the glor'ous gofpel feaft, Ho ! ev'ry one that will ! O come ye (larving fouls, and taHe Thofe joys that none can tell* 2 Arife ye mortals that are fad And oord'ring on defpair, Lo there is balm in Gilead, And a phyfician there. 3 Look to the Savior's bleeding fide, Behold the purple gore ; It was for wounded fouls he dy'd, The fm-fick to reitore. 4 Behold him on the curfed tree, With arms extended wide, For finners fuch as yon and me. The bleeding Savior dy'd. 5 'Tis liniuYd faid his dying breath, And conquer'd death and hell, That rebels doom'd to endlefs death) Might in his bofom dwell. 6 Come then receive his grace and telX The wonders of his love ; Till we arife with him to dwell, In the bright worlds above. 7 No fin nor foe /hall there annoy, Or wound your peaceful bread ; But boundlefs love* unmingled joy ? And everlafting reft. sriftituA-L songs, ioi H Y M N 91. Faretvtl to all but Ckrljl. FAREWEL vair. world, I bid at Your glories I cefpife ; friendfhip I no more purfue, Your flatt'ries arc but i . 3 You promife happinefs in vain, Nor .can you fat iffy ; You; hfgheft pleafures turn to na'n, And all your treafures &k* the Indias, E , And riches of the fea ; ly God i could not For he is all to me. *. Then ? :t my foul rife far above \ By faith I'll take r To the eternal r:a!m3 of I re faints and angc'i fingi 5 There's love and joy that will not wale ; And treafures that endure ; e r 8 pleafures that will always Iail, Whea time fhall be no mere. HYMN 92. A Morning Song, ORD, in the morning I will fend ^L-a My cries to reach thine ear j Thou art my father and my friend, My help forever near. g O lead me, keep me all thia cay 8 Near thee in perfect pel i 2 102 DIVINE HYMNS, OR Help me to watch, to watch and pray, To pray and never ceafe. 3 I kno,y my roving feet will err, Unlefs thou be my guide ; Warn me of every foe and fnare, And keep me near thy fide. 4 Then mail I pafs all danger fafe* And tread the tempter down ; My truft, my hope, joy and relief, Shall be in thee alone. 5 Then let my moments fmoothly run And fmg my hours away ; 3 Till evening (hades and fetting fura Conclude in endlefs day. HYMN 93. A Crumb fir Pilgrims* /T*\ O on ? . ye pilgrims, while below* \jT In the fure paths of peace : Determined nothing elfe to know* But Jefus and his grace* 2 Obferve your leader, follow him } He through this world has been Often reviPd, but like a lamb,. Did ne'er revile again. 3 O take the pattern he has giv ? B 3 And love your eEemies ;- And learn the only way to heav'n, Through fclf denial H«. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 103 4 Remember you mud watch and pray, While journeying on the road ; Left you mould fall out by the way, And wound the caufe of God. 5 Contend for nothing but the frurr, That feeds the Immortal mind ; For fruitlefs leaves no more difpute, But leave them to the wind. •6 Go on rejoicing night and day, Your crown is yet before ; Defy the trials of your way, The ftorm will loon be o'er. 7 Then you (hail reach the proimYd land, - With all the ranfom'd race, And join with all the glorious band, To fing redeeming grace. HYMN 94- L origin g for Chrift. COULD I find from day to day, A nearnefs to my God ; Then mould my hours glide fweet away, And live upon thy word. 2 Lord I defire with thee to live Anew from day to day, In joys the world can never give; Nor ever take away* 3 O Jefua come and rule my hearr, And I'll be wholly thine ; And never, never more depart, For thou art wholly raine v 104 btVINE HYMNS, OI 5 4. Thus till my lafl expiring breath, Thy goodnefs P{1 adore ; And when ray flefh diilolves in death,. My foul fhall love thee more. 5 Thr©' boundlefs grace 1 then (hall fpesd An everlafting day, Id the embraces cf ray friend, Who took ray guilt away. €> That worthy name fhall have the pvalfe> To whom all praife is due ; e angels and archangels gaze*. On fcenea forever new* HYMN 95% The Backflider returning >* WHAT a cruel wretch am I* To leave my Jefus fo I And now without his fmiles I lie, And know not where to go, 2 Once T cnjoy'd his fmiling face j But did not think fo foon, 1 mould go mourning in diftrcfs, And all my comforts gone. 3 Not all the glories of this earth) Can do me any good ; My foul abhors all carnal mirth* And groans to find my God* 4 O fliould I fee his face again* I'd tell him ftU my wee* SPIRITUAL SONGS. iOjf Confefs how guilty I have been To leave ray Jei'as fo. 5 Then I will clalp him in my arms, And he ihall have my heart ; And earth with all her treaeh'roua charms^ Forever (hall depart* HYMN 96*. Complaining.-— 'The good that I would I do not* WOULD but cannot fir>g, I I would but cannot pray For Satan meets me when I try. And frights my foul away. 2 I would but can't repent, Tho' I enoeavour oft ; Thi*3 ftony heart can ne'er relent? 'Till Jefus makes it foft. 3 I would but cannot love, Tho' woo'd by love divine ; No arguments have power to more A foul fo bafe as mine, 4 I would but cannot reft In God's mod holy will ; I know what he appoints is befl, Yet murmur at it iltll. 5 O could I but believe ; Then all would eafy be ; I would but cannot— Lord relieve j My help muft come from thee -, tdjU DIVINE I-iYMNS, OK 6 But if indeed I would, Tho' I can nothing do ; Yet the defire is fomething goodj For which my praife is due* 7 By nature prone to ill, 'Till thine appointed hour, I was asdeftitute of will, As now I am of pow'r. 8 Wilt thou not crown at length, The work thou haft begun ? And with a will afford me ftrerigtfij In all thy ways to run. HYMN 97. Apojlajy* — " Witt ye alfo go away r' 9 WHEN any turn from Zion's way (Alas ! what number do !) Methinks I hear my Savior fay, •' Wilt thou forfake me too V* 2 Ah ! Lord, with fnch a heart as mine; Unlefs then hold me fall ; I feel I mud, I mail decline, And prove like them at laft. 3 Yet thou alone haft power I knovfj To fave a wretch like me : To whom or whither could I go, If I fhould turn from thee ? 4 Beyond a doubt I reft aflurMj Thou art the Chrift of God, Who haft eternal life fecur'd* By promife and by bloscU SPIRITUAL SONGS. JO? j The help of men and angels join'd, Cauld never re ch ray cafe j can I hope relief to find, Bat in thy boundlef3 grace. 6 No voice but thine can give me reft. And bid my fears depart ; No love bat thine can makemebleft, And fatisfy my heart. 7 What anguim has that queftion fl irr 'd t If I will attb go ? Vet, Lord relying on thy word, I hambly anfwer, No. HYMN 98. 7 he Complaincr reformed* J SET myfelfagainft the Lord, JL DsfpiVd his fpirit and his wcrd> And wiih'd to take his place ; It vext me fore that I muft die, And perifh too eternaily, Or elfe be fav ? d by grace. 2 Of every preacher 1M complain. One fpoke thro* pride, and one for Another's learning's ftnall ; Th*3 fpoke too fa ft, and that too flow, One pray'd too loud, and one too low, The other had no call, • With no profetTors could X join, Some drefVd too mean and fome too finC| And fome did talk too long ; £C8 DIVINE HYMNS, OR Some had a twie, fome had no gift, Some talk'd fo weak, and fome fo fwift. That all of them were wrong. 4 I thought they'd better keep at home, Than to exhort where'er they come, And tell us of their jcys ; They'd better k-ep their gardens free From weed?, than to examine me, And vtx me with their noife. 5 Kindred and neighbours all were bad> And no trut friends were to be had. My rulers too were vile ; But I at leng'h was brought to fee* The fault d-d moflly lie in me, And had done all the while* 6 The horrid loads of guilt and fhame (Being confeious too I was to blame) Did wound my flighted Aral ; I've iinn'd fo much again ft my God, I'm crufh'd folow beneath his rod, How can I be made whole ? 7 But there is Balm in Gilead, And a phyfician to be had, A balfam too molt free ; Only believe on God's dear fon ? Thro' him the victory is won, Chiid Jefus dy'd for me. 8 For Chrift's free love's a boundlefs fea j What ! to expire for fuch at? me ? Yes 'tis a truth divine j My heart did melt, my foul o'ei run With love to fee what God had done, Tor fouls as mean as miue. SPIRITUAL SONGS. IO9 g Now I can hear a child proclaim The joyful news, and praife the name Of Jefus Chrift my king : I know no fe£, Chriflians are one, With my complaints I now have done, And God's free grsce I fing. :o Glory to him who gave his (on, T© die for crimes which we had done, And made falvation mine ; For as we'd fold ourfelves for noughfy So without money we are bought, A blefled 'ruth divine. I I Come faints rejoice in Chrift your king, His folerr.n praifes fweetly fing, And tell the world his love 5 Sinners invite for to receive Of God's free grace and not to grieve The holy facred dove, 12 All thofe who do an int'reft gain, In the blefs'd Lamb that once was flain s Will furely happy be ; Their loud hofannahs they (hall raife t A monument of God's high praife, To all eternity. HYMN 99. S elj -denial ; or taking up the Crofs, Mark viii. 3^ Luke ix. 2 . SH AM'D cf Chrift, rr.y foul difdaini > The mean ungenerous thought ; Shall I difown that friejid v%hofe blood To man falvatbn brought ? k ITD DIVINE HYMNS, ©R 3 With the glad news of love and peace. From heav'n to earth he came ; Tor us endur'd the painful crofs, For us dtfpisM the ihame» 3 At his command we muil take up Our crofs without delay : Our lives, and thoufand lives of OurS» His love can ne ? er repay. 4 Each faithful f ufferer Jefus views With infinite delight ; Their lives to him are dear, their deaths Are precious in his fight, x; To bear his name, h°s crofs to bear ) Our higheft honor this ! Who nobly fuffers now for him, Shall reign with him in blifs. 6 But mould we in the evil day. From our proftffion fly, Jefus the judge, before the world^ The traitor will deny. HYMN ico. The Pearl of great Price, mat. X in. 4 C. YE glitterinjj toys of earth adieu, A nobler choice be mine ; A real prize altrafts my view, A treafure all divine. 2 Begojie unworthy of my cares^ Ye fpecions baits of tenie; Xncfiimable woith appears, The pearl of pi ice immeafc \ IRITUAL SONGS. Ilk 3 J"efus to multitudes unknown, O name divinely fweet ! Jefus in thee, in thee alone, Wealth, honor, pleafure meet. A Should both the Its lies at my call, Their boafted (lores refign ; With joy I would renounce them all, For leave to call thee mine, 5 Should earth's vain treafures ali depart^ Of this dear gift poffeiVd ; I ? d clafp it to my joyful heart, And be forever blefs'd, 6 Dear fovereign of my foal's deliresj Thy love is blifs divine ; Accept the wifh that love infpires, And bid me call thee mine. HYMN tci, Notajham'dofCbriftx JESUS, and (hail it ever be, A mortal man amam'd of thee, Afliam'd of thee whom angels praife, Whofe glory iftirtes thro' endlefs days* 2 AfhamMof Jefus, fooner far, Let evening blufh to own a (tar, He fheds the beams oflight divine, O'er this benighted foul of mine, 3 Afham'd of Jefus, ju ft as foon, Let midnight be afham'd of noon, 'Tis midnight with my foul t;'!l he, Bright morning ftar, bid darkneis jSw," 112 DIVINE HYMNS, OF, 4 Afnanrd of Jefus, that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend 5 No ; when I Mufti be this my fhame, That I no more revere his name. 5 Afham'd of Jefus ! Yes I may, When I've no guilt to warn away, No tears to wipe, no good to crave, No fears to quel], no foul to fave. 6 'Till then— nor is ray boaflmg vaia-— 'Till then I boalt a Savior /lain 1 And O, may ibis my glory be, That Chntt is not afham'd of me. 7 [His inftitutiens would X prize, Take up my crofs, the fhame defpife, Dare to defend his noble caufe, And yield obedience to his lavvs.J HYMN 102. Cn IfraePs fa!!. |OES is not grief and wonder move, To think of ifrael's dreadful fall, Who needed miracles to prove, Whether the Lord was God, or Baal i 2 Methinks I fee Elijah (land, His features glow with love and zeal, In faith and pray'r he lifts his hand, And makes to hea/'n his great appeal. 3 O God if I thy fervant am, If 'tis thy meffage fills my heart, Now glorify thy holy name, And ihew this people who thou art. SPIRITUAL SONGS. II3 4 He fpake, and lo ! a fudden flame, Confum'd the wood, the daft, the ftone, The people (truck at once proclaim. " The Lord is God, the Lord alone." 5 Like him we mourn an awful day, When more for Baal than God appear, Uke him believers, let us pvzy, And may the God of Ifraei hear, 6 Lord if thy fenrant fpeaks the truth, If he indeed is fent by thee, Confirm the word to all our youth, And let them thy falvatior. 7 Now may the Spirit's holy fire, Pierce ev'ry heart that hears thy word, Confume each hurtful vain defire, And make them know thou art the Lord, H Y M N 10$. The Coronation of Christ. ALL hail, thepow'r of Jems' name, Let angels proltrate fail, Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 CrownTiim ye martyrs of our Gsd, Who from the altar call, Extal the Item of Jeffe's rod, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Ye chofen feed of Ifrael's race, A remnant weak and fmall, Hail him who faves you by his grac?, And crown him Lord of all. K 2 ' 114 DIVINE HYMNS, O I\ 4 Ye Gentile finncra ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall, Go fpread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all. 5 Babes, men and fires, who know his loT€| Who feel your fin and thrall, Now joy with all the hoit above, And crown him Lord of all* 6 Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tongue, On this terrellrial ball, To him all majefty afcribe, And crown him Lord of all* 7 O that with yonder facred throng. We at his feet may fall, We'll join the everlafting fon^, And crown him Lord of all. HYMN 104. The Preacher's FartwdL BRETHREN I bid you all farewel, Anl from my very heart, Affectionately I do tell, That you and I mull part. 2 And if I fee you not 3ga;n, I truft that I can fay, My labor fhall not be in vain, That I have fpent this day. 3 I tvuft I can to record call, AH yon that hear me now, I have dcclar'd God's counfel* all, As he did me end jw. SPIRITUAL SONG 3* Kt# 4 I now depart, T leave you here, I leave you with the Lord, And may we all henceforth appear To be of cue accord> 5 And if we never meet apjam, W hile we en earth remain, O may we meet on Canaan's ihore ? And never part again. 6 There we (hall join to Sag God's praifrj And all his wonders tell, And triumph in his holy ways, So brethren fare you well. HYMN 105, The Chn Plan's Warrant: THO* troubles afTail and dangers affright* Tho' friends fho-ild all fail, and foes all unite* Vf t one thing feci.:res us. whatever betide, The promife aftures 119 the Lord will provide. 2 The birds without barn or ftcehoufe are fedj From them let. us learn to trull in our head ; His faints, what is fitting (hall ne'er be deny'd* So long as it's written, the Lord will provide. 3 We all may, like (hips, by t«fopeft be toftj On perilous deeps but fha!l not be loft ; Tho* Satan enrages the wind and the tic.e, Yet fcripturj engages, the Lord will provide^ 4. His caU rfe$l obey, like Abraa of old, We know not the way, but faith makes U8 1 1 Tor tho' wc ape ftrangers, we have a fure guide* And trnft m all dangers the Lord will provide, IXO DIVINE H1?MNS, OR 5 When Satan appears to (lop up the path, And fills us with fears, we'll triumph by faith, He cannot take from us (tho' oft he has try'd) The heart-cheering promife, the Lord will provide* 6 He tells us we're weak, our hope is in vain, The good that we feak we ne'er Pnall obtain ; But when fuch fuggeftions cur graces have try'd This anfwers all queftioas— -the Lord will provide* 7 Noftrefrgth of our own, of goodnefs we claim* Oar truft: is all thrown on Jefus' own name ; In this our ftrong tower for fafety we hide, The Lord is our power, the Lord will provide. 8 When life finks apace, and death is in view, The word ef his grace (hall comfort us thro* No fearing nor doubting with Chrift on our fide We hope to die fhouting, the Lord will provide* HYMN 106". The aitraalon of the crojs. John xiu $%> YONDER— amazing fight ! I fee, Th' incarnate fon of God, Expiring on th' accurfed tree, And welt'ring in his blood. 2 Behold a purple torrent tun Down from his hands and head I The crimfon tide puts out the fun, Hi3 groans awake the dead. 3 The trembling earth, the dark'ned fky t Proclaim the truth aloud, And with th' amaz'd Centur'an cry, i[ This is Jtie fon of Qod [2 SFI RITUAL SONGS. II f JL So great, fo vaft a facrifice, May well iny hope revive ; If God's own ton thus bleeds and J."' i§ The Tinner fore may lite. 5 O that tbefc cords of love diving to thee ! Thou ha(i my heart, it fhali be thine* Tiiiic it (hall ever be. HYMN 107, Precious Promifcs.—2 peter, in. 4.' OW firm a foundation, ye faints of the Lord, , la laid for your faith in his excellent word, What more can he fay than to you he hath faid 3 Vou who unto J?fus for refuge have fled ? 2 In ev'ry condition, in licknefi, in health. In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealth, At home and abroad, on the land, on the fea, As thy days may demand fo (ball thy ftrength be, 3 Fear not, I am with thee, O be not difmay'd, I, I am thy God, and will dill give thee aid ; I'll ftrengthen thee, help thee, and caufe thee to ftand, Upheld by niy righteous, omnipotent hand. 4 When thro* the deep waters, I call thee to go, The rivers of woe fh all not thee o'crflow, For I will be with chee, thy troubles to blefs, And fan&ify to thee thy d:epe:1 diftrefc. 5 When thro' fi'ry triah thy pathway mail lie/ .race all-fufficient (hall be thy fuppl £l8 DIVINE HYMNS, Oft The flame fl»all not hurt thee, I only defign; Thy drofs to confume and thy gold to refine. 6 Even down to old age, all ray people mall prov£ My forereign, eternal, unchangable love ; And when hoary hairs fliall their temples adorn, Like lumba they lhall ilill in my bofom be borne* 7 The foul that on Jefus hath lean'd for repofe, I will not, I will not defert to his foes ; That foal tho* ail hell (ho aid endeavor to fliakey I'll never— »no never— no never forfake. HYMN io8. Pleading with God under Affllahnst HY mould a living man complain Of deep diftrtfs within j Since ev'ry figh and ev'ry pain, Is but the fruit of fin. 2 No, Lord, I'll patiently fubmit, Nor ever dare rebel ; Yet fure I may here at thy feet,* My painful feelings tell. 3 Thou feeft what Hoods of forrowa riiCj And beat upon my foul ; One trouble to another cries, Billows on billows roil. 4 From fear to hope, and hope to fear My (hipwreck'd foul is toft, •'Till I am tempted in defpair, To give up all for loft. SPIRITUAL SGNGS/ I|() 5 Yet thro* the ftormy clondt I'll look, Once moie to thee my God, O fix my foul upon a rock, Beyond the raging flood. 6 Oue look of mercy from thy face, Would fet my heart at cafe ; One all-creating word of grace, Will make the tempells ceafe. HYMN 109, The Go/pel Trumpet, HARK ! how the gofpel trumpet found?; Thro' all the world the echo bounds. And Jefus by redeeming blood, Is bringing hnners home to God, And guides them fafely by his word, To cnd'.cf3 day, 2 Hail, all viffcorfom conquVng Lord» By ail the heaVhly hods aclor'd, Who undertook for fallen man, And brought falvation thio* thy name, That wc with thee might live and reign, In endlefa day, 3 Fight on, ye conquering faints, fight •2 J And when the conqueft you have won. Then palms of vicVry you (hall bear, And in his kingdom have a fhare, And crown % of glory you fhall wear In qidjeis day. 4 Thy blood dear Jefus once was fpilt^ To fave our fouls frpna fin and guilt j J20 DIVINE HYMNS, OK And firflcrs now may come to God, And find falvation through his word, And fail by faith upon that flood, To endltfs day. 5 Thro' ftcrms and calms by faith wc fleer, By feeble hopes and gloomy fears, 'Till we arrive at Cara'n's more, When fin and forrow are no more, ^Ve fhout our trials there all o'er, To cndiels day. C Then we (hall in fweet chorus join, With faints and angrls all combiae, To fing of his redeeming love, "When rolling years flail ceafe to move /*nd this fhall be our theme above, In cndlefs day. HYMN up. A word of comfert to the Lamhs of Chtrift* LESS'D be my God that I was born r lo hear the joyful found ; That I was born to be baptiz'd, Where gofpel truths abound. 2 Blefs'd be my God for what I fee, My God for what I hear ; I hear fuch blefled news from heav'n, Not earth nor hell 1 fear, 3 T hear my Lord for me was born. My Lord for me did die, My Lord for me did raife again 3 And Qiii afceiid on high, SPIRITUAL SONGS. 121 4 On high he (lands to plead my caufe, And will return again, And fet me on a glor'ous throne, That I with him may reign, 5 Glory to God the Father be, Glory to God the Son, Glory to God the Holy Ghod, Glory to God olone. H Y M N in- Soul thirfiings from Heaven* QTILL out of the deepeft abyfa ^3 Of trouble I .mournfully cry 5 And pine to recover my peace, And fee my redeemer and die : 1 cannot, I cannot forbear Thefe paflionate longings for home 3 O ! when (hall my ipirit be there ; O ! when will the meiTcnger come* 2 Thy nature I long to put on^ Thine image on earth to regain ; And then in the grave to lay down, This burden of body sad pain. O ! Jefus in pity draw near, And lull me to fleep on thy breaft, Appear to my rtfeue, appear And gather me into thy reft. 3 To take a poor fugitive in, The arms of thy mercy difplay \ And give me to reft from aU fin, And bear me luuaaphaat away 5 129, DIVINE HYMNS, O Away from $ world of diflrefs, Away to the manfions above j A heaven of feeing thy face — A heaven of feeling thy love« HYMN 112, A Parting Hymn* LORD difmifs lis with thy bkfling^ Send it to us from above 5 IvJay we all go home a praifing 2 And rejoicing in thy love; " Farewell brethren, farewell fitters, 5 Till we all fnall meet above, 2 Pardon Lord how all our follies. While together we have been 5 Make us humble, make us holy, Cleanfe us all from evr'y fin, Farewell brethren, farewell fitters, 'Till we ail (hall meet again, 3 May thy presence Lord go with U3> To each ones refpe£h've home ; And the prefence of our Jefus, Reft upon u? ev'ry one ; farewell brethren, farewell filters, s Till we all fhall meet at home. HYMN 113. Prayer anfivered ly Cro/fts* IASK'D the Lord that I might grow, In faith and love and ev'ry grace 5 I^ight more of hfia falvation knew, And fcek more earneftiy his face, Spiritual songs. 123 2 'Twas he who taught me thus to prr.y, And he I trufl has anfwer'd prayer ; But it has been in fuch a way, As almoft drove me to defpair. 3 I hop'd that in foffie favor'd hour. At once he'd anfwer my requeft ; t And by his love con (training power, Subdue my lins and give me reft; 4 lnftead of this he made me feci The hidden eviis of my heart ; And )et the angry powers of he! I AfTaultmy foul in every part. 5 Yea more, with his own hand he feeni'J Intent to aggravate my woe ; Crofs'd all the fair defign's I fchem'di Blafted my gourds and laid me low. 6 Lord why is this, I trembling cry ? d ? Wilt thou purfue thy worm to death ? (t 'Tis in this way," the Lord reply'd, " I anfwer prayer for grace and faith, 7 M Thefe inward trials I employ, From felf and pride to fet thee free ; And break thy fchemes of earthly joy, That thou may'it feek thy all in me, 55 HYMN 114. Difficulties in the avay of duly furmounUd. WHEN Abra'm's Servant to procure A wife for Ifaac went, ~Ie met Rebeckah — told his wifh— - Her parents gave confent» 124 DIVINE HYMNS, C Pv 2 Yet for ten days they urg'd the man His journey to delay : Hinder me not he quick reply'd, Since God hath crown'd my way* 3 'Twas thus I cry'd, when Chrift the LoruV My foul to him did wed ; Hinder me not, nor friends nor foes, Since God my way hath fped. 4 Slay, fays the world, and tafte a while; My every pleafant fweet ; Hinder me not, my foul replies, Becaufe the way is great. 5 Stay, Satan my old mailer cries, Or force (hall thee detain ; Hinder me not, I will be gone, My God has broke thy chain. 6 In all my Lord's appointed ways. My journey I'll puifue : Kinder me not, ye much lov'd faints, For I muft go with you, 7 Thro' floods and flames, if Jefus lead, I'll follow where he goes ; Hinder me not, fliall be my cry, Tho' earth and hell oppofe. 8 Thro' duty and thro' trials too, I'll go at his command ; Hinder me not, for I am bound, To my Immanuel's land. 9 And when my favior calls me home, Still this my cry (hall be, Hinder me not, come welcome death, . I'll gladly go with thee, SPIRITUAL SONGS. X2£ HYMN 115. CocVyforrow arj/ing from the fujfc rings of Christ* ALAS ! and did ray Savior bleed ? And did my fovereign die ? Would he devote that facred head, For f uch a worm as I ? CHORUS, Thanks to the Lamb, the loving Lamb, Who dy'don-Calvary ; The Lamb was flaip, from heav'n he eame r v To bleed and die for me : The Lamb was (Iain, yet lives agafn,- To intercede for me. 2 [Thy body (lain, fweet Jefbs thine,- And bath'd in its own blood, While all expos'd to wrath divine, The glor'ous fuffererflrood.] 3 Wa9 it for crimes that I had done* He groan'd upon the tree ? Amazing pity \ grace unknown t And love beyond degree. 4 Well might the fun in darknefs hide,? And (hut his glories in, When God the mighty maker dy'd, For man the creature's An, 5 Thus might I Hide my blufhing face? While his dear crofs appears, DiiToIve my heart in thankfu!nef? P And melt my eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repsyjj The debt of love I owe : Here, Lord, I give myfelf a\vry> fXi5 all that lea a do, L 2 126 DIVINE HYMNS, OR H \ r M N 116. The Touth's Refolutlon. WHILE I am bleft with youthful bloom, I will adore the facred Lamb, That bled and dy'd for me : If God infpirc my heart with grace, And lets me fee his mining face, A pilgrim I will be. ?, Pil leave this cvorld with all its toys, And {ca& thofe far fuperior joys, That doth in Jefus dwell : If Jefus be my God and king, Immortal triumph I will fmg, O'er all the pow'rs of hell. 3 A frowning world I will defy, And all thofe fiatt'ring charms deny 3 If Jefus {lands my friend : IMot long I have thia ftorm to ftand, Of this enfnaring barren land ; My conflict foon will end. 4 Jefus my friend, my caufe will plead 4 Conduct my Iteps, fupply my need, Ar.d never let me fall : Jefus will all my foes dcftroy — Will be my life, my ftrength my joy 5 Jefus is ail in alh 5 With joy I'll fpend my fleeting days, To found abroad his heavenly praife, And tell the world his love. And when I quit this mortal ftage, 1 (ball in facred ftraias engage, Among the faints above* SPIRITUAL SONGS. l$f S Where I fhall with my Jefus dwell. In joys beyond what tongue can tell? On that immortal fhore ; Jefus my love (hall be my joy, His praifes be my fweet employy And part fiorn him no more» HYMN 117, U N I T r. LET ftrife forever ceafe, And envy quit the field, Come join and live in love and peace?- And to the gofpel yield. 2 Let bitter words no more Among the faints remain 5 Let ev'ry member, ev'ry hour. Submit to Jefus' 'reign. 3 One Lord we have to fear, One faith we all confefs 5 To the fame baptifm adhere, And magnify free grace 4 Then why mould we ccntend a For meat and drink and drefs, And crucify the Lord again, And pierce his wounds afrefli, 5 When bitter words arife, Then Satan has his ends : We wound the heart and hands of Chrift,- Amidft his chofen friends, 6 No more we'll feel the flame, Nor j udge ourlelves too wife y m DTVINE HYMNS, O'K. But fearch with care to find the beanv That lurks within our eyes. 7 Unto the world we prove, That we difciples are ; They fliall behold us walk in lovey And fay the Lord is there. 8 Then we will live like thofe, Who now agree in love ; And when our eyes by death mall clofe f ' We'll join with them above. HYMN 118. Indwelling Sin Lamented* WITH tears of anguifh I lament, Here at thy feet my God, My paflion, pride and difcontent, And vile ingratitude.- 2 Sure there was ne'er a heart fo bafe^ So falfe as mine has been ! So faithlefs to its promifee, So prone to every fin ! 3 My reafon tells me thy command* Are holy juft and true ; Tells me what'er my God demands Is his moft righteous due. 4 Reafon I hear, her counfels weigh; And all her words approve j But ftill I find it hard t'obey, And harder yet to love. 5* How long dear Savior, mall I feel Thofe ftruggles in my breaft ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. l£$ When wiitthou bow my ftubborn will, And give my conference reft. 6 Break, fovereign grace, O break the charm And fet the captive* free ; Reveal, Almighty God, thir.e crrr., HYMN 1:9. The Chrifi'un's noble/} rt/oluiicu H ! wretched foul who drives in vafn 3 Slaves to the world and flave3 to (in. I A nobler toil may I fuftain, A nobler faiisfi&ion win*, 2 May I refolve with all my heart, With all my powers to ferve the Lord 1 Nor from his precepts e ; er depart, Whofe fervice is a rich reward, 3 O, be his fervice all my joy, Around let my example (nine, Till others love the blelVd employ >- And join in labor* fo divine. 4 Be this the purpofe of my foul, My fslemn, my determin'd choicer, To y'^'d to hid fupreme controul, And in his kind commands rejoice* 5 O may I never faint nor tire, Nor wandering leave his facred ways ; Great God accept my foul's dtfire, And giv* roc Strength to- love thy pralf^'' l%0 DIVINE HYMNS, 6% HYMN 120. 7he Ckrijlian Warfare. V Captain founds the alarm of war, " Awake, the powers of hell arenear ? (i To arms ! to arms !" I hear him cry, " J Tis yours to conquer or to die„" 2 Rous'd by the animating founds I ead my eager eyes around ; Make haiie to gird my armour on, And bid each trembling fear be gone. 3 Hope h rriy helmet, faith my (hield, Thy word, my God, the fword I wield ? With facred truth my loins are girt, And holy zeal infpires my heart. 4 Thusarm'd, I -/enture on the fight, Refolv'd to put my foes to flight ; While Jefus kindly deigns to fpread His conquering banner o'er my head* $ In him I hope, in him I truit, }iis bleeding crofs is all my boaft ; Thro' troops of foes he'll lead me on> To vicVry and tlie vi&or's crown. HYMN 121. J will not let thee go, except thou llefs m\ LORD, I cannot let thee go, 'Till a bleffing thou beftow y Do not turn away thy face, Mine's an urgent prefling cafe, 2 Doft thou: afk me who I am ? Ah, my Lord, thou know'ft my name J SPIRITUAL SONGS* t3$ Yet the que (lion p;ives a plea, To fupport my fuit with thee, 3 Thou didfb once a wretch behold, In rebellion blindly bold, Scorn thy grace, thy power defy. That poor rebel, Lord, was L 4. Once a finner near defpair, Sought thy mercy feat by pray'r f Mercy heard and fet him tree, Lord, that mercy came to me, 5 Many days have pafs'd fmce thetK Many changes I have feen ; Yet have been upheld till now, Who could hold me up but thou ? $ Thou haft help'd in ev'ry necd ? This emboldens me to plead ; After fo much mercy paft, Canft thou let me fink at lad ? 7 No — I mutt maintain my hold j ? Tis thy goodnefs makes me bold, I can no denial take, When I plead for Jefus' fake. HYMN 122. The Sinner's felf- refieSion. I Lord ! ah Lord ! what have I done What will become or me ? What mail I fay, what (hall I do ? Or whither (hall I flee ? p By wand'ring I have loft myfclf 9 And hear 1 make my moaa ; £32 DIVINE HYMNS, Q& whither, whither have I ftray'd ? Ah Lord I what have I done ? 3 Thy candle fcarches all my rooms^ And now I plainly fee ; The num'rous fins of earth and hell Are furnmed up in me, 4 The feeds of all the ills that grow 5 Are in my garden fovvn, And multitudes of them are fprung 8 Ah Lord ! what have I done ? 5 I have been Satan's willing /lave* And his moft eaiy prey ; He was not readier to commands Than I was to obey. 6 Or, if at times he left my fou! 3 Yet ft Hi his work went on ; J was a tempter to myfelf. Ah Lord ! what have I done I 1 I pufF'd at all the threats of heav'n* And flighted all its charms, $*Jor Satan's fetters would I leave, For Chriil's inviting arms. $ I had a foul bur pnVd it not m ? And now my foul is gontr ; 2-dy forced cries do pierce ihe fides | Ah Lord J what have J done i HYMN 123. ■ The Pilgrims' mutual Conference* AIL, happy pilgrims ! whence cajps y*^ And ivhithei arc ye bound ? SPIRITUAL SONGS. 133 SVe from the land of Egypt flee, Till Cana'n we have found. 2 How came ye firft to walk this way t Were you alarm'd wilh fear ? A fchool-mafter appear'd one day, With countenance fevere : 3 His prefence (truck our hearts with awe^ His eyes appearM like flame ; I am, faid he, *i>e holy law, And from Mount Sinai came. 4 Then lo, our fentencehe declar'd Was everlafting death ; For 'till he hid his full demand, We were expos'd to wrath. 5 At lad a meflenger of peace, Evangeiiil by name, Appear'd and gave us fweet releafe, From that devouring flame. 6 He pointed out the lamb of God,, In that diftrefTing day, And faid, behold his precious blood, That takes your guilt away, 7 Thus were we from our bondage freed, And let at liberty ; Come then dear brethren, well agreed. For thus redtern'd uevc we. 8 Come ht us then together walk. Together let w f?-rig : Be this the ftihj< & of our talk, To praif^ the lamb our king, M 134 DIVINE HYMNS, C& I-I Y M N 124. The Sinner's Jhame and con/upon, fooiifh, fo abfurd am I, That nothing can be more ; Was ever fuch a monfter feen Upon the earth before ? 2 I dare not look upon the eartrj, The witnefs of my fin ; My confeience is a doomVday book-p I dare not look within* 3 Upward I dare not cad my eyes, For there my Judge doth fit ; Nor downward whence the fmoke doth rife ? From the infernal pit, 4 How (hall 1 anfwerat the bar Of him who is molt pure ? I cannot anfwer for myfelf, Myfelf I can't endure. 5 And as myfelf I can't endure^ Myfelf 1 cannot fly ; Thus fools do fell themfelves for flave^ And what a flave am I ! 6 My heart the feet of folly is, My life a life of fin ; Surely I am more brutal far, Than ever brute has bten. 7 Is this my wit ? is this my way, To make a glorious name ? Are thefe the thanks I've paid to heaven f Ah, what a be?.ft I am ! spiritual songs. 1 3.5 8 The crown is fallen from my head, My royal robes are gone ; Confulion is my only cloak, And I muft put it on. 9 I am net worthy of the earthj Nor worthy of the cir, Nor worthy of the wat'ry drop, But of the damned's fare. HYMN 125. Invitation to Sinners* COME Tinners to the gofpel f^aft, Let ev'ry foul be Jefus' gue't j Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind. 2 " Have me excu> 7 d why will you fay £ From health and life and liberty ; From all that is in Jefu3 giv'n, From pardon, holinefs and heav'n. 3 Come then ye fouls by fin opprefly Ye weary wanderers after reft; ; Ye poor and maimed, halt and blind, In Chriit a hearty welcome find. 4 See him fet forth before your eyes,, Behold the bleeding facrifice ; His offer'd love let all embrace, And freely now be fav'd by grace. 5 Ye who believe his record true, Shall fup with him and he with you. Come to the feaft be fav'd from fin. For Jefus wafts to take you -ic. I3S DIVIN2 HYMNS, &M 6 This is the time, no more delay 5 This is the glorious gofpel day ; Gome in this moment at his call, And live to him who dy'd for all, H Y M N 126* Joy In the Holy Ghojl. MY foul doth magnify the Lord* My fpirit doth rejoice In God my Savior and my God, I hear his joyful voice. 2 I need not go abroad for joy, Who have a feaft at home ; My %h3 are turned into fongs, The comforter is come. 3 Down from above the blefTed dove Is come into my breaft, To witnefs God's eternal love, This is my heavenly feaft:.- 4 This makes me abba father cry, With confidence of foul ; It makes me cry my Lord my God, And that without coutroui. 5 There is a dream that iiTues forth From God's eternal throne, And from the Lamb, a living dream, Clear as the ehryftal ftoHe. 6 The ftrcams do water Paradife, It m?kes the angels fing ; One cordial drop revives my heart, Henee all my joys, do fpring. SPIRITUAL SONGS, Fg# 7 Such joys a3 are unfpeakable, And full of glory too ; Such hidden manna, hidden pearls, As worldings do not know. S Eye hath not feen nor ear hath heard, From fancy tis conceal'd, What thou Lord haft laid up for thine. And haft to me reveal'd. 9 I fee thy face, I hear thy voice, I talte thy fweeteft love ; My. foul doth leap, but O for wings, The win^s of Noah's dove ! 10 Then mould I flee far hence away, Leaving this world of fin ; Then mould my Lord put forth his hand; And kindly take me in. ii Then mould my foul with angels feafl On joys that always lad ; BlefPd be my God the God of joy. Who gives me here a tafte. HYMN 127, Chrjfiians rejoicing in the Hops and Glory of God, LO ! we are Journeying home to God, Bid by the fpirit come ; And in the way his children trod, "We fcek our father's h©rne. 3. "We walk a narrow path and rc'ugly And we are tir'd and weak ; Yet foon (hall we have reft enough-, "la -thofc blcff-d courts we fcekv M IgS DIVINE HYMNS, OH 3 Nigh to the country we appear,. Stored with eternal blifs ; We know we quickly- (hall be there, In fight our city is. 4. Upon mount Zion's diftant top, A lamb our eyes behold ; *Tis Jefua, look ye children up, He calls us to his fold. 5 We fee him with his raiment red As tho* befmear'd with blood, As newly flaid he (lands ; he bled, Us to redeem to God. € About him clad with fnowy veils, Appear a conn tlefs throng ; Thefe are his faints, his kings, his priefts, Who fung th' eternal fong. 7 How bled, how more than happy thefe, Who thus their Lord attend ; We, brethren, in their hods (hall praife, Wefoon fnall there afcend. HYMN 128,. \A brie] defer tption of the Children ofGo2>* WHAT poor defpifed company Of travellers are thefe, That walk in yonder narrow way^ . Along that rugged maze ? 2 Ah thefe are of a royal line, All children of a king ; Heirs of immortal crowns divine^ An&lo \ for joy they fing. SPIRITUAL SONGS, iQp? 5 Why do they then appear fo meanj. And why fo much defpis'd ? Becaufe of their rich robes unfeen, The world is not appris'd. 4 But fome of them fecm poor dilhefs\*$ And lacking daily bread ; Ah they're ofbouudiefs wealth pofTeiVdj With hidden manna fed. 5 But why keep they that narrow roadj i That rugged thorny maze ? Why, that's the way their leader trod ? They love and keep his ways, 6 Why muit they fhun tfcwe pleafant pathj That worldlings love i'o well ? Becaufe that is the road to death, The open road to hell. 7 What, is there then no other roacL To Salem's happy ground ? Chriil is the only way to God, ■■ None' other can be found. HYMN i2g;< Here I To rule a ad guide me right ; To hear him fay, love and obey, Affords fupreme delight. 3 A holy joy, without alloy, With facred tranfports flowg From truth divine, I feel it mine; To give my foul repofe. 3 With facred love my paflions move^ I burn with ftrong defire ; With holy aim and inward flamc^ 1 I feel my foul on firs* STIRITUAL SONGS. 14* 4 : By grace refin'd, my foul inclin'd Shall confecrate my days, As due to none but God alone, And give him all the praife. HYMN i 5 £ Longing after Christ. COMPANIONS of thy little flock. Dear Lord we fom would be ; Our helplefs hearts to thee look- up, To thee our {hepherd flee, 2 O might we lean uporf that bread, Which \ovq and pity fill, And now become thofe. lambs careftj That in thy bofom dwell, 3 How fweet that voice, howfweet that hand-, Which leads to paftures fair, Shews CanaVs milk and honey land, .Lot of thy flook fo dear.. 4 Rich grace, free "grace, moil fweetly Calls, Directly come who will, Jutt as you are ; for Chrift receives Poor helplefs finncrs ftill. 5 'Tis grace each day that feeds our fouls, Grace only keeps us pure ; And O ! that nothing elfe but grace May rute forevermore. 5 As one in heart let's all rejoice, The finner's friend to praife ; The (hepherd dy'd ; O ! 'tis his yoic? j He'll as to glory, raifc- I4& DIVINE HYMNS, O H HYMN 132. Meat and Drink indeed* TO-DAY Immanual feeds his fheep, The purchafe of his blood j To-day Jehovah keeps his feaft, For all the fens of God. 2 The bread of God is freely giv'n, The food of faints above ; That living bread ftnt down from hcav'rij The fruit of pard'ning love. 3 Lo ! Chrift our ihepherd gave his life ? To anfwer all our need ; His body crucified is meat, His blood is drink indeed/ 4 Ye hungry, thirfty fouls draw near, And living bread receive ; Tafle the provifions of your God, And freely eat and live. HYMN 133. ANOTHER. A RISE, my foul, with wonder fee, il. What love divine for thee hath done ; Behold thy forrow, fin and grief, Are laid on God's eternal fon, 2 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and grief flow mingling down J Did e'er fuch love, fuch forrow meet, Or thorns compofe fo bright a crown ? 3 Were the whole realm of nature mine 3 That were a prefent far too finall 5 liove fo amazing, fo divine, Demands my foul, my life, my all,- SPIRITUAL SONGS, 1 43 HYMN 134. The Remembrance of Chrijl in the Supper. CHRIST, in that night he was betray'd, Took bread, gave thanks, it brake and faid ? My broken body he!e you fee 9 Take, eat it and remember me, 2 Thus alfo he the cup did take ; lucre's fealing blood, fhed far your fakf> Which doth my tefl'ment ratify ; Let all drink and remember me. 3 Your pardon, with what's for your gocd^ Is purchas'd with my d.eareit blood ; My blood to you makes pardon free 5 In drinking then remember me. 4 For hungry fouls here's manna rare 3 God fends from heaven for your fare j This manna falls now plemeoufly ; In eating then remember me. 5 Here God fits on a throne of grace, Where finful men may fee his face ; My blood procures your accefs free 5 In drinking then remember me. ^ 6 See here the tree of life, with fruity And leaves which heal, and ftrength recruit \ Thefe I (hake down, poor foul, to thee j Jlat freely, and remember me. 7 See Jacob's ladder here fet up, A iovenanting God at top ; Climb, and God will tranfact with thee \ la doing this remember me. 144 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 8 Hence runs, of life the river pure, Which our fouls' wounds doth cleanfe and cure ; It freely rung to all, you fee ; Prink by faith and remember me, HYMN 135, Marriage Hymn, LORD, from thy throne of flowing grace, Thy choiceft. b!effings give ; And on thy fervants caufe thy face To fhine, and they fhall live. 2 Enrich them with thy heav'nly grace. Unite their hearts in love, Jvlay they in all thy holy ways To thee thcmfelves approve,, 3 Let harmony and holy love, And friendfhip ever run Thro' all their thoughts and life to prove. Of twain they m>w are one. 4 Allure them, Jefus ! with thy charms. And joy uliy they'll flee, By faith and love into thine arms, And thus be one in thee. 5 Adorn their houfe, adorn their way?, With fruit divinely fair ; 5o in this world they'll (hew thy praife ? In the ne&i thy glory fhare. F! Y M N 136. The Beggar's Prayer % ENCOURAG'D by thy word* Or piomjfe. to the poor. SPIRITUAL SONGS, I4£ Behold a beggar, Lord, Waits at thy mercy door : No hand, no heart, dear Lord bat thine* Can help or pity wants like mine. 2 The beggar's ufual plea, Relief from men to gain, If offer'd unto thee, I know thou wouldft difdaui : But thofe which move thy gracious ear, Are fuch as men would fcorn to hear, 3 I have no right to fay, That tho' I now am poor, Yet once there was a day When I poflefled more ; Thou knoweftfrom ray very birth, I've been the pooreft wretch on earth* 4 Nor dare I to profefs, As beggars often do, Tho' freat is my diilrefs, My faults have been but few ; If thou fhouldil leave my foul to flarv.^ It would be what I fhc-uld deferve. 5 Nor dare I to pretend I never begg'd before, And if thou now befriend, 1*11 trouble thee no more; Thou often hail relieved my pain, And often I mnft come again. 6 Tho* crumbs are much too good For fuch a wretch as I, No leu than children's food, My fold can futicfy ; N 146 DIVINE HYMNS, OR do not frown and bid me go ; 1 mud have all thou canft beftovr. 7 Nor can I willing be, Thy bounties to conceal From others, who like me Their wants and hunger (csl ; I'll tell them of thy mercies (lore, And try to fend a thoufand more,, 8 Thy ways, thou only wife, Our thot's and ways tranfeend, Par 3S the arched fkies Above this earth extend : Such pleas as mine men would not bear j JSut God receives a beggar's prayer. HYMN 137. For the New- Year. HAIL the new year that's now begun^ Now let us all to God return ; Prom finful ways may we all ceafe, And with each other live in peace. 2 While thoufands have been call'd away, Yet ft ill we live to fee this day ; With thanks to God then all draw near, To celebrate the happy year* 3 While many are Pick and confin'd, Others depriv'd of kn^ and mind, We yet retain them bright and cie:,r ; To celebrate ihe happy year, 4. Then let 113 all to God repair, And offer him our tryife fttid pray'r. frttlRJTTUAfi SONGS. 1 4? Now unto him may we draw near, To celebrate the happy year. $ And now forfake all vice ?nd fin, And the new year with God begin ; Then with great joy we ihali appear, To celebrate the happy year. 6 Then truly happy fuch will be, Who from all fin do always flee, And unto ChriH will now give ear ; Such we do wifh a happy year. 7 All then who f^e their undone ftate, Leaving their all for Jcfua' fake, To fuch we can with joy fine ere, Wifiuhem a happy, happy year, S All thofe who are now born again, And in Chrift Jefusdo remain, All fuch as thofe we need not fear, They will enjoy a happy year. 9 But true religion ft ill we find, Gives the mod peace unto the mind j Poffeflors of it will appear, To wifn us all a happy year. HYMN 138. Compofed en the death of a Wife. OW vain are the pleafure? of time, How fond are vain mortals of life, There's nought of the hcav'nly fublime, There's nought but coafufion sad ftrife. 143 DIVINE HYMNS, OR 2 My bride, the dear wife of my you:;];, Lies panting and gafping for breath, More pieas'd with the beauties of truth, And blefs'd in th' embracei of death. 3 Her fcruggics are long and fevere, While ftruggling and coughing me finilef* Say'ing Jefus has made me his care, I Toon (hall forget all my toils. 4 She calls for the chariot of Chrift, How ftowly it moves on the way, How longi my Lord Jefus, fue cries, How long have 1 here for to flay ? 5 Yet Jefus is faithful to me, He pities the pains now I fee! ; I fnall not outlay his dccrec f He gives me hh love as a feah 6 Farewell my dear hufband, faith me ? Now from your kind bofom I leap. With Jefus my bridegroom to be, My iiefa in jhc tomb for to fleep, 7 And thus fne continued to cry, For patience to wait for the word, Till from us (he leap'.I and did fly, Forever to dwell with the Lord* § Now like a difconfolate dove, I'm left all alone for to mourn ; O may the kiad power- above, Shew pity to me while alone. 9 I look through the rooms of my houfe, Each door on its hinges doth mourn j SPIRITUAL SONGS. 149 While fcarchi'ng T find not my fpoufe, Nor will fhe to me e'er return. ro How lonefome my table to me, How empty the place where fhe fat, What lonefome devotion I pay, Where once we fo fweetly did cies'i 1 1 And ftiil for to heighten my grief, My fons a kind mother have loll, They can't go to her for relief, O may they in God put their tiuft. 12 And mall I indulge my complaint, And tell you how lonefome my bed, And try all my feelings to paint, And fix to each note a dark (hade ? 13 There's none that dan I^arn my complaint, Unlefs it is ftamp'd on their heart ; all that gay heathens can paint, Can tell how true lovers do part. r^ Bat thofe who have loll their beft part, Torn from thrm, Mill leaving the wound, May gvs>$ how I fed at my heart, And notes of this kind they can found. l$ My pafTione will lead me too far ; My grief I will leave with the Lord, I truft I fiiall fhortly go where Vain palHon can't lead from his word. 1 6 My lyric I now will conchide, And ple3s'd with the thoughts of r^Inafe From troubles that me do ftirround, To d\vell in the regions of peace* II 2 I^O DITINE HYMNS, Oa 17 While I think of concluding my fong, Methinks me bends downward her wrings, And whifpers you're not to (lay long-, You'll fhortly come, home to our king, f S She now views more v/onders at once, Than ages on earth can relate, From nation to nation flie runs, Then mounts to the heavenly feat. 19 There waiting for farther commandsj At length (he's d:re&cd to ily, To farther inhabited lands, New glories and wonders to fpy. 20 And while flie their beauties behold. She having her lyre well ftrung, Mounts up in her chariot of gold, And iirikes an eternal new fong. 21 How long, my dear Jefus, how Iong> Ere I (hall come home to my king, And join that eternal new fong, And with pay kin! Either to ting* 22 It is but a moment or two, I have ia this world for to flay, I3efore I fhall leap, and malt go, To fing in the regions of day. 23 With patience I'll wait for the morn. Nor think the dark moments are longj Until my Lord jefus return, Then join the angelical fong. spiritual sg::gs. IJ| HYMN 139- On the greal Duty of Prayer, KAT vsr'oiis hindrances we meet 3 In coming to the mercy feat ; Yet who, that know? the worth of prayer, rimes to be often there ? 2 Pray'r makes the darken: elands withdraw^ Pray'r climbs the Ladder Jacob faw j Gives exercife to faith and love, Brings ev'ry blelling from above. 3 Re Braining prayVj we eezue to tight; Pray'r makes the Chri&ian's armor bright 3 And Satan trembles when he fees The wcakeft faint upon his knee?. i. When Motes 8©c J , with arms fpread w:de 3 Succefs was found on Ifraeh's fide ; Rut when thro* wesrinefs they failM, That mement Ameleck prevail'd. 5 Have jfl\i no words ? Ah, think agai»i Words How space when you complain, And fill your follow creaUurea' ears With the fad uie 01 all your care3. 6 Were half our breath, tkps vainly fpenf, To heaven in fuppiication fent, Our cheerful fongs would often he, Hear what the Lord has done for me. HYMN 14c. The Work of a Mimfleri EFOR.E thy tnror.e, eternal king, Thy mimfters their tribute bring 5 1$2 DlflNE HYMNS, OR Their tribute of united piaife, For heav'nly news and peaceful days. 2 We Ting the conqueft of thy fword, And publish loud thy healing word ; While angels found thy glorious name, Thy faving grace our Isps proclaim, a Thy various fervice we efteem, Our fweet employ, our blifs fupreme, And while we feel thy heav'nly love, We burn like feraphims above. 4 Norferaphs there can ever raife, With us an equal fong of praife ; They are the nobleft works of God, Bat we the purchafe of his blood. 5 Still in thy work would we abound, Still prune the vine or pbw the ground ; Thy fheep with wholefome pafture feed, And watch them with unweary'd heed, 9 Thou art our Lord, our life, our love, Our care below, our crown above ; Thy praife mall be our bleft employ, Thy prefenee our eternal joy. HYMN 141. Christ's Crucl/ixisn. TTESUS drinks the bitter cup, I) The wine-prefs treads alone, Tears the graves and mountains up, By his expiring groan : Lo ! the pow'rs of heav'n h: fnake$> Nature in conv alfion lief. SPIRITUAL SONGS. I£3 Earth's profour.deft center quakes, The great Jehovah dies. t Dies the glorious caufe of al!j The true eternal plan, Falls to raife us from our fall, To ranfome finful man ; Well may sol withdraw his light* With the fufferer fympnthizc, Leave the world in fudekn Highly While his creator dies. 3 O my God ! he dies for me, I feel the mortal fmart ! See him hanging on the tree, A fight that breaks my heart 1 O that all to thee might turn ; Sinners, ye may love him too, Look on him, ye piere'd, and mouro For one who bled for you. 4 Weep o'er your defirea and hope d With tears of humbled love ; Sing, for Jefus is gone up, And reigns enthron'd above ? Lives our head, to die no more* Pow'r is all to Jefus giv'n, Wormip'd as he was before, Th* immortal king cf heav'n* HYMN i 4 i, Christ's Afcenjizn* AIL the day that fees him rife, Ravifh'd from our widiful eyes £ Chrift, awhile to mortals giv'n, Re-afceads his native luav'n. £54 DIVINE HYMNS, Oft There the pompous triumph waits j " Lift your heads, eternal gates i € * Wide unfold the radiant feene, " Take the king of glory in I" ?. Him the higheft: heaven receive?, Still he loves the earth he leaves ; Tho' returning to his throne, Still he calls the world his own $ Still for us he intercedes, Prevalent his death he pleads ; Next himfelf prepares our place. Harbinger of human race. 3 Matter (may we ever fay) Take from our head to-day ; See thy faithful fervants fee, Ever gazing up for thee ! Grant, tho' parted from our fight, High above you azure height, Grant our hearts may thither rife, FoliVing thee beyond the Ikies* 4 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love, Looking when our Lord mall comej, Longing, gafping after home ; There we (hall with thee remain, Partners of thy endlefs reign, There thy face unclouded fee, Find our heav'n of heav'ns in thee. HYMN 143. For a per/on under temptation^ TESUS, lover of my foul, 1 Let me to thy bofom fly, While the nearer waters, foil, 8PIRI1UAL SONGS, Ig§ While the tempeft {lill is high j Jiidc me, O my Savior, hide, Till the dorm of life la paft ; Safe into the haven guide, receive my foul at lad ! 2 Other refuge have I none ; Hangs my helplefs foul on thee, Leave, ah! leave me r.ct a!on^ Still iupport and comfort me j ' AH my trull on thee is (lay'd, All my help from thee I bring, Cover my dekncelefs head, With the ftadow of thy wing, 3 Thou O Chrift, art all I want, More than all in thee I find ; Raife the tallen, enter the faint, Heal the fick, and lead the blind ; Juftand holy is thy name } 1 am all nnrfghteoufnefs J Vile and full of fin I am ; Thou art full of truth and grace. ^ Plenteous grace with thee I found, Giace to pardon all my fin ; Let the healing rtreams abound, Make and keep me pure within ; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of tL Spring thou up within my hsaitj Rife to all eternity. H Y M N 144. The Chriflian's complaint, and prayer for thi ImpsZ' itini. H ! woe is me, cjmlrainM to dwell Among the fons of ni^ht ; f£6 DI7INE HYMNS, Oil Poor flnners dropping into hell, Who hate the gofpel light, 2 Wild as the untam'd Arab's race; Who from their Savior fly, And trample on his pardVIng grace, And all his threats defy. 3 Yet here alas ! in pain I live, Where Satau keeps his feat, And day by day for thofc I grieve, Who will to iin fubmit. 4 With gufhing eyes their deeds I fee^ Their punifliment is nigh, I afk with him who ranfom'd me, Why will you fin and die ? 5 Jefus, redeemer of mankind, Difplay thy faving pow'r ; Thy mercy let thofe outcafts find, To know their gracious hour» 6 Ah ! give them Lord, a longer fpace> Nor fuddenly confume ; But let them take the preffer'd grace, And ilee the H'ralh to come, 7 Open their eyes and ears, to fee Thy crofs, to hear the cries, Sinner thy Savior weeps for thee, For thee he weeps and dies, S All the day long he meekly (lands, His rebels to receive j And (hews his wounds and fpread3 his hands. And bids.ycu turn and Iive« SPIRITUAL SONGS, %$f HYMN 145. The Tear of Jubilee* LOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly folemn found j Let all the nations know, To earth's remoteft bound, The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ranlom'd fmncrs, home* 2 The gofpel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace $ Ye happy fouls draw near, Behold your Savior's face : The year of jubilee is come, Return to your fternal hoir.e. 3 Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb ; Redemption in his blcod, Throughout the world proclaim ; The year of jubilee ;'? come, Return, ye ranlom'd finners, home HYMN 146. Praife for the Hope of Glory* ISOJOURN.n a vale of tears, Alas, how can I fing J h\y harp doth op the wiiiows hang, Diliun'd in every firing. 2 My mafic is a captive's chain* ? Harm founds my ears do fill ; How (hall I fing f.vect Zion's longs Cn this £dc Ziou'a hill ! I58 DIVINE HYMNS, © 3 Yet h ! I hear the joyful found, Surely I'll quickly come ; Ea<.h word ranch fweetnefs doth diftil, Like a full honey comb. 4 And dofl thou come my dearefl Lord I And doft thou furcly come ? And doit thou furely quickly ccmc ? Mcihinka I am at home. 5 Come then my deareft, dearell Lord, My fweeteft, furclV friend ; Ccme, for I loaih thefc Keder tents^ The fiery chariot fend, 6 What have I in this barren land I My Jefus is not here ; Mine eyes will ne'er be bleft until My Jefus doth appear. 7 My Jefus it gone up to heav'n, To get a place for me ; Tor 'tis his will that where he is 9 There mould his Tenants be. 8 Canaan I view from Pifgah's top, Of Canaan's grapes I tafte ; My Lord who fends unto me here ? Will fend for me al laft, 9 I have a God that changeth not. Why mould 1 be perplext ? ,lvly God that owns me in this wor'J, Will own pc in the next. 10 My dearefl friends they dwell alove > ' Them will I go to fee. $.nd all my fri< nds in Chrift below' ? V. ill fops come; after Q i ii ritual sorter. I £9 HYMN 147. The Sinner* t Fears. LAS ! for I have fcen the Lor J, With a drawn fword he flood ; Now might he fheathe it in my flefh) And bathe it in my blood. 2 I've dar'd him with my mighty fini, As if he was too flow ; But now he comes both arm'd and girt, As an enraged foe. 3 What (hall a guilty (inner do. When juftlce d.^es appear ? O whither (hall I flee frona him, Whofe place is ev'ry where I 4 As I can neither (land nor fly, So neither can I bear The mighty hand which grinds the tocks 9 And doth foundations tear. 5 My p3le, my poor, my trembling foul, Does ftsrt at every tbmg ; It hourly fears huge holts of wrath, From this inctnfed king. 6 Should he but his commiiTion grant, All creatures would engage Againft me as their foe profefs'd, With an united rage. 7 My fears are juft, I defer?:: bell, And 'lis ny proper hire ; But who can dwell— O who can dvrdi With everiafting fire • l6o DIVINE HYMNS, Oft HYMN 148, The unknown World. Compofed on the tolling of a Bell, ARK ! my gay friend?, that folemn toll Speaks the departure or a foul ! ? Tis gone, that's all we know — not where, Or how thcunhndy'd foul doth fare. 2 In that myfter'ous world none knows But God alone to whom it goes ; To whom departed fouls return, To take thtir doom, to fmile or mourn. 3 Oh ! by what gtiram'ring light we view The unknown world we're haft'ning to ! God has lock'd up the my (lie page, Andeurtain'd darknefs round the ilage ! 4 Wife heav'n to render fearch perplext, lias drawn 'cwfxt this world and the next, A dark impenetrable fcreen, All behind which is yet unfeen ! 5 We talk of heaven, we talk of hell, But what they mean no tongue can tell i Heav'n is the realm where angels are, And hell the chaos of defpair ! 6 But what thefe awful words imply, None of us know until we die ! Whether we will or no, we mufl Take the fucceeding world on truft, 7 This hour perhaps our friend is well ; Death-ftruck the next, he cries farewell ! I die— and then for aught we fee, Ceafes at once to breath and be, SPIRITUAL SONGS. Id £ Thus launch'd from life's ambiguous fhore, In^c'ph'd in death, appears no more, Then undirected to repair To diftant worlds we know not where. 9 Swift flies the foul, perhaps 'tis gone A thoufand leagues beyond the fun ; Or twice ten thoufand more thrice toldp Ere the forfaken clay is cold ! 10 And yet who know?, if friends we lov'd'i Tho' dead, may be fo far remov'd ; Only this veil of ilefh between, Perhaps they watch us tho' uufeen, 11 Whillt we their lofs lamenting fay, They're out of hearing far sway ; Guardians to us, perhaps they're neaTj Conceai'd in vehicles of air. I : And yet no notices they give, "or tell us where or how they live ; .' eonfeious whilil with us below, Kow much themfelvcs d^fir'd to know 1 13 As if bound up by folemn fate, To keep the fecretg of their ftate, To tell their joys or pains to none, That man might live by faith alone. 14 Well, let my fcvere'gn, if he pleafcj Lock up his marvellous decrees , Why fhould I wifh him to reveal What he thinks proper to conceal ? ic It is enough that I believe, HcavVs brighter than I can conceive £ C * 1 52 DIVINE HYMNS, OK And he that makes it all his care To ferve God here fhall fee him there. 1 6 But oh ! what worlds fnall I furvey. The moment that I leave this clay ? How fudden the furpnfe, how new ! m Let it, my God, be happy too. HYMN 149- Faith's Review and Expectation, AMAZING grace ! how fweet the found 1 That fav'd a wretch like me ! 1 once was loft, but now am found, Was blind, but now I fee. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears reiiev'd ; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I firft believ'd ! 3 Thro* many dangers, toils and fnares, I have already come ; ? Tis grace has brought me fafe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 The Lord has prcrr.iVd good to me, His word my hope fecurca ; He will my iliield and portion be, As long as life endures. 5 Yes, when this flefh and heart fhall h\\ 9 And mortal life (hall ceafe ; I fhall poffeff, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. fPIRITUAL SONGS, l6% G The earth mall foon difTolve like fnow$ The fun forbear to mine ; But God, who calPd me here below, Will be forever mine. HYMN 150. The Joy of the lord is your Siren^ihi JOY is a fruit that will not grow In nature's barren foil ; AH we can boaft til! Chriit we know, Is vanity and toil, 2 "But where the Lord has planted grsce> And made his glories known ; There fruits of heavenly joy and peace Are found, and there alone. 3 A bleeding Savior feen by faith^ A fenfe of pard'ning love ; A hope that triumphs over death, Give joys like thofe above. 4 To take a glimpfe within the veil, To know that God is mine ; Are fprings of joy that never fail, Unfpeakable I divine 1 5 Thefe are the joy s which fatJsfy, And fan&ify the mind ; Which make the fpirit mount on high, And leave the world behind. 6 No more, believer?, mourn your lot> But if you are the Lord's ; Refign to them that know him not, Such joys as earth affords. 354 DXflNE HYMNS, OR HYMN 151. O that I nvers as in months pajl J SWEET was the time when fir ft 1 felt The Savior's pard'ning blood Apply M to cleanfe my foul from guilt, And bring mc home to God. 2 Soon as the morn the light reveal'd, His praifes tan'd my tongue ; And when the ev'ning fhades prevail'd, His love was all my fong. 3 In vain the tempter fpread his wiles? The world no more could charm ; I IiVd upon my Savior's fmiles, And lean'd upon his arm. 4 In pray'r my foul drew near the Lop.?; And faw liis glories fhine ; And when I read his holy word, I eall'd each promife mine. 5 Then to his faints I often fpoke, Of what his love had done ; But now my heart is almoil broke. For all my joys are gone. 6 Now, when the evening (hade prevail^ My foul in darknefs mourns : And when the morn the light reveals, No light to me returns* 7 My pray'rs are now a chattering boi&i For Jesus hides his face ; I read, the promife meets my eyes, But will not reach my cafe. 8 Now Satan threatens to prevail, And make my foul his prey ; Yet Lord thy mercies cannot fail> O come without delay. **IRITUAL SONGS. Xo£ HYMN 152, The Refce, River and Rock of the Church. E who on earth as man was known* Aad bore 1 our fins and pains ; Now, feated on th' eternal throne, The God of glory reigns, 3 His hands the wheels of nature guide With an unerring (kill ; And conntlefs worlds extended wide, Obey hie fev'reign will. 3 While harps unnumber'd found his praife> In yonder world above ; His faints on earth admire his ways, And glory in his love. 4. His rightecufnefs, to faith reveaPd$ Wrought out for guilty worms ; Affords a hiding-place and fhield, From enemies and dorms. 5 This land thro* which his pilgrims gOj Is defolate and dry ; But ftreams of grace from him o'erflow, Their thirft to fatisfy. C When troubles like a burning fun, Beat heavy or» their head ; To this almighty rock they run, To find aplealing made. 7 How glorious he ! how happy they In fuch a glorious friend ! Whofe love fecures them all the way, Aad crowns them at the cni. Io6 DIVINE KYMNS, Oil HYMN 153. Tbg Prodigal Sen* AFFLICTIONS, thc/they fceffl fever«y In merey oft are fent ; They ftopp*